UNIVERSITY FARM \\fcb THE GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK • BOSTON • CHICAGO • DALLAS ATLANTA • SAN FRANCISCO MACMILLAN & CO., LIMITED LONDON • BOMBAY • CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, LTD. TORONTO THE GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS BY ROBERT W. HEGNER, PH.D. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN AUTHOR OF "AN INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY" AND "COLLEGE ZOOLOGY" Nefo gorfc THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1914 All rights reserved COPYBIGHT, 1914, BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and clectrotyped. Published September, 1914. J. 8. Gushing Co. —Berwick & Smith Co. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. PREFACE THIS book is the result of a course of lectures delivered during the past school year before a class in Cellular Biology at the University of Michigan. Many of the most important recent additions to our knowledge of heredity have resulted from the study of the germ cells, especially those of animals. This study is now recognized as one of the chief methods of attacking certain problems in genetics and must be employed in correlation with animal breeding before we can hope to obtain an adequate explanation of the results of hybridization. For- tunately the cytological studies of the germ cells, both observational and experimental, have kept pace with the rapid advances in our knowledge of plant and animal breeding which have been made since the rediscovery of Mendel's investigations in 1900. The term " Germ-Cell Cycle " is meant to include all those phenomena concerned with the ori- gin and history of the germ cells from one genera- tion to the next generation. The writer has, with few exceptions, limited himself to a consideration of the germ cells in animals because the cycle is here more definite and better known than in plants. It is obvious to any one familiar with this subject that only a few of the many interesting phases of vi PREFACE the problems involved can be considered in a work of this size, and those for which space can be found must be limited in their treatment. For this reason some periods in the germ-cell cycle are only briefly mentioned, whereas others are more fully discussed. The latter are naturally those in which the writer is most interested and with which he is best ac- quainted. Furthermore, the attempt is made to present the data available in such a way as to make it intelligible to those who have not been able to follow in detail the progress of cytology during the past few years. This can only be accomplished by introducing many facts that are well known to cytologists and zoologists in general, but are neces- sary for the presentation of a complete account of the subject. Much of the recent cytological work done on germ cells has emphasized the events which take place during the maturation of the eggs and spermatozoa, that is, the periods of oogenesis and spermatogenesis. These are, of course, very important phases of the germ-cell cycle, but they should not be allowed to overshadow the rest of the history of the germ cells. Contrary to the usual custom, the period that is emphasized in this book is not the maturation of the germ cells, but the segregation of the germ cells in the developing egg and the visible substances (keimbahn-determinants) concerned in this process. It has been impossible to include in this book as much illustrative material as desirable, but the bib- liography appended indicates what data exist and PREFACE vii where they may be obtained. This list of publica- tions has been arranged according to the method now in general use among zoologists; the author's name and the date of the appearance of the contri- bution in question are bracketed in the text wher- ever it has been considered necessary, and reference to the list at the end of the book will reveal the full title and place of publication of the work, thus avoiding cumbersome footnotes. The figures that have been copied or redrawn are likewise referred in every case to the original source. Many of them have been taken from the writer's previous publica- tions and a few have been made especially for this work. The writer has likewise drawn freely upon the text of his original investigations already published. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, April 16, 1914. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 The Cell, 2 ; Cell Division, 13 ; Methods of Repro- duction, 17 ; The Germ Cells, 19 ; The Life Cycles of Animals, 22. CHAPTER II GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANI- MALS 25 Protozoa, 25 ; Metazoa, 28. CHAPTER III THE GERM-CELL CYCLE IN THE P^DOGENETIC FLY, MIASTOR 51 CHAPTER IV THE SEGREGATION OF THE GERM CELLS IN SPONGES, CCE- LENTERATES, AND VERTEBRATES ... 69 1. Porifera, 69. 2. Coelenterata, 80. 3. Verte- brata, 98. CHAPTER V THE SEGREGATION OF THE GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHRO- PODA 106 1. The Keimbahn in the Insects, 106 ; Diptera, 107 ; Coleoptera, 109 (In Chrysomelid Beetles, 109 ; Origin of Nurse Cells, 119; Cyst Formation in Testis, 125; Amitosis, 133 ; Differentiation of Nuclei in Egg, 141) ; Hymenoptera, 143. 2. The Keimbahn in the Crusta- cea, 163. x TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER VI PAGE THE SEGREGATION OF THE GERM CELLS IN NEMATODES, SAGITTA, AND OTHER METAZOA . . .174 1. The Keimbahn in the Nematodes, 174. 2. The Keimbahn in Sagitta, 179. 3. The Keimbahn in Other Animals, 183. CHAPTER VII THE GERM CELLS OF HERMAPHRODITIC ANIMALS . .189 CHAPTER VIII KEIMBAHN-DETERMINANTS AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE . 211 A. The Genesis of the Keimbahn -Determinants, 211 (a, Nuclear, 213 ; b, Cytoplasmic, etc., 224 ; c, Dis- cussion, 228) . B. The Localization of the Keimbahn - Determinants, 235. C. The Fate of the Keimbahn- Determinants, 240. CHAPTER IX THE CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA OF GERM CELLS 245 The Chromosome Cycle in Animals, 245. The Mito- chondria of Germ Cells, 275. CHAPTER X THE GERM-PLASM THEORY 290 REFERENCES TO LITERATURE . . . . .311 INDEX OF AUTHORS 337 INDEX OF SUBJECTS . 341 THE GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION SINCE the enunciation by Harvey of the aphorism Omne vivum ex ovo in the seventeenth century, the statement has frequently been made that every animal begins its individual existence as an egg. While this is not strictly true, since no eggs occur in the life history of many one-celled animals (PRO- TOZOA), and a large number of multicellular animals (METAZOA) are known to develop from buds or by fission, still the majority of animals arise from a single cell — the egg (Fig. 4, A). In most cases this egg, or female sex-cell, is unable to develop in nature unless it is penetrated by a spermatozoon or male sex-cell (Fig. 4, B) . The single cell resulting from the fusion of an egg and a spermatozoon is known as a zygote. One of the most remarkable of all phenom- ena is the development of a large, complex organism from a minute, and apparently simple, zygote. According to the older scientists, a miniature of the adult individual was present in the egg, and devel- opment consisted in the growth and expansion of B 1 2 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS rudiments already preformed. This belief could not continue to exist after Caspar Wolff's brilliant researches proved that adult structures arise grad- ually from apparently undifferentiated material ; that is, development is epigenetic. Epigenesis, however, does not explain development; it simply maintains that it occurs. During the years since the theory of epigenesis was proposed a new theory of preformation has entered into our conception of development, a theory which we may designate as predetermination. We know from our microscopical studies that the germ cells possess a certain amount of organization, and that the zygote contains certain structures con- tributed by the egg and other structures brought into the egg by the spermatozoon. Hence, to a certain extent, development is predetermined, since the initial structure of the zygote determines the characteristics of the individual that arises from it. On the other hand, development is also epigenetic, and our modern conception includes certain features of each theory. THE CELL. A brief account of the structure, physics, and chemistry of the cell will serve to give us some idea of the condition of the zygote from which the individual arises, and will help us to understand certain events in the germ-cell cycle to be discussed later. The cell is the simplest particle of matter that is able to maintain itself and reproduce others of its kind. The term 'cell' was applied by Hooke in 1665 to the cell-like compartments in cork. Cells rilled INTRODUCTION 3 with fluid were slightly later described by Malpighi. In 1833 Robert Brown discovered nuclei in certain plant cells. What is known now as the CELL THEORY is usually dated back to the time of the botanist Schleiden (1838) and the zoologist Schwann (1839), whose investigations of the cellular phenomena in animals and plants added greatly to the knowledge of these units of structure. At this time the cell- wall was considered the important part of the cell, but continued research proved this idea to be erro- neous. Schleiden called the substance within the cells plant slime. Later (1846) von Mohl gave the term protoplasm to the same substance. The substance within the animal cell was named sarcode by Du- jardin. The similarities between the protoplasm of plants and the sarcode of animals were noted by Cohn, and animal cells without cell-walls were observed by Kolliker (1845). It was not, however, until 1861 that Max Schultze finally established the fact that plant protoplasm and animal sarcode are essentially alike, and defined the cell as a mass of protoplasm containing a nucleus. Schultze's re- searches serve as the starting point for modern studies of cellular phenomena, but the definition furnished by him must be modified slightly, since we now know that many cells exist without definite nuclei. These cells, however, are provided with nuclear material scattered throughout the cell body (the so-called distributed nucleus). Our definition must be changed to read, a cell is a mass of proto- plasm containing nuclear material. Changes like- 4 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS wise have taken place in the Cell Theory; we no longer consider cells as isolated units and the multi- cellular animal as equivalent to the sum of its con- stituent cells, but recognize the influence of the cells upon one another, thus reaching the conclusion that the metazoon represents the sum of the individual cells plus the results of cellular interaction. Cells vary considerably in size, ranging from those we call Bacteria, which may be no more than 2Tiyyo of an inch in length, to certain egg cells which are several inches long ; the latter, however, owe their enormous size to the accumulation of nutritive sub- stances within them. An average cell measures about 2"sVo °f an inch in diameter. Cells vary in shape as well as in size; egg cells are frequently spherical, but most cells are not, since they are sur- rounded by other cells which press against them. A diagram of a typical cell is shown in Fig. 1. Authorities are not agreed as to the structure of protoplasm; to some it appears, as shown in Fig. 1, to consist of a network of denser fibers called spon- gioplasm (s) traversing a more liquid ground substance, the hyaloplasm. Others consider proto- plasm to be alveolar in structure, thus resembling an emulsion, whereas another group of zoologists maintain that while protoplasm may appear to be fibrillar or alveolar, its essential basis consists of multitudes of minute granules. Wilson's view is the one usually adopted at the present time; that is, the protoplasm of the same cell may pass suc- cessively "through homogeneous, alveolar, and INTRODUCTION 5 fibrillar phases, at different periods of growth and in different conditions of physiological activity," and that "apparently homogeneous protoplasm is a complex mixture of substances which may assume m me FIG. 1. — Diagram of a cell, as = attraction-sphere; c = centrosome; ch — chromatin reticulum; cr — chromidia; ec — ectoplasm; en = en- doplasm; fc = karyosome ; Z = linin; m = mitochondria; me = meta- plasm; nm = nuclear membrane; p = plastid; pi = plasm osome or nucleolus; s = spongioplasm ; v = vacuole. various forms of visible structure according to its modes of activity." The physical properties of protoplasm are not well known, since most of our studies have been made with fixed material. We know that protoplasm may exist as a gel or a sol, and that it is intermediate between true solids and true liquids, with many of 6 GERM -CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS the properties of each and a number of properties peculiar to itself. No doubt the protoplasm differs in its physical nature in different cells. In the egg of the starfish, Asterias, Kite (1913) has shown that the cytoplasm is a translucent gel of comparatively high viscosity and is only slightly elastic; pieces become spherical when separated from the rest of the egg. Scattered throughout this gel are minute granules (microsomes) about xroo" mm- in diameter which cannot be entirely freed from the matrix. What appear to be alveoli contain globules which possess many of the optical properties of oil drops ; these are suspended in the living gel. The cyto- plasm of the starfish egg is not therefore alveolar in structure as usually stated, but is rather of the nature of a suspension of microsomes and globules in a very viscous gel. The nuclear membrane is a highly translucent, very tough, viscous solid, and not a delicate structure as ordinarily conceived. The nucleolus is a quite rigid, cohesive, granular gel suspended in the sol which makes up the rest of the nuclear material. Dividing male germ cells of cer- tain insects (squash bugs, grasshoppers, and crickets) revealed the fact that the chromosomes are the most highly concentrated and rigid part of the nuclear gel ; that the spindle fibers are elastic, concentrated threads of nuclear gel ; and that the metaphase spindle fibers seem to be continuous with the ends of the chromosomes. The ground substance of the nucleus is a sol termed nuclear sap or karyolymph. In the so-called 'rest- INTRODUCTION 7 ing' nucleus a network of fibers may be observed similar to the spongioplasm in the cytoplasm ; these consist of a substance named linin because it •usually occurs in threads (Fig. 1, /). Distributed along the linin fibers are granules of a substance which stains deeply with certain dyes, and for this reason is known as chromatin (ch). These chromatin gran- ules may unite to form larger spherical masses, the karyosomes or chromatin-nucleoli (k), and during mitotic nuclear division constitute the chromosomes (Fig. 3, C). In many cells one or more bodies resembling the karyosomes somewhat, but differing from them chemically and physiologically, are pres- ent ; these are the true nucleoli or plasmosomes (Fig. 1, pi). Embedded in the cytoplasm near the nucleus may often be seen a granular body, the centrosome (c), which is thought to be of great importance during mitotic cell division. The pro- toplasm surrounding the centrosome is usually a differentiated zone, the attraction-sphere (as), con- sisting of archoplasm. The chromatin which may be seen in the cytoplasm of certain cells is as a rule in the form of granules called chromidia (cr). Cer- tain other cytoplasmic inclusions that have attracted considerable attention within the past fifteen years exist as granules, chains, or threads, and are known as mitochondria, chondriosomes, plastosomes, etc. (m). Various sorts of plastids (p), such as chloroplastids and amyloplastids, may be present, besides a varying number of solid or liquid substances, collectively designated as metaplasm (me) or paraplasm, which 8 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS are not supposed to form part of the living sub- stance; these are pigment granules, fat globules, excretory products, vacuoles (v)9 etc. It has been found possible to explain many cellular activities and even the results obtained by experi- mental animal breeding by studies of the physics and chemistry of protoplasm. An exhaustive ac- count of the subject is impossible and even unneces- sary here, but the importance assigned to the physico- chemical explanation of life phenomena requires a brief statement. Kossel has separated the cellular constituents into two main groups. (1) Primary constituents are those necessary for life ; these are water, certain minerals, proteins, nucleoproteins, phosphatides (lecithin), cholesterin, and perhaps others. (2) Secondary constituents are not essen- tially necessary and do not occur in every cell ; they are usually stored up reserve material or meta- bolic products representing principally what we have termed metaplasm. Water which constitutes about two-thirds of the animal is necessary for the solution of various bodies, the dissociation of chemical compounds, the exchange of materials, the removal of metabolic products, etc. Mineral substances are present in all animal tissues, and different tissues are characterized by the presence of different minerals. The principal ones are potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid, and chlorine. The other constituents are of a colloidal nature, and its richness in colloids is one of the chief charac- INTRODUCTION 9 teristics of protoplasm. To understand the activi- ties of protoplasm we must therefore know something of the physics and chemistry of colloids. Colloids (from colla = glue) do not diffuse, or diffuse very slowly, through animal membranes ; in this respect they differ from crystalloids, which diffuse comparatively rapidly through animal mem- branes. Wolfgang Ostwald recognized two sorts of colloids : (1) suspension colloids, which are mix- tures of solid and liquid phases, are non- viscous, and easily coagulated by salts, e.g. a mixture of finely divided metal and water; and (2) emulsion colloids, which are composed of two liquid phases, are viscous, and coagulated by salts with difficulty. Protoplasm is rich in emulsion colloids; these may exist as liquid sols, or more solid gels. In either case they consist of fine colloidal particles. Accord- ing to another classification colloids may be separated into reversible and irreversible; the former may change from the sol to the gel state and back again, but the latter are unable to do this. Protoplasm is a reversible colloid, and many cellular structures appear to originate through the gelation of liquid colloids. Since protoplasm is a sol or gel due to water, it is a hydrosol or hydrogel, and because of its water content is said to be hydrophylic. It contains crystalloids and its chemical reactions take place in a dilute solution of electrolytes ; these are substances which dissociate, at least in part, into their constituent ions when in solution, and the ions are electrically charged. For example, NaCl disso- 10 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS elates into electro-positive Na ions (cations) and electro-negative Cl ions (anions). Colloidal par- ticles are likewise electrically charged, those of acid colloids usually negatively and those of alkaline colloids positively. The union and separation of particles and their consequent rearrangement cause gelation, liquefaction, etc. ; it is thus evident that many physiological activities may be due to the electrical charges of ions instead of the chemical nature of the particles themselves. Cellular struc- tures therefore depend upon the tendency of col- loidal particles to form aggregates (gelation, coagula- tion), and more or less upon the electrically charged nature of the particles. The most characteristic chemical constituents of protoplasm are the proteins. The most common proteins in the body show on the average the follow- ing percentage of elements : - Carbon 50 -55 % Hydrogen 6.5- 7.3% Nitrogen 15 -17.6% Oxygen 19 -24 % Sulphur 3- 2.4% Proteins may be separated into three groups : (1) simple proteins, such as protamines, albumins, and globulins; (2) conjugated proteins, the glucopro- teins, nucleoproteins, and chromoproteins ; and (3) the products of protein hydrolysis, infraproteins, proteoses, peptones, and polypeptides. These have been studied both by microchemical and macro- chemical methods. In the former method reagents are applied to the microscopic objects and the INTRODUCTION 11 changes in color, etc., indicate its constitution ; e.g., iron and phosphorus may be detected in this way. Parts showing affinity for acid stains like eosin are said to be acidophile or oxyphile; those showing affinity for basic dyes, like methylene blue, are called basophile. The chromatin is basophile, whereas the linin and cytoplasm are oxyphile. In macrochemistry large quantities of the substances are collected and examined by ordinary laboratory methods. Because of the importance that has been assigned to the chromatin, this substance is particularly interesting. Chromatin consists of nuclein, which is a conjugated protein containing nucleic acid, the latter being an organic acid, rich in phosphorus ; it is hence called nucleoprotein. Nucleoproteins are found chiefly in the nucleus but also occur in the cytoplasm. They may differ from one another in their protein content as well as in the character of their nucleic acid constituent. When treated with dilute acids nuclein is obtained, and when this is further subjugated to caustic alkali it decomposes into protein and nucleic acid. The nucleic acids which have been principally studied are those de- rived from the thymus gland, and from the sperma- tozoa of salmon, herring, and other fish ; they are probably all the same. Levene (1910) recognizes three sorts of nucleic acid, of which the most complex is termed thymonucleic acid. This consists of two purine bases, guanine and adenine ; two pyrimidine bases, thymine and cytosine ; 12 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS a hextose (carbohydrate) ; and phosphoric acid. Its formula, according to Schmiedeberg, is C40H56 Ni4Oi6 . 2 P2O5, and according to Steudel, C43H57 NisO^ . 2 P2O5. Considerable progress has been made, especially by Emil Fischer and his students, in the synthesis of protein-like bodies. Many com- plex polypeptides have been built up which resemble peptones in many of their reactions and when in- jected into living organisms appear to be utilized in metabolism in much the same way as are native proteins. We are still, however, very far from an adequate understanding of the nature of chromatin. Delia Valle (1912), for example, after an exhaustive study of the physico-chemical properties of chromatin both in the resting nucleus and in the dividing cell, has concluded that this substance resembles that of fluid crystals. "Consequently all of the pheno- mena presented by the chromosomes ; their mode of origin, differences in size, state of aggregation, form, structure, colorability, optical characteristics, varia- tions in form, longitudinal division and the phenom- ena which follow this mode of scattering, demon- strate that the chromosomes are crystalloids." Two other primary constituents of protoplasm may be mentioned briefly. The phosphatide, lecithin, belongs with cholesterin to a group of compounds called lipoids. It consists of glycerophosphoric acid plus certain fatty acid radicles, such as stearic acid, oleic acid, etc., and a nitrogenous base (cholin). It INTRODUCTION 13 probably plays some part in cell metabolism, may furnish material for building up nucleins, and ac- cording to Faure-Fremiet is concerned in the forma- tion of mitochondria. Cholesterin is considered a waste product of cell life, although it is known to in- hibit haemolysis produced by certain bodies and is thus a protective against toxins, and may have other functions. We should look forward with great interest to the results of investigations that are now being carried on by biochemists, since we depend upon them for an explanation of many of the phe- nomena of life, cellular differentiation, and heredity. We even hope that they may be able to create compounds in the laboratory that we may consider living organisms. However, the task does not seem to be so simple to the biochemist, who should know, as it does to the biologist. Nevertheless, as Jacques Loeb has said, we should "either succeed in producing living matter artificially, or find the reasons why this should be impossible." CELL DIVISION. Cells may increase in number by direct (amitotic) or indirect (mitotic or karyokinetic) division. There is no doubt that mitosis occurs, but not all investigators are convinced that cells ever divide amitotically. Direct division was once considered the only method of cell multiplication. It was described as a simple division of the nucleus into two parts (Fig. 2), preceded by a division of the nucleolus into two, and succeeded by a constriction of the entire cell ; the result was two daughter cells each with one nucleus containing one-half of the 14 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS nucleolus. As we shall see later (Chapter V) , amitosis has been described in cells of the germ-cell cycle, and must therefore be reckoned with in any discus- sion of the phys- ical basis of heredity. Mitosis or ka- ryokinesis in- volves a rather complicated series of pro- cesses which cannot be fully discussed here but will be out- lined very briefly with the aid of Fig. 3. (a) During the prophase the chromatin granules which are scattered through the nucleus in the resting cell (^4) become arranged in the form of a long thread or spireme (B). At the same time the centrosomes move apart (A, c; B, a), and a spindle arises between them (C). While this is going on, the nuclear membrane generally disintegrates and the spireme segments into a num- ber of bodies called chromosomes (C) ; these take a position at the equator of the spindle, halfway be- FIG. 2. — Amitosis. A. Division of blood-cells in the embryo chick, illustrating Remak's scheme, a— e = successive stages of division. (From Wilson, 1900.) B. Amitotic nuclear division in the follicle cells of a cricket's egg. (From Dahlgren and Kepner, 1908.) INTRODUCTION 15 tween the centrosomes (Z>, ep) . The stage shown in Fig. 3, D, is known as the amphiaster ; at this time FIG. 3. — Mitosis. Diagrams illustrating mitotic cell division. (From Wilson.) A, resting cell; B, prophase showing spireme and nucle- olus within the nucleus and the formation of spindle and asters (a) ; C, later prophase showing disintegration of nuclear membrane, and breaking up of spireme into chromosomes; D, end of prophases, showing complete spindle and asters with chromosomes in equatorial plate (ep); E, metaphase — each chromosome splits in two; F, ana- phase — the chromosomes are drawn toward the asters, if = inter- zonal fibers; G, telophase, showing reconstruction of nuclei; H, later telophase, showing division of the cell into two. all of the mechanism concerned in mitosis is present. There are two asters, each consisting of a centrosome 16 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS surrounded by a number of radiating astral rays, and a spindle which lies between them. The chromo- somes lie in the equatorial plate (ep). (b) During the second stage, the metaphase, the chromosomes split in such a way that each of their parts contains an equal amount of chromatin (E, ep). As we shall see later, this is one of the most significant events that takes place during mitosis. (c) During the anaphase (F) the chromosomes formed by splitting move along the spindle fibers to the centrosomes. As a result every chromosome present at the end of the prophase (D) sends half of its chromatin to either end of the spindle. The mechan- ism that brings about this migration is as yet some- what in question. Fibers are usually left between the separating chromosomes ; these are known as interzonal fibers (F, if). (d) The telophase (G, H) is a stage of reconstruction from which the nuclei emerge in a resting condition ; the chromatin becomes scattered through the nucleus, which is again enveloped by a definite membrane (H) ; the centrosome divides and, with the centre- sphere, takes a position near the nucleus. Finally the cycle is completed by the constriction of the cell into two daughter cells. There are a number of differences between the sort of mitosis just described and that which occurs during the maturation of the egg and spermatozoon ; these and certain other phases of cell division will be considered in their appropriate places in succeed- ing chapters. INTRODUCTION 17 METHODS OF REPRODUCTION. In the beginning paragraph of this chapter it was stated, with reserva- tions, that every individual develops from an egg. Before we can discuss the germ-cell cycle intelli- gently, however, we must consider the exceptions to this rule, and outline as briefly as possible the various methods of reproduction which are known to occur among animals. Reproduction is the forma- tion of new individuals by division ; this is frequently preceded by conjugation (in the PROTOZOA) or fertil- ization (in both the PROTOZOA and the METAZOA). Three principal methods of reproduction occur in the PROTOZOA. (1) Binary fission appears to be the most primitive. The individual divides into two parts which are similar in size and structure; these grow into cells like the original parent. Many CILIATA, FLAGELLATA, and RHIZOPODA normally reproduce in this way. (2) Budding occurs when a small outgrowth or bud separates from the parent cell. This method occurs among the SUCTORIA, RADIOLARIA, HELIOZOA, CILIATA, and MYXOSPO- RIDIA. (3) Sporulation results from the division of the nucleus of the parent into many daughter nuclei and a subsequent division of the cell into as many "spores" as there are nuclei. This process is characteristic of the SPOROZOA and also is found among the RHIZOPODA. Conjugation is of frequent occurrence in the PROTOZOA. Two or more indi- viduals may become connected without fusion of nuclei or cytoplasm, thus forming colonies ; a pair of individuals may unite either temporarily or per- 18 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS manently with fusion of the cytoplasm only ; or both cytoplasm and nuclei of such a pair may fuse or be interchanged. METAZOA reproduce either sexually or asexually. Asexual reproduction is reproduction without the aid of sex cells. It takes place as a rule by means of buds or by fission as in many polyps, sponges, flat-worms, segmented round-worms, and bryozoans. Even the tunicates, which occupy an advanced posi- tion in the animal series, form buds. Some of the sponges produce internal buds called gemmules, and certain bryozoans form similar bodies known as statoblasts. Sexual reproduction requires that the individual develop from a mature egg. As a rule the egg must be fertilized by the union with it of a spermatozoon, thus forming a zygote ; but the eggs of many animals develop without being fertilized ; that is, they are parthenogenetic. In rare cases such parthenogenetic eggs may be produced, as in the fly Miastor (see Chapter III), by immature individ- uals. When this occurs, reproduction is said to be pcedogenetic. The sex of an animal is judged by the kind of sex cells it produces, — eggs by the female and sperma- tozoa by the male, — and when the individuals of a single species are differentiated as either males or females, the species is said to be dioecious and the individuals gonockoristic. In many species there is but a single sort of individual which produces both eggs and spermatozoa ; such species are monoecious, and the individuals are hermaphroditic. INTRODUCTION 19 THE GERM CELLS. Eggs and spermatozoa differ from each other both morphologically and physiolog- ically. Eggs are usually spherical or oval in shape (Fig. 4), although they may vary greatly from the typical form and may even be ameboid as in certain ccelenterates. In size they range from that of the mouse, which is only about 0.065 mm. in diameter, to that of birds, which are several inches long. The large volume of the latter is due to the presence of an enormous amount of nutritive material, and the general statement may be made that the size of an egg does not depend so much upon the size of the animal as upon the amount of yolk stored within it. The egg nucleus, which is frequently very large and clear, is known as the germinal vesicle; and its nucleolus has often been referred to as the germinal spot. Embedded within the cytoplasm of the ovum are several bodies besides the yolk globules. A "yolk nucleus" may be present; mitochondrial granules or rods may occur ; and special inclusions, which become associated with the primordial germ cells and have been named keimbahn-determinants, have been recorded in many cases. Considerable evidence has accumulated that the egg substance is not a homogeneous, isotropic mixture, but is def- initely organized, and that this organization is related to the morphology of the embryo which is to develop from it ; hence we speak of the promor- phology of the egg. Eggs are said to possess polarity, and even the oogonium as it lies in the ovary is definitely oriented with respect to its chief axes. 20 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS The principal poles are dissimilar ; the end of the egg containing most of the cytoplasm and nearer which lie the nucleus and centrosome is known as the animal pole ; the other end, which is often crowded FIG. 4. — Germ cells. Ovarian ovum of a cat just before maturity. c. m. = cell membrane; mics. = microsomes; ncl = nucleolus; n. m = nuclear membrane; yk. al. = yolk alveoli. (From Dahlgren and Kepner.) with the yolk globules, is called the vegetative pole. The subject of the organization of the egg will be referred to more in detail later (Chapter VIII). The male sex cells or spermatozoa differ very strikingly from the eggs. They are usually of the INTRODUCTION Apical body or acrosome. Nucleus. •Middle-piece. elope of the tail. .Axial filament. flagellate type (Fig. 4a), consisting of a head, largely made up of chromatin, a middle piece, and a vibratile tail. Spermatozoa are comparatively minute, rang- ing in size from those of Amphioxus, which are less than 0.02 mm. long, to those of the amphibian, Discoglossus, which reach a length of 2.0 mm. According to Wilson it would take from 400,000 to 500,000 sea urchin spermatozoa to equal in volume the egg of the same species. It is not surprising, therefore, to find that the num- ber of spermatozoa produced by a single male may be hundreds of thousands times as great as the number of eggs developed in a female. Eggs are, as a rule, incapable of locomotion, but spermatozoa are active, swim- ming about by means of their End-Piece. tails until they reach the passive eggs which they are to fertilize. 0. FIG. 4a. — Diagram of a Since generally only one sperm- flagellate spermatozoon. (From Wilson, 1900.) atozoon fuses with an egg, it is obvious that most of them never perform the function for which they are specialized; but apparently an enormous number are formed to make the fertiliza- tion of the eggs more certain. The experiments of Loeb and Bancroft (1912) on spermatozoa have shown that when the living to GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS spermatozoa of the fowl are placed in a hanging dr.op of white of egg or in yolk they undergo a transfor- mation into nuclei. The possibility that a sperma- tozoon may give rise to an embryo without the help of an egg is recognized, but this has not yet been accomplished. THE LIFE CYCLES OF ANIMALS. The life cycle of an animal has considerable influence upon the course of the germ-cell cycle. In all animals that are produced by the sexual method the beginning stage in the life cycle is a mature egg, either fertilized or unfertilized according to the species. Animals which develop asexually, on the other hand, begin their cycle with the first recognizable evidence of budding or fission. As a rule budding or fission are sooner or later interrupted by the formation of sex cells, hence the life cycle of such animals may be considered to extend from the mature egg to that stage in the life history of the species when mature eggs are again produced. Such a life cycle consists really of two or more simple life cycles represented by individuals differing from one another in both structure and method of reproduction. As examples of some of the principal types of life cycles we may select certain insects and coelenterates. A very simple life cycle is that of the wingless insects of the order APTERA. The young, when they hatch from the egg, are similar in form, structure, and habits to the fully grown individual and undergo no perceptible changes, except increase in size, until they become sexually mature adults. In INTRODUCTION 23 certain other groups of insects, such as the grass- hoppers, the newly hatched young resemble the adult in many ways, differing principally in the absence of wings. The young Rocky Mountain locust (Melanoplus spretus), for example, changes its exoskeleton (molts) five times before the adult condition is attained. After each molt there are slight changes in color, structure, and size, the most notable difference being the gradual acquirement of wings. In still other orders of insects a larva hatches from the egg ; this larva, on reaching its full growth, changes in shape and structure, becoming a quiescent pupa, from which after a rather definite interval an adult emerges. A combination of two simple life cycles to form one complex cycle occurs in certain hydroids. The eggs of these species produce free-swimming em- bryos which become fixed to some object and de- velop into polyps. These polyps form other polyps like themselves by budding, but finally give rise to buds which become jelly-fishes or medusae. In- stead of remaining attached to the parent colony the medusae, as a rule, separate from it and swim about in the water ; they later give rise to eggs which, after being fertilized, develop as before into polyps. There are thus in this species two life cycles com- bined, that extending from the egg to the time when the colony forms medusa-buds, and that beginning with the medusa-bud and ending with the mature egg. Such an alternation of an asexual and a sexual generation is known as metagenesis. 24 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS There is another sort of alternation which nor- mally occurs in many species, and that is the alterna- tion of individuals developing from parthenogenetic eggs with those from fertilized eggs. In the aphids, or plant lice, for example, the race in the northern part of the United States passes the winter in the shape of fertilized eggs. All of the individuals which hatch from these eggs in the spring are females called stem-mothers. The stem-mothers produce broods of females from parthenogenetic eggs, and these in turn give rise to other broods of females in the same manner. Thus throughout the summer, generation after generation of parthenogenetic females appear ; but as autumn approaches females develop whose eggs must be fertilized, and males are also pro- duced. The eggs of these females are fertilized by spermatozoa from the males, and the zygotes thus formed survive the winter, producing stem-mothers the following spring. CHAPTER II GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS IT will be impossible to present in this chapter even a general account of all the variations in the germ- cell cycle that are known to occur in animals. It will be necessary, therefore, to restrict ourselves to the series of events that occurs in the majority of animals, mentioning as many of the more notable variations and exceptions as possible without causing confusion. It also seems advisable to consider the germ-cell cycles in the PROTOZOA and the META- ZOA separately. PROTOZOA. Weismann, in his classical essays on the germ-plasm, argues in favor of the view that the PROTOZOA are potential germ cells, and, since new individuals arise by division of the parent cell into two or more parts, that natural death does not occur. The PROTOZOA are consequently also potentially immortal. The METAZOA, on the other hand, possess a large amount of somatic substance which always dies a natural death. It has often been pointed out that a PROTOZOON, although consisting of but a single cell, performs most of the physiological activities characteristic of the larger, complex METAZOA, and that certain parts of the PROTOZOON 25 26 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS are recognizably concerned with the performance of certain definite functions. The fundamental difference, then, between the one-celled and the many-celled animals is that the differentiated struc- tures in the former are not separated from one another by cell walls as in multicellular organisms. Whether all PROTOZOA possess a body which can be considered as specialized and set aside for reproduc- tion purposes, as the germ- plasm theory requires, is a •n" ^ question upon which author- ities differ. In certain cases it seems pos- Fio.5. — Reproduction in Arcella vulgaris. A. For- ciUl,i fn rlictin mation of secondary nuclei. . Ch = chromidia; " n = secondary nuclei; N = primary nucleus, guish between (From Hertwig, 1899.} B, Two gametes. (From . -. •. Eipatiewsky, 1907.) germinal and somatic proto- plasm without any difficulty. The life history of the fresh water rhizopod, Arcella vulgaris (Fig. 5), will serve to illustrate this (Hertwig, 1899 ; Elpatiewsky, 1907; Swarczewsky, 1908; Calkins, 1911). The single nucleus of the young Arcella divides to form two primary nuclei (N) ; chromatin from these mi- grates out and forms a layer near the periphery (Ch) — the " chromidial net " of Hertwig. This chromatin substance in the mature individual produces hundreds of secondary nuclei (n)', each of "which is cut off, with ACCOUNT OF THE GERM-CELL CYCLE 27 a small amount of the surrounding cytoplasm, from the others, thus becoming a swarm spore. The swarm spores escape from the mouth of the parent cell ; whereas the two primary nuclei and a portion of the cytoplasm not used up in the forma- tion of the swarmers die. The swarmers are not all alike, being of two sizes ; the larger, which may be called macrogametes, and which correspond to the eggs of the METAZOA, fuse with the smaller micro- gametes. The zygotes which result develop into normal Arcellce. The swarmers may be supposed to represent the germinal protoplasm, of which, as in metazoan germ cells, the chromatin content may be considered the essential portion. The conditions during reproduction in other PROTOZOA may also be explained in this way, so that germinal and somatic protoplasm can be distinguished as in the METAZOA. The discovery of the chromidia in PROTOZOA led to the formulation of the hypothesis of binu- clearity. Believers in this hypothesis maintain that each cell contains both a somatic and propaga- tory nuclear material which, as a rule, are united into one amphinucleus. The somatic nuclear ma- terial controls vegetative functions ; the propaga- tive portion serves only for the propagation of new individuals. Separation occurs rarely except in certain PROTOZOA, where, as in Paramecium, the propagative substance is represented by the micronu- cleus, the somatic by the macronucleus. Since the chromatin is the essential substance concerned in the binuclearity hypothesis, the term dichroma- 28 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS ticity has been suggested as more appropriate, and the two kinds of chromatin involved have been called idiochromatin, which is reproductive in function, and trophochromatin, which is vegetative in function. The hypothesis has not gained many adherents and is considered of doubtful value by eminent proto- zoologists (Dobell, 1908). METAZOA. If we consider the mature egg, either fertilized or parthenogenetic, as the starting point of the germ-cell cycle in the METAZOA, we may recognize seven or eight distinct periods as follows : 1. The segregation of the primordial germ cells ; i.e., the formation of one or more primordial germ cells during the segmentation of the egg ; 2. Early multiplication of the primordial germ cells ; 3. A long period of "rest" characterized by cessa- tion of cell division, either active or passive change of position, separation of the germ cells into two groups which become the definitive germ glands, accompanied by the general growth of the embryo until the larval stage is almost attained ; 4. Multiplication by mitosis of the primitive oogonia or spermatogonia to form a definite number (Miastor and perhaps others) or indefinite number (so far as we know) of oogonia or spermatogonia ; 5. In some cases the differentiation of oogonia into nurse cells and ultimate oogonia, and the spermatogonia into Sertoli cells and ultimate sper- matogonia ; 6. The growth of the ultimate oogonia and sper- ACCOUNT OF THE GERM-CELL CYCLE 29 matogonia to form primary oocytes and primary spermatocytes ; 7. Maturation; 8. Fertilization (if not parthenogenetic) . 1. THE SEGREGATION OF THE PRIMORDIAL GERM CELLS. This phase of the germ-cell cycle is espe- cially emphasized in this book (see Chapters III to VI) and need be referred to only casually here. The mature eggs of animals are organized both mor- phologically and physiologically ; that is, differenti- ations have already taken place in their protoplasmic contents before they are ready to begin develop- ment. This organization determines what sort of divisions the egg will undergo during the cleavage stages. During cleavage certain parts of the cell contents become separated from other parts and thus the differentiated substances of the egg are localized in definite parts of the embryo. The contents of the cleavage cells likewise become differentiated as development proceeds, until finally the cells produced form two or three more or less definite germ layers. In some cases the egg always divides in the same way, and the history or "cell lineage" of the cells can be followed accurately, and the parts of the larva to which they give rise can be established. This is known as determinate cleavage in contrast to the indeterminate type in which there appears to be no relation between the cleavage cells and the structure of the egg or larva. The degree of organization of the egg no doubt ac- counts for the differences in cleavage ; those of the 30 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS determinate type being more fully organized than those of the indeterminate type. The period when the primordial germ cells are es- tablished is probably due in part to the state of organization of the egg when development begins, and it is not strange, therefore, that the primordial germ cell may be completely segregated in certain eggs as early as the four-cell stage ; whereas in others germ cells have not been discovered until a late larval condition has been reached. An ever increasing number of species of animals is being added to those in which an early segregation of the germ cells has already been recorded. Neverthe- less, there are certain zoologists who still question the general occurrence of an early segregation of the germ cells, but more careful investigations will probably establish the fact of early segregation in species in which this has not yet been demonstrated. 2. EARLY MULTIPLICATION OF THE PRIMORDIAL GERM CELLS. The number of germ cells present at the time of their first appearance in the embryo varies in different species. There may be one, as in the majority of cases, for example the fly, Miastor (Fig. 17), the nematode, Ascaris (Fig. 51), the crustacean, Cyclops (Fig. 48), and the arrow worm, Sagitta (Fig. 54) ; or a number, as in chrysome- lid beetles (Fig. 36), certain parasitic HYMENOPTERA (Fig. 44), and vertebrates (Fig. 6). As a rule the primordial germ cell or cells increase in number by mitosis soon after they are segregated, and then cease to divide for a considerable interval. For ACCOUNT OF THE GERM- CELL CYCLE 31 example, in Miastor the single primordial germ cell produces eight ; in the beetle Calligrapha multi- punctata the original sixteen undergo two divisions resulting in sixty-four ; and in the chick Swift (1914) has counted as many as eighty-two at this stage. We shall see later that the primordial germ cells are often characterized by the presence of certain cytoplasmic inclusions (the keimbahn-determinants) which are absent from the other cells of the embryo. These inclusions appear to be equally divided be- tween the daughter cells so that each of the eight or sixty-four, as the case may be, is provided with an equal amount of the keimbahn-determinants. 3. PERIOD OF "REST" AND MIGRATION. By rest here is really meant cessation of division. During this period the germ cells either actively migrate or are passively carried by surrounding tissues to the position the germ glands occupy in the larva. In species possessing two germ glands the germ cells separate to form two groups, with, at least in some cases, an equal number in each group. Thus in Miastor the number in each group is four (Fig. 22) and in Calligrapha, thirty-two (Fig. 37). There is evidence that an active migration of germ cells occurs both in vertebrates and invertebrates. Figure 6 shows the positions of the germ cells in four species of vertebrates during their change of position. That the germ cells at this time are actively migrat- ing by ameboid movements is the general opinion of investigators, since frequently these cells are ameboid in shape and the distance between the place 32 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS of origin and the germinal ridge is too great to be traversed in any other way. Professor B. M. Allen, who has made extensive studies of the germ cells of many species of verte- Lepldosteus \Periph. End. FIG. 6. — Diagrams showing the paths of migration in A, a turtle, Chrysemys marginata; B, a frog, Rana pipiens ; C, a fish, Lepidos- teus osseus, and D, the dog-fish, Amia calva. (From Allen, 1911.) Arch = archenteron; Int. = intestine; Lat. Mes = lateral plate of mesoderm; Mes = mesentery; Meson = mesonephros; Myo = myo- tome; Noto = notochord ; P. card = post cardinal vein; S. C = sex- cells; S.Gl = sex gland; Vit. End = vitelline endoderm; W.D = Wolffian duct. brates, makes the following statement regarding this phase of the germ-cell cycle : "The sex-cells are migratory to a high degree. The path and time of their migration may vary greatly within a given group of animals, as illus- ACCOUNT OF THE GERM-CELL CYCLE 33 trated by the case of Amia and Lepidosteus. While in the forms that I have studied they are first to be observed in the entoderm, I am quite open to convic- tion that in other forms they may migrate from this layer into the potential mesoderm before the two layers are separated, as shown by Wheeler in Petro- myzon." Swift (1914) has recently obtained evidence which seems to prove that not only do the germ cells of the chick migrate by ameboid movements but they enter the blood vessels and are distributed by the blood stream to all parts of the embryo and vascular area. The migration of the germ cells has been noted in many invertebrates and has been fully described in chrysomelid beetles (Hegner, 1909a). In these insects the primordial germ cells are segregated at the posterior end of the egg at the time the blasto- derm is formed (Fig. 36, C). The blastoderm is never completed just beneath them, but a canal, called the pole-cell canal, remains. Through this at a later embryonic stage the germ cells migrate by means of ameboid movements. "As soon as the germ cells of Calligrapha have passed through the pole-cell canal, they lose their pronounced pseudopodia-like processes and become nearly spherical (Fig. 37, E) ; nevertheless, they undergo a decided change in position. They move away from the inner end of the pole-cell canal, and creep along between the yolk and the germ-band. Thus two groups are formed near the developing 34 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS coelomic sacs; each group probably contains an equal number of cells. The smallest number I have counted in one group at this time is thirty ; the largest number, thirty-four. As there is some difficulty in obtaining an accurate count, it seems probable that the sixty-four germ cells are equally divided and that each germ gland receives thirty-two. Some of the germ cells migrate not only laterally along the germ gland but also back toward the posterior end of the egg, where we find them forming narrow strands in the last abdominal segments. From this stage on, the germ cells are not very active ; they move closer to one another to form the compact germ glands. I was unable to determine whether the later movements of the germ cells are due to an active migration or to the tensions created by the growth of the surrounding tissues ; the latter seems the more probable" (Hegner, 1909a, p. 280). It is thus evident that during the blastoderm stage the germ cells of this beetle are actually outside of the egg. How well this illustrates the theory of primary cellular differentiation, that is, the differentiation of germ cells from somatic cells, since the two sorts are here completely separated, the former constitut- ing a group in contact with but not connected with the somatic cells. Later, as the germinal con- tinuity hypothesis demands, the germ cells migrate into the embryo, there to be nourished, transported, and protected by the body until they are ready to separate from the somatic cells, and thus to give rise to a new generation. ACCOUNT OF THE GERM-CELL CYCLE 35 4. PERIOD OF MULTIPLICATION. Soon after the germ cells aggregate to form more or less rounded groups lying in the position of the definitive germ glands mitotic division is resumed. At about this time also, the sex of the individual can often be determined by the shape of the germ-gland. Then both the testes and the ovaries acquire envelopes of the follicular cells, and frequently testicular cysts and ovarian tubes or chambers develop. The ques- tion of the origin of the follicular cells is still un- settled, but the evidence in most cases seems to favor the view that they are mesodermal. The multiplication of the germ cells by mitosis continues rapidly from this time on. In only one case, so far as I am aware, do we know the actual number of germ cells produced by the primordial germ cell ; this is in Miastor, where typically sixty- four oogonia are formed (Fig. 26). As the germ cells multiply they become smaller in size and the substances present in the primordial germ cell become divided among a large number of progeny. Thus at the beginning of the growth period each germ gland contains many oogonia or spermatogonia, and each of these contains a small fraction of the material present in the primordial germ cell, plus whatever substances may have been assimilated during the period of multiplication. 5. THE ORIGIN OF NURSE CELLS AND SERTOLI CELLS. Germ cells receive nourishment during the growth period in many ways, e.g., from nurse cells, follicle cells, or directly from the blood. The origin 36 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS of the nurse cells and follicle cells is important since in a few cases the germ cells themselves are known to give rise to them. There is thus a second differ- entiation whereby somatic cells (follicle cells or nurse cells) become differentiated from germ cells (oogonia or spermatogonia) . In some species, such as Miastor, we can prove without question that both the nurse cells and follicle cells are of mesodermal origin, and that the germ cells give rise only to germ cells. On the other hand, there are instances in both vertebrates and invertebrates of a common origin of germ cells and somatic cells from oogonia and spermatogonia. Perhaps the most striking examples are the differentiation of the nurse cells and ultimate oogonia in the water beetle, Dytiscus, and the differentiation of the Sertoli cells and ulti- mate spermatogonia in man. (See Chapter V.) Haecker (1912) distinguishes between a somato-ger- minative period and a true germinative period ; the former is that during which the primordial germ cells are established and the latter that of the differentia- tion of nurse cells and ova. 6. THE GROWTH PERIOD. The last divisions of the oogonia and spermatogonia are followed by the growth of these cells. The extent of this growth depends, in the case of the female, upon whether or not the mature egg is to be supplied with an abundance of nutritive material. Nurse cells, fol- licle cells, and circulating fluids may all assist in the enlargement of the oogonia. If the eggs are small, sufficient nutriment is supplied by surrounding ACCOUNT OF THE GERM-CELL CYCLE 37 liquids and no special nurse cells are required ; but larger eggs either become surrounded by follicle cells which nourish them and with which they are often intimately connected by protoplasmic bridges, or special nurse cells are provided. In the primitive type of ovary, such as exists in most ccelenterates, any of the cells surrounding the oogonium may function as nurse cells and even neighboring oogonia are engulfed by the oogonium that is successful in the struggle for development. A more definite mechan- ism exists in higher organisms, where one or more cells become differentiated for the special purpose of supplying nutriment consisting of either their own substance or of material elaborated by them and then transferred to the egg. The egg of the annelid, Ophryotrocha, for example, is accompanied by a single nurse cell ; that of Myzostoma is provided with two, one at either end; and the eggs of certain insects are more or less intimately connected with groups of cells in definite nurse chambers (Fig. 46). The growth of an oogonium may be well illus- trated by that of the potato beetle. The general arrangement of the cells in the ovary of an adult beetle is shown in Fig. 7. The terminal chamber of the ovarian tubule contains three kinds of cells: (1) nurse cells (n.c), (2) young oocytes (y.o) and growing oocytes, and (3) epithelial cells. The nurse cells and oocytes are both derived from the oogonia ; the epithelial cells are of mesodermal origin. The positions of the stages to be described are indicated in the diagram (Fig. 7) and the nuclear GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS FIG. 7. — Leptinotarsa de- cemlineata. Diagram of an ovarian tubule showing various stages in the de- velopment of the oocyte. The capital letters refer to the positions f cells shown in Fig. 8. cy = cytoplasm ; es = egg string; n.c = nurse chamber; doc = oocyte; y.o = young oocyte. and cytoplasmic structures are shown in Fig. 8. Two oocytes and a neighboring epithelial cell from position A in Fig. 7 are shown in Fig. 8, A. The nuclei of the oocytes are large and contain a dis- tinct spireme ; the cytoplasm is small in amount and ap- parently homogeneous. After a short period of growth the oocytes form a linear series in the ovarian tubule and become connected with the spaces between the nurse cells by means of egg strings (Fig. 7, e.s) through which the nu- tritive streams flow into the oocytes. One of the young- est of these oocytes is repre- sented in Fig. 8, B (position B in Fig. 7) . The nucleus is no larger than in those of the earlier stage ; its chromatin forms a reticulum, and a dis- tinct nucleolus is present. The cytoplasm, on the other hand, has trebled in amount and within it are embedded a number of spherical bodies ACCOUNT OF THE GERM-CELL CYCLE 39 Kfib ccr H FIG. 8. — Leptinotarsa decemlineata. A-U, Stages in the growth of the oocyte from positions indicated in Fig. 7. a—c = amitotic nuclear division of nurse cells, ch = chorion; f.ep = follicular epithelium. 40 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS which stain with crystal violet after Benda's method, and appear to be mitochondrial in nature. At a slightly later stage (Fig. 8, C ; position C in Fig. 7) the nucleus is larger and contains several small spherical chromatic bodies besides the nucleolus. The cytoplasm has increased more rapidly in volume and a corresponding increase in the number of mito- chondrial granules has also taken place. Further growth results in an increase in the volume of both nucleus and cytoplasm (Fig. 8, D ; position D in Fig. 7), and a slight increase in the number of mito- chondria. Whether these bodies developed de novo or by division of the preexisting granules could not be determined. In succeeding stages growth is very rapid. The cytoplasm (Fig. 8, E; position E in Fig. 7) still remains homogeneous except for the mitochondria, which increase slightly in size and become situated as a rule near the periphery. The nucleus at this time contains a large number of chromatin granules and a diffuse reticujum. Part of an older oocyte is shown in Fig. 8, F (position F in Fig. 7) ; the cyto- plasm has assumed a reticular appearance; the mitochondrial granules are present in greater num- bers, and the nucleus is larger, oval in shape, and contains a distinct reticulum with many chromatin bodies of various sizes. A still older oocyte (Fig. 8, G ; position G in Fig. 7) is interesting particularly because of the rapid increase in the mitochondria and the localization of these near the periphery. From this stage on the character of the contents changes ACCOUNT OF THE GERM-CELL CYCLE 41 until, as shown in Fig. 7, the central part of the oocyte consists of homogeneous cytoplasm (cy)9 and the outer region of the cytoplasm is crowded with granules and spherical bodies of various sizes. Apparently the mitochondria lying near the periphery (Fig. 8, H) increase in size, gradually losing their affinity for the crystal violet stain and swelling up until they constitute the large yolk globules so numerous in the mature egg. All stages in the evolution of these bodies are illustrated at this time as represented in Fig. 8, H. In the meantime material is brought into the egg through the egg string from the nurse cells, thus probably adding several sorts of granules to the contents of the oocyte. The growth period in the male germ-cell cycle is not so striking as in the female, since many sperma- tozoa of small size are produced, whereas only comparatively few large eggs develop. An increase in the size of the ultimate spermatogonia may occur, however, but the multiplication and growth periods are not nearly so distinct as in the case of the oogonia. In testes which are composed of cysts of spermato- gonia there is evidence in some cases that all of the germ cells in a single cyst are descendants of a single spermatogonium. The proof for this seems certain in the potato beetle, where I have been able to follow the formation of the cysts by means of an uninterrupted series of stages (Hegner, 1914a). 7. MATURATION. Maturation or the ripening of the eggs and spermatozoa comprises a series of events which results in a reduction in the number GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS of chromosomes and the amount of chromatin in the germ cells. Typically, both male and female germ cells divide twice during the process of matura- PRIMORDIAL GERM-CELL MULTIPLICATION PERIOD SECONDARY SPERMATOCYTES SPERMATOZOA MATURATION PERIOD PRIMORDIAL GERM-CELL PRIMARY OOCYTE SECONDARY OOCYTE8 (OVARIAN EGG AND POLAR. BODY; MATURE EGG AND POLAR BODIES MULTIPLICATION PERIOD MATURATION PERIOD FIG. 9. — Diagrams illustrating (above) the stages of spermatogenesis and (below) of oogenesis. The primordial germ cell is represented as possessing four chromosomes. ACCOUNT OP THE GERM-CELL CYCLE 43 tion, and as shown in Fig. 9 these divisions result in the production of four functional spermatozoa in the male, and one functional egg and three polar bodies (abortive eggs) in the female. This increase in the number of cells is not, however, the most im- portant phase of the maturation process, since a large part of our knowledge of the physical basis of heredity has been derived from studies of the be- havior of the chromatin at this time. This subject will be dealt with more fully in Chapter IX, and for the present only a brief account of events need be given. The first thing to be noted is that the mitoses leading to the division of the germ cells during mat- uration differ from those of ordinary cell multiplica- tion. The germ cells, when they are ready for the maturation divisions, are known as primary oocytes and primary spermatocytes. The nuclei of these cells possess the complete or diploid number of chromosomes, characteristic of somatic cells ; but after maturation the eggs and spermatozoa con- tain only one-half of the original diploid number, or the haploid number. These mitoses are conse- quently called reducing or meiotic. The details of these mitoses differ in male and female germ cells and in different species of animals. During and at the close of the growth period in the male the chromatin granules form a spireme which condenses at one side of the nucleus, a condition known as synizesis. After a time the spireme again spreads throughout the nucleus, but is now 44 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS divided into segments, the chromosomes, which are only haploid in number. The reduction from the diploid to the haploid number is brought about by the union of the chromosomes in pairs, a condition called synapsis. Each of the haploid chromosomes thus consists of two of the diploid chromosomes and is said to be bivalent. That one of the chromo- somes of each pair is of maternal origin, i.e., is a descendant of a chromosome present in the egg at the time of fertilization, and the other of pater- nal origin, i.e., a descendant of one brought into the egg by the spermatozoon, seems to be well established. The final act of fertilization, therefore, occurs at this point in the germ-cell cycle — an act of much greater significance than that of the union of the egg and spermatozoon. Furthermore, there is considerable evidence that the chromo- somes differ one from another and that in synapsis corresponding (homologous) chromosomes unite. The importance of such a union from a theoretical standpoint will be discussed later. The nuclei now prepare for the two maturation mitoses. In many nematodes, annelids, and arthro- pods these are characterized by the formation of tetrads. Divisions of this sort may be illustrated as in Fig. 10. The diploid number of chromosomes is for convenience supposed to be four, as in the sper- matogonium A. During the spermatogonial divi- sions these divide as in B, so that each daughter cell receives the diploid number, four. After synapsis, however, each of the haploid chromosomes of the ACCOUNT OF THE GERM-CELL CYCLE 45 FIG. 10. — Diagrams showing the essential facts of reduction in the male. The somatic number of chromosomes is supposed to be four. A, B, division of the spermatogonia, showing the full number (four) of chromosomes. C, primary spermatocyte preparing for division; the chromatin forms two tetrads. D, E, F, first division to form two secondary spermatocytes, each of which receives two dyads. G, H, division of the two secondary spermatocytes to form four spermatids. Each of the latter receives two single chromosomes and a centrosome which passes into the middle piece of the spermatozoon. (After Wilson.) 46 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS primary spermatocyte is seen to be divided into four parts, thus forming in this case two tetrads (C). During the division of the primary spermatocyte, as shown in Z>, E, and F, half of each tetrad, or two dyads, passes to each daughter cell. The division of the daughter cells, which are known as secondary spermatocytes (G H), results in the separation of the two parts of each dyad so that each of the four spermatids (H) receives one member of each original tetrad or two monads. Thus the chromosomes (monads) of the spermatids (H) are already formed in the primary spermatocytes (C) by two divisions ; whereas the nuclear and cell divisions do not occur until later. The spermatids (H)9 which proceed to metamorphose into spermatozoa, possess, there- fore, only two chromosomes, i.e., one-half of the number present in the spermatogonia (A) and so- matic cells. Tetrad formation does not occur in most animals ; but usually the members of the bivalent chromosomes become separated on the first maturation spindle, the pairs appearing U-, F-, or ring-shaped, as in Fig. 62. Each secondary spermatocyte receives one-half of each haploid, bivalent chromosome. The second maturation mitosis then ensues, during which each daughter cell is provided with one-half of each chromosome as in ordinary mitotic division. Be- cause of the peculiar behavior of the chromosomes the first division is often called the heterotype, whereas the second is known as the homotype divi- sion. The final results are the same whether tetrads ACCOUNT OF THE GERM-CELL CYCLE 47 are formed or not, each spermatid containing the haploid number of chromosomes. The maturation of the egg differs in no very im- portant respects from the process as it has been described in the male cells. Tetrads may or may not be formed according to the species, and the mature egg and polar bodies each contain the haploid number of chromosomes. Two phases of the matura- tion of the egg may be referred to here : (1) when the nucleus of the primary oocyte prepares for divi- sion a considerable amount of chromatin separates from the chromosomes and is lost in the cytoplasm. The size of the chromosomes is thus diminished, but no entire chromosomes are lost. (2) The cellular divisions are very unequal, the polar bodies being very small as compared with the rest of the egg. The chromatin content of the polar bodies, however, is equal to that of the much larger egg. In the male all of the four spermatids are functional, but in the female only the egg survives, the polar bodies de- generating. As a rule two polar bodies are produced, but in certain cases of parthenogenesis (rotifers, CLADOCERA, OSTRACODA, and aphids) only one is formed. Rarely the first polar body divides into two. 8. FERTILIZATION. Eggs that develop partheno- genetically are ready to begin a new germ-cell cycle as soon as they become mature ; but the eggs of the majority of species must be fertilized before they are able to develop. Fertilization may be de- fined as the fusion of an egg with a spermatozoon and the resulting processes of rearrangement of the egg 48 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS contents which result in the formation of a uninuclear cell, the zygote. As a rule one spermatozoon only enters the egg (monospermy) ; but in a few species (certain insects, selachians, tailed amphibians, reptiles, and birds) many spermatozoa may normally fuse with the egg (physiological polyspermy). The sper- matozoon, which consists usually of three rather dis- tinct parts, the head, the middle piece, and tail, may become entirely embedded within the egg sub- stance, or the tail may be left outside, or, in excep- tional cases, only the head succeeds in entering. The union of the egg and spermatozoon may occur before, during, or after the polar body formation (Fig. 11). If the spermatozoon enters before the maturation of the egg is completed (^4), its head transforms into a nucleus equal in size to that of the egg (C) ; the middle piece dissolves, giving rise to a centrosome which inaugurates the formation of a spindle with asters (B) ; and the tailpiece ap- parently takes no active part in the fertilization processes. The middle piece also does not seem to be necessary for the formation of the centrosomes and asters. The nucleus of the spermatozoon and that of the mature egg approach each other and come into contact between the asters (C). Then the nuclear walls dissolve; a spireme which segments into the haploid number of chromosomes is produced by each nucleus, and the first cleavage spindle of the developing egg results. This spindle bears the haploid number of chromosomes from the spermato- zoon and a like number from the egg nucleus ACCOUNT OF THE GERM-CELL CYCLE 49 and thus the diploid or somatic number of chromo- somes is regained. When the spermatozoon enters an egg which has completed polar-body formation, the head does not F FIG. 11. — Diagrams of two principal types of fertilization. I. Polar bodies formed after the entrance of the spermatozoa (annelids, mollusks, flat-worms). II. Polar bodies formed before entrance (echinoderms). A, sperm-nucleus and centrosome at $ ; first polar body forming at 9- B, polar bodies formed; approach of the nuclei. C, union of the nuclei. D, approach of the nuclei. E, union of the nuclei. F, cleavage-nucleus. (After Wilson.) have time to transform into a nucleus as large as the egg nucleus, but nevertheless fuses with the latter (Fig. 1 1, D, E9 F) . Although the two nuclei are very unequal in size, they possess an equal amount of chromatin and furnish an equal number of chromo- somes to the first cleavage spindle. 50 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS As already indicated, perhaps the most essential phase in the fertilization process does not occur until the homologous maternal and paternal chromosomes unite during synapsis, when the germ cells of the new individual become mature. The immediate results of fertilization are : (1) the inauguration of the development of the egg, (2) the increase of the chromosomes from the haploid to the diploid (so- matic) number, and (3) the union of hereditary substances from, as a rule, two individuals. This completes the last stage in the germ-cell cycle of animals. Many extremely important and interesting phases of the subject have had to be omitted from the account. Certain of these will be more fully discussed in succeeding chapters, es- pecially those concerned with the early history of the germ cells during embryological development, but for the details of the nutrition, growth, matura- tion, and fertilization of the germ cells, the reader must be referred to other sources (Wilson, 1900; Jenkinson, 1913; Kellicott, 1913). CHAPTER III THE GERM-CELL CYCLE IN THE PJEDOGENETIC FLY, MIASTOR THUS far in only one genus of animals has the history of the germ cells from one generation to the next been followed in detail through the entire cycle. This is a genus of flies, Miastor, of the family Cecidomyidse. One species, Miastor metraloas, oc- curs in Europe and has there been studied especially by Leuckart (1865), Metschnikoff (1865, 1866), and Kahle (1908), and the only other species that has been investigated is M. americana (Hegner, 1912, 1914a). Psedogenesis in Miastor was discovered by Wagner in 1862, and was confirmed by Meinert in 1864. In 1865 the first investigations of its embryological development were published by Leuckart and Metsch- nikoff. These were the earliest accounts of the keimbahn in any animals. Only a glance at Metsch- nikoff's report is necessary to convince one of the favorableness of Miastor as material for germ-cell studies. The primordial germ cell is shown to be established at a very early period in the cleavage of the egg, and the descendants of the primordial germ cell are quite easily distinguishable from other cells in the body even in. in toto preparations. In spite of 51 52 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS the work of the above named investigators there were many who were not convinced that paedogenesis occurs in the genus, and the larvae which were known to develop within the bodies of other larvae were considered by these skeptics as parasites. How- ever, the results of Kahle's (1908) studies, which have been decisively confirmed (Hegner, 1912, 1914 a), have finally settled the question in favor of paedogen- esis. Previous to 1910 no specimens of the genus Miastor had been recognized in this country, but on Oct. 5 of that year, Dr. E. P. Felt found them in great abundance, living in the partially decayed inner bark and in the sap wood of a chestnut rail. With material supplied by Dr. Felt, the writer has been able to follow the entire keimbahn in these insects. Paedogenetic reproduction normally oc- curs during the spring, summer, and autumn, multi- plication being arrested during the cold winter months. This method of reproduction is interrupted in midsummer by the appearance of male and female adults. The larva of Miastor possesses two ovaries, one on either side of the body in the tenth or eleventh segment. Each ovary (Fig. 12) consists of typically thirty-two oocytes (ooc.ri) ; these are inclosed in a cellular envelope (en) . Associated with each ob'cy te is a group of mesoderm cells which function as nurse cells (n.c.) and together with the oocyte are sur- rounded by a follicular epithelium (f.ep). The nurse cells furnish nutrition to the growing oocytes, THE P^DOGENETIC FLY, MIASTOR 53 gradually becoming reduced as the oocytes increase in size. Finally the oocyte (and accompanying nurse cells), still surrounded by the follicular epithelium, 12 PP1 13 FIG. 12. — Miastor americana. Longitudinal section through an ovary. en = envelop; /.ep = follicular epithelium; n.c = nurse chamber; n.c.n = nurse-cell nucleus; o.m = mesoderm; oQc.n = oocyte nucleus. FIG. 13. — Miastor americana. Longitudinal section through a nearly full-grown oocyte. g.v = germinal vesicle; n.c = nurse chamber; pPl = pole-plasm. 54 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS becomes separated from the rest of the ovary and is forced by the movements of the larva into some other part of its body. Here it continues its growth and development at the expense of the tissues of the mother-larva. Not all of the oocytes (thirty -two in each ovary) complete their development, since usually only from five to seventeen young are produced by a single mother-larva. Those oocytes that do not perish pass through the stages described in the following paragraphs. Figure 13 represents the condition of an oocyte just before the initiation of the maturation processes. The nucleus, or germinal vesicle ( and then creep along it to their maturing-place. Once there, they break through again to the outer layer of cells, the ectoderm (kz), and come to maturity (Ei). That they make their way through the endoderm is probably to be explained by the fact that they are there in direct proximity to the food-stream which flows through the colony (GH = gastric cavity), and they are thus more richly nourished there than in the ectoderm. But, although this is the case, they never arise in the endoderm ; in no single case is the birthplace of the germ-cells to be found in the endoderm, but always in the ectoderm, no matter how far back it may have been shunted. Even when the germ-cells migrate through the en- doderm, their first recognizable appearance is in- variably in the ectoderm, as, for instance, in Podo- coryne and Hydr actinia. The course of affairs is thus exactly what it would necessarily be if our supposition were correct, that only definite cell- generations — in this case the ectoderm-cells - contain the complete germ-plasm. If the endoderm- cells also contained germ-plasm it would be hard to understand why the germ-cells never arise from them, since their situation offers much better con- ditions for their further development than that of the ectoderm-cells. It would also be hard to under- stand why such a circuitous route was chosen as that exhibited by the migration of the young germ-cells PORIFERA, CCELENTERATA, VERTEBRATA 95^ into the endoderm. Something must be lacking in the endoderm that is necessary to make a cell into a germ-cell : that something is the germ-plasm." Several important contributions have appeared within recent years which seem to deprive Weis- mann's contentions of much of their importance. For example, Goette (1907) has found that the germ cells of many HYDROMEDUS^B may arise in the en- toderm or in the ectoderm, and that in Clava multi- cornis the germ cells are transformed half-entoderm cells. After a long series of studies on ccelenterate development C. W. Hargitt (1911) has attacked Weismann's position in the following words : " That there is any such region as may be designated a 'Keimzone' or ' Keimsta' tte ' may be at once dis- missed as absolutely without warrant as a general proposition. Furthermore, that the germ cells have their origin in the ectoderm alone in hydromedusse may be similarly denied and dismissed as unworthy of further inquiry or doubt. And still further, I am thoroughly convinced that the still more recent controversy as to the hypothesis of the 'germ-plasm,' if not as clearly a delusion as the preceding, is yet without the slightest support from the ontogeny of the group under review. "It is a matter of easy demonstration that in many species of hydroids the egg may be followed in every detail from its origin as an ectoderm or an entoderm or interstitial cell through its gradual differentiation and growth to maturation, as a distinct individual cell, without the slightest tendency to multiplication." 96 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS "It is passing strange that he should ignore the body of facts concerned in regeneration, and among them the reproductive organs. And it is still more strange that in support of this he should cite in detail the HYDROZOA as illustrating and supporting the hypothesis, ignoring the well-known facts that among these are abounding evidences which afford insuperable objections to just these assumptions. The present author has, in many cases, shown that gonads may be as readily regenerated by hydroids and medusae as any other organs ; and that not for once or twice, but repeatedly in the same specimen, and that de novo and in situ; not the slightest evi- dence being distinguishable that any migration through preexisting 'germ-tracks' occurred. The assumption that in these animals the gonads have ' been shifted backwards in the course of phylogenetic evolution, that is, have been moved nearer to the starting point of development ' seems so at variance with known facts as to be difficult to appreciate or respect." Professor Hargitt finally concludes with the fol- lowing sentence : "I believe the foregoing facts must suffice to show that, both as to origin, differen- tiation, and growth, the germ-cells of the HYDROZOA, so far from sustaining the doctrine of the germ- plasm, afford the strongest and most direct evidence to the contrary." G. T. Hargitt (1913) has also discovered facts regarding the history of the germ cells in ccelenter- ates which are decidedly opposed to Weismann's PORIFERA, CCELENTERATA, VERTEBRATA 97 views. He finds that " The egg cells of Campanularia flexuosa arise in the entoderm of the pedicel of the gonophore, by the transformation of a single epithelial cell, or from the basal half of a divided cell, the distal half of which remains an epithelial cell and retains its epithelial functions. Therefore the egg cells have come from differentiated body- cells (so-called) and there is no differentiation of the germ-plasm in the sense that germ-cells are early differentiated and set aside and do not partici- pate in the body functions. Any cell of the ento- derm of Campanularia flexuosa may become an egg cell if it is in the position of the developing gono- phore " (p. 411). In spite of these attacks upon the germ-plasm theory as applied to ccelenterates, the possibility and even probability of such a condition seems to the writer to exist, and he is inclined to accept Downing's position in the matter. Weismann's views must, however, be modified, since the germ cells are not ectoderm cells, as he claims, nor do they belong to any germ layer. They are, according to the view adopted here, set aside as a separate class of cells at some stage during early development, are scattered about among the cells of the ectoderm or entoderm, depending upon the species, or lie in the mesoglea. We know that external conditions may stimulate reproductive activity in certain ccelenterates (Frischholz, 1909) and consequently the development of germ cells, and we must conclude that these germ cells are present at all times in a 98 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS more or less dormant condition, just as they are in more complex animals. Furthermore, the germ cells must be widely scattered, as has been shown by Harm (1902) in the young hydranths of Clava, by Wulfert (1902) in the planula of Gonothyrcea, and by Small- wood (1909) in the polyp of Hydractinia. This wide distribution of primitive germ cells accounts for the reproductive powers of regenerated pieces of hy- droids. 3. VERTEBRATA Efforts have been made by many investigators to trace the keimbahn in vertebrates, but thus far no method has yet been devised which will enable us to distinguish germ cells from other cells in the early embryonic stages. That we shall be able to recognize germ cells in still earlier stages of development than has yet been accomplished seems certain, and the recent contributions of Rubaschkin (1910), Tschasch- kin (1910), von Berenberg-Gossler (1912a) and Swift (1914) have already made considerable ad- vances by the use of some of the more modern cyto- logical methods. Three principal theories have been advanced regarding the origin of the germ cells in vertebrates, and these will be briefly stated before the histories of the germ cells in special cases are discussed. The germinal epithelium theory was advanced by Waldeyer in 1870. At that time nothing was known regarding the migration of germ cells during the embryonic development of vertebrates, and it is PORIFERA, CCELENTERATA, VERTEBRATA 99 not strange that he should have come to the con- clusion that the primordial ova arise from the epithelial cells of the genital ridge among which they were observed. Although this theory was accepted by most embryologists, it has gradually been aban- doned until now it has very few supporters. The gonotome theory resulted from the studies of Ruckert (1888) and Van Wijhe (1889). The germ cells appeared to these investigators to arise in a part of the segmental mesoblast of the embryo to which the latter applied the term ' gonotome.' From the gonotome they become embedded in the peritoneum. Thus the same cells are recognized as germ cells by the adherents of both theories, but a difference exists regarding their origin. The theory of early segregation has become the most prevalent view of the origin of the germ cells of vertebrates, although there are many who still hold one of the other hypotheses. According to this theory the germ cells are set aside during the early embryonic stages before definite germ layers are formed, and they later arrive at the germinal ridge either by their own migration or by changes in the position of the tissues during development. The germinal epithelium theories have little if any evidence in their favor, since no one has actually ob- served a transformation of peritoneal or mesoblast cells into germ cells. On the other hand, there is an abundance of proof that these cells migrate from some distance into the position of the sex glands. According to Dustin (1907), Firket (1914) and 100 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS several others there are two methods of origin, and primary and secondary sex cells are produced. The former are probably derived from the blastomeres; whereas the secondary sex cells are entirely inde- pendent and arise from the ccelomic epithelium. The first statement of the theory of early segre- gation was made by Nussbaum (1880), who studied the history of the germ cells in the trout. Following Nussbaum, Eigenmann (1892, 1896) contributed to the support of the theory by his investigations on the viviparous teleost, Cymatogaster. This proved to be excellent material for such studies and led Eigenmann to the conclusion that the germ cells are set aside in this fish during the early cleavage stages of the egg, probably at the thirty-two cell stage. In other cases it has been impossible to trace the germ cells back to such an early embryonic condition, but nevertheless the evidence has been almost uniformly in favor of early segregation. Some of those who have advocated such an early origin of germ cells are Wheeler (1900) in the lamprey, Beard (1900, 1902) in Raja and Pristiurus, Nussbaum (1901) in the chick, Woods (1902) in Acanthais, Allen (1906, 1907, 1909, 1911) in Chrysemys, Rana, Amia, and Lepidosteus, Rubaschkin (1907, 1909, 1910, 1912) in the chick, cat, rabbit, and guinea-pig, Kuschakewitsch (1908) in Rana, Jarvis (1908) in Phrynosoma, Tschaschkin (1910) in the chick, von Berenberg-Gossler (1912) in the chick, Schapitz (1912) in Amblystoma, Fuss (1912) in the pig and man, and Swift (1914) in the chick. This is by no PORIFERA, CCELENTERATA, VERTEBRATA 101 means a complete list but indicates the range of forms studied and the current interest in this subject. Some of the characteristics by means of which germ cells can be distinguished in vertebrate embryos are as follows : (1) the presence of yolk, (2) an ameboid shape, (3) large size, and (4) slight staining capacity. By sectioning embryos of various ages the changes in position of the germ cells can be fol- lowed with considerable accuracy. Most investi- gators agree that the movement of the germ cells from the tissues where first observed to the genital ridge is caused by ameboid activities of the cells themselves and by changes in the position of the organs of the embryo. The paths of migration of four verte- brates, a turtle, Chrysemys, a frog, Rana, the gar pike, Lepidosteus, and the fresh-water dogfish, Amia, are shown in Fig. 6. For example : "In Lepidosteus the sex-cells [Fig. 6, 3, SI] first seen in the ventral and lateral portions of the gut- entoderm [Int] migrate to occupy a position in the dorsal portion of it, from which they pass dorsally into the loose mesenchyme that forms the substance of the developing mesentery [Mes]. As the mesen- tery becomes more narrow and compact, owing to the increase in size of the body cavity, the sex cells migrate to its dorsal portion and laterally to the sex-gland anlagen (Fig. 6, 4, Sc). Roughly speaking, one-half of the total number of sex-cells reach the sex-gland anlagen, the remainder being distributed between the intestinal entoderm, the mesodermal layers of the intestine, the mesentery, 102 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS and the tissues at and dorsal to the root of the intestine" (Allen, 1911, p. 32). Of the more recent investigations, facts discov- ered by Dodds (1910), Rubaschkin (1910, 1912), Tschaschkin (1910), von Berenberg-Gossler (1912), and Swift (1914) are especially worthy of mention. Dodds (1910) found that in the teleost, Lophius, the germ cells in the embryos cannot be definitely distinguished previous to the appearance in their cytoplasm of a body which stains like a plasmosome (Fig. 31, A). Germ cells are undoubtedly segregated before this period, but they exhibited no characteris- tics with the methods employed which rendered them distinguishable. Dodds believes that this cyto- plasmic body is extruded plasmosome material, probably part of one of the two plasmosomes pos- sessed by many of the cells at this period. Rubaschkin, in 1910, announced the results ob- tained with the eggs of the guinea-pig by certain methods designed to bring into view the chondrio- somes. He shows that the chondriosomes of the undifferentiated cells are granular, and that as differentiation proceeds, these granules unite to form chains and threads (Fig. 31, B). The sex cells, however, retain the chondriosomes in their primitive granular form, and remain in an undiffer- entiated condition situated in the posterior part of the embryo among the entoderm cells. Tschaschkin (1910), in the same year, came to a similar conclusion from studies made with chick embryos. Rubaschkin (1912) has also extended his investigations on guinea- PORIFERA, CCELENTERATA, VERTEBRATA 103 pig embryos. The accompanying diagram (Fig. 32) shows the fertilized egg and the early cleavage cells all alike (in black) ; some of their descendants become differentiated into the somatic cells of the germ FIG. 31. — Germ cells of vertebrates. A. From embryo of the teleost, Lophius, with plasmosome (?) extruded into cytoplasm. (From Dodds, 1910.) B. One germ cell and four somatic cells from a guinea-pig embryo. (From Rubaschkin, 1912.) C. Germ cell of chick showing " Netzapparat." (From von Berenberg-Gossler, 1912.) D. Primordial germ cell (fir) and blood cell (fe) in lumen of blood vessel (0 of a nineteen somite chick embryo, a = attraction-sphere. (From Swift, 1914.) layers (circles), but others (in black) remain in a primitive condition and are recognizable as the primordial germ cells ; these remain at rest for a considerable period, but finally multiply and become part of the germinal epithelium (g.ep). 104 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS Von Berenberg-Gossler (1912) considers the "Netz- apparat" in the primitive germ cells of the chick of particular importance (Fig. 31, C), comparing it with the " wurstf ormige Kb'rper" described by Hasper FIG. 32. — Diagram to show the history of the germ cells in the embryo of the guinea-pig, g.ep = germinal epithelium. (From Rubasch- kin, 1912.) (1911) in Chironomus (p. 108, Fig. 33). The ap- pearance of this structure in "Keimbahnzellen" is thought to be due to the long period during which these cells do not divide. Duesberg (1912), however, after an exhaustive review of the literature on this PORIFERA, CCELENTERATA, VERTEBRATA 105 structure concludes that it is not a special cell organ but an artifact. Kulesch (1914), on the contrary, finds it to be a constant organ in the eggs of the cat, dog, and guinea-pig. The evidence of a continuous germ-cell cycle in the vertebrates is more convincing than in the sponges and coelenterates, and leads us to predict that it will not be long before the gap still existing during which germ cells cannot be recognized will be filled in to the satisfaction of the majority of investigators. CHAPTER V THE SEGREGATION OF THE GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 1. THE KEIMBAHN IN THE INSECTS THE insects have furnished a very large proportion of the data upon which many of our biological conceptions are now based, and they are becoming more and more popular for studies of the physical basis of heredity, and for purposes of animal breeding. It was in insects (Miastor) that the early segrega- tion of the germ cells in animals was first definitely established. The accessory chromosome was dis- covered in insects by Henking in 1891, and our knowledge of the chromosomes, which has increased so remarkably within the past fifteen years, is due principally to the study of oogenesis and spermato- genesis in insects. In this chapter the chromosomes will only be considered incidentally, a more detailed account being deferred until later (Chapter IX). The early history of the germ cells in insect develop- ment has not been slighted, for there are many reports based on this subject alone and still more data hidden away in contributions on general em- bryology. It will be necessary here to select from this abundance of material those reports that give us the clearest pictures of the keimbahnen. As 106 GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 107 usual, certain species or groups of species have proven more favorable than others for germ-cell studies, especially those belonging to the orders DlPTERA, COLEOPTERA, and HYMENOPTERA. DIPTERA. Robin, in 1862, described what he called "globules polaries" at one end of the nearly transparent eggs of the crane fly, Tipulides culici- formes, and the following year Weismann (1863) re- ported the formation of similar cells, the "Pol- zellen" at the posterior end of the eggs of the midge, Chironomus nigroviridis, and the blow fly, Calliphora (Musca) vomitoria. It remained for Leuckart (1865) and Metchnikoff (1865, 1866), however, to identify the pole cells (in Miastor) as primordial germ cells ; their results were confirmed for Chironomus by Grimm (1870) and Balbiani (1882, 1885). Pole cells have also been described among the DIPTERA, in Musca by Kowalevsky (1886), Voeltz- kow (1889), and Escherich (1900) ; in Calliphora by Graber (1889) and Noack (1901) ; in Chironomus by Ritter (1890) and Hasper (1911) ; in Lucilia by Escherich (1900) ; in Miastor by Kahle (1908) and Hegner (1912, 1914a), and in Compsilura by Hegner (1914a). Four genera of flies will serve to illustrate the methods of germ-cell segregation in this order : (1) Chironomus (Ritter, 1890; Hasper, 1911), (2) Cal- liphora (Noack, 1901), (3) Miastor (Kahle, 1908; Hegner, 1912, 1914a), and (4) Compsilura (Hegner, 1914a). Since Miastor has been discussed in detail in Chapter III it will be only briefly referred to here. 108 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS We owe the first accurate account of the germ cells in Chironomus to Ritter (1890), who, by means of the section method, showed that the "yolk granules" described by Weismann (1863) in the pole cells are derived from a disc-shaped mass of substance situated near the posterior end of the egg and termed by him the "Keimwulst." Hasper (1911) was able to confirm this discovery, to add other interesting facts, and to correct several of Ritter's errors. The "Keimwulst" of Ritter is called by Hasper the "Keimbahnplasma." Ritter advanced the idea that the cleavage nucleus of Chironomus divides within the "Keim- wulst" and that here the first cleavage division occurs, one daughter nucleus remaining in the "Keim- wulst" and becoming the center of the primordial germ cell, the other giving rise to somatic nuclei. This is probably the basis for Weismann's (1904) statement regarding his conception of the germ- plasm that, "If we could assume that the ovum, just beginning to develop, divides at its first cleavage into two cells, one of which gives rise to the whole body (soma) and the other only to the germ-cells lying in this body, the matter would be theoretically simple. ... As yet, however, only one group of animals is known to behave demonstrably in this manner, the Diptera among insects. . . ." There is, however, nothing in the literature to warrant the above statement, since Ritter's hypothesis has been disproved by Hasper. According to Hasper one of the cleavage nuclei GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 109 at the four cell stage becomes separated from the rest of the egg, together with all of the Keimbahn- plasma as the primordial germ cell (Fig. 33 J9, p.g.c.). The Keimbahnplasma is apparently equally divided between the daughter cells when the primordial germ cell divides. Later the nuclei of the germ cells increase in number without an accompanying division of the cell, thus producing binucleated cells (Fig. 33, ty. The history of the pole cells during embryonic development will be more fully described in the COLEOPTERA, since in the beetles the Keimbahn is much more distinct. The origin and nature of the Keimbahnplasma was not determined by Hasper, but it was found to persist in certain cases even until the larval stage was reached (Fig. 33, D). In Calliphora Noack (1901) described a dark granular disc at the posterior end of the egg (Fig. 34) which he termed the "Dotterplatte" and which, like the pole-plasm of Miastor and the Keimbahn- plasma of Chironomus takes part in the formation of the primordial germ cells. The eggs of the parasitic fly, Compsilura concinnata, were also found by the writer (Hegner, 1914a) to possess a granular pole- disc, thus adding one more species to the list of DIPTERA in which such a structure exists. COLEOPTERA. The origin of the germ cells in beetles and their subsequent history are well known only in certain species of the family CHRYSOMELID^E of the genera Calligrapha and Leptinotarsa. The contributions of Wheeler (1889), Lecaillon (1898), FIG. 33. — Chironomus. A. Longitudinal section through the posterior end of a freshly laid egg. B. Longitudinal section through egg during division of first four cleavage nuclei ; at posterior end the primordial germ cell is just being formed. C. One of primordial germ cells containing two nuclei and remains of " Keimbahnplasma." D. Germ gland of the larva in which remains of " Keimbahnplasma " still appear. Kbpl = " Keimbahnplasma " ; p.g.c. = primordial germ cell. (From Hasper, 1911.) (110) GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 111 Hegner (1908, 1909a, 19096, 1911a, 19116, 1914a), and Wieman (1910a, 19106) will be referred to in the following paragraphs. Wheeler (1889) figured several primordial germ cells in an egg of Leptinotarsa with a segmented germ band and suspected their true nature, but did not discover them in earlier stages. Le- caillon (1898) de- scribed the pole-cells in several chrysomelid beetles, but did not make out any of the details concerning their origin, structure, and migrations. Within the last seven years the writer has devoted a consid- erable portion of his time to morphological and experimental studies of the eggs of beetles, particularly Calligrapha bigsbyana, C. multipunctata, C. lunata, and Leptinotarsa decemlineata. The eggs of these species are peculiarly favorable for study, since they are definitely oriented in the body of the mother and various surfaces can be recognized in the newly laid egg : they can be placed under the most severe FIG. 34. — Calliphora. A. Longitudi- nal section through posterior end of freshly laid egg, showing " Dotter- platte (Dpt). B. Longitudinal sec- tion through posterior end of egg at time of blastoderm formation, showing protrusion of primordial germ cells (p.g.c.). (From Noack, 1901.) 112 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS experimental conditions without killing them or stopping their progressive development ; and they can be killed, fixed, sectioned, and stained with comparative ease. Furthermore, the eggs of these beetles possess a well-defined pole-disc, and the primordial germ cells which arise even before the blastoderm is formed are easily distinguishable from the somatic cells and thus can be traced from the time of their appearance until they become ma- ture eggs and spermatozoa. The ova of insects have long been considered among the most highly organized of all animal eggs. That they are definitely oriented while still within the ovary was expressed by Hallez (1886) in his "Law of the Orientation of Insect Embryos" as follows : "The cell possesses the same orientation as the maternal organism that produces it ; it has a cephalic pole and a caudal pole, a right side and a left side, a dorsal surface and a ventral surface; and these different surfaces of the egg-cell coincide to the corresponding surfaces of the embryo." The orientation of an ovarian egg is indicated in Fig. 35, and here also is shown the position and surfaces of the egg at the time of deposition. When the egg is laid the beetle clings to the under surface of a leaf, and with a drop of viscid substance from the acces- sory glands of the reproductive organs, fastens the egg by its posterior end (p) to the leaf ; then with the tip of the abdomen the egg is pushed back through the arc indicated by the dotted line. It is a simple matter to determine the various surfaces of eggs GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 113 laid in this manner. Gravity apparently has no influence upon the development, since eggs in a state of nature occupy all positions with respect to this factor without becoming altered in any way. Only one case has come to the writer's attention of an influence of gravity in insect development — - the eggs of the water beetle, Hydrophilus atterimus, FIG. 35. — A diagramatic drawing of Calligrapha bigsbyana clinging to the under side of a willow leaf and showing the orientation of the egg in the ovarian tubule and after deposition, a = anterior ; d = dorsal ; p = posterior ; r = right side ; x = place where egg was marked with India ink as means of orientation after removal from leaf. according to Megusar (1906), develop abnormally if the cocoon in which they are laid is inverted. The events that precede the establishment of the primordial germ cells in chrysomelid beetles may be described briefly as follows : The egg, when laid (Fig. 36, A), consists of a large central mass of yolk globules (y), among which are very fine strands of cytoplasm ; a thin peripheral layer of cytoplasm, the ''keimhautblastem" of Weismann (khbl), a delicate vitelline membrane (v.m.)9 a chitinous shell, the chorion, and a nucleus consisting of the egg nucleus tis,m5 ^'?=^isi FIG. 36. — Calligrapha. A. Longitudinal section through an egg of C. bigsbyana four hours after deposition. B. Longitudinal section through an egg of C. bigsbyana 14 hours after deposition. C. Two germ cells just protruding from posterior end of egg of C. multi- punctata. D. The pole-disc in an egg of C. multipunctata. g.c.d. = pole-disc ; g.n. = germ nuclei fusing ; khbl = keimhautblastem ; p. = posterior end of egg ; = preblastodermic nuclei ; v.m. = vitel- line membrane ; vt. = vitellophags ; y. = yolk. (114) GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPOD A 115 and a sperm nucleus combined (g.ri). Frequently the two polar bodies have not yet been produced when the egg is laid and thus many stages may be encountered in the newly laid eggs. Polyspermy is a normal condition in insects and several sperma- tozoa are often observed among the yolk globules. The keimhautblastem is not homogeneous through- out, for at the posterior end there is embedded in it a disc-shaped mass of darkly staining granules which I have called the pole-disc (g.c.d.) and which resembles the pole-plasm of Miastor, the "Keimwulst" or " Keimbahnplasma " of Chironomus and the " Dotter- platte" of Calliphora. The cleavage nucleus divides by mitosis; the daughter nuclei separate slightly, and divide ; and this process is continued until nuclei, each surrounded by a small mass of cytoplasm, are scattered more or less regularly throughout the egg. Then a division of the nuclei into two groups occurs; those of one group migrate to the periphery, fuse with the periph- eral layer of cytoplasm, and are cut off by cell walls, thus forming the blastoderm; whereas the other nuclei, the vitellophags, remain behind among the yolk globules which it is their function to dissolve. The blastoderm consists of a single layer of cells, except at the posterior end where its formation has been interrupted by the process resulting in the establishment of the primordial germ cells. The primordial germ cells are formed in the fol- lowing manner. The cleavage nuclei at the posterior end of the egg that encounter the pole-disc granules 116 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS behave differently from those at other points, since they do not remain to form part of the blastoderm but continue to migrate until they have become entirely separated from the rest of the egg. During this process each of the sixteen nuclei that act in this way becomes surrounded by a halo of granules — part of the pole-disc. Then cell walls appear and sixteen primordial germ cells result. These form a group at the posterior end, each member of which divides twice, thus producing sixty-four germ cells in all. During these divisions, which are mitotic, the pole-disc granules appear to be equally distrib- uted between the daughter cells (Fig. 37, B). A rest period then occurs, as far as cellular multipli- cation is concerned, during which a ventral plate, which later grows into the germ band, develops on the ventral surface of the egg. As in Miastor the germ-band pushes around on the dorsal surface and the group of sixty-four germ cells is carried along with it. In the meantime the germ cells begin to migrate from the amniotic cavity in which they lie through a sort of canal at the bottom of a groove in the germ-band and thus make their way inside of the embryo (Fig. 37, F). That the germ cells actually migrate and are not simply forced about by the surrounding tissues seems certain since they are ameboid in shape and pseudopodia extend out in the direction of their movement (Fig. 37, F). After penetrating into the embryo the germ cells become separated into two groups. It was difficult to count the number in each group, but many GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 117 FIG. 37. — Calligrapha. A. A germ cell of C. multipunctata shortly after being cut off from the egg. B. Division of a primordial germ cell. C. Longitudinal section through egg of C. bigsbyana at blastoderm stage ; the posterior end was killed with a hot needle just after deposition. D. Longitudinal section through uninjured egg at same stage. E. Two ectoderm cells (e), two mesoderm cells (m), and two germ cells (g.c.) from an egg three days old. F. Germ cell during migration into the embryo (three days old). G.H.I. Longi- tudinal sections through eggs centrifuged for one hour, two hours, and four hours respectively, bl = blastoderm ; g.c.d. = granules of pole-disc ; k = killed portion of egg ; khbl. = keimhautb) astern ; p. = posterior ; pyc = primordial germ cells ; v = vitellophags ; v.z. = vesicular zone ; y. = yolk. 118 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS attempts seem to justify the conclusion that the division is equal or approximately equal, that is, each group contains about thirty-two germ cells. These groups acquire a covering of mesoderm cells, are carried by the somatic tissues to a position near the dorsal surface on either side of the body in the last two abdominal segments, and thus become germ glands situated in their definite positions. Some time before the larval stage is reached, the sex of the embryo can be determined by the shape of the germ glands ; those of the male become dumb- bell shape, whereas the female organs retain the earlier pear shape and begin to acquire terminal filaments. It is interesting to note that much time and effort have been wasted by those who have attempted to influence the sex of caterpillars by over-feeding or starving. Kellogg (1907), for example, "dis- covered," after an unsuccessful attempt to change the sex of silk worms by this means, that these cater- pillars already possess germ glands which are dif- ferentiated as male or female. If he, and others who have undertaken similar experiments, had examined the literature on the origin of the germ cells in insects, they would have found that as long ago as 1815, Herold published results of investiga- tions on Papilio brassica and other species of LEPI- DOPTERA which proved that the sex of the larva is already determined before it hatches from the egg. A similar condition was reported in Bombyx pini by Suckow (1828), in Zeuzera cesculi by Bessels (1867), and in Pieris brassica by Brandt (1878). GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 119 There now ensues a period of activity during which a large number of ovarian tubules develop in the female and testicular follicles appear in the male. A number of much debated problems exist regarding the cellular elements within the ovaries and testes of insects — problems which are of con- siderable importance in any discussion of the germ- cell cycle. Put in the form of questions, two of these are with respect to the ovary : (1) Do the nurse cells originate from the oogonia, thus becoming abortive eggs, or are they of mesodermal parentage ? (2) Does amitotic nuclear division occur in nurse cells and oogonia ? The answers to these questions differ according to the species of insects studied, and, as usual, the ob- servations and interpretations of different investi- gators do not always agree. They can be answered with certainty in the case of Miastor. All of the oogonia in this form are direct descendants of the primordial germ cell ; the nurse cells are of meso- dermal origin; and amitotic division occurs neither in the nurse cells nor in the oogonia. The situation is quite different in chrysomelid beetles. The nurse cells in the ovaries of the potato beetle all seem to be of germ-cell origin. That the nurse cells which are derived from oogonia are abortive eggs is the general opinion of zoologists. Convincing evidence for this view has recently been provided by De Winter (1913) from studies of the apterous insect, Podura aquatica. In this species the proportion of eggs and nurse cells which develop from the oocytes is about 120 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS one to ten. The oocytes that become eggs are those that chance to lie at the periphery of the ovary and hence are in a position to derive abundant nutrition from the blood. The oocytes that fail to become eggs are not, according to De Winter, " vitello- genes" but true abortive eggs, representing a more primitive stage than the nurse cells of other insects which have acquired, secondarily, a nutritive func- tion. On the other hand, Govaerts (1913) argues strongly in favor of the view that the oogonia divide differen- tially, the daughter cells becoming true germ cells (the ultimate oogonia) and true somatic cells (the nurse cells). He bases his position upon the condi- tions existing in the ovaries of certain beetles of the genera Carabus and Cicindela, and upon the dis- coveries of Giardina (1901), Debaisieux (1909), and Giinthert (1910) in Dytiscus marginalis. Giar- dina established for Dytiscus the fact that the mito- ses which result in the formation of nurse cells are differential, as theoretically postulated by Paulcke (1900). During the four divisions preceding the formation of the oocyte a single oogonium gives rise to one oocyte and fifteen nurse cells (Fig. 38). A differentiation takes place in the chromatin of the oogonial nucleus, one half consisting of a condensed mass, the other half of large granules which corre- spond to the forty chromosomes of the oogonium (Fig. 38, A). During mitosis the chromosomes become arranged as an equatorial plate, and the chromatic mass forms a ring about it — the " anello GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 121 cromatico" (B). This ring passes intact to one of the daughter cells (C), whereas the chromosomes are C D x^±^ p FIG. 38. — Differentiation of nurse cells and oocytes in Dytiscus mar- ginalis. A. Oogonium with chromatin of nucleus separating into two parts. B. Metaphass of oogonial mitosis ; the " anello croma- tico" is situated at the lower end of spindle. C. Two-cell stage; the lower cell with nucleus containing two sorts of chromatin. D. Four-cell stage; "anello cromatico" in one cell. E. Eight-cell stage ; cells ready to divide. F. Sixteen-cell stage ; one large cell (oocyte) with chromatin from the "anello cromatico," and fifteen nurse cells. (A-D, F, from Giardina, 1901; E, from Debaiseaux, 1909.) equally divided. During the succeeding mitoses similar differential divisions occur resulting in one oocyte containing the chromatic ring (Fig. 38, F) and 122 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS fifteen nurse cells lacking this nuclear substance. Thus as Paulcke's theory demands, the difference between the nurse cells and the oocytes is the result of internal and not external causes. Giardina considered the formation of the chromatic ring as a sort of synapsis, and later (1902) distin- guished between a complete synapsis, such as ordinarily occurs in the germ-cell cycle, and a partial synapsis as exhibited by Dytiscus. Regarding the significance of this differential mitosis, he maintains that this phenomenon is the cause of the differen- tiation into nurse cells and oocytes, resulting in a complete amount of chromatin in the keimbahn cells and perhaps also an unequal distribution of cyto- plasmic substances. As in the case of Ascaris and Miastor, it might better be regarded as a means of depriving the nurse cells of part of their chromatin. Moreover, Boveri (1904) has compared the chroma- tin-diminution in Ascaris with Giardina's differ- ential mitoses. Debaisieux (1909) and Giinthert (1910) have confirmed Giardina's results, and the latter studied two other DYTISCID.E, Acilius and Colymbetes, which also exhibit differential mitoses similar except in certain details. Giinthert found that the chromatic ring is composed of fine granules which may split off from the surface of the chromo- somes (compare with Ascaris and Miastor) and stain like cytoplasm. He interprets this as " Zerfallspro- dukte" of the chromosomes. Debaisieux, on the other hand, claims that this cast-out nuclear material is nucleolar rather than chromatic in nature. GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 123 It seems highly probable that the *'anello croma- tico" of Giardina consists of chromatin, and Gold- schmidt (1904) and others do not hesitate to class it as an example of a " Chromidialapparat." Further- more it is apparently the result of a chromatin- diminution, as Boveri (1904) maintains, differing from the similar process in Ascaris and Miastor in details but not in the ultimate result. Finally, the discovery of this peculiar body in Dytiscus adds one more argument to the hypothesis that the chromatin content of the germ cells differs from that of the somatic cells quantitatively, at least in some cases, and perhaps also qualitatively. Many are the bodies that have been homologized with the " anello cromatico" of Dytiscus. Buchner (1909) claims that the nucleolar-like structure in the oogonia and young oocytes of Gryllus is homol- ogous to both accessory chromosomes of the sper- matogenesis and to this chromatin ring in Dytiscus. This " accessorische Korper" passes intact into one half of the oocytes where it disintegrates into granules of a "tropische Natur." Foot and Strobell (1911) have also compared it with the chromatin nucleolus in the oogonia of Protenor with which it has certain characteristics in common, but no such differential divisions occur as in Dytiscus. Govaerts (1913) was unable to find anything resembling the chromatic ring of Giardina, and con- cludes that the formation of a chromatic mass dif- ferentiating the oocytes and the nurse cells is unique in the DYTISCID^E. His investigations demonstrate 124 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS that this phenomenon does not occur in all insects and that we must seek some larger cause than the un- equal distribution of chromatic elements. If no differential divisions are present, as in Dytiscus, what is the cause of the formation of oocytes and nurse cells ? Govaerts decides that since the ultimate oogonium possesses a definite polarity marked by the localization of the "residu fusorial," and the two kinds of daughter cells arise from op- posite ends of the mother cell, the cause of the differ- entiation resides in the polarization of the oogonium. He does not, however, account for this " polarite pre- differentielle." Haecker (1912) has described in Cyclops and Diaptomus a three-cell stage in the development of the gonad which is brought about by the delayed division of one of the germ cells of the two-cell stage, and concludes that as in Dytiscus there must be an internal difference in the cells to account for this condition. Wieman (19106) has followed the history of the oogonia in Leptinotarsa signaticollis through the larval and adult stages, but was unable to find any evidence that the nuclei inaugurate differentiation as in Dytiscus. He concludes that "the process seems to be the result of several distinct cell elements which operate together as a whole" (p. 148) and that the semi-fluid matrix which results from the lique- faction of cells at the base of the terminal chamber may exert a " specific effect on those germ cells coming under its influence, enabling them to develop GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 125 into ova, while the more distant germ cells become nurse cells" (p. 147). My observations agree with those of Wieman ; no definite relations nor nuclear evidence were discovered during the differ- entiation of the oogonia into oocytes and nurse cells. The data available do not suggest any method of differentiation not already proposed, and still leave the question whether the nurse cells should be regarded as abortive germ cells or true somatic cells one of personal opinion. A study of cyst formation in the testis of the potato beetle has revealed what seems to be a series of events in the male germ-cell cycle parallel to that in the females of Dytiscus, Carabus, and Cicindela, during which the nurse cells are produced. There are in Leptinotarsa two pairs of testes, one on either side of the body. Each testis consists of a large number of follicles radiating out from near the center. Figure 39 is a diagram of a longitudinal section made from the testis of an old larva. At the lower end is attached the sperm duct (s.d) which is con- nected with a cavity (c) within the testis. Just above this cavity is a region containing degenerating cells ; above this region is a mass of spermatogonia (sg) not yet within cysts ; and this mass is capped by a small group of epithelial cells (t.c). The major part of the testis is composed of radiating follicles containing cysts of spermatogonia, spermatocytes, or spermatozoa (cy) . In that region of the testis surrounding and under- 126 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS lying the terminal cap (Fig. 39, t. c) there are a large number of spermatogonia not yet contained in cysts. All stages in cyst formation may be observed here not only in larval testes but also in those of pupae and adults. The youngest spermatogonia are those lying near the terminal cap. Figure 40, A shows a few cells of the terminal cap (t.c), some of the neigh- boring spermato- gonia (spg), and several of the epi- thelial cells (ep) that are scattered about among the spermatogonia. FIG. 39. — Leptinotarsa decemlineata. Longi- tudinal section through testis of full-grown toward larva. c = cavity ; cy = region of cysts ; s.d = sperm duct ; sg = region of spermato- gonia ; sp = region of spermatozoa ; t.c = terminal cap. are formed the edge spermato- gonial mass away from the terminal cap, and Fig. 40, A to G represent certain of the stages observed. The spermatogonia divide ap- parently exclusively by mitosis. A well-developed spindle is formed and this persists after the cell wall has separated the two daughter cells. The spindle fibers which are at first perfectly distinct (Fig. 40, B) unite into a compact strand (Fig. 40, C) which stains dense black in iron hsematoxylin after fixa- tion in Carnoy's fluid. In many cases it was im- possible to distinguish an intervening cell wall D FIG. 40. — Leptinotarsa decemlineata. Stages in cyst formation in testis. A. Spermatogonia (spg), cells of terminal cap (t.c), and epithelial cells (ep). B. Mi totic division of spermatogonium. C. Later stage in same process. D. Binucleate spermatogonial cell within epithe- lial envelope. E. Four spermatogonia connected by spindle re- mains. F. Spermatogonia from cyst containing eight cells. G. Section through cyst containing thirty-two spermatogonia. (127) 128 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS between the daughter nuclei (Fig. 40, D). In either case, however, the spindle remains persist, forming a basic staining strand with enlarged ends connecting the two nuclei. Since at this time and in all later stages the two or more spermatogonia may be found surrounded by an envelope of epithelial cells, it seems certain that, as Wieman (19106) maintains, the spermatozoa in a single cyst are derived from a single spermatogonium. A cyst containing four spermatogonia is repre- sented in Fig. 40, E. Here again appear the strongly basic staining spindle remains connecting the nuclei. These black strands persist until the succeeding mitotic division occurs as Fig. 40, F, which was drawn from a section of a cyst containing eight spermatogonia, shows. Spindle remains are still evident in later stages, as in Fig. 40, G, which repre- sents a cyst containing thirty-two spermatogonia, but were not observed in cysts containing more than sixty-four cells. Many investigators have figured spermatogonial divisions which result in rosette-like groups of cells similar to that represented in Fig. 40, F. Ap- parently, however, the spindle remains, if present, did not possess such a strong affinity for basic stains. Furthermore, only those of my preparations that were fixed in Carnoy's fluid and stained in iron hsemotoxylin exhibited these black strands. Similar spindle remains have been observed in Dytiscus, especially by Giinthert (1910), and Carabus (Go- vaerts, 1913), during the differentiation of nurse GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA cells and oocytes from oogonia, and there can be little doubt but that the process of cyst formation in the male as described above is similar to the differ- ential divisions in the female. Thus the discovery of these distinct spindle re- mains in the spermatogonial divisions enables us to homologize one more period in the cycle of the male germ cells with a corresponding period in the cycle of the female germ cells. According to this view the ultimate spermato- gonium passes through a certain number of divisions -probably five or six — which correspond to the differential divisions so clearly exhibited by the ultimate oogonia of Dytiscus. Just as in the matura- tion processes, however, where only one female cell but all of the male cells are functional, so these earlier divisions result in the female in the pro- duction of a single oocyte and a number of nurse cells which may be considered abortive eggs, whereas in the male every daughter cell is functional. The limited period of division in the cycle of the male germ cells in man (Montgomery, 1911; von Wini- warter, 1912) is also similar to those in Dytiscus and Leptinotarsa. The Sertoli cells are intimately con- nected with the germ cells in the mammalian testis and probably perform three functions : (1) they nourish the spermatocytes ; (2) they provide the spermatic fluid ; and (3) they exert some chemico- tactic stimulus which serves to orient the spermato- zoa into bundles. The origin of the Sertoli cells has been for many years in doubt. Many investigators 130 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS claim that they arise from cells other than germ cells ; these writers have been called by Waldeyer (1906) " dualists." An equal number of authorities be- lieve that both Sertoli cells and spermatogonia FIG. 41. — Stages in the formation of the Sertoli cell in man. A. Sper- matogonium containing granular inclusion (X) from which " Sertoli cell determinant " may arise. B. Antepenultimate spermatogonium showing rod (jR) and idiozome (/). C. Division of rod. Z>. A Ser- toli cell containing a divided rod (R) and two rodlets (r2). E. Ser- toli cell with crystalloid of Charcot and lipoid granules ; at lower right corner a spermatogonium with crystalloid of Lubarsch. (A- D, from Montgomery, 1911; E, from von Winiwarter, 1912,) originate from primordial germ cells ; these are the " monists." The researches of Montgomery and von Wini- warter have decided the question, at least so far as man is concerned, in favor of the monists. Mont- gomery's results are diagrammatically shown in Fig. 42. Of thirty antepenultimate spermatogonia examined, twenty-three contained each a rod-shaped structure (Fig. 41, B, R) and it seems probable that this peculiar body, which is identified by von Winiwarter with the " cristalloide de Lubarsch " (Lubarsch, 1896), is present in every cell of this GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 131 generation. This rod is considered by Montgomery to be of cytoplasmic origin and is termed by him a " Sertoli cell determinant." During the division Antepenultimate Spermatogonlum Penultimate Spermatogonia Ultimate Spermatogonia 000 FIG. 42. — Diagram illustrating the differentiation of the Sertoli cell in man. (From Montgomery, 1911.) of the antepenultimate Spermatogonia the rod passes undivided into one of the daughter cells ; thus one- half of the penultimate Spermatogonia possess a 132 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS rod, the other half do not. Of the forty-nine penul- timate spermatogonia examined, twenty-four ex- hibited a rod and twenty-five did not. This result has been confirmed by von Winiwarter. When the rod-containing penultimate spermatogonia divide, there is a similar segregation of the rod in one of the daughter cells, hence only one-fourth of the cells resulting from the divisions of the antepenultimate spermatogonia possess a rod. Of one hundred and forty-two cells of this generation studied by Montgomery, twenty-five were found with a rod and one hundred and seventeen without. That this ratio is less than one to three (1:3) is explained by the fact that some of the spermatogonia with rods may already have become Sertoli cells. The further history of the rod in the Sertoli cell is as follows : A primary rodlet is produced by a splitting of the rod (Fig. 41, C) after which the rod either disappears at once or else persists for a time, in which case it may split longitudinally as shown in Fig. 41, D. However, in four-fifths of the cells examined (one hundred in number) the large rod disappeared before the growth of the Sertoli cell had begun. Each primary rodlet splits longitudinally into two approximately equal parts, called secondary rodlets (Fig. 41, D, rz), which persist until the end of the cycle of the Sertoli cell. Neither Montgomery nor von Winiwarter were able to determine the origin of the rod. They do not consider it mitochondria! in nature, although it may arise from granules lying in the cytoplasm. GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 133 Montgomery found in one cell a mass of granules from which the rod may have developed (Fig. 41, A, X), and von Winiwarter noted that the rod had a granular appearance in the earliest stages he ex- amined. It is also perfectly distinct from the io- zome (see Fig. 41, B, I) and is apparently not directly derived from the nucleus. Von Winiwarter is not so certain as Montgomery regarding the history of the spermatogonia, the " cristalloide de Lubarsche," and the " batonnets accessoires," as he calls the rodlets. He was unable to decide regarding the number of spermatogonial divisions and believes it to be indeterminate. He finds, contrary to Mont- gomery, the rod persisting in fully developed Sertoli cells, and considers the fragmentation or fission of the rod to form the primary rodlets as doubtful. Further investigations with more favorable material are very desirable, but notwithstanding certain differences of opinion between the two writers whose results have been briefly stated above, it seems cer- tain that Sertoli cells and germ cells are both derived from primordial germ cells, and that the Sertoli cells differ from the ultimate spermatogonia in the possession of a peculiar rod probably of cytoplasmic origin. Montgomery considers this a sort of secon- dary somatic differentiation (the Sertoli cells repre- senting the soma of the testis) ; the first somatic dif- ferentiation occurring when the tissue cells become differentiated from the germ cells in the embryo. AMITOSIS. Wilson (1900) defines amitosis as " mass-division of the nuclear substance without 134 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS the formation of chromosomes and amphiaster" (p. 437) and concludes from a review of the literature up to the year 1900 "that in the vast majority of cases amitosis is a secondary process which does not fall in the generative series of cejl-di visions" (p. 119). During the past ten years interest in direct nuclear division has been maintained principally because of the claims of certain investigators that germ cells may multiply in this way and still give rise to func- tional eggs or spermatozoa. During amitosis the chromatin remains scattered within the nucleus and does not form a spireme nor chromosomes, and therefore its individual ele- ments, the chromatin granules, do not divide. As a result of this mass-division there can be no accurate segregation of chromatin granules in the daughter nuclei as is demanded by the theory that the nucleus, and particularly the chromatin, contains the de- terminers of hereditary characteristics. Further- more, nuclear division without the formation of chromosomes obviously condemns the hypothesis of the genetic continuity of the chromosomes, and hence seriously interferes with current ideas regard- ing the significance of the accessory chromosomes in the determination of sex. Among the animals in whose germ cells amitosis has been reported are cer- tain AMPHIBIA, ccelenterates, cestodes, and insects. AMPHIBIA. Vom Rath (1891, 1893), Meves (1891, 1895), and McGregor (1899) have recorded amitosis in the germ cells of AMPHIBIA. Meves claims that the spermatogonia of Salamandra divide amitotically GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 135 in the autumn but return to the mitotic method in the spring, later giving rise to functional spermato- gonia. Vom Rath finds amitosis but contends that the cells that divide in this way do not become sper- matozoa but are degenerating, being used as nutritive material by the other spermatogonia. The amitotic divisions described by McGregor (1899) in Am- phiuma differ in certain respects from those of both Meves and vom Rath. In this species the primary spermatogonia divide by amitosis; their products later divide by mitosis and produce func- tional spermatozoa. Our knowledge concerning ami- tosis in the spermatogonia of AMPHIBIA is therefore in an unsatisfactory state, although the observations of Meves and McGregor argue strongly in favor of this method. CCELENTERATA. While no direct nuclear divi- sions were recorded by Hargitt (1906) in the germ cells of Clava leptostyla the absence of mitotic figures in the early cleavage stages of the egg led him to the conclusion that the "nuclear activity differs greatly from the oridinary forms of mitosis, and appears to involve direct or amitotic division" (p. 229). If this were true, the germ cells which are derived from these cleavage cells must be descended from cells which once divided amitotically. This case of supposed amitosis has been cleared up by the sub- sequent studies of Beckwith (1909), who collected material of Clava very early in the morning and found typical mitotic divisions during the maturation and early cleavage of the egg and no evidence of amitosis. 136 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS CESTODA. Child concluded (1904) from a study of the cestode, Moniezia expansa, that this method of cell division occurs in the antecedents of both the eggs and the spermatozoa. This writer has published a series of papers upon this subject using Moniezia expansa and Moniezia planissima for his material (1904, 1906, 1907, 1910, 1911), and his principal conclusion is that in these species the division of the cells destined to become eggs and spermatozoa is predominantly amitotic. Mitotic division also occurs but comparatively rarely. Cells which have divided amitotically then divide mitoti- cally during maturation and form typical ova. The nature of the nuclear division in the cestodes was later investigated by Richards (1909, 1911) who studied the female sex organs of the same species employed by Child as well as material obtained from Tcenia serrata. Richards finds that mitosis unques- tionably occurs in the young germ cells but was unable to demonstrate amitosis. Richards claims that amitosis cannot be demonstrated except by the observation of the process in the living material and the subsequent study of this material by cytolog- ical methods. Child (1911) agrees with Richards that amitosis cannot be demonstrated in fixed material but nevertheless concludes after an examina- tion of Richards' preparations "that direct division plays an important part in the developmental cycle of Moniezia, in the germ cells as well as in the soma " (Child, 1911, p. 295). Finally Harman (1913) was unable to find any GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 137 evidence of amitotic divisions in the sex cells of either Tcenia teniceformis or Moniezia and concludes that the conditions that suggest amitosis can just as well or better be explained by mitosis. Experiments with living cells of Tcenia were without results, since the cells did not divide when placed in Ringer's solution, although they continued to live outside the body of the host for forty-eight hours. Morse (1911) likewise failed to observe divisions in living cells of Calliobothrium and Crossobothrium which were kept in the plasma of the host. That the observation of amitosis in living cells is possible seems certain since Holmes (1913) has recorded an actual increase in the number of epithelial cells from the embryos and young tadpoles of several Amphibia that were cultivated in lymph, and has noted various stages of amitotic nuclear division, although no convincing evidence was obtained that this was followed by cell division. INSECTA. In the HEMIPTERA amitosis was de- scribed by Preusse (1895) in the ovarian cells of Nepa cinerea and similar conditions were reported by Gross (1901) in insects of the same order. Gross, however, claims that the cells which divide amitoti- cally do not produce ova but are degenerating or secretory. Foot and Strobell (1911) described in ovaries of the bug, Protenor, the amitotic division of certain cells which later produce ova. There is, however, considerable difference of opinion among investi- gators as to the origin of the ova from the various 138 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS regions of the insect ovary and, since Payne (1912) has shown that in Gelastocoris the cells that appar- ently multiply amitotically do not produce ova, it seems safe to conclude that in Protenor the ova are not descended from cells that divide amitotically. Amitotic division of germ cells followed by mitotic division has been described by Wieman (1910&, 1910c) in the ovaries and testes as well as in the nurse FIG. 43. — Stages in amitosis in spermatogonium of Leptinotarsa signa- ticottis. (From Wieman, 1910.) cells of a chrysomelid beetle, Leptinotarsa signati- collis. Germ cells in both ovary and testis taken from full-grown larvae were found in stages of divi- sion recognized by Wieman as amitotic (Fig. 43). It was difficult to demonstrate actual division of the cytoplasm, but that such a division really occurs was inferred because binucleated cells apparently gave rise to spermatocytes with single nuclei. Rapid cell division is assumed by Wieman to account for amitosis. This is brought about by fluctuations in the nutritive supply or, in the case of the testis, by the rapid proliferation of cells during the formation of cysts. GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 139 I have studied my preparations of chrysomelid beetles carefully with the aim of detecting amitotic division and have observed what appears to be direct nuclear division among the nurse cells, but could not demonstrate with certainty this kind of division among the oogonia, or spermatogonia. Three stages in the direct division of nurse cell nuclei in Leptinotarsa decemlineata are shown in Fig. 8, a-c. Oogonia and spermatogonia, however, do not exhibit such clearly defined stages and after examining my prep- arations and several slides kindly sent me by Doctor Wieman I am forced to conclude that amitosis has not been demonstrated. It is true that frequently dumb-bell shaped nucleoli occur in certain of the nuclei and frequently two nucleoli are present at opposite ends. Also two nuclei may be surrounded by a single cell wall, but no stages were present which could not be attributed as well or better to mitotic phenomena. CONCLUSION. From the evidence at present available we must conclude that amitotic division of the germ cells has not been demonstrated, and that not until such a process is actually observed in living cells will any other conclusion be possible. There are still two questions regarding the germ- cell cycle in beetles that we shall attempt to answer ; (1) Does a chromatin-diminution process occur such as has been described in Miastor and Ascaris? and (2) Is the segregation of the germ cells controlled by the nuclei or by the cytoplasm ? The fact that part of each chromosome is cast out 140 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS into the cytoplasm in all except the "stem-cell" during the early cleavage of Ascaris is well known (see p. 174, Fig. 51). A similar process was described by Kahle (1908) in Miastor metraloas and confirmed by me (Hegner, 1912, 1914 a) in Miastor americana (see p. 57, Fig. 16). This chromatin-diminution process results in the formation of a single primordial germ cell containing the complete amount of chroma- tin and a number of somatic cells with a reduced amount of chromatin. The origin of the germ cells has been carefully studied in a number of forms which in other respects resemble Ascaris and Miastor, but in none of them has such a process been discovered. Hasper (1911) was unable to establish it for Chirono- mus which is very similar to Miastor in early develop- ment, nor has such a phenomenon been found in Sagitta (Elpatiewsky, 1909, 1910 ; Stevens, 19106; Buchner, 1910a, 19106) and the copepods (Haecker, 1897; Amma, 1911) and CLADOCERA (Kiihn, 1911, 1913) which undergo total cleavage and are in certain other respects similar to Ascaris. The nuclear divisions in the eggs of chrysomelid beetles have been examined by the writer with con- siderable care, but nothing resembling a diminution process was found. Furthermore, there are no evidences of chromatin bodies in the cytoplasm or yolk as in Ascaris (Fig. 51) and Miastor (Fig. 18, cR), where the cast-out chromatin does not disintegrate immediately, but can be distinguished for a consider- able period during early embryonic development. It seems necessary to conclude therefore that in GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 141 chrysomelid eggs both germ cells and somatic cells possess the full amount of chromatin or else the elimination of this substance takes place in some other way. THE DIFFERENTIATION OF THE NUCLEI OF THE BLASTODERM CELLS, PRIMORDIAL GERM CELLS, AND VITELLOPHAGS. The conclusion that no chromatin- diminution process occurs during the early cleav- age divisions in the eggs of chrysomelid beetles necessitates the search for some other method of differentiation among the cleavage nuclei. The insect egg is particularly advantageous for testing Roux's hypothesis of qualitative nuclear division, since we have here the production of an enormous number of nuclei before any cell walls are formed, and an egg that is remarkably definitely organized, as indicated by my experiments (Hegner, 19096, 191 la), before the blastoderm is formed. I have been unable to find any differences in the nuclei before they fuse with the keimhautblastem, but as soon as this does occur, a gradual change takes place, and at the time when the blastoderm is com- pleted three sorts of nuclei are distinguishable: (1) The nuclei of the primordial germ cells (Fig. 36, C) are larger than the others and contain compara- tively few spherical chromatin granules evenly dis- tributed. The cytoplasm of these cells is distin- guishable from that of all other cells because of the presence of granules from pole-disc. (2) The nuclei of the blastoderm cells are small and completely filled with large spherical chromatin granules. 142 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS (3) The nuclei of the vitellophags resemble the early cleavage nuclei ; they are midway between the other two kinds in size, and their chromatin is in a more diffuse condition. Whether these three kinds of nuclei were all potentially alike before their differentiation is an important question. Visibly they are all similar until they become localized in definite regions of the egg, and associated with particular cytoplasmic elements. One cannot help but conclude that they were all potentially alike and that their differentia- tion was brought about through the influence of the cytoplasm in which they happened to become embedded. The writer has shown (Hegner, 191 la) that if the posterior end of a freshly laid egg of Leptinotarsa decemlineata is killed with a hot needle, thus preventing the pole-disc granules and surround- ing cytoplasm from taking part in development, no primordial germ cells will be produced. A large series of similar experiments have also proved that at the time of deposition, " The areas of the peripheral layer of cytoplasm (Fig. 36 khbl.) are already set aside for the production of particular parts of the embryo, and if the areas are killed, the parts of the embryo to which they were destined to give rise will not appear. Likewise, areas of the blastoderm are destined to produce certain particular parts of the embryo" (Hegner, 1911a, p. 251). What becomes of the nuclei that are prevented from enter- ing the injured region of the egg ? No evidence has been discovered to indicate that they disinte- GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 143 grate, so they probably take part in development after becoming associated with some other part of the egg. If these nuclei were qualitatively different they should produce germ cells and other varieties of cells in whatever region they chance to reach. It is evident that they are not potentially different and that their "prospective potency" and "pro- spective significance" do not coincide. The cyto- plasm is, therefore, the controlling factor at this stage in the germ-cell cycle, although cytoplasmic differentiations are for the most part invisible and probably the result of nuclear activity during earlier stages. HYMENOPTERA. A number of papers have ap- peared which contain references to the germ glands of HYMENOPTERA (Hegner, 1909, pp. 245-248). The most important of these from the standpoint of the present discussion are: (1) Silvestri (1906, 1908) and Hegner (19146) on some parasitic species, and (2) Petrunkewitsch (1901, 1903), Nachtsheim (1913), and others on the honey-bee. In an endeavor to test the " Dzierzon theory," that the eggs which produce drone bees are normally unfertilized, Petrunkewitsch (1901-1903) discovered some usual maturation divisions. In "drone eggs" the first polar body passes through an equatorial division, each of its daughter nuclei containing one- half of the somatic number of chromosomes. The inner one of these daughter nuclei fuses with the second polar body, which also contains one-half of the somatic number of chromosomes ; the resultant 144 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS nucleus with sixteen chromosomes, the " Richtungs- kopulationskern " passes through three divisions, giving rise to eight " doppelkernige Zellen." After the blastoderm is completed, the products of these eight cells lie in the middle line near the dorsal surface of the egg, where the formation of the amnion begins ; the nuclei of these cells are small, and lie embedded in dark staining cytoplasm. Later they are found just beneath the dorsal surface near the point of union of the amnion with the head-fold of the em- bryonic rudiment. They are next located between the epithelium of the mid-intestine and the ectoderm ; from here they migrate into the ccelomic cavities, and finally, at the time of hatching, form a " wellen- artigen" strand, the germ-gland, extending through the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth abdominal segments. The fertilized eggs of the bee were also examined by Petrunkewitsch, but no " Richtungskopulations- kern" was discovered. In these eggs the genital glands arise from mesoderm cells. Doubt was immediately cast on these results, although Weismann (1904, p. 336) vouched for their accuracy. Thus Wheeler (1904) says, " Even in his first paper there is no satisfactory evidence to show that the cells re- garded as derivatives of the polar bodies in the figures on plate 4 are really such, and not dividing cleavage cells or possibly vitellophags. . . . When we take up the second paper we wonder how anybody could regard the figures there presented as even an adum- bration of proof that the testes of the drone are de- veloped from the polar bodies." Dickel (1904) GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 145 could find no connection between the polar bodies and the cells Petrunkewitsch claims originate from the " Richtungskopulationskern," but considers these " Dotterzellen." Nachtsheim (1913) agrees with Dickel, that these are yolk cells and have no relation to the polar bodies. He also finds these cells in both fertilized and unfertilized eggs, not as Petrunkewitsch states only in the latter. The investigations of Silvestri (1906, 1908) on parasitic Hymenoptera are of particular interest, since in both the polyembryonic species and those whose eggs produce a single individual, the keimbahn- determinant is considered by him to represent a plasmosome which escapes from the germinal vesicle. Silvestri (1906, 1908) has described the embryonic development of both monembryonic and polyem- bryonic hymenopterous parasites. Of the former Encyrtus aphidivorus and Oophthora semblidis were studied ; in both species the series of events were found to be similar. The egg at the time of deposi- tion is elongated and irregularly oval in shape (Fig. 44, A) ; it contains a germinal vesicle (^4) in the anterior region and a deeply staining body near the posterior end which is called by Silvestri the " nu- cleolo" (N) and is stated to be derived from the nucleolus of the oocyte nucleus. The eggs may develop parthenogenetically or after fertilization ; the unfertilized eggs produce males, whereas the fer- tilized eggs develop into females. In either case two polar bodies are produced ; these disintegrate later. The cleavage nucleus produces by a series 146 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS of divisions a number of nuclei which migrate to the periphery, as is the rule in insect development. The " nucleolo" remains during this cleavage period unchanged near the posterior end (Fig. 44, E) ; then, when cell walls appear, it becomes distributed among several of the cells thus formed. These multiply less rapidly than the other em- bryonic cells and are the only cells that give rise to the germ cells in the adult. It is thus obvious ^c that there is here an G early segregation of germ cells and that these germ cells dif- FiG*4.-OoPht*ra. A. Egg with germ- fer from the somatic inal vesicle (A) and "Nucleolo" (JV). cells in the pOSSCS- B. Egg containing many cleavage nuclei. „ „ , C. Formation of primordial germ cells S1OU Ol part Ol the (G) at posterior end of an egg. (From disintegrated " UU- Silvestri, 1908.} cleolo." The polyembryonic species described by Silvestri are Copidosoma (Litomastix) truncatellus and Agenias- pis (Encyrtus) fuscicollis. The eggs of these species when laid are vase-shaped (Fig. 45), the posterior end corresponding to the base of the vase. Here also a germinal vesicle and "nucleolo" are present, the latter almost always near the posterior end. Parthenogenetic eggs were found to produce males, FIG. 45. — Copidosoma (Litomastix) truncatellus . A. Oocyte showing germinal vesicle (g.v) containing a chromatin-nucleolus (c.n) and a plasmosome (p). B. Egg a few minutes after deposition showing first maturation spindle (m.s) and "Nucleolo" (N). C. Egg about one hour after deposition, showing three polar bodies (p.b), the first cleavage nucleus and the "Nucleolo." D. Egg in two-cell stage, about one and one-half hours old. p.n = polar nucleus. E. Four-cell stage. F. Egg about four and one-half hours old showing two polar nuclei dividing, two embryonic cells containing nucleolar substance, and six embryonic cells (dividing) without nucleolar substance. (From Silvestri, 1906.) (147) 148 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS whereas fertilized eggs give rise to females. First and second polar bodies are formed and the first divides, thus making three in all. The events of early cleavage are the same whether the nucleus consists of the female pronucleus only or of the female and male pronuclei fused. Unlike the eggs of monembryonic species, the cleavage nuclei here be- come separated from one another by cell walls and the " nucleolo" from the very beginning is segregated at each division in a single cleavage cell (Fig. 45, D). This cell divides more slowly than the others; the "nucleolo" gradually becomes vacuolated, breaks down, and finally is evenly scattered throughout the entire cytoplasm. Just before the sixteen-cell stage is reached the cell containing the disintegrated "nucleolo" divides and the two daughter cells are provided with equal amounts of its substance (Fig. 45, F). Silvestri was only able to trace the cells containing the remains of the "nucleolo" until four of these were present. Nevertheless, he con- cludes that these and these alone give rise to the germ cells. This conclusion seems well founded when the history of this "nucleolo" is compared with that of similar bodies (keimbahn-determinants) in the eggs of certain other animals. Two regions develop in the eggs of these polyem- bryonic HYMENOPTERA : (1) an anterior or polar re- gion containing the polar bodies, and (2) the posterior embryonic region. The latter again becomes differen- tiated into two regions : (1) an anterior "massa germi- nigera, " which gives rise to normal larvae, and (2) a GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 149 posterior " massa monembrionale, " which produces the so-called asexual larvae. These lack reproductive, respiratory, circulatory, and excretory systems. They are supposed to develop from cell masses which do not contain descendants of the cell with " nucleolar" material, and to serve the purpose of tearing apart the organs of the host, thus making it available as food for the normal larvae. The " massa monem- brionale," according to this view, consists entirely of somatic cells, whereas the " massa germinigera" possesses both somatic and germ cells. Doubts have been expressed regarding the development of the asexual larvae, and Silvestri's results need con- firmation. There seems to be no doubt that the "nucleolo" is a keimbahn-determinant in both monembryonic and polyembryonic HYMENOPTERA, but its identification as the nucleolus from the oocyte nucleus did not seem to the writer to be well estab- lished. Its history was, therefore, studied by the writer (Hegner, 19146) during the growth period of the eggs, with the following results. My material consisted of a brood of females belonging to the polyembryonic species Copidosoma gelechioe. As in most other insects, the two ovaries of Copidosoma consist of rows of oocytes in various stages of growth — the oldest and largest near the posterior end, and the youngest and smallest at the opposite pole. Before the oogonia enter the growth period (Fig. 46, A, o) each becomes surrounded by a follicular epithelium (fe) and is provided with a group of nurse cells (nc) which likewise are enclosed FIG. 46. — Copidosoma gelechice. A. Young oocyte (o) surrounded by an epithelium (f.e) and accompanied by nurse cells (n.c). B. Older oocyte with nurse string (n.s). C. Oocyte containing spindle on which are pairs of chromosomes. D—G. Stages in condensation of this spindle. //. Cross section of spindle in stage shown in C. J. Cross section of spindle in stage shown in D. J-K. Late stages in condensation of spindle. (150) GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 151 by a cellular envelope. Increase in size takes place synchronously in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm of the ob'cyte, and a number of stages in this process are illustrated in the accompanying figures. In Fig. 46, B a strand of cytoplasm is shown extending v forward to the nurse chamber, and it is evidently by means of this pathway that nutritive material is conveyed to the oocyte. During the growth period the nurse cells decrease in size until they occupy but a very small space and the follicular epithelium becomes very much attenuated (compare Figs. 46, A and 47, D). The fully developed oocytes (Fig. 47, D) are more or less vase-shaped with a broad base (posterior), a narrower " waist-line," and a slightly thicker distal (anterior) portion. They are not so long and slender as those illustrated by Silvestri, but perhaps this shape is attained later when the eggs are laid. Within the oocyte are two conspicuous bodies. At the anterior end is a very large nucleus (n) which almost completely fills that portion of the egg; it contains a few scattered rods of chromatin. Near the posterior end is a smaller but even more con- spicuous body (Fig. 47, D, k) which stains very deeply with iron-hsematoxylin. This may be vacuolated and irregular, showing signs of disintegration, as shown in Fig. 47, or may possess a smooth outline and be entirely homogeneous. It is undoubtedly of a very tough nature, since it not infrequently tears out of the egg substance when struck by the sectioning knife. This obviously represents the "nucleolo" of 152 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS Silvestri. Silvestri claims that this " nucleolo" is a plasmosome which was cast out of the oocyte nucleus at an early stage in the growth period, but an exami- nation of my material proves that it really contains all of the chromatin of the oocyte nucleus. Since it is B FIG. 47. — Copidosoma gelechice. Stages in fusion of two contiguous oocytes end to end. fe = epithelium ; k = keimbahn-chromatin ; n = nucleus ; s = spindle breaking down ; u = point of union of oocytes. not a nucleolus, at least in the species I have studied, it can no longer be called a " nucleolo" and therefore the term ' keimbahn-chromatin ' will be applied to it. Figure 46, A was drawn from a longitudinal section through an oocyte (o) in an early stage of growth. It is surrounded by follicle cells (fe) and accompanied by GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 153 a group of nurse cells (n.c) at the anterior end. A large part of the oocyte is occupied by the nucleus (ri) within which are a comparatively few irregular rods of chromatin, forming a group in the center. This nucleus thus differs quite strikingly from those of the follicle and nurse cells. In Fig. 46, B is shown an older oocyte and two of the accompanying nurse cells (n.c). The nucleus contains many long slender rods of chromatin which often cross each other near their extremities. Soon after this stage is reached the nuclear mem- brane disappears and a sort of spindle is formed as illustrated in Fig. 46, C. No asters could be dis- covered, but the spindle fibers are quite distinct. The chromatin rods are arranged longitudinally on the spindle, and in material fixed in Carnoy's solu- tion and stained in iron-heematoxylin followed by eosin, are remarkably distinct. The arrangement of these rods seems to indicate either that entire chromosomes are separating after synapsis or that daughter chromosomes are being pulled apart after a longitudinal split. I am unfortunately unable to state definitely what processes do precede the condition shown here, but it seems probable that the chromatin of the early oocytes forms a spireme which breaks up into chromosomes, and that these chromosomes become united in pairs at or near their ends, and are there drawn out upon the spindle as represented in Fig. 46, C. It seems also certain that a definite number of these chromosome-pairs are present. Only a few cross sections of spindles were 154 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS found in my preparations, but in these the chromo- somes are widely separated and consequently easily counted. Apparently there are twelve double rods in each spindle (Fig. 46, H9 1). Instead of continuing its activity and forming two daughter nuclei this spindle persists for a long time, undergoing a gradual contraction and condensation. Thus in the stage succeeding that just described the chromatin rods are close together and the entire spindle has decreased in diameter although not in length (Fig. 46, D) . Spindles in this condition are not always parallel to the long axis of the egg but may be oblique or, more rarely, almost perpendicular to this axis. Hence several transverse sections were ob- tained, one of which is illustrated in Fig. 46, I. Here also is shown a closer proximity of the chromo- somes as compared with the cross section of the younger spindle represented in Fig. 46, H. The number of chromosomes also appears to be constant, namely, twelve. During succeeding stages the spindle continues to shorten and condense. That shown in Fig. 46, E still exhibits spaces between the rods and the presence of only a few spindle fibers. A further contraction is indicated in Fig. 46, F, where the chromosomes have become so closely crowded as to form an apparently solid body in the shape of a cross. This chromatin body still continues to contract as shown in Fig. 46, G, J, and K. At about this time vacuoles begin to appear within it (Fig. 46, K) and its shape becomes more or less irreg- ular, most often assuming a nearly spherical condi- GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 155 tion. This may now be recognized as the " nucleolo " of Silvestri or the keimbahn-chromatin as we have decided to call it. The spindle at first lies nearer the anterior than the posterior part of the oocyte. As it shortens and condenses it is more often found below the middle of the cell, and finally reaches a position near the posterior end. The conclusion is thus reached that the "nucleolo" of Silvestri is not a plasmosome (metanucleolus) which escapes from the oocyte nucleus, but consists of all of the chromatin of this nucleus condensed into a more or less spherical body during a peculiar process of spindle formation. The discovery of the origin and nature of the keim- bahn-chromatin brought forth a new problem, namely, that of the origin of the egg nucleus. It was early noted that the oocytes containing this peculiar spindle were free from any other inclusions in the cytoplasm. How then do they acquire a nucleus ? Two hypotheses have been considered, one of which has a considerable body of evidence in its support. In the first place the nucleus might arise from chromatin granules which break away from the chromosomes during the formation or conden- sation of the spindle. There is, however, no evidence for this view, since the entire chromatin content of the oocyte nucleus seems to take part in the forma- tion of the spindle and later the keimbahn-chromatin. The second hypothesis was suggested when a number of cases were discovered of two oocytes lying end to end without any intervening follicular epithelium. 156 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS This hypothesis is that pairs of oocytes unite end to end, the posterior ob'cyte containing the keimbahn- chromatin and the anterior furnishing the egg nucleus. Stages in this process are shown in Fig. 47, A,B,C, and D. As the oocytes increase in size and age the f ollicular epithelium becomes gradually thinner and in several instances only a delicate strand could be observed between the ends of adjoining oocytes. In Fig. 47, A two oocytes are shown without any cellular layer between them, although the follicular epithelium extends in a short distance at the point of contact. The posterior cell is much the larger and older, and possesses keimbahn-chromatin, but no nucleus. The other oocyte is younger and smaller and con- tains what has been interpreted as a disintegrating spindle (s). The condition illustrated in Fig. 47, B is similar except that the keimbahn-chromatin in the posterior oocyte is less regular, having already begun to break up, and the chromatin rods in the anterior cell represent a further stage in the trans- formation of a spindle into a nucleus. Figure 47, C illustrates what is considered a later stage in the fusion process. The anterior part, which contains a definite nucleus, is connected with the posterior position by a thick strand. The nuclear membrane is not very distinct in the preparation indicating that the nucleus is not yet completely formed. The posterior part is not as large as in the other figures, since the section was not exactly in the longitudinal axis, but slightly oblique. The keimbahn-chromatin has been GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 157 added in the figure from a part of the oocyte three sections away. A still further stage of fusion is indicated in Fig. 47, D. In all these cases and in fully developed eggs there is a distinct "waist line" which can be ac- counted for upon the view that two oocytes fuse end to end as above described, the narrow part corre- sponding to the region of union. The conclusion seems warranted, therefore, that every egg when laid consists of two oocytes which have united end to end, the posterior or older oocyte being provided with keimbahn-chromatin derived from the chromatin of its nucleus, and the anterior supplied with a nucleus which has arisen from the disintegration of a spindle similar to that from which the keimbahn-chromatin originated. A number of references are present in literature to what have been termed " uterine," " disappearing," or "aborting" spindles. Such a spindle was first noted by Selenka (1881) in the turbellarian, Thysano- zoon diesingii. Here apparently a completely de- veloped maturation spindle was observed in the fully grown eggs after they had entered the uterus ; then, just before the metaphase of mitosis, the spindle broke down and the nucleus returned to a resting condition. This same nucleus later gave rise to polar bodies as in the eggs of other animals. Similar aborting spindles have been described by Lang (1884) in several species of polyclads, by Wheeler (1894) in Planocera inquilina, by Gardiner (1895, 1898) in Polychoerus caudatus, by Surface (1907) in Planocera, 158 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS by Patterson (1912) in Graffilla gemellipara, and by Patterson and Wieman (1912) in Planocera inquilina. Patterson and Wieman have given the uterine spindle in Planocera careful study, and have established the fact that in this species it is simply a maturation spindle which forms near the center of the egg and later moves to the periphery, undergoing during this migration a distinct contraction. They further suggest that the uterine spindles described in the eggs of other animals are really one phase in a typical maturation process. It has thus been shown that the first maturation spindle in certain eggs may remain practically in- active for a considerable period. It should be noted, however, that in Copidosoma the spindle arises not in the fully grown egg but in very young oocytes, and that it appears to lack asters at every period of its history. While therefore this structure may be a precocious maturation spindle, it differs markedly from any other such spindle that I have been able to find described in cytological literature. The second view is that the oocyte spindle repre- sents a special mechanism leading to an accurate distribution of chromatin in the keimbahn-chromatin mass. The position of the contracted and condensed spindle, however, is not definite, since it has been found to occupy almost any part of the oocyte and to lie with its long axis parallel to the long axis of the oocyte, or oblique or even perpendicular to this axis (Fig. 46, E, G). Furthermore the keimbahn- chromatin does not seem to be of a definite structure, GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 159 but soon after it reaches a sphere-like shape it begins to vacuolate and becomes irregular (Figs. 46, K; 47). It also seems probable that in some obcytes the oocyte spindle gives rise to the keimbahn-chromatin, whereas in others it becomes disorganized, forming the nucleus of the egg (Fig. 47, A, B, C). What causes the difference in the history of the oocyte spindles ? No definite answer can be given to this question, but there are two possibilities, (1) external and (2) internal influences. It seems very improb- able that any internal mechanism exists which determines what the history of the oocyte spindle shall be. On the other hand, the arrangement of the oocytes in the ovary might cause the spindle of those most posteriorly situated to become keimbahn- chromatin and of those next in order to transform into nuclei. According to this view the oocytes de- pend upon chance for their final position in the ovary, and the fate of the spindle is decided by the environment of the oocyte. There are numerous cases of cell fusion in both PROTOZOA and METAZOA, and germ cells and somatic cells. For example, PROTOZOA engulf other cells; the fully grown ova of Hydra consist of several germ cells fused together ; and leucocytes may fuse with one another. In all such cases the nucleus of one cell persists, whereas those of the other cells disintegrate and disappear. Among certain leuco- cytes of Axolotl, however, Walker (1907) has de- scribed a sort of fusion which results in the trans- ference of the chromatin from one cell to another 160 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS without the disintegration of the migrating chroma- tin. In plants also Gates (1911) has shown that chromatin may migrate from one pollen mother-cell of (Enothera gigas into a neighboring mother-cell where it remains visible for some time before be- coming incorporated with the surrounding cyto- plasm. Many more cases of cellular fusion might be mentioned, but in no instance so far as I am aware has the union of two well-developed oocytes to form one egg been reported. It is true that in Copido- soma the chromatin in one (the proximal) oocyte (the keimbahn-chromatin) finally disintegrates and disappears in the cytoplasm, and thus the condition here may be compared with that in the cases men- tioned above, but the stage of fusion in Copidosoma is extremely late in the growth period, and the chromatin material remains visible for a remarkably long interval of the germ-cell cycle. According to Silvestri the first cleavage cell of Copidosoma consists of the egg nucleus surrounded by only a small portion of the substance in the pos- terior end of the egg in which is embedded the keim- bahn-chromatin. If the two materials within the oocytes do not become intimately fused, it is obvious therefore that the cells of the embryo which are descended from the first cleavage cell are derived from the nucleus of the anterior of the two fused oocytes and cytoplasm from the posterior oocyte with the addition of the keimbahn-chromatin. The history of the germ cells after their segrega- tion is not known for any polyembryonic animal. GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 161 Polyembryony has been described in an earthworm. Lumbricus trapezoides (Kleinenberg, 1879), in cer- tain BRYOZOA (Harmer, 1893; Robertson, 1903), in the armadillo (Patterson, 1913), and in parasitic HYMENOPTERA (Marchal, 1904 ; Silvestri, 1906, 1908) . In every case cleavage is of the indeterminate type, and the cell lineage is unknown. Various theories have been advanced to account for poly- embryony, such as (1) blastotomy or the early separation of blastomeres, each giving rise to a single individual as has been brought about by Driesch (1892) and others by separating the blas- tomeres of the eggs of certain animals ; (2) polyovular follicles may occur in mammals and by some (Rosner, 1901) are considered sufficient to account for poly- embryony among the members of this class; and (3) precocious budding has been suggested to account for the production of many individuals from a single egg, most recently by Patterson (1913), who has shown that in the armadillo the blastoderm produces two primary buds from each of which two secondary buds arise, and hence four young develop from each egg. According to the theory of germinal continuity each of the buds must be supplied with germ cells or with germ-plasm which has not yet been segregated into germ cells. Silvestri's in- vestigations seem to indicate that the former is true for parasitic HYMENOPTERA, but it is difficult to see how a definite number of germ cells can be supplied to each bud during a process of development which is apparently so indeterminate. If, however, a M 162 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS definite number is not required, and the germ cells become generally distributed throughout the cellular mass before budding begins, the chances are that every bud will contain one or more germ cells. For example, if germ cells occur in all parts of the blas- toderm of the armadillo, as is quite possible, each of the four embryos must become provided with a por- tion of them. On the other hand, the germ-plasm may be rather widely distributed among the cells and only becomes segregated in germ cells after bud- ding takes place. Careful studies of the germ-cell history in polyembryonic species are much needed and would no doubt produce important results. The data presented in this chapter are sufficient to prove that in many insects a complete germ-cell cycle can be demonstrated. There are many species, however, in which no early segregation of germ cells has been discovered even after very careful examina- tion. It is therefore too early to make any general statements for the entire class, but we must base our conclusions regarding the germ-cell cycle upon our knowledge of those forms in which the keimbahn actually can be traced. Finally one point should be emphasized ; in every case the segregation of the primordial germ cells is intimately associated with a substance which can be made visible by proper staining methods. In Miastor this is the pole- plasm; in Chironomus the "Keimwulst" or "Keim- bahnplasma" ; in Calliphora the " Dotterplatte " ; in chrysomelid beetles the pole-disc ; and in parasitic HYMENOPTERA, the keimbahn-chromatin. The na- GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 163 ture and significance of these substances will be dis- cussed later. 2. THE KEIMBAHN IN THE CRUSTACEA The keimbahn in the CRUSTACEA is best known in certain CLADOCERA and COPEPODA. Of special interest are the investigations of Grobben (1879), Weismann and Ischikawa (1889), Haecker (1897), Amma (1911), Kiihn (1911, 1913), and Fuchs (1913). Grobben (1879) studied the embryology of Moina rectirostris and gives a remarkably fine account of early cleavage stages, considering the early date when the work was done. He figures stages showing a foreign body which he considered a polar body, segregated in one of the early blastomeres, the segre- gation and characteristics of the primordial germ cell and the first entoderm cell, and the division and later history of the germ cells. His results have been, in the main, confirmed by Kiihn (1911, 1913). Weismann and Ischikawa (1889) have contributed an interesting account of the primary cellular differ- entiation in the fertilized winter eggs of six species of the DAPHNID.E, belonging to four genera. The germinal vesicle in the eggs of these species casts part of its chromatin contents into the cytoplasm which there became organized into a "Paranucleus." This paranucleus then acquired a cell body and in this condition was termed the " Copulationszelle " because of its future history. In two of the species examined this Copulationszelle united with one of the first two cleavage cells ; in the other four species 164 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS it united with one of the first eight cells. Further- more, it apparently always fused with a certain definite cleavage cell. The authors conclude that the Copulationszelle has some important relation to the history of the germ cells. The keimbahn of Cyclops and some closely allied forms has been very carefully investigated by Haecker FIG. 48. — Cyclops. A. Egg showing " Aussenkornchen " (afc) at one end of first cleavage spindle. B. Thirty-two-cell stage showing "Aussenkornchen" (afc) in the primordial germ cell (Kz). Rk = polar bodies. (From Haecker, 1897.) (1897), Amma (1911), and Fuchs (1913) with results which are of particular interest. In Cyclops, accord- ing to Haecker, "Aussenkornchen" arise at one pole of the first cleavage spindle (Fig. 48, A, ok] ; these are derived from disintegrated nucleolar material and are attracted to one pole of the spindle by a dis- similar influence of the centrosomes. During the first four cleavage divisions the granules are segregated always in one cell (Fig. 48, B9 Kz) ; at the end of the fourth division these "Aussenkornchen" disappear, but the cell which contained them can be traced by its delayed mitotic phase and is shown to be the primordial germ cell. GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 165 The most recent and complete accounts of the keimbahn in the COPEPODA are those of Amma (1911) and Fuchs (1913). Amma studied the early cleavage stages of eleven species of Cyclops (Fig. 49, A—G)9 three species of Diaptomus (Fig. 49, H), one species of Canthocamptus, and one species of Heterocope. Cyclops fucus var. dislinctus is made the basis for the most detailed study, but short descriptions and figures are presented of the others. In all of the sixteen species examined the stem-cell which gives rise to the primordial germ cell may be recognized, as Haecker (1897) discovered in Cyclops, first by the presence of granules which do not occur in the other cleavage cells, and later by a delayed mitotic divi- sion. The process is essentially as described by Haecker.1 1 The following summary of the keimbahn in Cyclops fuscus var. dis- tinctus is given by Amma : "1. Wahrend der ersten Furchungsteilungen ist eine bestimmte Folge von Zellen, die Keimbahn, durch das Auftreten von Kornchen, die sich bei der Teilung jewels um einen Spindelpol der Teilungsfigur ansammeln gekennzeichnet (Fig. 49, A). "2. Die Kornchen oder Ectosomen entstehen immer erstmals wahrend des Stadiums der Diakinese, vermehren sich wahrend der nachst folgen- den Phasen noch bedeutend und verschmelzen gegen das Ende der Teilung zu grosseren, unformigen Brocken, welche allmahlich wahrend des Ruheperiode der Zelle aufgelost werden (Fig. 49, B). "3. Die neue Kornchenzelle geht stets vom kornchenfiihrenden Produkte der alten Kornchenzelle hervor, was direkt dadurch bewiesen werden kann, dass sich in der neuen Kornchenzelle immer noch unauf- geloste Uberreste der Ectosomen der alten Kornchenzelle vorfinden; alle Kornchenzellen stammen somit in direkter Linie von einander ab (Fig. 49, C). "4. Vom II — Zellenstadium an bleibt die Kornchenzelle immer in der Teilung hinter den andern Furchungszellen zuriick ; es ergibt sich FIG. 49. — Stages in the keimbahn of copepods. A-G. Cyclops fuscus var. distinctus. H. Diaptomus cceruleus. I. Cyclops viridis. A. Ectosomes at end of first cleavage spindle. B. Two-cell stage; ectosomes dissolving. C. Old and newly formed ectosomes at end of one of second cleavage spindles. D. Eight-cell stage ; ectosomes dissolving in stem-cell. E. Sixteen- to twenty-eight-cell stage. S = cell with, E = cell without, granules. F. One hundred and twelve-cell stage with two primordial germ cells (u) and three en- toderm cells (E). G. Two hundred and forty-cell stage, u = pri- mordial germ cells. H. Appearance of ectosomes before cleavage spindle forms. /. Increased production of ectosomes due to car- bonic acid gas. (From Amma, 1911 .) (166) GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 167 An important departure from the usual method of origin of the "Ectosomen" is recorded for Diapto- mus cceruleus. Amma says concerning the process in this species that " whereas in other forms the Ecto- somen first appear during the stage of diakinesis of the first cleavage spindle, in this species they are already present before the pronuclei unite " (Fig. 49, H). The origin and nature of the Ectosomen are con- sidered by Amma at some length. The hypothesis that these granules arise by the splitting off of parti- cles of chromatin from the chromosomes as occurs in Ascaris is rejected (1) because in one species, Diap- tomus cceruleus (Fig. 49, H), the Ectosomen appear before the nuclear membrane breaks down in prepara- tion for the formation of the first cleavage spindle, and (2) because the Ectosomen do not stain as deeply as chromatin but only slightly darker than the cyto- plasm. The origin of the Aussenkornchen (Ectoso- men) from the nucleolus, as considered probable by eine Phasendifferenz, welche in immer starkeren Masse in den hoheren Furchungsteilungen zunimmt (Fig. 49, C). "5. Aus dem kb'rnchenfiihrenden Produkte der Kb'rnchenzelle des vierten Teilungsakts, der Stammzelle S, gehen, nachdem diese sich an dem f iinf ten Furchungsschritte nicht beteiligte, gegen Ende des sechsten, im LX — Zellenstadium, die beiden definitiven Urgeschlechtszellen her- vor ; bei dieser Teilung der /S-Zelle erscheinen die Ectosomen in ganzen Zellraume (Fig. 49, E, F). "6. In Ausnahmef alien beginnt die S-Zelle sich etwas friiher zu teilen, namlich schon wahrend des Ubergangs des XXX — zum LX — Zellen- stadium. "7. Die Urgeschlechtszellen verlieren den Verband mit dem Blasto- derm, sie werden allmahlich in die Tiefe gedrangt (Fig. 49, G)" (pp. 529-530). 168 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS Haecker (1897), could not be confirmed. The con- dition in Diaptomus coeruleus (Fig. 49, H) is also a serious objection to this theory. The Ectosomen are different from chromidia, since chromidia arise from the nucleus and no connection could be discovered between the Ectosomen and the nuclei. The hy- pothesis that they may represent chondriosomes is also rejected. Amma finally decides l that the Ectosomen repre- sent the " Endprodukte des Kern-Zelle-Stoff wechsels," in which case a greater amount of Ectosomen would be present if an egg were allowed to develop in car- bonic acid gas. The results of a number of experi- 1 " Aus dem ganzen Verlaufe der Kornchenentwicklung geht nun soviel mit Sicherheit hervor, dass man es bei den Ectosomen mit vergang- lichen Gebilden zu tun hat, denen keine weiteren Funktionen zukommen, die im Leben der Zelle nicht weiter verwendet werden. In den Prophasen der Kernteilung entstehen die Kb'rnchen zunachst als feine Tropfchen im Zellplasma; im weiteren Verlauf der Teilung erfahren sie dann noch eine Zunahme, bis sie ungefahr im Stadium des Dyasters ihre hb'chste Entwicklung erreicht haben. Von hier ab beginnt der regressive Prozess der Kornchen : sie fliessen zu grosseren, unformigen Klumpen zusammen, welche vom Zellplasma allmahlich vollstandig resorbiert und aufgelost werden. Bei der nachsten Teilung der Keimbahnzelle erscheinen dann die Ectosomen wieder von neuem. Um ein einf aches Unsichtborwerden wahrend der Zellenruhe, wie es. z. B. vom Centrosoma von vielen Forschern angenommen wird, kann es sich bei den Ectosomen nicht handeln, denn vielfach konnten ja neben den neuen, frisch entstandenen Ectosomen noch die Uberreste der Ectosomen der letzen Kornchenzelle nachgewiesen werden. Es erfolgt also bei jedem neuen Teilungsschritte tatsachlich eine Neubildung und Wieder auflosung der Kornchen. " Gestiitzt auf diese Tatsachen, mochte ich nun die Ansicht vertreten, dass die Ectosomen als Abscheidungen, Endprodukte des Kern-Zelle Staffwechsels aufzufassen sind, welche zu bestimmten Zeiten im Plasma der Zelle zur Abscheidung gelangen und wieder aufgelost werden" (p. 557). GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 169 merits with oxygen and carbonic acid gas indicate that a greater amount of Ectosomen occur when the egg is developed in the latter, as shown by Fig. 49, I, which is from an egg of Cyclops viridis placed one hour after deposition into carbonic acid gas for one hour. When various stains were used it was found that the Ectosomen became colored much like the cytoplasm. For example, when stained in methylene blue followed by eosin the chromosomes were blue and the Ectosomen and cytoplasm red, and when stained by the methyl green-f uchsin-orange G method of Heidenhain the chromosomes were green and the cytoplasm and Ectosomen red. Amma also attempts to explain the fact that the Ectosomen appear at only one end of the first cleav- age spindle and in only one of the cleavage cells until the two primordial germ cells are formed. He rejects the hypothesis Haecker advanced that the centrosomes possess an unequal influence upon the Ectosomen and that one centrosome attracts all of them because it is stronger than the other, and is inclined to favor the idea that the Ectosomen are the visible evidence of an organ-forming substance which is thus distinguished from the rest of the cytoplasm as ''Kornchenplasma." l Fuchs (1913) has confirmed for Cyclops viridis 1 Amma's statement is, " dass im Zellplasma des noch ungefurchten Copepodeneies ein vom ubrigen Eiplasma qualitativ verschiedenes Korn- chenplasma existiert, welches die organbildende Substanz, die Anlagesub- stanzfiir die Geschlechtsorgane darstellt" (p. 564). 170 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS many of Amma's results and has pointed out the similarities between the cell lineage of the COPEPODA and CLADOCERA. Kiihn (1913) has studied the keim- bahn in the summer egg of a cladoceron, Polyphemus pediculus, and has confirmed certain parts and cor- FIG. 50. — Polyphemus pediculus. A. Egg with three nurse cells. B. Egg at close of maturation, n = " Nahrzellenkern." C. Two- cell stage ; view of vegetative pole. D. Eight- to sixteen-cell stage. K = " keimbahnzelle." E. Sixteen- to thirty-cell stage, e = en- tod erm cell. F. Thirty- two-cell stage from vegetative pole. K — primordial germ cells ; e = entoderm cells. (From Kuhn, 1911, 1913.) rected other portions of the work done by earlier investigators — Grobben (1879), Samassa (1893), and Weismann and Ischikawa (1889). In this species usually one (but sometimes two or three) of the nurse cells (Fig. 50) pass into the egg before cleavage. This cell (or cells) becomes embedded near the periphery at the vegetative pole (Fig. 50, B, n). During each of the early cleavage divisions GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 171 this nurse cell is confined to one cell (Fig. 50, C—E) which gives rise during the third cleavage (8- to 16- cell stage) to the primordial germ cell, containing the remains of the nurse cell (Fig. 50, E, K), and to the primordial entoderm cell which does not receive any part of the nurse cell (Fig. 50, E, e). The pri- mordial germ cell and primordial entoderm cell do not divide as quickly as the other blastomeres during the succeeding cleavage stages — a fact that aids in their identification. While the egg is undergoing cleavage the nurse cell is gradually changing, so that when the sixteen-cell stage is reached it has become disintegrated into dark staining granules and frag- ments of various forms and sizes (Fig. 50, E) . Dur- ing the division of the " Keimbahnzelle " (from 16- 32-cell stage) these granules and fragments are about equally distributed between the daughter cells (Fig. 50, F). A similar distribution takes place in suc- ceeding divisions of the primordial germ cells, and this is accompanied by a further decrease in the size of the dark staining granules. A blastula of 236 cells is figured by Kiihn which shows at the vegeta- tive pole four primordial germ cells lying next to eight entoderm cells and bordered by twelve meso- derm cells. During gastrulation this group of twenty- four cells becomes surrounded by the ectoderm cells, and the primordial germ cells may then be recognized as the anlage of the reproductive organs. Kiihn discusses the origin and significance of the "Nahrzellenkern" and compares this body with similar bodies which have been found in the primor- 172 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS dial germ cells of other animals, but is unable to ar- rive at any final conclusion. In certain CLADOCERA and COPEPODA, as we have seen, there are visible substances within the cyto- plasm of the egg which become segregated in, and render distinguishable, the primordial germ cell. Some species belonging to these and other groups of CRUS- TACEA have been studied in which such a visible sub- stance peculiar to the primordial germ cell is absent. Samassa (1893) not only failed to find the pri- mordial germ cell during the cleavage stages of Moina rectirostris, but claims that the germ cells arise from four mesoderm cells. Kiihn (1908), from a study of the parthenogenetic generation of Daphnia pulex and Polyphemus pediculus, also derives the germ cells from the mesoderm. Vollmer (1912) could not distinguish the germ cells of Daphnia magna and D. pulex in the developing winter eggs until the blasto- derm was almost completed and Miiller-Cale (1913) could not find these cells in Cypris incongruens until the germ layers were fully formed. McClendon (1906a) has shown that in two parasitic copepods, Pandarus sinuatus and an unnamed species, the pri- mordial germ cell is established at the end of the fifth cleavage (32-cell stage) instead of at the end of the fourth as Haecker (1897) found in Cyclops. It is suggested that this delay may be due to the large amount of yolk present. The stem-cell from which it arises is, however, not made visibly different from the rest of the blastoderm by peculiar granules as is the case in Cyclops. GERM CELLS IN THE ARTHROPODA 173 Bigelow (1902) has described in Lepas anatifera and L. fascicularis certain stages which may bring the forms in which no early segregation of the germ cells has been discovered into line with the apparently more determinate species. In Lepas the yolk, which at first is evenly distributed within the egg, passes to the vegetative pole and becomes segregated in one of the first two cleavage cells (cd?). At the 16-cell stage the yolk lies within the single entoblast cell (d5-1), which occupies a position corresponding to that of the primordial germ cell in Moina. In this connection may be mentioned the fact that in many animals the germ cells are supposed to come from the entoderm and are characterized by the possession of much yolk. CHAPTER VI THE SEGREGATION OF THE GERM CELLS IN NEM- ATODES, SAGITTA, AND CERTAIN OTHER MET- AZOA 1. THE KEIMBAHN IN THE NEMATODA THE classical example of the keimbahn in animals is that of Ascaris megalocephala as described by Boveri (1887, 1892). The first cleavage division of the egg of Ascaris results in two daughter cells, each containing two long chromosomes (Fig. 51, A). In the second division the chromosomes of one cell divide normally and each daughter cell receives one half of each (Fig. 51, B, S). The chromosomes of the other cell behave differently; the thin middle portion of each breaks up into granules (Fig. 51, A) which split, half going to each daughter cell, but the swollen ends (Fig. 51, B, C) are cast off into the cyto- plasm. In the four-cell stage there are consequently two cells with the full amount of chromatin and two with a reduced amount. This inequality in the amount of chromatin results in different-sized nuclei (Fig. 51, C) ; those with entire chromosomes (S) are larger than those that have lost the swollen ends (C). In the third division one of the two cells with the two entire chromosomes loses the swollen ends of each ; the other (Fig. 51, D, S) retains its chromo- 174 GERM CELLS IN NEMATODES, SAGITTA 175 somes intact. A similar reduction in the amount of chromatin takes place in the fourth and fifth divi- sions and then ceases. The single cell in the 32-cell stage which contains the full amount of chromatin FIG. 51. — Ascaris. Stages in early cleavage showing the chromatin- diminution process in all cells except the stem cell (S). (From Boveri, 1892.) has a larger nucleus than the other thirty-one cells and gives rise to all of the germ cells, whereas the other cells are for the production of somatic cells only. The cell lineage of Ascaris is shown in the accompanying diagram (Fig. 52). 176 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS Meyer (1895) extended the study of chromatin- diminution to other species of Ascaris. In A. lum- bricoides no diminution takes place until the four- cell stage ; then three of the nuclei become deprived of part of their chromatin. A diminution of this 33 o o o o o o ;o: o oooo o FIG. 52. — Ascaris. Diagram showing segregation of primordial germ cell. E = egg ; PI, PZ, Pa = stem cells ; P* = primordial germ cell. Circles represent somatic cells. (From Boveri, 1910.) sort had been described by Boveri as a variation in the process observed in A. megalocephala. In A. rubicunda the differentiation of the cleavage cells seems to resemble A. megalocephala more than it does A. lumbricoides. Only late cleavage stages of A. labiata were obtained by Meyer, but there is GERM CELLS IN NEMATODES, SAGITTA 177 no doubt that a similar process occurs here. The general conclusion is reached that the cleavage cells of all ASCARID^E undergo a chromatin diminution. Bonnevie (1901), however, while able to confirm Meyer's results so far as A. lumbricoides is concerned, could discover no process of diminution in Strongylus paradoxus and Rhabdonema nigrovenosa. The elimination of chromatin from all of the somatic cells of Ascaris and not from the germ cells led to the conclusion that the germ-plasm must re- side in the chromatin of the nucleus. The more recent experimental investigations of Boveri (1910a, 19106), however, indicate that it is not the chromatin alone that determines the initiation of the diminu- tion process, but that the cytoplasm plays a very im- portant role. Dispermic eggs were found to segment so as to produce three types as follows : Type I, with one stem cell (P) and three primordial somatic cells (AE) ; Type II, with two stem cells and two primordial somatic cells ; and Type III with three stem cells and one primordial somatic cell. Fig. 53, B shows a cleavage stage of Type II. Here are represented two stem cells (P) with the com- plete amount of chromatin, both of which are pre- paring to divide to form the stem cells (P2) of the next generation. From the study of these dispermic eggs Boveri (1910) concludes1 that it is "die unrich- 1"Durch die simultane Vierteilung eines dispennen Ascaris-Eies entstehen (vielleicht mit ganz seltenen Ansnahmen) Zellen, welche die 178 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS tigen plasmatischen Qualitdten des sich entwickeln- den Zellenkomplexes " that cause the injurious re- sults of dispermy, and that if, of the three types of dispermic eggs described, the cells could be iso- lated in pairs, one AB-cell paired with one Pi-cell, FIG. 53. — Ascaris. A. Chromatin-diminution in a centrifuged egg. B. In a dispermic egg. (From Boveri, 1910.) an embryo, normal except in size, would result from each pair. Eggs that were strongly centrifuged cut off at the beginning of the first cleavage at the heavy pole a gleiche Wertigkeit besitzen, wie diejenigen, die durch Zweiteilung eines normal-befruchteten Eies gebildet werden, namlich die Wertigkeit AB oder PI. Es konnen drei Zellen die Qualitat AB besitzen oder zwei oder eine; dem jeweiligen Rest kommt die Qualitat PI zu. Schon beim Uebergang vom vierzelligen zum achtzelligen Stadium lasst sich aus der Teilungsrichtung mit sicherheit diagnostizieren, welche der vier primaren Blastomeren als AB, welche als Pi aufzufassen sind; und diese Wert- bestimmung wird durch die weiteren Schicksale der vier Zellfamilien in jeder Hinsicht bestatigt " (p. 157). GERM CELLS IN NEMATODES, SAGITTA 179 granular ball (Fig. 53, A, B). This phenomenon was reported by Hogue (1910) and such eggs were termed "Balleier." In these eggs the two cells of the four- cell stage which are adjacent to the "Ball" undergo the diminution process (Fig. 53, A, AB) ; the re- maining two are stem cells which give rise to the germ cells (Fig. 53, A, P). Thus there are two "Keimbahnen" proceeding side by side in a single egg and four primordial germ cells are produced in- stead of two as in normal eggs (see Fig. 51). Miss Hogue's experiments with centrifugal force led her to conclude that these must be an "unsichtbare Polaritat" or " Protoplasmaachse " in the egg of the Ascaris. Boveri agrees with this and considers further that the initiation of the diminution process is not determined by the chromatin but by the cytoplasm of the egg.1 2. THE KEIMBAHN IN SAGITTA Sagitta has proved to be of considerable impor- tance to those interested in the keimbahn of animals. Hertwig (1880) figures the four primitive germ cells in the gastrula and later stages, proving that these cells are early set aside in embryonic development. Recently the work of Elpatiewsky (1909, 1910) has 1 He states that, "Was aber auch hier durch weitere Untersuchungen noch erreicht werden mag, Eines halte ich fiir sicher, dass sich alles, was iiber die Wertigkeit der primaren Blastomeren bei abnormer Furchung ermittelt worden ist, durch die Annahme sehr einfacher Plasmadifferenzen erklaren lasst, wogegen die Hypothese einer differenzierenden Wirkung des Kerns in jeder Form auf imiiberwindliche Schwierigkeiten stosst " (p. 206). 180 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS given Sagitta a new importance, since this writer has found within the fertilized egg a cytoplasmic inclu- sion which is intimately associated with the segre- gation of the germ cells. The presence of this inclu- sion has been confirmed by Buchner (1910a, 19106) E F FIG. 54. — Sagitta. A. First appearance of the " besondere Korper" (&.fiO in the egg. B. Egg with germ nuclei fusing. X = " besondere Korper." C. Thirty- two-cell stage ; the primordial germ cell (<7) contains the "besondere Korper" (X). D. Two entoderm cells (E) and dividing primordial germ cell. E. Two primordial germ cells showing unequal distribution of "besondere Korper" (X). F. Di- vision of first two primordial germ cells ; one dividing more rapidly than the other. (From Elpatiewsky, 1909, 1910,} and Stevens (19106), and several ideas have been expressed regarding its origin, fate, and significance. Elpatiewsky (1909) found in Sagitta, at the time when the male and female nuclei were lying side by side in the middle of the egg, a body situated near GERM CELLS IN NEMATODES, SAGITTA 181 the periphery at the vegetative pole (Fig. 54, B, x). This body, which he called the "besondere Korper," consists at first of " grobkornigen " plasma which stains like chromatin but not so intensely ; later it condenses into a round homogeneous body with a sharp contour. During the first five cleavage divisions the "besondere Korper" is always confined to a single cell. At the completion of this fifth cleavage (32-cell stage), the blastomere containing this cytoplasmic inclusion is recognizable as the first "Urgeschlechtszelle" (Fig. 54, C, G) and its larger sister cell as the first " Urentodermzelle " (Fig. 54, C, E). The primordial germ cell is the last to divide during the sixth cleavage and the "besondere Kor- per" does not, as before, pass entire into one of the daughter cells, but breaks up into a number of pieces, part of which are included in each of the two daughter cells (Fig. 54, Z>, X). One of these daughter cells apparently acquires more of the "besondere Korper" than the other. This division appears to Elpatiew- sky to be differential, separating the primordial oogonium from the primordial spermatogonium, the latter being the cell which receives the larger portion of the "besondere Korper" and which during the next (seventh) division is slightly delayed (Fig. 54, F) . Subsequent to the seventh cleavage the remains of the "besondere Korper" become pale and grad- ually disappear, apparently dissolving, and in the four germ cells resulting from the next division only occasionally can stained granules from this body be distinguished. 182 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS Buchner (1910a, 19106) had no difficulty in find- ing the "besondere Korper" of Elpatiewsky and in tracing it during the cleavage stages. He claims that it originates from the "accessory fertilization cell" described by Stevens (1904) as degenerating after the egg breaks away from the oviduct wall, and that it is chromidial in nature and should therefore be called "Keimbahnchromidien." Stevens (1910), however, has carefully examined abundant material from Sagitta elegans and S. bipunctata, and no connec- tion between the "accessory fertilization cell" and the "besondere Korper" could be traced, the latter appearing for the first time at the stage when the egg and sperm nuclei lie side by side in the middle of the egg, thus confirming Elpatiewsky's conclusions. She admits the possibility of the origin of the "be- sondere Korper" from granules of the accessory fertilization cell, provided this material loses its stain- ing capacity for a period, and suggests also that the granules of chromatin-like material extruded from the nucleus of the egg during maturation may take part in its formation. Miss Stevens also believes with Elpatiewsky that the "besondere Korper" divides unequally between the two daughter cells of the primordial germ cell and that this is a differential division. She was unable, however, to detect any constant difference between either the cytoplasm or the nuclei of oogonia and spermatogonia. It is worthy of mention that Elpatiewsky (1910) believes that the "besondere Korper" may originate "aus dem achromatischen Kernkorper." GERM CELLS IN NEMATODES, SAGITTA 18S 3. THE KEIMBAHN IN OTHER METAZOA Certain phenomena have been reported in the early development of the eggs of many other animals which have either been compared or can be compared with conditions such as we have described in the preceding portions of this book. The large nucleolus in the germinal vesicle of the medusa, Mquorea forskalea (Fig. 55, A), according to Haecker (1892), disappears from the germinal vesicle about half an hour after the egg is laid, and a similar body becomes evident near the egg nucleus which has in the meantime become smaller (Fig. 55, B). These two bodies are considered by Haecker to be identical, and the term "Metanucleolus" has been applied to them. The metanucleolus is, in each division up to the sixty-four cell stage, segregated intact in one cell. Its further history was not traced, but in the blastula (Fig. 55, D) when the cells at the posterior pole begin to differentiate, nucleolar- like bodies appear in some of them which are absent from the undifferentiated blastula elements. These may be the descendants of the metanucleolus. A body similar to the metanucleolus was also dis- covered by Haecker near the copulating germ nuclei in the egg of Amelia aurita, but its history could not be determined because of the large amount of yolk present. Haecker identifies the metanucleolus of JEquorea with the spherical body described by Metch- nikoff (1886) near the egg nucleus of Mitrocoma annas, and considered by him as a sperm nucleus. 184 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS A similar interpretation is given by Haecker for the cytoplasmic inclusion ("Spermakern") found by Boveri (1890) in Tiara. Similarly the "Kleinkern" which Chun (1891) discovered in the egg cells of Ste- phanophyes su- perba, and the bodies described by Hertwig (1878) near the matura- tion spindles of Mytilus and Sa- gitta, resemble very closely the metanucleolus of JEquorea. Furthermore, the metanucleolus is considered by Haecker homolo- gous to the "Par- acopulationszelle " described by Weis- mann and Ischi- ka wa in the winter eggs of certain DAPHNIM:, and in both cases it is considered prob- able that these peculiar bodies are restricted to the "Keimbahnzellen" of the embryo. FIG. 55. — A-D. Stages in formation of blastula of ^Equorea forskalea showing seg- regation of metanucleolus. (From Haecker, 1892.) E. Oocyte of the cat containing the "corps enigmatique" (c.e). (From Vander Stricht, 1911) GERM CELLS IN NEMATODES, SAGITTA 185 In the eggs of Myzostoma, Wheeler (1897) found that the nucleolus of the germinal vesicle does not dissolve soon after it is cast out into the cytoplasm during the formation of the first maturation spindle, but remains visible at least until the eight-cell stage, at which time it lies in the large posterior macromere, a cell which "very probably gives rise to the entoderm of the embryo." Later embryonic stages were not studied. According to Wheeler "the nucleoli are relegated to the entoderm cells as the place where they would be least liable to interfere in the further course of development and where they may perhaps be utilized as food material after their disintegra- tion " (p. 49). McClendon (19066) has likewise described a body embedded in the cytoplasm of the egg of Myzostoma clarki which he derives from the "accessory cells" which, as Wheeler (1896) has shown, attach them- selves to either pole of the oocytes. These "acces- sory" cells are really the "Nahrzellen" of other authors. The cleavage of the egg was not studied. Buchner (19106) suggests that this body described by McClendon and the "nucleolus" of Wheeler are identical and that through them the keimbahn may be determined. Granules of various sorts have been noted in the eggs of various animals which are segregated in par- ticular blastomeres and may have some relation to the keimbahn. For example, among the mollusks, Blockmann (1881) has described the appearance of a group of granules in the early cleavage cells of 186 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS Neritina which finally reach the velar cells. It is also probable that Fol (1880) observed similar gran- ules in the 16-cell stage of Planorbis. In the same category, no doubt, belong the bodies figured by Fujita (1904) in the 4-cell to the 16-cell stages of Siphonaria lying at the vegetative pole, and the "Ectosomen" described and figured by Wierzejski (1906) in Physa. These granules appear at the vege- tal pole in the blastomeres of Physa during the second cleavage ; are at first embedded in the ento- derm mother cells, but finally become localized in the ectoderm cells. They periodically appear and disappear, and may, as suggested by Wierzejski, represent only "eine besondere Erscheinung des Stoffwechsels" (p. 536). Similarly in the rotifer, Asplanchna, Jennings (1896) has traced a "cloud of granules" from the eight-cell stage until the seventh cleavage, when this mass forms part of the smaller entodermal cell. In Lepas there has also been recorded (Bigelow, 1902) a segre- gation of granules in one blastomere. Many other substances granular in form have been described in the eggs of animals, some of them at least having migrated there from the somatic tissue. Blockmann (1887) discovered a number of bacteria-like rods in the undeveloped eggs of Blatta germanica; these rods multiplied by division and were considered sym- biotic bacteria. " Bacterienartige Stabchen" were also noted by Heymons (1895) in the eggs of Peri- planata orientalis and Ectobia livida; these sink into the yolk and disappear. More recently a report of GERM CELLS IN NEMATODES, SAGITTA 187 Buchner (1912) indicates that these bodies are really organisms which seem to be symbiotic and not para- sitic, although it remains to be proved what advan- tage the host receives from their presence. Of a similar sort are the Zooxanthellse which Mangan (1909) has shown enter the developing ovum from the parental tissues. All of these organisms become in some way embedded in the germ cells, but so far as we know never serve to distinguish the keimbahn, although a more selective distribution within the developing animal would obviously be greatly to their advantage. Vander Stricht (1911) has compared the "beson- dere Korper" found by Elpatiewsky (1909, 1910) in the egg of Sagitta with several bodies, the "corps enigmatique," which he discovered in the oocyte of the cat (Fig. 55, E). One or two of these " corps enigmatique" are present in the young oocyte originating from a few (one to five) cytoplasmic safranophile granules which are visible at the begin- ning of the growth period. They at first lie near the nucleus, but as the size of the oocyte increases they become situated near the periphery. Usually three parts can be recognized in the "corps enigmatique" : "granulation centrole, couche intermediaire et couche corticale foncee." As the term applied to them indi- cates, the functions of these bodies were not deter- mined. The following suggestion is, however, made : "il est possible que cet element nous montre, des 1'origine, la * Keimbahn' ainsi que les premieres cellules genitales constitutes." A body stained 188 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS deeply by nuclear dyes which was found by O. Van der Stricht (1909) in the bat at the time of the first cleavage mitosis may be similar to the "corps enig- matique" of the cat. In many animals no keimbahn-determinants nor similar bodies have as yet been discovered. The best we can do in cases of this sort is to determine from what cleavage cell or cells the germinal epithelium probably originates. For example, in Arenicola, Lillie (1905) has shown that the part of the perito- neum from which the germ cells arise develops from teloblast cells which are probably derived (Child, 1900) from cell 4td. At present, however, no charac- teristics have been discovered which enable us to distinguish between the germ cells and the somatic cells in the early embryonic stages of such animals (Downing, 1911). CHAPTER VII THE GERM CELLS OF HERMAPHRODITIC ANIMALS MANY of the most interesting biological problems are those connected with the phenomenon of sex. The term "sex" is applied to the soma or body of an organism ; it indicates the presence of certain mor- phological and physiological characteristics, which may be separated into primary and secondary sexual characters. The primary sexual characters are those immediately connected with the reproductive organs ; the secondary sexual characters, such as the beard of man, the brilliant feathers and beautiful songs of many male birds, and the antlers of the moose, repre- sent differences between male and female individuals not directly concerned with the production of germ cells. It is customary to speak of male germ cells and female germ cells ; this is not strictly proper, since in only a few special cases can we predict the sex of the individual which will develop from an egg. Moreover, every germ cell must contain the poten- tiality of both sexes since sooner or later its descend- ants will give rise, some to male, some to female or perhaps to hermaphroditic offspring. Thus the egg is an initial hermaphrodite; it may or may not be- come an eventual hermaphrodite according to the sex- ual condition of the individual to which it gives rise. 189 190 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS All the species of METAZOA may be separated into two groups. The individuals in one group of species FIG. 56. — Diagram of the reproductive organs of the earthworm, dorsal view. A, Bt C, seminal vesicles ; N, nerve-cord ; 0, ovary ; OD, ovi- duct ; R, egg sac ; S, spermatheca ; SF, seminal funnel ; T, testes ; VD, vas deferens. (From Marshall and Hurst.) possess only one sort of reproductive organs (male or female) and produce only one sort of germ cells (eggs or spermatozoa) ; these species are said to be dioa- GERM CELLS OF HERMAPHRODITES 191 cious or gonochoristic. In the other group both male and female reproductive organs occur in each individual ; and such species are called monoecious or hermaphroditic. The majority of animals are gonochoristic, but a number of classes and orders consist almost entirely of hermaphroditic species, and probably no large group of animals is free from species which are monoecious. A study of hermaph- roditism is necessary for the elucidation of many biological problems; and some of those dealing more directly with the germ-cell cycle will be con- sidered in this chapter. There are many variations in the morphology of the reproductive organs in hermaphrodites. In some, such as the earthworm (Fig. 56), the male and female organs, consisting of all the parts typically present in gonochoristic animals, are present and entirely separate from each other. All gradations between such a state and an intimate association of male and female germ cells are known. Perhaps the most interesting series occurs among the mollusks. Here the germ gland may consist of two regions, as in Pecten maximus, one of which gives rise to ova, the other to spermatozoa ; or certain cysts may contain only female germ cells and other cysts only male germ cells, or both sorts of germ cells may occur in a single cyst. Hermaphroditism has been shown to be prevalent among animals that are parasitic or sedentary, or for some other reason may become isolated from their fellows. Thus, it is of advantage for a parasite, such 192 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS as the tapeworm, to be able to form both male and female germ cells, since it may at any time become the only one of its species to occupy the alimentary canal of a host. Hermaphroditism in such a case, however, is of no benefit if self-fertilization is not possible. Although there are thousands of hermaphroditic species of animals there are comparatively few whose eggs are known to be fertilized by spermatozoa from the same individual. We must therefore distinguish between morphological and physiological hermaphro- ditism and recognize the fact that the former condi- tion is much more prevalent than the latter. Among the species in which self-fertilization normally occurs are certain rhabdoccels, digenetic trematodes, ces- todes, ascidians, and mollusks. Van Baer, in 1835, claims to have observed self -copulation in the snail, Lymncea auricularia; that is, an individual with its penis inserted in its own female opening. That species of this genus fertilize their own eggs has frequently been stated by investigators. Frequently the spermatozoa of an hermaphrodite are capable of fertilizing the eggs of the same individual, but penetrate more readily the eggs of other individ- uals. Such is the case in the ascidian, dona in- testinalis (Castle, 1896; Morgan, 1905). Both sorts of germ cells are seldom produced at the same time by hermaphrodites. Those species in which spermatozoa mature first are called protan- dric ; this is the usual condition. In a few cases eggs are formed first and later spermatozoa; in- dividuals in which this occurs are called protogynic. GERM CELLS OF HERMAPHRODITES 193 Proterogyny has been described in certain ascidians (Salpa), pulmonate gasteropods, and corals. That hermaphrodites are not sexless but really animals with double sex is well shown by the life history of a worm, Myzostoma pulminar, which passes through a short male stage during which spermatozoa are produced, then a stage when no functional germ cells are formed, and finally a female stage, characterized by the development of eggs (Wheeler, 1896). Thus, in this species, although hermaphroditic, there is no functional hermaphroditic stage. All variations be- tween this entire separation of the periods of germ- cell development and the simultaneous production of male and female germ cells have been recorded. Some degree of protandry has been observed among the sponges, ccelenterates, flatworms, segmented round-worms, mollusks, echinoderms, Crustacea, and chordates. Hermaphroditism may occur in only a few families, genera, or species in a class. This is true, for example, among the anthropods and vertebrates. Normally the insects are called dioecious, but among bees, ants, and butterflies, and more rarely other groups, individ- uals appear which exhibit male characters on one side of the body and female characters on the other, or the anterior part may be male, the posterior female, etc. (von Siebolt, 1864 ; Schultze, 1903 ; Morgan, 1907, 1913). Such a phenomenon is known as gynan- dromorphism. Several hypotheses have been pro- posed to account for this condition. Boveri has suggested that if the egg nucleus should chance to 194 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS divide before the sperm nucleus fuses with it, the latter may unite with one of the daughter nuclei of the egg nucleus ; this cell with this double nucleus might then produce female structures, whereas the other cell with only a single nucleus representing one- half of the egg nucleus might give rise to male char- acters. Morgan has proposed another theory which is based on the fact that more than one spermatozoon is known to penetrate the eggs of insects. If one of these supernumerary spermatozoa should chance to divide, it might result in the formation of male structures, whereas the cells containing descendants of the egg nucleus fused with another sperm nucleus would exhibit female characteristics. There is some evidence that true hermaphroditism may exist among insects, at least during their embry- onic and larval stages. Thus Heymons (1890) has described in a young larva of the cockroach, Phyllo- dromia germanica, what appear to be rudimentary egg- tubes, and in another larva eggs were found in the testes which resembled those present in the egg- tubes of female larvae of the same size (1 mm. in length). More recently, Schonemund (1912) has reported the presence of egg-tubes attached to the anterior end of the testes of stone-fly nymphs (Perla marginata) . True hermaphroditism is rare in man and other mammals, but several cases have been described in the pig by Sauerbeck (1909) and Pick (1914), and in man by Simon (1903), Uffreduzzi (1910), Gudernatsch (1911), and Pick (1914). GERM CELLS OF HERMAPHRODITES 195 One of the problems connected with hermaphrodit- ism that has caused a great amount of discussion is whether the dioecious or the monoecious condition is the more primitive. The majority of zoologists are inclined to consider the hermaphroditic condition more primitive, but a number of careful investigators have decided in favor of gonochorism. Among these are Delage (1884), F. Muller (1885), Pelseener (1894), Montgomery (1895, 1906), and Caullery (1913). Very little is known regarding the segregation and early history of the germ cells of hermaphrodites. The principal results have been obtained from studies on Sagitta by Elpatiewsky (1909), Stevens (19106), and Buchner (1910a, 19106), and on Helix by Ancel (1903), Buresch (1911), and Demoll (1912). Boveri (1911), Schleip (1911), and Kruger (1912) have made some interesting discoveries on the chromosome cycle in nematodes, and likewise Zarnik (1911) on pteropod mollusks. To this list we may add such investigations as those of King (1910), Kuschake- witsch (1910), and Champy (1913), on amphibians. The segregation of the germ cells in Sagitta was described and figured in Chapter VI (Fig. 54) . Here the first division of the primordial germ cell is probably differential ; one daughter cell becomes the ancestor of all the ova, the other of all the spermatozoa in the hermaphroditic adult. None of the three investi- gators who have studied this subject in Sagitta have been able to discover with certainty any visible differ- ences between the first two germ cells, but Elpatiew- sky thinks the peculiar cytoplasmic inclusion, called 196 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS by him the "besondere Korper," may be unequally distributed between these cells, and that the one which procures the larger portion is the progenitor of the spermatozoa, the other of the ova. The evi- dence for this view is, however, insufficient. In Helix both eggs and spermatozoa originate in every acinus of the ovo-testis ; it is therefore an ex- cellent species for the study of the differentiation of the sex cells. According to Ancel (1903) the anlage of the hermaphroditic gland of Helix pomatia appears a few hours before the larva hatches ; it consists of a group of cells situated in the midst of the mesoderm, from which germ layer it seems to originate. It soon loses its rounded form and becomes elongate ; then a lumen appears within it, thus changing it into a vesicle whose wall consists of a single layer of cells — a true germinal epithelium. Secondary, tertiary, etc., vesicles bud off from the single original vesicle, forming the acini of the fully developed gland. Cel- lular differentiation takes place by the transformation of the germinal epithelial cells into male, nurse, and female elements. An indifferent epithelial cell is shown in Fig. 57, A ; the chromatin granules are con- densed to form irregular clumps. Some of these indifferent epithelial cells increase in size and give rise to indifferent progerminative cells ; the chroma- tin clumps fuse, forming more or less spherical masses (Fig. 57, E). From cells of this sort originate both the oogonia and spermatogonia. The progermina- tive male cell passes through the stages shown in Fig. 57, B-D ; part of the chromatin of the progermi- GERM CELLS OF HERMAPHRODITES 197 native cell loses its affinity for nuclear dyes; the chromatin masses become less numerous and more nearly spherical ; and the entire cell increases in size, the nucleus growing much more than the cytoplasm. These progerminative male cells divide mitotically FIG. 57. — Helix pomatia. Stages in differentiation of male and female sex cells from indifferent cells. A. Epithelial indifferent cell. E. Progermiiiative indifferent cell. B-D. Stages in transformation of progerminative cell into a spermatogonium. F—G. Stages in transformation of progerminative cell into an oocyte. (From Ancel, 1903.) and then pass into the lumen of the acinus, where they may be recognized as spermatogonia of the first order. After the spermatogonia have passed into the lumen of the acinus the wall is seen to consist of two groups of cells ; those of one group are central and in contact with the spermatogonia, the others are periph- 198 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS eral. The centrally situated cells now increase in size ; but their nuclei retain the original condition ; that is, the chromatin is present in irregular clumps. These are nurse cells. After the nurse cells have formed, certain of the peripheral cells increase in volume and pass through an indifferent progermina- tive stage (Fig. 57, E). Then they transform into female progerminative cells, as shown in Fig. 57, F, G. The chromatin clumps break up and become oriented near the nuclear membrane, where they form a layer of more or less rounded bodies bearing chromatic filaments. In the meantime, both nucleus and cyto- plasm increase in amount, especially the cytoplasm. This (Fig. 57, G) represents an oocyte, which does not divide before maturation. Ancel concludes from these observations that there are three successive periods of cellular differentiation in the hermaphroditic gland of Helix: (1) the ap- pearance of spermatogonia, (2) nurse cells, and (3) oocytes. Both spermatogonia and oocytes pass through the indifferent progerminative-cell stage, but the nurse cells do not ; there are therefore two sorts of differentiation of the indifferent epithelial cells. Regarding the cyto-sexual determination, the follow- ing hypothesis is advanced : A progerminative in- different cell becomes a male or female element according to its environment at the time of its trans- formation ; if it appears before the nurse cells are formed it becomes a spermatogonium ; if nurse cells are already present it grows into an oocyte. The discovery of certain individuals containing only male GERM CELLS OF HERMAPHRODITES 199 elements is explained by Ancel by supposing the transformation of the cells into sex cells to cease FIG. 58. — Helix arbustorum. Stages in the differentiation of male and female sex cells. A. Nucleus of germinal epithelium. B. Nucleus of nurse cell. C. Nucleus of indifferent sex cell. D. Spermatogo- nium of first order. E. Spermatogonium of second order. F. Grow- ing oocyte. (From Buresch, 1911.) before nurse cells are formed; thus all the sex cells would become spermatogonia. More recently Buresch (1911) has repeated the 200 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS work of Ancel, using Helix arbustorum for his material. He confirms many of Ancel's results, objects to others, and adds certain new observations. The germinal epithelium is considered by Buresch to be a syncy- tium containing both in young and old specimens three sorts of cells, indifferent cells, egg cells, and nurse cells. Likewise spermatogonia are present not only in young but also in fully developed her- maphroditic glands. This is contrary to Ancel's idea of successive transformation. Buresch' s view is indicated in Fig. 59. Here the vertical row of circles represents the nuclei of the syncytial germinal epithe- lium, some of which, as at ra, change to indifferent germ cells. These may pass into the lumen of the acinus as spermatogonia of the first order (Sg. I) and divide to form spermatogonia of the second order (Sg. II) which grow into spermatocytes (Sc) ; sper- matozoa are derived from these in the usual manner. Other indifferent germ cells remain in the wall, as at w, and grow into oocytes, and a third class of cells become nurse cells (n). In Fig. 58, A is shown a nucleus of the germinal epithelium about 4 microns by 6 microns in size. During differentiation into an indifferent germ cell (Fig. 58, (7) the chromatin forms a nucleolus, and both nucleus and nucleolus increase in size until the former reaches a diameter of about 7 microns. Those indifferent germ cells that are to produce spermatozoa separate from the epithelium with a small amount of cytoplasm and fall into the lumen of the acinus as spermatogonia of the first order (Fig. 58, D). These divide to form spermato- GERM CELLS OF HERMAPHRODITES 201 FIG. 59. — Helix arbustorum. Diagram showing row of germinal epithe- lial cells some of which, as at m, become spermatogonia and drop into lumen of germ gland ; others become nurse cells (n) ; and still others oocytes (w). Sgl = spermatogonium of first order; Sgll = spermatogonium of second order ; Sc = spermatocyte ; St = sperma- tid ; Sp = spermatozoa. (From Buresch, 1911.) 202 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS gonia of the second order (Fig. 5$, E). Those in- different germ cells that are to form oocytes grow large, remain in the germinal epithelium, and do not divide. They possess a double nucleolus (Fig. 58, F). When a diameter of 36 microns is attained, the oocyte passes out of the hermaphroditic gland into the uterus. The nurse cells, like the oocytes, remain in the wall and do not divide ; their nuclei grow to be about 15 microns in diameter and the chromatin forms irregu- lar clumps more or less evenly distributed (Fig. 48, B) . No differences could be discovered in the indifferent germ cells by means of which the future history of these cells could be determined. It was noted, how- ever, that egg cells were never present without a neighboring nurse cell, and the conclusion was reached that a favorable position with regard to a nurse cell determines whether an indifferent germ cell shall develop into a spermatogonium or an egg. If Buresch's observations are correct, Helix is not protandric, but both sorts of germ cells mature at the same time, and the fate of an indifferent germ cell depends upon nutrition, that is, its proximity to a nurse cell. Demoll (1912&) has proposed a new hypothesis regarding sex determination and has selected certain events in the oogenesis and spermatogenesis of Helix pomatia as arguments in its favor. The hypothesis is that the accessory chromosome (see Chapter IX) contains the anlagen of the male sexual characters, whereas the female sexual characters are localized GERM CELLS OF HERMAPHRODITES 203 in the autosomes. In Helix the oogonia and sperma- togonia arise from cells that are similar in size and constitution (Fig. 60, A). When the germ-cell nuclei reach the bouquet stage, a Nebenkern appears near the side against which the chromatin threads FIG. 60. — Helix pomatia. Stages in the differentiation of male and female sex cells. A. Young oocyte. B. Later stage of oocyte showing faint Nebenkern. C. Young spermatocyte. D. Later stage of spermatocyte showing well-marked Nebenkern. E. Still later stage of spermatocyte containing Nebenkern consisting of banana-shaped rods. (From Demoll, 1912.) become packed. This Nebenkern is probably a product of the nucleus; it appears in the female cell only as a slightly darker area of cytoplasm (Fig. 60, B) but in the male cell is more dense (D), later consisting of a number of darkly staining banana- shaped pieces (E). With the appearance of the Nebenkern the specific growth of the female cells 204 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS is initiated. The Nebenkern disappears in the oocyte soon after the yolk begins to form. The chromatin threads in the spermatocytes break down and lose their affinity for dyes, but later reappear. In the oocyte, on the contrary, the chromatin threads persist. Demoll concludes from these observations that the Nebenkern always determines the character of the germ cells, which, up to its formation, may be called indifferent germ cells. He further concludes, that, since in dioecious animals sex is determined by the accessory chromosomes, in Helix the sexual specificity of the Nebenkern must be determined by the accessory chromosomes. Such chromosomes were described by Demoll (1912a) in a previous contribution. A similar idea has been expressed by von Voss (1914) regarding the differentiation of indifferent germ cells in a flat-worm, Mesostoma ehrenbergi. In the embryo of this hermaphrodite the germ gland is a syncytium containing both the nuclei of future oogonia and future spermatogonia. The cytoplasm is apparently homogeneous throughout. The forma- tion of the oogonia from indifferent germ cells begins with the appearance of a "germinal- vesicle stage"; this is followed by an increase in the amount of cytoplasm surrounding them. Since the cytoplasm appears to be similar in all parts of the syncytium, differentiation must be initiated by the nucleus, and the suggestion is made that perhaps the accessory chromosome may be responsible for the separation of the germ cells into oogonia and spermatogonia. GERM CELLS OF HERMAPHRODITES 205 The investigators whose results have been de- scribed above have thus furnished three theories re- garding the differentiation of male and female germ cells in hermaphrodites : (1) In Sagitta, according to Elpatiewsky, it is an unequal distribution of the "besondere Korper," (2) in Helix, according to Ancel and Buresch, it is due to the presence or absence of a nurse cell in the immediate neighborhood, and (3) in Helix, Demoll considers it a result of the influence of the accessory chromosome. It is perfectly obvious that hermaphrodites offer exceptionally fine material for the study of the differentiation of germ cells, but that thus far the results have not furnished an ade- quate explanation of the phenomenon. The investi- gations of Boveri (1911), Schleip (1911), and Krueger (1912) on the chromosomes in hermaphroditic nema- todes may be discussed more profitably during the consideration of the chromosome cycle in the next chapter. Certain morphological and experimental studies on the germ glands of amphibians are of interest be- cause both oogonia and spermatogonia are sometimes more or less closely associated in a single individual during the developmental stages, and may persist even in the adult germ glands of a number of species which are commonly considered dioecious. Pfluger, for example, was able to separate the young of the frog, Rana temporaries, into three groups, males, fe- males, and hermaphrodites ; the hermaphrodites developed into either males or females. Similar results were obtained by Schmidt-Marcel (1908) 206 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS and Kuschakewitsch (1910), who refer to the her- maphroditic individuals as intermediates. There is no consensus of opinion regarding the origin of the germ cells in amphibians ; one group of investigators, including Allen (1907) and King (1908), recognize a definite keimbahn, whereas many others (Semon, 1891; Bouin, 1900; Dustin, 1907; Kuschakewitsch, 1910 ; Champy, 1913) believe they arise from the germinal epithelium or near-by cells. Very few students have attempted to determine the stages in or causes of the differentiation of male and female cells from the primordial germ cells. Kuscha- kewitsch (1910) concludes from his extensive studies on the history of the germ cells in frogs that at first all of the germ cells are indifferent but subsequently become differentiated in two directions. Champy (1913) has studied this differentiation in a number of amphibians and has concluded that if the charac- teristically lobed or polymorphic nuclei of the pri- mordial germ cells in Bufo, Hyla, and Rana temporaria lose their original shape and become spherical and clear, the germ gland will form an ovary ; but if the nuclei retain their primitive condition, a testis will result. Champy believes with Kuschakewitsch that both sorts of germ cells arise from sexually indifferent cells, that is, sex is not irrevocably fixed in the fer- tilized egg. Furthermore Champy's observations have led to the conclusion that the germ cells in the sexually indifferent germ glands are morphologically identical with primitive spermatogonia. These in- different germ cells become differentiated into ova GERM CELLS OF HERMAPHRODITES 207 or spermatozoa as a result of various causes, some general and others local in nature, which probably are most influential at certain definite stages in the cellular activity. A new equilibrium is thereby es- tablished between the different cell organs which initiates new processes resulting in differentiation. The undifferentiated cells in the testis of the adult appear also to be identical with the primitive sper- matogonia, and have still the power of producing either ova or spermatozoa. Thus the male amphib- ians are also females "en puissance," but the re- verse is not true. This accounts for the numerous discoveries of ova in the testes of these animals. Reports of so-called hermaphroditism in amphib- ians are abundant in the literature. Cases have been reported in frogs by Cole (1895), Friedmann (1898), Gerhartz (1905), Ognew (1906), Yung (1907), Schmidt-Marcel (1908), Youngman (1910), Hooker (1912), and many others. Hooker has re- viewed the literature of the subject. Hermaphrodit- ism in other amphibians is more rare, but it has been noted in salamanders by La Vallett St. George (1895) and Feistmantel (1902). Usually the condi- tion spoken of as hermaphroditism consists in the presence of ova in the testis, and it is probable that true hermaphroditism is rare in these animals as it is in other vertebrates. In the toad, however, a condition exists which is of particular interest. The genital ridge of every toad tadpole 15 to 18 days old becomes visibly differentiated into two regions, an an- terior portion which develops into Bidder's Organ, and 208 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS a posterior region which becomes an ovary or testis. Bidder's Organ persists in the adult of males, where it lies just anterior to the testis, but in the females of Bufo variabilis, B. cinereus, B. clamita, and B. lentiginosus it disappears at the end of the second year. Bufo vulgaris seems to differ from the other species since here Bidder's Organ persists, becom- ing small and shrunken during the winter (Ognew, 1906) and regenerating during the summer months (Knappe, 1886). At first the cells in both the anterior and posterior portions of the genital ridge are similar, all possessing a polymorphic nucleus, and dividing mitotically, but later those of Bidder's Organ begin to divide amitotically and assume the characteristics of young oocytes with rounded nuclei. Knappe (1886) claims that these cells never become functional ova because they are unable to form yolk. King (1908), however, does not consider this prob- able, but traces their differentiation to irregularities in the synizesis stage. By most investigators Bidder's Organ is regarded as a rudimentary ovary. Others believe that the AMPHIBIA were derived from hermaphroditic ances- tors and that in the male it is a rudimentary ovary and in the female a rudimentary testis. This seems more probable than Marshall's suggestion that this organ is the result of degenerative processes proceed- ing backward from the anterior end of the genital ridge, or than that it represents the remains of a sex gland possessed by the larvae of ancestral toads when they were psedogenetic, as Axolotl is at the GERM CELLS OF HERMAPHRODITES 209 present time. Champy (1913) has found that the cells of Bidder's Organ in Bufo pantherina pass through stages in their transformation similar to those of the primitive germ cells of Rana esculenta which become ova, and is inclined to the view that the principal difference between the toad and the intermediate type of young frogs lies in the fact that in the former the oviform cells are localized in Bidder's Organ, whereas in the frog they are scattered throughout the germ gland. The development of the germ glands in the hag- fish, Myxine glutinosa, resembles that in the toad in many respects. Cunningham (1886) and Nansen (1886) considered Myxine to be a protandric her- maphrodite. Schreiner (1904), however, was able to show that every adult is functionally male or female with a rudimentary ovary anteriorly situated and a posterior, mature testis, or a functional ovary ante- rior to a rudimentary testis. These results were con- firmed by Cole (1905). Similar conditions have been found by Okkelberg (1914) in the young of the brook lamprey, Ento- sphenus wilderi. Of fifty larvae ranging from 7j cm. to 20 cm. in length, 46 per cent were true females, 10 per cent were true males, and 44 per cent were hermaphrodites. Since male and female adults are approximately equal in numbers, it was concluded that the juvenile hermaphrodites become adult males. In favor of this conclusion is also the fact that the adult males frequently possess ova in their gonads which resemble those present in the her- maphroditic larvae. 210 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS Regarding the differentiation of the germ cells in hermaphrodites then we may recognize two principal views : (1) that there is some material within the cell which initiates specialization, or (2) that differ- entiation is due to general or local causes outside of the germ cells. The former is favored by Elpatiew- sky (1909, 1910) from studies on Sagitta and by Demoll (1912) from studies on Helix. The second view is more widely advocated. The conclusions derived by Kuschakewitsch (1910) and Champy (1913) on amphibians, and of Ancel (1903) and Buresch (1911) on Helix agree in their essential fea- tures. All of these investigators maintain that the sex cells pass through an indifferent stage and are differentiated into oocytes or spermatocytes because of influences external to themselves. Buresch and Champy also believe that even in the fully developed germ glands of the adult these primitive cells are present. The causes of their differentiation, how- ever, have not been definitely determined. CHAPTER VIII KEIMBAHN-DETERMINANTS AND THEIR SIG- NIFICANCE IT is customary to be suspicious of any peculiar bodies revealed to us in fixed and stained material under high magnification. There can be no doubt, however, that most, if not all, of the cytoplasmic inclusions mentioned in the preceding chapters are realities and not artifacts. Some of them have been seen in the living eggs ; most of them have been de- scribed by several investigators ; they occur after being fixed and stained in many different solutions ; and their presence is perfectly constant. The genesis, localization, and fate of these bodies are difficult to determine, and their significance is prob- lematical ; but the writer has attempted in the follow- ing pages to draw at least tentative conclusions from the evidence available and to indicate what still needs to be done. A. THE GENESIS OF THE KEIMBAHN-DETERMINANTS The writers who have discussed the origin of the keimbahn-determinants have derived them from many different sources. In a few cases they are known to be nuclear in origin, consisting of nucleolar or chro- matic materials ; they are considered differentiated 211 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS parts of the cytoplasm by some investigators; in some species they are extra-cellular bodies, such as nurse cells. The accompanying table indicates the number and diversity of the animals in which keimbahn-determi- nants have been described, and shows the increasing interest that has been given to this subject within re- cent years, over half of the papers listed having been published since 1908. Several cases have been re- ferred to in the text, but omitted from the table be- cause of insufficient evidence regarding their connec- tion with the primordial germ cells. The list as given includes representatives of the CCELENTERATA, CELETOGNATHA, NEMATODA, ARTHROPODA, and VER- TEBRATA. The terms applied to the various sub- stances have been chosen evidently because of their genesis, position in the egg, or supposed function. TABLE OF PRINCIPAL CASES OF VISIBLE SUBSTANCES CON- CERNED IN DIFFERENTIATION OF GERM CELLS (IN CHRON- OLOGICAL ORDER) NAME OF SPECIES, GENUS, OB GROUP NAME APPLIED TO SUBSTANCE AUTHORITY DATE Chironomus nigro- Dotterkornchen Weismann 1863 viridis Miastor Dottermasse Metchnikoff 1866 Moina rectirostris Richtungskorper Grobben 1879 Chironomus Keimwulst Ritter 1890 Daphnidse Paracopulations- Weismann and 1889 zelle Ischikawa yEquorea Metanucleolus Haecker 1892 Ascaris megaloce- Chromatin Boveri 1892 phala KEIMBAHN-DETERMINANTS 213 A. lumbricoides j A. rubicunda f Chromatin O. Meyer 1895 A. labiata Cyclops Aussenkornchen Haecker 1897 Ektosomen Haecker 1903 Calliphora Dotterplatte Noack 1901 Dytiscus Anello cromatico Giardina 1901 Apis mellifica Richtungskorper Petrunkewitsch 1902 Parasitic j Hymenoptera j Nucleolo Silvestri {1906 [1908 Chrysomelidse Miastor metraloas Pole-disc polares Plasma Hegner Kahle 1908 1908 Sagitta besondere Elpatiewsky 1909 Korper Guinea-pig Chondriosomes Rubaschkin 1910 Chick Chondriosomes Tschaschkin 1910 Lophius extruded Dodds 1910 plasmosome Ascaris Plasmadifferen- Boveri 1910 zen Chironomus Keimbahn- Hasper 1911 plasma Copepoda Ectosomen Amma 1911 Polyphemus Nahrzellenkern KUhn (1911 [1913 Sagitta Keimbahn- Buchner 1910 chromidien Man Sertoli cell Montgomery 1911 determinant Chick Attraction- Swift 1914 sphere Parasitic Keimbahn- Hegner 1914 Hymenoptera chromatin a. NUCLEAR. NUCLEOLI. It seems certain that bodies of a nucleolar nature behave as keimbahn- determinants. There are three or more kinds of bodies that are spoken of as nucleoli. Of these may be mentioned (1) the true nucleoli or plasmosomes, (2) karyosomes or chromatin-nucleoli, and (3) double-nu- 214 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS cleoli, consisting of usually a single principal nudeolus (Hauptnucleolus of Flemming), and one or more accessory nucleoli (Nebennucleoli of Flemming). Many nucleoli have been described that may perhaps represent intermediate stages in the evolution of one of the types mentioned above into another. The young ovarian egg of most animals contains a single spherical nucleolus ("Keimfleck," or "germi- nal spot"), but the number may increase greatly dur- ing the growth period. Usually during the formation of the first maturation spindle the nucleolus escapes from the nucleus into the cytoplasm, where it dis- appears, often after breaking up into fragments. Many theories have been advanced regarding the origin, function, and fate of the nucleoli of the germi- nal vesicle. They are considered by some of chro- matic origin, arising as an accumulation of the chro- matin, or from the chromatin by chemical trans- formation. Others consider them extra-nuclear in origin (Montgomery, 1899). 1 Many functions have been attributed to the nu- cleoli ; of these the following may be mentioned : (1) They function as excretory organs (Balbiani, 1864 ; Hodge, 1894) ; (2) nucleoli play an active role in the cell, since they serve as storehouses of material which is contributed to the formation of the chromosomes (Flemming, 1882; Lubosch, 1902; Jordan, 1910; Foot and Strobell, 1912) and may give rise to kinoplasm (Strasburger, 1895) or "Kine- tochromidien " (Schaxel, 1910); (3) nucleoli are passive by-products of chromatic activity; they KEIMBAHN-DETERMINANTS 215 become absorbed by active substances (Haecker, 1895, 1899) ; (4) nucleoli represent nutritive material used by the nucleus into which it is taken from the cytoplasm (Montgomery, 1899). Undoubtedly the various bodies known as nucleoli originate in different ways, have different histories, and perform different functions. In the particular cases to be discussed here the nucleoli are not temporary structures, as is usually true, but persist for a comparatively long interval after the germinal vesicle breaks down. What seemed to be the most important and convincing evidence of the functioning of a nucleolus as a keimbahn-determi- nant is that furnished by Silvestri (1906, 1908) in parasitic Hymenoptera. As shown in Chapter V, however, the "nucleolo" of Silvestri is really not a nucleolus but consists of chromatin. As we have already noted, in a few instances the nucleolus does not disappear during the maturation divisions but persists for a time as a "metanucleolus" (see p. 183). These metanucleoli are evidently of a different nature from the usual type and are hence saved from immediate disintegration in the cyto- plasm. The localization of the metanucleolus in the egg is the result of either its own activity, or that of the surrounding cytoplasm, or a combination of these. Gravity can have no decided effect upon it (Herrick, 1895), since its position is constant, whereas the posi- tion of the egg with respect to gravity is not. It also seems hardly possible that oxygenotactic stimuli are the cause of its localization, as has been suggested 216 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS by Herbst (1894, 1895) for the migration of the blastoderm-forming cells from the center to the sur- face of the eggs of certain arthropods. Haecker (1897) has suggested that the "Aussen- kornchen" which appear in the egg of Cyclops during the formation of the first cleavage spindle may be nucleolar in nature. Later (1903) this idea was withdrawn, and more recently Amma (1911) has likewise been unable to sustain this hypothesis. The most convincing data furnished by Amma are that in an allied form, Diaptomus cceruleus (Fig. 49, H), these granules appear before the cleavage spindle is formed and before the nucleoli of the pronuclei have disap- peared. The remaining forms in which nucleoli have been considered as keimbahn-determinants are merely suggestive. In Mquorea, Haecker (1892) traced the metanucleolus, which arises from the germinal vesicle, into certain cells of the blastula. Similar bodies appear in Mitrocoma (Metchnikoff, 1886), Tiara (Boveri, 1890), Stephanophyes (Chun, 1891), Myzo- stoma (Wheeler, 1897), and Asterias (Hartmann, 1902), but their ultimate fate has not been determined. Meves (1914), however, has traced the middle piece of the sperm of the sea urchin, Parechinus miliaris, into one of the cells of the animal half of the egg at the thirty-two-cell stage. This middle piece is of a plastochondrial nature. It seems probable that in all these cases the same influences may be at work regulating the time, the place, and the method of localization of the nucleoli. KEIMBAHN-DETERMINANTS 217 The writer can only conclude (1) that the metanu- cleoli differ in nature from ordinary plasmosomes, chromatin-nucleoli, and double-nucleoli ; (2) that these bodies are definitely segregated in a certain part of the egg or in a certain blastomere, probably by protoplasmic movements; (3) and that their disin- tegration and the distribution of the resulting frag- ments or granules are controlled by reactions between them and the substances in which they are embedded. CHROMATIN. In two genera of animals the differ- entiation of the primordial germ cells is accompanied by a diminution of the chromatin in the nuclei of the somatic cells, so that eventually the nucleus of every germ cell is provided with the full complement of chromatin, whereas the nucleus of every somatic cell lacks a considerable portion of this substance, which remains behind in the cytoplasm when the daughter nuclei are reconstituted. These two genera are Ascaris and Miastor. This diminution process was described by Boveri (1892) in the former and confirmed by O. Meyer (1895) and Bonnevie (1902), and by Kahle (1908) in Miastor and confirmed by Hegner (1912, 1914a). For details of these processes reference should be made to Figs. 15-16, 51-52, and pp. 57 and 174. It may be pointed out here that although the final results are similar the process differs in the two genera. In Ascaris both ends of each chromosome are split off, whereas in Miastor approxi- mately one-half of each daughter chromosome is left behind to form the " Chromosomenmittelplatte " (Fig. 16) and later the " Chromatinreste " (Fig. 18). 218 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS The elimination of chromatin during the matura- tion and early cleavage divisions of the egg, as well as during the mitotic divisions of other kinds of cells, has often been recorded. For example, Wilson (1895, p. 458) estimates that only about one-tenth of the chromatin in the germinal vesicle of the star- fish is retained to form the chromosomes during the first maturation division, and Conklin (1902) finds that "in Crepidula the outflow of nuclear material occurs at each and every mitosis" (p. 51). Further- more, Rhode (1911) argues that chromatin-diminu- tion is a normal histological process, and describes such phenomena in blood cells, nerve cells, and cleavage cells of several AMPHIBIA, comparing con- ditions with the chromatin-diminution in Ascaris and Dysticus.1 Diminution processes similar to those in Ascaris and Miastor have not been discovered in other ani- mals, although investigators have been on the watch for such phenomena and have studied allied species, e.g., the work of Hasper (1911) on Chironomus and my own work on the chrysomelid beetles (see pp. 108 1His conclusion is as follows: "In der Histogenese der allerver- schiedensten Gewebe tritt uns also die Erscheinung entgegen, dass die sich entwickelnden Zellen, bzw. Kerne einen Teil ihres Chromatins abstossen, d. h. also eine Chromatindiminution erfolgt, wenn auch die Befunde selbst im speziellen von den bisher beobachteten in der Einleitung beschriebenen Fallen der Chromatindiminution etwas ab- weichen. "Eine Chromatindiminution tritt also nicht nur am Anfang und Ende der Keimbahn, wie es bisher angegeben worden ist, sondera in den ver- schiedensten Entwicklungsstadien und bei den verschiedensten Geweben und Tieren ein, sie hat also offenbar eine allgemeine Bedeutung." (p. 25.) KEIMBAHN-DETERMINANTS 219 to 118). If, therefore, there is a similar difference in all animals in chromatin content between the germ cells and somatic cells, the elimination of chromatin from the latter must take place by the transformation of the basichromatin of the chromosomes into oxy- chromatin which passes into the cytoplasm during mitosis, or else by the more direct method advocated by the believers in the chromidia hypothesis. The causes of the diminution of chromatin in As- caris and Miastor are unknown. Recently Boveri (1910) has concluded from certain experiments on the eggs of Ascaris (see p. 177) that in this form it is the cytoplasm in which the nuclei are embedded that determines whether or not the latter shall undergo this process. Kahle (1908) does not explain the cause of the diminution in Miastor. To the writer it seems more important to discover why the nuclei of the keimbahn cells do not lose part of their chro- matin, since the elimination of chromatin during mitosis is apparently such a universal phenomenon. I would attribute this failure of certain cells to under- go the diminution process not to the contents of the nucleus alone but to the reaction between the nucleus and the surrounding cytoplasm. As stated in a former paper (Hegner, 1909a), "In Calligrapha all the nuclei of the egg are apparently alike, potentially, until in their migration toward the surface they reach the * Keimhautblastem ' ; then those which chance to encounter the granules of the pole-disc are differentiated by their environment, i.e., the granules, into germ cells. In other words, whether or 220 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS not a cell will become a germ cell depends on its posi- tion in the egg just previous to the formation of the blastoderm." Similarly in Ascaris the cleavage nuclei are con- ceived as similar so far as their "prospective potency" is concerned, their future depending upon the char- acter of their environment, i.e., the cytoplasm. In the egg of Miastor cleavage nucleus IV (Fig. 15) does not lose part of its chromatin because of the character of the reaction between it and the substance of the "polares Plasma." In chrysomelid beetles (Hegner, 1908, 1909, 1914a) and Chironomus (Hasper, 1911), however, although no diminution process has been discovered in the nuclei that encounter the pole-disc or "Keimbahnplasma," the other nuclei in the egg, so far as known, are similar in this respect. The nuclei of the primordial germ cells, however, may be distinguished easily from those of the blastoderm cells in chrysomelid beetles, proving conclusively that a differentiation has taken place either in one or the other. This differentiation probably occurs in the nuclei that take part in the formation of the blastoderm, since the nuclei of the germ cells retain more nearly the characteristic features of the pre- blastodermic nuclei, whereas those of the blastoderm cells change considerably. In some cases the eliminated chromatin may have some influence upon the histological differentia- tion of the cell, since it is differentially distributed to the daughter cells, but in Ascaris and Miastor no mechanism exists for regulating the distribution KEIMBAHN-DETERMINANTS 221 of the cast-out chromatin, and there is consequently no grounds for the hypothesis that "in Ascaris those cells which become body cells are the ones that in- clude the cast-off chromosome ends in their cyto- plasm, and it will probably be found that these ejected chromosome parts engender such cytoplasmic differentiations as characterize the body cells " (Montgomery, 1911, p. 192). CHROMIDIA. To several of the bodies listed in the table on page 88 as keimbahn-determinants has been ascribed an origin from the chromatin of the germinal vesicle. Many cases of the elimination of chromatin from the nuclei of growing oocytes are to be found in the literature. Blochmann (1886) dis- covered a process of "budding" in the oocytes of Camponotus ligniperda resulting in the formation of "Nebenkerne." These appear first as small vacuoles lying near the nucleus ; later they contain small staining granules and acquire a membrane. The "Nebenkerne" grow in size and increase in num- ber, while the nucleus of the oocyte becomes smaller. Stuhlmann (1886) described a similar phenomenon in about a dozen different species of HYMENOPTERA. The oocyte nucleus in all species examined becomes localized near the anterior end ; then the small nuclear-like bodies form around it at its expense. The time of their production varies in the different species ; in some they appear in the very young eggs ; in others not until a much later stage has been reached. Sometimes they fuse to form a large "Dotterkern" lying at the posterior pole of the egg; 222 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS or they may remain separate and later become scat- tered. Paulcke (1900) also noted nuclear-like bodies near the oocyte nucleus of the queen bee, and Mar- shall (1907) has likewise found them in Polistes pallipes. In this species the nuclear-like bodies form a single layer around the nucleus ; later they come to lie near the periphery of the oocyte and finally disappear. Loewenthal (1888) has described what appears to be chromatin in the cytoplasm of the egg of the cat, and an elimination of chromatin was noted by van Bambeke (1893) in the ovarian egg of Scorpcena scrofa. In none of these species, however, have keimbahn-determinants been dis- covered. According to Buchner (1910) the "besondere Korper" in the egg of Sagitta, and in fact keimbahn- determinants in most other animals are of a chromid- ial nature, representing the tropho-chromatin de- manded by the binuclearity hypothesis. The term chromidia was introduced by R. Hertwig in 1902 and applied to certain chromatin strands and granules of nuclear origin in the cytoplasm of Actinosphcerium. Goldschmidt (1904) transferred the chromidia hy- pothesis to the tissue cells of Ascaris. Since then chromidia have been described in the cells of many animals, including both somatic and germ cells. Thus far the group of zoologists that favor the chromidia idea have not received very extensive backing, but the fact remains that chromatin particles are in some cases cast out of the nuclei in the oocytes of certain animals and continue to exist KEIMBAHN-DETERMINANTS 223 as such in the cytoplasm for a considerable period. It is also possible that, as Buchner (1910) maintains, the keimbahn-determinants may be in reality "Keim- bahnchromidien." This view was suggested by the writer in 1909 (p. 274) to account for the origin of the pole-disc granules in the eggs of chrysomelid beetles. It was thought that here as in the HYMENOPTERA (Bloch- mann, 1886 ; et al.) chromatin granules might be cast out of the nuclei of the oocytes, and that these granules might gather at the posterior end to form the pole-disc. It was also suggested that chromatin granules from the nurse-cell nuclei might make their way into the ob'cyte and later become the granules of the pole-disc. It should not be forgotten, moreover, that these granules stain like chromatin. Finally, mention should be made of the "anello cromatico" of Giardina (1901) which is associated with the differentiation of the oocytes in Dytiscus (see p. 120, Fig. 38), and the keimbahn-chromatin which I have recently described (Hegner, 19146) in the eggs of the parasitic hymenopteron, Copidosoma (p. 151, Figs. 46-47). CONCLUSION. Certain keimbahn-determinants may consist of nucleolar material which is derived from the germinal vesicle and persists until the primordial germ cells are established. In some cases the keimbahn cells are characterized by the posses- sion of the complete amount of chromatin in con- trast to the somatic cells which lose a part of this substance. Since, however, the chromatin-diminu- 224 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS tion process does not occur in many species, it is probably not a universal phenomenon, and conse- quently cannot be of fundamental importance. Most of the evidence, on the other hand, points toward the conclusion that all of the cleavage nuclei are qualitatively alike, and that the cytoplasm is the controlling factor. 6. CYTOPLASMIC OR EXTRACELLULAR NUTRITIVE SUBSTANCES. It was pointed out on a preceding page (p. 101) that one of the characteristics used to distinguish primordial germ cells from other embry- onic cells is the presence within them of yolk material. In many vertebrates the yolk globules persist in the primordial germ cells until a comparatively late stage, and indeed are often so numerous as to practi- cally conceal the nuclei of these cells. A large num- ber of the keimbahn-determinants that have been described are supposed to consist of nutritive sub- stances. Some of the earliest investigators were aware of the yolk content of the primordial germ cells. For example, in Chironcmus Weismann (1863) found four oval nuclei lying in the " Keimhautblas- tem " at the posterior end of the egg, each of which is associated with one or two yolk granules ; these are the "Polzellen." In another Dipteron, Simula sp., Metchnikoff (1866) records four or five pole- cells which possess fine yolk granules in their cell substance. The same author (1866) also states that when the pseudovum in the psedogenetic larva of Miastor contains twelve to fifteen nuclei, one of these, together with the dark yolk-mass in which it KEIMBAHN-DETERMINANTS 225 lies, is cut off as a cell which gives rise to the pole- cells. In certain DAPHNID^E, Weismann and Ischikawa (1889) describe a " Paracopulationszelle " which is derived from the contents of the germinal vesicle (see p. 163) ; but the recent work of Kiihn (1911, 1913) renders it probable that this body is nothing but the remains of a nurse cell. The " Dotterplatte " discovered by Noack (1901) at the posterior end of the egg of Calliphora (Fig. 34) is considered by this investigator to consist of yolk elements. In previous communications (Hegner, 1908, 1909, 1911) the writer has discussed the probability that the pole-disc in chrysomelid eggs consists of nutritive material, and Weiman (1910a) also has offered arguments for this view. The granules segregated in certain cleavage cells of Neritina (Blochmann, 1881), Asplanchna (Jennings, 1896), Lepas (Bigelow, 1902), Siphonaria (Fujita, 1904), and Physa (Wierzejski, 1906) may be of a nutritive nature, and these cells may be the stem cells from which the germ cells of these animals eventually arise. The hypothesis that the nucleoli consist of food substance also argues in favor of the idea that the keimbahn-determinants are nutritive. The importance of these nutritive substances to the primordial germ cells can be stated with some degree of certainty. According to some authorities the primordial germ cells remain in the primitive condition and do not undergo differentiation at the same time, or at least at the same rate, as do the Q 226 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS other embryonic cells. On this account their yolk contents are not at first utilized, since their meta- bolic activities are so slight. This is more especially true of the vertebrates in which, it has been sug- gested (Hegner, 1909a, p. 276), the yolk contents of the germ cells are transformed into the energy of motion during the characteristic migration of these cells into the germinal epithelium. Why these nutritive substances are segregated in the primordial germ cells is more difficult to answer. Finally, it is interesting to note that the differentiation of the indifferent germ cells of Helix arbustorum into sper- matogonia or oogonia has been found to depend upon nutrition (Buresch, 1911). 1 YOLK NUCLEUS. There are many bodies in the cytoplasm of growing oocytes that have been called yolk nuclei and that may be responsible for the origin of the keimbahn-determinants. Some of these bodies have already been considered, but the term 'yolk nucleus' has been applied to so many different cytoplasmic inclusions (Munson, 1912) that no attempt will be made here to describe them nor to trace their history. MITOCHONDRIA. The condition of the chondrio- somes in the primordial germ cells of certain verte- brates (Rubaschkin, 1910, 1912; Tschaschkin, 1910; Swift, 1914) and the theories that have been pro- x" Ob aber eine indifferente Geschlechtszelle sich in mannlicher oder weiblicher Richtung welter entwickeln wird, das konnen wir schon sehr friih sagen, namlich nach der Lage dieser Zelle naher oder welter von einer Nahrzelle " (p. 327). KEIMBAHN-DETERMINANTS 227 posed regarding the role of these bodies in heredity make it necessary to refer to them briefly here. At the present time it is difficult to make any definite statement regarding the origin, nature, and signifi- cance of the various cytoplasmic inclusions that have been grouped under the general title of mitochondria. It seems probable that we are concerned with a num- ber of different sorts of inclusions, and with various stages in their evolution. In the guinea pig (Ru- baschkin, 1910, 1912) and chick (Tschaschkin, 1910) the chondriosomes of the cleavage cells are spherical and all similar, but, as development proceeds, those of the cells which become differentiated to produce the germ layers unite to form chains and threads, whereas those of the primordial germ cells remain in a spherical and therefore primitive condition (Fig. 31, J5). Swift (1914) has found, however, that in the chick the mitochondria in the primordial germ cells are not at all characteristic, resembling those of the somatic cells. The germ cells neverthe- less can be distinguished from the latter by the pres- ence of an especially large attraction-sphere (Fig. 31, D). This distinction between the primordial germ cells and the surrounding somatic cells may enable us to trace the keimbahn in vertebrates back into cleavage stages — something that has not been accomplished as yet. An examination of the various keimbahn-deter- minants listed in the table (p. 212) has led the writer to conclude that none of them is of a mitochondrial nature, but the results obtained by the special methods 228 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS employed by students who are studying mitochondria give us good reason to hope that other substances may be made visible which will help to clear up the problem of primary cellular differentiation. METABOLIC PRODUCTS. Among the most difficult cases to explain are those of Sagitta and certain cope- pods, since here the keimbahn-determinants ap- parently arise de novo in the cytoplasm. Buchner's (1910) contention that the "besondere Korper" of Sagitta is the remains of the "accessory fertiliza- tion cell" of Stevens (1904) is not sustained by either Stevens (1910) or Elpatiewsky (1910). The idea of the nucleolar nature of the "Aussenkornchen" in Cyclops has been discarded by Haecker (1903) and the conclusion reached that these granules are similar to nucleoli in one respect, namely, they are by-products of activities within the cell. Amma (1911) has considered this subject at some length, and after rejecting the possibilities of these being of (1) chromatic, (2) nucleolar, (3) chromidial, and (4) mitochondrial origin likewise concludes that they are transitory by-products. In this way the keimbahn-determinants in copepods are satis- factorily explained, and a similar explanation may be applied to Sagitta, although with less certainty. c. DISCUSSION. A review of the literature on the keimbahn-determinants and the investigation of these substances in the eggs of insects force me to conclude that the fundamental organization of the egg is respon- sible for the segregation of the primordial germ cells, whereas the visible substances simply furnish evi- KEIMBAHN-DETERMINANTS 229 dence of this underlying organization. As I have stated elsewhere (Hegner, 1908, p. 21) regarding the keimbahn-determinants in beetles' eggs, "the granules of the pole-disc are therefore either the germ- cell determinants or the visible sign of the germ-cell determinants." The writer's experiments have thus far failed to determine the exact function of these granules. When the posterior end of a freshly laid beetle's egg is pricked with a needle, not only the pole-disc granules flow out, but also the cytoplasm in which they are embedded (Hegner, 1908). If a small region at the posterior end is killed with a hot needle, the pole-disc is prevented from taking part in the development of the egg, but so also is the sur- rounding cytoplasm (Fig. 37, c). Eggs thus treated continue to develop and produce embryos without germ cells, but as a rule a part of the posterior end of the abdomen is also absent (Hegner, 191 la). The pole-disc granules and the cytoplasm containing them is moved by centrifugal force toward the heavy end of the egg and is proved to be quite rigid, but eggs thus treated do not develop sufficiently normally to enable one to decide whether the pole-disc pro- duces germ cells in its new environment or not. That the germ cells of Chironomus arise from a pre- localized substance was stated by Balbiani (1885) in these words, "the genital glands of the two sexes have an absolutely identical origin, arising from the same substance and at the same region of the egg." Ritter (1890) expressed the opinion that the "Keimwulst" of Chironomus consists of fine 230 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS granulated protoplasm, an opinion concurred in by Hasper (1911), who terms it "Keimbahnplasma." The similar material in Miastor metraloas, the "polares Plasma," is considered a special sort of protoplasm by Kahle (1908), and I can confirm this for Miastor americana. Further evidence of the protoplasmic nature of the substances which be- come segregated in the primordial germ cells is fur- nished by Boveri's experiments on Ascaris. In 1904 this investigator concluded from a study of dispermic oggs that the diminution process is con- trolled by the cytoplasm and not by an intrinsic prop- erty of the chromosomes, and that the chromosomes of nuclei lying in the vegetative cytoplasm remain intact, whereas those of nuclei embedded in the animal cytoplasm undergo diminution. This con- clusion has been strengthened by more recent experi- mental evidence (Boveri, 1910) both from observa- tion on the development of dispermic eggs and from a study of centrifuged eggs (see p. 178, Fig. 53) . Boveri's results furnish a remarkable confirma- tion of the conclusions reached by the writer from a morphological study of the germ cells of chrysomelid beetles and expressed in the following words: "All the cleavage nuclei in the eggs of the above-named beetles (Calligrapha multipunctata, etc.) are poten- tially alike until in their migration toward the periph- ery they reach the 'keimhautblastem/ Then those which chance to encounter the granules of the pole- disc are differentiated by their environment, i.e., the granules, into germ cells; all the other cleavage KEIMBAHN- DETERMINANTS 231 products become somatic cells." Here, however, the pole-disc granules were considered the essential substance. The appearance of the keimbahn-determinants at a certain time and in a certain place, and their deter- minate segregation, point unmistakably to an under- lying regulating mechanism. These phenomena have some definite relation to the fundamental organiza- tion of the egg and require an investigation of our present knowledge of this subject. The isotropism of the egg as postulated by Pfliiger and the "cell interaction" idea especially developed by O. Hertwig and Driesch have given way before the beautiful researches tending to uphold the hy- pothesis of "germinal localization" proposed by His and championed by so many investigators within the past two decades. The starting point for embry- ological studies has shifted from the germ layers to the cleavage cells and from these to the undivided egg. Organization, which Whitman (1893) main- tains precedes cell-formation and regulates it, is now traced back to very early stages in the germ-cell cycle and held responsible for the cytoplasmic lo- calization in the egg. One of the fundamental characteristics of the egg is its polarity. It has been known for about thirty years that the eggs of insects are definitely ori- ented within the ovaries of the adults. Moreover, gravity and the action of centrifugal force have no effect upon the polarity of insect eggs (Hegner, 19096) . Giardina (1901) has found that during the divisions 232 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS of the oogonia in Dytiscus a rosette of sixteen cells is produced of which one is the oocyte and the other fifteen nurse cells. The rosette thus formed possesses a definite polarity coincident with the axis of the oocyte which is identical with that which was present in the last generation of oogonia. Similarly in Miastor (Fig. 12) the polarity of the oocyte is recog- nizable as soon as the mesodermal cells, which serve in this species as nurse cells, become associated with it. The germ cells of other animals also possess a precocious polarity, as evidenced by their implanta- tion in the germinal epithelium (e.g., Wilson, 1903; Zeleny, 1904, in Cerebratulus), the position of the nucleus, the formation of the micropyle (Jenkinson, 1911), etc. This is true not only for the inverte- brates, but, as Bartelmez (1912) claims, "the polar axis persists unmodified from generation to genera- tion in the vertebrates and is one of the fundamental features of the organization of the protoplasm" (p. 310). Furthermore, experiments with centrifugal force seem to prove that the chief axis of the egg is not altered when substances are shifted about, but is fixed at all stages (Lillie, 1909; Morgan, 1909; Conklin, 1910). Bilaterality also is demonstrable in the early stages of the germ cells of many animals, and, like polarity, seems to be a fundamental charac- teristic of the protoplasm. It is somewhat difficult to harmonize the various results that have been obtained, especially by experi- mental methods, from the study of egg organization. As the oocytes grow, the apparently homogeneous KEIMBAHN-DETERMINANTS 233 contents become visibly different in some animals, and when the mature eggs develop normally these "organ-forming substances" are segregated in def- inite cleavage cells and finally become associated with definite organs of the larva. Conklin (1905) has shown "that at least five of the substances which are present in the egg (of Cynthia) at the close of the first cleavage, viz., ectoplasm, endoplasm, myoplasm, chymoplasm, and chordaneuroplasm, are organ-forming sub- stances." Under experimental conditions "they develop, if they develop at all, into the organs which they would normally produce; and, conversely, embryos which lack these substances, lack also the organs which would form from them." "Three of these substances are clearly distinguishable in the ovarian egg and I do not doubt that even at this stage they are differentiated for particular ends" (p. 220). "The development of ascidians is a mosaic work because there are definitely localized organ- forming substances in the egg ; in fact, the mosaic is one of organ-forming substances rather than of cleavage cells. The study of ctenophores, nemer- tines, annelids, mollusks, ascidians, and amphibians (the frog) shows that the same is probably true of all these forms and it suggests that the mosaic principle may apply to all animals" (p. 221). The same writer has also proved from his study on Phallusia (1911) that these various substances exist even when they are not visible in the living egg. It is interesting also to note that Duesberg (1913) finds the "myo- 234 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS plasm" of Cynthia to be crowded with plasmosomes, differing in this respect from other egg regions. Experiments, especially those of Lillie (1906, 1909), Morgan and Spooner (1909), Morgan (1909a), and Conklin (1910), have shown that in many eggs the shifting of the supposed organ-forming substances has no influence upon development, and leads to the conclusion that these visible substances play no fundamental role in differentiation, but that the invisible ground substance is responsible for de- terminate development. The eggs of different ani- mals, however, differ both in time and degree of organization, and the conflicting results may be accounted for by the fact that specification is more precocious in some than in others. The most plausible conclusions from a considera- tion of these observations and experiments are that every one of the eggs in which keimbahn-determi- nants have been described consists essentially of a fundamental ground substance which determines the orientation; that the time of appearance of keimbahn-determinants depends upon the preco- ciousness of the egg; that the keimbahn-determi- nants are the visible evidences of differentiation in the cytoplasm ; and that these differentiated portions of the cytoplasm are definitely localized by cytoplas- mic movements, especially at about the time of maturation. KEIMBAHN -DETERMINANTS 235 B. THE LOCALIZATION OF THE KEIMBAHN-DETER- MINANTS One of the characteristics of the keimbahn- determinants is their regular appearance at a certain stage in the germ-cell cycle according to the species in which they occur, and their constant localization in a definite part of the egg, or in one or more definite cleavage cells. Keimbahn-determinants are recog- nizable in many insects' eggs before fertilization is accomplished, and even before the oocyte has reached its maximum size. We know that in Chironomus the "Keimwulst" (Ritter, 1890) or "Keimbahn- plasma" (Hasper, 1911) is present when the egg is laid, at which time the pronuclei as a rule have not yet fused. This is true also of the "Dotter- platte" in Calliphora (Noack, 1901). There can be little doubt, however, that these substances are present as such in the eggs before fertilization, judging from our knowledge of the history of similar materials in the eggs of other insects. The "pole- disc" in the eggs of chrysomelid beetles (Hegner, 1908; Wieman, 1910a) and the "polares Plasma" in Miastor (Kahle, 1908; Hegner, 1912, 1914a) are recognizable some time before fertilization and cannot therefore arise because of any influence exerted by the spermatozoon. Moreover, in Miastor the eggs thus far examined have all been parthenogenetic. In parasitic HYMENOPTERA the Keimbahn-chromatin appears in both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs at an early growth period. In only one animal not 236 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS an insect has a similar occurrence been noted, namely, in Polyphemus, where, according to Kiihn (1911, 1913), the keimbahn-determinants consist of the remains of one or more nurse cells (Fig. 50) . In the DAPHNID^E (Weismann and Ischikawa, 1889) the "Paracopulationszelle" arises from material cast out by the germinal vesicle ; in JEquora (Haecker, 1892) the "Metanucleolus" is likewise derived from the germinal vesicle; in Ascaris (Boveri, 1892) chroma- tin-diminution occurs during the two- to four-cell stage; in Cyclops (Haecker, 1897, 1903) and other copepods (Amma, 1911) the "Aussenkornchen" or "Ectosomen" become visible soon after fertiliza- tion (Diaptomus), but usually not until the pro- nuclei fuse (other species) ; in Sagitta the "be- sondere Korper" (Elpatiewsky, 1909, 1910) or "Keimbahnchromidien" (Buchner, 1910) appear to arise de novo after fertilization, although if Buchner's contention that they are the remains of the accessory fertilization cells is correct, they should be classed with the " Nahrzellenkern " described by Kiihn (1911, 1913) in Polyphemus. It is thus evident that the keimbahn-determinants become visible, wherever they have been described, either just before or just after the eggs are fertilized, or, in parthenogenetic forms, shortly before matura- tion and cleavage are inaugurated. The localization of the keimbahn-determinants at the time of their appearance seems to be predeter- mined. In insects the posterior end of the egg is invariably the place where these bodies occur. In KEIMBAHN-DETERMINANTS 237 species whose eggs undergo total cleavage they are, under normal conditions, segregated in one definite blastomere from the two-cell stage up to the thirty- two-cell stage, as a rule, and are then distributed among the descendants of the single primordial germ cell. In Ascaris it is normally the cell at the posterior (vegetative) pole that fails to undergo the diminution process. It seems therefore that there must be some mechanism in the egg which definitely localizes the keimbahn-determinants. The segregation of these substances in one blas- tomere at the first cleavage division is a result of their previous localization, but in later cleavage stages events are more difficult to interpret. Both Haecker (1897) and Amma (1911) have attempted to explain the distribution of the "Ectosomen" in copepods by postulating a dissimilar influence of the centrosomes resulting in the segregation of these granules at one end of the mitotic spindle in the dividing stem cell. According to Zeigler's hypothesis the centrosomes during unequal cell divison are heterodynamic, and Schonfeld (1901) believes that the synizesis stage is due to the attraction of the chromosomes by the centrosomes. It is well known that in many cases where unequal cell division occurs one aster is larger than the other, and this may be the true interpretation of the phenomena, but to the writer it seems more probable that the entire cell contents undergo rearrangement after each cell division, possibly under the influence of the material elab- orated within the nucleus and set free during mito- 238 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS sis. Elpatiewsky (1909) also believes in the unequal attractive force of the centrosomes in Sagitta.1 In Ascaris, certain copepods, Sagitta, Polyphemus, and certain DAPHNID^E the keimbahn-determinants are segregated in one cleavage cell until about the thirty-two-cell stage, but their substance is dis- tributed at the next division between the daughter cells. The insects such as Chironomus, Miastor, and chrysomelid beetles, where, on account of the super- ficial cleavage the keimbahn-determinants are not segregated in blastomeres, the primordial germ cells from the beginning consist almost entirely of the keimbahn material or this material plus the matrix in which it is embedded. Hence in these cases the keimbahn-determinants are localized at a determined point during each cleavage stage instead of being carried about by the movements of the egg contents or of the blastomeres, but, as in the eggs that undergo total cleavage, the determi- nants are distributed between the daughter cells as 1 " Nach der vierten Teilung kommt der besondere Korper in den Wirkungskreis eines Zentrosomos, namlich desjenigen, welcher naher der Polarfurche liegt. Fast die ganze 'Energie' dieses Zentrosomas wird fiir die Ueberwindung der vis inertiae des besonderen Korpers ver- braucht ; dieser wird dem Zentrosoma genahert und umschliesst es wie mit einer Kappe, so dass er im optischen Durchschnitt stets Hufeisen oder Sichelform aufweist. Infolge davon wird die wirkung dieses Zentroso- mas auf das Zellplasma nur sehr schwach, dieses Zentrosoma kann nur einen kleinen Plasmateil beherrschen, und die resultierende Zelle wird viel kleiner, als die Schwesterzelle. Diese kleine Zelle, die den beson- deren Korper bekommen hat, liegt naher zum vegetativen Poles, als die grossere Schwesterzelle, und stellt die erste Urgeschlechtszelle G(dm), die grossere Schwesterzelle die erste Urentodermzelle E(d112) vor" (p. 231). KEIMBAHN-DETERMINANTS 239 soon as the primordial germ cells are established. The reason for this appears to be that localizations occur in holoblastic eggs at each cleavage and that not until the thirty-two-cell stage or thereabouts does the keimbahn material become entirely sep- arated from other organ-forming substances and segregated in a single cell. When this point is finally reached, this keimbahn material must neces- sarily become divided between the daughter cells. In practically all known cases the daughter cells of the primordial germ cells are equal in size and each receives an equal portion of the keimbahn-de- terminants (Fig. 37, B). This is certainly to be expected from their constitution and future history. Sagitta, however, differs in this respect, for the remains of the "besondere Korper" appear to be unequally distributed between the two daughter cells of the primordial germ cells (Fig. 54) and both Elpatiewsky (1909, 1910) and Stevens (1910), therefore, consider this as probably a differential division whereby in this hermaphroditic animal the substance of the male primordial germ cell is separated from the female. More work is necessary to make certain of this point. CONCLUSION. Keimbahn-determinants are def- initely localized in the egg and in definite cleavage cells. This localization is first observable just before or just after the eggs are fertilized, or, in parthenogenetic forms, shortly before maturation and cleavage are inaugurated. Some mechanism in the egg must be responsible for this localization. Heterodynamic centrosomes may have some influence 240 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS so far as the segregation of the keimbahn-determi- nants in cleavage cells is concerned, but the move- ment of the egg contents seems to be a more probable cause of localization. C. THE FATE OF THE KEIMBAHN-DETERMINANTS It is unfortunately impossible to trace the keim- bahn-determinants throughout the entire germ-cell cycle. The question of their fate, however, is an important one. As we have seen, they become vis- ibly apparent shortly before or just after the inaugu- ration of the maturation divisions, and remain intact for a brief period during the early cleavage stages. They persist in insects as definitely recognizable granules (Fig. 37, F) for some time after the primor- dial germ cells are segregated ; then they gradually break up into finer particles, leaving no trace of their existence behind except in so far as they give the cytoplasm of the germ cells a greater affinity for certain dyes. In Chironomus they may still form distinct masses after the definitive germ glands have been formed (Fig. 33, D). The ectosomes in the copepods are temporary bodies which appear to rise de novo during the formation of each mitotic figure in the early cleavage stages, then break down and disappear. Practically all of the other keim- bahn-determinants persist during early cleavage and then disappear as distinct visible bodies as soon as the primordial germ cells are definitely segregated. What becomes of them during the comparatively long period between their disappearance in the primordial KEIMBAHN-DETERMINANTS 241 germ cells and their reappearance in the oocytes or mature eggs can only be conjectured. They seem to disintegrate into very fine particles which become thoroughly scattered within the cell body and mixed with the cytoplasm. It has been suggested (p. 68) that they may retain their physiological characteris- tics and become concentrated again in the growing oocytes into morphologically similar bodies, in- creasing in the meantime, by multiplication or in some other way, until they equal in mass those of the preceding generation of germ cells. On the other hand, they may all, like the ectosomes of copepods, be temporary structures produced at a certain time and place under similar metabolic conditions, and, becoming associated with particular parts of the cell contents, thus be constant in their distribution. Several ideas have been advanced regarding the fate of the eliminated chromatin in Ascaris. The ends of the chromosomes which are cast out into the cytoplasm are not equally distributed among the daughter cells nor does there appear to be any mech- anism for their definite unequal division. These facts argue against the theory that these cast-out chromatin bodies serve as determinants and also make improbable the hypothesis that they enable the somatic cells to differentiate, whereas the germ cells which do not undergo the diminution process remain in an indifferent condition, since their cyto- plasm lacks this material (Montgomery, 1911, p. 792). However, the fact that during the early cleavage divisions in some animals (see p. 218) large amounts 242 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS of chromatin escape from the nucleus and are dif- ferentially distributed to the daughter cells is evidence that nuclear material may play some important role in the progressive changes of cleavage cells. It has been shown that in many animals the germ cells do not multiply for a considerable period during the early developmental stages. This period coincides also with that during which the keimbahn- determinants, as a rule, disappear. For example, the germ cells of chrysomelid beetles multiply until there are about sixty-four present, at which time they constitute a group at the posterior end of the egg and the embryo has just started to form ; no further increase in number occurs until the larval stage is reached and the definitive germ glands are established. As soon, however, as the embryo has reached a certain developmental stage, the germ cells migrate into it, and it looks very much as though they remain quiescent until the somatic cells are "able to protect, nourish, and transport" them. The number of primordial germ cells during the " period of rest" is perhaps most definitely known in Miastor, where, as one group of eight and later as two groups of four each, they are present throughout a large part of embryonic development. In vertebrates also a long period exists during which division of the primordial germ cells does not take place (Fig. 6) and at least in several species certain cell contents (the mitochondria) remain in an indifferent condition (Rubaschkin, 1910 ; Tschasch- kin, 1910 ; Fig. 31, £). These facts all indicate that KEIMBAHN-DETERMINANTS 243 these cells remain in a primitive condition and do not undergo the histological differentiations charac- teristic of somatic cells, a view which, however, has been objected to (Eigenmann, 1896). The disap- pearance of the keimbahn-determinants and the yolk globules of vertebrates during this period have suggested that these substances are nutritive in function, furnishing energy to the migrating germ cells. The fact of this long rest period, followed by rapid multiplication of the oogonia and spermatogonia during which no important specializations occur, and later succeeded by the remarkable changes that occur in both the oocytes and spermatocytes, has led to the suggestion (Montgomery, 1911, pp. 790-792) that in the germ-cell cycle there is a series of changes parallel with that of the somatic cycle. In the development of both cycles preformation and epi- genesis proceed at the same time. The chromosomes seem to be the preformed elements of the germ cells, since they are apparently the most stable constitu- ents. The cytoplasm, on the other hand, undergoes a series of epigenetic changes such as the formation of an idiozome, the development of mitochondria, the appearance of a sphere, and the metamorphosis of the spermatozoon. Finally we must inquire into the fate of the keim- bahn-determinants in the male germ cells. Does the keimbahn material in these cells increase in amount as has been suggested for the oocytes and is it localized in the spermatogonia, spermatocytes, or spermatozoa 244 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS as a definite, visible substance ? We know from the investigations of Meves (1911) that the plastosomes in the spermatozoon are carried into the egg, in the case of Ascaris, and there fuse with the plastosomes of the ovum. Whether keimbahn-determinants act in a similar manner is unknown. There are, how- ever, certain cytoplasmic inclusions in the male germ cells that have been compared with similar structures in the oocytes, for example, the chromatic body described by Buchner (1909) in the spermato- genesis of Gryllus (see p. 88), and the plasmosome which is cast out of the nucleus of the second sperma- togonia in Periplaneta and disintegrates in the cy- toplasm (Morse, 1909). That keimbahn-determi- nants from the spermatozoon are not necessary for the normal production of germ cells is of course evi- dent, since some of the species with which we are best acquainted, for example, Miastor, are partheno- genetic. CHAPTER IX THE CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA OF GERM CELLS No account of the germ-cell cycle in animals can be considered complete without at least a brief reference to the history of the chromosomes and mitochondria of germ cells. The chromosomes have for many years been recognized as the most important visible bodies in the cell, and their behavior during the germ- cell cycle has convinced most zoologists that they may also be regarded as the bearers of hereditary factors. The mitochondria, on the other hand, are cellular constituents which have only compara- tively recently come into prominence in cytological literature, and ideas concerning their nature and functions are still in a very chaotic condition. THE CHROMOSOME CYCLE IN ANIMALS A few general statements regarding the behavior of the chromosomes during cell division, maturation, and fertilization are contained in Chapters I and II. We may recognize a rather definite chromosome cycle as a part of the germ-cell cycle, and it is to certain events in this chromosome cycle that our attention will be directed in the following paragraphs. It is best to begin our discussion, as in the general review 245 246 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS of the germ-cell cycle (Chapter II), with the par- thenogenetic or fertilized egg after the maturation processes have been completed, and to exclude all references to the accessory chromosome until later. It may be pointed out first that the number of chromosomes in the cells of any individual of a species is, with few exceptions, constant. Thus the thread worm of the horse, Ascaris megalocephala var. univalens, has two; A. megalocephala var. bivalens, four; the nematod, Coronilla, eight; the mole cricket, Gryllotalpa vulgaris, twelve; the bug, Pentatoma, fourteen; the rat, sixteen; the sea urchin, Echinus, eighteen; the salamander, Salamandra maculosa, twenty-four ; the slug, Limax agrestis, thirty-two ; and the brine shrimp, Artemia, one hundred and sixty-eight. This number, however, is reduced one-half during the maturation of the eggs and spermatozoa so that the mature eggs and spermatozoa possess only half as many chromosomes as the other cells in the body ; for example, the body cells, oogonia, and spermatogonia of the rat are provided each with sixteen chromosomes, but the mature eggs and spermatozoa contain only eight. Parthenogenetic eggs differ from those that require fertilization, since in these the complete or diploid number of chromosomes is retained. When cleavage is inaugurated in such eggs, a spindle is formed, the chromosomes are halved, and each daughter cell acquires one-half of each chromosome as in ordinary mitosis. In fertilized eggs, however, the nucleus brought in by the spermatozoon fuses more or less CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 247 completely with the egg nucleus and the two to- gether become incorporated in the first cleavage D FIG. 61. — Independence of paternal and maternal chromatin in the segmenting eggs of Cyclops. A. First cleavage-figure in C. strenuus; complete independence of paternal and maternal chromosomes. B. Resulting two-cell stage with double nuclei. C. Second cleavage ; chromosomes still in double groups. D. Blastomeres with double nuclei from the eight-cell stage of C. brevicornis. (From Wilson, after Haecker.) spindle. Each of the two nuclei furnishes an equal (haploid) number of chromosomes to the first 248 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS cleavage spindle, and thus the diploid (somatic) number is regained. These chromosomes may there- fore be considered as forming two groups, one group of paternal origin derived from the sperm nucleus, and one group of maternal origin derived from the egg nucleus ; in fact the groups supplied by the two nuclei may remain perfectly distinct (Fig. 61), not only during the first cleavage division, but also during subsequent mitoses. The chromosomes of the fertilized egg and of the cells to which it gives rise are not always of the same size and shape, but in many cases are known to differ morphologically from one another. It is possible to recognize the different chromosomes during each mitosis, and the evidence is quite con- vincing that morphologically similar pairs are present in every cell and that one member of each pair is derived from the egg nucleus, the other from the sperm nucleus. Two principal views are held re- garding the character of the chromosome divisions during the early cleavage divisions, (1) that the chromatin granules, which represent definite de- terminers, are divided equally between the daughter chromosomes, and (2) that an unequal distribution of the granules occurs, thus forming daughter cells containing qualitatively different chromosomes. There are no observations which show an unequal dis- tribution. One of the changes that takes place in the chromo- somes at the time of mitosis is the diminution of their chromatin content brought about by the passage of CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 249 part of their substance into the cytoplasm. This phenomenon has been used as an argument in favor of the theory of nuclear control of cellular activities. Two special cases of chromatin-diminu- tion are known which differ from the usual process ; these occur in Ascaris and Miastor as described and figured in Chapters III and VI. In these animals a large portion of the chromosomes of certain nuclei is cast out into the cytoplasm, whereas all of the chromatin is retained by others ; the latter with a complete amount become the nuclei of the germ cells, the rest with a reduced amount are present in all of the somatic cells. During the cellular divisions which result in the multiplication of the somatic cells and of the primor- dial germ cells the chromosomes appear at each mitosis in their normal number and are apparently divided equally between the daughter cells. There are, however, certain variations in both the somatic and germinal mitoses. In the somatic cells only one-half the normal number may appear; thus in the snail, Helix pomatia, the number may be twenty- four instead of the usual forty-eight. There is reason to believe that each of these twenty-four really consists of two single (univalent) chromosomes, and may therefore be considered bivalent. Even a further reduction in number by the association of univalent chromosomes has been recorded, in which case the combined chromosomes are said to be pluri- valent. Other variations in the number of chromo- somes, which occur during the maturation of the germ cells, will be referred to later. 250 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS Certain cellular phenomena which concern the chromosome cycle have been described in preceding chapters and so need only be mentioned here. First, the occurrence of amitosis in the multiplication of the germ cells has an intimate relation to the speci- ficity of the chromosomes, since if nuclei divide en masse it seems improbable that the chromosomes be- come equally divided between the daughter nuclei (see Chapter V, p. 133) ; and second, the formation of nurse cells from ob'gonia may be accompanied, as in Dytiscus (Chapter V, p. 120), by a chromatin- diminution process which may be regarded as a differentiation of mother germ cells into somatic cells (nurse cells) and oogonia, a differentiation re- sembling the segregation of the primordial germ cells in the cleavage stages of the egg. The most striking and perhaps the most important stages in the chromosome cycle occur during the growth and maturation periods of the germ cells. As briefly described and figured in Chapter II, the mitoses which occur during maturation are meiotic, since the mature germ cells have their chro- mosome number reduced one-half. The events in this process most worthy of our attention are those which take place during the stages known as synapsis and reduction. Wilson (1912) has summed up the questions that remain to be solved in the following words: "The cytological problem of synapsis and reduction involves four principal questions, as follows : (1) Is synapsis a fact ? Do the chromatin- elements actually conjugate or otherwise become CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 251 associated two by two ? (2) Admitting the fact of synapsis, are the conjugating elements chromosomes, and are they individually identical with those of the last diploid or pre-meiotic division ? (3) Do they conjugate side by side (parasynapsis, parasyn- desis), end to end (telosynapsis, metasyndesis), or in both ways ? (4) Does synapsis lead to partial or complete fusion of the conjugating elements to form 'zygosomes* or 'mixochromosomes,' or are they subsequently disjoined by a 'reduction-divi- sion ' ? Upon these questions depends our answer to a fifth and still more important question, namely, (5) Can the Mendelian segregation of unit-factors be explained by the phenomena of synapsis and reduction ?" The behavior of the chromosomes during synapsis in the germ cells of the male is indicated diagram- matically in Fig. 62, the terms used being those proposed by von Winiwarter (1901) in his work on the oogenesis of the rabbit. In the spermatogonia (Fig. 62, 1) the chromatin is arranged in clumps on an achromatic reticulum ; in the spermatocyte (Fig. 62, 2) it breaks up into granules which become arranged in single rows or filaments (the leptotene threads). These leptotene threads later become paired (synaptene stage, Fig. 62, 3) and converge toward the side of the nucleus near which the centro- some and centrosphere are situated (Fig. 62, 4), a condition known as synizesis. The granules of the leptotene filaments approach and finally fuse so as to produce single thick threads (Fig. 62, 5-7) ; 252 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS this is the pachytene stage. The filaments then begin to unravel (Fig. 62, 6-7), become distributed FIG. 62. — Prophases of the heterotype division in the male Axolotl. 1 , nucleus of sperm ogonium, or young sperm ocyte ; 2, early lepto- tene ; 3, transition to synaptene ; 4, synaptene with the double filaments converging towards the centrosome ; 6, contraction fig- ure; 6, 7, pachytene; 8, early; 9, later diplotene ; 10, the hetero- typic double chromosomes; the nuclear membrane is disappearing. (From Jenkinson, 1918.) throughout the nucleus, and finally split into two threads (Fig. 62, 8-9) ; this is the diplotene stage. The pairs of filaments finally shorten and thicken, CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 253 assuming the form of paired chromosomes of various shapes and sizes (Fig. 62, 10). A spindle then forms; these " heterotypic " chromosomes are drawn upon it ; and each daughter cell receives one chromosome of each pair. This mitosis is called heterotypic because it differs from ordinary indirect nuclear division in two im- portant respects : (1) the chromosomes are present in pairs, and entire chromosomes are separated, and (2) the result is a reduction of chromosomes in the daughter nuclei to one-half the somatic number. According to certain investigators (e.g., Meves, 1907) the union of the leptotene threads in the synap- tene stage (Fig. 62, 4) does not occur, but the two parallel threads are simply the halves of a single longitudinally split filament which fuse in the pachytene stage (Fig. 62, 6-7), and separate again in the diplotene stage (Fig. 62, 8-9). The large majority of cytologists, however, believe that the leptotene threads represent chromosomes which actually fuse in pairs in the pachytene stage and sep- arate from each other during the heterotypic mitosis. Furthermore, the chromosomes of each pair are con- sidered to be homologous, that is, the one derived from the spermatozoon is morphologically similar, to its mate, which is derived from the egg nucleus. Investigators who believe synapsis to be a fact, that the conjugating elements are chromosomes, and these chromosomes are identical with those of the last diploid mitosis are not agreed as to the method of union and subsequent separation of the 254 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS chromosomes. The chromosomes may unite side by side in parasynapsis or end to end in telosynapsis. Apparently parasynapsis is the rule, although telosyn- apsis probably occurs in certain species. The results are the same in either case. The next question to be considered is whether the chromosomes which emerge from the pachytene stage are the same as those that enter it as leptotene filaments, or whether there is a complete fusion into zygosomes or mixochromosomes. It seems probable that at least a partial fusion occurs and that the composition of the chromosomes is changed more or less during synapsis. We know for certain that the peculiar X-chromosomes which have been found in many species of animals become paired in synapsis and later separate in a true reduction division, and we also have evidence which furnishes a mechanical means of effecting a change in the chromosomes during the synaptene stage. This evidence has led to the formulation of the chiasmatype theory (Janssens, 1909). Accord- ing to this theory the chromosomes which pair in synapsis may twist around each other more or less (Fig. 63), and cross connections are visible. When the paired chromosomes later split apart they rep- resent combinations different from those present before synapsis, because of these cross connections. The results of experimental breeding seem to necessi- tate some such relation as this during synapsis, and the chiasmatype theory has been used to explain certain results of hybridization that have not been CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 255 accounted for in any other way (Morgan, 1913, 1914). The view that the chromosomes are the bearers of factors in heredity is based upon several hypotheses, of which those of their specificity and genetic con- tinuity will be mentioned here. According to the hypothesis of chromosome specificity each chromo- some possesses certain functions of a specific kind A FIG. 63. — Twisting of chromosomes according to the chiasmatype theory. A. Two twisted chromosomes each divided longitudinally into two. B. Twisted chromosomes of Batracoseps attenuatus. (From Janssens, 1909.) which determine the character of cellular differen- tiation and thus the structural and physiological condition of the embryo, larva, and adult. The hy- pothesis of the genetic continuity was evolved from that of the individuality of the chromosomes. Ac- cording to the latter theory the chromosomes that appear in mitosis do not become scattered during the resting stage of the nucleus (interkinesis) , but re- tain their identity throughout this period. Lack of evidence has resulted in the substitution of the hypothesis of genetic continuity, according to which there is a definite relation between the chro- mosomes of successive mitotic divisions. Much of the cytological literature of the past dec- ade deals with the history of the X- or sex-chromo- 256 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS somes. For many years the number of chromosomes in the cells of the individuals of a species was considered constant and even. Henking, however, in 1891, discovered in the bug, Pyrrhocoris, a single chro- mosome which did not divide in one of the sperma- tocyte divisions, but passed to one of the daughter cells and hence into only one-half of the spermatozoa. Paulmier (1899) observed similar conditions in the squash bug, and since then one or more odd chromosomes have been discovered in a large number of animals belonging to many different phyla. In 1902, McClung suggested that these peculiar chro- mosomes might be sex-determinants, and subsequent discoveries have fully demonstrated that they are intimately associated with the phenomena of sex. Most of our knowledge of this subject is due to the investigations of cytologists in this country, es- pecially Montgomery (1898, 1906, 1911), McClung (1899, 1902, 1905), Stevens (1905, 1906, 1910), Wilson (1905, 1906, 1911, 1912), and Morgan (1909, 1911, 1913, 1914). A few of the principal types of sex-chromosome distribution are as follows : Type I. One X-chromosome. This, the simplest type, has been recently demonstrated in a remarkable fashion by Mulsow (1913) in a nematoid worm, Ancyr acanthus. Here the chromosomes can be seen not only in stained material but also in the living germ cells. The diploid number of chromosomes in male worms is eleven (Fig. 64, A), in female worms, twelve (E) . Two sorts of spermatozoa are produced, one-half with five and the other half with six chromo- FIG. 64. — Behavior of chromosomes during maturation, fertilization, and cleavage of Ancyr acanthus cystidicola. (From Mulsow, 1913.) A. Spermatogonium with eleven chromosomes. B. First matura- tion (spermatocyte) division. The single chromosome finally joins one group. C. The four spermatids arising from one spermatocyte ; two with six chromosomes, and two with five. D. Two sperma- tozoa drawn while alive ; one with six chromosomes, and one with five. E. Oogonium with twelve chromosomes. F. Second matura- tion (oocyte) division. The black mass above is the first polar body; the set of six black chromosomes are those of the second polar body; the six dotted chromosomes are those of the egg. G. Fertilized (male producing) egg ; sperm nucleus above with five chromosomes; egg nucleus below with six chromosomes. H. Fertil- ized (female producing) egg ; both egg and sperm nuclei with six chromosomes. /. Cleavage stage of male producing egg ; the central cell with nucleus containing eleven chromosomes. J. Cleavage stage of female producing egg ; the lower cell with nucleus contain- ing twelve chromosomes. (257) Prot&nor FIG. 65. — Maturation in Prot enor. Male above. A. Spermatogonium. B. Synapsis. C. First maturation division. D, Dr. Second mat- uration division. E, E'. Two sorts of spermatozoa. Female below. A. Oogonium. B. Synapsis. C. First matura- tion division. Z>. Second maturation division. E. Egg nucleus and two polar bodies all alike in chromosome content. First polar body is dividing. (From Morgan's Heredity and Sex, published by the Columbia University Press.) (258) CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 259 somes (Fig. 64, D). The nuclei of all the mature eggs exhibit six chromosomes. When fertilized the spermatozoon nucleus can be recognized, since it lies near the end away from the polar bodies. On the average one-half of the eggs are fertilized by spermatozoa containing five chromosomes and one- half by spermatozoa containing six. The results are as follows : A zygote resulting from the fusion of an egg with six chromosomes and a spermatozoon with six chromosomes possesses twelve chromosomes and develops into a female (Fig. 64, H) ; and a zygote formed by an egg with six chromosomes and a spermatozoon with five chromosomes contains eleven chromosomes, and hence gives rise to a male (Fig. 64, G). The events during the maturation processes in such a case are similar to those in the bug Protenor, as illustrated in Fig. 65. Type II. One X-chromosome and one Y-chro- mosome. In the bug, Lygceus bicrucis, and a num- ber of other species the number of chromosomes in both male and female is the same, but two sex-chro- mosomes of different sizes are present in the male. As shown in Fig. 66, the eggs are all alike, contain- ing six ordinary and one X-chromosome. The sper- matozoa are of two sorts : one-half with the larger, or X-chromosome, the other one-half with the smaller, called by Wilson the Y-chromosome. The zygotes, consequently, produce males if one X-chromosome and one Y-chromosome are present, and females if two X-chromosomes occur. Type III. Two chromosomes of equal size 260 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS FIG. 66. — Maturation in Lygoeus. Male above. Female below. Let- tering as in Fig. 65. (From Morgan's Heredity and Sex, published .. by the Columbia University Press.) CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 261 (Fig. 67). In the bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus, the number of chromosomes (16) in both male and female is the same, but they are of equal size in both sexes. It is probable, however, that one of those of the male represents an X-chromosome and the other a Y-chromosome as in Type II, although they are not visibly different. Type IV. One X-chromosome attached to an ordinary chromosome. There are a number of cases on record in which the X-chromosome is attached to an ordinary chromosome as in Ascaris megalocephala. Probably on this account the sex- chromosome was overlooked in these species for many years. The resulting zygotes, as Fig. 68 shows, are comparable to those of Type I (Fig. 65). Type V. Spermatozoa alike, but eggs of two sorts. In a few animals it has been found that the eggs are dimorphic and the spermatozoa all alike, as repre- sented in Fig. 69.1 Numerous variations have been discovered in the number and size of the X- and Y-chromosomes ; some of these are illustrated in Fig. 70. When more than one X-chromosome is present they act as a unit, and two sorts of zygotes are produced as in other cases. Chromosome cycles of more than ordinary interest have been described in the honeybee, in phyloxerans and aphids and in certain hermaphrodites. It has long been known that the female honeybees (queens and workers) develop from fertilized eggs 1 The recent contributions of Tennent and Baltzer make the occurrence of this type seem very doubtful. 262 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS c *( f • ~- •« w\ Z>' N> JF* * FIG. 68. — Maturation in Ascaris. Male above. Female below. Let- tering as in Fig. 65. (From Morgan's Heredity and Sex, published by the Columbia University Press.) 264 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS Odgonium Spermat- ogonium Reduction Ripe Eggs Division tzs^*- p/,7™ Body Fertilized Egg Sperm FIG. 69. — Diagrams showing the behavior of the chromosomes during maturation and fertilization in the starfish, Echinus. One kind of spermatozoon is formed, but the ripe eggs differ, one containing a large X-element, the other a small Y-element. (From Schleip, 1913.) X ^ H Protenor, Anasa Syromastes, Homo Ascaris lumbricoides Nazara viridula Y Euschistus coenus JL Nazara hilaris Thyanta calceata t * t Rocconoia, PrionideB, Gelastocoris Acholla Fitchia Sinea FIG. 70. — Diagram showing the number and size relations of the X- and Y-chromosomes in a number of animals. (From Wilson, 1911.) CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 265 and the drones parthenogenetically. The history of the chromosomes has here been worked out by Nachtsheim (1913). The primary oocyte contains sixteen chromosomes in the form of eight tetrads ; the mature egg and polar bodies are each provided with eight chromosomes (Fig. 71, E) ; the inner half of the divided first polar body fuses with the second polar body, forming a " Richtungskopulationskern " (Fig. 71, F) which does not give rise to the male germ cells as Petrunkewitsch (1901) claimed, but degenerates. The cleavage nucleus in the parthenogenetic egg which produces the male shows sixteen chromosomes which divide to form thirty-two or sixty-four in the somatic cells, but do not increase in number in the spermatogonia. The first maturation division is unequal, and a "polar body" without any chroma- tin is pinched off (Fig. 71, A-C, Rh). The sperma- tids are likewise of two sorts ; the smaller (Fig. 71, C, Rkz) contain as many chromosomes as the larger (16), but degenerate, while the larger transform into spermatozoa. The fertilized (female) eggs possess the same number of chromosomes as the partheno- genetic eggs, plus an equal number which is brought in by the spermatozoon. The cleavage nucleus exhibits thirty-two chromosomes which may become sixty-four in the somatic cells, but unite two by two to form sixteen in the oogonia. Phylloxera carycecaulis will serve to illustrate the chromosome cycle in a species with a life cycle composed of parthenogenetic females which alter- nate with sexual males and females (Morgan, 1909, 266 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS 1910). The eggs laid by the stem-mother (see Chap- ter I, p. 24) in the spring possess four ordinary and C D ;; FIG. 71. — Stages in the spermatogenesis and oogenesis of the honeybee. A, B. First maturation division in the male. C. Second matura- tion division in the male. Three cells are produced : the first (RKi) without chromatin ; the second (RK%) with chromatin, but small and functionless ; and the third a functional spermatid. (After Meves, 1907.) D. First maturation division in the female showing polar body with eight dyads, and secondary oocyte with eight dyads. E. Sec- ond maturation division in the female showing the divided first polar body, the second polar body, and female pronucleus each with eight monads. F. Outer end of first polar body disintegrating ; inner half of first polar body uniting with second polar body, and female pronucleus. (After Nachsheim, 1913.) two sex chromosomes. These eggs give rise to parthenogenetic females with the same number of CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 267 chromosomes, and generation after generation of such females appear during the summer; but in the autumn, females, whose eggs must be fertilized before they will develop, and males are produced. The chromosomes of these eggs are distributed during maturation as shown in the diagram (Fig. 72). The eggs that develop into the females possess the usual number of chromosomes, but those that give rise to males cast out in the polar body one chromo- some that fails to divide, and hence are provided with one chromosome less than the others. During the maturation of the germ cells of these males two sorts of spermatozoa are formed, one with three chromosomes, the other with only two; the latter degenerate. Therefore, since only one sort of spermatozoa is functional, the fertilized winter eggs are all alike and all give rise to females (stem- mothers) the following spring. The chromosome distribution in certain nema- todes resembles somewhat that of the phylloxerans. Here, however, we have to deal with organisms that are peculiar in several respects. Maupas (1900) has shown that in the genus Rhabditis the number of males per 1000 females ranges from 45.0 to 0.15 according to the species ; and that these few males do not copulate with the females and hence are func- tionless. Furthermore, the females are not true females, but hermaphrodites. Kruger (1912) dis- covered that in Rhabditis aberrans the nuclei of the spermatozoa did not fuse with that of the egg, except in one instance, but disappeared in the cytoplasm; 268 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS hence the spermatozoa simply initiate development. The chromosome cycle of Rhabditis nigrovenosa has been studied by Boveri (1911) and Schleip (1911). PHYLLOXERA CAKYMCAULJS •Stem, o O o ^ o '^^ J CiD O o ± ^0 S^ o • * i 10 -TtJa^Sfi^idte. °i »*,•• <**ff 1 %* TTlaU, 'O'y j^ Sjwmatfcytt. FIG. 72. — Chromosome cycle in Phylloxera carycecaulis. (From Mor- gan's Heredity and Sex, published by the Columbia University Press.) CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 269 This nematode is a parasite in the lung of the frog for part of its life cycle; during this period it re- sembles the female, but is really hermaphroditic. These hermaphrodites give rise to free-living indi- viduals which are true males and females; the eggs of the latter when fertilized develop into para- sitic hermaphrodites. The oogonia and sperma- togonia of the hermaphroditic parasites possess twelve chromosomes (Fig. 73, A). The nucleus of the mature egg is provided with six (B) . Two sorts of spermatozoa are formed, one-half with six chromo- somes, the other half with five ; the latter result from the casting out of one chromosome (E) in a manner similar to that described above in Phylloxera. The eggs fertilized with the spermatozoa containing six chromosomes (F) produce free-living, true fe- males, whereas those fertilized by the spermatozoa with five (G) develop into free-living, true males. The hermaphroditic condition is regained as follows : The free-living females give rise to eggs all with six chromosomes ; the males, whose spermatogonia contain eleven chromosomes, produce spermatozoa with six or five chromosomes ; those with the latter number, however, are not functional, hence all fertilized eggs must be provided with twelve chromo- somes and develop into the hermaphroditic parasites. The chromosome cycle in pteropod mollusks as worked out by Zarnik (1911) seems even more re- markable than that described for nematodes. The hermaphroditic species, Creseis acicula, possesses twenty chromosomes, sixteen large ordinary chromo- 270 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS FIG. 73. — Rhabditis nigrovenosa. Stages in maturation, fertilization, and cleavage. A. Oogonium with twelve chromosomes. B. Sec- ond maturation division. Pronucleus and second polar body each with six chromosomes. C. Primary spermatocyte. D. Division of primary spermatocyte. E. Second spermatocyte division ; one chromosome delayed. F. Two spermatozoa each with six chromo- somes. G. Cleavage spindle of egg showing two groups of chromo- somes; one with six contributed by the egg, the other with five contributed by the sperm. (After Schleip, 1911.) CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 271 somes (shown in black in Fig. 74), two large sex- chromosomes (dotted), and two small sex-chromo- Spermato- gonium Sperm ato- cyte 1. Ordn. Sperm ato- cyte 2. Ordn. Spermien Oogonium. Relfes Ei. FIG. 74. — Diagrams showing the chromosome cycle in the pteropod mollusk, Creseis acicula. In order to simplify the diagrams each black chromosome is made to represent eight ordinary chromosomes. (After Zarnik, 1911.) somes (dotted). The spermatogonia enter the mat- uration period in this condition. The number of 272 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS chromosomes is reduced in the first division, resulting in two secondary spermatocytes each with eight large ordinary chromosomes, and one large and one small sex-chromosome. During the second division the small sex-chromosome does not divide, but passes intact into one spermatid ; thus two sorts of sperma- tozoa are formed, one with eight large ordinary and one sex chromosome and the others with eight large ordinary chromosomes and two large sex- chromosomes. The spermatozoa with only one sex chromosome is not functional. The oogonia differ from the spermatogonia and somatic cells in the possession of sixteen large ordinary chromosomes and four small sex-chromosomes ; two of the latter arise by the diminution of the chromatin in two of the large sex-chromosomes. The maturation divi- sions are of the usual sort, and all of the eggs are alike, containing eight large ordinary chromosomes and two small sex-chromosomes. Fertilization, as indicated in Fig. 74, always results in a zygote with sixteen large ordinary chromosomes, two large sex- chromosomes, and two small sex-chromosomes, which develop into a hermaphroditic individual. Although we know very little about the chromo- somes of man, the data available seem to indicate that here also there are chromatin bodies concerned with sex-determination. The following table indi- cates the state of our knowledge at the present time. Guyer (1910) was the first to announce the dis- covery of accessory chromosomes in man. He found twenty-two chromosomes in the spermatogonia, CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 273 TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF CHROMOSOMES IN MAN ACCORDING TO VARIOUS INVESTIGATORS DlPLOID NUMBER HAPLOID NUMBER INVESTIGATOR DATE Bardeleben 1892 24 Flemming 1897 18 (15 or 19) ! Wilcox 1900 12 Duesberg 1906 32 Farmer, Moore, and Walker 1906 16 Moore and Arnold 1906 12 or 10 Guyer 1910 12 or 10 Montgomery 1912 24( ?) Gutherz 1912 47 23 or 24 Winiwarter 1912 34 (33, 38) Wieman 1913 which became ten bivalent and two accessories in the primary spermatocytes. The latter pass un- divided to one pole (Fig. 75, -4), and hence two classes of spermatozoa result, one with ten ordinary chromo- somes, and the other with ten ordinary and two accessory chromosomes. Winiwarter (1912), on the other hand (Fig. 75, D-E), reports forty-seven chromosomes in the spermatogonia and two classes of spermatozoa, one with twenty-three and the other with twenty-four. The number in the female, according to Winiwarter, is probably forty-eight, and hence all mature eggs are alike so far as chromo- some number is concerned, each being provided with twenty -four. If these data are confirmed, it is evident that sex in man is determined at the time of fertilization and cannot be influenced by changing the environment. 1 Wilcox doesn't state whether this is the reduced or diploid number. T 274 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS The above illustrations indicate that there is some internal mechanism which controls sex, and that certain chromosomes are, in at least many cases, FIG. 75. — Chromosomes in man. A. First spermatocyte division show- ing two accessories passing early to one pole. B. Two contiguous spermatids, one without and the other with two accessories. C. Two secondary spermatocytes ; the one above with an accessory. D. Sec- ond spermatocyte with twenty-four dyads. E. Second spermatocyte with twenty-three dyads. (A-B, from Guyer, 1910; C-E, from Winiwarter, 1912.) factors in sex-determination. Several hypotheses have been suggested as to the relation of these chromosomes to sex, such as that sex is determined by the quantity of chromatin present in the zygote. CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 275 No view, however, has won general acceptance, but it seems probable that there are fundamental inter- relations between the different parts of the cell which regulate the behavior of the chromosomes. We must, therefore, look further for an explanation of sex-determination. It has been suggested that differences in metabolism may be responsible for the fundamental differences between the sexes. Ac- cording to this view changes in metabolism may control the behavior of the sex-chromosomes, or the presence of the sex-chromosomes in every cell in the body may influence the metabolism "in such a way that the organism is caused to become of one sex rather than of the other, in consequence of its type of metabolism " (Doncaster, 1914, p. 515). THE MITOCHONDRIA OF GERM CELLS The study of the relative importance of the nucleus and the cytoplasm in heredity has been given a new impetus within recent years by the more accurate examination and description of certain cytoplasmic inclusions of both germ cells and somatic cells known as mitochondria, chondriosomes, plastosomes, chro- midia, etc. Some of the best recent evidence that part of the germ-plasm may be located in the cyto- plasm is afforded by the work of Benda, Meves, Regaud, Duesberg, and others on the history of these mitochondrial bodies during maturation, fer- tilization, early cleavage, and cellular differentiation. As long as forty years ago the cytoplasm of the germ cells was known to contain bodies other than 276 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS the nucleus ; these bodies have been given various names such as spherules (Kunstler, 1882), cytomi- crosomes (La Valette St. George, 1886), bioblasts (Altmann, 1890), and ergastoplasm (Bouin, 1898). In 1897 and 1898 Benda noticed the constant pres- ence of certain granules in the male germ cells of a number of vertebrates and was able to trace their history from the spermatogonia until they formed the spiral filament in the tail of the spermatozoa. These observations were extended the following year (1899) so as to include all stages in the development of the eggs and spermatozoa of many vertebrates and invertebrates and also various tissue cells such as striated muscle-fibers, leucocytes, marrow-cells, etc. This work attracted wide attention chiefly for two reasons: (1) the history of the granules was carefully worked out and the various stages accurately described, and (2) special, rather com- plicated, staining methods were devised which were supposed to color the mitochondria so that they could be distinguished from all other cell inclusions. From 1899 until the present time an ever increasing number of investigators have attacked the problems presented by the mitochondria, or referred to these structures incidentally when working upon other his- tological or cytological problems. The study of mito- chondria received its greatest impetus, however, in 1908, when Meves published a paper on these structures in the chick embryo entitled "Die Chon- driosomen als Trager erblicher Anlagen." In this paper the chick embryo is described from the fifteen- CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 277 hour stage up to the three-days-nine-hour stage. The cells of the earliest stage studied contained mito- chondria (Fig. 76) which were differently arranged in the germinal layers : the ectoderm and entoderm cells contained, for the most part, rods and threads, the granules being scarce, and the mesoderm cells were characterized by numerous granules and few rods and threads. At the three-day stage the mito- chondria of the neuroblasts became difficult to stain by the usual method, but did stain like neuro- fibrils. These and other observations led Meves to the conclusion that the mitochondria are of con- siderable importance in cellular differentiation and are in fact the bearers of hereditary Anlagen. Since this paper of Meves appeared, the zoological periodicals have been flooded with the results of in- vestigations of the mitochondria in almost every sort of germ and somatic cell, both normal and abnormal, and in PROTOZOA and METAZOA, IN- VERTEBRATES and VERTEBRATES. No report on spermatogenesis, oogenesis, or early embryonic de- velopment is complete without reference to the mito- chondria. In plants, also, cellular bodies have been described of a mitochondrial nature (Meves, 1904 ; Duesberg and Hoven, 1910; Guilliermond, 1911). A large number of new terms have been coined for the purpose of describing these cytoplasmic in- clusions. Some of them are as follows : (1) mito- chondria, applied by Benda (1897, 1898) to certain granules with definite staining reactions ; (2) chon- driosomes, proposed by Meves (1908) for both single 278 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS FIG. 76. — Mitochondria in the embryonic cells of the chick. A. In cells of the primitive streak. B. In dividing connective tissue cells. C. In connective tissue cells. D. In a cartilage cell. E. In osteo- blasts and bone cells. F. In cells of Wolffian body. (From Dues- berg, 1913; A, B, C, E, after Meves; D, F, after Duesberg.) CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 279 granules and chains of granules ; the latter were also called chondriokonts ; (3) plastosomes (plastochon- dria, plastokonta) , employed by Meves (1910) be- cause of their supposed role in histogenesis ; (4) eclectosomes, selected by Regaud (1909) as a general physiological expression for chondriosomes ; (5) chon- driotaxis, used by Giglios-Tos and Granata (1908) to describe the parallel arrangement of chondrio- konts ; (6) chondriodierese, proposed by the same authors for the division of the chondriokonts during cell division ; (7) karyochondria, coined by Wildman (1913) for cytoplasmic inclusions derived from the basichromatin of the nucleus ; (8) chromidia, a term considered by Goldschmidt (1904) and others to in- clude the mitochondria. We are here especially interested in the mitochon- dria of the germ cells, their origin, fate, and signif- icance, but our ideas regarding the importance of these bodies in heredity depend somewhat upon their behavior in somatic cells. As already stated, Benda (1903) observed mitochondria in both germ cells and somatic cells. Since then they have been recorded in PROTOZOA, in almost every sort of somatic cell in METAZOA, and in many plant cells (Fig. 77). Excellent reviews have been published by Benda (1903), Faure-Fremiet (1910), Prenant (1910), and Duesberg (1912). These reviews have led to the conclusion already expressed by Regaud (1909, p. 920) that "it is probable that they (mitochondria) exist in all cells, at least at certain stages in their activities." Among the somatic differentiations to 280 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS which mitochondria are supposed to give rise are neurofibrils and myofibrils. Meves (1907, 1908) considered it probable that neurofibrids were trans- formed chondriosomes, and Hoven (1910) seemed to have proved it, but Marcora (1911) and Cowdry (1914) find that the neurofibrils arise independently, A B FIG. 77. — Mitochondria in the cells of a plant, Pisum sativum. A. Young germ cell. B. Young germ cell dividing. C. Old cell containing vacuoles. (From Duesberg and Hoven, 1910.) although mitochondria are present in the nerve cells. Duesberg (1910) is quite positive that the myofibrils of striated muscle fibers are produced by the metamorphosis of chondriosomes from em- bryonic muscle cells, and has recently (Duesberg, 1913) strengthened his position by the discovery that the myoplasm described by Conklin (1905) in the egg of the Ascidian, Cynthia, is well supplied with chondriosomes. Mitochondrial structures have been studied in both living and preserved cells. Faure-Fremiet (1910) describes them in living cells (Fig. 78, D) as CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 281 small, transparent, slightly refringent granules of a pale gray tint, either homogeneous or else vesicular with fluid contents and a thin, denser, refringent periphery. Rod-like mitochondria were likewise observed by Montgomery (1911) in the living male germ cells of Euschistus (Fig. 78, A-B) which had been teased out in Ringer's solution; and this in- FIG. 78. — Division of mitochondria. A— B. Mitochondrial rods divid- ing during first maturation division in Euschistus. C. Stages in division of mitochondria! body in Hydrometra. D. Simultaneous division of micronucleus and mitochondria in Carchesium (in vivo). (A-B, from Montgomery, 1911; C, from Wilke, 1913; D, from Faure-Fremiet, 1910.) vestigator concluded that in preserved material "we have been working with images that are very close to the living. ..." More recently Lewis and Lewis (1914) have made careful studies of mitochon- dria in living cells from chick embryos. Granules were here seen "to fuse together into rods or chains, and these to elongate into threads, which in turn anastomose with each other and may unite into a complicated network, which in turn may again break down into threads, rods, loops, and rings." Even more remarkable are the movements within the 282 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS cell described by the same investigators. "The mitochondria are almost never at rest, but are con- tinually changing their position and also their shape. The changes in shape are truly remarkable, not only in the great variety of forms, but also in the rapidity with which they change from one form to another. A single mitochondrium may bend back and forth with a somewhat undulatory movement, or thicken at one end and thin out at the other with an appear- ance almost like that of pulsation, repeating this process many times. Again, a single mitochondrium sometimes twists and turns rapidly as though attached at one end, like the lashing of a flagellum, then suddenly moves off to another position in the cytoplasm as though some tension had been re- leased." Mitochondria may also be stained intra vitam, especially with dahlia violet and Janus green. Most of the fixing solutions ordinarily used for cyto- logical purposes destroy the mitochondria. The methods which seem to give the best results have osmic acid or formalin as a basis, such as those de- vised by Altmann (see Lee, 1905, p. 43), Benda (Lee, 1905, p. 223), Meves (1908), and Regaud (1908, p. 661). Benda (1903) claimed that all cellular structures which stained violet by his method were of a mitochondrial nature ; but this has not been found to hold true. Undoubtedly the many bodies which have been discovered in cells are of several sorts, and only by a thorough study of their staining qualities, morphological aspects, and biological roles can they be identified. Benda's crystal violet CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 283 stain seems to be more selective than any other for mitochondria and is of great value for this reason. Mitochondria most often appear as spherical or elongated granules about 0.001 mm. diameter. These granules may become arranged in a series, thus forming a chain, and the granules in a chain may fuse into a homogeneous rod. Different forms are present in different kinds of cells or even in the same cell at various stages in its evolution or func- tional activity. Some investigators (Prenant, 1910) maintain that the homogeneous rod is the primitive condition and that the granules are formed by the disintegration of such rods ; • to others just the reverse seems to be true (Rubaschkin, 1910 ; Dues- berg, 1912). The chemical constitution of the mitochondria has been studied by a number of investigators. Regaud (1908) has shown that the mitochondria of the » seminal epithelium are not histochemically identical. He distinguishes three sorts of granules : (1) those which resist the action of acetic acid and are stainable without being previously immersed in a solution of potassium bichromate, (2) granules which resist acetic acid but require intense chromisa- tion, and (3) granules which do not resist acetic acid and demand chromisation. Faure-Fremiet, Mayer, and Schaffer (1909) have studied the mito- chondria by microchemical and comparative methods and reached the conclusion that they are lecithal- bumins. Mitochondria have been noted in all stages of 284 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS the male germ-cell cycle, especially in mammals, mollusks, and insects, and appear to be continuous from one generation of cells to the next. During FIG. 79. — Behavior of the mitochondria during the fertilization and early cleavage of the egg of Ascaris. A. Egg into which a sperma- tozoon has penetrated. B, C. The mixing of the mitochondria of the egg and spermatozoon. D. Division stage of the first two blas- tomeres. (After Meves, 1911 and 1914.) mitosis the plastosomes lie outside of the spindle (Fig. 79, D) ; they may divide autonomously as claimed by Faure-Fremiet (1910) in PROTOZOA (Fig. CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 285 78, D) and Wilke (1912) in the spermatocytes of Hydrometra or en masse, as in the spermatogenesis of Euschistus (Fig. 78, A-B), thus undergoing a sort of paramitosis (Montgomery, 1911) and Notonecta (Browne, 1913). In the former cases each daughter cell is supposed to receive one-half of each granule; in the latter the distribution is largely by chance, but apparently equal (Cowdry, 1914). According to certain observers the centrosomes exert an in- fluence upon the mitochondria as indicated by the aggregation of these bodies around the asters (Faure- Fremiet, 1910 ; Meves, 1914) ; but others have been unable to find any confirmatory evidence in their material (Montgomery, 1911). Duesberg (1908) has pointed out that since there is no rest period between the two maturation divisions there must be a quantitative reduction of plastosomes in the sper- matids; a quartering of the mitochondria could not, however, be observed by Montgomery (1912) in Peripatus. Montgomery (1911) has suggested that the relative amount of the mitochondrial sub- stance received "might determine the sex-prepon- derance character of the sperm, a matter unfor- tunately very difficult to test." Faure-Fremiet recognizes four types of mitochon- drial distribution in the germ cells : (1) filaments or masses that do not undergo profound morphological changes (Fig. 80) ; (2) one or more masses which transform into a definite morphological element, the Nebenkern; (3) masses which only partially change into a Nebenkern or yolk nucleus ; (4) bodies 286 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS which transform entirely or in part into deuto- plasmic granules of a fatty nature. The origin of the mitochondria in male cells can- not be stated definitely, since certain investigators (Goldschmidt, Buchner, Wassilieff, etc.) claim that they arise from the nucleus ; others (e.g., Meves, Wilke, Duesberg) consider them to be integral parts of the cytoplasm ; and a third group (Montgomery, Browne, Wildman) looks upon some of them as the results of chemical interaction between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Less is known con- cerning the mitochon- dria during oogenesis than during sperma- togenesis, but certain bodies have been described in the ova of a number of animals which exhibit all of the characteristics of the mitochondria of male cells. As in the latter, they have been considered chromidial by some and of cytoplasmic origin by others. The importance of the mitochondria depends largely upon their functions. Those of the egg have been observed by Russo (1907), Loyez (1909), Faure-Fremiet (1910), Van Durme (1914), Hegner (1914a), and others to transform directly into yolk globules. According to Van der Stricht (1904), Lams (1907), etc., they produce yolk elements in- FIG. 80. — Four stages in the formation of the spermatozoon of Enteroxenos showing the distribution of the mito- chondria (M). (After Bonnevie.') CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 287 directly ; and it is the opinion of Meves, Duesberg, and their followers that they play an important role in fertilization. Likewise in the spermatozoa ideas differ regarding their functions. Benda (1899) believed them to be motor organs; Koltzoff (1906), from a study of the spermatozoa of Decapods, maintains that they represent elements which form a sort of cellular skeleton ; Regaud (1909) claims that they are the particular cellular organs which exercise a "fonction eclectique," extracting and fixing substances in the cell, and should therefore be called "eclectosomes"; and Meves (1907, 1908) holds that they are cytoplasmic constituents cor- responding to the chromosomes of the nucleus. Meves (1907, 1908) came to the conclusion that there must be hereditary substances in the cytoplasm, and by the method of elimination decided in favor of the mitochondria. In his studies on fertilization and cleavage in Ascaris (Meves, 1911, 1914) he has shown that granules from the spermatozoon (Fig. 79) fuse with similar granules in the egg, as described previously by L. and R. Zoja (1891), and that these granules are plastosomes. The distribution of the fused granules is followed until the amphiaster is formed in the two-cell stage ; here the plastosomes are mainly grouped about the centrosomes, although a few are scattered about in the cytoplasm (Fig. 79, D). Although there are many who believe Meves and his followers to be correct in their contention that the plastosomes are the bearers of hereditary charac- 288 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS teristics in the cytoplasm, just as the chromosomes are the bearers of hereditary characteristics in the nucleus, still there are many objections to this view, such as the fact that part or all of the plastosomes may be cast out of the spermatid (e.g., in the opos- sum, Jordan, 1911 ; and in Peripatus, Montgomery, 1912). It is obvious from the foregoing account that there are a number of opposing views regarding the origin, nature, and role of the various cytoplasmic inclusions which have been considered mitochondria. Are they constant, necessary constituents of the living protoplasm, or are they inactive lifeless bodies which may be included under the term metaplasm ? If they constitute a part of the living protoplasm, do they form the skeleton of the cell, do they take part in the metabolic activities of the cytoplasm or nucleus, or do they play a role in the process of differentiation, and should they be considered as the hereditary substance of the cytoplasm ? If they are simply metabolic products, are they excretory in nature, or reserve materials set aside for the later use of the cell ? And finally, do they arise from the nucleus, are they strictly cytoplasmic, or do they originate through the interaction of nucleus and cytoplasm ? It is impossible in a short space to give an adequate account of the arguments pro and con, and so we must refer the reader to the compre- hensive reviews mentioned above. The conclusion, however, is perfectly safe that we shall have to await the results of further investigations before we can come to a definite decision. In the meantime we CHROMOSOMES AND MITOCHONDRIA 289 should thank the mitochondria for focusing the attention of cytologists upon the cytoplasmic ele- ments, since the belief is becoming more and more general that hereditary phenomena are the result of interactions between nucleus and cytoplasm and that the latter may play a more important role than is usually supposed. CHAPTER X THE GERM-PLASM THEORY IN discussing the germ-plasm theory it is necessary to distinguish between this hypothesis and that of the morphological continuity of the germ cells. The facts and theories involved have grown up to- gether. Owen (1849) was perhaps the first to point out the differences between germ cells and body cells. "Not all of the progeny of the primary impreg- nated germ cell, " he writes, "are required for the for- mation of the body in all animals ; certain of the de- rivative germ cells may remain unchanged and become included in that body which has been composed of their metamorphosed and diversely combined and confluent brethren ; so included, any derivative germ cell or the nucleus of such may commence and repeat the same processes of growth by imbibition, and of propagation by spontaneous fission, as those to which itself owed its origin. ..." Gal ton (1872) was among the earliest to recognize the necessity for two sorts of materials in the individual metazoon, "one of which is latent and only known to us by its effects on his posterity, while the other is potent, and constitutes the person manifest to our senses." He at that time believed in the inheritance of ac- quired characters and conceived the egg as a struc- 290 THE GERM-PLASM THEORY 291 tureless body from which both the body and the ova of the individual evolve ; and considered these ova to consist of contributions partly from the egg and partly from the body which developed from the egg. Later Jager (1877) stated the idea of germinal con- tinuity more definitely. He maintained that part of the germ-plasm (Keim Protoplasma) of the animal forms the individual, and the rest is re- served until sexual maturity, when it forms the repro- ductive material. The reservation of this phylo- genetic substance he termed the "continuity of the germ-plasm" (" Continuitat des Keimproto- plasmas"). To Weismann (1885) is usually given the credit for originating the germ-plasm theory, but while we are undoubtedly indebted to him for the great influence the hypothesis of germinal con- tinuity has had upon the trend of biological investi- gations within the past thirty years, we must con- sider Jager as the first to clearly enunciate the idea. Jager (1878) also expressed a belief in the mor- phological continuity of the germ cells of succeed- ing generations, but this idea was first definitely stated by Nussbaum (1880), whose investigations of the germ cells in the trout and frog led him to conclude that the cleavage cells form two groups independent of each other. One group contains the cells which multiply and differentiate and thus build up the body of the individual, but do not pro- duce germ cells; the other group takes no part in the formation of the body and undergoes no differen- tiations, but multiplies by simple division. The germ 292 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS cells are thus not derived from the individual in which they lie, but have a common origin with it. The segregated germ cells or species substance is therefore distinct and independent of the individual ; this accounts for the constancy of the species. We may distinguish between the two ideas by defining them as follows : (1) Germinal continuity, or the germ-plasm theory. "In each ontogeny a part of the specific germ-plasm contained in the parent egg-cell is not used up in the construction of the body of the off- spring, but is reserved unchanged for the formation of the germ cells of the following generation" (Weismann, 1891, p. 170). (2) Morphological continuity of the germ cells. The developing egg produces by division two sorts of cells, germ cells which contain the germ-plasm and somatic cells which protect, nourish, and transport the germ cells until they leave the body to give rise to the succeeding generation. No case of a complete morphological continuity of germ cells has ever been described. Such an occurrence would necessitate the division of the egg into two cells, one of which would give rise to all of the body cells and nothing else, the other only to germ cells. The behavior of the germ-plasm in such a case would be as follows (Weismann, 1904, p. 410) : "The germ-plasm of the ovum first doubles itself by growth, as the nuclear substance does at every nuclear division, and then divides into two similar halves, one of which, lying in the primordial somatic THE GERM-PLASM THEORY 293 cell, becomes at once active and breaks up into smaller and smaller groups of determinants corre- sponding to the building up of the body, while the germ-plasm in the other remains in a more or less * bound' or 'set' condition, and is only active to the extent of gradually stamping as germ cells the cells which arise from the primordial germ cell." According to Weismann this actually occurs in Dipterous insects, but there is no evidence in the literature to warrant this statement. It is conse- quently necessary to imagine the germ-plasm as present but not definitely localized in a germ cell until some time after the two-cell stage has been reached. Thus in hydroids Weismann explains the situation as follows: "Here the primordial germ cell is separated from the ovum by a long series of cell-generations, and the sole possibility of explaining the presence of germ-plasm in this primordial germ cell is to be found in the assumption that in the divisions of the ovum the whole of the germ-plasm originally contained in it was not broken up into determinant groups, but that a part, perhaps the greater part, was handed on in a latent state from cell to cell, till sooner or later it reached a cell which it stamped as the primordial germ cell." Evidence that the germ-plasm does become sooner or later localized in the primordial germ cell has accu- mulated rapidly within recent years. In the psedo- genetic fly, Miastor (see Chapter III), the first cell to be cut off from the egg is the primordial germ cell (Fig. 17, p.g.c.), although at this time there are 294 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS eight nuclei in the egg. As determined by Kahle (1908) and confirmed by the writer (Hegner, 1912, 1914a), this primordial germ cell gives rise to sixty- four oogonia and to no other cells. This is the nearest approach to a complete morphological continuity of the germ cells that has yet been described, and since this primordial germ cell must contain the germ- plasm of the succeeding generation, the condition in this fly is really comparable to that of the hypo- thetical case cited above, only in Miastor the cell set aside for reproductive purposes is much less than one-half of the egg, the somatic part of the egg being not a single cell, but a syncytium containing seven nuclei. We may therefore look for the germ-plasm of Miastor in the primordial germ cell.* So far as we know there are only two sorts of materials in this cell, that contained in the nucleus, and the darkly staining part of the egg which becomes recognizable just before maturation occurs, is situated at the pos- terior pole, and has been termed the pole-plasm (Fig. 13). If the primordial germ-cell multiplies by simple division and if there is an equal distribution of the contents at every mitosis, then the sixty- four oogonia must each possess one sixty-fourth of both the nucleus and the pole-plasm of the primordial germ cell plus any materials that have been added during the period of multiplication. An enormous enlargement occurs during the growth period both of the nucleus and of the cell. The pole-plasm cannot be recognized at this time, but again becomes THE GERM-PLASM THEORY 295 evident just before maturation ; it has increased in amount to approximately sixty-four times its former mass. How this increase has been brought about is not known, but it has been suggested (p. 68) that preexisting particles of pole-plasm may grow and divide, or the dilution of the pole-plasm caused by the growth of the egg might start into action some catalyst which would cause the production of more substance like the pole-plasm and cease its activity when the amount of pole-plasm characteristic of the mature egg had accumulated and brought it to a state of equilibrium. In the midge, Chironomus, the primordial germ cell is segregated even earlier than in Miastor, namely, at the four-cell stage. The later history of the germ cells is not so well known in this species, however, as in Miastor. The data presented in Chapters V and VI prove that a definite and early segregation of germ cells is known in a sufficient number of groups to indicate that the process is quite general among animals. The morphological continuity of the germ cells, however, cannot be established with such a degree of certainty in the vertebrates, and although most investigators believe that the germ cells are con- tinuous, still the entire keimbahn has never been traced as accurately as it has in many invertebrates. Fortunately almost every new investigation contains additional data and more refined methods which lead us to hope that some time in the near future the primordial germ cells even here may be traced back to early cleavage stages. 296 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS One of the distinguishing features of many primor- dial germ cells is the presence within their cytoplasm of certain stainable bodies to which I have applied the term "keimbahn-determinants." Although, as pointed out in Chapter VIII, these inclusions do not appear to consist of the same sort of material in the eggs of different species and hence their signif- icance is problematical, still they seem to be asso- ciated with that particular part of the egg sub- stance which becomes the cytoplasm of the primor- dial germ cells. For this reason, if for no other, the keimbahn-determinants are of the greatest value, since they enable us to determine the position of this germ-cell substance during the stages before the primordial germ cells are established. It is therefore possible to trace the germ-cell substance in such cases as Sagitta (Fig. 54), where there is no morphological continuity of the germ cells. What relation the keimbahn-determinants have to the germ- plasm is not yet definitely known. There have, of course, been many objections to the germ-plasm theory. The history of the germ cells in the Coelenterata, upon which Weismann (1882) based a large part of his argument, is consid- ered by Hargitt (see p. 95) to be directly opposed to the hypothesis. According to some zoologists there is no essential difference between the repro- ductive cells and the various sorts of somatic cells ; they have all arisen as the result of division of labor, and the germ cells have been differentiated for pur- poses of heredity just as the muscle cells have been THE GERM-PLASM THEORY 297 differentiated for causing motion and the nerve cells for receiving and conducting stimuli. That the germ cells remain in a primitive condition during a large part of the embryonic period is accounted for by the fact that they become functional at a compara- tively late stage in ontogeny (Eigenmann, 1896). Asexual reproduction by means of fission or budding has seemed to some to invalidate the theory of ger- minal continuity, but as Montgomery (1906, p. 82) has pointed out, "Perhaps in all cases products of asexual generation contain germ cells. If this were so, it might then be the case that the incapacity of any part of the body of an animal to reproduce asexually, or even to regenerate, would be due to the absence of germ cells in it — but this is merely a suggestion." The probability that the regenerat- ing pieces of ccelenterates and the artificial plas- modia formed by dissociated sponge cells contain germ cells has already been noted (p. 79), but there are cases of the regeneration of sex organs that are not so easily explained. For example, Janda (1912) has found that if the anterior part of the hermaph- roditic annelid, Criodrilus lacuum, is removed, a new anterior end will regenerate containing both ovaries and testes, although not always in their normal positions. The study of the germ cells in the cestode Moniezia expansa convinced Child (1906) that germ cells may develop from tissue cells. In this species the germ cells are derived from the parenchymal syncytium, which has undergone a considerable degree of cytoplasmic 298 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS differentiation and therefore consists of real tissue cells. Those parenchymal cells that encounter certain conditions become germ cells. Later (1906) the same author gave an account of the development of spermatogonia in the same animal from the dif- ferentiated muscle cells . These studies, together with the results from experiments on regeneration, have led Child (1912) to the belief "that this germ-plasm hypothesis and the subsidiary hypotheses which have grown up about it are not only unnecessary and constitute an impediment to biological thought, which has retarded its progress in recent years to a very appreciable extent, but furthermore, that they are not in full accord with observed facts and can be maintained only so long as we ignore the facts." He further maintains that if protoplasm is a physico- chemical substance it is capable of changing its con- stitution in any direction according to the conditions imposed upon it, and that therefore the continuous existence of a germ-plasm with a given specific constitution is unnecessary. The evidence in favor of the germ-plasm theory is so strong that the arguments thus far advanced against it have had but little influence. If, then, we accept germinal continuity as a fact and consider the germ-plasm to be a substance that is not con- taminated by the body in which it lies, but remains inviolate generation after generation, we should next inquire as to the nature of this substance. The generally accepted idea is that the chromatin of the nucleus represents the physical basis of heredity. In THE GERM-PLASM THEORY 299 favor of this view are the facts that during mitosis the number and shape of the chromosomes are con- stant in every species (variations sometimes occur) and the complex series of processes in indirect nuclear division seems to be for the sole purpose of dividing the chromosomes equally between the daughter cells; even during the intervals (interkinesis) be- tween successive mitoses the chromosomes may be recognized in certain species as prochromosomes (see Digby, 1914, for review of literature). During the maturation of the germ cells chromosomes seem to play the most important role, uniting in synapsis, and separating in the reducing division. The chromosomes of the minute, motile sperma- tozoa equal in number those of the comparatively enormous, passive egg; the spermatozoon consists almost entirely of chromatin, and this is the only substance present in the zygote that is equally contributed by both egg and spermatozoon. The processes following the penetration of the spermato- zoon into the egg bring about a combination of the chromosomes of the two gametes into a single nucleus ; in certain animals at least some characters depend upon the presence of a certain chromosome, the X-chromosome ; in certain cases of polyspermy the addition of extra male chromosomes seems to be the cause of the abnormal development of the egg. These and many other facts of chromosome be- havior that have been discovered by observations and experiments have convinced most biologists that the chromatin is the germ-plasm. 300 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS It is becoming more and more evident, however, that the cytoplasm cannot be entirely excluded. As noted in Chapter IX, the mitochondria appear to be constant cell elements and may actually constitute a part of the essential hereditary substance. Even if these particular cytoplasmic bodies do not repre- sent germ-plasm, still, as pointed out by Guyer (1911) and others, cytoplasm as well as nuclear material is necessary to explain the phenomena which we call heredity. It was shown in Chapter I that the most important primary constituents of protoplasm are the proteins, and the idea is rapidly becoming general that the mechanism of heredity consists of (1) fun- damental species substances, probably mainly pro- tein in nature, together with (2) equally specific enzymic substances which regulate the sequences of the various chemical and physical processes incident to development (Guyer, 1911, p. 299). The chro- mosomes have been suggested as enzymatic in nature (Montgomery, 1910), but enzymes are sup- posed merely to accelerate reaction already initiated, and hence the substrate must be of as great importance as the enzymes which work upon it. But the sub- strates must be extremely numerous to supply each species with its specific proteins. That there are enough configurational differences in corresponding protein molecules to supply the number for the thousands of animal species is certain, since some comparatively simple proteins may possess thousands of millions of stereoisomers. Thus the study of heredity substance involves primarily a knowledge THE GERM-PLASM THEORY 301 of the nature and reactions of the chemical constitu- ents of protoplasm, for, as Wilson (1912, p. 66) says, "The essential conclusion that is indicated by cy to- logical study of the nuclear substance is, that it is an aggregate of many different chemical components which do not constitute a mere mechanical mixture, but a complex organic system, and which undergo perfectly ordered processes of segregation and dis- tribution in the cycle of cell life." Some of the strongest evidence that the germ- plasm must include cytoplasmic constituents is afforded by the observations and experiments dealing with the differentiation of the germ cells, especially during early embryonic development. The writer's morphological and experimental studies of chrysom- elid beetles seem to prove that the nuclei during the cleavage stages are all potentially alike and that it is the cytoplasm which decides their fate. Boveri's experiments on the eggs of Ascaris likewise show that the cytoplasm determines the initiation of the chromatin-diminution process and controls the differ- entiation of the germ cells. Furthermore, much of the data in the preceding chapters indicates that the non-nuclear substance which will become segregated within the primordial germ cell is present in a more or less definite region in the undivided egg, being gradually localized and separated from the other egg substances as cleavage progresses. The position of this germ-cell substance can in many cases be deter- mined because of the presence of inclusions of vari- ous sorts, but whether these keimbahn-determinants 302 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS constitute an important part of the germ-plasm or play a minor role in heredity is still uncertain. Modern cytological studies and the results of ex- perimental breeding both help to solve the prob- lems of the combination and subsequent distribution of the determiners or factors within the germ-plasm. In fact, it has been maintained by certain geneticists that "The modern study of heredity has proven itself to be an instrument even more subtle in the analysis of the materials of the germ cells than actual observations on the germ cells themselves " (Morgan, 1913, p. v). Those who do not wish to commit themselves as to the physical or chemical nature of the germ-plasm are content to speak of determiners, factors, or genes without connecting them with any particular substances. The behavior of the chro- mosomes, however, enables us to explain so many of the facts of heredity that, as stated above, these bodies are generally considered to constitute the essential hereditary substance. The study of heredity was wonderfully stimulated by the recognition in 1900 by Correns, Von Tscher- mak, and de Vries of the results of Mendel's (1866) investigations on plants. One of the simplest of Mendel's experiments is that which he performed with differently colored peas (Fig. 81). A pea bear- ing green seeds was crossed with a pea bearing yellow seeds. The first (Fi) generation of peas resulting from this cross all bore yellow seeds. When the in- dividual plants of this generation were inbred, three- fourths of the resulting (F2) generation were yellow THE GERM-PLASM THEORY 303 and one-fourth green. This proved that the seeds of the first generation (Fi), although yellow, still possessed within them the factor for greenness in a latent condition. Green was therefore called a re- o o Fs FIG. 81. — Diagram to illustrate Mendel's law of segregation. Individ- uals (zygotes) are represented by superimposed circles, whose colors stand for the factors involved. Gametes (germ cells) are represented by single circles. (From Morgan, 1914-} cessive character and yellow a dominant character. As a result of breeding the (F2) second generation it was found that all of the green seeds produced plants which bore green seeds ; that is, these plants were pure green and "homozygous" as regards color; whereas the plants which bore yellow seeds could be 304 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS separated into two groups ; one, containing on the average one-third of these plants, was pure yellow and homozygous as regards color; the other two-thirds, although yellow, contained green in a latent condi- tion and were therefore impure yellows and "hetero- zygous" as regards color. The conclusion reached was that the eggs and spermatozoa produced by the first (Fi) generation (see Fig. 81) were pure yellow or pure green and that chance combinations during fertilization resulted in the three classes of individ- uals in the second (F2) generation ; that is, one-fourth pure yellow, one-fourth pure green, and one-half with dominant yellow and green recessive. Evidently the factors for yellow and green repulsed each other during the maturation so that they became localized in different germ cells. Such a characteristic as the color of the seeds of these peas is known as a unit character, and the sepa- ration of the factors of such a character during maturation is referred to as the principle of segrega- tion. Mendel further discovered that if the seeds were also wrinkled or round, such characters behaved independently of the color characters. These and other experiments described by Mendel opened the way for new lines of investigation which have yielded results of vast importance from the stand- point of heredity and evolution.1 Soon after Mendel's results were "rediscovered" 1 For more detailed accounts of experiments and theories that have been published within the past fourteen years the reader is referred to the books of Bateson (1909, 1913) and Punnet (1911). THE GERM-PLASM THEORY 305 it was pointed out by Guyer (1902), Sutton (1903), and others that the distribution of the adult char- acteristics of hybrids which were found by Mendel to reappear in the offspring in rather definite propor- \ FIG. 82. — Diagrams to show the pairs of chromosomes and their be- havior at the time of maturation of the egg. Three pairs of chromo- somes are represented ; three from one parent, three from the other. The six possible modes of separation of these three are shown in the lowest line. (From Morgan, 191 4-) tions, could be explained if these characteristics are located in the chromosomes. During synapsis, as already explained (p. 44), homologous maternal and paternal chromosomes are supposed to pair and then separate in the reduction division. It seems probable that the pairs of chromosomes do not occupy any 306 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS definite position on the spindle at this time, but, as indicated in Fig. 82, the distribution of the maternal and paternal chromosomes to the daughter cells is entirely a matter of chance. If the homologous maternal and paternal chromosomes really are dis- tributed by chance to the eggs and spermatozoa following synapsis, then the number of combinations possible are as follows (Button, 1903) : SOMATIC SERIES REDUCED SERIES COMBINATIONS IN GAMETES COMBINATIONS IN ZYGOTES 2 1 2 4 4 2 4 16 8 4 16 256 16 8 256 65536 24 12 4096 16777216 36 18 262144 68719476736 The only direct evidence that such distribution of chromosomes takes place is that furnished re- cently by Carothers (1913) from a study of the spermatogenesis of three Orthopterous insects, Brachystola magna, Arphia simplex, and Dissosteira Carolina. Miss Carothers, while working in Pro- fessor McClung's laboratory, discovered a tetrad in the first spermatocytes of these insects which consists of two unequal dyads (Fig. 83) . During the two mat- uration divisions the four parts of this tetrad pass to the four spermatozoa, and consequently two sorts of spermatozoa are produced so far as this chromo- some is concerned, one-half with one of the larger elements of the tetrad and one-half with one of the THE GERM-PLASM THEORY 307 smaller elements. These differently sized dyads are considered by Carothers as "distinct physiological individuals, representing respectively the paternal and maternal contribution to the formation of some character or characters ; and, as each can be iden- tified, they furnish an excellent means of tracing the process of segregation and recombination" (p. 499). It was at first assumed that each of the pairs of chromosomes which unite in synapsis was responsible for a single adult character, but the number of Mendelian char- acters is known tn V»^ crr^t^r in FlG* 83'~~ ArPhia ^implex. Chromosomes of first spermatocyte. a = accessory chrcmo- Certain Cases than some. 6 = unequal dyad. (From Carothers, ., , „ 1913.) the number ot chromosomes. Fortunately, it has been found that the characters, instead of undergoing independent as- sortment, may become linked so that certain of them almost always occur together in the offspring. The relation of these facts to the constitution of the chromosomes may best be illustrated by reference to the studies of Morgan and his students on the fruit- fly, Drosophila. Over one hundred mutants of this species have been discovered by these investigators. So far as studied, the characters of these flies seem to form three groups. * ' The characters in the first group show sex-linked inheritance. They follow the sex- chromosomes. The second group is less extensive. Since the characters in this group are linked to each 308 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS other, we say that they lie in a second chromosome. The characters of the third group have not as yet been so fully studied, except to show that they are linked. We place them in the third chromosome without any pretensions as to which of the pairs of chromosomes are numbered II and III. " The arrangement of these characters in groups is based on a general fact in regard to their behavior in heredity, viz., A member of any group shows linkage with all other members of that group, but shows inde- pendent assortment with any member of any other group" If the factors which determine these groups of characters are situated in the chromosomes, as the hypothesis demands, we should expect each group to act as a unit in heredity. Occasionally, however, the characters of a group appear to act independently, and there must thus be an interchange of factors at the time of synapsis. As already stated (p. 254), an interchange of substances between chromosome pairs during synapsis is possible and even probable. Mor- gan explains the degree of crossing over of characters in the following way : The factors which determine the characters are arranged in the chromosomes in a linear series ; those factors that are near together will have less chance of being separated than those that lie farther apart. The relative distances be- tween these factors can be judged by the frequency of interchange as determined by breeding experi- ments. It has thus been possible to locate certain factors in the chromosomes more or less accurately and to predict with some degree of certainty the re- THE GERM-PLASM THEORY 309 suits of hybridization. Thus if the position of a newly discovered factor is determined by comparison with another particular known factor, it is possible to " calculate the results for all other known factors in the same chromosome." Morgan's ideas regard- ing the organization of the chromosomes coincide with those expressed by Weismann in one respect, that is, they are assumed "to have definite structures and not to be simply bags filled with a homogeneous fluid." Wilson (1912, p. 63) also regards the chro- mosomes as "compound bodies, consisting of differ- ent constituents which undergo different modes of segregation in different species." Students of genetics now consider the individual as built up of a number of unit characters represented in the germ-plasm by factors, and when two different germ-plasms unite (amphimixis) the factors do not mix, but remain uncontaminated. The germ-plasm of offspring which develop from fertilized eggs is supposed to consist of an assortment of factors brought about during synapsis and reduction as indi- cated in Fig. 84. The factors (or genes) in the germ- plasm occur in pairs called allelomorphs,1 and one of the pair may be regarded as dominant, the other re- cessive, as, for example, the yellow and green colors of pea seeds. Thus the appearance of the individual depends upon the character of its dominant factors. Any attempt to account for the origin of new species 1 According to some investigators, especially in England, the presence of a factor should be considered one allelomorph and its absence as the contrasting factor. 310 GERM-CELL CYCLE IN ANIMALS FIG. 84. — Diagrams illustrating the union of two stocks with paired factors A, B, C, D, and a, b, c, d, to form pairs Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd. Their possible recombinations are shown in the sixteen smaller circles. (After Wilson.) must accept these facts of heredity as a basis. If evolution is a fact, new species must have arisen from time to time. This may have occurred by the drop- ping out of old factors or the addition of new factors. There seems to be sufficient evidence that factors are sometimes left out, but there are very few cases of the addition of new factors. Our ideas of a pro- gressive evolution demand the addition of new factors, but whether this is brought about by changes within the germ-plasm or is the result of external influences is not known. REFERENCES TO LITERATURE ALLEN, B. M. 1906. The Origin of the Sex-cells of Chrysemys. Anat. Anz. Bd. 29. 1907a. A Statistical Study of the Sex-cells of Chrysemys marginata. Anat. Anz. Bd. 30. 19076. An Important Period in the History of the Sex- cells of Rana pipiens. Anat. Anz. Bd. 31. 1909. The Origin of the Sex-cells of Amia and Lepidos- teus. Anat. Record. Vol. 3. 1911. The Origin of the Sex-cells of Amia and Lepidos- teus. Journ. Morph. Vol. 22. ALTMANN, R. 1890. Die Elementarorganismen und ihre Beziehungen zu den Zellen. Leipzig. AMMA, K. 1911. Ueber die Differenzierung der Keimbahn- zellen bei den Copepoden. Arch. Zellf. Bd. 6. ANCEL, P. 1903. 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Berenberg-Gossler, 98, 100, 102, 312.* Bessels, 118, 312.* Bigelow, 172, 186, 225, 312.* Blockmann, 185, 221, 225, 312.* Bonnevie, 177, 286, 313.* Bouin, 206, 276, 313.* Boveri, 174 /., 184, 193, 195, 217, 230, 268, 301, 313.* Brandt, 118, 313.* Brauer, 83, 313.* Brown, 3. Browne, 285, 313.* Buchner, 123, 140, 180, 187, 195, 222, 286, 313.* Bunting, 87, 314.* Buresch, 195, 199 /., 226, 314.* Calkins, 26, 314.* Carothers, 306, 307, 314.* Carter, 74, 314.* Castle, 192, 314.* Caullery, 195, 314.* Champy, 195, 206, 209, 314.* Child, 136, 188, 297, 314.* Chun, 184, 315.* Cohn, 3. Cole, 207, 209, 315.* Conklin, 218, 232, 233, 234, 315.* Correns, 302, 315.* Cowdry, 280, 285, 315.* Cunningham, 209, 315.* Debaisieux, 120, 121, 122, 315.* Delage, 195, 315.* Delia Valle, 12, 315.* Demoll, 195, 202 ff., 316. Deso, 70, 76, 316.* Dickel, 144, 316.* Digby, 299, 316.* Dobell, 28, 316.* Dodds, 102-103, 316.* Doncaster, 275, 316.* Downing, 83-85, 97, 188, 316.* Driesch, 161, 231, 316.* Duesberg, 104, 233, 273, 280, 283, 316.* Dujardin, 3. Durme, van, 286, 316.* Dustin, 99, 206, 317.* Ehrenberg, 82, 317.* Eigenmann, 100, 243, 297, 317.* 337 338 INDEX OF AUTHORS Elpatiewsky, 26, 140, 179 /., 195 228, 317.* Escherich, 107, 317.* Evans, 75, 317.* Farmer, 273. Faure-Fremiet, 13, 279, 283, 285, 317.* Feistmantel, 207. Felt, 52, 317.* Fiedler, 73, 317.* Firket, 99, 317.* Fischer, 12. Flemming, 214, 273, 318.* Fol, 186, 318.* Foot, 123, 137, 214, 318.* Friedraann, 207, 318.* Frischholz, 97, 318.* Fuchs, 163, 169, 318.* Fujita, 186, 225, 318.* Fuss, 100, 318.* Galton, 290, 318.* Gardiner, 157, 318.* Gates, 160, 318.* Gerhartz, 207, 318.* Giardina, 120-122, 223, 231, 318.* Giglios-Tos, 279, 319.* Goette, 75, 95, 319.* Goldschmidt, 222, 279, 286, 319.* Gorich, 73, 319.* Govaerts, 120, 123, 128, 319.* Graber, 107, 319.* Granata, 279. Grimm, 107, 310.* Grobben, 163, 170, 319.* Gross, 137, 319.* Gudernatsch, 194, 319.* Guenther, 83, 319.* Giinthert, 121, 122, 128, 319.* Guilliermond, 277, 319.* Gutherz, 273, 320.* Guyer, 272, 300, 305, 320.* Hadzi, 83, 320.* Haeckel, 320.* Haecker, 36, 73, 124, 140, 163 /., 184, 215, 320.* Hallez, 112, 320.* Hargitt, C. W., 86, 88, 95, 296, 320.* Hargitt, G. T., 96, 320.* Harm, 88, 89, 98, 320.* Harman, 136, 320.* Harmer, 161, 321.* Hartmann, 216, 321.* Harvey, 1. Hasper, 104, 107, 110, 140, 218, 230, 235, 321.* Hegner, 33, 51, 107, 140, 219, 225, 235, 286, 294, 321.* Heider, 79. Henking, 106, 256, 321.* Herbst, 216, 321.* Herold, 118, 321.* Herrick, 215, 322.* Hertwig, O., 82, 231, 322.* Hertwig, R., 83, 222, 322.* Heymons, 186, 194, 322.* His, 231. Hodge, 214, 322.* Hogue, 179, 322.* Holmes, 137, 322.* Hooke, 2, 207, 322.* Hoven, 277, 280, 322.* Ijima, 76. Ischikawa, 86, 163, 170, 322.* Jager, 291, 322.* Janda, 297, 322.* Janssens, 254, 255, 322.* Jarvis, 100, 322.* Jenkinson, 50, 232, 323.* Jennings, 186, 225, 323.* Jordan, 214, 288, 323.* Jorgensen, 72, 74, 78, 323.* Kahle, 51, 107, 140, 230, 235, 294, 323.* Kellicott, 50, 323.* Kellogg, 118, 323.* King, 195, 206, 208, 323.* INDEX OF AUTHORS 339 Kite, 6, 323.* Kleinenberg, 80, 82, 83, 161, 323.* Knappe, 208, 323.* Kolliker, 373. Koltzoff, 323.* Korotneff, 83, 323.* Korschelt, 79, 324.* Kossel, 8. Kowalevsky, 107, 324.* Kruger, 195, 267, 324.* Kiihn, 140, 163 /., 225, 236, 324.* Kulesch, 105, 324.* Kiinstler, 276, 324.* Kuschakewitsch, 100, 195, 206, 324.* Lams, 286, 324.* Lang, 157, 324.* La Valette St. George, 207, 276, 324.* Lecaillon, 109, 111, 324.* Lewis, 281, 324.* Leuckart, 51, 107, 324.* Levene, 11. Leydig, 82, 325.* Lieberkiihn, 73, 325.* Lillie, 188, 232, 234, 325.* Loeb, 13, 21, 325.* Loewenthal, 222, 325.* Loyez, 286, 325.* Lubarsch, 130, 325.* Lubosch, 214, 325.* Maas, 73, 76, 78, 325.* McClendon, 172, 185, 325.* McClung, 256, 325.* McGregor, 134, 135, 326.* Malpighi, 3. Mangan, 187, 326.* Marchal, 161, 326.* Marcora, 280, 326.* Marshall, A, 326.* Marshall, W., 75, 326.* Marshall, W. M., 222, 326.* Maupas, 267, 326.* Mayer, 283. Megusar, 113, 326.* Meinert, 51, 326.* Mendel, 302 /., 326.* Metschnikoff, 51, 107, 183, 224, 326.* Meves, 134, 216, 244, 266, 284, 287, 326.* Meyer, 176, 327.* Minchin, 70, 72, 327.* Mohl, von, 3. Montgomery, 129, 131, 195, 214, 241, 285, 297, 300, 327.* Moore, 273, 328.* 'Morgan, 192, 232, 255, 265, 302, 307, 309, 328.* Morse, 137, 244, 328.* Miiller, F., 195, 328.* Miiller, K., 77, 80, 328.* Muller-Cale, 172, 328.* Mulsow, 256, 257. Munson, 226, 329.* Nachtsheim,143, 145, 265, 266,329.* Noack, 107, 109, 111, 225,235, 329.* Nussbaum, 83, 100, 291, 329.* Ognew, 208, 329.* Okkeberg, 209, 329.* Ostwald, 9. Owen, 290, 329.* Patterson, 157, 161, 329.* Paulcke, 120, 122, 222, 329.* Paulmier, 256, 329.* Payne, 138, 329.* Pelseneer, 195, 329.* Petrunkewitsch, 143, 145, 265, 330.* Pfluger, 205, 231. Pick, 194, 330.* Prenant, 279, 283, 330.* Preusse, 137, 330.* Punnet, 330.* Rath, vom, 134, 135, 330.* Regaud, 279, 282, 330.* Rhode, 218, 330.* Richards, 136, 330.* Ritter, 107, 108, 229, 235, 330.* Robertson, 161, 330.* Robin, 107, 330.* 340 INDEX OF AUTHORS Rosel V. Rosenhoff, 72, 331.* Rosner, 161, 331.* Roux, 141. Rubaschkin, 98, 100, 103, 226, 283, 331.* Ruckert, 99, 331.* Russo, 286, 331.* Samassa, 170, 172, 331.* Sauerbeck, 194, 331.* Schapitz, 100, 331.* Schaxel, 214, 331.* Schaffer, 283. Schleip, 195, 268, 331.* Schleiden, 3. Schmidt-Marcel, 205, 207, 331.* Schmiedeberg, 12. Schneider, 83, 331.* Schonemund, 194, 331.* Schonfeld, 237, 331.* Schreiner, 209, 332.* Schulze, 76, 80, 193, 332.* Schwann, 3. Selenka, 157, 332.* Semon, 206, 332.* Siebolt, von, 193, 332.* Silvestri, 143, 145, 215, 332.* Simon, 194, 332.* Smallwood, 87, 98, 332.* Spooner, 234. Steudel, 12. Stevens, 140,180, 195,228, 256, 332.* Strasburger, 214, 332.* Stricht, van der, 188, 286, 333.* Strobell, 123, 137, 214. Stuhlmann, 221, 333.* Suckow, 118, 333.* Surface, 157, 333.* Sutton, 305, 306, 333.* Swarezewsky, 26, 333.* Swift, 33, 103, 226, 333.* Tannreuther, 83, 333.* Tennent, 261. Thallowitz, 88, 333.* Trembley, 82, 333.* Tschaschkin, 98, 102, 226, 302, 333.* Tschermak, 333.* Uffreduzzi, 194, 333.* Vander Stricht, 187, 333.* Varenne, 82, 333.* Vejdovsky, 334.* Voeltzkow, 107, 334.* Vollmer, 172, 334.* Voss, von, 204, 334.* Vries, de, 302, 334.* Wager, 83, 334.* Wagner, 51, 334.* Waldeyer, 98, 130, 334.* Walker, 159, 334.* Wassilieff, 286. Weismann, 25, 82, 88, 97, 107, 113, 144, 296, 309, 334.* Weltner, 73, 75, 77, 334.* Wheeler, 33, 100, 109, 144, 157, 185, 193, 335.* Whitman, 231, 335.* Wieman, 124, 138, 225, 273, 335.* Wierzejski, 75, 186, 225, 335.* Wijhe, van, 99, 335.* Wilcox, 273, 335.* Wildman, 279, 335.* Wilke, 285, 336.* Wilson, E. B., 4, 21, 133, 224, 232, 250, 301, 309, 336.* Wilson, H. V., 75, 77, 80, 336.* Winiwarter, 129, 132, 251, 273, 336.* Winter, de, 119, 120. Woods, 100, 336.* Wolff, 2. Wulfert, 89, 98, 336.* Youngman, 207. Yung, 207, 336.* Zarnik, 195, 269, 336.* Zeigler, 237. Zeleny, 232, 336.* Zoja, 287, 336.* Zykoff, 75, 336.* INDEX OF SUBJECTS All numbers refer to pages. Words in italics are names of families, genera, species, or of higher divisions. Numbers in thick type are num- bers of pages on which there are figures. Aborting spindle, 157. Accessory chromosome, 134, 202. Acidophile, 11. Actinospherium, 222. Ageniaspis, 146. Allelomorph, 309. Alternation of generations, 23. Alveolar structure of protoplasm, 4. Amcebocyte, 71, 73, 79. Amia, 32, 33. Amitosis, 13-14, 133-139, 250. Amphiaster, 15. Amphibia, amitosis, 134-135 ; her- maphroditism, 205 jf. Amphimixis, 309. Amphiuma, 135. Amyloplastid, 7. Anaphase, 15, 16. Anello cromatico, 121, 123, 223. Animal pole, 20. Aptera, life cycle, 22. Arcella, 26. Archseocyte, 70-73. Archoplasm, 5, 7. Arenicola, 188. Armadillo, polyembryony in, 161. Arphia, 307. Arthropoda, 212. Ascaris, 122, 174 /., 217 /., 230, 241, 301; maturation in, 261, 263 ; mitochondria in, 284. Asexual larvae, 149. Asplanchna, 186, 225. Aster, 15. Asterias, 6. Attraction-sphere, 5, 7, 227. Amelia, 183. Aussenkornchen, 164, 213, 216, 228. Axolotl, 159, 208. Bacteria, 4, 186-187. Basophile, 11. Bat, 188. Besondere Korper, 180, 181 /., 213, 228, 239. Bidder's organ, 207. Binary fission, 17. Binuclearity hypothesis, 27. Bioblast, 276. Bivalent chromosomes, 44. Blastotomy, 161. Bryozoa, 161. Budding, 17, 22, 23, 69, 161, 297. Calligrapha, 109, 111, 230. Calliphora, 107, 111 /., 235. Camponotus, 221. Canthocamptus, 165. Cat, 187. Cell, 2-16 ; definition, 3 ; division, 13-16; lineage, 29; shape, 4; size, 4 ; theory, 3. Centrifuged eggs, 178. Centrosome, 5, 7, 14, 15, 164, 169, 237, 238. Cerebratnlus, 232. Cestoda, 136-137. 341 342 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Chcetognatha, 212. Characters, dominant, 303 ; linked, 307 ; recessive, 303 ; unit 303. Chiasmatype theory, 254. Chick, 33, 100, 103, 227, 281. Chironomus, 108-109, 110, 224, 229, 235. Chloroplastid, 7. Cholesterin, 8, 12, 13. Chorion, 113. Chondriodierese, 279. Chondriokont, 279. Chondriosome, 7, 102, 103, 168, 227 /., 275, 277. Chondriotaxis, 279. Chromatin, 5, 7, 11-12; as germ- plasm, 299; as keimbahn-deter- minants, 211 ff. Chroma tin-diminution, 47, 56, 57, 139-141, 174 /., 217 /., 249. Chromatin-nucleolus, 5, 7. Chromidia, 26, 123, 168, 221 /., 279. Chromidial net, 26. Chromosome, 6, 7, 14, 15, 243, 299; accessory, 106; cycle, 245-275; diploid, 43; division, 248; in fertilization, 49; haploid, 43; individuality, 255 ; in man, 272 ff. ; and Mendelism, 305 ; number, 246; from nucleolus, 214; in parthenogenesis, 246; univalent, 249. Chrysemys, 32. Chrysomelidce, 109. Ciona, 192. Cladocera, 163 ff. Clathrina, 70. Clava, 88, 135. Cleavage, 29, 115. Cockroach, 194. Coelenterata, 80-98, 212. Coleoptera, 109-143. Colloid, 9. Colony, 17. Compsilura, 107, 109. Conjugation, 17. Copepoda, 165 jf. Copidosoma, 146 Jf. Copulationszelle, 163. Corps enigmatique, 187. Crepidula, 218. Crustacea, 163-173. Crystalloid, 9. Cyclops, 124, 164 /., 228, 247. Cymatog aster, 100. Cynthia, 233, 280. Cyst formation, 125-129. Cytomicrosome, 276. Cytoplasm, 6, 143, 179, 224 ff. * Daphnidce, 163. Death, natural, 25. Determination of sex, 118. Determiner, 302. Diaptomus, 165. Differentiation, 76, 141-143. Dioecious, 18, 190. Diploid, chromosomes, 248. Diplotene, 252. Diptera, 107. Dispermic, 177, 178. Dominance, 303. Dotterplatte, 109, 115, 225, 235. Drosophila, 307 ff. Dyad, 45, 46, 306, 307. Dytiscus, 120-124, 121, 223. Dzierzon theory, 143. Earthworm, 161, 190, 191. Eclectosome, 279. Ectosome, 166, 167 /., 213, 237. Egg, 19, 20. Encyrtus, 145. Enzyme, 300. Ephydatia, 75. Epigenesis, 2, 243. Ergastoplasma, 276. Eudendrium, 86. INDEX OF SUBJECTS 343 Euschistis, 281. Evolution, 310. Factor, 302, 309. Female sex, 18. Fertilization, 44, 47-49, 256, /. Fission, 22. Frotf, hermaphroditism in, 205 ff. Fusion, of chromosomes, 254 ; of oocytes, 152, 155 /. Gel, 5, 6, 9. Gemmule, 18, 74-75, 76, 79. Genes, 302, 309, 310. Genetics, 309. Genetic-continuity of chromosomes, 255. Germ cell, 19-22, 101, v.s. somatic cell, 296-297. Germ-cell cycle, 28-49. Germinal continuity, 292. Germinal epithelium theory, 98. Germinal localization, 231. Germinal spot, 214. Germinal vesicle, 19, 20, 54. Germ-plasm, in Ascaris, 177, in Hydra, 83-85 ; in Miastor, 293 ; in polyembryony, 162; in sponges, 80. Germ-plasm theory, 290-310. Gonochorism, 18, 191. Gonocyte, 71, 73. Gonothyroea, 89. Gonotome theory, 97. Graffilla, 157. Gryllus, 123, 244. Guinea-pig, 102, 103, 104, 227. Gynandromorph, 193-194. Haploid, 247. Hauptnucleolus, 214. Helix, 195, 196 /., 226. Hemiptera, amitosis in, 137. Hermaphrodite, 18, 189-210, 269. Heterocope, 165. Heterotypic mitosis, 46, 252, 253. Heterozygous, 304. Homologous chromosomes, 253. Homotypic mitosis, 46. Homozygous, 303. Honey-bee, 143-144, 261 /., 266. Hyaloplasm, 4, 5. Hydra, 82-85, 159. Hydractinia, 87. Hydroid, life cycle of, 23. Hydrophilus, 113. Hydrozoa, 85-98. Hymenoptera, 143-163, 221, 235. Idiochromatin, 28. Individuality of chromosomes, 255. Interkinesis, 299. Isotropism, 231. Jelly-fish, 23. Karyochondria, 279. Karyokinesis, 13, 14, 15. Karyolymph, 6. Karyosome, 5, 7, 213. Keimbahn, in Mquorea, 183, 184; Amphibia, 206 ff . ; Cladocera, 163 /.; Copepoda, 165 /. ; insects, 106-163 ; nematodes, 174-179; Sagitta, 179 ff. Keimbahn-determinants, 19, 211- 244, 296, 301 ; genesis, 211-234 ; localization, 234-240; fate, 240- 244. Keimbahnchromidien, 223. Keimbahnchromatin, 152 ff., 223. Keimbahnplasma, 108, 110, 115, 230, 235. Keimbahnzelle, 104. Keimfleck, 214. Keimhautblastem, 113, 114. Keimstatte, 95. Keimwulst, 108, 110, 115, 235. Keimzone, 95. 344 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Kinetochromidia, 214. Kinoplasm, 214. Lamprey, 100, 209. Larva, 23. Lecithin, 8, 12. Lepas, 172, 225. Lepidoptera, 118. Lepidosteus, 32, 33, 101. Leptinotarsa, 37-41, 111, 125-129, 138-139. Leptotene, 251, 252. Life cycles, 22 ff. Linin, 5, 7. Linked characters, 307. Locust, 23. Lophius, 102. Lygoeus, 259. Lymncea, 192. Macrogamete, 27. Male, 18. Man, chromosomes of, 272 ff . ; hermaphroditism in, 194. Maturation, 41-47, 129, 256 /. Medusa, 23. Mesostoma, 204. Metabolism, and sex, 275 ; and Keimbahn-determinants, 228. Metagenesis, 23. Metanucleolus, 183, 215. Metaplasm, 5, 7, 8. Metaphase, 15, 16. Metazoa, 1, 18. Miastor, 51-68, 107, 217 /., 235, 293-294. Microgamete, 27. Microsome, 6. Middle piece, of sperm, 21, 216. Migration, of germ cells, 31-34, 101-102, 116, 226. Mitochondria, 5, 13, 39, 40, 226 /., 275-289; methods, 282-283; Ascaris, 284; chick, 278; divi- sion of, 281, 284; function of, 286 /. ; in living cells, 280, 281 ; in plants, 277, 280 ; reduction of, 285 ; and sex, 285. Mitosis, 13, 14-16. Mitrocoma, 183. Mixochromosomes, 251. Moina, 163. Mollusk, 185, 191. Monad, chromosome, 45, 46. Moniezia, 136, 297. Monoecious, 18, 191. Monospermy, 48. Mosaic development, 233. Moulting, 23. Musca, 107. Myofibril, 280. Myxine, 209. Myzostmna, 37, 185, 193. Nahrzellenkern, 170. Nebenkera, 203, 221, 285. Nebennucleolus, 214. Nematodes, chromosomes of, 267 ff. Nepa, 137. Neratina, 186, 225. Netzapparat, 103, 104. Neurofibril, 280. Nuclear sap, 6. Nucleic acid, 11. Nuclein, 11. Nucleolo of Silvestri, 145 ff . Nucleolus, 5, 6, 13, 167, 213/. Nucleoprotein, 8, 11. Nucleus, 3, 13-16. Nurse cells, 35-36, 53, 119-121, 150, 151, 201, 202. Nutritive substances, 225 ff. (Enothera, 160. Oncopeltus, 261, 262. Oocyte, 38, 39, 40-41. Oogenesis, 42, 256 ff. Oopthora, 145, 146. Ophryotrocha, 37. Opossum, 288. INDEX OF SUBJECTS 345 Organ-forming substances, 233. Organization of egg, 19, 29, 228 ff. Oxyphile, 11. Pachytene, 252. Psedogenesis, 18, 52. Paracopulationszelle, 212, 225. Paramecium, 27. Paranucleus, 163. Paraplasm, 7. Parasitism, 191-192. Parasynapsis, 254. Parthenogenesis, 18, 47, 145, 246, 265. Pea, 302, 303. Pecten, 191. Pennaria, 87. Peripatus, 285, 288. Petromyzon, 33. Phallusia, 233. Phosphatid, 8, 12. Phylloxera, 265 ff. Physa, 186, 225. Pig, 194. Planocera, 157. Planorbis, 186. Plasmodia, artificial, 77-78. Plasmosome, 5, 7, 102, 103, 213. Plastid, 5, 7. Plastochondria, 279. Plastokonta, 279. Plastosome, 7, 244, 275, 279. Polar body, 47, 143-144. Polares Plasma (see pole-plasm). Polarity, 19, 107, 124, 179, 231 ff. Pole-cell, 110, 111, 117. Pole-disc, 109, 114, 117, 142, 219, 225, 229, 235. Pole-plasm, 53-55, 228, 230, 235, 294-295. Polistes, 222. Polychcerus, 157. Polyembryony, 145 ff., 161. Polyp, 23. Polyphemus, 170 ff., 236. Polyspermy, 48, 115, 299. Porifera, 69 /. Potato beetle (see Leptinotarsd). Preblastodermic nuclei, 114. Predetermination, 2. Preformation, 2, 243. Prochromosome, 299. Progerminative cell, 196, 197. Promorphology, 19. Prophase, 14. Protandry, 193. Protein, 8, 10. Protenor, 123, 258. Protogyny, 192-193. Protoplasm, 3-13. Protozoa, 1, 17, 25. Pteropod, 269, 271. Pupa, 23. Pyrrhocoris, 256. Rana, 32. Recessive character, 304. Reduction of chromosomes, 43, 253. Regeneration, 79-80, 297. Reproduction, 17-18. Rotifera, 186. Rhabditis, 267, 270. Richtungscopulationskern, 144. Sagitta, 179 ff., 195, 228. Salamandra, 134. Sarcode, 3. Scorpcena, 222. Sea urchin, 216. Secondary sex characters, 189. Segregation of germ cells, 29. Self-copulation, 192. Self-fertilization, 192. Sertoli cell, 35, 129-133. Sex, 18, 189. Sex chromosome, 255 ff. Sex determination, 274. Sol, 5, 6, 9. Sorite, 76, 79. 346 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Spermatogenesis, 42, 256 ff. Spermatogonia, 127. Spermatozoon, 19-22, 48. Spherule, 276. Spireme, 14, 15. Spongilla, 73. Spongioplasm, 4, 5. Sporulation, 17. Squash bug, 256. Starfish, 6. Statoblast, 18. Statocyte, 70, 71, 73. Stem-cell, 175. Stone-fly, hermaphroditic, 194. Synapsis, 44, 122, 250 /., 305. Synaptene, 251, 252. Synizesis, 43, 237, 251, 252. Tcenia, 136, 137. Telophase, 15, 16. Telosynapsis, 254. Testis, 41. Tethya, 70, 76, 79. Tetrad, 44, 45. Tipulides, 107. Toad, hermaphroditic, 207-208. Tokocyte, 71, 73, 79. Trophochromatin, 28. Unit character, 304. Uterine spindle, 157. Vacuole, 5, 8. Vegetative pole, 20. Vertebrate, 32, 95-105, 212. Vitelline membrane, 113, 114. Vitellophag, 114. X-chromosome, 255 ff., 264, 299. Y-chromosome, 259 ff., 264. Yolk, in germ cells, 101, 224. Yolk nucleus, 19, 226, 285. Zygosome, 251. Zygote, 1, 48. '"PHE following pages contain advertisements of books by the same author or on kindred subjects An Introduction to Zoology By ROBERT W. HEGNER, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Zoology in the University of Michigan A TEXT-BOOK INTENDED FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS IN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Illustrated, 12mo, $ 1.90 net "There are some interesting distinctive features in this new introduc- tion to zoology. 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