t,/ See sir SF aan te Tijling the sawahs (ricefields). — - on : Sf amtaten we eee eee Inundating the sawahs before tilling. THE GREAT (CULTURES Or THE ISLE OF JAVA BY F. FOKKENS, RESIDENT OF MADURA. 30 PHoTOGRAPHS. WITH A PREFACE BY PROF. DR. TREUB, DIRECTOR OF THE AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT AND OF THE BOTANIC GARDEN IN THE DUTCH EAST INDIES. : : UR LEIDEN BJ BRIEL- Lr; 1910 Preface. Being considered somewhat legendary and mysterious, the remote tropical colonies were very little known for a long time. Although reputed sources of considerable riches, very vague notions of them, mostly far from correct, were generally known. At the present day all this has much changed. The colonies and particularly those situated in the intertropical zone are at present every-where the subject of serious and thorough studies. Inte- rest is taken in their history, organization and administration. Researches and investigations are being made in regard to their flora and fauna, as well as into the numerous problems which they present from an ethnologic and anthropologic point of view. Large associations have been formed with the purpose of encouraging and directing these studies, and many a periodical, in several languages, is devoted excluswely to colonial questions. In these questions the interest by preference relates to the political economy of the colonies and to their commercial impor- tance. In this respect the mining resources are mentioned by some, the conditions very often | essentially favorable to the Among those favoured hold a first place. Their the excesses of ae cially, add another, not less i se labourers. eee es With its thirty millions in} Junctions of the Government of the ae ater than : ee > -_ ’ Rice. § 1. Rice ') is cultivated in two ways: I. after the so-called dry method; II. in fields which are almost constantly kept under water. As regards the production, the latter method affords the best results. The first-named method is generally only applied in places where there is not enough spring-water and where sufficiently abundant rains cannot be relied upon. The grounds where rice is cultivated after the last- named method, are called ,sawahs’ or rice-fields, i. e.: plots surrounded by small dikes between which water can be retained or stream away at discretion. Where the ground slopes, a succession of terraces is constructed, from which the water passes from one into the other. Rice is cultivated at a height of 0 to 4000 feet on the most varied grounds, on vegetable-mould as well as on clay and sand-soil, in marshes and on a soil mixed with lime, and even on salt-grounds near the sea. 1) The plant which produces rice is called in Malay: ,padi’’. this end a small surface (su closed by a hedge) that has. ‘undated until it becomes a which takes from 3 to 4 we are deposited in the mud : The latter method is the bet ched to the old customs, I sowing whole ears. § 3. The seed-plot. is drained (first inundating du dating by day and draining b months, (according to the kin ground) the seed has grown to plat high, after which they are transpor which generally takes place in th December or, at latest, in January. | in the fair season, sufficient springwater may be planted at any time of the Planting the padi (rice). The ricefields after planting the padi. yee TL ee er Te ee Ti ch ee eae ee Rae ee Ce ee is usually subject to attacks of insects, diseases and other calamities. In some regions seed-plots are not made, but the seed is immediately deposited in the ,sawahs’; in that case it is necessary for the upper surface to be very level and -everywhere equally muddy, otherwise many grains would be lost and would not germinate. Because this way of cultivating the plots involves much labour, it is but seldom adopted. There are also regions where rice is sown in well tilled plots, but in a dry condition. Moreover, in certain regions, deprived of springwater, where the ,sawahs”’ are only watered by rain, rice is cultivated as follows: The seed is sown without repairing the dikes before- hand over their entire length. The water, if too abundant, can then escape; when, on the contrary, there is no rain- fall or it is very slight, the dikes are repaired over a more or less considerable length and shut completely if there is a scarcity of water. If later on the rain should fall more abundantly, the dikes are partly destroyed to let the su- perfluous water escape. § 4. When the young plants have to be transported, they are plucked out of the seed-plots, then they are bound up in little bundles, the tops are cut, and they are conveyed to the ,sawahs’”. There they are laid — one, two or three at a time — in the muddy soil, the number depending on the size of the young plants; as much as the same rate. After the planting the soil i 3 days in order to allow the plants inundated again and then the qu 1 by little diminished until the soil - three times is necessary — an 0 place before the florescence — ¢ has to be eee as much as: higher regions a longer time is | 7 months. a. § 5. For the so-called ,dry” the planting is done in two ways, Bes ata it TA: oo Was at io eds ae nt ¥8 CORNY ne, - Cropping the padi, eee ati Bundling and stacking the padi. is only adopted on original ground and only ,Oriza mon- tana” and not ,Oriza sativa” is used in this case. § 6. Rice is highly susceptible to diseases and has much to suffer from vermin. Sometimes the plant seems sound and fresh, whilst the ears remain empty. During heavy rains, when the water cannot run away, a kind of caterpillar makes its way through the stalk and kills the plant. An insect, the ,walang sangit’” (Leptocorisa acuta) abstracts the sap from the newly-budded ear and so prevents the fruit from forming. In a short time the whole crop is entirely destroyed in this way. Of late years a disease has been made a subject of study, which the natives call: méntek, méndézk, dédét, omo merah, etc. The parasite, which causes this disease, is a ne- matode, known under the name of ,Tyleachus Oryzea”’; it attacks the root. The more or less bad quality of the soil has a great influence on the development of this disease. Mice are not less destructive for in a single night they can destroy a whole rice-field. § 7. The off-shoots are not lopped by means of a scythe, but one by one cut with a small crooked knife, that is held between the fingers. Knife and offshoot are held in the same hand and then the latter is cut; with the other hand, the ears are gathered, The cut-off rice is made into bundles in the field and then stacked. If the weather is favourable, it is dried in the field. In order to remove the grain from ‘a sta rice is put into a kind of trough in which it” with a pestle. To remove the husk from the grain, tikes rol also used; moreover mills of very simple con ruc eae trough in which disks of wood, iron or stone, are propelled > . ; . by buffalos or by water. There are but bf few mills in : Java after the model used in Sues | os § 8. After the rice-crop “— if the oil be in enough — the ,sawahs” are used for the cultivation - of different kinds of vegetables which do not require ue more than 2 or 3 months to fructify, such as: batates, viqua sinensis, Soya Hispida, Capsicum, Solanum, Cucumis, — s Arachis, Voandzeia subterrana, &c. — In the Preanger, in Bantam and in some other regions, where there is suffi- cient springwater during the wole year, the »sawahs” are. =e also used for cultivating a kind of fish, which ie bs aes ia | 2 to 3 months to be fit for food. - . : § 9. The production amounts on an average to ne : 3 or 30 picols (62'/2 K°S) dry ,padi” per baoe of 1500 square : 2 : metres (1'/: H.A.), yielding, after being husked, 15 picols rice. The total production of the isle of Java was in i a 1895 36.702.450 1896 33.354.200 1897 35.194.600 1898 35.935.550 1899 — 87,500.000 Coffee. § 1. Kind of soil. The coffee-tree flourishes in the isle of Java at any height under 4000 feet, although the elevation, best suitable for it, varies between 1500 to 3000 feet. This regards the ordinary Java coffee-tree, the Liberia coffee-tree, on the contrary, grows best in level grounds. Too heavy clay-grounds are not at all suited for the coffee-culture, neither is sandy soil generally; however, very fine plantations are found on the sand-grounds of the Kloet. Mixed grounds, not too firm, of a dark colour and full of vegetable-mould are the best. Stony ground must not always be rejected and certainly not when the stones are so mixed with the ground as to form a natural drainage, which generally assures good vegetation. § 2. Reclaiming and arranging the plantations. The reclaiming of the grounds takes place in the beginning of the dry season and is done in several ways. 10 In places where there are forests, these are completely cleared, avoiding, however, the destruction the wood by fire so as to prevent burning the vegetable-mould at. the same Phe time. Some people burn the wood as much as possible and mix the ash with the soil; others again — although rarely — leave part of the forest, pull down the rest, clean the ground and then set the plants, so securing them a little shade. Those who destroy the forest entirely do not negleet to leave some rows of trees on the windward side, in order to protect the young trees. The level grounds are cleared of all sorts of wild grass, and sometimes they are then tilled by means Be ypatjol”, seldom with the plough. On the slopes, clearing is only done by the hand or by means of the ,arit” (a kind of bent knife), as the patjol makes the mould too loose, so that, in the time of heavy — rains, it would be washed down to the plains. To prevent the latter inconvenience terraces are formed; these can be tilled with the patjol without harm. ; In no lands whatever is ,alang-alang” (a ind of . long grass) allowed to remain; this injurious weed must be uprooted, dried and destroyed by fire. | Generally, in Java, holes are made before putting the plants into the ground. To this eud, in the cleaned ground holes are made of 2 feet diametre and 2 feet depth, which are left open to the air for two months, after which period 11 they are filled with good soil, or soil mixed with manure. It is however scarcely ever possible to obtain manure in sufficient quantity. Besides in fallow grounds this would mean a superfluous expense. The young plant, thus placed in good ground, grows rapidly and soon bears fruit, but as soon as the root touches the harder and less fertile soil at the bottom and at the sides of the hole, the tree commences to languish and often dies shortly afterwards. To avoid this evil the hole is en- larged by means of the patjol before filling. When the grounds are prepared in the above-men- tioned way, paths are traced in them and, in the plains ditches are made for draining purpose; next, trees are planted to obtain the shade required, whenever the trees which have been left intact are not sufficient. § 3. Trees for giving shade. The ,dadap” (hypophorus subumbrans) and the ,Albizzia molucana” are commonly used in order to en- sure shade. Of late very successful experiments have been made with the ,Pithe colobium saman’”. This tree, being of a very vigorous growth and affording dense shade the trimming thereof is very expensive, consequently the tree is rarely used. For some years past the ,Déguelia microphylia’” has been used; it soon shoots, does not become too tall'and does not give too much shade. The ,dadap” however is to be tering-trees; unfortunately d cessarily to be replaced by an es, The more elevated the 3000 feet high, the dal 12 by 12 feet (1 feet = 3_ upwards of 3000 feet it 12 feet; provided the . 6 by Z feet; in ie preferred, however, because it has. the drawback of being very frail. which in their fall break the coff 1) The distance between the sheltering-trees dined = tion, but also on the climate. In a rainy climate be plants ae ‘as in a dry climate. Seed-plots for the coffee-tree. Plantation of Liberia coffee. Soe ee ee Pee A ee 13 length are used, which, at a slight incline, are put into the ground. The ,Albizzia’, on the contrary, is sown. The seed is left in luke-warm water for one night and then sown in seed-plots. The sheltering-trees are planted at the same time or some months before the young coffee- trees, as the latter want light and a certain quantity of sunshine during the first year. If there is too much shade, the young coffee-tree grows to too great a height. § 4. The planting of the coffee-tree. The coffee-tree is sown. The ripe berry, after having been freed from its husk and washed with water mixed with ash, to take off the slimy substance surrounding the grain, leaves a bean composed of two parts (the so-called masculine coffee-bean forms one whole) in a husk. These parts are sown separately In the beginning of the year, from January to April, according to the height in question (in high grounds earlier), the grains, so prepared, are planted a little under the surface, at a distance of 15 cm. apart, in well (artificially) shaded seed-plots. 3 Twice as many grains are sown as the number of trees required, because the grains do not all thrive equally well and also to reserve plants for replacing the dead ones. As the plant develops the cover of the seed-plots is partly removed, and this is done entirely, as soon as the plant has reached a height of */s feet (20 to 25 cM.) 14 Care should be taken that the young plants are always ce watered, the ground cleared of the wild grass and loosen- eo ed from time to time. In the beginning of the ain vei dt a. a of December, the plants are transferred from the seed-plot to the plantations, the roots covered with a layer of earth. 3 oo. Many people neglect this last precaution and transport the plants in bundles. In the plantation grown-up plants are not always” : used; oftentimes young off-shoots which have grown. up | from fallen grains, are taken from under the old trees. § 5. Transport of the young plants. On the spot, destined for the plant, a hole is made by means of a stick, or also a ,patjol”; the plant is put in it, care being taken not to bend the root; then the hole is filled and the soil around stamped. The distance between the plants must be from 6 to 8 feet for trees of i. say 10 years old; from 8 to 8 feet for trees of from ito - 15 years, and of from 6 to 10 feet for trees of more than — 15 years of age. § 6. Maintenance of the Plantation. When the plants are in the soil, the plantation should be cared for, i.e: it must be kept clean. ‘The grass which is not harmful, can be left, but that which multiplies at the roots must be plucked out and then spread out over the ground. In level grounds and ter- races the soil is made loose, by means of the ,patjol”, once before and once after the rain-season, until the fourth year; then this operation is effected once a year or once every two years. On slopes, this method cannot be followed, lest too much vegetable-mould should be lost in the heavy rains. Next, the young off-shoots which continually grow up at the foot of the plants must be carefully removed and the ,dadap” or the ,Albizzia” lopped, so that it grows more rapidly and does not produce too much shade. During the first two years languishing and dead plants or trees are to be regularly replaced. Many people remove the young off-shoots at the top of the tree, as soon as this has reached a height of 5 to 6 feet (the Liberia 8 to 10 feet), in order to force the tree to grow in width. In this way the coffee-tree can be better maintained and also the fruit is easy of access. For the growth of the trees this process is not ne- cessary; coffee-trees are found of from 40 to 60 years old, which have never undergone it, but it is very difficult to gather the fruit when the trees have reached a height of from 15 to 20 feet. In such case ladders are required or the branches are bent down by means of cramp-irons fastened to sticks, often to the great detriment of the trees. Because of the disease which has prevailed for some years in coffee-trees, the method of lopping the top has much de- minished for fear of weakening the trees too much, which 16 lose many leaves and off-shoots through the disease. Ttis ce very difficult to remove continually the young | off-shoots, 3 which unceasingly shoot out at the foot of the: trees i nae i the tops are lopped. Nevertheless, here sd ‘there: this a method is still followed. Manure, is only used in barren eee and had most often around languishing trees. Stable-manure or dry leaves are placed with care so as not to touch the roots. A trench of a foot deep is dug, the manure is put in and covered with soil. § 7. The crop and the preparation. At the end of 2 to 3 years already is, tree com- con. mences to bear fruit. However, only after 5 to 6 years ie are abundant crops gathered, which on an average continue bs until the 15 year. Plantations of 40 years old and more are found, but this is an exception. The coffee-tree blossoms in the beginning of the rain-season; the crop-gathering takes | place about six or seven months after the blossoming. | The fruit is prepared in the — way or in that known as ,the West Indian way”. The latter method is at present mostly adopted, because the coffee prepared in this way is most sought on the European markets. — The first method consists of letting the fruit dry in the sun and taking off the covering by beating them with a pestle, or by letting them pass between wooden or iron disks. After this the coffee is cleared by means of a fan 17 and sorted, either by the hand or by means of a cylinder provided of wire gauze with meshes of different sizes. The method, known as the West Indian, consists of husking the fruit directly after harvest. To this end, cy- linders are used propelled by steam or water. Next the grain, thus discharged from the pulp, is washed in order to remove the slimy matter, and is then dried in a drying apparatus or thrashed and fanned to remove the last husk. The ordinary Java-coffee can be prepared in both ways. The latter makes the bean shiny and ensures higher prices on the European markets. For the Liberia-coffee the last-named method is the only good one; without this the coffee would have a bitter and disagreeable taste. § 8. Sorts of Coffee. Several sorts of coffee are cultivated in the isle of Java, such as: ordinary Java, Liberia, Mocca, Margogype and for 3 or 4 years past Robusta. The last 3 sorts are only found in some small plantations: ordinary Java-coffee is best represented. However, of late years, Liberia is planted more and more as it is stronger and can resist disease better than the ordinary Java which has been so popular here for a long time. It has been tried to graft the Java-coffee on the ,Liberia’, up till now however there is but one plantation where this operation is carried out on a large scale. The so-called ,masculine” coffee is aie ab, but a casuality, the fruit containing only one ee pee: of two. § 9. The disease of the coffee-tree. Tt is a known fact that for 17 years oe the coffee- culture has much to suffer from a diseasé, called the , He- mileia vastatrix”, a mildew which attacks first the leaves. This mildew is to be recognized by an orange-coloured. matter that appears itself at the baek side of the leaves’ and can be removed by the hand. When the disease con- tinues, the attacked leaf falls, the branches and the fruit grow black and the fruit decays: Large plantations have hereby been completely destroyed in a few months; no disease has ever caused such disaster to the culture. Numerous eflorts have been made to prevent the disease. First it was believed that it was better to. make ee 3 oe the soil loose and manure it more. |The trees grew es stronger and could better resist the disease, bes ote - the Se: evil continued to propagate. Then antiseptic remedies were applied to combat it | and preservatives to prevent the disease. Trials have been made on a large scale in watering the plants with an in- fusion of tobacco or with Bouillon Bordelaise. The attacked — Pe parts of the young leaves have been pricked with sulphuric acid, or the plantations have been protected on the wind- side by growing hedges to prevent the germs in the air, 19 from penetrating into the plantations. For a long time it was believed that the best results were obtained by water- ing the seed-plots and the young plants with an infusion of tobacco and by the growing hedges around the plan- tations in the plains (on slopes it is difficult to protect the plants by hedges), but this method has been abandoued and strongly manuring the coffee-trees has been tried. However, none of those remedies has been of much avail; the disease continues to destroy plantations and many a planter has been ruined, especially those who have their plantations in poorer grounds and in the plains. Trees in the mountains, and planted in plots full of vegetable-mould, resist the disease, and if they are at- tacked, they do not suffer so much. Coffee-trees have also much to endure from a louse which causes leaves and branches to turn black, this being the origin of the name of ,,black rust” given to this disease. A disease caused by miscroscopic insects which attack the roots of the coffee-trees, and in a short time do considerable damage is called the , Aaltjesziekte.” The »konuk” and the ,Ooret’’, a kind of scaraboes that attacks ‘the roots of the coffee-trees, is another insect, called the ,koffieborer’’, which destroys the trunk. § 10. Productions. The coffee-culture in the isle of Java is practised a forced, the latter a free cu The Government-c dozen years, as follows: in 1895 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” #3 ” ” ” ” 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 21 Sugar. § 1. In the isle of Java different sorts of sugar-cane are cultivated, especially one, known as the black Cheribon- cane which is ofa red or brown colour. The natives, however, cultivate preferentially a kind of white cane for the inte- rior market because it develops more amply. At one time the white cane was also used by manufacturers, because it was believed that it was less subject to the prevailing disease, viz.: the ,,sereh”, which proved, nevertheless, to be an error. With a view to this disease several sorts of sugar- cane have been tried, such as the Madagascar, the Mauritia, the Sandwich, Borneo and New-Zealand, but none of them could resist it. The Fidji-cane is very hardy, but it con- tains but little sugar and therefore is rarely cultivated. § 2. In Java the sugar-cane is cultivated according to two methods, called the ,,broedjoelan” and the ,,Reynoso” system. For the first-named method the soil is completely tilled and trenches are dug at an equal distance of from three feet (1 ft. = 31 cM.); in these trenches at a distance ae 12 ft. im de Z Pe 3 to 5. ft. ae The soil is on ; then holes, as mentioned @ § 3. For the shoots, ' water and then are laa in the holes. ‘Sometimes in seed-plots. (rice-fields) and on grounds serving fo as rice (this very seldom occurs), Clay-, as Plantation of sugarcane. Sugarcane, attacked by the disease, calle ,sereh’’, Fi a arias | 23 are made use of to a height of 2000 feet. In the irrigation and drainage great care must be taken. As a rule, the ground is tilled about the months of March and April and planting is commenced in the month of July. This month falling in the middle of the dry-season the young plants are watered. Before and after the planting, the soil is manured with ammoniac sulphate and carvi cakes. The cane ripens within ten to fourteen months in the plains; in higher grounds it takes not less than 18 months. The crop is gathered from June till October. § 5. When the cane is ripe, it must be cut as soon as possible, as otherwise the sap diminishes in quantity and also diminishes in quality. It is cut off level with the ground or plucked out by the roots. In the fields the leaves are taken off and the tops are cut to serve for the new planting. § 6. After the crop the cane is transported to the mill to be crushed. The wood, dry leaves and ground cane are used as fuel. The average production of cane of one baoe (0,709649 Hectare) amounts to 900 picols (= 56000 K®s); sometimes double this quantity is reached. As soon as the cane has been cut and transported to the mill, it is pressed between cylinders, two of which are placed horizontally and another above them. By this simple operation about 65 to 70 per cent of the weight of the cane is reduced to sap. Much sugar is still left in the remainders (called the ,ampas”) and, for this reason manufacturers endeavour to e@ cutting it in slices, which were ; is no longer applied. set but on the other hand better. It bonisation-method. The sap is s . then precipitated with carbonic it is pressed in filters. The purified sap is then tre Transporting the sugarcane to the fabric. g g Interior of a sugarfabric (engines of triple or four fold power and vacuums). 25 vacuum. The sugar thus obtained — after having been cooled — is then put into centrifugal machines to eliminate the molasses. In order to remove the last trace and so to get very white sugar, the product is finally exposed to a fine spray of water or steam. The sugar, on leaving these machines, is dried in the sun or artificially and then packed in ,,krandjangs” (kind of basket) of about 2 picols. =: gt The molasses obtained by the centrifugal machine still contain sugar. Therefore, they are once more boiled in the vacuum to pass for the second time through the cen- trifugal machine after having been cooled. However, even then they still contain sugar, but it is very difficult to extract it. For this reason, the manufacturers let the molasses run into the rivers or distil, like the Tjomal-mill, alcohol (arrack) from them. As said above, dry leaves or the ,ampas’”’ which leaves the mills is used as fuel for the machines; sometimes also wood (seldom coal). In the ovens, specially constructed for this purpose, the wet ampas is used, but mostly it is dried in advance in the sun. § 7. The sugar-manufacturers in Java have two experimental stations where trials are continually made upon the culture and production of sugar by specialists and learned men in the sphere of tropical agriculture. § 8. On an average 115 picols of sugar are produced per baoe (0,709649 Ha); there are. picols. ea : Ce The total sugar production in the in 1895: 9454441 (195 , 1896 3697000 , 1897 9471249 , 1898 11175280 » 1899 12301689 os , 1900 12031987 , 1901 13091388 , 1902 14435138 «(J , 1908 14921096 , 1904 17037313 » 1905 16834180 , 1906 16041195 , 1907 18138304 ( AEE Re Seed-plots for the Peruvian bark. Preparing the grounds for planting the Peruvian bark. — es ae a BD ete es ee RE eee ee eee Aa 3 ita WT 27 Peruvian bark. § 1. The sorts of Peruvian bark mostly planted in the isle of Java are the Ledgeriana, the Officinales, and the Succirubra; especially the Ledgeriana, because of its great intrinsic value. This value is inferior in other sorts, which are however greatly appreciated for their pharma- ceutic bark. The demand for this bark being limited and the planters fearing to keep an article without value in case of overproduction, these trees are only planted in small numbers. The same is true of the Officinales, as it grows slowly and best in high regions, which are avoided, however, being less appropriate for the Ledgeriana. § 2. The favourite sort is consequently the Ledge- riana. However, as this tree does not grow so quickly as the Succirubra, because of its being more susceptible to disease, many planters have been endeavouring of late years to graft the Ledgeriana on the Succirubra and with success, for experience has proved that the trunk below the graft effects but very little the value of the Ledgeriana. The grafting is done in the open air, generally after reached a height of ‘from 10 ‘tance is then 15 cM. ee may be left to grow. The « t under ferns, which have ee square feet of ground each; it is better, i : until the plants have reached a height of 11 Seed-plots for the Peruvian bark. Joung Peruvian barks. Pe CPO TT eee re ee Fe en ee ee ‘g 29 § 5. The maintenance of a Peruvian bark-plantation is very similar to that of a coffee-plantation. As the plants grow closer together, the weeds do not grow so abun- dantly, giving rise to less labour. As seen above, when dealing with the coffee-culture, there are people who make holes in the ground to put the plants in, and others trench the soil. § 6. The Peruvian bark is subject to different kinds of disease: 1. The disease of the roots, which rots them for the greater part. The only method to expel the fungi which attack the roots, is to pull out the infected plants and disinfect the soil. The uprooted plants must be burnt on the spot. . 2. The rust, a mildew which attacks the branches and kills them. The diseased branches are cut off, the bark is collected and the affected parts are burnt. 3. The ,Helopeltis” is the worse disease of the Peru- vian barks. It is caused by insects, called Helopeltis Brodii. They prick their way across the surface of the leaves of the young branches and suck out the sup. The pricked spot blackens, the other part of the leaf and the young branohes curl up. As yet there is no any other remedy known against the disease but to lop off the attacked parts and burn them, while the insects are caught and destroyed. § 7. When 6 to 8 years old, the Peruvian barks are fit to be gathered. At first this is only a thinning rity and is fit to be cut ae The crop is gathered in clusively to the first mentioned, whole tree. a § 8. The gathered bark is of the plates, which rest on little walls, at the other side the chimney so as and smoke to pass under the plates. V drying-apparatus is the Jackson’s siroccos fire itself causes the air-circulation. | Peruvian barks still young. Plantation of Peruvian bark. ——E———— TET nn TE OE Cropping the Peruvian bark. An establishment on a Peruvian bark plantation. 31 § 9. The sorting and packing of the Peruvian bark must be carefully carried out. In commerce the Peruvian barks are distinguished in two principal classes, viz. I. those destined for manu- facturing sulfate of quinine, and 2. those for the use of pharmacy for extracts, colours, wines, &c. In sorting the barks for the manufacturing of sulfate of quinine care must be paid to have barks of an equally intrinsic value of quinine; while in the sorting for the use of pharmacy a good appearance should especially be considered. § 10. The production of Peruvian bark in the isle of Java was in: 1895 3950667 Kes 1896 3826085 , 1897 3403102 , 1898 4513815 , 1899 5092608 , 1900 5668795, 1901 6316090 Kes 1902 6433421 , 1903 7122589 , 1904 8652954 , 1905 8052648, 1906 5972550 , 1907 8985816, Drying-apparatus for Peruvian bark, eruvian bark. acking the Pe % [ 33 Tobacco. § 1. Tobacco flourishes from the sea-shore to a height of 6000 Metres up the mountains; nevertheless, the lower regions must be preferred, as the manufacturing can be done with less trouble on account of great damp- ness or heavy winds. The crops from the higher grounds dry but slowly and sometimes only on the outside, so that the product gets mouldy and often becomes quite valueless. Soil composed of a mixture of clay with sand (es- pecially when it contains vegetable-mould) is most adap- ted to the tobacco-culture; the situation and the climate are also of great importance. It must be possible to draiu the plots and the plants must from time to time be wat- ered by rain. § 2. To obtain good tabacco, it is necessary to use good seed. This is taken from the best developed plants, and only those grains the development of which can be relied upon are plucked. 34 Towards the ‘time that the tobacco-plants are_ 5 toy ped, the planter selects on his field those parts where the plants are best developed and are sine to veo of good seed. : SS rctgey These parts are then surrounded by hedges na are very carefully tended until the tiny fruit is ripe. When. the ripe fruit has been plucked, they are dried in the | sun; the husks burst and the grains fall. a are — served in hermetically closed bottles. § 3. Formerly sorts of tobacco, originally from a were planted. The leaves were too small and not broad — enough, they were not in demand in Europe, 80. ‘that other sorts were used. At first Dutch tobacco’ was taken, it grew very well, but soon degenerated. Then ‘Havanna- | and Manilla-tobacco were tried. The trials. with Havanna- tobacco did not answer. The quality changed e1 ntir and saumecaee became unfit for commercial ee ie Bee treatment. It lost its taste and partite pee p Se! its original flexibility, so that it could be used for : all kinds of tobacco. ae Plants of Deli-tobacco have also been tried with good results. Wr eae § 4. The grains are directly sown in ‘the plots mixed with wood-ash. Also, but more rarely, the grains | Plantation of tabacco. Pressing tabacco to bales. 35 before being sown, are germinated on moistened sheets, which became necessary to protect the grains in the plots from injury caused by ants. When the grains have germinated, which is to be seen by their changing of colour, they are removed from the sheets, mixed with ash and then sown on the plots. The seed-plots are similar to those used for the cultivation of coffee, only instead of fixed coverings, they are adjustable to permit the regulating of the light. Much care must be taken of the grains in the plots. At first they should be watered at least twice a day; the sun is only allowed to penetrate in the morning. After some time one watering suffices, and only the after- noon-sun should be avoided. § 5. When the plants are about 40 or 50 days old, they may be transplanted in the prepared grounds. It is necessary also to protect them during the early days against the sun, which is done by covering each plant with a bent leaf fixed in the soil, or the plants are cov- ered with a little rice-straw. At the very first they also need to be watered. | After two weeks the covering is taken away and the ground around the plants made loose. Later on this process is repeated by means of the patjol (a kind of spade). Generally the plants are set at a distance of from — 86 1/2 to 3 feet. As soon as the plants have reached a height of one foot, the lower leaves are taken off and the trunks covered with clods. The latter manipulation is repeated once or twice. When the plants have nearly reached their complete development, they ate topped in order to prevent the blossoming and to accelerate hereby the development of the leaves. This topping demands much care. If too many leaves are removed, the remaining ones become thick and heavy; if, on the other hand, not enough are lopped, the leaves remain small. After the topping the tobacco is left to develop _ for two weeks more until complete maturity, so that it may benefit, if possible, from some showers which take away a kind of fat from the leaves, increasing hereby their inflammability. § 6. Within 65 to 90 days the tobacco is ripe, which is evident from the fact that the leaves begin to. droop. The leaves are then plucked one by one, strung and then hung up in the drying-shed; or the plant is cut off a little above the ground and in that way many leaves are hung up at a time, the lower leaves have the greatest value, these are always plucked first one by one. In the drying-sheds, which are constructed of wood and bamboo and covered with straw, and which asa rule are 100° to 400° long and 30’ to 60’ wide, the tobacco is strung on laths of bamboo and kept from the light. The tobacco remains in this condition for 30 to 40 days. Then the leaves are taken off the laths and are sorted accord- ing to their length, their colour and their fineness; next, they are bound in bundles of 40 to 50 leaves, which are transported to the fermentation-shed. In these sheds, most of which are constructed of stone and covered with zinc, the tobacco undergoes the last manipulation consisting of fermenting, selection and pressing of the bales. The fermentation is done by putting the tobacco in piles on a wooden floor. In the beginning the fermen- tation-process is very quick, and therefore the piles are very small and contain only from 5 to 10 lbs. of tobacco. After a few days the piles are made loose and increased until by the end of the fermentation time they contain 60 or 80 thousand lbs. In making the piles, perforated cases of bamboo are laid in them to hold thermometers, so that at any moment the increase of temperature inside the piles may be ascertained and thus the piles can be made loose at the proper time. And this is very necessary, as the temperature of tobacco may increase in a single day to such a pitch as to cause fire. If the temperature remains the same as that of out- side the fermentation is finished. The tobacco is taken off the piles and is once more sorted. When the tobacco has been pressed to bales of 150 to 200 lbs. and sewn into mats, it is ready for ship- ment. § 7. The production of tobacco destined for in the isle of Java was Eee 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 9807222 kilogr. 18286012, ‘16864871 Fy 18618375 24829570 _ ,, 22277198 12372592 26289584, 26886370, 30407491, 29934558 29288596, 37892449, ‘ “a 39 Tea. § 1. The tea-plant is a shrub cultivated in the isle of Java at a height of from 500 to 3000 feet, in different soils, generally clay-grounds mixed with vegetable-mould and drained as much as possible. § 2. Tea is propagated by seed which must be fresh, to ensure its prompt growth. The seed is ripe when the seed-coat bursts and drops the grains which have a dark- brown colour and are picked up from the ground. Each husk contains 1 to 3 grains. It is estimated that of a quantity of fresh seed */; take, whilst, when using seed of one or two months old, this will be the case with only 1/; to “/1. § 3. The culture of grains is done on beds or the grains are carried to the plot and sown at a depth of from 3 to 5 centimetres in the soil, which has been thor- oughly tilled beforehand, or they are laid in furrows of 9 cM. width and 12 cM. depth. These furrows have all been open for a month. already and time before the sowing: superfluous plants without doit planters first germinate the bad, those which sink to the to to time the grains require to be be shaded in the outset, if os, wished for. § 4. After the planting, care the plant develops regularly, this ensure: With this aim the languishing should be replaced at once. i Two or three times a year each lee Assam tea-plants, Harvesting chinese tea. Al between the plants of 3 to 12 feet long, 1 foot wide and 1'/2 foot deep to ensure them more light. Manure also is used, mostly oxen-manure mixed with vegetable substances. § 5. As regards discases, the tea-plant suffers mostly from rust caused by an insect called ,,Heliopeltis theivora” the same insect that attacks the Peruvian bark. All kinds of measures have been adopted to stamp out this discase, but in vain. The most effective measure is killing the insects, lopping the shrubs and embedding the whole cut-off mass, so as to annihilate the eggs which the insect lays in the as yet tender and green shoots. The surviving insects, finding no young leaves left, are con- demned to death by want of food. § 6. Tea-plants can be harvested in their third or fourth year. The first harvest is but insignificant, and is followed by a light lopping; afterwards the production of leaves steadily increases. If the tea-shrubs have been planted well and thorough care has been taken of them, the harvest may continue, so to say, ad infinitum. The two leaves at the oxtremity of the tree yield the finest tea, viz: the ,pecco’”, both the green tea as well as the black; the following leaf produces the ,souchon” and the other leaves the ,conggo”’. ; From time to time the shrubs must be forced to form shoots and prevented from blossoming and so pro- ducing seed. This is effected by a more or less thorough higher grounds it is often su: once every two or three years. is at the ond of the ee the rain-season. For the rest preparation. : Java the freshly dined er once; i. e.: roasted in well- 1 the fermentation or oxydation ‘is cessary for the preparation of b duced by ‘dispersing the fresh fade. The leaves then assume a ve pressing a small quantity in the hand what like glutin. Then they are” incessantly for some time. : The grinding and the rolling | is 2 by machinery, mostly by the -fixoeleeed machine of Jackson and others, consisting Machinery for grinding and rolling the tea. Drying the tea. 43 two polished wheels, horizontally placed at some distance the one from the other, each having an opposed rota- tory movement and so rolling the ,tea between them. After having been rolled for 10 or 12 minutes, the tea is put on small tanks to get its colour, to oxidate and to ferment by the influence of the air. These tanks are a kind of cube made of interlaced bamboos; they are pro- vided with little feet so that a quantity of them may be placed one upon the other without preventing the air from penetrating. When the tea is of the required colour, it is con- veyed to the drying-shed, where it is dried in warmed air or roasted in stoves. § 8. About fifteen years ago only China-tea was planted in the isle of Java. Little by little this custom altered and the China tea gave way for the Assam-tea and the different hybrids between Assam- and China-tea. Now-a-days these sorts predominate and will entirely replace the China tea, as they are much stronger. In wild condition the Assam plant becomes a tree with a trunk of from 15 to 20 feet thick, whilst the China- tea shrub remains small and only reaches a height of from 6 to 7 feet. In cultivated condition the former plant reaches a height of from 3 to 5 feet, but develops in table-form with a diameter of 4 to 10 feet, the latter reaching no more than 2 or 3 feet. The leaves of Assam-tea grow to a length of 9—15 cM., those of China-tea at most to 4. cM. 45 Indigo. § 1. The kinds of indigo, generally cultivated in the isle of Java, are the Guatemala, originating from Central America, and the Natal. Indigo is a shrub with reddish flowers and oval leaves, the latter containing the . colouring matter that is extracted from them by means of fermentation. The indigo-shrub is cultivated in plains, on light, mixed grounds, which must have been deeply trenched three or four times; as a rule, on plots that may be irri- gated (rice-fields) and it is propagated by sowing or (sel- dom, however) by shoots. § 2. In May and June the seed is planted in beds, having a light roof to protect the small plants against the great sun-warmth ; during the first few days they must be watered. Often the seed is covered with straw, that is removed after 3 or 5 days. After a month the seeds are fit to be planted in the soil. § 3. Generally, the plants are transplanted in the position, the bundles are dee 2 covering them with an horizontal of from 6 to 12 cM. thickness. hurdles formed of laths of bamboo 1 cent these hurdles are pressed down by beams. — fermentation soon commences and lasts from 4 Shrubs of Guatamala indigo. a. ae er. - put in constant contact with te oxygen of the atmosphere by Basins, in which the indigo water is turning wheels provided with zine pails till the indigo precipitates. 47 according to the temperature and the nature of the plants. It is always difficult to fix the exact moment at which the fermentation-process is completely finished; a long experience alone teaches this. After the fermentation, the water, which must smell like beer and be coloured yellowish green, is allowed to run avay from the fermentation-basin into another basin placed below, where it is at once set in motion by a wheel provided with zinc pails. The turning movement of the wheel causes the water every time to be taken up by the pails and to be ejected again from a certain height. In this way 240 litres of water come into contact with the oxygen of the atmosphere and gradually the colour changes from yellowish-green into green or dark-green and the indigoprecipitates. The turning of the wheel is stopped as soon as the grains of indigo are distinctly noticeable and sep- arate themselves from the water. Then all must be allowed to clarify, which takes 2 or 3 hours; after that the water — is poured off and the paste resulting therefrom is collected in filtering-basins from which the water oozes, this pro- cess lasting 5 to 6 hours. The paste is now taken off the filtering-cloth and put in casks, which are conveyed to the kitchen where the paste is mixed with a certain quantity of water and then boiled, at the same time being stirred continually so as to avoid its burning. When well boiled, the matter is poured on a filter- ing-cloth where the substance is put under the sides of which holes are order to extract all the water The indigo is now cu on long wooden benches for | before being ready for sale the mould. By this means t ple colour. *) as -§ 6. The production was as follows, viz: 1895 606 1896 > 6h 1897 | 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 19038 1904 1905 1906 1907 1) For the Natal indigo some manufacturers work than use whitewash, the exess of which they remove by SB Fokkens, F 187 The great cultures of the I7F6 isle of Java Biologia & Medical PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY