GRADIENT ANALYSIS OF PHYTOPLANKTON PRODUCTIVITY AND CHEMICAL PARAMETERS IN POLLUTED AND OTHER NEARSHORE HABITATS John Victor Rowney Library Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS GRADIENT ANALYSIS OF PHYTOPLANKTON PRODUCTIVITY AND CHEMICAL PARAMETERS IN POLLUTED AND OTHER NEARSHORE HABITATS by John Victor Rowney Thesis Advisor: E. D. Traeanza March 1973 kppKjovo.d &OA. pubtic A.e£cose; &li> tiibixtlcn ujitunLtad. T153557 Gradient Analysis of Phytoplankton Productivity and Chemical Parameters in Polluted and Other Nearshore Habitats by John Victor Rowney Lieutenant, United States Navy B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1967 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCEANOGRAPHY from the r^3 c,/ Libr Naval Po Mont. ABSTRACT Measurements of primary productivity, chlorophyll standing crop, and nutrient concentrations were made along a gradient of five nearshore hab- itats, a seaward transect, and a longshore transect to determine environ- mental relationships. The effects of municipal sewer outfalls, type of shoreline, and degree of exposure to high winter seas were found to be dramatic. The behavior of nutrient ratios suggest their use as pollution tracers in certain circumstances. The ratios of productivity to chloro- phyll demonstrated physiological regimes among the phytoplankton in the sampling area. Comparison of data with carbon monoxide and methane con- centrations provided a possible correlation between phytoplankton pro- ductivity and carbon monoxide production. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES 5 LIST OF FIGURES 6 I. INTRODUCTION 8 II. MATERIALS AND METHODS 10 A. STATIONS 10 1. Nearshore Stations 10 2. Seaward and Longshore Transects 12 3. Diurnal and Depth Surveys; Deep Ocean Reference Stations 14 B. SAMPLING TECHNIQUES 14 C. TOOLS USED IN GRADIENT ANALYSIS 16 1. Productivity Measurements 16 2. Nutrient Measurements 20 3. Chlorophyll and Acid Factor Measurements 20 4. Nitrogen/ Phosphorous Calculation 22 5. Productivity/ Chlorophyll Calculation 22 6. Carbon Monoxide, Methane, and Productivity Comparison 22 III. RESULTS 23 A. DEPTH AND DIURNAL STUDIES 23 B. GRADIENT ANALYSIS 27 1. Productivity 27 2. Chlorophyll 27 3. Nutrients 33 4. Acid Factor 33 5. Nitrogen/ Phosphorous Ratios 33 6. Productivity/Chlorophyll Ratios 38 7. Carbon Monoxide and Methane 38 IV. DISCUSSION 42 A. PRODUCTIVITY, CHLOROPHYLL, AND NUTRIENTS -- 42 1. Nearshore Gradient: Del Monte to Point Joe 42 2. Seaward Transect: From Del Monte and Point Cabrillo 43 3. Longshore Transect: Del Monte Beach 44 B. ACID FACTOR - 45 C. NITROGEN/ PHOSPHOROUS RATIOS «% 45 D. PRODUCTIVITY/ CHLOROPHYLL RATIOS 46 E. CARBON MONOXIDE, METHANE, AND PRODUCTIVITY RELATIONSHIPS 47 F. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS 47 V. SUMMARY 50 APPENDIX A - CRUISE DATA 51 REFERENCES -- 61 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 63 FORM DD 1473 64 LIST OF TABLES Table I. Productivity, Chlorophyll, and Nutrient Data on the Nearshore Gradient 34 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page No, 1. Chart of the Monterey Peninsula showing nearshore stations-- 11 2. Environmental conditions during the sampling period 13 3. Del Monte Beach kelp bed 15 4. Incubation box (after Doty, 1959) 17 5. Diurnal Productivity survey at Monterey harbor 24 6. Productivity and chlorophyll relations at the deep water station 25 7. Nutrient concentrations at the deep water station 26 8. Average productivity, chlorophyll, and nutrient data on the nearshore gradient 28 9. Average productivity and chlorophyll relations on the sea- ward transect 29 10. Average nutrient concentrations on the seaward transect 30 11. Productivity, chlorophyll, and nutrient data on the first longshore transect 31 12. Productivity, chlorophyll, and nutrient data on the* second longshore transect 32 13. Nitrogen/phosphorous ratios on the nearshore gradient 35 14. Productivity/chlorophyll (Pc) ratios on the nearshore gradient 36 15. Productivity versus chlorophyll at Del Monte and Point Cabrillo 37 16. Carbon monoxide versus methane at deep station B 39 17. Carbon monoxide and methane on the nearshore gradient 40 18. Carbon monoxide and methane on the longshore transect 41 19. Time study of productivity at the nearshore stations during the sampling period 49 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank my advisor, Professor Eugene D. Traganza, Department of Oceanography, for his assistance and advice during the preparation of this thesis. His careful analysis, critical evaluation, and support were much appreciated. I also thank Dr. Malvern Gilmartin and Mr. Tom Bowhay of Hopkins Marine Station for their help in the productivity method- ology and for use of their geiger counter. Appreciation goes to Professor Stevens P. Tucker, Department of Oceanography, and to Mr. Kenneth Graham, Department of Research Administration, for their assistance in the chloro- phyll determinations. I am also indebted to LCDR Gaylord Paulson who took the time to show me the intricacies of the Auto analyzer despite a deadline to meet on his own thesis. A special thanks must be expressed to the NPS boat crew, of the First Lieutenant's Division. Their tireless help and cheerful support, despite adverse weather conditions in potentially hazardous waters, was instrumental in the completion of the sampling phase. Finally, I would like to thank Professor Eugene C. Haderlie, Depart- ment of Oceanography, for his critical and constructive evaluation of the final manuscript. I. INTRODUCTION This study was designed to test the hypothesis that measureable rela- tionships exist between primary productivity, standing crop, and the chem- ical environment (nutrients , carbon monoxide, and methane) of sublittoral phytoplankton communities. The data is presented as a gradient analysis of a variety of nearshore habitats characterized by large stands of macro- algae including Macrocystis and Nereocyst is . The gradient analysis is a study of a series of biological and chemical parameters which vary along an environmental gradient to determine which factors, if any, are limiting, The study was carried out in late fall to midwinter, a poorly documented season in the literature, but during which numerous and noticeable oceanic and atmospheric effects on the phytoplankton community took place. Part of the impetus for this thesis came from a desire (from the Naval Research Laboratory) to examine relationships, if any, between pri- mary productivity and carbon monoxide and methane concentrations in an oceanic environment. Therefore, sampling was carried out simultaneously with James T. Welch and the data analysed together (see Welch, 1973, and this report) . Although much work has been done in recent years measuring and sur- veying the primary productivity of the world's oceans, most studies have been confined to relatively deep water, especially in coastal areas, and accomplished in the spring and late summer, the times of upwelling and phytoplankton blooms. Little work has been done less than 1000 meters from shore in the sublittoral environment. In Monterey Bay, Cowles (1972) beyond the intertidal, but with waves and turbulence still in- fluencing the entire vertical range of depth. 8 has studied the sublittoral nearshore, but only in a transect from one nearshore location to deep water in the spring season. II. MATERIALS AND METHODS A. STATIONS Sea water samples for the measurement of primary productivity, chloro- phyll, and nutrients were taken at five nearshore stations representing a variety of habitats (Figure 1). Data were taken during a ten week period from 10 October to 15 December, 1972, in Monterey Bay, California. 2 The study began in the local "Oceanic Period", characterized by calm seas and warm sea surface temperature. A sharp drop in temperature and an influx of clear, oceanic surface water (Figure 2) marked the onset of 3 the "Davidson Current Period". Heavy rainfall and high seas accompanied the passage of storms during the fifth, sixth, and ninth weeks. Five nearshore stations represent a gradient from a protected (bay) environment to an exposed (oceanic coast) environment. A seaward transect from two of these stations illustrate a gradient to open water and the effect of kelp beds on productivity. A longshore transect was designed to examine a sewer outfall and the gradient of productivity in a large kelp bed. Local depth and diurnal surveys were made in order to obtain maximum results when sampling. A station in deep water was made in order to provide an oceanic deep water index for this season. 1. Nearshore Stations Station 1 was the center of an extensive kelp bed at Del Monte 2 a period of variable winds and calm seas when cool, saline surface water (previously upwelled) sinks and is replaced by warm oceanic water (Welch, 1967). 3 a period when Davidson Current develops, flowing north along the California coast; net transport is on-shore due to the Coriolis effect (Welch, 1967) 10 Carmel KEY: *» S \a\ ion X Sewer Oi ■Hell R-4 • Buoy Poinf /} Cabrillo V, Del M o n f e Beach x rrri Monterey Figure 1. Chart of the Monterey Peninsula showing nearshore stations 11 beach, adjacent to the Postgraduate School beach laboratory and about 200 yards offshore. Water depth was about eight meters over a sandy bottom. In general, the area was relatively calm, less affected by the stormy seas further along the coast. A sewer outfall which was pumping effluent directly into the kelp bed was located near the eastern edge. Station 2 was located in a kelp bed off Point Cabrillo, adjacent to the Hopkins Marine Station. Here the bottom and shore was rocky. Depth was about 10 meters 100 yards offshore. The area was subjected to some heavy swell from the north and northwest during the study. Station 3 was lo- cated in the kelp bed between Point Pinos and Lucas Point (denoted "Point Pinos North" hereafter). Samples were taken from the approximate center of the kelp bed about 300 yards from the rocky shoreline and in about 14 meters of water. This area received very heavy swell most of the time, as did the following two stations. Station 4 was a kelp bed just south of the main rock outcropping of Point Pinos. This station (denoted "Point Pinos South" hereafter) was about 300 yards offshore in about 15 meters of water and was the first "oceanic influence" station. It had a sewer outfall in the rocks about 200 yards from the kelp bed. Point Joe, Station 5, was the furthest from the influence from the bay. Sampling took place in the kelp bed center which was in about 15 meters of water and 300 yards offshore. Besides receiving heavy swell, the turbulence of the area was increased by large eddies formed between the kelp bed and the shore. 2. Seaward and Longshore Transects Transects were made from the kelp beds at Del Monte beach and Point Cabrillo to the bell buoy adjacent to Point Cabrillo. The buoy is in open water of about 40 meters depth. In each transect, samples were taken in the center of the kelp, and at equidistant intervals from the 12 14 12 10 8 L. 0) E 4 station »1 Secchi depths °2 X3 04 A 5 16» 14 U 12 10 p \ V. >A • — • \ c o > o .5 E.E '5 "5 o \ C C '5 "o 10 20 OCT 30 9 19 NOV 29 9 DEC Figure 2. Environmental conditions during the sampling period Periods of rain and Davidson current intrusion are noted. 13 edge of the kelp to the buoy. Another transect was made across the ex- panse of the Del Monte beach kelp bed (Figure 3). Six locations approx- imately 400 yards apart were selected for sampling: at the east edge, at the sewer outfall, adjacent to the Water Pollution Facility pumphouse, adjacent to the NPS beach laboratory, adjacent to La Playa apartments, and at the west (harbor) edge. 3. Diurnal and Depth Surveys; Deep Ocean Reference Stations A diurnal time series survey was taken at Monterey harbor wharf #2, near the west end of the Del Monte beach kelp bed. Samples were taken every two hours for 24 hours. Two depth surveys each were taken at Del Monte kelp bed and Point Cabrillo kelp bed. Two deep stations were taken in the Monterey canyon at 36°44'N, 122°7'W and 36°44'N, 122°5'W, aboard R/V Acania. B. SAMPLING TECHNIQUES A 40 foot boat was used for a total of 22 cruises to the inshore stations. Although analyses could not be performed aboard, the boat size made it easier to get close to shore. Heavy seas during the fifth, sixth, and ninth weels did make it impossible to collect samples at Point Pinos and Point Joe. Water samples were collected from each station in a two liter, opaque, PVC Van Dorn bottle with hand lines for lowering and tripping. Subsamples were then dispensed into three 125 ml Pyrex bottles for productivity, one 500 ml Pyrex bottle for chlorophyll, and one five ml plastic Technicon Autoanalyzer cup for nutrient analysis. All bottles were put in a dark plastic bag of seawater for the remainder of the cruise and transportation to the lab. Sea surface temperatures and a Secchi disc reading were taken at most stations. All samples were taken between 0800 and 1000 local time and within two meters of the surface. 14 11 !-. O c n X •H BO •u e ~ 0 4-1 ^ X CD — J3 d U 0 u M o C X ■H M c> 3 _z — ■u X) X a ■-^ a _ g 4—1 eg - X '_ u x 3 C o o •rH 1-1 u 1) TO 2 ■u (U C/3 X) — 4J u J3 J" ax •— 1 ~ CD ^ C TO o >, cfl _C 33 ,o CD 0) ■U ■U TO c U c •H s ~ C • f— 1 •r-l ■u tin a. The ratio of the unacid- ified fluorescence to the acidified fluorescence, or the "acid factor", is a measure of zooplankton grazing pressure under ideal conditions. An acid factor of close to one, indicative of a very high phaeopigment con- centration, has been found below the photic zone and in the vicinity of large populations of zooplankton. Ratios above 1.7 indicate high concen- trations of undegraded chlorophyll. The exact value will depend on the relative amounts of chlorophyll a, b, and £ present (Holm-Hansen, et. al., 1965, Yentsch and Menzel, 1963). In this study, the experimental method of Strickland and Parsons (1968) was used to determine chlorophyll a and acid factor. Each 500 ml water sample was filtered in the laboratory within an hour of collection through a Whatman GF/C glass fiber filter under 1/3 atmosphere vacuum. Samples from the deep water station were processed aboard ship. One ml of magnesium carbonate suspension was added to the final small volume of each sample passing through the filter. The filter containing the sample was folded in half and frozen in the dark until fluorometric de- termination. A time study, in which three replicate samples were stored for five days, three weeks, and two months respectively, showed no de- gradation of pigment with this procedure. The filters were removed from the freezer, ground in a tissue grinder, and centrifuged. The fluorescence of the supernatant liquid extract was measured on a Turner Model 111 fluorometer. Two drops of dilute HCl were then added, and, after five minutes, the fluorescence was measured again. The acid factor was then calculated . 21 The fluorometer was calibrated by measuring the chlorophyll extinction of one sample on a Beckman spectrophotometer and calculating concentration with the equation of Strickland and Parsons (1968): _,. h „ , 3 U-6E6650 - L-31E6450 ' °-14E6300 mg Chlorophyll a/m = V where: E = extinction value at the specified wavelength V = volume of sea water filtered in liters. 4. Nitrogen/Phosphorous Calculation From the nutrient data, nitrate to phosphate ratios (N:P), or phytoplankton "assimilation ratios", were calculated to estimate chemical interrelationships in the sea water (Riley and Skirrow, 1965). 5. Productivity /Chlorophyll Calculation Productivity to chlorophyll (Pc) ratios were calculated as an index of physiological or population changes within the groups of phyto- plankton and habitats studied (Riley and Skirrow, 1965). 6. Carbon monoxide/ Methane/ Productivity Comparison Carbon monoxide and methane concentrations were compared to productivity data to determine if any interrelationships exist. See Welch (1973) for methods of measurement. 22 III. RESULTS A. DEPTH AND DIURNAL STUDIES Maximum daily production rates were desired for this study. It was assumed that the bulk of the phytoplankton population would be in the up- per two meters of water owing to the reduction of natural light in the winter and the turbidity of inshore waters (Taylor and Hughes, 1967). According to Riley and Skirrow (1965), photosynthesis in phytoplankton occurs at its maximum rate in the late morning hours. Separate experi- ments confirmed these assumptions. Depth studies taken on different days at Del Monte beach and Point Cabrillo confirmed maximum production to take place from one-half to two meters in depth (Appendix A, Cruises 4, 13, and 18). A twenty- four hour study (Figure 5) showed the greatest in- crease in production to occur in late morning with a maximum at 1330 local time. A similar phenomenon has been noted by other researchers in other waters (Doty and Oguri, 1957, McAllister, 1963, and Lorenzen, 1963). At the deep water stations in the Monterey submarine canyon (Figure 6), productivity and standing crop at the surface was comparable to the values obtained at Point Pinos and Point Joe. The values decreased rapid- ly with depth to a low at 46 meters, the depth at which only 1% of the surface light was available as determined by Secchi disc. As expected the acid factor indicated heavily degraded chlorophyll at this level. Figure 7 shows "reactive" nitrate and silicate both increasing to deep water maximums while high values of "reactive" phosphate and nitrite remain in the surface layer. Acid factors were roughly on the same order as the inshore stations. 23 -i > -l -H o -u O X) n ro U CO co a CN ffi >, >^x> > +J 0> > U ' E U O 3 M -*- 0) JD CO o >-. m ■u o n •H JJ > th a> ■U 3 O TD 3 T3 ^ O — < >-i -Cl o &, CO J3 ,-< O CO U O c a. u 3 m •H CO Q 3 OT • ^ o m 3 o m -i o 3 O ao en •h m tn >-• CO (ML/L x 104) Figure 16. Carbon monoxide versus methane at deep station B, 39 o CO 5r 4 O v- >: Siafi ons Figure 17. Carbon monoxide and methane on the nearshore gradient Data plotted from Station 1 (Del Monte) to Station 5 (Point Joe). 40 x CH A 6 o 4 V it _1_ X 0 .4 .8 1.2 Kiloyards 1.6 2.0 Figure 18. Carbon monoxide and methane on the second longshore transect. Zero is the eastern edge of the Del Monte beach kelp bed . v 41 IV. DISCUSSION A. PRODUCTIVITY, CHLOROPHYLL, AND NUTRIENTS 1. Nearshore Gradient: Del Monte to Point Joe The high productivity and chlorophyll standing crop encountered at Del Monte and the decrease seaward was due to a combination of factors. Dunstan and Mengal (1971) have shown that "seawater diluted with secondary- treated sewage effluent provides excellent enrichment" for the maintenance of natural phytoplankton communities. At Del Monte Beach, municipal sew- age effluent was present and this, combined with a relatively protected and stable environment, allowed the phytoplankton to proliferate at rates uncommon to the season. Out of the influence of the effluent and into more turbulent waters, productivity and standing crop fell gradually to the outermost station as shown in Figure 8 and Table I. Deep station pro- ductivity was on the same order as that of Point Joe. The high average inorganic nutrient values indicate that Del Monte beach is a phosphate and silicate source (see section 3, below). Nitrates and silicates are replenished at Point Pinos and Point Joe by turbulent upwelling of bottom water in the shallow nearshore. The low values of nitrate and silicate found at the surface of the deep station will be replenished in an analogous manner with the spring upwelling of water. High concentrations of nitrite, sometimes a product of phytoplank- ton as well as from bacterial reduction of nitrate and nitrification of ammonia, are often found in highly productive areas (Raymont, 1963, and Riley and Skirrow, 1965). In Figure 8, the highest values a nitrite were found inshore, at Del Monte and Point Cabrillo, the areas of highest pro- duction. 42 In contrast to the effect of the sewer outfall at Del Monte, the outfall at Point Pinos had little success stimulating productivity. In fact, it was noticed that the Del Monte outfall is surrounded by healthy kelp while the Point Pinos outfall is devoid of any visible life for about 200 yards. It was surmised that either the Point Pinos effluent was very toxic or that any nutrients there were dispersed quickly by turbulence. It was later found that the Point Pinos sewage is chlorinated to excess while the Del Monte effluent is only lightly chlorinated every three to four days. 2. Seaward Transect: From Del Monte and Point Cabrillo As previously discussed, productivity increased from open water to the Del Monte kelp bed and decreased from open water to the Point Cab- rillo kelp bed. The latter result is probably more typical of uninfluenced kelp beds (i.e., without a sewer outfall) and agrees with the findings of Cowles (1972). In his study of the Point Cabrillo transect, he attributes the lower level of productivity inshore to cell damage due to physical contact with the rocky shore, high bacterial activity, and photodegrada- tion of chlorophyll. The Del Monte phenomenon is apparently due to the enrichening influence of the sewer outfall in a less turbulent or violent environment (sandy beach) which more than compensates for other nearshore hazards to phytoplankton. The fact that the plankton productivity was higher just outside either kelp bed than inside them may be explained by the presence of the kelp itself. The huge biomass of benthic algae is probably in direct competition with the phytoplankton for available nu- trients. Those phytoplankton in the bed may simply not have as many nutrients available to them as those just outside. This is borne out to a certain extent in Figure 10, which shows a decrease in silicates, nitrates, and, in one case, phosphates, but more data needs to be taken. 43 Furthermore, the mass of benthic algae may have a shading effect in the bed preventing phytoplankton there from utilizing available light, which is low in the winter. 3. Longshore Transect: Del Monte Beach Stevenson (1964) has noted in a current survey of Del Monte Beach that a southwesterly longshore current may develop when a north or northeasterly wind is blowing. It is surmised that these conditions were in effect when the first Del Monte transect was made. Since the outfall "boil" could not be found, it was probably being pumped under reduced pressure. The discharge, indicated by diluted, but still high, phosphates and silicates, was detected southwest of the outfall where the current had moved it. The next time the transect was sampled, the phosphate and silicate source at the Del Monte outfall was confirmed and concentra- tion decreased with distance along the beach. The concentrations of phosphate and silicate at the outfall boil were approximately ten and eight times their respective average values at the most oceanic nearshore station studied (Point Joe). Moreover, the outfall was fifteen and thirteen times the surface concentrations at the deep station with respect to phosphate and silicate. Productivity was very low, near zero, at the outfall which may have been due to the low salinity or toxic material in the effluent. Dunstan and Mengal (1971) found in a laboratory experiment that sewage: seawater mixtures in excess of 20:80 were inhibiting to marine diatoms with normal seawater salinity requirements. Once out of the immediate vicinity of the outfall, however, productivity increased greatly. High production adjacent to the beach laboratory indicated this to be about the optimum distance from the outfall. Nitrite increased with productiv- ity hinting again that it might be a growth product. The high phytoplankton 44 standing crop at the outfall contained nearly pure chlorophyll as indi- cated by the very high acid factor (see below). B. ACID FACTOR In the nearshore gradient, the high acid factors indicated the least grazed chlorophyll at Del Monte and Point Cabrillo. However, the range of values showed that a large herbivore population might have been present. As Cowles (1972) points out, low acid factor in the nearshore may also be the result of processes other than grazing, e.g., bleaching of chloro- phyll after cell damage in waves or on rocky shores. In fact, in the nearshore, grazing may be the least important factor in evaluating high phaeophytin concentrations. The seaward transect indicated that the lowest acid factors (highest degraded chlorophyll) were indeed the furthest inshore, at or near the kelp beds. This again, could be due to heavy grazing and/or physical cell damage. The longshore transect indicated the Del Monte sewer outfall to be just as inhibiting to zooplankton as to phytoplankton. Acid factor was very high suggesting that the chloro- phyll present was not being grazed. Grazing pressure did increase, how- ever, with the distance from the outfall boil. C. NITROGEN/ PHOSPHOROUS RATIOS In most oceanic waters of the world, the ratio of nitrogen to phos- phorous (also called the phytoplankton "assimilation ratio") has been reported to be on the order of 15 or 16 to 1 for both oceanic seawater and uptake by phytoplankton (Riley and Skirrow, 1965). This ratio is somewhat variable, especially in the coastal areas, and has been reported from 5:1 to 24:1. The nearshore gradient, from Del Monte to Point Joe, in four of five weeks showed a remarkably similar trend from low to high N:P ratio. In three of five weeks, the values at Point Joe, from 14.5:1 45 to 17.5:1 were similar to Riley and Skirrow's figgure. It seems that in this area, the assimilation ratio could be used as a "pollution tracer" with respect to the sewer outfall at Del Monte. The deep station reflected Riley and Skirrow's figure only at a depth of 100-200 meters due to upper layer depletion of nitrate. It is suspected that during the spring up- welling the ratios will become more typical of oceanic water. D. PRODUCTIVITY/ CHLOROPHYLL RATIOS Pc ratios, that is, the ratios of primary productivity to chlorophyll concentration, have been shown to be a good index of comparative plant physiology (e.g., the effect of nutrient deficiencies) and species compo- sition changes (Riley and Skirrow, 1965). High Pc ratios indicate a healthy or efficient state in a given population or characterize efficiency differences in different species. In Figure 14, Del Monte and Point Cab- rillo seem to be on the same physiological level as do the two Point Pinos stations with a higher ratio. The much lower Pc ratio at Point Joe (Station 5) may reflect the low phosphate concentrations or some other physiological deficiency. There was a different genus of kelp at Point Joe, Nereocystis, which may indicate some environmental change. On the other hand, the different levels may be due to changes of the species composition of phytoplankton populations living on bay coast as opposed to oceanic coast. The deep water stations gave Pc values of 2.9 and 2.8 which indicate conditions or populations similar to those between Point Pinos and Point Joe. Figure 15 shows a definite proportionality between productivity and chlorophyll concentration suggesting most all the chloro- phyll is contained in living plant cells (Steele and Baird, 1961). 46 E. CARBON MONOXIDE, METHANE, AND PRODUCTIVITY RELATIONSHIPS Comparisons between carbon monoxide, methane, and productivity at the deep stations and at the outer nearshore stations, Point Pinos and Point Joe, are interesting. Comparing Figures 6 and 16, it is evident that there was a CO source in the upper 15 meters were productivity was productivity was highest. Below 15 meters, where productivity decreased, CO decreased rapidly also. It is theorized that certain bacteria which utilize CO reduced its concentration in the deeper water (Welch, 1973). In the nearshore gradient (Figure 17), a rise in CO occured between Point Pinos and Point Joe. In previous discussion, it was seen that the pro- ductivity and standing crop between these last two stations were very close to the deep station values. Moreover, Pc ratios showed like physiological conditions or populations in the area between Point Pinos and Point Joe and at the deep sations. Hence, the similar phytoplankton populations in. the ares between Point Pinos and Point Joe and at the deep stations both showed a strong correlation with carbon monoxide production. Much more work needs to be done, however, to show a causal relationship. Very little, if any, correlation was seen between primary production and CO and CH, concentrations in the longshore transect (Figures 12 and 18) 4 This is probably due to large perturbations caused by the sewer outfall which effectively masks any correlations. F. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS The period of study was characterized by a series of miniature blooms which are not uncommon in midwinter in shallow water (Doty, 1961). Small- scale, short-term vertical turbulence caused by storms periodically add nutrient-rich bottom water to surface layers in sublittoral areas, but nutrients are quickly depleted in the new mixed layer and are not renewed 47 until the next storm. In addition, rain and land runoff may lower salin- ities, prohibiting phytoplankton from frequenting the uppermost layers where they can best utilize the limited light available. Figure 19 shows a time study of productivity for the five nearshore stations. Primary productivity was high during early weeks but was cut down drastically during the first heavy rains (Figure 2). Periods follow- ing the rain during" the fifth, sixth, and ninth weeks showed productivity minimums. The reduction of light and the lowering of temperature with the onset of winter also limited the maximum value of the observed "mini- blooms" (Raymont, 1963). Nutrient renewal by turbulence was very evident at the outer nearshore stations (Point Pinos and Point Joe), but there also could have been nutrients added by land runoff. In fact, this factor could have varied from station to station. 48 r io Figure 19. Time study of the productivity at the nearshore stations during the sampling period. 49 V. SUMMARY As a result of this study, the following conclusions were made. 1. The value of the "gradient analysis" in revealing relations between biological and chemical parameters is seen, and it is recognized as a useful tool for monitoring and prognosticating the state of the environment. In particular: a. Primary productivity and standing crop in the sublittoral zone decrease significantly from Del Monte beach around the coast to Point Joe. A nutrient-rich and non-toxic sewer outfall at Del Monte beach and the gradient from a calm, sandy, bay environment to an exposed, rocky, oceanic coast are responsible for this trend. b. The ideal growth conditions at Del Monte also reverse a trend for productivity to increase from the nearshore to an open water environment . c. Nitrogen to phosphorous ratios are pollutions tracers for certain sewer outfalls. d. Productivity to chlorophyll ratios indicate unique phyto- plankton habitats or populations in the area studied. 2. Two different municipal sewer outfalls have profoundly different effects on the environment. In just meeting the "letter of the law", the Del Monte outfall enhances an already productive area. The Point Pinos outfall, by adding toxicants beyond that required, creates a local abiotic area. 3. A correlation is seen between carbon monoxide production and primary productivity at the deep water stations and the nearshore oceanic coast stations. 50 APPENDIX A - CRUISE DATA Symbol Moaning CRU cruise number Z depth in meters of sample T sea surface temperature in C LOC location transect Se Secchi depth in meters -3 -1 PP productivity in mgC m hr 3 Cl chlorophyll in mg/m C/P acid factor N3 nitrate in ug-at/1 S silicate in ug-at/1 P phosphate, in ug-at/1 N2 nitrite in ug-at/1 DM Del Monte PC Pt. Cabrillo PN Pt. Pinos North PS Pt. Pinos South PJ Pt. Joe CC buoy adjacent to Pt. Cabrillo HAR Monterey harbor 51 Week of St udy Cruise number ' applicable 1 1,2 2 3,4 3 5,6 4 7,8 5 10 6 11, 12, 13 7 14 8 15, 16 9 17, 18, 19 10 20, 21 52 1 I A c\j o CM IA o CM CO rv [- ' 1 CM ,■- r— ' O O- 1— , — o cm r £5 • • • CJ o O O • • o r— o _j- r— CD -3" CO -rh 0> o 1 i r- T— cvj -4" t— IV (A K\ r>- A rA CVJ A tu T— • • ... , i O A A IA IA O O o A A o A lf> o V.O «. vJ r~ U"N L>- vo [>- CM VO ^ OO I>- IA a • • • • « • * • • • • fA A IA CO •—-l CM "— CM A VD CM CM CM CM ITk CM co A CM co CM A A CM A CO o ivJ O IA ^J> O O N^ VD CO C3 V ■ O A CO | — — V " .. — inr. . — - — • ^ .— V o rH J O 1 i P-. P-. o-; ia -3r\ -d" CM IA i>- CO CD r— — j' c1 A A ,_ c .i A . J- o VD ! CO -d- t— CM c J- *0 -3" CM O- • ! • • 1 • • • • • • • • •l • • « | — - *- CM , H- ' — ■ — 1 1 cvii i- - .. Q> i | 1 1 1 1 i VI i | ! : , iA CO lAi cm i- \ IS c. 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Ostenso 1 Code 4800 Office of Naval Research Arlington, Virginia 22217 63 UNCLASSTFTED Security Classification DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA -R&D {Security classification ol title, body ol abstract and indexing annotation mu»l be entered whrn the overall rrf'" '< f'"" j 2b. CROUP "ri&inatinG activity (Corporate author) I Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 _ . — ":EPORT TITLE Gradient Analysis of Phytoplankton Productivity and Chemical Parameters in Polluted and Other Nearshore Habitats ie. IKPONI »LCU»IT» CL»1JIFK< Unci as si fi ed 4JESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Type ol report and,lncluaive dates) Master's Thesis; March 1973 ~KU THORI5I (First name, middle initial, last noma) John Victor Rowney e 3EPOR T DATE March 1973 1 CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. PROJEC T NO 7«. TOTAL NO. OF PAGES 65 7b. NO OF REFS 2 5 Da. ORIGINATOR'S REPORT UUMStRHI 9b. OTHER REPORT NOISI (Any other number, that may be assigned this report) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 2. SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 ABSTRAC T Measurements of primary productivity, chlorophyll standing crop, and nutrient concentrations were made along a gradient of five nearshore habitats, a seaward transect, and a longshore transect to determine en- vironmental relationships. Hie effects of municipal sewer outfalls, type of shoreline, and degree of exposure to high winter seas were found to be dramatic. The behavior of nutrient ratios suggest their use as pollution tracers in certain circumstances. The ratios of productivity to chloro- phyll demonstrated physiological regimes among the phytoplankton in the sampling area. Comparison of data with carbon monoxide and methane con- centrations provided a possible correlation between phytoplankton pro- ductivity and carbon monoxide production. )D,fr,\.1473 /N 0101 -807-681 1 (PAGE 1) 64 Security Cl«»»ilic« Uon 1- 3140S UNCLASSIFIED Security CUtsif iretion key wo RDI NOLI I '• " primary productivity plankton pollution nearshore nutrients chlorophyll sewage effluent carbon monoxide methane sublittoral zooplankton grazing pressure acid factor DD,f.r..1473 UNCLASSIFIED S/N 0101 -807-6821 65 Security Cl««»ific«tion A • 3 1 409 i 4 M A Y 7 5 I'll T -* 2 3 8 7 9 Thesis H6ZM R823 Rowney c.l Gradient analysis of phytoplankton produc- tivity and chemical parameters in polluted and other nearshore hab- itats. m I 4 MAY7S 2 3 8 7 9 Thesis 1^252 R823 Rowney C.l Gradient analysis of phytoplankton produc- tivity and chemical parameters in polluted and other nearshore hab- itats. thesR823 Gradient analysis of phytoplankton produ 3 2768 001 97079 1 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY