Library of the University of Toronto f 1 rvM ^^Wiv THE QUADRUPEDS AND REPTILES OF EUROPE. A GUIDE TO THE QUADRUPEDS AND REPTILES OF EUROPE; WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF ALL THE SPECIES. COMPILED FROM THE LATEST WRITERS. BY LORD CLERMONT. LONDON: JOHN VAN VOORST, PATERNOSTER ROW. MDCCCLIX. “ LO , THESE ARE PARTS OF HIS WAYS.” Book of Job. PREFACE. Excepting the Birds, where the Manuals of Tern* minck and Degland leave nothing to be desired, there is no work of portable size in the English or French language on any division of European Vertebrates. It was the want of some such guide which at first induced the Author to put together for his own information the descriptions of the Quadrupeds and Reptiles found in our own quarter of the globe, which form the present Work; and he trusts that the same want felt by others wishing to observe the animals of the countries which they visit in their Continental tours, will be found to justify its publication. The reader will kindly hear in mind that it is a mere compilation, intended to serve only until superseded by some more original work on the subject. No pains have been spared to select the clearest accounts of the several species, those of the Reptiles being almost all from the great work of Dumeril and Bibron. It is therefore hoped, that although, where the distinguishing characters are obscure, the traveller may not always be enabled to name his specimen at VI PREFACE. once, he will at least find his doubts reduced to narrow limits, and by an easy process of exhaustion will speedily arrive at its identification. The measurements, except where it is otherwise stated, are in English feet, inches, and lines, or twelfths of an inch. The letters F. M. denote old French measure, where 1 foot equals 1 foot 1 inch and 1J line English. The boundaries of Europe on its Asiatic frontier here adopted are the Ural Mountains, the Fiver Ural or Jaik, the Caspian Sea, and the Fivers Kouban and Terek, to the north of the Caucasus. C. London, May 1859. WORKS QUOTED OR CONSULTED. Europaische Fauna. Yon Dr. Heinrich Schinz. 2 vols. 8 vo. Stuttgart, 1840. Quoted as Schinz, Europ. Faun. Die Wirbelthiere Europa’s. Yon A. Graf Keyserling und Professor J. H. Elasius. 1 vol. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1840. Quoted as Keys. u. Bias. Wirbelth. Europ. Monographies de Mammalogie. Par C. J. Temminck. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1827 (vol. 1) ; Leiden, 1835-1841 (vol. 2), Quoted as Temm. Monog. Waterhouse’s Natural History of the Mammalia. Yol. 2. London, 1848, Etudes de Micromammalogie. Par Edm. De Selys-Long- champs. Paris, 1839. 1 vol. 8vo. Quoted as De Selys, Micromamm. Mammalogie. Par M. A. G. Desmarest. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1820. Quoted as Desm. Mammal. Fauna der Wirbelthiere Deutschlands. Yon J. H. Blasius. Erster Band, Saugethiere. Braunschweig, 1857. 8vo. Quoted as Blasius, Wirbelth. Deutschl. Erpetologie Generale. Par A. M. C. Dumeril et G. Bibron. Paris, 1834-54. 9 vols. 8vo. Quoted as Dum. et Bib. vm WORKS QUOTED OR CONSULTED. Iconografia della Fauna Italica. Di Carlo L. Principe Buonaparte. Boma, 1832-41. 3 vols. folio. Quoted as Buon. Faun. Ital. Zoographia Bosso-Asiatica. Auctore Petro Pallas. Petro- poli, 1831. 3 vols. 4to. Quoted as Zoo g. Boss. As. A Manual of British Yertebrate Animals. By the Bev. Leonard Jenyns. Cambridge, 1835. 1 vol. 8vo. A History of British Quadrupeds. By Thomas Bell. London, 1837. 1 vol. 8vo. Quoted as Bell, Brit. Quad. A History of British Beptiles. By Thomas Bell. London, 1839. 1 vol. 8vo. Quoted as Bell, Brit. Bep. Faune Meridionale. Par J. Crespon. Nismes, 1844. 2 vols. 8vo. Schlesien’s Wirbelthier-Fauna. Yon Dr. Constantin Lam- bert Gloger. Breslau, 1833. 1 vol. 8vo. Yerzeichniss der in der Schweiz vorkommenden Wir- belthiere. Yon Professor H. B. Schinz. Neuchatel, 1837. 1 vol. 4to. ; forming part of e Fauna Hel- vetica.’ Fauna der Galizisch-bukowinischen Wirbelthiere. Yon Dr. Alexander Zawadski. Stuttgart, 1840. 1 vol. 8vo. Fauna der in Brain bekannten Saugethiere, Yogel, Bep- tihen, und Fische. Yon Heinrich Freyer. Laibach, 1842. 1 vol. 8vo. Faune Beige. 1 Partie. Par Edm. De Selys-Longchamps. Liege, 1842. 1 vol. 8vo. The Naturalist’s Library. Edited by Sir William Jar dine. 40 vols. 8vo. British Museum Catalogues. THE QUADRUPEDS AND REPTILES OF EUROPE. Class MAMMALIA. Vertebrate animals, with warm blood; viviparous, and suckling their young ; breathing by lungs ; the body generally covered with hair, and provided, except in the Cetacea, with four feet. Order QUADRUMANA. Teeth of three kinds ; both fore and hinder ex- tremities provided with a thumb ; teats pectoral. Genus MACACUS. Teeth. — Incisors, \ ; canines, ; molars, firf • First and second molars with two tubercles, the others with four, except the last in the lower jaw, which has five ; eyes approaching ; cheek-pouches ; callosities on the buttocks ; tail more or less developed, or replaced by a simple tubercle ; two pectoral teats. B 2 CHEIROPTERA. Macacus Inuus. Inuus sylvanus, Cuv. Reg. Anim. Macacus Inuus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 37. Barbary Ape. Description. — Head large ; nose very flat ; eyes small, deeply buried; hairs of the cheeks directed backwards, forming thick whiskers; ears naked, with hairs at the points ; neck short ; cheek-pouches very large ; thumbs of the feet large, those of the hands small. Fur on the top and sides of the head, on the cheeks and shoulders, rather bright golden-yellow, mixed with some black hairs, each hair dark grey at its base, the rest ringed with yellow and grey. The rest of the upper parts of the body of a much darker greyish yellow, with transverse blackish bands ; all the under parts greyish yellow ; face naked, of a livid flesh colour ; tail a simple tubercle. Females smaller than the males, with canine teeth scarcely longer than the incisors. Length of the body, 1 foot 7 inches 9 lines ; of the head, 7 inches. This is the only species of the Monkey-tribe found in Europe, and the Rock of Gibraltar is its single European habitat. Is found in Egypt and Barbary. Order CHEIROPTERA. BATS. Provided with membranous wings; teats pectoral; teeth of three kinds. Genus DYSOPES. Teeth. — Incisors, \ ; canines, y^y- ; molars, yrf . Number of incisors varying according to the age, being greater in the young than the adult, viz. -J, , -f or -| (sometimes ^ in the very young). Head large; nose without DYSOPES RUPPELII. 3 follicles ; ears wide and short, beginning near the angle of the lips, projecting over the eyes ; tail long, projecting be- yond the membrane for a large portion of its length. The size of the head, and the wide muzzle, supposed to resemble that of a mastiff, have given rise to the name Molossus, adopted by some authors. Dysopes Ruppelii. Molossus Cestonii, Geoffroy. Dysopes Cestonii , Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured). Dysopes Ruppelii, Temm. Monog. (figured). Description. — In size resembling Vesjpertilio murinus. Ears very large, overhanging the face, apparently wider than long, slightly margined on the outside, with seven or eight very small fleshy points on the inner part of the anterior margin, not united, hut arising from a common base on the fore- head ; tragus double, being in part outside and in front of the ear; tail as long as the body, thick, depressed, more than half its length projecting beyond the membrane ; toes covered with whitish silky hairs. Eur thick, fine, close, and smooth, a wide border of close hairs on each side of the wings, close to and along the body; snout covered with scattered black hairs; lips wide, pendent, and folded; upper parts of the body of a uniform mouse-colour through- out, lower parts a little lighter ; hairs on the fingers long ; wings very narrow, but of great extent ; the two upper incisors wide apart, the four or six lower ones crowded, with the two middle pressed forward ; in the upper jaw a very small tooth between the canine and first false molar. Entire length, 5 inches 2 to 6 lines, of which the tail alone occupies 2 inches ; fore -arm, 2 inches 2 lines ; extent of wing in the male, 14 inches 6 lines ; in the female, 13 inches. — E. M. Lives in caves and old buildings. b 2 4 CHEIROPTERA. First discovered in Egypt by Riippel ; has been found in several parts of Italy, the Maremma of Sienna, Pisa, Rome, and in Sicily. The Prince of Musignano thinks that this Bat will be found to exist in most parts of the Italian peninsula. Genus BHINOLOPHUS. Teeth. — Incisors, \ ; canines, yny- ; molars, Nostrils with two follicles, the hinder one erect; ears free ; tragus wanting. Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum. Bhinolophus unihastatus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 184. Bhinolophus ferrum-equinum , Bell, Brit. Quad. ; Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured). Great Horseshoe Bat. Description. — Upper incisors very small, separated from each other ; lower incisors each with three lobes ; ears nearly as long as the head, somewhat triangular, broad at the base, ending in an acute point ; the external margin notched at the base, and forming an elevated round lobe, which guards the orifice, and appears to act the part of tragus, which is wanting ; nostrils placed at the bottom of a cavity, close to each other, surrounded by a naked mem- brane in the shape of a horseshoe arising from the upper lip ; anterior follicle rising vertically immediately behind the nostrils, of a somewhat pyramidal form, sinuous at the margins and apex, which last is obliquely truncated ; the posterior placed on the forehead, transversely to the an- terior, and more erect, lanceolate, expanding laterally at the base, in front of which are two small, cup -shaped cavities formed by a fold of the skin. Colour of the fur reddish ash, inclining to grey beneath ; membranes dusky ; ears within and without slightly hairy. RHINOLOPHUS BIHASTATUS. 5 Length of head and body, 2 inches 5 lines ; head, 1 1\ lines ; tail, 1 inch lines ; ears, 9 lines ; breadth of the ears, 6 lines ; length of thumb, lines; extent of wings, 13 inches. Rare in England, though it has been observed in several localities. Is met with in Erance, and is not uncommon in the south of that country. Occurs in Belgium in the quarries of Maestricht. In Italy, said by the Prince of Musignano to be very common in almost every cavern, old building, and rotten tree ; is found in St. Peter’s, Rome. Also in Carniola and Dalmatia, many parts of the chain of the Alps, and of Germany south of the Hartz. In Hungary and the South of Russia. Rhinolophus bihastatus. Rhinolophus bihastatus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 185. Rhinolophus Hipposideros, Bell, Brit. Quad. Rhinolophus Hippocrepis, Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured). Lesser Horseshoe Bat. Description. — Principally distinguished from the last spe- cies by its very inferior size; the anterior appendage is less obliquely truncated at the apex, and the posterior one narrower at the base, and without the lateral expansions ; the ears more deeply notched, and the external margin more sinuous. Eur soft, rather long; pale rufous brown above, greyish ash beneath with a tinge of yellow. Length of head and body, 1 inch 4 lines ; head, 8 inches ; tail, 9 lines ; ears, 5 lines ; breadth of ears, 4-1- lines ; length of thumb, 2 lines ; extent of wings, 8 inches 4 lines. In England even rarer than the last ; sometimes found along with it. In Erance it is rare in the south (Crespon). De Selys gives it as occurring at Maestricht with the last species. Inhabits many parts of Germany, the Alps, Hungary, Dalmatia, Istria, and the South of Russia. 6 CHEIROPTERA. Rhinolophus Euryale, Blasius. Rhinolophus Euryale , Blasius, Wirbelth. Deutschlands. Die rundkammige Hufeisennase, Blasius, l. c. Description. — This species, discovered by Professor Blasius in Lombardy in 1847, very closely resembles the following- in general appearance, size, colour, and habits, as well as in its geographical distribution. The teeth are 32 in number, and are said to differ in several minute particulars from those of B. clivosus, but only in those specimens where they are not worn by use. The shape of the nasal follicle also differs ; but I am obliged to confess that the transla- tions from the article of that learned naturalist’s work which I have made myself and obtained from others, fail to convey a distinct idea on that point. His figure of the follicle of B. clivosus shows two small teeth in the centre of the outer margin of the horseshoe, which are wanting- in the figure of the present species. The ears are longer in proportion, reaching considerably beyond the snout when pressed to the head, whereas in B. clivosus they only just reach it. The tail is also longer. Entire length, 2 inches 7 lines ; tail, 1 inch ; extent of wing, 10i inches. The general colour of the fur is light whitish below, darker above, and shaded with a smoke-brown tinge. It is found only south of the Alps, occurring near Milan and the Lago di Garda, at Trieste, and Spolatro in Dalmatia. Rhinolophus clivosus. Rhinolophus clivosus , Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 33 ; Buon. Faun. Ital. (head figured). Die spitzkammige Hufeisennase, Blasius, Wirbelth. Deutschlands. Description. — Tail one-third the length of the fore-arm, much longer than the tibia ; ears large, pointed, channeled RHINOLOPHUS CLIVOSUS. YESPERTILIO. 7 with five folds, inferior lobe very large, covered with hairs, completely closing the ears, and distinguishing the species from the two former; follicle simple, spear-shaped, but slightly elevated, and furnished with hairs, but with the base quite naked, grooved, rising from the centre of the horseshoe; a single wart on the edge of the lower lip. Fur long, very thick, covering the wing-membranes above and below ; hairs of the upper parts whitish at base, ashy at their tips, with a vinous tint ; lower parts whitish, with a slight tinge of vinous ; all the membranes blackish. Upper incisors very minute and far apart ; four lower incisors crowded, all three-lobed ; molars four above, five below on each side. Total length, 3 inches, of which the tail occupies 1 inch 2 lines ; fore-arm, 1 inch 9 lines ; extent of wing, 10 inches in dried specimens, 11 or 12 inches in fresh ones. — F. M. Has been found in Dalmatia and in the Levant ; its prin- cipal abode is Africa, where it occurs both in Egypt and at the Cape of Good Hope. Professor Blasius, however, has met with it in Istria, Northern and Central Italy, and Sicily. Genus YESPERTILIO. Teeth. — Incisors, | ; canines, ; false molars varying in number; true molars always -|^|. Nostrils without follicles ; ears free, or united at their bases ; tragus always present. This genus has been subdivided as follows : — Subgenus 1. Vespertilio.— Grinders 4 to 6 above, and from 3 to 6 below, on each side ; ears moderately large, lateral, separate. Subgenus 2. Plecotus. — Grinders 5 above, 6 below, on each side; ears very large, much longer than the head, with their inner edges united at the base above the eyes. 8 CHEIROPTERA. Subgenus 3. Barbastelltts. — Grinders 4 above, 4 below, on each side ; ears moderate, united at the base above the eyes ; a flat naked space on the forehead, surrounded by a membranous edge. Subgenus 1. Yespertilio. Vespertilio Noctula. Vespertilio Noctula , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 204 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. ; Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 169 ; Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured). Description. — Two false molars on each side, above and below. Head very broad ; muzzle short and thick in adults, somewhat elongated in the young ; nostrils tumid at the edges, slightly bilobate ; forehead very hairy, rest of the face almost naked ; ears shorter than the head, somewhat triangular, rounded at the extremity, the posterior margin folded back with a projecting ridge internally, and a small protuberance at the base, which extends round nearly to the corners of the mouth ; tragus very small, ending above in a broad round head. Fur rather short, but soft and thick, of a uniform reddish brown above and below ; mem- branes dusky, with a ridge of hair along the bones of the arm. Tail shorter than the fore-arm, reaching li line be- yond the membrane. Length of head and body, 2 inches 11 lines ; head, 10 lines ; tail, 1 inch 8 lines ; ears, 7\ lines ; tragus, 2\ lines ; breadth of ears, 6 lines ; of tragus, 1-1- line ; length of the fore-arm, 2 inches; of the thumb, 2-1- lines; extent of wings, 14 inches. Is found in almost every country of Europe. Bare in England and in France. More common in Germany. Pallas describes it as met with everywhere in Bussia, but in greatest plenty on the shores of the Caspian, where it feeds on the gnats which abound there : common in the VESPEETILIO MURINUS. — YESPERTILIO BECHSTEINII. 9 Crimea and in Carniola. In Belgium, according to M. de Selys Longchamps, it is common everywhere. Vespertilio murinus. Vesper tilio murinus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 200 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Vespertilio myotis, Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 177 ; Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured). La Chauve Souris, Buffon. g g Description. — False molars 3113- Dace almost naked; forehead very hairy ; eyes rather large, with a few dusky hairs immediately above them ; ears inclining backwards, as long as the head, oval, naked, greyish-ash colour exter- nally, yellowish within; tragus falciform, about half the length of the auricle. Fur pale reddish brown above, be- neath dirty white, inclining to yellowish ; wings brownish. Length of head and body, 3 inches 5 lines ; head, 11 lines ; tail, 1 inch 8 lines ; ears, 111 lines ; tragus, 5 lines ; thumb, 5 lines ; extent of wings, 15 inches. Flies very late in the evening. Is very rare in Britain, although it is one of the com- monest Bats in France and Germany ; is less abundant in Italy. In Russia, Pallas gives it as not uncommon in the more southern parts, especially in the country of the Cos- sacks of the Ural, and in the Crimea. It is probably dis- tributed over the whole, or nearly the whole of Europe. Vespertilio Bechsteinii. Vespertilio Bechsteinei, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 201 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. ; Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 184. Description. — Three false molars on each side. Allied to V. murinus , but distinguished by its smaller size, relatively longer ears, and very slender thumb. Face almost naked ; muzzle long and conical ; ears oval, somewhat longer than b 5 10 CHEIROPTERA. the head, rounded at the ends ; tragus lanceolate, pointed. Fur reddish grey on the upper parts, whitish on the under. Length of head and body, 2 inches 1 line ; head, 9 lines ; tail, 1 inch 3 lines ; ears, 10 lines ; tragus, 4 lines ; thumb, 4 lines ; extent of wings, 11 inches. This Bat is said to live in hollow trees, and never to approach towns. Bare in England, a few specimens having occurred in the New Forest only : “ is found in parts of Germany, and is not uncommon in Thuringia.” Has been observed in France, in the Department of the Moselle, by Holandre. Is found in Denmark. Blasius has met with it in Hun- gary, Gallicia, and the Ukraine; often with V. Dauben - tonii and V. Nattereri. Vespertilio Nattereri. Vesjpertilio Nattereri , Desm. Mamm, Sp. 202 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. ; Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 185. 3 3 Description. — False molars 3H3. Head rather small; snout attenuated ; nose a line in breadth at the end, slightly emarginated between the nostrils, convex above; all the face, except immediately above the nose, hairy; hairs thinly scattered about the eyes and chin, with a few bristly ones, longer than the others, intermixed ; gape extending as far as posterior angle of the eye ; a row of longish hairs on the upper lip forming a moustache; a prominent sebaceous gland on each side above the lip ; ears oblong-oval, as long as the head, rather more than half as broad as they are long ; the extreme inner margin reflexed, the outer margin scarcely notched, extending downwards and forwards to meet the inner margin at the base ; tragus two-thirds as long as the auricle, very narrow, lanceolate, thin, and naked; eyes very small; flying membrane naked, semi- VESPERTILIO SEROTINUS. 11 transparent, a spur or tendinous process running from the heel along the margin of the interfemoral membrane, and tending to stretch it; margin between spur and tail puck- ered and set with short bristly hairs ; free portion of tail very short; hinder claws very strong, with long hairs; thumb smaller than in V. Bechsteinii. Fur long and silky, light rufous brown approaching to reddish grey above, the tips of the hairs being of this colour, the roots dusky brown ; beneath, silvery grey at tips, black towards the roots ; ears yellowish grey, especially within, towards the base ; tragus yellowish ; interfemoral membrane paler than wings. Fe- male more reddish above than male. The general colour of this Bat is lighter than that of most others. Length of head and body, 1 inch 11 lines ; head, 8^- lines; tail, 1 inch 7 lines ; ears, 8-J- lines ; tragus, 5 lines ; breadth of ears, 3j- lines ; tragus at base, 1 line ; length of fore- arm, 1 inch 6 lines ; thumb, 2| lines ; extent of wings, 10 inches 8 lines. Very local in England and Ireland. In Belgium, M. de Selys Longchamps has found it in the quarries of Maestricht and near Brussels. M. Holandre has obtained it near Metz in hollow trees. Professor Blasius, in se- veral parts of Germany, in Hungary, Gallicia, and Central Russia. Vespertilio serotinus. Vespertilio serotinus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 205 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. ; Temm. Monog. yoI. ii. p. 175 ; Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured). Description. — False molars Face almost naked ; muzzle very short, broad, and obtuse ; ears oval-triangular, shorter than the head, hairy outside at base, naked above ; tragus semicordate, somewhat elongated, pointed. Fur in the male, deep chestnut-brown above, passing beneath into yellowish grey ; in the female, much brighter ; hair long, 12 CHEIROPTERA. glossy, and soft. In the young the head is said to he rounder and thicker, the muzzle shorter and blunter ; lip very tumid, and the colour more obscure than in the adult. Length of head and body, 2 inches 7 lines ; head, 10 lines ; tail, 1 inch 10 lines ; ears, 8 lines ; tragus, 3 lines ; thumb, 3 lines ; extent of wing, 12 inches 6 lines. Frequents trees ; is solitary in its habits ; appears late in spring. In England has been found near London only ; not un- common in France and Belgium. Is found in the stacks of firewood in Paris. Common in Germany and Holland, Den- mark, Gallicia, Silesia, and Carniola. Frequent near Borne, and in the gallery of Albano. In Bussia, Pallas has found it in caverns near Tarei-noor, and not uncommonly in the Crimea. It may therefore be said to extend over nearly the whole of the European Continent. Vespertilio Leisleri. Vesjper tilio Leisleri , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 206 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Vesperugo Leisleri, Blasius, Wirbelth. Deutschl. Description. — JNearly allied to V. Noctula . False molars HzJL ; muzzle rather more elongated than in V. Noctula ; nose depressed, naked ; region of the eyes also naked ; ears hairy inside, oval-triangular, shorter than the head, broad, the outer basal margin advancing to nearly the corners of the mouth ; tragus half the length of the ear, ending in a rounded head, which is slightly curved inwards, and produced on its outer margin, much resembling the same part in V. Noctula ; nostrils crescent-shaped ; a large sebaceous gland above the gape ; a band of short hair, about four lines in breadth, extends along the lower sur- face of the fore-arm to the wrist, where it is thickest and most extended. Fur long ; above, the hair is deep brown VESPERTILIO SCHREIBERSII. 13 at base, bright chestnut at the surface ; beneath, dusky at the base, dark greyish brown at the surface. Wings dusky, parts near the body very hairy above and below ; thumb short and feeble ; colour said to be much darker in the young. Length of head and body, 2 inches 2 lines ; head, 7\ lines ; tail, 1 inch 8 lines ; ears, 5 lines ; tragus, 2 \ lines ; breadth of ears, 4 lines ; of tragus, 1-J- line ; length of the fore-arm, 1 inch 6-J lines ; thumb, I f line ; extent of wings, 11 inches. It is said to frequent hollow trees, congregating in vast numbers ; is fond of the neighbourhood of stagnant waters. In England only one specimen is known to have been taken, and the only other habitat given by Desmarest is Germany, near Willens, where it was discovered by Leisler ; but Blasius asserts that he has seen it in the east of Erance, in several places in South Germany, all along the Alpine chain, in Hungary, and Central Russia. Vespertilio Schreibersii. Vespertilio Schreibersii, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 207 ; Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 174. Vespertilio Ursinii, Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured). Description. — Upper incisors very small, with a large space between the pairs, and another space between the incisors and canines ; second upper molar nearly as long and as sharp as the canines ; head small ; upper lip swollen, furnished with some silky hairs ; muzzle thick, 1 line in width ; gape not reaching as far as the ears, which are small, shorter than the head, triangular, rounded at the angles, with a velvety border internally ; tragus lanceolate, bent inwards towards the point. Fur ashy grey, paler above, and often mixed with yellowish white. Length of head and body, 2 inches 7\ lines ; head 5 \ 14 CHEIROPTERA. lines ; tail, 1 inch 8| lines ; ears, 4} lines ; breadth of ears, 4 lines ; length of tragus, 2 lines ; of thumb, 2J lines ; extent of wings, from 10 to 11 inches. — F. M. Discovered in caves in the Bannat of Hungary by Schreibers ; has been found in parts of Germany, and in the Bukovina, Istria, Dalmatia, and South Italy. In France, Crespon (Faune Meridionale) mentions it as occur- ring in the Department du Gard. Vespertilio discolor. Vespertilio discolor , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 208 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. ; Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 173. Description. — False molars 2—2 5 forehead broad and hairy ; muzzle long, and very broad ; nose thick and blunt, measuring l-J line across the end ; eyes very small ; ears shorter than the head, rounded, oval, bending outwards, and reaching almost to the corners of the mouth, with a projecting lobe near the base of the inner margin, clothed at base outside with thick woolly hair ; tragus short, of nearly equal breadth throughout ; tail reaching 3 lines beyond the membrane. Fur on the back reddish brown, with the extreme tips of the hairs white, causing a marbled appearance ; beneath, dirty white, with a large patch of somewhat darker tint covering the breast and abdomen ; throat pure white. Length of head and body, 2 inches 4 lines ; of head, 9 lines ; tail, 1 inch 5 lines ; ears, 6-j lines ; tragus, 2\ lines ; thumb, 3 lines ; extent of wing, 10 inches 6 lines. Said to live only in buildings. Only one individual has been found in England. Dis- covered in South Germany by Natterer ; rare at Vienna ; not uncommon in Silesia, Denmark, and the Bukovina. In many parts of the Alpine chain, Dalmatia, Hungary, and the eastern parts of France. VESPERTILIO PIPISTRELLUS. 15 Vespertilio Pipistrellus. Vespertilio Pipistrellus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 209 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. ; Temm. Monog. vol. ii.p. 194. Common Bat of the British Islands. Description. — Much resembles V. Noctula, but smaller. False molars ’2—2 > ^ea(^ depressed in front, convex behind ; muzzle short in adults, somewhat longer in the young ; nose blunt, and slightly emarginate between the nostrils, a swelling upon the upper lip on each side ; eyes very small, above each a wart, with a few black hairs ; ears broad, oval-triangular, rather more than half as long as the head, with their outer margins deeply notched half- way down ; tragus half the length of the ear, nearly straight, oblong, with a rounded head ; tail as long as the fore- arm. Fur rather long and silky, yellowish red on the forehead and base of the ears ; upper parts reddish brown, with the lower half of each hair dusky ; under parts wholly dusky, except the tips of the hairs, which are like those of the upper parts, but rather paler : the young are brownish grey or black, without any tinge of red ; nose, ears, lips, and membranes dusky. Length of head and body, 1 inch 7 lines ; head, 6 lines ; tail, 1 inch 2 lines ; ears, 4 lines ; tragus, 2 hues ; breadth of ears, 3 lines ; of tragus, |-ths of a line ; length of fore- arm, 1 inch 2 lines ; thumb, 1-J line ; extent of wing, 8 inches 4 lines. Collects in large numbers in old walls and under roofs ; is first seen in the beginning of March in England, where, as in the British Islands generally, it is the commonest species. Is also frequently met with in France and Bel- gium. Is not found in Italy, according to the Prince of Musignano, who says that it is represented there by the F. Vispistrellus, a very closely allied species. Desmarest, 16 CHEIROPTERA. not recognizing this distinction, says that the Pipistrelle is a native of Italy ; and Blasius, of Sicily. It is very common in Germany and Silesia. Pallas records it as abundant in the Ural Mountains, and in the Crimea. In Denmark, Gallicia, and Carniola. Is probably the most common species of Central Europe generally. Vespertilio Vispistrellus. Vespertilio Vispistrellus , Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 193; Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured). Vesperugo Kuhlii , Blasius, Wirbelth. Deutschl. Description. — Closely allied to V. Pipistrellus, but differing from it in size, being about one- sixth larger ; by the abs- ence of false molars in the upper jaw, and by a slight difference in the colour of the fur, which is somewhat red- dish. The space from the nose to the ear is one-fourth greater than that between the ears ; the nose blunt ; eyes near the ears, which are two -thirds of the length of the head, oval-triangular, rounded at the ends, and slightly margined near the middle ; tragus narrow, bent, and of the same width throughout ; space round the eyes and the end of the nose naked ; tail scarcely longer than the fore- arm, entirely within the membrane, which is ample, fur- nished with a small lobe on its outer edge near the feet, with a few scattered hairs upon its inner surface, and more or less edged with white. Eur long and silky ; hairs above brown at base, ashy red at their tips ; hairs on the forehead and at the base of the ears yellowish at their tips. Eur on the under parts of the body brownish, the hairs being bright red-brown at their tips. Length of head and body, 1 inch 9 lines ; tail, 1 inch 6 lines ; fore-arm, 1 inch 3 lines ; extent of wing, 8 inches 6 lines. — E. M. Inhabits the southern parts of Europe. Is the com- VESPERTILIO KUHLII. 17 monest Bat in Tuscany and near Rome. Is found in Sicily. Vespertilio Kuhlii. Vesper tilio Kuhlii, Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 196 ; Desm. Mamm. Sp. 212. Description. — Incisors very unequal in size, those next the canines extremely small. Upper molars five in number, of which one false molar is scarcely visible, being hidden between the molars and canines, and falls out in adults. In size a little smaller than V. Pipistrellus, for which it may he easily mistaken. Head wide ; muzzle blunt ; a tuft of stiff hairs over the eyes; ears completely triangular, neither notched nor lobed on the outer margin, wide at base; tragus wide, rounded at the end, bending a little towards the head ; skin black ; wing-membranes and upper half of interfemoral hairy, the latter with a small lobe. Fur of two colours throughout ; more abundant and rather longer than in V. Pipistrellus, a wide belt of greyish hairs running along the flanks and over the lower part of the back. Fur above reddish brown, the base of the hairs being blackish ; on the under parts the fur is lighter than in the Pipistrelle; membranes very smooth, quite black; a few bristly hairs on the thumb and toes. Distinguished from the last-named species by the shape of the ear and tragus, the greyish belt of hair along the sides, and, above all, by the decidedly hairy character of the interfemoral mem- brane. Length of head and body, 1 inch 9 lines ; tail, 1 inch 3 lines; fore-arm, 1 inch 3 lines; extent of wings, 8 inches 4 to 8 lines in adults ; only 7 inches 6 lines in the young of the year. — F. M. Found in Dalmatia, Camiola, and the South of Italy. A few have been taken at Trieste by M. Natterer. 18 CHEIROPTERA. Vespertilio mystacinus. Vespertilio 'mystacinus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 211 ; Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 191 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. ; Blasius, Wirbelth. Deutsch- lands, p. 96. Vespertilio humeralis , Temm. Monog. yol. ii. p. 192. Whiskered Bat. t Description. — False molars Head small and flattish ; muzzle short j nose swollen, with a shallow cleft in the middle ; face hairy, and a few scattered hairs on the nose and chin longer than the rest ; a row of fine, soft, close- set hairs on the upper lip, forming a conspicuous moustache, a similar row crossing the forehead ; ears shorter than the head, moderately broad, oblong, rounded at the extremities, rather deeply notched on their outer margins ; tragus rather more than half the length of the ear, lanceolate, perfectly straight, narrowing regularly from the base to the tip, which is sharply pointed ; tail longer than the fore -arm, projecting 1 line beyond the membrane. Fur very long, thick and woolly, dusky, approaching to black, except the extreme tips, which are reddish, brown on the upper parts, and ash- grey beneath ; interfemoral membrane sometimes marked on its inner surface with numerous white ciliated lines. Length of head and body, 1 inch 8 lines ; head, 7\ fines ; tail, 1 inch 5 fines ; ears, 5T fines ; tragus, 3 lines ; breadth of ears, 3J- fines ; tragus at base, 1 fine ; length of fore -arm, 1 inch 3 fines ; thumb, 2T fines ; extent of wing, 8 inches 6 fines. Flies low and swiftly ; retires late in the season to trees, houses, or caverns ; frequents the neighbourhood of water. Very rare and local in England. In France occurs in the South-eastern Departments. Is common in almost every part of Belgium. In Germany, where it was dis- covered, is generally rare ; but is given in Gloger’s Cata- VESPERTILIO L1MNOPHILUS. 19 logue of Silesian Bats as of not infrequent occurrence in that province, in towns, and in outhouses in the country. Rare in the Bukovina and Silesia. Blasius finds it in the Alps, Hungary, and the central parts of Russia. Has been met with in Denmark. Vespertilio limnophilus. Vespertilio limnophilus, Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 176 ; Schinz, Europ. Faun. i. p. 12. Vespertilio dasycneme , Blasius, Wirbelth. Deutschl. Description. — False molars \ ; second upper false molar hardly visible. Muzzle very short, wide, and blunt, almost entirely hairy, each lip furnished with long diverging bristles or stiff hairs ; ears moderate, perfectly oval, without any lobe or prolongation in front ; tragus short, straight, wide, rounded at tip; tail short, the tip free; wing-membrane springing from the upper joint of the metatarsus, thus leaving the foot wholly free ; glands of the face large, bright yellow, placed over the eyes on each side of the forehead. Fur soft, silky, of medium length ; upper parts of the body and the greater part of the sides of the neck deep mouse- colour in the male, rather reddish in the female ; the hairs on the parts beneath, the chin, cheeks, and front of the neck, white at the tips, black for the rest of their length, the white tip more or less extended according to age ; ab- domen pure white ; at the insertion of the wings there is an ashy-brown tint. The young of the year are thinly clothed ; fur above dull brown, beneath bluish black, with the tips of the hairs grey ; abdomen whitish ; on several parts of the membranes there are stiff hairs of a pure white. Length of head and body, 2 inches 6 lines ; tail, 1 inch 6 lines ; fore-arm, 1 inch 7 lines ; extent of wing, 11 inches in adult ; 9 inches in the young of the year. — F. M. Flies only late at night, and very swiftly. Frequents the 20 CHEIROPTERA. neighbourhood of water, flying low over its surface, and over reedy places and low woods. Is common in Holland, especially near Leyden. Has been found in Belgium by M. de Selys, near Maestricht, and at Faulx les Caves. Stated by Eversmann, in the ‘ Bulletin Soc. Imp. des Naturalistes de Moscou,’ 1853, to occur on the Biver Ural, and on the Southern Volga. Blasius has ascertained its existence in Denmark, Bruns- wick, Oldenburg, Silesia, Hungary, and Italy. Vespertilio Daubentonii. Vespertilio Daubentonii , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 213 ; Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 156; Bell, Brit. Quad. ; Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured). Description. — False molars -g-. Head rather small ; muzzle blunt, with numerous long stiffish hairs, and a moustache of soft and long hair on each side of the upper lip, which is tumid ; ears moderate, three-fourths of the length of the head, oval, bending a little outwards, the external margin very slightly notched, the inner margin with a fold near the base ; tragus somewhat lanceolate, narrow, rather blunt at the apex, turned a little inwards, half as long as the ear ; tail a little longer than the fore -arm, free for about 1 line. Hinder limbs robust ; feet strong, the outer toe very distinct from the rest ; interfemoral membrane ample, the trans- verse lines very numerous. Fur soft, plentiful, brownish black at the base ; near the surface above greyish red, be- neath ash-grey. Females and young rather darker ; mem- branes dusky, with a reddish tinge; interfemoral mem- brane whitish beneath. Length of head and body, 2 inches ; head, 7 lines ; tail, 1 inch 6 lines ; ear, 6 lines ; breadth of ear, 3 \ lines ; length of tragus, 2-| lines ; fore-arm, 1 inch 4 lines ; extent of wings, 9 inches. Flies over the surface of water, in a swift irregular flight. VESPERTILIO CAPACCINI. 21 Is very rare in England. Has occurred in Denmark. Found in various parts of Germany, in Sweden, Finland, Dalmatia, Central Russia, Silesia, Gallicia, the Carpathians, Carniola, and Belgium. Is very common in Sicily, and has been observed in Sardinia; but, according to Prince Buonaparte, is not known in continental Italy. Vespertilio Capaccini. Vespertilio Capaccini, Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured) ; Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 187. Description. — Tragus more slender than in F. emargi- ncitus ; thumb large and strong ; feet robust ; head thick ; muzzle conical, blunt ; eyes about three times as near the ears as the end of the nostrils ; gape extending only to the outer edge of the eye; ears scarcely two-thirds of the length of the head, one and a half times longer than broad, oval-lanceolate, without any notch, but only a slight curve on the outside near the base ; tragus straight, pointed and filiform, not half as long as the auricle ; the end of the muzzle and the lips furnished with scattered hairs, which are more numerous on the forehead and between the eyes ; a large gland under the chin ; the interfemoral membrane is cut away obliquely from the tail ; the feet are entirely free both from that and the membranes of the wings, pro- jecting in an unusual degree ; the interfemoral membrane clothed for half its length from the base, both above and below, with long hairs ; similar hairs along the flanks on both sides of the wing ; toes furnished with white hairs and with long white nails; teeth very small. Fur soft, thick, of a bright cinnamon colour, the hairs of the upper parts grey at base ; under parts yellowish red, the hairs at base being chestnut-brown ; ears and membranes reddish brown ; wings, when applied to the body, reach a little beyond the nose. 22 CHEIROPTERA. Length of head and body, 1 inch 8 lines ; tail, 1 inch 6 lines; fore-arm, 1 inch 6 lines; extent of wings, 10 inches. — F. M. This species is readily distinguished by the large size of the thumb, the robust character of the feet, and their exten- sion beyond the hairy and narrow interfemoral membrane. First described by the Prince of Musignano, who ob- tained it from Sicily. Professor Blasius possesses specimens from the Bannat in Hungary. Vespertilio megapodius. Vesper tilio megapodius , Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 189. Description. — False molars \ ; upper incisors strong and large. Very like V. Capaccini. Muzzle very short and blunt ; ears moderate, slightly notched ; tragus long, leaf-shaped ; interfemoral short, covered above and below with stiff scat- tered hairs ; point of tail free ; claws long, with a few stiff hairs. Fur short, smooth, of two colours, covering the flanks above and below ; upper parts greyish brown, the base of the hairs dark brown; lower parts dull white, with the base of the hairs blackish ; membranes brown. Length of head and body all but 2 inches ; of tail, 1 inch ; fore-arm, 1 inch 5 lines ; extent of wings in adults, 9 inches. Young of the year, blackish brown above, white below, with an extent of wing of 5 inches 6 lines ; length of fore- arm, 1 inch. — F. M. As in V. Capciccini, the feet are entirely free from above the heel, the membranes springing from the extremity of the tibia. Differs from that species in its muzzle being much shorter than the space between the ears, whereas in V. Capaccini the space between the ears is equal to the distance from the ears to the end of the nose, in having one false molar more, and in the skull being shorter. Obtained in Sardinia by Monsieur Cantraine. VESPERTILIO EMARGINATUS. 23 Vespertilio emarginatus. Vespertilio emarginatus, Desm. Manmi. Sp. 210 ; Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 190 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. ; Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured). Description. — False molars -g-. In shape and size very similar to V. mystacinus, for which it may easily he mis- taken ; distinguished from it, however, by the deep notch on the outer edge of the ear, and by the entire absence of the moustache on the upper lip, as well as by the generally reddish tint of the fur. Ears oblong, as long as the head, bending outward, with a small fold on the inner margin, and a deep notch, with a small lobe beneath it, on the outer margin; tragus subulate, bending outwards, rather more than half as long as the auricle ; tail not longer than the body, base of the ears very hairy. Fur on the head and upper parts of the body reddish brown, shaded with yel- lowish and brown tints, arising from the hairs being brown at the base, yellowish in the centre, and with reddish-brown tips ; all the lower parts ashy, with a slightly reddish tinge, which tinge prevails over the upper part of the humerus ; ears and membrane dull brown. Length of head and body from 2 inches to 2 inches 1 line ; tail, 1 inch 3 lines; humerus, 11 lines; fore -arm, 1 inch 5 lines ; extent of wings from 9 inches to 9 inches 5 lines. — F. M. Flies rapidly over stagnant waters. Passes the winter in caves and cellars or ruinous buildings. Is supposed to have occurred a few times in England ; widely distributed in France. Has been found in the for- tifications of Charlemont. Rare in Italy ; sometimes about Rome ; occasionally in the northern provinces of Holland. In Belgium, M, de Selys Longchamps has found it near Maestricht and at Louvain. Said to exist in Picardy and near Metz. 24 CHEIROPTERA. Vespertilio Savii. Vespertilio Savii, Temm. Monog. yol. ii. p. 197 ; Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured). Description. — Inner incisors two-pointed ; molars ^ ; no false molar above. The body is more robust than in V. Pipistrellus, but the extent of wing is less ; tail very long, free at the point ; muzzle wide and blunt ; ears very wide, with a fold in front, triangular, much rounded towards the tips, hairy for half their length ; tragus short, wide, blunt; the ends inclining towards the head ; skull depressed, fore- head wide ; gape reaching to the anterior margin of the eyes, which are small ; feet very small, very much enveloped by the membranes ; the interfemoral is ample, the margins curved outwards half-way between the tail and feet, that and the rump almost destitute of fur. Fur of two colours, varied as in V. discolor ; upper parts bright chestnut, with the points of the hairs bright brown on the head and neck, and ashy yellow on the back ; cheeks and chin brown ; rest of the body beneath blackish brown, with the points of the hairs yellowish white. Length of head and body, 1 inch 6 lines ; tail, 1 inch 6 lines; fore-arm, 1 inch 3 lines ; extent of wings, 8 inches. — F. M. The above measurements are from Temminck ; the following from the Prince of Musignano’s ‘ Fauna Italica : ’ — Head and body, 1 inch 11 lines ; tail, 1 inch 3 lines ; fore-arm, 1 inch 3 lines ; extent of wings, 8 inches 2 lines. The conspicuous whitish colour of the abdomen distin- guishes this species at once from V. Pijoistrellus. Found in Dalmatia and elsewhere on the east coast of the Adriatic, and in Sardinia. A single specimen was obtained at Pisa, by Professor Savi; and one at Rome, by the Prince of Musignano, who also received it from Sicily. VESPERTILIO ALBOLIMBATUS. 25 Vespertilio albolimbatus. Vespertilio albolimbatus , Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured). Vesperugo Kuhlii , Blasius, Wirbelth. Deutschl. Description. — Teeth 32 in number. The muzzle fur- nished with scattered, dark hairs, blackish, swollen, rather short, the space from the ears to the top of the nose is little greater than that between the ears, the nose, as it were, sunk between the swollen nostrils; ears three -fourths of the length of the head, oval-triangular, with rounded tips, not notched, but with a conspicuous fold on the out- side at base, expanded, with whitish hairs inside ; tragus as long as the feet, slender, long-oval ; wings very thin, when folded to the body reaching a little beyond the tip of the nose, furnished near the body with scattered whitish hairs ; general colour blackish, with white transverse veins, edged with white for the whole extent of the hinder mar- gin, which edging increases in size between the last finger and the foot, forming a whitish curved space inside the wing, about a quarter of an inch broad ; the interfemoral membrane is of a lighter colour than the wings, slightly curved on the margin, which is edged with white ; the feet free, claws white. Fur of the head and back dull cinna- mon-grey, becoming pale towards the tail, the bases of the hairs blackish ; body beneath ashy white with a yellowish tinge, lightest near the tail ; bases of the hairs always black for a large portion of their length; tail and membrane clothed with scattered yellowish hairs on both sides. Length (in a very young specimen) of head and body, 1 inch 2 lines ; of the tail, 1 inch 5 lines ; of the fore -arm, 1 inch 4 lines ; extent of wings, 7 inches 4 lines. Flight rapid ; appears late in the evening. Has been found only in the Island of Sardinia. Abun- c 26 CHEIROPTERA. dant near Cagliari along the coast. Frequents buildings, and is never met with in caves. Vespertilio Alcythoe. Vespertilio Alcythoe , Buon. Faun. Ital. ; Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 198 (figured). Vesperugo Kuhlii, Blasius, Wirbelth. Deutschl. Description. — Upper incisors very unequal in size ; molars °f which one on each side below is false. Easily mistaken at first sight for the young of V. serotinus. Skull depressed as in that species, and the tragus of the same shape ; it can, however, be distinguished from it by its smaller size, the colour of its fur, and its sharper ears ; the space from the ears to the tip of the nose equals in length that between the ears ; the nose is depressed at the top, and slightly notched between the nostrils; the distance between the eyes equals that from the eye to the tip of the nose ; the region of the eyes is naked, the eyebrows long and silky ; ears small, slightly pointed, without notches, their width half as great as their length ; tragus half as long as the auricle, semicordate, and pointed; tail not reaching beyond the membrane ; the wings, when folded and pressed close to the body, reach to the nose. Fur long and thick ; on the muzzle and forehead Isabel-grey ; the hairs on the back blackish from the base for half their length, the upper halves grey, those on the belly blackish at their base, cinnamon-colour towards their points ; the membranes along the legs and thighs clothed with dark reddish hairs. In colour resembling V. Visjoistrellus, but differing from it in the shape of the ears and skull. Length of the head and body, 1 inch 8 lines; tail, 1 inch 3 lines ; fore-arm, 1 inch 3 lines ; extent of wings, 8 inches 2 lines. — F. M. VESPERTILIO LEUCIPPE. 27 First observed by the Prince of Musignano, who obtained this and the two following species from Sicily. Vespertilio Leucippe. Vesper tilio Leucippe , Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured) ; Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 199. Description. — Teeth 32 ; molars ; one false molar in the lower jaw. This species is recognized by the bright silvery tinge which prevails over its lower parts, and the cinnamon colour of the parts above. The muzzle is thick, wide, depressed, and a good deal rounded, thus differing from the next species, in which it is very much pointed ; the outline of the snout is almost a semicircle ; the nose is slightly indented between the nostrils ; the gape extends to a point below the anterior margin of the eyes ; the ears are one-fifth shorter than the head, and one-third narrower than their length, a little rounded and slightly notched on the upper portion ; tragus less than one -third of the length of the auricle, and semiorbicular ; the wings, when folded against the body, scarcely reach to the angle of the mouth ; the interfemoral membrane is polygonal, without notches or lobes. Fur long, thick, of two colours ; above, the hairs are black at base, the tips bright cinnamon ; beneath, dark grey at base, silvery white at the tips ; membranes sooty ; lips, nose, and ears quite black, except at their extremities, which are light flesh-colour, at least in specimens preserved in spirits. Length of head and body, 1 inch 9 lines ; tail, 1 inch 3 lines ; fore-arm, 1 inch 3 lines ; extent of wings, 8 inches 10 lines. Received by the Prince of Musignano from Sicily. c 2 28 CHEIROPTERA. Vespertilio Aristippe. Vespertilio Aristippe , Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured) ; Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 200. Description. — Molars . Distinguished by its pointed muzzle from V. Leucippe, which it resembles in size and general appearance ; the ears also are notched nearer their base than in that species. The muzzle is straight, slightly angular, indented a little between the nostrils, which are small and narrow ; the gape scarcely reaches to below the outer margin of the eye ; ears small, their width two-thirds of their length, rounded at their tips ; tragus semi-elliptic, one-third of the length of the auricle ; interfemoral mem- brane with a small external lobe, the two last joints of the tail are free ; the wings, when folded against the body, reach a little beyond the nose. Fur long and thick ; on the upper parts dark chestnut at base, buff- colour at the points ; on the lower parts deep ash, except at the points, which are a dirty shining white ; membranes, nose, and ears quite black. Length of head and body, 1 inch 7 lines; tail, 1 inch 3 lines ; fore-arm, 1 inch 3 lines ; extent of wings, 8 inches 3 lines. — F. M. Temminck observes that this species is closely allied to, if not identical with, V. Kuhlii. Procured in Sicily by the Prince of Musignano. Vespertilio Krascheninikovii. Vespemgo Krascheninikovii , Eversmann, Bulletin de la Soc. Imp. des Naturalistes de Moscou, 1853, No. iv. p. 487 ; Annals and Magazine of Nat. Hist. February 1857. Description. — The two central incisors in the upper jaw bifid, the outer simple, minute ; grinders ; in all 34 teeth. Ears shorter than the head, wide, subtriangular, rounded ; tragus uniform, not half as long as the ear. Fur black, with the tips of the hairs grey. YESPERTILIO NATHUSII. 29 No dimensions are given. A new species described by Eversmann. Said to be found in the Ural, and not uncommon in Orenburg; fuller in- formation is to be desired. Vespertilio Nathusii. Vespertilio Nathusii , Keyserling u. Blasius, Wirbelth. Europ. p. 47 ; Schinz, Europ. Faun. vol. i. p. 427. Description. — The edges of the lower incisors are parallel to the jaw, so that these teeth touch at the sides only, and do not overlap each other. The first upper incisor is forked, nearly half as long as the canines, and scarcely higher than the second incisor, with its second division leaning outwards, and almost as long as the first division ; the canines are strong, the upper slightly longer than the lower, which latter are longer than the grinders ; the outer margin of the ear ends below and behind the angle of the gape ; the inner margin is as long as the breadth of the ear, giving it the appearance of an equilateral triangle; the space be- tween the ears is greater than that from the nose to the ear ; the snout is short and blunt, its outline nearly semi- circular ; the wings are rusty black, near, and along the hind legs, thickly clothed with hair on the upper surface. Fur on the upper parts of the body dull red-brown, on the parts beneath dull greyish yellow, approaching to rusty near the wings ; the hairs everywhere, for three-fourths of their length, are brownish black, with their extremities of lighter shades; from the shoulders, passing beneath the ear and along the lower jaw on each side, is a brown streak of a darker shade than the parts adjoining. Length of head and body, 1 inch 10 lines ; tail, 1 inch 3 lines ; extent of wing, 8 inches 10 lines. This Bat has been observed at Berlin, Halle, in Bruns- 30 CHEIROPTERA. wick, on the Rhine, near Trieste in the Alps, and also in the Ukraine, hut nowhere in numbers. Vespertilio Nilssonii. Vespertilio Nilssonii , Keyserling u. Blasius, Wirbelth. Europ. p. 50 ; Schinz, Europ. Faun. vol. i. p. 426 ; De Selys Long- champs, Micromm. p. 139. Description'. — Teeth 32 in number; four grinders in the upper jaw ; the two last joints of the tail free ; the flying membrane originates at the toes ; the outer margin of the ear ends on a line with the gape, about If line behind it ; the greatest width of the tragus is below the middle of the inner margin of the ear ; the fore- arm, when pressed against the side, reaches only to the gape ; the second joint of the fifth finger reaches far above the middle of the same joint of the fourth finger ; the membrane of the tail is thickly clothed, as far as its middle, with long hairs ; all the mem- branes have their under side adjoining the body thickly covered with brown hair ; the hair on the upper parts of the body are dark brown for two-thirds of their length, the tips being whitish brown, and forming a triangular space on the back; those on the parts beneath are also dark brown below, with light brown extremities ; under the ear is a light spot ; the first upper incisor is nearly as large as the second ; the lower incisors have their edges parallel to each other, but placed obliquely to the jaw, so that they partly overlap ; the first grinder of the lower jaw is almost as high and as strong as the second. Length of head and body, 2 inches 1 line ; tail, 1 inch 9 lines ; extent of wing, 10 inches. Inhabits the Hartz Mountains in Germany, and the mountains of Sweden and Norway, probably extending nearly to the Polar Circle. Blasius informs us that it is very common in the North of Russia. VESPERTILIO NIGRICANS. VESPERTILIO MAURUS. 31 Vespertilio nigricans. Vespertilio nigricans , Crespon, Faune Meridionale, vol. i. p. 24; P. GTervais, Zool. et Paleont. Franc. Description. — Grinding teeth including a false grinder on each side above and below, which is very small, almost hidden between the canine and first true grinder ; tragus blunted, short. Fur on the upper parts of the body dark tawny, that on the lower parts ash-grey; the hair on every part of the body black at the roots ; fore- head and sides of the neck clear chestnut; snout, cheeks, and ears black ; space between the ears and the comers of the mouth naked and blackish ; ears oval-triangular, as long as the head, margined and notched on the outer edge near the base ; all the membranes black ; tail free at the top for about 1 line. A pretty species, from the contrast presented by the three distinct colours of the neck, back, and belly. Length of head and body, 1^ inch ; tail, 1^ inch ; extent of wing, 7-^- inches. The female is a little larger than the male, with the fur beneath the body whitish grey. Discovered by M. Crespon at Nismes, in the South of France, where it is not uncommon in the old Roman ruins, and in the environs of that city. Has been taken in Corsica by M. Requien. Vespertilio maurus. Vesper ugo maurus , Blasius, Wirbelth. EurOp. p. 67. Description. — Teeth 34 in number ; the upper canine on each side is nearly half as long again as the second false molar, which it touches, the first false molar being almost hidden between them, and very small. The outer edge of the ear ends behind the angle of the gape, and under the hind comer of the eye ; the inner edge is rounded 32 CHEIROPTERA. off at the base; the tragus is widest at the middle, its point much sharpened, and inclining forwards and in- wards ; at the base of its outer margin is a small blunt tooth; the membrane of the wings reaches to the first joints of the toes ; the two last joints of the tail are free from the membrane, which is hairy above and below next the body ; beneath, the hairs extend to the fore-arm, the thighs, and more than half-way along the tail; the skin of the ears and wings is very dark brown-black, darker than in any other European species. The fur above is dark brown, lighter below ; the hairs are every- where of two colours ; on the upper parts they are dark brown beneath, with yellow or reddish-brown tips ; on the under parts of the body they are also dark beneath, with the tips a much lighter brown ; the bright brown of the upper parts distinguish this species from all others; the young ones are darker, with dirty white tips to the hairs. The entire length is 3 inches 2 lines ; tail, 1 inch 3 lines ; extent of wing, 8 inches 6 lines. — F. M. First observed in 1847 by Professor Blasius, who states that it occurs only at high elevations, and who names it the Alpine Bat; sometimes it appears above the region where trees grow. It comes out soon after sunset, flies quickly and high, concealing itself in the daytime in the roofs of the chalets. Is found in suitable situations all along the range of the Alps. VESPERTILIO AURITUS. 33 Subgenus 2. Plecotus. Yespertilio auritus. Vespertilio auritus , Desm. Mamm. sp. 223 ; Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 181. Plecotus auritus , G-eoffroy, Bell, Brit. Quad. ; Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured). Long-eared Bat, Bell, l. c. Description. — False molars Head and face flattened ; muzzle somewhat swollen ; nostrils tumid, elongated back- wards into a sort of cul-de-sac ; ears very large, more than twice the length of the head, oblong, oval, thin, semi- transparent, with a broad longitudinal fold on their inner margin, near the base of which is a small projecting lobe, ciliated like the rest of the margin; tragus long oval- lanceolate, the outer margin somewhat sinuous, the inner straight; ears united over the head, extending round to the mouth ; tail free at top ; forehead and anterior sur- face of the membrane which connects the ears, hairy, under surface of the same naked. Fur long and silky, brownish grey on the upper parts, paler beneath the body ; the ears are generally curled outwards, but the animal, when at rest, conceals them beneath the fore-arm, the tragus alone remaining erect. Length of head and body, 1 inch 10 lines ; tail, 1 inch 8 lines ; head, 8 lines ; fore-arm, 1 inch 5 lines ; ears, inch ; tragus, 7 lines ; breadth of the ears, 9 lines ; breadth of the tragus, lines; length of the thumb, 2-J lines; extent of wings, 10 inches 2 lines. Resorts generally to roofs of churches and houses ; rarely flies over water. One of the most common Bats in the British Islands. Is found throughout the warmer and temperate countries of Europe, and in the North of Africa. Yery common c 5 34 CHEIROPTERA. throughout France and Germany. Not very plentiful in Russia, and only met with in the more temperate parts of that country (Pallas). Common in Silesia, Gallicia, Car- niola, Italy, Sicily, Spain, Denmark, and Greece. Vespertilio brevimanus. Plecotus brevimanus , Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured) ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Lesser Long-eared Bat, Jenyns, Brit. Yertebr. ; Bell, l.c. Description. — Like V. auritus in general appearance. Ears shorter with respect to the head, and rather nar- rower at the extremity; tragus much larger; tail the length of the fore-arm. The colour of the fur above much darker than on the under parts of the body, whereas in V. auritus there is but little difference in this respect. The hairs also are of the same colour throughout their entire length, not darker at their bases, as in the last species. The dimensions given by Jenyns are as follows : — head and body, 1 inch 6 lines; head, 7 lines; tail, 1 inch 2 lines ; ears, 1 inch ; tragus, 5J lines ; breadth of the ears, 5 lines ; of the tragus, 2 lines ; length of the fore-arm, 1 inch 2 lines ; thumb, 3 lines ; extent of wings, 6 inches 6 lines. An individual found in Sicily by the Prince of Musig- nano, was not smaller than V. auritus , as observed by that author, who gives the following dimensions in his ‘ Fauna Italica:’ — head and body, 1 inch 7 lines; head, 8 lines; tail, 1 inch 8 lines ; ears, 1 inch 5 lines ; fore-arm, 1 inch 5 lines ; thumb, 3 lines ; extent of wings, 9 inches 6 lines. Found as yet only in England, where one was dis- covered in Cambridgeshire by the Rev. L. Jenyns in a willow, and in Sicily, as mentioned above. Its specific distinctness from the preceding appears ex- ceedingly doubtful. VESPERTILTO BARBASTELLUS. 35 Subgenus 3. Barbastellus. Vespertilio Barbastellus. Vespertilio Barbastellus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 224 ; Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 202. Barbastellus communis, Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured). Barbastellus Baubentonii. The Barbastelle, Bell, Brit. Quad. Blecotus Barbastellus, Cuvier, Keg. Anim. ; La Barbastelle, Buffon. Description. — Teeth 34 in number ; molars |^| , of which two in each jaw are false. Muzzle truncated, a groove leads on each side upwards to the nostrils, which are placed in a hollow ; the muzzle is naked, extending back to the union of the ears ; cheeks rather tumid, covered with black hair, forming a sort of moustache ; ears about as long as the head, nearly as broad as long, irregularly four- sided, the inner edges turned back, forming a longi- tudinal groove within the margin ; the outer angle pro- minent, rounded, and turned back ; beneath this, on the outer margin, is rather a deep notch, from which five or six transverse folds extend about half-way across the ear ; the anterior and inner angles unite immediately behind the muzzle ; tragus more than half as long as the ear, irregularly lanceolate or semicordate, with a protuberance near the outer angle of its base ; apex rounded ; eyes very small, close to the auricle, almost concealed by the hair ; interfemoral ample, with about twelve transverse lines ; tail free for one line. Darker than any other British species, nearly black on the upper parts, with a few white hairs ; hinder parts reddish brown ; belly lighter than the back, the hairs being greyish at tip, black at the roots ; ears, muzzle, and membranes dusky black. Length of head and body, 2 inches ; head, 7 lines ; tail, 1 inch 9 lines ; ears, 6 lines ; tragus, 1-J- line ; fore-arm, 1 inch lines; extent of wings, 10 inches 5 lines. 36 INSECTIVORA. Frequents old buildings and cellars ; flies late in the evening. Is rare in every country where it has been found. Has occurred several times in England. Is found in France (in Picardy), in Germany, Gallicia, Silesia, Den- mark, Camiola ; very rarely in Belgium. In Italy, although uncommon, appears to exist in many localities. Blasius has found it in the Alps at considerable elevations ; in Central Russia, and Hungary. Order INSECTIVORA. The incisive teeth varying in number ; the summits of the molars with conical points ; the feet armed with strong claws, and the soles of the hinder feet applied to the ground in walking. Genus SOREX. Animals of diminutive size. Snout much prolonged, moveable; ears short, or scarcely apparent; eyes very small ; feet moderate, with five toes, furnished with nails, not adapted for burrowing ; tail as long as, or a little shorter than, the body. Subgenus 1. Sorex. Teeth 30 or 32 in number, with their points more or less stained ; the two lower incisors with the edges den- ticulated, the two upper ones forked. Between the in- cisors and the three molars are five (rarely four) small intermediate teeth, diminishing in size gradually from the first to the last. Ears concealed by the fur, and much SOREX TETRAGONURUS. 37 shorter than it ; tail slightly squared in the adult, rounded and somewhat contracted at . the base ; in the young, covered with short equal hairs; toes almost naked, not fringed with stiff hairs. Sorex tetragonnrus. Sorex tetragonurus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 234 ; De Selys, Micromm. ; Jejnyns, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1838, 1841. Description-. — Upper parts of head and body blackish, or reddish brown, varying in different individuals. Body be- neath and throat whitish ash, extending high up on the sides ; at the point where this colour meets that of the back, there is a narrow line of reddish, thus causing the transition be- tween the two to be less abrupt than in S. leucodon, though it is much more so than in 8, araneus ; tail of equal length throughout, slightly angular, especially when old, more than half as long as the body, either clothed with very short equal hairs, or naked ; dark brown above, whitish beneath, generally ending with a small tuft ; snout nearly as much prolonged as in S.pygmceus, velvety ; feet flesh-coloured, almost naked, or with very short hairs of a whitish colour ; the claws are not covered by these hairs ; cutting teeth much denticulated, and deeply stained with dark brown in the young ; in the adult, a good deal worn, and the colour not so deep. Entire length, from 3 inches 3 lines to 4 inches lines ; body, from 2 inches 9 lines to 3 inches ; tail, from 1 inch 5^- lines to 1 inch 6 lines. Frequents gardens and moist woods ; utters a shrill cry, like a grasshopper. Inhabits nearly all Europe, from Sweden and Russia to Italy and Spain. Is the most common species in England. 38 INSECTIVORA. Sorex rusticus. Sorex rusticus , Jenyns, Ann. Nat. Hist. vol. i. & vol. vii. ; De Selys Longchamps, Micromm. p. 40. This species has been separated from the preceding by the Rev. L. Jenyns by the following distinctive characters : — The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th intermediate teeth (lateral incisors) diminish more gradually and regularly ; the 5th is larger in proportion to the others, and more visible externally ; the tail is thick, cylindrical throughout, well clothed with hairs, which, in the young animal, stand out entirely from the tail, and never become aapressed at any age ; the ex- tremity of the tail is not narrowed, but ends abruptly, and is longer than in Sorex tetragonurus, although the whole animal is smaller ; the feet are more slender and weaker ; the space between the eyes half as long as that between the eyes and the end of the snout, whereas in the preceding species it equals three -fourths of that space ; the body above is redder, and beneath with more of a yellowish tinge. Entire length, from 3 inches 4-i- lines to 4 inches ; body from 2 inches 1 line to 2 inches 6 lines ; tail, from 1 inch 3J lines to 1 inch 6 lines. Its habits are probably identical with those of the last species. This is the commonest species of England next to S. tetragonurus , and is by far the most common species in Ireland. It does not appear to have been hitherto observed elsewhere than in Britain. Sorex pygmsens. Sorex pygmceus, De Selys, Micromm. ; Schinz, Europ. Faun. vol. i. p. 27 ; Keys. u. Blas. Wirbelth. Europ. Description. — About half the size of S. araneus. Tail rather shorter than the body, covered with hair of equal SOREX ALPINUS. 39 length, forming at the tip a tuft of two lines long, constricted at the root, then thick and rounded; lower incisor den- ticulated ; snout very long, and velvety ; ears very short, hidden in the fur, but more easily seen than in S. tetrago- nurus. Upper parts of the head and body grey-brown, tinged more or less with tawny reddish ; all the lower parts ashy, except the throat and lips, which are whitish, tinged with red-brown ; feet whitish, more hairy on the claws than in S. tetragonurus. Weight, from 33 to 40 grains. Entire length, 3 inches 3i lines ; body, 1 inch 10 lines ; tail, 1 inch 5-t lines. — F. M. Is the smallest quadruped next to S. Etruscus. Has been found in Belgium twice by M. de Selys Long- champs. Inhabits Bussia, Siberia, and Germany, as far west as Frankfort-on-the-Main. Is said by Gervais to have been found near Strasburg. Is not uncommon in Silesia, Gallicia, and the Bukovina. Sorex alpinus. Sorex alpinus, De Selys, Micromm. ; Schinz, Faun. Helv. Description. — In shape the same as S. ar emeus, but the tail is longer than the body, so as at once to distinguish it from that species. Ashy above, covered with long white hairs beneath. The dentition resembles that of S. tetragonurus. The lower incisors are toothed. The general colour of the fur is pure slate-grey above, passing insensibly to a, lighter shade beneath ; feet ashy ; whiskers very long, whitish. Entire length, 5 inches 2 lines ; body, 2 inches 6 lines ; tail, 2 inches 8 lines. — F. M. Discovered on the Mount St. Gothard, and first made known by Professor Schinz, in his ‘ Fauna Helvetica,’ as frequenting the banks of mountain torrents in that part of the Alps. 40 INSECTIYORA. Subgenus 2. Crossoptjs. Lower incisors not toothed ; upper incisors hooked. The two first intermediate teeth equal, the third a little smaller, the fourth rudimentary ; the points of all the teeth more or less brown ; their total number is 30. Ears velvety, much shorter than the fur ; tail more or less compressed for a portion of its length, clothed with short, equal hairs ; feet wide, fringed with stiff hairs, adapted for swimming. All the species are aquatic, swimming and diving with ease. Their fur is dense. Sorex fodiens. Sorex fodiens , De Selys, Micromm. ; Bell, Brit. Quad. The Water Shrew. Description. — Stouter than S. araneus. The tail as long as, or slightly shorter than, the body, compressed for almost its whole length, blackish, composed of scaly rings, bordered beneath by a fringe of stiff whitish hairs. Eur velvet- black above, contrasting with the lower parts of the body, which are white or whitish, sometimes with a tinge of reddish or ash; the edges of the lips, and a very small spot behind the eye, are also whitish ; feet covered with very short, dark, ashy hairs, fringed with stiff, closely pressed, whitish hairs ; snout thick ; whiskers black. The above is the normal appearance of this species. Yar. A. Belly distinctly tinged with yellow, and the separation of the two colours less decided. In this state it approaches a similar variety of S. ciliatus ; but the ears are black, or dark, and the white spot behind the eye of S. fodiens is present. Yar. B. Without a white spot behind the eye. This variety is of rare occurrence. Entire length, 5 inches 5 lines ; body, 3 inches 2 lines ; tail, 2 inches 3 lines. Some individuals from the shores of SOEEX CILIATUS. 41 the Baltic, mentioned by M. de Selys Longchamps, measure 7 inches 1 line in total length ; body, 3 inches 6 lines ; tail, 3 inches 7 lines. This Shrew inhabits the banks of brooks, rivers, and stagnant waters of almost the whole of Europe. Is not uncommon in parts of England, and has been found in Scotland, but not in Ireland. It is rare in the South of France, and in the centre and South of Italy. Sorex ciliatus. Sorex ciliatus , De Selys, Micromm. Sorex remifer, Bell, Brit. Quad. ; Desm. Mamm. Sp. 238 ; Schinz, Europ. Faun. vol. i. p. 28. Description. — Incisors toothed ; teeth coloured at their points ; upper parts of the body almost black ; parts be- neath ash-brown or red-brown, passing insensibly into these shades from the colour of the parts above ; throat clear ash ; a tuft of white hairs on the upper lobe of the ear ; feet covered with very short, ashy hairs, and fringed with stiff, adpressed, greyish hairs ; tail almost as long as the body, nearly black, compressed for nearly its entire length, composed of scaly rings, and displaying beneath a fringe of stiff ashy hairs, adapted to serve as a sort of oar in swimming ; snout thicker than in S. tetragonurus ; whiskers black. Entire length, 5 inches 3 lines ; body, 3 inches ; tail, 2 inches 3 lines. This species, which nearly approaches the foregoing, is distinguished from it by the darker colour of the belly, the absence of a marked line of separation between the colours of the upper and lower parts of the body, by a white spot on the ear, and by wanting the small spot of that colour behind the eye. In rare instances, the belly is dirty white, and the white spot on the ear is wanting. 42 INSECTIVORA. Its habits are the same as those of S. fodiens. It is rare in England and Scotland, in which latter country it has occurred most frequently near Glasgow. In France, it has been found near Abbeville, Chartres, and in the Department of the Gard. In Belgium, near Liege, and in Germany, at Frankfort-on-the-Main, where, says De Selys Longchamps, it is more common than S. fodiens . On the whole, it seems doubtful whether or not these two (so-called) species are really distinct. Genus CROCIDURA. The two lower incisors not dentated, the two upper with a pointed heel ; the three or four intermediate teeth in the upper jaw becoming less from the first tooth ; all the teeth are white, 28 or 30 in number ; ears oval, well- developed, distinctly longer than the fur, nearly naked ; tail shorter than the body, rounded, diminishing in thick- ness from the root, which is very thick, furnished with long isolated hairs and scattered through many short ones ; feet almost bare, without stiff hairs. Fur resembling in its texture that of the Mouse. Crocidura Etrusca. Pachyura Etrusca Buon. Faun. Ital. Crocidura Etrusca, Buon. Faun. Ital. ; De Selys, Micromm. Description. — Teeth in number 30, four intermediate in the upper jaw. Tail shorter than the body, slightly squared, of almost a uniform thickness to the tip, where it ends in an abrupt point ; grey-brown above, whitish be- neath, covered with very short hairs, forming a tuft at the end ; from each joint springs a circle of very fine whitish hairs about two lines in length ; eyes very small ; upper parts of head and body ashy, with more or less of a CROCIDURA ARANEA. 43 reddish tinge ; all the lower parts clear ashy, running gra- dually into the shade of the upper parts ; whiskers nu- merous and very fine ; ears very large, distinctly longer than the fur, covered with very small whitish hairs. Entire length, 2 inches 6 lines to 2 inches 9 lines ; body, 1 inch 7 lines to 1 inch 10 lines ; tail, 11 lines. Is supposed to be the smallest known quadruped. Discovered in Tuscany by Professor Savi ; found also in the hills near Rome in dry situations. Crespon, in his 4 Faune Meridionale,’ mentions that two were found near Nismes in the South of France. Crocidura aranea. Crocidura aranea , De Selys, Micromm. Sorex araneus , Schinz, Europ. Faun. ; Keys, und Blas. ; Desm. Mamm. Sp. 232. La Musaraigne, Buffon. Description. — Teeth in number 28, all white ; four inter- mediate teeth in the upper jaw. Fur mouse-grey above, passing gradually into whitish ash beneath; tail of the same colour, clothed with short hairs, with longer hairs scattered among them, shorter than the body ; feet light ashy ; ears well developed, disengaged from the fur, covered with very short hairs, ashy on the upper lobe, whitish on the lower ; toes and tip of snout flesh-coloured; albinos ^ and spotted varieties sometimes occur; and in some individuals the belly is white, and the general tinge of the fur more or less of a red-brown. Entire length, 4 inches to 4 inches 2 lines ; body, 2 inches 8 lines to 2 inches 11 lines ; tail, 1 inch 4 lines. — F. M. Frequents gardens and the neighbourhood of houses. Inhabits the greater part of Europe, but is not known in Sweden or the British Islands. Is common in Russia, 44 INSECTIVORA. France, Italy, and Switzerland. Generally distributed through Germany, Poland, and Carniola. Is not uncom- mon in Belgium. Crocidura leucodon. Crocidura leucodon , De Selys, Micromm. Sorex leucodon , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 236. Description. — All the teeth are white. Fur more or less blackish above, white beneath and on the sides, the line of division of these colours distinct; the tail rather shorter than in C. aranea, dark above, whitish beneath, with long scattered white hairs ; the snout longer and darker than in that species, which in size and proportion it much re- sembles. Entire length, 3 inches 8 lines ; body, 2 inches 6| lines ; tail, 1 inch 1 \ line. — F. M. Found in the north-east of France, and in the west of Germany, more commonly than G. aranea. Bare in the South of France. Has been observed at Lyons, Metz, and Strasburg. In Belgium, near Tournay. The Prince of Musignano says that it is met with in the Alban Hills near Borne, and that it inhabits all Central and Southern Europe. Genus MYGALE. The two intermediate incisors of the upper jaw tri- angular, very strong, flattened ; lower incisors sometimes four, with the central ones smaller than those on the out- side, sometimes six, all nearly equal ; canines not to be distinguished from the lateral incisors and anterior grinders ; the four last grinders above, and the three last below on each side, with sharp tubercles ; snout prolonged, very flexible ; no outward ears ; eyes very small. MYGALE MUSCOVITICA. — MY GALE PYRENAICA. 45 Mygale Muscovitica. My gale Muscovitica , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 243. Sorex Moschatus , Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. vol. i. Myogale Moschata, Keys, und Blasius, Wirbelth. Enrop. p. 58. Myogalea Moscovitica , Schinz, Europ. Faun. vol. i. p. 96. Le Desman, Buffon. Description. — Incisors -| ; intermediate teeth ; molars =44. Tail shorter than the body, scaly, almost naked, constricted near the root, cylindrical and swollen in the middle, and compressed vertically at the extremity. Fur shining, composed of two kinds of hair, one long, the other close and downy like that of the beaver ; upper parts of the body brown, becoming darker on the sides ; belly silvery white ; some scales on the upper parts of the toes ; has a strong musky odour proceeding from glands beneath the tail ; some portion of the face white. Length of head and body, 8 inches ; tail, 6 inches 9 lines. — F. M. Weighs about six ounces. Swims with great facility, remaining long under water, with only the end of the snout, where the nostrils are placed, exposed; burrows in the banks of streams and pools ; feeds on insects, worms, and especially on leeches, sometimes eating the root of the water-lily. Is found in Southern Russia, where it is common in the Yolga and its tributaries, and in the Don. Mygale Pyrenaica. Mygale Pyrenaica, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 244 ; Cuv. Reg. Anim. Myogale Pyrenaica, Keys. u. Blas. Wirbelth. Eur. p. 59. Myogalea Pyrenaica, Schinz, Europ. Faun. vol. i. p. 26. Description. — Incisors §■ ; canines ^ ; molars =44. o 1 — 1 o — t> Tail longer than the body, diminishing gradually from the root to the tip, cylindrical for three-fourths of its length, 46 INSECTIVORA. compressed vertically towards the extremity, covered with short adpressed hairs ; claws as long again as in the last species, and the outer claw of the hind-feet much more free. Fur composed, like that of the M. Moscovitica, of two kinds ; all the upper parts of the body chestnut-brown ; the sides greyish brown, and the belly silvery grey ; no white on the face. Length of head and body, 4 inches ; tail, 4 inches 6 lines. — F. M. Found along streams in the valleys of the French Pyre- nees, and near Tarbes. Genus ERINACEUS. HEDGEHOG. Middle incisors very long, standing forward ; the upper ones cylindrical, apart ; molars . Body covered with spines ; tail very short. Erinaceus Europseus. Erinaceus Europceus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 229 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Common Hedgehog. Description. — Teeth 36 in number. Incisors above very far apart ; the true molars have strong acute tubercles ; the teeth, classed as canines by Desmarest and others, are regarded by F. Cuvier as false molars. The neck is short ; the whole body is covered above and at the sides with sharp, hard, round spines, attenuated at each end about 1 inch long, irregularly disposed in groups diverging in all direc- tions, of a dirty white, with a brown or blackish ring rather above the middle ; very low on its legs ; snout, forehead, sides of the head, sides and under part of the tail, throat, breast, and legs covered with hard, brittle, yellowish-white hair. ERINACEUS AURITUS. TALPA. 4 7 Length of head and body, 9 inches 6 lines; head, 3 inches; tail, 9 lines ; ears, 1 inch. Coils itself into a compact hall on the approach of danger. Feeds on insects, sometimes on eggs and roots of plants ; is easily tamed ; passes the winter in a state of complete torpor, retiring to hollow trees and other sheltered situa- tions ; produces from two to four young at a birth, early in the summer. Inhabits the whole of Europe, excepting Norway and Lapland. Is common in the British Islands. Erinaceus auritus. Erinaceus auritus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 230 ; Pallas, Zoo g. Boss. As. Description. — Bather smaller than Erinaceus Eurojoceus. Muzzle short ; ears two -thirds of the length of the head ; spines not arranged in tufts, separate, leaning backwards when in repose ; nostrils toothed like a cock’s comb ; legs rather more slender and longer than in the common species ; tail shorter, conical, almost naked. Fur finer ; four rows of bristles on the snout ; spines white at the base, with a very narrow ring of blackish brown in the middle, and dull yellow at their points. Has two broods in the year, producing six or seven young at a birth. Inhabits the province of Astrachan, between the Yolga and Jaik (or Ural) rivers ; as well as Tartary, beyond Lake Baikal, and Egypt. Genus TALPA. MOLES. Teeth. — Incisors -§- ; canines y ; molars Body very thick ; fore-feet short and broad, formed for digging ; tail short ; no external ears. 48 INSECTIVORA. Talpa Europaea. Talpa Europcea, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 250. Talpa vulgaris , Bell, Brit. Quad. The Common Mole. Description. — Body thick, oblong, almost cylindrical ; snout sharp and slender. The teeth are sharp-pointed ; incisors very small; canines long and very sharp; false molars like the canines, hut much smaller ; the true molars broad, with several sharp tubercles ; eyes extremely small, concealed in the fur; feet very short; fore-feet largest, inclining sideways. Fur very soft and silky, black, in some light ashy grey : spotted, white, and yellow varieties are not uncommon. Length of head and body, 5 inches 3 lines ; head, 1 inch 7 lines ; tail, 1 inch 2 lines. Lives underground, forming galleries and throwing up hillocks ; feeds on worms and insects ; breeds twice in the year, producing from four to six at a birth. Common in England and Scotland, hut unknown in Ire- land. Found in nearly all the countries of Europe, all over Eussia and France. In Italy it scarcely goes south of Lombardy, where it gives place to the next species. Talpa caeca . Talpa cceca , Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured) ; G-eoffroy, St. Hilaire. Description. — This Mole, which was first distinguished by Professor Savi, and is well described and figured by the Prince of Musignano in his ‘Iconografia della Fauna Italica,’ differs from the common species in having the eyes con- cealed beneath the skin, which, instead of opening by means of eyelids or otherwise, is spread continuously over the organs of sight ; its structure, however, is so thin, that URSUS ARCTOS. 49 the black of the eyeball can be seen through it, and the eye is doubtless able to receive a certain portion of light, although it is hardly possible that it can have the power of distinguishing objects, especially as the fur hangs thickly over all. The two species differ likewise in the size of the two anterior incisor teeth of the upper jaw, these being rather larger than the others in the Talpa caeca, whereas in the Talpa Europcea all the incisors are equal. In size, shape, colour, and in every other respect, they are identical. This species inhabits Tuscany and the rest of Central and Southern Italy, where it is the only one known. The Mole of the North of Italy is the Talpa Europcea. The Blind Mole has been found also in some parts of the South of France, in the North of Italy, Dalmatia, and Greece. Order CARNIVORA. With three kinds of teeth ; six incisors in each jaw, except in some species of Seals ; feet armed with claws. Division I. PLANTIGRADES, i. e. those which walk upon the entire sole of the foot. Genus URSUS. BEARS. Lower incisors set in the same line ; grinders varying in number, the three last large and tubercular. Ursus arctos. XJrsus arctos, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 254. The Brown Bear. Description. — Blackish brown ; forehead convex above the eyes ; snout suddenly tapering ; body entirely covered with n 50 CARNIVORA. • thick, shaggy hair, varying from chestnut-brown to black • soles of the fore-feet with their anterior half naked, those behind naked throughout; ears short and rounded; eyes small ; tail very short. Length of head and body,’ 3 feet 7 inches ; head, 1 foot ; fore-foot, 7 inches 7 lines ; hind-foot, 8 inches 10 lines. Feeds chiefly on nuts and roots ; is fond of fruit, seldom attacking animals unless pressed by hunger. Extinct in the British Islands for at least eight centuries ; is found in most of the high mountain ranges of Europe, viz. the Pyrenees, Alps, Carpathians, &c., as well as of the southern and temperate parts of Asia. In the Pyrenees it is now more common on the Spanish than on the French side. Said not to occur in any other part of Spain. Was found at a recent period in the Yosges Mountains, and now in the Jura and French Alps. In Switzerland Bears are rare, and chiefly confined to the Grisons ; five were seen together in the Engadine in 1852. In Sweden and Norway they are not uncommon from about the 58th degree of north latitude to the North Cape ; they are numerous in the northern and temperate regions of the whole of Russia where forests occur ; and in the Caucasus, grizzled, white, and small brown mountain varieties are met with. Ursus maritimus. Ursus maritimus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 257. Ursus marinus , Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. Polar Bear. Description. — Body and neck longer in proportion than in the Brown Bear ; the head lengthened and flattened ; ears and mouth comparatively small, the former rounded ; soles of the feet very large and clothed with fur ; snout large and black ; the whole coat dense and long, silvery white tinged with yellow ; claws black, rather short and stout, MELES TAXUS. 51 not much curved; behind each canine tooth is a small conical one, which is wanting in the Brown Bear. The entire length of a full-grown male is from 7 to 8 feet, its weight from 1000 to 1200 pounds. It feeds almost exclusively on animal substances, seals and fish, alive or dead. The Polar Bear inhabits the North Polar regions and Spitzbergen. Is often carried on detached masses of ice to Iceland and Norway. Pallas says that it is frequently met with on the whole coast of the Arctic Sea. Genus MELES. Second incisor on each side in the lower jaw placed be- hind the others; grinders the first very small, the last tubercular ; body low on the legs ; a glandular pouch under the tail. Meles taxus. Meles vulgaris , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 266. Meles taxus, Bell, Brit. Quad. The Badger. Description. — Body thick ; hair rigid and long, grey on the upper parts, black on the throat, breast, belly, and legs ; head above white, with a longitudinal black spot on each side, beginning between the end of the nose and the eye, and ending behind the ears ; toes five on each foot ; claws long and bent ; eyes very small ; ears short and rounded, almost concealed in the hair. Length of head and body, 2 feet 6 inches ; head, 6 inches 8 lines ; ears, 1 inch 4 lines ; tail, 7 inches. Burrows in the ground ; feeds on vegetables, roots, nuts, as well as on mice, frogs, and insects. The Badger is found throughout the British Islands, but d 2 52 CARNIVORA. is nowhere numerous. It inhabits probably every country of Continental Europe, and extends into Asia. According to Pallas, is especially common in Livonia. In France it is not uncommon in many districts. Genus GULO. Teeth. — Incisors, ^ ; canines, ; molars, or ^£qr=36 or 38; the second incisor in the lower jaw a little behind the others ; the two or three first upper molars compressed, cutting ; the fourth larger, with two sharp points ; the fifth small and tubercled ; the four first lower molars simple, the fifth with two sharp points, the sixth tubercled ; body low on the legs, no pouch near the tail. Gulo arcticus. Meles Gulo, Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. Gulo arcticus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 267. The Glutton. Description. — Snout black as far as the eyebrows ; eyes small and black ; space between eyebrows and ears white, mixed with brown ; ears covered with short hair ; lower jaw and inside of fore-feet spotted with white ; legs, tail, back, and belly black or brownish black ; sides, from the shoulders to the tail, bright chestnut ; a white spot on the navel ; fore -feet with a callosity under each claw, and five others on the sole, one of which is behind the others ; hind-feet without this last-named callosity, but having the others. Length about 2 feet 4 inches from nose to tail ; tail, in- cluding hair, 8 inches ; height at shoulder, 1 foot. Feeds on animal substances, attacking even large animals, such as Elks and Reindeer, springing upon them from trees. The Glutton is found in all the countries, both of Europe and Asia, which are washed by the North Sea ; common MUSTELA PUTORIUS. 53 all over the northern parts of Norway and Sweden. Pallas says that it is rare in Russia, except in the great forests of the North. Division II. DIGITIGRADES, i. e. those which do not walk on the entire sole, but chiefly on the toes. Genus MUSTELA. Teeth. — Incisors, ; canines, j~- ; molars, or ; grinders cutting, except the last in each jaw, which is tubercled ; body very much elongated ; legs short ; ears short and rounded. Mustela Putorius. Mustela Putorius, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 271 ; Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. ; Bell, Brit. Quad. The Polecat. Description. — Four molars above, five below, on each side ; hair on the body of two kinds, the longer shining, of a dusky brown, the shorter more woolly, of a tawny or yellow- ish white, giving a general tint of brownish yellow ; legs and tail uniform dusky brown ; space round the mouth, and edge of ears, white. Length of head and body, 1 foot 6 inches ; head, 2 inches 10 lines ; ears, 6 lines ; tail, 5 inches 6 lines. Burrows in the ground, coming out at night ; feeds both on animal and vegetable substances. Desmarest says that “ it is found in the temperate regions of Europe.” It is not common in England and Scotland. Is net rare in many parts of France. In Russia, according to Pallas, it occurs everywhere except in the extreme north, and is the most common of the smaller Ferae. It is in- 54 CARNIVORA. eluded by the Prince of Musignano among the animals of Italy. Mustela Furo. Mustela Furo , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 273 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. The Ferret. Description. — Teeth as in last species, smaller and more slender than the Polecat ; the snout longer in proportion. Fur bright yellow, here and there tinged with white, some- times a mixture of white, black, and tawny, with the tail black ; eyes red. Length of head and body, 1 foot 2 inches ; head, 2 inches 6 lines ; ears, 6 lines ; tail, 5 inches 6 lines. A native of Africa, whence it has been introduced into Spain, and is very numerous in that country. In other parts of Europe it exists only in a half-domesticated state, being kept for hunting rabbits. Cook, in his ‘ Sketches in Spain/ doubts the existence of the Ferret in that country in a wild state. The question deserves the attention of future travellers. Mustela Sarmatica. Mustela Sarmatica, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 274 ; Pallas, Zoo g. Ross. As. ; Schreb. pi. 132. Putorius Sarmaticus, Keys. u. Blas. Wirbelth. Europ. vol. i. p. 68. Description. — In general form very like Mustela Putorius, the head narrower, body more elongate, the tail longer, and the fur shorter ; the head is triangular ; long whiskers on the upper lip ; ears short and rounded ; claws of fore- feet longer than those of the hinder feet ; tail furnished with long hairs ; hair of the body thick and not firm, about half an inch long, and without wool at the base. Fur shining ; round the mouth and ears, the top of the head and forehead, white ; the body brown, varied with small yellow MUSTELA VULGARIS. 55 spots, which become white in winter ; a white stripe ob- liquely over the eyes ; a yellow longitudinal one on each side of the head ; one of the same colour over each shoulder ; body black below, as well as the feet ; hairs of the tail near its root ashy at their base, black in the middle, and whitish at their points ; those at the extremity of the tail ashy at base and black at their points ; nose black ; nails whitish ; tongue rough above ; teats ventral, 6 in number. Length of body and head together, 13 inches 6 lines ; head, 2 inches 2 lines ; ears, 6 lines ; tail, 6 inches 6 lines. According to Desmarest, it is found in Poland, especially in Yolhinia. Pallas says that it is peculiar in Eussia to the region between the Don and Dniester. Pare in the Crimea. Has occurred in the Bukovina. Mustela vulgaris. Mustela vulgaris , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 275. Mustela Gale , Pallas, Zoog. Boss. As. The Weasel. Description. — Teeth : grinders 4 above, 5 below on each side. Upper part of the head, neck, and body, shoulders, exterior, and front of the fore -legs, and the whole of the hind-legs reddish brown, tinged with yellowish ; the under parts of entire body white ; a brown spot' below each corner of the mouth. In northern countries, the whole animal becomes pure white in winter. Length of head and body, 8 inches 3 lines ; head, 1 inch 9 lines ; tail, 2 inches 4 lines ; ears, 4 lines. The female is about one inch shorter than the male. Inhabits all the northern parts of Europe ; is common in England, France, and all over Eussia and Siberia. The Prince of Musignano includes it among the quadrupeds of Italy. 56 CARNIVORA. Mustela boccamela. Mustela boccamela, Buon. Icon. Faun. Ital. vol. i. (figured) ; Bech- stein, Naturg. Deutschl. p. 819. Mustela Altaica, Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. Description. — Body above, legs, and feet fine chestnut ; all the under parts white, with a slight sprinkling of reddish on the throat and breast ; head chestnut-brown above, with metallic reflexions ; whiskers long, whitish yellow ; fore- feet white beneath, dappled with chestnut ; tail furnished with stiff, long hairs, of the colour of the back ; head de- pressed, wide ; snout somewhat sharp, but the nose itself dilated ; eyes large, oval ; ears wide, rounded, open, folded on the outer margin ; the lower jaw has one false molar, on each side, less than in M. vulgaris, which species, as well as M. Erminea, it much resembles. Length of head and body, 8 inches 5 lines ; head, 1 inch 11 lines ; ears, 7 lines ; tail, to the end of the hair, 3 inches 11 lines. Feeds on mice, birds, and other small animals, and is extremely fond of honey, in search of which it enters bee- hives in gardens. Is easily tamed. This animal, in Europe at least, is peculiar to the Island of Sardinia, as stated by Prince Buonaparte. Pallas is in- clined to think that his Mustela Altaica, found in the Altai Mountains, is identical with it ; this, however, being far from probable, requires proof. Mustela Erminea. Mustela Erminea , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 277 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Mustela Ermineum, Pallas, Zoo g. Ross. As. The Stoat, or Ermine. Description. — Teeth as in the Weasel, larger than that species, to which it is closely allied. Upper part of the MUSTELA LUTREOLA. 57 head, neck, and back, and most of the tail, reddish brown ; under parts white, tinged with yellow; tail ending in a tuft of black hairs. In winter it becomes white, except the end of the tail, which continues black. Length of the head and body, 10 inches ; head, 2 inches ; ears, 6 lines ; tail, 5 inches. It is common in the British Islands, where it rarely be- comes white in winter, except in the alpine parts of Scot- land. Occurs in Trance, chiefly in the north, and is said to be rare in the south of that country. Is very common in Russia and Siberia, in Norway and Lapland, and may be said to inhabit the whole of Northern and temperate Europe, including the North of Italy. Mustela lutreola. Mustela lutreola , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 278. Viverra lutreola , Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. Description. — Teeth as in the Weasel ; toes of fore-feet united for half their length by a hairy membrane. Fur blackish brown, lighter roimd the ears ; upper lip and lower jaw white ; wool beneath the hair light brown ; long hairs black. Length from end of nose to root of tail, 11 inches 8 lines ; tail, 5 inches 4 lines. Lives on fish, frogs, cray-fish, &c. ; frequents rivers and brooks. It is found all through the North and East of Europe, from the Icy Sea to the Black Sea ; is common in Finland, and is not rare in Russia, from St. Petersburg to the river Kama. 58 CARNIVORA. Mustela Foina. Mustela Foina, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 281 ; Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. Maries Foina, Bell, Brit. Quad. Common Martin. Description. — Teeth : grinders 5 above, 6 below on each side ; tongue smooth ; hair of two sorts, the shorter portion very fine and soft, pale ash- colour, the longer somewhat rigid, ashy at roots, dusky brown towards the ends, with a tinge of chestnut-red ; legs and tail dusky ; under parts somewhat paler than the upper ; neck beneath, and fore part of breast, white. Length of head and body, 18 inches ; head, 4 inches 3 lines ; tail, 9 inches 6 lines. Feeds on rabbits, rats, birds, &c., and produces 3 to 7 young at a time. INTot uncommon in the British Islands ; is found all over Western Europe ; occurs all through France, and in Italy ; inhabits nearly the whole of Russia, especially the temperate parts ; common in the Crimea and Caucasus. Mustela Martes. Mustela Martes, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 280 ; Pallas, Zoo g. Ross. As. Martes Abietum, Bell, Brit. Quad. Pine Martin. Description. — Teeth : grinders 5 above, 6 below on each side ; tongue smooth ; much resembles the M. Foina , from which it differs in having the throat, neck beneath, and fore- part of breast yellow; the head shorter; the hair rather darker, and the legs a little longer. Fur much more abundant, finer and softer, and of a much richer colour. It is said to produce fewer young at a time than the last species, and to frequent more retired places. Is found in Scotland, where it is rare ; in the mountains of the centre, south., and other parts of France, but not LUTRA VULGARIS. 59 commonly ; in Italy, in the pine forests of the Apennines, near Eavenna, about Ostia, at Castel Fusano, as well as in other parts of that peninsula. It is not uncommon in the forests of the temperate parts of Eussia, the Crimea, and Caucasus. Desmarest says that it exists over all the North of Europe. Genus LUTEA. Teeth. — Incisors, ; canines, yEy ; molars, or . Body long ; feet short ; toes five, webbed ; head de- pressed ; ears very short ; tongue shghtly rough ; tail flat- tened. Habits aquatic. Lutra vulgaris. Lutra vulgaris , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 289 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Viverra Lutra , Pallas, Zoog. Eoss. As. Common Otter. Description. — Head broad and flattened; muzzle blunt; upper lip very thick and muscular, projecting over the lower ; whiskers strong ; eyes small ; ears rounded, almost hid in the fur. Hair of body of two kinds, the shorter greyish white, the longer the same colour at the roots, deep brown at the ends, which last is the general Colour of the body ; sides of the head, throat, neck beneath, and breast ashy; feet reddish brown; tail dusky brown. Length of head and body, 2 feet 3 inches ; head, 5 inches ; tail, 16| inches. Feeds on fish. Lives on the banks of rivers and lakes. Swims very actively. Breeds in March, producing four or five at a birth. Common in the British Islands, and all over Europe and Siberia. 60 CARNIVORA. Genus CANIS. Teeth. — Incisors, ^ ; canines, y^y ; molars, ; the two last in each jaw tubercular. Tongue smooth ; claws not retractile, five on the fore-feet, four on the hinder feet. Subgenus 1. Canis. — Eyes with circular pupils. Subgenus 2. Vulpes. — Eyes with linear pupils; tail bushy. Subgenus 1. Cants. Canis Lupus. Cams Lupus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 293 ; Pallas, Schreber. The Wolf. Description. — The tail straight ; eyes oblique. Fur over the body tawny or yellowish grey, with a black streak on the fore-legs in adults ; hair white at root, then ringed with black, fulvous, white, and pointed with black ; ears erect ; muzzle black ; chin and upper lip white. Length of head and body, 3 feet 9 inches; head, 10 inches 6 lines ; ears, 4 inches 9 lines ; tail, 1 foot 5 inches ; 27 to 29 inches high at the shoulder. Extinct in the British Islands, the last killed there being in Scotland in 1680, in Ireland in 1710. The female goes sixty-three days with young, and produces from five to nine at a birth. The Wolf varies both in size and shade of colour in the different countries of Europe ; those of Russia and Scandinavia are said to be the largest ; those of France browner and smaller than in Germany. Found all over the Continent of Europe in extensive forests. Very numerous in many parts of France. Canis Lycaon. Canis Lycaon, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 294. The Black Wolf. Description. — In form resembles the common Wolf, except CANIS AUREUS. 61 that the eyes are smaller and farther apart, and the ears longer. It is black all over ; in size intermediate between the Wolf and Fox. Desmarest says that “it inhabits the cold and moun- tainous countries of Europe.” Pallas, ‘Zoog. Ross. As.,’ mentions a black variety of Wolf as very rare in Russia, but more common in parts of Silesia. In the ‘ Naturalist’s Library,’ vol. iv., the Canis Lycaon is said to be “ the Wolf of Spain and of Southern Europe.” Is found about Friuli and Cattaro. In some of the mountains of Spain a very large powerful brown variety of C. Lycaon occurs. In France it inhabits the Yosges, Alps, Cevennes and Pyrenees, and has been taken in the Departments of the Somme and Maine -et- Loire. Canis aureus. Canis aureus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 300. Sacalius aureus , Ham. Smith, Nat. Lib. vol. iv. The Jackal. Description. — Nose broad and dog-like ; head covered with rufous and ashy-grey hairs tipped with black ; ears rufous outside, white within ; neck and back yellowish grey, with some shades of dusky ; shoulders and thighs rufous red ; under parts and limbs pale reddish yellow; inner toe of fore -legs high on the joint ; tail straight, longer and more brushy than in the Wolf, its hairs 4 inches long, yellowish beneath, greyish above, and all tipped with black, which causes the ends to appear of that colour ; tongue bordered with a row of warts ; the four central incisors truncated. Total length of body, 2 feet 1 inch ; head, 6 inches ; ears, 2 inches 9 lines ; tail, 7 inches. Associates in large companies. Burrows. Feeds on pu- trid flesh. Is found in Europe, in the most southern parts of Russia, 62 CARNIVORA. in parts of Turkey in Europe, such as the Pindus Moun- tains, in the Morea, and extends to the islands of Gnipona and Corzoca in the Adriatic. Yery common in Asia Minor, up to Scutari and Smyrna, and in the north of Persia. Subgenus 2. Vulpes. Canis Corsac. Canis Corsac, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 301 ; Pallas, Zoog. Boss. As. The Corsac Fox. Description. — Tail very long, reaching 3 inches beyond the feet ; that and the upper parts of the body of a uniform reddish grey ; limbs entirely reddish ; end of the tail black ; a small black spot 3 inches from the root of the tail above ; all the under parts of the body yellowish white. Its size is not greater than that of the Polecat. Length of body, 1 foot 8 inches ; head, 5 inches 2 lines ; ears, 2 inches 2 lines ; tail, 10 inches ; height at shoulder, 1 foot.— F. M. Goes in large troops ; burrows in the ground ; feeds on birds and eggs, hiding what it does not eat ; emits a fetid odour. The fur on the body becomes lighter in winter. The Corsac is found, according to Pallas, not further west than the Volga, its head-quarters being the great deserts of Tartary. Canis Vulpes. Cams Vulpes, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 304. Vulpes vulgaris, Bell, Brit. Quad. The Fox. Description. — Muzzle sharp ; head rather large ; ears erect and pointed ; eyes oblique ; tail very thick and bushy. Fur CANIS VULPES. 63 thick and long ; body above reddish brown ; lips, lower jaw, fore part of the neck, abdomen, and inside of the thighs white ; back of the ears blackish brown ; a streak of the same colour from the corner of each eye to the nose ; tip of tail white. Varies sometimes in size and colour. Length of head and body, 2 feet 3 inches ; head, 6 inches ; ears, 4 inches ; tail, 1 foot 4 inches. Feeds on poultry, rabbits, and burrows in the ground. Brings forth three to six young at a birth. Common all over the British Islands, and throughout Northern, Western, and Central Europe. The Prince of Musignano implies that this species of Fox is not known to him in Italy further south than Piedmont and Lombardy. Foxes, probably of more than one species, says Cook, are in great numbers all over Spain. The var. A. Canis alopex of Schreber and Desmarest, Z. c., le Renard Charbonnier, has the fur thicker, and of a brighter red, than C. Vulpes ; the feet darker, and the tail black at the tip. Is found with the Common Fox, but seems to prefer mountain districts. This is the most common race of Bavaria and Switzerland. Var. B. — Canis crucigera, le Renard croise d’Europe, of Desmarest, Crossed Fox of Lloyd’s ‘ Scandinavian Adven- tures,’ has the fur darker than in the Common Fox, with a black or very dark line along the back, across the shoulders, and down the fore-legs. Is often met with in Sweden, where it is distinguished from the Common Fox by its larger size, greater breadth of skull, larger eyes, thicker legs, and more bushy tail. Var. C. ? — The Black Fox. It would seem from Lloyd’s account, Z. c., to be entirely black, and to be not uncommon in Scandinavia. Thought by Nilsson to be an accidental variety only of the C. Vulpes . 64 CARNIVORA. Canis melanogaster. Cards melanogaster , Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured) ; Ham. Smith, Nat. Lib. vol. v. The Black-bellied Fox. Description. — Differs from Canis Vulpes in having the throat, breast, belly, and inside of the thighs black, with a hoary appearance on the surface, arising from the cir- cumstance of the tips of many of the hairs on those parts being white ; the under part of the tail, which is very bushy and reaches to the ground, has a black streak throughout its entire length, and in mature individuals is white at the extreme tip, grisly at base, with ten or eleven blackish rings. All the parts of the body described as black become white in summer, a darkish shade, however, remaining on the breast; the fur on the head becomes much darker. The head is larger in proportion, equaling about one-third of the length of the body, that of the C. Vulpes being only equal to one-fourth ; the paws of the fore-feet smaller in proportion to those of the hind-feet than in that species, and the whole animal rather inferior to it in size. In its habits it resembles the Common Fox. Frequents the whole of Continental Italy (excepting Piedmont and Lombardy), Sicily, and Sardinia, in which last island it is smaller. Yery common about Home, where it is the only species. Canis Lagopus. Canis Lagopus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 305 ; Pallas, Zoo g. Ross. As. The Arctic Fox. Blue Fox. Description. — Fur very long, thick and soft, ashy grey or uniform light brown in summer, white in winter. Head short; muzzle prolonged; ears velvety; paws covered with long hair ; tail long and very bushy. Fur on the body about 2 inches in length. Young animal sometimes of a very dark VIVERRA GENETTA. 65 grey, sometimes yellowish white, or with a brown line along the back and over the shoulders. The fur is valuable. Feeds on rats, hares, birds, &c. Burrows very deeply in the ground. Swims well. Length about 2 feet; stands about 1 foot to top of shoulder. Inhabits the shores of the Icy Sea, Iceland, and Spitz- bergen. It abounds in the more Alpine regions of Norway and Sweden, and is sometimes met with in the very south of the latter country. Is found in the North of Bussia. Genus VIVERRA. CIVET. Teeth. — Incisors, ; canines, ij— * ; molars, ; two tubercular grinders in the upper jaw, and one very large in the lower. Tongue rough ; claws five, semi-retractile ; nose dilated at its end ; head long ; body prolonged, low on the legs, provided with a pouch under the tail more or less deep, and in some species containing an odorous substance. Subgenus Genetta (Cuvier). Pouch rudimentary, being merely a hollow. Viverra Genetta. Viverra Genetta , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 314. La Genette de France, Buffon. Description. — Legs short ; the large glands under the tail secreting musky matter ; ears elliptic, with a small lobe on the outer side, as in dogs and cats. Fur grey, marked with small black spots, some round, others long ; tail with ten or eleven rings of a brown or black colour ; round the muzzle and behind the nostrils black ; end of the upper lip white ; a white spot below the eye ; inside of the ears whitish. Young animals have a violet tint on the body. 66 CARNIVORA. Length from tip of nose to root of tail, 1 foot 5 inches ; head, 3 inches. Frequents the neighbourhood of streams, ascends trees, feeds on rats, mice, &c. ; is easily tamed. Inhabits many parts of France, Poitou, the Department du Gard, and other districts of that country, as well as Spain and Barbary. Genus FELIS. Teeth. — Incisors, ; canines, ; molars, -|~3 or In the upper jaw the molars consist of two false molars of a conical form ; one large tooth called the car- nassial, and one small tubercular tooth, with its greatest length across the jaw. In some species this last is wanting. In the lower jaw are two compressed molars and a carnas- sial with two points ; no tubercular tooth. The canine teeth are very large. The tongue is covered with horny parts, directed backwards ; the claws are retractile. Felis Manul. Felis Manul , Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. vol. i. p. 20 ; Keyserling u. Blasius, Wirbelth. Europ. p. 61 ; Schinz, Europ. Faun, vol. ii. p. 509 ; Desm. Mamm. Sp. 357. Description. — The tail is more than half as long as the body, cylindrical, hairy, with nine rings more or less di- stinctly marked, those nearest to the root tawny, those near the tip, and the tip itself, black. The general colour of the fur on the upper parts of the body pale, tawny, yel- lowish, with scattered dusky hairs, having black tips ; the top of the head and between the eyes thickly speckled with numerous black spots ; on each cheek are two parallel oblique black streaks ; whiskers in four rows, white, ex- cept two large black ones ; under parts of the body lighter FELIS CATUS. 67 in colour than the upper ; throat white, turning to ashy on the breast ; a few black streaks on the hind legs near the feet ; ears short, wide, rounded, without tufts, almost de- stitute of hairs on the inside ; two maxillary teeth on each side of the upper jaw, the posterior being the largest ; three in the lower jaw. Length of head and body, 1 foot 7 inches 3 lines ; tail, without the hair, 9 inches. “ Is nearly allied to the F. Catus, which it closely re- sembles in its habits, but differs from it in colour, size, the length of the tail, and in the number of its molar teeth.’, Lives in caves and rocky holes (Pallas). Inhabits the southern slopes of the Ural Mountains, and is common also through Central Asia. N.B. — Pallas does not give the number of molars, but probably means to say that the F. Manul has only three upper molars, the F. Catus having four. Felis Catus. Felis Catus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 366 ; Pallas, Bell, Brit. Quad. The Wild Cat. Description. — Hair long and bushy, grey or brownish grey above, more or less tinged with yellow, beneath paler ; a black line down the middle of the back, with transverse parallel bars of the same colour over the flanks, thighs, and shoulders ; several narrow parallel black lines on top of the head between the ears ; lips black ; feet yellowish, the soles black ; tail ringed with black ; the tip black ; of equal thickness throughout its whole length, and, as it were, truncated at the end. In the male, the length of head and body is 27 inches 68 CARNIVORA. 9 lines ; tail, 13 inches 6 lines. In the female, the head and body are 21 inches 3 lines ; tail, 12 inches 4 lines. It preys on birds, rabbits, &c. In the British Islands, is confined to the wilder parts of Scotland, and, possibly, of Ireland ; the last habitat, how- ever, is very doubtful. It is found in all the great forests of Europe, hut nowhere in numbers, according to Desma- rest. Pallas says that it is not met with in Russia Proper, though common in the Caucasus. Crespon gives it as not uncommon in the Department du Gard ; and it inhabits the forests of Prance generally. LYNXES. Felis cervaria. Felis cervaria , Temm. Monog. vol. i. p. 106 ; De Selys, Index des Mamm. d’Europe. Description. — Tail shorter than the head ; smaller at the tip than at the base ; black for a large portion of its length towards the top ; whiskers on the lips pure white ; ear- tufts very short, or wanting. Pur very long and tufted, particularly on the legs and soles of the feet, very fine and silky, covered, in the young, with brown and black spots, in the adult with large and smaller spots of true black; hairs on the back about 2 inches long, clear grey at base, bright reddish in the middle, and silver-grey at the points ; hail’s which form the spots reddish at base, the rest of their length black ; whiskers of the cheeks dull white, with a tuft of black hairs in the middle; a black semi- circular stripe runs from the posterior angle of the eye to the cheek, a black circle round the eye, and a black spot on the lachrymal region ; the spots on the sides closer to each other than those on the back, those on the outside of the legs still closer and round ; no spots on the inner sur- EELIS BOREALIS. 69 face of the legs nor on the tibiae ; a few transverse bars on the base of the tail. Fur on the front of the neck, chest, and belly very long and white ; on the outside of the ear a black angular stripe, from the extremity of which rises a very slender ear- tuft. In the young, when about half-grown, the fur is a dirty yellowish white, with spots longer than wide, of rather darker yellow, more or less distinctly marked, and sur- rounded with reddish brown ; on the outside of the legs are brown round spots ; during the transition from the young to the adult state, the brownish-black spots are more nu- merous, often indistinctly marked, and more or less running into each other ; the transverse lines of the tail are brown. In an adult, the length of head and body is from 2 feet 9 inches to 3 feet ; tail, from 7 to 9 inches ; height at the shoulder, 2 feet 6 or 7 inches ; from the eye to the nose a little more than 2 inches. In the young, the total length, including the tail, is about 2 feet 4 inches, or 2 feet 6 inches. — F. M. This Lynx, according to Temminck, is probably a native of the North of Kussia in Europe, but the skins which are sold at Moscow come from Siberia. Felis borealis. Felis borealis , Temm. Monog. vol. ii. p. 109 ; De Selys, Index des Mamm. Description. — Of smaller size than the last species ; tail shorter than the head, blunt, and, as it were, truncated at the end ; only the tip black ; bristles of the lips composed of black hairs, and of hairs black below and white above ; ear-tufts long ; very long whiskers on the cheeks ; muzzle blunt. Fur close, not as long as in F. cervaria , and coarser ; legs and soles of the feet extremely hairy ; fur without distinct spots ; the hairs on the back nearly 1| inch 70 CARNIVORA. in length, dark brown for three-fonrths of their length, ringed with brown and grey at their points ; hairs on the sides grey at their roots, reddish brown at their centres, and whitish at their points ; this arrangement produces a grey tinge over the body, varied with brown on the back, and with reddish white on the belly ; neither the old nor young animals have any distinct spots ; a black line more or less interrupted, formed by the meeting of the points of the hair, runs along the spine ; the tail, which is reddish white, has a waved appearance, but is without spots or bars; the ears are edged with black, and surmounted by tufts about 1-| inch long ; a large black spot on the whiskers; chest, belly, and legs inside, dull white; the waved markings on the fur vary in different individuals, being a mixture of tawny and ash, or brown and dull white. Length of head and body from 2 feet 2 inches to 2 feet 9 inches ; tail, 5 inches ; from eye to point of nose, 1-| inch. — F. M. Inhabits the Polar regions of Europe and Asia ; is pretty common in Sweden and Norway, whence a number of their skins are exported. Lloyd, in his 4 Scandinavian Ad- ventures,’ says that the “ Northern Lynx” is the only species in those countries ; they are generally found in pairs, and commit great ravages on the flocks ; they chiefly frequent mountains and wooded districts. Felis Lynx. Felis Lynx , Temm. Monog. vol. i. p. 110; De Selys, Index des Mamm. The Lynx. Description. — Body stout, placed high on the legs, which are very robust ; head thick, round ; ears pointed, ear- tufts long ; tail as long as the head, quite black for nearly FELIS LYNX. 71 half its length towards the tip ; four or five waved bars on the cheeks ; bristles of the lips white, springing from four or five black streaks ; without small anterior molars or false molars. Fur in summer short, rather longer in winter, equally thick all over the body ; the soles of the feet naked ; the toes furnished with short fur ; the coat in general deep reddish brown, marked with small spots of red-brown, which are oblong on the sides, and round on the legs ; all the lower parts of the body and the inside of the legs white, with small indistinct blackish spots ; the ear-tufts and outside of the ears, except an angular space of an ashy colour, black ; a whitish circle round the eyes, above them, running to the forehead on each side, a lon- gitudinal white spot ; no black line on the spine ; the hairs of the fur are brown at base, with their points bright red- brown in summer, changing to whitish in winter. In the young the fur is longer and less sleek, the coat duller, and the bristles of the lips generally half black and half white. The skins of this species, which are exported from Russia, are of finer quality than those of the eastern parts of Europe. In the full-grown animal the length of the head and body is 2 feet 7 or 8 inches ; tail, 7| inches ; height at shoulder, 1 foot 4-f inches ; from the eye to the tip of the nose, 1 inch 9 lines. — E. M. Occasionally individuals are met with measuring two or three inches more than the above. This is the Common Lynx of Europe, over the greater part of which it was formerly distributed. It is still found in woody and mountainous districts of Germany, Russia, Poland and Hungary. Is scarce in Switzerland (Tschudi). Occurs in Naples and other parts of Italy, and is probably the Lynx of the North and Central mountain ranges of Spain (Cook). In France it is now very seldom met with ; chiefly in the Alps and Pyrenees. 72 CARNIVORA. Felis pardina. Felis pardina, Temm. Monog. yoI. i. p. 186 ; De Selys, Index des Mamm. Description. — Tail short, but longer in proportion to the size of the animal than in the F. Lynx', ear- tufts very distinct ; cheeks furnished with large whiskers ; the coat and the whole of the tail covered with black spots. The fur is short, the woolly and silky hair being of the same length. All the upper parts of the body, the outer surface of the legs, and the base of the tail bright glossy red- brown, nearly the colour of the Caracal. The spots on the body jet black, rather longer on the back than on the sides and legs ; on the base of the tail they are small and round ; the nape of the neck is streaked with narrow lines of black, which also spread over the tawny fur of the face ; the upper portions of the whiskers are a mixture of tawny and black, the lower portions pure white ; the lips, front of the neck, the middle of the belly, and inner surface of the legs pure white. In large well-grown individuals the length of the head and body is 2 feet 1^ inch ; tail, 5 inches 3 lines ; from the eye to the end of the nose, 1 inch 9 lines. — F. M. This species is readily distinguished from its congeners by its smaller size, long whiskers, the regularly black- spotted fur, pervaded by a reddish tinge, and by the black specks of the tail, which is without bars, and has not the black tip of the other species. It inhabits some of the warmest regions of Europe. Is found in Portugal in the mountains, and has been killed a few leagues from Lisbon. Temminck believes it to exist in Sardinia and Sicily, as well as in Turkey, and in a great part of the Levant. It is given by Cook in his ‘ Sketches of Spain’ as the Lynx of the Sierra Morena, in the south of PHOCA YITULINA. 73 that country, with the remark that, in the specimens taken there, “ the tail is very short,’’ and that its chief food is rabbits and partridges. Division III. AMPHIBIOUS CARNIVORA. Genus PHOCA. SEAL. Teeth. — Incisors, or canines, ; molars, with more than one root, a large point on the middle, with a smaller one in front, and two smaller ones behind ; external ears either wanting or inconspicuous ; feet formed for swimming, the hinder feet flattened and directed back- wards ; the toes enclosed within the skin. Phoca vitulina. Phoca canina, Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. Phoca vitulina , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 375; Bell, Brit. Quad. Calocepkalus vitulinus , F. Cuvier. The Common Seal. Description. — Incisors 6 above, 4 below. The grinding teeth are placed obliquely, so that the hinder inner margin of one is in contact with the front outer margin of the next behind it. The body is elongated, diminishing from the chest to the tail ; neck very short ; head round ; upper lip furnished with strong undulated whiskers; outer ears marked only by a small tubercle ; eyes nearer to the ears than to the end of the nose ; the claws of the hind-feet are longer than those of the fore-feet, the first claw of the fore-foot is the longest. Hair stiff and shining, concealing a short, soft, woolly fur. General colour yellowish grey, with spots of brown and blackish ; belly pale. Produces one or two young at a birth. Length of head and body from 3 to 5 feet ; head about 8 inches. E 74 CARNIVORA. Inhabits the coasts of the British Islands, Norway, Swe- den, Russia (both on the north coast and Black Sea), the Mediterranean occasionally, Holland, and France. Taken in great numbers in Greenland. A variety is found in the Caspian Sea, which is described by Pallas as showing the yellowish tinge in a greater degree, and the coat less spotted than in the ordinary breed. He relates that at one period 20,000 (!) of these animals were taken there annually, and that they were still very nu- merous. The Common Seal inhabits the salt Lake or Sea of Aral, and the freshwater Lake of Baikal in Siberia. It is most likely that a closer investigation will show that several species have been erroneously united under the same deno- mination. The Common Seal of the French coasts is said to differ either as a variety or species from that of Britain and the North of Europe. Phoca Greenlandica. Phoca Greenlandica, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 376; Bell, Brit. Quad. Phoca dorsata , Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. Phoca Oceanica , Lepeciiin. Harp Seal, Bell, l. c. Description. — Incisors 6 above, 4 below. The grinding teeth are arranged, not as in the last species, but in a straight series, with a small interval between them. The colour of the fur varies much with sex and age. In the first year it is nearly white, in the second year grey, then grey with darker spots, in which state the female appears to remain ; in the fifth year the male has acquired its per- fect clothing, which is greyish white, with a brown crescent- shaped mark across the back, the points of which are back- ward, and directed towards each other ; the second claw PHOCA ANNELLATA. 75 of the fore-foot is the longest ; the muzzle is very promi- nent ; the head depressed ; whiskers grey, slightly com- pressed and undulated. Length of head and body, 6 feet ; circumference, 4 feet ; length of cranium, 8 inches 3 lines. This Seal has been taken at least two or three times in England and Scotland. It is found in the White Sea, and on the coasts of Lapland and Spitzbergen, but chiefly in Greenland, where it appears in great herds. Its oil is held in high esteem. Phoca annellata. Phoca annellata , Schinz, Europ. Faun. vol. i. Phoca foetida, Keys. u. Blas. Wirbelth. Europ. Calocephalus discolor , E. Cuvier. Calocephalus foetidus, Gray, Catalogue of Brit.Mus., Kinged Seal do. 1. c. Marbled Seal of Hamilton, Nat. Lib. vol. vi. (figured). Description. — This Seal has been decided by Baron Cuvier and Professor Nilsson to be a distinct species from P. vitu- lina, with which it was originally identified. The upper part of the body is wholly blackish brown, marked with tortuous and irregular lines of whitish grey, which form detached marbled spots ; the under part is paler, and its greyish lines broader and yellower. In some individuals the whitish grey of the abdomen reaches up on the sides; in others, the markings on the back have a resemblance to the eye. The grinding teeth are three-pointed, and are arranged in the direction of the jaw, not obliquely as in P. vitulina. Inhabits the coasts of the Baltic and Arctic Seas, and Ice- land, and is supposed to have been in one instance captured on the French shore. 76 CARNIVORA. Phoca Mspida. Phoca fcetida, Desm. Ma-mm. Sp. 377. Phoca Mspida, Schinz, Europ. Faun. ; Hamilton, Nat. Lib. vol. vi. Calocephalus hispidus, F. Cuvier ; Gray, Cat. Brit. Mus. Description. — Incisors 6 above, 4 below. The head is short and round, the muzzle extending to about one-third of the whole head ; whiskers white, with a few black hairs, sharp, compressed, and a good deal curved at their extre- mities ; eyes small, pupil white, and the iris brown ; the body is almost elliptical and slender ; the back somewhat gibbous ; belly flat, especially near the fore-paws. The hair is thick-set, somewhat erect, rather long, soft, and fine, with curly wool at its root ; the colour on the back is brownish, intermixed with white spots, and on the abdomen white, with a few brownish spots. The young are almost without spots, with the back somewhat livid, and the belly white. The old males have a very strong and disgusting smell. The hairs of the coat, when dry, have a tendency to curve backwards. Its length seldom exceeds 4-|- feet, more commonly 4 feet, with a perpendicular height of 10 inches. It inhabits the North Sea, and more doubtfully the Baltic. In Greenland many thousands are taken annually for their oil and skins, which are exported to Europe. Phoca barbata. Phoca barbata, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 378 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. ; Sciiinz, Europ. Faun. ; Keys. u. Blas. Wirbelth. Europ. Calocephalus barbatus , F. Cuvier. The Great Seal, Bell, l. c. ; Pennant. Description. — Incisors 6 above, 4 below (Desmarest). The teeth are nearly similar to those of P. vitulina, but are not placed obliquely. The middle claw of the fore-foot is the longest, and the outer ones the smallest and shortest, an PHOCA LEPORINA. 77 arrangement peculiar to this species ; the cranium is very broad at the back part, the forehead remarkably arched ; muzzle broad ; lips loose and full ; whiskers with numerous bristles, strong hut flexible, horny, slightly compressed, smooth and transparent ; opening of the ears large ; eyes large, the pupil round, the iris brown ; body elongate, robust ; back rounded. The colour, when young, is smoke- grey above, lighter beneath, darkening as the animal grows older, until at last it is wholly black. The general length is about 10 feet, but some have been observed measuring 15 feet. It is the largest of European Seals. Inhabits the Earn Islands off the north-east coast of England, and has been taken on the Scotch coasts, and in the Orkneys ; on the west coast of Norway, and in Iceland ; but is uncommon in all those localities. Is also found in Greenland. Phoca Leporina. Phoca Leporina, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 374 ; Schinz, Europ. Faun. ; Ha- milton, Nat. Lib. vol. vi. Phoca albigena, Pallas, Zoog. Eoss. As. Description.— Incisors 4 in each jaw (Desmarest). The head is elongated ; the upper lip swollen and thick, like that of a calf ; the whiskers strong and thick, covering the whole front of the lip ; eyes blue, pupils black ; the fore-paws are short and feeble, ending abruptly; the membrane of the hind- feet is not curved, hut straight. The colour is a uniform dull white, with a tinge of yellow : it is never spotted ; the hair erect, interwoven and soft, like those of a Hare, espe- cially when the Seal is young ; the skin is very thick. Length, 6-±- feet. The dental formulary marks it as be- longing to this genus. The above description is from the ‘ Naturalists’ Library,’ quoted from Lepechin. Desmarest, 78 CARNIVORA. in his ‘ Mammalogie,’ gives the number of incisor teeth as four in each jaw. The young of this species are said by Pallas to be as white as snow, and to shine like silver. It frequents the White Sea, ascending the rivers with the tide, and is very plentiful ; also Lapland, Spitzbergen, and the Northern Ocean to Behring’s Straits. N.B. — By Keyserling and Blasius, and by Gray in his ‘ British Museum Catalogue,’ this Seal is made identical with Phoca barbata. Phoca Monachus. Phoca Monachus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 372 ; Schinz, Europ. Faun. Pelagius Monachus , F. Cuvier ; Keys u. Blas. Wirbelth. Europ. Phoca Monacha , Pallas, Zoog. Boss. As. Description. — Four incisors in each jaw, the outer ones the largest ; molars thick and conical, with only minute points before and behind ; the first claw of the fore-foot the largest ; upper lip thick ; bristles of the whiskers long and even ; pupils of the eyes triangular ; orifice of the ears very small, with no external appendage ; body smooth, rounded. Hair rather short, very dense, and lying close to the body. When wet, the colour of the back, head, tail, and upper part of the paws is black ; the belly, chest, under parts of the neck, tail and claws, muzzle, sides of the head, and over the eyes, greyish yellow ; when dry, the blacker parts become lighter, and the lighter parts more yellow ; above each eye are two bristly hairs ; nails of the hind-feet only rudimentary ; tail about 3 inches long, incapable of motion ; is very intelligent, and easily tamed. Length of head and body, 10 or 12 feet. The most common species of the Mediterranean, but does not appear to be anywhere numerous ; is occasionally taken on the south coast of France and Piedmont ; on the coasts PHOCA CRISTATA. 79 of Greece, Dalmatia, and various parts of Italy, Corsica, the Balearic Islands, Spain, and Barbary. Is also found in the Black Sea. Phoca cristata. Phoca cristata, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 371 ; Gervais, Zool. et Paleont. Franc, with figure, pi. 42. Cystophora cristata, Gray, Cat. Brit. Mus. Stemmatopus cristatus , F. Cuvier ; Keys. u. Blas. Wirbelth. Europ. Hooded, or Crested Seal. Description. — Incisors, ; canines, | ; molars, = 30 in all (see Gervais, l. c., and Nat. Lib. ed. 6). [Desmarest, however, gives 4 incisors in each jaw, making the total number of teeth 32.] The middle incisors are very small, the grinding teeth have their cutting portions marked by three lobes, and many small indentations ; the back and all the upper surface of the head, body, tail, and feet bluish grey when dry, slate-brown when wet, contrasting con- spicuously with the yellowish white of the parts beneath. In the adult male the anterior part of the head is covered by a tuberculous body, like an inflated bladder, which is wanting in the females and young. The general colour becomes darker with age, in old individuals the upper parts being almost black, with grey spots ; the males have, in addition to the true nostrils, two spurious tubercular ones, single or double, according to their age; the first claw of the fore-foot is the longest. Length of full-grown animals, 10 to 12 feet. Inhabits the North Atlantic; has been taken once, in 1843, on the Isle d’Oleron, west coast of France ; is very abundant in Greenland, whence large quantities of the skins are imported to Europe ; one was taken in the Orwell, at Ipswich, in 1847. 80 CARNIVORA. Phoca gryphus. Phoca gryphus, Schinz, Earop. Faun. vol. i. Halichcerus griseus, Nilsson, Skand. Faun. Halichcerus gryphus . Bell, Brit. Quad. ; Keys. u. Blas. Wirbelth. Europ. Description. — Incisors, ; grinders, ; those in the upper jaw simple, the first being very small and single- pointed, with the points slightly recurved ; the three fol- lowing of nearly the same form, but larger ; the fifth have a minute rudimentary tubercle at the back part ; in the lower jaw the first and third are similar to those in the upper jaw ; the second broad, with a rudimentary tubercle before and behind ; the fourth and fifth with the tubercles distinct ; in the fore-feet the first toe is the longest ; in the hind-feet, also, the first is the longest, then the fifth, the second, the fourth, and the middle one, which is the shortest ; the muzzle is very deep and obliquely truncated ; head very flat ; the face bears a larger proportion to the cranium than in the other species ; in the adult the hair is much recurved, and the animal, when dry, with the head turned towards the spectator, appears of a uniform silvery grey, whilst viewed in an opposite direction it appears al- together sooty brown, the spots or blotches being only visible on a side view. Yery young animals are dull yellowish white, with rather long hair, which, after about a month, falls off, giving place to a more shining coat, blotched with blackish grey ; as the animal advances in age, the blotches become less distinct on the upper parts, while on the breast and lower parts they sometimes show as distinctly as in the Leopard. Length, upwards of 7 feet. The shape of the head and characters of the teeth differ so much from the other species of this genus, that Professor TRICHECUS ROSMARUS. 81 Nilsson has placed this Seal in a genus of its own, in which he has been followed by Bell and others. It inhabits the North Sea and the Baltic ; has been taken a few times on the coast of England ; oftener on the south coast of Ireland. Genus TRICHECUS. WALRUS. Two incisors in the upper jaw only while young ; no in- cisors in the lower jaw; canines in the upper jaw only, very long, and directed downwards; grinders, or g~g-, obtuse and simple; the head round; muzzle much swollen ; no external ears ; the fore- and hind-feet in their general form like those of the Seals. Trichecus Rosmarus. Trichecus Rosmarus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 388 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Rosmarus arcticus, Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. Walrus. Description. — The head is comparatively of moderate size, very obtuse, and tumid in front ; the bristles of the whiskers flattened, being nearly a line in breadth at their origin ; two canine teeth in the upper jaw of enormous dimensions, directed downwards, measuring from 8 inches to 14, and in very old males even exceeding 2 feet ; the incisors and a fifth molar in each jaw are early deciduous ; no external ears ; the orifices placed far back on the head ; the body is very thick about the chest, becoming partially smaller to- wards the tail, as in the true Seals, but its bulk is greater in proportion to its length than in those animals ; neck and tail very short ; the skin is smooth, very thick, blackish, with a few short, stiffish brown hairs, principally on the feet ; hind-feet very broad ; total length, about 11 feet. 82 RODENTIA. The female brings forth in winter, producing only one young at a birth, about the size of a pig of a year old. The Walrus has, in two instances at least, been taken on the Scotch coasts. It inhabits the northern frozen seas, is especially numerous at Spitzbergen ; is found in Iceland and Greenland, generally associating in herds. Order RODENTIA. Two large incisors in each jaw, remote from the molars ; no canines ; toes distinct, with conical claws of small size. Division I. RODENTS PROVIDED WITH PERFECT CLAVICLES. Genus CASTOR. BEAVER. Teeth. — Incisors, -|- ; molars compound, with flat sum- mits, Toes of the hind-feet palmated ; tail oval, de- pressed, and covered with scales. Castor fiber. Castor fiber, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 432. Common Beaver. Description. — Head short and thick, somewhat flattened at the top ; muzzle blunt ; eyes small and black ; ears short, rounded at the ends ; neck short ; body thick, very convex on the back ; tail depressed, broad, oval, the surface naked and scaly. Eur composed of two sorts of hairs, the one short, thick, fine and soft, the other long, rather stiff and elastic ; the general colour of the animal is deep chestnut- brown, smooth and glossy on the upper parts, duller be- neath. ARVICOLA AMPHIBIUS. 83 Length of head and body, 2 feet 6 lines ; head, 5 inches ; tail, 1 foot ; breadth of tail, 4 inches 2 lines ; some indivi- duals attain the length of 3 feet. Lives solitary or in pairs ; burrows in the ground on the banks of large rivers, differing in these respects from the American Beaver. It is still found, though in greatly reduced numbers, in several rivers of the northern and central countries of Eu- rope, such as the Danube, Bhine, and Rhone, on which last it is recorded (by Crespon) as occurring from Pont St. Esprit to the sea, especially among willow plantations, on which it sometimes inflicts serious injury. Is rather rare in Russia, except on the Dwina and Petschora ; is nume- rous in Siberia, Tartary, and the Caucasus (Pallas). Genus ARVICOLA. VOLES. Teeth. — Incisors, ; molars, =16 ; molars deeply o o sulcated outside, pressed so closely together that the divi- sions between them are not easily seen. Muzzle blunt ; toes separate ; tail round and hairy, shorter than the body ; no cheek-pouches ; fore-feet with four claws, having nails, and the thumb consisting of either a mere tubercle or a very small nail ; hind-feet with five toes armed with nails, the thumb very small ; eyes small or moderate. Burrows in the ground. Arvicola amphibius. Arvicola amphibius, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 435 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. ; De Selys, Micromm. Lemmus aquaticus, E. Cuvier. Water Vole, Water Rat. Description. — Tail blackish, lighter beneath, rather longer than half the body, with upwards of 110 scaly rings ; ribs, thirteen pairs. Eur dark brown, more or less rusty above, 84 RODENTIA. mixed with grey, becoming slightly reddish on the sides of the head and body, some longer blackish hairs on the back, especially on its lower portion ; parts beneath dark grey, with a tinge of red on the belly ; ears shorter than the fur, and hidden by it, naked, but edged with hairs at tip ; eyes very small and deeply set ; muzzle greyish ; the hairs of the upper lip dirty white ; feet very strong, scaly, clothed with short stiff hairs. In young animals the colour above is yellowish brown, and there is no reddish tinge below. The following varieties have been observed : — Yar. A. — White with red eyes (Albino). Yar. B. — Black, the A. ater of Macgillivray, found in Cambridgeshire, and in Scotland in Banff and Aberdeen - shire, as well as by Pallas in Siberia. Yar. C. — Smaller, darker above ; beneath tinged with chestnut and not with red ; the whole of the tail deep chestnut. According to M. de Selys Longchamps, this va- riety is the A. amphibius of Buonaparte, in his 4 Fauna Italica,’ and the A. amphibius, var. Italica of Savi. It is found in the marshes of Tuscany, and about Ostia and the banks of rivers near Borne. Is common in Italy. Yar. D. — Pale dirty yellow, a large irregular white spot over the shoulders, and often a line of the same colour on the breast. Observed by Pallas on the banks of the Obi, and may prove to be a distinct species, in which case it would not find a place in the European list. Length of head and body, 6 inches ; tail, 3 inches 4 lines ; ears, lines. — F. M. Frequents the edges of ponds and rivers, marshy fields and meadows. Breeds thrice in the year, producing six or eight young at a birth. The A. amphibius inhabits nearly the whole of Central and Northern Europe. It is found in England and Scot- land, but, like all the other species of Yoles, is unknown in ARVICOLA NIVALIS. 85 Ireland. In France it is not rare in the south, and is found in many rivers, lakes, and ponds throughout that country. Is unknown in the greater part of Switzerland, being replaced by the Arvicola terrestris. Very common in Russia, from the White Sea to the Caspian. In Italy the variety C. alone has been observed. Is found in Silesia. Arvicola nivalis. Arvicola nivalis , Blasius, Wirbelth. Deutschlands, p. 359. Arvicola Lebrunii, Crespon, Faun. Merid. vol. i. p. 77. Hypudaus alpinus , Wagn., Schreber, Saugth. Supplement, iii. 1843. Description. — Tail somewhat more than half the length of the body, greyish white, darker above, with brown scaly rings ; body above brown-grey, lighter on the sides, with numerous yellowish-white hairs intermixed, and nearly white beneath; sometimes they are bright yellow-grey above on the back, and the feet and tail are sometimes white ; the ground of the fur near the roots is everywhere dark, the varieties of shade depending upon the colours of the tips of the hairs; the hairs of the back are almost always ob- served, when exposed to sunshine, to have a metallic violet- blue hue ; the ears are almost half as long as the head, but scarcely rise above the fur; they are covered with fine whitish-grey hairs outside, and along their front edges are furnished with long hairs. Teeth sixteen in number. The fur is generally thick and fine. Total length, 7 inches 2 lines ; ear along the outer edge rather more than 6 fines ; tail, 2 inches 6 or 7 fines. — F. M. This is a truly Alpine species, being strictly confined to mountain ranges, and is never found in the Alps at a lower elevation than 3000 feet, seldom so low as 4000 feet, and thence upwards to the limits of perpetual snow, and even far above the snow-level on bare spots, where it stays all 86 RODENTIA. the year through, burrowing under the snow in search of stunted Alpine plants. It has been taken on the top of the Finsteraarhorn, 12,000 feet above the sea, and on other equally elevated spots. Is found commonly in the Central, Northern, and Southern Alps, and indeed belongs to the whole of that mountain chain. Is said to have been found in the Pyrenees on the Pic du Midi. If this species is identical with Crespon’s A. Lebrunii, as Blasius surmises, it must inhabit the plain country around Nismes ; those taken there by Crespon were found to re- semble the A. socialis, except in their larger size. I con- ceive, however, that this French habitat is very doubtful. Arvicola destructor. Arvicola destructor, De Selys, Micromm. Arvicola terrestris, Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured). Description. — Tail brown, longer than half the body. Fur of the upper parts of the body yellowish brown, mixed with grey, a good deal like that of the back of the Norway Pat (iif. decumanus ) ; sides rather lighter ; throat and breast whitish ash; abdomen ashy, very slightly tinged with yellow ; end of the muzzle and of the upper lip the same colour as the back ; lower lip the colour of the throat ; snout swollen and blunt at its extremity ; ears and eyes as in A. amphibius ; the fur of the back is still more linear than in that species, and mixed with longer and darker hairs ; the tail is a little longer in proportion, containing about 185 rings, and covered with short stiff hairs, dark on the upper surface, light grey underneath. There is a marked difference in the shape of the skull between this species and all its congeners. Length of head and body, 6 inches ; head, 1 inch 6 lines ; tail, 3 inches 9 lines ; ears, 4 lines. — F. M. Has only been observed in Italy, where it occurs in the ARVICOLA TERRESTRIS. — ARVICOLA RATTICEPS. 87 neighbourhood of Pavia and Milan. Is common near Rome and in Tuscany ; in the Maremme of the latter country it is very abundant. In the province of Piombino these Voles appeared in such numbers in the spring of 1837, and again in 1838, as seriously to injure the crops. Arvicola terrestris. Arvicola terrestris, De Selys, Micromm. A. argentoratensis, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 436. Campagnol Schermaus, De Selys, l. c. Description. — Has thirteen pairs of ribs. Pur yellowish brown, dark on the back, lighter on the sides of the head and body, on which parts the yellow tint becomes more decided, never passing into red as in A. amjohibius, of equal length, without long hairs on the back ; body beneath rather light ashy, very slightly tinged with pale yellow on the abdo- men ; tail a little more than one-third of the length of the body, covered with short hairs, brown above, lighter be- neath ; the feet are also covered with very short whitish hairs ; eyes very small, black ; ears as in A. amphibius, but the snout thicker and blunt ; it differs also from that species in the form of the skull. Its habits are the same. White and black varieties have been met with. Length of head and body, 5 inches ; head, 1 inch 2 lines ; tail, 2 inches ; ears, 3^ lines. — P. M. Has been found near Strasburg and in the East of Ger- many. In Switzerland, especially near Zurich ; it is there sometimes called “ the Wurtzelmaus.” Arvicola ratticeps. Arvicola ratticeps, Blasius, Wirbelth. Deutschlands, p. 365. Description. — Teeth 16 in number. Ears nearly half as long as the head, their upper portion on the outside covered 88 RODENTIA. with fine hairs of brown-grey, mixed with others of a rusty yellow shade ; the tail, which is more than one-third of the body in length, is not narrowed near the base ; it is clothed above with small dark brown hairs, beneath with white hairs tipped with grey. The fur of the body is dark rusty brown above, light grey with a yellowish tinge on the sides, and underneath a decided white, contrasting with the darker colour of the sides ; the tips of the hairs on the back have a metallic gloss. The young animals are duller in colour than the adults. The head is more lengthened than in the other species, being shaped like that of the Eat. Entire length, 6 inches 7 lines, exclusive of the tail, which is 1 inch 10 lines. — E. M. Pound by Professor Blasius in 1840 in the North of Eussia, on the Dwina ; has been obtained also from Nor- way, the Baltic Provinces of Eussia, and from Siberia, as well as from Southern Eussia. Arvicola Savii. Arvicola Savii, De Selys, Micromm. Arvicola incertus, De Selys, J 840 ; P. Gervais, Zool. et Paleontol. Franc. A. arvalis, Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured). Description. — With fourteen pairs of ribs, shaped like A. arvalis. Ears much shorter than the fur, which is of an earthy greyish-brown colour above, and ashy beneath ; in some individuals the head and back are obscurely red- brown ; the snout is thick and blunt ; eyes very small ; tail rather less than one-third of the length of the body, hairy, brown above, whitish below ; feet greyish white, with rather strong nails ; the thumb less rudimentary than in A. arvalis and the other nearly allied species. The teats are four in number, none of them pectoral. ARVICOLA SUBTERRANEUS. 89 Length of head and body, 3 inches 5 lines ; head, 1 inch ; tail, 10 lines ; ears, 2 lines. — F. M. In its habits it much resembles the A. arvalis, the com- mon Short- tailed Field-mouse of England and the North of Europe, and is equally numerous and destructive. The Prince of Musignano relates, that on one farm alone, in the neighbourhood of Rome, 11,000 were killed in a single season. It is the only species among the lesser Voles which has been observed in Italy. De Selys Longchamps, as quoted by Gervais, ‘Zool. et Paleontol. Francaise,’ says that the “ A. Savii, as A. incertus, is found in Provence (Var) and Languedoc, at Montpellier.” M. Crespon has found both A. Savii and A. incertus in the Gard, and considers them to be distinct species (see his ‘ Faune Me'- ridionale ’) ; the former is very abundant there in culti- vated plains. Arvicola subterraneus. Arvicola subterraneus , De Selys, Micromm. ; Blasius, Wirbelth. Deutsch. Lemmas pratensis, Baillon. Description. — Rather less than A. arvalis. Ears a little shorter, as long as the fur, almost naked, surrounded at base by long hairs, which, in the live animal, almost con- ceal them ; eyes very small, less than in A. arvalis ; tail rather less than one-third of the length of the body, covered with blackish hairs above, with white or whitish beneath. Fur almost entirely of different shades of greyish black, except on the throat, which is dark ash ; and on the belly, where they are ash tipped with white. In some speci- mens the hairs beneath the body are earthy brown at their tips, thus resembling some individuals of A. arvalis ; but they never, like the latter, have a tinge of yellow on the 90 RODENTIA. sides ; the feet are dark ash ; snout thick, blunt ; four teats, none of them pectoral. The fur of A. subterraneus above is of the colour of the Common Mouse (M. musculus ), while that of A. arvalis is more like the Brown Bat (if. clecumanus). The very young are black all over, with a slight blue tint, and the skin of the ears is white. Length of head and body, 3 inches 4 lines ; head, 11^ lines ; ears, 4 lines ; tail, 1 inch. — E. M. Inhabits Belgium, Erench Elanders, and the neighbour- hood of Paris ; and has not yet been found in any other country (De Selys, 1839). Arvicola arvalis. Arvicola arvalis, De Selys, Micromm. Arvicola vulgaris , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 439. Arvicola agrestis , Bell, Brit. Quad. Mus agrestis , Linnaeus. Short-tailed Field-mouse, Bell, l. c. Le Camjpagnol, Buffon. Description. — Tail about one-third of the length of the body, sparingly covered with hairs of a dirty yellow colour ; ears just appearing above the fur, clothed with short yel- lowish hairs ; head large ; muzzle very obtuse ; body thick and full ; the thumb of the fore -feet rudimentary, without a claw ; feet covered with short stiff hairs ; teats 8 in number, of which 4 are pectoral. Colour of the fur on the upper parts reddish brown mixed with grey, of the under parts ash- colour. Varieties occur of white, yellowish white, speckled, and black. Length of head and body, 4 inches 1 line ; head, 1 inch 2 lines ; ears, 5 lines ; tail, 1 inch 3^ lines. Is extremely prolific, and when in numbers inflicts serious damage on grain, seeds, and roots. Very common in England, all over France, Belgium, ARVICOLA SOCIALIS. ARYICOLA RUBIDUS. 91 and Russia, in all grassy districts ; and is found over nearly the whole of Europe, excepting Italy. It is the Mus agrestis of Linnaeus, which he records as a native of Sweden, where it is rather darker in colour, and the tail of a deeper shade above than below (see Ann. Nat. Hist. vol. vii. 1841, p. 270 (Jenyns) ; De Selys, ‘ Micrommalogie,’ p. 104). Arvicola socialis. Arvicola socialis, Desm, Mamm. Sp. 447. Mus socialis, Pallas. Description. — Tail rather less than one-fourth of the body, whitish, very hairy; ears rather large, as long as the fur, almost naked ; feet white. Eur on the upper parts very soft, even, more than five lines in length, of a pale grey, becoming lighter on the sides, pure white be- neath ; light tawny on the muzzle, which is obtuse ; whiskers white. The head is rather smaller than in A. arvalis. Feeds on roots and bulbs. Length of head and body, 3 inches 5 lines ; head, 1 inch 1 line ; ears, 44 lines ; tail, 10^ lines. — F. M. Inhabits the deserts between the Volga and Jaik near the Caspian Sea. Arvicola rubidus. Arvicola rubidus , De Selys, Micromm. Arvicola pratensis, Bell, Brit. Quad. Arvicola glareolus, Blasius, Wirbelth. Deutsch. Bank Vole, Bell, l. c. Description. — Tail rather more than half the length of the body, covered with short hairs, blackish above, yel- lowish white beneath, concealing the scaly rings, which are about ninety in number ; ears rather large, slightly oval, longer than the fur, furnished with small reddish hairs; eyes prominent, but less so than in A. arvalis ; 92 RODENTIA. feet dirty white. Fur on the upper parts of the body rusty red, ash-grey on the sides, more or less bright accord- ing to the season, the hair being tipped with blackish ; under parts whitish, tinged with bright red-brown when in a perfect state. In young animals this red colour appears strongly only on the top of the head and on the middle of the back, the rest of the upper part of the body being largely mingled with dark ash ; has thirteen pairs of ribs. Length of head and body, 3 inches 2 lines ; head, 1 inch ; ears, 5 lines ; tail, 1 inch 11 lines. — F. M. Has been found in a few places in England; in the North and centre of France near Lyons. In Belgium it is spread nearly all over the country, in damp woods near streams ; also throughout the greater part of Germany, Hungary, Denmark, Croatia, and Southern Russia to the XJral Mountains, as well as in Moldavia. Arvicola incertus. Arvicola incertus, De Selys, Revue Zool. 1843 ; Crespon, Faun. Merid. 1844 ; P. Gervais, Zool. et Paleon. Franc. 1852. Description. — Fur on the upper parts reddish brown, in- clining to yellowish ; cheeks and flanks of the same colour ; all the lower parts and the legs dark ash-colour; toes furnished with small whitish hairs ; nails reddish ; tail brown above, lighter beneath, with a small tuft of hairs at its extremity ; ears velvety on the outside, hidden by the fur ; muzzle blunt, very hairy ; whiskers of medium length, whitish ; eyes small, black. The fur of the body is soft to the touch ; the hairs are slate-colour from the base to two-thirds of the entire length. The head and body measure 9 centimetres; the tail 4 centimetres (Crespon). M. de Selys Longchamps inclines to consider this animal as a variety of A. Savii, but M. Crespon and M. Gervais LEMMUS NORVEGICUS. 93 arc of opinion that the two species are distinct. Both it and A. Savii are found in the Department du Gard, where the former zealous naturalist has had many opportunities of comparing them. It is not nearly so abundant, however, as the latter. In general aspect, the A. incertus differs from A. Savii in being thicker and shorter ; it frequents marshy places, whereas the latter prefers the fields of Lucerne. Genus LEMMUS. Teeth. — Incisors, |; molars, |^|-=16 ; upper incisors convex in front, and without furrows ; lower ones pointed ; molars composite, without tubercles even at top ; ears very short, rounded ; eyes very small ; fore-feet with four or five toes armed with claws, and formed for burrowing; hind-feet with five toes; tail very short, covered with hair. This genus is closely allied to Arvicola, differing from it chiefly by the position of the fore -feet, and by the shortness of the tail. Lenmms Norvegicus. Lemmus Norvegicus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 450. Mus Lemmus , Linnaeus. My odes Lemmus , Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. The Norway Lemming. Description. — Fur tawny, red-brown, varied with black and brown ; front feet with five claws ; head short, thick, oval ; muzzle very blunt ; eyes very small ; ears small, hidden by the fur, rounded ; claws very short, especially those of the fore-feet. Fur of the body very soft, nine lines in length ; end of nose whitish ; top of head deep black; a black streak extends from the eye to the ear. In old animals there is a crescent of yellowish and dirty white on the back of the head ; a long black streak from 94 RODENTIA. the neck to the middle of the back, the rest of the back is dark tawny or yellowish; sides of the head, throat, and lower parts of the body white ; sides light yellow, passing to whitish towards the belly ; hairs of the tail long and thick, of a whitish-grey colour ; feet of the same colour ; claws of the fore -feet very much flattened at the sides, the four outer ones hooked, that of the thumb very thick, and truncated obliquely. Length of head and body, 5 inches 3 lines ; head, 1 inch lines ; ears, 4 lines ; tail, 7 lines. — P. M. Yery prolific. These animals collect in vast numbers at uncertain periods, and migrate from the mountains to the plains, destroying every vegetable substance that lies in their path. They burrow in the ground, but do not become torpid in winter. The Norway Lemming inhabits the mountains of Norway and Lapland, especially those parts where dwarf-birch and willow abound ; and visits parts of Sweden in its migrations. Yar. A. of Desmarest, Mammal, from Pallas, Nov. Spec. Glir. tab. 12 B, Lemming de Lapjponie. Smaller by one- fourth than the preceding. A brown stripe or hand, be- ginning at the muzzle, surrounds the eye and runs to- wards the ear ; a similar stripe on the top of the head ; throat white ; hack covered with tawny hair, with scat- tered blackish hairs intermixed; the hack of the head or neck is slightly brown, some yellowish on the sides, and dull white on the belly. Pound only in Russian Lapland. Desmarest considers it as a distinct species, but has followed Pallas in placing it as a variety of L. Norvegicus. LEMMUS TORQUATUS. LEMMUS MIGRATORIUS. 95 Lemmus torquatus. Lemmus torquatus , Desm. Mamm.'Sp. 454; De Selys, Index des Mamm. Myodes torquatus , Pall. Zoog. Boss. As. Description. — Fur rusty brown, with a black dorsal line and a white collar, interrupted beneath ; five toes on the fore-feet ; claws moderately strong, simple ; the claw of the thumb short and rounded ; resembles a good deal in its general form the L. Norvegicus ; feet rather short and strong, especially the fore-feet ; tail very short and hairy, brown, except at its extremity, which is white ; the end of the nose divided by a very narrow furrow. The fur, which is very fine and soft, is varied with rusty brown, or greyish yellow, and brownish above ; the belly, and all the parts beneath, dirty white ; feet white mixed with brown ; nose velvety and black, which colour runs up the centre of the face to the forehead ; cheeks whitish, with black mou- staches as long as the head ; behind each ear is a patch of chestnut-brown, and beyond this one of dull white. Length of head and body, 3 inches 1 line ; head 1 inch ; tail, including the hair, 7 lines. — F. M. Found within the Arctic Circle, and in the most northern parts of Siberia, and (according to De Selys Longchamps) on the shores of the White Sea. Lemmus migratorius. Lemmus Obensis, Brandt. Arvicola Obensis, Schinz, Europ. Faun. vol. ii. p. 509. Myodes Obensis , Keys. u. Blas. Wirbelth. Europ. No. 35, p. 32. Mus Lemmus , var. Sibirica, Lapponica, Obensis, Pallas, Nov. Spec. Glir. Description. — No distinctly marked dorsal line. Fur on the upper parts of the body a uniform brownish-yellow colour, with black hairs interspersed ; sides light yellowish ; 96 RODENTIA. parts beneath, and legs pale rust-colour ; throat white ; feet and toes whitish. Inhabits Russia, within the Polar Circle. N.B.— This may prove to be identical with the L. Norvegicus, var. A., or Lemming de Lapjoonie of Desmarest, described in this Manual. Lemmus lagurus. Lemmus lagurus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 455 ; De Selys, Micromm. Myodes lagurus , Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. Description. — Fur ash-grey, with a black dorsal line ; no collar ; five toes on the fore -feet ; claws rather weak ; the thumb a horny tubercle ; muzzle very blunt ; lips rather swollen ; ears apparent, rounded ; eyes moderate ; legs rather slender ; tail very short, hairy, and truncated. Fur fine and soft, about five lines in length on the upper parts, which are pale ash-colour, mixed with some brown hairs ; the dorsal line begins between the eyes, and runs to the root of the tail, and is rather wider in the centre than at the extremities ; the feet and the under parts of the body are dull ashy and whitish ; whiskers whitish, shorter than the head, arranged in five rows. In young animals the general colour is lighter than in adults. Length of head and body, 3 inches 7-J lines ; head, 1 inch ; ears, 3 lines ; tail (including the hair) in the male 6 lines, in the female 4-i- lines. — F. M. Migrates, like the Norway Lemming, in vast multitudes, feeding chiefly on bulbs ; but also eats flesh, and even de- vours its own species (Pallas). De Selys Longchamps, ‘ Index des Mammif. d’Europe,’ gives Eastern Russia and Russian Lapland, as well as the River Jaik, as its habitats; Pallas says that it is found from the Jaik to the Irtisk; Desmarest, that it is very common in the deserts of Tartary. MUS DECUMANUS. 97 Genus MGS. Upper incisors rather short, wedge-shaped ; lower ones long, compressed, curved, and very sharp ; molars simple, with tubercular summits, their length and breadth nearly equal ; muzzle elongated ; ears oblong or rounded, often naked ; eyes prominent ; front feet with four claws and a thumb, which is very small, and little more than a tuber- cle ; hind-feet with five claws ; tail, almost in every case, either as long as, or longer than the body, rounded, com- posed of numerous scaly rings, with short stiff hairs be- tween them. Most of the species are vegetable feeders, but some feed also on animal substances. Mus decumanus. Mus decumanus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 473 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Norway Rat. Brown Rat. Description. — Tail shorter than the body, with rather more than 200 rings; colour of the upper parts greyish brown, with a tawny tint, resulting from each hair being dusky grey at the roots, and yellowish brown at the tip ; a few stiffish blacker hairs are scattered among the others ; under parts dirty white. The fur is generally rough, i. e. not lying smoothly close to the body ; ears as broad as long, rounded at the extremities, almost naked, one-third of the length of the head. Length of head and body, 11 inches ; head, 2 inches 4^ lines ; ears, 8^- lines ; tail, 8 inches 4 lines. Breeds several times in the course of the year, pro- ducing ten, twelve, or even fourteen young at a birth ; its voracious habits are well known, there being scarcely any animal or vegetable substance which it will not devour. Was first observed in Europe, in the South of Russia, about the year 1727, having come from the neighbour- F 98 RODENTIA. ing part of Asia by Astrachan ; first introduced to Eng- land and Erance about 1730, since which period it has spread not only over the European continent, but has reached America and almost every part of the world fre- quented by European shipping. Pallas, who travelled in Siberia in the year 1770, says, that it had not at that time reached that country ; Cetti, that it is still unknown in the Island of Sardinia. A Black Bat, with the toes white and an elongate white spot beginning between the fore-legs, and extending back- wards for nearly two inches, which has been several times captured in the North of Ireland, will probably prove to be a variety of Mus decumanus. The dimensions taken from a stuffed specimen, procured by the late Mr. Thompson of Belfast, and now in the Museum of the Natural History Society of that town, are as follows : — Head and body, 131- inches ; from the tip of the nose to the base of the ear, 2 inches ; tail, 7y inches; tarsus, from the joint to the tip of toe, 1-| inch ; length of white space between fore-legs, 2 inches. Of two specimens in that collection, one is very dark sooty brown, the other quite black. Mr. Thompson, who first obtained this rat, was disposed to consider it a distinct species. Mus Rattus. Mus Rattus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 476 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Le Rat, Buffon. Black Bat. Description-. — Tail a little longer than the body, almost naked, with about 250 rings ; ears rounded, oval, half the length of the head, which is longer than in the M. decu- manus, and the muzzle more taper; the upper jaw pro- jects far beyond the lower, which is remarkably short ; the soles of all the feet are tuberculated ; upper parts greyish MUS ALEXANDRINUS. 99 black, lower dark ash-colour ; feet and tail dusky. Va- rieties occur in white, brown, and black, with white spots. Length of head and body, 7 inches 4 lines ; head, 1 inch 10 lines ; ears, 11 lines ; tail, 7 inches 11 lines. It has become very rare in the British Islands, and un- common in most parts of Europe, having been expelled by the Brown Bat. Said, by De Selys Longchamps, to be unknown in Tuscany and South Italy, where it is re- placed by the Mus Aleocandrinus. Is still to be found on some of the small islands on the North-west coast of France. Mus Alexandrinus. Mus Alexandrinus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 475 ; De Selys, Micromm. Mus tectorum , Savi, Buon. Faun. Ital. Rat d' Alexandrie, De Selys, l. c. Description. — Tail longer than the body by nearly one- fourth, with from 220 to 240 clearly defined rings, and furnished with short stiff hairs far apart ; head somewhat elongate ; muzzle rather sharp, flat above ; lower jaw much shorter than the upper ; ears very large, almost oval, broad ; the long hairs of the back are stiff, almost of a uniform thickness throughout their length ; feet almost naked, flesh-coloured. In colour resembles the M. decumanus ; in size, shape, and habits, it is closely allied to M. Rattus, from which it appears to be chiefly distinguished by the colour of the fur and by the length of its tail. White, cream-coloured, and black varieties are not uncommon. Length of head and body, 6 inches ; tail, 8§- inches. Inhabits Tuscany, the Papal States, and Southern Italy, and is the only rat of the Island of Sardinia. In France, it is given by M. Crespon, ‘ Faune Meridionale,’ as com- mon near Nismes, and in Provence by Gervais. Was first observed by M. Geoffroy St. Hilaire in Egypt, whence f 2 100 RODENTIA. it was no doubt introduced into Italy with merchandise, and has driven away the M. Rattus from the south of that country ; it occurs, however, along with the Brown Rat. Is often found in numbers in vessels from Egypt when discharging their cargoes of corn in British ports, but does not appear to spread in those towns, being probably kept down by the common species. Mus musculus. Mus musculus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 478 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Common Mouse. Description. — Tail almost as long as the body, dark grey, with scaly rings, and slightly furnished with short hairs ; ears about half as long as the head, shaped like those of M. Rattus , which in its proportions it much resembles, though in miniature ; head taper ; muzzle rather acute ; the ears and eyes are smaller than in M. sylvaticus, the former rounded, but shorter and narrower than in that species, clothed with fine, soft, short hair. Eur greyish brown above, grey beneath. White, buff, and spotted varieties occur. Length of head and body, 3 inches 2 lines; head, 11 lines ; ears, 5 lines ; tail, 2 inches 11 lines. The Mouse seems to have followed man wherever he has penetrated, and is to be found all over the world in every climate. It is very prolific, breeding several times in the year, and producing five or six young at a birth. The Prince of Musignano mentions a variety with the belly red-brown, as very common in Italy, and in par- ticular at Florence. Mus Islandicus. Mus Islandicus, Thienemann ; De Selys, Micromm. Description. — Size of M. musculus. Tail as long as the body, nearly naked, scales ash-brown above, white be- MUS SYLVATICUS. 101 neath ; ears larger and wider than in M. musculus, partly hidden by the fur ; upper parts of the body dark ash-brown ; the sides with a mixture of many white and brown hairs ; parts beneath white, or ash-white ; feet dirty white, longer than in M. musculus , but not as long as in M. sylvaticus, between which two species it appears to be intermediate ; the head is thicker than in the first ; nose blunt. Fur very dense, as long as in M. sylvaticus ; fore-feet furnished near the toes with a few very short white hairs, their thumbs very short, but with the nails distinct. Length of head and body, 3 inches 6 lines ; head, 1 inch ; ears, 7 lines ; tail, same length as the body. — F. M. Has hitherto been observed only in Iceland (1838), where it frequents houses, like the Common Mouse of Europe. Mus sylvaticus. Mus sylvaticus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 477 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Long-tailed Field-mouse. Description. — Tail as long, or nearly as long, as the body, slender and tapering, velvety, blackish above, white be- neath ; head long ; muzzle tapering ; the whiskers very long ; eyes large and prominent ; ears large, oval, oblong, with the margin turned in at the base, and a lobe within the ear, near the base of the hinder margin, blackish at their tips; legs long. The upper part and sides of the head, neck, and body, and the outer surface of the legs yellowish, mixed with blackish (or of a yellowish brown), darker on the back, each hair being grey or ash at the base, then yellow, and sometimes black at the tip ; under parts whitish, with a yellowish-grey patch on the breast. Varieties occur of white, brown, and dull yellow, the belly, however, being always white. Length of head and body, 3 inches 8 lines ; head, 1 inch 102 RODENTIA. 1 line ; ears, 7 lines ; tail, 3 inches 6 lines. These dimen- sions vary considerably in different localities. It is very prolific, breeding more than once in the year, producing from seven to ten young at a birth. Feeds en- tirely on roots and other vegetables, and sometimes commits great ravages on the crops. Is common all over the temperate regions of Europe. In Eussia it frequents the woods and plains of the tem- perate parts, as well as the West of Siberia. Is very abun- dant in the British Islands and in France. Mus agrarius. Mus agrarius , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 480 ; Pallas, Zoog. Eoss. As. ; De Selys, Micromm. Sitric of the Eussians. Description. — Size of M. sylvaticus, but the ears much shorter, rounded, velvety inside . Tail rather longer th an half the body, slender, hairy, blackish above, whitish beneath, with about ninety scaly rings ; muzzle more pointed ; head more oblong, and whiskers blackish and less numerous than in M. musculus ; upper parts yellowish rufous, mixed with brown on the head, a narrow, black, dorsal line reaching from the head to near the root of the tail ; imder parts of the body, and feet white, the latter very slender, all the hairs slate-colour at the roots. The colour of the fur in general resembles that of the M. sylvaticus, except the black line on the back. Length of head and body, 3 inches 8 lines ; head, 1 inch ; ears, 4 lines. — F. AT. Is very prolific. Lives among crops of grain and roots, on which it feeds. Is said to emit a strong disagreeable odour. Inhabits European Eussia, where it is very plentiful ; MUS MINUTUS. 103 and Siberia, as far as the river Jenissei ; also Hungary and near Berlin, and has been taken near Frankfort-on-the- Maine, which would appear to be its western limit (1838, De Selys). Hot uncommon in Hanover, Brunswick, and Thuringia, and has been found in Lombardy. Mus minutus. Mus minutus, De Selys, Micromm. ; Desm. Mamm. Sp. 485. Mus messorius, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 479 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Mus campestris, F. Cuvier. Mus pendulinus, Hermann. The Harvest Mouse. Description". — The general form is rather more elongated and slender than that of most of the genus. Tail generally rather shorter than the body, but variable in length, being often as long as the body, especially in old individuals, sometimes shorter by one-third ; ears rounded, about one- third of the length of the head ; eyes less prominent than in M. sylvaticus. Fur on the upper parts reddish brown, rather brighter than that of the Dormouse ; the hairs are dusky at the base, red towards the point ; the under parts pure white. The two colours are abruptly separated. Length of head and body, 2 inches 6 lines; head, 10 lines ; ears, 3 lines ; tail, 2 inches 5 lines. Is found in corn-fields. Feeds on grain, and is easily tamed and very gentle. Makes a nest of grass and straw, suspended at a small height from the ground.' Has been found in various parts of England, but is not common there. Is more frequent in Belgium and in parts of France. Has been found in Alsace, near Paris, on the Loire, and near Nismes. Occurs all over Germany, Sweden, and Finland. Professor Blasius has found it in North Italy, although Prince Buonaparte does not include it in his list of Italian animals. 104 RODENTIA. Mus Nordmanni. Mus Nordmanni , Keys. u. Blas. Wirbelth. Europ. p. 37 ; Schinz, Europaischen Fauna, Supp. to vol. ii. Desceiption. — Tail three-fourths of the length of the body, with 140 rings ; ears rather less than half the length of the head ; soles of the feet hairy for one- third of their length. Upper parts of the body red-brown, which colour passes by degrees on the sides into the yellowish red-grey of the under parts. The hinder division of the last grinder in the lower jaw is scarcely half as broad as the anterior division. About equal in size to the common House Mouse. A new species, discovered in the Crimea by Nordmann, before 1840. Genus SMINTHUS. Teeth. — Incisors, ; grinders, -|zr|r ; without divisions. Upper lip not divided, thickly clothed with hair ; tail almost as long as the body, hairy. Sminthus Nordmanni. Sminthus Nordmanni , Keys. u. Blas. Wirbelth. Europ. No. 56, p.38 ; Schinz, Europ. Faun. vol. ii. Supp. Mus vagus , Pallas. Mus betulinus, Pallas. Descbiption. — Ears half as long as the head, reaching to the eyes when pressed down ; whiskers rather shorter than the head, arranged in a double row ; tail rather shorter than the body, thickly clothed with hairs which divide into two rows, containing 140 scaly rings. A distinct tubercular thumb with a conical nail ; fore-feet clothed with white adpressed hairs ; hind-feet fringed with hairs which are directed downwards, and turned over on the soles ; upper parts of the body greyish yellow, with a black stripe along CRICETUS VULGARIS. 105 the back, beginning behind the shoulders ; between this stripe and the flanks on each side is a long streak of light grey. The body beneath is yellowish white. The dimensions are not given. This species, the only one of its genus as yet known, was discovered in the Crimea by Nordmann before the year 1840. Said by Professor Blasius, in his 4 Wirbelth. Deutsch- lands,’ to occur, but not commonly, in Hungary, Finland, Sweden, and Russia. Genus CRICETUS. Teeth. — Incisors, J; molars, 16 ; molars with smooth tubercles, the anterior molar being the largest. The cheeks furnished with pouches for carrying their food ; the body compact ; legs rather short ; head thick ; ears oval or round ; fore-feet with four toes, and a tubercle as thumb ; hind-feet with five toes, all armed with strong claws; tail moderate or short. Burrows in the ground, and feeds on roots and seeds. Cricetus vulgaris. Crieetus vulgaris , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 499. Cricetus frumentarius, Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. The Common Hamster. Description. — Greyish red (or tawny red mixed with grey) above; lower parts of the legs and belly black, on each side three large yellowish spots ; feet white ; a white mark below the throat, and another on the breast. The hairs on the upper parts are generally dull tawny, inclining to ash for the greater part of their length, then with a ring of tawny and tipped with blackish, some hairs being entirely of this last colour ; below the eyes and on the temporal region, the sides of the neck, the lower part of the sides of f 5 106 RODENTIA. the body, outside of the thighs and the rump red-brown, or reddish ; the tip of the snout, cheeks, and outside of the fore-legs whitish ; portions of the neck, breast, and belly are a very dark blackish brown ; tail near the root clothed with reddish hairs, the rest naked and black. The males are somewhat larger than the females. There is a variety entirely black, except a little white round the mouth, on the nose and borders of the ears, the under parts of the feet, and tip of the tail. Constructs with much art a burrow divided into several chambers, where it lays up a store of roots, grass, and corn on which to subsist in the winter ; this store sometimes has been found to weigh 100 lbs. ! The Hamster passes the cold season in its nest of straw, having first carefully closed the entrance. It becomes torpid in extreme cold. Some- times attacks and eats small birds and mice. Is pugnaci- ous, and when two of these animals are engaged in a fight, with their cheek-pouches puffed out, their appearance is very singular. The female goes with young four weeks, producing from three to nine, or even more, at a birth, in a burrow apart from the males, and breeds several times in the year. Length of head and body, 8 inches ; head, 1 inch 10 lines ; ears, 6 lines ; tail, 1 inch 6 fines. — F. M. Inhabits the central and northern countries of Europe and Siberia. Is common in the fertile plains of Poland and Russia, and in Livonia. Is found in Germany, where it is common. In Silesia. In Belgium it occurs in small num- bers near Liege, between Herne and Limburg, also near Aix-la-Chapelle. In France, only in Alsace. It is not found in Switzerland. CRICETUS MIGRATORIUS. — CRICETUS PH^US. 107 Cricetus migratorius. Cricetus migratorius , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 500. Cricetus accedula , Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. Description. — Muzzle thick, fleshy, blunt; incisors long; ears naked, oval, rounded at the end, somewhat sloped or lobed on the outer border. Body thick and short ; tail cylindrical, hut scantily furnished with hair ; upper parts of the body ash-grey, darker on the dorsal line ; under parts and the extremities white. Length of head and body, 3 inches 11 lines ; head, 1 inch 3 lines; ears, 5 lines; tail, 8 lines. — F. M. Habits the same as those of the preceding species, except- ing that it occasionally migrates. Inhabits sandy marshes in the district of Orenberg, between the Yolga and Jaik, where it is rather rare (Pallas). Cricetus phseus. Cricetus phaus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 502. Description. — Pur brownish ash on the hack, lighter on the sides, and quite white beneath, on the throat, belly, and inside of the legs ; on the back are numerous black hairs, longer than the rest ; forehead and muzzle grey ; round the mouth the fur is white ; tail velvety, brown above and white beneath, and on the sides, muzzle, and neck very short ; nose naked ; ears very wide, not lobed or cut in, almost naked; whiskers longer than the head, whitish at their roots, and black for the remainder of their length. Length of head and body, 3 inches 5 lines ; head, 1 inch 2 lines; ears, 6^ lines; tail, with the hairs, 9 lines. — F. M. Feeds principally on grain; resorts in winter to barns and store-houses, where it is very mischievous. Pallas is 108 RODENTIA. of opinion, that it does not become torpid, and that it is solitary in its habits. In Europe it was found by him only in desert places near the Yolga and Astrachan, and on the Caspian Sea ; it also inhabits Persia and Tartary. Genus DIPUS. Teeth. — Incisors, -| ; molars, -|^ or =16 or 18 ; lower incisors awl-shaped and very sharp ; grinders simple, tuberculated ; head very wide ; eyes large ; ears long and pointed ; fore-feet short, with four toes, the thumb re- presented by a wart, surmounted by a nail; hind-feet five or six times as long as the fore-feet, with three or five toes; tail very long, cylindrical, covered with short hairs, ending in a tuft of long hairs. Peeds on fruits and roots ; burrows in the ground, becoming torpid in winter : the long hind-legs of these animals enable them to leap with great power and swiftness. Dipus Gerboa. Dipus Gerboa , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 509. Mus jaculus, Linn. Dipus sagitta, Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. The Jerboa. Desceiption, — Head very thick, and wide in proportion to the body ; ears generally shorter than the head ; hind-feet with three toes ; the two upper incisors vertical, grooved in the middle; eyes large, prominent, lateral, about an inch and a half apart. Eur long, very soft and silky on the upper parts of the body and on the sides ; the hairs are ashy for the greater portion of their length, then rufous, and at the tips blackish, whence results a general rufous tinge, varied with blackish ; the under parts of the body, the inside of the hind-legs, and a crescent-shaped mark on each side behind quite white ; fore -feet very short, white, DIPUS JACULUS. 109 with five toes, of which the interior one is very short, with a long, robust claw, the other claws are hooked ; hind-legs very long, with long rufous hairs on the outside ; hind-feet with three toes, of which that in the middle is much the longest, armed with short, wide, blunt claws, and covered with short greyish hairs ; there is also a very small spur on hack toe, with a claw ; the tail is very long, squared, hardly thicker than a goose-quill, covered with short hairs, darker above than below, and ending in a tuft of black hairs with white tips ; the ears thin, broad, rounded. The enormous length of its hind-legs enables it to take very long and rapid leaps. Burrows in the earth, and feeds chiefly on roots. Length of head and body, 5 inches 11 lines ; head, 1 inch 9 lines ; ears, 8 lines ; tail, with the hair, 6 inches 5 lines. — F. M. Inhabits Southern Bussia, between the Don and the Volga, but was not known to Pallas as occurring in the Crimea ; also Syria, Egypt, and Arabia. Dipus jaculus. Dipus jaculus, Pallas, Zoog. Koss. As.; Desm. Mamm. Sp. 510. Desceiptiox. — Teeth, 18 in number ; grinders, ; head oblong ; muzzle thick and blunt ; nose flesh-coloured, heart- shaped, the nostrils in the form of crescents ; upper lip two-lobed ; ears longer than the head, semi-cylindrical, folded, transparent, covered with a yellowish down ; neck very short ; tail longer than the body. Fur very light rufous above, varied with greyish brown, caused by the brown tips of the longer hairs ; white beneath, a crescent of white on the hind- quarters on each side ; hind-feet with five toes, the lateral ones very small, and that in the centre the longest ; the tuft at the extremity of the tail is formed 110 RODENTIA. by a double row of hairs, which are black for a great portion of their length, white at their ends ; this white part of the tuft appears to encroach upon the black in an angular form ; the fur is very soft and sleek. Length of head and body, 6 inches 9 lines ; head, 1 inch 10-J- lines ; tail, without the hair, 10 inches 1 line. — E. M. Burrows in the earth ; passes the winter in a state of torpor. Eeeds principally on grass, roots, and fruits ; but at times attacks young birds, insects, and even animals of its own species. The female breeds several times in the year. Its speed is said to equal that of a fleet horse, and is attained by a rapid succession of extraordinarily long leaps. It uses its tail as an additional support when sitting. Inhabits Southern Russia, from the Danube and Don to the Jaik, and is not uncommon in the Crimea. Is found also in Tartary. Dipus Acontion. Dipus Acontion , Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. Dipus minutus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 512. Description. — Hind-feet with five toes ; ears longer than the head ; much resembling the D. jaculus in general pro- portions, but smaller. Upper parts of the body pale yellowish grey, mixed with brown, which last colour be- comes more prevalent towards the rump ; parts beneath, and the crescents on the hind quarters, white ; the muzzle is of the same colour as the body above, not white at the tip, as in the last species. Length of head and body, 4 inches 3 lines ; head, 1 inch 3 lines ; tail, without the hairs, 5 inches 1 line. — E. M. Inhabits the same countries and places as the Dipus jaculus. GERBILLUS MERIDIANUS. SPALAX. Ill Genus GERBILLUS. Teeth. — Incisors, -| ; molars, > the first molar in each jaw with three tubercles, the second with two, and the third with one ; ears moderately long, rounded at the extremities ; fore -feet short, with four toes, and a rudi- mentary thumb ; hind-feet long, or very long, with five toes ; tail long, covered with hair. Gerbillus meridianus. Gerbillus meridianus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 514. Dipus meridianus , Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. Description. — Body rather large behind ; head oblong ; muzzle somewhat long ; ears large, oval, downy ; whiskers very long ; incisor teeth yellow, the upper ones with a longitudinal furrow ; hind-feet prolonged, large, suited for leaping ; tail about as long as the body, strong, cylindrical, covered with hair, tufted at the tip. Fur above dirty rufous, mixed with grey ; beneath pure white, except a longitudinal line of red-brown on the belly. Length of head and body, 4 inches 2 lines ; head, 1 inch lines ; ears, 6-^ lines ; tail, without the hairs, 3 inches 1 line. — F. M. Burrows in the earth ; feeds on nuts and seeds. Inhabits the sandy deserts near the Caspian Sea, between the Yolga and Jaik, and, according to Pallas, is peculiar to that region. Genus SPALAX. Teeth. — Incisors, |- ; molars, Body prolonged, cylindrical ; eyes very minute, or (in one species) wanting (according to Pallas, but said by Desmarest to exist beneath the skin). 112 RODENTIA. Spalax typhlus. Spalax typhlus, Keys. u. Blas. Sp. 31 ; Schinz, Europ. Faun. vol. i. p. 65 ; Pallas, Zoo g. Ross. As. Aspalax typhlus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 518. Podolian Marmot, Pennant. Description. — No eyes visible, but they exist beneath the skin, and are very minute, not being larger than a grain of turnip-seed, and can have no power of vision, the skin and fur over them being as thick as on the rest of the face ; about the size of the Common Rat ; body cylindrical ; head thick and angular ; a ridge extends from the nostrils to the ear on each side ; mouth small, higher than wide ; lower incisors twice as long as the upper, wedge-shaped, not covered by the lip, which is shorter than the upper one ; external ears almost none, but the internal organs of hearing much developed ; tail none ; feet short, with five toes; two inguinal teats. Fur composed of short hairs, which are blackish ash at the base, reddish at the tips, giving to the animal a general grey colour, varied with reddish ; the front of the head and the body beneath are blackish. Length of the head and body, 7 inches 7^ lines ; head, 1 inch 9 lines ; vertical height of the head, 1 inch 6 lines ; width of ditto, 2 inches 1 line.— F. M. Lives beneath the ground, in societies, burrowing like the Mole, and seldom coming to the surface, but remaining in its subterranean tunnels, along which it moves backwards and forwards with almost equal facility ; prefers the plains to hilly regions ; feeds on the roots of grass and other plants. Is found through Southern Russia, from the borders of Poland to the Volga and the Caucasus, and especially in the Ukraine ; in Hungary, Moldavia, jtnd Bessarabia. Blasius SPALAX MURINUS. — ARCTOMYS BOBAC. 113 includes Greece among the countries which this animal inhabits. Spalax murinus. Spalax murinus , Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. Mus talpinus , Schreber, Mamrn. iv. p. 711. tab. 203; Pallas, Not. Spec. Glir. p. 176. tab. 11. Description-. — Pallas, in the ‘ Zoographia Rosso-Asiatica,’ gives only the following : — “ S. caudatus, dentibus primo- ribus exsertis, unguiculis palmarum minusculis.” Burrows like the Mole, and feeds on bulbous roots. Common in the more temperate parts of Russia and Western Siberia, but is not found in Eastern Siberia, nor further north than the 55th degree of latitude. Genus ARCTOMYS. Teeth. — Incisors, -| ; molars, ~~ =22 ; upper incisors very strong, rounded in front ; lower ones somewhat com- pressed ; grinders simple, tubercled. Body compact ; head wide, flat above ; eyes large ; ears short, and rounded ; front feet with four toes and a rudimentary thumb ; hind- feet with five toes ; tail moderate or short, velvety. Arctomys Bobac. Arctomys Bobac , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 522. Arctomys BaibaJc , Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. Description". — Fur greyish black on the top of the head, somewhat reddish about the whiskers, and decidedly so on the throat, as well as on all the parts beneath, and on the inside of the legs. Fur of the upper parts of the body grey, with longer hairs interspersed of a brown or black colour, with greyish tips ; tail red-brown above near the 114 RODENTIA. root, yellowish to the middle, and blackish from thence to near the tip, which is deep black. Length of head and body, 1 foot 4 inches; head, 4 inches ; ears, 7 lines ; tail, without the fur, 4 inches 4 lines. — P. M. Prefers the less elevated to the higher mountain chains ; burrows in a dry soil, choosing a southern exposure ; lives in societies of about twenty ; lays up a quantity of dried grass for its winter store, on which it feeds when not in a torpid state. Utters a whistling note on the approach of danger. Inhabits the southern parts of Poland and Russia ; is very plentiful on the Ural Mountains towards the south. In the Ukraine, Pallas says that a variety entirely black is not uncommon. The Bobak is to be met with in the Bukovina, and is found throughout Great Tartary and the South of Siberia, seldom north of the 55th degree of lati- tude, and extending, it is said, to Kamtschatka. Arctoxnys Marmotta. Arctomys Marmotta , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 523. Mus Marmotta , Linn. The Marmot. Description. — Head flat at top; muzzle thick and short; eyes large, black ; ears very short, truncated ; whiskers stiff. Pur on the body, head, and sides grey-black of various shades ; top of the head blackish ; cheeks and ears grey ; hairs on the back stiff and coarse, those on the parts beneath softer, of a grey colour slightly tinged with red- dish; tail furnished with long, tufted, black, and red- brown hairs ; claws robust, sharp, and black. Length of head and body, 1 foot 3 to 6 inches; head, 3 inches 8 lines. — P. M. Inhabits the highest mountain regions among perpetual ARCTOMYS CITILLUS. 115 snows, in companies of from six to fifteen individuals ; burrowing in the ground, generally on spots sloping to the sun, where it lays up large quantities of grass and moss both for warmth and food. The Marmots pass the greater part of the winter in a state of profound torpor, coming out of their holes in spring ; their cry is well known in the Alps. The female breeds once a year, producing from four to six young at a birth. Is found in the Alps of Switzerland, chiefly in the Can- tons of Uri, Glarus, and the Grisons, but is not uncommon in the Tessin, Vallais, and Bernese Oberland (Tschudi). In several parts of the French Alps ; in Savoy and Pied- mont, and in the mountains of the South of Germany. It is not known in the Pyrenees nor in Spain. Subgenus Speemophilus. Arctomys citillus. Arctomys citillus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 524 ; Pallas, Zoog. Eoss. As. Spermopkilus citellus, F. Cuvier. Desceiption.— Head less depressed than in the preceding species ; eyes large, prominent ; ears very short, almost obsolete ; whiskers shorter than the head, black ; on each cheek is a pouch reaching to the neck; body elongate, cylindrical. Fur soft and short, brown or reddish grey above, thickly strewn with small white spots more or less distinct ; parts beneath white or yellowish white ; tail slender, covered with hairs of the same colour as the rest of the fur, and sometimes distichous. Length (in the male) of head and body, 9 inches 9 lines ; head, 2 inches 5 lines ; ears, 1-1 line ; tail, without the hairs, 2 inches 10 lines. — F. M. Found singly or in pairs ; burrows in the earth on the sloping sides of mountains. Lays up for the winter a 116 RODENTIA. store of com and other grains, which it conveys in its eheek-ponches ; passes that season for the most part in a torpid state. Inhabits Austria, Bohemia, Poland, and “ Southern Russia, from the frontier of Poland to Kamtschatka is “ less abundant in the Crimea.” In Silesia it is very com- mon in sandy hills, but is not found in many parts of Germany. Genus SCIURTJS. Teeth. — Incisors, -| ; molars, ; the fifth upper grinder is found only in young animals, the adults having only four, above and below, their summits tubercled ; body long, slim ; head small ; eyes large ; ears erect, moderate ; fore-feet with four long, separate toes with compressed, hooked claws ; thumb small, with a blunt claw ; hind-feet very large, with five very long toes with hooked claws ; tail long, frequently with hairs arranged in rows on each side. Sciurus vulgaris. Sciurus vulgaris , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 527 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Common Squirrel. Description-. — The head is thick, rounded behind, flat- tened at the sides and on the forehead ; eyes prominent, high on the head ; ears straight, large, with a tuft of long hairs at the tips ; the back is arched ; tail long and very bushy, the hairs being distichous. Pur on the upper parts reddish, or bright chestnut-brown, the red tint being deepest on the sides of the head and neck, shoulders and outside of legs ; the animal is said to be of a brighter red in Britain than elsewhere ; the lower parts are white ; tail the colour of the back. Grey, ash- coloured, and black varieties are not uncommon. SCIURUS ALPINUS. SCIURUS STRIATUS. 117 Length of head and body, 9 inches ; head, 2 inches 1 line ; ears, 9| lines ; tail, without the hair, 6 inches 6 lines. Lives chiefly on trees, which it climbs with great agility. Feeds on nuts, acorns, and young shoots ; sits erect, using its fore-feet as hands. Produces three or four young at a birth, in a nest made of moss, and placed in a fork or hollow of a tree. Common over nearly the whole of Europe in suitable situations. Is generally dispersed over England and Scot- land, but is rare in Ireland. Is common in France, and all over Russia, except the Crimea, where it is not found (Pallas). In northern climates, and sometimes so far south as in France, it becomes more or less white in winter. Sciurus alpinus, Sciurus alpinus, F. Cuvier ; Desm. Mamm. Sp. 846, Supplement. Description. — Fur dark brown, speckled with yellowish white on the back ; lower parts pure white ; feet rufous ; between the white on the neck and the brown on the back is a rufous band ; the inside of the legs grey ; margin of the lips white ; whiskers black ; the brown parts are darker in summer than at other times, in winter they become mixed with grey. First classed as a distinct species by F. Cuvier. Its habits are the same as those of the Common Squirrel. It is found in the Pyrenees and in the Alps (De Selys). Sciurus striatus. Sciurus striatus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 547 ; Schreber. Tamia striata, Less. Ground Squirrel. Description. — This Squirrel belongs to the subgenus Tamm, which is characterized by possessing cheek-pouches, and 118 RODENTIA. by its habit of burrowing in the ground. The ground- colour of the upper parts of the body is tawny brown ; along the back are five longitudinal black bands ; the space between that on the dorsal line, and the first band on each side, is light yellow, that which divides this band from the outer one being dirty white ; on the head there are four streaks, two of them whitish, the others rusty brown ; the tail is blackish above, until near the tip, where it becomes quite black, the tip itself being white. Body, 5^ inches ; head, 1^ inch ; tail, 4 inches. — E. M. The Ground Squirrel makes its burrow with an entrance at each end, and with several side chambers, where it lays up its winter stores of various sorts of grain. It is found all through Siberia, and extends into that comer of Europe which lies between the rivers Kama and Dwina and the Ural Mountains. A species, said to differ from the above only in some of its markings, inhabits a great part of North America. Genus PTEROMYS. Teeth. — Incisors, ; molars in the young, ; in the adult, ; the anterior molar in each upper jaw falls out when the animal becomes old ; ears rounded ; eyes large ; fore-feet with four long toes, armed with sharp claws ; thumb rudimentary, with a blunt claw ; hind-feet formed for climbing, with four widely divided toes. The skin of the sides is very much extended between the fore- and hind-legs, so as to sustain the animal in the air when taking its long leaps. The feet are provided with a bony appendage, intended to support this membranous extension ; tail long, velvety, sometimes with distichous hairs. PTEROMYS SIBERICUS. MYOXUS. 119 Pteromys Sibericus. Pteromys Sibericus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 553. Sciurus volans, Linn. The Flying Squirrel. Description. — Head rounded ; muzzle short and blunt ; eyes large, prominent; ears short, rounded; whiskers black, stiff, as long as the head; the membrane of the sides slightly lobed behind the fore-foot. Fur whitish grey on the upper parts of the body, on the lower parts pure white ; the base of the hairs and the wool next the body brown ; along the inner portion of the membrane runs a streak of greyish brown ; the extremities of the feet are white ; the tail, which is more than half as long as the body, is covered with long ashy grey hairs. Length of head and body, 6 inches 4 lines ; head, 1 inch 8 lines ; tail, without the fur, 3 inches 10 lines. Its habits are solitary ; it forms a nest in a hollow tree, where it remains generally during the day, coming out at night to feed on the young shoots, especially of the birch and fir. Climbs with facility, and leaps from tree to tree, assisted by the extension of its skin. The female produces from two to four young in the month of May. Inhabits the forests of Lithuania, Livonia, Lapland, and Finland, and is nowhere so common as in Siberia. In Eussia proper, according to Pallas, it is very rare ; less so in the pine and birch forests of the Ural Mountains. Genus MYOXUS. Teeth. — Incisors, | ; molars, 1, simple, the summits marked with transverse ridges of enamel, thus resembling the Eat rather than the Squirrel family. Tail long, some- what bushy, the hairs sometimes distichous ; fore -feet with four toes and a rudimentary thumb; hind-feet with five toes. 120 RODENTIA. Myoxus glis. Myoxus glis, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 463 ; Pallas, Zoog. Eoss. As. Sciurus glis, Linnaeus. Le Loir, Buffon. Description. — Ears large, oval, almost naked; eyes very prominent, edged with black ; upper parts of the body, tail, and exterior of the limbs grey mixed with black, and having a silvery appearance, the hairs on those parts being ash- colour at their roots and for half their length, then either grey, or grey and black ; lower parts white, slightly tinged in some places with rufous ; tail well furnished throughout its entire length with hairs arranged like those of the Squirrel, grey above, white beneath. Length of head and body, 5 inches 10 lines ; head, 1 inch 7 lines ; ears, 6 lines ; tail without the hair, 4 inches 9 lines. Lives in woods and forests, climbing the trees and leap- ing from branch to branch with great agility; builds a nest of moss in hollows of trees or rocks ; feeds on nuts of different kinds, and sometimes eats birds’ eggs, or even the young birds ; passes the winter in a state of torpor, which is said to be less complete when the cold is more than usually intense. The female produces in the spring four or five young at a birth. It is found in Spain, in the South of Erance, and in the Department of the Moselle ; in Switzerland, Italy, Ger- many, Silesia, Greece, and Russia, near the middle and lower course of the Volga, and in the Caucasus. MYOXUS NITELA. 121 Myoxus nitela. Myoxus nitela , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 464. Myoxus nitedulee, Pallas, Zoo g. Ross. As. Myoxus guercinus, Blasius, Wirbelth. Deutschl. Le Lerot, Buffon. Description. — Body and head shorter than in M. glis, ears longer ; front of the head yellowish rufous ; all the upper parts and the outside of the legs grey-rufous, lighter on the sides, the lower portion of the legs blackish grey ; lower part of the cheeks, chin, and all the lower portion of the body, and the inner surface of the legs dirty white ; a black, or nearly black patch surrounds the eye, and reaches to beneath and behind the ear; a small spot of yellowish white in front of the ears, which are covered with very short rufous-grey hairs. The hairs of the upper part of the body are dark grey for three-fourths of their length, chestnut at the extremities ; tail black, with close hairs, tip white, ending in a tuft of long hairs. Length of head and body, 4 inches 5 lines ; head, 1 inch 5 lines ; ears, 9 lines ; tail (without the fur), 4 inches. Lives generally in gardens and outhouses ; makes its nest in holes of walls or trees, feeding on apples, peaches, and other pulpy fruits, as well as on nuts and pulse, &c., of which dry food it lays up a store for winter, although it passes a great part of that season in torpor, about five or six individuals inhabiting the same retreat. 'Produces in spring five or six young. Is found in all the temperate parts of the European Con- tinent, as far north as Poland and Prussia. In Russia, Pallas notices it as living in hazel woods on the banks of the Volga, and near Astrachan. The Prince of Musignano records it as very common in Sicily. Crespon finds it in the South of France, and De Selys Longchamps all over Belgium. G 122 RODENTIA. Myoxus dryas. Myoxus dryas , Schreber, tab. 225 B. ; Desm. Mamm. Sp. 465. Description-. — Colour of the upper parts of the body and of the tail rusty brown, lower parts yellowish white; eye placed in the centre of a black patch, as in the M. nitela, but this patch reaches only as far as the base of the ear, not extending to the shoulder or behind the ear ; tail rather short, bushy for the whole of its length, as in the M. glis, the hair being distichous. Length of head and body, 4 inches ; tail, 3 inches. — F. M. Said to inhabit woods in Eussia and Georgia (Desmarest). N.B. — This species requires confirmation. Pallas does not mention it in his ‘ Zoographia.’ Myoxus avellanarius. Myoxus avellanarius , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 466 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Myoxus muscardinus, Schreber. Common Dormouse. Description. — Pur on the upper parts light tawny or rufous, parts beneath paler and yellowish. Tail flattened, furnished with rather long distichous hairs, dull rufous ; whiskers about 1^ inch in length ; the ears are rather more than one- third of the length of the head ; the body rounded and full ; eyes black, large and prominent. It builds a nest of moss in low bushes ; several of which are sometimes seen near each other. In winter it coils itse’f into a ball, and falls into complete torpor. Feeds on corn, haws, acorns, and young hazel-nuts. It is found throughout the greater part of Europe. Is common in England. In the South of Prance less so than the M. glis or nitela (Crespon). Not uncommon in Swit- zerland, in the less mountainous parts. Inhabits Germany ; is rare in Silesia. Pallas does not include it among Eussian HYSTRIX CRISTATA. 123 animals in his ‘ Zoo g. Ross. As/ It is found in Italy from north to south. To these countries Desmarest adds Spain and Sweden. Division II. RODENTS IN WHICH THE CLAVICLES ARE EITHER IMPERFECT OR WANTING. Genus HYSTRIX. Teeth. — Incisors, ; molars, ; upper incisors very strong, smooth in front, their edges shaped like a chisel ; lower incisors strong and slightly compressed ; molars com- posite, their summits flat, hut presenting three or four spaces surrounded by enamel. Tongue covered with prickly scales ; front-feet with four toes and a rudimentary thumb ; hind-feet with five toes, all with strong claws except the thumb, where the claw is small and blunt. A great part of the body covered with quills, or with spines of various length, sometimes with hair intermixed ; tail of various lengths, sometimes prehensile. Hystrix cristata. Hystrix cristata , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 555; Waterhouse, Rodentia, p. 448. Common Porcupine, Waterhouse, l. c. Description. — -Head long, flattened at the sides ; muzzle very thick, resembling that of the Hare ; eyes small ; ears wide, short, margined. The quills of the upper parts of the body are very long, especially those on the lower part of the back, which are 12 inches in length, striated longitudinally, coloured in alternate wide rings of yellow, white, and black; on the crown of the head, and extending a short distance along the back, is a crest composed of very long bristles, curved gently backward ; the shoulders, limbs, and under parts of the body are covered with spines ; the tail is o 2 124 UODENTIA. clothed with stout quills, and from its tip spring about twenty hollow quills, most of them trimcated and open at the end, supported upon a very slender stalk ; the feet are covered with long, nearly black, coarse hairs ; the whiskers 7 or 8 inches long. General colour of the animal brown- black ; a white hand crosses the fore part of the neck, and extends about half-way up the sides, becoming gradually narrower from the middle. Length of head and body, 28 inches ; tail without the quills, 6 inches ; one of the quills at the end of the tail, 2\ inches. It burrows in the ground or lives in holes of rocks, feed- ing on vegetable substances ; its flesh is well-flavoured. The Porcupine inhabits Europe, Greece, Italy in the Apennines, and near Pome, and Spain. Some suppose that it is truly indigenous only in North Africa, and that it has been introduced into Europe. Genus LEPUS. Teeth. — Incisors, molars, or -|^| . The grinders have flat summits, the plates of enamel transverse ; incisors grooved, four in the upper jaw, viz. two in front and two smaller immediately behind them. Ears very long ; tail short, turned up ; fore-feet with five toes, hind-feet with four ; hind-legs much longer and more muscular than the fore-legs. Lepus timidus. Lepus timidus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 559 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Eesceiptiox. — Ears longer than the head, which is thick and large ; inside of the cheeks hairy ; eyes lateral, large, and prominent ; soles of the feet hairy. Eur a fine down, with longer hairs intermixed, of a tawny- grey or rusty- LEPUS MEDITERRANEUS. 125 brown colour, the red tint prevailing more in some parts than in others, each hair grey at the roots, black in the middle, and tawny at the tips ; under parts of the body, inside of the thighs, and a transverse patch beneath the lower jaw white ; the neck and chest in front light reddish, as are the sides of the body and the legs outside ; ears yellowish grey on the anterior part of the outer surface, whitish behind, and the tips black ; the tail is black above and white beneath. Length of head and body, 1 foot 9 inches 8 lines ; head, 3 inches 10 lines ; ears, 4 inches 10 lines ; tail, 3 inches 8 lines. Feeds entirely on grass and other vegetables. Breeds several times in the year, producing from one to five young at a birth, after a gestation of thirty days. The young are born with the eyes open and clothed with fur. Weighs from 8 to 12 pounds. This Hare is found in almost every part of Europe ex- cepting the most northern. It is the Common Hare of England, but is not found in Ireland. Is common in Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Poland. In Russia, according to Pallas, it is the only species south of the 55th degree of latitude, but does not occur further north, and is unknown in Sweden and Nor- way. Its range extends into Persia. Lepus Mediterraneus. Lepus Mediterraneus , Schreber, Saugth. Supp. vol. iv. p. 77 ; Water- house, Hist. Rodent, p. 43. Description. — Only 5 grinders in the upper jaw on each side ; ears longer than the head, nearly naked in the middle, and black at the tips ; the legs and back of the neck deli- cate yellowish rufous ; hairs on the back near the extre- mities almost cream- colour, the extremities themselves 126 RODENTIA. being distinctly black ; feet mottled with whitish ; fore part of the tibia pure white ; a large rufons patch in front of the thigh ; tail black above, white beneath ; under parts of the body white, tinted with yellow. Resembles the L. timidus in many respects, but is one-third smaller, the ears longer in proportion, and its general colour much paler. Length of head and body, 15 inches 5 lines; head, 3 inches ; ears, 4 inches 3 lines. Inhabits the Island of Sardinia, where it is the common species, and is thought to occur also at Gibraltar. Lepus hybridus. Lepus hybridus , Desm. Mamm. note to Sp. 561 ; Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. ; Waterhouse, Rodentia, p. 45. Lepus medius, Nilsson, Scandin. Fauna, i. p. 224. The Russak Hare, Waterhouse, l. c. Description. — Ears rather longer than the head, with a black patch at the apex, which is much extended on the outer surface. Fur long and silky, much mottled on the back with black and pale yellow ; the hairs are pure white at the root, then with a ring of black about the middle, succeeded by a broader ring of delicate yellow, and the tip black ; sides white, tinged with yellow ; cheeks white, a yellowish patch on the sides of the muzzle ; fore-legs in front and the tarsi tinged with very pale rusty yellow ; tail black above, white beneath ; under parts pure white, as are the throat and chest. Length of head and body, 26 inches ; from tip of nose to ear, 4 inches 4 lines; ears, 5 inches ; tail, including hair, 6 inches. Inhabits Russia, generally between 55th and 63rd degrees of latitude ; and if it is really identical with the L. medius of Nilsson, is also met with in Zealand. LEPUS VARIABILIS. 127 Lepus variabilis. Lepus variabilis , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 561 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. ; Water- house, Rodentia, p. 51. Blue Hare of Scotland. Irish Hare. Description. — Ears shorter than the head, or sometimes about equaling it in length, with a small distinct black patch at the tips ; tail shorter than in the L. timidus, and without the distinct black patch on the upper surface. The general hue of the fur on the upper parts is brown, obscurely tinted with rufous, finely penciled with black and rufous-yellow ; throat and under parts white ; tail white, with more or less dark on the upper surface. This is the summer attire ; but in winter, in most of the countries where it is found, it becomes pure white, excepting the tips of the ears, which always remain black, and very fre- quently their lower parts and the top of the head retain their summer hue. The Irish variety, being the only Hare found in that island, is of a richer and more rufous colour on the upper parts, the exposed ends of the hairs being either black or rufous, and the downy fur has also a redder tinge ; the chin is greyish white ; the chest and throat grey ; the inside of the legs and parts beneath white ; hind-legs mottled with white and rufous. The length of head and body varies from 20 inches to 25 inches ; from tip of nose to root of ears, from 3 inches 9 lines to 4 inches 3 lines ; ears from 3 inches 5 lines to 4 inches 3 lines. The Varying Hare inhabits Scotland, Cumberland, and Ireland, the whole of Norway and Sweden, the north and centre of Russia, and all Siberia to Kamtschatka. In Livonia it does not become white on the upper parts of the body. In Ireland, although not uncommon, with the greater part of the body, or even with the entire body white, yet this 128 RODENTIA. change does not seem to depend upon the season, and the white fur is thought to he permanent when it has been once assumed. It is found in the Alps of Switzerland, Italy, and France, extending to Saltzburg, and is said to inhabit parts of Bavaria. With these exceptions, it is generally absent in the centre of Europe. According to P. Gervais, ‘ Zool. et Paleontol. Frangaise ’ (vol. i. p. 29), “ The Varying Hare inhabits some parts of the Pyrenees.” Lepns canescens. Lepus canescens , Nilsson ; Waterhouse, Rodentia, p. 57. The Ashy-grey Hare, Waterhouse, l. c. Description. — The following is from Waterhouse’s work, taken from a specimen in winter fur : — Fur long and soft, of a pale ashy-grey hue on the upper parts of the body ; that on the back is composed of hairs which are ashy white at the roots, very pale rufous-brown beyond, followed by a broad grey-white ring and a dusky point ; sides and limbs chiefly ashy white ; feet white, but in parts suffused with rufous, the fore-feet most distinctly so ; the whole of the under parts, including the chest, are white, as is the tail, but this latter is slightly tinted with grey on its upper surface; the crown of the head is faintly suffused with rufous ; the nose rufous-yellow above ; ears about equal to the head in length, with the apex black, and a black fringe extending about half-way along the hinder margin. Length of head and body, 21 inches ; from nose to ear, 4 inches 3 lines ; ears, 4 inches. This species appears to be confined to the southern parts of Scandinavia, where it is found throughout Gothland, ex- tending northward to Jaemtland. LEPUS CUNICULUS. LAGOMYS. 129 Lepus cuniculus. Lepus cuniculus , Desm. Mamm. Sp.'560; Bell, Brit. Quad. The Rabbit. Description. — Fur of a greyish-brown colour; neck red- dish ; throat and belly white ; ears about as long as the head, brownish grey throughout their whole length ; tail brown above, white beneath. The general form is fuller and rounder than that of the Hare, and the flanks are less contracted ; the head, ears, and hind-legs much shorter. Length of head and body, 16 inches 6 lines ; head, 3 inches 6 lines ; ears, 3 inches 8 lines ; tail, 3 inches 2 lines. Breeds several times in the year, producing seven or eight at a litter ; burrows in the ground. Every attempt to produce a breed between the Rabbit and Hare has hitherto failed. Is very numerous in almost every part of the British Islands ; found in some parts of Germany ; common in France, but is nowhere wild in Switzerland (Schinz). In Spain it is especially abundant ; is only met with in some localities in Italy ; is not found wild in Silesia, Gallicia, or the Bukovina ; nor does Pallas include it among Russian animals. It occurs in North Africa. Genus LAGOMYS. Teeth. — Incisors, ^ ; molars, ; ears short, and rounded ; hind-legs short ; the upper incisors consist of two large teeth in front, and two much smaller imme- diately behind these, as in the Hares ; there is one molar less in the upper jaw than in that genus. 130 PACHYDERMATA. Lagomys pusillus. Lagomys pusillus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 568 ; Cuvier, Reg. Ann. ; Waterhouse, Rodentia, p. 19. Lepus pusillus, Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. ; Schreber, Saiigethiere, iv. p. 906. pi. 237. Description. — General tint of the fur brown, the fur rather strongly penciled with black and yellow-brown ; the ears are short and rounded, with a broad white margin, and a distinct submarginal black band on the inner surface ; ex- ternally, the ears are black in front and grey on the hinder part, where the hairs are very long ; the hairs on the upper parts are blackish grey at their roots, tinged with brownish yellow towards the points, which are black; feet nearly white above, slightly tinted with yellow ; the thick fur on their soles dusky brown ; the tail is not visible. Length of head and body, 7 inches ; ears, 8^ inches. Burrows in the ground, sometimes taking shelter among loose stones ; feeds for the most part at night ; collects a large quantity of dried grass or other herbs into small stacks for its winter food ; utters a chirping noise, compared by Pallas to that of the Quail. Inhabits the southern districts of the Ural Mountains, and as far west as the Volga, sometimes occurring on the right banks of that river ; is found in Siberia as far as the Obi. Order PACHYDERMATA. Some families furnished with three kinds of teeth, others with two kinds only. No clavicles. Feet pro- vided with hoofs. Do not ruminate. Genus SUS. Teeth. — Incisors, | or ; canines, ; molars, SUS SCROFA. 131 =42 or 44 ; the lower incisors directed obliquely for- wards, the upper incisors conical ; the canines powerful, reaching beyond the mouth ; ' the grinders are simple, the anterior ones small and narrow, the hinder ones oblong, with the crowns tubercled ; snout elongated, cartilaginous, truncated at the extremity ; eyes small, pupil round ; ears long, pointed ; feet with four toes, the two centre ones large, and resting on the ground ; two others smaller, not reaching to the ground, all four hoofed. Sus scrofa. Sus scrofa, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 615 ; Jenyns, Man. Brit, Yert. The Wild Boar. Description. — The canines or tusks powerful, triangular; the head elongated ; the neck short ; body thick and mus- cular ; mouth large, with the upper lip pushed up by the tusks ; the body covered with long, stiff, bristly hairs, intermixed at the roots with soft woolly fur, the longest hairs are on the back ; the general colour dusky grey. The young has the body marked with longitudinal stripes of a rufous colour. The female (Sow) is smaller than the male, and with smaller tusks. Goes with young rather more than four months, pro- ducing from three to nine at a birth. Deeds chiefly on roots and nuts, but also on young animals. This species is without doubt the original from which our domestic breeds are derived. Formerly abundant in the woods in England. Existed about London in the time of Henry the Second, if not later. Inhabits the temperate regions of Europe and Asia ; does not occur north of the Baltic Sea. In France it is common in the woodland districts of many depart- ments, as well as in Corsica. In Spain it inhabits Cas- tille, Estremadura, and the Sierra Morena. Is found in 132 RUMINANTIA. many parts of Germany, Poland, and Italy ; in the tempe- rate parts of Russia, in forests and reedy swamps, and is very numerous in the Caucasus. Supposed to appear only occasionally in Switzerland from the neighbouring coun- tries, sometimes crossing the Rhine from France, but no longer breeds there (Schinz). Order RUMINANTIA. Grinding teeth with their crowns marked with two double crescent-shaped ridges of enamel ; the upper jaw without cutting teeth, of which there are eight in the lower jaw, except in the Camels, which have six only; two hoofed toes on each foot, behind these are two small spurs representing the lateral toes ; frontal bones generally furnished with horns in one or both sexes. Genus CERVUS. DEER. Grinding teeth six on each side in each jaw ; no ca- nines, except in the males of some species ; two branched, or palmated, deciduous horns, generally confined to the males. Feeds on vegetable substances. Cervus Alces. Cervus Alces, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 662 ; Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. Elk or Moose Deer. Description. — The horns are palmated, at first dagger- shaped, afterwards divided into narrow slips ; and when perfect, at the age of five years, they assume the form of triangular blades, with tooth-like projections on their outer edges ; these latter increase in size with the age of the individual ; the head is long, narrow before the eyes, CERVUS TARANDUS. 133 swollen towards the muzzle, which resembles that of the Horse ; upper lip very long and thick ; eyes small, placed near the horns ; ears very long ; neck short ; under the throat is a tuft of long hair like a beard, and in the male a protuberance on the throat ; tail very short ; hair on the top of the neck and shoulders very long, forming a mane ; the colour of the top of the head, back, and rump is tawny brown, neck, shoulders, flanks, and thighs darker brown. Length of head and body, 6 feet 10 inches ; head, 1 foot 11 inches ; ears, 10 inches ; horns, about 3 feet ; tail, 1 foot 6 inches ; height at shoulders, 5 feet 2 inches. Feeds on grass and leaves of trees. From the short- ness of its neck, it cannot graze without spreading apart the fore-legs. Produces one or two, rarely three young at a birth. The Elk inhabits woods and moist places in Poland, especially Lithuania, Livonia, Finland, and all Bussia, from the White Sea to the Caucasus, and in Siberia (Pallas). “ It is tolerably common in parts of Scandinavia, and, being now protected there by law, is increasing, espe- cially in Wermeland and Dalecarlia ; it seldom passes the limits of 58° and 64° north latitude” (Lloyd). Is supposed to he extinct in Silesia and Gallicia, hut is occasionally found in parts of East Prussia. Cervus Tarandus. Cervus Tarandus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 663 ; Pallas, Zoog. Eoss. As. Cervus rangifer, Brisson. The Eeindeer. Description. — The horns, which are carried both by the male and female, are much developed ; the shaft is long, slender, compressed ; the antlers palmated, and branch- ing into several irregular terminal points ; the lachrymal 134 RUMINANTIA. furrow is distinct ; the ears large ; the tail short ; the hoofs rounded and very wide, the spurs are of considerable size ; the coat is composed of two kinds of hair, the one woolly, the other silky, like that of the Stag, and very brittle, longer under the neck than elsewhere. The colour of the fur varies with the season and the age of the animal ; in the adult it is dark brown in the spring, pass- ing by degrees to greyish brown and greyish white, and becoming almost white in the middle of summer. The lower part of the legs is darker than the upper parts, and above the hoof is a narrow white ring. The Fawn is brown on the upper parts of the body, with the lower parts and legs reddish. Length of head and body, 5 feet 6 inches ; tail, 3 inches ; height at shoulders, 3 feet 4 inches ; length of the horn, 3 feet. The Reindeer feeds on grass in summer, and on lichens, especially the Lichen rangiferinus, in winter. The female goes with young eight months, producing two at a birth. Great numbers of these animals are domesticated and kept by the Laplanders and other tribes of the North, for the sake of their milk, flesh, and skins, as well as for the purpose of drawing their sledges. They are found wild along the Arctic Ocean, and in the northern parts of Norway, Sweden, and Russia, occasionally visiting the South of Scandinavia as far as Dalecarlia. They are very numerous in the Dovre Mountains. Cervus elaphus. Cervus elaphus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 666 ; Pallas, Zoo g. Ross. As. ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Red Deer. Description. — The male is provided with canine teeth, and with horns, which are rounded, with numerous antlers, CERVUS DAMA. 135 three of them being turned forward ; the lachrymal furrow is distinct ; the eyes are large and full. A fine Stag stands about 4 feet or more ; the Hind is usually smaller. The colour of the fur in summer is reddish brown, the rump paler, in winter brownish grey. The Hind goes with young eight months and a few days, seldom producing more than one, which is spotted on the back and sides. Length of head and body, 6 feet 4 inches ; tail, 6 inches. Bare in England and Ireland ; more numerous in Scot- land, where large tracts of moorland are devoted to its maintenance for the sake of the sport of stalking these animals. It exists in several of the forests of Erance in a wild state. In Sweden it is almost confined to certain parts of the province of Scania, and in Norway to a few islands along the coast : there are said to be considerable numbers on the Island of Hittem (Lloyd). It is not found in Eussia in Europe, but occurs in the Caucasus, and a great part of Siberia (Pallas). Inhabits most of the forests of Germany ; occurs sparingly in Silesia, Gallicia, and the Bukovina. Almost, if not quite, extinct in Switzerland (Schinz). Is said still to exist in Spain in the Asturias. In Italy it is confined to some parts of the Alpine range on the northern frontier. The variety Cervus Corsicanus (Desm. 1. c.) is found in Corsica ; it differs from the more usual form, in being smaller and more compact, with the legs shorter ; there are also differences in the branching of the horns, and in the shade of the fur. Cervus Dama. Cervus Dama , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 672 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Fallow Deer. Description. — The male is furnished with horns, which are divergent, the upper part flattened and palmate, the 136 RUMINANTIA. beam round, with two antlers standing forwards ; has no canine teeth; the lachrymal furrows are distinct. The colour in those animals confined in parks varies, being sometimes reddish brown mottled with white ; sometimes yellowish white, mottled with darker spots ; frequently a uniform dark-brown, or almost black ; the latter variety was introduced to English parks from Norway in the time of James the First, as being more hardy than the lighter varieties; and, for the same reason, into several parts of France about the year 1760. Length of head and body, 5 feet; height at shoulder, nearly 3 feet ; tail, 7 inches. In a wild state, the Fallow Deer exists at present only in Spain, Barbary, and in the Island of Sardinia, where it is very common. The description and figure of an individual from the last-named locality, given by the Prince of Mu- signano in his ‘ Fauna Italica,’ resemble closely the com- mon mottled race of our parks. That author is inclined to look upon the Fallow Deer of Spain as of a different species from the Sardinian animal. Cervus capreolus. Cervus capreolus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 674 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Roe-buck. Roe-deer. Description. — The horns rise perpendicularly from the head, are very rough and furrowed, with two antlers ; the first about one -third from the base, directed forwards ; the second higher up, directed backwards. The female is with- out horns. The colour varies considerably, being some- times reddish brown, in some brownish grey, and in others dusky ; the under parts and inside of thighs greyish white ; the part round the tail pure white. The tail is very short, concealed within the hair ; no lachrymal furrows. The female goes with young five months and a half, CERYUS PYGARGUS. 137 producing two at a birth, always male and female (Des- marest). Length of head and body,. 3 feet 9 inches; horns, 8-1- inches ; tail, 1 inch ; height at shoulder, 2 feet 3 inches. Is rarely met with in England, and is not found in Ire- land, but is numerous in parts of Scotland. Inhabits ele- vated forests nearly all over the temperate countries of Europe. Is frequent in Russia in woods and hilly districts ; also in Poland and Siberia. In Scandinavia it is said to be confined to the South of Sweden, and to be rather com- mon in parts of Scania (Lloyd). In Spain it is found everywhere in suitable situations, and abounds in the Sierra de Segura (Widdrington). In Erance it is common in many Departments. Is now rare in Switzerland, though for- merly common in the less mountainous districts of that country. Buonaparte mentions it as one of the principal beasts of chase in Italy. It is well known in the German forests, and in the Carpathian Mountains. Cervus Pygargus. Cervus Pygargus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 675 ; Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. Description. — Horns moderate, rounded, very rugged, with one antler directed forwards, originating far above the burr of the horn, and another directed backwards near the top of the horn. Closely resembles the Cervus capreolus, differing principally in the absence of a tail, which is alto- gether wanting ; it is also larger than that species, as are its horns. The colour of the fur, which is long and close, is the same ; the legs and under parts of the body are yel- lowish ; inside of the ears and end of the lower lip white ; blackish round the nose ; the white space on the buttocks is much larger than in the C. capreolus. Blasius, however (see 4 Wirbelth. Deutschl.’), does not admit this as a distinct species. 138 RUMINANTIA. It inhabits the mountainous thickets of Russian Tartary near the Volga and Ural rivers. Genus ANTILOPE. Grinding teeth six on each side in each jaw. Horns persistent, growing on a bony core, rounded; ears large and pointed ; tail short or moderate. Antilope Saiga. Antilope Saiga , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 691 ; Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. Description. — Horns, in the male only, yellow, transparent, with from sixteen to eighteen perfect rings, smooth near the points, as long as the head ; sometimes there is a third horn, or only one (Desmarest) ; nose thick, swollen, com- pressed laterally, furrowed or wrinkled transversely; the nostrils very open, velvety at their edges ; ears moderate. Fur in summer smooth, of a greyish-yellow colour; in winter the hairs are longer, and the colour greyish white. In size about equaling the Fallow Deer, hut less elegantly formed, being rather thick and short. Length of head and body upwards of 4 feet ; tail, 3 J inches. The Saigas collect in autumn into vast herds, containing several thousand individuals ; they then migrate into milder regions for the winter. They are fond of aromatic or bitter plants, are easily fatigued in the chase, and the great pro- minence of the nose or snout is said to oblige them to walk backwards, or to grasp the herbage sideways when grazing : they are easily tamed. The female produces but one at a birth, about the month of May. This species inhabits parts of Poland and Little Russia, Wallachia, and Moldavia, and the other countries bordering on the Black Sea, but is nowhere common west of the Volga. ANTILOPE RUPICAPRA. 139 Most abundant between that river and the Irtish, seldom passing north of the 55th degree of latitude. Antilope rupicapra. Antilope rupicapra , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 731 ; Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. Capella rupicapra , Keys. u. Blas. Wirbelth. Europ. p. 28. The Chamois of the Alps. The Izard of the Pyrenees. Description. — Horns in both sexes, those of the male the larger, black, rounded, smooth, perpendicular to the head, and abruptly hooked backwards near their points ; the two central cutting teeth longer than the others ; no tear- furrows ; a cavity in the skin at the base of each horn on the inside ; a black streak runs along the spine. Fur long and thick, dark brown on the body in winter, becoming somewhat grey in the spring and tawny brown in summer ; the hairs are grey at their base at all times ; head pale yellow, excepting a band of dark brown which begins near the nose, surrounds the eye, and ends near the base of the horn and ear ; the tail is black, a space on each side of it white ; hoofs concave beneath, with the edge, especially on the outer side, projecting. The females are smaller than the males. Length of head and body, 3 feet 4 inches ; head to root of horns, 6^ inches ; ears, 4^- inches ; tail, without the hair, 3j inches ; height at the shoulder rather more than 2 feet. The female goes with young between seven and eight months, and produces one at a birth. The Chamois fre- quents the highest Alpine regions, living in small herds of from three to six. It is found in the Alps of Switzerland, France, Piedmont, the Tyrol, Bavaria, and Saltzburg ; in the Apennines and Carpathians, and, according to Desmarest and Blasius, in Greece, and some of the islands of the Archipelago ; also in the Pyrenees, where the animal undergoes some varia- 140 RUMINANTIA. tion in form and colour, though not sufficient to constitute a distinct species. Schinz, in his ‘ Europaische Eauna,’ vol. i. p. 86, states the differences thus : — “ In the Pyrenean animal the horns are shorter, smaller, more slender, and incline rather more outwards. The limbs are finer, and the entire animal somewhat more delicately shaped. The black dorsal streak altogether disappears in summer, and the hair is then redder. The winter coat is not nearly as long, and is of a grey-red colour ; and the band surrounding the eye is at all seasons rather less conspicuous.” Ac- cording to Widdrington, the Izard is found in great abun- dance on the Spanish side of the Pyrenees. Genus CAPRA. Grinding teeth six on each side in each jaw. Horns generally present in both sexes, directed upwards and back- wards, persistent, hollow, rough, and angular. No tear- furrows ; tongue smooth ; tail short ; chin bearded. Capra Ibex. Capra Ibex , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 735 ; Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. ?; Schinz, Europ. Eaun. vol. i. p. 86. Le Bouquetin, Buffon ; Der SteinbocJe der Centralalpen, Schinz, Europ. Faun. The Ibex. Description. — The horns of the male are curved in the form of a crescent, subquadrangular, very strong and thick, wrinkled transversely, flattened and knotty in front, directed obliquely backwards and outwards. In the female, smaller, compressed, and but slightly nodose. The beard is short and very open, and in summer wanting. The fur at that season is short, lying close to the body, without any under- coat, of an ashy-grey colour above ; in winter, on the same CAPRA PYRENAICA. 141 parts, it becomes longer, reddish brown, with a thick under- fur ; a dark line runs along the back ; the under parts are dull white, separated from the darker tints of the back and sides by a brown line ; on each side of the tail is a whitish space. Length of head and body, 4 feet 10 inches ; horns, mea- sured along the curve, 2 feet 8 inches; tail, 6^- inches; height at shoulder, 2 feet 8 inches. The Ibex goes in small herds, frequenting the loftiest mountains. The female produces one or two young at a birth, after about six months’ gestation. It is found, though now but very rarely, in the Alps, where, according to Yon Tschudi, it is confined to the mountains between the Yallais and Piedmont, the Monte Rosa, and parts of Savoy. In Zawadsky’s ‘ Pauna of Gal- licia and the Bukovina,’ it is said still (1840) to exist in the Central Carpathians, but to have been almost extirpated by poachers. It is doubtful if the Ibex of Siberia (Pallas) be the same species. Capra Pyrenaica. Capra Pyrenaica , Sciiinz, Europ. Faun. vol. i. p. 86. Ibex Pyrenaica , G-ervais, Zool. et Paleon. Franc. Mgoceros Pyrenaica , Gray, Brit. Mus. Catalogue, Mamm. part 3. Per SteinbocJc der Pyrenaen , Schinz, l. c. The Pyrenean Ibex. Pyrenean Tur. Description. — The horns in the male are keeled behind, rounded in front, with numerous sharp knots along their whole length; they are compressed and twisted, at first ascending, then inclining outwards with a pear-shaped section. In the female they are smaller, flattened before and behind, but slightly ribbed, and running in a simple curve to the tips, not twisted. The beard is short, but strong and directed backwards ; the head in front, back, 142 RUMINANTIA. and sides are brownish ash-grey; the sides of the head, neck, outer surface of the legs, and sides of the belly black ; belly, hinder portion of the fore-legs, and a spot on the hind-feet pure white ; a line along the back and the tail blackish ; ears yellow-brown. The following dimensions of the two species, as well as the foregoing description, are from Sehinz’s 4 Enrop. Fauna’ : — O. Ibex. Head and body . . 3 ft. 5 to 7 in. Tail 0 „ 4-i- in. Height at the shoulder Horns along the curve C. Pyrenaica. 5 ft. 1 in. 0 „ 8 „ 5 lin. 2 8 „ 2 „ 6 „ The most obvious distinction between this and the last species would appear to consist in the difference of size, the shape of the horns, and in the beard. Blasius, notwith- standing, considers the C. Pyrenaica to be merely a variety of the Swiss Ibex. It is not known what change, if any, in the colour of the fur occurs during the year. The Pyrenean Ibex inhabits, as its name imports, the Pyrenean range, but now only on the Spanish side, and there but in small numbers (Widclrington). The Ibex of the Sierra Nevada, and of the mountains near Eonda, is probably of this species ; that of the Island of Crete is more likely to differ ; both these points, however, remain to be cleared up, and deserve the attention of travellers. Genus OVIS. SHEEP. Six grinding teeth in each jaw on each side ; incisors equal ; horns hollow, persistent, rough, and angular, more or less spirally twisted; chin without a beard; an open sac or fossa at the base of the toes on each foot. OYIS MUSMON. 143 Ovis Musmon. Ovis Aries, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 741. Ovis Musmon, Keyserling und Blasius, Wirbelth. Europ. Ovis Musimon, Schinz, Europ. Faun. vol. i. p. 88. Capra Musmon , Buon. Faun. Ital. Muffione of Sardinia, Muffoli of Corsica. The Wild Sheep, or Musmon. Description. — Homs very large and strong, wrinkled prin- cipally at their base, arching backwards, and curled round, of a greyish-yellow colour ; ears moderate, straight, pointed, only a trace of tear-furrow ; body compact, muscular, rounded ; tail very short, naked beneath ; under-fur woolly, fine, grey, and twisted like a corkscrew ; the upper fur is silky, but short and rather stiff; general colour of the upper parts and outside of legs dull rufous, mixed with some black hairs ; a line along the back of a darker colour ; the under part of the neck to the chest, the lower part of the fore-legs in front, and the tail, as well as the front and sides of the face, blackish ; a line of the same colour extends from one corner of the mouth to the other, passing below the eye ; a space beneath the eyes, the belly, a patch on each side of the tail, and the edges of the tail are white ; on the middle of each flank is a large spot of very pale rufous ; the inside of the mouth, the tongue, and the nostrils are black. In winter the fur becomes darker and more dense. The female differs from the male by the smaller size of her horns, or more commonly by their en- tire absence ; and is altogether smaller than the other sex. Length of head and body (male), 3 feet 4 inches ; tail, 3J inches ; horns, 1 foot 11 inches ; height at the most elevated part of the back, 2 feet 3 to 5 inches. The Musmon inhabits the highest and least accessible mountains, but always in temperate climates ; it lives in herds, which are sometimes composed of one hundred in- 144 RUMINANTIA. dividuals. The males are polygamous. The female goes with young five months, producing two at a birth. Is found in the most elevated parts of the Islands of Sar- dinia and Corsica, in the province of Murcia in Spain, and in some of the Greek islands, including Cyprus, accord- ing to Desmarest. Genus BOS. Six grinding teeth in each jaw on each side. Horns per- sistent, hollow, growing on a bony core ; body thick and heavy ; tail long, terminated by a tuft of hair ; no tear- furrows ; teats four in number. Bos Urus. Bos Urus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 747 ; Schinz, Europ. Faun. vol. i. p. 89 ; Keyserling und Blasius, Wirbelth. Europ. The Aurochs. Description. — Horns short, thick, polished, inclining out- wards ; forehead arched, broader than it is high ; the occi- pital crest projecting behind the base of the horns ; teats arranged in a square, not in a single line, as in the Buffalo and Yak ; the neck is thick and short, a hump or boss on the shoulders, which, with the head and breast, are co- vered with long curled hair ; beneath the throat is a long pendent beard ; tail long, but shorter than in the domestic breeds, with a tuft of hair at its extremity. General colour of the body dark brown, or almost black. Length of head and body, 10 feet 3 inches ; height at shoulders, 6 feet ; length of horns, 1 foot ; tail, without the hairs, 2 feet. The Aurochs is not now known to exist in any other part of Europe than Lithuania, where it is very strictly protected by the Government. In 1846 several herds in- habited the great forest of Bielowiza in the government BOS SCOTICUS. 145 of Grodno, whence a pair was sent by the Emperor of Russia to the Zoological Society of London in that year. It is found also in the Caucasus. Bos Scoticus. Bos Scoticus, Urus Scoticus, Bell, Brit. Quad. TJrus Scoticus, Hamilton Smith. The Chillingham Wild Ox. Description. — This species is preserved in a few parks in the North of England and South of Scotland, of which the two principal are that of Chillingham in Northumberland, and Hamilton in Lanarkshire. In the former locality the colour is invariably white over the body ; the muzzle black ; the whole of the inside of the ear, and about one -third of the outside, from the tip downwards, red; the horns are very fine, long, and white, with black tips ; the head and legs slender and elegant. The weight varies from fifty to sixty stone. The Hamilton breed is larger and more robust, and differs also in colour and markings ; the body being dun- white, the inside of the ears, muzzle, and hoofs black, and the fore-part of the leg, from the knee downwards, mottled with black. The cows are seldom horned. Their bodies are thick and short, their limbs stouter, and their heads much rounder than in the Chillingham cattle ; the roof of the mouth is black, or spotted with black ; The tongue tipped with black. There seems no reason to doubt that this species is de- scended from the wild race of cattle which existed in the woods of Britain at the arrival of the Romans. H 146 CETACEA. Order CETACEA. Form of the body fish-like ; anterior extremities in the form, and with the uses, of fins ; hinder extremities wanting ; tail horizontal ; teeth various, sometimes entirely absent. Genus DELPHINUS. Both jaws furnished with numerous simple teeth ; snout produced into a beak, separated from the forehead by a depression ; a dorsal fin. Subgenus 1. Delphinus. Delphinus Delphis. Delphinus Delphis, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 758; Bell, Brit. Quad. Common Dolphin. Description. — The teeth vary in number according to age, from thirty-two to forty-seven on each side in each jaw ; they are sharp, slightly incurved, and lock with the teeth of the opposite jaw ; the orifice of the ear is scarcely larger than a pin-hole ; the blow-hole is crescent-shaped ; the jaws are nearly of equal length, moderately produced ; the colour is blackish on the back, greyish on the sides, and glittering white beneath ; the female produces a single young one at a birth ; while suckling, the mammary glands are much enlarged, and the teats crested. Length, from 6 to 8, rarely 10 feet. It is common on the coasts of the British Islands, and is found in all the European seas, Mediterranean, Baltic, &c. DELPHINUS TURSIO. DELPHINUS ROSTRATUS. 14/ Delphinus Tursio. Delphinus Tursio , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 761; Bell, Brit. Quad.; F. Cuvier. Bottled-nosed Dolphin. Description. — Teeth from twenty to twenty-four on each side in each jaw, conical, sharp, and slightly bent backwards ; dorsal and pectoral fins of equal length, and shorter in pro- portion than in most species ; the blow-hole is single, of a half-oval form, the convex part being turned forward ; the colour is black above, whitish beneath ; the separation of the two colours is not abrupt. Usual length, about 11 feet, sometimes much less. This rare Dolphin inhabits the North Sea ; has been taken a very few times on the coast of England and Ireland ; and in the Mediterranean, on the Erench coast, occa- sionally (Crespon). Subgenus 2. Delphinorhynchus. Delphinus rostratus. Delphinus rostratus , F. Cuvier, Cetacea. Delphinorhynchus Bredanensis, Hamilton, Nat. Lib. vol. vii. Steno ? rostratus, Gray, Cat. Brit. Mus. Cetacea, 1850. The Beaked Dolphin. Description. — Teeth from twenty-one to twenty-three on each side in each jaw, rather large ; dorsal fin elevated, placed near the middle of the body; pectorals scythe- shaped ; the tail crescent-shaped, and curved in the middle ; the profile of the head insensibly loses itself in that of the snout; all the upper parts of the body sooty black, the lower rosy white : the junction of the two colours is quite irregular. Length of a specimen stranded at Brest, about 8 feet. h 2 148 CETACEA. It is said to inhabit the North Sea, and to have been taken on the coast of Holland. Yery little is known of this species. Delphinus leucopleurus. Delphinus leucopleurus, Nilsson, Skand. Faun. LagenorTiynchus leucopleurus , Gray, Cat. Brit. Mas. Cetacea, 1850. White-sided Bottle-nosed Dolphin. Description-. — Head gradually sloping into the hack, which is very short, depressed, and tapering ; lower jaw rather the longer ; body largest at the fins, tapering behind ; pectorals rather far hack and elongate, slightly falcate ; dorsal high, falcate, rather behind the middle of the back ; on the hack near the tail, is a low, rounded, fin-like ridge ; lobes of the tail rather narrow, elongate ; teeth 28 on each side in the upper jaw, 25 on each side in the lower jaw, small, sharp, curved. Colour of the upper parts bluish black, beneath white, with a large, oblique, grey, or white longitudinal streak on the hinder part of each side. The following are the measurements of a female from the Orkneys, May 1835, as given by Gray : — Length from snout to centre of tail, 6 feet 5J inches ; free portion of pectoral fin, 10 inches ; tail, from tip to tip, 14 inches ; from snout to angle of mouth, 9 inches ; length of cranium, 15 inches ; of spinal column, 55-i- inches ; vertebrae, 81 ; cervical, 7 ; dorsal, 15; posterior, 59. Teeth, | q. The external opening of the nostrils near the top of the head was cres- cent shaped, and placed transversely ; weight, 14 stone. This species inhabits the North Sea and the coasts of Greenland, and has been taken off the Orkneys, and in the Gulf of Christiania in Norway. DELPHINUS ALBIROSTRIS. PHOCLENA COMMUNIS. 149 Delphinus albirostris. Delphinus albirostris, Gray, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1846. Delphinus Ibsenii , Nilsson, Skand. Faun. i. 600. Lagenorhynchus albirostris , Gray, Cat. Brit. Mus. Cetacea, 1850. White-beaked Bottle-nose. Description. — Appears closely to resemble the last species in general form and proportions. The beak is rather longer; teeth, > small, curved; jaws moderately elongate ; blow-holes horseshoe -shaped, convex towards the head; upper parts and sides very rich deep velvet black ; nose a well-defined line above the upper jaw ; the whole under jaw and belly cream-colour, and varied with chalky white ; fins and tail black ; external cuticle soft and silky, so delicate as to be easily rubbed off. The following are the measurements of a specimen from Yarmouth : — Entire length not given ; mouth, 9 inches 6 lines ; nose to eye, 13 inches ; length to pectorals, 20 inches ; of pectoral, 15 inches ; to dorsal, 41 inches ; dorsal, 11| inches ; height of dorsal, 10 inches ; width of tail, 22 inches. Inhabits the North Sea, and has been taken on the coast of Norfolk. Genus PHOC^NA. POEPOISE. Both jaws furnished with numerous simple and equal teeth ; head blunt, not beaked ; a dorsal fin. Subgenus Phooena. Phocsena communis. Delphinus Phoccena, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 770. Phoccena communis , F. Cuvier ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Common Porpoise. Description. — Teeth twenty-two to twenty-five on each side in each jaw, straight, compressed, and rounded at their 150 CETACEA. summits ; snout short, rather obtuse at the tip ; under jaw rather longer than the upper ; eyes small, almost on a line with the mouth ; pectoral fins placed low down, oval, and somewhat pointed ; dorsal rather beyond the middle of the body ; skin smooth, dusky on the back, whitish on the belly, the colours meeting on the sides. Length from 4 to 5T feet. Common in the British Seas, the Baltic, and in the ad- joining parts of the Atlantic Ocean. Inhabits the Medi- terranean and Black Seas, and the Sea of Azoph. Phocsena Orca. Thoccena Orca , F. Cuvier, Hist. Nat. Cet. ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Delphinus Grampus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 774. The Grampus. Description. — Much larger than the last species ; snout very short and obtuse ; upper jaw somewhat longer than the lower, which, however, is broader than the upper ; teeth varying in number with the age of the animal, generally twenty-two in each jaw, unequal, conical, a little bent at the summits ; eyes almost in the same line with the mouth; dorsal fin nearly in the middle, very much elevated, pointed at the extremity ; pectorals very broad, oval ; tail crescent-shaped ; skin smooth, glossy black above, white beneath. The two colours separated by a well-defined line on the sides ; an oval white spot behind each eye. Length, from 20 to 25 feet. The Grampus goes in large herds, is frequently seen oft' the northern parts of the British Islands, and occasionally in the more southern regions. Is very numerous in the North Seas. Sometimes visits the French coasts of the Bay of Biscay. One taken near Cette, in the Mediter- ranean, is mentioned by Gervais, ‘Zoologie et Paleon- tologie Frangaise,’ vol. i. p. 148. PHOC-iENA MELAS. 151 Phocaena melas. Phoccena melas, Bell, Brit. Quad. Phoccena globiceps, F. Cuvier, Hist. Nat. Cet. Delpkinus globiceps, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 777. Delphinus deductor, Scoresby. Round-headed Porpoise or Caaing Whale. Description . — The head is short and round, with the fore- head remarkably convex and prominent ; upper jaw pro- jecting a little beyond the lower ; teeth conical, sharp, a little bent, varying in number with the age of the animal, generally from eighteen to twenty- six in each jaw ; eyes very small ; the blow-hole single, placed in a hollow to- wards the back of the head, crescent -shaped, the horns directed forwards. The dorsal fin is 4 feet long, and 15 inches high, placed about the middle of the body; pec- torals narrow and elongated, more than in any other known cetaceous animal, being upwards of 5 feet in length, and only 1 foot 6 inches broad; caudal fin about 5 feet broad, deeply divided in the middle. The general form of the body is rather elongated, tapering towards the tail. The colour of the whole animal rich deep black, except a white band extending from the throat to the vent. Skin very smooth, shining like oiled silk. Length, from 16 to 24 feet. Goes in herds of from 100 to more than 1000 indi- viduals, the whole of which are sometimes captured when one of them happens to be cast ashore, from their habit of following each other. Their favourite food appears to be the cuttle-fish. Is common around the Orkneys and other Scotch Islands, the North of Ireland, Iceland, and the North Sea in general. Is sometimes taken on the north coast of France. Said by Risso to visit the Mediterranean and the shores of Nice yearly in summer. 152 CETACEA. Phocsena grisea. Phoccena grisea. Lesson, Nat. Lib. vol. yii. (figured). Belphinus griseus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 775 ; F. Cuvier, Cetacea. Grampus Cuvieri, Gray, Cat. Brit. Mus. Cet. 1850. Description. — Head large, obtuse, somewhat rounded ; the upper jaw several inches longer than the lower ; the teeth of the upper jaw fall out while it is still young, as do many of those of the lower jaw. The most usual dental formulary is said to be The dorsal fin commences about the middle of the back, is elevated and pointed, but is lower and placed further back than in P. Orca ; pec- torals very much developed; the tail large. Colours, bluish black above, dull white beneath, merging into each other on the sides. Total length, 10 or 11 feet. In an individual of 10 feet long (see Gray’s Catalogue), the length of the pec- torals is 3 feet ; height of dorsal, 1 foot 2 inches ; entire length of skull, 17^ inches. Resembles the Phoccena melas somewhat in appearance and habit, but is much smaller, and its dorsal fin is much more elevated. Inhabits the North Sea ; has been taken in a few in- stances on the north coast of France, once at Brest, then at Aiguillon in La Vendee, in 1822 ; and one on the Isle of Wight in 1845. Phocaena Rissoana. Phoccena Bissoana, Lesson. Delphinus Bissoanus, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 778. Gram/pus Bissoanus, Gray, Cat. Brit. Mus. Cet. Description. — Teeth conical, early deciduous, especially those of the upper jaw. In the individual here described, taken at Nice, there were in all only ten teeth, viz. five on BELUGA LEUCAS. 153 each side towards the front of the lower jaw. The head blunt and somewhat rounded ; dorsal fin rather elevated, placed nearer to the tip of the tail than to the end of the nose; pectorals large, pointed, set on low. Colour blackish above, . with many irregular lines of a lighter colour, white beneath; at the base of the pectorals is a kind of oval mark of the same shade with the above men- tioned lines on the back. One of the Nice specimens has the dorsal, pectorals, tail, and hinder part of the body below, varied with black. The females are said to be of a uniform brown colour, with irregular lines, as in the males. Entire length, 9 feet ; head, 18| inches ; height of dorsal, 9 inches. Does not appear to be known anywhere except in the Mediterranean, off the coasts of Piedmont. Genus BELUGA. The genus Beluga differs from Phoccena only in the absence of a dorsal fin (Cuvier, Peg. Ann.). Beluga leucas. Beluga leucas , Bell, Brit. Quad. Delphinus leucas , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 779. Delphinapterus leucas , Gerard. Delphinapterus albicans , Jenyns, Man. Brit. Vert. Description. — Head broad and blunt ; teeth eight or nine on each side, above and below, short and blunt ; the gape is narrow ; the upper jaw a little overhangs the lower ; old individuals are found without any teeth in the upper jaw ; pectoral fins short, thick, oval ; caudal fin very broad and powerful ; no dorsal fin. The colour of the young animal is bluish grey, changing to white with age ; the adult is quite white. h 5 154 CETACEA. Length over all in a straight line, 13 feet 4 inches length following the curve of the hack, 14 feet 5 inches ; length of pectoral, 2 feet ; breadth of tail, 3 feet. The flesh is eaten by the inhabitants of the most northern coasts. The Beluga is confined to northern latitudes ; is common and gregarious on all the coasts of the Arctic Ocean, espe- cially near the mouths of rivers, which it ascends for many miles. It is a very rare visitor to the British Seas ; one was taken in the Frith of Forth in the summer of 1815. Genus HYPEROODON. Snout produced and depressed ; the forehead much ele- vated ; the teeth only two in number, in the anterior part of the lower jaw ; a dorsal fin. Hyperoodon Butzkopf. Hyperoodon Butzkopf, Bell, Brit. Quad. Delphinus hyperoodon, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 784. Hyperoodon bidens, Jenyns, Brit. Vert. Heterodon diodon. Keys, und Blas. Wirbelth. Europ. The Bottle-head. Description. — Two teeth only in the fore part of the lower jaw ; the body elongated, its greatest circumference in the region of the pectoral fin ; forehead high, very convex, rising suddenly from the snout, which is short and de- pressed, terminating in a kind of beak, somewhat like that of the true Dolphins ; lower jaw rather longer and larger than the upper ; teeth conical and pointed, sometimes wanting, or not appearing above the gums ; palate studded with little horny eminences, considered by Cuvier as rudi- ments of whalebone ; eyes large, a little above the line of the lips ; blow-hole crescent-shaped, with the horns directed towards the tail ; dorsal fin placed considerably beyond the HYPEROODON DESMARESTII. 155 middle of the body, but little elevated, lanceolate, pointed, directed backwards; pectorals small, oval, in the same horizontal line with that of the month ; skin smooth and glossy ; blackish lead colour above, whitish beneath, the two colours intermixing on the sides. Entire length, from 20 to 25 feet. Two individuals of this species were taken near Honlleur, in France, in 1788. Two more have been stranded near Caen, one of them in 1842, the skeletons of which are in the Paris and Caen museums. One was taken on the Dutch coast in July 1846. The Bottle-head has been taken a few times on the east coast of England, and more frequently on the north-east coast of Ireland. In the ‘Illustrated London News’ of February 17, 1855, is an account of an individual taken a short time previously in Solway Erith, which measured 25 feet in length, with a girth of 16 feet. Hyperoodon Desmarestii Delphinus Sowerbyi, Desm. Mamm. Sp. 785. Hyperoodon Desmarestii, Gray, Cat. Brit. Mus. Cetacea, p. 69. Delphinus Desmarestii , Risso, F. Cuvier. Ziphius cavirostris , Gervais, Zool. et Paleont. Franc, vol. i. p. 154. Diodon Sowerbcei , Bell, Brit. Quad. Description. — The two teeth of the lower jaw large and conical, nicked near the tip ; head not swollen, ending in a long nose ; upper jaw shorter, toothless ; lower much longer, and bent up ; eyes small, oval ; blowers large, semilunar; pectoral fins short, dorsal rather beyond the middle of the back, nearly above the vent ; caudal fin broad, festooned. Length, nearly 16 feet. “ Differs from the last species in the forehead not being swollen, and in the lower jaw being produced and bent up, 156 CETACEA. in the pectorals being pointed, the dorsal more obtuse, and the body streaked with white ; the colour of the upper parts is steel- grey, with numerous irregular white streaks ; white beneath ; tail slender, long, keeled, rounded on the belly.” [The foregoing account is from Gray’s Brit. Mus. Cat., quoted from Bisso.] It is said by Gray to be common near Nice in March and September. One was stranded on the Trench coast, in the Department of the Herault, in 1850, recorded by Gervais, who looks upon this species as identical with the Hyperoodon Doumetii of the coast of Corsica. N.B. — It would appear to be the same with the Del- phinus Sowerbyi of Desmarest, or the Diodon Sowerbcei of Bell. Genus MONODON. Teeth two in number, one generally remaining unde- veloped in the jaw, the other stretching forwards in a line with the body, long, straight, spirally twisted; no dorsal fin. Monodon monoceros. Monodon monoceros , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 787 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. ; Schinz, Europ. Faun. vol. i. p. 94. Ceratodon monodon , Keys. u. Blas. Wirbelth. Europ. p. 74. The Narwhal, or Sea Unicorn. Description. — One tooth only developed, of great length, sometimes exceeding 6 feet, with a few instances where it has reached even 10 feet, spirally twisted, quite straight, tapering to a blunt point, composed of very hard and white ivory; the outline of the head varies in different indi- viduals, according to the amount of fat on the forehead ; the first half of the body is nearly cylindrical, the rest conical ; in this latter portion there is a low dorsal and ven- tral ridge, and less distinctly marked lateral ridges, giving PHYSETER MACROCEPHALUS. 157 it a subquadrangular form ; the pectoral fins are very small, and there is no dorsal fin, so that the tail forms the only effective means of progression ; the general colour is yellowish white, with numerous blackish spots of various sizes and figures ; in the young the spots are less distinct, or confluent, and the ground colour is blackish grey. The length of the body, without the tooth, of a middle- sized adult individual, is 15 feet ; of the tooth, 5 feet 6 inches ; length of the pectoral fin, 13 inches ; breadth of the tail, 3 feet 1 inch. The Narwhal is a very powerful and active creature, swimming with great swiftness ; feeds on molluscous and other soft animals ; appears in herds of about six together. The blubber is often half a ton in weight, and yields a large proportion of fine oil. It inhabits the Northern Seas, seldom coming so far south as even the northern islands of Scotland. It has been observed on the British coasts only three or four times. Genus PHYSETER. Head enormously large, truncated in front ; perfect teeth in the lower jaw only; in the upper jaw either wanting or few, and rudimentary. Physeter macrocephalus. Physeter macrocephalus , Keys. u. Blas. Wirbelth. Europ. p. 74 ; Schinz, Europ. Eaun. vol. i. p. 95 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Spermaceti Whale. Common Cachalot. Description. — The head is of enormous size, forming about half the entire bulk, the body tapering from it to the tail ; the back is smooth, with one or two low protuberances ; the upper jaw, which overhangs the lower by four or five feet, is without visible teeth, but there are a few concealed 158 CETACEA. within the gnms ; the lower jaw is very narrow, the two branches being in contact throughout the greater part of its length, with from twenty to twenty-five small conical teeth on each side, according to the age of the animal ; the eye is small ; the eyelids are furnished with a few stiff hairs ; the pectoral fins are small, and slightly grooved longi- tudinally ; the caudal fin very broad, divided at the middle into two equal lobes ; the general colour is greyish black above, lighter beneath. The entire length of this huge animal sometimes reaches 70 feet. Inhabits the Northern Seas, where it is extensively fished for ; has occurred a few times on the British coasts, and occasionally finds its way into the Mediterranean. Professor Bell, in his e History of British Quadrupeds,’ states, that from repeated reported instances of Spermaceti Whales having been seen with a very high narrow dorsal fin, he is of opinion that a second species of Physeter exists, to which he applies the name Physeter Tursio, or High-finned Cachalot. Genus BAXJENA, The head very large. Palate furnished with baleen or whalebone. No teeth ; no dorsal fin. These are the true WTiales. Balaena mysticetus. Balcena mysticetus , Desm. Mamm. Sp. 798 ; Keys. u. Blas. Wirbelth. Europ. p. 75 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Common or Greenland Whale. Description. — The head, though large, is smaller in pro- portion than in Physeter ; the upper jaw, which is very narrow, is furnished, in the place of teeth, with numerous horny laminae, the whalebone of commerce, descending perpendicularly from the palate. This apparatus serves as BAUENA MYSTICETUS. — BAL.ENOPTERA. 159 a strainer for the food, which consists of molluscous, radiate, or crustaceous animals, with which the ocean in some parts abounds, and which are taken in by the Whale with open mouth, the water accompanying them being discharged through the plates of whalebone. The body is bulky forwards, largest about the middle, and taper rather suddenly towards the tail. The head is narrow above, very broad, flat, and rounded beneath ; it occupies one- third of the entire length. The line of meeting of the upper and lower lips appears in front in the form of the letter U. The eyes are remarkably small. The external opening of the ears is scarcely perceptible. Pectorals of moderate size, placed about two feet behind the angle of the lips. The tail is of great breadth, semilunate on its ante- rior margin, deeply divided in the middle. The anterior part of the body is nearly cylindrical, the hinder portion rhomboid. General colour blackish grey ; the front of the lower jaw and part of the throat and belly white. The usual length is from 50 to 65 feet, and the greatest girth from 30 to 40 feet. Abounds in the Northern Seas, where great numbers are taken every year for the sake of their oil and whalebone, one animal sometimes yielding twenty tons of oil, and whalebone twelve feet long. Is not of very uncommon occurrence on the British and other coasts of Northern and Western Europe, and of the Mediterranean Sea. Genus B ALiEN OPTERA, Head somewhat depressed, rather slender; palate fur- nished with short plates of whalebone ; no teeth ; a dorsal fin ; longitudinal folds on the throat and belly. 160 CETACEA. Balaenoptera Boops. Balcenoptera Boops, Keys. u. Blas. Wirbelth. Europ. p. 75 ; Bell, Brit. Quad. Balana rostrata, Schinz, Europ. Faun. vol. i. p. 96. Northern Rorqual, or Fin-fish. Description. — The Rorqual differs from the true Balaena in the general form of the body, which is more elongated ; the head in particular is more slender and attenuated at the muzzle ; the presence of a dorsal fin is also a distinguishing mark. From the lower lip to the abdomen run a number of longitudinal folds of skin, which are said to have given the animal its name of Rorqual, signifying, in the Nor- wegian language, a Whale with folds. The whalebone is comparatively short, and the yield of oil less plentiful than in the other Whales. It is the largest of the family, and consequently of all living animals, sometimes reaching the enormous length of 80 or 100 feet. It feeds not only upon mollusca and small Crustacea, but also upon fish of considerable size. Is of not unfrequent occurrence on the British coasts, being often seen off the Orkneys and Shetland, and is very common in the Northern Seas. TESTUDO MARGINATA. 161 Class REPTILIA. REPTILES. Vertebrate animals, with cold blood ; the heart with one or two auricles, and one ventricle; oviparous; breathing by lungs, or by lungs and gills ; the body covered with shelly plates, or with scales, or with a soft, naked skin. Order TESTUDINATA. (TORTOISES.) The body is enclosed in a double shield, the head, neck, limbs, and tail alone being free ; the upper shield, or carapace, is formed by the union of the ribs and dorsal vertebrae ; the lower one, or plastron, by the pieces of the sternum. The jaws are horny, without true teeth. The feet four in number. Genus TESTUDO. LAND TORTOISES. Carapace bulged, supported by a solid, bony frame-work, and soldered by the greater portion of its lateral edges to the plastron (or under shell). Legs truncated ; toes very short, united almost to the nails, of which there are five to the fore-feet and four to the hinder feet, all thick and conical. Testudo marginata. Testudo marginata , Dum. et Bib. yol. ii. p. 57. Ckersus marginatus, Buon. Faun. Ital. (figured). Description. — Carapace oblong, oval, much arched or vaulted, with the hinder portion of its margin, in adults, 162 TESTUDINATA. very broad, and almost horizontal ; provided with a neck- plate ; the caudal plate is simple, the plastron moveable behind. In the young the carapace is not dilated behind ; the plates of the disk, and the front half of those of the margin, are blackish brown, with the centre of the former and the hinder portion of the latter yellow ; the body be- neath is of the same colour, with a large triangular black spot on six or eight of the plates ; the tail is thick, short, conical, scarcely reaching beyond the carapace ; the head, upper part of the neck and tail, and the outside of the hind-feet are deep black ; the caudal region beneath, thighs, and neck below pale orange, clouded with dark brown. It is the largest of the three European Tortoises, but seldom exceeds one foot in total length. The extended hind margin of the carapace is the chief mark of distinction between this and the allied species. This Tortoise is found in Greece, where it is at least equally common with the T. Grazed. It is said by Schinz to occur also in Candia. In Egypt and Barbary less common than T. Mauritania. Testudo Mauritania. Testudo Mauritanica , Dum. et Bib. vol. ii. p. 44. Testudo ibera , Pallas, Zoog. Ross. As. Description. — Carapace oval, vaulted, one-third longer than its breadth in full-grown individuals, provided with a neck- plate ; the caudal plate simple ; the plates of the margin inclined backwards ; on each thigh is a large conical tu- bercle ; these and the shorter tail are sufficient to distin- guish it from T. Grazed. The plastron is moveable be- hind ; the tail is short, and without a nail at its tip ; the homy gums are quite without dentations in the adult ; the young, however, has three small ones in the lower jaw, which disappear with its growth. The carapace is olive, TESTUDO GRiECA. 163 with a black band along the front and sides of each plate of the disk, on the surface of which are several black spots, and a black space in the centre of each plate ; sometimes, however, the black band is wanting ; on each plate of the plastron is a large black spot on an olive ground ; the in- side of the fore-feet, upper parts of the hind-feet, and of the neck, the tail, and parts adjoining are grey-brown, becoming lighter on the thighs and neck; the jaws are black. The Testudo Mauritanica, which is very common in Bar- bary and Algeria, is found in Europe only on the shores of the Caspian, and in the valleys of the South of the Crimea. Many are sent from Africa to Paris, where they are kept in gardens, feeding on roots and leaves, preferring those of the lettuce. Testudo Graeca. Testudo Gr