u D. Jacksoft A GLOSSARY OF BOTANIC TERMS First Edition, May 1900. Second Edition, September 1905. A GLOSSARY OF BOTANIC TERMS WITH THEIR DERIVATION AND ACCENT BY BENJAMIN DAYDON JACKSON Second Edition Revised and Enlarged LONDON DUCKWORTH & CO. PHILADELPHIA : ). B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY J905 0 All rights reserved CONTENTS PAQSS PREFACE . . . . . . . . viiori PLAN OF THE WORK ....... xii GLOSSARY ........ 1.294 SUPPLEMENT ....... 295-362 ADDITIONS DURING PRINTING ..... 368 APPENDIX A. SIGNS AND ABBREVIATIONS ..... 865 B. THE PRONUNCIATION OF LATIN AND LATINISED WORDS . 866 C. THE USE OF THE TERMS "RIGHT" AND "LEFT" . . 867 D. BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 368-370 ERRATA 371 " Every other authour may aspire to praise, the lexicographer can only hope to escape reproach." DR SAMUEL JOHNSON. PREFACE IN the preface to the first edition of this Glossary I gave the reasons which induced me to undertake it, and the fact that the impression was exhausted some time ago, is a gratifying confirmation of those reasons. The delay in preparing this second edition has been entirely due to pressure of occupation. The "Additions" of the edition of 1900 are now combined with the terms recently published in one alphabet, for the earlier sheets being stereotyped prevented their incorporation. One special feature of the recent additions is that of the phy to- geographic terms coined by Mr F. E. Clements, and published in Engler's "Botanische Jahrbiicher," xxxi. (1902), Beibl. No. 70, and since added to in a volume of the Nebraska University, " Studies in the Vegetation of the State," iii. (1904). I felt bound to give these in their entirety, though in many cases I could only copy the defini- tions given by the author, e.g., the use of " creek " in the American sense, and in a few cases classical authority and grammar have been ignored. The special terms contrived for American conditions have not been transferred to these pages, and those who require to know the meaning of such compounds as " Carex-Sieversia-Polygonum- coryphium," with its vernacular equivalent " The Sedge-smar tweed Alpine meadow formation," are referred to the work above quoted. In the " Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botanique," Ser. VIII. xiv. (1901), 213-390, will be found another elaborate series of terms, which have not yet made their appearance in English books, and are consequently not embodied in the following pages. The task of selecting what terms should be included in any branch of science offers many difficulties : in the case of botany, it is closely linked on with zoology and general biology, with geology as regards fossil plants, with pharmacy, chemistry, and the cultivation of plants in the garden or the field. How far it is advisable to include terms from those overlapping sciences PREFACE which lie on the borderland is a question on which no two people might think alike. I have given every word an indepen- dent examination, so as to take in all which seemed needful, all, in fact, which might be fairly expected, and yet to exclude technical terms which really belong to another science. Words in common use frequently have technical meanings, and must be included; other technical words are foreign to botany, and must be excluded. Thus "entire" must be defined in its botanic sense, and such purely geologic terms as Triassic and Pleistocene must be passed by. The total number of rare alkaloids and similar bodies recorded in pharmacologic and chemical works, if included, would have extended this Glossary to an inconvenient size; I have therefore only enumerated those best known or of more frequent mention in literature, or interesting for special reasons. Many words only to be found in dictionaries have been passed by; each dictionary I have consulted contains words ap- parently peculiar to it, and some have been suspected of being purposely coined to round off a set of terms. The foundations of the list here presented are A. Gray's "Botanical Text-Book," Lindley's "Glossary," and Henslow's "Dictionary," as set forth in the Bibliography. To these terms have been added others extant in the various modern text-books and current literature, noted in the course of reading, or found by special search. The abstracts published in the " Journal of the Eoyal Microscopical Society " afforded many English equivalents of foreign terms. In drawing up definitions, the terms used to denote colour were found to be so discordant that I was compelled to make a special study of that department, and the result will be found in the "Journal of Botany," xxxvii. (1899) 97-105. The total numbers included in this Glossary amount to about 16,000, that is, nearly three times as many as in any other previous work in the language. The derivations have been carefully checked, but as this book has no pretension to be a philological work, the history of the word is not attempted; thus in "etiolate" I have contented myself with giving the proximate derivation, whilst the great Oxford dictionary cites a host of intermediate forms deduced from stipella. The meaning appended to the roots is naturally a PREFACE rough one, for to render adequately all that may be conveyed by many of the roots is manifestly impossible when a single word must serve. The accent has been added in accordance with the best discoverable usage ; where pronunciation varies, I have tried to follow the best usage; in some words such as "medullary" I have given the accent as it is always spoken, though all the dictionaries, except Henslow's, accent it as " med'ullary." When words have become thoroughly anglicised, it would have been mere pedantry to accent them otherwise ; we say or'ator, not as in Latin, ora'tor. The accent does not imply syllabic division, but when the accent immediately follows a vowel, that vowel is long ; if one or more consonants intervene, then the vowel is short ; thus ca'nus, cas'sus, as though they were printed cd-nus, cds-sus; in a few instances the pronunciation is also given when the word would otherwise be doubtful as to sound. It has been my duty to condense the definitions, often a difficult matter when a longer explanation would have been far easier to draw up. I trust that I have in each case succeeded in setting out the main or central meaning, but many writers have their own modified or restricted meaning of even well-known terms. To still further economise space, words drawn from the same leading word have been grouped into paragraphs, thus obviating the necessity of repeating the leading word with its meaning many times over, and only requiring the additional root to be given; occasionally this has led to the intentional neglect of strict alphabetic sequence. The names of groups of plants have given much trouble ; whilst all proposed terms manifestly could not be included, many have be- come so often quoted as to demand recognition ; as a rule I have not admitted groups of even ordinal value, still less of lower rank. Compound terms have been left out when intermediate between the meaning of the primitives ; those included seem to require mention on special grounds. Authors' names in parentheses, following definitions, are those who have been taken as authority for such definition, and when the actual language is used, it is indicated by quotation marks; the authority sometimes coincides with the inventor of the term. Substantives in the headings have been shown by the use of a be PREFACE capital letter, adjectives and other parts of speech by a small letter ; exceptions being adjectives drawn from a proper name as "Dar- winian," and those which form part of such terms as "Conjoint Bundle." Greek is quoted in the original characters, Latin in italic, or where otherwise it would be doubtful, it is indicated ; this is further explained on the page facing page 1 of the Glossary ; the use of small capitals refers the reader to the word so printed for a definition of the term, or to a correlative term. The Appendixes hardly need any detailed explanation; it will be seen that the Bibliography is a selected list of works chiefly in alphabetic form, arranged chronologically. General dictionaries, and large works in which technical terms form only a small pro- portion of the whole, have been omitted. The pleasant task now remains of acknowledging most heartily and gratefully the invaluable help I have derived from a host of friends during the progress of the work. Dr D. H. SCOTT, F.E.S., not only encouraged me to undertake the labour, but has always been ready to help with his advice ; Mr A. GEPP, of the British Museum, has read the whole of both editions in proof and part in revise; he has spared neither time nor trouble to ascertain the correctness of the derivations and accents throughout, as well as in the special branch of descriptive botany which is under his charge; Professor HARTOG, D.Sc., of Cork, improved many defini- tions, and Professor H. H. W. PEARSON helped in the compilation of the work in many ways. To these four gentlemen I am especially indebted for their kindly undertaking a troublesome task. Other friends at Kew and the British Museum have also generously aided me when drafting the manuscript. Mr G. MASSEE, Mr C. B. CLARKE, F.R.S., and Dr OTTO STAPF have constantly been under requisition ; Mr I. H. BURKILL, Mr C. H. WRIGHT, Mr G. E. M. MURRAY, F.K.S., and Mr N. E. BROWN, have given me help with the greatest readiness and kindness; other specialists to whom I have occasionally appealed, and never in vain, are Mr J. G. BAKER, F.E.S., Professor I. B. BALFOUR, F.E.S., Mr L. BOODLE, Dr H. T. BROWN, F.E.S., Mr F. DARWIN, F.E.S., Mr F. ESCOMBE, Professor J. B. FARMER, F.E.S., Mr W. B. HEMSLEY, F.E.S., Mr E. A. EOLFE, A.L.S., PREFACE Mr E. S. SALMON, F.R.S., Professor J. W. H. TRAIL, F.R.S., and Professor H. M. WARD, F.R.S. To each and all my indebtedness for their kindness is great, the value of this Glossary being largely due to their ready aid. In every volume of similar character to this which I have had to consult, I have found errors, sometimes numerous, occasionally serious. This much larger volume offers a greater chance of error, and it would be vain for me to expect to escape entirely, but I trust that comparatively few errors will be found. I am glad that the volume has proved useful both to the student and the expert; to the former as supplying a concise definition, without pretending to supplant the fuller information of the text- book ; to the latter acting as a reminder of some obscure term, or word employed in a special sense. B. DAYDON JACKSON. CLAPHAM, 18th July 1905. EXPLANATION Headings in black type ; substantives are shown by the use of an initial capital letter ; adjectives and adverbs by the use of a small initial letter (exceptions are explained in the preface) ; the sign ~ is used to avoid repetition of the heading; £ was used by Lindley to denote a word which is obsolete or improperly formed, and is used here for un- doubtedly obsolete terms. Latin words are shown by being in Italic where practicable, elsewhere by the abbreviation Lat. appended ; other languages are indicated by Fr. for French, Ger. or Germ, for German, Ital. for Italian. Cross-references in SMALL CAPITALS are employed to spare repeated defini- tions ; they are usually preceded by the sign of equality, =. When variants do not differ save by the termination, that only is given, but if the accent varies, they are spelled out in full. A few well-known abbreviations are also employed, such as dissyll. for dissyllable, pr. for pronounced, and the like. GLOSSARY OF BOTANIC TEEMS a, privative ; in Greek compounds = without, as apetalous, without petals ; modified into an- or am- for euphony. ab (Lat.), from; as abnormal, a deviation from rule. abax'ial (ab, axis, an axle); (1) ap- plied to an embryo which is out of the axis of the seed by one-sided thickness of the albumen ; (2) the side of a lateral organ away from the axis. abbre'viated, abbrevia'tus, shortened, as when one part is shorter than another ; Abbreviation, a selection of those most frequently used will be found in the Appendix. aber'rant, aber'rans (aberro, I go astray), differing from usual struc- ture, departing from the type. Aberra'tion, non-typical structure. abiet'ic (Abies, a fir-tree), used of certain coniferous products which are not exclusively from Abies ; ~ Anhy'dride, the resin in turpentine ; ~ Add, a compound of the last with water, forming a large proportion of the constituents of frankincense : Ab'ietin, resin from Abies pectinata, DC., and Ab'ietite, a sugar from the leaves of the same species ; abieti'nus (Lat., made of fir), ap- plied to cryptogams which (1) grow on firs, or (2) resemble a fir-tree in habit, as Alsia abietina, Sulliv. Abiogen'esis (a, not ; /3/os, life ; yfreeis, beginning), spontaneous genera- tion ; the assumed origin of living organisms from non-living matter. Abjec'tion (abjectio, throwing away), casting off spores from a sporo- phore. abjoint' (ab+ joint), to delimit by septa or joints ; a hybrid word. Abjunc'tion (abjunctus, unyoked), cutting off spores on portions of growing hyphae by septa. Ablacta'tion (ablacto, I wean), in- arching. Ablaquea'tion, Ablaquea'tio, loosening the soil round trees. ablast'ic (a, not ; jSXaaTds, a bud or shoot), applied to parts of a flower or other organ which have not been developed ; ablas'tous, without germ or bud. Abnoda'tion (abnodo, to clear of knots), cutting away knots from trees. abnorm'al, abnorma'lis (abnormis, ir- regular), deviating from rule, as when stamens are opposite the petals instead of being alternate. aboriginal (ab, from ; origo, a source), indigenous ; not introduced. Abor'tion (abortio, a miscarriage), non-formation or incompletion of a part ; abort'ive, aborti'vus, im- perfectly developed, as abortive stamens when filaments only ; abort'iens, becoming abortive. abra'ded, abra'sus, rubbed or scraped off. abrupt', abrup'tus, suddenly ending as though broken off; abrupt'ly- acu'minate, having a point arising from abroad extremity; ~ pin'nate, a pinnate leaf ending with a pair of leaflets. Ab'sciss-lay'er, a layer of separation, especially with reference to the phenomena of defoliation. Abscission (ahscissva, cut off), detach- ment of spores from a sporophore by the disappearance of a connect- ing zone, Absinthic acetabuliform Absinth'ic, referring to Artemisia Absinthium, Linn. ; Absinth'in, a bitter principle obtained from the same. ab'solute(a&soZtt'£ws,perfect,complete), actual, the opposite of relative. The absolute direction of an embryo may be inverted, but erect rela- tively to the carpel. Absorp'tion (absorp'tio, a beverage), the act of imbibing liquids or gases. Abstric'tion (ab, from, strictus, drawn together), a term which covers both Abj unction and Abscission. acalyca'lls (a, not ; Kd\v%, a cup) ; (1) having no calyx ; (2) having no ad- hesion to the calyx ; acal'ycine, acalyc'inous, accdyci'nus, acal'ycis, destitute of calyx. acana'ceous (a/ccu/os, a thistle-head ; + aceous), prickly plants, such as thistles. Acanth'a, Acan'thon (a.Kav0a, a thorn), a spine or prickle ; acantha'ceous (+ aceous), (1) armed with prickles ; (2) belonging to the natural order Acantha'ceae, the typical genus being Acanth'us,Tourn; acanth'ine, pertaining to that genus ; acan- thocarp'ous (Kapiros, fruit), having spiny fruit ; acanthocla'dous (*\c£5os, a branch), acanthoda'dus, with spiny branches ; acanthoph'orous, (0^/ow, I bear), acanthoph'orus, spine-bearing; acanthop'odous (irovs, TToSos, a foot), having petiole or peduncle furnished with spines or prickles; Acanth'ospheres (atpat a sphere), ciliated bodies in the cells of Nitella, termed "Stachel- kiigeln " by the Germans. Acaro-doma'tia (Acarus, the typical genus of mites ; Sw/idrtoj', a little house), formations on plants adapted to shelter Acari when of service to the host. acarp'ous (a, not, Kapiros, fruit), des- titute of fruit. acaulesc'ent, acaulesc'ens, becoming stemless ; acaul'ine, acaul'ose, acaul'ous, acaul'is, stemless or seemingly so. Acaulo'sia, abnor- mal deficiency of stem. access' ory (accessio, something added), an addition or appendage ; ~ Buds, those additional to the axillary and normal buds, and frequently as- suming their function ; ~ Branches, those which spring from the fore- going ; ~ Cell, the sister- cell of a guard-cell of a stoma ; ~ Fruits, parts which are conspicuous but form no part of the pistil, as the enlarged torus of the strawberry, a pseudo-carp ; ~ Gonid'ia, forma- tions occurring in Mucorini besides the typical gonidia. accident's! = adventitious. acci'sus (Lat. ) denotes an end having an acute sinus between two rounded angles. Accommodation (accommodatio, an adjustment) Adaptation. accresc'ent, accresc'ens, increasing in size with age, as the calyx of some plants after flowering. accrete' (accre'tus, grown together), agglutinate, naturally grafted. Accre'tion, Accre'tio, (1) growing to one another ; (2) increase by addi- tion of particles to the outside. accumb'ent, accumb'ens, lying against another body ; ~ Cotyle'dons, those having their edges against the radicle, thus o = . acellera'tus (Lat.), somewhat acerose. Acen'ium = ACHENE. aceph'alous, aceph'alus (a, without; Ke I open, vr6v, a plant), a plant with indehiscent fruit. acheil'ary (a, without ; xe?\os, a lip), wanting a lip, as some Orchids. Achene, pr. a-ken', Ache'nium (a, not ; xaivu, I gape), a small, hard, dry, indehiscent fruit, strictly of one free carpel as in the buttercup ; occasionally consisting of more than one carpel as in Composites, in the latter case with adnate calyx. Also spelt Akene, Ake'nium, etc. ; Acheno' - dium, a double achene, as the cre- mocarp of Umbelliferae. achlamyd'eous, achlamyd'eus (a, with- out ; x^wfa) a cloak), destitute of perianth, as in willows. Achyrophy'tum (axvpov, chaff; VTOV, a plant), a plant with glumaceous flowers, as grasses. achromatic (a, without ; xpw/xa, colour) ; (1) without colour, ach- roous ; (2) not readily taking colour ; ~ Spindle, the thread-like proto- plasmic figures in karyokinesis, between the poles ; Achro'matin, Flemming's term for the basic sub- stance of the nucleus, less sus- ceptible of staining than the chro- mosomes, the Nuclein of Stras- burger. achro'mus, ach'roos (axpoeu, to be without colour, pale), colourless ; hyaline ; Achroodex'trin ( -f Dextrin) one of the group of dextrins not coloured by iodine ; cf. ERYTHRO- DEXTRIN, AMYLODEXTRIN. Acic'ula (acws, a needle), the bristle- like continuation of the rhachilla of a grass ; Acic'ulae, tooth-like processes of the hymenium of certain Hymenomycetous Fungi ; acic'ular, acicula'ris, slender or needle-shaped ; acic'ulate, acicu- la'tus, aciculi'nuSy superficially marked as if scratched with a pin; acicu'liform (forma, shape), needle-like. acido'tus (axtSwroy, pointed), when branches or organs end in a spine or hard point. A'cies (Lat. edge), the edge or angle of certain stems. ac'iform (acus, a needle; forma, shape) = acicular. acina'ceous (acinus, a seeded berry + aceous), full of kernels. acinac'ifolius (acinaces, a scimitar; folium, a leaf), a fleshy leaf, curved like a scimitar ; acinac'ifonn, acina- ciform'is, scimitar-shaped. acina'riua (acinus, a grape-seed), when a stem is covered with vesicles resembling grape-seeds ; Ac'ine, Ac'inus (Lat.), a single member of such fruits as the raspberry, a drupel ; formerly used for a bunch of fruit, as of grapes ; Acinoden'drus (devSpov, a tree), a plant whose fruit is in bunches ; ac'inose, acino'sus, like grapes, or of granular bodies re- sembling them. aciphyl'lus (&K^J, a point, t\\ov, a leaf), a linear and pointed leaf. Aclythrophy'tum (a, without, K\eWpov, a door, , to bud), plants producing lateral as well as apical buds ; Acramphib'rya, a division proposed by Endlicher to em- brace Dicotyledons and Gymno- sperms. Acroblaste'sis (CIK/JOS, apex, j8Xauo>, to bud), plants growing at the point only, as all Acrogens having a distinct axis ; adj. acrob'ryous. acrocarp'ous (a/cpos, apex, Kapirbs, fruit), terminal fruited ; a main division of Mosses ; acrod'romous (5^6/tos, a course), venation-strands uniting at the apex of the leaf, as in Plantago; acrog'amous (yd/j.os, marriage), plants producing the egg-apparatus at the summit of the embryo-sac, as in most Angiosperms (Van Tieghem) ; Acrog'amy, may be double, as when the pollen-tube and egg-apparatus are both apical ; or partly basigamic, either of male (pollen-tube) or female (egg-ap- paratus) (cf. BASIGAMOUS) ; acrog7- enous (yei>os, race), (1) used of plants growing at the apex, such as Ac'rogens, Ferns ; (2) produced at the end of a filament, as some fungus spores ; Acrogonid'imn (yovos, offspring, el5os, form), a gonidium formed at the apex of a gonidiophore ; acrog'ynous (yw^, a woman), having the stem termin- ated by female organs, as arehe- gonia ; acrogyra'tus (gyratus, turned away), having an elastic ring at the point (Lindley) as in Schizaea. Ac'ronus (perhaps from aicpov, the highest point), Necker's term for an ovary without a basal disk. acronych'ius (a/cpos, apex, 8t>v£, a claw), curved like the claw of an animal. acrop'etal (dicpos, apex ; peto, I seek), produced in a succession towards the apex, as applied to develop- ment of organs ; the antithesis of basipetal ; Acrosarc'um (£, a cup), where the calyx is studded with glandular spots ; ad'enoid (eldos, like), gland- like ; ~ Or'gan, Williamson's term for the ligule of Lepidodendron ; Adenopet'aly (ir^Ta\ov, a flower leaf), a term proposed by C. Morren for the transformation of nectaries into petals, or similar structures ; Aden'ophore (if, a stamen), having glands on the stamens ; ad'enose, ad'enous, glandular. Ades'my (a, without ; Seayios, a bond), Morren's term for congenital separ- ation of parts normally united. Adflux'ion (ad, to; ftuo, I flow), the attraction by which sap is drawn towards the leaves. adglu'tinate, adglutina'tus (ad, to, glutino, I glue), grown together, accrete. adhe'rent, adhe'rens (adhaereo, to stick to), the union of parts usually separate ; ^ Verna'tion, when the bases of Fern - fronds are continu- ous with the caudex; Adhe'rence, Adhe'sion, the state o£ union with Adipocelluloses Aerobium some other organ or part ; Goebel restricts it to union of dissimilar parts ; cf. COHESION. Adipocelluloses (adtps, adipis, fat, + Cellulose), a group of bodies which constitute the cuticular tissues of leaves and fruits ; cf. CELLULOSE. adisca'lis (a, without ; SiffKos, a quoit), destitute of a disk. adli'gans (ad, to ; ligo, I tie), holding fast or binding, as the aerial hold- fasts of ivy. Adminic'ulum (Lat., a prop) = FUL- CRUM. admoti'vus (ad, to ; moveo, I move), when in germination the albumen remains attached to the sheath of the cotyledon. adnas'cent, adnas'cens (adnascor, to grow to), growing to or upon some- thing else ; Adnas'cens; (1) a young bulb, as a "clove" of garlic; (2) a sucker of some Monocotyledons. ad'nate, adna'tus (adnascor, to grow to), attached the whole length, ~ Anth'ers have the lobes attached their entire length to the filament ; Adna'tion, the state in question ; adnexed' (nexo, to tie), used of the lamellae of some Agarics, which reach the stem, but are not adnate to it; ad'pressed, adpress'us=AY- PRESSED; adscend'ent = ASCENDENT ; adsurg-'ent, adsurg'ens = ASSURGENT. adunc'ate.adunc'ous (aduncus, hooked) bent or crooked as a hook. adust'us (Lat.), soot-coloured, fuli- ginous. adventitious, adventit'ius (ad, to; venio, I come), applied to plants lately introduced ; ~ Buds, those produced abnormally, as from the stem instead of the axils of the leaves; ~ Roots, those which do not arise from the radicle or its subdivisions, but from other part j advent'ive = ADVENTITIOUS. ad' verse (ad, to ; verso, I turn) ; (1) opposite ; (2) facing the main axis or other object; advers'us (Lat.), opposite ; adversifo'liate, adversi- folius (folium, a leaf), having oppo- site leaves. Adynaman'dry (ddvvafji,[a, weakness ; &vr]p, dvdpos, a man), Delpino's term for self-sterility ; that is, when a flower does not set seed from its own pollen. Aecid'iospore (Aecidium, infra ; a-iropd, a seed), a spore formed in the fol- lowing : Aecid'ium (probably from oiKtdiov, a little house), a sporocarp consisting of a cup-shaped envelope, its interior surface consisting of a hymenium, from whose basidia the aecidiospores are successively thrown off; the name was pro- pounded by Persoon as a genus of Fungi, but it is now regarded as only a form -genus of Uredineae. Aecol'ogy= ECOLOGY or OECOLOGY. ae'neus (Lat. bronze), used for brass- coloured ; sometimes for verdigris. aequa'lis, ae'quans (Lat.), equal or equalling ; similar in size, uniform ; aequilat'eral, aequilatera'lis, equal- sided, of equal length ; aequali- flor'us (Lat.), with flowers alike in form and character ; aequimag'nus J (Lat.), equal sized ; aequinoc'tial, aequinoctia'lis, pertaining to the equinox ; used of flowers, which open or close at stated hours ; aequivalv'is (Lat.), having valves of flowers or fruit of similar size ; aequive'nius (Lat.), all the veins of equal distinctness. ae'rating (aer, air) Roots, peculiar roots rising out of the mud, covered with a loose, corky tissue, and having large intercellular spaces ; ae'rial, aii'rius, plants (or parts of plants) living above the surface of the ground or water; ~ Plants, epiphytes, as Tillandsia and many tropical orchids; ~ Roots, those which vegetate altogether above the ground ; Ae'rench'yma (eyxv/^a, that poured out), Schenk's term for a tissue of thin-walled cells, and large inter- cellular spaces, found in the stems of some marsh- Slants, serving for aeration or oating tissue ; Aero'bium (£tos, life), an organism which thrives only in the presence of air or free oxy- aerobiotic agrarian gen ; applied to certain bacteria ; aerobio'tic, needing air for exist- ence ; Aerobio'sis, life in atmo- spheric air ; Ae'rocyst (/ctfoTts, a bag or pouch), the air-bladders of such algae as Fucus vesiculosus, Linn. ; Ae'rophyte (vrovt a plant), air- plant, epiphyte ; Aerotaxls (rafts, arrangement), used by Hartog to express positive stimulus by oxygen to the irritability of zoospores, adj. aerotactlc; Aerot'ropism (rpov^, a turning), the influence of gases on growth and curvature, it is a form of CHEMOTROPISM ; adj. ae'ro- trop'ic. aeru'ginose, aeruglnous, aerugin'eus, aerugino'sus (aerugo, the rust of brass), the blue-green colour of verdigris. Aesc'ulin, an alkaloid from the horse- chestnut; Aescidus Hippocastanum, Linn. Aestfce'sia (afodijffis, perception by sense), Czapek's expression to de- note the capacity of an organ to respond to definite physical stimuli. aes'tival, aestiva'lis, belonging or pecu- liar to summer j Aestiva'tion, Aesti- va'tio, the manner in which the parts of a flower are folded up before expansion. Aete'rio = ETAEBIO. Aetha'lium (atda\os, soot), a com- pound sporiferous body, formed from a combination of plasmodia in Myxogastres ; Ae. septicum, Fr., is known as " Flowers of Tan " ; aetha'lioid (e?5os, form), like the last. aethe'os (di707?s, unusual), in com- pounds = unusual ; aetheogamlc, aetheog'amous (yd/j,os, marriage), synonymous with cryptogamic. aethe'reus (Lat.), aerial. Aetiol'ogy (atriov, cause ; \6yos, dis- course), the doctrine of the cause of disease, as of Vegetable Galls ; also spelled Aitiology and Etiology. Affinity (affin'itas, near alliance), the closeness of relation between plants as shown by similarity of import- ant organs. affix'ed (affix' us, fastened to), fixed upon. Ag'amae (a, without, 7d>os, marriage) = Cryptogamae ; agamic, ag'amous, Necker's term for cryptogamous ; Agamogen'esis (yevecris, origin), asexual reproduction by buds, gemmae, etc. ; Agamophy'ta (Qvrbv, a plant), C. Macmillan's term foi protophytes; Agam'ospore (, eternity, ti\\ov, a leaf), evergreen. alma, in Greek compounds = blood- coloured ; properly hsema (from aTyua, blood). Air-Blad'ders, intercellular spaces in some Algae, serving as floats ; «~ Cavity = ~ CHAMBERS (2); - -Cells, ~ -Chambers, (1) intercellular spaces occurring in aquatic plants, usually prismatic in form, (2) the inter- cellular space beneath a stoma ; ~ Passage, = ~ -CHAMBER ; ~ -Plants, epiphytes, as Bromeliads and some Orchids; ~ Pore, = STOMA ; /--Sacs, cavities in the pollen-grains of Pinus ; ~ Vessel, term formerly applied to empty tracheids, etc. Akene', Ake'nium, = ACHENE, ACHEN- IUM. Akine'sis (a, without, /aV?7, wheaten flour), proteid granules of globulins and peptones, present in seeds, ^Lay'er, a special peripheric layer in most seeds, especially in grasses ; adj., aleuron'ic. Alex'ine (AX#«, I ward off), a sub- stance hypothetically assumed to be formed by plants for protection against bacteria ; antitoxine. Al'gae (alga, seaweed), chlorophyll- containing Thallophytes, which usually grow immersed in water, fresh or marine ; known popu- larly as "Seaweeds," or "Water- weeds" ; al'gal, relating to Algae ; ~ -Layer, the green band of gonidia in the thallus of heteromerous lichens, also styled — -Zone ; algi'nus £ re- sembling a thread-like Alga ; Al'gist = Algol' ogist, a student of Algae ; al'gous = ALGAL; Algol'ogy, (X6yos, discourse), the science of Algae ; Algs, F. von Mueller's word for Algae. A'nen, used by H. C. Watson for introduced plants which have be- come naturalised in Britain. alif erous (ala, a wing ; fero, I bear), having wings; al'lform (forma, shape), wing-shaped ; alig'erous (gero, I bear) = ALIFEROUS (Crozier). alig'ular (a from, ligula, strap), Russow's term for that leaf -face in Selaginella which is turned away from the ligule and stem. Alimo'nia t (Lat. nourishment) = ascending sap. -alis, Latin termination indicative of belonging to ; thus radic-alis, be- longing to the root, radix. alisma'ceous (Alis'ma, Dill. , -f ceous), belonging to the order Alismaceae, of which the genus named is the type. Aliz'arine (Fr. Alizari, madder-root), the colouring matter of the root of madder, Rubia tinctoria, Linn. Alkachlor'opnyll (Alkali + CHLORO- PHYLL), a presumed constituent of chlorophyll, produced by the action of an alkali ; alkales'cent, of the nature of an alkali ; Alk'aloids (elSos, resemblance), general term for the organic bases in many plants, markedly medicinal or poisonous, as Morphia, Strychnia. allagophyll'ous (dXXayrj, a change, (ftvXXov, a leaf), alternate-leaved ; allagoste'mon, allagostem'onous, when stamens are attached alter- nately to the petals and the torus. allanto'dioid, applied to ferns which resemble the genus Allantodia, R. Br. in habit or fructification. allant'oid (dXXas, a sausage, eZSos, form), sausage-shaped. allassoton'ic (dXXd(riToi>, pearl barley, nopr], form), like barley- meal ; applied to certain fungi. alp'igene (alpig'ena, bred in the Alps) = alpine. alp'ine, alpi'nus, properly denoting plants belonging to the Alps (cUpes, mountains), but frequently used in a wider sense, embracing alpestrine, as well as the higher situated plants. alsina'ceous (Alsine, Tourn. + CEOUS), used of a petal having a short, but distinct claw. alter'nate, alter'nus ; altema'tus, alter'nans, (1) placed on opposite sides of the stem on a different line ; (2) when between other bodies of the same or different whorls, as in Umbelliferae, where the stamens are alternate with the petals, that is, between them; alternipin'nate, or altern'ately-pin'nate, when the leaflets of a pinnate leaf are not exactly opposite each other ; Alter- na'tion, Alterna'tio, the fact of being alternate, ~ of Generations, the reproduction by organisms which do not precisely resemble the parent, but the grand-parent, applied espe- cially to the regular succession of sexual and asexual phases, as in Ferns, etc. ; alternative, alternati'- vus, in aestivation when the peri- anth segments are in two rows, and the inner so covered by the outer, that each exterior member overlaps the half of two interior members. Al'theine, a principle from the marsh- mallow, Althaea, Tourn., analogous to Asparagin. Altitude, Altitu'do(L&t. height), used to specify the height above the sea of the vegetation in question. aluta'ceous, aluta'cem (aluta, soft leather + CEOUS), (1) the colour of buff leather, or light tan ; {2) leathery in texture, coriaceous. Alve'ola (alveolus, a hollow vessel), pi. Alveolae ; cavities on the sur- face, as the pits on the receptacle of many Compositae, honey-combed ; (2) the pores of such Fungi as Poly poms ; (3) the perithecia of certain other Fungi ; Alve'oli, the pit-like markings on the valves of many Diatomaceae ; Alve'olar- plasma (ir\6.fffj.a, modelled), term used by Strasburger in place of TROPHOPLASM, granular protoplasm ; al'veolate, alveola'tus, alveola'ris, marked as though honey combed. Amadou' (Fr. ), ( 1 ) the substance of cer- tain Fungi used as tinder, as Poly- porusfomentarius, Fr. ; (2) as styptic when from the pubescence of the Phanerogam Melastoma hirta, Linn. Amalthe'a £ (fywt, together, dX^w, I increase), used by Desvaux for an aggregation of dry fruits within a calyx which does not become fleshy, as Alchemilla, and Sanguisorba. Aman'itin (from Amanita, Dill.), (1) the red pigment of the pileus of the Fly-Agaric, (2) the poisonous alkaloid from the same, also written Aman'itine. ambig'enus (ambo, both, genus, race), applied to a perianth whose ex- terior is calycine, and interior corolline, as Nymphaea. ambiguiflor'us (ambiguus, doubtful, /os, floris, flower), applied by Cassini to flowers of an indeterm- inate form ; ambig-'uous, (1) said of an organ when its origin is un- certain, thus the dissepiments of an orange may belong to the axis or the paries ; (2) of a plant when its position is doubtful. ambip'arous, -rus, (ambo, both ; pariot 10 ambisporangiate amphicarpogenous I bring forth), producing two kinds, as when a bud contains both flowers and leaves, as the Horse-chestnut ; ambisporangiate ( + SPORANGIUM), hermaphrodite flowers, otherwise macro- and micro-sporangiate, that is, bearing ovules and pollen-sacs. Ambitus (Lat. a going round), the outline of a figure, as of a leaf. ambleocar'pus (a^X6w, to be abortive, /ca/>7r6y, fruit), when most of the ovules abort, a few only becoming perfect seeds. ambroslacus (a/i/3p6, a plant), a plant with anomalous flowers. Amphanthlum £ (&fj.i, around, tivdos, flower), the dilated receptacle of an inflorescence, as in Dorstenia ; clinanthium ; Am'phiaster (do-r^p, a star), the combined nuclear-spindle and cy tasters ; also for the com- bined cytasters only (Crozier) ; amphibious (pios, life), growing on dry land or in water equally well ; ^Altema'tion, the adaptation of organism, originally of aquatic habit, to subaerial conditions ; amphib'ryous, -yus (j8/>i5w, to sprout), growing by increase over the whole surface ; Amphib'rya, Endlicher's name for Monocotyle- dons ; amphicarplc, -pous, -pus (Kapirbs, fruit), possessing two kinds of fruit, differing in character or time of ripening ; Amphicarplnxn, an archegonium persisting as a fruit-envelope, after fertilization; ampliicarpog'enous (yevvdw, I bring 11 Amphicotyledott Amylogenesis forth), producing fruit above ground, which is subsequently buried beneath ; cf. HYPOCARPO- GENOUS ; Amphicotyle'don (KOTv\ir)86v, a hollow), De Vries's term for cotyledons united so as to form a cup. amphigae'us, ampMge'an (dpQt, around, 777, the earth) ; (1) plants which are natives of both Old and New worlds ; (2) used of flowers which arise from the rootstock ; as in Krascheninikovia, Turcz. ; Am- phig'amae (-yw, I bear), starch-bearing ; Am'ylin, a product of the action of diastase on starch ; Am'ylites, skeletons of starch-granules com- posed of amylodextrin (Belzung) ; Amylobacte'ria (paKTr/piov, a little rod), microbes producing butyric fermentation, ascribed to the action of Bacillus Amy lobacter, Van Tiegh. ; Amylocel'lulose ( + CELLULOSE), a supposed constituent of starch- granules ; Amylodex'trin ( + DEX- TRIN) an intermediate in converting starch into dextrin ; cf. ACHROODEX- TRIN; Amylogen'esis (-yeWis, be- ginning), the formation of starch ; 12 amylogenic anametadromous amylogen'ic (yewdw, I bring forth), producing starch ; <~ Bodies, LEUO OPLASTIDS; Amylohy'drolist (#5wp, water, X&rts, a loosing), an enzyme which transforms starch by hydro- lysis ; Amylohydrol'ysis, the act in question ; am'yloid (elSos, resem- blance), analogous to starch ; Amyloleu'cites (\evicos, white), plas- tids producing starch - granules ; Amylol'ysis (Xims, a loosing), trans- formation of starch into other bodies, as sugar ; amylolyt'ic En'zyme, an unorganised ferment, which breaks up the starch cell- contents into dextrin and sugar ; Amy'lome, a term applied to xylem- parenchyma, when it contains starch ; Amy'lon, Amy'lum, in com- position = STARCH ; Amy'lum-Bod'y, a rounded body in a chlorophyll band or plate, which is a centre of starch formation ; ~ Cen'tres, Stras- burger's term for PYRENOIDS ; ^Grains, or ^ Gran'ules, the lamin- ated bodies which are formed of starch as reserve material in plant- cells ; ~ Star, a tuber-like organ in Chara stelligera, Bauer, which is closely packed with starch, it consists of an isolated subterranean node ; Am'yloplast (wXacrrfo, moulded) = LEUCOPLASTID, a colourless granule of protoplasm, which generates a starch - granule ; amyloplast'ic, starch-forming ; Am'yloses (Amyl, a chemical term + ose), a group of substances of which cellulose and starch are the commonest. An'abix, pi. Anab'ices ( arajStow, I revive), those vegetative parts of Cryptogams which perish below, but vegetate above, as Lycopodium, Lichens, and Hepatics. anabol'ic (ava, up, j8oX^, a throw, stroke), adj. of Anab'olism, con- structive metabolism of the proto- plasm, the building up of more complex from simpler substances ; " Baustoffwechsel " of the Germans. Anacamp'yla t (avaKd/j,irT<»), I bend back), lacerations of the epidermal layer as in some Agarics. anacanth'ous (av, without, Aicavda, a thorn), without thorns or spines. anacardia'ceous, resembling Anacar- dium, Linn., as to arrangement of fruit, etc. Anachore'sis (dvax^prjffis, a going back), retrograde metamorphosis of an organ or whorl. anacrog'ynous (av, not, aKpos, apex, yvv)], woman), said of Hepatics in which archegonia do not arise at the extremity of the shoot, which continues to grow ; cf. ACROGYNOUS. anad'romous (avA, up, 5/>6/ios, a course), in venation, that in which the first set of nerves in each segment of the frond is given off on the upper side of the midrib towards the apex, as in Aspidium, Asplenium, etc. Anaero'be, Anaero'bium, pi. Anaero'bia (ay, without, ayp, air, /Jtos, life), an organism able to live in the absence of free oxygen, as many bacteria ; fac'ultative <- , organisms which can live as Anaerobes; ob'ligate ~ , those which can exist or thrive only in the absence of free oxygen. anae'ro'bian, -bious, -bic, anaerobio'tic, adj. ; Anaerobio'sis, the state of living without oxygen ; Anae'ro- phyte (vTbvt plant), a plant which does not need a direct supply of air. Anal'ogy (avaXoyla, proportion), re- semblance in certain points, as in form not function, or function not form, as the tendrils of the Pea, Smilax, or Vine; "that resem- blance of structures which depends upon similarity of function " (Dar- win) ; anal'ogous, resembling, but not homologous ; An'alogues, struc- tures corresponding to previous definition. Analysis (d^Xwis, releasing), (1) the examination of a plant to deter- mine its affinities and position ; (2) the details of the flower, etc., on a botanic drawing. anametad'romous (dva, up, + META- DROMOUS), in the venation of Ferns, when the weaker pinnules are ana- 13 Anamorphism andropetalous dromous, and the stronger are cata- dromous ; Anamorphism (Crozier), =Anamorph'osism, Anamorpbo'sis (/top0ydvrbv, plant), the potential independence of every branch or shoot ; An'aplast (irXaords, moulded), A. Meyer's term for LBUOOPLASTID ; Anasar'ca (w, I bear), male sexual form of a plant, as in Equisetum ; androg'enous (yevvdw, I bring forth), male-bearing ; ~ Castra'tion, the action of Ustilago antherarum, DC., when inciting production of male organs; Androgonid'ium (-f Gonidium) = ANDROSPORE; androg'- ynal, androg'ynous - nus (ywij, woman), (1) hermaphrodite, having male and female flowers on the same inflorescence, as in many species of Carex ; (2) occasionally used for MONOECIOUS ; androgyna'ris (Lat. ) of double flowers in which both stamens and pistils have become petaloid ; androgyn'icus t (Lat.), belonging to, or of an hermaphrodite flower ; androgyniflor'us I (Jlos, floris, a flower), a hybrid term for when the head of a composite bears hermaphrodite flowers ; Androg'y- nism, a change from monoecious to dioecious ; andromonoe'cious (^os, alone ; ofoos, house), having perfect and male flowers, but no female flowers ; andropet'alous, andrope- talafrius (TrtraKov, a flower leaf), 14 Androphore Anime flowers double, the stamens petaloid , the pistils unchanged ; An'drophore, Androph'orum (0w, I bear) ; (1) a support of a column of stamens, as in Malvaceae; (2) a stalk supporting anandroecium; An'drophyll (v\\ov, a leaf), a male sporophyll, a stamen ; An'drophyte (Qvrbv, a plant), a male plant in the sexual generation ; Androsporan'gium (airopts., a seed ; dyyeiov, a vessel), sporangium con- taining An'drospores, (1) swarm- spores of Oedogoniae, which give rise to Dwarf-males, destined to pro- duce spermatozoids, (2) see Supple- ment ; an'drous, staminate, male. Anelectrot'onus (dvA, up : if\€KTpov, amber ; rdvos, stress), the diminished excitation produced on the vital movements of plants by a constant current of electricity from the anode. Anem'onin, an acrid substance from several species of Anemone, Tourn. anemoph'ilous (c^e/ios, wind ; #1X^0;, I love), applied to flowers which are wind-fertilized, the pollen being conveyed by the air ; Anemoph'ilae, wind -fertilized plants ; Anemo'sis, wind-shake, a disease of timber- trees. anfract'uose, anfractuo' sus, anfrac'- tous, anfrac'tus (Lat., a curving), sinuous, as the anthers of gourds ; also spirally twisted. Angiench'yma (dyyeiov, a vessel ; &YX.VIJM, an infusion), vascular tissue of any kind; angiocar'pic, angiocarp'ous, -pus (icapirbs, fruit), (1) having the fruit invested by some covering which masks it, as in the Cupuliferae ; (2) with spores enclosed in some kind of receptacle ; a closed apothecium in Lichens; Angiog'amae, Ardissone's group for Angiosperma and Gymno- sperms; Angi'olum, the spore-case of certain Fungi (Lindley) ; angiomo- nosperm'ous (/AOVOS, one ; «ros, un- equal, typpvov, embryo), a name given to Endogens, from one side being supposed to possess greater developing force than the other, hence only one cotyledon is formed ; anisody'namous, -mus, (Svvaius, power) = anisobrious ; Anisogam'etes (yafjLeTijs, a spouse), sexual cells, showing a difference between male and female ; anis- og'ynous (71^77, woman), with fewer carpels than sepals ; anisom'erous, anisomer'icus (/xepos, a part), where the parts of a flower are not all regular, unsymmetrical ; Aniso- mor'phy (/uo/>0r?, shape), change in form of an organ, caused by its posi- tion in relation to the horizon of the mother-axis ; anisopet'alous, -lus, (ireTaXov, a flower leaf), having un- equal-sized petals ; anisophylTous (VTOV, a plant), formerly used for Muscineae ; anisosep'alous,-fot.s (SEPALUM, calyx- leaf), the sepals unequal ; anisosta- m'enous (Crozier), anisoste'monous, -nus (ffT^fj-uv, a thread) = having stamens of different size ; aniso- stemopet'alus = anisostemonous ; anisotrop'ic, anisotrop'ous, (rpoTrr?, a turn), endowed with different kinds of irritability ; Aniso- trop'ism, Anisot'ropy, the quality itself, as shown in leaves and roots which respectively seek and shun light. Anla'ge, (Ger.) may be variously rendered as rudiment, inception, primordium ; cf. Supplement. annex'ed, annex'us (Lat. fastened to), = adnate. annot'inous, -nus (Lat. a year old), applied to branches of last year's growth. an'nual, annua'lis, an'nuus (Lat. lasting a year), within one year ; (1) used of plants which perish within that period; (2) of the rings in wood which denote the year's growth ; Annual Ring, the marks seen on cross-section of wood, which show the respective in- crement during each year ; ~ Shoot, = ramus annotinus. an'nuJar, annular'is, annular'ius (annulus, a ring), used of any organs disposed in a circle ; ~ Duct, «~ Vessel, one in which the second- ary thickening has taken place in the form of rings ; an'nulate, annula'tus, annuliform'is (forma, shape), ring-shaped ; Annula'tion, a ring or belt (Crozier) ; annulat'i- form, ring-like, as the apex of the thecae of Schizcea. An'nulus (Lat. a ring) ; (1) in Ferns, the elastic organ which partially invests the theca, and at maturity bursts it ; (2) in Fungi, a portion of the ruptured marginal veil, forming a frill upon the stipe after the expansion of the pileus ; (3) in Mosses, the ring of cells between the base of the peristome or orifice of the capsule and the operculum ; (4) in Diatoms, used by W. Smith for a compressed rim of silex within the frustules of such genera as Rhabdonema, Kiltz. ; (5) in Equi- setaceae, the imperfectly developed foliar sheath below the fruit spike ; (6) the fleshy rim of the corolla in Asclepiads, as the genus Stapelia ; «-inferus, ^mobilis, as defined in 1. , <- superus, = AKMILLA. anod'al, anod'ic (aVd, up, 65ds, a way), in the upward direction following the genetic spiral. anom'alous, -lus (a, not, 0/taXds, equal), unlike its allies in certain points, contrary to rule ; anomaloe'- cious J (ol/cos, a house), = polygam- ous ; Anom'aly, variation from normal character. Anomod'romy (dvofua, without law, 16 Anophyta Anthocmorm s, a course), venation which cannot be assigned to any special order (Prantl). Anophy'ta, An'opnytes (ai>d>, upward, vTov, plant), =Bryophyta. An'sae (ansa, a handle), the partial leaf stalks of a compound leaf ; an'- sulate, coiled at the apex and then bent over in a loop, as the shoots in some Cucurbitaceae (Crozier). Ant-plants, plants utilized by ants for habitation ; see MYRMECOPHILOUS plants. antagonistic (dvraywvicrT^, ad versary ) Symbio'sis, where the symbionts are not mutually helpful or neutral, but hurtful, at least on the part of one. An'techamtoer, (ante, before), the space immediately below the guard-cells of a stoma ; antemarg'inal (margo, edge) used of sori which are a little within the margin ; anteme'dius £ (medius, middle) standing before the middle of another body, opposite. Anten'na (Lat. sail-yard) Darwin's term for the slender process of the rostellum in Catasetum, borrowed from entomology ; antennaeform'is J (forma, shape) used of the fruit of Ammi majus, Linn., the two styles suggesting the antennae of insects. anteplacen'tal (ante, before, + PLA- CENTA) in front of the placentae ; cf. INTERPLACENTAL ; Anteposit'ion (pono, positum, placed) = SUPER- POSITION. ante'rior (Lat. that before) (1) of time, Erevious ; (2) of place, position in ront, or turned away from the axis. an'tero-poste'rior (Lat. later), median. Anthe'la (foe-jXiov, a little flower), the panicle of Juncus, where the lateral axes exceed the main axis. Anth'emy, Anthe'mia (avOtfiov, flower- pattern), a flower- cluster of any kind. An'ther, Anthe'ra (avdripos, flowering). (1) that portion of a stamen which contains the pollen, usually bilocu- lar, and sessile, or attached to a fila- ment; (2) an old term in Fungi, for the Antheridium ; ~ Cap, ^ Case, in Orchids, the outer deciduous case or bag, which is virtually the anther minus the pollin ia ; ~ Dust = POLLEN ; ~ Lobes, the cells which contain the pollen ; ~ Wings, the horny, lateral expansions of the anther-lobes in Asclepiadeae : antherif erous, -rus (fero, I bear), anther-bearing ; an'- therless, destitute of anthers, female or neuter flowers ; anther og'e nous. •nus (yevvdw, I beget), applied to double flowers arising from the transformation of anthers (De Can- dolle); an'tneroid(er5os,like) anther- like ; Antheroma'nia (mania, mad- ness) an inordinate development of anthers. An'therid, Antherid'ium (dvdrjpos, flowering, eZSos, resemblance) ; (1) the male sexual organ in Crypto- gams, the analogue of the anther in Phanerogams ; (2) in Hymenomy- cetes, an old term for CYSTIDIUM ; Antheridan'gia (dyye'iov, a vessel), microspores of Marsilea and allied plants ; Antherid'iophore (<£op^w, I bear), a unisexual gametophore, bearing antheridia only, a special- ised branch in Sphagnum and Hepaticae. Antherophyl'ly (avdypos, flowering, ^w, I bear), a short stalk which sometimes occurs between the calyx and petals, supporting the interior organs, as in Silene ; anthoph'orous, -rus, bearing flowers, floriferous ; Anth'ophyta (QVTOV, plant), R. Brown's term for Phanerogams ; Anthop'tosis (7rrwa, seed, tiyyelov, vessel). antithetic (avrldew, opposition), in alternation of generations op- posed to homologous, implying that the two generations are different in origin. antit'ropal,antit'ropous, -pus^poir^, a turn), a synonym of Orthotropal as applied to ovules; Antitoxin (TO&KOV, poison), a substance secreted by the plant to protect itself against harmful bacteria ; adj. antitox'ic ; antizym'ic, antizymot'ic (&M, yeast), preventing fermentation. an'trorse, antror'sus (antero-, before, versus, turned towards), directed upwards, opposed to RETRORSE. Ant'rum + (Lat. a cave) = POMUM. apag'ynus:}:(<27ra£, once, 71^77, woman), monocarpic. Apan'dry (diro, without, ditty, dvdpos, man), M'Nab's term for fusion of the antheridium with the oogonium ; also applied to the pollen-tube. aparapn'ysate (a, without, irapct, near, 0tfo/icu, I am born), destitute of paraphyses ; aperisperm'ic, aperi- sperma'tus (+ Perisperm) = exal- buminous. Aper'tio (Lat. unfolding) =ANTHESIS. Apertu'ra (Lat. opening), (1) formerly used of the dehiscence of anthers ; (2) the ostiole of certain Fungi ; apert'us (Lat. opened), exposed, naked. Apet'alae (a, without, irtraXov, a flower leaf), plants wanting petals or corolla; apet'alous, -lus, apet'- alose, without petals, or with a single perianth, as in Clematis, where the coloured sepals simulate petals ; Apet' alousness, being with- out petals. A'pex J pi. A'pices (Lat. summit) (1) an old name for Anther ; (2) the ostiole of Fungi (Lindley) ; (3) the growing point of a stem or root (4) the tip of an organ. Aphan'isis (ddvit\\ov, leaf), Lindley's term for THALLOPHYTES ; aphyll'ous, -Ins, aphyU'ose, wanting leaves; Aph'ylly, suppression of leaves. 19 apical a'pical, apica'lis (apex, apicis, sum- mit), at the point of any structure ; ~ Axis, in Diatoms, the line through the centre of the pervalvar axis in the direction of the raphe, at equal distances from homologous points of the girdle band surfaces, and through the apices ; ~ Cell, the single cell in many plants which is the origin of all longitudinal growth ; ^ Cone=PoNCTUM VEGE- TATIONIS ; ~ Growth, extension in the length of the axis ; ~ Plane, in Diatoms, the plane at right angles to the valvar plane, which passes through the pervalvar and apical axes; C/.PERVALVAR ~ ;TRANSAPICAL ~ : apicicircinna'tus $ (circinnatus, turned round), ending in a circin- nate manner ; apicil'lary, apicilla'- ris, inserted on, or pertaining to the summit, as in the dehiscence of the capsule of Gerastium. Apic'ula, Apic'ulum (Lat. a little point), a sharp and short, but not stiff point, in which a leaf may end; apic'ulate, apicula'tus, fur- nished with an apicula. A'pilary (a, without, TrtXos, hat), sup- pression of the upper lip in such flowers as Calceolaria; Aplan'oga- metes (ir\dvos, wandering, yaf^Tijs, a spouse), a non - ciliated gamete, which may or may not be set free ; Apian 'ospores (a-n-opa, a seed), non- motile cells which are detached for propagation, formed asexually by true cell-formation and rejuvenes- cence ; aplas'tic (TrXaords, moulded), not convertible into organic tissues. aplasmodiop h'o r u s (TrXacr/m, moulded, eTSos, resemblance, 0opew, I bear), used of Myxogastres which do not produce plasmodia. Aploperist'omi (dTrXoo?, simple, irepi, around, crro/ia, mouth), Mosses hav- ing a single row of teeth in the peristome, or none ; adj. aploperi- stom'atous. Ap'oblast (dTro, up, /3\av\\ov, leaf) applied to parts of a single perianth whorl when free ; Apoph' ysis (0u'w, I grow) (1) the swelling below the capsule of Splachnum and other Mosses ; (2) also in the cone scale of Pinus Pinaster, Soland. ; apoph'ysate, possessing such an en- largement ; aposep'alous (sepalum, calyx-leaf) having free sepals ; Aposp'ory (o-Tropd, seed), suppression of spore-formation, the prothallus developing direct from the asexual generation ; direct^, is normal but prolonged ; induced-, the prothalli produce buds forthwith (Lang) ; adj. aposp'orous ; Apost'asis (oTckm, standing) the monstrous disunion of parts normally united. Apostax'is (rd|is, order) the abnormal loss of nutritive or secreted fluids 20 Apostrophe arachnoid by bleeding, gumming etc. ; Apost'- rophe (, a wing), wingless, used of petioles, seeds, and the like ; apyre'nus (irvpty, seed), applied to fruit which is seedless, as cultivated varieties of the pineapple, orange, or grape. Aquarium (Lat. relating to water), a tank for aquatics in botanic gardens. aquatic, aquat'icus (aqua, water), living in water ; aquat'ilis, has been defined as living under water ; the first category would include Lemna, and Typha, the second, Cerato- phyllum, Cfiara, etc. aq'ueous, aq'ueus, aquo'sus (Lat. watery) ; (I) indicates some colour- less structure, hyaline ; (2) having much water in the tissues ; aq'ueous Tissue, consists of one or more layers of thin walled parenchy- matous cells, destitute of chloro- plastids, with much watery sap, without interspaces, and acting as water-reservoirs ; aquiferous (fero> I bear) Tissue, is a synonym. Ar'abin, a substance derived from Gum Arabic, deflecting the polarised beam to the left ; Ar'abinose, a glucose obtained from it, also from cherry-gum ; Arabinox'ylan, a hemi- cellulose, found in the bran of wheat and rye. arach'noid, arach'noideus 21 araliaceous Archoplasm spider, or spider's web, eldos, re- semblance), like a cobweb, from an entanglement of fine whitish hairs. aralia'ceous, resembling the genus Aralia, or the order of which it is the type. ara'neous £, araneo'sus £, ara'neose (aranea, a spider), have the same meaning as arachnoid. Ar'bor (Lat. tree), a woody perennial plant, having a bole from which the branches spring ; arbores'cent, arbores'cens (+ escens), attaining the size or character of a tree ; Ar'boret, a small tree or shrub ; Arbore'tum, a place assigned for the culture of trees, usually in systematic order ; also the title of a book devoted to trees ; arbor'eous arbor'eus, tree-like ; arboric'oline, arboric'olous ( + suffix -cola, in- habitant), dwelling on trees, as the habitat of Fungi or epiphytes ; ar'boroid (eTSos, resemblance), a hybrid word for dendroid, tree- like. Arbus'cula (Lat.), a small shrub with the aspect of a tree, as some heaths ; Ar'buscle is an old term for the same; Arbus'culus (Lat.), a small tree ; arbus'cular, arbuscula'ris, shrubby, and branched like a tree. arbus'tive, arbusti'vus (Lat. planted with trees), coppiced. ArbuB'tum (Lat.), (1) a shrub, a branched woody perennial plant, but wanting a distinct bole ; (2) applied to an account of the woody plants of a country, a Sylva. Arces'thide, Arces'thida (dp/cevflts, -idos, juniper berry ) = GALBULUS. archa'ic (apxal'Kbs, antiquated), used with reference to a type of a former age, as Casuarina. Archebio'sis (dp/oj, beginning; /3/os, life), origin of life; Arch'egone = ABCHEGONIUM ; arcnego'nial (70^77, race), applied by Tschirch to stomata, whose outer walls of the guard cells are thickened, inner walls only a thin lamella, the guard cells separated in their central part but not at the poles, as in Gymnosperms ; archego'niate, possessing archegonia ; Arche- gonia'tae, plants producing arche- gonia, applied to Bryophytes and Pteridophytes ; Archego'niopnore (0o/>eu, I bear), the supports of archegonia in certain ferns, out- growths of the prothalli, also specialised branches on Sphagnum with the same function ; Archego'- nium, the female sexual organ in Cryptogams, containing the oosphere, which after fertilization develops within the venter; Archene'ma (VT^O., a thread), term proposed by C. Macmillan for gametophytic structures in Thallo- phytes ; Arch'espore, Archespor'ium (s, -vdos, a mantle), a term to include the Polypetalae and Incompletae of Phanerogams. arching, curved like a bow. Arch'isperm (ctpxr?, beginning ; ffirepua, seed), (1) another name for Gymno- sperm, from their presumed an- tiquity ; (2) Boulger's term for structures formed before fertiliza- tion, or at an early stage in the macrospore ; Archistrep'tes (0T/>e7TTos, twisted), the principal spirals formed in phyllotaxis. Arch'oplasm (dpxos, chief; TrXdcr/ia, moulded), Boveri's term for KINO- 22 archoplasmic arthrosporous PLASM ; adj. archoplas'mic ; <~ Sphere = achromatic spindle. arctic, a term applied by H. C. Wat- son to a British region, compris- ing three zones, styled super-, mid-, and infer-arctic zones, relating to plants growing above the limits of cultivation. arc'uate, arcuaftus (Lat.), bent like a bow, curved ; arcua'to-areola'tus, divided into spaces by curves ; <~ contort'us, forming a depressed spiral, as in some legumes. ArdelTa (a/aSw, I sprinkle), small apothecia of certain lichens, as Arthonia, seemingly dusty. A'rea (Lat., a space), (1) a bed in botanic gardens ; (2) in Diatoms, the surface of a valve when circular and destitute of a stauros ; (3) J the receptacle of certain Fungi (Lind- ley). arena' ceous, arena'rious, arena' rius, areno'sus (arena, sand), growing in sandy places. Are'ola (Lat. , diminutive of AREA) ; (1) a space marked out on a surface j (2) a small cell or cavity; (3) a tessellation in the thallus of some Lichens ; ar'eolar, ar'eolate, areola'- tus, marked with areolae, divided into distinct spaces ; Areola'tion, in Mosses, the arrangement of the cells. arg'entate, argent' em (Lat., silvery), silvery as to tint and lustre ; argenta'tus (Lat.), silvered. argilla'ceous, -ceus (Lat.), clayey, growing in clay, or clay-coloured ; argillo'sus (Lat.), living in clayey places. arg'os, in Greek compounds = white ; in Latin, candidus. argute', argu'tus (Lat.) sharp, as argute' -serra'tus sharply serrate. arg'yros, in Greek compounds = sil- very ; Lat., argenteus. arhi'zal, arhi'zus (a, without ; pl£a, a root), rootless, wanting true roots ; Arhizoblas'tus J (jSXcKrros, a germ), an embryo which has no radicle. Ar'icine, an alkaloid from cinchona bark, obtained from Arica, in Chili. ari'nus (apprjv, male), Necker's suffix to words enumerating stamens, in- stead of the Linnean -androus. A'ril, Arill'us (Fr., arille), an expan- sion of the funicle, arising from the placenta, and enveloping the seed, mace is the aril of the nutmeg ; ar[illate, arilla'tus, possessed of an aril ; arilliform'is J (forma, shape), bag-shaped ; A'rillode, Arillo'dium, a false aril, a coat of the seed, and not arising from the placenta. Arls'ta (Lat.), an awn, the beard of corn ; arist'ate, arista' tus, awned ; aris'tulate, aristula'tus, bearing a small awn. aristolochia'ceous, resembling the genus Aristolochia, Tourn. Ar'ma (Lat.), Ar'mature, any kind of defence, as prickles or thorns ; armed, bearing thorns or similar defence. armenia'ceous,armew'*'actts, (1) apricot- coloured, a dull orange, named from Prunus Armeniaca, Linn. ; (2) a native of Armenia. Armill'a (Lat., bracelet), the frill of the stipe of Agarics left attached on the expansion of the pileus, at first it forms a covering of the hymenium. Arnat'to, also written, Arnotto and Annotto, the red colouring matter from the pulp of the fruit of Bixa Orellana, Linn. Aro'ma (Lat., spice), the perfume of a plant ; aromatic, -cus, possessing a spicy smell or taste. arrect', arrect'us (Lat. set upright), stiffy erect. Arrest', sporal, see SPORAL ARREST. arrhi'zous = ARHizous, etc. Ar'row-head'ed, ~ shaped, barbed like an arrow, sagittate. arth'onoid, of the form or consistence of the apothecia in the genus Arthonia, Ach. Arth'rospore (ap6pov, a joint, ffiropd., a seed), one of spores like a chain of beads, formed by fission; arthro- spor'ic, arthrosp'orous, applied to Schizomycetes, in those species which have no endogenous spores Arthrosterigmata aseptate formation ; Arthrosterig'mata ((rrqpiyfM, -aros, a prop.), jointed sterigmata in some Lichens, made up of rows of cells from which spores are abstricted. Article, Artic'ulus (Lat.), a joint ; artic'ulated, articula'tus, jointed, separating freely by a clean scar, as in leaf -fall ; Articula'tion, a joint, popularly applied to the nodes of Artifact (ars, art, factus, made), a substance not naturally existing, but resulting from laboratory treat- ment; artificial, artificial! Us (Lat., according to rules of art) applied to any scheme of classification which is based on one set of characters, as opposed to a natural scheme, which takes all characters into account. artiphyll'ous, -lus (fymos, complete, ti\\ov, leaf), used of nodes which bear manifest buds. arundina'ceous, arundina! ecus, reed- like, having a culm like tall grasses ; anmdin'eouB, reedy, abounding in reeds. arven'sis (arva, arable land), applied to plants of cultivated land, espec- ially of ploughed fields. Asafoetlda (aza, Persian for mastic, foetidus, stinking), a gum-resin, yielded by Ferula Narthex, Boiss., and other allied Umbelliferae, of a persistent alliaceous odour and taste. As'arine, a crystallised substance from Asarum europaeum, Linn., resemb- ling camphor. Ascell'us (1) diminutive of Ascus ; (2) the spores of certain Fungi (Lindley). ascend' ent, -ens, ascen'ding ; (1) directed upwards, as the stem ; the ascending axis is oblique at first, then erect ; (2) opposed to descend- ing. -ascens, a suffix, denotes a tendency towards something, as ciner-ascens, becoming ash-coloured, cinereus. ascidia'tus (Lat.), furnished with ASCIDIA ; Ascidlum (foKldiov, a little pitcher), pi. Ascid'ia, (1) the pitcher of Nepenthes etc., the metamor- phosed lamina of the leaf, become tubular, usually with a lid, which is a development of the apical portion of the leaf ; (2) the asci of certain Fungi ; ascidlform (forma, shape), pitcher-shaped. ascif erous (ao-/cos, a wine-skin, fero, I bear), bearing asci ; ascig' erous (gero, I produce) = ASCIFEBOUS ; As'cocarp (Kapiros, fruit), the sporocarp of Ascomycetes produc- ing asci and ascospores ; its three kinds are termed APOTHECIUM, PERITHECIUM and CLEISTOCARP ; As'cocysts (KVCTTIS, a bag), erect sac- like secreting cells on the creeping filaments oiAscocydus ; ascog'enous (yevvdw, I bring forth), producing asci, asciferous ; As'cogone, Ascogo'nium (yovrj, race), a syno- nym of ARCHICARP. Ascoli'chenes, Lichens producing asci. Asc'oma (dovcoj? a wine-skin) Wall- roth's term for Receptacle and Hyjmenium of Fungi ; Ascomyce'tes (^via/is, fungus), Sachs's name for a large group of Fungi, forming ascospores and stylospores. Ascop'ora (deriv.?) sporangia of certain Fungi (Lindley). Asc'ophore (daipa, a sphere), Strasburger's term for ASTROCENTEBS. 25 asymmetric aurantiaceous asymmet'ric, asymmetrical (a, not, aij/j,/j.erpos, symmetric) ; (1) irregular in outline or shape ; (2) used of a flower which cannot be divided in any vertical plane into two similar halves ; (3) dissimilarity of the number of the members in calyx, corolla or genitalia. asyngam'ic (a, not, vbv, together, yd/j.os, marriage), used of plants prevented from intercrossing by their flowering at different times. At'avism (atavus, an ancestor), an- cestral resemblance, reversion to an older type. ataxinom'ic (a, not, TCI£CJ, order, Xo'7os, discourse), teratologic, ab- normal structures not represented among plants in a normal con- dition, as Fasciation, Chloranthy, etc. a'ter (Lat.), pure, lustreless black ; in composition, atro-. athal'amous (a, without, edXanos, bride-chamber), said of Lichens without apothecia on their thallus. athall'ine (a, without, 0aXXos, young shoot), without thallus. Ath'era (d0ty>,-os, beard of corn), in Greek compounds = awn or stiff bristle. Atlantic type of Distribution, Watson's term for British plants which occur most frequently to- wards the west of Great Britain. At'om (a, not, T-l/uw, I cut), de- fined by Nageli as the ultimate particle of a chemical element ; in botanic parlance it means the smallest divisable portion of any substance. Atomogyn'ia (drtytds, cannot be cut, yvvrj, woman), the elder Richard's name for the ANGIOSPERMIA of Linnaeus. Atracten'chyma t (&TPO.KTOS, a spindle, £yXuA"*> tnat poured in), prosen- chyma, tissue of fusiform cells. atramenta'rius (atramentum, inky fluid), inky ; black. atra'tus (Lat.), garbed in black ; blackened, as in some species of ) the apex of the glumes being darkened ; atric'olor (color, colour), inky-black. at'ropal, preferably at'ropous (a, not, rpowT), a turn), a synonym of OR- THOTROPOUS ; applied to the ovule. At'rophy (a, without, T/JO^TJ, nourish- ment), wasting away, abortion or degeneration of organs ; Atrophy'- tes (vTov, a plant), those Fungi which cause atrophy of important organs of the host-plant. At'ropine, a poisonous alkaloid ob- tained from Atropa Belladonna, Linn. atro-purpu'reus (Lat.), black-purple, the colour of Sweet Scabious, Scabiosa atropurpurea, Linn.; <~ -violaceus (Lat. ), very dark violet ; ~ -virens, ~ -viridis (Lat. ), dark or blackish green. atten'uate, attenua'tus (Lat. thinned), narrowed, tapered. Att'ire, Grew's term for stamens and pistils. Attraction-spheres, the same as At- trac'tive-spheres, CENTROSPHERES, or Tinoleucites. a'tus, a suffix indicating the presence of an organ, thus : foli-atus, having leaves. auc'tus (Lat. increased) ; (1) enlarged after flowering, accrescent; (2) augmented by an addition. Aug'ment-Cells, a modification of an auxospore in Diatoms, after divi- sion becoming transformed into daughter-cells, and the starting- points of new generations; Aug- menta'tion, increase beyond the normal number of parts. Aulae'um J (Lat., a curtain), used occasionally for COROLLA by Lin- naeus. Aulog'amae (atfXos, a tube, ydfj-os, mar- riage), employed by Ardissone for Muscineae. Aul'ophyte (aflXrj, abode, vrov, a plant), one plant living in the cavity of another for shelter only, not parasitic ; the German is "Raumparasit." aurautia'ceous, auran'tiacus, auran'- tins (Lat.), orange-coloured* Aurantiuxti autoxidizablft Auran'tium (Lat. , an orange), a succu- lent superior fruit with a rough rind, such as the Orange. aura'tus (Lat. gilt), metallic yellow, shot with gold ; au'reus (Lat. gold- en), glowing yellow, not metallic. Auricle, Auric' ula (Lat. ear-lap), (1) a small lobe or ear, an appendage to the leaf, as in Sage, or the Orange ; (2) the lobule, or minor lobe of the leaf of Hepaticae, often balloon-shaped ; (3) formerly and erroneously used f orAMPHiGASTRiA; (4) a small lobe or special patch of cells at the basal angle of the leaf in Mosses ; auric'ular, auricula'ris, auricled; ~ Cells, the[ cells in the leaf described above (4), also termed alar cells. auriform (auris, the ear), ear-shaped (Crozier). auror'eus (Lat.), the colour of dawn, rosy or golden. austere' (auste'rus, harsh), astringent to the taste, as a sloe. austra'lis (Lat. southern), occasionally applied to plants which are natives of warmer countries, even if not from the southern hemisphere. Aut'oblast (afrros, self, jSXaoTos, a bud), a free and independent " Bio- blast" (Schlater) ; Autocarplan, autpcarplc, autocar pea! nus (Kapiros, fruit), (1) a superior fruit, not ad- herent to the pericarp ; (2) see next ; Autocarp'y, the fruiting of a self- fertilized flower, the product of autogamy ; adj. autocarp'ous ; autoe'cious (ofaos, a house), ap- plied to a parasite which runs its whole course on a single host of a particular species ; this state of things is Autoe'cism ; autoi'cous, in Bryophytes, the male and female inflorescences on the same plant ; the following modifications occur ; cla'do- ~ (/cXdSos, a branch) the male inflorescence on a proper branch ; go'nio- ~ (761/05, offspring), the male inflorescence bud-like and axillary on a female branch ; rhiz- ~ (plfa, a root), the male branch very short, cohering to the female by a rhizoid ; autog'amous (7^05, marriage), self-fertilization ; Autogamy, when a flower is fertilized by its own pollen ; Autogen'esis (yfrevis, be- ginning), a synonym of SPON- TANEOUS GENERATION ; auto- genetlc Fertilization = self-pol- lination ; autogenous (7^05, race), self -derived, used of diseases, etc., which have their origin within the organism ; autog'enus, term proposed in place of monotypic, to show that the genus contains but a single species (Crozier). automatic, (avro/JUTos, self-moving), spontaneous movement of certain parts, as the leaflets of Desmodium gyrans, DC. autonomlc, auton'omous, (ai/roVo/ios, independent), used of plants which are perfect and complete in them- selves, and not simply phases of other forms. autonyctitroplc (aiJros, self, vt£, VVKTOS, night, rpoirti, a turn), spon- taneously assuming the position usual during the night ; Auto- pnyllog'eny (6\\ov, leaf, 7ww, I cut), capable of spontaneous division, as cells in growing tissue ; autox'enous (#vos, a host or guest) = AUTOECIOUS ; Autox'eny, the autoecious condi- tion ; Autox'idators (<5£ds, sharp), cell - substances, which at a low temperature, and with absorp- tion of molecular oxygen, can be oxidised by decomposing water ; Autoxida'tion, the phenomenon in question ; autoxidi'zable, the property of readily undergoing this transformation. 27 axospermoua autum'nal, autumna'lis(L&t.), belong- ing to autumn ; flowering at that season ; ~ Wood, wood formed at the close of the growing season and notable for its smaller cells. Auxan'agramines (atffy, increase, &va, up, ypdfj.fj,a, an outline), bacterian fields of increase, marked by greater development within the diffusion area of the nutrient substance (Beyerinck) ; Auxanom'eter (utrpov, measure), apparatus for measuring increase of growth in plants. Auxe'sis (aOfrffis, growth), (1) dilata- tion or increase in the valves of Diatoms, etc. ; (2) new formation of organs (Czapek). Auxiliary (auxiliaris, helpful) Cell, a cell borne by a specialised branch in certain Algae, which unites with the conjugating tube emitted by the fertilized trichophore, and then giving rise to filaments which bear the spores (Osterhout). Aux'ospore (atifr, increase, airopa, seed), in Diatoms, the spore formed by the union of two frustules, or the excessive growth of a single fruatule, whence arises a new bion, larger than the parents ; auxoton'ic (rbvos, strain), applied to the move- ments incident to increase of grow- ing organs, as heliotropism, nuta- tion, etc. aveUan'icus (avellana, a filbert), drab, the colour of the fresh shell of the Hazel-nut, Cory lus Avellana, Linn. avena'ceous, -ceus (avena, oats), relat- ing to oats ; Av'enine, a substance derived from oats. ave'nius (a, without, vena, vein), vein- less, or seemingly so. averse', aver'sus (Lat.), turned back or away from. Averrunca'tion (averrunco, I remove), (1) pruning ; (2) uprooting. awl shaped, narrow and tapering to a point ; subulate. Awn, a bristle-like appendage, es- pecially occurring on the glumes of grasses ; ^ of Chaetoceras, a diatomaceous genus, having pro- longations of the frustules, recal- ling the awns of grasses; awned, having awns ; bearded. axe-shaped, dolabriform, as the leaves of some species of Mesembryanthe- mum. axial (axis, an axle), relating to the axis ; <- Wood, the normal central cylinder of xylem ; axif erous (fero, I bear), bearing an axis, but with- out leaves or other appendages. Axil, Axill'a (Lat. arm -pit), the angle formed between the axis and any organ which arises from it, espe- cially of a leaf. axile (axis, an axle), belonging to the axis, as axile placentation. axill'ant (axilla, arm-pit), subtending an angle ; axUl'ary, axiila'ris, grow- ing in an axil; axilla'tus, having axils. Axis (Lat. an axle), an imaginary line, round which the organs are developed ; ~ of Inflores'cence, that part of the stem or branch upon which the flowers are borne ; access'ory ~ , an axis of secondary rank ; a'pical ~ of Diatoms, is that line which passes through the centre of the pervalvar axis in the direction of the raphe and at equal distances from homo- logous points of the girdle -band surfaces ; Append'ages of the ~ , such organs as leaves, flowers, etc. ; ascending <~ , = the stem ; descend' - ing ~ , = the root ; pervalv'ar ~ , the main longitudinal axis of Diatoms ; transa'pical ~, the axis which passes at right angles to the apical axis of Diatoms, and through the centre of the pervalvar axis ; trans- vers'al ~ , the axis which lies in the transversal plane of Diatoms, cut- ting the pervalvar axis. Axog'amy (a|wj/, axis, ydpos, marriage), plants bearing sexual organs on the leafy stem; adj. axogamlc ; Axophy'ta (<}>VTOV, a plant) = COEMO- PHYTA ; plants having an axis, that is, stem and root ; axosperin'ous (, pomegranate flower), the fruit of Punica Orana- turn, Linn., with firm rind, berried within, crowned with the lobes of an adnate calyx. bald, destitute of pubescence or downy appendages. Bale J (Fr. Bale), cited by S. F. Gray for the outer glume of grasses. Ball'ing, in nuclear development, the fusion of nuclei into one nucleus. Balm (jSdXo-ayitoj', balsam), pr. Bahm, a thick, usually resinous exudation of reputed medical efficacy; Bal'sam, pr. Bawls'm ; a similar exudation, generally of resin mixed with volatile oil ; balsamic, having the qualities of balsam ; balsamif erous, -rus, (fero, I bear), producing balsam. Bamb/oo, the name applied to the culm of arborescent grasses, not- ably species of Bambusa. Band, (1) space between two ridges in the fruit of Umbellifers ; (2) a stripe generally ; ~ shaped, used of long 29 banded Basitonus narrow leaves, linear; band'ed, marked with stripes of colour. Ban'ner, the standard of a papilion- aceous flower. Barb, hooked hairs, frequently doubly- hooked ; Barba (Lat. ), a beard; bar'bate, barba' - tits, bearded, having long weak hairs in tufts ; BarbelTae J, the short stiff straight hairs of Com- posite pappus ; adj. barbell'ate ; Barbell' ulae, £ similar structures in the pappus of Aster; adj. bar- belTulate, barbellula'tus ; Barb'ule, Barb'ula, (1) the inner row of teeth in the peristome of such Mosses as Tortula ; (2) a small barb (Crozier). Barill'a, the crude soda from Salsola and allied genera. Bark, (1) the outer integuments of the wood and exterior to it, all tissues outside the cambium; (2) frequently restricted to the periderm and tissues external to it ; f~ bared, stripped of the bark ; /- bound, having the bark too tense, thus impeding growth ; ~ galled, having the bark injured. Barm, the floating yeast as used in bread-making, the "Oberhefe" of the Germans; barm'y, containing yeast. barred, crossed by lines approx- imately parallel. bar'ren, unproductive, infertile ; ap- plied to the male inflorescence of certain Mosses ; <~ Flow'er, the male or staminate flower. Barymorpho'sis (/3a/>i>s, heavy, fj.6pw- Wall, the division of the oospore in Archegoniatae into an anterior and a posterior half ; Base, the extremity of attach- ment, by which nutrition takes place. Bas'id=Basid'ium, pi. Basid'ia (basi- dium, a little pedestal), the mother- cells of Hymenomycetous and Gas- tcromycetous Fungi, having little points from which spores are thrown off ; basidiogenet'ic (ytvos, race, de- scent), produced upon a basidium ; Basidiogonid'ium (yovij, race, off- spring), proposed emendation of " basidiospore " ; Basidiomyce'tes (/J.6icr]s, /XIKTJTOS, fungus), Fungi pro- ducing spores on basidia ; Basid'- iophore (4>o^w, I carry), a sporo- phore bearing a basidium ; Basi- diorni'zae (pfa, root), Vuillemin's name for Basidiomycetes ; Basid'io- spore (o-TTopA, a seed), a spore pro- duced by a basidium ; basidio- sp'orous, producing such spores. basifi'xed, basifix'us (basis, foundation, fixus, fast), attached by the base; basifugal (fugo, I pnt to flight), developing from the base upwards ; basig'amous (ydpos, marriage), when the normal position of egg-apparatus and antipodals is reversed ; the oo- sphere and synergidae being at the lower end of the mother-cell of the endosperm (embryo - sac) ; Van Tieghem contemplates the possible occurrence of double Basig'amy ; Basigyn'ium (ywr), a woman), a the- caphore, the stalk of an ovary above the stamens and petals ; bas'ilar, basila'ris, basal; basin- er'ved (ner-wts, a nerve), veined from the base ; basila'tus J arising from a broad base as certain hairs ; basi- p'etal (peto, I seek), growth in the direction of the base. Ba'sis (Lat.) the base ; basiscop'ic (CTKOTT^W, I look), looking towards the base, the reverse of acroscopic ; basisolu'tus J (solutus, unbound), used of such leaves as those of Sedum which are prolonged down- wards beyond their true origin; Basit'onus (rbvos, a cord), the pro- 30 Uasophil Bicipital longation of the tissue of the pollen- sac to the lower end of the anther in Ophrydineae ; bas'ophil (0tXe'w, I love), readily taking stain from basic substances. Bass, the inner fibrous bark of the lime, used by cultivators for tem- porary ties ; the liber. Bast, (1) the same as in the last ; (2) phloem ; (3) fibrous tissues serving for mechanical support; ~ Cells, the components of the bark ; <~ Col- lench'yma, tissue with the walls of the sides thickened on all sides (C. Mueller) ; - Fibres, = liber- fibres ; ~ Sheath, layer of thin- walled cells surrounding the fibro- vascular cylinder next within the cortex, the periphloem ; ^ Tissue, phloem ; <~ Vessel, sieve - tube ; Hard <~ , liber - fibres ; Soft ^ , the sieve-tubes, with the thin-walled part of the phloem. Bass'orin, a product of Bassora Gum, Tragacanth, etc., which does not dissolve like Gum Arabic, but swells up when placed in water, and forms a pasty mass. foathymet'rical (fiadi/s, deep or high, fj,€Tpov, measure), used of the dis- tribution of plants on the sea- bottom ; and the depths at which they grow. Batol'ogist (/Saros, a bramble, \6yos, discourse), a student of brambles, the species and forms of Rubus. Beak, a pointed projection ; beaked, used of fruits which end in a long point. beard'letted, having small awns. Beard, synonymous with Awn ; oeard'ed, (1) awned, as bearded wheat ; (2) having tufts of hairs, as on the lip of Pentstemon barbatus, Roth. Bear'ers, used by Blair for flower- buds. Befoeer'in, a tonic alkaloid from the Greenheart, Nectandra Rodiaei, Hook., native name, Bebeeru. Bedeguar', a fibrous gall produced on a rose-bush by the puncture of a species of Cynips. Bee-bread, the pollen of flowers, col- lected by bees as food for the young larvae. bell-shaped, tubular and inflated, as the corolla of Campanulaceae. belTying, swelling on one side as in many Labiatae. Benzoin', a fragrant resinous exuda- tion from Styrax Benzoin, Dryand. ; called also Gum Benjamin. Ber'berine, a yellow bitter principle from the root of Berberis vulgaris, Linn. ber'ried, baccate, possessing berries. Ber'ry, a pulpy fruit, with immersed seeds ; cf. BACCA. Bes'imen, J pi. Besim'ina (/3tc6o-t/*os, having the power of living) Necker's name for a spore. Be'tain, an amide-like substance from Beta, the beet. Bet'ulin, a substance derived from Betula, the birch. M-, bis-, in compound words meaning "twice." biacu'minate, biacumina'tus (bi + acu- minate), having two diverging points, as the hairs of Malpig- hiaceae, attached by the centre ; biang'ulate (angulus, a corner), having two corners or angles ; M- artic'ulate, biarticula'tus (articulus, a joint), two-jointed. biatorlne, resembling the Lichen genus Biatora. biauric'ulate (U, twice, aurivula, the ear lobe), with two auricles or ear- like appendages ; biauri'tus (Lat. ) is substantially the same ; bibract'- eate, bibractea'tus (bractea, a thin plate), having two bracts ; bibrac- t'eolate, with two bracteoles ; bical- c'arate (calcar, a spur), having two spurs ; bicall'ose bicallo'sus (cctihis, hardened skin), with two callosities ; bicap'sular (capsula, a small box) (1) with two capsules ; (2) having a capsule which is bilocular ; bicar'- inate, bicarina'tus (carina, a keel), with two keels ; bicar'pellary ( + carpettum), of two carpels or pistils ; bicepn'alous (/ce0a\r; head) ; bi'ceps (Lat.) two-headed ; foicip'ital, with 31 biciliate bijugate two heads or two supports ; bici- 1'iate, bicilia'tus (cilium, an eyelash), with two cilia, as many zoospores ; bicollat'eral (con, + latus, lateris, side), applied to a vascular bundle with two groups of phloem lying upon opposite sides of the xylem ; Bicollateral'ity, is the state just described. bic'olor (Lat.) two-coloured, parti- coloured. biconcen'tric (bi, con + centrum, a point), Poulsen's term for the fibro- vascular bundles in Eriocauloneae ; round the axial hadrome bundle is a layer of leptome, which is again enclosed by a hadrome layer ; bl- con'jugate, biconjuga'tus, (conjuga- tus, joined), twice-conjugate, that is, when each of two secondary petioles bears a pair of leaflets ; biconjuga'to-pinna'tus, similar to the last, but each petiole pinnate ; Bicor'nes (cornu, a horn), the heaths, from their horned anthers ; bieor'nis (Lat.) blcorn'ute, bicornu'tus, two- horned, as the siliqua of Matthiola bicornis, DC.; blcre'nate (crena, a notch) (1) having two crenatures or rounded teeth (Crozier) ; (2) doubly crenate ; bicru'ris (Lat. ) two legged, as the pollen- masses of Asclepiads ; bicuspid (cuspis, spear-point) ; bi- cusp'idate, having two sharp points; bident'ate, bidenta'tus (dens, dentis, a tooth), (1) having two teeth ; (2) doubly dentate, as when the mar- ginal teeth are also toothed ; bi- digita'tus (Lat. )= EICON JUGATE. bid'uous, biduus (biduum, two days long), lasting for two days. Biennial, (biennium, a period of two years), a plant which requires two years to complete its life-cycle, growing one year, and flowering and fruiting the second ; signs 0 or 0; bien'nial, fo'ewms=monocarpic. Biere'mus (bi, twice, eremus, a hermit), a two- celled fruit, the cells so far apart as to seem separate, as in Cerinthe; bifa'cial (facies,a,n appear- ance), when the leaf has spongy tissue on the lower face, and com- pact tissue on the upper sides ; opposed to centric. bifa'riam (Lat. in two parts), arranged in two rows;~imbrica'tus, imbri- cated in two rows ; bifa'rious, bi- fa'rius, distichous. Bi'fer (bi, Jero, I bear), a plant which ripens fruit twice a year (Crozier) ; bif erous, biferus, double bearing, producing two crops in one season ; bi'fid, bifidus (findo,fidi, to cleave), twice-cleft, divided halfway into two ; bif idate = bifid (Crozier) ; bifist'ular (fistula, a pipe), with two tubular openings (Crozier) ; biflor'ate (Crozier), biflor'ous, ~rus (flos, floris, a flower), having two flowers; bifo'liate, bifolia'tus (fo- lium, a leaf), two-leaved ; bifo'lio- late, bifoliolaftus, having two leaf- lets ; ~ Leaf, binate ; bifollic'ular, possessing a Bifollic'ulus (follicu- lus, a small sack), a double follicle. bifo'rate, bifora'tus (biforis, having two doors), with two perforations ; Bif'orine, an oblong cell, opening at each end, containing raphides ; bif o'rous = bif orate. biform'is (Lat.), two formed ; in two shapes. bi'frons (Lat.), (1) having two faces or aspects; (2) growing on both surfaces of a leaf, amphigenous. bifurc'ate, bifurca'tuj (bifurcus, two- pronged or forked), twice forked ; Bifurcation, division into two branches. bigem'inate, bigemina'tus (geminus, atwin)=BicoNJUGATE ; bigem'inus, in two pairs, as in the placentae of many plants. Bi'gener (Lat. a hybrid), mule plants obtained by crossing different genera, usually spoken of as a bigeneric Cross. bigland'ular (bi, two, glandula, a gland), with two glands. biglu'mis (gluma, a husk), consisting of two glumes, the components of the perianth of grasses ; bihila'tus J (+HILUM), having two scars as in certain pollen ; biju'gate bijuga'- 32 bijugous bipeltate tus, biju'gous (jugum, a, yoke), applied to a pinnate leaf, with two pairs of leaflets ; bila'biate, bilabia'- tus (labium, lip), divided into two lips, as are many gamopetalous corol- las, etc. ; bilam'ellar, bilam/ellate, bilamella'tus (lamella, a thin plate), consisting of two plates, as some placentae ; bilat' eral, bilatera'lis (latus, side), arranged on opposite sides, as the leaves of the yew ; bilo'bate, biloba'tus, bilo'bed (Xo/8os, the ear-flap), divided into two lobes, as most anthers, or the leaves of Bauhinia ; bilocell'ate (locellus, a small compartment), made up of two locelli ; biloc'ular, bilocidar'is (loculus, a compart- ment), two -celled ; bimac'ulate (mac'ula, a spot), with two spots. bimes'tris (Lat.), of two months' duration. bi'mus (Lat. ), lasting for two years. bi'nary bina'rius (bini, by twos), con- sisting of two members ; bi'nate, bina'tus (Lat.), (1) where a leaf is composed of two leaflets at the end of a common petiole ; (2) a simple leaf nearly divided into two ; bina'tim (Lat.), in pairs ; bina'to-pinna'tus J = BIPINNATE. biner'vate (bi, two, nerincs, a nerve), with two nerves, especially if pro- minent ; binervula'tus J (Lat.), having two vascular strands. bi'ni (Lat.), two together, twin ; as biniflor'us, bearing flowers on pairs. bino'dal, bino'dia (bi, two, nodus, a knot), consisting of two nodes. bino'mial (bi, two, nomen, a name), in botani£nomenclature, the use of a genenc^nH ^specifier name to con- note a given organism ; used also for NEWTONIAN CURVE. bi'nous, bi'nua (Lat.), in pairs ; cf. BINI. binu'clear, binu'cleate (bi, two, nucleus, a kernel), having two nuclei; binu'cleolate, binucleola'tua (Lat.), with two nucleoli. Bi'oblast (/3fos, life, jSXao-Tos, a shoot), term proposed by Schlater for the unit of life, comprising autoblasts, o 33 or free existing bioblasts, and cytoblasts or colonies of such bio- blasts as have lost their independent existence ; cf. BIOPHOR. bioc'ellate (bi, two, ocellus, a little eye), marked with two eyespots. Biogen'esis (/3t'os, life, 7^ecrts, begin- ning), the doctrine of life from life, the production of organisms from others already in existence ; in opposition to Spontaneous Genera- tion ; biog'enous (7^0$, race), grow- ing on living organisms ; Biog'eny, the evolution of living forms, in- cluding ONTOGENY and PHYLOGENY; Biol'ogy (Xo7os, discourse), the science which investigates vital phenomena, both of plant and animal ; biolyt'ic (\vdyos, a glutton), feeding on living organ- isms, truly parasitic ; Bi'oplasm (ir\dcr/j,a, moulded), Beale's name for PROTOPLASM; bioph'ilous (0tXe'w, I love), used of Fungi which are parasitic on leaves or stems of living plants ; Bi'ophor (0opew, I carry), G. C. Bourne's name for the cell, as the vital unit. bipal'eolate, Upcdeola'tus (bi,+pale- o/a), consisting of two paleae, or small scales in grasses ; bipaT- mate, bipalma'tus (palma, the palm of the hand), twice palmate, palm- ately compound ; bip'arous (pario, I bring forth), bearing two ; *~ Cyme, Bravais's expression for a normal dichotomous inflorescence ; bipar- t'ible, bipartib'ilis, bipar'tile (par- t'ilis, divisible), capable of ready division into two similar parts ; bipartite, biparti'tus (Lat. ), divided nearly to the base into two portions; Bipartit'ion, the act of dividing into two ; bipect'lnate (pecten, a comb), toothed like a comb on two sides ; bipelt'ate (pelta, a shield), having biperennial Bladder two shield-shaped parts (Crozier) j biperen'nial (perennis, perpetual), used of a part that lives two years, but reproduces itself indefinitely (Crozier) ; bipet'alous (TreraXov, a flower leaf), Blair's term for two- petalled flowers as Circaea ; bipen- taphyll'us (Trwrr), five ; Heredity, transmission of qualities of both parents ; bispathellulate, bispathellula'tus J ( + SPATHELLA), consisting of two glumes (Lindley). bispi'uose (spino'sus, thorny), having two spines; bispi'rous (ffiretpd, a twist), term used by Spruce for elaters having two spirals, cf. DIS- PIROUS; Bi' spore (o-Tro/xi, seed),(l) "a two-spored tetraspore" (Crozier); (2) an ascus with two cells, in place of the normal eight; bistelic (O-T^XTJ, a pillar), having two steles ; bistip' ulate( + STIPULA), with two stipules; bistra'tose (stratum, a layer), cells disposed in two strata or layers ; bistri'ate (striatus, striped), marked with two parallel lines or striae ; bisulc'ate, bisulca'tus (sulcus, a groove), two-grooved; bisymmet'ric (o-tf/ijueTTw, commensurate), bilateral symmetric, each side alike ; Biteg- mina'tae (tegmen, a cover), Van Tieghem uses this for Phanerogams whose seeds have double integu- ments ; bitern'ate, biterna'tus (tern- us, by threes), compound ternate, as a leaf. bit'ten, abruptly ended, of roots or leaves, praemorse. bi' valve bival'vis (bi, two, valvae, leaves of a door), having two valves, as some capsules ; Bi' valve, "a capsule of two valves" (Crozier) ; bival'ved, (1) used of Diatoms, as possessing two valves ; (2) the indusiaof certain ferns, as Dicksonia ; bivaTvular= BIVALVE; bivasc'ular (vasculum, a vessel), with two vessels ; bivit'tate (vittae, fillets), having two parti- tions which appear as bands or fillets. Blad'der, (1) Grew's term for a cell; (2) a hollow membranous appendage on the roots of Utricularia, which entrap water insects ; (3) similar growths in the frond of some Algae, serving as floats ; (4) an inflated 34 bladdery boiled membranous pericarp, as in Phy- salia ; ~ Plums, an abortion of the fruit of plums, the stone being wanting, and a thin bladder repre- senting the rest of the fruit ; blad'dery, thin and inflated. Blade, the limb or expanded portion of a leaf. blanched, (1) the whitened appearance of leaf or stem from the want of iron ; (2) artificially produced by exclusion of light, the green chloro- phyll pigment not being developed in either case. Blaste'ma (jSXdo-r^/ia, a sprout), (1) originally the axis of an embryo, the radicle and plumule, excluding the cotyledons ; (2) £ the Lichen- thallus ; blaste'mal, rudimentary ; blastemat'icus, thalloid ; Blaste'sis, the reproduction of the thallus of Lichens by gonidia (Minks). Blastid'ia (jSXaoros, shoot), Schleiden's term for secondary cells generated in the interior of another cell, daughter cells ; Blast'idules, M'Nab's expression for all repro- ductive bodies which are not spores, but produced asexually, as gemmae, propagula, etc. ; blastocarp'ous (/ca/>7ros, fruit), applied to those fruits which germinate within the pericarp ; Blastocol'la (/coXXa, glue), the balsam which is produced on buds by glandular hairs (Han- stein) ; Blastogen'esis (ytvcais, be- ginning), M'Nab used this for all methods of asexual reproduction which are not due to Sporogenesis ; Blastograph'ia (ypapot>, an eyelash), the teeth belonging to the peristome of a Moss ; Bleph'aroplast (irXao-Tos, moulded), the specialised proto- plasm which gives rise to the motile cilia of the antherozoids as in Zamia and Cycas; Blepharoplast'oids (elSos, resemblance), in nuclear division, two bodies appearing between the 2- and 4-celled stage at each pole of the two spindles, disappearing into the cytoplasm before the rise of the blepharoplasts themselves (Shaw). Blet, a soft spot on fruit; filet/ting-, the change in consistence without putrefaction, of certain fruits, as the medlar. Blight, popularly applied to an epi- demic, either of minute Fungi, or of aphides. Bloom, (1) synonymous with BLOSSOM; (2) the white waxy or pruinose covering on many fruits and leaves. Blos'som, the flower, especially of fruit trees; ~ Bud, = Flower-bud. blotch'ed, colour irregularly disposed in patches. blunt, ending in a rounded form, neither tapering to a point, nor abruptly cut off. boat-shaped, having the figure of a boat, with or without a keel. bola'ris (Mod. Lat.), dark red, brick- coloured ; from the earth, Ar- menian Bole. Bole, the main trunk of a tree, with a distinct stem. bolet'ic, obtained from the genus Boletus, as boletic acid. Boll, pr. boal, the fruit capsule or pericarp, especially of the cotton plant; Boiling, pr. boal'ing, = POLLARD ; boiled, pr. boald, come 35 bombycinus bracteolate into fruit, as flax when the capsule is formed. bomby'cinus (Lat.), silky, feeling as smooth as silk. bo'ny, of a close and hard texture, as the stones of plums, etc. bord'ered, having a margin distinct ' in colour or texture from the rest ; ~ Pit, a pit in which the margin projects over the thin closing mem- brane, as in coniferous wood ; ~ Pore, is the same thing. borr'agoid, from the genus Borago, applied to a form of inflorescence which finds its fullest development in Anchusa, an extreme case of extra-axillary inflorescence (K. Schumann). Boss, a protuberance ; bossed, with a rounded surface having a projec- tion in its centre. bost'rycnoid (/3oos, a pit, ^yxu/Aci, that poured in), tissue composed of dotted or pitted ducts or cells. Bot'rus (Crozier) = BOTRYS. bot'ry-cy'mose (/36rpi;s, a bunch of grapes ; Acfytct, a wave), racemes or any botryose clusters cymosely aggregated; bot'ryoid, botryoid'al (eWos, resemblance), like a cluster of grapes ; bot'ryose, botryo'sus racemose ; Bot'rys, a raceme. Bottom-yeast, or Low-yeast, the yeast which forms at the bottom of the vats, in German, "Unterhefe." bot'uliform, botuliform'is (botulus, a sausage forma, shape), sausage- shaped, allantoid. Bouillon (Fr.) meatbroth, used for cultures. bourgeon (Fr., in English pr. bur'jun), to bud or sprout. Brach'eids (Tschirch) = BRACHYSCLE - REIDS. brachia'lis (brachium, the fore-arm), a cubit long, roughly about 18 inches ; bra'chiate, brachia'tus, when branches spread and widely diverge. brachy (ppaxi>s) = short, used in Greek compounds. bracnybiostigmat'ic (/3paxi>s, short, fttos, life, 0-Ttyfji.a, a spot), a term pro- posed by Delpino to express stigmas which are short lived, withering before their proper anthers ripen, protogynous ; brachydod'romous (5/)o/tos, a course), with looped veins (Kerner), cf. BROCHIDODROMUS ; brachyp'odous (TTOI^S, ?ro5os, a foot), having a short stalk or foot ; Brachyscle'reids (6xos, a noose, eZSos, like, Spo'yuos, a course), Ettingshau- seu's term for loop-veined. Brood-bodies, gemmae on leaves of Mosses, becoming detached and growing into protonemal filaments ; <~ Buds, (1) a synonym of Soredium in Lichens ; (2) the same as Bulbil in Archegoniatae ; ^ Cell, asexu- ally produced propagative cell of a gonidium ; ^ Gemma, a pluri- cellular propagative body produced asexually and passing gradually into a brood- cell on one side, and a bulbil on the other. Bronte'sis, (fipovTr), thunder), injury to plants by electric shock. Brown'ian Movement, motion shown by minute particles when suspended in a liquid. Bru'cine, a poisonous alkaloid from Slrychnos Nux-vomica, Linn., for- merly supposed to be from Brucea ferruginea, L'He"rit. brumalis (Lat.), pertaining to the winter solstice ; flourishing in mid- winter. brun'neolus (Mod. Lat.), brownish. brun'neus or brun'eus (Mod. Lat.), brown in colour. Brunissure (Fr.), injury caused to vines by Plasmodiophora Vilis, Viala. brush-shaped, aspergilliform. Bryol'ogy (fiptov, a moss, Xo'yoy, dis- course), the science of Mosses, or Bryophytes generally. Bry'onine, a poisonous principle ex- tracted from the roots of Bryonia alba, Linn. Bry'ophytes (fiptov, a moss, <}>VTOV, a plant), moss-like plants, the true Mosses and the Hepaticae or Liver- worts. Bucc'ae £ (Lat., cheeks), the lateral sepals or wings of the flower of aconite. buckler-shaped, resembling a round buckler with a raised rim. Buck'mast, the fruit of the beech tree. Bud, the nascent state of a flower or branch ; <*- Cones, of the carob, Ceratonia Siliqua, Linn., arrested or aborted inflorescences ; *- Glue, = BLASTOCOLLA ; ~ Bu'diment, in Chara, a cell cut off from a pro- 37 Budding Burgundy Pitch embryonic branch as the primor- dium of the young plant ; ~ Scales, the coverings of a bud ; ~ Sport = BUD -VARIATION ; ~ Variation, changes of colour or form in plants arising from a flower or leaf bud. — Adventitious-*', buds arising out of the normal course or locality ; Brood ^, = BROOD -BUDS ; Flower "- , the inflorescence before expan- sion, or a unit thereof ; Leaf-~, an undeveloped leaf. Bud'ding, (1) propagation of a garden form by inserting a bud or " eye " on another stock ; (2) used also for ex- pansion of the buds. Bud'let, "a little bud attached to a larger one " (Crozier). Bulb, Bul'bus (Lat.), a modified bud usually underground ; (1) na'ked <~, bulbus squamosus, having scaly modifications of the leaves, as in the lily; (2) tunica'ted ~, whose outer scales are thin and membranous, as the onion or hya- cinth ; (3) the so-called solid-', is a CORM ; (4) the swollen base of the etipe of the sporophore in Hymeno- mycetes ; «- Scale, one of the com- ponents of a bulb. bulba'ceous, -ceus, (1) bulbous ; (2) having bulbs. BuTbiceps (bulbus, a bulb, caput, a head), a stem bulbous at base; bulbi- f erous, -rus (fero, I bear), bulb-bear- ing, as when bulbils are amongst the florets of an inflorescence, or axils of the leaves; Bul'bil, Bulbill'us, Bulb'let, Bulb'ulus, (1) a small bulb, usually axillary, as in Lilium bulbi- ferum; (2) Bulbil is also applied, (a) in some fungi to small pluricel- lular bodies incapable of germina- tion; (b) deciduous leaf -buds capable of developing into a new bion or brood-bud, in Archegoniatae ; Bul- bulb'ose, bulbo'sus, bulb'ous, having bulbs or the structure of a bulb ; bulbo'si pi'li, hairs with an in- flated base; Bulbotu'ber, Gawler's name for CoRat ; Bul'bule = Bulbil (Crozier). bull'ate, bulla'tus (bulla, a bubble), blistered or puckered, as the leaf of the primrose ; Bullescen'tia ( + escens), the state of being blis- tered, as the Savoy Cabbage ; bul'- liform (forma, shape), used of some large thin-walled cells, occurring on the epidermis of certain grasses (Duval-Jouve). bunched, gibbous. Bun' die, a strand of specialized tissue, variously modified ; -~ Flange, communications between the unbranched leaf -bundles of Gymnosperms and the surrounding tissues ; <~ Sheath, the enveloping cylinder of closely united paren- chyma:— Bicollat'eral -~, when a second bast-strand exists on the inner, medullary, side of the wood of the conjoint-bundle ; Cauline ~> , confined to the stem ; Closed ~ , destitute of cambium, the procam- bium having become permanent tissue ; Collat'eral ~, when the wood and bast lie side by side ; Com'mon-', that is, to stem and leaf, becoming a leaf -trace ; Con- cen'tric ~, when either the wood, or the bast system surrounds the other ; Conjoint <~ , consisting of both wood and bast ; Corti'cal ~ , peculiar to the cortical region ; MedulTary ~ , the vascular bundles occurring in the pith, when there is a well - defined exterior ring ; Open ~ , when the bundle possesses a portion of cambium ; Ra'dial <~ , having the strands of wood and bast alternately as in roots ; Phloem ~ , the bast portion ; Vasc'ular ~ , the entire strand, consisting of liber or bast portion (phloem) and tracheal or wood-portion (xylem) in various degrees ; Xylem ^ , the wood-por- tion. Bunt, a common disease of the wheat plant, from Tilletia Tritici, Winter. Bur, a prickly headed fruit, applied to the chestnut, Arctium, and the like ; bur'ry, resembling a bur. Bur'gundy Pitch, a resin from species of Abies. 38 Burr calceiform Burr, a woody outgrowth from the bark of certain trees ; cf. GNAUR. Bur'sa (Lat., a purse) J the antheri- dium of Chara ; Bers'icule, Bur- sic'ula (Lat., a small purse), the pouch-like expansion of the stigma into which the caudicle of some Orchids is inserted ; bursic'ulate, bursicula'tus, purse -like. Bush, a low shrub, branching from the ground. butterfly-like, ~ shaped, = PAPILIONA- CEOUS. Butt'ons,! an old term for BUDS. Butt'ress, the knee-like growths of trunk or roots in certain trees. bux'eous, bux'eus (Buxus, the Box- tree), (1) the colour of box- wood, (2) pertaining to that tree ; Bux'ine, an alkaloid from Buxus semper- virens, Linn. byssa'ceous, -ceus (byssus, fine flax), composed of fine threads ; Byss'us, the stipe of certain Fungi. Butyr'ic Fer'ment, caused by Bacillus Amylobacter, VanTiegh. ; see FER- MENTATION. caca'inus, chocolate brown ; from the name of Theobroma Cacao, Linn. Cach'rysJ (Lat. ) the cone of a pine-tree. cact'al, (Cactus, a genus of succulents), cacta'ceous ( + aceous), cactus-like, or pertaining to the order Cactaceae. Cacu'ment (Lat.), the apex of an organ. cad' ens (Lat. falling), when the fumi- culus passes over the top of the seed as in Plumbagineae; cadu'cous, cadu'cus, dropping off early, as the sepals of a poppy on expansion. Cae'cum (Lat. blind), a prolongation of the embryo in Casuarina and certain Amentiferae. Caeno'bio = COENOBIO. Caeo'ma (/cata, I burn) Cushions, or ~ Disks, enlargements of the tips of twigs, due to the attack of forms of Caeoma, Link, believed to be a stage of Melampsora. caerulesc'ent (caeruleus, sky-blue + escens), verging towards blue; caeru'leus, sky-blue. cae'sious, cae'sius (Lat. grey of the eyes), light grey in tint ; caesiel'lus is a diminutive. caespitell'ose (caespes,or cespes, a sod), somewhat tufted ; cae'spitose, cae- spito'sus, growing in tufts like grass ; caespit'ulose, somewhat crowded in tuft-like patches. Caeto'nium, Lindley's spelling of COETONIUM. Caffeine, an alkaloid from coffee berries, Coffea arabica, Linn. Calama'riae (calamus, a reed), (1) a term of vague application, which has been used for plants resembling grasses, chiefly sedges, but even including Isoetes, Juncus, Typha, etc. ; (2) at present restricted to fossil plants, Equisetineae ; cala- ma'rian, sedge-like ; calamif erous (fero, I bear), having a hollow, reed - like stem ; (2) producing reeds ; Cal'amite, a fossil type, resembling recent Equiseta on a gigantic scale ; calami'tean, re- sembling the last ; Cal'amus, a fis- tular stem without an articulation. CaTatnide, Cal'athida, Calath'ium, Calathid'ium (/cciXa^os, a wicker basket), the head of a Composite ; preferably restricted to the invo- lucre of the same; cal'atniform, calathiform'is, cup-shaped, almost hemispherical ; calathidiflor'us J (flos, floris, a flower), having a Calathidium or Capitulum ; Cala- thidiph'orum (0o^o;, I bear), the stalk of a Capitulum. Calc'alary (calculus, a pebble), Grew's term for the sclerogenous tissue of Calc'ar (Lat.) a spur ; calc'arate, cal- cara'tus, furnished with a spur ; calcariform'is (forma, shape), spur- shaped. calca'reous, -eus (calx, lime), (1) chalk-white, as to colour ; (2) grow- ing in chalky or limestone places; (3) having the substance of chalk, as the chalk-glands of certain saxi- frages. cal'ceolate, calceola'tus ; cal'ceiform, calceiform'is (calceolus, a slipper, calceus Calypnyomy forma, shape), shaped like a shoe. caTceus (Lat. from calx), chalk- white ; calc'iform (forma, shape), "powdery, like chalk or lime." (Crozier); calciphilous (0t\ew, I love), chalk-loving ; calcif ugal (fugo, I flee), shunning chalk, as heather ; calciv'orous (voro, I devour), applied to Lichens which eat into their limestone matrix. Calda'rium (Lat. warm bath-room) in botanic gardens signifies an inter- mediate or warm greenhouse. Calenda'rium (Lat., an account-book) •~Flor'ae, an arrangement of plants according to their period of flower- ing. Calend'ulin, a mucilaginous substance from the marigold, Calendula officinalia, Linn. calica'lis = CALYCALIS calica'tus = CALYCATUS calicina'ris, calicina'rius = CALYCIN- ABIS, etc. calic'ular, calicula'ris = CALYCULAR,etc. calic'ulate = OALYCULATE. calicinianus = CALYCINIANUS. Caliol'ogy (KaXta, a cabin ; \6yos, dis- course), juvenescence ; the dynamics of the young cell ( J. C. Arthur). Calix= CALYX. calorit'ropic (color, heat ; rpoiri], a turn), term proposed by Klercker for thermotropic ; Calorit' ropism = THERMOTROPISM. calTose, callo'sus (callus, hard skin), (1) bearing callosities ; (2) hard and thick in texture ; Call'ose, Mangin's term for a presumed essential con- stituent of the cell-wall ; Callosity, a leathery or hard thickening of part of an organ ; callo'so-serra'tus, when the serratures are callosities ; Call'us, (1) an abnormally thickened part, as the base of a cutting ; (2) a special deposit on sieve-plates; (3) a synonym of VERRUCA ; (4) the hymenium of certain Fungi; (5) an extension of the flowering glume below its point of insertion, and grown to the axis or rhachilla of the spikclet. Calopo'dium J (/cctXoy, fair, TTOUS, 7ro56s, foot), Rumph's term for SPATHE. Cal'pa (KdXirr), an urn), Necker's term for the capsule of Fontinalis. cal'vous, cal'vus (Lat., bald), naked, as an achene without pappus. Calyb'io (KaXtfiiov, a cottage), Mirbel's name for a hard, one-celled, in- ferior, dry fruit, such as the acorn, or hazel-nut ; Calyb'ium J is ' a synonym. calyeanth'emous (/caXu£, a cup ; &v 6os, a flower), (1) having the sepals con- verted wholly or partially into petals ; (2) the corolla and stamens inserted in the calyx ; Calycan- th'emy, a montrosity of the calyx imitating an exterior corolla ; ealyca'lis, of or belonging to the calyx ; CaTycle, Calyc'ula, a whorl of bracts exterior to the true calyx ; calyca'tus (Lat.), furnished with a calyx ; Calyc'ia, a stipitate and boat-shaped apothecium ; Calyci- flor'ae (fios, floris, a flower), plants having their petals and stamens aduate to the calyx; adj., calyci- flor'al, calyciflor'ous ; calyc'iform, (forma, shape), cup-shaped, applied to an indusium ; CaTycin, a bitter, yellow, crystallizable substance from Calicium chrysocephalum, Ach. , and other Lichens; calycina'lis (Lat.), cal'ycine, calyci'nus, (1) belonging to the calyx ; (2) of the nature of a calyx ; (3) denoting a calyx of unusual size ; calycinia'nus J, calycina'ris t, polyphylly of the calyx ; calycina'rius, formed from the calyx ; Cal'ycle, Calyc'ulus, the epicalyx, or involucre simulating an additional calyx, a whorl of bracts outside the true calyx ; caTycoid, calycoid'eus (elSoy, re- semblance), resembling a calyx ; Calycoste'mon (arwuv, a filament)* a stamen seated on the calyx ; calyc'ulate, calycula'tus, bearing bracts which imitate an external calyx ; Calyphy'omy (<£tfo/ieu, I spring from), adhesion of the sepals to the petals. 40 Calyptra campylotropous Calyp'tra (saXuVrpa, a veil) or Calyp'- ter, (1) the hood or cap of a Moss in fruit when it crowns the capsule, formed from the archegonial wall ; (2) applied to any cap-like cover- ing of a flower or fruit, as the extinguisher - shaped calyx of Eschscholtzia, or the lid which falls off on expansion of some Myrtaceae, as Eucalyptus ; (3) Go- mont's term for a thick membrane shutting off the apical cell of a trichome in Oscillarieae ; (4) a term proposed by Van Tieghem and Douliot for that portion of the root- cap in lateral roots which belongs strictly to the root-system ; (5) Tournefort's word for CARUNCLE ; calyp'trate, calyptra'tus, bearing a calyptra ; calyp'triform, calyptri- form'is (forma, shape), shaped like an extinguisher ; calyptrimorph'ous ?, shape), a synonym of the last ; Calyp'trogen (7^05, offspring), (I) the layer of cells from which the root-cap takes its origin, (2) the layer of tissue covering the young embryo, as in Ferns. Ca'lyx (Kd\u£, a cup), (1) the outer- most of the floral envelopes ; ~ ad- he'rens, when not separable from the ovary ; <>> calycula'tus, when surrounded by a ring of bracts ; <•" commu'nis, the involucre of Composites ; ~ infe'rior, ~ li'ber, when free from the ovary ; -^supe'- rior, when adherent to the ovary ; <~ Tube, a tubular form of the calyx, due to the union of the sepals ; (2) £ the receptacle of certain Fungi ; (3) the "perianth" of Hepaticae, that is, the COLESULA (Hooker and Taylor). Cam'ara (Kapdpa, a vault), occasion- ally used for the cells of a fruit ; Camer'ula, a diminutive of the fore- going; cama'rius, resembling a simple carpel, as the berry-like fruit of Actaea. camb'ial (cambio, I change), relating to CAMBIUM; camb'iform (forma, shape), resembling cambium ; Cambium, a layer of nascent tissue between the wood and bast, adding elements to both ; for- merly considered as a mere viscous mass ; ^ Fi'bres, the immediate de- rivatives of the cambium, partly formed woody fibres (Sanip) j <*• Layer, the formative tissue during active growth ; <- Ring, the com- plete system of the cambium, separ- ating the wood from the bast in the shoot ; — fascic'ular <*- , that which belongs to the vascular bundles; interfascic'ular ~, that which is formed between the vas- cular bundles, and the primary medullary rays. cameli'mis (Lat.), camel - coloured, tawny. campana'ceus (campana, a bell) ; cam- pan'iform, campaniform'is ; cam- pan'ulate, campanula' tus, bell- shaped, applied to a corolla ; Crozier adds campanil'iform. campes'ter (Lat.) camped 'tris, growing in fields, the second form is that usually found in botanic works ; adj. campes'tral. Camph'or a solid essential oil from Cinnamomum Camphora, T. Nees et Eberm. , and other trees ; cam- phora'ceous ( + aceous) ; camphoric, pertaining to, or of the nature of camphor. camptod'romus (Kcfytrw, I bend ; 5p6/j.os, course), venation in which the secondary veins curve towards the margins, but do not form loops ; camptot'ropal (T/JOTTT/, a turn), an orthotropal ovule, but curved like a horse-shoe. campulit'ropal (/ta^TrtfXos, curved ; rpoirrj, a turn) ; campulit'ropous, see CAMPYLITROPAL, etc. ; campy lod'- romous, -mus (dpopos, a course), venation which has its primary veins curved in a more or less bowed form towards the leaf apex ; campylosper'mous -mus (o-Tr^a, seed), having the albumen curved at the margin so as to form a longi- tudinal furrow ; campylot'ropal, campylot'ropous (T/JOTTT?, a turn), applied to an ovule, one side of 41 Canada Balsam capreolate which has grown faster than the other so as to bring its true apex (micropyle) near the hilum. Can'ada Bal'saui, an oleo-resin ob- tained from Abies balsamea, Mill., much used in the preparation of microscopical specimens. Canal', cana'lis (Lat., pipe or channel), an internal channel ; <*- Cells, an axial row of cells in the neck of the archegonium, ultimately forming a canal by disappearance of the septa, which becomes the way of access for antherozoids ; ~ Ra'phe, modifica- tion of the raphe in Diatoms, with longitudinal fissure, as in Suriretta ; canalic'ulate, canalicula'tus, chan- nelled, with a longitudinal groove ; Canalic'ulus (Lat., a small channel), a diminutive of CANAL. can'cellate, cancella'tus(La,b. ,latticed), as in Clathru8, and Ouvirandra. can'dicant, cand 'leans (Lat.), white, clear and shining. eandldus (Lat.), white, and shining ; brilliant. Cane, the stem of reeds, large grasses, and small palms; Cane-sugar, a sucrose, the crystallised product of Sugar-cane, Beetroot, Sorghum, etc. — Sugar - cane, Saccharum ojficin- arum, Linn. : its chief fungus-dis- eases are Cane Freckle, ~ Eust, cause uncertain ; ^ Spume, by Strumdla Sacchari, Peck; <~ Soot, by Macro- sporium graminum, Cooke. canella'ceous, (1) pertaining to the order of which Canella, P. Br. is the type ; (2) resembling cinnamon, Ital. Canella, in taste or shape. canes'cent, canes' 'cens (Lat.), growing grey or hoary. Cank'er, a disease in decidous leaved trees, ascribed to Nectria ditissima, Tul. shown by malformed rind, with swollen cushion-like margin, and depressed centre. Cantharoph'ilae (Kdvdapos, a beetle, i\tw, I love), plants which are fertilized by beetles, having showy colours, and abundance of pollen. ca'nus (Lat.), hoary, grey. Caoutcn'ouc, pr. koot'shook, a sub- stance occurring in the milky latex of many plants ; it is allied to the Hydrocarbons. Cap, (1) Grew's term for the husk of a nut; (2) the pileus of Hymen- omycetous fungi ; (3) the calyptra of Mosses ; ~ Cells, the upper sister- cells of the embryo-sac in the ovule which are compressed as the embryo- sac develops and for a time figure as a cap on its apex ; <~ Fungi, pileate Fungi, as the Mushroom. Cellulose ^, formation by proto- plasm of cells of certain trichomes. capiUa'ceous, -ceus, cap'illary, capil- la'ris (capillus, a hair), slender, comparable with a hair ; capilla'tus, hairy; capilla'tae Radi'ces, roots with evident root - hairs ; CapiT- lament, Capillament'um, the fila- ment of an anther ; capillamento'sus (Lat.), comose; CapiUitlum, sterile, thread -like tubes or fibres growing amongst the spores in a sporogenous body, frequently forming a net, especially in My xogastres; Capillus, the width of a hair, taken as Ath of a line or about '17 mm. Capitalist, a term applied to plants having a large reserve of material, and insect fertilized. capitate, capita' his (Lat., having a head), (1) pin-headed, as the stigma of a primrose ; (2) growing in heads, as the flowers of Composites ; capitell'ate, capitella'tus, diminutive of CAPITATE; CapitelTum, the cap- sule of Mosses ; capitiformls £ (forma, shape), shaped like a head, somewhat globose ; capit'ular = CAPITELLATE (Crozier) ; capit'uli- form, shaped somewhat like a head ; Capit'ulum (Lat., a little head), (1) a close head of sessile flowers ; (2) a term vaguely applied to the pileus, etc. of Fungi ; (3) a rounded cell borne upon each of the manu- bria in the antheridium of Chara ; head -cell. capno'des, capnoi'des (/caTn/t^s, smoky), smoke-coloured. cap'reolate, capreola'tus (capreolus, a tendril), having tendrils. 42 Caprification oarnous Caprifica'tion, Caprifica'tio (Lat.), (1) the fertilization of the fig by insects, branches of the wild fig being placed among the cultivated kind ; the subsequent fertilization is attributed to the punctures of an hymenopterous insect ; (2) fecunda- tion by artificial means ; Caprift'cus (Lat.), the wild or "male" fig, the uncultivated form. CapselTa (/cdi/'a, a box), Link's term for ACHENE. Cap'sicin, an acrid alkaloid principle found in some species of Capsicum. Capsoma'nia (/cd^a, a box, mania, mad- ness), a multiplication of pistils. Cap'sule, Cap'sula, (1) a dry, dehiscent seed-vessel ; (2) the theca of Mosses ; (3) J the perithecium or receptacle of Fungi ; cap'sular, capsida'ris, possessing a fruit of the kind just mentioned ; cap'sulate, enclosed in a capsule ; capsulife'rous, -rus, (fe.ro, I bear), bearing capsules. ) Cap'ut (Lat. the head), the peridium of some Fungi ; -~ Florum J = CAPIT- ULUM ; ~ Radi'cis, the crown of the root ; the obsolete stem or bud of herbaceous plants. Carbon/drates (Carbon + Hydrate), non-volatile solids, as arabic acid, cellulose, dextrin, starch, sugar; the non-saccharine members may be turned into sugars by boiling in dilute acids, usually into glucose (dextrose). Car'bon Diox'ide=Cp2 ; carbona'ceous ( + aceous), consisting chiefly of sub- stances in which carbon predo- minates ; carb'onised, turned into nearly pure carbon by slow com- bustion, as charcoal. Car'cerule, Carceru'lus (career, prison), Desvaux's name for a dry, indehis- cent, many-celled, superior fruit, such as that of the lime-tree ; (2) it has also been employed for the sporangia of some Fungi ; carceru'- lar, carcenda'ris, having a carcerule fruit. Carcino'des (KapKivudys, cancerous dis- ease) and Carcino'ma (Kapdvw/xa, cancerous ulcer), have been used to denote CANKER and kindred Carcith'ium J or Carcyth'ium J (tcap- Kivovffdai, to become entangled, as roots), Necker's word for MY- CELIUM ; Carcy'tes, J = MYCELIUM. Carene (Fr. Carene) = CARINA, keel; has been used for the keel or midrib in the leaves of grasses. Caricog'rapliy (Carex, Caricis, ypa7ros, fruit, aSijXos, not manifest) = CRE- MOCARP. Carp'el, Carpell'um (napiros, fruit), a simple pistil, or element of a com- pound pistil, answering to a single leaf ; a female sporophyll ; carpel- 1'ary, carpella'ris, carp'icus, relat- ing to a carpel ; Carpld, Carpid'- ium,= diminutive of CARPEL; Car- plum, (1) the oogonium modified by fertilization, which remains as an envelope around the embryo ; (2) £= CARPEL; Carpoasci (dovcoj, a wine-skin), the more complex As- corny cetous Fungi ,all, except the Ex- oascaceae (Kerner) ; Carpoclo'nium (K\vr6v, a plant), Phanerogams ; Carpopod'ium £ (podium, an eleva- tion), fruit - stalk ; Carp'ospenn (tnrepfjLa, seed), the impregnated oosphere of Algae ; Carposporan'gia ((T7ro/>A, a seed, ayyeiov, a vessel), dif- ferentiated sporangia in the cysto- carp of Rhodophyceae ; Carp'o- spore (ffiropa, a seed) ; (1) spore ; (2) a spherical uninuclear spore formed in a sporocarp, arising from the swollen tips of branched filaments resulting from the fer- tilization of the carpogonium ; Car- pospo'reae, one of Cohn's, also Sachs's main divisions of Thallo- phytes, of plants which produce spore-fruit as the result of fertiliza- tion ; carpospor'ic, resembling a carpospore ; Carp'ostome, Carposto'- mium (crrbpa., the mouth), the opening in the cystocarp of some Algae ; Carpopto/sis(7rrc3(ris,falling), abnormal falling of the fruit ; car- pot'ropic (rpoiTT], a turn), used of movements for protection of the fruit, or its dissemination. Car'ragheen Moss, chiefly of Chondrtia crispm, Ag. 44 Carthamine catenulate Cartn'amine, red colouring matter from flowers of Carthamus tinctorius, Linn. cartilag'inous, cartilagiri eus (Lat., gristly), hard and tough, as the skin of an apple-pip. Caruncle, Carunc'ula (Lat., a little piece of flesh), a wart or protuber- ance near the hilum of a seed; carunc'ulate, caruncula'tus, possess- ing a caruncle. CaryoMne'sis or Caryocine'sis (Crozier) = KARYOKINESIS ; nuclear division. caryolyt'ic (xapvov, a nut, X&ris, a loos- ing), relating to nuclear dissolution. caryophylla'ceous, -ceus ; caryophyl- 1'eous, -lous, used of a corolla hav- ing petals with a long claw as in Dianthus Caryophyttus, Linn., whence the name ; caryophylla'tus, = the same. Car'yoplasm (Kapvov, a nut = nucleus, TrXdoyict, moulded), Vuillemin's term for the plasma of the nucleus ; Caryop'sis (d^is, resemblance) = CARIOPSIS ; Car'yosomes (o-oJ^a, the body), the constituents of the nucleus (Vuillemin). Cas'ein, see PLANT-CASEIN. Casque = GALEA. cassid'eous, -eu8 (cassis, a helmet), helmet-shaped, as the upper sepal in Aconitum. cas'sus (Lat., empty), empty, as an anther destitute of pollen. casta'neus (Lat.), chestnut-coloured. cast'ing, prematurely shedding leaves, or fruit. cas'trate, castra'tus (Lat. , gelded), said of a defective part, as a filament without an anther ; Castra'tion, in botany ; (1) removal of anthers for artificial crossing ; (2) the action of Ustilago, etc. on Lychnis and allied genera ; divided into amphig'enous ~ , transformation in either stamens or pistils ; androg'enous ~ , produe- tion of anthers ; thelyg'ynous, pro- duction of pistils in male-host. Cas'ual (casualis, fortuitous), H. C. Watson's term for an occasional weed of cultivation, which is not naturalised. catabol'ic(/card, down; )S6Xos, a throw), adj. of Catab'olism, destructive metabolism of the protoplasm, or the formation of simpler substances from more complex, accompanied by a. conversion of potential into kinetic energy ; also spelt KATA- BOLISM ; Catacle'sium J (/cX^cns, a shutting up) = DICLESIUM ; Cata- corolTa (corolla, a little garland), a second corolla formed exterior to the true one ; resembling a hose-in- hose flower; catad'romous (3/>6/*os, course), Luerssen's term when the first set of nerves in each segment of a Fern frond is given off on the basal side of the mid-rib, as in Osmunda ; Catagen'esis (yeve, leaf), the early leaf -forms of a plant or shoot, as cotyledons, bud-scales, rhizome-scales, etc. ; in German, Niederblatter; cataphylTary, of the nature of the foregoing; ^Leaves, = CATAPHYLLS. Cat'apult Fruit ; those fruits dispers- ing seeds or fruit segments by the elasticity of their peduncles. Cat'echu, pr. Cat'eshoo, cutch, the heart - wood of Acacia Catechu, Willd. , powerfully astringent from its rich tannin-contents. cat'enate (catena, a chain), the co- herency of Diatom frustules in a connected chain; caten'ulate, ca- tenida'tus, formed of parts united or linked as in a chain. 45 Cathedrus Cell-wall Cath'edrus (/caflefya, a chair), a part growing between the angles of a stem; cathod'al, cathod'ic (/card, down; 63o's, a way) = KATHODic. Cat'lon, a deciduous spike, consisting of unisexual apetalous flowers, an amentum ; the male flowers of Cycads and Conifers are errone- ously styled catkins ; Cat'ulus (Lat. puppy), + a synonym of CATKIN. Cau'da (Lat.), a tail, any tail-like appendage ; caud'ate, cauda'tus, tailed. Cau'dex (Lat.), the axis of a plant, consisting of stem and root ; <~ de- scen'dens, the root ; ~ Radi'cis, the root- tip ; <~ re'pens $ - RHIZOME ; caud'ici - contin'uus J continuous with the stem, used of those leaves which have no articulation with the stem ; caudic'iform (forma, shape), like a caudex in form ; Cau'dicle, caudic'ula, the cartilaginous strap which connects certain pollen-mas- ses to the stigma, as in Orchids. caulesc'ent, -eus (caiUis, a stalk), be- coming stalked, where the stalk is clearly apparent ; Caul'icle, Caul'ic- \ile,Caulic'ulii8, a diminutive stalk ; (1) a small stem produced on the neck of a root without the previous production of a leaf ; (2) the imag- inary space between the radicle and the cotyledons of an embryo, now termed the hypocotyl ; (3) the stipe of certain Fungi ; caulic'olous (colo, I dwell), applied to Fungi which live on stems ; caulif erous (fero, I bear), bearing a stalk; caul'iform (forma, shape), having the shape of a stalk; CauTiflower ( + Flower), hypertrophy of the flower - stalk, accompanied by defective flowers ; caulig'enous (yet>os, race), arising from a stem ; caulig' erous (gero, I bear), borne on a stem ; Caulid'ium, term proposed by Bower to express the leaf in the oophore generation ; its analogue in the sporophore generation is CAULOME; caul'inar, cauTinary, canlina'rw, -rius ; = CAULINE; cauTine, caidi'nus, be- longing to the stem or arising from it, <•" Bun'dles, vascular bundles growing acropetally with the stem, having no direct communication with the bundles which pass into the leaves. Cau'lis (Lat.), a stem ; the ascending axis, restricted to the above-ground portion in its normal state ; ^ de- liquesc'ens,t a stem which branches irregularly ; ~ excurr'ens, a stem shooting straight upwards, having side branches as in Abies. caulocarp'ous, cautocarp'eiis, -picus (KCU/XOS, stem, napiros, fruit), bear- ing fruit repeatedly, as trees and shrubs; CauTode (eZSos, resem- blance), a portion of a Thallophyte which simulates a stem ; Caulo'ma £ (1) the stem of a palm ; (2) the stem- like portion of such Algae as Fuci ; CauTome the stem as an abstract entity, the leaf-developing axis ; Bower suggests its restriction to the sporophore generation only ; CauTonier Gue/>os,a part), a secondary axis in a sympodium ; Caulotax'is (rd£is, arrangement), the order of branches upon a stem. caustlcus (Lat. burning), biting in taste, as Cayenne Pepper. caverna'rius (caverna, a cave), grow- ing in caves ; Cavern'uli, the pores of such Fungi as Polyporua. Cav'itus J (cavus, hollow), and Cavus are given by Lindley as respec- tively, the perithecium and peri- dium of some Fungi ; also Cav'us sup'erus, defined by him as the hymenium of certain Fungi. Cecidi'um (K-rjids, a gall), the galls pro- duced by Fungi or insects, the con- sequence of infection being an abnormal growth. Cell, Cell'ula(La.t. a small apartment), (1) an independent unit of proto- plasm, strictly with a single nuc- leus, contained in a chamber of cellulose, etc., which originally was recognised and called cell, now ~ -Wall ; (2) the cavity of an anther, otherwise anther-lobe ; (3) the cavity of an ovary or pericarp, 46 Cell- Bundles Cellulose containing the ovules or seeds ; ~ Bun'dles, a band or bundle of similar cells, as the bast fibre in dicotyledons ; ~ Con'tents, of two kinds, living or protoplasmic, and non - living, such as starch, fats, proteids, crystals, cell-sap, and the substances dissolved in it ; ~ Division, in free cell - division, several daughter- cells are formed in the cavity of the mother-cell ; in ordinary cell division, as a rule only two daughter- cells are formed, usually followed by a subsequent further division of each ; ~ Fam'ily, a group of cells of common origin, a colony or coeno- bium ; ~ Fi'bres, the achromatic filaments which form the nuclear spindle in nuclear-division ; <~ Forma'tion, the construction of a new cell by reorganisation of the protoplasmic energid, with or without division of the cytoplasm ; <- Fu'sions, cells united by absorp- tion or perforation of transverse walls as Sieve- vessels ; <~ Groups, associations of similar cells, as the sclerenchyma in the pulp of the pear, or in cork ; ^ Mas'ses, when cells are united in all directions of space, not having necessarily any definite form ; ~ Multiplica'- tion takes place by the forma- tion of two or more protoplasmic bodies out of one ; <~ Nu'cleus, an organised structure within the cell, the active agent in division, usually spherical in form, and of higher refractive power than the rest of the cell-contents ; <~ Plate, formed by the thickening of threads of kinoplasm, marking out the future septa ; ~ Rows, have the cells in contact by their ends, thus making a filament ; ^ Sap, a watery solution of various sub- stances, salts, sugars, alkaloids, and the like ; ~ Tissue, dis- tinguished from vascular tissue by being made up of cells only ; ~ Sur'faces, where the cells form a single layer, as in some Algae ; <- Wall, a closed membrane, formed of cellulose, and a small proportion of mineral substances, originated by the layer of protoplasm which lines it, frequently thickened by second- ary deposits. Primordial ~ , a cell previous to the creation of a cell- wall. Cel'la (Lat., storeroom), (1) Scopoli's name for the fruit of Couroupita, Aubl. ; (2) J a form of perithecium in Fungi (Lindley) ; cellif erous (fero, I bear), bearing or producing cells. Cellul (cellula, a cell), Blair's term for anther; cellular, celluia'ris, consisting of cells, spongy : <~ Bark, ~ En'velope, the middle layer of the bark, mesophloeum ; ~ Plants, plants which do not possess vas- cular tissue ; non-vascular Crypto- gams ; ~ Spore = SPORIDESM ; Cellu- la'res ; (1) plants which are built up of cells only, as those last men- tioned ; (2) recently the term has been applied to all plants built up of cells, in opposition to non- cellular or unicellular ; CelTule, Cdl'ula, diminutive of cell ; cellu- lif erous, (fero, I bear), bearing or producing cellules ; Cell'ulin, Pring- sheim's term for a modification of cellulose; ~ Grains, bodies found in vegetative hyphae ; Cellulo'sae, Corda's name for SPORIDESM. CelTulose (cellula, a cell), (1) a carbohydrate, the chief organic base of the cell-wall; (2) Dia- tom valves composed of cellules are termed cellulose, a synonym of CELLULAR ; CelTuloses, a generic term for the carbohydrate group above mentioned ; divided by chemists into sub-groups, as, Adi- pocell'uloses (adeps, adipis, fat), consisting of cuticular tissues of leaves and fruits and of cork; HemicelTuloses, all carbohydrates in the cell-wall which are not coloured blue by chlor-zinc-iodide, such as reserve-cellulose, etc. ; Lig. nocell'uloses, lignin combined with cellulose, as in Jute fibre ; Meta- cell'uloses, found in Fungi and 47 Cellulose ceraceous Lichens, the fungine of Braconnot ; ParaceU'uloses, the cellular tissue and epidermal cells of leaves ; Pectocell'uloses, composed of pectic acids and cellulose, such as the puri- fied bast of Russian flax. — Other modifications are named but not characterised by Messrs Cross and Bevan in their work "Cellulose," 1895, as Cuto-, Hydra-, Hydro-, Muco-, Nitro-, Pseudo - celluloses. Fung'us-ceirulose = CHITIN j Re- serve ~ , cellulose which is stored up as a food-supply ; cellulo'so-plic'ate, folded so as to form small cells (Phillips) ; Cellulo'side, a mixture of cellulose and pectose, compos- ing the primitive cell-wall (Green). Cement' -Disk, the retinaculum in Orchids. Cementa'tion, union of the membranes of hyphae by a slip of cementing substance, concrescence; in German, Verklebung. Cenanth'y (KCVOS, empty, at>6os, a flower), suppression of the stamens and pistils, leaving the perianth empty. ceno'biar, cenobio'neus, cenobionar'is, Ceno'bium, see COENOBIAB, etc. cenogenet'ic (KCWS, void, yeverrjp, a parent), secondary (Crozier). centifo'lious (centum, a hundred ; folium, a leaf), literally having a hundred leaves ; actually, more than can be readily counted ; Centi- metre, Centime' trum, .3937 of an English inch, roughly, Mhs. cen'tral (centrum, the middle), relat- ing to the centre of a body ; ~ Cell, of the archegonium, that in the venter from which the oosphere, and ventral canal-cell arise ; ~ Cord, a series of cells in the leaves and other parts of Mosses, which simulates a vessel ; «~ Cylinder, in stems and roots the portion within the endodermis ; Cent're, in Dia- toms, the middle point of the pervalvar axis ; cent'ric, in the middle ; centrifugal (fugo, I flee), tending outwards or developing from the centre outwards ; centri- p'etal (peto, I seek), developing towards the centre from without ; Centrogen'esis (yevevis, beginning), the rotate or peripheral type of form assumed by plants (L. H. Bailey); adj. centrogen'ic ; cf. DlPLEUEOGENESIS. Cent'ron (Kcvrpov, a sharp point), in compounds = Spur. Cent'rum (Lat.), the centre of a solid body ; Cent'rosome (o-w^ct, body), minute bodies believed to have directive influence in nuclear di- vision; the central particle of the centrosphere ; Cent'rospheres (cupa, a sphere), two small colourless bodies near the nucleus, imbedded in the cytoplasm, having a centrosome in each ; centroxyl'ic (£v\oj/, wood), referring to Centrox'- yly, centrifugal primary woody structure (Van Tieghem). Cent'ury (centuria, a hundred), in sets of dried plants, each hundred is styled a century. cepa'ceous, -ceus (cepa, an onion), having the taste or smell of garlic, alliaceous. Cephalanth'ium J (ice^aX^, a head, &vdos, a flower), the capitulum or head of composites, anthodium ; Cepha'lium, a woody enlargement at the apex of the stem in some Cacteae, from which the flowers appear ; ceph'alodine, forming a head (Leighton) ; Cephalo'dium, (1) a knoblike shield as in the genus Scyphophorus ; (2) the capitulum of Composites ; (3) peculiarly shaped, branched or convex outgrowth of a Lichen-thallus, in which algal cells are situated ; (4) a synonym of TUBERCULUM ; ceph'aloid, cepnal- oid'eous, -deus (eldos, resemblance), capitate ; Cephalo'nion Gall, a sac- like gall, joined to the leaf by a narrow neck (Kerner). Cepnaloph'orum (0o/>ew, I carry), (1) the receptacle, or (2), the stipe of some Fungi. cera'ceous, -eus (cereus, Lat. ), waxy, (1) in appearance, or (2) colour, that of unbleached wax. Ceramidium Characind Ceramid'mm (nepa/Mov, a jar), syn- onym of CYSTOCARP. Cer'asin, a gummy exudation from plum and cherry trees, swelling in water but not dissolving ; the name is from Prunus Cerasm, Linn. Ceratench'yma (xe/jas, a horn ; £yxu/*a, poured in), the tissue of effete sieve- tubes which becomes horny in texture. Cer'atrin, the bitter principle of " Ice- land Moss," Cetraria islandica, Linn. Cera'tium (/cepcts, a horn), a long slender one - celled, two - valved, superior fruit, as in Hypecoum, " capsula siliquiformis "; Ceratoma'nia (/j,avia, frenzy), monstrous production of horn- like or hooded structures in the flower. Cercid'ium (Kepddiov, a small comb), the mycelium of some Fungi. Ce'real, cerea'lis (Ceres, goddess of agriculture), any Gramineae whose seeds serve as food ; Cerea'lia, corn- plants generally ; Ce'reum, Ce'rium, Ce'rio, =CARIOPSIS. cer'ebriform (cerebrum, the brain ; forma, shape), having an irregular brain-like appearance, as the kernel of a walnut. Ce'rin, Ce'rine (cera, wax), a substance stated to be a constituent of cork. cerif erous (cera, wax ; fero, I bear), wax-producing ; ceri'nus (Lat. ), the colour of yellow wax. cern'uous, cern'uus (Lat.), nodding, applied to such flowers as Narcis- sus, or Coltsfoot when in fruit. cerussa'tus (Lat.), white as though painted with white lead. cerv'ine, cervi'nus, cervic'olor (cervus, a stag), dark tawny colour. CerVix (Lat., the neck ) = RHIZOME. ce'sious (caesius, the grey of the eye), blue-grey, usually spelled CAESIOUS. cespitit'ious, pr. cespitish'us ; cesp'- itose,-tows (cespes, turf), pertaining to turf, or growing in tufts ; ces- pit'ulose, somewhat tufted ; cf. CAESPES. Ce'trarin, a principle from several species of the genus Cetraria. Chae'ta (xairifj, a bristle), the slender sporophore of Mosses, the seta. Chaff, (1) small membranous scales, degenerate bracts, in many Com- positae ; (2) the outer envelopes of cereal grains ; chaffy, pale- aceous. Chain- gem'ma (gemma, a bud), in Fungi, having the form of a septate confervoid filament, the segments of which are capable of growth ; termed also SPROUT-GEMMA. Cliala'za (xdXafa, small tubercle), that part of the ovule or seed where the nucellus joins the integuments ; it is the base of the nucleus and is always opposite the upper end of the cotyledons ; chalazi'nus, like a chalaza, or pertaining thereto, chala'zian ; Chala'zogams (yd/tos, marriage), plants which are fertil- ized through the chalaza, and not the foramen, as Casuarina, and many Cupuliferae ; Chalazog'amy, fertilization by the chalaza ; adj. chalazogam'ic. Chalk - glands, multicellular glands which deposit calcareous matter as in some Saxifrages, the secretion escaping through a special channel, the water-pore ; ~ White, pure white, cretaceous. chalyb'eus (Lat. of steel), steel-grey, or lead-coloured. Chamber-fluid, the Kammerflussig- keit of Crato, comprising cell-sap and enchylema between lamellae of protoplasm. Chambered-fibres, fibres which have become septate and seemingly multi- cellular, as in the secondary wood of Dicotyledons ; ~ Ovary, when the margins of the carpels project into the interior to form incomplete longitudinal dissepiments, the ovary remaining anilocular. channelled, hollowed out like a gutter, as in many leaf-stalks. Chaplet, a series of objects arranged like beads on a string, as the spores of Cystopm (Crozier). Char'acine, a species of camphor from terrestrial Algae, as Palmellat characmus (Jhiorophyii Oacillaria, etc. ; it smells like Chara, hence the name. c&araci'nus $ Chara-like, composed of a single, or a few parallel tubes. Char'acter (Lat., a mark), the technical difference whereby allied forms are distinguished, as ordinal, generic, specific, and so on. charta'ceous, -ceus (charta, paper + aceous), papery. Chasmog'ainy (xcio-Ata, a gaping fissure ; 7t£/ios, marriage), the opening of the perianth at the time of flowering, as opposed to cleistogamic ; adj. chasmogam'ic. Check, an experiment or observation for confirmation, frequently the word " Control " is used for this. Che'mo-Aesthe'sia (chem + afoOriffis, perception by sense), term employed by Czapek to express the capacity of a plant-organ to respond to chemical stimuli ; Chemol'ysis (XuVts, a loosing), chemical solution or analysis ; Chemotax'is (ra£is, order), the attraction of bacteria, anthero- zoids, etc., by certain substances; sometimes spelled chemiotax'is ; adj. cnemotact'ic; neg'ative Chemotax'is, repulsion instead of attraction. chermesi'nus (Lat. dyed with Cher- mes), crimson. Cheiloma'nia(x«Xo5, lipj/uu'ta, frenzy), Morren's term for the doubling of the lip in Orchids, as in Orchis Morio, Linn. Chila'rium (xeiXdpioi/, a lip), the bound- ary of a small pit in the testa of Phaseolus, of two moveable valves, which, by hygrometric movements cause the rupture of the testa ; chi'- lary La/er, the investment of the seed which contains the chilarium. chi'lding, proliferous. Chi'ua (Ital.), (1) a synonym for QUI- NINE ; (2) the bark of Cinchona, sup- plying valuable febrifuges and tonics. Chinin' = Qu ININB. chionoph'ilous (x^, snow ; 0iXew, I love), F. Lud wig's term for the winter-leaves of Hdleborus foeti- dus, Linn.; cnionopli'obous (06/3os, fear, dismay), the same author's word for the summer-leaves of the same plant. CM'tin (XIT&V, coat of mail), a sub- stance allied to horn, which forms the protective covering of many insects such as beetles, identified as being of the same composition as Fungus-cellulose. Chlamydogonid'ium (xXa/tfc, xXa//>6s, grass green, d/iuXov, fine flour), Belzung's term for chlorophyll granules derived from the transformation of starch ; Chlor'anthy (&vdos, a flower), the change of all or most parts of the flower into leaf-like organs, frond- escence ; cnloras'cens, green, in- clining to yellow ; Chlorench'yma (£yxyij'a> an infusion), assimilating tissues ; CMor'in, used by Kraus to denote the green constituent of chlorophyll ; chlori'nus, yellowish green; CMor'is, used as the title of a work on the plants of a district, analogous to Flora ; cfcloroch'rous (xpo'ct, complexion), having a green skin; Chlorofu'cine(0C/fo$,/wctts, sea- weed) , a chlorophyll of a clear yellow- ish-green colour (Sorby) ; chloro- phae'us(06\\ov, a leaf), separate leaved. Chortonom'ia J (xopros, green herbage; vd/ios, law), " The art of making an herbarium." chromatic (xpcD/ut, colour), relating to colour ; "* Thread, the filiform body in nuclear division, which breaks up into CHROMOSOMES ; Chromatid'iuin.t the colouring matter of plants ; Chro'matin (Flemming), that portion of the nucleus which readily takes arti- ficial staining, termed Nuclein by Strasburger ; Chromatol'ysis (Xi5, a leaf), any substance which colours plant- cells; Chromoleuc'ite (Xev/cos, white), Van Tieghem's name for protoplas- mic colour granules ; Chro'moplast ( A. Meyer ),Chromoplast'id( A. Schim- per) (TrXdo-Tos, moulded), are syno- nyms for granules containing other colouring than chlorophyll ; Chro'- mosomes (o-w^a, a body), fibrillar bodies of definite number formed during nuclear division, dividing by fission into new groups, and con- tributing to form the daughter nuclei ; Daughter ~ , secondary or derived chromosomes ; Chro'mule, Chro'mula, colouring matter of the plant, other than chlorophyll, ap- plied especially to petals. Cnronizo'ospore (xpovos, time ; £wo?, living; o-7ro/)A,aseed),amicrozoogoni- dium produced by Hydrodictyon, which rests for some weeks before germinating ; also called Chron'- ispore (Pringsheim). chroococ'coid, resembling Chroococcus; cliroococca'ceous, allied to the same genus. chroole'poid, like the genus Chro- olepis ; consisting of yellow scales. chrysaloi'deus (chrysalis, a pupa ; efSos resemblance), rolled up and folded up at the same time ; wrapped up as an insect pupa or chrysalis. chrysan'thine (x/wVos, gold; &vdost a flower), yellow flowered; cnry- seU'us, somewhat golden-hued ; chry'seus, yellow as gold ; chrysi'- tes (Lat., a precious stone), gold- coloured; chrysoch'rous (xp&s, skin), having a yellow skin ; Chryso- gonid'ium (VOVTI, offspring), a yel- low gonidium of Lichens ; chryso- gon'imus (v6vi/j.os, fruitful), the layer of yellow gonidia in some Lichens; Chry'sophan (0abw, I show) occurs in Physcia parietina De Not., etc., as gold-coloured crystals ; also known as chryso- phan'ic Ac'id ; Cbry'sopliyll (0riAXoy, a leaf), a yellow colouring matter from leaves ; Chrysorham'nin, a yellow substance from unripe buck- thorn berries, Rhamnus catharticus, Linn. ; Chrysotan'nin ( + TANNIN), a group of colouring matters in plants, when oxidized giving rise to brown tints in autumn foliage. chymif erus (x juice ; fero, I bear), chymif era va'sa, t Hed wig's term for an imaginary "sap -thread*' rolled round a tube to form a trach- eid or spiral vessel. Chytridio'sis, a disease due to Cladochytrium viticolum, Prunet. Cic'atrice, Gicatric'ula, Cica'trix (Lat., a scar), the mark left by the separa- tion of one part from another, as the leaf ; cicatrisa'tus, cic'atricose, cicatrico'sus, scarred or scarry. Cicin'nus (KIKIVVOS, a ringlet), = CiN- CINNUS. Ciench'yma (possibly, /a'w,Igo; ^yxvfia^ an infusion), a system of inter- cellular spaces (Kohler,fideCrozier). Cil'ia, pi. of Cil'ium (Lat., an eyelash), (1) Vibratile whip-like processes of protoplasm by which zoospores and similar bodies move ; (2) the hair-like processes in the endostome in Mosses ; (3) the marginal hairs of Luzula; cilia'ris (Lat.), like an eye- lash, or short hair; cil'iate, cilia' tus, fringed with hairs; cilia' todenta' tus, the teeth finely serrate, as if fringed; cil'iiform (/orma,shape),resembling cilia; cil'iograde (gradus, a step), moving by means of cilia (Crozier) ; Cil'iola, secondary or diminutive cilium. cimici'nus (cimex, a bug), smelling of bugs, as Coriander. Cincho'na (genus), compounds, see CHINA, QUININE, etc.; cinchona'- ceous ( + aceous), relating to cin- chona plants ; Cin'chonine, one of the alkaloids found in the bark of the Cinchona ; cinchon'ic, relating to the same genus. cin'cinnal, cincinna'lis (Lat., curled), applied to curled inflorescences as ~ Cyme, a cyme in which the suc- cessive flowers are on alternate 52 Cinclnnus Cirrhus sides of the pseudaxis ; <~ Dichot'- omy, in which alternate branches develop ; Cincin'nus (Lat., a curl), applied to a uniparous scorpioid cyme ; the erroneous form CICINNUS is found in some writers. cinc'tus (Lat., girded), used of albu- men when surrounded by an annular embryo. Cinench'yma (/aj/ew, I move ; tyxvt*a, an infusion), laticiferous tissue ; cinencnym'atous, possessing latex vessels. cinera'ceous, -eus (Lat.), somewhat ashy in tint. cineras'cens (cinis, cineris, ashes), turn- ing ashy grey ; ciner'eous, -ews(Lat., ashy), the grey of wood ashes ; cineric'ius, cinerit'ious, -ius = CIN- EKEOUS. Cing'ulum (Lat., a girdle), (1) the neck of a plant, that which is be- tween stem and root, the collum ; (2) the connecting zone, girdle, or hoop of Diatom-frustules. Cin'nabar (Kiwdpapi, a red pigment), (1) Dragon's blood, a resinous gum from Daemonorops Draco, Blume, and other plants ; (2) also the colour obtained from it, vermilion j cinna- bari'nus, scarlet. cin'namic, or cinnamo'mic, pertaining to cinnamon ; cinnamo'meus (Lat. ), cinnamon colour, a light yellowish brown. Ci'on, an old form of SCION. Cionosper'meae (/awi^a column, airepfj-a, a seed), plants whose ovules de- velop on a central, more or less columnar placenta, as Olacineae and Santalaceae. circa, in Latin compounds = round about. cir'cinal, circina'lis (circino, I make round), involute from the tip into a coil ; cir'cinnate, circinna'tus, coiled into a ring or partially so ; sometimes spelled cir'cinate. Circulation (circulatio, a revolution), the streaming motion of protoplasm in cells ; cf. ROTATION. circumax'ile, circumaxi'lis (circum, round; axis, an axle), surrounding a central axis which separates when the fruit splits open ; circumcinc'tus (Lat), girded round ; Circumciss'ion (circumcisus, cut around), (1) Blair's term for ringing fruit trees ; (2) cut round as the apothecia of some Lichens ; circumferen'tial (Lat. , circumferentia), relating to the circumference ; Circumlat'eralism (latus, lateris, a side), the tendency in plant phylogeny to develop a circular arrangement of parts (L. H. Bailey) ; circumnu'tate (nuto, I nod), the movements of the growing points of plants round the axis ; Circmnnuta'tion, the phenomenon of the apical portions of stem, tendril, root, turning to various quarters of the compass ; Circum- posit'io (positus, placed), a layer, or branch laid into the earth to root, whilst still connected with the parent stock ; circumsciss'ile, cir- cumscissi'lis, circumsciss'us (scindo, scissus, to split), dehiscing as if cut circularly around, as in the capsule of Anagallis ; Circumscrip'tion (scribo, scriptum, to write), (1) the outline of any organ ; (2) the defini- tion of a form or group of forms, aa of species, genera, orders; circumse'- piens (sepes, a hedge), surrounding, as a protection ; circumsepien'tia fo'lia, is used by de Candolle for leaves which surround the stem, as if to protect the young growth ; circummedulTary (medulla, the spinal marrow), a proposed emenda- tion of " perimedullary. " cir'rhate, cirra'tus, cirrha'tus, cirr- ha'lis, (cirrhuSyQ, tendril), tendrilled, or assuming the functions of a ten- dril; cirrhiferous (fe.ro, I bear), producing tendrils ; cirrh'iform, cirrhiform'is (forma, shape), appar- ently a tendril; Cirrho'sitas, the state of possessing tendrils ; cirrh'- ose, cirrh'ous, cirrho'sus, (1) ten- drilled, (2) with a wavy hair- point (Braithwaite) ; Cirrh'us, since Linnaeus, used for a tendril, a filiform organ of attachment, modified from a leaf, stipule, or 53 cirriferous Cleistocarp aborted branch. — The foregoing are frequently spelled cirrife'rous, cirr'iform, cirr'ose, Cirr'us, etc. (from cirrus, a curl). Cistell'a, Cist'ula(Lat., a little chest), used for the apothecia of Lichens, which, globular at first, burst at maturity. Cist'olitli = CYSTOLITH. Cist'ome, Cisto'ma (iclcrTiri, a box; , I carry), "the stipe of certain Fungals " (Lindley). citrelTus (from Citrus, Linn.), some- what yellow ; cit'reus, lemon-yel- low ; citrineU'us, yellowish ; cit'ric Acid is abundant in lemon juice. cladautoi'cous (/cXdSoy, a branch; auros, self ; ol/cos, a house), having the male inflorescence of a Moss on a proper branch ; Cladench'yma J (fyxu/ta, an infusion), branched parenchyma ; cladocarp'ous (/ca/jTro?, fruit), having a fruit terminating a lateral shoot in Mosses ; Clad'ode, a branch of a single internode simulating a leaf ; Clado'dium, a flat expansion of the stem ; Cladpdystro'pMa (5u$, bad ; T/>o077, nourishment), the perishing of branches; Clad'ophyll, Clado- phyll'a (01/XXov, a leaf), a branch assuming the form and function of a leaf, a cladode; Cladopto'sis (Trrums, a fall), abnormal casting off of branches; Cladoscle'reids (6s, hard ; eTSos, resemblance), stellate bodies containing calcium oxalate in leaves and floral en- velopes of Eurycde ferox, Salisb. ; cladosiphon'ic (alfyuv, a tube) hav- ing a tubular stele interrupted at the insertion of branches (Jeffrey) ; Cladostro'ma % ((rrp&ij.a, something spread), a receptacle or growing- point covered with carpels, each of which has a free placenta. Clamp-cells, small semicircular hollow protuberances, laterally attached to the walls of two adjoining hypha- cells, and stretching over the sep- tum between them ; ~ Connec'tions, the same. Clap'per, the water-sac, or lobule of Hepaticae. Clasileu'cite (/cXda-is, a fracture + Leu- cite), that part of the protoplasm differentiated in nuclear division to form the spindle and centrosomes or spheres when present (Dangeard). Clasp'ers, Grew's term for tendrils. " Class, Clas'sis (Lat. a fleet), a primary group of Orders, Dicotyledons for example ; Classifica'tion, arrange- ment under respective groups ; taxonomy, from Class to Variety, or Form. clatn'rate, dathra'tua (Lat. latticed), latticed, or pierced with apertures ; - Cell = Sieve-tube; Clath'rus (Lat. a lattice), a membrane pierced with holes and forming a sort of grating. Claus'ilus (clausus, shut), Richard's term for his macropodal embryo, when its radicle is united by its edges, and entirely encloses the rest (Lindley). cla'vate, dava'tus (clavus, a club), club-shaped, thickened towards the apex; claVellate, davdlaftus, diminutive of the foregoing ; Clav'- icle, Clavic'ula (Lat. vine-tendril), tendril, cirrhus ; clavic'ulate, davi- cula'tus, furnished with tendrils or hooks. clav'iform, daviform'is (dava, a club ; forma, shape), club-shaped ; clavil- lo'sus (Lat.), clubbed, or markedly club-shaped ; ClaVule, Clav'ula, the club-shaped sporophore in certain Fungi, as Clavaria; Cla'vus, the disease of Ergot in grasses, the young grain being malformed and club-shaped, from the attack of Claviceps purpurea, Tul. Claw, the narrowed base of the petals in such plants as Dianthus. Cleft, cut half-way down ; ~ -grafting, insertion of a scion in a cleft made in the stock. Cleis'tocarp (KXeto-rds, shut ; icapiros, fruit), an ascocarp, which is com- pletely closed, the spores escaping 54 cleistocarpous Coalitio by rupture, a cleistothecium ; cleis- tocarp'ous, applied to those Mosses whose capsules do not open by a lid ; cleistogam'ic, cleistog'amous (ydpos, marriage), with close fertil- ization, it taking place within the unopened flowers ; Cleistog'amy, the condition described ; Cleis'tog- ene (yevos, offspring), a plant which bears cleistogamous flowers (Cro- zier) ; Cleistog'eny, bearing cleisto- gamic flowers ; adj. cleistog'enous ; Pseudo <~ ; Hansgirg's term for an intermediate condition, the flowers being normal, but not opening, and pollination taking place within the closed perianth ; Cleistothe'cium (6-fiKi], a case), an ascocarp which remains closed till decay or rupture sets free the ascospores, a cleisto- carp ; Clest'ines, large parenchyma- tous cells in which raphides are frequently deposited. Climacorhi'zae (/c\fyca£, a ladder, pi fa, a root), Van Tieghem's term for Gym- nosperms and all Dicotyledons ex- cept the Nymphaeaceae, their root- hairs having an epidermal origin. Cli'mbing, ascending by using other objects as supports. Clinand'rium (K\ivr). a bed; av^p, dvdpos, a man), the anther-bed in Orchids, that part of the column in which the anther is concealed ; Clinanth'ium (di>6os, a flower), the receptacle in Compositae ; Clinid'- ium, the stalk supporting a stylo- spore ; Clinosporang'ium ((nropb, a seed ; dyyeTov, a vessel), a synonym of PYCNIDIUM ; Cli'nospore = STYLO- SPORE ; Cli'nium, (1) the receptacle of a Composite flower ; (2) the sporophore of some Fungi ; Cli'nos- tat = KLINOSTAT. clock' wise = dextrorse. Clona'rium J (K\WV, a little branch), the ripe, spiral-coated nucule of Chara. Close Fertiliza'tion, fecundation by its own pollen. closed, used of those fibro-vascular bundles in which all the pro-cam- bium cells become permanent tissue ; ^Bundles, as described, so that in- crease is prevented ; <~ Fertiliza'tion = CLOSE FERTILIZATION ; ~ Flow'ers, are cleistogamic Flowers ; ^ Nu'- cleus, that of the higher plants. Clo'sing Mem'brane, the original un- thickened cell-wall at the centre of a pit. Clo'ster, Clo' strum (K\Wv\\ov, a leaf ), when a leaf is covered with a woolly pubescence. Coelospenn'ae(/co?Xos, hollow; /m, a seed), plants whose seeds have albumen curved at the ends ; coelo- sperm'ous, coelosperm'us, hollow- seeded ; used for the seed-like carpels of Umbelliferae, with ventral face incurved at the top and bottom, as in coriander ; Coenanthlum (&v0os, a flower) = CLINANTHIUM. Coe'nobe = COENOBIUM. Coeno'bium (Koi.vbfii.ov, a cloister) ; (1) the same as CARCERULE ; (2) a colony of independent organisms united by a common investment, as Volvox, Pandorina, etc.; (3) fruits such as those of Labiates, consisting of distinct lobes but not terminated with a stigma ; sometimes spelled CENOBIUM, etc. ; adj. coeno'biar, coenobia'ris, coenobio'neus ; coeno'- bioid (elSos, resemblance), like a coenobium. Coenocladla (KO^OS, in common ; K\&dos, a branch), natural grafting, where branches have grown to- gether ; Coen'ocyte (/cirroj, a vessel), an aggregation of protoplasmic 56 coenopodus Colleter units (energids) enclosed in a com- mon wall, as in Vaucheria ; coeno- p'odUS, — COINOPODQS. coerules'cens, coeru'leus, = CAERULES- CENS, CAERULEUS. coesius=CAESius. coeta'neous, of the same age, existing at the same time ; also spelled COAETANEOUS. Coeto'nium (KOIT&V, a bed-chamber), the outer glumes of a multifloral spikelet in grasses (Trinius). coflfea'tus (Mod. Lat.), the colour of roasted coffee-berries, Coffea ara- bica, Linn. cohe'rent,coAeYews,cohe'ring(co/iaereo, I cleave to) ; (1 ) the act of Cohe'sion, the incorporation of one part with another, as the petals to form a tubular corolla ; (2) adherent. Co'hort, Co'hors (Lat., a band of soldiers), a group of orders, forming an Alliance. coinop'odus £ (KOIVOTTOVS, with common foot), terminating downwards in a cone, as most embryos ; Lindley also spells it coenop'odus. Colcn'icine, an alkaloid yielded by Colchicum autumnale, Linn. Colench'yma = COLLENCHYMA. Col'eogen (/coXeos, a sheath ; yevvdb), I bring forth), a ring-shaped group of cells, surrounding the mestome of Dicksonia, etc. (Haberlandt) ; Coleophyll'um (, a leaf), the first leaf in germination of mono- cotyledons, which sheathes the suc- ceeding leaves ; Coleop'tilum (wriXov, a feather) = Coleophyllum ; Coleo- rhi'za (/k'fa, a root), the sheath of a monocotyledonous embryo, when pierced by the true radicle ; adj. coleorhiza'tus ; Col'esule, Coles'ula ; (1) a membranous bag-like organ enclosing the sporangium of Hepa- ticae, the perichaetial sheath, usu- ally termed the Vaginule. Collap'sion, Coftap'mo(Lat., falling to- gether), the act of closing or falling together. Coll'ar, Coll' urn (Lat., neck) ; (1) the "neck" of a plant, the imaginary boundary between the above- and underground portion of the axis ; (2) the annulus in Agarics. Colla're J (Lat., a collar) = LIGTTLE. collateral (col-latero, to admit on both sides), standing side by side ; ~ Bun' dies, those having a single strand of bast and wood, side by side, and usually in the same radius ; BICOLLATERAL BUNDLES are a variation on this type, having two of one element to one of the other ; ~ Chor'isis, see CHORISIS. collecting (collect' io, a gathering to- gether) Cells, are roundish cells, destitute of chlorophyll and densely filled with protoplasm ; in German " Sammenzellen " ; ~ Hairs, hairs on the styles of some Compositae serving to collect the pollen on its discharge from the anthers ; col- lective Fruits, the aggregation of the fruits of several flowers into one mass, such as the mulberry ; Collectors, Collector' 'es, the hairs of certain styles, as in Campanula, which collect or brush out the pollen from the anthers ; Cf. COL- LECTING HAIRS. Collencli'yma (icdXXa, glue ; ZyxyH0') an infusion) ; (1) parenchymatous cells with cellulose walls usually elongated, forming strands of great strength under the epidermis, thick- ening in angles, etc. ; (2) the cel- lular matter in which the pollen is formed, usually absorbed, but re- maining and assuming a definite form in some plants as in Orchids, or delicate threads, as in Oenothera (Lindley) ; Bast ^, thickening chiefly involving the whole wall ; Cart'ilage ~, walls thickened all round with sharply differentiated inner lamella ; Meta caused by slow death of cell, and metamor- phosis of the cell- wall ; Plate ^ , a form which resembles the true hard bast ; Rift ~ , portion of wall bordering on an intercellular space alone thickened. ColTet= COLLAR. Colle'ter (KO\\T}TOS, glued), mucila- ginous hairs on the buds of 57 colliculose Commissure many phanerogams which secrete gum. collic'ulose, colliculo'sus (collicidus, a little hill), covered with little round elevations or hillocks. coniferous (collum, a collar), bear- ing a collar, as the stipe of an Agaric ; Colliform'e (forma, shape), an ostiole, the orifice being length- ened into a neck. coUiga'tus (Lat., fastened together), collected (S. F. Gray). colli'nus (Lat., appertaining to a hill), growing on low hills. Collum (Lat. neck) ; (1) the collar or neck of a plant, see COLLAR; (2) the lengthened orifice of the ostiole of Lichens. Colloids (/cdXXa, glue ; eWoj, resem- blance), substances of a gelatinous character ; opposed to crystalloid ; adj. colloidal. colo'nial (colonia, a band of settlers), in cell-division, every cell depend- ent on the other cells of the organ- ism at large (Hartog) ; Col'onist, H. C. Watson's term for weeds of the cultivated land and about houses, seldom found elsewhere ; Col'ony, see COENOBIUM. colorific (color, colour, facio, I make), applied to those Lichens which yield a dye. Col'our, col'oured, possessing any tint but green, technically white is re- garded as a colour, green is not; col'ourless, pale, and hyaline ; in Lichens, not brown. Colpench'yma (K^XTTOS, bosom ; £yxv,ita, an infusion), cellular tissue with sinuous cell-walls. Colum J (Lat. a strainer) = PLACENTA. columbi'nus (Lat.), dove-coloured; sometimes used for the tint of a blue pigeon. Col'umel (columella, a small pillar), Jaccard's term for lignified tissue formed in place of the fertilized archegonium, it bears at its extrem- ity the privileged embryo, the only one which develops, as in Ephedra helvetica, C. A. Mey.; Columella; (1) a persistent central axis round which the carpels of some fruits are arranged as in Geranium; (2) the axis of the capsule in Mosses ; (3) the receptacle bearing the spor- angia of Trichomanes, and other Ferns ; (4) the central portion of the anther in Solanaceae (Halsted) ; (5) a sterile axial body within the sporangium of Fungi ; columelli- fonn (forma, shape), shaped like a small pillar or column. Col'umn, Colum'na (Lat. a pillar), the combination of stamens and styles into a solid central body, as in Orchids ; colum'nar, columna'ris, having the form of a column, as the stamens of Malva. com, in Latin composition, a modifica- tion of con, with. Co'ma (Lat. the hair) ; (1) the hairs at the end of some seeds ; (2) the tuft at the summit of the inflorescence, as in the pineapple ; (3) the entire head of a tree ; co'mal Tuft, a tuft of leaves at the tip of a branch ; co'mate, coma'tus, tufted. combina'te - veno'sus J (Lat.), joined veins, when in a leaf the lateral veins unite before reaching the margin. comb-shaped, pectinate. combi'ned Hy'brids, hybrids hav- ing the strain of more than two species, as one arising from a simple hybrid -f another hybrid or species. Com'bus, used by S. F. Gray for COR- MUS, for which it is probably a mis- print. Com'ites (pi. of comes, a companion), Hegelmaier's term for certain cells occurring in the embryo-sac of Lupinus. commen'sal (com = con, with ; mensa, a table), used of two organisms living in mutual beneficent relations, as in the dual-lichen theory, where the Fungus stimulates the host- Algae to greater energy of function ; Commen'salism, the state in ques- tion. Com'missure, Commissu'ra (Lat., a joint or seam), the face by which common compound two carpels adhere, as in Um- belliferae. com'mon, (Lat. commu'nis), general or principal, as opposed to partial ; ^ Bud, containing both leaves and flowers, or more than one flower ; ~ Bun' dies, those which are common both to stem and leaf, being con- tinuous from one to the other ; — Calyx t = Involucre ; ~ Involu'cre, that belonging to the main inflor- escence, as of the general umbel; «~Name, one in popular use for a plant, exclusive of the scientific name ; ~ Ped'uncle, the main stalk, when it supports several subordin- ate ones, or pedicels ; <~ Perianth, occasionally used by the involucre as in Compositae; ~ Petiole, the first and principal leaf-stalk in com- pound leaves, the secondary petioles being termed " partial " ; ~ Recept'- acle, that which supports more than one organ; ~ Um/bel,= COMPOUND UMBEL. commu'nis (Lat.), growing in society ; not common, which is rendered by vulgaris. co'mose, como'sws (Lat. with much hair) tufted, comate. compact', compact'us (Lat.), closely joined or pressed together. Companion- Cells, in Phanerogams, cells which are associated with sieve-tubes and are of common origin, filled with granular proteid contents, and possessing strongly marked nuclei ; ~ Hyphae (vT), a web), the tip of the trichogyne of Poly stigma passing through a stoma into the air is accompanied by slender mycelial hyphae, which form a tuft, the so-called companion hyphae (De Bary). Compa'go, pi. Compa'gines (Lat. a connection), used by Wallroth in speaking of the Lichen-thallus when more or less brittle or readily parting into layers ; compagina'tus (Lat.) packed closely one over an- other. Com'pass-plants, those which' place their leaves so that their surfaces face east and west, the edges north and south, such as Silphium lacinia- turn, Linn. compltal (compita'lis, pertaining to cross roads) in venation when the veinlets angularly intersect ; also when the sori are on the point of junction. com'planate, complanaf tus (Lat. levelled), flattened, compressed. complete', comple'tus (Lat. filled), hav- ing all the parts belonging to it or the type. Com'plex, (Lat.), interwoven fibres, or group of complicated parts (Crozier). coinplex'us (Lat. em- braced), in vernation when a leaf is folded over another at the sides and apex ; ~ cellulo'sus (Lat.), = cellular tissue; «~ membrana'ceus, (Lat.), elementary membrane, ground- tissue ;~ tubula'ris, (Lat.), woody tissue, xylem;~utricula'ris (Lat.), angular cellular tissue ; ~ vas- cula'ris (Lat.), spiral vessels, some- times used for small vessels showing secondary deposits ; complexi'vus = COMPLEXUS. complicate, complica'tus (complico, I fold together), folded upon itself. Composition, composit'io (Lat. , putting together), the combination of parts to form the whole, as of subordinate parts to form an organ, or elements to form a substance. com'pound, similar parts aggregated into a common whole ; «~ Cor'ymb, one having more than one flower to each branch ; <~ Dicha'sium, that in which the primary axis divides into secondary dichasia ; ~ Flow'er, an accumulation of florets as in the Compositae, ANTHODIUM ; <~ Fruit, where many distinct carpels are associated, as in the mulberry ; ~ Fungus-body, growth form in which the thallus is constituted by the coherence of separate hyphal rami- fications ; ~ Hairs, branched or rami- fied hairs ; ~ Inflores'cence, where an inflorescence is itself composed of secondary ones ; <~ Leaf, one divided into separate blades 5 ~ compound confervoid O'vary, an ovary having more than one carpel ; ~ Pistil, two or more carpels coalescent into one body ; ~ Raceme', = PANICLE ; <~ Spike, occurring frequently on grasses, when the inflorescence is made up of spikes ; ~ Spore, = SPORIDESM ; ~ Spor'ophore, formed by cohesion of the ramifications of separate hyphal branches, Ger. Fruchtkor- per ; <*- Stem, one that is branched ; ~Um'bel, an association of simple umbels, each ray being itself an umbel. compress'ed, compress' ws(Lat. pressed together), flattened, complanate ; compressis'simus (Lat. ) excessively flattened. con (Lat. with), modified by euphony frequently into com — both meaning "with" in Latin compounds. concatenate, concatena'tus (Lat. linked together), joined as links in a chain, as strings of spores, or frustules of Diatoms. Concaulesc'ence (con, with; caulis, stem), the coalescence of axes. con' cave, conca'vus (Lat. hollowed out), hollow, as the inside of a saucer. con'centrate (con, with ; centrum, centre), to bring to a common centre ; concen'tric, having a com- mon centre ; <~ Bun' dies, where one element is wholly surrounded by the others, as the xylem by the phloem ; ^ Vase'ular-bun'dle is the same. Concep'tacle, Concepta' culum (Lat. a receptacle), (1) originally used by Linnaeus to express FOLLICLE ; (2) afterwards for the fruit of Ascle- piads and Apocyneae ; (3) a hollow case covering the sexual organs in some Algae ; (4) the peridium of Fungi ; (5) the capsule of Mosses ; (6) by Medicus, following Jung, used for pericarp ; (7) now a general expression for a superficial cavity opening outwards, within which reproductive cells are produced. conch'iform, conchiform'is (concha, a shell ; forma, shape), shaped like the shell of a bivalve. concin'nus (Lat.), neat, elegant. concolor'ous, con' color (Lat., of one colour), uniform in tint. concomitant (concom'itans, attending), used of vascular bundles which run side by side without being separ- ated by other bundles. Concresc'ence (concresco, to grow to- gether) ; (1) becoming 'concrete ; (2) a synonym of CEMENTATION; concrete', concre'tus, growing to- gether. Conduct'ing Bun'dles, strands of elon- gated cells in leaves and even the stems of Mosses, simulating a vas- cular bundle ; also used for Vascular Bundles ; <- Cells, long narrow cells, associated with sieve- tubes, but having imperf orate walls ; ~ Sheath, elongated parenchymatous cells in the inner cortex of the stem, continued into the leaves as an in- vestiture of the vascular bundle ; ~ Tissue, a loose tissue of the style through which the pollen-tubes can readily make their way ; Conduc- tive-Tissue is the same. condu'plicans (Lat., doubling), doub- ling up as, conduplicant'ia Fo'lia, the leaflets of a compound leaf which apply themselves to each other's surfaces ; condu' plicate, conduplica- ti'vus, folded together lengthwise ; Conduplica'tion, in aestivation when the sides of an organ are applied to each other by their faces. Condyl'ium J (i<6i>dv\os, a knuckle), the antheridium of Chara. Cone, Co' mis (Lat.), the fruit of the pine or fir tree with scales form- ing a STROBILE ; ~ of Growth, the apical growing portion of the stem. Conench'yma (KUVOS, a cone ; Zyxv/Aa, an infusion), conical cells which constitute hairs (Lindley). confert'ed, confert'us (Lat. brought to- gether), closely packed or crowded. conferru'minate, conferrumina'tus (Lat., cemented), adherent by ad- jacent faces, as the cotyledons of Horse Chestnut. confer'void, composed of threads, re- sembling the genus Conferva, 60 confluent Conocarpium con'fluent, con'Jluens (Lat., flowing into), blended into one, passing by degrees one into the other ; ^ Fruit, a compound fruit, such as the mul- berry or pineapple. conformed', conform' is (Lat., shaped) ; (1) similar inform; (2) closely fit- ting, as a seed-coat to the nucellus. Con'gener (Lat. of the same race), another plant of the same genus ; congeneric, belonging to the same genus. congenital (congenitus, born together), grown to anything ; strictly, of the same origin. Conge'ries (Lat., a heap), a collection of parts or organs. congested, congest' us (Lat., brought together), crowded. conglo'bate, congloba'tus (Lat., made like a ball), collected into a ball. conglomerate, conglomtra'tus (Lat., rolled together), clustered. Conglu'tin (conglutinatus, cemented together), a constituent of plant- casein, usually with legumin ; con- glu'tinate, conglutina'tus, as though glued together. con'gregate (congrego, to assemble), collected into close proximity. Co'nia (ictaveiov, hemlock), the active principle of Conium maculatum, Linn., a poisonous alkaloid. conical, con'icus (Lat., cone-shaped), having the figure of a cone, as the carrot. conidiif erous (K&VIS, dust ; optvrov, plant) = SAPROPHYTE. Copula'tion (copulatio, coupling), used for CONJUGATION, the union of sexual cells. Cop'ulae (pi. of copula, a thong or band), intermediate bands of cell- wall in Diatoms, as in Terpsinoe, etc. ; cop'ulative J, dissepiments not readily separating from the axis or walls of the pericarp. Coque (Fr. shell), used by S. F. Gray for Coccus. Cor se'minis J ( Lat. ) = Embryo. corac'inus (Lat., raven-black), glossy black. cor'acoid (*r6/>a£, a raven ; elSo?, resem- blance)" shaped like a crow's beak " (Crozier). cor'alline, coralli'nus (Lat. coral red), resembling coral in appearance. corallifonn'is (corattum, coral, forma, shape), coral-like in form ; cor'al- loid, coralloi'des (efooy, resemblance), coral-like, as the roots of Neottia Nidus-avis, Rich. Cor'cle (Crozier) ; Cor'cule, Cor'culum (Lat. a little heart) = (1) embryo; (2) plumule, or plumule and radicle. Cord, umbili'cal=FuNicuLUS. cor' date, corda'tus (Lat. ), heart-shaped, applied to leaves having the petiole at the broader and notched end ; cor'diform, cordiform'is (Lat.), shaped like a heart. cord' shape = FUNILIFORM. Core, the seeds and integuments of a pome, such as an apple; Grew spells it "Coar." core'mial (^/m, a broom), like the genus Coremium, Link; core'mioid (elSos, resemblance), applied to a f asciated form as of Penicillium, etc. Cor'eses (/co/ns, a bug), " dark red, broad, discoid bodies, found beneath the epicarp of grapes " (Lindley). Corolla coria'ceous, coria'ceus (coHww,leather ), leathery. Cork, protective tissue replacing the epidermis in older superficial parts of plants ; the outer cells contain air, and are elastic and spongy in texture, but impervious to liquids ; ~ Cambium = PHELLOGEN ; ~ Cortex, the corky layers of the bark ; ~ Mer'istem, = PHELLOGEN ; Pore- cork, suberised portion of lenticels, with intercellular spaces between the cork -cells (Klebahn) ; cork'y, of the texture or quality of cork ; ~ Envelope, ~ Lay'er, the bast layer beneath the epidermis which gives rise to cork. Conn, Corm'us (icap/Mx, a trunk), a bulb- like fleshy stem or base of stem, a " solid " bulb ; Cormog'amae (yApos, marriage), Ardissone's division for Characeae and Muscineae ; cormo- g'enous (ytvos, offspring), having a stem or corm ; Corm'ophyte (0vroj>, plant), Endlicher's term for plants possessing axis and foliage, that is, Phanerogams and vascular Crypto- gams. cor'neous, cor'neus (Lat.), horny, with a horny texture. Cor'net (cornu, a horn), a hollow horn-like growth ; ~ shape, cuculli- form, hooded ; cornic'ulate, corni- cula'tus (Lat.), furnished with a little horn or horns ; corniculif er- ous, -rus (fero, I bear), bearing horns or protuberances ; cor'niform (forma, shape), shaped like a horn. Cor'nine, a bitter principle in the bark of Cornus sanguinea, Linn. Cor'nu (Lat. a horn), (1) a horn-like process; (2) occasionally used for Calcar or Spur ; cor'nute, cornu' 'tus, horned or spurred ; ~ Leaves, a sudden projection of the midrib forming a spine-like outgrowth, often in a different plane ; Cor- nu'tin, a poisonous body derived from ergot, the " spur" of rye and other grasses. Corol (Crozier) = COROLLA. Corolla (Lat. a little crown) ; (1) the interior perianth, composed of 63 coroilaceous corymbose petals, free or united ; (2) J the annulus of Fungi ; corolla' ceous ( + aceous) corolla-like, petaloid; cor'ol- late, corolla'tus, corolla'ris, pos- sessing a corolla ; Cor'ollet, a floret of a Composite ; corollif erous, -rus (fero, I bear), corolla-bearing ; corolliflor'al (flos, floris, a flower), corolliflor'ous, -rus, having the calyx, petals and ovary inserted separately on the disk, the stamens on the corolla ; coY'o]Xme,corollifmis, (1) seated on a corolla, (2) corolla- like, petaloid, (3) belonging to a corolla; Cor'oUule, Corollu'la ; (1) a diminutive corolla ; (2) floret of a head, as in Compositae. Coro'na (Lat. a crown) ; (1) a coronet, any body which intervenes between the corolla and stamens ; (2) J the " eye " of apples or pears, the re- mains of the calyx limb ; (3) £ the ray of the capitula in Compositae ; (4) a whorl of ligules or petals, united or free ; (5) a synonym of CUCULLUS ; (6) used by Hill for the pericycle, or "circle of propaga- tion " ; (7) the ring of primary wood in the medullary sheath ; ~ Se'minis = PAPPUS ; ~ stamin'ea, = Orbiculus, a coronet formed from the trans- formation of stamens ; cor'onal, ap- pertaining to a corona, as <~ Vessels, those of the corona ; coro'nans (Lat. ), crowning, seated on the apex ; cor'- onate, corona' tus (Lat.), crowned, having a corona : coro'niform, coro- niform'is (forma, shape), shaped like a crown or coronet ; Cor'onet = CORONA ; Coro'nule, Cororiula; (1) a diminutive of corona, a floret ; (2) = PAPPUS; (3) the small calyx- like body which crowns the nucule of Chara ; (4) in Diatoms, a set of spines which terminate the f rustules. Cor'pora (pi. of corpus, a body) car- no'sa (Lat. fleshy), the sporangia of certain Fungi ; Cor'pus, the mass or substance of anything ; ~ lig'neum, <-> ligno'sum, the mass of the woody tissue of a plant ; ~ medulla're, the mass of the cellular tissue in the pith. Corpus'cle (corpusculum, a small body), a small mass or body ; Cor- pusc'ula (sing. Corpusculum) ; (1) sporangia of some Fungi ; (2) arche- gonium, or the central cell of the same in Coniferae ; (3) the connec- tions between the arms of the pollen-masses in Asclepiads ; <- vermiform'ia, spiral vessels in a contracted, strangled condition. cor'rugate, corruga'tus; corrugati'vns (Lat.), wrinkled. Cor'sican Moss, dried Algae. Cor'tex (Lat.), (1) the bark or rind ; the ground tissue between the stele and epidermis ; (2) the peridium of Fungi ; cor'tical, cortica'lis, relating to the cortex ; ~ Lay'er ; ~ Integu- ment, the investing layers of the bast system ; — Rays, = medullary rays in the phloem ; <*- Sheath, Naeg- eli's term for the whole of the primary bast bundles ; ~ Stra'tum, the superficial layer of the Lichen- thallus; cor'ticate, corf»ca'fttt(Lat.), covered with bark, or with an acces- sory bark-like covering ; corticif - erous (fero, I bear), producing bark ; cortic'iform (forma, shape), like bark ; cortic'olous (colo, I inhabit), living on bark, as some Lichens and Fungi ; cor'ticose, cor'ticous, barky, full of bark. Corti'na (Late Lat. a curtain), the fila- mentous annuli of some Agarics ; cor'tinate, cortina'rius (Lat.), hav- ing a web-like texture. corvi'nus (Late Lat. pertaining to the raven), raven-black. Coryd'alin, an alkaloid present in the root of Corydalis tuberosa, DC. ; coryd'aline, corydalirieus, resem- bling the genus Corydalis. Cor'ymb, Corymb' us (Lat. a cluster of flowers), a flat-topped or merely convex and open flower-cluster of the indeterminate or centripetal order ; the term, as now understood, formerly included most cymes ; cor'ymfoate, corymb'iated, having corymbs or growing in corymbs ; corymbif erous, -rus (fero, I bear), bearing corymbs ; cor'ymbose, corymbous Cremocarp corymbo'sus ; corym'bous, arranged in corymbs ; corymb'ulose, -lous, in small corymbs. Corynid'ia (Koptivi), a club), " Processes sunk into the margin of the ger- minating leaf of Ferns, and con- taining spiral threads " (Lindley) [ = Antheridia?]. CoryphylTy (Kopv^, the crown of the head ; e/xdo>, I hang ; Kapirds, fruit), a dry and seed-like fruit, composed of two one-seeded carpels invested by 65 cremoricolor Crozier an epigynous calyx, separating when ripe into mericarps. cremoric'olor (cremeus, color, colour) = CREAM-COLOUR. Cre'na (Mod. Lat., a notch), a rounded tooth or notch ; Cre'nature Crena- tu'ra, a rounded notch on the margin of a leaf ; cre'nate, crena'tus, scalloped, toothed with crenatures ; Cren'el = CRENA ; Cren'elling = CRENA ; cren'elled, crenula'ris, mar- gined with crenatures ; cren'ellate, crendla'tus, cren'ulate, crenula'tus, crenate, but the toothings them- selves small; Cren'ule, a diminutive Crena. cres'cent - shaped, approaching the figure of a crescent, as the leaves of certain species of Passiftora. Crest, (1) an elevation or ridge upon the summit of an organ; (2) an outgrowth of the funiculus in seeds, a sort of axil ; crest'ed, possessing any elevated line or ridge on the surface such as may be compared with the crest of a helmet creta'ceous, -ceus (creta, chalk), (1) chalky, as the chalk-glands found in Saxifrages; (2) chalk-white, dead-white. creviced = RIMOSE. cri'brate (cribrum, a sieve), usually written CRIBROSE ; cri'briform, cri- briform'is (forma, shape), sieve-like, pierced with many holes ; <~ Cells = SIEVE-CELLS ; ~ Tis'sue, containing sieve-cells and tubes; cri'brose, cribro'sus, pierced like a sieve ; ~ Cells = SIEVE-TUBES. crinif erous (crinis, hair ; fero, I bear), used by J. Smith for hirsute ; cri'nite, crini'tus, bearded with long and weak hairs. crin'oid (Kplvov, a lily ; eZSos, resem- blance) lily-like (Crozier). Crin'ula (crinis, hair) = ELATER; Cri'nus, a stiff hair on any part. crisp, crisp' us (Lat.), curled ; crispa'- bilis, capable of curling up ; crisp' - ate, crisped, crispa'tus, crispati'vus, ourled ; crispes'cens, able to curl up ; Crisp'ature, Crispatu'ra, (1) when the edge is excessively and irregularly divided and twisted ; (2) or the leaf much puckered and crumpled, but not so much as bullate ; crispiflor'al (Jlos, floris, a flower), having curled flowers ; crispifo'lious (folium, a leaf), with curled leaves. Cris'ta (Lat. ), a crest or terminal tuft ; crist'aeform (forma, shape), used by J. Smith for crested appendices in Ferns ; as in Actinostachys, Wall.; cris'tate, crista'tus, crested. Critench'yma (K/MTOS, chosen ; £yxi>Ata, an infusion), the tissue of bundle- sheaths, open or closed envelopes which accompany fibro-vascular bundles ; critical, used of plants which need great discrimination in classifying. croca'tus, cro'ceous, croc'eus (Lat.), saffron-yellow ; a deep yellow tint from the stigmas of Crocus sativus, Linn. ; Cro'cin, the colouring matter of the foregoing, crook'ed, curved. Cross, term implying a hybrid of any description ; ~ armed, brachiate (Crozier) ; ~ Breeds, the progeny of interbred varieties ; ~ Fertiliza'tion, fecundation by pollen from another flower of another individual ; ~ Follina'tion, dusting the stigma of one flower with pollen from an- other ; "- Septa'tion, division by transverse septa ; ~ Type, in nuclear division, the formation of tetrads. Crossed-pits, cells in sclerenchyma, with the slits on opposite walls al- right angles to each other, crowd'ed, closely pressed together or thickly set. Crown, see CORONA ; also (1) in Characeae, the apex of the nucule ; (2) in Diatomaceae, a series of teeth connecting the frustules into filaments, as in Stephano- pyxis ; •*- of the Root, the point where root and stem meet ; crowned, corona'tus, furnished with a coronet ; crown'ing, coro'- nans, borne on the summit of an organ. Cro'zier, "anything with a coiled 60 cruciate cultrate end, as the young leaves of most Ferns" (Crozier). cru'ciate, crucia'tus (Lat.), cross- shaped, used especially of the flowers of Cruciferae ; ~ Tetragon- id'ia, those gonidia formed by two divisions at right angles to each other; Cru'cifer (Lat. , cross-bearing), a plant with four petals and tetra- dynamous stamens ; crucife'rous, cross bearing, used of the corolla of Crucifers, which have four petals ; cru'cifonn, cruciforntfis(La.t.), cross- shaped. cruenta'tus (Lat., stained with blood), dyed or blotched with red. cruent'us (Lat., gory), dark purplish red, the colour of gore. crum'pled = CORRUGATE ; ~ Aestiva'- tion, when folded in bud irregu- larly, as in the poppy. Cru'ra (pi. of eras, a leg) divisions of the teeth of the peristome in Mosses. cru'ral (crura'lis, pertaining to the legs), " somewhat leg-shaped ; used mainly in composition " (Crozier). Crust, Crust' a (Lat., rind or shell), the hard and brittle part of certain Lichens ; erusta'ceous, -eus, of brit- tle texture, some Lichens are thus termed ; crustuli'nus, toast-colour, darker and warmer in tint than a cracknel biscuit. Cryp'ta (Lat., a vault), sunken glands, receptacles for secretions of plants in dotted leaves. Cryptogam'ia (KPVTTTOS, hidden ; ydpos, marriage), plants destitute of stamens, pistils, and true seeds, but often reproduced as the result of a sexual act ; cryptogamlan, crypto- gam'ic, cryptogam 'icus, cryptog'am- ous, belong to the sub-kingdom just denned ; Cryptog'amist, a botanist devoted to the study of flowerless plants ; Cryptog^amy, the state of concealed fructification ; Cryptone'mata ( VTJ/J.O., a thread ), small cellular threads produced in Cryp- tostomata ; Cryp'tophyte (vrov, a plant), Cryptophy'tum, a crypto- gamous plant ; Cryptostom'ate a mouth), barren concep- tacles in some Algae, containing hairs, or paraphyses. Cryst'al (/rpiJoTaXXos, ice), a mineral solid, usually of regular faces or angles, found in the tissues of plants, of very various composition ; Cry- st'alloid (efSoj, resemblance), term applied to protein crystals as being less truly angular than normal crystals, as well as swelling in water ; also in contradistinction to colloid. Ctein'ophytes (Kreivw, I kill ; vrov, a plant), Fungi whose influence on their hosts is chemical only (Wakker). Cu'bebine, the active principle of Piper Cubeba, Linn. cu'biform (cubus, a die ; forma, shape), dice-shaped, cubic ; Cu'bua (Lat.), a solid figure of six square sides ; cu'bic, cu'bicus, cu'bical, of a cubic form. Cu'bit (cubitum, the elbow), a measure, from the elbow to the finger-tips, usually reckoned as equivalent to 18 inches, 60 cm.; cubita'lis (Lat.), about half-a-yard in length. cuculla'ris, cu'cuUate, cucidla'tus (cuc- idlus, a hood), hooded, or hood- shaped ; cuculTiform (forma, shape), hood-like in shape ; Cucull'us, a hood. cu'cumiform (cucumis, a cucumber), shaped like a cucumber (Crozier). cucurbita'ceous (cucurbita, a gourd, + aceous), like a gourd ; of gourd-like growth ; cucurbiti'nus, has the same meaning. Cud'bear, the Scotch name for ORCHIL. Cul-de-sac (Fr.), "a tubular or bag- shaped cavity, closed at one end " (Crozier). Culm, Culm'us (a stalk, especially of grain), the peculiar hollow stem or " straw " of grasses ; culm'eus (Lat.), straw -like; culmic'olous (colo, I inhabit), growing on the stalk of grasses ; culm'ifer, culmif erous (fero, I bear), produc- ing culms. cult'rate, cultra'tus (Lat., knife-like), 67 cultriform Cutin the shape of a knife-blade ; cult'ri- form, cultriform' is (culter, a knife ; forma, shape), in shape like a knife, or coulter. Cult'ures, in botany, applied to experi- mental growth conducted in the laboratory. cu'neal (Crozier), cunea'rius t (Lind- ley), cu'neate, cunea'tus, cu'neiform, cuneiform' is (cuneus, a wedge), wedge-shaped, triangular. cunic'ulate, cunicula'tus (cuniculus, a rabbit), pierced with a long deep passage open at one end, as the peduncle of Tropaeolum. Cunix $ (deriv. ?) " The separable place which intervenes between the wood and bark of exogens" (Lindley) ; cf. Supplement. Cup, (1) an involucre, as of the acorn ; (2) the receptacle, or "shield" in some Lichens ; (3) used for DISCO- CARP; <•" shaped, formed like a goblet, See CRATEBIFOBM. cu'pola- shaped, nearly hemispherical, like an acorn-cup. cu'preus (cuprum, copper), copper- coloured, with its metallic lustre. Cu'pule, Cu'pula (Lat., a little cup), the cup of such fruits as the acorn, an involucre composed of bracts adherent by their base, and free or not, upwards ; cu'pula - shaped (Lindley) see CUPOLA - SHAPED ; cupula'ris, cu'pulate, cupula'ius, furnished with, or subtended by a cupule ; Cupu'lifer (Lat.), cupu- liferous (fero, I bear), producing cupules ; cu'puliform, cupuliform'is (forma, shape), cupola-shaped. Cu'rarine, an alkaloid from " Curare," obtained from several species of Strychnos. Cur'cumine, the colouring matter of the roots of Turmeric, Curcuma longa, Linn. Curl, a disease, shown by deformed and curled leaves, ascribed in some cases to Exoascus deformans, Fuckel ; curled, when a leafy organ is folded or crumpled, as Endive. Cur'tain - CORTINA. CuiVature, continued flexure or bend- ing from a right line ; ~ of Con- cussion, that produced as the result of a sudden blow ; Darwinian ~ , effects produced on growing organs, as root-tips in consequence of ir- ritation : Sachs's ~> , the difference in growth of the two sides of the root (Wettstein) ; curva'tus (Lat.), bent as a bow, or arc of a circle ; Curve, the same as curvature ;<- ribbed, ~ veined = CURAINERVED ; curved, bent, not rectilinear ; curvicau'date (cauda, a tail), hav- ing a curved tail ; purvicost'ate (costa, a rib), with curved ribs or veins ; curviden'tate (dens, a tooth), with curved teeth, cur'viform, (forma, shape) = CURVED ; cur'vin- erved, curviner'vius, curvive'nius (Lat.), having curved nerves, especially applied to monocotyle- dons ; curvip'etal (peto, I seek), Vb'ehting's term for the causes which tend to curve an organ, curvise'rial (series, a row), in curved or oblique ranks. Cushion, (1) the enlargement at or beneath the insertion of many leaves, the pulvinus ; (2) portion of a Fern-prothallus on which archegonia are borne, often per- ceptibly thicker than the margins ; cushion'ed, tufted, as in some Mosses ; ~ Fun'gi, Fungi growing in tufts. Cusp, Cusp'is (Lat. a point), a sharp, rigid point ; cuspidate, cuspida'tus, tipped with a cusp. cut, the same as incised, or in a general way as cleft. Cu'ticle,<7t4^'cw£a(Lat. the outer skin), the outermost skin or pellicle, con- taining the epidermis ; Cuti'cula den'sa, <~ hymeniform'is, ~primordi- a'lis, ~ pro'pria, ~ regula'ris, ~ subnul'la, modifications proposed by Fayod, in Ann. So. Nat., Se"r. VII. ix. (1889) 243-244 ; Cutocell'u- loses (+ Cellulose) modified cellu- lose, the cuticularized layers of cell- wall, impregnated with cutin ; Cuticulariza'tion = CUTINIZATION. Cu'tin (cutis, the skin), the substance, Cutinization Cyme allied to Suberine, which repels liquids from passing the cell-wall ; Cutiniza'tion, the modification of the cell-wall so as to become im- pervious to liquids ; Cu/tis : (1) the skin or epidermis ; (2) the peridium of some Fungi ; Cu'tose, the transparent film covering the aerial organs of plants. cut - toothed, "deeply and sharply toothed" (Crozier). Cut'tage, multiplication by cuttings (L. H. Bailey). Cut'ting, (1) the severed portion of a plant, used for propagation ; (2) the outline of a leaf or frond when incised. cyali'nus J (Mod. Lat.)=CYANOus. Cyam'ium £ (Kik/xos, a bean), "a kind of follicle resembling a legume " (Lindley). cyanae'us, £, cyaneus (KVO.VOS, corn- flower), a clear full blue, corn- flower-coloured ; cyanell'us, almost a sky blue ; cyanic, blue ;~Flow'ers, those whose colouring tends to- wards blue, in contrast to XANTHIC Flowers ; cyanoch'rous (x/>ws, xpods, the skin), having a blue skin ; cyanoph'ilous (0t\v\\ov, a leaf ) = KYANOPHYLL. cyath/iform, cyathiform'is (Kvados, a wine-cup ; forma, shape), shaped like a drinking- cup ; Cyatn'ium, the inflorescence of JEuphorbium, con- sisting of involucral bracts, with glands between single stamens each equivalent to a male flower, and a trilocular ovary ; c/athoid (eTSos, resemblance), cup-like; Cyath/olite (Xttfos, stone) = COCCOLITH ; Cy'athus, the cup-like body which contains propagula in Marchantia, etc. Cyb'ele (pr., Sib'-e-le), H. C. Watson's name for an estimation of the dis- tribution of plants in a given area, an analogue to Flora ; the name is mythological. Cy'clamine, a principle found in the root of Cyclamen europaeum, Linn. Cy'cle (KVK\OS, a circle); (1) used for one turn of a helix or spire, in leaf arrangement ; (2) for a whorl in floral envelopes ; cy'clic, cy'clicus, applied to foliar structures ar- ranged in whorls, coiled into a cycle or relating to a cycle ; cyclical, rolled up circularly, as many em- bryos ; C/clogens (ycwdta, to bring forth), exogenous plants, from their exhibiting concentric circles in the section of their stems ; cyclog'enous, having concentric circles in the stem, exogenous ; Cy'clome, a ring- shaped cushion of anthers (M'Nab) ; Cyclo'sis, the rotation of proto- plasm within the cell, in one or more currents ; cyclosperm'ous ((nrtp/ui.a, a seed), with the embryo coiled round the central albumen. cyg'neous, cyg'neus (Lat., pertaining to a swan), the seta of Mosses when curved so as to suggest a swan's neck. cylindra'ceous, -eus (Kv\ii>dpos, a cylinder, + aceous), somewhat cylindric ; Cylindranth'erae (&vOo<>, a flower) syngenesious, from the stamens forming a tube ; Cylind- rench'yma (tyxvpa, an infusion), tissue made up of cylindric cells ; cylind'ric, cylind'rical, elongated, with a circular cross - section ; Cylindrobasioste'mon (/3d6s, bent), " collections of gonidia in the form of cups " (Lindley) ; Cyphel'lae, orbicular fringed spots like dimples, under the thallus of Lichens ; cypnel'late, marked with Cyphellae. Cyp'sela (Kv^f'Xv), a box), an achene invested by an adnate calyx, as the fruit of Compositae. Cyr'rIms = CiRRHUS, a tendril. Cyst, Cyst' is (KVia, moulded), the . general protoplasm of the cell (Strasburger) ; C/toplast, tke cyto- plasm as a unit, in contrast to the nucleus; Cytoplast'iilf a proteid which apparently forms the bulk of the Cytoplasm ; Cy'tosomes (o-w/m, a body), Vuillemin's name for the granules of cell-protoplasm ; cytomicrosomes, dacryoi'deus (8<£/cpu, a tear; eTSoy, resemblance), used for pear-shaped fruit, oblong and rounded at one end, pointed at the other. dactyli'nus (3a/n-iAos, a finger), divided like fingers ; Dactylorni'za (pifr, root), the forking of roots; dac'- tylose, dactylo'sus, fingered, or finger-shaped. daed'aleous, daed'cdeus (Lat. = skilful craft), (1) the apex of a leaf irregu- larly jagged, though not arcuate ; (2) wavy and irregularly plaited as the hymenium of some Agarics ; Daedalench'yma (tyxv/ja, an infu- sion), tissue made up of entangled cells, as in some Fungi. 71 Dab/line, a substance resembling starch from the tubers of the genus Dahlia. Dam'mar, a transparent resin from Agathis loranthifolia Salisb., for- merly named Dammara orientalis, Lamb. Damping1, a cultivator's term for premature decay in plants, especi- ally young seedlings, attributed to excess of moisture. Daph'nin, the bitter principle of Daphne Mezereum, Linn. Darwin, see KNIGHT-DARWIN Law. Darwinian CurVature, the bending induced by the irritation of any foreign substance close to the apex of the root. date-shaped, resembling a date in form. dasyphylTous, -lus (Sao-fo, thick ; v\\ov, a leaf), (1) thick-leaved; (2) leaves thickly set ; (3) with woolly leaves. Datis'cin, a substance having the appearance of grape - sugar, first obtained from Datisca cannabina, Linn. ; it has been used as a yellow dye. Datu'rine, an alkaloid of Datura Stramonium, Linn. Daugn'ter-cells, young cells derived from the division of an older one, the mother-cell ; ~ Chro'mosome, a secondary chromosome, derived from division of the original ;~ Skein, stages in nuclear division when the chromatin is more or less in a reticulate condition ; further distinguished by some observers into ' ' loose " or " close " ; ~ Spore, a spore produced immediately from another or upon a promycelium ; ~ Star, one of the groups of chromatic filaments at the poles of a dividing nucleus ; the two together with the connecting spindle constitute the "Dyaster" stage. Day-position, the pose assumed by leaves during the day, in contra- distinction to that taken for the night. deal'bate, dealba'tus (Lat., white- Decagynia Deformity washed), whitened ; covered with an opaque white powder. Decagyn'ia (5e*a, ten; ywrj, woman), a Linnean artificial order of plants with ten pistils ; decagyn'ian, decag'ynous, having ten styles or carpels ; decam'erous, decam'erus (/ifyos, a share), in tens ; Decan'dria (bvrip, &v5pbs, a man), a Linnean artificial class, of plants with ten stamens ; decan'drian, decan'drous, •rue, having ten stamens ; decapet'- alous, -his (irtTdXov, a flower-leaf), •with ten petals; decaphyll'ous, (v\\ov, a leaf), with ten leaves or segments ; decari'nus (appyv, male), Necker's term for ten stamens and one pistil ; decasep'alous -lus (+ SEPALUM) with ten sepals ; decas- perm'al (ffirepfM, a seed), having ten seeds. decemdent'ate (decem, ten ; dens, dentis, a tooth), having ten teeth, as the capsule of Cerastium; decem'fid (Crozier), decem'fidus (fid, the root of fido, I split), ten cleft ; decemlocula'ris (loculus, a compartment), with ten cells, as an ovary. decid'uous, -uus (decide, I fall down), falling in season, as petals fall after flowering, or leaves in autumn, evergreens excepted ; Decid'uous- ness, the quality of falling once a year. declinate, dedina'tus (Lat. turned aside), bent or curved downward or forward; decli'ned, directed ob- liquely. Decoloura'tion, Decoloraftio (Lat. ), absence of colour ; decolora'tus (Lat.), discoloured, discharged of colour, colourless. decom'pound, decompos'itus (Lat.), several times divided or com- pounded. decorti'cated (decorticatio, barking), deprived of bark ; Decortiea'tion, stripping off bark. decre'asingly pinn'ate, where leaflets diminish in size from the base up- wards. decum'bent, -ens (Lat. reclining), re- clining, but with the summit as- cending. decur'rent, decur'rens (Lat.), running down, as when leaves are prolonged beyond their insertion, and thus run down the stem; decur'sive, decursi'vus (decursus, a descent) = DECURRENT; decur'sively pin'nate, the leaf seemingly pinnate, but the leaflets decurrent along the petiole. decus'sate, decussaftus (Lat. divided crosswise), in pairs alternately at right angles; Decussa'tion, cross- ing by pairs of leaves. De"doublement (Fr.), doubling, = CHORISIS. Deduplica'tion (Fr. d6duplication), a synonym of the last. deferent (defero, I bring down), con- veying anything downward. deferred' Shoots, those produced by buds which have remained long dormant. definite, defini'tus (definite, pre- cisely), (1) precise ; (2) of a certain number, as of stamens not exceed- ing twenty; (3) applied to in- florescence it means cymose ; ^ In- flores'cence, where the axis ends in a flower ; definitive Nu'cleus, a result of the fusion of one nucleus each from the micropylar and chalazal ends of the embryo sac. defix'ed, defix'us (Lat. fastened) = immersed. deflect'ed, deflex'us (Lat. bent aside), bent or turned abruptly down- wards ; deflexed', bent outwards, the opposite of in flexed ; Deflexion, turned downwards. deflo'rate, defiora'tus (Lat.), past the flowering state. deflow'er, to deprive of flowers. defl'uent (Lat. deftuens), flowing down. defoliate, de/olia'tus (Mid. Lat.), having cast its leaves ; Defoliation, the act of shedding leaves. Deforma'tion (deformis, misshapen), a malformation or alteration from the normal sense ; deformed', dis- figured, distorted ; Deformity, De- formitas (Lat.), an unshapely organism. 72 Degeneration Deposits Degenera'ticm (degenero, to become unlike the race), an alteration for the worse, 01 less highly developed, as when scales appear instead of leaves. Degrada'tion (degredior, I descend), less highly differentiated, simpler structures taking the place of more elaborate ; — lower in function, re- trograde metamorphosis, or a kata- bolic change, complex substances resolving into simpler ; <~ Product, the result of katabolism, as muci- lage. dehisce' (dehisco, I yawn), to open spontaneously when ripe, as seed capsules, etc. ; Dehis'cence, De- hiscent'ia, the mode of opening of a fruit capsule or anther by valves, slits or pores ; dehis'cent, dehis'cens, denis'cing, splitting into definite parts. Dehydration (de, privative; tidwp, water), depriving of water as a component, as by the use of alcohol, or calcic chloride. Delimita'tion (Late Lat. delimitare), used for ABJUNCTION ; cutting off by a precise limit. deliques'cent, -ens (Lat. melting away), dissolving or melting away, as (1) when the stem loses itself by repeated branching ; or (2) when certain Agarics become fluid at maturity. Deliq'uium £ (deliquus, wanting) — emarginate (Lindley). Del'phine, an alkaloid present in Delphinium Staphisagria, Linn. delta-leaved (SeXra, the Greek letter A), having triangular leaves, del'toid, deltoi'des, -deus (efSos, re- semblance), shaped like the Greek A ; an equilateral triangle. demersed', demer'sus (Lat. plunged under), under water, especially of a part constantly submersed. demis'sus (Lat.), hanging down, lowered. D e n a' r i i J (Lat. ) = ten together (Lindley). den'driform (S^vdpov, a tree ; forma, shape) = DENDROID; dendrit'ic 73 -icus, -ical, having a branched ap- pearance, as the lirellae of Lichens, etc. ; Dendri'tes, cellulose in crys- tals; Dendrio-thamno'des, with thal- lus branched as a bush, as the Rein- deer Lichen, Cladonia rangiferina, Hoffm. ; den'droid, dendroi'des, den- droi'deus (eWos, resemblance), tree- like, in form, or branching ; Den'- drolite (\idos, stone), a fossil tree ; Dendrol'ogist (\67oj, discourse), one skilled in the knowledge of trees ; Dendrol'ogy, the study of trees. deni (Lat.), by tens, ten together. den'igrate, denigra'tus (Lat.), black- ened. Den'izen, H. C. Watson's term for plants suspected of foreign origin, though maintaining their place, as Viola odorata, Linn. Dens (Lat.), a tooth; den'tate, den- to! tus (Lat.), toothed, especially with salient teeth directed for- ward ; denta'to-crena'to = CRENATO- DENTATUS ; «~ lacinia'tus, with toothings irregularly extended into long point ; ~ serra'tus, the tooth- ings tapered and pointed forward ; Dent'icle, a small tooth (Crozier). dentic'ulate, denticula'tus, minutely toothed ; Denticula'tions, small pro- cesses or teeth ; dent'iform (forma, shape), J. Smith's equivalent for toothed ; den'toid (eT5os, form), tooth-shaped. denu'date, denuda'tus(La,t.), stripped, made bare, or naked. deoperc'ulate, deopercula'tus (de, oper- culum, a lid) ; (1) when the oper- culum of a Moss does not separate spontaneously from the sporophore ; (2) having lost the operculum. deor'sum (Lat. from de, down, versus turned towards), downward. depaup'erate, depaupera'tus (Lat.), impoverished as if starved, re- duced in function. dep'lanate, deplana'tus (Lat.), flat- tened or expanded. depend', depen'dent, depen'dens (Lat.) hanging down. Deposits (depositus, laid aside), secondary growths on the cell- depressed Development wall, more or less covering it, in various forms. depressed, depres'sus (Lat.), sunk down, as if flattened from above ; depress'o-trunca'tus = RETUSE ; De- pres'sio (Lat.), a pressing or sink- ing down, a little hollow ; ~ dor- sa'lis, a depression in the spores of some Agarics extending along the back of the spore ; ~Mla'ris, a similar depression, but of less ex- tent, above the hilum (Fayod). deregula'ris J (de, opposed ; regularis in order), between regular and ir- regular (Lindley). Derivative Hy'brids, those sprung from a union of a hybrid, and one of its parent forms or another hybrid. Der'ma (Se'/y*a> 5e/>/*aros, skin), surface of an organ, bark, or rind ; Derma- calypt'rogen (KaXvirrpa, a veil ; Yewao^Ibringforth), Schwendener's term for a common histogen which produces root- cap and root-epider- mis in Phanerogams ; derm'al, relat- ing to the outer covering ; ~ Tis'sue, the substance of the epidermis and periderm; dermati'nus, applied to those plants such as Lichens, which live on bark or epidermis ; der- mat'ioid (ddos, form), skin-like in function or appearance ; Derm'ato- cyst, Dermatocys'tis (KIHTTIS, a bag or pouch), inflated hairs on the sur- face of the sporophore of young Agarics ; Dennat'ogen (yevvau, I bring forth), the meristem forming the layer of nascent epidermis ; primordial epidermis ; Dermat'- ophyte (tpvrbv, a plant), any Fungus parasitic on the skin of man or other animals (Crozier) ; Dermat'- osomes (o-w/ia, a body), Wiesner's term for granular bodies in rows, united and surrounded by proto- plasm, which form the cell-wall ; Dermoblas'tus (/SXatrr&s, a shoot), " the cotyledon formed by a mem- brane that bursts irregularly " (S. F. Gray) ; Dermocalypt'rogen see DERMACALYPTROGEN. deBcend'ing,descen'de?is (Lat. ), tending gradually downwards; (1) as the branches of some trees ; (2) as the roots ; — Axis, the root system ; ~Metamorph'osis, substitution of organs of a lower grade, as stamens for pistils, petals for stamens, etc. ; «~ Sap, formerly applied to the Cambium ; Descen'sus J = Root. Desertion of Host = LIPOXENY. des'inens, Desinen'tia (Lat., ceasing), ending in, the manner in which a lobe terminates. Desmobry'a (5eos, the second ; ydfws, marriage), peculiar nuclear fusions in certainCryptogams, super- posed upon and subsequent to the sexual act (P. Groom); Deutero- plas'ma (irXfofta, moulded) = PARA- PLASM ; sometimes contracted into Deut'oplasm ; Deuterostroph'ies (crr/>o0^, a twist or turn), spirals of a third degree in the develop- ment of leaves. Development, the gradual extension of the parts by which any organ or plant passes from its beginning to its maturity. Deviation Diaphragm Devia'tion, probable, Galton's term for probable variation. Dew-leaves, leaves which slope up- wards, so that dew is collected. dex'trad, an unusual modification of DEXTRAL = DEXTRORSE (dextra, the right hand) ; Dextrin, a substance produced during the transformation of starch into sugar, said to be of two forms :— ACHROODEXTRIN and AMYLODEXTRIN ; Dex'trinase, an enzyme stated to be present in diastase (Wysman); dex'trorse, dex- tror'sus (from versus, turned to- wards), towards the right hand ; dex'tror'sum volu'bilis (Lat.), twin- ing towards the right; Dex'trose, glucose, or fruit sugar, it turns the plane of polarization to the right ; cf. LEVTTLOSK ; dex'tro-ro'tatory, turning towards the right. di-, dis-, in Greek compounds = two, or double. Diache'nium (Si, two, + Achenium), or Diake'nium = CREMOCARP. Diach'yma (fo^ through ; xuV^> a liba- tion), Link's term for MESOPHYLL. Diadel'phia (5t,two; d5e\06s,a brother), a Linnean class having the stamens in two bundles or brotherhoods ; diadelph'ian, diadelph'ous, -us, -icus, with two groups of stamens. diad'romous (Sia, through ; Spopos, course), applied to a fan-shaped venation, as in Gingko biloba, Linn, diageotrop'ic (777, the earth ; rpoTroy, a turn), a modified form of geotrop- ism, the organs placing themselves in a horizontal position, as though opposing forces were neutralised ; Diageot'ropism, the state just de- scribed; Diagnosis (yvwis, wisdom), a brief distinguishing character ; diag'onal (ywvta, angle), a mean between two forces, a compromise of position ; ~ Plane, in a flower, any vertical plane which is not antero-posterior (front to back) or lateral (side to side) ; ~ Position, one intermediate between median and lateral ; <~ Sym'metry, applied to the valves of Diatoms when the torsion amounts to 180° ; Di'agram an outline), see FLORAL DIAGRAM; Diaheliot'ropism (?}Xios, the sun ; T/SOTTOS, a turn), growth more or less horizontal, under the influence of light, as when leaves place themselves at right angles to incident light ; adj., diaheliot- rop'ic. dialycarp'ic (StctXvw, I disband ; Kapwbs, fruit), having a fruit composed of distinct carpels; Dialydes'myt decrees, a band), the breaking up of a stele, into separate bundles, each with its own endodermis ; Dialypet'alae (•jreraXov, a flower-leaf), Endlicher's equivalent for the POLYPETALAE of Jussieu ; dialypet'alous, poly- petalous ; dialyphyll'ous (v\\oi>, a leaf), bearing separate leaves ; dia- lysep'alous ( + SEPALUM), bearing separate sepals ; Dialysis, the separation of parts normally in one, especially parts of the same whorl ; Dialyste'ly (0717X97, a post), a variation of POLYSTELY, in which the separate steles remain for the most part separate during their longitudinal course. diamesog'amous (Sici, through, /te, cup-shaped hollow, used for seed-lobe), plants of the class denoted by their possession of two cotyledons ; dicotyle'donous, - raw, having a pair of seed-lobes. dictyod'romous (Si/cri/ov, a net, fydyuos, a course), with reticulate venation; Dic'tyogens (yfrvau, I bring forth), plants having netted veins, proposed by Lindley as inter- mediate between his ENDOGENS and EXOGENS ; dictyog'enous, applied to monocotyledons with netted veins ; ~ Lay'er, a layer of meristem general in monocotyledons, which gives rise to the central "body" and cortex of the young roots (Man- gin). dic/clic (6ls, two, /c^Xoy, a circle), (1) when a series of organs is in two whorls as a perianth ; (2) applied to biennials ; dicy'mose (KU/«X, a wave), doubly cymose ; did'romic (5/>6/ios, coarse), doubly twisted, as the awns in Danthonia, Stipa, etc. ; Did'romy, double torsion. did'ymous, -us (dldvpos, twin), (1) found in pairs, as the fruits of Umbelli- ferae ; (2) divided into two lobes ; "* An'thers, when the two lobes are almost destitute of connective. Didyna'mia ( 5ts, twice, dtW/us, power), a Linnean class marked by didynamous flowers ; didyna'mian didyn'amous, four-stamened flower, with stamens in pairs, two long, two short, as in most Labiatae. Didy'namy, the condition above defined. diae'cious = DIOECIOUS. Dieres'ilis, Dieresil'ia (diaiptw, I divide), Mirbel's name for CAR- CERULE ; adj. dieresil'ian. Differentia'tion, of Cell-wall, the arising of apparent layers; ~ of Tissues, their development into permanent tissue and consequent diverse growth. diffluent (diffluens, dissolving), having the power to dissolve, or readily doing so. difformed', difform'is (5ts,apart,/onna, shape), of unusual formation or shape ; Difformltas ( Lat. ), an abnormality. diffract', di/rac'tus (Lat., broken), broken into areolae separated by chinks. diffuse', diffu'sus (Lat., spread abroad), widely or loosely spreading; ~ Col'our, a colour which has "run" into the surrounding tissues ; Diffu'sion, (1) term used by Weisner for the intermingling of different gases under equal pressure, with or without intervening partitions ; (2) mixture of fluids, or dispersion of a fluid through a solid or tissue. dlg'amous, -us (dls, twice, ydftos, marriage), having the two sexes in the same cluster ; as in Com- positae. dig'enous (51s, two, yews, offspring), containing both sexes, or produced sexually ; digenet'ic, sexual. Digestive Pock'et (or Sac), an invest- ment of the secondary rootlets, which penetrate the tissues of the primary root till they reach the exterior. Digltaline, an alkaloid contained in Digitalis purpurea, Linn. digitate, digita'tus (digitus, a finger), fingered ; a compound leaf in which all the leaflets are borne on the apex of the petiole, as in the Horse- Chestnut ; ~ pin'nate, when the leaflets of a digitate leaf are pinnate ; digita'tely, in a digitate manner ; digitaliform'is (forma, shape), shaped like a finger, as the corolla of the Foxglove ; digitiner- v'ius (nervis, a nerve), when the secondary nerves of a leaf diverge Digitus diplo from the summit of the main petiole, straight ribbed; Digltus, a measure of about 3 inches in length, or 8 cm. ; digita'lis, a finger- length. dig'onous (5ts, two, yuvia, an angle), two-angled, as the stems of some cacti (Crozier) ; Digynla (yvrf, a woman), a Linnean class, with a gynaecium of two pistils; digynlan, dig'ynous, with two separated styles or carpels. dilacera'tus £ (Lat.), torn asunder, lacerated. Dilamina'tion (dis, apart, lamina, a thin plate), the separation of a layer from a petal, like or unlike it in form ; chorisis. dila'ted, dila'tus (Lat., widened), ex- panding into a blade, as though flattened, like the filaments of Omithogalum. dilep'idus J (Sis, two, Xeirls, XeTrtfos, scale), consisting of two scales. dilu'tus (Lat. thinned) of a pale tint. dimerlc, dim'erous, -rus(§ls,two, yuepds, a share), with two members in each part or circle. dimid'iate, dimidia'tus (Lat., halved), (1) halved, as when half an organ is so much smaller than the other, as to seem wanting ; (2) used of the calyptra of Mosses when split on one side by the growth of the theca ; dimldia'to-corda'tus, when the larger half of a dimidiate leaf is cordate. dimorphic, dimorph'ous (52s, twice, /Aop^rj, shape), occurring under two forms ; Dimorphism, the state of presenting two forms, as long or short- sty led flowers in the same species. dimo'tus (Lat., separated), somewhat remote from. Diodanglum (5to5os, a passage, Ayyeiov, a vessel), Van Tieghem's term for sporangium inVascular Cryptogams and Bryophytes. Di'ode (Siodos, a passage), Van Tieg- hem's term for a reproductive body peculiar to vascular plants which develops into a rudimentary body or prothallium, the transition be- tween the rudimentary and adult stages; cf. ISODIODY, HETERO- DIODY ; Di'odogone (701/77, offspring), Van Tieghem's term for a sporan- gium which produces diodes in Phanerogams, the embryo sac and pollen sac ; Di'odophytes (0irr6v, a plant), vascular plants (Van Tieg- hem). Dioe'cia(51s, two, ou-os, a house), a Lin- nean class of plants with unisexual flowers; dioec'ian, dioecious, uni- sexual, the male and female ele- ments in different individuals ; dioec'io dimorph'ous, heterogonous; dioeclo - polygamous, when some individuals bear unisexual flowers, and others hermaphrodite ones ; Dioeclsm, the condition of being dioecious ; dioi'cous, a spelling used by bryologists for DIOECIOUS, the male and female organs on separate plants. dioph'anus = DIAPHANOUS. Di'osmose, Diosmo'sis (5iA, through, cDs, a cloak) = dichlamydeous ; having a double perianth. Dip'loe (ditrXdrj, doubling), Link's term for MESOPHYLL. Diplogen'esis (5i7r\6os, twofold, yevevis, a beginning), doubling of parts normally single ; Diploperisto'mi ( + PERISTOMA), with double peris- tome, applied to Mosses ; diploste'- monous (7rdj, fruit), an ascocarp in which the hymenium lies exposed whilst the asci are maturing ; an apothe- cium ; Discocarplum, a collection of fruits within a hollow receptacle, as in many Rosaceae. disc' old discoi'deus (5iWos, a quoit, etSos, like), with a round thickened lamina, and rounded margins ; ~ Flow'ers, those belonging to the disk, usually tubular florets ; ~ Marking, see Disc, 5; discoldal, discoidalis, orbicular ; Discoli'- chenes ( + Lichenes), Wainio's term for DISCOMYCETOUS LICHENS. dis'color (Lat. of different colours), used when the two surfaces of a leaf are unlike in colour. Discopodium (5fcr/cos, a quoit, TTOUJ, TroSos, a foot), a disc-shaped floral 79 discous Divergence receptacle ; disc'ous, the same as discoid (Crozier). discrete', discre'tus (Lat., parted), separate, not coalescent. Disc'us (Lat. from 5l Tis'sue = BOTHRENCHYMA. double, du'plex (1) twice ; (2) used of flowers when the petals are mon- strously increased at the expense of other organs, especially the stamens ; ~ bear'ing, producing a crop twice in the same season ; Doubling, the same as chorisis ; doubly, something repeated, as ^ toothed, the teeth themselves being toothed. Down (1) soft pubescence; (2) the pappus of such plants as thistles ; down'y, pubescent, with fine soft hairs. Dra'canth (draganthum, Mid. Lat.), a synonym of Gum Tragacanth. Draco'nine, a red resinous sub- stance from "Dragon's Blood," Sroduced by Daemonorops Draco, lume, and Dracaena Draco, Linn. drawn, applied to attenuated shoots, diminished and etiolated, often increased in length. drep'aniform (dpetravw, a sickle, forma, shape), falcate (Crozier) ; Drepa'nium, a sickle-shaped cyme. Drip-point, Drip-tip, the acuminate apex of a leaf, from whose point water soon drips ; Germ. Traufel- spitze. drooping, inclining downwards, cer- nuous, but not quite pendent. Drop'per, the young bulb of a tulip, not of flowering size. Drop'ping-point = DRIP-POINT. drupa'ceous(c£rwpa, an olive, + aceous), resembling a DRUPE, possessing its character, or producing similar fruit ; Drupe, Dru'pa, a stone-fruit such as a plum ;— Spu'rious ~> , any fleshy body enclosing a stone ; Dru'pel, Dru'pelet, Drupe'ola, a diminutive drupe, the fruit of the Blackberry is an aggregation of these ; Drupe'tum, a cluster of drupes ; Dru'pose, a constituent of the stone-cells of the flesh of pears (Cross and Bevan). Dry-rot, destruction of timber in houses by Merulius lacrymans, Fr. du'bious, du'bius (Lat.), doubtful, used for plants whose structure or affinities are uncertain. Duct, Duct' us (Lat., led, conducted), an elongated cell or tubular vessel, especially occurring in the fibro- vascular portions of plants ; an'- nular<~, the secondary thickenings occurring more or less in the form of rings ; closed ~ , long cells, not continuous, but with the intervening septa remaining ; dot'ted ~ , = BOTH- RENCHYMA ; intercellular ~ , pas- sages between the cells; retic'u- lated^, where the markings seem to form a network; scalarlform ~ with ladder-like markings as in Ferns. dul'cis (Lat.), sweet, extended to any kind of taste which is not acrid ; Dul'cite, a crystalline substance from Melampyrum, also found in Madagascar Manna. du'metose, dumeto'sus (dumetum, a thicket), bushy, relating to bushes ; Dume'tum, a thicket. dumose' (dumo'sus, bushy), full of bushes, of shrubby aspect ; Du'mus (Lat.), a bush. duode'ni (Lat.), by twelves, growing by twelves. du'plex (Lat.), double; du'plicate, duplica'tus, doubled or folded, twin ; Duplication, doubling, CHORI- SIS ; duplica'to - crena'tus, doubly crenate ; <- denta'tus, doubly- toothed ; ~ pinna'tus, bipinnate ; ~ serra'tus, doubly -serrate ; ~ terna'- tus, biternate ; duplo = twice as many, in Greek compounds it is diplo. Dura'men (Lat., a hardened vine branch), the heartwood of an exo- genous stem, which has become hardened by deposits. Dust, Blair's word for Pollen ; dust'y> covered with granulations re- sembling dust ; or powdered, fari- nose. 82 dwarf Ectoplasm dwarf, of small size or height com- pared with its allies; ~> Male, a short lived filament of a few cells, in Oedogoniaceae, the upper cells being antheridia. Dyas'ter (5tfo, double, dffrrjp, a star), the stage of nuclear division when the rays of linin split longitudinal- ly and two stars are formed which move apart, ending with the forma- tion of daughter-skeins ; dyblas'tus (/SXacn-ds, a bud), two-celled, ap- plied to Lichen spores ; Dycle'sium, or Dyelo'sium, see DICLESIUM. dynam'ic (Si^a^is, power), applied to tissue which is capable of strongly swelling on one side ; Dy'namis, used by Linnaeus to express the degree of development of stamens, as Didynamia, and Tetradynamia, applied to flowers where respec- tively two and four stamens have longer filaments than the remain- ing two. dyploste'monous = DIPLOSTEMONOUS. dyploste'gia= DIPLOSTEGIA. dysgeog'enous (8vo077, nourishment), when a fungus clothes a root only ex- ternally ; ectotrop'ic (rpoVos, direc- tion), outward curvature. ecy'phellate (e, priv. + CYPHELLA), used of Lichens destitute of cyph- ellae; edent'ate, edenta'tus (dens, dentis, a tooth), without teeth ; edent'ulus (Lat.), toothless. Ed'estin, (eSeoros, eatable), a globulin constituent of wheat flour, forming about six to seven per cent. Edge, the margin or outline, as of a leaf ; edged, when a patch of colour is rimmed round by another tint. effete', e/e'tus, e/oe'tus (Lat., ex- hausted), past bearing, function- less from age. emg'urate, ejfiguraftus (ftgura, a fig- ure), (1) when an organ is com- pleted by the full development of its subordinate parts ; (2) of definite outline, opposed to EFFUSE; Efflgu- ra'tions, outgrowths of the re- ceptacle or torus as in Passiflora, Capparis, etc. Efflores'cence, Efflorescen'iia (effloresce, I blossom forth), the season of flowering, anthesis. Effolia'tion (Lindley) = EXFOLIATION. effuse', effu'sus (Lat., poured out), patulous, expanded ; Effu'sio, an expansion ; Effu'sion, used by Wiesner for an intermingling of gases under different pressures, the current acting through openings in membranes. efo'liolate, efoliola'tus (e,priv.foliolum, a small leaf), without leaf-like scales or squamae ; efo'liolose has the same meaning ; eful' crate, efulcra'tus (fulcrum, a bed -post), used of buds from which the customary leaf has fallen. Egg (1) Ovum, ovule ; (2) restricted in meaning as below ;~Appara'tus, the three cells with nuclei at the micropylar end of the embryo sac, two form the synergidse, and the other forms the ob'sphere ; ~ Cell, the oosphere or gynogamete ; ~ shaped, = OVATE; ~ Spore = OOSPORE. eglan'dulose, eglandulo'sus (e, priv. glandula, a gland), destitute of glands ; egran'ulose (granula, a small grain), without granules. E'gret, Martyn's term for pappus ; Fr. Aigrette. ehila'tus J (e, priv., + HILUM), imper- f orate, applied ,to pollen grains having no perforations. eis'odal, eiso'dial (efrroSos, an entry), anterior, as the outer pore of stomates (Tschirch). Ejaculation (ejaculor, I shoot forth) = EJECTION. Ejec'tipn (ejectio, casting forth), forcibly throwing out endogenously formed spores from a sporangium. Elaboration (elaboratio, persevering labour), used of the changes which take place after the absorption of food material to fit it for the use of the plant. elaeo'des (t\ala, olive), olive colour, brownish green ; Elaioleu'cites (Xewcos, white), Van Tieghem's term for ELAIOPLASTS ; Elai'oplasts (TrXcurros, moulded), plastids which are believed to form oil, as leuco- plasts form starch ; Elai'ospheres (cupa, a sphere), bodies in spongy and palisade parenchyma, similar to elaioplasts, probably oil-bodies (Lidforss). The foregoing are also spelled elaeo-. elaphi'nes, (eXa^i^s, a fawn) ; ela- phi'nus (Aa0os, a deer), tawny or fulvous. Ela'ter (eXarryp, a driver) ; (1) an elastic spirally twisted filament, occurring amongst the spores in the thecse of Hepaticae ; (2) a free capillitium thread in Myxogastres ; (3) in Equisetum, four clubbed hygroscopic bands attached to the spores, which serve for dis- persal. Elat'erine, the active principle of the fruit of Elateriwm,) Jacq. 84 Elaterium embryonal Elate'rium (Aar^nos, driving away) = COCCUM. ela'tus (Lat., exalted), tall, lofty. electri'nus(^Xe/cr/)oj>, amber), yellowish amber coloured ; Electrol'ysis (Xftri j, a loosing), analysis by electric force, adj. electrolytic ; electrotrop'ic (rpoTros, direction), actuated by electric force ; Elec'tropism, the electric impulse which governs certain plant-functions. Element'ary Or'gans, the constituents of cellular and vascular tissue. eleutheran'tlieroua (eXetfflepoj, free, + ANTHER), having the anthers distinct, not united ; eleuthero- pet'alous (irtTaXov, a flower-leaf), polypetalous, having free petals, choripetalous ; eleutherophyll'ous (0tfXXoi>, a leaf), separate leaved ; eleutherosep'alous ( + SEPALUM) with distinct sepals. eleva'ted, applied to a Lichen when raised above the surface of its matrix. Ell, a measure variously understood, the English ell being 45 inches, the French ell 54 inches. Elleb'orin, an acrid resin from Eranthis hyemcdis, Salisb. formerly con- sidered a species of Helleborus. ellip'soid, ellipsoi'dal, ellipsoida'lis (eXXeti/as, a falling short, etSos, like), an elliptic solid, sometimes employed for elliptic ; ellip'tic, ellip'tical, dlip'ticus, shaped like an ellipse, oblong with regularly rounded ends. Elitric'ulus = ELYTRICULUS. eloc'ular, elocida'ris (e, priv. locidus, a cell), unilocular. Elonga'tion, Elonga'tio (dongo, I lengthen), remarkable for length in comparison with its breadth ; elonga'ted, elonga'tm (drawn out in length). Elytric'ulus (tKvrpov, a covering), Necker's term for a floret in Com- positae ; ely'triform (forma, shape), resembling the wing-case of a beetle (Crozier). emar'cid, emar'ddua (emarcesco, I wither), flaccid, withered. emar'ginate emargina'tus (emargino, to deprive of its edge), having a notch cut out, usually at the ex- tremity ; Emarginatu'ra (Lat. ), the notch at the apex of an emarginate leaf. Em' bolus (£/ijSoXos, a pump piston), a plug, a process which projects downwards from the upper part of the cavity of the ovary of Armeria, and closes the foramen of the ovule. emboss'ed, umbonate, having a slight central nodule. emora'cing, clasping by the base, amplectant. Em'bryo, Em'bryon (fyppvov, a foetus), the rudimentary plant formed in a seed or within the archegonium of Cryptogams; ~ Buds, "spheroidal solid bodies, of unknown origin, re- sembling woody nodules formed in the bark of trees, and capable of extending into branches " (Lind- ley) ; ~ CeU=Oosphere ; ~Nod'ule, the same as EMBRYO BUDS : ~ Sac, the cell in the ovule in which the embryo is formed, also by some termed the macrospore ; fixed ~ , a leaf -bud ; embryogen'ic (ywvdu, I bring forth), belonging to the development of the embryo; ~> Bod'ies, in Mucorini, naked masses of protoplasm apparently derived from the nuclei, at each end of the zygospore, ultimately fusing to- gether, becoming ^ Spheres, then surround themselves with a double cell-wall, and finally become EM- BRYONIC SPHERES (Le"ger) ; Embryo- g/eny, formation of the embryo ; direct «~, when a spore gives rise to an embryo resembling the adult form ; heteroblast'ic - , when the embryo differs widely from the adult form it is not borne direct, but as a lateral outgrowth ; ho'lo- blastic ~ , in which the whole of the ovum takes part ; ho'inoblast'ic ^ , = DIRECT <~ ; in' direct ~ = HETERO- BLASTIC -~ ; meroblast'ic, when only a portion of the ovum takes part in the development ; embry'o- embryonal endarch nal, embryona'lis, relating to the embryo ; — Tubes, tubular struc- tures which develop in Abietineae, forming the suspensor ; <- Ve'sicle, the ob'sphere ; Embryol'ogy (\fryos, discourse), study of the embryo ; embry'onary Sac = embryo sac ; em'bryonate, having an embryo (Crozier) ; embryon'ic, rudimentary, in an early stage, ~ Branches, in Chara, peculiar branches resembling an embryo, which become separate and grow into new plants; ~ Spheres, see under EMBRYOGENIC SPHERES ; Em'bryophore (0opew, I carry), in Equisetum the homologue of the suspensor of Phanerogams and Selaginella, the lower of the two cells first cut off by a septum in the oosphere, then again sepa- rated, and this time forming the lower two of the quad- rants, one becoming the "foot," the other the first root ; Embryo- pbyta ((pvTw, a plant), plants pos- sessing embryos, divided into r*> Siphonogam'ia,havingpollen-tubes, practically all flowering plants, and "" Zoidiogam'ia, with ciliated spermatozoids, practically Crypto- gams ; Embryote'ga, - tegum, -tegium, -stega (reyji, a covering), a callosity in the seed coat of some seeds near the hilum, and detached by the pfotusion of the radicle on germination ; Embryotroph'a (T/JO^T?, nourishment) (1) perispermium ; (2) amnios (Henslow). Emergence (emergo, I come forth), an outgrowth from the surface, differing from hairs in arising from more than the superficial cells, and from spines, in arising from a few layers only; prickles, warts, etc.; emer'gent, emerg'ens, used of capsules which rise slightly above the perichaetium ; emer'sed, em- er'sus, raised above and out of the water. Em'etin, a supposed alkaloid from Ipecacuanha and similar emetic roots. Em'odin, a glucoside obtained from buckthorn and a species of rhubarb, Rheum Emodi, Wall. empa'led, Grew's term for hemmed in, as the flower by the calyx ; Empalement, = CALYX ; Empalers = calyx segments. empenna'tus t (Mod. Lat.), pinnate. emphysemato'susj (t/j.s, inhering). W. D. Cope's term for inherited or simple type of growth force ; Empnyto- gen'esis (yiwu, beginning), the origin of inherited growth force (W. D. Cope). Empiric Di'agram, a scheme showing the relative number and position of parts of a flower as seen by inspec- tion. em'pty, void ; <~ Glumes, one or more glumes subtending a spikelet in grasses enclosing one or more flowers. Emul'sin (emulsus, milked), an enzyme acting upon glucosides, found plentifully in almonds. enantioblast'ic,-tous (evavra, opposite, /SXctords, a shoot), having the em- bryo at the end of the seed dia- metrically opposite the hilum. Ena'tion (enatus, sprung up), having outgrowths from the surface. Encarp'ium (ev, in, Kapwbs, fruit). Trattinick's term for sporophore. Enca'slng, of protoplasm, the forma- tion of cellulose- caps by the proto- plasm in the cells of certain tri- chomes (Haberlandt) ; Germ., Ein- kapselung. Enchyle'ma (v\\oi>, a leaf), having eleven leaves or leaflets. ende'mic, ende'micus (fr, in, S^tos, a country district), confined to a given region, as an island or country. En'distem (evdov, within, iWrj/u, I stand), young pith ; Endobasid'ium (basidium, a little pedestal), an enclosed basidium, as in Gastero- mycetes ; endobiot'ic (jSior??, life), living within as a parasite, as Chrysophlyctis endobiotica, Rose, in potato tubers ; En'doblem (jSXrj/xa, a coverlet), tissue beneath the derma- togen, of small-celled parenchyma ; En'docarp (icapiros, fruit), the inner layer of a pericarp ; endocarp'oid, resembling the Lichen genus Endo- carpon; endocatad'romous ( + CATA- DBOMOUS), when Ferns in their ner- vation have their stronger pinnules catadromous, the weaker one, ana- dromous; En'dochite (xt-rwv, a tunic), the innermost membrane of the egg in Fucaceae (Farmer) ; En'dochroa t (xpws, skin), a supposed interior layer of the cuticle (Lindley) ; En'- dochrome, Endochro'ma (xp<^ia, colour), the peculiar colouring matter in cells, especially in Algae ; Endocor'tex(co7^ex, bark), the inner- most layer of the cortical region ; endococ'coid, like the Lichen En- dococcus; En'docyst (Ki5(ms, a bladder), Cleve's term for a pro- bably sexual organ in the frustules of certain Diatoms ; En'dodermis (dtp/jut, skin), the layer of ground- tissue which abuts on the stele, being differentiated as a sheath round it ; Endog'amy (ydfios, mar- riage) : an expression for fusion or coalescence of two or more female gametes, adj. endog'amous ; En'dogen (ytvos, race, off-spring), a monocotyledonous plant, sup- posed to grow by internal acces- sions; endogenous, (1) pertaining to an Endogen ; (2) produced within another body, arising from deep- seated tissues ; ~ Cell-forma'tion, = free cell-formation ; Endogonid'ium ( + GONIDIUM), a gonidium formed within a receptacle or gonidangium; Eudogo'nium, the contents of the nucule of Chara; endonast'ic (vaffTos, close pressed), applied by Van Tieghem to an anatropous or campylotropous ovule, when the curvature is horizontal towards the edge of the carpel ; Endokaryog'amy (tcdpvov, & nut or kernel) = ENDO- GAMY ; Endonu'cleus (nucleus, a small nut) " the nucleolo-nucleus " (Macfarlane) ; Endopar'asite ( + PARASITE), a plant which lives and develops within the tissues of the host; adj. endoparasit'ic ; Endo- perid'ium (irepidiov, a little pouch), the inner layer of the peridium in Fungi ; En'dophloeum (0Xotos, bark) the inner bark; Endophrag'ma J ((ppd'Yiu.a, a fence), a partition in the frond of some seaweeds; en- dophyl'lous, endophyl'lus (v\\ov, a leaf), (1) formed from within a sheathing leaf ; (2) living within the substance of a leaf ; endophy7- tal, endopbyt'ic, -cus (\rrovt a plant), one plant growing inside another plant, whether parasitic or not ; En'dophyte, (1) the woody body or timber of an exogen, in- cluding the pith (Lindley); (2) a plant which grows in the interior of another living plant ; En'doplasm (TrXaoyta, moulded), the internal granular portion of the protoplasm as distinguished from the outer portion, the ectoplasm, which is free from granules: Endopleu'ra (TrXevpb, a rib), the inner seed-coat, tegmen ; endop'tile, endop'tilus (irrikov, a feather), used of an embryo whose plumule is rolled up in the cotyledon; endorhi'zal, en- dorhi'zouz, -us (pifa, a root), mono- cotyledonous, for in germination the radicle instead of lengthening gives rise to secondary rootlets; 87 Endorhizae entodiscalis Endorlil'zae = Monocotyledons; En- dosclero'tium (+ SCLEROTITJM), a persistent tuber-like mycelium of endogenous origin (Fayod) ; Endos- mom'eter (ptrpov, a measure), an instrument to show endosmosis ; En'dosmose, Endosmo'sis (wcr^oy, impulsion), flow of liquid through a membrane into a more viscid fluid ; En' dosperm, Endosperm' um (ffirtpfw, seed), (1) the albumen of a seed in Angiosperms, by recent observers limited to the endosperm deposited within the embryo sac ; (2) in Gym- nosperms the prothallium with- in the embryo sac ; (3) in Selagin- ellcby tissue formed in the cavity of the macrospore below the prothal- lium ; endospermlc, -icus, having albumen, or associated with it ; En'dospore, Endospor'ium (eos, stiff), the timber of an exogen, without the pith (Lindley); En'dostome, Endost'oma (vr6t>, a plant) = endo- phytal ; En'tophyte, Entophy'ta, a plant which grows within other plants, as some Fungi ; adj. ento- phyt'ic ; en'tozoic ({woy, an animal), growing within animals, endozoic. En'velope, surrounding parts, the Flo'ral En'velopes are the perianth or its analogues ; <~ Appara'tus, the sporocarp in Ascomycetes exclusive of the asci, and ascigerous cells j enveloping = involucrate. Environment (Fr.environnement),the aggregate of surrounding condi- tions. En'zyme (frt in, Jtf/Mj, yeast,) an unorganised or soluble ferment, as Diastase ; amy lolyt'ic ~ , as Diastase, converting starch into sugar ; fat ~ , converting olein into oleic acid and glycerine ; glu'coside "- , as Synaptase or Emulsin; hydro- lyt'ic ~, splitting up by hydro- lysis ; invert <- , turning cane-sugar into grape-sugar ; oxidi'sing ^ , as- sisting in the oxidation of various substances ; proteolytlc <~ , decom- posing proteids ; Enzympl'ysis (XvVts, a loosing), the action of breaking up a substance by the solvent power of an enzyme. Eosin'ophil (eosin, a rose-red dye from coal-tar products, 0tXew, I love), denotes any substance which be- come coloured by the application of eosin. Epan'ody (eTrapoSos, return to normal), a return to a regular state from an irregular, as a peloria flower. epan'thous (M, upon, &v0os, a flower), growing upon flowers, as certain Fungi. Ep'en (Crozier) = EPENCHYMA. Epencn'yma (tiri, upon, eyxv^a, an infusion), Nageli's term for fibro- vascular tissue; Epharmo'sis (apfj-ofa, I join together), the minute anatomy of plants applied to taxonomy ; adj. epnarmot'ic ; ephem'eral, ephem'erous, -us, (rjfj&pa, day), (1 ) lasting for a day or less, as the corolla of Cistus ; (2) used by Mobius as ~ polycarpic plants, which flower several genera- tions in the same year, as Stellaria media, Cyr. epiba'sal (tirl, upon, /3dij\\ov, a leaf), Kronf eld's term for a double leaf, when the growth of the lamina has been interrupted at a particular spot ; epigae'an, epigae'ous, epige'us (777, the earth), (1) growing upon the ground ; (2) on land as opposed to water; (3) the above-ground flowers of such genera as have hypogaean flowers also, as Krascheninikowia ; also occurs as epigeal, epige'an, epig'eous, especially when used of cotyledons which spread above the surface ; Epigen'esis (y^eo-is, a beginning), the theory that the embryo develops by the differen- tiation of new organs ; opposed to the old theory of ' ' Evolution " or Preformation ; epig'enous, epig'enus (y&os, race), growing on the surface, as Fungi on leaves ; Ep'igone, Epi~ Epiphyll go'nium (yov^, offspring), (1) the cellular layer covering the young sporophore in Hepaticae ; (2) simi- lar tissue in Mosses after formation of the capsule, frequently ruptured, the upper portion carried up as the calyptra, the lower remaining as the vaginule ; (3) the nucleus in Chara ; epigynophor'ius (yvvri, a woman, Qoptu, I carry), placed upon a gynophore or stipe of an ovary (Lindley) ; epig'ynous, -us, on the pistil, apparently above the ovary ; epigyn'icus, with the calyx or corolla superior, epilith'ic (M, upon; \l8os, rock), growing on rocks as many lichens ; epim'enus (/x^w, I remain), Necker's term for the perianth being superior ; epinast'ic (vcurros, pressed close), (1) in leaves when pressed close to the ground, or away from the axis ; (2) in organs when the ventral surface grows the fastest as in revolute vernation ; (3) when ovules are curved in a downward direction (Van Tieghem); Epinas'ty, De Vries's term for curvature pro- duced by greater growth of the ventral surface ; Epine'mus (vrjua, a thread), the upper part of the filament in Compositae bearing the anther ; epiperisperm'icus (trepl, about, v\\ov, a leaf), the upper portion of a leaf, from which the epiphyllous Epitrophy petiole and blade are developed ; epiphyll'ous, -us, growing on leaves; epiphyllosperm'ous (, food), the condition when the growth of the cortex on wood is greater on the upper side of the organ ; or having buds or shoots on the upper side (Wiesner); 91 opltropous ermineua epit'ropous (rpor^, a turn), denotes an anatropous ovule with its raphe averse when ascending, adverse when suspended; Epival'va, Ep'i- valve (valva, a valve), the valve belonging to the epitheca of a Diatom; epixylo'neus (^Xoi^wood); epix'ylous ( Crozier ), growing on wood, as Hypoxylon; epizoa'rius (^WOF, an animal), growing on dead animals ; epizo'ic, epizo'us, growing on living animals, parasitic or not. eplica'tus (et priv., plicatus, folded), not plaited or folded ; epro- phylla'tus ( + PROPHYLLA), without prophylla, bracteoles ; — in Germ. Vorblatter; epru'inose (pruinosus, frosty), without surface farina. e'qual (cequalis), (1) alike as to length or number, (2) in Mosses when the capsule is symmetrical; ~ si'ded, equal, when applied to the two sides of an organ; e'qually-pin'nate = abruptly pinnate, having no ter- minal leaflet ; e'quans (Lat.), equal- ling. Equatorial Plane, the line which passes through the mother- star of the nucleus, the plane of cell- division ; ~ Plate, the nuclear disc of Strasburger, the grouping of chromosomes at the middle of the spindle in nuclear division. equilat'eral, equilatera'lis (aequilater- alis), equal-sided. equinoctial, equinoctia'lis (aequinocti- alis, pertaining to the equinox), used of plants whose flowers ex- pand and close at particular hours of the day. equise'tic, pertaining to the genus Equisetum; equise'tiform, resem- bling the same genus as to form. e'quitant, e'quitans (Lat. riding), folded over, as if astride; equi- tati'vus (Lat. ) J = equitant. equivalv'ular (aeque, equally ; valva, leaf of a door), having the valves of a fruit equal in size. Equivocal ( aequivocus, ambiguous) Genera'tion, spontaneous genera- tion. eradic'ulose ( e, priv. radicida, a small root), without rootlets or rhizoids ; eramo'sus ( ramus, a branch), unbranched. erect, erect' us (Lat.), upright, per- pendicular to the ground or its attachment ; erec'to-pat'ent (patens, lying open), between spreading and erect. Eremacau'sis (rjptfja, gently, /cauo-is, burning), slow combustion or oxi- dation, such as long preserved seeds show, as if charred. Ere'moblast (ep^os, solitary, /3\cwros, a shoot), cells which united at first, afterwards separate them- selves ; Ere'mus J a carpel apart from its sister carpels ; Eremobry'a (jSpuw, I grow), a division of Ferns having articulated fronds, and not adherent to the stem or rhizome. Ergogen'esis (epyov, work, yevew, be- ginning), the exhibition of growth- energy (J. A. Ryder). Er'got (Fr. ), also pr. Er'got ; Claviceps purpurea, Tul. , causing ' ' Spur " in grasses ; Ergost'erin, Ergot'ic Acid, Er'gotin, substances occurring in the sporophore of the Ergot fungus ; Er'gotism, the effect produced by eating bread which is ergotised ; er'gotised, infected with Ergot. erianth'ous, -us (epiov, wool, SLV&OS, a flower), woolly- flowered. erice'tal (ericetum, Mod. Lat., a heath), H. C. Watson's term for plants which grow upon moors, such as heather, Erica ; ericiti'nua (Mod. Lat.), heath-like, in shape or habit ; erico'id (elSos, like), used of leaves which are like those of heaths. e'rigens (erigo, I raise), used of a branch, horizontal at first, rising at the point. erioph'orous (eptov wool, 0ooew, I carry), wool-bearing, densely cottony ; eriophyU'ous, -us (QtiXXov, a leaf), woolly leaved. Eris'ma (epeia-fj-a, a buttress), Necker's term for the rhachis in grasses. ermin'eus (Mod. Lat.), the colour of the fur of ermine, white, broken with yellow. 92 eroded Eugamophyta ero'ded, ero'se, ero'sus (Lat. gnawed), as though bitten or gnawed. erost'rate, erostra'tus, erost'ris (Lat.), beakless. Error, probable, see DEVIATION. Ersatzfag'ern, Sanio = SUBSTITUTE FIBRES, intermediate in form between woody fibres and parenchyma. erubesc'ens (Lat. blushing), blush red. emcaeform'is (eruca, a caterpillar, forma, shape), used for such Lichen spores as those of Graphis, which are long, septate, blunted at the extremities,, and in shape suggest a short caterpillar. erump'ent, erump'ens (Lat. breaking through), prominent as though bursting through the epidermis. Er'ythrism (tpvOpos, red), a red colour in flowers usually white, the re- verse of albinism ; Er'ytnrophyll (0i/XXov, a leaf), Berzelius's term for the red colouring of leaves ; erythropn'ilous (0Xe'w, I love), used of nuclei which take up red stains in preference to blue ; Erythrost'omum J (oro/m, the mouth), Desvaux's word for ETAERIO; Er'ytnrozym ($VM, yeast), an enzyme from the root of the madder which acts on glucosides. -escens, a Latin suffix = ish, thus rub-escens = redd-ish. es'culent (esculentus, fit for eating), suitable for human food. Es'culin, = AESCULIN. Espalier, a fruit tree trained lattice- fashion, in one plane, but not at- tached to a wall. esep'tate (e, priv. .septum, a partition), destitute of septa. esoteric (eo-corepos, inner), arising from inside the organism. espatha'ceus (e, priv., + SPATHA, -aceus), wanting a spathe ; Lindley gives the form espatha'tus J essen'tial (essentia, the being of any- thing), the necessary constituent of an existing object ; ~ Char'acter, the distinguishing note by which a form differs from its allies, diag- nostic character ; ~ Or'gans, those which are absolutely necessary, stamens and pistils. esti'val = AESTIVAL ; e'stivate = AESTIVATE; Estiva'tion = AESTI- VATION. Etae'rio, Etairium (ercupefo, com- panionship), an aggregate fruit composed of achenes or drupes, as in Ranunculus, the Strawberry, and Blackberry ; adj. etairiona'ris, etairio'neus. e'tiolated, etiola'tus (Fr. etiole", drawn out), lengthened or deprived of colour by absence of light ; Etiola'- tlon, the condition of being blanched ; E'tiolin, the yellow- colouring matter of blanched plants, chlorophyll which has not acquired its green colour (Pringsheim). E'tiology = AETIOLOGY. etrabecula'tus (e, priv., trabecula, a little beam), not cross-barred ; when the peristome teeth of Mosses want cross-connections. eu- (e5, well), in Greek compounds = true ; often used in sectional names, with a restricted meaning ; euacranth'ic (a/c/>os, apex, avtfos, flower), truly terminal ; ~ Flow'er, a terminal flower which springs immediately from the apex of a shoot which has produced leaves or other lateral structures ; cf. PSEUDACRANTHIC ; euanth'ic, used by Delpino to denote a mono- thalamic flower, the reverse being PSEUDANTHIC ; Eucar'otin ( + CARO- TIN), Zopf employs this to mark the yellow carotin as distinct from the red ; eucarp'ic (/capTroy, fruit), applied to certain Algae where part only of the body of the plant goes to form the sporangium, in contrast to HOLOCARPIC ; eucy'clic (KIJK\OS, a circle), when flowers are composed of alternate isomerous whorls ; Eugam'ophyte (7vTov, a plant ; eTSoj, like) Par'asites, are erect land plants, parasitic in habit ( Johow) ; eu'scnist ( used of vascular bundles in which the whole primary wood is centripetal, almost the same as perixylic. exar'eolate, exareola'tus (ex, priv., + AREOLATUS), not spaced out or marked into small areas; exar'il- late (+ ARILLA), without an aril; exar'istate.exaruta'^ws ( + ARISTA), destitute of awns. exas'perate, exasperaftus (Lat., rough- ened), rough with hard projecting points. ex'cavate (excavatus, hollowed out), as though dug out. excen'tric, excentric'us (er, out of, centrum, the centre), one-sided, out of the centre, abaxial. Ex'ciple, Ex'cipule (Crozier), Excip'- ulum, Excip'ulus (excipula, a basin), wart - like excrescences on the thallus of certain Lichens, which have a narrow opening ; the por- tion of thallus which forms the rim round the base of apothecia. Excitability, Excitabil'itas (excitatus, roused), the faculty of responding to external stimuli. exeres'cent (excrescens, growing out), growing in an unnatural way, as a wart or other outgrowth ; Excres'- cence, a gnaur or wart on the stem of a tree ; enation. Excre'tion (ex, out of, cretus, sifted), (1) the action by which any sub- stance is rejected from the organ- ism ; (2) the thing itself excreted, as gum, resin, honey, etc.; excur'- rent, excur'rens (Lat., running), (1) running through to the apex and beyond as a mucro ; (2) where the stem remains central, the other parts being regularly disposed round it; ^ Vena'tion, in Ferns, when the veinlet is directed out- wards. exendosperm'ous (e£, out, evdov, with- in, /*a, seed), used of seeds which have reserve material stored in the embryo. exe'sus J (Lat., eaten away), applied to a surface irregularly sculptured as though by corrosion. exfo'liate (ex, from, folium, a leaf), to come away in scales or flakes, as the bark of the Plane; Exfolia'- tion, peeling off. exhalant (exhalo, I exhale), breathing out, as exhalan'tia Va'sat imaginary vessels in the epidermis, actually the sides of confluent cells ; Ex- hala'tion, the function discharged by stomata in passing off vapour. exig'uous, exig'uus (Lat., scanty), small and narrow, mean. exi'lis (Lat. ), thin, meagre ; lank and straight. exim'ius (Lat., distinguished), ex- cellent for size for beauty. exindu'siate, exindusia'tus (ex, priv., + INDUSIATE), without an indu- sium, the membrane which covers the torus in Ferns. Ex'ine = EXTINE. Ex'intine (ex, out, + INTINE), the middle coat of a pollen-grain, that which is next the intine. Ex'istem (e£, out, icrros, a web), the " Aussenschicht " of Sanio, consist- 95 Exochite Expansion ing of MESISTEM "thickening ring" and PERISTEM, young cortex ; it is the tissue of protomeristem which is not young pith. Ex'ochite (e£w, outside, x17^* a tunic), the outermost membrane of the egg in Fucaceae (Farmer) ; Exocor'tex, (cortex, bark), a special triple layer in the roots of saprophytic Orchids ; Exoderm'is (5e/>/ui, skin), the outer- most cortical layer of the adult root, answering to the hypoderma of the stem. Excoe'mum (e£, out, ofywiw, I issue), a fringe or tuft of hair at the base of the glumes in some grasses (Richard) ; exocatad'romous ( + CATADROMOUS), when Ferns in their nervation have their stronger pinnules anadromous, and their weaker catadromous ( Prantl ) ; Exog'amy (ya/ios, marriage), the tendency of closely allied gametes to avoid pairing ; exog'enous exog'enus (yevvdu, I bring forth), (1) growing as the wood of Dicotyledons ; (2) arising from superficial tissue ; Ex'ogeus, Exog'enae, plants which increase in growth by the addition of wood on the outside beneath the constantly widening bark ; Exog'y- nous, exog'ynus (7^77, woman), where the style is exserted beyond the flower ; Exoisog'amy ( + ISOGAMY), when a gamete will pair only with a similar gamete of another brood (Hartog) ; exonas'tic (JXKTTOS, pressed close), in anatropous or campylotropous ovules when the curvature is horizontal towards the median nerve of the side of the upper face of the carpel (Van Tieghem) ; cf. ENDONASTIC ; Exoneuro'sis (vetpov, a nerve), the separation of veins in appendicular organs, and their reappearance as teeth, spines, or bristles, as in the Barberry (Clos) ; Exoperid'ium ( + PERIDIUM), the outer layer of the peridium of such Fungi as Ly coper- don, which peels or flakes off on maturity ; exophyll'ous -us (v\\ov, a leaf),* not having a foliaceous sheath, with naked cotyledons : exop'tile, exop'tilis (TTT&OV, a wing) = EXOPHYLLOUS, said of an embryo whose plumule is naked upon, or between cotyledons and not rolled up in one (Lindley) ; Exorhi'zae (pifa, a root), = EXOGENS ; exorhi'zal, exorhiza'lis, the radicle not sheathed, so the primary root in germination has no covering to pierce; Exos'mose , Exosmo'sis(w/j,6s, a thrusting), the passage through a membrane outwards from a thin to a dense fluid ; Exosclero'tes (riKos, foreign), not native, introduced from abroad ; Exot'ics are those plants which are not in- digenous. exotroph'ic (e£w, out of,r/>o077,nourish- ment), employed by Wiesner where an organ or lateral shoot, as op- posed to the mother-shoot, is most strongly developed ; Exot'rophy, development of lateral shoots instead of the main axis. expand'ed, expan'sus (Lat. spread out), diffuse ; Expansion, the con- dition of a flower in full perfection j 96 explanate Eye "•» of protoplasm, the normal con- dition when it is impermeable to cell-sap, the opposite of con- traction, when it is flaccid and permeable. ex'planate, explana'tus (Lat., flattened out), spread out flat. expul'sive (expulsua, driven out) Fruits, fruits which forcibly ex- pel their seeds. exquisi'tus $ (Lat., choice), used of parts larger or more highly coloured than usual, as Bracteae exquisitae; cf. COMA. exscul'ptus (Lat., carved out),showing small depressions as though dug out, as the seeds of Anchusa. exsert', exsert'ed, exsert'us (Lat., pro- truded), protruding beyond, as stamens beyond the tube of the corolla. Exsicca'ta (exsiccatus, dry), dried plants, usually in sets for sale or subscribers, frequently with printed tickets. exstip'ulate, exstipula'tus (ex, priv., + STIPULA), wanting stipules. exsuc'cous, exsuc'cus (Lat. ), juiceless. Extensibility (extensus, spread out), having the property of stretching. extenua'tus (Lat., thinned), a sy- nonym of VIRGATUS (Henslow). exten'sus (Lat.), spread out. exte'rior (Lat., outer), outer ; in the flower sometimes = ANTERIOR. extern' al, extern' its (Lat.), outward ; /~ Sheath, a modification of the bundle-sheath, stated to occur in Ferns (Russow). Ex'tine (extimus, outside -f ine), the outer coat of a pollen-grain. ex'tra (Lat.), without, beyond, as ex'tra-axilTary, ~ -axilla'ris, be- yond, or out of the axil ; ^ cell'ular, outside a cell; <- fas- cic'ular, outside the vascular bundles; ~ flor'al, beyond the flower, as some nectaries ; ~ folia' ceous, away from the leaves, or inserted in a different position from them ; «~ mat'rical, outside of a nidus or matrix ; /- me'dian, beyond the middle ; ~ Bem'inal, G 97 outside the seed, as ^ ^ Devel'op- ment, following the sowing of the seed, as the escape of the embryo, etc. ; "" ste'lar, the ground-tissue outside the central cylinder. Extrameabil'ity (extra, beyond, mea- bilis, penetrable), the capacity of protoplasm to permit substances to pass outwards from its vacuoles (Janse). extra'rius (Lat., outward), placed on the outside. extratrop'ical (extra, without, + TROPIC), beyond the tropics, to the north or south of them ; extrava- gi'nal (vagina, a sheath), beyond or outside the sheath, applied to branches springing from buds, which break through the sheath of the subtending leaf, chiefly in grasses ; Extravasa'tion (vas, a vessel), unnatural flow of a liquid from a tissue or organ, as the "bleeding " of vines. ex'trorse, extror'sus (exteros, on the outside, versus, towards), directed outward, as the dehiscence of an anther. ex'tus, a modern term = EXTRA ; similar in form to intus, but not classic Latin. Exuda'tion (exudo or exsudo, I sweat), the transpiration of liquids from hydathodes, etc., as seen on the leaf-tips of Monocotyledons. exunguic'ulate (ex, priv. ungula, a claw), without a claw (Crozier). exu'tive (exutus, drawn off), applied to seeds wanting the usual integu- ment. Exu'viae (Lat. , stripped off clothing), cast off parts, as shed scales ; Exu- via'tion, the operation of shedding effete material. Eye, (1) a gardener's name for an un- developed bud ; (2) the persistent calyx of a pome, cf. CROWN ; (3) a conspicuous spot in a flower, as a blotch of colour ; ~ Spot (1) a coloured spot in a motile gamete or spore, which is sensitive to light ; (2) markings on the silicious valve of Coscinodiscus, consisting fabaceous fascicular of an aperture with a thickened margin in each alveole. faba'ceous, -eus (faba, a bean, + aceous), like a bean, or having its qualities ; fabiform'is (forma), ap- plied to Lichen spores which are bean-shaped. Face, that surface of an organ which is opposed to the back, usually the upper or inner side. Fa'cies (Lat., shape), the general aspect of a plant. factitious, factit'ius (Lat.), artificial. fac'ultative (facultas, capability), oc- casional, incidental, as opposed to OBLIGATE; ~ An'aerobes, organisms which can exist without the pre- sence of free oxygen or air ; ^ Par'asites, normally saprophytes, but able to develop as parasites ; ~ Sap'rophytes, the converse of the last, parasites which can run their course as saprophytes ; <~ Sym'- biont, an organism which can either exist and reach maturity independ- ently or in symbiosis with another. fa'ding, withering, without imme- diately falling away. Fae'cula, see FECULA. Fairy-ring, a circular patch of Agarics which have grown centri- f ugally, and whose influence on the soil is shown by greener grass after they have disappeared. fal'cate, falca'tus ( Lat. ), sickle- shaped ; falca'rius, falcator'ius, are Latin synonyms ; fal'ciform, falci- form'is (falx, a sickle, forma, shape), sickle-like. Fall of the Leaf, defoliation, casting off the leaves, as done in temperate climates by deciduous trees in autumn. False, fal'sus (Lat., untrue), spurious, having a specious resemblance ; ~ Ax'is, a pseudaxis, see SYM- PODIUM ; r» Bark, a layer on the outside of endogens of cellular tissue, into which fibrous tissue passes obliquely; ~ Dichot'omy, a dichasium, in which the lateral axes are two ; ~ Dissep'iment, a partition which does not arise from the edges of carpels, but some form of cellular tissue ; ~ Foot, the base of the seta in some Bryophytes, which becomes dilated ; ~ Fruit, a pseudocarp, as a Strawberry; ~ Indu'sium, the recurved margin of some Fern-pinnules, which serves to protect the sori ; ^ Par- ench'yma = PSEUDOPARENCHYMA ; ~ Raceme' = HELICOID CYME ; ~ Tis'sue, hyphal or mycelial felted tissue ; falsinerMs (nervus, a nerve), when nerves are formed of cellular tissue, without fibro- vascular bundles, as in Mosses. Fam'ily, Famil'ia, = ORDER. fan-nerved, having the nerves dis- posed in the fashion of a fan, radiating from the base ; ~ shaped, flabelliform ; ~ veined, = ~ NERVED. farc'tate./arc'^ts (Lat., stuffed), filled up, not hollow or tubular. fa'riam, =in rows, as bi-fariam, in two rows, etc. Fari'na (Lat., meal), (1) Blair's term for pollen ; (2) starch, or starchy matter ; farina'ceous ( + aceous), of the nature of starch, or contain- ing starch ; far'inose, farino'sus, (1) covered with a mealiness ; (2) Mohl's term for the cellulose of starch. Fas'cia (Lat., a band), pi. Fas'ciae, a cross-band, as of colour. fascia'lis, fasc'iate, fascia'tus (fastis, a bundle), used of the condition of a stem when several have coalesced ; Fascia' tion, a band or bundle caused by a monstrous growth of stems into one. fascia'rius (Lat., band-like), banded, or band-shaped, narrow and long, with parallel margins, as in sea- wrack. Fas'cicle, Fascic'ulus (Lat., a little bundle), a close cluster or bundle of flowers, leaves, stems or roots ; fascic'ular, fascicula'ris, fas'cicled, fascicula'tus, connected or drawn into a fascicle ; fascic'ular Cambium, is that portion which belongs to the vascular bundles ; ~ Tis'sue, 98 fasciolaris Fermentation ~ Syst'em = fibro- vascular system ; ^ Xy'lem = hadrome, the wood- elements of a bundle ; fasciola'ris, fasciola'tus, fasciated. fastig'iate, fastigia'tus (fastigium, a slope, a gable ), ( 1 ) parallel, clustered and erect, as the branches of Populus fastigiata (Linn.); (2) frequently used as if it meant the same as fasciate ; Fastigia'tion, when branches become more or less parallel with the main stem. Fat-en'zyme, an unorganized ferment which breaks up oils and fats. Father-plant, in hybrids, the pollen- parent or male element. Fatigue -substances, Recnitzer's name for bodies thrown off the plant, which act in a restraining or poison- ous way on its own life; Germ., Ermiidungstoffe. Fau'ces (Lat., the throat), pi., the throat of a gamopetalous corolla ; Faux, singular, is an assumed word. Favel'la (? a diminutive of favus, honeycomb), the conceptacle of Ceramium, a dense terminal agglo- meration of spores within a thin colourless membrane ; fave'olate, faveola'tus (perhaps from favus, honey-comb), honey-combed, alveo- late; Favellid'ium (ddiov, diminu- tive), = CYSTOCARP. Favilla, Favillidiuni, Lindley's erron- eous spelling of FAVELLA, and FAVELLIDIUM. fa' VQ8e,favofsus (Lat.), honey-combed, as the receptacles of many Com- positae ; favo'so-areola'tus,mapped- out into spaces, suggestive of the cavities of honey-comb ; ~ dehis'- cens, seeming honey-combed after- dehiscence, as the anther of Vis- cum ; favo'sulus, somewhat honey- combed ; Fa'vus, a skin disease caused by Achorion Schoenleinii, Remak. feath'er- veined, with secondary veins proceeding from the midrib, penni- nerved. feath'ery, plumose, with long hairs which are hairy themselves. Fe'cula (faecula, wine-lees), starch or similar substances ; fe'culent, thick with sediment (Crozier). Fecunda'tion (fecundo, to make fruit- ful), = FERTILIZATION. Feed'er, (1) a host-plant ; (2) in Wei- witschia and other Gnetaceae, an outgrowth of the hypocotyl, serv- ing as a temporary organ of absorp- tion ; (3) used by Vines for the " foot " of Selaginella. fell'eus (Lat., full of gall), bitter as gall. felt'ed, matted with intertwined hairs; ~ Tis'sue, hyphal tissue not regu- larly united, but more or less grown together ; syn. TKLA CONTEXTA. fe'male.the fruiting element in plants, the pistil and its analogues, arche- gonia, oospheres, etc., shown by 9. femin'eus (Lat., womanly), female, as Flos ~- , a flower which contains pistils but no stamens. Fence, Withering's word for INVOL- UCRE. Fenes'tra (Lat., a window), an open- ing through a membrane ; fenes'- trate, fenestra'tus, fenestra'lis, pierced with holes, as the septum in some Cruciferae. fer, Latin suffix from fero, I bear ; occurs in such words as florifer, bearing flowers ; sometimes found as -ferns, which is very rarely cor- rect. fe'ral (/era, a wild animal), wild, or indigenous ; not cultivated. Fer'ment (fermentum, leaven), a sub- stance which produces or excites chemical changes, but not itself appreciably contributing to the new products. Ferments may be divided into (a) organised <~ , such as yeast and other Schizomycetes, and (6) unorganised <~ , or enzymes ; the latter are related to and apparently derived from the proteids ; their composition is not absolutely known, and their names are us- ually derived from the sources whence they are derived ; diastase, invertase, papain, etc. ; Fermenta'- tion, the catalytic operation of 99 Fermentation fiddle-shaped ferments, particularized as ace'tic ~>, produced by Bacterium Aceti, Lanzi ; alcoholic ~ , by yeast, and similar organisms ; butyric ~ , by a Vibrio ; lac'tic ~ , by which sugars are turned into acids ; an- other classification is (1) diastatlc ~ , converting starch into sugar ; (2) ferments which decompose gluco- sides with production of sugar, such as emulsin; (3) ferments which convert cane-sugar into glu- cose, as invertase ; (4) and those which convert proteids into peptones, or peptic ~-, such as papain . Ferrobacte'ria (ferrum, iron, + BAC- TERIUM), bacteria which oxidize ferrous to ferric salts. ferrugin'eous, -eus, ferru'ginous, fer- rugino'sus (ferrugo, rust), rust- coloured ; ferruginas'cens (Lat. ), becoming rusty ; Ferru'go (Lat. ), a disease in plants known also as " Rust," due to the Uredo stage of various species of Puccinia. fer'tile, fert'ilis (Lat.), capable of pro- ducing fruit ; ~ Flow'ers, female flowers, those which possess pistils ; ~ Sta'mens, those bearing pollen which fecundates the ovules ; Fer- tilization, Fertilise/,' tio, see Supple- ment; cf. POLLINATION; ~ Tube, the channel by which gonoplasm passes from the antheridium to the oogonium in Peronosporeae ; Close «~ , breeding in - and - in, or successive progeny of closely re- lated parents ; Cross ~ , progeny by other forms not of close affinity. ferula'ceous, ferula' ceus (Lat.) (1) re- sembling the genus Ferula ; (2) per- taining to reeds or canes, or being formed like them, hollow. Fervida'rium (fervidus, boiling hot), applied in botanic gardens to the Stove. fes'tucine, straw-coloured, as the dry culm of Festuca ; fes'tucous, formed of straw. fe'tidus = FOETIDUS. Fi'bre, Fi'bra (Lat.), (1) a fine thread or filament, chambered or woody ; (2) the fusiform cells of the inner bark ; (3) the ultimate rootlets ; element'ary ~ , the thread in a spiral vessel, secondary deposit in a spiral; fi'briform (forma, shape), fibre- shaped ; Fi'bril, Fibrill'a, diminu- tive of FIBRE; ~ of Nu'cleus = CHROMOSOME ; fi'brillate, fibril- la'tus, n'brillose, fi'brillous,/6H^o'- sus, furnished with fibres, as roots, or having a finely lined appearance ; "- Lay'er, two outer layers of closely woven hyphae in Geasler ; ~ Myce'- lium = FIBROUS MYCELIUM ; Fi'brin (vegetable), occurs in gluten, has no fibrous structure as animal fibrin, but forms when dry a tough, horny mass; fi'bro- cellular, "composed of spiral cells " ; ~ va'sal (Crozier) = ~ vasc'nlar, tissue of mixed vessels and fibres; ~ Bun'dle, or Vascular Bundle, an association of vessels characteristic of the higher plants, usually consisting of phloem and xylem elements, often surrounded by a special layer of cells known as the bundle -sheath; ~ Cord, proposed by Strasburger for the similar structure in mono- cotyledons ; ~ Cylinder, the central cylinder ; ~ Sys'tem, the whole of the fibrous portion of a plant, ex- clusive of the purely cellular struc- tures ; Fibrole'in, Fayod's term for a very delicate membrane of the spirals of protoplasm (hyaloplasm) ; fi'brous, fi'brose, fbro'sus, having much woody fibre, as the rind of a Coco-nut ; Fi'brous - mycelium, when the hyphae form long branch- ing strands ; Fi'brose, Fre"my's term for the substance of woody fibre, a variety of cellulose. Fi'brosin, a reserve substance re- sembling FIBROSE, found by Zopf in the conidia of certain Fungi, in the form of rounded flattened discs, embedded in the protoplasm ; ~ Bodies, the discs described ; fi'bry, used by Loudon for FIBROUS. Fi'taula (Lat., a buckle), a cylindrical podetium, terminated by apothecia. fid'dle-shaped, panduriform. 100 fidus fiagelliform -fidus, Latin suffix for cleft, as tri~ fidus, 3- cleft. Fig-insect, the fertilizing agent in caprification, Blastophaga. Fi'la (pi. of filum, a thread), adduct- or'ia, the abortive " pistillidia " of Mosses; <~ succulent'a, para- physes. Fil'ament, Filament'um (filum, a thread) ; (1) the stalk of an anther, the thread-like stem; (2) any thread-like body ; Filament'a os- tiola'ria, delicate colourless threads lining the perithecium round the epithecium of Verrucaria ; fila- ment'ous, filament'ose, filamento'- sus, formed of filaments or fibres ; <~ Fung'us, growth form from a hypha without union with the hyphae ; — Mycelium = FIBROUS MYCELIUM; ~ Spor'ophore, = simple sporophore ; ~ Thal'lus = FRUTICOSE THALLUS ; Filar-plasma (ir\<£(r/ta, moulded), Strasburger's term for KINOPLASM ; fila'rious (Crozier) = FILAMENTOUS ; fila'tus (Lat.) = VIRGATUS. Files, a series of Navicula-like frust- ules as in Micromega. fil'icoid (filix, a fern, etfos, like), fern- like ; Filicol'ogy (Xoyoy, discourse), = PTERIDOLOGY. fil'lform, filiform! is (filum, a thread, forma, shape), thread-shaped ; r» Apparatus, the upper ends of the synergidae, which pierce through and are prolonged beyond the summit of the embryo sac ; filipen- d'ulous, -Im (pendulus, hanging down), having tuberous swellings in the middle or end of filiform roots ; Filobacte'ria (+ BACTERIUM), thread-like bacteria ; filose, ending in a thread-like process (Crozier). Fim'bria (Lat., fringe), (1) a fringe ; (2) an elastic-toothed membrane beneath the operculum of mosses ; fim'briate, fimbria'tus, with the margin bordered by long slender processes ; fim'bricate = FIMBRIATE (Crozier) ; Fimbril'la, a diminutive fringe ; flmbrillate, fimbrilla'tus, having fimbrillae ; flmbrillif erous, -rus, with many little fringes as the receptacle of the Compositae. fimeta'rius (fimetum, a dunghill), growing on or amongst dung. Finger-and-toe, a disease in Cruci- fers caused by Plasmodlophora Urassicae, Woron.; — Clubbing or Anbury. fing'ered, digitate. Firstling-Cell, from the Germ. Erst- lingzelle, the first of a new genera- tion from an auxospore in Diatoms. fis'sile, Jis'silis (Lat.), tending to split, or easily split ; Fis'sion, splitting ; ~ Fun'gi = Schizomy- cetes ; Fissip'arism (pario, I bring forth), the act of multiplication among the lower forms by breaking up into living portions ; fissip'arous, dividing into two or more divisions by splitting ; fis'sus (Lat., split), split or divided half-way. Fis'tula (Lat.), a pipe; ~ spira'lis = TRACHEA ; fia'tular, fis'tulose, fi.stu- lo'sus, fis'tulous, hollow throughout its length as the leaf and stem of an onion. Flxa'tion of COa, respiration of oxy- gen and retention of carbon diox- ide. flabel'late, jtabella'tiis (flabellum, a fan), fan-shaped, dilated in a wedge- shaped, sometimes plaited ; flabel'li- fonn, flabelliform'is (forma, shape), shaped as a fan ; flabelliner'ved (nervus, a nerve), radiate-veined. flac'cid, flac'ddus (Lat.), withered and limp, flabby. Flacherie (Fr.)t a disease in silk- worm caused by Micrococcus Bom- bycis, Cohn. flag'ellate, fiagdla'tus (flagellum, a whip), provided with whip-like runners ; fiagella'ris, having creep- ing sarmenta ; flag'ellary, caused by flagella, as the motion of zoospores (Crozier) ; Flagellum, pi. Flagella (1) a runner or sarmen- tum, branchlets in Mosses ; (2) the whip-like process of the protoplasm of a swarmspore ; (3) similar organs in the cells of some Schizomycetes ; flagel'liform./a^i/brm'ta (forma, 101 Flagon-shaped Flos shape), (1) resembling a runner, or (2) lash-like, as the cilia of zoo- spores. Flag'on-shaped (London), used for flask-shaped. Flake, a nectariferous gland ; fla'ky, lamelliform. flame - coloured, flam'meus (Lat. ), fiery red. Flank- curv'ature, unequal growth of climbers, Germ. " Flanken-Kriim- mung " ; Flanks, the lateral sur- faces of a bilateral body. Flask, the utricle of Oarex ; flask- shaped, having the form of a Florence flask, somewhat globular, with a drawn out neck. Flats, proposed equivalent for the German " Etagenbildung." Flattening (1) the fasciation of a stem; (2) the production of a cladodium. Flave'do (Lat.), yellowness, a disease in which the green parts have be- come yellow. flaves'cent, flaves'cens (Lat.), yellow- ish, becoming yellow ; fla'vicans, fla'vidus (Lat.), somewhat yellow ; fla'vo-vi'rens (Lat.), yellowish green; fla'vous, ^a'vws, nearly pure yellow, a bright clear hue. Flee'ciness, villosity. Flesh, the soft parts, as the flesh of apples or pears ; flesh'y, succu- lent. flexed (flexus, bent), used of Diatoms which appear as though bent ; flexible, flex'ilis, flexib'ilis, capable of being bent, but elastic enough to be able to resume its original figure; flex'uose, flexuo'sus, flex'- uous, bent alternately in opposite directions, zigzag ; Flex'ure, the " bend " of Diatoms. floating, borne on the surface of water. Floc'ci, pi. of Floc'cus (Lat., a lock of wool), locks of soft hair or wool ; floc'cose, flocco'sus, bearing flocci, "- Mycelium, = FIBROUS MYCELIUM; floc'culent, flocculent'us, diminutive Of FLOCCOSB. Flo'ra (Lat., goddess of flowers), (1) ; the aggregate plants of a country JM* district, (2) a work which con- tains an enumeration of them ; Flo'rae horolo'gium, a floral clock, certain plants arranged in the order of the hours of opening or closing ; flo'ral, flora! Us, belong to flowers ; ~ Di'agram, a drawing to show the relative position and number of the constituent parts ; ~ En'velopes, the perianth leaves, calyx and corolla ; ~ Glume, the lower glume of the flower in grasses ; flowering glume (Beal) ; f Leaf = BRACT ; Flores'cence, Florescen'tia, an thesis, the period of flowering ; Flo'ret, a small flower, one of a cluster, as in Compositae ; floribun'dus (abundus, = produc- tion of present activity), abound- ing in flowers ; FloricuTture (cid- tura, cultivation), cultivation of flowers, flower gardening ; Florle, Grew's word for perianth. flo'rifer (Lat.), floriferous, flower- bearing ; fiorif erae Gem'mae, flower buds; Florifica'tion, the act or time of flowering. florlform (flos, Jloris, a flower ; forma, shape), shaped like a flower ; Flo'rilege (lego, I gather), a treatise on flowers ; florip'arous -us (pario, I bring forth), (1) pro- ducing flowers, (2) a monstrosity producing other flowers instead of fruit ; Flo'rist, (1) a cultivator of flowers, especially those vari- able forms known as florist's flowers, (2) a writer of a Flora, (3) in foreign usage "Florist" means a local botanist ; Flo'rula, (1) a small flora, (2) the botanic account of a small district ; flo'ru- lent, flowery; flo'rus, in composition means flowered, as uni-flomis, one- flowered ; Flos (Lat.), an assem- blage of the organs essential for fertilization, as stamens and pistils, with some protecting envelope ; ~ A'quae, floating Algae, as Rivularia fluitans, Cohn ; ~ composltus J = CAPITULTJM ; ^ ple'nus, a double flower, where the stamens or pis- 102 floscular foliicolous tils, or both, are converted into petals ; flos'cular, flos'culous, flos- culo'sus (1) relating to florets or flowers, or presenting many florets ; (2) with tubular florets. Flos'cule, Flos'culum (Blair), Flos- culus, a little flower, a floret ; Semi - flos'cule a composite floret ; Floss, the down in certain Com- positae, as Thistle-down ; Flossifl- ca'tion, flowering, expansion of flowers. Flou'rish, Blair's word for a disk- floret of Compositae ; half ~> the same for ligulate florets. Flow'er, denned under FLOS ; ~ Bud, an unexpanded flower, as distinct from a leaf-bud ; - Head, a cluster of flowers, as the Capitulum or Head in Compositae ; Flow'erage, the state of being in flower ; Flow'eret, a small flower, a floret ; Flow'eriness, abounding with flowers ; Flow'ering, the maturity of the floral organs, and expan- sion of their envelopes ; ~ Glume, the lower of the two organs which subtend the flower of Grasses (the upper being the palea) ; <~ Plants = PHANEROGAMS ; flow'erless, desti- tute of flowers ; ~ Plants = CRYPTO- GAMS ; Flow'erlessness, absence of flowers ; flow'ery, abounding in flowers. Rowers of Tan = Aethalium septicum, Fr. ; ~ of Wine, growth of Sac- ckaromyces Mycoderma, Reess. flu'itant, fluitans (Lat.), floating. fluminalis, flumin'eus (flumen, a river), applied to plants which grow in running water. Fluores'cence (from Fluor-spar), the Eroperty of diminishing the re- rangibility of light ; ^ of Chlor'o- phyll, the shifting of the spectrum by the colouring matter contained in chlorophyll. flu'vial, fluvia'lis, fluvlat'ic (Crozier), flu'viatile, jfatwa^'fo's (Lat. ), applied to plants growing in streams. Fly-wood, oakwood destroyed by Stereum (Tubeuf ) ; Fly-traps, con- trivances by which insects are caught, as pitchers, tentacles of JDrosera, etc. foemin'eus = FEMiNEUS, female. foe'tidus (Lat., stinking), fetid, smel- ling strongly and disagreeably ; Foe'tor (Lat., a stench), the odour given off by flowers which thereby attract carrion flies. folded, in vernation when the two halves of a leaf are applied to one another ; ~ Tis'sue, endoderm with suberified or liquified membrane, confined to a band on the lateral and transverse faces of the cells, without thickening (Van Tieghem). folia' ceous, -eus (folium, a leaf, + aceous), having the texture or shape of a leaf, as the branches of Xylophylla ; •** Thallus, a frondose thallus, flat and leaf-like, usually crisped and lobed, which spreads over the surface on which it grows, and can be detached without much injury ; Folia'ceae, frondose vascu- lar Cryptogams ; Foliage, the leafy covering, especially of trees ; ^ Leaves, ordinary leaves, as distin- guished from those which have undergone metamorphoses as bracts, petals, etc. ; fo'lia,T,folia'ris, (1) leafy or leaf -like ; (2) inserted on, or forming an appendix to a leaf, epiphyllous; cir'rhus folia'ris = tendril ; <~ Gap, a mesh in the vascular bundle cylinder from the margin of which vascular bundles pass into the frond in Ferns; ~ Spur, a dwarf shoot in a pine-tree, which bears a pair of leaves (Har- tig) ; ~ Trace, = LEAF-TRACE ; the remains of the vascular bundle or bundles which supplied the leaf. foliate,/ofta'iws(Lat. , leaved), clothed with leaves, as bi-foliate, two- leaved, etc. Folia'tion, Folia' tio (Lat.), vernation ; used by Grew for the act of leafing. Follature (foliatura, foliage), Blair's term for petals. folif erous, foliiferous, -rus (folium, a leaf, fero, I bear), leaf-bearing ; foliif'erae Gem'mae = leaf - buds ; foliic'olous (colo, I inhabit), grow- 103 foliiform Formation ing on leaves, as some Fungi and Lichens ; fo'liiform, foliiform'is (forma, shape) = foliaceous ; folil- p'arous, -rus (pario, I bring forth), bearing leaves. Fo'liole (dim. of folium), a leaflet, the secondary division of a compound leaf; fo'liolate, foliola'tus, clothed with leaflets ; bi-, tri-fo'liolate, two- three-leafletted ; folio'lean, foleo- la'nus, growing from the end of a leaf; fo'liolose, closely covered with leaflets ; Fo'liolum, a small leaf or leaflet; fo'liose, folio' 'sus, closely clothed with leaves; fo'lious, having leaves intermixed with flowers; Fo'lium (Lat.), a leaf, pi. Fo'lia. Follice'tum (folliculum, a small bag), a whorl of follicles ; Fol'licle, Follic'ulus, (1) a fruit of one carpel, opening by a ventral suture to which the seeds are attached, formerly applied to any capsular fruit ; (2) by Linnaeus used for the bladder of Utricularia ; follic'ular, follicula'ris, folliculiform'is (forma, shape), shaped like a follicle. fonta'nus, fontina'lis (Lat., relating to a spring), growing in or near a spring of water. Food-bodies, small pear-shaped bodies formed on or near the leaves of certain plants, as Acacia spadici- fera, Cham. & Schlecht, and Leea aequata, Linn., which are utilised by ants as food ; Germ. ' ' Ameisen- brodchen." Foot, (1) as a measure, 12 inches, or 30.5 cm., sign ' ; (2) = PODIUM; (3) a development from the hypo- basal part of the embryo, as an organ of attachment and temporary nutrition ; (4) in Myxogastres, the first development from the plasmodium which leads to the formation of spores, a cell-wall of cellulose, forming an axis (Van Tieghem) ; <~ Cell, the spore of Outtulina rosea, Cienk., arising from a naked cell of protoplasm, from the aggregated plasmodium ; «~ Em'bryo, an arrested terminal growth of the embryo of Cutleria, thus differing from the proto- nematoid embryo of the same species ; ^ Rot, a disease on species of Citrus caused by Fus~ arium Limonis, Briosi; ^ Stalk, a stem specialised as peduncle, petiole, etc. Fora'men (Lat., a hole), an aperture, especially that in the outer inte- gumentsof the ovule,c/. MICROPYLE; foram'inose, foramino' sus, per- forated by holes; Foramin'ula, "the ostiolum of certain Fungals" (Lindley) ; foramin'ulose, marked with little holes. Force, any cause which changes the state of a body as to rest or motion ; vital force is kinetic energy. For'cing, the operation by which cultivators produce fruit and vegetables out of season, early or late. for'cipate, foricipa'tus (forceps, nip- pers), forked like pincers. forfica'tus (forfex, scissors), scissor- like, resembling shears. forked, separating into two divisions, more or less apart. Form (for'ma, shape), a slight variety, or variation, as long and short-styled Forms ; ~ Gen'us, a genus made up of an assemblage of ~ Spe'cies, an apparent species which is really a single stage of the life-cycle of a pleomorphous species ; <~ Spore, a body simulat- ing a spore, but without germina- ting power, or remaining attached to its sporophore; For'mae oxy- da'tae, crustaceous Lichens which have become rust-coloured from an infiltration of some salt of iron. Forma' tion (formatio, a shaping), in botany, applied to an assemblage of plants of similar habits and en- vironment, as a forest is a -~ of trees, turf a ^ of grasses ; an asso- ciation, in Germ. " Pflanzenverein"; form'ative, giving form, plastic ; ~ Mate'rials, applied to such as starch, sugar, fats, and albumi- 104 fornicate Fructification noids ; - Re'gion, the growing point proper. for'nicate, Jornica'tus (Lat., arched over), provided with scale-like appendages in the corolla-tube, as in Myosotis; For'nices, pi. of For'- nix (Lat. ), a little scale. Fos'sil (fossus, dug), the remains of a plant changed to a stony con- sistence, from various strata ; ^ Bot'any, the department which takes note of fossil plants, palaeo- botany. Fos'sula (Lat., a little ditch), a small groove in some Diatom-valves. Fost'er-plant = HOST. four-fold, quadruple ; ~ Pollen - Grains, as in Oenothera, which form coherent tetrads. Fov'ea (Lat., a small pit), a depres- sion or pit, as in the upper surface of the leaf-base in Isoetes, which contains the sporangium. Fov'eola, (1) a small pit; (2) "the perithecium of certain Fungals " (Lindley); (3) in Isoeles, a small depression above the fovea, from which the ligule springs ; fov'eate, fovea' tus, pitted ; fov'eolate, foveo- la'tus, diminutive of the last. FoviTla (foveo, I nourish), the con- tents of the pollen-grain. Fox'glove-shaped, like the corolla of Digitalis, digitaliform. frac'idus (Lat., mellow), of a pasty texture, between fleshy and pulpy. Fragmentation (fragmentum, apiece), Van Beneden's term for direct divi- sion of the nucleus. Fran'gulin, a yellow crystalline body from the parenchyma of Rhamnus Frangida, Linn. Fratern'ity (fraternitas, a brother- hood), see ADELPHIA. Frax'inin, a principle existing in the bark of the ash, Fraxinus excelsior, Linn. free, not adhering, the reverse of adnate ; Free-cell, a ceil formed by ~ Cell-forma'tion, the production of new cells from several nuclei within the mother -cell, as in pollen, endogenous cell-formation. Fren'ching, a disease caused by Fusarium vasinfectum, Atkins., in the leaf of the cotton - plant (Tubeuf). fre'quent, used of a species often occurring. Frigida'rium (Lat., the cool room), in botanic gardens applied to the Orangery, or Temperate House, with simple exclusion of frost. Frill = ARMILLA. Fringe, used by Sir W. J. Hooker for the peristome of mosses ; fringed, margined with hair-like appendages, fimbriate. Frond, Frons (Lat., a leaf), (1) the foliage of Ferns and other Crypto- gams ; (2) the leaves of Palms, ac- cording to Linnaeus; frondesce', to unfold leaves ; Frondes'cence, Frondescen'tia, (1) vernation ; (2) phyllody ; (3) by Morren re- stricted to the formation of leaf- like organs in the place of petals ; see also VIRESCENCE ; frondif erous (fero, I bear), producing fronds ; fron'diform (forma, shape), like the fronds of Ferns ; frondip'arous (pario, I bring forth), (1) bearing fronds ; (2) the monstrous produc- tion of leaves instead of fruit ; Fron'dlet, a small frond ; fron'dose, fron'dous, frondo'sus (Lat., full of leaves), (1) leafy ; (2) frond-like or bearing fronds ; <~ Thallus, folia- ceous thallus ; Fron'dula, Fron'- dules, used by J. Smith for the main stems of Selaginetta. Front, of a Diatom, is that view which has the cingulum facing and the valves fore-shortened in side view. frost'ed, with a surface having the appearance of hoar frost. Fructes'cence, Fructescen'lia (fructus, fruit), the time of maturity of fruit. fructiferous (fructifer, fruit-bearing), producing or bearing fruit ; Calyx fruc'tifer, the fruiting calyx. Fructification, Fructifaa'tio (Lat)., (1) fruiting; (2) in Cryptogams, the result of the sexual act ; (3) 105 fructiparous fundamental any sporogenous structure or an aggregate of them. fructip'arous (fructus, fruit, pario, I bring forth) ; Fruc'tose, fruit- sugar, or levulose ; it exists with other sugars in fruits, honey, and treacle ; Fruc'tus (Lat.), fruit, the product resulting from fertilization. frugif erous (fruges, pi. offrux, fruits of the earth, fero, I bear), pro- ducing fruits or crops. Fruit, (1) strictly, the pericarp and its seeds, the fertilized and developed ovary ; (2) widely, the matured pericarp and its contents, with any external part which is an integral portion of it ; <-' Dots, the sori of Ferns ; ~ Galls, diseased growth caused by Ustilago Treubii, Holms ; ~ Stalk, (1) peduncle ; (2) the seta of Mosses ; <~ Su'gar, = levulose ; ~ Walls, (or <- Coats) = pericarp ; Spu'rious ~ = PSEUDOCARP. frumenta'ceous, frumenta'ceus (Lat., of corn); fnunenta'rious, frumen- ta'rius (Lat.), (1) pertaining to grain ; (2) producing sufficient starch to warrant culture; Fru- men'tum (Lat., grain), produce of corn-lands ; grain or cereals. frustra'neous (frustra, useless), relat- ing to the Linnean order Frustra- nea, Compositae with the disk flowers hermaphrodite, and those of the ray neuter or imperfect. Frus'tule, Frus'tula (frustulum, a small piece), a Diatom cell, consist- ing of valves, girdle and con- tents.; Frus'tilla, an obsolete synonym ; frus'tulose, consisting of small fragments. Fru'tex (Lat.), a shrub, a woody plant destitute of a trunk ; frut- es'cent, frutes'cens, becoming shrubby ; fru'ticant, fru'ticans, growing into a shrub-like plant ; fru'ticose, frutico'sus, fru'ticous, shrubby ; ^ Thal'lus, a Lichen having a shrub-like thallus ; fruti- c'ulose, somewhat shrubby ; Fruti- c'ulus (Lat)., a small shrub. Fru'tose = FRUCTOSE, Fruit-sugar. fu'coid (fu'cus, from 00/cos, seaweed, elSos, like),fucoi'dal, resembling sea- weed ; Fu'cosan, Hanstein's name for a granular substance found in the assimilating tissue of Fucoi- deae, the Phaeophyceae-starch of Schmitz ; Fu'cose, is probably a partial inversion of it ; Fuco- xan'thine (j-avdds, yellow), Sorby's name for the colouring matter of the olive-green seaweeds. fuga'cious (fugax, fleeting), soon perishing. fuTciens (/ulcio, I support), support- ing, used of an organ above another. FuTcra (pi. of fulcrum, a prop), the appendages of the leaves, as prickles, tendrils, stipules, etc.; fulcra'ceus, £ of or belonging to the fulcra ; fill' crate, fulcra'tus, having fulcra. fuligln'eus (Lat., sooty), fulig'inous, fulig'inose, fuligino'sus, sooty, or soot-coloured. fulmin'eus (fulmen, lightning), ful- vous, almost brown ; used of a species of Cortinarius by Fries. full, used of a double-flower, the stamens and pistils being trans- formed into petals. fulvel'lus, fulves'cens, furvldus (Lat)., ful'vid (Crozier), the diminutive of the next; ful'vous, ful'vus (Lat)., yellow, tawny. fu'meus (Lat., full of smoke), smoky, or smoke-coloured ; fu'midus (Lat. ), slightly smoke-coloured ; funri- ga'tus (Lat.), as though smoked, fumed ; fu'mose,/wmo'sws, fu'mous, smoke -grey. funa'lis (Lat., of a rope) = FUNILI- FORM. fuma'rioid, like the genus Fumaria. Func'tion (functio, performance), the peculiar action caused by certain stimuli ; func'tional Metab'olism, the kinetic effects of certain chemi- cal changes in the plant. fundamen'tal (fundamentum, ground- work), basic ; <~ Cells, parenchyma; ^ Or'gans, the nutritive organs es- sential to plant existence ; ~ Spi'ral = genetic spiral ; <~ Sys'tem = cell- ular system ; ^ Tis'sue, tissue not 106 fundamentalius galeate belonging to the normal or fascicu- lar system, ground-tissue ; funda- menta'lius, an essential part, as the axis and appendages of a plant ; Fundamen'tum = HYPOCOTYL. Fun'dus (Lat., foundation )=COLLUM. funga'ceous (fungus, a mushroom), F. von Mueller's word for fungoid or fungus-like; fun'gal, relating to fungi ; fun'gic, belonging to mush- rooms ; <~Ac'id, a mixture of citric, malic, and phosphoric acids (Cooke); fon'gicidal(-ctda, a killer), destruc- tive of fungi ; Fungici'de, an agent or mixture for killing Fungi, anti- mycotic ; fun'giform, fungiform'is (forma, shape), fungiTlifonn, fun- gilli'form'is, mushroom - shaped ; Fungillus, a small parasitic fungus ; Fung'in, the "flesh" of mush- rooms, fungus cellulose ; fungi' - nus, belonging to a fungus ; fung/- oid (eI5os, like), pertaining to a fungus; ~ Par'asites, parasites which are Fungi ; fung'ose, fung- o'sus, fung'ous, ( 1 ) spongy in texture; (2) relating to a Fungus ; (3) pro- duced by a Fungus ; Fungs, F. von Mueller's word for the plural of Fung'us (Lat., a mushroom), pi. Fungi, thallophytes destitute of chlorophyll, parasitic or saprophy- tic, comprehending forms from the simplest unicellular structure to some of complex character, many are symbiotic ; ~ Celluose, the sub- stance of the cell-wall in Fungi ; "- Gam'fooge, a yellow, resinous colouring matter found in Fungi ; "* Traps, or "catch-crops, "quickly growing crops to secure attack by Plasmodiophora Brassicae, and re- moval with the fungus, leaving the land free for that season for a later crop of Crucifers; fung'used, at- tacked by fungus (Crozier). Fu'nicle, Funic'ulus (Junis, a rope), (1) the cord or thread which some- times connects the ovule or seed to the placenta; (2) in Nidularia, a cord of hyphae attaching the peri- diolum to the inner surface of the wall of the peridium ; fu'niform (forma, shape), rope-like ; funil'i- form, applied to organs, tough, cylindrical, and flexible, as the roots of arborescent Monocotyledons. Fun'nel, in Marsiliaceae, a space below the thick outer coats of the ma- crospore into which the apical papilla projects (Goebel) ; fun'nel- form, fun'nel-shaped, hypocra- teriform. fur'cate, furca'tus (Lat.) forked, with terminal lobes which are like prongs; fur'cellate, furcella'tus, dim- inutively forked. furfura'ceous, -eus (furfur, bran), scurfy, having soft scales. fur'rowed, sulcate, striate on a large scale. fur'ry, pubescent (Lowe). fur'vus (Lat. swarthy), black and lustreless. fusca'tus (I ,a,i.}, fuscel'lus, fusces'cent, -ens, fuscid'ulus, somewhat dusky ; fus'cous, fus'cus (Lat. dark), dusky, too brown for a grey ; the word is akin to furvus. fu'siform, fusiform' 'is (fusus, a spindle, forma, shape), thick, but tapering towards each end ; fusi'nus, J a synonym of the last. Fu'sipn (fusis,& melting), the complete union of vessels, as in the latici- ferous vessels. fu'soid (fusus, a spindle, eZSos, like), somewhat fusiform. Galac'tin (701X01, milk), (1) a principle in the juice of Galactodendron ; (2) a substance in leguminous seeds like Gum Arabic ; galacti'tes, white as milk ; Galac'tose, a sugar pro- duced from Galactin. Gal'banum (Lat.), a gum of uncertain origin ; gal'banus (Lat.), a colour resembling the same, greenish- yellow. Gal'bulus (Lat.), the fruit of the cypress, a modified cone, the apex of each carpellary scale being en- larged and somewhat fleshy. Gal'ea (Lat., a helmet), a petal shaped like a helmet, placed next to the axis, as in Aconitum; gal'eate, 107 galeiformis gamostelic galea'tus, hollow and vaulted, as in many labiate corollas ; galeiform'is (forma, shape) = galeate. galeric'ulate (galericulum, a cap), covered, as with a hat. Gall, Gal'la (Lat., an oak-apple), a monstrous growth caused by an insect puncture ; ~ Flow'ers, atro- phied female flowers of the fig, within whose ovaries the eggs of an insect undergo evolution ; Gal'lic Ac'id, an astringent occurring abundantly in oak-galls ; Gallo- tan'nin, a glucoside occurring in oak-bark. galoch'rous (ya.\a, milk, x/>u>s, skin), milk white. Galto'nian Curve, see NEWTONIAN CURVE. galvanotrop'ic (after Galvani, the dis- coverer of galvanic electricity, T/JOTTT), a turn), curvature shown when subjected to a galvanic cur- rent, usually towards the positive pole ; Galvanot'ropism, the condi- tion just described; neg'ative ~, when the curvature is towards the negative pole of the current. Gam'boge, a yellow resinous gum from several species of Guttiferae ; Fungus ~, a somewhat similar product found in some Fungi. Gam'etange, Gametanglum (7^x775, a spouse, ayyeiov, a vessel), differenti- ated cavities in the filaments of cer- tain Algae which produce GAMETES; Gam'ete, a unisexual protoplasmic body, incapable of giving rise to another individual until after con- jugation with another gamete, and the joint production of a ZYOOTE ; gametogen'ic (yewdw, I produce), giving rise to gametes ; Gameto- g'eny, the production of gametes ; Gametogon'ium (y6vos, offspring), the mother- cell of a brood of gametes ; Gam'eto-nu'cleus, the nucleus of a gamete ; Gameto- gen'esis (yevvdu, I bring forth), the production of gametes ; Gam'- etoid (eTSos, resemblance), an apo- oytial structure which unites like a gamete, producing a zygotoid as the result ; Gam'etophore (0o/>eo>, I bear), the portion of an algal filament which produces gametes, according to function further discriminated as ANDBOGAMETO- PHOBE and GYNOGAMETOPHOBE ; Gam'etophyll (0tfXXoj>, a leaf), a more or less specialised leaf which bears the sexual organs; Gam'eto- phyte (0uroV, a plant), the genera- tion which bears the sexual organs, producing gametes, in turn giving rise to the SPOROPHYTE ; Gam'eto- plasm (ir\dos, offspring), de- veloped as the result of a sexual process ; Gamome'rius J (/xepos, a part), a flower whose parts are united by their edges (Lindley) ; Gamopet'alae (TreraXov, a flower- leaf), plants having the petals united, adj.; gamopet'alous, -lus ; gamophyll'ous, -lu-s ((pvXXov, a leaf), with leaves united by their edges ; Gam'ophyte (0i»rov, a plant), pro- posed by C. Macmillan for "sexual plants ; " gamosep'alous, -lus ( + SEPALUM), the sepals united into a whole ; Gamospor'ae (o-Tropd, seed), Cohn's term for those Algae which produce zoogonidia or zygospores, as the Conjugatae, Volvocineae, and Fucoideae, cf. CARPOSPOBEAE ; Gam'ostele (i>£, VVKTOS, night, rpoTrr?, a turning), sleep- movements requiring also the stimulus of gravity ; Geotaxls (rdfis, order), movement in plants caused by gravity (Czapek) ; Geo- thermom'eter (6ep/nos, warm, perpov, a measure), a thermometer for earth temperatures ; Geotortlsm (tortus, twisted), torsion caused by the influence of gravitation (Schwen- dener and Krabbe) ; Geot'ropny (r/9007?, food), unilateral inequality in growth due to position with regard to gravity (Wiesner) ; geo- troplc (rpoTTi), a turning), relating to the influence of gravity on grow- ing organs ; Geot'ropism, the force of gravity as shown by curvature in nascent organs of plants ; neg'ative ^ growing away from the earth, as stems do normally ; positive, growing towards the earth's centre, as roots ; trans'verse ~ , = DJAGEO- TBOPISM. Germ (germen, a bud), (1) a bud or growing point ; (2) the ovary or young fruit ; (3) a reproductive cell, especially in bacteria ; ~ Cell, (1) a female reproductive cell ; (2) a spore of the simplest character, a sporidium (Brefeld) ; ~ Nu'cleus, the nucleus resulting from the union of the pronuclei of two 110 Germ glandiform gametes in conjugation ; ~ -Plasm, the assumed original generative substance contained in the body of the parent from which new in- dividuals arise ; cf. SOMA - PLASM (Weismann) ; <~ Pore, a pit on the surface of a spore-envelope through which a germ-tube makes its ap- pearance ; ~ Tube, a tubular pro- cess from a spore developing into a hypha, and then into a mycelium or promycelium. Germanic, Watson's term for a type of distribution in Great Britain of those plants whose headquarters are in the eastern portions of the kingdom. Ger'men (Lat., a bud), (1) Linnaeus's term for the ovary ; (2) formerly used for the capsule of Mosses ; (3) by Pliny and later writers it signi- fied a bud generally ; Ger'micide (-cida, a killer), an agent which causes the death of bacteria or spores ; cf. SPOROCIDE ; Germi- cul'ture (+ CULTURE), the practice of bacteriology ; ger'minable ( + able), capable of germinating ; viable ; ger'minal, relating to a bud ; ~ Apparatus, = EGG- APPARATUS ; ~ Cor'puscle = OOSPHERE ; /- Dot, of Diatoms, the centrosome (?) ; ~ Lid, a separable area of a pollen-grain, breaking away to permit a pollen- tube to issue ; ~ Fro' cess J a part belonging to or proceed- ing from an ovary (Lindley) ; ~ Slit, a small break in the seed- coat of Scitamineae ; — Ve'sicle, = OOSPHERE ; Germination, Ger- mina'tio, the first act of growth in a seed ; sprouting ; germ'inative Nu'cleus = NUCLEUS, GENERA- NATIVE. gerontogae'ous, -aem (ytpwv, yepovTos, an old man, 777, the earth), used of plants which are confined to the Old World. gib'ber (Lat. , hump-backed), gib'bose, gib'bous, gibbero'sus, more convex in one place than another, a pouch- like enlargement of the base of an organ, as of a calyx ; Gibbosity, Gibbos'itas, a swelling at the base of an organ, gigan'tic, gigariteus (Lat. , pertaining to giants), of unusual height. Gills, the plates or lamellae of an Agaric which bear the spores, gil'vus (Lat)., pale yellow, a term of confused application, sometimes reddish or even greyish. Ginger-beer "plant,"' an association of organisms which ferment a sweetened liquid into Ginger-Beer. Gir'dle, (1) the hoop or cingulum of Diatoms, that portion of the frus- tule which unites the valves ; (2) also applied to a ring-like branch of the leaf -trace of Cycas; Gird'ling, in cultivation, ringing. githagin'eus (Lindley) ; githagino'sus (Hayne), defined as greenish red, meaning red or purple streaks on a green ground, as the calyx of Githago. gla'brous, gla'ber (Lat., without hair), gla'brate, glabra'tm, destitute of pubescence, by Bentham extended to mean also destitute of any roughness ;glabres'cent,^a&res'ce?«, becoming glabrous, or slightly so ; Gla'brism, the smoothness of nor- mally hairy parts ; glabrius'culus (Lat. ), somewhat glabrous. gla'diate, gladia'tus (gladins, a sword) (1) flat, straight, or slightly curved, with acute apex and approximately parallel edges, ensiform ; (2) anc pital. Gland (glans, glandis, an acorn) ; (1) an acorn, or acorn-like fruit ; (2) a definite secreting structure on the surface, embedded, or ending a hair ; any protuberance of the like nature which may not secrete, as the warty swellings at the base of the leaf in the cherry and peach ; (3) in Orchids, see GLANDULA ; ~ of the Torus, see LEPAL (Crozier) ; glandula'ceous, -ceus (+ aceous), the colour of a ripe acorn ; raw sienna yellow ; glandiferous (fero, I bear), bearing or producing glands ; glandiform (forma, shape), 111 Glandula Glucase shaped like a gland ; Gland'ula, Gland'ule, a viscid gland in Orchids and Asclepiads, which holds the pollen-masses in their place ; the retinaculum ; glan'dular, possessing glands ; ~ Disk, = GLANDULA ; ~ Hair, an epidermal appendage, the end of which is usually enlarged, and contains a special secretion ; <~ Wood'y Tis'sue, coniferous pitted tissue ; Glandula'tion, -tio, the arrangement of the glands on a plant ; glandulif erous, -nts, gland- bearing ; glan'dulose, glandulo'siis, gland'ulous, glandular; glan'dulo- so-serra'tus, having serrations tip- ped or bordered with glands ; Glaus (Lat.), a fruit one-seeded by abor- tion, or a few-seeded dry inferior indehiscent pericarp seated within a cupular involucre, as the fruit of the oak, nut, etc. gla'real (glarea, gravel), term em- ployed by H. C. Watson for those plants which grow on dry exposed ground, chiefly gravel or sand j gla'reose, glareo'sus, frequenting gravel. glauces'cent, glauces'cens (y\avKbs, bluish grey), becoming sea-green ; glaucl'nus (Lat.), bluish sea-green ; glau'cous, -cus (1), sea-green ; (2) covered with a bloom as a plum or cabbage-leaf. Gle'ba (Lat., a clod), the chambered sporogenous tissue within a sporo- phore of Phalloideae ; Gle'bula (1) a synonym of GLEBA ; (2) the sporangia of certain Fungi, as Nidularia ; (3) a rounded elevation on the thallus of Lichens. Gli'adin (7X^0, glue), vegetable glue or gelatin forming part of gluten ; Gli'an, the alcohol-soluble part of gluten. Gli'ding-growth = SLIDING GROWTH. glit'tering, lustre from a polished sur- face which is not uniform. glo'bate (globus, a sphere), globular ; Globes, Grew's term for pollen- grains ; Glo'bi spermatic!, spores of some Fungi (Lindley) ; Glo'boids (eTSos, like), rounded masses of mineral matter in proteid grains ; glo'bose, globo'sus, nearly spherical; glob'ular, globula'ris, spheroidal in shape ; Glob'ule, the spheri- cal antheridium in Characeae ; Glob'ulet, used by Grew for (1) a glandular hair, (2) a pollen-grain ; Glob'ulin, (1) "round transparent granules in cellular tissue, consti- tuting fecula " (Henslow) ; (2) the chief ingredient in aleurone or protein granules, occurring amor- Ehous or as crystalloids ; (3) in ichens = Chlorophyll (Olivier) ; Glob'ulus (Lat. a little globe), (1) used by Necker for the fruit of Hepaticae ; (2) the deciduous shield in some Lichens ; soredia. Glo'chid, Glochid'imn (y\wxk, an an- gular end or barb), (1) a barbed hair or bristle ; (2) a similar struc- ture on the massulae of certain Cryptogams which act as organs of attachment to a macrospore ; glochid'eous, -eus, glochid'iate, glo- chidia'tus, pubescent with barbed bristles ; Glo'chis, a barb. Gloeoli'chenes (7X010?, sticky), For- sell's name for homoeomerous Lichens, asCollemacei, Ascolichenes with gonidia belonging to the Chro- ococcaceae ; Gloe'ophyte (0vro>, a plant), Gobi's name for THALLO- PHYTE ; Gloiocar'pus (napiros, fruit), a tetraspore (Lindley). Glonie (glomus, a ball), a rounded head of flowers ; glom'erate, glom- era'tus, agglomerate, collected into heads ; Glom'erule, Glomeru'lus, (1) a cluster of capitula in a common involucre, as Echinops ; (2) a SOKE- DIUM ; glomerulif erous (fero, I bear), bearing clusters of coral-like excrescences; glomer'ulose, having glomerules ; Glom'us J = GLOME- RULE. Glossology (yXwffo-a, a tongue, \6yos, discourse), the explanation of tech- nical terms ; Glos'sopode, Glosso- pod'ium (irovs, iroSos, a foot), the sheathing base of the leaves in Isoetes -, adj. glossopodlal. Glu'case (7X^1)5, sweet), an enzyme 112 Glucose Gonidium which hydrolyses maltose ; Glu'cose, ( 1 ) a group of carbohydrates, crystal - lisable and soluble in water, occur- ring in fruits, as grape-sugar, etc., see DEXTROSE, LEVULOSE ; (2) also a commercial term for syrups made from starch or grain ; Glu'coside, (eldos, like), for complex substances which give rise on decomposition to Glucose, such as Amygdalin, Coniferin, Salicin ; <- En'zyme, a ferment such as Synaptase or Emulsin. Glue, viscid secretion on surface of some plants ; Bud^ =BLASTOCOLLA. gluma'ceous (gluma, husk of corn, + aceous), resembling the glumes of grasses, as the perianth-segments of Juncus; Glume, Glu'ma, the chaffy two-ranked members of the inflorescence of grasses and similar plants ; barren ~ , em'pty ~ , glumes which subtend a spikelet, and do not include a flower ; for' tile ~ ,flor/al ~ , flower'ing ~ , the glume in grasses which includes a flower, the palea ; fruiting^ , the fertile glume at the time of maturity ; ster'ile ~ , a or has no flower ; glu'mal, charac- terized by having a glume ; Glum- el'la, Glu'melle, (1) the palea of grasses ; (2) the lodicule of the same (Richard) ; glumellea'mis J of or be- longing to a glumella ; Glumellule, Glumellu'la, (1) = palea; (2) = lodi- cule ; glu'mous, having glumes, as a flower which has a subtending glume. Glu'tamin (gluten, glue), an amide allied to asparagin found with it in the juice of beets, etc. ; Glu'ten, a tough protein substance occurring in grain after the removal of the starch ; <~ Cells, of the endo- derm contain oil, but no starch ; Glutin'ium, "the flesh of certain Fungals" (Lindley) ; glu'tinpus, glutino'sus, covered with a sticky exudation. Gly'case (7X1^1)5, sweet), an enzyme, the same as GLUCASB. Glycerrhiz'in, or Gly'cion, a saccharine matter from the roots of Glycyrr- hiza glabra, Linn., liquorice. Glycodru'pose (y\vKtis, sweet, + DRUPOSE), a lignocellulose, form- ing the hard concretions in the flesh of pears ; Gly'cogen (yevv&w, I bring forth), a carbohydrate present in quantity in epiplasm, capable of being converted into glucose ; ~ Mass, protoplasm per- meated with glycogen, epiplasm ; Glycolig'nose (lignum, wood), a pre- sumed glucoside, from pinewood. Gnaurs, burrs or knotty excrescences on tree-trunks or roots, probably from clusters of adventitious buds. gnawed, = EROSUS. gnomon'ical, gnomon' icus (yvAftuv, the pin of a dial), an appendage when abruptly bent at an angle to its attachment. goblet-shaped = CUP-SHAPED. Gonanglum (ybvos, offspring, dyyeiov, a vessel), a spherical Colony of Pcdmella, etc., overgrown with thick - walled brown Lichen-hy- phae ; goneoclinlc (K\IVTJ, a bed), applied to a hybrid which approxi- mates to one parent, and not inter- mediate. gongrosi'roid, resembling the genus Gongrosira, Kuetz. ; applied to the resting-stage of Vaucheria. gongylo'des (707715X05, round), knob- like ; Gong'ylus (1) for round corpus- cles on certain Algae, which become detached, and germinate as separate individuals ; (2) globular bodies in the thallus of Lichens; (3) = SPORE, SPORIDIUM, SPEIREMA. goniautoi'cous (yovos, offspring, cuJros, self, el/cos, a house), the male in- florescence of a Moss, bud-like and axillary on a female branch ; Gonld, proposed abbreviation of GONIDIUM ; Gonidan'gium (eZSos, like, dyyeiov, a vessel), in a gameto- phyte, the organ which produces a sexual spore or gonidium; Gonidlophore (opfa, I carry), a sporophore which bears a gonidium ; Gonidium (1) in Lichens, an algal cell of the thallus ; (2) the same as 113 gonidial graniform Brood-cell, a propagative cell, asexually produced and separating from the parent ; gonidial, per- taining to gonidia, as ~ Lay'er, (1) an aggregation of simple gonidio- phores to form a cushion-like layer or crust ; (2) the algal layer in the Lichen-thallus ; Gonide'ma, Minks's term for the gonidial layer. Gonim'ia, pi. of Gonim'ium (-yoVijuos, productive), the gonidia in Lichens ; gonim'ic, relating to gonidia, as ~ Lay'er, the algal layer in the Lichen- thallus; Gon'imoblast (jSXao-ros, a shoot), filaments which are often clustered, arising from the ferti- lized carpogonium of certain Algae ; Gon'imolobes (Xo^os, a lobe), the terminal tufts of gonimoblasts ; Gon'imon, Wallroth's term for the gonidial layer ; gon'imous, relating to gonidia. Gon'ocysts (yovos, offspring, /oWis, a bag), used by Minks for metamor- phosed gonidia extruded on the superficial crust, having a peculiar appearance ; Gono-hyphemia (u0a, woven), applied by Minks to the hyphal layer of Lichens ; Gon'o- phore, Gonoph'orum (ia, moulded), in Peronos- poreae, that portion of the proto- plasm of the antheridium which passes through the fertilization tube and coalesces with the ob's- phere ; Gonotax'is (rd£ts, order), the movement of antherozoids towards the female organ (Macmillan) ; adj. gonotac'tic ; Gonot'ropism (rpoirif], a turning), Macmillan's term for the motion of antherozoids and pollen-tubes towards the fe- male organ ; the author also sug- gests the restriction of this term to pollen-tube growth ; adj. gono- trop'ic ; Gon'osphere, Gonos- phae'rium (ffalpa, a sphere), = OOSPHEBE ; Gonosphaerid'ium, = GONIDIUM (?) Gorge, the throat of a flower. gos'sypine, gossypi'nus, cottony, floc- culent, like the hairs on the seeds of Gossypium. Gourd, a fleshy, one-celled, many- seeded fruit, with parietal placentas, as a melon. grac'ilis (Lat.), slender; Crozier has the needless word " gracile." Graft, a union of different individuals by apposition, the rooted plant being termed the stock, the portion inserted the scion ; ~ Hy'brid, ef- fect produced by one or the other of the united individuals on its grafted fellow ; Graft'age, L. H. Bailey's term for multiplication by grafting or the state of being thus in- creased. Grain, a general term for cereals, those grasses cultivated for food ; the caryopsis or the fruit of the same ; grained, having grain -like tubercles or processes, as in the flowers of Rumex (Crozier). gramina'ceous, gramin'eal (gramen, grass), synonyms of gramin'eous, -eMS,gra'minous,(l) relating to grass or grain-bearing plants ; (2) grass- coloured ; graminic'olous (colo, I inhabit), growing on grasses, as some Fungi ; graminifo'lious, (folium, a leaf), having grass -like leaves ; Graminorogy (Xo7os, dis- course) = AGROSTOLOGY (Crozier). gram'micus (Lat.), (ypa/j.iuKos, lined), lettered, marked as though in- scribed; grammopod'ius J (xoOs, TroSos, a foot or stem), having a striped stalk. Gra'na, pi. of Gra'num (Lat.), a seed, (1) any small bodies ; (2) the coloured drops in chloroplasts (Strasburger) ; ~ tetras'ticha, " the spores of certain Fungals " (Lindley). granati'nus (Lat.), pale scarlet, the colour of the flower of Punica Granatum, Linn., the pome- granate. Graniferus (granifer, grain-bearing), a synonym of Monocotyledon (Herislow). gra'nifonn (granum, a grain, /orma. 114 graniticus Guardian-cells shape), having the shape of grains of corn, graniticus (Mod. Lat.)> applied to plants growing on granite rocks, as certain Lichens. Gran'ule, Gran'ula (granum, a grain), (1) any small particles, as pollen, chloroplasts, etc. ; (2) the Naviculae of Schizonema (fide Lindley) ; (3) sporangia in Fungi (Lindley) ; (4) by Frommann used for the nucleolus-like structure in the nucleus of the terminal cells of the glandular hairs of Pelargonium zonale. Ait. ; Gran'ula gonlma, the gonidia in Lichens ; gran'ular, granula'ris, (1) composed of grains ; (2) divided into little knots or tubercles, as the roots of Saxifraga granulata, Linn. ; gran'ulate, granu- la'tus, means the same thing ; granulif erous (fero, I bear), gran- ule-bearing ; gran' 'ulose, granulo'sus, composed of grains ; — used as a substantive by Naegeli for true starch. Grape-sugar, a sugar found abund- antly in the grape, dextrose. Grascila'tio (Mod. Lat.), used by Desvaux for ETIOLATION. Grass-green, clear lively green, in Latin, prasinus, gramineus. Grav'eolence (graveolentia, a rank smell), a smell so strong as to be unpleasant ; grav'eolent, grav'eo- lens, strongly scented, of intense and heavy odour. Gravita'tion (gravitus, weight), the act of tending towards a centre, as of the earth ; in botany sometimes confused with Geotropism and Apheliotropism. greasy, oily to the touch. Green-rot, a disease in wood, the tissues becoming verdigris green, ascribed to Peziza aeruyinosa, Pers. Greffe (Fr. ) graft ; ~ des Charlatans, a fraudulent apparent graft, the scion being passed through a hole bored in the stock. gregarious (gregarins, belonging to a flock), growing in company, asso- ciated but not matted. grey, gris'eus (Lat.), cold neutral tint, varied in tone. grisel'lus, gris'eolus (Lat. ), diminutive of foregoing, somewhat greyish. Grit-cell, a sclerotic cell, as in the flesh of pears. gromon'ical, an error of Lindley's for gnomonical. Grossifica'tion (grossus, thick, facio, I make), the swelling of the ovary after impregnation ; gros'sus (Lat.), coarse, larger than usual, used adverbially as gros'se-crena'tus, ~ serra'tus, coarsely crenate or serrate. grossula'ceous, gros'sular, relating to the gooseberry, Ribes Grossularia, Linn.; Gros'suline, a principle found in certain acid fruits. Ground-tissue, applied to the pith, cortex, and medullary rays. GroVing- point, the extremity of the stem, or cone of growth, the seat of the activity of the apical cell, and its divisions. Growth, increase by new cell-forma- tion or extension of old cells ; ~» Form, a vegetative structure marked by some characteristic feature which does not indicate genetic affinity ; a tree, shrub, sprout-fungus, are growth-forms ; ~ Ring, the annual rings of growth in exogens. Grub'bing, in forestry, the uprooting of trees. gruinaTis (grus, a crane), shaped like the bill of a crane, as the fruit of Geranium. gru'mose, grumo'sus, gru'mous (grumus, a hillock), divided into little clusters of grains. Grund-Form (Germ.), the original form, sometimes hypothetic, from which other forms have been derived by morphologic variation. Guar'anine, a bitter principle from Guarana bread, or Brazilian cocoa, isomeric with caffeine. Guard-cells, Guardian-cells, in stom- ata, two cells which open or close the stoma by their greater or less turgescence. 115 gular Gyneclnm gu'lar (gula, the throat), pertaining to the throat (Crozier). Gum, (gummi, gum), a viscid secre- tion frequently extruded from stems, and hardening in the air ; ~ Ar'abic, derived from species of Acacia in tropical countries, dis- solving easily in water ; ~ Cells, Germ. Kleberzellen, see OIL-CELLS ; ~ Lac, excretion by insects, Car- teria Lacca, from various trees ; <*- Fas'sage, an intercellular passage containing gum ; ~ Res'in, exuda- tion partaking of the nature of gum and resin; gummiferous (fero, I bear), producing gum ; Gum'ming, a disease, known also as Gummo'sis, producing gum in excess. Gus'set, an intercellular space, at an angle where more than two cells meet (Crozier). Gut' ta-per'cha (gutta, a drop), a kind of chaoutchouc, said to be derived from Dichopsis Gutta, Benth. and Hook.f. ;gut'tate(<7w^o/£us,spotted), as to colour ; Gutta'tion the exuda- tion of drops of fluid ; Gut'tifer (fero, I bear), a plant which pro- duces gum or resin (Crozier), adj. guttiferous; gut'tulate, resembling drops of oil or resin ; Gut'tule, used for drops of oil (?) contained in the capitate paraphyses of Fungi. gyalec'tiform (forma, shape), urceo- late, like the genus Gyalecta, now merged in Leculea; gyalec'tine, and gyalec'toid (elSos, like), are syn- onyms. gymnan'thous, -us (71^05, naked, &v6os, a flower), naked-flowered ; Gymnax'ony (afav, an axle), Mor- ren's term for the placenta protruding through the ovary ; gymnoblas'tus (/JXaew, I carry), a column bearing stamens and pistils ; gynandros- p'orous (ffTropa, seed), dioecious forms of Oedogoniae in which the female plant produces androspores; gynan'therous, -us (+ ANTHER), used of stamens converted into pistils ; Gyne'cium = GYNAECEUM j 116 Oynlxns Half Gynix'us, Gyni'zus (t£os, birdlime), the stigma in Orchids ; Gy'nobase, Gynob'asis (fidais, a pedestal), an enlargement of the torus on which the gynaeceum rests ; gynobaslc, applied to a style which adheres by its base to a prolongation upwards of the torus between carpels; Gyno- cid'ium, an error for GYMNOCIDIUM; gynodioe'cious, dioecious, with some flowers hermaphrodite, others pistil- late only, on separate plants; gyno- dy'namus (5vva/M$, power), applied to an organism where the female element is preponderant ; Gynoe'- cium = GYNAECEUM ; Gynogamet- an'giura (yafjierrj?, a spouse, ayyeiov, a vessel), an organ in which female sexual cells are formed ; an arche- gonium ; Gynogam'etes, egg-cells (McNab) ; Gynogam'etophore (0cy>ea>, I carry), the female gametophore ; gynomonoe'cious, monoecious, with female and hermaphrodite flowers on the same plant ; Gynomonoe'cism is the condition ; Gy'nophore, Gyno- phor'ium (0ope'o>, I carry), the stipe of a pistil ; adj. gynophora'tus £ gynophoria'nus J ; Gynophyl'ly (vrbv, a plant), the female plant in the sexual generation ; Gynos- teg'imn (ffreyos, a roof), the staminal crown in Asclepias ; Gynoteglum (reyos, a roof), the sheath or cover- ing of a gynaeceum of any kind ; Gynoste'mium ((TTJJ/JLCDV, a stamen), the column of an Orchid, the androe- cium and gynaeceum combined. gyp'seus (Lat., plastered with lime), chalk-white, cretaceous. gy'rate, gyraftus (Lat.), curved into a circle, or circular ; circinate. Gy'rolith (ytpos, round, M0os, stone), the presumed fossil fruits of Chara ; Gy'roma (1) the annulus of Ferns ; (2) the button-like shield of Gyro- phora ; gy'rose, gyro'sus, curved backward and forward in turn ; Gy'rus (Lat., a circle) = GYROMA. Habit, Habi'tus (Lat., appearance), the general appearance of a plant, whether erect, prostrate, climbing, etc. Habitat, Habita'tio (Lat., dwelling), (1) the kind of locality in which a plant grows, as woods, moors, etc. ; (2) the geographic distribution or limits, now termed LOCALITY, or more precisely STATION ; *» Group, applied to those plants which have common habitats, though not re- lated, as HALOPHYTES, HYDRO- PHYTES, and the like ; ^ Ra'ces, used by Magnus for those heter- cecious Uredines, which are adapted to respective species of host (Tubeuf). Had'rome, a shortened form of Hadro- mes'tome (dfy>6s, thick, ripe, strong, fieo-rds, filled), the xyleni or woody portion of a vascular bundle ; con- sisting of the HYDROME and part of the AMYLOME ; together with the LEPTOME it forms the MESTOME. Hae'matein (cu/xa, afyiaros, blood), the colouring matter of Logwood ; hae- mati'nus, haem'atites, haematif ie, haematit'icus, haematochro'os (xpds, atinge),blood-red; Haematocnro'me (xp&fj,a, colour), Cohn's term for the pigment of Haematococcuspluvialis, etc.; Haematox'ylin (£v\ot>, wood), the colouring matter of Logwood, Haematoxylon campechianum, Linn.; Haemorrha'gia (payia, from pi?iy6fMai, to break forth), a disease in plants when the sap is constantly- exuding through an external wound. Hair, an outgrowth of the epidermis, a single elongated ceil, or row of cells ; ~ -point'ed, ending in a fine, weak point ; «~ -snaped, filiform, very slender, as the ultimate divi- sions of the inflorescence of many grasses ; Hair-breadth = CAPILLUS ; Hair'iness, hirsute, more rigidly hairy than pubescent ; hair'y, pubescence when the hairs are separately distinguishable. hal'berd-, or harbert-shaped, hastate; ~ -headed, means the same. Half (1) a moiety; one part of that which is divided into two equal 117 Half hederaceous portions ; (2) sometimes it means one-sided,dimidiate; <~ anat'ropous, amphitropous ; ~ Breed, the pro- duct of a cross-fertilization ; <** cor7 date, heart-shaped on one side, ~ cylin'dric, applied to a stem flattened on one side ; ~ equ'itant, partially equitant ; ~ infe'rior, used of an ovary when the stamens are perigynous ; ~ monopet'alous, the petals united, but so slightly as to separate easily ; ~ moon-shaped, semilunate, crescent-like ; ~net'ted, when of several layers, only the outer is netted, as the corm of Gladiolus communis, Linn. ; <^ stem- clasp'ing, partly amplexicaul ; <~ supe'rior, the same as half- inferior ; <- terete', flat on one side, terete on the other : — Half- Galtonian-curve , see NEWTONIAN CURVE. Halm, see HAULM. halona'tus (#Xu>s, the disk of the sun, halo), when a coloured circle surrounds a spot. haloph'ilous (#Xs, dX6s, salt, the sea, 0iX^w, I love), salt-loving ; Hal'o- phyte ((frvrbv, a plant), a plant which grows within the influence of salt water ; adj. halophyt'ic. Hal'ospore, an error for HAPLOSPORE. halved, dimidiate. ha'mate, hama'tus (Lat., hooked), hooked at the tip; ha'mose, ha'mous, hamo'sus, hooked ; ham'u- late, hamula'tus ; ham'ulose, hamulo'sus, beset with small hooks ; Ha'mulus, a hooked bristle in the flowers of Uncinia ; Ha'mus, a hook. Han' die, the manubrium of the anthe- ridium of Characeae. hapaxan'thic, hapaxan'thous (dira^ once, avdos, a flower), used of herbs having a single flowering period. haplochlamyd'eous ((hrXo'os, single, xXa/xus, a mantle), monochlamy- deous, having a single perianth ; haplogen'eus (yewdu, I bring forth), = heteronemeus ; Haplogonid'ium ( + GONIDIUM), a Lichen gonidium resembling Protoooccus ; haploper- ist'omous (+ PERISTOMB), used of Mosses with a peristome of a single row of teeth ; haplopet'alous, -lus (TreraXov, a flower leaf), with one row of petals ; Hap'lospore (airopa, seed), a simple spore in Lichens ; haploste'monous((TT^/AWj', a stamen), with a single series of stamens in one whorl. Hap'teron, pi. Hap'tera (aTrrw, I fasten upon), Warming's term for organs of attachment which do not contain vascular tissue, as in Podosto- maceae. Haptot'ropism (#7rro/icu, to attach oneself to), curvature induced in climbing plants by the stimulus of a rough surface (Czapek). hard'y, enduring without protection ; not injured by the climate. has'tate, hasta'tus (hasta, a spear), halbert-shaped, sagittate, with the basal lobes turned outward ; has'tifonn (forma, shape), spear- shaped, hastate ; has'tile, has- ti'lis (Lat., like the shaft of a spear), used for hastate. hatch'et-shaped, dolabriform. Haulm, Halm, Haum, (1) the culm of grasses ; (2) the stem of herbaceous plants. Haustor'ium (haustor, a drawer), a sucker of parasitic plants ; used by Komarow for an appendage of peri- thecia. Haut'schicht (Ger.), the layer of cell protoplasm known as ECTOPLASM. Head (1) an inflorescence ; the capitulum of Composites ; (2) for- merly used for the theca of Mosses ; ~ Cell, the capitulum of Chara ; head'ed, capitate. Heart, used by Grew for the centre, as heart of oak, the duramen ; ~ shaped, cordate ; ~ Wood, the duramen. hebecar'pus (^77, puberty, Kapirbs, fruit), having the fruit covered with downy pubescence. heb'etate, hebeta'tus (Lat., blunted), having a dull or blunt or soft point. hedera'ceous, hedera'ceus (Hedera, ivy, + aceous, (1) pertaining to 118 hederal Hemiepiphyte ivy ; (2) resembling ivy in habit ; hed'eral, composed of ivy ; nede- rif erous (fero, I bear), producing ivy. He'gemon J (r^y^tJov, a leader), fibro- vascular tissue. heliaca'lis (-^Xia/coy, belonging to the sun), heliacal ; spiral. Helichry'sin, the yellow colouring matter of several species of Helichrysum. helic'iform (helix, a snail, forma, shape), coiled like a snail shell ; Hel'icocarp (KapTrbs, fruit), Nicotra's term for a fruit whose constituent carpels are arranged in a spiral ; helicogy'rate, helicogy' 'rates (gy- ratuSy turned in a circle), having a ring carried obliquely round, as the annulus in some Ferns ; hel'icoid, helicoid'eus (elSos, like), coiled into a helix, or like a snail-shell ; ~ Cyme, a sympodial inflorescence whose lateral branches are all de- veloped on one side, a bostryx, or drepanium ; in some text- books this is erroneously called ' scorpioid ' ; - Dichotomy, when in two unequal branches, the more vigorous one is uniformly on the same side ; ~ Inflores'- cence, when the flowers are in a single row ; ~ unip'arous Cyme, a bostryx ; helicoi'dal, spirally twisted, in the manner of a snail- shell. belioph'obic (??Xtos, the sun, 0o/3, I dread), shunning the light, nega- tively heliotropic ; Helio'sis, injury done by sun-burn ; Heliotor'tism (tortus, twisted), torsion caused by incidence of light (Schwendener and Krabbe) ; heliotrop'ic (rpo-n-os, direction), turning towards the light ; ~ An'gle, the angle of inci- dence at which light has the most stimulating effect ; Heliot' ropism, the act of turning towards the sun or source of light ; negative ~ , shunning light; pos'itive ~, growing in the direction of the light ; trans'verse ~, = DIAHELO- TROPISM. 119 heliozo'oid (^Xios, the sun, {uov, an animal, eldos, like), amoeboid, but having distinct ray-like pseudo- podia. Hel'met, = GALBA ; ~ shaped = galeate. help'bious (2Xos, a marsh, /3ios, life), living in marshes, paludal. Hel'otism (el'Xws, a slave), Warming's term for the relation of the sym- bionts in the Lichen thallus. hel'volus (Lat.), pale ochreous yellow ; nel'vus (Lat.), light bay, dun- colour. He'matine = HABMATIN. Hemeran'thy (^epa, day, dvetu, 1 flower), day-flowering. hemi- (rjfju), in composition means half; Hemi-albumose't+Albumose), a mixture chiefly of proto- and hetero-albumose ; hemianglocar'- pous (ayyeiov, a vessel, *rap7ros, fruit), when thehymenium of some Fungi is for some time covered with a membrane, the gonidiophore is so termed ; hemianat'ropous (dy&, up, Tpo-rri), a turn), half-anatropous, the ovule being partially bent back, half the raphe free ; hemi- tropous, amphitropous ; Heml- aut'ophyte (+ AUTOPHYTE), chlor- phyll-bearing parasites (Boulger) ; Hem'icarp, Hemicarp'ium (icapiros, a fruit), a half-carpel, a meri- carp ; HemicelTulose ( + CELLU- LOSE), all carbohydrates present in the cell - wall which are not coloured blue by chlor-zinc- iodide, such as pectinaceous sub- stances, reserve cellulose, etc. (Gilson) ; formerly termed Pseudo- cellulose ; Hemicy'cle (/okXo?, a circle), a half-circle, or half-coil ; hemicy'clic, partly in whorls, as the perianth leaves in whorls, and the sporophylls in spirals; hemi- cylin'dric (/ctfXti/5/3os, a cylinder), (1) half -terete ; (2) a leafy expansion, plane on one side, convex on the other ; Hemidystrophla (5uvTov, a plant), employed by Went for a plant which at first roots in the soil, afterwards developing aerial roots ; Hem'iform ( + Form), used of heteroecious Fungi, having uredospores and teleutospores, the latter only germinating after a resting period ; hemigona'ris J (y6vos, offspring), employed when a part of both stamens and pistils are changed into petals ; Hemigy'- rus t (yvpos, round), — FOLLICLE ; hemisyngyn'icus (crtv, with, yvvrjt yvvaiKos, a woman), half-adherent (Lindley) ; Hemipar'asite ( + PARA- SITE), a facultative saprophyte, a parasite which can exist as a sapro- phyte ; Hem'iphyll (, a leaf), the hypothetic segment of a carpel ; ov'ular *- , placen'tal ~ , those which become modified into special parts of the ovary respec- tively, cf. TBIPHYLLOME ; Hemi- sap'rophyte (crairpos, rotten, QVTOV, a plant), a facultative parasite ; nem'iscbist (o-xto-r6s, split), in brood - cell formation when the nucleus only divides, the cyto- plasm remaining whole (Hartog) ; Heniitetracotyle'don (rerpcis, four, + COTYLEDON), De Vries's ex- pression when both cotyledons are divided, or one normal and the other divided ; Hemite'ria J (Typed), I keep), " a monstrosity of elementary organs, or of ap- pendages of the axis " (Lindley) ; hemi'trichous $ (Opl%, rpiKos, hair), half covered with hairs ; Hemitri- cotyle'don (r/aets, three, + COTY- LEDON), used by De Vries, when one cotyledon is apparently divided into three ; hemit'ropal, hemi- t'ropous (rpoVos, direction) (1) am- phitropous, the axis of the ovule being more curved than the ana- tropous condition ; (2) employed by M'Leod for flowers which are restricted to certain insects for honey -getting. Hemp, the fibro-vascular tissue of Cannabis saliva, Linn. Hen-and-cbickens, proliferous flowers, the centre flower or head being surrounded by subsidiary flowers. Henslo'vian Mem'brane, the cuticle ; so named from Prof. Henslow's researches on the same. hepat'ic, hepat'icous, -cus (Lat., dis- eased in the liver), liver-coloured, dark, purplish-red; Hepaticol'oglst, an expert in Hepaticae ; Hepati- col'ogy (Xo'^os, discourse, the study of the Hepaticae or Liverworts. Heptagyn'ia (eTrri, seven, yw^, a woman), a Linnean class of plants having seven pistils ; heptagyn'ian, possessing seven pistils ; hepta- m'erous (/te/oos, a part), having the parts in sevens ; heptan'der (&VTJP, dvdpos, a man), heptan'drous, having seven stamens ; Heptan'dria, a Linnean order of plants with seven stamens ; heptan'drian, relating to the same, or possessing seven stamens ; heptari'nus (%»?»', male), Necker's term for HEPTANDROUS ; hep'tarcb., a fibro-vascular cylinder or stele with seven rays or bundles ; heptapet'alous (ireraXov, a flower leaf), having seven petals ; hepta- phyrious (v\\ov, & leaf), with seven leaves. Herb, JFferba (Lat., grass, herbage, plant), a plant with no persistent stem above ground ; nerba'ceous, -ceus, ( + aceous), (1) with the text- ure, colour and properties of a herb ; (2) with annual stems from a perennial root, as an <~ Peren'nial ; Herb'age, herbs collectively, grass, pasture ; Herb'al, (1) a volume con- taining descriptions of plants, such as John Gerard's "Herball"; (2) sometimes = HERBARIUM ; Herb'al- ist, (1) a writer of herbals, one of the old botanists ; (2) a person 'skilled in the knowledge of herbs ; Herb'arist, an old word for botan- ist ; Herba'rium, a collection of dried plants, formerly styled a "hortus siccus" ; Herb'elet, Herb'- let, a small herb ; herbes'cent, growing into herbs ; Herb'orist, a collector of plants for medical use ; Herboriza'tion, a botanic excursion 120 herborize Heteroecism for the collection of plants ; herb'' orize, to botanize. Hercog'amy (2/wros, a fence, yd/j,o$, marriage), applied to hermaphro- dite flowers, when some structural peculiarity prevents self-fertiliza- tion, requiring insect-visitation ; adj. hercogam'ic, herkogam'ic, her- cog'amous, -mus. hennapn'rodite, hermaphrodi'tus (Lat. having the characters of both sexes), the stamens and pistils in the same flower. Heredity (here'ditas, heirship), pos- session by inheritance, of certain qualities or structures; bisex'ual ~ , unisex'ual ~, having the qualities of both, or of one parent only trans- mitted. Her'pes (epirw, a cutaneous eruption) tonsu'rans (Lat., shaving), ring- worm, a disease of the skin as- cribed to Trichophyton tonsurans, Malm. Her'poblast (epiru, I creep, /3Xa, a axle), applied by O. Mueller to a diatom if the transverse axes are unequal; Hetero- albumose' ( + ALBUMOSB), Kuhne's term for proteid, phytalbumose; heteroblas'tic (^Xcurrds, a shoot), applied to embryogeny which is indirect, the offspring not similar to the parent, but producing the adult form as an outgrowth, as in Chara; heterocar'pous, -pus (/capTros, fruit), producing more than one kind of fruit; heterocar'picus (fructus), " an inferior fruit " (Lindley ; Hetero- car'py, having two kinds of fruit ; heteroceph'alous, (Ke^aXi), the head), bearing two kinds of head or capitulum ; heterochlamyd'eous, -deus (xXa^i)s, a mantle), when the calyx and corolla clearly differ ; Heterochro'matism (xpw/ia, colour), a change in the colouring or mark- ing of petals ; neterochro'mous, when the florets of the disk in Compositae differ in colour from those of the ray ; heterocis'mal, an ill-contrived version of HETEROECI- ous ; het'erocline, heterocli'nous, •nua (K\ivrj, a bed), with the male and female members on separate receptacles. het'eroclite, heteroc'litus (^repo/cXiros, varying in declension), anomalous in formation. heterocy'clic (crepos, other, KVK\OS, a a circle), used when the floral whorls are heteromerous, not uni- form or isomerous ; Het'erocyst (KVij\\ov, a leaf), having leaves of different forms ; Heterophylly, used by Krasser, for two different forms of leaves, when caused by difference in organization ; Het'ero- phyte, Heterophy'tus (vrov, a plant), ( 1 ) Trattinik's name for those plants which bear leaves and flowers on separate stems, as Curcuma Zedoaria, Rose. ; (2) Boulger's term for parasites destitute of chloro- phyll ; adj. heterophy'tous ; hetero- po'lar (ir6\os, a pivot), for the axis of Diatomaceae when the extremities differ; Heteropro'thally (+ PRO- THALLUS), Van Tieghem's term for the production of unisexual pro- thallia ; heterorhi'zal (plfa, a root), having roots or similar organs pro- ceeding from any indeterminate portion of a spore in germination, or rooting from no fixed point ; Heterosper'my (crTrep/xa, seed), bear- ing two kinds of seeds, as in Suaeda, some species producing both seeds with endosperm, and other seeds destitute of it; heteros'porous (o-TTopct, seed), with spores of two kinds, as in Selaginella ; Heteros'- pory, the condition of producing microspores and macrospores, etc. ; het'erostyled, heterostylous ( + STYLUS) = HETEROGAMOUS ; Hetero- stylla, heterogamous plants ; Hetero- stylism, having flowers differing in the styles, as Compositae when certain florets are unisexual and others hermaphrodite in the same 122 Heterostyly hiliferou head ; Heterostyly = HETEROGAMY ; Heterotax'y (ra£ts, arrangement), deviation, as the production of organs in situations where under normal conditions they would not be found ; heterotop'ic (TO'TTOS, a place), used of plants found on soils apparently very diverse from their normal stations ; heterot'ropal, heterot'ropous (T/JO'TTOS, direction), (1) in ovules, the same as amphi- tropous ; (2) employed by Agardh for collateral ovules, back to back ; (3) lying parallel with the hilum ; heterotroph'ic -us (rpotpi), food) ; Heterot'rophy,(l) used by Minks for those Lichens living symbiotically ; (2) by Wiesner for the compound position of a shoot with regard to the horizon and of the mother- shoot ; Het'erotype (TUTTOS, form, type), Flemming's term for a peculiar nuclear division connected with the reduction of the chroma- somes, marked by the early fission of the chromatic thread, a special form of the chromosomes them- selves (Farmer) ; adj. heterotyplc ; heterox'enous (£<^os, a host) = HETEROECIOUS. Hexacoc'cus (g£, six, /c an infusion), cellular tissue which exhibits hexagonal cells in section ; hexag'onus, six- angled ; hexag'onoid (e!5os, like), J. Smith's term for hexagonal areolae on Ferns, which are bordered by veins ; Hexagyn'ia (yvvrj, a woman), a Linnean order of plants possessing six pistils ; hexagyn'ian, plants be- longing to that order, or having its character ; hexag'ynous, with six pistils ; hexalep'idus (\e-rrls, \eirl8os, a scale), six-scaled ; hexam'erous, -rus (fdpos, a part), in sixes ; hexan'der (ai>TJp, avSpos, a man), hexan'drous, with six stamens; Hexan'dria, a Linnean class charac- terised by the possession of six stamens ; hexan'drian, relating to that class ; hexapet'alous a flower leaf), with six petals ; hexapet'aloid (eWos, like), having a perianth of six pieces, which re- semble petals ; hexaphyl'lous, -lus (, a leaf), six leaved ; Hex'a- pod (TTOUS, TToSos, a foot), a fathom of six feet, used sometimes as a measure of altitude ; hexap'terous, -rus (irrepov, a wing), six winged ; hexapyre'nus (Trvpiji>, a kernel), having six kernels ; hex' arch (a.px'n, beginning), applied to a stele with six strands or origins ; hexari'nus (&ppfjv, male), Necker's synonym for hexandrous ; hexasep'alous, -lus ( + SEP ALUM), with six sepals ; hexaste'monous, -nus (ar^wv, sta- men) hexandrous, six-stamened. hi'ans (Lat.), gaping, as a ringent corolla. Hibern'acle, Hiberna'culum (Lat., a winter room), (1) a winter bud ; (2) in botanic gardens, the winter quarters for plants, especially plant houses and frames ; Mber'nal, hibema'lis (Lat.), pertaining to winter; Hibernation, passing the winter in a dormant state. Hibernian, H. C. Watson's term for those plants of the United Kingdom whose head -quarters appear to be in Ireland (Hibernia). hid' den, concealed from view ; ~ veined, with veins which are not obvious, as in Pinks and House leeks, by excess of parenchyma. hide-bound, a cultivator's expression when the bark does not yield to the growth of the stem. High-yeast, barm, the yeast which forms at the surface ; c/. low or bottom yeast. hi'emal, hiema'lis (Lat.), relating to winter. Highland, used by Watson for a type of distribution in Great Britain, of those plants chiefly found in the Highlands of Scotland. hilar, hila'ris (hilum, a trifle), re- lating to the hilum; Hile (S. F. Gray) = HILUM ; ~ bear'ing, marked with a hilum ; hilif'erous, hil'ifer, (fero, I bear), having a 123 Hilofera homocarpous hilum on the surface ; Hilofera, the second or internal integument of a seed ; Hi'lum (1) the scar left on a seed where formerly attached to the funicle or placenta ; (2) the central point in a starch granule which the ring-like markings seem to sur- round ; (3) I any point of attach- ment ; (4) % an aperture in pollen grains. Hinge, (1) the isthmus of Diatoms; (2) in stomata, delicate lamellae of cellulose, upon which the mobility of the guard-cells usually depends ; they may form an inner or outer hinge; in German, " Hautgelenk." hin'nuleus (Lat., a young stag), a tawny cinnamon colour. hino'ideus (h prefixed, tVoei5i}s, fibrous), used when veins proceed from the midrib and are parallel and un- divided ; vemilo'so- ~ , the same, if connected by cross-veins. Hip, the fruit of the rose ; technically a cynarrhodium. hippocre'piform, hippocrepiform'is (I'TTITOS, a horse, Kprjiris, shoe, forma, shape), horse-shoe shaped. hirci'nus (Lat., pertaining to a goat), smelling like a goat ; hirco'sus £ means the same. hir'sute, hirsu'tusCL&b., rough, hairy), hairy, with long, tolerably distinct hairs ; Hirsu'ties, the hairiness just described ; hirtell'ous, -lus, minutely hirsute; hir'tose, used by R. T. Lowe for hir'tus (Lat.), hairy, practically the same as hirsute. Ms'pid, his'pidm (Lat., bristly), beset with rough hairs or bristles ; his- pid'ulous, -lus, minutely hispid. Histiol'ogy (Crozier) = HIS'TOLOGY. HistodiaTysis (lords, a web, 5ia, through, Xi5VTOJ>, a plant), the condition of a plant with its growth main- tained entirely by its own organs, without any suspicion of saprophy- tism or parasitism ; Holosap'rophy te (ffairpos, rotten, QVTOV, a plant), employed by Johow for a true saprophyte, a plant which is dependent upon humus for its existence ; holoseric'eous, -ceus, (sericeus, silken), covered with a fine and silky pubescence. homalot'ropous (6/iaXos, even, rpoir^, a turning), applied to organs which grow in a horizontal direction (Noll). homoblas'tic (6/xos, one and the same, /SXaoros, a shoot), denotes embryo- geny which is direct; homocarp'ous, 124 homocentric Homoplasmy •pus (ccapTTos, fruit), having fruit of one kind only; homocen'tric (nevrpov = centre of a circle), con- centric (Crozier) ; homoceph'alic (K€s, dawn), Bateson's term for Metamorphy, a variation by assumption by one member of a meristic series, of the form or character proper to others. homog'amous, -mus (6/*os, one and the same, ya.fj,os, marriage), bearing one kind of flower; Homog'amy, simulta- neous ripeness of pollen and stigmas in a perfect flower ; by Delpino divided into HOMOCEPHALIC ~, HOMOCLINIO ~, Or MONOECIOUS ~ ; homoge'neous, homoge'neal (yevos, race, kind), of the same kind or nature, uniform, opposed to hetero- geneous ; Hom'ogone (yovos, off- spring), a plant bearing only one kind of flowers ; adj. homog'onous, Homog'ony, the state of uniform respective length of anthers and stigmas in perfect flowers ; homo- stylous; the opposite of Heter- ogony. homoiocnlamyd'eouB (fycotos, like, , a mantle), used by Engler and Prantl when the perianth is uniform ; homoiom'erous (/-cepo?, a part), used of aLichen thallus when the gonidia and hyphae are dis- tributed in about equal propor- tions ; Wallroth employed the word homoeom'eres from 6/ioio/tep7js. homologous (djuos, one and the same, Xo7<>s, discourse), of one type, constructed on the same plan, though varying in form and func- tion, as leaves and parts which answer morphologically to leaves ; — Alternation of Generations, differ- entiation of generations which are fundamentally alike as regards descent, either in form or the character of their reproductive organs, cf. ANTITHETIC ; Hom'o- logue, the equivalent of certain organs ; Homol'ogy, the identity of parts apparently different ; nomo- m'alous (Crozier), homomal'lous, •lua (/xaXXos, a lock of wool), re- curved, arising from all sides but turned to one direction ; homo- mer'icus (/^pos, a part) = HOMOI- OMEBOUS; homomor'phous, -phus, homomor'pnic, (/iop^i), form), uni- form in shape ; Homomor'phy, uniformity, as when the disk and ray florets of Compositae are alike ; either normally or by conversion of the disk florets from tubular into ligulate florets ; Hom'onym, Homon'Yinon(&'o/ia, aname),botani- cally, the same specific name in another genus of the same plant, as Myrtus buxifolia, Sw. is a Homonym as well as a Synonym of Eugenia buxifolia, Willd. ; homo- om'erous = HOMOioMEROU8; homo- pet'alous (ireraXov, a flower leaf), (1) all petals being alike; (2) the receptacle of Compositae when the florets are alike, as the Ligulatae ; homophy'adic, homophya1 'deus (0i^, growth), applied to those species of JSquisetum, whose fertile and barren stems are similar in form ; Homoplas'my (irXdvua, moulded), similar in form but not of similar 125 Homoplast nornus origin, as Cacti and succulent Euphorbias ; Hom'oplast, corres- pondence in external form, but dis- tinct in nature ; adj. homoplas'tic, Hom'oplasy, moulded alike but of different origin, analogous, not homologous, of. HOMOPLASMY ; homos'porous (ffiropa, seed), similar- seeded, in opposition to HETERO- SPOROUS ; hom'ostyled ( + STYLE) = HOMOGONOUS; Homostyl'ia, homo- gonous plants ; homothaTamus (0d\aftos, a room, bride-chamber), resembling the thallus, used for Lichens only ; homot'ropal (rpoirr), a turning), applied to organs having the same direction as the body to which they belong ; homot' ropous, -pus (1) curved or turned in one direction ; (2) used of an anatropous ovule having the radicle next the hilum ; Hom'otype (nJjros, form, type) (1) correspondence of parts ; (2) in nuclear division this term is applied to those cases resembling ordinary karyokinesis,save in minor respects, immediately following the HETEROTYPE; in some cases it occurs in all the stages after the Hetero- type, in which the reduced number of chromosomes are retained up to the formation of gametes (Farmer) ; homotyp'ic, homologous ; Homo- t'ypy, the condition of corres- pondence of parts which are in series. Hon'ey, the sweet secretion from glands or nectaries, which acts as an inducement to insect visitors; <~ Cup, used by Withering for nectary ; ~ Dew, a sweet secretion voided by aphides from the juices of their host-plants ; ~ Guides, lines or streaks of honey or colour leading to the nectary ; <~ Pore, a supposed pore or gland which secretes honey ; ~ Spot = ~ GUIDES ; Hon'eycomb-cells, in Diatoms, hexa- gonal hollows, as in Triceratium Favus, Ehrenb. ; hon'eyeombed, alveolate. Hood, = CUCTJLLUS ; hood'ed, Hood- shaped (Crozier) = CUCULLATE. Hook, a slender process, curved or bent back at the tip ; — Cli'mbers, plants which support themselves by hooks or prickles, as the bramble; hooked-back, curved in a direction from the apex to the base as the side lobes in a dandelion leaf. Hoop, the zone or girdle of Diatoms, the connection between the valves of the frustule. hora'rius, hor'ary (Tioray an hour), lasting an hour or two, as the ex- panded petals of Cistus. hordea'ceus (Lat. pertaining to barley), shaped like an ear of barley ; Hor'dein, a starch-like sub- stance in barley. horizontal, horizonta'lis (dpifav, the circular boundary of vision), level ; Horizon' tal Sys'tem, the cellular, as distinguished from the fibro-vascu- lar system (Crozier). Hor'mogon (Crozier) = Hor'mogone, Hormogoriium (fyv*os, necklace, y6vos, offspring), in filamentous Algae, those portions composed of pseudocysts marked off by heterocysts which become de- tached, and after a short period of spontaneous motion, come to rest and develop into new filaments ; Hor'mospores (triropa, seed), a term used by Minks for spores which are similar in origin to stylo- or teleutospores of Fungi, colourless, dividing into cells, microgonidia, etc., with diliquescence of the mother-cell, the microgonidia de- veloping into heterocysts. Horn (1) any appendage shaped like an animal's horn, as the spur in Linaria ; (2) the antheridium of Vaucheria ; Horn'let, a little horn (Crozier) : hor'ny, corneous as to texture. Horn'bast (Ger . ), a tissue of obliterated groups of sieve-tubes, specially thickened and of horny texture (Wigand). hornot'inus, hor'nus (Lat.), of this year, the present year's growth ; Ra'mi hor'ni, branches not a twelve- month old. 126 horological Hydroleucite horolog'ieal (horologicus, pertaining to a clock), said of flowers which open and close at stated hours ; Horolo'gium Flo'rae, a time-table of the opening and closing of certain flowers : — see Linnaeus, Phil. Bot. 274 ; Kerner, Nat. Hist. Plants, ii. 215-218. horten'sis (Lat.), pertaining to gardens, or only found there ; Hortula'mis (Lat.) (1) a gardener ; (2) belonging to a garden ; Hor'tus (Lat.), a garden; ^ sic'cus, an herbarium ; formerly it consisted of volumes with dried specimens glued down. Hose-in-hose, a duplication of the corolla, as though a second one were inserted in the throat of the first. Host, a plant which nourishes a para- site ; Host-plant, the same. Hosto'rium (hostio, I requite, ex Hens- slow) = HAUSTORIUM. hu'mi (Lat.), in or on the ground. hu'mifuse, humifu'sus (humus, the ground, fusus, spread), spread on the surface of the ground ; humi- stra'tus (stratus, stretched out), laid flat on the soil. bu'milis (Lat.), lowly. Hu'mor (Lat., moisture) = SAP. Hu'mulin, the oleoresin of the hop, Humulns Lupulus, Linn. Hu'mus (Lat., the ground), decom- posing organic matter in the soil ; ~ Plants, = SAPROPHYTES ; ~ Soils, garden soils enriched with organic manure. Husk, the outer covering of certain fruits or seeds ; nus'ky, abounding with or consisting of husks. hyacin'thine, hyacirithus, hyacinth' inus (vwlvdivos, hyacinth-coloured) (1) dark purplish blue j (2) hyacinth- like in habit, a scape bearing spicate flowers. Hyales'cent, "somewhat hyaline" (Crozier) ; hy'aline, hyali'nus (vdXivos, of glass), colourless or translucent ; hyalic'olor (color, colour), wanting in colour. Hy'aloplasm, Hyaloplas'ma (flaXos, crystal or glass, TrAdoyta, moulded), the hyaline matrix or clear and non- granular portion of protoplasm ; by some restricted to the ECTO- PLASM. Hyber/nacle,Hyberna'culum = HIBER- NACULUM. hyberna'lis = HIBERNALIS. Hy'brid, Hyb'rida (Lat., a mongrel), a plant obtained by the pollen of one species on the stigma of another ; Hybrid'ity, Hybrid 'itas, crossed in parentage ; Hybridiza'- tion, (1) the art of obtaining hybrids by artificial crossing ; (2) also used for the same operation occurring naturally. Hy'dathode (tfSwp, water, odos, a way), Haberlandt's term for water-pore or water-gland, an organ which extrudes water or other liquid ; it resembles a stoma with f unctionless guard-cells ; HydraTgae ( + Algae) = HYDROPHYTES ; Hydracellulose ( + Cellulose), see CELLULOSE ; Hy'drate, a compound containing a definite proportion of water in chemical combination ; Hydra'tion, the act of becoming chemically combined with water ; hydrocar'pic (/capTros, fruit), used of aquatic plants which are fertilized above the water, but withdraw the ferti- lized flowers below the surface for development, as in Vallisneria ; Hydrocellulose, see CELLULOSE ; Hydroi'd (elSos, like) = TRACHEID (Crozier) ; hy'droger (gero, I bear), water-bearing, as hydrog'era va'sa, threads in a spiral vessel which were formerly supposed to convey fluid ; liy'drolated, combined with the elements of water, by Hydrola'- tion ; hy'drolysed (\6vr6v, a plant), water-plants, partially or wholly immersed ; Hydrophytol'ogy (\6yos, discourse), a treatise on water-plants ; Hy'dro- plast (TrXcurros, moulded), an ap- parent vacuole in which aleurone- grains arise ; Hydrople'on (ir\tov, full, = an aggregate of molecules, but smaller than a micella), water of crystallization ; Hydrot'rophy (r/30077, food), unequal growth caused by unequal supply of moisture on one side of a part (Wiesner) ; Hydrot'ropism (rpoirri, a turning), the phenomena induced by the influence of moisture on growing organs; positive ~ , turning towards the source of moisture ; negative <*- , turning away from moisture. hy'emal, hyema' Us (hiems, winter) = HIEMALIS, pertaining to winter. hygrochas'tic (vypos, moist, xa^w, I yawn), applied by Ascherson to those plants in which the bursting of the fruit and dispersion of the spores or seeds is caused by ab- sorption of water, as in Anastatica hierochuntica, Linn. ; Hygroch'asy, the act in question ; Hy'drochrome (xpw/xa, colour), used by Nadson for the pigments of Eussula and Amanita Muscaria, Fr. ; hygro- met'ric (ptrpov, a measure), moving under the influence of more or less moisture, hygroscopic ; hygro- pn'anous (0a^o>, I appear), looking watery when moist, and opaque when dry (Cooke) ; H/grophytes (0uToi', a plant), marsh-plants, or plants which need a large supply of moisture for their growth ; H/groplasm (TrXdcr/ta, moulded), Nageli's term for the fluid portion of protoplasm, cf. STEREO- PLASM ; hygroscopic (optVTOV, a plant), a term employed by Wakker for those parasitic Fungi which cause hypertrophy in the tissues. Hy'pha (ty^, a web), pi. Hy'phae, element of the thallus in Fungi, a cylindric thread-like branched body developing by apical growth and usually septate ; Sieve ^ , or Trum'pet ~ , a special form found in Algae, bulging at each septum (F. W. Oliver); hy'phal, relating to hyphae ; ~ Tis'sue, interwoven hyphae, constituting the tissues of the larger Fungi. Hyphas'rna (ttycur/ta, a web), the thallus of Agarics. Hyphe'ma (vri , a web), used by Minks for the hyphal layer in Lichens; Hyphid'ium, a term proposed by Minks for SPERMATIUM ; fcyplio- d'romous, -mus (5p6/*os, a course), used when the veins are sunk in the substance of a leaf, and thus not readily visible ; Hy'phopode, Hyphopod'ium (TTOVS, TroSos, a foot), appendages on the mycelium of Meliola which bear the perithecia (Gaillard) ; hypnomyce'tous (/ufcqs, a mushroom), applied to Fungi bearing their spores on simple or branched hyphae; Hyphomyee'tes are Fungi imperfecti ; Hyphostro'ma 3.(/j.a, spread out), the my- celium of Fungi. Hyp'nocyst (VTTVOS, sleep, *i5/ms (ftop^rj, shape), salver-shaped ; the same meaning as in the last, but derived wholly from the Greek ; Hyp'oderm = Hypoder'ma, Hypoder'mis (deppa, skin, hide), the inner layer of the capsules of Mosses ; hypoder'mal, beneath the epidermis ; hypogae'- ous, -eus, hypoge'al, hypoge'an (777, the earth), growing or remaining below ground, as certain cotyledons, as in the Pea ; nypog'enous (yevos, offspring), produced beneath ; hypo- g'ynous, -nua (yvvy, a woman), free from but inserted beneath the •pistil or gynaecium ; hypolith'ic (X*0oy, a stone), growing beneath stones. hypom'enous, -us (u7ro/iej>w, I stay behind), free, not adherent, arising from below an organ without ad- hesion to it. Hypomiclia [sic, possibly a misprint for " Hypomycelia " from virb, under, + MYCELIUM], " the mycel- ium of certain Fungals " (Lindley) ; hyponas'tic (VCKTTOS, close pressed), (1) used of a dorsiventral organ in which the ventral surface grows more actively than the dorsal, as shown in flower expansion ; (2) by Van Tieghem employed for anatro- pous or campylotropous ovules when the curvature is in an up- ward direction ; Hyponas'ty, the state in question; Hypoog'amy (ubi>, an egg, yd/tos, marriage), a short- ened form of HYPERANISOGAMY ; hypophloe'odal, nypophloe'odic (0Xoios, bark), applied to Lichens when growing under the epidermis of the bark ; hypophyl'lous, -lus (0u\Xov, a leaf), situated under a leaf, or growing in that position ; Hy'pophyll, Hypophyl'lum (1) an abortive leaf or scale under another leaf or leaf -like organ, as in Ruscus ; (2) also used for the lower portion of the leaf from which stipules de- velop, adherent to the axis and ultimately forming the leaf-scar ; Hypoph'ysis (0u'w, I grow), the cell from which the primary root and root-cap of the embryo in Angio- sperms is derived ; adj. hypo- phys'ial ; Hypopleu'ra (irXevpa, a rib), the inner half -girdle of the frustule of a Diatom (0. Mueller) ; Hypopod'ium (irovs,iro8fa,a, foot), the stalk of a carpel ; Hypop'- teries J (irrepov, a feather or wing), a wing growing from below, as the seed of a Fir-tree ; hypoptera'tus, t having wings produced from below; Hyposath'ria (o-afyos, rotten), the state of secondary ripening styled bletting, as in medlars ; Hyposporan'gium ((rwopd, a seed, ayyetov, a vessel), the indusium of Ferns, when proceeding from below the sporangia ; Hypost'asis £ (o-racrts, a standing), the suspensor of an embryo ; hypostomat'ic ( + STOMA), with the stomata on the under surface; Hypostro'ma(o-rp06s, yellow), a substance akin to xanthin, which has been found in germinating seeds. Hyp'sophyll (u^t, high, aloft, ^tfXXoj', a leaf), a bract of the inflorescence, a reduced or modified leaf towards the upper end of a shoot, cf. CATAPHYLL ; Germ. Hochblatt ; hypsophyl'lary, relating to bracts ; ~Leaf, a bract. hys'ginus (tioj>), a red colour, or dark reddish pink. hysteran'thous, -thus, -this (&rre/>os, following, &t>6os, a flower), used of leaves which are produced after the flowers, as in the Almond ; hysterogen'ic (7^0?, race,. offspring), used of intercellular spaces which are formed in the older tissues ; Hys'terophyme (00/xa, a tumour or excrescence), elementary organs which have been mistaken for in- dependent animal or vegetable organisms (H. Karsten) ; hystero- phy'tal (vrovt a plant), fungoid ; Hys'terophyte, a plant which lives upon dead matter ; a saprophyte. ianth'inus (lavdivos, violet colour), bluish purple, violet. iced, having a glittering papillose surface, as Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, Linn. I'cones, pi. (icon, ekcbv, a figure), pictorial representations of plants, botanic figures. icosahed'ral (efro Shoot, a vigorous shoot which carries on the further growth of the plant. Innucella'tae (in = not, +NUCELLUS), Van Tieghem's name for phanero- gamic plants whose ovules want nucellus and integuments, such as the Santalaceae. Inoculation (inoculatio, ingrafting), grafting, more properly budding, a single bud only being inserted. inorganic (in, not, + ORGANIC), de- void of organs ; ~ Ash, the final residuum after complete combus- tion, the mineral portion of a vegetable tissue ; ~ Com'pounds, those which form part of animal or plant structure derived from mineral substances ; ~ Fer'ments, enzymes, as opposed to organic ferments, as bacteria. inos'culatiag (in, into, oscidatus, kissed), anastomosing : Inoscula'- tion, budding or grafting. I'nosite (fs, Ivbs, strength, sinew), a saccharine aromatic principle which occurs in many seeds and other parts of plants, especially in climbers. Inovula'tae, (in, not, + OVULUM), phan- erogamic plants which have no ovules discernible at the time of fertilization, as the Loranthaceae (Van Tieghem). insculpt' (insculptua, engraved), im- bedded in rocks, as some Lichens. insectivorous (insectum, an insect, voro, I devour), used of those plants which capture insects and absorb nutriment from them. Insemina'tae (in = not, semen, seed), Van Tieghem's name for those plants which do not contain seed separable or distinct at maturity ; in order to germinate, the fruit must be sown entire. Insepara'tion (inseparatits, not sepa- rated), Masters' s term for coal- escence ; adj. insep'arate. inser'ted, inser'tus (Lat., put into), joined to or placed on ; Insertion, Inser'tio, (1) mode or place where one body is attached to its support ; (2) Grew's term for a medullary ray. Insit'ion (insitio, a grafting), the in- sertion of a scion into a stock, grafting. Insola'tion (insolo, I expose to the sun), exposure to the direct rays of the sun. inspis'sated (in, into, spisaatus, thick- ened), thickened, as j nice by evapora- tion. instip'ulate (in = not, + STIPULATE), exstipulate (Crozier). in'teger (Lat., whole), entire, not lobed or divided ; in'tegra Ra'dix, an unbranched root ; ~ Vagi'na, the sheathing petiole which forms a continuous tube, as in sedges ; integer'rimus, an emphatic asser- tion of the entirety of an organ ; integrifo'lious (folium, a leaf), with undivided, or simple leaves. Integmina'tae (m = not, tegmen, a covering), Van Tieghem's name for plants whose nucellus is devoid of integument. Integ'ument (integumen'tum, a cover- ing), the covering of an organ or body ; integumen'ta flora'lia, the floral envelopes. in'ter-axill'ary (inter, between + AXIL- LABIS), between the axils. inter' calary (intercalaris, that to be inserted), used of growth, which is not apical but between the apex 135 intercalated interstitia and the base ; ~ veg'etative Zone, a portion lying between mature tissue which takes on growth as though a growing point ; inter'ca- lated, interposed, placed between. intercarp'ellary (inter, between, + CARPEL), between the carpels ; in- tercelTular, ( + CELLULAR) between the cells or tissues ; ^ Pas'sage, a continuous opening between the cells ; ~ Space, a cavity bounded by the cells of a tissue ; <~ Sub'- stance, material extravasated from within to outside the cell; ~ Sys'tem, the intercellular spaces and adja- cent tissues (Crozier) ; intercos'tal (coata, a rib), between the ribs or nerves of a leaf; Intercrossing, cross-fertilization ; interfascic'ular (fasciculus, a bundle), between the vascular bundles ; ^ Cam'bium, that formed between the bundles in the primary medullary rays ; ~ conjunc'tive Tis'sue= preceding ; «•* Phlo'em, <^ Xylem, respectively formed from the <~ CAMBIUM ; inter- filar ( filum, a thread), between filaments, as the resting spore in Mesocarpus (Crozier) ; interfolia'- ceous (folium, a leaf + aceous) be- tween the leaves of a pair, as the stipules of many Rubiaceae ; inter - fo'liar, situated between two oppo- site leaves; Int'erfoyles, Grew's name for (1) bracts ; (2) scales ; (3) stipules. intergeri'num (Lat., placed between), Lig'num, £ the dissepiment of a fruit. Interlob ule (inter, between + lobule), name given by Spruce to a small plane process of a subulate or tri- angular form, between the lobule and the stem in certain Hepaticae. interme'diate, interme'dius (Lat., that which is between), half-way, or between ; ~ Tis'sue, the ground tissue in exogens, except that of the epidermis and vascular bundles; /^Type, employed by H. C. Watson for those plants whose distribu- tion in Great Britain is of a local or doubtful range ; <~ Zone (1) the active zone between the pith and epidermis, containing the vascular bundles in Monocotyledons ; (2) by Watson used as indicating a certain elevation, between the agrarian and arctic zones ; intermicellar ( + MI- CELLA), between the micellae; inter- molec'ular ( + MOLECULE), between the molecules. internal (interne, inwardly) ~ Peri- cy'cle, Flot's expression for the procambium retained on the inner side of the vascular bundle. In'ternode, Interno'dium (Lat.), the space or portion of stem between two nodes ; adj. interno'dal. iuterpet'iolar, interpetiola'ris (inter, between, petiolus, a little stalk), (1) between the petioles ; (2) en- closed by the expanded base of a petiole ; (3) also applied to connate stipules which have coalesced from two opposite leaves. interpo'sed (interpos'itus, placed be- tween) Mem'bers, those parts which have arisen in a whorl sub- sequent to its earlier members ; Interposition, Interposit'io, forma- tion of new parts between those already existing in a whorl ; inter- positi'vus (Lat.), interposed. interrup'ted (interruptus, broken or separated), when any symmetrical arrangement is destroyed by local causes ; a solution of continuity ; ~ Growth, an alternation of abun- dant and scanty development, appearing as constrictions in an organ, as a fruit or tap - root ; interrup'tedly pin'nate (1) a pinnate leaf without a terminal leaflet ; (2) having small leaflets interposed with those of larger size. interstani'inal (inter, between, + STA- MINAL), placed between two sta- mens; iuterstam'inate is a synonym. Inter'stice (interstit'ium, a space be- tween), small air-spaces; larger are termed lacunae, still larger, air- passages ; interstitial Growth, the theory which requires the interpo- sition of new particles between the older portions, instead of superficial additions. 136 Intervenium Inulin Inter' venium (inter, between, vena, a vein), a portion of parenchyma be- tween the veins of a leaf ; Inter- wea'ving ( 4- weaving), the union of hyphae by growing amongst each other, without cohesion ; Germ. Verflechtung ; interxy'lary ( + XY- LEM), amongst the xylem elements. Intex'ine, Intex'tine (intus, within, + EXTINE), the inner membrane when two exist in the extine, or outer covering of a pollen-grain ; In'tine, the innermost coat of a pollen- grain. Intor'sio (Lat., curling or crisping) ; Intor'tion = TORSION ; intor'tus (Lat., twisted), practically a syn- onym of contorted, twisted upon itself. iutodisca'lis J (intus, within, discus, a disc), inserted within the disk of a flower. intracarp'ellary (intra, within, + CAR- PEL), within the carpels ; intra- cell'ular (+ CELLULAR), within a cell ; intrafascic'ular (fascic'ulus, a bundle), within a bundle ; intra- filar (jilum, a thread), within a filament ; intrafolia'ceous, -ceus (folium, a leaf, + aceous), within or before a leaf, as within the axil; intralam'ellar (lamella, a small plate), within plate-like structures, as the trama of Agarics; intramarg'- inal (margo, a margin), placed within the margin near the edge ; intramat'rical (matrix, a mould), inside a matrix or nidus; Intra- meafoiTity (meabilis, penetrable), the capacity of protoplasm to per- mit substances to pass into its vacuoles (Janse) ; intramolec'ular (+ MOLECULE), within the mole- cules ; intramu'ral (muralis, per- taining to a wall), between the walls of cells, as -~ Glands, used by De Bary for multicellar organs of secretion, whose product ap- pears in the limiting walls ; intranu'clear (nucleus, a kernel), within the nucleus ; iutrapet'iolar (petiolus, a small stalk), within the petiole, or between it and the stem, as ^ Buds, those which are completely enclosed by the petiole, as in Platanus. intrar'ious, intrar'ius (L. Lat. ) turned inward toward the axis. intrasem'inal (intra, within, semen, a seed), within the seed ; ~Devel'op- ment,the whole development under- gone by the embryo during the conversion of the ovule into the ripe seed ; intraste'lar ( + STELE), within the stele, as ~ Tis'sue = CON- JUNCTIVE TISSUE ; intravagi'nal (vagina,* sheath), within the sheath, applied to branches which spring from buds which do not break through the sheath of the sub- tending leaf (Scribner); intravalvu- la'ris ( + VALVULARIS), within valves, as the dissepiment in many Cruci- ferae ; intraxy'lary( + XYLEM) with- in the xylem. In'tricate, intrica'lus (Lat. ), entangled. introcur'ved, introcur'vus (Lat.), in- curved. introduced (introduct'us, brought within), used of plants which have been brought from another country. introflex'ed (intro, inside,jfoaws, bent), inflexed. in.'tTOTse,intror'sus (Mod. Lat.) turned inward, towards the axis. introve'nius (intro, inside, vena, a vein), hidden veined ; from the abundance of parenchyma, the veins not readily seen ; cf. AVENIUS. intru'ded, in'truse, intru'sus (Lat., thrust in), pushed or projecting forward. Intussusception (intus, within, sus- ceptus, taken up), the theory of growth, which assumes the inter- calation of new particles (micellae), between the already existing par- ticles of the cell-wall. In'ulase (from the genus Inula), an enzyme in Compositae which con- verts Inulin into Levulose ; Inu'- lenin, a subordinate constituent of Inulin (Tanret) ; In'ulin, a body like starch, first found in Compositae, in the form of sphaero- crystals. 137 inuncans Irritability inun'cans $(Lat., hooking), the surface covered with glochidia or hooked hairs. inunda'tal (inundatus, overflowed), Watson's expression for those plants which grow in places liable to be inundated in wet weather, but dry in summer; inunda'tus, flooded, sometimes under water, sometimes dry. •inus, a Latin suffix, meaning, (1) resemblance ; (2) augmentation. invag'inated (in, into ; vagina, a sheath), enclosed in a sheath. inverse' (inversus, turned about), in- verted ; Inver'sion, (1) a change of order or place; the action of In- vertase ; (2) In'vert- en'zyme, In'- vertase, an unorganised ferment, which transmutes cane-sugar into inverted-sugar ; invented, having the apex in an opposite direction to the normal ; Inver'ted-su'gar, a mixture of fructose and glucose by the action of invertase on cane- sugar ; ~ Superposition, the position of accessory buds below the princi- pal bud, or one first formed (Crozier) ; inver'tens (Lat.), inverting, becom- ing reversed, as inverten'tia Fo'lia, leaves which in sleep hang down- ward, but touch by the upper sur- face, as in Cassia ; In'vertin= INVERTASE; this form is chiefly employed by zoologists, invisible (invisib'ilis, not to be seen), used of any organ which is not sufficiently developed to be seen, vol'ucel, Involucel'lum (Fr., involu- celle, from involucrum, a wrapper), a secondary partial involucre ; involucellate, involucella'tm, pro- vided with a secondary involucre ; involu'cral, involucra'lis, belonging to an involucre ; Invol'ucrate, In- volucra'tus; involu'cred, having an involucre of some kind ; Involu'cre, Involu'crum, (1) a ring of bracts surrounding several flowers or their supports, as in the heads of Compo- sites, or the umbels of Umbelli- ferae ; (2) the tissue of the thallus in Anthoceroteae, grown up and overarching the embryo, afterwards pierced by the lengthening sporo- gonium ; (3) the peridium, volva or annulus in Fungi (Lindley) ; (4) the indusium of Ferns ; gen'eral ~ , that which is at the base of a com- pound umbel ; par'tial ~ , sec'ondary <~ , that which surrounds a partial umbel ; involu'cra Lig'nea, Mal- pighi's name for the concentric zones of growth in exogens ; In- volu'cret, an involucel. in'volute, involu'tus, involuti'vus (Lat., enwrapped), having the edges of the leaves rolled inwards ; Involution, (1) the act of rolling inward ; (2) the return of an organ or tissue to its original state ; ~ Form, a swollen bladder-like form of Schizomycetes, supposed to be a diseased condition of the form associated with it ; ~ Pe'riod, the resting period ; ~ Spore, a rest- ing-spore ; "- Stage, the resting stage. invol'vens (Lat.), rolling together, as involven'tia Fo'lia used by De Can- dolle, for trifoliate leaves whose leaflets rise up, unite at the summit ... so as to form an arch which shelters the flowers, as in Trifolium incarnatum, Linn. (Lindley). io'des («65?7S, violet-coloured), iodi'nus, violet ; I'odine, an elementary body obtained from marine Algae, etc.; io'nides, violet-coloured. irreg'ular, irregula'ris (Late Lat., not according to rule), (1) wanting in regularity of form; (2) asymmetric, as a flower which cannot be halved in any plane, or one which is capable of bisection in one plane only, zygomorphic ; <~ Pelorla, a monstrosity by which irregular form has become regular by sym- metric development ; Irregularity, Irregular' 'itas, the state of being unequal in form. Irritability (irritabilis, easily ex- cited), phenomena induced by stimuli, such as shock, absence or presence of light, warmth, gravity, etc. 138 isabellinus isostomous isabelli'ims (Mod. Lat.), Isabella colour, a dirty tawny tint. isadelph'ous, -us (Icros, equal to; d5eX06s, a brother), equal brother- hood, the number of the stamens in the two phalanges being equal. I'satin, the colouring principle of woad, I satis tinctoria, Linn. isid'ioid, resembling the Lichen genus, Isidium ; isidiif'erous (fero, I bear), bearing a thallus like the genus whence it derives its name ; isid'iose, having powdery, coral - like excrescences. Isid'ium (lets = a genus of corals ; ef5os, like), the coral-like elevation of a Lichen thallus with a globule on it. I'slands, a term applied to isolated strands of phloem in the xylem. isobilat'eral (teos, equal to, bis, twice; latus, lateris, a side), capable of being divided into two similar halves ; isob'rious (Ppidw, I strengthen),of equal strength, refer- ring to the embryo of Dicotyledons ; isobria'tus, dicotyledonary ; iso- cho'mous (xuyta, a mound), applied to branches springing from the same stem at the same angle ; isoch'ro- mous (xpw/ua, colour), all of one colour or hue, uniform in tint ; isocy'clic (/cikXo?, a circle), eucyclic, a flower having isomerous whorls ; isodiamet'ric (Sia, through ; ptrpov, a measure), of equal dimensions ; ~ Cells, those having an equal dia- meter in each direction ; Isodi'ody (Siodos, a passage), the condition of producing DIODES which give rise to unisexual prothallia (Van Tieghem) ; isody'namous (dfra/ur, power), equally developed ; Iso- gam'ete (ya/j-tTys, a spouse), gametes or sexual cells of similar size and appearance, which conjugate and result in a zygote ; isog'amous (ydfjios, marriage), used for those plants which produce isogametes ; Isog'amy, the fusion of similar sexual cells ; isog'enous (76/05, race) Induc'tion, used by Noll to express sensitive movements arising from a single cause; isog'ynous woman), having the pistils similar ; isogy'rus J (yvpbs, round), forming a complete spire ; Isomalt'ose ( + MALTOSE), a product of amylodex- trin, passing by fermentation into maltose ; isomer'ic, isom'erous, -us (/xe/)os, a part), (1) having the same elements in the same proportions, but with different properties; (2) having members of successive cycles equal in number, as the petals and sepals ; isoph'agous (tpdyco, I eat), applied to Fungi which attack one, or several allied species (Eriks- son); isoph'orous (Qopcw, I carry) transformable into something else (Crozier); Isoplan'ogametes (ir\dt>os, wandering, + GAMETE), motile sexual cells of equal size, occurring in Algae ; isopo'lar (polus, a pole), an axis of Diatom frustules is so termed when its extremities are similar (0. Mueller) ; Isopro'thally (+ PROTHALLUS), producing pro- thallia which are similar in sexual character (Van Tieghem) ; i'soschist (0-X«rros, split), applied to a cell of a brood, all of which are equal in size and function (Hartog) ; isos- mot'ic (woytos, impulse, pushing), passing by osmosis in or out with equal facility; I'sospore (crTropd, seed), a spore produced by one of the Isospo'reae, plants having one kind of spore, as in Ferns, opposed to heterosporous ; isos'porous, homosporous, or having one kind of spore only ; Isosp'ory, the state of producing one sort of spore ; isoste'monous, nus, having as many stamens as petals, or sepals ; Isos- te'mony, equality in number of stamens with the segments of the perianth whorls ; isosty'Ious ( + STYLUS), the styles being similar, opposed to heterostylous ; isos'tic, Van Tieghem's term when the mother root has more than two xylem bundles; isoton'ic (rv\\ov, a leaf), straight and stiff-leaved. Jag'gery, a coarse dark sugar from the coco-nut and other palms, which produces arrack by fermentation. JaTapin, a constituent of the officinal Jalap, a purgative root, derived from Ipomoea Purga, Hayne. Jamalcin, an alkaloid occurring in the cabbage bark-tree, Andira iner- mis, Kunth, a native of the West Indies, jaspid'eus, or iaspid'eus (Lat., from iasper, jasper), a mixture of many colours arranged in small spots. Je'terus, a mistake of Bischoff, copied by Lindley, for ICTERUS, vegetable jaundice. Joint, an articulation, as a node in grasses or other plants ; joint' ed, articulated, falling apart at the joints, jonquil'leus (Mod. Lat.), the bright yellow of the Jonquil, Narcissus odorus, Linn. Ju'ba (Lat., a mane), a loose panicle, with diliquescent axis; juba'tus, maned. Ju'gate (juga'tus, connected or yoked together), used in composition as conjugate, bijugate, etc. Ju'gum (Lat., a yoke), pi., Ju'ga ; (1) a pair of leaflets ; (2) the ridges on the fruits of Umbelliferae. Juice, the liquid contents of any plant - tissue ; x. Ves'sels, Hill's term for vascular tissue ; juice'less, dry, exsuccous. jula'ceous, -ceus (julus, Mod. Lat., an amentum or spike, + aceous), bear- ing catkins, amentaceous; juliform (forma, shape), like a catkin; Julus, an old term for catkin, or spike, such as in Acorus Calamus, Linn. June' old (juncus, a rush, eI5os, re- semblance), junc'ous, jun'ceous, rush-like. Junctu'ra (Lat., a joint), an articula- tion or note. Jute, the fibre of Corchorus capsidaris, Linn., and C. olitorius, Linn. Juvenes'cence (juvenesco, I grow young again) = REJUVENESCENCE. Juxtaposition (juxta, close to positus, placed), the relative posi- tion in which organs are placed. K, for many words see also under the letter C. Kalid'ion, Kalid'ium; pi., Kalid'ia (icd\l8iov, from /taXict, granary ) = CYSTOCARP. kamptod'romous = CAMPTODROMOUS. Karyoid (jcd/wop, a nut, eldos, like) ; minute spherical bodies attached to the chlorophyll plate of Con- jugatae and Desmids ; Karyog'amy (ydfjios, marriage), the union of gametonuclei, to form a zygote- nucleus (Maupas) ; Karyokine'sis (iclvrjffis, motion, I change) ; Schleicher's term for the series of changes undergone by the nucleus in cell-division ; " also spelled Caryocinesis " (Crozier) ; it is the indirect division of Flemming ; adj., karyokinet'ic ; Karyol'ogy (X6yos, discourse), the science of the nucleus and its development and vital history (Trow) ; Karyol'ysis (XuVts, a loosing), the dissolution of the nucleus, in whole or part ; adj., karyolyt'ic ; Karyomito'sis (/A£TOS, a thread or web) = MITOSIS ; Kar'yoplasm (7rAia, moulded), the more fluid protoplasm of the nucleus, between the nuclear threads ; Karyoso'ma (cru>/./a, a body), a close mass of microsomes 140 Karyosomata Kryptoblast in a nucleus ; pi. Karyoso'mata ; Karyosymph'ysis (o-^uo-is, growing together), nuclear fusion (Hartog). katabol'ic (/cara/SaXXco, I cast down), descending metabolism, the break- ing up of compounds into simpler bodies ; Katab'olism, destructive metabolism. katalytlc = CATALYTIC. Katelectrot' onus (/card, down ; ij\€KTpov, amber ; rdvos, strain), heightened excitation in plants due to an electric current (Hor- mann). kathod'ic (uddoSos, a descent), that half of a leaf which is turned away from the direction in which the genetic spiral turns ; the opposite of ANODIC. Keel, or CARI'NA, (1) a ridge like the keel of a boat ; (2) the two anterior and united petals of a papilionace- ous corolla ; keeled, carinate. Kenench'yma (Kcvfo, empty, fyxvpa, an infusion), permanent tissue which has lost its living contents, as cork-tissue; in Ger. "Leer- zellengewebe." Keramid'ium = CERAMIDIUM, or Cystocarp. kennesi'nus (Mod. Lat.), carmine, a colour from Kermes. Ker'nel, (1) the nucleus of an ovule.or of a seed, that is, the whole body within the coats ; (2) the softer part of the pyrenocarp within the outer wall in certain Fungi. Ke'tones (a variation of "Acetone"), a class of etherial oils ; camphor is probably one of this class. Ket'tle-traps, applied to such flowers as those of Aristolochia, which im- prison insects until fertilization is effected. Key, or Key-fruit, the SAMARA of sycamore or ash. Kid'ney- form, Kid'ney - shaped, ob- lately cordate ; crescent-shaped, with the ends rounded. Kind, genus or species, a sort. kinetic (K^O-IS, motion) En'ergy, the energy of actual motion, as opposed to potential energy. kin'ic (Kina-Kina, a name for Cin- chona), pertaining to cinchona ; <~ Ac'id, an organic acid in Cinchona barks. King'dom, one of the highest groups of organic nature ; the Vegetable ~ includes all plants. Klado'dium = CLADODE. kleistogam'ic, kleistog'amous = CLEIS- TOGAM1C. Klinomorph'y (/rXW, I bend, /io/x^r/, a shape), Wiesner's term for the condition of an organ determined by the simultaneous oblique posi- tion of the principal and median planes, so that the right and left halves may be distinguished as upper and lower, resulting in a different shape of the two halves ; kleinorhom'bic (p6/j,(3os, a rhomb), a mineralogic term used by De Bary for oblique rhombic crystals in plants. Kli'nostat = CLINOSTAT. Knaur=GNAUR. Knee, (1) an abrupt bend in a stem or tree-trunk; (2) an outgrowth of some tree roots ; <~ Joint'ed, genicu- late ; ~ -pan-shaped, concavo-con- vex, patelliform ; kneed, geniculate. Knight-Darwin Law, generally under- stood as ' ' that no organic being fertilises itself for an eternity of generations"; preferably "Nature abhors perpetual self -fertilisation," cf. F. Darwin in "Nature," Iviii., 630-632. knob-like = GONGYLODES ; knobbed = TORULOSE ; knob'by= NODOSE. Knot, (1) a node in the stem of grasses ; (2) a swelling in stems at the attachment of the leaf; (3) various diseases caused by Fungi, as Black ~ , effected by Ploiorightia morbosa, Sace. (Tubeuf ) ; Knot-phase, in nuclear-division, is also known as skein-stage; knot'ted, knot'ty, nodose. Knur, Knurl, a knob or hard substance = GNAUR. Kryp'toblast (KPVITTOS, hidden, /SXatrros, a bud), a preventitious bud (Hartig). 141 kyanophilous laevigate kyanoph'ilous (Kijavos, blue ; tfwXe'w, I love), used of any tissue which readily absorbs blue staining; Ky'anophyll (v\\ov, a leaf), nearly pure chlorophyll freed from its associated yellow pigment, xantho- phyll (Wiesner) ; it is bluish-green in colour. La'bel (labdlum, a little lip), (1) Grew's term for the pinnule or ultimate segment of a Fern-frond; (2) LABEL- LUM ; Label'lum ; (1) the third petal of Orchids, usually enlarged, and[by torsion of the ovary become anterior, from its normal posterior position ; (2) a similar petal in other flowers. la'biate, labia'tus (Lat. , lipped) lipped, usually bilabiate ; labiatiflor'ous, -rus, used of certain Compositae with bilabiate corollas to their florets ; la'biose, labio'sus, applied to a polypetalous corolla seemingly two-lipped ; La'bium, the lower lip of a Labiate flower. labyrinthifor'mis (labyrinthus, a struc- ture with winding passages ; forma, shape), marked by sinuous lines, Cf., DAEDALBUS. Lac (Ital., lacca, a varnish), a resinous exudation from various tropical plants, occurring in commerce in different forms ; Lac'case, the en- zyme which produces LACQUER, from fluid lac ; lac'cate, as though varnished ; Lac'cine, a substance found in lac, insoluble in water, alcohol, or ether. lac'erate, lac'erw (lacer, mangled); lacera'ted, lacera'tus ; torn, or ir- regularly cleft. Lach'rima (Lat. , a tear), a drop of gum or resin exuded from a tree ; also spelled Lach'ryma and Lacrima ; lach'ryrimiform, lachrimiform'ia (forma, shape), tear-shaped ; some- times but less correctly spelled lach'rymaeform, etc. Lacin'ia (Lat., the flap of a garment), a slash or slender lobe; Lacinia'tion, fission ; lacin'iate, lacinia'tus, slashed, cut into narrow lobes ; lacin'iform (forma, shape), fringe- like (Crozier) ; Lacin'ule, (1) a dim- inutive lacinia or lobe; (2) the incurved point of the petaHn many Umbelliferae ; lacin'ulate, lacin'u- lose, finely laciniate, possessing lacinulae. Lac'quer, a Japanese varnish ; cf., LAC and LACCASE. Lac'tase (lac, milk), Beijerink's name for an enzyme which inverts sugar, but is distinct from Invertase ; Lac'teals, Lac'tifer (fero, I bear), Lac'tents, Grew's names for latici- ferous ducts ; lac'tens(Lat.) milky, white as milk ; lactes'cent, lades' - cens, yielding milky juice; lactic'olor (color, colour) milk-white ; lacti- ferous, Grew's word for laticiferous; Lac'tose, milk-sugar; the sweetprin- ciple of milk, and stated to occur in the fruit of Achras Sapota, Linn. Lactuca'rium, the dried juice of the lettuce, Lactuca saliva, Linn. , con- taining an active principle, Lac'tu- cine. Lacu'na (Lat., a hole or cavity), (1) an air-space in the midst of tissue ; (2) a depression on the thallus of a Lichen ; lacu'nar, pertaining to or arising from lacunae ; ~ Tis'sue, thin-walled cells, forming irregular trabeculae radially traversing the intercellular cavity of the stem of Sdaginella ; it may be regarded as the equivalent of the Bundle- Sheath of most other vascular Cryptogams; lacu'nose, lacuno'sus, (1) when the surface is covered with depressions ; (2) perforated with holes ; lacu'no- rimo'sus, marked with irregular cracks and excavations ; lacu'no- ru'gose, ~ -rugosus, having irregular wrinkles, as the stone of the peach. lacus'tral (lacus, a pond or lake), H.C. Watson's term for plants which are usually floating in water or im- mersed; lacus'trine, lacus' tris, be- longing to, or inhabiting lakes or ponds ; the form lacm'ter has been introduced recently. laev'igate, laeviga'tus (levigatus, smooth, slippery), smooth, as if polished. 142 laevis Latex lae'vis (levis, smooth), smooth, in the sense of not being rough. lage'niform, lagentform'is (lagena, a flask ; forma, shape), shaped like a Florence flask. lago'pus (Xaytlnrovs, hare's foot), hare- footed, densely covered with long hair. Lam'el, Lamel'la (Lat., a thin plate or scale), a thin plate ; pi., Lamellae, the gills of Agarics; lam'ellar, lamella'ris, composed of thin plates; lam'ellate, lamella' tus, made up of thin plates, as the hymenium of the mushroom; lamel'liform (forma, shape), in the shape of a plate or scale; lam'ellose, lamello'sus = 'LAM- ELLATE; Lamellulae, the gills of Fungi. Lam'ina (Lat., a thin leaf), the limb, blade, or expanded part of a leaf ; ~ prolig'era ; ~ sporig'era, the disk or centre of the apothecium of a Lichen; <- lamina'ted, con- sisting of plates or layers ; ^ Bulb, a tunicated bulb, as a hyacinth ; lamina'ting, separating into layers. La'na (Lat. ) wool, or woolly covering ; la'nate, lana'tus, clothed with woolly and intergrown hairs. lan'ceolate, lanceola'tus (Lat., armed with a little lance), (1) narrow, tapering to each end ; Linnaeus used it for a leaf having nearly similar extremities, but in modern use, the base is usually somewhat broadened, and the greatest breadth at about one-third from the base ; (2) the primitive meaning is pre- served in Carduus lanceolatus, Linn. ; ~ nas'tate, a hastate leaf, with the principal lobe lanceolate; ~ sagittate, a sagittate leaf, the middle lobe lanceolate; lance-o'vate (Crozier), lanceolate ovate, indica- tive of a form intermediate between the two named terms ; lance-shaped, lanceolate. la'nose, lano'sus (Lat.) woolly, c/., LANATE. lanug'inose, lanug'inous, lanugino'sus (Lat.) woolly or cottony, clothed with Lanu'go (Lat.), woollinessj long and interwoven hairs. lapid'eus (Lat., stony), lapillo'sus, stony, as the seeds of " stone fruits ": lap'idose, lapido'sus, grow- ing amongst stones. lappa'ceous, lappa'ceus (Lat. ) bur-like, hamate. lar'val (larva, a mask), (1) applied to the resting stage, as the sclero- tium of ergot ; (2) the early form of certain Conifers, whose perfect and adult form is very different ; lar- va'tus (Lat.) personate. lasian'thus (\<£ Bud, an adventitious bud ; ~ Pe'riod, resting-stage. Lat'era, pi. of Lat'us (Lat., a side), the sides ; lat'eral, latera'lis, fixed on or near the side of an organ ; ^ Bud, adventitious bud ; ~ Denis'cence, bursting or opening at the side ; ~ Nucle'olus, ~ Nu'cleus, c/., PARA- NUCLEUS ; ~ Plane, the vertical plane at right angles to the antero- posterior plane, as of a flower ; ~ View of a Diatom frustule, when the valves are seen in front view, the girdle being then in side view ; Lateral'ity, used by Sachs for SYMMETRY, both radial and dorsi- ventral; laterifo'lious (folium, a leaf), growing on the side of a leaf at the base ; lateriner'vis, lateriner'- vius (nervus, a nerve), straight- veined, as in grasses; lateristip'- ulus J ( + STIPULA) having stipules growing on its sides. lateric'ious or laterit'ious, lateric'ius, laterit'ius (Lat., made of bricks), brick -red. La'tex (Lat., juice), (1) the milky juice of such plants as spurge or lettuce; (2) the moisture of the stigma ; (3) the gelatinous matter surrounding the spores in some Fungi; ~ Cells, laticiferous 143 laticiferous Legume coenocytes ; ~ Gran'ules, starch or other granules floating in the latex ; ~ Tubes, laticiferous vessels. laticiferous (latex, laticis, juice, fero, I bear), latex-bearing ; ~ Cells, structures which are not cell- fusions ; ~ Coe'nocytes, branched cells or vessels like cells contain- ing latex ; ~ Tis'sue, the system of cells or vessels ; <*" Ves'sels, the tubes or similar structures which have milky juice, usually branched syncytes, the walls between ad- jacent cells being absorbed. latifo'liate, latifo'lious, latifo'lius (Lat.), broad-leaved. latisep'tal (latus, broad, septum, a hedge), applied to those Crucifers which have broad septa in their silicles as Honesty, Lunaria annua, Linn. ; latisep'tate, latisep'tus, with broad partitions. lat'ticed, cross - barred j ~< Cell = SIEVE-TUBE. Lau'rin, an acrid principle from the berries of Laurus nobilis, Linn. lav'ender, pale bluish grey ; the colour of the flowers of Lavandula vera, DC. lax, lax' us (Lat.), loose, distant. Lay'er, (1) the Stroma or receptacle of Fungi; (2) in propagation, a branch caused to root whilst still connected with the parent ; Lay'er- age, term proposed by L. JEL Bailey for propagation by layering, or the state of being so multiplied ; Lay'- ering, the art of making layers ; Laying, a gardener's term for the preceding. lazuli'nus (Mod. Lat.), ultramarine blue, a pigment obtained from " Lapis Lazuli." lead col' oured, dull grey ; cf. PLUM- BEUS. Lea'der, the primary or terminal shoot of a tree. Leaf, the principal appendage or late- ral organ borne by the stem or axis ; it is a simple ~ when undivided, compound ~ when divided into distinct parts ; ~ Arrangement, see PHYLLOTAXIS ; ~ Blade, = LAMINA ; ~ Bud, a bud which develops into a leafy branch ; opposed to a "Flower Bud " ; ~ Cy'cle, in phyl- lotaxis, a spiral which passes through the insertions of inter- mediate leaves till it attains the next leaf exactly above its starting point; ~ Fall, defoliation; ~ Green = CHLOROPHYLL ; *•* Pores = STOMA- TA ; ~ Scar, the mark or cicatrix left by the articulation and fall of a leaf ; ~ Sheath, the lower part of the petiole which more or less invests the stem ; ~ Stalk, = PETIOLE ; ~ Ten'dril, one which is a transformed leaf ; ~ Trace, all the common bun- dles in a stem belonging to one leaf. Leafing, the unfolding of leaves ; leafless, wanting leaves ; Leaflet, the blade or separate division of a compound leaf ; leaf like = FOLI- ACEOUS ; leafy, full of leaves. leath'er -yellow, a vague term for the tint of tan or buff leather; alu- taceous. leath'ery, tough, coriaceous. lecanor'ine, resembling the apothe- cium of the genus Lecanora, which has a paler margin arising from the thallus. lecid'eiform (forma, shape), lecid'eine, like the apothecium of Lecidea, which has a margin of the same colour as the disk. Le'cithin (\riKvdos, an oil-flask), a type of white, waxy, phosphorous-con- taining substances, some of which have been separated from the seeds of maize, peas and wheat. lecot'ropal (X6coj, a dish, rpoir^, a turning), shaped like a horse-shoe, as some ovules, cf. LYCOTROPOUS. Le'cus (Xefxos, a bed) = CORM. leek-green, vivid green, prasinus. left, sinistrorse ; see Appendix C. legitimate (legitimus, allowed by law) Fertilization, in dimorphic or tri- morphic plants, fertilization by its own-form pollen, as short-styled flowers by pollen from other short- stamened flowers, etc. (Darwin). Leg'ume, Legu'men (Lat., pulse), the 144 Legumin Leucin seed-vessel of Leguminosae, one- celled and two-valved, but various in form ; Legu'min, an albuminoid from pulse, vegetable casein ; legu'minous, legumina'ris, (1) per- taining to a legume ; or (2) to the order Leguminosae. lem'on-col'oured, pale, pure yellow, citrinus. lens-shaped, lentil-like, doubly-con- vex, lenticular. Len'ticel, Lenticel'la (lens, lentis, a lentil), lenticular corky spots on young bark, corresponding to epi- dermal stomata; syn. Lent'icelle (Crozier); lenticella'tus (Mod. Lat. ), having lenticels ; Lentic'ulae, "the spore-cases of certain Fungals" (Lindley) ; lentic'ular, lenticula'ris, lentiform'is (forma, shape), like a doubly convex lens. lentig'inose, lentig'inous, lentigino'sus (Lat., full of freckles), minutely dotted as though freckled. leoch'romus (Xe'wv, a lion, x/ow/xa, colour), tawny, the colour of a lion's hide ; leoni'nus (Lat., pertaining to a lion), something of the same tint. Lep'al, Lep'alum (Mod. Latin, from Xeris, a scale), a nectary originat- ing in a barren transformed stamen (Henslow). Lepan'thiuin (XeTi-iy, a scale, &v0os, a flower), "a petal which contains a nectary" (Crozier); empty), the glume in grasses, by Richard used for the lower pair of glumes ; Lep'ides, scales, usually attached by their centre ; lepido- den'droid (Lepidodendron, eldos, re- semblance), like the fossil genus Lepidodendron, & carboniferous Lycopod. Lepidopteroph'ilae (Lepidopteron, 0iXeo>, I love), applied to plants which are fertilized by lepidop- terous insects. Lep'idophyte, Lepidophy'tae (\eirls, a scale ; vrov, a plant), L. Ward's term for Lepidodendroid fossil plants. lep'idote, Ir.pido'tua (\emdwros, scaly), beset with small scurfy scales. Lepio'ta (XeTrts, a scale, ofa, t\\ov, a leaf), Morren's term for arrest of the testa in the .eaf -stage. lett'ered, with spots resembling letters ; cf. GBAMMICUS. leucan'thous, -thus (Xevws, white or grey), white flowered ; Leu'cin or 145 Leuclte tight-absorption " Amidocaproic acid" is a white substance, first found in animals, afterwards found in plants ; Leu'- cite, Van Tieghem's name for LEUCOPLAST; he further modifies the term by prefixing amylo-, chloro-, chromo-, elaio-, oxali-, for various modifications ; further- more, active <~, or pas'sive or reserve' «~ , according to function ; Leu'coplast, Leucoplas'tid (TrXaoros moulded), A. F. W. Schimper's term for the specialised colourless protoplasmic granule ; syn. ANA- PLAST (A. Meyer), and LEUCITE (Van Tieghem) ; leucophyllus (0uXXov, a leaf), white - leaved ; Leu'cophyll- grain = LEUCOPLAST ; Leu'cosomes (ff&fjia, a body), small spherical bodies, apparently composed of al- buminoids inclosed in the leuco- plasts of Commelynaceae (Zimmer- mann). leyiga'tus (Lat.) smooth, slippery ; in botanical Latin it is usually spelled "laevigatus." le'vis (Lat.) smooth, in the sense of not rough ; from the time of Linnaeus downward this has been spelled botanically as "laevis." Le'vulose (laevus, on the left side) = Fructose or fruit-sugar ; it deflects polarised light to the left. Lia'na, Lia'ne (Span, liar, to tie), pr. leah-na, le-ahn ; luxuriant woody climbers in the tropics with stems of anomalous structure ; lia'noid (eI5os, like), having a liana- like habit. Li'ber (Lat. inner bark), the inner bark, which is often fibrous, the phloem of the vascular system con- taining the bast-tissue ; «~ Fi'bres, bast-fibres. li'ber (Lat. free), having no cohesion with the adjoining parts; libera'tus (Lat.), freed. liberolig'neous (liber, inner bark, lignum, wood), applied to a con- joint bundle composed of bast and wood elements ; lib'riform (forma, shape) Cell, a narrow, thick- walled cell of woody tissue re- sembling bast, wood-fibre (Crozier) ; ^Fi'bres, substitute fibres reduced in form (Germ., Ersatzfasern). Li' chen (\eixty, lichen), a Cryptogam which forms a thallus which is either shrubby, leafy, crustaceous or powdery, generally regarded as a symbiosis of hyphal filaments with algal gonidia ; ~ Al'gae, the gonidia or green bodies in the thallus ; ~ Fun'gi, the filaments of hyphae, which are usually interwoven with the gonidia ; ~ Starch = LICHENIN ; Li'chenin, the peculiar starch-like body in Getraria islandica, Linn., and other Lichens ; Li'chenism, the special symbiosis between alga and fungus occurring in Lichens ; li'chenoid (e!5os, like), irregularly lobed, as Lichens ; Lichenog'rapher, Lichenog'raphist (vpdtyu, I write) = Lichenologist ; Lichenog'raphy, the study of Lichens; adj. licaeno- graph'ic ; Lichenol'ogist (X6-yos, dis- course), a student or writer on Lichens ; Lichnoer'ythrine (tpvBpos, red), Sorby's name for the red colouring matter of Lichens ; Lich- noxan' thine (favdb's, yellow), the same observer's term for the yellow colouring in Lichens. Lid (1) the operculum of moss-capsules (Hooker) ; (2) the distal extremity of the ascidium of Nepenthes which forms a lid -like appendage to the pitcher ; (3) the areas of pollen- grains which are detached to per- mit the pollen-tubes to pass ; ~ Cells, the terminal cells of the neck of the archegonium which tem- porarily close the canal ; the stig- matic cells. Life, the state in which plants can grow or perform their functions of absorption, assimilation, reproduc- tion, etc. ; ~ Cy'cle, the course of development from any given stage to the same again, as from the seed to the seed once more. Ligamen'tuml (Lat., a band or band- age) = RAPHE. Light- absor'ption, the ratio of the whole of daylight to that of the 146 ligneous Line place in which the plant grows (Wiesner). lig'neous, lig'nous, lig'neus (Lai), woody. lignic'olor (lignum, wood, color, colour), tawny, the colour of freshly cut wood ; lignlc'olous (colo, to inhabit), applied to plants which live on timber ; lignif erous (fero, I bear), used of branches which form wood only, but no flowers ; Ligniflca'tion (facio, I make), the hardening or thicken- ing of the cell-wall by secondary deposits ; lig'nified, converted into wood;lig'niform(/orwia, shape), like wood ; lig'nify, to turn into wood ; Lig'nin or Lig'nine, an incrusting or impregnating substance on the cell- wall, producing woody tissue ; it is insoluble in water or ether, soluble in alcohol and alkalis, and is the remainder after the cellulose has been removed by chemical means ; Ligni'reose (deriv.?), Payen's term for a constituent of Lignin, only slightly soluble in water ; Lig'nite, a fossil or semi-fossil woody sub- stance; jet is an example; Lig- nocel'lulose (+ Cellulose), see CELLULOSE ; Lig'none, a substance which differs from Lignin by being insoluble in water, alcohol and ether, but soluble in ammonia, potash, soda (Payen) ; Lig'nose, a constituent of Lignin, but soluble only in potash and soda solutions (Payen) ; lig'nose, ligno'sus, woody, ligneous; Lig'num, wood, that within the cortex, including both alburnum and duramen. Lig'ule, Lig'ula (Lat. , a little tongue); (1) a strap- shaped body, such as the limb of the ray florets in Com- positae; (2) a lobe of the outer corona in Stapelia (N. E. Brown) ; (3) the thin, scarious projection from the top of the leaf sheath in grasses ; (4) a narrow membranous, acuminate structure, internal to the leaf-base in Isoetes and Selagin- ella ; (5) an appendage to certain petals, as those of Silene and Cuscuta (A. Gray) ; lig'ular, Russow's term for that leaf-face of Selaginella which is turned towards the ligule ; cf. ALIGULAB; lig'ulate, ligula'tus, furnished with a Ligule; ligu'liform, liguliform'is (forma, shape), strap- shaped ; ligulinor'ate, liguliflor'ous, •rus (flos, floris, a flower), having ligulate florets, as Hieracium. li'lac, pale warm purple, the colour of the flower of Syringa, wdgaris, Linn. ; Li'lacine, a bitter principle from the bark of the same plant ; lila'ceus, lilaci'nous, -nus, lilac in colour. lilia'ceous, -ceus (lilium, a lily + aceous), lily-like. limaciform'is (Umax, limacis, a slug, forma, shape), applied by Koerber to those Lichen spores which are slug-shaped. Limb, limb'ua (Lat., a border or hem) ; (1) the border or expanded part of a gamopetalous corolla, as distinct from the tube or throat; (2) the lamina of a leaf or of a petal ; lim'bate, limba'tus, bordered, as with another colour. Lime, used for calcium carbonate in plants ; ~ Gran'ules, lime-knots in Myxogastres, concretions occur- ring in the capillitium ; ~ Scales, the chalk - glands which excrete lime, as with certain Saxifrages. Li'mes (Lat. , a cross-path or boundary) commu'nis $ the collum or neck of a plant; limitary, placed at the limit, as a guard ; limiting Cell = HETEROCYST. limnetic (\ipvrj, a pool), applied to plants which grow in pools or their neighbourhood. limo'nius (Mod. Lat.), lemon like, as to colour ; citrinus. Line, Li'nea (Lat., a line or thread), as a measure of length, the twelfth part of an inch, in mi lie met res, 2*1167; the Paris line is mm. 2 '325; Li'nea transversa'lis, the ostiolnm of some Fungi ; Lines of Growth, the limits of each year's growth in woody stems ; ~ of Vegeta'tion, for any given species, 147 linealis lituatus those obtained by joining all the places in a given direction where the species stops ; the resultant lines map out the distribution of the said species (Kerner) ; linea'lis (Lat., consisting of Hues), measur- ing about a line ; lin'ear, linea'ris, narrow, several times longer than wide ; lin'eate, linea'tus, marked with lines, lined ta Va'sa J, vessels transversely marked, as annulate ducts or tracheids; lineat'ipes J (pea, a foot), having a lined or striated foot-stalk ; lined = linea- tus, striatus; lin'eolate, lineolof- tua, marked with fine or obscure lines. linguiform'is (lingua, a tongue, forma, shape), tongue - shaped ; ling'ulate, lingula'tus, also means tongue-shaped. Li'nin or Li'nine (\lvov, a thread), the hyaloplasmic filaments of the nu- cleus in repose (Schwarz). Linne'an Syst'em, the artificial classifi- cation devised by Linnaeus, based upon the number and position of the stamens. Li'nolein (Linum, flax, oleum, oil), "the glyceride of lineoleic acid found in linseed oil." Liorhi'zae (Xeios, smooth, plfa, root), Van Tieghem's name for Mono- cotyledons and Nymphaeaceae, the root - hairs being of exodermic origin. Lip, (1) one of the two divisions of a bilabiate corolla or calyx, that is, a gamopetalous or gamosepalous organ cleft into an upper (superior or posterior) and a lower (inferior or anterior) portion ; (2) the label- lum of Orchids; <*- Cells, two narrow, lignified cells on the sporangia of some annulate Ferns, distinct from the annulus, which are the first to separate on dehiscence ; cf. STOMIUM. Lip'ase (XiVos, grease), a fat-splitting enzyme occurring in oily seeds ; Lip'ochrome (x/ow/xa, colour), the yellow pigment of flowers, so named by Han sen from its resem- blance to an animal pigment ; Lipocy'anin (Kbavos, blue), the blue pigment of some plants. lipox'enous (\dirw, I leave, £^os, a host), deserting its host; Li- pox'eny, the desertion of a host- plant by a parasite to com- plete its development on reserve materials previously obtained from the host, as in the falling away of Ergot, the sclerotium of uordycepa purpurea, Tul. lipped, = LABIATE. Li'quor (Lat. a liquid) Am'nios (cf. AMNIOS), a term borrowed from zoology for the fluid "contained in the sac within which the embryo is engendered " (Lindley). Lirel'la (dim. of lira, a ridge), in Lichens an oblong apothecium with a furrow along its middle, as in OpegrapJia ; lirel'late, lirel'- line, lirella-like; lirel'liform, lirelli- form'is (forma, shape), shaped like a lirella. lisigenet'ic, = LYSIGENETIC. Lithobib'lion (\LOos, a stone, ptp\lov, a paper or scroll) = LITHOPHYL ; Lith'ocarp (Kapiros, fruit), fossil fruit ; Lith'ocyst (irftrro, a bag or pouch), a crystal cell; lithoph'il- ous, saxicolous, dwelling on rocks ; Lith'opnyl (v\\ovt a leaf ) = CARPEL ; macro sporophyl'lary, carpellary ; macrosty'lous (orOXos, a post), long- styled ; Macrosym'biont (0-v^t6a>, I live with), the larger of the asso- ciated organisms in symbiosis ; Mac'rotherm (dep^r), heat) = MEGA- THERM ; Macrozoogonid'ium(f cow, an animal, + GONIDIUM), in Ulothrix the larger kind of zoospore, which germinates independently ; cf. Mi- CROZOOGONIDIUM ', Macrozo'ospore, a large zoospore when compared with others of the same species. Mac'ula (Lat.), a spot ; Mac'ulae ; (1) areolated pits of Coniferae ; (2) also organs on the aerial stem of Cyatho- phorum, large round white dots in two rows, probably water-storing organs ; maculifor'mis (formis, shape), used by Koerber for apothecia which are shaped like irregular spots ; mac'ular, mac'u- late,mac'ulose (maculosus, spotted), blotched or spotted ; Macula'tion, the arrangement of spots on a plant (Crozier). madefac'tus (Lat.), moistened, as plants in an herbarium previous to examination. Madu'ra, the fungus-foot disease supposed to be caused by Ohio- nyphe Carteri, Berk. mag'moid (/id-y^a, dregs, ef5os, like), in Lichens, "like an Alga, consisting of spherical green cellules " (Leighton). mal'acpid (/taXaxos, soft, clSos, like), mucilaginous ; Malacoph'il83 (0tX^w, I love), plants which are fertilized by snails or slugs. male, a plant or flower which bears stamens or their analogues ; <~ Cell, the smaller of two unequal gametes ; ~ Flow'ers, staminate flowers ; <~ Or'gans, those struc- tures which, in fertilization, are concerned, as the stamens, anthe- ridia, etc. ; <~ Prothal'lium, one which bears antheridia only ; ~ Sys'tem, all that part of the flower which belongs to the stamen. ma'lic (malum, an apple), pertaining to apples, as ^ Ac'ld, which is said Malicorium marginate to be the most frequent of organic acids in cell-sap. Malicorium (Lat.), the rind of the pomegranate. malig'nant Oedem'a, disease in animals resembling anthrax, and like that, caused by a bacillus. Mal'leolus (Lat., a small hammer), a layer ; a shoot bent into the ground and half - divided at the bend, whence it emits roots. maUococ'cus (jua\\6s, a lock of wool, K6*Kos, a berry), downy fruited. Malpighia'cei Pi'li, hairs attached by their middle, frequent in the order Malpighiaceae ; Malpig'hian Cells, those which compose the outer layer of the seed in Malpighiaceae, with a "luminous line" composed of Lignin. Malt'ase or Malt'in, a ferment found in all germinating cereals, and of greater activity than diastase (Du- brunfaut) ; Malting, germinating seeds of barley until the radicle (acrospire) is produced, and then checking the further germination by means of heat ; Maltodex'trin, a body intermediate in properties be- tween maltose and dextrin ; Malt'- ose, a sugar formed by the action of diastase on starch. malva'ceous, resembling or belonging to the order Malvaceae. MamiTla (Lat. a nipple or teat) = MAMMILLA. Mamelon' (Fr.), ov'ular~, the papilla which precedes the formation of the nucellus in Cycas (Treub). mani'miform (mamma, a breast, forma, shape), breast - shaped, conical with rounded apex. Mammilla (Lat.), a nipple or pro- jection ; used for granular promin- ences on pollen -grains ; mam'millar, mammilla! ris, mam'millate, mam- mitta'tus, having teat-shaped pro- mam'mose(mawrao'sws,full-breasted), having breast-like protuberances. man'cus (Lat. maimed), deficient or wanting. manlcate, manica'tus (Lat. long- sleeved), applied to pubescence so dense and interwoven that it may be stripped off, "like a sleeve." Man'na, the hardened exudation from various trees, as from Fraxinus Ornus, Linn.; Man'nite, a sweet substance in the sap of the same tree ; Man'nitose, sugar from the pith of ash, oak and elder ; Man'- nose, a sugar resulting from the hydrolysis of cellulose. Manom'eter (fw.vos, rare, scanty ; perpov, a measure), apparatus to measure the pressure of gas or liquid. Man'tle, used by Grew for ocrea. Man'tle - Cells, tapetal cells ; ~ Lay'er, a layer of tapetal cells; ^ Leaf, Goebel's term for the prostrate, half-enveloping barren frond, as in Platycerium alcicomet Desv., as distinct from the fertile frond. Manu'brium (Lat. a handle), a cell which projects inward from the centre of the shields in the globule of Chara. man'y-head'ed, with many distinct buds on the crown of a root. mar "bled, stained with irregular streaks of colour. marces'cent, marces'cens (Lat. wither- ing), withering without falling off; mar'cidus (Lat. ), withered, shrunk. Mar'cor (Lat. decay), welting, flac- cidity caused by want of water. Margella (dim. of mar go, a border), the elliptic ring round a stoma formed by the guard-cells. Mar'gin, Mar'go, the edge or boun- dary line of a body ; mar'ginal, mar- gina'lis, placed upon or attached to the edge ; <~ Growing-point, in a flattened member when the marginal cells remain embryonic and capable of growth ; <~ OVule, an ovule borne on the margin of a carpel ; ^ Veil, a membrane en- closing the hymenium in the young stage of Agarics, the Velum partiale ; mar'ginate, margina'tus, margina'- rius, broad-brimmed, furnished with 152 margined a margin of distinct character; mar 'gin ed, marginate ; marginici'- dal (catdo, I cut), dehiscent by the disjunction of the united margins of the carpels, a form of septicidal dehiscence ; Mar'go thallo'des, the rim of the shield of a Lichen formed by the thallus. marine', mari'nus (Lat., pertaining to the sea), growing within the influ- ence of the sea, or immersed in its waters. marit'imus (Lat., marine), belonging to the sea, or confined to the sea- coast. Markings, used of various forms of thickening on the cell-wall, as annular, reticulated, spiral, etc. mannora'tus (Lat., marbled), having veins of colour, as some marbles. Mar'row, used by Blair for the pith. marsu'pial (paptrtmov, a pouch), geocalycal or pouch-fruited, used of certain Hepaticae. mas, mas'culus, masculi'nus (Lat.), male ; staminate, or with corre- sponding structures. masked, personate. Mass, usually written MAST. Mas'sa (Lat., a lump), the mass or substance of a body ; <*• sexnina'lis, the flesh of some Fungi (Lindley) ; <~ sporoph'ora ; ~ thecig'era, the sporangia of some Fungi (Lindley) ; Mas'ses, collections of anything in unusual quantity, as pollen-masses. Mas'sula (Lat., a little lump), (1) the hardened frothy mucilage enclosing a group of microspores in Heterosporous Filicineae ; (2) in Phanerogams, a group of cohering pollen - grains produced by one primary mother-cell, as in Or- chideae ; also styled Pollen-mass. Mast, the fruit of such trees as beech, and other Cupuliferae. mast'igopod (,uci contriv- ance, /*6/o0w Bun'dles, the more lateral vascular bundles of the leaf- trace in Monocotyledons ; ~ con- junc'tive Tis'sue= PITH; ~ Crown, = ~ SHEATH ; <~ Phlo'em Bun'dles, independent phloem bundles de- veloped just within the ring of normal vascular bundles ; ~ Rays, plates of parenchyma or cellular tissue radiating from the pith to the cortex; the "silver-grain" of joiners ; ~ Sheath, tracheids form- ing a circle round the pith, the primary xylem bundles projecting into the pith from the cambium- ring ; ~ Spot, an accumulation of parenchymatous cells in certain woods, as Alnus (De Bary) ; ~ Sys'tem, sometimes used for the whole grdund tissue, but more properly the pith and medullary rays only ; Medul'lin, the cellulose from pith of the sun-flower and lilac (Braconnot); Medulli'na (Lat. ) = PITH; medullo'sus (Lat., mar- rowy)* having the texture of pith. megaceph'alus (fdyas, large, /ce^aX-fy, head), used of large capitula of Compositae ; Megacon'ids ashes), Zukal's term for the large conidia borne in pycnidia of certain Ascomycetes ; Megagam'etes (ya.^- TIJS, a spouse), the larger motile sexual cells of Algae, presumably female. Megalogonidlum (fj.eyd'hos, large + GONIDIUM) = MACROGONIDIUM. megarhi'zous (f^yas, large, plfa, a root), large-rooted ; Megasporan'ge [four syll.] (ffiropa, seed, dyyclov, a vessel), a Sporangium which pro- duces Megaspores ; Meg'aspore, the larger spores of vascular Crypto- gams ; the more correct form of MAC- ROSPORE ; Megaspor'ophyll (, a leaf), (1) a carpel ; (2) a sporophyll which bears megaspores ; Mega- zo'oids (£&ov, an animal, e?5os, resem- blance), large motile daughter-cells of certain unicellular Algae ( Hazen ) ; Megazoosporan'ge (&, a seed, dyyeiov, a vessel), in Hydrodictyon, the special sporangium which con- tains a swarm of megazoospores, the ordinary method of propaga- tion, the protoplasm of a cell giving rise to a large number, each pro- vided with four cilia. Megis'totherm ( /ueyiffros, greatest, 0ep/ui,r}, heat), a plant requiring a very high temperature for growth. meidgVrous (/j.dwv, less, yvpbs, round), rolled inwards a little. mei'on (peiov, less), prefixed to an organ, shows it is less than some other organ understood ; Meio- phylly (0u\Xo^, a leaf), diminution in number of the leaves in a whorl, as compared with the preceding whorl ; Meiosporan'ge ( + SPOR- ANGIUM), Sauvageau's name for the smaller plurilocular sporangia en- closing zoospores of Ectocarpits virescens, Thuret ; meioste'monous (GTTUJ.WV, a filament), with fewer stamens than petals ; Meiotax'y (rat-is, order), the suppression of entire whorls; Mei'otherm (0e/o/«7» heat), a plant inhabiting cool tem- perate regions ; all are hardy in England. 154 Melampyrino Mericarp Melampy'rine, Melampy'rite, a sub- stance occurring in Melampyrum nemorosum, Linn., the same as DULCITE. Mel'anism (/.'.e\a?, black), a disease producing blackness ; melanos- perm'ous (arirep/j-a, seed), having dark - coloured seeds or spores ; melanochlor'us (xXw/aos, pale green), blackish green, atrovirens ; melano- phyl'lus (0i/\\o»/, a leaf), having leaves of a dark colour. melastoma'ceous, resembling or per- taining to those plants of which the genus Melastoma is the type. Melez'itose (Fr., meleze, larch), a sugar from the larch. Melib'iase (mel, honey), a synonym of RAFFINASE. me'linus (/^\t»/os, pertaining to quinces), like quinces, or quince- coloured. Mel'itose (mel, honey), sugar from Eucalyptus " Manna," produced in Tasmania; also spelled Mel'itoze, a synonym of RAFFINOSE ; Mel'i- zitase, an enzyme present in Sterigmatocystis nigra Sacc. ; Mel'i- zitose, a sugar existing in Alhagi Maurorum, Linn. Mellaro'se (Ital.), the name of a variety of the orange in which the carpellary whorl is multiplied, pro- ducing an appearance of prolifica- tion (Masters). mel'leus (Lat., pertaining to honey), (1) with the taste or smell of honey ; (2) honey- coloured. Mel'ligo (Lat., honey-like juice), used for "Honey-dew," the exudation of Aphides. mel'linus (mel, mellis, honey), the colour of new honey. Melittaeph'ilae (/xAtrra, a bee, <£tXew, I love), flowers which are adapted for fertilisation by the larger bees ; the colour and scent are attractive to man also (H. Mueller). Melonlda,t Melonid'mm J (w\ov, an apple, elSos, like), an inferior, many -celled fruit, as an apple; melo'niform (forma, shape), me- lon-shaped ; irregularly spherical with projecting ribs as in Melo- cactus. Mem'ber, any part of a plant regarded with reference to its form and position. membrana'ceous, -ceus (Lat.), mem'- branous, thin and semi-trans- parent, like a fine membrane, as the leaves of Mosses ; Mexn'brane, Membra' na (Lat. ), a delicate pellicle of homogeneous tissue ; Membra'na, gongylifera, the hymenium of Fungi ; mem'branous Lay'er ; ~ mycelium, interwoven hyphae forming a layer ; membranogen'ic (ycvos, race), productive of a mem- brane ; Membra'nula,! the indusium of Ferns. memnon'ius (Lat. from Afemnori), brownish black, nearly as dark as piceus. Meneblaste'ma (rivy, moon = a month, /SXdoT^a, a sprout), Minks's term for the soredia of Lichens. menisca'tus (/ji-qvio-Kos, a crescent), "a cylinder bent into half a circle " (Lindley) ; menis'coid, meniscoi'- deus (eldos, like), thin and concavo- convex, like a watch-glass. Menisperm'ine, an alkaloid from the genus Menispermum. menstrua'lis, men'struus (Lat.), last- ing for a month or so ; cf. BIMES- TRIS, TRIMESTRIS. Menta'gra (Lat. an eruption on the chin) parasit'ica = SYCOSIS; Men- ta'graphyte (vrct>, a plant), the Fungus supposed to cause the disease Mentagra or Sycosis. Men'tum (Lat. the chin), an extension of the foot of the column in some Orchids, in the shape of a projec- tion in front of the flower. Merench'yma (fitpos, a part, (yxv/JLa> an infusion), spherical cellular tissue ; ~ Cells, unpitted cells in the pith of trees, with inter- cellular spaces, and much elon- gated radially ; cf. PALISADE CELLSJ Mer'icarp, Mericar'pium (/ca/>7rds, fruit), a portion of a fruit which splits away as a perfect fruit ; as the two carpels in Umbelliferae. 155 meridianus Mesophytum meridia'nus (Lat. belonging to noon), at mid-day or noon ; towards the south (in northern latitudes) ; meridian, applied by 0. Mueller to the plane in Diatoms which con- tains the pervalvar axis. Mer'idisk (ptpos, a part, 5tt0>ia, a share), divid- ing into parts or similar portions ; ~ Tis'sue, formative tissue, cf. MEBISTEM. Mer'ispore (ftepos, apart, airopd, seed), the segment of a sporidesm ; Mer7- istele (o-T'/jX-rj, a pillar), a portion of the stele of a monostelic stem received by each leaf; meris'tic Variation, see MBRISM. Mer'istem (/xepto-ros, divisible), nas- cent tissue, capable of being trans- formed into special forms, as cam- bium, etc. ; Pri'mary ~ , forms the whole tissue of very young organs ; Secondary ~, occurs in organs alongwith permanent tissue,usually in thin layers ; meristemat'ic, pertaining to the Meristem ; meri- stogenet'ic (yeverqs, a begetter), produced by Meristem, actively dividing cell - tissue ; Mer'ithal, Merithal'lus (6a\\os, a young shoot), an internode. meroblas'tic (^e'pos, a part, /SXaords, a bud) Embryog'eny, when only a part of the spore is concerned, cf. HOLO- BLASTIC ; Meroconid'ium, pi. Mero- conid'ia, (+ CONIDIUM), conidia which arise from the simultaneous septation of a hypha in Zygomy- cetes, and mature together, while ACROCONIDIA mature in succession from the apex (A. Fischer) ; meros- as a prefix, and its forms -xnerous, •merus, as suffixes, denote parts or numbers, as dimerous, etc. mes'arch (/*eo-oj, in the middle, &px*l, beginning), applied by Solms-Lau- bach to those bundles in which the protoxylem lies in the interior of the primary strand of the wood, thus partly centripetal and partly centrifugal; Mesenter'ica (evrepov, an intestine), "the mycelium of certain Fungals" (Lindley) ; Mes'- istem, contracted from Mesomer'is- tem, the thickening ring of Sanio, a ring of tissue producing the bundle system; Mes'oblast (jSXcto-Tos, a bud), the nucleus ; Mesoblaste'sis, medial growth from Lichen hyphae (Minks); Mes'ocarp, Mesocar'pium (Kaptros, fruit), the middle layer of a pericarp ; Mesocauleorhi'za (/caiAo?, stem, ptfa, root), Gaudichaud's term for "the line of demarcation between the ascending and de- scending systems in his 'Phyta,'" (Lindley) ; Mes'ochil, Mesochil'ium (xeiXos, lip), the intermediate part of the lip of those Orchids which have it separated into three dis- tinct parts ; Mes'ochite (XIT&V, a tunic), the middle layer surround- ing the egg in Fucaceae, composed of cellulose and attached at the base (Farmer) ; Mesocol'la, £ (ff6XXa, glue), a supposed intermediate layer of the cuticle between the upper and lower surfaces; Mesoder'mis (SepfjLa, skin), the middle layer of tissue in the theca of a Moss ; Mesogonid'ium ( + GONIDIUM), a gonidium which is partially en- veloped in new tissue ; mesogon- im'icus (yovifjios, productive), having the gonidial layer in the centre (Wallroth) ; Mesophlo'em (0Xot6s, bark), the middle, or green bark ; Mes'ophyll, Mesophyl'lum (t\\oi>, a leaf), (1) the interior parenchyma of a leaf, the whole interior ground tissue of the blade ; (2) the de- marcation between leaf and leaf- stalk ; Mes'ophyte (fyvrbv, a plant), Warming's term for those plants which are intermediate between Hydrophytes and Xerophytes ; avoiding both extremes of moist- ure and drought; Mesophy'tum, (1) a name given by Clarion to th< 156 mesophytic Metaphei4? COLLAR or junction of stem and root ; (2) by Lindley given as the demarcation between the internode and petiole ; mesophyt'ic, relating to plants which require an average amount of moisture only ; Mesopo- d'ium (TTOUS, irodbs, a foot), the inter- mediate part of a leaf, the petiole or leaf -stalk ; Mes'osperm (A, seed) ; Dietel's term for an Uredo-apore which ap- parently will only germinate after a resting period ; mesosty'lous ( + STYLUS), in trimorphic plants those which possess flowers hav- ing styles of intermediate length ; Mesothe'cium (#1^77, a case), (1) the intermediate layer of cells in the wall of the anther ; in ripe anthers it often occurs as the inner layer by disappearance of the endothecium proper ; (2) the THECIUM of Lichens ; Mes'otherm (Qtpw, heat), a plant of the sub-tropical or warm temperate zones, in Britain needing protec- tion against frost ; mesotri'arch ( + TRIARCH), when in a triarch stele the two principal xylem bundles are more or less fused (Prantl) ; mesoxyl'ic (£tfXs, a cloak), Mac- millan's proposed term for Composi tae ; adj. metachlamyd'eous ; Meta- collench'yma ( + COLLENCHYMA), a result of secondary metamorphosis which has taken place at a late period (C. Mueller) ; Metacra'sis (Kpa6/*os, a course), a form of venation in which in a single Fern -frond the first set of nerves in the segments are given off on the upper, or the lower (basal) side of the midrib (Prantl) ; meta- gam'etal (+ GAMETE) Rejuven- es'cence, a cell or mass of cells acting as a gamete or zygote (Hartog) ; Metagam'ophyte (ydfios, marriage, (frvrbv, a plant), Mac- ro illan's proposed name for his highest group of Phanerogams, a synonym of " Siphonogamia " ; Metagen'esis (yei>cos, in mid air), applied to flowers whose expansion depends upon the weather. metis'toid (/^TIS, counsel, elSos, like), composed of differentiated cells, each cell being dependent on the other cells of the organism ( Hartog). metoe'cious (/wrd, beyond, ol/cos, house), existing on different hosts, heteroecious ; metox'enous (£eyos, a host) is a synonym. Metrogonidlum (^rrjp, mother, + GONIDIUM) = HETEROCYST. Mette'nian Glands, organs peculiar to Plumbagineae which secrete mucilage and sometimes chalk. Me'tuloids (metula, a small pyramid, eI5os, like), modified cystidia, en- crusted with lime, which project from the hymenium of Peniophora, giving it a velvety appearance. Miasm', Mias'ma (/u'ao>ta, defilement), Naegeli's term for those diseases which are due to microbes. Micel'la (L. Lat. from mica, a crumb), an aggregation of molecules in the manner of a pleon, but in larger numbers (Nageli.) ; micel'lar Ag'gre- gate, a combination of Micellae. Micran'dre (fUKpos, small, avr)p, avdpos, a man) = DWARF-MALE ; micro-aero- ph'ilous (ar)p, air, 0iXe'w, I love) Bei- jerinck's term for anaerobic, needing but little free oxygen ; Microb'asis (fidvis, a base), a variety of the car- cerule, as in Labiates ; Mi'crobe, pi. Micro'bia (jSios, life), Pasteur's term for such organisms as Schizomycetes, bacteria; adj. microbio'tic ; Micro- cen'trum (centrum, Kevrpov, a sharp point), applied to the granular inclusions in the astrosphere of leucocytes, probably the equiva- lent of Centrosome (Farmer) ; Micrococ'cus, pi. Micrococ'ci (/c6«r/cos, a kernel), a genus of bacteria, sometimes used to express mi- crobiotic organisms ; Microcon'id, Microconid'ium (+CONIDIUM), the smaller conidia, when two sizes are produced ; Mi'crocyst (/ct/, I love), flowers which are fertilised by small flies which are of ten imprisoned; adj. micromy- ioph'ilous ; microphyl'line ((f>v\\oj>, a leaf), composed of small leaflets or scales ; Mi'crophyte (vrov, a plant), used of bacteria ; adj. micro- phyt'ic ; Micropuccin'ia, with selen- tospores only (Piowright) ; Mi'cro- pyle (TTU'XT;, a gate), the aperture in the skin of the seed formerly the foramen of the ovule, it marks the position of the ra- dicle; adj. microp/lar ; Microscle'- rote (ffK\rip6s, hard), a sclerotium modified by unfavourable vital conditions, after a resting period it develops into a perithecium (Zukal) ; Mi'crosome, Microso'ma, pi. Microso'mata (crtDyua, a body), in the plural applied to small granules embedded in the proto- plasm; Microsporan'gium ( + SPORANGIUM), a sporangium which produces microspores ; microspor- an'giate Flow'er, male, or staminate flower; Mi'crospore (6\\ov, a leaf), a leaf-like organ bearing microsporangia ; microsporopliyr- lary Flow'er, a male or staminate flower ; Mi'crostome (ffrbfut, a mouth), a small orifice ; Microsty'- lospore ((TTvXos, a column, airopk, seed), stylospores of a small size, as in Locularia ; microstylous, short- styled, as applied to dimorphic flowers ; Microsym'biont ( + SYM- BIONT), the smaller of the two associated organisms ; Mi'crotherm (6e'pfj.i), heat), used for plants characteristic of the arctic alpine zone, in England needing protec- tion from drought and direct sunlight ; Mi'crotome (TO/AT;, a cutting), an instrument for section- cutting for microscopical purposes ; Microzoogloe'a (faov, an animal, 7X016?, a sticky substance), a stage of Schizomycetes when they are immersed in a gelatinous envelope ; Microzoogonidlum ( + GONIDIUM), a motile form of microgonidium ; Microzo'ospore (cnropa, seed), a motile spore, small in size com- pared with others of the same species; Microzo'oid (eTSos, resem- blance), small motile reproductive cells in some unicellular Algae, as Sphaerella (Hazen) ; Mi'crozyxne (£V«7, yeast), Be"champ's name for microbes and small ferments. mid, intermediate ; used by H. C. Watson for ~ agrar'ian, and ~ arctic zones of vegetation ; ~ Er'ror, see DEVIATION. mid'dle, central ; ~ Lamel'la, the mem- brane primary septum between any two cells ; <~ Lam'ina, in a lignified cell-wall, the portion be- tween the <~ LAMELLA and inner lamina ; ~ Lobe, see LOBE, Middle. Mid'rib, the principal nerve in a leaf. Mid'summer Growth, a second start into growth after ceasing ; it does not occur in all trees. 159 mihl monangic mili'i (Dat., sing of ego, I), as an authority it means the particular form accepted as the true one by the author using it. Mil'dew, a disease in plants caused by the attack of the conidial form of Erysipheae ; frequently used in a popular sense for any small parasitic fungus. milia'rius (milium, millet), minute glandular spots on the epiderm ; Henslow spells it " miliaris " ; Mil'i- ary Glands = STOMATA. Milk, an opaque white juice; the latex ; ^ Sac, laticiferous vessels in some species of Acer; ~> Sap = LATEX ( Crozier) ;~Ves'sels, latici- ferous vessels. mill-sail shape, molendinaceous. mimetic (fiufMfriK&s, imitative), used of organs or plants which resemble each other in external appearance, but not in characteristic structure ; Mim'icry, resemblance to some other species, usually serving as protective. miniate, minia'tus (Lat. coloured with cinnabar), the colour of red lead ; more orange and duller than vermillion. minu'te, minu'tus (Lat. small), very small, inconspicuous. Miophyriy = MEiopHYLLY (Crozier). mioste'monous = MEIOSTEMONOUS. Mischom'any (M^XOS, a pedicel, pavta, madness), increase in the number of pedicels, as in Rhus Cotinus, Linn. , Muscari comosum, Mill. , etc. mis'tus, mix'tus (Lat.) cross-bred. Mit'om (ytur6w, I weave), Flemming's term for the network of threads of protoplasm. Mito'sis (JJ,ITOS, a thread or web), Flemming's term for nuclear di- vision ; Karyokinesis of Schleicher ; adj. mito'sic, mito'tic. Mi'tra (fj-trpa, a head-dress), (1) the galea of a corolla ; (2) the thick rounded pileus of some Fungi ; mi'triform, mitriform'is (forma, shape), mitre-shaped ; ~ Calyp'tra, one which is entire at the (Hooker). mixed (mixtus) For'est, one composed of various kinds, growing inter- mingled; ~ Inflores'cence, one in which partial inflorescence develop differently from the main axis, as centrifugal and centripetal to- gether; -~ Ves'sels, those having thickenings of more than one description, as annular and spiral (Crozier) ; mixotroph'ic (rpocpij. food), half-saprophytic (Pfeffer) ; mixtiner'vius J (Lat.) having veins of various sizes. mni'oid, resembling the Moss genus Mnium. mo'bile, mo'bilis (Lat.), easily moved, moveable or versatile; Mobility, power of movement, cf. MOTILITY. Mock-plums, abnormal growths known also as BAG-PLUMS. modioliformls (modiolus, a small measure, nave of a wheel, etc., forma, shape), like the nave of a wheel, depressed, with narrow orifice, as the ripe fruit of Gaul- theria. Mol'ecule (molecula, a small mass), an aggregation of atoms, hence the ultimate particle of a chemical compound; cf. PLEON, MICELLA; adj. molec'ular. molendina'ceous, -ceus, -a'ris (Lat. pertaining to a mill), furnished with large, wing-like expansions. Moline'tum, a plant association com- posed of Molinia caertdea, Moench (Warming). mol'lis (Lat.), soft, usually meaning pubescent. molyb'deus,molyb'dos(^6Xuj85os,lead), lead-coloured ; sad, neutral grey. Mon- (fjibvos, one), in Greek com- pounds = one ; Monadel'phia ( Bun' die, one in which there is only one strand ; monari'nus (dpprjv, male), Necker's expression for monandrous ; Mon- as'ter (aa-Typ, a star), in nuclear division the mother-star, the chromosomes forming a ring round the central spindle ; Monax'on (Afav, an axle), when the two transverse axes of an organ or or- ganism are equal ; mone'cious = MONOECIOUS ; Monem'bryony (fyt- fipvov, an embryo), the production of one embryo only ; adj. monem- bryonlc. Mon'grel, a cross or hybrid. moniTiform, moniliform'is (monile, a necklace, forma, shape), necklace- shaped ; like a string of beads. Monism (fj.6vos, one), employed by L. H. Bailey for " the doctrine of oneness ; the supposition that all phenomena and all forms of life are derived from the unfolding or evolution of one single principle and substance." Monob'asis (fjibvos, one, /Sdo-is, base), when the root is reduced to a small unbranched portion, as though it were only the base of the stem ; Monoblas'tus (/SXaards, a shoot or bud), used of Lichen-spores when possessing a single cell ; Monocaro'- tin ( + CAROTIN) a lipochrome pig- ment allied to Carotin, the colour- ing of the root of the carrot ; Mon'- ocarp (/capTros, fruit), an annual or other plant that flowers but once (Crozier) ; monocarpel'lary, com- posed of one carpel only ; monocar'- pic, bien'nial- ~, a biennial plant, peren'nial- ~, a plant which lives many years before fruiting and perishing ; monocar'pian, monocar- pia'nus, monocar'picus, monocar'- pous, only fruiting once ; mono- cellular (cellida, a little cell), cited by Crozier for UNICELLULAR ; monoceph'alous, -lus (/ce^aX-?;, a head), bearing a single head or capitulum ; monocnas'ial (xdffis, separation), a cyme with one main axis; Monoch'asy, a uniparous cy me, either pure, or resulting from the reduction of cymes (Urban) ; Mono- chlamyd'eae (xXa/Ai>s, a mantle), a large division of Phanerogams which have only one set of floral envelopes ; monochlamyd'eous, -deus, having only one kind of perianth ; monochro'mic (x/>cDjua, colour), of one tint, unicolorous ; monocli'nous, -mus, monoclin'ian (K\tvrj, a bed), (1) hermaphrodite, having both stamens and pistils in the same flower ; (2) applied to the capitula of Composites which have only hermaphrodite florets ; Mono- cotyle'don (/coruX^Scb*', a hollow), a plant having but one cotyledon or seed-lobe; Monocot'ylae, was sug- gested by L. Ward as a shortened term ; monocotyle'donous, with a single seed-lobe, as grasses and palms ; monocy'clic (/ctf/cXos, a cir- cle), (1) when the members of a floral series are in one whorl, as the calyx, corolla, etc.; (2) annual plants ; inonodichlamyd'eous (5i, twice, xXa/*i>s, a mantle), having either one or both sets of floral en- velopes ; monody'namous (Sv'va^, power), with one stamen much longer than the others ; Monoe'cia (el/cos, a house), a Linnean class characterised by having flowers with the sexes separate, but on the same plant ; monoe'cious, -cius, the stamens and pistils in separate flowers, but borne on the same in- dividual ; r- Homog'amy, fertiliza- tion from another inflorescence of the same plant (Delpino) ; monoec'iously polyg'amous, hav- ing hermaphrodite and unisexual flowers on the same specimen ; Monoe'cism, the state of pos- sessing monoecious flowers ; Mo- noepigyn'ia (tvl, upon, yvrii, a woman), a class in Jussieu's system 161 Monogam monostromatic containing monocotyledons with epigynous stamens ; Mon'ogam (yAjjios, marriage), a plant with simple flowers, but united anthers ; Monogam'ia, a Linnean order in the Composites with united an- thers, but flowers free on the same receptacle; monogam'icus, Necker's term for monogamous ; monog'e- nous (Y&OS, race, offspring), = EN- DOGENOUS ; monogenetlc Repro- duc'tion, asexual reproduction ; monog'enus, (1) monocotyledonous ; (2) monotypic (Crozier, Diet. p. 18); Mon'ograph (ypaw, I write), a systematic account of a particular genus, order, or group ; Mon'ogyn (yvvri, a woman), a plant having a single pistil in a flower ; Mono- gyn'ia, a Linnean order, having a solitary pistil or style, though it may have many carpels j monogyn'ian, monog'ynous, -nus, possessing but one pistil ; monogynae'cial (yvvau- KCIOV, women's quarters), simple fruits resulting from the pistil of one flower ; Monohypogyn'ia (VTTO, under, yvvrj, a woman), a class in Jussieu's system containing mono- cotyledons with hypogenous sta- mens ; monoi'cous (ol/cos, a house), used by bryologists for MONOE- CIOUS. monolep'idus (/j.6vos, one, \eirls, \eirtdos, a scale), one -scaled ; monol'obus (Xo^os, an ear-lobe), used by Spruce for one-lobed ; monoloc'ular, mono- locula'ris (loculus, a little place), one-celled, unilocular, applied to ovaries, etc.; monom'erous (/u^pos, a part), formed of a single mem- ber, as the fruit may be of one carpel ; monomorph'ous (/*o/30?7, shape), of one form only, not poly- morphic (Bailey) ; monopet'alous, -lus (irtTa\oj>, a flower-leaf), (1) literally one-petalled ; (2) gamo- petalous, where the corolla is com- posed of several petals laterally united ; monophylet'ic (^»u\7j, a tribe), originally descended from one tribe, as opposed to polyphyle- tic ; monophyl'lous -lus (v\\ov, a leaf), (1) one-leaved, as an involu- crum of a single piece ; (2) used of a leaf-bud where a single leaf is subtended by an investing stipule ; (3) gamosepalous or gamopetalous ; Mon'opiast (TTXCKTTOS, moulded), the organic form-elemeutof protoplasm, which group into polyplasts ( Vogt) ; Mon'opode, Monopodlum (TTOUS, Trodos, a foot), a stem of a single and continuous axis; adj. monopod'ial ; monop'terous (irrepov, a wing), one- winged ; monopyre'nus (wp^v, a kernel), containing a single stone or nutlet ; monosep'alous, -lus ( + SEPALUM), gamosepalous, the seg- ments of the calyx being united ; monosiphon'ic ((rtyw, a tube), applied to Algae consisting of a continuous tube, an algal filament of a single row of cells; Mono'sis, the isolation of an organ from the rest ; Mon'o- sperm (o-Tr^a, seed), a plant of one seed only ; monosperm'ous, -mus, one -seeded ; monospi'rous (ffireipa, a twisted cord), Spruce's term for that condition of the elater in Hepaticae, which con- sists of a single spiral; Monospi'rus, an elater of this kind ; mouo- sporan'giate (+ SPORANGIUM), ap- plied to a flower with sporangia borne on separate axis, as the beech and oak ; further dis- tinguished as mac'ro- or mi'cro- sporangiate, as they bear sporangia of the kind indicated ; Mon'ospore, a special spore in Ectocarpus, by Sauvageau considered to be a GEMMA ; Monosporang'ium, used by Sauvageau for the organ which produces monospores ; monos'- taclious (crrdx^s, a spike), arranged in one spike ; monoste'lic (vrbv, a plant), Marchand's term to include Fungi and certain Lichens; Mycophy'to- phytes, the same writer's name for the remaining Lichens ; My'coplasm (n-XdoTta, moulded), Frank's term for bacteroids, as the Rhizobia on leguminiferous roots ; Mycoplas'- ma, Eriksson's term for a latent symbiotic form of Puccinia which may exist in the seed and develop into a mycelium when the host has grown into a plant ; Mycopro'tein ( + PROTEIN), a gelatinous albu- minoid resembling protoplasm, of which the putrefactive bacteria are composed ; Mycorhi'zome ( + RHIZOME), mycorrhiza-like struc- ture in Corallorhiza and Epipogum roots ; MycorM'za, preferably My- corrhi'za (ptfa, a root), the symbiotic union of Fungi and roots of plants ; it may be ectotrop'ic, ~ entirely out- side, or endotrop'ic, ~ entirely with- in the cells ; My 'cose, My'cosin, the rial nitrogenous substance of cell-wall in Fungi corres- ponding to the animal substance chitin (Gilson) ; Myco'sis, a disease in animal tissue caused by species of Eurotium ; My'crocyst = MICRO- CYST; Mycropro'tein = MYCOPRO- TEIN ; My'cropyle = MICROPYLE ; My'crozyme = MICROZYME. Myioph'ilae (/zina, a fly, <£iXe'o>, I love), plants which are fertilised by dip- tera ; their flowers are dull in colour and their odours are dis- agreeable to man. mykoklep'tic (/itf/ojs, a mushroom, KXeTrri/cds, thievish), applied to the hairs on the rhizome of Corallor- hiza innata, R. Br., "which seize the mycelium." myocli'rous (/xus, a mouse, xpous, of the skin), mouse-coloured. Myrmecodoma'tia (^u'p/x?;^, an ant, dw/jidTiov, a little house), shelters formed by plants in which ants live; myrmecoph'ilous (0iXvrov, a plant), ant-plants ; Myr- mecosymfoio'sis ( + SYMBIOSIS), the mutual relations between the ants and their host-plants ; adj. myr- mecosymbio'tic. My'rosin (p^pov, sweet juice), a gluco- side occurring in the seed of Brassica sinapoides. Roth, and other Crucifers. Myrrh, an aromatic gum-resin yielded by Commiphora Myrrha, Engl. 166 myrtiform myr'tiform, myrtiform'is (myrtus, the myrtle, forma, shape), resembling the myrtle; myrtoi'deus (eZSos, like) is a synonym. myu'rus (^us, a mouse, ofy>a, a tail), long and tapering like a mouse's tail. Myxamoe'bae or Myxoamoe'bae, pi. (/ttf£a, mucus, a/Aoiffi, interchange), the swarm-spores of Myxogastres ; Myxogas'tres (ya.iX, I love), when fertilised by carrion beetles ; ne- crog'enous, -us (yfros, offspring), applied to certain fungoid parasites which hasten the decay of the plants on which they live ; necro- ph'agous (dyw, I eat), applied to saprophytes ; Nec'roplasm (ir\duf, WKT^S, night; avdos, a flower), used of night- flowering plants; Nyctan'thy, the condition of nocturnal flowering ; nyctitroplc (TPOTTTJ, a turning), placing the leaves as during the night ; Nyctit'ropism, assuming the sleep position. uymphaeformls (nympha, a pupa, forma, shape) ; Koerber applies this to chrysalis-shaped spores of some Lichens. Oan'gium (u6t>, an egg, dyyeiov, a vessel), an apocytial oogonium which forms oospores by free cell- formation, as in Saprolegnieae (Hartog). ob, as a prefix, means inversely or oppositely ; as obovate, inversely ovate ; sometimes, but incorrectly, used for sub-. obcla'vate (ob, inverse, davatus, club- shaped), attached at the thicker end ; obcoinpres'sed, dbcompres' sus (compres'sus, pressed together), flattened the other way, antero- posteriorly instead of laterally ; obconlc, obconlcal, obcon'icus (conus, a cone), conical, but attach- ed at the narrower end ; obcor'- date, obcorda'tus ( + COBDATUS), inversely heart-shaped, the notch being apical ; obcor'diform, obcor- diform'is, are synonyms ; obcrena'- tus (-f- CRENATUS), £, denticulate; obcur'rens (currens, running),^ run- ning together and adhering at the point of contact; obdiploste'mo- nous, -us (Snr\6os, double, ffTrjftwv, a thread), where the stamens are double the number of the petals to which the outer series are opposite ; Obdiploste'mony, the condition it- self ; obim'bricate, obimbrica'tus ( + IMBRICATUS), when the imbri- cation is from above, downward ; oblan'ceolate, oblanceola'tus ( + LANCEOLATUS), strictly speaking this cannot occur, but the word is used for tapering towards the base more than towards the apex; oblate (lotus, broad), flattened at the poles, as an orange. ob'ligate (obligatus, obliged), neces- sary, essential ; the reverse of FA- CULTATIVE ; "- Gam' etc, a gamete which is incapable of further de- velopment without union with another gamete ; ~ Parasite, an organism in which parasitism is imperative in order to attain com- plete development ; obligatory, ob'ligative, as in OBLIGATE ; ~ Sym'biont, an organism which is dependent upon another for its existence. oblig'ulate, oUigulaftua (ob, inverse, + LIGULATE), used of ligulate florets of Compositae extended on the inner side of the capitulum instead of the outside; obliguliflorous (flos, floris, a flower), florets which are obligulate, as in Zoegea. oblique', obli'quus (Lat., slanting), (1) slanting ; (2) of unequal sides. obliterated (obliteratiis, erased), sup- pressed ; Obliteration, suppression. oblong, oblon'gus (Lat., rather long), 172 oboval Octandria much longer than broad, with nearly parallel sides. obo'val, obova'lis (ob, inverse, -f OVALIS), reversed ovate, the distal end the broader ; obo'vate, obova'- tus, practically the same as the last ; obo'vold (eI5os, like), an obo- vate solid ; obrin'gens ( + RIN- GENS), J a ringent floret of the Compositae, with an anterior lip tth, and the posterior lip fths of the whole, as though the lower lip were uppermost; obrotun'dus ( + ROTUND us), :{: somewhat round. obscure', obscu'rus (Lat., dark), (1) dark or dingy in tint ; (2) uncer- tain in affinity or distinctiveness ; (3) hidden. ob'solete, obsole'tus (Lat., worn out), wanting or rudimentary ; used of an organ which is scarcely apparent or has vanished ; obsoles'cent ( + ESCENS), nearly obsolete. obstruc'tus (Lat., blocked up), where hairs or other appendages partially close the throat of a tubular corolla. obsubula'tus (ob, inverse, + SUBULA- TUS), very narrow, pointed at the base and widening a little towards the apex ; obsutura'lis (sutura, a seam), J applied to the suture of a pericarp ; septifragal. obtec'tus (Lat.), covered over by something ; obtee'to-veno'sus, when the principal and longest veins are connected only by simple cross- veins ; ob'tegens (Lat.), covering over. Obtura'tor (obturatus, stopped up), (1) a small body accompanying the pollen-masses of Orchids and Ascle- piads, closing the opening of the anther ; (2) = CARUNCLE (Hooker fil.); (3) a process of the wall of the ovary descending on the micropyle, in Plumbago. obturbina'tus (ob, inverse, + TFRBINA- TUS), reverse top-shaped, swollen at the bottom, narrowed at the top. obtuse', obtu'sus (Lat.), blunt or rounded at the end ; •*- An'gled, stem-angles rounded, as in Salvia pratensis, Linn. ; obtusius'culus, (Lat.), somewhat obtuse. obvallate, obvalla'tus (ob, about, vallatus, walled round), apparently walled up, guarded on all sides ; obvalla'ris, surrounded as by a wall, as in Narcissus obvallaris, Salisb. ob'verse, olver'sus (Lat. turned to- wards); (1) the side facing, as opposed to reverse ; (2) used when the point of a radicle in a seed approaches the hilum ; ob'versely, in an obverse form. ob'volute, obvolu'tus (Lat. wrapped round), a modification of CONVO- LUTE, when the margins of one organ alternately overlap those of an opposite organ, such as half- equitant; obvolu'tive is a syno- nym. Occlu'sion (occhisus, shut up), the process by which wounds in trees are healed by the growth of callus, then said to be occlu'ded (M. Ward). occulta'tus (Lat. ), hidden. ocean'idus (oceanus, belonging to the ocean), used of a marine plant. ocel'late, ocella'tus, ocella'ted (ocellus, a little eye), with a circular patch of colour. Ocellus (Lat. a little eye), an eye- spot as in Halionyx, a genus of Diatoms. ocnra'ceous, -ceus (ochra, yellow earth), ochre^ coloured, yellow with a tinge of red. O'chrea = OCRS A; o'cnreate = OCREATE. ocnroleu'cous, -cus (&xp<*, yellow earth, Xei /c6s, white), yellowish white, buff. O'crea (Lat. a greave), a tubular stipule, or pair of opposite stipules so combined ; o'create, ocrea'tus, provided with ocreae. Octagyn'ia (OKTOJ, eight, yvvri, a woman), a Linnean order of plants with eight-styled flowers ; octag'y- nous, octagyn'icus, having eight styles ; octam'erous (/A^/WS, a part), in eights ; octan'der (dv-^p, d^Spos, a man), with eight stamens; Oc- tan'dria, a Linnean class of plants 173 ootandrous oligo dynamic with eight stamens; octan'drous, having eight stamens. Oc'tant (octans, a half-quadrant), the division of an oospore ; ^ Wall, applied to the septum which cuts the oospore into octants. octan'therous (<5/cra, eight, avOijpos, flowery), having eight fertile sta- mens ; octari'nus (appyv, a male), Necker's term for OCTANDBOUS. octofa'rius (L. Lat.), in eight ranks or rows. octog'ynous = OCTAGYNOUS. octoloc'ular (octo, eight, loculus, a little place), applied to an eight-celled fruit or pericarp ; octopet'alous, -lus (TT€TO\OP, a flower-leaf), with eight petals ; octora'diate (radius, a ray), with eight rays, as some Compositae ; octosep'alous ( + SEPA- LUM), with eight sepals ; octo- sper'mous (o-ir^a, seed), eight- seeded; Oc'tospore (a-rropa, seed) = the CARPOSPORB of Porphyraceae ; octosp'orous, eight spored ; octo- ste'monous (o-r^w^, a thread), with eight fertile stamens ; octos'tichous, •us (ffrlxos, a series), in eight rows. oc'ulate (oculus, an eye) = ocELLATE ; Oc'ulus, (1) the first appearance of a bud, especially on a tuber ; (2), the depression on the summit of some fruits, as the apple. -odes (elSos, resemblance), a suffix for similar to ; as phyllodes, like a leaf. od'dly pin'nate, with a terminal leaf- let, imparipinnate. odora'tus (Lat.), fragrant, usually restricted to sweet smelling O'dours, which, in flowers, are sometimes due to essential oils which can be distilled off; at other times the scent cannot be collected by chemi- cal means. Oede'ma (oi'S^a, a swelling), J the tumid glands on woody tissues of Conifers. Oecol'ogy (OIKOS, a house, Aoyos, a discourse), the study of plant-life in relation to environment ; adj. oecologlcal ; Oecol'ogist, a student of the life of the plant in relation to its surroundings ; NOTE. — these words are frequently spelled, Ecol'- ogy, ecological, Ecol'ogist. ottL<£'iULL,qfficina'li8 (Lat. ,of the shops), used of medicinal or other plants procurable at shops. Offset, a lateral shoot used for propa- gating, as in the houseleek ; Off- shoot, an offset. often-bearing, producing more than once in the season, multiferous. -oides, -odes, -ides, -oideus, suffixes from elSos, resemblance ; as petal- oideus, resembling a petal. Oidlum, pi. Oid'ia (, an egg, + ldtoi>, a diminutive), a term used to de- note concatenate conidia (Cooke) ; not to be confounded with the form - genus Oidium, Link, the conidial stage of Erysipheae. Oil, used for any fluid fat-bodies in plants, chiefly stearic, palmitic, or oleic acids ; — Cells, gum- cells ; ~ Plas'tids, ELAIOPLASTS ; ~ Tube, a synonym of VITTA in the fruit of Umbelliferae. oleaginous, -us (oleagineus, pertaining to the olive), oily and succulent. oleic (oleum, olive oil) Acid, a glycer- ide or fat occurring in plants ; Olein or Oleine, one of the vege- table fats. ol' ens (Lat.), smelling, especially sweetly odorous. Oleoresln (oleum, olive oil, + RESIN), the natural admixture of a resin and an essential oil, forming a vegetable balsam or turpentine. olera'ceous, olera'ceus (Lat., herb- like), (1) having the nature of a pot-herb, esculent ; (2) J growing in cultivated places (De Candolle). Olib'anum (Arab., ol or al, the, Luban, milk), a bitter and aromatic gum-resin from several species of Hoswellia, the frankincense of com- merce. oligan'drous, -rus (oXfyos, few, dvTip, di>5p6s, a man), with few stamens ; oligan'thous, -thus (avQos, a flower), few-flowered ; oligodynamlc (dtva- fus, power), Naegeli's term for the poisonous condition of water con- taining minute traces of copper 174 oligomerous Oomycetes or brass ; it kills delicate cells of Spirogyra ; oligom'erous (/^pos, a part), parts consisting of few members ; Oligom'ery, of few parts ; oligope'lic (irrjXbs, clay), applied to plants which prefer certain rocks which yield a small amount of clayey detritus (Thur- mann) ; oligopsam'mic (i/'d/A/ios, sand), for plants affecting certain granite and dolomite formations (Thurmann) ; both of these classes belong to the DYSGEOGENOUS series ; Oligophyl'la( ^vXXov, a leaf) , Necker 's expression for a bract ; oligophyl'- lous, having few leaves; oligosperm'- ous, -mus (ffirtpiia, a seed), few- seeded ; oligoste'monous (a\os, navel, elSos, like), the mark in the hilum through which the vessels pass to the chalaza. one-ribbed, having one prominent rib, as in the leaves of many grasses ; ~> si'ded, (1) turned to one side ; (2) the parts turned the same way ; (3) unequal sided. onisciform'is (oniscus, a wood-louse, forma, shape), Koerber's word for certain Lichen-spores resembling a wood-louse in shape ; onis'cus (Lat.), used for lead-coloured, from the tint of the same creature. Onomatolo'gia (6vofj.a, a name, \6yos, discourse), the rules to be observed in the construction of names. Ontog'eny (6vra, things existing, yevos, race, offspring), the develop- ment of an individual in its various stages ; adj. ontogenet'ic. OOblas'tic (wov, an egg, jSXaoros, a bud) FiTaments, see next ; Ooblas te'ma (/3Xaopew, I carry), the OOPHYTE in Archegoniatae ; Oopho- ridan'gia (dyye'iov, a vessel), J. Smith's name for the macro- sporangia of Marsilea, etc ; Oo- phorid'ium, a sporangium contain- ing macrospores in Selaginella ; O'ophyte (vr6vt a plant), that portion of the life-cycle of a plant during which it bears sexual organs; the same as OOPHORE ; O'oplasm (7rXdcr/ia, moulded), the protoplasm of the oosphere ; O'osphere («r0atpa, a globe), a naked and nucleate mass of protoplasm, which, after coalescence with the sperm-nu- cleus, develops into an oosperm ; the egg or ovum ; Com' pound ~ , one which contains several or many functional sexual nuclei, as in Albugo (Stevens); O'o sperm (ffirepfjuL, seed), the product of the fusion of a male and a female cell; Oosporan'ge = Oosporan'- gium, pi. Oosporan'gia (vtropa, a seed, ayyetov, a vessel), the sacs or sporangia which produce oospores ; O'ospore, the immediate product of fertilisation in an oophore ; Oothe'ca (077*07, a case), the theca or sporangium of Ferns. opa'cus (Lat., shady, giving shade), (1) not transparent; (2) dull, not shining; opake and opaque are anglicised forms of the word. o'pen, not closed ; as ~ Bun'dle, one which retains a portion of cam- bium capable of further differen- tiation ; opposed to closed bundle ; ~Nu'cleus, the nucleus of Cyano- phyceae (Hieronymus). O'pening, expanding or becoming unclosed; ~ Cells, those special cells by which the dehiscence of sporangia and pollen-sacs takes place (a) either by tangential contraction on drying, or (6) by a thickening which causes a hinge- like motion of the cells themselves (Schinz) ; cf. LIP-CELLS ; <~ of Flow'ers, the expansion of the members at the period of maturity ; anthesis. oper'cular, oper'culate, opercula'tus (operculum, a lid), furnished with a lid, as in many Mosses and Myrtaceae ; Oper'cule, the lamina of the leaf of Sarracenia (Heckel) ; oper'culiform (forma, shape), shaped like a lid ; Oper'culum, a lid or cover which separates by a transverse line of division, as in the pyxis, and Moss capsules ; also in some pollen grains. oper'tus (Lat., hidden), the same as tectus. opisthe'lial, an error for opis'tMal (dirlffdios, hinder) Pore, Tschirch's name for the posterior border of a stoma ; opis'thodal is a synonym ; cf. EISODIAL ; opisthod'romous (dpo/JLos, a course), a flower is so termed, when the genetic spiral is assumed to pass as its shortest way from the bract to the first floral segment by the back of the flower, between it and the axis of the stem. oph'iure (#0is, a snake, otfpci, a tail) Cells, used by Jonsson for ASTRO- SCLEREIDS of Tschirch ; the name is from their resemblance to Echi- noderms. O'pium (Lat., dried poppy - juice), the concrete juice from the cap- sules of Papaver somniferum, Linn. ; ~ Al'kaloids are numerous, the best known being Morphia. Oplar'ium (oTrXdpia, arms), Necker's word for SCYPHUS. op'posite, opposi'tus (Lat., standing in front) ; (1) set against, as leaves when two on one node ; (2) one part before another, as a stamen in front of a petal ; opposi'te-pinn'atus, with leaflets on the same plane at right angles to the common petiole; oppositiflor'us (flos,floris, a flower), having opposite peduncles ; opposi- tifo'lious (folium, a leaf) ; (1) with 176 oppositipetalous OrnithopMlafe opposite leaves ; (2) opposite a leaf, as a tendril; oppositipet'- alous, -lus (ire'raXov, a flower-leaf), placed before a petal ; oppositisep'- alous ( + SEPAL), situated before a sepal; oppositi'vus (Lat.), when one part stands before another, the reverse of " alternate." Opseosper'mata (6^iy, tfi/'ews, sight, ffirepua, a seed), tubercles on the surface of some Algals containing spores (Lindley). Opsig'ony (6\//iyovos, posthumous), the production and development of proventitious buds (Wittrock) ; cf. PROLEPSIS. op'timal (optimus, best), the most advantageous for an organism or function; Op'timum refers to the degree of temperature, light, etc., which best conduces to the vital activities of a given organism. O'rae (ora, extremity) Radi'cum £ = SPONGIOLES. Or'ange, (1) the fruit of Citrus Aur- antium, Linn. ; (2) a secondary colour, red and yellow combined, taking its name from the tint of the fruit mentioned. orbic'ular, orbiculafris (Lat., cir- cular), of a flat body with a cir- cular outline ; orbic'ulate, orbicu- la'tus, disk- shaped ; Orbic'ulus, (1) the fleshy corona in the genus Stapelia ; (2) a round flat hymen- ium in Fungi. OrbiTla (orbix, an orb), the shield of certain Lichens, as in Usnea. Orchel'la, a general term for Lichens which yield dyes, as Lecanora, Roccdla, etc. orchida'ceous, -eus, (1) furnished with two tubers at the roots, as species of the genus Orchis and its allies ; (2) pertaining to the order Or- chideae ; orchid'eous, relating to the Orchideae. Or'chil, also known as CUDBEAR, and LITMUS, a valuable dye from Lecanora tartarea, Ach., and other Lichens. Or'cin, the colouring principle from various tinctorial Lichens. 177 orculaeform'is (orcula, a small tun, forma, shape), used by Koerber for cask-shaped Lichen-spores. Or'der, Or' do (Lat., methodical ar- rangement), in botany, a group between genus (tribe, suborder), and class ; or'dinal, relating to an order, as ~ Char'acter, that which marks it off from kindred orders. Or'gan (6pyavov, an instrument), any definite part of a structure, as a cell, a fibre, a leaf, etc. ; Or'gans of Reproduc'tion, those which are con- cerned in the production of seeds or spores ; in Phanerogams the stamens and pistils are so termed ; ~ of Vegeta'tion, those connected with the growth simply, as roots and leaves; organic, organ' 'icus, relating to living organs ; <~ Cen'tre, the point or axis around which growth takes place, it may not be the structural centre ; Organog'eny (7<^os, race,^ offspring), or Organo- gen'esis (yevevis, beginning), the formation and development of organs from their primitive condi- tion ; adj. organogenet'ic ; Orga- nog'raphy (ypdtpw, I write) ; Orga- nol'ogy (\67os, discourse), the study of organs and their relations ; Or7- ganoid (elSos, like), an organ of apparently unknown function (Swingle) ; Or'ganism, a body pos- sessing organic structure ; organo- plas'tic (7rAa<7Tt/cos, suitable for being wrought), with the power of producing organs. Or'gya (opyvta, a fathom), six feet in height; orgy'alis, a fathom long, the height of a man. Orienta'tion (oriens, the east), (1) the correct placing with regard to the quarters of the compass ; (2) gene- rally means relative position, as applied to organs, etc. Or'ifice, Orific'ium (Lat., an opening), an opening by which spores, etc., escape ; ostiole. Orig'oma = ORYGOMA. Ornithoph'ilae (6pvis, dpvldos, a bird, ^w, I love), plants habitually Ormogon ovate fertilised by pollen brought by birds ; adj. ornitliopli'ilous. Or'mogon, cited by Crozier, = HOB- MOGONE. Or'thoblast (dpOos, upright, jSWros, a bud), used by Cramer for confer- void prothallia growing in an ascending direction ; Orthophoto- tax'y (0cbs, ^WTOS, light, ra£ts, order), the direct arrangement of such organisms as Volvox and Spirogyra assumed under the stimulus of light (Oltmanns) ; or- thophototrop'ic (irpoirT], a turning), the direct influence of light shown in Vaucheria, Phycomyces, and shoots of flowering plants (Oltmanns). Orthoploc'eae (TT\OKTJ, a twining),those Cruciferae which have conduplicate cotyledons ; orthoplo'ceous, -ceus, when the incumbent cotyledons are folded round the radicle ; Or- thosper'meae ( ffirtpfjia, a seed ), plants whose seeds have albumen flat on the inner face, neither in- volute or convolute ; Or'thosticny, pi. Or'thostichies ((rrixos, a row), a vertical row, as in phyllotaxis ; orthos'tichous, straight ranked ; orthos'tomous (or6/ta, a mouth), with a straight opening ; ortho- tac'tic (rdfa, order), used by S. Moore in the sense of normal, ap- plied to an interval in the PHOT- RUM; orthot'ropal, orthot'ropous (TpoirT}, a turning), used of an ovule with a straight axis, the chalaza being at the insertion and the ori- fice or foramen at the opposite end, farthest from the hilum ; ortho- trop'ic, assuming a vertical position. Oryg'oma (tipvyna, a ditch or pit), Necker's term for the cup of a Marchantia containing gemmae. Os, Or'is (Lat.), a mouth or orifice. oscilla'ting = VERSATILE ; osciUa/nus, oscillator' ius (Lat. from oscillatio, a swinging), has the same meaning. Os'culum (Lat. a little mouth) = OSTIOLE. Osmom'eter ( (ioyios, a thrusting, fierpov, a measure), an instrument to measure OSMOSIS; Os'mose, Osmo'sis, the diffusion of liquids through membranes ; adj. osmo'tio os'seous, os'seus (Lat.), bony. Ossic'ulus, Ossic'ulum (Lat., a little bone), the pyrene of a fruit, as a medlar. os'sified (os, ossis, a bone, facio, 1 make), becoming hard as bone, aa the stones of drupes, such as the peach and plum. Ostariphy'tum (offrapiov, a little bone, vTov, a plant), a plant which pro- duces a drupe or drupe-like fruit. Osteoscle'reids (foreov, a bone, ffK\fipo3, hard), the "bone-shaped" sclereids of Hakea. os'tiolate, ostiola'tus (ostiolum, a little door), furnished with an opening or mouth ; Os'tiole, Os'tiolum, (1) the opening of the conceptacle in some Algae ; (2) the aperture through which spores escape from the peri- thecium. ostracodermat'inus (6s, thick, /capTros, fruit), having a thick pericarp ; pachyder'mous(5(^ua, skin or hide), applied to Mosses when the cells or capsules are firm and resistant; pachyphyllous (tf>ij\\ov, a leaf), thick - leaved ; pachystich'ous (CTT/XOS, a row), thick -sided, applied to cells only. Pad, (1) a cushion-like growth; cf. SUBARCHESPORIAL PAD ; (2) a popu- lar name in the United States for the floating leaves of water-lilies. Pa'gina (Lat., a leaf), the blade or surface of a leaf. paint'ed, having coloured streaks of unequal density. paired, conjugated, used of the teeth in the peristome of Mosses ; Pair- ing-cell, an equivalent of GAMETE. pala'ceous, -ceus (pala, a spade or shovel, + aceous), when the edges of an organ, especially of a leaf, adhere to their support. palaea'ceous = PALEACEOUS. Falaeobot'any (TraXeuos, ancient, fiordv-rj, a herb), fossil botany, the study of plants in a fossil state; Palaeophytol'ogy (vrov, a plant, Xttyoy, discourse), the science of palaeobotany. palar, pala'ris (Lat., pertaining to a pale or stake), when the root is perfectly continuous with the stem ; pala'ri-ramo'sus, when a palar root has many branches. Pal'ate, Pala' turn (Lat., the palate), (1) the prominent lower lip of a ringent corolla ; (2) the projection in the throat of a personate gamopetalous corolla. Pale, Palea (Lat., chaff), (1) the chaffy scales on the receptacle of many Compositae ; (2) the inner bract or glume in grasses, called "Palet" by North American writers ; (3) the ramenta or chaffy scales on the stipe of many Ferns ; ~ clathra'ta, the latticed scale of Ferns (Luerssen) ; palea'ceous ( + aceous), chaffy, furnished with paleae or chaff-like in texture; paleaeformls (forma, shape), re- sembling paleae ; Pal'eola, a dim- inutive of palea, or of secondary order, applied to the LODICULE of grasses ; pal'eolate, paleola'tus, furnished with a lodicule ; paleo- 179 paleous Panicle liferous (fero, I bear), bearing paleae ; pa'leous, chaffy. Paleophytol'ogy = PALAEOPHYTOLOGY. Palingen'esis (ird\i.i>, again, yfr&ru, a beginning), Haeckel's term for the doctrine of simple descent ; also written Palin'geny. Pal'isade Cells, perpendicular elong- ated parenchyma cells on the sur- face of most leaves ; ~ Parenchyma, /*• Tis'sue, tissue composed of the said cells. pal'lens (Lat., wan), pale in colour; palles'cent, becoming light in tint ; pallid, pal'lidus, somewhat pallid ; pallid'ulus, slightly pallid. Pal'lium (Lat. , a covering or garment), a presumed gelatinous envelope of Diatoms. Palm (palma, the palm of the hand), three inches, the width of the hand ; ~ veined = PALMATELY VEINED ; palmar'is (Lat.), the breadth of the palm, about three inches ; pal'mate, palma' tus, lobed or divided, so that the sinuses point to the apex of the petiole ; pal'mately, in a palmate manner, as ~ cleft = PALMATIFID ; ~ com'pound, ~ divi'ded, ~ lobed = PALMATILO- BATE ; «~ nerved = PALMATINERVIS ; ^•part'ed = PALMATIPABTITE ; <~ veined = PALMATINERVIS ; palma- tiformls (forma, shape), the venation arranged in a palmate manner ; palmatlfid, palmatif'idus (findo, fidi, to cleave), cut in a palmate fashion nearly to the petiole ; palmatilo'bate (lobatus, !obed), palmately lobed ; palmati- ner'vis (nermis, a nerve), palmately nerved ; palmatipartlte (partitus, divided), cut nearly to the base in a palmate manner ; palmat'isect, palmatisect'us (sectus, cut), pal- mately cut. Palxnel'la (iraX/ws, palpitation), the zoogloea stage of Schizomycetes, etc., when embedded in a jelly-like mass ; not to be confounded with the algal genus, Palmella, Lyngb. Palmel'lin, Phipson's name for the colouring matter of Palmella cru- enta, Agh. ; palmel'loid (etSos, re- semblance), characteristic of the genus named. palmiferous (palma, a date palm, fero, I bear), producing palms. pal'miform (palma, palm of the hand, forma, shape) = PALMATI- FORM ; palminer'ved, palminer'vis = PALMATINERVIS. palmitic (palma, a palm), relating to palms, as ^ Acid, derived from Pal'mitin, a glyceride, a solid fat occurring in palm oil. Pal'mus (Lat., the palm of the hand), as a measure may denote a SPAN or a PALM, nine inches or three, palu'dal (palus, a marsh), Watson's term for natives of marshes, wet all through the year ; pal'udine, palu'dinous (Crozier) = pal'udose, paludo'sus (Lat., boggy), growing in marshy places, parumbi'nus (Lat., of wood-pigeons), lead-coloured. palus'ter (Lat., swampy), palus'trine, palus' tr is, inhabitating boggy ground ; the latter Latin form is more usual in botanic usage, pam'piniform (pampinus, a tendril, forma, shape), resembling the ten dril of a vine. Pan-apos'pory (ircis, -rravros, all, + APOSPORY), the condition of pro- thalli being developed aposporously over the entire surface of the frond, pan'durate, pandura'tus (pandura, a musical instrument), fiddle-shaped, as the leaf of Rumexpulchtr, Linn. ; pandu'riform (forma, shape), re- sembling the same. Pangen'esis (iras, Tra^ros, all, yfrecris, beginning), a theory that each separate unit of a body throws off minute gemmules during all stages of development, which may develop it once, or remain dormant and be transmitted through the repro- ductive cells to later generations ; Pan'gens, De Vries's term for the active particles assumed in Dar- win's theory of Pangenesis. Panicle, Panic 'ida (Lat., a tuft), 180 panicled Paracorolla a loose flower - cluster, as a branched raceme or corymb ; panl- cled, furnished with a panicle ; panic'ulate, panicula'tus (Lat.), having an inflorescence of the kind described ; panlc'uliform (forma, shape), panicle-shaped (Crozier). Panifica'tion (panis, bread, facio, I make), the fermentative changes by which dough is converted into bread. Panmixia (Tras, iravrb^ all, /^£is, a mixing), Weismann's term to de- note the agency of modification or evolution which results from the cessation of natural selection. pan'nary (panis, bread), pertaining to bread, or suitable for making it (Crozier) ; more correctly pan'ary. Pannexter'na (pannus, a cloth, ex- ternus, outside), = EPICARPIUM ; pan'niform, panniform'is (forma, shape), having the appearance or texture of felt or woollen cloth ; Panninter'na (interims, within ) = ENDOCARPIUM ; panno'sus (Lat. ragged), botanically, the same as panniform. panphotomet'ric (Tras, iravrbs, all, 0c3s, 0oTos, light, fj^rpov, a measure), used of leaves which adapt their position to both direct and diffused light ( Wiesner) ; Panspermlsm (o-Tre/j/xa, a seed), the universal diffusion of germs throughout the atmosphere. pantachob'ryus J (wavraxTJ, on every side, fipvw, I grow), growing in a circular manner. pantog-'enous (Tras, iravros, all, yevos, race, offspring), applied to Fungi which grow everywhere, and are not confined to a single host. Papa'in, a peptic enzyme from Carica Papaya, Linn. papavera'ceous, belonging to, or re- sembling the poppy, Papaver ; papa'verous, resembling a poppy. pa'pery, having the texture of paper, Cf. CHARTACEOUS, PAPYRACEOUS. papilionaceous (papilio, a butterfly + aceous), a butterfly-shaped corolla, as in the suborder Papilionaceae of Leguminosae. Papil'la (Lat. a nipple), pi. Papillae, (1) soft superficial glands or pro- tuberances ; (2) " Also the aciculae of certain Fungals " (Lindley) ; papUlar, papilla'ris, papil'lary, resembling papillae ; pap'illate, pa- pilla'tus (Lat. bud-shaped), having papillae ; papillif erous, -rus (fero, I bear), producing papillae ; pa- piUiform (forma, shape), shaped like a papilla ; pap'illose, papil- lo'sus (Lat. ), covered with papillae. pappiferous (pappus, plant-down, fero, I bear), bearing pappus ; pap'- piform, pappiform'is (/orma,shape), resembling pappus ; Pap'po, Blair's word for the down of thistles ; pap'pose, pappo'sus, pap'pous, hav- ing pappus ; Pap'pus, thistledown, the various tufts of hairs on achenes or fruits, the limb of the calyx of Composite florets. Pap'ula (Lat. a pimple), a pimple or small pustule ; papulif erous, -rus (fero, I bear), bearing pustules ; pap'ulose, papulo'sus, pap'ulous, papillose. papyra'ceous, papyra'ceus (Lat. made of papyrus), (1) papery; (2) white as paper ; ~ Ferns, filmy Ferns. parabolic, parabolical, parabol'icus (irapapoXr), a parabola), in botany, ovate-oblong or ovate, obtuse and contracted below the apex, used of a leaf. Parabuxlne (irapa, from beside, + BUXINE), and Parabuxinldine, alka- loids occurring in Buxus semper- virens, Linn. ; Paracallus ( + CALLUS), a substance resembling the callus of sieve-tubes, but differ- ing in reaction and chemical con- stitution ; Paracarplum (Kapiros, fruit), (1) an abortive pistil or carpel ; (2) the persistent portion of some styles or stigmas ; Para- cellulose ( + CELLULOSE) forms the epidermal cells of plants ; parachromophorlc (xpufw, colour, 0o/^ o>, I carry), applied to bacteria whose colouring is an excretory product, but adheres to the or- ganisms ; Paracorolla ( + COROLLA), 181 Paracyst Parasitus any appendage to a corolla, the corona of a flower ; Par'acyst (KVVTIS, a bag), Tulasne's term for gametes in Peziza, etc. ; Paradi- phyl'lum (Sis, twice, (f>v'\\oi>, a leaf), a double leaf resulting from dicho- tomy of the lamina (Kronfeld). par'affinoid (+ Paraffin, et5os, resem- blance), Kerner's term for a group of scents, such as the Rose, Lime, and Elder. Paragalac'tan (?rapA, from beside, + Galactan), a reserve substance in the seeds of lupins ; Parag'amy (yd/tos, marriage), vegetative or gametal nuclei lying in a con- tinuous mass of cytoplasm which fuse to form a zygote nucleus ; apocyt'ial ~* , the vegetative nuclei of an apocy tium which fuse to form an " Oospore " in Saprolegnieae (Hartog) ; Paragen'esis (yeveo-is, be- ginning), all modes of reproduction resulting in a body which simu- lates a zygote in the same or allied forms (Hartog) ; Paraheliot' ropism ( + HELIOTROPISM), diurnal sleep, the movements of leaves to avoid the effects of intense sunlight ; cf. PARATHERMOTROPIC ; Parali'nin ( + LININ), the substance composing the nucleo-hyaloplasm (Schwarz). par'allel (trapdXirjXos, parallel), ex- tended in the same direction, but equally distant at every part ; -* Chor'isis, lateral separation into two or more members ; <~ nerved, ~ ner'vis, ~ veined, parallelive- no'sus, straight nerved or veined ; (1) the lateral ribs straight as in Alnus ; (2) the entire system, as in the leaves of grasses ; paralleled' - romous, -mus (Spo/mos, a course), having parallel veins, as in lilies ( Ettingshausen). paramerid'ian (iraph, from, beside, + MERIDIAN), used of planes in a Diatom-frustule which are parallel to the meridian (0. Mueller); Para- mit'om (+ MITOM), Flemming's term for the more fluid portion of the cell-substance contained in the MITOM ; the paraplasma of Kupffer ; Param'yl, Paramy'lum (&fj.v\o>>, fine flour), a mucilaginous sub- stance probably akin to starch, in the cytoplasm of some Algae, as Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae ; Parane'mata, pi. (J^ACO,, a thread), the paraphyses of Algae ; adj. parane'matal, as ~ Fil'aments = PARANEMATA ; Paranu'cleolus ( + NUCLEOLUS), a secondary nucleolus when there are more than one (Strasburger) ; Paranu'cleus ( + NU- CLEUS), an apparently additional nucleus, generally near the true nucleus, and sometimes budded off from it ; parapec'tic ( + PECTIC) Acid, derived from pectin by the action of alkalis ; Parapec'tin, hydrolysed pectin ; Parapet' alum (irfTaXov, a flower-leaf), any ap- pendage to a corolla, consisting of several pieces (Moench) ; para- pet'alous, -lus ; parapet' aloid (eI5os, likeness), (1) bearing a parapet- alum ; (2) of stamens which stand on each side of a petal ; Para- phyl'lium (t\\ov, a leaf), (1) = STIPULE ; (2) a foliaceous expan- sion in some calyces ; (3) a small interfoliar appendage on Moss- stems ; Paraph'yses (0tfta, moulded), the more liquid interfilar portions of protoplasm ; Paraplectench'yma ( + PLECTENCHYMA), a modification of hyphal-tissue (Lindau). Par'aslte (irapdo-tros, one who lives at another's expense), an organism subsisting on another (the host) ; <~ Sap'rophyte, a parasite which kills its host and then continues to feed on it ; parasit'ic, deriving nourishment from some other or- ganism ; <- Castra'tion, sterility in- duced by the effects of a parasite ; Parasi'tus spu'rius = EPIPHYTE; 182 parasitised Partition parasiti'sed, infected by a parasite ; Par'asitism, the state of preying upon another organism ; Paras- perma'tia ( + SPERMATIA), small reproductive bodies resembling spores, found in some Algals (Lindley). Paras'tades (Trctpaords, a door-post), the coronal rays of Passiflora, cf. PARAPETALA. Parasta'men ( + STAMEN) or Paraste'- mon (crr-fifj-uv, a filament), an abor- tive stamen, a staminodium. Parast'ichy, Parastich'ies (iraipa, from beside, OT/XOS, a series), a secondary spiral in phyllotaxis ; Par'astyle ( + STYLE), an abortive style ; Para- symbio'sis (+ SYMBIOSIS), when the hyphae of a parasite envelope the algal constituents of a Lichen and inflict injury (Zopf); parather- motrop'ic (0ep,uos, warm, rpoirT], a turning), proposed by Macfarlane for paraheliotropic, is such cases as the movements of leaves mDrosera, Oxalis and Mimosa ; paraton'ic (rdvos, tension), effect of light in retarding growth ; paratransver'- san (transveraus, lying across), used of the planes parallel to the trans- versan plane of a Diatom frus- tule (0. Mueller) ; paraval'var ( + VALVE), applied to those planes which are parallel to the valvar plane of a Diatom, either epithecal or hypothecal (0. Mueller). Parench'yma (-n-apeyxew, I pour in beside), used by Grew, and since his time for the tissue composed of cells more or less isodiametric, especially such tissue as the pith and mesophyll; parenchy'- matous, consisting of parenchyma, spongy, porous. Parich'nos (irapa, beside, ?x"°*» a foot- print), the two lateral prints on the leaf -scar of Lepidodendreae. Par'ies (Lat., a house wall), pi., Par'ietes, the wall of any organ ; pari'etal, parieta'lis, borne on or belonging to a wall ; <- U'tricle, used by Noll for the layer of proto- plasm next the cell-wall ; Pari'etin, the colouring matter found in the Lichen, Physcia parietina, De Not. paripin'nate, paripinna' tus (Lat.), pinnate, with an equal number of leaflets, that is, without a ter- minal one. paroe'cious (irapa,, from beside, ol/coy, a house), in Mosses, having the male and female organs in the same inflorescence, the male naked in the axils of the lower bracts ; paroi'cous is a synonym ; Paror- thot'ropism (6p0os, right, T/WTTT;, a turning), Archangeli's term when leaves place themselves with the lamina vertical, but not necessarily meridional. part'ed, part'ite, parti' tus (Lat.), cleft, but not quite to the base. Parthenogam'ete (irapetvos, virgin + GAMETE), a gamete which develops without pairing (Hartog) ; Partho- gen'esis (ytvecris, origin), a form of apogamy in which the oosphere de- velops into the normal product of fertilisation without a preceding sexual act; Parthenog'eny (yevos, race, offspring), has the same mean- ing; Parthenogonid'ia (yorts, off- spring), reproductive cells in a colony of Volvox Gldbator, Lmn., acting asexually; Par'thenosperm (/ta, a seed), a body resembling a zygospore, but not resulting from the coalescence of the contents of two sexually different cells ; Par'- thenosppre (O-TTO/HX, a seed), is the same thing. par'tial, partia'lis (Lat.), in botany usually means secondary, as <~ In- volu'cre, <~ Ped'uncle, ~ Pet'iole, ~ Um'bel; it is opposed to "general." par'tible, partib'ilis (Lat., divisible), ultimately separating, or easily separable. par'tim (Lat.), partly; other ex- pressions are ex parte, pro parte. Partition (partitio, a division into parts), (1) a wall or dissepiment ; (2) a separated part or segment ; (3) the deepest division into which a leaf can be cut without becoming compound (Lindley). 183 partitus pedate parti'tus (Lat.) = PARTED. Par'tridge-wood, oak-wood destroyed by Stereum (Tubeuf). parviflor'us (parvua, small, flos, floris, a flower), having smaller flowers than in its congeners ; parvifb'lius (folium, a leaf), with smaller leaves than the allied species; par'vus (Lat.), small. Pas'sage Cells, cells in the exodermis or endodermis of roots which retain thin unaltered walls, by which water can pass. Pas'salus (rrcWaXos, a peg), a gamo- sepalous calyx. pas'cual (pascuum, a pasture), H. C. Watson's term for plants which grow in pastures and grassy commons, amongst less rank herb- age than "pratal " ; pas'cuus (Lat.), relating to pastures. Pasteuriza'tion.the preservation of fer- menting liquids by heating to about 140° Fahr., so as to germin- ate and then destroy Fungi and their spores contained in the fluids treated (Crozier). Patella (Lat., a small dish), an orbi- cular sessile apothecium, with a marginal rim distinct from the thal- lus; patellar'oid (dSos, likeness), resembling a patella ; patel'liform, patelliform'is (forma, shape), shaped like a small dish, circular and rimmed ; Patel'lula, a diminutive patella ; patellulate, possessing pa- tellulae. pa' tent, pat'ens (Lat.), spreading ; patentis'simus (Lat.), extremely spread out. pat'eriform (patera, a dish or saucer, forma, shape), saucer-shaped. Path-fi'nders = HONEY-GUIDES, lines of colour leading to nectaries. pathogenic, pathog'enous (irdBos, suffering, disease, 7^05, race, off- spring), producing disease ; Patho- genelty, the quality of disease giving ; Pathol'ogy (\6yos, dis- course), the science of diseases ; Veg'etable <~, that department of botany which treats of plant dis- eases. pat'ulous, -Jws(Lat.), slightly spread- ing. pauciflor'ous, -rus (paucus, few, Jlos, floris, a flower), few flowered; pauci- fo'lius (folium, a leaf), having few leaves ; paucijuga'tus (jugum, a yoke), with only a few pairs of leaflets in a pinnate leaf. pau'siacus (pausia, a kind of olive), olive-green. pavoni'nus (Lat., pertaining to a pea- cock), peacock-blue. pear-formed, ~ shaped, obovoid or obconic with a tapering base. pearl-grey, " pure grey, a little verg- ing to blue " (Lindley). Pe"brine' (Fr.), a disease of silkworms caused by Nosema Bombyds, Naeg., a bacterial organism ; it is also named GATTINE. Pec'tase (TTTJKTOS, coagulated), an enzyme which forms vegetable jelly from pectic substances occurring in the cell- wall. Pec' ten (Lat., a comb) $ = STERIGMA. pec'tic (TTTJKTOS, coagulated), relating to pectin, as pec'tic Add, supposed to form a large part of fruit- jelly ; Pec'tin, or Pec'tine, a jelly-like sub- stance in fruits ; cf. PECTOSE ; pec- tina'ceous (+ aceous) ; resembling pectin ; gelatinous. pec'tinate, pectina'tus (Lat., like a comb), pinnatifid with narrow seg- ments set close like the teeth of a comb ; pec'tinatory, applied by De Bary to two series of vascular bundles whose members alternate with each other as the teeth of two combs, Pec'tose (TTTjKrds, coagulated), a sub- stance allied to mucilage which occurs in unripe fruits (Fre"my) ; pecto'sic Acid, is associated with pectic acid in fruit jelly ; Pectocel'- luloses, cf. CELLULOSE. peda'linerved, etc. = PEDATINERVED, probably a misprint in Henslow's Dictionary. peda'lis (Lat.), a foot long or high. ped'ate, peda'tus (Lat., footed), in botany, 'palmately divided or parted with the lateral divisions two-cleft ; 184 prtately peltate ped'ately cleft = PEDATIFID ; ~ reined, = PEDATINERVED ; pedat'- Ifid, pedatif'idus(flndo,fidi, cleft), divided in a pedate manner nearly to the base ; pedatiformls (forma, shape) = PEDATIFID ; pedatilo'bus, pedatiloba'tus, pedatilo'bed (XojSds, earlap), palmate, with supplemen- tary lobes at the base ; peda'ti- nerved, peda'tinervia (nermis, a nerve), when the midrib stops short, and two strong lateral nerves proceed from its base, giving rise to others which extend only to the apex ; pedatipar'tite, pedatiparti'- tus (partitus, divided), with pedate venation, and the lobes nearly free ; pedat'isect, pedatisec'tus (sectus, cut), pedately veined, the divi- sions nearly reaching the midrib. Ped'estal (pes, pedis, a foot, stela, a column), the persistent base of a leaf which disarticulates from it, cf. PULVINUS. Pedicel, Pedicel'lus (pediculus, a small foot), (1) an ultimate flower-stalk, the support of a single flower ; (2) in Hydropterideae the sporophore ; pedicel'late, pedicella'tus, pedicula'- tus J, borne on a pedicel ; Pedicle = PEDICEL; Pedicel'lulus (dim. of jpedicdlus), a filiform support to the ovary in certain Compositae ; Pedic'ulus, (1) = PEDICEL; (2) the stalk of the apple and other fruits ; (3) the filament of an anther, as ~ Anthe'rae. pedif erus (pes, pedis, a foot, fero, I bear), furnished with a stalk or support (Henslow) ; Pedilis, the contracted upper portions of the calyx tube in such florets of Compositae as have a stipitate pappus ; pedila'tus, furnished with a PEDILIS ; Pedun'cle, Pedunc'ulus, the general term for the stalk of a flower, it may also bear a cluster of single flowers ; peduncular'is, re- lating to a peduncle or a modifica- tion, as peduncular' es Cir'rhi, ten- drils proceeding from a peduncle ; pedunc'ulate, peduncula'tus, pedun- culo'sus, furnished with a footstalk ; pedunculea'nus, with a modified state of the peduncle (Henslow). Peel, the rind or skin of fruit ; Grew spells it "Pill." Peg, an embryonic organ at the lower end of the hypocotyl of seedlings of Cucumis, Gfnetum, etc., lasting till the cotyledons are withdrawn from the testa. pela'gian= pelagic (ire\ayos, the sea), inhabiting the open ocean, as dis- tinct from the shores. pellos (ireXtos), black, livid. Pellicle, PeUic'ula (Lat., a small skin), a delicate superficial mem- brane, epidermis ; pellicular'is, having the character of a pellicle ; pelli'tus (Lat. , covered with skin), " skinned, deprived of skin or ap- parently so " (Lindley). pellu'cid, pellu'cidus (Lat., trans- parent), wholly or partially trans- parent. pelog'enous (TrTjXos, clay, yivos, off- spring), applied by Thurmann to those rocks which yield a clayey detritus, and the plants which thrive thereon ; pelophllous (0iXew, I love), Warming's variation of the same ; pelopsam'mic (^d/i/xos, sand), yielding clay and sand ; pelopsam- mog'enous, giving rise to clayey sand (Thurmann). Pelorla (TreXwpios, monstrous), an ir- regular flower become regular by an exceptional development of comple- mentary irregularities ; irregular ~ by the symmetric multiplication of the irregular portions ; regular ~ by the suppresssion of the ir- regular parts; Pelorisa'tion, the process of conversion of a flower to a regular form, from its normal irregular form. Pel'ta (Lat., a target), (1) the round shield-like apothecium of Peltidea, etc. ; (2) a bract attached by its middle, as in Peppers ; pel'tafld (findo, fidi, to cleave), when a peltate leaf is cut into segments ; pel'tate, pelta'tus, target-shaped, as a leaf attached by its lower surface to a stalk, instead of by its margin ; 185 peltato digitatus Pepsin pelta'to-digita'tus, a digitate leaf with the petiole much enlarged at the insertion of the leaflets ; peltid'eus, pel' tiform( forma, shape), orbicular or buckler-shaped, as the apothecia of many Lichens or the caps of Agarics; peltiner'ved, pel- tiner'vis, -vius (nervus, a nerve), with ribs arranged as in a peltate leaf ; peltoi'deus (eWos, resemblance) = PELTIDEDS. pel'viform, pelviform'is (pelvis,* basin, forma, shape), basin-shaped, formed like a shallow cup. pen'cilled, marked with fine distinct lines. pen'dent, pen' dens (Lat.), hanging down from its support ; Pend'eut, used by Grew for ANTHER. pen'dulous, pen'dulus (Lat.), hanging, pendent; penduli'nus (Lat.), hav- ing the habit of being pendulous (De Candolle) ; Pendulifior'ae (flos, floris, a flower), Delpino's term for wind-fertilized pendulous flowers. penic'ellate, an error for the next. penic'illate, penicilla'tus (penicillus, a little brush ), pencil-shaped ; penicil'liform, penicilliform'is (forma, shape ), shaped like an artist's pencil ; Penicil'lium, a tuft of hairs. pen'nate, penna'tus (Lat. winged) = PINNATE ; pennaticis'sus ( cissus, cut), with incisions of a leaf in a pinnate manner; pennat'ifid, pen- natif'idus = PINNATIFID ; pen'ni- forrn (forma, shape), with ribs as in a pinnate leaf, but the upper segments confluent at the apex, as in the date palm ; penniner'ved, penniner'vis (nervus, a nerve); pennive'nius (vena, a vein), pin- nately veined. pentacarpel'lary (irevrc, five + CAB- PELLABY ), having five carpels ; pentacam'arus ( + CAMABUS), with five loculi ; Pentaclme'nium or Pentake'nium ( + ACHENIUM), hav- ing the structure of a cremocarp, but with five carpels instead of two ; pentacoc'cous, -cits ( + Coccus), with five cocci elastically splitting away from the main axis ; penta- cy'clic (Kos, a part), with parts in fives, as a corolla of five petals ; pentan'der (avfy, avSpbs, a man), of five stamens ; Pentan'dria, a Lin- nean class of plants possessing five stamens, the largest in that system ; pentan'drous, five-stamened ; pen- tan'gular, ( + ANGULAB) five-angled, pentagonal ; pentapet'alous, -lus (ircraXoit, a flower-leaf), with five petals ; pentaphylet'ic (0iAiJ, a tribe), used of a hybrid which has five strains in its origin ; pentaphyl'lous, -lus (v\\ov, a leaf), with five leaves ; pentap'terous, •rus (irrepov, a wing), five-winged ; pen'tarch (apx*i, beginning), with five points of origin, applied to a stele ; pentarrhi'nus, Henslow's emendation of pentari'nus (Appyv, male), Necker's term for PENT- ANDBOUS ; pentasep'alous, -lus ( + SEPALUM), having five sepals ; pentasper'mous ((nrepfj.a, a seed), five-seeded ; pentast'ichous (OT/XOS, a row ), in five vertical ranks ; Pen'toses, a name given to com- pounds resembling glucose, but haying only five atoms of carbon in the molecule. Pep'o (Lat., a pumpkin), Peppn'idaJ; Peponid'ium J, a gourd fruit, a one- celled, many-seeded, inferior fruit, with parietal placentas and pulpy interior. Pep'siu (-jrtyis, cooking, digestion), the digestive 'principle or peptic enzyme. 186 peptic pericentricuB pep'tic (ireTTTiKos, promoting diges- tion) Fer'ments, those enzymes which convert proteids into pep- tones. Pep'tones (TreTrros, cooked), albumi- noids after being acted on by fer- ments, as Proteids, which are the final result of their action ; they are present in germinating seeds ; peptoni'sing, applied to enzymes so acting. per-, in Latin compounds increases their force as per-similis, very like. Perapet'alum, J (irepl, about + PETA- LUM), any appendage to a petal, a synonym of NECTARILYMA and PA- RAPETALUM ; Peraphyl'lum (v\\ov, a leaf) = PARAPHYLLUM. percur'rent (percurrens, running through), extending throughout the entire length. Perem'bryum (irepl, about, e/j-ftpvov, an embryo), that part of a mono- cotyledonous embryo investing the plumule and radicle, not externally distinguishable. Perench'yma (Try pa, a sack, eyxv/j.a, an infusion), cellular tissue con- taining starchy matter (Stormonth). peren'nate, pererinans (Lat.), peren- na'ting = peren'nial^erew'ms (Lat. ), lasting the whole year through ; Peren'nial, is a plant which lasts several years, not perishing nor- mally after once flowering and fruiting ; <~ Herb, the above ground portion dies each year, the root persisting ; <~ Mon'ocarp, applied by Mobius to such plants as Agave americana, Linn., which live long, but die after once flowering. per'fect, perfec'lus (Lat., complete), (1) applied to a flower which is hermaphrodite ; (2) of an organ which has all its constituent mem- bers. perfo'liate, perfolia'tus (per, through, folium, a leaf), used when a stem apparently passes through a leaf, as in Bupleurum perfoliatum, Linn. perforate, perfora'tus (Lat., pierced), pierced through, or having trans- lucent dots which look like little holes, as in Hypericum perforatum Linn. perfos'sus (Lat., dug or pierced through), perfoliate. perfu'sus (Lat., poured over), com- pletely covered. pergame'neous, -neus (pergamena, parchment), like parchment in texture; pergamenta'ceous, -ceus ( + aceous), resembling parchment. Perian'dra, pi. (Trepl, about, &vyp,' avSpos, a man), the bracts of the male inflorescence in Mosses ; perian'dricus (dvSpiKos, manly), used of a nectary when it is ranged round the stamens ; Perianth, Perian'thium (&vdos, a flower), (1) the floral envelopes, calyx or cor- olla, or both ; (2) in Hepaticae the inflated envelope surrounding the fertilised archegonium, the COLE- SULE or vaginule ; perian'theus, perianthia'nus, relating to or pos- sessing a perianth ; Perianthoma'nia (fMvLa, madness), an abnormal mul- tiplication of perianth segments ; periaxlal (&fav, an axle) Wood, the so-called outer wood, as in the stems of Bignoniaceae. Periblaste'sis ( + BLASTESIS), the en- velopment of gonidia by surround- ing tissue. Per'iblem (ireptp\r}/j.a, clothing), a layer of nascent cortex beneath the epidermis. pericalyc'ius (irepl, about + CALYX), = PERISTAMINEUS ; Pericam'bium (+ CAMBIUM), thin walled cells of the central cylinder in contact with the inner face of the endodermis ; the pericycle ; Pericarp, Pericar'p- ium (Kapirbs, fruit), (1) the wall of a fructified ovary ; (2) applied also to the wall of the capsule in Mosses ; (3) improperly used of the protective husks surrounding certain fruits ; adj. pericar'pic, pericar'pial, pericarpia'lis ; peri- cen'tral (Kevrpov, a sharp point) Cell = AUXILIARY CELL; Peri- car'yoplasm = PERIKARYOPLASM ; pericen'tricus, applied to perigyn- 187 Perichaeth Perigynandra ous stamens arranged concentrically with the calyx; Per'ichaeth (Crozier) = PERICHAETIUM ; Peri- chae'timn (XCIITI;, a mane) ; (1) the involucre around the base of the seta in Mosses ; (2) Hooker's name for the perianth in Hepaticae ; perichae'tial, perichaetia'lis, relat- ing to the same, as ~ Bracts, ^ Leaves, the organs composing the perichaetium itself in Mosses, and the involucre in Hepaticae j Per'i- chyle (xvXos, juice), a plant whose water - storing tissue is between the epidermis and the chlorenchyma, as Rhizophora, ; Per'icladium (/cXaSos, a branch), the sheathing base of a leaf when it surrounds the supporting branch; pericli'nal (/cXivw, I bend down), curved in the same direction as the surface or circumference ; — Planes, planes which conform to the exterior ; Perlclines, periclinal walls ; Pericli'nium (K\IVIJ, a bed), the involucre of the capitulum in Compositae ; Periclinoi'des, J a false involucre formed of the scales of the receptacle in Compositae, sur- rounding the sides of an elevated receptacle at its summit, as in Evax; Pericoc'cium, that portion of the protoplasm which envelopes the nucleus ; in Germ. Kerntasche (Hanstein) ; Pericorium £ (/toXeos, a sheath) = PERICHAETIUM ; peri- corolla'tus (+ COROLLA), used of a dicotyledonous plant with a gamopetalous perigynous corolla ; Per'icycle (xikXos, a circle), the outermost zone of cells of the stele immediately within the endodermis; internal <~, Flot's term for the pro- cambium retained on the inner side of the vascular bundle ; Per'iderm, Perider'ma, Perider'mis(8ep/jt,a, skin or hide), the outer bark or epi- phloem, at first restricted by Mohl to tough cork in distinction to the soft cork, now extended to the cork cambium and its pro- ducts ; phellogen ; Per'idesm (Stew, a bundle), the layer of cells which surround each vascular bundle beneath the special endoderm in astelic stems (Van Tieghem) ; adj. perides'mic. Perid'iole, Perid'iolum, pi. Perid'iola (dim. of PERIDIUM from irtjpl8iovy a little pouch), (1) a chamber of the gleba forming a nest of spores, free or attached by a funicle within the peridium of the sporophore ; (2) "a membrane by which the spores of some Algae are immediately covered " (Lindley) ; Perid'inin, one of the colouring matters found in the Peridieae, a group of Fungi ; Perid'ium, a general expression for the outer enveloping coat of a rrophore upon which the spores elop within a cavity; ~ ex- ter'num, the outer layer which opens in various ways and separates from the <- inter'num, the inner layer directly enclosing the gleba ; ~ mitrifor'me, " the receptacle of certain Fungals " (Lindley) ; adj. perid'ial; as ~ Cells, the outer cells of a peridium which are coherent. Perid'roma (TrepiSpo/^J, a circuit), Necker's term for the rhachis of Ferns. Periench'yma (ircpi, about, eyxvpa, an infusion), irregular cellular tissue, chiefly in glands and sphe- roidal masses (Henslow), cf. PER- ENCHYMA ; Perifor'ium = PERI- PHORIUM ; Perigloe'a (7X0405, glue), the entire gelatinous investment of a Diatom (Buff ham) ; Per'igone, Perigo'nium (70^77, offspring), (1) a synonym of PERIANTH ; (2) the same of PERICHAETIUM ; (3) the involucre of the male inflorescence in Bryophytes ; adj. perigo'nial, as ~ Leaves, the perichaetial leaves (excluding Bryophytes) ; perigonia'rius, (1) with the char- acter of a perigone ; (2) double flowers, resulting from transforma- tion or multiplication of the floral organs taking on the character of perianth segments ; Perigynan'da, Perigynan'dra, -drum (yvvrj, a 188 Perigynium Perisperm woman, dvrjp, aj/5/jos, a man), (1) the involucre of Compositae ; ~ commu'nis, ~ exte'rior, the in- volucre, ~ inte'rior, the corolla of a composite floret ; Perigynium, (1) the hypogynous setae of sedges ; (2) the flask or utricle of Carex ; (3) any hypogynous disk ; (4) the involucre of the female inflor- escence in Bryophytes ; perig'- ynous, literally means round the ovary, used of organs adnate to the perianth, or adnate with the lower part of the pistil ; Perikar'yoplasm (x&pvov, a nut, TrXdo-jua, moulded), a zone of granular protoplasm seen in Oobaea scandens, Cav., in the cytoplasm of the resting pollen mother-cell on its approaching division (A. A. Lawson) ; perimeduriary ( + MEDULLARY) Zone, the peripheral region of the inner tissue out- wardly bounded by the pro- toxylem ; cf. CIRCUMMEDULLARY ; Perimel'itae (mel, honey), having honey-glands placed in the lower portion of the perianth, as in certain Gentianaceae (Huxley) ; Perimer'istem ( + MERISTEM), con- sists of several layers of cells which at first divide in every di- rection, but subsequently divide tangentially in the external region (Guillaud); Per'ine (irepi, about), the outermost layer of sculpturing on pollen ; perinectar'ial ( + NECTARY), surrounding the nectarial area, as in certain Gentians (Huxley) ; Perin'ium, the outermost of the three coats of a Fern spore; the epispore. perin'teger (Lat. ), quite entire. Periodic Move'ments, used to express the opening and closing of flowers, . the nyctitropic movements of leaves, etc., when occurring habit- ually and with some regularity. peripet'alous, -us (irepl, about, ireraXov, a flower-leaf), around the petals. peripheral (irepi^w, I carry, avQos, a flower), the involucre of Com- positae ; Periphorlum, a fleshy and elongated support to the ovary, with the corolla and stamens attached to it ; Henslow spells it " Periforium " ; Perlphragm ((fipdyfjut, an enclosure), the peri- cycle of the stem (Dangeard) ; Perlphylls, Periphyl'lia J (v\\ov, a leaf), the hypogynous scales or lodicules of grasses ; Periphyl- log'eny (yevos, race, offspring), bearing numerous leaflets round the edge of a leaf -blade (Weis- mann); Periph'ysis (0tfw, I grow), a sterile capilliform hyphal branch, projecting from the wall of the pyrenocarp when there is no hymenium in the cavity (Fuisting) ; Perlplasm (-rrXd^a, moulded), protoplasm in the oogonium and the antheridium which does not share in the con- jugation ; cf. GONOPLASM ; Perl- plast (ir\d a spike), the glume of grasses ; Peristamin'ia ( + STAMEN), Periste'mones (o-r^w^, a filament), applied to petalous dicotyledons with perigynous stamens ; Per'i- stem (foTTjfju, I stand), young cortex in a nascent condition ; Per'istome Perist'oma, Peristom'ium (ffTdpa, a mouth), the fringe or its homo- logue round the orifice of a moss- capsule ; perist'omate, peristoma'- tus, perist'omus, provided with a peristome ; peristomat'ic, peristo- mat'icus, when perigynous stamens are attached round the mouth of the calyx tube; peristy'licus ( + STYLUS), when epigynous stamens are inserted between the styles and limb of the calyx ; Perisy'phe more correctly PERISCYPHE ; Per'i- thece = Perithe'cium, pi. Perithe'- cia (dijKrj, a case), (1), a case with a small opening containing asci, in Lichens ; (2) in Fungi, a re- ceptacle enclosing spores which are naked or in asci ; perithe'cioid (eldoj, like) Glands, those on the pitcher of Nepenthes, resembling the perithecium of a Sphaeria (Macfarlane) ; perit'ropal, perit'- ropous, -pun (rpoiTT], a turning), used of a seed which is horizontal in the pericarp, or of a radicle which is directed to the side of a pericarp; perixylemat'ic (+ XY- LEM), said of concentric bundles in the roots of Acorus, Juncaceae and Cyperaceae (Laux); perixy'lic, Van Tieghem's expression for MESARCH •f EXARCH ; Perizo'nium (t&vr), a belt), the thin non-silicious mem- brane of a young auxospore. perlar'ius, perla'tus (Late Lat., perla, a pearl), (1) shining with a pearly lustre ; (2) furnished with rounded tubercular appendages (Henslow). NOTE : not to be confounded with perlatus, carried through, derived from pcrfero. per'manent, per'manens (permaneo, I persist), persistent ; ^Tis'sue, fully formed tissue, as distinct from merismatic or generative tissue. Permeability (permeabilis, that can be passed through), applied to protoplasm, etc., and further dis- tinguished as EXTRAMEABILITY, and INTRAMEABILITY, the power of allowing the passage of certain substances out of or into its vacuoles respectively (Janse). Permuta'tion, Permuta'tio (Lat., a changing), enlargement of the floral envelopes with abortion of the sexual organs (Penzig). pernmta'tus (Lat.), completely changed. Per'nio (Lat., a chilblain), a local affection resembling an ulcer, caused by cold. Perocid'ium + (irepl, about, 6ytadiov, a tubercle), Necker's term for PERI- CHAETIUM. per'onate, perona'tus (Lat., leather booted), thickly covered with a woolly covering becoming mealy. Perovula'tae (per, much or very, owdatus, ovuled), otherwise SEMI- NATAE, Van Tieghem's terms for phanerogams furnished with true perpe'lic (per, very, 7n;Xos, clay), Thurmann's term for rocks which yield clay, pure and abundant, also the plants which thrive thereon; perpsam'mic (^6^03, sand), yield- ing an abundance of sandy detritus, with the flora thereon growing. ' used of an organ with its direction 190 perpusil'ms phaenogamouft vertical, either (a) to the horizon, or (6) to its attachment ; ~ Sys'- tem, = FIBRO - VASCULAR SYSTEM (Crozier). perpusil'lus (Lat.), very small. persicic'olor (persicum, a peach, color, colour), persici'nus (Lat.), peach- coloured, a rosy pink. persis'tent, persis'tens (Lat., persever- ing), remaining till the part which bears it is wholly matured, as the leaves of evergreens ; Persis'tence, constancy, as ~ of Variation, the variety or tendency to vary per- sisting. •Q&i'sona.te,persona'tu8 (Lat. , masked), used for a bilabiate corolla having a prominent palate. Perspira'tion (Crozier), see TRAN- SPIRATION. pertu'sate = pertuse', pertu'susCL&t., perforated), having slits or holes. Pe'rula (Lat., a little wallet), (1) the scale of a leaf-bud ; (2) Lindley also gives it as a projection in the flower of Orchids, the MENTUM ; (3) = PERITHECIUM ; per'ulate, perula'tus, furnished with protec- tive scales. perval'var (per, through, valva, a valve) Ax'is, the main longi- tudinal axis of a Diatom frustule, the line which forms the centre of the dividing plane, penetrates the cell-cavity in the epi- and hypo- thecal directions at equal distances from the enclosing walls, and unites the centres of the valves (0. Mueller). per'vious, per'vius (Lat., passable), having an open passage-way. Pes, Ped'is (Lat.), a foot, (1) used in such compounds as longipes, long- stalked ; (2) a foot of twelve inches measurement ; cf. FOOT. Pet'al, Pet' alum (irfraXov, a flower- leaf), one of the leafy expansions in the floral whorl styled the Corolla ; the word was taken by Blair from Columna ; ~ -like, ~ -shaped, petaloid ; petala'tus, possessing petals or a corolla; Petaliflca'tion (facio, I i make) PETALODY ; petalif erous, bearing petals ; pet'aliform, petaliform'is (forma, shape), petal-shaped ; pet'- aline, petali'nus, petal-like, or re- lating to petals; Pet'alode (eTSos, resemblance), an organ simulating a petal; petalo'deus (Lat.), (1) = PETALODY ; (2) having petals ; Petalo'dy, the metamorphosis of stamens or other organs into petals ; pet'aloid, petaloi'deus, like a petal, or having a floral envelope resem- bling petals ; «• An'ther, an anther borne on a petal, the filament re- sembling a petal ; Petaloma'nia (navla, madness), an abnormal multiplication of petals ; Petaloste'- mpnes (vT-fuwv, a filament), plants with flowers whose stamens are adherent to the corolla ; pet'alous, Blair's term for having petals. petiola'ceus (petiolus, a little foot or leg-f acews) (Lat.), having reference to the petiole by attachment, transformation, or appearance ; petiola'neus or petiolea'nus (Mod. Lat.), consisting of the petiole or of some modification of it ; pet'- iolar, petio'laris, pet'iolary, borne on, or pertaining to a petiole ; pe- t'iolate, petiola'tus, having a pe- tiole ; Petiole, Pet'iolus, the foot- stalk of a leaf ; Pet'iolule, Petiol'u- lus, (1) a small petiole ; (2) the petiole of a leaflet; petiol'ulate, petiolula'tus, having a petiolule ; petiol'ular, petiolula'ris, belonging to a petiolule. petrae'us (Lat.), growing amongst rocks ; petro'sus (Lat., rocky), growing amongst stones. Pezizaxan'thine (+ XANTHIN), a special orange-colouring matter, also termed Pezi'zin, Rosoll's name for the same pigment in Peziza aurantia, Pers., etc. ; pezi'zoid (eI5oy, resemblance), peziza-, or cup- shaped. phaenic'eus = PHOENICEDS. phaenocar'pous -pus (alvw, I appear, /ca/>7ros, fruit), having a distinct fruit, with no adhesion to sur- rounding parts ; pliaenog'amoua 191 Phaenogams Phloem (ydfios, marriage), having manifest flowers, phanerogamous ; Phae'no- gams = PHANEROGAMS ; Phaenol'ogy = PHENOLOGY. Phae'ocyst (0cuds, brown, swarthy, KvvTis, a bag), Decaisne's name for the cell-nucleus ; phaeophy'cean (0v/coy, a sea weed), relating to the Phaeosporeae, a group of olive or brown marine Algae; Phae'ophyll (d\ay£, a band of soldiers), bundles of stamens in diadelphous and polyadelphous flowers ; phalar- siph'ytus (&ppr)v, male, Qvrbv, a plant), polyadelphous. Phal'line, a poisonous substance from various species of Amanita ; Phal'- lus, " the peridium of certain Fun- gals " (Lindley) ; the name is imme- diately derived from Phallus im- pudicus, Linn., the Stinkhorn Fungus, now referred to Ithy- phallus. Phan'eri, pi. (av€pbs, manifest), any organisms which are visible under the microscope without the use of reagents (Maggi) ; phaneran'thus (&V00S, a flower), where the flower is manifest; phaneranthe'rus (dvdypos, flowery), when the an- thers protrude beyond the perianth; phanerogamic, phanerog'amous, phanerog'amus (y6.fj.os, marriage), having manifest flowers ; phanero- gam'ian, pertaining to Phan'ero- gams, plants with flowers in which stamens and pistils are distinctly developed ; phanerop'orous (iropos, a way or passage), applied to stom- ata which lie in the same plane as the epidermis. Phel'lem (0eXXds, cork) = cork (Crozier) ; Phelle'ma, the outer- most layer of the periderm, con- sisting of true cork and phelloid (von Hoehnel) ; Phel'loderm (deppa, skin), the innermost layer of the periderm ; Phellogen (yew6,wy I produce), the central layer of the three in the periderm, the active cork-producing tissue; adj. phel- logenet'ic; phelloid (etSos, re- semblance), cork - like, as tissue which approaches cork in its quality ; Phelloid, non-suberized layers in the Phellema (von Hoehnel). Phe'nogam = PHANEROGAM ; adj. phenogamlan, phenogamlc, etc. = PHANEROGAMIAN, PHANERO- GAMIC, etc. Phenol'ogy, abbreviated from Phe- nomenol'ogy (a.ivonevbv, an ap- pearance, Xo'7os, discourse), record- ing the periodical phenomena of plants, as leafing, flowering, etc. ; adj. phonological, as ~> Inversions, an abnormal inversion of the re- lative blossoming of plants, caused by meteorologic conditions (Rahn). Phillile'sia (0tfXXoj>, a leaf, eXkrtrw, I wind), a name propounded by Re and adopted by Berkeley for ' ' leaf - curl or blister " ; cf. PHYLLILESIA. PhiTotherm (0iX^w, I love, Oep/j-tj, warmth), used by Baker for plants which need warmth to complete their life-cycle. phleboi'dal (<£Xei//, 0Xe/36s, a vein), has been applied to spiral, annular, or porous moniliform vessels (Cooke) ; Phebomor'pha (f^op^jj, form), the mycelium of some Fungi. Phlobaph'enes, pi. («^Xot6y, bark, par), a dyeing), amorphous brown colouring matters of the bark ; phloeo'des (eZSos, resemblance), bark- like in appearance ; Phlo'em, Naeg- eli's term for the bast elements of a vascular bundle ; it is separated in 192 PMoeoterma Phragmitetum exogens from the wood (xylem) by the cambium ; ~ I'slands, groups of bast- strands surrounded by xylem (Chodat) ; ~ Ray, a ray or plate of phloem between two medullary rays ; <~ Sheath, a layer of thin-walled cells surrounding the vascular tissue next within the cortex, best seen in roots ; Phloe- oter'ma (reppa, a limit), the inner- most layer of primary cortex ; Phloe'um £, the cortical tissues ; Phlorid'zin (plfa, a root), a white crystalline substance which gives the bitter astringency to the root- bark of the apple, pear, cherry and plum - trees ; Phloroglu'cin, a body of frequent occurrence in the bark of trees, derived from glucosides. phoenic'eous, phoenic'eus (Late Lat.), scarlet ; red with a little of yellow added. phoeos'porous = PHAEOSPOROUS. Phoran'thium (opos, bearing, avOos, & flower), the receptacle of the capi- tulum in Compositae. photeol'ic (0u5s, 0wTos, light, aidXos, moving, motile), used of the sleep of plants ; pho'tic, exposed to light, well-illuminated, as the margins of pools, etc. ; Photo -aesthe'sia (atv\ort a tribe), a system of organisms arranged in the assumed succession of de- velopment ; adj. phylet'ic. Phyl'la, pi. (<}>v\\oi>, a leaf), the verticillate leaves which form the calyx ; used in composition as di-phyllous, two - leaved, etc. ; Phyl'lade, a cataphyllary leaf ; Phyl'lary, Phylla'ris, a member of the involucre of a Composite flower; Phyllid'ium^erm proposed by Bower for the homologue of the leaf in the gametophy te ; Phyllile'sia, the correct spelling of PHILLILESIA; Phyl'lite, a fossilized leaf ; Phyllo- blas'tus (/SXao-Tos, a bud), Koerber's term for Lichens which have a flat leaf -like expansion of the thallus ; PhyUobry'on t (Ppvov, a moss), the contracted pedicel of an ovary, as in some peppers (Lindley); Phyl'lo- clade, Phyllodad'ium (icXddvs, a branch), a flattened branch as- suming the form and function of foliage ; PhyUocol'ly (/f6XXa, glue), the production of new leaflets from the leaf surface (Penzig) ; Phyllo- c/anin (KVO.VOS, blue], a blue pigment occurring in chloro- phyll, which when combined with phylloxanthin produces a green tint, cf. KYANOPHYLL ; phyllodin'- eous, -eus, relating to phyllodes ; Phyllode, Phyllo'dium, a petiole taking on the form and functions of a leaf ; Phyllo'dy, the metamor- phosis of floral organs into leaves ; phyl'loid (eI5os, resemblance), leaf- like ; ~ Clad'ode = PHYLLOCLADE ; Phyl'loid, a leaf -like appendage to the stems of Algae ; phyUoi'deus, foliaceous ; Phyl'logen (yewdw, I produce) = PHYLLOPHOR; phyUogenet'ic, leaf - producing ; phyllog'enous, growing upon leaves; epiphyllous ; Phyllolob'eae, pi. (\o/3os, a lobe), plants with coty- 194 Phyllomania Phytogelin ledons, green and leaf-like ; Phyl- loma'nia (pavia, madness), an ab- normal production of leaves ; Pnyl'- lome, Phyllo'ma, (1) an assemblage of leaves, or of incipient leaves in a bud ; (2) recently used for the leaf organ in a generic sense, po- tentially that which answers to a leaf, cf. CAULOME ; epipel'tate ^ , when the base of the expansion results from the growth of the upper surface of the primordial leaf, as in Cotyledon Umbilicus, Linn., and Tropaeolum majus, Linn. ; hypopel'tate <~, when the growth is from the under surface, as in the sepals of Viola (C. de Candolle) ; Phyllomor'phy (fj-opQ-fj form) = PHYLLODY ; Phylloph'agist (dyw, I eat), term proposed by Boulger, for plants which derive their sustenance by their leaves; Phyl'lophor, Phyllophore, Phylloph'orum (0opeo>, I carry), the budding summit of a stem on which leaves are developing, especially applied to palms ; phylloph'orous, producing leaves ; PhyTlophyte (vrov, a plant) (!) = CORMOPHYTE ; (2) a plant which draws its nourish- ment chiefly from its leaves (Boul- ger); Phyllop'odes, pi. (TTOVS, irodos, a foot), dead leaves in Isoetes ; Phyllopod'ium, a leaf regarded mor- phologically as an axis, branched or unbranched ; Phyllopto'sis (Trrc&ru, fall), an unnatural fall of leaves ; Pnyl'lorhize (pi£a, a root), an organ intermediate between leaf and root, as the capillary leaves of many water plants (Clos) ; phyllo- sipho'nic (i>, a plant, + ALBTJ- MOSE), a proteid found in seeds, as of Abrus ; Phytobiol'ogy (0fos, life, \6yos, discourse), the study of the vital functions in plants ; Phy'to- blast (jSXao-ros, a bud or sprout), Baillon's term for a cell in its first stage of development ; Phytoce- cid'ia (^/cis, or KrjKidiov, a gall), galls produced by other plants (Lundstrom) ; Phy'tochemy ( + chem), the chemistry of vegetation and its products ; Phy'tochlore (x^wpos, green) = CHLOROPHYLL ; Phy'tocyst (KVVTIS, a bag), Baillon's expression for a cell with its walls, c/ PHYTOBLAST; Phytoder'ma (Seppa, a skin), any fungous parasite growing on the skin ; Phyto- derm'ata, pi., skin diseases caused by Fungi; Phytodoma'tia, pi. (dwfidTiov, a little house), shelters in which other plants live (Lund- strom ) ; Phytoe'ro'sia, a misprint of Lindley's for PHYTOTEROSIA ; Phytodynamlcs (dfoafus, power), relating to the movements of plants (Sachs) ; Phytogel'in (gelo, 195 Phylogenesis Pilidium I congeal), the gelatine of Algae ; Phytogen'esis (y^veats, beginning), the origin and development of the plant ; Phytog'eny, means the same as the last; Phytogeog'raphy, Phytogeograph'ia (797, the earth, ypd(pu, I write), geographic botany, the science of plant distribution ; Pbytogno'sis (yvCxjLs, knowledge), botany, phytology ; Phytog'raphist (ypa7os, discourse), the study of fossil-plants, palaeobotany ; Phy- tol'ogist, a botanist ; Phytol'ogy, Phytolo'gia, botany, the study of plants ; Phytol'ysis (XvVis, a loos- ing), an error (?) for PHOTOLYSIS ; phytomastig'opod, see MASTIGOPOD; Phy'tomer, pi. Phytom'era (^pos, a part), the unit of a plant, an internode with its leaves, an emendation of Phy'ton, applied by Gaudichaud to a plant-unit, out of a succession of which plants are built up ; Phyton'omy, Phytonom'ia (i>6no$, law), botanic physiology ; Phytonym'ia (8vofj,a, a name), plant organography ; Phytoplank'ton (+ PLANKTON), floating pelagic plant organisms ; Phytopathol'ogy (7ra0oX<>7i/c6s, relating to diseases), vegetable pathology, the science of plant-diseases ; Phytopol'itus J (iroXlTys, a citizen), a plant which is or seems to be parasitic ; Phyto- ptocecid'ia (JC^JKS, a gall), galls caused by Fungi (Loew) ; Phyto- stat'ics ( ~ Lay'er, the young superfi- cial tissue of roots, producing the root-hairs, when present ; pi'liform (forma, shape), applied to the point of a nerve in Mosses, when like a long flexuose hair ; pilig'erous (gero, I bear), bearing hairs. Pill, Grew's spelling of PEEL. pilocar'pine, the active principle of Pilocarpus, a genus of Rutaceae. piTo-glan'dulpse (pilus, a hair), used by J. Smith for Ferns bearing glandular hairs ; pilose, pilo'sus, pilous, hairy, any kind of pilosity, usually meaning having soft and distinct hairs ; Pilosity, Pilos'itas, hairiness ; pilosius'culus (Lat.), slightly hairy ; Pilosism, abnormal hairiness in plants ; deform'ing ~ , when in excess and completely dis- figuring the species ; physiolo- gical ~, occasioned by circum- stances, as growth in a dry soil ; teratologlcal ~ , when it becomes a disease, cf. DEFORMING. Pil'ulaJ (Lat., a globule), (1) a cone like a galbulus; (2) any spherical inflorescence. Pilus (Lat.), a hair ; cf. PILL. pim'pled, papillose. pin-eyed, a florist's term for those flowers of dimorphic species, which have long styles, the stigma show- ing itself at the mouth of the corolla-tube. Pinakench'yma (irlva.£, a table, tyxvpa-, an infusion), the muriform tissue of medullary rays, whose com- ponent cells are tabular ; Pinen- ch'yma is a shortened form. Pinch'ing-Bodles, the COBPUSCULA of Asclepiads : the junction of the pollinia which clings to the leg of an insect visitor ; ~ Traps, another name for the same mechanism ; the German equivalents are Klemm- kb'rper and Klemmenfallen. Pine' turn (Lat., a pine-grove), (1) a work devoted to Coniferae ; (2) a collection of the same in a garden. Pi'nite, a glucoside, sweet and cry- stalline, derived from Pinua Lam- bertiana, Dougl. Pin'na, pi. Pin'nae (Lat. a feather), a primary division of a pinnate leaf, its leaflets, which sometimes them- selves are pinnate, are restricted by Bower to the " branches of the first order borne upon the phyllopo- dium," the axis of the leaf ; pin'- nate, pinna'tus, with leaflets ar- ranged along each side of a common petiole ; ^ with an odd one = impari- pinnate ; pinna'tely, in a pinnate fashion, as <~ com'pound, ~ cleft, ~ decom'pound, ~ divi'ded, ~ lo'bed, ~ parted, ~ ter'nate, ~ trifo'liolate, ~ veined; pinna'tifid, pinnatif'idus (findo, fidi, to cut), pinnately cleft ; pinnatilo'bate, pinnatiloba'tus, pinnatilo'bus (lobus, a lobe), pinnately lobed ; pinnati- par'tite, pinnatiparti'tus, pionately parted ; pinnatiscis'sus, (scissus, cleft), pinnately divided or cut ; pinna'tisect, pinnatisec'tus (sectw, cut), pinnately divided down to the rhachis ; pin'niform (forma, shape), like a feather ; pinniner'ved (nervtis, a nerve), pinnately veined, the veins running parallel towards the margin ; pin'nulate, with pinnules ; Pin'nule, Pin'nula, pi. Pirinulae,(l] a secondary pinna ; (2) in Diatoms, thickened ribs on the valves, as in Pinnidaria. pi'noid (pinus, a pine, eWos, resem- blance), like a pine-needle. Pip, (1) the popular name for the seeds of an apple or pear ; (2) "small seeds or seed-like bodies including the bulbs of Lily of the Valley ?' (Crozier) ; (3) a florist's term for a single flower of a truss. Pip'erin, the active principle of white and black pepper, Piper nigrum, Linn., a white crystalline body isomeric with morphine ; pip'era- tus, piperi'tus (Lat., peppered), peppery, having a hot, biting taste. pi'siform, pisiform'is (pisum, a pea, t shape), pea-shaped. 197 Pistil Plane of Symmetry Pis'til, Pistil' lum (Lat., a pestle), (1) the female organ of a flower, con- sisting of ovary, style and stigma, when complete; (2) the archegonium of the genus Andreaea (Hooker and Taylor) ; pistilla'ceous ( + aceous), growing on the pistil ; pis'tillary, relating to the pistil ; ~ Cord, "a channel which passes from the stigma through the style into the ovary " (Lindley) ; pis'til- late, pistilla'tus,(\) having a pistil ; (2) applied to a flower having pistils only, a female flower ; pistillif'er- ous, -rus (fero, I bear), bearing pistils ; Pistmid'ium, pi. Pistillid'ia, archegonia, organs analogous to pistils ; pistillig'erous (gero, I bear), pistillif erous (fero, I bear), bearing one or more pistils ; Pistillo'dy, the change of floral organs into carpels. Pit, (1) a small hollow or depression, as in a cell- wall ; (2) the endocarp of a drupe containing the kernel or seed-stone (Crozier) ; ~ Cham'ber, the cavity of a bordered pit on each side of a closing membrane. Pitch, a resinous exudation from the spruce, Picea alba, Link, etc. Pitch'er, a tubular or cup-shaped vessel, the terminal portion of a leaf-blade, usually containing a secreted digestive fluid ; an as- cidium ; ~ shaped, campanulate, but contracted at the orifice. Pith, the spongy centre of an exo- genous stem, chiefly consisting of parenchyma; the medulla ; ~ Flecks, dark marks in timber due to the cavities made by the larvae of in- sects in the cambium, but at once filled up by cellular tissue (Hartig). pit'ted, marked with small depres- sions, punctate ; used in a re- stricted sense for pits in cell-walls ; <~ Ves'sels, dotted ducts, vessels with secondary thickenings leaving thinner spots. pitu'itous (pituita, phlegm), relating to mucus (Crozier). Pityri'asis (irlrvpov, scurf) versic'olor, a skin disease caused byMicrosporon Furfur, Rob, Placen'ta (Lat., a cake), (1) the organ which bears the ovules in an ovary, often the margin of the carpellary leaves ; (2) in Cryptogams, the tissue from which sporangia arise ; ~ shaped, placentiform ; Pla'- centary, t a placenta which is long and narrow and bears many ovules ; Placenta'rium, placenta ; Placen- ta'tion, Placenta'tio, the disposition of the placentae ; placentif erus (fero, I bear), bearing placentae; placen'tiform, placentiform' is (for- ma, shape), quoit-shaped or like a flat cake. placochromat'ic (ir\d£, ir\dicos, a flat body, xpuwriKo s, relating to colour), used of Diatoms with endochrome in plates or disks ; cf. COCCOCHRO- MATTC. placo'des (TrXa/ct&Sijs, flat), used by Koerber for Lichens resembling a rounded plate in figure. Plac'ophytes (ir\d%, a flat body, vrov, a plant), a term applied by Schuett to the Peridineae, Diatomaceae and Desmideae ; cf. SAC'COPHYTES. plagiod'romous (irXdyios, oblique, Sp6fjt,os, a course), applied to tertiary leaf-veins when at right-angles to the secondary veins ; Plagiophoto- tax'y (0w6s, light, rd£ij, order), the oblique arrangement of chlorophyll granules with regard to incident light(Oltmanns) ; plagio- phototroplc (rpoTT-fj, a turning), assuming an oblique position to the rays of light, as the leaflets of Hobinia, Tropaeolum, etc., (Oltmanns); plagiotrop'ic, having the direction of growth oblique or horizontal ; Plagiot'ropism, the condition described. plain, applied to a margin which is not undulate, though it may be sinuate (Crozier). plait'ed, plicate. plane, pla'nus (Lat.), level, even, flat : Plane of Insertion, a plane which passes through the point of inser- tion of a lateral organ and coincides with the main axis and that of the organ ; ~ of Sym'metry, that which 198 planiusculus Plastin divides an object into symmetrical halves ; planius'culus (Lat.), nearly flat. Planktol'ogy (7rXa7/cros, wandering, Xdyos, a discourse), the department of pelagic botany, that is, of the floating organisms in the ocean ; Plank'ton, free-swimming or float- ing oceanic life ; fresh'water <~ , that of lakes or rivers ; neritlc ~ , found near the coast; ocean'ic <~, pelagic, far from land. Plan'ogamete (TrXcbos, wandering, ya^Tijs, a spouse), a mobile ciliated gamete or zoogamete, as in Chloro- phyceae ; Plan'ospore (cnropai,, a seed), Sauvageau's term for a motile zoospore. Plant, Plan'ta, a vegetable production nourished by gases or liquids and not ingesting solid particles of food (except in the plasmodial stage of Myxogastres) ; ~ Cane, the first year's growth of the sugar- cane from seed ; ~ Cas'ein, a sub- stance akin to animal casein ; <~ Forma' tion, an assemblage of plants living together in a community under the same environment, as a moor or wood ; ~ Pathol'ogy, the study of plant-diseases ; Plaii'tae tris'tes, evening flowering plants, as Matthiola bicornis, DC., etc.; plan'tal, pertaining to plants ; Plan'ticle, the embryo in a seed ; Plan'tlet, a little plant ; Plan'tule, Plan'tida = PLUMULE; Plantula'tio = GERMINATION. Plasm, Plas'ma (TrXctcr^a, that formed), used for PROTOPLASM ; Plasmamoe'- bae ( + AMOEBA), amoebiform masses of protoplasm, the actino- phrydia of Gobi ; plasmatop'arous (pario, I bring forth), in germina- tion the whole of the protoplasm of a gonidium issues as a rounded mass, which at once becomes coated with a membrane, and puts out a germ-tube ; Plas'masome, or Plas- mat'osome (trw/xa, a body), a proto- plasmic corpuscle, shortened to PLASOME ; plasmat'ic, ready, or serving for growth, plastic ; Plas'- mode = PLASMODIUM ; Plasmo'diae, Caruel's term for Myxogastres ; plasmo'dial, plasmo'dic, pertaining to a plasmodium ; Plasmo'diocarp, (/capTroy, fruit), an asymmetrical sporangium of Myxogastres (Rosta- firiski) ; Plasmo'diogens (7^0?, race, offspring), Macmillan's word for the protoplasmic units of a plasmodium ; plasmodioph'oms (0o/>e'w, I carry), producing a true plasmodium ; Plasmo'dium, a mass of naked much-nucleated proto- plasm, showing amoeboid move- ments ; aggregated ^ , the myxa- moebae congregated without fusion, each cell giving rise to a spore or foot-cell ; fused <*- , union of myxa- moebae and subsequent fructifica- tion (Van Tieghem) ; Plasmorysis (X&rts, a loosing), a separation of the living protoplasm from the cell - wall by osmotic action ; plas'molysed, subjected to plasmo- lysis ; adj. plasmolyt'ic ; plasmo- ph'agous (dyw, I eat), absorbing the living organic matter of the host-plant without selection (Boul- ger) ; Plasmosyn'agy (awcfyw, I collect), accumulation of the pro- toplasts of the polioplasm and of the plastids included in it, due to plasmolytic irritation (Tswett) ; Plas'ome, a living element of pro- toplasm, shortened from PLASMA- TOSOME ( Wiesner) ; plas'tic, capable of being moulded or modified; ~» Sub' stances, those employed in building up, as cellulose, starch- grains, proteids, etc. ; Plasticity, the quality of being plastic ; Plas'tid, Plastid'ium, a protoplasmic granule in active cells, differentiated as centres of chemical or vital activity, as CHLORO-, CHROMO-, and LEU- COPLASTID ; Plas'tidplasm, ( + PLASM), a supposititious substance differing from other forms of pro- toplasm by morphological charac- ters (B. M. Davis) ; Plas'tidule, Elsberg's term for the smallest mass of protoplasm which can exist as such ; Plas'tin, an essential ele- 199 Plastogamy pleuroblastic ment of the entire protoplasmic cell-contents, including the nucleus and the chromatophores (Zach- arias) ; Plastog'amy (70^05, mar- riage), the fusion of cytoplasts into a plasmodium, the nuclei remaining distinct (Hartog) ; adj. plastogam'ic ; Plastog'eny (7^0?, race, offspring), when cytoplastic elements undergo a reorganisation by fusion (Hartog) ; Plas'toid (eTSos, likeness), a needle-shaped body found in the stalk -cells of the tentacles of Drosera, becoming rounded under stimulus; a rhab- doid. Plate, a flattened structure; cf. NUCLEAR ~, SIEVE ~ . Plateau' (Fr.), (1) the tubercular disk in a bulb which produces the scales upwards, and the roots downwards, cf. CORM (Crozier) ; (2) a similar structure in certain Compositae, interposed between the ovary and the other floral organs (Lecoq). platycar'pic, platycar'pous (TrXarfo, broad, Kaptrbs, fruit), broad-fruited ; Platylofo'eae (Xo£6s, a lobe), used for certain Crucifers with flat coty- ledons ; platylo'bate, broad-lobed ; platyphyl'lous ((ptXXov, a leaf), broad-leaved. Plecolep'is, J Plecolep'idus (ir\€Kw, I plait, XeTris, a scale), the involucre of Compositae when the bracts are united into a cup. Plectench'yma (TrXe/rros, woven, eyxvfM, an infusion), a tissue of woven hyphae ; a pseudo-par- enchyma, further divided into PARAPLECTENCHYMA and PROSO- PLECTENCHYMA (Lindau). Pleioblas'tus (TrXetoi', more, /SXaoros, a bud), used by Koerber for those Lichen spores which germinate at several points ; Pleiochas'ium (xdcns, separation), each relative main axis of a cyme producing more than two branches ; adj. pleiocnas'ial ; pleiocy'clic (xtfoXo?, a circle), perennial, as ~ Herbs; Pleiom'ery (/AC/JOS, a part), having more whorls than the normal number ; Pleiomor'pnism, Pleio- mor'phy (nop^-fj, change), the oc- currence of more than one inde- pendent form in the life-cycle of a species; Pleiont'ism, Delpino's term for POLYMORPHY ; pleio- phyl'lous, -lus (v\\ov, a leaf), with leaves having no apparent buds in their axils ; Pleiophyl'ly, having numerous leaves from the same point, or more than usual the number of leaflets in a compound leaf; Pleiopyre'nium ( + PYRENIUM), small apothecia in one verruca, in Lichens ; pleiosper'mous ((nrep/j,a, a seed), with an unusually large number of seeds ; Pleiotax'is, Plelo- tax'y (rct£is, order), increase in the number of whorls in a flower ; Pleiotrache'ae (+ TRACHEA), "membranous tubes or tracheae containing a compound spiral fibre " (Cooke) ; Pleiox'eny (Zeros, a host or guest), where a parasite can invade several species of host- plants (De Bary). ple'nus (Lat.), full, as Flos plenua = a double flower. Pleochrolcism (ir\eov, more, x/>oa, colour, complexion), with various colours in the cell- wall ; syn., Pleo- chro'mism (xpwfia, colour), adj. pleochro'ic, pleocnrois'tlc ; Pleo- mor'phism, Pleomor'phy (/to/x^, shape), the same as PLEIOMORPHISM. Ple'on, Naegeli's term for an aggre- gate of molecules, but smaller than a MICELLA. Ple'onasm (7rXeo^alfa, a root), when an embryo has its radicle against one edge of the cotyledons, which are then accum- bent ; Pleur'osperms (?, a head), with a pedunculate head ; Podo- gynlum (yw^t a woman), an elevation in the centre of a flower which carries the ovary, a gyno- phore ; adj. podogynlcus, podo- g'ynus ; podop'terous (irrepov, a wing), having winged peduncles (Crozier); Pod'ospenn, Podosper'- mium, -ma (o-Trfy/Mi, a seed), the stalk of a seed, the funicle. Po'gon (irtbyw, a beard), used in com- position to denote any collection of long hairs. Point'al, an old term for PISTIL; pointless, muticous; pointletted, apiculate. Polache'na, Polacke'na Polake'nium (71-0X1)5, many, a, without, xaiv<>>, I gape), Richard's term for a fruit like a cremocarp, but composed of five carpels, cf. PENTACHENIUM. po'lar, relating to the poles of an organ; ~ bUoc'ular, applied to Lichen spores which have cells at the opposite apices. Polar (TroXos, a pivot) Bodies, a portion of the protoplasm of a mother-cell thrown off as nucleated cells from the oospore before fertili- sation ; ~ Cell, = ~ BODY ; ~ Cor- pus'cle, the central mass in each ASTER of a dividing nucleus ; ~ Glob'ule, = ~ BODY ; ~ Nu'cleus a fourth nucleus in each group at the two extremities of the embryo sac, which move towards the middle of the embryo sac and there coalesce to form the secondary nucleus ; Polarity, (1) the condition of having distinct poles ; (2) the assumption of a direction pointing to the poles, as the compass-plant, Silphium laciniatum, Linn. Polem'bryony = POLYEMBRYONY. poleward [dissyl.], towards the poles, in nuclear division. Polexostylus (?roXj>s, many, e£w, out, orriXos, style) - CARCERULE. Polioplasm (iroXios, grey, 7rXdy, many, d5e\0os, a brother), a Linnean artificial class with stamens grouped into several brotherhoods or bundles ; adj . polyadelp' nous, polyadel'phian ; polyad'enous (ad^v, a gland), with many glands ; Polyan'dria (avrip, avdpos, a man), a Linnean class of plants possessing many stamens in each flower ; polyan'drian, polyan'- drous, having an indefinite number of stamens ; polyan'thous, -thus (fades, a flower), having many flowers, particularly if within the same involucre ; polyari'nus (Appyv, male), Necker's term for POLYAN- DROUS ; polyax'ial ( + AXIAL), used of an inflorescence in which the flowers are borne on secondary, ter- tiary, etc., branches ; polyblas'tus (/3\a/j,a, colour), a sub- stance occurring in the bark of the Horse-chestnut which gives rise to varying colours ; Polyclad'ia, Polyclad'y ( /rXdSos, a branch), plica, a supernumerary development of branches and leaves ; adj. polycla- d'ous ; polycoc'cous, -cus (/c6/c/cos, a kernel), having many cocci ; Poly- clo'nus, Polyclo'ny (K\&V, a branch), a synonym of POLYCLADIA ; Poly- cotyle'don, pi. Polycotyle'dones ( + COTYLEDON), a plant which has several cotyledons ; adj.polycotyle'- donous ; Polycotyle'dony, an in- creased number of the cotyledons, more than two ; polycy'cllc (/cikXos, a circle), when the members of a series, such as a calyx, or corolla, are in several circles ; polycys'tic (KvVris, a bag) composed of several cells (Baillon) ; polydel'phous = POLYADELPHOUS (Crozier) ; poly- em'bryonate ( + EMBRYO), having more than one embryo in a seed ; Polyem'bryony, the pro- duction of more than a single embryo in an ovule ; adj. poly- em'bryon'ic ; polyflor'ous, -rus (flos, floris, a flower), a barbarism for MULTIFLOROUS Or POLYANTHOUB ; Polygam'ia, a Linnean class con- 204 polygamlan polystomous taining plants with polygamous flowers ; polygamlan = POLYGAM- OUS ; polyg'amous (701/10?, mar- riage), with hermaphrodite and unisexual flowers on the same, or on different individuals of the same species ; Polyg'amy, the condition described ; polyg'amo- dioe'cious, dioeciously polygamous (Crozier) ; Polyg'eny (ylvo<;, race) Huxley's term for POLYPHYLESIS ; polygon'atus (y6w, a knee), where the stem has many knots ; polyg'onus (yuvia, an angle), multangular ; polygynae'cial (yyv- cuKetov, the women's house), having multiple fruits formed by the united pistils of many flowers; polygyn'ous, polygyn'icus (yvv^& woman), having many distinct styles ; Polygyn'ia, a Linnean order of plants so consti- tuted ; Polygyny = POLYGAMY ; polygy'rus (70/90$, a circle), in several whorls or circles. Polyhed'ron, pi. Polyhed'ra (TroXfadpov, a solid of many bases), a stage in the growth of Hydrodictyon, when the hypnosperm or resting spore breaks up into several megazoo- spores which put out horn-like ap- pendages ; these polyhedra break up into zoospores. polylep'idus (TTO\I>S, many, XeTrt's, yeirldos, a scale), having many scales ; polym'erous, -rus (fj&pos, a part), with numerous members to each series or cycle ; polymorphic, polymorphous, -phus (fjiopT), a change), with several or various forms ; variable as to habit ; Polymor'pny, the existence of more than one form of the same organ on a plant; polyneur'is (vevpls, a sinew), where the veins of a leaf, especially the secondary veins, are numerous ; polyoi'cous (oftcos, a house), a combination of (a) AU- TOICOUS, (6) HETEROICOUS, Or (c) SYNOICOUS, with DIOICOUS Mosses ; polyovula'tus (+ OVULUM), fur- nished with many ovules ; poly- pet'alous, -lus ( + PETAL), having several distinct petals ; Pol'yphore, Polyphor'ium (optu, I carry), a torus with many pistils, as of a strawberry ; Polyphyle'sis ( + PHYL- ETIC), descent from more than one line of descent ; adj. polyphylet' ic ; Polyphylog'eny (+ PHYLOGENY), lineage through several lines ; poly- phyl'lous ((pt\\ov, a leaf), having many leaves ; Pol'yphyll, an increase in the normal number of organs in a whorl ; Pol'yplast (TrXao-ros, moulded), a group of mono- plasts which are the organic elements of protoplasm (Vogt). polyp'orous, relating to the fungus genus Polyporus. polyrni'zal, polyrhi'zous (71-0X1)5, many, pi£a, a root), (1) having numerous rootlets ; (2) where parasites have many distinct rootlets apart from their haustoria ; Polysar'ca (o-fy>£, aapKos, flesh), an unnatural growth due to excess of nutriment ; Poly- se'cus $ (0-77*05, a stall), Desvaux's term for an ETAERIO as in Mag- nolia; polysep'alous, -lus ( + SEPAL), with many distinct sepals ; poly- si' phonous (o-i(puv, a tube), applied to a filament of several coherent longitudinal rows of cells ; pol'y- sperm, polysper'mal, polysper'- mous, -mus (o-Trfy/ta, a seed), when a pericarp has numerous seeds ; Pol'yspore (o-7ro/>&, a seed), a multi- cellular spore composed of ME- BISPORES (Bennett & Murray); polyspor'ous, containing many spores, used of Cryptogams, as in asci when more than four or eight spores occur; polys'tachous (Crozier) = polystach'yous (o-rdxvs, a spike), having many spikes ; polyste'lic, polyste'lous ( + STELE), with more than one plerome strand at the growing point, so that the stem has more than one stele, as in Ounnera ; Polyste'ly, the con- dition specified ; polyste'monoua, -mis (o-rij/iwv, a filament), having many stamens, polyandrous ; poly- stig'mus (+ STIGMA) with many carpels, each originating a stigma ; polys'tomous, -mus (0r0>a a 205 polystylous porraceous mouth), many mouthed, with numerous suckers or haustoria ; polystylous, -lus ( + STYLE), with several styles ; polysymmet'rical (ffvwerpla, apt proportion), having bilateral symmetry in more planes than one, actinomorphic ; poly- thalam'ic (6d\afj.os, a bed-chamber), (1) having more than one female flower within the involucre ; (2) derived from more than one flower, as a collective fruit ; polytheleus (#17X77, a nipple), used of a flower which contains several distinct ovaries ; polyt'ocous, -GILS (r6/cos, a birth), fruiting year after year, caulocarpous ; polyt'omous, ~mus (ro/«7, a cutting), apparently pin- nate, but the pinnae not articu- lated to the common petiole ; Polyt'- omy, (1) in an inflorescence, having more axes than in dichotomy ; (2) a false pinnation ; polyt'richous (0/>i£, rpixos, a hair), having many hairs ; Polyt'ropism (rpoTnj, a twining), Archangeli's term when leaves place their lamina vertically and meridionally, the two surfaces facing east and west ; polytrop'ie, Loew's term for bees which visit a wide circle of flowers ; polytyp'ic (TRIPOS, a type), applied to a genus having several species ; Polyx'eny (^vos, a guest) = PLEIOXENY ; Polyzygo'sis (fvyos, a yoke), the conjugation of more than two gametes (Crozier). poma'ceous (pomum, a fruit, + ac- eous), relating to apples ; Pome, Po'mum, an inferior fruit of several cells, of which the apple is the type. pomeridia'nus (Lat.), in the after- noon. pomif erous, po'mifer (pomum, a fruit, fero, I bear), pome-bearing ; po'- mifOTm.,pomiform'i8 (forma, shape), shaped like an apple ; Pomol'ogy, Pomolo'gia (\6yos, discourse), the science of edible cultivated fruits. Pomo'na, an account of the fruits cul- tivated in any given district or country ; the name is mythological. pooph'ilous (Tr6a, grass, 0tX an infusion), pris- matic cellular tissue. Pris'on-Flow'ers, those which imprison their insect-visitors until fertiliza- tion is effected. Proan'giosperms (pro, for, + Angios- perm), an Angiosperm in the act of becoming so from some ancestral form (Saporta and Marion ) ; Pro- angiosper'my, the state in question. Proanthe'sis (irpy, early, av^au, flowering), flowering in advance of the normal period, as some flowers appearing in autumn in advance of the ensuing spring (Pax). Probasld (pro, for, + BASIDIUM), Van Tieghem's term for an organ inter- mediate between a basidium and a sporophore in Basidiomycetes, bear- ing a teleutospore. proboscid'eus (proboscis, a snout), having a large terminal horn, as the fruit of Martynia. Procam'bium (pro, for, + CAMBIUM), the embryonic tissue, consisting of somewhat elongated cells, from which the vascular tissue is eventu- 208 Procarp Promyceliuni ally formed ; Pro'carp, Procar'pium (/ca/>7ros, fruit), an archicarp with a special receptive organ, the tricho- gyne. proce'rus (Lat.), very tall, as a tree. Pro'cess, Proces'sus (Lat., a prolon- gation), any projecting appendage, Procea'sus Hyme'nii, "the aciculae of certain Fungals " (Lindley). procum'bent, procum'bens (Lat., leaning forward), lying along the ground. Prob'able Er'ror, see DEVIATION, PRO- BABLE. Prod'ucts, substances resulting from metabolism or chemical changes in plants. Produc'tum t (productus, lengthened), = CALCAR. Pro-em'bryo (pro, for, + EMBRYO), (1) in Characeae, the product of the oospore, upon which the Chara- plant develops as a lateral bud ; (2) in Archegoniatae the product of the oospore before differentiation of the embryo ; (3) J the youngest thallus of a Lichen ; proembryon'ic, relating to a pro-embryo, as the "" Branch in Chara, a propagative body having the structure of a pro-embryo arising from a node of the stem. proe'minens (Lat., projecting), used of an unusually extended part. progam'etal (pro, for, + GAMETE), of the nature of a Progam'ete, a cell which divides to form gametes, or occasionally passes into a gamete (Hartog). P rogam'etange, Progametan'gium (ayyetov, a vessel), resting bodies in Protomyces macrosporus, Unger ; progam'ic (Hartog), pro'gamous, in advance of fertilization ; ~ Cell, a cell formed in the pollen-grain which has the sperm-nucleus (Goebel). progred'iens (Lat., advancing), ex- tending at one part, and dying^ in the rear. progressive (progressm, an advance), advancing ; ~ Metamorph'osis, the appearance of organs in an ascend- ing scale, as when petals are re- placed by stamens; opposed to RETROGRESSIVE METAMORPHOSIS. Progym'nosperms (pro, for, + Gym- nosperm), prototypic Gymnos- perms, as Bennettites (Saporta and Marion). Projectu'ra (Lat., a jutting out), a small longitudinal projection on some stems where the leaf ori- ginates. Proios'pory = PROSPORY. Prokine'sis (irpo, before, Klvrjdv\\ov, a leaf), the bracteole at the base of an individual flower, in German "Vorblatt" ; prophylla'tus, provided with prophylla ; .prophyl'loid (elSos, resemblance), like prophylla. Proph'ysis = PROSPHYSIS. Prophy'togams (irpo, before, vrov, a plant, ydpos, marriage), Focke's proposed name for vascular Cryp- togams. prop'rius (Lat., special, peculiar), partial. Proscolla J (777)05, close to, K6\\a, glue), a viscid gland on the upper side of the stigma of Orchids, to which the pollen-masses become attached, the RETINACULUM. Prosem'bryuin (irpos, near, cpfipvov, an embryo), = PERISPERMIUM ; Prosench'yma flyxvpa , an infusion), tissue of lengthened cells with tapering ends which overlap ; adj. prosenchy'matous ; Prosenthe'sis (evOrjais, imposition), the quantity which determines the divergence between two successive whorh in a shoot (Pax). Pros'physes (Qyofuu, to grow with), ' ' abortive pistillidia of the muscal alliance" (Lindley) ; Prosoplec- tench'yma (+ PLECTENCHYMA), a modification of hyphal tissue (Lindau). Prosporan'gmm (irpo, for ; (riropk, a seed ; dyyelov, a vessel), (1) in Chytridieae, etc., a vesicular cell whose protoplasm passes into an outgrowth of itself, the sporangium, and then divides into swarm- spores ; (2) in Phaeosporeae, an early formed sporangium, formed of a layer of the filament combiued with an outgrowth (Kuckuck) ; proste'lic (+ STELE), when an axis consists of a single concentric bundle (Jeffrey). Pros'pory (irputos, precocious, v\\ov, a leaf), a leaf borne by a PROTOCORM ; a cotyledon or primordial leaf, especially used of a Cryptogam; Pro'tophyt (0urw, a plant), a plant of the sexual generation (Bower); Pro'tophyte, pi. Protophy'ta, the simplest plants, the lower unicellular Cryptogams ; adj. protophyt'ic ; Protophytol'ogy (\67<>s, discourse) = PALAEOBOTAN Y ; Pro'toplasm, Protoplas'ma (ir\a.ap.a, moulded), the viscous living sub- stance in plants, into which all nourishment is taken, and from which all parts are formed ; vari- ous modifications of it have special names ; Pro'toplast, the unit of protoplasm capable of individual action, a cell either with or with- out a wall (Hanstein) ; Protoplas'- tid, an individual or presumable primitive type ; Protoplas'tin, Hanstein's term for a hypothetic substance, the ultimate source of vital movement and chemical com- bination ; Protosclerench'yma ( + SCLERENCHYMA), used for certain collenchyma which resembles true hard bast, provisional collenchyma of Haberlandt ; Pro'tospore (ToV, a plant), C. Macmillan's term for certain Cryptogams, not otherwise defined ; Pro'tostrophes, pi. ((TT/300T/, a turning), secondary spirals in the development of leaves (Lindley) ; Protothallog'a- mae, pi. ( + THALLOGAMAE), Ardis- sone'sterm to include Angiosperms, Gymnosperms, and vascular Cryp- togams ; Protothal'lus (0dXXos, a shoot) = HYPOTHALLUS, the first formed stratum of a Lichen ; Pro'- totroph (r/300^, nourishment), a "lodger" in Lecidia intumescens, Nyl., which eventually gets its nourishment by means of another lodger, a different Lichen (Minks) ; Protot'rophy, the peculiar commen- salism described above, also styled "Wet-nurse relationship"; also spelled Pro'trophy ; Protoxy'lem ( + XYLEM), the first formed ele- ments of wood in a vascular bundle ; protozooph'ilous (&ov, an animal, 0iA, I love), sand-loving, as the vege- tation of dunes; Psam'mophyte ((fivrov, a plant), a sand-loving plant, as dune plants. pseudacran'thic (^eu5?)s, false, + ACRANTHIC), applied to flowers from dichasial shoots which are apparently terminal (K. Schu- mann) ; Pseud-an'nual ( + ANNUAL), an herbaceous plant which hiber- nates as a tuber or bulb (L. H. Bailey); Pseudan'nulus (+ ANNU- LUS), an apparent annulus of specialized cells, exterior to the perislome in Mosses ; pseudan'thic (&vdos, a flower), a flower which simulates a simple flower, but is composed of more than a single axis, with subsidiary flowers (Del- pino) ; Pseudan'this, the state in question ; Pseudax'is ( + Axis) = SYMPODIUM ; pseudhomonym'ic ( + Homonym), used by F. N. Williams for a partial homonomy, as Oas- trolychnis and Gastrosilene ; Pseu- din'ulin ( + INULIN), a subordinate constituent of inulin (Tancret) ; pseudobiator'ine, falsely biatorine, having an apothecium without a conspicuous thalline margin ; Pseu'- dobulb ( + BULB), a thickened and bulb-like internode in Orchids, a corm; Pseudobul'bil ( + BULBIL), a growth from the roots of Acriopsis javanica, Reinw. , composed of two internodes, and bearing leaves at the apex ; Pseudo capillitium ( + CAPILLITIUM), Lister's term for a structure in Enteridium, consisting of the perforated walls of the component sporangia ; Pseu'do- carp, Pseudocar'pium, Pseudocar'pua (Kapirbs, fruit), (1) a fruit with its accompanying parts, as a straw- berry ; (2) = GALBULUS (Henslow) ; Pseudocellulose ( + CELLULOSE), see CELLULOSE ; Pseudocephalo'- dium (+ CEPHALODIUM), a growth formed in the protothallus by a germinating hypha investing an algal colony of some other type than the normal gonidia of the Lichen (Forsell) ; Pseudocil'ium (cilium, an eyelash), a motionless whip-like body, proceeding in pairs from each cell of Apiocystis Brauni- ana, Naeg. (Correns) ; pseudo- cos'tate, pseudocosta'tus (costatus, ribbed), false-ribbed, as where a marginal vein is formed by con- fluence of the true veins ; Pseudo- cotyle'don (+ COTYLEDON) = PRO- EMBRYO ; Pseudodys'tropy (5ucr = bad, rpoirri, a turning), when eutro- pous insects gain access to honey by secondary means, as when cer- tain bees bore through to the nectaries, instead of entering by the opening of the flower (Loew) ; Psendoe'p'iphyte (+ EPI- PHYTE), a plant whose stems die away at the base, and the upper part derives its nourishment from its own aerial roots, as Aroids (Went); Pseu'do-fecunda'tion ( + FECUNDATION), two nuclei of four combine to form the egg, the other two form the albumen (Guignard) ; Pseudog'amy (ydpos, marriage), parthenogenetic fruiting, as polli- nation without impregnation of ovules ; pseudogyra'tus (yvp&s, curved), falsely ringed, as when the annulus is confined to the vertex of the sporangium in Ferns j 213 Pseudohaustorium Pseudosperm Pseudohaustor'ium ( + HAUSTOR- IUM), an immature or rudimentary organ observed in seedlings of Cuscuta (Kinzel) ; pseu'do-herma- pli'rodite ( + HERMAPHRODITE), Kerner's term for flowers which have become functionally uni- sexual by the suppression of either stamens or pistils ; Pseudohy- me'niuin (+ HYMENIUM), a cover- ing of sporidia, resembling the hymenium of Fungi ; Pseudo-im- pregua'tion ( + IMPREGNATION), the coalescence of the two nuclei of the cells of a teleutospore (Dangeard & Sapin-Trouffy) ; Pseudola'tex ( + LATEX), HeckeFs term for an abundant gummy juice, white or colourless, in certain species of Vanilla ; Pseudoli'ber ( + LIBER), Guillaud's term for libriform tissue, derived from secondary meristem without genetic affinity with the cambium or vascular bundles ; Pseudoli'chen ( + Lichen), a Lichen which does not possess an algal layer of its own, but is parasitic on another Lichen-thallus; Pseudomonocotyle'don ( + MONO- COTYLEDON), in Dicotyledons the early abortion of one of the coty- ledons, as in Capsella (Pax) ; pseudo-monocotyle'donous (+ MO- NOCOTYLEDON), having two or more cotyledons consolidated into a single mass, as in the Horse-Chest- nut ; ~ Em'bryo, having one coty- ledon only developed, although two were originally indicated ; Pseu'do- morph (fj,opT], a form), an unusual or altered form, a term borrowed from mineralogy ; pseudomorphy'- tus (, I love), plants which are fertilized by diurnal lepidoptera, possessing brightly coloured flowers, with honey in the flower-tube. Psychrokli'ny (i/'tfxpos, cold, K\Lvu, I incline), Voechting's term for the behaviour of growing parts under the influence of low temperatures ; psychromet' ric (i^rpov, a measure), applied by Pfeffer to the hygro- metric movements of plants ( Voech- ting). psydomorphyt'us = PSEUDOMORPHY- TUS. Pteram'pelid (a-re/Ms, a fern, ApireXos, a vine), any climbing Fern (J. Smith). ptera'tus (irTepov, a wing), winged; Pterid'ium, Pterid'ies = SAMARA. Pteridograph'ia (irrepis, wrepldos, a fern, ypaffi, a writing), a treatise on Ferns, or the science of Ferns ; shortened by J. Smith to Pteri- graph'ia ; Pterig'raphist, and Pterl- graph'ilist (i.y*w, I love), a writer on Ferns ; pter'idoid (elSos, resem- blance), used by E. Newman for Fern-like, as «- Ac'rogens ; Pterldo- phyte (vTov, a plant), a Fern, or closely allied plant. pterig'ynus (irrepov, a wing, yvrq, a woman), wing-seeded ; pterocar'- pous, -pus (/ca/)7ros, fruit), wing- fruited ; pterocaulous, -Us (/rai/X6s, astern), wing-stemmed; Ptero'dium, = SAMARA ; pterogo'nus (yuvLa, an angle) ; pter'oid, pteroi'dtua (eldos, resemblance), (1) having an eleva- tion of surface assuming a wing-like appearance ; (2) J. Smith uses " pteroid " for Fern-like ; pterop'o- dous (TTOI/S, TroSos, a foot), wing- footed, the petiole being marginally winged ; pterosper'mous, -mus (ffirepfjia, a seed), with the seeds winged ; pteryg'ynus (71/^17, a woman), wing-seeded. Pteryg'ium (irreptyiov, a little wing), a wing. pteryg'opous, -pus (vr4pv^f a wing, TOUS, 7ro5os, a foot), having the peduncle winged ; pterygoBperm'- ous, -mus (o-irepua, a seed),=ptero- spermous. Pto'malne (7rru)/ia, calamity, corpse), used of any alkaloid due to the activity of pathogenous bacteria. Pty'alin (imjaXott, saliva), a ferment contained in saliva which trans- forms starch into a sugar capable of fermenting. Pty'chode, Ptycho'dea (TTT^, TTTVXOS, a fold), the primordial utriclQ ; 215 Ptychoides pustulose Ptycnoi'des (eldbs, resemblance), the outer surface of the same (Hartig). Ptyx'is (TTT^S, a folding), vernation. pu'bens (Lat., arrived at puberty) = pubescent ; puber'ulus (dim. of Lat. puber, downy, ripe), slightly hairy ; Pu'ber (Lat.), maturity, as of flower or fruit; Pu'berty, Pu'bertas, the transition from a young state to maturity of func- tion ; Pu'bes (Lat. ), Pubes'cence, the hairiness of plants ; pubes'cent, pubes'cens, clothed with soft hair or down ; pu'bera [Ae'tas], the period in a fruit succeeding the fertilization of the ovules ; pubig7- erous (gero, I bear), pubescent. Puffing, the emission of spores in a cloud ; the equivalent of the German "Stauben." pugio'niform, pugioniform'is (pugio, a dagger, forma, shape), dagger- shaped. pulla'tus (Lat.), clothed in black. pulley-sliaped, circular, and grooved in its circumference. pullulate (pullulo, to bud), to bud, as in spring ; Pullula'tion, sprout- ing ; especially characteristic of the yeast-plant. pul'lus (Lat., dusky), black or nearly black. Pulp, PuL'pa (Lat., the flesh of fruit), the juicy or fleshy tissue of a fruit ; purpose, pulpo'sus, pulpy. Pulsa'tion (pidsatio, a beating), of vacuoles, the rhythmic increase and decrease of size in naked zoospores and plasmodia. pulvera'ceous, -ceus, pulver'eus (Lat. ), powdery ; pulver'ulent, pulveruleri '- tus (Lat., dusty), powdered, as if dusted over. Pulvil'luin (Lat.), in botanic gardens, a hot-bed. pul'vlnate, pulvina'tw (Lat. ^cushion- shaped ; pulvin'iforni, pulvini- form'is, having the shape of a cushion or pad; Pulvin'ulus, pi. Pulvin'uli, simple or branched excrescences on the surface of some Lichens, soredia ; Pulvi'nus (Lat., a cushion), an enlargement close under the insertion of a leaf, the swollen base of the petiole as in Mimosa pudica, Linn. Pul'vis (Lat.), dust, powder, etc. Pulvis'culus (Lat., small dust), " the powder contained in the spore- cases of some Fungi " (Hen- slow). pu'milus (Lat., dwarfish), low or little. Punc'ta, pi. of Punc'tum (Lat. , a point), the marking on the valves of Dia- toms ; punc'tate, puncta'tus (Lat.), marked with dots, depressions or translucent glands ; puncta'ta Va'sa = dotted vessels ; punctiflor'nis (flos, floris, a flower), having dot- ted flowers; punc'tiform (forma, shape), in the form of a point or dot, reduced to a mere point ; punctic'ulate, puncticula'tus, punc- ticulo'sus, minutely punctate ; Function Vegetatio'nis, the growing point. pun'gent, pun' gens (Lat., piercing), ending in a rigid and sharp point, as in a holly -leaf. punic'eous, -ceus, crimson. pure, applied to forests, means un- mixed, the growth being confined to one form. pur'ple, a secondary tint, a mixture of red and blue in varying propor- tions. purpurar'ius (Lat.), pertaining to purple; purpura'tus (Lat.), em- purpled ; purpuras'cens (Lat.), becoming or turning purple ; pur- purel'lus (Lat.), purplish ; pur- pu'reus (Lat. ), purple ; Pur'purine, a colouring principle in madder, RuUa tinctoria, Linn. ; purpuri'nus, (Lat.), somewhat purplish. purse-shaped, pouch-shaped. pusil'lus (Lat., petty), very small, or weak and slender. pus'tular (pustula, a pimple), having slight elevations like blisters ; pus'tulate, pustula'tus, as though blistered ; Pus'tule, a pimple or blister ; pus'tulose, pustulo'sua (Lat.), blistery or pimply. 216 Putaaen quadrifoliolate Puta'men(Lat., shells, rind), (1) the shell of a nut ; (2) the hardened endocarpof stone-fruit ; putamina'- ceus ( + aceus), having the texture of the stone of a drupe. Pyc'nid, Pyc'nide, Pycnid'ium, pi. Pycnid'ia (TTVKVOS, dense), a cavity resembling a pyrenocarp in Lichens, etc., containing gonidia (pycnoconidia or stylospores) ; Pycnid'iophore (0o/>, kernel or stone), (1) a nucule or nutlet; (2) a small stone of a drupe, or similar fruit ; Pyrenar'ram, a pear-fruit, pome-like, but tapering; Pyren- a'rius, a drupaceous pome, as in Crataegita ; Pyre'nin, Schwarz's term for the constituent of the body of the nucleus ; cf. AMPHIPYRENIN ; Pyre'nium ; an old name for the receptacle of Sphaeri- aceous Fungi; Pyre'nocarp(/cap7ros, fruit) (1) = PERITHECIUM ; (2) = DRUPE; adj. pyrenocar'pous ; py- reno'deous (elSos, resemblance), like a pyrenoid, wart-like; pyreno'dine, "globular and nuclear" (Leighton); Py'renoid (elSos, resemblance), minute rounded granular colourless bodies, embedded in the chromato- phores, amylum- centres (Schmitz); Pyrenoli'chenes( + Lichen), Wainio's term for Pyrenomy'cetes, that is, Fungi possessing perithecia. Pyrid'ion (pyrus, or pirus, a pear), used by Linnaeus for the pear- fruit, a tapering pome ; pyrif erous (fero, I bear), pear-shaped ; py'ri- form, pyrif orm' is (forma, shape), resembling a pear in shape. pyx'idate, pyxida'tus (Lat., box-like), furnished with a lid, as some cap- sules; Pyxid'ula J = Pyxid'ium, Moench's term for the fruit of Amaranthus, a dehiscent capsule, sometimes used for the following : Pyx'is, (1) a capsule with circum- scissile dehiscence, the upper portion acting as a lid ; (2) J the theca of a Moss ; (3) " the same as Scyphus " (Lindley). quadran'gular, quadrangular1 'is(L&t.), four-cornered ; quadran'gulus, quadrangula'tus (Lat. ), having four angles, which are usually right angles. Quad'rant (quadrans, a fourth part), the quarter of an oospore, which is so divided by the ~ Wall ; quad- ricap'sular ( + CAPSULA), having four capsules ; quadricotyledo'neus ( + COTYLEDON), apparently with four cotyledons, each normal cotyledon being divided to the base ; quad- ricru'ral, quadricru'ris (crus, cruris, a leg), with four supports ; quadri- den'tate (dentatus, toothed), having four teeth ; quadridigita'to-pin- na'tus (digitus, a finger), with four digitate divisions, each of which is pinnate ; quadridigita'tus, divided into four divisions ; Quadriere'mus (+ EREMUS) = COENOBIUM ; quadri- far'ious, -rius (Lat., fourfold), in four ranks, as leaves ; quad'riftd, quadrifidus (Lat.), four - clef t, to about the middle or below ; quad'rifoil (folium, a leaf) = quad- rifo'liate, when the petiole bears four leaflets at the same point ; quadrifo'liolate, strictly, with four subordinate leaflets, but sometimes 217 quadrifurcate quinquefoliolate used as an equivalent of quadrifo- liate ; quadrifur'cate (furcatus, forked), dividing into four branches ; quadrigem'inate (gemi- mis, a twin), growing in fours ; quadrinila'tus (+ HILUM), having four apertures, as in some pollen- grains ; quadrij'ugate, quadriju- ga'tus, quadrij'ugous-, -gus (jugum, a yoke), having four pairs of leaf- lets ; quadrilo'bate (lobus, a lobe), with four lobes ; quadriloc'ular, (loculm, a little space), having four cells, as some anthers ; quad'rinate, quadrina'tus, quadri'nus, with four leaflets at the end of a petiole, in a digitate arrangement ; quadrinu'- cleate ( + NUCLEUS), used of a cell with four nuclei, from the division of a binucleate cell ; quadripartite, quadriparti'tus (partitus, divided), four-cleft, nearly to the base; quadriphyl'lous (v\\oi>, a leaf) = quadrifoliate ; quadripo'lar (polus, a pole), in nuclear division, when four daughter nuclei arise at the same time ; quadrivalent (valeo, to be effective), applied to a cell which divides into four daughter cells ; cf. BIVALENT (in Add. ) ; quad'rivalve, quadrivalv'ular (valva, a door-leaf), four-valved. quaquaver'sal (quaqua, wheresoever, verso, I turn round), directed or bending in every direction. Quar'tospore (quartus, fourth, ffiropa, a seed), C. Macmillan's term for a spore enclosing protective and more or less vegetative cells as in Riccia ; Quar'tine, a fourth integu- ment of some ovules, "in reality a mere layer of either the secundine or " nucellus (Lindley). quasiradia'tus £ (quasi, as though, radiatus, spoked), slightly radiant, as where the florets of the ray in some Compositae are small and in- conspicuous. Quas'sine, a bitter principle in quas- sia wood. quaternary, quater'nate, quatemaf- tus (quaternarius, consisting of four), an arrangement in fours; quater'ni (Lat., by fours), growing four together. Quer'cite, a glucoside derived from acorns, sweet like sugar, but not fermenting with yeast. Quer'citrin, a glucoside in quercitron bark ; its colouring matter, and a commercial dye-stuff. Quetelet-Galton Curve, see NEWTON- IAN CURVE. quilled, normally ligulate florets which have become tubular. qui'nary (quini, five each), in fives ; qui'nate, quina'tus, growing to- gether in fives, as leaflets from the same point. Quin'ia, Quinin', or Quinine', an alka- loid occurring in the bark of species of Cinchona, Remija, etc. quincun'cial (quincuncialis, contain- ing five-twelfths), (1) arranged in a quincunx ; (2) in aestivation par- tially imbricated of five parts, two being exterior, two interior, and the fifth having one margin exterior, the other interior, as in the calyx of the rose; Quin'cunx (Lat., the fraction A), (1) an arrangement like the five on dice, four at the corners, and one in the centre ; (.2) in five ranks, quin- quefarious ; (3) " the disposition of objects so that the intervening spaces are all hexagons " (Crozier). Quinin', see QUINIA. Quin'icine and Quin'idine, alkaloids from Cinchona bark. quinquan'gular, quinquangular'is (quinquangulus, five-cornered), five- angled ; quinquecap'sular ( + CAP- SULA), with five capsules ; quin- quecos'tate (costatus Bibbed), having five ribs ; quinqueden'tate (dentatus, toothed), with five teeth ; Quin- quere'mus ( + EREMUS), a five-celled gynobasic fruit, as Gomphia ; quin- quefar'ious, -rius (fariam, suffix = rank),in five ranks; quin'quefid (fid, the root of findo, I cleave), five- cleft ; quinquefo'liate, quinquefo- lia'tus (quinquefolius, five-leaved), with five leaves ; quinquefo'liolate, quinquefoliola'tuS) with, five leaf- quinquejugate radical lets ; quinquej'ugate (jugum, a yoke), in five pairs, as of leaf- lets ; quinquelo'bate quinqudobaf - tus (lobus, a lobe), five-lobed ; quinqueloc'ular, quinquelocularis (loculus, a little space), five-celled ; quinquener'ved, quinquener'vis, -vius (nervus, a nerve), the midrib dividing into five, that is, the main rib, and a pair on each side ; quinquepar'tite, quinqueparti'tus (partitus, divided), deeply divided into five parts ; quinqueval'vate, qmn!quevalve,quinqueval'vis(valva, a door-leaf), five-valved ; quinque- vein'ed, "the same as quinque- nerved " (Crozier). Quin'tine, Quinti'na(quintu8, the fifth), a supposed integument of an ovule, the fifth from the outside, "in reality the skin of the" nucellus (Lindley) ; Quin'tospore (viropb., a seed), C. Macmillan's term for a spore which has attained sexual potentiality, as in vascular Cryp- togams and Phanerogams. quin'tuple, quintupled (quintuplex, five-fold), multiplied by five ; <~ -nerved, quinquenerved; ~ ribbed, quinquecostate ; when of five ribs the four lateral arise from about the base of the mid-rib; quin- tupliner'ved, quintuplivein'ed, quinquenerved, five-veined. Rab'doid (pafidos, a rod) = RHABDOiD. Race, (1) a variety of such fixity as to be reproduced from seed ; (2) used also in a loose sense for re- lated individuals without regard to rank. Racema'tion (racematio, the gleaning of a vineyard), a cluster, as of grapes; Raceme', Race'mua (Lat., a bunch of grapes), an indetermi- nate or centripetal inflorescence with lengthened axis, and equally pedicellate flowers ; racemif erous (fero, I bear), bearing racemes ; racemiflor'us (flos, floris, a flower), flowers borne in a raceme ; race'- xniform, racemif orm' is (forma, shape), in the form of a raceme ; rac'emose, racemo'sus, rac'emous, having racemes, or raceme-like ; race'mulose, racemulo'sus, a dim- inutive of the last, somewhat race- mose ; Rac'emule, a small raceme. rachemor'phus (Lindley) = BACHI- MOBPHUS. Rachil'la = RHACHILLA. rachimor'phus (pdx^> the backbone, (jLopf-n, shape), the small zigzag flowering axis of some grasses, as Rottboettia. Ra'chis = RHACHIS; Ra'cheae, used by J. Smith as the plural of Rachis ; ra'chifonn = BHACHIDI- FORM ; Rachi'tis.in botany, a disease producing abortion in the flower or seed. recur'rent (recurrens, running back), in venation, when the veinlets re- turn towards the main rib. ra'dial, radia'lis (radius, the spoke of a wheel), (1) radiating, as from a centre ; (2) belonging to the ray, as in the flowers of Composites ; ~ Bun' die, a bundle or stele which has strands of bast and wood in different radii, a frequent occurrence in roots ; <•- Plane, any plane which passes through the axis of growth, and cuts the surface at right angles ; ra'diar, a system of branching uniformly on all sides (Goebel) ; ra'diant, rad'ians, radiating as from a centre ; <~ Um'bel, when flowers on the outside are con- spicuously larger than those which form the rest of the umbel ; ra'di- ate, radio! tus, (1) spreading from or arranged round a common centre, as the circumference of a circle ; (2) bearing rays, or ray- florets ; ~ -veined = palmately veined ; ra'diating, passing in a straight line from the centre ; radi- a'tiform, radiatiform'is (forma, shape), when the ligulate florets of Compositae increase in length out- wards ; radia'tim (Lat.), in a radi- ate manner. rad'ical, radica'lis (radix, radicis, a root), arising from the root, or its 219 radicant Ramos crown ; radicant, radi'cans (Lat., striking root), rooting, usually ap- plied to stems or leaves ; radl- cated, having a root or roots (Crozier) ; radicating, rooting ; Radica'tion, Radica'tio, the root- system of a plant, its disposition and branching ; radica'tus (Lat. ), possessing roots, especially a tap- root ; Rad'icel, Radicel'la, = RADI- CULA ; Radicella'tio (Lat.), = RADI- CATION ; radicic'olous, -la (colo, I inhabit), (1) when the flower is seated immediately upon the crown of the root ; (2) dwelling in the root as a parasite; radicif'erous (fero, I bear), root-bearing, or rooting, as prostrate stems ; radi- ciflor'ous, -rus (flos, Jtoris,& flower), flowering apparently from the root ; radiclform (forma, shape) ; radici'nus (Lat.), of the nature or appearance of a root; Radicle, Radi'cula, the hypocotyledonary and primal internode, the rudimen- tary root of the embryo ; Radi'cula byssoi'dea, the mycelium of Fungi ; radlcose, radico'sus (Lat., having many roots), having large or abun- dant roots ; radic'ular, pertaining to the radicle; radiculifonnls (forma, shape), shaped like a radicle ; Radiculo'da, Radiculo'- dium, the apex of the radicle in grasses ; radic'ulose, radiculo'sus, bearing rootlets. Ra'dius, pi. Ra'dil (Lat., a ray), (1) the ray of Compositae, the outer- most florets when distinct in form from those composing the disk ; (2) a partial umbel in Umbelli- ferae ; (3) the structures known as medullary rays ; ^ medulla'ris = MEDULLARY RAY. Ra'dix, pi. Radi'ces (Lat., a root), the root or descending axis, the de- veloped radicle. Raffia, Raph'ia, or Rof fia, the native Malagasy names for the fibre-like material obtained from the leaves of Raphia peduncula, Beauv., and R. vinifera, Beauv. Raffinase (Fr. raffiner, to refine), an enzyme which decomposes Raf'finose, a sugar occurring in beet, and germinating cereals. Rain-leaves, those which are adapted to shed the rain from their sur- faces, and generally acuminate, cf. DRIP-TIP. ra'mal (ramus, a branch), belonging to a branch; Ramas'trum J (-astrum, a suffix, = likeness), a secondary petiole or petiolules of compound leaves ; ra'meal, ramea'lis, per- taining to a branch ; ramearlus, restricted to aerial roots, which arise from branches (Henslow). Ramen'ta, pi. of Ramen'tum (Lat., scrapings, shavings), thin chaffy scales of the epidermis, as the scales of many Ferns ; Ra'ments, = R AMENTA ; ramenta'ceous, -ceus ( + aceous), possessing ramenta, clothed with them. ra'meous, ra'meus (Lat.), belonging to a branch. Ramie' (Fr.), the fibre of Rhea, Boehmeria tenacissima, Hook. & Arn. ramif erous, -rus (ramus, a branch, fero, I bear), bearing branches, ra- mose; Ramifica'tion, -tio (facio, I make), the scheme of branching or separation into branches ; ramifi- ca'tus (Lat.), branched ; ramiflor'- ous, -rus, (fios, floris, a flower), flowering on the branches ; ra'mi- form, ramif orm' is (forma, shape), shaped like a branch ; ramip'arous (pario, I bring forth), producing branches, ramose ; ra'millary, term employed by Massart for those buds of climbers which develop into short branches, fruit or leaves, cf. SARMENTARY ; ra'mose, ramo'sus, ra'mous, branching, having many branches ; ramosis'simus, very much branched ; ramify, to branch ; Ra'mulet, used by Grew for the vascular strands in the shell of a nut ; ra'mulose, ramulo'- sus, having many branchlets ; Ra'mulus (Lat.), a branchlet ; Ramun'culus, a twig, the ultimate divisionof a branch; Ra'mus (Lat. ),a 220 Ramusculum reciprocal branch ; Ramus'culum (Lat.), -lus, (1) the same as ramulus, abranchlet; (2) :£"the mycelium of certain Fungals " (Lindley). Range, the region over which a given form grows spontaneously. Rank, a row, especially a vertical row. rapa'ceus (rapum, a turnip), fusiform or turnip -shaped. Ra'phe, pr. ra'phy, Raph'a (pafrj, a seam), (1) in a more or less anatro- pous ovule a cord or ridge of fibro-vascular tissue connecting the base of the nucellus with the pla- centa, the adherent funicle ; it may occur on the side of the ovule turned to the axis (ventral), or on the external face of the ovule, that is dorsal; (2) in Diatoms, the median line or rib of a valve, and may be heteropolar or isopolar (0. Mueller) ; (3) the suture between the carpels in Umbelliferae (Crozier). Raph'id, pi. Raph'ides, Raph'ida, or Rhaph'ides (/m0is, paQtdos, a needle), needle-shaped crystals in the cells of plants ; raphid'ian, pertaining to raphides ; ~ Cell, one which contains raphides ; Raph'idines, Radlkofer's term for free, needle-shaped cells, with partly lignified cellulose- walls, occurring amongst phloem- islands in certain Acanthaceae ; raph'ioid (elSoy, resemblance) Fi'bres, Roulet and Chodat's term for the preceding. rare -ripe, early ripe, precocious ; rath-ripe (Crozier) means the same. ra'rus (Lat., not close or thick), thinly placed, not congested. Ratoon', a shoot from the root of a plant which has been cut down (Crozier). Raumpar'asit (Germ. ) = AULOPHYTE. raven - black, in Latin pyttus, coracimis. ra'vidus, ra'vus (Lat.), grey or tawny, applied to doubtful tints. Ray, Ra'dius, (1) the marginal por- tion of a Composite flower, when distinct from the disk ; (2) a branch of an umbel, a partial umbel; ~ Flo'ret, ~ Flow'er, an outer floret, ligulate or tubular, of Compositae. Recaules'cence (re, back, + Caules- cence), the adnation of leaves on their stalks to the stem (C. Schimper). Recep'tacle, Receptaf culum (Lat., a reservoir), (1) that part of the axis which bears one or more organs, the torus ; (2) in Fungi, variously applied, usually a hollow or cup- like body containing other bodies, as (a) Leveill^'s term for a sporo- phore ; (6) = STBOMA ; (c) an apothecium in Ascomycetes ; (d) a pycnidium ; (e) the inner portion of the sporophore sup- porting the gleba in Phalloideae ; (/) a cup of the Lichen-thallus, which contains soredia ; (3) the placenta; ~ of a Flow'er, the axile part of the blossom which supports the sepals, petals, stamens and pistils ; ^ of In- flores'cence, the rhachis or axis of the head, spike, or other dense cluster ; ~ of Oil, a cyst containing an oily secretion, as in the rind of an orange ; «- of Secre'tion, any cavities of the interior containing special pro- ducts ; Recepta'cula accidenta'lia, indeterminate passages filled with secretion ; ~ caeciform'ia, £ the vittae of the fruit of Umbelliferae ; ^ Suc'ci prop'rii ; ~ tubulo'sa, = CINENCHYMA, laticiferous vessels ; <~ vesiculo'sa, receptacles of oil ; receptac'ular, receptacular'is, per- taining to the receptacle, or attached to the receptacle ; ~ Tube, the calyx-tube. recep'tive (N. Lat. receptivus), having the quality of receiving ; — Spot, (1) the point in the oosphere of Ferns, etc. , where the antherozoids enter ; (2) that hyaline spot on a large planogamete where it will coalesce with a small (male) planogamete. Recess', = SINUS. recip'rocal (reciprocus, going back- ward and forward), mutual > ^ 221 reciinate Regularity Hy'brids, hybrids between the same parents, each being fertilized by the other. rec'linate,rec/«'na'£ws (Lat., bent back), turned or bent downward ; re- cli'ned, recli'ning, having its base on the ground, also one plant pressed on another. reclu'sus (Lat. , laid open), improperly used for indusus. recon'ditus (Lat. , concealed), hidden, not readily seen. Recrudes'cence (recrudesce, to open afresh), the production of a young shoot from a ripened infructescence. rectiflo'rus (rectus, straight,/os,/oHs, a flower), where the axes of the florets are parallel to the main axis of the inflorescence, as in some Compositae ; rectiner'ved, rectiner'- vis, -vius (nervus, a nerve) ; rec- tive'nius (vena, a vein), straight- veined, parallel-veined, as in grasses ; Rectipetal'ity (peto, I seek), Voechting's term to express the tendency of organs to grow in a straight line ; rectise'rial (series, a row), in straight ranks ; rec'tus, in a right line, straight, not curved. recur'vate, recur' ved, recur' vus (Lat., bent back), curved backward or downward. recuti'tus (Lat., skinned), apparently bare of epidermis. red, a general term for the most vivid of the primary colours, in Latin ruber ; ~ -brown, porphyreus according to Lindley ; ~* Snow, discolouration of snow by Haema- tococcus nivalis, Agardh, etc. Redu'ced Ves'sels, a term used by Rothert for (a) replacement of bordered pits by simple pits, (6) an incomplete development of the thickening bands and their looser arrangement. Reduc'tlon (reductio, a leading back), diminution, as of the number of chromosomes in nuclear division; *•* Division = NUCLEAR REDUCTION. redu'plicate, reduplica'tus (Lat., doubled) = redu'plicative, redupli- cati'vus, doubled back, a term of aestivation when the edges are valvate and reflexed ; Reduplica'- tion, an increase of parts by the insertion of additions on the same plan, as of whorls, etc. reflec'ted (rejlecto, I bend back), reflexed. reflexed', reflex' us (Lat., bent back), abruptly bent or turned downward or backward ; Reflexion, a terato- logical change in position. Reflores'cence (refloresco, to blossom anew), flowering again, a second blossoming. refract'ed, refrac'tus (Lat., broken), bent sharply from the base back- ward. Regeneration (regeneratio, a repro- duction), vegetative growth after amputation and the drying of the wound. Regermina'tion (regermino, I sprout again), resumption of germination after it has been completely inter- rupted (L. H. Bailey). Re'gion, the area occupied by given forms ; ~ of Distribution, Watson's term for the British regions defined by him. Re'gma (prry^a, a fracture), . a fruit with elastically opening segments or cocci, as in Euphorbia, a form of schizocarp ; Re'gmacarp, Regma- car'pium (icapiros, fruit), a general name for a dry and dehiscent fruit. Regression (regressio, a retreat), Galton's term for REVERSION ; re- gres'sus (Lat., gone back), (1) the same as REFLEXUS ; (2) the change from one organ into that which preceded it, as of petals into sepals. reg'ular, regula'ris (Lat. , according to rule), uniform or symmetrical in shape or structure ; of a flower, ac- tinomorphic ; <~ Pelo'ria, peloria which have not produced their nor- mal irregular parts; regulariflor'ous (flos, floris, a flower), when a disk or head of Compositae contains only tubular florets ; regulariform'is (forma, shape), approximating regularity ; Regularity, symmetry. 222 Rejection-nuclei Resin-Tube Rejec'tion-nu'clei, pi., certain nuclei which do not become part of the functional oospheres, the nuclei of abortive oospheres (Hartog). Rejuvenescence (re, back, juvenesco, I grow young), the formation of a new cell from the protoplasm of a cell already existing ; meta- gam'etal ~, see METAGAMETAL REJUVENESCENCE. Reliq'uiae(Lat. , leavings) = INDUVIAE. remote', remo'tua (Lat., distant), scattered, not close together, the same as ranis. renar'ius (renalis, pertaining to the kidneys), reniform. Renew'al, the act of forming anew ; "" of Cells = REJUVENESCENCE. re'niform, reniform' is (renes, the kidneys, forma, shape), kidney- shaped ; reniform'i-corda'tus, com- bined heart and kidney shape, as the leaves of Asa/rum europaeum, Linn. Ren'net, vegetable, an enzyme which curdles milk, found in the flowers of Galium verum. Linn., and other plants. Repair', making good, as ~ of Waste, restoring the spent material. repand', repan'dus, repan'dous (Lat., bent backwards), with slightly un- even margin, less so than ' 'sinuous. " re'pent, re,' pens (Lat., creeping), pros- trate and rooting. Replacement, a theory of fertilization which assumes that the female cell gets rid of certain elements which leaves it an imperfect cell until fusion with the male cell replaces them. Reple'tum (repletus, filled), a fruit with the valves connected by threads, persistent after dehiscence, such as in Orchids, Aristolochia, and some Papaveraceae. rep'licate, replica' tus (Lat., folded back), doubled down, so that the upper part comes against the lower; replicative,repfo'ca£i'vMs = replicate. Re'plum (Lat., door-case), (1) a frame- like placenta from which the valves fall away in dehiscence; (2) fre- quently used so as to include the septum of Cruciferae in the term. Reproduc'tion, increase (a) asexually from one individual, (6) sexually from two individuals or organs ; reproduc'tive, applied to parts which share in reproduction ; ~ Cells, cells which have no power of further vegetative development, but by coalescence give rise to a product which forms the starting point of a new plant ; ~ Or'gans, the parts especially con- cerned in the production of seeds, spores, and analogous bodies ; in Phanerogams, the stamens and pistils. rep'tant, rep' tans (Lat., crawling), REPENT ; creeping on the ground and rooting. Res herba'ria (Lat.), the science of plants ; botany. Reserve' (reservus, laid up), a storage; ~ Cellulose, a special thickening in the cells of seeds, such as the date, which can be turned to ac- count in germination as food mate- rial ; ~ Mate'rial, the plastic products of metabolism, assimi- lated food material in a resting condition, as starch and other carbohydrates ; ~ Pro'teid, nitro- genous substances stored in the plant, as proteids, amides, etc. ; ~ Tra'cheids, tracheid-like cells from the parenchyma sheath, for the storage of water (Heinricher). resilient (resiliens, springing back), springing or bending back, as some stamens. Res'in (resina, rosin), a term applied to a group of oxydised hydro- carbons, solidified or hardened tur- pentine, and insoluble in water ; «- Cell, a cell which secretes resin ; — Ducts, canals which contain fluid resin ; ~ Flux, an unnatural and abundant flow of resin caused by the attack of Armillaria mellea, Sacc. on Conifers ; — Gland, a group of cells which form resin ; ^ Glut = RESIN-FLUX ; ~ Pas'sage ; ~ Tube, an intercellular passage containing 223 resiniferous retrogressive resin, a resin-duct ; resiniferous, -ru8 (Jero, I hear), secreting resin ; Res'inocyst (Ki5 , oxygen is absorbed, but no carbon dioxide is given off; it occurs in the early stages of ger- mination of oily seeds (Detmer) ; adj. respi'ratory, as ~ Cavity, «*- Cham'ber = STOMATIC CHAMBER. res'tant (Crozier) ; res' tans (Lat., standing still), persistent. restib'ilis (Lat., restored), perennial. res'ting, in a dormant state ; ~ Cell, an isolated cell which has passed into a quiescent state ; ~ Nu'cleus, a nucleus not in the act of division ; ^ Pe'riod, the time during which dormancy is maintained, the in- volution period ; ~ Sporan'gium, dormant gonidia of such Fungi as Saprolegma, which ultimately give rise to swarmspores; ~ Spore, a spore with a thick integument, needing time before germinating, usually passing the winter or dry season in a dormant state ; ~ Stage, the resting period ; ~ State, quies- cence, as of winterspores, or dor- mant bulbs. resu'pinate, resupina'tus (Lat., bent back), upside down, or apparently so, as when the hymenium of a Fungus is uppermost. Resurrec'tion Plants, those which after being dried, when placed in water assume their living position, as Anastatica and Selaginella lepi- dophylla, Spring. Retarda'tion, the influence of light on growth in certain structures. Re'te (Lat., a net), network; retic'- ulate, reticula'tuSy netted like net- work, as in certain cell- thickening ; <~ veined, netted veined ; reticu- la'ted Ves'sel, one with netted thickenings (Crozier) ; Reticula'- tion, network, the regular cross- ings of threads ; Retic'ulum (Lat., a little net), (1) a membrane of cross-fibres found in Palms at the base of the petiole ; (2) applied to the network of linin in the nucleus ; retif erus £ (fero, I bear), re'tiform, retiform'is (forma, shape), apparently netted. retinacula'tus (Lat.), hooked ; Re- tina'culum (Lat., a tether), (1) the gland to which one or more pollinia are attached in Orchids ; (2) in Asclepiads, a horny elastic body to which the pollen-masses are fixed, the Corpusculum of Bent- ham, Pollen-carrier of N. E. Brown, Translator of the Germans ; (3) the f unicle in most Acanthaceae, which is curved like a hook, and retains the seed till mature. retiner'ved, retiner'vis, retiner'vius (rete, a net, nervus, a nerve), net- veined. retrac'tus (Lat., drawn back), when cotyledons are so far prolonged at their base as to completely hide the radicle. Retort' Cells, special enlarged cuticu- lar cells with an apex more or less recurved in Sphagnum. retrocur'ved, retrocur'vus, retrocurva'- tus (retro, backward, curvus, curved), recurved, bent back ; retroflex'ed, retrqflex'us (Lat. ), bent back, reflexed ; retrofrac'ted, retrofrac'tus (Lat.), refracted. Retrogression (retrogressus, a movement backward), reversion or development towards simpler organisation ; retrogressive, de- cadent in structure; ^Metamorph'- osis, in teratology the occurrence of organs of lower grade in place of the normal structures, aa 224 retrorse Rhizinea pistils converted into stamens or petals. retrorse', retrod sum (Lat.), directed back ward or down ward; retror'sely aculeate, with prickles turned back or down, as in Galium Aparine, Linn. retroser'rate (retro, backward, ser- ratus, sawed ) = RUNCIN ATE ; retro- ver'ted, retrover'sus, inverted ; Retrover'sio (Lat. ), an inversion. Ret'ting, steeping flax or hemp in water to obtain the fibro- vascular portion freed from the cellular. retuse', retu'sus (Lat., blunted), with a shallow notch at a rounded apex. reversed', rever'sus (Lat., turned back), upside down, resupinate ; Rever'sion,7?et;er/^o, a change back- ward, as to an earlier condition. revolu'bilis (Lat.), capable of being rolled back ; rev'olute, revolu'lus (Lat. ), rolled back from the margin or apex ; revoluti'vus (Lat. ), in aestivation when the edges roll back spirally on each side, as in Rosemary. Revol'ver Flow'ers, Kerner's term for those flowers "which exhibit within their outer portals a number of fine tubes resembling the barrels of a revolver. " revol'ving Nuta'tion (Sachs), = CIR- CUMNUTATION. Rhabarb'arin, a proximate principle of rhubarb ; rhabarbari'nus, rhu- barb-coloured, the colour of the officinal root, orange brown. Rhab'doid (/ki/35os, a staff, eI5os, re- semblance), a rod-shaped body found in the cells of the tentacles of Drosera, and in the mesophyll cells of Dionaea, becoming more spherical on stimulation ; Rhab'- dolith (Xt'0os, a stone), a detached portion of a Rhab'dosphere (ri, a seam), usually spelled RAPHE. Rhaph'is, pi. Rhaph'ides (pa&s, a needle), more usually occurring as RAPHIS and RAFHIDES. Rhe'gma, = REGMA. Rhe'ine, a proximate principle of the officinal rhubarb, Rheum. Rheot'ropism (ptw, I flow, rpoir^, a turning), the phenomena in a growing organism produced by the influence of a current of water (Jonsson) ; adj. rheotrop'ic. rhexigenet'ic (prjfc, a rending, yevos, offspring), the origin of tissues when formed by mechanical rupture (De Bary) ; rhexolyt'ic (\£, a leaf), Schuett's name for a compound pigment in Algae, consisting of Phycoerythrin and Floridean Green ; rnizopbyl'- lous, when roots proceed from the leaves ; Rbi'zophyte (vrov, a plant), = RHIZOPHAGIST ; Rhi'- zopbylla'ceae (tj>v\\ov, a leaf, + aceus], a division of Ferns pro- posed by E. Newman for those in which the fronds are attached to the rhizome or root ; rhizopliylla'- ceous, resembling such Ferns ; Rhl- zophy'sis = RHIZIOPHYSIS ; Rhizo- podlum J (TOI/J, 7ro5os, a foot), the mycelium or ' ' spawn " of Fungi ; Rhizotax'is, Rhizotax'y (rd^is, order), the system of arrangement of the roots ; Rhi'zula £ the protonema of Mosses, etc. rhodel'lus (p6Sov, a rose), rosy pink ; rhodoch'rous (xpfa, colour), rose- coloured, pink ; Rhod'ogen (yevos, offspring), an easily oxidizable body in the beet (Reinke) ; rhodo- leu'cus (Xei//c6s, white), reddish white ; Rnodol'ogry (\6yos, dis- course), that part of botany which treats of roses; Rhod'ophyll (v\\oi>, a leaf), a name for the compound pigment of the Red Algae (Reinke), cf. RHIZOPHYLL ; Rhodosperm'in (~ En'- dosperm, mottled in appearance, due to the infolding of a dark inner layer of the seed-coat into the lighter coloured endosperm. run'cinate, runcina'tus (runcina, a large saw), saw-toothed or sharply incised, the teeth retrorse. Run'dle, used by Withering for UMBEL ; and Run'dlet, for a partial or secondary umbel. Run'ner, a stolon, an elongated lateral shoot, rooting at intervals, the intermediate part apt to perish, and thus new individuals arise ; run'ning, repent, reptant. rapes' tral (rupes, a rock), H. C. Watson's term for plants of walls and rocks ; rupes'trine (Crozier), rupes'tris, growing among rocks, or as Lichens, on rocks ; some write it rupes' 'ter ; Rupic'ola (colo, I inhabit), a plant which dwells among rocks ; adj. rupic'olous. rup'tile rup'tilis (ruptus, broken), dehiscing in an irregular manner ; ruptiner'vis, ruptiner'vius (N. Lat.), when a straight -ribbed leaf has its ribs interrupted and swollen at intervals; rup'turing, bursting irregularly. rura'lis (Lat., rustic), growing in peculiarly rural places as the thatch of a cottage. rus'ciform (Ruscus, forma, shape), with leaflets recalling the shape of the phyllodes of Ruscus acuLeatus, Linn. rus'sus (Lat.), red; russet, when meaning reddish-brown. Rust, a fungous disease in cereals caused by Puccinia graminis, Pers. ; it is also applied to other diseases of plants from similar attacks; 229 rusty Sambucene rus'ty, rubiginose, ferruginous, the colour of iron rust. ru'tilant, rut'ilans, rut'ilus (Lat., red, glowing), used for plants having glowing flowers : red, orange, yellow, or an admixture of these. rytidocar'pus (purls, pvridos, a wrinkle, Kd/>7ros, fruit), when the surface of the fruit is covered with wrinkles. sabulic'ola (sabtdum, sand, colo, I in- habit) ; sab'ulose, sabulo'sus, grow- ing in sandy places ; Henslow prints the former word sabuti'colus ; sab'uline (Crozier) is a synonym. Sac (saccus, a bag), a pouch, as Air ~, an empty cavity in the pollen of Pinus ; Em'bryo ~ , see EMBRYO - SAC; sac'cate, sacca'tus, bag-shaped. sacchara'tus (aaccharum, sugar), sugary, or yielding sugar, as the sap of some species of maple ; sac- cliariferous (fero, I bear), sugar- bearing ; sacchari'mis (Lat.), sugary ; Sac'charose, cane-sugar. sac'ciform, sacciform'is (sacctcs, a bag, forma, shape), bag-shaped ; Sac'- culus (Lat., a little bag), the peridium of some Fungi ; Sac'cus, sometimes applied to the coronet of Stapelia, etc. Sac'cophytes (s, a sack, vrbi>, a plant), Schuett's term for all plants which are not PLACOPHYTES. Sacel'lus (sacellus, a little bag), J a one- seeded indehiscent pericarp, inclosed within a hardened calyx, as the Marvel of Peru. Sachs's Cur'vature, a curved growth of the root, due to a difference in the rate of growth of the two sides of the organ (Wiesner). Sack = SAC. sad' die-shaped, applied to such valves of Diatoms as those of Coscinodis- cus. Saffron, the dried stigmas of Crocus sativus, Linn. , which yield a yellow dye ; <~ col'oured, = crocatus. Sagit'tal, sagittate, sagitta'tus (sagitta, an arrow), enlarged at the base into two acute straight lobes, like the barbed head of an arrow ; sagit'tiform, sagittiform'is (forma, shape), arrow-shaped. Sa'go, granulated starch obtained from the pith of certain palms, especially from species of Sagus. Saint- ValerV Ap'ple, a monstrosity in which the petals are sepaloid, the stamens absent, and a double row of carpels present. Sal'ep, the dried tubercles of some species of Orchis, also spelled Sal'op, Saloop'. Sal'icin, a glucoside occurring in the bark of willows, species of Salix ; Salicyrous Acid occurs in many flowers, especially of Spiraea, pro- bably by oxidation of its corre- sponding alcohol, SALIGENIN. sa'lient (saliens, springing forward), projecting forward. Salig'enin, an aromatic substance formed by the decomposition of SALICIN, etc. saline', sali'nus (sal, salis, salt), (1) consisting or partaking of the qualities of salt ; (2) growing in salt-marshes ; ~ Mat'ters, chemical salts occurring in plants, the union of acids with bases. salmo'neus (salmo, a salmon) ; sal- monic'olor (co/or, colour), salmon- coloured, pink with a dash of yellow. Salpigan'thy (oy, decayed, 0iXeo>, I love), applied by Pound and Clements to those Fungi which feed on "offal." sati'vus (Lat.), that which is sown or planted, as opposed to spon- taneous or native. satura'te-vi'rens (Lat.), green as grass ; a full deep green. sau'sage- shaped, allantoid. Sautellus (Fr. sautelle, a vine shoot), a bulbil, such as those of Lilium tigrinum, Ker; misprinted by 231 saw-toothed schistaceous a Henslow as " Santellus " with an erroneous derivation. saw-toothed or sawed, serrate. sax'atile (Crozier), saxa'tilis (Lab.), dwelling or growing among rocks ; sax'icole, saxic'oline, saxic'olous (colo, I inhabit), growing on rocks as do many Lichens ; Saxic'ola, a dweller among rocks, printed by Henslow as " saxi'colus " ; saxi- fragous (frag, the root of frango, I break), rock-breaking, as plants which grow in crevices seem to be ; saxo'sus (Lat.), stony. Scab, a disease due to various Fungi, causing roughness of the cortex ; in the potato it is ascribed to Sorosporium scabies, Fisch. de Waldh., in the United States attri- buted to Oospora scabies, Thaxter. sca'ber (Lat.), rough, scurvy; scab'- rate, scabra'tus, made rough or roughened ; scab'rid, scab'ridus ; scab'ridous (Lat., rough), some- what rough ; scabrid'ulous, and scabridius'culus, slightly rough ; Scabrlt'ies (Lat.), roughness of surface ; scab'rous, = SCABER, rough to the touch. scalar'iform, scalariform'is (scalaris, pertaining to a ladder, forma, shape), ladder- shaped, having markings suggestive of a ladder; **» Duct, <~ Ves'sel, a vessel having scalariforni markings, as in many Ferns ; ~* Mark'ing, an elongated pit of a scalariforni vessel (Crozier). Scale, (1) any thin scarious body, usually a degenerate leaf, some- times of epidermal origin ; (2) a trichome, if disc-like ; ~> Bark, outer bark which is thrown off in scale-like portions, as in the plane- tree ; ~ -formed, shaped like a scale; - Leaves, cataphyllary leaves, usually on underground shoots, but sometimes on the above- ground portions. scalToped, crenate. scalpel'liform, scalpelliform'is (seal- pellum, a lancet, forma, shape), shaped like the blade of a pen- knife ; often set vertically. sca'ly, squamose, scarious ; ~ Buds, leaf-buds of a strong character, that is, well protected by scales ; ~ Bulb, one having separate scales, as in lilies. scan'dent, scaridens (Lat. , climbing), climbing, in whatever manner. Scape, Sea' pus (Lat., a stem), (1) a leafless floral axis or peduncle arising from the ground, as in Cyclamen ; (2) the stipe of Fungi ; Scapel'lus $ the neck or caulicle of a germinating embryo (Lindley) ; sca'peless, destitute of a scape. Scaphid'ium (scaphium, a hollow vessel), the sporangium of Algae ; Scaph'ium J the keel of a papilion- aceous corolla ; Scaph'obrya (fipvu, I sprout), a term applied to the Marattiaceae, an order of Ferns in which the frond rises from between two stipular appendages forming a socket. scaph'oid (os, hard, avdos, a flower), an achene enclosed in an indurated portion of the calyx- tube, as in Mirdbilis ; Sclerench'- yma (tyxvpa, an infusion), (1) formerly applied to stone-cells, SCLEREIDS ; (2) afterwards proposed for bast or liber cells, which are immensely thickened, with their protoplasm lost ; «~ Cells, all thick-walled cells which retain their protoplasm (Tschirch) ; adj. sclerenchy/matous ; as ~ Tis'sue, composed of thick-walled cells ; Scle'reid, a sclerotic or stone- cell, a strongly thickened or ligni- fied cell; it is sometimes spelled Scle'rid ; scle'rised, sclerosed ; Scler'oblast (/3Xaopew, I carry), bearing cups ; Scypnog'eny (yevvdw, I produce), Morren's term for the production of ascidia ; scy- ph'ose, possessing scyphi ; Scy- pn'ulus, the colesule or vaginule of Hepaticae. 234 Scytinum sectus Sc/tinum (uv, a tube), a pericentral elongated tube in the frond of Polysiphonia and allied Algae; sipho'neous, relating to Algae possessing tubular structure ; Siphoniphy'ton ((pvTov, a plant), a Composite with all its florets tubular ; Sipho'nogam (yd^os, marriage), plants fertilized by means of pollen-tubes, all Phanero- gams ; adj. siphonogam'ic, sipho- nog'amous, the condition being Sipnonog'amy ; siphonoste'lie (6s, a heap), (1) a cluster of sporangia in Ferns ; (2) inSynchitrieae, a group of sporangia from a single swarm-cell ; (3) a heap of soredia forming a powdery mass on the surface of a thallus. spadic'eous, apadi'ceus (op{a), I carry), (1) the placenta ; (2) the funicle ; Sperm'aphytes (vrov, a plant), used to include both Angiosperms and Gymno- sperms ; all plants except Cryptogams (Sachs) ; adj. sperm- aphyt'ic ; Spermapod'ium or Sperm- apodoph'orum (irous, 7ro56s, a foot), a branched gynophore in Umbelli- ferae ; Sperma'rium, Gibson's term for Sperm'ary, employed by T. J. Parker for a male organ of repro- duction, as a gamete ; Sperm'atange, Spermatan'gium (ayydov, a vessel), (1) the antheridium of Bangiaceae (T. Johnson) ; (2) by A. Braun em- ployed for spermogonia and an- theridia generally ; Spermat'ia, pi. of Sperma'timn, male non-motile gamete-cell ; Sperm' atid, Sperm- atid'ium (e?Sos, resemblance), (1) the mother-cell of antherozoids ; ! (2) formerly used for an Algal spore ; spermatif erous (fero, I bear) ; spermatig'erous (gero, I bear) bearing spermatia ; Spermato- conid'ium ( + CONIDIUM), A. Braun's term for SPERM ATIUM ; Spermato'- cyst, Spermatocystid'ium (KI/O-TIS, a bag), the mother-cell of antheridia, especially of Mosses ; Sperm'atocyte (KVTOS, a hollow), (1) Goebel's term for the preceding; (2) used by Shaw for four primary organs, each containing a pair of blepharo- 245 plastoids, the eight secondary or spermatid mother-cells each con- tains two blepharoplasts (Coult. Bot. Gaz. xxvi., Dec. 1898, p. 449) ; Spermatocy'tium (KIJTOS, a hollow vessel), a simple sporangium con- taining spermatozoids (A. Braun) ; Spermatogam'ete, Hartog's term for a male gamete ; Spermatogen'- esls (yeveais, a beginning), the development of the male elements, antherozoids, pollen-grains, and analogous bodies ; Spennatogon- idlum (+ GONIDIUM), A. Braun's term for SPERMATOZOID ; Sperm- atogo'nium (yovos, offspring), the male gametogonium, a cell which divides to form gametes, or itself passes into the state of one (Hartog); Spermatoid'ium, one of ' ' small cells containing gonidia in Algae " (Lindley); Spermatokal'ium (/caXid, a cabin), name given by Gibelli to the perithecium of Verru- caria ; spennatokine'tic (KIV-VTUCOS, having the power of movement), tending to produce the male element in plants ; Sperm'atophore (00/3&J, I carry), a structure bearing a spermatium ; Sperm'atophyte (0U7W, a plant), a Phanerogam, a plant with true seeds ; Sperm' - atoplasm (TrXaoywt, moulded), the protoplasm of a male cell ; Sperm'- atoplast (TrXacrros, moulded), a male sexual cell ; Spermato- sphae'ria, pi. (ew, I carry), the gynophore in Umbelliferae ; Spermogem'ma (gemma, a bud), Camel's term for ARCHEGONIUM ; Sperm'ogone, Spermogon'ium (761/05, offspring), a cup-shaped receptacle in which spermatia are abjointed, differing from a pycnidium by its smaller spores ; Sperm'o-nu'cleus = SPERM-NUCLEUS ; sperm' ous = SPER- MIC; Sperm'ophore, Spermoph'orum J (roV, a plant), cited by Crozier for a Phanerogam or flowering plant ; Spermothe'ca J (QriKi}, a case) = PERICARP; Sper- m'um, a seed or its analogue. sphac'elate (o-0ci/ceXos, gangrene), dark and withered as though dead ; Sphacel'ia, formerly a genus, now known to be the conidial stage of ergot, Claviceps piirpurea, Tul. ; Sphac'elic Ac'id is derived from ergot (Tubeuf). Sphaeraph'ides (a, a sphere, pa^is, a needle), clusters of crystals in plant-cells of a more or less spherical form ; Sphere -crys'tals and Sphe'ro-crys'tal are synonyms ; Sphere-yeast, a growth form of Mucor which resembles yeast ; Sphaerench'yma (tyxvpa, an infu- sion), spherical cells composing cellular tissue, as the pulp of fruits. sphaeria'ceous, resembling or allied to the Fungus genus Sphaeria. Sphaer'ites (crficupa, a sphere), starch grains which have been asserted to be crystallized bodies ; Sphaero- bacte'ria (+ BACTERIA), bacteria with extremely small rounded cells which become detached ; Sphaero- blas'tus J (/SXaoros, a bud), a coty- ledon which rises above ground, bearing at its apex a rounded tumour (Lindley) ; sphaerocar'pous (Kapwos, fruit), when a fruit is globular; sphaeroceph'alus (Ke^aXi), a head), having flowers in a close globular head ; cf. SOROSIS ; Sphaerochor'isis ( + CHORISIS), the division of an axis in all direc- tions, as in "witches-broom," etc. (Fermond) ; Sphae'ro-crys'tals = SPHAERAPHIDES ; Sphaerophy'tum (0vroV, a plant), a Fern, its spor- angia being globular; sphae'roid (elSos, resemblance), globular, any solid figure approaching that of a sphere ; ~ Cell, a reserve-receptacle in some calcareous Lichens (Zukal); syn., spheroi'dal ; Sphae'rospore, Sphaerospor'a (cnropa, a seed), a name proposed in substitution for TETRASPORE ; Sphaer'ula, a globose peridium emitting sporidia buried in pulp (Lindley) ; ~ ascig'era, the receptacle of certain Fungi (Lind- ley) ; Sphe'roblast (jSXao-ros, a bud or shoot), a wood-ball on the beech and other trees, from a dormant eye, disconnected from its vascular bundles (Ward) ; spher'ical, sphe'- ricus, relating to a sphere ; sphe'ri- cu8 Li'mes = ORBICULAR ; Spher'- ules, rounded bodies occurring in the sporangioles of Selaginella (Janse). Sphagne'tum, Warming's term for a Sphagnum bog ; sphag'nous, sembling or allied to the g Sphagnum. Sphalerocar'pum, -pium (oy, un- steady, Kapiros, fruit), an accessory fruit, as an achene in a baccate calyx-tube. Sphingoph'ilae (vpiy&w, to be full of sap), rankness (Berkeley). Spi'ca (Lat.), = SPIKE. spi'cate, spica'tus (Lat., spiked), like a spike, or disposed in a spike j genus 246 spiciform Spiricle spi'ciform, spiciform'is (forma, shape), spike-like ; spicif erous, •rue (fero, I bear) ; spiciflor'us (/os, floris, a flower); spicig'erous, -rus (gero, I bear), bearing flower spikes; spi'cose, and spi'cous (Crozier) = spiCATE ; Spic'ule, Spi'c- ula (spiculum, a small needle), (1) a diminutive or secondary spike ; (2) the point of a basidium in Fungi; also (3) their aciculae ; (4) a fine, fleshy, erect, point (Lindley) ; spic'- ular, spiky ; spic'ulate, spicula'tus, with a surface covered with fine points ; Spicula'tion, Nylander's term for a hyphal constriction in spore-formation, the extremity be- ing left as a spicule. Spike, Spi'ca (Lat., an ear of corn), (1) an indeterminate inflorescence, with flowers sessile on a common elongated axis ; (2) an aggregation of sporophylls at the apex of the shoot ; com'pound ~ , an inflor- escence consisting of spikes. Spi'kelet, Spic'ula, a secondary spike, a cluster of one or more flowers subtended by a common pair of glumes, as in grasses. Spil'us J (o-TriXos, a stain), the hilum in grasses. Spi'na (Lat. ) = SPINE. Spin'dle, any structure which in shape suggests a thread-spindle ; ~ Fi'bres, the achromatic filaments which make up the nuclear spindle ; <~ Pole, an extremity of the nuclear spindle; <~ Hairs, resembling malpighiaceous hairs, attached centrally, with the ends hooked (De Bary) ; ^ shaped = FUSIFORM ; Achromatic ~ , or Nu'clear ~ , the thread-like protoplasmic figures in nuclear division between the poles. Spine, Spi'na (Lat., a thorn), a sharp - pointed woody or hardened body, usually a branch, sometimes a petiole, stipule, or other part ; Spine-arm, in the genus Najas, the representative of a barren stigma (Rendle) ; ~ Cell, ( 1 ) a transitional ~ ABM (Rendle); (2) in Chara, certain cells of the cortex on the inter- nodes, ending in a spine ; Spines of the leaves, as of Holly, hardened extremities of the lobes, or spiny elevations ; Spinel'la (dim. of spina), a prickle ; spinello'sus, armed with small spines or hairs ; spines'cent, spines'cens, ending in a spine or sharp point ; spinif'erous, -rue (fero, I bear), bearing thorns ; spi'niform (forma, shape), thorn- like ; spi'niger, spinig'erous (gero, I bear), bearing or producing thorns ; spinifo'lius (folium, a leaf), having spiny leaves ; spini- car'pous (Kapir&s, fruit), with spiny fruit ; spi'nose, spino'sus, spi'nous, spiny, having spines ; Spin'ula (Lat. ), Spin'ule, a diminutive spine; spinules'cent, slightly spiny, or having spinules ; spinulif erous, •rus (fero, I bear), having small spines ; spin'ulose, spinulo'sus, with small spines or spinules ; spi'ny, beset with spines, or resembling a spine. spi'ral, spira'lis (spira, a coil), as though wound round an axis ; <~ Duct, a spiral vessel; ~ Flow'er, when the members are arranged in spirals and not in whorls; ~ Mark'ings, secondary deposits in tracheids ; ~ Phyllotax'y, see PHYL- LOTAXY; ^ Tor'sion = TORSION; ^ Ves'sels, ducts having markings in a spiral form. Spi'ralism ((nretp^dtjs, spiral-shaped), monstrosity of a flower due to torsion. Spire (ffireipa, a twist), (1) a young leaf or shoot of grass; (2) "the continuation of the trunk in ex- current trees like pines " (Crozier) ; (3) one turn of a coil or twist. Spi'rem (mrelpruM, a coil), a pre- liminary stage of nuclear division as in Lilium, the nucleus assuming an involved filamentous condition or "ribbon" from which the chromosomes are formed. Spi'ricle ( Lay'er, a loose felt of hyphae in Geaster, connected with the inner peridium, and torn into flakes at maturity. spodoch'rous (o-irodbs, ashes, x/>6a, colour), of a grey tint. Spong'elet = SPONGIOLE ; Sponglole (spongia, a sponge), a name given to the root-tip, formerly thought to be a special absorbing organ, the Epiblema of Schleiden ; Spong'iola radica'lis, De Candolle's name for the root-cap ; <^ pistilla'ris, the extremity of the pistil, the stigma ; «~ semina'lis, the caruncle of certain seeds; spongio'sus (Lat.), spongy, soft ; spong'y, having the texture of a sponge, cellular and contain- ing air, as in many seed coats ; -" Cortex, cortical tissue with air- bearing intercellular spaces, fre- quent in water-plants ; ~ Parench'- yma, loosely aggregated tissue, or having conspicuous intercellular spaces. Sponsa'lia (Lat., espousals), Planta'r- um, t = ANTHESIS; the fertilization period. spontaneous (spontaneus, voluntary) Genera'tion, the assumed origin of living organisms from non-living matter. spoon'form, ' ' having the inner surface of a leaf concave or dish-shaped, as the outer leaves of a cabbage- head " (Crozier). Spor'a (o-TTo/xi, a seed), = SPORE ; ~- cellulo'sa, ~ composlta, ~ multi- locula'ris = SPORIDESM ; spor'al, relating to a spore ; ^ Arrest', par- tial or complete arrest of the development of the spores them- selves, and consequent loss of reproductive function (Bower). sporadic (o-iropadtKbs, dispersed), widely dispersed or scattered. Spor'ange, Sporan'gium (&, a seed, dyyeiov, a vessel), (1) a sac endogenously producing SPORES ; (2) £ "sometimes applied to the volva among Fungals " (Lindley) ; Sporangid'ium, (1) the columellaof Mosses; (2) "the spore-case of certain Fungals " (Lindley) ; Spor- ang'iole, Sporan'giola or Sporari- giolum, (1) a small sporangium in Mucorini produced in addition to the larger sporangia ; (2) formerly used for Ascus ; (3) organs of an endophyte in Sdagindla, composed of filaments rolled into the shape of a ball (Janse) ; (4) Sporangiolum is used in a double sense by Lindley (a) for spore, (6) a case containing sporidia; Sporangioliferuin (fero, I bear), the axis on which the thecae of Ferns are borne (Lindley); sporangif erous, bearing sporangia ; Sporan'giophore, Sporangioph'orum (0o/5ew, I carry), a sporophore bearing a sporangium, such as the sporophyll in Equisetum, or the columella in Ferns; sporangioph'- orous, bearing sporangiophores ; 248 Sporangism sporogenous Sporan'gism, the condition of pro- ducing sporangia ; Sporan'giospore (crTropd, a seed), a term proposed for the spores of Myxogastres ; Sporan'gium, cf. SPORANGB. Spore, Spor'a (a-rropd, a seed), a cell which becomes free and capable of direct development into a new bion ; in Cryptogams the analogue of seed in Phanerogams, understood by Saccardo as a BASIDIOSPORE ; further particularized by C. Mac- millan into Pri'mo-, Secun'do-, Ter/- tio-, Quar'to-, and Quin'to- spores, according to their assumed develop- ment; ~ Bul'bils,abortiveapothecia in certain Lichens ; <•* Case, = SPORANGIUM; ~ Cell, a spore, or a cell which gives rise to a spore (Crozier) ; ~ Group, = SPORIDESM ; ~ Hy'brid, a hybrid arising in the gametophytic stage; ~ Initials, small processes borne by the fertile hyphae of Graphiola, which pro- duce spores by one or more bi- partitions of their contents (E. Fischer) ; ~ Lay'er, a layer of mother- cells of the spores of Phascum ; <- Sport, a variation arising from a sexual reproductive act ; cf. ~ Hy'brid ; Spor'eling, a young plant from a germinated spore; Spor'e- plasm (ir\d/*a, a skin), the integument of a spore ; Spor'ocyte (KI/TOS, a hollow), Goe- bel's term for the mother-cell of a spore ; Sporocy'tium, a simple spor- angium containing spores( A. Braun) ; Sporodo'chium, pi. Sporodo'chia ' (doxtiov, a holder), the sporiferoua apparatus in Fungi belonging to Tuberculariae, cf. SPORIDOCHIA ; Sporogam'ia (70/^0?, marriage), term which has been suggested for the heterosporous Cryptogams; Sporo- gem'ma (gemma, a bud), A. Braun's term for the oogonium (nucule) of Chara ; Spor'ogen (7^05, off- spring), a plant which bears spores, a Cryptogam ; sporog'enous, pro- ducing spores ; ~ Fil'aments, Olt- mann's term for certain outgrowths of the fertilized carpogonium of Sporogone spurred Dudresnaya ; the ooblastema-fila- ments of Schmitz ; •+> Lay'er = HYMENIUM ; ^Nu'cleus, the nucleus resulting from the fusion of the nuclei of the spermatium and the carpogonium of Florideae (Olt- mann); Spor'ogone, Sporogo'nium (70^, progeny), the sporocarp in Muscineae, the whole product of a sexual act remaining attached to the oophyte or plant bearing the sexual organs ; spor'oid (elSoj, resemblance), spore-like (Crozier) ; Sporomyce'tes (/urf/ojs, a mush- room), Marchand's term for a group to comprise Myco-, Siphon-, Theca-, and Basidio-mycetes ; Spor'ophore, Sporoph'orum (opew, I carry), (1) £ the PLACENTA; (2) a branch or portion of a thallus which bears one or more spores; (3) in Ferns and Mosses, the SPORO- PHYTE ; Sporophy'as, A. Braun's term, the same as Sporophyd'ium (dimin. of 0fds, a shoot), T. F. Allen's term for the nucule of Characeae while still unfertil- ized ; Spor'ophyll, Sporophyl'lum ((jHjXXov, a leaf), (1) a leaf which bears spores ; (2) a leaf-like division of the thallus of an Alga bearing fruit, as in Carpodonium, adj. sporophyl'lary ; ^ Leaves, stamens and pistils ; Spor'ophyte (vrov, a plant), in Ferns and Mosses, the plant in the life-cycle of alternation which produces spores; Sporosteg'- ium (ffreyos, a covering), the cellular envelope of the nucule in Chara (Allen) ; Sporota'mium £ (rafji.e'iov, a storehouse), the cellular layer im- mediately beneath the disk of the shield of a Lichen ; Sporothala'mia (0d\a/ios, a bed-chamber), com- pound or branched sporophores, as of fruticose Lichens or Agarics (A. Braun) ; Spor'ozoid ({MOV, a living creature, elSos, resemblance), a ZOOSPORE. Sport, variation starting from a bud or seed. Spor'ula, Spor'ule (dim. of SPORA), (1) a small spore ; (2) a spore pro- duced in a perithecium, but not in an ascus (Ellis and Everhart), formerly used vaguely for spore ; sporuliferous, -rus (fero, I bear) ; sporulig'erus (gero, I bear), bearing sporules ; sporulig'enous (76/05, offspring), producing sporules ; Sporula'tion, the production of spores (Crozier). spot'ted, when colour is disposed in spots on a ground of a different colour. spread'ing1, having a gradually out- ward direction, as petals from the ovary. Spring-wood, the wood produced early in the year, characterized by larger ducts and cells than the later growths. Sprout, a shoot or germinated seed ; <~ Cell, one produced by sprouting, or vegetative growth ; <~ Chain, a chain of cells so produced ; <~ Gem'ma, = CHAIN - GEMMA ; ~ Gerrnina'tion, the germination of a spore in which a small process, or germ -cell, protrudes from the surface, becomes cylindric, and finally abjoints as a SPROUT-CELL. sprout' ing, the form of an excrescence in a cell, becoming cut off by a transverse wall; ^ Fun'gus, growth- form in which the thallus consists of a sprout-cell or chain. spumes'cent, spumes'cens (spumeus, foamy), froth-like in appearance ; spu'mose, spumo'sus, frothy. Spur, (1) a hollow and slender ex- tension of some part of the flower, usually nectariferous, as the calyx of Larkspur or the corolla of the Violet ; (2) sometimes a solid spur- like process ; (3) a contracted lat- eral bearing shoot, sometimes, in forestry, with a few foliage leaves in a tuft, and a terminal bud ; (4) a buttress-like projection of a tree- trunk ; (5) see ERGOT ; foliar ~ , a short branch, bearing leaves only; fruit <~ , a short branch which bears blossom buds, as in the Peach; spurred, calcarate, producing a spur. spurious Standard spu'rious, spur'ius (Lat., illegitimate), counterfeit, false ; ~ Branch, = PSEUDORAMULUS ; <~ Dissepiment, a partition in fruit but not from the primary infolding of the margins of a carpel or upward growth of the torus ; ~ Fruit = PSEUDOCARP ; ~Tis'sue, cell-aggregation of felted hyphae in Agarics, or of coenocytes in certain Algae ; ~ Whorl, organs developed at different times, which, by some displacement, appear at the same level. Squa'ma (Lat., a scale), a scale of any sort, usually the homologue of a leaf ; «** fructif era, a seminiferous scale; squama'ceous (+ aceous), scaly ; squa'mate, squama'tus, furnished with scales ; Squama'tio, the unnatural formation of rosettes of scale-like leaves as in the Rose- Willow ; Squamel'la, diminutive of SQUAMA, a scale of the second order, or reduced in size, as in the disk of Composites ; squainellif"- erous, -us (fero, I bear), scale- bearing ; squamel'liform (forma- shape), shaped like a scale ; Squamellula, (1) a sub-division of the pappus-limb in Compositae; (2) a scale-like appendage within the tube of certain corollas ; squamlf erous, -rus (fero, I bear), bearing scales ; squamiflo'rus (flos, floriSy a flower), having a perianth of scale-like bracts, but not disposed round an axis as in Coniferae ; squa'iniform, squamiform'is (forma, shape), scale-like; squamig'erous (gero, I bear), scale - bearing ; squa'moid (eUos, resemblance), squamiform (Crozier) ; squa'mose, squamo'sus, squa'mous, scaly or scale-like; ~ Bulb = SCALY BULB (Crozier) ; squa'mulate = SQUAMU- LOSE (Crozier) ; Squa'mule, Squamf- tUa, the hypogynous scale of grasses, the lodicule ; squa'muli- form, squamuliform'is (forma, shape), resembling a small scale ; squa'mulose, squamulo'sus, beset with small scales. Bquar'rose, squarro'sus, squar'rous (Lat., rough, scurfy), rough or scurfy with spreading and out- standing processes, as the tips of bracts; squarro'so-denta'tus, having teeth which do not lie in the plane of the leaf, but at an angle ; ~ squar'rulose, squamdo'sus, diminu- tive of squarrose. stag-head'ed, a forester's term for a tree which is bare of leaves at the top. Stalk, any lengthened support of an organ, as the seta of a Moss ; stalked, borne on a stalk ; - Gland, a glandular hair ; Stalk'let, a secondary petiole, the stalk of leaflets. Sta'men, pi. Sta'mina, or Sta'mens (OTTIIJMV, a filament), a male sporo- phyll in a flower, one of the elements of an androecium con- sisting of anther and filament ; ster'ile ~ a body belonging to the series of stamens, but without pollen ; stam'inal, stamina' Us, stamina' 'ris, stamin'eal, staminea'lis, relating to stamens, or consisting of stamens; stam'inal Col'uinn = ANDROPHORE ; ~ Leaves, the stamens regarded as metamor- phosed leaves ; Stam'inalpode (irovs, irodos, a foot), Goethart's name for the organs in the androecium of Malvaceae which produce the stamens on their margins ; stam'- inate, applied to flowers which are wholly male; stamin'eous, -neus (Lat., consisting of threads), relating to stamens ; Staminid'ium, pi. Staminid'ia = ANTHERIDIA ; staminife'rous, -rus (fero, I bear), staminig'eroufl (gero, I bear), stamen - bearing; Sta'minode, Slamino'dium, (1) a sterile or abortive stamen, or its homologue, without an anther; (2) = ANTHERIDIUM (Gray's Manual, ed. i., p. xxxvi) ; Stam'inody, the con- version of other floral organs into stamens ; stam'inose, stamino'sus, when the stamens form a marked feature of the flower. Stan'dard, (1) the fifth or posterior 251 stans steUular petal of a papilionaceous corolla ; (2) a tree or bush with a clear stem. stans (Lat., standing), supporting itself in an erect position. Star-rings, small central steles in the fossil Medulloseae. Starch, a carbohydrate of the same percentage composition as cellulose ; an amylose which occurs abund- antly in grains as a reserve material in plants; ~ Buil'der, a plastid which forms the starch-grain ; ~> Cellulose, the framework of starch- grains, remaining after the soluble parts have been removed ; ~ Genera' tors = LEUCOPLASTIDS ; "- Grain, ~ Gran'ule, a body of de- finite shape, varying according to the plant which produces it, having the appearance of parallel layers around a hilum ; ~ Lay'er, a form of Bundle Sheath, consisting of a single layer of cells filled with small grains of starch ; <- Pro- du'cer = LBUCOPLASTID ; ~ Star of Chara stdligera, Bauer, stellate nodules or internodes on the roots, filled with starch ; ~ Sub'stance, A. Meyer's term for the pure- starch material, apart from any associated or transformed matters which may be also present. star'ry, stellate. starved, when a plant or part is less developed than the normal con- dition, by want of nourishment. Stas'imorphy (or0^, shape), a deviation from the normal arising from arrest of development; Stasis, used to denote the retardation especially of longitudinal growth. State, the most trivial variation from the type. Sta'tion (static, a standing still), botanically means a partieular locality for a given plant. Statosper'mus (trrdros, standing still, cr-jrepfia, a seed), when a seed is straight or erect within the peri- carp; Stat'ospore (wopa, a seed), a resting spore. Staurogam'ia (o-rau/jos, a stake or j, yd^os, marriage), Delpino's term for cross-fertilization ; adj. staurogamlc ; Stau'ros, in Diatoms, (1) the central nodule of the valve ; (2) a transverse band without markings ; staurophyl'lus ((fitiXXov, a leaf), cruciate. Ste'arin (areap, suet), an abundant ingredient of animal and vegetable fats ; Stearop'tene ( + TTTyvbs, winged = volatile), a solid crystallizable matter allied to camphor, present in many essential oils. Steglum (orey?;, a roof or covering), term proposed by Miers for the thread-like appendages sometimes found covering the style of Ascle- piads; Steg'mata, pi. flat, tabular cells in certain Ferns, etc. , contain- ing a mass of silica in contact with their inner wall (Mettenius) ; also termed Covering-plate ; stegocar'- pous (/ca/>7Tos, fruit), applied to those Mosses whose capsules have a dis- tinct operculum. stelar (CTTTJX^, a pillar), possessing a stele ; Stele, an axial cylinder of tissue passing from the plerome into the older tissues, in which the vas- cular tissue is developed ; some- times more than one, cf. POLYSTELY, SCHIZOSTELY ; ste'lic, relating to a stele or its tissues. Stelidlum, pi. Stelid'ia (6\\ov, a leaf), narrow leaved ; Steno'sis, (1) cell-formation with constriction of the original cell- wall ; (2) the contraction of a passage. stephanocar'pus (ffre(pav68r}s, wreath- ing, KapTTos, fruit), with fruit ar- ranged so as to resemble a crown ; Stephanodophy'tum (vTi>v, a plant), a plant producing an in- ferior achene, as Compositae ; Stepha'noum, £ a synonym of CREMOCABP and CYPSELA. Ste'reid (o-repeos, solid), a lignified cell from the stereome ; Ste'reom or Ste'reome, the elements of a bundle which impart strength to it, the fibres, or strengthening tissue generally (Schwendener) ; Ste'reo- plasm (Tr\dew, I carry), that part of the style of Compositae which bears the stigmas ; stig'- matose, stigmato'sus, provided with stigmas, or having them conspicu- ous ; Stigmataste'mon J (ar-fi^uv, a filament), a body formed by the union of anthers to the stigma (De Candolle); Stig'mula, a division of a stigma, when present. still, dormant ; ~ Spore, a resting spore. Stilogonid'ia= STYLOGONIDIA. Stilt-roots, the oblique adventitious roots of the Mangrove and similar forms (Kerner). Stim'uli, pi. of Stim'ulus (Lat., a goad), = STING ; stim'ulous (Lat.), stinging ; stim'ulose, stimulo'sus, covered with stinging hairs ; Stim'- ulus, the particular active agent which produces definite changes in the organism, as moisture, light, etc. Sting, a hollow hair seated on a gland which secretes an acrid lymph, as in nettles. Sting'ing-nair = STING. sti'pate (stipatus, surrounded), pressed together, crowded ; Stipa'- tion, an accumulation in the tissues or cavities. Stipe, Sti'pes(La,t., a stock or trunk), a support such as (1) the stalk which bears the pileus of Agarics ; (2) the " leafstalk " of a Fern ; (3) the support of a gynaecium or carpel. Stipel'la, Stipel'lum (dim. of STIPULA), a minute stipule on a partial petiole of compound leaves ; stip'ellate, stipetta'tus, furnished with Stipellae. Stipel'lus (dim. of STIPES), a synonym of the FILAMENT of an anther. stipif erus £ (stipes, a stock, ferot I bear), bearing small flower-stalks, as the receptacle of some Com- posites ; sti'piform, stipif orm' is (forma, shape), having the appear- ance of the trunk of an endogenous tree, as the Papaw ; stip'itate, stipita'tus, having a stipe or special stalk; stip'itiform, stipitiform'ia— STIPIFORM. stip'ticus = STYPTICUS, astringent. stipula'ceous, -ceus ( STIPULA -j-acews), (1) belonging to a stipule ; (2) with large stipules ; stip'ular, having stipules, or relating to them ; stip'ulary, (1) occupying the place of stipules, as some tendrils ; (2) formed of stipules (Crozier). stip'ulate, stipula'tus, stipular'is, (1) having stipules, or conspicuously provided with them ; (2) with scales which are degenerate stipules ; stip'ulaefonn, stip'u- liform (forma, shape), shaped as though a stipule ; Stipulation, Stipula'tio, the arrangement of the stipules ; Stip'ule, Stip'ula (Lat., stubble), an appendage of a leaf on each side of the leaf-insertion of those plants which possess them ; stipulea'nus, resulting from the transformation of a stipule ; stip- ulif erous, -rus (fero, I bear), bear- ing stipules ; Stip'ulode, a stipular 254 fitipulose Straw organ of one cell, in one or more rows subtending the branchlets in Chara; stip'ulose, stipulo'sus, hav- ing very large stipules. stirpa'lis J (stirps, a trunk, a plant), growing upon a stem ; Stirps, pi. Stir'pes, (1) a race or permanent variety, as the Red Cabbage ; (2) formerly equivalent to species. Stock, (1) a synonym of RACE; (2) the stem which receives the scion in grafting; (3) a caudex or rhizome which emits roots. Stole, Stolon, Stol'o (Lat., a shoot), a sucker, runner, or any basal branch which is disposed to root ; stoloniferous -rus (fero, I bear), sending out or propagating itself by stolons ; stolon'iform (forma, shape) Stem, " a slender creep- ing stem with minute leaves" (Dixon and Jameson). Btom'a, pi. Stom'ata (o-ro^ta, a mouth) or Sto'mate, (1) a breathing pore or aperture in the epidermis, sur- rounded by two guard-cells, leading into an intercellular space com- municating with internal tissue ; according to Tschirch of four types ; angiosper'mal ~, archego'nial, *- eiso'dial~, and opisthe'lial ~; (2) the ostiole of certain Fungi, cf. EPIPHRAGMA ; sto'matal, stomat'ic, pertaining to stomata ; stomat'ic Cells = GUARD-CELLS; stomatifer- ous, -rus (fero, I bear), bearing stomata ; Stomat'ium = STOMA ; stom'atose, in Mosses, possessing stomata ; Stom'ium, an opening on the side of Fern-sporangia, between the lip -cells, through which dehiscence takes place. Stone, the hard endocarp of a drupe ; ~ Cells, the individual cells which have become hardened by second- ary deposit, the components of sclerogen ; ~ Fruit, a drupe such as a plum or peach. Stool, (1) a plant from which offsets or layers are taken; (2) when several stems rise from the same root, as in wheat. Stop'per, a word applied by Archer to the callus-plates in Algae ; ** of Pollen, hyaline protoplasmic deposits in pollen-tubes (Degaguy). Stop'ples, the projections or lids in pol- len-grains which fall away to admit of the passage of the pollen- tube. strag'gling, divaricate. Stor'ax, = STYRAX. Stra'gulum J (Lat., a covering), the paleae of grasses. straight, in a right line, not curved ; - ribbed, ~ veined, when the ribs run in a straight line, as in the leaves of many Monocotyledons. Strain, (1) in atavism, the influence of some ancestor ; (2) a slight variety of race. Stra'men (Lat.), straw; straminellus (N. Lat.), some what straw-coloured ; stramin'eous, -neus, straw-like or straw-coloured. Strand, a bundle of vascular tissue, resembling a cord ; ~ Mycelium = mycelial strand. Strand-plants, used by C. Macmillan for shore plants. stran'gulated (strangulatus, choked), contracted and expanded in an irregular manner. Strap, the ligule of a ray floret in Compositae (Crozier) ; ~* shaped, ligulate or lorate. Stra'ta, pi. (stratum, a layer), layers of tissue ; Stratification (facio, I make), the successive deposition of layers on the cell-wall, and the arrangement of the said layers ; strat'ifled, disposed in layers ; ^ Thallus, a Lichen thallus in which the gonidial layer or layers are evident ; stra'tose, in distinct layers (Crozier) ; Stra'tum, a layer of tissue ; <~ cellulo'sum, the bark layer next within the epidermis; ~ corticale, any bast layer; ^ gonidiale, <~ gon'imon, the algal layer in Lichens; ~ lig'neum, a layer of wood ; <~ medulla're, the medulla or pith ; ~ sporidiif erum, the flesh of Agarics; ~ sporoph'- orum, the hymenium of Fungi. Straw, the jointed hollow culm of grasses. 255 Streaming Strychnin Stream'ing, the flow of protoplasm, as in Myxogastres. streptocar'pus (oreir-ros, twisted, Kapirbs, fruit), when fruit is marked by spiral stripes. Stri'ae, pi. (stria, a furrow), markings on the valves of Diatoms which present the appearance of lines ; stri'ate, stria' 'tus, marked with fine longitudinal parallel lines, as grooves or ridges; Stria'tion, of cell-wall, markings believed to be due to the manner of formation in bands by the protoplasm. strict, stric'tus (Lat., drawn together), close or narrow and upright, very straight. Strig'a (Lat., a swathe), "a small straight hair-like scale " (Henslow). strig'illose (strigilis, a currycomb), = STRIGOSE (Henslow) ; stri'gose, strigo'sus (Lat., lank, meagre), beset with sharp-pointed appressed straight and stiff hairs or bristles ; hispid. Stri'olae, pi. (stria, a groove), lines of minute pustules on the outer sur- face of cells of Sphagnum (Spruce) ; stri'olate, finely striate. strike, to emit roots, as from a cutting. String, any fibre or strand (Crozier). striped, marked with longitudinal stripes of colour. Strob'il = STROBILE; strobila'ceous, •ceits (vTov, a plant), with cruciform petals (Henslow). suav'eolent, suav'eolens (Lat.), sweet- smelling, fragrant. sub (Lat.), under or below, in com- pounds usually implies an approach to the condition designated, some- what, or slightly; subacau'lis ( + ACAULIS), with the stem hardly apparent; sub'acute (+ ACUTE), somewhat acute ; subaer'ial (aerius, airy), situated almost on the ground level, as a rhizome which is covered with leaves, etc., but above the soil ; subapicula'ris ( + APICULARIS), when the stem is prolonged be- yond an inflorescence without branch or leaf ; subapic'ulate, with an ill-defined point ; subarbores'- cent (+ ARBORESCENT), with a tendency to become somewhat tree - like ; subarchespor'ial ( + ARCHESPORTAL) Pad, Bower's term for a cushion-like group of cells below the archesporium in Lyco- podium; subax'ile (+ AXILE), nearly axile ; subaxillary, below the axil ; subbiator'ine ( + BIATO- RINE), somewhat as in the Lichen genus Biatora ; subbilocula'ris ( + BILOCDLARIS), with partitions which do not quite join, but leave a small interval ; subbys'soid ( + BYSSOID), somewhat cobwebby ; subbif ido - rum'pens J (+ BIFI- DUS), " bursting into somewhat two divisions" (Lindley); sub- caules'cent (+ CAULESCENT), with a very short stem, a trifle more developed than acaulescent ; sub- ces'pitose (+ CAESPITOSE), some- 257 Subclass subpedunculate what tufted (Crozier) ; Sub'class (+ CLASS), a group of Orders or Cohorts next in rank to a Class, or intermediate between Class and Cohort; subconcat'enate (+ CON- CATENATE), growing in imperfect chains or connections; subcon'ical ( + CONICAL), slightly conical ; subcontin'uous (continuus, un- broken), rarely or imperfectly septate (Crozier) ; subcon'volute, subconvolu'tus ( + CONVOLUTE), partially convolute ; subcor'date ( + CORDATE); subcordifor'mis ( + OORDIFORM), somewhat heart- shaped ; subcre'nate ( 4- CRENATE), obscurely crenate ; suboul'trate ( + CULTRATE), slightly cultrate ; sub- den'tate (+ DENTATE), imperfectly dentate ; subdentic'ulate ( + DENTI- CULATE), with small or imperfect marginal teeth; subdifform'is ( + DIFFORMIS), having some amount of irregularity ; sub'effuse ( + EFFUSE), slightly spreading ; sub'- entire (+ ENTIRE), having very slight marginal incisions ; subepi- derm'al (+ EPIDERMAL), below the epidermis ; ~ Tis'sue, = HY- PODERMA. Su'ber (Lat., the cork-oak), cork or phellogen ; suber'eous, = suberose ; Suberifica'tion (facio, I make), or Suberiza'tion, conversion into cork, cutinization ; su'berized, con- verted into cork ; ~ Mem'brane, with cell- walls turned into cork ; Su'berin, the substance of cork, nearly the same as cutin ; su'berose, subero'sus, su'berous, corky in tex- ture. sub'erect, suberect'us (sub, somewhat, + ERECT), nearly erect, but nod- ding at the top (Babington) ; sube- rose' (+ EROSE), slightly gnawed in appearance. Sub'ex (Lat., support, underlay er), that part of the axis which bears cataphyllary leaves (Kerner). Subfam'ily (sub, below), a Suborder or group of genera within an Order ; subflex'uose ( + FLEXUOSE), somewhat wavy ; subgenic'ulate ( + OENICULATE), slightly bent or kneed; Subgen'us (+ GENUS), a group, ranking as a section, or possibly a true genus held doubt- ful ; subglobose' ( + GLOBOSE), nearly globular ; subgluma'ceous (+ GLUMACEOUS), somewhat glu- maceous ; subhyme'nial ( + HY- MENIAL), below the hymenium ; ~ Lay'er or Subnyme'nium, = HYPOTHECIUM. Subic'ulum (Lat., an underlayer), a felted or byssoid stratum of hyphae, bearing perithecia. subim'bricate, subimbrica'tus (sub, somewhat, + IMBRICATE), some- what overlapping ; subinsip'idus (insipidus, tasteless), almost devoid of flavour ; subja'cent (jacens, lying), lying just below (Dixon & Jameson); Subking'dom, the main division of a kingdom, a primary botanic division, as Phanerogams and Cryptogams. subla'tus (Lat., lifted up), when the ovary has a support, real or ap- parent. sublentic'ular (sub, somewhat, + LENTICULAR), more or less doubly convex ; sublit'toral ( + LITTORAL), employed by H. C. Watson for those plants which have a tendency to grow near the sea, but not actually shore-plants; submar'ginal ( + MARGINAL), near the margin. submerged', submersed', submer'sus (Lat., dipped or plunged under), growing under water ; submersib'i- lis, capable of existing when sub- mersed. subnas'cent (subnascor, I grow up under), growing or arising from below some object. subni'ger (sub, somewhat, + NIGER), = NIGRICANS ; sub'nude (nudus, naked), nearly destitute of covering, as leaves or hairs ; sub'obtuse ( + OBTUSE), slightly obtuse or blunt ; suborbic'ular ( + ORBICULAR), nearly circular ; Subor'der, Subor'do, a group of genera lower than an order ; subo'vate ( + OVATE), some- what ovate ; subpedunc'ulate ( -f 258 subpetiolar Succlnosia PEDUNCULATE), supported on a very short stem ; subpet'iolar, subpetio- la'ris, subpet'iolate ( + PETIOLATE), under the petioles, as the buds of Platanus ; subperipnaerlcus (+ PERIPHEBIC), nearly peripheric, used of an embryo, such as in Atriplex(S. F. Gray); subramealis ( + RAMEAL), growing on a branch below a leaf ; subra'mose, sub- ramo'sus, subra'mous (+ RAMOSE), (1) having a slight tendency to branch ; (2) with few branches ; subrig'id ( + RIGID), slightly rigid ; subro'seus ( -f ROSEUS), somewhat rose-coloured, pinkish ; subrotund' ( + ROTUND), roundish ; subscyph/i- form (+ SCYPHIFORM), somewhat boat-shaped ; Subsec'tion ( + SEC- TION), the division of a genus below a section, a small section ; subser'rate, sub-terra' tus (+ SER- RATE), vaguely serrate ; subses'sile (+ SESSILE), nearly sessile, almost devoid of a stalk ; Sub'slirub, an under-shrub, or small shrub which may have partially herbaceous stems. Subsidiary (subsidiarius, serving for support) Cells, certain epidermal cells which are less thickened or situated lower than the guard- cells which they surround (Stras- burger). subsim'ple (sub, somewhat, -f SIMPLE), with few divisions ; Subspe'cies, a group of forms ambiguous in rank, between a variety and a species, usually marked by an asterisk,* ; Subspor'al (a-n-opa, a seed) Cells, applied to certain colourless cells in Pithophora, found in spore- bearing individuals (Wittrock). Sub'stitute (substitutes, put in place of) Fi'bres, like libriform fibres, but a much reduced form of pro- senchyma, the " Ersatzfasern " of Sanio. Substomat' ic (sub, below, + STOMATIC) Cham'ber, = STOMATIC CHAMBER. substra'tose (sub, somewhat, + STRATOSE), somewhat stratified, or in layers. subtend' (subtendo, I stretch under- neath), to extend under, or be opposite to ; subten'ding Leaf, that leaf whose axil gives rise to a bud or peduncle. subterete' (sub, somewhat, + TERETE), somewhat terete ; subtrop'ic ( + TROPIC), applied to half-hardy plants which in temperate climates can thrive in summer only. subterra'neous, subterra'neus (Lat.), underground. Sub'tribe (sub, under, + TRIBE), a division between a tribe and a genus. Su'bula (Lat., a small weapon), a fine sharp point ; Su'bule, Duval- Jouve's term for the terminal, non- twisted portion of the awn of grasses ; su'bulate, subula'tus, awl-shaped; Su'buli, pi., "the aciculae or sharp processes formed by some Fungals " (Lindley) ; su'bulifer, subuliferous (fero, I bear), bearing sharp points ; su' bull- form, subuliform'is (forma, shape), awl-shaped. subum'bellate (sub, somewhat, + UM- BELLATE), somewhat umbellate, as the inflorescence of some Rosaceae. Subvari'ety, Subvari'etas (sub, under, + VARIETY), a trifling variety or form. subven'tricose (sub, somewhat, -4- VENTRICOSE), somewhat inflated ; subvertic'illate (+ VERTICILLATE), in imperfect or irregular whorls. Succeda'neum (succedaneus, substi- tuted), a substitute. Successive (successivus, following) Whorl, one whose members did not originate simultaneously, but in succession. succif erous (succus, sap, fero, I bear), producing or conveying sap. succinc'tus ( Lat. , ready ) = CIRCIN A- TUS. succin'eus or sucin'eus (Lat., of amber), amber-coloured ; Suc'cinite, the commonest and best known form of amber, resin exuded by Pinus succinifera, Goepp., J ; Suc- cino'sis, Conwentz's term for an 259 succlse Superficies abnormal occurrence of resin in fossil amber-trees. succise', succi'sus (Lat., cut off), as if abruptly cut or broken off at the lower end. suc'cose, succo'aus (Lat., juicy), suc- culent, sappy. suc'cubous, -bus (Lat., lying under), the oblique insertion of distichous leaves of Hepaticae, so that the upper overlaps the lower on the dorsal side of the stem, as in Plagiochila. suc'culent, succulen'tus (Lat., sappy), juicy. Suc'cus (Lat., sap), any juice which can be expressed from a plant. Suc'ker, (1) a shoot of subterranean origin ; (2) an haustorium, some- times restricted to the penetrating organ or papilla. Su'crase (Fr., Sucre, sugar, + ase), = INVEBTASE ; Su'crose ( + ose), a group of sugars, such as cane- sugar and maltose. suffrutes'cent, suffrutes'cens (sub, somewhat, frutex, a shrub), ob- scurely shrubby ; Suffru'tex, an undershrub ; suffru'ticose, suffru- tico'sus, suffrutic'ulose, somewhat shrubby. sufful'tus, (1) supported or propped ; (2) Sufful'tus, a plate or disc form- ing the basis of a bulb ; when much lengthened gives rise to the term Bulbus suffultus (Endlicher). Su'gar, a group of sweet, crystalline substances and soluble in water (sucroses and glucoses) ; Beet <~ extracted from specially selected strains of Beta vulgaris, Linn.; Cane ~, or saccharose, from Sac- charum officinarum, Linn.; Fruit ~ = LAEVULOSE ; Grape <- = GLU- COSE or DEXTROSE ; Inver'ted ^ , occurs in some ripe fruits and honey dew; Ma'ple ~, from Acer saccharinum, Wangenh. ; Palm <~ from species of Arenga, etc. sul'cate, sulca'tus (Lat., furrowed), grooved or furrowed. Sul'ci, pi. of Sul'cus, (1) small grooves or FOSSULAE in some Diatom valves ; (2) lamellae of certain Fungi (Lindley); sul'ciform (forma, shape) = SULCATE. sulfu'reous, etc., see SULPHURE- OUS, etc. Sulphobacter'ia (sulphur, brimstone + BACTERIA), those microbes which reduce sulphur out of its solutions ; sul'phur-col'oured, = SULPHUREUS ; ~Rain, pollen from pines brought by currents of air ; Sulphurar'ia, Planchard's name for Algae which reduce sulphates from waters con- taining those salts ; sulphurel'lus, slightly sulphur-coloured ; sulphu'- reous, -reus, the colour of brim- stone, a very pale yellow ; sulphures'cens, becoming sulphur- coloured ; sulphuri'nus, sulphury in tint. Sum'mer- spore, any spore which germinates quickly, and retains its vitality a short time only, as conidia and uredospores, in con- trast to winter- or resting-spores. Sum'mit, used by Grew and his suc- cessors for ANTHER. Sun-plants, plants which prefer full sun-light ; their stems are often short, the leaves have the palisade cells well developed (Willis). sup'er (Lat. ), above ; often modified into supra- ; superagrar'ian ( + AGRARIAN), a name applied to a zone which includes the region of vegetation in Great Britain above the limits of cultivation ; super- arc'tic, those plants which are confined to the highest zone in Great Britain, the most alpine of the flora in our islands ; super- axillary, super axilla' ris (+ AXIL- LARY), growing above an axil ; supercompos'itus = SUPRACOMPOS- ITUS ; Supercres'cence (cresco, I grow), a parasite (Crozier) ; super- cres'cent, growing above or on another body ; superdecom'pound = SUPRADECOMPOUND ; Superfe- cunda'tion (+ FECUNDATION), the union of more than two gametes. Superficies (Lat., the surface), Cor'poris, ~ Placenta'ris, "the 260 superficiarius sutural hymenium of certain Fungals " (Lindley). superficiar'ius (Lat., on another's land), on the surface of an organ. Super'flua, pi. of Super'fluum (super- jluus, overflowing), a Linnean order of Syngenesia (Compositae) con- taining plants with the florets of the disk hermaphrodite, and those of the ray female. Superfoeta'tion (super, above, + Foetation), the fertilization of aH ovary by more than one kind of pollen ; superfolia'ceous = SUPRA - FOLIACEOUS ; superfo'lius = SUPRA- FOLIUS. superior (Lat., higher), (1) growing or placed above ; (2) also in a lateral flower on the side next the axis : the posterior or upper lip of a corolla is the superior ; ~ O'vary, when all the floral envelopes are inserted below it, on the torus; Cf. HALF-SUPERIOR. superna'tant (supernatant, swimming above), floating on the surface. supernu'merary (supernum erarius, over and above), additional ; <~ Buds, are either ADVENTITIOUS <~, Or POSTVENTITIOUS ~ . Superpar'asite (super, above, + PARASITE), a parasite of a parasite ; Su'per-plant, a plant which grows upon another, either as an epiphyte or parasite. superpo'sed, superpos'itus (Lat., placed over), vertically over some other part ; Superposition, placed vertically, or in parts of the flower, opposite. Supertubera'tion (super, above, + TUBER), the production of second- ary tubers upon the normal primary tubers ; Superspe'cies ( + SPECIES), a group of sub-species or new 9 species regarded as an entity. supervac'uus (Lat.), redundant. supervolute', supervolu'tus, rolled over, when applied to plants, the same as CONVOLUTE ; supervolu'tive, supervoluti'vua, convolute aestiva- tion. supine', supi'nus (Lat., lying on the back), prostrate, with face turned upward. Supporting (supporto, I carry or bring up) Plant, a plant upon or in which another grows ; a host plant (Crozier). Suppression (suppressio, a keeping back), complete abortion. supra = above, in compounds from Latin ; supra-axillary ( + AXIL- LARY), growing above an axil ; sup- racom'posite, supracompos'itw, sup- radecompos'itus (compositus, com- posed), excessively subdivided ; suprafolia'ceous, -ceus (+ FOLIA- CEOUS), inserted above the petiole, growing above a leaf ; suprafolius (folium, a leaf), growing on a leaf ; supraterra'nepus, used by Spruce as the opposite of subterraneous, as <~ Perianth;c/. Spruce,Cephalozia, p. 92. supreme' (supremus, highest), as the top or highest point. surculig'erous, -rus (surculus, a young branch, gero, I bear), bearing suckers ; sur'culose, surculo'sus, producing suckers ; Sur'culus, (1) a sucker, a shoot rising from an underground base, as from the root ; (2) the leafy stem of Bryo- phytes and Lycopods (Bischoff ) ; Sur'culum is used by J. Smith for the rhizome of a Fern. surcur'rent (Fr., sur = upon, -f cur- rent = running), having winged expansions from the base of the leaf prolonged up the stem. Sur'face-yeast, the same as HIGH- YEAST. Sur'foyl, Grew's word for outer scales. sur' sum (Lat., upwards), directed upward and forward ; ~ hamulo'- sus, bordered with hooks pointing to the apex. suspend'ed, 8uspen'sus(L&t., hungup), hanging directly downward, or from the apex of a cell ; Suspen'sor (1) of the embryo, a thread of cells at the extremity of a developed embryo ; (2) the cell which supports the conjugating cell in Mucorini. su'tural, sutura'lis (sutura, a seam), 261 Suture symphiantherous relating to a suture ; Su'ture, (1) a junction or seam of union ; (2) a line of opening or dehiscence ; sutura'rius, possessing a suture. Swarm, a number of spores or unicellular Algae of similar origin, which remain in company without being united ; cf. ADELPHOTAXY ; <~ Cell, <~ Spore, a motile naked protoplasmic body, a zoospore ; Swarm' ers, zoospores ; swarming, moving by means of cilia, applied to zoospores. swim'ming1, used vaguely for aquatics which float or have floating leaves ; also restricted to those wholly immersed and free ; ~ Apparatus, in Azolla, three apical episporic spongy masses of tissue, surround- ing a central conical body with an array of fine filaments (Campbell). Switch-plants, plants whose leaves are wanting or reduced, with green shoots acting in place of leaves. sword-shaped, ensiform. sychnocar'pous, -pus (ffvxvos, frequent, Kapiros, fruit), able to produce fruit many times without perishing, as trees and herbaceous perennials. Sy/con = Sycon'ium, or Sy'conus (O-VKOV, fruit of the fig-tree), a multiple hollow fruit, as that of the fig. Syco'sis (o-ikwcris), a skin disease ascribed to species of Microsporon. Sygolli'phytum, error (?) for Syncolli- ph'ytum (VTOV, a plant), a plant in which the perianth becomes combined with the pericarp. Syl'va, or Sil'va (Lat., a wood), applied to an account of the trees of a district, or a discourse on trees ; syl'van, relating to woods ; sylvat'- icus or silvat'icus, growing amongst trees ; sylves'tral, used by H. C. Watson for plants which grow in woods and shady places ; sylves'tris or silves'tris, growing in woods ; sylves'trine (Crozier), growing in woods; Syl'vula, (1) a plantation; (2) a small SYLVA. sym, a modification of syn (abv], with ; Sym'bion (/3/os, life), an organ which lives in a state of SYMBIOSIS; Sym'biont (Symbio'tes, of Tubeuf), an individual existing in Symbio'- sis, the living together of dissimilar organisms, with benefit to one only, or to both ; also styled commen- salism, consortism, individualism, mutualism, nutricism, proto trophy and syntrophism ; antagonistic ~ is a struggle between the two organisms ; conjunc'tive ~ where the symbionts are intimately blended so as to form an apparently single body ; contingent ~ , when one plant lives in the interior of another for shelter, not parasitism, in Germ. Raumparasitismus ; disjunc'tive <~ when the association is only tem- porary (Frank) ; mutualis'tic ~ when of reciprocal advantage ; sym- bio'tic, relating to symbiosis ; ~ Sap'rophytism, the condition of a higher plant as a Phanerogam, in symbiosis with a Fungus (Macdougal). symmetran'thus (cru/A^erpfa, propor- tion, avflos, a flower), when a perianth is divisible into equal parts by several planes of division ; symmet'ric, symmetrical, (1) act- inomorphic ; (2) similar in the number of members in calyx, corolla, and androecium; sym- metricar'pus («ra/)7ros, fruit), a fruit which is symmetric, as first de- fined ; Sym'metry, Symmetries, cap- able of division into similar halves. Sym'pathy (0os, a flower), Morren's term for the adhesion of two or more flowers ; adj. sy nan' tide, syn- an'thous; Synanthrophy'tum (abv, with, a&p6os, crowded, (pvrov, a plant), a plant whose fruit is com- pounded of many carpels ; the word as cited by Henslow, seems to be an error for Necker's group Syn- athrophytum; Synan'tnrose, asugar found in the roots and tubercles of certain Compositae. Synap'sis (VVVATTTW, I join), the con- densation of the nuclear filament to one side of the nucleus previous to heterotypic mitosis. Synap'tase (vrbv, a plant), gynandrous. Syn'carp, Syncar'pium (ai>v, with, Kapirbs, fruit), a multiple or fleshy aggregate fruit, as the mulberry, or Magnolia ; syncar'pous, -pus, composed of two or more united carpels ; Syncar'py, the accidental adhesion of several fruits ; syn- cotyle'donous, -neus ( + COTYLEDON), 263 Syncyte systematic with coalesced cotyledons; Syn'cyte, Syncyt'ium (tcvrls, a small box), a structure derived from the more or less complete absorption of the cell- walls, which places their lumina in direct contact. syned'ral, syned'rous, -drus (o-foedpos, of the same seat), growing on the angles. Syne'ma (v, with, vypa, a thread), (1) the column of monadelphous sta- mens, as in Malvaceae ; (2) J that part of the column of an Orchid which represents the filament of the stamens (Lindley) ; Syner'gids, Symr'gidae (evvepyos, an assistant), the two nuclei of the upper end of the embryo sac, which with the third (the oosphere) constitute the egg-apparatus. Syn'gamete (v, with, + GAMETE), C. Macmillan's expression for the cell which arises from the fusion of two gametes ; cf. OOSPERM, ZYGOTE ; Syngenes'ia (y^eo-is, be- ginning), a Linnean class, with flowers having united anthers, Compositae; syngenes'icus = syn- genes'ious, syngenes'us, (1) with anthers cohering in a ring ; (2) belonging to the order Compositae ; Syn'grammae (ypd/jL^a, an outline), Diatoms with linear symmetry (0. Mueller) ; Synchor'ion J (xf>pi.ov, foetal membrane), Mirbel's name for CARCERULE ; synoch'reate ( + OCBEA), having opposite united stipules which enclose the stem in a sheath ; synoe'cious(or/cos,ahouse), havingantheridia and archegonia in one inflorescence ; bryologists seem to prefer the form synoi'cous. Syn'onym (ffwuvvfws, having the same name), a superseded or unused name ; Synon'ymy, all that relates to synonyms. Synoph'thy, the corrected abbrevia- tion of " Synophthal'my " (a-f/v, with, (500v, with, irtraXov, a flower leaf), = gamopetalous ; synprhi'zus (ptfa, a root), having a radicle whose point is united to the albumen ; synsep'alous, -lus (+ SEPALUM), gamosepalous, the sepals coalescent ; synsper'mous, adj. of Synsper'my (airep^a, a seed), the union of several seeds ; syn- spor'ous (v, with, o-rCXos, a column), the lid fixed to the columella in Mosses, and elevated above the capsule when it dries ; systy'lus, when styles coalesce into one body, as in Rosa systyla, Bast. tabaci'nus, pale brown, "tobacco- coloured ; " the name is from Nico- tiana Tabacum, Linn. Tabasheer', a siliceous concretion occurring in the joints of bamboo. Ta'bes (Lat., a wasting away), a disease, the loss of the power of growth and consequent wasting away ; tabes'cent, tabes' cens, wast- ing or shrivelling. Tablet (tabula, a board or plank), (1) the frustule of Diatoms when quadrangular ; (2) the rectangular colony of Qonium , Tab'ula, the pileus of certain Fungi ; tab'ular, tabida'ris, flattened horizontally ; <*" Roots, buttress-like roots of certain tropical trees (Kerner). tabula'tus, £( Lat., boarded orfloored), layer on layer. taenia'nus J (taenia, a band), long, cylindric and contracted in various places; taeniop'teroid, in fossil botany, resembling the genus Taeniopteris. Tag'ma, pi. Tag'mata (ray pa, an array), Pfeffer's term for all ag- gregations of molecules ; tagmat'ic Com'plex, a higher molecular system. Tail, any long and slender prolonga- tion ; ^ point'ed, excessively acu- minate, caudate ; tailed, said of anthers which have a prolongation from the loculus, which part is des- titute of pollen-grains. Tala'ra J (talaria, the winged shoes of Mercury), the wing or ala of a papilionaceous corolla. Talea (Lat. ), a cutting, a small branch for propagating. tall, exceeding the normal height. tangen'tial (tangens, touching), at right angles to the radial or med- ullary rays. Tan'ghin, the poison occurring in the ordeal poison plant of Madagascar, Cerbera Tanghin, Hook. Tan'gle, the same as SKEIN (Crozier). tan'kard-shaped, thickened and gradually enlarged downward, then suddenly contracted or ended, as some varieties of turnip (Crozier). Tan'nin or Tan'nic Ac'id, an important group of astringents, especially abundant in some barks, as that of the oak ; Tan'nin-sacs, ^ -ve'sicles, strongly refractive globular bodies in cells, which contain tannin. Tap-root, the primary descending root, forming a direct continuation from the radicle ; tap-root'ed, possessed of a tap-root. ta'per, cylindric but angular, and gradually diminishing towards the end ; ~ point'ed, acuminate, as the leaf of Salix alba, Linn. ; ta'pering, regularly diminishing in diameter. Tape'sium (rdir^, & carpet), dense and wefted superficial mycelium, having ascophores seated on it ; tape'tal, relating to the tapetum ; ~ Cell, cell of a tapetum ; ~ Lay'er = TAPETUM; Tapete', a suggested emendation of Tape'tum, a mem- brane of granular cells investing the sporogenous cells in the arche- sporium, absorbed as the spores mature. Taphrench'yma (rd^pos, a ditch, ZyxW0-) an infusion), = BOTH- RENCHYMA. Tapio'ca, prepared starch of the roots of several species of Manihot. Tarax'acine, a bitter crystalline principle found in dandelion, Taraxacum cfficinak, Weber. 265 tartareous leplirus tartar'eous, -eus (Mid. Lat., tar- trum, wine tartar), having a rough crumbling surface, like some Lichens. taw'ny, fulvous, a dull brownish- yellow. taxiform'is (taxus, the yew, forma, shape), arranged distichously like the leaves of yew. taxinom'ic = TAXONOMIO. Tax'is (rd£is, order), used by Czapek to express reaction of free organ- isms in response to external stimuli by movement; Taxit'ery (rcpas, a monster), a modification which is so slight as to admit of comparison with the normal form ; Taxol'ogy (\6yos, discourse) or Taxon'omy (t>6/j,os, law), classifica- tion ; Taxono'mist, one skilled in classification ; adj. taxonom'ic. Tear, a drop of gum or resin in its native state ; tear-shaped, like the pip of an apple, lachrymiform. Teeth, (1) any small marginal lobes; (2) in Mosses, the divisions of the peristome. Teg'men (Lat., a covering), (1) the inner coat of a seed, previously the secundine of an ovule : (2) £ the glume of a grass ; pi. Tegmen'- ta, the scales of a leaf-bud ; ~ folia'cea, fulcra'cea, petiola'cea, stipula'cea, modifications of leaves, stipules and petioles, petioles and stipules only (Lindley) ; tegmina'- tus (Lat.), when the nucellus is invested by a covering. tegument'ary (tegumen, a cover), re- lating to some covering ; Tegu- men'turn, (1) the indusium of a Fern ; (2) the spermoderm. Te'la(Lat., a web), elementary tissue, as meristem ; <~ contex'ta, a weft of distinct hyphae, felted tissue ; Ger. "Filzgewebe." teleian'tlius (reXeios, perfect, av0os, a flower), hermaphrodite. Teleol'ogy (reXeos, gen. of T£\OS, com- pletion, \6yos, discourse), the doctrine of final causes, or theory of tendency to an end ; adj. teleolog'ic. Teleutoconid'ium = Teleutogonid'ium ?, an end, + GONIDIUM), TELEUTOSPORE ; Teleu'tospore d, a seed), a resting bilocular spore of Uredineae on germination producing a promycelium. Telog'amae (reXoy, an end, 70^0?, marriage), Ardissone's term for Florideae j Telogonid'mm ( + GONI- DIUM), a gonidium arising from successive generations in the same cell (A. Braun) ; Tel'ophase (0d, a flower leaf), having four petals ; tetraphylet'ic (x^, beginning), with four vascular strands in a fibrovascular cylinder or stele. tetrari'nus (rer/aAs, four, apprjv, male), Necker's version of TETRANDROUS ; tetraschis'tic (vTov, a plant), a plant whose growth is thalloid, no clear distinction of leaf or axis ; Thal'- lus, pi. Thalli, (1) a vegetative body without differentiation into stem and leaf ; in Fungi the whole of the body which does not serve for reproduction ; (2) Goebel's term for the organ of attachment in Ter- niola, a genus of Podostomaceae, composed of coalesced dorsiventral branches ; ~ Gonidia, the gonidia in the thallus of a Lichen ; the Lichen thallus is subdivided into, ~ lepo'des, crustaceous; ~ pla'- codes, foliaceous ; -* thamno'des, fruticose. Tham'nium J (ddfivos, a shrub), the bushy thallus of such Lichens as Cladonia rangiferina, Hoffm. ; tham- noblas'tus (/SXao-ros, a bud), used by Koerber for a fruticose Lichen. Theba'ine (from Thebes, where opium was much employed), one of the crystallized alkaloids occurring in the opium poppy. The'ca (6-fiKij, a case), (1) the spor- angium of a Fern ; (2) the capsule of a Moss; (3):J: an anther; (4)£ used by Necker for the fruit of Myrtaceae; (5)J "a cell of any sort" (Lindley); (6) = Ascus ; (7) used by Vines for the loculua of an anther ; (8) "a hollow space in the pericarp formed by doubling of the endocarp " (Gray) ; The'ea- phore (0op^w, I carry), the stipe of a carpel, homologous with the petiole ; The'caspore (ffiropcL, a seed), = ASCOSPOBE ; thecaspor'- ous, used of Fungi which have the spores in Asci (Stormonth) ; theca'tus, bearing a theca ; the'cial, possessing thecae or pertaining to them ; ~ Al'gae, the hymenial gonidia of Lichens ; Thecid'ion, Thecid'ium £ = ACHENE ; thecif - erous (fero, I bear), bearing thecae or asci ; tlie'ciger, thecig'erus (gero, I bear), theca-bearing, applied to the hymenium of Fungi, and branches 269 Thecium thyroid of Mosses which bear setae; The'cium, a layer of tissue below the epithecium, which contains the sporangia in Lichens (Minks), cf. EPITHECIUM, HY'POTHECIUM. The'in, the most important alkaloid in the leaves of Thea, the tea- plant. The'ke, sometimes used for the theca (ascus) of Lichens. theleph'oroid (Thelephowis, eI5os, re- semblance), like the genus Thele- phorus. thele'phorus (#77X77, a nipple, 0o/>ew, I carry), covered with nipple-like prominences. thelotre'moid, having tubercular apothecia like those of Thelotrema. tlielyg'enous (0ij\vs, female, 7^05, race, offspring), inducing the female element, as ~ Castra'tion, the production of pistils in the male-flowers of a host by Ustilago. Theobro'mine, the active principle of the cacao-bean, Theobroma Cacao, Linn. ; theobro'minus, the deep chocolate brown of the seed of the same plant. theoretic (0ew/)?7TiKds, speculative), pertaining to theory, as distinct from practice ; ~ Di'agram, a floral diagram of the theoretic com- ponents, not necessarily the same as seen on inspection. ther'mic (dtpw, heat), warm ; ~ Con'- stant, the sum of the mean tem- peratures of the days of active vege- tation, up to some definite phase in the plant's life, minus a certain initial temperature determined by several years' observations, and varying for the species (Oettinger) ; Ther'mo-cleistog'amy ( + CLEISTOG- AMY), when flowers do not expand as a consequence of insufficient warmth (Knuth) ; Thermo tax' is (rd£is, order), changes produced by warmth ; adj. thermotac'tic ; thermoph'ilic (0i\e'o;, Hove), applied to those bacteria which thrive in high temperatures; Thermot'onus (rdpoj, strain), the relation between temperature and the manifestation of irritability ; thermotrop'ic (TPOTTT), a turning), relating to Thermot'- ropism, curvature dependent upon temperature (Wortmann). Thick' ening Lay'er, an apparent layer of cellulose on the inner face of a cell- wall ; ~ Ring, Sanio's term for a ring of meristem in which the first fibro- vascular bundles originate. Thigmot'ropism (Oly/ui, anything touched), curvature induced in climbing plants by the stimulus of a rough surface (Czapek) ; Thigmo- tax'is (rct£is, order) is a synonym ; adj. thigmotac'tic. Thorn, usually an aborted branch, simple or branched. Thread, used by Blair for the FILA- MENT ; Thread-indicator, a form of apparatus for measuring the rate of growth ; thread-shaped, filiform. three-an'gled, trigonous ; ~ cleft, trifid ; ~ cor'nered, ~ edged, with three sides, plain or incurved, and three acute angles, triquetrous ; «~ leav'ed, trifoliate; ~ lobed, tri- lobed ; ~ nerved, with three principal veins ; ~ parted, tri- partite ; ~ ranked, with three vertical rows on a stem ; ~ ribbed, the midrib and one rib on each side more prominent than the rest ; <~ valved, trivalvate. thrice-digita'to-pin'nate, = TRITEB- NATE. Throat, the orifice of a gamopetalous corolla or calyx, the fauces. Thrum (Grew), Thrumb (Blair), (1) the filament of a stamen, (2) in Composite florets, the anthers ; thrum-eyed, applied to a short- styled dimorphic flower, such as a primrose, the stamens alone being visible in the throat of the corolla. Thrush-fun'gus, the disease ascribed to Dermatium albicans, Laurens. Thun'der-broom = WITCHES' BROOM. Thyll, Thyl'la, Thy'lose, Thy'Uose (Germ. Thylle), cf. TYLOSE. thy'roid (Ovpeos, a shield, eZSos, re- semblance), shield-like, peltiform (Heinig). 270 Thyrse tomentoue Thyrse, Thyr'sus (Lat., the Bacchic staff), a mixed inflorescence, a contracted or ovate panicle, the main axis indeterminate, but the secondary and ultimate axes cy- mose ; thyrsif erous, -rus (fero, I bear), bearing a thyrse; thyrsiflor'us (flos, Jloris, -a flower), the flowers in a thyrse; thyr'siform (forma, shape), shaped like a thyrse ; thyr'soid (eTdos, resemblance), like a thyrsus ; Thyr'sula, the little cyme which is borne by most Labiates in the axil of the leaves. Tige, pr. teej (Fr., tige), stem ; Tig'el, = Tigelle', Tigel'la, Tigel'- lum, Tigel'lus, a miniature or initial stem, used for (a) caulicle or hypocotyl, (6) plumule ; tigella'- tus, + (1) having a short stalk, as the plumule of the Bean ; (2) when the stalk is well marked ; Tigel'- lula J a short filament or stalk observed in the Truffle; tigellula'ris, vascular. Tig'line, the acrid principle in the seeds of Croton Tiglium, Linn. Tiller, a sucker or branch from the bottom of the stem ; tillering, throwing out stems from the base of the stem ; TiTlow (Crozier), = TILLER. Tim'ber-line, the upper limit of ar- boreal vegetation on the mountains. tinctorlous, -rius, tinctorial (Lat., pertaining to dyeing), used for dye- ing, imprinting colour. Tin'der - fung'us, Polyporus fomen- tarius, Fr. Tinoleu'cite (reh/w, I extend, + LEUCITE), Van Tieghem's term for directing spheres, the centrosomes. Tip, used by Grew for ANTHER. Tis'sue, the texture or material formed by the union of cells of similar origin and character, and mutually dependent; tissues united form systems, these again form organs ; <*- Cord, central cord (Crozier) ; aq'ueous ~ , a form of hypoderma, consisting of thin- walled parenchyma wanting chloro- plastids, but containing much watery sap ; Conjunctive ~ , ground tissue arising from the plerome or young stele; cutic'ularized ~ , modi- fied cell-walls, as epidermis and periderm ; embryonic ~ , = MERI- STEM ; ex'tra-stelar — , see GROUND TISSUE ; false ~ = SPURIOUS ~ ; glan'dular <~ , composed of secreting cells or glands ; Ground ~ , f unda- mental tissue, neither vascular nor epidermal, either within or without the stele ; heterog'enous /~, con- sisting of various kinds of cells ; homoge'neous ~, when the cells are uniform ; intra ste'lar ~ = CON- JUNCTIVE-TISSUE ; limitary ~, epidermal tissue ; parenchv'mat- ous <~, (a) thin-walled, as pith cells ; (6) thick-walled, as collen- chyma ; per'manent ~ , adult tissue ; pri'mary ~ first formed tissue ; prosenchy'matous ^ , woody tissue ; sclerencny'matous ~ , thickened or hardened, as fibres or sclereids ; secondary ~, resulting from growth from continuous moriste- matic activity ; sieve ^, of long articulated tubes, communicating by means of their sieve-plates in their walls ; spu'rious /~, an approach to a tissue, by hyphas massing into a felt, or their apices forming a collective apical growing point ; tegumen'tary ^ , the ex- ternal epidermal layer ; tra'cheal •~ , composed of tracheids, especially adapted for the conveyance of liquids ; vas'cular - , the com- ponents of the vascular system of a plant. Tme'ma (r/x^a, section), a cell ruptured in setting free a Moss- gemma (Correns). tofa'ceus (Lat., formed of tufa), (1) tufa-coloured, buffy drab ; (2) gritty. Toise (Fr. , a fathom), a measure for- merly used in France, 6 '395 feet, 1-9492 metre, 6 French feet. Tolu', a resinous exudation from Myroxylon toluiferum, H. B. K. to'mentose, tomento' sus, tomen'tous, densely pubescent with matted 271 tomentulose trabecular wool, or short hairs ; toraen'tulose, slightly tomentose ; Tomen'tum (Lat., cushioning), (1) pubescence; (2) t mycelium. tomip'arous (rbw, a cutting, pario, I produce), Bory applies the term to all plants which reproduce themselves by fission ; Tom'iange (ayyelov, a vessel), the organ which produces TOMIES ; Tom'ie, pi. Tom'ies, Van Tieghem's name for asexual reproductive bodies which are neither SPORES nor DIODES, living cells which do not arise from an adult stage, but produce an adult individual direct ; Tom'iogone (70VOS, offspring), the organ which produces TOMIES. Tongue = LIGULE ; tongue-shaped, long, nearly flat, fleshy and rounded at the tip, as the leaves of some Aloes. Ton'oplast (rbvos, strain, 7rXa, poison), a poisonous secretion by certain Fungi, which kills the cells of the host-plant and facilitates parasitism. Trabec'ula, pi. Trabec'ulae (Lat., a little beam), a cross-bar, '(1) the transverse bars of the teeth of the peristome in Mosses ; (2) plates of tissue forming partial septa in the microsporangium of Isoetes ; (3) the lacunar tissue in Selaginella, be- tween the cortex and the central bundle ; trabec'ular, like a cross- bar; ~ Duct, <~ Ves'sel, a vessel 272 trabeculate Transmission with cross-bar markings ; trabec'u- late, trdbecula'tuS) cross-barred ; Trab'ecule, = TKABECULA. Tra'chea (Lat., the windpipe), a spiral duct or vessel ; tra'cneal, belonging to or resembling tra- cheae ; ~ CeUs, tracheids ; ~ of the vascular bundles, the woody por- tion, the cribrose part associated with bast ; tra'cheary, = TBACHEAL ; Tra'cheid (eI5os, resemblance), a closed cell having secondary thick- ening ; vasiform wood-cell of Good- ale ; ~ Seam, a group of peculiarly thickened cells found in the leaves of Conifers on both sides of the vascular bundle, and formerly re- garded as part of the transfusion tissue ; Trachench'yma (fyxv/ua, an infusion), tissue composed of tracheids or spiral vessels; Tra'- cheome, stated by Potonid not to be the tracheal, but the hydral system of the bundle, he therefore names it HYDBOME. trachycar'pous, -pus (rpaxfc, rough to the touch, Kapiros, fruit), rough- fruited ; trachysperm'ous, -mus (ffirep/jia, a seed), rough-seeded. Tractel'lum (tractus, dragged), the anterior flagellum of the zoospore of Saprolegnieae (Hartog). Trag'acanth, a gum which flows from Astragalus Tragacantha, Linn. ; Tragacan'thin, the same as BAS- SOBIN. trailing, prostrate but not rooting. trajec'tile, trajec'tilis (trajectus, a pass- ing over), when the connective completely separates the anther- cells. Tra'ma (Lat., weft), a mass of hyphae in the lamellae of some Fungi, from which the hymenium springs ; Fayod subdivides it thus : <- con- tex'ta, the hyphae usually parallel, or slightly oblique ; ~ inver'sa, when they are derived from the sub-hymenium ; <~ permix'ta, when without apparent order. transa'pical (trans, across or beyond, + APICAL), used by 0. Mueller for ~ Axis, at right angles to the apical axis, passing through the centre of the pervalvar (main longitudinal) axis of a Diatom ; ^ Plane, the plane at right angles to both valvar and apical planes, passing through the pervalvar and transapical axis (0. Mueller) ; Transec'tion (sectio, a cutting), a term proposed by C. Macmillan for "transverse section." Trans'fer (transfer o, I bring over), of water, the passage of water by ducts or cells. Transforma'tion (transformatio, a change of shape), (1) metamor- phosis; (2) morphologic changes in an organ during its existence ; adj. transformed'; as ~ Branch, may be a tendril, thorn, or simi- larly changed organ ; <- Cell, the final shape of the cell, as a fibre, tracheid, etc. Transfusion (transfusio, a pouring out), transference ; ^ Tis'sue, of two kinds of cells ; (a) unpitted, with abundant protoplasmic con- tents ; or (6) tracheidal cells, with similar contents ; ~ Strand, con- sisting of parenchymatous or slightly thickened cells at the junction of the phloem and xylem bundle elements, when a ring of sclerenchyma is formed. Transition (transitio, a passing over) Cells, cells which are continuations of sieve-tubes, the longitudinal division into sieve-tubes and com- panion cells stops, and Transition- tissue is formed; transitorlus (Lat. , adapted for passing through), temporary, soon passing away (S. F. Gray). Translator (Lat., a transferrer), em- ployed for the RETINACULUM of Asclepiads. Transloca'tion (trans, across, locatio, a placing), the transference of reserve material from one part to another. Transmission (transmissio, a sending across), used for the conveyance of stimulus as in Drosera and Mimosa pudica, Linn. , other leaves 273 Transmutation triarch acting in sympathy; ^ Cells = TRANSFUSION -TISSUE. Transmuta'tion (trammuto, I shift), chemical change by addition or alteration of composition without complete resolution into its ele- ments ; <~ of Host, = LIPOXENY. Transovula'tae (trans, across, + OVULUM), Van Tieghem's term for Phanerogams furnished with transitory ovules ; Transpira'tion (spiratio, a breathing), the ex- halation of watery vapour from the stomata of plants, not mere evaporation. Trans'port (transporto, I carry across), the conveyance of assimilated sub- stance from one part to another; translocation. transver'sal (transversus, athwart), lying crosswise; ~ Ax'is of Diatoms, that axis which lies in the trans- versal plane, cutting the per- valvar (main longitudinal) axis (0. Mueller) ; ~ Wall, that which divides the basal and median walls of the proembryo of Archegoniatae, at right angles into upper and lower halves ; transver'san Plane, that which passes through the centre of a Diatom frustule verti- cally to the pervalvar axis (0. Mueller) ; tran'sverse, transver'sus, transversa'lis, across, right and left as to bract and axis, collateral ; Lindley gives "broader than long" as the definition of transversus ; ~ Cho'risis, when two or more organs instead of one appear above or within another ; <*- Geot'ropism, = DIAGEOTROPISM ; ~ Heliot'ropism =DIAHELIOTROPISM ; ^ Planes, those which cut the axis of growth and surface at right angles. trape'ziform, trapeziform'is (rpaire^ov, a figure of four unequal sides, forma, shape), an unsymmetrical four-sided figure, as a trapezium, almost the same as rhomboid ; trap'ezoid, -deus (eldos, resemb- lance), like a trapezium. Trap-hairs, the special hairs which confine insects in certain flowers till pollination is effected ; cf. WICKER-HAIRS. Traps, pi., Prison-flowers, such as Aristolochia, which confine insect visitors until pollination has taken place. Traube's Cells, artificial cells formed by various solutions of gelatine and other colloids, which have been used to explain the phe- nomena of intussusception. traumatrop'ic (rpavfM, a wound, rpoirr), a turning), showing the influence of wounded root-tips ; •* Cur'vature, the bending of roots in consequence of injury to their tips; Traumat'ropism, Pfeffer's term for the phenomena consequent on the infliction of wounds on the tip of a growing root. Tre'halase, an enzyme which hydro- lizes Tre'halose, a sugar found in many Fungi and stated to be identical with the " Trehala " (Persian Manna), a waxy excretion produced by a coleopterous larva to form its cocoon. tremel'loid (Tremella, eldos, resemb- lance), jelly-like in substance or appearance, like the genus Tremella. Tree, a woody plant with an evident trunk ; tree-like, resembling a tree, but smaller ; dendroid. tri, in compounds, from Greek (rpets) or Latin (tres) = three or triple. Triacnae'nium (tri, from tres, three + ACHAENIUM), like a cremocarp, but of three carpels ; Triadel'phia (dSe\06s, a brother), a Linnean order of plants with their stamens in three sets ; triadel'phous, fila- ments in three brotherhoods ; Tri- ake'nium = TRIACHAENIUM ; trian'- der^trian'drous, trian'drian (avyp, dvdpbs, a man), having three stamens ; Trian'dria, a Linnean class of three-stamened plants; trian'gular, triangula'ris (angulus, an angle), with three angles ; triangula'tus (Lat.), three-angled ; trian'thous (&v6os, a flower), three- flowered, as a peduncle ; tri'arch. 274 trlarintis trieuspidate j, beginning), a fibrovascular cylinder with three ligneous groups ; triari'mis (Appyvt male), JSecker's term for TRIANDROUS. Tribe, Tri'bus (Lat., a division of the people), a group superior to a genus, but less than an order. triblas'tus (rpets, three, jSXcKrros, a bud), Koerber's term for a Lichen- spore, which is trilocular and able to germinate from each loculus. trib'uloid (eZSos, resemblance), like the fruit of Tribulus, beset with sharp bristles, echinate (Heinig). Tri'ca (deriv. ?), a button-like apo- thecium of the genus Gyrophora. tricam'arus (tri, three, + CAMARUS), when a fruit is composed of three loculi ; tricar'inate (carinatus, keel- formed), with three keels or angles, as certain Diatoms ; tricarperiary, tricar'pellate, tricar'pous, -pus (/capTTos, fruit), of three carpels ; tricel'lular ( + CELLULAR), consist- ing of three cells (A. Braun) ; triceph'alous, -lus (are^aX??, a head), triple-headed, with three heads of flowers. Tricnid'ium (0pl£, T/HXOS, a hair or bristle) = STERIGMA ; tricnif erous (fero, I bear), producing or bearing hairs ; trich'iform (forma, shape), bristle-shaped (J. Smith); Trich'ite, a needle-shaped crystal of amylose in starch grains, stated to form the latter by aggregation (A. Meyer) ; Trichobacte'ria (+ BACTERIA), those bacteria which possess cilia ; Trich'- oblast (/3Xaa, a seat), triangular. trien'nis, triennia'lis (triennium, the space of three years), lasting three years. trifar'iam (Lat., triply), trifar'ious, -tws, facing three ways, in three vertical ranks. trifid, trif'idus (Lat.), three cleft. triflo'rous (tri, three, Jlos, floris, a flower), three - flowered ; trifo'- llolate, urifoliola'tiis ( + FOLIOLATE), with three leaflets; trifo'liate, trifolia'tus, trifo'lhis (folium, a leaf), three-leaved. trifonn'is % (Lat., having three forms), bearing flowers of three different kinds, as certain Com- posites ; trimorphic. trifur'cate (trifurcus, with three prongs), having three forks or branches. trig'amous (rpt, three, ydpos, mar- riage), bearing three kinds of flowers ; trimorphic. trigem'inpus (trigemimts, triplets), tergeminate, tri jugate. tri'glans (trit three, glans, an acorn), containing three nuts within an involucre, as Castanea sativa, Mill. trig'onal (rpiyuvos, three-cornered), three - angled; Trig'ones, pi., Spruce's term for the thickening in the angles of the cells of the leaves in certain Hepatics, or as in collen- chyma ; trigonocar'pus (/ca/37r6y, fruit), fruit having three evident angles : trig'onous, -nus, three- angled, with plane faces. Trigyn'ia (rpi, three, yvvjj, a woman), a Linnean order of plants with three styles ; trig'ynous, -urn, with three pistils or styles. trihila'tus (tri, three + HILUM), having three apertures, as in some grains of pollen ; triju'gate, triju- ga'tus, triju'gous, tri'jugus (jugum, a yoke), with three pairs of pinnae ; trilam'eUar (tri, three, lamella, a plate of metal), applied to a com- pound stigma having three divi- sions flattened like bands ; trilateral, trilatera'lis (latus, lateris, a side), prismatic, with three sides; trilo'bate, trilo'bus (lobus, a lobe), three-lobed ; triloc'ular, trilocida'ris (loculus, a little cell), three-celled ; tri'm- erous, -rus (ptpos, a part), in threes, three membered parts. trimes'tris (Lat., of three months), lasting three months, or maturing in that time, as Lavatera trimestris, Linn. trimor'phic, trimor'pnous (rpi, three, fji.op7), shape), occurring under three forms, of stamens and styles, long, short, and intermediate ; Trimonoe'cism ( + MONOECISM), monoecious, but existing in trimorphous condition ; Trimor'- phism, heterogony, with long-, short-, and mid-styled flowers. tri'mus (Lat.), lasting three years. triner'vate, trimrva'tus, trinerved', triner'vis, triner'vius (tri, three, nervus, a nerve), three-nerved ; trinervula'tus (Lat.), with three nerve-like strands in the placenta ; trino'dal (nodus, a knot), with three nodes or joints; Trioe'cia 276 trioecious triternate (okos, a house), a Linnean order of plants with trioecious flowers ; trioe'cious, with staminate, pistil- late, and hermaphrodite flowers on three distinct plants ; trioe'ciously hermaph'rodite = TRIMORPHIC ; trioi'cous, -CMS, the mode of spelling preferred by bryologists ; trioper'- culate, triopercula'tus (+ OPER- CULUM), having three lids ; triov'- ulate, triovula'tus (+ OVULUM), with three ovules ; tripaleola'tus (+ PALEA), consisting of three paleae, as the flowers of bamboo ; tripar'ted (partitus, cleft), parted to the base in three divisions ; tripar'tible (partibilis, divisible), tending to split into three parts. tripartite (triparti'tus, three-fold), divided into three parts. tripen'nate, tripenna'tus (tri, three, penna, a feather), = tripinnate ; tripet'aloid, tripetaloi' deus (TreraXov, a flower-leaf, eldos, resemblance), as if three-petalled ; tripet'alous, -lus, having three petals ; Tripnyllome (os, a guest or host), I)e Bary's term for the con- dition of a parasite which passes its career in three host-plants. troeh'lear, trochlea'rls (trochlea, a pulley), trochlea'riform (forma, shape), pulley-shaped. trophic (rpovTov, a plant), applied to the large majority of plants, which are xerophilous and hygrophilous according to season (A. F. W. Schimper). True-par'asite = OBLIGATE-PARASITE. Trum'pet-hy'phae, tubes in Lamin- arieae having swollen portions with transverse septa (F. Oliver) ; trum'pet - shaped, tubular, with dilated orifice. trun'cate, trunca'tus (Lat., short- ened), as though cut off at the end. Trun'cus (Lat., tree-stem), (1) the main-stem or Trunk of a tree ; (2) in Lichens, the thallus. Truss, a florist's term for a flower- cluster. Try'ma (rpv^a, a hole or opening), Necker's term for a drupaceous nut with dehiscent exocarp, as the walnut. Tryp'sin (dpvTrrw, I break in pieces), a group of proteolytic enzymes analogous to the pancreatic fer- ment in animals, such as Bromelin andPapa'in; adj. tryp'tic. tubaeformls (tuba, a trumpet, forma, shape), trumpet-shaped ; tuba'tus (Mod. Lat.) is a synonym. Tube, Tu'bus (Lat., a pipe), (1) any hollow elongated body or part of an organ ; (2) the united portion of a gamopetalous corolla or gamo- sepalous calyx, etc. ; ^ Germina'- tion, the germination of a spore in which the first product is a germ - tube ; tube - form, tube - shaped, tubular or trumpet-shaped (Crozier). 278 Tuber Turmeric Tu'ber (Lat., a tumour), a thickened and short subterranean branch, be- set with buds or " eyes " ; Tu'ber - cle, Tuber' culum (Lat.), (1) a little tuber ; (2) a wart-like apothecium in Verrucaria ; (3) any similar ex- crescence, as on roots, ascribed to the action of symbiotic organisms ; tu'bercled, covered with warty ex- crescences, as the seeds of Silene ; Pri'mary Tu'bercle, is used by Treub to denote an ovoid body formed by the germination of the spore of Lycopodium; Tu'berconn( + CORM), J. Smith's name for such fleshy roots as the beet, yam, and tur- nip ; tuber' cular, having tubercles or like a tubercle; tuber'culate, tubercula'tus, beset with knobby projections or excrescences ; Tu'b- ercule, a tuberous root, as of the .Dahlia (Crozier) ; tuber' culose, tuber' culous, consisting of or hav- ing tubercles ; tuberif'erous (fe.ro, I bear), tuber-bearing ; Tubero- gem'ma ( + GEMMA), a bud-like tuber, occurring in the axil of the leaves, or as a root-tubercle, which asexually propagates the Elant, as in Ranunculus Ficaria, inn. ; tu'berose, tubero'sus, tu'- berous (Lat., full of humps), (1) producing tubers ; (2) resembling a tuber. Tub'i, pi. of Tub'us, the hymenial tubes of such Fungi as Polyporus ; tubiflo'rous, -rus (flos, floris, a flower), when the florets are tub- ular, as in many Compositae ; tu'- biform, tubiform'is (forma, shape), tube - shaped ; Tubil'lus, (1) an elongated cell of cellular tissue ; (2) the tube of the filaments in Compositae ; tu'bular, tubula'tus, apparently a cylindrical figure and hollow ; ~Flo'ret, in Compositae a disk or regular floret. Tub'ulus, pi. Tub'uli (Lat., a small pipe), (1) the pores or hymenial tubes of some Hymenomycetous Fungi, as Polyporus ; (2) in Pyre- nomycetes, the prolonged apex of perithecium pierced by a canal, the same as NECK (5) ; tubuliflo'rous, -rus (flos,floris, a flower) = tubiflo- rous ; tubuliform'is (forma, shape), = tubiform. Tuft, used by Withering for CYME ; tuft'ed, caespitose ; ~ Hairs, a modi- fication of stellate hairs, but branched from the base upwards (Weiss). tu'itans (tueor, I defend), when leaves assume the sleep-position, appear- ing to guard the stem. Tulle (Ger.) = TYLOSE. Tum'ble - weeds, a name applied to certain weeds which break adrift when dry, and are blown to a dis- tance, scattering their seeds by the way. tmnes'cent (tumescens, swelling up), somewhat tumid. tu'mid, tu'midus (Lat., swollen), in- flated, swollen. Tu'nic, Tun'ica (Lat., an under-gar- ment), (1) the skin of a seed, the spermoderm ; (2) any loose mem- branous skin not formed from the epidermis (Lindley) ; (3) the coat of a bulb ; (4) the peridium of cer- tain Fungi ; tu'nicate, tunica' tus (Lat. ), having coats or tunics ; tu'ni- cated is a synonym ; ^ Bulb, one covered with complete enveloping coats, as an onion ; cf. IMBRICATE BULB. tur'binate, turbina'tus (Lat., cone- shaped) ; turbiniform'is (forma, shape), shaped like a top. turfa'ceus, turfo'sus, = TORFACEUS, growing in bogs. Turges'cence (turgesco, I swell), the distention of a cell or cellular tissue by water or other liquid j turges'cent, becoming turgid. tur'gid, tur'gidus (Lat., inflated), swollen, but not with air ; Tur'gor (Lat.), turgidity, turgescence. Tu'rion, Tu'rio (Lat. , a shoot), a scaly sucker, or shoot from the ground, as Asparagus ; turionif erous, -rus (fero, I bear), throwing up turions. Turm'eric (said to be from terra merita, valuable earth), the pow- dered rhizome of Curcuma 279 turned Umbel Linn., which yields a yellow dye. turned, in botany, directed towards ; as -^ in' wards = introrse ; — out'- wards = extrorse. tur'nip- shaped, also termed napiform. Tur'pentine (terebinthus, turpentine tree), the solution of resins in tere- bene ; ~ Ves'sels, tubes in the wood in which the turpentine col- lects during growth, common in Conifers. Tus'sock, a tuft of grass or grass-like plants. Twig, a small shoot or branch of a tree ; ~ Cli'mbers, Schenck's term for certain Brazilian lianes, the young leafy lateral branches being sensitive where in contact with their supports ; ~ Gall, a morbid growth ascribed to the action of bacteria ; ^ -like, long, flexible and wandlike. Twin, in pairs, geminate, didymous. Twi'ners, plants which twine or climb by winding their stems round their support ; twi'ning, winding spirally. twist'ed, contorted. two-cleft, bifid ; *- -edged, ancipital, laterally compressed with two sharp angles parallel with the axis ; ~ -forked, dichotomous ; ^ -lipped, bilabiate ; <+* -parted, bipartite ; ~ -ranked, distichous ; ^ -toothed, bidentate. tychopot'amic (rvxtj, chance, n-ora/x^s, a river) Flank'ton, the floating organisms of pools and river over- flows (Zimmer). tylic'olor (Mod. Lat.), the colour of a woodlouse, slate or dark grey. Ty'lose, Tylo'sis (ru'Xos, a callosity), a cell intruding into a duct. tym'paniform (tympanum, a drum, forma, shape), drum-shaped, as the membrane covering a Moss- capsule ; Tym'pamim, the mem- brane across the mouth of the capsule of a Moss, the epiphragm. Type, the ideal representative of a group, genus, species ; <~ Speci- men, the original specimen from which a description was drawn up ; typ'ical, typ'icus, representing the plan or type ; ~ Cells, fundamental cells; ~ Di'agram, the resultant form from several empiric dia- grams. Typhe'tum, Warming's term for an association of Typha plants. Ty'rosin (rvpos, cheese), an amide, similar to Asparagin ; Ty'rosinase, an oxidising enzyme which attacks the chromogen of certain Fungi (Bertrand). Ubi'quist (ubique, everywhere), used by Thurmann and adopted by Warming for a plant which occurs on any kind of geologic formation. ulig'inose, uligino'sus, ulig'inous, uli- ginar'ius (Lat., marshy), growing in swamps ; ulig'inal, occasionally used for the foregoing. Ul'na (Lat., the elbow), a measure of about twenty-four inches ; ul- na'ris, the length of the forearm. uloden'droid (elSoy, resemblance), like the former fossil genus Ulodendron, Rhode, applied to branches of Lepidodendron and Sigillaria, bear- ing two opposite rows of large, cup-shaped scars (Scott). u'lothrix (oSXos, shaggy, 0pl£, hair), in hair-like crisped linear divisions (Henslow). ulterior (Lat., farther) Pith, cellular structure formed in the axis of the root after the separation of the stele (Fremont). ul'tra-seta'ceous (ultra, beyond, seta, a bristle, + aceous), very long drawn out. Um'bel, Umbel' la (Lat., a eunshade), (1) an inflorescence, properly in- determinate, in which a cluster of pedicels spring from the same point, like the ribs of an umbrella ; (2) J the pileus of certain Fungi (Lindley); com'pound ~-, when each ray itself bears un umbel ; cy'mose ^, an apparent umbel, but with the flowers opening centri- fugally ; a cyme which simulates an umbel ; par'tial - , sim'ple ~ , an umbel each of whose rays bears 280 umbellate Unguicuhia a single flower only ; um'bellate, umbella'tus, having the inflores- cence in umbels ; Um'bellet, a small umbel or a simple one ; Umbellifer (fero, I bear), a plant which bears umbels ; umbelliferous, -rus, bear- ing umbels ; umbel'liform, umbelli- form'is (forma, shape), umbrella- shaped ; umbelliflo'rus (flos, Jloris, a flower), umbellate; Um'bellule, Umbel'Ma, an ultimate umbel in a compound one ; umbel'lulate, umbellula'tus, having partial or secondary umbels ; umbellidif - erous, -rus (fero, I bear), bearing simple umbels. um'ber, a cool brown ; cf. UMBRINUS. umbili'cal(pertainingtothewm6z7?cw«, the navel) Cord, a vascular strand by which seeds are sometimes at- tached to the placenta, the funicle ; umbili'cally, as a Lichen thallus centrically affixed to its matrix, or an epithecium which is navel- like; umbili'cate, umbilica'tus, (1) navel-like, depressed in the centre ; (2) £ = PELTATE ; Umbili'cus, (1) the hilum of a seed ; (2) the ostiole of certain Fungi (Lindley) ; (3) a much branched rhizoid in some Lichens, as in Umbilicaria ; (4) the boss on the valves of some Diatoms. Um'bo (Lat., any convex elevation), a boss, as the centre of the apophysis of the cone-scales in Pinus Pinaster, Soland. ; um'bonate, umbona'tus, bearing an umbo or boss in the centre ; umbo'nulate, umbonula'tus, having or ending in a very small boss or nipple. umbraculif erous (umbraculum, a sun- shade, fero, I bear), having the shape of an expanded umbrella ; umbra'culiform, umbraculiform'is (forma, shape), having the general form of a parasol, as the stigmas of Sarracenia ; Umbra' culum, the stalked capitulum of the sporo- phore in Marchantia, bearing the reproductive organs on the under- side. umbratic'olous (umbraticus, shady, colo, I inhabit), growing in shady places. umbrella- shaped, umbraculif orm. umbri'nus (Mod. Lat.), the colour of raw umber, a cool but turbid brown ; burnt umber is deeper and warmer. umbro'sus (Lat., shady), growing in shady places. unangula'tus (unus, one, angulus, a corner), one-angled, as applied to a stem or similar organ. unarmed', destitute of prickles or other armature ; sometimes it means pointless, muticous. un'cate, unca'tus (Lat. ), hooked, bent at the tip in the form of a hook ; Un'cl, pi. of Un'cus (Lat., a hook), hooks, uncinate hairs. Un'cia (Lat. ), an inch; uncia'lis (Lat. ), one inch in length ; about 2 '6 cm. uncertain, indeterminate. un'ciform, uncifor'mis (uncus, a hook, forma, shape), hook-shaped ; un'- cinate, uncina'tus, hooked. uncov'ered, naked. unc'tuous, unctuo'sus (unctus, anoint- ment), having a surface which feels greasy. Unc'us (Lat.), a hook, or hooked hair. un'date, unda'tus (unda, a wave), waved, undulate ; Crozier also gives un'dated. underlying, used for SUCCUBOUS leaves of Hepaticae (Potter). undo'sus (Lat., billowy), undulate, wavy. un'dulate, undula'tua (Lat.), wavy. Un'derleaves, stipules in Hepatics ; Un'dersnrub, (1) any low shrub ; (2) J partially herbaceous, the ends of the branches perishing during the winter. une'qual (un = not, + EQUAL), (1) dissimilar ; (2) applied to stamens of diverse lengths, ~ si'ded, irregular ; une'qually pin'nate, imparipinnate. unguic'ular, unguicular'ia, (1) fur- nished with a claw ; (2) the length of the middle finger-nail, about 15 mm. or a little over half an inch; Unguic'ulus, the length 281 unguiculate Unitegminatae of the nail of the little finger ; unguic'ulate, unguicula'tus, con- tracted at the base into a claw ; un'guiform (forma, shape), like the claw of a petal (Crozier) ; Un'guis (Lat., a nail or claw), a claw-like base of a petal, as in Dianthus ; (2) the length of a finger-nail, roughly half an inch. un'gulate, ungula'tus (Lat., having claws or hoofs), clawed. uni (from unus, one), in composi- tion, one, or single ; uniala'tus ( + ALATUS), having one wing or de- current ridge ; uniax'ial ( + AXIAL), when a primary stem does not branch, though it may innovate, but ends in a flower ; unicalcara'- tus ( + CALCARATUS), one-spurred; unicap'sular, unicapsula'ris ( + CAP- SULAR), with all the carpels united into one capsule ; unicar'inated (carina, a keel), one - keeled (Crozier) ; unicarpellate (Kapiros, fruit), the fruit consisting of a single carpel; U'nicell (+ CELL), a plant which consists of a single cell ; unicellular, unicellular' is ( + CELLULAR), formed of one cell ; unico\.'oTO\LB,unic'ol or (color, colour), of one colour or uniform in tint ; unicos'tate ( + COSTATE), having a single rib or costa, with a mid- rib ; unicotyle'donous = MONOCOTY- LEDONOUS. u'nicus (Lat., one only), single or solitary. uniembryona'tus (uni from unus, one, + EMBRYONATUS), having one embryo ; unifa'rious ( + farius, as in bifarius), one-ranked (Crozier) ; uniferus (fero, I bear), bearing once a year (S. F. Gray) ; uniflor'- ous, -rus> (flos, floris, a flower), one-flowered ; unifo'liate, unifolia'- tus (folium, a leaf), with one leaf ; unifo'liolate, vnifoliola'tus, with one leaflet only ; unifo'lius, single- leafed ; unifora'tus (foratus, pierced), opening by one aperture. uniform' is (Lat., having one shape), used when the receptacle of Com- positae bears only one kind of florets, as all ligulate or all tubular. unigem'mius (uni = one, gemma, a bud), giving rise to a single bud ; unig'enus (gen, the root of gigno, I produce), leafing annually (Hens- low) ; unij'ugate, unijuga'tus, uni- fugus (jugum, a yoke), with one pair of leaflets ; unila'biate, uni- Idbia'tus (Idbium, a lip), one- lipped, as the corolla of Acanthus, the upper lip being obsolete, or the ligulate florets of Composites ; unilateral, unilatera'lis (lotus, a side), one-sided, either originating or, usually, all turned to one side ; uniloc'ular (loculus, a small com- partment), one- celled ; uniner'- viate, uninervia'tus, uniner'vis, un- iner'vius (nervus, a nerve), one- veined or ribbed. uninterrup'ted, continuous. uninu'cleate, uninuclea'tus (uni = one, + NUCLEUS), having a single nucle- us; uniocula'tus(oct^a^s, furnished with eyes), having only one vege- tating point; uniov'ulate ( + OVULE), with a solitary ovule ; u'nipared= unip'arous (pario, I bring forth), bearing one, as a cyme giving forth one axis at each branching ; uni- pet'alous (+ PETALUM), (1) having a corolla of only one petal, the others not being developed ; (2) erroneously used for GAMOPETAL- ous ; uniprophylla'tus ( + PRO- PHYLLA), with only one prophyllum (Buchenau) ; unisep'tate ( + SEP- TATE), having only one septum, as in most teleutospores ; unise'rial, uniseria'lis, unise'riate, uniseria'tus (aeries, a row), in one horizontal row or series ; unisex'ual, unisexu- a'lis, unisexfus (sexus, sex), of one sex ; stamens or pistils only, or their representatives; -~ Heredity, the property of transmitting the qualities of one parent only (Mac- farlane) ; uniso'rous ( + SORUS), con- sisting of one sorus ; unistra'tose (stratum, a layer), of one layer of cells ; Unitegmina'tae (tegmen, a covering), Van Tieghem's term for 282 unlvalved utriform those Phanerogams which possess only one covering to their ovules ; u'nivalved, unival'vis, unival'vular (valva, a door-leaf), of one valve or piece, dehiscing by one valve. universal, universa'lis (Lat. , pertain- ing to the whole), general, as <~ Involu'cre, a general involucre ; ~ Um'bel, a general or compound umbel. univesicula'ris (uni = one + VESICU- LAR) = UNICELLULAR. unionized (un = uot, + !ON), when the molecules are undivided (J. F. Clark); Unli'ning (+ line), the separation of parts originally united ; chorisis ; adj. unlined' (Lindley); unor'ganised (+ OR- GAN), without structure or organs ; ~ Fer'ment= ENZYME; unsep'tate + SEPTATE), applied to a plant which has not partitioning divi- sions, as plasmodia or certain uni- cellular Fungi and Algae ; <~ Fi'bres, libriform cells ; unstrat'i- fied (stratum, a layer), used of those Lichens which do not show distinct layers of hyphae and gonidia ; unsymmet'rical ( + SYM- METRY), irregular. Uo'voli, pi. of Uo'volo (Ital.), gnaurs of the olive-trees, used for pro- pagation. ur'ceolar, ur'ceolate, urceolaftus (urceolaris, relating to pitchers), pitcher-like, hollow and contracted at the mouth like an urn or pitcher; Ur'ceolus (Lat.), (1) a pitcher- shaped organ, as an ascidium ; (2) the two confluent bracts of Carex, the utricle ; (3) any flask-shaped anomalous organ. Uredino'sis (Uredo, a blight, from uro, I burn), disease produced by "Rust" Fungi; Ure'do, a form genus, the hymenium producing uredospores exclusively ; adj. uredin'ial, uredin'eous, ure'dinous ; Ure'do-conid'ium. ( + CONIDIUM) = UREDOSPORE ; Ure'do-fruit, a group of Uredospores ; Uredo- gonid'ium ( + GONIDIUM) = UREDO- SPORE ; Ure'dospore ( partia'le, marginal veil ; ~ universa'le = VOLVA. Venulae Velu'men (Lat., a fleece), close, short, soft hairs. velu'tinous, velu'tinus, velutino's (Mod. Lat.), velvety, due to coating of fine soft hairs ; vel'vety, an equivalent of the same. Ve'na (Lat., a vein), a vein ; Ve'nae exter'nae, white veins seen in some Gasteromycetes and Tuber- aceae in sections of the sporophore, produced by air tissue in the spori- ferous chambers ; ~ inter'nae, ~ lymphat'icae, dark-coloured veins, in the same group of Fungi, denot- ing the walls of the sporiferous chambers, but destitute of air ; Vena'tion, the mode of veining. venena'tus (Lat.), poisonous, veno- mous. veneniferous (venenifer, containing poison), bearing poison. ven'enose, veneno'sus (Lat.), very poisonous. ve'nose, veno'sus(La,t., veiny), having veins ; veno'so-nervo'sus £ when the primary veins branch and unite irregularly. Ven'ter (Lat., the belly), (1) the ex- panded basal portion of an arche- gonium in which the oosphere is formed ; (2) by T. J. Parker applied to the OVARY. ventilato'rius (ventilator, a winnower), flabellate, fan-shaped. ven'tral, ventra'lis (Lat. , pertaining to the belly, (1) the anterior or inner face of a carpel, opposed to dorsal ; (2) relating to the VENTER; ~ Canal' -cell, a small cell in the arche- gonium cut off from the apex of the mother-cell of the oosphere next the neck ; «- Su'ture, the ventral seam or line of dehiscence in a carpel ; veritricose,ventrico'sus,veiLftTico\L8, swelling or inflated on one side, as the corolla of some Labiates and Scrophularineae; ventric'ulose, ventriculo'sus (Lat., pertaining to the belly), slightly ventricose. ventricum'bent (venter, belly, cum- bens, lying down), face downward, prone (Crozier). Ve'nulae, pi. of Ve'nula (Lat., a small 286 Venule Vesicle vein), veinlets ; ~> commu'nes, $ veinlets which proceed from ana- stomoses of the r- pro'priae, J those which first leave the costal or primary veins ; Ve'nule, employed by J. Smith for veins of secondary importance ; ve'nulose, venulo'sus, profusely- veined ; venulo'so-hinoi'- deus, having equally curved parallel veins originating in the midrib and not losing themselves in the passage ; ~ nervo'sus, with straight parallel veins connected by cross- veinlets. Ver-spe'cies, Syme's name for a true species, neither super-, nor sub- species ; the epithet is derived from verus. Vera'trine, an alkaloid derived from Veratrum. Ver'digris (Fr., Vert-de-gris), the sea- 'green ' ' rust " of brass ; ^ Green, the bluish-green colour of the same. vermic'ular, vermicular' is, vermi- c'ulate, vermicula'tus, vermiculus, a little worm), worm-shaped, thick- ened and bent in places, as the root of Polygonum Bistorta, Linn. ver'miform (vermis, a worm, forma, shape), worm-shaped ; ^ Bod'y = SCOLECITE. Vermilion (Old Fr., Vermilion, the Kermes insect) -col'oured, scarlet, brilliant red approaching orange. ver'nal, verna'lis, ver'nus (Lat., per- taining to spring), appearing in spring ; Verna'tion, Verna'tio (Lat. , casting off a slough), the order of un- folding from leaf -buds, prefoliation. ver'nicose, vernico'sus (Mod. Lat., varnished), shiny, as though var- nished. Verru'ca (Lat., a wart), (1) a wart or elevation sometimes of a glandular nature ; (2) a sessile apothecium, as in Verrucaria ; (3) the perithe- cium of some Fungi. verruca'rioid, resembling Verrucaria as to the verrucae or apothecia. ver'rucose, verruco'sus (Lat., full of warts) ; ver'rucous, warty. verru'ciform (verruca, a wart, forma, shape), wart-shaped. verru'culose, verruculo' 'sus (verrucula, a small wart), very warty, much covered with warts. versatile, versat'ilis (Lat., moveable), turning freely on its support, as many anthers on their filaments. versic'olor (Lat. , of changeable colour), changing colour, or one colour passing into another. ver'sifonn (versiformis, changing shape), altering in shape as it ages. versipaTmus (versus, turned, palma, a palm), a palmate arrangement, the divisions not all in the same plane. ver'tebrate (vertebratus, jointed), contracted at intervals, like the backbone of animals. Vertex (Lat., that which revolves about itself), (1) the apex of an organ ; (2) £ the pileus of Agarics ; vertical, vertica'lis, (1) perpendi- cular to the horizon ; or (2) to the support, usually longitudinal ; ^ An'ther, an innate anther ; ~ Chor'isis, transverse chorisis ; — Leaves, those which stand erect like Iris leaves, with no obviously dorsal or ventral surfaces ; <~ Sys'tem, the fibro-vascular system (Crozier) ; vertically compres'sed = DEPRESSED (Oozier). Ver'ticil, Verticil'lus (Lat., the whirl of a spindle), a whorl, or circular arrangement of similar parts round an axis ; Verticillus spu'rius, = VEBTICILLASTEB ; Verticillas'ter (-aster, a suffix = small), a false whorl, composed of a pair of op- posed cymes, as in Labiates ; verti- cUlas'trate, possessing false whorls ; vertic'illate, verticilla'tus, whorled ; verticilliflor'us (flos, floris, a flower), when whorls have a spicate arrangement. verucula'tus (Lat., furnished with a small pike), cylindric and some- what pointed. vesicato'rius (vesica, a blister), blis- tering. Ve'sicle, Vesi'cula (Lat., a little bladder), (1) a small bladder or 287 Vesicuia vinicolor cavity ; (2) Grew's terra for CELL ; multinu'cleated ~ , peculiar bodies found in the hyphae of the endo- phytic Fungus of the prothallus of Lycopodiumdavatum, Linn. (Lang) ; Vesi'cula Am'nios, ~ Colliquamen'ti, the embryo-sac (Lindley) ; ~ sporoph'ora, the sporophore of a Fungus ; vesiculaeform'is (forma, shape), bladder-shaped ; vesic'ular, vesicular' is, vesicula'tus, composed of vessels ; ^ Ves'sels, laticiferous cells ; vesic'ulose, vesiculo'sus, vesi- c'ulous, as if composed of little bladders. ves'pertine, vesperti'nus (Lat., per- taining to the evening), appearing or expanding in the evening. Ves'sel, a duct or articulated tube rendered continuous by the more or less complete absorption of the intervening transverse walls. Ves'tibule (vestibulum, a fore court), a chamber above the stoma formed by the depression of the guard - cells, and growth of the cells round them, as in Cycas. Ves'tige (vestigium, a footstep), the remaining trace of an organ which was fully developed in some ances- tral form ; adj. vestigial. Vex'il (Crozier) = VEXILLUM; vex'- illar, vexillar'is (vexillum, a standard), pertaining to the VEX- ILLUM ; vexiTlary, (1) a form of inflorescence in which the vexil- lum is folded over the other petals ; (2) employed by Plateau, to denote the giving an attractive signal insects ; ~ Aestiva'tion, peculiar to papilionaceous flowers ; vexillate, vexilla'tus, bearing a standard or vexillum ; VexU'lum, the standard or large posterior petal of a papil- ionaceous flower. vi'able (Fr., viable, likely to live), used of seed which is capable of germinating ; Viability, the possi- bility of growth. viatlcal (viaticus, pertaining to a road), applied to those plants which grow by the roadside or path. vi'bratile (Fr., vibratile), capable of vibration, motion to and fro. Vib'rio, pi. Vib'riones (vibro, I quiver), minute thread - like bacteria ; vib'rioid (elSos, resemblance), like a vibrio ; ^ Bodies, special struc- tures, slender, cylindric, and of sharply definite outlines in the superficial layer of cytoplasm of some Algae (Swingle) ; Vib'rogen, (gen. root of gigno, I produce), sub- epidermal tissue of thin walled par- enchymatous cells with a large amount of chlorophyll, which seems to play an important part in the movements of tendrils (Penhallow). Vibris'sae, pi. (Lat., hairs of the nostrils), the sensitive hairs of Dionaea (Boulger). vica'rious (vicarius, substituted), sup- plying the place or function of some other organ (Crozier). vice'ni (Lat., twenty each), in twenties. Vic'inin (vicia, a vetch) a principle from Lathy rus sativus, Linn. Vigilla (Lat., keeping watch) or Vigillae Flor'um, periods during which certain plants open and close their flowers. Vil'li, pi. of Vil'lus (Lat., a shaggy hair), long weak hairs ; villif erus (fero, I bear), bearing villi ; vil'li- form (forma, shape), resembling villi (Crozier) ; villose, villo'sus, vUlous, bearing villi; Villoslty, shagginess, a coating of long weak hairs. Vi'men (Lat. , a switch), a long flexible shoot; Ti'menal, vimena'lis, con- sisting of twigs ; vimin'eous, -neus, bearing long and flexible twigs. vina'ceous, vina'ceus (vinum, wine, + aceus), wine-colour, purplish red. Vine, (1) the plant which bears grapes, Vitis vinifera, Linn. ; (2) in the United States applied to any trailing or climbing stem, or runner; vmea'lis (Lat.), growing in vineyards. Vin'egar-plant, or mother-of-vinegar, Mycoderma Aceti, Desmaz. vinic'olor (vinum, wine, colort colour)^ I vinosua Volva the colour of wine, dark or purple red; vino'sus (Lat.), in botany means the same. viola'ceous, -ceus (Viola, -f aceous), violet-coloured, ianthinus ; violas' - cens (+ascens), becoming violet; vi'olet, viol'eus, the colour of violets, a cold purple; Vi'oline, a poisonous principle existing in Viola odorata, Linn. virel'lus (dim. of virens), somewhat green or greenish. vir'ent, vir'ens (Lat., green), (1) green in colour ; (2) evergreen ; vires' cent, vires' cens, turning green ; Vires' - cence, the development of chloro- phyll in place of the normal colouring ; cf. FKONDESCENCE. vir'gate, virga'tus (Lat., made of twigs), wand-shaped, twiggy. virgin' eus (Lat., maidenly), (1) the purest white ; (2) having arrived at the flowering period (Endlicher, fide Lindley). vir'gulate, "diminutive of VIRGATE, shaped like a little twig or wand " (Crozier), but virgvlatus also means striped. Virgul'tum (Lat., a copse), a vigor- ous twig or shoot. vir'idans (Mod. Lat.), virides'cent, virides'cens, becoming green ; Vir- idi'na = CHLOROPHYLL ; virldis (Lat.), green ; virid'ulus, greenish ; Vir'or (Lat.), greenness, verdure. viro'sus (Lat., fetid), "venomous" (A. Gray) ; having an unpleasant smell. vis'cid, vis'cidus (Lat., clammy), sticky from a tenacious coating or secretion ; ~ Disk, the retinaculum of an Orchid. Vis'cin (viscum, birdlime), (1) a sub- stance intermediate between resin and caoutchouc (Weinling) ; (2) the sticky substance forming threads uniting pollen • grains (Kerner) ; vis'cous, visco'sus (Lat., sticky), glutinous, clammy. Vi'talist (vitalis, pertaining to lite), The'ory, Pasteur's theory of fer- mentation as an effect, with vege- tation as a cause ; Vitality, in seeds the period during which the seeds retain their power of germination, varying according to the species. Vitel'lin, vitelli'nus (vitettus, the yolk of an egg), the colour of the yolk of an egg; vegetable Vitel'lin, Weyl's term for a reserve proteid found as crystals in potato-tubers ; Vitel'lus, (1) an old name for peculiar albumen which in some cases is deposited within the em- bryo-sac ; cf. SOUTELLTJM (2) ; (2) an oily substance adhering to the spores of Lycopodium. vitic'olous (Vitis, a vine, colo, I in- habit), living on or within the vine; Vitic'ola, a parasite of the vine ; Henslow prints the word viti'colus. Vitic'ula (Lat., a vine tendril), also printed Vitic'ulus = SURCULUS ; vitic'ulose, viticulo' BUS, sarmentose, producing viticulae. vit'reous, vit'reua (Lat., of glass), transparent, hyaline ; formerly used for the light green of glass ; vit'ricole (colo, I inhabit), applied to Lichens which are found grow- ing on glass bottles, etc. ; vit'ricus, " having a glassy appearance " (Lindley). Vit'ta, pi. Vit'tae (Lat., a fillet), the aromatic oil tubes of the pericarp of most Umbelliferae; ~ of Diatoms, are longitudinal ribs ; vit'tate, vitta'tus, bearing vittae, longitu- dinally striped ; Vit'tin, a substance found in the more watery vittae oi Umbelliferae. vivip'arous (viviparus, producing young alive), germinating or sprouting from seed or bud, while attached to the parent plant ; ^ Germina'tion=Vivip'ary, the phe- nomenon in question. void, empty. vol'uble, volu'bile, volu'bilis (Lat., twining), twining round a support. volute', volu'tua (Lat. ,a rolling), rolled up in any way ; Volu'tion, a spiral turn or wreath. Vol'va (Lat., a wrapper), a covering or external wrapper, especially the 289 volvocinaceous Winter-annual sac enclosing the sporophore of Agarics, ruptured at its apex by the growth of the unfolding pileus. volvocina'ceous, of the nature of the genus Volvox. Vul'va [from Volvo] Vegetabillum, a Linnean name for the STIGMA ; vul'viform (forma, shape), like a cleft with projecting edges. Wart, a hard or firm excrescence ; wart'y, covered with warts or verrucae. Wa'ter Cul'ture, growth of plants in compound solutions of salts ; ~ Gland, a group of cells beneath a water-pore, which help to excrete water ; ^ Leaf, in Salvinia, a submersed and finely divided leaf, which simulates a root ; «•* Par'asite, when the host serves only as a root, and provides absorption, conduction and me- chanical support, as in Mistleto, whose haustoria contain no sieve- tubes ; ~ Plants, those growing in water, immersed wholly or in Sart; ~ Pore, ~ Stom'a, a stoma evoid of guard-cells, discharging water ; ~ Stor'ing-tis'sue, a form of water- tissue adapted for storing water, especially in dry climates ; ~ Tis'sue, parenchyma filled with clear sap and some mucilage. waved, wa'vy, undulate or sinuate. Wax, vegetable, a fatty body occur- ring as a waste product, either superficially as BLOOM on leaves, or in quantity in fruits and stems as in Myrica cerifera, Linn., and CeroxylonKlopstockia, Mart. ; wax'y, resembling bees' wax in consistence or appearance ; <~ Coat'ing, a thin epidermal layer of rods or grains, forming a glaucous bloom on fruits and leaves ; <~ yellow, an impure yellow, cf. cereus, melleus. wedge form, ~ -shape, cuneate. Weed, any useless or troublesome plant which occurs without in- tentional cultivation. Weel, a term borrowed from a wicker eel-trap, for an arrangement of hairs which keeps out unbidden insect guests from flowers (Ogle). Weep'ing, excessive loss of sap from wounds, as in the vine or birch; bleeding ; adj. = pendulous in habit. Welt, a raised stripe on fruit such as the lemon (Crozier); welt'ed, is given by Crozier as "flaccid, drooping " ; it is probably an error for WILTED. Wendungszellen (Ger.), a disc-shaped group of hyaline cells (or a single cell) at the base of the oosphere in Characeae. Wheat-ear Carnation, an abnormal increase or pleiotaxy of bracts. wheel-shaped, rotate. whip-shaped, flagelliform. Whirl (S. F. Gray ) = WHORL. white, when positive colour is absent ; albus is white generally, niveus, as pure as snow, candidus, radiantly white, etc. ; <~ Chlor'ophyll, Gau- tier's term for chlorophyll which is rich in hydrogen and colourless ; the normal green type is stated to be poorer in that gas ; whi'tened, dealbate, with a darker ground tint ; whi'tish, albidus, albulus, etc. Whorl, pr. hwurl, the arrangement of organs in a circle round an axis; false- ~, spu'rious ~, = VERTICIL- LASTER; whorled, pr. hwurld, dis- posed in one or more whorls. Wick'er-hairs, an awkward and inex- pressive rendering of the German " Reusenhaare " ; cf. TRAP-HAIRS ; WEEL. wild, spontaneous, growing without cultivation or introduction. Wild'ering (Crozier) = Wilding, (1) any wild plant ; (2) an escape from cultivation. wilt'ed, become flaccid, the opposite of turgid ; wilting, drooping, having lost the quality of fresh- ness. Wing, (!) = ALA, any membranous ex- pansion attached to an organ ; (2) a lateral petal of a papilionaceous corolla ; ~ Bract, the attached sul tending bract of Tilia; alate. Win'ter-an'nual, a plant which 290 winter-killing Xantholeucite minates in autumn, and living through the winter, fruits and dies; cf. BIENNIAL ; ~ -killing, destruc- tion by exposure to variations of weather and temperature ; ^ -spore, a resting spore. Witch'es' Brooms, a disease shown by tufts of shoots, due to attack by Fungi or mites ; in German " Hex- enbesen " ; Steppe - wit'ches, or Wind- "- , ball-like felted masses of plants in steppe regions, which have become detached from their roots and are blown about by the wind. with'ering, marcescent. With'y, a willow twig, a pliable wand. Woad, = ISATIN, the blue colouring matter of Isatis tinctoria, Linn. Wood, the lignified portion of plants, included within the cambium layer, but exclusive of the pith ; the xylem elements of the united vas- cular bundles ; <~ Ball, = SPHERO- BLAST ; <~ Cells, are lengthened and thickened, combined into threads, fascicles, or bundles, form- ing prosenchyma ; ~El'ements, the fibres which make up the xylem ; ~ Fi'bre, the fibro-vascular tissue ; <•" Gum, contained in the wood of Dicotyledons, said to consist chiefly of xy Ian ; <~ Parench'yma, tissue of thick -walled cells : — Au'tumn^ , the outer portion of each annual ring of growth, having smaller ducts and wood cells, with walls much thickened; Spring ~, the inner portion of each annual incre- ment, consisting of larger, thinner- walled cells and ducts ; wood'y, approaching the nature of wood, ligneous ; — -Fi'bre, wood-tissue ; <~ Rings, the annulations seen on cross section, which usually denote one year's growth; -~ Tis'sue, xylem ; ~ Wedg'es, Williamson's expression for the fibro-vascular bundles in Catamites (W. R. M'Nab). Wool, long, dense, curled hairs (Crozier) ; woolly, lanate, tomen- tose, clothed with long and tor- tuous or matted hairs. worm-shaped, more or less cylindric, and contorted. Wor'onin's Hy'pha, a coiled hypha in some forms of Ascomycetes, occur- ring in the centre of the future sporocarp, and probably homo- logous with an archicarp. Wort, pr. wurt, (1) a plant, especially a cabbage ; (2) the sweet infusion of malt, or unfermented beer. Wound, any injury caused by abrasion or incision in the cortical layers of a tree; ~ Cam'bium, a layer of phellogen resulting from the tan- gential division of epidermal cells, or from cortical cells beneath the epidermis; '-Cork, the non-conduct- ing tissue which shuts off fungus- diseased portions of bast from the sound parts ; •+> Gum, a sub- stance abundantly secreted in the vessels by the surrounding starch- cells, closing the wound-cavities (Temme) ; — Par'asite, a Fungus which attacks the surface of a wound, and so effects an entrance into the tissues of the host ; ~ Rot, various forms of decay not accounted for by parasitic Fungi ; ~ Wood, abnormal growth, dis- tinguished by its short cells and absence or scarcity of vessels (De Vries). Wrap'per, = VOLVA. Wrin'kle, a fold or crease ; wrin'kled, rugose, creased. Xan'tneln (£av06s, yellow), a yellow- colouring of plants, the same as ANTHOCHLORIN, cf. XANTHINE ; xanthellus, somewhat yellow ; xan'tnic, tending to yellow; ~ Flow'ers, those which display yel- low in their tints, opposed to cyanic flowers; Xan'tnin, (1) a pure yellow substance from chloro- phyll (Kraus) ; (2) a solid insoluble pigment ; also Xan' thine, (1) found in seedlings of Cicer arietinum, Linn. ; (2) a mixture of colouring matters described by Kuhlmann as a single body (Green) ; Xantholeu'- cite ( + LBUCITE), a leucite of an 291 Xanthophyll yearly etiolated plant (Van Tieghem) ; Xan'thophyll (t\\oi>, a leaf), a constituent of chlorophyll, a yellow colouring matter insoluble in water ; Xanthophyl'lidrine, a yellow crys- tallizable pigment, like the last, but soluble in water ; Xanthopi'crine (irtKpos, bitter), a yellow bitter principle from the bark of Zan- thoxylon caribbaeum, Lam. ; Xan- thorham'nin, the yellow colouring matter of the ripe fruits of Rham- nus ; Xanthotra'metin ( + TBAMA), a colour resin in Fungi, as Poly- porus cinnabarinus, Fr. Xen'ia (£ej/ios, belonging to a guest), Focke's term for the direct influ- ence of foreign pollen on the parts of the mother-plant (Stift). Xenocar'py (t-tvos, a stranger, Kapiros, fruit), producing fruit as the result of xenogamy ; Xenochro'ma (xpw^a, colour), Focke's term for the effect of foreign pollen producing a change in the colour of the fruit ; Xenog'- amy (TCI^CS, marriage), cross-fer- tilization between sexual elements borne by different individuals (Loew) ; cf. GEITONOGAMY ; Xeno- plas'ma (7rXao>ia, moulded), em- ployed by Focke to denote change in shape of fruit produced by the action of foreign pollen. xerampel'inus (Lat. ), the dull red or purple of dead vine leaves. xeroclias'tic (^pos, dry, xao>"*w> I gape), applied by Ascherson to plants whose fruits burst by desiccation and their seeds or spores are scattered ; Xe'rophile (iuXew, I love), a plant which grows in a dry situation ; xero- ph'ilous, growing in arid places ; Xe'rophyte ((pvrov, a plant), a plant which can subsist with a small amount of moisture, as a desert plant ; adj. xerophyt'ie ; Xerot'- ropism (rpoiTT], a turning), the tendency of plants or parts thereof to alter their position to protect them selves from desiccation ( Borzi) ; adj. xerotrop'ic. xiph'ioid (#0oj, a sword, elSos, re- semblance), sword-like, ensiform ; xiphophyl'lous, -lus ((f>v\\ov, a leaf), with ensiform leaves, as Iris. Xylan (|u\ov, wood), the chief con- stituent of WOOD-GUM ; Xy'lem, the wood-elements of a vascular bundle, possessing tracheal tis- sue ; ^ Bridges, connections surrounding phloem - islands ; ^ I'slands, detached strands of xylem in certain species of Thunbergia (Roulet) ; ~ Pareneh'yma, oblong cells which retain their proto- plasm, with thick and lignified walls, occurring in longitudinal bands ; ~ Plate, ~ Ray, a radial plate of xylem between two medul- lary rays ; cf. PHLOEM RAY ; xyl'i- nus, woody, pertaining to wood ; xylocar'pous, -pus (/ca/37roj, fruit), the fruit becoming hard and woody ; Xyl'ocnrome (x/jw/ta, colour), (1) wood - dyes, chiefly tannins ; (2) the dark coloured contents of the vessels of the duramen (Hartig) ; Xylo'dia, Xylo'- dium (eTSos, like), (1) the woody fruit of Anacardium ; cf. XYLO- PODIUM ; (2) an old name for ACHENE ; Xyl'ogen (yews, off- spring), used by Sachs for wood- substance ; Xylo'ma, a sclerotioid body which does not produce branched sporophores, but sporo- genous structures within itself ; Xylomy'ces (^77?, a mushroom), a Fungus which grows on wood or bark ; Xylonite, cellulose manu- factured in plastic masses ; xylo- ph'ilous (0/Xew, I love), applied to Fungi which attack woody tissue ; Xylopod'ium (TTOVS, irodos, a foot), a fruit like a nucule, but wanting a cupule, and borne upon a fleshy support, as in Anacardium ; Xy'- lose, a pentose occurring in wood ; Xylostro'ma, the leathery felted mycelium of certain Fungi which destroy timber ; Xylot'omy (TO/ACS, a cut), the anatomy of wood, and woody tissues; adj. xylotom'ic. yearly, annual, of a year's growth. 292 Yeast Zoomorphosls Yeast, pr. yeest, the minute uni- cellular organisms which effect alcoholic fermentation in sugary liquids ; ~ Bud'ding, giving rise to similar yeast-gonidia ; ~ Fun'gus, SaccharomycesCerevisiae, J. Meyer; sometimes termed SPROUTING FUNGUS : — Bot'tom ~ , Low ~ , that which forms at the bottom of the vats, ' ' Unterhef e " of the Germans; Up'per ~, or Barm, that which floats on the surface, the German " Oberhefe " ; wild ~, some undesired form, which gives a bitter taste to the wort without fermentation. Yponme'ma (£71-6, under, /t&w, I remain), Necker's term for an inferior calyx. Zan'thophyll = XANTHOPHYLL. Ze'Sn, a proteid existing in maize, Zea Mays, Linn. Zeuot'ropism (zenith, T/SOTTT/, a twining), negative geotropism (Fayod) ; adj. zenotroplc. zeori'nus, resembling the Lichen genus Zeora, Fr. Zi'mome = ZYMOME. zig'zag, having short bends or angles from side to side. Zoadu'la, pi. Zoadulae (Fr. zoadule), Gaillon's term for ZOOSPORB. zodioph'ilous (fwdiov, a little animal, 0l\e'w, I love) = ZOIDIOPHILOUS. zoidiog'amus (foov, an animal, ydfj.os, marriage), Engler and Prantl's term when an archegoniate plant has ciliated antherozoids ; zoidio- ph'ilous (0i\cw, I love), pollinated by the agency of animals ; Zoidio- ph'ilae, plants which are so fertil- ized. zo'nal (tyvri, a belt or girdle), applied to those "plant-formations " by C. Macmillan, which exhibit well marked radial symmetry as though spreading from one centre ; zo'nate, marked circularly, as the leaves of Pelargonium zonale, L'He'rit. ; ~ Tetragonid'ia, those formed by transverse divisions ; a, a sphere), a biciliated swarm-cell of Algae, afterwards an oosphere ; Zo'osperm, Zoosper'ma (/m, a seed), pi. Zoosper'mata, = ZOOSPORE ; Zoo- sporan'gium (+ SPORANGIUM), a sporangium which produces zoo- spores or planogametes ; adj. zoosporan'gial ; Zo'ospore (viropa, a seed), a free-moving spore, an asexual reproductive cell with cilia, sometimes a planogamete ; adj. zoospor'ous ; Zoozy'gosphere ({Vyos, a yoke, a, a sphere) — GAMETE ; Zy'gospore (ffiropd, a seed), a body produced by the coalescence of two similar §ametes ; Zygospor'ophore { + POROPHORE), the suspensor in Mucorini. Zy'gote (fuyuros, yoked), a body pro- duced by fertilization or conjuga- tion of two gametes ; Zy'gotoid (eldos, like), the result of the union of two gametoids, that is, apocytial structures, as in Mucor (Hartog). Zygozo'ospore (firyos, a yoke, + ZOO- SPORE), a motile zygospore. Zy'inase (tyfj.ii, leaven), (1) formerly applied to the whole group of ferments ; (2) an enzyme occurring in yeast; cf. ANTHOZYMASE, and ZYTHOZYMASE ; zy'mic, relating to fermentation; Zy'mogen (yewdu> I produce), the "mother of fer- mentation," an antecedent body of an enzyme ; zymogen'ic, applied to a peptonising enzyme ; Zymohydro- 1'ysis (tidwp, water, Xims, a loosing), fermentation induced by the ab- sorption of water ; Zymol'ysis, decomposition by the action of ferments ; Zy'mom or Z/mome, one of the proximate principles of wheat-gluten, cf. GLIAN ; Zy- mo'sis, fermentation ; zymot'ic, (1) relating to fermentation ; (2) ap- plied to diseases due to infection by germs, with their rapid increase. Zythozy'mase (fr'0os, beer, + ZYMASE), an enzyme in yeast, also found in certain Fungi. 294 SUPPLEMENT NOTE.— The derivations here given are strictly supplementary to those in the main alphabet. Ab'last, the entire suppression of an organ, as distinct from ABORTION, in which it remains rudimentary or partially developed (Eichler). afoys'sal(a£i;iX^w, I love), mutual ad- vantages between plants and mites ; adj., acaroph'ilous. acarpotrop'ic (+ CARPOTROPIC), not throwing off its fruits. accessorial, specially applied to those branches of Pithophora aris- ing from near the base of the mother-cell (Wittrock) ; acces'sory Indu'sium, when the margin of a fern-frond is inflexedover thesorus. Acclima'tion (ac = ad, to, clima, climate), used by L. H. Bailey for the natural process of becoming inured to a climate at first harm- ful ; Acclimatization, is preferred for scientific use, especially when denoting human action in inuring plants to a strange climate. accu'ment (Heinig)=AccuMBENT. a'cer, used by some authors instead of the generally adopted a'cris, (1) sharp, pointed; (2) acrid, as in Ranuncitius acris, Linn. acera'ceous, relating to the genus Acer, or its allies. achlorophylla'ceous (a = without, + CHLOROPHYLLACEOUS), destitute of chlorophyll. Achro'ocyst (*i5s, a tunic), a term proposed by Hoeck for all haplostemonous Gamopetalae exclusive of Cucur- bitaceae, but inclusive of Umbel- liferae ; a group considered by him to stand at the head of Dicoty- ledons ; Acroconid'ium ( + CON- IDIUM), used of those conidia which successively mature and break away from the apex of the con- idiophore (A. Fischer); acroph'- ilus (0tX<:w, I love), dwelling in the alpine region ; Acrophy'ta, (0vrop, a plant), alpine plants ; Acrophyt'ia, alpine plant forma- tions (Clements). 295 Aorose (SUPPLEMENT) agamotroplc Ac'rose = FRUCTOSE. actinod'romous (dpojws, a course), when veins are palmately or radially arranged, as in Acer ; Actinomor'phy (/xop0^, a change), an ACTINOMORPHIC arrangement ; Acti'nostele ( + STELE), the stele of most roots and certain stems, con- sisting of alternating or radial groups of xylem and phloem within a pericycle (Brebner). Act'ium, pi. Act'ia (d/cr^, rocky coast), a rocky seashore plant formation ; actoph'ilus (i\4u, I love), grow- ing on the seashore; Actophy'ta, plants of the rocky shore (Clements). adap'tive modifications are those which obviously fit an organism to exist in given environments, and perhaps produced by the latter; ~Ra'ces, morphologically identical, but differing physiologically ; cf. BIOLOGIC RACES. Adelogam'icae, (dSeXos, unknown, yd/Acts, marriage), Radlkofer's term for Fungi and Lichens ; adelosi- phon'ic (atyuv, a tube), applied to a DICTYOSTELE when complex, and ceasing to be tubular (Brebner). Adelphopn/agy (d5eX0ds, a brother, ayos, a glutton), the union of two gametes of the same sex (Giard) ; Adelphog'amy (y&fios, marriage), fertilization between neighbouring plants of the same species. Ade'nocyst (/cutms, a cavity), the mem- brane of a cell or cells surround- ing a gland (Vuillemin). ad'ligant, al'ligant (Heinig) ; cf. ADLIGANS. aecid'ial, relating to or resembling the form-genus Aecidium; Aecid'- iolum, in Uredineae, a small form and usually a later development of the Aecidium-at&ge ; a spermo- gonium. Aegagropi'lae, pi. (dlyaypos, a wild goat, TiXos, felt), Lagerheim's term for those marine Algae which are more or less spherical, and freely driven about in the sea. aeloph'ilous (&e\\a, storm - wind, 0tX6o, I love), applied to plants disseminated by wind. aeo'lian (al6\ot, shifting), used of sandy soils liable to rapid removal by wind (Clements). ae'reus (Lat.), copper-coloured, or bronzed. A'erobe, a suggested abbreviation of AEROBIUM ; aero'bic, pertaining to such organisms ; aeroph'ilous (0tXew, I Love), Beyerinck's term for essentially aerobiotic organ- isms ; cf. MICROAEROPHILOUS. Aeromorpho'sis (/j,6pi\t(t>, I love), beach- loving; Aigialoph/ta (vrbv, a plant), beach or strand plants (Clements). Aipnyll'ium (aet'^uXXos, evergreen), an evergreen forest formation ; aiphyl- loph'ilus ($iX^w, I love), growing in such forests; Aipnyllophy'ta ((ftvrbv, & plant), plants forming evergreen forests (Clements) ; Aiphy'tia, ultimate or fixed forma- tions (Clements). Aitharium (detflaX^s, an evergreen thicket), a formation of evergreen thickets; aithalophllus (0tX^w, I love), plants delighting in such habitats; Aithalophy'ta (Qvrto, a plant), plants composing such for- mations (Clements). Aitomorpho'sis (afnos, causing, /t6/30w$Tov, a plant), ruderal or wayside plants (Clements). al'goid (efSoy, resemblance), like an Alga ; Al'go-li'chenes, Lindsay's term for certain transitional forms between Algae and Lichens. ATiquote (aliquot, some in numbers), the constant of temperatures for a given event in the life-cycle of an organism ; the sum-temperature of the event divided by the total sum - temperature of the year (Linsser). Allautogam'ia (aXXos, other, aOrds, self, -yd/Acs, marriage), unusual method of pollination (Clements). Allelomorph (dXX^Xws, mutually, /uop?7, shape), applied to "unit- characters existing in antagonistic pairs " (Bateson) ; cf. HYP ALLELO- MORPH ; adj. allelomor'phic ; Alle- lomor'phism, the condition in question. Al'losperm (o-r^/ta, a seed), an embryo arising through ALLOGAMY (MacMillan); Al'lospore ( + SPORA), a spore which gives rise ultimately to a gametophyte (Radlkofer) ; Allot'rophy (rpoffi, nourishment), when plants are not in a condi- tion to assimilate C02 (Pfeffer) ; (2) the condition of flowers of low adaptation to insect visitors (Loew). alsina'ceous, add, (2) belonging to, or resembling the group of plants of which Alsine is the typical genus. ATsium (aXcros, a grove), a grove formation ; alsoph'ilus (0tXeo>, I love), grove-loving plants ; Also- phy'ta (Qirrbv, a plant), grove plants (Clements) ; alsoc'olus (Cle- ments) = alsoc'ola, dwelling in groves. alterna'rioid (elSos, likeness), re- sembling the genus Alternaria. alternipet'alous (ir£ra\ov, a flower leaf), applied to stamens alternat- ing with the petals ; alterni- sep'alous ( + SEPALUM), used of petals alternating with the sepals. al'veolar (alveolus, a small hollow) The'ory, applied to Butschli's theory of protoplasm as a foam- like substance. 297 Amathiuni (SUPPLEMENT) Anastates Amath'ium (apados, sandy soil), a sand-hill formation ; amathoph'llus (0tX^w, I love), dwelling on sand- hills or sandy plains ; Amathophy'ta (vrbv, a plant), sand-plain plants ; amath'ocolus (i.e. = amath'ocola), sandy duelling plants (Clement*). Am'ber, the English name of SUC- CINITE. Ambro'sia, the mycelial or oidial stage of a Fungus, probably of some Ascomycete, found in the bur- rows of some beetles in fruit-trees, and believed to be used as food. Amentiflo'rae (flos, Jloris, a flower), wind - fertilized, catkin - bearing plants, as the hazel or willow (Delpino). Am'idases ( + AMIDE), enzymes occur- ring in the mycelium of Aspergillus, which split off ammonia from urea, etc.j but are not proteolytic (Shibata) ; am'inoid (eUos, resem- blance), used by Kerner for those scents which have an amine as their foundation, and diffuse into the air, such as the hawthorn and elder. Am'me (Ger., nurse), cf. TROPHO-. Ammoch'tnium (a/i^tos, sand, 6xOy> bank), a sand-bank formation ; ammochthoph'ilus (i\tut I love), plant dwelling on sand-banks ; Ammocnthophy'ta ((pvrbv, a plant), plants of sand-banks (Clements). Am'pelid (a/tTreXos, a vine), used by J. Smith for any climbing plant ; Ampelog'rapMst (ypdu, I write), a writer on vines. amphicoe'lous (/totXos, hollow), con- cave on both sides (Heinig) ; Am- phicot'yly, cf. AMPHISYNCOTYLY ; amphicri'bral (cribrum, asieve), ap- plied to a hadrocentric bundle (Haberlandt) ; Amphigen'esis (yeve- 6\\ov, a leaf), the production of starch-leaves ; Amy- losyn'thesis (eTt/c6s, power of choosing), applied by C. Schimper to an abnormal arrange- ment of the leaves in single rows on the axis, as happens in torsion, etc. Anaphyto'sis, the building up of plant structure by ANAPHYTES. Anast'ates, pi. (d^ctcrraros, removed), the products of anabolic or ascend- ing conversion of food-material into protoplasm {Parker). 298 Anataximorphosis (SUPPLEMENT) Ante-phyllome Anataximorph'osis (avin, up, rdfa, order, /J.opii, change), Gubler's term for teratologic changes which are in conformity with the normal order ; anatyp'ic (TVTTOS, a type), applied to an anomaly which conforms to the general law of the organism ; Ana- ty'pose, an anomaly of the kind specified (Gubler). anchor'aeform (anchoret, an anchor, forma, shape), with two limbs, as in the petals of Ankyropetalum, Fenzl. An'cium, pi. An'cia (&JKOS, a hollow, as a glen), a canon forest formation ; ancoph'ilus (0t\^w, I love), haunt- ing canons; Ancophy'ta (vrov, a plant), plants of canons ; an- coc'olus, i.e. ancoc'ola, living in canons (Clements). Androconid'ium ( + CONIDIUM), term propounded by Cohn for a sper- matium of assumed male function ; androdynam'ic, = ANDRODYNAM- ous; Androg'amy (7<£/cos, marriage), employed by Dangeard for the im- pregnation of a male gamete by a female; it may be, (a) cytoplas'- mic ~, the cytoplasm of the female gamete acting, or (&) nu'- clear~, when the nucleus of the female effects the impregnation ; Androgen'esis (yhcffts, beginning), the growth of an individual from a male cell ; cf. PARTHENOGENESIS ; Andromorpho'sis (/x6/o0wvr6i>, a plant), blowout plants ; Anemog'amae (ydfjas, marriage), wind fertilized plants ; also as Anemoph'ilae (0i\co>, I love); ane'mophile, de- lighting in wind, growing in breezy places ; ane'mopnobe, shunning wind ; Ane'mophyte, Hansgirg's term for Anemoentomoph'ily ( + ENTOMOPHILY), employed of a poly- morphic species which in some individuals is adapted for wind- fertilization, and in others for insect-fertilization (Knuth). angianth'eous, employed by A. Gray as pertaining to Angianthus, a genus of Inuloid Compositae. angiosper'mous, angiosper'mal, relat- ing to Angiosperms. anisog'onous, (761/05, offspring), ap- plied to hybrids which do not equally combine the characters of their parents, cf. ISOGONOUS ; An'isophylly, (2) the occurrence of leaves varying in form or size on shoots which are obliquely inclined to the light ; it may be (a) habitual, so fixed as to be capable of being artificially propagated ; (b) com- mon throughout the whole shoot ; or (c) lateral, where only the side- branches display the inequality (Wiesner). Anla'ge, see FUNDAMENT (in Supple- ment). an'oderm (av, without, Sepua, skin), destitute of covering membrane or cuticle. Ant-ep'iphytes ( + EPIPHYTE), certain plants cultivated by ants (Ule). Ante - cau'lome ( + CAULOME), Potonie"s term for the theoretic plant possessing an axis ; ante- dimor'phic ( + DIMORPHIC), the condition of a species previous to its attaining Dimorphism, as Viola, supposed to be at one time trimorphic (S. Moore) ; An'teform (forma, shape), an original form which has died out, but has given rise to modified offspring (Kuntze) ; Ante-phylTome ( + PHYLLOME), the theoretic leaf, cf. POST-PHYLLOME 299 anteplacental (SUPPLEMENT) aphotiatlc (Potonie) ; anteplacen'tal ( + PLA- CENTA), in front of the placentas, not bet ween them ; Ante-spor'ophyll (+ SPOROPHYLL), the primitive structure of the spore-bearing organ (Potoni6) ; Ante - troph'ophyll ( + TROPHOPHYLL) ; the ancestral form of the leaf (Potoni6) ; Ante- trophospor'opnyll, the ancestral leaf-like organ, possessing the function of leaf and sporophyll (PotoniS). An'ther, add, (2) also used by Lin- naeus for the seta and capsule of Mosses, as in Bryum. antherid'ial, antherid'ic, pertaining to antheridia) ; •*- -Cell, the product of a prothallial cell, which divides into the GENERATIVE CELL, and the STALK-CELL. An'therocyst (K^TIS, a bladder), (1) Camel's term for ANTHERIDIUM, (2) restricted by Vuillemin to a unicellular structure devoloping antherozoids. Anthobiol'ogy ( + BIOLOGY), Hans- girg'a term for the life-history of the flower; An'thocarp, Antho- carp'ium, a fruit formed by the union of the floral organs or part of them, with the fruit itself, as in Nyctagineae. anthoc'erotoid (eTSos, resemblance), re- sembling the hepatic genus An- thoceros. Anthog'amae (ydjjios, marriage), Trevisan's term to include Bryo- phytes and Characeae ; An'tho- pliyte (Qvrbv, a plant), a flowering plant, a Phanerogam ; Antho- phae'in (0cu6s, brown, swarthy), the colouring of the black spots on the corolla of Vicia Faba (Moebius) ; Anthosper'mae ((nrtpfjui, a seed), a division of plants intermediate between Angiospermae and Gym- nospermae (Williams) ; antho- trop'ic (T/JOTT^J, a turning), em- ployed by Hansgirg for any curva- ture of the peduncle during flower- ing ; Anthoxan'tnin, add, (2) used by Frank as a synonym of CARO- TIN ; Anthozy'mase ( + ZYMASE), an enzyme found by Be"charnp in the petals of flowers. Anthrop'ochore (AvdpuTros, man, xw/^s> asunder), used by Rikli to denote plants which are introduced in- voluntarily by the agency of man. Anti-cen'tral (dvrl, against), em- ployed by Praeger for plants whose distribution tends towards the coasts, avoiding the centre of the island ; Antichem'ism ( + CHEM), Cope's term to denote the pro- toplasm-producing energy, as anta- gonizing chemical force. Anticipatory Inheritance, suggested by Boulger for what has since been called Precocity. An'ticlines, anticlinal walls or planes. anti'cous, add, (2) occasionally em- ployed for introrse, as applied to anthers. antid'roinous, twining in diverse directions ; Antip'athy, the quality shown by antipathetic plants ; antipet'alous (irtTa\ov, a flower- leaf) ; the same as OPPOSITIPETA- LOUS ; antisep'alous ( + SEPALUM) ; a shorter word for OPPOSITISEPALOUS, antitrop'ic (T/JOTTT;, a turning), sug- gested by A. Gray for twining against the sun, that is, sin- istrorse ; anti-ulto'nian ( + ULTO- NIAN), used by Praeger for plants whose distribution is least in the province of Ulster. anu'cleate (a, without, + NUCLEUS), non-nucleate. ap-, apo-, prefix of negation (Rothert) ; Apaerotax'is (aer, air, rd£t5, order), used by Rothert for negative stimulus by oxygen, in the case of anaerobic organisms ; Apan'dry, add, (2) the loss of func- tion in the male organs ; aperis- perm'ic ( + PERISPERM), without albumen (Heinig). apertiflo'rous (flos, floris, a flower), Boulger's term for CHASMOGAMIC. Apet'aly, the condition of wanting petals ; cf. APETALOUSNESS. apho'tic, aphotis'tic, growing without light, as abyssal organisms may do; cf. APHOTISTES. 300 Aphototaxis (SUPPLEMENT) Apotypose Aphototaxi's( + PHOTOTAXis),the con- dition of organisms which are un- affected by the stimulus of light ; adj. aphototac'tic ; Aphototrop'ism ( + PHOTOTROPISM), turning away from light ; Aphyll'ae, (2) plants having only rudimentary leaves or none (Schimper). Aphydrotax'is (d™, from, C$w/>, water, T&£IS, order), repulsion from water. aphyllop'odous (iroi/s, iroSdy, a foot), the stem of ffieracium when leafy, and without a basal rosette of leaves. apic'ifixed (apex, top, jfixus, ' fastened), descriptive of a sus- pended anther (Groom). Aplanogametan'giuin (tiyyeiov, a ves- sel), the organ which gives rise to aplanogametes. aplolepid'eous (\eirh, a scale), applied to those Mosses having a single row of teeth or scales in the peri- stome. apobat'ic (airofialvw, I depart), re- pulsive ; cf. STROPHIC. Apochemotax'is ( + CHEMOTAXIS), negative attraction due to chemical influence ; repulsion ; adj. apoche- motac'tic. apocyna'ceous, apocyn'eous, relating to or resembling the genus Apocy- num or its allies. apocyt'ial, of the nature of an APO- CYTIUM, an habitually plurinucleate mass of protoplasm, cell-division remaining in abeyance ; Apogal- vanotax'is ( + GALVANOTAXIS, rd£is, order), negative GALVANOTEOPISM ; apogam'ic, apogamous ; Apog'amy, add, (2) independently framed by Romanes to express "indiscrimin- ate isolation " ; Apoge'otaxis (yij\ the earth, rd£ts, order), negative GEOTAXIS ; apogeoesthet'ic (alo-d-r}- riKbs, perceptible), when the young hypocotyl bends upwards (Czapek) ; Apogesta'tion, (gestatio, a bearing), defined by A. S. Wilson as "the gestation of the germ of one plant in the tissue of a wholly different plant away from the generating system ; " apo'Iar (a, privative, 7r6Xos, a pivot), ap- 301 plied by Bertrand and Cornaille, to indeterminate fibrovascular masses without tracheae, in Ferns ; Apophototax'is ( + PHOTOTAXis),the action of light causing no definite arrangement of organisms or chlorophyll granules ; adj. apopho- totac'tic ; Ap'ophytes, pi. (Qtrov, a plant), (1) Boulger's term for Lichens; (2)Rikli'sterm for autoch- thonous plants which follow cultiva- tion ; apoplasmo'dial ( + PLASMO- DIUM), and apoplastog'amous ( + PLASTOGAMY),said of the Acrasieae, as differing frooi the Myxogastres by the non- fusion of their cytoplas- tic elements (Hartog) ; ap'oschist (ffXurrbs, split), used of a gamete in which cell-division does not occur, but the cell directly assumes the behaviour of a gamete (Hartog); Aposmotax'is ( + OSMOTAXIS), the repulsive influence of certain solu- tions on organisms ; Ap'osperms ( In'terval, the space on the PHOTRUM capable of apostrophizing chlorophyll granules (S. Moore); also termed Apostro- ph'ioii; Apostrophiza'tion, the act of chlorophyll granules in taking up the position of APOSTROPHE ; Apotaximorpho'ais (rd£is, order, ^o/3077, shape), Gubler's term for any teratologic change which seems antagonistic to the normal laws governing the organism ; Apother- motax'is (-f THERMOTAXIS), in- sensibility to the influence of temperature. Apothigmotax'is (+ THIGMOTAXIS), irritability induced by contact with a solid body (Rothert); apot'ropous (rpoiTTj, a turning), used of an ana- tropous ovule with the raphe ventral; apotyp'ic (TI^TTOS, a type) an anomalous departure from the general law of development ; Apoty'pose, an abnormality of the kind specified (Gubler). appendiculate (SUPPLEMENT) Artolin appendlc'ulate, add, (2) the pileus of an agaric, when portions of the secondary veil remain attached to the margin of the pileus. Appressor'ia, pi., Frank's term for the exterior organs of attachment of parasitic Fungi, as distinct from theHAUSTORiA or absorbing organs. ara'ceous, relating to the order Araceae. Archae'ophytes (0iW, a plant), Rikli's term, for weeds intro- duced into cultivated ground in prehistoric time ; Arch'esperm (ffirfpfM, a seed), (1) the ferti- lized contents of an archegonium (Bennett and Murray) ; (2) also employed byMacMillan, for plants with obligatory and archesper'mic seeds, with monomorphous em- bryos ; Archicleistog'amy ( + CLEIS- TOGAMY), the condition of per- manently closed flowers, whose organs are considerably smaller than those of normal flowers (Loew) ; Arch'isphere ( a cloak), Engler's term including the Polypetalae and the Incom- pletae; ~ Age of, the Middle Tertiary Period is so termed b y , off- MacMillan ; archigon'ic (76^05 spring), arising by spontaneous generation (Haeckel) ; Archocleis- tog'amy (+ CLEISTOGAMY), when the flowers remain closed at the time when the sexual organs ripen (Knuth) ; cf. ARCHICLEISTOGAMY ; Archimyce'tes ([wnys, a mushroom), unicellular Fungi, parasitic on Diatoms (Marpmann). arctogae'al (777*, the earth), in plant- distribution refers to Huxley's term Arctogae'a, which includes Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America as far as Mexico. Ard'ium or Ard'ion (&pdu, I irrigate), a formation of plants due to ir- rigation (Clements). ardos'iacus (Mod. Lat., from Fr. ardoise, slate), slate-grey. A'rea, add, (4) ; A. Braun's term for the space round the sporangium in Isoetes. Arenariet'um, a formation in which Arenaria is dominant or exclusive (Clements). arenic'olous (arena, sand, colo, I in- habit), growing in sand or sandy places. Are'ola, add, (4) a lumen in the sporangium of Achlya, due to the influx of water ( Harper). argiriicole (argilla, clay, + colo, I inhabit), dwelling on clay. Ar'ginin (deriv. ?), a proteid peculiar to the Coniferae, occurring in their seeds and etiolated seedlings. arieti'nous (arietinus, pertaining to a ram), like a ram's head (Heinig). aril'loid (eZSos, resemblance), like an aril. Aril'lus, (2) used by Smith for the utricle of Oarex. ar'millate (armilla, a bracelet), con- sisting of rings or circles ; ar'mil- lary, like a bracelet (Heinig). aroid'eous, relating to the order Aroideae. Arrest', employed by Goebel to in- clude ABORTION and SUPPRESSION. artnrodes'moid, resembling in form the Desmid genus Arthrodesmus (Archer). arthrog'enous (7^05, offspring), when portions separate from the cell, and gradually develop into dis- tinct individuals (Massee). artic'ulated, articula'tus, (2) used by Bentham and Hooker for the jointed pod of Desmodium. Articula'tion, add, (2) the basal por- tion of the sensitive bristle in Dionaea ; Artic'uli, the segments of coralline Algae, usually in- crusted with lime. Ar'tolin (tipros, a loaf), the proteid of wheat-gluten. 302 aruncoid (SUPPLEMENT) aurantiaceous arun'coid (eZSos, like), resembling Spiraea aruncus. As'arin, the bitter principle of Asara- bacca, Asarum europaeum, Linn. asclepiad'eous, like the genus As- clepias or its allies, as to structure ; Asclepiadol'ogy (\6yos, discourse), the science, or a treating of the order of Asclepiadeae (Schlechter). As'cocyst (/ci5vt-la, without a pulse), in plants, insensibility brought on by suspension of respiration due to absence of oxygen (Dutrochet). Aspide'tum, Ganong's term for a bog- marsh plant-association of Carex and Aspidium, whence the name. Aspidia'ria, formerly the name of a genus of fossils, now applied to a lepidodendroid stem when the cor- tex has been stripped off (Scott), assim'ilative, conducing to ASSIMILA- TION ; "- Fil'aments, sterile hairs which grow intermixed with the sporangia of such Algae as Ecto- carpus. astera'ceous, allied to the group of Compositae of which the genus Aster is the type. aster'iate (Heinig) = ASTEROID. Asterid'ia, pi. (idioi> = diminutive), spinous or stellate bodies occurring in the cells of Conjugatae, possibly some parasitic form (Archer) ; As- terospliae'ria, pi. (o-0cupa, a sphere), a synonym of the same. Astigmat'icae, Knuth's term for wind- fertilized plants which do not pos- sess stigmas, such as Gymnosperms. astrag'aloid (ao-rpdyaXos, a knuckle- bone, elSoy, resemblance), (1) dice- 303 shaped (Heinig) ; (2) having affinity with the genus Astragalus. As'trophe, or As' trophy (a,not, ffrpo^rj, a turning), negative EPISTROPHE (S. Moore); Asym/metry ( + SYM- METRY), term extended by Goebel to express the dissimilarity of lateral halves and leaflets, irre- spective of the entire leaf ; Asyn'- gamy (v, together, ydftos, mar- riage), the natural prevention of cross-pollination by the respective plants or species flowering at differ- ent times (Kerner) ; asynthet'ic (fftivderos, compounded) Gonid'ia, free Lichen gonidia, occurring on the outsideof the thallus (Koerber). Atact'ostele (ara/cros, out of order, + STELE), Brebner's term for the monostele of Monocotyledons, hav- ing scattered vascular bundles imbedded in conjunctive ground - tissue ; also in Dicotyledons when the meri steles are not in a single ring. atavistic (atavus, an ancestor), revert- ing to an older type of structure ; At'avist, applied to a plant show- ing that tendency. ataxonom'ic(a, not + TAxoNOMic), any part of botany which is not con- cerned with systematic work. at'omate ( + ATOM), "sprinkled with atoms " (Stevenson). atrate'. at ra' tons, given by Heinig as "turning black"; a'trous, dead black (Heinig). Attachment -disc, the holdfast or basal hapteron of an Alga. atyp'ic (a, not, TU'TTOS, a type), not typical, departing^ from the type. aucupa'rious (aucupari, to catch birds), "attracting birds " (Heinig). aulacocar'pous (a5Xa£, a furrow, xapTTos, fruit), with furrowed fruit, sulcate (Heinig). Au'lax-galls, galls which resemble stone-fruits produced by gall- wasps of the genus Aidax, espe- cially on Labiatae (Kerner). aurantia'ceous, like the orange, Aurantium, or the order to which it belongs (Heinig). auriculate (SUPPLEMENT) Bacteriologist auric'ulate, auricula' tus, eared, auricled. Autallogamla (afro?, self, aXXos, other, 7a/Aos, marriage), normal pollination (Clements) ; Autem'- bryosperm (fyppvov, a foetus, a-irep/ma, a seed), MacMillan's term for PARTHENOSPERMS with the endosperm the result of fecunda- tion from effective pollen arising in the same flower ; Auten'dosperm ( + ENDOSPERM) ; the embryo being the result of fecundation, the effec- tive pollen arising from the same flower as the seed (MacMillan) ; Au'to-allog'ainy ( + ALLOGAMY), the condition of a species when some individuals are adapted for self- fertilization, and others for cross- fertilization, as in Viola tricolor, Linn. (Engler and Prantl) ; Autob'- olites (/3oXJs, a missile), the pro- ducts of division of the living protoplasm (Beyerinck) ; auto- carpotroplc ( + CARPOTROPIC), automatic separation of fruit ; autochor'ic (x&Y>!s, separate), ap- plied to plants distributed by means of their own movements (Kirchner). Autoch'thon (afrroxduv, indigenous), an aboriginal form ; a native plant, not an introduction ; adj. autoch'thonal ; ~ Tne'ory, the theory that each species originated where now found (L. H. Bailey). Autofecunda'tion ( + FECUNDA- TION), self - fertilization ; auto- gam'ic. autogamous, self- fertilized; autogenet'ic, self - derived ; auto- pelag'ic (7reXa7os, the sea), applied to plankton which lives continu- ously on the surface (For el) ; Auto- ph'agy (vTbv, a plant), low- land plant formations ; Bathy- phy'ta, the plants of a lowland association (Clements). batolog'ical, adj. of BATOLOGT. bay, dun-colour ; an equivalent of BADIUS. Beglei'ter (Ger., companion) Cells, small groups of thin-walled cells associated with DEUTER CELLS, and probably serving as conductors of water (Limpricht) ; cf. COMPANION CELLS (Salmon). Belt's Corpus'cles, Scbimper's expres- sion for the FOOD-BODIES of certain species of Acacia used by ants as food. bennettit'ean, resembling the fossil genus Bennettites. Benth'on, or Benth'os (pcv0os, depth, bottom), the vegetation at the bottom of the sea, lakes, or streams ; the fixed growth as distinct from the plankton or floating growth ; Forel distinguishes necton'ic »~, organisms which float freely ; ses'sile ~, those which remain attached and vagi! ^, wandering organisms ; Ben'thophyte (tyvrov, a plant), a plant whose habitat is at the bottom. ben'zoloid, a group of scents de- rived from aromatic bodies, as eugenol or oil of cloves, and in the flowers of Heliotrope, Lilac, etc. (Kerner). Berge'ria, formerly considered a genus of fossils, now applied to a lepidodendroid stem when the epidermis has been stripped off (Scott). Ber'ry-cone, a cone whose scales have 305 Betulase (SUPPLEMENT) bivalent become fleshy and fused, as in Juniperus. Bet'ulase, the same enzyme as GAUL- THEKASE, but obtain d from the bark of JBetula lenta, Linn. ; Betule'- tum, a pUnc association of birch trees (Clements). Bianco'ni's Plate, a plexus of scleren- chymatous fibrea near the vascular bundles towards the concave or sensitive face of tendrils ; so termed by Borzl after the discoverer. Biastrep'sis (/Sta'w, I force, dyw, I eat), the absorption and digestion of the matter of living organisms (Boulger) ; adj. bioph'agous ; Bi'ophyte (Qvrbv, a plant), a bio- phagous plant; bioplasmatlc, re- lating to BIOPLASM ; Bioplas'son (TrXdcrcrw, I mould), Elsberg's pro- posed emendation of BIOPLASM ; Bi'os, a substance so termed by Wildiers, as indispensable to the development of fermentation. Bio'sis (J3ic6fc, separate), plants distributed by offshoots (Clements); blastogen'ic (7^05, offspring), em- ployed by Weismann for those characters which have originated from changes in the germ (L. H. Bailey) ; Blastoma'nia (fiavid, mad- ness), the production of an abnor- mal number of leaf -shoots (A. Braun). Blending, a hybrid formed by the crossing of races (Heinig); Ger., Blendling. Blepharoplas'toid (eI5os, resem- blance), a body which appears near the nuclear spindle in Mar- silia, and divides during the resting stage of the nucleus, disappearing soon afterwards (Shaw). Bol'etol, Bertrand's name for the blue colouring matter in certain Fungi, as Boletus. bom'bysine (Heinig) =BOMBYCINUS. boragina'ceous, belonging to or re- sembling the genus JBorago or its allies. Bo'rer, the penetrating root of a parasite (De Bary). Bot'any, add, (2) also used for a text-book or local-flora. Bound'ary Cell, Ger., Grenzzelle = HETEROCYST. Brach'eid, Tschirch's suggested ab- breviation of his own term BBACHYSCLEREID. Brach'yblast (0\av\\ov, a leaf), short-leaved. bracnysty'lous ( + STYLB), a synonym of MIOROSTYLOUS. 307 Bract-cell, used for certain cells on the branchlets of Chara. Bract'eole, add, (3) a postical bract of Hepaticae (Spruce). brad'yschist (jS/?a5i>y, slow, (rxurrbs, split), when in a brood mother- cell successive nuclear divisions are completed before cell-division (Hartog). brassica'ceous (Brassica, + aceous), resembling the genus Brassica, or belonging to it. Braun's Series, the same as FIBONACCI Series. Bridge, a narrow band of tissue con- necting larger masses of the same (Kearney) ; bridging, applied to certain species which act as inter- mediate hosts of Fungi, thus breaking down immunity. Bro'melin, a proteolytic enzyme oc- curring abundantly in the juice of the pine-apple, which is a member of the Bromeliaceae, whence the name. Brot'ium, or Brot'ion (pporos, mortal), a succession of plants due to human agency ; Brot'ochores, -ae (xwpis, separate), dispersion by man (Cle- ments). Brush, applied to the young fruit of the hop, when the stigmas are protruding. Bry' ogams, Bryogam'ia (7a'/*oy, mar- riage), term proposed by Caruel for the Bryophytes ; Bryo'ma, the vegetative substance of Mosses ; bryophyt'ic, pertaining to BRYO- PHYTES. Bud-conn, the root-system of most herbaceous plants ( J. Smith) ; ~ -gall, Kerner's term for a gall which involves several or all the members of a shoot, and may be leafless or leafy ; Bud'dage, propa- gation by buds (L. H. Bailey). Bulb, add, Plu'mule- ~ , bulb produced direct from the seed ; Run'ner ~ , bulb arising from a stolon (Blod- gett). Bul'garine, Zopf 's term for an orange pigment produced by Bulgaria polymorpha, Wett. Bundle-ends (SUPPLEMENT) Carpospore Bun' die-ends, the peripheral ends of bundles when spread out in the leaves or periphery of the stem; ~ -trunks, those bundles which pass through the stem, root, leaf- stalk and thick nerves of the leaf ; they may be complete or in- complete. Bur or Burr, the female inflorescence of the hop, when the stigmas are visible forming the BRUSH. But'tons, Smith's name for TEICAE. Bynedes'tin (£1^77, malt, + EDESTIN), a globulin found in malt with By'nin, a proteid which replaces Hordein when barley is malted. bys'soid (elSos, resemblance), the same as BYSSACEOUS. Caenody'namism (KO.IVOS, recent, dtvafus, power), Giard's term for the replacement of complex func- tions by simpler; adj. caenody- nam'ic ; Caenogen'esls (KCUVOS, new, yevecris, beginning), the acquisition of characters of a recent date, from readjustment to the environment (spelled also in various ways) ; cf. PALINGENESIS ; adj. caeno- genet'ic; Caenomorph'ism (/UO/X^T?, shape), simple modifications from complex, in living organisms (Giard). caesalpina'ceous, or caesalpin'eous, pertaining to the tribe of Legu- minosae named after the genus Caesalpinia. cae'sian, resembling the Dew-berry, Rubus caesius (Rogers). calama'rian; calam'itoid (eloos, re- semblance), calamitean. cala'thial, relating to the heads of Compositae. Cal'athis, see CALATHIUM ; Calatho- clad'ium (tfXaSos, a branch), in Hieracium and its allies, the upper part of the stem bearing flower-heads, as distinct from the unbranched part or CLADOPHORE (Williams). eal'cicole, calcic'olous (colo, I inhabit), dwelling on chalky soil ; calci- ph'ilous (0i\&v, 1 love), chalk- 308 loving ; calciph'obous, fear), chalk-hating, plants shunning chalk or limestone. Callune'tum, Warming's term for a plant - association consisting of heather, Calluna. Cal'ycals, proposed by Bessey for Calyciflorae. caxnbiogenet'ic (+ CAMBIUM, 7^0?, offspring), giving rise to cambium (De Bary). Canal', see GUM-CANAL, SORUS-CANAL. Canes' cence, hoariness. canna'ceous, relating to the genus Canna or its allies. Can'opy, a characteristic membrane within the testa surrounding the free part of the nucellus in Lageno- stoma (Williamson). Cap, add, (4) the short, upper, division of the dividing cell in Oedogonium. cappari'nus (Mod. Lat., from Cap- pariSy the caper-bush), brownish- green. carbona'ceus, (2) resembling charcoal, in colour or substance. card'inal (cardinalis, principal), ap- plied by Malinvaud to those species which cannot be reduced ; Card'inalgrade, points of tempera- ture, (a) lowest, (b) optimal, and (c) highest, at which vital func- tions can be performed (Kirchner). Carice'tum, a plant - association of Carex (Warming). Carniv'orism, the condition of insec- tivorous plants (Baillon) ; Carni- Vorophyte (vTbv, a plant), a carnivorous or flesh - digesting plant. carpellate, possessing carpels ; Car- pellotax'y (rd£is, order), the ar- rangement of carpels in the fruit ; Carpog'raphy (yp6w, I write), de- scription of fruits ; Carpoceph'alum (K€(pa\T], a head), the sporogonial receptacle of the Marchantieae (Campbell) ; carpogon'ial, relating to a carpogonium ; Car'posphere (cupa, a sphere), the oosphere of Algae before impregnation (Ben- net and Murray) ; Carp'ospore, (2) used by Clements for a plant carposporic (SUPPLEMENT) Chasmo-dichogamy possessing chaffy pappus ; carpo- sporic, adj. from CARPOSPORE. Carp'ostrotes, -ae (yrpwrbs, spread), plants whose distribution is effected by fruits (Clements). Carpot'ropism (TPOTTTJ, a turning), the movements of fruits before or after pollination ; adj. carpo- trop'ic. canmcula'ris = CARUNCULATE. Caryomi'tome ('+ MITOM), the chro- matin portion of the nucleus. caryopsid'eus, like a CARIOPSIS. casearill'us (Lat.), the colour of the inner bark of Gascarilla (Heyne). Casts, fossils showing the impressions of the structures whence their form is derived; medull'ary~', impres- sions of the internal cavities and Catamites, etc. Catab'olites, the products of CATA- BOLISM ; cf. HETEROBOLITES ; SCHI- ZOBOLITES. cat'acladous, -dus (ic\d8os, a branch), deflexed ; applied to certain species of Sphagnum. catagenet;ic,relating to CATAGENESIS. Cat'alase (deriv. ?), an enzyme in fresh tobacco leaves (Loew). Cath'ion (KCIT&, down, + ION), an ion charged with electricity which migrates toward the cathode or negative pole (J. F. Smith) ; in physics the word is usually spelled "Cation." Cat'kin, (2) improperly used by J. E. Smith for the spikelet of Carex. Cauliflo'ry, the production of flowers from the old wood (C. Schimper) ; caulocarp'ic, the same as CAULO- CARPOUS; cau'loid (elSos, resem- blance), emulating a stem, as in Pithophora (Wittrock). Cecidiol'ogy (\67oj, discourse), the science of galls and their origin. Cell-cap, an appearance in Oedogonium, due to intercalary surface growth ; ~ ker'nel = NUCLEUS. Cellobi'ose, formerly Cell'ose, a biose or sugar stated to have nearly the same composition as Cellulose. Cell'ulose, an enzyme occurring in Polyporus and Merulius which attacks Cellulose; CelTules, used by J. E. Smith for CISTULAE. cenan'thous (ai/0os, a flower), adj. of CENANTHY. cenogenet'ic, cf. CAENOGENET'IC. cen'tonate (cento, patchwork), used by F. N. Williams for the blotched leaves of Hieracium. cen'tral, applied by Praeger to those plants which are distributed cen- trally, and die out towards the extremities of a country or island. Cen'triole, Boveri's term for CENTRO- SOMB. Cen'trospores, -ae (K+vrpov, a spur + SPORE), plants having spurred fruits (Clements). Cen'ser-ac'tion, used for such capsules as partially open by valves, the seeds being gradually shaken out by the wind, as Papaver and Cer- astium (Kerner) ; Cen'ser - holes, apertures in the capsule, as in Campanula. chala'zal, pertaining to the CHALAZA. Cnalico'dium (xaXi/cwSi??, gravelly), " a gravel slide formation " ; chali- codoph'ilus ($t\ew, I love), " dwell- ing in gravel slides " ; Chalicodo- phy'ta (vrbv, a plant), "gravel slide plants " (Clements). ehalicoph'ilus (x^'f, gravel, ^tXe'o;, I love), gravel plant formations ; Chalicophy'ta (vrov, a plant), gravel plantsjChalicophy'tia, gravel plant formations (Clements), chasmanthe'ric, chasmanth'erous (&vdos, a flower), in cleistogamic flowers, when the anthers open, and liberate their pollen ; Chas- mantlie'ry (xdo-pa, a chasm, Avd-qpos, flowery), partial cleistogamy, when the stamens are exserted from the otherwise closed flowers (Knuth) ; Chas'mo-cleistog'amy ( + CLEISTOGAMY), the condition of possessing both cleistogamic and chasmogamic flowers (Delpino) ; adj. chasmocleistog'amous ; Chas'- mo-dichog'amy ( + DICHOGAMY), when cleistogamic flowers are accompanied by others which are 309 cnasmogamouB (SUPPLEMENT) Chlorophyllan chasmogamic (Delpino) ; chasmo- g'amous (70^0?, marriage), pollina- tion effected during expansion of the floral envelope ; Chasmopet'aly (petalum, a flower-leaf), persistent opening of the floral envelopes : y. CLEISTOPETALY ; Chas'mophyte (vrov, a plant), a plant which grows in rock-crevices (A. F. W. Schimper). cheilod'romous (5/>6>oj, a course) = CRASPEDODROMOUS. cheiroste'monous (xdp, hand, ffr^wv, thread), ( 1 ) with five stamens united at the base (Heinig) ; (2) relating to the genus Cheirostemon. che'late (x^X^, a hoof or claw), " with two cleft claws," cf. BIFURCATE (Heinig). Chemaux'ism (a0£77, growth), incite- ment to growth by certain reagents or other compounds ; Chemokine'sis (Ktvrjffis, motion), the action of zoo- spores induced by chemical attrac- tion ; Chemomorpho'sis (fj-opfr], shape), an alteration in shape caused by some compound, as galls by the insect puncture ; Cnemosyn'thesis (fftvdew, composi- tion), the composition of carbo- hydrates by chemical forces (Mac- dougal) ; Chemotax'is, neg'ative = APOCHEMOTAXIS ; Cnemot'ropism (77)071-77, a turning), the condition of CHBMOTAXIS (Miyoshi) ; Chem- ozo'ophobe (faov, an animal, 06/3fo>, I fear), a plant which defends itself against insect or animal attack by tannin, raphides, etc. ; adj. chem- ozooph'obous. Cherad'ium (xepaSos, silt), a sandbar formation; cheradoph'ilus (0iXew, I love), dwelling on sandbars ; Cheradoph'ytae (vrbv, a plant), sandbar plants (Clements). Cher'siurn (x^os, dry land), a dry waste formation ; chersoph'ilus (0t\^o>, I love), dwelling in dry wastes; Cher'sophytes (vrov, a plant), dry waste plants (Clements). chimonoclilo'rous (xet/io;*', winter, xXw/)oy, pale green), applied to plants whose thin herbaceous 310 leaves persist through the winter (F. Ludwig) ; chimopelag'ic (?reXa- 705, the sea), Forel's term for plank- ton found on the surface only in winter; chimonoph'ilous (0tXvrbv, a plant), snow - plants ; Ciiionophy'tia, snow-plant associa- tion (Clements). Chi'na- grass, the fibre from Boeh- meria nivea, Gaudich. ; it was formerly confounded with RAMIE, cf. Kew Bulletin, 1898, p. 209. CMropteroph'ilae (Chiropteron = bat, 0iX&«,', I love), plants which are fertilized by bats; adj. chirop- teroph'ilous. Chive, (1) an old word for ANTHER; (2) sometimes confined to the FILAMENT ; (3) an offset of a bulbous plant. Chlamyd'ia, (1) bud-scales; (2) floral envelopes. cnlamydomon'ad, applied to the type of Alga represented by Chlamydo- monas (F. Blackman). Chle'dium (xX??3os, rubbish), a waste formation ; chledoph'ilus (0iXe'w, I love), dwelling in waste places ; Chledophy'ta (^urd^a plant), plants of waste places ; chledoc'olus, i.e. chledoc'ola, inhabiting wastes (Clements). chloranth'ous (&vdos, a flower), with green, usually inconspicuous flowers ; Chlor'ocyst (/ctfcms, a cell), a chlorophyll cell ; Chloroglob'in (globu£, a ball), the green colouring matter of chlorophyll, which has been separated from it in the form of minute globules (Tswett) ; Chlo'- rites, Arbaumont's term for chloro- phyllous plastids, further special- ized as ENDOCHLORITES and GYMNO- CHLORITES ; Chlor'ophore (06/jew, I carry), Schmitz's term for chlo- rophyll granule, a chloroleu- cite ; chlorophylla'ceous, possessing chlorophyll ; Chlorophyl'lan, a chlorophylligerous (SUPPLEMENT) clathrarian synonym of HYPOCHLORIN ; chloro- phylllg'erous (gero, I bear), bearing chlorophyll, or containing it, etc. ; Chlorophyl'lins, Tswett's name for those constituents of Chlorophyll, which are fluores- cent ; cf. METACHLOROPHYLLINS, XANTHOPHYLLINS ; chlorophyl'lose Cells, those small cells in leaves of Sphagnum and other Mosses which contain chlorophyll ; chlorosperm'- ous (ffirepfjLa, a seed), belonging to those Algae having green spores. Chon' drome (xbvdpos, grain), granular masses in the fluid cell-contents (Schneider) ; cf. LINOME. Choripet'alae (ireraKov, a flower-leaf), (1) proposed by Bessey for Poly- petalae; (2) by W. R. M'Nab for Polypetalae and Incompletae ; c&or'istate, unlined (Lindley); cf. CHORISIS ; Cnoriza'tion, a synonym of CHORISIS. Cnromat'ic Sphere, the coalescence of the chromosomes after anaphasis ; the nuclear membrane is formed round it (B. M. Davis) ; Cnro- matol'ogy (\6yos, discourse), used by Sorby to express the science of vegetable colouring matters ; Chro'mogen (7^05, offspring), ap- plied to sundry colourless sub- stances in plants, which by artificial oxydation or fermenta- tion produce a colouring matter ; Indican is an example ; chro- mop'arem'o, I produce), colour- producing, applied to bacteria (Jones) ; cliromopli'ilous (0tXew, I love), employed for those nuclei which readily take up staining ; chromoph'orous (0o/^w, I carry), used of protoplasm which is itself coloured (Jones) ; Chro'mospire ( + SPIREM), the folds of the spirem in nuclear division (Dangeard) ; Chro'mule, Sorby's term for any colouring matter in plants. Oirysochlor'ophyll ( + CHLORO- PHYLL), According to Gaidukov, a constituent of CHRYSOCHROME ; Chry'sochrome (xpw/*a, colour), Klebs's term for a characteristic 311 pigment found in Chromulina, Rosanojfi : Cnrysoxanth'ophyll (+ XANTHOPHYLL), said to be a constituent of CHRYSOCHROME (Gaidukov) ; chrysophyl'lous, hav- ing CHRYSOPHYLLS. Chylocau'la, pi. (xvXos, juice, /caiAos, a stem), plants with succulent stems, as Cacti (A. F. W. Schimper); Chylocau'ly, the condition ; Chylo- phylla, pi. (t\\ov, a leaf), plants with succulent leaves (A. F. W. Schimper) ; Chylophyl'ly, the con- dition. cicatric'ial, relating to a CICATRIX. Circumvalla'tion (circumvallatus, wal- led round), a method of layering, by ringing the stem and surround- ing it with soil kept moist, while the stem continues erect. cirrhig'erous (gero, I bear), cir- rhiferous (Crozier). Cis'tern-ep'iphyte ( + EPIPHYTE), em- ployed by A. F. W. Schimper for that class of epiphyte in which the roots are mere supports or alto- gether suppressed, and the entire nourishment takes place by the leaves. citri'nns (Mod. Lat., from Citrus), lemon-yellow. Cladonia'nia (/javia, madness), an ex- traordinary exuberance of branches (Penzig) ; Clad'ophore (0opew, I bear), the portion of the stem in Hieracium giving rise to the branches of the inflorescence ; cladostem'onus (ffT-fipuv, a stamen), Hayne's term for semi-connate fila- ments in willows (Wimmer). cladino'sus, Nilsson's term for those heaths which have a substratum of Cladina lichen. cladospor'oid, L. Planchon has empl yed this to express likeness to Cladosporium, Link. Clamp-cell, add, (2) "the nipple- like cells by which an epiphytic root adheres to its support" (Heinig). clathrar'ian, the characteristic mark- ings of the fossil Clathraria, now referred to Sigillaria. Cleat (SUPPLEMENT) collapsing Cleat (pr. Gleet) of Diatoms, a small outgrowth of silica from the secondary hoops of certain Diatoms (Palmer and Keeley). Clea'vage [dissyll.], sporangial di- vision by which sporangiospores and conidia are formed ; either (a) progressive, or (6) complete (Harper). Clefts, used by Sir W. J. Hooker for LlRELLAE. Cleistanthe'ry (civdypos, flowery), the anthers of a partially cleistogamous flower remaining inside and not exserted (Knuth) ; Cleistopet'aly (ireraXov, a leaf), permanent closing of the floral envelopes, thus ensur- ing CLEISTOGAMY. climacorhi'zal, relating to the CLIMA- CORHIZAE. Cli'node, a term proposed by Leveilld for the conidiophores of certain Fungi, as the Uredineae, etc. ; cf. STERIGMA ; clinomorpli'ous (^o/>07?, shape), when asymmetric organs are without definite relation to the horizon (Wiesner) ; clinotrop'ic (rpoTTT}, turning), used of an obliquely placed organ, which showsno vertical planeof symmetry (Wiesner). Cli'tochores, -ae (/cXtri>s, a slope, xw/ws, asunder), plants which are dis- tributed by falling or sliding (Clements). Clus'ter-gall, a gall with stunted axis and densely- crowded leaf-like ap- pendages (Kerner). Clu'sium, -DTI (/cXitfw, I dash against), an association of plants growing in flooded places (Clements). clyp'eolar, clyp'eolate, somewhat shield-shaped. Cnice'tum, an association of road- side weeds and Cnicus, whence the name. coadni'tus, cited by Lindley as equal to COADN ATUS. Coca'ine, an alkaloid from the leaves of Erythroxylum Coca, Lam. coc'coid (eloos, resemblance) State, the unicellular state of Algae (F. F. Elackman). coelen'terate (/coTXos, hollow, a bowel), used by Boulger for the •carnivorous habit of Nepenthes and Cephalotus ; Coe'loblast (/SXacrros, a bud), employed by Sachs for non- cellular Algae and Fungi ; cf. APOCYTIUM ; Coelone'mata, pi. of Coelone'ma, Myxogastres having hollow capillitium ; cf. STEREONE- MATA. Coelo'ma, pi. Coelo'mata, a hollow), Kuetzing's term for the body of Vaucheria, etc. ; an unseptate coenocyte. Coenocar'pium (/coi^as, in common, /ta/>7ro5, a fruit), the collective fruit of an entire inflorescence, as a fig or pine-apple. Coenocen'trum (KO.IVOS, new, + CEN- TRUM), a central body in the oosphere of Albugo, present before fertilization and degenerating and vanishing soon after (Stevens); coenocyt'ic, of the nature of a coenocyte, non-cellular or multi- nucleate; Coen'ogamete ( + GAMETE) a multinucleate mass of proto- plasm, whose individual nuclei are sexual elements (Stevens) ; Coeno- gen'esis (yej>e, I love), growing in alpine places ; Cory- phophy'ta (QVTOV, a plant), alpine plants. cotyloi'deus (Mod. Lat.), = COTYLI- FORM ; Cotyle'don - trace, the common bundle in the stem proper to the cotyledon ; its leaf- trace. Crad'ina (KpdSos, the wild fig-tree), a proteolytic enzyme existing in the juice of the common fig-tree, Ficus Carica, Linn. Crassinucella'tae (crassus, thick, + NUCELLUS), Van Tieghem's term for plants whose nucelli remain of considerable bulk up to the time of the formation of the embryo ; cf. TENUINUCELLATAE. Crate'ria, pi., ascidia which are de- rived from the surface of a leaf (C. Schimper). Cra'zy-weeds, the same as LOCO- WEEDS, chiefly species of Astragalus and Zwpmws which produce "Loco " disease in animals which have eaten them. Creat'ospores, -ae (AC/J&IS, flesh, + SPORE), ' ' nut-fruited " plants (Clements). Crem'nium, (KpyfjLvbs, a cliff), a cliff plant formation ; cremnoph'ilus, (0iX^w, I love), cliff - dwelling ; Crenmophy'ta, (, a plant), plants of springs (Clements). cri'brile, (Kearney) = CRIBROSE, seeve-like. Crist'arc (Pr. cristarque, from cristal and arque), Van Tieghem's term for a layer of cortical tissue, whose arc -shaped cells contain macled crystals and are strength- ened by sclerogen ; occurring in Ochnaceae. Cro'xnules (G. T. Moore) = CHRO- MULES. Cross-conjugation, see CONJUGATION, CROSS. Crown-gall, disease of the root-crown of fruit-trees, ascribed to a Myxo- gaster, Dendrophagus (Tourney). cmst'ose = CRUSTACEOUS. Cry'mium, (tcpv/Ms, cold), a "polar barrens " formation ; crynioph'ilus (0t\^w, I love), dwelling in polar regions ; Crymophy'ta (0irrov, a plant), polar plants (Clements). Crypt, used by G. Henslow for the front cavity of a stoma ; crypto- bio'tic (/Mos, life), Kuntze's sug- gested expression for those lowly organisms which appeared in geo- logic times, but have left no trace of their existence ; Crypt'oblast (/SXacrros, a bud) = KRYPTOBLAST ; Cryptocotyle'dons ( + COTYLEDON), a group to contain syncotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants (Agardh) ; cryptocryst'alline (+ CRYSTAL), the minute crystals in plant-cells (Kraemer) ; crypto- gam'ic Wood, the centripetal por- tion of the xylem in certain fossil Cycadoxyleae ; Cryptog'amy, the condition of cryptogamous plants ; cryptoner'vms (nervus, a nerve), the nervation hidden, as by hairs or texture of the leaf ; Crypt'opore, adj. cryptop'orous, -rus (+ PORE), applied to stomata which are below the plane of the epidermis ; cf. PHANEROPOROUS. Cryst'allocliores, -ae (xwpis, separate), plants distributed by the action of glaciers (Clements). 314 ctenoid (SUPPLEMENT) cytoplasmic cten'oid (/crels, KTCVOS, a comb, elSos, resemblance), comb-like, pectinate. Cul'tiform (cultw, tilled, forma, shape), a cultivated form of a species or variety (Kuntze) ; Culto- hy'bridoform, a cultivated hybrid of mixed parentage (Kuntze). Cu'nix (p. 68) ; Mr Gepp suggests as a possible derivation, KVUV, a dog, ££65, birdlime, as being viscous but worthless as birdlime. curvembryon'ic (curvus, bent, fyppvov, a foetus), used of any curved embryo ; all, except the atropoua (orthotropous) form. cutic'ular, pertaining to the CUTICLE ; cutic'uloid (elSos, resemblance), a structure resembling skin (G. Murray). cya'neous, corn-flower blue ; Cy'ano- cyst (Kvffns, a bladder), a cell in which starch and chlorophyll occur, whose contents take a blue stain (Arbaumont) ; cf. ACHROOCTST ; Cy'anoplast (TrXcwros, moulded) used of chromatophores, or minute granular pigmentary bodies in Schizophyceae (Hegler). cyathea'ceous, allied to the fern-genua Cyathea. cycada'ceous, cycad'ean, allied to or resembling Cycaa ; cycadofilici- n'ean, allied to theCycadofihcineae, a group of fossil plants partaking of the characters of Cycads and Ferns, such as Lyginodendron, Williamson, and Medullosa, Gotta (Scott); cyca'ceous, Hayne's term for "sago-grey " ; from Metroxylon Sagu, the sago-palm. Cy'clarch (&PX^J beginning), the first member of a whorl ; Cyclo- cho'risis ( + CHORISIS), Fermond's term for the division of an axial organ into a sheaf of secondary axes ; cyclolyt'ic (Xi5u, I write), a writer on Cyperaceae. cypripe'deous, allied to or resembling Cypripedium. Cyriodoch'ae (KI//WOJ, regular,, as to time, Sox'h, entertainment), em- ployed by Clements to denote regular successions of plants. Cysticar'pium = CYSTOCARP ; adj. cysticar'pic. Cytioder'ma, or Cy'toderm (Sep/m, a skin), (1) the cell-wall; (2) the outer layer of protoplasm next the cell-wall, the primordial utricle ; Cytioplas'ma (TrXdoyta, moulded), the cell-contents ; Cy'to- anat'omy ( + ANATOMY), the orga- nisation of the cell (Graf) ; Oyto- ast'er ( + ASTER), a star in nuclear division ; cf. DYASTER ; Cy'to- chem'istry, the chemistry of the cell (Graf) ; Cyto'chyle'ma (x^Xos, juice), the contents of the cell, composed of PLASMOCHYM, and Cy'tochym (x^a, that which is poured), the more watery sap pre- sent in the vacuoles of the plant- cell (Strasburger); Cy'to-dynam'ics ( + DYNAMIC), phenomenaof motion, cell-division, maturation, fertiliza- tion, death and part pathology (Graf) ; Cytogen'esis (yeveffis, begin- ning), the development of cells; Cytoliydrorysis, the action of an enzyme on the cell-wall, which be- comes broken down in conse- quence; Cy'tollte = CYSTOLITH; Cy'tolymph (lympha, spring water), the more fluid contents of a cell ; Cy'to-mechan'lcs, physical proper- ties and behaviour to mechanical stimuli (Graf) ; Cyto-morphol'ogy (+ MORPHOLOGY) external form and size of the cell (Graf) ; Cyto- physiol'ogy ( + PHYSIOLOGY) ; Graf divides this into sub-heads of CYTO-CHEMISTRY, - DYNAMICS, ~ MECHANICS, and ~ STATICS ; cyto- plas'mic (TrXdoyxa, that formed), re- 315 Androgamy (SUPPLEMENT) di-anthlc lating to CYTOPLASM; <~andro- g'amy, the male gamete is fer- tilized by the cyto-plasm of the female gamete (Dangeard) ;~gyno- g'amy the female gamete is im- pregnated by the cytoplasm of the male gamete (Dangeard) ; cyto- plas'tic (TrXacrrds, moulded), rela- ting to the CYTOPLAST ; Cy'to- stat'ics (OTCITIKOJ, causing to stand), conditions of equilibrium in the cell (Graf). dac'tyloid, (1) finger-like ; (2) per- taining to the § Dactyloides of the genus Saxifraga. Damping off, the collapse of seedlings, ascribed to the attacks of the Fungus Botrytis vulgaris, or of Pythium De-Baryanum. dasyclad'ous,-cfrMs (/cXdSoy, a branch) = COMPACTDS (RUSSOW). deaf, has been implied to imperfect fruits of Rumex ; ~ -seeds, imper- fect seeds of grasses (Percival). Deassimila'tion, the process of plant- katabolism (Quin). Death-point, the critical point when a spore is rendered permanently in- capable of germinating (J. F. Clarke). decan'der (Mod. Lat.), decandrous. Deformity, a monster; De'form is used by Kuntze in the same sense. degen'erate, degraded in function or form. degressive, tending towards de- generation. delignifylng (lignum, wood, facio, I make), applied to an enzyme which breaks down the structure of wood, as in Merulius. dematloid (eldos, resemblance), like the genus Dematium, having a felted layer of hyphae bearing perithecia. Den'drium (dfrdpov, a fruit tree), an "orchard formation"; dendro- ph'ilus (0iX two ways, /3Xaor6s, a shoot), Celakovsky's term for branching intermediate between his aero- and pleuro-blaatic condi- tions, it apparently occurs in the embryo of Pteridophytes ; dicho- dy'namous, dichodynam'ic (Suva/its, power), applied to hybrids in which the characters of both parents are equally represented ; dichopod'ial (ir6diov, a small foot), when an axis repeatedly forks giving rise to an inflorescence termed a Dicho- pod'ium (Pax) ; dichotyp'ic (TVTTOS, type), the appearance of two or more types on the same plant (Focke). Dicot'ylae, an abbreviation of Dicoty- ledonae ; dicot'ylous = DICOTYLE- DONOUS. dicrana'ceous, resembling the Moss Dicranum. Dict'ydin, a substance found by Jahn in Dictydium urribilicatum, as granules which resist both acids and alkalis. Dictyosporan'glum (dlKrvov, a net, + SPORANGIUM), the sporangium of Saprolegnia, with encased spores germinating within the sporangium ( Walpole and Huxley) ; Dict'yostele ( + STELE) a stele with large over- lapping leaf -gaps; siphon'ic^- ,when the network of meristeles is simple and tubular (Brebner) ; adj. dicty- OBte'lic ; Dictyox'ylon (£v\ov, wood), applied to the cortex of a fossil stem possessing a netted system of hypodermal fibrous strands, as in Lyginodendron (Scott). Dictyu'chus State of Saprolegnieae, = DICTYOSPORANGIUM (Hartog). Dientomoph'ily (+ ENTOMOPHILY), when in a species, some individuals are adapted for insect-fertilization by a different group of visitors from the remaining individuals (Engler and Prantl); Diete'siae , annual), perennials with short shoots, long shoots being absent or fugacious (Krause) ; Dimonoe'cism ( + MONOECISM), the condition of two out of three kinds of monoecious flowers, having per- fect flowers, and (a) male, (b) female, or (c) neuter flowers also (Knuth). Diffusion, static, in botany, the absorption of gaseous bodies through stomata and diffusion through tissues ; Diffusiv'ity, the ratio of such diffusion. Digest'ive-cells, of the mycorrhiza of Neottia ; c/. HOST-CELLS. dimeroste'lic (+ MERISTELK), two meristeles or vascular bundles (Brebner). Di'odange ( + DIODE, dyyeiov, a vessel), a group of diodes surrounded by one or more layers of sterile cells (Van Tieghem). Dioe'cism, the condition of dioecious plants or flowers. Dip'lonasty (wurrto, pressed close), when organs grow faster on the upper and the under surfaces than on the sides. diplox'yloid, resembling the genus Diploxylon (Williamson). diplos'tichous (a-ri^os, a row), in two series or rows ; diplox'ylous = DIP- LOXYLIC. Disassimila'tion, the breaking down, katabolism of plants. Disc or Disk, add, (7) the expanded base of the style in Umbelliferae ; (8) in a bulb, the solid base of the stem, around which the scales are arranged. Dis'cals, Bessey's proposed abbrevia- tion of Disciflorae, a series of poly- petalous Phanerogams. Discentra'tion (dis, apart, centrum, centre), used by C. F. Schimper for (a) fasciation of the axis, and (6) multiple of a leaf -organ (Penzig). Dischis'ma (Sis, two, vTov, a plant), salt-plants (Cle- ments). Dromot'ropism (S/^os, a course, rpoTr-Jj, a turning), the irritability of climbing plants which results in their spiral growth (Macmillan) ; adj. dromotroplc. Drop-dis'ease, a disease of lettuce ascribed to Botrytis vidgaris and Sclerotinia Libertiana. Drupe, false, a nut-like fruit where the lower persistent part of the perianth becomes fleshy, as in Neea. dru'sy, a mineralogical term used by J. E. Smith to express the appear- ance of the stigma of Orobanche caryophyllea ; pruinose. Dune, undulating banks of blown sand, with characteristic vegeta- tion ; cf. THINIUM. du'plicate Par'asitism, self -parasitism, as in the case of mistleto upon mistleto. Dy'ad, a subdivision of a TETRAD by mitosis, again dividing into single elements (Calkins). Dyne, the unit of force expressed by the weight of one gramme moving one centimetre in one second of time(Errera) [ = CGS]. dysanthlc (av6os, a flower), fertiliza- tion by the pollen from a different plant (K. Pearson). dyspho'tic, dysphotis'tic (0<£y, 0um>y, light), applied by A. F. W. Schimper to the deeper situated BENTHOS; ~ Plants, are those which are adapted to a minimum of light; dyst'ropous (T/JOTTTJ, a turning), injurious insect-visiting, so far as the flowers are concerned ; Dys'tropy, the condition described. Dys'sophytes, -ae (di, I throw out), succession of plants after timber felling (Clements), Ece'sis, see OEcESis. EcM'nops-fluorescine, Ecninops'eln, and Echinops'ine, alkaloids found in Echinopa JRitro (Greshoff). ecil'iate ( + CILIUM), without cilia. E'cotone, see CECOTONB. Ectauxe'sis (atifyvis, growth), the growth of an organ outwards through the substance of the parent shoot (Weisse). ectophlo'lc, the condition of stems when the internal phloem is want- ing ; cf. AMPHIPHLOIC (Jeffrey) ; Ectospor'ium, the outer layer of a spore in bacteria (Miihlschegel) ; ectotrop'ic ; (2) the course of the pollen- tube in acrogamic fertiliza- tion, by the micropyle to the embryo-sac (Pirotta and Longo). Ec'topy (tKT6irios, displaced), the abnormal position of an organ. eclaph'ic (£5a0os, the ground), A. F. W. Schimper's term for the influence of the soil on the plants growing upon it; Edaph'ophytes (vrov, a plant), plants which root in the earth, with assimilation organs in the air above it ; normal plants, or EUPHYTES (Schroter). Edob'oles, -ae (£5o>, I eat, /SoXr;, a throw), distribution by turgescence of fruits or sporangia (Clements). eflagellif erous ( + FLAGELLUM, fero, I bear), destitute of flagella ; efpv'eolate (fovea, a pit), "smooth, without pits or depressions " (Heinig) ; — the form "eforeolate" is a press-error. Egg-sac, the mesochite and endo- chite of Fucaceae, the membranes which enclose the egg (Farmer and Williams). Elae'oplasts, oil-drops, usually applied to the chromatophores in Diatoms, sometimes free ; they are particu- larised as, LlBROPLASTS, PLACO- PLASTS, and SPARSIOPLASTS (Mere- schkowsky) ; Elaioplank'tpn ( + PLANKTON), plankton floating by means of fatty matters (Forel). Elate'rium, (2) the dried juice of the wild cucumber, Elaterium. Elat'erophore (0o/>^w, I carry), thready organs which bear the elaters in certain Hepaticae. Electrot'onus (fjKfKrpov, amber rbvos, stress), a latent period of electric stress (Hoermaun) ; Electrop'ism or Electrotrop'ism (Tptiiros, direc- tion), the inflection of roots or shoots towards the cathode (Mac- dougal) ; Electrotax'is (ra£is, order), arrangement induced by electric currents. eleutherotep'alous ( + TEPAL), having free tepals (Pax). Emascula'tion, in plants, the re- moval of the stamens before they dehisce,from hermaphrodite flowers previous to artificial hybridization. Em'bryo-cord, in Hydnora, a single row of flattened cells connecting the embryo with the outer surface of the albumen (Solms-Laubach) ; Embryoblas'tanon (/SXaoros, a bud), Miquel's term for the suspensor in Cycads ; embryonic Appen'dage, the apical portion of the suspensor in grasses (Vines) ; embryophyt'ic, relating to EMBRYOPHYTA. emprosthod'romous (fyirpoffdev, in front, 5p6jj.os, a course), used of a flower when the genetic spiral on its shortest way from the bract to the outermost perianth- segment passes outside the flower, farthest from the axis. En'alid (&aXios, marine), Warming's term for such plants as Zostera, Halophila, and other marine sub- mersed Phanerogams. cnantiosty'lous (tvavrlos, opposite, + STYLE), flowers whose styles are protruded right or left of the axis, with the stamens opposite. Enaurium (frai/Xos, a water course), a "sanddraw formation"; enau- loph'ilus) i\4w, I love), dwelling in such places ; Enaulophy'ta (VTOV, a plant), plants inhabiting ' ' sand- draws " (Clements). Ende'mism, the condition of endemic plants. 319 Endhymenine (SUPPLEMENT) Epiachene Endhy'menine (fy*V, a membrane) = INTINE ; cf. EXHTMBNINE. endivia'ceous, light blue, like the flowers of endive, Cichoriumlntybus. endocarp'oid (eldos, resemblance), like the Lichen genus Endocarpua. Endocnlor'ites ( + CHLORITE), chloro- phyllous plastids contained in achroocysts (Arbaumont). En'dochrome-plate, used of the two bands of colour in the frustule of navicular Diatoms, lying on the connecting band (Pfitzer). En'dochyle (xvXo's, juice), a plant which has its water-tissue within its assimilating tissue (A. F. W. Schimper). endococ'coid, resembling the Lichen Endoccus. Endoconid'ia ( + CONIDIA), a synonym of ENDOGONIDIA ; endocri'brose ( + CRIBROSE), within the sieve- tubes (Buscalioni) ; endoder'moid (elSos, resemblance), like the ENDO- DERMIS (Rendle) ; endogam'ic (ydfj.os, marriage), crossing between two flowers of the same individual (K. Pearson) ; Endoliaustor/iuin ( + HAUSTORIUM), a body resembling a young haustorium within a cell of a plant infected by Uredineous Fungi (Eriksson) ; Endomer'istem ( + MERISTEM), Kussow's term em- ployed by Vaizey for that meri- stem in a Moss which produces the central strand ; Endonucle'olus ( + NUCLEOLUS), a space inside the nucleolus (Huie) ; endophyt'ic (vrbv, a plant), relating to an endophyte, a plant living in the interior of another living plant ; En'doplast (TrXaoros, moulded), the protoplasmic contents of a cell (Huxley) ; Endoplastld, a plastid containing one starch granule, simple or compound (Arbaumont) ; Endoprothalleae, Van Tieghem's name for Phanerogams ; Endo- sap'rophytism ( + S APROPHYTISM ) Elenkin's term for the Lichen-life, endosphae'rine, resembling or allied to Endosphaera, a genus of Proto- coccaceae. e, the outer aperture of a ; in Germ. " Eingang." End'ospore ( + SPORE), Endospor'ium, the interior membrane of the pollen in Angiosperms ; Endo- test'a ( + TESTA), the hard lig- nified inner integument of the seed of Cordaicarpus (Brongniart) ; Endothe'lium (077X17, a nipple), Schwere's name for ENDODERMIS ; endotrop'ic ; add, (2) fertilized by pollen from another flower of the same plant (K. Pearson) ; (3) the path of the pollen-tube in basi- gamic fertilization. entire, (2) in Lichens applied to an apothecium in which the peri- thecium or hypothecium wholly subtends the hymenium, or to the margin of an apothecium when continuous (Leighton). Entomog'amy (ydfjios, marriage), fer- tilization of flowers by insects (Kirchner). Entrance, s torn a ; in Uerm. " Jttmgang. enu'cleate ( + NUCLEUS), destitute of a nucleus. En'velope-cell, Archer's equivalent of Cohn's "Hiillzelle"; the common hyaline envelope of a colony of Stephanosphaeria pluvialis, Cohn. enzymat'ic, pertaining to an enzyme ; Enzymol'ogy (+ ENZYME, X67os, discourse), the study of the soluble ferments ; Enzymo'sis, changes in- duced by the action of an enzyme. eoclad'ous (^ws, dawn = early, /cXdSos, a branch), applied by Prantl to those leaves which in development become branched while in the meristematic state. Ephe'mer (^-rj^ptos, short - lived), Kikli's term for introduced plants which are unable to persist, but soon disappear ; (2) flowers which close after a short term of expansion. Ephydrogam'icae, pi. (tTri, upon, vSwp, water, ydfj.os, marriage), Knuth's term for plants whose flowers fertilized on the surface of water as Vallisneria ; Ephydrog'amy, t condition described ; Epig'yny, t state of having epigynous flowe Ep'iachene ( + ACHENE), an ac' 320 Epiascidium (SUPPLEMENT) eumeristelic developed from an inferior ovary (Villari) ; Epiascidium ( + Asci- DIUM), a funnel formed from a leaf, the inner surface correspond- ing to the upper surface ; cf. HYPOASCIDIUM ; Epiblas'teme, a tuft of glandular emergences which act as colleters, their cells secret- ing a viscid substance (Kerner) ; epiderm'al La/er, the outer cortex (Williamson and Scott). Epipedochor'isis (tirlTredos, level, + CHORISIS), the division of an axial organ in one plane ; it frequently does not differ from FASCIATION (Penzig). epipel'tate ( + PELTATE), a phyllome having the base of the limb on the superior face (0. de Candolle) ; eplphloe'dic = EPIPHLOEDAL; epi- phyta'ceous = EPIPHYTIC ; Epi- plank'ton (+ PLANKTON), (1) the upper portion of pelagic plankton ; (2) floating organisms attached to pelagic organisms (Forel) ; epis- troph'ic In'terval or Epistroph'ion, that space on the PHOTRUM within which epistrophe may take place (S. Moore) ; epistom'eous (frrov, a plant), fairly naturalized plants, but almost en- tirely confined to roadsides or paths, as Lepidium ruderale (Rikli). equiseta'ceous = EQUISETIC ; Equisete'- tum, Warming's term for a plant- association of Equisetum, Ere'mium (tpynla., a desert), a desert formation ; eremoc'ola, desert dwelling; eremoph'ilus (0tXe'w, I love), desert loving ; Eremophy'ta (VTOV, a plant), desert plants (Clements). Ergasiophy'gophyter (fpyavia, labour, $1/777, escape, QVTOV, a plant), ap- plied by Rikli to plants escaped from cultivation. erica'ceous, heath-like, or allied to the genus Erica. erice'tinous, "growing on heaths" ; Erice'tum,( 1) an account of heaths ; (2) a heath plant -association ; pi. Erice'ta, employed by Nilsson, as — cladino'sa, ~ hylocomio'sa, ~ poly- tricho'sa, ^ pu'ra, ^ sphag no'sa, ac- cording to the substratum of Lichen or Moss (Heinig). eri'nous(er,em,ahedgehog), "prickly, rough with sharp points " (Heinig). Erys'imin, a glucoside found in Ery- simum. Erythrobacte'ria (+ BACTERIA), bac- teria of a deep red colour ; in Ger. , ' ' Purpurbacterien. " Er'ythrophore (0op^w, I carry), Schmitz's term for a chlorophyll- granule when red, as in certain Algae. Escape', a cultivated plant found growing as though wild, dispersed by some agency. esore'diate, destitute of SOREDIA; estroph'iolate, estrophiola'tus, des- titute of caruncle, or STROPHIOLE. Ete'sise (eVrjo-tos, annual), herbaceous perennials ; the root persisting, with the above - ground portion only annual. ethnobotan'ic (edvos, a tribe, /Sorely, a herb), relating to those plants which illustrate or are typical of the customs of a given race or people. e'tiolative, tending to disease; etio- loglcal, connected with AETIOLOGY. Eucalyptol'oglst, an expert in the polymorphic genus Eucalyptus (Maiden). eucar'pous, (1) = EUCARPIC ; (2) of Fungi when producing several suc- cessive fructifications from the same thallus ; Euphe'mera ( + EPHEMERA), flowers which open and close finally within twenty- four hours; eulimne'tic (+ LIM- NETIC), plankton exclusively of pools ; eumeriste'lic, having re- duced EUSTELES, as some species 321 Eunucleoli (SUPPLEMENT) exotropic of Primula and Gunnera (Breb- ner) ; Eunucle'oli ( + NUCLEOLUS), a class of nucleoli which persist in nuclear division after the PSEUDONQCLEOLI have disappeared (Rosen) ; Euparthen'osperm, Mac- Millan's term for plants in which both embryo and endosperm are parthenogenetic ; eupelaglc ( + PELAGIC), plankton confined to the ocean ; Euplank'ton ( + PLANKTON), free - floating organisms (Forel) ; eupot'amic (iroTa/zds, a river), ap- plied to the plankton of running or standing inland waters (Zimmer) ; euphotomet'ric (+ PHOTOMETRIC), Wiesner's expression when leaves are so placed as to receive the greatest possible amount of light ; Euphylla, pi., true leaves; adj. euphyl'loid, euphylloid'eus ; eurad'- ulan, employed by batologists to denote similarity to Rubus Radula. eurotophllus (eupcbs, mouldiiiess, (friXtw, I love), dwelling in leaf- mould ; Eurotophy'ta ((j>vrov, a plant), leaf-mould plants ; Euro- . tpphy'tia, leaf -mould plant forma- tions (Clements). eurycladous (efyfo, broad, xXdSos, a branch), employed by Russow for laxus ; euryhal'ine (, outside, Kapiros, fruit), the outer layer of a pericarp ; exogam'ic (yd/u-os, marri- age), when flowers are crossed from different plants (K. Pearson) ; exo- hadromat' ic ( + HADROME), exterior to the hadrome ; cf. PERIHADRO- MATIC; Exomerlstem (+ MERI- STEM), Russow's term for the meri- stem which produces all the tissues of a Moss outside the central- strand, namely, cortex and epider- mis (Vaizey) ; Exopleu'ra (irXevpa, the side) = TESTA (Heinig) ; Exo- prothall'eae, Van Tieghem's term for vascular cryptogams ; Ex'o- spore (+ SPORE), the three outer layers of the spores of Isoetes (Fitting) ; Exosporin'ium, the outer integument of a pollen-grain, or microspore, of flowering plant (Fitting) ; Exotest'a ( + TESTA), " hard outer layer of a seed-cc (F. W. Oliver)'; Exotlsm, a si ened form of Exoticism, the dition of non-nativity, introduc from abroad ; exotropic, fertilis from anthers of the same plant (K. Pearson), 322 Explodiflorae (SUPPLEMENT) Fore -runner Point Explodiflo'rae, (explodo, I drive off, flos, florisy a flower), Delpino's term for wind-fertilized flowers which expel their pollen by an explosive action. exrapnidlan (ex = without, + RAPHIS), destitute of raphides (Gulliver). ex'tra-fascic'ular, outside a bundle or fascicle ; <-- -nup'tial, applied to nectaries or honey-glands which are not part of the floral organs ; <~ -sac'cal, used of embryos arising outside the cells of the embryo- sac ; — xylar, or ex'tra-xylem'ic ( + XYLKM), outside the xylem (Roulet). Exu'sion, Berkeley's term for EXU- DATION. fa'cial, applied to a hilum which is on the side and not on the margin of a seed (Heinig). False Hy'bridism, Millardet's term when the hybrid shows the char- acter of one parent only ; cf. MONO- LEPSIS ; False -stom'ata ( + STOMA), pores in the epidermis of Equia- etum. Fan, an equivalent of RHIPIDIUM. Fasergriibchen (Germ.) = CRYPTO- STOMATA. favular'ian, a ribbed surface separated by zigzag furrows in certain genera of fossil Lycopods, derived from the obsolete genus Favularia. Fenes'trae (Lat. , windows) apicales, and ~ toasales, openings in the outer coat of certain Silicoflagel- latae (Lemmermann). Ferrobacterla ( + BACTERIA), iron- bicteria, which reduce ferric to ferrous compounds. Fertiliza'tion (p. 100), (1) fusion of two cells (gametes) to form a new individual cell (zygote) ; (2) the effect of pollen, deposited on stig- matic surface, resulting in con- version of flower into fruit, and of ovule into seed; double- ^ one generative nucleus from the pollen- tube fuses with nucleus of egg-cell (oosphere), the other with the definitive nucleus, itself formed by fusion of the polar nuclei. Fibonac'ci Se'ries, Braun's series of numbers formed thus, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 ... by successive additions of the last two ; they occur in phyllotaxis, and were for- mulated by Leonardo of Pisa, named Fibonacci. Fi'brotype (fibra, a filament, typits, a type), Macdougal's expression for the condition of a root of Cephalan- thera with a reduction and fusion of the stelar compounds, and radi- ally elongated cortex. Filial-cell, Henfrey's term for daughter-cell. niicin'ean, flliein'eous, relating to the Filicineae, that is, Ferns in the widest sense (Scott). flmic'olous (fimus, dung, colo, I in- habit), growing on manure- heaps. Fi'niform (finis, a boundary, + FORM), a form whose nearest re- lations have completely died out (Kuntze). Fise'tin, the yellow colouring matter of Rhus Ootinus. Fissiparlty = FISSIPARISM. Flo'ral-leaf, suggested equivalent for the Germ. " Hochblatt " ; a bract. floc'culose. like wool (Leigh ton). nuorescigenlc, ( + FLUORESCENCE, 7evos, offspring), causing fluores- cence, as certain bacteria. foeni'nus (foenum, hay), "hay-grey" (Hayne). Fo'lial = FOLIOLE. Foliole, Fol'iola, add, (2) employed by Spruce for the postical leaves of Hepaticae, those on the ventral or rooting surface ; foliose, applied to a Lichen with a leaf-like ex- pansion of the thallus. Follicle, (3) a little bladder on the leaves of some Mosses, as Pottia cavifolia. Fore-leaf, a translation of the Germ. "Vorblatt"; a bracteole or pro- phyllum. Fore-rnn'ner Point, a form of leaf- apex which performs all duties of Form (SUPPLEMENT) Geitonogamy assimilation before the basal por- tion is mature; Germ. "Vorlauf- erspitze." Form, nearly thirty special terms are enumerated by 0. Kuntze in his "Methodik der Speciesbe- schreibung," pp. 15-17. Forma'tion, an assemblage of plants, either the same, or a given mix- ture; ASSOCIATION is also used, but both terms are somewhat loosely used. formicar'ian (formica, an ant), ap- plied by Beccari to those plants possessing saccharine fluids, thus attracting ants. Foundation, a literal rendering of the Germ. "Anlage." Front-cav'ity, the outer cavity of a stoma ; in Germ. " Vorhof." Fruit-bear'er, Potter's term for CARPOPHORE; ~ bodies, (1) zygotes which show subdivision into spores ; (2) sporophores ; <*- -forms, forms or means of repro- duction of Fungi (Potter). Fru'tical, a small shrub with a soft- wooded stem, such as shrubby species of Geranium ( J. Smith) ; fru'ticose, (2) in Rubus, allied or belonging to the super-species B. fruticosus. Fru'tlet, suggested for low tufted evergreen plants as Saxifrages (J. Smith). Fructification, dou'ble, dimorphic fructification in Algae. fruticules'cent (fntiiculus, a small shrub, + escens), applied to a Lichen when somewhat shrubby (Crombie). fuma'goid, resembling Fumago. fumaria'ceous, pertaining to Fuma- ria, or its allies. Fun'dament, a suggested equivalent of the Germ. " Anlage " (Potter). Fun'go-li'chens, Lindsay's term for plants considered to be transi- tional forms between Fungi and Lichens. Funic'ulus, add, (3) used by W. Griffith for the suspensor of Onetum. Fu'sion, triple, Macdougal's term for DOUBLE FERTILIZATION. Galvanotax'is (r<££ts, order), arrange- ment induced by galvanic currents; collecting round the kathode. Ganie'tocyst (/twrris, a bag), the en- velope enclosing one or more gametes (Vuillemin) ; gameto- gen'ic, gametog'enous (7eVos, race, offspring), giving rise to gametes, sexual cells ; Gam'etophyt = GAMETOPHYTE ; gametrop'ic (r/joTTT?, a turning), movements of organs before or after fertilization (Hansgirg) ; Gamob'ium (yd/mos, marriage, /3/os, life), H. Gibson's term for the sexual generation of organisms which show alternation of generations (Parker), a game- tophyte; gamodes'mlc, (5e}, I hollow out, X6ros dish), with wavy longitudinal canals or grooves (Heinig). Glu'tenin, a constituent of wheat gluten ; Glutencasein or ZYMOM. Gnesiog'amy (yvfoios, legitimate, ydfjios, marriage), fertilization between different individuals of the same species. Gonian'gium, term proposed by A. Braun to include cystocarps and the scyphi of Hepaticae; gonid'ic, possessing gonidia (Lind- say); gonid'ioid (el5os, resem- blance), gonidium - like ; Gon'io- cyst (KV, a vessel), a sporangium producing the same. gypsoph'ilus (71^05, chalk, 0t\vrov, a plant), chalk or limestone plants ; Gypso- phy'tia, limestone plant formations (Clements). hab'itally, used in the United States for resembling ; having the habit of another plant. hadrocen'tric (centrum, the middle) Bun' die, having the hadrome in the centre surrounded by the leptome (H»tberlandt) ; Had'romal, also termed Had'romase, an enzyme found in Merulius lacrymans, Schum., and other Fungi, which attacks the hadrome and destroys its lignifiei cell-walls (Czapek). half- hu'mus Plants, semi-saprophytes. Half-Sibling (+ SIBLING), a pair of plants from the ovaries of the same parent, or pollen of the same parent (K. Pearson). Halob'ion (fiios, life), associations of marine plants (Forel). halo'nial, used of the fertile branches or tubercles of the fossil Lepido- phloios, formerly considered as belonging to Halonia, Lindley et Hutt., non Fries. halolimnet'ic (+ LIMNETIC), belonging to the sea or salt lakes (Forel) ; Hal'ophobe (foptw, I fear), a plant 326 halophilus (SUPPLEMENT) Helotism which shuns salt; haloph'ilus (0tXe'o7, I love), salt-loving ; Halo- phy'ta (vr6v, a plant), salt plants ; Halophy^tia, plant associations of salt marshes. Haplan'the (dvdT], a blossom), Hux- ley's term for the hypothetic anemophilous type of the flowers of Gentianaceae ; cf. Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. xxiv. (1887), 112, 122; Haplobacte'ria( + BACTERIA), simple bacteria, colonies and cells in ag- gregation, the product of division as in Sarcina ; haplocau'lous (/cavX6s, a stem), having a simple unbranched stem ; haplolepid'eous, the prefer- able form of APLOLEPIDEOUS ; Haplomer'istele ( + MEBISTELE), a simple stele consisting of an axial series of tracheae sur- rounded by a ring of phloem ; adj. haplomeriste'lic (Brebner) ; Haplo- mito'sis ( + MITOSIS), nuclear divi- sion by transverse rupture (Dan- geard). Hap'tere, MacMillan's term for HAP- TERON, a holdfast; hapter'ic, of the nature of a holdfast ; Hapto- t'ropism (T/X^TTOS, direction), the curving of tendrils and similar organs (Fitting). harpid'ioid, (1) resembling or allied to the Harpidium section of Hyp- num ; (2) similarly the Lichen genus Harpidium. Haustor'ium, (2) a structure arising from the secondary nucleus of Lathraea, the embryo sac contain- ing two haustoria, one equatorial, the other micropylar (Chodat) ; Haustor'ia (pi.) appendicula'ta, when they arise from a protrusion of the hyphae, an appresson ; ~ exappendicula'ta, when they arise directly from the hyphae without much contortion at the point of origin ; ~ lobula'ta, lobed ap- pressors. He'derose, a sugar contained in ivy, Iledera Helix. Hed'ium, or Hed'ion (25os, a base), a succession of plants on residuary soils (Clements). 327 Hekis'totherm (TJKKTTOS, the smallest, Bepfj-r), heat), a plant which needs but little heat, and can withstand long period s of darkness ( Warm ing) . Heleoplank'ton, or Helei'oplankton (eXos, a marsh, + PLANKTON), the floating vegetation of marshes, which overpowers the animal plankton ; it differs from Potamo- plankton by less motion of the water (Zimmer). hel'icoid Cells, terminal cells, which are usually branched, of Pitho- phora (Wittrock). heliopb/ilous, -us (0iXe'w, I love), adapted to full exposure to the sun ; helioph'obous (0o/3ew, I fear), adapted to a very small amount of light ; Heliophy'ta (vTov, a plant), marsh plants (Clements). helminth'oid (^X/Ati/s, a worm, eWos, resemblance), worm-shaped, vermi- form (Heinig). Iielmintiiospor'oid(er5os,resemblance), resembling the genus Hdmintho- sporium, Pers. Helohy'lium (eXos, marsh, uX?/, forest), a swamp forest formation ; helo- hyloph'ilus (0cX^w, I love), dwelling in wet forests ; Helohylophy'ta (01/rov, a plant), wet forest plants (Clements) ; Helolocn'mium (\6xM> a thicket), a meadow thicket for- mation ; nelolochinoph'ilus (0tXew, 1 love), dwelling in meadow thickets ; Helolocnmophy'ta (, a plant), meadow thicket plants (Clements) ; Helorgad'ium (eXos, marsh, 6pyhs, meadow), swamp formation (Ganong) ; helorgado- ph'ilus (0tXew, I love), dwelling in swampy woodlands ; Helorgado- phy'ta ((frvrov, a plant), plants of that formation (Clements). Hel'otism (eiXws, a serf), Warming's term for the symbiotic relations of Algae and Fungi in Lichens. hemeranthous (SUPPLEMENT) heterodesmic hemerantli'ous, day-flowering. hemiangiocar'pic, -pous (+ ANGIO- CARPIC), when the ascocarp (apo- thecium) is closed at first, but opens when approaching ripeness and discloses the hymenium of crowded asci ; nemichimonoph'ilous (xcifJ-uv, winter, 0iX^w, I love), applied by F. Ludwig to those plants whose above-ground develop- ment begins even during the pre- valence of frost, as Ranunculus Ficaria, Linn. ; hemichlamyd'eouB (xXa/xi>5, a cloak), half -coated, as ovules when borne on an inverted symphyllodium in Coniferae (Cela- kovsky) ; Hemicleistog'amy ( + CLEISTOGAMY), Knuth's term for the condition of plants whose flowers open slightly ; adj. hemi- clei8togam'ic;Hemimetat'ropy(AteTd, with, rpoTTTj, a turning), in crossing when the interchange between male and female elements from different flowers or plants is only half completed (K. Pearson) ; adj. hemimetatrop'ic ; hemiortnomor- ph'ic (dpdos, upright, /J-opdij, shape), symmetric organs which possess an equality in a vertical plane (Wiesner); Hemiorthot'ropy (TPOTTT], a turning), any naturally placed organ displaying vertical symmetry (Wiesner) ; Hemiparthen'osperm ( + PARTHENOSPERM), MacMillan's term for a plant having either embryo or endosperm partheno- genetic, but not both ; Hemipar'a- site ( + PARASITE), plants whose seeds germinate without a host plant, but whose after life is de- pendent upon a host, as Bartsia, and Tozzia; hemipe'lic (71-77X05, clay), rocks which yield a moderate amount of clay detritus, and the plants which affect such localities (Thurmann); hemipelor'ic (ire\6pios, monstrous), partly peloric flowers in Linaria, the flowers being nearly regular (Vernon) ; nemipsam'mic (^d/t/ios, sand), strata which give a moderately porous detritus, with the plants which prefer such places (Thurmann) ; Hemiplank'ton ( + PLANKTON), the mingled veget tion of shallow and deep wat forms in landlocked pools, etc. (A. F, W. Schiuoper) ; Hemisap'rc phyte (+ SAPROPHYTE), a pl*nt which appropriates humus althougl capable of self-support (Warming); Hemisyncot'yly (+. SYNCOTYLY; when seedlings have their cotyU dons partially fused with om another or some other organ (] Tries) ; Hemitricot'yly, parti* division of one cotyledon ; complete fission is TRICOTTLY (De Vries) ; hemit'ropous (T^OTTT;, a turning), (1) with flowers of moderate adap- tiveness to in&ect visitors, the mean between ALLOTROPOUS and EDTROPOUS ; (2) also applied to insects which visit the same, as flies, short-tongued bees, and most butterflies (Loew) ; Herkog'amy= HERCOGAMY. Heteradel'phy (d5e\0oj, a brother), used of two adherent carpels which develop unequally, one being more or less atrophied (Reymondaud) ; heterand'rous (avrip, di>5pos, a man), with two sets of stamens ; Heteran- the'ry, the condition of having distinct kinds of stamens ; hetero- blas'tic, add, (2) used by Goebel to express the fact that the adult form of a plant is very unlike the young or larval form ; (3) applied by Pfitzer to those Orchids in which the pseudobulbs consist of a single swollen internode ; the con- dition is Heteroblas'ty ; Hetero- b'olites (£oXls, a missile), a catabolic product with absorption of other bodies (Beyerinck) ; cf. SCHIZO- BOLITES ; heterocar'pinus, an in- ferior, or partially inferior fruit, as the acorn ; Heterocar'py, producing two kinds of fruit ; heterochro- mat'ic, adj. of HETEROCHROMAT- ISM; heterochro'mous, when ray and disc flowers differ in colour (Heinig); heterocot'ylous ( + COTY- LEDON), having cotyledons un- equally developed; neterodes'mic Heterodichogamy (SUPPLEMENT) homalocladous os, a bond), used when the vascular bundles are partly of phloem only (Brebner) ; cf. HOMO- DESMIC ; Heterodichog'amy ; Engler and Prantl's synonym for DICHO- GAMY ; Heterodi'ode ( + DIODE), a term to include MACRODIODE and MICRODIODE (Van Tieghem) ; Heterodistyly, dimorphism, as in Primula elatior, Jacq. ; adj. hetero- disty'lous ; heterodynamlc (5vva- fus, power), applied to pairs of characters, one dominant, the other recessive (Correns) ; Heterogen'esis, (2) the origin of organisms from different genera or orders, or de novo (Bastian) ; Heteroli'cheni ( + LICHEN), Lichens in which the gonidia are stratified in the thallus (Jatta) ; Heterom'erals, Bessey's abbreviation for the Heteromerae of Bentham and Hooker, a series of Gamopetalae ; Heteromer'icarpy (/capTros, fruit), heterocarpy occur- ring between parts of the same fruit (Delpino); Heteromorpho'sis = AITOMORPHOSIS in botanic usage; Heteromorph'ism, the heteromor- phic condition; Heteromesog'amy (^tros, intermediate, yci/noy, mar- riage), when individuals vary in the method of fertilization, as (a) auto-allogamous, (b) homodicho- gamous, and (c) dientomophilous ; neteroph'agous (dyw, I eat), ap- plied to Fungi which attack plants not congeneric (Eriksson) ; hetero- tac'tlc (VciKTt/cds, qualified to ar- range), with more than one system in the same inflorescence ; hetero- tballic (0aXX6s, a sprout), employed by Blakeslee for dioecious, in Mu- corineae; Heterotrlstyly, trimor- phism, as in Ly thrum Salicaria, Linn. ; Het'erotroph, (1) employed by Pfeffer to denote a pure sapro- phyte ; (2) an organ which is developed more on one side than another (Wiesner) ; adj. hetero- troph'ic ; heterotyp'ic, (2) employed to denote vegetative division ; Heterozy'gote ( + ZYGOTE), a ' ' zy- gote formed by a pair of opposite allelomorphic gametes " (Bate- son). hexacot'ylous, having apparently six cotyledons due to fission of the normal two (De Vries) ; hexacy'clic (xikXos, a circle), arranged in six whorls; hexaphylet' ic (v\Ti, a tribe), applied to those derivative hybrids which are the product of six forms or species, as in some willow - hybrids. Hid'roplank'ton (ISpcbs, sweat, + PLANKTON), organisms which float by virtue of some secretion (Forel). Hieraciol'ogist (X6yos, discourse), an expert in the genus Hivracium. Hinge, a special part of the stem near a node, between two rigid portions, capable of movement (Kohl) ; ^ plants, plants thus sus- ceptible to curvature. his'tioid (eI5os, resemblance), arach- noid (Heinig) ; Mstoph'ilus (0i\ew, I love), parasitic ; Histophy'ta (vTov, a plant), parasites ; Histo- phy'tia, parasitic plant formations (Clements). Hof (Germ., a court), (1) the areola of a bordered pit ; (2) Rosen's ex- pression for a clear, granule-free space surrounding the nucleus or nucleolus. holocar'pous (/capTros, fruit), used of Fungi producing fruit once only from the same thallus ; cf. EUCARPOUS. holocnlamyd'eous (xXayui>s, a cloak), employed for ovules such as those of Gingko when the integu- ments are practically complete (Celakovsk^) ; holocy'clic (/cu/cXi/cos, circular), applied to a stem with amplexicaul leaves, regarded as en- circling the stem and ending at the node in a leaf (Celakovsky) ; Holo- g'amy (ydfj.o$, marriage), when the nuclei of gametes fuse together (Dangeard) ; Holopar'asite ( + PARASITE), a plant entirely de- pendent upon the host-plant for its existence (Warming). homaloclad'ous, -dus (K\ddos, a branch), Russow's term for straight- branched. 329 homoblastic (SUPPLEMENT) hy< homololas'tic, add, (2) used by Goebel to express the fact that the larval and adult forma are practically the same ; (3) Pfitzer employs it for those Orchids whose pseudo-bulbs consist of several internodes, only the terminal bear- ing developed leaves ; homodes'mic (Seo-jttos, a bond), when the vascular bundles of an atactostele are of the same type (Brebner) ; Homodi- chog'amy ( + DICHOGAMY), the exist- ence of homogamous and dicho- gamous individuals in the same species ; homodynam'ic (Stvafus, power), in hybrids in which the parental characters are equally transmitted (Correns) ; homoe- an'drous (a.vT]p, dvSpos, a man), having only one kind of stamen ; Homoean'dry, the condition of having uniform stamens ; homo- et'ic, metamorphic, c/. HOMOEOSIS ; Homog'amy, add, (2) indepen- dently coined by G. J. Romanes to express "discriminate isola- tion " ; adj. homog'amous ; Homo- gen'esis, Homog'eny, the reverse of HETEROGENESIS ; the successive generations resembling the parent form ; adj. homogenetic ; Homo- heteros'tyly, the occurrence of similar and dissimilar styles in the same species (Warming); Homo- li'cheni ( + LICHEN ), Lichens with gonidia distributed generally throughout the thallus ( Jatta) ; Homone'meae (vij/j-a, a thread), for- merly applied to Algae and Fungi (Henslow); Homon'ymy, the posses- sion of the same specific name under another genus; homoog'onous (y6vos, race) = ANISOGO^NOUS, breeding true ; Homoop'lasy, (ir\d, I love), dwelling in dry woods ; Hylodo- phy'ta (vTovt a plant), dry wood- land plants ; hyloph'ilus, dwelling in forests ; Hylophy'ta, forest plants (Clements). hylocomnio'sus, mossy, composed of Hylocomnium and similar mosses (Nilsson). Hyloids (v\-n, wood, eZSos, resem- blance), crystals in Oouania leaves suggesting logs of wood as to shape. Hypalleromorph (+ ALLELOMORPH), the constituents of compound al- lelomorphs (Bateson) ; hyperhy'- dric, Kiister's expression for an outlet or overflow for water in tissues ; hypermetatrop'ic, defined as when " the ovary of one plant receives pollen from another of a flower of the same or a second plant, while the ovary of the latter flower receives pollen from another associated with the first ovary" (K. Pearson) ; Hypermetat'ropy, the condition in question ; Hy'- perplasy (TrXcunrw, I shape), an ab- normal growth of tissue due to undue cell-division (Kiister) ; hy- perstom'atous, having stomata on the upper leaf surface ; Hyper' - trophy (rpo07/, food), undue growth from abnormal increase of the tissue-elements (Kiister). Hy'phal Bodies, short thick hyphae in certain Fungi, which produce fructifying hyphae or conidio- phores (Thaxter). Hyphalmy'ro - plank'ton (udX/uyjos, somewhat salt, + PLANKTON), the floating organisms of brackish water (Zimmermann). Hyphydrogamlcae (^^6, under, (55oj/o, water, ydfj,os, marriage), plants whose flowers are fertilized under water, as Najas (Knuth) ; Hyphy- drog'amy, the condition specified. 331 Hypnetum (SUPPLEMENT) inhibited Hypne'tum, a plant-association com- posed of Mosses, especially of Hypnum, and its allies. Hyp'noplasy (TrXdo-w, I shape), arres- ted development due to various in- hibiting reactions, which prevent the cells or tissues attaining normal size (Kuster) ; Hyp'no- sporange (+ SPORANGE), a pro- duct of the modification of the root of Botrydium, a sporangium which produces zoospores after a resting period (Rostafinski). Hy'poachene ( + ACHENE), an achene from an inferior ovary (Villari) ; Hypoascid'ium ( + ASCIDIUM), a fun- nel-shaped growth, the inner sur- face corresponding with the lower surface of the metamorphosed leaf (C. de Candolle) ; Hyp'oblast = HYPOBLASTDS ; hypoder'mal Cell, the apical cell of the nucellus giving rise to the embryo-sac ; hypoder^ micZone, Bastit's termf • r structure described by him in the scales of the rhizome of certain Mosses distinct from the bundle in the mid-rib ; Hypog'yny, the condition of pos- sessing hypogynous flowers ; hypo- pel'tate ( + PELTATE) applied to a phyllome having the base of the limb on the inferior face ; c.f. EPI- PELTATE (C. de Candolle) ; Hy'po- physe, ~ Cell, = HYPOPHYSIS ; hy- pophyllop'odous (v\\ov, a leaf, irovs, a foot), radical leaves present when flowering, but not numerous ; used of certain Hieracia ; cf. PHYL- LOPODOUS ; Hy'posperm (O-TT^UCI, a seed), the lower part of an ovule or seed, below the level where the integument becomes free from the nucellus (F. W. Oliver) ; Hy'po- state (o-rdo-ts, a standing), = HYPO- SPERM ; hypostom'atous, stomata confined to the lower surface ; Hy'- pothece = HYPOTHECIUM. Hyp'sium, or Hyp'sion (C^t, aloft), succession of plants by elevation (Clements). hysterogenet'ic = HYSTEROGENIC ; Hy- st'erostele ( + STELE), a stele which is supposed to be reduced in struc- ture, as in Hippuris and Potamo- geton (Brebner). Hystrel'la (vo-Tepij, the matrix), a synonym of CARPEL. idioandrospor'ous (t'5ios, peculiar, + ANDROSPORE), when dwarf -males of Oedogoniaceae are produced from zoospores contained in certain cells of neuter individuals (Witt- rock) ; Idiot' ery (re/ms, a monster), Gubler's term for a monstrosity which is peculiar to the individual; cf. TAXITERY; idiotyp'ic (TUTTOS, a type), sexual (Radlkofer) ; the condition in Idiot'ypy; cf. ZELO- TYPIC. Imniotiflor'ae (immotus, motionless, Jlos, floris, a flower), Delpino's term for wind - fertilized plants whose flowers are steadily fixed. Impregnating Tube, an outgrowth from the antheridium of Pythium, which penetrates the peripiasm to the surface of the oosphere. Impregnation, generative, the fusion of the generative nucleus with the egg ; vegeta'tive <~ , StrasVurger's term for the fusion of the polar nuclei, either with each other or with one of the generative nuclei. Incrusta'tion (incrustatio, an encas- ing), fossils encased in mineral sub- stance, with the actual tissue wanting ; casts which give impres- sions of markings or cavities, but show no organic structure. Indehis'cence (in, negation, + DEHI- SCENCE), not opening, as of fruits which remain closed at maturity. Indimul'sin, an enzyme producing indigo in the leaves of Indigofera. Infee'tion Lay'er, a patch of hyphse near the base of the scutellum in Lolium temidentum (Freeman). infracuta'neous (cutis, skin), bel< the surface, subepidermal ; frano'dal ( + NODAL), below a m inhibited, used by J. F. Clark fc spores, not killed, but whose mination has been prevented" the use of certain solutions. 332 Initials (SUPPLEMENT) ixous Initials, the beginnings of tissues, the early stages of cells or tissues, as Dermat'ogen ~ , or Perlblem ~ . inophyllous (i's, bos, a nerve, dyos, a glutton), applied to parasitic Fungi confined to one species (Eriksson) ; ispphyllous (^uXXov, a leaf), leaves alike, in shape or size ; Isophytot'onus (, I love), "sewer-dwelling"; Lauro- pliy'ta (fyvrbv, a plant), " sewer plants " (Clements). Leafit, Withering's term for LEAF- LET. lecid'ioid (elSos, resemblance), lecidei- form. leiodeimar'ian, resembling Leioder- maria in external markings (Scott). len'tiform (lens, lentis, lentil, forma, shape), doubly convex, shaped like a lentil-seed. lepidos'troboid, recalling the fossil genus Lepidostrobus in form or marking. lepra'rioid, resembling the old genus Lepraria. leptoclad'ous (/cXd5os, a branch), slender branched. leptocen'tric (+ LEPTOME, centrum, the middle), when a vascular bundle has the leptome in the middle, with the hadronie round it (Haberlandt). leptoder'matous, leptodermous ; Leptogonid'ium (+ GONIDIDM) = MICROGONIDIUM ; Lept'oid, a group of six to eight polygonal cells, resembling sieve-tubes, in the leptome of certain Bryophytes (Tansley and Chick) ; Lep'tome- Man'tle, fusion of several leptoids into a layer ; <*" Strand, modifica- tion of the leptome cylinder ; leptomat'ic, pertaining to the leptome; Lep'tomin, a principle found by Perrot in sieve-tissue, acting like an enzyme to produce oxidation ; Leptoxylem ( + XYLEM), the water- conducting tissue of the sporophyte of Mosses ; functional wool (Vaizey). les'keoid, resembling the moss-genus, Leskea. le'thal (lethalis, deadly) Coefficient; infe'rior or supe'rior, the lowest or highest temperatures which are fatal to the vital functions of a given organism (C. Jones). Leucoso'mata, pi. =LEUCOSOMES. Li'anoid (liane (Sp.) + el5os, resem- blance), Johow's term for phan- erogamous parasites which proceed from autotrophous climbers. Li'briform, a tissue composed of LIBRIFORM cells (Tschirch). Li'broplasts (liber, free, irXaardj, moulded), elaeoplasts which are free on the median line of Diatoms (Mereschkowsky). lichenic'olous (Lichen, colo, I inhabit), dwelling in or on a Lichen. Lichenol'ogy (\oyos, discourse), the science and study of Lichens. Lig'ula, add, (6) the ovuliferous scale in Araucaria, united with the bract, and resembling the ligule in Isoetes (Potter) ; lig'ular, (2) pertaining to a ligule, in its various meanings. li'lacine, (2) lilac in tint (Heinig). Limb, add, (3) the margin of the leaf in Mosses when distinct in colour and cell-structure ; lim'bate, lim- bo! tus, having a margin of the kind stated. lim'itate (limitatus, restricted), limited or bounded by a distinct line of hypothallus in lichens (Leigh ton). Lim'nium, lake formation ; limnoph'- ilus (0iX^w, I love), pond-loving ; Limnophy'ta (vrovt a plant), pond plants (Clements). Limno'bion ()8tos, life), organic associa- tions occurring in fresh water ; cf. HALOBION, GEOBION ; Limno'dium, employed by Ganong for wild salt marsh vegetation ; limnodoph'ilus (0tX^w, I love), marsh-loving ; Lim- nodophy'ta (0i/rov, a plant), marsh plants (Clements) ; Limnoplank'ton ( + PLANKTON), the floating vegeta- tion of freshwater pools or streams. Li'nom = LININ. linosp'orous (linea, a line, + SPORE), employed by G. F. Atkinson for "linear spored." liorhi'zal, pertaining to LIORHIZAE. Lipasei'din, the fat-splitting enzyme of the cytoplasm in castor-oil seeds, Ricinus. lipolyt'ic (XvVis, a looking), dissolving fats. 335 lithophilus (SUPPLEMENT) Malacopbilae lithopn'ilus (0iXvrbv, a plant), thicket plants (Clements). Lochmo'dium (Xox^w^s, bushy), a dry thicket formation ; lochmocloph'ilus (0t\^w, I love), dwelling in dry thickets ; Lochmpdophy'ta (QVTOV, a plant), dry thicket plants (Cle- ments). Lo'co, disease of cattle and sheep from their feeding on Lo'co-plants or ^ weeds, chiefly species of As- tragalus and Lupinus. Loc'oform (locus, a place, + FORM), a form which differs from its nearest allies by peculiarities de- rived from the climate or soil (Kuntze) ; Locogreg'iform (grex, gregis, a flock), a secondary or tertiary RAMIFORM (Kuntze). longistam'inate (+ STAMEN), having stamens on long filaments. Loph'ium, a hill or crest formation ; lophoph'ilus (0iX<(w, I love), hill- dwelling ; Lophophy'ta (vTovt a plant), hill - plants (Clements) ; Loph'ospores, -ce ( + SPORE), plants having plumose pappus (Clements); lophot'richous (8pl£, T/NXOS, hair), used of those bacteria possessed of a tuft of cilia (Jones). Lor'icae, (3) employed by Hance to denote the scales of the fruit of Calamus. Lo'tase, an enzyme in Lotus arabicus ; Lotofla'vin, a yellow colouring matter in the same plant ; Lp'tusin, a yellow crystalline glucoside also from it. Lu'siform (lusus, a game), a new form, due to cultivation, which repro- duces itself by vegetable increase only, and not by seed (Kuntze). lu'ticole, (lutum, mud, colo, I inhabit), used of a plant growing in miry places. lycopodin'ean, lycopodi'nous, resem- bling in structure Lycopodium ; Lycop'sida (3^ty, appearance), a group of cryptogams, consisting of Lycopodiales and Equisetales (Jeffrey). macroaeroph'ilous (aer, aid, 0tXe'w, I love), employed by Winogradsky to express the avidity for oxygen shown by Clostridium ; Macroa- planosporang'ium( + APLANOSPORE, SPORANGIUM), the sporangium pro- ducing macroaplanosporea (Thax- ter) ; Macroaplan'ospore ( + AP- LANOSPORE), aplanospores of large size given off by Compsopogon (Thaxter); macroelad'pus,-', a plant), employed by Schimper to denote marine Algae of extreme length ; Macro - spartine'tum, a salt marsh plant association in which Spartina is dominant (Ganong). macrospor'oid (eZSos, resemblance), resembling the genus Macro- sporium, Fries. Macrospor'ophore ( + SPOROPHORE), an organ supporting macrospores. macrothermoph'ilus (0iXvrbv, a plant), tro- pical plants ; Macrothermophy'tia (Clements). [NOTE. — These words would have been better coil from mega-, instead of macro-.] Mak'roflora (+ FLORA), applied Levier and Sommier to the luxur ant vegetation of some of tl valleys in the Caucasus. Malacog'amy (y&nos, marriage), us in cases of Malacoph'ilae, plant 336 malacophilous (SUPPLEMENT) Merogamy pollinated by slugs and snails ; adj. malacoph'ilous. malpighia'ceous, relating to Malpig- hiaceae; as the peculiar hairs of many species. mammilliform (forma, shape), ap- plied to those papillate protuber- ances on a petal, which give it a velvety appearance. Mannoceirulose( -f CELLULOSE), a con- stituent of gymnosperm wood, which on hydrolysis yields abund- ant MANNOSE (Bertrand). Man/tie -fl'bres, A. A. Lawson's term for the fibres of the nuclear-spindle. marattia'ceous, akin to or resembling the fern genus Marattia. marsu'pioid (eZSos, resemblance) = MARSUPIAL. Mass, pi. Mass'es, used by Sir J. E. Smith for Sonus, SORI. Mas'tigospores, -ae ( + SPORE), plants with flagellate spores (Clements). me'dian Bract'eole, one inserted at the middle of the pedicel ; ~ Chor'isis, the multiplication of a single organ in the median plane ; ~ zygomorpn'ous, capable of division into similar halves by a plane pass- ing through the middle ; cf. SAGITTAL SECTION. Med'ioform (medius, middle, +FORM), an intermediate form not due to hybridity (Kuntze); Medioloc'oform (locus, a place), a local MEDIOFORM (Kuntze). meduTlary Casts, impressions of the internal cavity of Calamites in solid material ; medull'ated, possessing pith. Megachlor'oplast ( + CHLOROPLAST), compound chlorophyll granules in Tillandsia, composed of MICRO - CHLOROPLASTS (Billings) ; Mega- phyl'lidae (0uX\oj/,a leaf ), the Ferns, as possessing broad fronds ; mega- phyl'lous, leaves or leaf-like expan- sions large (Jeffrey). Megaplan'ogamete( + PLANOGAMETE), Brebner's term for a large piano- gamete, presumably female ; Mega- sporang'ium (+ SPORANGIUM), the correct form of MACROSPORA.NGIUM; Y megather'niic, the correct form of macrother'mic, requiring much heat, as tropical plants. Megazo'ospore ( +ZOOSPORE), a motile spore, larger than those termed MlCROZOOSPORES. Mei'ostates (fj-duit, less, (jraros, a standing), the intermediate pro- ducts of metabolism, comprising (a) ANASTATES, formed during anabolism, and (b) KATASTATES, during katabolism (Parker). melangeoph'ilus (777, earth, 0i\i\tu, I love), dwelling in midlands ; Mesochtnonophy'ta (vr&v, a plant) midland plants ; Mesocnthonophy'tia, midland plant formations (Clements); mesoclad'- OM8,-dw (xXctSos, a branch), possess- ing branches of medium length ; (Russow) ; Mes'ocyst Otforts, a bag), the definite central nucleus of the embryo-sac with which the second antherozoid fuses to form a TRO- PHIME (Van Tieghem); Mes'odes, pi., the two medium cells of the embryo-sac of Angiosperms which contain the polar nuclei (Dangeard ; Mesog'amy (ydpos, marriage), a process of fertilization in cer- tain Urticaceae, intermediate be- tween Basigamy and Acrogamy (Pirotta and Longo), adj. meso- gam'ic; Mesomel'itae, pi. (mel. honey), Huxley's term for a series of Gentianeae which have honey- glands in the central portion of the flower ; cf. PERIMELITAE ; Mesometatrop'ic (+ METATROPIC), when the " first ovary receives pollen from an anther associated with a second ovary, but the second ovary receiving pollen from the anthers of the first plant not associated with the first ovary " (K. Pearson) ; Mesomyce'tes (AU^S, a mushroom), a group intermediate between Phycomycetes and the higher Fungi (Warming) ; Meso- pet'alum (reroXw, a flower-leaf). Pfitzer's term for the LABELLUM of Orchids ; mesoph'ilus (0tXew, I love), dwelling in moist lands; Meso- pby'ta (vrbv, a plant) ; (2) moist land plants; Mesophy'tia, moist land plant formations (Clements) ; mes- othermoph'ilus (0iXv\\ov, a leaf), small leaved ; Mic'rophyte, (2) used by Schimper for the smallest Algae, as Diatoms; Microphytol'ogy ( + PHYTOLOGY), used chiefly of bac- teriology, but also applied to any branch which is entirely dependent on microscopic research ; micro- py'lar, relating to the MICROPYLE ; ~ Scar, the spot on the ripe seed occupied by the micropyle (Kerner) ; micropylif erous (fe.ro, I bear) Tube = EXOSTOME ; Micro - spor'ophore (+ SPOROPHORE), an organ which bears MICROSPORES ; microtliermoph'ilus (0tX^w, I love), dwelling in boreal regions ; Micro- thermophy'ta (vrbv, a plant), boreal plants [note the distinction from MICROTHERMS, p. 159] ; Mi- crothermophy'tia, boreal plant for- mations (Clements) ; microtrich'al, microtrich'ous (dpi£, rptxbs, hair), used of pubescence when so minute as to be observable only under the microscope, but sometimes per- ceptible to the touch (Williams) ; microzooph'ilous ( + ZOOPHILOUS), pollinated by insects and other small animals (Hansgirg) ; Mik'ro- flora ( + FLORA), the alpine flora, especially when massed and small in size (Freshfield). Mid'body, a translation of the Germ. "Zwischenkorper," probably the homologue of the cell-plate in the higher plants (Timberlake). Migration (migratio, change of habi- tation), movement of plants by invasion, becoming denizens of places in which they are not native. Mist'oform (mistus, mixed, + FORM), a hybrid or cross from forms which themselves have varied from the original; Mistoproliform (proles, offspring), fertile hybrids of MISTO- FORMS (Kuntze). Mix'ie (/Atfis, a mingling), Maire's term for the fusion of two similar nuclei ; the product he terms Mix'ote ; Mix'otroph (rpocftrj, food), applied to any plant whose insuffi- cient chlorophyll contents does not ensure a proper assimilation (Pfeffer). Mne'mon (/wi^wv, unforgetting), Coutagne's term for the elemen- tary factors of heredity. mni'oid, add, (2) used by E. New- man as resembling any kind of Moss. Modification Forms, inconstant varia- tions due to alteration in external conditions (Hedlund). Monacrorhi'zae (&KPOS, at the end, pifa, a root), plants whose roots are derived from a single mother- cell, as most vascular cryptogams, except Lycopodium and Isoetes(Va,n Tieghem) ; adj. monac'rornize ; mo- nax'ial (+ AXIAL), applied to a nuclear spindle of one axis, but not necessarily ending in fixed points (Hof) ; moner'gic, an abbre- viation of monergid'ic, consisting of one energid, that is, one unit or nucleus (Goebel) ; Mon'ad, occa- sionally used for ZOOSPORE ; mon- an'dreous, having but one perfect stamen, as most orchids (S. Moore) ; Monan'dry, the condition in ques- tion. 339 (SUPPLEMENT) mon'eroid, like the genus Monera in which the protoplasm forms the whole structureless body of the fully developed organism, which is devoid of a nucleus ; a presumed protistoid body. monocarp'ean = MONOCARPIC ; mono- cor'mic (/co/>/Aos,a trunk), expressive of those trees which have one main axis bearing lateral branches of bi- lateral structure (A. H. Burtt) ; monocot'ylous = MONOCOTYLEDO- NOUS ; monocys'tic(/ci;ri, food), nutrition confined to one species ; cf. POLY- TROPHIC. mori'nus, Hayne's term for mulberry black ; the deep purple of the ripe fruit of Morus niyra. morphog'enous Ir'ritants, external factors requisite for inception of propagation (Herbst). mosaic (Fr. mosaique, from late Lat. musaicus, tessellated work), applied to hybrids which display patches of varying character (Bateson). Mos'sing, covering decorticat trunks with moss, to induce tl production of renewed bark in Cinchona culture. Mu'cilage Cells, cells whose content are gum or similar secretions. mu'coid (mucus, secretion, e!5os, semblance), a secretion resembling that formed by the mucous mem- brane of animals. Mu'corine, mucedinous, resembling the genus Mucor ; Mucormyco'sis (+ MYCOSIS), any disease in ani- mals due to Mucorine Fungi (Barthelot). Mu'cro, used by Arthur and Holway for MICRO-MILLIMETRE ( = fj.) ; cf. MICRON. Mueller's Bodies, <~ Corpus'cles, metamorphosed glands found in certain myrmecophilous plants, serving as food-bodies for ants (Schimper). multinu' clear, multinu'cleate ( + NUCLEUS), having many nuclei. Murno'nian (Momonia, or Mumonia), relating to the province of Munster. muscarlan, Beccari's term when flowers attract flies by a putrid stench (Praeger). Muta'tion (mutatio, a changing), De Vries's term for "species" derived by progressive changes in several generations of seedlings ; Mu'tant, Henslow's name for a "species" so raised. Myeelia'tion, taking on the aspect or form of MYCELIUM (A. S. Wilson) ; myce'lioid (ddos, resemblance), re- sembling a mycelium (Archer). Mychogamla (TO*°S> inmost), self or direct fertilization, as opposed to HERCOOAMY (Clements). My'coma (/J-vKrjs, a mushroom), the body of a Fungus (A. Braun) ; Mycomyce'tes, the higher Fungi ; Mycoph'thorous (00J/)os, destruc tion), a Fungus parasitic on anothe Fungus, as Hypocrea fun< (Rutland) ; My'coplasm (w\d, I fear), shunning ants, used of plants which by hairs, or glands, repel ants. myrtilli'nus (Mod. Lat.), myrtle- green, Myrtus. Myxobacter'ia ( + BACTERIA), applied to those bacteria which form colonies united by a gelatinous covering (Thaxter) ; Myxogas'ters, an Anglicised form of MYXO- GASTRES ; adj. myxogas'trous ; myxomyce'tous, relating to the same group under its name of Myxo- mycetae; Myxophy'ceae (00/cos, sea- weed) = SCHIZOPHYCEAE ; Myx'o- phyte (vrov, a plant), Wettstein's name for Rhizopoda regarded as plants ; Myxothallophy'tae ( + THALLOPHYTE) = MYXOGASTRES. na'creous (Fr., nacre, mother-of- pearl), with pearly lustre (Hei- nig). Nama'tium (vafj.a, ra/*aros, a stream), a brook formation ; namatoph'ilus (0t\ew, I love), brook-loving ; Namatophy'ta (0im>v, a plant), brook plants (Clements). Nannan'der, a dwarf -male (Witt- rock); cf. NANNANDROUS. Nas'tie (J/CIO-TOJ, pressed close), auto- matic curvature of a dorsiventral organ influenced by continued growth in length (De Vries). nau'tilold (eldos, resemblance), like the shell of a nautilus (Heinig). navic'ulaeform (forma, shape) = naviculoid. Neck, add, (5) the prolongation of the apex of the perithecium in Pyrenomycetes. nect'ary, (2) employed by Linnaeus for the utricle of Carex. Nee'dle, the stiff linear leaf of Coni- ferae ; double <-^ the specially metamorphosed leaf - organ of Sciadopitys. Neidioplank'ton (vrjls, a nymph, -f PLANKTON), Forel's term for plank- ton organisms possessing swimming apparatus. Nema'tium, water margin plant-for- mation (Ganong) ; cf. NAMATIUM. Ne'ophyte (Qwov, a plant), newly introduced plants (Rikli). Nepenth'in, a proteolytic enzyme occurring in the pitchers of Nepenthes. Net-plasmo'dium ( + PLASMODIUM), a state of the Acrasieae, due either to fusion or merely contact (Olive). neu'tropMle (0tX^w, I love), a hybrid word for elements which do not take up either acid or basic stains, as hyalosomes. Nex'us (Lat.), a connection. Ni'tropnytes (vlrpov, potash or soda, (ftvrov, a plant), nitrophilous plants, thriving best on soils affording most alkalies (Schimper). Nix'us (Lat., an effort), affinity, as of one species to another of the same genus. no'dal Plex'us, the net or transverse girdle of bundles which sometimes exists at a node ; ~ Wood, cf. IN- FRANODAL, SUPRANODAL. Nom'ium, pi. -ia (vo(j.6s, a pasture), rsture formation ; noinoc'ola (colo, inhabit), nomoph'ilus (i\ea>, I love), dwelling in pastures ; Nomo- phy'ta (vrbv, a plant), plants of banks or dikes (Clements). Ochet'ium, or Ochetlon conduit), a plant succession occa- sioned by drains or ditches (Cle- ments). octinu'cleate (+ NUCLEUS), having eight nuclei (Harper). odon'toid (65oi)s, <5§6vros, a tooth, eT5os, resemblance), tooth - like, dentate (Heinig). Oece'sis (ok?7vr6v, a plant), parasites (Clements). Opportunism (opportunus, con- venient), the direction in meta- morphosis due to the factors potent at the moment (Ganong). orchid'ean, ( = ORCHIDEOUS ; Orchi- dol'ogy (X67<>s, discourse), the study of Orchids. Orga'dium (o/yy&s, a meadow), an open woodland formation; orgadoc'ola (colo, I inhabit) ; and orgadoph'ilus (0tX*o;, I love), dwelling in open woodland ; Orgadophy'ta (Qvrov, a plant), open woodland plants (Clements). Origin, employed by Hartog to ex- press the German "Anlage"; cf. FUNDAMENT, INCEPT, INCEPTION, PRIMORDIUM, etc. ornithog'amous (7^05, marriage), fertilization effected by birds. oroph'ilus (Spot, a mountain, I love), dwelling in subalpine regions; Oropny'ta(0 I/TOP, a plant), subalpine plants ; prophy'tia, sub- alpine plant formations (Clements). orthoclad'ous, -dus (/cXdSos, a branch), straight branched (Russow) ; Or- then'chyma (tyxtu> I pour in), Williamson's correction of Ortho- sen'chyma, Binney's term for par- enchyma of vertically arranged cells ; adj. orthen/chymous ; ortho- mor'phous (pop^i), shape), radial and erect( Wiesner); orthosper'mous (tr7r^/xa, a seed), having seeds with endosperm grooved on the ventral side, as in Carum. Oscilla'tion, the movement peculiar to Trichobacteria and Cyanophy- ceae (Jones). oscillatoria'ceous, allied to the genus Oscillatoria. Osmotax'is (rdfis, arrangement), re- arrangement of moving organisms in response to the influence of fluids ; adj. osmotac'tic. Ostiole, (3) a pore or opening in the prickles of Victoria regia (Tre"cul). Ova'rium, add, (2) = ARCHEGONIUM (H. Gibson). overlapping, suggested to denote right or left, as right edge -~, = sinistrorse (i.e. dextrorse seen in front) ; left edge <~, = dextrorse (i.e. sinistrorse viewed from the front). overly'ing, a suggested rendering of INCUBOUS (Potter). oxalida'ceous, referring to the genus Oxalis, or its allies. oxygeoph'ilus (o'£6s, sour, yrj, earth, 0iX^w, I love), dwelling in humus ; Oxygeophy'ta (vrov, a plant), humus plants ; Oxygeophy'tia, humus plant formations (Clements); Oxyllum (l\vs, mud), a humus marsh formation ; oxylyph'ilus (0tX^w, I love), humus loving ; Oxy- lyphy'ta (vrov, a plant), humus plants (Clements). Oxyrie'tum, an association of Oxyria plants (Clements). 343 pachycladous (SUPPLEMENT) Pectim pachyclad'ous, -dm (/cXdSos, a branch), thick- branched (Russow) ; pachy- der'matous, =PACHYDERMOUS. Palaeobot'anist, a student or expert in fossil botany. palisa'dic, relating to the palisade cells. Pal'mid, J. Smith's term for Palms, Cycads and Tree-ferns of palm-like aspect. palmogloe'an, allied to Palmogloea, or resembling i^(Archer). Pag'ium (irdyos, a peak), a succession of plants on glacial soils ; pago- ph/ilus (<£iAv\\ov, a leaf), leaf -like bodies produced near the leaves of Mosses, but not like stipules at definite points ; Parasaprophyt'ism ( + SAPROPHYTISM), the same as ENDOSAPROPHYTISM j paraste'- monal (ffr^uv a filament = stamen), employed by Huxley for structures which arise from, or close to, the insertion of the fila- ments with the corolla ; Parasym- bio'sis ( + SYMBIOSIS), a synonym of PARASAPROPHYTISM, etc. (Elenkin); Parathe'cium (0^/07, a case), the circumscribing walls of the Lichen thecium; paratroph'ic (rpotpr), food), able to exist only in animals or plants (Jones). parelli'nus (Lat., from parellus, Fr. parelle, dye-lichens, as Lecanora parella}, litmus violet (Heinig). Paronychie'tum, an association of plants of Paronychia (Clements). Parthenocar'py (Kapwos, fruit), Noll's term for the production of fruit without true fertilization ; Par- themb'ryosperm ( + EMBRYO- SPERM), MacMillan's term for a PARTHENOSPERM, with parthen- ogenetic embryo, and endosperm resulting from fertilization ; Par- thend'osperm ( + ENDOSPERM), a plant whose endosperm is partheno- genetic, and embryo the result of fertilization (MacMillan) ; par- thenogenet'ic, arising without fer- tilization ; Partlienog'eny, the con- dition itself ; Parth'enosperm, (2) a plant having parthenogenetic embryos (MacMillan). Path-point'ers, defensive protection, such as prickles, etc., against un- desirable insect- visitors (Kerner). paul'ospore (iravXa, a pause), Klebs's term for CHLAMYDOSPORE. Pauper' culae, pi. (pauperculus, rather poor), depauperate generations, as the dwarf-males of Oedogoriium, etc. (A. Braun). Pearl-glands, structures in Pterosper- mum javanicum contained in cups serving as food-bodies for ants ; the cups are probably metamorphosed stipules (Raciborski). pecop'Jeroid, resembling the fossil fera Pecopteris. Pec'tines, pi. (pecten, & comb), fim- briae on the corolla of some Gen- tians, constituting the corona (Huxley). 344 pecUniferous (SUPPLEMENT) Petrifaction pectinif erous (fero, I bear), used of a characteristic brown coating of the spores of Albugo, PECTIN being its constituent (F. L. Stevens). Pedalin'eous, allied to the order Pedalineae. pedioph'ilus (ireSlov, level country, 0tX^w, I love), dwelling in uplands ; Pediophy'ta (0i>r6»>, a plant), up- land plants ; Pediophy'tia, upland plant formations (Clements). Pelag'ium (irtXayos, the sea), a sur- face sea-formation; pelagoph'ilus (0iXe'w, I love), living at tho sea surface ; Pelagophy'ta (vTvrov, a plant), plants of mud banks ; Pelochthophy'tia, plant formations of mud-dwelling species (Cle- ments) ; Pelogen'ety (ycvos, off- spring), amount of clay in soil, as affecting the plants growing on it ; Pel'ophUe (0iXf'w, I love), a clay- loving plant ; peloph'ilous, occur- ring on clayey soils. pelo'ric, relating to PBLOBIA (Potter), pentaphylet'ic (<£uX7j, a tribe), used of hybrids which are composed of five strains, five species or forms being represented in the hybrid ; Pentacot'yl, a seedling with cotyle- dons so divided as to appear to possess five seed-leaves (De Vries). Perem'bryo ( + EMBRYO), the portion of a monocotyledonous seedling which invests the plumule and radicle (Heinig). Perenna'tlon, lasting, perennial. Perlachene (+ACHENE), a term in- cluding EPIACHENE, for an Achene arising from a partially superior flower (Villari) ; perian'thial, re- lating to the PERIANTH ; Perl- blast (jSXaoTor, a bud), a misprint for PERIPLAST ; Pericau'lome (/cai/X6s, stalk), the outer portion of the stem, including the leaf- trace bundles, derived theoretically from the fused bases of the leavea (Potoni<§) ; perichy'lous (x«Ads, juice), employed of the aqueous tissue when between the epidermis and chlorencbyma (A. Schimper) ; Per'icline = PERICLINIUM ; peri- cy'clic Sec' tors, interruptions of the pericycle of the root in cer- tain Mosses, by tissues of cells whose walls are very slightly thickened (Campbell) ; Peri- gam'iuin (ydpoi, marriage), the portion of the fertile reduced branchlets of Mosses, which contain the archegonia ; perihadromat'ic ( + HADROME), surrounding the hadrome ; perileptomat'ic ( -f LEPTOME), surrounding the lep- tome ; perimicrop'ylar ( + MICRO- PYLE), situated near or round the micropyle. Per'iod, la'tent, see LATENT PERIOD. peripheral steles, four long curved steles in Psaroniua from which ad- ventitious roots take their origin (Zeiller); Per'iphyses, pi. (0tfcri», growth), hairs of like origin to PARAPHYSES but arising from the hy menium of Ascomycetes at places destitute of asci (Bennett and Murray) ; Per'ispore ( + SPORE), an incrustation containing much silica, outside the exospore of Isoetes (Fitting) ; Perisporin'ium, the outermost membrane of pollen in Angiosperms (Fitting); perit'rich- ous (Opl£, rpt'x°J» a hair), the whole surface beset with cilia (Jones). peronocar'pic, where occurring, pro- bably a misprint for PYRENOCARPIO. Pet'als (2), of the Hop, the scales of the strobile ; Pet'aly, the condition of possessing petals (J. M. Coulter). Pet'asospores, -ae (Trerao-os, a broad brimmed hat, + SPORE), plants having seeds with parachute- like appendages (Clements). pet'iolans (Lat.), producing petioles ; used by Dr Burchell. Petrifac'tion, (petra, rock, facio, I 345 Petrium (SUPPLEMENT) PhycochryBin make), formerly applied to all fossils, now restricted to those completely penetrated by silicic acid or calcium carbonate, and so preserved in a solid form. Pet'rium, (irtrpos, & rock), a rock formation ; petroph'ilus (0iXew, I love), rock dwelling; Petrophy'ta (VTOV, a plant), rock plants (Cle- ments) ; Petroch'thium, pi. -ia (6X&T1, a bank), a rock bank forma- tion ; petrochthoph'ilus (0iXeoj, I love), living on rock banks ; Petrochthopny'ta (vTov, a plant), rock bank plants (Clements). Petro'diuin . (rer/ori^s, stony), a boulder field or stone formation; petrodoph'ilus («£iXfo, I love) dwell- ing in boulder fields ; Petrodo- phy'ta (VTOV, a plant), the olive-green seaweeds, or Phaeophyceae (Wettstein). Phanerog'amy, the condition of PHA- NEROGAMS; phanerop'orous ( + PORE) employed to denote the rition of stomata on the epi- mal layer of the plant (Hagen) Cf. CRYPTOPOROUS. Pharmacogno'sy ($appa.Kov, a drug, yv&ffis, knowledge), the know- ledge of the distinctive features of vegetable drugs (E. M. Holmes). Phell'ium (0eXXei)s, stony soil) a " rock field formation " ; phelloph'ilus (0tX^w, I love), dwelling in stony fields ; Phellophy'ta ((pvTov, a plant), plants growing amongst loosestones (Clements). phe'nicine, phenic'eous (Heinig) = PHOENICEOUS. Phleume'tum, a plant - association consisting of Phleum pratense, etc. (Ganong). Phloe'm-parench'yma, cf. BAST-PAKEN- CHYMA. Phlyktioplank'ton (^XU/CTTIS, a blis- ter, + PLANKTON), Forel's term for organisms supported by hydro- static mean?. Pho'bism, Massart's term for repul- sion of plants. pho'tic, influenced by, or adapted to, the action of light ; Pho'toblast s, a bud), used of a shoot developed above the soil, and adapted to live in light and air (Kirchner) ; Photokine'sis ( + KINE- SIS), movement induced by light ; Photonas'ty (vaarbs, pressed close), one-sided growth in length of an organ, due to the unrestricted action of light (De Vries) ; adj. photonas'tic ; Photop'athy (7rd0oy, suffering) = PHOTOTAXIS ; photo- ph'ilous (0iX&o, I love), sun-loving plants ; Photoph/obism (0o/3pr)Tloi', a water tank), a tank formation ; phretoph'ilus (0tXew, I love), dwelling in tanks ; Phretophy'ta ((pvrbjt, a plant), tank plants (Clements). Phycobry'ophytes (+ BRYOPHYTES), Gotz's term for Characeae. phycochroma'ceous (xpw/«*, colour + ACEOUS), applied to gonidia which are not green (chlorophyl- laceous) ; Phy'coclirome, the bluish- green colouring matter of Algae (Bornet) ; Phycophy'ta (fyvrbv, a plant), Trevisan's name for Chara- ceae ; Phycochry'sin (xpvaos, gold), 346 Phyllobiology (SUPPLEMENT) Plasm-sac a constituent of the pigment PHY- COCHROME (Gaidukov). Phyllobiol'ogy ( + BIOLOGY), the bi- ology of tho leaf, in its widest sense ; adj. phyllobiolog'ic ; Phyl- loclad'ium, add, (2) a thalline out- growth of a Lichen (Lindsay ) ; Phyl'- lophyte (6\\ov, leaf), a plant pos- sessing leaves or leaf-like organs (Hansgirg) ; phyllop'odous, used of the genus ffi&racium when the radical leaves are in full vigour at the period of flowering ; phyllo- siphon'ic ( + SIPHONIC), the tubular central cylinder of the higher plants, where leaf-gaps are con- stantly present (Jeffrey) ; the condition in Phyllosi'phony ; Phyl'- lotype (TUTTOS, a type), a type of leaf ; Phyl'lula, H. Gibson's term for that stage in the embryo of vascular plants at which the first leaf and root appear (Parker) ; Pnyl'lule, used for the free portion of the pulvinus, in Pinus (Mas- ters). Pbyterls (e/uj, strife), plant migra- tion and competition (Clements) ; Phy'to al'bumin, see ALBUMIN ; Phytoben'thon(£e/j'0os, depth), vege- tation of the depths (Forel) ; Phytog'amy (yA/*os, marriage), cross-fertilization of flowers (A. Gray) ; Phy'togen (7^0?, race), a vital centre (Fermond) ; Phytogeogen'esis (777, the earth, 7^eiris, beginning), the origin of plants in geologic time (Kuntze) ; Phytogeog'rapher (yp&(f>, more, tpv\T), a tribe), descended from numerous lines, polyphyletic ; pleoph'agous (dyos, a glutton), not restricted to one host ; feeding on various species ; Pleoph'agism is the con- dition ; pleotroph'ic (rpo^, food), feeding on various Substances, not restricted to one (Jones). v pleuroblas'tic, (2) employed by Cela- kovsky" to denote the early stages of the monocotyledonous embryo ; Cf. ACROBLASTIC. pleurococca'ceous, pleurococ'coid (etSos, resemblance), like the genus Pleurococcus, or its allies. Pleu'ston (Tr\€vvTov, a plant), meadow plants (Clements). Point'er Cell, an English equivalent for DEUTER ZELL. Polemonie'tum, a plant association of Polemonium (Clements). Pollen-tubes, ectotrop'ic, the course of the pollen-tube in acrogamy, proceeding along the conducting tissue of the style to the micro- pyle; endotrop'ic ~, in basi- gamy, when their course is to- 348 Pollinide SUPPLEMENT) Potamophy'ta wards the base of the ovule (Pirobta and Longo). Pol'linide, a single antheridial cor- puscle (Sirodot). Polyan'dry, the state of having many stamens ; pol'yarcli (apx^i, begin- ning), when a stele possesses many protoxylem groups ; Polycyst'in, pigment from Polycystis Flos-aquce, allied to carotin (Zopf ). polycorm'ic (/co/j/ioj, a trunk), ex- Eressive of such trees as the istigiate Irish yew, which has a number of erect radial axes (A. H. Burtt); Polycotyle'dons ( + COTYLEDONS), when the seed leaves are so divided as to appear many ; polyer'gic, shortened from polyergid'ic (epyov, work), used by Goebel of the Vasculares ; Poly- gen'esis (yeveffts, origin), Clements's term for POLYPHYLESIS, multiple origin. polygona'ceous, allied to, or re- sembling the genus Polygonum ; Polygone'tum, a plant association of that genus (Clements). polykar'ic (itdpvov, a nut) = multi- nucleate. polyplas'tic, applied to septate spores ; Pol'yplast, add, (2) the multicellular stage of the embryo, before the differentiation of cell- layers or organs in Mosses, Ferns, etc. (Parker) ; adj. polyplas'tic, see also POLYBLA.STIC. polypodia'ceous, allied to or re- sembling the genus Polypod- ium. pol'yspored = POLYSPOROUS. polyst'ichous (-n-oXvo-Tixos, in many lines), when leaves are borne in many series, as the leaf-scars in Caulopteris. polytax'ic (ra£is, order), a character varying in a discontinuous manner (Coutagne) ; polytop'ic (TOTTOS, a place) applied to species supposed to be of independent origin in more than one place. polytricna'ceouB, resembling or akin to Polytrichum ; polytrlcho'sus, employed by Nillson, when the ground under heather is carpeted with mosses. polytroph'ic (rpcxprj, food), obtaining food from a wide area of selection (Jones). poma'ceus (Lat.), apple - green (Hayne). Pentium (irbvTos, the sea), a deep sea formation ; pontoph'ilus (0iXeo>, I love), dwelling in the deep sea ; Pontophy'ta (vr6v, a plant), the plant which produces progametes (Maire) ; Progemma'- tion (+ GEMMATION), when stylo- spores are given off from basidia, new terminal cells being developed from older or basal cells (Ny lander) ; progeoesthet'ic (777, earth, alvr6i>, a plant), initial plant forma- tions (Clements). prop'er Valves = SPATHE-VALVES. prophototac'tic (ra/crt«:6s, arranging), turning towards light (Macdougal) ; the condition itself is Prophoto- tax'is ; Propnototrop'ism (T/JOTTT?, turning), moving towards the centre of the radiating light (Macdougal) ; Pro'phyll, bracteole, cf. PRO- PHYLLUM. pros- (TT/OOS, towards), employed to denote positive phenomena by Rothert, as in the following : — Prosaerotax'is ( + AEROTAXIS), the stimulus of oxygen on the move- ment of zoospores and other motile organisms ; Proschemotax'is ( + CHEMOTAXIS) attraction by cer- tain substances, shown by bac- teria, antherozoids, etc. ; adj. proschemotac'tic ; proschairlim- net'ic (xafy>w, I rejoice, \lfunj t a pool), occasionally belong- ing to Limnoplankton (Forel) ; Prosgalvanotax'is = GALVANOTAXIS; prosgeotrop ic ( + GEOTROPIC), the positive influence of gravity on organs during growth ; the con- dition is Prosgeot'ropism ; pros- heliotropic ( + HELIOTROPIC), turn- ing towards the source of light ; the state is Prosheliot'ropism ; Proshydrotax'is ( + HYDROTAXIS), negative osmotaxis ; Pro'soplasm (TrXa'cTAta, moulded), used of patho- 350 prosoplastic (SUPPLEMENT) Pseudocleistogamy logic tissues caused by parasifes as in galls (Trotter) ; adj. proao- plast'ic; Prososmotax'is ( + OSMO- TAXIS), movement of motile organisms in consequence of the influence of fluids ; Prosphototax'is ( + PHOTOTAXIS), definite arrange- ment as the result of the action of light on organisms capable of response ; Prosthermotax'is ( + TH.ERMOTAXIS), movement towards warmth of bacteria or zoospores ; Prosthigmotax'is = THIGMOTAXIS. Pro'teid-Vac'uoles, nuclei of cells of the tapetal layer in Gymnosperms (Chamberlain) ; Proteol'ysis (\tfvrbv, a plant), applied by Clements to initial stages of succession in plant growths. protoplas'tic, used by Henfrey for PROTOPLASMIC ; Protopteridophy'ta ( + PTERIDOPHYTA), a hypothetic Erimitive group of Pteridophytes, •om which the known orders may be supposed to have been derived (Bower). Pro'tostele ( + STELE) supposed primi- tive in structure, and has been applied to HAPLO- and ACTINO- STELES (Brebner) ; adj. protoste'lic. prototropn'ic (TpoQr), food), requiring BO organic compounds for nourish- ment (Jones) ; Prototroph/ism is the state itself ; Prototype (nj-rros, a type), the assumed ancestral form, from which the descendants have become modified ; adj. prototyp'ic. pruni'nus (Mod. Lat., from prunum, a plum), plum-colour (Hayne). Psamath'ium (\f/6.^a6os, sea sand), a strand formation ; psamathoph'ilus (0t\&»>, I love), strand-loving ; Psamophy'ta (0i-roV, a plant), strand-plants (Clements). Psammogen'ity (7^05, offspring), amouut of sand in the soil, as affecting the plants growing thereon; Psam'mophile (<£t\v\\os, with 352 Ptenophyllophilus (SUPPLEMENT) reparative deciduous leaves "), a deciduous forest formation ; ptenophyllopli'- ilus (^t\^w, I love), dwelling in deciduous forests ; Ptenopnyllo- phy'ta (vrbvt a plant), deciduous forest plants. Ptenophy'tia (irTtjvbs, winged, vroi>, a plant), intermediate plant for- mations (Clements). Ptenotha'lium (" irTyt'odaXfy, deci- duous"), a deciduous thicket for- mation ; ptenothaloph'ilus (0tX^o>, I love), dwelling in deciduous thickets ; Ptenothalop&y'ta (Qvrbv, a plant), deciduous thicket plants (Clements). Pterido'ma (irrepls, a fern), the body or substance of a Fern ; pterido- phyt'ic, fern-like ; Pterldosperm (a"ir€pfj,a, a seed), MacMillan's term for plants with obligatory and pteridophytic seeds, and mono- morphic embryos, as Lepidos- trobus; Pterop sida (d^ts, sight), the group of Filicales, Gymno- sperms, and Angioaperms, with ample leaves ; phyllosiphonic Vas- culares (Jeffrey). Pte'rospores, -ae ( + SPORE), plants having winged seeds (Clements). Puffs, Sir J. E. Smith's equivalent for PILIDIA in Lichens. pulley-shaped (p. 216), read, com- pressed and usually grooved in its circumference. Pulsellum (pulso, I beat), a pos- terior flagellum of a zoospore (Lankester). Pus'tule, (2) used by Sir J. E. Smith for VARIOLA. Pycno'sis (Triki'uxrts, condensation), used by Maire to express atrophy by becoming dense and thickened. Pycnophy'tia (Qvrov, a plant), " closed formations " (Clements). Pyocy'anase, the enzyme of Bacillus pyocyanus;pyogen'iG = PYOGENETIC. pyrenocar'pic, relating to a pyreno- carp, or perithecium. Pyr'ium (irvp, n-upds, fire), "a burn succession" (Clements). Pyr'rhophyll (irvppos, flame-coloured, 4>ti\\ov, a leaf), the postical bracts of Hepaticae, which bear the rhizoids (Spruce). Rhi'zocorm (+ CORM), J. Smith's term for the fleshy rhizomes of Iris, Acorus, etc. ; rhizoi'dal Cell, a small cell in the antheridium of Isoetes (Belajeff) ; rhizoph'orous (0o/>ew, I bear), giving rise to roots ; Rhizophyte (vrbvt a plant), Van Tieghem's term for Vasculares. rhizop'odous (irovs, TroSos, a foot), used in the sense of amoeboid. Rho'dophyta (vrbvy a plant), the red Algae (Wettstein) ; Rhodoplas'tid, the chromatophore of Rhodophy- ceae (Darbishire). Rho'ium (p6os, a stream), vr6j>, a plant), torrent plants (Clements). Rhys'ium, or Rhys'ion (piVu, a flow- ing), a plant succession on volcanic soil (Clements). riv'ulose, (2) marked with lines like a rivulet (Stevenson). robori'nus (Mod. Lat., from Robur, Jloboria, oak), the grey of last year's oak twigs (Hayne). Root'stalk, the primary unbranched root in a young plant. Rootlet, (3) appendages of Stigmaria in quincuncial order on its surface. rosa'cean, used by batologists to in- dicate an affinity or likeness to Riibus rosaceus. rubia'ceous, belonging to Rubiaceae. Ru'derals, plants growing on rubbish heaps or waste lands (Thornber). Run'ner-bulb, a bulb formed by a stolon, as distinct from one formed direct from the main axis ; Run'- ners, (2) in Fungi ; mycelial stolons, as in JRhizopus. ruta'ceous, having affinity with the Rutaceae. sac'cal (saccns, a bag), relating to a sac, as the EMBRYO -SAO : Sac'co- spores, -ae (+ SPORE), Clements's term for plants having fruit en- veloped by a membrane. Saccharifica'tion, the conversion of starch into sugar. Saccharopbylly (4>v\\ov, a leaf), the production of "Sugar" leaves, cf. AMYLOPHYLLY. sagit'tal (Sagitta, an arrow), applied to a section ; the median line in plane of division of bilateral sym- metry ; introduced into botany from zoology. Saliee'tum, (1) a collection of willows; (2) a volume so entitled devoted to the genus ; (3) recently applied to a plant association of Salix; Salicol'ogist, an expert or student of the genus Salix; or of willow- barks only. Salicorne'tum, Ganong's term for a plant association consisting of Salicornia, ; a salt marsh. 354 Bapotaceous (SUPPLEMENT) Shade plants sapota'ceous, relating to or resem- bling Sapotaceae. Sap'rium, a saprophytio plant forma- tion (Clements). saprogenic = SAPROGENOUS. saprolegnia'ceous, allied to or resem- bling Saprolegnia. Sap'rophile, a plant growing on humus. Sar'cocaul (/cav\6s, a stem), a fleshy stemmed plant, as the Cacti and many Euphorbias (J. Smith) ; Sar'- cospores, -ae (+ SPORE), Cle- ments's came for plants having fleshy fruits ; Sarcotea'ta ( + TESTA), the fleshy outer seed coat, as of Cycas (F. W. Oliver). Sathrophy'ta (Qvrbv, a plant), humus plants ; Sathrophy'tia, saprophytic formations (Clements). Sat'us (Lat., a sowing), arising from seed sown ; Sat'iforxn ( + FORM), a NOVIFORM which is reproduced by seed (Kuntze). scalar'iform Conjuga'tion, when the entire algal filament is concerned in the act of conjugation (A. W. Bennett). Scale -trace, the strand connecting scale with stem in Bryophytes ; Scales, intersem'inal, the scales of a cone-like fruit which are between successive seeds or ovules. Schistogam'ia = ScHisTOGAMAE, Cha- raceae (Caruel). Schizob'olites (/ioXls, a missile), a pro- duct of catabolism, due to decom- position of a body of definite com- position (Beyerinck) ; schizozog'o- nous (ybvos, race), Correns's term for the same phenomenon as that called ISOGONOUS by De Vries ; not breeding true ; schizotrach'eal, tracheae dividing; schizom'erous (juepds, a part), splitting into por- tions. sciopii'ilus (cr/ctd, shade, $iX^o>, I love), shade-loving ; Sciophy'ta (vrbv, a plant), plants of the shade ; Scio- phy'tia, shade plant-formations (Clements). Scirpe'tum, an association of Scirpus (Clements). 355 scis'sile, separating. scitamin'eous, referring to the Sctta- mineae. Sclerocau'ly (KavXbs, stem), the pos- session of dry hard stems, as in Ephedra (Schimper) ; Scleromy- ce'tes, pi. (AU//OJS, a mushroom), an obsolete name for the Sphaeriaceae; sclerophyl'lous ($v\\ov, a leaf), hard leaved ; Sclerophyl'ly, the con- ditionitself ; Sclerotes'ta ( + TESTA), the hard bony seed-coat, as the middle coat of Oycas; Sclerot'ic, hard, stone-like, as the stone-cells in fruits ; <~ Nesta, characteristic groups of dark-coloured tissue of uncertain origin seen in sections of Lyginodtndron. scotoph'ilns (, I love), dwelling in darkness ; Scotophy'ta (vr6t>, a plant), "dark- ness plants " ; Scptophy'tia, dark- ness plant formations (Clements). Scrobicula'tion, employed by algo- logists for the minute depressed marking in Desmidiae. scytone'matous, allied to the genus Scytonema (Archer) ; Scytone'min, a brown pigment peculiar to this group of Algae. Sec'tors, cj. PERICYCLIO SECTORS. sedlmen'tary Yeast, bottom -yeast. Seed, (2) provisionally used in fossil botany, for certain seed-like fruits. Seedling-, a plant produced from seed in its young stages, cf. p. 236. semi-mesophyt'ic ( + MESOPHYTIC), intermediate between xerophytic and mesophytic. Se'minase, an enzyme occurring in Trigonetta and Medicago. semi-xerophyt'ic (+ XEROPHYTIC), showing a strong tendency to xerophytic conditions. senes'cent, growing old or effete. se'tose, add, (2) having setae usually ending in glands (Babington) ; Se'tula, (2) a minute bristle. Shade leaves, those adapted to modified light ; ombrophile ; ~ plants, (1) quick growing plants, employed to protect permanent trees, and removed when that Sheath (SUPPLEMENT) sphenophyllaceoua result is attained ; (2) used by Clements as shade-loving plants. Sheath, add, (3) the lower, longer portion of the cell-wall in division in Oedogonium (Potter). Shield, add, (3) in Coniferae, the thick rhomboid extremity of the cone-scales (Potter). Sib'ling (Sib, bird fanciers' term for in-bred), applied to a pair of plants from the ovaries or the pollen of the same plant (Pearson) ; Sib'ship, the relationship in question. Sic'kle, = DREPANIUM (Potter). Sieverse'tum, a plant association in which Sieversia is the predominant factor (Clements). Bilene'tum, an association of Silent (Clements), silic'icple, showing a preference for silicious soils. Sin'us, (3) the recess between the half -cells of Desmidiae. sipho'nic, tubular, as applied to a DlCTYOSTELE. Si'phonostele ( + STELE), the central vascular cylinder when complete as a tube. Skaphoplank'ton (<™<£?7, a skiff, + PLANKTON), boat-shaped organisms floating as a mass (Forel). Ski'ophyte ((rad, shade, QVTOV, a plant), a plant which is not adapted to full exposure, but prefers shade. Sing'uliform (singidm, separate, + FORM), a plant in which one organ varies independently of another (Kuntze), sipho'neous (wv, a tube), applied to Algae composed of one or more tubes, sirosiphona'oeous, allied to Sirosiphon (Archer). Slime-moulds, a popular term for MYXOGASTRES, otherwise called Myxomycetes and Mycetozoa. Sobri'niform (sobrinus, a cousin, + FORM), a VERSIFORM which belongs to a SUBGREGIFORM, as Rubus moluccanus, Linn. (Kuntze). Sole'nostele, an amphiphloic vascular tube with widely separated leaf- gaps; cf. SOLENOSTELIC ; Soleno- ste'ly, is the condition. sor'al, relating to a SORUS. Sorid'ium, Hicks's variant of SORE- DIUM. Sor'ophore (0o/)ew), I bear), a gela- tinous cushion on the ventral edge of the sporocarp of MARSILEA. So'rus-canals, cavities in the young sporangia of certain Pteridophytes (Campbell). Spang'les, used by J. E. Smith for PATELLULAE. Spar'sioplasts (TrXao-rds, moulded), ELAIOPLASTS, variable in position and numbers (Mereschkowsky). Spartine'tum, a plant association made up of Spartina (Ganong). Speirostich'ies (oTt'xos, a row), a spiral series (Hance). Sperm, Sperm-cell (p. 249), a minute, usually active cell, whose function is that of fusion with a large resting cell (oo&phere), to form a zygote. Sperma'rimn, H. Gibson's term for ANTHERIDIUM ; Spenn'ary, = POLLEN-TUBE ; spermatog'enous (yevvdb), I beget), productive of the male element; spermato- phyt'ic, relating to seed-bearing plants ; spermatoplas'mic, relating to the SPERMATOPLASM. Spermat'ostrotes, -ae (o-Tpurbs, spread), plants distributed by seeds (Clements). Sper'mocarp, the fruit of Characeae (Bennett & Murray). spermato'genous (ytvos, race), pro- ducing seed. sphae'rioid (elSos, resemblance) = SPHAERIACEOUS. Sphagne'tum, a plant society of Sphagnum moss ; Sphagnol'ogy (Xo7os, discourse), the study of the genus; sphagno'sus, used by Nilsson to denote a Sphagnum undergrowth to a heath. sphe'noid ( a wedge), wedge- shaped solid, cuneate (Heinig). spttenophylla'ceous, resembling or allied to the extinct order of Sphenophyllaceae. 356 Sphyrium (SUPPLEMENT) strephotrichial Sphyr'ium, or Spnyr'ion (deriv. ?), a plant succession on "colluvial" soils (Clements). spiladoph'ilus (wy, LOTTOS, light), requiring a constant amount of light, within narrow variation ; stenophyll'ous (0«yXXov, a leaf), Beccari's term for plants on river banks, etc. , with linear or very narrow leaves; Stenoph'yllism is the state in question ; steno- ther'mic (BepM, heat), needing a uniform temperature. stephanokon'tan, relating to Stepha- nokontae, a class of green Algae, whose zoospores are characterised by a crown of cilia round the anterior end. Stereogen'nylae (7^0$, race; ifXr; = materia), Radlkofer's term for BRYOPHYTES. stereodonta'ceous, allied to the genus Stertodon. stereomat'ic, resembling or com- posed of STEREOME ; Stereone'ma, pi. Stereone'mata, solid threads which make up the capillitium in Futigo (Zopf ) ; stereospenn'ous (ffirepfj.a, a seed), with solid seed (Heinig). Ster'rhiuin (o-rep/jos, rugged— of coun- tries), a moor formation ; ster- roph'ilus (0tXew, I love), moor- loving; Sterrophy'ta ((pvrbv, a plant), moor plants (Clements). Stich'id = STICHIDIUM. stiginar'ian, resembling Stigmaria in structure or affinities. Stip'el, suggested by F. v. Mueller for STIPELLA. Strand, (2) shore, as ~ -plants. strephotricli'ial, belonging to the genus Strephothrix. 357 strophic (SUPPLEMENT) taxineous Btroph'ic, applied by Rothert to a twisting movement in Chemotaxis and Phototaxis, as contrasted with APOBATIC or repulsive movements ; Stropn'y = STROPHISM. strychni'nus (Mod. Lat.), the colour of the seeds of Strychnos Nux- vomica (Hayne). sty'lans ( + STYLE), used by Burchell for a gradual enlargement of the style into the ovary. Stylod'ium (Mod. Lat. from Stylus}, (1) a style-like stigma, as in grasses, and Compositae ; (2) a false style, as the appendages to the anthers of Cynomorium. subba'sal ( + BASAL) Cell, the cell next below the BASAL CELL in Angio- sperms(Wiegand) ; sub-Bellar'dian, slightly resembling Rubus Bdlardi (Rogers) ; Subdioe'cism ( + DIOE- CISM), a tendency to be dioecious ; Subgreg'iform (grex, gregis, a flock, + FOKM), a VERSIFORM which has varied in different localities or countries (Kuntze) ; sub-Koeler'- ian, somewhat resembling Rubus Koeleri (Rogers) ; submarit'ime, plants characteristic of the sea, but also occurring inland, as Armeria maritima ; subxeroph'ilous < + XEROPHILOUS), preferring dry situations, bu t not confined to them . Succes'sion, appearing in successive intervals, on soils of differing character. Suc'tor (auctus, sucked), Henslow's term for the haustoria of Bartsia and other root-parasites. Suda'tion (sudatus, sweated out), ex- udation of water containing a small amount of substances in solution; as opposed to Secretion. Sim-leaves, leaves adapted to develop in full exposure to the sun. supracuta'neous (cutis, skin), above the epidermis ; suprano'dal ( + NODAL), above a node. symbiotroph'ic (rpo0r;, food), deriving nourishment by symbiotic relation- ship (Kirchner). Symphyllode (0«JXXVTOV, a plant) = SPOBOPHYTE ; Synchronog'amy (XpoVos, time, ydfj.os, marriage), the simultaneous maturity of male and female flowers on the same stock (Kirchner) ; synclad'ous (*XdSos, a branch), used when branchlets grow in tufts from the same point ; Syncotyle'dons ( + COTYLEDON), seedlings in which the cotyledons are united (De Vries) ; synoe'cious (of/cos, a house), the occurrence of flowers of dif- ferent sexes in the same inflor- escence (Kirchner) ; Syn'gamy (ydfjios, marriage), fertilization in modern restricted sense, producing a zygote ; adj. syn'gamous, synga- m'ic ; bi'nary ~ , when sex is present (Hartog) ; Syn'plaat = SYMPLAST ; Syn'sperms (o$, a ditch), a ditch formation ; tapnroph'ilus (0tXto, I love), ditch - dwelling ; Taphro- phy'ta (0urov, a plant), ditch plants (Clements). Tar'gets, Smith's term for PELTAE. taxa'ceous, taxin'eoas. relating to the Taxineae. 368 Taxy (SUPPLEMENT) Tribium Tax'y, the constituent of a variation (Coutagne), a modality "clearly disjoint." Teich'osome (re^os, a wall, o-w/ia, a body), droplets or spherules com- posing the cell-wall (Gardiner). Tek'nospore (TCWOU, I bear children, + SPOKE),* spore produced directly from male or female organs of Equisetaceae and many ferns (Radlkoper). Teleb'olites (/3oXls, a missile), the pro- ducts of enzyme action (Beyerinck) ; Teleomito'sis ( + MITOSIS) = KARYO- KINESIS. Teleutosor'us ( + Sonus), an aggrega- tion of teleutospores (Arthur and Holway) ; teleutospor'ic, relating to a TELEUTOSPORE ; teleutospor- If erous (fero, I bear), producing teleutospores (Cooke). Telmat'ium (r^\ua, a pool), (1) Ganong's expression for a wet marsh ; (2) Clements's expression for a wet meadow formation ; Tel- matorogy (\6yos, discourse), ac- count of the origin of moors (Dorfler) ; telmatpph'ilus (<£iXos, at the end, plfa, a root), plants whose roots arise from three initial cells or groups at the apex, as the Phanero- gams (Van Tieghem) ; adj. triac'rorhlze. Trib'ium (T^TJ, a grinding down), a Trichoblast (SUPPLEMENT) Versifonn I succession of plants on eroded soils (Clements). Trich'oblast, (2) employed by Leavitt for specialised cells which give rise to root- hairs. Trimonoo'cism( + MONOECISM), having male, female, and perfect flowers on the same plant. Triple Fu'sion, a suggested emenda- tion of the term DOUBLE FERTILI- ZATION ; tripo'lar ( + POLAR), having three poles. tris'tis, (2) flowering only at night (Heinig). Tropn'ime, the result of the fusion of the central nucleus of the embryo- sac, the mesocyst, with the second anth rozoid (Van Tieghem) ; tro- phoplas'mic (TrXaV/ia, moulded), adj. of TROPHOPLASM ; Troph'osome (o-w/ta, a body), any organ which is concerned with supplying nourish- ment only; Troph'ospore ( + SPORE), applied to the spores of Diatoms, De^mids, Bulbochaete and Coleo- chaete (Radlkofer) ; Trophospor'o- some, applied to organs which are engaged in nourishing and also in reproducing the plant (Potonie"). Trop'ism, the disposition to respond by turning or bending (Copeland). tropoph'ilous, the functions of TROPO- PHYTES. Trop'ophyll (t\\ov, a leaf), leaves of shrubs and trees (Potonig). Trop'opnyte (QVTOV, a plant), a plant which is in turn a Hygrophyte and a Xerophyte (Schimper). trul'lifer, trullifor'mls (Lat.), shaped like a bricklayer's trowel. trypt'ic, relating to TRYPSIN, or similar enzyme. Tube-cell, the cell which gives rise to the Pollen-tube. Tuberculization, the formation of tubers, assumed to be due to the attack of a Fungus (Bernard). Tu'nic, (5) employed by Smith for UTRICLE of Car ex}. Twin-bundle, the double leaf -trace of Lyginodendron. tycholimnet'ic (+ LIMNETIC), tycho- pelag'ic ( + PELAGIC), plankton occurring accidentally in oceanic regions (Forel). tymp'anoid, Berkeley's term for "resembling the head of a drum." Typhe'tum, a plant association of Typha. Ty'piform (typus, a type, +FOEM), a constant form, arising either by natural selection or by animal adaptations ; its existence is fre- quently dependent on animals (Kuntze). Ulto'nian (Ultonia, Ulster), relating to the province of Ulster ( Praeger). uncortica'ted (corticatus, covered with bark), destitute or deprived of cortex. uninu 'clear, uninu' cleat ed (+ NU- CLEAR), having no more than one nucleus ; unipolar ( + POLAR), with only one pole ; uniteg'minous (tegmen, a covering), having one coat to the ovule. urea'ceua (Mod. Lat.), of a charred black colour (Hayne). Uredinol'ogist (\6yos, discourse), one skilled in the knowledge of para- sitic Fungi, Uredo and its allies ; Ure'doform (forma, shape), re- sembling Uredo in appearance ; Uredosorus ( + SORUS), a group of uredospores. uredospor'ic (+ SPORA), bearing UREDOSPORES. u'rophile (o&pov, urine, 0iXew, I love), expressive of Algae growing on soil containing much ammonia (Chodat). Vac'uoles, see PROTEID-VACUOLES. valve-view, the Diatom frustule seen from the side, the girdle being then marginal. Vegetative Division, heterotypic nuclear division. verbena'ceous, allied to or re- sembling Verbena. Vermiform (versus, turned towards), a form which varies from the STEM-FORM in several particulars (Kuntze). 360 vestibular (SUPPLEMENT) Zoidogamae vestib'ular, applied to stomata, c/. VESTIBULE. vi'cine (vicinus, near), used by Clements for species derived from adjacent regions ; Vi'cinism, varia- tion due to growth of other plants of the same species in close prox- imity (De Vries) ; Vi'cinist, a plant derived from such ancestry (De Vries). virgate, virga'tus, (2) with radiating lines in pileus of Agarics; either ribs or streaks of colour (Fries), as in Tricholoma virgata, P. Karst. Vivip'arism. = VIVIPABY. volvoca'ceous, vol'vocine, constituted like the genus Volvox (F. Black- man). Water-Cells, large suberised cells in the palisade-tissue of succulent plants (Brebner). Win'dows, employed for openings when the flowers do not expand, remaining united at base and apex of perianth, as in Cryptophoran- thus (Rolfe); win'dow - bearing, the condition described. Wood, cryptogam'ic, the centripetal portion of the xylem in the stem of Cycadoxyleae. Xanthophyl'lins (t\\ov, a leaf), yellow constituents of Chloro- phyll, as Carotin, Erythrophyll, and Chrysophyll (Tsvett) ; cf. CHLOROPHYLLINS. Xenemb'ryo sperm (+ EMBRYO, (TTre/o/ia, a seed), MacMillan's term for a PARTHENEMBRYOSPERM with endosperm arising from fecunda- tion, and the pollen derived from a flower of another stock ; Xeno- end'ospenn, a plant with embryo the result of fecundation, endo- sperm parthenogenetic, the pollen derived from another individual (MacMillan) ; Xenomorpho'sis ( + MORPHOSIS) = ACTINOMORPHOSIS ; Xenodocb/ae (5ox??, reception), em- ployed by Clements to denote anomalous successions of plants ; 361 Xenopar'asite (+ PARASITE), a specialized form of a parasitic fungus when growing on injured parts of a strange host, or on injured parts of its normal host which are immune previous to injury (Salmon) ; the condition ia Xenopar'asitism ; cf. OECOPARA- SITE. Xeriob'oles, -ae (£0X77, a throw), plants dispersing their seeds by the drying up of their carpels (Clements); Xerocleistog'amy ( + CLEISTOQAMY), when flowers re- main closed by reason of insuffici- ent moisture (Hansgirg) ; Xero- hy'lium (uX??, forest), a dry forest formation ; xerohyloph'ilus (0iXew, I love), dwelling in dry forests; Xerohylophy'ta (<£iX, I love), heath - loving ; Xeropoopbyta (vTw, a plant), heath plants (Clements) ; Xeros'ium, or Xeros'ion, a plant succession on drained and dried up soil (Clements). Xy'lium (£tf\o»>, timber), a wood form- ation; xyloph'ilus (0t\^w, I love), wood-loving ; Xylophy'ta ((fivrbv, a plant), wood-plants (Clements). zelotyp'lc (fr\oTvvta, rivalry), asex- ual (Radlkofer) ; the condition is Zelot'ypy. Ze'ro-points, the extremes of high and low temperatures which plants can endure without being killed (Schimper). Zoallospore (+ ALLOSPORE), Radl- kofer's term for the zoospore of Bulbochaete and Coleochaete ; Zoan'- drospore ( + ANDROSPORE), a motile androspore or antherozoid of Oedogomum (Radlkofer). Zoldog'amae (7^01, marriage), plants Zoldophily (SUPPLEMENT) Zygophyte in which pollination is effected by animal agency (Kirchner) ; Zoi- doph'ily (0iXew, I love), means the same. zonar'ic, relating to the intermediate depths, the Mesoplankton of some authors (Forel) ; zoned, coloured in rings or circles, as the cap of some Agarics (Stevenson) ; Zona'- tion, spreading of plants circum- ferentially from a centre. zoochor'ic (%wpis, asunder), employed for those fruits which are separated by animal agency (Sernander) ; zooph'obous (0oj8c'w, I fear), used of plants which protect themselves against animals, such as ants, by hairs, secretions, etc. ; Zoospor- ang'iophore (+ SPORANGIOSPORE), club-shaped or cylindric structures in Peronosporeae, which bear the ZOOSPORANGIA ; zoospor'ic, relat- ing to ZOOSPORES; Zoospor'ocyst (+ SPORE, Kfons, a bag), the zoosporangia of Saprolegniaceae (Vuillemin). zygomy'cetous, relating to the Zygo- mycetes, a division of the Phyco- mycetes possessing zoospores. Zy'gophyte (vr6v, a plant), a plant which is reproduced by zygotes, the conjugation of two gametes. ADDITIONS DUEING FEINTING JE'cium, Arthur's term for AECIDIUM ; adj. se'cial ; Ae'ciospore ( + SPORE) = AECIDIOSPORE. anascnis'tic (<7X"rr6s, cleft), used of chromosomes which split longitud- inally ; cf. DIASCHISTIC (Farmer). An'tiphyte (<£iW, a plant), the anti- thetic generation (Celakovsky) ; adj. antiphyt'ic. Azy'gospores, — ae. ( + SPORE), the spores of Phycomycetes (Saccardo). Cseo'ma (/ca/o, I burn), term derived from the genus Cceoma, Link, a form of uredineous fungi having the spores in chains, and destitute " of peridium ; Caso'mospores— ae. ( + SPORE), spore of Uredinese in the Cseoma stage. Conidioph'ora = GONIDIOPHORE ; the organ which produces CONIDIA in the Hyphomycetes and Phycomy- cetes (Saccardo). diaschis'tic («rxicrr6s, cleft), applied to chromosomes when they divide transversely ; cf. ANASCHISTIC (Farmer). Dip'locyte (KI/TOS, a hollow vessel), a somatic cell having the full number of chromosomes (Benson); adj. diplocyt'ic. Epit'eospores,— ae., spores in a sorus surrounded by prominent para- physes, as in the genus Epitea, Fries, whence the term. Gones, pi., suggested by Lotsy to cover asexual spores and gametes. Hap'locyte (/cirros, a hollow vessel), a cell containing nuclei with the reduced number of chromosomes (Benson) ; adj. haplocyt'ic. Hy'postase (virdo-rao-is, a support), a disc of ligoified tissue at the base of the ovule in certain orders (Van Tieghem). Maio'sis (/j-dwis, reduction), applied to reduction divisions of chromo- somes (Farmer and Moore); adj. maio'tic. mesohydrophyt'ic, intermediate be- tween meaophytic and hydrophy- tic ; plants which incline to a damper habitat than the true MESOPHYTE (Whitford) ; meso- xerophyt'ic, midway between meso- phytic and xerophytic ; cf. plants affecting a dryer habitat than pure MESOPHYTES (Whitford). ParaJieliode (rfXios, the sun), or Par'- asol, a peculiar set of spines in Cacteae (Darbishire). pollacan'thic (rroXXd/cts, often, &vdos, a flower), applied to plants which flower more than once, as opposed to HAPAXANTHIC plants ; perennials (Kjellman). postmaio'tic ( + MAIOTIC), after re- ducing divisions in Karyokinesis (Farmer) ; premaio'tic, previous to such divisions (Farmer). Pyc'nium (TTVKVOS, compact), a sorus of Uredinea3 in the initial stage (Arthur) ; adj. pyc'nial ; the spores are termed Pyc'nospores. Somatic-cell, a cell with unreduced number of chromosomes (Benson). Sperm- cell, sometimes restricted to the spermatozoid mother- cell. Tel'ium (rAos, completion), Arthur's term for TELEUTOSORUS ; adj. tel'ial; Tel'iospores (+ SPORE) = TELEUTOSPORE. Uredin'ium, proposed by Arthur in place of UREDOSORUS ; adj. uredin'- ial ; Uredin'iospore (Arthur) = UREDOSPORE. "Tyro . . . terminos artis secundum definitiones sibi habeat perspectos. " LINNAEUS, Philosophia botanica, 289. APPENDIX A SIGNS AND ABBREVIATIONS 0 annual, usually monocarpic. 0 strictly annual. 0 or Q biennial. 11 perennial. pj a tree or with a woody trunk. (? male ; ? female ; $ or hermaphrodite (used when it exceptional). oo indefinite, employed when the number is too great to be easily counted, as stamens or ovules. x hybrid ; also used to denote the magnifying power. ! seen by the author : thus Aotua villosa, Sm. !, means that the type specimen, or a specimen ticketed by Smith has been verified by inspec- tion ; if appended to a collector's number, that is verified, as Bur- chell 3641 ! * employed in divers senses, as (1) by Linnaeus, De Candolle and others to indicate that a good description or figure will be found at the place cited ; (2) when between the speci- fic name and a third appended name, denotes a subspecies ; (3) in an index, shows that the genus, species or variety, was ostensibly first published at the place in- dexed. t an obscure or doubtful species. § section, the division of a genus. = equals, the sign of a synonym. 0 ' " or ' " '" have been used for feet, inches, and lines respectively. fjk micromillimeter, the one - thou- sandth of a millimeter. The position of the cotyledons of Cruciferae in the seed are denoted thus: o = , accumbent ; o||, in- cumbent ; < < o, conduplicate ; o || |1, spirolobous ; o || || || for those of the Diplecolobeae. char. character. cm. centimeter. fern. feminea, female. fl. flos or floret. fr. fructus or fruit. gen. genus. Hab. Habitatiot habitat. Hb.,Herb. Herbarium, as Herb. Lugd. Bat., the Herb- arium of the Leyden University. ined. ineditus, unpublished ; it either remains in manu- script or is about to be published. Ic. Icon, pi. Icoms, figures ; Ic. xyl., a woodcut. 1.0. loco citato , in the place mentioned ; 11. cc. locis citatis, in the places mentioned ; to avoid repetition of titles. Lin. a line in measurement, linea, the twelfth of an inch. m. meter or metre. masc. masddus, male. mm. millimeter, the one thou- sandth of a meter. n. numerus, number. Nat. Ord. Natural Order, Ordo natu- ralis. p. pagina, page. 365 APPENDIX p.p. pro parte, partly ; on the title-page of a thesis it stands for publice pro- ponit. sp. species ; spp. two or more species. t. or tab. tabula, plate ; t. some- times, but rarely, means tomus, volume. v.s.c. vidi siccam cidtam, I have seen a dried cultivated specimen. v.s.s. vidi siccam spontaneam, I have seen a dried wild specimen. v.v.c. vidi vivam cultam, I have seen a living cultivated specimen. v.v.s. vidi vivam spontaneam, I have seen a living wild specimen. Names of authors when long are properly abbreviated by giving the first syllable and the first consonant of the second, as Lam. for Lamarck ; when there are more of the same name, an initial or other sign is added. The latest list is to be found in Gray's "Botanical Text- book," ed. 6, p. 385-390. Special signs will be found in many works, but their use is usually ex- plained, as inEichler's " Bluthendia- gramme." For longer lists refer to Candolle (A. P. de) " Systema Vege- tabilium," i. p. 12, 13; Trattinick (L.) " Synodus " i. p. 13, 14 ; Loudon (J. 0.) " Hortus Britannicus," " En- cyclopaedia of Plants," and "Arbore- tum"; Lindley (J.) "Introduction to Botany," ed. 1, p. 422-431. The meaning of chemical signs, such as COa for carbon dioxide, Ha 0, water, and the like, must be obtained from a text-book of chemistry. APPENDIX B THE PRONUNCIATION OF LATIN AND LATINIZED WORDS The old or traditional method is as follows :— a short as in fat. a long, as in gave. e pet. e „ evil, i thin. i ,, ice. o not. o ,, note, u tub. u ,, tube. y cygnet. y ,, cypress, ae, oe, as in feet, ei as in eye, au as in bawl, c and g hard before a, o, u ; soft before e, i, y ; ch as k. The modern or continental method :- a short as in apart, lend, thin. o , not. u full. a long, as in psalm, e ,, vein, i seen. note, rule. y short, like German ii, and French u. ae, oe, ei, practically as in pain. au as in house. c and g always hard, as in cut and good. oh as in Christian. 366 APPENDIX APPENDIX C THE USE OF THE TERMS " RIGHT " AND " LEFT " These terms are but seldom required in botanic descriptions, being only used to denote the direction of a twist or spiral. Unfortunately they have been employed in opposite senses, so that the meaning of one author may be completely perverted by his misuse of the correct method. In zoology, where bilateral symmetry is common, these terms are always applied to the limbs or organs of an animal with regard to its axis, and the majority of botanists have carried out the same idea with regard to plants. A spiral may be considered as turning to the right or the left, that is, two spirals may run in contrary directions, but the same spiral may be differently designated according to the position of the observer. The orthodox way regards the observer as being placed within while noting the direction of the twist, as if he were looking south, and recording the apparent passage of the sun from his left towards his right ; this, dextrorse, is the common acceptance of "with the sun " or "like the clock hands " ; it is also the motion of driving home a screw, which receives its name of "right-handed " from the motion, and not from the aspect of the pitch of its threads. A few observers have disregarded these considerations, and have placed their point of view outside the spiral. The result of this is to reverse the terms, for a dextrorse climbing plant then seems to pass from right to left, which they then term sinistrorse, as the thread of an ordinary right-handed screw when held up for inspection. If we ascend a spiral staircase constantly bearing to our right, we are describing a right-handed spiral, and the stair- case is also dextrorse. Many climbing plants as the Hop and the Honey- suckle take this course, others as the white Convolvulus and Scarlet Runner take the opposite. Torsion of the corolla is sometimes highly characteristic, as in some genera of Apocyneae and Myrsineae. It has been recommended that a few words should be added to define the position of the observer, as e centra visum, or externe visum, as the case may be. For a fuller discussion of these points reference should be made to M. Alphonse de Candolle, "La Phytographie," p. 201-208, and Mr C. B. Clarke in the Journal of the Linnean Society, xviii. (1881), 468-473. The botanists who have used DEXTRORSE and SINISTRORSE in the sense defined in this Glossary are A. P. de Candolle and his son Alphonse de Candolle, Alexander Braun, G. W. Bischoff, C. R. Darwin, J. C. Doell, W. P. Hiern, J. S. Henslow, H. von Mohl, C. Naegeli and L. H. Palm; those in the contrary sense are G. Bentham, Asa Gray, A. W. Eichler, and Sir J. D. Hooker. Linnaeus's definition is confused by examples, most of which con- tradict his words, while a correction in his "Errata" nullifies the text : see his "Philosophia botanica," 39, 103 note, 310 (1751). 387 APPENDIX APPENDIX D BIBLIOGRAPHY RAY (JOHN), latinized RAIUS. Terminorum quorundam et vocum genc- raliorum interpretatio et explicatio brevis. Forms pp. 84-99 of Part II. of his anonymous " Catalogus plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nascentium," etc., 1660 ; reprinted with some altera- tions in his " Historia plantarum," 1686. He embodies several of Jung's terms from a MS. list, which he acknowledges. JUNG (JOACHIM), latinized JUNGIUS. Isagoge phytoscopica, ut ab ipso privatis in collegiis solita fuit tradi . . . recensente Jo. VAGETIO. Hamburgi [1678]. 4to. Posthumous; the author died in 1657. LINNE (CARL VON), latinized LINNAEUS. Termini botanici, Reap. JOHAN ELMGREN. Upsaliae, 1762. 4to. Reprinted in Amoenitates Academicae, vi. 217-246. A succinct statement of terms which were previously set out at greater length in his "Philosophia botanica," etc. MILNE (COLIN). A Botanical Dictionary. London, 1770. 8vo. — Ed. 2, ib. 1778.— Ed. 3, ib. 1805. LEERS (JOHANN DAVID). Nomenclator Linnaeanus seu explicatio ter- minorum technicorum in hoc opusculo occurrentium ordine alphabetico exhibita. Forms pp. i.-lix. of his "Flora herbornensis," Herbornae Nassoviorum, 1775. 8vo. — Ed. altera [a WILLDENOW]. Berolini, 1789. 8vo ; in this edition the " Nomenclator" is paged xxv.-lxxviii. MARTYN (THOMAS). The Language of Botany : being a dictionary of the terms made use of in that science, principally by Linnaeus, etc. London, 1796. 8vo. HAYNE (FRIEDRICH GOTTLOB). Termini botanici iconibus illustrati, oder botanische Kunstsprache durch Abbildungen erlautert. Berlin, 1807. 8vo. THEIS (ALEXANDRE DE). Glossaire de botanique, ou dictionnaire 6tymo- logique de 1810. 8vo. logique de tous les noms et termes relatifs a cette science. Paris, 810. GERARDIN, DE MIRECOUBT (SE"BASTIEN). Dictionnaire raisonn<* de botanique . . . public, revu et augments' . . . par Mr N. A. DESVAUX, etc. A Paris, 1817. 8vo. GRAY (SAMUEL FREDERICK). A Natural Arrangement of British Plants . . . with an introduction to botany, in which the terms newly introduced are explained, etc. London, 1821. 2 vols. 8vo. Contains : — Explanation of the terms used in botany, i. 36-227 ; Jndex of terms, i. 779, 800. 368 APPENDIX LLOYD (GEORGE N.). Botanical Terminology, or a dictionary explaining the terms most generally employed in systematic botany. Edinburgh, 1826. 8vo. LECOQ (HENRI) et J. JUILLET. Dictionnaire raisonn<$ des termes de botanique et des families naturelles. Paris, 1831. 8vo. Special attention is given in this work to the derivations, especially those from the Greek. JOURDAN (ANTOINE JACQUES Louis). Dictionnaire raisonne . . . des termes usittls dans les sciences naturelles, comprenant ... la botanique, etc. Paris, 1834. 2 vols. 8vo. BISCHOFF (GOTTLIEB WILHELM). Handbuch der botanischen Terminologie und Systemkunde. Niirnberg, 1833-44. 3 vols. 4to. LINDLEY (JOHN). An introduction to Botany. Ed. 2. London, 1835. 8vo. Contains :— Book III. Glossology ; or, of the Terms used in Botany, p. 370-432 ; Index I. Substantives, 563-570. II. Adjectives, 570-580.— Ed. 3, 1839.— Ed. 4, 1848. 2 vols. KEITH (Rev. PATRICK). A Botanical Lexicon, or Expositor of the Terms, Facts, and Doctrines of the Vegetable Physiology, brought down to the present time. London, 1837. 8vo. BISCHOFF (GOTTLIEB WILHELM). Worterbuch der beschreibenden Botanik oder die Kunstausdriicke . . . Lateinisch-deutsch . . . alphabetisch geordnet und erklart. Stuttgart, 1839. 8vo.— Ed. 2. von J. A. SCHMIDT, ib. 1857. 8vo. LINDLEY (JOHN). The Elements of Botany . . . being a sixth edition of the "Outline" . . . and a Glossary of Technical Terms. London, 1849. 8vo. The Glossary of Technical Terms forms Part II., pp. 1-100 ; it has been in constant use for the present work, and is cited as " Glossary " ; 443 woodcuts ; no derivations or key to pronunciation given. HENSLOW (Rev. JOHN STEVENS). A Dictionary of Botanical Terms. London [1849-56?]. 8vo. Constantly used for this volume ; it was partly issued with Maund's " Botanic Garden," but completed by itself : there are 190 small wood- cuts in the text. Derivations and accents marked throughout. Re- issued with new, undated, title-page in 1858, 1875 and 1882. HOEFER (FERDINAND). Dictionnaire de botanique pratique. Paris, 1850. 8vo. COOKE (MoRDECAi CUBITT). Manual of Botanic Terms. London [1862]. 8vo. With 293 figures.— Ed. 2. slightly enlarged, ib. [1871]. 8vo With 307 figures. APPENDIX GERMAIN de ST PIERRE (ERNEST). Guide du botaniate, etc. Paris, 1852. 2 vols. 8vo. Contains : — Seconde partie, Livre cinquteme. — Dictlonnaire raisonn6 des mots techniques, franfais et latin, employes dans les ouvrages de botanique. — Ed. 2. Nouveau dictionnaire de botanique, comprenant la description des families naturelles, etc. Paris, 1870. 8vo. I am indebted to this excellent work for the plan of denoting a sub- stantive by a capital letter (previously so employed by A. P. de Candolle), and the use of italic type for Latin words. GRAY(ASA). The Botanical Text-book. (Sixth edition.) Part I. Structural Botany ... and a Glossary of Botanical Terms. New York and Chicago, 1879. 8vo. The Glossary occurs at p. 393-442, and may be described as the basis of the present work as regards the definition of terms used in descriptive botany. STORMONTH (Rev. JAMES). A Manual of Scientific Terms . . . chiefly comprising terms in botany, etc. Edinburgh, 1879. 8vo. — Ed. 2. ib. The arrangement in paragraphs, and the style of type have been adapted in the present volume from the "Manual." CROZIER (ARTHUR ALGER). A Dictionary of Botanical Terms. New York, 1892. 8vo. Confined chiefly to modern terms, of which about 5600 are given, with the pronunciation marked, but no derivations. HEINIG (ROBERT LAWRENCE). Glossary of the Botanic Terms used in describing Flowering Plants. Calcutta, 1899. 8vo. An enumeration of about the same extent as the last, but including the names of many orders, and medical terms relating to the action of plants, as anti-dysenteric, dysentery, etc. 870 EEEATA Page, column, and line, are denoted by their initial letters. 3, c. 1, Achyrophytum to precede Acicula. 14, , 2, 1. 7, read dvdpfc. 25, 53, 73, 112, 113, 151, 158, 213, 219, 274, 2, ,, 3, asperous to precede Assimilation. 2, ,, 37, circummeduUary to precede circumnutate. 2, ,, 48, deplanate to follow depend. 2, hemianatropous to precede hemiangiocarpous. 1 , hemisyngynicus to follow hemischist. 2, Maculation to precede maculiformis. 1, Metaxylem to be a new paragraph. 1,1. 1, read pro'xylar. 2, radiant to precede radiar. 1, Tree to precede Trehalase. 871 PRINTED BT TUKNBULL AND SPEARS, fiWNBCRGH o 0 -P! f irom Pocket. Acme Library Card Pocket Under Pat. "Ref. Index File." Made by LIBEAEY BUEEAU, Boston