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This gentleman left his property in trust to the United States of America, to found at Washington an institution which should bear his own name, and have for its objects the ^'■increase and diffusion of knowledge among men." This trust was accepted by the Government of the United States, and an Act of Congress was passed August 10th, 1846, constituting the President and the other principal executive officers of the general government, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Mayor of Washington, and such other persons as they might elect, honorary members, an establishment under the name of the " Smithsonian Institution for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men." The members and honorary members of this establishment are to hold stated and special meetings for the supervision of the affairs of the Institution, and for the advice and instruction of a Board of Regents, to whom the financial and other affairs are entrusted. The Board of Eegents consists of three members ex officio of the establishment, namely, the Vice-President of the United States, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the Mayor of Washington, together with twelve other members, three of whom are appointed by the Senate from its own body, three by the House of Representatives from its members, and six persons appointed by a joint resolution of both houses. To this board is given the power of electing a Secretary and other officers, for conducting the active operations of the Institution. To carry into effect the purposes of the testator, the plan of organization evi- dently should embrace two objects — one, the increase of knowledge by the addition of new truths to the existing stock; the other, the diffusion of knowledge, thus increased, among men. No restriction is made in favor of any kind of knowledge, and hence each branch is entitled to, and should receive, a share of attention. iv ADVEETISEMENT. The Act of Congress, establishing the Institution, directs as a part of the plan of organization, the formation of a Library, a Museum, and a Gallery of Art, together with provisions for physical research and popular lectures, while it leaves to the Regents the power of adopting such other parts of an organization as they may deem best suited to promote the objects of the bequest. After much deliberation, the Regents resolved to divide the annual income into two equal parts — one part to be devoted to the increase and diffusion of knowledge by means of original research and publications — the pther half of the income to be applied in accordance with the requirements of the Act of Congress, to the gradual formation of a Library, a Museum, and a Gallery of Art. The following are the details of the two parts of the general plan of organization provisionally adopted at the meeting of the Regents, Dec. 8th, 1847. DETAILS OF THE FIRST PART OF THE PLAN. I. To INCREASE Knowledge. — It is proposed to stimulate research, hy offering rewards for original memoirs on all subjects of investigation. 1. The memoirs thus obtained, to be published in a series of volumes, in a quarto form, and entitled " Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge." 2. No memoir, on subjects of physical science, to be accepted for publication, which does not furnish a positive addition to human knowledge, resting on original research; and all unverified speculations to be rejected. 3. Each memoir presented to the Institution, to be submitted for examination to a commission of persons of reputation for learning in the branch to which the memoir pertains ; and to be accepted for publication only in case the report of this commission is favorable. 4. The commission to be chosen by the officers of the Institution, and the name of the author, as far as practicable, concealed, unless a favorable decision be made. 5. The volumes of the memoirs to be exchanged for the Transactions of literary and scientific societies, and copies to be given to all the colleges, and principal libra- ries, in this country. One part of the remaining copies may be offered for sale; and the other carefully preserved, to form complete sets of the work, to supply the demand from new institutions. 6. An abstract, or popular account, of the contents of these memoirs to be given to the public, through the annual report of the Regents to Congress. ADVERTISEMENT. v II. To INCREASE Knowledge. — It is also proposed to appropriate a portion of the income, annually, to special objects of research, under tlie direction of suitable per- sons. 1. The objects, and the amount appropriated, to be recommended by counsellors of the Institution. 2. Appropriations in different years to different objects; so that, in course of time, each branch of knowledge may receive a share. 3. The results obtained from these appropriations to be published, with the memoirs before mentioned, in the volumes of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. 4. Examples of objects for which appropriations may be made : — (1.) System of extended meteorological observations for solving the problem of American storms. (2.) Explorations in descriptive natural history, and geological, mathematical, and topographical surveys, to collect materials for the formation of. a Physical Atlas of the United States. (3.) Solution of experimental problems, such as a new determination of the weight of the earth, of the velocity of electricity, and of light; chemical analyses of soils and plants ; collection and publication of articles of science, accumulated in the oflBces of Government. (4.) Institution of statistical inquiries with reference to physical, moral, and political subjects. (5.) Historical researches, and accurate surveys of places celebrated in American history. (6.) Ethnological researches, particularly with reference to the different races of men in North America; also explorations, and accurate surveys, of the mounds and other remains of the ancient people of our country. I. To DIFFUSE Knowledge. — It is proposed to publish a series of reports, giving an account of the new discoveries in science, and of the changes made frmn year to year in all branches of knoioledge not strictly professional. 1. Some of these reports may be published annually, others at longer intervals, as the income of the Institution or the changes in the branches of knowledge may indicate. 2. The reports are to be prepared by collaborators, eminent in the different branches of knowledge. vi ADVEKTISEMENT. 3. Each collaborator to be furnished with the journals and publications, domestic and foreign, necessary to the compilation of his report; to be paid a certain sum for his labors, and to be named on the title-page of the report. 4. The reports to be published in separate parts, so that persons interested in a particular branch, can procure the parts relating to it without purchasing the whole. 5. These reports may be presented to Congress, for partial distribution, the remaining copies to be given to literary and scientific institutions, and sold to indi- viduals for a moderate price. The following are some of the subjects which may he embraced in ilie reports : — I. PHYSICAL CLASS. 1. Physics, including astronomy, natural philosophy, chemistry, and meteorology. 2. Natural history, including botany, zoology, geology, &c. 3. Agriculture. 4. Application of science to arts. II. MORAL AND POLITICAL CLASS. 5. Ethnology, including particular history, comparative philology, antiquities, &c. 6. Statistics and political economy. 7. Mental and moral philosophy. 8. A survey of the political events of the world; penal reform, &c. III. LITERATURE AND THE FINE ARTS. 9. Modern literature. 10. The fine arts, and their application to the useful arts. 11. Bibliography. 12. Obituary notices of distinguished individuals. II. To DIFFUSE Knowledge. — It is proposed to publish occasionally separate treatises on subjects of general interest. 1. These treatises may consist of valuable memoirs translated from foreign lan- guages, or of articles prepared under the direction of the Institution, or be pro- cured by offering premiums for the best exposition of a given subject. 2. The treatises to be submitted to a commission of competent judges, previous to their publication. ADVERTISEMENT. to DETAILS OF THE SECOND PART OF THE PLAN OF ORGANIZATION. This part contemplates the formation of a Library, a Museum, and a Gallery of Art. 1. To carry out the plan before described, a library will be required, consisting, 1st, of a complete collection of the transactions and proceedings of all the learned societies in the world; 2d, of the more important current periodical publications, and other works necessary in preparing the periodical reports. 2. The Institution should make special collections, particularly of objects to verify its own publications. Also a collection of instruments of research in all branches of experimental science. 3. With reference to the collection of books, other than those mentioned above, catalogues of all the different libraries in the United States should be procured, in order that the valuable books first purchased may be such as are not to be found elsewhere in the United States. 4. Also catalogues of memoirs, and of books in foreign libraries, and other materials, should be collected, for rendering the Institution a centre of bibliograr phical knowledge, whence the student may be directed to any work which he may require. 5. It is believed that the collections in natural history will increase by donation, as rapidly as the income of the Institution can make provision for their reception, and, therefore, it will seldom be necessary to purchase any article of this kind. 6. Attempts should be made to procure for the gallery of art, casts of the most celebrated articles of ancient and modern sculpture. 7. The arts may be encouraged, by providing a room, free of expense, for the exhibition of the objects of the Art-Union, and other similar societies. 8. A small appropriation should annually be made for models of antiquity, such as those of the remains of ancient temples, &c. 9. The Secretary and his assistants, during the session of Congress, will be required to illustrate new discoveries in science, and to exhibit new objects of art; distinguished individuals should also be invited to give lectures on subjects of general interest. In accordance with the rules adopted in the programme of organization, each memoir in this volume has been favorably reported on by a commission appointed Tiii ADVERTISEMENT. for its examination. It is however impossible, in most cases, to verify the state- ments of an author, and, therefore, neither the Commission nor the Institution can be responsible for more than the general character of a memoir. The following rules have been adopted for the distribution of the quarto volumes of the Smithsonian Contributions. 1. They are to be presented to all learned societies which publish Transactions, and give copies of these, in exchange, to the Institution. 2. Also, to all foreign libraries of the first class, provided they give in exchange their catalogues or other publications, or an equivalent from their duplicate volumes. 3. To all the colleges in actual operation in this country, provided they furnish, in return, meteorological observations, catalogues of their libraries and of their students, and all other publications issued by them relative to their organization and history. 4. To all States and Territories, provided there be given, in return, copies of all documents published under their authority. 5. To all incorporated public libraries in this country, not included in any of the foregoing classes, now containing more than 7000 volumes; and to smaller libraries, where a whole State or large district would be otherwise un supplied. OFFICERS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, Ex, officio PRESIDING OFFICER OF THE INSTITUTION. THE VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, Ex officio SECOND PRESIDING OFFICER. ROGER B. TANEY, CHANCELLOR OF THE INSTITUTION. JOSEPH HENRY, SECRETARY OF THE INSTITUTION. CHARLES C. JEWETT, ASSISTANT SECRETARY, IN CHARGE OF THE LIBRARY. SPENCER F. BAIRD, ASSISTANT SECRETARY, IN CHARGE OF THE MUSEUM. EDWARD FOREMAN, GENERAL ASSISTANT. W. W. SEATON, Treasurer. ALEXANDER D. BACHE, ^ JAMES A. PEARCE, I Executive Committee. JOSEPH G. TOTTEN. J REGENTS. Vice-President of the United States. EOGER B. Tanet, Chief Justice of the United States. Walter Lenox, Mayor of the City of Washington. James A. Pearce, Member of the Senate of the United States. Jefferson Davis, " " " " " " James M. Mason, « « « " " " Graham N. Fitch, Member of tlie House of Representatives U. S. William F. Colcock, « " « " " " James Meacham, " « " " « « EuFUS Choate, Citizen of Massachusetts. Gideon Hawlet, " of New York. William C. Preston, "of South Carolina. Richard Rush, " of Pennsylvania. Alexander D. Bache, Memher of Nat. Inst., Washington. Joseph G. Totten, " " " MEMBERS EX OFFICIO OF THE INSTITUTION. Millard Fillmore, President of the United States. Vice-President of the United States. Daniel Webster, ........ Secretary of State. Thomas Corwin, . Secretary of tlie Treasury. Charles M. Conrad, Secretary of War. "William A. Graham, Secretary of the Navy. Nathan K. Hall, Postmaster- General. John J. Crittenden, Attorney- General. Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of the United States. Thomas Ewbank, Commissioner of Patents. Walter Lenox, Mayor of the City of Washington. HONORARY MEMBERS. Robert Hare, Benjamin Silliman, Washington Irving, Albert Gallatin.* (* Deceased.) GMMMAK AND DICTIONARY OF THE DAKOTA LANGUAGE. COLLECTEB BY THE MEMBERS OF THE DAKOTA MISSION. BY REV. S. R. RIGGS, A.M., MISSIONARY OF THE AM. BOARD OF COM. FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS. UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MINNESOTA. ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, DECEMBER, 1S51. R. CSAISHBAD, Printer and SttrtBtyftr, 53 VssxT Stbht, N. V. NOTICE This work has been recommended, as an interesting addition to philology and ethnology, by the Minnesota Historical Society, the members of which have contributed funds to defray a part of the expense of publication. It has also received the approbation and support of the American Board of Conmiissioners for Foreign Missions, and, in conformity with the rule adopted by the Smithsonian Institution, has been submitted to a commission of examination, consisting of W. W. Turner, Esq., and Prof C. C. Felton. In return for the pecuniary assistance rendered, an extra number of copies have been struck off for the use of the Historical Society and the Dakota Mission. Joseph Henry, Washington, June 1, 1852. Secretary S. I. PREFACE. The preparation of this volume may be regarded as one of the contributions to science made by the great Missionary enterprise of the present age. It was not premeditated, but has been a result altogether incidental to our work. Our object was to preach the Gospel to the Dakotas in their own language, and to teach them to read and write the same, until their circumstances should be so changed as to enable them to learn the English. Hence we were led to study their language and to endeavor to arrive at a knowledge of its principles. About eighteen years ago, Messrs. S. W. and G. H. Pond, from Washington, Conn., took up their residence among the Indians of the Minnesota Valley. In the summer following Dr. T. S. Williamson and his associates, from Ohio, under the direction of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, reached the same country. They immediately commenced the labor of collecting and ascertaining the meaning of Dakota words. In the summer of 1837 we joined the mission and engaged in the same labors. Others who reached the country at a later period have rendered much assistance, among whom it is but just to mention the late Rev. Robert Hopkins, of Traverse des Sioux. In prosecuting this work we have at all times availed ourselves of the best native assistance ; but during the first years of our residence among them, the natives did not know enough to give us the help we needed. If we required the meaning of a word, as, for example, ka^ka (to bind), the reply generally was, "It means 'ka^ka,' and cannot mean any thing else." It is related of Hennepin, that while a captive among these Indians, on a certain occasion he ran off a little distance, and then, running back again, inquired of the braves who sat near, what they called that. In trying to learn the meaning of Dakota words we have often been obliged to adopt similar expedients. The preparation of the Dakota-English part of the Dictionary for the press, containing more than sixteen thousand words, occupied all the time I could spare from my other missionary employments for more than a year. The labor bestowed on the English-Dakota part was performed partly by Mrs. Riggs. A manuscript Grammar of the language, written by the Rev. S. W. Pond, was kindly furnished to aid in the preparation of this work; but as it was not received in New York until midwinter, it has been used only in the latter part. Since my arrival in this city, the Grammar has been entirely remodelled and XIV PREFACE. rewritten, according to the suggestions and under the direction of Mr. Wm. W, Turner, of the Union Theological Seminary of New York. Of this gentleman's labors in connexion with this work I cannot speak too highly. Not only has he, by his eminent literary qualifications, been able to render valuable assistance in the way of suggestion and criticism, but he has also read with great care the proof- sheets, especially of the Grammar, that nothing might be wanting to make the work, under the circumstances, as perfect as possible. It is proper also to mention the name of Mr. Wm. H. Smith, of New York, who assisted in the revision of the latter .half of the Dictionary, in the absence of Mr. Turner. About the 1st of January, 1851, a prospectus was issued at St. Paul, under the sanction of the Historical Society of Minnesota, to publish the work by subscription, and in this many of the most prominent citizens of the Territory manifested much interest. Among the larger subscriptions may be mentioned those of Governor Alexander Ramsey, Hon. H. H. Sibley, Hon. Martin McLeod, Rev. E. D. Neill, and H. M. Rice, Esq. The Prudential Committee of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions also made an appropriation for the same object, besides another for defraying the necessary expenses of superintending the press. These provisions, though liberal, considering the circumstances under which they were made, were not sufficient to warrant the commencement of the publica- tion ; and being informed, in answer to a letter addressed to Professor Joseph Henry, LL.D., that the work, on certain conditions, mights probably be accepted as one of the Contributions to Knowledge of the Smithsonian Institution, it was concluded to present it for that purpose. After passing the prescribed examination, it was accepted by the Institution and directed to be printed. With the manner in which the work has been brought out, its friends will I trust be fully satisfied. Neither pains nor expense has been spared in the publication. The plan had already been followed, in the books printed in the language, of using the vowels with the sounds which they have in Italian and German, and of repre- senting each articulation by a single character. In the present work a few changes have been introduced into the orthography, for the sake of expressing some of the sounds in a manner more perspicuous and consistent with analogy, and more in accordance with the system of notation which is now becoming general among scientific philologists in Europe. It was necessary in consequence to rearrange a great many of the articles in the manuscript Dictionary, and to have a number of new punches made. With the hope that it may be the means of interesting some in behalf of the Dakotas, of perpetuating memorials of their language, and affording, to some extent, the means of arriving at correct conclusions in regard to their origin, this work, the result of years of toil, is submitted to the kind regards of its generous patrons. Stephen R. Riggs. New York City, 1852. OTE0DI]CTI0?(. The nation of the Sioux Indians, or Dakotas, as they call themselves, is supposed to number about twenty-Jive thousand. They are scattered over an immense territory, extending from the Mississippi river on the east to the Black Hills on the west, and from the mouth of the Big Sioux river on the south to Devil's Lake on the north. Early in the winter of 1837, they ceded to the United States all their land lying on the eastern side of the Mississippi ; and this tract at present forms the settled portion of Minnesota. During the summer of 1851, the Commissioner of Indian Afl'airs, with Gov. Ramsey of Minnesota, negotiated with the Dakotas of the Mississippi and Minnesota or Saint Peter's Valley, for all their land lying east of a line running from Otter-tail Lake through Lake Traverse {Lac Travers) to the junction of the Big Sioux river with the Missouri ; the Indians retaining for their own settlements a reservation on the upper Minnesota, twenty miles wide and about one hundred and forty long. This purchase includes all the wooded lands belonging to the Dakotas, and extends, especially on the south side of the Minnesota river, some distance into the almost boundless Prairie of the West. Beyond this, the Indians follow the buifaloes, which, although evidently diminishing in numbers, still range in vast herds over the prairies. This animal furnishes the Indian with food and clothing, and a house, and, during the summer, with the " hois de vache " for fuel. In the winter these sons of the prairie are obliged to pitch their tents at or in the little clustei-s of wood, which here and there skirt the margins of the streams and lakes. Their name, the Dakotas say, means leagued or allied ; and they sometimes speak of themselves as the 'Oceti sakowii),' Seven council fires. These are the seven principal bands which compose the tribe or nation ; viz. : 1. The Mdewakai)toi)\var)s, Village of the Spirit Lake. Their name is derived from a former resi- ■ dence at Mdewakai) {Spirit or Sacred Lake), Mille Lacs, which are in the country now claimed by the Ojibwas. They are divided into seven principal villages, three of which are still on the western bank of the Mississippi, and the others on or near the Minnesota, within twenty-five or thirty miles of Fort Snelling. This portion of the Dakota people have received annuities since the year 1838 ; and their number, as now enrolled, is about two thousand. They plant corn and other vegetables, and some of them have made a little progress in civilization. 2. The Walipekutes, Leaf-shooters. It is not now known from what circumstance the Wahpekutes received their name. They are at present a roving band of about five or six hundred, laying claim to the country on Cannon river, the head waters of the Blue Earth, and westward. 3. The Wahpetoqwaqs, Village in the Leaves, probably obtained their name from the fact that formerly they lived only in the woods. The old home of this band is about the Little Rapids, which is some forty-five miles by water from the mouth of the Minnesota river. About three hundred still reside there ; but the larger part of the band have removed to Lac-qui-parle and Big Stone Lake. In all, they number about one thousand or twelve hundred souls. They all plant com, more or less ; and at Lac-qui- parle, one of the Mission stations occupied by the American Board of Commissionei-s for Foreign Missions, they have made some progress in learning to read and write their own language, and have substituted, to some extent, the use of the plough for the hoe. 4. The Sisitoijwaijs, Village of the Marsh. What the meaning of 'sisi ' is, we have not been able to ascertain satisfactorily, as we do not find it in any other combination in the language as now used. But Mr. Joseph Renville, now deceased, who was half Dakota, and considered as the highest authority in XVI INTRODUCTION. matters pertaining to the language, said that ' sisiq ' was formerly used to designate a marsh or dough on the prairie. The Marsh Village Dakotas occupy the Minnesota Valley, from Traverse des Sioux to Little Rock, claiming the Swan Lake country on the one side, and the Blue Earth on the other. But the great body of the Sisitoi)war)s have gone north and west, and now make their corn-fields about Lake Traverse and on the Coteau des Prairies. They are supposed to number about twenty-jive hundred, and depend mainly upon the buffalo for a subsistence. These Mississippi and Minnesota Dakotas are called, by those on the Missouri, Isaijties, from ' isaijati ' or ' isaijyati ;' which name seems to have been given them from the fact that they once lived at Isai)tamde, Knife Lake, one of those included under the denomination of Mille Lacs. 5. The Ihai)ktoi)wai)na, one of the End Village bands, are estimated at four hundred lodges, or four thousand souls. The Dakota tents on the Minnesota do not average more than about six inmates ; but on the prairie, where, though the material for the manufacture of tents is abundant, tent-poles are scarce, they make their dwellings larger, and average, it is thought, about ten persons to a lodge. The Ihaijktoi)- warina are divided into the Huijkpatidaijs (the signification of which is not apparent) ; the Pabakse, Cut-heads ; the Wazikute, Pine-shooters ; and the Kiyuksa, Dividers or Breakers of Law. Their range is alonf the James River, and on the north-east side of the Missouri, up as far as the Devil's Lake. From the Wazikute branch of this band the Assiniboins, or ' Holie ' of the Dakotas, are said to have sprung. 6. The Ihar)ktoi)wafls, Village at the End, are estimated at about two hundred and forty lodges, or two thousand four hundred persons. As a general thing, they are now found west of the Missouri. These two bands have usually been designated by travellers under the name of ' Yanctons.' 7. The Titoi)war)s, Village of the Prairie, are supposed to constitute about one half of the whole Dakota tribe, numbering, as they say, about twelve hundred and fifty lodges, or twelve thousand five hundred souls. The great probability is, that they are over estimated. They live on the western side of the Missouri, and take within their range the Black Hills. With the Shyennes and Kiccarees, it is said, they have formed marriage alliances, and are at war with the Pawnees and others. The Titoi)war)s have never planted corn, with the exception of a few families, and they were connected by marriage with white people. They are divided into seven bands or clans; viz. the Sicarigu, Burnt- Thighs ; the Itazipco, Bow-pith ; the Sihasapa, Black-feet ; the Minikaijye wozupi. Those who Plant by the Water ; the Oohenoqpa, Two-boilings ; and the Oglala and Iluijkpapa, the meanings of which names have not been ascertained. The more recent migration of the Dakotas has been from north-east to south-west and west. This appears from the names Mdewakaritoijwai) and Isaijati, before mentioned. Besides, there are Dakotas still living who remember when the Ihaijktoflwa^jna were occupants of Lac-qui-parle and other points on the upper Minnesota, from which fact they probably derived their name, as being at the end of the stream. At that time the Sisitoqwaijs were all below, in the great bend of the Saint Peter's ; the Wahpetoqwaqs and the Wahpekutes were inhabitants of the Big Woods and the lower part of the Minnesota Valley ; the Mdewakaijtoriwaijs were on the eastern side of the Mississippi ; and the Titoi)wai)S had probably not crossed to the west of the Missouri. Questions of priority and precedence among these bands are sometimes discussed. The Mdewa- kar)toi)wai)s think that the mouth of the Minnesota river is precisely over the centre of the earth, and that they occupy the gate that opens into the western world. These considerations serve to give them importance in their own estimation. On the other hand the Sisitoqwaqs and Ihai)ktor)wai)s allege, that as they live on the great water-shed of this part of the continent, from which the streams run northward and eastward and southward and westward, thsy must be about the centre of the earth ; and they urge this fact as entitling them to the precedence. It is singular that the Titoi)wai)s, who are much the largest band of the Dakotas, do not appear to claim the chief place for themselves, but yield to the pretensions of the Ihaqktoijwaijs, whom they call by the name of Wiciyela, which, in its meaning, may be regarded as about equivalent to ' they are the people.' As the main object of this work has been to place before the student what is known about the Dakota language, it is only necessary here to add a few remarks in reference to some points of interest which are not fully brought out elsewhere. In the language, as spoken by the different bands of those properly denominated Dakotas, some differences exist. The intercourse between the Mdewakai)toqwai)s on the Mississippi and lower Minnesota, and the Wahpetoi)war|s, Wahpekutes, and a part of the Sisitoijwai) family, has been so constant, that but slight variations are discoverable in their manner of speaking. In some instances where the Wahpetoij- INTRODTJCTION. XVU wai)s use d, some of the Mdewakai)tor)wai)s so modify the sound that it hecomes t ; and where the former use h, the hitter sometimes employ n. As a matter of course, some few words have currency in one band which are not used, perhaps not generally known, by the othere ; but none of the dialectical variations are of such a kind as to impede the free intercourse of thought. The Sisitor)wai)s of Lake Traverse and the prairies present more differences in their speech. One of the most marked of these is their use of ' na ' for ' dai),' the diminutive termination. As there is less frequent intercourse between them and the Isaqties, their provincialisms are more numerous ; and from their connexions with the Ihai)ktoi)wai)s of the prairie, they have adopted some of their forms of speech. The chief peculiarity of the Ihaijktoijwai) dialect, as compared with that of the Dakotas of the Minnesota, is the almost universal substitution of k for h. The Titoqwai) dialect exhibits more striking differences. In it, g hard is used for h of the Isaqties and k of the Ihaqktoijwaijs, and rejecting d altogether, they use I in its stead. ]5y the bands of Dakotas east of James river, hard g is not heard except as final in some syllables where contraction has taken place, and / does not occur. Thus, to illustrate the foregoing, ' daqpahmihma,' a cart or waggon, of the Wahpetoqwai)s, becomes ' oaqpanminma ' in the mouth of a Mdewakaijtoqwai), ' caqpakmikma' in that of an Ihaqktoqwai), and ' caqpagmigma' with a Titoqwaq. ' Hda,' to go home, of the Isaqties, is 'kda' in the Ihaqktoqwaq dialect, and 'gla' in the Titoqwaq. Many words, too, are entirely different, as for example, ' isaq,' a A;m/e ; the Titoqwaqs say ' milla,' and the Ihaqktoqwaqs, 'miqna.' Isaqtaqka, the name by which the people of the United States are designated on the Mississippi and Minnesota, becomes Miqnahaqska and Millahaqska on the Missouri. In the arrangement of words in a sentence, the Dakota language may be regarded as eminently primi- tive and natural. The sentence, ' Give me bread,' a Dakota transposes to ' Aguyapi maku ye,' Bread me give. Such is the genius of the language, that in translating a sentence or verse from the Bible, it is generally necessary to commence, not at the beginning, but at the end ; and such, too, is the common practice of their best interpreters. Where the person who is speaking leaves off, there they commence, and proceed backwards to the beginning. In this way the connexion of the sentences is more easily retained in the mind, and more naturally evolved. There are, however, some cases in which this method cannot be followed. In a logical argument, if the conclusion is first translated, it will, in some cases, need to be repeated after the premises', but the therefore which connects the conclusion to the premises, very frequently, in Mr. Renville's translations, comes after the conclusion. This method of expressing ideas, so entirely different from that to which our mirlds have been accustomed, makes it difficult ta learn to thinkJu-JJakota. Sacred Language. — The Dakota conjurer, the war-prophet, and the dreamer, experience the same need that is felt by more elaborate performers among other nations, of a language which is unintelligible to the common people, for the purpose of impressing upon them the idea of their superiority. Their dreams, according to their own account, are revelations made from the spirit-world, and their prophetic visions are what they saw and knew in a former state of existence. It is, then, only natural that their dreams and visions should be clothed in words many of which the multitude do not understand. This sacred language is not very extensive, since the use of a few unintelligible words suffices to make a whole speech incomprehensible. It may be said to consist, first, in employing words as the names of things which seem to have been introduced from other Indian languages ; as, nide, water ; paza, wood, &c. In the second place, it consists in employing descriptive expressions, instead of the ordinary names of things ; as in calling a man a biped, and the wolf a quadruped. And thirdly, words which are common in the language are used far out of their ordinary signification ; as, hepaq, the second child, if a hoy, is used to designate the otter. When the Dakota braves ask a white man for an ox or cow, they generally call it a dog ; and when a sachem begs a horse from a white chief, ho does it under the designation of moccasins. This is the source of many of the figures of speech in Indian oratory ; but they are sometimes too obscure to bo beautiful. The Dakotas can hardly bo said to know any thing about poetry. A few words make a long song, for the ' Hi-hi-hi-hi-hi ' is only now and then interrupted by the enunciation of words. Sometimes their war-songs are so highly figurative that their meaning is just the opposite of what the expressions used would naturally convey. To a young man who has acted very bravely, by killing an enemy and taking his scalp, they say, " Friend, thou art a fool : thou hast let the Ojibwas strike thee." This is understood to be the highest form of eulogy. The mourning song of Black-hoy for his grandson, published in the Dakota Friend by Rev. G. H. Pond, will illustrate the abounding repetition of the same thought expressed in the same words, in their songs. " The unearthliness of the scene," says Mr. Pond, " cannot be described, as, in the twilight of the morning, while the mother of the deceased boy, whose name was Makadutawiq, Red-Earth- Woman, was wailing XVIU INTRODUCTION. in a manner which would excite tlie sympathies of the hardest heart, Hoksidaq-sapa, Black-boy, standing on the brow of a hill, addressed himself to the ghostly inhabitants of the spirit-world, in ghostly notes, as follows : — ' Koda, ahitoijwai) yaqka wo ; Koda, ahitoijwar) yarjka wo ; Koda, ahitoijwai) yaijka wo; Hoksidaq-sapa takozakpaku wai) u do. Eyapi nuqwe.' Friend, pause and look this way ; Friend, pause and look this way ; Friend, pause and look this way ; Say ye, A grandson of Black-boy is coming." Dakota Method of Counting. — Counting is usually done by means of their fingers. If you ask some Dakotas how many there are of any thing, instead of directing their answer to your organs of hearing, they present it to your sight, by holding up so many fingers. When they have gone over the fingers and thumbs of both hands, one is temporarily turned down for one ten. Eleven is ten more one, or more commonly af/ain one ; iwelue is affain two, and so on ; nineteen is th". other nine. At the end of the next ten another finger is turned down, and so on. Twenty is ttco tens, thirty is three tens, etc., as will be seen by referring to the section on Numeral Adjectives in the Grammar. Opawirige, one hundred, is probably derived from pawiqga, to c/o round in circles or to make gyrations, as the fingers have been all gone over again for their respective tens. The Dakota word for a thousand, kektopawirige, may be formed of 'ake' and 'opawiqge,' hundreds again, having now completed the circle of their fingere in hundreds, and being about to commence again. They have no separate word to denote any higher number than a thousand. There is a word to designate one half of any thing, but none to denote any smaller aliquot part. Counting Time. — The Dakotas have names for the natural divisions of time. Their years they ordinarily count by winters. A man is so many winters old, or so many winters have passed since such an event. When one is going on a journey, he does not usually say that he will be back in so many days, as we do, but in so many nights or sleeps. In the same way they compute distance by the number of nights passed in making the journey. They have no division of time into weeks. Their months are literally moons. The popular belief is that when the moon is full, a great number of very small mice commence nibbling on one side of it, which they continue to do until they have eaten it all up. Soon after this another moon begins to grow, which goes on increasing until it has reached its full size only lo share the fate of its predecessor ; so that with them the new moon is really new, and not the old one re-appearing. To the moons they have given names, which refer to some prominent physical fiict that occurs about that time in the year. ■ For the names of the moons most commonly used by the Dakotas living in the Valley of the Minnesota, with their significations and the months to which they most nearly correspond, the reader is referred to the word ' wi,' Part I. of the Dictionary. Five moons are usually counted to the winter, and five to the summer, leaving only one each to the spring and autumn ; but this distinction is not closely adhered to. The Dakotas often have very warm debates, especially towards the close of the winter, about what moon it is. The raccoons do not always make their appearance at the same time every winter ; and the causes which produce sore eyes are not developed precisely at the same time in each successive spring. All these variations make room for strong arguments in a Dakota tent for or against Wicata-wi or Istawidayazar)-wi. But the main reason for their frequent difi^erence of opinion in regard to this matter, viz. that twelve lunations do not bring them to the point from which they commenced counting, never appears to have suggested itself. In order to make their moons coreespond with the seasons, they are obliged to pass over one every few years. Beligion. — This subject can only be referred to briefly. The Dakotas have, indeed, " gods many " — their imaginations have peopled both the visible and invisible world with mysterious or spiritual beings, who are continually exerting themselves in reference to the human family, either for weal or woe. These spiritual existences inhabit every thing, and, consequently, almost every thing is an object of worship. On the same occasion, a Dakota dances in religious homage to the sun and moon, and spreads out his hands in prayer to a painted stone ; and he finds it necessary to ofier sacrifices more frequently to the Bad-spirit than to the Great-spirit. He has his god of the north and god of the south, his god of the woods and god of the prairie, his god of the air and god of the waters. No one can witness INTRODUCTION. ^ XUC the religious ceremonies of this people without being deeply impressed with the fact, that what Paul said of the Athenians is true, to a very great extent, of the Dakotas, xarol -ravra us SsKSiSaifLovsiTs^oi, in all things very worshipful. It will not, then, be regarded as an unnecessary work, to make known to such a people the God who made the earth and all things therein, and who has appointed a day in the which he will judge the world in righteousness, by that Man whom he hath ordained, even the Lord Jesus Christ. That the aboriginal tribes of this continent are destined to become extinct, and that consequently there is little reason to hope that any thing can be done for their permanent good, seems to be a very common impression. In regard to this point there are a few questions which deserve to be noticed briefly. First, it must be conceded, as a matter of history, that many tribes and bands which once inhabited the country now occupied by the people of these United States have greatly diminished, and some of them have disappeared altogether. War, and 'spirit-water,' and the diseases introduced among them by the white people, have wrought out their legitimate efl'ects. A different course of treatment would undoubtedly have greatly modified or entirely changed the character of these results. But, admitting the woret in regard to the past, an interesting question here presents itself, viz. : How far has the diminution of the Indians, as such, served to increase the numbers of our own white population ? Secondly, in reference to the question of decrease, there are some sources of deception of which most persons do not setm to be aware. The Dakotas, for instance, twenty yeafs ago, were supposed to number thirty thousand ; but our investigations have led us to estimate them at twenty-five thousand. If, twenty years from this time, it shall appear that they do not number more than twenty thousand (which may be the case), the natural inference will undoubtedly be that they have been decreasing. But we think there is evidence to show that this has not been and is not now the fact. Where an account of the births and deaths has been kept at a village, it is found that the former usually exceed the latter. If it is asked, ' Whence then comes this supposed diminution of numbers V I answer, from the fact that in most if not all "cases the wild Indians have been greatly over-estimated. It has been found not only difficult, but oftentimes impossible, to take a correct census of those bands who receive annuities from the United States Government. But the difficulty is greatly increased when we go into their camps on the great prairies of the West. The traveller finds them very sensibly impressed with their own numerical importance, and not unfrequently has his gravity disturbed by the question, whether the Government of the United States would not probably be defeated in case of a collision with them, lie also finds much opposition to his making any systematic efforts to ascertain their real numbers. The only practicable method one can adopt is to count their tipis, or skin tents ; and it were easier to count ten thousand buffaloes, scattered over a hundred hills and valleys, than to make a reliable estimate of a tribe of Indians who are constantly roving over the western prairies. With this experience in efforts to ascertain the number of our wandering tribes, we are forced to the conclusion that in most, if not all cases, they have been over- estimated ; and consequently the reduction of their computed numbers has arisen only from a closer approximation to truth, and should not be received as evidence that they are decreasing. But there is one way in which a diminution of some tribes is taking place, viz. : by ceasing to be Indians and becoming members of civilized society. In Minnesota all persons of mixed blood, i. e. of white and Indian descent, are recognised as citizens of the Territory. Let this privilege be extended, on certain conditions, to the whole nation, as well as to all others, and many of them will soon come up to the stature of men. The Indian tribes of our continent may become extinct as such ; but if this extinction is brought about by introducing them to civilization and Christianity, and merging them into our own great nation, which is receiving accretions from all others, who will deplore the result ? Rather let us labor for it, realizing that if by our efforts they cease to be Indians and become fellow-citizens, it will be our glory and joy. So may our Christian American nation go on gathering into its fraternal arms all peoples and languages, and thus work out its mission of peace and good-will. DAKOTA BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. Sioux Spelling Book, designed for the use of native learners. 12mo., pp. 22. Boston : Crocker and Brewster, for the A. B. C. F. M. 1836. 2. Wiconi Owihanke Wannin Tanin Kin. 12mo., pp. 23. Boston : Crocker and Brewster, for the A. B. C. F. M. 1837. This little tract contains Dr. Watts's Second Catechism for Children, translated into the Dakota by Joseph Renville, Sen., and Dr. T. S. Williamson. 3. The Dakota First Reading Book. 18mo., pp. 50. Cincinnati, Ohio : Kendall and Henry, for the A. B. C. F. M. 1839. Prepared by Gideon H. Pond and Stephen R. Riggs. 4. Josep Oyakapi Kin — the History of Joseph and his Brethren. 18mo., pp. 40. Cincinnati : Kendall and Henry, for the A. B. C. F. M. 1839. This is a translation of the narrative recorded in Genesis, by Rev. Gideon H. and Samuel W. Pond. 5. Old Testament Extracts. 18mo., pp. 120. Cincinnati, Ohio: Printed by Kendall and Henry, for 9 the A. B. C. F. M. 1839. This volume contains extracts from Genesis and the Psalms, the third chapter of Proverbs, and the third chapter of Daniel. 6. Wotanin Waxte Markus Owa Kin Dee. The Gospel of Mark. 18mo., pp. 96. Cincinnati: Kendall and Henry, for the A. B. C. F. M. 1839. The translations of this and the Old Testament Extracts were made from the French by Mr. Joseph Renville, Sen. ; written out and prepared for the press by Dr. T. S. Williamson. v. Wowapa Mitawa — My Own Book. 12mo., pp. 64. Boston : Crocker and Brewster, for the A. B. C. F. M. 1842. Prepared from Rev. T. H. Gallaudet's ' Mother's Primer ' and ' Child's Picture Defining and Reading Book,' by S. R. Riggs, A. M. 8. Wowapi Inonpa : The Dakota Second Reading Book. ISmo., pp. 64. Boston : Crocker and Brewster, for the A. B. C. F. M. 1842. By Rev. S. W. Pond. This little volume, designed for a school book, consists of Bible stories from the Old Testament. 9. Dakota Dowanpi Kin — Dakota Hymns. 18mo., pp. 97. Boston: Crocker and Brewster, for the A. B. C. F. M. 1842. These Hymns were composed in the Dakota language by Mr. Joseph Renville and Sons, and the Missionaries of the Am. Board. 10. Woahope Wikcemna Kin. (Sheet.) The Ten Commandments and the Lord's Prayer, in the Dakota language. Boston: 1842. 11. Eliza Marpicokawin, Raratonwan oyate en Wapiye sa ; qa Sara warpanica qon, &c. 12mo., pp. 12. Boston : Crocker and Brewster, for the A. B. C. F. M. 1842. A narrative of- pious Indian women : published by the American Tract Society. 12. Wicoicage Wowapi qa Odowan Wakan, &c. : The Book of Genesis, a part of the Psalms, and the Gospels of Luke and John. 12mo., pp. 295. Cincinnati, Ohio : Kendall and Barnard, for the A. B. C. F. M. 1842. These translations were made partly from the original Hebrew and Greek, and partly from the French, into Dakota, by Dr. T. S. Williamson, Rev. G. H. Pond, S. R. Riggs, and Joseph Renville, Sen. 13. Jesus Ohnihde Wicaye cin Oranyanpi Qon : qa Palos Wowapi Kage ciqon, &c. 12mo., pp. 228. Cincinnati, Ohio : Kendall and Barnard, for the American Bible Society. 1843. This volume contains the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles of Paul, and the Revelation of John, in the Dakota language, translated from the Greek by Stephen R. Riggs, A. M. 14. Dakota Wiwangapi Wowapi: Sioux Catechism. 12mo., pp. 12. 1844. New Haven, Conn. : Hitch- cock and Stafford, for the A. B. C. F. M. By Rev. S. W. Pond. 15. Dakota Tawoonspe, or Dakota Lessons : a' book designed for Schools. 12mo., pp. 96. Louisville, Ky. 1850. Prepared by S. R. Riggs. The printing of this little book was superintended by Rev. R. Hopkins. 16. Dakota Tawaxitku Kin, The Dakota Friend, a small monthly paper, in Dakota and English, published at St. Paul by the Dakota Mission. 1851-52. Rev. G. H. Pond, Editor. 17. Grammar and Dictionary of the Dakota Language (the present work). 4to., pp. 412. 1852. 18. An English and Dakota Vocabulary, by a Member of the Dakota Mission. 8vo., pp. 120. A re- print of the English-Dakota part of the large Dictionary. Printed by R. Craighead, 53 Vesey street, New York, 1852. GRAMMAR OF THE DAKOTA LANGUAGE. DAKOTA GRAMMAR. PART FIRST. ORTHOGRAPHY. LETTERS AND THEIR CHANGES. CHAPTER I. THE ALPHABET. VOWELS. § 1. The vowels are five in number, and have each one uniform sound, except when followed by the nasal 'q,' which somewhat modifies them. a, has the sound of EngHsh a in father. e, has the sound of English e in they, or of a in face. i, has the sound of i in marine, or of e in me. o, has the sound of English o in go, note. u, has the sound of English u in rule, or of oo in food. CONSONANTS. § 2. The consonants are twenty-four in number, exclusive of the sound repre- sented by the apostrophe ('). b, has its common English sound. 6, is an aspirate with the sound of EngUsh ch, as in chin. This was formerly represented by c simply. i, is an emphatic 6. It is formed by pronouncing ' 6 ' with a strong pressure of the organs, followed by a sudden expulsion of the breath. d, has the common English sound. g, has the sound of ^ hard, as in go. g, represents a deep sonant guttural resembling the Arabic ghain (^). Formerly represented by g simply. h, has the sound of h in EngUsh. *" h, represents a strong surd guttural resembling the Arabic kha (^). For- merly represented by r. k, has the same sound as in English. 4 ORTHOGRAPHY. k, is an emphatic letter, bearing the same relation to k that ' (J ' does to ' 6.' Formerly represented by q. 1, has the common sound of this letter in English. It is peculiar to the Titoqwaq dialect. m, has the same sound as in English. n, has the common sound of n in English. q, denotes a nasal sound similar to the French n in bon, or the English n in drink. Formerly represented by n. p,^ has the sound of English p, with a little more volume and stress of voice. p, is an emphatic, bearing the same relation to p that ' (J ' does to ' 6.' s,' has the surd sound of English s, as in say. s, is an aspirated s, having the sound of English sA, as in shine. For- merly represented by x. t, is the same as in English with a little more volume of voice. t, is an emphatic, bearing the same relation to t that ' (J ' does to ' 6.' w, has the power of the English w, as in walk. y, has the sound of English y, as in yet. z, has the sound of the common English z, as in zehra. i, is an aspirated z, having the sound of the French j, or the English * in pleasure. Formerly represented by j. The apostrophe (') is used to mark a hiatus, as in s'a. It seems to be analo- gous to the Arabic hamzeh (£) Note. — Some Dakotas, in some instances, introduce a slight h sound before the m, and also a d sound before n. For example, the preposition ' om,' with, is by some persons pronounced obm, and the preposition ' en,' in, is sometimes spoken as if it should be written edn. But as this mode of speaking is not very common, it has been deemed unnecessary to notice it further. For the sake of attaining to a uniform method of notation in the writing of American languages, it would perhaps have been better to dispense with the nasal n, and to represent the nasal sound of vowels by a mark underneath the vowel ; but as the Dictionary was already prepared for the press before this was suggested, and such a change would very much disarrange the words in the vocabulary, it has not been made. CHAPTER II. SYLLABICATION. § 3. Syllables in the Dakota language terminate in a pure or nasalized vowel, as ma-ka, the earth, taq-yaq, well. To this rule there are some exceptions, viz.: a. The preposition ' en,' in, and such words as take it for a suffix, as, petan, oji the fire, tukten, where, etc. ; together with some adverbs of time, as, dehan, now, hehan, then, tohan, when, etc. h. When a syllable is contracted into a single consonant (see § 11), that conso- nant is attached to the preceding vowel ; as, om, with, from o-pa, to follow ; wai)- yag, from waq-ya-ka, to see ; ka-ki6, from ka-ki-^a, to suffer ; bo-sim-^i-pa, to shoot off, instead of bo-si-pa-si-pa. c. There are some other syllables which end in k ; as, is, he, nis, thou, mis, /, ACCENTS. d nakaes, indeed, etc. These may possibly be forms of contraction, but we have not now the means of showing the fact. CHAPTER III. ACCENTS. Place of Accent. § 4. 1. In the Dakota language all the syllables are enunciated plainly and fully ; but every word that is not a monosyllable, has in it one or more accented syllables, which, as a general thing, are easily distinguished from such as are not accented. The importance of observing the accent is seen in the fact that the meaning of a word often depends upon it ; as, maga, afield, maga, a goose ; okiya, to aid, okiya, to speak to. 2. More than two thirds, perhaps three fourths, of all Dakota words of two or more syllables, have their principal accent on the secoiid syllable from the beginning, as will be seen by a reference to the Dictionary ; the greater part of the remaining words have it on the first. 3. a. In polysyllabic words there is usually a secondary accent, which falls on the second syllable after the primary one ; as, tewoskantiiya, in a desert place ; i6iy6- peya, to barter. h. But if the word be compounded of two nouns, or a noun and a verb, each will retain its own accent, whether they fall two degrees apart or not ; as, aguyapi- i6apai}, {wheat-heater^ a fiail ; inmu-sl'iqka, {cat-dog) a domestic cat ; aki6ita- ndziq, to stand guard. Removal of Accent. § 5. 1. Suffixes do not appear to have any effect upon the accent; but a syllable prefixed or inserted before the accented syfiable draws the accent back, so that it still retains the same position with respect to the beginning of the word ; as, nape, hand, minape, my hand ; baksa, to cut off with a knife, bawaksa, / cut off ; mdaska, fiat, ^aqmdaska, boards ; maga, afield, mitamaga, my field. When the accent is on the first syllable of the word the prefixing of a syllable does not always remove it ; as, noge, the ear, man6ge, my car. 2. The same is true of any number of syfiables prefixed ; as, kaska, to bind, wakaska, / bind, wi6awakaska, / hiyid them. 3. a. If the verb be accented on the second syllable, and pronouns be inserted after it, they do not affect the primary accent ; as, wa^tedaka, to love, wastewadaka, / love something. b. But if the verb be accented on the first syllable, the introduction of a pronoun removes the accent to the second syllable, as, mani, to walk, mawani, / walk. In some cases, however, the accent is not removed ; as, ohi, to reach to, 6wahi, I reach. 4. When ' wa ' is prefixed to a word commencing with a vowel, and an elision b ORTHOGRAPHY. takes place, the accent is thrown on ths first syllable ; as, iyuskiq, to rejoice in, wiyuskiq, to rejoice; amdeza, c/ear, wamdeza ; amdosa, the red-winged black-bird, wamdosa. 5. When ' wo ' is prefixed to adjectives and verbs forming of them abstract nouns, the accent is placed on the first syllable ; as, pida, glad, wopida, gladness ; waoq- ^ida, merciful, wowaoqsida, mercy ; ihaqgya, to destroy, woihaqgye, a destroying. 6. So also when the first syllable of a word is dropped or merged into a pro- nominal prefix, the accent is removed to the first syllable ; as, kiksiiya, to remember, miksuya, remember me. CHAPTER IV. CHANGES OF LETTERS. Commutation. § 6, 1. 'A' or 'aij' final in verbs, adjectives, and some adverbs, is changed to ' e,' when followed by auxiliary verbs, or by certain conjunctions or adverbs. Thus, a. When an uncontracted verb in the singular number ending with ' a ' or ' aq ' precedes another verb, as the infinitive mood or participle, the ' a ' or ' aq ' becomes ' e ;' as, ya, to go, ye kiya, to cause to go ; niwaq, to swim, niwe kiya, to cause to swim ; niwe uq, he is swimming. b. ' A ' or ' aq ' final in verbs, when they take the sign of the future tense or the negative adverb immediately after, and when followed by some conjunctions, is changed into ' e ;' as, yuke kta, there will be some ; mde kte sni, / will not go. To this there are a number of exceptions. Ba, to blame, and da, to ask or beg, are not changed. Some of the Mdewakai)toi)\vai)s say ta kta for te kta, he will die. The Sisitoqwaqs say tii) kta. Ohnaka, to place any thing in, is not changed ; as, " minape kiq takudai) ohnaka sni wauri," / have nothing in my hand. Ipuza, to be thirsty, remains the same ; as, ipuza kta ; "tuwe ipuza kighaij," etc., " let him that is athirst coined'' Yuha, to lift, carry, in distinction from yuha, to have, possess, is not changed ; as, mduha sni, / cannot lift it. c. Verbs and adjectives singular ending in ' a' or ' aq,' when the connexion of the members of the sentence is close, always change it into ' e ;' as, ksape <^a waste, wise and good ; waqmdake (Ja wakute, / saw and I shot it. d. 'A' and 'aq' final become 'e' before the adverb 'liiqcia' and the particle ' do ;' as, side hiqda, very bad ; waste kte do, it will be good. Some adverbs follow this rule ; as, taqye tiq, very well ; which is sometimes contracted into taqyeh. But ' a ' or ' ar) ' final is always retained before tuka, uqkar), uqkags, e^ta, ita, kes, and perhaps some others. 2. a. Substantives ending in ' a ' sometimes change it to ' e ' when a possessive pronoun is prefixed ; as, suqka, dog ; mitasuqke, my dog ; nitasuqke, thy dog ; tasuqke, his dog. b. So, on the other hand, ' e ' final is changed to ' a,' in forming some proper names ; as, Ptaqsiqta, the name given to the south end of Lake Traverse, from ptaq and siqte. CHANGES OF LETTERS. / § 7. 1. a. When 'k' and 'k,' as in kiq and kiqhaq, ka and kehaq, etc., are preceded by a verb or adjective whose final ' a ' or ' aq ' is changed for the sake of euphony into 'e,' the 'k' or 'k' following becomes '6' or '(J;' as yuhe diqhai), if he has, instead of ynha kiqhaq ; yuke c^ehaq, token there tvas, instead of yukaq !^ehaq. b. But if the proper ending of the preceding word is 'e,' no such change takes place ; as, wa^te kigliar), if he is good ; Wakaqtaqka ape ka wastedaka wo, hope in God and love him. 2. When ' ya,' the pronoun of the second person singular and nominative case, precedes the inseparable prepositions ' ki,' to, and ' ki6i,' for, the ' ki ' and ' ya ' are changed, or rather combined, into ' ye ;' as, ye6aga, thou makest to, instead of yaki^aga ; ye6i6aga, thou makest for one, instead of yakicidaga. In like manner the pronoun ' wa,' /, when coming in conjunction with ' ki,' forms ' we ;' as, wedaga, not waki6aga, from kidaga. Wowapi we6age kta, / tvill make him a book, i. e. / will write him a letter. 3. a. When a pronoun or preposition ending in ' e ' or ' i ' is prefixed to a verb whose initial letter is ' k,' this letter is changed to ' 6 ;' as, kaga, to make, ki6aga, to make to or for one ; kaksa, to cut off, ki6i6aksa, to cut off for one. b. But if a consonant immediately follows the ' k,' it is not changed ; as, kte, to kill, nikte, he kills thee. In accordance with the above rule, they say 6i6ute, / shoot thee ; they do not however say kidute, but kikute, he shoots for one. c. This change does not take place in adjectives. They say kata, hot, nikata, thou art hot ; ku^a, lazy, niku^a, thou art lazy. § 8. 1. ' T ' and ' k ' when followed by ' p ' are interchangeable ; as iijkpa, iqtpa, the end of any thing; wakpa, watpa, a river ; siqkpe, siqtpe, a muskrat. 2. In the Ihaqktoqwai) dialect, ' k ' is often used for ' h ' of the Wahpetoqwai) ; as, kdi, to arrive at home, for hdi ; daqpakmikma, a cart or waggon, for daqpahmihma. In the same circumstances the Titoqwaqs use 'g,' and the Mdewakaqtoqwaqs ' n ;' as, daqpagmigma, daqpanminma. 3. In the Titoqwar) dialect, '1' is used for 'd,' as, gh, to come home, for hdi; and also for ' n,' as, lila, very, for nina. OoicoV- - V\^^ § 9. 1. When two words come together so as to form one, the latter of which commences and the former ends with a vowel, that of the first word is sometimes dropped ; as, daqtokpani, to desire or long for, of 6ar)te, the heart, and okpani, to fail of; wakpidahda, by the side of a river, from wakpa and i6ahda ; wi6ota, many persons, from wi6a and ota. Tak eya, what did he say ? is sometimes used for taku eya. 2. In some cases also this elision takes place when the second word commences with a consonant ; as, napkawiq and namkawiq, to beckon with the hand, of nape and kawiq. 3. Sometimes when two vowels come together, ' w ' or ' y ' is introduced between them for the sake of euphony ; as, owihaqke, the end, from o and ihaqke ; niyate, thy father, from the pronoun ni, thy, and ate, father. § 10. The 'yu' of verbs commencing with that syllable is not unfrequently dropped when the pronoun of the first person plural is used ; as, yuha, to have, uqhapi, we have ; yuza, to hold, uqzapi, toe hold. Yiiza also becomes oze, which ORTHOGRAPHY. may be oyuze contracted ; as, Makatooze, the Blue Earth river, lit. where the blue earth is taken ; oze ^i6a, had to catch. Contraction. § 11. 1. Contractions take place in some nouns when combined with a following noun, and in some verbs when they occupy the position of the infinitive or parti- ciple. The contraction consists in dropping the vowel of the final syllable and changing the preceding consonant usually into its corresponding sonant or vice versa, which then belongs to the syllable that precedes it ; as, yus from yuza, to hold ; tom from topa, four. The following changes occur : z into s ; as, )aiza, to hold any thing ; yus nai;ir), to stand holding. i. into s ; as, kaki^a, to suffer ; kakis wauq, / am suffering. g into h ; as, maga, afield, and maga, a goose, are contracted into mah. k into g ; as, waqyaka, to see any thing, is contracted into waqyag. p into m ; as, topa, four, is contracted into tom ; watopa, to paddle or row a boat, is contracted into watom. t into d ; as, odota the reduplicated form of ota, many, much. t into g ; as, bozag^ata the reduplicated form of boiiata, to make forked by punching. 6, t, and y, into n ; as, wani6a, none, becomes wanin ; yuta, to eat any thing, becomes yun ; kuya, below, becomes kun. 2. The article 'kiq ' is sometimes contracted into 'g;' as, oyate kig, the people, contracted into oyateg. 3. Caqte, the heart, is contracted into 6an; as, ianwaste, glad (6aqte anrf wa^te, heart-good). 4. When a syllable ending in a nasal (r)) has added to it ' m ' or ' n,' the con- tracted form of the syllable that succeeded, the nasal sound is lost in the ' m ' or ' n,' and is consequently dropped ; as, 6ar)nuqpa, to smoke a pipe, 6aqnum mani, he smokes as he walks ; kakig6a, to scrape, kakin iyeya. Contracted words may generally be known by their termination. When con- traction has not taken place, the rule is that every syllable ends with either a pure or nasalized vowel. See § 3. PART SECOND, ETYMOLOGY. WORDS AND THEIR INFLECTIONS. CHAPTER I. PRONOUNS. § 12. Dakota pronouns may be classed as personal (simple and compound), interrogative, relative, and demonstrative pronouns, together with the definite and indefinite pronouns or articles. PERSONAL PRONOUNS. § 13. To personal pronouns belong person, number, and case. 1. There are three persons, the first, second, and third. 2. There are three numbers, the singular, dual, and plural. The dual is only of the first person ; it includes the person speaking and the person spoken to, and has the form of the first person plural, but without the termination ' pi.' 3. Pronouns have three cases, nominative, objective, and possessive. § 14. The simple pronouns may be divided into separate and incorporated ; i. e. those which form separate words, and those which are prefixed to or inserted into verbs, adjectives, and nouns. Separate. § 15. 1. a. The separate pronouns are. Sing., mi^, /, ni^, thou, \h, he. The Plural of these forms is designated by employing ' uqki6 ' for the first person, ' ni6 ' for the second, and ' is ' for the third, and adding ' pi ' at the end of the last principal word in the phrase. Dual, uqki^, (/ and thou) we two. h. Another set of separate pronouns, of perhaps more frequent occurrence, are. Sing., miye, I, niye, thmi, iye, he. The Plural of these forms is denoted by 'uqkiye' for the first person, ' niye ' for the second, and ' iye' for the third, and adding ' pi ' at the end either of the pronoun itself or of the last principal word in the phrase. Dual, uqkiye, (/ and thou) we two. 2. These pronouns are used for the sake of emphasis, that is to say, they are employed as emphatic repetitions of the subjective or objective pronoun contained in the verb ; as, mis wakaga, (/ I-made) I made ; miye mayakaga, (me me-thou- madest) thou madest me. Both sets of pronouns are used as emphatic repetitions of B 10 ETYMOLOey. the subject, but the repetition of the object is generally confined to the second set. It would seem in fact that the first set may originally have been subjective, and the second objective forms. 3. Mi6 miye, / myself; nis niye, thou thyself; \h, iye, he himself; uqkis uqkiyepi, we ourselves, etc., are emphatic expressions which frequently occur, meaning that it concerns the person or persons alone, and not any one else. § 16. 1. The possessive separate pronouns are. Sing., mitawa, my or mine, nitawa, thy or thine, tawa, his ; Dual, uqkitawa, (mine and thine) ours ; Plur., uqkitawapi, our or ours, nitawapi, your or yours, tawapi, their or theirs : as, wowapi mitawa, my book ; he mitawa, that is mine. 2. The separate pronouns of the second set are also used as emphatic repetitions with these ; as, miye mitawa, (me mine) my own ; niye nitawa, thy own ; iye tawa, his own ; uqkiye uqkitawapi, our own. Incorporated. § 17. The incorporated pronouns are used to denote the subject or object of an action, or the possessor of a thing. Nominative. § 18. 1. The nominative pronouns, or those which denote the subject of the action, are. Sing., wa, /, ya, thou ; Dual, uq, (/ and thou) we two ; Plur. uq-pi, we, ya-pi, ye. The plur. term. ' pi ' is attached to the end of the verb. 2. a. These pronouns are most frequently used with active verbs ; as, wakaga, I make ; yakaga, thou makest ; uqkagapi, we make. b. They are also used with a few neuter and adjective verbs. The neuter verbs are such as, ti, to dwell, wati, I dwell ; itoq^ni, to tell a lie, iwatoq^ni, I tell a lie. The adjective verbs with which ' wa' and 'ya ' are used are very few ; as, waoqsida, merciful, waoqsiwada, / am merciful; duzahai), swift, waduzahax), lam swift of foot ; ksapa, wise, yaksapa, thou art wise. 3. When the verb commences with a vowel, the ' uq ' of the dual and plural, if prefixed, becomes ' uqk ;' as, itoqsni, to tell a lie, uqkitoqsni, we two tell a lie ; au, to bring, uqkaupi, we bring. 4. When the prepositions ' ki,' to, and ' ki6i,' for, occur in verbs, instead of ' waki ' and ' yaki,' we have ' we ' and ' ye ' (§ 7. 2.) ; as, kidaga, to make to one, wedaga, I make to; ki(ii6aga, to make for, ye6i6aga, thou makest for, ye6i6agapi, you make for one. Kiksuya, to remember, also follows this rule ; as, weksuya, I remember. 5. In verbs commencing with 'yu ' and 'ya,' the first and second persons plural are formed by changing the 'y' into 'md' and 'd;' as, ynwa^te, to make good, mAny/Sihie, I make good, duwaste, thou makest good, duwastepi, you make good ; yawa, to read, mdawa, / read, dawa, thou readest. In like manner we have iyotaqka, to sit down, imdotaqka, / sit down, idotaqka, thou sittest down. 6. The third person of verbs and verbal adjectives has no incorporated pro- noun. PRONOUNS. 11 Objective. § 19. 1. The objective pronouns, or those which properly denote the object of the action, are, Sing., ma, me, ni, thee ; Plur., uq-pi, us, and ni-pi, you. 2. a. These pronouns are used with active verbs to denote the object of the action ; as, kaga, he made, makaga, he made me, ni6agapi, he made you. b. They are also used with neuter verbs and adjectives; as, jazai), to be sick, mayazaq, / am sick; waste, good, mawaste, / am good. The English idiom requires that we should here render these pronouns by the nominative case, although it would seem that in the mind of the Dakotas, the verb or adjective is used imper- sonally, and governs the pronoun in the objective. c. They are also incorporated into nouns, where in English the substantive verb would be used as a copula ; as, wi6asta, man, wima6a6ta, / am a man. 3. In the same cases where 'we' and 'ye ' subjective are used (see § 18. 4.), the objective pronouns have the forms ' mi ' and ' ni,' instead of ' maki ' and nidi ;' as, ki6aga, he makes to one, mi6aga, he makes to me, nidaga, he makes to thee, nidagapi, he makes to you. 4. There is no objective pronoun of the third person singular ; but ' wi6a ' (perhaps originally man) is used as an objective pronoun of the third person plural; as, wa^tedaka, to love any one, wastewi6adaka, he loves them; widayazaq, they are sick. When followed by a vowel, the * a ' final is dropped ; as, e6awi6uqkidor)pi, we do to them. § 20. Instead of ' wa,' /, and ' ni,' thee, coming together in a word, the syllable ' 6i ' is used to express them both ; as, wastedaka, to love, wastedidaka, / love thee. The plural of the object is denoted by adding the term ' pi ;' as, wastedidakapi, / love you. The only essential difference between ' di ' and the ' ur) ' of the dual and plural is, that in the former the first person is in the nominative and the second in the objective case, while in the latter both persons are in the same case. The place of the nominative and objective pronouns in the verb, adjective, or noun, into which they are incorporated, will be explained when treating of those parts of speech. Posse ssive. § 21. a. The possessive pronouns are. Sing., mi or ma, my, ni, thy ; Dual, uq, (my and thy) our ; Plur., uq-pi, our, ni-pi, your. b. These pronouns are prefixed to nouns which signify the different parts of oneself, as also one's words and actions, but they are not used alone to express the idea of property in general; as, mitaqdaq, my body ; minagi, my soul; mitawadiq, my mind; mitezi, my stomach; misiha, my foot ; midaqte, my heart; miista, my eye ; miisto, my arm ; mioie, my words,; miohaq, my actions ; uqtaqdaq, our two bodies; uqtaqdaqpi, our bodies; nitaqdaqpi, your bodies; uqnagipi, our souls; uqdaqtepi, our hearts. c. In those parts of the body which exhibit no independent action, the pronoun of the first person takes the form ' ma ;' as, mapa, my head ; manoge, my ears ; mapoge, my nose ; mawe, my blood, etc. § 22. 1. The pronouns of the first and second persons prefixed to nouns signify- ing relationship, arc, Sing., mi, my, ni, thy ; Dual, uqki, (my and thy) our ; Plur., 12 ETYMOLOGY. uqki-pi, our, ni-pi, yowr: as, mi6ii)6a, my child ; nidek^i, thy uncle; nisuijka, thy younger brother ; uqkidiqdapi, our children. 2. a. Nouns signifying relationship take as the pronouns of the third person, the suffix ' ku,' with its plural ' kupi ;' as, suqka, the younger brother of a man, suqkaku, his younger brother ; taqka, the younger sister of a woman, taqkaku, her younger sister ; hihna, husband, hihnaku, her husband ; ate, father, atkuku, his or her father. b. But after the vowel ' i,' either pure or nasalized, the suffix is either ' tku ' or ' 6u ;' as, dek^i, uncle, deksitku, his or her uncle ; taqk^i, the younger sister of a man, taijksitku, his younger sister ; 2. yapiksa may a paksa wicayapaksa uijyapaksapi 1. wapaksa cipiksa widawapaksa dipiksapi D""! ui)p.'iksa widuijpaksa 5 a. Piur. 3. paks'ipi nipaksapi mapaksapi widapaksapi nipaksapi uijpiksapi 2. yapaksapi mayapaksapi widayapaksapi uijyapaksapi a, 1. uqpiksapi uqnipaksapi wicuQpaksapi up nipaksapi "t^ Sing. 3. yaksa niyaksa mayaksa widayaksa niyaksapi uqyaksapi "ii 2. daksi may^daksa widadaksa uijyadaksapi '-0 1. mdaksa ciyaksa widamdaksa diyaksapi o D"!"! uijyaksa widi'iijyaksa f Piur. 3. yaksapi niydksapi mayaksapi widayaksapi niyaksapi uijyaksapi 1 2. daksipi mayadaksapi wid^daksapi uriyddaksapi >> 1. uijyaksapi uijniyaksapi wicui)yaksapi uijniyaksapi "% Sing. 3. yuksi niyuksa mayuksa widayuksa niyuksapi upyuksapi "8 »> 2. duksi mayaduksa widaduksa uijyaduksapi J; 's 1. mduksi ciyuksa widi'imduksa ciyuksapi D">' uijyuksa widuijyuksa ■s a Piur. 3. yuicsipi niyuksapi mayuksapi wid'iyuksapi niyuksapi uijyuksapi Hi J* 2. duks'ipi mayaduksapi wididuksapi ugyiduksapi 3 1. uoyuksapi uqniyuksapi widijqyuksapi HI) niyuksapi VERBS. 29 Frequentative. Absolute. Reflexive. Possessive. Dative. Sing. 3. baksaksa wabaksa bai^iksa bakiksa bakiciksa 2. bayaksaksa wabayaksa bani^Jiksa bay4kiksa bayeciksa 1. baw;iksaksa wabiwaksa bami^iksa baw4kiksa baweciksa Dual baliriksaksa wabauijksa bauqki^iksa bafiijkiksa baui)kiciksa piur. 3. baksiksapi wab6,ksapi bai^iksapi bakiksapi bakiciksapi 2. bay4ksaksapi wabayaksapi bani(Jiksapi bay4kiksapi bayeciksapi 1. bauijksaksapi wab4ui)ksapi bauqki^iksapi bauijkiksapi bauijkiciksapi Sing. 3. boksuksa wab6ksa boi(^iksa bokiksa bokiciksa 2. boyaksaksa waboyaksa boni^Jiksa boy4kiksa boyediksa 1. bowaksaksa wabowaksa bomi^iksa bowakiksa boweciksa Dual boui)ksaksa wabouqksa bour)ki(5iksa bouijkiksa bouijkiciksa piur. 3. boksaksapi ■wab6ksapi boi^iksapi bokiksapi bokiciksapi 2. boyaksaksapi waboyaksapi boiii(Jiksapi boy4kiksapi boyeciksapi 1. bouijksaksapi wabouijksapi boui)ki^,iksapi bourikiksapi boui)kiciksapi Sing. 3. kaksdksa wak4ksa ihdaksa hdaks4 kicicaksa 2. yakaksaksa wayakaksa nihdaksa yahd4ksa yecicaksa 1. wakiiksaksa wawakaksa mihdaksa wahdaksa wecicaksa Dual ui)kaksaksa wauqkaksa urjkihdaksa vir)hd4ksa ui) kicicaksa Piur. 3. kaksuksapi wakaksapi ilid4ksapi lidaks4pi kidicaksapi 2. yak4ksaksapi wayakaksapi nihdaksapi yahd4ksapi yecicaksapi 1. ui)k4ksaksapi waCirikaksapi uqkihdaksapi ui)hd4ksapi urjkic'idaksapi Sing. 3. naksAksa waniksa nai^iksa nakiksa nakiciksa 2. nay^ksaksa wanayaksa nani(Jiksa naydkiksa nayeciksa 1. nawdksaksa wanawaksa nami^iksa naw4kik.sa navveciksa Dual nauriksaksa wan&uijksa naur)ki(Jiksa naiir)kiksa naui)kiciksa Piur. 3. naksaksapi wanaksapi nai^iksapi nakiksapi nakiciksapi 2. nayaksaksapi wanayaksapi nani^iksapi nay4kiksapi nayeciksapi 1. nauijksaksapi wanauqksapi nau:i)ki(Jiksapi nauijkiksapi nafiijkiciksapi Sing. 3. paksaksa wapaksa i^ipaksa kpaks4 kidipaksa 2. yap4ksaksa wayapaksa ni^ipaksa yakp4ksa yecipaksa 1. wapaksaksa wawapaksa mi(^ipaksa wakp4ksa wecipaksa Dual ugpaksaksa wauqpaksa ui)k'i(Jipaksa uijkpaksa uijkicipaksa Piur. 3. paks4ksapi wapaksapi i^ipaksapi kpaksapi kicipaksapi 2. yapaksaksapi way4paksapi ni^ipaksapi yakp4ksapi yec'ipaksapi 1. uqp^ksaksapi wauijpaksapi uijki^ipaksapi ui)kp4ksapi UI) kicipaksapi Sing. 3. yaksiksa wayiksa ilid4ksa hdaksa kiciyaksa 2. daks4ksa wadaksa nihdaksa yahd4ksa yec'iyaksa 1. mdaks4ksa wamdaksa mihdaksa ■wahd4ksa weciyaksa Dual uriyaksaksa wauijyaksa uqkihdaksa uijhdaksa UI) kiciyaksa Piur. 3. yaks4ksapi wayaksapi ihd^ksapi Ldaks4pi ^iciyaksapi 2. daksaksapi wadaksapi nihd4ksapi yahd4ksapi yeciyaksapi 1. ui)yaksaksapi wauqyaksapi uijkihdaksapi ui)hd4ksapi uqkiciyaksapi Sing. 3. yuks4ksa woksa ihduksa hduks4 kiciyuksa 2. duks4ksa waduksa nihduksa yahduksa yediyuksa 1. mduks4ksa wamduksa niihduksa wahduksa wociyuksa Dual uqksaksa wauijyuksa uijkihduksa ui]hduksa UI) kiciyuksa Piur. 3. yuksaksapi w6ksapi ihdfiksapi hduks4pi kic'iyuksapi 2. duks4ksapi waduksapi nihduksapi yahduksapi yeciyuksapi 1. uijksaksapi wauqyuksapi uqkihduksapi ughduksapi u^kiciyuksapi 30 ETYMOLOGY. CHAPTER III. NOUNS. FORMS OF NOUNS. § 60. Dakota nouns, like those of other languages, may be divided into two classes, primitive and derivative. § 61. Primitive nouns are those whose origin cannot be deduced from any other word ; as, maka, earth, peta,^re, pa, head, ista, eye, ate, father, ina, mother. § 62. Derivative nouns are those which are formed in various ways from other words, chiefly from verbs, adjectives, and other nouns. The principal classes of derivatives are as follows : 1. Nouns of the instrument are formed from active verbs by prefixing 'i;' as, yumdu, to plough, iyumdu, a plough ; kasdeda, to split, i6asdc6e, a wedge ; kahiqta, to rake or sweep, i6ahiqte, a rake or broom. These again are frequently com- pounded with other nouns. See § 68. 2. Nouns of the person or agent are formed from active verbs by prefixing ' wa ;' as, ihaqgya, to destroy, waihaqgye, a destroyer ; yawaste, to bless, wayawaste, one who blesses, a blesser. 3. Many abstract nouns are formed from verbs and adjectives by prefixing ' wo ;' as, ihaqgya, /o destroy, woihaxigye, destruction ; wayazar), to be sick, wowayazar), sickness ; waoq^ida, merciful, wowaoq^ida, mercy ; waste, good, wowaste, goodness. 4. Some nouns are formed from verbs and adjectives by prefixing ' o ;' as, Avaqka, to lie down, owaqka, ajloor; apa, to strike, oape, a stroke ; owa, to mark or write, oowa, a mark or letter of the alphabet ; sni, cold, as an adjective, osni, cold, a noun ; maste, hot, oma^te, heat. 5. a. ' Wi6a,' prefixed to neuter and intransitive verbs and adjectives, sometimes forms of them abstract nouns ; as, yazaq, to be sick, wi6ayazar) and wawidayazai), sickness ; waste, good, wi6awa^te, goodness. b. It sometimes forms nouns of the agent ; as, yasi6a, to speak evil of, curse, widayasi6e, a curser. c. Some nouns, by prefixing ' wi6a ' or its contraction ' wi6,' have their significa- tion limited to the human species ; as, wi6a6aqte, the human heart ; widanape, the human hand; widoie, human words; widoliaq, human actions. We also have widaatkuku, a father or one's father ; widahuqku, one's mother; widadiqda, one's children. In like manner ' ta ' (not the possessive pronoun, but the generic name of ruminating animals, and particularly applied to the moose) is prefixed to the names of various members of the body, and limits the signification to such animals ; as, tacaqte, a buffalo or deei's heart ; tapa, a deer's head ; tacezi, o buffaloes tongue ; taha, a deer's skin ; tac'esdi, the ' hois de vache ' of the prairie. When to such nouns is prefixed ' wa ' (from wahai)ksic'a, a bear), their signification is limited to the bear species ; as, wapa, a bear''s head ; waha, a bear's skin ; wa^uij, a bear's den. In like manner, ' ho,' from hogai), a fish, prefixed to a few nouns, limits their signification to that genus ; as, hoape, _/?«A-_/fras ; hoa^ke, the bunch on the head of a fish. NOUNS. 3]; 6. Abstract nouns are formed from adjectives by prefixing ' wido,' which may be regarded as compounded of ' wi6a ' and ' wo ;' as waste, good, widowa^te, goodness, waoq^ida, vierciful ; wi6owaor) sida, mercy. 7. a. Nouns are formed from verbs in the intransitive or absolute state by suffixing ' pi ;' as, wowa, to paint or write, wowapi, (^they wrote something) something written, a writing or book ; wayawa, to count, wayawapi,^^Mres or arithmetic. b. Any verb may be used with the plural ending as a verbal noun or gerund, sometimes without, but more commonly with, the definite article ; as, i6azo, to take credit, i6azopi, credit ; wayawaste, to bless, wayawastepi, blessing; waihaijgya, /o destroy, waihaqgyapi, destroying ; e6or), to do, ecoqpi kiq, the doing of a thing. 8. When ' s'a ' is used after verbs, it denotes frequency of action, and gives them the force of nouns of the person; as, kage s'a, a maker; edoqpi s'a, doers ; yakogpi s'a, dwellers. Diminutives. § 63. ' Daq ' or ' na ' is suffixed to nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and verbs, and has sometimes a diminutive and sometimes a restrictive signification. 1. Suffixed to nouns, ' daq ' is generally diminutive ; as, mde, lake, mdedaq, little lake ; wakpa, river, wakpadai), little river or rivulet ; apa, some, apadai), a small part. 2. Some nouns now appear only with the diminutive ending, although they may formerly have been used without it; as, hoksidaq, boy ; suqlipadaq, little dog, puppy ; ^uqgidaq, fox. 3. Nouns ending with this diminutive take the plural termination before the daq ; as, hok^idaq, boy, hok^ipidaq, boys. 4. Some nouns ending in ' na,' when they take the plural form, change ' na ' into ' daq ;' as, wi6iqyaqna, girl, widiqyaqpidaq, girls ; wanistiqna, a few, plur. wani- stiqpidaq. In some cases ' daq ' is used only in the plural form ; as, tonana, a few, plur. tonanaqpidaq. The Ihar)ktoi)wai3s and Sisitogwaijs commonly use ' na,' and the Titoijwaijs ' la,' instead of ' dar),' for ihe diminutive ending; as, hoksina and hoksila, for hoksidaq. § 64. 1. ' Daq ' is often joined to adjectives and verbs, as the last principal word in the clause, although it properly belongs to the noun ; as, ^uktaqka waq waste-daq {horse a good-little), a good little horse, not a horse a little good ; ni6iqksi ceye-daq {thy-son cries-little), thy little son cries. 2. When used with a transitive verb, ' daq ' may belong either to the subject or the object of the verb; as, nisuqka suqka kiktedaq (thy-brother dog his-killed-little), thy little brother killed his dog, or thy brother killed his little dog. Gender. § 65. 1. Gender is sometimes distinguished by different names for the masculine and feminine; as, wicasta, man, winolliq6a, woman; tataqka, buffalo bull, pte, buffalo cow ; hehaka, the male elk, upaq, the female elk. 2. But more commonly the distinction is made by means of adjectives. ' Wi6a ' and ' wiqyaq ' denote the male and female of the human species ; as, hoksiyokopa 32 ETYMOLOGY. wi6a, a male cMc?, hok^iyokopa wiqyar), a female child. 'Mdoka' and 'wiye' distinguish the sex of animals ; as, tamdoka, a buck ; tawiyedaq, a doe, the 'daq' being diminutive. These words, however, are often written separately ; as, pagoqta mdoka, a drake ; zitkadaq wiye, a hen bird. In some instances contraction takes place ; as, suqg mdoka, a horse ; ^uqg wiye, a mare, from suqka. 3. Proper names of females of the human species frequently have 'wiq,' an abbreviation of ' wiqyar),' female, for their termination ; as, Totidutawii) (woman of her red house); Wakaqkaiiu^uwiq (female spirit that pays debts). Sometimes the diminutive ' wiqna ' is used for ' wiq ;' as, Mahpiwiqna (cloud woman). Number. § 66. To nouns belong two numbers, the singular and plural. 1. The plural of animate objects is denoted by the termination 'pi,' which is attached either to the noun itself; as, suqka, a dog, suqkapi, dogs ; or, as is more commonly the case, to the adjective or verb which follows it in the same phrase ; as, ^uqka ksapapi, wise dogs ; suqka e6or)pi, dogs did it. 2. a. Names of inanimate objects seldom take the plural termination, even when used with a plural meaning ; as, 6ar), a tree or trees ; maga, a field or fields. h. On the other hand, some nouns formed from verbs by adding the plural termination ' pi ' (§ 62. 7. a.) are used with a singular as well as a plural meaning ; as, tipi, a house or houses ; wowapi, a book or books. Case. § 67. Dakota nouns may be said to have two principal cases, the nominative and objective. The nominative and objective cases are usually known by the place which they occupy in the sentence. When two nouns are used, the one the subject and the other the object of the action, the subject is placed first, the object next, and the verb last ; as, wi6asta wag wowapi waq kaga, (yuan a book a made) a man made a book ; Dawid Sopiya wastedaka, (David Sophia loves) David loves Sophia ; Dakota Besdeke widaktepi, (Dakota Fox-Indian them-they-killed) the Dakotas killed the Fox Indians. When, from some consideration, it is manifest which must be the nominative, the arrangement may be diflferent ; as, y/idaita Wakai)tai)ka kaga, (man God made) God made man. As this distinction of case is rather syntactical than etymological, see further in the Syntax. Possession. § 68. The relation of two nouns to each other, as possessor and possessed, is sometimes indicated by placing them in juxtaposition, the name of the possessor coming first ; as, wahukeza ihupa, spear-handle ; tipi tiyopa, house-door ; wi6asta oie, man^s word. Sometimes the first noun suffers contraction; a&, mah.6\T)csi,, a gosling, iot maga ciijca (^roose-cA/W), mahiyumdu, a plough, for maga iyumdu (field-plough) ; mahicahiijte, a rake, for m4ga icahiijte (field- rake). NOUNS. 33 § 69. But the relation is pointed out more definitely by adding to the last term a possessive pronoun, either separate or incorporated. 1. Sometimes the pronouns ' tawa ' and ' tawapi ' are used after the second noun ; as, tataqka woyute tawa, (hiffalo food his) huf aid's food ; woyute suktaqka tawa- pi, (yfood horse theirs) horses' food ; wi6a^tayatapi tipi tawa, {chief house his) the chief's house. 2. a. But generally the possessive pronouns are prefixed to the name of the thing possessed ; as, tataqka tawote, (buffalo his-food) buffalo's food ; Dawid taaqpetu, {David his-day) the days of David. Sometimes ' ti ' is prefixed instead of ' ta ;' as, waqhiijkpe, an arrow ; Dawid tiwar)hiijkpe, David's arrow. Nouns commencing with ' i ' or ' o ' prefix ' t ' only ; as, ipahig, a pillow ; Hake tipahiq, Hake's pillow ; owiqia, a bed ; Hake towijjze, Hake's bed. Abstract nouns which commence witli ' wo ' drop the ' w ' and prefix ' t ;' as, wowaste, goodness ; Wa- kar)tai)ka towaste, Ood's goodness. (See § 23. 2. b.) b. Nouns expressing relationship form their genitive by means of the suffix pro- nouns ' ku,' ' 6u,' ' tku ;' as, suqka, younger brother, Dawid suqkaku, David's younger brother ; 6ii)ye, the elder brother of a man, Tomas 6iq6u, Thomas's elder brother ; 6iqk8i, a daughter, wi6asta diqksitku, man's daughter. Proper and Family Names. § 70. The proper names of the Dakotas are words, simple and compounded, which are in common use in the language. They are usually given to children by the father, grandfather, or some other influential relative. When young men have distinguished themselves in battle, they frequently take to themselves new names, as the names of distinguished ancestors or warriors now dead. The son of a chief, when he comes to the chieftainship, generally takes the name of his father or grandfather; so that the same names, as in other more powerful dynasties, are handed down along the royal lines. 1. a. Dakota proper names sometimes consist of a single noun ; as, Mahpiya, Cloud ; Hoksidai), Boy ; Wamdeni6a, Orphan; Wowadiqyai), Faith. b. Sometimes they consist of a single adjective ; as, Sakpe, {Six) Little-six, the chief at Prairieville. 2. a. But more frequently they are composed of a noun and adjective ; as, Ista- hba, {eyes-sleepy) Sleepy-eyes ; Tatar) ka-haq ska, {buffalo-long) Long buffalo ; Mato- hota, Grizzly-bear ; Wamdi-duta, Scarlet-eagle ; Mato-tamahe6a, Lean-bear ; Maza- hota. Grey-iron ; Maza-s'a, Sounding-metal ; Wapaha-sa, Red-Jlag-staff, called now Wabeshaw. b. Sometimes they are formed of two nouns ; as, Mahpiya-wi^asta, Cloud-man ; Pe^ihuta-wi^a^ta, Medicine-man; Ite-wakigyaq, Thunder-face. 3. Sometimes a possessive pronoun is prefixed ; as, Ta-mako6e, His country ; Ta-peta-tar)ka, His-great-fire ; Ta-oyate-duta, His-red-people. 4. a. Sometimes they consist of verbs in the intransitive form, which may be rendered by nouns ; as, Wakute, Shooter ; Wanapeya, One-who-causes-flight. 34 ETYMOLOGY, b. Sometimes they are compounded of a noun and verb; as, Aki6ita-naiiq, Standing-soldier or Sentinel ; Tatar)ka-na:iin, Standing-buffalo ; Mahpiya-mani, Walking-cloud ; Waqmdi-okiya, One-who-talks-with-the-cagle ; Mahpiya-hdinape, Cloud-that-appears-again. c. Sometimes they are formed of two verbs ; as, Ir)yar)g-mani, One-who-walks- running. In some instances a preposition is prefixed ; as, Anawar)g-mani, One- who-walks-as-he-gallops-on. § 71. The names of the women are formed in the same way, but generally have *wiq ' or 'wiqna,' yema/e, added; as, Aqpetu-sapa-wii), Black-day-woman ; Mahpi- wiqna, Cloud-woman. § 72. The Dakotas have no family or surnames. But the children of a family have particular names which belong to them, in the order of their birth, up to the fifth child. These names are, for boys, Caske, Hepar), Hepi, Cataq, and Hake. For girls, they are, Winona, Hapai), Hapistiqna, Waqske, and Wihake. Thus the first child, if a boy, is called Caske, if a girl, Winona ; the second, if a boy, is called Hepaq, and if a girl, Hapaq, etc. If there are more than five children in the family, the others have no names of this kind. § 73. The names of certain family relations, both male and female, are pre- sented in the following table : A Mail's. A Woman's. elder brother ciqye timdo elder sister taqke 6ur) younger brother sui)ka sur)ka younger sister taqk^i taqka male cousin tahaq^i ii^esi female cousin haqkasi i6epaqsi brother-in-law tahaq si<^e sister-in-law haqka i6epar). r^f The other relations, as, father, mother, uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother, etc., are designated, both by men and women, by the same names. CHAPTER IV. ADJECTIVES. § 74. 1. Most adjectives in Dakota may be considered as primitive ; as, ska, white, tar)ka, large, waste, good. 2. A few are formed from verbs by prefixing 'wa;' as, oq^ida, to have mercy on one, waoqsida, merciful ; caqtekiya, to love, wadaqtkiya, benevolent. ADJECTIVES. 35 § 75. Final ' a ' or ' ai) ' of many adjectives is changed into ' e ' when followed by certain particles, as, hiqda, do, kiq or 6ii), etc. : si6a, had, ^i6e hiqda, very had ; wi6asta ^i6e 6ir), the had man. Number. ^ 76. Adjectives have three numbers, the singular, dual, and plural. § 77. The dual is formed from the singular by prefixing or inserting 'ui),' the pronoun of the first person plural ; as, ksapa, wise ; wi6asta uqksapa, we two wise men; waoqsida, merciful ; waoi)siur)da, we two merciful ones. § 78. 1. The plural is formed by the addition of ' pi ' to the singular ; as, wa^te, good ; wi6asta wastepi, good men. 2. Another form of the plural which frequently occurs, especially in connexion with animals and inanimate objects, is made by a reduplication of one of the syllables. a. Sometimes the first syllable reduplicates ; as, ksapa, wise, plur. ksaksapa ; taqka, great, plur. taqktaqka. h. In some cases the last syllable reduplicates ; as, wa^te, good, plur. wa^te^te. c. And sometimes a middle syllable is reduphcated ; as, taijkir) jai), great or large, plur. taqkiqkiqyar). Comp arison. § 79. Adjectives are not inflected to denote degrees of comparison, but are increased or diminished in signification by means of adverbs. 1. a. What may be called the comparative degree is formed by sai^pa, more ; as, wa^te, good, saqpa waste, more good or hetter. When the name of the person or thing, with which the comparison is made, immediately precedes, the preposition 'i' is employed to indicate the relation, and is prefixed to saqpa; as, wi6a^ta kiq de isaqpa waste, this man is hetter than that. Sometimes ' sam iyeya,' which may be translated more advanced, is used ; as, sam iyeya wa^te, more advanced good or hetter. It is diflBcult to translate ' iyeya ' in tliis connexion, but it seems to convey the idea of passing on from one degree to another. h. Often, too, comparison is made by saying that one is good and another is bad ; as, de si6a, he waste, this is had, that is good, i. e. that is hetter than this. c. To diminish the signification of adjectives, ' kitaqna ' is often used ; as, taijka, large, kitaqna taqka, somewhat large, that is, not very large. ~^- 2. What may be called the superlative degree is formed by the use of ' iiina^ 'hiqca,' and 'iyotaq;' as, nina waste, or waste la.ir}6ii, very good; iyotaq wa^te, best. 36 ETYMOLOGY. NUMERAL ADJECTIVES. Cardinals. § 80. The cardinal numerals are as follows waq6a, waqi^i, or waq^idaq, one. nor) pa, two. yamni, three. topa, four. zap tag, Jive. sakpe, six. sakowiq, seven. sahdogaq, eight. nap6iqwaqka, nine. wik6emna, wik6emna nor) pa, wik6emna yamni, wik6emna topa, opawiqge, opawiqge noqpa, kektopawiqge, woyawa taqka. ten. twenty, thirty, forty, a hundred, two hundred, a thousand, the great count, or a million. 1. The numbers from eleven to eighteen inclusive, are formed in two ways : a. By ake, again; as, ake waqzidai), eleven; ake noqpa, twelve; ake yamni, thirteen, etc. Written in full, these would be wik6emna ake war)i;idar), ten again one ; wik6emna ake nor)pa, ten again two, etc. In counting, the Dakotas use their fingers, bending them down as they pass on, until they reach ten. They then turn down a little finger, to remind them that one ten is laid away, and commence again. When the second ten is counted, another finger goes down, and so on. b. By saqpa, more ; as, wikcemna saqpa waq^idar), te7i more one, (10 + 1) or eleven; wik6emna saqpa topa, (10 + 4) fourteen ; wik6emna sagpa sahdogar), (10 + 8) eighteen. 2. Nineteen is formed by uqma, the other ; as, uqma napdiqwaqka, the other nine. 3. a. Wik6emna noqpa is (10 x 2) twenty, and so with thirty, forty, etc. The numbers between these are formed in the same way as between eleven and eighteen ; as, wikdemna noqpa saqpa waqiiidaq, or, wik6emna noqpa ake war)i;idar), (10X2+1) twenty-one ; wik6emna noigpa saqpa nap6iqwaqka, (10 x 2 + 9) twenty-nine ; wik6e- mna yamni saqpa topa, (10x3 + 4) thirty-four; wikdemna zaptaq saqpa nap6iq- waqka, (10 x 5 + 9) fifty-nine. Over one hundred, numbers are still formed in the same way ; as, opawiqge saqpa wik6emna sakpe saqpa sakowiq, (100 + [10X6] +7) one hundred and sixty-seven; kektopawiqge noqpa saqpa opawiqge zaptaq saqpa wik6enuia yamni saqpa sakpe, ([1000 x 2] + [100 x 5] + [10 x 3] + 6) two thousand five hundred and thirty-six. b. The numbers between twenty and thirty, thirty and forty, etc., are occasionally expressed by placing an ordinal before the cardinal, which denotes that it is so many in such a ten ; as, iyamni topa, four of the third (ten) i. e. twenty-four ; itopa yamni, three of the fourth (ten) i. e. thirty-three. § 81. Numeral adjectives by reduplicating a syllable express the idea of two and two or by twos, three and three or by threes, etc. ; as, nomnoqpa, by twos ; yamnimni, by threes ; toptopa, by fours, etc. ADVERBS. 37 (1.) Waqiikzi, the reduplicate of wai)ii, properly means hy ones, but is used to signify a few. (2.) Noijpa and topa are often contracted into nom and torn ; and are generally reduplicated in this form ; as, nomnom, hy twos ; tomtom, by fours. (3.) Yamni, zaptag, sakowir), and wikc'emna, reduplicate the last syllable ; as, yamnimni, zaptaijptai), sakowiijwii), and wikcemnamna. The same is true of opawiijge and kektopawii)ge ; as, opawiqgege, by hundreds. (4.) Napciowaijka and ^ahdogaij reduplicate a middle syllable, as, napcii(wai)gwai)ka, by nines, 4ahdohdogag, by eights. § 82. Wai]6a, noqpa, yamni, etc., are also used for once, twice, thrice, etc. Noqpa noqpa he6en topa, twice two so four, that is, twice two are four. And ' akihde ' is sometimes used for this purpose ; as, noqpa akihde noi)pa, two times two. § 83 1. 'Daq ' or 'na,' suffixed to numeral adjectives, is restrictive ; as, yanrni, three, ysunnins,, only three ; zsiptar},fve, za,ptaT:)iiaL, only fve. 2. With monosyllabic words ' na ' is doubled, as, nom, two, nomnana, only two ; tOTa, four, tomnana, only four ; huqh, a part, huqllnana, only a part. Ordinals. § 84. 1. The ordinal numbers, after tokaheya,/r5/, are formed from cardinals by prefixing ' i,' ' i6i,' and ' yi'idi ;' as, inoqpa, i6inor)pa, and vsfi6inoqpa, second ; iyamni, i6iyamni, and vsri^iyamni, third; itopa, i6itopa, and wi6itopa, fourth; iwik6emna, tenth, etc. 2. In like manner we have iake waq^i, eleventh ; iake noqpa, twelfth ; lake yamni, thirteenth, etc.; iwik6emna noqpa, twentieth; iopawiqge, one hundredth, etc. § 85. When several numbers are used together, the last only has the ordinal form ; as, wik6emna noqpa saqpa iyamni, twenty-third ; opawiqge saqpa iake noqpa, hundred and twelfth. CHAPTER V. ADVERBS. § 86. There are some adverbs, in very common use, whose derivation from other parts of speech is not now apparent, and which may therefore be considered as primitives ; as, e6a, when ; kuya and kun, under, below ; kitaqna, a little, not much ; nina and liir)6a, very ; ohiqni, always; saqpa, more ; taqkan, without, out of doors ; waqna, now, etc. § 87. But adverbs in Dakota are, for the most part, derived from demonstrative pronouns, adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs ; and in some instances from other parts of speech. 1. Adverbs are formed from demonstrative pronouns, by adding 'han' and 'haq,' ' ken ' and ' 6en,' ' ketu ' and ' 6etu,' ' en,' ' ki ' and ' kiya,' ' on or over, as water ; to overfioiv. a-pa'-sbu, v. n. (a and pasbu) to come up on. a-pa'-sdo-ka, v. a. (a and pasdoka) to pull or shove off on, as one's coat, — awapaMoka. a-pa'-si-ca, v. a. (a and pasica) to soil or injure by rubbing on any thing, — awapasica. a-pa'-spa, v. a. (a and paspa) to break off a piece on any thing, — awapaspa. a-pa'-spu, V. a. (a and paspu) to pull off on any thing ; to pick off or rub off, as one thing stick- ing on another, — awapaspii. a-pa'-su-za, v. a. (a and pasuza) to mash or crush on any thing, — awapasuza. a-pa'-ta, v. a. (a and pata) to cut up on, as meat on a block, — awapata. a-pa'-tar], v. a. (a and patai)) to reserve or take care of for a purpose, — awapatar). a-pa'-tar), v. a. (a and patai)) to push against, — awapatai). a-pa'-ti-ca, v. «. (a and patica) to scrape off' from, as snow from the ground, — awapatica. a-pa'-ti-tar), v. a. (a and patitaij) to push or bra£e against, — awapatitai). a-pa'-tu-za, v. a. (a and patuza) to stoop down on or over, — awapatu^a. a-pa'-^a, v. a. (a and pata) to kill by p>ressing on any thing, — awapata. APA 22 ASB a-pa'-tir)-za, v. a. (a and patiijza) to press tight on, to make stiff on, — awapatioza- a-pa'-to, V. n. to obstruct, oppose, prevent progress, — amapato. a-pa'-to-ya, v. a. to obstruct, stop, hinder, — apa- towaya, apatomayai). a-pa'-tO-ya, adv. in an obstructing manner. a-pa'-'war]-ka, v. a. (a and pawaijka) to push down on any thing, — awapawai)ka. a-pa'-"we-ga, v. a. (a and pawega) to break partly, as a stick, on any thing, — awapawega. a-pa'-vreh, cont. of apawega : apaweh iyeya. a-pa'-Aviii-ga, v. n. to go round in circles on or over. a-pa'-"wii)li, cont. of apawi;)ga : apawii^li iyaya. a-pa'-'wirjs, cont. of apawiqza : apawiijs iyeya. a-pa'-Aviq-ta, v. a. (a and pawiqta) to rub on, — awapawiijta. a-pa'-'wiii-za, v. a. (a and pawiqza) to bend or press down, as grass, on any thing, — awapa- wigia. a'-pa-ye, n. seasoning, any thing like meat or grease boiled with corn. See wapaye. a'-pa-ye-ya, v. a. to use a thing for seasoning, — apayewaya. a-pa'-zo, V. a. (a and pazo) to show or point to on any thing ; to point at : nape amapazo, he points his finger at me, — awapazo. a-pa'-zur)-ta, v. a. (a and pazuijta) to stitch or run up in sewing on any thing, — awapazuijta. a-pa'-za-za, v. a. (a and paiaza) to wash by rubbing on any thing, — awapaiaza. a-pa'-zi-pa, v. a. (a and paiipa) to prick ox pinch on any thing, — awapazipa. a-pa'-zu-zu, v. a. (a and pazuzu) to rub out on any thing, — awapaiuzu. a-pce'-ya, v. a. (a and pc'eya) to cut and dry, as meat, on any thing, — awapceya. a-pe', V. a. to wait for, wait on ; to hope for, ex- pect : u ape, to wait for one to come ; ye ape, to wait for one to go, or desire one to go along, — awape, ayape, uijkapepi. a-pe', n. a leaf of a tree, leaves ; a blade of corn or grass ; a fin of a fish, as in hoape. a-p'e', V. Same as ap'a. a-pe'-hai), v. a. (a and pehaij) to fold on any thing, — awapehai). a-pe'-hii], n. the mane of a horee. a-pe'-sa, n. the red-fin, a species of fish. a-pe'-sa-sa, n. Same as apesa. a-pe'-ya, adv. loaiting for, hoping for. a-pe'-za-ta, n. the forked-fin, a species of fish. a-pis', cont. of apiia. a-pis'-pi-za, v. red. of apiia ; to be lorinkled on. a-pis'-ya, adv. in a lurinkled planner. a-pi'-za, V. n. to be wrinkled on any thing, — ama- piza. a'-po, V. pi. imperat. of a. a-po', V. n. (a and po) to swell on, — amapo. a-po'-nma-mna, v. a. (a and pomnamna) to shake or wag the head about, — apowamnanma. a-po'-ptar)-ptai}, v. a. (a and poptaqptaij) to shake the head about, dissent from, — apowaptai)- ptai). a-po'-tpo-ta, V. n. to be worn out or ragged on. a-po'-tpo-ta-hai), part, worn out on, ragged. a-psa', V. a. (a and psa) to sneeze on any thing, — awapsa. a-psa'-psa, adj. thick, close together, as grass, etc. a-psa'-psa-ya, adj. thickly set, in a close state. a-ptai]'-ptar), v. n. (a and ptagptai)) to roll about on, — amaptai) ptai) . a-ptai)'-yar), v. n. to roll over on, fall on ; to fall from, — amaptaqyai), aniptai)yar). a-ptu'-za-hai], part, cracked or split on. a-pus', cont. of apuza. a-pus'-pu-za, v. red. of apuza. a-pus'-ya, v. a. (a and pusya) to cause to dry on, — apuswaya. a-pus'-ya, adv. in the manner of drying on. ■ a-pu'-tag, cont. of aputaka. a-pu'-tag-ya, v. a. to cause to touch. a-pu'-tag-ya, adv. in the manner of touching. a-pu'-ta-ka, v. a. (a and putaka) to touch, lay on, as the hand, etc. : nape amaputaka, he placed his hand upon me. a-pu'-za, V. n. (a and puza) to dry on, become dry on one, as clothes, — amapuza. a-po', V. n. (a and po) there is fog on a thing, a-sa'-ka, v. n. (a and saka) to become dry or hard upon, — amasaka. a-sar)', v. n. (a and saii) to become whitish or greyish : asaij eyakn, to take a greyish stain. a'-sar), adv. Same as osaij. a-sai)'-pi, n. (aze and haripi) milk of any kind, breast milk ; pte asaijpi, cow''s milk. a-sar)'-pi-i-hdi, n. the oil of milk, i. e. cream, butter. a-sai)'-pi-iii-ni, n. thick milk. a-sar)'-pi-su-ta, n. luird milk, i. e. cheese. a-sar)'-pi-ta-sa-ka, n. hardened or frozen milk, i. e. cheese. a-sa'-pa, v. a. (a and sapa) to become black on : asapa eyaku, to take a black stain. a-sas'-ya, adv. of asaza ; slowly, gently, stilly. a-sas'-ye-dar), adv. gently, slotoly. a-sa'-za, adj. gentle. Not much used. a-sba'-har), 2^^^- 'ravelling on. See sbahai). a-sbu'-har), ^w/V. crumbling on. See sbuhaij. ASD 23 ASK a-sda', V. n. (a and sda) to be greasy on any thing. a-sdi'-pa, v. a. (a and sdipa) to lick off, lick from, as a dog does. a-sdo'-har), v. n. (a and sdohai)) to crawl along on any thing, — awasdohai). a-si'-eu-tor), v. a. to sole, put on a sole, as on a moccasin, shoe, etc., — asicuwatoi). a-s'il)', V. n. to sponge, loaf, hang about a place to get something to eat, — awas'ir). a-s'ir)'-s'ir)) '»• ^^^- of *>*'i')- a-ska', V. n. (a and ska) to become white on. a'-skam, cont. of dskapa. a-skam'-tor), v. a. to make stick on, to seal, — askamwatoij. a'-skam-ya, v. a. to make stick on, to seal, — askamwaya. a-skai)', V. n. (a and skai)) to melt or thaw on ; to disappear from, as snow. as'-kar), n. (aze and kaij) the cords and veins of the breast. a'-ska-pa, v. n. to stick to or on, adhere to, — amaskapa. a-ske'-pa, v. n. (a and skepa) to leak out on. a-smag'-ya, adv. (a and smaka) in an indented manner : asmagya waijka. a-sna'-sna, (a and snasna) to ring or rattle on. a-sni', V. n. to recover or get well from sickness ; to recover from anger, etc., — amasni, anisni, ur)kasnipi. a-sni'-ki-ya, v. a. to heal, cause to get well, — asniwakiya. a-sni'-yar), v. a. to cause to get well, to cure, — asniwaya, asniui}yar)pi. a-sni'-y ar)-ken, adv. in the way of recovering. SL-SOT]', V. a. (a and soi)) to plait or braid on any thing, — awasoi) . a-so'-so, V, a. (a and soso) to cut into strings on any place, — awasoso. a-spar)', v. n. (a and spai)) to become soft or melt on, as snow on any thing. a-spa'-ya, v. n. (a and spaya) to become wet on ; to sink in water, as in drowning, — amaspaya. a'-spe-ya, v. a. to cause to sink down, as an anchor in water ; to buoy up ; to weigh, — aspe- waya : maza aspeyapi, an anchor ; or) aspeyapi, scales, a steelyard. a-spe'-ye-toi), v. a. to weigh any thing ; to balance, — aspeyewatoi] . a'-sto-ya, v. a. (a and stoya) to smooth doion upon. a-su'-ta, V. n. (a and suta) to become hard or strong upon, — amasuta. a-su'-ton, V. n. (a and sutoij) to become ripe on or upon, as seed. a-sa', V. n. (a and i&) to become reddish ; a,i& eyaku, to take a red stain. a-s'a', V. a. (a and s'a) to shout at or on account of, — awas'a. a-s'a'-ka, v. n. to be coated or furred, as the tongue in sickness ; to he dirty, as a gun that needs cleaning out. a-s'a'-ko-'wii)-na, adv. mightily, strongly ; as'a- kowiijna ecoi). a-sam', cont. of asapa. a-sam'-ya, v. a. to defile, make dirty, — asam- waya. a-sam'-ya, adv. dirtily, in a defiled manner. a-sa'-pa, v. n. (a and ^apa) to become black or dirty on any thing, — amasapa. a-sbe', V. n. Same as a^ma. a-sbe'-ya, adv. deeply, in a deep manner. a-slDu', V. n. (a and ^bu) to drop, as water, on any thing. a-sbu'-ya, v. a. to cause to drop cm, as water, — asbuwaya. a-sda', V. n. (a and idn) to be bare on any thing. a-sdo', V. n. (a and sdo) to fuse or melt, as metals, on any thing. a-sdo'-ya, v. a. to cause to melt on, — asdowaya. a-sdun'-ya, v. a. (a and sdunya) to make slip on, a-sdu'-sdu-ta, v. n. (a and ^du^duta) to be slip- pery on. a-se'-ca, v. n. (a and seca) to become dry or seasoned on any thing. a-si'-ca, v. n. (a and sic'a) to become bad or un- pleasant on or for. a-si'-ea-Rdo, v. a. to growl about, complain of, — asicawahdo. a-si'-ea-ya, adv. badly, unpleasantly. a-si'-ea-ya-ken, adv. unpleasantly. a-si'-ce-ca-ke, adj. unpleasant, as the weather or country. See o^icecake. a-sin'-ya, adv. badly, sadly. a-sin'-ya-ken, adv. badly, unpleasantly. a-ska'-dar], adv. soon, presently ; near, close by. a-ska'-dar)-liir), adv. very near ; very soon. a-ska'-ka, adv. soon, near. a-ska'-na, adv. (Ihank.) Same as askadaij. a-skar)'-skar), v. n. (a and skai)lkaij) to move about on any thing. a-skar)'-skar)-yai], adv. moving about on. a-ska'-ta, v. n. (a and skata) to play on any- place,— awaskata. a-ska'-tu-dar), adv. lately, not long since. a-ska'-tu-ya, adv. not long ago. a-ska'-tu-ye-dar), adv. lately, but a short time- ago. a-ska'-ye-dar), n/lv. for a little while, not endur- ing. ASK 24 ATP a-ske', n. the tufl or hunch of hair which some Dakotas wear on the top of their heads : a^ke yuwipi, the hunch of hair tied up. a-ske'-har), v. n. (a and skehaij) to frisk or jump ahout on. a-skom'-ya, axlv. crookedly, in an arched man- ner. a-sko'-pa, v. n. (a and ^kopa) to he crooked on or arched. a-sma', v. n. (a and sma) to he deep, as water, o/n any place. a-sni'-za, v. n. (a and sniia) to he wilted or lolthered on or for. a-so'-ka, v. n. (a and soka) to he thick, as a board, on any thing. a-Bo'-ta, V. n. (a and sota) to he smoky on or at. a-spar)', v. n. (a and spai)) to be cooked or humt on or hy any thing. a-stun'-ya, v. a. to cause to thaw cm, — astun- waya. a-stu'-ta, V. n. (a and stuta) to thaw on any thing. a-sui]'-pa, V. n. (a and suppa) to shed on, as the quills of geese. a-su'-ta, V. a. (a and suta) to miss, fail of, — asuwata. a'-ta, suffix, prep, to, at, on. When suffixed to nouns ending in a, it becomes ta alone, as maga, a field, magata, at the field ; in other cases, a y is introduced for euphony, as ti, a house, tiyata, to the house ; oai), wood, caijyata, at the woods. a-ta'-go-sa, v. a. (a and tagosa) to spiit on any thing, — atagowasa. a-ta'-kir)-yar), adv. leaning on, not jierjyendi- cular : wi atakiijyaq yarjka, the sun is declining. a-ta'-kpe, v. a. (a and takpe) to make an attack on, — atawakpe. a-tail', V. a. to care for, have respect for, — awa- tar) ; atai)sni, to disregard, throw aivay. a-tar)'-ii), v. n. (a and taijii)) to appear on, he manifest. a-tar)'-iii-ir), v. red. of ataijiij. a-tar)'-ir)-siii-yar), adv. in a lost manner. a-tar)'-il]-yai), adv. appearing, manifestly. a-tai^'-ka, v. n. (a and ta:oka) to he large on or in addition to ; to be larger. a-tar)'-ka-dai), dim. of ataijka. a-tar)'-ka-ya, adv. widely, extensively. a-taj}'-se, adv. silently, stilly : ataijse yai)ka. a-ta'-pa, v. n. (a and tapa) to follow after on any thing. a-ta'-sa-ka, v. n. (a and tasaka) to become stiff or luird on, as clothes, — amatasaka. a.-tas'-ta-za, v. n. red. of ataia ; to he rough or ,^;«. wave.!: on one, as water. a-ta'-te-yar)-pa, v. n. (a and tateyaijpa) to blow upon any thing, as the wind does. a-ta'-tpe, v. Same as atakpe. a-ta'-ya, v. a. to go directly to any thing ; to he fortunate in reference to, — atawaya. a -ta-ye-dai], adv. directly, without a medium : atayedai) e. o. (a and waciij) to «»e or bach- bone, the vertebrw. ear)-kah'-oq-pa, v. a. (c'aqkaga and oi)pa) to lay or place logs to walk on, to bridge. caij-kali'-og-pa-pi, n. logs laid to walk on, a bridge : iqyai) caqkaioripapi, a stone bridge. eag-ka'-hpa-hpa, n. shingles ; i. q. capbakpa. 6ar)-ka'-kir)-za, v. n. to svnng and creak, as trees in the wind. ear)-ka'-sur)-ta, n. (caijka and suijta) the spinal marroio. ear)-ka'-ska, v. (caij and ka^ka) to bind wood together ; to inclose with wood, to fortify, — daij- wakaska ; c'aijkaska yagka, to be fortified. ear)-ka'-sko-kpa, n. (&i) and kaskokpa) wood hewed out, a trough. eaq-ka'-sko-tpa, n. Same as daijkaskokpa. cai)'-ka-zi-pa, v. to shave ov plane wood. ear)-ka'-zi-pe, n. (caq and kaiipa) a carpenter. ear)-ko'-ye, n. the parts along the back. car)-ko'-ye-sir(, n. the fat along the back and sides. ear)-ko'-zu-ha (caqka aTid oiuha) a tobacco- pouch or bag, so called because they carry in it their flint and steel ; a medicine-bag. ear)-kpe', n. the tibia ; the bone in the hind leg of animals below the knee ; cai)kpe huvvakipe, the fibula. eai)-kpe'-ca-ka, n. one who is furious ; i. q. tuwe ohitii(Jida kii). 6ai)-ksi', V. n. to be angry, irritated, — c'ai)wak&i. 6 car)-ksi'-ksi, v. red. of caijksi. ear)-ksi'-ksi-ka, n. one who is petulant. ear)-ksi'-ksi-ya, adv. red. of cariksiya. ear)-ksi'-ya, adv. angrily, in a petulant manner. ear)-ksi'-ya-har), adv. crossly. 6ar)-ku', n. a road, way, path, trail. ear)-ku'-ya, v. to make for a road, have far a road, — car)kuwaya. car)-ku'-ye, n. a row, as of corn, etc. ear)-ku'-ye-tor), v. to be in rows ot furrows. ear)-ku'-ye-tor)-tor), v. to make rows or fur- rows, as a plough, — daijkuyetoijtoi) aya. ear)-ku'-ye-tor)-tor)-yar), adv. in rows or fur- roivs. cai)-ina'-ko-pa-za, n. wood, trees. The sacred name. ear)'-ini-ni-ea-zo, n. a sawyer in the river. ear)-na', n. See c'ana, the better orthography. 6ar)-na'-ksa, n. a war-club, i. q. caijhpi ; perhaps, a club broken off with the foot. ear)-nan', adv. out from the shore, in the middle of the river : pacaijnan iyeya, to shove off a boat. eaQ-nan'-tki-ya, adv. oxUfrom the shore, towards the middle of a stream. ear)-nan'-'wa-pa, adv. out from the shore, fur- ther out. ear)-ni'-ki-ya, v. n. to be angry. See c'aijniyai). cai)-ni'-yar), v. n. to be angry, — caqmaniyaq, caijniniyai), o'ai)ur)niyai)pi. 6ar)-ni'-ye-ki-ei-ya-pi, v. to be angry with one another. As a noun, anger, malice. ear)-ni'-ye-ki-ya, v. a. to make angry, — caijni- yewakiya. ear)-ni'-ye-ya, v. a. to he angry at, offended with, — caijniyewaya, caijniyeyaya, c'ai)niyeui)yai)pi, cai)niyeciya, cai)niyemayaya. car)-nl'-ye-ya-pi, n. an object of anger ; anger. ear)-nor)'-pa, v. See c'aijnuijpa. earj-num', cont. of c'a7)nui)pa ; cagnnm mani, to smoke as one walks. 6ai)-nur)'-pa, v. n. (caijdi and uijpa) to smoke tobacco : cai)nui)mui)pa, / smoke ; ($a;jnunui)pa, you smoke ; daijnuij^oiipapi, we smoke. eaq'-o-hna-hna-ka-pi, ». (cari olma and hnaka) a coffin. car)-o'-hna-ka, n. (daij a7id ohnaka) a trunk, box. See car)wohnaka. earj-o'-ka-lipa-hpa, n. (c'ai) and kahpa) chipis. ear)-o'-pa-nina, n. sprouts groiuing up round a stump. ear)-o'-pi-ye, n. (c'ai) and opiye) a dressing-ease, a work-box. See caijwopiye. ear)-o'-ti-dar), n. the Dakota god of the woods — an vmknown animal said to resemble a man, which the Dakotas worship ; perhaps, the monkey. GAIJ 4S CAlf cai)'-0-tO-za, n. (daij and toza) a round stick. car)'-o-war)-ca-ya, «. jworf aZ^ over, i. e. a /ore*/. car)-pa', w. choke-cherries, of the genus prunus. car)-pa'-gnii-gma, m. (Titoijwai)) See caijpaLmi- hma. eaQ-pa'-hmi-hma, n. (cai) and pahmihma) a cart, waggon, any vehicle. car)-pa'-hini-hina-hu-nor)-pa, n. a cart, two- wheeled carriage. earj-pa'-hmi-hma-hu-to-pa, n a waggon, a four-wheeled carriage. eaQ-pa'-hu, n. dwke-cherry hushes. car)-pa'-kir), v. (cai) and pakiq) to set up a stick in the ground to point the way one is going, — caijwapakii). ear)-pa'-kir), n. the stick thus set up pointing the direction one has gone. eai)-pa'-kir)-za, v. (caq and pakii)za) to play on the violin, — ca^wapakiijza. car)-pa'-kir)-za-pi, n. a violin. car)-pa'-kmi-kma, n. (Ihank.) See ca^pahmi- hma. car)-pa'-ksa, n. (caij pa and ksa) a stump. car)-pa'-nina, u. the bunch of sprouts that grow at the root of a tree or stump. See oaqopamna. eai)-pa'-nnii-nma, n. (Mdewa.) See cai)pahmi- hma. caQ-pa'-sa-pa-vri, n. (caijpa sapa and wi) the moon when choke-cherries are black, August. ear)-pe'-ska, adv. on the knees : caqpeska make- hdeya inaziq, to stand on one's knees, i. e. to kneel. car)-pteh', adv. well, very well : caqpteh sdon- ya, to know a thing tvell ; cai)pteh anagoptai). cag-pteh'-ya, adv. well. car)-sa'-ka-dar), n. (c'aij and saka) a switch, a twig, a rod. cai)-sai)', n. a pillory. cai)-sag'-se, adv. quickly, in haste. See cai)- caqse. car)S-nma', adj. unpleasant to the taste, as lean meat ; i. q. mazamna sececa. car)-su', n. (cai) and su) hickory-nuts, hickory- wood. car)-su'-hu, n. the hickory-tree, the walnut of New England ; Carya alba. caij'-su-s'be-ea, n. (cai) and susbec'a) a wooden cross. See susbeca. cag-sa'-sa, n. the bark which the Dakotas mix with their tobacco for smoking. This they take from two or three bushes, one a species of dog- wood and the others a kind of willow. car)-sa'-sa-hir)-ca-ke, n. a species of comus or dogwood, the bark of which is considered the best for smoking. ear)-sii)', n. (c'aij and i\ri) the gum or resin that oozes from trees, pitch-plaster ; the pitch pine- tree, from which the gum oozes. caQ-sirj'-ea-hpu, n. a small species of bird. ear)-sir)'-sir)-na, n. a plant from which gum oozes when it is broken off ; perhaps a species of camomile. ear)-ska', n. a species of hawk. eax)-ska'-"war)-indi-dar), n. a species of kite or eagle. car)-ske'-du-ta, n. the red bird. cai)-su'-ska, n. the box-elder, Acer negundo. See taskadai). eai)t-a'-hde, v. a. (cai)te and ahde) to desire, wish for, set the heart upon ; especially, to set the heart on for evil, determine evil against one, — caqtawa- hde, cai)tayahde, cai)taui)hdepi, cai)tacihde. ear)t-a'-hde-pi, n. a determining evil against. ear)t-a'-hde-ya, v. a. to cause to set the heart against, — cai) tahdewaya. cai)-te', n. the heart of men and animals ; the seat of the affections : caijte yukai), to have a heart, to he kindly disposed ; cai)te wanica, to have no heart ; micarite, my lieart : also, the eye of com, the germinating part of seeds. ear)-te'-a-sni, v. n. to recover from anger or sor- row,— cai)teamasni. ear)-te'-a-sni-yar), v. a. to cause to recover from sorrow, — caijteasniwaya. car)-te'-en-a-i, v. to take to heart, be displeased, — caqteenawai. cai)-te'-en-yu-za, v. to have or hold in the heart, to esteem, — cai)teenmduza. earj-te'-ha-ha-dar), adj. quick-tempered, — cai)te- mahahadai). ear)-te'-ha-ha-ye-dar), adj. quick-tempered, iras- cible. ear)-te'-hni-yar)-yar), v. n. to be disturbed or distressed, as when one's food hurts him, — c'aijte- mahniyaqyai). carj-te'-i-ki-eui), v. to sustain oneself, have com- mand over oneself; to be resolute; i. q. sagi- ^iya, — c'ai)teiwe^ui). eai)-te'-i-ki-cur)-yai), adv. resolutely, restrain- ing oneself. 6ai)-te'-ka-ze, v. n. to he distressed, as when one is thirsty while eating, — caijtemakaze. ear)-te'-ki-ei-ei-ya-pi, n. loving each other. See caijtekiya. car)-te'-ki-6ut), v. See daijteiki^ui). car)-te'-kl-ya, v. a. to love, have an interest in or affection for, which prompts to benevolent acts, — cai)tewakiya, cai)teyakiya, cai)teui)kiyapi, ca^te- c'iciya, c'aqtemayakiya. ear)-te'-ki-ya-pi, n. love, benevolence ; one loved. CAlf 43 CAIJ ear)-te'-ki-yu-za, v. a. to hold in the heart for good or ill ; to have an opinion of, whether good or bad : taijyai) caqtewakiyuza, I hold him in my, heart for ()ood. caq-te'-o-ki-eu-ni-ea, v. n. to be offended ; i. q. cai)teptai)yan : cai)teowe(Junioa, / am angry at. ear)-te'-o-ki-eu-nin, cont. of dai)teoki(Junica. cag-te'-o-ki-eu-nin-ya, v. a. to offend, make angry by opposition, — cagteoki^Juninwaya. earj-te'-OQ-si-ka, adj. low-spirited, — caijteoijma- sika. caQ-te'-O-yu-ze, n. inclination, intention. See cai)teoze. ear)-te'-0-ze, n. the way the heart is affected, mind, thought, purpose, — micaijteoze. eai)-te'-o-ze-ya, adv. with the whole heart. eag-te'-ptarj-yai), v. n. to be angry, be in a passion, — daijternaptaqyai), cai)teniptai)yai). ear)-te'-ptar)-yar), adj. angry. From this comes wocai)teptai)ye, anger, wrath. car)-te'-ptar)-ye-ya, v. a. to make angry, to provoke, — caijteptaqyewaya. car)-te'-ske-pa, v. n. to have the heart pass away ; to be surfeited, sick. See canskepa. eaq-te'-so-so-pi-se-ea, v. n. to be terrified, miserable, have the heart cut into strings as it were, — cai) temasosopiseca. ear)-te'-su-ta, v. n. to be firm of heart ; to he brave, not coioardly, — caqtemasuta. ear)-te'-si-ca, v. n. to be sad, sorrowful, — daqte- masica, daqtenisica, caijteuijsidapi. ear)-te'-si-ea-ya, adv. sadly, sorrowfully. ear)-te'-sin-ya, v. a. to make sad, sadden, — daijtesinwaya. cag-te'-sin-ya, adv. sorrowfully. ear)-te'-sin-ya-ken, adv. sadly. car)-te'-tir)S-ya, v. a. to strengthen the heart, encourage, — dai)tetii)swaya. eai)-te'-tir)s-ya, adv. courageously. car)-te'-tir)-za, v. n. to be firm of heart, coura- geous,— daqtematiqza. eag-te'-'Wa-ni-oa, v. n. to be heartless, unprinci- pled, mean, wicked, — caijtemanida. ear)-te'-wa-ste, v. n. to be glad, cheerful, joyful, — -cai) temawaste. eai)-te'-wa-ste-ya, v. a. to make glad, gladden, — cai) tewastewaya. eai)-te'-wa-ste-ya, adv. joyfully, cheerfully. cag-te'-ya-si-ea, v. a. to tnake sad by talking to, to dishearten, — daijtemdasida. eag-te'-ya-tigs, cont. of caqteyatiijza. cag-te'-ya-tig-za, v. a. to cheer up by words ; to comfort, strengthen, — caijtemdatiijza. 6ag-te'-ya-wa-ste, v. a. to make happy by words, — daijtemdawaste. eag-te'-yu-kag, v. n. to have a heart, be benevo- lent,— caqtemayukai), cai)teniyukai). cag-te'-yu-za, w. n. to think, form an opinion,- — caijtemduza : tokei) caqteduza he, what is your opinion ? eagt-i'-ea-spe-ya, v. a. to satisfy the desires of the heart, whether good or bad ; to gratify one^s desires, — caqtidaspewaya. oagt-i'-he-ya, v. a. to set the heart upon, to desire very much, covet, — caqtihewaya, caijti- heyaya, cai)tiheui)yar)pi. eagt-ig'-yug, adv. voluntarily. cagt-i'-ya-hde, v. n. to be angry, meditate evil, — cai)tiyamahde. cagt-i'-ya-hde-pi, n. malice, anger. See wocai)t- iyahde. eagt-i'-ya-hde-ya, v. a. to be angry at ; to make angry, — cai)tiyahdewaya. eagt-i'-ya-hde-ya, adv. angrily. cagt-i'-yo-zi, v. n. to get over one's anger, — caijtiyomazi. eagt-ka'-spe-ya, v. n. to be provoked, be emulous ; to relieve oneself, gratify one's desires, — daijtka- spcwaya. See daqtidaspeya. eagt-ki'-ya, v. See daqtekiya. eai)t-o'-cu-ni-ca, v. n. to be irritated, angry. See daqteoki^unica. eagt-o'-eu-nin-ya, v. a. to make ashamed or angry — daijto^Juninwaya. eagt-o'-gag, n. the pericardium. eagt-o'-ge, n. (daqte and oge) the pericardium. cagt-o'-gig, n. the pericardium. cagt-o'-hnag-ya, v. a. to cause to place in the lieart, — caqtohnagwaya. eant-o'-hnag-ya, adv. in a loving manner. eagt-o'-hna-ka, v. a. (daijte and ohnaka) to place in the affections, to love, — cai)towahnaka, cai)toui)hnakapi. eagt-o'-hna-ka-pi, n. love. eagt-o'-ki-hna-ka, v. pos. of caqtohnaka; to place in one's heart, — dai)towakihnaka. eagt-o'-kpa-ni, v. a. (dante and okpani) to desire, long for any thing, — eaijtowakpani, cagto- urikpanipi. eagt-o'-kpa-ni-yag, v. a. to cause to long for, — daijtokpaniwaya. eagt-o'-kpa-ni-yag, adv. longing far<. piled up. G. g, the seventh letter of the Dakota alphabet. It has the sound of g in good, glad, etc. It occurs in the Dakota language only at the end of a syl- lable, and as a contraction of ka, except in the Titoijwar) dialect, where gl is used in the place of hd and hn of the Wahpetoi)wai) and kd and kn of the Ihar)ktoi)waij dialects. gla, V. n. to go to one''s home, — wagla. Same as Jida. gla'-"wa, V. a. to read one^s own, — waglawa. Same as hdawa. gll, V. n. to come home, — wagli. Same as hdi. gli-eu', V. n. to start to come home, — waglidu. Same as hdicu. gli-gla', V. n. to pass on going home, — wagligla. Same as hnihda. glo-gla', V. a. to carry back home, — waglogla. Same as hdohda. glo-gli,' V. a. to bri)%g back home, — waglogli. Same as hdohdi. glu-kcai)', V. a. to farm an opinion of what con- cerns oneself, — waglukcai). Same as hduko'ai). Note. — These words are only given as examples of this peculiarity of the Titoi)waq dialect. G. g, the eighth letter of the Dakota alpihabet. It repre- sents a deep sonant guttural. ga. See ynga. ga-hag', adj. great, loud, harsh, or rough, as the voice : ho magahai), my voice is rough. ga-he'-da, adj. harsh, rough, loud, as the voice, — magaheca. gam, cont. of gapa. gar), (w?/. open, full of little holes. garj-gai)', adj. open, as thin cloth. gai)-gar)'-na, adj. thin, open, full of small holes. gar)-gar)'-ye-dar), adj. very sharp and thin, as the blade orbit of an axe : gai)gai)yedai) yumafl, to grind sharp and thin. gar)-ga'-ta, adj. forked, pronged ; open, as cloth. gar)-ge'-ea, n. dandruff. See giqgirjca. ga'-pa. See yugapa. ga-pa'-vra-hai), part, stripped off, come off of itself. See yugapa. ga'-ta, adj. forked, pronged : tahiijca he yamni gata, a deer's horns have three prongs. ge'-ea. See gugeca. ge-ge'-ya, v. n. to swing, as one's arms, like a drunken man, — gegei^Jiya. ge-ge'-ya, adv. swinging, dangling. gi, adj. brown, dark gray, rusty -looking. gi-gi', adj. red. of gi ; brown, rusty. gi-gi', n. rust. gi-gi'-tar)-ka, n. oranges, lemons. gir)'-ea, v. n. to snivel, grunt, sob, — ^wagiijca, ya- giijca, uijgiricapi. gir)-gir)'-ea, n. dross ; quicksilver of looking- glasses ; pa gingiijca, dandruff (see hegii)ca) ; mahpi girigiqca, certain webs, like spiders' webs, which are seen floating in the air in the fall of the year. gir)-gir)'-ea, adj. smoky, hazy, as Indian summer. gi-tka', adj. brownish. gi-tka'-dai), adj. a little brownish. gi-tka'-tka, adj. red. of gitka ; reddish, brownish, or yellowish. gi-ya', V. a. to make brown, — giwaya, giyaya, gi- ui)yar)pi ; gii^iya, to make oneself brown, — gimi- gi-ya', adv. brownly : giya spai), cooked brovm. gom-gom.', cont. of gomgopa : gomgom niya, to breathe with difficulty, as one snoring. gom-go'-pa, V. red. of gopa. gom'-ya, adv. in a snoring manner. gOQ'-ga, adj. ista goqga, bli7td, one blind, — i^ta magoi)ga, i^ta nigoijga, i^ta uijgoijgapi. go'-pa, V. n. to snore, — wagopa, yagopa, uijgo- papi. GU 65 HA^ gu, V. n. to bum, singe, scorch, be burnt, — ^magu, nigu, uqgupi. gu-ge'-ca, w. the soft, spongy part of bones in whicli there is oil. gu-gu', V. red. of gu ; to be burnt in several places. gu-gu'-ya, V. red. of guya. gu'-ka. See yuguka. gu-ka'-har), part, stretched, strained, sprained. gu-ka'-Twa-haQ, part, strained. gu-ya', V. a. to bum, cause to burn, — guwaya, guyaya, guuDyagpi. gu-ya', adv. in a burnt manner. H. h, the ninth letter of the Dakota alphabet. It is an aspirate, like the English h in hymn. ha, n. a flea, fieas. ha, n. the skin or hide of animal, man included ; the bark or rind of any thing, as trees, etc. ha-a'-kam, adv. on the outside, on the surface. ha-a'-kam-ye-dai), adv. on the surface, shallow, as in ploughing, skimming over the surface. ha-a'-ka-pa, adv. on the outside. ha-a'-ka-pa-ta, adv. externally. ha-a'-ka-pa-tag-hai), adv. on the outer sur- face. Ha'-des, n. the plojce of the dead, hell. Intro- duced from the Greek. ha-ha'-dar), adv. tottering, moving, easily moved. ha-ha'-ya, v. a. to move, make a coward of ; i. q. caqtewai)kaya, — hahawaya, hahauqyaijpi. ha-ha'-ya, adv. totteringly, moving. ha-ha'-ye-dai), adv. moved, not firm : caijte hahayedai) mayaijka, my heart is in an excited state. ha-hor)'-ta, n. thread, twine, cord. ha-hor)'-ta-i-ya-pe-har)-pi, n. spool-thread. ha-horj'-ta-zib-zi-pe-dar), n. fine thread, silk thread. ha-hui)'-ta, n. See hahoqta. ha'-ka-hinor)-pi, n. (ha and kahmoi)) a cord, rope, twisted bark rope. ha'-ka-hinur)-pi, n. Same as hakahmoijpi. ha-ka'-kta, adj. last, the last ; the youngest, — hamakakta and mahakakta, nihakakta, uqliaka- ktapi. ha-k£iin', adv. afterwards, in the mean time. ha-kam'-ya, adv. afterwards. Not used much. ha-ka'-pa, adv. See hakapataijhai). ha-ka'-pa-tar)-har), adv. on the external sur- face. ha-ke', n. the name of the fifth child, if a son. ha-ke'-ke, n. red. of hake. It is so used as a proper name. ha-ki'-kta, v. n. to look around, look behind, turn round to look, — hawekta, hayekta, hauijkiktapi. ha-ki'-kta-kta, v. red. of hakikta ; to look back often. ha-mde', v. See haijmde, the correct orthogra- phy- ham-i'-ta-ke, n. See haijpaitake. f ' ha'-mna, adj. smelling of the skin, poor, lean, not smelling well, as meat. ha'-na-hpu, v. See hanahpuhpu. ha'-na-hpu-hpu, v. Said of the rough bark of trees, that seems ready to fall off. See nahpu. ha'-na-sku, v. See hanaskusku. ha'-na-sku-sku, v. n. to crack and peel off", as the skin of potatoes by boiling. See nasku. ha'-na-sku-y a, v. a. to cause to crack and peel off, — hanaskuwaya. hai), adv. of affirmation ; yes, yea. hajQ, n. cont. of hariyetu ; night : hag wa^te, good night. hai), V. n. to stand, stand upright or on end ; to remain : ecen hai), it stands or remains as it was. From this are formed iyahai), kicihai), etc. hajg-eo'-ka, n. midnight. har)-eo'-ka-ya, n. (haijyetu and cokaya) mid- night. har)-do'-'war), n. (haijyetu and dowai)) a night- song. har)-do'-"War)-pi, n. a night-song. hai)h.-ar)'-na, n. morning, to-morrow. har)li-ar)'-na-Mr), n. very early in the morning. har)-ka', n. a man's sister-in-law, his wife's sister or brother's wife ; my sister-in-law. har)-ka'-ku, n. his sister-in-law. har)-ka'-sa-dar), n. the groUnd-hog or wood- chuck, the American arctomys. hai)-ka'-si, n. a man's female cousin, his mother's brother's daiighter, but not his father's brother's daughter ;' my female cousin. haq-ka'-si-tku, n. his female cousin. har)-ka'-si-ya, v. a. to have for or call hai]kasi, to sustain the relation of male cousin to a woman, — hai^kasiwaya. hai)-ka'-ya, v. a. to have for or regard as a sister- in-laio, — haijkawaya, haijkauijyaripi. hai)-ke', n. half ; a part. har)-ke'-dar), n. a small half. har)-ke'-ke, n. red. of hai^ke ; half and half. hajQ-ke'-ya, v. a. to halve ; to have reached tite middle, — ha^jkewaya. hai)-ke'-ya, adv. by the half. hari-ki'-kta, v. n. to rise very early in the morn- ing ; to wake while it is yet night, — haqwekta, haijyekta, haijuqkiktapi. HAIJ 56 HBE haQ-kpax)', w. moccadnrStrinffs. Mr. S. W. Pond suggests, that perhaps the k and p in this word have changed places, and the word was originally haijpkag, that is, haqpa and ikajj. haQ'-ma-ni, v. to walk in the night ; to be in the dark about any thing, not to understand, — haijmawani : haijmanipi se uijyakc^pi, we are in the dark about it. har)-inde', v. n. to fast and dream, to have inter- course with the spiritual world, used in regard to their superstitions, — haflwamde, haijmjmdepi. haQ-mdo'-b.dag'-i-a, v. (hagmdohdaka and ia) to tell dreams and visions ; to talk so that common people do not understand, — haqmhdodagiwaa. har)-indo'-hdag-i-a-pl, ». talking mysteriously ; preaching. hag-mdo'-hda-ka, v. a. (haqmde and ohdaka) to tell of one's intercourse with the spirit world, relate visions ; to speak unintelligibly, — haijmdo- wahdaka, haijmdoyahdaka, haqmdouijhdakapi. h.ai)-inna', v. See ihaijmna. h.ai)-na'-ka, n. (hagyetu and nakaha) this night. harjp, cont. of haijpa. har)'-pa, n. moccasins; tahaijpe, his moccasins; haqpa hduMoka, to pndl off on£?s own moccasins. hai)'-pa-a-pe and hai)-pa-a-pe-e-eor)-pi, n. a game in which a bullet is hid in one of four moccasins or mittens, and sought for by the opposite party. har)'-pa-i-ta-ke, n. the face or upper part of a moccasin. Pronounced often haqpitake. hai)p-a'-pe and hagpape ecorjpi, n. Same as haripaape. har)-pe', n. See hai)pa, — mitahai)pe, tahaijpe. See also i^taminihaijpe. liai)-pi', n. broth, soup, gravy; .juice, sap, etc. See waharipi. hai)p-i'-ta-ke, n. See hagpaitake. har)p-o'-har), v. to put on or wear moccasins, — hai^powahai). har)p-o'-he-ki-ci-ei-ya, v. a. to put moccasins on one, — haijpohewecidiya. liai)p-o'-he-ki-y£L, v. a. to cause to put on moc- casins,— haijpohewakiya. har)p-o'-ki-hai), v. pos. of haijpohai) ; to put on or wear one's own moccasins, — haijpowakihaq. hai)'-ska, adj. long ; tall. har)'-ska-ska, adj. red. of hagska. har)'-ske-ya, v. a. to make long, lengthen, — haqskewaya. har)'-ske-ya, adv. far, extending, long, har)'-siu, intj. no ! not yes ; i. q. hiya. har)'-ta, v. imperat. only ; get away, begone, get out of the way, — haijta wo, liaijta po. haq-tpar)', n. Same as harikpai). har)'-tu, adv. indeed. har)'-tu-ke, adv. indeed, for once, hai)-'wa'-ci-pi, n. night-dance ; the name of a Dakota dance. b.ai)-"wai)'-ka, v, n, to remain over night, as something killed and left until the morning. hag-'wl', n. See haijyetuwi. har)-'wi'-yaQ-pa, «. moonlight. har)-ye', cont. of ha^yetu. har)-ye'-co-ka, n. midnight. har)-ye'-eo-ka-ya, n. (hagyetu and cokaya) middle of the night, midnight. hai)-yen', adv. by night, at night. har)-ye'-tu, n. night. har)-ye'-tu-dar), n. dim. of haijyetu. The black bear is sometimes so nicknamed. har|-ye'-tu-"wi, n. night-sun, i. e. the moon. ha-o', adv. See ho. ha'-o-ya-sa-ka, adj. skin dried to the bone, very lean. ha'-pa-hda-ya, v. to throw off the skin, as snakes. ha'-pai), n. the name of the second child, if a daughter. ha'-pls-tir), n. See hapistiona, which JB more commonly used. ha'-pis-tir)-na, the name of the third child, if a girl. ha'-star), adj. dark-complexioned, — hamastag. ha-stai)'-har)-ka, n. grapes of all kinds. ha-stai)'-hai)-ka-har)-pi, n. grape-juice. ha-steii)'-haQ-ka-i-yu--wi, «. grape-vines. has-taQ'-ka, n. (haza and taqka) a kind of berry, which, it is said, is bitter if approached from the windward — ^if from the leewajd, sweet. The same as auijyeyapi. ha-sbe', n. nettles ; flax. ha-yo'-vre-dar), n. marks made in the snow, as by children in play : hayowedai) ki^ui). ha'-yu-za, v. a. to skin, take off the skin of any thing, — hamduza. ha'-za, n. the whortleberry, huckleberry. The Dakotas specify several kinds, as the winohin tahaza and the waha^jksin tahaza. hba. See yuhba, etc. h.ba-har)', part, falling off, shelling off of itself, as corn. hbe-hlDe'-za, adj. red. of hbeza ; in rings around, ring-streaked, appearing like the ribs of animals. hbe-hbe'-ze-dai), adj. See hbehbeza. hbe'-za, adj. ring-streaked, rings running round, rough : dote hbeza, the wind-pipe, because it ap- pears in rings. hbe'-ze-dar), adj. striped or ringed, like a screw ; rough. HBU 67 HDA hbu, adj. clear of every thing else, cleaned, as grain. One's hair is said to be ' hbu,' when not curled. hbu-ya', adv. cleaned, clear of every thing else, as grain clear of chaff. hda. See yuhda. hda, used to make the possessive form of verbs com- mencing with ka and ya : as kaksa, to cut off, yaksa, to bite off, hdaksa, to cut off or bite off one^s own ; nape wahdaksa, / cut off or hite off my hand. The pronouns are prefixed. hda, V. pos. of ya ; to go home, — wahda, yahda, uijhdapi. hda, V. n. to feel, become sensible of, as of heat or cold, pain, etc. : cuwita hda, to become cold ; wayazai) hda, to become sick. hda-co', V. pos. of yaco ; to judge or condemn o/n£s own, — wahdaco. hda-da', v. pos. of kada ; to spill one^s own, — wahdada. hda-ge'-ge, v. pos. of kagege ; to sew one's own, — wahdagege, uijhdagegepi. hda-hai)', adj. very thin, as mush or gruel ; i. q. hai)pi ota. hda-he', adv. unrolled of itself. hda-he'-ya, adv. straightforward, without inter- ruption, as hdaheya ia, to speak continuously ; — thin, as mush or gruel, i. q. haijpi ota : hdaheya ecoi), to make thin, as gruel. hda-hda'-ya, v. pos. of yahdaya ; to bite off, as the sMn of any thing; to tell a lie, — wahda- hdaya. hda-hde'-ca, v. pos. of kahdeda and yahdec'a ; to break open one's own by smiting ; to tear open one's own by biting, — wahdahdeca. hda-hden', cont. of hdahdeca ; hdahden iyeya, to break or smash open one's own suddenly. hda-hem', cont. of hdahepa ; hdahem iyeya. hda-he'-pa, v. pos. of yahepa ; to drink up one's own, — wahdahepa. hda-hpu', V. pos. of yahpu ; to pull or tear off with the teeth something of OBe's own that adheres to something else, — wahdaipu. hda-hpu'-hpu, V. red. of hdahpu. hda-Mag', cont. of hdahtaka ; hdahtag iyeya. hda-hta'-ka, v. pos. of yahtaka ; to bite one's own, — wahdahtaka. hda-hu'-ga, v. pos. of kahuga and yahuga. See hdahuhuga. hda'-huh, cont. of hdahuga. hda-hu'-hu-ga, v. pos. of kahuhuga and yahu- huga ; to smash or break in one's oum, as the skull of one's child, or as one's kettle, by pounding ; to break up one's own with the teeth, as bones which belong to oneself. 8 hda-ka', adj. standing apart ; standing alone, separated, as large trees without underbrush ; large-toothed, as a coarse comb. See caqhdaka. hda-kca', v. pos. of kakc'a ; to comb one's oum, — wahdakda, yahdakca, ui)hdakcapi. hda-ke'-ya, adv. separately, at a distance from each other. hda-kir('-yar), adv. across, crosswise, transverse : Mde hdakiijyai). Lake Traverse ; ohaij hdakiq- yaij, perverse ; oie hdakiijyai), a liar. hda-kpar)', v. pos. of kakpaij ; to wink : iita wa- hdakpag, / wink my eyes. hda-ksa', v. pos. of kaksa and yaksa ; to cut off one's own, as one's own wood, with an axe ; to bite off one's own, — wahdaksa, yahdaksa. hda-ksa'-ksa, v. red. of hdaksa ; to cut or bite one's own in many pieces, — wahdaksaksa. hda-mde'-ea, v. pos. of kamdec'a and yamdeda ; to break in pieces one's own by striking, as any thing brittle ; to bite in pieces, — wahdamdeca. hda-mden', cont. of hdamdeca : hdamden iyeya. hda-mna', v. pos. of kamna and yamna ; to acquire or collect property ; to acquire by talking, — wahdamna. hda-mni', v. used with ya or i ; hdamni ya, to go after something one has left, as provisions hid in the snow, — wahdamni mda. hda-mni'-yar), v. Same as hdamni : bdamni- yai) wai, I have been for something left. hda-o'-ni-hai), v. pos. of yaomhai) ; to praise one's own, — wahdaonihai). hda-o'-tar)-ii), v. pos. of yaotaiji^ ; to manifest or declare one's own, — wahdaotaijir). hda-pa', v. pos. of yapa; to take hold of one'* own with the mouth, — wahdapa. hda-pai)', v. pos. of kapai) ; to beat or thresh out one's own, as one's own corn, — wahdapai), ui)hda- paqpi. hda-pe'-hai), v. pos. of yapehaij ; to fold up one's own with the mouth, — wahdapehaq. hda-pon', cont. of hdapota ; hdapon iyeya. hda-po'-ta, v. pos. of kapota and yapota ; to beat one's own to pieces ; to bite to pieces, destroy one's own by biting, — wahdapota, ui)hdapotapi. hda-psag', cont. of hdapsaka ; hdapsag iyeya. hda-psa'-ka, v. pos. of kapsaka and yapsaka ; to cut off one's own by striking, as one's own string ; to bite off one's own, — wahdapsaka. hda-psii)'-psir)-ta, v. pos. of kapsiijpsiota ; to whip one's own child, — ^wahdapsiijpsiijta. hda-psir)'-ta, v. pos. of kapsiqta. See hdapsifl- psiijta. hda-psui)', V. pos. of kapsui) and yapsuij ; to spill one's own by striking or with the mouth, — wahda- psui). HDA 58 HDE hda-psur)', v. pos. of kapsui) and yapsui) ; to knock out one's own hj the roots, as a tootli ; to knock out of joint, as one's own leg ; to bite out or knock out cm£s own, as a horse does in shed- ding his teeth, — wahdapsui), hdapsur) iyeya. hda-pta', v. ii. to stop, cease, as rain or snow : magazu hdapte kta, the rain will cease. hda-pte'-ya, v. a. to cause to cease, — ^hdapte- waya. hda-sai)', v. pos. of kasaq ; to shave off one's axon beard : putiijhii) wahdasar), I shave off my heard. hda-skam', cont. of hdaskapa. hda-ska'-pa, v. pos. of kaskapa ; to clap, make strike together : nape hdaskapa, to clap one's hands, — wahdaskapa. hda-ski'-ca, v. pos. of kaskica and yaskica ; to press one's own with the mouth, — wahdaskica. hda-sku', v. pos. of yasku ; to bite or peel off one's own, — wahdasku. hda-son', cont. of hdasota ; hdason iyeya. hda-so'-ta, v, pos. of yasota and kasota ; to eat up one's own ; to use up words or language, i. e. to finish speaking ; to cut all off, as one's own timber, — wahdasota. Ilda-su', V. pos. of yasu ; to perfect, finish, — yia,- hdasu. hda-sda', v. pos. of kasda and yaMa ; to mow one's own meadow ; to graze off one's own grass, — wahdasda. lida-ski'-ca, v. pos. of yaskica ; to press one's own with the mouth, as in chewing tobacco, — wahdaskica. hda-sna', v. pos. of yasna and kasna ; to blunder in speaking ; to miss in taking one's food into the mouth ; to miss in attempting to strike one's own, — wahdasna. hda-sna'-sna, v. red. of hdasna. hda-sna'-sna-yai), adv. blunderingly, as in talking, incorrectly. hda-spa', v. pas. of kaspa and ya^pa ; to knock or bite off a piece from one's own, — wahdaspa. hda-sta'-ka, v. pos. of kastaka ; to strike or smite one's own : tawicu hdastaka, he beats his wife, — wahdastaka. hda-stai)', v. pos. of kastaij and ya^taq ; to pour out one's own ; to spill with the mouth, as one's own coffee; to finish eating or speaking, — wa- hdastai). hda-tar)', v. pos. of yatai) ; to praise one's own ; to suck out one's own blood, — wahdatar). hda-t'a'-t'a, v. pos. of kat'at'a and yat'at'a ; to knock and shake one's own blanket ; to take in the mouth and shake, as a dog does any thing, — ■ ■wahdat'at'a. hda-tem', cont. of hdatepa ; hdatem iyeya. hda-te'-pa, v. pos. of yatepa ; to wear off one's own teeth short, — wahdatepa. hda-tkai)', v. pos. of yatkaq ; to drink one's own, — wahdatkai), yahdatkaij, ughdatkai^pi. hda-to'-kai), v. pos. of yatokai) ; to put one's own in another place with the mouth ; to speak of one's own as in another place, — ^wahdatokai). hda-to'-ke-ea, v. pos. of yatokeca ; to speak of one's own as different, — wahdatokeca. hda-to'-to, V. pos. of katoto ; to knock at one's own door, — wahdatoto. hda-tpi', V. pos. of katpi and yatpi ; to break otus's own nut by pounding or pecking, — wahdatpi. hda-ta', v. pos. of kata and yata ; to kill one's own by striking ; to bite one's own to death, — wa- hdata. hda-tir)S', cont. of hdatiijza; hdatii)s iyeya. hda-tir)'-za, v. pos. of katiqza and yatipza; to make one's own tight by driving ; to press one's own tight with the teeth, — wahdatiijza. hda'-AWa, v. pos. of yawa ; to read one's own, count one's own, — wahdawa, yahdawa, u^hdawa- pi. hda-"wa'-kar), v. pos. of yawakaij ; to call one's own sacred, — wahdawakai). hda-"war)g', cont. of hdawaijka ; hdawapg iyeya. hda-'warj'-ka, v. pos. of kawaqka; to cut down or fell one's own trees, — wahdawapka. hda-Ave'-ga, v. pos. of kawega and yawega ; to break or fracture by striking, as one's own axe- handle ; to break partly off with the teeth, — wa- hdawega. hda-Aweh', cont. of hdawega. hda-'weh'-'we-ga, v. red. of hdawega. hda-za'-nmi, v. pos. of kazamni ; to open one's own, — wahdazamni. hda-za'-pa, v. pos. of kazapa ; to cut off the fat with the skin, in skinning one's own, — wahdazapa. hda-ze', v. j^os. of kaze ; to lade out one's own food, — wahdaze, ui)hdazepi. hda-zo'-ka, v. pos. of yazoka ; to suck one's own, as a child its mother, — wahdazoka. hda-zur)'-ta, v. pos. of yazui)ta; to connect ojie's words, to speak correctly, — wahdazuijta. hda-zim', cont. of hdazipa ; hdaiim yuta, to eat very slowly, to nibble off ; hdaiim iyeya. hda-zi'-pa, v. a. pos. of kaiipa and yazipa ; to shave one's own stick ; to bite off or nibble one's oion food, — wahdaiipa. hda-zo', V. pos. of yazo ; to blow on one's own instrument, — wahdazo. hda-zu'-zu, v. a. pos. of kaiuiu ; to blot out or erase one's own ; to pay one's own debts, — wahda- iuiu. hde, V. to go home. See hda. HDE 59 HDO hde, V. a. to put or place, make stand, usually applied to things that stand on end, as barrels, etc. ; to have by one, as mini vvahde, I have water. This may be regarded as a transitive of hag. hde'-ga, adj. spotted, figured, as calico. hde-hde', odj. scattered, here and there. Hence cai)hdehde. hde-hde '-ga, adj. red. of hdega ; spotted, speckled, brownish. hde-hde'-ka, adj. scattered, separated, one here and one there. Hence carjhdehdeka. hde-hde '-za, adj. striped, streaked. hde-hde '-ze-dar), adj. dim. of hdezedaij ; striped, streaked. hde-ki'-ya, v. a. to cause to go home, send home, — hdewakiya. hdem, cont. of hdepa ; hdem hiyuya, to vomit. hdem-ki'-ya, v. a. to cause to vomit, — hdemwa- kiya, hdemupkiyapi, hdemmakiya. hde'-pa, v. a. to vomit, puke, — wahdepa, yahdepa, uqhdepapi ; ihdepa, to vomit up what one has eaten, — iwahdepa ; on hdepapi, tartar emetic. hde-si', V. a. to command to go Jiome, — hdewasi. hde-ska', adj. speckled, spotted. hde-ska'-ska, v. red. of hdeska ; spotted, figured, as calico, hde'-za, adj. striped, in ridges or rows. hde'-ze-dai), adj. striped, in stripes of any kind. hdi, V. pos. of hi ; to come or arrive at home, — wahdi, yahdi, uqhdipi. hdi-a'-pe, v. a. to await one's coming home, — hdiawape. hdi-cu', V. pos. (hdi and ku) to start to come home, — wahdicu, yahdicu, uijhdidupi. hdi-eu'-ya, v. a. to cause to »tart home, — hdidu- waya. hdi-har)', v. n. to fall down, as something thrown up ; to fall on end, aa a stick ; to fall, as water falls : mini hdihai). hdi-hda', v. See hnihda. hdi-hu'-ni, v. pos. of hihuni ; to come to land or come through in coming home, — wahdihuni. hdi-hpa'-ya, v. pos. of hiijhpaya ; to fall down again ; to come home sick, — wahdihpaya. hdi-na'-pa, or hdi-nar)'-pa, v. pos. of hinapa ; to come in sight coming home ; to come out of or through, as through a wood, to emerge from ; to come up again, as one diving, — wahdinapa, ui)hdi- napapi. hdi-psi'-ea, v. pos. of hipsic'a ; to alight at home, jump down again, — wahdipsic'a. hdi-psin', cont. of hdipsica. hdi--war)'-ka, v. pos. of hiwai)ka ; to come home and sleep ; to camp on the way home, — wahdi- muqka, yahdinugka, uijhdiwaijkapi. hdi-ya'-hpa-ya, v. pos. of iyahpaya ; ' to eom^ back home and fall upon one, — wahdiyaipaya. hdi-ya'-ku, v. pos. to return, start to come home ; only the first and second persons used, — wahdi- yaku, yahdiyaku, uijhdiyakupi. For the third person see hdicu. hdi-yo'-hi, v. pos. of hiyohi ; to come back, reach hom^, — wahdiyohi : cihdiyohipi kta, / will come again to you, John xiv. 15. hdi-yo'-tar)-ka, v. pos. of hiyotaijka ; to come home and sit down ; to return to one's place, — wahdimdotaijka, yahdidotaijka. This is a com- pound verb which requires two pronouns. hdi-yu'-"we-ga, v. pos. of hiyuwega ; to cross a stream by fording ifi coming home, — wahdiyu- wega. hdo, a prefix which form^ the possessive of some verbs. hdo, V. to grunt, make a noise, as hogs and buffalo calves do. hdo-e'-ya-ya, v. pos. to take or have taken one's own with one. See hdoweyaya. hdo-hda', v. pos. to carry any thing back home, carry one's own home, — wahdohda, ughdohdapi. hdo-hde'-ska, n. the gullet, oesophagus. Same as dohdeska. hdo-hdi', V. pos. to bring back home one's own, — wahdohdi. hdo-hdo', V. red. of hdo ; to grunt, as hogs and buffalo calves, also as grouse. hdo-hdo '-dai), v. See hdohdodowai]. hdo-hdo'-do-wai), v. to sing a grunting song. The Dakotas do so sometimes in going to war. hdo-hi', V. pos. to bring one's own to a place, as when one is beaten in gambhng he goes and brings what he has staked, — wahdohi, uijhdo- hipi. hdo-i', v. pos. to take or have taken one's own to a place, — wahdoi, yahdoi, ui)hdoipi. hdo-ir)', V. pos. of iij. See hdowii). hdo-ki', V. pos. to have taken one's own home, — wahdoki, ui)hdokipi. hdo-ki '-ni-ea, v. pos. to dispute in regard to one's own, — wahdokinica, uijhdokinicapi. hdo-ki'-ni-ea-pi, n. disputation. hdo-ki'-nin, cont. of hdokinic'a ; hdokinin waui). hdo-ki'-ya-hda, v. pos. (hdoki and ahda) to be carrying one's own home, — wahdojdyahda, yahdo- kiyahda, ur)hdokiyahdapi. hdo-ku', V. pos. to bring one's own towards home, — wahdoku, yahdoku, uijhdokupi. hdo-ni'-ca, v. pos. of anica ; to refuse to give up what one claims, to hold as one's own ; to forbid the use of one's own ; tihdonica, to forbid one's house, — wahdonic'a. HDO 60 HDU hdo-nln', ccmt. of hdoni<5a. hdo-nin'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to hold as one's own, — hdoninwakiya. hdo-nin'-ya, v. a. Same as hdoninkiya. hdo-u', V. pos. to come bringing one's ovm, — wa- hdou, uijhdoupi. hdo-"we'-ya-ya, I', ^j. to have taken one's own along, — wahdowemdamda, yahdowedada, ui)hdo- weyayapi. hdo-vrii)', v. pos. of iq ; to put around one his own blanket or cloak, — wakdowiij, yahdowii), ui)hdowii)pi. hdo-ya', v. pos. to carry one's own towards a place, — wahdomda and wahdoya, yahdoda, uijhdoyapi. hdu. Verbs commencing with hdu are formed from verbs in yu ; whicli change denotes that the action is to or for on£s own. The pronouns are prefixed. ta.du-a'-ki-pain, v. pos. of yuakipam ; to divide or separate one's own : hduakipam ewahnaka, / make a division of my own. hdu-a'-o-pte-tu, v. pos. of yuaoptetu ; to make one's own less, — wahduaoptetu. hdu-bo'-sda-tu, v. pos. of yubosdatu ; to place upright something of one's own, — wahdubosdatu. hdu-car)', v. pos. of yudaij ; to shake or sift one's own, — -wahducai), uijhduc'aijpi. hdu-co', V. pos. of yuco ; to perfect, finish one's own; to arrange one's ovm, — wahduc'o, u^hduc'opi. hdu-co'-co, V. red. of hduco ; also, j9os. of yucodo, to make soft one's own, — wahdudoco. hdu-co'-ka, v. pos. to finish. See hduco. hdu-co '-ka-ka, v. pos. of yuc'okaka ; to empty one's own barrel, — wahducokaka. hdu-e'-ee-tu, v. pos. of yuecetu ; to make one's own right or as it was, — ^wahduec'etu. hdu-e'-ci, v. pos. of yuedi ; to turn one's own the other side out, as one's own bag, — wahduedi. hdu-ga', V. pos. of yuga ; to pull off, as the husk of erne's own com, — wahduga. hdu-gax)', V. pos. of yugai) ; to open out one's own, as one's blanket or one's door, — wahdugai). hdu-ga'-ta, v. pos. of yugata ; to spread out one's own, as one's hands in prayer, — wahdugata : nape hdugan naiii), to stand with one's hands extended in a supplicating manner. hdu-ge', V. pos. of yuge ; to pick or gather up scraps from one's floor, — wahduge. hdu-ge '-ge, v. red. of hduge; to gather up by handfuls one's own, — wahdugege. hdu-ha', V. pos. of yuha ; to have or possess one's own, — wahduha, yahduha, uijhduhapi. hdu-he'-ki-ya, v. a. to put one in possession of his ortm, — ^hduhewakiya. hdu-hmui)', v. jws. of yuhmuq ; to twist one's own, — wahduhmui) . hdu-ho'-ho, v.pos. of yuhoho ; to shake one's own, as one's teeth, — wahduhoho. hdu-ho'-mni, v. pos. of yuhomni ; to turn one's own around, — wahduhomni, uqhduhomnipi. hdu-hu'-hus, cont. of hduhuhuza. hdu-hu'-hu-za, v. pos. of yuhuhuza; to shake one's own tree, — wahduhuhuza. hdu-hda', V. pos. of yuMa ; to ring one's own bell, — wahduhda. hdu-hda'-gaQ, v. pos. of yuhdagaq ; to loosen a little, as one's belt ; to leave, as a wife her hus- band,— wahduhdagai) . hdu-hda'-ya, v. pos. of yuhdaya ; to peel off the skin of one's own potato, — wahduhdaya. hdu-hde'-ea, v. pos. of yuhdeca ; to tear one's own, as one's coat, etc., — wahduhdeda. hdu-hde'-hde-ca, v. red. of hduhdeda. hdu-hden', cont. of hduMeca. hdu-Bidog', cont. of hduhdoka. hdu-hdo'-hdo-ka, v. red. of hduhdoka. hdu-hdo'-ka, v. pos. of yuMoka ; to make a hole in one's own by boring, — wahduhdoka, yahdu- hdoka, ui)hduMokapi. hdu-hem', cont. of hduhepa ; hduhem iyeya. hdu-he'-pa, v. pos. of yuhepa ; to dry up, to soak up and wipe out, as water, /rowi. one's own canoe, — wahduhepa. hdu-he'-ya-pa, v. pos. of )ruheyapa ; to remove or take away one's oivn, — wahduheyapa. hdu-M'-ea, v. pos. of yuhida ; to wake up one's own, — wahduhida. hdu-lipa', V. pos. of yuhpa ; to take down one's own, as something hung up, — wahduhpa. hdu-hpa'-lipa, v. red. of hduhpa. hdu-hpaQ'-hpai), v. pos. to make soft one's own, as one's moccasins by putting them into water, — wahduhpa;)hpaij. hdu-hpu', V. pos. of yuhpu ; to pull off one's own, as one's seal, or any thing sticking fast, — wahdu- hpu. hdu-Rpu'-hpu, V. red. of hduhpu. hdu-B.u', V. pos. of yiihu ; to pull off one's own, as bark with one's hand, — wahduhu. hdu-kar)', v. pos. of yukai) ; to shake off one's own fruit, — wahdukaq. hdu-ka'-"wa, v. pos. of yukawa ; to open one's own, as one's mouth : i wahdukawa, / open my mouth. hdu-kea', v. pos. of yukda ; to untie one's ovm, — wahdukda. hdu-keap', v. pos. of yukdaij ; to comprehend one's own ; to understand what belongs to oneself, — wahdukcaq, yahdukdaij, uijhdukdaijpi. HDU 61 HDU hdu-ke'-za, v. pos. of yukeza; to scrape, rub, make smooth one's own, — wahdukeza. hdu-ki'-nu-kai) or hduklijnukai), v. pos. of yukinukai) ; to divide one's own ; hence, to dis- tract, John xiv. 1. hdu-kir)'-6a, v. pos. of yukii)(fa ; to scrape off, as dirt, from one^s own clothes, with the hand, — wa- hdukiijca, uijhdukiqc'api. hdu-kpai)', V. pos. of yukpaij ; to grind one's own corn, etc., — wahdukpai), ui)hdukpai)pi. hdu-ksa', v. pos. of yuksa ; to break off one's own, as a stick with the hands, — wahduksa, yahduksa. hdu-ktag', V. pos. of yuktag ; to bend one's own, — wahduktai). hdu-ku'-ka, v. pos. of yukuka ; to wear out or make old one's own, — wahdukuka. hdu-ke'-ga, v. pos. of yu^ega ; to scratch one's own, — wahdu^ega. hdu-kes'-ke-za, v. red. of hdutceza ; to shave off one's own close, as the hair of one's head, one's dog, etc., — wahdul^es^eza. hdu-ke'-za, v. pos. of yu^eza ; to rub and make smooth one's own, as one's arrows, — wahdu- keza. hdu-mat)', v. pos. of yumaij ; to grind and make sharp one's own, as one's axe or knife, — wahdube, ui)hdumai)pi. hdu-mda'-ya, v. pos. of yumdaya ; to spread out one's own, as one's blanket, — wahdumdaya. hdu-mde'-ea, v. pos. of yumdeca ; to open out, take in pieces one's own, — wahdumdeca. hdu-mden', cant, of hdumdec'a. hdu-mdu', v. pos. of yumdu ; to plough or make mellow by ploughing one's own field, — wahdumdu, yahdumdu, uijhdumdupi. hdu-nina', v. pos. of yumna ; to rip one's own, — wahdumna. hd\in, cont. of hduta ; hdun waui), / am eating my own food. hdu-na'-zii), v. pos. of yunaiii) ; to make one's own stand up, — wahdunaiii). hdu-o'-&da-gar), v. pos. of yuohdagai) ; to loosen one's own a little, as one's girdle. hdu-o'-hdah, cont. of hduohdagaq ; hduohdah i(!u, to loosen a little or untie a knot. hdu-o'-ki-ni-har), v. pos. of yuokinihai) ; to make one's own honorable, — wahduokinihag. lidu-o'-kor)-'war)-zi-daQ, v. pos. of yuokoqwaij- iidai) ; to place all one's own together, make one of them. hdu-o'-mde-ea, v. pos. of yuomdec'a ; to scatter out one's own, — wahduomdeca. hdu-o'-mden, cont. of hduomdeca. hdu-o'-ni-har), v. pos. of yuonihai) ; to honor one's own, — wahduonihaij. hdu-o'-ta, V. pos. of yuota ; to multiply one's own, — wahduota, yahduota, ughduotapi. hdu-o'-tar)-ii), n. pos. of yuotagii) ; to manifest one's own, — wahduotaijir). hdu-o'-tkor)-za, v. pos. of yuotkoijza; to make equal one's own ; to do like, — wahduotkoijza. hdu-o'-"war)-ea-ya, v. pos. of yuowaijdaya ; to cause to spread all over ; to make one's own go all over, — wahduowaqcaya. hdu-pon', cont. of hdupota. hdu-po'-ta, V. pos. of yupota ; to wear out one's own, — wahdupota, ui)hdupotapi. hdu-pot'-po-ta, V. red. of hdupota. hdu-psag', cont. of hdupsaka. hdu-psa'-ka, v. pos. of yupsaka ; to break one's own with the hands, as a string, — wahdupsaka. hdu-psa'-psa-ka, v. red. of hdupsaka. hdu-psi'-ca, v. pos. of yupsicfa ; to make one's own jump, as one's horse ; to pull up with a hook and line one's own fish, — wahdupsica. hdu-psin', cont. of hdupsic'a. hdu-psi'-psi-ea, v. red. of hdupsica. hdu-psiiT)', v. pos. of yupsui) ; to pull out or ex- tract one's own, as one's teeth, — wahdupiug. hdu-ptai)', V. See hduptaijyai). hdu-ptar)'-yar), v. pos. of yuptai)yai) ; to turn over one's own, — wahduptaqyai). hdu-pte'-ce-dajQ, v. pos. of yuptec'edai) ; to shorten one's own, — wahduptecedaq. hdu-ptu'-ptu-zei, v. red. of hduptuia. hdu-ptus', cont. of hduptuia. hdu-ptu'-za, V. pos. of yuptuia ; to crack or split any thing of one's own, by boring, etc., — wahduptuia. hdus, cont. of hduza ; hdus naiig, to stand holding one's own. hdu-ske'-pa, v. pos. of yuskepa ; to absorb one's own ; to cause one's own to leak out or evaporate, — wahduskepa. hdu-skin', cont. of hduskita. hdu-ski'-ski-ta, v. red. of hduskita ; to wrap or tie up one's own, as a Dakota woman does her baby, — wahduskiskita. hdu-ski'-ta, v. pos. of yuskita ; to wrap or tie up one's own, — wahduskita. hdu-sku', v.pos. of yusku ; to cut close one's own, as the hair of one's child ; to pare off, as the skin of one's own potato or apple, — wahdusku. hdu-sku'-sku, v. red. of hdusku. hdu-son', cont. of hdusota ; hduson iyeya. hdu-son'-so-ta, v. red. of hdusota. hdu-so'-ta, V. pos. of yusota ; to use all one's own up, — wahdusota, ui)hdusotapi. hdu-sto', v. pos. of yusto ; to smooth down, as one's own hair : pa hdusto, to smooth one's hair. HDtr 62 HDU hdu-sto'-sto, V. red. of Musto. hdu-su'-ksu-ta, v. red. of lidusuta. hdu-su'-ta, V. pos. of yusuta ; to make firm or establish one's own, — wahdusuta. hdu-sa'-ka, v. pos. of yusaka ; to be burdened with one's ot»»,— wahdusaka. hdu-sam', cont. of hdusapa. hdu-sam'-sa-pa, v. red. of hdu4apa. hdu-sa'-pa, v. pos. of yu^apa ; to defile one's own, — wahdusapa, yahdu^apa, uijhdu^apapi. hdu-sdog', cont. of hdusdoka ; MuMog iyeya. hdu-sdo'-ka, v. pos. of yusdoka ; to pull off, as one's own clothes ; to pull out, — wabdusdoka. hdu-sdo'-sdo-ka, v. red. of hdusdoka. hdu-si'-6a, v. pos. of yu^ica ; to make bad or in- jure one's own, — wahdu^ica. hdu-si'-htir), v. pos. of yusihtii) ; to weaken, enfeeble one's own, as one's horse, — wahdu^ihtii). hdu-si'-ksi-ea, v. red. of hdusica. hdu-ska', v. pos. of yuska ; to untie or let go one's own, — wahduska, uijhduikapi. hdu-skar)'-skar(, v. pos. of yuskariskari ; to make one's own move about, — wahduskar)skai). hdu-ski', V. pos. of yuski ; to pucker, gather, plait one's own, — wahduski. hdu-ski'-ca, v. pos. of yuskic'a ; to press with one's hands ; to milk one's own cow. hdu-skin', cont. of hduskica. hdu-ski'-ski-ea, v. red. of hduskica. hdu-sna', v. pos. of yusna ; to miss in regard to one's own, — wahdusna, ur)hdusnapi. hdu-Bna'-sna, v. red. of hdusna, hdu-spu'-ya, v. pos. of yuspuya ; to scratch one's own flesh, — wahduspuya. hdu-spu'-spu-ya, v. red. of hduspuya. hdu-star)', v. pos. of yustai) ; to finish cme's own, — wahdustari, yahdustai), uijhdustaijpi. hdu-star)'-star), v. red. of hdustaq. hdu-ste', adj. numb, as one's foot when it sleeps : siha mahduste, »iy foot is asleep ; nape nihduite, thy hand is numb. hdu'-ta, V. pos. of yuta ; to eat one's own com, etc., — wahduta, yahduta, uijhdutapi. hdu-tar)', v. pos. of yutaij ; to praise one's ovm ; to touch one's oion, — wahdutai). hdu-tai)'-ir), v. pos. of yutaijii) ; to make mani- fest one's own, — wahdutaijii]. hdu-tai)'-ka, v. pos. of yutaijka ; to make large, enlarge one's ovm, — wahdutarika. hdu-t'a'-t'a, v. pos. of yut'at'a ; to shake one's own, as one's clothes. Not much used. hdu-te'-oa, v. pos. of yuteca ; to make new one's own, — wahduteoa. h.du-te'-hai), v. pos. of yutehaq ; to make a long time, put off, defer, — wahdutehai). hdu-te'-pa, v. pos. of yntepa ; to make blunt, wear off one's own, — wahdutepa. hdu-ti'-6a, v. pos. of yutic'a ; to scrape off the snow from one's own place, — wahdutica. hdu-ti'-tar), v. pos. of yutitai) ; to pull at one's own, — wahdutitai) . hdu-to'-kai), v. pos. of yutokaij ; to remove one's own to another place, — wahdutokai). hdu-to'-ke-ca, v. pos. of yutokeca ; to make one's oivn different, — wahdutokeca. hdu-tpa^', V. pos. of yutpai) ; to grind erne's own corn, etc., — wahdutpai). hdu-ta', V. pos. of yuta ; to kill one's ovm by hanging, etc., — wahduta. hdu-'wa'-kax), v. pos. of yuwakai) ; to make one's own sacred, — wahduwakar). hdu-"war)'-kan, v. pos. of yuwaijkan ; to lift or raise up one's own, — wahduwaqkan. hdu-Ava'-sa-ka, v. pos. of yuwasaka ; to make strong one's own, — wahduwasaka. hdu-'wa'-ste, v. pos. of yuwaite ; to moke good one's own, — wahduwaite. hdu-'we', V. pos. of huwe ; used always with ya, hi, etc., as hduwe ya, to go for one's ovm, — ^hduwe mda, hduwe unyaripi. hdu-"we'-ga, v. pos. of yuwega ; to break or fracture one's own, — wahduwega. hdu-^weli', cont. of hduwega. hdu--weh'--we-ga, v. red. of hduwega. hdu-wi', V. pos. of yuwi ; to torap up one's own, as with a string or thong, — wahduwi, uijhduwipi. hdu-"wl'-ea-ka, v. pos. of yuwicaka ; to make true or prove one's own, — wahduwicaka. hdu-'wir)'-ta, v. pos. of yuwiota ; to stretch out the hand to, implore, worship ; to stroke one's own, — wahduwiijta. hdu-"wir)s', cont. of hduwiijza. hdu--wir)s'-'«vii)-za, v. red. of hduwiijia. hdu-"wir)'-za, v. pos. of yuwiijia; to beTid down one's own grass, etc., — wahduwiijia. hdu-"wi'-tai), v. pos. of yuwitao ; to make proud or glorify one's own, — wahduwitai). hdu-'wo'-hdu-ze, v. pos. of yuwohduze ; to con- secrate one's own, — wahduwohduze. hdu'-za, V. pos. of yuza ; to take or hold one's own ; to take again, take back again : tawidu hduza, to take again or take firmly one's own wife, — wahduza, ughduzapi. hdu-ze', V. pos. of yuze ; to dip or lade out, as victuals from one's own kettle, — wahduze. hdu-za', V. pos. of yuia ; to stir one's own, to make one's own mush, etc., — wahduza. hdu-zag'-za-ka, v. red. of hduzaka. hdu-za'-ka, v. pos. of yuzaka ; to pull open one's own, as one's eyes, — wahduzaka. Hbu «8 BEH hdu-za'-za, v. pos. of yuiaia ; to wash one's own : nape hduiaia, he washes his hands, — wa- hduiaia. hdu-zim', eont. of hduiipa. hdu-zir)'-6a, i?. ^os. of yaih)6a, ; to pull or blow one's own nose, — wahduzi^ca. hdu-zi'-pa, v. pos. of yniipa ; on one, — mahiyahde, nihiyahde, ui)hi- yahdepi. hi-ya'-hde-ya, v. a. to cause to reach to ; to bring upon one, — hiyahdewaya, hiyahdeugyai)pi. hi-ya'-hde-ya, adv. reaching to, leading to. hi-ya'-ka-pta, v. n. to come over, as a stream or hill, — wahiyawakapta, yahiyayakapta. hi'-yai)-ka, v. n. to come again and again, to keep coming, — wahimagka, yahinaqka. HIY 67 HO hl-ya'-ya, v. n. to come and pass along, go hy, go past, — wahimdamde, yahidade, uqhiyayapi. hi-ya'-yar)-pa, v. (hi and ayaijpa) to come morn- ing on one. lu-ye'-ta-or)-pa, v. a. to place on the shoulder, — hiyetawaoijpa. Also hiqyataoijpa. hi-ye'-ta-zu, v. a. to put into one's blanket on the arm, — hiyetawaiu. See also hiqyatazu. hi-ye'-te, n. the shoulder. See also hiijyete. hi-ye'-ya, v. n. to be : hiyeye cii), those who are, all ; taku hiyeye ciq, all things ; oyate hiye- ya oil), all people ; uqhiyeyapi, we are. hi-ye'-ya, v. n. to become ; to cause to be. See iyeya. hi-yo'-hi, v. n. to come to, arrive at, reach to, — wahiyohi, yahiyohi, mahiyohi, uijhiyohipi. hi-yo'-hi, v. (Ihaqk.) to come for ; i. q. huwe hi, — hiyowahi, hiyoyahi, hiyouqhipi. hi-yo'-hi-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to come or reach to, — hiyohiwakiya. hi-yo'-hi-ya, v. a. to cause to reach, — hiyohiwa- ya, hiyohiuqyaqpi. hi-yo'-hi-ya, adv. reaching to. hi-yo'-hpa-ya, v. n. to fall into, come and fall in ; to come into a road ; to join, as one road does another, — wahiyowahpamda and wahiyo- hpaya, yahiyohpaya and yahiyoyahpada, uijhiyo- hpayapi. hi-yo'-hpe-ya, v. a. to cause to fall into, cast into, bring and put into, as food into a dish, — hi- yohpewaya. hi-yo'-pa-psoi), v. to throw or dash, as water, into a boat. hi'-yo-tar)-ka, v. n. (hi and iyotaijka) to come and sit down ; to establish oneself at a place, — wahimdotaijka, yahidotaqka, ui)hiyotai)kapi. hi-yu', V. n. to come forth, as a child born ; to come, come towards, — hibu, hidu, and wahihbu, yahihdu, uijhiyupi, hidupi and yahihdupi. hi-yu'-M-ei-ci-ya, v. a. to hand to one his own, — hiyuwecidiya, hiyumididiya. hi-3ru'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to come to ; to hand to, — hiyuwakiya, hiyuyakiya, hiyuuijkiyapi. hi-yu'-ya, v. a. to cause to come to, to send or hand to ; to throw up from the stomach, vomit, — hiyu- ■waya, hiyuyaya, hiyuui)yai)pi. hma, n. the black walnut, black walnuts. hma-hu', n. the black walnut-tree, Juglans nigra. hmi-hbe', v. n. Same as hmihma. hmi-hbe'-ya, adv. round and round, going round. hmi-hma', v. n. to go round, like a wheel. hmi-hmi'-yar), adj. round, Uke a ball. hmi-hmi'-yag-yai), adj. red. of hmibmiya^. hmi-yai)', adj. round, as a wheel. •>'^ /iA hnu-yar)'-na, orf;'. roundish. Same ashmiyai). hmi-yag'-yai), adj. red. of hmiyai). hmi-yar)'-yai)-na, n. any little round things. hmoi), adj. twisted. See hmu and hmui). hmu or hmui), adj. twisted. See kahmuij, yuhmup, etc. hmugg, cont. of hmuijka : ^uqktokeca hmuqg waui), / am trapping wolves. hinui)-hinui)'-za, adj. red. of hmurjza. hinui)'-ka, v. a. to set a trap, to trap any thing, to catch in a trap, — wahmu^ka, yahmuijka, uq- hmuijkapi. hmuQs'-nma, adj. smelling like fish. hmuQ-'wa'-hai), part. See hmuwahai). hinur)'-za, adj. slimy, fish-like, smelling strong, like spoiled meat. hmus, cont. of hmuza. See iohmus. hmus'-ya, adv. shut up. hmu-"wa'-har), part, becoming twisted of itself. hmu'-za, adj. shut, as the mouth, hand, etc. See ohmuza. hna. See yuhna. hnag, cont. of hnaka. hna'-har), part, fallen off of itself, as fruit. hna'-ka, v. a. to lay or place, lay away ; to lay up, as the dead on scaffolds, hence, to bury the dead ; to have by one, as takudai) hnake ^ni, he has nothing laid by him, — wahnaka, uijhnakapi. From this are derived ahnaka, ehnaka, kihnaka, and ohnaka. hna'-ka-pi, n. dead persons laid atvay ; hence graves, tombs. hna-ska', ». the common frog. See also na^ka. hna-ska'-can-di-dai), n. a small kind of frog ; the tree-frog. hna-skii)'-yar), v. n. to be oppressed, overcome, possessed, as of devils, — mahnaskiijyaq. hna-"wa'-har), jmrt. Same as hnahai). hna'-yar), v. a. to deceive, cheat, take advantage of, — wahnayai), yahnayai), uqhnayaijpi, mahna- yai) ; cihnayai), / deceive thee ; i^ihnayai), to de- ceive oneself, — mi^ihnayar). hni-hda', v. n. to pass by a place going home. This is used only in the third person ; the other persons are formed from the obsolete hdiyahda, as wahdiyahda, yahdiyahda, uijhdiyahdapi. hni-na'-pa or hni-nai)-pa, v. n. to come forth ; to return ; to come out of any place going home ; to rise, as from the dead, — wahninapa. Same as hdinapa. hnu'-ni, v. n. waciijhnuni, to be bewildered, de- ranged,— wac'ii)mahnuni : to be bewildered or lost, as in trying to follow tracks, — wahnuni, yahnuni. ho, adv. of affirmation, yes, yea. HO 68 HOK ho, n. the voice either of a man or of any animal or thing ; sound in general, — maho, niho, urihopi, wicaho. ho, n. cont. of hogaq ; fish ; a fish-net. ho, V. n. imperat. only ; come on, come now, — ho wo, ho po, ho miye. See iho. ho-a'-pe, n. (hogaij and ape) fish-fins. ho'-bu, n. a rough, unpleasant voice, — homabu. ho'-bu-ki-ya, v. n. to speak with a gruff, un- pleasant voice, — hobuwakiya. ho-ea'-ka, n. (hogaij and caka) fish-gills. ho-ee'-spu, n. fish-scales ; warts. See cespu. ho-co'-ka, n. a court-yard, an area surrounded by tents or houses : tahocoka, his court. ho-da'-za-ta, adv. outside of a circle of tents. ho'-e-6a-lie, adv. See hoecahe, the correct form, ho-ga'-har), n. a rough, loud voice, — homagahai). ho-gar)', «. fish; the generic name. ho-gar)'-mna, adj. (hogaq and omna) smelling like fish, fishy. ho-gai)'-stir)-na, «. {hogaq and cistirina) little fish, such as minnows. ho-gag'-tar)-ka, n. big fish, the name given to whales. ho-gar)'-"wi-ea-sta-snl, n. trout or salmon, lit. ill-behaved fish. ho'-ga-ta, n. a rough voice, — homagata. ho'-gi-ta, adj. hoarse, as a person's voice when he has taken cold, — homagita, honigita, houqgitapi. ho'-hda-gi-ta, v. pos. of hoyagita ; to make one- self hoarse by speaking, — howahdagita. Ho'-he, n. p. the Assiniboin Indians. Long ago they belonged to the Dakota nation. ho'-ho, intj. Used when there is something said which is not liked. ho-ho', adj. loose, as a tooth. ho-ho'-dai), adj. loose, that can he shaken or moved : hi mahohodai), my teeth are loose. ho-ho'-pi-ea-sni, adj. immovable. ho-ho'-pi-ca-sni-yai), adv. immovably. ho-hui)'-ka, n. a mother-fish, i.e. an old fish. Ho-hno'-gi-ea, n. a Dakota god, a fabulous being, the same as Caijolidai). Ho-Cno'-gi-ea-dai), n. dim. of Hohnogica. ho-hpa', V. n. to cough, — howahpa. ho-Bipa'-pi, n. coughing, having a cold : hohpa- pi emaceca, / have a bad cough. ho-hpi', n. a nest, bird's nest. ho-hpi'-ya, v. a. to have for a nest, make a nest of, — hohpiwaya. ho-i'-eu-"wa, n. (hogaq and kuwa) a fish-hook, fishing apparatus. ho-i-yo'-hpa-ya, v. n. to become hoarse, by the wind blowing on one and affecting the voice, — hoiyoraahpaya. ho'-i-yo-tpe-ya, v. a. to cast a net in fishing, — hoiyohpewaya. ho-i-yo'-ki-se, n. half of a company, half of a camp. ho'-i-yu-psi-6e, n. a fish-hook. ho-ka', n. a kind of fish. ho-k'a', n. the heron, of the genus Ardea. ho-k'a'-gi-ea, n. the snipe, a small kind of heron of the genus Scolopax. ho-k'a'-gi-ea-dai), n. dim. of hok'agica. ho'-ka-psar)-psai)-i-a, v. to whine, — hokapsaq- psariiwaa. ho-k'a'-sai)-na, n. a kind of heron or snipe. ho-k'a'-to, n. the blue heron. ho-ksi'-ee-kpa, «. a blue wild fiower, which ap- pears first in the spring. ho-ksi'-ee-kpa, or ho-ksi-ce-kpa-pi, n. twins. ho-ksi'-ee-tpa, n. a twin or twins ; a blue fiower, which appear! early in the spring. Same as hoksicekpa. ho-ksi'-eo-pa, n. (Sisit.) a child ; i. q. hoksiyo- kopa. ho-ksi'-dar), n. a hoy, — ^homak^daq, honik^i- dai) ; houijk^ipidai), we are hoys. ho-ksi'-ka, adj. yet a hoy, under age, — ^homa- _ ksika. ho-ksi'-ke-sni, adj. of age, not a hoy ; John ix. 21, — ^homaksike^ni, honik^ike^ni. ho-ksi'-ksu-ya, v. n. to travail, be in childbirth, — hoksinwaksuya, hokiinyaksuya. ho-ksi'-la, n. (Titoi).) Same as hok^idai). ho-hsin', cont. of hok^ina or hok^idai). ho-ksi'-na, n. (Ihaijk.) Same as hoksidai). ho-ksin'-earjt-ki-ya-pi, n. the beloved son, one universally esteemed ; the heir to the throne. ho-ksin'-i-kpi-hna-ka, v. «. to he with child, be pregnant, — hoksinikpiwahnaka. ho-ksin'-i-tpi-hna-ka, v. n. to be pregnant. Same as hoksinikpihnaka. ho-ksin'-ka-ga, v. a. to beget a child, — hok^in- wakaga. ho-ksin'-kil), v. a. to carry or pack a child on the back, — hok^inwaljcii). ho-ksin'-"wir)-kta, v. to he angry and act like a child, be pettish, — hokMnmawii)kta. ho-ksin'-"wi-tko-dai), v. to be childish, silly. ho-ksin'-3ru-ha, v. to give birth to a child, — ^ho- k^inmduha. ho-ksi'-VTig, n. See hok^iwi^na. ho-ksi'-'wlrj-na, n. a virgin, one who has not had a husband. ho-ksi'-yo-ko-pa, n. (hoksidai) and okopa) a baby, a very little child ; but figuratively applied to grown persons, — homak^iy okopa, hougk^iyo- kopapi. HOK 69 HOW ho-ksi'-yo-pa, n. a child, hoy or girl, — homa- ksiyopa, honik^iyopa, hou^kiiyopapi. ho-ku'-'wa, V. (hogaq and kuwa) to fish, take or catch fish in any way, either by hook, net, or spear, — howakuwa ; hokuwa mda, I go a fish- ing. h.o'-mna, ac?;'. smelling like fish, fishy. Same as hogaqmna. ho'-mna-yajQ, v. to gather or collect fish for a feast, — homnawaya. ho-mni', adj. round, going round. See ohomni, yuhomni, etc. ho-na'-gi-dar), n. the common house-fiy. hor), n. See hui). hog'-ku, n. See huijku. h.or)-pe', n. the stick used in digging tipsiqna or Indian turnips ; a pestle. ho'-pir)S, cont. of hopiijza. ho'-pii)S-ki-ya, v. a. to make the voice squeak, to speak with a squeaking voice. ho'-pir)-za, n. a small squeaking voice, — homa- piqza. ho-pog'-ka, n. a gnat, gnats, of the genus Culex. ho-por)'-ka-dar), n. a gnat, gnats. ho'-psi-ea, v. a. (hogai) and yupsica) to make fish jump, to take fish with a hook and line, — homdupsica. See hoyupsica. ho'-psin, cont. of hopsic'a ; hopsin ya, to go a fish- ing,— hopsin mda. ho-sa'-mna, adj. smelling like fish, fishy. ho-se'-"wi-iima, adj. smelling like fish. h.O-si', V. (ho and si) to command the voice, i. e. to tell news, take word to one. It is always used with other verbs. h.o-si'-hda, v. (hosi and hda) to carry word home, — hosiwahda. ho-si'-hdi, v. (hosi and hdi) to bring ward home. ho-si'-hdi-cu, v. (hosi and hdicu) to start home icith news, — hosiwahdicu. h.O-si'-hi, V. (hosi and hi) to arrive with intelli- gence,— hosiwahi. ho-si'-i, V. (hosi and i) to have been at to carry word, — hosiwai. ho-si'-i-ya-ya, v. (ho^i and iyaya) to have gone to carry word. ho-si'-ka-hda, v. (ho^i and kahda) to carry home word to one. ho-si'-ka-hdi, v. (hosi and kahdi) to bring word home to one. ho-si'-ka-hi, v. {hoii and kahi) to bring word to one. ho-si'-ka-i, v. (ho^i and kai) to have taken word to one. ho-si'-ka-ki, v. Qxoii and kaki) to have taken word home to one. ho-si'-ka-ya, v. (hosi and kaya) to take word to one, — ^hosiwakamda, hosiyakada. ho-si'-ki, V. (hosi and ki) to have reached home with news. ho-si'-ku, V. (ho^i and ku) to be coming home with a message. ho-siij'-ya-se-ea, n. the sucker, a kind of fish. See pahteca. ho-si'-U, V. {hoi\ and u) to come with a mes- sage. h.o-si'-ya v. (hosi and ya) to go to take a mes- ho-sur)'-pe-sda, n. tadpoles. ho'-ta-deir), n. a small sharp-hilled duck. ho'-ta-dar), n. a swing, as a grape vine attached to a tree above. ho'-ta-dar)-ki-cui), v. n. to swing, swing round, — hotadai) wecui), hotadaq uqkiduqpi. ho'-tai)-ir), v. n. to have the voice heard, — ho- mataijii). ho'-tar)-ka, n. the sturgeon, a kind of fish of the genus Acipenser. ho'-tar)-ka-ki-ya, adv. with a great or loud voice : hotaijkakiya ia, to speak with a loud voice. Ho-tar)'-ke, n. p. the Winnebago Indians. ho'-taij-ke, n. a loud or great voice. ho'-ta-pi-sko, ». a swing : hotapiiko kicug, to swing. Hotadai) is generally used. Ho-ta'-'wa, n. p. the Otawas or Otoe Indians. ho-toi)', v. to cry out, put forth the voice, howl, as animals ; to crow, as a cock, hence agpaoho- toqna ; to thunder, as wakigyai) hoto^, it thun- ders. ho-tor)'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to bawl or cry out, — hotoijwakiya. ho-te'-ca, n. dead fish, such as are found in the spring, having been frozen in the ice. ho'-U-ki-ya, v. a. to make the voice go to, i. e. to cry out to one, — ^houwakiya, houuijkiyapi, hou- makiya : houc'idiya, / cry out to thee. ho'-u-ya, v. a. to send the voice to, cry out to one, — houwaya, houuijyaijpi. ho-"wa'-kar), n. the large spotted pike is some- times so called. ho-"wa'-mdu-ska, n. (hogai) and wamduska) an eel, so called from its being both fish and snake. ho-vra'-mdu-ska-dar), n. dim. of howamdu^ka. ho-vra'-mdu-ska-na, n. (Ihaijk.) an eel. ho'-vra-na-se-ki-ya-pi, h. a large fish-net. ho-'wa'-sa-pa, n. (hogaij owasii) and sapa) the cat-fish, so called from its being all black. ho-"wa'-sa-pa-dai), n. a small species of cat- fish, th4 bull-head. HOW 70 HUl^ ho-^wa'-ya, v. n. to cry out, groan, — waho- wamda, yahowada: ^idahowaya, to cry out badly : wasicahowamda. ho'-ya, V. there is fish ; said when fish assemble in one place and die there : hoya kta, there will be fish. ho-ya', V. to use the voice of another, as to have another sing in one's stead, — howaya, hociya. ho'-ya-gi-ta, v. (ho and yagita) to make the voice hoarse by speaking, — homdagita. ho-ye', V. imperat. Same as howo. Ye and pe are the precatory terminations of the imperative mood, and the forms used by the women. ho'-ye-ki-ya, v. a. (ho and yekiya) to cry to, call to, pray to, — hoyewakiya, hoyeyakiya, hoye- u^kiyapi. ho'-ye-ya, v. a. (ho and yeya) to cause the voice to go to, — hoyewaya, hoyeuijya^pi. ho'-yu-Bd, n. a ring in timber, a year's growth ; a line or wrinkle in the skin of a person. ho'-yu-psi-ca, v. a. to make fish jump, i. e. to catch fish with a hook and line, — homdupsica, houqyupsidapi. ho'-yu-sde-ea, n. wrinkles. ho'-yu-sde-ee-toi), v. n. to have wrinkles, to be- come old, — hoyusdecewatoij. ho-zi'-zi-dai), n. (hogai) and zizi) the perch, a kind of fish. See siqtaka. hu, V. a. to copulate, have intercourse with a fe- male,— wahu, yahu, uijhupi. h.u, n. a bone, bones, — mihu, nihu, wicahu ; the leg, legs of a person or animal, as humayukai), / have legs ; the stock or stem of any thing, as of a plant, tree, etc. ; the wheel of a waggon, etc. See huha and huhu. hu-a'-ki-pe, n. See huwakipe. hu-eai)', n. (hu and 6a,j)) the stock of a gun ; the shaft of an arrow. hu-ha', n. the limbs, members of the body, as the legs and arms ; the legs of any thing, as of a ket- tle. hu-ha'-sa-pe-daj), n. (huha and sapa) the black- legged fox. hu-ha'-sa-dai), n. (huha and sa) the red-legged fox. hu-ha'-tor), v. n. (huha and toi)) to have legs or limbs, — huhawatoi) . hu-ha'-to-pa, n. (huha and topa) a quadruped, the wolf in particular. hu-ha'-ya, v. a. to have for members, use for legs, — huhawaya. hu'-hde, V. a. (hu and hde) to set out, plant out, as a young tree or plant of any kind, — huwahde, huuijhdepi. hu-hde'-pi, n. things set out, plants. hu-hu', n. a bone, bones, of the bone kind : maza huhu, arm-bands, probably because at first they were made of bone. hu-hus', cont. of huhuza. hu-hus'-ya, v. a. to cause to shake, to shake, — huhuswaya. hu-hus '-y a, adv. in a shaking manner. hu-hu'-to-pa-o-'wa-hde, n. the large end of the thigh-bone. hu-hu'-za, adj. shaking, trembling, — mahuhuza, nihuhuza. hu-hu '-za-har), part, shaken, shaking. hu'-h'a, n. bones bare or stripped of flesh, a skele- ton : tihuh'a, the skeleton of a house, as when the poles of a lodge are left standing. hu'-ha-ka, n. a spear for killing muskrats. hu'-h'a-pi, n. a skeleton. hu'-h'a-ya, adv. skeleton-like, as the poles of a tent : huh'aya hai), to stand as a skeleton. hu-hba', n. a kind of large water-grass, the stalks of which are eaten by the Dakotas. hu-hna'-ga, v. See huhnaga, the more correct form. hu-ii)'-yur), adv. See huiyui). hu-i'-yui), adv. on foot : huiyui) mda, I go cm foot. hu-i'-yuij-ken, adv. on foot, walking. hu-ku'-hu, intj. When a deer is brought into camp, the children shout hukuhu. — S. W. Pond. hu-kun', adv. under, beneath. hu-ku'-ya, adv. below, under, at the lowest jjlace. hu-mdo', n. the shin-bone. hu-na'-pta, v. to be lame : sidogai) nawapta, / have sprained my ankle. Said when the muscle is so injured as to make one lape. hu-na'-ste, v. to sprain one's leg, — hunawa^te. hu'-nl. See hihuni. hu'-nor)-pa, n. (hu and noi)pa) a biped, man, in the sacred language. hur), n. mother, — nihui), thy mother ; hugku, his or her mother. See ina, my mother. hui)-hur)'-he, intj. alas ! hur)h, n. some, a part. hur)h'-na-na, adv. only a part. hur)-ka', n. a parent or ancestor ; an elder bro- ther is often so called, — mihuqka ; oyie who has raised himself or herself in the estimation of the people so as to be considered as a kind of benefac- tor or parent of all ; the sun is sometimes so call- ed from his munificence. hur)-ka'-ke, n. an ancestor, — mihuijkake, nihui)- kake, wicahuijkake. hur)-ka'-ke-ya, v. a. to have for an ancestor, — huijkakewaya, huijkakeuQyaijpi. HU]^ n HAH hur)-ka'-'war)-zl, n. a brother, one of the same family, — mihuqkawaijii, nihuijkawaijii. hur)-ka'--wai)-zin-ki-6i-ya-pi, n. brethren. hur)-ka'-"war)-ziii-ya, v. a. to have for a bro- ther, count as brother, — huijkawaijiinwaya. hur)-ka'--wai)-zi-tku, n. his brother. h.ui)-ka'-ya, v. to consider and honor as huqka, — huqkawaya, huijkauqyaijpi. huij-ka'-ya-pi, n. one who is called huqka. Used also for deacon or elder ; the sun. hur)'-ke-sni, v. n. to be slow, not fast, in walking or working, — wahuijkesni, yahui)ke^ni, ur)hur)ka- pisni : caijte huijkefoi, low-spirited. hUQ-kti'-ya, v. imperat. only ; go away, go along, get out of the way, — hugktiya wo. hui)'-ku, n. his or her mother. hur)'-ku.-ya, v. a. to call mother, have for mother, — huqkuwaya, huflkuyaya. hur)-pe', n. See hoijpe. hur)-ska', n. leggins ; hugska otoi), to wear leg- gins. huQ-ska'-ya, v. a. to have for leggins, make leggins of, — liuijskawaya. hur)-ski'-ca-he, n. garters. hvLT)-Ste', adv. well, at any rate; edaxaoi) kta huij^te, / will do it at any rate; hecetu kte huq^te, well, so it will be. hug'-tka, n. a large water-fowl, the cormorant. hu-pa'-hu, n. the knee ; the knee-pan, patella. hu-pa'-za-hde, v. to sit with the knees bent up. hu-pa'-za-hde-ya, adv. hupazahdeya waqka, to lie on the back with the knees sticking up. hu-sar)'-him, adj. very lean ; i. q. tamateca Mgca. hu-sdi', n. the lower part of the leg, just above the ankle ; the ankle. hu'-stag, cont. of liustaka. hu'-stag-ya, v. a. to enfeeble, — hustagwaya. hu'-sta-ka, v. n. to be faint, weak, weary, feeble, lame, — humastaka. hu-ste', adj. lame, — humaste, huniste, huuijstepi. hu-ste'-ken, adv. lamely : hu^teken mani. hu-ste '-y a, v. a. to make lame, — huBtewaya. hu-ste '-y a, adv. limpingly. hu-ste'-ya-ken, adv. lamely. hu'-ta, n. the root of a tree or plant : cag huta, a stump with sprouts, the bottom of a tree. hu-ta', n. the shore or margin of a river or lake ■ the edge of a prairie or wood. hu'-ta-hu, n. the part on top of the leg-bone, the shin-bone. hu'-tam, adv. cont. of hutapa ; hutam yeye c'ii), along the shore. hu'-tam-ya, adv. by the edge or shore ; at the time of need or extremity. See hutamyaken. hu'-tam-ya-ken, adv. by the edge or shore ; at the time of need, in one's extremity : hutamya- ken omayakiye ^ni, you did not help me when I was most in need. hu-ta'-na-ku-te, v. n. to play with the hutina- cute ; to throw a stick so as to make it slide along on the snow, — hutanawakute. hu-ta'-pa, adv. out back ; i. q. daijyata. hu-ta'-ta, adv. at the shore or edge ; to the shore ; to the woods or interior : hutata uijyaiipi. hu-ta'-ta-ki-ya, adv. towards the shore. hu'-te, n. the bottom, as of a tree, the lowest part, root : caijhute, the roots of a tree. hu-ti'-na-cu-te, n. a long stick with a large head, which the Dakotas make sUde on the snow or ice. hu-tkai)', n. a root, the roots of trees, plants, etc. hu-tkarj'-o-mdo-toi), n. (hutkag and omdotoi)) the square root, in arithmetic. hut-o'-tkog-za, n. a bluff shore with deep water below. hu-to'-ske, adj. broad at one end, tapering. hu-"wa'-ki-pe, n. the smaller bones in the lower leg and fore-arm : cagkpe huwa^cipe, the fibula; i^pa huwa^^ipe, the ulna. hu-"wa'-pa, n. an ear of com, com unshelled. See wahuwapa. hu-^wa'-pa-hpe, n. See huwapahpe. hu-"we', V. to bring, fetch. Used with other verbs, as huwe ya, to go to bring, — huwe mda ; huwe i, to have been for ; huwe hi, to have come for. hu-ya', V. to have for a bone, have for a staff or leg, — huwaya. hu-ya'-ta, adv. in the leg. hu-yo'-ka-hmir), n. the hollow behind the knee. h"WO, adv. interrogative. Commonly used when the speaker is at a distance : told da hwo, where are you going ? H. h, the tenth letter of the Dakota alphabet. It repre- sents a deep surd guttural. ha, adj. curled, rough. See yuha, to curl. ha, n. a curl. ha, V. a. to bury, as a dead person, or as corn in holes or caches, — waha, ughapi. h'a, adj. grey or mixed, as black and white, the black appearing under the white, as in the bad- ger. ha-ha', adj. red. of lia ; curling, curled. See yu- haha. ha-ha', n. waterfalls, so called from the curling of the waters ; esp. the Falls of St. Anthony, HAH 12 HDA Ha-Bia'-nido-te, w. the mouth of the St. Peter's or Minnesota river. Ha-ha'-tor)-"wai), n. p. the Chippewa or Ojibwa Indians, the name given to them by the Dakotas, as those who make their village at the falls. Ha-fia'-'wa-kpa, n. the Mississippi river, lit. river of the falls. lia'-ka, adj. branching, having many prongs, as some deer's horns. See hehaka. fiia-ka', adj. ruffled, not smooth, made rough, as a feather. £a-kpa', adj. not straight or level, a little curved ; ruffled. haza, cont. of hapa ; ham hiqhda and ham iyaya, to start up, as something scared. ham-Biain'-ya, v. red. of hamya. liajn-ta'-pa, v. red. of hapa. ham-Ra'-pe-dar), n. the name given to silJc cloth of any kind, probably from the rustling noise made in handling it. ]ia-inna', adj. smelling like stale meat, tainted. Ram-ya', v. a. to frighten or scare away any thing, as wild animals ; to drive off, — hamwaya. £iai), n. a scab : hag hiqhpaya, the scab has fal- len off. liar), v. n. to do, work, act, in any way, — wahai), uqhaijpi : token yahai) he, what are you doing ? Rai)-di'-ta, v. n. to he active, make progress in work : haijdita waur), / am active. hag-dl'-ta-ya, v. a. to spur one up, — hagdita- waya : har)ditai(Jiya, to spur oneself up, — hagdi- tami. .■:-■■:.,' ■■ liar)-o'-tpa-ni, v. n. Same as haqokpani. fiar)-o'-tpa-ni-yar), v. Same as haijokpaniyai). liar)-pi'-ea, v. that can he done : token haripida sni, it cannot he done. KiaQ-te', n. the cedar, of the gemis Juniperus and Cupressus. K.ar)-te'-sa, n. See ha:r)tesadai]. har)-te'-sa-dar), n. the red cedar, Juniperus vir- ginius. )iai)-yar)', v. n. to fail, decline, sink away, as in sickness ; to be near death, i. q. waijna te kta ; to be very tired, — haijwaya, haiju^yaijpi. ]iar)-ye'-ea, v, n. to fail, decline, sink away, as in approaching death, — hariwayec'a. Ra'-pa. See kahapa. ]ia'-pa, V. n. to make a rustling noise, as in leaves or bushes, to rustle. lia-tpa', adj. ruffled, as feathers or hair. See hakpa. lilia, adj. sleepy, drowsy, — mahba, uijhbapi, wi- c'ahba. filja'-ka, adj. sleepy, mild, gentle, — mahbaka. tba'-ya, v. a. to make sleepy, — hbawaya. fiba'-ya, adv. mildly, gently. Rba'-ye-dar), adv. softly, gently, mildly : hbaye- dag waur). hbog'-ya, adv. collected, together. £bo'-ka. See kahboka. libu, V. n. to make a noise as in chewing snow or ice, to make a crunching noise. hbu-Rbu', V. red. of hbu. Bibu-'wa'-hai), part, crumbled, as ice or snow in the Spiing. lica, n. a flower, blossom. See wahca. hea, V. n. to blossom ; hca aya, to bloom or blos- som. Rea, adv. cont. of hiqca. Rca-'wa'-lie-ea, adj. slovenly. See hc'oya. B,6a'-ya, v. n. to blossom. hea'-ya, adv. blossoming. Yici, adj. broken out in gaps. See kahci. hei, n. a gap, as in the edge of an axe. hei-har)', part, broken out, as a piece from the edge of an axe ; torn out, as the ear by ear- rings. £ci-hei', red. of hci ; gapped. liei-'wa'-har), part, broken out in gaps, gapped. lico, adj. slovenly, slatternly. Rco'-ka, adj. slovenly, — mahcoka. fico'-ya, adv. in a slovenly manner. Bieo'-ya-ken, adv. slovenlily. hda, v. n. to rattle. hda-Rda', v. red. of hda. See mazahdahda. hda-b.da', n. a rattle. hda-hda'-ya, adv. rattling, loosely. HDA 73 HMI hda-hda'-ye-da^, adv. not securely, loosely : fidaidayedar) wahnaka, I placed it loosely. hda-fida'-yen, adv. not securely; idahdayen hnake ^ni, he has not placed it in securely. tdali-ya', adv. to a distance, i. q. tehaij ; remov- ing. hdah-ye'-ca, v. n. to remove or go off to a dis- tance : hdahyec'e ^ni, it does not go off, said of deer or other animals that stay about in the same place. lida-ya', adv. rattling ; not safely. tda-yen', adv. not securely or safely. hdi, V. n. to break out in sores, be sore, raw, — mahdi, uijhdipi : daijkahu hdi, to have a sore back, as a horse. h.di, n. a running sore, a raw place. Bidi, adj. miry. See kahdi. hdi-hdi', adj. red. of hdi ; broken out in sores ; miring. hdi-lidi'-dar), adj. miry, muddy. hdo, v. n. to growl, as a dog. £do-ge'-ca, adj. hollow, as a tree. K.do-har)', adj. slovenly, not well put on, ss clothes. Mo-he '-ca, adj. slovenly. hdo-he'-ya, adv. in a slovenly manner. lido-hdo'-ka, adj. full of holes. See hdoka. hdo-hdo'-ka-hai), part, fall of holes. hdo-Rdo'-ka-'wa-har), jxirt. having holes in. hdo'-ka, n. a hole : mini hdoka, a spring. hdo'-ka, part. See kahdoka. hdo-ka'-hai), part, opened, having a hole in. hdo-ka'-'wa-hai), jxirt. having a hole in. hdo-ki'-ya, v. a. to make growl, — hdowakiya. hdo-ya', v. a. to cause to growl, — hdowaya. lido-ya', adv. growling. lie, n. a high hill or ridge of hills, a mountain ; esp., the Coteau des prairies. he-gir)'-ee, ». dross : iphiiegirjce, dandruff . See also girigiqca. f e-E'e', adj. dangling, ragged. he'-i-mni-za, n. (he and imniia) a rocky ridge. ]ie-ir)'-kpa, n. the brink or brow of a hill, the end of a hill. See hii)kpa. fie-ii)'-tpa, n. Same as heiijkpa. ae'-i-pa, n. the brow of a hill ; esp., the head or commencement of the Coteau des prairies. He-ku', n. the foot of a hill back from a river : heku ui)yaT)pi, we go at the foot of the hill. he'-ma-ya-ear), n. a wooded hill. he'-mdo, n. a hill-top, ridge ; i. q. mdamdata. Re'-mdo-ka, n. Same as hemdo. he-mni'-ear), n. (he mni and cai)) a hill that appears as if it were in the water ; Red Wings village, a short distance above Lake Pepin, is so called. 10 Hen, adv. (he and en) ashore : ften eiu, to put any thing ashore, as from a boat ; hen ihai), to step ashore. fie-na'-ke, n. a hill-side, slope. Re-na'-ke-ya, adj. sloping, sideling. he'-pe-se, adv. hepese ehpeya, to make a splash, as in throwing any thing into water. Ret-a'-zu, V. a. to put ashore, as the load of a boat. See wahetaiu. he--w"ar)'-ke, n. frost, hoar-frost. he-'wo'-skan, n. an uninhabited, desert place. K.e-'wo'-skan-tu, adv. in a desert place. lie-'wo'-skan-tu-ya, adv. away from any dwell- ing, in a desert place, solitarily. he-'wo'-ta-he-dar), adv. where no one lives, in a desert place. Ce-ya'-ka, n. a hill, river hill, mountain. Bie-ya'-ka-ta, adv. at the hill. h,e-yain', cont. of heyapa ; by land, following the hill : heyam uqyaripi, we go by land. &e-yan', cont. of heyata ; inland, in the interior. fie-ya'-pa, v. n. to go by land, travel by land, in distinction from going by water, — heyawapa. lie-ya'-ta, adv. back by the hill, back from a river, back from a fire, out back, back, behind : heyata ya, to go out back, retire, withdraw, — heyata mda ; heyata iyeya, to shove aside or back, put out of office, reject. M-ea'-har), v. n. to slip, miss step, stumble and fall, — mahic'ahai) . M-ea'-he-ya, v. a. to cause to slip and fall, — hicahewaya. Mr), adv. cont. of hiijca ; very. hit)' -6a., adv. very: v/a,it^laiQca, very good ; iice hirida, very bad. Mi)-ca'-ke, adv. very, indeed. Mrj'-kpa, n. (he and iijkpa) the brow of a hill. Mrj'-kpa-ta, adv. to or at the top of the hill : hii)kpata uijyaijpi kta, we will go to the top of the hill. liir)'-kpa-tar)-har), adv. at the hill-top, from the hill. hir)-tkai)'-hu, n. the upper arm-bone. Hiritkai) alone is said not to be used. hiri'-tpa, n. Same as hirikpa. hiri'-tpa-ta, adv. Same as hiqkpata. liii)'-tpa-tar)-har), adv. Same as hipkpataqhai). Mr)-yar)'-tar), n. the daisy, which the Dakotas use in dyeing yellow. M-ya'-ya, adv. bungled. See yuhiyaya. hmir), adj. crooked, missluipen : siha hmiij, a crooked foot. hmlrj-hmir)', adj. red. of hmiij. hmiQ-hmiQ'-yai), adv. red. of hmigya;) ; crook- edly. HMI 74 HTA liinir)'-yar), adv. crookedly. fimu'-ga, ti. See Imuijga. limur), V. n. to buzz, hum, as the stones of a mill or the flapping of birds' wings ; to whistle, as a bullet : hmiii) hiijhda, to make a hvazing noise suddenly. fimug'-ga, V. a. to cause sickness or death, as the Dakotas pretend to be able to do, in a supernatu- ral way ; to bewitch, kill by enchantment, — wa- imuijga, ui)hmui)gapi, mahmui)ga ; kicihmui)- gapi, bewitching each other. hmur)'-ga, adj. smelling strong, fishy, rancid, stinking, as grease. hmurih'-inna, v. n. to smell rancid ot fishy. liinur)-hinui)', v. red. of hmui) ; to buzz. fiinur)-fimui)'-ga, adj. red. of hmuqga ; rancid. K.inur)-ya', v. a. to cause to hum, make buzz, — hmuijwaya. hmurj-yai)', adv. buzzing. lina, V. n. to snort, as something dying. lina-hai)', adj. slovenly, not tidy, hanging, as a horse's lip. hna-he'-ya, a(iy. loosely, slovenly : hnaheya uq, he is slovenly. iini'-yar), v. cai)te hniyai), to flutter or be troubled, be sick at the stomach, as from eating too much, — mahniyai). Rnl'-yag-yai), adj. afraid, quaking for fear, — mahniyaqyag. hni'-ye-ye-se, adv. in haste, affrightedly : hni- yeyese mawani, / walk hastily. to, V. n. to stand up on end, as hair. See alio. Ro, intj. of surprise. lio'-e-ca, intj. expressing dissatisfaction or dis- sent. ho'-e-eah, intj. Same as hoeo'ahe. ho'-e-ea-fi.e, intj. of disbelief and dissent. lio-ka', n. the badger. lio-na'-ptai), n. See huijnaptaij. fior)'-hi-ki-ya, ?;. a. to finish, perfect. See liui)- hikiya. lior)'-hi-ya, v. a. to finish, perfect. See B.ui)- hiya. lioi)'-ki-ta, V. n. to become very tired. See huq- kita. ft.OQ'-kpa-iU., v. n. to be in an unfinished state. See ]iui)kpani. hoQ'-kpa-ni-ki-ya, v. to fail of finishing. See huqkpanikiya. hoi)'-kpa-ni-yar), v. See huijkpaniyafl. hoi)'-tpa-ni, v. See iuiitpani. lioij'-tpa-ni-ki-ya, v. See huijtpanikiya. hoQ'-tpa-ni-yai), v. See huqtpaniyar). ]io'-pi-dar), intj. astonishing ! wonderful ! &o'-pi-dai)-ni-ye, intj. astonishing ! ho'-pl-daQ-sni, intj. impossible! ho-pu'-za, n. (he and opuza) a dry country, desert. ho'-ski, adj. hilly, rough, uneven, as a country. bo'-ski-ski, adj. red. of hoiki ; abounding in little hills, a hilly country. lio'-ta, adj. grey, brown. hot-Ro'-ta, adj. red. of hota. lio-tir)'-za, «. (he and otigza) hard ground, a to-'Wo'-skan, n. an uninhabited country. Kpa, jmrt. thrown down. See yuhpa. hpa, V. n. to be wet or clogged, as musquitoes' wings with dew : capoijka hpapi, the musquitoes are wet with dew. lipa, adv. together, in a bunch, said of beans or potatoes which grow together. lipa-har)', part, thrown down. bpar), adj. soaked with water, wet. hpar)-yai)', v. a. to soak or steep in water, — hpaijwaya, hpar)ui)yai)pi. hpa-"wa'-hai), part, thrown off, thrown down. fipe'-ea, adj. faint, exhausted, — mahpeca ; hpeda sni, untiring, strong to endure fatigue. hpe--war)'-ka, v. n. to stay with the young, hover over, as a hen does over her brood, brood over, — hpemuqka. lipu. See yuipu. hpu-haq' part, crumbled off. hpu-hpu', red. of hpu. hpu-vra'-hai), part, crumbled off, come apart, as things formerly stuck together. B.pu-ya', adv. crumbling off. Ma, cont. of htayetu. hta-eu'-sni, n. the cool of the evening. Ma'-ka. See yahtaka. hta-ki'-ya, adv. towards evening. Ma'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to catch and hold, as a trap. See mazahtakiyapi. Ma-ki'-ya-ken, adv. towards evening. htan, cont. of htata ; htan iyaya, to become weak. Ma-ni', v. n. to labor, toil, work, do such labor as the Dakota women do, — htawani, htayani, hta- urjnipi. Ma'-ni-har), n. yesterday ; htanihaq sai)pa and htanihai) icima, the day before yesterday. Ma-ni '-pi, n. laboring ; i. q. wicohtani. Mar)'-yar), adj. rough, made rough ; i. q. po- waye. Ma'-ta, adj. languid, weak, — mahtata. Ma'-te-ea, adj. weak, feeble, — mahtateca. Ma-yen', adv. in the evening; generally, last evening. Ma'-ye-tii, n. tht evening. HUG Y5 lAK liu'-ga, part, broken in. See kaiuga. Ru-ga'-har), part, broken in. hu-ga'-"wa-har(, part, broken in. hu-ge'-ea, n. See gugeca. liu-ha', n. the scrapings or shavings of hides, taken off in making them thin enough for robes, and which are eaten by the Dakotas. See ta- huha. hu-hna'-ga, v. n. to burn up, be consumed. hu-hnaR'-ya, v. a. to cause to burn up, to con- sume,— huhnahwaya. ]iur)'-hi-ki-ya, v. a. to finish, perfect. ]iui)'-lii-ki-ya, adv. in a finishing way, per- fectly : huqhikiya ei. ka-pir)s', emit, of kapiqza. ka-pir)s', cont. of kapiijia. ka-pir)'-za, v. a. to make squeak or squeal, as a squirrel, by striking, — wakapiijza. ka-pir)'-za, v. a. to clear away, as brush, grass, etc., — wakapii) ia. ka-po', V. n. to swell, as one's flesh, — makapo, nidapo. ka-po '-gar), v. n. to puff out, to swell and become tight, as a bladder that is blown. ka-poh', ront. of kapogai) ; kapoh iyeya. ka-poli'-ya, v. a. to make swell out, as any thing filled with air, — kapohwaya. ka-poh'-ya, adv. rising, swelling out. ka-pom', cont. of kapopa ; kapom iyaya, to burst with a noise ; kapom iyeya, to cause to burst. ka-po'-pa, V. a. to make a popping noise ; to strike and make burst, — wakapopa. ka-po'-ta, v. a. to pound to pieces, as a garment ; to rend, tear in pieces, as wind does clothes, — wa- kapota. K A V 118 KAK ka-po'-tpo-ta, v. red. of kapota. ka-psag', cont. of kapsaka ; kapsag iyeya, and kapsag ehpeya, to break violentli/. ka-psag'-ya, v. a. to cause to breah, — kapsag- waya. ka-psag'-ya, ado. broken, as a string. ka-psa'-ka, v. a. to break, as a string, hi/ strik- ing ; to break of itself, — wakapsaka, uijkapsa- kapi. ka-psar)'-psar), v. n. to darif/le, swing back and forth. ka-psa'-psa-ka, v. red. of kapsaka. ka-psi'-ea, v. a. to make jump by striking, — \va- kapsic'a, uijkapsicapi. ka-psin', amt. of kapsida ; kapsin iyeya. Also used as a contraction of kapsii)ta. ka-psir)'-psir)-ta, v. a. to whip, correct by wJiip- ping, chastise, — wakapsiqpsiqta. ka-psir)'-ta, v. a. to whip, flog ; to correct, as a child, by whipping, — wakapsirita, uqkapsiqtapi : kapsii)tapi se ui), he appears as if he had been ivhipped. ka-psi'-psi-ca, v. red: to mak? jump much by striking, — wakapsipsica. ka-psi'-psin, cont. of kapsipsida ; kapsipsin iyeya, to throia out and make skip about, as in Ashing. ka-psoi)', V. a. to upset and spill, as a vessel of water ; to overturn and fall out, as from a canoe, — wakapsoi). ka-psor)'-psor), v. red. of kapsoi). ka-psur)', v. a. to knock out, as a tooth; to dis- locate, as a joint, by striking, — wakapiuq ; to shed, as a deer his horns. Hence, the December moon is called Tahecap^ui) wi, Moon when the deer shed their horns. ka-pSUI)'-ka, v. a. to make round or knob-like, — wakapsuijka. ka-psur) '-psui), v. red. of kapsuq. ka-psur)'-yar), v. a. to cause to knock out of place, — kap^uijwaya. ka-pta', V. a. to lade or bail out, as water from a boat, — wakapta, yakapta, ui)kaptapi. ka-ptag'-ptar), v. a. to turn over and over, — wakaptaijptai). ka-ptar)'-yar), v. a. to cause to fall over ; to turn over, upset, as a canoe, — wakaptaijyai), ug- kaptaqyagpi. ka-ptai)'-yar), adv. turning over. ka-ptari'-ye-ya, v. a. to cause to fall over, to overturn, — kaptaijyewaya. ka-pta'-pta, v. n. to fall to pieces, as something rotten. ka-ptu'-ptus, cont. of kaptuptuia ; kaptuptu^ iveva. ' ka-ptu'-ptu-za, v. red. of kaptuia; to crack often by striking. ka-ptus', cont. of kaptuia ; kaptus iyeya. ka-ptus'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to make crack, — kaptiiswakiya. ka-ptu'-za, v. a. to split or crack by striking, but not to split open, — wakaptuia, uijkaptuiapi. ka-po', V. a. to strike and make a smell, whether good or bad ; to stop or cease from, as in gam- bling, and distribute tlic articles staked, — wakapo. ka-pos'-po-ze-dar). adv. red. of kapozedaij. ka-po'-za, adj. light, not heavy. Ka-po'-za, n. the name of the Little Crowds band of Dakota Indians; Kaposia, or Little Crowds village. ka-po'-ze-daQ, adj. dim. light, not heavy. ka-sa' V. a. to bury in the snow, cover over with snow, — wakasa, uijkasapi. ka-sa', v. n. to whistle or moan, as the wind. ka-sag', cont. of kasaka ; kasag iyeya. ka-sa'-ka, v. a. to switch, whip, — wakasaka. ka-sak'-sa-ka, v. red. of kasaka ; to whip, — wakasaksaka. ka-sam'-ye-dar), adv. heavily : kasamyedai) hiqlipaya, to fall heavily. ka-sar)', v. a. to shave of, as the beard or hair ; to whiten by scraping, — wakasaij. ka-sar) '-sax), v. red. of kasaij ; to scra2>e and whi ten, — wakasai) sai) . ka-sba', v. a. to make lint ; to curry, — wakasba, aijkasbapi. ka-sba'-sba, v. red. of kasba. ka-sbu', V. a. to cut into small strips, cut into dangles, — wakasbu, ui)kasbupi. ka-sbu'-kl-ya, v. a. to cause to cut into strips, — kasbuwakiya. ka-Sbu'-pi, n. dangles. ka-sbu'-sbu, v. red. of kasbu ; to cut into strings and let hang, — wakasbusbu. ka-sde'-ca, v. a. to split, as wood, with an are, — wakasdeca, uijkasdecapi. ka-sdem', cont. of kasdepa. ka-sdem'-ya, adv. tapering, wedge-like. ka-sden', cont. of kasdeda ; kasden iyeya. ka-sden'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to split, — kasden- wakiya. ka-sden'-ya, v. a. to cause to split, — kasdenwaya. ka-sde'-pa, v. a. to make tapering, to make like a wedge, — wakasdepa. ka-sde'-sde-ea, v. a. red. of kasdeda ; to split up fine, as wood, — wakasdesdeda. ka-sde'-sden, cont. of kasdesdeca. ka-sdi', V. a. to strike and force Some out, as from a bladder full of ^eaae; to sharpen, a« a stick, with an axe. — wakasdi. KAS 119 RAa ka-sdi'-sdi, v. red. of kasdi, ka-sdi'-tka, v. a. to cut in wAcheK, make knobs on, — wakasjitka. ka-sdi'-tka-tka, e. red. of kasditka. ka-sdi'-ya, v. a. to cause one to press out, — ka- sdi waya. ka-sdo'-har), v. n. to waft or drive along, as tlie wind does clouds. ka-sdo'-hajo-hai), v. red. of kasdohaij. ka-se'-pa, v. n. to loash off, as tlie rain docs paint. ka-s"ir)', adv. appearing, tn sight. ka-s'ir)'-s'ir), aJv. red. of kas'iij ; appearing now and then. ka-s'il)'-3'il)-yar), adv. appearing at limes, occa- sionallg seen : kas'ii)s"ii)3'ar) iyaya, he passes along in sight sometimes. ka-3'ir)'-yar), adv. in sight, partly visible, project- ing, as a cork iu a bottle. ka-ska', v. a. to bleach hi/ striking or dragging, — wakaska. ka-ska', v. a. to clear of, as clouds, smoke, or fog ; to become clear. ka-ska'-har), n. dregs. ka-skam', cont. of kaskapa ; kaskain iyoya, to strike off with the hand. ka-ska,'-pa, v. a. to strike, as witli the Land, strike hands together : nape hdaskapa, he strikes his hands together. ka-skem', cont. of kaskepa ; k:iskem iyeya. ka-skem'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to bail out, as water from a canoe, — kaskemwakiya. ka-skem'-ya, v, a. to cause to bail out. ka-ske'-pa, v. a. to paddle or bail out, as water from a canoe, — wakaskepa. ka-ski'-ca, v. a. to press, press down on; to embrace, — wakaskica, uqkaskicapi : taha kaskica, to press packs of furs. ka-skin', cont. of kaskica ; kaskin yuza, to clasp in the arms, — kaskin mduza. ka-skin'-ya, v. a. to cause to settle down, topress down, — kaskinwaya. ka-ski'-ta, v. to press, to clasp : kaskita yuza, to embrace. ka-smag', cont. of kasmaka ; kasmag iyeya. ka-sma'-ka, v. a. to indent or make concave by striking, — wakasmaka ; to make a track, as a waggon does. ka-smirj'-yap, v. to make bare ; to blow all off and leave bare, as the wind does in taking off the snow. ka-smir)'-yar)-yai), v. red. of kasmiijyai). ka-sna', v. a. to make ring or sound by striking ; to make ring, as the wind ; to knock or shake off fruit or leaves from a tree, i. q. kahna, — waka- sna, UQkasnapi. ka-sna '-sna, v. red. of kasna; to make ring ; to trim or cut off all tlie limbs from a tree and leave it bare, — wakasnasna. See snasnana. ka-sni', v. a. to put out or extinguish fire by beating ; to cool food by shaking it, — wakasni, ur)kasuipi. ka-sni'-sni, v. red. of kasni. ka-son', cont. of kasoUi ; kason iyeya, to use all lip. ka-so'-ta, v. a. to use up by striking ; to kill off, as cattle ; to cut all off, as trees, to make prairie of xvoodland ; to use tip, — wakasota, uqkaso- tapi. ka-so'-ta, v. ». to clear off, as the sky, be clear from clouds : kasota au, it is clearing off. ka-spa'-ya, v. a. of spaya ; to loet, moisten, — wakaspaya. ka-spe -y a, v. a. to make sink ; to balance, weigh, — kaspewaya : kaspeya ehnaka, to place in a balance, to balance or weigh ; to jiut so as to hold to its place, as something placed to liold a book open. ka-spe'-ya, rtrfi'. balancing, ready to sink; ka- speya yaijka, it is in a balance. ka-stag', cont. of kastaka ; kastag ehpeya, to throw on and make stick, as mud. ka-sta'-ka, v. a. to throw on, as mud, to throw so as to make stick, — wakastaka. ka-star)'-ka, v. a. to moisten by pounding, — wa- kastaijka. ka-sto', V. a. to smooUi down, to stroke, comb, as hair or grass, — wakasto, uijkastopi : kasto iyaya, to drag or trip along. ka-Sto'-sto, v. red. of kasto ; to stroke, make smooth. ka-sto'-ya, adv. smoothly. kas, conj. if, although. See kae^, ka-s'ag', cont. of kas'aka. ka-s'ag'-ya, v. a. to cause to strike feebly, — ka- s'agwaya. ka-s'a'-ka, v. a. to strike with too little force to penetrate ; to discourage, — wakas'aka. ka-s'a'-ka, adj. overloaded. ka-sda', v. a. to cut off, make bare, as, pa kasda, to shave the head ; to mow, as grass, make bare by moioing, — wakaida, ui)kasdapi. See peii- kasda. ka-sda'-sda, v. red. of kasda. ka-sda'-ya, v. a. to cause to make bare, — kasda- waya. ka-sdog', cont. of kasdoka ; kasdog iyeya. ka-sdo'-ka, v. a. to knock off or out, as the helve from an axe, — waka^doka, uijka^dokapi ; to fall out, as an arrow that has been shot into au animal. KAS 120 KAT ka-sdun', cont. of kasduta ; kasdun iyeya, to cause to glance off; kasdun iyaya, to glance off, as an axe. ka-sdu'-sdu-ta, v. red. of kasduta ; to polish ; to smooth hxj striking, to planish, — wakasdusduta. ka-sdu'-ta, v. a. to strik: and make glance off, — wakasduta. ka-se', V. n. to rub against, — makase, nicase. ka-se'-ea, v. a. to make dead or dry by striking, to deaden by cutting around, as a tree, — waka- seca. ka-sen'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to deaden, — kasen- wakiya. ka-se '-ya, v. a. to rub against, fend off ; to ob- struct,— kasewaya. ka-se '-y a, ado. hitting against, touching. ka-si'-6a, v. a. to spoil or make badly by striking, — vvakasica. ka-si'-ca-ho-'wa-ya, v. a. to cause to cry out by striking, — wakasidahowaya. ka-sim', cont. of kasipa ; ka^im iyeya. ka-s'ir)', v. n. to bend backwards, — maka^'ii), ni- cas'ii). ka-s'ir) '-yar), orff. bent backwards : kas'ijjyaq uij, hi is bent backwards. ka-si'-pa, v. a. to knock or cut off close, as branches from a tree, legs from a chair or pot, or rivets from a knife, — waka^ipa ; to break off, as the wind does limbs from a tree. ka-ska', v. a. to tie ; to bind, imprison, — waka- ska, uqkaskapi, cidaska, makaska : kaska hnaka, to put in bonds or in prison, — kaska wahnaka. ka-ska'-har), part, tied, bound. ka-ske'-hai), v. a. to make skip about by strik- ing,— wakaskehai) . ka-skem', ccmt. of kaskepa ; kadkem eipeya, to strike out, to press out by striking, as water from any thing. ka-ske'-pa, v. a, to strike and press out, as water, — ^wakaskepa. ka-ski'-ea, v. a. to press by striking, to pound or batter out, as clothes, — wakaskica. ka-skin', co7it. of ka^kida ; kaskin iyeya. ka-ski'-ska, v. a. to make rough by striking, — wakaskiska. ka-sko'-kpa, v. a. to hollow out, make concave, cut out, as a trough, — wakaskokpa, ui)kaskokpa- pi. Hence, daijka^kokpa, a trough. ka-sko'-kpa-kpa, v. red. of kaskokpa. ka-skom', cont. of ka^kopa ; kaskom iyeya. ka-sko'-pa, v. a. to make crooked or twisted by striking or falling, — waka^kopa. ka-sko'-sko-pa, v. red. of kaskopa. ka-sko'-tpa, v. a. Same as kaskokpa. ka-sko'-tpa-tpa, v. red. of kadkotpa. ka-sna', v. a. to miss in attempting to strike, — waka^na, uijkainapi. ka-sna'-sna, r. red. of kasna. ka-sni'-sni-za, v. a. red. of kasniia ; to strike, as a fire, and cause to send forth sparks, — waka- snisniza. ka-sni'-za, v. a. to make wither by striking, — wakasniza. ka-spa', v. a. to separate, cut loose from; to cut in two, as a pair of blankets ; to cough and. spit, to expectorate, — wakaspa, uqkaspapi ; kica- spa, and kicidaspa, to wrestle. ka-spa'-pi, n. See ka^papidaij. ka-spa'-pi-dar), n. a small piece of money, a ten cent piece, dime. ka-spe'-pi-ca-sni, adj. not capable of being separated. ka-spe'-ya, v. a. to cause to separate or break off ; to cause to expectorate, — ka^pewaya. ka-spu', V. a. to cut off apiece by striking, cut off, as a bulge from a tree, etc., — wakaspu, uijka- spupi. ka-spu '-spu, V. red. of kaspu ; to break up in pieces, as ice or tallow, by striking, — wakaspuspu ; to break up, as the wind does ice. ka-spu'-spu, n. pieces of lead ctit and rounded in the mouth, slugs. ka-sta', conj. (ka and esta) though, although : tuwe kasta, whoever or nobody; taku kasta, whatever or nothing ; toketu ka^ta, at all events, at any rate ; hedetu kasta, let it be so. ka-stag', cont. of kastaka ; ka^tag yeya, to throw, as a hutinadute, — ka^tag yewaya. ka-sta'-ka, v. a. to strike, beat, whip ; to kill, — wakastaka, yakastaka, upkastakapi. ka-star)', v. a. to pour out; to throw away ; said of liquids only, — wakastaq, uqkastaijpi. ka-sus', cont. of ka^uza ; kasu^ iyeya. ka-su'-sus, cont. of kasusuia ; kasu^ul iyeya, to bruise or mash down. ka-su'-sus-ya, ado. battered, bruised. ka-su'-su-za, v. a. red. of ka^uia. ka-sus'-ya, v. a. to cause to batter or bruise, — kasuswaya. ka-sus'-ya, adv. bruisedly, batteredly. ka-su'-za, v. a. to bruise, to batter, to mash, to crush, — waka^uia. ka'-ta, adj. warm, hot ; applied both to persons and things, — makata, nikata. ka-ta', adv. together : kata iheya, to assemble to- gether,— kata iheui)yai)pi. ka-ta'-ga, v. of tage ; to make waves and foam, as the wind does by blowing on water, ka-tah', cont. of kataga ; katah toi), to make waves. KAT 12^1 KA.T ka-ta'-kir), v. a. to strike and cause to lean, — wa- katakiq. ka-ta'-kir)-yar), adv. leaning : katakiijyaij hai), to stand leaning. ka-ta'-ko-hai), v. katakohaij yuza, to embrace, — katakoliai) mduza. ka-ta'-ku-ni-sni, v. a. (ka and takunisni) to beat to pieces, destroy, — wakatakunisni. ka-tai)', V, a. to jwund on, — wakataq, ui)ka- taijpi : to press on, as water on a paddle or wind on a sail. ka-tar)'-ii), v. a. to make apparent, to clear off, as any thing covered up, — wakataijii). ka-tarj'-ka, v. a. to beat out large, to enlarge, — wakataqka. ka-tar)'-ka-ya, v. a. to make large, — wakataij- kaya. ka-ta'-om, cont. of kataoqpa ; leaning, at an angle of forty-jive degrees. ka-ta'-om-ya, adv. leaning. ka-ta'-or)-pa, v. to lean. See kataom. ka-ta'-psis, cont. of katapsiza ; katapsis iyeya. ka-ta'-psi-za, v. a. to cause to rise, as bubbles in water, by throwing something in, — wakata- psiza. ka-ta'-tei, v. a. to shake off, as dust, etc., from a bed ; to brush off with the hand or a brush, — wa- katata, uijkatatapi. ka-t'a'-t'a, v. a. to make blunt or batter by striking, — wakat'at'a. ka-ta'-za, v. of taia ; to make waves, as the wind does. ka-te'-har), adv. far, at a distance. ka-te'-h.ar)-yar), adv. at some distance, a little distance off. ka-tem', cont. of katepa ; katem iyeya. ka-te'-pa, v. a. to cut to a stump, — wakatepa. ka-ti'-ea, v. a. to scrape off, as snow, — wakatica, ui)katicapi. ka-ti'-oa, v. n. to be obstructed, as the nostrils. ka-tik'-ti-ca, v. a. to thicken by stirring, — waka- tiktica. ka-tin', cont. of katica ; katin iyeya. ka-tir)', adj. straight, straightened out, as the arm, — makatii). ka-til)'-ki-ya, v. a. to stretch out, straighten out : isto katiijwakiya, / straighten out my arm. ka-tir) '-yar), adv. directly, continuously, without stop. ka-tka', v. n. to choke or be choked, as in eating, to stick in the throat, — makatka, nicatka. ka-tke', v. Same as katka. ka-tke'-ya, v. a. to cause to choke, — katkewaya. ka-tki'-tka, v. n. to collect in little bunches or lumps, as meal thrown in in making mush. 16 ka-tki'-tka-tka, v. «. red. of katkitka ; to gather info bunches or lumps, be tangled, as locks of hair. ka-tku', adj. cut short, short, rather short. ka-tku'-dar), adj. short : oi)hdohda katkudaij seca, the coat seems to be very short. ka-tku'-ga, v. a. to cut short, cut into short pieces, — wakatkuga. Hence, tiyopa iyokatkuge, nails. ka-tkuh', emit, of katkuga ; katkuh iyaya, to go round and get on the other side, to go by a short cut, — katkuli imdamda. ka-tkuh'-ya, adv. going around. . '2i ka-tkur)s', cont. of katkui)za. ka-tkur)'-tkur)-ta, v. See kakuqtkuijta. ka-tkur)'-za, v. a. to cut off square, — waka- tkuqza. ka-tku'-tku-ga, v. red. of katkuga. ka-to', v. a. to strike and not make an indenta- tion ; to knock or rap on a door, — wakato. ka-to'-haj}, v. to stand and tap, as a woodpecker on a tree. ka-to'-kam, adv. before, ahead. ka-to '-kain-"wa-pa, adv. ahead, in advance of. ka-to'-ka-pa, adv. ahead. ka-to'-na-"wai)g-ki-ya, v. a. to make gallop slowly, — katonawaijgwakiya. ka-to '-na-war)-ka, v. n. to gallop slowly, as a horse. ka-to'-to, V. red. of kato ; to knock or beat on, as on a door ; to clear off, as bushes, trees, etc., from a field, — wakatoto. ka-tpa', V. a. to strike and knock out, as an eye ; to strike, as in bleeding, i. q. kaijkatpa ; to strike through, as in shooting with an arrow, i. q. katpa iyeya, — wakatpa, uqkatpapi. ka-tpai)', V. a. to bruise, mash up by beating ; to wink, as the eye-lids, — wakatpag. ka-tpai)'-tpar), v. red. of katpai). ka-tpa'-tpa, v. red. of katpa ; to strike and knock out pieces, — wakatpatpa. ka-tpi', V. a. to crack, as nuts, by striking, — wakatpi. ka-tu'-ka, v. a. to knock off, as fur ; to destroy by smiting, — wakatuka. ka-tu'-tka, v. a. to break in small pieces, pound up fine, — wakatutka. ka-ta', V. a. (ka and ta) to kill by striking, strike dead, to stun, — wakata, yakata, ui)katapi : kata iyeya, to shoot down, kill by shooting ; kata ehpeya, to knock over dead. ka-ta'-ga, v. a. to shake and make dry, as the wind does a wet cloth. ka-tir)s', cont. of katiqza ; katii)s iyeya. ka-tiq'-sa, adv. at rest, jirmly, solidly. ka-tir)s'-ya, v. a. to cause to be solid or at rest. K A r 1^2 KA^ ka-tir)'-za, v, a. to pound tlghl, make light, ■make firm, — wakatigza. ka-to'-za, v. a. to dull or make blunt by striking, ' — wakatoza. ka-tui)'-ke-ea, v. See atuijkeo'a. ka-u', V. a. of au ; to bring to one, to be in tlie act of bringing to, — wakau, uqkaupi, eic'au, makau. ka-Ava'. See yukawa. ka-Twa'-ci, «'. a. (ka and waci) to cause to dance by striking, to spin by lohipping, as the boys do their tops, — wakawaci. ka-Ava'-hai), jmrt. opened. ka-war)g', cont. of kawaijka ; kawaqg ehpeya. ka-"war)'-ka, v. a. to cut down, fell, as trees, — wakawaijka ; to blow down, as the wind does trees, houses, etc. ka-"war)'-kan, adv. kawaijkan iyeya, to knock upwards. ka-war)'-kan-wa-pa, adv. a little up. ka-wa'-s'a-ka, v. n. to be made strong by joac/fc- t»y,— makawas'aka. ka-Ava'-ste, v. a. to make well by striking or cutting with an axe. ka-"we'-ga, v. a. to break by striking, but not entirely off; to break, as an axe-helve ; to break down, — wakawega, uqkawegapi ; to break, as the wind does trees. ka-"weli', cont. of kawega ; kawei iyeya. ka-'we]t'-'we-ga, v. red. of kawega. ka-"W"et'--weli, cont. of kawehwega ; kawehweh iyeya, to fracture or break in several places. ka-"weh'-ya, v. a. to cause to break, — kawei- waya. ka-"we&'-ya, adv. breaking. ka-Twi'-hnu-ni, v. a. to destroy by striking, to break in pieces, — wakawihnuni. ka-"wir)s', cont. of kawiqia; kawiijs iyeya, and kawiijs ehpeya, to beat down, mat down. ka-'wir)s'--wii)s, cont. of kawiq^wiqia. ka-"wii)s'-"vvlr)s-ya, adv. matted down. ka--wir)B'-v7ir)-za, v. red. of kawii)ia. ka-Tviris'-ya, v. a. to cause to mat down, — ka- wigswaya. ka-Avirjs'-ya, adv. beaten down, fallen doum. ka-vrig'-za, v. a. to beat down, mat down by striking, as grass, etc., — wakawiqia. ka-Awi'-ta-ya, adv. together : kawitaya iheya, to assemble together, flock together. ka-'wo'-o-tar)-ir), v. n. to become light ; to clear away, as a storm or any thing that obstructs vision. ka'-ya, v. a. of aya ; to take to one, — wakamda, yakada, ui)kayapi, nicaya. ka-ye'-ga, v. a. to make shine by striking, as a fire. ka-ye'-har), adv. before, out in front : kayeliai) ecoi), to do before another ; kayehai) nazii), to stand out in front ; kayehaij i^ihnaka, and kaye- haqi^iya, to put oneself forward. ka-yo'-dar), adv. See kayowedaij. ka-yo'-tar), adv. Same as kayodaq. ka-yo'-Ave-dar), adj. zigzag, in all kinds of shapes : kayowedai) ki^Jui), to make figures, as children do when pliiying in the snow ; kayowe- dai) wacipi, a kind of dance. ka-yo'-yo, adv. yielding, giving when struck or pressed on : kayoyo se apa, lie strikes as if it yielded under the stroke. ka-za', V. a. to pick to pieces, as the takai), or sinew, used by the Dakotas in sewing, — wakaza. ka'-za, n. a unit, an atom, a particle, a grain : kfiza wai)iidai), one grain or particle ; kaza nog- pa, two grains. ka-za'-mni, v. a. to uncover or open out, as any thing covered ; to open out, as a door, — wakaza- mni, yakazamni. ka-zai)', V. a. to hurt, stun by striking, render motionless ; to part, separate, as grass in passing through, — wakazag, ugkazagpi. ka-zar)'-yar), adv. parting. ka-za'-pa, v. a. to cut off meat from bones ; said also when, in flaying an animal, the fat is left on the skin, — wakazapa, ugkazapapi. Hence, kazapapi, meat cut off from the bones. ka-za'-za, v. a. to cut in strips ; to gash, — waka- zaza, ugkazazapi. ka-za'-za-pi, n. the ermine, i. q. kitugkasag ; so called because the skin is cut up into strips to wear on the head. ka-ze', V. a. to lade or dip out with a spoon or ladle, — wakaze, yakaze, ugkazepi. ka'-ze-d£ir), adj. shallow, as water : mini kaze- dag, the water is shallow ; i. q. puzedag. ka-zi', I'. «. to fill up, as a pipe-stem with water, etc.; to have the sense of fulness, so as not to be able to swallow : <$agte kazi, the lieart is full, — c'agte makazi. ka-zo', V. a. to mark ; to throw back the arms, — wakazo, ugkazopi. ka-zon', cont. of kazogta ; to weave in, as in making baskets, etc. ka-ZOr)'-ta, v. a. to weave, as cloth, to twist in, as in making baskets or snow-shoes, i. q. yagka, — wakazogta, yakazogta, ugkazogtapi. ka-zur)'-ta, v. Same as kazogta. ka-za', v. a. to split a little, to make gape, — wa- kaza. ka-za'-har), v. a. of zahag ; to make scream out by striking, — wakaiahag. ka-za'-hai)-har), v. red. of kaiahag. KAZ 12?) KIB ka-za'-ka, v. a. to strain or knock open, — waka- iaka. ka-zan', cant, of kaiata ; kaian iyeya. ka-zari'-zar), v. n. to become light, as clouds after rain. ka-zar)'-zar)-ka, v. n. Same as kazaqiaq. ka-za'-ta, v. a. to make forked h'j cutting with an are, — wakazata. ka-za'-za, v. a. to wash hy pulling hack and forth, — wakazaza. ka-za'-za, adv. clearly : kazaza waqyaka, to see clearly. ka-zim', cont. of kaiipa ; kaiitn iyeya, to shave off quickly or hy a stroke. ka-zim'-zi-pa, v. red. of kaiipa. ka-zi'-pa, v. a. to shave with a knife or drawing- knife, tojilane, — wakazipa, uqkaiipapi. ka-zo', V. n. to purge, have a diarrhoea, — wakaio. ka-zo'-pi, 11. a purging, a diarrhwa. ka-zur)', v. a. to pull up, as birds do corn ; to come out or moult, as the quills of geese, etc. ka-zu'-zu, V. a. to blot out, efface ; to pay off, as one's debts ; to forgive ; to knock to pieces ; to come to pieces, as a waggon, cart, etc., in hauling, — wakaiuzu. kca, adj. loose, disentangled, straight. See kakda, etc. kea-har)', part, coming loose, untying of itself. kcar). See yukcai). kear)'-ka, n. one who fails of doing what he said he would. keai)'-kear)-ka, n. any thing that is tall, i. q. hai)8ka. kca-Tva'-har), part, come untied. ke, particle. It is sometimes used as the sign of the future tense of the first person ; as, heda- moi) ke epda, / thought I would do that. ke-ear)'-klr), v. a. to think of as such, to regard as, — kedaijwakii), kecanyakii), kecai)ui)kii)pi, ke- cai)mayakii), kedaqcidii). See ecaijkii). ke-cir)', v. to think that, — kec'aijmi, kecaijni, ui)- keciijpi. See ediq. ke-ei'-ya, v. a. to say to one that it is so and so, — kewakiya, keuijkiyapi, kemakiya, kecidiya, ke- nidiya. See ediya. ke-eor(', v. to do that : taijyai) kedoij i^idaca, he thinks he has done that well. See edoi). ke-ha', v. 2d pers. sing, of keya. ke'-ha, n. (keya and ha) a tortoise-shell. keh-ke'-ga, v. n. to have a rattling in the throat, as any thing choked to death, — wakehkega. ke-kto'-pa-'wlQ-ge, adj. a thousand : kektopa- wiijge wikdemna, ten thousand. ke-nm)'-yar), v. to know partly, to suspect ; i. q. tuijgya, — kenuijwaya. ke-pa', V. 1st pers. sing, of keya. ke'-pa, ;i. (keya ami pa) a tortoise's head. ke-pca', V. 1st pers. sing. ; / thought that : hede- de kta kepda, / thought that it would be so. kes-toi) ', V. n. to be barbed, have a barb, as a fish- hook. kes, cow/, although. It is always used in refer- ence to past time. ke'-ya, n. the lar^e tortoise ; a roof, i. q. wa- keya. ke'-ya, adj. slojnng, like a roof: keya hai), it stands roof-like. ke'-ya, v. a. to make a roof of, — kewaya. ke-ya', v. to say that, — kepa, keha, uqkeyapi. Keya, kedii), and kedaijkii), are from eya, edifl, and edaqkii). Those of the latter class indicate that the subject of the preceding verb is identical with the person who says or thinks, which those of the former class do not : as, mde kta eha, I ivill go, thou saidst ; mde kta keha, thou saidst that I would go ; edamoi) kta ecii), I xoill do it, thotight he, or he thoiight he loould do it ; ecamoi) kta kedii), he thought that I would do it. ke'-ya-har), ^ar<. sloping, roof -like. ke-ze', n. the barb of a fish-hook. ke-zor)'-ta, n. the soft-shelled tortoise. ke-zur)'-ta, n. Same as kezoi)ta. lld.,prep. in com]), to, for, of. It is often prefixed to verbs or incorporated in tliem : as, kte, to kill, kikte, to kill for one ; kaga, to make, kidaga, to make for or to one ; ecoq, to do, edakidoi), to do to one. When prefixed to verbs of motion com- mencing with a vowel, the i is dropped : as, kau, from ki and au ; keyaya is probably from ki and eyaya. ki, pron. pos. in comp. meaning one's own : as, okide, to seek one^s own. ki, a prefix to some verbs, which indicates that the action is performed through the middle of the object ; as, kibaksa, to cut in two in the middle. ki, V. n. to arrive at one^s house or where one lives; this is used when the person speaking is away from the home spoken of, — waki, yaki, yaki, uijkipi. ki, V. a. to take from one by force, to rob, — waki, yaki, ui)kipi, maki, nidi, didi. ki-a'-pe, v. a. to wait till one reaches home, — kiawape. ki-ba', V. pos. of ba ; to blame oneself or one^s own; to suffer in consequence of one's own course, — wakiba, uijkibapi. ki-ba'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to blame oneself, — kibawakiya. ki-ba'-ksa, v. a. to cut in two in the middle, as a stick, — kibawaksa, kibauqksapi. KIB 124 KIC ki-ba'-psa-ka, v. a. to cut a eord or string in two in the middle, — kibawapsaka. ki-ba'-sde-ea, v. a. to slit or saw in the middle, — kibawasdec'a. See okibasdeca. ki-ba'-sa, n. one who is lazy, gets along with diffi- culty and blames himself much. Perhaps it was formerly kiba s'a. ki-ba'-spa, v. a. to cut in two in the middle, as an apple, — kibawaspa. ki-bo'-ksa, v. a. to shoot in ttoo in the middle, — kibowaksa. ki-bo'-psa-ka, v. a. to shoot off in the middle, as a cord. ki-bo'-spa, v. a. to shoot in two, as an apple, — kibowaspa. ki-ea', j)rep. in comp. for, from : as, opetoi), to buy ; opekicatoi), to buy from. ki-ea', v. pos. of ka ; to mean one's own ; to ask for or demand one's own, — weca, yeca, uqkicapi. ki'-ca-da, v. a. of kada ; to spill, as grain, for another, — wec'ada, uijkicadapi. ki'-ea-ga, v. a. of kaga ; to make to or for one : ■wowapi kicaga, to write a letter to one, — wecaga, yecaga, uijkicagapi, micaga, c'icaga. kl-ea'-ga, v. pos. of kaga ; to make for oneself, — wecaga, etc. ki-ca'-ga, v. n. of daga ; to become ice again. ki'-ea-hda, v. of kahda ; to fall out or unroll for one, — micahda, nicahda. kl'-6a-hi, v. of kahi ; to rummage for one, — we- c'ahi, uqkicahipi, mic'ahi. kl'-ea-kii)-ea, v. of kakiqca ; to scrape, as a fish, for one, — wedakii)(5a, ui)kicakii)dapi, ki'-ca-kpa, v. of kakpa; to strike into for one: kai) kicakpa, to cut a vein for, i. e. to bleed one. ki'-ca-ksa, v. of kaksa; to cut in two for one, as a stick, with an axe, — wecaksa, uijkicaksapi. ki-ca'-ksa, v. a. to cut in two in the middle with an axe or by striking ; to break, as a law, to dis- obey,— ^kiwakaksa, kiui)kaksapi. W-ca-ku-ka, v. of kakuka; to pound to pieces or destroy for one, as clothing, — wedakuka. ki'-ca-mde-ca, v. of kamdeca ; to break for one by striking, as brittle ware, — wecamdeca. ki'-ea-mna, v. of kamna ; to collect or gather together for one, — wecamna, inic'amna. kl-caq', V. to call on the dead when wailing for them, as in crying, ' Miciijk^i, midiijkii,' my son, my son ! — wecai), uqkicaqpi. ki'-eaq-pta, v. a. to comfort one ; to take sides with, desire to help one, — wedai)pta, uijkicaijptapi. Hence, wicakicaijpte, a comforter. ki-eai)'-yai), v. a. to work ; to till, cultivate, as the ground, — wakicai)inda and wakicaiiyai), yaki- caj)da, u^kic'ai)yai)pi. kl'-ca-psag, coat, of kidapsaka ; kidapsag iyeya. kl'-ca-psa-ka, v. of kapsaka ; to cut in two, as a string, /or one, — wedapsaka, uqkidapsakapi. ki-ea'-psa-ka, v. a. to cut in two a string in the middle, — kiwakapsaka. ki-ea'-psar), v. a. to shake for or to one : pa ki- dapsar), to bote the head to one, — wedapsai). ki'-ea-psui), v. of kapsui) ; to knock over and spill out, as water, /or one, — wedapsui). ki'-ea-psur), v. of kapsuij ; to strike or knock'off, as a horn, for one, — wedapsiii). ki'-ea-pta, v. Same as kidaijpta. ki'-ea-sde-ea, v. of kasdeda ; to split in two for one, — wedasdeca. ki'-ea-spa, v. of kaspa ; to divide for one, — we- daspa. ki-ea'-spa, v. a. to cut in two in the middle, as an apple, — kiwakaspa, kiui)kaspapi. ki'-ca-tpa, v. Same as kidakpa. ki'-ea-'we-ga, v. of kawega ; to partly break or fracture for one, — wedawega. ki'-ea-'wi-hnu-ni, v. of kawihnuni ; to destroy for one, — wedawihnuni. ki-ei', prep, with, together with : kidi mda, / go with him. ki'-ci, prep, in comp. for : kididahdi, to bring home for one. M-ci', prep, in comp. to each other. This makes the reciprocal form of verbs : as, edakididoi)pi, they do to each other ; wa^tekididapi, they love each other. ki-ei'-ea, v. n. to be with, together with, follow- ing with, on the same side with : kidida wota, of the same age with, — wedida, uqkididapi, midica. ki'-ei-ea-da, v. of kada; to jxmr out or spill for one, — wedidada, mididada. ki'-ei-ea-ga, v. of kaga ; to make any thing for another, — wedidaga, u^kididagapi. In use there is a difference between kidaga and kididaga. If one writes a letter to another, he uses kidaga ; if he writes /or or in the place of another, he uses kididaga. ki'-ci-ea-ge-ge, v. of kagege ; to sew any thing for one, — wedidagege, upkididagegepi, midida- gege. ki'-ci-6a-hda, v. of ahda ; to take to one's home for him, — wecidahda, mididahda, uijkididahdapi. kl'-ei-6a-hdl, v. of ahdi ; to bring to one^s home for him, — wecidahdi, uqkididahdipi. ki'-ei-ca-hi, v. of ahi ; to bring to a place for one, — wedidahi, uqkididahipi. W-ei-ea-hiq-ta, v. of kahiijta; to sweep for one, — wecicahiqta, ui)kicidahii)tapi. ki'-ci-6a-hnl-ga, v. of kahniga; to choose or select for one, — wedidahniga. KIC 125 Kl6 ki'-el-ea-hu-ga, v. of kahuga ; to fracture for one, break in, as the skull or a barrel-head, /or one, — wecicahuga. ki'-ci-ea-liu-hu-ga, v. red. of kicica&uga. ki-ci'-ca-i, v. of ai ; to take to a place /or one, — wecicai, uqkidicaipi. ki'-ei-ea-kar), v. of kakaq ; to hew for one, — wecicakai), micicakap. ki'-ei-ea-kca, v. of kakca ; to comb, as hair, for one, — wecicakoa. ki'-ei-ea-ki, v. of aki ; to have taken to one's home for him, — wecicaki, uqkicicakipi. kl'-el-ea-kir)-6a, v. of kakiqca; to scrajje for one, — wecicakii) ca. ki'-ci-ca-ksa, v. of kaksa ; to cut off, as a stick, for one, — wecicaksa, mic'icaksa, cidic'aksa. ki'-ci-ca-ksa-ksa, v. red. of kicicaksa ; to cut up, as fire-wood, for another, — wecicaksaksa. ki'-ci-ea-ku, v. of aku ; to he bringing something home for one, — wecidaku, ui)kic'icakupi. ki'-ei-ea-ku-ka, v. of kakuka ; to pound to pieces for one, — wecidakuka, micicakuka. ki'-ei-ca-mde-ca, v. of kamdeda ; to breajc up for one, as dishes, bij striking, — wedidamdeca. ki'-ci-ea-sde-ea, v. of kasdeca ; to split, as wood, for one, — wedidasdeda. ki'-ci-ea-sde-sde-ca, v. red. of kicidasdeda. ki'-ci-ca-sda, v. of ka^da ; to cut or make bare for one, as in mowing, — wedidaMa. M'-ci-ca-ska, v. of kaika ; to tie or bind for one, — wedidaska, ui)kidida4kapi. ki'-ei-ea-spa, v. of ka^pa; to deliver from, to relieve or free from one, — wedica^pa, ui)kidida- ^papi. ki'-ci-ea-sta-ka, v. of ka^taka ; to smite for one, — wedidastaka, ui)kidida^takapi. ki'-. of yuha ; to have for one, keep for one, — weciyuha, ui)kiciyuhapi. j4. ki'-ei-3ru-llinur), v. of yuhmuq ; to twist for one. kl'-ei-yu-ho-mni, v. of yuhomni ; to turn round for one, — wediyuhomni, midiyuhomni. KIC 127 KIC ki'-ci-yu-hu-hu-za, v. of yuliulmza ; lo shake for one, — weoi^yuhiihiiza. ki'-ci-yu-hde-ea, v. of yulideca ; to tew for one,— weuiyuhtleca. ki'-ei-yu-tdo-ka, v. of yuliiloka ; to open or 7nake a hole for one, — weciyuhdoka. ki'-ei-yu-kcar), v. of yukcan ; to form an opinion about any thing for another, — weciyu- j kcaq. ki'-ei-yu-kpar), v. of yukpaij ; to c/rind, as ; grain, /or one, — weciyukpar), niiciyukpai). ki'-ei-yu-ksa, v. of yuksa ; to break off for one, ; — weciyuksa, miciyuksa. ! ki'-ci-yu-mar), v. of yumai) ; to r/rind, as an i axe, for one, — wediyumai). ki'-ei-yu-mda-ya, v. of yumdaya ; to spread out \ for one, — weoiyumdaya. ki'-ei-yu-mdu, v. of yumdu ; to plough or break up for one, — wediyumdu, miciyumdu. ki'-ci-yu-o-ta, v. of yuota; to multiply for one, — wediyuota, uqkidiyiiotapi. ki'-ci-yu-o-"WO-tar), v. of yuowotai) ; to straighten for one, — wediyuowotai). ki'-6i-yu-po-ta, v. of yupota; to wear out or destroy for one, — wediyupota. ki'-ci-yu-psa-ka, v. of yupsaka ; to break, as a cord, for another, — wediyupsaka. ki'-ei-yu-psur), v. of yupsuri ; to pull out or extract for one, as a tooth, — wediyup^ui), midiyu- psui). ki'-ei-y^l-ski-ski-ta, v. red. of kidiyuskita. ki'-ei-yu-ski-ta, v. of yuskita ; to bind or wrap up for one, — weciyuskita. ki'-ci-yu-so-ta, v. of yusota; to use up for one, — wediyusota, miciyusota. ki'-ci-yu-sto, v. of yusto ; to make smooth for one, — wediyusto, midiyusto. ki-ci'-yu-su-tEi, v. of yusuta; to make firm for one, — wediyusuta. ki'-ci-jru-sa-pa, v. of yu^apa; to defile for one, — wediyusapa. ki'-ci-yu-sdo-ka, v. of yuMoka ; to pull off for one, as clothes, — weciyuldoka. ki'-ei-yu-si-6a, v. of yusida; to make had or spoil for one, — wediyusica. ki'-ci-yu-si-Mir), v. of yusihtii) ; to enfeeble for one, — wediy usihtii) . ki'-ci-3ru-ska, v. of yuAka ; to loosen for one, — weciyuska. kl'-ei-yu-sna, v. of yuAna ; to make a mistake for one, — wediyusna. W-ci-yu-spi, v. of yuspi ; to gather or pick off, as berries, for one, — wediyu4pi. ki'-ci-yu-star), v. of yu^taij ; to finish or perfect for one, — weciyuitai). ki'-ei-yu-ta, v. of yuta ; to eat any thing for one, — wediyuta, midiyuta. ki-ci'-yu-ta, r. to eat with one, — kidiwata. ki'-ci-yu-ta-pi, v. recip. to eat one another. ki'-ei-yu-ta-ku-ni-sni, ?•. of yutakunisni ; to deslrot/ for anotlier, — wediy utakunisni. ki'-ci-yu-tar), v. of yutai) ; to touch for one, — wediyutai), niidiyutai). ki'-ei-yu-tar)-ir), v. of yutaijii) ; to make manifest for one, — wediyutariii). ki'-ei-yu-tar)-ka, v. of yutaijka ; to enlarge for an other, — wed i j" utai) ka. ki'-ei-3ru.-te-ca, v. of yuteda ; to make new for one, — wediyuteda. ki'-ei-yu-te-hai), v. of yutehaij ; to make a de- lay for one, — wediyutehai). ki'-ei-yu-to-kai), v. of yutokaij ; to put in ano- ther place or remove for one, — wediy utokai). kl'-6i-yu-to-ke-6a, v. of yutokeda ; to make dif- ferent for one, — wediyutokeda. ki'-oi-yu-tpar), v. of yutpaq. Same as kidiyu- kpai). ki'-ci-yu-Tva-s'a-ka, v. of yuwas'aka ; to make strong for one, — wediyuwas'aka. kl'-ci-yu-^wa-ste, v. of yuwaste ; to make good for one,— wediyuwa^te, midiyuwa^te. ki'-ei-yu-^we-ga, v. of yuwega ; to partly break for one, as a stick, — weciyuwega. ki'-ci-yu-za, I', of yuza ; to hold for one. ki'-ci-yu-za-mnl, v. of yuzamni ; to open out or uncover for one, — weciyuzamni, miciyuzamni. kl-ei'-yu-za-pi, v. recip. to hold each other, to take each other, as man and wife : wakaij kidiyu- zapi, marriage. ki'-ei-yu-za, v. of yuza ; to make mush for one, — wediyuia, midiyuia. kl'-ci-yu-za-za, v. of yuiaza ; to wash for one. ki'-ei-yu-zur), v. of yuiuij ; to pull out by the roots for one, — wediyuiuij. ki'-6i-yu-zu-zu, v. of yuzuiu ; to tear down or tear to pieces for one, — wediyu^uiu. ki-ci'-za, v. kidi kiciza, to quarrel or fight with one, — kidi wediza. ki-ei'-za-pi, n. a fighting, fight. ki-eo', V. a. to call to a feast, invite ; to call to any assembly or for any purpose, — weco, yeco, uqkidopi, mido, nido, dido. ki-eor)'-za, v. See kiduijza. ki'-CU, V. of \\x ; to restore to one, give to one what belongs to him, — wecu, yedu, uqkidupi, niicu, nidu, didu. According to analogy this should be ki(Ju, but it is not. ki-euQ'-nl, v. to leave off, abstain from what one was about to do ; to give over, be discouraged ; to excuse, not press any further, — wecuijni. KIC 128 Kn ki-6ui)'-ni-yaQ, adv. carelesshj, not heartily : kic'ui)niyai) epa, / said it but did not wish it. ki-cur)'-ske, adv. half full. ki-eur)'-ske-har), adv. half full, as a vessel. kl-cur)'-za, v. to determine in regard to, — we- cui)za. kl-cu'-"wa, n. a friend, i. q. koda. Used chiefly by the Sisitoijwaijs and Indians of the Missouri. ki-cu'-Ava, V. pos. of kuwa ; to follow up, pursue, as in giving medicine to one's child, — ■wecuwa. ki'-cir), V. pos. of \\ij ; to carry or pack one's own, as one's own child, or one's own. corn, etc., — we(5ii), ui)ki^ii)pi. ki-cor)', V. Same as ki^ui). ki-cui)', V. a. to put on or wear as clothes ; to use, — we^ui), ye(Jui), uriki^uqpi ; tawacii) ki^ui), to have one's own way, he stubborn ; oie kic'ui), to use language. ki-cur)'-ki-ei-ci-ya, v. a. to put on for one, help one to put on, as clothes, — ki(Jui)wediciya. ki-cui)'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to put ow,— ki(Jui)- wakiya. ki-cur)'-ya, v. a. to cause to put on, — ki(5ui)waya. ki-da', V. of da, to ask ; to ask or beg of one, — wakida, yakida, ugkidapi, makida. ki-da', V. pos. of da, to think, esteem. See waste- kid a. ki-da'-ka, v. Same as kida. See wa^tekidaka. ki-de'-de, adv. just as it happens : kidede wo- hdaka, he talks at random ; kidede omawani, / toalk without any purpose. This appears to be used when one has no determination to do or not to do a thing. ki-do'-"war), v. of dowai) ; to sing to, as to a child, — wakidowai) . kl'-ge, V. a. to scold, vex, quarrel with, — wakige, yakige, uijkigepi, makige, cicige. ki-hbe', v. to resemble. Same as kihma. ki-hda' or kii)-hda, v. n. to have gone home. It generally refers to past time, though it may be used in the future. In all the persons except the third, ' ya ' is inserted, as if from kiyahda, — wa- kiyahda, yakiyahda, uqkiyahdapi. ki-hda'-pa, v. to dress or paint, as the face and body, — wehdapa, uijkihdapapi. ki-hde', v. Same as kihda. kl-hde', V. of hde ; to place for, make ready for one ; to place or lay up otie's own, — wehde, ui)ki- hdepi. ki-hde '-ga, v. a. to overtake one, — wehdega, ye- hdega, uqkihdegapi, mihdega. ki-hde '-y a, v. a. to send of home, — kihdewaya. ki-hdu'-spa, v. pos. to break in tioo one's own, — kiwahduspa, kiuijhduspapi. ki-hi', v. n. to be fledged, as young birds ; to be- come large enough to provide for oneself. ki-hi '-ya, v. a. to raise, as a child, train up to manhood, — kihiwaya, kihiur)yai)pi. ki-hi '-ye-ya, v. a. to shoot an arrow as far as one can, — kiliiyewaya, kihiyeu^yaqpi. ki-hi '-ye-ya-pi, n. a bow-shot. ki-hma', v. n. to look like, resemble, i. q. kinraa, — wehma and wakihraa, yehma. ki-hna', v. a. to caress, fondle, as a child ; to comfort, — wehna, yelina, uqkihnapi. ki-hnag', cont. of kihnaka ; kihnag walii, / came to lay away. ki-hnag'-ya, v. a. to cause to lay tip one's own, — kihnagwaya. ki-hna'-hna, v. red. of kihna. ki-hna'-ka, v. a. to lay up for, keep for one ; to lay up one's own ; to put off, stop proceedings, — wehnaka, yehnaka, uijkihnakapi. ki-hnug', cont. of kihnuka ; kihnug iyaya, to go under water, dive, — kihnug imdamde. ki-hnug'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to dive, — kihnug- wakiya. ki-hnu'-ka, v. to dive, — wehnuka, yehnuka. ki-hnu'-ni, v. n. to be bewildered, not able to remember how to do a thing, — wakihnuni. kl-hnu'-ni-ya, v. a. to bewilder, cause to make a mistake, — kihnuniwaya, kihnunirhayai). ki-hui)'-ni, v. n. to get through, reach home, — wakihuqni, uijkihuijnipi. ki'-hu-'we, v. of huwe ; kihuwe ya, to go to bring something /or another, — kihuwe mda. ki-har)', v. of hai) ; to do to one, to treat one in any way, — wakihaij, makihai). ki-har)'-na, v. dim. of kihai) ; kihaqna hiqca, to do only a little for one. ki-haq'-si-ca, v. n. to be had or stormy weather, to rain or snow. ki-har)'-si-ksu-ya, v. to know by one's feelings that unpleasant weather is coming, — kihaijsiwa- ksuya. ki-hai)'-yar), v. of iaijyai) ; to he likely to die to or for one, as one's child, — makihapyai), nicihai)- yai). ki-hdo', V. pos. of hdo ; to growl over one's own, as a dog over his bone. ki-ho', V. See akiho. ki-i'-hda-ksa, v. reflex, of kicaksa; to injure oneself, — kimihdaksa, kinihdaksa. ki-i'-hdu-spa, V. reflex, to free oneself, to wrestle. Perhaps this is only used in the plural ; as, kii- hduspapi, they wrestle at arms' length, — kiuQki- hduspapi. ki-ii)'-yar)-ka, v. n. to run with one ; to run with some object in view. KIT 129 KIIJ ki-ir)'-yar)-ka-pi, ti. a running, a race. ki-kar)'-he-za, v. n. pos. of kaqheia : to be sick for or to one, as one's child, — makikaijheza. ki-ka'-tar)-ka, n. a species of duck, about as large as the mallard, with a sharp bill. ki-ki'-hda, or kikir)hda, v. n. to go home and leave one, as one's dog or horse, — makikihda, ni- cicihda, uqkikihdapi. ki-ki'-ta, adj. tough, elastic. ki-ksam', cont. of kiksapa. ki-ksa'-pa, v. n. to become wise ; to consult, — wakiksapa. kl-ksu'-ya, v. a. to remember, recollect, — weksu- ya, yeksuya, uijkiksuyapi, miksuya, niksuya, ci- ksuya. ki-ksu'-ye-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to remember, — kiksuyewakiya. ki-ksu'-ye-ya, v. a. to cause to remember, — ki- ksuyewaya. kl-ksai)', V. a. to violate, commit a rape on ; to take without leave, — wakiksai), uqkiksaijpi. ki-ksar)'-pi, n. rape. See wikiksaqpi. ki-kta', V. n. to awake from sleep ; to be awake, — wekta, yekta, itrikiktapi. ki-kta'-har), part, awake : kiktahai) uq, to keep awake. ki-kte', V. a. of kte ; to kill one's own ; to kill for one, — wekte, yekte, ui)kiktepi, mikte. ki-kto', V. a. to take a boat to, bring over the river, — wakikto, makikto. kl-kto'-ya, v. a. to cause to come over, ferry over, — kiktowaya : kiktoi^iya, to ferry oneself over. kl-ku'-se, V. pos. of kuse ; to leak out for one, — makikuse, nicikuse, uqkikusepi. kl-ku'-te, V. of kute ; to shoot any thing for another, as ducks, — wakikute, ui)kikutepi, maki- kute. ki-ma'-ka, v. to be renewed, as an old field that has become good again. W-ma-ma, n. the butterfly. ki'-ma-ma-na, n. Same as kimama. M-mde'-za, v. n. to become clear-headed again, to recover from a drunken fit, — wakimdeza and wemdeza. ki-mna'-hai), v. n. to fall off, to rip off for one, — raakimnahai). ki-mnl', v. of mni ; to spj-ead out one's own to dry in the sun, — wemni, yemni, uqkimnipi. ki-na-hai)', conj. if when. See kii)hai). ki-na'-ksa, v. a. to break in two with the foot, to break in the middle, — kinawaksa, kinauijksapi. ki-na'-pa, v. to come or go forth out of; to have passed through in going home, — wakinapa. ki-na'-psa-ka, v. to break in two in the middle with t^foot, as a string, — kinawapsaka. 17 ki-na'-ptu-za, v. to split or crack in the middle with the foot or by frost, — kinawaptuia. ki-na'-spa, v. to break off about half with the foot, — kinawaspa. ki-na'-zlQ, v. (ki and naiiij) to reach home and stand ; to stand again in one^s place, recover one's position, — wakinawaiiq, yakinayaiii). kl-nbe', v. See kinma. ki-ni', v. n. to live again, to return to life, as one dead ; to revive, recover from fainting, etc., — wa- kini, ui)kinipi. ki'-ni-har), v. a. to honor, respect, reverence, have confidence in, — wakinihaq, uqkinihaijpi. ki'-ni-har)-pi, part, honored, respected. ki'-ni-hai)-siu-yar), adv. dishonorably. kl'-ni-har)-yar), adv. honorably, respectfully. ki-ni'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to live again, — kini- wakiya. ki-ni'-'war), v. n. of niwaq ; to swim hotne, swim back again, — wakiniwai). kl-nma', v. a. to be like, to resemble in any re- spect ; to look like in features or form ; to be like in character, as a child resembles its parents, — wakinbe, uijkinmaijpi, makinbe, nidinbe : atkuku kinma, he resembles his father. kl-nu'-kai), or klqnxikar), adv. separately, be- tween two, divided, each having a part : kinukai) ehnaka, to divide, place in two piles. kl-nu'-kar)-ki-ya, adv. separately. ki-nu'-ka^-yar), adv. separately. ki-nur)'-ka, v. n. to grow, flourish. kir), def. art. the. When ' a ' or ' ai) ' changed to ' e' precedes, kii) becomes dii). kig'-ea, adj. scraping. See yukii)c'a. kir)-ea'-hai), part, bare ; fallen off, as hair from a dead animal, or as scales. kir)-ea'-"wa-har), part. Same as kiijc'ahai). klr)-har)', conj. if when. After 'a' or 'aij' changed to ' e,' it becomes ' (^ighai).' kir)-har)s', adv. and yet, if klij'-hda, v. See kihda. klr)-ir)', v. a. to throw at: i^ya^ 05 kiijiij, to pelt with stones, to stone, — wakiijip, makiijiq, nicir)ir). kir)S, cont. of kiqza. kir)S-klr)'-za, v. red. of kiqza ; to grate or gnash, as the teeth. kir)'-sko-ke-ea, adv. so large. kii)'-sko-sko-ke-ea, adv. red. of kii)skoke<$a. kir)'-sko-sko-ya, adv. red. of kiijskoya. kir)'-sko-ya, adv. thus far around. kil)-ska', n. (Ihaijk.) a horn spoon ; a large kind of tortoise. kir)-yar)', v. n. to fly, as birds do : kiijyaij iyaya, it has flown. K [U 130 KIY kii)-yar)'-pi, n. those that ft/, birds. kir)-ye', v. Same as kiqyai) : taku kiijyo cii), birds. kir)'-za, v. n. to creak, to yrate. ki-pa', V. a. to keep for one, as a puppy or girl, to keep what one has besjioken for liim, — wakipa, uijkipapi, makipa. See kicipa. ki-pa'-klr)-ta, v. a. of pakiijta ; to cleanse away for one, loipe off, — wakipakiqta, uokipakiijtapi. ki-pa'-mni, v. a. of pamni ; to divide or distri- bute to, — wicawakipamni. ki-pai)', V. of pai) ; to call to one, — wakipaij, uq- kiparipi. kl-pa'-tar), v. of patai) ; to keep for one ; to mash up, as food, — wakipataij. ki-pa'-ti-tar), v. to push with ail on£s might, i. q. sagi^iyapi, — wakipatitai). ki-pa'-ya, v. n. See kipayeca. ki-pa'-ye-ca, v. n. to rise up again, recover itself, as grass bent down. W-pa'-zo, V. of pazo ; to point to for one, to show to one, — wakipazo, makipazo. kl-pa'-zii), V. a. to stand up against, rebel against, oppose one, — wakipazii), makipaiii). kl-pa'-zii)-yar), adv. opposing. ki-pi', V. n. to hold, contain, carry, as a vessel, cart, etc. ; to be large enough to admit any thing ; to be large enough for, as a coat, — makipi, nidipi, uflkipipi. ki-pi'-ya, v. a. to cause to fit, — kipiwaya ; to go down well, as a bullet that fits the gun. kl-pi'-ya, adv. fittingly, fitly, properly : kipiya ecamojj, I have done it fitly. ki-psi'-ea, v. to jump down from, alight from, as from a horse, — wakipsica. ki-sai)', V. n. of saq ; to become whitish for one, — makisaq. ki-sa'-pa, v. n. of sapa ; to become black or bare again, as the ground by the disappearance of snow. ki-sa'-pa, n. bare ground. ki-sdi'-pa, v. of sdipa ; to lick up one's own again, as a dog his vomit, — wesdipa. W-sna'-har), v. n. to break and fall off, as beads from a strand, /or one, — makisnahai). ki-SOQ', V. pos. of sog : to braid on^s own, — we- soi), yesoq and wakisoq, yakisoi), uqkisoijpi. ki-so'-ta, V. n. to be used up for one, — makisota, nicisota. ki-spa'-ya, v. n. of spaya ; to be or become wet for one, — makispaya : oijhdohda nidispaya, thy coat is wet. ki-sde'-ya, or kisdenya, v. a. to annoy, vex, continue to press or urge one ; to make ashamed, to offend, dishonor, — kisdewaya. ki-si'-ea, v. a. to check, oppose, put a stop to ; to forbid, command to stop, — wakisica. ki-skaoo', v. a. of skai) ; to do to, act towards one, — wakiskai). ki-ska'-ta, v. a. of skata ; to play to or with ; to play for, — wakiskata. ki-tar)', v. n. to stick to, as an opinion, continue to assert ; to insist upon, not yield, — wakitai), ui)kitai]pi. ki'-tar), adv. scarcely, hardly. ki'-tar)-e-cir)-yai), adv. slightly, just able : kitaijeciijyai) okihi, he was just able to do it. ki'-tar)-na, adv. a little, very little, in a slight degree : kitaijna waste, but a little good. ki'-tar)-se, adv. with difficulty. ki-taij'-yar), a«?f. continuously; insisting upon. ki-toi)', V. to put on, as clothes ; to be clothed loith, to wear, as wapaha kitoi), to wear a hat, — wetoi) and wakitoij, u^kitoflpi ; to use, as oie kitoi), to use words. ki-tu'-ka, v. a. to beg of, ask of, — wakituka, nia- kituka, cicituka. kl'-ta, V. n. to die or be dead for one, as one's child, — makita. kl-ur)'-ni, v. n. to be hurt. See kiui)niyai). ki-ur)'-ni-ki-ya, v. a. to hurt, injure any thing, — kiuijniwakiya, kiuijnimakiya. ki-ur)'-ni-yai), v. a. to httrt, injure, — kinuni- waya, kiuqniuijyaflpi, kiuijnimayai). ki--wa'-kar)-he-za, v. n. to desire to be with, to be on good terms or be intimate with, — wakiwa- kagheia. ki-"wa'-ni, v. n. to be winter anew ; said of snow squalls in the spring. ki-"wai)'-ka, v. n. to go home and lie down, go and sleep at home ; to sleep going home or on the viay home, — wakimui)ka, yakinuijka. ki-Twi'-ta-ya, adv. together, assembled together. ki'-ya, V. aux. to cause, to make to be : ecoi) kiya, to cause to do ; te kiya, to cause to die ; sam- kiya, to make black. The place of the pronoun is before the ' kiya.' ki'-ya, v. aux. pos. of ya or yai). ki'-ya, adv. towards, as in ektakiya ; separately, in different ways, in different places, as, yamnikiya yakoijpi, they are in three different places. W-ya-dar), adv. near, near to. ki'-ya-hda, v. to have gone home. This is used only in the first and second persons, — wakiyahda, yakiyahda, uijkiyahdapi. See kihda. ki-ya'-hda-pta, v. to have passed over, as a hill, in going home, — wakiyahdapta. ki-ya'-ka-pta, v. n. to have passed over, as a hill, in going home, — wakiyakapta or wakiyawa- kapta. 41 KI Y 131 KOK ki-ya'-ksa, v. of yaksa ; to bite in two in the middle, — kimdaksa, kiuqyaksapi. kl-ya'-mna, v. of 3'amua ; to acquire for another bi/ talking, — wakiyamna, makiyamna. ki-yan'-ya, v. to be nearhj finishinf/, — -kiyan- luda. ki-ya'-pa, I', of yapa; to suck for, take in the mouth and suck, as the Dakota conjurers do in the case of a sick person, — wakiyapa, makiyapa, uijkiyapapi. See kiciyapa. ki-ya'-pa-pi, n. drawing with the mouth. ki-ya'-taij-ir), v. a. to make manifest to or for, — wakiyatai)iq. ki-ya'-ya, v. n. to go by or near a place, — kiya- waya, kiyayaya. ki-ya'-ya, v. of iyaya ; to go by or imss. Part., went, gone, — uqkiyayapi. ki'-ye-dar), adv. near, near to. ki-yo'-hi, v. to reach home, — wakiyohi, yakiyolii, uijkiyohipi. ki'-yo-ki-zu, v. n. to unite. ki'-yo-ki-zu-ya, v. a. to put together, cause to unite ; to add together, sum up, — kiyokiiuwaya. ki'-yo-ki-zu-ya, adv. together, unitedly. ki'-yo-tar)-ka, v. n. to arrive and remain at home. Said, by the person who arrives or by another person, when away from the place, — wakimdotaijka, yakidotai)ka, uqkiyotaijkapi. ki-yu'-gar), v. a. to open for one, as a door, — wakiyugai). ki-yu'-ga-ta, v. a. to open as the hand to, to stretch out the hand to ; to implore, as in wor- ship,— wakiyugata. ki-yu'-ha, v. of yuha ; to have or keep for one, — wakiyuha, ui)kiyuhapi. ki-yu'-Ra, v. a. to copulate, as the male and fe- male of animals. Hence, Takiyuha wi, the moon when the deer copulate, answering to November. ki-yu'-kai), v. a. to make room for, as in a tent, give place to ; to pass by or away from, leave unmolested, — wakiyukai), ui)kiyukai)pi, makiyu- kai), oiciyukai). ki-yu'-ksa, v. of yuksa ; to break in two one^s own ; to break or violate, as a law or custom, — kimduksa and wakimduksa, kiduksa, ui)kiyu- ksapi. Ki-yTl'-ksa, n. a band of Dakotas, Wapasha\<< band. So called, it is said, from the intermarry- ing of relations among them. ki-3ru'-se, v. a. to hate one, do evil to one, — wakimduse, yakidu^e, uijkiyuiepi, makiyuie, didi- yu^e. ki-yu'-ska, v. a. to loose, untie, unharness ; to release from prison or confinement, — wakiyu^ka and w|^imdu4ka, yakidui5ka, uijkiyuikapi. ki-yu'-spa, v. a. to break into pieces, divide, as bread ; to divide, as in arithmetic ; to deliver or free, as from a trap or evil of any kind, — kimdu- spa and wakimduspa, kiduspa and yakidu^pa, ui)kiyu4papi, makiyuspa. ki-yu'-spa-pi, v. a dividing, delivering ; in arithmetic, division. ki-yu'-spa-pi-har)-ska, n. long division. ki-yu'-spa-spa, v. red. of kiyu^pa. ki-yu'-te, n. a strait or channel ; an isthmus. See okiyute. ki-yu'-za, v. a. to hold to one, — wakiyuza. ki-yu'-za-mni, v. a. to open to or for one ; to uncover for one, — wakiyuzamni. ki-3ru'-za-za, v. of yuiaia ; to wash one's own ; to wash for another, — wakiyuiaia. ki'-za, V. a. to fight, quarrel with, — wakiza, uq- kizapi, makiza, cidiza. ki-zo'-ZO, V. to whistle for, to call one's own by whistling, as one's dog, — wakiioio. ko, conj. and, too, also. ko, in comp. quick : wadiflko, quick tempered ; oliai)ko, quick at work. ko-da', n. the particular friend of a Dakota man. The Titopwaqs say kola and kicuwa, — mitakoda, nitakoda, takodaku. ko-da'-ki-ei-ya-pi, n. friendship. ko-da'-ya, v. a. to have for a particular friend, — kodawaya, kodamayai). kog, cont. of koka ; koghiqhda, to make a sound, to rattle or riiig. ko-hai)', adv. soon, quickly, now. ko-haij'-na, adv. soon, very soon, too soon, early. ko-haQS', adv. since that, so that. ko-hda'-mna, adv. around, over : kohdamna idu, to put or take around ; surrounding. ko-hda'-mna-yar), v. a. to surround, restrain, cut off retreat, — kohdamnawaya. ko-hda'-mni, adv. around, surrounding : kohda- mni ya, to surround. ko-hda'-mni-yar), v. a. to go around, surround ; i. q. kokamya, — kohdamniwaya. ko-hdi', adj. clear, transparent. ko-hdi'-hdi, adj. red. of kohdi. The flint-corn is so called from its transparency. ko'-ka, n. the sound of a bell, a ringing. ko-ka', n. a keg, barrel, box : dahdi koka, a powder-keg. ko-ka'-dai), n. dim. of koka ; a small keg. ko-kam', adv. beyond, across, by a near way, before one ; /. q. akokam. ko-kam'-tu, adv. by a near way, across. ko-ka'-pa, adv. Same as kokam. ko-ka'-pa-hmi-hma, n. a keg that is rolled, i. e. a barrel. KOK 13-2 K 1' V ko-ka'-pa-tar)-hai), adv. hy a near way, across. ko'-ke-dar), adv. quickly, rapidly : oicat koke- daq, of quick growth ; oyalie kokedai), it boils away fast. ko'-ki-ca-hdo-ka, v. n. to be opened through on both sides : kokicahdog iyaya. ko'-ki-ea-spa, v. to dig two holes into one,— kowecaspa. ko'-kl-ci-vra-sir), adv. See kokiciyasii). ko'-ki-ei-ya-hdan, adv. linked together, as the links of a chain ; entangled, as the horns of a deer in brush. ko'-ki-ei-ya-sil), adv. uniting, coming together and fioioing on, as two streams in one. ko-ki'-pa, V. a. to fear, be afraid of one, — ko- wakipa, koyakipa, kouijkipapi, komakipa, koni- cipa, kocicipa. ko-kl'-pa-pi, part, feared. Hence, wokokipe, fear. ko-ki'-pe-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to fear, — kokipe- wakiya. ko-ki'-pe-ya, v. a. to cause to fear, make afraid of, — kokipewaya. ko-ki'-pe-y a-hai), adv. fearing, fearful, afraid : kokipeyahai) waui), I am fearful. ko'-ki-spa, v. n. to join, unite. ko'-kl-spe-ya, v. a. to cause to join, — koki^pe- waya. ko'-ki-zu, V. n. to come together. ko'-ki-zu-ya, v. a. to cause to unite together. ko'-ki-zu-ya, adv. unitedly. ko'-ko, adv. red. of ko. ko'-ko-dax), adv. lively. ko-kog'-ya, adv. rattling. ko'-ko-hag-na, adv. lively. ko-ko'-ka, v. n, to rattle, as a stiff skin. ko-ko'-zu-ha, n. an empty cask, barrel, or keg. ko'-kta, adv. also, besides. ko'-kta-ya, adv. besides. ko-kto'-pa-"wii)-ge, adj. a thousand. See ke- ktopawiqge. kOQ, v. to desire, to covet, — wakoq, yakoi), uip- kogpi. koi), n. mother-in-law ; koqku, his or her mother- in-law. See kui). koi)'-kor)-ta. Same as koijtkoijta. koi)'-ta-h.ai), part, uneven, ridged. koq'-tkOQ-ta, adj. uneven, with ridges. Hence, cai)bakoi)tko5ta, a wash-board. kor)-yar)', v. n. to start in sleep, — wakoqyai) : koqyai) hii)hda, he started suddenly. koi)'-za, v. to determine, influence ; to .pretend, as, witko koqza, to pretend to be drunk, — wakoqza, yakoi)za, uqkoqzapi. ko'-pa, n. a fearful plact ; fear. ko'-pa, adj. insecure, exposed to be killed by an enemy; in fear : kope waiii), / rem w/ear. ko'-pe-hda, v. n. to be afraid, be in fear, — kope- w;ilid:i, kopeyahda, kopeuijhdapi. ko'-pe-ya, v. a. to make afraid, — kopewaya. ko'-pe-ya, adv. insecurely. kos, coiit. of koza ; nape kos waui), / am beckon- ing with my hand. ko-sai)'-ta, adv. from one to another : kosaqta wicawa^^u, / gave away what was given to me. kos-ko'-za, v. red. of koza. kos-ya', v. a. to cause to wave or make a signal, — koswaya. ko-ska', n. a young man, — komaska, koni^ka, kour)skapi. ko-ska'-ska-pi, n. red. of koska. ko-skir)'-yai), n. one who begins to think himself a young man. ko'-ya, conj. and, too, also. ko-yag', cont. of koyaka; koyag waui), / am wearing; koyag hai), standing clothed, hitched up, harnvssed. ko-yag'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to put on or wear, — koyagwakiya, koyagmakiya. ko-yag'-ya, v. a. to cause to put on ; to attach to, — koyagwaya. ko-ya'-hag, v. n. to be quick in doing a thing, to hasten, hurry, — koyawabai), koyayahai), ko- yauqhaijpi. ko-ya'-haij-na, adv. quickly, immediately. ko-ya'-ka, v. a. to put on or wear, as clothes, — komdaka, kodaka, kouijyakapi, komayaka. ko-ya'-ka-pi, part. clothed : taku koyakapi, clothing. See wokoyake. ko-ya'-nor), or koyanui), v. n. to be of quick growth, precocious, — koyamanoi), koyaninor). ko'-za, V. a. to strike at, shake at ; to wave, as a signal, brandish, as a sword, — wakoza, uijkozapi : iina koza, to wave one's blanket ; nape koza, to wave the hand. kpa, o pos. prefix. Verbs th'-.t take ' pa ' as a pre- fix, make the possessive fr cm by adding ' k ' or ' t,' as pagai), kpagaq. kpa, adj. durable, lasting, not soon eaten vp, as some kinds of food ; for instance, rice, kpa, ao?;. punched out: nogekpa, rfeq/": i^takpa, blind. kpa-gax)', V. pos. of pagai) ; to spare or give away one's own, — wakpagai), upkpagai)pi. kpa-ha'-ha-pi-ka, n. one who is put forward in company, — makpahahapika. kpa-hi', v. pos. of pahi ; to pick vp one's own, — wakpahi, uijkpahipi. kpa-hmor)', or kpahmui), v. pos. of pahmoq ; to twist one's own, — wakpahmoi). i KPA 133 KTE kpa-hde'-ca, v. pot. of pahdeca ; to make a hole in one's own, to lance, — wakpahdeca. kpa-bpa', V. pos. of pahpa ; to lay down or put off one'' s own load, — wakpahpa. kpa-kir)'-ta, v. pos. of pakiqta ; to wipe oneh own, — wakpakii)ta, uijkpakiqtapi. kpa-kpi', V. pos. of pakpi ; to crack or break one's own, as a chicken breaking its shell. kpa-ksi'-za, v. pos. of paksiia ; to double up one's own, — wakpaksiza. kpa-ku'-ka, v. pos. of pakuka ; to wear out one's own by rubbing, — wakpakuka. kpa-maq', v. pos. of pamaq ; to file one's own, — wakpamai). kpa-mde'-ea, v. pos. of pamdeca; to break in pieces one's oion, — wakparadeca. kpa-mni', v. pos. of pamni ; to divide out one's own, — wakpamni, ui|kpamnipi. kpai), adj. fine, as flour. See bakpai), yukpaij, etc. kpai)'-na, adj. fine, soft. kpa-psoi)', v.pos. of papson ; to spill over one's own, — wakpapsoij. kpa-pta', V. to leave a company before it breaks up, to free oneself and go away while the others remain, — wakpapta. kpa-pu'-za, v. pos. of papuza ; to make one's own dry by wiping, — wakpapuza. kpa-snoQ', v.pos. of pasnoij ; to roast one's own meat, — wakpasnog . kpa-su'-ta, v. pos. of pasuta ; to make hard by kneading one's own bread, — wakpasuta. kpa'-ta, v. pos. of pita : to cut up or carve one's own meat, — wakpata. kpa-tai)', V. pos. of patai) ; to take care of mie's own, think much q/' so as to spare or not use it up, — wakpatai), yakpatai), uijkpataripi. kpa'-za, adj. dark. See okpaza. kpa-zar)', v. of pazaq ; to part or separate one's own, — wakpazai) . kpa-za'-za, v. pos. of paiaia ; to wash out one's own, as one's own gun, — wakpazaia. kpa-zu'-zu, v. pos. of paiuiu ; to rub out one's own, — wakpaiuiu. kpe, adj. See kpa. kpe-hai)', v. pos. of pehai) ; to fold up one's own, — wakpehai). kpu-kpa', adv. mixed up, as water and grease in soup. kpu-kpe'-ya, adv. mixed up, all kinds together. kpu-spa', v. pos. of puspa ; to glue or seal one's own, — wakpuspa. kpu-ta'-ka, v. pos. of putaka ; to touch one's own. See ikputaka. ksa, adj. separated. See baksa, kaksa, yuksa, etc. ksa'-hax), part, broken in two of itself. ksa-ksa'-pa, adj. red. of ksapa. ksam, cont. of ksapa. ksam-ya', v. a. to make wise, — ksamwaya. ksam-ya', adv. wisely, prudently. ksam-ya'-hai), adv. wisely. ksa'-pa, adj. wise, prudent, having understand- ing,— waksapa, yaksapa, uqksapapi. ksa-"Wa'-hai),par<. broken in two. ksi'-ze-ca, adj. grum, growling, i. q. waciqko, — maksizeca. ksu-■^we', v. n. to be hurt. See ksuweya. ksu-vre'-ya, v. a. to hurt or injure the flesh or body of any one, — ksuwewaya, ksuwemayai). ksu-ye'-ya, v. a. to hurt, injure, infiict pain upon, — ksuyewaya. Same as ksuweya. ksa, mJj. bent. See yuksa. ksa'-dai), adj. lent. ksa'-ka, adj. bent up, as an aged person, decrepit, — maksaka. ksai), adj. crooked. See yuksaij. ksai)-ksai)', red. of k^ai). ksarj-ksai)', v. n. to wriggle, as a fish. ksai)-ksai)'-yai), adv. crookedly. ksar)-yar)', v. a. to make crooked, to crook, bend, — ksagwaya. ksar)-yar)', adv. crookedly. ksa-vra'-har), part, rolled up. ksi-ksa', adj. numb, stiff with cold. ksi-ksai)', adj. crooked. See pak^iksaq. ksi-ksi'-za, adj. red. of ksiza. ksis, cont. of k^iia ; k^i8i(5idaka, to regard oneself as bent up. ksi'-za, adj. bent. See yuksiia, etc. ksi-za'-har), part, bent up, doubled up. ksi-za'-"wa-har), part, bent up. kta and kte, v. aux. shall or will. The usual sign of the future tense. kta, V. to wait for, to neglect doing and expect ano- ther to do, — wakta, yakta. kta'-ka, v. to wait, expect another to act, — wa- ktaka. ktar), adj. crooked, bent. See yuktai). ktar)-ktar)', adj. crooked. ktai)-ktai)'-ki-ya, adv. crookedly, indirectly, zigzag. ktar)-ktar)'-yar), adv. »rookedly. ktai)-yar)', adv. crookedly. kte, V. Same as kta. kte, V. a. to kill any thing, — wakte, yakte, uij- ktepi, makte, nikte, c'ikte : tin wicakte, to kill one of one's own people, commit murder ; akicita kte, to kill as a soldier, that is, to execute a sen- tence on one, by breaking his gun, cutting up his blanket or tent, or killing his horse. KTE 134 KEH kte'-dai), v. a. to overcome, he victorious over ; to win, heal in gambling, — waktedai), iiriktepidai) ; to be overcome, — maktedai). kte-ki'-ya, v. u. to cause to kill, — ktewakiya. kto, adv. why ? what of it ? This is chiefly used in answering questions ; as, hecanoi) he, didst thou do it ? hai) hecainoi), kto, yes, I did it ; why ?' ku, suffix proii. his, hers, etc. ku, V. n. to come towards home, to he coming home, — waku, yaku, iiqkupi. ku'-ce-dai), adv. low, low down, near the ground : wi kucedai), the sun is low. ku-ee'-e-dar), adv. See kuceyedaij. ku-ce'-ye-dar), adv. low down. ku-ka', adj. rotten, tender, worn out, as clothes ; spoiled, as meat. ku-ke'-ya, v. a. to make rotten, to wear Out, — ku- kewaya. ku-ke'-ya, adv. rotten, spoiled, decayed, fallen to pieces : kukeya spai), to he cooked too much. ku-ku'-se, n. a hog, hogs ; pork. ku-ku'-se-i-hdl, n. hog^s lard. ku-ku'-se-sir), ?i. fat pork, pickled pork. ku-ku'-ya, adv. under, helow. kun, adv. below, under, beneath, doivn : kun ku, come down. kui), n. mother-in-laio : iiikui), thy mother-in-law ; kuijku, his or her mother-in-law. See urjci. kuq'-ksi-tku and kur)kisitku. See kui)^i. kur)S-ya', adv. of kuijza ; pretending. kur)S-ya'-ken, adv. pretending. kiii)'-si, n. grandmother : nikuijsi, thy grandmo- ther, kui)sitku, kui)k^itku and kui)ki^itku, his or her grandmother. See uijci. kur)'-tki-ya, adv. downwards. See kutkiya. kui)-ya', v. a. to have for mother-in-law, — kui)- waya. ku.r)'-za, v. Same as koi)za. ku-se', V. n. to leak, as a vessel. ku-sde'-ea, n. the king-fisher. kus-ku'-za-pi, adj. red. pi. of kuia. ku'-tai)-har), adv. low down. ku-te', V. a. to shoot any thing with a gun or arrow ; to shoot with the medicine-bag. When a person is introduced into the secret society called " the Sacred E%nce," lie is shot, or pre- tended to be shot, by the beads or claws which are contained in the medicine-bags of the mem- bers. When the missile is extracted by the same conjuring process, and not until then, do they live again. This is their story, — wakute, uijku- tepi, cidute : wicawakute, / shoot them : kikute, to shoot for one ; kidicutepi, they shool each other. ku-te '-ye-dar), adv. Same as kueeyetlai). ku'-tki-ya, adv. doionwards. ku'-"wa, V. imperat. come here : kuwa wo, kuwa po. This is used in the imperative only. ku'-vra, v. a. to follow after, chase, hunt, as, sii)- kpe kuwa, to hunt musk-rats ; to chase, jnirsue, as, kuwa amau, he chases me ; to treat or act towards one, as, taqyai) kuwa, to treat well, sicaya kuwa, to treat ill, persecute ; to pursue, prosecute, as work,-^wakuwa, uijkuwapi. ku-'wa'-eil), v. to think of coming home. ku'-ya, adv. helow, beneath, under, underneath, down. ku'-ya-tar)-har), adv. from beloio. ku'-za, adj. lazy, idle, — makuia, nikuia. ku-zi'-ta, V. to die or he dying of laziness, to be very lazy, — kuiimata. k, the thirteenth letter of the Dakota alphabet. This sound is made by fixing the organs so as to make ' k,' and then pressing the back part of the tongue against the roof of the mouth and with- drawing it suddenly, which makes what may be denominated a click. The other consonants of this class are (J, p, %. ka, conj. and. When ' a' or 'ai) ' final in words immediately preceding is changed into ' e,' ^a becomes o NOG na-za'-za, V. a. to wash out with the feet, trample out ; to wash out hij boiling, — nawaiaia. na-zi'-ea, v. n. to run away, flee, retreat. na-zi'-ee-ya, v. a. to cause to flee, — naiicewaya. na-zim', cont. of nazipa ; naiim iyeya. na-zin', cont. of na^ic'a ; nazin iyaya. na'-zir), v. n. to stand, rise up ; to stand still, stop ; to stand on the ground, to get down, alight, as from a horse, — nawaiii), nauijiiijpi. na'-zip-hai), jmrt. standing : nazii)hai) naiiq, to rise up and stand. na'-zir)-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to stand, to raise up, lift up, — naziijwakiya. na-zi'-pa, v. a. to prick or pinch with the toes. na-zu'-te, «. tlie lower bone in the back of the neck, the last of the cervical vertebrm. na-zu'-zu, v. a. to kick to pieces, — nawaiuiu ; to come to pieces of itself. ni, pron. in comp. thee, you ; thy, thine, your, yours. ni, V. n. to live, — wani, yani, ui)nipi, wicani. Hence, widoni, life. ni'-ca, V. n. to be destitute of, have none of, — ma- nica, ninida, ui)nicapi, wanica. ni-ca', V. of ka ; he means thee. ni-oe', adv. perhaps. Seenace. Nide is objected to, as it is so often used obscenely. nl-ce'-ca, adv. j)robably. See nadeca, a better form. ni'-di, pron. and prep, with thee ; for thee. ni-de', n. water, in the sacred language ; i. q. mini. ni'-en, or niyen, adv. anew : teda nien toqpi, born again, regenerated. ni-ge', n. the paunch, stomach. ni-gu'-te, n. the flank : nigute o^kokpa, the hol- low of the flank. nl-hai)', adv. fearful ; nihaqsni, not afraid. See inihai). A^^M^^^ ni-har)'-yai), f.,jjt^j|«BpP^Bi^R^waya. Ili-hir)'-c^(|tl7^v. n. to be frightened, scared: to ^^cry or scream, as in fright ; to hurry, — nihiqmi- ciya, nihiqnidiya, nihii)ui)kidiyapi. > ni-hii)'-ci-ya-ken, adv. in fright. \|^ ni-ki'-ya, v. a. to cause to live, — niwakiya. nin, cont. of nida ; tuwe nin uij kiij, he who has none. ni'-na, adv. very, very m,uch, always intensive. ni'-naR, adv. See ninahiij. nl'-na-Mi), adv. exceedingly. ni'-na-na, adv. very : ninana ia, to speak loud and fast, speak earnestly. ni-ni', adj. coagulated, curdled, quivering, said of thick sour milk : asaijpi nini, curdled milk, curds. nir)-tpa'-hu, n. the haunch or hip-boiu. See nitpabu. ni-po', adj. dead. This is probably Ojibwa, but frequently used by the Dakotas when speaking with white people who do not understand their language. ni-se'-hu, n. the hip-bone, os ilium. ni'-sko, adv. so large. See niskokeda. ni'-sko-ke-ea, adv. so large. ni'-sko-sko-ke-ea, adv. red. of niskokeda. ni'-sko-tar)-ka, adv. so large. ni'-sko-tar)-ka-dar), adv. so small. ni'-sko-ya, adv. so far around, nis, pron. thou, thee : n\i niye, thou thyself. ni'-sko-dar), adv. small, only so large. ni'-sko-sko-dai), adv. red. of niikodai). ni'-sko-ye-dar), adv. only so far around. nis-na'-na, pron. thou alone ; nisnaijpidai), you alone. ni-ta', pron. in comp. thy, thine ; your, yours : nitasui)ke, thy dog. ni-ta'-'wa, pron. thy, thine ; your, yours. ni-te', 71. the lower part of the back, the rump. ni-te'-hu, n. the os sacrum, ni-to'-ske, n. a white tooman's dress, long gown : nitoske kitoi), to put on white woman's clothes. ni-tpa'-hu, n. the hip-bone. Same as nisehu. ni'-UT), v. to be living : ni waui), / am alive. ni-'war)', v. n. to swim, — waniwe, uijniwaijpi. ni-vre'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to swim, — niwewa- kiya. ni-ya', v. n. to breathe, — waniya, yaniya, ui)niya- pi : niya sni iyaya, to die ; niya ^ni mata nui) seda, / am out of breath. ni-ya', n. breath, life. See oniya. ni-ya'-ke, adj. alive ; niyake yuza, to take alive. nl-ya'-ken, adv, alive, in a living manner. nl-yai)', v. a, to cause to live, make live, revive, as a sick person ; to let live, miss or fail of killing, as an enemy or game, — niwaya, niuqyaqpi, nimayai). nl-yai)', adv. audibly, with a loud voice : eya niyai), to say with a loud voice. ni-yaij'-liir), adv. yet. See hinahii}. ni-yar)'-liir)-ke-sni, adv. not yet time, too soon. nl-ye', v. to cause to live. See niyaq. ni'-ye, pron. thou, thee ; niyepi, you. ni'-ye-es, pron. emphatic ; thou, thee, you, ni'-ye-ka-es, pron. even thou. ni'-ye-ke, pron. emphatic ; thee thyself, you your- self, even you. no'-ee. See nuijde. no'-ga, adj. scabbed. See nuijga. no'-ge, n. the ear; the sense of hearing, as noge ninida, thou hast no ears (in this sense it is used in reference to other things as well as men and animals) ; the pan of a gun-lock, as, mazakai) noge, — minoge. NOG 151 OAY no'-ge-a-zog-ki-ya, v. to prick up the cars, as a horse, at any sound. no'-ge-i-yu-ta-pi, «. the distance from the ear to the end of the fingers when the arm is stretched out, a yard. This is the common yard-stick of the traders. no'-ge-kpa, adj. deaf, hard of hearing, — noge- makpa. no'-ge-kpe-ya, v. a. to make deaf, — nogekpe- wa3-a. no'-ge-o-hdo-ka, n. the orifice of the ear ; the touch-hole of a gun. no'-ge-tpa, adj. See nogekpa. no'-ge-tpe-ya, v. See nogekpeya. no-gi'-yu-ta-pi, n. a yard. See nogeiyutapi. no'-go-ptar), adj. listening, attending to ; nogo- ptai) mai)ka, / am attending to it. nom, cont. of noijpa ; two. nom'-na-na, adj. two alone, only two. nom'-nom, adj. two and two, by twos. nom'-norj-pa, red. of noAa ; by twos. not). See nuo» ^fr noi). See n(S^e ana nuijske. nor)-ee'. J^e nuric'e. nor) '-pa, ^c?/. two, twice. nor)'-pa.-kT-ya, adv. twice, in two ways. nor)'-ske, or nuQske, intj. expressing ignorance or want of recollection ; let me see ! what do you all it ? ,u'-ni, V. to wander, miss the road and wander about, get lost ; to be mistaken about a thing, — wanuni, yanuni, urinunipi. nu'-nl-ya, v. a. to cause to wander, — nuniwaya, nuniuqyaripi. nu'-ni-y£ir), adv. wandering, lost. nui), V. 2d pers. sing, of ui), to use. nui), cont. of nuqwe ; let it he so, expressive of desire ; so be it, amen. It is often equivalent to the sign of the future tense ; as, mda nu;) he, shall I go ? token ecamoij nui) tai)i:) im, what I shall do is not apparent. nur)'-ga, adj. callous. Said of any hard place, formed by a burn or otherwise, on the skin, — ma- nui)ga. nur)'-ka, v. 2d pers. sing, of wai)ka ; thou liest down. nur)-kas', n. a step-son or step-daughter : nui)- kasku, his or her step-son or step-daughter. This is said to be used only by the generation passing away, that is, by old people. nur)-kas'-ya, v. a. to have for nuqkas, — nuqkas- waya. nur)'-ske. See noqske. nur)-"we', v. n. let it be so, expressive of desire ; may it be so, amen. ^^a #ru'- nur)-yar)', v, a. to tame, domesticate, as animals, — nui)waya. Hence, wanu:)yai)pi, tame cattle. nu-snur)'-za, adj. wrinkled, pitted, not smooth. T^- r), the seventeenth letter of the Dakota alphabet. It occurs only after a vowel, and has the sound of the French nasal n in bon. o. O, the eighteenth letter of the Dakota alphabet, with the sound of English o in no. O, a prefixed prep. It is a contraction of ohna, meaning in, into, and is prefixed to verbs : as kastai), to pour out, okastaij, to pour into ; hai), to stand, ohai), to stand in. O, a prefix, forming nouns of verbs ; as, baspa, to cut off, obaspe, apiece. O, V. a. to shoot, to hit when shooting, — wao, yao, ui)^opi : wakute eca wao ece, when I shoot I hit. o-a'-de, n. a load of wood in the arms. O-a'-hde, n. a place of holding or resting against, as the shoulder where the gun is held. O-a'-he, n. something to stand on. o-a'-he-hde, n. a foundation. O-a'-hi-ya-ye, n. of ahiyaya ; a going or taking round ; a tune, the air of a tune. O-a'-hta-ni, n. of ahtani ; transgression. See woahtani. o-a'-i-e, n. of aia ; counsel ; slander. o-a'-i-e-ti-pi, «. a courwil-house. o-a'-kl-ni-ca, n. of akinica ; disputing. O-a'-pe, n. of apa ; strokes, stripes, beatings ; the striking of a clock, an hour. O-a'-si-ca, adj. unpleasant, disagreeable, as a country, the weather, etc. O-a'-si-ea-ya, adv. unpleasantly. o-a'-si-6a-ya-ken, adv. disagreeably. o-a'-si-ce-ea, adj. See oasicecaka. o-a'-si-ee-ea-ka, adj. unpleasant, disagreeable, as the appearance of a country, etc. O-a'-sin-ya, adv. not satisfied or pleased with, unpleasantly : oasinya uijyakoflpi, we are un- comfortably situated. o-a'-sin-ya-ken, adv. unpleasantly. O-a'-ska-dar), adv. of askadai) ; near, short, as a road. o-a'-ya-star), n. of ayastai) ; a stop, stopping, as in talking. O-a'-ya-te, n. of ayate ; a guess. O-a'-yu-star), n. of aynitai) ; a stop, cessation from. OBA 152 OCO O-ba'-hor), or obahui), n. of bahoq ; a cut, gash. O-ba'-hda-ye, n. of bahdaya ; somelhiw/ to peel of in. o-ba'-hdo-ka, v. a. to cut a hole in, when shav- ing, as in making a dish, — obawahdoka. O-ba'-hdo-ke, n. of bahdoka ; a hole cut or made with a knife. O-ba'-po-te, n. of bapota ; a cutting up, destroy- ing by cutting. o-ba'-sde-ee, «. of basdeca ; a split, splitting. O-ba'-sden, cont. of obasdeca ; obasden waste, good to split. O-ba'-sku, V. to pare in any thing, — obawasku. O-ba'-sku, n. of basku ; a paring. o-ba'-smir), n. of basmii) ; something to shave off into. O-ba'-spe, n. of baspa ; a piece cut off: obaspe wai)iidai), one piece, as of pork or meat of any kind. O-be', n. a litter, brood ; a division, class, sort. o-bo'-h.a, V. oboha iyeya, to knock into. 0-bo'-fi.ci-licl, n. a string or bunch of beads ; any bunch that dangles. O-bo'-hdo-ke, n. of bohdoka ; a hole made by punching. O-bo'-po-ta, V. a. to shoot to piece* in any thing, — obowapota. o-bo'-sdan, n. height. O-bo'-sda-ta, n. height. O-bo'-sda-tu, n. height, perpendicularity. O-bo'-ski-ca, v. a. to punch or ram hard in a hole, — obawaskica. O-bo'-skln, cont. of oboskica ; oboskin iyeya. O-bo'-ski, v. to make faint, obliterate, as the rain does tracks. O-bo'-spe, n. of bo4pa ; a piece shot or punched off O-bo'-tar), v. to ram or pound hard in a hole, — obowataq. O-bo'-ta, V. a. to punch to death in, as in a hole, — obowata. O-bo'-te, n. a killing or punching to death in. 0-bo'-tir)-za, v. a. to pound in hard and tight, — obowatii)za. O-bo'-ya-ya, n. a bunch of beads. o-bo'-za, V. oboza hiqhda, to rise up with a rush, as in case of an exciteraent. O-bo'-za-ka, v. to rush : ituh obozaka, the rush teas for naught. o-ea'-ga, v. n. of daga ; to freeze or become ice in. O-ea'-hde, n. of cahde ; a step. o-eai)'-ku, n. a road, street, way. See ^ai)ku. o-ea'-4e, n. kind, sort, species, name. O-ce'-ti, n. of ceti ; a fire-place, place where the fire is made ; a chimney : maza oceti, a stove. o'-ei-hii)-yar)-pi, v. recip. of ohiqyaq ; they are offended at each other, they feel themselves slighted. o'-ci-kai), adv. having room, roomy : ocikai) sni, without room, crowded. o'-ei-kpa-kpa-ni, adj. red. of o<$ikpani; some longer and some shorter. o'-ei-kpa-nl, adj. not equal in length. o-ci'-ka-dar), adj. small within: ti oci^adai), a small room. o-ci'-ka-ye-dar), adj. small inside, of small di- mensions. o'-eim, adv. afterwards, after a while, at length. o'-ci-mda-ga-he, adv. abi-east, in a line. o'-ei-mda-gar), adv. abreast. o'-ci-mda-ge-hai), adv. in a row, abreast. o'-ei-mdali, cont. of ocimdagai). 0-6il)', n. of cii) ; desire, wish, disposition. 0-eir)', V. a. to desire, beg, ask for : taku o6ir) wahi, / have come to ask for something, — owa- cii). See wociq. >^ 0-cir)'-si-ea, v. n. to be cross, had-tempered, ill- disposed, — ociijmasic'a. 0-eir)'-si-ca-ya, adv. evilly disposed. o-cir)'-yo-pe-ya, v. a. to please, make glad by giving to or in any other way, to reward. It is said to be used in case one is appointed to a diffi- cult service, and well rewarded for it, — oc'iijyop^^ waya, ociqyopeuijyaijpi, odiijyopemayai). ^^ o'-ei-pten, adv. not equal to, lacking. o'-ei-pte-tu, adv. unequal in length, or other- wise. o-el'-sti-ye-dar), adv. for a little while. o'-ei-tkoQS, cont. of ocitkoqza ; wicasta ocitkoqs wadii)pi, men think alike. o'-ei-tkor)-za, adj. equal, alike, of the same size or length : ear) ocitkoijza, trees of the same height. o'-ei-tpa-ni, adj. unequal. o'-ci-tir)-za, v. n. to be crowded together ; i. q. ocikai) ^ni. o'-ei-ya-ka-pi, v. pi. of oyaka ; i. q. oki(5iyakapi. O-ei'-yo-pe-ya, v. See ociijyopeya. o'-ei-yu-stai), v. oyu^tai) ; to be one in another, as kettles ; to be doubled, as a blanket. o-eo'-ka-ka, v. n. to be empty, not full, as a house of persons ; there is room. o-eo'-kam, adv. in the middle. O-eo'-kam-tu, adv. in the midst. o-eo'-ka-ya, adv. in the middle : ti ocSokaya, in the middle of the house. O-eos', cont. of ocoza ; ocos maqka, I am in a warm place. O-cos'-ya, adv. in a warm condition. oco 153 OHD o-co'-'wa-sii), adu. all, the whole, all together. O-CO'-za, adj. toarm in : ti ocoza, a rearm house. O-eo'-za, n. warmth, heat. od, or on, cont. of yuta ; od wa^te, ffood to eat, good to taste. o-da'-kon, cont. of odakota. o-da'-kon-ki-ci-ya-pi, n. friendship, peace. O-da'-kon-ya, adv. friendli/, 2>eaceably. O-da'-ko-ta, n. friendship, alliance, fratei-nity. O-de', V. a. to seek for, hunt for any thing, — owade, oyade, uqkodepi. O-de'-za, v. of deza; to urinate in any thing, — owadeia. O-de'-za, n. the bladder ; a chamber-pot. O-di'-di-ta, v. n. to be warm in, as in a house where it is uncomfortably hot : ti odidita, a hot house. O-dl'-di-ta, n. heat. O-don', cont. of odota ; taku odon wahi, / have come to borrow something. O-do'-ta, V. a. to borrow any thing, — owadota, oyadota, ui)kodotapi. od'-o-ta, adj. red. of ota. O-do'-'wai), n. of dowai) ; a song, hymn, tune. O-du'-te, w. the large muscle or flesh on the thigh. O-du'-za-har), n. of duzahaq ; swiftness. O-e'-ee-ea, v. n. to he a little better ; i. q. aheceda. O-e'-ee-ea-ka, v. n. to be like one, as a son is like his father, in appearance, demeanor, etc. ; to he better, as a sick person, — oemacecaka. See owe- cecaka. O-e'-cen-ya, adv. so, however. O-e'-cor), n. of e<$oi) ; doing, work : oe(5o5 wa^te, good doing it. 0-e'-cor)-ka, n. one who does a thing very much. 0-e'-cor)-na, n. gambling, a lottery. Sometimes written oecona. o-e'-ha-ke, n. of ehake ; the last. O-e'-hde, v. a. of ehde ; to set ot place in, — oewa- hde. O-e'-hde, n. a setting down ; a saying, a verse, a sentence, o-e'-hna-ka, n. of ehnaka ; a placing down, a stop, period. O-e'-tl, ». of eti ; an encampment ahead. o-e'-ya-ke-ya, n. the act of telling a story, a re- lation. ■ o-e'-ye, n. of eya ; a saying, verse, sentence. O-e'-yu-lipa, n. of yuhpa; a place of resting or throwing down burdens. o'-gar), n. something that is open, as open cloth. o-gar)'-gar), v. n. to be full of holes. o'-ge, n. clothes, covering ; a sheath. o'-ge-ki-ei-tor), v. to clothe for one, — ogewedi- toq. o'-ge-ki-tor), v. pos. of ogetoi) ; to put clothes on one's own, — ogewetoj]. o'-ge-pi, n. clothes. o'-ge-tor), V. a. to put on clothes, have clothes on, — ogewatoij, ogeuqtoiipi : ogei^itoi), to clothe oneself. o'-ge-zu-ya, v. ogeiuya yuza^ to take hold of . one's clothes. o'-gir)-gli), V. n. to nod : ogiqgii) yaijka, he is nodding. o-gu', V. n. of gu ; to hum in, as in a kettle. O-gu', n. scraps, cracknels. o-gu'-ke, n. tallow-scraps. 0-gur)'-ga, V. n. to he half asleep and awake, to slumber, dose, — omaguijga, oniguijga. O-gu'-ya, V. a. to cause to bum in, as meat, — oguwaya. o'-ha, V. n. to stick to, adhere, as feathers, — omaha. o'-ha, n. of yuha ; a straight place in a river, the distance between two bends, a reach : oha hai)- ska, a long straight place. o-ha'-kam, adv. afterwards. o-ha'-kam-ya, adv. after. O-ha'-ka-pa, adv. afterwards. o-ha'-ka-pa-tar)-har), adv. afterwards. O-hai)', intj. oh, yes ! O-hai)', V. n. (ohna and hai)) to stand in. O-hai)', V. a. to put on socks or moccasins, to wear ; to boil, as com, meat, etc., — owahai), oyahai), ui)- kohaijpi. o'-hag, V. to try, attempt ; to apply oneself, study, — owahe, oyahai), ouqhaijpi. o'-har)-hde, v. See 6hai)hdeya. o'-har)-hde-ya, v. a. to keep near one, follow about, as a colt its mother ; to love, — ohaqhde- waya, ohai)hdemayai). o'-har)-hai)-na, n. the morning. o-har)'-pi, part, boiled. o-har)'-ska, n. length. o-har)'-ska-ya, adv. in length. o'-har(-zi, n. shade, defence from the heat ; shadow. o'-har)-zi, v. n. to he shade on, — omahaqzi. o'-har)-zi-hde-pi, n. something set up for a shade, as the branches of trees or bushes ; an arbor ; a porch ; an umbrella. o'-haQ-zi-ya, v. a. to shade, make a shade on, — oharjziwaya, ohaqziuiiyaijpi. O-hba'-hai), part, fallen to pieces in, as a barrel in a corn-hole. O-hda'-da, v. pos. of okada. O-hdag', cont. of ohdaka : he ohdag wahi, / have come to tell that. O-hda'-ftnl-ga, v. pos. of okahniga ; to under- stand one's own affairs, — owahdahniga. OHD 154 OHN 0-hda'-l!inih, cont. of ohdahniga : ohdainil maijka. O-hda'-ka, v. pos. of oyaka ; to tell of one's own, — owahdaka, u^kohdakapi. o-hda'-kig-yax), n. width, breadth. o-hda'-psir)-yar), adv. bottom U2ncards. O-hda'-pta, v. pos, of oyapta and okapta ; to leave some of one's own, — owahdapta. O-hde', V. a. of hde ; to set or place in, — owa- hde. o'-hde, n. a coat ; suspenders. O-hdi'-hai), v. n. to fall in any thing endwise. O-hdl'-he-ya, v. a. ■ to cause to fall in endwise, — ohdihewaya. O-hdu'-ge, V. pos. of oyuge; to put on, wear one's own, — owahduge. O-hdu'-SO-ta, v. n. to go off, leave, be all gone, as ducks in the fall of the year. o'-hdu-ta, V. n. to be closed up. o'-hdu-te-ya, v. a. to close up, — ohdutewaya. O-hdu'-ze, V. pos. of oyuze; to dip out from into one's own dish, — owahduze. O-he', V. Same as ohaq. O-he', n. a place ; a niche, a bed, — mitohe. o'-he, w. of yuha ; a having : ohe waste, it is good having ; ohe waitekae, useful. o'-he, n. of ohai) ; a boiling : ohe waijiidaq, one boiling. O-he'-hde-pi, n. a bedstead, bed. O-hem'-ya, adv. not quite full, almost full. O-he'-yui), v. a. to wrap up in, — ohemuq, ohe- nui). See heyui). 0-h.e'-YUi), n. a wrapper : oheyui)pi, wrappers. o'-hi, V. n. to hang over, as hair over one's face, or grass over a path ; i. q. car|ku peii kaohdu- teyapi. o'-'il, V. a. to be able to reach to, tall enough to recuih up to, long enough to reach down to, — owa- hi, ouijhipi : to reach to one, be large enough for, — omahi. o'-hi-dag, V. dim, of 6hi. o'-hi-ka, n. one whose hair is always hanging over his face. O-hi'-ka, n. one who Jias ability, one who is able to accomplish. O-hi'-ki-ya, v. pos. of ohiya ; to win back one's own ; to give something to another of what one has won, to win for another, — ohiwakiya. o'-hl-na-pe, n. of hinapa ; a place of egress. 0-llir)'-lipa-ya, v, (o and hiijhpaya) to fall into ; to fall from, forsake, — omahiijhpaya. n-hiij'-lSpa-ye-ya, v, a, to cause to fall into, — ohiqhpayewaya. o'-hl-ni, adv. See ohiijni. o'-hii)-ni, ddv. always. o'-hir)-ni-ki-ya, v, a, to cease from, to finish, — ohiqniwakiya. o'-hir)-ni-ya, v, a. to finish, — ohiijniwaya. o'-hil)-ni-yai), adv. always, all along, all through. O-hi'-ti-da, v. a, to consider furious, — ohitiwada : ohitii. prevented by, impassable : pa- kaqyaq ya, to go round, as a lake. pa-ka'-pa, v. a. to toss, strike a ball that is thrown and send it back ; to strike and stab before falling, — wapakapa. pa'-ka-psar), v. a. (pa and kapsaij) to nod or bow the head, nod assent, — pawakapsai). pa-ka'-tir), v. a. to straighten out, as the arm when bent at the elbow, — wapakatiq. pa-ka'-'wa, v. a. to open out with the hand, as a gun-pan, — wapakawa. pa-kca, V. a. to comb, disentangle, untie, — wapa- kca, uijpakc'api. pa-kes', cont. of pakeza : pakes pamai), to make a noise by filing any thing. pa-ke'-za, v. a. to make a noise by rubbing, as in filing, — wapakeza. pa-ki'-ea-psai), v. a. to bow or nod the head to one, — pawedapsai) . pa-ki'-hnur)g, cont. of pakihnuijka; pakihnuijg iyeya. pa-ki'-hnuQ-ka, v. to push under water, make dive. pa-ki'-hta, v. pos. of pahta; to tie up or bind together one's own, to pack up, — pawakihta, pa- yakihta, pauijkihtapi. pa-kin', cont. of pakiqta ; pakin iyeya, to wipe or brush all off, — pakin iyewaya. pa-kir)', v. a. to set up slanting, as a stick point- ing in the direction one is going, — wapakiij. Hence, da^jpakii), a stick thus set up, a guide- stick. pa-kir)', v. n. to stand leaning : pakii) iyaya, to bow down the head, — pakii) imJamda. PAK 176 PAN pa-kiris', cont. of pakiqza. pa-kirjs'-kig-za, v. red. of pakiijza. pa-kir)'-ta, v. a. to wipe, as dishes, rub off, cleanse, — wapakiqta, ui)pakii)tapi. pa-kir)'-za, v. a. to make creak l^y rubbing, — wapakigza. pa-ki'-pu-ski-ca, v. n. to be pressed tight to- gether. pa-ki'-pu-skin, cont. of pakipuskic'a : pakipu- skin iyeya, to press together ; pakipuskin ehnaka, to lag on for the purpose of pressing down. pa-ki'-pu-ski-ta, v. n. to be pressed together. pa-ko', adj. crooked, bent round. pa-ko', n. the outside of a bend. pa-kon', cont. of pakota ; pakon iyeya. pa-ko'-ta, V. a. to dig or take out marrow from a bone, to probe, — wapakota. pa-ko'-za, v. to push back and forth. Not mucli used. pa-kpa', V. a. to pierce, gouge out, as an eye, — wapakpa. pa-kpar)', v. a. to crush, make fine by pressing, — wapakpai). pa-kpai)'-kpar), v. red. of pakpaq. pa-kpi', V. a. to pick a hole, break a hole, as a young chicken in its shell ; to hatch. pa-ksa', V. a. to break off, as a stick, with the hand, break in two, — wapaksa. pa-ksa'-ksa, v. red. of paksa. pa-ksa', adj. bent down, like an old person, — ma- ksa. pa-ksai)', V. a. to bend, maJce bend by striking or pushing, — wapaksag . pa-ksar)'-ksai), v. red. of paksai). pa-ksi'-ksar), adj. crooked, zigzag. pa-ksi'-ksi-za, v. red. of paksiza. pa-ksig', n. the kidneys, reins, — mapaksiij, wica- paksir). pa-ksis', cont. of paksiza ; paksis iyeya. pa-ksi' za, v. a. to bend or double up, as the arm at the elbow ; to double up any thing, — wapa- k^iza. pa-ktai)', V. a, to bend around with the hand, — wapaktap. pa-ktar)'-ktai), v. red. of paktai). pa-ktar)'-yai), v. a. to cause to bend. pa-ktar)'-yai), adv. bent around. pa'-ku-ce-dar), n. head down : pakucedai) yuza, to hold the head down, to apply oneself diligently. pa-ku'-ka, v. a. to rub to pieces, wear out by handling, — wapakuka. pa-ku'-'wl-ska, n. the whip-poor-will. pa-ke'-ga, v. a. to scrape with the hand, with glass, etc., — wapa^ega. pa-keh', cont. of pa^ega ; pa^eh iyeya. pa-keh'-ke-ga, v. red. of paljega. pa-kes', cont. of pal:eza ; pa]j;es iyeya. pa-kes'-ke-za, v. red. of pa^reza. pa-ke'-za, v. a. to scrape, make smooth by scraping, — wapajfeza. pa-kos', cont. of palfoza ; pa^os iyeya. pa-kos'-ko-za, v. red. of pa^oza. pa-ko'-za, v. a. to rub and make smooth and hard, — wapa^oza. pa-ma'-hde-dai), adv. head bowed down, prone : pamahdedai) uq, to go with the head down, as in sorrow. pa-ma'-kom, adv. head down, prone, headlong : pamakom yaijka. pa-mar)', v. a. to fie, rub, polish, — wapabe, ya- pabe, uijpamaripi. pa-mdas', cont. of pamdaza ; pamdas iyeya. pa'-mda-ska, n. fat-head : oijspe pamdaska, a flat-headed axe, in distinction from the club-heads used by the Dakota women. pa-mda'-ska, v. a. to press out flat, to flatten, — wapamdaska. pa-mda'-ya, v. a. to spread out, make level ; to iron, as clothes ; to make smooth, — wapamdaya, ugpamdayapi. pa-mda'-za, v. a. to burst open, tear open, as a bag, by sitting on it, — wapamdaza. pa-mde'-ea, v. a. to crush, break, as brittle ware, by pressing, — wapamdec'a. pa-mde'-mde-ca, v. red. of pamdeca. pa-mden', cont. of pamdeca ; pamden iyeya. pa-mden'-ya, v. a. to cause to crush, — pamden- waya. pa-mdu', V. a. to bruise fine, crush to powder, — wapamdu, uijpamdupi. pa-mi'-ma, v. a. to mxike round by filing or rub- bing,— wapamima. pa'-mi-ma, adj. round pointed : isai) p4mima, a case-knife. pa-mna', v. a. to rip, as one's coat sleeve, — wa- pamna. pa-mni', v. a. to divide, make a division, dis- tribute any thing, — wapamni, uijpamnipi. pa-mni '-mni, v. red. of pamni. pa-na'-ke, adv. panake iyeya, to pu^h oner on one side. pa-na'-ke-ya, adv. lying on one side : panakeya iyeya. pa-nl', V. a. to push or jog one loiih the elbow, — wapani. pa-ni'-ni, v. a. to push or jog with the elbow or hand ; to wake out of sleep by jogging, — wapa- nini. pa-nmi'-nma, v. This form is used by the Mdc- wakaqtogwags. See pahmihma. PAN 177 PAS pa-nur)'-ga, v. a. to sprain, as the arm or hand, — wapanuriga. pai), V. n. to cry alotid, call, yell, halloo, — wapai), uijpaijpi. See kipaij. paq-bo'-tu-ka, n. an Indian woman's hag, iu which she keeps her sewing apparatus ; a work- bag, a reticule. par)'-ga, adj. bulky, as buffalo robes, stuffed, filled full. par)'-ge-ea, adj. bulky, puffed out, — mapaijgec'a. par)-gi', w. the artichoke, Helianthus tuberosus. par)-gi'-hu, n. the stalk of the artichoke. pai)'-par), v. red. of pai) ; to yell, make a noise, shout, as the Dakota young men do, — wapaijpai). pai)-pai)'-na, adj. soft, as a deer-skin or cloth. This may be from 'paijna,' which is not now used. par)-pe'-ska, n. round white ornaments for the neck, slightly curved ; daq paijpeska, the excres- cences that grow on trees. Same as kaqpeska. paij-pe'-ska-dar), n. dim. of pai)peska. pai)-pe'-ska-"wa-ksi-ea, n. white-ware, chiruv- ware. par)S-pai)'-za, adj. soft, bunchy. par)s-pai)'-ze-dar), adj. soft, as furs, bulky. paijs'-ya, adv. bulky, bunchy. par)'-yar), adv. crying out. par)-yar)'-hai), adv. crying out, yelling : pai)- yaijhai) eya. pai)'-za, adj. puffed up, soft, bunchy ; one who is lazy, — mapaq ia. pa-o'-hda-psii), adv. rolled over, scattered about : paohdap^ii) ehpeya, to turn bottom up. pa-o'-hda-psirj-yar), adv. tumbled over, topsy- turvy : paohdap^iijyai) iyeya. pa-o'-hdu-ta, v. a. to close up or over, as a hole, by rubbing, — wapaohduta. pa-o'-hdu-te-ya, v. a. to cause to close up by rubbing, — paohdutewaya. pa-o'-po, V. n. to warp. pa-o'-pu-ski-ea, v. a. to press down into. pa-o'-pu-skin, cont. of paopuskida ', paopuskin iyeya. pa-o'-spe, V. a. to push under, as in water, — wa- paospe : paospe iyeya, to push under, push out of sight. pa-o'-tkoQS, cont. of paotkoi)za. pa-o'-tkor)-za, v. a. to press in full, make even full, strike off level, as in measuring grain, — wa- paotkoi)za. pa-o'-tii)S, cont. of paotiqza ; paotiqs iyeya. pa-o'-til)-za, v. a. to press in hard and tight, — wapaotiijza. pa-o'-ze-ze, v. n. to swing, dangle, hang, as ber- ries. pa-o'-ze-ze-ya, adv. swinging, dangling. pa'-pa, n. (Ihaqk.) dried meat ; i. q. wadonioa. pa-pa'-ga, v. n. to pop, as corn in parching. pa-paf -ya, v. a. to parch, as corn, — papahwaya, papahuijyaijpi. Hence wapapaiyapi, parched corn. pa-pir)'-za, v. to pick, prick or dot all over : papiijzapi se. pa-pom', cont. of papopa ; papom iyeya, to make burst. pa-po'-pa, V. a. to make burst or pop by sqtieez- ing or pressing, — wapapopa : papopapi se, said of quilting that is puffed up in Uttle bunches. pa-po'-wa-ya, v. a. to rub or brush up, as fur or nap on a hat or blanket, — wapapowaya. pa-psag', cont. of papsaka ; papsag iyeya. pa-psag'-ya, v. a. to cause to break, as a cord, — papsagwaya. pa-psa'-ka, v. a. to break in two with the hand, as a cord, — wapapsaka, ugpapsakapi. pa-psoi)', v. a. to pour out, spill, throw out, as a. liquid, — wapapsog. pa-psui)', V. See papsoq. pa-psui)', V. a. to put out of joint or dislocate, as. one's arm, — wapapsug. pa-ptax)', V. a. to turn over, — wapaptai). pa-ptar)'-ptar), v. red. of paptag ; to roll over, wallow about, — wapaptagptai). pa-ptai)'-ptai)-yai), adv. wallowing ahout. pa-ptai)'-yai), adv. rolling about : paptagyag iyeya, to roll over, roll away. pa-ptu'-ptu-za, V. red. of paptuia. pa-ptus', cont. of paptuia ; paptu^ iyeya. pa-ptus'-ya, v. a. to cause to crack or split, — paptu^waya. pa-ptu'-za, V. a. to split, to crack by working with the hands, — wapaptuia. pa-pus', cont. of papuza ; papus iyeya. pa-pu'-za, V. a. to rub dry, wipe dry, — wapa- puza. pa-sdan', cont. of pasdata. pa-sda'-ta, v. a. to set up a pole in the ground, to drive in, as a stake or tent pins, — wapasdata. pa-sde'-ca, v. a. to split by striking or rubbing, — wapasdeca. '-. pa-sden', cont. of pasdeca ; pasden iyeya. pa-sde'-sde-ea, v. red. of pasdeda. pa-sdo'-hai), v. a. to push or shove along, — wa- pasdohai). pa-sdo'-har)-hai), v. red. of pasdohag. pa-sem', cont. of pasepa ; pasem iyeya. pa-se'-pa, v. a. to rub off, as white-wash, — wa- pasepa. pa-si', V. a. to follow after one, follow in Indian file, follow, as a leader ; to chase, — wapasi. PAS 178 PAT pa-si '-pi-ka, w. one who is followed, a leader ; a spokesman, — mapasipika. pa'-ska, adj. white-headed. pa-ska', V. a. to bleach, — wapaska. pa-sM'-ca, v. a. to press down on with the hand, — wapaskic'a. pa-skin', cont. of paskica ; paskin jyeya. pa-smag', cont. of pasmaka ; pasmag iyeya. pa-sma'-ka, v. a. to make a hollow in by push- ing, to indent, — wapasmaka. pa-smi', V. a. to do little things to irritate, pro- voke, pick a quarrel with, — wapasmi, uqpasiuipi. pa-smi'-ka, v. a. Same as pasmi. pa-smiQ'-yai), v. See pasmiijyagyai). pa-sinir)'-yar)-yar), v. a. to rub or scrape off, make smooth or clean, — wapasmipyaqyai). pa-sna', v. a. to make rustle ; to shake down and make rustle, as leaves, — wapasna. pa-sni', V. a. to extinguish, as a fire-brand, by pushing it into the ashes, — wapasni. pa-snoi)', V. a. to roast, as meat, on a spit or stick, — wapasnoi), uijpasnoijpi. pa-snuT)', V. a. See pasnoq. pa-spa'-ya, v. a. to make wet, to sponge, — wa- paspaya, u^jpaspayapi. This word is also used with the vulgar meaning of tawiijtoq. pa-stap', V. a. to soak and take the hair off, as from a hide, — wapastaq. pa-stai)'-ka, v. a. to moisten ; in a vulgar sense, tawiijtoij. See paspaya. pa-stai)'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to take off the hair, as in dressing a skin, — pastaqwakiya. pa-sto', V. a. to smooth, brush down, as hair, — wapasto, uqpastopi. pa-sto'-sto, V. red. of pasto ; to brush down : pastosto iyaya, to go dragging along and brushing down, as a wounded animal brushes down the pa-sto'-ya, v. a. to cause to brush down, — pasto- waya. pa-sto'-ya, adv. brushing doxvn. pa-su', n. the nose or snout of animals, some- times also of man ; the beak or bill of birds. pa-su'-mda-ska, n. a broad-billed duck. pa-su'-sko-pa, n. {crooked-bill) the prairie cur- lew, a bird with a very long bill, which in one species is crooked, and hence the name. pa-su '-ta, V. a. to make stiff and hard by knead- ing, as dough, — wapasuta. pa-sa', V. a. to make red by rubbing, — wapa^a. pa-s'a'-ka, v. a. to push or strike with too little force to penetrate, — wapa^'aka. pa-sbo'-ka, v. n. to come up, overflow. pa-sbu', V. n. to come up or out. pa'-sda, adj. bald-headed. pa-sda', V. a. to make bare, rub off, as hair, — wa- pasda. pa-sda'-ya, v. a. to hull, as corn in making hom- mony, to make hommony, — wapaMaya, uqpaida- yapi. pa-sda'-ya-pi, n. com hulled by boiling in ashes, hommony. pa-sdo'-ka, v. a. to push or shove off, as one's coat sleeve, — wapa^doka. pa-si'-ca, v. a. to spoil with the hands or by rub- bing, soil, injure, — wapa^ida. pa-si'-ea-ho-"wa-ya, v. a. to make cry out by striking with the hand, — wapasicahowaya. pa-sim', cont. of pa^ipa ; pa^im iyeya. pa-sim'-sim, red. of pasim. pa-sim'-si-pa, v. red. of pasipa. pa-sir)', n. a bunch on a tree. pa-si '-pa, v. a. to break off with the hand, as the branches of a tree, close to the body, or as pins, etc., — wapa^ipa. pa-ski'-ca, v. a. to press out with the hand, — wa- paskida. pa-ski'-ska, v. a. to disarrange by rubbing, — wapaskiska. pa-ski'-ta, v. a. to press, squeeze out by pressing, — wapaskita. pa-spa', V. a. to break off a piece, cut off a piece ; to take out the dirt, as in washing ; to wash out, as a stain, — wapa^pa, uijpa^papi : paspe ^ni and pa- 4papi sni, indelible, as a stain. pa-spa'-spa, v. red. of paspa. pa-spe'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to break off ; to cause to come out, as a stain, — pa^pewakiya. pa-spe'-ya, v. a. to cause to come out, as a stain, etc., — pa^pewaya. pa-spu', V. a. to break off, as a bulb or excrescence, break off, as something bulbous, — wapaspu. pa-spu'-spu, V. a. red. of pa^pu ; to break or cut in pieces, as a cake of tallow, — wapa^pu^pu. pa-sus', cont. of pa^uia ; pa^u^ iyeya. pa-su'-su-za, v. red. of pa^uia ; to mash up, break in pieces, as bones, — wapa^u^uza. pa-su'-za, V. a. to crush with the hand, — wapa-. ^uia. pa-ta', V. a. to cut out and sew up, as in making a tent, — wapata. pa'-ta, V. a. to cut up or carve, as meat ; to cut in pieces, as an animal, — wapata, uijpatapi. pa'-ta, n. a grove of timber ; i. q. ta^koiu. pa-ta', adv. together, crowded : pata iheya, they crowd together. pa-tai)', v. a. to esteem highly ; to take care of; to be unwilling to part with, — wapataq. pa-t'ai)', V. a. to push against with the hand, — wapat'ai). PAT 179 PAZ pa-t'arj'-hai), part, pushing against. pa-taq'-ii), V. a. to rub and make appear, — wa- pataijii). pa-tar)'-ir)-sni, v. n. to rub off, to obliterate, — wapatai)ii)sni. pa'-tar)-ka, adj. large-headed. pa-tar)'-ka, v. a. to push out, make larger by pushing, — wapatai) ka. pa-tai)'-yai3, adj. reserving, keeping. pa-t'ar)'-yai), adv. pushing against. pa'-ta-pi, n. a cutting up of meat, carving. pa'-ta-'war)-zi-d.aQ, adv. directly, in one path, with one purpose, unchangeable. pa-te'-ea, v. a. to make new, rub up and make new again, — wapateca. pa-ti'-ca, V. a. to scrape off, as snow from the ground, — wapatic'a. pa-tin', cont. of patica ; patin iyeya. pa-tir), adj. stiff, as a new ribbon, firm, not springing or yielding ; stiffened with the cold, — mapatiq. pa-tir)'-ya, v. a. to cause to become stiff, — patiq- waya. pa-ti'-tar), v. a. to push against, push along, — wapatitai). pa-ti'-tar)-yar), adv. pushing against. pa-tka'-sa-dar), n. a small species of tortoise. pa-tku', v. a. to break off square, — wapatku. pa-tku'-ga, V. a. to break in two by striking, — wapatkuga. pa-tkuh', cont. of patkuga ; patkub iyeya. pa-tku'-tku-ga, v. red. of patkuga. pa-tpa', V. a. Same as pakpa. pa-tpi', V. a. to break out of the shell, as any thing being hatched. pa-tus', cont. of patuia; patu4 inaiig, to stand bent forward. pa-tus '-y a, v. a. to cause to bend forward or stoop, to make bow down, — patu^waya. pa-tu'-za, v. n. to bend over, lean forward, stoop down, — wapatuia. pa-ta', V. a. to press to death, kill by lying on, — wapata. pa-tir)s', cont. of patiqza ; patiijs iyeya. pa-tir)s'-tii)-za, v. red. of patiijza. pa-tir) '-za, v. a. to make stiff by kneading, as in mixing up bread ; to press down tight, — wapa- tii)za. pa-vraq'-ka, v. a. to push down, — wapawapka. pa-vrag'-kan, adv. pawaqkan icu, to shove up. pa'-vre, v. to bleed at the nose. pa-"we'-ga, v. a. to break with the hand, as a stick, but not entirely oflP, — wapawega : to inter- sect, as one road another. See ipawega. pa-'Weh', cont. of pawega ; paweh iyeya. pa-'weR'-'we-ga, v. red-, of pawega. pa-Tweh'-ya, v. a. to cause to break, — pawelL- waya. pa-'wl', adv. many, as a great many maggots. pa-"wi'-hnu-ni, v. a. to rub to pieces, to destroy, — wapawihnuni. pa-vri'-ka, adv. many : itu pawika. pa-"wir)h'-ya, adv. turning out of a straight direction. pa-'wiijs', cont. of pawiqia ; pawii)^ iyeya. pa-'wir)s'-'wir)-za, v. red. of pawiqia ; to bend down, to make shake. pa-"wir)'-ta, v. a. to rub, — wapawiijta. pa-"wir)'-za, v. a. to bend or press down, as grass. pa-"wi'-se, adv. many, as maggots. This word seems to convey the idea of crawling over each other, as a moving mass. See pawiwi and pa- wiwise. pa-Twi'-ta-ya, v. a. to assemble, collect, — wapa- witaya. pa-"wi'-"wl, adv. red. of pawi ; in crowds. pa-'wi'-'wi-se, adv. shaking : pawiwise iyaya, to shake, as the hair of a badger when walking. The idea of motion seems to be implied. pa-"wi'-ya-kpa, v. a. to rub and make shine, to polish, — wapawiyakpa. pa-vri'-ya-tpa, v. a. Same as pawiyakpa. pa-ya'-ta, adv. in or at the head : payata o, to shoot in the head. pa-ye'-ga, v. a, to make shine by rubbing, — wa- payega. pa-yes', cont. of payeza. pa-ye'-za, v. a. to rub, to scour, — wapayeza. pa-za', V. a. to stick up bushes, as the Dakotas do to sleep under when on a journey ; to make a booth, — wapaza. pa-za', n. the sacred name for wood. pa'-za, adj. bitter, as gall. pa-zax)', V. a. to part or separate, as in running the fingers or a comb through the hair ; to spread out or divide, as the hair, — wapazaq. pa-zai)', V. a. to hurt at hill by striking, — wa- pazaq. pa-zar)'-yar), fl^w. spread out, as curtams; spread over, as a booth : pazaqyaq iwagka, to sleep under a booth. pa'-ze-ea, adj. bitter. pa'-ze-ze, v. n. to swing, nod. pa'-ze-ze-dai), adv. swinging, nodding, letting the head drop, as in sleep. pa'-ze-ze-ya, adv. swinging. pa'-ze-ze-ye-dar), adv. nodding, as in sleep. pa'-zi, n. yellow-head. pa-zi', v. a. to push into, as a stick into the sand in hunting for tortoise eggs, — wapazi. PAZ 180 PEY pa-zi'-ea, v. a. to rub, roll out or stretch with the hand, — wapazica. pa-zig'-zi-ea, v. red. of pazica. pa-zo', V. a. to show, present any thing to view, — wapazo, uijpazopi. pa-zo'-ki-ya, v. to cause to show, — pazowakiya. pa-zun', cont. of pazuqta; pazunowatoi),/ wear it only run up. pa-zur)'-ta, v. a, to sew or run up at the sides some distance from the edge, as leggins, — wapa- zui)ta. pa-za', or pazai), adv. through : paia capa, to stab through. pa-zar)', adv. See paia. pa-zar)'-ya, adv. through and through. pa-za'-ta, v. a. to make forked by punching, — wapaiata. pa-za'-za, v. a. to wash, as a gun, by pushing and pulling, — wapaiaia. pa-zim', cont. of paiipa ; paiim iyeya. pa-zim'-zi-pa, v. red. of paiipa. pa-zir)', V. to prevent. See ipaiiij, kipaiiq, wi- paiii), and wapaiii). pa-zi'-pa, V. a. to prick with a pin ; to pinch ; to bite, as mosquitoes do, — wapaiipa. pa-zo'-dai), n. a high knoll or hill, the top of a hill. pa-zo'-ya, adv. hill-like, swelled up. pa-zui)', V. a. to push down and pry up, as a root; to pull up, as ducks do grass roots in water, — wapaiug. pa-zu'-zu, V. a. to rub out, cross out, erase, — wa- paiuiu. pee-ya', v. a. to cut and dry meat of any kind, — pdewaya. See wapdeya. pe, the precatory plur. imperat. termination of verbs, used commonly by women, as, ecog pe, do ye do it. pe, n. the top of the head. pe, adj. sharp, as edged tools ; pointed. pe-6us', cont. of peduza : wi pedus waqka, thei-e are sun dogs. pe-eus'-ya, adv. wi pedusya waijka ; said when mock suns are observed. pe-eu'-za, n. sun-dogs, mock-suns. pe-ge', n. the side or height of a vessel. pe-hai)', v. a. to fold up any thing, — wapehai) : pehag ehnaka, to fold up and lay away. pe-har)', n. the crane, of several species. pe-har)'-gi-dar), n. the grey or sand-hill crane. pe-hai)'-har), v. red. of pehaq ; to writhe or move about, as one does with the stomach-ache, — wapehaqhaq. pe-hai)'-ka-dar), n. a small slender bird which frequents the water. Same as siyukaq^a^a. pe-har) '-sar), n. the large white crane. pe-hni'-ga, v. n. to be red hot, heated to a teliie heat. pe-hni'-ga, n. that which is heated to a red heal. pe-finih', cont. of peliniga. pe-hni'-hni-ga, v. red. of pehniga. pe-hnih'-ya, v. a. to heat red hot, — pehnihw aya. pe-ksu', n. a kind of acorn. pe-ksu'-dax), n. a species of acorn ; a kind cf grass toith a red flower. pe-mni', adj. warped, twisted, crooked. pe-mni', v. n. to warp, twist ; to become crooked, become entangled. pe-nmi'-mni, v. red. of pemni. pe-mnl'-yar), adv. crookedly, perversely, twisting. pe-mnu'-mnu-ga, n. the pit of the stomach. See also pimnumnuga. pe-na'-kpa-kpa, v. n. to crackle, as a fire. pe-na'-tpa-tpa, v. n. to crackle, emit sparks, as fire. This and the preceding word may perhaps be used as nouns, meaning small sparks. pe-pe', adj. red. of pe ; prickly, jagged. pe-pe'-ya, adv. prickly, sharp, or rough, as a frozen road : pepeya hiyeya. pe-sde'-te, n. the top of the head. pe-sde'-te-o-'wlr)-ge, n. the curl of hair on the top of the head. pe'-sto, adj. sharp-pointed. pe'-sto-dai), adj. sharp-pointed, pe'-sto-ya, adv. in a sharp-pointed manner. pe-ska', n. the air-bladder of a fish. This is sometimes used for making glue, hence the name coqpe^ka. pe-sni'-za, «. sparks of fire. pet, cont. of peta, as in peti^kaq, etc. pe'-ta, n. fire. pe-ta'-ga, n. burning coals. pe-ta'-ga-i-ce-or)-pa, v. to broil on the coals, — petaga icewaogpa. pe-tan', adv. on the fire : petan e^peya, to throw on or in the fire. pe-tan'-na, adv. in the fire. pet-i'-skai), v. n. to draw near the fire, warm oneself, — petima^kai) . pet'-i-zai)-zai), and petaizaqzai), n. a torch, candle, lamp. pet-i'-zar)-zai)-l-hu-pa, n. a candlestick, lamp. pet-i'-zar)-zar)-i-yu.-kse, n. candle-snuffers. pet-ka'-hda, adv. near the fire, by the fire. pet-ki'-ye-dai), adv. near the fire. pe-tu'-spe, n. a fire-brand. pe-tu'-ste, n. a fire-brand. pe-yo'-hai), n. a line running over the middle of the head from the forehead, the parting of the hair. PEY 181 POG pe-yo'-zar), n. the place which is left on the head by separating the hair. pe-zi', n. grass, herbs, hay. pe-zi-hu'-ta, n. grass-roots, herbs ; medicines of all kinds. pe-zi-hu'-ta-i-ya-tke, n. something to drink medicine out of ; tea-cups, pe-zi-hu'-ta-i-yo-ka-stai), n. something to pour medicine into ; a coffee-pot, tea-pot ; a sy- ringe. pe-zi-hu'-ta-sa-pa, n. black medicine, i. e. cof- fee. pe-zi-hu'-ta-si-ea, n. had medicine, i. e. poison. pe-zi-hu'-ta-'wi-ca-sta, n. a medicine man ; a physician. pe-zi-hu'-ta-zi, n. yellow medicine ; rhubarb. Pe-zi-hu'-ta-zi-ka-pi--wa-kpa, «. the Yellow Medicine river, which joins the Minnesota from the Coteau des Prairies, about thirty miles below Mdeiyedai). pe-zi'-Ro-ta, n. a kind of grass or herb of a whitish or greyish appearance, which grows abun- dantly on the prairies. In our translations this word is used for hyssop. pe-zi'-i-ea-sda, n. (pezi and ka^da) a scythe. pe-zi '-ka-sda, v. to cut hay or grass, to mow, — peiiwaka^da. pi, the common plural termination of verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and sometimes adverbs and prepositions. pi, adj. good. This word is probably obsolete, but words formed from it are in use, as yupi, etc. pi, n. the Zwer,---mapi, wicapi : tapi, the liver of animals. pi'-ea, an auxiliary verb with the force of can. It conveys the idea of power or possibility, as, ecoijpica, that can be done. pi-ca'-ka, an auxiliary verb, sometimes with the force of pica, and sometimes with that of pica ^ni. The ' ka ' may in some cases be interrogative. pi-ca'-ka, adj. a little good, i. q. kitaijna wa^te. pi-6a'-sni, v. it cannot he, it is impossible. pi-da', V. n. to be glad, thankful ; to rejoice, — piwada, piupdapi. pi-da'-da, v. red. of pida. pi-da'-ki-ya, v. a. to make glad, make thankful, — pidawakiya, pidauijkiyapi : pidamakiya, he has made me glad, I am thankful. pi-da'-ya, v. a. to make glad,~pidawayti, pida- ui)yai)pi. pi-da'-ya, adv. gladly. pi-i'-ci-ya, v. reflex, of piya ; to prepare oneself, get ready, — pimi(Jiya, piui)ki^iyapi. pi-ki'-e repaired. pi-zi', n. the gall, — mapizi. See tapizi. pi'-za, adj. wrinkled, — mapiia. po, the plural termination of verbs in the impera- tive mood. po, V. n. to swell, puff out, — mapo, wicapo. po-gan', adv. on the nose. POG 182 PSI po'-gar), V. n. to spread out, as a bladder when blown. po-ga'-ske, n. the external part of the nose, the sides of the nostrils. po'-ge, n. the nose, — mapoge, nipoge. po'-ge-o-lido-ka, n. the nostrils. po'-ha-ha-se, adv. shaking. Said of a buffalo shaking his head ; pohahase iqyaqka, he runs shaking his head. po'-hdi-eo-dar), adv. (pa and ohde) head covered ; i. q. posmic'odai) : sina pohdicodar) hiqmi, I wear my blanket over my head. po'-hmi-oo-dar), adv. Same as pohdicodai). poli-a'-ske, n. (poge and aske) the outside of the nostrils. poR-caQ'-te, n. the cartilage between the nostrils. poh-yu'-ski, n. the inside of the nose, the nos- trils. po-ki'-nina-nina, v. a. to shake the head at one, — powakimnamna. po-kpar)'-ka, n. See potpaqka. pom, cont. of popa ; pom iyaya and pom hiijhda, to burst out, snap suddenly. po'-mna-mna, v. to shake the head, — powamna- mna, po'-mna-mna-ki-ya, v. a. to shake or wag the head at ; to cause to wag the head, — pomnamna- wakiya. pom-ya', adv. snapping, popping. pom-yeR', adv. with a snap : pomyeli iheya, to shoot and kill immediately : pomyeli iyeya. pom-ye'-Mi), adv. snapping. pon, cont. of pota. por)-poi)', adj. rotten, as wood. por)-por)'-na, adj. rotten, soft, as rotten wood. po'-pa, V. n. to burst. See napopa. po-po', V. n. red. of po ; to swell, puff out. po-po'-pa, adj. full of pith : tipsiijna popopa, a stringy turnip. po-po'-pe-se, adv. Said of nap on a blanket and of fine fur on a robe. po-po'-tka-dar), n. the screech-owl. po'-ptar)-ptar), v. n. to shake the head, signify dissent, — po waptai) ptaij . po'-ptar)-ptar)-ki-ya, v. a. to shake the head at, — poptaijptaijwakiya. See apoptaijptaij. po'-ski-ea, v. to clasp around the neck. See po^kin. po'-skln, cont. of poskica ; by the neck. po'-skin-i-ya-ka-ska, v. a. to tie round the neck, as a halter. po'-skin-kte, v. to kill by choking, — poskin- wakte. po'-skin-ta, v. to die by being strangled. po'-skin-yu-ta, v. to put to death by hanging. po'-skin-yu-za, f. to take by the throat ; to put the arms around the neck of one, to embrace, — poskinmduza. po-sdi'-sdi, V. to have one's face always covered : posdisdi waui). po-sdi'-sdi-ka, n. one who keeps his face covered with his blanket. po'-sil), V. n. to sniff, snuff up the nose, — po- wasii). po'-sir)-sir), v. red. of po^iq. po'-sml-co-dai), adv. head covered, as with a blanket : ^ina posmicodai) liiijmi, / wear my blanket over my head. po'-star), n. a hood, a child's cloak with a hood. po'-ta, adj. worn out. See yupota. po-ta'-hai), part, worn out, full of holes. po-ta'-'wa-hag, part, full of holes. po-tkar)'-ka, n. cranberries. Same as potpaqka. po-tpar)'-ka, n. cranberries, the Oxycoccus ma- crocarpus. po-tpar)'-ka-hu, n. the cranberry-stalk. po-tpo'-ta, red. of pota ; worn out. po-tpo'-ta-har), part. red. of potahaq ; full of holes, torn, ragged, as a worn out garment po-Awa'-ya, n. nap, fur. po-'wa'-ya, adj. having nap. po-"wa'-ye-dar), adj. having nap ; ia, powayedaq, red flannel. po'-zar)-zar), v. to snuff up, as an animal snuffs the wind ; to snuff or scent, as a dog does. psa, n. a kind of rush or water grass, sometimes used in making mats : Psa-mde-waqke-ciq-wa- kpa, the little stream that empties into the Min- nesota just below Little Rock. psa'-ka, adj. broken. See yupsaka. psa-ka'-hai), part, broken, as a string ; said also of the heart. psa-ka'-vra-har), part, broken, as a string. psa'-o-"wlr)-za, n. rush mats. psa-psa'-ka-hai), ^r<. red. of psakahaq. psa-psa'-ka-'wa-ha^, part. red. of psakawahaq. psa'-"wa-pa-ha, n. palm or chip hats. pse, n. snow-shoes. pse'-Mii), n. the ash. pse-pa'-tor)-na, n. sharp-toed snow-shoes. pse-ya'-pi, n. the water-ash, so called because used for making snow-shoes. psi'-6a, adj. jumping. See yupsida. psin, cont. of psica : psin iyaya, to jump or hop away. psii), n. rice, wild rice : psiq ati, to pitch a tent at the rice ; psiq ska, white rice, barley. psir)-ca', n. a bulbous esculent root which grows in marshes, about the size of a black walnut with the hull on. PSI 183 PUS psirj-ciri'-ca, 71. a bulbous esculent root much used by the Dakotas of the lower Minnesota. It is about as large as a hen's egg, and grows on the margin of rivers and lakes. psir)-ska', n. white rice ; barley. psi-psi'-ea, v. red. of psic'a ; to jump much, to skip. psi-psi'-ea-dar), n. the grasshopper. psi-psin', cont. of psipsica ; psipsin ya, to go jumping or skipping along. pso'-har), v. (pse and ohai)) to put on or wear snow-shoes, — psowahaij, psouijharipi. pso-ka', n. a species of fish somewhat resembling the pike. pso'-ksar), n. a kind of round-toed snow-shoes. psor)-psOQ', adj. rounded off, having the corners taken off. psoi)-psoi)'-na, adj. rounded, having the comers taken off; said also of teeth on edge, as, hi psoi)- psoijna. psur)-psur)'-na, adj. Same as psoripsoijna. psa, V. n. to sneeze, — wap^a, uijp^api. psa-psa', adv. p^ap^a se, huddled together ; p^a- psa se iyaya, to make a noise, as when any thing is poured into a vessel. See ap^ap^a. psa-ya', v. a. to cause to sneeze, — p^awaya. psil), n. leeks, onions. psir)-ea', n. the flying-squirrel. psur), adj. shed, fallen off, as horns ; drawn out. See yup^ui), kapdui). psur)-har)', part, fallen off, dislocated. psuij-ka', adj. round, short and thick. psur)-ka', n. a bulge, a knot on a tree ; a pill. psur)-ka'-dai), n. any little round thing. psuij-ka'-ka, n. little round things, pills. psur)-ka'-ya, adv. in a bunch, in a heap, as an animal curled up ; p^ugkaya waijka. psur)-ka'-ya-ken, adv. in a bunch, drawn up togetlier. psur)-"wa'-har), part, dropped out, fallen off. pta. See yupta. pta-hax)', jxirt. cut off, cut out. ptar). See yuptaij. ptai), n. the otter. In the sacred dialect it is called ' hepaq.' ptar)-ptar)', adj. unsteady, rocking, as a canoe. ptar)-ptar)'-na, adj. unsteady, tottering. Ptai)-sir)'-ta, n. the name of the village at the upper end of Lake Traverse. ptar) '-y 31), adv. flurried. See caijteptaijyafl. ptai)-ye'-tu, n. autumn. To summer and win- ter the Dakotas count five months each, and to spring and autumn but one each. pta-"wa'-ha]3, part, cut off, fallen off. Same as ptahaq. pta'-ya, adv. together, collectively : ptaya uijyai)- pi kta, we will go together. pte, n. a cow, the female buffalo. The bison or buffalo is colloquially termed 'pte,' irrespective of sex. The counterpart is ' tataijka.' c? pte'-a-sar)-pi, n. cowh-milk. pte'-a-sar)-pl-i-hdi, «. butter. et pte'-a-sar|-pi-ni-ni, n. thick milk, curdled milk. pte'-a-sar)-pi-ta-sa-ka, n. cheese. pte'-ce-dar), adj. short, — maptec'edai). pte'-ee-ye-dai), adv. for a short time. pte'-ga, n. a marsh, a low place, a swampy place. pte-gar)'-ni-ea-dar), n. the wren. pte-go'-pe-ea, n. a kind of hawk, so called be- cause it frequents marshes. pteh-'wi'-ta, n. firm land surrounded by a marsh, a swamp-island. pten-ye'-dar), adv. for a short time. pte-pte'-ee-daQ, adj. red. of ptecedai). pte'-ta-ma-ka, n. a lean cow. pte'-ta-vro-te, n. a prairie plant which bears juicy berries. pte-'wa'-nuQ-yari-pi, n. tame cattle. See nuij- yai), to tame. pte-zi'-ea-dar), n. (pte and c'iijdadai)) a calf. ptir)'-haQ, n. last autumn : ptirjhai) icima, the fall before last. ptu-lia', V. n. to crumble down. ptu-ha'-ha, V. red. of ptuha. ptu-ptu'-za, red. of ptuza. ptu-ptu'-za-har), part. red. of ptuiahaij. ptu-ptu'-za-vra-hai), part. red. of ptuiawahaq. ptu'-za, adj. split, cracked. See yuptuia. ptu-za'-hax), part, cracked of itself. ptu-za'-Ava-hai), part, cracked of itself. pu-kpa', adj. boiled up, not clear, mixed up, said of water or soup which contains floating particles. pu-sa', adj. dry : pusa ehnaka, to lay aside to dry or season. „ pu-skem', cont. of puskepa : puskem oka^taij, to strain or filter, — puskem pwakastaij. pu-ske'-pa, v. a. to strain ot filter, — wapuskepa. pus-ki'-ya, v. a. to dry or cause to dry, as wet clothes or fruit, — puswakiya, pusuqkiyapi : puski- ciciya, to dry for one, — pusweciciya. pu-spa', v. a. to stick on, glue ; to seal, — wapuspa. pu-spe'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to glue or seal, — puspewakiya. pu-spe'-ya, v. a. to cause to seal or glue. pus-pu'-za, adj. red. of puza. pu-stag', cont. of pustaka; pustag iwaqka, to squat down ; pustag ehpei^iya, to get down so as to hide, bow down, squat down. pu-stag'-tu-ken, adv. squatting down. pu-sta'-ka, v. n. to squat down, — wapustaka. PUS 184 SAIJ pus-ya', V. a. to dry, cause to dry, — puswaya, pusui)yai)pi. pus-ya', adv. in a drying manner. pu-ski', adv. in a bunch, i. q. p8Ui)kaya yaijka. pu-ski'-ea, v. a. to press or ruh out with the hand, — wapuskica. pu-ski'-dar), adv. dim. of pu^ki. pu-skin', cont. of pu^kica ; puskin yaijka. pu-skin'-ya, adv. pressed, squeezed. pu-tag', cor).t. of putaka ; putag ihpaya, to fall down with the hands on the ground. pu-ta'-ka, V. a. to touch, as with the hand when one falls, — waputaka. pu-te', n. the upper lip ; the snout or nose of an animal. Pu'-te-"wa-ta, n. p. the Fotowatomies. Pu'-te--wa-ta-dai), n. Same as Putewata. pu-tir)', n. See putiijhai). pu-tir)'-hir), n. the beard, especially what grows on the upper lip, the mustache. pu-tpa', adj. Same as pukpa. pu-tpe'-ya, adv. scattering, scattered over. pu'-za, adj. dry, thirsty ; dry, as cloth, ground, etc., not wet ; shallow, as a stream, run dry. See puzedai) and ipuza. pu-zan', cont. of puzata ; puzan iyaya : puzan iyayeya, to run one ashore ; to show that one has told a falsehood. pu-zem'-zan, red. of puzan ; puzanzan iyekic'ici- yapi, and puzanzan iyayekiciyapi, they run each other aground. pu-za'-ta, adv. on dry land. pu'-ze-dai), adj. shallow, as a stream of water. P. p, the twentieth letter of the Dakota alphabet. It has a click sound like that of ^, \, and t- pe, n. the elm ; pe cag, elm-wood ; pe ikdeka, the common water-elm ; pe itazipa [bow-elm) the rock-elm ; pe tutupa, slippery-elm. pe-i'-kce-ka, n. the common elm. pe-tu'-tu-pa, n. the slippery-elm. po, n. fog, mist. po, adj. foggy, misty. po'-po', adj. red. of po ; foggy. po-sa', adj. foggy, not clear ; said when the air is filled with particles of snow. po'-ze-ca, V. n. to be out of humor, — mapozec'a. s. S, the twenty-first letter of the Dakota alphabet, having the soft sound of the English c. When marked thus (s'), the sound is prolonged. s'a, an auxiliary suffix to verbs, signifying frequency of action, or a habit formed, as, wai s'a, wakage s'a. It frequently gives verbs the force of nouns of the agent ; as, wamaijoi), to steal ; wamaqoi) s'a, a thief. s'a, V. n. to roar, as the waves : s'a wai)ka. Sag-da'-sii), n. the English, the name which the Dakotas give to the British, the inhabitants of Red River, etc. This word is probably from some other Indian language. sag-ye', n. something used in walking, a staff : cai) sagye, a cane ; maza sagye, a sword. sag-ye'-kl-tor), v. to use a staff in walking, as an old person, — sagyewetoq. sag-ye'-toi), v. to use a staff, — sagyewatoi). sag-ye'-ya, v. a. to use any thing for a staff, — sagyewaya. sak, cont. of saka ; sakowasii) yutapi, eaten raw. sa'-ka, adj. raw, uncooked ; hard, dried ; as, waconi saka, dried meat. sa'-ka-dai), adj. green, limber. Hence, daq sakadai), a switch. sa'-ka-yu-ta-pi, n. what is eaten raw, i. e. me- lons, cucumbers. sa-klm', adv. both, two, both together. sa-Mm'-tu, adv. two together. sa-kim'-tu-ken, adv. both together. sak'-o-"wa-sir), adv. entirely raw. sam, adv. cont. of saqpa ; more, beyond, more than : sam iyaya, to go beyond, surpass ; sam iyeya, to make go over or beyond. sam'-i-ye-ya, adv. more than. sam-sam', adv. red. of sam. sam-saij'-pa, adv. red. of saijpa. sam-ya', v. a. of sapa ; to blacken, color black, — samwaya, samuijyaijpi. sam-ya', adv. beyond, further ; black, dark : samya wai)ka, it lies darkly. sam-ya'-hai), adv. dark, blackish, as water at a distance. sam-y a'-ken, adj. blackish ; in sight, far off. sai), adj. whitish or yellowish : maka sai), white earth : hi sai), to show the teeth. sar)-ksar)'-kl-toi), v. n. to wear or put on a skirt, — saijksai) wetoi) . sai)-ksai)'-nl-ca, n. a Dakota woman's skirt. sar)-ksai)'-ya, v. a. to use for a skirt, make a skirt of, — sai)ksai)waya. saq-ni', adj. of one side, on one side : nape sagni, one hand ; si saqni, one foot. sai)-ni'-ea, adv. on one side. sar)-ni'-na, adv. of only one side. sar)-nl'-na-tar)-har), adv. from only one side. saq'-o-pa-pa, adj. grey hairs here and there in one's head, turning grey. SAlf 185 SIC sar)'-pa, adv. more, more than, over; beyond: wikcemna saijpa noijpa, two more than ten, i. e. twelve ; kitaijna saqpa, a little more ; saijpa ■waite, better. sar)'-pa-tar)-har), adv. from beyond. sai)p'-saj)-pa, adv. red. of saijpa. sar)-to'-hu, n. a species of grass with a hard round stalk and strong blade. sar)-yar)', v. a. to whiten, white-wash, — saqwaya. sarj-yar)', adv. whitish : anpao saqyaij hinapa, the dawn appears brightly. sa'-pa, a/lj. black, — masapa, nisapa. sap-sa'-pa, adj. red. of sapa. sa'-ta, n. the horizontal stick placed in a tent on which the kettle is hung. sa-tir)', adj. stretched out straight, as in death. sa-tir)'-tir), adj. red. of satiij. aat-i'-ya-ka-ske, n. that which ties up the sata : also sata oiyaka^ke. slJa. See yusba. sba-har)', part, ravelled. sba-"wa'-har), part, ravelled out. sbu. See kasbu. sbu, adv. sbu se ihai), to fall down with a rush- ing sound, as corn poured out. sbu'-dar), n. a grain, a small piece, a particle. sbu-har)', part, crumbling. sbu-sbu', red. of sbu. sbu-'Wa'-har), part, crumbling, crumbled. sda, n. grease, oil, ointment, salve, etc. sda-ki'-ya, v. a. pos. of sdaya ; to grease, anoint, — sdawakiya, sdauqkiyapi. sda'-O-zu-ha, n. an oil-bag. sda'-ta, adj. slow, feeble : dhar) sdata, slow at work ; oie sdata, slow of speech. sda'-te-ca, adj. feeble, — masdateca. sda-y a', v. a. to grease any thing, to anoint, — sda- waya, sdauijyaijpi. sda-ya'-O-zu-pi, n. a rife-gun, so called from its greased wads. sde'-ca. See kasdec'a. sde-ea'-har), part, split of itself. sde-ca'-'wa-har), part, split of itself sdi, adj. tapering. sdi, V. a. to hiss, as wet wood on the fire, a snake, etc. See nasdi. sdim, cont. of sdipa ; sdim iyeya. sdim-ki'-ya, v. a. to cause to lick, — sdimwakiya. sdlm-ya', v. a. See sdimkiya. sdi'-pa, V. a. to lick, lick up any thing, — wasdipa, uqsdipapi. sdi-sdi', V. red. of sdi. sdi-sdi'-pa, v. red. of sdipa. sdi-sdi'-ya, adv. red. of sdiya ; sdisdiya apa, to strike with a switching sound. 24 sdi-tka', adj. tapering ; rounded off. sdi-tka'-tka, adj. red. of sditka ; knobbed, having knobs or grooves running round. sdi-ya', adv. hissing. sdo, adj. soft, as grease when partly melted. ^ sdo-ea', v. n. to know. See sdonya. sdo-hai)', V. n. to crawl, — wasdohag, uqsdo- hai)pi. sdo-har)'-hai), v. red. of sdohag ; to crawl along, as in getting near ducks : sdohaijhag ihpaya mda, I go creeping along. sdon-M'-ya, v. pos. of sdonya ; to know one's own, — sdonwakiya, sdonui)kiyapi. sdon-ki'-ye-ya, v. a. See sdotkiyeya. sdon-ya', v. a. to know, have knowledge of any thing or person, — sdonwaya, sdonyaya, sdonuq- yai)pi, sdonmayai), sdonc'iya. sdon-ye'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to know, — sdon- yewakiya, sdonyeuijkiyapi. sdon-ye'-ya, v. a. to cause to know, — sdonye- waya. sdo-sdo'-dai), adj. soft, as grease. sdot-ki'-ya, v. See sdonkiya. sdot-ki'-ye-ya, v. a. to cause one to know some- thing that pertains to himself; to alarm, as an enemy or game ; to put on one's guard, — sdotki- yewaya. sdot-ya', v. See sdonya. se, a particle, used at the end of sentences to give emphasis to what is said. Perhaps it should be regarded as an impersonal verb, it appears so, it seems to me so, I thought : hedetu se, so it seems. se, adv. like, as though. se'-ea, adv. as though, seemingly, I thought so. se-ce'-ea, adv. it seems as, as if it was. se'-ee-ei-koi), adv. I had thought so. se'-e-ce-ea, adv. as if it was, it seems as if. se'-ksen, adv. like. sen-ya', adv. like, as though. sen-ya'-ken, adv. as though, like. se'-Tva-cai)-ini, v. I think it is so. This form is used when speaking of something that is not distinctly recollected. se-'wi'-mna, adj. rancid, as fat that has stood long. se-ya', adv. like as. se-ya'-ken, adv. like as. si-cai)', n. the outside of the thigh. si-car) '-o-pi-ye, n. of sidaij ; a side pocket, as in one's pantaloons or coat ; any pocket. si-ca'-psai), v. to shake the foot, — siwakapsafl. si-eo'-eo-dai), adj. red. of sicoda;). si-co'-dai), adj. bare-footed. See sidokadaq. si-eo'-gai), n. the calf of the leg. sl-eo'-glil, n. Same as sicogaij. SIC 186 SKU si-6o'-ka-dai), adj. bare-footed, — sicomakada^. si-eo'-ka-ka-dai), adj. red. of sicokadag. si-cu', n. the sole or bottom of any thing : sicu wa- nica, without a bottom, bottomless, unfathomable. si-eu'-ha, n. the sole of the foot. si-6u'-psar)-psar), v. n. to wag the tail, as a dog. si-cu '-ta, adv. at the bottom or lower part of any thing. si-cu'-tor). See asic'utoi). si-ha', n. the foot, feet of man ; the feet of ani- mals, but especially the hind feet, the fore feet being ' nape,' — misiha, nisiha, uijsihapi. si-ta'-pe, n. the hollow of the foot. si-i'-na-tai), n. stirrups ; pantaloon straps. si-i'-pu-sil), n. the ball of the foot. si-i'-ta-ka-ha, n. the top of the foot, the instep. si-i-yu'-ta, n. afoot measure. si-i'-yu-tax), n. stirrups. sin-"wa'-pa-ki-ya, v. to paddle a canoe by one- self, as in hunting muskrats, — sinwapawakiya. sir)-kpe', n. the musJcrat, Mus zibethicus. sir)-kpe'-i-ea-pe, n. a muskrat spear. sir)-kpe'-i-6u-'wa, n. spears, traps, axes, etc. ; any thing used in killing muskrats. sixj-kpe'-ta-'wo-te, n. calamus, sweetflag, the Acorus calamus. siQ-sil)', adj. besmeared, slimed, as with fish ; dried on, glued or glazed over. sir)-te', n. the tail of an animal. sirj-te'-hda, n. the tail-rattler, i. e. the rattle- snake. siij-te'-sa-pe-dap, n. a species of goat or ante- lope having a black tail, which is found on the Missouri. sir)-te'-ska, ». white-tail; deer, rabbits, etc., are sometimes so called. sir)-te'-sda, n. the opossum ; rats. siQ-to'-mni, adv. See sitomni. sir)-tor)'-pa-hu, n. the tail bone. sil)-tpe', n. the muskrat. Same as sipkpe. sir)-tpe'-ta-"wo-te, n. Same as siokpetawote. si-pa', n. the toes, tike end of the big toe. Bi-pa'-hur)-ke, n. the great toe. si-pa'-ksi-ze, n. the lower part of the leg of animals. si-pir)'-kpa, «. the toes; the joints of the foot. si-pir)'-tpa, n. Same as sipiqkpa. si-pu'-te, n. the breech or lower part of a gun- stock, the end of the pahu ; the screw in the end of the barrel, the breech-screw. si-sai)'-ni, n. one foot, the foot on one side. si-sil)', n. Mr. Renville considers this word syno- nymous with wiwi, a swamp, and as the source whence the Sisitoqwaqs derived their name. Si-si'-torj-vrar), n. p. a band of the Dakotas living at Swan Lake, Little Rock, at the Two Woods on the Coteau, and at Lake Traverse. They probably number about three thousand. si-sa'-ste, n. the little toe of animals and man. sl-to'-nmi, adv. all over, throughout. si-to'-mni-yai), adv. all over. si-tor) '-pa-hu, n. the tail bone. See sii)toi)pahu. si-ye'-te, n. the heel. si-yo'-zar), n. between the toes. si-yu'-kar), ?;. the tendon of the heel. si-yu'-kar)-sa-sa-dar), n. a bird having slender reddish legs ; the pehaijkadai). si-yu'-ka-za, n. the toes. ska, adj. while ; clear, as, mini ska, clear water : clean, new, as, hii) ska, new hair ; taku ska, nothing. skad, cont. of skadai) ; taku skad. ska'-dax), adj. dim. of ska ; white : taku skadaq, nothing : Skadap-ti, a common name for Tra- verse des Sioux, Skadai) having been the Dakota name of Mens. Proven§alle, an early trader in that place. skai), V. n. to dissolve, disappear, melt away, as snow : wa skar). skar)'-yar), v. n. to melt, thaw. ska-ska', v. red. of ska. ska-ska'-dar), n. white beads. ska-ya', v. a. to whiten, make any thing white. ska'-ya, adv. whiti ; wa skaya waqka, the snow lies white. skem, cont. of skepa. skem-ya', v. a. to draw all out, as a fluid, to exhaust, — skemwaya. ske'-pa, V. n. to leak out slowly, escape, pass away by evaporation, as fluids. ske-ske'-pa, v. red. of skepa. ski'-ea. See kaskica. ski-ea'-hax), part, pircssed down, close. ski-ea'--wa-hai), part, pressed. ski-ska', n. the wood-duck. ski-ski '-da, red. of skica. Ski-ski'-ca-har), part, all pressed together. ski-ski'-ea-"wa-har), part, pressed together. ski-ski'-ta, red. of skita. See yuskiskita. ski-ski'-ta, n. a strip of land pressed or hemmed in, an isthmus. ski'-ta, adj. tied, bound,fastened, as a child on a board. See yuskita. skii, adj. broken out a little. See basku. Sku-mna', adj. sourish ; savory. Sku-sku', red. of sku ; shaved off: pa skusku. sku-sku'-ya, adj. red. of skuya. sku'-ya, adj. sweet ; sour ; salt. The radical idea may be that of having taste or savor. SKU 187 SU^ sku'-ye-ya, v. a. to make salt, give taste to, — skuyewaya, skuyeuiiyaqpi. smag', cant, of smaka. smag-smag'-ya, adv. red. of smagya. smag-ya', adv. indented, concave : smagya w:xi)ka. smag-ya '-ken, adv. indented. sma'-ka, adj. hollow, concave. sma'-ka, n. a hollow, a sunken place. See osma- ka. snii, adj. See smismi. smir). See basmiq. smi-smi', adj. clear of limbs, as a tree, stripped. smi-wa'-hai), part, fallen off bare. smi'-yar). See smiyaijyai). smi-yar)'-yar), or smigyagyai), adj. clean, nothing extraneous sticking to, bare, smooth, as a worn blanket : tai) smiyagyaqua, alone, having no relatives. sna, V. n. to ring. See kasna. 8na.-h.ax)' , part, ringing, rustling ; as leaves fall- ing in autumn. sna-har)'-hai), red. of snahai) ; falling off, rus- tling. sna-sna', red. of sna ; to ring, rattle. sna-sna'-nsL, adj. bare, as a tree when its leaves have all fallen off. sna-sna'-"wa-har), part. red. of snawahag. sna-'wa'-hai), part, ringing, rattling. sni, adj. cold, as the weather, or as ice ; gone out, as a fire : peta sni, the fire is out ; sni kaei, although it is cold. sni-sni', adj. red. of sni ; hai) snisni, cold nights. sni'-ya-ho-ta, v. n. to take cold, draw in the cold by breathing, — snimdahota, snidahota, sniui)- yahotapi. sni-yai)', v. sniyai) uya, to become cold, grow cold, said of the weathbr changing to cold. SO. See soso. Sok-so'-ta, adj. red. of sota : idta soksota, clear eyes. This word is used in reference to the clear blue eyes of some children. son, cont. of sota ; son iyeya. son-ki'-ya, v. a. to use up or destroy for one, as to burn up fence rails or wood for one, — sonwa- kiya, sonmakiya. son-ya', adv. of sota ; sonya iyaya, to becoTne a little whitish or clouded. SOI), v. a. to plait or braid, as hair ; to braid, as corn in strings, — wasoq, uijsoppi. SOI) '-pi, n. braids, strings of corn. so-so', V. a. to cut into strings, as a hide, — waso- so, uijsosopi : caijte raasosopi seca, it seems as if my heart was cut into strings, i. e. / am greatly abided. so'-ta, adj. clear, but not perfectly so ; slightly clouded, but not turbid ; of a milky whitish appearance ; sky-colored : Wakpa minisota, the Minnesota River ; Mde minisota, Clear Lake : used up. See kasota, yusota, etc. so-tka'-zi, adj. smoked, as an old tent. spar), adj. soft, as melting snow. spar), V. n. to become soft, melt, as snow : wa spai). spar)-yag', v. a. to cause to thaw, as snow, — spaijwaya. spa-spa'-ya, red. of spaya. spa'-ya, v. n. to be wet, as clothes, wet with water, moist, damp, — maspaya, uijspayapi : to sink in loater, to drown : spaya iyaya. spa'-ye-ya, v. a. to wet, cause to be wet or tnoist, — spayewaya. spe'-ya, v. a. to sink, make sink. See ajspeya. stag, cont. of staka. stag-ya', v. a. to make feeble, — stagwaya. stag-ya', adv. feebly, languidly. stag-ya'-ken, adv. feebly : stagyaken waui). Sta'-ka, adj. feeble, languid, without appetite, weary, not able to walk, — mastaka. star), adj. moist, wet. See pastaq. star), adj. purple, grape-colored : in stap, dark red ; ha stag, dark complexioned. star)'-ka, adj. purple. See stag. star)-ka', adj. moist. sto, adj. smooth, lying smooth, as hair. See kasto. sto'-dar), adj. small and neat, — mastodag. Sto-sto', adj. red. of sto ; smooth, lying flat. sto-ya', V. a. to make smooth, smooth down, — stowaya. sto-ya', adv. smoothly. sto-ya'-ken, adv. smoothly. stu-sta', adj. tired, weary, unable to move, — ma- stusta. stu-ste'-ya, v. a. to cause fatigue, to weary, — stustewaya. SU, n. the seed of any thing, grain ; bullets : su waijiidai), a bullet ; mazasu, lead. SU, adj. good. Probably obsolete. See yasu and suya. su-el'-kei-ka-dai), n. shot. su-ei'-kci-ka-dag-se-ea, n, pepper, allspice. SU-ka'-za, n. a grain of any thing, a particle, one, the smallest part. Hence, napsukaza, the fingers. su-ksu'-ta, adj. red. of suta. su-ma'-nl-ea, n. any kind of wood that hat be- come dead and very hard. BUT), n. cont. of sugka ; misuq, my younger brother, used in addressing him. SUIf 188 8D0 sur), V. to braid. See soi). SUl)'-ka, n. a younger brother either of a man or woman. Certain cousins are likewise so called, — misuijka, nisuijka. SUr)-ka'-ki-ci-ya-pi, n. brethren, those related as brothers, — su^kauqkiciyapi. sur)-ka'-ku, n. his or her younger brother. sug-ka'-ya, v. a. to have for younger brother, — suijkawaya, suijkauijyaijpi. SXlTj'-ta, n. a stem : caijduhupa surita, a pipe- stem ; cajQkasuijta, the spinal marrow. SU-sbe'-ea, n. the ant-eater, the mosquito-haiok. su-sbe'-ea-ka-ga-pi, n. a cross. See caqsu- sbec'a. su-su', n. the testicles : susu e&peya and susu basdoka, to castrate. su-ta', adj. hard, not yielding to the touch ; strong, capable of endurance, — masuta, nisuta, uijsutapi : cai)te suta, courageous. su-ta'-ya, adv. firmly, hard. su-ta'-ya-ken, adv. firmly. SU-toi)', V. n. to ripen, have seed ; to be ripe, fit for use, as corn, etc. su-ya', adv. rightly, well. s. S, the twenty-second letter of the Dakota alphabet, with the sound of sh in English. When marked thus (4') its sound is prolonged. sa, adj. red. s'a, V. n. to shout, — wai'a, yas'a, uiji'api. sag-i'-ci-ya, v. reflex, to restrain oneself, — i&g- mi(Jiya. s'ag-s'a'-ka, n. com boiled without hulling. sag-ya', v. See dagi(Jiya. sa-hdo'-gai), num. adj. eight. sa-h.do'gai)-na, adv. only eight. sa-hdo'-hdo-gar), adv. by eights. s'a'-hii)-h.da, v. to burst out with a shout. sa'-i-a, V. n. to speak a strange language, — i&i- waa. sa'-i-a-pi, n. a foreign or unknown language. sa'-ka, adj. easy. See bosaka, kanaka, waiaka- daq. s'a'-ka, adj. strong. See wa^'aka, yus'aka. s'a'-ka, adj. difficult, hard. See i'akec'a. sa-ke', n. the nails of the fingers and toes ; the claws of birds and beasts ; the hoofs of animals. s'a'-ke-ca, adj. hard to deal with, severe, austere, — ma^'akeca, uqs'akapika. sa-ke'-hai)-ska, n. long-claws, a name given to the grizzly bear. sa-ki'-ya, v. a. to paint red, to redden, as the Da- kotas do scalps, — sawakiya, sauqkiyapi. sa-ko'-Twii), num. adj. seven. sa-ko'-'wir)-na, adv. only seven. sa-ko'-'wir)--wii), adv. by sevens. sa'-kpe, num. adj. six. Sa'-kpe-dar), dim. of sakpe ; Little Six, the name of a Dakota chief at Tiijtatoijwe. sa'-kpe-kpe, adv. by sixes. s'ak-s'a'-ka, n. of s'aka, ha7-d ; com boiled with- out being hulled. See ^'ags'aka. sam-ya', v. a. of sapa ; to soil, to defile, — ^am- waya. sam-ya', adv. dirtily. sar), n. the vagina. sar)-ke', n. a step-mother ; a mother's sister ; a father's other wife. Not in general use. sar)-ke'-ya, v. a. to have for ^a^ke, — ^ai)kewaya. sa'-pa, adj. dirty, defiled, blackened, — ma4apa : nape nisapa, thy hands are dirty. sap-sa'-pa, adj. red. of sapa. sa-sa', adj. red. of ^a ; red. ks.-B2L-YB., v. a. to dye or paint red, — saiawaya. sa-sa'-ya, adv. redly. sa-ste', n. the little finger : si^a^te, the little toe ; the little toe or rmil of birds and beasts. sa-ste'-i-yo-ki-he, n. that which is next to the little finger, the third finger. sa-ya', v. a. to make red, to paint red, — ^awaya. sa-ya', adv. redly. sa-ye'-dai), adv. reddish : ^ayedaq naiiq. sbe, adj. deep, as water ; dense, as foliage ; thick set, as hair. See ^ma. sbe'-ya, adv. deeply, densely. sbe-ya'-ta, adv. in the deep. sbu, V. n. to drop, as water or any other liquid. sbu-sbu', V. red. of ^bu. sbu-ya', v. a. to drop or cause to drop, as water, — ^buwaya, ^buui)yai)pi. sbu-ya'-pi, n. a drop, drops. sda, adj. bald, bare, naked : nasu Ma, bald-headed ; pasdayapi, com made bald, i. e. hommony. See kaMa. sda-sda', adj. red. of sda. sda-ya', v. a. to make bare, — Wawaya, Waug- yaqpi. sda-ya', adv. nakedly, without covering. sda-y a'-ta, adv. in an open place. sda-ye'-hna, adv. openly, exposed, in full view, uncovered, without a house, defenceless : Mayehna har}, standing out, unsheltered ; sdayehna wagka, to sleep out. sda-y e'-hna-yax), adv. unsheltered. sdl, adj. many. sdl, adv. hissing, fizzing. Said of the noise some- times made by fish in water. sdo, v. n. to fuse, melt, as metals. SDO 189 SII^ sdo-ka', n. a kind of spotted duck. sdo'-ka. See kasdoka. sdo-ka '-hai), part, out of place, as an axe-head off the handle, or an eye out of its socket. sdo-ka'-^wa-hai), part. Same as ^dokahai). sdo-sdo', V. red. of Mo. sdo-sdo', adj. soft, as fat, melted. sdo-sdo'-dag, n. the soft fat parts in an animal. sdo'-sdo-dar), n. the meadow-lark : 4doModar) kizo, to whistle to the meadow-lark. 8do-3Mi', V. a. to fuse, melt, or smelt metals, — ^dowaya, sdouijyaijpi. sdo-ya'-pi, n. that which is melted : Moyapidaij and maza Moyapi, pewter. sdun-ya', v. a. to cause to slip. sdu-sdu'-ta, adj. slippery, a sa road ; smooth, as ice, etc. sdu'-ta, adj. slipping. See )aisduta, naMuta. se'-ea, adj. dry, dead, as wood, rotten. se-kse'-ea, adj. red. of ^eca. sen-ya', adv. withered ; dried or drying, season- ing : ^enya hiyeya. sen-ya', v. a. to make dry, cause to wither, — sen- waya : senya ehnaka, to lay up to season. si, V. a. to command, hid ; to ask. This word is always preceded by another verb, as, edoij ^i, eye ii, etc., — wa4i, yasi, uijsipi. si, V. imperat. stop, be still. si, intj. hist .^ hark .^ si'-ca, adj. bad, ugly ; bad, wicked, — va&ii6&, ni- sica, uijsicapi. si-ca'-ho-"wa-ya, v. n. to scream out, to moan, — sicahowamda, ^icahowada. si-ca'-ki-ho, v. a. to do one's work badly, — ^i<$a- wakiho. si-ea'-ya, adv. badly, not well. si-ea'-ya-ken, adv. badly. si-ce'-ca, n. children, family, — mita^icec'a. si'-ee-da, v. a. to esteem as bad, to hate, — iide- wada, ^iceuijdapi. si'-ce-da-ka, v. to think bad, to hate, — ^icewa- daka, ^iceyadaka, ^ic'euqdakapi, ^idecidaka. si'-ce-ki-ci-da-pi, v. recip. hating each other. si'-ee-ki-da, v. pos. of ^ideda ; to hate one's own, — ^idewakida. si'-6e-ki-da'-ka, v. pos. of iidedaka ; to hate one's own, — ^icewakidaka. si-ei'-tar)-ka, adj. passionate ; i. q. wadiijko, — ^icimataijka. si-ei'-ya, v. n. to be angry, — iidiwaya. si-ei'-ye-ki-ya, v. to mourn for, — ^idiyewakiya. si-ce', n. a woman's brother-in-law ; a woman calls her husband's brother and her sister's hus- band, ^i(Je : 4i^edu and ^i^eku, her brother-in- law. si-ce'-ku, n. See side. si-ce'-si, n. a woman's male cousin ; side^itku, her male cousin. si-ce'-si-ya, v. a. to have for or call ii^^ii, — ^idesiwaya. si-ee'-ya, v. a. to have for ii^Q, — ^idewaya. si-hda', V. n. to be or become angry, take offence at, — iinwahda, ^inyahda, iinuijhdapi. In this word an n is introduced before the pronouns. si-hda'-pi, n. anger, wrath. si-hda'-ya, v. a. to make angry, provoke, — ^ihda- waya, sihdauriyaijpi. si-har)', v. n. to behave badly, — siwahai). si-Rai)'-yar), adv. behaving badly. si '-Mir), adj. feeble, stupid, lazy, sick, — masihtii), ui)sihtii)pi. si-Mii)'-ya, v. a. to enfeeble, — ^ihtiijwaya, sihtiq- mayai). si-Mir)'-yar), adv. feebly. sik-si'-ea, adj. red. of ^ica. sik-si'-ea-ya, adv. badly. si-na', n. a blanket, a cloak or shawl, any thing worn as a blanket. Henok thinks this should be written ^ii)-na, but as A. Renville does not agree with him, the shorter orthography is preferred. si-na'-a-pa-Rda-te, n. ribbon, ferret. si-na'-a-pa-hda-te-sok-so-ka, n. cotton ferret. si-na'-a-pa-lida-te-zib-zi-pe-dar), n. silk rib- bon. si-na'-hir)-sma, n. (Ihaqk.) a buffalo robe. si-na'-to-ta, n. the common white blanket, si-na'-o-pa-pxir)-ei-stii)-na, n. a blanket with a small border, save list cloth. si-na'-o-pa-puQ-ho-ta, n. grey list cloth. si-na'-o-pa-pur)-ska, n. white list and stroud. si-na'-o-pi-ye, n. a bale of blankets. si-na'-sa, n. a red blanket. si-na'-to, n. blue skirt cloth; a blue or green blanket. si-na'-to-zil)-zi-pe-dar), n. blue broadcloth. si-na'-"wa-to-pe-ki-ya, v. to go by sails, to sail, — sinawatopewakiya. si-na'-^wa-to-pe-kl-ya-pi, n. sails. si-na'-zib-zi-pe-dar), n. broadcloth. si-na'-zar)-zar), n. a red blanket. sin-ya', adv. badly, sadly. sin-ya'-ken, adv. badly, sadly : caqte iinya- ken. sir), n. the fat part of animals, especially /a< meat, as, kuku^e ^ig, fat pork ; the sappy part of wood. sir)-hda, adj. See ^ihda. sii)-kpar)'-ka, n. See siijkpaqkahu. sii)-kpar)'-ka-hu, n. the name of a root that, it is said, grows in low grounds. SI]^ 190 SOG sirj-ta', n. the tamarack or hackmatack, the American larch. This is probably so called because the gum is hard, i. e. sii) tasaka. The original name seems to have been ' makai).' S. W. P. sir)-ta'-ka, n. the striped bass. sir)-tka'-hu, n. the hip-bone, the os ilium. sil)-tpar)'-ka, n. a root that groios, it is said, in low ground : sii)tpai)kahu, the stalk and root above referred to. 8ir)-sir)', adj. wrinkled. sir)-yar)'-ta-ka-d.ar), n. the name of a small bird which frequents the ricf; lakes. si-pa'. See ka^ipa, yusipa. si-pa'-har), part, broken off close, as the limbs of a tree, the teeth of a comb, pins, etc. si-pa'-"wa-har), part. Same as ^ipahaq. si-pto', n. beads. si-pto'-pto, n. beads. si-so'-ka, n. the robin. si-tki'-hda, v. n. to be angry ; to be afflicted ; ^itkihda waui). si-tki'-hda-ya, v. to make angry ; to afflict, to punish, — sitkihdawaya. si-tki'-hda-ya, adv. in trouble, angrily, vexed : sitkihdaya waui). si-ya'-ka, n. the teal, a kind of duck. The siya- ka are divided into siyaka taqka, mde ^iyaka, and wakpa siyaka. si-ya'-ka, n. a boil : siyaka o, hit by the Siyaka, which results in a boil, — siyaka mao. We have not been able to ascertain the origin of this ex- pression. si'-yo, n. the grouse or prairie hen, the Telrao cupido. si-yo'-to, n. the knees, the front part of the legs ; the lap, — ma^iyoto. ska. See yu4ka. ska-hai)', part, come untied of itself. skan, cont. of ^kata ; ^kan uppi. skan-ki'-ya, v. to cause to play, — ^kanwakiya. skai), V. n. to do, to act ; to move about : token ya^kai) he, what art thou doing ? — wa4kai), ui)- Akaijpi : skar) hiijhda, to jump or flutter about, as a bird when caught. skar)-ki'-ya, v. a. to cause to move about, — ^ka^- wakiya. skar)-skar)', v. red. of skai) ; to stir, move about, change place. skai)-skai)'-yar), v. a. to cause to move about, — ^kai)skai)waya. skar)-8kai)'-yar), adv. moving, in motion. skar)-yar)', adv. moving. ska'ta, V. n. to play, — waskata, uriskatapi. ska-vra'-hai), part, come untied of itself. ske-ca', n. the fisher. ske-ea'-tar)-ka, n. tke wolverine. ske-du'-ta, n. the name of a small red bird. ske-har)', adj. wild, prancing, as a horee ; ambi- tious. ske-harj'-hai), adj. red. of ^kehai) ; jumping round, frolicsome. ske he', adj. Same as skehaij. ske-he'-ea, n. an animal that is wild or un- steady, ske-he'-sni, adj. gentle. ske-he'-ya, v. a. to make wild, make prance abou t, — ^keheway a. ske-he'-ya, adv. ambitiously. ski-ea'. See yuskida. ski-ea'-har), part, squeezing, pressed. ski-ea'-'wa-hai), part, pressing, squeezed. skii)-ci'-ya, v. to move one.ielf, be industrious ; i. q. minihei^iya, — skiijmidiya. ski-ska', adj. rough, not smooth and level. ski-ske'-ya, v. a. to make rough, — ^ki^kewaya. ski-ske'-ya, adv. roughly. sko-kpa', adj. hollowed out, concave. skom, cont. of skopa ; skom iyaya. skom-ya', v. a. to make crooked, — ^komwaya. skom-ya', adv. crookedly ; ikomya waijka. sko '-p a, ac(/. crooked, warped ; concave. sko-sko'-pa, adj. red. of ^kopa. sko-tpa', adj. hollowed out, concave. sku, V. n. to be wholly or partially roasted ; to be covered with red spots, as one who lies too close to the fire in cold weather, — maiku, ni^ku. sku-mna', adj. tainted, as meat ; sour. sma, adj. deep, as water ; dense, as foliage ; thickly set, as hair. sma-sma', adj. red. of ima. snii, adj. bare ; i. q. hig wanida : pa imi ; said of a head with only a few scattering hairs. sna. See yu^na. sna-har)', part, dropped, missed. sna-"wa'-har), part, dropped. sni, adv. of negation ; not, no. It follows verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, etc. sni-sni'-za, adj. red. of ^niia. snis-ya', v. a. to make wither or dry up, — imi- waya, ^nisuqyaijpi. snis-ya', adv. withered. sni-yar)'-yar), adv. abundantly. sni'-za, adj. withered, dead, dried up, as leaves by the sun, withered ; blurred, indistinct : iito- masniia. snui)-snur)'-za, adj. red. of &n\ix)i&. snUQ'-za, adj. blurred, indistinct, as, iitoinuqia. sog, cont. of ^oka. sog-sog'-ya, adv. red. of iogya. SOG 191 SU]^ BOg-ya', adv. stronyli/, firmly, thickly : sogya awacii), to think intently. SOg-yeh', adv. strongly, firmly ; greatly, much. SO'-ka, adj. thick, applied to solids. so-ksag'-ka-dar), n. a species of duck, much smaller than the mallard duck, the teal. so-ksar)'-ka-tar)-ka, n. a large species of the teal. 80-kso'-ka, adj. red. of soka. son-na'-gi, n. (smoke-ghost) soot. son-ya', v. a. to smoke, make smoky, — sonwaya. sor)g-zo'-ya-ka, n. See suijioyaka for the better orthography of this word. sor)-gi'-dai), n. See suijgidai). Bor)'-ka, n. See suijka. SOr)-pa', n. See sugpa. SOr)'-SOr)-na, adj. long-eared, hanging down, as the ears of many dogs do ; dogs whose ears hang down. Hence, suktaqka soi)soi)na, a mule. SOr)-te', n. the hole by which a beaver goes in and out. so'-sa, adj. turbid, muddy, as water. SO'-se, adj. Same as sosa : Mini^ose, the Missouri river. SO-se'-ya, v. a. to make turbid or muddy, to stir ■up, — sosewaya. SO-se'-ya, adv. turbidly. SO-ska', n. a species of pine ; a small kind of fish ; i. q. hoska. so'-ta, n. smoke. so'-ta, V. n. to smoke, as a fire. so-tka'-zi, n. soot. SO-tka'-zl, adj. smoked black, sooty. SOt-o'-ZU, adj. smoky, full of smoke, applied to a hazy atmosphere. spa. See yu^pa. spa-hai)', part, broken off. spai), adj. cooked^ as food ; burnt or frozen, as the face or parts of the body by heat or cold : noge maspai), my ears are frozen ; siha nispai), thy feet are frozen. sparj-ki'-ci-ei-ya, v. a. to cook for one, — ^paij- weciciya. Bpar)-kl'-ya, v. a. pos. to cook one's own food ; to cook for another, — ^paijwakiya, ipai)ui)ki- yapi. spai)-yai)', v. a. to cook, as food, — spaijwaya, ^paquijyaripi. spa-"wa'-har), ^ar<. broken off. spe. See spa. spi. See yuspi. spi-har)', part, fallen off, as berries. spi-Ava'-har), part. Same as ^pihai). spu. See yuspu. spu-hai)', part. See ^puwahaij. spu-Ava'-hai), part, fallen off' of itself, as any thing that adhered. sta, conj. although. See e^ta. stag, cont. of staka. stag-ya', v. a. to mash up ; to make preserves, — stagwaya. stag-ya', adv. free from ice : ^tagya wa^ka. sta'-ka, adj. free from ice, as a river or lake when the ice has broken up and run out : beaten, broken. See kastaka. star). See kastai), yustaii. stai), adj. blackish, dark-colored. star), V. n. to become black, as berries by the heat of the sun. star)'-har), conj. although : hi staijhai) sdonwaye ^ni, though he may have come I do not know it. star)-har)', v. n. to ooze out, as water from a sore, to be sore and exude water. Sta-sta', adj. weak, brittle, i. q. wai]kadaq. sta-sta'-dar), adj. brittle. sta-sta'-ka, adj. red. of ^taka. ste, adj. deformed. See o^teka. ste-da', V. to think there is much or many, to rate high, — stewada, steuqdapi. ste-da'-pi, n. a great many, much. ste-i'-ei-da, v. refiex. to think much of oneself. ste-ya', adv. deformedly. stu-ea', V. n. to thaw, as any thing that has been frozen. See stunya. stun-ya', v. a. to thaw, cause to thaw, — itnn- waya : stuni^iya, to thaw or warm oneself, — stunmi^iya. stu-sta', adj. soft, as the flesh of an animal when hard chased, wanting fiavor. stu-ste'-ya, v. a. to chase so as to make weary and render the meat flavorless, — ^tu^tewaya. Stu'-ta, adv. thawed, wanned : nape mastuta, my hands are warmed. suk-eir)'-ca, n. a young wolf. See ^uqkciqca. siik-eir)'-ea-dar), n. a colt. See suijkciijcadai). suk-tar)'-ka, «. (suijka and tagka) the horse, horses. suk-tar)'-ka-a-kir), n. a saddle for a horse; a pack-saddle. suk-tar)'-ka-i-i-yu--wi, n. a horse-bridle, a rope for a horse's mouth. suk-tar)'-ka-sor)-sor)-na, n. a mule, a jackass. siik-tar)'-ka--wa-na-pir), n. a horse-collar. sur), n. the large feathers of birds' wings. sur)g, cont. of iui)ka. sur)g-a'-kii), n. a saddle. sugg-hu'-dar), n. a short-legged horse, a pony, a small horse. 8ur)g-hu'-pte-pte-ce-dar), n. a short-legged dog or horse. SUIJ 192 TAH sur)g-i'-ea-psir)-te, n. a horsewhip. sugg-mdo'-ka, n. the male of the horse or doj. sur)g-"wa'-kir)-i-hu-pa, n. the apparatus for pacMng on a horse or dog, pronounced often ^uijg- wai:ur)hupa and suijgwal^iijliupa. It is made by placing the ends of two or more poles (usually tent-poles) together, and inclining them at an angle of some forty or fifty degrees. The ends fastened together are placed on the back of the horse or dog, with a strap around the breast. Behind the horse's tail cross-pieces are tied, on which loads are packed and children placed. The Sisitor)wai)s and Ihaijktoijwaqs of the prairie keep large dogs for the purpose of packing. SUlJg-'Wi'-ye, n. a mare ; a hitch. suijg-wi'-ye-dar), n. dim. of suqgwiye. sur)-gi'-dai), n. the fox. suri-Rpa'-dajQ, n. a puppy, a little dog. sur)'-ka, n. a dog, commonly ; a horse ; an ox or cow, occasionally. This latter use obtains only in the language of the braves or warriors of the nation, — mitasui)ke, nitasugke, tasuijke. sug'-ka-wa-kai), n. a sacred dog or spirit-dog, i. e. a horse. SUI)k-6il)'-ea, n. a young wolf. sui)k-eir)'-ea-dar), n. a colt. sui)k-i'-ea-psir)-te, n. a horsewhip. surik-pa'-dairi, n. See suijhpadai). sur)k-tar)'-ka, n. (suqka and tagka). See euk- taqka. sui)k-ta'-"wa-na-pir)-na, n. the name of a small bird. surjk-to'-ke-ca, n. the other dog, i. e. the wolf. sur)k--wi'-ye, n. a mare. sur)-pa', V. n. to m^ult, shed, as geese their feathers. suij-pa'-lidi-lidi, v. to have the feathers partly grown. Said of geese, etc., when their feathers have grown so that they are almost able to fly ; i. q. edadaij kihipi kta. sur)-zo'-yag, cont. of suijioyaka ; ^ui)ioyag idu, to make a loop, noose, or lasso; suijzoyag iyaka^ka, to tie a noose or running knot. sui)-zo'-ya-ka, n. a noose. su-pe', n. guts, intestines. SU-pe'-eo-'WO-zn, n. a species of duck, so called because its entrails are always full. sup-tar)'-ka, n. the large intestines. SU-ska', adj. slow, tardy, good for nothing, worth- less,— ma^u^ka, nisuska. su-ska'-ka, n. a worthless fellow. su-ta', V. to miss, fail of, to be unable to obtain, — suwata, suuqtapi. su-te'-ya, v. a. to cause to fail or miss, — iutewaya. T. t, the twenty-third letter of the Dakota alphabet. ta, n. the moose. This may properly be considered as the generic term for all ruminating animals, since it enters into the composition of the names of most of them ; as, tahiijca, deer j tatagka, buffalo, etc. ta, a prefix to such nouns as signify the various members of the body, limiting them to the cor- responding parts in ruminating animals ; as, dezi, the tongue, taceii, a buffalo tongue ; pa, the head, tapa, a deer's head. ta, prep, in comp. at, to, on ; suffixed to nouns it gives them the force of adverbs ; as, maka, the earth ; makata, on the ground. See also ' ata ' and ' yata.' ta, pron. in comp. his, hers, its ; with ' pi ' at the end of the noun, theirs. ta, adj. one of, a pair : tawai)iidai), one pair ; tanoijpa, two pairs. ta-ee'-sdi, n. the dung of ruminating animals, especially the buffalo ; the " Bois de vache " of the French. ta-ee'-zi, n. the tongue of ruminating animals, especially the buffalo. ta-eir)'-ea, n. the young of deer, a fawn. ta-eir)'-ea-dar), n. a fawn, a lamb. ta-cir)'-ea-ha, n. a fawn-skin, calf-skin. ta-do', n. fresh meat, the fresh meat of ruminat- ing animals, as the deer and buffalo. ta-do '-hde-ska, n. the oesophagus of the buffalo. ta-do'-ta-hu, n. the windpipe of animals. ta'-ga, n. mini taga, froth, foam. ta-ge', n. froth, foam, spittle, scum : tage efipeya, to skim, throw off the scum. ta-gi'-ea, n. a species of tortoise. ta-gi'-ca-ha, n. a buffalo robe ; chiefly used by the Sisitoi)wai)s and Ihai)ktoi)wai)s ; i. q. pteha- sina. Why a buffalo robe should be called tagi- caha we have been unable to ascertain, except perhaps in contrast with the shell of the tortoise, or it may be from some fancied resemblance in shape. ta-go'-sa, V. n. to spit, expectorate, — tagowa^a, tagouij^api. ta-gu', n. an old buffalo bull, a poor scabby bull, whether old or not, a singed hill. ta-ha', n. a deer-skin. ta-ha'-ba-tdo-ke, n. the slits cut in a hide by which it is stretched. ta-har)', n. a man's brother-in-law, a wife's brother, and a man's sister's husband ; my brother-in-law : nitahai), thy brother-in-law. ta-har)'-ki-6i-ya-yi, «. brothers-in-law. TAH 193 TAK ta-har)'-ku, n. his brother-in-law. ta-har)'-si, n. a man's male cousin, my cousin. This does not include a father's brother's sons, who are brothers, — nitahaij^i. ta-har)'-si-tku, n. his male coitsin. ta-hag'-si-ya, v. a. to sustain the relation of male cousin to one, — tahaijsiwaya. ta-hai)'-ya, v. a. to have for brother-in-law, sus- tain the relation of tahai) to one, — tahaijwaya. ta-ha'-sa-ka, n. dried skin, parchment. ta'-hdo-hu, n. the soft maple, Acer rubrum. ta-he'-ca-psurj-VTi, n. the moon in which the deer shed their horns ; December. tahe'-dai), adv. on this side of. ta-he'-dar)-tar)-hai), adv. on this side of. ta-he'-na, adv. (Ihai)k.) on this side, i. q. itato. ta-he'-na-tag-har), adv. from this side of ta-he'-pi, adv. by the way, on the road, between one place and another. ta-he'-pi-ya, adv. between places, in the space between the earth and heaven. ta-hlr)', ». buffalo or deer's hair. ta-hlQ'-i-pa-stai), n. an instrument for scraping or currying skins. ta-hiQ'-spa, n. an awl, awls. ta-hir)'-spa-ci-ka-dai), n. a needle, needles. ta-hii)'ye-te, n. the shoulder of animals. ta-hii)'-yo-ki-be, n. the joints of animals. ta-ho'-co-ka, ». a court or open place. See hocoka. ta-ho'-ka-ta, n. a spider's web. ta-ho'-ka-tai), v. (taha and okataij) to stretch out, aa a, hide, with pins, — tahowakatai). ta-hu', n. the back of the neck. ta-hu'-ka, n. the hide of a buffalo, a green hide. ta-hu'-to-star), n. the nape, the prominent arti- culation of the neck behind. ta-liar)'-hir)-hda, v. n. of tage ; to froth or foam, as when any thing is thrown into water, ta'-hca, n. cont. of tahiijca. ta'-Mr)-ea, n. the common deer, Cervus capreolus. ta'-hir)-ca-ha, n. a deer-skin. See taha. ta'-hir)-ca-ska, n. white deer, i. e. sheep. ta'-]iir)-ea--wa-nur)-yar)-pi, n. tame deer, i. e. sheep. ta'-Mr)--wa-nur)-yar)-pi, n. sheep. ta-hpa', n. the lower part of the neck and breast of animals; the part between the shoulders of a man. ta-hpi'-yo-gii), n. ground-cherries. ta-hpi'-yo-gir), adj. ripe, fully ripe : i. q. sutoi) ; tahpiyogiq sni, not ripe. tah-tor)', V. of tage ; to have scum. ta-fiu'-ha, n. the scrapings of hides or skins. ta-hu'-sda-ha, n. a summer robe. 25 ta-hu '-wa-pa-hpe, n. the flesh that sticks to a hide. ta'-ka, V. a. to roast off the hull, as of rice, — wa- taka, uqtakapi. ta-kai)', n. the sinew taken from the back of the deer and buffalo, which is used by the Dakotas for thread, making bows, etc. ta-kai)'-gi, n. the knee-pan, the patella. ta-kag'-he-ea, n. raspberries. ta-kar)'-he-ea-hu, n. raspberry bushes. ta-kar)'-i-ta-zi-pe, n. a bow the back of which is overlaid with sinew. ta-ka'-po-pa-pl, n. playing ball by striking. ta-ka'-psi-ea, v. to play ball by taking up the ball in the club and throwing it, — tawakapsida. ta-ka'-psi-ea-pi, n. ball-playing. ta-ki'-ca-po-pe, n. a ball-club for striking. ta-ki'-ca-psi-6a, n. a ball-club, a stick with a hoop at the end, interlaced so as to hold and carry the ball in readiness to be thrown. tak-i'-har), v. (taku and ihaij) : takihag yahi he, what have you come to do ? ta-kii)', V. n. to lean : takiq iyaya, to dodge. ta-kir)'-yar), adv. leaning, not perpendicular : wi takioyai) ya, said of the sun when it is half way up to the meridian. ta-ki'-yu-Bia-'wi, n. the moon when the deer copulate ; November. ta-ko'-da, n. Used with the pronouns ; as, mita- koda, my friend ; nitakoda, thy friend ; tako- daku, his friend. See koda. ta-ko'-da-ki-ei-ya-pl, n. particular frieruis. ta-ko'-da-ku, n. his particular friend. ta-ko'-da-ya, «. a. to have one for a particular friend, — takodawaya. ta-ko'-mni, adv. nevertheless, still, always, at any time, ever : with im following, at no time. ta-kos', n. a son-in-law or daughter-in-law, my son-in-law, etc. ; nephews and nieces by marriage. ta-kos'-ku, n. his or her son-in-law or daughter- in-law. ta-kos'-ya, v. a. to have for son-in-law or daugh- ter-in-law,— takoiwaya. ta-ko'-za, n. a grandchild, my grandchild, — mi- takoia, nitakoia. ta-ko'-za-kpa-ku, n. his or her grandchild. Takoiakpa is not used alone. ta-ko'-za-tpa-ku, n. his or her grandchild. ta-ko'-za-ya, v. a. to have for grandchild, — ta- koiawaya, takoiauijyaqpi. ta-kpe', v. a. to come upon, attack ; sometimes used in a good sense, to visit, — tawakpe, taui)kpe- pi : takpe hi, to come to attack ; takpe i, to have been to attack ; takpe ya, to go to attack ; takpe u, to be coming to attack. TAK 194 TA]^ ta-kpe'-ya, adv. attacking. ta'-ku, n. something. ta'-ku, interrog. pron. what ? taku yacii) he, what dost thou want ? ta-ku', n. a relative, kindred. See takuya. ta'-ku-ea, pron. interrog. what ? ta'-ku-daQ, n. dim. of tdku ; a trifle, nothing, mostly followed by sni, as, takudaq wac'ii) ^ni, / want nothing. ta'-ku-da-sni, v. a. to count as nothing, not to regard ; to he patient, submissive in suffering, — takuwada^ni. ta-ku'-ki-ci-ya-pi, n. relatives, relationship. ta'-ku-ku, n. red. of taku ; small articles, trinkets. ta'-ku-ma-ni-ni-na, n. moths and other small grubs. ta-ku'-mna, v. n. to have taste or sm^ll ; taku- mna ^ni, to be without smell, taste, or aroma ; un- palatable. ta'-ku-ni-sni, v. n. to com^ to nothing, fail, perish, — matakuni^ni. ta'-ku-ni-sni-yai), adv. gone to nothing, perish- ing. ta'-ku-sa-sa, n. bed-bugs ; any red thing. Ta'-ku-skai)-skar), n. one of the Dakota gods, the moving god or god of motion. ta'-ku-sni, n. nothing. ta'-ku-sni-sni, n. small articles. ta-ku'-ya, v. a. to have one for a relation, — ta- kuwaya, takuuijyaijpi, takumayaq, takuc'iya. ta-ku'-ye, n. a relative, — mitakuye, uqkitaku- yepi. ta'-ma-he, n. the pike, a kind of fish, ta'-ma-he-ca, ao?/. poor, lean, not fat, — matama- heca, u^tamahecapi. ta'-ma-hen, adv. See taijmahen. ta'-ma-hen-he-ca, adj. red. of tamaheca. ta'-ma-hen-ya, adv. poorly, not in a fat state. ta'-ma-ka, adj. poor, lean : pte tainaka, a lean cow. ta-mda', n. See tagmda. ta'-mdo-hu, n. the shoulder-blade of animals. ta-mdo'-ka, n. the male of the common deer, a buck. tam-ki'-ya, v. a. to say mu^h to one about any thing, to blame, talk roughly to, — tamwakiya, tamugkiyapi, tammakiya. ta-mni', n. the womb. ta-mmj'-ka, v. 1st pers. sing, of tawaqka. tam-ya', v. n. to talk earnestly, vociferate ; to complain, murmur, blame one, — tamwamda, tam- yada, tamuijyaripi. ta-na'-gi-dai), n. a species of humming-bird. ta-na'-kpa-he-ea, n. a species of flag with a large root growing in water. ta-na'-kpar), n. the fleshy part on the leg below the knee of an animal. ta-na'-su-dar), n. the brain of animals. ta-na'-tpa-he-ea, n. Same as tanakpaheca. ta-na'-tpa-hu-te, n. Same as tanakpaheca. ta-na'-vri-ti-ee, n. the little bulbous piece of meat on the fore-leg. ta-ni', adj. old. See tai)ni. ta-ni'-ge, n. the paunch of a buffalo, etc. ta-ni'-hai), adv. long ago. See tapnihaq. ta-nih'-3ru-sku, v. to empty the paunch of a buffalo, etc. ta-ni'-ka, adj. old. See tapnika. ta-ni'-ya, n. his or her breath or life. See wo- niya. tar), ccmt. of taijcai) ; as, taqtoq. tar), cont. of tai)ka ; as, minitaij. tar). See yutag. tSii), prep, or adv. suffixed ; as in hec'iyatai). tar), n. the side of an animal, the meat taken off" the ribs : tai) waijzidai), one piece of meat. tar)-a'-ta-ye-dar), adv. individually, directly, in person : taqatayedai) hdaiuiu, to pay each one for himself. tar)-car)', n. the body, — mitaijcai), uqtaqcaijpi : the body or principal part of any thing, as of a tree, etc. tar)-car)'-ka, n. the chief, the principal. tar)-eaQ'-kl-ya, v. a. to make great ; to prefer, consider chief, — tagdaqwakiya. taT)-ear)'-tor), w. to have a body ; to he ripe, full grown. taQ-eo'-eo-dai), adj. red. of taqcodai). tar)-co'-dar), adj. naked, nearly naked, poorly clad; taqcodai) wauq. tar)-eo'-ka, adj. See taqcokadag. tar)-co'-ka-dar), adj. naked, without clothing, — taqdomakadai), tai)cour)kapidai). tar)-da', v. a. to love, honor, respect ; to he pa- tient,— taqwada, taquijdapi. tarj-da'-kei, v. a. Same as taqda. tar)-har)', prep, from ; as, hediya taijhai). tar)-hda'-kir)-yar), adv. crosswise, across some- thing else. tar)-hdu'-s'a-s'a-se-6a, v. to be frightened, as at a ghost, frightened at any thing ; to be made sick by seeing any thing, — taqmahdus'as'a seda. tar)-hdu'-s'a-s'a-ya, adv. in a state of fright. tas)-ij)', V. n. to appear, be manifest, he visible, — matariiq. tai)-ir)'-iT), v. n. red. of tai)ii) ; to appear occasion- ally, as one passing under a hUl, or as the sun through clouds. tai)-ir)'-ir)-yar), adv. red. of taqiqyai) ; appearing occasionally : taqioiqyaq iyaya. TA]^ 195 TA]^ tai)-ir)'-sni, v. n. to he lost, to have disappeared. See also kitaqirjsni. tai)-ir)'-sni-yar), adv. out of sight, lost. tar)-ir)'-yai), adv. manifestly, openly, without concealment. tar)'-i-yo-hi-dar), adv. each one, every one. tar)'-i-yo-hi-na, adv. (Ihaqk.) each. tar)'-ka, adj. large, great in any way, — matai)ka, nitaijka, ui)tai)kapi. tar)'-ka, n. a woman's younger sister, — mitaijka, nitaijka, taijkaku. taij-ka'-ki-ei-ya-pi, n. they who are sisters. tar)'-ka-ki-ya, adv. largely : ho taijkakiya, with a loud voice. tar)-ka'-ku, n. her younger sister. tar)-kan', adv. without, out of doors : taijkan iyaya, to go out ; taijkan iyeya, to turn out, put out of doors. tai)-ka'-ta, adv. out of doors, outside. tar)-ka'-ya, v. a. to have for a younger sister, — tai)kawaya. tai)'-ka-ya, v. a. to consider great, — taijkawaya. tar)'-ka-ya, adv. greatly, to a great extent: taij- kaya wauij. taQ-ke', n. a man's older sister ; my older sister, — mitaijke, nitai)ke. tai)-ke'-ku, n. his older sister. tai)-ke'-ya, v. a. to have for older sister, — taijke- waya. tar)-kii)'-kii)-yar), adj. red. and^^. of ta^ka and tar)kii)yai) ; very large. tar)-kir)'-yai), adj. very great, large. tar)-kir)'-yai)-yar), adj. red. of taqkiqyai). tar)-ki'-ya-dar), adv. near to one, — mitaijkiya- dai). tar)-ksi', n. a man's younger sister ; my younger sister, — mitaijkii, nitaqk^i. tai)-ksi'-tku, n. his younger sister. tai)-ksi-ya, v. a. to have for younger sister, — tai)ksiwaya. tar)'-ktai)-ka, adj. red. of tai]ka. tar)'-ktar)-ka-ya, adv. red. of taijkaya ; largely. tar)'-ku, n. Same as taqkeku. tax) '-ma-hen, adv. in the body, within. tai)'-ina-hen-tar)-har), adv. from within. tar)-nida', n. round snow-shoes : taqmdohaq, to put on or wear round snow-shoes. tar)-nidas', cont. of taqmdaza ; taqmdas wai)ka, to lie on the side, as animals. taq-mda'-ska-ya, adv. taijmdaskaya waijka, to lie on the side, lie flat. tai)-inda'-Z£i, v. to spread the knees apart. See taQmdas. tar)-na'-ke-ki-ya, adv. on the side : tagnakekiya wagka, it lies on its tide. tar)-na'-ke-ya, adv. on the side : taqnakeya wai)ka. • tar)'-na-pa, v. n. to twitch, as the flesh of an animal, jerk involuntarily. tar)'-na-pa-ki-ya, v. a. to shrug up, as the shoulders, — tai)napawakiya. tar)'-na-pa-pa, v. red. of taijnapa. tar)-ni', adj. old, worn out. tar)-ni', adv. of old : taqni hec'ede kta epca, / long thought it would be so. tari-ni'-cirj-ca, n. a yearling calf. tar)-ni'-har), adv. long ago, of old. tar)-iii'-har)-tar)-har), adv. of old, a long time ago. tajj-ni'-ka, adj. old, worn out, ancient. tai)-ni'-na, adj. old. tai)-ni'-na, adv. long ago, of old. tar)-ni'-na-ka, adv. of old, formerly. tai)-ni'-iii, adj. red. of tai)ni ; worn out, tar(-o'-"wa-sir), «. the whole body. tar)-pa', n. the white birch, Betula populifolia ; the bark of the birch. tar)-pa'-cai)-ka-gi-6a, n. spunk taken from the birch. tar)-pa'-hu, n. the white birch tree. tai)-pa'-sa-sa-dar), n. a small species of birch. tar)-pa'-'wa-kBi-ca, n. dishes made out of the taijpa. taij-pa'-'wa-ta, n. a birch-bark canoe. tar)-sag', cont. of taqsaka, which is not used : tai)- sag ta, to die of fright ; to be much alarmed, to faint, — taijsag mata : taijsag ^a ehpeya, to frighten very much. tai)-sag'-te-ya, v. a. to frighten very much, — taqsagtewaya. tar)-sai)'-ni, n. one side of the body, taq'-si-to-mni, n. the whole body. tai)'-si-to-inni-yai), adv. all over the body. tar)-smi'-yar)-yar), adv. alone, deprived of every thing : ta^smiyaijya^ maqka, / am de- prived of all. tar)-sini'-yar)-yar)-ka, n. one who is alone, without relations. taq-si'-ea, adj. ugly, deformed, — taqma^ica. tarj-sii)', n. the fat on the ribs. tar)-sna', adj. alone, single, unmarried, without one's family : tai)4na waui), / am alone; wida- taij^na, an unmarried man ; witag^na, a single woman, a virgin. tar)-sna'-na, adj. alone, without one's family : taijsnana ui)hipi, we have come alone. tajj '-tar)-hai), adj. from the body ; near to one. tar)-tar)'-yar), adv. red. of taijyaij. tar)-te'-6a, n. a species of red berry that grow* on a climbing plant. TAIJ 196 TAS tar)-te'-ea-hu, n. the vine producinp the taqteda. tai)-toi)', V. n. to have a body, be in the body ; to be substantial, as some kinds of food. tai)-toi)'-ka, adj. increasing in bulk, as rice, etc., by cooking ; famishing much nourishment for the qtmntity. tan-toi)'-sni, v. n. to have no body, as a spirit ; to be unsubstantial, as some kinds of food. tai)-toi)'-sni-yai), v. a. to annihilate, — ^tagtofl- sniwaya. tar)-toi)'-sni-yai), adv. without body, unsubstan- tially. tar)-tor)'-yai), adv. visibly, bodily: taqto^yaij hai), it stands visibly. tai)-'wa'-ste, adj. of fine form, handsome, — tag- mawaste. tai)-yani', adv. tapyam ia, to take one's part, speak for one ; i. q. iciya. tai)'-yar), adv. well : tagyaq ui), to be well ; ta^- yaq ecoi), to do any thing well ; taijyai) iyei^iya* to be fortunate. tai)'-yai)-ken, adv. well. tai)-ya'-ta-ki-ya, adv. towards one: taijyata- kiya hiyu, to come towards one. tar)-yeR', cont. of tai)ye]iii). tar)-ye'-Mr), adv. very well. tajQ-za'-ni, adj. healthy, in health, sound, not in- jured in body. tai)-za'-m-ya-ke, adv. without injuring : taq- zaniyake kata, to kill without injuring the skin or fiesh. tar)-za'-ni-yar), adv. whole, not wounded. ta-o', V. a. to wound by shooting, wound, but not Mil, — tawao. ta-o'-ki-ye, n. his disciple or assistant, — mitao- kiye : taokiyeya, to have for one's servant or helper. ta-o'-pi, part, wounded ; a wounded person or animal. ta-o'-UQ-ye, n. his dwelling. ta-o'-ya-te, n. Ms people, — mitaoyate. ta'-pa', n. a deer's head. ta-pa', V. a. to follow after one wbo has gone ; to follow, as game ; to pursue, as an enemy, — tawapa. ta'-pa, n. a ball, such as the Dakotas use in playing. ta-pa'-ga, n. the diaphragm of deer, etc ta-pa'-hdo-ge-zu, n. the holes in an animaPs head communicating with the nostrils ; an edible . plant having a pod somewhat like that of the Datura stramonium or Jamestown weed. ta-pa'-ksii), n. the kidneys of buffalo, etc. ta-pa'-za-hu, n. a species of plant having a pod. ta-pe'-te, n. the upper part of the. back across (he $hQuld(rs, -y::-'.'!:: ta-pe'-te-pa, adv. at the back. ta-pe'-te-pa-tai)-har), adv. at or on the back. ta-pi', n. the liver of animals. ta-po', n. the duodenum ; one of the stomachs of . ruminating animals ; the crop of fowls. See tatapo. ta-poi)', n. the cheek. ta-pog'-hu, n. the cheek-bone. ta-po'-pu-ska, n. tadpoles. ta-po'-sko-hna-ka, v. n. to put any thing on one's back under the blanket, — tapo^kowahnaka. ta-psi'-psi-za, v. red. of tapsiza. ta-psis', cont. of tapsiza ; tapsis hiqhda, to bubble up, as water when any thing is thrown in, or spontaneously. ta-psi'-za, v. n. to bubble up, come up, as bubbles on water. ta-pta'-he-za, n. black currants, Ribes fioridum. See c'aptaheza. ta-pui)', n. See tapoi). ta-sag', cont. of tasaka ; tasag hnaka, to expose for the purpose of hardening. ta-sag'-ya, v. a. to cause to harden, — tasagwaya. ta-sag'-ya, adv. in a hardened state : tasagya hnaka, to lay away in a hard state. ta-sa'-ka, adj. stiff, hard, frozen, hardened by cooling, whether at a temperature above or below the freezing point ; hard, as tallow ; cold, as, nape matasaka, my hands are cold. ta-sa'-ka-cai), «. a kind of wood, a sjiecies of hard pine. ta-sa'-pa, n. tlie black bear, in the sacred dialect. ta-ska', n. taska wanuQyaqpi and tahigda ska wanuijyaiipi, sheep. ta-ska'-kpa, «. the woodlouse. ta-ska'-tpa, n. the woodlouse. ta-spar)', n. the red haw. ta-spar)'-hu, n. the hawthorn. ta-spai)'-sdo-sdo-daQ, n. the dwarf red haw. ta-spar) '-taQ-ka, n. the crab apple, Pyrus coro- naria ; the common apple, Pyrus malus. ta-spar)'-tar)-ka-hu, «. the crab tree ; the apple tree. ta-su'-su-o-zu-ha, n. a shot-pouch. ta-sa'-ka, n. the hoofs or nails of deer. ta-si'-sa-ke, n. the nails or hoofs of animals, used by the Dakotas for rattles. ta-si'-ya-ka, n. the pylorus or lower orifice of the stomach of ruminating animals ; the large intestines. ta-si'-ya-ka-po-po-pa, n. a species of bird. ta-ska'-dar), n. the box-elder, Acer negundo. Same as cag^u^ka. ta-sko'-zu, n, a grove of timber, thickly timbered land. TAS 197 TAW ta-sna'-he-ca, n. the prairie ground-squirrel. ta-sna'-he-ea-ho-ta, n. the grey ground-squir- rel. ta-spu', n. the stem, as of a pumpkin ; a knob, a button. See mazataipu. ta-spu'-dai), n. a knob, a button, the head of a pin. ta'-ta, adj. dull, blunt, bruised up. ta-ta'-hpa, n. the breast and neck of animals. ta-ta'-mni, n. that which surrounds the foetus, the womb of animals. ta-tai)'-ka, n. the male buffalo, tlie Bos, or Bison americanus ; the common ox. ta-ta'-po, n. the duodenum of ruminating ani- mals. ta-ta'-^wa-mdu-ska, n. the horse-Jig. ta-ta'-^wa-mdu-ska-daQ, n. the horse-fly. ta-te', n. air in motion, wind. ta-te'-dar)-se-ea, n. the essence of peppermint. ta-te '-i-yu-mni, n. a whirlwind. ta-te'-ka-s'a, v. the wind whistles. ta-te'-o-u-ye, n. a quarter of the heavens : tate ouye topa, the four quarters of the heavens. ta-te '-yar)-pa, v. n. it blows ; the wind blows. ta-te'-yai)-pa, n. wind. ta'-to, n. cumfrey, a root with a long branching stalk, the stem of which is eaten by the Dakotas. ta-to'-har), adv. up stream. ta-to'-he-ki-ya, adv. against the wind or cur- rent, up stream. ta-to'-he-ya, adv. against the wind, up stream : tatoheya uijyaijpi, we go up stream. ta-to'-ka, n. the big horned antelope. Perhaps the goat of the Rocky Mountains, or the Antelope rupicapra. ta-to'-ka-dar), n. the gazelle or prairie antelope, the Antelope dorcas, somewhat smaller than the common deer. They go in companies, and are very fleet. ta-to'-wam, cont. of tatowapa ; up stream : ta- towam uqyagpi. ta-to'-Vira-pa, adv. up stream, up the river. ta-to'-"wa-pa-tar)-har), adv. from above, from up stream. ta-tpe', V. to come to, come upon, attack, make an attack on, — tawatpe, tauijtpepi. ta-tpe '-hi, v. to com^ to attack, — tatpewahi. ta-tpe'-i, V. to have been to attack, — tatpewai. ta-tpe '-y a, v. to go to attack, — tatpemda : tatpe iyaya, to have gone to attack ; tatpe u, to come to attack. ta-tpe'-ya, adv. attacking. ta'-vra, pron. his, hers, its, — mitawa, nitawa. ta-'Wa'-oir), n. the mind, will, understanding, disposition, purpose, thought, — mitawacifl. ta-"wa'-eir)-hii)-yai)'-za, adj. morose. ta-"wa'-cir)-ki-cur), v. n. to be resolute, obstinate, have a mind of one's own, — tawaciflwe^uq. ta--wa'-eir)-ki-ciii)'-yaq, adv. resolutely. ta-'wa'-eirj-si-ea, adj. of a bad disposition, — ta- waciijmasica. ta-'wa'-eir)-"wa-ste, adj. of a good disposition, — tawacii) mawa^te. ta-vra'-gai), n. a step-son ; a step-father. ta-'wa'-gaij-ku, n. his step-son or step-father. ta-"wa'-gar)-ya, v. a. to have for tawagai), — ta- wagaqwaya. ta-vra'-he-ea, n. a swelling, a bubo. ta-Tva'-korj-ze, n. his influence or purpose. This is used for the Spirit of God, — nitawakoijze. ta-'wa'-mni-pa, n. the seven stars, in the con- stellation Taurus. ta-vraQ'-ka, v. n. to be willing to undertake, dis- posed to do or attempt. Generally this is used in • the negative, as, tawagka ini, not to be disposed to, — tamuijka ^ni. ta-Tvag'-zi, n. one of any thing, a pair : tanoq- pa, two of any thing, two pairs ; tayamni, three pairs. ta-"wa'-te-ca, v. See tawatenya. ta-"W"a'-ten-ki-ya, v. a. to be willing to have such a thing happen to one, — tawatenwakiya, ta- watenciciya. ta-vra'-ten-ya, v. a. to be willing for &ny thing, desirous to do or suffer, — tawatenwaya, tawajen- uijyaqpi. ta'-"wa-si, w. a helper ; a helpmate; a friend. ta'-vra-si-tku, jj. his or her helper or friend. ta'-vra-si-ya, v. a. to have for helper, — tawa^i- waya. ta'-Ava-ya, v. a. to possess any thing, have for one's own, — tawawaya, tawauqyaqpi. ta-'wa'-zu-zu-he-ea, n. intestinal worms, lum- brici. ta-xwi'-eu, n. his wife. See tawii). ta-"W"i'-cu-tor), v. to have a wife, be married, — tawicuwatoi), tawicuugtoiipi. ta'-vri-no-Mir), n. a man's sister, — mitawino- htii), nitawinohtii). ta'-Tvi-no-Mig-ya, v. a. to have for tawinohtiij, — tawinohtig waya. ta-Tvir)', n. a wife, used only with the pro- nouns : mitawii), my wife ; nitawiij, thy wife. ta-vrig'-ya, v. a. to have sexual intercourse with a woman, — tawiqwaya, tawigmayaij. ta-wi'-toi), or ta-wir)toi), v. a. to have sexual intercourse with a woman, — tawiwatoi), tawiuq- toqpi. The former orthography is preferred. ta-"wi'-ye-dai), «. the female of the common deer, a doe or hind. TAW 198 TIC ta-'won', n. something to eat, food : tawon manica : tawon toi], to have food. ta-zu'-ka, n. white walnuts, butternuts. ta-zu'-ka-hu, n. the butternut-tree, white walnut, the Juglans cinerea. ta'-za, n. waves. ta'-za, adj. rough, as water agitated ; nina tara, very rough. ta-zo'-pa-'wi-'wi, n. waves without white caps. ta-zu'-ska, n. the ant, ants, the emmet. te, adj. blue stained. See ate. te'-ca, adj. new, — mateca, niteca, uijtecapi. t'e'-ea, ac?;'. warm, lukewarm, tepid, as v/ater. See it'eca. te'-ea-ya, adv. newly. te'-ca-ya, v. a. to make new, renew, — tecawaya. te'-ea-ya-ken, adv. newly. te-han'-war)-kan, adv. high up, very high. te-han'-"W"ar)-kan-tu, adv. very high. te-han'-"war)-kan-tu-ya, adv. very high. * te-han'-'war)-kan-tu-ya-ken, adv. loftily, high up. te'-hai), adj. far ; long, used both in regard to time and place : tehaq wai, / have been to a great distance ; tehai) waqmdaka, / saw it a long time. te'-harj-hai), adv. red. of tehaij. te'-har)-tar)-har), adv. from afar. te'-hai)-tu, adv. far off, to or at a great distance. te'-har)-tu-ya, adv. afar, far off. te'-har)-tu-ya-ken, adv. far off. te-M', adj. difficult, hard to be done or endured. te-M'-M-ka, adj. red. of tehika. te-hi'-hi-ya, adv. red. of tetiya. te-M'-ka, adj. hard to do or bear, difficult ; dear, costly, valuable ; hard to get along with, un- reasonable,— mateMka. te-M'-ke-da, v. a. to think hard or difficult ; to value very much, — tehikewada, tefiikeuijdapi. te-M'-ke-da-ka, v. Same as teBiikeda. te-M'-ke-kl-da, v. pos. of teiikeda ; to value one's own, — teliikewakida. te-M'-ke-ki-da-ka, v. Same as teiikekida. te-Mr)'-da, v. a. to forbid any one's doing or having a thing, forbid any course of conduct, prohibit, hinder ; to value very much, to be spar- ing of, — tewahigda, teyahiijda, teui)hir)dapi. te-hi'-ya, adv. hardly, with difficulty ; badly : tehiya ecoi), to do with difficulty, to do badly ; tehi sni ecoq, to do a thing easily. te-M'-ya-ken, adv. with difficulty. te-M'-ya-ku-Ava, v. a. to follow after for evil, to treat badly, to persecute. te-hmi'-SO, n. a leather string, a thong. te-Rpi', n. a skin with the hair taken off worn as a blanket. te- ma-hen, adv. deep, far within. te'-ma-hen-tu, adv. far down, deep down. te'-ma-hen-tu-ya, adv. deeply, deep down. tem-ki'-ei-ya, v. of temya ; to eat up provisions of any kind /or another, — temwec'iya. tem-ki'-ya, v. a. to eat up one's own ; to eat up another'^s or for another, — temwakiya, temuijki- yapi, temmakiya. te-mni', v. n. to sweat ; to pant, give out, always including the idea of sweating, — temamni, teni- mni, teuijmnipi. te-mni '-t a, v. n. to sweat very profusely, to die of sweating : temni mata nup seda, it seems as if I should die of sweating. te-sdag', cont. of tesdaka. te-sdag'-ki-tor), v. to put on or wear a crown or filet on the head, — te^dagwetoi). te-sdag'-toi), v. to put on or wear a fillet around the head, — tesdagwatoq. See watesdake. te-sda'-ka, v. to wear, as a crown or fillet, around the head, — tawasdaka. te-te', n. the rim of a kettle, the rim or lip of any tiling. te-te', adj. red. of te ; blue, grape-colored, te-te '-nl-ea, «. the blue jay. te-"war)'-har)-kaii, adv. high up. te--war)'-har)-kan-tu, adv. up high. te--war)'-har)-kaii-tu-ya, adv. high up. te--war)'-har)-kan-tu-ya-ken, adv. up high. te-warj'-kan, adv. high up. The better form is tewaijhaijkan. Tewaijkantu and tewaijkantuya are sometimes used, but not very correctly ; te- wai)hai)kantu, etc., are better. te-'wa'-pa, n. an esculent root, growing in the water, which the Dakotas boil and eat. te-'wa'-pa-a-he, «. a plant somewhat like the tewapa, but not eaten. te-"wa'-pa-hu, n. the stalk of the tewapa. te-'wl'-ea-mni, n. of temni ; sweating. te'-ya, n. When a man has more than one wife, one calls the other teya. te'-ya-ki-6i-ya-pi, ». those who stand in the relation of teya to each other. te'-ya-ku, n. her teya. te'-ya-ya, v. a. to have one for teya, — teyawaya, teyamayai). te-zi', n. the stomach or paunch of animals ; the gizzard of fowls ; tfie belly. te-zi'-ksi-ze, n. the fat around the paunch. ti, V. n. to live, dwell, abide, — wati, uijtipi. ti, n. a house. See tipi. ti'-a-no-ka-tar)-hai), adv. on both sides of the house. ti'-ca. See patica, to scrape off.' ti-6a'-bu-dai), n. the pheasant. TIC 199 TIY ti-ea'-ga, v. to put up a tent, pitch a tent ; to build a house, — tiwakaga, tiuqkagapi. ti-ca'-har), part, scraped off. ti'-ca-ni-ee, n. See tic'anicetaqka. ti'-ca-ni-ee-tar)-ka, n. a species of curlew. ti-ea'-tku, n. the part of tJie tent or house oppo- site the door, the place of honor. ti-ea'-tku-ta, adv. opposite the door. ti-ea'-"wa-har), part, scraped off. ti-ee', n. the top of a tent or house, the comb ; the hole where the smoke goes out : tide iyakaska, to tie up to the top of a tent. ti-ee'-ir)-kpa, n. the top of a tent, the ridge of a house. ti-ce'-ska, n. the top of a tent, the ridge of a house. ti-ee '-ska-o-lido-ka, n. the hole at the top of the tent by which the smoke escapes. ti'-dax), V. kici tidag, to take sides with one on a question, to be on the same side in a game : mi^- nana watidai), / am alone, that is, no one takes my side, — ur)tipidai). ti'-har)-inde, v. See tihaijmdeya. ti'-hag-mde-ya, v. to have been acquainted with in a former state of existence, — tihai)mde- waya. ti-hdo'-ni-ca, I', to forbid one's house, to prevent others from coming in, — tiwahdonica. ti-hu'-fia, «. the poles of a tent left standing, the skeleton of a tent. ti'-ha-ha, n. the manyplies or omasum of ani- mals. ti-kti'-ea, adj. thick, stiff as mush ; sticky. Hence, cai)hai)pi tiktic'a, molasses. ti'-ma-hen, adv. within, in the house or inclo- sure. ti'-ina-he-tai)-har), adv. from within. ti'-ma-he-tu, adv. toithin. ti-ma'-ta, v. to ask for, beg : timata hi, to come begging. ti-mdo', n. a woman's elder brother, my elder brother : nitimdo, thy elder brother. ti-mdo'-ku, n. her elder brother. ti-mdo '-y a, v. a. to have for elder brother, — ti- mdowaya. tin, adv. cont. (ti and en) in the house : tin yaijka, he is in the house ; also, cont. of tiijta, as, tin- ma^tiijda, the hare. ti'-na-zi-pe, n. of itazipe ; his bow, — mitinazipe, nitinazipe. tin '-ear) -nan, adv. out on the prairie. tin'-kte, v. to kill in the house, to commit homi- cide, in distinction from killing in war, — tinwakte, tinwicakte. tin'-ma-stir)'-ea, n. the hare, rabbit of the prairie, the Lepus timidus. in' "wa-ki-ye-dar), n. the house-pigeon ; the turt.e dove. tin'-'wl-ea-kte, v. a. to commit murder, — tinwi- cawakte. Also, a murderer. tin'--wi-ca-kte-pi, n. murder. tiX)'-ak.o, adv. how large? tii)'-sko-ke-ca, adv. how big? how large? tir)'-sko-sko-ke-ca, adv. red. of tiijskokeca. tii)'-sko-sko-ya, adv. red. of tiijskoya. tig'-sko-ya, adv. how far around? how exten- sively ? tiri'-sko-dai), arfv. of what size? how small? tir)'-ta, n. land without timber, the prairie, til) '-tan, adv. on or at the prairie. tin'-ta-O-skan, adv. on the prairie, far from dwellings. tir)'-ta-pa, adv. belonging to the prairie ; as, tiijtapa wicasta, men of the prairie ; tiijtapa ia, to speak as the men of the prairie do. tir)'-ta-ta, adv. at or on the prairie. tir)'-ta-ta-pa, adv. at the prairie. tir)'-ta-"wa-pa, ac?v. on or towards the prairie. tir)t'-0-skai), adv. on the prairie. ti'-pa. See yutipa. ti-pa'-har), part, drawn up, cramped ; crisped. ti'-pa-hir), n. of ipahir) ; his pillow. ti-pa'-wa-har), jiart. drawn up, cramped. ti'-pi, n. a tent, house, dwelling, abode. ti'-pi-vra-kai), n. a sacred house, a church. ti'-psir), n. See tipsiijna. ti'-psiQ-na, n. the Dakota turnip, a bulbous root much eaten by the Dakotas in the beginning of summer. It grows on the high dry prairies. ti'-psiQ-na-ska, n. the white turnip. ti'-psir)-na-zi, n. the rutabaga. ti'-ska-kai), n. of i^kakaq ; the large sinew in the neck of animals. ti'-sko-na-gi, n, of iskonagi {the ghost of the leg) ; the bunch of hair growing on the inside of a deer's leg. ti'-sti, n. of isti ; the lower lip of animals. Ti'-tor)-'war), n. the name of the bands of Da- kotas living on and beyond the Missouri. They probably compose a majority of the whole nation. Their language difiers from the dialects of the other bands, especially in their use of I for d. ti'-tor)-"war)-se, adj. proud, haughty, because the Titoijwaijs are thought to be so. ti-ur)'-na-ptar)-yar), n. the sides of a house, sides of the roof. ti-wa'-he, n. a household, including persons as well as things. ti-"Wo'-ta-he-dar), adv. away from any house. ti-yan', cont. of tiyata. ti-ya'-ta, adv. at the house, at home. TIY 200 TOI ti-ya'-ta-kl-ya, cdv. towards the house : tiyata- kiya wahde kta, / will go towards home. ti-yo'-he, n. a household. ti-yo'-hna-ka, n. the household. ti-yo'-ki-ta-he-dar), adv. between houses. ti-yom', cont. of tiyopa. ti-yom'-ya, v. a. to have or use for a door, — tiyomwaya. ti-yo'-pa, n. a door, the place of entrance ; that which covers the entrance in a Dakota tent, a door. ti-yo'-pa-i-yo-ka-tku-ge, n. a nail, nails. So called perhaps from their being first used among the Dakotas only in making doors. ti-yo'-pa-ta, adv. at the door. ti-yo'-tl, V. to set up a soldiers' lodge, — tiyoiig- tipi. ti-yo'-ti-pi, n. a soldiers' lodge. This is esta- blished for the purpose of making laws and pro- viding for their execution. The object is generally to regulate the buffalo chase. ti-yo'-tot)-'wai), v. to look into a house. ti-3ni'-kar), v. to leave the house. Said when the women and children leave the tent for the men to feast in. tka, V. a. to scrape the hair off a hide, — watka, ugtkapi. tka, cmij. cont. of tuka ; hut. tka'-pa, adj. adhesive, clammy. tke, adj. heavy, tke'-i-jru-ta, v. a. to take up and feel the weight, to weigh, — tkeimduta. tke-tke', adj. red. of tke. tke-u'-ta, V. a. to weigh any thing, — tkeuwata. tke-u'-ta-pi, n. og tkeutapi, scales, a steel-yard. tke'-ya, adv. heavily : tkeya ^q, she carries heavily. tkir), adj. damp, said of a less degree of wet than is denoted by spaya. tkir)'-tkir), red. of tkii). tki-tka', adj. slushy, as snow when soft. tki-tka'-tka, adj. red. of tkitka. tkor)-sa', n. a cipher, in arithmetic. tkor)-sa', a. even, just, exactly : wikcemna nom tkoijsa, just twenty. tkoij-se'-dar), adj. even, in numbers, as twenty, thirty, etc. tkori'-za, adj. even. See tkoi)sa. tku. See yutku, natku, etc. tku'-ga. See katkuga. tku-ga'-hai), part, broken off. tku-ga'-vra-har), part, broken off. tkuQ-sa', adj. even, just so muck. See tkoijsa. tkuQ-sa'-ya, adv. evenly. tkurjs-ya', adv. evenly. tkur)'-za, adj. even, sqttare with. tku-tku', red. of tku. tku-tku'-ga, red. of tkuga. tku-tku'-ga-hai), part, broken off in several plates. tku-tku'-ga-"wa-har), part, broken off. tku-"wa'-har), part, broken off, as a spoon- handle, flawed : tkuwahe se mahiqhda ; said when one's legs are very tired and refuse further support. to, adv. interrog. cont. of toke(5a ; why ? This is used at the end of the sentence ; as, edanofl ^ni to, why don't you do it ? to, adj. blue ; green, and the intermediate shades. to, for ta, pron. Used in some cases when the noun commences with wo, as, wodagniye, anger ; tocaqniye, his anger. to'-eai)-te-ptaQ-ye, n. his wrath. tog, cont. of toki and tokeca. tog'-e-hpe-ki-ya, v. a. to lose any thing, throw away one knows not where, — togehpewakiya. tog'-e-hpe-ya, v. a. to lose any thing, — toge- hpewaya, togehpeuijyagpi. tog-hda', V. a. to count as a stranger, not to be familiar with, to be shy of, — togwahda, toguq- hdapi : toghda &m, to be familiar with. tog-tog'-ye, adv. red. of togye ; in different ways. tog-ye', adv. in a different manner, differently. to-han', adv. when, at what time ? to-han'-han, adv. red. of tohan ; at what times t to-han'-tu, adv. when? to-han'-tu-ka-sta, adv. whenever, at any time. to-han'-tu-ya-ka-sta, adv. whenever. to-hai)', adv. how far, to what place, where? to-hai)'-har), adv. red. of tohaq ; at what places ? how far ? to-hai)'-hai)-ke-ea, adv. red. of tohagkeca. to-hai)'-har)-yar), adv. red. of tohaijyag. to-hag'-ke-ea, arff. how fon^r .? usually referring to space. to-har)'-yai), adv. how long, to what time ? how far, to what place ? to '-he, n. his place, his camp. to'-hii)-ni, adv. when ? This word is an inter- rogative, always referring to past time ; as, to- liiijni yahdi he, when didst thou come home? With ' sni ' following, it is used affirmatively, and means never ; as, tohiqni ecamoi) ^ni, / never did it. to'-ho-"wir)-ni, adv. See tohiijni, which seems to be the better orthography. to'-hta-nl, n. his or her work, — mitohtani, nito- htani. See widohtani. ^o'-i-yo-ki-tar)-ir), n. his manifestation. TOK 201 TOK to-ka', adv. at the first. to'-ka, n. an enemy, one of a hostile nation. to'-ka, adv. See t6kadai) : toka e($amoi) ^ni, I cannot do it. to'-ka-dai), adv. with ini following, in no way ; as, tokadai) ecamoq ^ni, / could do it in no way. to-ka'-dar), «. the prairie dog, a kind of fox. to-kag'-e-har), adv. at the first, formerly. to-ka'-har), v. n. to travel foremost, to be fore- most,— tokawahai). to-ka '-he, n. the first, the beginning. to-ka'-he-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to go before, — tokaliewakiya. to-ka'-he-ya, n. the first. to-ka'-he-ya, adv. at the first, before : tokaheya ya, to go before. to'-ka-hu, n. the thistle, Carduus lanceolaius. to-kah', adv. at the first. to-ka'-Mf), adv. at the first, the very first. to-ka'-Ma, n. See tokahtayetu. to-ka'-hta-ye-tu, n. the first of the night, dusk. to'-ka-ki-ei-ya-pi, n. enemies, those who are at variance loith each other. to'-ka-kl-eor), v. of tokoi) ; to do to, for one : to- kamiyecoi), what hast thou done with it for me ? — tokawecor), tokacicor), John xiii. 12. to-ka'-ke-har), adv. at the first. See tokagehai). to-kam', cont. of tokapa ; kahin tokam ya, to go before, break the road. to'-ka-mor), v. Ist pers. sing, of tokoij. to'-ka-no-ge, n. {enemies'' ears), a species of red fungus growing on logs. to'-ka-nor), v. 2d pers. sing, of tokoi). to-kar)', n. another, as, another person : tokaq tawa, it is another^. to-kar)', arfv. in another place, elsewhere ; another way : tokai) ui), to be somewhere else ; tokai) ehnaka, to put somewhere else. to-kar)'-kar), red. of tokaq. to-kar) '-tar)-hai), arfi). from another source, place, or person. to-kaij'-yar), adv. having reference to another place. to-ka'-o-hdo-ka. See tokawohdoka and toka- yuhdokeca. to-ka'-pa, n. the first, first bom, eldest, — mato- kapa, nitokapa, ui)tokapapi. to-ka'-pa-tar)-haQ, adv. ahead, before ; i. q. tokata taijhai). to-ka'-ta, adv. before, ahead, forioard ; future, yet to come : tokata ihai), to be yet future. to-ka'-ta, n. the future : tokata ekta. to-ka'-tam, adv. cont. of tokatapa : tokatam yeye ciq, in future, what is ahead. 26 to-ka'-ta-pa, adv. in advance, in future. to-ka'-ta-pa-tar)-har), adv. ahead, future. to-ka'-ta-Ava-pa, adv. in advance, ahead. to-ka'-tor)-pi, n. first birth, one's birth. to-ka'-VTO-Rdo-ka, n. an inventor. See toka- yuhdokeo'a. to'-ka-ya, v. a. to count one as an enemy, — t6ka- waya, tokanijyaijpi, tokamayai). , to-ka'-3ru-Rdo-ke-ca, v. to invent any thing, — tokamduhdokeca. to'-ke, adv. how ? John ix. 8. to'-ke-ca, adj. different, another : wica^ta tokeca, another man, — matokeca, nitokeda, uqtokecapi : tomakeca, tonikeca, toui)kecapi — with this use of the pronouns it expresses the idea of how am I? etc. to'-ke-ca, adv. why, wherefore ? tokeca hec'anoi) he, why did you do it ? hetai)hai) tokeca, it makes no difference. to'-ke-ca-ce, adv. why ? to'-ke-ea-e, adv. why ? to'-ke-ca-ka-cen, adv. for no reason. to'-ke-eil), adv. any how. to'-ke-eir)-6ir), adv. any how, as one pleases : tokeciqciq waui), I do just as I please. tO-keR', adv. however, at any rate, at all events, any how : tokeh da esta ciyahna waui) kta, go where you will I will be with you ; tokeh ecanoi) e^ta duhe kte ^ni, do as you will you shall not have it. to'-ke-hir), adv. howsoever. See tokeh. to'-ken, adv. how, in what toay ? to'-ken-eir)-eir), adv. in any way, as it happens. to'-ken-ken, adv. red. of token. to'-ken-ken-tu, adv. in whatever way. to'-ken-ken-tu-ya, adv. in tvhat way soever. to'-ken-tken, adv. See tokenkcn. to'-ke-tu, adv. how is it ? as it is : toketu kii) ecen omdake kta, / will tell it as it is ; toketu he, how is it ? what is the matter? toniketu, how is it with thee ? used in inquiring of one who is sick, how are you ? toketu taijii) sni, how it is is not manifest, an expression often used when a thing ia doubtful : toketu kakes, as it happens ; toketu ka^ta, at all events, at any rate ; toketu kasta mde kta, whatever happens I will go. to'-ke-tu-ya, adv. toketuya ka^ta, in whatever way ; toketuya ke^, at random : toketuya kakeiS. to'-kes, adv. tokes he niye se wacaijmi, I thought that was you ; tokes he miye mi^ica, as though I meant myself, that is, / do not mean myself. to'-ke-sta, adv. of assent ; presently, at any rate : tokesta ecamoi) kta, / loill do it presently. to'-ki, adv. where? somewhere: toki skadaq, no- where. TOK 202 TOP to-kl'-ei-eor), v. of toki^oij ; to take vengeance on for one, — toweci(Joq, toui)lrici(Joi)pi. to-ki'-ei-ksu, v. of toksu ; to transport for one, — toweciksu, touijkicik^upi. to'-ki-6or)-ze, n. his law or determination. to-ki'-dor), v. a. to revenge, take vengeance on, — towe(Joi), toui)ki(Joi)pi. to'-ki-dar), adv. where ; used with ^ni, nowhere: tokidai) mde kte sni, / will go nowhere ; tokidaq wai sni, / went nowhere. to'-kl-e-hpe-ki-ya, v. a. to drop somewhere, lose any thing, — tokiehpewakiya. to'-ki-e-hpe-ya, v, a. to lose, drop somewhere, — tokiehpewaya, tokiehpeuijyaripi. to'-ki-i-ya-ye-s'a, n. one who is gone much ; a strumpet ; i. q. inaimaqpi. to-kir)', adv. oh that, I wish ; tokiq mduhen, oh that I had it. An ' n ' follows the use of this word, commonly at the end of the sentence or phrase, as in ' mduhen ' of the above example. tO-kiQs', adv. well, with difficulty : tokiijs ma^u. to'-ki-ska-dai), adv. nowhere : toki skad. to'-ki-ya, adv. where ? in what place ? to'-ki-yam, adv. cont. of tokiyapa ; where ? in what direction ? to'-ki-ya-pa, adv. where ? to'-kl-ya-tar)-har), adv. whence, from what place ? to'-ki-ya-'wa-pa, adv. where, in what place ? to-ki-yo'-pe-ki-ci-ya-pi, n. barter, exchange. to-ki-yo'-pe-ki-ya, v. a. to barter, exchange one thing for another with one, — tokiyopewakiya : tokiyopeciciya, / exchange with thee. to-ki-yo'-pe-ya, v. a. to barter, exchange one thing for another, — tokiyopewaya, tokiyopeuij- yaijpi. to-ki'-yo-tai), adv. in what direction ? how or in what manner it is or will be : tokiyotai) taijii) tei, it does not appear how it is. to-ki'-yo-tag-hat), adv. in what direction, from what course ? to'-kor), V. a. to do, — tokamog, tokanog, tokui)- t:oppi : takudai) tokamoq sni, / am doing no- thing. to-ko'-yu-star), v. a. to displace, dislocate, put one in the place of another, — tokomdusta^, toko- mayustafl. to'-ksa-pe, n. his wisdom, — nitoksape. tok'-sta, adv. See tokesta. to-ksu', V. a. to transport, carry, draw ; to go back and bring, — towaksu, touijksupi. tok-tog'-ye, adv. red. of togye ; in different ways. tok-to'-ke-ea, adj. red. of tokeca ; different. torn, cont. of topa ; four. tom'-na-na, adv. only four. tom'-tom, adv. red. of torn ; by fours, four and four. to'-na, adv. how many ? which ? tona ee he, which are they ? to'-nag-na, adv. how many ? otoiyohi tonagna yuhapi kta, how many shall each one have ? to'-nag-nag, adv. how many ? tonagnag yuhapi kte. to'-nag-na-ke-ca, adv. red. of tonakeca ; how many ? to'-nag-na-na, adv. red. of tonana. to'-na-ka, adv. how many ? nitonakapi, how many are there of you ? to'-na-ke-ca, adv. how many ? how much ? to'-na-ki-ya, adv. how many, how many times ? in how nmny ways ? to'-na-na, adv. a few : tonana hiij, very few ; Ufltonanaqpidaq, we are few. to'-nai)g-nar)g, cont. See tonagnag. tojT), V. a. to have, to give birth to, as, c'iijca toij, to have a child, to possess, acquire, — watoij, ui)- to^pi. tor), V. n. to form pus, to suppurate : tog kta. tor), n. matter, pus : toi) yuke kta. torj'-har), v. a. to be afraid of, — toijwahag, tog- ui)hai)pi, toijmahag. tor)'-he-ea, v. a. to be afraid of, as of a person or animal, — toijwaheca. tor)'-na, v. dim. of toq ; to have ; used in speaking of children, — watoijna, yatoijna. tor)'-pl, n. birth, — matoflpi, uijtoijpi. tor)-ska', n. a nephew, my nephew, — mitog^ka, nitoQska. The women say to^ka. tOT)-ska'-ku, n. his nephew. tor)-ska'-ya, v. a. to have for nephew, — tog^ka- waya. tor) '-tor), v. red. of toi). toi)-tor)'-tar)-ka, n. the bull-frog, Jiana ocel- lata. tor)-'war)', v. n. to look, see, — watogwag, ui)tog- waijpi. tor)-"war)'-hai), part, looking, seeing : toijwaij- har) mai)ka. tor)-Avag'-yar), v. n. to make a village, dwell at a place, — toijwaguijyagpi. torj-'we'-ya, v. a. to cause one to see, give sight to, — togwewaya. tor)-"we'-ya, v. n. to go to see, to go as a spy, go before a war party to spy out the enemy, — tofl- wemda, toi)weugyai)pi. torj-yaj)', v. n. to suppurate. to'-o-pe, n. his law, — mitoope, nitoope. See woope. to'-pa, num. adj. four. TOP 203 TUK to'-pa-ki-ya, adv. in four ways, four times. top'-to-pa, adj. red. of topa. to-ska'-dai), n. the common woodpecker. to-sti'-ea-du, n. See tusticadu and tuskicadii. tos, adv. yes, yea. Used by both men and women. to-ska', n. a nephew, my nephew, — mitoska, nito- ska. This form is used by the women. See toij^ka. to-ska'-ku, n. her nepheiv. to'-skarj-skai), n. his moving about ; his king- dom,— nitoskaijskai). to-ska'-ya, v. a. to have for toika, — toskawaya. to-su', n. a tent-pole, tent-poles. to-tar)'-har), adv. whence, from what place ? from what time ? to-to', adj. red. of to. to-to'-dar), n. blue beads ; green beads. to'-vra-kar), n. his wakaij or spirit. to-vra'-na-ke-ea, adv. so many, how many soever ; so much, by how much. to-'war)'-zi-ea, n. the blue sky, all blue. to'-'wa-or)-si-da, n. his mercy, — nitowaoi)^ida. to'-vra-s'a-ke, «. Ms power or strength, — nito- was'ake. to'-wa-ste, n. his goodness, — nitowaste. to'-'wi-ca-ke, n. his truth, — nitowic'ake. to'-'wirj-ze, n. his bed, — mitowiijie, nitowiijie. to-ya', V. a. to dye or paint any thing blue or green. to'-ya, adv. in a blue or green manner. to-ya'-ken, adv. in a blue or green form. to-zar)', n. a niece ; my niece when the person is addressed, — mitozai), nitozag. This form is used by tlie women, and tuiar) by the men. to-zar)'-ku, n. her niece. See tozaij. to-zar)'-ya, v. a. to have for a niece, — toiai)- waya. tpa, pos. prefix of some verbs, as, pagai), tpagai) ; patan, tpatai). tpa, adj. durable ; Iiaving the property of swell- ing ; said of things that increase in bulk by boil- ing, as corn, rice, etc. tpa and tpe, adj. noge tpa, deaf; lita. tpa, blind. This probably conveys the idea of putting out or piercing. See katpa. tpa-gar)', v. pos. of pagai) ; to leave or separate from one's own ; to spare or part with one^s own, — watpagaq, yatpagai), uijtpagaijpi. Same as kpagaij. tpa-hi', V. pos. of pahi ; to gather or pick up one's own, — watpahi, uijtpahipi. Same as kpahi. tpa-mde'-ea, v. pos. of pamdeca ; to break in pieces one's own, — watpamdeca. tpar), adj. soft, as dressed leather ; fine, as flour. tpar)'-na, adj. soft, fine. tpar)'-tpar)-na, adj. red. of tpaijna; soft. tpaq-yar)', v. a. to dress, as skins, m,akesoft, tan, as leather, — tpagwaya, tpaquriyaijpi. Same as kpaijyai). tpa-spa', V. to put out of sight, push under, as in water, i. q. paospa, — watpaspa. See atpaspa. tpas-ya', v. a. to make dark, — tpaswaya, tpas- ui)yai)pi. tpa'-ta, V. pos. of pata ; to carve or cut up one's own, as a slaughtered animal, — watpata, uijtpa- tapi. tpa-ta', v. a. pos. of pat4 ; to join together as skins in making one's own tent, — watpatfi.. tpa-tar)', v. a. pos. of pataq ; to keep choice, set store by one's own, be sparing of it, — watpatai), ui)- tpataqpi. tpa'-za, adj. dark. tpa'-za, n. darkness. See otpaza. tpe. Same as tpa. tpe'-ya, adv. tpeya haq, said of a hole which runs in straight : tpeya apa, to strike any thing and make a sound. tpi, adj. breaking open. See patpi. tpi-har)', part, cracked open of itself. tpi-tpi'-hai), part. red. of tpihag. tpu-tpa', adj. mixed up, slightly turbid, as water, i. q. mdezedai) sni. tpu-tpe'-ya, adv. in a roiled manner. tpu-tpu'-vra-har) and tpuvrahar), part, crum- bled. tuh-ma'-ga, n. bees ; wasps, hornets, etc. tuh-nia'-g;a-6ar)-hai)-pi, n. honey. tuh-ma'-ga-ce-sdl, n. bee^s-wax ; honey. tuh-ma'-ga-tarj-ka, n. the humble-bee. tu-ka', conj. but. tu'-ka. See katuka. tu-ka'-es, adv. but. tu-ka'-har), part, spoiled, destroyed, said of furs. tu-kag', n. See tuijkag. tu-kas', adv. but. See tukaes. tu-ka'-"wa-har), part, spoiled, said of furs. tu-ki'-ha, n. a spoon, a ladle : maza tukiha, a metallic spoon. tu-ki'-ha-sar), n. muscle shells ; muscles, oysters. tu-kta'. Same as tukte ; not in common use. tu-kta'-dar), adv. See tuktedag. tu-kte', pron. interrog. uhich ? uijma tukte, which of the two ? tukte eha;), when ? tukte e, which is it ? tu-kte'-dai), adv. with the negative im, nowhere : tuktedai) ui) ^ni, it is nowhere. tu-kte '-kte, prrni. red. of tukte. tu-kte '-kten, adv. red. of tukten ; sometimes, once in a while, now and then; in some places. tu-kten', adv. (tukte and en) where? in tohat place ? TUK 204 TUIJ tu-kte'-tu, adv. at what place ? turn, n. the whistling or whizzing sound made by a flying bullet. tuQ-kar)', n. a father-in-law : nitupkai), thy fa- ther-in-law ; tuijkaqku, his father-in-law : a grandfather. In the sacred language, a stone, and the moon. See tuijkaiiM and turikaijsidai). tui)-kar)'-ki-si-tku, n. his or her grandfather. tur)-kar)'-ksi-tku, n. Same as tuqkaijkisitku. tur)-kag'-ku, n. his or her father-in-law. See tur)kai). tui)-kar)'-si, n. my father-in-law : nituijkai), thy father-in-law ; nituijkaijsi, thy grandfather ; ni- tui)kai)4ipi, your father-in-law. tuQ-kaq'-si-deir), n. a grandfather, my grand- father : nituijkarisi, thy grandfather. tUI)-kar)'-si-daQ-ya, v. n. to have for grand- father,— tuijkai) sidai) waya. tur)-kar)'-si-na, n. (Ihaijk.) Same as tuijkaijsi- dai). tur)-kar)'-si-tku, n. his or Iter grandfather. tur)-kar)'-si-ya, v. a. to have for tuijkaijsi, — tui)kai)siwaya. tur)-kar)'-ya, v. a. to have for t\ir)ka,T), — tngkai)- waya. tvLQ-vrai)', n. a style of arrows, — mitu^wai), nituqwai). tun-'wl'-eu, n. his or her aunt. See tuijwii). tui)-vn.'-CU-ya, v. a. to have for one's aunt, — tugwicuwaya. tUQ-vrir)', m. aunt,my aunt ; miViX)\y'v[i, thy aunt. This word has the sense of aunt in English, though a mother's sisters are called ina, mother. tui)-'wir)'-ya, v. a. to have for aunt, — tugwii)- waya. tur)-zar)', n. a niece, my niece, — mitugiai), ni- tuqiai). Tuijzai) and tuzai) are both in good usage. A man's brother's children and a woman's sister's children are considered as children, and are not called tori^ka and tuqiaq. tuQ-zar)'-ku, «. his niece. tur)-zai)'-ya, v. a. to have for niece, — tuqiaij- waya. tu-par)'-k£L, n, the black bass. tu-sda', n. the leech. tu-ski'-ea-du, n. a fan. See tustidadu. tu-Sti'-ca-du, n. a fan ; a wing. tu-ta', adj. smarting, chapped by the wind : ite matuta, my face is chapped, til-tka', n. small insects. See watutka. tu-tka'-dai), n. small insects. tu-tka'-tka, n. small articles, trinkets. tu-tu'-pa, adj, slippery, ropy, slimy. Hence pe tutupa, the slippery elm.. tu'-vre, pron. interrog. who ? rarely which ? tu'-"we-dar), pron. used with ^ni following ; no one, nobody : tuwedai) eiioi) ^ni, no one did it. tu'-'we-ka-Sta, pron. whoever. tu'--we-ska and tu^w^eskadai), n. nobody. tu'-'we-ta-'wa, pron. whose ? tu'-'we-'we, pron. red. of tuwe. tu-zai)', n. a niece, my niece, — mituiai), nituiaq : tuiai)ku, his niece. See tui)iai). tu-zar)'-ku, n. his niece. See tuiaij. tu-zai)'-ya, v. a. to have for niece, — tuiaqwaya, tuiai)uijyai)pi. T. t, the twenty-fourth letter of the Dakota alphabet. It has the click sound of t, and corresponds to ''^,' 'W and 'p.' ta, V. n. to die, — mata, nita, uijtapi. ta'-ga, adj. rough. taBi-ta'-ga, adj. red. of taga ; rough, not smooth. ta-ta', adj. palsied, withered, numb, — matata. ta-ta'-ka, adj. palsied, — matataka. te, V. n. to die. See ta. te-ea.', adj. dead: ho ieoa, dead fish. te'-ca-kis and tecakisya, adv. in a dying state. te'-6a-ya and tecayaken, adv. in a dead state. te-ea'-ze-yar), adv. half dead. te'-ho-"Wa-ya, v. n. to cry out badly, to scream, — watehowamda. te'-ho-'wa-ye-ya, v. a. to cause to cry out, — te- h o way e waya. te-ki'-ya, v. a. to cause to die, — tewakiya. te-ko', V. See tekoq. te-kor)', V. to wish one dead, to imprecate, — \e- wakoq. te-ya', v. a. to cause to die, — tewaya. til), V. n. (Sisit.) to die, — matiq. Same as ta. tiq'-ga, V. n. to snivel, to grunt ; to labor, as a woman in travail, — watiqga, uqtiqgapi. til)-s'a', adv. fast, tightly, fixedly, permanently. tir)-s'a'-dar), adv. firmly, permanently, establish- ed : tiqs'adaq maqke ^ni, / am not established. tir)S-ya', v. a. to make firm, — tiqswaya : tiqsi- (Jiya, to restrain oneself, — tii)smi(Jiya. tir)S-ya', adv. firmly. tii)''Za, adj. stiff, as mud ; firm, hard, fast. tos'-ya, adv. of toia ; bluntly. to'-za, adj. dull, pointless. tur)g-ya', v. a. to suspect, have a suspicion of a thing,— tuqgwaya, tuqguqyaqpi. tur)'-ka, V. See tuqkec'a. tui)'-ke-6a, v. n. to be suspicious ; to be sus- pected,— matuqkeda. u 205 Ul^N u. U, the twenty-ffth letter of the Dakota alphabet, with the sound of EngUsh ' oo,' as in moon. When preceded by 'y,' or followed by a nasal ' 1),' it is somewhat modified. U, V. n. to come, to he coming, — wau, yau, uijku- Pi- u-ka', n. the skin, hide, especially the stin of a living animal. U-ki'-ta, V. pos. of uta ; to try, prove, as any new thing, — uqwakita, uui)kitapi. u-ki'-ya, v. a. to cause to come, — uwakiya. U-ku'-hu, intj. When a deer is brought into camp, the children shout ' ukuhu,' i. q. wahdi- as'api. U-ku'-hu-hu, intj. When an elk is brought in they sing ' ukuhuhu.' — S. W. Pond. u'-ma, n. hazel-nuts. u'-ma-hu, n. hazel-hushes. U-mar)', adj. the one, the other. See ui)ma. u-niar)'-na, adj. See uijmana. u-inar)'-na-peir)--war)-ka, adj. See urimana- pciqwaqka. UQ, V. n. to he : en uij, to he in, — waui),yaui), ui)- yakoi)pi. UI), V. a. to use any thing, have for use, — muq, nui), ui)kui)pi. ur), pron. in comp. we, us. ur)'-ca, V. a. to mock, imitate, ridicule one, — uijwada, uquqcapi, uijmaca. ur)-ei', n. a grandmother, my grandmother ; ni- kurjsi, thy grandmother : kuijk^itku, his or her grandmother ; the sun, in the sacred language. A woman calls her mother-in-law 'ui)di.' UQ-ei'-dai), n. dim. of uqdi. up'-ci-hi, V. n. to have attained one's groieth ; to he able to take care of oneself , — uqmacihi, uijnici- hi, ui)ui)cihipi. UI)'-ei-hi-ya, v. a. to cause to sustain oneself ; to raise, train up to manhood, — uijdihiwaya. ur)-ci'-si, n. a mother-in-law, my mother-in-law : nikur)si, thy mother-in-law. This is said to be the proper word for mother-in-law, but shortened by the women into uijci. ur)-el'-si-ea-dai), n. the crow, crows, the Corvus americanus. iir)-ei'-si-dar), n. dim. of uqci^i. ur)-ci'-si-ya, v. a. to have one for uijciii, — uqcisiwaya. ur)-ei'-ya, v. a. to have for ui)ci, — uijdiwaya. ur)'-eor)-ni-ca, v. n. to give up, yield, not try to escape ; to be prevented, penned up, — uijma^oij- nida. UQ'-^oq-nin, v. n. cont. of uij^oqnida. ur)'-cor)-nin-ya, v. a. to obstruct, prevent from escaping, frighten so as to make unable to escape — ui) ^oqninwaya. ur)'-eoQ-nin-ya, adv. prevented : ui)^oi)ninya naiii). ui)'-eur)-ni-ca, v. See ui^doquica. ur)'-eur)-nin-ya, adv. See uijdoijninya. ur)'-har)-ke-ta, adv. at length, after a while, at the end. ur)'-hda-ka, v. n. to move, he moving about ; to travel about with a family, pitching one's tent at short stages : ui)hdaka waui), / am moving ; uij- hdaka uijyakoijpi, we are camping. uQ'-kar), conj. and. ur)'-kar)s, conj. if; the sign of the subjunctive mood, and usually of past time. ur)-k6e', v. n. to defecate ; to break wind, — uqwa- kde, ui)ui)kdepi. UI)-kce', M. faeces; breaking wind. ur)-k6e'-ki-Ra, n. the magpie. ur)-kee'-pa-hini-yar)-yai), n. the beetle, the tumble-bug. ur)-ki', pron. in comp., with ' pi ' at the end of the word ; we ; us. ur)-ki'-ta, pron. pos. in comp., with ' pi ' at the end of the word ; ours. ur)-ki'-ta-"wa, pron. dual ; ours, that is, thine and mine. ur)-ki'-ta-'wa-pi, jyron. plur. ours. ur)-kis', ^jroM. we, ourselves. urj-kis'-na-na, pron. dual ; we two alone: plur. uijkisnaijpidai). ui)-ki'-ye, pron. we, we two ; us. ui)-ki'-ye-ke, pron. we ourselves. ur)-ki'-ye-pi, pron. plur. we ; us. Urj-kte'-M, n. the Dakota god of the waters ; a fabled monster of the deep ; the whale : an ex- tinct animal, the bones of which are said to be sometimes found by the Indians, probably the mastodon. UQ-kto'-mi, n. the spider ; also a fabulous crea- ture, a Dakota god. ur)'-ksu, n. a woman's work-bag ; i. q. par)bo- tuka. vii)'-ksu-dar), n. dim. of uijk^u ; a reticule. ur)'-ina, adj. the one, the other : ui)ma tukte, which of the two ? uijma itoto, one after the other, turn about. ■ur)'-ma-na, adj. with ini following, neither : ui)- mana iwacu ^ni, / took neither. ur)'-nia-na-peir)-"war)-ka, num. adj. nineteen. uq'-na, V. dim. of U5, to he, and ui), to use. ug'-na-har), adv. at last ; i. q. uijhaijketa. ur)-na'-ptar), adj. sideling: he uqnaptai) and liuijnaptafl, a tide hill. UIJP 206 WAA ui)'-pa, V. a. to place or leave, as a boat ; to raise for oneself, as a dog or girl, — wauijpa, ui)kui3- papi. ur)'-pa, V. n. to smoke, as tobacco, — ugmuripa, ui)nui)pa, uqkugpapi. See caqnuijpa. UQ-sir)', n. the small end of a porcupine quill ; the large quills in the porcupine's tail. ui)-stai)', V. imperat. stop, quit. Used only in this form. ur)-tkar)'-na, adv. much. See utkaijna. ur)-ya'-kor)-pi, v. 1st pers. plur. we are. u-par)', n. the female of the elk, or Cervus alces. u-pi', n, the tail of a bird ; the lower border of a garment. u-pi'-zi-ea, n. a yellow-tailed hawk. u-pi'-za-ta, n. the forked-tailed swallow. u-psis'-ya, adv. muddily : upsisya wa^ka. u-psi'-za, n. mud. u-sku'-ye-ea, «. the acorns of the white oak : uskuyeca cai), the white oak. u-sku'-ye-ea-hu, n. the white oak, Quercus alba, u-spar)'-spar)-he-ea, n. the iron loood or Iwm- beam, perhaps the Ostrya virginica. u-sdo'-ni-ya, n. a mineral spring ; mineral sediment deposited from water, as sulphate of iron or copperas. This word would seem to be formed from u, to come, sdo, to melt or liquefy, as metals, and niya, to breathe, as if the metal came out liquefied by the earth's breath. u-sdo'-'Wi-'wi, n. a swamp with a yellow sedi- ment. U-si', V. a. to command to come, send, — uwasi. U-star)', V. imperat. only; stop. See uijstai). u'-ta, n. an acorn, acorns, black oak acorns. u'-ta, V. a. to try, taste any thing, to attempt, try to do a thing — uwata, uijkutapi. U-tkar)'-na, adv. much, a great deal. u-tkari'-tkaq-na, adv. red. of utkaijna. u-tu'-h.u, n. the black oak, Quercus nigra. u'-'wa, V. imperat. ccnne. Used by women. U-ya', V. n. to come ; to become : sniyai) uya, it is becoming cold : to grow, spring up, as grass. U-ye'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to grow or spring up, — uyewakiya. U-ye'-ya, v. a. to cause to come, — uyewaya. w. ■W, the twenty-sixth letter of the Dakota alphabet, having the same sound that it has in the begin- ning of words in English. "wa, pron, in comp. I. "wa, n. snow. wa, v. n. to mow. See wapa. "wa, an abbreviation of wahaijksida. wa, a prefix. When used with verbs it usually puts them in the absolute or intransitive state. In some cases it forms of them nouns denoting the agent or actor. Indeed, the absolute forms may all be so used ; as, wanikiya, a saviour. When prefixed to nouns, it makes their significa- tion more general. wa-a'-eag-ksi, v. n. of caijksi ; to be ill-tem- pered, out of humor ; to be threatening every one, — waadanwaksi. ■wa-a'-eaij-ksi-ya, adv. in a cross, surly man- ner. "wa-a'-hda, v. of ahda ; to take home, — waawahda. wa-a'-hde-ea, v. to take home ; one who takes home, — waawahdeda. ■wa-a'-hdi, v. See wahdi. ■wa-a'-ho-tar)-ka, n. one who bawls out, one who vociferates, — waahowataijka. ■wa-a'-ho-tor), n. something that makes a noise, as thunder, etc. ■wa-a'-i-a, v. of aia ; to talk about, to slander, — waawaia, waaurjkiapi. wa-a'-i-a-pi, n. a talking against, slander ; con- sultation. ^va-a'-i-a-ti-pi, n. a council-house. wa-a'-i-e-s'a, n. a slanderer, a tattler. ■wa-a'-ka-ga, v. of akaga ; to add to ; to trans- gress ; to m,ake a lie on ; to blaspheme, — waawa- kaga. wa-a'-ka-ga-pi, n. making on, blasphemy. •wa-a'-ka-hpa, v. of akahpa ; to cover, — waawa- kahpa. "wa-a'-ka-lipe, n. a covering. See woakahpe. ■wa-a'-ki-ei-ya-tar)-ir), n. manifestation. •wa-a'-kl-ktorj-za, v. of akiktoi)ia ; to forget, — waawektoijza. See wakiktoijia. ■wa-a'-ki-ktOQ-za-pi, n. forgetfulness. See wa- kiktoi)iapi. "wa-a'-kin, cont. of waakita. ■wa-a'-ki-ni-ca, v. of akinida; to dispute ; one who disputes, — waawakinica. wa-a'-ki-ni-ea-pi, n. disputation. •wa-a'-ki-nin, cont. of waakinida ; waakinin uqpi, they are disputing. •wa-a'-ki-nin-ya, arff . in the way of disputing. "wa-a'-kl-ta, v. of akita ; to hunt, seek, — waawa- kita. "wa-a'-mdes, cont. of waamdeza. ■vira-a'-inde-za, v. to be observing, to be clear- sighted,— waawamdeza. wa-a'-na-go-ptar), v. of anagoptaij ; to listen to, obey, be obedient, — waanawagoptai). wa-a'-na-go-ptar)-yai), adv. obediently : waa- nagoptagyai) waug, / am obedient. WAA 207 WAB -wa-a'-na-ki-ksir), v. of anakik^ii) ; to expose oneself for others, take the place of danger, — wa- anawek^ii), waanauijkiksiqpi. •wa-a'-na-ki-ksir)-yar), adv. exposing oneself for others. ■wa-a'-na-sa-pa, v. of anasapa ; to defile, soil by trampling on, — waanawasapa. wa-a'-na-sdo-ka, n. something that flies out or refuses to stag in, as a cork, etc. "wa-a'-na-tag, v. of anatai) ; to rush on, make an attack, — waanawatai). Wa-a'-na-tar), n. (one who makes an attack) ; a distinguished Sisitoijwai) chief who was killed in 1839; a county of Minnesota. ■wa-a'-na-zii), v. of anaiii) ; to stand and shoot the image of that which is supposed to be the cause of the disease. This is a part of the ceremony of Dakota conjuring, — waanawaiiq, waanauqziqpi. •wa-a'-nu-nu, n. moss. ■wa-a'-pa, v. of apa ; to strike, — waawapa. ■wa-a'-pa-to-ya, v. of apatoya ; to hinder, ob- struct,— waapatowaya. "Wa-a'-pe, v. of ape ; to wait, be in waiting, — waawape. ■wa-a'-sir), v. of asii) ; to covet, desire what is another's ; to stay where others are eating, expect- ing to share, — waawasiq. ■wa-a'-skam, conl. of waaskapa. "wa-a'-skam-ya, v. of askamya; to cause to stick on, make adhere, — waaskamwaya. ■wa-a'-skam-y a-pi, n. sticking plaster. ■wa-a'-ska-pa, v. of askapa ; to stick on. "wa-a'-ska-pe, n. something that sticks, a stick- ing plaster. ■wa-a'-snl-yar), v. of asniyag ; to heal, make well, — waasniwaya. ■wa-a'-sni-yar), n. a liealer, healing. "wa-a'-s'a-ka, v. n. to be loaded with or coated, as the tongue in sickness. See was'aka. "wa-a'-sa-pa, v. of asapa ; to be defiled, — waama- sapa. "wa-a'-sa-pe, n. a blotter. ■wa-a'-tar)-ka. See wataijka. Awa-a'-ta-ya, v. of ataya ; to be lucky, fortunate, — waatawaya. "wa-a'-ta-ye-s'a, n. a fortunate one, as a good hunter. ■wa-a'-tOQ-'war), v. of atoijwai) ; to be observing, — waa watoi) waq . 'wa-a'-toij-'we, n, an observer. ■wa-a'-wa-eir), v. of awacii) ; to think about, consider, be thoughtful, — waawacaqmi. ■wa-a'--wa-eir)-yar), v. a. to caust to think or consider ; one who makes others think, — waawa- ciqwaya. "wa-a'-vrag-hdag, cont. of waawarihdaka. 'wa-a'-'waij-hda-ka, v. of awaijhdaka ; to watch over one's own, — waawaijwahdaka. See wiiwai)- hdaka. 'wa-a'-'waQ-hda-ke, n. one who watches over, a shepherd, a bishop. ■wa-a'-"war)-yag, cont. of waawaijyaka. .' •wa-a'-Aw^ap-yag-ki-ya-pi, n. one who is em- ployed to oversee, a steward. "wa-a'-"war)-ya-ka, v. of awaijyaka ; to oversee, watch over, take care of, — waawaqmdaka. 'wa-a'-'waij-ya-ka, n. some spiritual being who watches the Dakotas to do them hurt. ■wa-a'-ya, v. of aya ; to take or bear to, — waa- mda. "wa-a'-ya-ta, v. of ayata ; to guess, predict, fore- tell,— waamdata. ■wa-a'-ya-tar)-ir), v. of ayataijiq ; to proclaim, make manifest, bear witness, — waamdataqii). ■wa-a'-ya-tar)-ir), n. a witness. ■wa-a'-ya-tai)-ir)-yar), adv. testifying. "wa-a'-ya-te, n. a prophet. ■wa-a'-yu-pta, v. of ayupta; to answer, — waa- mdupta. ■wa-a'-yu-pte, n. one who answers. "wa-a'-zin-toi), v. of azintoij ; to burn incense to or for, — waazinwatop. •wa-ba'-ga-pa, v. of bagapa ; to skin animals, be in the habit of taking off skins, — wabawagapa. ■wa-Taa'-gO, v. of bago ; to carve, engrave, — wa- bawago. "wa-ba'-hba, v. of bahba ; to cut off, as in shell- ing corn with a knife, — wabawahba. wa-ba'-hbe-za, v. of bahbeza ; to mxike rough ; to haggle, — wabawahbeza. "wa-ba'-hda, v. of bahda ; to trmke uncoil by cut- ting. "wa-ba'-hna, v. of bahna ; to make fall off by cutting. /■.* "wa-ba'-hna-yar), v. of bahnayai) ; to miss in trying to cut, — wabawahnayai). ■wa-ba'-hui), v. of bahuq ; to cut, gash, — waba- wahui). ■wa-ba'-huQ-huT), v. red. of wabahuij ; to cut as a piece of meat nearly off in many places : wabahuqhufl wajfu, / gave it to him cut in pieces. ■wa-ba'-hu-te-dai), v. of bahutedag ; to wear off to a stump, as a knife, — wabawahutedai). ■wa-ba'-hda-gag, v. of bahdagaq ; to make large, to cut so that it becomes larger, — wabawahda- gai). ^w•a-ba'-lida-ya, v. of bahdaya ; to pare, to cut off' the rind or skin, — wabawahdaya. •wa-ba'-hda-ye-dai), ?i. ^;«rm^». WAB 208 WAB ■wa-ba'-hde-ea, v. of bahdeca; to tear in at- tempting to cut, — wabawahdeca. wa-ba'-Mo-ka, v. of batdoka ; to cut holes, — wabawaidoka. "wa-ba'-hu, v. of baliu ; to peel, pare, — waba- waliu. •wa-ba'-ke-za, v. of bakeza ; to make smooth with a knife ; to trim off the feather, as in making arrows, — wabawakeza. "wa'-ba-ke-ze, n. a hoard on which to trim the feather in making arrows. "wa-ba'-korjta, v. of bakoijta. See wabakoi)- tkoijta. •wa-ba'-korj-tkor), adj. cut or notched, as a piece of meat given to a child. ■wa-ba'-kor)-tkoi)-ta, v. of bakoijtkoijta ; to cut or notch, — wabawakoritkoqta. ■wa-ba'-kpar), v. of bakpaq ; to cut up fine, — wabawakpai). ■wa-ba'-ksa, v. of baksa ; to cut off, — wabawa- ksa, wabauijksapi. ■wa-ba'-ktar), v. of baktai) ; to cut so as to make crook, — wabawaktai) . ■wa-ba'-ke-za, v. of baljeza ; to make smooth by cutting, — wabawaljceza. vra-ba'-mda, v. of bamda ; to cut in slices, — wabawamda. ■wa-ba'-mda-mda-za, v. red. of wabamdaza. ■wa-ba'-mda-za, v. of bamdaza ; to rip open or up, — wabawamdaza. ■wa-ba'-mde-ea, v. of bamdec'a ; to cut up, break to pieces with a knife, — wabawamdeca. "wa-ba'-mna, v. of bamna ; to rip with a knife, — wabawamna. ■wa-ba'-pe-sto, v. of bapesto ; to shave to a point, — wabawapesto. ■wa-ba'-po-ta, v. of bapota ; to destroy by cut- ting,— wabawapota. ■wa-ba'-psa-ka, v. of bapsaka ; to cut of, as cords, — wabawapsaka. ■wa-ba'-pta, v. of bapta ; to cut out, pare around, — wabawapta. ■wa'-ba-pte, n. a cutting-board. ■wa-ba'-pte-ee-dar), v. of baptecedai) ; to cut off short, — wabawaptecedai). "wa-ba'-ptu-za, v. of baptuia ; to crack or split with a knife, — wabawaptuia. ■wa-ba'-sku, v. of basku ; to pare, as potatoes, — wabawasku, wabauqskupi. "wa-ba'-smir), v. of basmir) ; to make bare with a knife, — wabawasmii). ■wa-ba'-sda, v. of basda ; to shave off, — wabawa- sda. wa-ba'-sdo-ka, v. of basdoka ; to cut out of, — wabawaMoka. •wa-ba'-«ki-ta, v. of baskita ; to cut, gash, — wa- bawaskita. "wa-ba'-spa, v. of baipa; to cut off pieces, — wa- bawa^pa. •wa-ba'-spu, v. of baspu ; to cut in pieces, — wa- bawaspu. •wa-ba'-spu-spu, v. red. of wabaspu ; to cut up in 2)ieces, as tallow, — wabawa^pu^pu. ■wa-ba'-ta-ku-sni, v. of batakusni ; to destroy. ■wa-ba'-te-pa, v. of batcpa ; to cut off short, — wabawatepa. ■wa-ba'-tpar), v. Same as wabakpaij. ■wa-ba'-ta, v. of bata ; to kill. "wa-bo'-ee-ka, v. wabodeg iyeya, to make stagger by shooting. "Wa-bo'-co, V. of bo^o ; to chum, — wabowa^o. ■wa-bo'-ha-i-ye-ya, v. of bohaiyeya ; to make tumble over by shooting. ' ■wa-bo'-hiQ-ta, v. of bohiijta ; to sweep all off by shooting, — wabowahiijta. ■wa-bo'-hna, v. of bohna ; to knock off, as fruit, by shooting, — wabowahna. ■wa-bo'-hna-skir)-yai), v. of bohnaskiijyaij ; to make crazy by punching or shooting, — wabowa- hnaskii)yai). ■wa-bo'-hna-yar), v. of bohnayaij ; to miss in shooting, — wabowahnayai). ■wa-bo'-ho-ho, v. of boboho ; to make loose by shooting,- — wabowahoho. "wa-bo'-hu-hu-za, v. of bohubuza ; to make shake by shooting, — wabowahuhuza. ■wa-bo'-hei, v. of bolici ; to shoot or punch out pieces, — wabowahdi. ■wa-bo'-hdo-ka, v. of botdoka ; to shoot or punch holes, — wabowahdoka. •wa-bo'-hmli), v. of bohmiij ; to make crook by shooting, — wabowahmii). "Wa-bo'-tpa, v. of bohpa ; to shoot on the wing. "wa-bo'-kpar), v. of bokpai) ; to pound fine, — wabowakpar). ■wa-bo'-ksa, v. of boksa ; to break off by shoot- ing or punching, — wabowaksa. wa-bo'-ktar), v. of boktai) ; to bend by shooting or pounding, — wabowaktai). ■wa-bo'-ku-ka, v. of bokuka; to destroy by pounding or shooting, — wabowakuka. "wa-bo'-mda-ya, v. of bomdaya ; to make spread out by shooting or punching, — wabowamdaya. "Wa-bo'-mda-za, v. of bomdaza ; to tear open by shooting, etc., — wabowamdaza. ■wa-bo'-mde-ea, v. of bomdec'a ; to break in pieces by shooting or punching, — wabowamdeca. "wa'-bo-mdu, v. the snow flies. ■wra-bo'-mdu, v. of bomdu; to pound Jine, to pulverize, — wabowaradii. WAB 209 WAC ■wa-bo'-par), v. of bopaij ; to pound fine, as hommony, — wabo wapai) . ■wa-bo'-paij-par), v. of bopa^paij ; to make soft by pounding. wa-bo'-pe-nani, v. of bopemni ; to twist by shooting, etc., — wabowapemni. "wa-bo'-po-ta, v. of bopota ; to shoot or pound to pieces, — wabowapota. ■wa-bo'-psa-ka, v. of bopsaka ; to shoot off, as stri ngs, — wabo wapsaka. ■wa-bo'-pta, v. of bopta ; to dig up by striking with a stick endwise, as in digging tipsiijna, — wabowapta. "wa-bo'-ptu-za, v. of boptuia ; to crack by pounding or shooting, — wabowaptuza. ■wa-bo'-sda-ta, n. a kind of long beads, large in the middle, worn by the Dakotas. "wa-bo'-sde-OEi, v. of bosdeda ; to split by shoot- ing,— wabowasdeca. ■wa-bo'-sni, v. of bosni ; to blow out, extinguish, — wabowasni. ■wa-bo'-so-ta, v. of bosota ; to exterminate by shooting, — wabowasota. ■wa-bo'-sa-ka, v. of bosaka; to shoot or punch with too little force to penetrate, — wabowasaka. ■wa-bo'-sda, v. of bosda ; to shoot off bare, — wa- bowa^a. •wa-bo'-sdo-ka, v. of bosdoka ; to shoot or punch out, as an eye, — wabowasdoka. wa-bo'-ski, v. of boski ; to pound, as com not well dried, — wabowaski. "wa-bo'-sna, v. of bosna ; to miss in shooting, — wabowaina. "wa-bo'-spa, v. of bo^pa ; to shoot off a piece, — — wabowaspa. "wa-bo'-su-za, v. of bosuia ; to shoot to splinters. 'wa-bo'-ta-ku-ni-sni, v. of botakunisni; to shoot to pieces or destroy, — wabowatakunisni. •wa-bo'-ti-ea, v. of botica ; to snatch away, rob, — wabowatica. •wa-bo'-ti-ce, n. a robber. •wa-bo'-tpar), v. of botpan. Same as wabokpai). wa-bo'-tpi, V. of botpi ; to crack, as nuts, by pounding with a 2}estle, — wabowatpi. ■wa-bo'-ta, v. of bota ; to kill by punching. "wa-bo'-tiQ-za, v. of botiqza ; to pound tight, — wabowatiriza. ■wa-bo'--we-ga, v. of bowega ; to break or frac- ture by shooting, etc., — wabowawega. ■wa-bo'-za-za, v. of bozaia; to wash out by punching, — wabowaiaia. ■wa-ean'-ki-ya, adj. kind, benevolent. See wa- caijtkiya. •wa-can'-sin-ya, v. a. to make sad, — wacansin- waya. 27 ■wa-ear)'-ga, w. a species of sweet-smelling grass. "wa-eag'-te-si-ea, adj. unhappy, — wa<^aqtema- sica. ■wa-ear)'-te-sin-ya, V. a. to make sad, — wacai)- tesinwaya. "wa-eaijt'-ki-ya, adj. of c'aijtekiya; benevolent, — wacanwakiya, wac'anyakiya, wacanuijkiyapi. wa-ear)t'-ki-ya-pi, n. benevolence. ■wa-ear)t'-o-hna-ka, v. to be generous, affection- ate,— wacaqtowabnaka. "wa-eaijt'-O-hxia-ka, adj. generous ; affection- ate. ■wa-ear)t'-o-hna-ka-pi, n. generosity ; affection. ■\wa-cai)t'-o-kpa-ni, v. of c'aijtokpani ; to desire much, long for ; to be impatient, — wacaqtowa- kpani. "wa-car(t'-o-tpa-ni, v. Same as wacaijtokpani. ■wa-eas'-tor), v. of c'astoi) ; to name, give names, — waca^watoi). ■wa-eas'-tor), n. a namer, one who names. "wa-ea'-ze-ki-ya-ta, v. a. to mention the names of deceased relatives to one, and beg for their sakes, — wacazewakimdata. "wa-ea'-ze-yan, cont. of wacaieyata. ■wa-ca'-ze-ya-ta, v. to ask for or beg in the name of the dead, — wacazemdata. ■wa'-ee-he, n. See wac'ighe. ■wa-ee'-hii), n. the long slender feathers growing near the tail of an eagle, etc. ■wa-ee'-ki-ya, v. of cekiya ; to pray to, ask for kelp, pray for assistance in war, etc., — wac'ewa- kiya, waceuijkiyapi. •wa-ce'-orj-pa, v. of c'eoi)pa ; to roast, as corn in the ear ; one who roasts corn, — wacewaoijpa. •wa-ee'-OQ-pa-pi, n. roasting corn. "wa-ee'-tug-hda, v. of c'etuijhda ; to doubt, dis- believe ; one who always doubts, — wacetuqwahda. ■wa-ee'-tuij-hda-pi, n. unbelief, doubting. "wa-ee'-tUQ-hda-ya, adv. doubtingly. •wa-ei', v. n. to dance, — wawaci, wayaci. ■wa-cir)', v. 1st pers. sing, of cii). "wa-eii)', V, n. to think, purpose, — wacaijmi, wa- caqni, wauqci^pi. This word requires another verb in the infinitive mood to precede, as ec'oi) wacaqmi, / thought to do. "wa-cir)'-ca-dar), n. a young hear, a cub. wa-cir) '-ci-ka-ye-dai), adj. fickle-minded, — waci;)macil;ayedai). "wa-eii)'-ei-sti-ye-dar), adj. fickle-minded, — wac'iljmac'istiyedai) . •wa-eirj'-ha-ha-dar), adj. cowardly, easily alarm- ed,— waciijniahahadaij. ■wa'-cirj-he, n. the head-dress of a Dakota man ; any thing standing up on the head, as feathers ; a plume. WAC 210 WAH ■wa'-eirj-he-sa-psa-pa, n. black plumes, ostrich feathers. wa'-eiQ-he-ya, v. a. to use for a plume, — wa- di^hewaya. ■wa-ciij'-hiij-yaij-za, adj. cruel, morose ; — wa- diijmahiijyaijza. ■wa-eir)'-hnu-hnu-ni, adj. wandering in mind, bewildered, oblivious, — waciqmahnuhnuni. ■wa-eir)'-hnu-nl, adj. wandering, bewildered, — wac'iijmahnuni. "wa-elr)'-hnu-ni-ya, v. a. to cause one's mind to wander, to bewilder, — wacirjhnuniwaya. ■wa-eirj'-i-bo-sa-ka, v. n. to be out of heart about, to be discouraged, — waciijibowa^aka. wa-eiri'-i-yo-ki-pi, v. n. to be contented, satis- fied with, — waciijiyowakipi. ■wa-6ir)'-i-yo-ki-pi-ya, adv. contentedly. •wa-eii)'-i-yo-ki-si-6a, v. n. to be displeased with ; to be sad on account of, to regret, — wac'ii)- iyowakiiica ; wac'ii)iyowidawakisica, / am dis- pleased with them. "wa-6ir)'-i-yo-ki-sin-ya, adv. displeased with. ■wa-eirj'-ka, v. Same as wac'ii). ■wa-cir)'-ki-ei-yu-za-pi, v. recip. having regard for each other. See waciqkiyuza. ■wa-cir)'-ki-ya, v. pos. of wacigyai) ; to trust in, as in any thing laid up for one's own use; to trust to or have confidence in, as a friend, Jesus Christ our Saviour, etc., — waciijwakiya. ■wa-cir)'-kl-yu-za, v. a. to think of, hold in the mind, either for good or ill, — wac'ii) wakiyuza. ■wa-cir)'-ko, adj. easily made angry, ill-natured, passionate, — waciijmako, waciqui)kopi. ■wa-cir)'-ko-pi, n. passionateness. ■wa-eiij'-ko-ya, adv. passionately ; crossly. "wa-ciQ'-ksam, cont. of waciijksapa. ■wa-cii)'-ksain-ya, adv. wisely, discreetly. ■wa-eii)'-ksa-pa, adj. intelligent, wise, — waciij- maksapa, waciijuqksapapi. ■wa-cilj'-O-ze, n. of waciqyuza ; thought, think- ing. "wa-cir)'-pi-ya-hna-ka, v. to take another view of a thing, be of another mind. "wa-eig'-taij-ka, adj. patient, magnanimous, long-suffering, enduring long, — waciqraata^ka. ■wa-cir)'-toi), v. to have understanding, have a mind of one's own, be wise, — wacii)watoi). ■wa-cir)'-tor)-hnag-ya, v. a. to comfort, usually by giving to the afflicted, — wacii)tor|hnagwaya. ■wa-6ir)'-tor)-hna-ke, n. a comforter. "wa-cir)'-tor)-sni, v. n. to be foolish, — waci^wa- toi)4ni. ■wa-eir)'-yai), v. a. to trust in, depend upon ; to believe in, — wadi^waya, wadiijuijyaijpi, wadiij- mayai), wa(^iqdiya. ■wa-eir)'-yar), adj. confiding : wacioyai) wauij. ■wa-eir)'-yar)-pi, n. trusting in, confidence, faith ; trusted in, trustiness. •wa-eii)'-ye-kl-ya, v. a. to cause to trust in, — waciijyewakiya. ■wa-cii)'-ye-pi-6a, «. something that can be trusted in : wacii)yepica sni, that cannot be trust- ed in. ■wa-cii)'-ye-ya, v. n. to purpose, set the mind to ; to cause to trust in. "wa-eir)'-za-ta, adj. forked mind, i. e. undecided, hesitating, — waciqmazata. "Wa-ei'-pi, n. dancing, the dance. "wa-co'-ka, n. low land lying near a river or lake without timber. ■wa-eo'-kor), v. of cokoi) ; to desire to take life, — wacowakoi), wadomakoijpi. •wa-eo'-koij-pi, n. a desire of taking life. ■wa-eo'-ni-ca, n. of conica ; dried meat, espe- cially dried buffalo or deer meat ; venison. ■wa-co'-ni-sa-ka, n. hard dried meat. ■wa-cu'-tu-hu, n. the ribs or knees of a boat ; the ribs of a bear. ■wa-da', V. of da ; to ask, beg, — wawada : also 1st pers. sing, of da. •wa-da'-da, v. red. of wada. ■wa-da'-da-ka, n. a beggar. ■wa-da'-ko-ta-sni, adj. not caring for relations, without natural affection, — wadamakota^ni. "wa-dl'-ta, adj. brave, — wamadita. See wadi- taka. ■wa-di'-ta-ka, adj. brave, courageous, — wama- ditaka and wadimataka, wadinitaka, wadiuq- takapi. "wad-i-yo'-pe-ya, v. a. to accuse one of doing what another has done, — wadiyopewaya. ■wa-dun'-ya, v. of dunya ; to dye red or scarlet, — wadunwaya. ■wa-dun'-ye, n. a dyer of scarlet. ■wa-du'-ta, n. a red root used for dyeing scarlet.^ "wa-e'-kta-sni, adv. waektasni icu, to take the wrong one ; to accuse falsely. •wa-e'-kta-sni-yai), adv. improperly, falsely. •wa'-ga, n. the cotton-wood : waga cai), the cotton- wood tree, the Populus canadensis. •wa-gi'-yo-gi, h. There are two birds bearing this name, one of which is probably a species of thrush ; both are so called from their song. "wa-gmu', n. (Ihaijk.) See wamnu. "wa'-gor), n. rush mats ; Chippewa tents. ■wa-gu'-ge-ea, n. round heavy snow. "wa-gu'-gu-ya, v. a. to cause to bum, to scorch, — waguguwaya. ■wa-gu'-ya, v. a. to scorch, — waguwaya. wa-ha', n. a bear-skin. WAH 211 WAH vra-ha'-caQ-ka, n. a shield. ■wa-ha'-ka-kta, n. the last, the youngest. See woliakakta. ■wa-har)g'-ya, v. a. to destroy, — wahaijgwaya, wahai)gui)yar)pi. ■wa-har)g'-ye-6a, n. one who destroys every thing. •wa-har)'-pi, n. of haqpi; hroth, soup of any kind. vra-hda'-ta, v. of hdata ; to steal up to, as to game, — wawahdata : also the 1st pers. sing, of hdata. "wa-hda'-ta-pi, n. stealing or crawling up to, as to game. wa-hde'-ea, v. to he in sympathy with, as the Dakotas say a mother is with her absent children, when they think about her. The Indians assert that mothers feel peculiar pains in their breasts when any thing of importance happens to their absent children, or when about to hear from them. This feeling is regarded as an omen, — wawahdeca, wauqhdecJapi. See wakihdeca. "wa-hde'-ea-pi, n. the sympathy that is said to exist between a mother and her absent children, producing peculiar sensations in the breast. ■wa-hdi', V. 1st pers. sing, of hdi. "wa'-hdi, V. of ahdi ; to bring home, — wawahdi, waui)hdipi. ■wa'-hdi-a-s'a-pi, n. th^ shout that is made by the children when meat, etc., is brought into the camp. •wa-hdu'-ha, v. of hduha ; to have oriels own, to keep, — wawahduha : also the 1st pers. sing, of hduha. ■wa-hdu'-ha-ha-kte-oa, adj. parsimonious, — wawahduhahakteca. ■wa-hdu'-ha-ha-kte-ee-cir), n. one who is par- simonious : wahduhahapiktededii), parsimony. ■wa-hdu'-vre, v. of hduwe ; wahduwe ya, to go to bring one's own, without specifying what. ■wa-he'-fia-ka, n. the hehaka and uijktehi are sometimes so called. ■wa-he'-ki-eui), v. pos. to pack up or tie one^s own, — wahewe^Jui) . ■wa-he'-ktam, cont. of wahektapa ; at the stem. ■wa-he'-kta-pa, v. to pilot or steer a boat of any kind, — wehektawapa. ■wa-he'-kta-pa, n. a pilot, helmsman. ■wa-he'-kta-pa-tar)-hai), n. the stern of a boat, at the stern. ■wa-he'-yur), v. of heyuq ; to pack up in bun- dles,— wahemui), wahenui). ■wa-he'-yur)-pi, n. packing up. •wa-hi', n. See wai)hi. ■wa-hi'-bu. v. Same as hibu, / come. wa-hi'-hbu, v. Ist pers. sing, of hiyu. Same as wahibu. ■wa-hi'-na-"wa-pa, v. 1st pers. sing, of hinapa ; double pronoun. ■wa-hir)', n. hairs : wahii)hdapi, the hair that is sometimes attached to a pipe-stem. ■\wa-hir)'-ske, n. the long-grained or southern corn ; so called because the grains resemble the canine teeth of animals ; i. q. hiijske. ■wa-hir) '-tka, n. an instrument used in scraping hides. ■wa-hir) '-yar)-za, adj. morose, — wamahiijyaijza. ■wa-hir) '-ya-zi-ce, n. down, fur, such as is used by the Dakotas in their sacred ceremonies. ■wa-hir)'-yur)-tor), v. See waiijyuqtoi). "wa-hi'-sna-he-ea, n. soft new snow. ■wa-hi'-ti-hda, v. of hitihda ; to be fastidious, to loathe ; a fastidious person, — wahitiwahda. ■wa-hi'-yu, v. of hiyu ; to start to come, — wahi- hbu. "wa-hmu', «. (Ihaijk.) Same as wamnu. ■wa-hin'ur)g', cont. of wahmuijka : wahmuijg mda, / am going trapping. ■wa-hmuij'-ka, v, of hmuijka ; to trap, hunt with traps, — wawahmuijka : also 1st pers. sing. of hmui)ka. "Wa-hmuij'-ka-pi, re. trapping. ■wa'-hnag, cont. of wdhnaka. "wa'-hnag-tor), n. something put with another thing : wahnag codai), one thing alone ; wahnag toi) ku, to give, as a blanket, with a gun. ■wa'-hna-ka, v. of ahnaka ; to place on, put on, as poultices on sore.s, etc., — wawahnaka. See wakicihnaka. ■wa-hna'-ka, v. 1st pers. sing, of hnaka. ■wa'-hna-^wo-sna-pi, re. are altar for sacrifice. "wa'-hna-^wo-ta-pi, re. (ahna and wotapi) some- thing to eat from, a table. ■wa-hna'-.yar), v. of hnayaij ; to deceive, — wa- wahnayaq : also 1st pers. sing, of linayai). ■wa-hni'-hda, v. of hnihda ; to travel : wahnihda wauq, I am travelling. ■wa-hni'-hde-oa, n. one loho is always travel- ling. ■wa-hnur)'-ka, n. the red-headed woodpecker. 'wa-ho'-co-ka, re. an area surrounded by tents. Probably not used by the Indians generally. See hocoka. ■wa-ho'-hpi, n. nests. See hohpi. ■wa-ho'-ki-ya, v. a. to send word to, — wahowa kiya, wahouijkiyapi. See wahoya. ■wa-ho'-kor)-ki-ya, v. a. to instruct, counsel, advise one, — wahokoqwakiya, wahoko^uqkiyapi. ■wa-ho'-koi)-ki-ya-pi, n. instruction, counsel, advice ; counselled. WAH 212 WAH ■wa-ho'-si, V, of hosi ; to cany word ; always used with another verb, as, wahosi i, waho^i hi, waho^i ya, etc. ; to bring or carry news. ■wa-ho'-si-'wa-kar), n. a formation used by some for angel, messenger. ■wa-ho'-ya, v. a. to send for one, to send word to one, to promise something to one, — wahowaya. "wa-ho'-ya-pi, n. sending word to. "wa-hu'-a-ta-ya, v. See wahuwataya. •wa-hu'-ke-za, n. a spear, such as is used in spearing muskrats ; a war-spear. ■wa-hu'-nor)-pa, n. a biped ; an appellation of man, not much used. "Wa-hu'-to-pa, n. quadrupeds, but used only for the dog and wolf, in the sacred dialect. 'wa-liu'-'wa-pa, n. coi-n, an ear of corn ; some- times corn in bags. ■wa-hu'-"wa-ta-ya, v. n. to find oneself all at once unable to proceed, to be unable to escape from fright, or some other cause, — wahuwatawaya. ■wa-hu'--wa-ta-ye-ya, v. a. to frighten, or in some way make unable to escape, — wahuwata- yewaya. ■wa-ha', V. of ha ; to bury, — wawaha, waui)hapi : also 1st pers. sing, of ha. "wa-ham'-ya, v. of hamya ; to frighten or scare away, — wahamwaya. ■wa-hag'-da, v. a. to esteem, think highly of one, — wahaqwada. "wa-hari'-liaij-i-ei-da, v. reflex, to be self-suffi- cient, self-important, — wahai)hai)mi^ida. ■wa-liar)'-i-ei-da, v. reflex, of wahaijda ; to think highly of oneself, be proud, — wahai)mi^ida. ■wra-hag'-l-ci-da-pi, n. pride. ■wa-hajj'-i-te-ya, v. a. to tire one out, — wahaij- itewaya. ■wa-har)'-ka, v. to do difficult things well, — wa- wahaijka. ■wa-har)'-ksi-ca, n. the black bear, the Ursus americanus. ■wra-Rai)'-ksl-ca-ta-ha-za, n. a kind of berry growing on small bushes resembUng the whortle- berry. "wra-ha'-pi, n. burying ; something buried. "wa'-liba, adj. mild, gentle. •wa'-hba-dai), adj. gentle, — mawalibadai), niwa- hbadaq, ugwahbapidai). ■wa'-hba-ka, adj. mild, gentle, — mawahbaka : wicaita wahbaka, a gentleman ; wiwahbaka, a lady. ■wa'-hba-ya, adv. mildly, gently. "wa-hba'-ya, v. of hbaya ; to make sleepy, — wa- hbawaya. "Wa'-liba-ye-dai), adv. mildly, gently : waliba- yedai) wauq, / conduct mildly. ■wa-hea', n. the generic name for flowers : wa- hca kamdu and wahca namdu, to unfold or blossom. ■wa-K.ea'-zi-zi, n. yellow floioers, the sunflower. "wali-eir)'-ea, «. the aspen or small cotton-wood, the Populus canadensis. ■wa-het'-a-zu, v. a. to discharge freight, unload, as a vessel, — wahetawazu. ■wa-Ret'-a-zu-pi, n. unloading. ■wa-he'-ya-ta-i-ye-ya, v. to push back; one who pushes others back. ■wa-hna'-hna, n. the coffee-nut. ■wa-Rna'-hna-hu, n. the coffee-nut tree. "wa-hna'-'wa-he-ea, oc?/. lean, poor ; ill-looking, but much better than it looks : wahnawaheda tuka waste, it is good although it looks badly, "wa-hpa'-nl, adj. poor, destitute. ■wa-hpa'-ni-ea, adj. poor, destitute, having no wahpaya, — mawahpanida, ui)wahpanicapi. ■wa-fipa'-nl-da, v. a. to consider poor ; to feel compassion for, have mercy on, — wahpaniwada. ■wa-hpa'-ni-ya, v. a. to make poor, cause to be poor, — wahpani waya, wahpanimayai) . ■wa-Rpa'-ni-yar), adv. poorly, in a destitute way. ■wa-hpa'-ya, n. any thing one has of movable goods, baggage. "wa-hpa'-ye-ca, n. baggage. ■wa-Rpe', n. a leaf, leaves. Wa-tpe'-ku-te, n. the Leaf-shooters ; a band of the Dakotas who live chiefly on the head waters of the Blue Earth and Cannon rivers. "wa-hpe'-mda-ska-ska, n. winter greens. ■wa-hpe'-pe-zl-hu-ta, n. leaf-medicine, i. e. tea. ■wa-Rpe'-tar)-ka, n. large-leaf i. e. cabbage. Wa-tpe'-tor)-"W£ir), n. a band of the Dakotas, who reside chiefly at the Little Rapids, at Lac- qui-parle, and at the lower extremity of Big Stone Lake. "Wa-tpo'-pa, n, the large species of willow. ■wa'-lita-ni, v. of ahtani ; to transgress a usage or custom, to omit a ceremony ; to do wickedly ; to sin, — wawahtani, wayahtani, w4ui)htanipi. "wa'-tta-ni-ya, v. a. to cause to transgress or sin, — wahtaniwaya. ■wa-Rte', adj. good. See wahtesni. "wa-Me'-da, v. to esteem good ; used only in the negative. ^w•a-Me'-da-ka, v. a. to dislike, i. q. wahteda^ni. ■wa-hte'-da-sni, v. a. to dislike, abominate, — wahtewadaini, wahteuqdapi^ni, wahtecida^ni. "wa-Me'-ka, adj. bad, i. q. wahtesni. "wa-Me'-sni, adj. bad, worthless, wicked, — ma- wahtesni. ■wa-hu'-pa-ko-za, «. wing-flappers, i. e. fowls, domestic fowls. WAI 213 WAK •wa-i'-ea-ga, v. of ic'aga ; to grow, produce. "wa-i'-eafi-ya, v. a. to cause to produce, to create, — waicahwaya. ■wa-i'-eaR-ya-pi, n. that which is created. Wa-i'-cah-ye, n. the Creator. "wa-i'-ei-a, v. of aia ; to slander. "wa-i'-ci-a-pi, n. slander. •wa-i'-ei-e-s'a, n. a tattler, a slanderer. ■wa-i'-ei-ha-ha, n. a jester, an insolent fellow. ■wa-i'-ci-ha-ha-pi, n. insolence. 'wa-i'-ei-'waij-ga-pl, n. mutual inquiry. See idiwaijga. ■wa-i'-ei-ya, v. of idiya ; to assist, take one's part ; an advocate. See wawidiya. ■wa-i'-eu, v. of icu ; to take, — waiwacu. ■wa-i'-eu-cu-ka, n. a pilferer. •wa-l'-eu-eu-kte-ea, v. to desire to take, to covet ; one who covets. ■wa-i'-eu-cu-pi-kte-ee-cir), n. covetousness. wa-i'-ei-hdu-sna, v. reflex, of wayusna ; to sacrifice oneself, — wami^ihdusna. See waihdu- ^na. ■wa'-i-ci-Ma-ni, v. refiex. of wahtani ; to sin against oneself, — wami^ihtani. ■wa-i'-en-hde, n. one who casts up to another ; an accuser. ■wa-i'-en-hi-ye-ya, v. to cast up to, — waienhi- yewaya. ■wa-i'-hdu-sna, v. refiex. of wayuina ; to sacri- fice oneself, — wamihdusna. ■wa-i'-hdu-stai), v. refiex. of yudtai) ; to finish what pertains to oneself, — wamihdu^tai). ■wa-i'-hdu-stai)-ke, n. one who has finished w/iat pertains to himself. wa-i'-hpe-ya, v. of aihpaya ; to throw on, place on, impute to; to leave to, when one dies, as property ; to give to others, — wailipewaya. ■wa-i'-tpe-ya-pi, n. leaving to, bequeathing ; an heir. wa-i'-hpe-ye, n. a testator. ■wa-ir)'-yur)-tor), v. of iijyuijtoi) ; to rub brains, grease, etc., on hides to prepare them for dressing. •wa-l'-pi-da, n. of ipida ; one who forbids or re- fuses to part with what he has. See wawipida. wa-i'-ste-ea, adj. bashful. See widteda. "wa-i'-sten-ya, v. a. to put to shame, — wai^ten- waya. ■wa-i'-ya-pe, v. of iyape ; to lie in wait. See wawiyape. ■wa-i'-ya-pe-pi, n. an ambush. ■wa-i'-ya-ta-hde, v. to have exceeding much, — waiyamatahde. See wiyatahde. ■wa-i'-ya-ta-hde-ya, v. to exceed, go beyond ; to be intemperate, — waiyatahdewaya. See wiyata- hdeya. "wa-l'-ye-ki-ya, v. of iyekiya; to recognise, — waiyewakiya. •wa-i'-ye-ya, v. of iyeya ; to find, — waiyewaya. ■wa-i'-ye-ye-ea, n. one who finds much. ■wa-ka'-dai), n. the roach, sun-fish. ■wa-ka'-dar)-hi-yu-za-pi, n. a kind of fish, perhaps the perch. So called because the teeth and some of the small bones of the head are put in gourd shells, which are used as rattles in their powwowing, and in making their sacred feasts and dances. "wa-ka'-du-ga, «;. of kaduga; to fan ; fanning, blowing, — wawakaduga : also 1st pers. sing, of kaduga. ■wa-ka'-ga, v. of kaga ; to make, — wawakaga : also 1st pers. sing, of kaga. ■wa-ka'-ga-pi, n. an image, picture, something made. ■wa-ka'-ge-ge, v. of kagege ; to sew, — wawaka- gege, wauijkagegepi : also 1st pers. sing, of kagege. ■wa-ka'-gl, v. of kagi ; to hinder or prevent by one's presence, as to keep one from speaking, or from doing something ; to be feared, — wawa- kagi, wamakagi : also 1st pers. sing, of kagi. ■wa-ka'-gi, n. one who restrains by his presence. •wa-ka'-gi-ya, v. a. to hinder, obstruct, keep others from going fast, — wakagiway a. "wa-ka'-gi-ya, adv. slowly, preventing, detaining. ■wa-ka'-ha-i-ye-ya, v. to put out of the way ; one who pushes things out of the way. ■wa-ka'-hi, v. of kahi ; to rummage, — wawakahi : also 1st pers. sing, of kahi. "wa-ka'-hi-ka, n. one who rummages. ■wa-ka'-hiQ-ta, v. of kahii)ta ; to sweep, — wawa- kahiqta : also 1st pers. sing, of kahirjta. ■wa-ka'-hmi-hma, v. of kahmihma ; to roll, — wawakahmihma : also 1st pere. sing, of ka- hmihma. ■wa-ka'-hmi-yai)-yai), v. of kahmiyaqyaij ; to make round, — wawakahmiyaijyai) : also 1st pers. sing, of kahmiyaflyag. ■wa-ka'-hmor), v. See wakahmuij. "wa-ka'-hmuT), v. of kahmug ; to spin, twist, — wawakahmug : also Ist pers. sing, of kahmuq. ■wa-ka'-hmug-pi, n. spinning. ■wa-ka'-ho-ho, v. of kahoho ; to shake, make loose, — wawakahoho : also 1st pers. sing, of ka- hoho. ■wa-ka'-ho-mni, v. of kahomni ; to make turn round, — wawakahomni : also Ist pers. sing, of kahomni. ■wa-ka'-hu-hu-za, v. of kahuhuza ; to shake by striking, — wawakahuhuza : also Ist pers. sing, of kahuhuza. WAK 214 WAK "wa-ka'-ha-pa, v. of kaiapa ; to drive along, — wawakahapa : also 1st pers. sing, of kahapa. ■wa-ka'-hda, v. of kahda ; to rattle ; to rum- mage,— wawakalida: also 1st pers. sing, of kalida. ■wa-ka'-Rda-ka, n. one who pilfers much. "wa-ka'-hde-ea, v. of kalideca ; to break open, to fracture, — wawakahdeda : also 1st pers. sing, of kalideca. ■wa-ka'-hdi-ya, v. of kahdiya ; to make mire, — wakalidiwaya. •wa-ka'-Rdo-ka, v. of kahdoka ; to make a hole in, — wawakahdoka : also 1st pere. sing, of ka- hdoka. ■wa-ka'-Re-pa, v. of kahepa ; to hale out, — wa- wakaliepa : also 1st pers. sing, of kahepa. vra-ka'-hi-ea, v. of kahica; to waken up by striking, — wawakahica : also, 1st pers. sing, of kaWca. ■wa-ka'-hni-ga, v. of kahniga ; to choose, — wa- wakaliniga : also 1st pers. sing, of kaBiniga. "wa-ka'-hpa, v. of kahpa ; to throw down, — wa- wakaipa : also 1st pers. sing, of kalpa. "wa'-ka-lipa, v. of akahpa ; to cover, — wawa- kafipa. ■wa-ka'-hpu, v. of kahpu ; to tear down, — wa- wakahpu : also 1st pers. sing, of kafipu. ■wa-ka'-hta-ka, v. n. to be easily hurt, touchy, nervous, — waniakahtaka. ■wa-ka'-Ma-ke-ea, n. one who is made sick by a little matter, one who is nervous, — wamakaita- keca. "wa-ka'-Mar), v. n. of kaitaij ; to absorb. ■wa-ka'-htar)-ka, adj. absorbent, absorbing. "wa-ka'-htar)-yai), adj. rough, roughened, as corn pulled open by the birds. "wa-ka'-hu, v. of kaiu ; to peel of, as bark, — ■wawakahu : also 1st pers. sing, of kahu. •wa-ka'-Ru-ga, v. of kaliuga ; to break, as the skull, kettles, etc., — wawakahuga : also, 1st pers. sing, of kaliuga. ■wa-ka'-Ru-ge-ca, n. one who kills much game. ■wa-ka'-hui)-ta, v. of kahupta ; to make rough, as the birds do by tearing open the husks of corn. "wa-ka'-i-de, v. of kaide ; to make blaze, — wawa- kaide. ■wa-ka'-kai), v. of kakai) ; to hew, — wawakakaij : also 1st pers. sing, of kakai). "wa-ka'-kea, v. of kak^a ; to comb, to disentangle, — wawakakca : also 1st pers. sing, of kakca. ■wa-ka'-kir)-ca, v. of kakiqda ; to scrape, — -wa- wakakiqc'a: also 1st pers. sing, of kakiqca. ■wa-ka'-kis-ya, v. of kakiiya ; to cause to suffer, — wakakiiwaya. wa-ka'-ko-ka, v. of kakoka ; to make rattle, — wawakakoka : also 1st pers. sing, of kakoka. ■wa-ka'-kpar), v. of kakpai) ; to pound fine, — wawakakpaq : also 1st pers. sing, of kakpai). ■wa-ka'-ksa, v. of kaksa ; to cut off with an axe, — wawakaksa : also 1st pers. sing, of kaksa. ■wa-ka'-ksa, v. of kakia ; to roll up, — wawaka- kca. ■wa-ka'-ksar), v. of kakCaq ; to bend, — wawaka- ksai) : also 1st pers. sing, of kakCai]. ■wa-ka'-kii-za, v. of kakCiia ; to double up, — wawakaksiia : also 1st pere. sing, of kakCiia. ■wa-ka'-ktai), v. of kaktaij ; to make bend, — wa- wakaktai) : also 1st pers. sing, of kaktai). "wa-ka'-ku-ka, v. of kakuka ; to pound to pieces, destroy, — wawakakuka : also 1st pers. sing, of kakuka. "wa-ka'-mda, v. of kamda ; to slice, — wawaka- mda : also 1st pers. sing, of kamda. •wa-ka'-mda-ya, v. of kamdaya ; to make level, spread out, — wawakamdaya : also 1st pers. sing, of katadaya. •wa-ka'-mda-za, v. of kamdaza ; to rip open, — wawakamdaza : also 1st pers. sing, of kamdaza. •wa-ka'-mde-ca, v. of kamdeca; to dash to pieces, — waijvakamdeda : also 1st pers. sing, of kamdeca. "wa-ka'-mdu, v. of kamdu ; to pulverize, — wa- wakamdu : also 1st pers. sing, of kamdu. •wa-ka'-mna, v. of kamna ; to collect, gather to- gether,— wawakamna : also 1st pers. sing, of ka- mna. "wa-ka'-mna-ka, n. one who collects. ■wa-ka'-nmar)-pi, n. gathering together, collect- ing. ■wa-ka'-mnl, v. of kamni ; to make mellow, pre- pare, as a field, — wawakamni : also 1st pers. sing, of kamni. wa-kaxi', adv. above. See waijkan. "wa-kai)', adj. spiritual, sacred, consecrated; wonderful, incomprehensible ; said also of women at the menstrual period, — mawakai), niwakar), ui)wakai)pi. ■wa-kar)', n. a spirit, something consecrated : Taku wakai) and Wakai) taqka, the Great Spirit. ■wa-kar) '-da, v. a. to reckon as holy or sacred ; to worship, — wakaijwada, wakai)ui)dapi. ■wa-kar) '-da-ka, v. a. Same as wakaijda. •wa-kar) '-e-cor), v. to do tricks of jugglery, — wa- kai) ecamon. •wa-kar) '-e-eor)-pi-dar), n. magic, tricks of jug- glery. ■wa-kar) '-ha, n. a beards skin. ■wa-kar)'-hdi, n. th.e lightning. ■wa-kar) '-he-za, «. children, i. q. iiceda. WAK 215 WAK ■wa-kar)'-i-ci-da, v. reflex, of wakaijda ; to esteem oneself holy or wakaq ; to he jrroud, — wakaqmi- ^ida. •wa-kai)'-i-ei-da-pi, n. pride. •wa-karj'-ka, n. an old woman, — wamakaijka. "wa-kar)'-ka-dar), n. Same as wakaijka. ■wa-kar)'-ka-ga, v. to make wakaij, perform acts of worship according to the ideas of the Dakotas, — wakaijwakaga. •wa-kag'-ka-to-pa-snor), n. the lumbar verte- hrce ; so called because the old women roast that part. •wa-kar)'-ki-ei-yu-za-pi, n. taking each other sacredly, i. e. marriage according to law. ■wa-kar)'-ki-da, v. pos. of wakaqda ; to regard one's own as sacred, — wakaijwakida. Wa-kai)'-si-6a, n. the Bad Spirit. •wa-kar)'-ta-car)-pa, n. a species of wild cherry. ■wa-kai)'-ta-ko-pa-za, n. wood, of all kinds, in the sacred language. See paza. •wa-kar)'-ta-ko-zu, n. water, in the sacred lan- guage. See also nide. Wa-kar)'-tar)-ka, B. the Great Spirit, the Crea- tor of all things, and the god of war. ■wa-kar)'-"wa-ei-pi, n. the sacred dance. This is the name of a secret society among the Dako- tas which purports to be the depository of their sacred mysteries. The medicine-sack is the badge of membership. With the claws or beads contained in this they pretend to shoot mysteri- ously, and cause death. The making of a sacred dance is a great occasion. The high priests of the ceremonies spend the night previous in heat- ing stones, in sweating and singing, and holding communion with the spirit world. In the dance, those who belong to the society appear in their best attire, gaily painted, and drum, sing, dance, and feast together. •wa-kaij'-'WO-har), v. to make a sacred feast, — wakai)wowahe. ■wra-kai)'-wo-har)-pi, ra. a sacred feast. This is made by such as belong to the wakaijwacipi, and is preceded and accompanied by drumming, singing, etc. ■wa-kar)'-"WO-liipa, n. meteoric stones, a meteor. ■wa-kar)'-yar), adv. sacredly, holily, mysteri- ously : wakaqyai) yuza, to take a wife or hus- band after the Christian mode. See wakaijkici- yuzapi. ■wa-kar)'-yu-za, v. to take a wife after the man- ner of Christians, — wakaijmduza. ■wa-ka'-o-hpa, v. of kaohpa : to break through, — wawakaohpa : also 1st pers. sing, of kaohpa. ■wa-ka'-pa, v. of kapa ; to excel, exceed, surpass, — wakawapa, wakauqpapi. ■wra-ka'-pa, v. of kapa; to pound off, — wawa- kapa : also 1st pers. sing, of kapa. See wak»- pai). ■wa-ka'-pai), v. of kapai) ; to pound off, as corn, — wawakapai) : also 1st pers. sing, of kapai). ■wa-ka'-par)-pai), v. of kapaijpaij ; to pound soft, — wawakapai) pai) : also 1st pers. sing, of kapai) pai). "wa-ka'-pari-pi, n. pounded meat mixed with marrow or fat, pemmican. "wa-ka'-pa-pi, n. pemmican. Ava-ka'-pe-mni, v. of kapemni ; to twist, — wa- wakapemni : also 1st pers. sing, of kapemni. "wa-ka'-pe-sto, v. of kapesto ; to sharpen, — wawakapesto : also 1st pers. sing, of kapesto. ■wa-ka'-pe-ya, v. to excel, cause to excel, — waka- pewaya. ■wa-ka'-po-gar), ■». of kapogai) ; to make swell out. •wa-ka'-po-pa, v. of kapopa ; to make burst, — wawakapopa : also 1st pers. sing, of kapopa. wa-ka'-po-ta, v. of kapota ; to pound to pieces, — wawakatopa : also 1st pers. sing, of kapota. ■wa-ka'-psa-ka, v. of kapsaka ; to break in two, as a string, — wawakapsaka : also 1st pers. sing. of kapsaka. "wa-ka'-psi-ea, v. of kapsica; to make hop, — wawakapsida : also 1st pers. sing, of kapsica. ■wa-ka'-psir)-psir)-ta, v. of kapsiqpsiqta ; to whip, — wawakapsiqpsigta : also 1st pers. sing, of kapsii)psii)ta. ■wa-ka'-psoi), v. of kapsoi) ; to spill, — wawaka- psoi) : also 1st pers. sing, of kapsoq. ■wa-ka'-psur), v. of kapsuij ; to dislocate, — wa- wakapsui) : also 1st pers. sing, of kapsui). ■wa-ka'-pta, v. of kapta ; to dip out, — wawa- kapta : also 1st pers. sing, of kapta. ■wa-ka'-pte-ce-dai), v. of kaptecedaij ; to cut off shorter, — wawakaptededai) : also 1st pers. sing, of kaptecedai). "wa-ka'-ptu-za, v. of kaptuia ; to split or crack, wawakaptuia : also Ist pers. sing, of kaptu^a. ■wa-ka'-sa, v. of kasa ; to bury in the snow, — wawakasa. ■wa'-ka-sai)-sar), n. See wakasaqsaqna. ■wa'-ka-sai)-sar)-na, n. the snow-bird. ■wa-ka'-sbu, v. of kasbu ; to cut in strips, — wa- wakasbu : also 1st pers. sing, of kasbu. ■wa-ka'-sTDU-pi, n. dangles. ■wa'-ka-sda-ta, v. to do a thing slowly, — wawa- kasdata. "wa-ka'-sde-ea, v. of kasdeca ; to split, — wawa- kasdeda : also 1st pers. sing, of kasdeda. "wa-ka'-sdi, v. of kasdi; to strike and make fly out, — wawakasdi. WAK 216 WAK "wa-ka'-sdi-tka, v. of kasditka ; to make knob- bed,— wawakasditka. ■wa-ka'-sdo-har), v. n. to drive along, as the wind does a boat. "wa-ka'-ska, v. 1st pers. sing, of kaska, to whiten. ■wa'-ka-ska, v. of akaska ; to eat greedihj, eat long, — wawakaska. •wa-ka'-ski-ca, v. of kaskica ; to 2wess or pound tight, — wawakaskica. "wa-ka'-sma-ka, v. of kasmaka ; to indent by pounding, — wawakasmaka. ■wa-ka'-smir)-yar)-yar), v. to make bare, as the wind does the ground by driving off the snow. ■wa-ka'-sna, v. of kasna ; to make ring ; to shake off, as the wind does leaves from a tree : also 1st pers. sing, of kasna. ■wa-ka'-sni, v. of kasni ; to extinguish, — wawa- kasni : also 1st pers. sing, of kasni. "wa-ka'-so-ta, v. of kasota ; to use up, expend, make an end of, — wawakasota : also 1st pers. sing, of kasota. "wa-ka'-sto, v. of kasto ; to smooth down. ■wa-ka'-sa-ka, v. of kasaka ; to strike with too little force to penetrate, — wawaka^aka : also 1st pers. sing, of kasaka. ■wa-ka'-sa-pa, v. to make black or dirty by smiting, — wawakasapa. "wa-ka'-sdo-ka, v. of kasdoka ; to knock off, as an axe from the handle, — wawakasdoka : also 1st pers. sing, of kasdoka. "wa-ka'-sdu-ta, v. of kasduta ; to make glance, as an axe, — wawakasduta : also Ist pers. sing, of kasduta. ■wa-ka'-se-ca, v. of kaseca ; to deaden, — wawa- kaseca : also 1st pers. sing, of kaieca. ■wa-ka'-se-ya, v. of ka^eya; to obstruct, — wa- kasewaya. ■wa-ka'-si-ea-ho-^wa-ya, v. of kasicahowaya ; to cause to cry out by smiting, — wawakasicaho- waya. •wa-ka'-si-pa, v. of ka^ipa ; to break off, as limbs from a tree, — wawakasipa : also 1st pers. sing, of kasipa. ■wa-ka'-ska, v. of kaska ; to bind, — wawakaska : also 1st pers. sing, of ka^ka. "wa-ka'-ski-ea, v. of kaskica ; to press, pound, — wawakaskica : also 1st pers. sing, of kaskica. "wa-ka'-sko-kpa, v. of ka^kokpa ; to hollow out, as a trough, — wawakaskokpa : also 1st pers. sing. of kaskokpa. ■vira-ka'-sko-pa, v. of kaikopa ; to cut crookedly, — wawakaskopa : also Ist pers. sing, of kaskopa. ■wa-ka'-sko-tpa, v. Same as wakaskokpa. ■wa-ka'-sna, v. of kasna ; to miss in striking, — wawakasna : also 1st pers. sing, of ka^na. "wa'-ka-so-ta, adj. blackened with smoke. "wa'-ka-SO-te-sni, adj. clean, not defied, pure : wakasotesni waui), / am undefled. ■wa'-ka-so-te-sni-yar), adv. purely, undefledly. ■wa-ka'-spa, v. of kaspa ; to cut off a piece ; to expectorate, — wawakaspa : also 1st pers. sing, of kaspa. ■wa-ka'-sta-ka, v. of kastaka ; to smite, — wawa- kastaka : also 1st pers. sing, of kastaka. ■wa-ka'-stai), v. of kastaij ; to pour out, — wawa- kastai) : also 1st pers. sing, of kastai). ■wa-ka'-su-za, v. of kasuia ; to crush by striking, — wawakasuza : also 1st pers. sing, of kasuza. ■wa-ka'-taij-ni, v. of kataqni ; to wear out by striking, — wawakataijni : also 1st pers. sing, of kataqni. "wa-ka'-ta-ta, v. of katata ; to shake, as a bed, — wawakatata : also 1st pers. sing, of katata. "wa-ka'-te-pa, v. of katepa ; to cut to a stump, — wawakatepa : also 1st pers. sing, of katepa. ■wa-ka'-ti-ea, v. of katica ; to scrape off, — wa- wakatica. "wa-ka'-tka, v. of katka; to choke, — wamaka- tka. ■wa-ka'-tku-ga, v. of katkuga; to cut up short. "wa-ka'-tkuQ-za, v. of katkui)za ; to cut off square, — wawakatkur)za. ■wa-ka'-to-to, v. of katoto ; to knock, as on a door ; to clear off, as land for ploughing, — wa- wakatoto. "Wa-ka'-tu-ka, v. of katuka ; to spoil by striking, as furs, — wawakatuka. ■wa-ka'-tu-tka, v. of katutka ; to break into small pieces, — wawakatutka. wa-ka'-ta, v. of kata ; to kill by striking, — wa- wakata. •wa-ka'-tilj-za, v. of katiqza ; to pound in tight, — wa wakatii) za. •wa-ka'-"wai)-ka, v. of kawai)ka ; to chop down as timber ; to blow down, as the wind does trees. "wa-ka'-we-ga, v. of kawega ; to break or frac- ture,— wawakawega. ■wa-ka'-vri-hnu-nl, v. of kawihnuni ; to de- stroy,— wawakawihnuni. ■wa-ka'-"wir)-za, v. of kawii)ia ; to bend down by striking, — wawakawiijia. ■wa-ka'-zai), v. of kazaq ; to strike and make sick, — wawakazai) . "wa-ka'-ze, v. of kaze ; to lade or dip out, as food from a kettle, — wawakaze. "wa-ka'-zoij-ta, v. to loeave, — wawakazoqta : also 1st pers. sing, of kazoijta. ■wa-ka'-za-za, v. of kaiaia ; to wash ; to see well, — wawakaiaia : also 1st pers. sing, of ka- zaia. WAK 217 WAK wa-ka'-zl-pa, v. of kaiipa ; to shave, — wawa- kaiipa. ■wa-ka'-zur), v. of kazui) ; to tear up by the roots. ■wa-ka'-zu-zu, v. of kazuiu ; to pay off ; to erase ; to forgive, — wawakaiuiu : also 1st pers. sing, of kazuiu. ■wa-kcar)'-yar), f. to observe and report: wa- kcaqyai) ya, to go to spy out ; wakdaijyai) hdi, to come home and make report of what one has learned, as in the case of a man sent out by the hunters to discover where the buffalo are. ■wa-kear)'-ye-ya, v. a. to cause to go and spy out, — wakc'aijyewaya. "Wa-ke'-ya, n. a skin tent, a Dakota lodge. ■wa-ke'-ya, v. a. to have for a tent, — wakewaya. ■wa-ke'-ya-ska, n. a linen or cotton tent. "wa-ki', V. 1st pers. sing, of ki, to arrive at home, and of ki, to rob. ■wa-ki', ?). of ki ; to rob, — wawaki. •wa-ki'-eaij-pta, v. a. to comfort, console, — wa- wecaqpta : wawicakicaijpta, he comforts them. wa-kl'-eaij-pta, adj. compassionate. ■wa-kl'-ci-hna-ka, v. of hnaka ; to lay away for one, — wawecihnaka. ■wa'-ki-ei-hna-ka, v. of ahnaka: to lay on for one, apply a poultice or cataplasm to one, — w4- wecihnaka. ■wa'-ki-ei-zu, v. a. to lay on a poultice for one, — wawecizu, wdmicizu. "wa-ki'-eoQ-za, v. a. to purpose, determine for one, — wawec'or) za. "Wa-ki'-coq-za, n. one who determines or decides. ■wa-ki'-cuQ-pi, n. what is taken and used by all, common property. "vva-ki'-ge, v. of kige ; to scold, — wawakige : also 1st pers. sing, of kige. ■wa-ki'-hda-ka, n. dressed skin, leather, such as is used to make and mend moccasins with. "wa-ki'-hde-ea, v. a. to have a feeling for, or be in sympathy with an absent friend, that causes a nervous sensation in the breast or an involun- tary twitching of the muscles, said to be pre- monitory of what is to happen to the person, — wawehdeca, wawicawehdeca. •wa-ki'-hnag, cont. of wakihnaka; wakihnag wahi, / have come to lay away. ■wa-M'-hna-ka, v. of kihnaka; to store away one's own, — wawehnaka, wauijkihnakapi. wa-ki'-hna-ka-pi, n. what is laid U2), an in- heritance. ■wa'-ki-hta-ni, v. of wahtani ; to sin against. "Wa-ki'-kaq-he-za, v. a. to conciliate by pre- sents or by fawning, to make friends with by sub- mission to, — wakiwakaqheia. 28 Tva-ki'-ksu-ya, v. of kiksuya ; to remember ; to hold communion with and receive communications from supernatural beings, as the Dakotas pretend to do ; to call to remembrance a dead friend, — waweksuya, waur)kiksuyapi. •wa-ki'-ksu-ya-pi, n. remembering the past. "wa'-ki-ktor)-za, v. of akiktoijia ; to forget, — wawektoi)ia. ■wa-kl'-mna-yar), n. one who has collected much, one who is rich. "wa'-ki-ni-ea, v. of akinica ; to dispute, — w4wa- kinica, wauijkinicapi. "wa'-ki-ni-ca-pi, n. disputation, contest. ■wa-ki'-nl-hai), v. 1st pers. sing, of kinihaq. ■wa'-ki-nin, cont. of wakinica ; wakinin uij. ■wa-ki'-ni-ya, v. n. to be touchy, get out of humor, — wawakiniya. ■wa-kir)'-ir), v. of kiijin ; to throw at, to stone, — wawakii)ii) : also 1st pers. sing, of kiqiq. ■wa-klr)'-yai), v. of ki^yaij ; tofy, as birds. "wa-kiij'-yar), the thunder ; the cause of thunder and lightning, supposed by the Dakotas to be a great bird. ■wra-kir)'-yar)-ho-tor), v. the thunder utters his voice ; to thunder. ■wa-kir)'-yar)-na, jt. birds, fowls. •wa-kir)'-yar)-pi, n. those that fly, birds. "wa-ki'-pa-zii), v. of kipaiiq ; to oppose, — wawa- kipaiii) : also 1st pers. sing, of kipaiii). "wa-kl'-pi, n. robbery, spoiling. See wawi<$a- kipi. "Wa-ki'-psa-psa, adv. thick, close together. See akipsapsa. ■wa'-ki-sor), v. of akisoq ; to put edging around quill work, — wiwakisoi). •wa-ki'-s'ag, cont. of wakis'aka. "wa-ki'-s'ag-ya, v. a. to make endure, — waki- i'agwaya. ■wa-ki'-s'ag-ya, adv. enduring. •wa-ki'-s'a-ka, adj. capable of endurance, strong to endure hardship or suffering, not easily ex- hausted or overcome, indefatigable, — wamaki^'aka, wanici^'aka. ■wa-ki'-s'a-ke, n. strength. ■wa-ki'-sde-ya, v. of kisdeya ; to annoy, vex ; one who annoys, — wakiidewaya. ■wa-ki'-sko-kpa, n. a bucket made of bark, a basket, a pitcher, etc. ■wa-ki'-sko-tpa, n. Same as wakiskokpa. ■wa'-ki-ta, v. of akita ; to seek for, — wawakita, wdugkitapi. ■wa-ki'-tar), v. of kitai) ; to insist upon, — wawa- kitai) : also 1st pers. sing, of kitai). ■wa-ki'-tarj-ka, n. one who insists upon. "wa-ki'-te-hi, adj. stingy, covetous, — wamakitehi. WAK 218 WAK ■wa-ki'-toi)-tor) ka, v. n. to be frugal, economi- cal; one who is frugal, etc., — wawakitoi)toi)ka. ■wa-M'-tu-ka, v. of kituka ; to beg of, — wawaki- tuka : also 1st pers. sing, of kituka. "wa-ki'-urj-ni-ya, v. of kiuijniya ; to injure, hurt, — wakiuij niway a. wa-ki'-ya-zar), v. pos. of wayazaij ; to become sick for one, as one's child, — ■vvamakiyazaij, wanic'iya- zai), wauijkiyazaijpi. ■wa-ki'-ye, n. birds. "wa-kl'-ye-dai), n. a pigeon, pigeons, "wa-ki'-yu-se, v. of kiyu^e ; to oppose, to hate. •wa-ki'-yu-ska, v. of Hyu^ka ; to loosen, release, — wawakiyu^ka and wawakimdu&a : also 1st pers. sing, of kiyu4ka. ■wa-M'-yu-sna, v. a. to sacrifice to, offer to in sacrifice, — wawakiyusna, wauijkiyuinapi, wacici- yu^na. ■wa-ki'-3ni-sna-pi, n. sacrificing to. ■wa-ki'-yu-za, v. a. to take away the clothes of one who comes home in triumph. This is done when the braves first come home in triumph ; and their blankets may afterwards be taken from them on each occasion of painting the scalps red, which ceremony is commonly performed four times. Hence, to take advantage of, — wawaki- yuza, wawicakiyuzapi. •wa-kmu', n. (Ihaijk.) Same as wamnu. ■wa-ko'-ki-pa, v. of kokipa; to be afraid, fear- ful,— wakowakipa. ■wa-ko'-M-pe-kl-ca-ga, v. a. to make afraid, frighten into a measure, — wakokipewecaga, wa- kokipemicaga. ■wa-ko'-ni-ya, n. a fountain or spring of water. wa-kor)', v. of koij ; to desire, — wawakoq : also 1st pers. sing, of koi). "wa-kog'-za, v. of ko^za ; to infiuence, to deter- mine,— wawakoijza : also Ist pers. sing, of koi)za. •wa-koi)'-ze, n. influence : nitawakoijze, thy in- fluence or spirit. wa-ko'-yag-ya, v. of koyagya ; to put on, to clothe ; to cause to put on, — wakoyagwaya. •wa-ko'-ya-ka, v. of koyaka ; to put on clothes, — wakomdaka, wakouijyakapi. ■wa-ko'-ya-ke-ca, n. one who puts on clothes, one who dresses up, a fop, — wakomayakec'a. vra-kpa', n. a stream of water, a river. ■wa-kpa'-dar), n. a small stream, a rivulet, a creek. "wa-kpi'-ea-hda, adv. by the side of a stream. ■wa-kpo'-hna, adv. on the stream. ■wa-kpo'-pta, adv. across the stream. wa-kpu'-kpa, n. dust, motes of dust ; i. q. wa- tuseksec'a. "wa-kpu'-kpe-ea, n. any thing scattered about, dust. ■wa-ksi'-ea, ». a dish, a bowl, a pan, a plate. "wa-ksi'-ea-o-pi-ye, n. a cupboard. ■wa-ksi'-ea-ska-dai), n. earthen plates. ■wa-kta', n. a sign, a mark. See wowakta. ■wa-kta', v. n. to look out for, watch for, he on one's guard, — wawakta, wauijktapi. "wa-kta'-ken, adv. on the look out for, guard- edly. "wa-kta'-ya, v. a. to put on one^s guard, to warn, — waktawaya, waktauijyaijpi. "wa-kta'-ya, adv. on one's guard, warily, pru- dently. ■wa-kta'-ya-ken, adv. on the look out. "wa-kte', v. 1st pers. sing, of kte. ■wa-kte', V. of kte ; to kill, to have killed and scalped, to triumph, — wawakte, wauijktepi : wa- kte ahda, they go home in triumph ; wakte ahdi, they come horns in triumph ; wakte hi, to come in triumph ; wakte hda, to go home in tri- umph, having taken scalps ; wakte hdi, to comt home bringing the scalps of enemies ; wakte ki, etc. ■wa-kto'-hdag, cont. of waktohdaka. ■wa-kto'-hdag-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to tell how many scalps one has taken, — wakdohdagwakiya. "wa-kto'-hda-ka, v. pos. (wakte and ohdaka) to tell over one's own warlike exploits, tell how many scalps one has helped to take, — waktowahdaka. ■wa-kto'-ki-ci-ya-ka, v. to tell to one the war- like deeds of another for him, — waktoweciyaka. "wa-kto'-kl-ya-ka, v. to tell to one of warlike exploi ts, — waktowakiy aka. ■wa-kto'-ya-ka, v. to tell what one has done in killing enemies, — waktomdaka. ■wa-kuQ'-za, v. See wakopza. "wa-ku'-te, v. of kute ; to shoot, to be shooting, — wawakute, wauijkutepi: wakute mde kta, I will go shooting : also 1st pers. sing, of kute, to shoot, as fowls. ■wa-ku'-te-pi, n. shooting. ■wa-ku'-'wa, v. of kuwa ; to hunt, hunt for furs, as those of muskrats, otters, etc. : hunting, — wawa- kuwa, waui)kuwapi : also 1st pers. sing, of kuwa. wa-ku'-'wa-pi, n. hunting, as for furs. "wa-ka', V. of \& ; to dig, — wawa^a, waui)i:api : also 1st pers. sing, of lf.ii,. •wa-ke'-dar), n. the places from which squirrels dig up food. ■wa-kir)', v. of \\v) ; to pack, carry on one's hack, — wawalfii), waui)J:ii)pi : also 1st pers. sing, of Ifii). "wa-kir)', w. a pack, a burden. •wa-kir)'-car)-ki-ca-ska, w. a place of deposit for meat, etc., in the woods. ■wa-kir) '-kl-y a, v. a. to cause to pack or carry on the back, as a horse, — wa^fiijwakiya. WAK 219 WAN \W"a-kii)'-kii)-na-se, n. like apaclc, i. e. a square. "wa-k.ir)'-pi, ?i. a burden, a pack. "Wa-ku', V. of ^u ; to give, — wawa^u, waurilfupi : also 1st pers. sing, of l^n. ■wa-ku'-pi, n. giving ; receiving. "wa-ma'-ka-skai), n. creeping things, the generic name for vermin. . ■wa-ma'-ki-nor), v. of makinoi) ; to steal from one, — wamawakinofl, wamauflkinoi^pi. "wa-ma'-ko-hna-ka, n. the contents of the world ; the whole creation, animate and inanimate. ■wa-ma'-ni-ea, n. the generic name for carnivo- rous animals. •wa-ma'-ni-ti, n. a beards den. ■wa-ma'-nor), v. of manor) ; to steal, — wamawa- noi), wamauqnoijpi. ■wa-ma'-nog-pi, n. stealing, theft. vra-ma'-norj-s'a, n. a thief. ■wa-ma'-nu, v. See wamanoi). ■wa-mde'-ni-ea, n. an orphan, a fatherless or motherless child, — wamamdenica, wauijmdenic'a- pi : wamdenica eipeciyapi sni, " / will not leave you orphans." ■wa'-mde-za, v. n. to see clearly, — wawamdeza, w4yamdeza. wa-mdi', n. See waijradi. ■wa-mdo'-ka, n. the lie-bear. wa'-mdo-ska, n. a species of blackbird with white on its wings ; the wapagica. ■wa'-mdo-sa, n. a species of blackbird with red on its wings. ■wa-mdu'-dai), n. maggots. "wa-mdu'-ska, n. snakes ; serpents. ■wa-mdu'-ska-dar), n. snakes ; wwms. ■wa'-mi-ni, n. snow-water. ■wa-mna'-da, v. a. to honor, respect, fear ; to consider brave or energetic, — wamnawada, wa- mnauijdapi. ■wa-mna'-da-sni, v. a. to have no respect for one's ability, — wamnawada^ni. ■wa-mna'-he-ea, n. an oar, a paddle. "wa-mna'-he-za, n. maize, Indian corn. ■wa-mna'-he-za-hu, n. corn-stalks. ■wa-mna'-he-za-kl-ci-i-ca-ge, n. a blue flower that appears about the time corn is ripe. ■wa-mna'-i-ei-da, v. reflex, of wamnada ; to be proud, think much of one's own abilities, — wa- mnami^ida. ■wa-mna'-i-ci-da-pi, n. pride. vra-mna'-yai), v. of mnayaq ; to gather, collect, — wamnawaya, wamnauijyaijpi. •wa-inna'-yag-pi, n. gathering, harvest. ■wa-mnl', v. of mni ; to dry by spreading out, as shelled corn, — wawamni : also 1st pers. sing, of mni. ■wa'-mni-mni, v. of amnimni ; to sprinkle ; one who sprinkles, — wawamnimni. ■wa'-mni-o-mni, n. a small worm, perhaps a chrysalis ; a whirl of wind, a hurricane. ■wa-mnu', n. gourds ; pumpkins, squashes, etc. ■wa-mnu'-ha, n. gourd-shells. The Indian rattle is usually made of a gourd-shell. •wa-mnu'-hu, n. pumpkin vines. ■wa-mnu'-lia, n. large beads. ■wa-mnu'-lia-dar), n. large beads ; snail-shells. ■wa-mnu'-sa-dar), n. a kind of bird, the snipe. ■wa-mnu'-taq-ka, n. pumpkins. ■wa-mxiQ'-ta, n. an ear of com well filled and flat at the end. ■wa'-na, adv. See waijna. wa-na'-bag-i-ye-ya, v. to kick away, kick out the foot. •wa'-na-bu, v. of anabu ; to make a drumming noise with the foot on the ground, — wanawabu. wa'-na-bu-bu, v. red. of wanabu. ■wa-na'-eaQ-eag, v. of nacaijcai) ; to shake with the foot, — wanawacai) c'aij. wa-na'-ee-kce-ka, v. of nac'ekceka ; to make stagger by kicking, — wanawacekceka. "wa-na'-ee-ya, v. of naceya ; to kick and make cry, — wanawaceya. vra-na'-ee-ye-s'a, n. one who kicks and makes cry. wa-na'-gl, n. of nagi ; the soul when separated from the body ; a ghost, the manes ; a shadow. ^va-na'-gi-ta-ear)-ku, n. the milky way. "wa-na'-gi-ta-go-sa, n. ghost-spittle ; a kind of exudation found around some plants ; cuckoo- spittle. ■wa-na'-gi-ta-ma-ko-ee, n. the world of spirits. ■wa-na'-gl-ti-pi, n. the house of spirits, the abode of the dead, hades. "wa-na'-gi-ya-ta, adv. in the world of spirits, at the spirit-land, to the abode of spirits : wana- giyata mde kta, / will go to the spirit-land. "wa-na'-gi-ye-ya, v. of nagiyeya ; to annoy, trouble, vex, — wanagiyewaya. •\wa-na'-gu-ka, v. of naguka ; to sprain, — wana- waguka. •wa-na'-ha-i-ye-ya, v. to knock down with the foot, to kick aside. •wa-na'-hii)-ta, v. of nahigta ; to scrape off with the foot, — wanawahiijta. ■wa-na'-hmui), v. of nahmu^ ; to curl or twist up. Tva-na'-hna, v. to kick off, as fruit, — wanawa- hna. ■wa-na'-hna-yai), v. to slip, slide, deceive. ■wa-na'-hna-ye, n. slipping, deception. "wa-na'-ho-ho, v. of nahoho ; to make loose with the foot, — wanawahoho. WAN 220 WAN ■wa-na'-ho-mnl, v. of nahomni ; to turn round with the foot, — wanawahomni. ■wa-na'-ho-toi), v. of nahotoij ; to cause to make a noise by kicking, — wanawahotoi). wa-na'-hu-hu-za, v. of nahuhuza ; to shake with the foot, — wanawahuhuza. ■wa-na'-ha-pa, v. of nalapa ; to scare away by walking ; one who frightens game, — wanawaha- pa. •wa'-na-hbe, v. of anaima ; to conceal, — wdna- walibe. ■wa-na'-hoi, v. of nahci ; to break out a piece with the foot ; to break out pieces, as from a horse's hoof. ■wa-na'-hda, v. of nahda ; to rattle with the foot, — wanawahda. "wa-na'-hda-ta, v. of nahdata ; to scratch with the foot ; one who scratches with the foot, as a cat, — wanawahdata. ■wa-na'-Bide-ea, v. of naMec'a ; to tear with the foot ; one ivho tears, — wanawahdec'a. ■wa-na'-Rdo-ka, v. of nahdoka ; to wear holes in the feet by means q/" something, — wanawahdo- ka. •wa-na'-he-ya-ta, v. of naheyata ; to kick out of the way : wanaheyata iyeya. ■wa-na'-hi-ca, v. of nahida ; to waken up with the foot, — wanawahica. ■wa-na'-hma, v. of nahma ; to conceal, — wana- wahma. ■wa'-na-tma, v. of anahma ; to conceal ; to deny a charge, — wdnawahma. ■wa-na'-hoi), v, of nahog ; to hear, hearken, obey, — wanawahoq. ■wa-na'-Ror), adj. hearkening, obedient. ■wa-na'-toQ-pi, n. the act of listening, hearkening. "wa-na'-Roq-sni, v. to be disobedient, not to hearken to, — wanawahoq^ni. ■wa-na'-lipa, v. of nahpa ; to knock or shake down, as one may do by walkmg on an upper floor, — wanawahpa. "wa'-na-lipa, v. to kick or cast about snow with the feet, as buffaloes and horses do. •wa-na'-hpe-ea, v. Same as wan4hpa. ■wa-na'-hpu, v. of nahpu ; to kick off pieces. ■wa-na'-Ma-ka, v. of nahtaka; to be in the habit of kicking, — wanawahtaka. "wa-na'-i-ci-tmaQ-pi, n. those who conceal themselves ; hypocrites. ■wa-na'-ka-ka, v. of nakaka ; to make rattle with the foot, as icicles, stiff hides, etc., — wanawa- ■wa-na'-kas, adv. cont. of wanakazi ; long ago. 'wa-na'-kas-'wo-ta, adj. aged, — wanakaima- wota. ■\va-na'-ka-tir), v. of nakatu) ; to stretch out with the foot, — wanawakatii). ■wa-na'-ka-za, adv. long ago. ■wa-na'-ka-za-taQ-har), adv. long since, of old, of a long time. ■wa'-na-ki-tma and 'wanaklh'be, v. of anaki- hma ; to conceal, — wdnawakihbe, w4naui)ki- hmaijpi. ■wa'-na-ki-Rmag-pi, n. hypocrites. ■wa'-na-ki-ksir), v. of anakik^ii) ; to interpose and defend one by taking his place in danger, — wdnawek^ir), wdnamik^ii). "wa-na'-ki-za, v. of nakiia ; to tread out, as rice, — wanawakiia. ■wa-na'-ko-ka, v. of nakoka ; to rattle with the foo t, — wanawakoka. ■wa-na'-kpa, n. bears^ ears. ■wa-na'-ksa, v. of naksa ; to break off with the foot, — wanawaksa, wanauriksapi. ■wa-na'-ksa-ksa, v. red. of wanaksa. ■wa-na'-ksi-za, v. of nak^iia ; to double up with the foot, — wanawaksiia. ■wa-na'-ktai), v. of naktaij ; to bend with the foot, — wanawaktai) . "wa-na'-ku-k£i, v. of nakuka ; to wear out with the feet, — wanawakuka. "wa-na'-ku-ke-ea, n. one who wears out mocca- sins badly. •sva-na'-mda-ska, v. of namdaska ; to flatten with the foot, — wanawamdaska. ■wa-na'-mda-ya, v. of namdaya ; to spread out with the foot, — wanawamdaya. •wra-na'-mda-za, v. of namdaza ; to burst open. "wa-na'-mde-oa, v. of namdeda; to break in pieces with the foot, — wanawamdeda. ■wa-na'-mna, v. of namna ; to rip with the foot, as moccasins, — wanawamna. ■wa-na'-mna-ka, n. one who rips his moccasins much. ■wa'-nar), adv. See waqna. ■wa-na'-o-Bipa, v. of naohpa ; to break into with the feet, — wanawaohpa. ■wa-na'-o-ksa, v. of naoksa ; to break through, as through ice in kUling muskrats, — wanawaoksa. ■wa-na'-o-ktai), v. of naoktag ; to bend into with the foot, — wanawaoktai). ■wa-na'-o-tiij-za, v. of naotiijza ; to tread in tight, — wanaowatiijza. "wa-na'-pa, v. of napa ; to fee, — wanawapa. ■wa-na'-par), v. of napari ; to tread out, as grain, — wanawapai). •wa-na'-par)-pai3, v. of napaijpai) ; to make soft by treading, — wanawapaqpai). ■wa-na'-pca, v. to swallow, — wanawapda : wana- pda iyeya. WAN 221 "WAN wa-na'-pe-ya, v. to drive off, cause to flee ; one who makes flee, — wanapewaya. ■wa-na'-pi-ea-ge-yu-za, v. (wanapa, idaga, and yuza) to have it in one's power to make all flee ; to be feared by all, — wanapicagemduza. •wa-na'-pis-kaij-yar), v. See wanapistaijyai). "wa-na'-pis-tar(-yar), v. of napi^taijyai) ; to de- stroy or injure every thing, — wanipistaijwaya. ■wa-na'-po-hna-ka, v. to put or hold in the hands. ■wa-na'-poR-ya, v. of napoiya ; to leaven, cause to rise, — wanapoiwaya. ■wa-na'-pom-ya, v. to cause to burst, — wana- pomwaya. ■wa-na'-po-pa, v. of napopa ; to burst. wa-na'-po-ta, v. of napota ; to wear out with the feet, — wanawapota. ■wa-na'-po-te-oa, n. one who wears out with the feet, — wanawapoteca. ■wa-na'-psa-ka, v. of napsaka ; to break, as a string, with the foot, — wanawapsaka. ■wa-na'-psOQ, v. of napsoi) ; to spill by kicking, kick over, — wanawapsoi). Ava-na'-ptu-za, v. of naptuia ; to split or crack. ■wa-na'-pir), n. a medal ; a necklace of beads ; a handkerchief ; anything worn around the neck, a comforter, etc. ■wa-na'-pir)-ki-ca-tor), v. a. to put on, as a wanapiq ; to cause to wear a necklace, etc., — wa- napiijwecator). ■wa-na'-pig-mda-ska, n. a necklace of beads interwoven. ■wa-na'-pig-ya, v. a. to have or use for a wana- pii) , — wanap iq way a. wa-na'-sa, v. of nasa ; to hunt by surrounding and shooting, as buffalo ; to chase buffalo, — wana- wasa, wanaui)sapi. "wa-na'-sa-pi, n. the buffalo chase. ■wa-na'-sda-ta, v, of nasdata ; to crawl up to. vtra-na'-sde-ca, v. of nasdeca ; to split. ■wa-na'-sna, v. of nasna ; to make ring with the feet, — wanawasna. "wa-na'-sni, v. of nasni ; to trample out, as fire. "wa-na'-sa-pa, v. of na^apa ; to defile with the feet, — wanawa^apa. ■wa-na'-sda, v. of na^a ; to make bare with the feet. ■wa-na'-sdo-ka, v. of naWoka ; to pull off, as pantaloons, — wanawa^doka. ■wa-na'-se-ea, v. of na^e<$a ; to trample and make dry, as grass, — wanawaseda. "Wa-na '-si-da, v. of na^ica ; to injure with the feet, — wanawaiida. ■wa-na'-si-pa, v, of nasipa ; to break off with the feet — wanawasipa. wa-na'-ski-ea, v. of na^kida ; to press with the foot ; one who presses with the foot, — wanawa- skica. ■wa-na'-sna, v. of nasna ; to miss with the foot ; wana^na iyeye s'a, one who kicks. ■wa-na'-sni-za, v. of na^ni^a ; to trample down, as grass, and make wither, — wanawa^niia. ■wa-na'-so-sa, v. of nasosa ; to foul, as water, with the feet, — wanawasosa. ■wa-na'-spa, v. of naipa ; to break off with the feet, — wanawa^pa. ■wa-na'-spu, v. of na^pu ; to break off, as in trampling on pumpkins, — wanawa^pu. ■wa-na'-su-za, v. of na^uia ; to bruise with the feet, — wanawaiuia. ■wa-na'-ta-ka, v. of nataka; to fasten up, — wa- nawataka. ■wa'-na-tai), v. of anatag ; to run upon, to attack, — winawatai). ■wa-na'-te-pa, v. of natepa ; to wear off short with the foot, — wanawatepa. ■wa-na'-ti-ea, v. of natica ; to scrape away, as snow ; to paw, as a horse, — wanawatica, ■wa-na'-ti-pa, v. of natipa ; to cramp. ■wa-na'-ti-tar), v. of natitaij ; to pull or push agains t, — wanawatitaq . ■wa-na'-tpa, n. a bear's ears. "wa-na'-tu-ka, v. of natuka ; to stamp to pieces, as furs ; one who destroys by stamping, — wanawa- tuka. "wa-na'-ta, v. of nata ; to kick to death, — wana- wata. ■wa-na'-"war)-ka, v. of nawaqka ; to kick down ; to start off on the gallop, as a herd of buffalo. ■wa-na'-vre-ga, v. of nawega ; to break with the foot, — wanawawega. 'wa'-na-"wir), v. of anawii) ; to tell what is not true, to conceal, — wanawawii). "wa-na'-vriri-za, v. of nawigia ; to bend down with the foot, as grass, — wanawawiijia. "wa-na'-za-za, v. of naiaia ; to wash by boiling, as clothes. "wa-na'-za-za-ya, v. a. to cause to wash out or come clean by boiling, — wanaiaiawaya. ■wa-na'-zi-pa, v. of nazipa ; to pinch or scratch with the toes, — wanawaiipa. "wa-na'-zu-zu, v. of nazuiu ; to kick down, kick to pieces : one who kicks to pieces, — wanawaiuiu. "wa-ni-ea', n. meat of all kinds : wanica waciq, / desire meat. ■wa-ni'-ea, adj. of nic'a ; none, without any, — manic'a, ninica, uijnic'api. ■wa'-ni-ea, v. of anida ; to refuse to give up, — wawanida. ■wa-ni'-ca-dar), adj. none, very little. WAN" 222 wa:^ wa-nlg'-ni-ea, adj. red. of wanida. "wa-ni'-har), n. last winter. ■wa-ni'-ki-sa-pa, n. a winter in which the ground is not covered with snow. ■wa-ni'-ki-ya, v. of nikiya ; to save, cause to live, — waniwakiya. •wa-ni'-ki-ya, n. one who makes live ; the Sa- viour. ■wa'-ni-ka-dar), n. a very little. "wa-nin', cont. of wanida : owihapke wanin wi- coni, life without end. ■wa-nlQg'-nl-ca, adj. red. of wanida. See wanig- nica. ■wa'-ni-stir)-na, n. a little, very little. "wa-ni'-tl, V. to spend the winter, to winter. ■wa-nl'-ti-pi, n. a winter encampment. ■wa-ni'-ui), v. to winter, spend the winter. ■wa-ni'-ya, v. of niya ; to cause to live, — wani- waya. "wa-ni'-ya-ka-tag-ka, n. the hen hawk, a spe- cies of kite. ■wa-ni'-ye, n. one who makes live ; the Saviour. "wa-ni'-ye-tu, m. winter, a winter ; a year. "wa-nu', adv. See wanuij. ■wa-nur)', adv. by chance, accidentally : wanui) edoi), to do by accident ; wanui) edo^pi, an acci- dent. "Wa-nuijli.', adv. by accident. ■wa-nur) '-ken, adv. accidentally. ■wa-nurj'-yai), v. of nuijyaq ; to tame, domesti- cate,— wanui)waya. "wa-nui)'-yar)-pi, n. tame animals, . domestic cattle. ■war), art. indef. a or an. ■wai), intj. look ! see ! ■war), n. a large blackish snake five or six feet long. ■war), n. cont. of waijiu, a quiver ; and of wai)- hiijkpe, an arrow. ■warj'-ca, num. adj. one ; i. q. wa^iidai). ■war) '-6a, adv. once. ■war)'-ea-dar), adv. only once. ■wai)'-ca-hna, adv. at once, immediately. ■war)'-ea-kca-dar), adv. red. of waijdadaij ; a few times ; now and then once ; once apiece. "war)'-ea-ke, adv. at once. ■war)-e'-ya, n. what is prepared for eating on a journey, provisions. ■war)-hda'-ka, v. pos. of waqyaka ; to see one's own, — waijwahdaka, wai)ui)hdakapi. ■wai)-lli', n. (waq and hi) a flint, flints : perhaps so called from the fact that arrow-heads were for- merly made of flints. ■war)-hir)'-kpe, n. an arrow, arrows, — tiwaghii)- kpe, niti'wai)hii)kpe, mitiwaijhiijkpe. war)-hir)'-kpe-kl-hi-ye-ya-pl, n. a bowshot. See kihiyeya. ■war)-hir)'-tpe, n. Same as -waijhirikpe. ■waQ-hi'-yu-za, n. flat arm or wrist-bands, ■war)-i-ya', intj. of surprise ; indeed ! used on meeting one unexpectedly. war)-ka', v. n. to be ; to lie, as a lake, field, or log ; to lie down ; to spend the night ; to continue, as, ya waijka, to keep going cm, — muqka, nuqka, ur)wai)kapi. ■war)'-ka. See dai)wai)ka. ■war)'-ka-dar), adj. weak, tender; soft, brittle, easily broken or torn, — mawagkadaq. ■war)-ka'-har), part, lying down, fallen down. ■war)-ka'-he-ya, v. a. to throw down, cause to fall, — wai]kahewaya. ■war)-kan', adv. above, up high. ■wag-kan'-tar)-har), adv. from above. ■war)-kan'-ta-tar)-har), adv. from above. 'war)-kan'-ti-pi, n. an upper room, up stairs. ■war)-kan'-tki-ya, adv. upwards. ■warj-kan'-tu, adv. up above, high up. ■war)-kan'-tu-ya, adv. high up. ■war)-kan'-tu-ya-ken, adv. up high. ■war)'-ka-pi, n. a lying down, an encampment. •war)-ki'-ci-ya-ka-pi, v. recip. of waijyaka; to see each other. ■war)-mdi', n. the royal or war-eagle, the Falco imperialis or Aquila heliaca. ■waQ-mdu'-dai), n. See wamdudai), the better orthography. •waq-mdu'-ska, n: See wamdu^ka. ■war)-indu'-ska-dar), n. See wamduikadai). ■warj'-na, adv. now, quickly ; lately, already : waiina edamoi), / have now done it ; waqna eda- moi) kta, / will now do it. ■warj'-nas, adv. now. ■war)'-ske, n. the family name of the fourth child, if a daughter. ■w^ar)S-ke'-pa, n. an arrow-head not barbed. ■warj-sma'-hi, n. an iron arrow-head. ■war)-yag', cont. of waijyaka ; waijyag hi, to come to see ; warjyag iheya, to see all at once, to perceive, discover. ■war)-yag'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to see any thing, — waijyagwakiya, waijyagmakiya. ■war)-yag'-ya, v. a. to cause to see or perceive, — wai)yagwaya. ■wag-ya'-ka, v. a. to see or perceive any thing ; to have seen, — wagmdaka, waijdaka, waijuqyaka- pi, waijdiyaka. ■wai)-ye', v. waijye ya, to go to see or examine ; i. q. wakdaijyar). ■war)-ye'-ea, n. rushes ; the lightning bug, the fire-fly. WAIJ 223 WAP ■waij-ye'-ya, v. a. to shoot arrows; to shoot in the sacred dayiee, — wai)yewaya. ■war)-yu'-go, v. a. to make the crooked marks on arrows, which are considered essential to their goodness. See yugo. "War)-yu'-^o-dar), «. the striped lizard. ■warj'-yu-gu-ka, v. to draw an arrow out of the quiver. •wai)'-3ru-kpar), v. to shoot an arrow. "W£ir)'-yu-kpar)-har), v. to shoot arrows one after another, — waijmdukpaijhai). •wai)'-3ru-tpai)-har), v. See waijyukpaijhai). waij-zi', num. adj. one ; also used for an inde- finite number, som£. ■wajj-zi'-ca, adj. one. •warj-zi'-ea, adv. in one way ; as, hedetu wa^ii- ca, in the same state, without change. "wag-zi'-dar), num. adj. one, — mawaqzidai), ui)- waqiipidai) : wa^iipidaq, they are one. "waij-zi'-darj-ken, adv. in one manner. "war)-zi'-dar)-ki-ya, adv. in one way. "war)-zig'-zi, adj. red. of waqii ; some. "war)-zig'-zi-dar), adj. red. of waqzidai) ; some. "wat)-zi'-i-to-kto, or \var)ziitoto, adv. turn about, i. q. uqma itoto. ■war)-zi'-ksl, adj. red. of waijii ; some. "war)-zi-na, num. adj. (Ihaijk.) one. ■wai)'-zu, n. a quiver : waijzu Tfh), to carry a quiver. "waq'-zu-ya-pi, n. a name given to the ikeca, ■fisher, Mustela canadensis, as the skin of that animal alone, it is said, was formerly used for making quivers ; any skin used to make a quiver. ■wa-o', V. oi o; to hit in shooting, — wawao : also 1st pers. sing, of o. "wa-o'-ho-da, v. of ohoda ; to honor, worship, — waohowada. ■wa-o'-ka, n. a marksman ; a good hunter, — wa- waoka. •wa-o'-kl-hi, v. of okihi ; to he able, to have abili- ty,— waowakihi. "wa-o'-ki-hl-ka, n. one who is able, — waowaki- hika. "wa-o'-kl-hi-ya, v. a. to make able, — waokihi- waya. •wa-o'-ki-hl-ya, adv. ably, powerfully. "Wa-o'-ki-ya, n. one who communicates with or commands. "wa-o'-kl-ya, v. of 6kiya ; to help, aid, — waowa- kiya. ■wa-o'-ku, V. of oku ; to lend, — waowal:u. "Wra-og'-spe, v. of orispe ; to know how, — waoq- maspe, waoijnispe. ■wa-og'-spe-ki-ya, v. of oijspekiya ; to teach, — waoijspewakiya. ■wa-oi)'-spe-ki-ya, n. a teacher. ■wa-or)'-si-da, adj. merciful, gracious, — waoflii- wada, waoi)iiui)dapi. ■wa-o'-ste-hda, v. of ostehda ; to speak evil of, call bad names ; to revile, to slander, — waoste- wahda. ■wa-o'-'Nwa-kl-ye, v. of owakiye ; to speak with, — waowawakiye. •wa-o'-zi-zi, v. of oi\i\ ; to whisper ; a whis- perer,— waowaiiii. ■wa-pa', V. of pa ; to bark, as a dog. "Wa-pa', V. n. to snow ; it is snowing. •wa-pa', adv. towards, at : waijkan wapa, up- wards ; tokata wapa, forwards ; tiijta wapa, at the prairie. wa'-pa, n. a bear's head, ■wa'-pa, n. leaves ; caijwapa, foliage : daqwapa- towi, the month of May. •wa-pa'-ba-ga, v. of pabaga ; to roll, twist : also 1st pers. sing, of pabaga. "wa-pa'-be, v. of pamari ; to file, — wawapabe : also Ist pers. sing, of pabe. "wa-pa'-bu, v. of pabu ; to beat, drum, — wawa- pabu : also 1st pers. sing, of pabu. ■wa-pa'-ear)-car(, v. of pacaijca;) ; to make shake: also 1st pers. sing, of pacaqcai). ■wa-pa'-cag-nan-i-ye-ya, v. to shove out from the shore, as a boat. See pacaijnaniyeya. "wa-pa'-ee-ka, v. See wapacekceka. •wa-pa'-ce-kce-ka, v. of pacekc'eka ; to push and make stagger, — wa wapacekceka : also 1st pers. sing, of pacekceka. ^va-pa'-gar), v. of pagag ; to part with ; to open, — wawapagai) : also 1st pers. sing, of pagai). "wa-pa'-ga-pa, v. of pagapa ; to push off, as the skin of animals, — wawapagapa : also 1st pers. sing, of pagapa. "wa-pa'-go, v. of pago ; to carve ; one who carves or engraves, — wawapago : also Ist pers. sing, of pago. •sva-pa'-go-ya, v. a. to cause to carve. ■wa-pa'-ha, m. a hat, cap, bonnet ; a covering for the head : wapaha ki^ui), to wear one's hat ; wa- paha hdusdoka, to take off one's hat. ■wa'-pa-ha, n. the shaft or pole on which are tied feathers of various colors, used in the Dakota dances ; a standard. •wa-pa'-ha-i-ye-ya, v. of pahaiyeya ; to push down. "wa-pa'-ha-ki-tor), v. to wear a hat ; one who wears a hat, i. e. a white man, as distinguished from an Indian. ■wa-pa'-ha-o-ge-dar), n. a handkerchief, com- monly pronounced wapaogedai). So called from being tied around the head. WAP 224 WAP Wa'-pa-ha-sa, n. of wapaha ; the hereditary name of the Dakota chief at the lowest village on the Mississippi, commonly pronounced by the Da- kotas Wapasa ; and as the name of a county in Minnesota, written, with some want of judgment and taste, Wabashaw. ■wa-pa'-hba, v. of pahba ; to shell, as corn, — wa- wapahba. ■wa-pa'-hbe-za, v. of pahbeza ; to make rough, — wawapahbeza : also 1st pers. sing, of pahbeza. ■wa-pa'-hi, v. of pahi ; to gather or pick up, — wawapahi : also 1st pers. sing, of pahi. wa-pa'-hiij-ta, v. of pahiijta; to brush off, — wawapahiijta : also 1st pers. sing, of pahigta. wa-pa'-hi-pi, n. gathering, picking up. "wa-pa'-hmi-hma, v. of pahmihma : to roll, — wawapahmihma : also 1st pers. sing, of pahmi- hma. ■wa-pa'-hniir)-yar)-yai), v. of pahmi^yaijyaq ; to make round, — wawapahmiijyagyar) : also 1st pers. sing, of pahmiqyaijyar). •wa-pa'-hmur), v. of pahmuri ; to twist, — wawa- pahmui) : also 1st pers. sing, of pahmug. "wa-pa'-hinuij-ka, n. one who twists, a spinner. ■wa-pa'-hmurj-pi, «. twisted thread, yam. ■wa-pa'-hna-skii)-yar), v. to make crazy : also 1st pers. sing, of pahnaskiijyai). ■wa-pa'-hna-yar), v. of pahnayaij ; to miss, as in attempting to stab : also 1st pers. sing, of pa- hnayai). ■wa-pa'-ho-ho, v. of pahoho ; to shake or make loose. •wa-pa'-ho-mni, v. of pahomni ; to turn round, — wawapahomni : also 1st pers. sing, of paho- mni. ■wa-pa'-ho-tor), v. of pahotoij ; to make cry out, — wawapahotoij : also 1st pers. sing, of pahotoi). ■wa-pa'-hu-hu-za, v. of pahuhuza ; to shake with the hand, — wawapahuhuza : also 1st pers. sing, of pahuhuza. ■wa-pa'-Bia-tka, v. to rub against the grain : also 1st pers. sing, of pahatka. "wa-pa'-Bici, v. of pahdi ; to tear out pieces : also 1st pers. sing, of pahci. ■wa-pa'-hda-gar), v. of pahdagaq ; to enlarge : also 1st pers. sing, of pahdagai). •wa-pa'-hda-ka, n. one who is a good hunter, — wawapahdaka. wa'-pa-hdan-tor), v. to work with ribbon; to embroider, — wapahdan watoij . ■wa'-pa-lida-ta, v. of apahdata ; to embroider. ■wa-pa'-h.de-ea, v. of pahdeda ; to tear, rend, — wawapalideca : also 1st pers. sing, of pahdeda. "wa-pa'-Rdl, v. of pahdi ; to jmsh into the ground, — wawapahdi : also 1st pers. sing, of pahdi. wa-pa'-Rdo-ka, v. of pahdoka ; to make holes, to pierce, — wawapahdoka : also 1st pers. sing, of pa- hdoka. "wa-pa'-hmir), v. of pahmiri ; to make crooked. ■wa-pa'-hpa, v. of pahpa ; to throw down, — wa- wapahpa : also 1st pers. sing, of pahpa. "wa-pa'-hpu, v. of pahpu ; to pick off, — wawa- pahpu : also 1st pers. sing, of pahpu. "wa-pa'-Ma, v. of pahta ; to tie in bundles, — wa- pawahta, wapaui)htapi. ■wa-pa'-hta, n. a bundle, a pack. wa-pa'-hu-ga, v. of pahuga ; to break holes in, — wawapahuga : also 1st pers. sing, of pa- huga. ■wa-pa'-ka-tii), v. of pakatiij ; to straighten out. 'wa-pa'-ka-'wa, v. of pakawa ; to open out. ■wa-pa'-ke-za, v. of pakeza ; to make smooth and hard : also 1st pers. sing, of pakeza. ■wa-pa'-kea, v. of pakda ; to comb, — wawapa- kda : also 1st pers. sing, of pakca. ■wa-pa'-kir), v. to set up in the ground, as a stick leaning in the direction one is going ; to set up a sign post, — wawapakiij : also 1st pers. sing, of pakiq. ■wa-pa'-kiQ-ta, v. of pakirita ; to wipe, — wawa- pakiqta : also 1st pers. sing, of pakiqta. "wa-pa'-klr)-za, v. of pakigza ; to make creak. "wa-pa'-ko-ta, v. to probe or dig out, — wawapa- kota : also 1st pers. sing, of pakota. ■wa-pa'-kpa, v. to pierce, — wawapakpa : also ' 1st pers. sing, of pakpa. ^w■a-pa'-kpi, v. to pick open, as eggs : also Ist pers. sing, of pakpi. ■wa-pa'-ksa, v. of paksa ; to break off with the hand, — wawapaksa : also 1st pers. sing, of paksa. ■wa-pa'-ksi-za, v. to make double up, — wawapa- ksiza : also 1st pers. sing, of paksiia. •wa-pa'-ktai), v. to crook, make crook, — wawapa- ktai) : also 1st pers. sing, of paktai). •wa-pa'-ke-ga, v. to scratch : also 1st pers. sing. of pakega. ■wa-pa'-ke-za, v. to make hard and smooth, — wawapakeza : also 1st pers. sing, of pakeza. Wa-pa'-mai), v. of pamaij ; to _/i^e,— wawapa- mai) : also 1st pers. sing, of pama^. "wa-pa'-mda-ska, v. to make flat, — wawapamda- ska : also 1st pers. sing, of pamdaska. •wapa'-mda-ya, v. of pamdaya ; to make smooth, to iron, as clothes, — wawapamdaya : also 1st pers. sing, of pamdaya. "wa-pa'-mda-za, v. to make burst by pressing, — wawapamdaza : also 1st pers. sing, of pa- mdaza. ■wa-pa'-mde-ca, v. to crush, break to pieces, — wawapamdeda: also 1st pers. sing, of paradeda. WAP 225 WA? ■wa-pa'-mdu, v. to pulverize, — wawapamdu : also 1st pers. sing, of pamdu. ■wa-pa'-mi-ma, v. to make round, — wawapami- ma : also 1st pers. sing, of pamima. ■wa-pa'-mna, n. a bunch, as of grass or shrubs. ■wa-pa'-mna, v. 1st pers. sing, of pamna. wa-pa'-mni, v. of pamni ; to serve out, to distri- bute,— wawapamni : also 1st pers. sing, of pamni. ■wa-pa'-nini-pi, n. a distribution. wa-pa'-na-ke-ya, v. 1st pers. sing, of pana- keya. ■wa-pa'-ni-ni, v. 1st pers. sing, of panini. "wa-pa'-o-ge-dar), n. a handkerchief. ■wa-pa'-o-hda-psig-yai), v. wapaohdapsiijyai) iyeya, to turn bottom upwards. "wa-pa'-o-hdu-ta, v. to close up: wapaohduta iyeya : also 1st pers. sing, of paohduta. ■wa-pa'-o-ksa, v. to push or break through : also 1st pers. sing, of paoksa. ■wa-pa'-o-spa, v. to push under, as in water : also 1st pers. sing, of paospa. "wa-pa'-o-tiij-za, v. to press in tight : also 1st pers. sing, of paoti^za. "wa-pa'-o-'WO-tar), v. to make straight ; also 1st pers. sing, of paowotaq. ■wa-pa'-pah-ya, v. of papaiya ; to parch, as com, — wapapalwaya. "wa-pa'-pah-ya-pi, n. parched corn. "wa-pa'-po-pa, v. to burst open, as corn : also 1st pers. sing, of papopa. "wa-pa'-psa-ka, v. of papsaka ; to break, as cords : also 1st pers. sing, of papsaka. ■wa-pa'-psoi), V. of papsoi) ; to spill, as water, — wawapapsoi) : also 1st pers. sing, of papso^. ■wa-pa'-psur)-ka, n. a provision bag, a small bundle. ■wa-pa'-ptu-za, v. to split or crack: also 1st pers. sing, of paptuia. ■wa-pa'-pu-za, v. of papuza ; to make dry by wiping, — wawapapuza : also 1st pers. sing, of papuza. "wa-pa'-sda-ta, v. to set up, as a pole in the ground, — wawapasdata : also 1st pers. sing, of pasdata. ■wa-pa'-sde-ea, v. of pasdeca ; to split, — wawa- pasdeca : also 1st pers. sing, of pasdeca. ■wa-pa'-Ska, v. to make white by rubbing, — wa- wapaska : also 1st pers. sing, of paska. "Wa-pa'-sma-ka, v. to indent, — wawapasmaka: also 1st pers. sing, of pasmaka. vra-pa'-smir)-yar(-yar), w. to make bare and clean : also 1st pers. sing, of pasmii^yaqyar). •wa-pa'-snoi), v. of pasnoi) ; to roast, as meat, — wawapasnoi), wauq pasnoi) pi : also 1st pers. sing. of pasnoi). ■wa-pa'-snur), v. See wapasnoi). "wa-pa'-star), v. to soak off hair, — wawapastai) : also 1st pers. sing, of pastai). "wa-pa'-staq-ka, v. of pastaqka ; to moisten, — wawapastai) ka. wa-pa'-sto, V. of pasto ; to brush down, — wa- wapasto. ■wa-pa'-sto-ka, n. one who is gentle, — wawapa- stoka. "wa-pa'-ea-ka, v. of pa^aka ; to push or staJi with too little force, — wawapa^aka: also 1st pers. sing, of pa^aka. ■wa-pa'-sa-pa, v. of pasapa; to defile, — wawa- pasapa. wa-pa'-si-pa, v. of pasipa ; to break off close, as the limbs of a tree, — wawapasipa : also 1st pers. sing, of pasipa. "wa-pa'-ski-ca, v. of pa^kic'a ; to press, squeeze, — wawapa^kica. "wa-pa'-ski-ska, v. of paskiska ; to make rough. 'wa-pa'-sko-kpa, v. of pa^kokpa ; to make hol- low, to cut or dig out. ■wa-pa'-sko-pa, v. of paskopa ; to make twisting. ■wa-pa'-sko-tpa, v. Same as wapa^kokpa. ■wa-pa'-sna, v. of pa^na ; to miss, — wawapa^na. ■wa-pa'-apa, v. of paspa ; to push away ; to break off ; to wash out, as stains; that which is capable of being washed out, — wawapaspa : also 1st pers. sing, of pa^pa. "Wa-pa'rSpu, V. of pa^pu ; to break off, — wawapa- ^pu. "Wa-pa'-su-za, v. of pasuia ; to crush, — wawa- pa^uia : also 1st pers. sing, of pa^uia. wa-pa'-ta, v. of p4ta ; to cut up, as a butcher does an animal, — wawapata : also 1st pers. sing. of p4ta. ■wa-pa'-tar), v. of patai) ; to push ; to mash ; to be saving of, — wawapatai] : also 1st pers. sing. of patai). ■wa-pa'-tag-ka, n. one who is saving. ■wa-pa'-ta-pi, n. meat cut up ; the act of cutting up meat. "wa-pa'-ti-ca, v. to scrape away, as snow, — wa- wapatica : also 1st pers. sing, of paticSa. ■wa-pa'-tiij-za, v. to press hard, — wawapatiq- za : also 1st pers. sing, of pat.ii)za. ■wa-pa'-to-ya, v. to obstruct, bear down on, — wapatowaya. ■wa-pa'-we-ga, v. to break or fracture, — wawa- pawega : also 1st pers. sing, of pawega. ■wa-pa'--wi-hnu-nl, v. to destroy, — wawapawi- hnuni : also 1st pers. sing, of pawihnuni. ■wa'-pa--wir)-ta, v. of apawigta ; to rub on, to plaster: what is put on as plastering, — wawapa- wiqta. WAP 226 WAS "Wa-pa'-wiQ-za, v. of pawiqia ; to bend down, as grass : also 1st pers. sing, of pawigia. ■wa'-pa-ye, n. grease, meat ; seasoning of any kind. ■wa'-pa-ye-ya, v. a. to use for seasoning, — wa- payewaya. "wa-pa'-zax), v. to separate, part, as hair, — wa- wapazai) : also 1st pers. sing, of pazaq. "wa-pa'-ze-ze, v. 1st pers. sing, of pazeze. •wa-pa'-zo, V. of pazo ; to show, — wawapazo : also 1st pers. sing, of pazo. vra-pa'-zoQ-ta, v. to sew up with a running thread, to baste, — wawapazoijta : also 1st pers. sing, of pazoijta. wa-pa'-za-za, v. of paiaia ; to wash, — wawa- pazaia : also 1st pers. sing, of paia^a. •wa-pa'-zir), v. n. to be prevented, not to be able to accomplish, — wamapaiiij. ■wa-pa'-zi-pa, v. of pazipa ; to pinch, — wawapa- zipa : also 1st pers. sing, of paiipa. wa-pa'-zui), V. of pazug ; to dig up with the bill, as ducks feeding under water. ■wa-pa'-zu-zu, v. of pazuiu ; to erase ; to de- molish,— wawapaiuiu : also 1st pers. sing, of pa- iuzu. ■wa-pce'-ya, v. of pceya ; to cut and dry meal, — wapcewaya, wapc'eui)yai)pi. •wa-pee'-ya-pi, n. drying meat of any kind. ■wa-pe', V. to snow. See wapa. ■wa-pe'-har), v. to fold, — wawapeliaq : also'' 1st pers. sing, of pehag. ■wa-pe'-pe-ka, n. prickles, briers, thorns ; the prickly ash. •wa'-pe-tog-tog-ya, adv. marvellously, miracu- lously. "wa'-pe-tog-to-ke-ea, n. signs, marks ; miracles, wonders. ■wa'-pe-tog-toi), V. a. to mark any thing, have a sign, — wapetogwatog, wapetoguijtoripi. ■wa'-pe-tog-toQ-pi, n. marks, signs. wa'-pe-tog-ya, adv. marvellously. •wa'-pe-to-ke-ea, n. a sign, a mark, a bound ; a miracle. ■wa'-pi, adj. lucky, fortunate, — wamapi, wanipi, wauijpipi. wa-pi'-da, v. n. to be thankful, glad, — wawa- pida. ■wa-pi'-da-pi, n. gratitude. ■wa-pi'-da-pi-sni, n. ingratitude. wa-pi'-da-sni, v. n. to be unthankful, ungrate- ful,— wawapida^ni. wa'-pi-ke, n. one who is fortunate. •wa-pi'-ki-y a, v. to put up and lay away things well, to rearrange, — wapiwakiya. •wa'-pi-ya, adv. fortunately. ■wa'-pi-ya, v. a. to make fortunate, — wapiwaya. ■wa-pi'-ya, v. to conjure the sick, to powwow in the Indian way, — wapiwaya. See pikiya. wa-pi'-ye, w. a conjuror, an Indian doctor. ■wa-po'-ge-hna-ka, n. a nose jewel. ■wa-po'-star), n. a kind of hood or wrapper for a child. •wa-pus'-a-spai), adj. well cooked, well done, cooked dry. ■wa-pus'-a-spai)-yar), v. to cook thoroughly, — wapusa^pai) waya. ■wa-pu'-ske-pa, v. to filter : also 1st pers. sing. of puskepa. ■wa-pu'-spa, V. of puspa ; to glue, to seal, — wa- wapuspa : also 1st pers. sing, of puspa. ■wa-pu'-sta-ka, v. of pustaka ; to stoop down, — wawapustaka : also 1st pers. sing, of pustaka. ■wa'-pu-ta-ka, v. of aputaka ; to touch with the hand, press upon, — wawaputaka. "wa-sam'-hde, v. to place up something black for a sign or scarecrow, — wasamwahde. •wa-sam'-hde-ya, adv. in the manner of a scarecrow. •wa-sam'-ya, v. of samya ; to blacken, — wasam- waya. ■wa-sam'-ya-hde-pi, n. something placed for a scarecrow. "wa-sai)'-yai), v. of saqyari ; to whiten, — wasaij- waya. ■wa-sai)'-yar)-hde-pi, n. a scarecrow, any thing white put up to scare away birds. wa-sa'-pe-dai), n. the black bear ; i. q. wahaq- ksica. ■wa-sa'-za, v. n. to be nervous, easily excited, — wamasaza. wa-sa'-ze-ca, n. one who is easily made sick ; i. q. wakahtakeca, — wamasazeca. wa-sda'-ya, v. of sdaya ; to oil, to grease, — wa- sdawaya. "wa-sdi'-pa, v. of sdipa ; to lick, — wawasdipa : also 1st pers. sing, of sdipa. "wa-sdo'-ea, v. of sdoca ; to know. wa-sdon'-ya, v. of sdonya ; to know, — wasdon- waya, wasdonuflyaijpi. wa-sdon'-ya-pi, n. knowledge. "wa-sdon'-ye, n. one who knows. ■wa-sdon'-ye-ya, v. a. to cause to know, — wa- sdonyewaya. ■wa-se', n. red earth, vermillion : Waseyuzapi, Vermillion river. ■wa-se '-yaij-ka, v. n. to have a spot on one's face, etc., — wasemayaijka. •vsra-si'-cu, n. the keel or bottom of a boat. ■wa-si'-cu-ha, n. the bottom of a boat ; the bot- tom of a beards foot. WAS 227 WAS ■wa'-skam-ya, v. of askamya ; to make stick on, as a plaster, — waskamwaya. "wa'-skam-ya-pi, n. a pitch plaster. ■wa'-ska-pe, n. sticking plaster. "wa-sku'-ya, n. green corn boiled and afterwards shelled and dried ; sweet corn. ■wa-sku'-ye-da, n. fruit of all kinds. "wa-sna', n. lard, grease, tallow. ■wa-sna'-po-hdl, n. pimples. •wa-sna'-ta-sa-ka, n. tallow. ■wa-sor)', V. of soi) ; to braid in strings, as com or hair, — wawasoi) ; also 1st pers. sing, of sog. ■wa-spar)'-ta-ha-za, n. service berries. ■wa-spar)'-ta-he-ya, n. (wa spai) and heya) small black bugs or grubs which appear when the snow melts off : hence the name. "wa-stu'-ste-ya, v. to weary one, — wastuste- waya. See wa^tu^teya. "Wa-su', n. hail. ■wa-su'-tor), v. of sutoi) ; to get ripe, ripen, as grain or fruit. ■wa-su'-toQ-pi, n. harvest. ■wa-su'-toQ-vn, n. the moon in which com ripens, answering to August. ■wa-s'ag, cont. of was'aka : was'ag hiijhda, to be- come strong ; wa^'agi^iya, to strengthen oneself. ■wa-s'ag'-ya, v. a. to make strong, — wai'agwaya, wa4'agui)yai)pi. "wa-s'a'-ka, adj. strong, — wama^'aka, wanii'aka, wauijs'akapi. "wa-sa'-ka-dai), adj. cheap ; easy, opposed to tehika. "wa-sa'-ka-ye-darj, adv. easily, cheaply. ■wa-se'-ea, adj. rich, especially in provisions, — wamaseca, wani4eda, waugiec'api. ■wa-se'-sa, n. red paint, vermillion. ■wa-si'-ca-ho-wa-ya, v. to cry out badly, to moan, to groan, — wa^icahowamda. ■wa-si'-ee-da-ka, v. of ^idedaka ; to dislike ; one who dislikes, — wa^idewadaka. Wa-si'-6ur), n. Frenchmen, in particular ; all white men, in general. It is said that this word is nearly synonymous with wakai), — Wama^idu^, Wani^icui). Wa-si'-6ur)-ho-ksi-dai3, n. a French boy ; the common name for the Canadians in the Dakota country ; any one who labors. Wa-si'-eur)-liir)-6a, n. a Frenchman from France. Wa-si'-cur)-"wa-kar), «. the name given to mis- sionaries and ministers of the Gospel generally. Same as wica^tawakai). "Wa-si'-hda, v. to mourn for the dead, put on mourning ; to paint oneself black, as in mourn- ing,— wa^inwahda, wa^inughdapi. ■wa-si'-hda, n. mourning habiliments. "wa-si'-hda-hda-ka, n. one who gets angry at every thing. See sihda. wa-si'-hda-ya, adv. in mourning. ■wa-si'-Rar), v. of sihai) ; to act wickedly, — wa- siwahai). ■wa-si'-kte, n. pulmonary consumption, any lin- gering disease. See wa^iijkte. •wa-sir)', n. fat not tried out, fat meat, pork. ■wa-sir)'-kte, n. pulmonary consumption, a lin- gering disease. ■wa-sir)'-yar)-se-ea, n. a species of fish with red fins. ■wa-si'-tki-hda, v. to be angry. ■wa-si'-tki-hda-ya, v. of ^itkihdaya ; to distress or make angry ; one who makes angry. ■wa-skar)'-skar)-yar), v. to cause to move ; one who causes to move or live, — waskag^kagwaya. "wa-sna'-he-ea, n. soft snow, snow that falls in soft fakes. See wahisnahec'a. ■wa-snis'-ya, v. to cause to wither ; one who causes to wither, — wa^niswaya. "wa-sni'-za, adj. withered. See sniia. ■wa-sor)', n. See wasui). ■wa-spar)'-ka, n. cooked food. ■wa-spar)'-yai), v. of ^paijyaq ; to cook, as food, — waspaijwaya. ■wa-ste', adj. good; pretty, — mawa^te, ui)wa- stepi. ■wa-ste'-ea, adj. See wa^tec'aka. "wa-ste'-ca-ka, adj. good, well disposed. ■wa-ste '-da, v. a. to esteem good, to love, — waite- wada, wasteugdapi, wastedida. ■wa-ste'-da-ka, v. a. to love, — wadtewadaka. ■wa-ste '-da-ka-pi, w. love; one who is loved. ■wa-ste '-hir)-6a, adj. very good. ■wa-ste '-i-cl-da, v. reflex, of waiteda; to love oneself, to be selfish ; to be proud, — wa^temi^ida. "wa-ste'-ki-ei-da-pi, v. recip. loving each other ; wa^tekicidakapi, loving one another. ■wa-ste '-ki-da, v. pos. of wa^teda ; to love one's own, — wastewakida. ■wa-ste '-ki-da-ka, v. pos. of waitedaka ; to love one's own, — wa^tewakidaka. ■wa-ste'-mna, adj. sweet-scented, odoriferous, ■wa-ste '-mna-y a, v. a. to perfume, to embalm, — wastemnawaya, wa^temnamayag. ■wa-ste'-ste, adj. red. of wa^te. ■wa-ste'-ste-ya, adv. red. of wasteya. ■wa-ste '-y a, v. a. to make good, — waste waya. ■wa-ste'-ya, adv. well, in a good manner. ■wa-ste'-ya-ken, adv. well. ■wa-stu'-ea, v. to thaw. ■wa-stun'-ya, v. of ^tunya; to thaw, cause to thaw, as any thing frozen, — waitunwaya. WAS 228 WAT "wa-stu'-ste-ya, v. of stusteya ; to weary out, — wastu^tewaya. "wa-siil)', n. the den or hole of animals who live in water, as the beaver, etc. ; a bear's den. "wa-sug'-pa, v. of suijpa ; to moult or shed fea- thers. 'wa-sur)'-pa-"wi, «. the moon in which geese, etc., shed their feathers ; July. ■wa'-ta, V. of yuta; to eat, — wawata, wayata, wauqtapi : wota is the form used in the third person : also 1st pers. sing, of yuta. ■wa-ta', n. old hard snow. ■wa'-ta, n. a canoe, a boat : caij wata, a dug- out ; wata tagka, a large boat ; peta wata, a steam-boat ; wita wata, a ship. ■wa-ta'-kpe, v. of takpe ; to attack, attempt to seize, — watawakpe ; watakpe mda. ■wa-tan', adv. (wata and en) in the boat. ■wa-tan'-o-pa, v. (wata en and opa) to embark. "wa-tai)', n. bait, used in fishing, etc. ■wa-taQ'-ir)-sni, adj. lost. "wa-taij'-ka, n. one who is great or rich. ■wa-tar)'-ka-da, v. a. to esteem great, — watagka- wada. ■wa-tai)'-ka-i-di-da, v. reflex, to esteem oneself highly, to be proud, — watagkami^Jida. wa-tarj'-ka-i-ei-da-pi, n. pride, haughtiness. ■wa-tag'-ya, v. a. to use a thing/or bait, — wa- ta^waya. ■wa-ta'-pa, v. of tapa ; to pursue, — watawapa. ■wa-ta'-tpe, v. Same as watakpe. "wa-ta'-tpe-ya-pi, n. attacking, an attack. "wa-ta'-wa-ten-y a, v. of tawatenya ; to be will- ing to do or suffer, — watawatenwaya. ■wa-ta'-vra-ya, v. of tawaya ; to own, possess, — watawawaya. ■wa-te'-ca, n. snow lately fallen. ■wa'-te-ea, n. a part of one's food : watec'a hduha, he has food. ■wa-te'-hi-ka, adj. difficult, hard, as a man in his dealings ; dear, as goods, etc. ■wa-te'-hiij-da, v. of tehiijda ; to withhold what one has ; not to give away ; to be stingy : one who withholds, — watewahiqda. ■wa-te'-Mij-da-pi, n. parsimony. ■wa-tem'-ki-ei-ci-ya, v. of temya ; to eat up for one, — watemweciciya. •wa-tem'-ki-ya, v. pos. of watemya ; to eat up one's own ; to eat up for one, — watemwakiya, watemmakiya. ■wa-tem'-ya, v. of temya; to eat all up, to devour : one who eats up, as a wolf, etc., — wa- temwaya, watemu^ya^pi. ■wa-ten', v. tokiq aguyapi waten, oh! that I had bread to eat. See yuta. ■wa-te'-sdag-ki-toi), v. n. to wear a fillet or garland around the head, — wate^dagwetoi). •wa-te'-sdag-tor), v. n. to have or wear a gar- land or civic crown, — wate^dagwatoi). ■wa-te'-sda-ke, n. a fillet, a wreath, a dvic crown, any thing wrapped around the head. "wa-te'-te, n. the rim or edge of a boat, the gun- wale. See matete. ■wa-te'-zi, n. the stomach of a bear. ■wa-tka', V. of tka ; to scrape, as hides, — wawa- tka : also 1st pers. sing, of tka. ■wa-to', n. grass, green grass, weeds. ■wa-tog'-ya, v. a. to take vengeance, to retaliate, — watogwaya. ■wa-to '-ha, n. (wata and yuha) a portage. "wa-to'-i-hu-ni, v. n. to come to land with a boat, "wa-to'-i-hu-ni, n. a landing-place. ■wa-to'-ka, n. the bow of a boat. See watokapa. •wa-to'-ka-hai), v. n. to stand in the bow of a boat ; one who stands in the bow of a boat, — wa- tokawahaii. •wa-to '-ka-pa, n. of tokapa ; the first-born ; the birthright ; the bow of a boat : one who sits in the bow of a boat, — watomakapa, watonikapa. ■wa-to'-ka-pa-tar)-har), adv. on or at the bow of a boat. "wa-to'-ke-ea, n. of tokeca ; a different kind of food from what one has been accustomed to. ■wa-to '-ksu, V. of toksu ; to carry, transport, — watowak^u, watouriksupi. ■wa-to '-ksu-pi, n. transportation. ■wa-tom', cont. of watopa : watom mda. ■wa-toQ', V. of toi) ; to have, possess, — wawatoq : also Ist pers. sing, of toi). ■wa-tor)'-ka, n. one who is rich. ■wa-to '-pa, V. to paddle a canoe, — watowapa, wa- tougpapi : its hekta watopa, to row. ■wa-to'-pa-pi, n. rowing, paddling. ■wa-to'-pa-pi-"wi, n. the moon in which the waters become navigable, April. Same as magao- kadawi. ■wa-to'-pe-kl-ya, v. a. to make paddle or row, — watopewakiya : sina watopekiya, to sail. ■wa-to'-to-ya, adv. grass-like, green. ■wa-to'-ya, adv. greenly. ■wa-tpa', n. a river, a stream, a creek ; the how of a boat, compounded of wata and pa ; the out- side and bottom of a canoe or boat. ■wa-tpa'-dar), n. a brook, a rivulet. ■wa-tpi'-ea-hida, adv. by the side of a stream. "wa-tpo'-hna, adv. on a stream, by a stream. ■wa-tpo'-kL-zu, n. the junction of streams : wa- tpokiiu mdote, the mouth of a river. "wa-tpo'-ki-zu-ya, v. a. to cause the junction of streams, — watp okiiu waya. WAT 229 WAW "wa-tpo'-pa, adv. in a stream. ■wa-tpo'-pta, adv. across a stream. ■wa-tpu'-tpa, n. dust. ■wa-tu'-ka, adj. faint, weary, exhausted, — ^wama- tuka. ■wa-tu'-se-kse-ea, n. dust, dirt, sweepings ; manure. wa-tu'-tka, n. small animals ; little things. "wa-tu'-tka-dai), n. small animals. "wa-tu'-tka-tka, n. trifles. See tutkatka. "wa-te'-ea, adj. gentle, mild, docile, tractable. ■wa-^e'-ca-ka, adj. Same as wateca. 'wa-ti'-yu-'wi, n. running vines. ■wa-tugg'-ya, v. a. to try to prevent, — watuijg- waya. Perhaps this word may also be used in the sense of tuijgya, to suspect, have an indistinct knowledge of. See itu^keca. ■wa-u'-ka, n. the skin of a bear. ■wa-ui)', V. of uij ; to be ; to be well off, — wa- wauq : also 1st pers. sing, of \a). ■wa-xiij'-ea, v. of ui)ca; to mock, imitate, — ^wa- uqwaca, wauquQcapi. ■wa-urj'-ea, n. a mocker ; a monkey. ■wa-ui)'-ea-d.aQ, n. a mocker ; a monkey. ■wa-uij'-ka, v. to live well ; one who lives well, — wawauijka. vra-urj'-UQ-ka, n. one who wanders about, a vagabond. "Wa'-wa-cii), v. of awaciij ; to think of, — wdwa- ca^mi. •wa -wa'-ciQ-kta-yu-za, or "svawa6ix)-ekta- yuza, V. n. to be kind, forbearing, long-suffer- ing,— wawacii)ktamduz3. ■wa-vra'-ha, n, furs, peltries. wa-'wa'-lipa-ni-yai), v. of wahpaniya^ ; to make poor, — wawahpaniwaya. ■wa-Ava'-ki-pa-zir), v. n. to rebel against, oppose ; to be a rebel, — wawawakipaiig, wawau^kipa- zi^pi. ■wa-'wa'-ki-pa-zir)-pi, n. opposition, rebellion. •wa-Tva'-ki-pa-zir)-yai), adv. rebelliously. ■wa-wa'-mna-da, v. of wamnada; to respect, honor, have a high opinion of ; one who respects, — wawamnawada. 'wa-'wa'-nina-da-siii, n. one who respects no- thing. ■wa-vra'-ni-ea, n. one who is nothing, an insig- nificant fellow. ■wa--wa'-iii-ce-ca, v. there is nothing. ■wa-Avar)'-yag, cont. of wawaijyaka ; wawapyag mde kta, / will go to see. "wa-warj'-ya-ka, v. of waijyaka ; to look on, see, — wawaqmdaka, wawaijdaka, wawaguijyaka- pi. ■wa-waq'-ya-ke, n. a looker-on. ■wa-^wa'-pi-da-ki-ya, v. of pidakiya; to make glad ; one who makes glad, — wawapidawakiya. "wa-"wa'-si-cur)-yai3, adv. like a white man; said of a good dog that finds much game. "wa--wa'-si-eui)-yai)-ka, n. one who finds much, as game. ■wa-"wa'-si-tki-hda, v. n. to be angry, vexed ; one who is angry. •wa-wa'-si-tki-hda-ya, v. of ^itkihdaya; to make angry, — wawasitkihdawaya. 'wa-'wa'-te-ea, adv. nearly, almost, i. q. i^nikae^ : wawatec'a ec'amoi) kta, / had almost done it. ■wa-vra'-yu-sna, v. of wayusna ; to sacrifice ; one who sacrifices, a priest, — wawamdusna. "wa-'wi'-eali-ya, v. of icahya ; to cause to grow, to form ; to create, — wawicahwaya. Wa-'wi'-eafi.-ye, n. a maker, a former; the Creator. ■wa'-"wi-ear)-ksi, v. n. of cagksi ; to be cross, ill-natured, — wawidanwaksi. ■wa'-wl-ear)-ksi-ka, n. a wrangler, a conten- tious person. ■wa'-'wl-eai)-ksi-ya, adv. crossly, roughly. ■wa-"wi'-ei-fea-lia, n. one who commits adultery. 'Wa-'wl'-ei-lia-lia-pi, n. a laughing-stock ; adul- tery : wawicihahapi ecanoi) kte tei, thou shalt not commit adultery. ■wa-vri'-da-ke, n. a master, a king, a ruler ; a kingdom. "wa-"wi'-har)g-ya, v. of ihaijgya ; to destroy,— wawihai)gwaya. •wa-wi'-hai)g-ye, n. a destroyer. ■wa-vnl'-ha, v. of iha ; to laugh at, — wawiwata. ■wa-vri'-lia-ha, v. red. of wawiha. ■wa-"wi'-BLa-ya, v. a. to cause to laugh at, — wa- wihawaya. ■wa-Tvi'-na-hni, v. of inahni ; to be in haste. "wa-viri'-na-lim-yar), v. to hasten, cause to hurry, — wawinahniwaya. 'wa-'wi'-na-ki-Bini, v. to be in haste, to do hefme- hand, — wawinawakihni. "wa-Avi'-na-ki-lini-ka, n. one who is in haste. ■wa-'wl'-ni-har), adj. of inihai) ; fearful, afraid ; inspiring fear : wawinihar) mai)ka. "wa-wi'-ni-hag-yai), n. to make afraid, — wawj- nihaijwaya. ■wa--viri'-ni-har)-yar), adv. fearfully. 'wa-'wi'-pi-da, v. of ipida ; not to give, to re- fuse,— wawipiwada. ■wa-'wi'-pi-i-ei-da, v. refiex. of wawipida ; to think more of oneself than of any one else, said of a woman who is unwiUing to marry, — wawipi- mi^ida. ■wa-"wl'-ste-ea, adj. modest, ashamed. See wi- ^teda, the better form. WAW 230 WAY •wa-'wi'-sten-ya, v. to make ashamed, — wawi- stenwaya. "wa-wi'-sten-ya, adv. ashamedly ; bashfully . "wa-vri'-tko-ya, v. of witkoya ; to make drunk, — wawitkowaya. wa-'wi'-tor)-pa, v. of itogpa ; to he careful, — wawitoijwapa. ■wa-"wi'-tor)-pa-pi, n. carefulness. •wa-wi'-torj-pa-pi-sni, n. carelessness. "wa-'wi'-'war)-ga, v. of iwaijga ; to inquire, ask questions. "wa-'wi'-'war)-ga-pi, n. inquiring. 'wa-wi'-'wagh, cont. of wawiwaijga: wawiwaijH mda, I ffo to inquire. ■wa-"wi'-"wai)h-tu-ken, adv. in an inquiring manner. ■wa-'wi'-'war)li-ya, adv. inquiringly. ■wa-'wi'-ya-eir), v. of iyacig ; to liken to, to use parables, — wawimdacii) . ■wa-"wl'-ya-eii)-yar), adv. figuratively. ■wa-'wi'-ya-Mag-i-a, v. to find fault, — wawiya- itagiwaa. ■wa-"wi'-ya-Ma-ka, v. of ya&taka ; to bite. "wa-vri'-ya-pe, v. of iyape ; to lie in wait, — wa- wiyawape. ■wa-"wi'-ye-ki-ya, v. of iyekiya ; to recognise, — wawiyewakiya. ■W"a-"wi'-ye-ya, v. of iyeya ; to find, — wawiye- waya. wa-'wi'-ye-ye-ea, n. one that finds much, as a good dog. ■wa-"wi'-yo-hi, v. of iyohi ; to reach to, extend to, arrive at ; to be sufficient for, — wawiyowahi. 'wa-'wl'-yo-lii-ya, v. a. to cause to reach to, — wawiyohiwaya. 'wa-'wi'-yo-hi-ya, adv, reaching to, arriving at. •wa-'wi'-yo-kl-pi, v. of iyokipi ; to be pleased with, — wawiyomakipi. ■wa--wl'-yo-ki-pi-ya, adv. joyfully, gladly, pleasingly. •wa-\wl'-yo-ki-si-ea, v. of iyoki^ica ; to be sad, — wawiyomakisida. vra-\si'-yo-ki-sin, cont. of wawiyokisida ; sad : wawiyoki^in waui), / am sad. ■wa-vn'-yo-ki-sin-ya, v. of iyoki^inya ; to make sad, — wawiyokisinwaya. ■wa-wi'-yo-ki-sin-ya, adv. sadly, sorrowfully. ■wa--wi'-yo-pe-ki-y£i, v. of iyopekiya ; to sell ; to reprove, — wawiyopewakiya. ■wa-vri'-yo-pe-ya, v. of iyopeya ; to reprove, — wawiyopewaya. ■wa-"wi'-yu-ka-ki-za, v. of yukakiia ; to make suffer, — wawimdukakiia. ■wa-Tvi'-yu-kcar), v. of iyukcaq ; to judge, to examine, — wawimdukdaq. ■wa--wi'-yu-kear)-ka, n. one who examines atui judges. ■wa-Avi'-yu-pi-ya, adv. well, expertly. ■wa--wi'-yu-tai)-yar), v. of iyutaijyai) ; to tempt : taku wawiyutaqyai) u^ kiq, the tempter ; tempta- tion. ■wa-"wi'-3ru-tai)-ye, n. one who tempts. ■wa-'wo'-Mr)-yar), v. of otiijyai) ; to be dissatis- fied with, — wawowaWriyai). "wa-'wo'-ki-hi, v. of okihi ; to he able, — wawo- wakihi. ■wa-'wo'-kl-hi-ka, n. one who is able : wica^ta wawokihika, a man of ability. 'wa-'wo'-ki-hi-ya, v. to make able, — wawokihi- waya. ■wa-"W"o'-ki-ya, v. of okiya ; to help ; to he with, to accompany, — wawowakiya. 'wa-'wo'-ki-ye, n. orw who helps ; help. ■wa--wor)'-spe-ki-ya. See waoqspekiya. •wa-wo'-ste-hda, v. of ostehda ; to call bad names ; one who speaks evil of, — wawostewahda. 'wa-'wo'-ya-ka, v. of oyaka ; to relate ; one who relates, a narrator, — wawomdaka. ■wa-ya'-a-tai)-ir), v. of yaatai)ii) ; to make mani- fest, proclaim, — wamdaataqii). 'wa-ya'-a-sda, v. of yaasda ; to graze. •wa-ya'-a-sda-ya, adv. of yaa^daya ; explaining, unfolding. ■wa-ya'-a-ska-dar), v. of yaaikadai) ; to speak of as near, — wamdaa^kadaq. ■wa-ya'-ba-za, v. of yabaza ; to bite, as dogs do in playing with one another, ■wa-ya'-ba-za, v. of yabaia ; to bite or gnaw at, as dogs. •wa-ya'-ear)-car), v. of yada^dai) ; to make shake with the mouth, — wamdacai)cai). ■wa-ya'-ee-kde-ka, v. of yacekdeka ; to make stagger by biting, etc., — wamdadekdeka. ■wa-ya'-ee-ya, v. of yadeya ; to make cry by scolding, etc., — wamdadeya. ■wa-ya'-el-ka-dar), v. See wayacistiijna. ■wa-ya'-ei-stir)-na, v. of yadistiijna ; to speak of as small, to underrate, — wamdadistiijna. ■wa-ya'-eo, v. of yado ; to judge, condemn, — wamdaco. •wa-ya'-co, n. a judge. ■wa-ya'-co-co, v. of yadodo ; to make soft by biting, to chew, — wamdadodo. ■wa-ya'-eo-co-ka, n. one who always gives his opinion. ■wa-ya'-CO-ya, adv. in the manner of judging. ■wa-ya'-eo-za, v. of yadoza ; to make warm by biting, etc., — wamdadoza. "wa-ya'-e-ee-tu, v. of yaedetu ; to accomplish or bring to pass by speaking, — wamdaedetu. WAY 231 WAY ■wa-ya'-ga, v. of yaga; to btte off, as husks. •wa-ya'-ga-pa, v. of yagapa ; to bite off the skin or husk ; one who bites, as a horse. "wa-ya'-ha-ha-ke, ». one who causes to waver by biting. ■wa-ya'-ha-ha-ye-dai), v. of yahahayedaq ; to make waver or to render unstable by biting, — mdahahayedag. "wa-ya'-ha-i-ye-ya, v. to throw down by biting, as one horse does another. ■wa-ya'-hba, v. of yahba ; to shell off with the tee th, — wamdahba. ■wa-ya'-hda, n. of yahda ; to draw out or uncoil, as a dog does when eating the fat from entrails. ■wa-ya'-hda-he-ya, adv. of yahdaheya; con- tinuously, connectedly : wayahdaheya ia. "wa-ya'-hdo-ka, v. of yahdoka ; to put out of joint with the teeth. ■wa-ya'-hijj-ta, v. of yahi^ta ; to brush away with the mouth : one who names every point in his speech and thus brushes it away, — wamda- hiqta. ■wa-ya'-hml-hma, v. of yahmihma; to make roll with the mouth, — wamdahmihma. ■wa-ya'-hmi-yaQ-yai), v. to make round with the mouth, — wamdahmiyaqyai). ■wa-ya'-hna-skir)-yar), v. to make crazy by talking to, — wamdahnaskiijyag. ■wa-ya'-hna-yai), v. to miss with the mouth, to deceive, to tell a falsehood, — wamdahnayai). ■wa-ya'-hnu-ni, v. to make wander in mind by talking to, to confuse, — wamdahnuni. •wa-ya'-ho-ho, v. of yahoho ; to make loose by biting, — wamdahoho. ■wa-ya'-ho-mni, v. of yahomni ; to turn one around by talking, persuade one to change his opinions, — wamdahomni. ■wa-ya'-ho-ta, n. a species of wild rye ; tares. •wa-ya'-ho-tor), v. of yahotoi) ; to make cry out by biting, — wamdahotoi). ■wa-ya'-hu-hu-za, v. of yahuhuza ; to shake with the mouth, — wamdahuhuza. ■wa-ya'-hu-te-dai), v. to bite off short. ■wa-ya'-ha-pa, v. of yahapa; to scare up by talking, as game, — wamdahapa. ■wa-ya'-hba, v. of yahba ; to make sleepy by talking to, — wamdahba. ■wa-ya'-hci, v. of yahci ; to bite out a piece, — wamdahci. ■wa-ya'-lida, v. of yahda ; to rattle with tlie mouth. wa-ya'-Iida-ta, v. of yahdata ; to scratch with the teeth. "wa-ya'-hde-ea, v. of yahdeca ; to tear with the teeth, — wamdahdeca. "wa-ya'-hdo-ka, v. of yahdoka ; to bite a hole in, — wamdahdoka. "wa-ya'-he-pa, v. of yahepa ; to drink all up, — wamdahepa. "wa-ya'-he-ya-ta, v. of yaheyata ; to put one back by talking ; one who disparages others by what he says, — wamdaheyata. ■wa-ya'-M-ea, v. of yahica ; to waken up, cause one to awaken by speaking to him, — wamdahica. ■wa-ya'-hi-ya-ya, v. of yahiyaya ; to be awk- ward in doing any thing with the mouth, as in singing, making a bullet round, etc., — wamdahi- yaya. ■wa-ya'-hpa, v. of yahpa ; to throw down with the mouth, — wamdahpa. "wa-ya'-fipu, v. of yahpu ; to bite off any thing that had been glued on, — wamdahpu. ■wa-ya'-Ma-ka, v. of yahtaka ; to bite ; one that bites, as a dog, — wamdahtaka. "wa-ya'-hu, v. of yahu ; to peel off with the teeth, — wamdahu. "wa-ya'-hu-ga, v. of yahuga ; to crush with the teeth, — wamdahuga. "wa-ya'-i-de, v. of yaide ; to blow and make blaze, — wamdaide. ■wa-ya'-i-ha, v. of yaiha ; to make laugh by talking ; one who jests and makes others laugh. "wa-ya'-i-na-hni, v. to hasten, make hurry, — wamdainahni. ■wa-ya'-i-ni-na, v. of yainina ; to put to silence by speaking, — wamdainina. •wa-ya'-i-nln-ya, adv. putting to silence : waya- ininya ia. ■wa-ya'-i-ste-ea, v. to make ashamed by talking to. "wa-ya'-i-yo-ka, v. to set aside by counter argu- ment ; one who in argument refutes what has been said by others. ■wa-ya'-i-yo-'\va, v. of yaiyowa ; to make yawn by talking. ■wa-ya'-i-yo-'wa-za, v. to speak of as pertain- ing to. "Wa-ya'-ka, n. a captive taken in war, a pri- soner : wayaka ahdi, to bring home a captive. "wa-ya'-ka-ka, v. of yakaka; to champ, as a horse. •wa-ya'-ka-pa, v. of yakapa ; to catch in the mouth, — wamdakapa. ■wa-ya'-ka-tir), v. to straighten with the mouth. ^w■a-ya'-ka-■wa, v. of yakawa ; to open with the mouth. ■wa-ya'-kea, v. of yakca ; to untie with the mouth, to disentangle, — wamdakca. ■wa-ya'-ke-za, v. to make smooth with the mouth. WAY 232 WAY "wa-ya'-kir)-za, v. to grit or grind the teeth, as a cow. ■wa-ya'-ko-ke-dai), v. to make active hy talk- ing to, — wamdakokedag. wa-ya'-ko-ko-ka, v. to make the teeth rattle, — wamdakokoka. ■wa-ya'-kor)-tkoi)-ta, v. to indent or notch with the teeth, — wamdakoqtkoijta. •wa-ya'-ko-ya-haQ^na, v. to hasten one by speaking to him. wa-ya'-kpax), v. of yakpaq ; to masticate, — wa- mdakpai). ■wa-ya'-kpi, v. of yakpi ; to crack with the teeth, as a louse, — wamdakpi. ■wa-ya'-ksa, v. of yaksa ; to bite off, — wamda- ksa. "wa-ya'-ksa-ksa, v. red. of wayaksa. "wa-ya'-ksa-pa, v. of yaksapa ; to make wise by instructing, to teach, — wamdaksapa. ■wa-ya'-ksi-za, v. of yaksi^a ; to double up with the teeth, — wamdaksiia. ■wa-ya'-ktar), v. of yaktaij ; to bend with the teeth, — wamdaktag . ■wa-ya'-ktar)-yar), adv. bending with the teeth. "wa-ya'-ku-ka, v. of yakuka ; to bite to pieces, — wamdakuka. "Wa-ya'-ke-ga, v. of yal^ega ; to gnaw, — wa- mdaljega. ■wa-ya'-ke-za^ v. of ya4:eza ; to bite smooth, — wamdakeza. "wa-ya'-ko-ga, w. of yai^oga; to gnaw, — wamda- ^oga. ■wa-ya'-mda-ska, v. of yamdaska ; to make flat with the mouth, — wamdamdaska. "wa-ya'-mda-ya, v. of yamdaya ; to make level with the mouth, — wamdamdaya. ■wa-ya'-mda-za, v. of yamdaza ; to bite or tear open with the teeth, — wamdamdaza. •wa-ya'-mde-ea, v. of yamdeca ; to break, crush, or tear in pieces with the teeth, — wamdamdeca. ■wa-ya'-mde-za, v. of yamdeza ; to cheer up by speaking, — wamdamdeza. •wa-ya'-mdu, v. of yamdu ; to chew fine, — wa- mdamdu. ■wa-ya'-mdu-mdu, v. red. of wayamdu. ■wa-ya'-mi-ina, v. of yamima; to make round in the mouth, — wamdamima. ■wa-ya'-mna, v. of yamna ; to rip with the teeth ; to gain by talking, — wamdamna. VT'a-ya'-ninu-ga, v. to grind, as in eating parch- ed corn, — wamdamnuga. wa-ya'-nmu-mnu-ga, v. red. of wayamnuga; to gnaw, as a dog does a bone. •wa-ya'-nmi-nma, v. of yanminma ; to roll with the mouth, — wamdanminma. ■wa-ya'-o-el-pte-ca, v. of yaocipteca ; to lessen ; to count less, to depreciate, — wamdaociptec'a. ■wa-ya'-o-ei-pten, cont. of wayaocipteca. wa-ya'-o-el-pten-ya, adv. counting less. ■wa-ya'-O-el-pte-tu, adv. in a lessening manner. ■wa-ya'-o-ei-tpa-rd, v. to speak of as unequal ; to make unequal with the mouth. ■wa-ya'-o-gar), v. to bite a hole in. ■wa-ya'-o-hda-psiQ-yar), v. to root over, as a hog does any thing : wayaohdap^iqyai) iyeya. ■wa-ya'-o-har)-ko, v. of yaohaqko ; to make quick by speaking to, — wamdaohai)ko. "wa-ya'-o-ksa, v. of yaoksa ; to bite through, — wamdaoksa. ■wa-ya'-o-ktar), v. of yaoktag ; to bend into with the teeth, — wamdaoktai). ■wa-ya'-O-ni-har), v. of yaonihaij ; to praise, to honor, — wamdaonihai). ■wa-ya'-o-ni-haQ-yar), adv. praising. "wa-ya'-O'tar), v. to exhort, — wamdaotai). ■wa-ya'-o-taT)-ir), v. of yaota])ii) ; to make mani- fest; one who makes manifest, — wamdaotaijii). ■wa-ya'-pa, v. of yapa ; to hold in the mouth, — wamdapa. ■wa-ya'-pa-ko, v. of yapako ; to bend with the teeth, — wamdapako. ■wa-ya'-pe-mni, v. of yapemni ; to twist with the teeth, — wamdapemni. ■wa-ya'-pe-sto, v. of yapesto ; to bite to a point, — wamdapesto. ■wa-ya'-pi, v. See wayapika. ■wa-ya'-pi-ka, v. n. to be fluent, to speak a lan- guage well, to be eloquent, — wamdapika, wada- pika. wa-ya'-pi-ya, adv. fluently. "wa-ya'-po-pa, v. of yapopa ; to make burst by biting, — wamdapopa. ■wa-ya'-po-ta, v. of yapota ; to tear in pieces with the mouth, to rend ; one who tears in pieces with the teeth, as a dog, — wamdapota. "wa-ya'-psa-ka, v. of yapsaka ; to bite off, as cords, — wamdapsaka. ■wa-ya'-psi-ea, v. of yapsic'a ; to make hyp by biting, — wamdapsica. •wa-ya'-psoi), v. of yapsoi) ; to spill with the mouth, — wamdapsoi). ^w•a-ya'-psuI), v. Same as wayapsog. •wa-ya'-psur), v. of yap^ui) ; to shed, as a horse his teeth. ■wa-ya'-ptai)-yag, v. of yaptaijyai) ; to turn over with the mouth, roll over, — wamdaptai)yaq. "wa-ya'-pte-ce-dar), v. of yaptecedaij ; to bite off short. ■wa-ya'-ptu-za, v. of yaptuia ; to split, as a tooth, — wamdaptuia. WAY 233 WAY "wa-ya'-sba, v. to pick of with the teeth, — wa- mdasba. ■wa-ya'-sde-ca, v. of yasdec'a : to split with the teeth. wa-ya'-sdo-hai), v. to drag along with the mouth, as a wolf or other animal does his prey. "wa-ya'-sdu-ta, v. to pull out with the teeth, as a dog does. ■wa-ya'-ska-pa, v. ho wayaskapa. Said of the creaking noise made by fish when they come to the top of the water. ■wa-ya'-ske-pa, v. of yaskepa ; to drink all out. ■wa-ya'-ski-ca, v. of yaskica ; to press on with the mouth, — wamdaskic'a. ■wa-ya'-ski-ta, v. to press on with the mouth, make tight, — wamdaskita. "wa-ya'-sku, v. of yasku ; to peel off with the teeth, bite off the skin or rind, — wamdasku. ■wa-ya'-sku-sku, v. red. of wayasku ; to bite off the rind or hull, — wamdaskusku. "wa-ya'-sma-ka, v. to bite and make indenta- tions. "wa-ya'-smir), v. to gnaw off, as dogs do. •wra-ya'-sinig-yaQ-yar), v. to be eaten off smooth. "wa-ya'-sna, v. to make ring with the mouth ; to ravel, — wamdasna. ■wa-ya'-sni, v. to make go out by talking, talk until the fire goes out. ■wa-ya'-so-ta, v. of yasota ; to eat all up, as food ; to use up, as words, — wamdasota. "wa-ya'-so-te-ea, n. one who eats up much. ■wa-ya'-spa-ya, v. of yaspaya ; to wet with the tnouth, — wamdaspaya. ■wa-ya'-star)-ka, v. to moisten with the mouth. ■wa-ya'-sto, v. of yasto ; to lick down, as one cow does the hair of another. "wa-ya'-su, v. of yasu ; to make good with the mouth, bij speaking, etc., — wamdasii. "Wa-ya'-su-ta, v. of yasuta ; to make firm with the mouth, to establish or decree, — wamdasuta. "wa-ya'-sa-pa, v. of yasapa ; to soil with the mouth. ■wa-ya'-sda, v. of yasda ; to graze off, make bare, as cattle do by grazing. ■wa-ya'-sdo-ka, v. of yasdoka ; to bite out. "wa-ya'-si-ea, v. of yasica ; to speak evil of, to curse, — wamda^ica, wauijya^icapi. ■wa-ya'-si-hda, v. of yasihda ; to make angry by talking to. "wa-ya'-si-Mir), v. of yasihtii] ; to enfeeble by biting or talking to, — wamdasihtii). ■wa-y a'-si-pa, v. of yasipa ; to bite off close. ■wa-ya'-ska, v. of ya^ka ; to untie with the mouth. 30 wa-ya'-skag-skai), v. of yaskaijskai) ; to cause to move with the mouth. ■wa-ya'-ski-ca, v. of yaskida ; to chew and press with the mouth, as in chewing tobacco, — wamda- skica. "wa-ya'-ski-ska, v. of yaskiska; to bite and make rough ; to get into difficulty by talking, — wamdaskiska. •wa-ya'-sko-kpa, v. of yaskokpa ; to gnaw out a hollow place, — wamdaskokpa. ■wa-ya'-sko-pa, v. of yaskopa ; to make warp or twist with the mouth. 'wa-ya'-sko-tpa, v. Same as wayaikokpa. ■wa-ya'-sna, v. of ya^na ; to miss or let fall from the mouth ; to make mistakes in talking ; to stammer, — wamdasna. ■wa-ya'-spa, v. of yaspa; to bite off pieces, — wamdaspa. "wa-ya'-spi, v. of yaspi ; to pick off fruit, as birds do. "wa-ya'-spu, v. of yaspu ; to pick off with the mouth something that has been stuck on. wa-ya'-spu-ya, v. of ya^puya ; to tickle by biting, as lice or fleas. ■wa'-ya-star), v. of ayaitai) ; to complete with the mouth, as eating or speaking, — wiimdastai). "wa-ya'-su-za, v. of yasuza ; to crush with the mouth. ■wa-ya'-ta, v. 2d pers. sing, of wota. "wa-ya'-ta, v. of wota ; to chew, — wamdata. ■wa-ya'-ta-ku-nl-sni, v. to destroy with the mouth, — wamdatakunisni. "Wa-ya'-tar), n. a blister, blister salve. •wa-ya'-tar)-ir), v. of yataqii) ; to make manifest, — wamdatai)ir). ■wa-ya'-tar)-ka, v. of yataijka ; to speak of as large, — wamdatai)ka. "wa-ya'-te-har), v. to speak of as far. ■wa-ya'-te-har)-har), v. to speak slow, — wa- mdatehaijhai). "wa-ya'-te-M-ka, v. of yatehika ; to speak of as difficult, — wamdatehika. "wa-ya'-te-kon-za, v. to chew the cud, as cows. "wa-ya'-te-pa, v. of yatepa ; to wear off the teeth, — wamdatepa. ■wa-ya'-ti-tar), v. of yatitag ; to pull with the teeth, — wamdatitai). •wa-ya'-tkai), v. of yatkai) ; to drink, — wa- mdatkai), wauijyatkaijpi. ■wa-ya'-tke-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to drink ; to give medicine to, — wayatkewakiya. ■wa-ya'-tkor)-tkor)-ta, v. See wayakoijtkoijta. ■wa-ya'-tkori-za, v. of yatkoijza ; to make equal, — wamdatkoi) za. •wa-ya'-tkui)-za, v. See wayatkoijza. WAY 234 WAY wa-ya'-tog-ya, adv. wayatogya ia, to speak of other things. "wa-ya'-to-kaQ, v. to speak off as in another place, — wamdatokai) . ■wa-ya'-to-ke-ca, v. of yatokec'a; to alter, change, speak of as different,— ^wamdaidkeca. vra-ya'-tpar), v. of yatpaij ; to chew up fine, — wamdatpaij, wau^yatpaqpi. wa-ya'-tpu-tpa, v. of yatputpa ; to bite up into crumbs, — wamdatputpa. ■wa-ya'-tu-ka, v. of yatuka ; to nibble off, as hair, etc., — wamdatuka. "wa-ya'-tu-ta, v. to make smart by biting, — wamdatuta. ■wa-ya'-tu-tka, v. • to bite off in little pieces, — wamdatutka. "Wa-ya'-ta, v. of yata ; to bite to death, — wa- mdata. •wa-ya'-tir)-za, v. of yatiijza ; to make firm with the mouth ; to establish, declare. ■wa-ya'-"wa, v. of yawa; to read ; to count, — wiiindawa, wauijyawapi. "wa-ya'-^wa-hiQ-yarj-za, v. to bite and make cross : wayawahii)yai)sya kuwa, to keep biting for the purpose of making cross. wa-ya'-'wa-kar), v. to speak of as sacred, — wamdawakai). wa-ya'-vrar)-ka, v. to bite down, as a beaver does trees. •wa-ya'-'wa-pi, n. reading ; numeration, arith- metic. "wa-ya'-"wa-s'a-ka, v. to call strong, — wamda- was'aka. 'wa-ya'-'wa-sa-ka-dar), v. to speak of as easy or cheap, — wamdawasakadai]. "wa-ya'-'wa-ste, v. of yawaste ; to bless, — wa- mdawaste, wadawaste, wauijyawastepi. ■wa-ya'-"we-ga, v. of yawega ; to break partly off with the mouth, — wamdawega. •wa-ya'-vri-ea-ka, v. to call true, — wamdawi- daka. ■wa-y a'-'wi-ca-sta-snl, v. to speak of as wicked, — wamdawicastasni. ■wa-ya'-Avi-hnu-ni, v. of yawihnuni ; to destroy with the mouth, — wamdawihnuni. ■wa-ya'--wir)-za, v. to bend down with the mouth, — wamdawiqia. "wa-ya'-za, v. to string, as beads, — wamdaza. ■wa-ya'-za-nml, v. of yazamni ; to uncover with the mouth. ■wa-ya'-zai), v. of yazaq ; to be sick, — wamaya- zai), waniyazai), wauijyazaijpi : wayazar) hiijhda, to be taken sick suddenly. ■wa-ya'-zar)-hda, v. to become sick, to feel sick, — wayazaijwahda. ■wa-ya'-zaq-ka, v. to be sick, — waniayazaijka : wayazaqke cii), one who is sick. ■wa-ya'-ze, v. of yaze; to take out food with the mouth, as a dog. "wa-ya'-zi-ea, v. to stretch any thing with the mouth, — wamdazica. ■wa-ya'-zo-ka, v. of yazoka : to suck, a& sugar or candy, — wamdazoka. •wa-ya'-zoi)-ta, v. of yazoijta; to connect, aa language, — wamdazoijta. ■wa-ya'-za, v. to crush or bite up. "wa-ya'-za-za, v. of yaiaia ; to wash or make clean with the mouth, as a wolf or dog does by licking bones. ■wa-ya'-zi-pa, v. of yaiipa ; to bite, as mosqui- toes do. ■wa-ya'-zo, v. of yazo ; to blow on instruments, — wamdazo. ■wa-ya'-zu-zu, v. of yaiuzu ; to demolish with the mouth, as an argument by counter argument ; to tear in pieces, as a dog does any thing with his mouth ; one who demolishes with his mouth, — wamdaiuiu. wa-yu'-a-kl-Rai), v. of yuakihai) ; to make starve. ■wa-yu'-a-ki-pam, adv. separately. See yuaki- pam. •wa-yu'-a-mda-ya, v. of yuamdaya; to make level. ■wa-yu'-a-sda-ya, v. of yuasdaya; to make manifest ; to uncover, — wamdua^daya. "wa-yu'-a-ska-dai), v. of yuaskadai) ; to make near. ■wa-yu'-a-zi, v. of yuazi ; to run aground, as a boat. ■wa-yu'-ba-za, v. of yubaza ; to trouble, annoy, vex ; to twist, roll, — wamdubaza. ■wa-yu'-bo-sda-ta, v. of yubosdata ; to set up- right. "wa-jru'-bn, v. of yubu ; to make a drumming noise. •wa-yu'-Tju-bu, v. red. of wayubu. •wa-yu'-car), v. of yucai) ; to sift, — wamdudaij. ■wa-yu'-car)-eag, v. red. of wayudap ; to shake, sift. vra-yu'-ee-ka, v. See wayudekceka. "wa-yu'-ee-kce-ka, v. of yucekdeka ; to make stagger, — wamdudekdeka. ^w■a-yu'-ee-ya, v. of yudeya ; to make cry. "wa-jru'-ci-ka-dar), v. of yudi^iadaii ; to make small, to compress, — wamdudi^adai). ■wa-yu'-ci-stir)-na, v. to make small, — wamdu- distirina. ■wa-3ru.'-eo, adv. of ayudo ; well, neatly : wayudo im, carelessly. WAY 235 WAY •wa-yu'-eo-co, adv. red. of wayuco. wa-yu'-eo-ka-ka, v. of yucotaka ; to take out, empty, as the load from a gun, — wamduc'o- kaka. "wa-yu'-eo-ya, adv. well. •wa-yu'-co-za, v. of yuooza ; to make warm hy kindling a fire, — wamducoza. ■wa-yu'-e-ee-dai), v. of yue($edag ; to purify, — wamduecedai). "wa-yu'-e-ee-tu, v. of yuec'etu ; to make right, fulfil, accomplish, — wamduecetu. ■wa-yu'-e-ei, v. of yueci ; to turn wrong side out, — wamduedi. ■wa-yu'-ga, v. of yuga ; to open out or pull off, as in husking corn, — wamduga. •wa-yu'-gar), v. of yugaij ; to open, — wamdu- ■wa-yu'-ga-pa, v. of yugapa ; to take off the skin, as from an animal, to flay, — wamdugapa. vra-yu'-ga-ta, v. of yugata ; to spread out, as the hands, — wamdugata. "wa-yu'-go, V. of yugo ; to make crooked grooves, as in arrows. •wa-yu'-go-dai), n. See wai)yugodai). "wa-yu'-gu-ka, v. of yuguka ; to stretch, strain ; to sprain, — wamduguka. ■wa-yu'-ha-ha-ka, n. of yuha ; one who pos- sesses much, — wamduhahaka. ■wa-yu'-ha-ha-ye-dar), v. of yuhahayedai) ; to make unsteady, — wamduhahayedaij. ■wa-yu'-ha-l-ye-ya, v. to throw or push down. ■wa-yu'-hba, v. of yuhba ; to shell off, — wamdu- hba. ■wa-yu'-hbe-za, v. of yuhbeza ; to make rough. ■wa-yu'-hda, v. of yuhda ; to untwist, uncoil, — wamduhda. •wa-yu'-hdo-ka, v. to dislocate, — wamduhdoka. ■wa-yu'-he-ca, n. one who possesses much, — wa- mduheca. "wa-yu'-hi, v. of yuhi ; to drive off, as game, — wamduhi. vra-yu'-hii)-ta, v. of yuhiijta ; to sweep off, — wamduhiijta. ■wa-yu'-hnii-hina, v. of yuhmihma ; to roll, — wamduhmihma. ■wa-yu'-hmi-yarj-yai), v. of yuhmiyapyaij ; to make round, — wamduhmiyaijyai). ■wa-yu'-hmuT), v. of yuhmui) ; to twist, — wa- mduhmui). wa-yu'-hna, v. of yuhna ; to shake off, as fruit. ■wa-yu'-hna-skir)-yar), v. of yuhnaskiijyai) ; to make crazy, — wamduhnaskiijyaq. ■wa-yu'-hna-yai), v. to miss, deceive. "Wa-yu'-hnu-ni, v. of yuhnuni ; to make wan- der. ■wa-yu'-ho-ho, v. of yuhoho ; to catch and hold loosely, as something too large to grasp, — wa- mduhoho. "wa'-yu-ho-mni, v. of ayuhorani ; to turn round on. ■wa'-jru-ho-ta, v. to desire much, as food, — wa- mduhota. "wa-yu'-ho-tor), v. to cause to make a noise. ■wa-yu'-hu-hu-za, v. of yuhuhuza ; to shake, — wamduhuhuza. •wa-3rii'-hu-te-dai), v. of yuhutedaij ; to make short, wear to a slump, — wamduhutedai). ■wa-yu'-fiag-di-ta, v. to make quick or active. See yuhai)dita. "wa-yu'-harj-hi, v. to rhake slow, to retard. See yuhaijhi. •wa-yu'-ha-tka, v. of yuhatka ; to make rough. "wa-yu'-hda, v. of yulida ; to make rattle. "wa-yu'-Ma-gar), v. of yuhdagaij ; to make larger, to enlarge. •wa-yu'-hda-ta, v. of yahdata ; to scratch ; to dig under. "wa-yu'-hde-ea, v. of yuhdeda; to tear, — wa- mduMeca. •wa-yu'-hdo-ka, v. of yuhdoka ; to make a hole ; to open, — wamduldoka. wa-yu'-he-pa, v. of yuhepa ; to drain off ; to absorb. ■wa-yu'-he-ya-ta, v. of yuheyata ; to shove aside, push back. ■wa-yu'-M-ea, v. of yuhic'a ; to waken one up, cause to awake, — wamduliic'a. "wa-yu'-M-ya-ya, v. of yuhiyaya ; to be awk- ward, to bungle, — wamduhiyaya. ■wa-yu'-M-ya-ya-ka, n. a bungler. •wa-yu'-limi, v. of yuhmi ; to make crooked. ■wa-yu'-Rmir), v. of yuhmiij ; to throw off side- ways. ■wa-yu'-fimur), v. of yuimui) ; to make buzz. ■wa-yu'-fipa, v. of yuhpa; to lay down, throw down ; to buy a wife, — wamduhpa. See wohpa. ■wa-yu'-lipu, v. of yuhpu ; to pick off pieces. •wa-yu.'-]itar)-yar), v. of yuhtaqyai) ; to make rough. ■wa-yu'-htu-ta, v. of yuhtuta ; to make rough, break the grain of a skin in dressing, — wamdu- htuta. ■\wa-yu'-hu, v. of yulu ; to peel, — wamdu£u. ■wa-yu'-hu-ga, v. of yuhuga ; to break holes in, — wamduhuga. •wa-yu'-hur)-ta, v. of yuhuijta ; to make soft or pliant, as a skin by rubbing, — wamduhuqta. ■wa-yu'-Biur)-"wir), v. of yuhuijwii) ; to cause to putrefy. ■wa-yu'-i-6i-6a-lil, v. of yuidicahi ; to mingle. WAY 236 WAY "wa-yu'-i-de, v. of yuide ; to make blaze. ■wa-yu'-i-na-hni, v. of yuinahni ; to cause to hasten, — wamduinahni. ■wa-yu'-i-ste-ea, v. of yui^tec'a ; to make ashamed. "wa-yu'-i-yo-ka, v. wayuiyog iyeya, to push aside, put out of the way. wa-yu'-i-yo-'wa-za, v. of yuiyowaza ; to cause an echo. ■wa-yu'-ka-ki-za, v. of yukakiia ; to make suf- fer,— wamdukakiia. ■wa-yu'-kar), v. of yukaij ; to shake of, as dew. "wa-yu'-ka-pa, v. of yukapa ; to catch in the hand, as a ball, — wamdukapa. ■wa-yu'-ka-tii), v. of yukatiij ; to straighten out. "wa-yu'-ka-Awa, v. of yukawa ; to open out, push hack, — wamdukawa. ■wa-yu'-kea, v. of yukc'a ; to unfold, untie, — wamdukca. ■wa-yu'-keai), v. of yukcai) ; to examine, inves- '■•' tigate, — wamdukcai). ■wa-yu'-ke-ea, v. n. of yukaij ; there is some. ■wa-yu'-kir)-ca, v. of yukiqca ; to scrape. •wa-yu'-kir)-za, v. of yukiqza ; to make creak, — wamdukiqza. •wa-yu'-kl-pa-za, v. of yukipaia ; to double or fold up. ■wa-yu'-ki-pe-har), v. of yukipehai) ; to fold up. vra-yu'-ko-ka, v. of yukoka ; to rattle. ■wa-yu'-ko-ke-dai), v. of yukokedaq ; to make active. ■wa-yu'-ko-ko-ka, v. of yukokoka ; to rattle. ■wa-yu'-ko-pe-hda, v. of yukopehda; to frighten. ■wa-yu'-ko-ya-haij-na, v. to make hasten. ■wa-yu'-kpar), v. of yukpari ; to make fine, pul- verize, grind, as grain, — wamdukpai), wadukpai), wauijyukpaijpi. See wokpa^. wa-yu'-kpi, v. of yukpi ; to crack. wa-yu'-ksa, v. of yuksa; to break o^,— wa- mduksa, waduksa, wauijyuksapi/ See woksa. ■wa-yu'-ksa-ksa, v. red. of wayuksa. •wa-yu'-ksa-pa, v. of yuksapa ; to make wise ; one who makes wise, an instructor, — wamduksapa. ■wa-yu'-ksa, v. of yuk^a ; to roll up. •wa-yu'-ksa-dar), v. of yuk^adai) ; to bend up. ■wa-jru'-ksar), v. of yuksai) ; to bend. ■wa-yu'-ksi-za, v. of yukiiia ; to double up. ■wa-yu'-ktar), v. of yuktai) ; to bend, — wa- mduktai). "wa-yu'-ku-ka, v. of yukuka ; to spoil, wear out. ■wa-yu'-ke-ga, v. of yut:ega ; to scratch. ■wa-yu'-ke-za, v. of yut:eza ; to make smooth. ■wa-yu'-ko-ga, v. of yu^oga ; to scratch, make rough. "wa-yu'-ko-za, v. of yukoza ; to make smooth. ■wa-yu'-ma-hen-i-ye-ya, v. to put or push into. ■wa-yu'-mar), v. of yumari ; to whet, file, grind, as edged tools, — wamdube. •wa-yu'-mda-ska, v. of yumdaska; to make flat. "wa-yu'-mda-ya, v. of yumdaya ; to spread out, make level, — wamdumdaya. vra-yu'-mda-za, v. of yumdaza ; to rip open. "wa-jru'-mde-ea, v. of yumdeda ; to crush, break in pieces, — wamdumdeca. ■wa-yu'-mdu, v. of yumdu ; to make mellow ; to plough, — wamdumdu, wadumdu. See womdu. ■wa-yu '-mi-ma, v. of yumima ; to make round by grinding, — wamdumima. ■wa-3ru.'-mna, v. of yumna ; to rip. "wa'-yu-mni, v. of ayumni ; to turn round on. "wa-yu'-mni-ga, v. of yumniga ; to make shrink or draw up. ■wa-yu'-na-ke-ya, v. of yunakeya ; to turn on one side. "wa-yu'-na-ziQ, v. of yunazii) ; to cause to stand up, — wamdunaiiq . •wa-yu '-ni-ya-sni, v. of yuniyaini ; to suffocate, to strangle, — wamduniyasni. ■wa-jni'-nmi-nma, v. of yunminma ; to roll. •wa-yu'-o-eir)-si-ea, v. of yuociijiica ; to make cross. •wa-3ru'-o-ci-pte-ea, v. of yuocipteca ; to make of different lengths. wa-yu '-O-ei-pten, cont. of wayuociptec'a. ■wa-yu'-o-ei-pten-ya, adv. diminishing in size. ■wa-yu'-o-ei-pte-tu, v. to make longer and shorter, to lessen, — wamduociptetu. "wa-yu'-o-ci-tkoij-za, v. of yuocitko^za ; to make equal. ■wa-yu'-o-ci-tpa-ni, v. of yuocitpani ; to make unequal. ■wa-yu'-o-hda-psir)-yar)-i-ye-ya, v. to turn bottom up. ■wa-yu'-O-fia-Ca, v. of yuoiaha; to fill up, as holes. •wa-yu'-o-har)-ko, v. of yuoiai)ko; to make hasten, — wamduo&aqko. •wa-yu'-O-hmir), v. of yuohmii) ; to miss, to throw on one side of the mark. ■wa-yu'-O-hpa, v. of yuohpa ; to break through into. •wa-yu'-o-ka-libo-ka, v. of yuokahboka; to cause to float. "wa-yu'-o-ki-nl-har), v. of yuokinihai) ; to make honorable. ■wa-3ru'-o-koi)--wai)-zi-dai), v. of yuokoflwajj- iidaq ; to make into one, to unite. WAY 237 WAY ■wa-3ru'-o-inde-ea, v. of yuomdec'a ; to scatter | abroad, to disperse, — wamduomdeca. •wayu'-o-ni-hai), v. of yuonihai) ; to honor ; to be respectful, — wamduonihaij. •wa-yu'-o-ni-haQ-yar), adv. respectfully. "wa-yu'-o-s'ir), v. of yuos'ii) ; to hate, — wamduo- s'ii). ■wa-yu'-o-sir), v. of yuosiij ; to tie in a fast knot, — wamduo^ii) . •wa-yu'-O-ta, v. of yuota; to multiply, — wa- mduota. ■wa-yu'-o-tar)-ir), v. of yuotaijii) ; to make mani- fest,— wamduotai) iq . ■wa-yu'-o-tig-za, v. of yuotiijza ; to make tight in, — wamduotiijza. •wa-yu'-o-"wo-tar), v. of yuowotaij ; to straighten, to make upright, — wamduowotai). •wa-3ru'-o-'WO-tar)-na, v. Same as wayuowotajg. "wa-yu'-pa-ko, v. of yupako ; to make crooked. ■wa-yu'-pag-ga, v. of yupaqga ; to tie up loosely, make puff out, — wamdupaijga. ■wa-yu'-par)-ge-6a, n. one who ties nothing up well, one who ties so that it always puffs out, — ■vvamdupaqgeca. ■wa-yu'-par)-pai), v. of yupaijpaij ; to make soft, — wamdupai) paq . ■wa-yu'-pai)-par)-na, v. See wayupaijpai). ■wa-yu'-pa-tu-za, v. of yupatuia ; to bend down. ■wa-yu'-pe-har), v. of yupehai) ; to fold up. ■wa-yu'-pe-mni, v. of yupemni ; to twist. Tva-yu'-pi, v. n. to be skilful, ingenious, — wa- mdupi, wadupi, waurjyupipi. ■wa-yu'-pi-ka, v. n. to be expert, skilful, dexte- rous,— wamdupika, wadupika. •wa-yu'-pi-ya, adv. skilfully, expertly, well. ■wa-yu'-pi-ya-har), adv. well, skilfully. ■wa-yu'-po-pa, v. of yupopa ; to cause to burst. ■wa-yu'-po-ta, v. of yupota ; to wear out, cut up, — wamdupota, wauijyupotapi. ■wa-3m'-po-te-ea, n. one who wears out or uses up much. \wa-yu'-po-Ava-ya, v. of yupowaya ; to brush up, as fur. ■wa-yu'-psa-ka, v. of yupsaka ; to break, as cords, — wamdupsaka. ■wa-3ru'-psi-ea, v. of yupsic'a ; to make jump, — wamdupsic'a. ■wa-yu'-psor), v. of yupsoij ; to spill out, — wa- mdupsoi). ■wa-yu'-psur), v. of yup^ug ; to pull out by the roots, to dislocate, — wamdup^ui). "wa-yu'-pta, v. of yupta ; to cut out, as clothes, — wamdupta. "wa'-yu-pta, v. of ayupta ; to answer, — wdmdu- pta. wa-yu'-ptaq-yar), v. of yuptaijyag ; to trim over, — wamduptariyai). ■wa'-yu-ptar)-yar), v. of ayuptaijyai) ; to turn back on one, redound on oneself or one's relatives. vra-yu'-pta-ya, n. one who collects. ■wa-yu'-pte-ce-dai), v. of yuptecedari ; to short- en. ■wa-yu'-ptu-ha, v. of yuptuha; to pick ^ to pieces. ■wa-yn'-ptu-za, v. of yuptuia ; to crack, split. ■wa-yu'-sai), v. of yusai) ; to whiten, to white- wash. ■wa-yn'-sa-pa, v. of yusapa ; to blacken. ■wa-yu'-sba, v. of yusba ; to pick in pieces. ■wa-yu'-sbu, v. of yusbu ; to make a noise, as in handling shelled corn. "wa-jru'-sde-ea, v. of yusde<5a ; to split, — wa- mdusdec'a. ■wa-yu'-sdo-hai), v. of yusdohai) ; to draw along, — wamdusdohai) . "wa-yu'-sdu-ta, v. of yusduta ; to pull out, — wamdusduta. ■wa-yu'-se-pa, v. of yusepa ; to rub off, as dirt or paint, — wamdusepa. ■wa-yu'-ska, v. of yuska ; to whiten, make white ; to clear one who has been charged with a crime, to acquit, — wamduska. "wa-yu'-ska-pl, n. one who has been cleared from charges laid against him. •wa-yu'-ske-pEi, v. of yuskepa ; to draw all out, to exhaust. •wa-yu'-ski-ca, v. of yuskica ; to press ; to be neat and tidy ; to surpass all others : one who is feared by or restrains others, — wamduskida. "wa-yu'-ski-ta, v. Same as wayuskica ; to bind, press. •wa-3ru'-sku, V. of yusku ; to shear off close, pare, shave off, — wamdusku, ■wa-yu'-sku-sku, v. red. of wayusku. ■vsra-yu'-sma-ka, v. of yusmaka ; to hollow out ; to indent. "wa-yu'-smir), v. of yusmiq ; to pick off, make bare. ■wa-yu'-sna, v. of yusna ; to ring, to rustle, as leaves falling ; to ravel out, — wamdusna. ■wa-3ru'-sni, v. of yusni ; to make cold, to extin- guish. ■wa'-yus-o, v. of ayuso ; to wade after ; to pare off, — w4mduso. "wa'-yus-os-o, v. red. of w.iyuso. wa-yu'-so-ta, v. of yusota ; to spend, use up, consume, — wamdusota. "wa-yu'-sto, v. of yusto ; to smooth down, — wa- mdusto. ■wa-yu'-sto-ka, n. one who makes smooth. WAY 238 WAY ■wa-yu'-su, v. of yusu ; to make good, — wa- mdiisu. "wa-yu'-su-ta, v. of yusuta ; to make strong, to establish, — wamdusuta. "wa-yu'-sa, v. of yusa ; to make red, ■wa-yu'-s'ag-ya, v. a. to overload, as an animal, — wayu^'agwaya. ■wa-yu'-s'a-ka, v. of yu^'aka ; to be overloaded, — wamdu^'aka. ■wa-yu'-sa-pa, v. of yu4apa ; to soil, — wamdu- 8apa. "wa-yu'-sda, v. of yuMa ; to m^ke bare, cut off, — wamdu^da. ■wa-yu'-sdo-ka, v. of yusdoka ; to pull out. ■wa-yu'-sdu-sdu-ta, v. of yuMuMuta ; to make slippery. "wa-yu'-se-ca, v. to m^ke dry up or wither. "wa-yu'-si-ea, v. of yu^icfa ; to make bad, to spoil, — wamdusica. "wa-yu'-si-htir), v. of yusihtii) ; to enfeeble, — wamdu^ihtii). ■wa-yu'-sir)-sir), v. of yu^iijsii) ; to tickle, — wa- mdusiqsir). •wa-yu'-sir)-ye-ya, v. of yusiqyeya ; to frighten, — wayusiiiyewaya. ■wa-yu'-si-pa, v. of yusipa ; to break off close. "wa-yu'-ska, v. of yuska ; to untie. ■wa-yu.'-skar)-skaQ, v. of yuskaijskai) ; to cause to move or stir about, — wamduskarj^kai). ■wa-yu'-ske-hai), v. of yuskehaq ; to make wild or unsteady, to cause to prance, — wamduskehai). "wa-yu'-ski, v. of yu^ki ; to plait, — wamdu^ki. ■wa-yu'-ski-ska, v. of yu^kiska ; to make rough ; to make difficult or confused ; to make mischief, — wamduski ska. ■wa-yu'-sko-kpa, v. of yu^kokpa; to holloio out. "wa-yu'-sko-pa, v. of yuskopa ; to make twist- ing. •wa-yu'-sko-tpa, v. Same as wayuskokpa. vra-yu'-sna, v. of yu4na ; to drop, let slip, make a mistake, — wamdu^na. "wa-yu'-sna, v. a. to sacrifice, offer sacrifice, — wamdusna, waduina, wauqyusnapi. See wosna. ■wa-yu'-sna-pi, n. sacrificing. ■wa-yu'-so-sa, v. of yu^osa ; to make turbid. "wa-yu'-spa, v. of yuspa ; to break off pieces, — wamduspa. ■wa-yu'-spi, v. of yuspi ; to pick off, as berries, — wamduspi, waduspi, wauriyuspipi. See wo- 4pi. ■wa-yu'-spu, v. of yu^pu ; to pick off any thing stuck on, — wamduspu, wa-yu'-spu-ya, v. of yu^puya; to scratch, — wamdu^puyn. ■wa-yu'-star), v. of yultai) ; to finish, — wamdu- itsiV). ■wa-yu'-star)-ka, n. one who finishes. "wa-yu'-su-za, v. of yu^uia ; to crush. ■wa-yu'-ta, v. of yuta ; to be eaten up, as by wolves ; to eat up ; one who eats all up, — wa- wata, wauqtapi. See wota. ■wa-yu'-tai), v. of yutai) ; to touch. ■wa-yu'-tai), n. a servant ; a master of ceremo- nies. •wa-yu'-tar)-co-dai), v. of yutaqcodai) ; to make naked. ■wa-yu.'-tai)-ir), ■;;. of yutaijii) ; to make mani- fest, to expose, — wamdutaijii). •wa-yu'-taij-ka, v. of yutaijka ; to make large. ■wa-yu.'-tar)-ki-ya, v. to have for cook or master of ceremonies : wayutaijwicakiyapi, servants. ■wa-yu'-taij-ni, v. of yuta^ni ; to wear out, make old, — wamdutaijni. ■wa-yu'-taij-ni-ka, n. one who wears out mv/:h. ■wa-yu'-tar)-tar), v. red. of yutaq ; to feel all over. ■wa-yu'-tar)-toi)-sni, v. of yutaijto^sni ; to make an end of, destroy. "wa-yu'-taij-y a, v. to make master of ceremonies at a feast, — wayutaijwaya. ■wa-yu'-te-ea, v. of yuteca; to make new, to renew, — wamdutecSa. ■wa-yu'-te-hax), v. of yutehai) ; to make long, to be slow. •wa-yu'-te-har)-har)-ka, v. to be always long in doing a thing, — wamdutehaijhaijka. 'wa-yu'-te-Ri-ka, v. of yutehika ; to make dif- ficult,— wamdutehika. "wa-jru'-te-pa, v. of yutepa ; to wear off. ■wa-yu'-te-pe-ea, n. one who wears off. ■wa-yu'-ti-ca, v. of yutica ; to scrape away, as a horse does snow by pawing. ■wa-yu'-ti-pa, v. of yutipa ; to cramp, draw up. wa-yu'-ti-taQ, v. of yutitaq ; to pull. ■wa-yu'-tkoQ-za, v. of yutkoqza ; to make even, — wamdutkoriza. •wa-yu'-tku-ga, v. of yutkuga; to break off square. •wa-yu'-to-kag, v. of yutokai) ; to put in another place, to remove, — wamdutokar). ■wa-yu'-to-ke-ea, v. of yutokeca ; to make dif- ferent, to alter, — wamdutokeca. "wa-yu'-tpai), v. of yutpaq ; to make fine, to grind, — wamdutpao, wauijyutpaijpi. See wo- tpaq. ■wa-yu'-tpu-tpa, v. of yutputpa ; to pick to pieces, to make crumble, — wamdutputpa. •wa-yu'-tpu-tpe-ea, n. one who crumbles up or makes fine. WAY 239 WAZ ■wa-yu'-tu-ta, v. of yututa ; to make smart by rubbing, — wamdututa. ■wa-yu'-tu-tka, v. of yututka ; to break into small pieces. "wa-jni'-ta, v. of yuta ; to kill, choke to death, — wamduta. ■wa-yu'-tir)-za, v. of yutiqza ; to make firm, — wamdutiijza. ■wa-yu'-"wa-cir)-tor), v. of yuwacJiqtoi) ; to make intelligent. "wa-yu'-vra-hiri-yarj-za, v. to make morose or ill disposed. ■wa-yu'-vra-hba-dai), v. of yuwaibadaq ; to make gentle or mild, — wamduwahbadan. ■wa-yu'-^wa-hpa-ni-ea, v. of yuwahpanica ; to make poor, — wamduwaipanica. ■wa-yu'-"wa-Me-ka, v. to make unable to do well, to incapacitate ; i. q. oiispesni daka. ■wa-yu'-'wa-kaQ, v. of yuwakai) ; to make sa- cred, to consecrate, — wamduwakai). "wa-yu'-"war)-ka, v. of yuwaijka ; to throw down. ■wa-yu'--war)-kan-i-eu, v. to lift up : wayu- waqkan iyeya, to raise or pry up. •wa-yu'-"wa-s'a-ka, v. of yuwa^'aka ; to make strong, to invigorate, — wamduwa^'aka. •wa-yu'-vra-sa-ka-dar), v. of yuwa^akadaij ; to make cheap or easy, — wamduwasakadar). vra-yu'--wa-s'a-ke-sni, v. to make weak, — wa- mduwas'ake^ni. "wa-yu'-'wa-ste, v. of yuwaste ; to make good, to improve, — wamduwaite, waduwaste, wauijyu- wastepi. "wa-yu'-Tve-ga, v. of yuwega ; to break partly off, — wamduwega. 'wa-yu'-'wi, v. of yuwi ; to wrap around. 'wa-yu'-'wi-ca-ka, v. of yuwidaka ; to make true. ■wa-yu'--wi-ea-sta-sni, v. of yuwidasta^ni ; to make bad, debase, corrupt, — wamduwica^tasni. wa-yu'-'wi-linu-ni, v. of yuwihnuni ; to destroy, — wamduwilinuni. ■wa-yu'-"wir)-ga, v. of yuwiijga ; to turn around. ^va-yu'-■wiI)-ge-ca, n. one who turns about. "wa-yu'-'wiij-ta, v. of yuwiqta ; to spread out the hands to ; to stroke, — wamduwiqta. "Wa-yu.'-'wiij-za, v. of yuwiijia ; to bend down. ■wa-yu'-"wi-tar)-tar), v. to make proud. ■wa-yu'-'wn.-ta-ya, v. of yuwitaya; to gather together, to collect, — wamduwitaya. "Wa-yu'-'wi-tko, v. of yuwitko ; to make drunk, — wamduwitko. ■wa-yu'-vri-tko-tko-ka, v. to make foolish. "wa-yu'-"wi-ye-ya, v. of yuwiyeya ; to make ready, — waraduwiyeya. vra-yu'-za, v. of yuza ; to take ; to lake the clothes of those who come home in triumph, — wamduza. See wakiyuza. "wa-yu'-za-mni, v. of yuzamni ; to uncover, — wamduzamni. "wa-yu'-zar), v. of yuzai) ; to part or separate, as hair on the head. ■wa-yu'-ze, v. of yuze ; to lade or dip out from a kettle, — wamduze. "wa-yu'-zi-da, v. of yuzic'a ; to stretch, — wamdu- zica. ■wa-yii'-zoq-ta, v. of yuzoijta ; to make con- nected ; to decide, — wamduzoijta. •wa-yu'-zur)-ea, v. Same as wayuzoijta. •wa-yu'-za, v. of yuia ; to stir vp ; to make mush or hasty pudding, — wamduia. "wa-yu'-za-ka, v. of yuiaka ; to pull open, — wamduzaka. "wa-jni'-za-za, v. of yuiaia ; to wash, as clothes ; to do a washing, — wamduiaia, waduiaia, wauq- yuiaiapi. See woiaia. ■wa-3ru.'-zir)-ea, v. of yuiiqca; to pull or blow, as the nose, — wamduziijca. "wa-jru'-zi-pa, v. of yuiipa ; to pinch ; one toho pinches, — •wamduztpa. ■wa-yu'-zur), v. of yuiuij ; to pull out by the roots, — wamduzui). •wa-yu'-zu-zu, v. of yuiuzu ; to tear down, to demolish, — wamduzuiu. "wa-zi', n. a pine, pines. "wa-zi'-sa-ka, n. a species of pine, perhaps the pitch pine, the fir. ■wa-zi'-se, m. like pines ; giants. Wa-zi'-ya, n. the northern god or god of the north ; a fabled giant who lives at the north and blows cold out of his mouth. He draws near in winter and recedes in summer. By some Wa- ziya is confounded with Heyoka, but he seems to be a different being. "wa-zi'-ya-pa, adv. at the north, to the north. •v(ra-zi'-y a-pa-tai)-hai), adv. northwards ; from the north. •wa-zi'-ya-ta, n. at the pines, the north. ■wa-zi '-ya-tar)-har), adv. at the north, from the north. ■wa-zi'-ya-ta-tarj-har), adv. from the north. ■wa-zu', V. 1st pers. sing, of iu. •wa'-zu, V. of aiu ; to lay up to dry, as rice, etc. ; to apply externally, as a poultice, — wdwazu, w4- uijiupi. ■wa'-zu-dar), n. the hoards or deposits of squir- rels, etc. "wa-zuij'-tka, n. the name of a small yellow bird. "wa-zui)'-tka-dar), «. Same as wazuijtka. WAZ 240 WIC ■wa'-zu-pi-"wi, or ■wl'wazupi, 71. the moon in . which the Indians lay up rice, answering nearly to October. ■wa-zu'-ste-ca, n. strawberries. ■wa-zu'-ste-ea-hu, n. strawberry vines. ■wa-zu'-ste-ca-sa-"wi, n. the moon in which strawberries are ripe ; June or July. ■we, n. blood. ■we, adj. bloody. ■we, V, n. to Meed : poge mawe, my nose bleeds. ■we, sign of the imperat. sing. ; used by the women ; as, ecoi) we, do thou it. ■we, pron. compounded of 'wa' and 'M.' See Grammar, Pronouns. we-6e'-ya, v. a. to have regard for one, to con- sult one's wishes, — wecewaya, weceuijyaijpi. "we'-ga, adj. broken. See yuwega, etc. ■we-ga'-hai), part, broken, but not entirely of. ■we-ga'-"wa-har), part, broken, but not off ; thus distinguished from ksawahai). ■we'-hai), n. last spring : wehai) icima, the spring before last. "we'-hna, prep, among. See ehna. ■we'-tu, n. spring, the spring of the year ; next sprinij. ■we-"we', adj. red. of we ; bloody. ■we-ya', v. a. to shed blood, make bleed ; hence, to put to death, — wewaya, weuijyaqpi. "wi, n. the sun ; the moon : wi hinapa, the sun rises ; wi iyaya, the sun has set ; appetu wi, the day-sun ; haiiyetu wi, the night-sun or moon. "Wi, n. a moon, a lunar month. The names of the moons are as follows : 1. Wi-tehi, January ; the hard moon. 2. Wicata-wi, February ; the raccoon moon. 3. lita,w\6a,yaza.i)-w\, March ; the sore-eye moon. 4. Magaokada-wi, April ; the moon in which the geese lay eggs : also called Wokada-wi ; and sometimes Watopapi-wi, the moon when the streams are again navigable. 6. Wozupi-wi, May ; the planting moon. 6. Waiusteca^a-wi, June ; the moon when the strawberries are red. I. Ca^pasapa-wi, and Wa^ui)pa-wi, July ; the moon when the choke-cherries are ripe, and when the geese shed their feathers. 8. Wasutoi)-wi, August ; the harvest moon. 9. Psii)hnaketu-wi, September ; the moon when rice is laid up to dry. 10. "Wi-waiupi, October; the drying rice maon ; sometimes written Waiupi-wi. II. Takiyuha-wi, November ; the deer rutting moon. 12. Tahecap^uq-wi, December; the moon when the deer shed their horns. ■wi, cont. of wiqyai) or winohiqca; as in wihda- staka and wiinal'ima. ■wi, some verbs commencing with ' i ' make the absolute form by prefixing ' w,' instead of ' wa ;' as, ihaijmna, wihaqmna. ■wi'-a-hi-na-pa, v. to have the sun rise on one. ■wi'-a-ta-om-ya, adv. when the sun is leaning ; afternoon. ■wi'-bo-pe, n. a mortar, a hommony-block. ■wi'-bo-pe-i-hu-pa, n. a pestle. ■wl-ea', n. the raccoon, Procyon lotor. ■wl-ea', n. a male of the human species, a man, — wimaca, winica, wiui)capi. ■wi-ea', adj. male, pertaining to sex ; human. This adjective is prefixed to nouns that have reference to man. When the noun begins with a vowel, the ' a ' in wi($a is dropped ; as, ista, an eye, wicista. ■wi-ca', pron. in comp. With active verbs this repre- sents the third pers. plur. objective, them ; as, wic'a- wakte, / killed them : but when used with neuter verbs and adjectives it generally forms what may be regarded as abstract nouns ; as, caijdai), to shake, wicacaijcaq, the ague ; wa^te, good, wi<{o- waste, goodness. ■wi-ea'-a-ki-hai), n. starving, famine. ■wi-ea'-a-tku-ku, n. a father, their father. wi-ea'-ba-pi, n. blame. •wi-ea'-eai)-eai), n. the ague. ■wi-ea'-eai)-te, n. the human heart. ■wl-ca'-cai)-te-o-ze, n. the thought of the heart. ■wi-ea'-ea-ze, n. names, names of persons. ■wi-ea'-ee, n. the penis. ■wi-ea'-ee-hpi, n. human flesh. ■wi-ca'-ee-pa, n. human fatness, obesity. ■wi-ea'-ce-sdl, n. the excrement of the raccoon. •wi-ea'-ce-ya, n. weeping, crying. ■wi-ea'-ce-zi, n. the human tongue. •wl'-ea-ei-ce, n. an instrument used in brushing up the fur of skins. ■wi-ea'-61r)-ea, w. children. ■wl-ea'-eu-"wi-ta, n. the sense of cold experienced by human beings. See cuwita. ■wi-ca'-da, v. a. to believe, put confidence in ; to agree to, — wicawada, wicayada, wi<5aui)dapi, wi- damada. ■wi-ea'-da-ka, v. a. to believe, — ^widawadaka, wicaui)dapika. •wi-ca'-da-pi, n. belief, believing ; faith. ■wi-ca'-da-pi-da, adj. worthy of belief. "wi-ea'-da-ya, v. a. to cause one to believe ; to persuade, — wicadawaya. ■wi-ca'-de-za, n. human urine. ■wl'-ea-du-ge, n. of kadiiga ; a fan to winnow with. WIG 241 WIG ■wi'-6a-ge, n. of kaga ; any instrument to make with. "wl'-ca-go, n. of kago ; an instrument to mark with. "wi'-ca-gu-ke, n. Same as wicadide. ■wi-ca'-hde-ska, n. gooseberries. ■wi-ca'-hde-ska-hn, n. the gooseberry bush, Ribes grossularia. •wi-ea'-hi, n. human teeth. "Wi'-oa-hi, «. something to mix with, as a mush- stick. ■wi'-ca-hir)-te, n. of kahiijta ; a broom, a rake. "Wi'-ea-hl-ya, v. of icahiya ; to mingle, — wica- hiwaya. ■wi-ea'-hna-ka-pi, v. dead bodies laid up ; tombs ; burial-places. "wi-ea'-hna-ye, n. of linayai) ; deception. "wi-ca'-ho, n. the human voice. "wi-ea'-hu, n. human bones. •wl-ea'-hu-ha, n, the limbs of the body. ■wi-ca'-hu-hu, n. a human skeleton. ■wi-ca'-hui)-ka-ke, n. ancestors. ■wl-ca'-huij-ku, n. a mother, mothers. "wi-ea'-hba, n. of Iba ; drowsiness. ■wi'-ca-hbo-ke, n. a paddle, i. q. wamnaheca. ■wl'-ea-hde-ee, n. of kaideda ; something to tear or bruise with. "Wi'-ea-lido-ke, n. of kaldoka ; something to make holes with, as a gimlet. ■wri-ca'-hea, n. See wicafii^ca. •wi'-ea-he-pe, n. a ladle. ■wi-6a'-liir)-ca, n. an old man, — wimadahir)($a and wicamaM^ca, winicfaliqca and widanihiqca, wiui)caMi)capi. ■wi'-ca-hpe, n. an instrument to throw down with. "wi'-ca-hpu, n. an instrument to pick off with. ■wl'-ea-hu-ge, n. something to break in with. "wi-ca'-B.ug-'wir), n. putrefaction. ■wi-ca'-i, n. the human mouth. ■wi-ea'-i-ha, n. the human lips. "wi-ca-ka', v. of ka, to mean ; he means them. "Wi-ca'-ka, v. n. to speak truth, to be true, — wi- cawaka, wicauqkapi. "wi-ea'-ka-hl-ya-ya, v. of kahiyaya ; to carry round to them, to sing to them. ■wi-ea'-ka-ha-pa, n. of kaiapa ; a driver, one who drives. "wi'-ca-kca, n. of kakc'a ; a curry-comb.' ■wi-ea'-ke-da, v. a. to esteem true, to believe, — wicakewada ; wicakei^ida, to believe oneself true, to continue to affirm. •wi-ca'-ki-ear)-pte, n. of kicaijpta ; one who con- soles, a comforter. "wi-ea'-ki-ci-da-zu-zu-pi, n. forgiveness. 31 ■wi-ea'-kl-do-pl, n. of ki(5o ; calling, inviting. ■wl'-ea-kir)-ee, n. of kakiqda ; something to scrape with, a scraper. ■wi-ea-ki'-pi, n. robbery. ■wi'-ea-kis-ya, v. to cause to suffer, — widakii- waya. ■wi-ea'-ki-ya-pa, v. See kiyapa. ■wi'-ea-ki-ze, n. of icakiia ; distress, suffering. wi'-ca-ko-ke, n. a rattle, a rattler. "wl'-ea-kpe, n. a lancet ; i. q. kaijicakpe. ■wi-ea'-ksa-pa, n. wisdom. See widoksape. ■wi'-ea-kse, n. of kaksa ; an instrument to cut off with. ■wi-ea'-kte-pi, n. killing. ■wi-ca'-kte-s'a, n. one who kills. ■wi-ea'-ku-pi, n. giving. ■wri'-ea-mde-ee, n. an instrument to break in pieces with, as a sledge. •wi-ca'-na-ka, n. tremor. See n&ka. ■wi-ea'-na-su, n. the human brain. •wi-ca'-ni-te, n. the loins. "wl-ca'-no-ge, n. human ears. ■wi-ear)'-hpi, n. a star, the stars. ■Win.-eai)'-hpi-tar)-ka, n. large stars. The name given to both Venus and Jupiter, as the morning and evening stars. ■wl-ca'-pa-ha, n. the human scalp. "wi-ea'-pa-hu, n. the human skull. ■wi-ca'-pa-kslr), n. the human kidneys, the reins. "wi'-oa-pe, n. of dapa ; a piercer ; the spines or beard of one or more species of grass or weed ; a fork, a table-fork. ■wi'-ea-pe-ea, n. a kind of grass armed with a long sharp beard. ■wl'-ca-pe-daij, n. dim. of widape. ■wi-ca'-pi, n. the human liver. ■wi-ca'-po, n. a swelling. ■wl-ea'-po-ge, n. the human nose. •wi'-ea-po-te, n. an instrument to rend with. ■wi'-ca-psi-ee, n. any thing to make jump with. ■wri'-ea-psii)-te, n. a whip. See icapsiqte. vri'-ca-sar), n. a razor. See idasaij. ■wl'-ca-sde-ee, n. something to split with, a wedge. ■wl'-ea-skl-ee, n. a press. •wi'-ca-spe-ye, n. a weight, a balance ; scales. •wi'-ca-sto, n. any thing to smooth with, a brush. ■wi-ca'-sa, n. (Ihar)k.) i. q. wida^ta. ■wi-ca'-sa-ke, n. human nails. ■wi'-ea-sda, n. a scythe. ■wi'-ca-ske, n. something to tie with, bonds. "wi'-ca-ski-ee, n. a press. ■wi-ca'-sta, n. man, a man; mankind, — wima- da^ta and widama^ta, wiuijdaitapj. WIC 242 WIC ■wi-ca'-sta-a-kan-tu, n. one of human kind, a mortal, distinguished from the dead and spirits. ■wi-ea'-sta-i-hda-wa, n. one who counts himself a man ; a chief. ■wl-ca'-sta-sni, adj. unmanly, mean, wicked, — wicamastasni and wimac'a^ta^ni, widanistasni and winicastasni, wicauijstapisni. ■wi-ca'-sta-sni-yai), adv. unmanly, wickedly. "wi-ca'-sta-tai)-ka, n. a middle-aged man. ■wi-ea'-sta-ya-ta-pi, n. a chief, a ruler, a sachem. The Dakota chiefs have little authority, not much honor, and no emolument. ■wi-ca'-ta-ku-nl-snl, n. destruction. See wico- takunisni. ■wi-ea'-tai)-car), n. the human body. "wl-ea'-tar)-ktar)-ka, n. the gull. ■wi-ea'-tag-ktaij-ka-dar), n. the gull, somewhat larger than a pigeon. 'wl-ca'-ta-'wi, n. the raccoon moon, February. ■wi'-ea-ti-ce, n. a thing to scrape with, a scraper. "wi-ea'-to-ka, n. a male captive ; a man-servant. ■wi-ea'-to-ke-ea, n. difference ; things different. "wl-ea'-to-kto-ke-ca, n. red. of wicatokeca. "wi'-ca-tpe, n. a lancet. See icatpe. "wi'-ca-tpi, w. something to crack with. "wi-ea'-tu-te, n. chapping, as of the hands. wi-ca'-ta, n. the dead. ■wi'-ea-te, n. an instrument to kill with. ■wi'-ea-tir)-ze, n. something to make tight with, a screw or nail. ■wi-ea'-ur)-pi, n. a man's shirt. ■wi'-ea-Ave-ge, n. something to break with. 'wn.-ca'-'wi-ho-iimi, n. a lewd fellow, a whore- monger,— wicawimahomni. •wl-ea'-'wo-lia, ». a man who lives with his udfe's relations, — wicamduha. ■wi-ca'-ya, adv. manly. ■wi-ea'-ya-eo-pi, n. condemnation. ■wl-ea'-ya-tar)-pi, n. praise, compliments. ■wi-ea'-ya-zar), n. a being sick, a sickness. •wi-ca'-yu-he, n. a master. 'wi-ea'-yu-'wa-hpa-ni-ea, n. making poor. ■wl-6a'-yu-\wii)-ta-pi, n. honoring, as the Da- kotas do at feasts, calling the maker of the feast by some name signifying relationship or friend- ship. ■wl'-ea-zi-pe, n. of kaiipa ; something to smooth or shave with, a plane. "wi-ce'-ska, n. the hole in the top of a tent. •wi-ce'-ska-i-pa-si-se, n. the pins that fasten a tent in front. ■wi-ei'-a-tku-ku, n. See wicaatkuka. •wi-ei'-ca-ge, n. a growth of men, a generation. ■wi-ei'-eiQ-ea, n. Same as widaciijc'a. "wl-ci'-mde-za, n. clearness, pleasantness. ■wi-ei'-na-peir)-'wai)-ka, num. adj. the ninth. ■wi-ci'-noQ-pa, num. adj. the second. ■wi-eii)', V. to desire women, hunt after women, — wiwac'ir). "wi-6ir)'-ea, m. a girl. ■wi-eirj'-ea-dai), ra. a little girl: wiciijdapidai). ■wi-eir)'-pi, n. desiring women. ■wi-eir)'-yar)-na, n. a girl, a damsel, a little girl, applied also to young women : widiqyaijpi- dai), girls, — wimac'iijyaqna. ■wl-ci'-sa-hdo-gai), num. adj. the eighth. •wi-ei'-sa-kdo-gar), num. adj. (Ihaqk.) the eighth. 'wi-ei'-sa-ko-"wir), num. adj. the seventh. ■wl-ei'-sa-kpe, num.. adj. the sixth. ■wic-is'-na-na, adj. none with one, alone. ■wi'-ei-sni-yar), adv. away off, not near any thing : wici^niya^ ehpeya, to throw off at a dis- tance, to lose. ■wle-i'-spa, n. the fore-arm ; the distance from the elbow to the end of the middle finger, a cubit. ■wie-i'-sta, n. the human eye. "wie-i'-stiij-lje, n. sleep ; they are asleep : widi- stii)be hiyeya, they are all asleep. "wie-i'-te, n. the human face, the countenance. •wie-i'-to-ka-pa, n. the eldest bom. vri-ci'-to-pa, num. adj. the fourth. wic-i'-tpi, n. the human stomach. ■wl-ei'-'wi-kee-nina, num. adj. the tenth, "wi-ci'-ya-mni, num. adj. the third. ■wl-ei'-ye, pron. oneself; themselves. vd-'-ei-ye-ea, v. n. not to lay to heart ; not to think about ; it is of no use, — wimi^iyeda. This is one of the words to which we have long en- deavored to attach an intelligible idea, but in vain. The meanings given are simply approximative. "wl'-ei-ye-da-e, v. Same as widiyeda. ■wi'-ei-ye-sni, v. n. wini^iye^ni ake nakug den yahi, not caring, thou hast come back again. "wl-ei'-yo-ki-pi, «. excellence, beauty, pleasant- ness. ■wi-ei'-za-ptai), num. adj. the fifth. "wl-eo'-a-ho-pe, n. of ahopa ; law, custom, cere- mony. "wl-eo'-a-i-e, n. of aia ; slander. vri-eo'-a-yu-star), n. of ayu^taij ; leaving of. "wi-eo'-be, n. of obe ; a company. ■wl-eo'-6ar)-ni-ye, n. of daflniyaij ; anger, ma- lice. ■wri-eo'-ear)t-a-hde, n. of daijtahde ; evil inten- tion, malice. ■wl-co'-cai)-te, n. the human heart. See wica- caijte. ■wi-eo'-eajo-te-i-yu-tar)-ye, n. temptation. See wowiyutaijye. WIC 243 WID ■wn.-eo'-ear)-te-o-ze, n. thought, purpose. ■wi-co'-6ar)-te-ptar)-ye, «. of caqteptaqyaq ; passion. ■wi-co'-cag-te-si-ea, n. sadness. ■wl-eo'-eaij-te-'wa-ste, n. gladness. ■wi-co'-ear)-te-yu-ze, n. disposition, wish. "V(ri-eo'-ear)t-i-he-ye, n. desire, covetousness. ■wl-eo'-car)t-i-ya-hde-ye, n. what is desired. "wi-co'-ca-ze-ya-te, n. of c'azeyata ; traditions. ■wl-eo'-ee-ya, n. of ceya ; crying, weeping, ■wi-eo'-eo-kor), n. of cokoij ; threatening, intend- ing evil. •wl-eo'-eu-'wi-ta, n. the feeling of coldness. •wi-co'-du-za-he, n. of duzahai) ; swiftness. vri-eo'-e-ee-tu, n. of edetu ; uprightness. ■wi-co'-e-ki-ee-tu-ye, n. of ekicetuya; restora- tion. vri-eo'-hni-hde, n. travelling. ■wi-eo'-liar), n. of oliaq ; work, custom, habit. "wi-eo'-Ma-nl, n. of Itani ; labor, work. •wi-co'-i-ca-ge, n. of icaga ; a generation. ■wi-eo'-i-e, n. of oie ; a word, a speech. ■wi-co'-i-hda-tar), n. of ihdataij ; boasting. ■wi-eo'-i-na-hni, n. of inahni ; liaste, hurrying. •wi-eo'-i-stii)-be, n. of i^tiqma ; sleep. "wi-co'-i-tori-pe, n. of itoijpa ; carefulness. ■wi-co'-i-tog-sni, n. of itoijsni ; a lie, a false- hood. ■wi-co'-i-tu-ka-ge, n. of itukaga ; falsehood, calumny. ■wl-co'-i-yo-ki-si-ee, n. sorrow. "wi-co'-i-yo-pe-i-ci-ye, n. repentance. ■wi-co'-ka-gi, n. of kagi ; a hindrance. ■wl-eo'-ka-gi-ye, n. an obstruction. •wi-eo'-ka-ki-ze, n. of kakiia ; suffering. "wi-eo'-ki-ei-yu-'wa-ste, n. a blessing, peace. ^vi-eo'-ki-ei-ze, n. of kiciza ; fighting. ■wl-co'-ki-pa-zii), n. of kipaiiq ; opposition. ■wi-CO'-kor)-ze, n. influence, law ; a kingdom. ■wi-co'-ksa-pe, n. of ksapa ; wisdom. "wi-co'-ku-ze, n. of kuia ; laziness. ■wi-eo'-ku-zi-ta, n. dying of laziness. ■wi-co'-miu-ci-ye, n. of mniciya ; an assembly. ■wi-eo'-mni-he-ca, n. of mnihecfa ; activity. ■wl-eo'-ni, n. (wica and oni) life, present but es- pecially to come, a life-time : wic'oni owihaqke wanica, eternal life. ■wi-eo'-ni-pe-zi-hu-ta, n. the balsam of life. ■wi-eo'-ni--wo--wa-pi, ». the book of life, the Bible. "Wi-eorj'-te, n. (wida, 05 and \a) death. ■wi-6o'-or)-si-ke, n. of ori^ika ; poverty. •wi-co'-O-pe, n. law, custom. ■wi-eo'-O-ug-hda-ka, n. of uqhdaka ; a moving party. of owotai)na ; right- a breaking in pieces, firmness, strength, evil. iebility. moving. a moving. had temper. ■wi-eo'-o-wo-tar)-na, eousness. ■wi-eo'-o-yu-mde-ce, n. separation. •wl-co'-su-ta, n. of suta ; "wi-co'-si-ce, n. of sida ; ■wi-eo'-si-Mii), n. of sihtii) ; debility. ■wi-eo'-skarj-skar), n. of ^kaijskaij ; motion ; used for government, reign. ■wi-eo'-ska-te, n. of ^kata ; play. ■wi-eo'-ski-ske, n. of o^kiske ; difficulty, dis- traction. •wi-eo'-ta, n. many persons, a multitude. ■wi-eo'-ta-ku-ni-sni, n. destruction. ■wi-eo'-ta-ku-ye, «. of takuya ; relationship, brotherhood. ■wi-co'-ta-wa-cii), n. disposition. ■wi-eo'-te-ea, n. of teca ; newness. ■wl-eo'-ti, n. a village, i. q. otoijwe. "wi-co'-to-ke-tu, n. how is it ? wicotoketu tai)- ig sni, how it is is not apparent. ■wl-eo'-ur), n. a family, all that are related by blood. This word, and also widotakuye, we have used for covenant. ■wi-eo'-UQ-hda-ka, n. of uijhdaka ; ■wi-eo'-"wa-eir), n. thought. ■wi-eo'-Ava-eirj-ko, n. of wadiijko ; wi-eo'-^wa-^ba-dar), n. gentleness. "wi-co'-Tva-kaQ-he-za, n. debility. ■wi-eo'-'wa-mna-da-sni, n. disrespect, contempt. "wi-eo'-"wa-s'a-ke, n. human strength. ■wi-eo'-'wa-ste, n. of waste ; goodness. "wi-eo'-'Wa-zi, n. a family, kindred. ■wi-co'--wi-ea-sta-sni, n. villany. •wl-eo'-'WO-hda-ke, n. relating stories, biogra- phy. ■wi-eo'-"WO-ya-ke, n. of oyaka ; declaration, nar- ration, doctrine. We have used this word for chapter. ■wi-eo'-yu-ta-ku-ni-sni, n. that which causes destruction. ■wl-6o'-yu-tkor)-ze, n. that which makes equal. ■wi-eo'-zun-ye, n. connectedness, relationship. ■wi-eo'-zi-ee, n. riches. •wi-eo'-zu-dar), n. of oiuda^ ; fulness ; full 0/ people. ■wi-ei'-cah, adv. uneasily : wi^icaB. yaqka. "wi-ei'-eah-cafi, adv. red. of wi^Jidah. These words are used when one, getting uneasy and wishing to leave, pulls his blanket up, rises and walks about, but says nothing. ■wi'-eii), n. the strap which the Dakotas use in packing. "wid'-Tvi-ta-ya, adv. red. of witaya ; in groups, assembled in different places : widwitaya yakoi)pi. WID 244 WIN ■wl'-dun-ye, n. any thing to color red with, cochi- neal. ■wl-ha'-ha, n. See wihahaka. ■wi-ha'-ha-ka, n. one who is pleased with trifles. ■wl-ha'-ha-ya, adv. wihahaya i^u, to take trifles gladly. ■wi-ha'-ke, n. the fifth child, if a daughter ; so called, probably, from its usually being the last. ■wi'-haQ-mde, v. Same as wiharimna. "wi'-haQ-mde-s'a, n. a dreamer. ■vci'-harj-mna, v. of ihaqmna ; to dream, — wi- wahaijmna, wiuqhaijmnaripi. ■wi'-har)-innar)-pi, n. a dreaming. ■wl'-hda-hpa, v. pas. to strike or take down one's own tent, — wiwahdaipa. •wi'-hda-sta-ka, v. pos. to beat one's wife, — wi- wahdastaka. ■wi'-hda-"wa, v. of ihdawa ; to count oneself, — wiwahdawa. "wi'-hdi, n. of ihdi ; oil, grease. "Wi'-hdu-kear), v. of ihdukcai) ; to understand one's own or oneself, to form an opinion, — wiwa- hdukc'ai). ■wl'-hl-na-pa, n. the sun rising, the east. •wi'-hi-na-pa-tag-har), adv. from the east. ■wi'-hi-ya-ye-daQ, n. a clock, a watch. ■wi'-hmuq-ke, n. of tmuijka ; the rainbow ; a trap, a snare. In this latter sense, however, it is not much used. Tvi'-hni, V. of ihni ; to hunt, as deer, — wiwahni. ■wi'-hni-pl, n. a chafing deer. ■wi'-hnu, V. of ihnu ; to murmur ; to reproach, accuse ; to be displeased with, — wiwahnu. ■wi'-hnu-pi, n. a murmuring. •wi-ho'-mni, n. turning round ; a prostitute. ■wi-hu'-ta, n. the lower border of a tent. ■wi-hu'-ta-i-na-ta-ke, n. something used to fasten up around the bottom of a tent, as grass. wi-hu'-ti-pa-spe, n. tent-pins. "Wl'-hai), V. of ihag ; to graze, eat grass, like cattle. ■wi'-liaij-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to graze ; to keep cattle, — wihaijwakiya. "wi'-liaQ-pi, n. a feeding, as cattle, a grazing. ■wi'-haq-'wl-ea-ki-ye, n. a grazier. ■wi-hi'-pa, n. (Sisit.) See wihupa. ■wl'-hmuQ-ge, n. witch-medicine ; i. q. oi) kidi- hmuqgapi. "wi-hu'-pa, n. the flaps of a tent. "wi-i'-ci-hni, v. to scold or whip a woman, — wi- iwe(Sihni and wiiwakihni. •Wi-i'-hni, v. to maltreat a woman, — ^wiiwahni. "wi'-i-na-hma, v. to conceal a woman, take her off ; to commit fornication, — wiinawahbe, wiina- . uqhmajjpi. ■wi'-i-ya-or)-pa, v. to charge a man or woman with infidelity, accuse in reference to a woman, — wiiyawaoijpa, wiiyauij^oijpapi. ■wi'-i-ya-OIJ-pa-pi, n. charging with infidelity or with having had illicit intercourse. ■wi'-i-ya-pa-M-ee, n. the fastening of a tent at the top. ■VBT-'-i-ya-ta-pi, n. a girl betrothed or given to one without his asking for her. See iyata. •wl'-i-ya-ya, v. the sun sets ; sun-down. ■wi'-i-ya-yu-lia, v. to leave home and take a wife at another village and live with her friends, — wiiyamduha. •wiM-ya-yu-M-ya, adv. with the course of the sun, from, ea,st to west. ■>wl-kee'-inna, num. adj. ten : wikdemna noqpa, twenty, etc. ■wi'-ki-dar)-ye, n. tools, implements. ■wl-ki'-ksar), v. to commit a rape, — wiwakikiaq. ■wi-ki'-ksar)-pi, n. rape. ■wi-ki'-sde, v. to offer indignities to women, — wiwakisde. "Wl-ki'-sde-pi, n. a molesting or taking liberties with women. •wi-ki'-sde-sde, v. red. of wikisde. •wl-ki'-sde-ya, v. a. to offer insults to a woman, — wikisdewaya. ■wi'-ki-yu-ta, v. to beckon to, talk by signs, — wiwakiyuta. ■wi'-ko-pa, V. of ikopa ; to fear, be afraid, — wi- kowapa. vri'-ko-pe-ca, «. one who is to be feared. ■wi'-ko-pe-sni-yar), adv. without fear, securely. ■wl-ko'-ska, n. a young woman, — wimakoika, wiuqkoskapi. ■vyl'-ksa-pa, v. of iksapa ; to comprehend well, to liave experience, — wiwaksapa. wi'-kte, V. to beat a woman, — wiwakte. •wi'-ma-ka,-he-ya, n. that which tempts, that which leads one to kill any thing. ■wi'-mna-sni, adj. not having knotvn women. Mvin, coni. of wiqta : win ui), it is creeping. "wi'-na-Eima, v. of inahma ; to hide, conceal. See wiinahma. ■wa'-na-Ror), v. of naRoi) ; to hear, to be able to Mar, — winawahog : winahoq sni, deaf. •wi'-na-ki-Avi-zi, v. to be jealous or envious of, — winawakiwizi. ■wi'-na-ta-ke, n. of inatake; a fastening, a lock. "wl'-na-'wl-zi, v. to be jealous or envious, — wina- wawizi, winauijwizipi. ■wi-na'-'wi-zi-dai), «. the cockle-burr, or clot- burr, a species of Xanthium. ■wl'-na-'wl-zi-pl, n. jealousy. ■wi-no'-li6a, n. S«e winoiigda. WIN 245 WIT ■wi-no'-hiQ-ca, n. a woman, women. ■wi-no'-na, «. the first-born child, if a daughter. v/i-no'-za-ta, n. See winuzata. ■wi-nu', n. a nams given to a woman who is a captive from another people. "wi'-nu-ke, n. something that makes grow, as manure on a field, and /ooc? for man. ■wl-nu'-za-ta, n. the lower part of a tent or house in the inside. vnx), adj. female, woman, wife; i.q. winohiijc'a. This is commonly suffixed to the names of ■women. ■wir)'-kta, n. a hermaphrodite ; i. q. wiqyaqi^ida. ■wir)'-kta-pi, n. sodomy. ■w"ir)'-na, adj. dim. of wiq. vriQS, cont. of wiqia. ■wlgs-ki'-ya, v. a. to make bend, bend down, — wiq^wakiya. ■wir)s-'wir)'-ze-dar), adj. limber, pliant, not stiff; tender. ■wig'-ta, V. n. to creep, crawl, as a child, — wawiq- ta, ur)wii)tapi. ■wii)'-yai), n. a woman ; plur. wiijya^ipi. ■wli)'-yar), adj. female, — wimayaij, winiyaq. ■wiij'-za. See yuwiijia. ■wli)-za'-har), part, bent down, as grass. ■wli)-za'-'wa-hai), part, bent down. "wl-o'-ki-he-dai), n. See wiyoMhedai). ■wl-o'-ki-ya, v. of okiya ; to court or talk with a woman ; to gratify lust, — wiowakiya, wioyakiya. "wl-o'-ki-ya-pi, n. courting. ■wi-o'-wa, n. a painted tent. ■wl'-pa-gu-ke, n. a bone or iron used for scraping down skins in the process of dressing. ■wi'-pa-mda-ye, n. something to smooth with, smoothing irons, flat-irons. ■wl'-pa-ski-ce, n. a press ; a washboard. •wl'-pa-ta, V. of ipata; to ornament, work with porcupine quills, — wiwapata, wiuripatapi. ■wl'-pa-ta-pi, n. quill-work, embroidery. "wi-pa'-zu-ka, n. a species of red berry grow- ing on small bushes, which is good to eat. Mr. Eenville has used this word for pears. "wi-pa'-zu-ka-hu, n. a small bushy shrub used by the Dakotas for making arrows, arrow-wood. vri'-pa-za-za, n. soap. ■wi'-pa-zil), V. to be prevented from succeeding in what one attempts to do by having lost a friend, etc., — wimapaiii). When the Dakotas are un- successful in fishing or hunting, they attribute the fact to the presence of ghosts who scare away the fish or the deer. In some instances they think it is their own spirit which is already leav- ing the body, and they regard it as an omen of approaching death. ■wi'-pe, n. of pe ; sharp instruments, arms ; weapons of any kind, fire-arms. "wi'-pe-o-hdo-ka, n. a wound made by a spear. ■wi'-pi, v. w. to be full of food, to be satisfied, — wimapi, winipi, wiuijpipi. •wi'-pi-ya, v. a. to fill, cause to be full, — wipi- waya ; wipii^iya, to satisfy oneself with eating, — wipimi^iya. "wi'-pi-ya, adv. full. ■wi'-pu-spe, n. a seal, a wafer. ■wl'-sam-ye, n. any thing which gives a black hue, blacking. ■wi'-sar)-ye, n. whiting. "wi'-si-te-torj-na, n. a harlot, a whore. •wl'-sku-ye, n. any thing which fastens colors, such as alum or cranberries. wl'-spe-ya, v. to cast anchor, — wispewaya. ■wi'-spe-ye, n. an anchor. ■wi-sax)', n. the ' mons veneris! "wi'-sa-ye, n. any thing used in coloring red. •wi-s'o'-s'o, adj. hasty, quick, — wima^'as'o. "wi-s'o'-s'o-ka, n. one who is hasty. "wl'-ste-ca, adj. modest, bashful, — wima^te<$a, wini^teca. "wi'-sten-ki-ei-ya-pi, n. the being ashamed of each other. See wistenkiya. ■wl'-sten-ki-ya, v. a. to be bashful or reserved, to be ashamed of, as a Dakota man is of some of his wife's relations, especially the females, and a woman of her husband's relations, especially the males. By this custom, which is universal, they are not permitted to mention the names of these connexions, nor to look them in the face or communicate directly with them, — wi^tenwa- kiya, wi^tenmakiya. ■wl'-sten-ki-ya-pl, n. the custom above spoken of ■wi'-sten-ya, v. n. to cause to be ashamed, — wi- ^tenwaya. "wi'-ste-ste-ea, adj. red. of wistec'a ; modest. ■wis-'wi', intj. almost, nearly; oh ! i. q. wawateda and i^nikae^. vri'-ta, n. an island. ■wl'-ta-kir)-yag-yar)-ka, n. afternoon. "wi'-ta-ki-ya, adv. together, en masse. "Wi'-taj), adj. proud, elated, — wimatai). "wi-taq'-sna, n. a maiden, one who is without a husband, one who lives alone : witaq^na uq. Mr. Eenville has used this word to designate figs, but with doubtful propriety. ■wl-tag'-sna-hu, n. a name given by Mr. Ren- ville to the fig-tree. "wi'tarj-tar), v. red. of witaij ; proud, vain, — wimatai)tar). ■wl'-taJ3-tar)-ka, ». on$ who is proud. WIT 246 WIY ■wi'-tar)-tar)-pi, n. vain-glory, pride. ■wi'-tai)-tar)-yai), v. a. to make proud. "wl'-tai)-tar)-yai), adv. glorying. "wl'-ta-Tva-ta, n. a ship. "wi-ta'-wa-ten-ya, v. to be willing. See tawa- tenya. "Wi'-ta-ya, adv. together, in company. ■wi'-ta-ya-i-he-ya, v. to assemble together, — witaya iheuQyaijpi. ■wri'-te-ha-ka, n. one who is dissatisfied with every little thing. ■wi-te'-sdag-ki-tor), v. the moon or sun wears a crown, ; said of the halo sometimes observed. ■wi'-tka, n. of ilka ; an egg ; a testicle. "wi'-tke-u-ta, n. a steelyard, scales. ■wn-tko', ra. a kind offish with a thick short body, the dog-fish. ■wi-tko', adj. drunk, drunken ; foolish, — wima- tko, winitko, wiuijtkopi. Wi-tko'-ka-ga, w. the fool-maker ; an imaginary being worshipped by the Dakotas, and said to visit them in dreams. ■wi-tko'-kog-za, v. n. to pretend to be drunk, — witkowakoijza, "wi-tko'-pi, n. drunkenness. ■wi-tko'-tko, adj. foolish, — wimatkotko, wiuij- tkotkopi. "wi-tko'-tko-ka, n. a fool, — wimatkotkoka. ■wi-tko'-tko-pi, n. foolishness. ■wi-tko'-tko-ya, adv. foolishly. ■wi-tko'-wir), n. a foolish woman, a harlot. "wi-tko'-'wir)-na, n. Same as witkowiq. ■wi-tko'-ya, v. a. to make drunk, — witkowaya, witkomayai). ■wi-tko'-ya, adv. foolishly, like a drunken man. "wi-tko'-ya-hai), adv. foolishly, sillily. ■wl-to'-ka, n. a female captive. ■wi'-to-ye, n. something that dyes blue or green ; green or blue blanketing. ■wi'-wa-koQ-za, v. a. to wail for those who have gone out on a war party, — wiwawakoqza, wiwi- cayawakoijza. "wi'-'waQ-ga, v. of iwaijga; to ask questions, to inquire, — wimuijga, wiui)wai)gapi, wimawaqga. ■wi'--war)-ga-pi, n. questions. 'vri'-'wa.Jjh., cont. of wiwaqga; wiwaijh. wahi, / have come to ask questions. "wi'-'war)R-tu-ken, adv. in an inquiring way. ■wi'-'warjh-ya, v. a. to cause to inquire, — wi- waghwaya. ■wi-vra'-ste, n. See wiwasteka. 'wi-'wa'-ste-ka, n. a beautiful woman, a lady. ■wi-"wa'-yu-lia, v. to live with the relatives of one's husband ; a woman who lives with her hus- band's relations, — wiwamduha. 'wl-'wa'-zi-ca, n. a widow. 'Wi-'wi', n. a bog, a quagmire. wi'-'wi-ea-hnu-pl, n. accusation, blaming. ■wl'-'wi-ca-'waij-ga-pi, n. questions. ■wi'-"wi-ea-zi-ce, n. riches. ■wi-TVi'-ya, adv. boggy, marshy. ■wl'-ya-eir), v. of iyaciq ; to liken to, compare to or with, — wimdacii), wiuijyaciijpi. ■wi'-ya-eiij-i-a-pi, n. parables, similitudes. "wi'-ya-eir)-pi, n. likeness, resemblance, simili- tude. ■wi'-ya-eiij-yar), adv. parabolic, in the form of similitude. ■wi'-ya-liai), v. of iyahai) ; to alight in, as birds. ■wi'-ya-ka, n. a quill, a feather of the wing or tail of geese, etc. ■wi-ya'-ka, n. sand. ■wi'-ya-ka-ske, n. a band, i. q. tehmiso. ■wi-ya'-kpa, v. n. to shine, glisten. ■wi-ya'-kpa, adj. bright, glistening. "wi-ya'-kpa-kpa, red. of wiyakpa. ■wi-ya'-kpa-pi, n. brightness. ■wi-ya'-kpa-ya, adv. brightly. "wi'-ya-or)-pa, v. of iyaoqpa ; to blame, charge with, — wiyawaoijpa. See wiiyaoijpa. "wl'-ya-pe, v. of iyape ; to lie in wait, — wiya- wape. ■wi'-ya-spa-pi, n. the moon is nibbled ; an ex- pression used in reference to the moon when it has commenced waning. "wi-ya'-spu-ye-dajQ, n. a large species of field- mouse with a pointed nose, which is said to eat up the moon. wi'-ya-ta-hde, v. to have exceeding much, — wi- yatamahde. ■wi'-ya-ta-hde-ya, adv. having much, surpass- ingly. ■wi'-ya-ta-om-ya, n. See wiataomya. "wi-ya'-te-ca, n. a species of red, sour berry, growing on bushes five or six feet high. ■wi'-ya-tkai), n. a drinking vessel, a cup. "wi'-ya-tke, n. Same as wiyatkaij. ■wi-ya'-tpa, adj. bright, glittering. ■wi-ya'-tpa-tpa, adj. red. of wiyatpa. ■wi-ya'-tpa-ya, adv. brightly. ■wl-ya'-tpa-ya, v. a. to cause to glisten. "wi'-ya-ya, adv. ready : wiyaya hnaka, to make ready. See wiyeya. ■wl'-ya-yu-ski-ta, v. to bind around, — wiya- mduskita. ■wi'-ya-yu-ski-te, n. a bandage. "wi'-ye, n. the female of animals. "wi'-ye, adj. female, used only in reference to animals. WIY 247 WOA •wi'-ye-dai), dim. of wiye ; the female of animals, birds, etc. ■wi'-ye-ya, adv. ready, prepared ; wiyeya mai)- ka, / am ready ; wiyeya hnaka, to make ready, prepare. ■wi-yo'-eo-kam-tu, n. the middle moon, applied to January and July. ■wi'-yo-hl, V. of iyohi ; to reach to, he sufficient for. See iyolii, etc. ■wi-yo'-hi-yar)-pa, n. the east, the sun-rising. ■wi-yo'-hi-yar)-pa-ta, adv. at the east, eastward. ■wi-yo'-hi-yari-pa-ta, n. the east: wiyoliiya^- pata ec'iyataijhai), /row the east. ^B(rt-yo'-hi-yar)-pa-tar)-har), adv. from the east. •wi'-yo-hpe-ya, v. of iyofipeya ; to put or throw into, as meat into a kettle to boil, — wiyohpewaya. ■wi-yo'-hpe-ya-ta, n. the west, where the sun sets ; at the west. ■wl-yo'-hpe-ya-ta-kl-ya, adv. westward, to- wards the west. ■wi-yo'-hpe-ya-tar)-har), adv. from the west. ■wi-yo'-fipe-ya-ta--wi-ca-sta, n. the man of the west, a name given to tlie thunder. ■wi-yo'-ki-he-dar), n. wampum ; a flag, a ban- ner ; a fag of peace. ■wi-yo'-ki-ya, v. to court a woman. Same as wiokiya. ■wi-yo'-ki-ye-dai), n. Same as wiyokihedai). "wi'-yo-pe-ki-ya, v. of iyopekiya ; to sell, — wi- yopewakiya. "wi'-yo-pe-ya, v. of iyopeya ; to sell, trade, — wi- yopewaya. "wi'-yo-pe-ye, w. a seller, a merchant ; something to trade for, merchandise. "wi-yo'-tar)-har), n. noon; the south. ■wl-yo'-tar)-har)-i-na-sdo-ke, n. aftemom, past noon. ■wl-yo'-tar)-he-eii), n. noon. 'wi'-yo-"wa, n. paint, something to mark or write with ; ink, etc. "wi'-yo-zar)-zai), v. of iyoiaijiai) ; to shine. ■wi'-yu-eai), n. a sieve ; a riddle. ■wi'-yu-oaq-ear), n. a sieve. ■wi'-yu-ha, v. of yuha ; to obtain, possess ; to have or he with a woman, — wimduha. ■wi'-yu-hdo-ke, n. an opener, a key. •wi'-yu-kcar), v. of iyukcaij ; to understand, have an opinion ; one who forms an opinion, — wimdukc'ai). See wokcai). •wi'-yu-keai)-pi, n. forming an opinion. •wi'-yu-kir)-ee, n. something to scrape with, a scraper. wi'-yu-kpar), n. a mill to grind with. ■wi'-yu-sdo-hai), n. a sled ; a sleigh. ■wi'-yu-sdo-he, n. Same as wiyusdohaij. ■wi'-3ru-ski-te, n. a bandage ; a press. ■wi'-yu-ski-ce, n. a press. "wi'-yu-skir), v. of iyuskiq ; to ryoice, be glad, — wimduskii}, wiur)yuskii)pi. ■wi'-yu-sklij-kl-ya, v. a. to cause to rejoice. ■wi'-yii-skii)-pi, n. rejoicing. •wi'-yu-skir)-skii), v. red. of wiyu^kii). ■wi'-yu-skir)-skir)-na, «. the chickadeedee, the black-cap titmouse. ■wi'-yu-skir)-yar), v. a. to cause to rejoice, — wi- yuskiijwaya. "wi'-yu-skig-yar), adv. rejoicingly, gladly. ■wi'-jm-ta, V. of iyuta ; to measure ; to weigh, — wimduta, wiuqyutapi. ■wl'-yu-ta, V. of yuta ; to eat one thing with ano- ther,— wiwata. ■wi'-yu-ta-pi, n. a measure. "wl'-yu-te, n. a measure ; a steelyard. ■wi'-yu-tpar), n. a mill. Same as wiyukpai). "wi'-yu-'wi, n. a vine. "wi'-yu-za-za, n. something to wash in, as corn ; a colander, a basket. ■wl-zi', n. an old smoky tent, or part of one. "wi'-zi-ee, n. incense, as cedar leaves, etc. ■wi-zi'-dar), n. an old smoky tent. ■wi'-zin-ya, v. to offer incense, — wizinwaya. "wl'-zi-ye, n. something to color yellow with. ■wi'-zi-ca, adj. of iiica ; rich, — wimaiic'a. "WO, n. food. See woyute. ■wo, the sign of the imperat. sing, used by men ; as, eco5 wo. ■WO, a prefix. 1. Verbs commencing with ' o ' make their absolute form by prefixing ' w ' instead of ' wa,' the ' a ' being dropped ; as, oyaka, to tell, woyaka ; wozu, etc. 2. ' Wo ' prefixed to verbs and adjectives generally converts them into abstract nouns ; as, wowa^te, goodness ; wo- kiksuye, remembrance. ■wo'-a-ca-ksir), n. of acak^iq ; a stepping over. This has been used for tlie Passover. ■wo'-a-hda, n. a taking home. 'wo'-a-hdi, n. a bringing home. ■wo'-a-he-eoi), n. family connexions. See wo- wahecoq. ■wo'-a-hi, n. a bringing. ■wo'-a-ho-pe, n. of ahopa ; a ceremony, a cus- tom ; a law, a commandment : waohope wikde- mna kii), the ten commandments. "Wo'-a-Ma-ni, n. of altani ; a transgression of superstitious customs ; sin. ■wo'-a-i, n. the act of taking to a place. ■wo'-a-i-e, n. of aia ; a talking about, slander. "wo'-a-i-hpe-ye, n. of aihpeya; leaving to; a will, a testament ; that which is left to one, a legacy. wo A 248 WOH ■WO'-a-ka-ge, n. a making on, blasphemy. "wo'-a-ka-hpe, n. of akaUpa ; a covering. "wo'-a-ke-ye, n. a curtain, a screen, something thrown up around like a tent. "WO'-a-ki-Ro, n. of akiKo ; a habit ; a trade. ■wo'-a-ki-ktorj-ze, n. of akiktogia; forgetful- ness. ■wo'-a-kta, n. of akta; regard, but not used without sni. ■wo'-a-kta-sni, n. disregard, "wo'-a-na-go-ptarj, n. of anagoptaq ; obedience. ■wo'-a-na-go-ptai)-yag, adv. obediently. "wo'-a-na-hbe, n. of anaB.ma ; concealment ; a secret. ■wo'-a-na-hma, w. Same as woanalibe. ■wo'-a-pe, n. of ape ; waiting for, expectation, hope. "wo'-a-na-pte, n. of anapta ; a stopping, re- straint ; something astringent. ■wo'-a-sni, n. of asni ; recovery from sickness. "wo'-a-sa-pe, n. of a^apa ; defilement. ■wo'-a-ta-ku-ni-sni, n. destruction. "wo'-a-'wa-eil), JJ. of awaciq ; thinking on, faith. ■wo'-a-ya-te, n. of ayate ; prediction. "wo'-a-yu-pte, n. of ayupta ; an answer. ■wo'-ba-spe, n. of ba^pa ; a piece cut off. ■wo'-bo-pte, n. See owobopte. "wo'-ean-si-ee, n. sorrow. "Wo'-ear)-hi-ya, v. n. not to be prevented from succeeding in any thing by any event, as the loss of a friend, etc. ; to be lucky, — wocai)himayai). ■wo'-car)-ksi, n. of caijksi ; ill humor. "wo'-earj-ni-ye, n. of caqniyag ; malice, .wrath, anger. ■wo'-car)t-a-h.de, n. evil intention against, malice; the object of evil purpose. •wo'-ear)-te, n. of caijte. See its use in the fol- lowing words. ■wo'-car)-te-i-yu-tai)-ye, n. temptation. ■wo'-ear)-te-ki-ye, n. love. See wocagtkiye. ■wo'-6ar)-te-ptar)-ye, n. atiger. ■wo'-ear)-te-si-ee, n. sorrow. "wo'-caij-te-'wa-ste, n. gladness. •wo'-ear)t-i-he-ye, n. ardent desire. •wo'-car)t-i-yu-tari, n. temptation. "wo'-earjt-ki-ye, n. love, benevolence. ■wo'-eai)t-o-hna-ke, n. compassion. ■wo'-6ar)t-o-kpa-ni, n. a longing for. vro'-earjt-o-tpa-nl, n. longing for. "wo-ca'-ze-ya-te, n. the naming of things ; in Dakota singing, the words that follow ' hi-hi-hi.' ■wo'-ce-ki-ye, n. of cekiya; crying to, prayer, petition. ■wo'-ee-tug-hda, n. of cetuijhda ; unbelief. ■wo'-ee-ye, n. of deya ; crying. See wicaceya. "vro'-iivs), V. of ociq ; to beg, ask for ; to be beg- ging, on an errand : wocfiq wahi, / have come to ask for something; wokicii) and wokicicii), to ask of one. "wo'-co-kor), n. of cokoq ; a threat, a curse. ■wo '-da, V. to beg food ; begging. ■wo'-da-s'a, n. a beggar. ■wo '-de, V. of ode ; to seek for, — wo wade. ■wo'-don, cont. of wodota ; wodon wahi, / have come to borrow. ■wo'-do-ta, V. of odota ; to borrow, borrowing ; to hire, — wowadota, wouijdotapi. "wo'-do-ta-pi, n. borrowing. "wo'-du-ta, n. the round of an animal when dried. See odute. ■wo'-du-za-he, n. swiftness. See wicoduzahe. "wo'-e-ee-tu, n. of ec'etu ; fulfilment. ■wo'-e-eor), n. work, doing. •wo'-e-cor)-na, n. gambling. See oecoiina. ■wo'-e-cor)-yai), v. to do ; one who is always doing, — woecoqwaya. ■wo'-e-hda-ku, n. of ehdaku ; deliverance. ■wo'-e-hpe-ye, n. of ehpeya ; putting or throw- ing away. ■wo'-e-ki-ee-tll, n. renewal, resurrection. ■wo'-e-ki-ce-tu-ye, n. restoration. ■wo'-ga, V. to husk, as com, — wamduga, waui)yu- gapi. "Wo'-gar), n. a snow-drift. ■wo'-ga-pi, n. the act of husking com. ■wo'-gi, n. of gi ; brownness. ■wo'-gu, n. scraps, as of tallow tried out. ■wo'-ha-ka-kta, n. the youngest, the last. "wo'-har), v. of oha;) ; to cook, boil ; to make a feast, — wowahe, wouijhaijpi. ■wo'-haij-pi, n. a boiling ; a feast : wakai) wo- haijpi, a sacred feast. ■wo'-hda-hda-ka, v. red. of wohdaka. ■wo'-hda-ka, v. of ohdaka ; to converse of or de- tail one's own affairs ; to talk, — wowahdaka, wo- uqhdakapi. ■wo'-hda-ka-pi, n. telling one's own affairs. ■wo'-hde-ee, n. an omen, a presentiment : wo- hdece mduha. ■wo'-hdu-ze, n. something sacred or forbidden, as the heart, etc., of animals. When a young man engages to hold any thing as ' wohduze ' he must not eat of it until, by killing an enemy, the taboo is taken off. It is something abstained from and considered sacred, including the idea of an oath or sacrament or binding of oneself. Hence the word is used for baptism and the Lord's supper, to the partakers of which many things are forbidden to be done. ■wo'-hdu-ze-tor), v. a. to set apart, consecrate. WOE 249 WOK wo'-hdu-ze-ya, v. a. to have for wohduze, — wo- hduzewaya. ■WO '-he, V. See wohai]. ■wo'-he-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to cook ; to have for a cook, — wohewakiya. •wo'-he-ki-ya-pi, n. a cook: wohewicakiyapi, cooks. ■wo'-he-yui), n. a package, a bundle, as of dried meat. '^Wo'-hi-ti, adj. furious, terrible. ^wo'-hi-ti-d.a, v. a. to regard as furious, — wohi- wada : wohitiiiJida, to think oneself terrible, — wo- hitimi(5ida. vro'-hi-ti-da-ka, v. Same as wohitida. "WO'-hi-ti-hda, n. of hitihda ; something loathed. "wo'-hi-ti-ka, adj. terrible, furious, violent ; ener- getic,— womahitika, wouijhitipika. ■wo'-hi-ti-ya, adv. furiously, violently ; energeti- cally. "wo'-hl-ya, v. to overcome, conquer. See ohiya. ■wo'-hmuQ-ke, n. something to be trapped, as beaver, etc. ■wo'-hna, prep. in. See ohna. ■wo'-hna-ka, v. of ohnaka ; to put or place in, — wowahnaka. •wo'-hna-ye, n. of hnayaq ; deceit. ■wo'-ho-da, V. of ohoda ; to honor. See wooho- da. ■wo'-lia, n. of ha ; a place to bury in, a corn-hole or other pla,ce of deposit in the ground, a cache ; a cellar, a pit ; something buried. ■wo'-ha-ka, n. of ohaka ; something that hurts or injures, whether externally or internally ; some- thing eaten that does not agree with the stomach ; poison. ■wo'-lia-ka, v. of ohaka ; to be poisoned, — woma- haka. "wo'-hdo-ke-ca, n. one who invents, an inventor. "wo'-hirj-yai), v. of ohiijyai) ; to be dissatisfied with, to take offence at, — wowahiijyai). ■wo'-hir)-yar)-pi, n. dissatisfaction, offence. Avo'-hpa, V. a. to carry presents to give in ex- change for a woman, to buy a wife, — wowahpa and wamduhpa. Buying is the honorable way of taking a wife among the Dakotas. Usually they pay about the value of $40 — a horse, four or five guns, or six or eight blankets. ■WO'-Rpa-pi, n. buying a wife. ■wo'-i-ea-ge, n. of idaga ; a growth ; a creation. ■wo'-i-6ai)-ksi, n. ill-temper. ■wo'-i-ea-zo, n. of icazo ; debt ; credit. "Wo'-i-ea-ze, adj. many, very many : wic'a^ta woicaze. "wo'-i-ca-ze-ka, adj. very many. ■wo'-i-cu, n. of icu ; a receiving. 32 "wo'-i-ei-hde, n. one who lays up for himself ; substance. ■wo'-i-en-hde, n. a casting up to, charging with. "wo'-i-har)-inde, n. a dream. "wo'-i-hda-ka, v. reflex, of wohdaka ; to declare oneself, declare one's purposes ; to vow, — womi- hdaka. •wo'-i-hda-tai), n. boasting. ■wo'-i-hnu, n. murmuring. See wowihnu. "wo'-i-ha, n. something laughable. ■wo'-i-ha-dar), n. something that causes laughter. See wowihadai). •wo'-i-ta-ha, n. raillery. "wo'-i-ha-ya, adv. laughably, ludicrously. ■wo'-i-Ra-ya-ken, adv. ludicrously. "wo'-i-ki-ksa-pe, n. experience. ■wo'-i-ksa-pe, n. something difficult. ■wo'-i-ksa-pe-ea, n. that which is difficult. ■wo'-i-na-fibe, n. of inahma ; concealment. ■wo'-i-na-pe, n. See wowinape. ■wo'-i-pu-za, n. thirst. ■wo'-i-stiri-be, «. of istirima ; sleep. •wo'-i-stirj-ma, n. sleep. ■Wo'-i-tor)-pe, n. carefulness. See wowitoi)pe. "Wo'-i-tor)-sni, n. of itoijsni ; a lie, falsehood. ■wo'-i-tu-ka-ge, n. a falsehood. ■wo'-i-ye-ee-tu, n. fulfilment, uprightness. ■wo'-i-yo-ki-si-ce, n. sorrow, sadness. "wo'-i-yu-skir), n. gladness. See wowiyuskii). vro'-ka-ga, v. of okaga ; to make like. "wo'-ka-ge, n. of kaga ; any thing made, forms. ■wo'-ka-ge, adj. stuck full of splinters or briers, — womakage. ■wo'-ka-gi, n. of kagi ; a hindrance. "wo'-ka-gi-ye, n. one who obstructs, ■wo'-ka-ha-ke, n. the cause of sadness or evil : wokahake wanin waui], / have no cause of sad- ness. "wo'-ka-lini-ga, v. of okaliniga ; to understand, — wowakahniga. ■wo'-ka-hni-ge, n. of kahniga ; choice. 'wo'-ka-kis-ye, n. the cause of suffering. "wo'-ka-ki-ze, n. of kakiza ; suffering, misery. •wo'-ka-par), n. pounded meat; a meat-block. ■wo-ka'-pa-za, n. pungency, any thing pungent, as pepper. "wo'-ka-pe, n. of kapa ; going beyond, transgres- sion ; one who catches a ball. ■wo'-ka-sda-ta, v. of okasdata; to stick in, as a splinter, — womakasdata, wonidasdata. ■wo-ka'-sda-te, n. a splinter. ■wo'-ka-se, n. of kasa ; a deposit in the snow. ■wo'-ka-se-ye, n. something opposing, a hin- drance. WOK 250 WOO ^w■o'-kear), v. of yukdai) ; to judge, understand, form an opinion, decide, — wamdukcai). "WO'-kear), n. wic'asta wokcaij, a prophet. TWO'-kear)-ka, n. one loho understands things. "wo'-ke-ya, n. a shelter, a cover, a booth. ■wo'-ki-ear)-pte, w. comfort, consolation. ■wo'-ki-ei-ei-ya-pi, n. talking to each other, friendly intercourse. \wo'-kl-ei-ze, n. fighting. ■wo'-ki-ei-zu, n. of wozu ; to sow or plant for one, — wowedizu. ■wo'-ki-coi)-ze, n. law, government, kingdom. wo'-ki-da-pi, n. the act of requesting. "wo'-ki-ksu-ye, n. of kiksuya ; remembrance. "wo'-ki-ksar), n. rape. See wikiksaij. "WO'-ki-kta, n. of kikta ; watching, waking. ■wo'-ki-mnarj-ka, adj. liberal, large ; good, wise, honored. ■wo'-ki-ni, v. of okini : to get a share, acquire, — wowakini, wouijkinipi. ■wo'-ki-ni-har), n. of kinihaq ; honor, respect. ■wo'-ki-pa-zir), n. opposition, rebellion. "wo'-ki-tar), n. a little of any thing : wokitai) mayaku, thou hast given me very little. Awo'-ki-tar), n. of kitai) ; obstinacy. ■wo'-ki-tar)-ir), n. manifestation. ■wo'-ki-tarj-ig-yai), adv. gloriously. wo'-ki-tarj-yar), adv. obstinately, perversely. •wo'-ki-ya, v. of okiya : to speak with, talk with ; to make peace, — wowakiya, wourjkiyapi. ■^w■o'-ki-ya, v. of okiya ; to help. See wawokiya. wo'-ki-yag, cont. of wokiyaka ; wokiyag wahi, / have come to announce to one. ■wo'-ki-ya-ka, v. of okiyaka ; to tell to one, de- clare to, — wowakiyaka and wowakimdaka, woya- kiyaka and woyakidaka, wouijkiyakapi. wo'-ki-ya-pi, n. making peace, peace, a cove- nant. ■wo'-ki-ye, n. peace. See wookiye. •wo'-ki-ye-a-i-e--wi-ca-ki-ya-pi, n. councillors. ■wo'-ki-yu-he, n. of kiyuha ; copulation. "wo'-ki-yu-ske, n. setting free, deliverance. ■wo'-ki-zi, n. of okizi ; healing ; salve. ■wo'-ki-zi-ya, v. to heal, — wokiziwaya. ■wo'-ki-zl-ye, n. a healer ; that which heals, salve. ■wo'-ki-za, V. of woza ; to make hasty-pudding for one, — wowakiza. ■wo'-ko-ki-pe, n. of kokipa ; fear ; the cause of fear. ■wo'-ko-ki-pe-ya, adv. fearfully. ■wo'-kor), n. of koi) ; desire, something desirable. ■Wo'-kor)-ka, n. soinething desired. ■wo'-kor)-ze, n. a decree, law, influence. "wo'-ko-ya-ke, n. of koyaka ; clothing. "WO'-ko-ze, n. a swinging, a brandishing. ■wo'-kpar), v. of yukpaij ; to grind, as grain, — wamdukpaq : wokpai) wahi, / have come to grind. ■wo'-kpar)-ti-pi, n. a grinding mill. ■wo'-ksa, V. of yuksa ; to break off, to pull, as corn, — wamduksa, wauijyuksapi. •wo'-ksa-pe, n. of ksapa ; toisdom. "wo'-ksa-pi, n. pulling corn, harvest ; those en- gaged in harvesting, reapers. 'wo'-ksa-pi-'wi, n. the harvest moon, August. ■wo'-kte, n. of kte ; a killing. ■wo'-kte-ka, n. one who kills much. ■wo'-kte-ya, v. a. to have for the purpose of killing things, as a gun or dog, — woktewaya. "wo'-ku-ze, n. of kuia ; idleness, laziness. "wo'-ku-zi-te, n. laziness. "wo'-ke, n. of ka ; a digging ; a place dug to bury in. ■wo'-kii), n. of kii) ; <» ^ac^ ; a carrying. ■wo'-ku, V. of o^u ; to give food ; to lend, — wo- waku. ■wo'-ku-pi, n. a lending, giving, ■wo'-mdu, V. of yumdu ; to pulverize, to plough, — wamdumdu. "wo'-mna, v. of omna ; to smell, perceive smell ; to have smell, — wowamna. "wo'-mna-ka, n. any thing that gives forth much odor. ■wo'-mna-sni, adj. pure, clean, inodorous ; i. q. wimnasni and wiqmnasni. Said of one who is unmarried. ■vsro'-mna-ye, n. a collection. "wo'-mni-ei-ye, n. an assembly. See wicomni- , diye. wo'-mni-he-ea, n. activity. See wicomniheda. "won, cont. of wota : won mani, he toalks eating. "wo'-na-ke, v. of naka ; a tremor, an omen. "wo'-na-se, n. of nasa ; a hunting of buffalo. ■wo'-na-te, v. to stop giving to one, to withhold, — wonawate, wonamayate. wo'-na-te-ya, v. a. not to give to one as one has been accustomed to do, — wonatewaya. "wo'-na-ti-ee, v. n. not to have received any thing ; to be disappointed, — wonamatide. ■wo'-ni-hiq-ei-ye, n. of nihiijdiya ; fright. •won'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to eat, to feast, — wonwakiya. ■wo'-nu-ka, adj. fertile, as land, producing well : maka wonvka,, fertile land. ■won'-ya, v. a. to cause to eat, to make a feast : wonwidawaya, / cause them to eat. •wo'-o-hda-ke, m. of ohdaka; a declaring of one's own rights or intentions. ■wo'-o-hi-ye, n. of ohiya ; victory. woo 251 WOT wo'-o-ka-hnl-ge, n. of okahniga; the under- standing of things, comprehension. "WO'-o-ki-hi, n. of okilii ; jmwer, ability. ■WO'-0-ki-tar)-ir), n. manifestation. •wo'-o-ki-ye, n. of okiya ; peace. "wo'-o-ki-ye, n. of okiya ; help. "wo'-o-ki-zi, 11. of okizi ; healing. ■wo'-o-mna, n. smell, that which produces smell. "wo'-og-spe, n. of oijspe ; a precept, a lesson. ■wo'-or)-spe-ka, n. something that teaches, a lesson. "wo'-or)-spe-ki-ye, n. of oijspekiya ; teaching. wo'-o-pe, n. of opa ; law, custom. ■WO'-O-ski-ske, n. confusion, difficulty, com- plexity. ■wo'-0-tar)-ir), n. manifestation, news. 'wo'-o-'wo-tap-na, n. righteousness, upright- ness. wo'-o-zi-i-ei-ye, n. rest, repose. ■WO'-O-zi-zl, n. of oiizi ; whispering. ■wo'-pa-ge, 11. something bulky, for which there is no room. ■wo'-pa-gi, n. something stuffed ; the noise made by a blow. "WO'-pa-gi-ya, adv. in a stuffed manner. ■wo'-pa-kar), v. n. to be honored ; i. g. ohodapi, — womapakai). "Wo'-pa-kir)-te, n. of pakiqta ; wiping. ^w•o'-pa-Inna-yar), adv. collected together. ■wo'-pa-mni, n. a pile, a share, a distribution. 'wo'-pa-ni-ca, v. n. to be easily made angry, to be sensitive or irritable, — wopamanica. "wo'-pa-smi, n. of pasmi ; spite, anger. "wo'-pa-snor(, n. of pasnoij ; a roast, a roasting of meat. "wo'-pa-ta, n. a place for cutting up meat ; the act of cutting up meat. ■wo'-pa-to-ye, n. a hindrance. ■wo'-pa-zir), v. n. to be prevented by, to be made unsuccessful, — womapaiiij . ■wo'-pe-tor), V. of opetoi) ; to buy, to buy and sell, to trade, — wopewatoi), wopeuijtoijpi. ■wo'-pe-tor), n. a trader, a merchant. "wo'-pi-da, n. thanks ; joy, gladness. ■wo'-pi-da-ki-ye, n. something that makes glad. ■wo'-pi-da-ya, v. a. to make joy or gladness, — wopidawaya. ■wo'-pi-da-ye, n. something that makes glad. "WO'-pi-ye, n. a case, a bag, a box, a medicine sack ; a store-house ; any place in which things are kept. ■wo'-pi-ye-ya, v. a. to have for a wopiye, — wo- piyewaya. ■wo'-pta, V. of yupta ; to cut out, as clothes. ■wo'-pte, n. scraps, cuttings. ■wo'-pte-ea, n. one who cuts out clothes. ■wo'-pte-ea, adj. what can be measured or counted. See woptecasni. ■wo'-pte-ea-ka, adj. immense, abundant. ■wo'-pte-oa-sni, adj. immense, innumerable, im- measurable : taku woptecasni. ■wo'-sarj-ka, n. a place where nothing can be ob- tained, a country destitute of game. "wo'-sa-pa, n. of sapa ; blackness. ■wo'-sdo-he-dai), n. paths made by squirrels in the grass. "wo'-sdon-ye, n. of sdonya ; knowledge. "WO '-ska, n. one who makes white ; ornamental work. ■wo'-ska-ka, n. one who makes white or works moccasins. ■wo'-ska-pi, n. quill-work. See oskapi. "Wo'-sku-ye, n. of skuya ; taste, savor. "wo'-spa-ye, n. wetness. See spaya. ■wo'-su-kan-yu-za, v. to take openly when one has no right. See osukanyuza. ■wo'-sa, n. of sa ; redness. ■wo'-s'a-ka, adj. overloaded. See yus'aka. ■wo'-sa-pa, n. of Sapa ; any thing that blackens or defiles. ■wo'-si-ce, n. of sica ; evil, badness, the cause of disease. "wo'-si-hda, n. of sihda ; anger. ■wo'-si-har), n. of sihaq ; wickedness. "Wo'-si-Mir), n. of Siitii) ; feebleness, debility. ■wo'-si-tki-hda, n. of sitkihda ; affliction, dis- pleasure. "wo'-si-tki-hda-ya, v. to afflict ; to make angry. ■wo'-ska-te, n. of skata ; play. See wicoSkate. ■wo'-ski-ca, v. of yuskida ; to press. ■wo'-ski-ske, n. of oskiske ; trouble, confusion. ■wo'-sna, V. of yuSna ; to sacrifice ; to drop, — wowasna. ■wo'-sna, n. something offered to the gods, a sa- crifice. ■wo'-sna-ka-ga, n. one who offers sacrifice, a priest. ■wo'-sna-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to sacrifice, — wo- snawakiya. ■wo'-sna-pi-ka-ga, n. a po-iest. ■wo'-spaij-ka, n. something to cook in. ■wo'-spi, V. of yuSpi ; to pick, as berries, — wa- mduSpi. ■wo'-ste-kl-da, v. to consider difficult, — woSte- wakida. ■Wo'-Sur)g-ya, adv. violently ; very ; i. q. nina. ■wo'-ta, V. of yuta ; to eat, — wawata, wauijtapi : askatudai) mawota tuka nina wawata heoi) ma- tapka, / have been eating only a little while, but have eaten much, and therefore I am large. WOT 252 WOW "WO'-ta-kpe, n. of takpe ; an attack, an assault. ■wo'-tai), V. of yutai) ; to touch, to feel ; any thing that feels about for food, as the raccoon. ■WO'-tar)-d.a, n. respect. ■wo'-tar)-ir), v. of otaijiij ; to he apparent. ■wo'-tar)-ir), n. news. ■wo'-tar)-ir)--wo-"wa-pi, n. a newspaper. ■Wo'-tar)-ka, v. n. to be in need of, — womataijka. ■Wo'-tar)-ka, n. largeness, any thing large : cai) wai)zi wotai)ka. "WO'-ta-pi, n. eating. ■wo'-ta-tpe, n. an attack. See wotakpe. ■Wo'-ta-"we, n. armor ; weapons consecrated by religious ceremonies ; whatever is relied upon in war. ■wo'-ta--we--wo-har)-pi, n. the armor feast. This feast is usually made by young men who wish to kill an enemy. They cry and howl frightfully. "WO'-te-ea, n. wild beasts, cattle, ruminating ani- mals. This term includes such as are granivorous and herbivorous. ■wo-te'-ea, n. of teca ; newness. ■wo'-te-hni, v. See wotihni. wo'-te-lii, n. something hard to be endured, dif- ficulty, trouble. See otehi. wo'-te-hi-ke, n. difficulty. "wo'-te-kte-hda, v. n. to be hungry, — wotekte- wahda, wotekteuqhdapi. wo'-te-kte-hda-pi, n. hunger. "wo'-ti-ca, n. scraping or pawing, as an ox or horse does snow. ■wo'-ti-hni, v. of ihni ; to hunt large animals, as deer and elk, — wotiwahni, wotiuqhnipi. •wo'-ti-hni-pi, n. the hunting of deer, etc. "wot'ki-ya, v. See wonkiya. •wo'-to-ki-eor), n. of toki^oij ; revenge. ■wo'-tor), n. property. "wo'-tpar), V. of yutpai) ; to grind, as grain, — wamdutpai). "WO'-tpaiJ-ti-pi, n. a grist-mill. ■wo'-ta, V. to be dead of food, to have eaten too much, to be surfeited — womata. "wo'-te, n. death. "wo'-te-ye, n. the cause of death. ■Wo'-"wa, V. of owa ; to mark, to paint, to write, — wowawa, woyawa. "wo'-'wa-ei, n. the dance, dancing. ■wo'-"wa-eir)-ko, n. irascibility. ■wo'-'wa-eir)-tar)-ka, n. patience, perseverance. ■wo'-"wa-cir)-yar), n. trusting in, reliance upon, faith. ■wo'-'wa-cir)-ye, n. Same as wowaciriyai). ■wo'-'wa-hde-ee, n. a twitching ; an omen. See wahdeda. ■WO'-^W■a-he-cor), n. kindred, relationship ; names expressing relationship. •WO'-"wa-ho-kor)-ki-ye, n. instruction, advice. ■wo'-Tva-hba-dar), n. gentleness, meekness. ■wo'-^wa-hpa-ni-ea, n. poverty. ■wo'-^wa-hta-ni, n. See woahtani. ■wo'-"wa-Me-da-sni, n. dissatisfaction. ■wo'-'wa-Me-da-sni-yar), adv. not pleased with. 'wo'-'wa-kar), n. something supernatural. This word we have used for holiness. ■wo'-"W"a-ka-so-te-snl, n. purity. ■Wo'-"wa-ki-GOi3-ze, n. law, government, influ- ence. ■wo'-'wra-ki-tar), «. something that is contended for. ■wo'-'wa-ki-tar)-ye, n. that which causes obsti- nacy or determination, resolution. ■w"o'-"wa-kor)-ze, n. determination; law, rule, justice. TVO'-"wa-kta, n. a mark, a sign ; circumspection. ■wo'-Ava-ma-nor), n. theft. ■wo'-"wa-nma-da, n. respect. ■wo'-"wa-ni-ki-ye, n. salvation. ■wo'-waq-ya-ke, n. a vision, a sight, a show. "Wo'-'wa-OQ-spe, n. precept, instruction. ■wo'-"wa-or)-spe-ki-ye, n. instruction. ■\vo'-'wa-or)-si-da, n. mercy ; pity, kindness. ■wo'-'wa-pe-tog'-tor), n. a mark, a sign. ■wo'-wa-pe-to-ke-ea, n. a sign, a wonder, a miracle. 'wo'-'wa-pi, w. a painting or carving in hiero- glyphics ; a painting or representation, a picture ; a writing, a letter ; a book. ■wo'-wa-pi-i-ca-ge, n. something used to paint or write with, a pen or pencil. wo'-'wa-pi-ka-ga, v. to write, to make a book, — wowapi wakaga. •wo'-"wa-pi-ka-ga, n. a scribe, a clerk. ■wo'-wa-pi-o-hni-hde, n. a newspaper. Wo- taqii)-wo\vapi is better. "wo'-wa-pi-'wa-kar), n. the holy book, the Bible. wo'-'wa-pi-'wi-co-iii, n. the book of life. Wi- coni-wowapi is thought to be the better form. "wo'-vra-s'ag-ya, adv. strongly. ■wo'-'wa-s'a-ke, n. of was'aka ; strength. "Wo'-"wa-ste, n. of waste ; goodness. wo'-wa-ste-da-ke, n. love, complacerKy. ■wo'-vra-wo-ki-ye, n. lielp. ■wo'-wa-ya-zar), n. of wayazaij ; sickness, dis- ease. ■wo'-'wi-ca-da, n. of wicada ; belief, faith. 'wo'-'wi-ca-da-ya, v. a. to cause belief, to per- suade,— wowicadawaya. wo'-"wi-ea-hna-ye, n. deception. See wohnaye. wow 253 woz ■Wo'-vri-ea-Mag-ni-ea, v. n. to be irritable, easily provoked ; to be unwilling to be touched, — wowicahtagmanica. •wo'-'wi-oa-ke, n. of wicaka ; truth : wowicake eciyataqhai), of a truth, truly. \wo'-'wl-6a-ke-ya-tar)-hai), adv. of a truth, truly. ■wo'-vri-eii), n. See wicijjpi. WO'-'wi-dag-ya, v. a. to make a servant of to have for a servant, to cause to serve, — wowidag- waya, wowidagur)yai)pi, wowidagmayai). •wo'-'wi-da-ke, n. of idaka ; a servant. •wo'-"wi-har|-inde, n. of ihaqmna ; a dream, dreams. ■wo'-"wi-hai)-nina, n. dreams. ■WO'-"wi-hnu, n. murmuring. "wo'-wi-ta, n. something laughable. ■wo'-vri-ha-dar), n. fun ; something laughable. ■wo'-vri-ha-ta, n. laughing, making fim. 'wo'-'wi-lia-ta-ki-ya, v. to laugh at one's own, — wowiEaliawakiya. "wo'-'wi-ha-l&a-ya, adv. shamefully. ■WO'-"wi-lia-ya, adv. laughably. "wo'-'wi-ha-ya-ken, adv. ridiculously. ■wo'-"wl-ina-ga-ga, v. n. to be cheerful or merry, — wowimamagaga, wowinimagaga. ■wo'-'wi-ma-ga-ga, «. of imagaga ; something cheering. vro'-'wi-na-hni, n. of inaliui ; haste. ■wo'--wi-na-ki--wi-zi, n. jealousy. ■wo'-Avi-na-pe, n. of inapa ; a refuge, a retreat. vro'-'wi-na-pe-ya, v. a. to have for a refuge. 'wo'-'wi-na-'wi-zi, n. jealousy, envy ; the cause of envy, ■wo'-'wi-ni-har), n. of inihaij ; something fright- ful, fear. ■wo'-wi-ni-hag-yar), adv. fearfully. ■wo'-"wir)-kta, n. of iwiijkta ; gladness ; glory. ■wo'-Awiij-yurj-yar), v. a. to use as an instru- ment,— wowii)yur)waya. ■wo'-Tvir)-yur)-yar)-pi, n. tools, instruments. wo'-"wi-ste-ee, n. of isteca ; shame. 'wo'-'wi-sten-ya, adv. disgracefully, shamefully : wowistenya eoainoi), / have acted shamefully. "wo'-'wi-sten-ye, n. the cause of shame. wo'-'wi-su-te, adj. of i^ute ; very much : taku wowisute. ■wo'-wi-su-te-ka, adj. very much. 'Wo'-'wl-su-te-ya, adv. very much, abundantly. ■Wo'-AVi-taq, n. of itai) ; honor, glory ; pride. ■wo'-'wi-tarj-yar), v. a. to glory in, — wowitai)- waya. ■wo'-"wi-tar)-yar), adv. honorably, gloriously. 'Wo'-'wi-tOQ-pe, n. of itoqpa ; something to be feared or guarded against ; danger. ■wo'-"wi-yur)-yai), v. See wowii)yui)yai). ■wo'-Avi-yu-skir), n. of iyu^kiq ; gladness, re- joicing. ■wo'-vri-yu-skir)-yar), adv. gladly, rejoicingly. "W"o'-"wi-yu-tar), n. of iyutaq ; temptation. "wo'-"wi-yu-tar)-ye, n. temptation. "wo'-'wi-zi-ee, n. of wizida ; riches. "Wo'-ya-eo, n. of yaco ; judgment, condemnation. •wo'-yag, cont. of woyaka ; woyag wahi, J have come to tell. "wo'-ya-ka, v. of oyaka ; to tell, relate, declare, publish, — womdaka, wouqyakapi. "wo'-ya-ka-pi, n. a declaration, a narration. ■wo'-ya-ke, n. a relation, a declaration, a vow. ■wo'-ya-pta-pl, n. leavings, fragments of food, ■wo'-ya-pte, n. See woyaptapi. "Wo'-ya-su, n. of yasu ; finishing, i. q. yacopi. ■wo'-ya-tar), n. of yatai) ; praise. ■wo'-ya-tke, n. of yatkaij ; drink. •wo'-ya-ta-ga, n. something astringent. ■wo'-ya-wa, n. of yawa ; a counting. "wo'-ya-'wa-ste, n. of yawaste ; blessing, praise. ■wo'-ya-wa-tar)-ka, n. a great count, a million. ■wo'-yu-e-ee-tu, n. of yuedetu ; a making right. ■wo'-yu-ha, n. of yuha ; possessions, property. ■wo'-yu-htaij-yar), n. small burrs of several varieties of plants, probably species of Xanthium. "wo'-yu-kear), n. of yukcaij ; opinion, judgment. "Wo'-yu-ska, n. ornamental work, such as cutting strips into skin, and winding them with quills. ■wo'-yu-su, n. of yusu ; a making right, finish- ing. ■wo'-yu-su-ta, n. of yusuta ; a making firm. ■wo'-yu-sda-ye-hna, n. See sdayehna. "wo'-yu-si-ee, n. that which makes bad. ■ "wo'-yu-si-Mii), n. that which makes feeble. ■wo'-yu-ski-ske, n. that which causes difficulty. wo'-yu-sna, n. of yusna; missing, letting fall ; sacrificing. •wo'-yu-stai), n. of yu^tai) ; finishing, comple- tion, perfection ; putting one in another. "wo'-yu-te, n. of yuta ; something to eat, food. "vwo'-yu-te-ya, v. a. to have or use as food, — woyutcwaya. wo'-yu-tkor)-ze, n. finishing, perfecting. ■wo'-yu-tpai), n. See wiyutpag. ■wo'-yu-"wa-ste, n. of yuwa^te; that which makes good. •wo'-zar)-ni, n. health. "wo'-ze, n. of yuze ; taking out, lading out of a kettle. ■wo'-ze-pi, part, laded out. "wo'-zi, n. See zi. "wo'-za, V. of yuza ; to mash ; to stir, as mush, to make mush, — wowaia and wamduia. woz 254 YAC ■wo'-za-pi, n. something mashed and stirred up ; hasty -piidding, mush. ■wo'-za-za, v. of yuiaia ; to wash, do a washing, — wamduiaia. ■wo'-za-za-pi, n. washing. ■wo'-zi-ee, n. riches. ■wo'-zu, V. of ozu ; to sow, to plant, — wowaiu, woyaiu, wouijiupi. ■wo'-zu, n. a sower. ■wo'-zu-ha, n. an empty bag, a sack, a case. •wo'-zu-ha-dax), n. a small bag. ■wo'-zu-pi, n. seed for planting ; sowing or plant- ing ; a field or garden. ■WO'-ZU-pi-'Wi, n. the planting moon. May. "wo'-zu-ti, M. a farm-house ; a farmer. ■wo'-zu-tor), V. of oiutor) ; to fill up into bags or sacks, — woiuwatoi). "wo'-zu-tog-pi, n. a bag or sack filled, a bag of corn. VTo'-zu-zu, V. of yuzuiu ; to take to pieces; to demolish ; to unpack, — wowaiuiu and wamdu- zuzu. "Wo'-zu-zu-pi, n. taking to pieces. •wuh'--wuh--wuh, intj. Used by the Dakota women in calling a dog. y, the twenty-seventh letter of the Dakota alphabet, with the common sound of ' y ' in English. ya, a prefix. 1. It is prefixed to a large class of verbs, and sig- nifies that the action is done tdth the mouth, by biting, talking, etc. ; as, yaksa, to bite off. 2. It is prefixed to adjectives, and sometimes nouns, making of them verbs signifying to speak of as such or to make so with the mouth ; as, waite, good, yawaste, to call good, to bless ; wic'aita, man, yawica^ta, to speak of as a man. In these cases the dif- ferent pei-sons are formed as in ya, to go. ya, V. aux. causative ; to cause, to make. This is suffixed to verbs, adjectives, etc. ; as, ecoijya, to cause to do ; samya, to make black ; was'agya, to make strong. The place of the pronoun is before the ' ya.' ya, V. aux. suffix to nouns ; to have for, regard as ; as, tiyopa-ya, to have for a door ; isai)-ya, to have for or use as a knife. It is also used in cases of relationship ; as, ate-ya, to have for father, — atewaya, ateuijyaijpi : taqk^iwaya, she is my sister or / have her for sister. ya, pron. in comp. thou, you. ya, V. n. to go, to start, to proceed, — mda, da, uij- yaijpi. ya, or yai), an adverbial termination of adjec- tives and an adverbial or participial termination of verbs ; as, sic'a, bad, ^icaya, badly ; yukta^, to bend, yuktaijyai), bending. ya-a'-dos-do-za, v. yaadosdoza se iyeya, to say something that makes another feel uncomfortable, to injure one's feelings. ya-a'-o-pte-ea, v. a. to speak of as being small, to underrate, — mdaaopteda. ya-a'-o-pten, cont. of yaopteda ; yaaopten iyeya. ya-a'-o-pten-ya, adv. in a depreciating manner. ya-a'-o-pte-tu, v. a. to speak of as less, to un- derrate,— mdaaoptetu. ya-a'-o-pte-tu-ya, adv. underrating. ya-a'-sda, v. n. to graze, as cattle. ya-a'-sda-ya, v. a. to make bare, as a falsehood ; to unfold, tell, explain ; to make bare with the teeth, — mdaasdaya. ya-a'-ska-dar), v. a. to speak of as near, — mda- askadai). ya-a'-ska-ska-dar), v. red. of yaaskadaij. ya-a'-ska-ya-ken, adv. speaking of as near. ya-a'-ska-ye-dar), v. a. to spMk of as near, — mdaaskayedaq. ya-ba'-ga, v. a. to turn about with the mouth, to twist ; to bite or vex, as one dog does another ; to vex or annoy by begging, — mdabaga. ya-ba'-ga-ka, v. a. to annoy, to beg of, — mdaba- gaka. ya-ba'-za, v. a. to annoy, as one dog does ano- ther by biting. ya-ba'-za, v. a. to bite or gnaw, as a horse does wood. ya-bo'-sdan, v. to set up with the mouth : ya- bosdan yapa, and yabosdan ehnaka, to hold up- right with the mouth. ya-bu', V. a. to growl, to speak or sing with a hoarse voice, — mdabu. ya-bu'-bu, v. red, of yabu ; to speak with a hoarse rough voice, — mdabubu. ya-bu'-ya, adv. hoarsely : yabuya ia, to speak with a hoarse voice. ya-eao'-cai), v. a. to make shake with the mouth, ya-ee'-ka, v. a. See yacekceka. ya-ce'-kee-ka, v. a. to bite and make stagger, — mdadekceka. ya-ce'-ya, v. a. to make cry by talking to or biting, — mdac'eya, mayac'eya. ya-ci'-ka-dar), v. a. to count small ; to make small with the mouth ; to undervalue, — mdadi- kadai]. ya-ei'-stir)-na, v. a, to speak of as small, — mda- distiijna. ya-co', V. a. to judge, condemn, fine, — mdac'o, dado, uijyadopi. YAC 255 YAH ya-co'-co, v. a. to chew up fine, — mdacoco. ya-co'-ka, v. a. to judge, to condemn ; to make empty. ya-eo'-ka-ka, v. a. to empty by eating out the inside, as dogs do a dead animal. ya-co'-pi, n. condemnation ; i. q. woyaco. ya-eo'-ya, adv. condemning. ya-co'-ya-ken, adv. in the way of condemning. ya-co'-za, v. a. to call warm, to make warm with the mouth, — mdac'oza. ya-dem'-de-pa, v. a. to bite notches in, — mda- demdepa. ya-du'-za-har), v. a. to call swift, — mdaduza- hai) : also 2d pers. sing, of duzahai). ya-e'-cafi, adv. Same as yaecayai. ya-e'-ca-yah, adv. deceptively ; ironically : yae- cayai oyaka, to tell a thing not as it is, to make a statement of which the very reverse is true, — yaecayai omdaka. ya-e'-ce-dar), v. a. to speak of as right, to make right with the mouth, — mdaecedaq. ya-e'-een-ya, adv. yaec'enya oyaka, to tell a thing as it ought to be told. ya-e'-ce-tu, v. a. to consummate by speaking ; to speak correctly, — mdaecetu. ya-e'-ee-tu-ya, adv. speaking correctly. ya-ga', v. a. to peel off with the teeth ; to husk with the mouth, — mdaga. ya-ga'-ga, v. red. of yaga ; yagaga iyeya. ya-gam', cont. of yagapa ; yagam iyeya. ya-gan'-ga-ta, v. a. to make forked with the mouth, to prevaricate, — mdagangata. ya-gar)', v. a. to suck out or open, — mdagai). ya-ga'-pa, v. a. to bite off, as the skin or bark from any thing, — mdagapa. ya-ga'-ta, v. See yagangata. ya-ge', v. a. to drink up, as water from a spring, — mdage : to gather with the mouth, as an ox does grass. ya-ge'-ge, v. a. to gather with the mouth, as an ox does grass. ya-go', V. a. to make a mark with the teeth, — mdago. ya-gom', cont. of yagopa ; yagom yatkai), to sip, as water : yagom icu. ya-go'-pa, v. a. to suck up, to make a noise with the mouth, as in eating soup, etc., — mdagopa. ya-gu'-ka, v. a. to strain, as one's neck, by biting any thing, — mdaguka. ya-ha', v. n. to prick or run into, as beards of rice or porcupine quills, — mayaha, wicayaha. ya-ha'-ha, n. See yahahadaq. ■ ya-ha'-ha-dar), v. a. to shake or move with the mouth ; to move one in his purpose by talking to, to persuade, — mdahahadaq. ya-ha'-ha-ye-dai), v. a. to move by talking to, to shake in one's purpose, — mdahahayeda;) : cai)te yahahayedai). ya-ha'-i-ye-ya, v. a. to throw down with the mouth, to turn aside with the mouth. ya-hba', v. a. to shell with the mouth, to bite off, — mdahba. ya-hbe'-za, v. a. to bite and make rough, — mda- hbeza. ya-hbu'-ya-i-ye-ya, v. to push in with the nose and make a noise, as in a barrel of corn. ya-hda', v. a. to bite off, as a dog does the fat from entrails ; to uncoil with the mouth. ya-hda'-hda, v. a. to uncoil, as a dog does en- trails, ^oith the mouth. ya-hda'-he-ya, adv. yahdaheya ia, to set in order ; to lay open, explain. ya-hda'-ka, v. a. to bite off and make toothed or notched, as a beaver does, — mdahdaka. ya-h.da'-kir)-yai), v. a. to go across in one's speech, to contradict oneself, to tell what is false, — mdakdakiqyai). ya-hda'-pi-se, adv. fluently, plainly : yahdapise oyaka. ya-hdo'-k£L, v. a. to put out of place by means of the teeth, — mdahdoka. ya-hin', cont. of yahiqta ; yahin iyeya, to eat all up. ya-hir)'-ta, v. a. to brush away with the mouth, to eat all up, — mdahiijta. ya-hmi', v. a. to clear off, to bite off, as grass, etc. ya-hmi'-ea, v. to catch by the hair in the mouth. ya-hmi'-hma, v. a. to roll with the mouth, — mdahmihma. ya-hmi '-pi-se, adv. rounded off, as a bunch of grass or weeds whose tops have been bitten off. ya-hmi'-yarj-yai), v. a. to make round in the mouth, as bullets, — mdahmiyaijyai). ya-hna', v. a. to shake off, as fruit, with the mouth, — mdahna. ya-hna'-yar), v. a. to miss with the mouth, as in attempting to catch in it ; to miss with the mouth, tell a falsehood, — mdahnayaq : also 2d pere. sing, of hnayai). ya-hnu'-ni, v. a. to cause to wander in mind by talking to, to confuse, — mdahnuni. ya-ho'-ho, v. a. to shake or make loose with the mouth, — mdahoho. ya-ho'-ho-ya. adv. shaking with the mouth. ya-ho'-mni, v. a. to turn one round by argu- ment, to make one change his views, to convert, — mdaliomni, mayahomni. ya-ho'-ta, v. to draw in with the breath, to inhale, as cold air, dust, etc., — mdahota : sni dahota, thou hast taken cold. YAH 256 YAI ya-ho'-tor), v. a. to bite and make cry out, — mda- hotoi). ya-hu'-hus, cont. of yahuhuza : yahuhus iyeya. ya-hu'-hu-za, v. a. to shake with the mouth ; to shake one's resolution by talking to, — mdahuhuza. ya-hu'-te-dar), v. a. to bite off short, to wear off to a stump, as the teeth, — mdahutedai). ya-ha'-Bia, v. a. to tangle with the teeth, — mda- haha. ya-Ra'-kpa, v. a. to bite and make rough, — mda- hakpa. ya-Ram', cont. of yahapa ; yaham iyeya, to scare away, as game, by talking. ya-harj'-hi-ya, adv. of liai)hi ; making slow by talking to. ya-liar)'-i-te-ya, adv. making weary by talking to. ya-ha'-pa, v. to frighten or scare up, as game, by talking, — mdahapa. ya-ha'-tpa, v. a. to make rough with the teeth, — mdahatpa, ya-l^ba', v. a. to make sleepy by talking to, — mdahba. ya-lici', v. a. to tear out a little piece with the teeth, — mdahci. ya-fiei'-Rei, v. red. of yahdi. ya-hda', v. a. to make rattle with the mouth, — mdahda. ya-hda'-gar), v. a. to enlarge with the mouth. ya-hda'-hda, v. red. of yalida. ya-hdan', cont. of yahdata ; yaidan ia, to speak as one does who is starving to death. ya-Rda'-ta, v. to speak as one dying of hunger is said to speak, — radahdata. ya-hda'-ya, v. a. to bite or peel off the skin or rind of any thing with the teeth ; to tell a lie, — mdahdaya, dahdaya. ya-hde'-ea, v. a. to tear with the mouth, to bite to pieces, — mdahdeca, iiqyahdec'api. ya-hde'-Rde-ea, v. red. of yahdeca. ya-hden', cont. of yahdeca : yahden iyeya. ya-hdog', cont. of yaldoka : yahdog iyeya. ya-hdo'-hdo-ka, v. red. of yahdoka ; to bite and tear, as dogs do, — mdahdohdoka. ya-Rdo'-ka, v. a. to bite a hole in, to bite open, to make an impression on with the teeth, — mda- hdoka, dahdoka, uijyaldokapi. ya-hem', cont. of yahepa ; yahem iyeya, to drink up at once. ya-Rem'-Re-pa, v. red. of yahepa. ya-Re'-pa, v. a. to drink up, as water, etc., — mdahepa, dahepa, ui)yahepapi. ya-Re'-yan, cont. of yaheyata : yalicyan iyeya. ya-Re'-ya-ta, v. to put aside ivith the mouth or in speaking, to reject, — mdahoyata, mayaheyata. ya-Rl'-ea, v. a. to waken one up with the mouth or by talking, — mdahica. ya-Rin', cont. of yahica : yahin iyeya. ya-Ri'-ya-ya, v. to be awkward with the mouth, as in speaking or making a bullet round in the mouth, — mdahiyaya. ya-Rmir)', v. a. to crook or turn aside with the mouth ; to distort, — mdahmii). ya-Rmir) '-yar), adv. turning aside with the mouth : yahmiijyai) ehnaka. ya-Rmui)', v. to make a humming or rattling noise with the mouth : yahmui) se yutapi. ya-Rpa', v. a. to throw any thing down with the mouth, — mdahpa. ya-Rpa'-Rpa, v. red. of yahpa. ya-Rpar)', v. a. to moisten or soak in the mouth, — mdahpaij. ya-Rpar)'-Rpar), v. red.oi yaBipai) ; to make soft with the mouth, as a quill or takai), — mdahpaq- hpai). ya-Rpe'-ya, v. a. to cause to throw doion with the mouth, — yahpewaya. ya-Rpu', v. a. to bite off, as any thing sticking on, bite off in small pieces, as gum, — mdahpu. ya-Rpu'-Rpu, v. red. of yahpu. ya-Rtag', cont. of yahtaka ; yahtag iyeya. ya-Rtag'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to bite anything, — yahtagwakiya. ya-Rtag'-ya, v. a. to cause to bite, — yaltagwaya. ya-Rtag'-ya, adv. biting. ya-Rta'-ka, v. a. to bite, to take hold ofroith the teeth, — mdahtaka, dahtaka, uijyahtakapi. ya-Ru', V. a. to peel off, as the hull or rind, with the teeth, — mdaiu. ya-Ru'-ga, v. a. to bite into ; to crush with the teeth, — mdahuga. ya-RuR', cont. of yaluga : yahuh iyeya. ya-RuR'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to crush or bite into, — yahuhwakiya. ya-Ru'-Rna-ga, v. a. to speak evil of, to destroy one's character, as if burnt up, — nidahuhnaga. ya-Ru'-Ru-ga, v. red. of yahuga. y a-RuR'-y a, v. a. to cause to crush with the teeth, — yahuhwaya. ya-Rur)'-Rur)-ta, v. red. of yaiuijta. ya-Rur)'-ta, v. a. to draw through the mouth and make pliable, as sinew for sewing and bark for tying, — mdahui)ta. ya-i'-de, v. a. to make blaze by blowing with the mouth, — mdaide. ya-i'-Ra, v. of iha ; to make laugh by talking to, — mdaiha. ya-i'-na-Rni, v. a. to make hasten by speaking to, — mdainalini. ya-i'-na-Rni-ya, adv. hastening by speaking to. YAI 257 YAK ya-i'-nin, cont. of yainina ; yainin ehpeya, yainin iyeya, and yainin ya, to put to silence by argu- ment. ya-i'-ni-na, v. a. to put to silence by speaking to, — mdainina. ya-i'-ste-ea, v. a. to make ashamed by speaking to, — mdaisteca. ya-i'-sten-ya, adv. making ashamed by speak- ing to. ya-i'-tpi-ska-e-lipe-ya, v, to make turn over on the back, as a dog, by speaking to or biting. ya-i'-yog, cont. of yaiyoka ; yaiyog iyeya, to put aside with the mouth, reject. ya-l'-yo-ka, v. a. to put aside, reject, — mdai- yoka. ya-i'-yo-'wa, v. a. to make yawn by speaking, — mdaiyowa. ya-i'-yo-"was, cont. of yaiyowaza ; yaiyowas iyeya. ya-i'-yo-"was, cont. of yaiyowaia : yaiyowas ie ^ni, he does not speak to the point. ya-i'-yo-"wa-za, v. a. to make echo by speaking, — radaiyowaza. ya-i'-yo-"wa-za, n. an echo. ya-i'-yo-'wa-za, v. a. to speak of as near, to speak to the point. See yaiyowaia^ni. ya-i'-yo-'wa-za-sni, v, a. not to speak to the point, — mdaiyowaiasni. ya-i'-yo-yag, cont. of yaiyoyaka ; yaiyoyag iyeya. y a-i'-yo-ya-ka, v. a. to make sad by speaking to. ya-ka', v. a. to split with the mouth, as the feather end of a quill, — mdaka. ya-ka'-ka, v. a. to champ, as a horse his bit. ya-ka'-kis-ya, adv. making suffer by scolding : yakakisya ia. ya-ka'-ki-za, v. a. to make suffer by scolding or biting, — mdakakiia. ya-kam', cont. of yakapa ; yakam iyeya. ya-ka'-pa, v. a. to catch in the mouth any thing that is tossed, — mdakapa. ya-ka'-tir), v. a. to straighten or bend out straight with the mouth, — mdakatii). y a-ka'-"wa, v. a. to open or push bach any thing with the mouth, — mdakawa. ya-kea', v. a. to untie with the mouth, disen- tangle,— mdakca, uijyakeapi. ya-ki'-kl-ta, v. a. to make limber or pliable by biting, as in making moccasins, — mdakikita. ya-klr)s', cont. of yakiijza ; yakiijs iyeya. ya-kir)s'-klr)-za, v. red. of yakigza. ya-kir)'-za, v. a. to mxike a grating or creaking noise with the teeth, to gnash, — mdakiijza. ya-kl'-pe-har), v. a. to double or fold up with the mouth, so as to make the ends meet, — mdaki- pehai). 33 ya-ki'-pu-ski-ca, v. a. to press close together with the mouth, — mdakipuskica. ya-ki'-pu-skln-ya, adv. putting close together. ya-kog', cont. of yakoka ; yakog iyeya. ya-ko'-ka, v. a. to rattle with the teeth, chatter, gnash, — mdakoka. ya-ko'-ke-dai), v. a. to make active by talking to, — mdakokedai) . ya-ko'-ki-pa, v. a. to make afraid by talking to, — mdakokipa. ya-ko'-kog, cont. of yakokoka. ya-ko'-kog-ya, v. a. to cause to make a chatter- ing with the teeth, — yakokogwaya. ya-ko'-kog-ya, adv. chattering. ya-ko'-ko-ka, v. a. to rattle the teeth, chatter, gnash, — mdakokoka. ya-kor)'-pi, v. pi. they are, — uijyakogpi, daka- noijpi. Perhaps the singular may be yagka. ya-koi)'-pi-s'a, n. inhabitants. ya-ko'-pe-hda, v. a. to make one afraid by talk- ing to, — mdakopehda. ya-ko'-ya-liai)-na, v. a. to make hasten by talk- ing to, — mdakoyahaqna. ya-kpa', v. a. to bite out, bite through, — mda- kpa : ista yakpa, to bite out the eye, make blind. ya-kpa'-kpa, v. red. of yakpa. ya-kpar)', v. a. to chew fine, masticate, — mda^ kpai), dakpag, uijyakpaijpi. ya-kpar) '-kpaij, v. red. of yakpai). ya-kpar) '-yar), adv. chewing fine. ya-kpi', v. a. to crack with the teeth, as lice, etc., — mdakpi. ya-kpi'-kpi, v. red. of yakpi. ya-kpu'-kpa, v. a. to bite in small pieces, to crumble up with the teeth, — mdakpukpa. ya-ksa', v. a. to bite off, as a stick, — ^mdaksa, daksa, uijyaksapi. ya-ksa'-ksa, v. red. of yaksa ; to bite off often, — mdaksaksa. ya-ksa'-pa, v. a. to make wise by talking to, — mdaksapa : also 2d pers. sing, of ksapa. ya-ksa'-ya, v. a. to cause to bite of, — yaksa- waya. ya-ksa'-ya, adv. biting off. ya-ksa', v. a. to bend up with the mouth, — mda- ksa. ya-ksa'-dar), v. a. Same as yaksa. ya-ksa'-ksa, v. red. of yaksa. ya-ksai)', v. a. to bend with the mouth, — mda- k^ar). ya-ksar)'-ksar), v. red. of yaksai) ; to bend or curl up. ya-ksi'-ksi-za, v. red. of yak^iia. ya-ksis', cont. of yaksiia ; yak^id iyeya. ya-ksi'-za, v. a. to double up with the teeth. YAK 258 YAO ya-ktai)', v. a. to bend with the mouth, — mda- ktai). ya-ktar)'-ktar), v. red. of yaktai) ; to bend in several places with the mouth. ya-ktai)'-yai), v. a. to cause to bend with the mou th, — y aktag waya. ya-ktar)'-yar), adv. bending with the mouth. ya-ku'-ka, v. a. to destroy with the teeth, bite to pieces, — mdakuka. ya-kui)'-tkur)-ta, v. a. to bite notches in, — mdakuijtkuijta. ya-ke'-ga, v. a. to make a grating noise with the teeth, to gnaw, — mda^ega. ya-keli', cont. of ya^ega ; ya!^eh iyeya. ya-ke&'-ke-ga, v. red. of yai^ega. ya-kes', cont. of yajceza ; ya^es iyeya. ya-kes'-ke-za, v. red. of ya^^eza. ya-ke'-za, v. a. to make smooth with the teeth, — mdakeza. ya-ko'-ga, v. a. to bite or gnaw off, as some- thing hard, — mda^oga. ya-koh', cont. of ya^oga ; ya^oh iyeya. ya-koh'-ko-ga, v. red. of ya^oga. ya-kos', cont. of yakoza ; yakos iyeya. ya-kos'-ko-za, v. red. of yakoza. ya-ko'-za, v. a. to make smooth with the mouth ; to eat all off smooth, as grass, — mda^oza. ya-ma', v. a. to gnaw, — mdama. ya-ma'-hen-i-ye-ya, v. a. to push into with the mouth. ya-mdas', cont. of yamdaza ; yamdas iyeya. ya-mda'-ska, v. a. to flatten with the mouth, — mdamdaska. ya-mda'-ya, v. a. to make level with the teeth, — mdamdaya. ya-mda'-za, v. a. to tear open with the teeth, — mdamdaza. ya-mde'-ea, v. a. to break or crush with the teeth, — mdamdeca. ya-mde'-mde-ea, v. red. of yamdec'a. ya-mde'-mde-za, v. red. of yamdeza. ya-mden', cont. of yamdeca; yamden iyeya. ya-mdes'-ya, adv. cheeringly : yamdesya ia, to speak cheeringly. ya-mde'-za, v. a. to make sober by talking to ; to enlighten, cheer, — mdamdeza. ya-mdu', v. a. to make fine by chewing, — mda- mdu. ya-mdu'-mdu, v. red. of yamdu. ya-mi'-ma, v. a. to make round, as a wheel, with the mouth, — mdamima. ya-nina', v. a. to acquire by talking, or in any way with the mouth, to gain, — mdamna. ya-mna'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to gain by talking, — yamnawakiya. ya-mna'-yar), v. a. to cause to gain with the mouth, — yamnawaya. ya'-mni, num. adj. three. ya-mni', v. 2d pers. sing, of mni. ya-mni'-ga, v. a. to make shrink by biting, — mdamniga. ya'-mnl-ki-ya, adv. in three different ways. ya'-mni-mni, adv. by threes, three each. ya'-mni-na, adv. only three. ya-mnl'-za-ka, v. a. to speak of any thing at if it were a rock, — mdamniiaka. ya-mnu'-mnu-ga, v. a. to crunch, crush, grind, champ, or make a noise with the teeth, as in eat- ing ; to gnaw, as a dog a bone, etc., — mdamnu- mnuga. ya-mnu'-mnu-ga-pi, n. the hackberry tree ; so called because animals crunch its berries ; the Celtis crassifolia. yan, cont. of yata ; as, cazeyata, caieyan, in the name of. ya-na'-ke-ya, v. a. to turn aside with the mouth ; to give a one-sided account of any thing, — md anakey a. ya-na'-zlQ, v. a. to cause to stand by speaking, — mdanazii). ya-nmi'-nina, v. a. to roll with the mouth, — mdanminma. yai), an adverbial or participial termination. yaQ, or ya, v. a causative suffix to verbs. yar)-ka', v. n. to be, exist, having reference to place, — maijka, nai)kd, u^jvA^kapi. Perhaps also yakoi)pi, ui)yakor)pi, etc., belong to this word. yar)'-ka, v. a. to weave, as snow-shoes, or as in basket-making, — mnaijka, naijka, uijyaijkapi. ya-o'-ci-kpa-ni, v. See yaoc'itpani. ya-o'-ei-pte-ca, v. a. to count less, make leas, under-eslimate, — mdaoc'iptec'a. ya-o'-ei-pten, cont. of yaociptec'a. ya-o'-ei-pten-ya, adv. speaking of as less or unequal. ya-o'-ci-pte-tu, v. a. to count less, — mdaoci- ptetu. ya-o'-6i-pte-tu-ya, adv. speaking of as less. ya-o'-ei-pte-tu-ya-ken, adv. speaking of as unequal. ya-o'-ci-tpa-ni, v. a. to make unequal with the mouth, — mdaocitpani, daocitpani. ya-o'-hda-psir), v. yaohdapsig ehpeya, to turn over with the mouth. ya-o'-hda-psir)-yai), adv. turning over with the mouth : yaohdapsiqya;) iyeya. ya-o'-hmus, adv. yaohmus se ia, to talk with the mouth full. ya-o'-iiar)-ko, v. a. to hasten one by speaking to, — mdaohaqko. YAO 259 YAS ya-o'-Rmir), v. yaolmiij iyeya, to say any thing sideways, to speak so as to hit one obliquely ; to hint, insinuate. ya-o'-h.pa, v. a. to bite into, — mdaohpa. ya-cSMci-ni-hai), v. a. to honor with the mouth, to praise, — mdaokinihai). ya-o'-ksa, v. to bite through, — mdaoksa, daoksa. ya-o'-ksa-ksa, v. red. of yaoksa. ya-o'-ktar), v. a. to bend into with the mouth. ya-o'-ktar)-yar), adv. bending with the mouth. ya-o'-ni-har), v. a. to praise, honor, — mdaoni- hai). ya-o'-ni-har)-yar), adv. praising. ya-o'-po, V. a. to compress by biting, — mdaopo. ya-o'-ta, v. a. to speak of as many, to multiply, — mdaota, daota, uiiyaotapi. ya-o'-tai)-ir), v. a. to make manifest, proclaim, — mdaotai)ii), uijyaotaijiijpi. ya-o'-tai)-ir)-yai), adv. declaring. ya-o'-tir)S, cont. of yaotiqza ; yaot.ii)s iyeya. ya-o'-tir)-za, v. a. to press in tight with the mou th, — mdaotii) za. ya-pa', v. a. to take in the mouth, as a pipe in smoking ; to hold in the mouth, as a dog does a bone ; to bite, — mdapa. ya-pa'-ko, v. to bend or twist toith the mouth. ya-par)'-par)-na, v. a. to maki soft with the mouth, — mdapar) pai) na. ya-pe', v. a. to bite sharp : yape ^ni, to make dull, as the teeth, by biting, — mdape^ni. ya-pe'-har), v. a. to fold up with the teeth, — mdapehai). ya-pe'-mni, v. a. to twist, turn, or make crooked with the mouth, — mdapemni, dapemni. ya-pe'-mni-yar), adv. twisting with the teeth. ya-pe'-sto, v. a. to make sharp-pointed with the teeth, — mdapesto. ya-pi', V. a. to declare good, — ^mdapi, dapi. ya'-pi, V. pi. of ya ; they go. ya-pii)'-za, v. a. to make squeak with the mouth, — mdapiqza. ya-plr)'-za, v. a. to pull out long hairs from a skin with the teeth, — mdapiijia. y a-pom', cont. of yapopa ; yapom iyeya. ya-pon', cont. of yapota ; yapon iyeya. ya-po'-pa, v. a. to make pop, as in blowing a leaf, — mdapopa. ya-po'-ta, v. a. to tear in pieces with the mouth, — mdapota, dapota, uriyapotapi. ya-pot'-po-ta, or yaponpota, v. red. of yapota. ya-po'-Ava-ya, v. a. to blow up or make rough, as nap or fur, — mdapowaya. ya-psag', cont. of yapsaka ; yapsag iyeya. ya-psag'-ya, v. a. to cause to bite off, — yapsag- waya. ya-psag'-ya, adv. biting off, as cords. ya-psa'-ka, v. a. to bite off, as, a, cord or string, — mdapsaka, ui^yapsakapi. ya-psa'-psa-ka, v. red. of yapsaka. ya-psi'-ca, v. a. to cause to skip or jump by bit- ing,— mdapsica. ya-psin', cont. of yapsica ; yapsin iyeya. ya-psOQ', V. a. to turn over and spill with the mouth, — mdapsoi). ya-psor)'-psoi), v. red. of yapsoi). ya-psur)', v. a. Same as yapsoi). ya-psur)', v. a. to cast or shed, as teeth ; to pull out by the roots with the mouth, — mdap^ui). y a-pta', v. a. to bite off around, — mdapta, dapta. ya-ptai)'-yar|, v. a. to turn over with the mouth, — mdaptaijyai). ya-pte'-ce-dar), v. a. to bite off short, to shorten with the mouth, — mdaptec'edai). ya-ptu'-ptu-za, v. red. of yuptuia. ya-ptus', cont. of yaptuia ; yaptu^ iyeya. ya-ptus'-ya, v. a. to cause to crack with the mouth, — yaptuswaya. ya-ptu'-za, v. a. to crack or split with the mou th, — mdaptuia. ya-po', V. to make steam with the mouth, as in breathing in cold air, — mdapo. ya-s'a', v. a. to make a ringing or roaring noise in speaking, — mdas'a ; noge omayas'a. ya-sar)', v. a. to whiten with the mouth, — mda- saq. ya-sai)'-ka, v. See yasai). ya-sba', v. a. to pick in pieces vtith the teeth, — mdasba. ya-sTja'-sTja, v. red. of yasba. ya-sbu', v. yasbu se yuta, to eat in little pieces or strings. ya-sda', v. a. to grease with the mouth, as a dog does any thing. ya-sde'-ca, v. a. to split with the teeth, — mda* sdec'a. ya-sden', cont. of yasdeda ; yasden iyeya. ya-sde'-sde-ca, v. red. of yasdeca. ya-sdi', v. a. to bite and press out, as grease from a bag, — mdasdi. ya-sdi'-tka, v. a. to make knobbed or tapering with the teeth, — mdasditka. ya-sdo'-hai). v. a. to drag along with the mouth, — mdasdohar), dasdohai). ya-sdo'-hag-hai), v. red. of yasdohaij. ya-sdun', cont. of yasduta : yasdun iyeya ; ya- sdun icu, to pull out with the teeth. ya-sdu'-ta, v. a. to pull out with the mouth. ya-ska', v. a. to make clean, to suck off, as the women put ' pahii) ' into their mouths to prepare them for working, — mdaska. YAS 260 YAS ya-ska'-pa, v. a. to make a sucking noise with the mouth, to press the mouth on and suddenly withdraw it, — mdaskapa. ya-skem', cont. of yaskepa ; yaskem iyeya. ya-ske'-pa, v. a. to drink up, — mdaskepa, da- skepa. ya-ski'-6a, v. a. to press with the mouth, to su^k or lick, as bones, — mdaskica. ya-skin', cont. of yaskica ; yaskin iyeya. ya-ski'-ski-ta, v. a. to bite and maJce soft, as a hard string, — mdaskiskita. y a-sku', v. a. to bite off or peel off with the teeth, as the skin from an apple or corn from the cob, — mdasku. ya-sku'-sku, v. red. of yasku. ya-smag', cont. of yasmaka ; yasmag iyeya. ya-smag'-sma-ka, v. red. of yasmaka. ya-sma'-ka, v. a. to make a hollow place with the teeth, indent, — mdasmaka. ya-smir)', v. a. to bite off, as meat from a bone ; to make bare with the mouth, — mdasmii). ya-smir) '-ki-y a, v. a. to cause to make bare with the teeth, — yasmiijwakiya. ya-smir) '-smir), v. red. of yasmir). ya-smir) '-y ai), v. a. to cause to make bare with the teeth, — yasmiijwaya. ya-smir)'-yai)-yar), v. a. to make bare with the mouth ; to eat off close and smooth. ya-sna', v. a. to cause to ring with the mouth ; to ravel with the teeth, — mdasna. ya-sni', v. a. to blow, cool by blowing, — mdasni. ya-son', cont. of yasota ; yason iyeya. ya-son'-ya, adv. eating up. ya-so'-ta, v. a. to use up words, finish speaking ; to use up with the mouth, eat all up, — mdasota, dasota, ui)yasotapi. ya-spa'-ya, v. a. to wet with the mouth, — mda- ya-star)'-ka, v. a. to moisten with the mouth, — mdastaqka. ya-star)'-ka-sni, v. n. to lie, tell a lie, — mda- staijka^ni. ya-sto', V. a. to lick smooth, as hair, — mdasto. ya-sto'-sto, v. red. of yasto. ya-su', V. a. to make right by speaking, to judge. ya-suk'-su-ta, v. red. of yasuta. ya-su'-ta, v. a. to make firm with the mouth, to establish, — radasuta, dasuta. ya-su'-ya, adv. rightly : yasuya oyaka, to tell rightly. yas-y a'-zar), v. red. of yazaij ; to be lame or sick all over, as from hard labor, — mayasyazai). ya-s'a'-ka, v, a. to make no impression with the mouth ; i, q, yahdoke ^ni, — mdas'aka : ia ya- i'aksi. ya-sam', cont. of ya^apa ; yaiam iyeya. ya-sa'-pa, v. a. to soil with the mouth, — mda- ^apa. ya-sda', v. a. to bite or graze off, make bare, — mdasda. ya-sda'-sda, v. red. of ya^da. ya-sda'-ya, adv. grazing off. ya-sda'-ye-hna. See yaasdayehna. ya-sdog', cont. of yasdoka ; ya^dog iyeya. ya-sdog'-ya, adv. pulling out with the teeth. ya-sdo'-i-a, v. to speak with much saliva in the moulh, — yasdoiwaa. ya-sdo'-ka, v. a. to pull out with the teeth, as a cork ; to bite out, as an eye, — mdasdoka. ya-sdun', cont. of ya^duta ; yasdun iyeya. ya-sdu'-sdu-ta, v. a. to make slippery with the mouth, — mdasdusduta. • ya-sdu'-ta, v. a. to let slip from the mouth ; to have the teeth slip off from any thing, — mdaMu- ta. ya-si'-ea, v. a. • to make bad with the mouth ; to speak evil of, curse, — mda^ic'a, maya^ic'a. ya-si'-hda, v. a. to insult by talking to, — mda- sihda. ya-si'-Mir), v. a. to make feeble by biting, etc., — mdasihtii). ya-sim', core<.,of yasipa ; ya^im iyeya. ya-sim'-si-pa, v. red. of yasipa. ya-sir)'-sig, v. Said of copulating, — mda^iij^ii). ya-si'-pa, v. a, to bite off close, as an animal the branches or twigs of a tree, — mda^ipa. ya-ska', v. a. to untie with the mouth, — mdaika. ya-skai)'-skaQ, v. a. to make move about by talking to, — mda^kaq^ka^. ya-ski'-ca, v. a. to press with the teeth or mouth, — mdaskica : caijdi yaskica, to chew tobacco. Perhaps yaskica may sometimes be so used. ya-skin', cont. of yaskica; caijdi yaskin uq. ya-ski'-ska, v. a. to make rough with the mouth ; to disarrange by talking to, raise objections ; to make difficulty, — mdaskiska. ya-sko'-kpa, v. a. to bite out and make concave, — mda^kokpa. ya-skom', cont. of yaskopa ; ya^kom iyeya. ya-sko'-pa, v. a. to make crooked or twisting with the mouth, — mdaskopa. ya-sko'-sko-pa, v. red. of yaskopa. ya-sko'-tpa, v. a. to hollow out with the mouth, — mdaskotpa. ya-sna', v. a. to miss or let slip, as in taking any thing into the mouth ; to blunder in speaking or reading, — mdasna, uiiyasnapi. ya-sna'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to miss with the mouth, — ya^nawakiya. ya-sna'-sna, v. red. of yasna ; to stammer. YAS 261 YAT ya-sna'-ya, v. a. to cause to miss with the mouth, to make stammer, — yasnawaya. ya-sna'-yar), adv. mistaking, blundering with the mouth. ya-snis', cont. of yainiia ; yasnii iyeya. ya-sni'-sni-za, v. red. of ya^niza. ya-sni'-za, v. a. to make wither by biting, — mda- ^niza. ya-spa', v. a. to bite off a piece, — mda^pa, da^pa, uijya^papi. ya-spa'-pi, part, bitten off: said of the moon when it has commenced waning. ya-spa'-spa, v. red. of ya^pa. - ya-spe'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to bite off a piece, — yaspewakiya. ya-spe'-ya, v. a. to cause to bite a piece off, — ya- • 4pewaya. ya-spi', V. a. to pick off, as birds do berries. ya-spu', V. a. to bite off any thing stuck on, — mdaspu. ya-spu'-spu, v. red. of yaipu ; to bite in pieces, as ice or gum, — mdaspuspu. ya-spu'-ya, v. to bite, as lice do, make itch ; hence, to itch, — mdaspuya. ya-stai)', v. a. to finish speaking or eating, — mdastai), da^tap, uijya^taijpi. ya-sus', cont. of yasuza ; yasus iyeya. ya-su'-su-za, v. red. of ya^uia. ya-su'-za, v. a. to crush, as a dog does bones, to bite or mash up, — mda^uia. y a'-ta, /)rep. incomp. at, by, to ; as in caijyata. ya'-ta, v. 2d pers. sing, of yuta. ya'-ta, v. to speak, utter, as in caieyata and wi- casta-yatapi. ya-ta', v. a. to chew ; to try by the taste, — mdata. ya-ta'-kii), v. a. to make leaning with the mouth, as a dog in trying to pull down a stick. ya-ta'-kir)-yar), adv. making leaning with the mouth. ya-ta'-ku, v. a. to make something of in relating, make up a story about, — mdataku. y a-ta'-ku-ka, v. a. to make something of nothing in narration, over-estimate, — mdatakuka. ya-ta'-ku-nl-sni, v. a. to eat up, destroy with the mouth ; to speak contemptuously of, — mdata- kuni^ni. ya-ta'-ku-ni-sni-yar), adv. destroying with the mouth. y a-ta'-ku-sni, v. a. to speak of as being of no value, depreciate, — mdataku^ni. See yataku. ya-ta'-ku-ya, adv. speaking of as if it were something : yatakuya omdaka. ya-tai)', v. a. to speak well of, praise, — mdatai). ya-t'£ir)', v. a. to touch with the mouth, to pull, as in sucking, — mdat'aq, uijyat'aqpi. ya-tar)'-ii), v. a. to declare any thing, make manifest, — mdataq ix) . ya-tar)'-ii)-yar), adv. manifestly. ya-tar)'-ka, v. a. to speak of as large, — mda- taijka. ya-tarj'-ni, v. a. to wear out or make old with the mouth, — mdataijni. ya-tar)'-yai), adv. praising. ya-te'-hai), v. a. to speak long, to be long finish- ing ; to speak of as long or as far in the future, — mdatehai). ya-te'-har)-har), v. red. of yatehai). ya-te'-M-ka, v. a. to make difficult with the mouth, speak of as difficult, — mdatehika. ya-tem', cont. of yatepa ; yatem iyeya. ya-te'-pa, v. a. to bite off short, wear off, as the teeth, — mdatepa, ui)yatepapi. ya-ti'-6a, v. a. to scrape away with the mouth, as snow. ya-tin', cont. of yatida ; yatin iyeya. ya-ti'-tai), v. a. to pull with the mouth or teeth, — mdatitai). ya-ti'-tai)-yai), adv. pulling with the teeth. ya-ti'-tar)-yar), v. a. to cause to pull with the teeth, — yatitaijwaya. ya-tkar)', v. a. to drink, — mdatkai), datkai). ya-tkar)'-yar), adv. drinking. ya-tka'-pa, v. a. to eat, as something that is viscid or sticks in the mouth, — mdatkapa. ya-tke'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to drink, — yatke- wakiya, yatkemakiya. ya-tku'-ga, v. a. to bite or pull and break with the mouth, — mdatkuga. ya-tkur)s', cont. of yatkugza ; yatkuijs iyeya. ya-tkur)'-tkur)-ta, v. See yakui)tkui)ta. ya-tkur)'-za, V. a. to bite off even, — mdatkuijza. ya-tku'-tku-ga, v. red. of yatkuga. ya-tog'-ye, adv. yatogye oyaka, to relate a thing differently. ya-to'-kar), v. a. to put in another place with the mouth, speak of as being in another place, — mdatokaiO- ya-to'-ke-ea, v. a. to alter with the mouth, to speak of as different, — mdatokec'a. ya-to'-na-na, v. a. to speak of as few, — mdato- nana. ya-to'-to, V. a. to eat up, as a horse does grass : yatoto ehpeya. ya-tpa', v. a. to bite through : noge yatpa, to make deaf by talking to, — mdatpa. ya-tpai)', v. a. to chew fine, masticate, — mda- tpai). ya-tpar)'-tpar), v. red. of yatpaij. ya-tpi', V. a. to crack with the teeth, as lice or nuts, — mdatpi. YAT 262 YAZ ya-tpi'-tpi, v. red. of yatpi. ya-tpu'-tpa, v. a. to bite in pieces, to crumble up with the teeth, — mdatputpa. See yakpukpa. ya-tu'-ka, v. a. to nibble off, spoil, as mice do furs. ya-tu'-tka, v. a. to bite into little pieces, — ^mda- tutka. ya-ta', v. a. to bite to death, — mdata. ya-ta'-ga, v. a. to make rough by biting, — mda- taga. ya-tir)s', cont. of yatiijza; yatiijs iyeya. ya-tir)'-sa, adv. firmly ; yatiijsa oyaka, to relate firmly or with authority. ya-tir)'-sa-sa, red. of yatigsa. ya-tir)s'-ya, adv. firmly. ya-til)'-za, v. a. to make firm with the mouth, to affirm, — mdatiijza : c'aqte yatiijza, to strengthen one's heart, encourage one. ya.-'vra.', v. a. to count, say over; to read, — — mdawa, dawa, uijyawapi. ya-"wa'-eii5-hir)-yar)-za, v. a. to make cross or surly by talking to. ya-vra'-eirj-tor), v. a. to make intelligent, to in- struct,— mdawacii) toi) . ya-"wa'-hl)a-dar), v. a. to make gentle by talking to, to soothe, — mdawatbadai). ya-Awa'-hba-ka, v. a. to make gentle, pacify by talking kindly, — mdawalibaka. ya-vra'-Me-sni, v. a. to speak contemptuously of, — mdawalte^ni. ya-'wa'-kag, v. a. to consider supernatural or wakai) , — mda wakai) . ya-"wa'-m-stir)-na, v. a. to count as little or few, — mdawanistii) na. ya-vraqg', cont. of yawaqka ; yawaijg iyeya. ya-"war)'-ka, v. a. to throw down with the mouth, as beavers do trees, or as a dog does a deer ; to defeat in debate, — mdawaijka. ya-"war)'-kan, v. yawaijkan iyeya and yawaij- kan io'u, to raise or elevate the voice. ya-"sva'-s'ag, cont. of yawa^'aka. ya-'wa'-s'ag-ya, adv. in a strengthening man- ner. ya-"wa'-s'a-ka, v. a. to strengthen by talking to, to speak of as strong, — mdawas'aka. ya-"wa'-sa-ka, v. Same as yawa^akadai). ya-"wa'-sa-ka-dai), v. a. to count cheap or easy, to underrate, — mdawasakadai). ya-"wa'-s'a-ke-sni, v. a. to make weak by talking to, — mdawas'ake^ni. ya-"wa'-ste, v. a. to call good, to bless, — mdawa- ste, dawaste, uijyawastepi. ya-Ave'-ga, v. a. to break, as a stick, with the mouth, but not entirely off, — mdawega. ya-'weh', cont. of yawega ; yawefi iyeya. ya-"weli'-"we-ga, v. red. of yawega. ya-"weh'-ya, v. a. to cause to break with the mouth, — yawelwaya. ya-vri'-ca, v. a. to call a man, to call brave, — mdawic'a. ya-'wl'-ea-ka, v. to speak of as true ; to affirm to be true, — mdawidaka. ya-"wl'-ea-sta, v. a. to call a man, — mdawica- ^ta. ya-wi'-ca-sta-sni, v. a. to call bad ; to make bad by talking to, corrupt, — mdawica^ta^ni. ya-Avl'-hnu-iii, v. a. to destroy with the mouth. ya-'wi'-no-Mi)-ea, v, to call a woman, to speak to as to a woman. ya-'wirj'-ga, v. a. to bite or pull round with the teeth, as in making moccasins, — mdawiqga. ya-vrigh.', cont. of yawiijga ; yawiijh iyeya. ya-'wir)h'-'wir)-ga, v. red. of yawiijga. ya-'wirjs', cont. of yawiijia ; yawiiji^ iyeya. ya-'wir)s'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to bend down with the mouth, — yawi^^wakiya. ya-"wir)s'-"wii)-za, v. red. of yawii)ia. ya-vnrj'-za, v. a. to bend down with the mouth, — mdawiijza. ya-"wi'-ta-ya, v. a. to collect together with the mouth, — mdawitaya. ya-za', v. a. to string, as beads, — mdaza, daza. ya-za'-har), v. to continue to string, as beads, — mdazahai). ya-za'-mni, v. a. to open or uncover with the mouth ; to lay bare or expose by argument, — mdazamni. ya-zai)', v. n. to be sick, to be in pain; to be tired, — mayazajj, niyaza^, uijyazaijpi : pa yazai), to have the headache. ya-zar)'-lida, v. n. to become sick suddenly, to be taken sick ; to be in pain, — yazaijwahda. ya-zar)'-ki-ya, v. a. to make one sick, — yazaij- wakiya. ya-zar)'-ya, v. a. to make one sick, — yazaijwaya. ya-za'-za, v. red. of yaza. ya-ze', v. a. to take out food from a kettle, as a dog does, with the mouth. ya-ze'-ze, v. a. to make swing with the mouth. ya-zi'-ca, v. a. to stretch any thing with the teeth, — mdazic'a. ya-zin', cont. of yazica ; yazin iyeya. ya-zo'-ka, v. a. to suck, — mdazoka, ugyazokapi. ya-zur)'-ea, v. a. to weave together, connect, as language. See yazuijta. ya-zur)'-ca-ya, adv. connectedly, as in speaking. ya-zur)'-ta, v. a. to connect, as words in speaking, — mdazuijta. ya-za'-hai), adv. yaiabai) ia, to speak roughly or hoarsely. YAZ 263 YUO ya-za'-za, v. a. to lick or wash with the mouth, as a cat. ya-zim', cant, of yaiipa ; yaiim iyeya. ya-zim'-zi-pa, v. red. of yaiipa. ya-zi'-pa, v. a. to bite or pinch with the teeth, bite, as bugs or mosquitoes; to sting, as one's foot asleep, — mdazipa, mayazipa. ya-zo', V. a. to blow on an instrument, play on a fife or flute, — mdaio, daio, uijyaiopi. y a-zo'-kl-y a, v. a. to cause to blow on an instru- ment,— yaiowakiya. ya-zo'-ya, v. a. to make blow a fife or fiute, — yaiowaya. ya-zui)', V. a. to pull up by the roots with the mouth, as birds do corn, — mdazur). ya-zu'-zu, v, a. to tear down or tear to pieces with the mouth ; to refute or demolish, as an argument, — mdazuiu. ye, intj. oh ! expressing fear. ye, a precatory form of the imperat. sing. ; used by women and not unfrequently by men also ; as, eco]g ye. ye, a particle, which often follows at the close of a sentence to give emphasis to what is said. It is ' used by the women as ' do ' is by the men ; as, waijna mduteq ye, / have already finished. Sometimes this is used by the men, and is not unfrequently followed by ' do ;' as, ecamo^ yedo, mai:u yedo. ye, pron. 2d pers. compounded of ' ya ' and ' ki ;' as in yeksuya, of kiksuya. ye'-ga, v. n. to shine, glitter. yefi., cont. of yega. yeh-ya', v. a. to cause to shine, to make shine, — yehwaya. yeh-ye'-ga, v. red. of yega ; to glisten, twinkle, sparkle. ye-ki'-yei, v. a. of ya ; to cause to go, to send, drive ; to extend to, as the hand ; nape yewakiya. ye-ki'-ya, v. a. to win, gain any thing in gaming, obtain any thing staked, — yewakiya. ye-si', V. a. to command to go, to send, — ^yewasi. ye-ya', v. a. to cause to go, to send ; to extend to. ye-ye', v. to be, exist. yo-tar)'-ka, f. «. to sit; suktaijka akan yotaijka and ixivik akan yotagka, to ride on horseback, — mdotaqka. ya, a causative prefix. It expresses the idea of causation in some way not conveyed by 'ba,' ' bo,' ' ka,' ' na,' ' pa,' and ' ya ;' as, yunaiii), to cause to stand or to lift up ; yukakiia, to cause to suffer. As a prefix to adjectives, and some- times nouns, it forms verbs of them, and means to make or cause to be; as, yuwa^te, to make good. yu, or yur), intj. Said when one is hurt, ugh ! 3ru-a'-dos-do-za-se-i-ye-ya, v. a. to injure one^s feelings in any way. 3ru.-a'-ka-Rpa, v. yuakahpa ic'u, to draw any thing over one, as a blanket turned down. jru-a'-kan, v. yuakan hiyuya, to cause to come up to the top. yu-a'-ka-za-mni, v. a. to open out, uncover: yuakazamni iyeya. jru-a'-ki-Rar), v. a. to cause to starve, — mduaki- hai). 3ru.-a'-ki-pam, adv. separately : yuakipam ehna- ka, to separate, divide. yu-a'-ki-pa-pam, adv. red. of yuakipam. yu-a'-ki-pas, cont. of yuakipaia ; crossing each other ; in bows : yuakipas icu, to tie in a bow- knot. yu-a'-ki-pa-za, v. a. to place across, — mduaki- paia. See yuakipas. yii-a'-mda-ya, v. a. to make level on, — mdua- mdaya. yu-a'-o-pte-ea, v. a. to make less, — mduaopteda. yu-a'-o-pten, cont. of yuaopteca ; yuaopten iyeya. yu-a'-O-pte-tu, v. a. to make less, lessen, — mdu- aoptetu. yu-a'-o-pte-tu-ya, adv. lessening. 3ru.-a'-sa-pa, v. a. to defile, — mduadapa. yu-a'-sda-ya, v. a. to uncover, expose. yu-a'-ska-dai), v. a. to make near, to bring near, — m d uaskadai) . 3ru.-a'-ska-ke, v. See yua^kadai). yu-a'-zi, v. a. to run aground, as a boat, pull ashore, — mduazi. yu-ba'-ga, v. a. to twist, roll, turn, as the hands in running, — mdubaga. yii-bas', cont. of yubaza ; yubas iyeya. yu-bas'-'ba-za, v. red. of yubaza. yii-bas'-ya, adv. in a twisting manner ; vexing. yu-ba'-za, v. a. to twist or turn, as the hands in running ; to vex, tease, annoy, and continue to do so, — mdubaza. 3ru-be', V. a. Same as yumaij. 3ru-bo'-sdan, v. yubosdan ehde, to set up on end. yu-bo'-sda-ta, v. a. to set upright, — mdubo- sdata. yu-bu', V. a. to make a drumming noise, — mdubu. yu-bu'-bu, V. red. of yubu. yu-bu '-y a, adv. in a drumming manner. 3ru-ear)', v. a. to sift, shake in a sieve, — mduc'ai), duc'ai), ui)c'ai)pi. yu-ear)'-ear), v. a. to make shake, — mducaijc'ai). yu-car)'-nan, v. yucaiinan iyeya, to push out into the stream. YUC 264 YUH yu-ce'-ka, v. a. to make stagger, — mduceka. yu-ee'-kce-ka, v. a. to make stagger, — mdude- kceka. 3ru-ee'-ya, v. a. to make cry, — ^mduceya, mayu- ceya. yu-ei'-ka-dai), v. a. to make small, compress — mduci]j:adaq. 3ru.-ei'-ka-ye-dar), adv. in a small space, pressed together, compactly. yu-ei'-stir)-na, v. a. to make small, — mduc'i- stiijna. yu-eo', V. a. to make good ; to perfect, finish, — mduc'o, duc'o, uijyucopi. yu-eo'-eo, v. a. to make soft, as mortar, — mdu- 6060. 3ru-co'-ka, v. a. to empty, make empty, — mdu- coka. yu-6o'-ka-ka, v. red. of yucoka. yu-eos'-co-za, v. red. of yudoza. yu-eo'-ya, adv. finished ; well. yu-co'-za, v. a. to make comfortably warm, as a house or clotlies, — mduc'oza. yu-dem'-de-pa, v. a. to make notches in, — mdu- demdepa. yu-du'-za-har), v. a. to make swift, — mduduza- hai). 3ru-e'-ee-dai), v. a. to purify, — mdueceda^, ui)- yuecepidai). jTU-e'-een-ya, adv. less : yuecenya edamoi). 3ru.-e'-ce-tu, v. a. to fulfil, accomplish ; to re- store,— mduecetu, duecetu, uijyuecetupi. yu-e'-ce-tu-ya, v. a. to cause to fulfil, — yuede- tuwaya. yu-e'-ce-tu-ya, adv. fulfilling ; making right. yu-e'-ci, v. a. to turn wrong side out, as a gar- ment or bag, — mduec'i, dueci. yu-ga', v. a. to husk, as corn, — mduga, duga, uijgapi. yu-ga'-ga, adv. spread out, open, yu-ga'-ga, v. n. to spread out, open out, display. yu-gam', cont. of yugapa ; yugam iyeya. yu-gan', cont. of yugata. yu-gan'-ga-ta, v. red. of yugata. yu-gai)', V. a. to open, as a door ; to tear open, as a corn husk, to husk corn, — mdugaq, uqyugaijpi. yu-gai)'-gar)-na, v. a. to make open or flimsy, — mdugai)gai)na. yu-gari'-pi, w. a husking. See wogaijpi. 3ru-gar)'-yai), v. a. to cause to open, to cause to husk, — yugaqwaya. yu-ga'-pa, v. a. to strip or pull off, as the skin from an animal, to flay, — radugapa. yu-ga'-ta, v. a. to open out, as the hand ; to open, as a door, — mdugata, dugata. yu-gat'-ga-ta, v. red. See yugangata. yu-ge', v. a. to take out with the hand, — mdnge. Y^-&^'-k^, «'• «• to gather up in the hand, to take up by handfuls : yugege iwac'u. yu-gi'-mna-na, v. to pinch up with the fingers : yugimnana mduza. 3ru-go', V. a. to make marks such as are made on arrows, — mdugo. 3ru-go'-go, V. red. of yugo. 3ru-gu'-ka, v. a. to stretch, strain ; to pull out, as an arrow from the quiver, — mduguka. yu-ha', V. a. to have, own, possess, — mduha, duha, uijhapi and uijyuhapi : to lift, he able to carry. With this latter meaning the ' a ' is not changed to ' e ' on assuming the ' kta ' or ' ^ni ;' as, mduha sni. yu-ha'-ha-dax), v. a. to make not firm, to un- settle,— mduhahadai). 3ru-ha'-ha-ye-dai), v. a. to move, shake, make unstable, — mduhahayedai) . yu-ha'-i-ye-ya, v. a. to push down. yu-ha'-pi, ^ar<. owned, held ; a servant : jahse^i cii), he wants to he held. yu-hba', v. a. to shell, as corn ; to open, as pods, — mduhba. yu-hbe'-za, v. a. to make rough, — mduhbeza. yu-hbu', v. a. to make a noise, as in taking hold of a bag of shelled corn ; to make rattle, as com, — mduhbu. yu-hbu'-hbu, v. red. of yuhbu. yu-hbu'-ya, adv. making a rattling noise, as in pushing any thing into shelled corn : yuhbuya iyeya. yu-hda', v. a. to untwist, unroll, uncoil, stretch out, — mduhda. yu-hda'-hda, v. red. of yuhda ; to stretch out : yuhdahda aya, to go one after another, to follow in Indian file. yu-hda'-ka, v. a. to make far apart, — ^mdu- hdaka. 3ru-hda'-ka-ya, adv. separately, singly : yuhda- kaya enaiir). yu-hda'-kir)-yai), adv. across : yuhdakiijyap ic'u, to take across, put across. jTU-hda'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to uncoil or stretch out, — yuhdawakiya. yu-hda'-ya, v. a. to cause to uncoil, — yuhda- waya. yu-hdo'-hdo, v. a. to make grunt, as a buflfalo- calf, by catching it, — mduhdohdo. yu-hdo'-ka, v. a. to sprain hadly, dislocate, — mduhdoka. yu-he', V. Same as yulia : yuhe c'ii), one who owns, a master. 3ni-he'-kiya, v. a. to cause to have ; to give to, — yuhewakiya. YUH 265 YUH yu-hi', V. a. to drive off, as game, — mduhi. yu-hin', cont. of yuhiijta ; yuhin iyeya. yu-hir)'-ta, v. a. to sweep off, brush off, rake away, — mduhiqta, uijyuhiijtapi. yu-hi '-ya-hai), v. to prolong one's days. yu-hi'-ya-har)-na-ke-eir)-hai), adv. waiting a little, not in haste, yu-hmi', v. a. to clear off, as grass, etc., from a field, — mduhmi, dulimi. yu-hmi '-ea, v. a. to catch by the hair of the head, pull one's hair, — mduhmic'a, mayuhmica. yu-hmi'-hma, v. a. to roll, as a wheel, etc., with the hand, — mduhmihma. yu-hmin', cont. of yuhmica : yuhmin ynza, to take hold of the hair of the head. yu-hmi'-yar)-yar), v. a. to make round, as a ball, with the hand, — mduhmiyaijyai). yu-hmug', v. a. to twist, as a string, — mdu- hmui), duhmui), uqyuhmuqpi. yu-hna', v. a. to shake, as fruit from a tree, — mduhna. yu-hna'-hna, v. red. of yuhna ; to take a loose hold of: yuhnahna wakuwa. yu-hna'-skir)-yar), v. a. to make one crazy ; to possess, as a demon or spirit, — mayuhnaskiqyaq. yu-hna'-yar), v. a. to miss, as in attempting to grasp any thing, — mduhnayai). yu-hnu'-ni, v. a. to cause to wander, — mduhnu- ni : wacii)yuhnuni, to distract, bewilder. yu-ho'-ho, V. a. to move, shake, as something not firm, — mduhoho. yu-ho'-ho-dar), v. a. to shake, as something not solid, — mduhohodai) . yu-ho'-ho-pi-ea-sni, adj. immovable. yu-ho'-ho-ya, v. a. to cause to shake. yu-ho'-ho-ya, adv. shaking. yu-ho'-mni, v. a. to turn around any thing, to turn, as a grindstone, — mduhomni, duhomni, ughomnipi and ui)yuhomnipi : ihduhomni, to turn oneself around. yu-ho'-nuii-mni, v. red. of yuhomni. 3rii-ho'-ta-pi-se, adv. clearing away obstacles : yuhotapise iyaya, he has gone to clear the way. yu-hu'-hu, intj. Said when one is hurt, i. q. yug. yu-hu'-hus, cont. of yuhuhuza ; yuhuhus waui). yu-hu'-hus-ya, v. a. to cause to shake, — yuhu- huswaya. yu-hu'-hus-ya, adv. shaking, moving. yu-hu'-hu-za, v. a. to shake with the hand, — mduhuhuza. yu-hui)'-ka, v. to shake, to rock from side to side, — mduhuqka : yuhuijke se mani, to walk as a sailor. 3ru-hu'-te-dai), v. a. to Tnake short, wear off, — mduhutedai). 34 yu-ha', V. n. to curl, branch out. yu-ha', adj. curled, frizzled : pa yuha, a curly head. yu-ha'-ha, v. red. of yuha ; to become curled or branched. yu-ha'-ha, adj. curly, having many branches or prongs. yu-ha'-kpa, v. a. to make curved, as the edge of a knife that has been long in use, — mduhakpa. 3ru.-har)'-hi, v. a. to make slow, — mduhaijhi. yu-ha'-tka, v. a. to ruffe, as hair or feathers, — mduhatka. yu-ha'-tpa, v. a. Same as yuRakpa. 3ru-hda', v. a. to ring, as a bell, to rattle, — mdu- hda, duhda, ui)hdapi. yu-hda'-gar), V. a. to enlarge ; to separate from, leave, — mduhdagai) : ti hduhdagai) in\, to stay always at home. 3ru-hda'-hda, v. red. of yuhda. 3ru-hda'-hda-ta, v. red. of yuhdata. yu-hda'-hda-ya, v. red. of yuhdaya. yu-hdan', cont. of yuhdata ; yuhdan iyeya. yu-hda'-ta, v. a. to scratch, as a cat ; to scratch off, — mduhdata. yu-hda'-ya, v. to peel off, to skin ; to take off, as a sticking plaster, — mduhdaya, duMaya. 3rii-hde'-ca, v. a. to tear in pieces, tear up, rend, — mduhdeca, uijyuhdecapi. yu-hde'-hde-ca, v. red. of yuhdeca. yu-hden', cont. of yuMec'a ; yuhden iyeya. yu-hden'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to rend, — yu- hdenwakiya. yu-hden'-ya, v. a. to cause to tear up, — yuhden- waya. yu-hdog', cont. of yuhdoka ; yuhdog iyeya : yu- hdog hai), to stand open. yu-hdog'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to open, — yu- hdogwakiya. yu-hdo'-hdo-ka, v. red. of yuhdoka ; to make holes in. yu-hdo'-ka, v. a. to make a hole ; to bore a hole ; to open, as a door, as, tiyopa yuhdoka ; to open, as a box, barrel, etc, — mduhdoka, duhdoka, uq- hdokapi and uijyuhdokapi. 3ru-hein', cont. of yuhepa ; yuhem iyeya. yu-hem'-he-pa, v. red. of yuhepa. yu-he'-pa, v. a. to absorb, empty, exhaust, as a fluid, by lading out, — mduhepa, upyuhepapi. 3rti-he'-yain, cont. of yuheyapa ; yuheyam iyeya, to put aside. yu-he'-yan, cont. of yuheyata ; j^uheyan iyeya. yu-he'-ya-pa, v. a. to put a little back, put aside, — mduheyapa. yu-he'-ya-ta, v. a. to put back, reject. yu-hi', V. n. to pimple ; to be pimpled, — mayuli : hence, oyuhi, pimples. YUH 266 YITK yu-hi'-ea, v. a. to waken one up, — mduliica, du- hic'a, uijyuhidapi, mayuiioa. yu-M'-lii, V. red. of yuHi ; to he pimpled, marked, rough. yu-hin', cant, of yuliica ; yuhin iyeya. 3ru-M'-se, adj. like pimples ; striped, figured, as dimity or diaper. yu-hi'-ya-ya, v. a. to do badly, bungle, — mdu- Hiyaya. yu-YiTaii)', V. a. to sling, as a, atone, sideways ; to make go crooked. yu-liinig'-yar), adv. off sideways, crookedly ; yulimiijyai) ehnaka, to place out of line, or crookedly. yu-hmur)', v. a. to make whizz, as in throwing a stone from a sling, — mdulimui). yu-Jimuri'-hinur), v. red. of yuhmui). yu-liinurj'-yar), adv. making whizz. yu-hor)'-ta, v. a. to make soft, as thread, to rub soft, as skin, — mduhoijta. See yuhuijta. yu-hpa', V. a. to throw doion, as one's load ; to unharness or unload a horse ; to shake off, as leaves from a tree; to buy a wife, — mduhpa, duhpa, u^yuhpapi. 3ru-Bipa'-lipa, v. red. of yuhpa ; to throw over or down in lumps, as in ploughing hard ground. yu-hpeir)', v. a. to soak and make soft, as leather, — mduhpar). yu-fipar)'-hpai), v. red. of yuhpai) ; to soak and make a little soft, as leather, — mduhpai)hpaij. yu-hpe'-ya, v. a. to cause to throw down, — yu- hpewaya. yu-hpu', V. a. to pick off a piece, break off, crum- ble off, — mdulpu. yu-Rpu'-tpu, V. red. of yuhpu. yu-htar)', v. a. to make rough. See yuhtaijyai). yu-htaij'-yar), v. a. to make rough, to whet to a rough edge, — mduhtaijyai). yu-Mu'-ta, v. a. to mash or break a skin for dressing, to make pliant, — mduhtuta. yu-hu', V. a. to take off the hull or rind, to peel, as bark with the hand, — mduhu. yu-hu'-ga, V. a. to break a hole in, to stave in ; to break to pieces, — mduhuga. yu-liuh', cont. of yuhuga ; yuhuh iyeya. yu-liuli'-na-ga, v. a. to cav^e to bum up, — mduhuhnaga. yu-hu'-hu-ga, V. red. of yuhuga. yu-hui)'-!6ur(-ta, v. red. of yuhuijta. yu-hur)'-ta, v. a. to make soft, as flax, in dress- ing it, or as a skin, by rubbing, — mduhuijta. yu-hui)'-wir), v. a. to make putrefy, as flesh, — mduhuijwir). 3ru-Biwir)', V. See yuhurjwii). yu-i'-cl-ea-hi, v. a. to mix together, to mingle. yu-i'-ci-ca-hi-ya, adv. mingling: yuicicahiya iyeya. yu.-i'-ei-ca-'wlg, v. a. to make turn back on the same way ; to cause to pass by, as the two ends of any thing, — mduicicawir). yu-i'-de, v. a. to cause to blaze, to kindle a fire, — mduide. yu-i'-ha, V. a. to cause to laugh, — mduiha. yu-i'-na-Bini, v. a. to hasten one, — mduinaini. yu-i'-na-lini-kl-ya, v. a. to cause one to hasten. yu-i'-na-hnl-yar), adv. hastening. yu-i'-ni-na, v. a. to make still, put to silence, — mduinina. yu-i'-nin-ya, ctdv. putting to silence. yu-i'-pa-tku-ga, v. a. to place in a row, — mdui- patkuga. jru-i'-pa-tkuBi-ya, adv. placing in a row. yu-i'-ste-ca, v. a. to make one ashamed, — mdui- ^teca. yu-i'-sto-hmus, cont. of yui^tohmuza. yu-i'-sto-hmu-za, v. a. to make one shut his eyes ; to deceive, — mduistohmuza. yn-i'-tpi-ska-e-tpe-ya, v. to turn any thing over on its back, as a dog, etc. JTU-i'-ya-ki-pam, adv. dividing, separating. yu-i'-ya-ki-pa-pam, adv. red. of yuiyakipam. jru-i'-yog, cont. of yuiyoka ; yuiyog iyeya, to put out of the way, reject. yii-i'-yo-ka, v. a. to shun. See yuiyog. yu-i'-yo-tai), v. yuiyotag iyeya, to cause one to do more by telling him to stop, to make more deter- mined. yu-i'-yo-taqg, cont. of yuiyotai)ka : yuiyotaijg ehpeya, to push one down, make sit down. yu-i'-yo-tar)-har), v. yuiyotaoha^ iyekiya, to afflict, to trouble. 3ru-i'-yo-'was, cont. of yuiyowaza. 3rii-i'-yo-'was, cont. of yuiyowaia ; yuiyowas iyeye ^ni. See yuiyowaza^ni. yu-i'-yo-"wa-za, v. a. to make resound, to make echo, — mduiyowaza. yu-i'-yo-'wa-za-snl, v. to place afar off. 3ru.-ka', V. a. to strip off, as the feather part of a quill, — mduka. 3ru-ka'-ki-za, v. a. to cause to suffer, — mduka- kiia. yu-kam', cont. of yukapa ; yukam iyeya. yu-kar(', v. n. to he ; there is. This verb wants the forms of the first an^ second persons singu- lar; plur., uqkaijpi, dukai)pi, yukaijpi. Yukaq is often used with a plural signification, as, ta- hiijca yukai), there are deer ; hu mayukai), legs are to me, i. e., / have legs. yu-kar)', v. to give room. See tiyukaij and ki- yukaq. YUK 267 YUK yu-kai)', V. a. of kaq ; to make old, — mdukaq. yu-kar)', v. a. to shake off, as dew, — mdukaq. yu-kar)'-kar), v. red. of yukaq. yu-ka'-pa, v. a. to catch, as a ball, in the hand, — mdukapa. yu-ka'-ta, v. a. to make warm hy rubbing ; to heat hy making a fire, — mdukata. yu-ka'-tir), v. a. to straighten out with the hand, — mdukatii). yu-ka'-"wa, v. a. to open, as the mouth, eyes, etc., — mdukawa, dukawa, uijyukawapi. yu-ka'-'wa-kl-ya, v. a. to cause to open, — yuka- wawakiya. yu-kea', v. a. to loose a knot, untie, unwrap, open what is tangled, — mdukda. yu-keai)', v. a. to comprehend any thing, to un- derstand, know, guess ; to have an opinion, to judge, — mdukcai), dukcai), ui)kcai)pi. yu-kcar)'-yar), v. comprehending, guessing. yu-ke', V. n. to be. See yukaij. yu-kes', cont. of yukeza ; yukes iyeya. yu-ke'-za, v. a. to make smooth, — mdukeza. yu-ki'-ki-ta, v. a. to make Umber, — mdukikita. yu-kin', cont. of yukiijca; yukin iwacu. yu-kiii'-ir)-pi, n. a cloak. yu-ki'-nu-kar), v. a. to divide between, to sepa- rate,— mdukinukai), dukmukai). yu-ki'-nu-kar), adv. divided : yukinukaij ehna- ka, to place out separately. yu-ki'-nu-kar)-ki-ya, adv. divided, separately. yu-ki'-nu-kar)-yax), adv. separately. yu-kir)', v. a. to give room to pass, to lean to one side, — mdukii), mayukii). yu-kii)'-6a, ti. a. to scrape off with the hand, — mdukii)c'a. yu-kir) '-kii), adv. to and fro or from side to side, as a sailor in walking. yu-kir)s', cont. of yukiijza ; yukiqs iyeya. yu-kir)s'-kir)-za, v. red. of yukiqza. yu-kir)'-za, v. a. to make creak, — mdukiriza. yu-ki'-pas, cont. of yukipaza ; yukipas yuza, to seize by the liair of the head, — yukipas mduza. yu-ki'-pas, cont. of yukipaza ; yukipa^ iyeya : yukipa^ yuza, to double around and hold. yu-ki'-pa-za, v. See yukipas, the form in use. yu-ki'-pa-za, v. a. to bend any thing around, to double over, to bend so as to make the ends meet, — mdukipaia. yu-ki'-pe-hai), v. a. _ to fold, to lay in folds, — mdukipehai) : yukipehar) ehnaka. yu-ki'-pu-ski-ea, v. a. to put close together, to press, — mdukipuski ca. yu-kl'-pu-skin, cont. of yukipuskica ; yukipu- skin yuza, to hold one thing close to another. yu-ki'-pu-skln-ya, adv. pressed close to. yu-ki'-yu-te-ya, adv. Said of any thing crisped or drawn up. yu-ko', V. a. to make a hole, — mduko : yuko ehpeya, to throw open. yu-kog', cont. of yukoka ; yukog iyeya. yu-ko'-ka, v. a. to ring or rattle, as an old ket- tle,— mdukoka. yu-ko'-ke-dar), v. a. to make active, to stimu- late,— mdukokedai). yu-ko'-ko-ka, v. red. of yukoka. yu-ko'-ya-hai), v. a. to cause to be quick, to hasten, — mdukoyahai). 3ru-kpa', v. a. ista yukpa, to make blind ; noge yukpa, to make deaf — mdukpa. yu-kpar)', v. a. to grind, as corn, etc., to make fine, to pulverize, — mdukpai), dukpaij, uqkpai)- pi. yu-kpaq'-kpar), v. red. of yukpaq. 3ru-kpar)'-pi, n. grinding. 3ru-kpar)'-yar), v. a. to cause to grind, — yu- kpaqwaya. yu-kpi', v. a. to cracJe or burst, as a louse. yu-kpi'-kpi, v. red. of yukpi. yu-kpu'-kpa, v. a. to make fine, to crumble up and scatter about, — mdukpukpa. yu-ksa', v. a. to break off, as a stick, with the hand ; to pull, as corn ; to cut off or out with shears, — mduksa, duksa, uijksapi. yu-ksa'-ksa, v. red. of yuksa. yu-ksa'-p£i, v. a. to make wise, — mduksapa. Said also of an animal who breaks away from a trap, as he is made wise or wary by it. yu-ksa'-pi, n. a breaking off', a gathering of corn. yu-kse'-ya, v. a. to cause to break off, as in trapping, — yuksewaya. yu-kse'-ya, adv. broken off; straight down, as if broken off; said of a bluff shore where the water is deep ; i. q. hutotkoijza. jTU-ksa', V. a. to bend or double up, as a blanket, — mdukia. yu-ksa'-dar), adv. bent up, crooked: yukiadai) idu. yu-ksar)', v. a. to bend, fold up, — mduksaij. yu-ksaxj'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to bend or fold up, — yuk^ar) wakiya. 3ru-ksar)'-ksar), v. red. of yukiai). yu-ksai)'-ksar), adj. crooked, curled about. yu-ksar)'-yar), v. a. to cause to bend, — yuk^aq- waya. yu-ksar) '-ye-y a, adv. bent around, in a circle. yu-ksi'-ksi-za, v. red. of yuksiia. yu-ksis', cont. of yuksiza ; yuksis iyeya. jTU-ksis'-ya, v. a. to cause to double up, — ynkiij- waya. YUK 268 YUN yu-ksi'-za, v. a. to double up, to bend, as the arm at the elbow ; to double vp, as iron, etc. ; to pull the trigger of a gun, — mdukiiia. yu-ktar)', v. a. to bend with the hand, — mdu- ktaq. yu-ktar) '-ki-y a, v. a. to cause to bend any thing. yu-ktai)'-ki-ya, adv. crookedly. yu-ktar) '-ktari, v. red. of yuktaq ; to bend, crook. 3ru-ktar)'-ktar)-ki-ya, adv. red. of yuktaqtiya. yu-ktar) '-ktar)-yar), adv. red. of yuktaijyaij. yu-ktar) '-yar), adv. crookedly. yu-ktar) '-ye-y a, adv. crookedly, not in a straight line : yuktaijyeya wai)ka. yu-ku'-ka, v. a. to pull to pieces ; to make rotten, to destroy, — mdukuka. jTU-ke'-ga, V. a. to scratch, scrape, — mduljega. yu-keh', cont. of yu]k:ega ; yukeh iyeya. yu-keh'-ke-ga, v. red. of yuljega. yu-keR'-ya, adv. scratching, scraping. yu-kes', cont. of yukeza ; yu^i^es iyeya. yu-kes'-ke-za, v. red. of yukeza ; to shave off close and smooth, as the hair of the head, — mdu^es^eza. yu-ke'-za, v. a. to make hard and smooth ; to shear off close, as the hair of the head, — mdukeza. 3ru-ko'-ga, v. a. to scratch up, make rough with the nails, — mdukoga. yu-koh', cont. of yu^ioga ; yujfol iyeya. jni-koh'-ko-ga, v. red. of yuljioga. yu-kos', cont. of yukoza ; yut:os iyeya. yu-kos'-ko-za, v. red. of yukoza. yu-ko'-za, v. a. to make smooth and hard by taking off the grass, etc., — mdut:oza, du^oza. yu-ma'-hen-i-ye-ya, v. a. to push one thing into something else, to insert. 3ru-niar)', v. a. to sharpen by grinding, filing, or whetting, as an axe, etc., — mdumai), uijyumaijpi. yu-mda', v. a. to separate, as the layers of bark or the leaves of a book, — mdumda. yu-mda'-pi, n. a page or leaf of a book, etc. yu-mdas', cont. of yumdaza : yumdas ehnaka, to open out, as in dressing a cow ; yumdas iyeya. yu-mda'-ska, v. a. to make fiat, — mdumdaska. yu-mda'-ya, v. a. to open, spread out, unfold ; to make level, — mdumdaya, uriyumdayapi. yu-mda'-ya-pi, n. a spreading out ; a page in a book. jTU-mda'-za, v. a. to burst open, as the bowels, or as a bag of corn ; to break open by hauling ; to make a longitudinal incision, — mdumdaza. JTU-mde-oa, v. a. to break to pieces or crush, as brittle ware ; to rend or tear open, — mdumdeca. jru-mde'-mde-ea, v. red. of yumdeda. yu-mden', cont. of yumdeda ; yumden iyeya. yu-mden'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to break to pieces, — yumdenwakiya. yu-mdu', v. a. to make mellow, to pulverize, to plough, as ground, — mdumdu, dumdu, uijmdupi and ui)yumdupi. jru-mdu'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to plough, — yu- mduwakiya. yu-mdu'-mdu, v. red. of yumdu. yu-mdu'-ya, v. a. to cause to pulverize, — yu- mduwaya. See yumdukiya. yu-mi'-ma, v. a. to make round, as a wheel. yu-mna', v. a. to rip a seam with scissors,— mdumna. jTU-mna'-kl-ya, v. a. to cause to rip, — jrumna- wakiya. yu-rana'-mna, v. red. of yumna. yu-mrii', v. n. to turn round, to go round in circles. yu-mni'-ga, v. to shrink, draw up ; to cause to shrink, — radumniga. yu-mni'-mni, v. red. of yumni ; to turn round and round. yu-nmi'-mni-ga, v. red. of yumniga. yu-mnl'-nuiis, cont. of yumnimniia ; curled : yumnimnis iyeya. yu-mni'-ranis-ya, v. a. to cause to curl. yu-mni'-mnis-ya, adv. curly. yu-mni'-mnl-za, adj. red. of yumiia ; curled, as hair. yu-nuii'-vra-ci-pi, n. the circle dance. In this dance a pole is set up in the centre, which is en- circled at a distance of twenty or thirty feet by branches of trees. By the central pole a small arbor is made, which is occupied by the high- priest of the ceremonies. The young men dance around. yu-mni'-za, adj. curled, not straight, as hair. yu-mnu'-innu-ga, v. a. to make a noise, as in handling corn, — mdnmnumnuga. yun, cont. of yuta ; yun mani, he walks eating. yu-na'-ke, v. See yunakeya. 3ru-na'-ke-ya, v, a. to turn any thing partly up, turn on one side, — mdunakeya. yu-na'-zir), v. a. to cause to stand, to raise or lift up, — mdunaiii). yu-ni', V. a. to touch one so as to call his atten- tion to any thing, — mduni, duni, mayuni. yu-ni'-ni, v. red. of yuni ; to touch so as to arouse one, or call his attention to any thing, — mdunini. yu-ni'-ya-snl, v. a. to put out of breath, to strangle, — mduniyasni. yun-ki'-ya, v. a. to cause to eat, to feed, — yun- wakiya. yu-nmi'-nma, v. a. to roll with the hand, — mdunminma. Same as yuhmihma. YUN 269 TUP yu-nuq'-ga, v. a. to make a hard or callous place, by sprain or otherwise, — mdunugga. yun-ya', v. a. to feed, cause to eat, — yunwaya. jrur), intj. oh ! 0 dear me ! yu-o'-ci-kpa-ni, v. a. Same as yuocitpani. yu-o'-eir)-si-ca, v. a. to make cross, — mduociq- sica. yu-o'-ci-pte-da, v. a. to make one shorter than another ; to make a difference, diminish, — mduo- cipteca. yu-o'-ei-pten, eont. of yuociptec'a. yu-o'-ci-pten-ya, adv. diminishing hy degrees. yu-o'-ci-pte-tu, V. a. to make of different sizes, to lessen, — mduociptetu. yu-o'-ei-pte-tu-ya, adv. lessening. yu-o'-ei-pte-tu-ya-ken, adv. of different sizes. yu-o'-ci-tkor)-za, v. a. to make equal, — mduo- citkoriza. 3ru.-o'-ei-tpa-ni, v. a. to make unequal, — mduo- citpani. yu-o'-hda-psir), v. yuohdapsii) ehpeya, to turn any thing over. jni-o'-hda-psig-yai), adv. turning over. yu-o'-liar)-ko, v. a. to make hasten, — mduohaqko. yu-o'-har)-ko-ya, adv. hastening, yu-o'-Bida-gai), v. n. to become loose. yu-o'-hdah, cont. of yuohdagai) ; yuohdah icu, to become loose. 3ru-o'-lipa, v. a. to break into, break through, — mduohpa. yu-o'-K.pe-ya, v. a. to cause to break through, — yuohpewaya. yu-oh'-ya, adv. obliquely, as the characters are placed in writing : yuohya ehnaka. yu-o'-ka-hbo-ka, v. a. to make float, to send afloat, — mduokahboka. yu-o'-ka-lipa, v. to cause to float. yu-o'-ka-po-ta, v. to cause to be borne up, as on water. jru-o'-ki-ni-har), v. a. to make honorable, — mdu- okinihai). yu-o'-ko, v. a. to make a hole, — mduoko. yu-o'-kor)--war)-zi-daj3, v. a. to make one of, join one to another, — mduokoqwaijiidai). yn-o'-ksa, v. a. to break of into, — mduoksa. yu-o'-ktar), v. a. to bend into, — mduoktai). yu-o'-mde-ea, v. a. to divide, disperse, break in pieces, scatter abroad, as a people, — mduomdeca. 3ru-o'-nide-ea, v. n. yu6mdeca yuza, to hold the sharp part up, as the edge of a board. yu-o'-mde-ca-har), part, in a dispersed state, scattered. yu-o'-mden, cont. of yuomdeca ; yuomden iya- ya, to go off, disperse ; yuomden iyeya, to cause to scatter abroad. yu-o'-nmi-na, v. a. to shelter from the wind, make a calm, — mduomnina. 3ru.-o'-ni-har), v. a. to honor, treat with attention, — mduonihai), uqyuonihaijpi, mayuonihaij. yu-o'-ni-har)-yar), adv. honoring, treating po- litely. jni-o'-po, V. a. to press out of shape, press in at the sides, as a kettle ; to make warp, — mduopo. 3ru.-o'-pte-ca, v. a. to make less, — mduopteca. yu-o'-pten, cont. of yuopteca. yu-o'-pten-ya, adv. making less. yu-o'-pte-tu, v. a. to make less, — mduoptetu. yu-o'-pte-tu-ya, adv. lessening. yu-o'-se, and yuosekse, n. one who shoots but does not hit. This would seem to be used ironi- cally. jm-o'-sig-sil), V. a. to bedaub one with semen, — mduosirisii). See osii)sii). yu-o'-sir), v. n. to get into a hard knot, become hard to untie. yu-o'-ta, V. a. to make many, to multiply, — mdu- ota, duota, uqyuotapi. yu.-o'-tar)-ir), v. a. to make appear, make mani- fest; to celebrate, — mduotar)ii). yu-o'-tar)-ir)-yar), adv. making manifest, cele- brating. yu-o'-ta-pi, n. a multiplying ; multiplication. yu-«'-tkor)-za, v. a. to make of equal length ; to do right ; to finish, — mduotkor)za. yu-o'-tii)S, cont. of yuotiijza ; yuotiris icu, to draw in tight : yuotiqs iyeya. yu-o'-tir)S-tir)-za, v. red. of yuotiqza. yu-o'-tir)-za, v. a. to press in tight ; to make firm in, — mduotiqza. yu-o'-'WO-tag-na, v. a. to make straight ; to make upright, justify, — mduowotaijna. yu-pa', v. a. to make bitter, — mdupa. yu-pah', cont. yupah yuza, to hold in a bunch ; yupah nawai)ka, to gallop slowly and with the body bent together. yu-pa'-ko, v. a. to make crooked, — mdupako. yu-pa'-ko-ya, adv. making crooked, twisting. yu-par)'-ga, v. a. to tie up loosely, to make a large bundle, — mdupaijga. yu-par)li', cont. of yupaqga; yupaijli iyeya. yu-par)li'-ya, adv. loosely, in a large bundle. yu-par)'-par)-na, v. a. to make soft, — mdupaij- pagna. yu-pa'-tus, cont. of yupatuza ; yupatua iyeya. yu-pa'-tu-za, v. a. to cause to stoop down, to bend down, — mdupatuia. yu-pe', V. a. to make sharp, — mdupe. yu-pe'-har), v. a. to fold up, — mdupehai). yu-pe'-mni, v. a. to tunst, make warp, as a board, — mdupemni. YUP 270 YUS yu-pe'-mni-mni, v. red. of yupemni ; to warp, crook, twist. yu-pe'-mni-yag, adv. crookedly. yu-pi', V. a. to make good, — mdupi, dupi. yu-pi'-ka, v. a. to clothe one up well, to make look well, — mdupika. jTU-pi'-ka, n. one who dresses well ; one who does things neatly. yu-pii)S', cont. of yupiqza ; yupiijs iyeya. yu-pii)s'-pir)-za, v. red. of yupiijza. 3ni-pii)s', cont. of yupiqia ; yupiqi iyeya. yu-pii)s'-pir)-za, v. red. of yupiqza. yu-pir)'-za, v. a. to make creak, — mdupiijza. yu-pirj'-za, v. a. to pull out the coarse hair from a skin ; to pull off all the hair or fur, — mdu- pii)za. 3ru.-po', V. a. to make swell, — mdupo. yu-pom', cont. of yupopa : yupom yuza, to catch or hold with a snap or spring, as a trap, to catch round the body. yu-pon', cont. of yupota ; yupon iyeya, yu-pon'-po-ta, v. red. of yupota. yu-po'-pa, V. a. to cause to snap or burst, to make a srMpping noise, — mdupopa. yu-po'-ta, V. a. to wear out, tear to pieces, as a garment ; to use up, destroy, — mdupota, dupota. yu-pot'-po-ta, V. red. of yupota. yu-po'-vra-ya, v. a. to roughen up, as fur or nap, — mdupowaya. yu-psag', cont. of yupsaka ; yupsag iyeya. yu-psag'-ya, v. a. to cause to break, as a string. yu-psag'-ya, adv. breaking, as a cord. yu-psa'-ka, v. a. to break or pull in two, as a string, — mdupsaka, uqpsakapi. yu-psa'-psa-ka, v. red. of yupsaka. yu-pse', v, yupse hirjhda ; yupse hiyeya. yu-psi'-ea, v. a. to make jump, to toss, — mdu- psica : hoyupsic'a, to fish with hook and line. jni-psin', cont. of yupsica ; yupsin iyeya. yu-psi'-psi-ca, v. red. of yupsica. yu-psi'-psin, cont. of yupsipsica. yu-psor)', V. a. to turn over and spill, as water, etc., — mdupsog, dupsoi). yu-psor) '-psop, v. red. of yupsoij ; to turn over on the belly, as the Dakotas do in skinning an animal : yupsoi)psoi) ehnaka. yu-psori'-psoQ-na, v. a. to make round, to take off the corners, — mdupsoqpsoijna. yu-psuT)', V. a. Same as yupsog. yu-psur)', V. a. to pull out by the roots, to ex- tract, as a tooth; to put out of joint, — mdupsuq, dupsui), uijyupsuijpi. yu-psur)'-ka, v. a. to double up in a round bunch: nape hdupiu^ka, to clench the fiat, — mdup^uqka. yu-psuri'-psur), v. red. of yupiuq. yu-pta', V. a. to cut out, as a garment ; to cut off, as the border of a buffalo skin, etc., — mdu- pta, dupta, ui)yuptapi. yu-pta'-hnag, adv. all together, collectively. yu-ptar)'-ptai), v. a. to turn or roll back and forth with the hand, to rock, — mduptaijptai). yu-ptar)'-ptai)-yai), v. a. to roll back and forth, to roll over and over, — mduptaqptariyai). yu-ptar)'-yar), v. a. to roll over, to turn over, — mduptariyai), duptaijyai). yu-pta'-pta, v. red. of yupta. yu-pta'-ya, adv. together, collectively : yuptaya ehnaka. yu-pte'-ee-dai), v. a. to shorten, — mduptecSe- dai). yu-pten'-ye-dar), adv. hastening, shortening ; yuptenyedai) ehnaka. yu-ptu'-ha, v. a. to pick in pieces, — mduptuha. yu-ptu'-ptu-za, v. red. of yuptuza. jru-ptus', cont. of yuptuia; yuptu^ iyeya. yu-ptus'-kl-ya, v. a. to cause to crack or split, — yuptu^wakiya. yu-ptus'-ya, v. a. to cause to split or crack, — yuptuswaya. yu-ptu'-za, V. a. to make crack or split, a& a board, by boring, — mduptuza. 3ru.s, cont. of yuza ; yus naiir). yu-sa', adv. prickly, knobby, sharp ; i. q. owasiq pepeya bosdan ya^ka. yu-sa'-kim, adv. both together. yu-sa'-kim-tu, adv. both together. yu-sai)', V. a. to make brownish or whitish, to make fade, — mdusai) . 3ru-sa'-pa, v. a. to blacken, — mdusapa. yu-sba', v. a. to ravel out ; to pick to pieces, as wool, — mdusba, dusba. yu-sba'-sba, v. red. of yusba. yu-sbu', V. a. to make a rattling or rustling noise, as in taking hold of shelled corn, — mdusba. yu-sbu '-pi-se, adv. with a noise ; said of one diving. yu-sbu'-sbu, v. red. of yusbu. yu-sde'-ea, v. a. to split, — mdusdeda, uijyusde- capi. yu-sden', cont. of yusdeca ; yusden iyeya. yu-sden'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to split, — yusden- wakiya. yu-sden'-ya, v. a. to cause to split, — yusden- waya. yu-sde'-sde-ca, v. red. of yusdeca. yu-sdi', v. a. to press out, as fat with the hand, to make ooze out, — mdusdi. yu-sdi'-tka, v. a. to make taper ; to make small by pinching, — mdusditka. TUS 271 YUS yu-sdo'-har), v. a. to draw or drag along, to draw, as a horse does a load ; to lead a horse, — mdu- sdohai}. yu-sdo'-har(-har), v. red. of yusdohai). yu-sdo'-har)-yar), adv. dragging along. yu-sdo'-he-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to draw along, — y usdoh e wakiya. yu-sdo'-sdo, ».a. to make soft hy pressing with the hand, as an apple, — mdusdosdo. jru-sdun', cont. of yusduta ; yusdun ic'u and yu- sdun iyeya. yu-sdu'-ta, v. a. to pull out, to draw out from under, — mdusduta, dusduta. yu-sem', cont. of yusepa ; yusem iyeya. yu-se'-pa, v. a. to rub off, as paint, to deface ; to wear off, as the skin from the hand, — mdusepa. yu-ska', v. a. to whiten, cleanse ; to clean up ; to gather with the fingers, — mduska, duska. 3ru-ska'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to bleach, — yuska- wakiya. yu-ska'-pi-dar)-se, adv. in a compcKt body. yu-ska'-pi-se, adv. close together. yu-skem', cont. of yuskepa ; yuskem iyeya. yu-ske'-pa, v. a. to cause to escape, make eva- porate ; to drain off, — mduskepa. 3ru.-ski'-ca, v. a. to press, make tight, — mduskica. yu-skin', cont. of yuskica and yuskita; yuskin iyeya. yu-ski'-skl-ea, v. red. of yuskida. yu-ski'-skin, cont. of yuskiskica and yuskiskita. 3ru-ski'-ski-ta, v. red. of yuskita ; to wrap round and round, as in fastening a child on a board, — mduskiskita. yu-ski'-ta, v. a. to bind, bandage ; to hoop, as a barrel, — mduskita. yus-ki'-ya, v. a. to cause to hold, — yuswakiya. yu-sku', V. a. to peel off the skin with the hand ; to pare ; to shave or cut off short, as hair, — mdu- sku. yu-sku'-sku, v. red. of yusku ; to shave or cut off short, as the hair. yu-sku'-ya, v. a. to make sweet or sour, etc., to flavor, — mduskuya. yu-smag', cont. of yusmaka ; yusmag iyeya. yu-smag'-sma-ka, v. red. of yusmaka. yu-sma'-ka, v. a. to make a hollow place, indent, — mdusmaka. yu-sma'-ka, n. a hollow place. See osmaka. jTU-sma'-sma-ka, v. red. of yusmaka. yu-sma'-sma-ka, n. hollow places. yu-smir)', f.a. to pick off, as meat from a bone, — mdusmii). yu-sniir)'-sinir), v. red. of yusmig. 3ru-snur)'-yar)-yai), v. a. to make smooth or bare ; to wear off smooth, — mdusmiijyaijyai). yu-smi'-smi, v. red. of yusmi ; to shave off short, as hair, — mdusmismi. yii-sna', v. a. to ring or tinkle, as little bells ; to ravel out, as a stocking ; to shake off, as leaves or fruit from a tree, — mdusna, dusna. yu-sna'-sna, v. red. of yusna. yu-sni', v. a. to put out, extinguish, as a fire ; to make cold, — mdusni. yu-sni'-sni, v. red. of yusni. yus-o', V. n. to swim, as a duck or muskrat. yus-o'-dar)-ka, v. n. to be slow, to loiter : ecen mdusodaijka. yus-o'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to swim, in the man- ner of a duck, — yusowakiya. yu-son', cont. of yusota ; yuson iyeya. yu-son'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to use up, — yuson- wakiya. 3ru.-son'-ya, v. a. to cause to use up, — yuson- waya. 3ru.S-Os'-0, v. red. of yuso. yu-so'-ta, V. a. to use up, make an end of, ex- pend,— mdusota, dusota, uqsotapi. yu-spa'-i-cu-se-ma-ni, v. to limp. yu-star)'-ka, v. a. to moisten, — mdustaqka. yu-sto', V. a. to smooth down, as the hair, to make smooth : pa yusto, to oil and smooth the head, — mdusto. yu-sto'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to make smooth, — yustowakiya. yu-sto'-sto, V. red. of yusto. yu-sto'-ya, v. a. to cause to make smooth, — yustowaya. yu-su', V. a. to make right, — mdusu. jni-su'-ta, V. a. to make firm, — mdusuta, ui)yu- sutapi. 3ru-su'-ya, v. a. to cause to make well, — yusu- waya. yu-sa', V. a. to make red by touching, — mdusa. yii-s'ag', cont. of yus'aka. yu-s'ag'-ya, v. a. to overburden, overload, — yu- s'agwaya. yu-s'a'-ka, v. n. to be heavily laden, have as much as one can carry, — mdus'aka, du^'aka. yu-SEun', cont. of yusapa ; yu^am iyeya. yu-sam'-ya, v. a. to cause to soil, — yu^amwaya. yu-sa'-pa, v. a. to soil, blacken, or defile any thing, — mdusapa, uijyusapapi. yu-sbe', v. a. to make deep, — mdusbe. yu-sbe'-ya, adv. deeply ; yusbeya waqka. yu-sda', v. a. to make bare or bald ; to cut off, as hair ; to shear, as sheep ; to pull out, as grass or weeds, to weed ; to reap ; to pick off, as the fea- thers of ducks, etc., — mdusda, dusda, uqsdapi. yu-sda'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to pull, pluck, or shear off, — yusdawakiya. YU8 278 YUS yu-sda'-sda, v. red. of yuida. yu-sda'-ya, v. a. to uncover ; to pull off, — mdu- sdaya. yu-sda'-ye-hna, adv. plainly, manifestly, openly : yusdayehna yuza. yu-sdi', V. a. to press or squeeze with the hand, — mduMi. yu-sdi '-ya, adv. pressing : yuMiya iyakaika, to squeeze up and tie tight, 3ru.-sdog', cont. of yusdoka ; yuMog iyeya. yu-sdog'-ya, v. a. to cause to pull off or out, — yusdogwaya. yu-sdo'-ka, v. a. to pull off, as a garment ; to pull out, as a cork from a bottle, — mdusdoka, uqsdokapi and uijyusdokapi. yu-sdo'-sdo-ka, v. red. of yusdoka. yu-sdun', cont. of yusduta ; yusdun iyeya. yu-sdu'-sdu-ta, v. red. of yusduta; to make smooth or slippery, — mdusdusduta. yu-sdu'-ta, v. a. to slip out, to let slip from one, — mdu^duta. yu-se'-ca, v. a. to deaden, to make dry, — mdu- seca. yu-se'-kse-ea, v. red. of yuseca. yu-sen', cont. of yuseda ; yu^en iyeya, to cause to wither. 3ru.-si'-ea, v. a. to make had ; to injure, spoil, — mdusica. yu-si'-hda, v. a, to make angry, — mduiihda. yu-si'-Rai), v. a. to make act badly, — mdusihai]. 3ni-si'-hai)-yai), adv. causing to do badly. yu-si'-Mii), v. a. to enfeeble, — mdusiMiij, mayu- sihtiq. 3ni-si'-Mii)-pl, n. feebleness. yu-si'-Mir)-yar), adv. feebly : yusihtiqyafl ec'og- yu-sim', cont. of yusipa ; yu^im iyeya. yu-sim'-si-pa, v. red. of yusipa. yu-sir)', v. n. to wrinkle. 3ru-sir)'-pi, n. wrinkles. yu-sir) '-sir), v. red. of yusiij ; to wrinkle. yu-sii)'-sir), v. a. to tickle, — mdusiij^ii). yu-sir) '-ya-y a, i». «. to be afraid ; to be fright- ened,— mayusiijyaya, niyusiqyaya, uijyu^i^ya- yapi. yu-sir) '-ye-y a, v. a. to frighten, terrify, — yusig- yewaya, yusiriyeuijyaripi. yu-si'-pa, v. a. to break off close, as the limbs of a tree, tlie teeth of a comb, or projecting pins, — mdusipa. yu-ska', v. a. to loosen, untie, — mduska, duska, ui)yuskapi. yu-skar)'-skap, v. a. to cause to move about, — mdu^kariskai). yu-ske'-har), v. a. to make wild, — mdu^kehaij. yu-Bke'-har)-har), v. red. of yu^kehaq ; to make prance about, — mduskehaijhai). yu-ski', V. a. to plait, to gather, — mdu4ki, uij- yuskipi. yu-ski'-ca, v. a. to press, squeeze, wring, as clothes ; to milk, as a cow, — mduskic'a. 3ru-skin', cont. of yu^kic'a ; pte yuskin mda, / go to milk the cow. JTU-ski'-pi, part, plaited, gathered infolds. yu-ski'-ska, v. a. to make rough, difficult, or complicated, — mduskiska. JTU-ski'-ske-ya, v. a. to cause to make difficult, — yuskiskewaya. yu-ski'-ski-ca, v. red. of yudkic'a. yu-sko'-kpa, v. a. to hollow out, as a trough, — mduskokpa. 3ru-skoin', cont. of yu^kopa ; yu^kom iyeya. yu-sko'-pa, v. a. to bend, to make crooked or twisting, — mduskopa. yu-sko'-sko-pa, v. red. of yuskopa. 3ru-sko'-tpa, v. a. to hollow, — mdu^kotpa. yu-sku', V. a. to shell off, as corn with the hands, — mdusku. yn-sku'-sku, v. red. of yu^ku. yu-sna', v. a. to drop any thing, to let slip, to make a mistake, — mdusna, du^na, UQ^napi. 3ni-sna'-kor)-za, v. to pretend to make a mistake, — y usnawakoi) za. yu-sna'-pi, n. a mistake. yu-sna'-sna, v. red. of yusna ; to try to catch and fail of ten, to miss, — mdusnasna. yu-sni'-sni-za, v. red. of yusniia. 3ru-siii'-za, V. a. to cause to wither, — mdusniia. yu-so'-sa, v. a. to make muddy, to roil up, — mdusosa. yu-spa', V. a. to break off, to separate from, to de- tach ; to break loose from, break away, escape ; to free from ; to break open, — mdu^pa, uijyuspa- pi : ih^ai^^a,, to free oneself from. yu-spa'-spa, v. red. of yu^pa ; to break in pieces, — mdu^pa^pa. 3ni-spi', V. a. to pick or gather, as berries ; to pull off, — mdu^pi, uijipipi. yu-spi'-spi, V. red. of yu^pi. yu-spu', V. a. to pick off with the hand any thing that adheres, to pull off, — mduspu. yu-spu'-spu, V. red. of yuipu. yu-spu '-spu-pi, «. pieces broken off ; slugs. yu-spu'-spu-ya, v. red. of yulpuya. yu-spu'-ya, v. a. to scratch, as the skin when it itches, — mdu^puya, UTjyu^puyapi. jru-stai)', V. a. to finish anything; to perfect, — mdustai), dustai), ui)stai)pi and ui)yu^tai)pi. yu-sta'-sta, v. to soak a skin -preparatory to dressing it, — mdustasta. YU8 273 YUT yu-sus', cont. of yusuza ; yusu^ iyeya. yu-su'-su-za, v. red. of yusuza. yu-su'-za, v. a. to crush, as bones, — mdusuza. yu'-ta, V. a. to eat any thing, — wata, yata, uij- tapi : taku yutapi, something to eat, food. jTU-ta'-kli), V. a. to cause to lean, — mdutakiij. yu-ta'-kir)-yai), adv. leaning. yu-ta'-ku-ni-sni, v. a. to destroy, — mdutakuni- sni. 3ru-ta'-ku-ni-sni-yar), adv. destroying. 3ru-ta'-ku-siii, v. a. to bring to naught; to frustrate, — mdutakusni. yu-tai)', V. a. to honor, glorify, — mdutai). yu-t'ai)', V. a. to touch, to feel, — mdut'ai). yu-tai)'-eo-dar), v. a. to make naked, — mdutai) - codaq. yu-tar)'-ir), v. a. to make manifest, to expose, — mdutaijii). yu-tar)'-lr)-yar), adv. manifestly. yu-tar)'-ka, v. a. to make great or large, to en- large,— mdutai) ka. yu-tar)'-ka-ya, adv. largely, greatly. yu-tar)'-ni, v. a. to make old, to wear out, — mdutaqni. yu-tar)'-ni-ka, v. a. to wear out, as clothes ; to make old, — indutaqnika. yu-t'ar)'-t'ar), v. red. of yut'ai). yu-tar)'-tor(, v. a. to make last well, to make substantial, — mdutai) toi). yu-tai)'-tor)-sni, v. a. to use up, expend, — mdutai) toi)sni. yu-tar)'-tor)-siii-yar), adv. expending. yu-tar)'-yar), adv. praising. yu-ta'-om, adv. leaning : yutaom ehde, to place leaning. yu-ta'-or)-pa, v. n. to lean. See yutaom. yu-ta'-ta, v. a. to shake off, as dust from a gar- ment; to scrape or brush off with the hand, — mdutata. yu-te'-ea, v. a. to make new, renew — mdutec'a, duteca, ui)yutecapi. yu-te'-har), v. a. to put off, prolong ; to make slow, retard, — mdutehai). yu-te'-M-ka, v. a. to make difficult, make hard to be endured, — mduteWka. yu-tem', cont. of yutepa ; yutem iyeya. yu-tem'-te-pa, v. red. of yutepa. yu-te'-pa, v. a. to wear off short, — mdutepa. yu-ti'-6a, v. a. to scrape away, as snow, with the hand ; to paw, as a horse does, — mdutica. yu-tim', cont. of yutipa ; yutim iyeya. yu-tim'-ti-pa, v. red. of yutipa. yu-tin', cont. of yutica ; yutin iyeya. yu-tir)'-ta, i;.a. to pull out long hairs, to strip off long hairs, — mdutiqta. 35 yu-ti'-pa, V. a. to cramp, as muscles ; to make crisp or draw up, as burnt leather. yu-ti'-tar), v. a. to pull, — mdutita^, dutitaq. yu-ti'-tar)-yar), v. a to cause to pull at, — yu- titaijwaya. yu-tke'-ya, adv. deeply ; said of a bluff shore where the water is deep, i. q. yukseya. yu-tki'-tka, v. yutkitka yuza, to take hold of a bunch of any thing. yu-tku'-ga, v. a. to break off square, — mdutku- ga. yu-tkut', cont. of yutkuga ; yutkuh iyeya. yu-tkui)s', cont. of yutkuqza ; yutkuqs iyeya. yu-tkur)'-tkui)-ta, v. See yukujgtkuqta. yu-tkur)'-za, v. a. to cut off even, as with shears, — mdutkuijza. yu-tku'-tku-ga, v. red. of yutkuga ; to break or divide in several pieces. 3ru.-tog'-ye, v. a. to make different. See yuto- keca. yu-to'-kar), v. a. to put in another pla^e, remove ; to reject, — mdutokag. yu-to'-kar)-kar), v. red. of yutokaq ; yutokai)- kai) iyeya, to scatter abroad. yu.-to'-kar)-yar), adv. in another plaxx, removed : yutokaijyai) iyeya. yu-to'-ke-ea, v. a. to make different, to alter, — mdutokeca. yu-to'-na-na, v. a. to diminish, — mdutonana. yu-to'-to, V. a. to clear off, as a field, — mdutoto. yu-to'-tom-ya, v. a. to soak and make soft, — yutotomwaya. 3ru.-to'-to-pa, V. n. to become soft, as leather, by soaking. yu-tpa', V. a. noge yutpa, to make deaf ; ista yutpa, to make blind : yutpapi se haq and yutpa- pi se iyeya. yu-tpar)', «). a. to mash or grind fine, as corn, — mdutpai). yu-tpar)'-tpar), v. red. of yutpag. yu-tpa'-tpa, v. red. of yutpa. yu-tpi', V. a. to crack with the fingers, — mdutpi. yu-tpi'-tpi, V. red. of yutpi. yu-tpu'-tpa, V. a. to crumble and throw about ; to mix up together, — mdutputpa. yu-tug'-tu-ka, v. red. of yutuka; to pick to pieces, as furs. yu-tu'-ka, v. a. to pull off or destroy, as fur ; to spoil, — mdutuka : yutukahaq, to be pulling off, as hair, etc. yu-tu'-ka-ka, v. red. of yutuka ; to bend up, to hurt, as in a trap ; to destroy, — mdutukaka. yu-tu'-ta, V. a. to make smart, — mdututa. yu-tu'-tka, v. a. to break in small pieces, — mdu- tutka. YUT 274 YUZ yu-tu'-tu-ka, v. red. of yutuka. yu-tu'-tu-pa, V. a. to make slimy or slippery, — mdututupa. yu-ta', V. a. to kill ; poskin yuta, to choke to death, kill by hanging, — mduta. 3ru-tir)s', cont. of yutiijza ; yutiqs iyeya. yTi-tir)s'-tir)-za, v. red. of yutigza. yu-tir)'-za, v. a. to draw tight, to tighten, — mdu- tii)za. yu-wa'-eiri-hirj-yaij-za, v. a. to make cross, — mduwacir)liii)yar)za. yu-"wa'-eir)-ksa-pa, v. a. to make wise, — mdii- wacii)ksapa. yu-'wa'-6ii)-tai)-ka, v. a. to make magnanimous ; to make obstinate, — mduwac'igtaijka. yu-'wa'-eir)-tor), v. a. to make intelligent, — radu- wacir)tor). yu-wa'-Biba-dar), v. a. to make gentle, — mdu- walibadai). yu-'wa'-h'ba-ka, v. a. to make mild or gentle, — mduwaibaka. yu-"wa'-hpa-ni-ea, v. a. to make poor, — mdu- walipanica, mayuwalipanica. yu-"wa'-Me-snl, v. a. to make bad, do badly, — mduwalitesni. yu-"wa'-kai), v. a. to set apart, consecrate, — mduwakai). yu-"wa'-kar)-yai), adv. consecrating. yu-'war)g', cont. of yuwaijka ; yuwaijg iyeya. yu-"war)'-ka, v. a. to throw down, to make lie down ; to demolish, — mduwaijka. yu-wax)'-ka-dar), v. a. to make soft or tender, — mduwaqkadar). yu-"\war)'-kan, v. yuwankan icu, to lift or raise up ; yuwai)kan iyeya. yu.-'war)'-kan-tu-ya, adv. upwards, above. yu--war)'-kai)-yar(, adv. up. yu-'wa'-s'ag, cont. of yuwa^'aka ; yuwas'ag iyeya. yu-"wa'-s'ag-ya, v. a. to cause to make strong, — yuwa^'agwaya. yu-"W"a'-s'a-ka, v. a. to make strong, strengthen, — mduwas'aka, uijyiiwas'akapi. yu-"wa'-sa-ka-dar), v. a. to make cheap or easy, — mdu wasakadai) . yu-'wa'-s'a-ke-sni, v. a. lo make weak, enfeeble, — mduwas'akesni. yu-^wa'-ste, v. a. to make good, to bless, — mdu- waste, uijyuwa^tepi. yu-"we'-ei, v. See yueci. yu-Tve'-ga, v. a. to break, as a stick, with the hands, but not entirely off ; to break, as a bone, — mduwega, ui)yuwegapi. yu-weh', cont. of yuwega ; yuweh iyeya. yu-"weh'-"we-ga, v. red. of yuwega. yu-vreh'-'weli, cont. of yuwehwega. yu-'weh'-ya, v. a. to cause to break, etc., — yu- wehwaya. yu-'wi', V. a. to wrap around, bind up, bandage, — mduwi, ujjyuwipi. yu-"wi'-ea-ka, v. a. to make true ; to prove, convince ; to show that a cause is true, to esta- blish it, — mduwicaka. yu-'wn.'-ea-sta, v. a. to make manly : yuwic'asta se UT), one who is bad but always wishes to be thought good. yu-^wi'-ea-eta-sni, v. a. to seduce, corrupt, — mduwicastasni. yu-'wi '-hnu-ni, v. a. to cause to perish, to de- stroy,— mduwihnuni. yu-'wi'-hnu-ni-yar), v. a. to cause to destroy, — yuwihnuniwaya. yu.-'wi'-no-Mr)-ca, v. a. to make a woman of, to render effeminate, — mduwinohiq c'a. yu.-'wirj'-ga, v. a. to turn around, turn back, — mduwiijga. yu-"wir)fi', cont. of yuwi^ga ; yuwiijli iyeya. 3ru-'wii)li'-'wii)-ga, v. red. of yuwii)ga. yu-"wlr)li'-ya, adv. coining round : yuwiijhya, hdicu. yu-'wiijs', cont. of yuwiijza ; yuwiri^ iyeya. yu-vn.i)s'-'wii)-za, v. red. of yuwiijza. yu-'wlr)s'-ya, v. a. to cause to bend down, — yu- wiijswaya. jru.-'wirj'-ta, v. a. to spread out the hands, to worship ; to salute. The ceremony of salutation, among the Dakotas, consists in extending the hand towards the person saluted. It is, however, I believe, confined to their feasts. yu-'wir)'-za, v. a. to bend or break down, — nidu- wirjia. yu-'wi '-tai), v. a. to honor one, to glorify, — mdu- wi tai). yu-'wi'-ta-ya, v. a. to collect together, assemble, — mduwitaya. yu-'wi'-ta-ya, adv. all together, assembled. yu-'wl'-tko, V. a. to make drunk, — mduwitko. yu-'wi'-tko-tko, v. a. to make foolish, — mdu- witkotko. yu-"wi'-tko-tko-ka, v. a. to make foolish, — mduwitkotkoka. yu-"wi'-ya-ya, v. a. lo make ready, prepare. See yuwiyeya. yu-'wi'-ye-ya, v. a. to make ready, prepare, — mduwiyeya. yu-"WO'-hdu-ze, v. a. to make wohduze, — — mduwohduze. yu-'Wo'-hdu-ze-tor), v. a. to consecrate, dedi- cate,— yuwohduzewatoi). yu'-za, V. a. to take hold of, catch, hold ; to take a wife, — mduza, duza, uijzapi. YUZ 275 ZIT 3ni-za'-hai), v. a. to make a noise, as by tearing cloth, — mduzahai). yu-za'-nmi, v. a. to open, uncover ; to open out, as a door, — mduzamni ; yuzamni ehde, to set open. 3ru-za'-mni-har), adv. standing open : ynzamni- hai) ehde. yu-za'-mni-mni, v. red. of yuzamni. yu-zai)', V. a. to part or separate, as high grass ; to push aside or raise up, as a curtain, — mduzai). jTU-za'-pa-pi-se, adv. with a rush, impetuously : yuzapapise napeuijyaijpi. yu-ze', V. a. to dip, lade out, as food from a kettle ; to skim, — mduze, duze, uqzepi. yu-zi'-ea, v. a. to stretch, as a sMn, — mduzica. yu-zig'-zi-ea, v. red. of yuzica ; to stretch, make pliable, — mduzigzic'a. 3ru-zin', cont. of yuzica ; stretching : en yuzin amaiipi, they stretch it to me, they charge all upon me : yuzin ic'u, to stretch. yu-zog', cont. of yuzoka ; yuzog ic'u. yu-zo'-ka, v. a. to stretch out from one, — mdu- zoka. yu-zun'-ya, adv. connectedly. 3ru.-zur)'-ea, v. a. to connect. See yuzuijta. yu-zur)'-ea-ya, adv. connectedly. 3ru-zui)'-ta, v. a. to connect, — mduzuijta. yu-za', v. a. to mash ; to stir up, as mush, to make mush, — mduia, uijyuiapi. yu-zag', cont. of yuiaka ; yuzag iyeya. yu-za'-h£ii), v. a. to make a jarring noise, — mduiahai). yu-za'-hai), adj. sounding. 3ru-za'-he-ya, adv. sounding, harshly. jni-za'-ka, V. a. to pull open, strain open, as the eyes, — mduiaka. yu-za'-pi, part, mixed up, as mush ; i. q. wo- iapi. jTU-za'-za, V. a. to wash, as clothes, etc., — mdu- iaia, duiaia, ui)za^api and ui)yuiaiapi. jni-zim', or jruzib, cont. of yuiipa ; yuiim iyeya. yu-zim'-na-na, adv. pinching a little : yuiim- nana mduza. 3ru-ziin'-zi-pa, v. red. of yuiipa. 3ru-zir)', V. a. to stretch out, as a skin on a board or stick, — mduziq. YOriix)' -CB., V. a. to pull or blow, as the nose, — mduziijda : poge yuiiijca. 3ru-zi'-pa, V. a. to pinch, — mduzipa, mayuiipa. yu-zip'-zi-pa. See yuiimiipa. yu-zo', V. a. to scratch, — mduio. yu-zo'-ha^, n. a scratch. yu-zo'-zo, V. red. of yuio ; to scratch or make rough, as cats, by clawing, — mduioio. yu-zui)', V. a. to pull out by the-roots, as a tooth or quill ; to pull up, as any thing growing, — mduiui). 3ru.-zu'-zii, V. a. to tear down, destroy, deface ; to pull in pieces, undo, open, as a bundle ; to make void, as an agreement, etc., — mduiuiu, ui)yuzu- iupi and ugiuiupi. Z, the twenty-eighth letter of the Dakota alphabet, with the same sound as in English. za. See yuza. za-hai)', adj. See zazahaij. Za'-ke, n. p. the Sac or Sauk Indians. za'-mni. See yuzamni. za'-mni-hai), part, uncovered. za'-mni-"wa-hai), part, uncovered. za-ni', adj. well, not sick, — mazani, uijzanipi : also said of a part of the country from which the game has not been hunted, unmolested. za-ni'-ka, adj. healthy, sound, well, — mazanika. za-ni'-ken, adv. in health. za-ni'-yai), adv. well, in health ; zaniyaij waurj. za-ni'-yar)-ken, adv. in health. zar)-zar)', adv. separate, standing far apart, as stalks of grass. zar)-zai)'-na', adv. scattered, standing far apart. za'-ptar), num. adj. five. za'-ptar)-ki-ya, adv. in five ways, in five places. za'-ptar)-na, adv. only five. za'-ptai)-ptar), adv. by fives, five apiece. za-za'-hai), adj. ragged. ze, adj. disturbed. See canze. ze'-ka, adj. disturbed. See canzeka. ze'-ya, v. a. to make angry, — zewaya, zemayai). ze-ze'-ya, adv. swinging : zezeya ehnaka. zi, adj. yellow. zib-zi'-pe-dai), adj. thin, fine, as silk or fine cloth. zi'-6a. See yuzica. zi-ca', n. the reddish grey squirrel, common in the Dakota country. zl'-ea, n. the partridge or pheasant. zi-ea'-ho-ta, n. the common grey squirrel, the grey ground-squirrel. zi'-ca-tar)-ka, n. the turkey. zi'-ea-ti-hda-bu-daQ, n. the drumming par- tridge. zig-zi'-ea, adj. fiimsy, not firm ; elastic. zin-y a', v. a. to smoke, fumigate, — zinwaya. zi'-pe-dar(, adj. thin, fine. See zibzipedag. zip-zi'-pe-dai), adj. See zibzipedaq. zi'-ta, V. n. to smoke. See izita. ZIT 278 zuz zi-tka', n. a bird, birds of all kinds. zi-tka'-ear)-Bipai)-na, n. a small bird with a large bill. zi-tka'-dar), n. the generic rwmefor small birds. zi-tka'-sdi-dar), n. a kind of bird. zl-tka'-tar)-ka, n. the common blackbird. zi-tka'-'wa-kai)-tai)-h.ar), n. the magpie, i. q. uijkcekilia. zi-ya', V. a. to dye or -paint yellow, — ziwaya. zi-ya', adj. yellowish. zi-zi', adj. red. of zi ; yellow. zi-zi'-pe-dar), adj. Jine, thin. See zibzipedai). zu-hag', adj. striped. zu-hai)'-har), adj. red. striped. zu-he'-ya, adv. in a striped manner. zun-y a', adv. well, correctly ; joined : zunya ec'a- moi). zun-ya'-ken, adv. well, correctly, zuQ'-ea, adj. joined together, connected ; braided, woven. zui)'-ea-ya, adv. connectedly. zuij'-ta, adj. connected, braided, woven together. zui)'-te-sni, adj. incorrect, disjoined, as lan- guage. ziir)-zir)'-ea, n. the yellow-hammer, a kind of bird. zu-ya', V. n. to go on a war party, to make war ; to lead out a war party, — zuwaya, zuyaya, zuuij- yaijpi. zu-ye'-ciQ, n. the maker or leader of a war party. zu-zu'-hai), adj. striped. zu-zu'-he-ea-dar), n. the common striped ground- snake. Z, the twenty-ninth letter of the Dakota alphabet, having nearly the sound of the French j or English zh. za. See yuia. zag, cont. of iata. zag-zan'-ya, adv. red. of ianya ; forkedly. zag-za'-ta, adj. red, of iata; forked, brushy, rough. za-hai)', adj. rough, harsh, making a loud noise, as an animal ; ho iahaq. za-har)'-har), adj. rough, unpleasant, grating: ho zahaijhai). za-he'-ya, adv. roughly, harshly, not melodious, as the voice : iaheya ia. za'-ka, adj. rolling or straining, as the eyes. See yuzaka. ian, cont. of zata. zan-ya', adv. forkedly : zanya haq. zar)-zar)', n. a vial, a bottle, a glass of any kind, tvindow-glass : ^ina zaqzai), a red blanket, so called by the Missouri Indians. zar)-zai)'-hde-pi, n. a window. See ozaijiai)- hdepi. za'-ta, adj. forked, as a stick, stream, etc. ; dou- ble or forked, lying or false, as the tongue : ceii iata, to lie, speak falsely. Henok says this use of the word has been introduced by white people, za-za'. See yuiaia. za-za'-ya, adj. exposed ; i. q. Mayehna. zi, adj. thin and bristly, as the hair on the hands and arms, also like a young duck : pteii- cadai) ha kii) he ' ii.' zi'-ea, adj. rich, — maiica. See iiica and wi- zica. zi-ca'-ka, adj. rich, — maiicaka. zi'-dar), adj. thin and bristly, as hair. zin-ya', v, a. to make rich, — iinwaya. See wi- zinya. zin-ya', adv. richly. zin-ye'-6a, v. a. to make rich, — zinwayeda. zir), V. n. to stand erect, stiffen up, — raaiii). zir)-ea', v, n. to snuff up ; to hiss, — waiiijca, uij- zijjcapi. See yuiiijca. zi'-pa. See kazipa. zi-pa'-hax), part. See zipahec'a. zi-pa'-he-ca, pari, becoming smooth or hollowed out of itself, i. q. h'apeca. zi'-ya, adv. thin and standing up, as hair ; thin, scattered, and sparkling in the sunbeams. zi-zi', V. to whisper, — waiizi, yaiizi, lujziiipi. zi-zi'-do-war), v. to sing in a low, whispering, drawling manner, as the Dakota women do when lulling their infants to sleep, — iiiiwadowag, iiii- uqdowaijpi. zi-zi'-ya, adv. red, of iiya ; standing up, as the hair on one's hand. zi-zi'-ya-har), adv, whispering, zo, V. to whistle, as a man does, — waio, yaio, uij- iopi. zo-zo', V, red, of zo ; to whistle, whistle for, as for young ducks, — waioio, u^ioiopi. See ki- ioio. zo-zo'-do-wai), V, to whistle a tune, — iozowa- dowag. zo-zo'-ka, n, a jish-hawk, ZU, V, a, to put, place, lay up, — waiu, yaiu, ui)- iupi. zui). See yuiuq. zu'-zu. See kaiuiu, etc. zu-zu'-har), part. See iuzuwahaq. zu-zu'-wa-hai), part, broken, fallen to pieces, demolished, as a house ; become loose, etc APPENDIX. [When Mr. R. Craighead's printing-offlce was burnt on the 22d of January of the present year, between twenty- five and thirty pages of the manuscript of Part I. were consumed. With the assistance of the Rev. S. W. Pond of the Dakota Mission, who was then in Connecticut, this loss was repaired better than, at the time, we dared to hope for. The lost words extended from ' apa ' nearly to the end of the letter ' a.' The printing was immediately recommenced ; and as soon as this portion was completed, the sheets were sent to Dr. T. S. Williamson, at Kaposia, Minnesota, with the request that they might be compared with the Dictionaries there, and that, as soon as practicable, he would forward a list of the words omitted. A few days before the concluding sheets of this part of the work went to press, this list was received, and it is here inserted as an Appendix. S. E. R.] APA AWI a-pa'-ha-dar)-ka, adv. Mil-like, convexly. a-pa'-hdu-ste, v. n. to be lame, to limp. a-pa'-kpi, v. a. to crack on any thing, as a louse. a-pa'-si, V. of pasi ; to follow after, to do after another. a-pa'-si-sa, v. of pasisa ; to sew on, to patch. a-pa'-spe-ya, adv. passim; off, as clouds. a-pa'-sdi, v. a. to squeeze out on. a-pa'-sdl-ya, adv. squeezing out on. a-pa'-si-pa, v. of pa^ipa ; to break off close on. a-pa'-tpi, V. Same as apakpi. a-pa'-tus, cont. of apatuia ; stooping down on. a-pa'-tus-ya, adv. in a stooping manner. a-pe'-co-ka-dar), and apeeokanhedar), n. a species of fish. a-pe'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to wait for, — apewa- kiya. a-po'-pa, v. n. to burst on any thing. a-po'-pa-hai), part, bursting. a-po'-zajj, v. to blow out on. a-pu'-ski-ea, v. a. to press down tight on. a-pu'-skin, cont. of apusMc'a. a-pu'-skem-ya, adv. in a filtering manner. a-pu'-ske-pa, v. to filter on any thing. a-pu'-spa, V. a. to stick on, — awapuspa. a-pu'-spe-ya, adv. sticking on. a-pu'-tir)S, cont. of aputi^za. a-pu'-tir)S-tii)S, cont. of aputiijsti^za. a-pu'-tir)S-tii)S-ya, adv. firmly. a-pu'-tir)S-tir)-za, v. red. of aputiijza. a-pu'-tir)S-ya, adv. firmly. a-pu'-tir)-za, v. a. to press down hard upon. a-sa'-ze-sni, adj. inconstant ; unchaste. a-sda'-ya, v. a. to grease over any thing, a-s'ag', cont. of as'aka ; as'ag yaijka. a-si'-ca-ho-"wa-ya, v. to bemoan, — awa^icaho- wamda. a-si'-Mir), v. n. to be miserable on account of. a-si'-Mir)-ya, adv. poorly, miserably. a-sni'-yag-yar), v. n. to crawl, creep. a-ta'-ku-ni-sni, v. n. to come to nothing, — ama- takunisni. a-ta'-om, cont. of ataoi)pa. a-ta'-om-ya, adv. leaning. a-ta'-oi)-pa, v. n. to lean, as the sun does in the afternoon. a-ta'-to-har), and atatoheya, adv. to the wind- ward. a-ti'-hna-ka, and atihnagya, adv. near to. a-tir)', and atiQka, adv. tolerably well. a-to'-ke-ea, v. n. to be different from : atokeda sni, there is no difference. a-ur)'-ye-ya, v. a. of auijyai) ; to cause to be on. a-ur)'-ye-ya, v. n. to approach from the wind- ward. a-uri'-ye-ya-pi, n. a species of berry, which if approached from the windward is said to be bit- ter, but if from the opposite direction, sweet. a-'wa'-cirj-ken, adv. thinking of, intent upon. a-vra'-hiri-he, v. to snow upon. a-'wa'-hir)-he-ya, v. a. to cause to snow on. a-Ava'-hirj-he-ya, adv. snmoing upon. a-Awa'-hpa-lii, v. n. to become poor. See awa- hpaniea. a-vra'-ke-ya, v. a. to cover over, to curtain, — awakewaya. a-"wa'-ke-ya-pi, n. a-Tva'-ste-ka, v. n. a-"wi'-ca-8'a, n. shouting. a-Avi'-ea-ya-spu-ya, n. the itch. a-'wi'-hnu-ni, v. n. to come to naught. a--wi'-hnu-ni-yar), v. a. to use up, destroy, — awihnuniwaya. a'-wi-tu-ka-dar), adv. exceedingly ; familiarly. curtains. to be good, to befit. AYA 278 AZI a-yai)'-pa, v. n. to become light on ; to endure until morning, — amayaqpa. a-ya'-ta-ya, and ayatayaken, adv. by guess. a-ya'-te-ya, v. a. to cause to foretell. a-yu'-gir), v. n. to slumber, — amdugig. a-3ru.'-liinu-za, v. to shut, as the hand, ore any thing. a-yu'-fia, v. n. to become attached to. A-yu'-liba, or lyuhba, w. p. {sleepy ones) the Iowa Indians. a-yu'-kaq, v. to go around, leave unmolested. a-yu'-kar)-yar), adv. going around. a-yu'-ki-pam, adv. separately, divided. a-yu'-ki-pa-tu-za, v. a. to cause to stoop or bow down on. a-yu'-smir), v. a. to make all bare, — amdusmig. a-yus'-o, V. of yuso ; to wade after. a-yu'-ta, v. a. to cover up with earth. See akata. a-yu'-t'ar), v. a. to touch, — amdut'ai). a-yu'-to kar), v. a. to put aside a little. a-yu'--wa-kar), v. a. to make wakag with or for. a-yu'--war)-kan, v. a. to exalt. a-yu'-'wi-da-ka, v. a. to assure one. a-zai)', adv. See azaqzai^ka. a-zai)'-zai)-ka, or azazaka, adv. thinly, stand- ing at a distance from each other. a-zi'-ta, v. n. to smoke or burn as incense. See izita. PART II. ENGLISH-DAKOTA ACK a, art. indef. war). abaft', adv. wahektapatarihar). aban'don, v. a. eipeya. aban'doned, jxirt. etpeyapi. abase', v. a. yuhukuya. abas'ed, part, yuhukun iyeyapi. abash', v. a. istenya. abash'ed, part, wisteo'a ; isten- yapi. abate', v. a. yuoptetu ; as wa- ter, alo. abat'ing, part, iwastedai) aya. abbre'viate, v. a. yuptecedai). abdo'men, n. tezi ; nige ; ikpi. abed', adv. makan waijka. abet', V. a. iciya. abhor', v. a. sicedaka ; walite- dasni. abhor'red, part, wahtedapisni. abide', v. n. ouqyaq ; en yaijka ; mdog yai)ta. abil'ity, n. wicokihi. ab'ject, adj. oijsika ; sihtiq. a'ble, adj. wawokihi ; to be able, okihi. a'bly, adv. wawokihiya ; iyoki- hiya. abode', n. tipi ; oyaijke. abol'ish, v. a. yutakuni^ni ; yu- iuzu ; yuecetusni. abom'inable, adj. wattesni ; sica. abom'inate, v. a. walitedasni. aborig'ines, n. ikcewic'asta. abort', v. a. okaskai) toq. abor'tion, n. okaskai) toQpi ; oitkotpa. abor'tive, adj. itkotpa ; una- vailing, okitpani. abound', v. n. ota toi). about', prep, oksaq ; ihduksar). above', prep, iwaijkam. above', ao?«. waijkan ; waijkan- tu ; akan ; akautu. abreast', adv. ooimdagehai) ; ipatkuga. abridge', v. a. yuptecedai). abroad', adv. manin ; wic'isni- yaq ; ti tokai} iyaya, he has gone to another house ; taijkan iyaya, gone out. ab'rogate, v. a. yuzuiu. abrupt', adj. as a steep place, maya hiqda. abscond', v. n. na^ica ; nahma- na iyaya. ab'sence, n. en uqpi ^ni. ab'sent, adj. en yaqke sni ; en ui) sni ; toki iyaya. ab'solutely, adv. itaijcaijkiya. absolve', v. a. edetusni ya ; ki- diyawa sni. absorb', v. a. kahtaq ; yuhepa. absorb'ent, n. okahtaijye. abste'mious, adj. iyatalideiiJiye ^ni. abstruse', adj. okahnih tehika. abun'dance, n. ota ; utkaijna. abun'dant, adj. wizica ; wase- ca; icewii). abun'dantly, adv. iyaki(Juya. abuse', v. a. sicaya kuwa ; tehi- ya kuwu. abu'sively, adv. icaqksiya. abyss', n. osmaka temahentuya. accede', v. n. wicada. accel'erate, v. a. duskiya ; ina- hni ya. accel'erating, pari, yuinahni- yai). accept', v. a. ic'u. accept'able, adj. oiyokipi. accept'ably, adv. iyokipiya. ac'cessory, adj. okiya. ac'cident, n. wanui) ecoi)pi. accident'aUy, adv. wanuq. acclama'tion, n. a^'api. accliv'ity, n. hmjnapta^. accom'pany, v. a. kici ya ; om ya; opa. accom'plish, v. a. ecoi) ; yu- stai) ; yuecetu ; ec'etuya. accord', v. n. otkoijza. accord'ing to, prep, eciyatai)- hai) ; hecen ; iyecen. accost', V. a. okiya. account', v. a. yawa ; wayawa ; iyawa. accu'mulate, v. a. mnayaij ; kamna. accu'mulate, v. n. icaga. accu'mulated, part, kamnag- pi. ac'curate, adj. owotaijna. ae'curately, adv. hecetu. accusa'tion, n. wiyaoijpapi ; waaiapi. accuse', v. a. iyaogpa ; en aya. accus'er, n. wiyaoijpe ciq. aceus'tomed,^a>-<. accustomed to, ecewakta ; akiho. ache, V. n. yazai). achieve', v. a. ecoi) ; yustai). achieve 'ment, n. woecoi). a'cid, adj. skuya. a'cid, n. wiskuye. acid'ify, v. a. skuyeya. acknowl'edge, v. a. ohdaka. ackno-wl'edgment, n. wo- hdakapi. AGO 280 AGG a'corn, n. uta ; uskuyec'a ; pe- ksu ; petsudaq. acquaint', V. a. sdonyeya; oki- yaka. acquaint 'ed,^ar/. sdonkiciya- pi, they know each other. acquire', «). a. kamna; yamna; okini. acquit', v. a. ba ini ; jmowotag- na ; kiyuska. a'crid, adj. pa. across', adv. hdakiijyai) ; opta ; across a river, akasaqpa ; across by a near way, kokam ; ako- kam. act, V. a. ecor) ; haq ; ohaijyag. act, n. wicohai). ac'tion, w. woecoij ; wicohaij. ac'tive, adj. minihec'a ; ohaqko ; haijdita. ac'tively, adv. minihenya ; oharikoya ; haijditaya. activ'ity, n. ominiheca. acute', adj. pesto. ad'age, n. iapi. adapta'tion, n. iyecetuyapi. add, V. a. yuwitaya. add'ed, part, kokizuyapi. addiet'ed, part, addicted to, ecoi) s'a ; ecewakta. addi'tion, n. yuwitayapi. address', v. a. okiya. adept', n. wayupike ciq. ad'equate, adj. iyec'etu ; okihi. adhere', v. n. to cause to adhere, askamya : adhere to, askapa ; ikoyaka. adhe'sively, adv. askamya. adja'cent, adv. idahda ; ikiya- da^. adjoin', v. n. ipuskica. adjoin'ing, part, idahda hai). adjourn', v. a. enakiya. adjudge', v. a. yado. adjust', V. a. yuedetu ; piya. adjust' edi, part, yuecetupi; pi- yapi. ad'Hiirable, adj. iyokipi ; oiyo- kipi ; wa^te. admire', v. a. wastedaka. admir'ed, part, wastedakapi. admit', v. permit, iyowiqkiya ; be large enough to receive, kipi, okipi ; assent to, wicada. admon'ish, v. a. wahokorikiya ; iyopeya. admon'ished, jmrt. iyopeyapi ; wahokoijkiyapi. admoni'tion, n. wowahokoij- kiye. ado', n. oko : to make ado about, aokoya. adopt', v. a. tawakiya ; di^da yawa ; ciqdaya ; diijda iyeden yuha. adop'tion, n. diijda yawapi. ador'able, adj. okinihaij ; kini- haijpi. adora'tion, n. wakaridapi ; wo- ohoda. adore', v. a. wakagda ; ohoda ; kinihai). ador'ed, part, ohodapi ; ahoki- papi. adorn', v. taku wa^te koyoka ; kihdapa. adom'ing, n. wokoyake waste. adrift', adv. okahboka. adroit', adj. wayupika. adroit'ly, adv. wayupiya. adult', n. tuwe hoksike sni ; tuwe ugdihi. adul'terate, v. a. taku tokeda ididahiya. adul'terer, n. ) wawidihahapi adul'teress, n. j edo^ s'a. adul'tery, n. wawidihahapi ; wiinahmaripi. adum'brate, v. a. aha^ziya. advance', v. n. ya ; iyopta : to go before, tokata ya ; kahinto- kam mani. advEinc'ing, part, iyoptapi. ad'vent, n. hipi. adven'turous, adj. wadita- ka. ad'versary, n. toka. adver'sity, n. idansidapi ; wo- sice ; woiyoki^ide. advert', v. advert to, daieyata ; cazehdata ; ekta ewadig. advertise', v. a. oyaka. advice', n. wowahokoijkiye. advise', v. a. wahokoijkiya. advis'ed, part, wahokoijkiya- pi. advis'er, n. wahokogwidakiye dig. ad'vocate, v. a. idiya. ad'vocate, n. wawidiya. adze, n. dan-idakaq. afar', adv. tehai). affable, adj. wohdake s'a. afikir', n. woedoi) ; taku edoijpi. afffec'tionate, adj. wadaijtki- ya. affi'ance, v. a. yuipa ; wohpa. afii'anced, part, wohpapi. aflB.rm', v. a. kitaq ; eya kitaij. affirma'tion, n. kitaqpi. affix', V. a. en kaga ; akaga. afflict', V. a. iyokisinya ; kakii- ya. afflict'ed, part, iyokisinyapi ; kaMsyapi. afflic'tion, n. wokakdze. affluent, adj. wizida; watoq- ka ; waseda. affluence, n. woyuha ota. affbrd', v. a. to be able, okihi ; to be willing, widada ; to pro- duce, idahya. SLSright', V. a. yusiijyeya ; ini- haijyaq ; wakokipekidaga. afiright'ed, part. yuMiiyaya; inihai). aflPiright'edly, adv. inihaijyai). aflMght'ing, adj. wawinihaij. aiiront', v. a. car)te oki(Juninya. afftont'ed, part, ca^ksi ; dai|- niyar) ; sihda. afloat', adv. okapota ; akapon. afoot', adv. huiyui] ; huyaken mani. afraid', adj. kopehda ; koMpe- yahai) : afraid of, ikopa ; koki- pa ; toijhai) ; toqheda. afresh', adv. ake ; piya. aft, n. wahektapata. after, adv. hakam. after, prep, ihakam ; iyoha- kam ; iliektam ; ahakam. after-act, n. iyohakam eco^pi. afternoon, n. wiyotaqhaij sai)- pa ; wiyotai)hai) inasdoka ; wi- ataomya yaijka. afterwards, adv. hakam ; iyohakam ; ihakamya ; oha- kam ; ocim. again', adv. ake ; ake^ ; ak^a. against', prep, ka^eya : against the wind, tatoheya ; tatohekiya : against the grain, apahatka ; leaning against, atakiijyai) ; over against, iyotakoi)s ; itaka- saijpa. age, n. of age, hoksike sni ; uij- dilii. a'ged, adj. wanakas wota ; kai) : an aged man, baha ; wicahiqca : an old woman, wakaijka. a'gent, n. tuwe edoijkiyapi. ag'grandize, v. a. yutaijka; wiiica kaga. AGG 281 ANG ag'gregate, v. a. yuwitaya ; kokiiuya. aggress', v. a. anataij ; iyai- paya. aggres'sion, n. anawicatagpi. ag'ile, adj. duzahai) ; ohaijko. agil'ity, n. ohaijwicako. ag'itate, v. a. yucagcag ; yu- huhuza. ag'itated, ^r<. skaq^kaij : agi- tated as water when something falls into it, aga. ago', adv. long ago, wanakaza ; tanihaq ; ehaqna. ag'onize, v. iyokisini^Jiya. ag'onized, part, nina yazag ; yazaij hiijhda. ag'ony, n. nina yazaijpi. agree', v. ecitapa : agree in opinion, iyecen waciijyuza ; ki- ci tidaij. agree'able, adj. as weather, owa^tedake : as a woman, wi- wa^teka. agreed', part. okogwaijiidaq awaciijpi. ag'rioulture, «. mahkicaqyaq- pi. aground', adv. azi. a'gue, n. wicaoaqcaq ; caij- daijpi. a'gue, V. to have the ague, caij- cai). ah', intj. hehehe. aha', intj. ahaghaq. ahead', adv. tokata. aid, V. a. 6kiya. aid, n. wawokiye. ald'ed, part, okiyapi. ail, V. to be ailing, yazai). aim, V. n. mazakai) epazo. air, n. aqptaniya : air in mo- tion, okaduza ; tateyagpa. air'y, adj. iyokaduza. alarm', n. iksuyapi. alarm', v. a. yusigyeya. alarm'ed, part, kopehda ; yu- ^iqyaya ; iksuya; nihil) ciya. alas', intj. hehehe. al'cohol, n. mini-wakai). al'der, «. caputa. alert', adj. ohaijko. a'lien, n. oyate tokeca etaij- hai). alight', V. n. ipsica. alike', adv. iyececa. alive', adj. ni ui) ; niyake : to take alive, niyake yuza. 36 all, adj. owasii) ; odowasii) ; iyuhpa; osai) : all day, aijpetu osai) : all over, owaijcaya; sitomniyai). allay', v. a. yuwaste. allege', v. a. oyaka. al'legory, n. wiyacigpi. alle'viate, v. a. waste kaga. alli'ance, n. okodakiciye ; da- konkiciyapi. alli'ed, part, dakota. allot', V. a. pamni. allot'ment, n. wopamni. allo'w', V. a. iyowiijkiya ; t:u. allure', v. a. hnayaij. almigh'ty, n. iyotaq was'ake dii). al'most, adv. i^nikaes. alms, n. wahpanica wawi(5ai:u- pi. aloft', adv. waqkan ; waijkan- tu. alone', adv. nana : I alone, mi^- nana ; thou alone, niinana ; he alone, i^nana : that only, with- out any thing extraneous, ece- dai) ; he<5edai). aloud', adv. to read aloud, tai)- iijyai) yawa : speak aloud, eya niyai). Eil'phahet, n. oowagptaya. alread'y, adv. warina. al'so, adv. nakug ; kokta ; ko ; koya. al'tar, n. wahna wo^napi ; owa- yu^na. al'ter, v. a. yutokeca; piya kaga. al'terable, adj. togye kahpi- caka. alterca'tion, n. wakinic'api. alter 'nately, adv. wa;)zi ito- kto ; uijma itoto ; otoiyohi. although', conj. 'kei ; kaes ; kaed ; keyas ; ce^ ; ^es ; e^ta. altogeth'er, adv. ptaya; wi- taya. al'iun, n. wiskuye. al'vrays, adv. ohigniyaij. am, V. n. I am, waui). amal'gamate, v. a. yuidic'ahi. amanuen'sis, n. wowapi kaga. amass', v. a. kaiuna ; ezu aya. amaze', v. a. yusiijyeya. amaz'ed,^ar<. yusiijyaya; ini- hai). ambig'uous, adj. token kapi taQiq sni. , amhi'tious, adj. wohitii^Jida ; wicaita tai)ka diij. am'bush, n. anahbeya yukaij- pi ; iyawicapepi : to lie in wait for, iyape. a'men, adv. nuqwe. amend', v. n. wasteyaken aya. amend', v. a. piya kaga ; yu- zoi)ta. amen'ity, n. woiyokipi. Amer'icaji, n. Isaijtaijka. a'miable, adj. tawacii) waste ; oliai) waste ; waste hiqca. amidst', prep, cokam ; cokata. amiss', adj. hecetu ^ni ; sica. amiss', adv. Mcaya. am'ity, n. dakonkiciyapi. ammuni'tion, n. 6ah.di }^& mazasu ; ikute and icute. among' or amongst, prep, ki- 6i ; cm ; ehna. amount', n. ocowasiij. am 'pie, adj. taqka; wopteca sni. am'putate, v. a. hu kaksa ; hu baksa. am'ulet, n. arm-bands, maza- huhu. amuse', v. a. magagaya. amuse'ment, n. imagagayapi. an, indef. art. waij ; an ox, ta- taijka wai). anal'ogy, n. wiyaciqpi. an'archy, n. iyakitedag kici- zapi. anath'ema, n. wicaya^icapi. an'cestor, n. huijkake ; wica- huqkake. anch'or, v. aspeya. anch'or, n. maza aspei(Jiya : to cast anchor, maza aspei^iya minin ehpeya. anch'orage, n. oihuni. an'oient, adj. wanakaia. and, conj. ^a,; ^a ; urikaij ; na- kuq. an'eedote, n. kituijkaijkapi. anevr', adv. piya. an'gel, n. mahpiya ohnihde; waliosi wakai). an'ger, n. wocaqteptaijye ; wo- cai)tahde ; wo^ihda ; wodaijni- ye- an'gle, n. a corner, oise ; ka- limii). an'gle, V. to fish, hopsica ; ho- yupsica. an'grily, adv. c'aqksiya. ANG 282 AS an'gry, adj. sihda ; cagniyai) ; cai)teptar)yaij ; caijksi. an'guish, n. woiyokisice ; caq- te ^icapi. an'imal, n. woteea ; wamaniea : domestic animals, wanugyagpi. an'iinate, v. a. oniya : to cheer, caqtekaspeya ; iyopa^taka. an'imated, part, iditaka. an'kle, n. iskahu. annex', v. a. akaga ; en akaga. anni'hilate, v. a. ihaqgya ; yu- takimisni. anni'hilated, ^ar<. atakunisni; iliaggyapi. announce', v. a. oyaka ; ie- yagpalia. annoy', v. a. kisdeya ; nagiye- an'nual, adj. waniyetu eca. annu'ity, n. wawic'akicupi. annul', v. a. yuecetu sni. anoint', v. a. sdaya ; sdakiya ; iui) ; ikiui). cinoint'ed, part, sdayapi. anon'ymous, adj. caie wani- ca. anoth'er, adj. tokec'a ; tokai). an's"wer, n. woayupte. an'sAver, v. a. ayupta ; wa- ayupta. an's'werer, n. waayupte ciij. ant, M. tazu^ka. antag'onist, n. kici kicize cii). ant'eater, n. susbeca. an'telope, n. tatokadar). an'tie, adj. wowihaya. ant'ler, n. he yugata. an'vil, n. mazahde. a'nus, n. oijze. anxi'ety, n. wawicakihdecapi. anx'ious, adj. anxious about, wakibdeda. an'y, adj. taku ka^ta ; taku ka- kes : not any, wanica ; takudaij. apart', alur. yakogpi ; yukaijpi ; uijpi. a'rea, n. hodoka ; wahodoka. are'na, n. hodoka. ar'gue, v. n. akinida f tamya. a'rid, adj. puza ; kata. aright', adv. owotaqna ; tag- yai). arise', v. n. to stand, naziij ; ascend, waijkan ya : arise from sleep, iyotar)ka ; kikta. arith'metic, n. wayawapi. ark, ra. wata; daijwohnaka. arm, n. isto ; my arm, miisto ; the fore arm, ispahu ; the upper arm, ahdo : arm-bands, maza- huhu. arm, v. wipe ehdaku. arm'ed, part. wipe hduha; wipe ki(Jui). arm'let, n. mazahuhu. ar'mor, n. wotawe. arm'pit, n. doksi. arms, n. wipe. ar'my, n. ozuye. aromat'ie, adj. wastemna. ajotmd', prep, ihduksaij ; o- ksai) ; kohdamna ; kohdamni. arouse', v. a. iyopa^taka ; pa- nini. arrange', v. a. eden ehnaka; yuwiyeya. array', v. a. koyaka. array'ed, part, wokoyake ki- dui). arrest', v. a. to take, yuza : to cause to cease from, ayustaqya. arriv'al, n. at home, hdipi ; ki- pi : at any place where one has not dwelt, hipi ; ipi. arrive', v. n. at home or back again, hdi ; ki : to arrive at a place where one does not reside, hi ; i : to reach to, iyohi. ar'rogant, adj. wahaiji^ida. ar'row, n. waijhiflkpe : a blunt arrow, ibostake. ar'rovr-head, n. waqsmahi. ar'son, n. tipi ideyapi. ar'tery, n. ka;). art'ful, adj. ksapa. ar'tiehoke, n. pai)gi. artic'ulate, v.n. ia; enapeya. artil'lery, n. mazakaijtaijka. art'ist, n. a skilful man or an inventor, wolidokeda. as, conj. heden ; iyecen ; eden. ASC 283 BAG ascend', v. n. waqkan ya; wai)kai)tkiya ya. aBcent', n. waijkan yapi ; itaij- wai)kar)hde waijka. ascertain', v. a. sdonya ; aki- ta; iyoya. ascribe', v. a. kiciyawa. ash, n. the ash tree, psehtii) ; pseyapi. asham'ed, adj. i^teca : to make one ashamed, istenya. ash 'as, n. cahota. ashore', adv. hen : to go ashore, huta ekta ihuijni ; hen ihaq. aside', adv. icupoijpa : to shove aside, iyog iyeya. ask, V. a. da : to ask of, kida : inquire of, iwai)ga. ask'ing, part, dapi; wiwaij- gapi. asleep', adj. to be asleep, istii)- ma waijka. as'pen, n. wahcii)ca. asperse', v. a. aia. asquint', adv. istok^iq. ass, n. ^o^^oiina ; suktaijka SOI) SOI) n a. assas'sinate, v. a. tin-wida- kte. assault', V. a. iyahpaya. assem'ble, v. n. mniciya ; as- semble to, amnidiya. assem'bled, part, mniciyapi. assem'bly, n. omniciye. assent', v. n. wicada. assert', v. a. kitai) ; yatiijza. assim'ilate, v. n. iyeden ida- ga. assist', V. a. okiya : you assist mo, omayakiya. assist'ant, n. ookiye. asso'eiate, n. tawasi ; koda. asso'ciate, v. a. kidi tidai). assoeia'tion, n. okodakidiye. assort', V. a. pahi. assure', v. a. yuwidaka. astern', adv. wahektapataqhai). aston'ish, v. yusiiiyeya. aston'ished, part, inihai). aston'ishing, part, yusiijyeya : astonishing ! hopidai)niye. astray', adv. onuniyata. astride', adv. akamdas ; aka- mda^a ; adak^iq. astrin'gent, adj. waanapte. at, 2)rep. ekta ; etu. athirst', adj. ipuza. at'om, n. sukaza. atone', v. a. woahtani ka^uiu. atone 'ment, n. woyuokoqwaii- zidai) ; woahtani kazuiupi. atro'cious, adj. ^ida ; wahte- sni. atro'city, n. woahtani ; wico- hai) sida. attach', V. a. ikoyagya ; iciya- kaska. attach'ed,^a?'<. amahya ; ohai)- hdeya ; ikoyaka. attack', V. a. anatai) ; takpe. attack', n. anawidataqpi. attaek'ed, ;xw<. anataijpi. attain', v. a. iyohi. attain'able, adj. iyohipida. attempt', v. a. iyuta; uta; dhai). attend', v. a. kidi ya; 6kiya: attend to, anagoptai). attend'ant, n. ookiye. atten'tive, adj. waanagoptai). attest', r*. a. yaotaqii). attire', v. a. koyaka ; wokoya- ke kidui). attire', n. wokoyake ; heyake. attor'ney, n. wawiciya ; wo- ope aia. attrac'tive, adj. iyokipiya. auda'cious, adj. wamnaidida ; widastasni. au'dible, orf;'. nahoijpica; tai)- ii)yai). au'dibly, adv. taqiriyai) ; eya niyai). au'dienee, n. omnidiye ; ona- hoi)pi. au'ger, n. cai)iyumni. aught, n. taku kasta. augment', v. n. sam idaga. au'gur, n. waayate ; wapiye ; wiyukdai). Au'gust, n. Wasutoq-wi ; daij- pasapa-wi. aunt, n. a mother's brother's wife and a father's sister, tui)- wii) ; thy aunt, nitui)wii) : his aunt, tuijwidu. au'ricle, n. nakpa. auro'ra, n. aqpao ; mada. austere', adj. ksizeda ; kakeca. authen'tic, adj. widakapi. au'thor, n. tuwe kage dii). au'thorize, v. a. edoi) ^i. au'tograph, n. okiwapi. au'tumn, n. ptai)yetu : last au- tumn, ptiijhai). av'arice, n. wahduhahapikteda. avari'cious, adj. ohaq^ida; wahduhahakteda. avenge', v. a. tokidoij ; hda- iuzu ; watogya. aveng'er, n. toki(JoQ s'a ; wa- tokidoi). av'erage, n. henakeda detu; kanakeca detu. averse', adj. averse to, widada im. avert', v. a. yutokai) iyeya. avid'ity, n. woinahni. avoid', V. a. okamna ; itehai)- yai) ya. avoid'ing, part, okamnayai). a"wait', V. a. iyape ; iyakipe. a"wake', v. a. to awake one, yu- hida ; hduhida : awake oneself, ihduhida. avrake', v. n. kikta. avrake', adj. kiktahai) ; istii)- be sni. B.'^fra.y', v.imperat. hai)tawo. a"way', adv. en yai)ke ^ni ; to- ki iyaya. awe, n. wowinihai).. av^'ful, adj. wakokipe; wawi- nihai). awk'Avard, adj. wayuiida ; wayuhiyaya. avrl, n. tahir)4pa. av/Ti'ing, n. ohaijzihdepi. avrry', adj. paksik^ai). axe, n. oQspe ; ogspe paradas- ka : a broad-axe, oijspe taijka. ax'letree, n. daqpahraihma dai) hdakiijyai) yaijka. aye, adv. hai) ; tos ; ho. B. bab'ble, v. n. iwakai) ; iwa^iduij. bab'bler, n. woyake s'a ; iwa- kai). babe, n. hok^iyopa ; hoksiyo- Ijopa ; hoksidopa ; amomona : a doll, hoksinkagapi. bach'elor, n. widataqsna ui) ; ko^ka. back, n. tapete ; daqhahake : small of the back, miyoka^ii) : back part of a house, datku. back, V. a. to pull back, hektam yutitai). back, adv. hekta ; hektam ; te- yata ; dazata : back from, ihe- yata ; idazata ; ihektam : back and forth, ididawii) ; idipa^. BAG 284 BEH back'-ljone, «. ca^kahu. back'"ward, adj. kuia. back'-wards, adv. ituijkam : to go backwards, ite hektam itohe- yaya. ba'con, n. kuku^e sii) pusyapi. bad, adj. i\6a. ; wahteini ; wida- ^ta^ni ; ociijsica. badg'er, n. hoka. bad'ly, adv.' sicaya. bad'ness, n. taku ^ica ; wico- bai) ^ica. bag, n. ozuha ; woiuha : a bag filled, woiutoqpi : work bag, uij- ksu ; uijksudai) ; tahiqspopiye. bag'gage, n. waipaya. bail, n. ikaq : ibupa. bail, V. a. to put a bail to any thing, ihupatoij ; ikagtoi). bait, n. wataq. bait, V. a. wataq en iyeya ; wa- tai) ebnaka. bake, v. a. ^paqyaij. ba'ker, n. waspaqkiya. bald, adj. sda : bald head, pa sda ; nasu sda. bale, n. palitapi. bale, V. a. pahta : to bale out a boat, kaskepa. balk, V. a. yusna ; wicada^ni. ball, n. tapa : ball playing, ta- kapsicapi : to play ball, taka- psica : ball or bullet, maza-su ; su-wai)iidai). ball'-club, n. takicapsica. balm, n. wahpe wastemna. band, n. ipalte ; iyuskite ; te- hmiso. band'age, n. iyuskite. ban'ish, v. a. heyata iyeya. bank, n. maya. ban'ner, n. wiyokihedaij. bap'tism, n. baptem. baptize', v. a. baptem '^u. bar, n. inatake ; mahinatake. bar, V. a. nataka ; onataka. barb, n. keze. bar'barous, adj. wic'aitapisni. barb'ed, part, kestoq. bare, adj. naked, taqcodai) : bare-footed, sicodaij : bare-head- ed, pa kazamni. barge, ». caq-wata taqka. bark, m. caijha ; birch bark, taqpa : bark to smoke, caq- bark, v. a. to peel bark, caqha kahu : to bark at as a dog, pa. barley, n. psiq-ska ; ^uktaqka tawote. bam, n. ^uktaqka tipi ; peii opiye. bar'rack, n. coqka^kc. bar'rel, n. koka pahmihma. bar'ren, adj. ciijca toq sni; ta- kudai) aic'age sni. bar'ter, v. a. iciyopeya ; wope- toi). bar'ter, n. iciyopeyapi. base, n. taku ahdehe diq. base, adj. wica^tasni ; oiaq- ^uqkeca. bash'ful, adj. wi^teca. ba'sin, n. wak^ica ; oyuiaia. ba'sis, n. taku ahe cii). bas'ket, n. makaqopiye ; wa- kiskokpa. bass, n. the linden tree, hiijta. bass, n. in music, ihukuya ahi- yayapi. bass-vi'ol, n. daqdowaqkiyapi. bat, n. hupawakihdakedaq. •bath, n. oihduzaia. bathe, v. ihduiaza ; yuiaia. bat'ter, n. wozapi seececa. bat'ter, v. a. kasuza. bat'tered, part, kasuiapi. bat'tle, n. wicokicize. ba'wl, V. n. ceya ; hotoq ; ho- taijii) ; paq ; paqpai). bay, n. mdecahmii). bay, adj. sa. bay'onet, n. mazakaq iyoitaq- pi. be, V. n. uri ; yaqka ; yukag. beach, n. huta. bea'con, n. wowakta. beads, n. totodaq ; skaskadaq ; sipto. beak, n. pasu. beam, v. n. of light, iiaqiaq. bean, n. oqmnica. bear, n. black bear, wahaqksica ; wasapedaq : grey bear, mato ; matohota. bear, v. to carry, ^iq ; ki^iq : to bring forth a child, ciqdatoq : to bear fruit, aicaga : to be able, okihi : to be capable of endur- ance, wakis'aka. beEird, n. putiqhiq. beard'ed, part, putiqhiq yu- kaq. besird'less, ad;, putiqhiq nica. beast, n. woteca ; wamanica ; wanuqyaqpi. beat, V. a. apa ; kastaka : beat out as corn, kapa : beat as the pulse, kaq iyapa. beat'en, part, apapi ; kaitaka- pi : made hard as a road, nasu- tapi ; naatiqzapi. beau'tiful, adj. waite; owaq- yag waste : beautiful weather or a beautiful place, owa^tecake. bea'ver, n. cdpa. because', conj. hetaqhaq ; heoq etaqhaq ; hecenc'a. beck'on, v. n. namkawiq : beck- on to, namkicawiq. becloud', V. n. amahpiya. become', v. n. aya ; hinhda : become good, waste aya : be- come sick, wayazaq hiqhda. becom'ing, adj. iyokipiya ; awa- ^teka. bed, n. owiqia : to make a bed of, owiqia : to go to bed, iwaq- ka : to keep one's bed, makan waqka. bedaub', v. a. a^amya. bedaub'ed, part, a^apa. bedevr', v. acu ; acuya. bed'stead, n. ohehdepi. bed'-tieking, «. minihuha io- ka. bee, n. tuhmaga. beef, n. fresh beef, tado : dried meat, waconica. beet, n. paqgi sa. bee'tle, n. uqkc'epahmiyaqyaq. befall', V. n. akipa. befit'ting, adj. iyec'etu; he- cetu. before', prep, itokam ; kaye- haq : before me, mitokam. befriend', v. a. kodaya ; ana- kiksiq. beg, V. a. da ; kida ; ituka ; ociq ; wociq ; timata. beg'gar, n. wada s'a ; woda s'a. beg'ging, part, dapi ; timata. begin', v. n. tokaheya ecoq. begin'ning, n. otokaheya. begird', v. a. ipiyagtoq ; opta yuskiskita. begone', v. imperat. huqktiya ; haqta. beguile', «;. a. hnayaq. behave', v. a. behave oneself, aihduha. behead', v. a. pa baksa; pa yuksa. BEH 285 BLO behind', adv. hekta ; hektam ; hakam. behind', prep, ihektam ; ihe- ktapataghaq ; ihakam : behind something, out of sight, aisii)- yaq. behold', intj. wai) ! iijyu)] ! behold', V. a. wapyaka; wai)- hdaka. be'ing, part, uijpi. belch, V. n. mdokaska. belief ,n. wicadapi ; awacigpi. believe', v. a. wicada ; awacJiq ; wadigyaq. bell, n. mazaMahda. bel'lo"W, V. n. hotoq . bel'ly, n. tezi ; itpi and ikpi ; cowohe. bel'ly-ache, n. tezi yazaig. belong', V. n. to be owned by, tawaya. belov'ed, part, iyotaqdapi. belo'w', prep, ihukuya. beloTv', adv. kuya ; hukuya. belt, n. ipiyake. bemoan', v. a. aceya ; akiceya. bench, n. cafl-akan-iyota^kapi- bend, n. kabmig ; okabmig ; ipak^ai) ; oyuktaij. bend, v. a. yuktai) ; yukiaq ; yuwiijza : bend down on, as grass, akawigia. beneath', ^ep. ihukuya; ohda- teya. benedic'tion, n, wicayawaite- pi. ben'efit, n. wowaSte ; taku wa- ste. benefi'cial, adj. wa^te. benev'olent, adj. wadankiya ; waoijiida : to be benevolent to, (Saijtekiya. benight', v. n. atpaza. bent, adj. ^kopa ; k^agkaag. benumb', v. a. yuk^ik^a: be- numbed hands, nape k^ik^a. bequeath', v. a. aihpeya. bereave', v. a. ekidiyaku. bereav'ed,^ari. ekicihdakupi. ber'ry, n. waskuyeda. beseech', v. a. dekiya. beset', v. a. aohduteya. beside', prep, ikiyadag ; ida- hda. besides', arfj;. kokta; koktaya. besmear', v. a. a^amya. besmear'ed, part, osigsig. besprin'kle, v. a. amnimni. best, adj. iyotag wa^te ; iyotag hig. bestir', v. a. to bestir oneself, ai(Jiciya. bestO"w', V. a. itukihag. bestride', v. a. akamdas nazig ; adaksig. bet, V. a. ol^ipe en iyeya, or en iyaka^ka. betray', v. a, wiyopeya ; hna- yai)- betroth', v. a. iyata ; yuhpa ; wohpa. bet'ter, adj. sagpa waite : ra- ther better, awa^te ; ahededa ; awa^teyaken. bet"ween', prep. iyotahedag ; okitahedag. be"wail', v. a. aceya ; akideya. bC'ware', v. n. itogpa ; ihnu- hag ; ahaghag. be"wltch', V. a. hmugga ; yu- hnaskigyag. bewitch'ed, part, hmuggapi ; yuhna^kigyagpi. beyond', prep, ako; akotag- hag ; akam. bi'as, adv. kaohya. bi'ble, n. wowapi wakag. bid, V. command to do, ecog si : invite, kido. bier, n. cag-akiyuhapi ; dag- wi^ihupa. big, adj. tagka ; tagkigkigyag. bile, n. minizi. bil'ious, adj. minizi yukag. bill, n. pasu. bil'lo-w, n. taza. bind, V. a. kaska ; yuskiskita ; pahta : to bind to, iyaka^ka : to bind with ribbon, apahdantog. bind'ing, n. apahdate. bi'ped, n. wahunogpa. birch, w. tag pa. birds, n. zitkadag ; wakiye. birds'nest, n. hohpi. birth, n. togpi. birth'day, n. agpetu en togpi. birth'place, n. tukten togpi. birth'right, n. watokapa. bish'op, n. waawaghdake. bi'son, n. tatagka ; pte. bit, n. og^pa : a small piece of money, ka^papidag. bite, v. a. yahtaka ; yaiipa ; yapa. black, adj. sapa ; sapsapa. black'bird, n. zit&a-taqka ; w&- mdoia. i>m -sr;; ; black'ish, adj. stag. black'smith, n. mazakaga. blad'der, n. tadeza. blade, n. isag : blade or leaf, ape. blame, n. ba ; Mba. blank, adj. taku en ug ^ni ; owapi ^ni. blan'ket, n. sina : white blan- ket, ^ina hota : red blanket, ^ina ^a : blue blanket, dina to. blaspheme', v. a. Wakagtagka akaga ; ostehda. blas'phemy, n. oitehdapi. blast, n. of wind, tateyagpa ipo- gaP- blast, V. a. as rocks, namden iyeya. blast'ed, pari, ^tunkadag ; sni- za. blaze, v. n. ide ; itkog : to made blaze, boide ; kaide ; ide- ya. blaze, n. ide ; ide sasa. bleach, v. a. yuska ; boska ; kaska. '**" bleat, V. n. tahig wanugyagpi hotog. bleed, v. n. we au. bleed, v. a. kag katpa. blend, v. a. ididahiya. bless, v. a. yuwaite ; yawa4te. bless'ing, n. wowa^te. blight'ed, part, by cold, sni og ta ; by water, mini og ta. blind, adj. i^ta gogga : blind- ed by the sun or snow, i^to- snugia. bliss, n. wowa^te. blis'ter, n. wayatag. blis'ter, v. n. ha kasdoka ; gu. bloat, V. n. kapo. bloat'ed, part. po. block, n. dag otoza ; dag oka- kse. block'head, «. tuwe wacigtog ^ni. blood, n. we. blood'-letting, n. kagkatpapi. blood'shed, n. weyapi. blood'y, adj. wewe. bloom, V. n. hda. blos'som, n. waRda ; itka. blos'som, v. n. hda aya ; ka- mdu. blot, v. a. ^amya ; a^amya. BLO 286 BRE blovr, V. a. to blow, as the wind, or with the mouth, ipogag ; ta- teyagpa ; bomdu : to blow down, as a tree, kawagka : to blow, as an instrument, jaio ; hdaio : to blow the nose, yu- iiqda; hduziijca: to blow or fan oneself, ihdadu : to blow on, atateyaijpa : blow away, taha iyeya. Ijlub'ber, n. ihdi ; wasna. blub'ber, v. n. c'eya ; ceyekta- kta. blud'geon, n. caij otoza. blue, adj. to : to make blue, to- ya : blue beads, totodai). blue-jay, n. tetenica. blufCI m. maya hiijca; icahtake. blun'der, v. a. juina. ; ya^na ; nasna. blunt, adj. pe ^ni ; tata ; otoza. blunt, V. a. katata. blush, V. n. ite na^a hiijhda. blus'ter, v. n. idamna. boar, M. kukuse mdoka. board, n. caijmdaska. boast, V. n. ihdatai). boat, n. wata : steamboat, peta wata. bod'y, n. taijcar) ; widataijcaij. bog, n. wiwi ; hdihdidai). boil, n. siyaka o. boil, V. n. ipiga. boil, V. a. ohai) ; ipihya : to boil over, anapsoi). boil'er, n. cega. bold, adj. waditaka. bold'ly, adv. waditagya. bolt, V. a. nataka ; nakitaka ; onataka. bolt, n. inatake. bond, n. widaske. bond'age, n. widaka^kapi ; wo- widagyapi. bone, n. hu ; huhu. back-bone, daijkahu. skull or cranium, nasuliu. malar, or cheek-bone, tapoi) hu. ribs, dutuhu. sternum, or breast-bone, ma- knliu. scapula, or shoulder-blade, amdohu. shoulder, hiyete. clavicle, or collar-bone, de- Ikidate. humerus, or arm, hiqtkaijhu. radius and ulna, i^pahu. carpus, or wrist, napoka&e. metacarpus, or hand, napehu. phalanges, or fingers, napsu- kaza. thumb, napehuqka. Uium, or hip, nisehu. sacrimi, nitehu. femur, or thigh, dedu^te. leg, tibia and fibula, humdo and darikpe ; huwakipe. patella, or knee-pan, takai)gi. tarsus, or ankle, i^kahu. metatarsus, or foot, sihahu. bon'net, n. wapaha. bon'nyclabber, n. asai)pi nini. book, n. wowapi. book'-binding, w. wowapi oiu- ha kagapi. boon, n. taku kupi. boots, n. dapha^ipa haijska. bor'der, n. opapuij ; ihaijke. bore, V. a. yuhdoka ; hduhdoka. born, part, toijpi. Among the Dakotas the name of the first- born, if a boy, is Caske ; if a girl, Winona : the second, if a boy, Hepai) ; if a girl, Hapai) : the third, if a boy, Hepi ; if a girl, Hapistiijna : the fourth, if a boy, Catai) ; if a girl, Wai)- ske : the fifth, if a boy. Hake ; if a girl, Wihake. bor'ro"W", v. a. odota ; okidota. bo'som, n. maku. both, adj. napin ; sakim : on both sides, anokataijhag. bot'tle, n. zar)zar). bot'tom, n. dete : bottom of the foot, sidu : bottom of a boat, wasicu : on the bottom, dete- ta : bottom-upwards, ahdap^ir) wai)ka: ahdapsiqyai) ehpeyapi. bot'tomless, adj. dete wanica. bough, n. adetka. bounce, v. to jump, ipsida : to bound, kaitkomya hiyu. bound, ^art ka^ka hnakapi ; ka- skapi. bound, V. to rebound, kawai)- kan iyaya ; kaitkomya hiyu : to measure, iyuta. bound'ed, part, iyutapi. boundless, adj.^ owihaijke wa- nida ; woptedaini. bounds, n. owihaqke. boun'tiful, adj. ohanpi. - boun'ty, n. wawida^upi. boTV, V. pa kapsai) : bowed down, pamahdedai) ui). bovr, n. of a boat, watokapa ; wata-pa or watpa. bOAV, n. itazipa : his bow, tina- zipe : bowstring, itazipa-ikaq. bow'els, n. ^upe. bovT'er, n. okeya. bo'wl, n. wakiida : wash-bowl, oyuzaia. bo'w'shot, n. kihiyeyapi. box, n. dagwohnaka. box, V. a. nape oij apa. box-el'der, n. dagsu^ka. boy, n. hok^idai) ; hok^ina ; ho- k^ila. boy'ish, adj. hok^ika. brace, n. ipatai). brace, v. a. apataij ; apata;) hde. brace'let, n. mazahuhu. brack'ish, adj. kitaqna skuya. brag, V. n. ihdatai). braid, n. sogpi. braid, v. a. soi) ; kisoij. brain, n. nasu ; widanasu. brake, w. icapar) : brake or fern, hii)hai)toi)wai). brake, v. a. kapai) ; kasuza. bram'ble, n. wapepeka. bran, n. aguyapi ha. branch, n. adetka. brand, v. a. wapetogtoij. brand, n. of fire, petuspe ; pe- tuste. bran'dish, v. a. wipe koza. bran'dy, n. mini wakaq. brass, n. mazazi : brass kettle, cega zi : brass nails, mazazi oka- tai)pi. brave, adj. waditaka ; daijte suta. bravely, adv. waditagya. bray, v. n. hotoij ; ^uqka ioj)- soqna hotoi). breach, n. kamden iyeyapi. bread, n. aguyapi : corn bread, wamnaheza aguyapi : leavened bread, aguyapi tadagu. breadth, n. ohdakiijyai). break, v. a. to break to pieces, yumdeda : to break by striking, kamdeda : to break by rubbing, etc., pamdeda : to break with the foot, namdeda : to break with the mouth, yamdeda : to break by punching or shooting, bomdeda : to break in cutting with a knife, bamdeda : to break BRE 287 GAL off, yuksa; kaksa; naksa; pa- ksa ; boksa : to break off a piece, yuspa ; ka^pa ; bospa : to break out a piece, yuici ; kalci : to break nearly off, ka- wega ; nawega ; pawega ; bo- wega ; yuwega : to break a bole in, kaMoka ; naMoka : to break through, okaMoka ; okaksa ; onahdoka ; kaoksa ; naoksa ; kaohpa : to break on, akamdec'a ; akawega : to break out on, abinapa. break'-of-day, n. aijpao. break'fast, n. haqliaijna wo- tapi. breast, n. maku ; aze ; mama. breath, n. oniya ; woniya. breathe, v. n. niya : breathe out, ipogai) : breathe out on, apogai). breathless, adj. niya sni. bred, part, idaliyapi. breeeh'eloth, n. c'ehnake. breed, v. a. icahya ; cii)ca yuha. breeze, n. okaduza. breth'ren, n. huijkawaijiinki- c'iyapi. bribe, v. a. opetoi). brick, n. maka omdotoi). bride, n. winoliiijca yuzapi. bridge, n. cagkalioflpapi. bridge, v. a. ca^jkalogpa. bri'dle, n. iiyuwi ; iikiyuwi. brief, adj. ptededan. bri'er, n. wapepeka. bright, adj. wiyakpa. brim, n. tete. brimful', adj. oiudao. bring, v. a. au ; ahi ; aku ; ahdi ; hdoku ; hdohdi : bring to one, kau ; kahi ; kahdi : bring for one, Idcicau ; kicicahi, etc. brink, n. maya. bris'tle, v. to bristle up, nasa. brit'tle, adj. waqkadaij. broad, adj. ohdakiijyai) taqka. broad'axe, n. oijspo taijka. broil, V. a. ceonpa ; pjisnoi). brooch, n. itohnakapi. brood, V. a. maq ; be. brook, n. wakpadai). broom, n. owaqkicahiijte. broth, «. haijpi ; wahaijpi. broth'er, n. a man's elder bro- ther, oil) ye; ciijcu : a woman's elder brother, timdo ; timdoku : one's younger brother, suijkaku ; misuqka, etc. ; hugkawaijzi. broth'erhood, n. otakuye. broth'er-in-laAV, n. tahaij ; ta- baijku ; tahaijya : a woman's brother-in-law, ^i(Je and i^e^i ; ^i^eku. bro"W, n. of a hill, hiqkpa : the eye-brow, ista he. bro'wn, adj. sa^ ; hota : to make brown or whitish, saijyai). bro"Wse, v. n. wihai). bruise, v. a. okasdosdo ; ka^u- suia ; kapaiipai). brush, V. a. katata ; hdatata ; kasto ; pasto. brush'y, adj. haka; cai)haha- ya. brute, n. woteca ; wamanic'a. bru'tsd, adj. oha^suijkec'a. bub'ble, n. tage ; tahto^ : to bubble up, tapsiza ; anahdohdo ; anap^apsa : bubble along, as water, ihaha. buck, n. tamdoka. buck'et, n. cega ; c'a;)koka. buc'kle, n. maza ikoyagyapi. buc'kle, V. a. maza oi) ikoyag- buckler, n. wahadaijka. buck'skin, n. taha; wakihda- ka. bud, n. paha ; c'aijpaha ; ciritpa. bud, V. a. paha. buffalo, n. tataqka ; pte. buf 'falo-fish, n. kaijdi. buf'falo-robe, n. ptehasina; tagicaha. buffet, V. a. nape 013 apa. bug, n. tapopuska. bviild, V. a. kaga ; tipi kaga ; ticaga. bulk'y, adj. opaqga ; opaghya. bullet, n. mazasu ; su waijii- dai). bul'vrark, n. maka Jjapi ; doi)- kaske. bump, V. a. iboto. bunch, n. psuijka : a bunch of grapes, iyage : a buncli of beads, obohdihei ; oboyaya. bun'dle, n. apahta ; waljiij. bung, n. iostaijpi. bun'gle, V. a. wayusica ; yuhi- yaya. bur'den, m. wajfiijpi. bur'glary, n. haijyen tipi yu- zuzujii. burn, n. ogu. bum, V. a. gu ; guya : bum on, agu : to burn up, huhnaga : to burn or blaze, as a fire, ide; itkoi). burnt, part, gu : sun-burnt, mastispai). burr, n. winawizidajj. burst, V. n. napopa ; namdeda ; namdaza ; anamdaza ; naptuia ; yumdaza. bur'y, V. a. ha ; hnaka : to bury in snow, kasa. bush, n. caijopamna. bush'el, n. wiyutapi. bush'y, adj. otehi ; adetka ota ; yuha. bus'tle, n. 6^0. bus'y, adj. owafliidai) yaijke ^ni. but, conj. tuka. butt, V. to butt against, ipato ; apato ; iyapato. but'ter, n. pte asaijpi ihdi. but'terfly, n. kimama. but'ter-nut, n. tazuka. but'ton, n. mazataspu. but'ton-hole, n. mazataspu ohna iyeyapi. buy, V. a. opetoi) : to buy for, opekiditog. buzz, V. hmuT) ; o^oya. buz'zard, n. heda. by, prep, idahda : by the way, tahepi. by'-"W"ord, n. owestepi. cab'bage, n. wahpetaijka. cab'in, n. daij-tipi. ea'ble, n. hakahmoqpi. cache, n. woha. cackle, v. aijpaohotoijna ho- tel). cage, n. tipidai). cake, n. aguyapi hmiyaqyaq. calamity, n. icansidapi. cal'amus, n. siqkpe tawote. cal'culate, v. a. iyawa. calcula'tion, n. iyawapi. calf, n. ptezicadai) : calf of the log, sidogii). calfskin, ji. tadii)caha. calico, n. minihuha owapi. call, V. par) ; kipai) : to invite, kido : to name, dazeyata. call'ed, 2}art. kicopi. CAL 288 CHA callous, adj. iyanuflga. calm, adj. amdakedajg. calm, n. a calm place, omnina. calmly, adv. iwa^tedaq. cal'omel, «. peiihuta ska wa^. caloric, n. okata. cal'umet, n. caijduhupa mda- ska. calum'niate, v. a. aia ; akaga ; ostehda. eal'uimiy, n. waaiapi. cani''bric, n. minihulia zibadpe- dai). camp, n. owaijka ; otiwota. cam'phor, n. peiihuta omnapi. can, V. okihi. canal', n. wakpa kagapi. can'cel, v. a. ka^uzu ; hdaiu- iu. can'dle, n. petiiaijzaij : to light a candle, petiiai)iai) ideya. cane, n. caijsagye : a reed, de- di taijka. canine '-teeth, n. hiijske. can'non, n. mazakaij tanka. can 'not, v. okitpani ; okihi im. canoe', n. wata ; caq-wata. can'opy, n. ohaqzihdepi. can'ter, v. n. nacapcapa ; na- wajjka. cap, n. wapaha. ca'pable, adj. wawokihi. cape, n. tahuakahpe. ca'per, v. ipsipsica. cap'ital, n. otogwe itagcaq. cap'itol, w. tipi itaqcai). capsize', v. n. naifjipsoij. cap'tain, n. akicita taqcaq ; mdetahuijka. cap'tious, adj. wacaqksi; wa- ciijko. cap'tive, n. wayaka ; widato- ka; witoka. card, n. minihuha kaqsukutepi. card, V. a. kakca. care, v. to take care of, awai)- yaka : care for, ihakta ; itoqpa. care'ful, adj. wapatai), wawi- toijpa. care'ftilly, adv. iwomniyetu ; iyasnasnana ; asasyedai) ; wa- yuc'o ; itoqpeyahai). care'less, adj. itoijpesni. care'lessly, adv. ahaijhaijyai} ; wicisniyai). caress', v. a. kihna. car'go, n. wata en ohnakapi. ear'nage, n. wic'aktepi. camiv'orous, adj. carnivorous animals, wamanic'a. cax'ol, V. zitkadai) hotoij. CEir'penter, n. caijkaiipe. car'pet, n. owigia. car'riage, n. cagpahmihma : behavior, ihduhapi. car'rion, n. taku hwiq. car'ry, v. l^ig ; aya : to carry to, kaya ; kai ; kaki ; kahda ; hdohda. cart, n. daijpahmihma hu noij- pa. carve, v. a. pago ; bago : to carve, as meat, pata ; ba^pa^pa. cascade', n. minihdihai) ; haha. case, n. opiye : book-case, wo- wapi opiye : case-knife, isaijpa- mima. cash, n. mazaska. cask, n. koka ; kokoiuha. cas'ket, n. wopiye. cast, V. a. to throw away, ehpe- ya; kaho iyeya: cast or pour out, papsoi) : cast, as horns, kap^uj) : cast off a burden, pahpa : cast oneself down, makata elpei(Jiya. cas'tigate, v. a. kapsigpsi^ta. eas'tle, n. coqka^ke. cas'tor-oil, «. wihdi iyoopta iyeyapi. cas'u£dly, adv. wanuq : to do accidentally, wanui) ecoi). cat, n. inmusuqka. cat'amount, n. inmuftota. cat'aract, n. lala. catch, V. a. yuza ; oze ; ieu. cat'echize, v. wiwic'awaijga. cat'erpillar, «. wamduskadaq. cat'fish, n. howasapa ; howa- sapadai). cathar'tic, n. iyoopta iyeyapi. cath'olic, (Roman) n. ^inasapa. cat'-tail, n. hiqtkaijhu. cat'tle, n. wanuiiyaijpi. cause, n. taku oi) etaqhag. cause, V. a. ya and kiya, suffix- ed to verbs. cause'less, adj. taku oij etai)- hai) sni. cau'tion, n. wowakta. cau'tion, v. a. waktaya. cau'tious, adj. waktaya uij ; itoijpeyahai). cav'alry, 71. akicita euktai)ka akan yotaijkapi. cave or cav'ern, w. makohdo- ka. cav'il, V. a. kige. cav'ity, n. ohdoka ; osmaka. cease, v. n. to cease from, ayu- staQ ; aya^taq : cease, as a noise, iyasni. cease 'less, adj. ayustai) ^ni. ce'dar, n. hapte ; haijte Aa. cede, V. a. wica^u ; wiyopeya ; wiyopekiya. cel'ehrate, v. a. yuonihaij ; ya- onihag. celer'ity, n. wic'aduzahai). celes'tial, adj. mahpiya taqhai). cel'ibacy, n. taq^na uijpi. cell, n. tiocil^adaq. cel'lar, n. woha tipi ; woha. cement', n. iyaskape : glue, coijpeska. cem'etery, n. widahapi; tu- kten wicahapi. cen'ser, n. oizintoi)pi. cen'sure, V. a. ba; iyopeya. cen'sus, n. widayawapi. cent, n. maza^adaij. cen'tral, adj. ocokayataijhai). cen'tre, n. odokaya; dokaya. cen'tury, n. waniyetu opa- wiqge. ce'rate, n. sda tasaka. cer'emony, n. widohag. cer'tain, adj. widakapi ; edetu. cer'tainly, adv. awidakehaij. cer'tainty, n. wowidake. certificate, ». wowapi yutaq- pi. cer'tify, V. a. yaotaqiq ; yawi- daka ; wowapi yutaj). cessa'tion, n. ayu^ta^pi ; oa- yuiStaq ; oaya^taq. chafe, V. a. ha ka^doka. chafif) n. aguyapi ha. chagrin', n. wowiitede ; iite- dapi. chain, n. mazaididahiha. chair, n. dai) akan yotaijkapi. chaise, n. daijpahmihma. chalk, n. maka saq ; maka ska. cham'ber, n. waijkan tipi. cham'ber-pot, n. odeia. champ, V. yamnumnuga ; ya- kokoka. cham'pion, n. ohiye s'a. chandelier', n. petiiaqiag ihu- pa adetka ota. change, v. a. yutokeda; hee- kiya : to barter, idiyopeya. change 'less, adj. yutokedapi- da sni ; okoijwaijiidai). CHA 289 CLI chan'nel, n. ^beya wanke c'ii). chaxit, n. dowai). chap, V. n. tuta. chap 'el, n. tipi-wakai). chap'lain, n. wicasta-wakaq. chap'let, n. watesdake ; wa- ciijhe. chap'ter, n. wicowoyake. char'acter, n. taijyar) oyakapi. char'coal, n. caMi. charge, v. as a gun, mazakai) oiu ; charge on or with, iyaor)- pa ; en au ; en aya. ehar'iot, n. caijpanminma. charitable, adj. wadaijtkiyapi. charm, v. a. to please, iyokipi- ya : to deceive, hnayai). charm'ing, adj. wawiyokipi ; waste hiijca. chase, v. kuwa ; kuwa aya : to chase away, hamya. chase, n. wakuwapi ; wanasapi. chasm, n. osmaka liiijca. chastise', v. a. iyopeya ; ka- psiiipsiijta. chas'tisement, n. iyopewida- yapi. chat, V. wohdahdaka. ehat'tels, n. wahpaya. chat'ter, v. cehupa hdahda ; hihdakokoka. cheap, adj. wa^akadaq ; owa- sakadai). cheat, V. a. hnayai) ; akicage- c'a. cheek, v. a. kisica ; ayustai) ^i. check'ered, part, nahdehdeza. cheek, n. tapoi) ; iyoha. eheek'bone, n. tapoijhu. cheer, v. a. iyopa^taka ; maga- cheer, n. as'api. cheer'ful, adj. caqtewa^teya ui) ; tawacii) waste. cheer'fully, adv. c'ai)te waste- ya ; ihahaya. cheese, n. pteasaqpi suta. chemise', n. mahen uijpi wi- nohii)ca tawa. cher'ish, v. a. ca;)tekiya ; icai- ya. cher'ry, n. caijpa; kakaijpidai). chest, n. caqwohnaka. chevr, v. a. yakpaq ; yamnu- mnuga. chick'en, n. aqpaohotogna diq- cadai). chide, V. a. iyopeya ; jyopekiya. 37 chief, n. wicastayatapi ; itai)- c'ai). chiefly, adv. iyotaij ; itaqcaq- yai). child, n. koksiyokopa ; hoksi- yopa ; cir)ca. child'birth, n. ciqca-toijpi. child'ish, adj. hoksika. chil'dren, n. ^icec'a ; hoksiyo- pa- chill, n. wicacar)cai). chiired,^ar<. caqcaij ; cuwita- hda. chil'ly, adj. cusni. chim'ney, n. oceti. chin, n. iku. chink, n. ohdoka. chink, V. caq oko ohna iyeya. chips, w. caij-okahpalipa. chirp, V. hotoi). chis'el, n. cai)-icahdoke. choice, n. wokahnige. choice, adj. tehika ; wa^te fiii)- ca ; pataqpi. choke, V. n. katka ; wakatka. ehoke-cher'ry, n. kakagpi; c'aqpa. chok'ed, part, katkapi. chol'er, n. wocaijteptaijye ; wo- cai)tiyahde. choose, V. a. kahniga. chop, V. a. kaksa ; hdaksa ; kawai)ka ; car) de. Chris'tians, n. Wakaqtaqka cii)hii)tku wic'adapi kiq. Christ'mas, n. nape kic'iyuza- pi. chrys'alis, n. wamniomni. church, n. tipi wakag ; okoda- kiciye. chum, n. ibo(Jo. churn, v. boi^o. cigar', V. caijdiyuhmuijpi. cin'der, n. data. cin'namon, n. c'aqha sa, ci'pher, n. tkoijzedaij. ci'pher, v. n. wayawa. cir'cle, n. caijhdeska; taku minia. circu'itously, adv. kohdamni ; iyohdamniyai). cir'cular, adj. mima ; hmiyaij- yai). cir'cumcise, v. a. ohomni ba- spa; ihduksai) baspa. circum'ference, n. ohomni. eircumnav'igate, v. ohomni watom ya. eir'cumspect, adj. awaqihdag Uljpi; cis'tem, n. miniyowe. cite, V. a. kico. cit'izen, n. wozuti. cit'y, n. otoqwe taijka. civ'il, adj. wahbadai). civ'illy, adv. wahbaya. clad, part, koyaka ; koyag ui). claim, v. a. kica. clam, w. tukihasai). clam'or, n. owodutatog. clam 'my, adj. tkapa. clan, n. wicowazi ; wic'ouij. clandes'tinely, adv. natma- na. clang, V. n. yusnasna ; kakoko- ka. clap, V. as the hands, kaskapa ; hdaskapa. clap'board, n. c'aqmdaska. clar'if y, v. a. yuska. clash, V. a. iyapa. clasp, V. a. adoksohai) icu ; po- skin yuza ; iyupah jruza ; iko- yagya; aokibe. class, n. obe. clat'ter, v. n. kokoka. cla"w, n. sake. clay, n. makasai). clean, adj. ska; wakasotesni; ecedai). clean'ly, adv. waasape im. cleanse, v. a. yuiaia ; pazaia ; pakii)ta ; pa^pa ; yuska ; yue- c'edai). clear, adj. ska ; ededai) : clear sky, kasota : clear ice, kohdi ; cahtowata : clear of ice, ^taka : clear-sighted, etc., mdezedajr) : to clear, as a field, kamni : clear as the atmosphere, owotaqii) ; kamdeza. clear'ly, adv. taqiijyari ; mde- sahai). cleave, v. to adhere to, askapa : to separate, kasdec'a ; kaptuia ; baptuia ; boptuia ; paptuia ; naptuza ; yuptuza. clem'ency, n. wacaqtkiyapi; wowaorisida. cler'gyman, n. wicasta-wa- kaij. clerk, n. wowapi kaga. clev'er, adj. waste. Clifi^ n. hemdoka ; hiqkpa. climb, V. a. adi ; iyadi ; iyaka- pta: to cause to climb, adikiya. CLI 290 COM elimb'ing, part, adiyaken. cling, V. n. ikoyoka ; iyaskapa : to cling to each other as pota- toes on the same root, okiciya- sii). clink, V. 11, nasna. clip, V. a. ba^pa. clock, n. wiiyayedai). clod, 11. maka or) spa. dog, V. otkapa. close, V. ecen icu ; ecen iyeya ; aohduta ; aohduteya. close, adj. close together, iciki- yedaq. cloth, n. sina ; ^ina kasbapi : cottons, linens, and silks, mini- huha. clothe, V. a. koyaka ; koyagya ; ogetoi). clothes, n. wokoyake ; heyake ; ogepi. doth'ing, n. taku koyakapi. cloud, n. mahpiya ; mahpiya cloudless, adj. kasota. cloud 'y, adj. amahpiya ; owar)- caya mahpiya. olovm, n. witkotkoka. cloy, V. a. iyatahdei(Jiya. cloy 'ed, part, ohaka. club, 11. caij otoza: war-club, caijhpi. cluck, V. agpaohotoqna wiye hotoi). clump, n. opamna. clum'sy, adj. wayupikesni. olus'ter, n. as of grapes, iya- ge. clys'ter, n. oijze okastagpi. coach, n. cagpahmihma. coag'tilated, part. nini. coal, n. maka sapa : charcoal, c'ahdi : coal of fire, petaga. coarse, adj. soka. coast, n. huta. coat, n. ogidohda ; okde. coat, V. a. apawinta. coat'ed, part. as the tongue, asaka ; wasaka. coax, V. a. cirikiya. cob, n. huwapahu. cob'ble, V. a. hagpa akihdag- toii. COb'Aveb, n. uijktomi tahokata. ooch'ineal, n. wi^aye ; widun- ye- cock, n. aqpaohotoQna mdoka : gun-cock, mazakaq noge. coffee, 11. pezihuta sapa; cof- fee-nut tree, wahnahna. coffee-pot, n. pezihuta sapa iyokastai). coffin, n. caij-ohnahnakapi. cohab'it, v. tawiqtoij. cohere', v.n. askapa; iciyaska- papi. coil, V. n. kaksa. coil'ed, part, kaksaksa waijka. coin, n. mazaska. co'lander, n. wiyuzaza. cold, adj. sni ; osni : to be cold, cuwita ; snihda ; tasaka. col'ic, n. tezi wicayazaq. collar, n. tabu akahpe ; wana- pir) ; idoti^iq : collar-bone, ce- skic'ate. collate', V. idiwaijyaka. collect', V. a. pahi ; mnayai). collect'ed, part, okokizuya. collec'tion, n. womnaye. collect'ively, adv. yuptahnag ; yuptaya. colli'sion, n. iciyapapi. colonel, n. akic'ita taqcai). col'onize, v. tokai) iyotaijka. col'ony, n. ivitaya wozu etipi. col'or, n. to ; sapa ; ska ; sa, etc. See blue, black, white, red, etc. colt, n. suijkciqdadai). col'umn, n. a row, caijkuye. comb, n. ipakc'a : fine comb, ipakca sbudaij : comb or ridge of a house, tic'e. comb, V. a. kakca ; hdakca. com'bat, n. kicizapi. combine', v. a. icic'ahiya ; yu- okoqwaijzidai). come, V. kuwa ; uwa ; u ; hiyu ; hinapa ; hi ; hdi ; ahiti, etc. : come up, as water, waijkan u ; apasbog hiyu. come'liness, n. wawiyokipi. come'ly, adj. owaqyag waste. com'et, n. wicaijhpi sipte yu- kai). oom'fort, V. a. kihna ; kicaij- pta; wacii}toijhnagya ; raaga- gaya- com'forter, n. wicakicaqpte. com'ing, part, u ; ku ; au. com'ma^ n. ehnakapi. command', v. command to do, ecoi) si. command'er, n. itaqcai) ; aki- cita tagdaq. command'ment, n. woahope. commem'orate, v. kiksuya ecoi). conunence', v. ecoij ; toka- lieya ecoi). commence 'ment, n. otoka- heya. commend', v. a. taijyai) oya- ka ; yaonihai). com'merce, n. wopetoqpi ; wi- yopeyapi ; tokiyopeyapi. commin'gle, v. a. yuicidahi. commis'erate, v. a. ogsidaka. commis'sion, v. a. wahoya; ye si. commit', v. to do, ecoi) : com- mit to, yuhe si ; kiciyuhekiya. commo'dious, adj. otaqkaya. com'mon, adj. ikc'e ; witaya ta- wapi. com'monly, adv. ikceya ; itu- ya. commo'tion, n. olj:oyapi ; owo- dutator). commune', v. wohdahdaka. commu'nicate, v. communi- cate to, okiyaka ; okinikiya ; aiyahpeya. commu'nion, n. wohdahdaka- pi ; wohduze. commute', v. a. toMyopekiya. compan'ion, n. koda; kidu- wa ; tawasi. com'pany, n. omniciye ; wi- cota. compare', v. a. iciwaqyaka. eompar'ison, n. idiwaijyakapi. com'pass, v. a. aohduteya. com'pass, n. makiwaqyake. compas'sion, n. wowaorjsida. compas'sionate, adj. waoqsi- da ; wacai)tkiya. compas'sionate, v. a. oijsiki- da. compel', V. a. edoqkiya. com'pensate, v. a. kazuiu. compensation, n. wokaiuiu. compete', v. kidi edoq. com'petent, adj. okihi. compile', v. a. iapi mnayaq. compla'cency, n. woiyokipi. complain', v. asinyaken ia. complete', v. a. yustai). complet'ed, part, yu^taqpi. com'plicated, part, oskiske. com'pliment, n. yaonihaqpi. com'pliment, v. a. yaonihaq ; yuonihaq. COM 291 CON comply', V. to comply with, widakidida; ecen edoi). compose', v. iapi kaga ; yu- wahbadai). composi'tion, n. yuokogwaij- zidai) ididahiyapi. comiprehend', v. a. okahniga ; yukdaq. comprehen'sion, m. wooka- linige. eomipress', v. a. yuskiskita. eomputa'tion, n. -wayawapi. comipute', V. a. wayawa. eom'rade, n. kicuwa ; koda. con'oave, adj. ^kopa ; skokpa. conceal', v. a. analima; ana- kilibe ; inahma ; inahbekiya. coneeal'ment, n. woanaibe. conceit'ed, adj. wahaqitSida. conceive', v. itpihnaka : to understand, iyukdaij. concep'tion, n. wokcaiipi ; itpihnakapi. concern', v. it does not concern one, he etaijhai) itokeda ^ni ; he- taijbar) iwatokiyakae. concern'ed, part. concerned for, wakihdeda. concern 'ing, prep, idahtagya; heorj. concise', adj. ptecedai). conclude', v. a. etaqhai) yu- kdai) ; enakiya ; yustari ; ihuij- niyaq. concur', v. to concur with, ki- ci tidai). condemn', v. a. yaco ; te yado. condescend', v. kun iyeidiya. condi'tion, n. uqpi ; taku oi). con'duct, n. oiaijyaijpi. conduct', V. a. yus aya; iya- yeya. cone, n. wakeya iyececa. confed'eracy, n. dakonkidi- yapi. confer', v. to confer with, kidi wohdaka. confess', v. wohdaka ; ohdaka. confide', r. to confide in, waciij- yai). con'fldence, n. waciijyaijpi. con'fine, n. ihaijke ; opapur). confine', v. a. ka^ka hnaka. confine 'ment, n. ka^ka hna- kapi. confirm.', v. a. yuedetu ; yusu- ta. confirma'tion, n. yiiedetnpi. con'fiscate, v. a. ki ; widaki. conflagra'tion, n. tai)kaya ide- yapi. con'flict, n. kidizapi. con'fluence, n. mdoto. conform', v. iyeden kaga ; iye- cen edoi). confound', v. yuididahi ; yuidi- taijii) sni. confront', v. takpe ; itkokipa. eonfus'ed, part, wadiqhnuni. confute', V. a. yainina ; yato- keca. congrat'iilate, v. kidi iyuskiij. con'gregate, v. n. mnidiya. congrega'tion, n. omnidiye. con'gress, n. wida^ta kahnih luniciyapi ; omnidiye. conjec'ture, v. iyukdaij. conjoin', v. idiyaskapa. con'jure, v. wapiya ; pikiya ; wakai) kaga. con'jurer, n. wapiye s'a. connect', v. a. idikoyagya ; ya- zoi)ta ; yuzoijta. connive', v. to connive at, iyo- wiijkiya. con'quer, v. a. ohiya ; ktedai). con'quered, part. ktepidaij ; ohiyapi. con'queror, n. ohiye s'a. con'quest, n. woohiye. con'science, n. wawiyukdag. con'scious, adj. kiksuya ; sdon- ya. con'secrate, v. a. yawaka^. consent', v. a. widada ; iyo- wigkiya. con'sequently, adv. he etag- har) ; heoi). consid'er, v. a. awadiij ; awa- ciq yaijka. consis'tent, adj. oditkogza. console', v. a. kidaijpta ; wadii)- toi)bnagya. consol'idate, v. a. yusuta ; yu- oko^wai)zidai). conspic'uous, adj. ipasotka. conspic'uously, adv. taijii]- yai) ; ipasotkaya. con'stant, adj. okoqwaijiidai). constema'tion, n. yusii)yeya- pi. con'stitute, v. a. kahniga. constrain', v. a. ecorikiya. construct', v. kaga. consult', V. wiwaiiga ; idiwaij- gapi ; aiekiya. consulta'tion, n. aiapl; akii- api. consvime', v. by fire, huhnaga ; huhnahya : by eating, temya ; temkiya. consump'tion, w. waiikte ; cagu widayazai). conta'gious, adj. mako^ide ; aiyahpeya. contain', v. lipi ; ohnaka. contam'inate, v. a. yusida ; asamya. contenui', v. a. iwakiniyaq ; ostehda. con'template, v. awaciij ; ewadii). contempt', n. ostehdapi ; ^ide- dakapi. contempt'ible, adj. wahtesni. contend', v. kidi edoi] ; akini- ca. content', adj. daqte waste. conten'tious, adj. wakige. con'test, n. edoijpidaq ; kidiza- pi. contig'uous, adj. idahtaka ; ikiyedai). eontin'ually, adv. ohii^niyai) ; katiqyai). contin'ue, v. n. edoi] yaqka ; kitai). contin'uously, adv. katiijyaij. contract', v. n. namniga ; na- tipa. contradict', v. i en hiyeya. contrast', v. a. idiwaqyaka. contrib'ute, v. en ehpeya ; en iyeya. contribu'tion, n. wamnayaripi. contri'tion, «. iyopeidiyapi ; iyoki^icapi. contrive', v. a. iyukcaij ; kaga. control', V. a. edoqkiya. con'troversy, n. wakinidapi. contuma'cious, adj. wana- hor) sni. convales'cent, adj. asniyaijken aya. convene', v. n. witaya iheya ; mnidiyapi. conve'nient, adj. yuhapi wa- 4te ; uijpi wa^te. converse', v. n. wohdaka ; ia. convert', v. a. yutokeca; yu- homni. con'vex, adj. apahadai)ka. convey', v. a. aya ; ai ; ahda ; kaya ; kai ; kahda. CON 292 CRO convince', v. a. wicadakiya. cook, V. a. spariyar) ; ohaq ; pasnoi) ; cokii). cook, n. wohekiyapi. cook'ed, part, spaij. cool, adj. cusni ; sni. co-op'erate, v. a. okiya. coot, n. a water-hen, ca;)hpai). cop'per, n. mazasa. copse, «. taskozu. cop'ulate, V. a. hu ; kiyuha ; tawi^toi). cop'y, V. owa ; okaga. cord, n. hatoijta : cord of wood, car) paha. core, n. cogiq. cork, n. iostaijpi. oor'morant, n. huqtka. com, n. wamnaheza ; wahigske : ears of corn, liuwapa ; wahuwa- pa. cor'ner, n. oise ; kalimii). cor'nered, part, omdotoi]. corn-silk, n. natu. corona 'tion, n. wateMagyapi. corpse, n. wicasta ta- cor'pulent, adj. cepe liiijca. correct', adj. owotaijna ; hda- heya. correct', v. a. jruowotagna ; kapsii)psii)ta. correct'ly, adv. hdaheya ; zunya. correspond', v. icitkoi)za : to correspond by letter, wowapi kicicagapi. corrode', v. aa. corrupt', V. huQwii) ; iuqwii)- kiya ; yusica. corrup'tion, «. toi) ; tu^wii). cost, n. iyuijwii) ; wiyopeyapi. cos'tive, adj. oiyanic'a. cost'ly, adj. teMke. costume', n. ihduzapi. COt'tage, n. tipi cistiijna. COt'ton, n. miniBiuha. cot'ton-^wood, n. waga. couch., n. owiqza. cough, V. hoipa. coun'sel, n. wowahokorikiye. coun'sel, v. a. wahokogkiya ; iwahokorikiya. coxint, V. yawa ; wayawa ; iya- wa. couh'tenance, n. ite; itoye; itohnake. count'less, adj. yawapida ^ni ; wopteca^ni. coun'try, n. makoce. cou'ple, n. napin ; norjpa ; sa- kini ; tawaqzi. cour'age, n. wadiwic'atake. courage'ous, adj. waditaka. course, n. caijku : in such a course, kakiyotar) : of course, nakaes. court, V. a. wiokiya ; okiya. court, n. court-yard, hocoka. eou'sin, n. a man's male cousin, tahaijsi ; female, haijka^i : a woman's male cousin, icjesi and ^i(5esi; female, icepai)si. cov'enant, n. wohduze; wi- coui) ; wicotakuye. cov'er, n. iha ; akalipe ; woa- kalipe. cov'er, V. akahpa ; akahpetoij ; ahdahpa ; aihdahpa. cov'ering, n. akalipe. cov'ertly, adv. anahbeyahai) ; anakihbeya. cov'et, V. a. koi) ; caijtiheya ; asii). cov'etous, arf;. waic'udukteca; wakitehi. covr, n. pte wanuijyaijpi. COAV'ard, n. canwarika. co^w'ardice, n. canwaijkapi. co"w'ardly, adj. canwaijka. crah, n. craw-fish, matuska. crab'-apple, n. taspai)tai)ka. crack, n. oko ; onaptuza. crack, v. yuptuza ; baptuia ; boptuza ; kaptuza ; naptuza ; paptuia. cra.ck'ed, part, ptuzahag ; mde- cahai). erack'le, v. n. penakpakpa ; na- papaga. cra'dle, n. ohna hok^iyo^opa nahuhuzapi ; iyo^opa. erag'ged, part, imniia pepeya hiyeya. cram, v. opuskida. cramp, v. kai) natipa. cran 'berry, n. potkaijka ; po- tpaijka. crane, n. pehag ; pehagsaij ; pehaijgidai). cra'nium, n. nasuhu. crank, n. ihupa. crave, v. kida ; cii) higca. cra-w'fish, n. matuska. cravrl, V. 11. wiqta ; sdohai) : to crawl up to carefully, nasdata ; anahdata. cra'zy, adj. wacil)hnuni. creak, v. n. kapigza. cream, n. pte asaijpi ihdi. create', «. a. kaga; icalya. erea'tion, ?;. woic'age. erea'tor, n. waicalive. crea'ture, n. taku idahyapi. ered'ible, adj. wicadapica. cred'it, v. wicada : to give credit to, icazokiya : get on credit, icazo. cred'iting, «. oicazo. cred'itor, n. ikicazo. creek, n. wakpadaij. creep, v. wiqta ; win mani : to creep or slip on, asdohag : creep as a louse, asniyagyai). creep'ing, part, wigtapi. cres'cent, n. hagyetu wi mibe sni. crest, n. wCicighe. CTB'W, 11. watopapi kii). crick'et, n. hehakac'aijteya^ni- ^niza. cri'er, n. eyaijpaha. crime, n. woahtani ; woahope kicaksapi. crimi'inate, v. a. iyaogpa. crim'son, adj. sa ; duta. crip 'pie, n. tuwe hu^te. crip'ple, V. a. hu^teya. crisp, V. n. natipa. crit'icise, v. iapi yukcagkcai), crock'ery, n. maka wak^ica. crook, V. a. yuksai) ; yuwigza ; yuktai) ; yu^kopa ; kaskopa. crook'ed, part, skopa ; ktai) ; pako. crop, n. tezi. cross, n. cagsusbec'a. cross, adj. waciijko ; ociij^ic'a ; wawidariksi. cross, V. to ford, iyuwega ; aka- sagpa ya; a crossing-place, oi- yuwege. cross'ly, adv. ic'agksiya. cross'^wise, adv. hdakiijyai) ; icipaweh. crotch, n. cagiata ; oiate. crouch, V. 11. makata waqka ; patu^ inazii). croup, n. dote wic'ayazag. cro"W, V. aijpaohotoijna hotoij. crew, n. ui)cisicadag. cro'wd, n. wicota. cro"wd, V. ipuskin yukagpi. croAvd'ed, part, akipsapia ; oci- kag^ni. CRO 293 DEC crown, n. watesdake : crown of the head, pesdete. crown, V. a. watesdake kica- tOl). cru'cifix, n. daijsusbeca kagapi. cru'cify, V. a. icipaweh oka- tai). eru'el, adj. waoijsida sni. cruise, n. Una watopekiyapi. crum'bled, part, mduwahai) ; lipuwahai). crum'bs, n. oyaptapi. cruse, «. zai)iai). crush, V. kasuia ; yusuia ; bo- suia. crutch, n. caijsagye. cry, V. ceya : to make procla- mation, eyaqpaha : to cry or pray to, cekiya ; hoyekiya : to cry for, aceya ; akiceya : to cry out, hotoi) ; ^idahowaya ; aho- toi). crys'talline, adj. kohdi. cub, re. waclqcadai). cu'bit, n. wicispa. eu'cumber, n. saka yutapi yu- Hilii. oufi^ n. napokaske. cufl^ V. a. nape oi) apa. 0\lll, V. a. kalinih pahi. cul'pable, adj. iyaoijpepica. cul'tivate, v. a. kicaijyar). eum'frey, n. t-ito. cu'mulate, v. mnayai). cun'ning, adj. ksapa. cup, n. wiyatke ; miniyatke. cup'boajd, n. waksica opiye. curb, V. kisic'a ; yutitai). curd, n. pteasaijpi suta. cure, V. a. asniyai) ; asnikiya ; okiziya. cu'rious, adj. wakaq. curl, V. lia ; yuha ; nahmuq. curl, n. of hair, ovvirige ; pe- sdete owiijge. curly, adj. curly head, pa yuia. cur'rant, n. taptaheza ; capta- heza. cur'rent, n. minicaduza. cvir'ry, v. a. kpa:)yai) ; kakca. curse, V. a. yasica. curs'ed, part, ya^icapi. curtail', v. a. yuptecedaij. cur'tains, n. ozaijpi. curv'ed, part, skopa ; ktaq ; ksai). cus'tody, n. awaijyakapi ; wi- caka^kapi. cus'tom, n. wicohai). cut, V. a. to cut off, baksa ; ka- ksa ; hdaksa ; yuksa : to cut or engrave, bago : cut a gash, bahoi) : cut off a piece, baspa ; kaspa : cut out, as a gar- ment, yupta ; bapta : cut or shave off, kasai) ; kasda; ba- sda ; yusda : cut off clean, ba- smi : cut on, abaksa ; aka- ksa ; abakpai) : cut up, as meat, pata : cut into strips, abaso ; ba- so ; soso : cut all up, bapota ; bakpai). cu'ticle, n. uka. cut 'ting-board, n. cai) abapte ; cai) abakpai). cym'bal, n. cai)dowar)kiyapi. D. dab'ble, v. ohpaijkiya. dag'ger, n. isai) anog ope. dai'ly, adv. aqpetu iyohi. dai'sy, n. liiriyarjtai). dale, n. osmaka. dam, n. deyaka. dam, V. a. ceyaka kaga. dam'age, v. a. yu^ica. damp, adj. tMi) ; tariyaij puza ^ni. dam'sel, w. wikoska. dance, n. wacipi. dance, v. n. waci. dan'dle, v. a. kihna. dan'drufi) n. pa giijgiijca. dan'ger, n. wowokipe ; kopa. dan'gerous, adj. -wakokipe. dan'gerously, adv. okokipe- ya ; kokipeyahai). dan'gle, v. ozezeya. dan'gling, part, boya se ; ka- pemnimniyaq ; kasbupi ; waka- sbupi. dap 'pled, adj. hdeska^ka. dare, v. aotohnaka. dar'ing, adj. waditaka ; wohi- tika. dar'ingly, adv. ohitiya. dark, adj. tpaza : dark on, atpa- za ; aokpaza : dark-complex- ioned, ha stai). dar'ken, v. a. otpasya ; aotpas- ya. dark'ness, n. okpaza. dar'ling, n. hoksincaijtb'yapi ; iyotaijdakapi. dam, V. a. pasisa kagege. dart, V. a. kahoya iyeya. dart, n. wahukeza. dash, V. dash to pieces, kamden iyeya. date, n. omaka kagapi. daub, V. a. kastaka ; akastaka ; ostagya ; otkamya. daugh'ter, n. cui)k^i : his or her daughter, c'uijksitku. daugh'ter-in-la-w, n. takos ; takosku : my daughter-in-law, mitakos. daiint, V. a. wakokipe kic'aga. davrn, n. aijpao ; aijpa kamde- za ; aijpa. davm, V. ai)pao. day, n. aijpetu ; c'ai) : by day, aijposkan ; aqposkantu. day 'light, n. ai^pao. day'star, n. aijpao wicaijlipi. daz'zled, part, istosniia. dead, n. the dead, wicata. dead, adj. ta ; seda. dead'en, v. a. kaseda. deaf, adj. noge kpa. deal, V. to deal out, widakipa- mni ; pamni. dear, adj. teliike. dearth, n. magaiu wanida. death, n. widorite. debase', v. a. yu^ida; yuwa- hpanida. debate', v. a. akinida. debate', n. woakinida. debauch', w. yu^ida; ihdu^ica. debauchee', n. witko s'a. debil'ity, n. widastaka. debt, n. idazopi. debt'or, n. idazo. dec'alogue,«. woahope wikde- mna. decamp', v. n. ihdaka. decay', v. haijye ; liuijwiq aya. deceit', n. wohnaye. deceit'ful, adj. wahnayaij. deceit'fully, adv. iianya. deceive', v. a. hnayai). Decem'ber, n. Tahedap^uq-wi. de'cent, adj. oiyokipi. decep'tion, n. wohnaye ; wi- cahnayai] . decide', v. a. yukdai) ; yado. deck, v. a. wakoyaka ; wahda- pa. declare', v. a. oyaka; yaotai)- ii). decline', v. as one sick, haij- yao. DEC 2^4 DEV dec'orate, v. a. heyake wa^te- ste ki(Jui). decoy', v. a. linayai). decrease', v. aoptepten aya. decree', v. yaco ; koijza. ded'icate, v. a. yuwakai) ; yu- ■wohduze. deed, n. an action, \vicoliar). deem, v. yukcaij. deep, adj. sma ; temahetuya. deep, n. mini sbe. deep'en, v. yusma. deep'ly, adv. yu^beya; tema- hetuya. deer, M. taliiijca; male, tamdo- ka; female, tawiyedai). deface', v. a. paiuiu ; yu^apa. defama'tion, «. aiapi. defame', v. a. aia. defeat', v. a. ktedaq. defeat', n. ktepidaij. defect', 11. oi)spa i\i,&. defec'tive, adj. osteka; ipiij- ta. defence', n. caqkaskapi. defend', v. a. okiya ; iciya. defer', v. yutehai) ; ito kihnaka. defi'ance, n. wicakis iapi. defile', v. a. yusapa. define', v. oyaka. deform', v. a. yu^ica ; wayu^i- ca. deform'ed, adj. osteka. defraud', v. a. makinoij. defray', v. a. kazuiu. defy', V. a. wicakis ia. degen'erate, v. n. sic'a aya. degrade', v. a. yuhukuya. de'ify, v. a. taku Wakaijtaqka ya. deject'ed, part, iyokisica. delay', v. yutehaij ; ape yaijka. del'egate, n. holiyeyapi. delib'erate, v. akiia. del'ieate, adj. y/aite. deli'cious, adj. oiyokipi ; wa^te liiijca. delight', V. to delight in, iyii- skiq ; wa^tedaka : cause to de- light in, iyuski^kiya. delight', n. wowiyuskii). delight'ful, adj. owastec'ake hiijca. delin'eate, v. a. owa. delin'queney, n. okasnapi. delir'ious, adj. waciqhnuni. delir'ium-tremens, n. witko wavazag. deliv'er, v. a. yuspa ; kiyu^pa ; kiyu^ka ; ehdaku : deliver from, ekidihdaku. deliv'ered, ]xirt. ehdakupi ; ciijoatoi). deliv'erance, n. ehdakupi ; yuipapi. delude', v. a. hnayaij. del'uge, n. minitai) ; ominitaq. del'uge, V. a. aminitaijya. dem'agogue, n. pasipika. demand', v. a. da ; kida. demol'ish, v. a. yuiuiu; pa- hpa. de'mon, n. wakai) ^ic'a. dem'onstrate, v. a. yawic'aka ; yaotai)ii). demor'alize, v. a. yuwic'a^ta- sni. demur', v. cetuijhda. den, n. makohdoka ; wamaniti ; wasui). deni'al, n. anakihmaqpi. denomina'tion, n. obe. denote', v. a. caieyata. denounce', v. a. aia ; o^tehda. dense, adj. akip^apsa : a dense forest, ta^kozu ; otehi. dent, V. oyahdoka ; onaidoka. deny', J7. anakihma; 'hiya,' eya; ipida. depart', v. n. ya ; hda ; ihdaka. depart'ed, part, iyaya ; kihda. depend', v. ikoyaka : to depend upon, waciijyar) ; ihduzeze ui). deplore', v. a. ac'eya. depltune', v. a. yuiui). depop'ulate, v. a. oyate kii) wicayusota. depose', v. a. heyata iyeya. depos'it, V. kihnaka ; wakihna- ka: deposit for one, ekicihnaka. depos'it, n. wakihnakapi. deprav'ed, adj. ohari sic'a ; ta- ■\vacii) sica ; eca ^ida. deprav'ity, n. woahtani. depre'ciate, v. a.^ yawasaka- dai) ; wasakadai) aya. depre'ciating, part, walaka- dai) aya. depress'ed, part, paraahdedai) UI) ; iyokisica. deprive', v. ekicihdaku ; ki. depth, n. wosbe. depute', V. a. yesi. derang'ed, adj. hnaskigyai). deride', !). a. ihaha; ui)da. deri'sion, n. ihahapi. derive', v. etaijhai] idu. descend', v. n. kun ya ; apa- mahde ya. descent', n. apamahde waqke. describe', v. a. oyaka ; yao- tariii). descry', v. a. waijyaka. des'ecrate, v. a. yuwakai) ^ni ; yusida. des'ert, n. hewoskan ; mako- skan. desert', v. a. ehpeya ; ayustag. deserve', v. n. iyekidihai)tu. design', v. a. yukdai) ; owa. desire', v. a. caqtokpani ; dii) ; dai)tiheya. desist', V. ayustai) ; iyakicui)ni. des'olate, adj. isnana ehpe- yapi. despair', v. okitpanii^ida. des'perate, adj. hna^kiqyai) ; mdeze ^ni. despise', v. a. wahteda^ni ; aktasni ; iwakiniyai). despoil', V. a. ki. despond', v. n. wadipibosaka. des'tine, v. a. yado ; kicoi)za. des'tiny, n. wakidoqzapi. des'titute, adj. wahpanida ; nica ; dodap ui). destroy', v. a. yuiuiu ; yuta- kunisni ; ihai)gya ; awihnuniya ; bopota ; bowanin iyeya ; bota- kunisni. destruc'tion, n. wldotakuni- sni. destruc'tively, adv. awihun- niyai). detach', v. a. yu^ka ; yuspu. detail', v. edekcen oyaka. detain', v. a. anica. detect', V. a. iyeya. deter', v. a. wakokipe kidaga. detest', t'. a. iidedaka; hitihda. detes'table, adj. wahte^ni. detract', v. a. etaqhai) idu ; ya- sida. dev'astate, v. waihai)gya. devel'ope, v. a. yataijii) ; yu- tariii). de'viate, v. idui)om iyaya. dev'il, n. wakaqsida. devise', v. yukcai). devoid', adj. devoid of, nida ; idakiza. devote', v. yuwakai). devour', v. a. temya ; temki- ya ; watemya. DEV 295 DIS devour'er, n. watemya ; wai- haijgya. devout, adj. waohoda. d&w, n. cu. de'w'drop, n. cumnise. devr'y, adj. cusni. dexterity, n. okaRopi. dex'terous, adj. wayupika. dex'terously, adv. wayupiya. di'adem, n. wicastayatapi ta- waciijhe. diag'onally, adv. kaitemya ; kaoliya. di'agram, n. owapi. di'alect, n. iapi. dl'alogue, n. uijma itoto iapi. diam'eter, m. ohdakiqyai). di'amond, n. oli'e ; iijyaq teii- ka. di'aper, n. adeia. di'aphragm, n. page. diarrhoe'a, n. kaiopi. dice, n. kaqsu. dictate', v. oyaka; okiyaka. dic'tionary, n. wic'oie wowapi. did, V. ecoi). die, V. n. \a.. di'et, n. wo. differ, v. oc'itkoqze sni ; tokeca. difference, n. it is no differ- ence, etai)hai) tokeca ; etaqhag itokeca sni. different, adj. tokeca. differently, adv. togye. dlf ficiolt, adj. teiika ; oskiske. diffident, adj. wisteca. diffuse', V. kahtaq. dig, V. a. )f.a ; o^ta ; to dig on, aka : dig as tipsiijna, bopta. dig'nify, V. a. yuonihai). dig'nity, n. kinihaijpi. digress', v. icugom iyaya ; iyo- wazasni ia. dilap'idated,^ar<. iuzuwahag. dilate', v. n. taqka aya. dil'atory, adj. kuia. dil'atorily, adv. icuijsya. dil'igent, adj. miniheca ; ic'o- mni sni ; ai(Jiciya. dil'igently, adv. minihenya ; ai(Jiciya. dim, adj. owotaijiijsni ; idtoteuij- ia. dimin'ish, v. yutonana; yuci- stiijna. dim'ly, adv. taijyai) taijig ^ni. dine, v. n. wiyotaijhai) \vota. din'gy, adj. sotkazi din'ner, n. -vriyotaijhaii wotapi. dip, v. to dip into, opuktai) : dip out, kage : dip up, ipamuijg icu. dip 'per, n. iyokapte ; miniyo- kastai). direct', adj. owotaijna; ako- kam. direct', v. a. okiyaka ; ekta epazo ; eooi) si. direc'tion, n. in what direction, tokiyotai) ; heciyotaij ; kakiyo- tai). direct'ly, adv. atayedai) ; owo- tagna ; tokesta. dirk, n. isaq anog ope. dirt, n. maka ; watusekseca ; up^iza ; wakpukpa. dir'ty, adj. sapa. dlr'ty, V. a. asamya ; yusapa ; acesdi. disa'ble, v. a. okitpaniya. disagree', v. ocitkoijzapi sni. disagree 'able, adj. as the weather, kihaq^ica. disallo'w', V. a. iyokisni. disappear', v. n. taijii) sni iyaya. disappoint', v. a. hnayaij. disarm', v. a. wipe ekiciyaku ; wakiyuza. disbelieve', v. a. cetuqhda. discern', v. yukcfaq ; waqyaka. discharge', v. a. wahetaiu. disci'ple, n. waoqspekiyapi. dis'cipline, n. wooijspe ; 013- spekiyapi. disclose', v. a. yutaqii) ; yatai)- \X). disconnect 'ed,^rt. zuqteM. discon'solate, adj. iyokisica. discontent'ed, adj. icomni. dis'cord, n. owodutatoi) ; kici- zapi. discoun'tenance, v. a. tehiij- da. discour'age, v. a. wadii] ibo- ^agya. discour'aged, ^ar^ waciij ibo- saka. discourse', v. n. wohdaka. discov'er, v. a. iyeya ; waijyag iheya. discreet', adj. ksapa. discuss', V. akinic'a. disdain', v. a. wahtedaini, disease', n. wowayazai). disembark', v. hen ihai). disengage', v. a. yuspa. disengag'ed, part, owagii yaij- ka. disfig'ure, v. yusica. disgrace', n. wowistede. disgrace', v. a. istenya; he- yata iyeya. disguise', v. a. anakihma. dish, n. waksica. disheax'ten, v. a. waciq ibo- sagya. dishear'tened, pari, waciq ibosaka. dishev'elled, pari, as hair, payuha. dishon'est, adj. owotaqna sni. dishon'orable, adj. wicasta- sni. dishon'orably, adv. kinihaq- sniyai). dishorn', v. a. he kap^ui). disinclin'ed, pari, tawatenye sni. disijoin', v. a. yuspa ; kiyuspa ; yukinukai) ehnaka. disjoint', v. a. bapsuij iyeya. dislike', v. a. wastedake sni ; iwahtedasni. dis'locate, v. a. huha kapsui) ; papsui) ; napsui). dis'mal, adj. osicec'ake. dismay'ed, 2^rt. yusiijyeyapi. dismiss', v. a. ayustaq si; ki- hdeya. dismount', v. n. ipsic'a. disobe'dient, adj. waanago- ptaijsni. disobe'diently, adv. wanahoq- sni. disobey', v. anagoptaq sni. diso'WTi', v. a. tawaye sni. dispatch', v. a. jeli. dispatch', n. ohaqwicakopi. dispense', v. wawic'aku. disperse', v. n. enanakiya eya- ya- _ ,. . , ' dispir'ited, part, waciq ibosa- ka. displace', v. a. tokaq ehnaka. display', v. pazo ; yuotaqiij. displease', v. a. c'aijteoki^Junin- ya; iyokisinya. displeas'ed, part, caqniyaq ; sihda. dispose', v. a. to arrange, ehna- ka : dispose of, pagaq ; tpagaq. disposi'tion, n. tawaciq ; ta- waciq wa^te. DIS 296 DUS dis'putant, n. waakinica. disputa'tion, n. akinic'api ; wo- akinica. dispute', V. akinic'a. disregard', v. wamnadasni ; aktasni. dissect', V. pata. dissem'ble, v. anahmai]. dissim'ilar, adj. iyecec'e sni. dis'sipated, part, witko s'a. dissolve', v. n. skaq. dissuade', v. a. ec'oij sni si. dis'tance, n. distance between, iyotahedai) : far off, tehai) : a short distance, askadai). dis'tant, adv. tehaij, itehaij. distem'per, n. wowayazai) ; makosica. distend', v. n. kapo. distinct', adj. tokeca. distinct'ly, adv. taijipyaij. distin'guish, v. uijma tukte e oyaka. distract'ed, adj. wac'iqktoq- ktoijia. distress', n. wokakiie. distress', v. a. kakisya. distrib'ute, v. a. pamni ; wica- kipamni. distribu'tion, n. kicipamnipi. distrust', V. a. cetui)hda. disturb', v. a. nagiyeya. disturb'ance, w. owodutatoq. ditch, 11. osmaka. dive, V. n. kihnuka. di'ver, n. wakihnuka. diverse', adj. toktokec'a. divert', v. a. magagaya ; tokaq iyayeya. divest', V. a. yusdoka ; hdu- sdoka. divide', v. a. kiyuspa; kinu- kai) ehnaka ; pamni. divine', adj. wakaq. divine', v. ayate. divi'ner, n. waayate s'a. divi'sion, n. kiyuspapi ; wopa- mni. divorce', n. kidipagaijpi. divulge', V. a. oyaka. diz'zy, adj. itohomni. do, V. edori ; hecoi) ; tokoi) : to do to, ecakic'oi). do'cile, adj. okiijyui) wa^te ; walibadai) ; walibaka. doo'tor, n. pezihutawidasta. doo'trine, n. wooijspe. dodge, V. napa. doe, n. tawiyeda^. do'er, n. waecoi) s'a. dog, n. surika. dog'gish, adj. ohai)sui)keo'a. dog'^wood, n. cai)sa^aliii)ca. do'ing, part, eeoqpi. doll, n. hoksinkagapi. dol'lar, n. mazaska taijka. domain', n. en ouijyaijpi. domes'tic, adj. wanuijyaijpi : domestic cattle, ptewanuqyaijpi : domestic fowls, anpaohotorina. domes'ticate, v. a. nuijyai). dona'tion, n. wica^^upi. done, 2>art. yustaqpi ; ecoijpi. do'nor, n. wawica^u. doom, V. a. yac'o. doom, n. woyaco. door, n. tiyopa. dor'mant, adj. istiqma yaijka. dor'mitory, n, oistiqma tipi. dose, n. 0U5 waijiidai) ; wai)- cadai) yatkaijpi. dot, V. wapetogtoi). dot, n. wapetogtoi)pi. dou'ble, adj. icitakihna ; akipa^. dou'ble, V. pehai) ; yukipaza. doubt, V. ceturihda ; token wa- cii) yuza taijii) ini. doubt'ful, adj. toketu taijiq sni ; iha, eyapi. dough, n. aguyapi ^pai) ^ni. dove, n. tin-wakiyedai). dovm, n. hiriyazic'e. doAvn, adv. kfiya; kun; apa- mahde : down stream, itokat ; okali : down towards, as a lake, kaijye ; ikaijye. dovrn'^wards, adv. kutkiya ; apamalide. doxol'ogy, n. Wakaijtaqka ido- waijpi. doze, V. n. oguijga. drab, adj. saq. drag, V. yusdohai). dragoon', n. akicita suktaijka akan yotaijkapi. drain, n. osmaka. drain, v. oyale aya. dram, n. mini wakaq oyatke waijzidai). drank, part, yatkaij ; yaiepa. dra"w, V. toksu ; watoksu ; yu- sdohai) ; yutitai) : to draw out, yuiui) : to suck, yazoka : to draw the trigger on, ayukiiza : draw a bow, ecate and akate. dread, v. kokipa. dread'ful, adj. wokokipe hiqc'a. dream, v. n. ihaijmna; ihai)- mde : to dream wakai), hai)- mde : tell dreams, hai)mdohdag ia. dream'er, n. wihaijmde s'a. dregs, M. c'eteta kata ihai). drench'ed, part, spaya. dress, re. wokoyake ; taku ko- yakapi. dress, v. wokoyake ki(Jui) ; ko- yaka. dri'ed, part, pusyapi : dried on, iyasaka. drift, V. n. kahboka ; okahboka ; ibomdu. drift, n. a snow drift, wogai) : drift wood, cai) icoge. drink, v. a. yatkaq ; wayatkai). drip, V. n. sbu. drive, v. a. kaliapa. driv'er, re. wicakahape. driz'zling, jiart. minibozai). drool, V. re. imni^taii au. droop, V. re. ^ni^ aya. drop, V. ihn ; sbuya : to let fall, yu^na. dross, re. gii)gir)ca; hegiijc'a. drought, re. opuza. drove, re. optaye ; ospaye. drO'WTi, V. re. minin ta. drovr'sy, adj. hba. drug, re. peiihuta. drum, re. caqcega. drum, V. a. caijcega apa ; daij- cega kabu. drum'stick, re. icabu. dnink, adj. witko. drunk'ard, n. witko s'a. dry, adj. puza : thirsty, ipuza. dry, V. a. pusya : to dry on, apuza. duck, re. magaksica ; pagoqta ; suksaijkadai) ; skiska ; cukcaij ; hotadai) ; kikataqka. due, re. icazopi iyohiyapi sni. du'el, re. kicicutipi. dug, part. t:api. dull, adj. pesni ; toza. dumb, adj. iapi okitpani. dxui, V. icazopi kic'a. dunce, re. witkotkoka. dung, re. tac'esdi. du'rable, adj. tpa ; tehaij suta. du'ring, adv. ic'uijhai). dusk, re. kitaijna otpaza. dust, re. maka ; watu^ek^eda ; wakpukpeca. DWA 297 ENJ dwarf, n. wicaci^adaq ; stui)- kadaq. dwell, V. n. ouqye. d-weU'ing, n. tipi. dye, V. a. to dye red, saya ; to dye blue, toya, etc. dys'entery, n. kazopi. E. each, adj. otoiyolii ; iyohi. ea'ger, adj. cio hiijca. ea'gle, n. waijmdi ; liuya ; anogpaska. ea'glet, n. liuya ciqca. ear, n. nogo ; wicanoge ; nakpa : ear-rings, oil) pi : ear of com, wahuwap;!. eai'ly, adv. kohaqna; Laijhag- na hii). earn, v. a. kamna. ear'nest, adj. in earnest, awica- kehai). ear'nestly, adv. kitaqyai). earth, n. maka. earth'en, adj. maka oi) kagapi. earthly, adj. makata taqhai). earth'quake, n. maka ^kaq- skar). ease, n. owicazi. ea'sily, adv. teMimjai). east, «. wiyohiyaijpata. east'"wards, adv. wiyohiyaqpa taijhai). eat, V. yuta ; wota : to eat up, temya ; temkiya : eat greedily, akaska. eat'able, adj. yunpica. eat'er, n. a great eater, wote s'a. ebh, V. n. oyahe aya. ech'o, V. yaiyowaza ; kaiyowaza. eclipse', n. wi ataqiq sni iyaya. eeonom'ical, adj. wakpatai) ; wakitoi)toi)ka. ed'dy, n. miniomni. edge, n. ihagke ; upi ; opapui) ; ope. ed'ifice, n. tipi. ed'ify, V. a. yuksapa ; oijspe- kiya. ed'itor, n. wotaijiij wowapi ka- ge oil). ed'ucate, v. a. icahya ; waoij- spekiya. eel, n. howamdu^ka. efikce', v. a. pazuiu ; kazuzu. effect', V. a. okihi ; yustag. 38 efffec'tual, adj. wawokihiya. effervesce', v. ipiga. efl&ea'cious, adj. okihi. effii'cient, adj. wawokihi. effort, n. iyutapi : to make ef- fort, iyuta. egg, n. witka : the egg of a goose, magi itka : the white of an egg, itkaska ; the yolk, itkazice. egotis'tic, adj. ihdataq. eight, num. adj. sahdogai). eigh'teen, num. adj. ake sa- lidogai). eigh'teenth, num. adj. lake Sa- hdogai). eighth, nu7n. adj. isahdogai). eigh'tieth, num. adj. iwikc'e- mna sahdogai). eigh'ty, imm. adj. wikcemna sahdogai). ei'ther, adj. uqma tukte ; uq- raa tukte kaSta. elas'tic, adj. kikita. elSi'teA, part, wiyuskii) ; witai)- tai). erboTV, n. ispa ; iSpase : to el- bow, panini. el'der, n. ipapope. el'der or eldest, adj. tokapa. elect', V. a. kal'miga. elec'tion, ». wokahnige. el'egant, adj. waste hiqca. el'evate, v. a. yuwai)kan icu. elev'en, num. adj. ake wai)zi- dai). elev'enth, num. adj. iake waq- iidai). elk, n. helaka; upaq. elm, n. pe ; pe ikceka : slip- pery elm, pe tutupa : rock elm, pe itazipe. elope', V. nahmana iyaya. else, adv. kii)hai)S. else'-where, adv. tokai) ; ato- kai). elude', V. a. anahbe ; nahma. ema'ciated, adj. tamahec'a ; liaqye. em'anate, v. n. etaqhaq hiyu. eman'cipate, v. a. kiyuska ; yuska. embalm', v. a. wastemnaya. embark', v. wata en opa. embel'lish, v. a. waite kaga ; ayuco kaga. em'bers, «. petaga. embez'zle, v. a. manoi). em'blem, n. wiyacigpi. embrace', v. a. adokso; ado- ksohai) icu ; poskin yuza ; ka- skita yuza. embroi'der, v. a. apahdantoi) ; wipata. embroi'dery, n. wipatapi. emerge', v. n. hinapa. emet'ic, n. oi) hdepapi. em'igrate, v. n. makoce toke- ca en iyotaqka. em'inent, adj. tai)ka. emit', v.a. hiyuya. em'peror, n. wicaStayatapi tai)ka. employ', v. a. ec'oi)kiya ; yu- ba. emp'ty, adj. cokadarj ; taku- dai) ohnaka sni : to empty, yu- cokadai). ena'ble, v. a. okihiya. enact', v. a. yuec'etu. encamp', v. iwaqka ; eti. encamp'ment, n. owai)ka ; oeti ; otiwota. enchain', v. a. kaska bnaka. encir'cle, v. a. okibeya ; aoki- boya ; aohduteya. eneom'pass, v. a. ohomni ya. encoun'ter, v. a. takpe ; itkoki- pa. encour'age, v. a. iyopaStaka. encroach', v. a. aokagec'a. end, n. owihaqke ; ihai)ke ; ii)- kpa ; yustaqpi : at the end, ii)- kpata. end, V. a. yustai) ; ihai)gya. endea'vor, v. a. iyuta ; ecoi) uta. end'less, adj. owihai)ke wani- c'a. endow', v. a. aihpeya. endure', v. n. okihi ; akpaspa : to be capable of endurance, wa- kiS'aka. en'emy, n. toka : to count as an enemy, t6kaya. en'ergy, n. wowaS'ake. en'ervate, v. a. yuwas'akc sni. enfee'ble, v. a. hustagya. enfee'bled, part, hustaka. enforce', v. a. yuwaS'aka ; yu- suta ; ecoi)kiya. Eng'lish, n. Sagdasii) : the English language, SagdaSii) iapi or Isai)tai)ka iapi. engrave', v. a. bago ; pago. enhance', v. a. tehike kaga. enjoin', v. a. ec'oqSi. ENJ 298 EXH enjoy', v. a. iyuskirj. enjoy'ment, n. wowiyuskii). enlarge', v. a. yutaqka ; taqka enligh'ten, v. a. iyoyamya. enli'ven, v. a. magagaya. en'mity, n. tokakic'iyapi ; caq- niyekiciyapi. en'nui, n. icomnipi. enor'mous, adj. taqka liiijca. enough', adv. ota ; henakeca. enrage', v. a. ^ihdaya. enrag'ed, 2Mrt. sihda. enrich', v. a. wizinya. enrol', v. a. owic'awa. en'sign, n. wiyokihedai). enslave', v. a. wowidagya ; wayaka wicayuha. entan'gle, v. a. yulialia. en'ter, v. n. mahen ya ; tin ya. en'terprising, adj. okihii^Jida. entertain', v. a. wonwicaya ; magagaya. entice', v. a. hnayaij. entire', adj. ocowasiq ; ece- hna. en'tralls, n. supe. en 'trance, M. tiyopa ; ohna ya- pi c'e. entrap', v. a. limuqka. entreat', v. a. cekiya. enu'merate, v. a. iyawa ; ya- wa. enumera'tion, n. iyawapi ; wiyawapi. envel'ope, v. a. iyapemni ; oheyuq. en'velope, n. oheyui). en'vious, adj. nawizi. en'viously, adv. icekiijyai). en'vy, n. nawizipi ; wowinawizi. en'vy, v. a. inawizi ; icekii). ep'aulette, n. hiyete obohei- ]ici. ephem'eral, adj. askayedaq. ep'icure, n. iya ; wote s'a. epidem'ic, n. makosica. ep'ilepsy, n. kag natipa. e'quahle, adj. okoijwaijiidai). e'qual, adj. ocitkoriza; akide- ceca ; napintu. e'qually, adv. iyecen ; akide- cenya. equanim'ity, n. tawaciij waij- zidai). equa'tor, n. maka (fokaya. equidis'tant, adj. iyehaqyaij ; icihehai)yai]. equip', V. a. wipe ki(;uq. eq'uipage, n. wipe ; wotawe. eq'uitable, adj. owotaqna. eq'uity, n. woowotaijna. equiv'alent, adj. iyecen ya- wapi. erad'ioate, v. a. yu^ui). erase', v. a. pazuzu. ere, adv. itokam : ere long, edadai). erect', adj. bosdan liai) : owo- taqna. erect'ness, n. obosdatu. er'mine, n. hitnqkasarj. err, v. n. nuni : yusna ; walita- ni. er'rand, n. wocii). erro'neous, adj. hec'etu^ni. er'ror, n. yusnapi. erup'tion, n. awicahinapa. escape', v. n. nazica ; napa ; skepa. escort', V. kidi ya. esoph'agus, n. dote ; dote hbe- za. espouse', ?;. a. wohpa; yulipa. espy', V. waijyag iheya. estab'lish, v. a. yusuta. esteem', v. a. wastedaka. es'timable, adj. wastedapika. estrang'ed, part, toghda. etch, v.a. pago. eter'nal, adj. otokahe wanic'a t:a owihai)ke wanica. eter'nally, adv. otokahe waniii taijliaq. etiquette', n. wicohai). evac'uate, v. a. yudoka ; ayu- stai). evade', v. okamna ; ohomni ya. evanes'cent, adj. ataijirisni iyaya. evan'gelize, v. a. wotaijii) wa- ste okiyaka. evap'orate, v. n. alie ; oyahe ; skepa. e'ven, adv. napintu ; ocitkoijza ; mdaya. eve'ning, n. htayetu : evening star, wic'aijhpi taijka. event', «. taku ecoi)pi ; taku otai)ir). even'tually, adv. uijhaijketa. ev'er, adv. tohiijni ; obirjniyai) : evergreen, ohiijniyai) toya wai)- ka : ever more, ohiijniyai). ev'ery, adj. otoiyohi ; iyohi : every where, owagcaya. ev'idence, n. woyatai)ii). ev'ident, adj. taqyai) taqiq. ev'idently, adv. taijiqyaq ; awicakehai). e'vil, adj. iioa. e'vil, n. taku sica. evince', v. yaotaqiq. evolve', V. yuzainni. e'we, M. taliiqc'a wanui)yai)pi wi- yedai). exact', adj. hec'etu. exactly, adv. hecetu hiqca. exag'gerate, v. a. akaga ; aka- wii). exalt', V. yuwaijkan icu ; yu- warjkan iyeya. exalta'tion, n. yuwaijkan iye- exam'ination, n. wiwicawaij- gapi. ^ exam'ine, v. a. iwaijga ; wi- wai)ga; iwaijyaka; iyukcai). exam'iner, n. wiwicawaijge. exas'perate, v. a. sihdaya; car)te oki^upninya. ex'cavate, v. a. yuskopa ; ka- skopa. exceed', v. a. kapa ; ikapa. exceed'ingly, adv. nina hii] ; awitukadai). excel', V. kapa. ex'cellence, ». wic'iyokipi. ex'cellent, adj. waste higca. ex'cellently, adv. ayuco. except', V. a. okapta ; ope sni ya. excess', n. iyatahdepi. exces'sively, adv. iyatahde- ya- exchange', v. a. iciyopeya ; to- kiyopeya. excite', v. a. iyopa^taka. exclude', v. a. heyata iyeya. excommu'nicate, v. a. taij- kan iyeya ; heyata iyeya ; ope sni ya. excres'cence, n. psuijka. excul'pate, v. a. anakihma. excuse', v. a. kiciyawa sni. ex'ecrate, v. a. yasica. ex'ecute, v. a. yuecetu ; teya ; ecoi). exempt', v. a. ope ^ni ya. ex'ercise, v. n. skai) ; ^kiijiiji- ya ; skiijciya ; taku ecoi). exert', v. a. nina ecoq ; sagya ec'oi). exhaust', v. a. yusota. EXII 299 FEM exhaust'ed, ;;a)-/. okita; tuq- kita ; mJokita. exhibit, V. a. pazo ; kipazo. exhil'arate, v. a. magagaya. exhort', v. a. wahokoijkiya. exhorta'tion, n. wowahokoij- kiye. ex'ile, n. iye tamakoce elipeye kiyapi ; ouuni. expect', V. ape. expecta'tion, n. woape; ape- pi. expec'torate, v. n. kaspa. expe'dient, ac?j. iyecetu. expedi'tious, aJj. oliaijko. expedi'tiously, adv. oliaq- koya ; inaliniyai). expel', V. a. taijkan iyeya ; pa- lia iyeya. expend', v. a. yusota ; hduso- ta ; yutakunisni. expen'sive, adj. teliika. expe'rience, n. wosdonye ; woksape. exper'iment, n. iyutapi. expert', adj. wayupika. expert'ly, adv. wayupiya. ' ex'piate, v. a. woattani kazuiu. expire', v. n. ipogaij ; ta iyaya. explain', v. a. taoyaij oyaka. explode', v. n. napopa. exploit', n. wicohaij. explore', v. a. iwaijyaka. explo'sion, n. napopapi. expose', V. a. yusdayelina. expos'ed, 2)art. sJayehna. expovind', v. a. oyaka. express'ly, aa!y. taijioyai) ; ata- yedai). expunge', v. a. pazuiu. extend', v. yutaijka : to extend the hand, nape yokiya. exten'sively, adv. otaijkaya. extent', n. to this extent, he- haijyai). exter'minate, v. a. ihaijgya. exter'nal, adj. itaijkan ; akan. extinct', adj. kasnipi ; ihaijg- yapi; ta. extin'gviish, v. a. yusni ; ka- sni; bosni. extol', V. a. yatai) ; yaonihai). extract', v. a. yuiui). extraor'dinary, adj. wopte- casni. extrav'agant, adj. aokaga ; iyatahdeya. extreme'ly, adv. iyotaij. extrem'ity, n. ihaijkc ; owi- haqke. ex'tricate, v. a. yuspa. exult', V. n. iyuskii) ; wiyuskiq. eye, n. ista : the pupil of tlie eyo, ista sii : eye-brow, ista he ; istalie Lii) : eye-lash, istanepe liiq : eye-lid, istoiuha. fa'ble, n. hituqkakaijpi. fab'ricate, v. a. akaga. face, n. ite ; itoye ; itohnake : face to face, itkokim : to make faces at, iksiqkiya. fa'cile, adj. tellisni. fact, n. wowicake ; taku ecoripi. fac'ulty, n. tawaciq. fade, V. n. to wither, sniia ; snis aya : to make fade, yu^niia ; yusai). fail, V. n. wanica aya : to fail as waters, puza aya : fail by dis- ease, haijye ; takunisni aya. faint, V. n. taqsagta ; ihpaya. faint, adj. staka ; hpeca : scarcely visible, ohmuq. faint'ly, adv. ohmuijyai). fair, adj. owaiiyag wa^te ; ska ; owotarjna ; owa^tec'ake. fair'ly, adv. owotaijna. faith, n. wowicada ; wowaciqye ; awadiijpi. faith'ful, adj. wicaka; wac'ii)- yepida. faith'fully, adv. awicakehaij. fall, V. n. hii)lipaya ; ihpaya ; aptaqyaq ; kahdaya : to fall on, ahiqhpaya. false, adj. wicakapi ^ni ; itoq- sni ; owotaqna sni. false'hood, n. woitoij^ni. fame, n. yuonihaijpi; taqkaya oyakapi. famil'iar, adj. iyakitedai). fajnil'iarly, adv. iyakitedaij. fam'ily, n. tiyohnaka ; wic'oui) ; widowazi. fam'ine, n. ■wicaakihai). fam'ish, v. n. akiiaq ; aki- hai) ta. fa'mous, adj. tehaq yuotaqiij- pi ; taqkaya oyakapi. fan, n. idadu ; idaduge ; tusti- cadu. fan, V. a. kaduga : to fan oneself, ihdadu. fangs, n. kiijske : claws, sake. far, adv. tehaq ; tehaqyai) : far from, itehar) ; iditehaij : from far, tehai) taqhaij. farm, n. maga. farm, v. a. maga kaga. far'ther, adv. ako ; akowapa ; sai} pa ; akotaq liar) . far'thest, adj. iyotai) tehai). fas'einate, v. a. iyokipiya. fash'ion, n. ■widohaij. fast, adj. suta ; sutaya ; tiijsa. fast, f . »i. akiliaqi^iya ; wotesni Ul). fas'ten, i). a. nataka ; yusuta ; sutaya ehnaka : to fasten on, onataka ; aonataka : fasten to, ikoyagya. fastid'ious, adj. wahitihda. fat, adj. depa ; demdepa. fat, n. sir) ; wasii) ; wasna ; wi- hdi. fa'ther, n. ate : his father, atku- ku : to call one father, ateya. fa'ther-in-la"w, m. tuqkaqsi ; tur)kai)ku. fath'om, v. a. akatiij. fath'om, n. akatiijpi. fatigu'ed,^a?-^ huqkita;mdo- kita. fat'ten, v. a. demya. fault, n. woahtani ; yu^napi. fa'vor, V. a. wadiq en yuza ; daqtekiya. fa"\WTi, n. taciijdadai). fear, n. wokokipe. fear, v. a. kokipa; ikopa; ko- pehda. fcEir'ful, adj. wawinihaij. feast, n. wohaqpi ; wonwicaya- pi. feast', V. a. wonwidaya. feath'er, n. wiyaka; maga hiij. Feb'ruary, n. Widata-wi. fee'ble, adj. was'ake sni ; suta sni ; staka ; ahtateda. feed, V. n. wihaq ; wota. feed, V. a. wonya ; yunya ; wi- hai)ya. feel, V. yutai)tai). feign, V. n. koqza : to feign drunkenness, witko koijza. feli'city, n. wowiyuskii). fell, V. a. as a tree, kawaijka. fel'lo'wship, n. dakonkidiyapi ; okodakiciye. fe'male, adj. wiqyai) ; wiye ; wiyedai). FEM 300 FOL fe'mur, n. cecuqte. fence, n. maginatake. fence, v. a. nataka. fend, V. a. kaseya. ferment', «. napogaq; napohya. ferment'ed, part, napoliyapi. fern, n. highaqtoriwai). fero'cious, adj. wohitika. fero'ciously, adv. oliiti3'a. fer'ret, n. sina apahdate sokso- ka. fer'rule, n. of a gun, iyopazai). fer'ry, v. kikto ; kiktoya. fer'tile, adj. wonuka ; mdga waste. fetch, V. a. au ; alii ; huwe ya. fe'ver, n. taqcai) wicakata. fe'W, adj. tonana. fib'ula, n. caijkpe liuwajcipe. fickle, adj. waciq cistiyedaij. field, n. mdga ; mahtani ; ma- hteca. fiend, 71. wakaijsica. fierce, adj. woLitika. fife, n. cotai)ka. fifteen, num. adj. ake zaptai). fifteenth, num. at/;, iakezaptaij. fifth, num. adj. izaptai). fiftieth, num. adj. iwikcemna zaptai). fifty, num. adj. wikc'emna za- ptai). fight, n. okicize. fight, V. a. kiciza ; kici kiciza. fig'ure, n. oowa. flg'ured, part, owapi. file, n. mazipabe ; maziyube ; caijipabe. fill, V. a. oiu ; oiuya ; ozutoi) ; opagi. fil'ter, V. puskepa; puskeraya; apuskepa. filth, n. wosape. fil'thy, adj. a4apa. fin, n. ho ape. fi'nal, adj. ehake. find, V. a. iyeya ; iyekiya. fine, adj. wa^te ; zipzipedai) ; mdu hiqc'a; tpaij ; sbudaq : to make fine, bopai) ; yutpai) ; kamdu. fi'nery, n. wokoyake wasteste. fin'ger, n. napsukaza ; napcupe : forefinger, nape tokaheya and nape apazo : second finger, na- pe cokaya ; third finger, sa^te iyokipe : fourth finger, saste : finger-ring, maza napcupe. fin'ish, V. a. yustai) ; yastai) ; ohiijnikiya ; huijhikiya. fire, V. a. ideya ; aideya : to make a fire, ceti. fire, n. peta : near the fire, pe- tkahda ; petkiyedai) ; petiskai) : fire-arm.s, mazakai) : fire-brand, petuspe : fire-shovel, maza 013 cahota ehpeyapi. firm, adj. suta ; tii)sa. fir'mament, n. okotoijyaij. firmly, adv. sutaya ; tiqsadai) : not firmly, hahayedaq ; ahaha- yedaii. first, adj. tokaheya ; otokahoya : first-born, tokapa ; caske ; wi- nona. fish, n. hogai). fish, V. a. hoyupsic'a ; hopsica ; hokuwa. fish'er, n. skec'a. fish'gig, n. huhaka. fish 'hook, n. hoiyupsice ; hoi- cuwa ; cakiyuhuge ; hiq^kizu- pi. fishing'-line, n. hoiyupsice ikai). fish'-net, «. ho. fish'y, adj. hogaijrana. fist, n. nape hdup^upka. fit, V. to suit in size, kipi ; iye- haritu. fit'ness, n. iyecetu. five, num. adj. zaptai). fix, V. a. piya ; sutaya ehde. flag, n. wiyokihedai). flag, V. n. mdokite aya. flame, v. ide ; itkoi). flame, n. idesa^a. flank, n. nigute. flan'nel, n. powaye; ^ina zig- zica. flap, V. koza ; koskoza. flap, n. of a tent, wihupa. flash, n. of lightning, wakaijhdi hiijhda : flash of a gun, noge ide hiqhda. flat, adj. mdaska ; mdaya : a flat side, omdaska. flat, n. mdamdata. flat'ten, v. yumdaya; kamda- ska. flat'terer, n. iskuya. fla'vored, part, skumna. fla'vorless, adj. stusta. flaw, n. hci ; oktetoi). fla'w'y, adj. oktetoi). flax, n. halioiita oiupi. flay, V. a. bagopa. flea, n. ha. fledge, V. kihi ; i\.\r\ icaga. flee, V. napa ; naisica : to flee from, nakicipa : flee to, onapa ; inapa. fleece, w. tahiq wanui)yai)pi hii). fleet, adj. duzahai). flesh, n. c'ehpi ; conic'a : wica- oehpi. flesh'y, adj. cepa ; c'emcepa. flexible, adj. wiij^wiiiiedai). flight, n. napapi ; kii)yai)pi. flight'y, adj. waciohnuni. flinch, V. n. suta. fling, V. a. kalio iyeya. flint, n. waijhi. flit, V. n. kiqyai) iyaya. float, V. n. okahboka ; okapota ; okalipa. float, «. okahboka. flock, n. optaye ; ospaye. flog, V. a. kastaka ; kapsigpsiq- ta. flood, n. minitai) ; ominitai). flood, V. aminitai) ; minitai). floor, n. owaijka. flour, n. aguyapi mdu. flourish, V. tai)yai) icaga. flow, V. n. kaduza. flow'er, n. wahca. flow'er, V. n. hca. fluent, adj. wayapika. flu'ently, adv. wayapiya. fluid, adj. mini iyececa. flute, n. cotai)ka. flut'ter, V. n. skaijskai) ; ptai)- ptai). flux, n. kaiopi, fly, «. honagidaq ; tatawamdu- ska. fly, V. n. kiqyai) ; wakiqyaq : to fly round, anawiq : fly out as a cork, nasdoka. foam, n. tage ; minitaga. foe, n. t6ka. fog, n. opo. fog'gy, adj. po ; minibozaij. foil, v. a. okihi sni ya. fold, V. a. pehai) ; opehaij : to fold in the arms, adoksohaq yu- za. fold, n. opehe. fo'liage, n. caqwapa. follow, V. opa; okipa; om ya ; iyahna ya ; ohaqhdeya ; tapa ; otapa. FOL 301 FUR folly, n. waciijtoqpi sni. fond, adj. to be fond of, wa^te- daka ; oliai)lideya. fon'dle, V. a. kihna. food, n. wo ; woyute ; taku yu- tapi. fool, n. witkotkoka. fool'ish, adj. witkotko. fool'ishly, adv. witkotkoya. foot, 11. siha : ball of the foot, siipusii) : on foot, huiyui). foot'step, ji. owe ; oye. fop, n. wakoyaka ; Titoi)wai) se. for, prep. 01) ; heoi) ; etai)hai). forbear', v. a. itoijpa ; iyaki- euijni. forbid', V. a. tehiijda ; iyokisni : one who forbids, watehiqda. force, 11. wowas'ake ; wookihi. force, V. a. ecoq kiya. for'cibly, adv. was'agya. ford, n. oiyuwege. ford, V. iyuwega ; copa. fore'-ann, n. isto ; ispahu. fore'castle, n. watokapataij- hai). fore'-finger, n. nape tokahe- ya. fore 'head, n. ite. for'eign, adj. tokec'a. foreknovr', v. itokam sdonya ; ayate. fore 'most, adj. tokaheya; to- kaliai). fore'noon, n. wiyotai)he ^ni. for'est, n. coi)tai)ka ; coijsma. forev'er, adv. ohii)niyai) ; owi- liaqke wanica. forget', V. a. akiktoi)za. forget'ful, adj. wacii)ktoi)iEa. forgive', V. a. kazuiu ; iyuq- wiq codaq kaiuiu. forgive'ness, n. wokaiuiu. fork, n. wicapedai) ; caqzata. . fork'ed, adj. iata ; akizata ; gaiigata. forks, n. ozate. form, V. a. kaga. form'er, n. waicaliye. for'mer, adj. tokaheya. for'merly, adv. ehai)na ; tani- hai) ; wanakaia. for'midable, adj. wawinihaij ; wokokipe. fomica'tion, n. wiinahmappi. forsake', v. a. ayu^taij ; ehpe- ya; inatai} ; inakitai). fort, n. doxjkaike. forth"with', adv. ecehnahai) ; eciihaijkeya ; tokesta. for'tieth, adj. iwikccmna topa. fortifica'tion, n. c'oijkaske. for'tify, V. a. coijkaske kaga ; adaijkaska. for'titude, n. wacii)tai)kapi. for'tunate, adj. w4pi ; wapika : to be fortunate, ataya. for'tunately, adv. wapiya. for'tune, n. wowizice. for'ty, num. adj. wikcemna to- pa. for'Avard, adj. tokaheya. fos'ter, V. a. idahya. foul, adj. sapa. foul, V. a. nasosa. found, part, iyeyapi. fovmda'tion, n. taku ahe cii) ; alidebe dii). foun'tain, n. wakoniya ; mini- yowe ; minihdoka. four, num. adj. topa : by fours, tomtom. fourteen', num. adj. ake topa. fourteenth.', num.adj. lake topa. fourth, num. adj. itopa. foAVl, n. wakii)yai) ; wakiye ; wahupakoza. fox, n. 8ui)gidar|. frac'tion, w. oij^pa; oi)spai5pa. frac'ture, v. a. paweg.i ; ka- lideca ; okahdeca. frac'ture, n. okalidede. frag'ile, adj. waqkadai) ; suta sni. frag'ments, n. oyaptajii ; otu- tka. fra'grant, adj. wastemna. frail, adj. was'ake sni. frame, v. a. as a house, tiiyuta ; ticaga. fran'tic, adj. hna^kiqyai). fraud, n. wicahnaye. free, adj. tawai^iya. free, v. a. kiyu^ka ; yuspa. free'dom, n. ihduhapi; tawai- ^iyapi. firee'ly, adv. ituya ; iyaki^uya. freeze, v. n. caga ; tasaka. freight, n. taku toksupi. Prench'man, n. Wa^icui). fire 'quent, ac(;'. ota. fire'quentlyjarfv. otakiya;iie- hai). fresh, adj. teca ; do ; fresh meat, tado ; doyake. fresh'et, n. minitaij. fret'ful, adj. wida:)ksi. Fri'day, n. aijpetu izaplai), or aijpetu isakpe. friend, n. koda ; kiduwa. friend'ship, n. dakonkidiyapi ; kodakidiyapi. firight'en, v. a. yusiijyeya ; ini- haijya ; wakokipe kidaga ; liam- ya. fright'ened,^ar<. inihai) ; yu- siqyaya. frisk, V. 11. iiapsipsida ; psipsica. friz'zled, part. yuha. f^ock, n. nitoske. frog, n. iiaska ; hnaska : tree frog, hnaska candidal) : bull frog, toi)toi)tar)ka. frog'-spittle, n. mini witoye. frol'ic, V. n. skata. from, prep, etaijhaij. frost, n. Rewai)ka ; daijliotka. frost'ed, part, tasaka ; sni oi) ta ; adalisdaya. frost'y, adj. posa waijka. froth, «. tage. fro'^ward, adj. waanagoptaij in'i. frOAvn, V. n. ite sinkiya ; ite yukogkiya. fro'zen, part, daga ; tasaka. fruc'tify, v. a. aicahya. fru'gal, adj. wapatai). fruit, n. waskuyeda. fruit'ful, adj. ui)tkai)na aidaga. frus'trate, v. a. yuedetu sni ; yutaku sni. fry, V. a. deguguya : a fiying- pan, cega ihupa haijska. fudge, inlj. hii)te. fu'el, 11. peta cai). fu'gitive, n. tuwe nazida. fulfil', V. a. ecetuya ; yuedetu. full, adj. ipi ; wipi ; oiudai) : brimful, iyuzimnana. fVill, V. to full up, namniga ; namnihya. fuU'ed, part, namniga. ful'minate, v. otii) ; owotiij. fU'migate, v. a. izita ; izinya. f\in, n. wowiha : to make fun, ohai)hai)hai). fund, n. mnayaripi. fu'neral, ». widasta hapi. fun'gus, n. w icai)hpi hiijhpaya : on trees, caq kaqpeska. fur, «. hii) : furs, wawaha. fur'bish, v. a. pateda. fu'rious, adj. wobitika. FUR 302 GOO furl, V. a. pehar). fur'nace, n. oceti tar)ka. fur'nish, v. opetoii ; l>u ; elxna- ' ka. fur'niture, n. taku i^Jihde. fur'row, )?. caqkiiye. fur'ry, adj. liiqliteya. fur'ther, ado. saijpa- fu'ry, n. wosihda ; \vo6ai)te- ptaqye. fuse, V. sJo; sdoya. fuss, n. owodutatoi) ; olfoyapi. fu'ture, adj. tokata. G. gab'ble, v. iiina tainya ; iwa- kai). ga-Vhiing, part, iwakaij. gad, V. a. to gad about, ti iyaza HI). gad'fly, n. tatawamduska. gag, V. a. iohmuskiya. gain, V. a. kamna ; oLiya. gain'er, n. ohiye s'a. gait, n. caehdepi. gal'axy, n. wanagi tacarjku. gall, 11. pizi. gall, V. a. ha kasdoka. gallantly, adv. iwayupiya. gallop, V. n. nawaijka. galloAVS, n. to put to death on the gallows, poskin yuta. gam'ble, v. n. oecoqna ecoij. gam'bling, «. oecoijna ; kaij- sukutepi. gam'bol, V. n. psipsica. game, n. ecoripidai). gan'der, n. maga, mdoka. gang, n. optaye. gaol, n. wicakaska tipi. gaol'er, n. wicakaska tipi awaijyaka. gap, n. hc'i : to make gaps, kahci. gape, V. n. iyowa ; naga. garb, V. wokoyoko ; ihduzapi. gar'den, n. wozupi. gar'gle, v. a. i hduiaia. garland, n. wahca watesdake. gar'ment, n. heyakc ; wokoya- ke. gar'ner, n. dotopiye. gar'nish, v. a. oiyokipi kaga. gar'ret, n. ticeska ekta tipi kir). gar'rison, n. doijkaske. gar'rulous, adj. iwasicui). gar'ter, n. Luijskicalie. gash, n. obahoi). gasp, V. n. niya ini ta nui) seca. gate, n. tiyopa. gath'er, v. mnayaij ; pahi ; niiiiciya ; witaya iheya. gauge, V. a. iyuta. gauze, 71. tahokata se ecec'a. gay, adj. Titoijwai) se. gaze, V. a. opahta. gear, v. a. ikoyagya ; iyakaska. geese, n. mag.'i ; maga sapa. gem, n. iijyai) tehika. gen'eral, n. akic'ita tai)cai). gen'erally, adu. owaijcaya; ecaken. genera'tion, n. wicoicage. gen'erous, aJj. ohaijpi. gen'erously, adv. oliaijpiya. Gen'esis, n. Wicoicage. genteel', adj. wasteyaken ollai). gen 'tie, adj. wahbadaij. gen'tleman, n. wicasta wa- hbaka. gen'tly, adv. waHbaya ; iyasna- snana. gen'uine, adj. wicakapi. ge'nus, n. obe. germ, n. ciijtpa ; camni. ges'ture, v. wikiyuta. get, V. kamna ; icu ; kaga : to get away, hai)ta wo ; huijktiya. ghost, n. wanagi. gi'ant, n. wazi se. gid'dy, adj. itohomni. gift, n. taku wicajcupi. gigan'tic, adj. taijka hiijca. gig'gle, V. n. ilia ; ilialia. gills, n. hocaka : dolie sa. gim'blet, n. caijiyumni cistii)- na. gin, n. 01) hmuijkapi. gird, V. ipiyaka ; ipiyagtoi) ; opta yuskiskita. gir'dle, n. ipiyake : ida^ke. girl, n. wiciijyarina ; wicii)ca- dai) : girls, wiciyaijpidaq. girth, n. maku-iyuskite. give, V. bu ; ituhaij : to give back to, kicu. g^z'zard, n. tezi. glad, adj. iyuskii) ; pida ; wiyu- skii). glad'den, v. a. wiyu^kiijya ; pi- daya. glad'ly, adv. pidaya; iyuikii)- yai). glad'ness, n. wowiyuskiij ; wi- yuskiqpi. glance, v. to slip, yusna ; ka- ina.; ka^duta. glass, n. iaqiai) : looking-glass, ihdiyomdasii). glas'sy, adj. acahsdaya. glaze, V. ozaijzaq hdepi kaga. glaz'ed, part, glued over, asii)- sii). gleeun, v. n. wiyatpatpa. glean, v. a. pahihi. glide, V. n. iwastedai) kaduza. glim'mer, v. n. maste naptapta. glimpse, n. to get a glimpse of, aistacenya. glis'ten, V. n. wiyatpatpa. glit'ter, V. n. wiyakpakpa. globe, n. makohmihbe. gloom, n. otpaza. gloom'y, adj. otpasya. glo'rify, V. a. yaonihai) ; ya- tai) ; yuonihai). glo'rious, adj. waste hiijca. glo'ry, n. wowitari. glos'sy, adj. wiyakpa. glot'tis, n. dote. glove, n. napiijkpa j'ugaga. glovr, V. n. iyega. glue, n. coijpeska. glue, V. a. apuspa ; askapa ; askamya. glued, part, apuspapi. glut'ton, 71. wote s'a ; iya se. gnash, V. hi hdakiqskiijza. gnat, n. hopookadai). gnaw, V. yaspaspa; yamnu- mnuga ; yalfoga ; yama. go, V. ya : to go home, hda : go out, taijkan ya : go round, oho- mni ya : go on a journey, ici- mani : go astray, nuni : go as in moving, ihdaka ; urjhdaka : go along, haijta : go by, hiyaya ; kapa ; hnihda : go with, om ya ; opa ; kici ya. goad, M. cai)-pestodai). goal, n. oinaziqta. goat, n. tatoka. gob'ble, V. zicataqka hotoi). God, n. Wakai)tai)ka. gold, n. mazaskazi. gone, part, iyaya ; kihda ; hni- hda ; iyayupta. good, adj. wa^te : good-natured, tawaciq waste. good'ly, adj. wasteya. good'ness, n. wowaste; wico- waste. goods, n. maza; wahpaya. GOO 303 II A R goose, n. inagi'i ; mag i sapa ; magi paqpaijna : goose-quill, wi3'aka. goose'berry, 71. widahdeska. go'pher, n. manica. gore, V. a. lie oi) capa. gore, n. we. gorge, V. katlca. gosling, n. lualiciqca. gos'pel, n. wotaqir) waste. gouge, V. a. kaskotpa. gourd, n. wamiiulia. gov'ern, v. a. oie kiyiir) ; awaij- yaka. gov'ernor, n. wicastayatapi. govrn, n. nitosko ; oqlidolida. grab, V. a. botica. grace, n. wowaoijsida ; wacai)- tkiyapi ; wowaste. grace 'ful, adj. wa^teyaken. gra'cious, adj. wacaijtkiya ; waoijsida. grad'ual, adj. hvastedai). grain, n. su ; co ; sukaza. gran'ary, n. dotopiye. grand, m/j. taijka ; waste. grand 'child, n. takoza; tako- zakpaku. grajid'father, n. tunkaqsidaij ; tui)kar)ksitku. gremd 'mother, n. uijc'i : kui}- sitkii. grant, v. a. ku ; ku iyeya. grapes, «. liastaijliaijka. grape '-vine, n. liastariliaijka iyuwi. grap'ple, v. a. kici ccoi) ; kici kieiza. grasp, V. a. yuza. grass, n. peii : sweet grass, wa- caijga. grass'hopper, n. psipsicadai). grate, v. n. kiijs^fiiiza ; keiljega. grate 'ful, adj. pida. grate'fully, adv. pidaya. gra'ter, n. iyu^ege. gra'tis, adv. iyugwii) codai). grat'itude, n. wopida. gratu'itously, adv. ituya. grave, n. wicaliapi. grav'el, n. isbu ; ih'e. grajvy, n. haqpi ; wahaijpi. graze, v. n. wiHai) ; yasda ; aya.sda. graz'ier, n. wiliaowicakiye. grease, n. sda ; ilidi ; wihdi ; wasna. grease, v. a, sdaya ; sdakiya. great, adj. taqka. great'ly, ado. tarika ; taqkaya. great'ness, n. wotaijka; taij- kiipi. gree'dy, adj. akaska ; nina wota. green, adj. to ; toto : to color green, toya. grey, adj. h'a ; oli'a ; oli'aka ; liota. grief, n. woiyokisic'e. grieve, v. iyokisica ; iyokisin- grim, adj. ksizeca ; wawinihai). grin, V. ite siijkiya ; ite yusii)- kiya ; liiliakiya : to grin at, ai- ksiijkiya. grind, v. a. wotpai) ; yukpaq. grind'stone, n. izuza taijka. grist, n. wotpaqpi waijzidai). groan, v. n. ^icahowaya ; co- mnihdazi. groin, n. caijna. groove, V. a. bakoijtkoijta ; ka- koqtkoqta. grope, V. n. yutaijtai) mani. ground, ». maka : bare ground, kisapa. ground, v. to get aground, azi. ground-cher'ries, n. talipiyo- m- group, n. optaye. grouse, n. siyo. grove, n. taskozu. groAV, V. n. ic'aga : to gi-ow on, aidaga : make grow, icaliya. grovrl, V. n. lido ; yabu. grub, n. maka ^a ; hute o^a. grudge, V. a. ipida. grum, adj. ksizeda. gfrum'ble, v. to grumble about, asidaMo. grunt, V. n. hdo ; hdohdo ; tii)- ga. guard, V. awariyaka ; awaqbda- ka ; iwaqhdaka ; akidita nazii) ; iwakta. guard'edly, adv. iwaktaya. guess, v. iyukcai) ; ayate. guest, n. kidopi ; en wota. guide, V. a. yus aya. guile, n. wohnaye. guile 'ful, adj. wahnayai). guilt, n. woahtani. guil'ty, adj. yacopi ; iyaoijpa- pi. gull, n. widatariktarikadai). giil'let, n. dohdeska. gum, n. carisii). gun, n. mazakai) ; mazawakai) : gun-lock, mazakai) oyuwi. gun'poAvder, n. dalidi. gush, V. kaduza. guts, n. supe. H. hab'it, n. iyowaijke ; owai)gi(Ji- yapi ; ibduzapi. hab'it, V. to form a habit, iyo- waygipiya; iliduza : to be in the habit of, eda edoijka. hack, V. bahor)hoi) ; bakoijta. hack'berry, n. yamnumnuga- hac'kle, n. widakca. hag'gle, V. a. bahorihoi). hail, 71. wasu. hair, n. hii) : tied up, as hair, aske ; aske yuwipi. hair'y, adj. hirisma. half, n. hai)ke ; okise ; iyokise. halloo', V. pai) ; ias'a. hal'l0"W, V. a. yuwakaq. halt, V. huste ; inazii). hal'ter, n. hakalnuoijpi. halve, V. a. okidaksa ; okida- sdeda. ham, n. ceca. ham'mer, n. maziyape. hand, «. nape : right hand, ctapa : left hand, catka. hand'ful, n. napohnaka. hand 'kerchief, n. wapaoge- dai). han'dle, n. ilmpa. han'dle, v. a. ihupa toi). hand'savr, n. dagibakse. hands 'breadth, n. napapasde- dapi ; OS. hand'some, adj. owaqyag wa- ste. han'dy, adj. wayupika. hang, V. otkeya ; okazeze. hang'ing, part, okazeze. hap'pen, v. to liappen to, aki- pa : happen to do, wanuij edoi). hap'piness, n. wowiyuskiij. hap'py, adj. iyuskiij. har'bor, n. oihuni waste. hard, adj. suta ; tiijza ; tehika. hard'en, v. a. yusuta. hard'ly, adv. kitai) se. har'dy, adj. suta. hare, n. tin-ma^tiijca. hark, v. a ; a po. HAR 304 HON harlot, n. witkowiijna. harm, n. wosice. harm, v. a. kiuqniya. har'ness, n. akio ikaij ko. har'ness, v. a. alciij iyakaska ; harp, n. caqdowaiikiyapi. harpoon', n. huliaka. har'rO"W, n. magiyuhiqte taij- ka. har'ro"W, v. a. yuhigta. harsh, adj. gahec'a ; zahai) ; liobu. hart, n. tamdoka. har'vest, n. mnayai)pi. has, V. yuha. hasp, n. inatake. haste, n. inahnipi. has'ten, v. inahni ; inahniya. has'tily, adv. inahniyaij. has'ty, adj. waciijko. hat, n. wapaha : a palm hat, psa wapaha : to put on or wear a liat, wapaha kitoi). hatch, V. mai) ; be. hatch 'ed, part, maqpi. hatch'et, n. oqspedai). hate, V. a. sicedaka ; oyusii). ha'tred, n. caqniyekiciyapi. haugh'ty, adj. waliaqi^ida. haul, V. a. toksu ; watoksu ; yusdohai) aya. have, V. yuha ; hduha ; toi) ; yuza. ha'ven, n. iyomnina ; oihuni. havr, n. black haw, mna : red haw, taspai) ; taspai) sdosdo- dai). haAvk, n. cetaij ; caijska. hay, n. peii. haz'ard, v. otohnaka. haze, n. opo. ha'zel-nut, n. uma. he, pron. is ; iye. head, n. pa; itaijcai) : head covered, posmicodai) : head un- covered, pakazamni : head ache, pa yazai). headlong, adv. pamakom ; ahdaskin. head'y, adj. waciriko. heal, V. a. asniyai) ; okiziya. heal'ed, part, asni ; okizi. heal'er, n. waasniyai). hearing, n. wokizi. health'ful, adj. zaniyaq. health 'y, adj. zapiyaq. heap, V. eiu aya ; witaya eiu. \ hear, v. a. nahoq ; nakihoq ; anaj;optaq : to lend an ear to, anolikiciya. hearing, n. onahoqpi. heark'en, v. anagoptaij ; noge ekta ycya. hear'say, n. keyapi. heart, n. caqte ; wicac'aqte. heartless, adj. canwaqka. heat, «. omaste ; okata ; iyo- katapi. heat, V. a. kanya. heat'ed, part, kanyapi. heav'en, n. mahpiya. heavily, adv. tkeya. heav'y, adj. tke. hedge, v. to hedge up, ic'agi. heed, v. a. anagoptaq ; anaki- goptaq. heedless, adj. wanahoq sni. heel, n. siyete. helFer, n. pte heyuktaqna. height, n. obosdatu ; pecje. hei'nous, adj. sice hiqca. heir, n. aihpeyapi kiq. hell, n. wakaqsica tipi. helm, n. iyupse. helms 'man, n. iyupse yuze ciq. help, V. a. okiya. help, n. ookiye. help'er, n. tawasi ; tawa^itku ; taokiye. helpless, adj. taku okihi ^ni. hem, n. opapuq. hemp, n. hasbe. hen, n. aqpaohotoqna wiye. hence, adv. detaqhaq. hence'forth, adv. detaqhaq ; tokata. her, pron. hers, tawa. her'ald, n. eyaqpaha. herb, n. peii. herd, n. optaye ; ospaye. here, adv. deciya ; den ; detn. her'itage, n. taku aihpeyapi. he'ro, n. tuwe wakte hdi. her'on, n. hoka ; hokagic'a. herself, pron. iye \e. hew, V. a. kakaq : to counter hew and hew on, akakaq. hevm, part, kakaq pi. hick'ory, n. caqsu. hick'up, V. n. mdokaska. hid'denly, adv. nahmana. hide, V. a. anahbe ; nahma ; inahma; nakihma. hide, n. ha. high, adj. tehaqwaqkan ; te- waqkaqtuya. hill, 71. palia ; paiodaq : hill, as of corn, etc., niahpazo. hill'y, adj. hoski ; hoskiski. him, pron. is ; iye. himself, pron. iye ^:e, hind, 11. tawiyedaq. hin'der, v. a. teliiqda; iyoki- sni ; kaseya ; icagi ; kagiya. hind'most, n. hekta. hin'drance, n. wokagi. hinge, n. tiyopa-okihe. hip, n. nisehu ; niqtpahu. hire, v. a. opetoq ; taqcaq ope- toq. his, prmi. tawa. hiss, V. n. as a serpent, s'a. his'tory, n. woyakapi. hit, V. a. o ; cokaya iheya ; apa. hitch, V. a. ikoyaka ; ikoyagya. hitherto', adu. dehaqyaq. hive, n. tuhmaga tipi. hoard, v. a. kamna ; nahmana kamna. hoarse, adj. hogita. hob'ble, V. n. hu^te mani. hoe, n. magic'amna. hoe, V. a. akata ; ahdata. hog, n. kukuse. hoist, V. a. yuwaqkan icu. hold, V. a. yuza ; yus naziq : to contain, kipi : hold ! hinahaq- ka! hole, n. ohdoka : to cut a hole, bahdoka ; kahdoka : shoot a hole in, bohdoka : bore a hole, yuhdoka : make a hole with the foot, nahdoka. ho'liness, n. wowakaq. hol'lovr, adj. mahen olidoka ; hdogeca. hol'lOAV, n. osmaka. ho'ly, adj. wakaq. home, n. tipi tawa : to go home, lida : to come home, hdi : to carry home, ahda ; ahdi ; hdo- hda ; akiyahda ; aki. home'ly, adj. owaqyag sica. hom'mony, n. pasdayapi : to make hommony, paidaya. hone, n. iyohdi. hon'est, adj. owotaqna ; ofiaq owotaqna. hon'esty, n. wicoowotaqna. hon'ey, n. tuhmaga caqhaqpi : honey-comb, tulimaga cesdi. hon'or, v. a. yuonihaq ; kinihaq. HON 305 IMP hon'or, n. woyuonihai) : doing something entitling one to honor, iwesdeka. hood, n, wapaha. hoof, n. iake. hook, n. maza yuk^aijyai) : a fish-hook, c'akiyuhuge; hoiyu- psic'e. hook, V. a. ikoyagya. hoop, n. caqhdeika ; koka iyu- skite. hop, V. n. ipsic'a ; psipsica. hope, V. ape. hope, n. woape. horn, n. he : a powder-horn, ptehe. horse, n. ^uktaqka ; sugka wa- kai) : a horse-shoe, ^ake maza okataijpi : a horse-whip, suijki- capsiijte. hose, ». iyahdehuqska; iyohe. hos'pitable, adj. ohai^pi. host, n. wonwicakiye dii). hos'tile, adj. wakiza; tokaki- c'iyapi. hot, adj. kata ; didita ; maite ; okata ; odidita ; oma^te. hour, n. wihiyayedai) oape wai)- iidai). house, n. tipi : our house, uij- tipi. house 'hold, n. tiyohnaka ; ti- wahe. houseless, adj. tipi codaq ui)- pi ; sdayehna uqpi. hov'er, v. n. Ipewaijka ; na- wiq. ho"W, adv. token ; toketu : how far, tohaijyai) : how many, tona- ka ; tonakeca ; tona. ho-wev'er, adv. toketu ka^ta. howl, V. n. pa ; howaya ; ceya. hud'dle, V. n. witaya iheya. hug, V. a. adoksohai) yuza ; po- skin yuza. huge, adj. taijka iiijc'a ; wo- pteca ^ni. hull, n. ha. hull, V. a. yusku; yasku; yu- hu ; yahu ; basku, etc. hum, V. n. hmuq. humane', adj. waoijsida; wa- caijtkiya. hum'ble, adj. wahbadai) ; og- sihap. hum'ble, v. a. yuhukuya. hu'mid, adj. tkiq. humil'ity, n. og^ihaijpi. 39 hu'mor, n. out of humor, cai}- teptai)yai). hunch, V. a. panini. hun'dred, num. adj. opawirjge. him'dredth, mim. adj. iopa- wiijge. hun'ger, n. wotektehdapi. hun'gry, adj. wotektehda. hunt, V. a. akita ; ode ; okide ; wakuwa ; kuwa ; wotihni ; wa- nasa ; nasa ; awaijg ya. hunt, n. akitapi ; odepi ; waku- wapi ; wotihnipi ; wanasapi. hunt'er, n. waoke. hunt'ing, n. wakuwapi ; woti- hnipi. hurl, V. a. kaho iyeya. hur'rieajie, n. tate iyumni. hur'ry, v. n. inahni : to be in a hurry, inahniyaij. hur'ry, v. a. inahniya. hurt, V. a. ksuweya ; kiuijniya. hus'band, n. hihna ; hihnaku : to have a husband, hihnatoi) : to have for a husband, hihnaya. hush, V. be still, inina yaijka wo. husk, V. a. yugai). husk'ing, ». wogai)pi; yugaij- P'- hut, n. tipi cistiijna. hyp'ocrite, 71. wauijca; wana- i^ihbe cii). hys'sop, n. peii tota. I. I, pron. mii ; miye. In compo- sition, ' wa,' ' ma,' and ' mi.' ice, n. c'aga. i'cicle, n. da^a. ide'a, n. yukc'appi. iden'tify, v. a. iyekiya. id'iot, n. witkotkoka. i'dle, adj. taku ec'oi) ^ni ; kuia. i'dleness, n. wicokuie. i'dol, n. wakagapi. idol'atry, n. wakagapi ohoda- Pi- if, conj. kiqhai) ; ciqhaq ; ur)- kai)8. ignite', v. itkog ; ideya. igno'bly, adv. wica^ta^niyaij. ig'nominy, n. wowi^tece. ig'norant, adj. orispe sni ; o- sdonye sni ; takudag sdonye ' ^ni. ill, adj. wayazaijka. illegit'imate, adj. tuwe diijca tanig sni. illib'eral, adj. ohaijsica. ill-na'tured, adj. wacigko ; ta- wac'ii) ^ica. ill'ness, n. wowayazai). illude', V. a. hnayai). illu'minate, v. a. iyoyamya. illus'trate, v. a. iyohdamni- yai) oyaka. illus'trious, adj. tankaya oya- kapi. im'age, n. wakagapi : okagapi. imag'ine, v. yukdaij. im'beeile, adj. was'ake ini ; ta- kunisni. imbibe', v. yahepa ; yuhepa. imbrue', v. hpaijyaq. im'itate, v. a. owangya ; iye- c'en ec'oi). inunature', adj. stuijkadai). inune'diately, adv. kohai) ; kohaqna ; ahaqkeya ; ecahai)- koya ; hiqnakaha. immense', adj. wopteca sni. immerse', v. a. oputkaij ; spa- yeya. im 'migrate, v. n. makoce to- keca en hiyotaqka. inmaod'est, adj. wi^tede ^ni. im'molate, v. a. wayuina. immor'al, adj. sida. inunor'tal, adj. tepida ^ni. inunov'able, adj. hohopida sni ; yuliohopida sni ; tokai) iya- yepida sni. immu'table, adj. yutokecapi- da sni. impair', v. a. yu^ida. impart', v. a. etaijhai) wica^fu. impas'sable, adj. iyuwelipida sni. impa'tient, adj. wadiij distiye- dai) ; idomni. impeach', v. a. iyaoijpa ; wiya- 01) pa. impeach'ment, n. wiyaoijpa- pi. impede', v. a. anapta ; ki^ida ; kaseya. Impel', V. a. kahapa ; iyopa^ta- ka. impend', v. n. iwaigkam otkeya ; akipe kta. impercep'tible, adj. wagyag- pida sni. imper'fect, adj. yu^taijpi tei ; osteka. IMP 306 INO imperishable, adj. luqwiq- pica siii. imper'tinent, adj. iwasicuij. impet'uous, adj. wohitika. im'pious, adj. waohoda sni. impla'cable, adj. apaspepica sni. im'plement, «. tatu wowi^- yuijyaijpi. im'plicate, v. a. iyaoijpa; en au. imply', V. a. ka ; ka seececa. implore', v. a. cekiya. import', V. a. ahdi. importune', v. a. kitaq ; oe- kiya. impose', v. a. to impose upon, akagec'a. impos'sible, ac?/. okihipica ^ni. Im'potent, adj. was'ake sni. impov'erish, v. a. yuwaHpa- nica. imprac'tieable, adj. edoijpica ^ni. imipress', v. a. owa ; okatdoka ; nalidoka. im'press, n. oowa. imprint', v. a. owa. impris'on, v. a. kaska ; kaska hnaka. improb'able, adj. widakapi sni iyececa. improp'er, adj. hecetu sni. im'pudent, adj. wistece sni. impure', adj. ecedaij sni. impute', V. a. kidiyawa. in, prep, en ; ohna ; malien. inabil'ity, n. wookihi sni. inac'curate, adj. owotaijna sni. inac'tive, adj. miniheca sni ; liai)hi. inad'equate, adj. obi sni ; iyo- lii sni. inal'terable, adj. togye kali- pica sni. inca'pable, adj. okihi sni ; ki- pi sni. incar'nate, adj. wicadehpi ic'u. in'cense, n. to offer incense, iziuya. incite', v. a. iyopastaka. inclem'ent, adj. as the wea- ther, kiliar)sica. incline', v. a. awaciqya. inclin'ed, part, takiriyai) ; apa- mahde. inclose', v. a. nataka. include', v. a. en opeya. incohe'rent, adj. zuijte sni. incomplete', adj. yustaijpi sni. incomprehen'sible, adj. oka- hnilipida sni. ineonceiv'able, adj. iyukdaq- pida sni. inconsol'able, adj. wacii)tor)- Lnagyepida sni. ineon'stant, adj. aliai)liar)ka. incorrect', adj. hedetu sni; owotaijna sni. incorrect'ly, adv. togye ; owo- tarina sni. incorrup'tible, adj. liuqwiij- pida sni. increase', v. n. icaga ; tai]ka aya. in'crease, n. oidage. incred'ible, adj. wicadapica sni. incul'cate, v. a. waoijspekiya. incur', v. a. i^idaga. incu'rable, adj. asniyepida sni. indeed', , adv. awidakehaq ; ehaes ; nakaes ; edaes ; i:aas ; Jceda. indel'ible, adj. pazuzupica sni. indel'icate, adj. taku 013 iste- dapi kta. indent', v. a. yakoijtkoflta ; ka- koi}tkor)ta ; kasmaka. indent'ed, part, koijtkoijta. independ'ent, adj. isnana ; ta- waidiya. indestruc'tible, adj. ihaijgye- pida sni. In'dian, n. Ikdewidasta : In- dian-corn, wamnaheza ; wakma- heza. in'dicate, v. a. oyaka ; pazo. indifferent, adj. Letaijhari to- keda ediripi. iu'digent, adj. wahpanida. indig'nant, adj. sihda. in'digo, n. witoye. indirect', adj. owotaijna sni ; oliomni. indistinct', adj. ohmurilimur) ; owotaijii) sni. indite', v. a. oyaka. individ'ual, n. waijzidaij. individ'ually, adv. iyohiya. indivis'ible, adj. kicaksepica sni. in'dolence, n. widokuie. in'dolent, adj. kuza. indulge', v. a. iyowiijkiya. indus'trious, adj. miniheca. indus'triously, adv. amini- henya. in'dustry, n. widomiuiheca. ineffable, adj. oyagpida sni. inefiec'tual, adj. okitpani. inel'egant, adj. waste sni. ines'timable, adj. yawapica sni. inexhaust'ible, adj. yuson- pida sni. inexpert', adj. wayupike sni. infal'lible, adj. taku sida ecog kta okihi sni. in'famous, adj. sice hiijda. in'fant, n. hoksiyok:opa. infect', V. a. aiyahpeya. infec'tion, n. aiyahpeyapi. infer', v. a. yukdaij. infe'rior, adj. iyowaza sni ; ihu- kuya. in'finite, adj. wopteda sni. infirm', adj. suta sni ; was'ake sni. inflame', v. a. ideya. inflate', v. a. ipogaq. inflect', V. a. yukta;). infold', V. a. ipehai). inform', v. a. okiyaka. informa'tion, n. wootagig. infuse', v. a. okastag ; oi)spe- kiya. in'gathering, n. mnayaqpi. inge'nious, adj. wayupika. inge'niously, adv. wayupiya. ingen'uous, adj. widaka. ingrat'itude, n. wapidapi ^ni. inhab'it, v. n. ouijyai) ; oti. inhale', v. n. niya. inher'itance, n. taku aifipeya- pi. inhos'pitable, adj. oia^sica. inhu'man, adj. ohaipsurikeda ; widastasni. iniq'uity, n. woahtani. iryect', v. a. ohna okastaq. injec'tion, n. oijze okastaijpi. in'jure, v. a. kiuijniyai) ; yusi- da ; napi^taijyai) ; ksuweya. in'jury, n. kiuqniyaijpi. ink, n. minisapa : inkstand, mi- nisapa ozuha. in'land, adj. heyata. in'most, adj. mehetu ; taq ma- hen. in'nocent, adj. iyao^pepica sni. inofl^fen'sive, adj. taku sica edoij sni. INQ 307 JEW inquire', v. a. iwaqga ; wiwaq- inqui'ry, n. wiwai)gapi. insane', adj. wac'iqhnuni. in'seot, n. watutka. insen'sible, adj. taku kiksuye sni ; kiksuye ini. in'side, adj. mahen. insincere', adj. wicake sni. insip'id, adj. skuye sni. insist', V. to insist on, kitai). insnare', v. a. hmupka. in'solent, adj. waliaiji^Jida. inspect', v. a. iwaqyaka. inspire', v. n. niya. instanta'neously, adv. ihnu- haijna. in'st£intly, adv. ihnuharjna. instead', adv. to put in the place of, heekiya. in'step, n. itake ; haijpitake. in'stigate, v. a. iyopastaka; ec'oi) si. in'stitute, v. a. kaga ; ehde. instruct', v. a. waoijspekiya ; oijspekiya ; wahokoijkiya. instruo'tion, n. wowaorispeki- ye- in'strument, n. icage ; taku wowir)yui)yai)pi. insuffi'cient, adj. iyohi ^ni ; iyecetu ^ni ; aokpani. insult,' V. a. yasihda. insurree'tion, n. wowakipa- zii). in'telleet, n. tawac'ii). intel'ligence, n. wosdonye. intel'ligent, adj. wasdonya ; ksapa. intel'ligible, adj. okatnilipi- ca. intem'perance, n. iyatahdei- (Jiyapi ; witkopi. intem'perate, adj. witko s'a ; iyatahdei^iya. intend, v. n. wadiq yuza ; koi^- za ; wakicoijza. intense'Iy, adv. nina ; liiijca. intent', adj. to be intent on, awa- cii) yai)ka. intercede', v. iciya ; woc'eki- ye ekiciya. interces'sor, n. wawic'iya. interchange', v. a. togiyope- kioiyapi ; iciyopekiyapi. in'terest, n. oicage. interfere', v. n. i en hiyeya. interior, n. heyata; mahetu. inter'minable, adj. owihaqke wanic'a. intermis'sion, n. ayustaqpi. intermit, v. n. tuktekten ayu- 4tai). intermix', v. a. ic'ahi ; ic'aliiya. inter'nal, adj. maben ; kaijye. interpose', v. a. anakiksiij. inter'pret, v. a. oyaka ; ieska oyaka. inter'preter, n. ieskakiyapi ; iekiyapi. inter'rogate, v. a. iviwaijga. interroga'tion, n. wiwic'awaq- gapi. interrupt', v. a. anapta. intersect', v. ipaweb iyaya. intersect'ing, part, ipaweiya. intersperse', v. a. icicahiya ozu ; icicaliiya ehnaka. inter'stice, n. oko. in'terval, n. iyotahedai). interweave', v. a. kazoijta. intes'tines, n. supe. in'timately, adv. iyakitedai). intim'idate, v. a. wakokipe kicaga; wawinibarjya. in 'to, jyrep. maben ; ohna ; en. intomb', v. a. Ha. in'tonate, v. n. wotii). intox'ieate, v. a. witkoya. intox'icated, part, witko. intrench', v. a. maka ka ; o].ca. intrep'id, adj. waditaka ; taku- dai) kokipe ^ni. intrep'idly, adv. waditagya. in'tricate, adj. oskiske. in'tricately, adv. oiki^keya. intrust', v. a. kiyuhekiya. in'undate, v. n. aminitaij. invade', v. a. watakpe ya ; ana- taq. invent', v. a. tok4 yulidokec'a. invert', v. a. or)zibosdan ebna- ka. invest', v. a. koyaka. inves'tigate, v. a. awaciij ; iyukcai). invig'orate, v. a. yuwa^'aka. invin'cible, adj. ohiyepic'a inL invis'ible, adj. waqyagpica sni. invite', v. a. kic'o. invit'ed, part, kicopi. invoke', v. a. cekiya ; wac'e- kiya. involve', v. a. iyapemni. invul'nerable, adj. kiuijniye- pic'a sni ; opic'a ^ni. in '■wards, adv. kaijye ; maben. in'wrap', v. a. iyapemni ; pa- zoi)ta. iras'cible, adj. waciiiko. i'ris, n. wibmuqke. i'ron, n. mazasapa : a smoothing iron, wipamdaye. i'ron, V. a. wapamdaya ; pa- mdaya. i'ron-vrood, n. uspai)spai)hec'a. irreconcil'able, adj. okidi- yuwastepica sni. irrecov'erable, adj. ehdaku- pica sni. irreprehen'sible, adj. iyaoq- pepica sni. irreprov'able, adj. bapica ^ni. irrevers'ible, adj. yutokeca- pioa sni. ir'ritable, adj. wopanic'a. ir'ritate, v. a. c'aijksiya ; yasi- hda ; cai)te oki^ur)ninya. ir'ritated, part. c'ai)ksi. is, V. n. ui) ; yaijka ; yukaij. isl'and, n. -wita. is'sue, v. n. kaduza. isth'mus, n. skita ; stiskita. it, pron. be ; iye. itch, v. n. yaspuya. itch, n. awic'ayaspuya. itin'erate, v. n. tiiyaza ug ; icimani ui). itself, pron. he \q ; iye \q. J. jack'et, n. aokihaijna. jad'ed, ;)a?-<. mdokita. jag'ged, adj. pepe. jag'gy, adj. pepeya hiyeya. jam, V. a. aopuskic'a hiyeya. Jan*uary, n. Witebi. jar, v. a. pabobo. jav'elin, n. wabukeza. javr, n. under jaw, c'ebupa ; iku. jeal'ous, V. nawizi ; nakiwizi ; inawizi. jeal'ousy, n. wowinawizi. Jeho'vah, n. Jebowa. jerk, v. 71. naka. jest, V. n. owehaijhai) ; aowe- haqbaq. jest, n. wowihadar). jest'er, n. wawihaka. je"w'el, n. oii)na ; oil) tefiike. JIN 308 LAT jin'gle, V. a. yusnasna ; nasna- sna. jocose', adj. wawiliaka. jog, V. a. panini ; pahuLuza. jog'gle, V. a. pahoho. join, v. a. idiyaskapa; askamya; aopuskic'a ; aohduteya ; ikoyag- ya ; idikoyagya ; okibe ; okibe- ya; iyofipeya. joint, n. iyokihe ; bu iyokibe. jointly, adv. ptaya ; akiptaq. joist, n. can hdakiijyari waqke. joke, n. wowiha. joke, V. n. oijskata ; oqkiskata. jolly, adj. ohiijniyai) iha.. jolt, V. a. kaptaqptai). jour'ney, v. n. icitnani ; ohni- hde. jour'ney, n. icimanipi ; oici- mani ; wicohnihde. jovrl, n. iyoia ; tapoi). joy, n. wowiyuskin. joy'ful, adj. pida; wiyuskii). joy'fully, adv. iyuikiqyai). judge, V. a. yao'o. judge, n. wayado. judg'ment, n. woyado. July', n. Wasui)pa-wi. jum'ble, V. a. yuididahi. jump', V. n. ipsida. June, n. Waiuitedasa-wi. just, adj. owotaijna : just so, hedetu. jus'tice, n. wicoowotaijna. jus'tify, V. a. yuowotaijna ; owotarina yawa. just'ly, adv. owotagna. K. keel, n. wasidu. keen, adj. pe liirida. keep, V. a. yuba; hduba; pa- tai) ; kpatai) ; tehinda : to keep for, kiyuba ; kiciyuha : keep back, anida ; ipida : to watch over, awariyaka. keep'er, n. yuhe diij ; waawaq- hdake. keg, n. kokadag ; kokoiuha. ker'chief, n. wapaogedaij. ker'nel, n. do ; donida. ket'tle, n. cega ; cega huha- toqna. key, n. iyutdoke ; tiyopa iyu- idoke. kick, V. a. nahtaka. kid, n. tadiqcadai). kid'nap, v. a. wica^ta manoij. kid'ney, n. paksiij ; wicapa- ksii). kill, V. a. kte ; kata ; kata iyeya ; edahai) ; bota ; hdata ; bduta ; nata ; pata ; yuta ; te kiya ; tin kte. kind, n. obe ; odaie. kind, arf;'. waog^ida; wadaijtki- ya. kin 'die, v. ide ; itkoi) ; deti ; ideya. kind'ness, ». wowaste; wowa- oqsida. kin'dred, n. wowahecoi) ; ta- kukiciyapi. king, n. wida^tayatapi. king'dom, n. wokidogze; wi- coskaijskaq. king'fisher, n. kusdeda. kiss, V. a. iiputaka ; iputaka. kiteh'en, n. tipi ohna wohai)- pi ede. kit 'ten, n. inmusuqka diqca- daq. knead, v. a. pasuta. knee, n. Lupahu : knee-pan, ta- kaqgi. kneel, v. a. daijpeska makehde inazii). knife, n. isan ; miijna. knit, V. iyahdebuqska kaga : knitting-needle, iyobe idage. knofbed, part, kasditka. knock, V. apa ; kabubu ; kato- to : to knock over, kaba iyeya. knoll, n. pazodaq. knot, V. iyaka^ka. knot, n, oiyaka^ke : of a tree, psuijka ; adetka. knot'ty, adj. adetka ota. kno'W, V. a. sdonya ; sdonkiya ; to know bow, oi)spe ; waoqspe. kno"wredge, n. wosdonye. knuc'kle, n. nape hdupsuqka. la'bor, n. wicoitani. la'bor, V. n. btani ; kidaqyaj) : to labor for, abtani. labo'rious, adj. minibeda. labo'riously, adv. tebiya. lace, V. a. yuskiskita. lack, V. n. iyokpani ; idakiia ; iwabpanica. lack'ing, part, idakiia. lad, n. hoksidag ; hoksina. lad'der, n. dai) iyamanipi. lade, V. a. as a boat, ozu ; wa- tohnaka : to lade out, kapte. la'den, part, yus'aka. la'dle, n. tukiha ; idapte ; iyo- kapte. la'dy, n. wiwasteka. la'dy's-slipper, n. pisko ta- haijpe. lag, V. n. hektam u ; huqke ^ni ; mdokita. lake, n. mde ; mdedai). lamb, n. tahii) wanuijyaripi dii)- dadai). lame, adj. huste. lament', v. a. adeya. lamp, n. petiiaqzaq. lamp 'black, n. wisamye. lance, n. wabukeza. lan'cet, n. kaq idatpe. land, n. maka ; makoce : by land, heyam. land, V. n. hen ihaq ; huta ekta ihuni. land'ing, n. oibuni. lane, n. daqku. lan'guage, n. iapi. lan'guid, adj. iVbXix) ; wai'ake ^ni ; ahtata. lan'guish, v. n. haqye. lan'guor, n. wosihtiq. leink, adj. tamabeca. lap, n. siyoto ; bupazahde. lap, V. a. idiyopata : to Uck, sdipa. larch, n. ^iqta. lard, n. kukuse ihdi. large, adj. taqka ; taqkiqkiq- yaq ; taqkiqyaqyaq ; otaijka : so large, niskokeda ; niskotaq- ka ; hiqskokeda. large'ly, adv. taqkaya ; utkaq- na. large'ness, n. otaqka. lark, n. ^dosdodaq. las'situde, n. idowicamni ; oM- tapi. last, adj. ebake ; hakakta : last autumn, ptiqhaq : last winter, wanibaq : last spring, wehaq : last summer, mdokehaq : last night, hiqhaq. lastly, adv. ebake. latch, n. tiyom-inatake. latch'et, n. of a shoe, haqkpaq. late, adj. tebaq hi sni ; tehaq. late'ly, adv. askatudaq ; naka. la'ter, adj. iyohakam. LAT 309 LOD lath'er, n. wipaiaia tage. laud, V. a. yatai) ; idowar). laud'able, adj. idowaqpida. laud'anum, n. oij istiijmapi. laugh, V. ilia ; iliaha ; ikiha. laugh'ter, n. iliapi. launch, v. wata minin iyeya. lavish, adj. oiaijpi ; icewig. lavishly, adv. icewiijyaij. law, n. woope ; wic'oope : wo- koijze. lavr'yer, n. woope aiekiyapi. lax, n. kaiopi. lax, adj. suta ^ni ; zigzida. lay, V. a. hnaka ; ehnaka ; elide : to lay up, aiu ; waiu ; kihnaka ; wakihnaka : lay, as eggs, oka- da. lay'er, n. in layers, okimdetoi)- toi) ; akilina ; itakihna. la'ziness, n. wicokuze. la'zy, adj. kuia. lead, V. a. yus aya : to lead to, iyahdeya ; aiyahde. lead, n. mazasu. lead'er, n. itai)dai) ; kahinto- kamye cii) ; zuye dii) ; mdetaij- huijka. leaf, n. ape ; waUpe ; wapa ; daijwapa : leaf of a book, yu- mdayapi. leafless, adj. osanka ; osaij- kaka. league, n. odakonkidiyapi. leak, V. n. kuse ; ohiyu. lean, v. n. takiijyai) Laij. lean, adj. tamaheda. leaning, par^ ataomya; idaij- hai) ; kanakeya. leap, V. n. ipsida ; psin iyaya. learn, v. n. oi)spei^idiya. learn'ed, adj. taijyaij oijspe. learning, n. wooijspe. least, adj. iyotar) distiijna. leath'er, n. ha tpaijyaijpi ; wa- kihdaka. leave, v. a. eipeya ; ayusta^ ; iyakiduni ; okapta ; oyapta. leav'en, n. oij napotyapi. leavings, n. oyaptapi ; oyu- ptapi. lec'ture, n. wowaliokoqkiye. leo'ture, v. a. wahokoijkiya. leech, n. tusda. lee '"ward, adv. aitahdaibe. left'-hand, n. datka : to the left hand of, icatkataijhai). leg, ». hu ; humdo ; huha. leg'acy, ». woaihpeye. leg'gins, r>. hui)ska. legible, adj. yawapida ; taijii). legislate, v. n. widoope kaga. lei'sure, «. owaqzi yukaijpi : at leisure, owaijii yai)ka. lei'surely, adv. iwomniyen. lend, V. a. o^u ; waojiu. lend'ing, n. owidajfupi. length, n. ohai)ske. length'en, v. a. yuhaijska. less, adv. aopten ; aotpani. let, V. a. iyowiijkiya. let'ter, n. oowa ; wowapi. lev'el, adj. mdaya ; mdayedai) ; omdaya. lev'el, n. omdaye ; mdamdata. lev'el, V. a. yumdaya ; kamda- ya. lex'icon, n. -widoie wowapi. li'ar, n. itoQ^ni s'a. li'bel, n. woakage. lib'eral, adj. oliai)pi. lib'erally, adv. ohaqpiya. lib'erate, v. a. kiyuska. lib'erty, n. ihduhapi ; tawai- ^iyapi. li'brary, n. wowapi opiye. li'cense, n. iyowigkiyapi. lick, V. a. sdipa ; kisdipa ; asdipa. lid, n. dega iha. lie, n. woitoijsni. lie, V. n. itoijsni ; itoi)ka ; edii)- kta eya : to recline, wa^ka ; iwa^ka ; makata iwaijka. life, n. widoni. life'less, adj. ni sni ; ta. lift, V. a. yuha ; yuwai)kan idu. light, n. iyoiai)iai) ; iyoyaijpa. light, adj. kapoiedai] : light- headed, itohomni. light, V. a. izariiai) ; ideya : to light from, ipsida : light on, iya- haq. light'en, v. a. iyoyamya : to make not heavy, lighten, yukapozedai). light'ly, adv. kapozedai). light'ning, n. waka^hdi. lights, n. dagu. like, adj. iyededa ; hedeca. like, adv. iyeden; iyedenya; iyadiijyai). like, V. a. wastedaka ; iyokipi. like'ly, adv. nadeda. lik'en, v, a, iyaciij. like'ness, n. iyadiijpi ; widaite kagapi. like 'wise, adj. nakuq ; ko ; koya. lil'y, n. mnahdahda. limb, n. huha ; adetka. lim'ber, adj. winswiqiedaij. lime, n. iijyaq acetipi ; maka- sai). lim'it, n. ihaijke ; opapui). limp, V. n. huste mani. lin'den, n. hiqta. line, n. ikaij ; idaiopi ; oidazo. lin'en, n. minihuha. lin'ger, v. n. ye kapiij. lin'ing, n. taku itakihna. link, n. maza ididahiha wai)ii : linked together, idikoyakapi. li'on, n. mnaia. lip, n. upper lip, pute: under lip, isti : lips, iha : lips moving, i^paspa. liq'uid, adj. mini iyededa. liq'uidate, v. a. kazuiu. lisp, v. n. yasdiya ia. list, n. opapui). lis'ten, v. a ; anagoptaq. lis'tening, part, nogoptai). list'less, adj. waanagoptai) sni. lit'eral, adj. atayedai). liti'g^ous, adj. wakinida. lit'tle, adj. cistiijna ; dikadaq ; dikcistiqpidai). lit'tle, n. wani]j:adai) ; wani- stiijna; tonana ; oqgedai) ; apa- dai). live, V. n. ni ; ti ; ouijyafl : to live again, kini. live'ly, adj. atatadaq. liv'er, n. pi ; tapi ; widapi. liv'ing, n. ouqyaijpi ; nipi. liz'ard, n, ahde^kadaq. lo, inlj. wai) ; iqjrui) ; ito. load, n. wa^tii) ; our) waijzidai). load, V. a. oiu ; ohnaka ; tape- te akan ehnaka. load'ed, part, yus'aka ; tkeya \ix) ; oiupi. loaf, n. aguyapi 4pai). loaf, V. n. to loaf about, asiij. loan, V. a. o^u. loathe, V. a. hitihda ; ^idedaka. lock, n. inatake. lock, V. a. nataka ; nakitaka ; onataka. lo'cust, n. psipsidadag. lodge, V. n. ouijyai) ; iwaijka : to lodge, as a tree, iyepe : make lodge, iyepeya. lodge, n. wakeya ; okeya. LOD 310 MAR lodg'ing, part, iyepeya. loft, n. waqkan tipi. loft'y, adj. tewaijkantu. log, re. caqkaga. log'wood, n. car) widuduta. loins, n. wicapaksiri ; wicanite. loi'ter, V. n. liekta ku ; iwa^te- daij ya. loll, V. n. iwai)ka. lone, adj. nana ; isnana. long, adj. liariska; haijskaska; tehag : long ago, tanihaij ; wa- nakaza ; eliaqna. lon'ger, adj. sam haijska. lon'gest, adj. iyotai) haijska. longevity, n. wanakas wotapi. long-suffering, adj. wawaciij- kta yuza taijka. look, V. n. toqwaij; waijyaka; atoijwar) : to look at, etoijwar) ; opalita ; iwaijyaka ; awaqyaka : look back, hakikta. look'ing-glass, n. ihdiyomda- sir). loom, n. caijwicazuijte. loon, re. mdoza. loop, re. ^uijioyake. loose, adj. hohodaij. loose, V. a. yu^ka ; kiyuska ; hduska. loosely, adv. oidaidadar) ; lidalidayedar) ; olita&tadai) ; a- yulidagarinaka. loos'en, V. n. to come loose, yu- lidali icu ; naicoga. lop, V. a. to lop off, kaspa iyeya. loqua'cious, adj. iwakaq ; iwa- ^icug. lord, re. itagcai) ; yuhe ciq. lordly, ac?;. itaqdarikiya; itaij- cariyari. lose, V. a. toki eUpeya. lost, part, taqiri sni. loud, adj. nina ; hotai)kakiya. louse, re. heya; henapetoqna. lou'sy, adj. heya ota. love, re. cai)tekiyapi ; woca;)- tkiyapi ; wowastedake. love, V. a. wastedaka ; caijte- kiya ; wacii) en yuza. low, adj. kucedaq : cheap, wa- sakadai). l0"W, V. re. hotoi). lo"wly, adj. oi)sikihaq ; wa- liai)i^ida sni. lo"W-spirlted, adj. iyokisica. lu'cid, adj. kohdi. luck'y, adj. w4pi. lug, V. a. !^ii) : ynha. lug'gage, re. wahpaya. luke'-warm, adj. iteca : to make tepid, itenya. lull, V. a. kihna. lu'minous, adj. iyoiaqiai). lump, re. psuqka. lungs, re. c'agu. lurk, V. re. nafimana ui). lust, re. captiheyapi ^ica. lute, re. dai)dowar)kiyapi. lye, re. caiota haijpi. M. ma'cerate, v. a. ka^u^uia. machine', re. taku wowiriyu^- yaiipi ; taku ikicaqyaijpi. machinist, re. wakage s'a. mac'ulate, adj. hdeska^ka. mad, adj. witkotkoka ; hnaskirj- yai). mad'den, v. a. yutna^kiriyar). mad'der, re. wi^aye. made, part, kagapi : made like, kaliya. madly, adv. witkotkoya. mad'man, re. witkotkoke cii). magazine', re. cahdi opiye. mag'got, n. wamdudai). ma'gi, re. wicasta ksapapi. maglo, n. wakai) ecoijpidai). magi'eian, re. wakai) eco^na. magistrate, re. wayac'o. magnanimous, adj. waciq- taijka. magnificent, adj. wawinihaij ; ■waite liir)ca. mag'nify, v. a. yatag ; yutaq- ka. mag'nitude, n. tai)ka kii). mag'pie, n. uijkdekilia. maid, re. wikoska. mail, re. wowapi ahipi. maim, v. a. o ; huha kaksa. mainly, adv. iyotaijyai). maintain', v. a. yuha ; icalya. main'tenance, re. taku oi) nipi. maize, re. wamnaheza. majes'tic, adj. okinihaq. major'ity, re. wicota. make, v. a. kaga : to cause to do, ecoijkiya. ma'ker, re. waicaliye. mal'ady, n. wowayazai). male, adj. wica ; mdoka. maledic'tion, re. yasicapi. malev'olence, re. wocai)niye ; wosihda. mal'ice, n. wocaijniye. mal'let, re. caij iyapa. mam 'ma, re. mama ; ina : thy mother, nihuq : his or her mother, huijku. man, re. wicaita : a young man, ko^ka ; an old man, widatiijc'a. man'acle, v. a. ka^ka. man 'age, v. a. yuha. man'ageahle, adj. yuhapi wa- ^te. mane, n. apehiq : mane all gone, ayusmiqsmii). ma'nes, re. wanagi ; wicanagi. man'ful, adj. waditaka. man'fully, adv. waditagya. man'ger, w. pezi ohna iyeyapi. man'gle, v. a. bahorihoij. man'gled, part, baspa^papi. ma'niac, re. tuwe taku ihna- skiijyaij. man'ifest, v. a. yaotaijii) ; yu- otaijiq. man'ifestly, adv. tai)ii)yai) ; okitar)ir)yai) ; iyokitaqiijyar). man'ifold, adj. otakiya. man'ner, re. a custom, wicohag. man'sion, re. tipi ta^jka. man'slaughter, re. tinwic'a- ktepi. man'slayer, re. tinwic'akte. man'tle, re. sina. man'tle, v. a. akahpa. manufac'ture, v. a. kaga. manumit', v. a. kiyuska. manure', re. tacesdi. ma'ny, adj. ota ; -wicota ; pa- wika ; akihtata : how many, tona : so many, denakeca ; ka- nakeca : many times, otakiya. man'yplies, re. ihaha ; tihaha. map, re. makoe'e owapi. ma'ple, re. hard or sugar maple, daijhasai) : soft maple, tahdohu. mar, v. a. yusida. March, re. Istawidayazai)-wi. m.arch, v. a. mani ; katiijyai) ya. mare, re. suktagka wiye. mar'gin, n. opapui) ; ihaijke. mark, re. wowapetokeda ; iwa- petokeda ; idagopi ; idazopi. mark, v. a. wapetogtoi) ; idago ; idazo. mar'ket, re. -wiyopeye tipi ; wi- yopekidiyapi. MAR 311 MIL marks 'inEin, n. waoka. mar'riage, n. kic'iyuzapi. niar'ried,^ar<. hihnatoq ; tawi- cutoi). mar'ro'w, n. cupe. mar'ry, v. winoliiijda yuza ; Tfiaka.Tj kiciyuzapi : wolipa ; yu- Ipa. marsh, n. wiwi ; lidilididai) ; ptega. mar'shal, n. akicita tagcai). mar'ten, n. nakpagida. mar'tial, adj. martial music, akicita tadowag. mar'vel, n. woyusiijyaye. mas'culine, adj. wica. mash, V. a. kasusuza ; yuza. mask, n. ite akalipe: wicite kagapi. mass, n. oc'owasii). mas'sacre, n. tinwicaktepi ; wicaktepi. mast, n. uskuyeca ; uta : mast of a ship, wita wata iliupa. mas'ter, n. otaqcarike ; waoi)- spekiya. meis'ter, v. a. ohiya. mas'terly, adj. itaqcaijyai). mas'tery, n. woohiye. mas'ticate, v. a. yapaijpaqna ; yaliuhuga. mat, n. owipza ; psa owiijza. mat, V. a. kawiijza. match, V. n. kidica ; kici aki- dededa. mate, n. tawasi ; tawasitku. mate'rial, n. taku oi) kagapi. mat'rimony, n. kiciyuzapi. mat'ter, n. tog. mat'ter, v. n. toi)yai) ; toi) au. mat'tock, n. magidamna taij- ka. m.at'urate, v. n. toijyai). mature', adj. taijyai) sutoi} ; taijyaq idaga. maul, n. car) iyapa. maAV, n. tezi ; nige. max'im, n. widoie ; iapi. May, n. Woiupi-wi. may, v. aux. okilii. ma'zy, adj. oski^ke. me, pron. miye ; mis ; ma ; mi. mead'o^w, n. peii kasdapi ; omdaya. mea'gre, adj. tamaheda. meal, n. wotpaqpi ; mdu. mean, adj. i\6a. mean, v. a. ka ; kica. mean'ing, n. kapi. meanly, adv. sidaya. mea'sles, n. makoside wai). mea'sure, v. a. iyuta : to measure with the arm, akatii). mea'sure, n. wiyutapi ; aka- tii)pi, meat, n. woyute ; donida ; ta- do ; wadonida. meehan'ic, «. wakage s'a. med'al, n. mazaska kagapi ; ma- za skopa; wanapiq. med'dle, v. a. i en hiyeya. me'diate, v. a. idiya ; okitahe- dai) ui). me'diator, n. wawidiya ; oki- tahedai) uq. med'ieine, n. pezihuta. med'itate, v. a, awadiq. medita'tion, n. awaciqpi. me'dium, n. taku oq. meek, adj. walibadaij ; tawa- dii) waite. meek'ness, n. widowalibadai). meet, adj. iyedetu. meet, v. a. akipa ; akidipa ; itkokipa ; itkokim ya : to meet together, mnidiyapi. meet'lng, n. akipapi ; akicipa- pi ; itkokipapi ; omniciye. merancholy, n. iyokisidapi. me'liorating, part, awasteya- ken aya. mel'lOTV, adj. waqkadaq ; suta sni ; maka paripaqna. mel'lo'W, V. to make mellow, yumdu ; kamdu. mel'ody, n. dowaqpi. mel'on, n. saka yutapi. melt, V. sdo ; Moya ; skaq ; stunya. mem'ber, n. of the body, huha. memen'to, ?«. wokiksuye. mem'orahle, adj. kiksuyapi waste. mem'ory, n. wadiqkiksuyapi. men, n. widasta. men'aee, v. a. kige ; wakokipe kidaga. mend, v. a. piya ; piya kaga ; kagege. mend, v. n. wasteyaken aya. me'nial, n. wowidake. men'ses, n. isnatipi. men'tion, v. a. oyaka; daze- yata. mer'cenary, adj. opetoripida. mer'chandise, n. maza. mer'chant, n. wopetoi). mer'ciful, adj. waoqsida ; wa- daijtkiya. mer'cifully, adv. waoq sidaya. mer'ciless, adj. waoq^ida ^ni. mer'cy, n. wowaoqsida ; wo- daqtkiye : to have mercy on, oqsida. mere, adj. ededai). mere'ly, adv. ededaq. merid'ian, n. wiyotaqhaq. mer'it, v. iyekidihaijtu. mer'rily, adv. ihahaya ; iyu- skii)yar). mer'ry, adj. iyu^kiq ; daijte wa^te. mess, V. witaya wotapi. mes'sage, n. woyake : to send a message, wahoya ; hosiya ; wahosi ya. mes'senger, n. wahosiya. Messi'ah, n. Mesiya. met, part, akipapi. met'al, «. maza. metamor'phose, v. a. yutoke- da. met'aphor, n. wiyadiqpi. mete, v. a. iyuta. me'teor, n. wakaij wohpa. meth'od, n. edoijpi kii). met'tled, adj. skehe. me"W, V. n. inmusuqka hotoq. mice, n. hituijkadai). mid'-day, n. aijpedokaya ; wi- yotai)hai). mid'dle, adj. cokaya. mid'dle, n. odokaya. mid'night, n. haqyecokaya. midst, adj. dokata. mid'summer, n. mdoketuco- kaya. mid '■wife, n. ciqda toqwida- kiye. mid-"W"in'ter, n. wanidokaya. might, V. aux. okihi. might, n. wookihi ; wowa^'ake. migh'tily, adv. was'agya. migh'ty, adj. was'aka ; wawo- kihi ; taijka. mi'grate, v. n. ihdaka ; ihdag ya. mi'grating, part, uqhdaka uij. migra'tion, n. uqhdakapi ; ihdakapi. mild, adj. wahbaka ; wahbadai) ; ahbayedar) ; tawadii) waste : mild, pleasant weather, owa4te- dake ; amdakedai). MIL 312 MOU mil'devr, v. n. aa. mildly, adv. wahbayedai). mile, n. wiyutapi haijska ; caq- ku iyutapi. military, adj. akic'ita owasii). milk, n. pte asaripi. milk, V. a. pte yuikic'a ; asagpi yuskic'a. milk'"weed, n. asaqpi-hu-^ida. mill, n. wiyutpai). mil'lion, n. woyawa ta:r)ka. mill'stone, n. wiyutpai) iqyaij. mimic, V. a. uqc'a. mimic, n. waui)ca. mince, v. a. bakpai). mind, v. awaoiq ; ewacii). mindless, adj. waciqtori sni. mine, pron. mitawa. mine, n. o^capi. mine, v. oka. min'eral, n. mineral deposit, usdoniya. min'gle, v. a. icic'ahiya. miniature, n. wicite kagapi. minister, n. ookiye ; taokiye. minister, v. a. wowidagya. mink, n. dok^ipca. mi 'nor, n. hoksika ; uijcihi sni. mint, n. ceyakata ; walipe wa- stemna. minute', adj. cistiqna higca. mir'acle, n. wowapetokec'a. mire, v. n. katdi ; kahdihdi ; mir'ror, n. ihdiyomdasiij ; mi- niyomdasii). mirth, n. iiapi ; wowiyuskii). mi'ry, adj. Mihdidai) ; dodopa. mis'chief, n. wicowicastasni. mis'chievous, adj. wica^ta- ^ni. misconcep'tion, n. eciij^ni- yai) yukcaripi. mi'ser, n. waliduhaliakte cii). mis'eraWe, adj. iyokisica. mis'eraWy, adv. oqsiya; ka- kisya. mis'ery, n. wokakiie. misinform', v. a. eciij^niyai) okiyaka. mislay', v. a. wicisniyai) ehna- ka. miss, V. a. o sni ; suta ; yusna ; kasna ; bosna ; bokega. missha'pen, ac?/'. hmiij ; Imir)- yai). miBB'ing, part, taqiij ini, mist, n. minibozaq. mistake', n. wanur) edoi)pi ; eciijsniyai) yukcaijpi. mistake', v. yusna ; yasna. mist'y, adj. owotai)ir) sni. misunderstemd', v. a. okaHni- ^ni. mite, M. taku cistiqna. mit'igate, v. a. yuaoptetu. mit'ten, n. napiqkpa. mix, V. icaM ; icahiya ; ic'ahi- toi5 ; icicahiya. mix'ed, part, icicahiyapi. mix'ture, n. icabitogpi. moan, v. n. ceya ; ^ic'ahowaya. moc'casin, n. haijpa : mocca- sin string, baijkpaQ. mock, V. a. uijca; iliaia. mock'er, n. wauijca. mock'ery, n. ihahapi. mod'el, M. okabopi ; okagapi. mod'erately, adv. iwa^tedaq ; iwahnana. mod'ern, adj. askatudag. mod' est, adj. wisteca ; wabba- ka ; inina ui)ka. mod'estly, adv. walibaya ; iwa- stedai). mod'esty, n. wistec'api. mod'ify, v. a. togye kaga ; yu- tokeca. moi'ety, n. haqke. moist, adj. bpai) ; tkiq ; staq- ka ; spaya. mois'ten, v. a. hpaijyai) ; spa- yeya. molas'ses, n. caijhaijpi tiktic'a. mole, n. napebeyatahedai). molest', V. a. nagiyeya ; beya- ta iyeya. molesta'tion, n. nagiyeyapi. mon'arch, n. wicastayatapi taq- ka. Mon'day, n. Aijpetu wakaij ibai)bai)na. mon'ey, n. mazaska. moni'tion, re. wowakta ; waki- bdecapi. mon'itor, n. mon'key, n. mon'ster, n. uqktebi. mon'strous, adj. taqka tiqca ; taku wopteca sni. month, n. wi. mon'ument, n. wokiksuye. moon, n. haqyetu-wi. moon 'light, n. baqwiyagpa. moor, n. ptega ; wiwi. waoijspekiye. wauqcadai). taku taqkabiijca; moor, V. maza aspei^iya minin iyeya. moose, n. ta. moot, V. caieyata. mop, n. owaijkipakiijte. mop, V. a. owaijka pakiqta. mo'pish, adj, ^ibtiq ; staka. mor'als, n. widobaq. morass', n. wiwi. mor'bid, adj. wayazaqka ; za- niyai) ui) sni. more', adv. saijpa ; sam ; a- ktoi). moreo'ver, adv. iyakosai) ; nakui). morn, n. aqpao ; haqbaqna. mom'ing, n. baijbaijna : tbe morning after, ibaqbaijna : morning star, aijpao wicai)bpi. morose', adj. ksizec'a. mor'row, n. beyakeciijhai). mor'sel, re. oi)4pa ; iyobnake. mor'tal, adj. tepic'a. mor'tar, n. wibope ; up^ii^a. mor'tified, part, buijwii). mor'tify, V. a. iltenya. mor'tise, v. a. kabdoka. moss, re. iiiyai) waanunu ; bii)- tkaribaka ; minibiijtkaijbaka. most, adv. iyotai). most'ly, adv. iyotaijyai). mote, n. wakpukpa. moth'er, n. ina : tby mother, nihuq : his or her mother, huq- ku : mother-in-law, ugci ; ni- kur)si. mo'tion, n. wico^kaiiskai). mo'tive, re. taku oi). mot'ley, adj. hdeskaska ; bde- bdega. moiild, n. aa. mould, V. a. pasuta ; kaga. moul'der, v. n. bpuwahai). moul'dy, adj. aa ; aamna. moult, V. a. kapsui). moul'ting, n. kapsuijpi. mound, re. paba ; paiodag. mount, V. n. waqkan ya. moun'tain, re. be ; paba. moun'tainous, adj. boskiski. mourn, v. aceya ; akiceya ; wasibda. mourn'fully, adv. iyoki^inya. mouse, re. kituqkadai) : mouse- trap, kituqkadai) oi) bmuijkapi. mouth, re. i ; wicai : mouth of a stream, mdote : mouthful, iyohnaka. MOV 313 NIG mov'able, adj. hohodai] ; aye- pica. move, V. a. aya ; yuha ; tokai) ehnaka ; yuhoho ; yuhuhuza. move, V. n. skaij^kai) ; a^kaq- skai) : to move with a family, ihdaka ; uijhdaka. moveless, adj. suta ; yulioho- pica sni. move 'ment, n. wieoskai) skai) . mow, V. pezi kasda. much, adv. ota ; utkaijna. muck, n. wakpukpa ; watuse- ksec'a. mu'cus, n. pahdi. mud, n. upsiza. m.ud'dy, adj. sosa ; upsiza ota. mud'dy, v. a. na^osa. muffle, V. a. akahpetoq. mug, M. maka miniyatkedai). mulat'to, n. akpayeca. mule, n. 4ur)ka ^oqsorjna. mul'tiform, adj. otakiya. multiplica'tion, n. yuotapi. mul'tiplied, part, yuotapi. mul'tiply, V. a. yuota. mul'titude, n. wicota. mum'ble, v.n. taqiijyai) ie sni. munificence, n. wac'aijtkiya- munificent, adj. waca^tkiya ; oliaiipi. muni'tion, n. coijka^ke. mur'der, n. tinwidaktepi. mur'der, v. a. tinwicakte. mur'mur, v. ihnu ; wihnu ; i en liiyeya. mur'muring, n. wihnupi. mus'cle, n. kaq ; tukihasai) : muscle-sliell, tukihasaq. muse, V. a. awaciij. mush, n. woiapi : to make mush, yu;fa ; wayuia. mush'room, n. wicaijhpi hiij- hpaya. mu'sic, n. dowaqpi. musk, n. oi)zir)tka ; siijkpe 05- zintka. mus'ket, n. mazakai). musk'rat, n. siijkpe. mus'lin, n. minihuha. musqui'to, n. dapoijka : mus- quito-bar, c'apoijg icuwa. mus'ty, adj. aamna. m.u'table, adj. yutokedapica. mute, adj. inina ; ataijse. mu'tilate, v. a. huh a baksa. mu'tiny, n. owodutatoij. 40 mut'ton, n. tado ; tahiqda wa- nuijyaqpi. mu'tual, adj. iyakitedaij. muz'zle, V. a. i pahta ; iyohmus ehnaka. my, )>ron. mitawa ; mita. my'riad, n. kektopawii)ge wi- kcemna. myself, pron. miye ke ; miye c'iijka ; mis miye. mys'tery, n. taku okahnihpi- ca sni ; woanahbe. N. nag, n. suktaijka c'istiijna. nail, n. sake ; wicasake ; tiyo- pa iyokatkuge ; maza iyokatku- nail, V. a. okatai) ; aokatai). nail'ed, part, okataijpi. na'ked, adj. taqcodag ; taijco- kadaq ; Mayehna. name, n. c'aze ; wicac'aze ; wo- caie : in the name of, c'aie- yan. name, v. a. c'aieyata ; daitox) ; caskitoq : to name to one, ca- zekiyata. nam'ed, part, ec'iyapi ; daieya- tapi. nameless, adj. daze wanida. nap, V. n. oguriga. nap, n. hii). nape, n. of the neck, tahuto- stai). nap'kin, «. napipakiijte. nap'py, adj. powaye ; hiijhte- ya. narrate', v. a. oyaka ; woyaka. narra'ted, part, oyakapi. narra'tion, n. woyakapi. nar'rovr, adj. odikadai) ; disti- yedai) ; ohdakiijyai) ptededai). nar'rowly, adv. kitaq se ; iAni- kaes. nas'ty, adj. sida. na'tive, adj. en toijpi. naught, n. takudaq : to set at naught, ihalia ; ihakta sni : to come to naught, atakuni ^nl. naugh'ty, adj. wida^ta^ni. nau'seated, part. hdepe kta seda. na'vel, n. dekpa. na'vy, n. wita wata. nay, adv. hiya. neap, n. daijpahmihma ihupa. near, adj. kiyedai) ; ikiyedai) ; askadai) ; idikiyedai) : by a near way, akokam. near, v. n. kiyanya. near'est, adj. kiyedaij hiijda ; ikiyedai). nearly, adv. kitaij hii) ; detu. neat, adj. wayudo. neatly, adv. wayudoya. neck, n. dote ; tahu : neck of land, skita. neck'cloth, n. wanapiq. necklace, w. wanapii) mda- ska. need, n. iwidakakize. need, v. n. idakiza ; dii). nee'dle, n. tahiijspadil^adaij. need'y, adj. idakiia. neglect', n. woakiktoijze ; wo- aktasni. neglect', v. a. akta^ni ; aki- ktoriza. negleet'ed, part, aktapiini. neglect'ful, adj. waakiktoqia. ne'gro, n. wa^iduij sapa. neigh, v. n. suktaqka hotoi) ; pai). neigh'hor, n. tuwe ikiyedai) ui) ; aiyog yaqka. nei'ther, pron. uqmana sni. neph'e"W, n. toq^ka ; toq^ka- ku : nephew's wife, takoi ; ta- kosku. nerve, n. kai) ; darika-suqta. ner'vous, adj. wopanida ; wa- kahtakeda ; wasazeda. nest, n. hohpi. net, n. ho. net'tles, n. ha^be. neu'ter, adj. uqmana ope sni. nev'er, adv. tohii)ni-^ni ; idi- mana-sni. nevertheless', adv. heceda e^ta. new, adj. teca ; a^katudai) : new birth, teda nien toqpi. ne'w'ly, adv. nakaha ; tedaya. ne"ws, n. wotaqii). next, adj. iyokihe. nib'ble, v. a. yaspa^pa. nice, adj. waste. nice'ly, adv. taqyeh ; iwayupi- ya. nick'name, v. a. wowihadaq dastoi). niece, n. toiaq ; tuQzaq ; tui)- ia.T)k\i. nigh, adv. ikiyedai). NIG 314 ONC night, n. haiiyetu ; last night, hiijhai) : pleasant night, haij waste : night-walk, haijmani. nim'ble, adj. duzahaij. nine, num. adj. napciijwaijka. nine 'teen, num. adj. uqma na- pdiijwaijka. nine'teenth, num. adj. iuijma napciijwaijka. nine'ty, num. adj. wike'emna napciijwaqka. ninth, num. adj. inapciqwaijka. nip, V. a. yahtaka ; yaiipa. nip'pers, n. maziyaiipe. nip'ple, n. aze pigkpa. nit, «. heya itka. no, adv. hiya. no'ble, adj. okinihai) ; waciq- taqka. no'bleness, n. waeiijtaijkapi. no'bly, adv. wacii)tar)kaya. no'body, n. tuwedai) ^ni. nod, V. pakapsai) ; ogii)gii). noise, n. owodutatoij ; oljco. noi'some, adj. sicamna. noi'sy, adj. iwaiicui) ; bubuya. nom'inate, v. a. c'aieyata. none, adj. takudaij-ini ; wani- ca. non'sense, n. taku kapi ^ni. nook, n. kaHmiq. noon, n. wiyotaijhaij. noose, n. ^mioyake. nor, conj. \a, is. north, n. waziyata. north'em, adj. waziyataijhai). north'-star, n. waziyata wi- caijhpi. north'-wards, adv. waziyataki- ya- nose, n. poge : nose-bleed, pa ■we ; poge we : noseless, poge ba^papi. nos'trils, n. poge ohdoka. not, adv. im. notch, V. a. bakor)ta ; kakoijta. noteh'ed, part, demdepa ; koij- tkoijta. note, n. wowapi. nothing, n. taku sni ; takudai) ^ni. no'tice, v. waijyaka ; iwaktaya. no'tify, V. a. okiyaka. no'tion, n. wowadii) ; wac'iijyu- zapi. notwlthstand'ing, adv. hec'a tuka ; hecec'a e^ta. no\in, n. wocaie. nourish, v. a. icahya. nov'el, adj. teca. Novem'ber, n. Takiyuha-wi, noviT, adv. nakaha ; wagna ; dehan ; ecii) ; askatudai) ; na- ka. no'^where, adv. tokidai) sni. noxious, adj. ohaka. nu'dity, n. taijcowicakadaq. null, adj. ecetu sni. nul'lify, v. a. edetusniya. numb, adj. k^ik^a. nu'merate, v. a. yawa ; iyawa. numera'tion, n. wayawapi. nu'merous, adj. ota ; ota liiq- da. nurse, v. a. aziijkiya. nurse, n, aziijkiye dii). nur'ture, v. a. idahya. nut, n. the kernel, do. o. oak, n. utuhu ; usknyeca dai). oar, n. wamnaheda ; watida- kboke. oat, n. sukta^ka tawote. oath, n. wokoqze. obe'dience, n. woanagoptag. obe'dient, adj. waanagoptai). obe'diently, adv. waanago- ptaqyai) ; anagoptaijyai). obey, V. a. anagoptaij. ob'ject, n. taku og. olyect', V. widada sni ; tehiqda ; i en hiyeya. olyec'tion, n. i en hiyeyapi. oblige', V. a. to cause to do, edorikiya : to favor, pidakiya ; taqyari edakidog. oblique', adj. ataki^yaq. oblique'ly, adv. ohya ; yuohya. oblit'erate, v. paiuiu ; obo- ski. obliv'ion, n. woakiktoi)ie. obsce'nity, n. iapi sida. obscure', adj. owotaqiq sni ; okahnih tehika. obscure'ly, adv. taijiijsniya^. observa'tion, n. iwaijyakapi. observe', v. a. waqyaka ; iwai)- yaka; opahta. ob'stacle, n. taku idagi ; wo- kagi. ob'stinate, adj. wadiijtaijka. obstruct', V. a. kagi ; idagi. obstruc'tion, n. widagi. obtain', v. idu ; \.wp\. obtuse', adj. toia, or toza ; ii}- kpa mima. ob'vious, adj. taijioyaq ; oka- - Inih waste. ob'viously, adv. taijigyaij. ocea'sionally, adv. tuktekten. occupa'tion, n. woedoij ; wi- dohai). oc'cupy, V. a. yiiha ; oti. occur', v. n. akipa. o'cean, n. miniwaqda. Octo'ber, n. Wi-waiupi; Wa- zupi-wi. odd, adj. oditkoijze ixi\. ode, n. odowaq. o'dious, adj. waite sni. o'dor, n. omna. odoriferous, adj. wastemna. of, prep, etaqhai). off| adv. far off, tehaij : off from, aiyoka. offend', v. a. ^ihdaya ; yaiihda ; daijtiyahdeya ; okidu;)ninya. oflfend'ed, ^ari. daijteptaijyai) ; daijniyai) ; 4ihda ; ca^tiyahde ; okiduijnida. offfen'sive, adj. ^ica. offer, V. \vi kta tuka ; wakiyu- ^na. offering, n. wosna. office, n. wicohai) yuhapi. officer, n. akidita tagdai) ; wi- castayatapi. often, adv. otakiya; iiehai) ; idiiehai). - oh, intj. JUT). oil, n. ihdi ; wihdi ; sda sapa. oint'ment, n. sda ; ihepi. old, adj. kafl ; 6zu ; wanakai- wota ; teca ^ni ; tanika ; tanina : an old man, widahiqda: an old woman, wakaqka. o'men, n. wohdece ; iksuyapi ; wowakta. om'inous, adj. wakihdeda; iksuya. omis'sion, n. yusnapi. omit', V. a. okapta. onuiip'otent, adj. iyotaij wa- s'aka ; taku owasiq okihi. onmipres'ent, adj. owaijdaya uq. onmis'cient, adj. taku owasiq sdonya. on, prep. a ; akan ; ahna ; akam. once, adv. waqda ; waqcadaij : at once, waqdahna. ONE 315 TAR one, num. adj. wai)ii ; waijii- dai) ; uijma ; saijni. on'ion, n. psii). only, adv. ecedai). on'set, n. watakpc. on'wards, adv. tokata. ooze, V. n. skepa ; ^bu ; nasdi. opaque', adj. kohdi sni. o'pen, adj. yufidokapi ; kaza- mni ; sdayelina ; taqiijyaij ; gaijgaqna ; okamna. o'pen, V. a. yulidoka ; kazamni ; kalidoka ; yugai). o'penly, adv. taijiqyaij ; okuijs- torjyai). op'erate, v. ecoi). o'piate, M. 01) istigmapi. opin'ion, n. waciijyuzapi. o'pium, n. 01) istigmapi. opos'sum, n. siqte sda. opportu'nity, n. iyehaqtu kiq. oppose', V. a. kipaziq ; kige ; akinica. op'posite, adj. iyotakoris ; aka- saijpa ; itakasaqpa. opposi'tion, m. kipaziijpi. oppress', V. a. sic'aya yuha ; wowidagya. op'ulence, «. wiwic'aiice. op'ulent, adj. wizica ; waseda. or, conj. \a, ii. o'ral, adj. i ediyataijhaij. or'anges, n. gigi taijka. or'ator, n. ie wayapika ; pasi- pika. orb, w. taku hmiyaqyai) ; tapa se. orb'ed, adj. mima ; hmiyaijyai). ordain', v. a. yac'o; hdaco; koQza ; wakicoi)za. or'der, v. edoi) ^i. or'derly, adj. owotaijna. or'dinary, adj. ikce ; hedeea. or'gan, n. caijdowaqkiyapi. or'ifice, n. ohdoka ; noge oidoka. or'igin, n. otokaheya. ori'ginal, adj. tokaheya ka- gapi. or'nament, v. a. wipata ; ipa- ta. or'namented, part, oskapi ; wipatapi. or'phan, n. wamdenida. os'cillate, v. n. kazezeya. ostenta'tion, n. witai)tai)pi. os'trich-feathers, n. •waciq- lie sapsapa. oth'er, adj. tokeda ; ui)ma. | oth'er-wise, adv. togye. ot'ter, n. ptai). ought, V. aux. edoi) kta tuka. our, pron. ugkita ; uqkitawa ; uijkitawapi. ourselves', pron. uijkiyepi liii)- da ; uqkiyepi ke. out, adv. taqkan ; itaijkan : out of, etaqhaij : out from, iheyata ; iduqoripa. out'rage, n. sicaya edoqpi. outra'geous, adj. oliitika. out 'set, n. otokaheya. out 'side, n. akapa ; akapataq- liar) : on the outside, akantaij- haq ; tagkantaqhai) ; itaqkan ; akapeda. out'virards, adv. taqkantaghai). o'val, adj. witka iyeceda. ov'en, n. dega ^oka. o'ver, prep, iwaqkam. o'ver, adv. akasarjpa ; saqpa : over again, ake ; akta : over against, iyotakoqs. overcome', v. a. ohiya; ktedai). overflow', v. n. akam hiyu ; aminitai) ; apa^boka. overhead', adv. iwagkam. overload'ed, part, yu^'aka. overreach', v. a. akidageda. oversee', v. a. awariyaka ; awaijtdaka. overseer', n. waawagyake ; awaijyagkiyapi. overset', v. yuptaijyai) ; ka- ptagyai) ; aptaqyai). Overshad'o"W, v. ahagzi; ao- haijzi ; ahaijziya. overstep', v. a. adak^ig. overtake', v. a. ehdega ; eki- hdega ; ahikihdega. overthrovr', v. a. ohiya ; kte- dai) ; yuptaijyai). overturn', v. a. ahdap^igyaq ehpeya ; yuptaijyaq ; yuiuiu. O'vre, V. idazo ; ikidazo ; iyohi- ye ^ni. owl, n. hii)hai)kaga ; hinakaga. own, pron. tawa : my own, mi- tawa. 0"wn, V. a. yuha ; tawaya. ox, n. tataqka. pace, V. daehde. pace, n. daehde ; daehdepi. pa'cify, V. a. kiwakaijheia. pack, M. j)ahtapi ; wa^ii) : pack- ing-string, tehmiso ; hiqska : pack-saddle, ^uqka wakaq aiiiq. pack, V. a. pahta ; pakihta ; Jfii). pack'et, n. pahtapi. pad, n. miuqpa. pad'dle, n. wamnaheda; wati- dakboka. pad'dle, v. a. watopa. pad'lock, n. inatake. Pa'gan, n. Ikdewda^ta. page, n. wowapi yumdayapi. paid, part, kaiuiupi. pail, n. cega ; degaijstiqna. pain, n. wowayazai) : in pain, yazaq. paint, n. black, wisamye : green, witoye, etc. paint, V. a. owa ; ki^uij. palnt'ing, n. owapi. pair, n. tawaqiidaq ; sakim ; napin. pal'ace, n. tipi waste hiqda. peil'ate, n. daka. pale, adj. saq ; ska ; ite tokeda idu. palisade', n. doqkaike. pal 'let, n. owiqia. pal'liate, v. a. waste kaga. palm, n. of the hand, napcoka ; nape mdaska. pal'pable, adj. yutaqpida. pal'pitate, v. n. kaq iyapa; daqte iyapa. pal'sy, n. tatapike. pal'sied, adj. tataka. pal'try, adj. wahte sni, pam'per, v. a. demya. pan, n. mazawaksida : of a gun, noge : of a trap, inahpe. pane, n. of glass, oiaqiaqhdepi ; ihdiyomdasiq waqzi. pang, n. yazaq hiqhdapi. pan'io, n. woyuiiqyaye. pan'oply, n. wotawe ; wipe. pant, V. n. temni ; hehe ta nuij seda. pan'taloons, n. oqzeoge. pan'ther, n. inmu taqka. pan 'try, n. dotopiye. pap, n. aze. papa', n. ate ; atkuku. pa'per, n. wowapi ska; mini- huha. par, n. akidededa. parabol'ically, adv. anawiq- yaq. PAR 316 PER parade', v. mniciyapi. paralyt'io, n. tatake c'ii). par'asol, n. ohaijzi hdepi. par'cel, «. oijge. parch, V. a. papaliya ; wapa- pahya : parched corn, papaiya- pi. parch'ment, n. tahasaka. par'don, v. a. kaiuzu ; kicica- iuiu. par'don, n. wokaiuiu, par'donable, adj. kaiuiupica. par'doned, part, kidicaiuzupi. pare, v. a. basku ; batdaya ; basmir). paregor'ic, n. oij i^tiqmapi. pa'rent, n. hurika ; hui)kake ; wicabuijkake ; wicaatkuku ; wi- cahui)ku. par'ing, n. ha baskupi. par'lanee, n. iapi. par'ricide, n. takuye kiktepi. parsimo'nious, adj. oha^^i- ca. par'son, n. wica^ta wakaij. part, n. orige ; oijspa ; haijke ; huijh ; huijhnana. part, V. a. yukinukai) ehnaka ; yuspa ; yiiksa ; pazai) : to part ■with, pagaq ; ehpeya. partake', ?». opa; okini. par'ticle, n. sukaza ; kaza. partio'ular, adj. oto ; otoiyohi. partie'ularly, adv. iyohdamna- yaij. part'ing, «. eHpeyapi ; ehpeki- ciyapi. parti'tion, n. ticokahnakapi ; pamnipi. part'ner, n. tawasi ; tawa^itku. par'tridge, n. zica. par'ty, n. okodakidiye : a war party, ozuye. pass, V. hiyaya ; hnihda ; kapa ; sai)pa ya ; ako ya ; ac'aqkuya. pas'sage, n. daqku. pas'senger, n. icimani waq. pass'ing, part, by each other, icicuya. pas'sion, n. wokakize; wosi- hda ; wocaqniye. pas'sionate, adj. waciqko. pass'over, n. woadaksiij. past, adj. hekta ; itogehaq. paste, n. tiktinya wipuspe. paste, V. a. puspa ; apuspa. pas'tor, w. wonwicakiye diq ; wiharjwicakiye ciij. pas'turage, n. wihaijwicakiya- pi. pas'ture, n. wato. pas'ture, v. wihai) ; ihai) ; wi- haijwicakiya. pat, V. a. apapa. patch, n. wakihdaka. patch, V. akihdagtoi) ; okipata ; iyopata. patch'^work, n. okipatapi. pate, n. pesdete. patel'la, n. takaqgi. path, n. caijku. path'less, adj. caijku wanida. pa'tience, n. takudapi sni ; wo- ape. pa'tient, adj. wadiqtaiika ; ta- kuda sni ; wahbaka. pa'tiently, adv. wadii)tai)kaya. pa'triarch, n. huykake. pat'rimony, n. taku aihpeya- pi. pa'tronize, v. a. okiya. pat'ter, v. n. asbusbu. pat'tern, n. okaho. paunch, n. nige ; tezi. pau'per, n. wahpanida kii). pause, n. ehnakapi. paiise, V. n. ayastari ; ayu^tai) ; owaijii na^ii). pave'ment, n. iqyai) caqku. pavil'ion, m. wakeya. • pa"W, n. nape ; siha ; ^ake. pa"W, V. a. natica ; namdu ; na- ^ma. pay, V. a. kaiuzu ; hdazuzu. pay, n. iyopeye ; iyuqwii). pea, n. oijmnida hmiyaijyai). peace, n. wookiye ; odakonki- ciyapi. peace'ful, adj. wahbadaij. peach, n. wipazuka oiupi. peak, n. paiodai) ; oiqkpa. peal, V. sna ; yusna ; nasna. peb'ble, n. ihe. peck, V. a. katoto. ped'dle, v. a. wiyopeya. peel, V. a. kaiu ; basku. peering, n. ha. peep, V. n. aokasiij ; aokakii) ; ahiyokasii). peep'ing, part, aokasigyai). peep-of-day, n. aijpao. pee'vish, adj. caijksi. pellu'cid, adj. kohdi. pelt, V. a. apa. pel'tries, n. wawaha. pem'roican, n. wakapapi. pen, n. wowapi idage ; doijka- ske. pen'cil, n. wowapi idage ; daq wowapi idage. pen'dant, n. oiijna ; oippi. pen'etrate, v, yukdai) ; mahen iyaya ; kagaij ; kagai) hiyu. pen'itence, n. iyopei^Jiyapi. pen'itent, adj. iyokisida. penin'sula, «. izo. pen'ny, n. mazasadai). pen'sive, adj. iyokisida. pent, part, odistiyedai). pen'tecost, w. aiipetu iwi- kdemna zaptai). penu'rious, adj. ohaqsida. peo'ple, n. oyate. pep'per, n. sudikdikadai) seda. pep'permint, n. deyakata : peppermint essence, tatedai) se- da. peram'bulate, v. a. omani. perceive', v. a. waqyaka ; sdonya. perch, n. a kind of fish, waka- dari hiyuzapi ; wakadai) hde- ^ka^ka. perch,?;, mai) ; be; iyahag. perdi'tion, n. widotakuni ^ni. per'fect, adj. ededai) ; owotaq- na; yustaijpi. perfect', v. a. yuededai) ; yu- ^tai) ; yudo. perfee'tion, «. woyustaq. perfid'ious, adj. itoijsni; wa- hnayai). per'forate, v. a. yuhdoka ; pa- hdoka. perform', v. a. edoij ; y us tag. perform'ed, part, yusta^jpi. perform'er, n. waedoij ; tuwe edoi). per'fume, n. taku wastemna ; mini wastemna. perhaps', adv. nadeda ; okini. pericar'divun, n. daijtoge. per'il, n. wokokipe. per'ilous, adj. okokipe. pe'riod, n. ehnakapi. per'ish, v. \a. ; atakuni sni. per'jure, v. a. itoqsni hiqda. per'manent, adj. hecetu; o- hiqniyai). per'meate, v. a. kahtag. permis'sion, n. iyowigkiyapi. permit', v. a. iyowigkiya. pemi'cious, adj. side higda. perpendic'ular, adj. bosdan. PER 317 ;PLO per'petrate, v. a. ecoi). perpet'ual, adj. oliiqniyai]. perpet'uate, v. a. ohiqniyaij iyayeya. perplex', v. a. yu^kiska; ya- hnuiii. per'secute, v. a. ^icaya kuwa ; teliiya kuwa. persevere', v. n. katiijyaij edoi) ; kitaqyaq ecoij. persever'ingly, adv. kitai)- yaii. persist', v. n. kitaq. per'son, n. wicasta. per'sonally, adv. atayedaij ; taijatayedai). perspica'cious, adj. ista mde- za. perspire', v. n. temni. persuade', v. a. wicada kiya ; iyakapeya. pert, adj. ista soksota ; mini- heca. / pertina'cious, adj. kitaij hii)ca. perturba'tion, n. cante ihni- yaqyaqpi. pervade', v. a. kaitaij ; owa;)- daya iyaya. perverse', adj. pemni. pervert', v. a. yutokeca ; to- kai) iyeya. pes'ter, v. a. nagiyeya. pes'tilence, n. makosice. pes'tle, n. wibope ihupa; ibo- pai). peti'tion, v. a. cekiya; wace- kiya. pet'rify, V. n. ii)yai) icaga. pet'tish, adj. -waciijko. pe'w'ter, n. maza sdoyapi. pha'lanx, n. ocimdagaha^ ya- pi. phan'tom, n, wanagi. phEtr'ynx, n. dohdeska. phea'sant, n. zic'a. phlegm, n. tagosa. phrase, n. iapi. physi'cian, n. peiihuta wica- sta. pick, V. a. pahi ; yu^pi ; wospi ; yuspu : to pick, as a duck, yu- sda : pick to pieces, yusba. pick'et, n. caopasdate. pic'kle, n. miniskuya ic'icahi- yapi. pic'ture, n. owapi ; wakagapi. pic'ture, v. a. owa ; okaga. piece, n. 013 ^pa ; oba^pe. piece, V. a. okipata. pierce, v. a. pahdoka ; capa ; icapa. pier'cer, n. wicape. pig, «. kukuse ciqdadai) ; ma- zasu liai)ska. pi'geon, n. wakiyedaq. pike, «. a kind of fish, tamahe. pile, n. paha. pile, V. a. eiu. pil'griin, n. olinihde ui). pill, n. pezihuta pauijka. pil'lar, n. caQ ipataq. pil'lory, n. eai)sai). pil'l0"W, n. ipahiq ; tipahii). pil'low, V. a. ipahii) ; ipahigya. pi'lot, n. iyupse yuza. pirn 'pie, n. ^a^a ahinapa ; wa- sna pohdi. ■pira'pled, part, yuhi; oyuM. pin, n. hipaskudag ; hiipa^ku- dai). pin, V. a. ipasisa. pinch, V. a. yuiipa. pine, n. wazi eai). pin'ion, n. wiyaka. pink, adj. gitkatka. pin'nacle, n. ipasotka. pint, n. miniyatkai) ohnaka. pioneer', n. kahin tokam uq. pi'ous, adj. Wakaijtaqka koki- pipe, n. -cotaqka; caqduhupa: a pipe-stem, ca^duhupa sui)ta. pipe, V. yazo. pish, intj. hiqte. pis'tol, n. mazakai) ptec'edaq. pit, n. wola ; makoMoka : the pit of the stomach, pimnumnu- pitch, n. caqsii). pitch, V. to cast, kaho iyeya ; pitch a tent, ticaga ; iticaga ; ati ; eti : to smear with pitch, puspa ; apuspa. pitch'fork, n. oq peii icupi. pit'eous, flsc?/'. wao^sida; iyoki- sica. pith, n. cogii). pith'y, adj. popopa : a pithy turnip, tipsiqna popopa. pit'iful, adj. waoqsida ; wa- caqtkiya. pit'iftilly, adv. waoijsidaya. pit'iless, adj. waog^ida ^ni. pit'y, n. wowaogsida. pit'y, «. a. oij^ida; og^ikida; ioijsida; caijtekiya. place, n. oyai)ke ; oui)ya;)pi kii). place, V. a. ehnaka ; ehde ; ekihnaka ; oijpa : to place on, ahnaka ; ahde ; akihnaka ; aog- pa : give place to, kiyukaij. pla'cid, adj. amdakedai). plague, n. mako^ica. plague, V. a. nagiyeya. plain, adj. mdaya ; mdaska ; ikce ; taqiqyai). plain, n. omdaye ; iyomdaye. plain, V. a. to make level, yu- mdaya; kamdaya. plain'ly, adv. taijiijyai). plain'tive, adj. iyokiiinya do- waijpi. plait, n. yu^kipi ; soi)pi. plait, V. a. yuski ; soij ; kisoi). plan, V. yukcai). plane, n. caijicaiipe. plane, v. a. cai) kazipa. plank, n. caqmdaska. plant, n. huhdepi. plant, v. a. oiu ; iyolpeya ; huhde. planta'tion, n. wozu ; oiupi. plas'ter, n. waskamyapi ; iya- skapa. plas'ter, v. a. askamya; oka- staka ; apawigta. plat, V. SOI) ; kisoi). plate, n. wak^ica ; maka wa- ksica. plat'form, n. cowahe. plat'ter, «. waksica mdaska. plau'sible, adj. hecetu seececa. play, n. wicoskate. play, V. n. skata : to play ball, takapsica. play'ful, adj. skehe. play'thing, n. taku iskatapi. plead, V. to plead for, iciya ; ikiciya. plead'er, n. wawic'iya. pleas'ant, adj. owastec'ake. pleas'antly, adv. iyokipiya. please, v. a. iyokipiya. pleas'ed, part, iyokipi. pleas'ing, adj. wicimdeza. pleas'ure, n. wic'iyokipi. Ple'iades, n. Tawamnipa. plen'teous, adj. iyaki^Juya. plen'ty, n. ota ; utkaijna. pli'able, adj. wiij^wiijiedai). plough, n. mahiyumdu. plough, v. maga yumdu ; mah- yumdu ; hdumdu ; womdu. PLU 318 PRE pluck, V. a. as feathers, yusda. plug, n. io^taqpi. plum, n. kaqta : plum-tree, tai)- ta liu. plxunb, adv. bosdan. plume, n. wiyaka ; waciqhe. plump, adj. cepa. plun'der, v. a. ki. plun'dering, n. wakipi ; wa- wicakipi. plunge, V. n. kihnuka ; kihnug iyaya ; age ihpaya. plu'ral, adj. noijpapi ; ota. ply, V. n. nina edoi). pook'et, n. sicaijopiye. pod, n. ha. po'etry, n. odowaij. point, n. iqtpa ; oiqtpa. point, V. kapesto : to point to, epazo. point'ed, adj. pesto. point'er, n. ipazo. poise, V. a, aspeyetoi) ; zezeya ehnaka. poi'son, n. peiihuta sica ; wo- haka. poi'sonous, adj. ohaka. poke, V. a. botaijta^. pole, n. tent-pole, Xoiu : boat- pole, ipamna. pole, V. a. as a boat, pamna ki- toij. pole'eat, n. maka. pole 'star, n. waziyata wicai)- lipi. pol'ish, V. a. pamai) ; paifeceza ; pasdusduta. pollute', V. a. yusapa; aiam- pollu'ted, part. akpa. pollu'tion, n. woa^ape. polyg'amy, n. tawidu ota. poma'tum, n. ihepi. pom.'pous, adj. witaijtai). pond, n. mdedai). pon'der, v. a. awacip. pon'derous, adj. tke. pon'derously, adv. tkeya. po'ny, n. ^uijk-huptecedai). pool, n. wakoniya ; miniyowe. poor, adj. wahpanida ; oq^ika ; kaqheza ; icakiia ; oqcitpani. poor'ly, adv. icakisya. pop, V. n. napopa ; pom hiqhda. pope, n. iin& sapa itaijcai). pop 'gun, n. ipapope. pop'lar, n. waga. pop'ulace, n. oyatfi. pop'ulous, adj. wic'asta oiu- darj. porch, n. oliaijzi hdepi ; ahaq- zi hdepi. por'eupine, n. pakig. pore, n. lioyuhi. pork, n. kuku^e ih). port, n. oihuni. port'able, adj. Ijiqpica. port'age, w. watoha. por'ter, n. tiyopa awaqyake cir). port 'hole, n. owaijyeye. por'tion, n. oi)ge ; wopamni. por'tion, v. pamni ; wapamni. por'tioner, n. wapamni. port'ly, adj. haqska; taqka. por'trait, n. widite. portray', v. a. owa ; oyaka. posi'tion, n. oyaijke. possess', V. a. yuha ; toi). possess'ed, part, yuhapi. posses'sion, n. taku yuhapi. posses'sor, n. yuhe cii]. pos'sible, adj. okihipica. pos'sibly, adv. nadeda. post, n. cai) ipasdate. post'age, n. wowapi aupi oij kazuzupi. poster 'ity, n. widacigda. postpone', V. a. kihnaka ; yu- tehai). pot, n. cega huhatorina. pota'to, n. mdo : Indian pota- to, Dakota tamdo. po'teney, n. -widokihi. po'tent, adj. wawokihi. pot'tery, n. maka waksida. pouch, n. tobacco-pouch, dai)- dozuha. pounce, V. a. to pounce upon, iyahpaya. pound, n. tkeutapi waijii. pound, V. a. apa ; kapa ; bo- pai) ; bokpai) : to pound in tight, okatii}za. poun'der, n. wibope. pour, V. a. kastafl ; papsoq ; kada ; okasta^ ; okada ; aka- iiSiV) ; akada ; ahdastar). pout, V. n. ceya yai)ka; ohiij- yaq. pov'erty, n. widowahpanida. pOTv'der, n, dahdi ; mdu : powder-horn or flask, dahdi oiu- ha. pOTW'der, v. a. as sugar, kamdu. povr'er, n. wookihi. po-w'erful, adj. wai'aka. pOTv'erfully, adv. was'agya. pox, n. the small-pox, makosi- ce ; ite widahdohdoka. prac'ticable, adj. edoijpida. prac'tice, m. widohaij. prac'tise, v. n. edoi) ede ; kiho ; akiya. prai'rie, n. tiijta. praise, n. woyatag ; womtai). praise, v. a. yatai) ; idowaij. prais'ed, part, yataijpi. praise '-worthy, adj. yataijpi- ca. prance, v. n. psipsin ya. prank, n. ihadai) edoiipi. prate, v. n. ninana ia. prat'ing, adj. iwakai). prat'tling, part, iwasiduq. pray, v. wadekiya ; dekiya ; wo- dekiye eya : to pray for, ice- kiya. pray'er, n. wodekiye. preach, v. woyaka ; Wakaijtai)- ka oie oyaka. preach'er, n. Wakaijtaijka oie oyake cii). precede', v. a. tokata ya. pre'cept, n. wowahokoqkiye. precep'tor, n. waoi)spekiya. pre'cious, adj. tehika. pre'cipice, n, maya hiqca. precip'itate, adj. inahni fiiij- ca. precise'ly, adv. hecetu hiijda. preco'cious, adj. koyanoi) ; oidahkokedai) ; kohaijna sutoq. preconceive', v. taijni iyu- kdai). pre'datory, adj. wawidaki s'a. predes'tinate, v. a. wakidoijza. predict', v. a. itokam oyaka. preem'inent, adj. iyotaij wa- ste. prefer', v. a. iyotai) da. preg'nant, adj. ihdui'aka ; itpi- hnaka. prejudge', v. a. itokam yado. pre 'mature, adj. kohaqna ida- ga. prepare', v. pii^Jiya; wiyeya ehnaka ; hduwiyeya. prepar'ed, part, wiyeya yai)ka. presage', v. a. wahdeda ; waki- hdeda. pres'byter, n. huijkayapi. pres'ence, n. en uijpi. pres'ent, adj. en yaqka. PRE 319 PRO pres'ent, n. taku Jjupi. present', v. a. \n ; itulaq ; itu- kiliai). pres'ently, adv. ecadaij ; ko- liaijna ; tokesta. preserve', v. a. nikiya ; kpa- tSil). preser'ver, n. wanikiya. preside', v. n. itaijcar) yaijka. pres'ident, «. ita^cai) ; wica- stayatapi tar)ka. press, V. a. yuskica ; yuskica ; kaskida ; atdaskica : to press tight on, aputiijza ; iyaskinya ; ipuskinya : to urge, kitai). press, n. iyuskice ; ieaskice. pres'sure, n. kaskin waijka. presume', v. n. yukcai). pretence', «. ecaecoijpika. pretend', v. ecaecoqka; koq- za. pret'tily, adv. wa^teya. pret'ty, adj. waste ; taij waste ; owaijyag waste. prevail', v. a. ohiya ; iyakape- ya. prevent', v. a. iyokisni. prevent'ed, part, iyokipisni. preven'tion, n. oiyanica. pre'vious, adj. itokam ; toka- heya. prey, n. wakipi. prey, v. n. to take by violence, ki ; waki ; iwakte hdi. price, n. iyopeye ; oiyopeye. prick, V. paiipa ; icapa ; ic'a- ma. prick'er, n. wic'ape. prick'ly, adj. pepe ; icama. pride, n. witaijtaqpi ; waliaiji- (Jidapi ; wowigkta. priest, n. sina sapa ; wasicuq wakai). pri'mary, adj. tokaheya. prime, adj. waste fiiijca. prim'er, n. wowapi tokaheya yawapi. prince, n. itaiicaij ; hoksincai)- tkiyapi. prin'cipal, adj. itaricaij. print, V. a. maza og kaga ; wo- wapi maza oq kaga. pris'on, n. wicakaska tipi. pris'oner, n. kaskapi. pri'vately, adv. nahmana. priva'tion, n. iwicakakiie. priv'ily, adv. analibeyahaij ; nahmana. priv'y, n. tai)kan tipi. prize, n. o^ipe. prize, V. a. tehiqda ; tpatai). prob'ably, a(^t/. nadeca; okiij- ni. probe, V. a. pakota. probe, 11. ipakote. prob'ity, «. wowicake. proce'dure, n. wicohaq ; ecoi)- pi. proceed', v. n. katiijyag ya ; ecor). proclaim', v. a. oyaka ; ieyaij- palia ; yaotaijijj. proclajna'tion, n. woyakapi ; eyaijpahapi. procras'tinate, v. yutehaij. procure', v. a. idu ; opetoij. prod'igal, adj. oha^pi. prodi'gious, adj. taqka fii^ca. prod'uce, n. oicage. produce', v. idaga ; idahya ; aidaga. prod'uct, n. taku idaga. profane', v. a. asamya. profane 'ly, adv. ikcekceya ; ediijsniyai). profess', V. ohdaka. proffer, v. a. \n kta keya ; iwahoya. pro'file, n. widite. profit, M. oidage. profitable, adj. yuhapi waste. profligate, adj. sihaijyai) o- haijyai). profovmd', adj. temahetuya. profuse', adj. iyakiduya. prog'eny, n. widadiijca ; ciij- ca. pro'gress, n. iyoptapi. progress', v. n. iyopta. prohlb'it, V. a. tehiijda. prohibi'tion, n. tehiqdapi. prqject'ing, jpaj-i. a projecting point, ipa. prolong', V. a. yut^haij. prom'inence, n. paha ipa. prom'inently, adv. tai)ii)yai) ; tokaheya. prom'ise, v. a. wahoya. promote', v. a. yuwai)kan aya. prompt, adj. ohai)ko. prompt, V. a. iyopaitaka. prompt'ly, adv. kohaijna. prone, adj. pamakom ; ahda- skin ; makipuskida. prong'ed, adj. gangata. pronounce', v. ecen eya. proof, n. iyutapi ; utapi. prop, V. a. patai) ehnaka. prop, n. ipatai). prop'agate, v. a. idahya ; yu- ota. prop'er, adj. iyececa. prop'erty, n. woyuha. proph'ecy, n. wokdaijpi ; wo- yakapi. proph'esy, v. a. ayate; yu- kcai) ; itokam oyaka. proph'et, n. waayate ; wokcai). propi'tiate, v. a. waste kaga ; kazuzu. propitia'tion, n. wokazuiu. propor'tionate, adj. iyecetu. propose', V. a. dazeyata. propri'etor, n. tawakiya. prose, n. iapi. pros'ecute, v. a. kuwa ; sidaya kuwa. pros'pect, n. iwaijyakapi. pros'per, v. n. okihi aya. pros'perous, adj. wdpi. pros'perously, adv. wdpiya. pros'trate, adj. makata wai)ka. pros'trate, v. a. makata ehpe- ya ; kawaijka ; yuwaqka. protect', V. a. akahpa ; awaq- yaka. protec'tion, w. woakahpe ; wo- winape. protest', v. a. i en hiyeya. protract', v. yutehag. protu'berance, n. opaha. proud, adj. wahaiji^ida ; wa- mnai(Jida ; itai) ; witaijtai) ; iwii)kta. proud'ly, adv. wahaijididaya. prove, V. a. yuwicaka ; iyuta ; ecoi) uta. prov'ender, n. woyute ; peii. prov'erb, n. widoie ; iapi. provide', v. a. kamna ; kida- mna. prov'ident, adj. wadigksapa ; wakamna. prov'ince, «. makode. provis'ion, n. woyute; waqe- ya. provoca'tion, n. taku 05 si- hdapi. provoke', v. a. sihdaya ; yasi- hda ; dai)teoki(Jui)ninya. provok'ed, part, sihda. prow, n. wata pa; watokapa- tarjhai). proTwl, V. n. ho tog ug. PRU 320 RAN pru'denoe, n. witoijpapi. pru'dent, adj. -witoijpa. pru'dently, adv. witogpeya. prune, v. a. adetka baksaksa; basipa ; kasipa. pry, V. a. yukiij ; iyukiij ; yu- hoho. pry, n. iyukig. psalm, n. odowai). pshaTW, intj. hii)te. pub'licly, adv. taijiijyai). pub'lish, V. a. oyaka ; yaotaij- ii). puok'er, v. a. yuski. pud'ding, n. woiapi. puffj V. ipogai) ; apogai). puke, V. n. hdepa ; hiyuya ; ihdepa. puke, n. oq hdepapi. pull, V. a. yutitai) ; natitaij : to pull out by the roots, yup^ui) : pull off, yusdoka. pul'sate, V. n. kai) iyapa. pulse, n. kaq iyapapi. pul'verize, v. a. bopaij ; ka- pai). pump 'kin, n. wamnu ; wa- kmu. punch, w. mazicaspe ; mazica- hdoke. punch, V. a. yuidoka. punc'ture, v. a. idapa. pun'gent, adj. okapaza; iyo- kapaza. pun'ish, V. a. kakisya; iyope- ya ; akicita kte. pun'ished, part, kaki^yapi. punishment, n. wokakiie. pu'pil, n. of the eye, ista su. pup'py, n. ^uqlipadai). pur'chase, v. a. opetoij ; ope- kitoi) : to buy of, opekioatoi). pur'chased, part, opetogpi. pur'chaser, n. wopetoi). pure, adj. ecedaq ; wakasote sni. purely, adv. ededaijya. pure'ness, n. woyuededaij. purge, V. n. kaio ; iheya ; iyoo- pta iyaya. purge, n. iyoopta iyeyapi. pu'rify, V. a. yuecedag. pu'rity, n. woyuec'edai). purl'ing, adj. ihaha. purloin', v. a. wamanoi) ; ma- noi). pur'ple, adj. stai) ; sastai). pur'pose, V. n. wacii) yuza. purr, V. n. inmusui)ka dowai). purse, n. mazaska opiye. pursue', V. a. kuwa aya ; tapa. pursuit', n. kuwapi. pus, n. toi). push, V. a. pataq ; apatai) ; pa- ha iyeya. pusillan'imous, adj. wacii) distiyedai) ; canwai)ka. puss, n. inmusuijka. pus'tule, n. wasna poidi. put, V. a. ehde; ehnaka ; to put on, as wood, aoi) ; aoijpa : put in, ohnaka : put one's own, ekihnaka ; kihnaka ; kihde : put out, as a candle, kasni ; bosni. pu'trefy, v. n. huqwiq. pu'trid, adj. sidamna. puz'zle, V. a. hnuniya. Q. quad'ruped, n. huhatopa. quaflfj V. a. yatkai) ; yahepa. quag'mire, n. wiwi. quail, n. zida ; siyo. quake, v. n. daijdai). quak'ing, part, hniyaijyai). qualm'ish, adj. hdepe kta tu- ka. quan'tity, n. ota. quar'rel, n. okicize ; widokici- ze ; widakigepi. quar'relsome, adj. widakige s'a. quar'ry, n. iiiyai) ot:api. quar'ter, n. ha^ke haijke ; haij- ke itopa. queen, «. wida^tayatapi wino- liir)da. quell, V. a. ohiya. quench, v. a. kasni ; bosni. ques'tion, n. wiwaijgapi ; wi- widawaflgapi. ques'tion, v. a. iwaijga ; wi- wariga. quick, adj. ohaijko ; wis'os'o : quick-tempered, wadiqko : be quick, koyahai) ; inahni. quick'en, v. a. yuohaijko ; yu- inahni. quick'ly, adv. ohaijkoya ; eda- dai) ; dar)sai)se ; cai)cai)se ; hda- pise ; kohaijna ; koyahaqna. quick'ness, n. oliaijwicako. qui'et, arfy. inina ; owaijii yaq- ka. qui'et, V. a. yuinina ; kihna. qui'etly, adv. ataijse. quill, n. wiyaka. quilt, n. owiijza akahpe. quin'sy, n. dote widayazai). quit, V. a. ayustai) ; aya^taq ; kiduqni ; iyakiduijni. quite, adv. odowasiij. quiv'er, n. wagzu. quiv'er, v. n. daqdai]. R. rah'bit, n. niastii)da; tinma- stiijda. rab'id, adj. hnaskiqyai]. raccoon', n. wida. race, n. widoidage ; iijyarikapi. rack, V. a. kakisya. rack'et, n. owodutatori. ra'diate, v. iyega. raft, n. daqokahboka. rag'ged, adj. kuka ; Idehdeda- hai). rag'ing, part, idamna. rail, n. mahinatake. rail, V. n. to rail at, kige ; sicaya ia. rai'ment, n. wokoyake ; heya- ke. rain, v. n. magaiu ; hiqhe : to rain on, amagaiu ; ahiijhe. rain, n. magazu. rain'bovr, n. wihmuijke. rain'"water, n. magazu mini, rain'y, adj. magaiu s'a. raise, v. a. yuwaqkan idu ; yuha ; waijkan ehde ; idahya : to raise to strike, apaha. rai'sin, n. hastai)hai)ka pusyapi. rake, n. mahiyuhii)te. rake, v. a. yuhiijta; kahiqta; hduhii)ta ; patida. ram, «. tahii) wanuijyaijpi mdo- ka. ram, v. a. oboskida ; obotai). ram'ble, v. n. tokediijdii] ya. ram'ified, part, yuliaha ; ade- tka ota. ram'part, n. coqka^ke. ram'rod, n. mazakai) iyopuski- de. ran'eid, adj. hmuijga; sewi- mna. ran'dom, n. at random, edahe- coi)ka. rang'ed, part. odimdagahaq ; owecir)haq. RAN 321 REL rank, n. in rank, ocimdagahaij. rank, adj. taijkiqkiijyai). ran'som, v. a. opekitoi). ran'somed, part, opekitoijpi. rap, V. a. apa ; kabubu ; kato- to. rapa'cious, adj. yaponpon wa- cii). rape, n. kik^agpi ; wikiksaij. rap 'id, adj. kaduza ; daduza ; koyanoij. rap'idly, adv. dus ; kadusya ; car)sar)se ; ofiai)koya ; koya- Haiina. rap 'ids, n. iafia ; ihaia. rap'ine, n. wawicakipi. rap'ture, n. wowiyuskiq. reire, adj. excellent, waste hii) c'a : not well cooked, spai) sni. rare'ly, adv. tuktekten. ras'cal, n. wicasta walte ^ni. rash, adj. waciijko. rash'ly, adv. waciijkoya. rasp, n. caijipabe ; ca^iyube ; mazipabe. rasp'berry, n. takaijlieca : rasp- berry-bush, takaijheda hu. lat, n. siflte Ma. rate, n. iyawapi. rat'ify, V. a. yuecetu. ra'tion, n. agpetu otoiyohi wo wicaljupi. rat'tle, n. icakoka ; ta^ake. rat'tle, v. yuhda ; kakoka ; Ma- hda. rat'tlesnake, n. sii)telida. rav'el, v. yusna ; sbahai) ; yu- sba. ra'ven, n. karigi. rav'enous, adj. wayapota. ravine', n. osmaka ; kaksiza. ra"w, adj. spari sni ; saka. raze, v. a. yutakuni sni ; ihaijg- ya. ra'zor, n. putiijliii) ic'asar). reach, v. ohi ; iyohi ; iyahde. read, v. a. wowapi yawa. read'ily, adv. oiaqkoya ; hda- heya. read'iness, n. wiyeya ui)pi. read'y, adv. wiyeya : to make ready, yuwiyeya ; bduwiyeya. re'al, adj. wic'akapi. real'ity, n. wowidake. re'alize, v. sdonkiya. ream, n. miniEiuha opiye. rean'imate, v. a. kiniya ; yu- niya. 41 reap, v. a. aguyapi baksa. rear, n. hekta. rear, v. a. idaiya. rea'son, n. tawaciij. rea'son, v. n. akinica. reb'el, n. wawakipaiii) wai). rebel', v. a. kipaiiij. rebel'lion, «. wawakipaziqpi. rebellious, adj. wawakipaiii). rebound', v. n. kaitkom hiyu. rebuke', v. a. iyopeya. recall', v. a. akta kido. recede', v. n. hekta hdidu. receive', v. a. idu. re'cently, adv. askatudaij. recite', v. a. oyaka. reck'on, v. a. yawa ; iyawa. reclaim', v. a. kida. recline', v. n. iwaijka. rec'ognise, v, a. iyekiya. recogni'tion, n. oiyekiye. recollect', v. a. kiksuya. recommend', v. a. yawaste. rec'ompense, v. a. kaiuiu ; odiijyopeya. ree'oncile, v. a. kidi okicidiye widaya. reconsid'er, v. a. piya awadig. record', v. a. owa : wowapi eden kaga. recov'er, v. a. iyeya ; ehdaku. recov'er, v. n. asni ; akisni ; ekidetu; kipaya. recov'ery, n. awidasni. rec'reate, v. n. mdesidiya ; magagaidiya. recrea'tion, n. widoskate. recruit', v. magagaya ; mdesi- diya. rec'tify, v. a. yuowotaqna ; yu- waite. rec'titude, n. widoowotarina. recur', v. n. ake hededa. red, adj. ia. ; duta. red'den, v. a. iaja, ; dunya. red'dish, adj. sastaij ; samna- ka. redeem', v. a. opekitoq. redeem'er, n. wanikiya. redemp'tion, n. wopekitogpi. redress', n. wokazui^u. reduce', v. a. eden iyeya ; yu- distiijna. reed, n. dedi. reel, n. oi) iyapehagpi. reel, t). a. iyapehaij. reel, v. ti. kaktihaqhai) mani ; cekdegya mani. refer', v. a. yukdag ii. refine', v. a. yuededai). refit', V. a. piya ; piya kaga. reflect', v. a. awadiq. reform', v. a. ihducetu ; waste kaga. refrac'tory, adj. skehag. refrain', v. n. iyaMdugni. refresh', v. a. magagaya ; yu- wa^'aka. refuge, n. wowinape : to take refuge in, inapa ; inakipa ; ona- kik^ig : taking refuge in, ina- kimya. reful'gent, adj. wiyakpakpa. refuse', v. widada sni ; akta- sni ; ipida. regard', v. a. ihakta ; pataq ; kpatai) ; yuonihaij ; wedeya ; iwedeya. regen'erated, part. teda ni en toijpi. re'gent, n. itagdaij. reg'iment, n. akidita obe. re'gion, n. makode. reg'ular, adj. owotaijna. reg'ularly, adv. hdaheya. reg'ulate, v. a. eden ehnaka; piya. rehearse', v. a. piya oyaka. reign, V. w. idaka; ouijyag. rein, n. ikaij. reinforce'ment, n. waokiyapi. reins, n. widapaksiij. reject', v. a. aktasni; ehpeya; yuheta iyeya. rejoice', v. n. ijTiskiij ; wiyu^kig. rejoic'ing, n. wowiyu^kiij. rejoin', v. a. to reply to, ayupta. relapse', v. n. ake ihpaya. relate', v. a. oyaka. relat'ed, jxirt. related to, ta- kuya; takukiciyapi. rela'tion, n. takuye ; widotaku- rel'ative, w. takuye. relax', v. a. yu4ka. release', v. a. kiyuska. relent', v. ohakam iyopeidiya. reli'ance, n. wowadigye. relief, ». 6widakiyapi. relieve', v. a. dkiya. reliev'ed, part, okiyapi. reli'gion, «. Wakagtagka oho- dapi. reli'gious, adj. waohoda. relin'quish, v. a. ayustajj ; ki- duqni ; iyakidugni. REL 322 RID rel'ish, v. a. uta ; wastedaka. rely', v. a. wadigyai). remain', v. n. kicihaij ; ihaq : to wait for, ape ; akipe : remain at home, mdog yaqka. remain'der, n. okaptapi. remaxk'able, adj. -wapetoke- ca. remark'a'bly, adv. wapetogya. rem'edy, v. a. asniyai). remem'ber, v. a. kiksuya ; wakiksuya. remem'branee, n. wokiksu- ye. remind', v. a. kiksuyeya. remiss', adj. kuia ; hoijke sni. remit', v. a. kioicaiuzu. rem.'nant, n. taku okaptapi ; oyupte. remon'strate, v. a. teiiqda. remorse', n. daijte sicapi. remote', adj. tehaij ; itehaij. remote 'ly, adv. tehaijyaij. remove', v. n. tokai) iyotaqka ; ihdaka ; uijhdag iyaya. remove', v. a. tokaij ehnaka ; tokai) ehde. remu'nerate, v. a. kicio'aiuiu. rend, v. a. yuhdeda ; hduhdeca ; naideca ; yupota ; hdupota. ren'der, v. a. kicu ; itkom \.u. ren'dezvous, n. en kawitaya iheyapi. rene"w', v. a. yuteca ; piya. ren'net, n. tatapo. renounce', v. a. elipeya ; ayu- staq. reno"WTi', n. •widakinihaijpi ; ■woyuonihai). reno'wn'ed, adj. okinihaij. rent, v. a. odon opetoi). rent, w. oyuldece ; ofidoka. repack', v. a. piya paHta. repair', v. a. piya ; piya kaga. repast', n. wotapi. repay', v. a. kazuzu ; hdaiuiu ; toki(5oi) ; watogya. repeal', v. a. edetu^niya. repeat', v. a. akta ecoij ; akta eya. repeat'edly, adv. akihdehde- ya ; iciiehai). repel', v. a. paha iyeya. repent', v. iyopei^iya; ihdu- ecetu. repent'ance, n. iyopeiijiyapi ; ihduecetupi. repine', v. n. iyokidica. replace', v. a. piya ehnaka ; tokai) ehnaka ; ecen ehnaka. replen'ish, v. a. oiuya; oki- k^u. replete', adj. oiudaij ; yu^tai)- pi. reply', v. n. ayupta ; itkom eya. report', v. a. oyaka ; hosihdi. repose', n. iyozi. repose', v. n. ozii(Jiya ; ozikiya ; makata iwaijka. reprehend', v. a. iyopeya. represent', v. a. oyaka. repress', v. a. t'Qsi^iya. reprimand', v. a. owakiye. reproach', v. a. ba ; owakiye ; ostehda. reproof, n. woiyopeye ; bapi. reprove', v. a. iyopeya; iyo- pekiya. rep 'tile, n. wamduska. repu'diate, v. a. ehpeya ; akta sni. repug'nant,arf;. tawatenyesni ; otawaten sica. repulse', v. a. paha iyeya. request', n. dapi. request', v. a. da ; kida. require', v. a. ec'oi) ^i ; kida. requite', v. a. kazuiu ; kicica- KUZU. rescind', v. a. ecetusniya. res'cue, v. a. eyaku ; ehdaku. reseeirch', n. aMtapi. resem'ble, v. a. kinma ; kihbe. resent', v. a. sihda ; watogya. reserve', v. a. okapta ; pataij. res'olute, adj. tawacig ki^ur). respect', v. a. ahopa ; ohoda ; wastedaka ; kinihaij. respec'table, adj. ahoka ; oki- niha;). resurrec'tion, n. woekicetu. retain', v. a. anida; kpatag. retake', v. a. ehdaku ; hduza. retal'iate, v. a. toki^oij ; wa- togya. retard', v. a. huijke^niya ; oki- tpaniya. reten'tion, n. anicapi. reten'tive, adj. waciqkiksuya. ret'icule, n. pambotuka. retire', v. heyata iyaya ; ihdu- heyapa ; iwagka. retir'ing, adj. wi^teca. retort', v. a. caijksiya owakiye ; i en hiyeya ; i itkopataqhai). retrace', v. a. Ididawig hda. retract', v. a. ehdaku. retreat', n. wowinape. retreat', v. n. naiida ; napa. retrench', v. a. yuciljadai). retrospec'tion, n. hekta etoq- waijpi. return', v. n. hdidu ; ku ; hdi : to give back, kicu: cause to return, hdicuya. reunite', v. a. ake en ikoyag- ya. reveal', v. a. oyaka ; ohdaka. rev'el, v. witkoya skata. revela'tion, n. woyakapi; ta- ku wakai) oie. revenge', n. toki(Joi)pi ; woto- ki^oi). revenge', v. a. tdkiiox) ; hda- zuzu. reveng'er, n. watokidor) s'a. rev'enue, w. wamnayaqpi. rever'berate, v. n. yaiyowaza. rev'erence, n. widakiniharipi. rev'erence, v. a. kinihai) ; ohoda ; ohokida. reverse', v. a. uijma ediyataq- hai) idu. revers'ed, jxirt. uijma ediya- tai)hai). review', v. a. iwaijhdaka ; ivvaqyaka. revile', v. a. ostehda ; ya^ida. revise', v. a. piya kaga ; iwaq- hdaka. revive', v. n. kini. revoke', v. a. hdatokeda ; ece- tusnikiya. revolt', V. a. kipazii). revolve', v. a. yuhomni ; oho- mni ya. re"ward', n. wokaiuzu. reward', v. a. kididaiuiu. rheu'matism, n. okihe wida- yazai). rhu'barb, n. piiihuta zi. rib, 11. dutuhu. rib'bon, n. sina apahdate ; sina apahdate ioka; ^ina apahdate zipzipedai). rice, n. psii). rich, adj. wi^ida ; wa^eca ; wa- toi)ka. rich'es, «. woyuha; wiwidaii- de. rich'ly, adv. wiiinya. rid, V. a. yuiyog iyeya. rid'dle, n. a sieve, wiyuc'ai). rid'dle, v. a. iyudag. RID 323 SAN ride, v. n. suqk akan iyotaijka ; <5ai)pahmihma akan yaqka. zidge, n. lie ; ticeska. rid'icule, v. a. iliaha. rid'ioule, n. wowiHalia. rid'ieuled, part, wowihaliayapi. ri'fle, n. sdaya-oiupi. ri'fle, V. a. kahi ; wakahi. right, adj. owotaijna ; liecetu : right-hand, nape etapa: right- handed, etapa. right'eous, adj. owotai)na. right'eousness, n. woowotaq- na ; wicoowotaijna. rigid, adj. suta. rig'orous, adj. ksizec'a. rill, n. wakpadaq. rim, n. tete. ring, n. napcupe ; hoyuhi. ring, V. yusna ; kasna ; nasna. ringing, part, snasna ; snahai). ring'streaked, adj. hde^ka- dka. rinse, v. a. opsoijpsoij ; oyu- psoQpsoi). rip, V. a. yumna ; namna ; ba- mna ; bamdaza ; basdeca ; ba- sdesdec'a. ripe, adj. sutoq ; taijyai) icaga. ri'pen, v. n. sutoij ; wasutoij. rip'ple, V. mini ihalia. rise, V. n. nazii) ; inaziq : to rise, as the sun, hinapa : rise, as water, warjkan hiyu \ apasboka. rise, n. oinape ; oieage. risibility, n. ihapi. risk, V. a. aotohnaka. rive, V. a. kasdesdeca. riv'er, n. wakpa ; watpa. riv'et, V. a. sutaya okataij. riv'ulet, n. wakpadai). roach, n, sun-fish, wakadaq. road, n. daqku : to make a road, acaqkuya. roam, v. n. toke ciflciq ya. roar, v. n. hotofl : as waves, s'a. roast, V. a. pasnog ; co^iq ; ceoi)pa; waceoqpa. roast, n. wopasnoi). roast'er, n. wapasnog. rob, w. a. ki; manoi). rob'ber, n. wawicaki s'a. rob'bery, n. wawicakipi. robe, n. Aina : buflFalo-robe, pte- hasina ; tagicaha. rob'in, n. ^i^oka. robust', adj. wad'aka, rock, n. imniia. rock, V. a. nahuhuza. rod, n. caijsakadai) ; icapsii)te. rogue, n. tuwe wica^ta sni kii). roil'ed, adj. pukpa ; so^a. roll, V. pahomni ; pahmihma ; pabaga ; paptagyaij ; opaptaij- yaq. romp, V. n. nina skata. roof, n. woakahpe ; ticeska ; keya ; wakeya. room, n. tipi : there is room, okaq : to give room to, kiyu- kai). roost, V, n. mar) ; be ; ahimai). root, n. hutkai) ; car) huta. rope, n. hakahmoqpi. rose, n. oqziijziritka. ros'in, n. caijsiij. rot, V. n. poqpoi] aya ; atakuni ^ni aya. rot'ten, adj. poijpoij ; kuka. rouge, n. wasesa. rough, adj. ta^taga ; iahai). roughly, adv. caijksiya; za- heya. round, adj. as a wheel, mima ; mibe : round as a ball, hmiyaq- yaq. round, adv. ohomni ; okawiijB.- ya : to go round, ohomni ya ; aokibeya: round about, ihdu- k^ag. round'ed, adj. psogpsoijna. rouse, V. a. yuiica ; paMca. rout, V. a. napeya. route, n. ocagku. rove, V. n. nuni. ravr, v. a. watopa. ro"W, «. caqkuye : in rows, ic'i- takihna ; iciyaza ; owecighag ; ocimdagai). rub, V. a. kase ; pamaij ; pakiij- ta : to rub on, iui) ; ikiui) ; ipa- wiijta ; ipakiijta ; iugtoi) : rub smooth, akasto. rul)y, n. igyag tehika. rud'der, n. iyupse. rude, adj. wida^ta sni. ruffled, adj. hakpa. rug, n. owigia. rug'ged, adj. hodki^ki. ru'in, n. wicotakuni ^ni. ru'in, V. a. yutakuni ^ni. rule, V. idaka; wica^tayatapi UI). ruler, n. wica^tayatapi ; wawi- dake. rum, n. mini wakag. rum'ble, v. n. hmui). rum'mage, v. a. kahi. ru'mor, n. woyakapi. rump, n. nitehu. run, V. n. igyaqka : as a horse, nawagka : to run, as water, ka- duza : run after, kuwa aya : run or push in, opazai). run'ner, n. waiqyaijke. runt, 11. eca cistigna. rup'tured, ^ar<. hdec'ahai). rush, V. n. oboza hiqhda. rush, n. waqyeca. rust, n. gigi ; agi. rus'tle, V. n. hamhapa. rus'ty, adj. agigi. rye, n. aguyapi ocaie waqii. , s. Sab 'bath, n. Agpetu-okifipapf ; Aijpetu-wakai). Sa'chem, n. Wicastayatapi. sack, n. oiuha ; wozuha : a sackful, woiutoijpi : a medicine sack, cagkoiuha : caqdoiuha. sa'crament, n. wohduze. sa'cred, adj. wakaij. sac'rifice, n. wosna ; wosnapi. sac'rifice, v. wayu^na ; waki- yufoa. sad, adj. iyokisie'a ; dagte ^ida. sad'den, v. a. iyoki^inya. sad'dle, n. suktaqka a!^ii). sad'ly, adv. iyokisinya; c'agte [Sinyaken ; iyokisicaya. sad'ness, n. iyowidakiside ; iyo- kisidapi. safe, adj. taqyaq uij ; wikope ^ni uq. safe'ty, n. wokokipe ^ni. sag, V. n. nawiq^ iyaya. saga'cious, adj. waciqksapa. saga'city, n. woksape. sage, adj. ksapa. sage'ly, adv. ksamya. sail, ». ^ina watopekiyapi. saint, n. widaita owotaqna. seile, n. wiyopekiyapi. sali'va, n. tage. salt, n. miniskuya : salt-cellar, miniskuya ohnakapi. salts, n. miniskuya seda. salve, n. wihdi tasaka ; wokizi. same, adj. bee. sanctifica'tion, n. woyuedetu, sanc'tify, v. a. yuwakaij ; yu- wohduzetog ; yuedetu. SAN 324 SEE sanc'tion, v. a. iyowiijkiya. sano'tuaiy, n. tipi wakaij. saxid, n. wiy4ka ; casmu. san'dal, n. hai)pa. sane, adj. zaniyag ; wac'i;|ki- ksuya. sap, n. c'a^liaijpi mini. sa'pient, adj. ksapa. sap'py, adj. 6aj) mini ota. sar'casm, n. wicoie pa Mrica. sash, n. ic'a^ke ; ipiyake. Sa'tan, n. Wakaqsica. sa'tiate, v. a. imnaya. sa'tiated, jm^i- imna ; imna- hai) ; ipi ; wipi. sati'ety, n. iwidamna. satisfac'tion, n. woiyokipi. satisfy, V. a. imnaya. satisfying, part, napiij. sat'urate, v. a. fipaqyaij. Sat'urday, n. owaqka yuia- iapi. sauce, n. wapaye ; iyunkitoi]. sau'cer, n. cetetahedai). sau'cily, adv. icai)ksiya ; wi- taijtaijyai). sau'cy, adj. iwakaij ; -vvitaijtai). sav'age, n. ikcewicasta. save, V. a. nikiya ; ehdaku ; kpatai) ; kamna. sav'lng, adj. wapataijka. Saviour, n. Wanikiya. sa'vor, n. takumna. sa"w, n. ca^ibakse. sa"W, V. a. baksa ; basdesdeca. sa'w'yer, n. in the river, cai)- mini-caio. say, V. eya ; heya ; keya ; eya- ya : to say to, eciya. saying, n. iapi ; oeye. scab, n. tanaipu ; hanaskusku ; lari. scab'toard, n. mazasagye oiu- ha; isap oiuha. scaffold, n. dowahe. scald, V. a. gu ; guya. scale, n. ceipu ; hocespu. scales, n. oq aspeyapi. scalp, n. paha ; wicapaha. scalp, V. a. paha yuza : the scalp-dance, iwakicipi. scan, V. a. iwaijyaka. scan'dal, n. waaiapi. scan'dalous, adj. ^ice Mqca. scant, adj. iyokpani ; iyohi sni. scan'ty, adj. iyotpani ; tonana. scap'ula, n. amdohu. scar, n. osnaze. scarce, adj. wanic'a ; tonana. scar'city, n. taku owasii) wa- nica. scare, v. a. yusiijyeya ; wako- kipe kicaga ; hamya. scar'ed, part, yusiriyaya ; ini- hai). scarify, V. a. bahoqhoi). scarlet, adj. duta ; ^a hiijca. scat'ter, v. a. kada ; kadada. scat'tered, part, kada ehpeya- pi ; enanakiya iyayapi ; enicici- ya iyayapi : scattered, as trees, carihdehde. sce'nery, n. owaijyake ; owa- ^tedake. scent, n. omnaka ; takumna. scent, V. a. omna. scep'ticism, n. cetuijhdapi ; wacetuijhdapi. scep'tre, n. mazasagye. scheme, n. widohaq. schol'ar, n. ookiye; oijspeki- yapi. school, n. waoqspewicakiya- pi : school-house, oyawa tipi : school-master, waoijspekiye. sci'ence, n. wosdonye. scis'sors, n. ijnida. scofij V. ihaha. scoff^ n. wowihaha. scold, V. a. owakiye ; ikapa ; icapta; kige. scollop, V. yumdemden kage- scoop, V. a. yu^ma ; yu^kopa. scorch, V. a. gu ; guya ; adosdo- za ; sku. score, V. a. icago. scorn, n. woakta^ni. scorn, V. aktasni ; wa^teda ^ni. scour, V. a. pamaq ; payeza. scourge, n. icapsigte. scourge, v. a. kapsii)psii)ta. SCO'Wl, V. iteiinkiya ; yu4ii)tki- ya. scramlile, v. n. iyahpahpaya. scrap, n. oyupte ; obapte. scrape, v. a. kakiqca ; yukiij- da ; ka^oga ; katica ; patida ; pakeza; pak:ega. scra'per, n. ipastai). scraps, n. of tallow tried out, ogu. scratch, v. a. yu^puya ; yu^e- ga ; yuljoga ; yuhdata. scratch, n. oyuhdate. scream, v. howaya ; ^idahowa- ya ; tehowaya. screech, v. n. hotoij ; hopiqza. scre"w, n. tiyopa iyokatkuge ; ipashai). scribe, n. wowapi kaga. scrip'ture, n. wowapi wakaij. scrub, V. owaijka yuiaia. scru'tinize, v. a. opahta yaq- ka ; taqyeh iwaijyaka. scuffle, V. n. kici ecoi) ; kidiyus edoi)pi. sculp'tor, n. wapago s'a. scum, n. tage. scythe, n. peii ida^da. sea, n. miniwaijca. seal, n. ipuspe ; wipuspe. seal, V. a. apuspa ; askamya ; askamtoi). seam, n. okagege ; 6kibe. seam'stress, n. wakagege. sea'port, n. oihuni. sear, v. a. gu ; snisya. sear, adj. iniia. search, v. a. akita ; ode ; okide. sea'son, n. maka ; omaka ; ma- koqdage. sea'son, v. a. apayeya ; wapa- yetoi) ; pusya. sea'soning, n. wapaye ; apaye. seat, n. caij-akan-iyotagkapi. seat, V. a. iyotai)gya. secede', v. n. ihduheyapa ; ihdo- nida. sec'ond, num. adj. inoripa ; idinoijpa ; okihe ; iyokihe : the second child, Hepai) ; Hapai). se'cret, adj. nahmana. see'retary, n. wowapi kaga. secrete', v. a. anahbe ; inahbe ; inakihma ; anakihma. se'cretly, adv. nahmana ; ana- hbeya ; inahbeya. sect, 11. okodakidiye. secure', adj. wikope sni ui) ; tariyai) yai)ka. secure'ly, adv. wikope^niyai). sedate', adj. iha sni ui). sed'iment, n. taku ceteta kata iheya. sedi'tion, n. wakipaiiijpi. sedi'tious, adj. wawakipaiiij. seduce', v. a. inahma ; wiina- hma. see, V. toijwafl ; wai)yaka ; wafl- hdaka. see, intj. wai). seed, n. su ; oiupi. SEE 325 SHO seek, V. a. akita ; ode. seem, v. n. seca ; seececa. seem'ing, part, iyeceda. seen, part, waijyakapi. seer, n. wawai)yake. see'savr, v. nakicihuhuzapi. seine, n. ho. seize, v. a. yuza ; iyahpaya ; ki. sel'dom, adv. tuktekten. select', V. a. kahniga. selec'tion, «. wokaHnige. self, pron. iye Ije ; eke. self-esteem', n. wamnai^ida- pi. selfish, adj. watehiijda. selfishness, n. watehiijdapi. sell, V. a. iyopeya ; wiyopeya ; wiyopekiya. sel'vage, n. opapuq. sem'blance, n. iyaciripi. sem'inary, n. woyawa tipi. sen'ate, n. widasta tai)ka to- mniciye. send, V. ye^i ; yeya ; hde^i ; ki- hdeya : to send word to, waho- ya ; iwahoya. se'nior, adj. tokapa ; itokapa. sense, n. taku kapi. sense'less, adj. waciijtoi) sni. sen'sible, adj. waciqtoij. sen'sibly, adv. waciqksamya. sen'sitive, adj. wopanica. sen'tence, n. woyac'o ; iapi. sen'tence, v. a. yado ; wayado. sen'timent, n. wowiyukdaq. sen'tinel, n. akidita naiijj. sep'arate, v. a. akipam ehnaka ; kinukai) ehnaka ; yukinukaij ; kiyu^pa ; kadpa iyeya. sep'arately, adv. kinukaijyai). Septemi'ber, n. Psiijhnaketu- wi. sep'ulchre, n. widaliapi ; ohna hnakapi. sere, adj. sniia. serene', ac?;. amdakedai) ; owa- stedake. ser'mon, «. woyakapi. ser'pent, m. wamduska; waij. ser'vant, n. wowidake. serve, v. idaka : to cause to serve, wowidagya ; ookiyeya. ser'vice-berries, n. wa^paij- tahaza. set, V. a. hde; ehde; ekihde: to set, as a trap, eoijpa : set out, hu hde : set, as the sun, iyaya. set'ter, n. waehde. set'tle, V. kaskinya ; ceteta ekta kata iheya. sev'en, num. adj. ^akowiq. sev'enteen, num. adj. ake ^a- kowii). sev'enteenth, num. adj. iake sakowi^. sev'enth, num. adj. i^akowiij ; icisakowii) ; widisakowii). sev'er, v. a. kiyu^pa. sev'eral, adj. waijzikii. severe', adj. ksizeca ; ^akeda. severe'ly, adv. nina hiip. se'w, v. a. kagege ; wakagege ; ipasisa : to sew on, akagege. se"w'ed, jmrt. kagegepi. sex, ?J. wida; w^yai) ; mdoka; wiye. shab'by, adj. hdehdeda. shac'kle, v. a. pahta. shade, n. ohaqzi. shade, v. a. ahaqzi ; ahaijziya ; ohai)ziya. sha'dy, adj. ohaijzi. sheift, n. ihupa. shag, n. hii). shag'gy, adj. hiqsma : shaggy side out, hiijhteya. shake, v. n. cai)dai). shake, v. a. yuhuhuza ; pahu- huza ; nahuhuza ; kahuhuza ; pahoho ; katata ; hdatata ; na- kitata ; natata : to shake the head, poptaqptai) ; pomnamna ; pomnamnakiya. shak'ing, part. huhuzahaq ; anini. shall, V. aux. kta or kte. shal'lovr, adj. kazedai) ; puze- dag ; sbe ^ni ; haakamyedai) ; akantuyedai). sham, n, wohnaye. shame, n. wowistede ; iwida- ^tece. shame, v. a. istenya ; wi^tenya ; wistenkiya. shame'faced, adj. wi^teda ; wistesteda. shame 'less, adj. wi^tede im. shank, n. humdo. shape, V. a. bago ; kaga. share, n. wopamni. share, v. okini. sharp, adj. pe. sharp 'en, v. a. yumaij ; hdube ; kapesto. shat'ter, v. a. kamdeda; ka- ptuptuia. shave, v. a. kazipa ; hdaiipa ; kasai) ; hdasai) ; yuskusku. shav'ing, n. wokaiipe ; cai) wokazipe : a shaving knife or plane, widaiipe. sha-wl, n. ima,. she, pron. iye ; is. sheaf, m. aguyapi pahtapi. shear, v. a. yusda ; hdu^da. shears, n, iyusda taqka. : sheath, n. mazasagye oiuha ; isaij oiuha; oge. sheathe, v. a. en iyckiya. shed, V. as horns, kapsuij : as quills, sui)pa: as teeth, ya- psui). sheen, n. wiyatpapi. sheep, n. tahii) wanuijyaijpi : sheep-skin, taha ; tahiij wanuij- yaijpi ha. sheer, adj. ededai). sheet, n. minihuha owiijia. shell, n. ha. shell, V. a. kapa ; kapai) ; yu- sku. shell 'fish, n. tukihasai). shel'ter, v. akahpa ; ahaijzi : to take shelter in, inapa. shel'ter, n. wowinape. shel'terless, adj. Mayehna ui). shep'herd, m. waawaqhdake ; tahii) wanuijyaijpi awaqwidaya- ke. shield, «. wahada^ika. shield, V. a. akahpetoi) ; anaki- ksii). shift, V. a. yutokeda; tokai) ehnaka. shin, n. humdo. shine, v. n. iyega; wiyatpa; iyoyaijpa ; to cause to shine, iyehya. shin'gle, n. daijbakpapi. shi'ning, part, wiyatpa. ship, n. wita wata. shirt, n. oijhdolida ; mahen ui)- Pi- shiv'er, v. n. daijdaq. shook, V. a. yusiriyeya. shod, pmrt. hagpokihaij. shoe, n. caijhaijpa. shoe, V. a. maza siha okataij. shoot, V. mazakai) edoi) ; kute ; kata iyeya ; bosota ; bohpa ; botakuni^ni ; bowanica ; boku- ka ; bopota ; abokuka. shoot'ing, part, wakutepi. shop, n. mazopiye. SHO 326 SLE shore, n. Imta ; ohuta : at the shore, hutata : out from shore, caijnan ; caqnanvvapa. short, adj. ptecedai) ; pteptece- dai) ; katkudafl. short'en, v. a. yuptec'edaij. shortly, adv. ecadaij. shot, n. sucikcij^adai). shot, part, o ; tao ; taopi. shoul'der, n. hiyete ; amdo ; amdohu. shout, V. a^'a ; iyas'a ; iyakipa- pa. shout 'ing, n. iyas'api. shove, V. a. paha iyeya; pa- taq ; yus iyeya; pacaqnan iye- ya. shov'el, n. maza mdaska ; c'a- hota 01) ehpeyapi. shoAW, V. pazo ; epazo. sho'w'er, n. magaiu. shovT'ery, adj. magaiu s'a; kihaijsica. shre"wd, adj. ksapa. shriek, v. n. sicahowaya. shrill, adj. pigza. shrine, n. wopiye. shrink, v. n. namniga. shriv'elled, adj. piipiza ; stui)- kadai). shroud, n. taku oq pazoijtapi. shroud, V. a. iyapemni. shrug, V. n. tag napakiya. shud'der, v. n. yusigyaya. shuffle, V. as the feet, nasug- sug. shun, V. a. okamna ; ohomni ya ; nakicipa. shut, V. a. eceii iyeya ; ec'en i6n ; nataka ; onataka. shut, part, ohmuza ; natakapi. shy, adj. wikopa. shyly, adv. wikopeya. sick, adj. yazai) ; wayazaij. sick'en, v. n. yazaq highda; ihpaya. sic'kle, n. isai) skopa. sickly, adj. wayazai) s'a. sick'ness, n. wowayazaij. side, n. cuwi ; cute : on this side of, itato ; on the other side, ako : on both sides of, anoka- taghai). side 'ling, adj. uijnaptai) ; apa- mahde. siege, n. anawicataijpi. sieve, n. wiyucaij. sift, V. a. yucai) ; hducag. sigh, V. n. comnihdazi. sight, n. of a gun, iwaqyake. sign, n. wowakta ; wapetogtog- pi : to give a sign, iwaktaya : to see signs of an enemy, iksuya. sign, V. a. wowapi yutai). sig'nal, n. wokoza. significa'tion, n. taku kapi. silence, n. inina yukaijpi. silent, adj. inina ; ataijse yaqka. silently, adv. ainina. silk, n. minihuha zipzipedaq. sill, n. taku ahe cii). silly, adj. wac'iijtoi) sni ; witko- tko. sil'ver, n. mazaska. similar, adj. iyec'eda. similitude, n. wiyadiijpi. sim'mer, v. n. nasa; anahdo- hdo. sim'ple, adj. ec'edai) ; witkotko. sim'pleton, n. witkotkoka. sin, n. woahtani. sin, V. n. wahtani ; taku sica ecoi) ; ecigsniyag ecoi). since, adv. iyohakam ; itato. sincere', adj. wicaka. sincere 'ly, adv. awic'akehaij. sincer'ity, n. wowic'ake. sin'e"w, n. kag ; takag. sin'ful, adj. wahtani ug. sin'fuUy, adv. dicaya. sing, V. dowag ; ahiyaya : to sing to, idowaij ; adowai) ; ka- hiyaya. singe, V. gu ; hiijhnu. sing'ing, n. dowagpi. sin'gle, adj. waqzidai) ; idnana. sink, V. kun iyaya ; spaya iya- ya ; oyahe aya. sin'less, adj. woahtani wanica ; wahtani ^ni. sin'ner, n. wahtani s'a ; wica- sta sica. sip, V. iyozizi yatkai) ; yagom yatkai). sis'ter, n. tawinohtig : a man's elder sister, taiike ; taijku : a man's younger sister, taijksi ; taqksitku : a woman's elder sister, cui) ; cuqku : a woman's younger sister, tagka ; ta;)kafcu. Sister-in-law, a man's wife's sis- ter and his brother's wife, haij- ka ; haqkaku : a woman's hus- band's sister, icepag ; ie'epaijku : a woman's husband's brother's wife, icepaijsi. sit, V. n. iyotai)ka ; hiyotai)ka ; hdiyotaijka ; kiyotaijka. sifting, part, iyotaqkehai) yai)- ka. six, num. adj. sakpe. six 'teen, num. adj. ake ^akpe. six'teenth, num. adj. iake ^a- kpe. sixth, num. adj. isakpe. six'ty, num. adj. wikcemna ^a- kpe. size, n. so large, hii)skoke<5a : how large ? tiijskokec'a. skate, n. maza okazeze. skate, V. n. okazeze ki^uij. skein, n. okaske. skel'eton, n. huha : the skele- toi) of a tent, tihuha. sketch, V. pago ; owa. skil'f 111, adj. wayupika ; wa- yapika; akiho. skill, n. akihopi. skill'ed, part, okaho ; wayupi- ka; aohai)hai)hai). skim, V. a. tage ehpeya ; kage. skin, n. ha ; uka ; coku. skin, V. a. ha yuza ; bagapa. skip, V. to jump, ipsica ; psipsi- ca : to skip on water, ahdiyape- pe : to pass over, okapta. skirt, n. saijksanica ; nito^ke ; opapuij : to wear a skirt, saij- ksanikitoi). skull, n. pahu ; nasuhu. skunk, n. maka or magka. sky, n. mahpiya to. slab, n. dagmdaska ; igyag mdaska. slab'ber, v. imni^tag. slack, adj. ohtahtadag. slack'en, v. n. naicoga. slack'ly, adv. ohdahdayedag. slan'der, v, a. aia ; waaia ; slan'der, n. waaiapi ; aiapi. slant 'ing, adj. kaohya ; ata- kigyag. slap, V. a. apa ; nape eg apa. slash, V. a. to whip, kapsigpsig- ta. slate, n. igyag sapa. slaugh'ter, v. a. kte ; kikte. slaugh'ter, n. wicaktepi. slave, n. wowidake ; wicatoka. slay, V. a. kte. sla'zy, adj. zigzica. sled, n. cagwiyusdohe. sled, V. a, toksu. SLE 327 SOR sledge, w. maziyapa. aleek, adj. cepehiqca; sdusdu- ta. sleep, n. woistiijma. sleep, V. n. i8tii)ma. sleep'y, adj. iba. sleet, n. wasu ; waiec'a. sleeve, n. oqlidohda isto. sleigh, n. caijwiyusdohe. slen'der, adj. cistiijna-haijska. slice, V. a. bamda ; kamda. slice, n. oijspa. slide, V. n. okazeze ecoij. slight, V. a. akta sni, weceye sni. slightly, adv. iwastedaq ; ki- tai) eciiiyai). slim, adj. cistiqna-haqska. sling, n. iyuhmui). sling, V. a. kaho iyeya. slip, V. n. liicahai) ; nasduta. ■ slip'per, n. hai)pa; caqha^pa. slip'pery, adj. sdusduta ; tutu- pa. slit, V. a. kaptuia ; kasdeca ; bamdaza. slit, n. bamdazapi. sliv'er, n. wokasdate. slope, V. n. upwards, itaijwaij- karjlide : downwards, apama- hde. slo'ping, adj. kaotya ; takiij- yai). slop'py, adj. haijlii ; mini ota. sloth, n. wokuie. sloth'ful, adj. kuia. slough, n. wiwi. slov'enly, adj. cogeca ; icoya ; hnahai). slovr, adj. hui)ke sni ; laijhi ; ofiaijsdata ; oliariteha^. slo"w'ly, adv. iwastedai) ; iwa- hnana ; fiaqhiya. slo'w'ness, «. wic'okuie; wi- cahui)ke im. slug'gard, n. wic'asta kuia. slug'gish, adj. kuia. slugs, n. kaspuspupi. sliun'ber, v. n. ogupga ; ayu- slump, adj. kahdi. slush'y, adj. haijlii. sly, adj. nahmana. slyly, adv. analibeya. small, adj. cistii)na ; cikcistii)- na ; cil^ada^ ; ni^kodaq. small'pox, w. ite widalidoMo- ka. smart, v. n. tuta ; okapaza. smart, adj. miniheca. smash, v. a, kamdeca. smear, v. a. sd.iya ; asamya. smell, V. omna. smell, n. omnapi. smelt, V. a. Moya. smile, V. n. ita. smite, V. a. apa ; kastaka. smit'ten, part, apapi. smoke, n. sota. smoke, v. n. sota ; izita. smoke, v. a. caijnuijpa ; izinya ; caijduhupa iyahpekiya. smo'ky, adj. soto^u. smooth, adj. sdusduta ; mda- ya ; stoya. smooth, V. a. kasdusduta ; yu- mdaya ; yusto ; hdusto. smoothly, adv. stoya ; astoya. smoth'er, v. a. yuniya ^ni ; apaspa. smug'gle, V. a. nalmana au. smut, n. woiape. smut, V. a. yu^apa ; asamya. smut'ty, adj. asapa. snag'gy, adj. mini ekta c'ai) ota. snail, n. mini wamnuiadai). snake, n. wamduska ; wamdu- skadai) ; wag ; iuzuhec'adai) ; siijte Ma. snap, V. n. namdec'a; namden iyaya ; napopa : to make snap, yupsaka : snap, as a gun, \)o\q- ga. snare, n. 05 hmuijkapi. snarl, v. n. hdo. snatch, v. a. botiij icu. snath, n. peii icasda ihupa. sneak, v. pamabdedaij iyaya ; isteca. sneaklngly, adv. nahmana. sneer, v. n. ihaha. sneeze, v. n. p^a ; ap^a. sniv'el, v. n. giijda ; po4ii). snore, v. n. gopa. snort, v. n. pogai). snot, n. pabdi. snout, n. pute ; pasu. snoTV, n. wa : snow-drift, wo- gai) : snow-shoes, pse ; psepa- togna ; tagmda. sncw, V. n. wapa : the snow blows, wabomdu ; icamna. sno'w'bird, n. wakasaqsaij. snuff) V. n. pozaijzai) ; poge ^nisni^kiya : to snuff a candle, petizagzag yuksa. snuffers, n. petiiagiag iyukse. snug, adj. ayuco. so, adv. heceda ; hecen ; ec'en : so long, hehagkeda : so and so, hecekcen. soak, V. a. hpagyag ; pastag. sodik.' edi, part. hpag. soap, n. wipaiaia. soar, V. n. nawig. soh, V. n. ceyektakta. so'ber, adj. mdeza ; kimdeza. so'herly, adv. mdesahag ; mdes- ya. so'eiable, adj. wohdaka ug. soei'ety, n. okodakidiye. sock, n. iyahdehugska ; iyahde- , hagpa. sod'omy, n. ihupi ; iwicahu. soft, adj. coco ; cocodag ; pag- pagna ; pag^pagiedag ; spag ; sdo ; do ; hihi ; hihidag. soften, V. a. kapagpag. softly, adv. iwastedag. soil, V. a. asamya ; yusapa. soil, n. maka ; makikceka. so'joum, V. n. ti. sol'ace, V. a. wacigtoglmagya. sold'er, v. a. asdoya. sole, n. sicuha. sole, V. a. asicutog. sole, adj. ecedag. sol'emnly, adv. wakagyag. solicit, V. a. da ; kida. solicitous, adj. cig ligca. solid, adj. suta; tke. solitary, adj. lewoskantu ; isnana yagka. solve, V. a. yukcag ; iyukc'ag. some, adj. ogge ; hugt ; wagii- kzi. some'body, n. tuwe. Some'hoAV, adv. token. some 'thing, n. taku. some 'times, adv. tuktekten ; tohantu ka^ta. some'vrhere, adv. tokiya. son, n. eigksi ; cighigtku : be- loved son, hokiinc'agtkiyapi : son-in-law, tako^ ; takoiku. song, n. odowag. soon, adv. kohagna ; ecadag. soot, n. cehnagi ; sonnagi. soothe, V. a. kihna. soot'y, adj. ^otkazi. sop, V. a. oputkag. sore, adj. jazai). sor'rel, n. wahpe skuya. sor'ro'W, n. woiyoksidc. SOR 328 STA SOr'rcwftil, adj. iyokisica ; iyo- yakeca. sor'ry, adj. caijte ^ica. soirt, n. ocaie. sort, V. a. kalnih idu. sot, n. witko s'a. soul, n. nagi ; 'wicanagi ; wa- nagi. sound, adj. zaniya^ ; tokeda. sound, V. to ring, sna; nasna; kasna ; yusna. soup, n. haijpi ; waLaqpi. sour, adj. skuya. source, n. oicage ; oiqkpa. sour'ish, adj. kitaijna skuya ; skumna. south, n. itokaga ; okaga. south'-ward, adv. okagataij- haq ; okahkiya. sov'ereign, n. itagc'ai) ; otaij- carike. SO"W", n. kukuse wiye. so'w, V. a. oiu; woiu; kada elipeya. so^w'er, n. woiu wai). so"wn, part, oiupi. space, n. okaq : to give space to, kiyukai). spa'cious, adj. otai)ka. spade, n. maza mdaska. span, n. napapasdec'api. span, V. a. nape oi) iyuta. spare, v. a. to part with, pa- gai) ; kpagaq : to save, pataq. sparing, adj. watehiijda. spark, n. pesniza. spar'kle, v. n. iyega; iyfeiye- ga. sparse, adj. tonana. spasm, n. kai) natipapi. spat'ter, v. a. amnimni. speak, V. n. ia ; yaotaqii). speak'er, n. ie cii) ; iekiyapi. spear, n. wahukeza ; huHaka. spear, v. a. capa. spe'cies, n. odjige ; obe. specify, V. a. ecekcen oyaka. specimen, «. taku waijii iye- ceca ; oqspa etaijhai). speckled, adj. hdeskaska ; hde- hdega ; icilideskaska. spec'tacle, m. wowagyake. spec'tacles, n. maza i^ta. specta'tor, n. tuwe wawaij- yag ui). spec'tre, m. wanagi. speech, n. iapi. speed, n. wicaduzabag. speedily, adv. inahniyai) ; cai)- ca^se ; koyabarina. spell, V. oowa ehnaka ; oowa oyaka. spend, V. a. iyopeya ; hdusota. spe-w, V. n. hdepa. sphere, n. tapa se ; taku hmi- limiyaq. spice, n. sudikcikadai) seca. spi'der, n. ur)ktomi. spike, n. horipe. spill, V. a. papsoi) ; kastai) ; ka- da : to spUl ouj apapsoi) ; aka- itar). spin, V. a. pahmui) ; wapahmuij : to spin a top, kahomni. spin'dle, n. maza iyulimuij. spine, n. c'aijkahu : spinal mar- row, caijkasuQta. spin'ning, n. pahmuripi. spire, n. taku ipasotka. spirit, n. woniya ; nagi ; wa- nagi : Holy Spirit, Woniya Wakai). spiritual, adj. wakaq ; wa- kagyai). spit, «. caijwipasnuq. spit, V. tagosa ; atagosa ; ota- gosa. spite, n. wocaijniye. spit'tle, n. tage. splash, V. Aga ihpaya. spleen, n. pisnize. splen'did, adj. waste hiijc'a ; wiyatpa. splen'dor, n. wowiyatpa. splice, V. a. akihdagtoi). splin'ter, n. wokasdatapi. splin'ter, v. to fly off, nasuza. split, V. a. kaptuza ; baptuia ; boptuza ; paptuia ; yuptuia ; kasdeca ; basdeca ; nasdeca ; yusdeca ; baka. split, V. n. naptuia ; nasdeca. spoil, V. tujjwiq : to rob, ki : to destroy, yutakuni sni. spolia'tion, n. wawicakipi. sponge, n. miniiyuiepe ; oka- itaiiye. sponge, V. okalitaijyai) ; pa- spaya. sponta'neous, adj. iye ciijka. spool, n. halioijta iyapehaqpi. spoon, n. tukiha ; maza tukilia ; kiqska: a spoonful, tukiha o- hnaka. sport, n. wicoskate. sport, V. n. ^kata. sport'ful, adj. ikehaijhai). spot, m. a blue spot, akitopi. spotless, adj. wakasote sni. spot'ted, adj. hdeskaika. spout, V. bomdu hiyu. sprain, v. n. kaguka ; naguka ; paguka; kalidoka. spra'wl, V. n. nasuijsui). spread, v. n. kahtaij ; okamde- ca. spread, v. a. pakii)ta ; kamda- ya ; yumdaya ; mni. spring, n. wetu : last spring, wehai). spring, V. n. icaga ; hinapa ; ipsida. sprin'kle, v. a. amnimni. sprout, V. n. idaga ; camni uya. sprout, n. damni. spunk, n. daijkagida. spur, V. a. iyopastaka. spurn, V. a. akta ^ni ; heyata elipeya. spurt, V. mini bosdi. spy, n. iwaijyag uij kii). spy, V. a. iwaijyaka ; wakdagyaq. squall, V. n. nina ceya. squally, adj. idamna. squau'der, v. a. hdusota; i\- iagyao edoi). square, n. daq iynte. squat, V. n. kahin inaiii) ; pu- staka. squeak, v. n. kakigza; ka^o- squeal, v. n. hotoij. squeeze, v. a. tirisa yuza ; ado- ksohag yuza. sqiiint, V. i^toksiijkiya. squint'eyed, adj. istoksip ; ista- ksiijka. squir'rel, n. ta^naheda ; hetka- dai) ; zida ; piiqda. squirt'-gun, n. ibosdi. stab, v. a. dap4. stab'bed, part. dap4pi. sta'ble, adj. suta ; sutaya hag. sta'ble, n. ^uktagka tipi. stack, n. paha ; peii paha. staffj n. daijsagye. stag, n. tamdoka. stage, n. daijpalimihma. stag'ger, v. n. dekdegya mani ; kaktihaijhaij mani. stag'gering, ]xirt. dekdegya. stag'neint, adj. ^kagskai) ^ni. stain, V. a. yusapa : to take a stain, ate eyaku ; asapa eyakiu STA 329 STR stairs, n. cagiyadipi ; caqiya- manipi. stake, n. caijipasdate. staJ^e, V. a. as a horse, pasdata. stale, adj. hugwiQnma. stalk, n. hu. stam'mer, v. n. ie kaskiska. stamp, f. a. natata ; nataqtar). stanch, v. a. anapta ; we ana- pta. stand, V. n. nazig ; inaiii) ; hi- naiiq ; lidinazii) ; kinazii) ; na- iiijhaij ; hag : to stand on, ana- iio ; ahaq. stand, V. a. hde ; naiijjkiju. stand'ard, n. wiyokihedai) ; wapahasa. stand'ing, part, naiighai). star, n. wicaghpi. stare, v. a. opalita yagka. start, V. n. ya : to start sud- denly, ham highda. star'tle, v. a. yuiigyeya. starva'tion, n. wicaakihai). starve, v. n. akihaij. state, n. ouijyaripi. state, V. a. oyaka. stately, adj. hagskaya. sta'tion, n. oyagke ; oinaiigta. sta'tionary, adj. owaqii yaij- ka. stat'ue, re. wakagapi ; wida^ta kagapi. stat'ure, n. ohagske. stat'ute, n. woope. stave, V. a. kahuga ; kahuhuga. stay, V. n. ape yaqka ; mdog- yagka ; yaijka. stead'fast, adj. suta. stead'fastly, adv. sutaya. steal, V. a. manoij ; wamanor). steal 'ing, n. wamanogpi. stealth 'y, adj. natmana. steam, n. mini opo ; ipo : to steam oneself, ini : steamboat, peta-wata. steel, w, maza suta : a fire-steel, c'aqka. steel'yaJ'd, »• oij tke utapi. steep, adj. maya liiqca ; apa- mahde hiqda. steep, V. a. hpagyai). steep 'ed, part. hpaq. stee'ple, n. ipasotka. steer, n. tatagka. steer, v. a. iyupse yuza. steers'man, re. iyupse yuze ; wahektape cii). 42 stem, re. of a pipe, caiiduhupa sugta : of a pumpkin, taspu. stem, V. a. tatowam ya. stench, re. sic'amna. step, n. daehde ; c'aehdepi : foot-step, owe ; owehde. step, V. n. c'aehde ; caksii) : to step over, acaksii). step'father, w. nuqkasku ; tawagaijku. ster'ile, adj. takudag icahye ^ni. stern, adj. ksizeca. stern, n. wahektapa. ster'num, n. makuhu. steTV, V. a. ohai). stew'ard, re. wohekiyapi ; wa- awaijyagkdyapi. stick, n. cagsakadai) ; cag. stick, II. re. askapa ; ostaka ; otkapa ; icam ; icapa ; oha ; iyapuspa; aikoyaka. stick, V. a. askamya ; okastaka ; pahdi : to stick in, as a splinter, okasdata. stick'y, adj. dapa. Stif^ adj. suta ; tasaka ; stusta ; dapa ; damya. stiflTness, re. in one's limbs, wicastusta. atm, adj. inina; ataqse; amda- kedai). still, V. a. yuinina. still, adv. tuka ; heda e^ta. stim'ulate, v. a. iyopa^taka. sting, V. a. dap4 ; idapa ; yaii- pa. sting, re. idape ; widape. stin'giness, re. ohaq^idapi. stin'gy, adj. ohan^ida ; wate- hii)da ; wakitehi. stink, V. re. sicamna. stint, V. a. yudistigna; yupte- dedai). stip'ulate, v. n. kaken edanoi) kiijhai) mis kaken edamoi) kta de, eyapi. stir, V. a. kahi ; idahi ; yuza ; yuskaijskaq. stir, re. owodutatoi]. stir'rup, re. siinatai). stitch, re. idape ; ipasise. stitch, V. a. idapa ; ipasisa ; apasisa. stock, re. taijdai). stock'ing, n. iyahdehuqska. stom'ach, re. tezi ; nige. stone, n. igyaq. stone, V. a. igyar) oi) kigiij. stool, n. daq akan yotaqkapi. stoop, V, re. patuia ; patu^ ina- zii) ; kahin inazii). stop, V. re. maiii) ; ayustai) ; ayastag. stop, V. a. anapta ; kagi ; idagi. stop, re. woanapte ; ehnakapi ; inaiiripi. stop'per, re. io^tag. store, re. mazopiye; taku ki- hnakapi. store, V. a. kihnaka ; wakihna- ka ; ehnaka ; eiu aya. store'keeper, re. wopetoi). storm, V. re. magaiu ; idamna ; kihaijsida ; wapa : to storm on one, aidamna ; akihag^ida. sto'ry, n. woyake ; hituqkafl- kapi. stout, adj. wa^'aka. stove, re. maza odeti. stOTV, V. a. ezu aya. strad'dle, v. a. adak^ig ; ka- mda^a ; akamda^ nazig. strad'dling, part, akoian na- z\i). strag'gle, v. «. widisniyai) iya- straight, adj. owotagna : straight forward, hdaheya ; katigyai) : a straight place in a stream, oha. stralght'en, v. a. yuowotaqna ; owotaqna kaga. straight'ness, re. woowotaqna. straight'-way, adv. ecahaj)- keya. strain, v. a. to hurt, ksuweya : to pull, yutitai) higda : to cleanse, puskepa ; puskem oka- strain'er, n. ipuskepa. strait, re. kiyute ; mdekiyute. strait, adj. odistiyedap ; odilj:a- dai). strand, n. huta. strand, v. n. azi. strand'ed, part, dzipi. strange, adj. tokeda. stran'ger, re. widaita tokeda: to think or regard one as a stranger, toghda. str£in'gle, v. a. yuniya sni : to choke, katka. strap, re. tehmiso ; ikag. straTV, re. aguyapi hu. straw'berry, re. waiu^teda. stray, v. n. nuni. STR 330 SUE streak, v. a. pago. streak'ed, part, hbehbezedaq ; hdehdezedag. stream, n. watpa ; wakpa ; mi- nicaduza : down stream, okaga : up stream, tatowam. stream, v. kaduza. street, n. odaqku. strength, ». wowas'ake ; wico- was'ake. strength'en, v. a. yuwa^'aka ; was'agya. stretch, v. a. yutitai) ; yuzica ; nasuijsui). stretch'ed, part, as the arm, akagatkiya. stre"W, V. a. kada eipeya. stride, v. a. acaksiq. strife, n. wicakigepi ; wic'oki- cize. strike, v. a. apa ; kastaka. string, n. ika^ ; teimiso ; ha- ioijta ; ipahta. string, V. kaza ; sog. string'ed, part, kazapi ; ikaij- toi). strip, V. a. yusdoka ; hdu^doka. stripe, V. a. kahdezedai) ; ka- hdegedai). strip 'ed, part. hdehdezedai) ; yuHise ; zuhai). strive, V. n. kic'i ecoij ; ohiye ecoi). stroke, ». oape. stroke, v. a. kastosto. strong, adj. was'aka ; suta. strongly, adv. was'agya. stro"w, V. a. kada ehpeya ; owirisya. struc'ture, n. taku kagapi. strug'gle, V. n. nasuQsui) ; nai- ^ispe kte ii;)ca. stub, V. a. iboto. stub'ble, n. aguyapi hu. stud'Y) ^- «• awacii). stufl^ n. wahpaya. stuif, V. a. ozuya ; opugi. Stul'tify, V. a. yuwitkotkoka. stum'ble, v. n. iicahai) ; nakti- heca ; nahnayai). stum'bling, pa)-<. kaktihaqhaq. stump, 11. caijpaksa. stun, V. a. kaitekpaza ; taijsag teya. stunt, V. a. kacistiijna. stu'pefy, V. a. yalba ; kaliba. stu'pid, adj. Hba. stur'geon, n. caijhur) ; hotaqka. stut'ter, V. n. ie kaskiska. sty, n. kukuse tipi. subdue', V. a. ktedai). subject', V. a. ihukun ehnaka. submit', V. a. wicada. subscribe', v. a. wowapi yutai). sub'sequently, adv. iyoha- kam. subside', v. n. ate ; oyahe aya. subsist', v. n. ni uq. sub'stance, n. taku hii)ca ; woyuha. substan'tial, adj. taijtoijka; kpa. substan'tiate, v. a. yuwidaka. sub'stitute, v. a. heekiya ; ee- kiya. subtract', v. a. etai)hai) idu. subtrac'tion, n. etarihaij idu- pi. subvert', v. a. kaiuiu ; yuiu- in. succeed', v. n. okihi ; yustai). success'ful, adj. w4pi. succes'sion, n. in succession, oweciijhai). suo'cor, V. a. 6kpe ya. such, adj. hededa ; deca ; heca. suck, V. yazoka ; hdazoka ; aziq. suck'er, n. a kind of fish, pa- hteca ; apesasa. suc'kle, V. a. aziijkiya. sud'denly, adv. ihnuhaijna. suds, n. wipaiaia haijpi. suffer, V. kakiia ; idakiia : to permit, iyowi^kiya. sufferer, n. kakiza ui). suffering, n. wokakize; wi- cokakiie. sufl&'eiently, adv. imnahaij- yau. suffocate, v. a. niya sni ta ; yuniya sni. suiRise', V. n. kahtai). su'gar, n. caqhaqpi : cake su- gar, dai)hai)pi tasaka : sugar maple, daijhasai) : sugar water, daj)hai)pi mini. suggest', V. a. okiyaka ; daze- kiyata ; kiksuyeya. su'icide, w. icjiktepi : to com- mit suicide, i^ikte. suit, V. to fit, iyecetu : to please, iyokipi. suit'able, adj. iyekidihaijtu. sul'len, adj. wadii)hii)yai)za. sul'ly, V. a. asamva. sul'try, adj. didita ; maste hii)- ca. sum, V. a. iyawa. su'mac, n. daijzi. sum'mer, n. mdoketu : last summer, mdokehaij. sum'mit, n. oiijkpa ; paiodaq. sum'mon, v. a. wahoya. sun, n. anpetu-wi : sun-blind, i^tosniia : sun-burnt, ma^ti- ipax) : sun-dance, .wiwaijyagwa- dipi. sun'der, v. a. yukinukaij ; ya- akipam ehnaka ; kiyuspa. sun'dog, «. a parhelion, pedu- za ; pedus yaijka. sun'flovrer, n. wahda zizi. sun'ny, adj. wi taqijjii). sup, V. yatkai) : iyoziziya ya- tkaq. superb', adj. waite hiqca. superfine', adj. mdu Mijca. supe'rior, adj. iyotar). superstruc'ture, n. tidagapi. supervise', v. a. awaijyaka. supine', adj. ahdaskin wai)ka. sup 'per, n. htayetu wotapi. sup'ple, adj. wii)8wii)iedai). sup'pliant, adj. wadekiya. sup'plicate, v. a. dekiya ; kida. suppliea'tion, n. wodekiye. supply', V. a. iyaki(Juya ku. support', V. a. yuha. suppose', V. a. yukcaq ; iyu- kdai). suppress', v. a. ohiya ; anaki- hbe ; anapta. sup'purate, v. n. toq au ; toq- yai) ; otogyag. supreme', adj. itaqcaq ; iyo- tar. sure, adj. widakapi ; suta. sure'ly, adv. awidakehai). sur'face, n. akantai)haq. sur'feit, v. iyatalidei^Jiya. surge, M. taia. sur'ly, adj. odiij^ida ; ksizeca. surmise', v. yukdai). surmount', v. a. ohiya. surpass', v. a. kapa ; iyakapa ; iyakapeya. surpass 'ing, part, iyakapeya ; sur'plus, n. taku sam iyaya. surprise', v. a. yusigyeya ; ini- haqya : taken by surprise, iya- pastakapi. surpri'sing, part, wonderful ! hopidai)niye. 8UR 331 TER surround', v. a. aohduteya. surtout', n. oijiohda akan uij- pi. survey', v. a. iwai)yaka ; ma- koce iyuta. survey'or, n. makoc'e iyute. survive', v. n. kini ; saijpa ni. susoep'tible, adj. wopanica. suspect', V. kecii) ; tuqgya ; atuqgya. suspeet'ed, adj. atu5ke^ep. kici ; om ; opeya ; ahna ; iyahna ; ehna. ■with'er, v. n. sniza. ■withhold', V. a. anida. ■within', prep, mahen ; mahe- tu ; mahetar)hai)". ■without', prep, outside of, ita;)- kan ; tai)kan : destitute of, do- dai) ; nida. ■wit'ness, n. waayataijirj. ■wit'ness, v. a. yaotaijii) ; oyaka. ■woe, n. widokakize ; widoMce. •wolf, n. suqktokeda. •wo'man, n. winohigda; wiij- yaij : an old woman, wakaijka. ■womb, n. tamni. ■won'der, n. woyusiijyeye. ■won'der, v. n. to be afraid, yu- siriyaya. ■wont, n. ecewakta. ■woo, V. a. winohii)ca okiya. ■wood, n. cai) ; coijtaijka : to get fire-wood, daijde. ■wood'coek, n. kaijketaijka. ■wood 'pecker, n. kagketaijka ; toskadai). ■wood'tick, n. taskakpa. ■wool, n. tahig wanugyagpi hig. ■word, n. widoie ; oie. ■work, n. widohtani ; wicohai). ■work, V. n. htani. ■world, n. maka kig. ■worm, n. wamdudag ; wamdu- skadai). ■worn, adj. tanika ; kuka. wor'ry, v. a. hagiteya. ■worse, adj. sagpa iica,. ■wor'ship, V. a. ohoda ; ahopa ; cekiya. ■worst, adj. iyotaij sida. ■worth, n. token iyopeyapi ede. ■worth'less, adj. wahtesni. ■wound, V. a. o ; kiugniya ; ksuweya. VTOund, n. 00. "woimd'ed, part, taopi. ■wrap, V. a. iyapemni ; opemni ; opazorjta ; yuskiskita ; yuwi ; heyug ; oheyug. ■wrap'ped, part, yuwipi; he- yuripi ; yuskiskitapi. ■wrap'per, n. obeyuij. ■wrath, n. wosihda. ■wreck, n. wata kazuiupi. ■wren, n. ptegaijnidadai). •wrench, v. ksuweya. ■wrest, V. ki. •wres'tle, v. kidi edoq ; kici ihduspa. ■wring, V. a. yuskida ; kaskida. ■wrin'kle, n. yusigpi ; kaMi)- hii) ; apiza. ■wrist, n. napoka^ke. ■write, V. a. owa ; wowapi kaga. ■writhe, v. n. pehaghai). ■wri'ting, n. owapi ; wowapi. ■wrong, adj. iica.. ■wry, adj. paksiksag. Y. yard, n. nogiyutapi. yam, n. wapahmugpi. ya^wn, v. n. iyowa. ye, pron. niyepi. yea, adv. hag. year, n. omaka. yearn, v. n. wahdeda ; aze ya- zai). yeast, n. oi) napolyapi. yelk, n. itkazide. yell, n. pagpi ; iyai'api. yell, V. n. pag ; iya^'a. yel'lo^w, adj. zi: to dye yel- low, ziya. yes, adv. hag ; ho ; tos : oh yes, ohag. yes'terday, n. htanihag. yet, adv. nahahig ; ehake : not yet, nahahigke ^ni. yield, v. idahya. yoke, n. cag napigpi. yoke, V. cag napigpi ohna iye- ya. yon'der, adv. kakiya. you, pron. niye ; niyepi. young, adj. askatudag wota : a young mag, ko^ka. yo'ung'est, adj. hakakta. your, pron. nitawa ; nitawapi. your'self, pron. niye l^e. youth, n. ko&a ; ko^kigyag ; wiko^ka. z. zig'zag, adj. k^agkkgyag. 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