^t^- THE EISfNHOWFH UDHARY 3 1151 02721 2772 4. ' (U^3V-/ -fe4^ IW ■Ui-'^, *«.^-^ ■>.-'■■■ *. ■ a^i^w THE GERM-CELLS AHD THE PROCESS OF FERTILIZATION In tha CRAB MEHIPPE MERGEHARIA Raymond Binford. A DISSERTATION Submitted to the Board of University Studies of the Johns Hopkins University in conformity with the Requirements for the Degree of Doc- tor of Philosophy. y ? /U.S'fl THE GERM-CEILS AUD THE PROCESS 05* FERTILIZATION in the CRAB IvIEUIPPE IvIERCElTARIA. Contents. Page. I . Introduction "b-c II. Spermat ogene si s : 1. The testis 1 2. Methods 1 3. The testicular tuhules 2-4 4. General statement of spermatogenesis 4-5 5. The spermatogonial mitoses 5-6 6. Maturation mitoses 6-9 7. The transformation of the spermatid into the sperm 9-14 8. The sperm 14-15 9. Sperms in the deferent duct ..15 lu. Discussion 15-17 III. Copulation 17-18 lY. Spawning hahits 18-19 V. The reproductive organs of the female 19-21 VI. The "behavior of the sperms: 1. Methods of study 21-22 2. Changes in the nuclear cup 23 3 . Change s in the capsule 23-25 4. Changes in the central "body 25-27 6. The dynamics of eversion 27-32 6. The effect of reagents on everted sperms. .. .32-33 VII. The entrance of the sperm 33-36 VIII. Fertilization 36-39 iZ. Discussion 39-42 Z. Summary 42-44 IlITRODUCTIOU. In spite of the extensive researches iat© the spermato- genesis of the Decapods, the use of the peculiar structures found in the sperms of these animals is still an unsolved prol)lem. This is due to the fact that the entrance of the sperm into the egg has never "been reported. While studying the hat its and structure of Menippe mercenaria, a large edible crah found along the southern part of the Atlantic coast of the United. States, I had the good fortune to obtain material which shows the essential features of this process. In order to show which parts of the seminal cell are involved in the process of fertilization, the genesis of the sperm and the formation of the pronucleus in the fertilization of the egg, as well as the entrance of the sperm, are here de- scribed. The history of the male cell from its origin in the epithelium of the wall of a tubule of the testis to its association with the female nucleus in the center of the egg, is here presented. The study of the life-history of Menippe mercenaria, which led to the discoveries presented in this paper, was undertaken at the suggestion of Prof. E. A. Andrews, and at every step in the progress of this work I have received his kind advice and helpful criticism. I am also greatly indebt- ed to the Hon. Geo. M. Bowers, United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, for the privilege of working in the Marine Biological Laboratory at Beaufort, II. C., and for the lilDeral help extended to me in carrying on ray researches there. My thanks are also due to Mr. H. D. Aller, Director of the Laboratory, for his ready cooperation in placing at my dis- posal the conveniences necessary for carrying forward my work. SPERMATOGENESIS. 1. The Testis. The testis of Menlppe Is a large paired organ lying Just underneath the dorsal wall of the carapace. The Inner ends of the right and left portions lie close together Just anter- ior to the heart and from here diverge anteriorly and later- ally to the outer edge of the carapace. It is composed of relatively long and complexly folded tubules which vary in diameter from 0.14 to 0.33 mm. The deferent duct, one on each side, leads from the testis to the base of the last thoracic leg. It is extensively convoluted so as to form two large masses, one lateral to the posterior part of the testis and the other beneath the posterior part of the heart. The deferent duct is lined with a layer of columnar epithelium which secrets the substance that forms the walls of the spermatophores . 2. Methods. Pieces of the testis, obtained by cutting across the organ, were fixed in Worcester's fluid. This is a saturated solution of sublimate in 10^ formalin. Other fixing fluids were used but did not give as satisfactory results. The sec- tions were cut Iji to lOjx thick. The stains used were thionln and eosin, safranin and LichtgrUn, iron-haeraatoxylln, and Delafleld's haematoxylln. &»ltt 3. The TeBtiottlar Tatules. The walls of the tubules of the testis are thin and con- tain flattened nuclei. Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 are drawings of transverse sections of the tuhules and show different stages In the development of the seminal elements. In Pig. 4 the tubule is seen to be made up of three regions: The smallest one which bordars the more sharply curved side at the bottom of the drawing contains mature sperms. Next to this and fill- ing the central region is a space filled with sperms nearly- mature. The third region, which forms the crescent shaped por- tion on the tipper side, contains spermatocytes in the early propase of the first maturation division. There are more or less definite layers of epithelial cells between the different regions of the tubule. The outer wall and sometimes these inner partitions which border the regions containing mature sperms, become thick and columnar in structure (Pigs. 3 and 4). Hot only do the seminal elements in these separate paral- lel cavities of the tubule differ in th« stages of their devel- opment but in the same cavity the elements at one end of the tubule are further along in their development than those at the other end. Thus In one end of a cavity the cells may be In the early prophase of the division of the spermatocytes of the first order while in the other end they have reached the spermatid stage. All the stages in the transformation of a spermatid into a sperm may be found in passing from one end of a tubule to the other. tBomalot ■>'Toqe in©f>10f ^Sjicrc'ccf At the center of the upper border of Fig. 4, p.s., there is one cell with a large nucleus. This is one of a single row of cells along the side of the tubule which may be called the prlDBtry sperraatogonial cells since they, by division, give rise to a new lot of spermatogonia. Hear the top of Fig. 3, p«s., we find a similar cell. The cells forming the cres- cent-shaped region are In this case not so far advanced as in J*'ig. 4. Figure 1 represents a tubule the largest portion of which is filled with spermatids which have already entered upon their transformation into sperms. In the upper portion of the draw- ing we have an early stage in the foimation of a new batch of spermatogonia. There are four large spermatogonial nuclei surrounded by many epithelial nuclei and a considerable amount of cytoplasm. Delicate cell walls cutting O'.t the cytoplasm that belongs to each spermatogonial cell can sometimes be made out at this stage. A later stage in the multiplication of these cells is shown in Fig. 2. A large nucleus, p.s,, near the middle of the convex border of the spermatogonial mass, doubtless marks the position of the row of primary spermatogon- ial cells which will persist unmodified to form, at a later period another lot of spermatogonia. The largest cavity of this tubule contains spermatids well advanced in their trans- formation into sperms. They fill the cavity but only a por- tion of those seen in the cross-section are represented in the drawing. In Fig. 3 the mass of spermatogonial nuclei is still further enlarged. Indeed most of thorn have probably reached the spermatocyte stage. The spermatocytes in the early prophase of the first maturation division are shown in Fig. 4. By put- Tiidfdi «T' ting these observations together we may determine the approxi- mate order of events In the genesis of the sperms. 4. A General Statement of Spermatogenesis* There persists along one side of the tuhnle a single row of cells with large nuclei, the division of which give rise to the spermatogonia. The latter multiply irregularly to form a large mass which in transverse section has the shape of a crescent. At first cell walls can "be made out, hut later the nuclei seem to lie in an undivided mass of cytoplasm. Grad- ually the division of these nuclei ceases and a spireme is formed within each of them. The division up to this time has taken place without the formation of any spireme structure. The appearance of the latter is the first indication that the cells have reached the spermatocyte stage. After the spireme has been formed the nuclei pass into synapsis which lasts for a comparatively long time, so that all the nuoell in a con- siderable portion of a tubule will be found in this stage at the same time. After synapsis cell walls are formed in the cytoplasm which persist up to the anaphase of the first ma- turation division. In the nucleus the chromosomes are form- ed and the maturation division follow one another in quick succession. They begin at one end of the tubule and pass along it like a wave so that the spindle-figures are found in only a small section of the tubule at any given time. While these events are taking place within the tubule the cells in the wall of the latter multiply so that the wall becomes consider- ably thickened. The primary spermatogonia! cells also divide ♦jLJTflxr; to start a new group of spermatogonia. Between these cells and the spermatocytes there Is always a layer of epithelial cells which persist to form the partitions "between the two successive hatches of seminal elements. The mass of sperma- togonlal nuclei remains small until the spermatids are well advanced In their transformation into sperms. As the mass of spermatogonia Increases the developing sperms are crowded more and more to one side of the tuhule. These sperms reach their mature state hefore the second batch enter synapsis. The epithelial cells surrounding the mature sperms, we may suppose, secret a fluid which together with the increasing mass of spermatogonia press the mature sperms out of the tubule. This process is not completed, however, before a third batch is formed or even a fourth started. 5. Spermatogonial Mitoses. In the resting spermatogonia! nucleus the chromatin is arranged in a loose net-work with enlargements at various places tPig. 5). This net, for the most part, lies just in- side the nuclear membrane, the central part of the nucleus containing almost no staining material. The behavior of the chromatin during the prophase of Bltosis is as follows; the knots of chromatin become enlarged and more regular in out- line while the connecting threads become smaller and disap- pear. The chromatin finally assumes the form of a large num- ber of paired spheres (Pig. 6i. An effort was made to count these spheres and numbers were obtained as follows: 61, 55, 67, 58, 6E, 62, 68 and 80. One may not however place very c©yit muoh dependence in these numbers for soiirie of the spheres are always somewhat aggregated In one or two places so that they oan not be definitely distinguished. These chromosomes at first lie in the outer part of the nucleus just inside the nuclear membrane, but are later massed in the center, from which condition they move to their positions in the equitorial plate. Figure 7 is an optical section of the nucleus showing the peripheral arrangement of the chromosomes, m the meta- phase and anaphase of the mitosis the members of each pair are separated from each other and pass to opposite poles of the spindle iPig. 8>. These divisions of the spermatogonial nuclei do not occur simultaneously throughout the mass, but singly here and there amongst the nuclei. The spermatogonia become smaller as they become more numerous. 6. Maturation Mitoses. Finally the spermatogonial divisions cease and the nuclei prepare for the reduction divisions. The quantity of chromatin seems to increase and the spireme makes its appearance. At first it is very long and slender and complexly folded all through the nucleus. The iron-haematoxylin stain can be con- trolled so that the spireme has the appearance of a brown thread with granules distributed irregularly along it iFlg.9). The diameter of the granules is slightly greater than that of the thread between the granules. The spireme now becomes shorter and thicker and is finally massed at one side of the nucleus in the condition of synapsis (Fig. 10). This stage persists for a comparatively long period. The spermatocytes enter sTnapsls Irregularly, in a sort of one -at-a- time fashion but they tarry here tmtll all of the cells In the greater part of the tuhule have reached this stage, then the nuclei of a given portion all proceed to the open spireme stage, shown in Pigs. 11 and IE. These figures show only the chromatin which lies on the side from which the nucleus was observed. The chromatic material is again arranged in the peripheral portion of the nucleus and is segregated Into the chromosomes which become somewhat massed In the center of the nucleus. The spindle next makes its appearance (Fig. 13 J and the chromosomes are drawn into the equatorial plate (Pig. 14). The mitotic figure represented in Pig. 15 shows the pos- sibility of a tri-polar division. Such a condition may have been brought about by the formation of one of the spindles of the second division before that of the first division was com- pleted. There is a small portion of the chromatin of this nucleus that is not Involved in the mitotic figure. This portion is shown at £., in Pig. 15a which Is a drawing of what was seen at a lower level than that shown in JTig. 16. The chromosomes in these nuclei are so small and so close- ly crowded together it is very difficult to determine their structure or their number. In one preparation, however, I obtained a ring-shaped appearance of the chromosomes lPig.l6). These forms were seen in the equatorial plate and also before the chromosomes had been arranged in the plate. In most of the preparations the chromosomes appear as mere granules. It may be that the ring shaped forms were produced by the fixing --d'^.. »A '■^!)€ rr *■ 3 .*■""■ ?^ t-Tto^ns 0^* at reagent, which may have caused a ewelllng of the chromosomes. This result was not always obtained however hy the same re- agent . when de staining Is carried so far as to remove all the stain from the cytoplasm and the achromatic figure, the equa- torial plate may be shown to have a structure like that repre- sented in Pig. 16a. This was drawn from a section cut from the edge of the plate. Here it appears that the chromosoines are stretched as they are pulled apart. Strands of chromatin pulled out between the separating groups of chromosomes may be seen In the later stages of the anaphase. By more exten- sive destainlng we may obtain what appears to be only the cores of the chromosomes as shown in Pig. 16b. In Pigs. 17 to 22 various stages in the anaphase are rep- resented. The interzonal fibers and the mid-body axe very distinct In Pigs. 19 to 21. The second mitotic division follows very soon after the first. The chromosomes become somewhat separated and are then drawn together again Into the equatorial plate ready for the second division (Pigs. 23 to 25). Plgure 26 shows the beginning, and Pig. 27, the end of the anaphase. Here again the Interzonal fibers and the mid-body are distinctly seen and a portion of the cytoplasm is definitely associated with each daughter nucleus. The nucleus of the spermatid Is now organized and persists in a sort of resting condition for a comparatively long time. The centrosome may also be distinguished for a considerable time but later I was unable to recognize it (Figs. 28 to 32). A clear space surrounding the nucleus Is also seen in these figures. The spermatid as it appears In Pig. 32 rests for a conslderahle period hefore any change towards the formation of the sperm is observed. The boundaries "between the cytoplasm of the different cells dis- appear and the nuclei come to lie in a sort of Plasmodium. 7. The transformation of the spermatid into the sperm. In serial sections of a single tuhule we may trace every stage in the transformation of the spermatid into the sperm, and since the two ends of the series are in opposite ends of the tubule and the intermediate stages lie in serial order between these ends we may use the position of a seminal ele- ment in the tubule as a criterion for determining its relative stage in the course of development. The first evident step in the transformation of the spermatid is the appearance of vacuoles in the cytoplasm next to the nucleus. These are at first small but by coalescing they soon form a large, clear vacuole on one side of the nucleus (Figs. 3J5 to 38). Some- times it appears that the vacuole may have arisen by the nu- cleus settling to one side of the clear space surrounding it in Pig* 31. The nuclei, each with its accompanying vacuole, now lie in a common mass of cytoplasm. In the further develop- ment of these cells there are three parts that must be con- stantly borne in mind, viz., the nucleus, the vacuole (here- after called the capsule) and the cytoplasm. We shall take up certain stages in the differentiation of these three 10 parts, and consider their relation to each other. In Figs. 37 to 41 the shape of the nucleus may he some- T?hat modified by strains In the cytoplasm or by the crowding of the elements in the tubule. In these drawings there is no evidence of a granular or reticular structure, although such structure was made out in some preparations which were destained to a greater degree. In Fig. 37 It may be observed that the outer layer of the nucleus stains more densely than the inner portion. The nucleus in Fig. 38 contains a vacuole which does not take the stain. The cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus and capsule in Figs. 37 to 39 Is nearly uniform in appearance, with probably a tendency to be a little more deep- ly stained near the nucleus. In Figs. 40 and 41 there is a concentration of a portion of the cytoplasm on one side of the capsule and bordering the nucleus. This is finely alveolar and stains more deeply than the rest of the cytoplasm. It may be that this patch of cytoplasm is seen in an earlier stage In Fig. 36c. This portion of the cytoplasm crowds in between the nucleus and the capsule (Fig. 42). About this time the capsule begins to take a brownish color when stain- ed with iron-haematoxylin. The otigin and development of this portion of cytoplasm which appears on the side of the capsule and nucleus and wedges in between them is a striking feature In the develop- ment of the sperm. Its behavior is well brought out in Figs. 45-48. In Fig. 45 we see this substance slipped in like a wedge between the nucleus and the capsule with a clear space between it and the nucleus. If the spermatid shown in this 11 figure were rotated to the right through 90** so as to hrlng the outer surface of the wedge of cytoplasm on the side to- ward the observer we would have the appearance presented In ?lg. 46. If we should turn this through 180° so as to throw the wedge on the opposite side from the observer the spermatid would appear as in Pig* 47 where just the tips of the orescent shaped wedge are seen. The tips of this crescent progress on so'ound the capsule along the boundary line between the nucleus and the capsule. At the same time the thick side of the wedge Is reduced and the material Is distributed equally around this border-line to form a complete ring, which viewed from any lateral direction, has the appearance shown In Fig. 48. At first the substance of the wedge Is finely alveolar In appear- ance but by the time the ring Is completed It seems to be uni- form throughout and Is stained black with Iron-haematoxylln. It seems to be identical with the mitochondrial substance de- scribed by Koltzoff '06. After the mitochondrial ring is completed, the nucleus becomes widely separated from it and the capsule (Figs. 50 to 52). This however Is not always the case. In two prepara- tions from which Figs. 33 to 35 and 37 to 43 were drawn, the nucleus remained fitted closely down on the capsule as shown in Fig. 43. As the two different conditions were obtained with the same fixing fluid it is hardly probable that the difference was caused by the fixing. The nucleus at this time looses the last trace of any granular or reticular structure and becomes uniform ih its staining reactions, and somewhat reduced in size. 12 About the time the mitochondrial mass begins to slip in between the nucleus and the capsule, one or two deeply stain- ing granules appear on the border line between the nucleus and the capsule (Figs. 44 to 48). Koltzoff '06 in his re- searches on the spermatogenesis in Galathea squamifera has identified these granules with the centrosome. In my prepara- tions of Menippe meroenaria I am able to distinguish the centro- some for some time after the second maturation division (Pigs. 28 to 3E), but in the later resting period of the spermatid and in the stages during the origin of the capsule, I am unable to distinguish any granule that can with any certainty be iden- tified with the centrosome » I shall call the structure develop- ed from this granule, the central body. I am unable to follow the development of two distinct granules although two could some times be clearly distinguished as shown in ?ig. 44. Prob- ably only the outer one is concerned in the development which is here presented. This outer granule elongates (Fig. 47) and becones tubular (Figs. 50 to 56). There soon appears at the outer end a vesicle which Increases in size as the central body elongates. yiThile the vesicle is still small there appears in its outer wall a flattened granule which Is usually seen to be connected with the end of the central body by means of a fine strand as though it might have been derived from this body. As the central body Increases in length and the vesicle enlarges its outer wall approximates the outer wall of the capsule. The deeply staining substance in the outer wall of the vesicle now becomes connected with the wall of the capsule. (Pig. 56 to 58). A sec- ibX' 13 ond vesicle now forms. (Pig. 59). These two vesicles "become transformed Into a tu"bule containing the central body. This tuhule will hereafter be spoken of, as the inner tubule . At its outer end a ring of darkly staining substance is found (Pig. 60). This seems to have* been derived from the central body. At least a study of Pigs. 54 to 60 may well suggest such an inter- pretation. The central body finally becomes reduced in diameter and appears to be a solid rod. It is not stained by thionin, nor by safranin,but is readily stained with iron-haematoxylin. The inner tubule is stained green with safranin coimter stained with Lichtgriin; blue with thionin counter stained with eosin; and black with iron-haematoxylin. During this whole period the content of the capsule shows an increasing affinity for chromatin stains. It is colored brown with iron-haematoxylin. In some series a sort of ring shaped cloud appears in the capsular contents. At first it is near the outer wall but gradually it contracts towards the ves- icle at the end of the central body and finally settles in the wall of the tubule when that structure takes its final form. With Delafield's haematoxylin the contents of the capsule is readily stained and with safranin it takes a dull red color. In the early stages of development the content of the capsule is stained green when the preparation is treated with the safranin and Llchtgrun combination, but in the later stages the green is masked by the red. In stages represented in Pigs. 53 to 55 a sort of foam or alveolar structure can some- times be observed in this substance. While the capsule and the structures within it are assum- bevxret 3Ti?9qq 14 Ing their mature form the nncleus has heoome less densely stained and settles down upon the capsule like a cap. (Pigs. 62 to 59). It becomes thin In the center so that Its final shape Is that of a cup with a rounded, thin hottom and a thickened rim. This thickened border fits upon the mltoohron- drlal ring so that In the mature sperm It is not possible to distinguish It from that ring. Protoplasmic rays or pseudopodla develop out from the rlm of the cup. I have been unable to determine whether they arise from the mitochondrial substance or from the' nucleus. 8. The Sperm. We may now consider the structure of the mature sperm. Figure 61 Is a drawing of a sperm taken from the seminal recep- tacle of the female and killed in the vapor of osmlc acid then stained with gold chloride after treatment with formic acid. We observe the nuclear cup, n.c. from which the pseudopodla, ps. arise. Inside the cup Is the spherical capsule, c. within which there is the capsular oavlty, c.c; and the inner tubule, l.t. with its cavity divided Into the inner tubular cavity, l.t.c. ; and the outer tubular cavity, o.o. Running through the Inner tubular cavity and through the wall of the inner end of the tubule to the bottom of the capsule we see the central body, c.b. Figure 62 was drawn from a live sperm in A% ENO3, and Pigs. 63 to 65 are from sperms mounted in the serum of the crab' s blood. Movements of the blood have bent the pseudo- podla of these sperms. Otherwise they have more nearly the natural shape and proportions than those shown in Pigs. 61 and 10 3 ' dfit' 15 62. The diameter of the capsule of these sperms is about 3.8^ and the pseud opodia are some times as much as 7^ long* 9. Sperms in the deferent duct. The mature sperms pass from the tuhules of the testis in- to the deferent duct. The latter is a long extensively fold- ed tuhe lined with glandular epithelium. The sperms form a common mass when they enter this tube but the secretion form- ed by its lining flows in amongst them and separates them in- to groups. The secretion surrounding each group then hardens and so forms a membrane, so that finally there are an immense number of capsules containing the sperms. These capsules are known as spermatophores. In this condition the sperms are transferred to the seminal receptacle of the female crab. 10. Summary and discussion. In this study of spermatogenesis in Menippe mercenaria the principal points brought out are as follows: 1. There is a single row of cells which persists on one side of the testicular tubule and gives rise to successive hatches of spermatozoa. 2. The spermatogonia divide without the formation of a spireme. The chromatin simply aggregates into chromosomes which are then gathered into an equatorial plate. 3. The maturation divisions follow one another quickly. They are proceeded by spireme formation and a long period of synapsis. .flc..*-ei-v^f 16 4. There also seems to be a relatively long resting stage after the nucleus of the spermatid Is formed hefore the transformation Into the sperm heglns. 6. In the transformation of the spermatid, three struc- tures must he considered, viz., the nucleus, the capsule and the mitochondrial ring. ^. The nucleus becomes uniform In consistency, reduced In size and cup-shaped. 7^» The capsule arises In the cytoplasm as a clear vacuole which may be stained V7lth Llohtgrun. Its content is gradually changed to have a greater affinity for chromatin. 8,. Prom a granule on the proximal side of the capsule the central body develops Into the capsule. At the distal end of this body a vesicle arises, which is changed into the inner tubule. 9. The mitochondrial substance is segregated from the cytoplasm and deposited as a ring between the nucleus and the capsule. Some of the theoretical questions connected with the development and structure of the sperms of the decapods will be taken up at the end of this article. At this point I wish to say that the above description Is in agreement with the principal observations made by Grobben '78, Gllson '86, Saba- tler '93, Brandes '97 and Koltzoff '06. These authors have all seen the same general structures and transformations. They all describe a nucleus which during development Is modi- fied in its staining reactions, reduced in size and often flattened or otherwise changed in its shape. They do not dis- 17 agree as to which part of the cell is the nucleus. They like- wise desorihe a vesicle which arises in the cytoplasm either against the nucleus or close to it, and mention the substance of cytoplasmic origin which appears hetween the nucleus and the vesicle. Most of them see a structure like the central body and describe the inner tubule. There are many variations in the detail of the development of these last two structures and different species seem to differ widely in this respect. There is mxxch disagreement concerning the destiny of the nu- cleus and the origin and nature of the substance in the cap- sule. These points of disagreement do not however affect the statements I have made concerning the structure of the mature sperm. It is with this structure that we have to do in the further course of the present investigation. III. Copulation. We come now to the question of the transfer of the sperm- atophores from the body of the male to that of the female, from the deferent duct to the seminal receptacle. We there- fore turn our attention from the sperm itself to some of the habits of these crabs. Menippe mercenaria lives in crevices under or between the rocks or in burrows which it digs in the mud along the shore a little below low water line. Usual- ly one crab is found in each burrow, but occasionally, and even frequently in the month of August, a male crab will be found guarding a hole in which there is a female. Sometimes the female thus found has a soft shell. If its shell is 18 hard It molts within a few days after helng hronght Into cap- tivity. On Aug. 17, a female with a soft shell and a male crab which had been taken from the same hole about noon were placed together In a compartment of a floating cage. At 5:45 P.M. they were observed to be copulating. On being dis- turbed they separated. Their behavior was then observed while copulation was resumed. The most significant point with regard to this behavior was the apparent care with which the male acted in order to inflict no injury upon the soft, delicate shell of the female. During copulation the spermatophores are transferred from the deferent duct to the portion of the seminal receptacle that is lined with chitin, where they are deposited in a very compact mass. Here they remain until the next spawning of eggs. Only a portion of the sperms are used for the fertili- zation of any one batch of eggs. One crab kept by itself in a compartment of a floating cage for 69 days during the summer of 1911, spawned six times sind apparently all of the eggs in the six different batches of 500,000 to 1,000,000 eggs each, were fertilized and developed normally. IV. Spawning Habits. The spawning habits and the development of this crab will be discussed In a later paper. Here we shall present only such points as are necessary in order to make it clear how the stages in the entrance of the sperm and fertilization are ob- tained. jfilti^oX' 19 When a female is ready to lay a batch of eggs she assumes an upright position and holcis the abdomen out from her body so that it and the exopods of the abdominal appendages form a basket into which the eggs are run. They there become at- tached to the hairs of the andopods of the appendages and pass through the embryonic stages of their development, which requires from nine to thirteen days. The eggs then hatch and the larvae escape. The female then cleans off the egg-shells and their stalks from the hairs of the pleopods and after one day to three weeks she spawns again. Eight days is a very common length for the period between the hatching of one batch of eggs and the spawning of the next. With these facts in mind I made a large floating cage with fifty compartments and collected a large number of females with eggs and placed one in each compartment. After tjfie eggs of several of these had hatched so that there were some fifteen crabs without eggs I kept these under almost constant observation, day and night. When one assumed the position ready for spawning it was natur- ally supposed to contain eggs that were mature if they were not already fertilized. Before describing the process of fertilization we should consider briefly the structure of the genital organs of the female. V. TH3 RfiPRODUGTIVE ORGMS OF THE FEMALE. Figure 181 Is a diagramatic representation of the ovary and one seminal receptacle and oviduct of this crab. The ovary is an H shaped tube, the lumen of which opens directly 80 into the seminal receptacle at a point a little posterior to the cross connection of the H. The eggs are produced in the wall of this tuhe and when mature are set free in the lumen. The seminal receptacle is composed of two parts, a glandular portion (Pigs. 121 and 122, g.) into which the ovary opens and a portion lined with chitin (Figs. 121 and 122, c.) from which the oviduct leads to the third segment of the sternum. The speraatophores are stored in the latter division. The cavities of the two portions communicate through a large opening (Fig. 121,0.) in the chitinous lining. Just before the crab molts the glandular portion secretes a mass of gelatinous material which greatly distends it (Fig. 122) and the spermatophores are "by some means transferred to this part of the receptacle where they lie in the mass of jelly. This prevents them from "being lost at the time of molting when the chitinous lining is shed. Whether they are returned to this part of the receptacle after the molting has not been deter- mined. The glandular part of the receptacle is rapidly re- duced after the shell is shed, but I do not know what becomes of the secretion. During spawning the glandular portion is very much contracted (Fig. 121) so that it is little more than a tube connecting the ovary with the chitinous receptacle. There is one possibility which may be mentioned here and that is that the glandular receptacle may secret a semi-fluid sub- stance and then by contracting force the sperms Intoithe lumen of the ovary Just before spawning begins. Asni I shall show later the sperms are transferred to the ovary. This however is only a conjecture as to the method of the transfer. The i":s '. 97orf ibt^e^s 21 only time at which the receptacle is known to "be actively secreting a suhstance is Just "before molting and it may simply be a device for retaining the spermatophores at the molting period. If a crah that has Just hegun to lay its eggs is opened the lumen of the ovary and the oviduct will he found to he full of eggs. Some eggs were taken from the lumen of the ovary with a sterilized plpet and placed in filtered sea- water. Since these developed into emhryoes it is evident that fertilization takes place in the ovary. Sections were made of eggs taken from the lumen of the ovary and from the oviduct smd from these the phenomena of fertilization were observed, hut we shall return to this later. VI. THE BEHAVIOR OP THE SPERMS. The sperms of this crah sure so very minute, the eggs so relatively large and opaque, and the conditions for sperm en- trance so difficult to reproduce on the microscopic slide, I did not see the living sperm enter the egg. It is easy however to interpret the structures seen in sections of eggs taken at spawning time, after one has observed the behavior of the spermatozoa under certain experimental conditions. We shall proceed therefore to a description of this behavior. 1. Methods of Study. Koltzoff '06, by his careful analysis of the effects on the sperm of solutions differing in osmotic pressure, has 22 Cleared up many of the mysteries of the decapod sperm. Accord- ing to his researches the sperms maintain their normal form in solutions of salts having the same osmotic pressure as sea-water. He also found that 5'^ KNO3. 2.8^ HaCl, 4.25^ UalTOg, 18.5^ MgS04, 1% glycerine and 25.66/S sugar solutions are isotonic with sea-water. Solutions of these salts at a lower concentration cause a deformation of the sperms. For my studies solutions of KHO3, UaCl and BiaH03 were used. The sperms taken from the seminal receptacle and placed in solutions of these salts isotonic with sea-water would re- main many days without perceptahle change. When they were placed in weaker solutions of these salts transformations oc- curred. In studying these changes I proceeded as follows: Sperms from the seminal receptacle were placed in the serum of the crab's blood or in the isotonic solutions of KNO3, HaCl, or HaHOg. In these solutions they were transferred to the slide, covered and examined under the high power of the microscope. Then, by placing a weaker solution of one of the salts at the edge of the cover-glass and allowing it to dif- fuse underneath, a slow change in the form of the sperm was obtained. This change was thus followed in detail. It is to these changes that we will now turn our attention. By referring to Pig. 61 we may again call to our minds the normal condition of the mature sperm which consists of a chltinous capsule, set in a protoplasmic cup. The capsule contains a tubule with an inner and outer cavity and running through the inner cavity of the tubule is the central body, the proximal end of which rests on the wall of the capsule. Bnime 23 E. Changes In the nuclear cup* When solutions with a lower osmotic concentration than sea-water come in contact with the nuclear or protoplasmic cup it becomes thicker and the pseudopodia &re withdrawn so that the outline of the sperm, viewed from the top or bottom of the cup, is circular instead of star-shaped. The disappear- ance of the pseudopodia proceeds by a swelling at the base while the outer portion tapers very gradually to an extremely fine point. Compare Fig* 62 with 63 and 65. As the base widens out still father the rays are reduced to a very fine thread which either breaks off or is contracted into the body. When the pseudopodia break loose from their attachment the whole sperm is apt to move suddenly and then be borne away if there are any currents in the containing fluid. This sudden movement probably results from some of the pseudopodia break- ing loose slightly before the others. This rather than the explosion of the capsule may be the explanation of the "spring- ing of the sperm" discussed by Kolteoff '06. This rounding up of the protoplasmic portion of the sperm is apt to be com- pleted before any change takes place In the capsule. Some- times however the capsule may be completely changed before the disappearance of the pseudopodia. Probably In rapid ex- plosion the two take place simultaneously. 8. Changes in the capsule. For the Interpretation of the entrance of the sperm into the egg the transformation of the capsule is much more import- 24 ant than the changes in the protoplasmic cup. We shall there- fore follow the capsular changes very carefully. The first change is the out pushing of the outer cavity of the inner tubule. CoBjpare Pig. 61 with 67. Here it is evident that the wall of the outer cavity of the inner tuhule has been everted, while the wall of the inner cavity (Pig. 61 » i.t.o.) has been stretched. It is difficult to see Just what change has taken place at this time in the central body. In some instances it appeared that it had been lengthed, and in some specimens I thought the end of it could be seen at the summit of the out pushed portion. It may be that the lengthening of this body is the force that turns this distal cavity inside out. In the next step of the capsular inversion the thick cov- ering of the out pushed part shown in Pig. 67 becomes turned out lateraly so as to form a collar (Pig. 68, r.) and the inner tubule becomes father everted. The collar formed at this stage persists unchanged throughout all the further modifica- tions of the capsule. The central body may now become great- ly increased in length so that it projects beyond the out turned part of the inner tubule (Pig. 69, c.b. also Pigs. 70 to 72). Prom this stage on to the completion of the ever- sion there is little further Increase in the length of this axis. The everted portion of the inner tubule however swells out more and more (Pigs. 77 to 79). The transition from the condition shown in Pigs. 71 and 76 to that in Pigs. 77 to 79 is brought about by a further everslon of the inner tubule. The part of the inner tubule involved in this second definite 25 everslon Is probably marked by the funnel-Bhaped portion In Pig. 76. The portion of the everted wall, derived from the part of the tubnle turned by this second everslon is Indicat- ed by the granule g. Pig. 77. At this stage there Is another pause while the out turned part continues to swell. Finally the tension becomes so great that another portion of the inner tubule is everted and as it turns the wall of the capsule is also turned through the collar formed in the early stage of the process of everslon. This last everslon is shown halfway completed in Pig. 80, and the completed process In Pig. 81. In the latter figure the central body stands on the apex of the everslon and the inverted capsule inv.c. is above the collar r. In dilute solutions of the salts used, the protoplasmic portion which contains the nucleus and mi- tochrondrlfld substance swells up to a spherical body as shown in Pig. 82. Often one finds on the slides, bodies like the one represented in Pig. 83. It is evident that these are ex- ploded sperms from which the everted inner tubule has dis- appeared leaving the central body, c.b.; the inverted capsule, Inv.v. ; the collar, r; and the shrunken nuclear cup, n.c. 4. Changes in the central body. We shall now return to a more complete consideration of the behavior of the central body and the part that it plays in the explosion of the sperm. These sperms are so very small it is difficult in many cases to distinguish the central body, especially in the live unstained material. Some significant facts however have been observed. As is shown in Pig. 61, 26 the central body Is oomposed of two distinct parts, the distal part within the cavity of the inner tuhule and a proximal part connecting the inner end of the tubule with the wall of the capsule. Whether the central body projects Into the outer cavity of the inner tubule or ends against the shelf separat- ing the inner and outer cavities of the tubule was not definite- ly determined but the latter seems to be the case. In Pig. 66, which was drawn from a sperm in the tubule of the testis that was fixed in Worcester's fluid and stained in iron haematoxylin, the central body projects through the apex of the capsule. This condition may have been brought about by an elongation of the central body or by a shrinking of the capsule. In either case it indicates that the central body is more or less rigid. One should notice also that the fixing fluid has caused a shrinking of the nuclear cup so that it is now more like a saucer than a cup. In Pigs. 69 to 72 which were drawn from living sperms the central body projects beyond the everted tubule like a rigid rod and one gets the impression that its elongation may have had something to do with the stretching of the tubule and the lengthening of that axis of the sperm. The idea that the central body is somewhat rigid is further supported by its ap- pearance in PigB, 73 and 74, where it stands out above the everted tubule. The same condition is produced in Pigs. 81 and 82 » Probably the strongest evidence in favor of the rigid- ity of this structure is found in Pig. 75, where in lengthen- ing it has pushed backwards through the wall of the cep sule and pushed the nuclear cup away from the wall of the capsule. 27 There are some Indications that the central "body is not firm hut a plastlo, semiflnld euhstance. This Is supported hy the fact that It sometimes glides out through the Inner tubule at stages such as that shown In Pig. 76 and adheres to the surface of the everted tuhule In one or more amorphous masses (Pigs. 77,g.» 79 and 82). This condition may have heen brought about by a degeneration of the body as a result of keeping the sperms in the serum of the blood or in salt solutions. Sometimes in unexploded sperms the central body adheres to one side of the tubule instead of standing in the center, and it may be that it was only in such cases as this that it adhered to the everted wall of the tubule. 5. Dynamics of Ever si on. We may now consider the forces Involved in the turning of the tubule and capsule inside out. We may divide this in- quiry Into two questions: (l) what are the external conditions necessary to initiate and csirry on the process? (2) What eire the internal conditions that respond to the external ones and determine the nature of the process? As stated above a decrease In the osmotic pressure of the medium in which the sperms lie, will oause the everslon. Un- exploded sperms taken from blood serum and placed in 5% KlOg do not explode; placed in 3% to A% ZSOg they take the forms shown in Pigs. 67 to 70; in 2?5 to 3^ KHO3 the forms in Pigs. 70 to 72 and 77 are obtained; in 1.5^ to 1^ KNO3 the everslon proceeds to the stages shown in Pigs. 77 to 82. Like results 28 were obtained by treating the sperms with dilutions of 2.8^ HaCl or 4.25^ NaHOg. Hot all the individuals are equally af- fected by these solutions. Many of the sperms retain the un- exploded conditions of the capsule for a long time in a Z% MO3 solutions, and often none of them attain to the stage represented in ?lg. 82 when treated with 1% KMO3. Sperms kept for several days in 2.8?^ HaCl exploded when transferred to 4.25^ I^aHO^. Here we had an explosion when the sperms were transferred from a solution of one salt to that of another with equal osmotic pressure. Presh sperms do not explode when placed in 4.25^ SaHO^; therefore the sperms must have been changed by the HaCl, or the presence of these two salts must have had an effect that neither had when acting alone. To determine the factors here acting will require further experimentation. Some of the sperms explode whenever they are transferred to a slide and covered with a cover-glass. What may be the cause of such explosions was not determined. Koltzoff found that mechanical pressure would cause the explosion of the sperms of some decapods. I failed to produce any explosion by pressing on the cover-glass of a preparation containing them. Koltzoff '06 made extensive researches to find some specific stimulus that would cause a certain definite explosion which he believed to be the normal one but failed to find such a stimulus. It appears however that a careful investi- gation of the conditions which initiate the process followed up by an analysis of the conditions which may Increase the '.VHJ 29 pressure within the capsular cavity (Fig. 61 c.o.) would throw valuable light on this subject. My researches have been con- cerned with the exact changes that occur in the sperm rather than with the conditions that cause the changes. The second question, that Is the one concerning the in- ternal conditions which determine the response of the sperm to the external conditions, may now be considered. What is there In the sperm that may react to a decrease of the osmotic pressure of the solution which surrotmds it? An examination of Figs. 68 to 82 clearly shows that it is the capsular cavity that increases in size. It must therefore contain a substance which is Isotonic with sea-water and with the blood of the crab and which absorbs water when placed in any solution which is of a lower concentration. This water is doubtless taken in through the wall of the inner tubule which seems to be semi- permeable, while the outer wall of the capsule is probably impervious. Another striking feature of the explosion is the remark- able extensibility of the wall of the inner tubule which is everted to form the wall of a structure many times larger than the capsule. The central body must also be considered as one of the structures taking a part in the explosion of the capsule. We have therefore three changing structures, a swell- ing mass, a stretching membrane, and an elOEgating body, each of which take a part in determining the form of the Inversion. To these must be added two structures which do not change and are resistant in their nature. These are the wall of the ntti-} .Trrt-M'jtT 30 capsule and the collar surrounding the hole In the capsule, through which the tubule Is everted. Let us now follow the interaction of the forces Involved in the behavior of these changing structures. For this purpose we shall divide the explosion into four stages. Stage 1. The eversion of the outer cavity of the tuhule (Pig. 67). Two forces probably take part in this, the pres- sure in the capsular cavity and the elongation of the central body. Stage 2. The elongation of the everted outer cavity (Pigs. 68 to 71 and 76). This results in the formation of the collar (Pig. 68,r.). Here again two forces may be involved, the swelling of the material in the capsular cavity and the fur- ther elongation of the central body which stretches the por- tion of the inner tubule which bounds the inner tubular cav- ity. The fact that the everted portion is sometimes longer in the axis through which the central body passes indicates that this body may be exerting an out-pushing force. If this is the case, we have here an elastic body that has become active by being released from compression, that is the central body elongates like a coiled spring. This action is fully discussed by Koltzoff . The pressure in the capsular cavity is sometimes showa by the squeezing of the central body out through the outer end of the tubule when it has lost its re- sistant properties. Stage 3. The second eversion of the inner tubule (Pigs. 77 to 79). Prom the condition shown in Pigs. 71 and 76, the increasing pressure in the capsular cavity causes the wall 31 of the everted tutule to swell up to the form shown in Pig. 72. Finally the pressure becomes so great that the ring which formed the division "between the inner and outer tuhular cavi- ties (Fig. 61, i.t.c. and o.c.) gives away and a part of the tubule bounding the inner tubular cavity becomes everted. Portions of the central body often adhere to the wall of the tubule and are carried outward and so mark the extent of this second eversion (Fig. 77, g. ) . Stage 4« The third eversion of the tubule , accompanied by the inversion of the capsule (Figs. 80 to 82). The in- ternal pressure continues to increase as is shown by the bulging out of the walls of the everted portion (Fips. 78 and 79). This brings a strain upon the axis in which the tubule and central body lie. This tends to stretch these structures as is shown by the incurving of the apical wall of the everted portion in Figs. 78 and 79. This causes the base of the evert- ed part to press on the sides of the capsule. This pressure on the sides of the capsule together with an up-pulling along the line of the central body results in turning the capsule through the collar when the last section of the tubule is everted. In Fig. 82 the portions of the everted wall con- tributed by the second, thlrci and fourth stages of the ever- sion are probably Indicated by the granules g^ and g^. Thus we see that the whole transformation may be explained by the increase of pressure in the capsular cavity together with tensions along the line of the inner tubule and the central body*. T«C 32 Efforts were made to reverse this process ty placing the sperms In very concentrated solutions of the salts used. The only effect of this treatment was a shrlnkihg of the everted portion, which would again swell up and the process of eversion continue when dilute solutions were again used. After the explosion had reached the stage presented in Pig. 8E the only part affected by concentrated solutions was the protoplasmic portion at the bottom. It is also true that this is the only part that takes methylene blue, methyl green or thronin stains when these are applied to the living sperms. It was rather surprising that the contents of the everted capsule were not stained by these stains. Sometimes a few granules can be seen in this cavity. Figures 73, 74, 84 and 85 were made from sperms that had been kept in a 5% KUO3 solution for 51 days. We observe here that partial explosion had taken place. Those shown in Figs. 84 and 85 had reached the stage corresponding to Fig. 70. When these were treated with a solution of lower concentration the eversion continued but the wall of the part already evert- ed seemed to be hardened so that it made an elongated collar through which the further inversion took place. 6. The effect of reagents on the everted sperms. After trying several fixing reagents it was found that for imbedding and cutting the crab's eggs Morgan's fluid gave decidedly the best results. This fluid is a saturated solu- tion of picric acid in ^0% alcohol, to 100 c.c. of which 2 o.c. of H2SO4 are added. Sperms in various stages of the process ;jiii:nf tsdcfT' 33 of inversion and those In the normal mature condition were motinted under the microsoope and killed with this fluid in order to determine its effect upon them. A considerable amount of shrinking was observed, hut no decided change in the relationship of the parts seemed to take place. Figures 86 and 87 were drawn from sperms exploded in distilled water, fixed in Morgan's fluid, stained in thionin and eosin, dehy- drated In alcohols, cleared in xylol and mounted in balsam. The general relations of the parts is the same as in Figs. 81 and 82. The space between the everted tubule and the invert- ed capsule seems to have shrunk relatively more than the in- verted capsule. Having now observed the behavior of the sperms under experimental conditions we may proceed to our observations concerning the entrance of the sperm and the process of fertilization. 711. THE ENTRAHCE OF THE SPERM. Eggs were taken from the lumen of the ovary just after the crab began to spawn, and were fixed in Morgan's fluid, imbedded in paraffin and sectioned. A microscopic examina- tion of these eggs showed the sperm in the act of entering the egg. The best stain for the study of these sections is thionin, for it stains the chromosomes in the mitotic figure of the nucleus of the egg and the nuclear cup of the sperm a deep blue. It stains the everted portion of the sperm faint- ly and the food material, cytoplasm and egg-shell are unstain- ed or only faintly stained. This treatment makes it possible 34 to find these minute structures in the relatively immense egg. After one has heGorne familiar with these structures and their position on the egg it is possible to find them quite readily with other stains such as Delafield's haematoxylin, iron- haematoxylin, or safranin and Liohtgrun. The relation of the sperms to eggs taken from the lumen of the ovary is shown in Pigs. 88 to 92. Sperms in the same condition are also found In eggs taken from the oviduct as is shown in Pigs. 9Z and 94. How when these figures are com- pared with Pigs. 96 and 87, which have been treated with the same fixing reagents, it is evident that it is the everted portion of the sperm that has gone through the shell of the egg. The nuclear cup (n.c. Pigs. 91 and 92) is on the out- side of the shell. The everted tuhule forms a vesicle with- in which one sees the Inverted capsule (inv.c. Pig. 91). Hera- after I shall call this everted tuhule and capsule, the sperm- vesicle. At the inner-end of this sperm-vesicle the ejected central hody may he seen (Pigs. 88, 91 to 94 c.b.). That the part which remains outside is the nuclear cup with its radiat- ing pseudopodla can he more clearly seen hy a surface view of the structure as it lies upon the eg^. Such a view is present- ed in Pig. 95. Furthermore the staining reactions are in ac- cord with those observed in the mat:ire sperm and the artificial- ly exploded ones and are as follows: ) the part outside of the shell-blue. Thionin and eosin ( ) the part inside of the shell--red. „ (part outside of shell--red Safranin and Liohtgrun ) (part inside, green mixed with red. 35 ( part outside of shell, tlack. Iron-Haematoxylin ) ( part inside, 'brown except the central "body ) which is hlaok. Koltzoff '06 claimed that the sperms. In certain decapods settled on the egg with the nuclear cup towards the egg and the capsule pointed away from the egg. He was also of the opinion that the rehound from the explosion of the capsule was suffi- cient to drive the nucleus Into the egg. On eggs taken from the ovary of Menippe mercenaria, I found a few sperms attach- ed as shown in Fig. 96 with the nuclear cup next to the shell of the egg. That the eversion of the capsule does not force the nucleus through the shell in this case is shown in Pig. 97, where a sperm has exploded with the nuclear cup against the egg. So far as my ohservations go there is no evidence whatever that the eversion of the capsule causes any sudden movement of the sperm hody as a whole. The niimber of sperms that have pierced the shells of the eggs is much greater for eggs taken from the oviduct than for those taken from the lumen of the ovary. The ntimher was count- ed In a few eggs that had Just heen spawned and the number per egg was as follows: 28,44,52,52,54, 71, 73 and in one ex- ceptional case 679. So far there seems to "be no doubt as to the behavior of the sperm in entering the egg, but we may ask; Is this the final stage in the entrance of the sperm? Is not the nuclear cup drawn through the shell at a later stage? If it is not what becomes of it? That the nuclear cup does not enter the egg^ but falls off is shown in Figs. 98 to 101. Here we see that the nuclear .3,^$.:^ 36 cup has moved away from the egg-shell and that a strauid of sorae substance hy which It was prohably attached to the hotton of the capsule is drawn out with it. Sometimes the nuclear cup breaks loose from the strand and leaves it projecting through the shell into the capsule (Pig. 100). In eggs taken from the oviduct or from the pleopeds Just after spawning, large numbers of sperm-vesicles are found sticking to the inside of the shells after the nuclear cup has fallen off (Pig. 101). It is very clear then that in most cases at least the nuclear cup does not enter the egg* But, does it thus fall off from the particular sperm that fertilizes the egg^ or only from those which have failed to perform the work of fertilization? This question can best be answered by a further study of the events of fertilization. VIII. PERTILIZATIOBT. In eggs taken from the oviduct or just after leaving it, many sperm-vesicles may be found lying on the edge of the cytoplasm as shown in Pigs. 102 and 103, while one is found down in the cytoplasm (Pigs. 104-108). Here it is evident that the movement of the cytoplasm has carried the vesicle below the surface. Before the sperm-vesicle enters there is a layer of cytoplasm Just inside of the egg-shell. The rest of the egg is filled with spherules of food material in the interspaces of which the cytoplasm extends from the peripheral layer, by fine strands, all through the egg. The fact, that the sperules of food move apart and a small mass of cytoplasm :c? 37 acoompanles the sperm-vesicle into the egg» Is "best explained "by supposing that the first vesicle that comes in contact with the cytoplasm initiates a flowing movement of the latter along the inner surface of the shell, from all sides towards the newly entered vesicle. The cytoplasm moving thus along the inner surface of the shell towards one point would he de- flected in towards the center of the Qggt and would tend to carry the vesicle in with it. We may suppose further that when the cytoplasm has once responded to such a stimulus its physiological state is so changed that it will not respond to another. As a result only one vesicle becomes imbedded In the cytoplasm of the egg where it is to be treuasformed in- to the male pronucleus. The vitelline membrane (Pig. 104, v.) is formed just after the entrance of the sperm-vesicle into the cytoplasm and the vesicles that failed to enter lie between it and the shell of the egg» The first polar body (Pig. 114) which is cast off while the eggs are passing through the oviduct is also found between the vitelline membreme and the shell. The first step in the transformation of the sperm-vesi- cle into the male pronucleus is a thickening of its lateral walls. This may be observed in Pigs, 105 to 111. Accompany- ing this there is an increase of affinity for the stains used (thionln and Delafield's haematoxylin) . Uext there seams to be an extrusion of the old capsular wall which, if we recall the method of the eversion of the sperm, we know, forms the inner lining of the sperm-vesicle. The discarding of this capsular wall was not clearly made out, bnt Pigs. 109 and 110 38 indicate that suoh a change takes place. In eggs taken soon after spwaning the sperm-vesicle has increased considerably in size and the wall has taken on a vesicular appearance. This is shown in Figs. 110 eoid 111 which show the sperm-ve si- de in two different aspects. The cavity of the vesicle gradually disappears leaving only a notch on one side (Pigs. 108, 109, 110 and 112). Figure 112 was about an hour old. In eggs two hours old the vesicle has taken on the appearance of an ordinary nucleus containing granules of chromatin (Fig. 116). At this time it has gone about one fourth of the dis- tance from the circumference to the center of the egg (Fig. 117) We will now turn our attention to the egg-nucleus. When the eggs are set free in the lumen of the ovary Just before spawning begins, the spindle for the first maturation division is already formed and its long axis is parallel with the sur- face of the egg (Fig. 113). As the egg passes through the oviduct the spindle turns to a position perpendicular to the surface of the egg and the first polar body is cut off. This is shown in Fig. 114 which is from em egg that has Just pass- ed out of the oviduct. Efforts were made to count the chrom- osomes just after this division. Twenty-five to twenty-eight were counted. Thus the double number would be fifty to fifty- six. They are however so small and placed so closely together that it is difficult to distinguish them accurately. Between one and one and a half hours after spawning the second maturation division takes place. The second polar body is apparently not cut off, but remains in the egg where it degenerates and is absorbed by the cytoplasm. 39 The female pronucleus Is now formed and proceeds to the center of the egg where It meets the male pronucleus. Figures 116 and 116 are drawn from nuclei fixed at 2 hours and 15 min- utes after spawning. At this time it is not possible to tell which is the male and which the female pronucleus tmless the slightly concave side of the one shown in Pig. 116 indicates that it is related to the nucleus shown in Fig. 112. In this case it would he the male pronucleus. The nuclei have grown rapidly and continue to do so until they reach the center of the ogg. Their contents are finely granular. These granules increase in size as the nuclei hecome larger. Figures 118 and 119 show the position of the nuclei four hours after spawning and Fig. 120 (from en agg six hours old) shows them lying side by side in the center of the egg. They have become elongated and many times larger than they were when first formed. From the above description of fertilization it is evident that the nuclear cup takes no part in the formation of the male pro- nucleus for the latter is derived from the sperm-vesicle which is the Inverted capsule. This completes the description of the structure and be- havior of the male cells in the stone-crabe. We have here some- thing unique in the method by which the sperm enters the egg and something exceptional in the phenomena of fertilization. These observations raise several theoretical questions, some of which we will now briefly consider. IX. Discussion. We have here a case in which an Infolded vacuole that arose in the cytoplasm is everted through the shell of the egg and fertilizes it. How may such an event be brought into 40 harmony with the existing theories ooncernlng the chromoaomes? In all other cases of fertilization the nucleus with its chromosomes or at least Its chromatin is considered the essen- tial thing; the bearer of the paternal qualities to the egg. The part that they play in the theories concerning heredity is too Important and useful to be lightly discarded. But, granting all that is claimed for the chromosomes, we are never- theless face to face with the fact that in most cases they disappear during the telophase and are reformed in the next prophase of cell division. Between the miotic divisions they can be followed from one spindle to the next and in some other oases some Investigators have claimed to have been able to ob- serve the continuity of Individual chromosomes from one divi- sion of the cell to the next one. But these are exceptions. The problem of the origin of the chromosome is a real problem. For many reasons, in our final analysis, we must go back of the chromosome. So without attacking the proposition that chromosomes are the means for distributing the hereditary elements at the time of division, we may take up the question of the origin of the chromosome before division. The phenomena described in this paper force us to con- sider this question if we are to bring the facts concerning fertilization in this crab, in line with existing theories. Does any of the chromatin from the nucleus of the spermatid enter the egg"? We have shown that it is the substance in the wall or in the cavity of the capsule that enters and fertilizes the egg' Now is there any evidence that the chrom- atic substance in the nucleus is transferred to the capsule snT ei-ff 41 during spermatogenesis f Gro'b'ben '78 claimed that the capsule Is derived from the nucleus of the spermatid. He described a change In the con- sistency and a reduction in size of the nucleus which occurred simultaneously with the development of the capsule. He seem- ed to he of the opinion that the nuclear material was trans- ferred hy diffusion from the nucleus to the capsule. Herrmann '90 suggests that when one follows the parallel transformations of the capsule and the nucleus, one gets the impression that there Is a sort of migration of the chromatic suhstance from the nucleus to the capsule. Brandos '97 found two substances in the nucleus of the spermatid. One was stained blue with methylene blue, the other red with acid fuchsln. The latter settles to one side of the nucleus and then passes out into the cytoplasm. The later workers Koltzoff '06 and Spltschakoff '09 de- *^ scribe no such d process. In my own investigations I have noted a decrease in af- finity for chromatic stains, and in the size of the nucleus. The capsule on the other hand showed an increasing affinity for iron-haematoxylin and safranin. These facts suggest a transfer of nuclear material. Finally if we may accept the views of Stauffacher '10 and Dersohan 'll, that basichromatin is derived from oxy- chromatin, the former being deposited from the latter, we may postulate a theory for the explanation of the phenomena of fertilization in this crab. I do not claim that the facts 42 establish the theory. They only suggest it. Some of the "b as i chromatin in the nucleus of the spermatid is dissolved by the oxychrooatin and transferred to the capsule. After the capsule is everted into the egg and has entered the cyto- plasm of the latter, the b^sichromatin is redeposited and thus the granular structure of the male pronucleus appears. It may be possible to explain the number of chromosomes that appear by supposing that there are a certain number of dif- ferent kinds of molecules which are deposited out of the oxyohromatin and that these have such an affinity for each other that they are aggregated into a definite number of groups or they may be of such a structural nature than they can fall only into certain groups. Of course, I claim for this only that it Is a possible explanation of phenomena which are apparently not In accord with the conception of an individual continuity of the chromosomes. Z. SUMMARY. 1. The seminal elements in Menlppe mercenaria arise from a single row of primary spermatagonlal cells which per- sist along one side of the testicular tubule. 2. The tubule is divided into three or four regions by longitudinal partitions composed of epithelial cells. The seminal elements in the division next to the row of spermato- gonlal cells, are younger than those in any other division. The region on the opposite side contains mature sperms. The seminal elements In one end of a given division are further 43 along in their development than those In the other end. g. The spermatogonia! nuclei lie in a oommon cytoplasmic mass and multiply irregularly without the formation of a spireme. A spireme and synapsis occur in connection with the first miotic division. The second miotic division follows soon after the first. 4. In the mature sperm, the protoplasmic portion, con- taining the nucleus, is cup- shaped. Prom the rim of the cup peeudopodia project out like the rays of a star. There Is a capsule half imhedded in the cup. An inturned tubule is connected with an opening in the distal portion of the cap- sular wall and a rod-like central hody arises from the prox- imal side of the capsule and projects into the inner tuhule. 5. In the transformation of the spermatid, the nucleus becomes uniform in consistency, reduced in size and cup-shaped. A mitochrondrial ring is formed between the nucleus and the capsule. The capsule arises as a vacuole in the cytoplasm. In the course of its development it shows an increasing affinity for nuclear steins. 6. The central body develops from a granule that appears on the proximal side of the capsule. The inner tubule is formed from two vesicles that arise at the distal end of the central body. 7. Hypotonic solutions of various salts and possibly other stimuli cause a lengthening of the central body, an eversion of the inner tubule and an inversion of the wall of the capsule. 8. When the sperms come in contact with the egg under ?er t-Xi 44 normal conditions, the capsule is usually applied to the shell of the egg and the nuclear cup is directed away from the egg. In this position eversion takes place and the ejected central hody, the inner tubule and the capsule with its contents are thus turned through the shell into the egg. 9. The nuclear cup is left on the outside of the egg and it soon falls off. 10. The wall of the capsule together with its everted contents, which we now call the sperm- vesicle, sinks into the cytoplams of the egg^ where it is enlarged and transform- ed into the male pronucleus. 11. The contents of the capsule may he derived from the nucleus of the spermatid and is prohahly oxychromatin which deposits hasichromatin after it enters the egg and so gives rise to the chromosomes in the male pronucleus. (TITO 45 LITERATURE CITED. Brandes, G. '97, Die Spermatozoen der Dekapoden. Sitzungsbe- richte d.K.P. Akad. d. Wlssen, Berlin, 1R97. II Derschan, M. '11, ITber KermbruGken nnd Kernsubstance in pflanz- lichen Zellen. Arch. f. Zellforseh. Bd.7. Gllson, Gr. '86, Etude comparee de la spermatogenese chez les arthropodes. La Cellule, Tome II. Grobben, C. '78, Baitrage zur Keuntniss der mazmllchen Geschlechtsorgane der Dekapoden. Arbeit. a. d. Zool. Inst. d. Univ. Wien. Bd. i. Herrmann, G.'90, Botes sur la structure et le developpement des spermatozoides chez les Decapodes. Bull. Sc. de la Prance et de la Belgique. Vol. XZII. Koltzoff, U.K. '06, Studlen uber die Gestalt der Zelle . I. Un- tersuchimgen uber die Spermlen der Decapod eh, als Einleitung das Problem der Zellengestalt. Arch.f. mikros. Anat. Bd. 67. Sabatler, A. '93, De la Spermatogenese chez les Crustaces Decapodes. Travaux d.l'Inst d. Zool. de Montpellier et Sta. ilar. Gette. 3er.9. Mem. No. 3. Spitschakoff , Th. Spermohistogenese bei Gariden. Archiv.f . Zellforschung-. III. Stanffacher, Hch. Beitrage zur Zenntniss der Zernstrukturen. Zeitschrift f. wissench. Zoologue XGV. Bd. 46 BXPLAUATION OP THK i<'IGURES. Fig. 1. Transverse section of a testicular tubule of a small crat. Fixed In Petrunkewitsch* s fluid. Z600 Spermatogonia at the top* Sperms at the "bottom, spermatids between. Fig. 2. Transverse section of testicular tubule, p.s., primary spermatogonlal cell. The mass of spermatogonia larger than in Pig. 1. Fig. 3. Transverse section of testicular tubule showing larger mass of spermatogonia, p.s., primary spermatogonlal cell. Fig. 4. Transverse section of testicular tubule showing a large mass of spermatocytes in synapsis, p.s., primary spermatogonlal cell. Figures 5-llS (except 7u-72) were all drawn with the camera lucida and a Zeiss 1.5 m.m. apochromatic objective and a compensating ocular (either a No. 6 or XJo. 8). Then the drawings were enlarged so that in the plates there is a mag- nification of 3000 diameters. In making Pigs. 7u-72 the camera lucida was not used. Fig. 5. Resting phase of a spermatogonlal nucleus. Fig. 6« Prophase of a spermatogonlal nucleus showing the paired chromosomes which were seen in the upper one-half of the nucleus. Fig. 7. Optical section df a spermatogonlal nucleus showing the peripheral arrangement of the paired chromosomes in the prophase. Fig. 8» The mitotic figure in a spermatogonlal division. Fig. 9. Early prophase of the first miotic division of the spermatocyte . Fig. 10. SytapslB in the first miotic division of a spermatocyte. JTlgs. 11 and 12. The stage following synapsis showing the spireme loosened up and separating into chromosomes. Fig. 13. First miotic division, stage Jxlst preceding the formation of the equatorial plate. Fig. 14. Equatorial plate and spindle in first miotic division. Fig. 15. A tripolar division of the nucleus of a sperma- 47 tocyte of the first order. 15a is a drawing of the same nucleus made from a lower plain and showing a portion e. of the chromatin which was not included in the equatorial plate. Pig. 16. Chromosomes found In the equatorial plate of the first miotic division. Figs. 16a and 16h. Portions of the first miotic figure in the metaphase, showing the chromosomes. Figs. 17 and 18. Two stages in the anaphase of the first miotsis. Figs. 19-22. Show different stages and variations in the early telophase of the first miotic division. Interzonal flhers are shown stretching hetween the masses of chromatin and the mld-hody apparently forming a hand around the flhers. Figs. 23-25. The second miotic division: Stages in the formation of the equatorial plate. Fig. 26. The metaphase of the second miotic division. Fig. 27. Telophase of second miotic division, showing Intersonal flhers and the mid-body. Fig. 28. Later telophase. The centrosome is still vis- ible here and is still attached hy flhers to the nucleus. A clear area also surrounds the nucleus. gigs. 29-52. Different stages In the formation of a reticulate nucleus in the spermatid. A black granule, the centrosome may be seen and a more or less complete zone free from granules around the nucleus. Figs. 55-56. Spermatids with vacuoles in the cytoplasm, c.a. mass of finely granular cytoplasm which may be the mlto- chrondria. Fig. 57. Spermatid with vacuole or capsule and nucleus. The periphery of nucleus more densely stained than center. Fig. 58. Spermatid showing a small clear vacuole in the nucleus. Figs. 59-42. Later stages in the transformation of the spermatids mt. mitochondrial substance. Pig. 45. Spermatid showing two sides of a dark ring, d. in the capsule; mt. mitochondria, also the central body on the nucleus at the bottom of the capsule. Fig. 44. Spermatid showing two granules on the border line between the nucleus and capsule. 48 Figa. 45-47 » Spermatid from different view points show- ing the mitochondria, mt. and a granule. In "bottom of cap- sule. Plg» 48« Spermatid with mitochondrial ring completed. Pigs. 49-60. Spermatids showing stages In the develop- ment of the central "body and the Inner tuhule within the cap- sule. A clear space appears for a time "between the capsule and the nucleus. Pig. 61. Mature sperm, fixed In vapor of osmic acid and stained In gold chloride preparation, n.c, nucleus cup; p.s., pseudopodla; c, wall of the capsule; c.c, cavity of the capsule; l.t., inner tubule; l.t.c. Inner cavity of the Inner tuhule; c.b., central body; o.c. outer cavity of the inner tubule. Pig. 52. Sperm viewed from the top, mounted In 4% M0„. Fig. 63. Sperm mounted In the serum of the crab's blood. Pig. 64. Side view of sperm In the serum of the blood. Pig. 65. Sperm in serum with pseudopodla all turned to one side by currents In the serum. Pig. 66. Sperm in testicular tubule. Fixed in Worcester's fluid. Stained In Iron-haematoxylln, central body projecting from the top. Pig. 67. A sperm treated with 3% EIO.'^, fixed with Morgan's fluid and stained with Delafleld's haematoxylln. Fig. 68. A sperm treated with 3% KtlOs, fixed with Mor- gan's fluid and stained with eosln. Figs. 69-85. Were all drawn from living sperms that had been treated with hjrpotonie solutions of salts, and show various stages in the eversion of the capsule, r.. the collar; c.b., central body; Inv.c. Inverted capsule; g, g-^ and g^, pieces of the central body on the everted wall of the inner tubule. Figs. 86-87. Sperms that were exploded in distilled water and fixed in Morgan's fluid then stained with thlonln and eosln. Figs. 88 to 92. F.verted sperms extending through the shell of the egg, from the lumen of the ovary; fixed in Morgan's fluid. In Fig. 89 the shell of the egg Is badly warped, c.b. ejected central body; Inv.c, Inverted capsule; n.c, nuclear cup; r., collar of the capsule. 49 Figs. 93 and 94 » Everted sperms in the shells of eggs from the oviduct, c.h., central hody ejected; r. , collar. Fig. 95. The portion of the sperm v/hlch remains on the outside of the egg seen from the hottom of the nuclear cup. Pig. 96. Sperm on the shell of the egg with nuclear cup next to the shell. Pig. 97. A sperm that has exploded with nucleus next to the egg. Figs. 98-111. Portions of eggs with sperms, taken from the oviduct or soon after leaving It. Figs. 98 and 99. Show the nuclear cup falling away from the egg and pulling a strand of some suhstance out with it. Fig. 100. Sperm-vesicle with the strand from which the nuclear cup has hroken away, projecting through the shell into the vesicle. Pig. 101. Sperm-vesicle just inside the shell. Pigs. 102 and 103. Sperm-vesicles lying on the cytoplasm. Fig. 104. Sperm-vesicle that has just entered the cyto- plasm, v., vitelline memhrane. Pigs. 105-108. Sperm-vesicles down in the cytoplasm. Pig. 109. Sperm-vesicle with capsular wall projecting out of it. Pig. 110. Sperm-vesicle seen from one side; shows vesi- cular structure. Pig. 111. Sperm-vesicle seen from top-vesicular struc- ture. Pig. 112. Sperm-vesicle in egg 1 hour, 15 minutes old. This may now "be called the male pronucleus. Pig. 113. 'Rgg from the lumen of the ovary showing the spindle of the first miotic division. Fig. 114. First polar body of an egg Just spawned. Pigs. 115 and 116. Two pronuclei found in one egg Z \ and 15 minutes old. Fig. 117. Egg 2 hours 15 minutes old, h., transverse sec- 50 tlon of a hair of the pleopod with the shell of the egg wrap- ed part of the way around it; n., pronucleus, prohahly the male; v., vitelline memhrane. X425. Figs. 118 and 119 » Egg 4 hours old showing the pronuclei. Fig« 120. Egg 6 hours old showing the pronuclei side hy side in the center of the egg. IlKi 121. Diagram of the ovary, the seminal receptacle The latter turned out to one side so as to and oviduct. hring it in the same plane with the rest of the ovary; c, portion of the seminal receptacle lined with chitin; g., glandular portion of the seminal receptacle; o., opening between the glandular and chitinous portion of the recept- acle; od., oviduct. Fig. 122. Seminal receptacle at the time of Molting, c, chitinous portion; g. , glandular portion. 51 VITA. I was Ijorn near Carthage, Rush County, Indiana, July 15, 1676, and am the son of Josiah and Margaret F. Binford. My family moved to western Kansas in 1885. I graduated from the Haviland Academy In 1896. Then I taught a district school one year, studied at warlham College, Richmond, Ind. two years, and again taught a district school at Haviland, Kansas for one year and the next year returned to Sarlham College where I received the B.3. degree in 1901. Since 1901 I have held the position of Professor of Biology at Guilford College, U.C. During the summer quarters of 19u2 and 1903, and for five quarters in 1905- '06 I studied in the University of Chicago, devoting my attention principally to the subject of botany, and received the degree of S.M. from that institution. During the academic year of 1907- '08 I devoted my time to zoological studies at Johns Hopkins University. I was scientific assistant at the U.S. Marine Biological Labora- tory at Beaufort, H.G. during the four summers; 1908, '09, '10 and '11. At this laboratory I worked on the life histories of several crabs, though primarily investigating that of Menippe raercenaria. In the fall of 1910 I returned to the Johns Hopkins Uni- versity where the past two years have been spent in working up the foregoing dissertation and in other zoological studies. Raymond Binford. Baltimore, Md. May 1, 1912. i*».; ^.^'' i This manuscript is the property of the Johns Hopkins University, but the literary rights of the author must be respected in any use made of it. Passages must not be copied nor closely para- phrased without the wrinen consent of the author. If the reader obtains any assistance from this volume, he must give proper credit in his own work. Those whose signatures appear below agree to observe these restrictions. DATE NAME AND ADDRESS ^/24/z/