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no (Holkg* ^t.

Annual jHeettng of tl|c ^htbent ^ohg

CJounctI jiHeeting - - - 4 p.m. Reception of ^eporta, «tt.

(3[rtbag, 8 p.m. public ^cr&tcc . ^sBcmblg ^all

OI(;atntmn :

^6. 3R. p. (iailackaB, ^.^.

C^rabwatmg '^xtxdsts

Clfatnnan'B Abbreas

AbbreBB«s hg iilentbcrB of tt|K dSrabuating CUlaBB

^iasi <2Ionatan« doombpr :

^v, ®i|omaa Cook :

"mt|e^tWetw Action"

jiHtBB 31anc ^arnctt ^ofoell :

" ^boxtnbmg (j^racc "

Presentation of ^tplomaa anb Certificate*

jAbbreaa byi ^e&- ^oi\n 5^eil, ^.-B,

(irabualBg of ti|e College, 1919

students who have completed the work of two years

in the Day Classes and receive the

College Diploma:

Constance Harriett Coomber - Toronto, Ont.

Thomas Cook Szechuan, China

Augusta Louise Fleming - - - Toronto, Ont.

Ruth Isabel Goforth - - - - Honan, China.

Bertha Amelia Groh . - . - Preston, Ont.

Sophie Lauber Toronto, Ont.

E. Fred Page Montreal, Que.

Jane Barnett Powell - - - - Toronto, Ont.

Margaret Short Toronto, Ont.

Martha Short Toronto. Ont.


students who have taken a third year further study:

Alice Annie Duce Toronto, Ont.

Elizabeth Annie Eaton - - - Montreal, Que. Emma Meyer Markham, Ont.

■^faentng Class Cirabuatcs

students who have completed three years in the Evening Classes and receive Certificates:

Edith Appleton May Lawrence

Martha French Lenore McCracken

Martha Short