GULF RESEARCH REPORTS Vol. 8, No. 4 December 1992 ISSN: 0072-9027 Published by the GULF COAST RESEARCH LABORATORY Ocean Springs, Mississippi Gulf Research Reports Volume 8 | Issue 4 January 1992 Eleven New Species of Free-Living Marine Nematodes Edwin J. Keppner DOI: 10.18785/grr.0804.01 Follow this and additional works at: http:/ / gcr Part of the Marine Biology Commons Recommended Citation Keppner; E. J. 1992. Eleven New Species of Free-Living Marine Nematodes. Gulf Research Reports 8 (4): 333-362. Retrieved from http;// This Article is brought to you for free and open access by The Aquila Digital Community. It has been accepted for inclusion in Gulf and Caribbean Research by an authorized editor of The Aquila Digital Community. For more information, please contact Joshua.Cromwell( Guif Research Reports. Vol. 8, No. 4, 333-362. J992 Manuscript received September 7, 1991; accepted November 6, 1991 ELEVEN NEW SPECIES OF FREE-LIVING MARINE NEMATODES OF THE GENUS HALALAIMUS DE MAN, 1888 (NEMATODA: ENOPLIDA) FROM FLORIDA WITH KEYS TO THE SPECIES EDWIN J. KEPPNER 306 Hibiscus Avenue, Panama City Beach, Florida 32413 ABSTRACT. The genus Halalaimus is reviewed and divided into four groups based on characters of the male. Characters used to separate the groups of males include presence or absence of caudal alac and the presence or absence of a precloacal sensillum and/or pKire. Ten new species are described from St. Andrew Bay, Bay County, Florida, and H. gerltKhi n. sp. is proposed for H. gracilis sensu Gerlach, 1967. New species from St. Andrew Bay are H. thalassinus, H. tarjani, H. bayensis. H. bulbocaudatus. H. variabilis, H.paracomatus, H. americanus, H.floridanus. H. brimi, and H. parafletcheri. Keys to the species of each group are provided based on characters of the male. A key to the females of the genus is also provided. Introduction De Man (1888) erected the genus Halalaimus to ac- commodate a species of free-living marine nematode from the North Sea. The genus Halalaimus was differentiated from other genera on the basis of the extremely elongated and longitudinally orientated amphid. The head region of the type species, Halalaimus gracilis De Man, 1888, pos- sessed three circles of scnsilla. The first circle of sensilla contained six setae (inner labial sensilla), die second circle contained six setae (outer labial sensilla), and the third circle contained four setae (cephalic sensilla). The cuticle was thick and not transversely striated except for the caudal region of the male where there was a scries of coarse transverse striaiions restricted to the lateral fields. A buccal cavity was absent. The esophagus was long and narrow anteriorly and broad posteriorly, and it followed the form of the anterior part of the body which tapers signifi- cantly from the csophago-intestinal junction to the attenu- ated anterior extremity. Southern (1914) erected the genus Nuada for the spQCiQS Nuada leptosoma Southern. 1914 from the coast of Ireland, The genus Nuada was characterized by a slender body, thick cuticle, thin-walled head region, four subme- dian cephalic setae (questioned by Southern. 1914), and the absence of amphids. N. leptosoma was represented by two specimens, a male and a female. The four submedian cephalic setae appeared to be present in one specimen and were absent from the other specimen. Cobb (1920) erected die genus Tycnodora for a species of free-living marine nematode. Tycnodora pachydermata Cobb, 1920, from Key West, Florida. This species has a circle of outer labial sensilla and a circle of cephalic sensilla (6 + 4) in close proximity to one another, whereas the inner labial sensilla were absent or not observable. Filipjev (1927) recognized the three genera, Hala- laimus De Man, 1888; Nuada Southern, 1914; and Tycno- dora Cobb, 1920; and described new species in each genus. He described Nuada as liaving two circles of sensilla close together in the head region and an amphid similar to that of Halalaimus. He stated reasons for considering 7/ and Tycnodora as subgenera of Halalaimus and suggested that Halalaimus pondcus Filipjev, 1922 represented a new subgenus of Halalaimus or a new genus. Stekhoven ( 1935) placed Nuada in synonymy with the gems Halalaimus, and AUgen (1953) then placed Nuada as a subgenus of Halalaimus. Wieser (1953) summarized the information regarding the genus Halalaimus, He recog- nized two subgenera, Halalaimus s. str. and Tycnodora Cobb, 1920, and erected the third subgenus Pachydora Wieser, 1953 in which he placed H. ponticus and a new species, Halalaimus climactericus Wieser, 1953. He ob- served that the distinction between the subgenera Hala- laimus and Tycnodora (distance between the anterior and posterior circles of anterior sensilla) is not absolute because transitional species were known. The distinguishing crite- rion was that the posterior circle of cephalic sensilla in Tycnodora was no farther posterior from the circle of outer labial sensilla than the outer labial sensilla were from the anterior end. In the subgenus Halalaimus s. sir., the circle of cephalic sensilla was farther posterior from the circle of outer labial sensilla than the outer labial sensilla were from the anterior end. Wieser (1953) provided a key to the subgenera and the species within each subgenus. The key emphasized the location and length of the anterior circles of sensilla and the location and length of the amphid. Mawson (1958) discussed the genus Halalaimus, de- scribed new species, and constructed a key to the species of the subgenera Halalaimus and Tycnodora. The keys em- phasized the length and position of the anterior sensilla imd the shape of the tiiil. Based on the specimens available to her, Mawson (1958) concluded that the length and position of the amphids was sufficiently variable to render imprac- ticable the use of these characters in a key to the species. 333 334 Keppner Mawson (1958) also stated that the anterior circles of sensilla were not clear in a number of the specimens available to her, and she itssumed that lliese sensilla were present in Uie usual numbers. Tijum (1961) described a number of new species of Halalaimus, Twoof these new sp^ciQS, Halalaimusseiosus and Halalaimus fiUcollis were described as having six cervical (cephalic) sensilla. Rao (1989) redescribed 11. setosus and H. fiUcollis and confirmed the presence of six cervical (cephalic) sensilla in these species. Viiiello (1970) described a number of new species of Halalaimus and discussed the characters used ui differen- tiat’mg the species in the genus. His collections yielded a liirge number of species of Halalaimus. but few specimens of each species. Viticllo (1970) expressed tlie opinion that the difficulty in identifying Uie species of was due to the rather subtle differences between species imd the incompleteness of some of the previous descriptions. He observed dial the txansverse striations in the cuticle arc best observed in die caudal region and the area of the posterior end of the amphid. He also observed, as did Mawson (1958), the variability in the position of the amphid in relation to the anterior end of the body and die variability in the length of the amphid. He also stated that die tail is easily broken, and that often it is difficult to determine whether the tail is complete or not. This variability and the subtle differences between species renders specific deter- mination difficult. He also questioned the validity of the subgenus Pachydora. Gcrlach and Riemann (1974) placed the subgenus Tycnodora in synonymy with die subgenus Huada and listed the species then known for the Uiree subgcnera. Riemann et til. (1970) discussed the morphology of the amphid in the genus Halalaimus, Juario (1974) erected a new subgenus, Nualaimus, for those species of the genus Halalaimus with a distinct circle of iimer labial sensilla in addition to the circles of outer labial and cephalic sensilla. Lorenzen (1981) did not accept the subgenera Nuada imd Pachydora. He also did not recognize the subgenus Nualaimus. He placed Nualaimus in synonymy with Hala- laimus because the type species of the genus Halalaimus and subgenus Halalaimus s. str., Halalaimus gracilis De Man, 1888, possessed a circlcof inner labial sensilla as well as the outer labial and cephalic sensilla* Juario ( 1974) had not included//, gracilis \n submenus Nualaimus. Tlicre- fore, die genus Halalaimus is not currently divided into subgeiiera. Halalaimus contains a rather large number of species, and there is a practical reason for subdividing the species into subgenera or groups to mtike identification easier during ecological studies. However, the traditioniil subgenera wifi not be used in this paper in accordance witli Loren/cn (1981), nor will new subgenera be erected. Platt and Warwick (1983) discussed the species of Halalaimus from Uie British Isles and provided figures of four species. They stated that “Uie cuticle of some species can be seen to be faintly striated (perhaps all species have striated cuticles but some are beyond Uie resolving power of Uie light microscope.)” The purpose of this paper is to describe die spec imens of the genus Halalaimus collected from Bay County, Flor- ida and provide a key to the species of the genus Hala- laimus. In addition, specimens of the genus were obtained from Uie Smithsonian Institution through the courtesy of Dr. W. Duane Hope and from Dr. Armen C. Tarjan of Uie University of Florida. Additional specimens were obtained from the LI. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Field Office, PanamaCily , Rorida. These specimens were collected as part of a sediment contaminant study of St. Andrew Bay, Florida. Collections of free-living marine nematodes from estuarine and marine sediments from Bay County, Florida yielded a large number of species of Halalaimus, but each species is represented by very few specimens. This is similar to the reports by Mawson (1958) and Vitiello (1970). Many of the specimens examined during Uiis study are not described herein because Uicy were represented by a single specimen or juveniles Uiat could not be associated wiUi a described species. Materials and Methods Sediment samples were obtained from shallow water in St. Andrew Bay with corers of various diameters to a depth of 5-10 cm in the sediment. Sediment samples taken by Uie U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service from deep water in St. Andrew Bay, Bay County, Rorida were obtained wiUi a Ponar grab, and a core was taken from Uie surface of Uie grab sample. Sediment samples from the Gulf of Mexico were obtained with SCUBA equipment. Nematodes were removed from the sediments by repeated decantation prior to fixation in hot alcoliol-formalin-acetic acid, or the entire sedunenl sample was fixed with 10% formalin in .sea water prior to removal of Uie nematodes. Nematodes were mounted in anhydrous glycerol on Cobb slides. Measure- ments were made with a calibrated ocular micrometer or were obtained from drawings made wiUi Uie aid of a drawing tube. Measurements are given in pm unless oUi- erwise stated, and measurements are given as the mean of the population followed by the range of the population in parentheses. Observations were made wiUi a Nikon Op- tiphot microscope wiUi Nomarsky Differential Interfer- ence Contrast and a Wild M-20 microscope wiUi an oil immersion objective with an N. A. of 1.30. Only those specimens collected by the author or pro- vided by Dr. Hope, Dr. Tarjan, or the U.S. Fish and Wiliife Service were examined directly. OUierwise, the work is based on descriptions of species provided in the literature. New Species of Halalaimus 335 Results The Nomarsky DIC optics made sensilla, lateral cu- ticular modifications, transverse cuiicular striations, and cuticular vermiculations more easily observed. However, the same structures were adequately visible with bright field microscopy, and they probably would not be over- looked. The body of the members of the genus Halalaimus is broadest near the midpoint, and the anterior end tapers greatly from the esophago-intestinal junction to the head. The tail of most species also tapers greatly from the anus to the tail tip. Specimens mounted with supports equal to the width at midbody often yielded specimens in which the head and tail ends were curved upward or downward. This often resulted in the long outer labial and cephalic sensilla following a tortuous course. Accurate meup^) in the presence of discernible inner labial scnsilla, shape of die tail (cylindri- cal part short, blunt versus cylindrical part long, flagellate), in the greater distance between circles of outer labial and cephalic scnsilla ( L 1 - L2 versus 0.4 head diameters), and in the shorter length of the tail (males = 6.75-7.06, females “c” = 5.96-6.00 versus males "*c” = 4.7-5.0, females *‘c” = 4.9-6. 1). H. tarjani n. sp. differs from //. ponticus in the presence of a discernible circle of inner labial sensilla, and in die presence of ornamented caudal alae in the male. Halalaimus bayensis n. sp. Figs. 20-27 Cuticle with fine transverse striations, appear puncUitc at midbody. Cuticular pits present, Lateral alae not observed. Ornamented caudal alae restricted to conical part of male tail; absent in female. Cuticle in male cloacal region faintly vermiculated on ventral surface in holotype, more distinct in paratype. Inner labial sensilla papillifonn. Outer labial and cephalic scnsilla equal in length within and between circles; in two well-separated circles. Excretory pore not observed. Males with sciifonn prccloacal sensil- lum; pore absent. Cylindrical part of tail with coarse transverse striations. Tail lip blunt; spinneret present. Males (n = 2): Length 1.24 mm (1.19-1.28). Widdial midbody 20(1 9-21). Head diameter 3.6(3.6-3.6) at level of cephalic seasilla. Outer labial and ccpliahc sensilla 1 1. 5(11- 12) long. Labial surface to amphid 23.5(23-24) and nerve ring 184(182-186). Amphid 48(46-50) long. Esophagus 302(296-308) long. Tail 190.5(189-192) long. Width at cloaca 14(14-14). Spicules 24(24-24) long, alate. Guber- naculum 8(8-8) long, consists of plate with keel-like exten- sion between spicules and cup-shaped extension lateral to each spicule tip. a =62. 1(56.7-67.4). b = 4.09(4.02-4. 16). c = 6.49(6.30-6.67), Juvenile female (n = 1): Length 1.10 mm. Width at midbody 16. Head diameter 3.6 at level of cephalic sensilla. Outer labial and cephalic sensilla 11 long. Labial surface to amphid 37 and nerve ring 158. Amphid 37 long. Esophagus 265 long. Tail 160 long. Widlh at anus 11. Reproductive system amphidelphic; reflexed. Anterior end to vulva 536. a = 68.8. b = 4.15. c = 6.88. V=49%. Specimens: Holotype male, USNM 77498; allotype female, USNM 77500. Locality: St. Andrew Bay, Bay County, Florida (85® 39’46‘W. 30® 08’40'‘N and 85® 36’43"W, 30® 06’52"N). Water 9.5 and 12.2 meters deep. Etymology: Named for the geographic locality. Bay County, Florida. Remarks: Halalaimus bayensis n. sp, belongs with Uiosc species in Group 1 that have a discernible circle of iimer labial sensilla, ornamented caudal alae, and the cylindrical part of the tail has coarse transverse suialions. //. bayensis ti. sp. differs from H. tarjani n. sp. as described under the remarks section for tarjani n. sp. H, bayensis n. sp. males are also similar to males off/, variabilis n. sp. and H. jloridanus n. sp. (both described below), H. bayensis n. sp. differs from //. variabilis n. sp. in the presence of a prccloacal seiiform sensillum, tlie absence of a prccloacal pore, and the pre,scncc of discernible inner labial scnsilla. //. bayensis n. sp. differs from H. Jloridanus n. sp. in tile shorter outer labial and cephalic sensilla (2,8- 3.0 versus 4.4-4.5 head diameters long), distance from the labial surface to the amphid (5.3-6-0 versus 2.9-3. 1 head diameters), length of the tail (13.5-13.7 versus 7.5-9.4 cloacal diameters long), ‘ ‘a’ ’ value (56.0-67.4 versus 78.0- 89.5), and the presence of discernible iimer labial sensilla. Halalaimus bulbocaudatus n. sp. Figs. 28-34 Cuticle with faint urnsverse striations, best observed in prccloacal region in male. Lateral somatic alae not observed. Omajnenicd caudal alae present in male, absent in female. Inner labial seasilla papillifonn. Outer labial and cephalic sensiUa equal in length, circles well-sepa- rated. Ajnphid relatively short, situated well posterior to cephalic sensilla. Excretory pore not observed. Male with prccloacal sensillum; pore absent. Cylindrical pan of tail witiioul coarse transverse striations. Tail tip in both sexes with nearly spherietd swelling at lip; spinneret present. Male (n = 1): LcngUi 1 .16 mm. Widlh at midbody 20. Head diameter 3.8 at level of cephalic sensilla. Outer labial and cephalic scnsilla 4.2 long. Labial surface to amphid 2 1 344 Keppner Figs.26>27. HaUtUthnusbayensisn.sp. Fig. 26. Juvenile female^ anterior endjeft lateral view. Fig. 27. Juvenile female^pasterior end Jeft lateral view. Fig!>. 28-34. H alalaimus bulbocaudatus n.sp. Fig. 28. Male, cloacal region, right lateral view. Fig. 29. Male, anterior end, left lateral view. Fig. 30. Female, anterior end, left lateral view. Fig. 31. Female, posterior end, left lateral view. Fig. 32. Male, posterior end, right lateral view. Fig. 33. Female, tail tip. Fig. 34. Male, tail tip. Scale bars in pm. New Species of Halalmmus 345 and nerve ring 200. Amphid 19 long. Esophagus 334 long. Tail 155 long. Width at cloaca 14. Spicules 23 long. Gubemaculum 8 long, consists of a plate with keel-like extension between spicules and extension lateral to each spicule tip. Postcloacalcuticularvenniculaiions absent, a = 58.0. b = 3.47. c = 7,84. Female (n = 1): Length 1,05 mm. Width at midbody 20. Head diameter 3.8 at level of cephalic sensilla. Outer labial and cephalic sensilla 4.2 long. Labial surface to amphid 20 and nerve ring 184. Amphid 19 long. Esopha- gus 315 long. Tail 152 long. Width aianus 13. Reproduc- tive system amphidelphic; reflexed. Anterior end to vulva 580. a = 50.0. b = 3.33. c = 6.91. V = 55%. Specimens: Holotype male, USNM 77266; allotype female. USNM 77267. Locality: St, Andrew Bay, Bay County, Florida (85° 38’ 19’'W, 30° 07’44"N). Water 12.2 meters deep. Etymology: from Latin bulbo meaning ‘ ‘a bulb’ ’ and Latin caudatus meaning “having a tail." Remarks: Halalaimus bulbocaudaius n. sp. belongs with those species in Group 1 that have ornamented caudal alae, coarse transverse sirialions are absent from the cylin- drical part of the tail, and the inner labial sensilla are discernible, /f. bulbocaudaius n. sp. differs from H. tha- lassimis n. sp. in the absence of setiform cervical and caudal sensilla. the presence of a spherical swelling at the tail lip, iuid the outer labial and cephalic sensilla are shorter (LI versus 2.2 head diameters). A spherical swelling at the tail tip is also present in Halalaimus similis Allgen, 1930 (only the female is known), and the same was also described for this species by Bresslau and Stekhoven (1940). Wieser (1953) described Hala- laimus comatus with a knob-like swelling at the tail tip. Mawson (1958) described the tail lip in specimens of H. comatus as swollen in the female and as a distinct spherical swelling in the male similar to that described for//, similis. H. bulbocaudaius n. sp. is similar to//, comatus in the presence of onuunented caudal alae and a precloacal seti- form sensillum in ilte male and in the absence of coarse transverse siriations on the cylindrical part of the tail in botli sexes. H. bulbocaudaius n. sp. differs from //. coma- tus in the presence of a discernible circle of inner labiiU sensilla and the greater distance between the circles of outer labial and cephalic sensilla ( 1 .0 head diameter versus 0.23 head diameter). //. bulbocaudaius n. sp. females differ from //. similis females (males unknown) in the presence of a discernible circle of inner labial sensilla. Halalaimus variabilis n. sp. Figs. 35-43 Cuticle witli fine transverse siriations, appear punctate in midbody region, gradually become vermieu Unions ante- rior to cloaca in male; not present in female. Lateral alae not observed. Ornamented caudal alae present in male, absent in female. Cmicular pits present for length of body. Inner labial sensilla not discernible. Outer labial and cephalic sensilla equal in length, in two well-separated circles. Excretory pore not observed. Conical part of tail with vermiculations on ventral surface in male, absent in female. Precloacal sensillum absent, precloacal pore pres- ent. Cylindrical part of tail with coarse transverse sirialions in both sexes. Tail Up narrow, blunt: spinneret presenL Males (a = 2): Length 1.85 mm (1.72-1.97). Width at midbody 22.5(21-24). Head diameter 5.1(4.8-5.4) at level of cephalic sensilla. Outer labial and cephalic sensilla 17(15-19) long. Labial surface to amphid 18,5(16-21) and nerve ring 208(200-2 16). Amphid 53(38-68) long. Esopha- gus 381.5(353-410) long. Tail 203(198-208) long. Width at cloaca 16,5(16-17). Spicules 20.5(19-22) long. Guber- naculum 9.8(9.6- 10.0) long, consists of a plate with a keel- like extension between .spicules, and an extension lateral to each spicule lip; distal end cup-shaped, a = 82.0(81.9- 82.1). b = 4.84(4.80-4,87). c = 9.11(8.27-9.95). Females (n =2): Length 1.81 mm (1.58-2.03). Widili at midbody 26.5(26-27). Head diatneter 5.1(4.8-5.4) at level of cephalic sensilla. Ouicrlabial and cephalic sensilla 17.5(17-18) long. Labial surface to amphid 18.5(16-21) and nerve ring 201(194-208). Amphid 53(46-60)long. Esophagus 365.5(321-410) long. Tail 217.5(213-222) long. Width at anus 1 5( 15- 15). Reproductive system amphidel- phic, reflexed, Vulva919.5(^4-995)fTomanteriorend. a =68.3(58.5-78.1). b= 4.94(4.92-4.95). c= 10.5(9.5-11.4). V = 51%(49-53). Specimens: Male holotype, USNM 77503; male para- type, USNM 77504; female allotype, USNM 77544. Locality: Mouth of Freshwater Bayou off St. Andrew Bay. Bay County, Florida (85° 39’00”W, 30° 07’30"N). Water 2.1 meters deep. Etymology: From Latin variabilis meaning ‘ ‘to vary." Remarks: Halalaimus variabilis n. sp. is the only species in Group 1 in which the males have ornamented caudal alae, a precloacal pore is present, a precloacal sensillum is absenu and inner labial sensilla arc not discern- ible. Halalaimus paracomatus n. sp. Figs. 44-50 Cuticle with transverse sirialions, most evident poste- rior to nerve ring. Lateral alae present. Ornamented caudal alae present in male, unomamented caudal alae present in female. Inner labial sensilla papilliform. Outer labial and cephalic sensilla equal, in two circles close together. Mjile with setiform precloacal sensillum; precloacal pore absent. Excretory pore not observed. Conical part of tail without vermiculaUons in botli sexes. Cylindrical part of tail with coarse transverse siriations. Tail tip blunt, slightly bul- 346 Keppner Figs, 35-41. Halalaimusvariahilisn,sp. Fig. 35. Male» anterior end, left lateral view. Fig. 36. Male number 1, cloacal region, left lateral view. Fig. 37. Male number 1, cloacal region, right lateral view. Fig, 38. Male number 3, posterior end, right lateral view. Fig. 39, Male, anterior end, right lateral view. Fig. 40. Male, cloacal region, right lateral view. Fig. 41. Male, posterior end, right lateral view. Scale bars in pm. Figs. 42-43. Hahlaimus variabilis n.^sp. Fig. 42. Female, anterior end, right lateral vi«w. Fig. 43. Female, posterior end, right lateral view. F'igs. 44-50. Halalaimusparacomatusn.sp. F'ig.44. Male, anterior end, right lateral view. Fig. 45. Male, posterior end, right lateral view. Fig. 46. Male, anterior end, left lateral view. Fig. 47. Male, cloacal region, left lateral view. Fig. 48, Male, cloacal region, right lateral view. Fig. 49. Female, anterior end, right lateral view. Fig. 50. Female, posterior end, right lateral view. Scale bars in pm. 348 Keppner bous; spinneret present. Males (n = 2): Length 1.41 nun (L40- 1.42). Widthat midbcxly 24.5(24-25). Head diameter 4.2(4 .2-4 .2) at level of cephalic sensilla. Outer labial and cephalic sensilla 6.1(5.5-6,6) long. Labial surface to amphid 16.5(16-17) and nerve ring 252.5(251-254). Amphid 38(37-39) long. Esophagus 450.5(447-454) long. Tail 192(1^-198) long. Width at cloaca 15.5(15-16). Spicules 24.5(24-25) long. Gubcmaculum 9,5(9-10) long» consists of a plate with an extension lateral to each spicule tip; distal end cup-sliaped; keel-like extension weakly developed, a = 57.6(56.8- 58.3). b = 3, 13(3.13-3.13). c = 7.35(7.07-7.63). Female (n = 1): Length 1 .36 nun. Width at midbody 24. Head diameter4.8 at level of cephalic sensilla. Outer labial and cephalic sen.silla 6.4 long. Labial .surface to ampliid 1 3 and nerve ring 264. Amphid 44 long. Esopha- gus 473 long. Tail 181 long. Width at anus 11. Reproduc- tive system amphidelphic; reflexed. Vulva 762 from anterior end, a = 56.7. b = 2.88. c = 7.5 1 . V = 56%. Specimens: Male holoiype, USNM 77268; male para- type. USNM 77269. Locality: St. Andrew Bay, Bay County, Florida (85° 40’59‘'W, 30° 08’23"N) and (85° 38’52" W. 30° 07’38"N). Water 7 meters and 11.1 meters deep. Etymology: from Latin para meaning “near or be- side’ ‘ and convjtus specific epithet ioillalalaimus cotmtus Wieser, 1953. Remarks: Halalaimus paracomatus n. sp. is very similar to Halalaimus cotmtus Wieser, 1953. //. paraco- rnatus n. sp. differs from H. comat us in diat the cylindrical part of the tail has coarse transverse smations, the tail tip does not have a spherical swelling, outer labial and ce- phalic sensilla are about equal in length, and tlie amphid is longer (5.3-8.8 versus 3.5 head diameters). H. paraconia- tus n. sp. is also similar to Halalaimus americanus n. sp. (described next) in the length of the outer labial and cephalic sensilla and absence of a a spherical swelling at the tail tip. //. paracomatus n. sp. differs from H. america- nus n. sp. in that the circles of outer labial and ccphiilic sensilla are closer together (0.67 versus 1. 7-2.0 head di- ameters apan), the amphid is shorter (5. 3-8.8 versus 19.3- 20.3 head diameters), and the gubcmaculum is rectangular without the distinct keel-like extension between the spic- ules that is present in H. americanus n. sp. Halalaimus americanus n. sp. Figs. 51-59 Cuticle smooth, faint su-iaiions present at posterior end of lateral alac in one specimen. Broad lateral alae present, commencing at posterior end of amphid, fade into orna- mented caudal alae in male. Inner labial sensilla not discernible. Outer labial and cephalic sensilla in two well- separated circles, unequal in length; outer labials shorter. Excretory pore not observed. Precloacal sensilluin present; precloacal pore absent. Conical part of tail with vermicu- lations. Cylindrical part of taU with coarse transverse striations. Tail tip blunt; spinneret present. Female un- known. Males (n = 3): Length 1 .45 mm ( 1 .39- 1 .5 1). Width at midbody 23.3(22-24). Head diameter 3. l(3.0-3.2) at level of cephalic sensilla. Outer labial sensilla 3.5(3.0-4.4) long; cephalic sensilla 5.5(5.0-6.4) long. Labial surface to jmiphid 31(26-37) and nerve ring 246.5(235-258). Amphid 56.7(51- 61) long. Esophagus 525.3(504-536) long. Tail 174(160- 192) long. Width atcloaca 17(16-18), Spicules 26(24-27) long. Gubcmaculum 8.5(8.0-9.6) long wiili narrow keel- like extension between spicules and extension lateral to each spicule; distal end of lateral extcn.sion cup-shaped. Cuticle on conical part of tail vemiiculated. a = 62.3(60.8- 63.2). b = 2.76(2.72-2.80). c = 8.40(7.86-8.69). Specimen.s: Holotype male, USNM 77270; paratype males, USNM 77506 & 77507. Locality: St. Andrew Bay, Bay County, Florida, (85° 39’07'’W, 30° 08’29”N) and (85° 39’46"W, 30° 08’40"N). Water 2.0 to 12.2 meters deep. Etymology: Named after geographical location, America. Remarks: H, americanus is similar to II. paracoma- tus n. sp. and differs from that species as discussed in the remarks section for H. paracomatus n. sp. Halalaimus floridanus n. sp. Figs. 60-67 Cuticle faintly striated, appears punctate from midbody to precloacal region in male and anal region in female; cuticle of lateral fields also faintly vermiculated from midbody to cloacal region in male and amil region in female. Lateral alae not observed; ornamented caudal alae present in male; absent in female. Inner labial sensilla not discernible. Outer labial and cephalic sensilla equal in length. Lateral outer labial sensilla greater *m diameter than other sensilla. Excretory pore not observed. Precloacal sensillum present and precloacal pore absent in male. Cuticle of conical pan of tail vermiculated in male, not so in female. Cylindrical part of tail with coarse transverse striations. Tail tip blunt; spinneret present. Males (n = 4): Length 1.53 mm (1.34-1.70). Widthat midbody 18.5(16-21). Head diameter4.4(4.0-4.8) at level of cephalic sensilla. Outer labial and cephalic sensilla 19.8(18-21) long. LabuU surface to amphid 15.5(14-19) and nerve ring 202(192-208). Amphid 65.5(55-76) long. Esophagus 314.6(277-359) long. Tail 185.5(176-206) long. Width at cloaca 15(13-17). Spicules 20.8(18-24) long. Gubcmaculum 8(8-8) long with small kcel-like extension between spicules, and an extension lateral to each spicule tip; distal end of lateral extension cup-shaped, a = 82.7 New Species of Halaiaimus 349 Figs.51-59, Halalaimusamericanusn.sp. Fig.Sl. Male, cloacal region, left lateral view. Fig.52. Male,anteriorend, right lateral view. Fig. 53. Male, posterior end, right lateral view. Fig. 54. Male, cloacal region, right lateral view. Fig. 55. Male, posterior end, right lateral view. Fig. 56. Male, cloacal region, right lateral view. Fig. 57. Male, anterior end, right lateral view. Fig. 58. Male, cloacal region, right lateral view. Fig. 59. Male, posterior end, right lateral view. Scale bars in pm. 350 Keppner Figs. 60-67. Halalaimusfloridanus. n.sp. Fig. 60. Male, anterior end, left lateral view. Fig. 61. Male, anterior end, left lateral view. Fig, 62. Male, cloacal region, left lateral view. Fig. 63. Male, doacal region, left lateral view. Fig. 64. Male posterior end, left lateral view. Fig. 65. Male, posterior end, left lateral view. Fig. 66. Female, anterior end, left lateral view. Fig. 67. Female, posterior end, left lateral view. Scale bars in pm. New Species of Halaiaimus 351 (74.4-89.5). b = 4.86(4.67-5.13). c = 8.22(7.61-9.16). Female (n = 1): Length 1.58 mm. Width at midbody 27. Head diameter 4.8 at level of cephalic sensilla. Outer labial and cephalic sensilla 16 long. Labial surface to amphid 15 and nerve ring 194. Amphid54 long. Esopha- gus 321 long. Width at anus 15. Tail 227 long. Anterior to vulva 884, Reproductive system amphidelphic; re- flexed. a = 58.5. b = 4.92. c=11.4. V = 53%. Specimens: Male holotype» USNM 7727 1 ; male para- types, USNM 77272-77275; female allotype, USNM 77276. Locality: Mouth of Freshwater Bayou off St. Andrew Bay. Bay County, Florida (85*^ 39’00’'W. 30^ 07’30"N). Water 1 .0 meter deep. Two male paratypes from Biscayne Bay, Dade County, Florida provided by Dr. Tarjan. Etymology; Named for the geographic lociity, slate of Florida. Remarks: Halaiaimus floridanus n. sp. is the only species in group 1 with the followmg combination of characters: cylindrical part of tail with coarse transverse striations, precloacal scnsillum present, precloacal pore absent, and the outer labial and cephalic sensilla are 4.4 head diameters long or longer. Artificial Key to the Males of Group 1 (HD = head diameter; CD = cloacal diameter) 1 . Cervical, somatic, and caudal sensilla present Halaiaimus thalassinus n. sp. Cervical, somatic, and caudal sensilla absent 2 2(1). Precloacal pore present; precloacal sensillum absent 3 Precloacal pore absent; precloacal sensillum present 4 3(2). Precloacal pore with large glandular structure: outer labial and cephalic sensilla 1 .0 HD long . Halaiaimus sabakini Sergeeva, 1973 Precloacal pore without large glandular structure; outer labial tmd cephalic sensilla 3.3 HD long Halaiaimus variabilis n. sp. 4(2). Cylindrical part of tiiil with coarse transverse striations 5 Cylindrical part of tail without coarse transverse striations 9 5(4). Outer labial and cephalic sensilla equal to or greater than 3.0 HD long 6 Outer labial and cephalic sensilla less than or equal to 2.0 HD long 7 6(5). Outer labial and cephalic sensilla 3.0 HD long; inner labial sensilla discernible; amphid begins 7.0 HD from anterior end Halaiaimus hayensis n. sp. Outer labial and cephalic sensilla 4.5 HD long; inner labial sensilla not discernible; amphid begins 3.5 HD from anterior end Halaiaimus floridanus n. sp. 7(5). Outer labial and cephalic sensilla in two well-separated circles, 1.0- 1.8 HD apart; outer labial sensilla shorter than ccpltalic sensilla 8 Outer labial and cephalic sensilla in two circles close together, 0.43-0.50 HD apart; outer labial and cephalic sensilla equal in length Halaiaimus paracomatus n. sp. 8(7). Broad lateral somatic alae present; spicules 1.5 CD long; amphid narrow, 17-19 HD long; inner labial sensilla not discernible * Halaiaimus americanus n. sp. Broad lateral somatic alae absent; spicules 2.0-2. 1 CD long; amphid broad, 7.5-8.6 HD long; inner labial sensilla discernible Halaiaimus tarjani n. sp. 9(4). Outer labial and cephalic sensilla in two well-separated circles, 1.2 HD apart; inner labial sensilla discernible Halaiaimus bulbocaudaius n. sp. Outer labial and cephalic sensilla in two circles close together, 0.2 HD apart; inner labial sensilla not discernible Halaiaimus comaius Wieser, 1953 352 Keppner Group 2 Males of the species in this group have caudal alae that are ornamented or unomamenied. Precloacal sensillum and precloacal pore absent. Inner labial scnsilla discernible in some species. Outer Uibial and cephalic sensilla of varying length between circles. Circles of sensilla varying distances aparL Cylindrical part of tail with or without coarse trans- verse striaiions. Tail tip blunt, bifurcate, or flagellate. Halalaimus gracil's De Man, 1888 Halalaimus gracilis has been reported from a number of localities world- wide and various descriptions have been published. I>e Man (1888) described H. gracilis on the basis of a male and a female from tlte North Sea. A circle of setiform inner labial sensilla is present in addition to the circles of outer labial and cephalic scnsilla. The male has ornamented caudal alae, and a setiform precloacal sensil- luin and pore arc absent. Tlie gubemaculum is figured as a narrow plate witltout an apophysis or lateral extensions. De Man (1922) described additional specimens of H. gracilis. Stekhoven (1935) described specimens of a species of Halalaimus as //. gracilis, but did not mention or figure the presence of the ornamented caudal alae. In the absence of this information, H. gracilis sensu Sleklioven (1935) is considered a species inquirenda. Steklioven (1935) also placed Halalaimus droebachiensis Allgen, 193 1 as a syno- nym of /f. gracilis sensu Stekhoven (1935). The descrip- tion given by Allgen ( 1931) was based on a female speci- men and does not mention or figure the inner labial sensilla present in H. gracilis. Therefore, tliis species is also considered to be a species inquirenda. Bresslau and Stekhoven (1940) described specimens of a species of Halalaimus as H. gracilis but did not describe or figure the ornamented caudal alae or inner labial sensilla cliaracteristic of H. gracilis. These speci- mens appear similar to those described by Stekhoven (1935) and are, therefore, considered to be a species in- quirenda. Stekhoven (1950) described what he considered to be a female of H. gracilis. Inner labial sensilla are not described, but the figure indicates tlial they may be present. In view of the doubt as to the presence or absence of iimer labial sensilla, the specimen is considered a species in- quirenda. Tinun (1952) described a male specimen of a species of Halalaimus that he referred to as H. gracilis. However, he did not describe or figure the presence of inner labial scnsilla and did not mention or figure the presence or absence of ornamented caudal alae. Timm (1952) did suite that the specimen had a smooth cuticle and lateral alae were absent. In view of the absence of information and figures, H. gracilis sensu Timm, 1952 is also considered to be a species inquirenda. Halalaimus gerlachi n, sp. Synonym: Halalaimus gracilis sensu Gerlach, 1967; nec H. gracilis De Man, 1888. Gerlach (1967) described specimens of Halalaimus from the Red Sea as H. gracilis. Inner labial scnsilla are not discernible and lateral alae are present in the specimens. Males have ornamented caudal alae, and die gubemaculum has a caudally d irecied apophysis. The absence of the inner labial sensillaand the presence of a gubemacular apophysis is sufficient to differentiaie the specimens from H. gracilis and designate them as a new species, Halalaimus gerlachi n. sp. (Gerlach 1967). The holotype of the species is the specimen on which Gerlach (1967) based his description. The only other species ol Halalaimus with a gubemaculum with an apophysis is Halalaimus sarsi Gerlach, 1967. H. gerlachi n. sp. differs from H. sarsi in the presence of ornamented aiudal alae and shorter outer labial and ce- phalic sensilla (1.5 versus 2.0 head diameters long). Platt and Warwick (1983) described specimens of Halalaimus as H. gracilis. The inner labial sensilla are not mentioned or figured, caudal alae are absent in the male, and a precloacal sensillum is present. Based on the descrip- tion, these specimens cannot be H. gracilis. They belong in group 3 below along with those species in which a precloacal sensillum is present and caudal alae arc absent. Halalaimus brimi n. sp. Figs. 68-72 Cuticle wiUi transverse siriations. Lateral alae not observed. Ornamented caudal alae present in male; caudal alae absent in female. Inner labial sensilla noi discernible. Outer labial scnsilla longer than cephalic sensilla; circles far apart. Excretory pore not observed. Eh^ecloacal sensil- lum and pore absent. Conical part of tail without vermicu- lation.s; cylimlrical part of tail with coarse transverse stria- tions. Tail tip bifurcate. Male (n = 1): Length 1.27 mm. Width at midbody 22. Head diameier4.7 at level of cephalic sensilla. Outer labial sensilla 7,0 long. Cephalic sensilla 3.3 long. Labial surface to iimphid 16 and nerve ring 203. Amphid 4 1 long. Esophagus 328 long. Width at cloaca 16. Tail 192 long. Spicules 23 long. Gubemaculum 6.8 long, expanded distally, narrowed proximally. a=57.7. b = 3.87. c = 6.61. Female(n = 2): Length 1.31 nun (1.30-1.32). Width at midbody 26(25-27). Head diameter 4.6(4.5-4.7) at level of cephalic sensilla. Outer labial sensilla 6.3(6.3-6.3) long. Cephalic sensilla 3.3(3.3-3.3) long. Uibial surface to amphid 14.5(14-1 5) and nerve ring 198(191-205). Amphid 36(35-37) long. Esophagus 360(359-361) long. Width at New Species of Halalajmus 353 Figs. 68-72. Halalaimus brimi n. sp. Fig. 68. Male, anterior end, left lateral view. Fig. 69. Female, anterior end, left lateral view. Fig. 70. Male, posterior end, left lateral view. Fig. 71. Female, posterior end, left lateral view. Fig. 72. Male, cloacal region, left lateral view. Scale bars in pm. anus 14(14-14). Tail 198(196-200) long. Vulva 681(674- 688) from anterior end. Reproductive system amphidel- phic; reflexed, a = 50.3(48.1-52.4). b = 3.63(3.62-3.64). c = 6.58(6.50-6.65). V = 52.5%(52-53). Specimens: Male, holotype, USNM 77277; female allotype, USNM 77278; female paratype, USNM 77509. Locality: St. Andrew Bay, Bay County, Florida (85° 38’52"W, 30° 07’38’'N), Water 8.0 meters deep. Etymology: Named for Mr. Michael Brim of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Panama City, Florida without whose support many of the specimens included in this study would not luive been obtained. Remarks: Halalaimus brimi n. sp. is the only species in this group willi a bifurcate tail tip and with outer labial sensilla longer than cephalic sensilla. H. brimi n. sp. is similar to Halalaimus diacros Mawson, 1958 *m the pres- ence of a bifurcate tail. H. brimi n. sp. differs from //. diacros in the presence of ornamented caudal alac and the presence of outer labial sensilla that are longer than the cephalic sensilla. H, brimi n. sp- is also similar to Hala- laimus horridus Gerlach, 1956 in that the outer labial sensillaare longer than the cephalic sensilla. //. brimi n. sp. differs from H. horridus in the shorter length of the labial and cephalic sensilla (1. 3-1.5 and 0.7 versus 3.0 and 1.0 head diameters long), in the presence of a bifurcate laD lip, and in the presence of coarse transverse siriations on the cy- lindrical part of the tail. 354 Keppner Artificial Key to the Males of Group 2 (HD = head diameter; CD = cloacal diameter) 1. Caudal alae unomamented 2 Caudal alae ornamented 7 2 ( 1 ). Inner labial sensilla discernible Halalaimus alatus Timm, 1952 Inner labial sensilla not discernible 3 3(2). Tail nageUaie 30-42 CD long 4 Tail not flagellate 8-16 CD long 5 4(3). Tail 30 CD long; outer labial and cephalic sensilla 1.7 HD long, in two circles 0.2 HD apart Halalaimus relatus Gerlach, 1967 Tail 42 CD long; outer labial and cephalic sensilla 1 .2 HD long, in two circles 1 .0 HD apart Halalaimus filum Gerlach, 1962 5(3). Gubcmaculum with dorso-caudally directed apophysis Halalaimus sarsi Gerlach, 1967 Gubemaculum without dorso-caudally directed apophysis 6 6(5). Outer labial sensilla papilliform; cephalic sensilla 0.33 HD long; "a" = 58.5 Halalaimus lineatoides Timm, 1961 Outer labial and cephalic sensilla setiform, 1.0 HD long; "a" = 100.0 Halalaimus lineatus Timm, 1961 7(1). Tail lip bifurcate Halalaimus brimi n. sp. Tail lip not bifurcate 8 8(7). Gubcmaculum willi dorso-caudally directed apophysis; inner labial sensilla not discernible . Halalaimus gerlachi n. sp. Gubemaculum without dorso-caudally directed apophysis; inner labial sensilla discernible Halalaimus gracilis De Man, 1888 Group 3 Males without caudal alae. Precloacal sensillum and/ or precloacal pore present. Inner labial sensilla discernible in some species, not so in others. Outer labial and cephalic sensilla can vary in length between circles. Circles of varying distances apart. Cylindrical part of tail with or without coarse transverse striations. Tail tip blunt, bifur- cate, or flagellate. Halalaimus parafletcheri n. sp. Figs. 73-81 Cuticle smooUi. Lateral and caudal alae not observed, limer labial sensilla setiform. Outer labial sensilla shorter than cephalic sensilla. Excretory pore notobserved. Small precloacal sensillum present, precloacal pore absent in males. Conical part of tail without vermiculations; cylin- drical part of tail without coarse transverse striations. Tail tip bifurcate. Males (0 = 3): Length 2.29 mm (2. 17-2.44). Width at midbody 34(32-35). Head diameter 6.4(6.4-6.4) at level of cephalic sensilla. Inner labial sensilla 2.6(2.4-3.0) long. Outer labia! sensilla 6. 1(5 .6-6.4) long. Cephalic sensilla 7.7(7 .2-8.0) long. Labial surface to amphid 35.3(34-37) and nerve ring 449(432-459). Amphid 42.3(40-45) long. Esophagus 628(605-649) long. Width at cloaca 21.7(21- 22). Tail 320(304-336) long. Spicules 32(32-32) long; right spicule broader than left. Gubemaculum 16(16-16) long with keel-like extension between spicules and exten- sions lateral to spicule, distal end of each lateral extension cup-shaped, a =67.5(62.0-70.9). b = 3.65(3.59-3.76). c = 7.18(6.76-7.63). Females (n = 2): Length 2.53 mm (2.27-2.78). Width at midbody 45.5(43-48). Head diameter 6.4(6.4-6.4) at New Species of Halalajmus 355 Figs. 73-81. Halalaimus parafletcheri n. s^. Fig. 73. Male, anterior end, right lateral view. Fig. 74. Male, anterior end, left lateral view. Fig. 75. Male, posterior end, right lateral view. Fig. 76. Female, posterior end, left lateral view. Fig. 77. Female, anterior end, left lateral view. Fig, 78. Male, cloacal region, right lateral view. Fig. 79, Male, cloacal region, left lateral view. Fig. 80. Male, cloacal region, right lateral view. Fig. 81. Male, cloacal region, left lateral view. Scale bars in pm. 356 Keppner level of cephalic sensilla. Inner labial sensilla 2.0(2.0-2.0) long. Outer labial sensilla 6.4(6.4-6.4) long. Cephalic sensilla 8.0(8.0-8.0) long. Labial surface to amphid 3 1 (30- 32) and nerve ring 472(432-512). Amphid 33.5(32-35) long. Esophagus 680(617-743) long. Width at anus 18( IS- IS). Tail 321.5(307-336) long. Anterior to vulva 1.40 mm ( 1 .20- 1 .59). Reproductive system amphidelphic; reflexed, a =55.4(52.8-57.9). b= 3,71(3.68-3.74). c = 7.83(7 .39- 8.27). V = 55%(53-57). Specimen.s: Holotype male, USNM 77204; paratype males, USNM 77206 & 77207; allotype female, USNM 77205; paratype female, USNM 77208. Locality; Holotype male, allotype female from Fresh- water Bayou off St. Andrew Bay, Bay County, Florida (85° 39’00"W, 30° 07’33''N), water 1.0 and 2.0 meters deep. Paraiypes from Sl Andrew Bay, Bay County, Florida at the National Marine FLsherievS Service Laboratory (85° 42’43"W, 30° 08’33"N), water 0.3 meter deep. Remarks: Halalaimus parafletcheri n. sp. is the only species in Group 3 with a bifurcate tail tip. H. parafletcheri n. sp. is similar to Halalaimus fletcheri Mawson, 1958 (Group 4) in the presence of die bifurcate tail lip, absence of cuticular slriaiions, absence of lateral and caudal alae, and the presence of seiiform inner labial sensilla. H. parafletcheri n. sp. differs from //. fletcheri in that the males have a prccloacal sensilluin , the spicules are unequal in width, and the circle of outer labial and cephalic sensilla are closer together (2 pm versus 4 pm apart). H. parafletch- erin. sp. is also $'um\ 2 cr to Halalaimus filicollisT’imm, 1961 (Group 4) in the presence of a bifurcate tail lip. H. parafletcheri n. sp. differs from that species in that the males have a precloacal sensillum, cuticular striaiions arc absent, and the spicules are unequal in widili. Artificial Key to the Males of Group 3 (HD = head diameter; CD = cloacal diameter) 1 . Tail tip bifurcate Halalaimus parafletcheri n. sp. Tail tip not bifurcate 2 2(1). Cylindrical part of tail with coarse transverse striations 3 Cylindrical part of tail without coarse transverse striations 4 3(2). Tail 106 CD long; "a" = 187.0 Halalaimus monstrocaudatus Vitiello, 1970 Tail 9.0-9.2 CD long; "a" = 58.9-60.6 Halalaimus curvicaudatus Juario, 1974 4(2). Cuticle with transverse striations 5 Cuticle without transverse striations 7 5(4). Outer labial sensilla shorter (0.5-0.6 HD long) than cephalic sensilla (11-12 HD long); short cervical and caudal sensilla present Halalaimus delamarei Vitiello, 1970 Outer labial sensilla longer than cephalic sensilla; cervical and caudal sensilla absent 6 6(5). Outer labial sensilla three limes length of ceplialic sensilla; tail 9.0 CD long Halalaimus horridus Gerlach, 1956 Outer labial sensilla 1.25 times length of cephalic sensilla; tail 14 CD long . , Halalaimus striatus Gerlach, 1956 7(4). Precloacal sensillum present, pore absent 8 Precloacal sensillum absent, pore present Halalaimus cubanus Andrassy, 1973 8(7). Gubernaculum with apophysis Halalaimus minusculus Tchesunov, 1978 Gubemaculum without apophysis 9 9(8). Outer labial ttnd cephtdic sensilla less than 1.0 HD long .... Halalaimus terrestris Gerlach, 1959 Outer labial and cephalic sensilla 1.5 HD or greater in length 10 10(9). Outer labial and cephalic sensilla equal in length 11 Outer labial sensilla shorter than cephalic sensilla Halalaimus marri Mawson, 1958 11(10). "a" = 223; outer labial and cephalic sensilla 2.4-3.4 HD long; amphid 18.3 HD long Halalaimus cirrhatus Gerlach, 1953 "a" = 84.4-118.7; outer labial and cephalic sensilla 1.4 HD long; amphid 9-10 HD long Halalaimus nigrilapidarius Boucher, 1977 New Species of Halalaimus 357 Group 4 Males without caudal alae. Precloacal sensillum and precloacal pore absent. Inner labial sensilla discernible in some species, in other species not so. Outer labial and cephalic sensilla can vary ’m length between circles. Circles varying distances apart. Cylindrical part of tail with or without coarse transverse striations. Tail tip blunt, bifur- cate or flagellate. Single specimens of Halalaimus species belonging to this group were examined but are not included in the following key or described. Artificial Key to the Males of Group 4 (HD = head diameter; CD = cloacal diameter) 1. Outer labial and cephalic sensilla in two circles of 6 and 6 Outer labial and cephalic sensilla in two circles of 6 and 4 2 3 2(1). Tail tip bifurcate Tail tip not bifurcate 3(1). Cuticle with coarse longitudinal striations Cuticle without coarse longitudinal striations 4 4(3). Tail lip bifurcate Tail lip not bifurcate 5 6 5(4). Cylindrical part of tail with coarse transverse striations . . Cylindrical part of tail without coarse transverse striations Halalaimus diacros Mawson, 1958 Halalaimus fletcheri Mawson, 1958 6(4). Cylindrical part of tail with coarse transverse striations . . Cylindrical part of tail without coarse transverse striations 7 9 7(6). Amphid width 23-36% of corresponding body diameter . . Amphid width 10-16% of corresponding body diameter . . . . . Halalaimus pachydoroides Viiiello, 1970 8 8(7). Gubemaculum present Gubemaculum absent 9(6). Cephalic sensilla equal to or greater than 4.0 HD long . . . Cephalic sensilla less than or equal to 2,2 HD long 10 13 10(9). Tail 44.6 CD long Tail equal to or less than 20.4 CD long Halalaimus meyersi Wicser & Hopper, 1967 11 1 1(10). Outer labial sensilla shorter (2.1 HD long) than cephalic sensilla (4.0 HD long) Halalaimus florescens Gerlach, 1967 Outer labial and cephalic sensilla equal, 4.0'6.0 HD long 12 1 2( 1 1). Circles of outer labial and cephalic sensilla well-separated (2.2-2.6 HD apart); gubemaculum without ventral curve Halalaimus supercirrhatus Gerlach, 1955 Circles of outer labial and cephalic sensilla closer togetlier (1.0 HD apart); gubemaculum with ventral curve Halalaimus capUulatus Boucher, 1977 13(9). Inner labial sensilla discernible . . Inner labial sensilla not discernible Halalaimus papillifer Gerlach, 1956 14 358 Keppner 14(13). Cuticle with transverse striaiions 15 Cuticle without transverse striations 18 15(14), Tail filiform, 17.7-24.5 CD long, lip pointed 16 Tail not filiform, 8.3-15.0 CD long, tip pointed or blunt 17 16(15). Amphid 23 HD long; circles of outer labial and cephalic sensilla close together (0.33 HD apart) Halalaimus luiarus Vitiello, 1970 Amphid 8.6 HD long; circles of outer labial and cephalic sensilla far apart (1.0 HD apart) Halalaimus longicollis Allg6n, 1932 17(15). Tail 8.3 CD long, tip pointed Halalaimus macquariensis Mawson, 1958 Tail 10.5-15.0 CD long, tip blunt Halalaimus longicaudatus Filipjev, 1927 18(14). Gubcmaculum absent or rudimentiuy 19 Gubernaculuin present, well developed 20 19(18). Gubernaculum absent Halalaimus reciispiculaiusV\^\.oao\^. 1971 Gubemaculum rudimentary, a small plate at distal end of spicules Halalaimus leptodenna VldXonoMdi, 1971 20(18). "a" =217.7 Halalaimus leptosoma Southern, 1914 "a" = 130.0 or less 21 21(20). Tail lip pointed 22 Tail tip blunt 23 22(21). Outer labial iind cephiilic sensilla 1.7 HD long, in two circles close together Halalaimus anne Sergeeva, 1972 Outer labial and cephalic sensilla 0.2 HD long, in two well-separated circles Halalaimus ciliocaudatus Allg6n, 1932 23(21), Cylindrical part of tail 12% of total tail length Halalaimus pachyderma Filipjev, 1927 Cylindrical part of tail 25% or more of total tail length 24 24(23). Outer labial and cephalic sensilla less than I.O HD long 25 Outer labitil and ceplutlic sensilla greater than 1.0 HD long 26 25(24). Circles of outer labial and cephalic sensilla 1.7 HD apart; amphid 8.6 HD from anterior end; distal end of gubemaculum expanded laterally Halalaimus zenkeviishi Filipjev, 1927 Circles of outer labial and cephalic sensilla 0.78 HD aptm; amphid 2.2-4 .6 HD from anterior end; dlsuil end of gubernaculum not expanded laterally Halalaimus isaitshikovi Filipjev, 1927 26(24). Circle.s of outer labial and cephalic sensilla 1.0 HD apart Halalaimus parvus Chitwood, 1936 Circles of outer labial tind cephalic sensilla 0.5 HD or less apart 27 27(26). "c" = 15.9 Halalaimus brevispiculum Sergeeva, 1973 "c" = 9.0 or less 28 28(27). Amphid 5.6 HD from anterior end. 9.2 HD long Halalaimus wodjanizkii Sergeeva, 1972 Amphid 3.0-3.2 HD from anterior end, 6.0-12.0 HD long 29 29(28). Amphid 6.0 HD long; gubemaculum without lateral extensions Halalaimus caroliniensis Chitwood, 1936 Amphid 12.0 HD long; gubemaculum with lateral extensions Halalaimus jaUensis Sergeeva, 1973 New Species of Halalaimus 359 The consiniction of a key to the females of the species of Halalaimus is more difficult than for males. Characters are not as distinct and many descriptions are not suffi- ciently complete to separate individual species. The fol- lowing key ends with groups of similar species that could not be easily separated. Females are not known for a number of species. The following species were not in- cluded due to tlie absence of necessary information; Hala~ laimus leptoderma Platonova, 1971 and Halalaimus lep- losoma Southern, 1914. Artificial Key to the Females of the Genus Halalaimus (HD = head diameter, AD = anal diameter) 1 . 2(1). 3(1). 4(3). 5(4). 6(5). 7(5). 8(4). 9(8). 10 ( 8 ). Outer labial and cephalic sensilla in two circles of 6 + 6 2 Outer labial and cephalic sensilla in two circles of 6 + 4 3 Tail tip bifurcate Halalaimus filicoUis Timm, 1961 Tail tip not bifurcate Halalaimus seiosus Timm, 1961 Cuticle with coarse longitudinal stiiations Halalaimus longisiriaius Timm, 1961 Cuticle without coarse longitudinal stiiations 4 Tail lip bifurcate 5 Tail lip not bifurcate 8 Cylindrical part of tail with coarse stiiations 6 Cylindrical part of tail without coarse striations 7 Outer labial sensilla twice length of cephalic sensilla Halalaimus brimi n. sp. Outer labial and cephalic sensilla equal Halalaimus diacros Mawson, 1958 Circles of outer labial and cephalic sensilla well-separated (0.73-0.83 HD apart) Halalaimus fletcheri Mawson, 1958 Circles of outer labml and cephalic sensilla close together (0.30-0.38 HD apart) Halalaimus pai'afletcheri n. sp. Cervical and caudal sensilla present 9 Cervical and caudal sensilla absent 10 Lateral alae present; outer labial and cephalic sensilla equal; inner labial sensilla papillifonn Halalaimus thalassinus n. sp. Lateral alae absent: outer labial sensilla shorter than cephalic sensilla; inner labial sensilla not discernible Halalaimus delamarei Vitiello, 1970 Tail lip a spherical bulb 11 Tiiil lip not a bulb 13 11(10). Circles of outer labial and cephalic sensilla well-separated (1.0 HD apart); inner labial sensilla papillifonn Halalaimus bulbocaudatus n. sp. Circles of outer labial and cephalic sensilla well-separated or not; inner labial .sensilla not discernible . . 12 12(11). Circles of outer labial and cephalic sensilla well-separated (greater ilian 1.0 HD apart) Halalaimus similis Allg6n, 1930 Circles of outer labial and cephalic sensilla close together (0.14 HD apart) Halalaimus comatus Wieser, 1953 360 Keppner 13(10). Cylindrical part of tail with coarse transverse striations 14 Cylindrical part of tail without coarse transverse striations 21 14(13). Outer labial and cephalic sensilla equal to or greater than 3.0 HD long 15 Outer labial and cephalic sensilla less than or equal to 2.0 HD long 18 15(14). Outer labial sensilla 5.0 HD long; cephalic sensilla 3.0 HD long Ilalalaimus longisetosus Hopper, 1963 Outer labial and cephalic sensilla equal in length and less than 3.5 HD long 16 16(15). Inner labial sensilla discernible tialalaimus bayensis n. sp. Inner labial sensilla not discernible 17 17(16). Lateral outer labial sensilla greater in diameter than other sensilla Halalaimus floridanus n. sp. Lateral outer labial sensiUa equal in diajneter to other sensilhi Halalaimus variabilis n. sp. 18(14). Inner labial sensilla discernible 19 Inner labial sensilla not discernible 20 19(18). Outer labial sensilla shorter than cephalic sensilla, in two well -separated circles (1.0 HD apart) Halalaimus tarjani n. sp. Outer labial and cephalic sensilla equal in length and in two circles close together (0.29 HD apart) . . . Halalaimus paracomalus n. sp. 20(18). Ainphid broad, 23-33% of corresponding body diameter; tail tip flagellate Halalaimus pachydoroides Vitiello, 1970 Amphid nturower, 20% or less of corresponding body diameter, tail tip not flagellate Halalaimus turbidus Vitiello, 1970 21(13). Freshwater or inland species 22 MiU'ine or estuarine species 23 22(21). Body length 0.73-0.91 mni; c = 12.5-17.1 Halalaimus algeriensis Cooinans and Jacobs, 1983 Body length 1.41-1.47 mm; c = 6A-13 Halalaimus stammeri Schneider, 1940 23(21). Amphid broad, about 40% of body diameter at midlength of amphid 24 Amphid narrow, 25% or less of body diaineter at midlength of mnphid 25 24(23). Anterior end of ainphid at level of cephalic sensilla Halalaimus dimactericus Wicser, 1953 Anterior end of amphid far posterior to cephalic sensilla Halalaimus ponticus Filipjev, 1922 25(23). Inner labial sensilla discernible 26 Inner labial sensilla not discernible 28 26(25). Outer labial sensilla shorter (0.25-0.33 HD long) than cephalic sensilla (1.0 HD long) Halalaimus alatus Timm, 1952 Outer labial iind cephalic sensilla equal in length 27 27(26). Outer labial and cephalic sensilla in two well-separated circles (1.0 HD apart) Halalaimus gracilis De Man, 1888 Outer labial and cephalic sensilla in two circles close togetlier (0.25 HD apart) Halalaimus papillifer Gerlach, 1956 New Species op Halalaimus 361 28(25), Outer labial sensilla 4.7 times as long as cephalic sensilla Halalaimus horridus Gerlach, 1956 Outer labial and cephalic sensilla equal or subequal in length 29 29(28). Outer labial and cephalic sensilla equal to or more than 2.0 HD long 30 Outer labial and cephalic sensilla equal to or less than 1.5 HD long 31 30(29). Outer labial and cephalic sensilla in two well-separated circles (1.0 HD or more apart) Halalaimus capitulatus Boucher, 1977 Halalaimus cirrhatus Gerlach, 1953 Halalaimus nigrilapidarius Boucher, 1977 Halalaimus sarsi Gerlach, 1967 Halalaimus scleratus Timm, 1952 Halalaimus supercirratus Gerlach, 1955 Outer labial and cephalic sensilla in two circles close together (less dian 1.0 HD apart) Halalaimus marri Mawson, 1958 Halalaimus monstrocaudatus Vitiello, 1970 31(29). Outer labial and cephalic sensilla in two well-separated circles (1.0 HD or more apart) 32 Outer labial and cephalic sensilla in two circles close together (less than 1.0 HD apart) 33 32(31). Outer labial sensilla less than 1.0 HD long Halalaimus brachyaulax Mawson, 1958 Halalaimus diplocephalus Filipjev, 1927 Halalaimus isaitshikovi Filipjev, 1927 Halalaimus minusculus Tchesunov, 1978 Halalaimus tenuicapilatus Filipjev, 1946 Outer labial sensilla equal to or greater than 1.0 HD long Halalaimus amphidellus Vitiello, 1970 Halalaimus gerlachi n, sp. Halalaimus parvus Chitwood, 1936 Halalaimus zenkevitshi Filipjev, 1927 33(31). Outer labial sensilla less than 1.0 HD long Halalaimus terrestris Gerlach, 1959 Halalaimus wodjaneskii Sergeeva, 1972 Outer labial and cephalic sensilla equal to or greater than 1.0 HD long Halalaimus amphistrius Vitiello, 1970 Halalaimus caroliniensis Chitwood, 1936 Halalaimus longicaudatus Filipjev, 1927 Halalaimus longicollis Allg6n, 1932 Halalaimus luticolus Timm, 1961 Halalaimus pachydermatus Cobb, 1920 Halalaimus rectispiculatus Platonova, 1971 Acknowledgments Sincerest appreciation is expressed to Dr. W. Duane Hope of the Smithsonian Institution for the time spent in reviewing the manuscript, examining the specimens, and the many helpful suggestions and comments that he pro- vided. 362 Keppner Literature Cited Allg6n, C. 1931. Freilebende marine Nematoden aus dem Drobakabschnittcs des Oslofjords. ZooL Jb, { 61 : 211- 262. Allg6n,C. 1953. Zur Synonymic derGattungNuada Southern, 1914 milder Gattung Halalaimus At Mm, 1888. K. norske Vidensk. Selsk. Fork 26: 43-47, Bresslau, E. and Stckhoven, J. H. Schuurmans. 1940, Marine freilebende Nematoden aus dcr Nordsee. Mus, R. Hist. Nat. Belg. Bruxelles 1940: 1-74. Cobb, N. A. 1920. One hundred new nemas (type species of 100 new genera). Contrib. to a Science of Nematology (Balti- more) 9: 21-343. Coomans, A. and Jacobs, L. J. 1983. Halalaimus algeriensis n. sp. (Nematoda) from the Sahara, Hydrobiologia 102: 39-44. DeMan.J.G. 1888. Surquelqucs Nematodes libresdc la merdu Nord nouvcaux ou peu connus. Mem. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1: 1-51. De Man, J. G. 1922. Vrijlcvende Nematoden. In: H. C. Redeke (ed.), Flora en Fauna der Zuiderzee, Te Helder(C. de Boer) 1922: 214-261. Filipjev.I.N. 1927. Les Nematodes librcs des mers septentrion- alcs appartenant a la famille des EnopUdac. Arch. Naturgesch. 91: 1-216. Gerlach, S. A. 1962. Freilebende Mecresnematoden von den Maldiven. Kieler Meeresforsch 18: 81-108. Gerlach, S. A. 1967. Freilebende Meeres-Nematoden von den Sarso-Inseln (Rotes Meer). Meteor-Forschungsergebnisse 2: 19-43. Gerlach, S. A. and Riemann, F. 1974. The Bremerhaven checklist of aquatic nematodes. Verqff. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremerh Suppl, 4, p. 1-735. Juario, J. V. 1974. Neue freilebende Nematoden aus dem Sublitoral der deutschen Bucht. Veroff. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremerh. 14: 275-303, Lorenzen, S. 198 1 . Entwurf eines phylogenetischen systems der freilebenden Nematoden, Veroff. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bre- merh. Suppl. 7, p. 1-472. MaWson.P.M. 1958. Free-living nematodes section 3: Enoploi- dea from subantarctic stations. Rep. B. A. N. Z. Antarctic Res. Exped. (B) 6: 307-358. Platt. H. M. and Warwick, R. M. 1983. Free-living marine nematodes. Part 1. British Enoplids. Cambridge Univ. Press. Cambridge,, 307 p, Rao, G, C. 1989. On some free-living marine nematodes of the Bay Islands. J. Andaman Sci. Assoc. 5: 1-23. Riemann, F., Rachor, E., and Freudenhammer, I. 1970. Das Seitenorgan von Halalaimus zur Morphologic eines vermut- lich sensorischen Organs von freilebende Nematoden. Veroff. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremerh. 12: 429-441. Stekhoven, J. H. Schuurmans 1935. Nematoda: Systematischer Teil, Nematoda errantia. In: Grimpe, G. and Wagler, E. Die Tierwelt derNord-und Osisee. (Leipzig, 1935) 5b: 1-173. Stekhoven, J. H. Schuurmans 1950. The free-living marine nemas of the Mediterranean. I. The Bay of Villefranche. Inst. R. Sci. Nat. Belg. 37; 1-220. Southern, R. 1914. Nemathclmia, Kinorhyncha and Chae- tognatha (Clare Island survey, part 54). Proc. R. Irish Acad. 31: 1-80. Timm, R. W. 1952. A survey of the marine nematodes of Chcsap>eake Bay, Maryland. Contrib. Chesapeake Biol. Lab. 95: 1-70. Vitiello, P. 1970. Nematodes libres marins des vases profondes du Golfc du Lion. I. Enoplida. Tierfrys 2; 139-210, Wiescr.W. 1953. Free-living marine nematodes. I. Enoploidea. Acta Univ. Lund Sect. II Med. Math. Sci. Rerum Nat. 49: 1- 155. Gulf Research Reports Volume 8 | Issue 4 January 1992 Isopods of the Genus Excorallana Stebbing^ 1904 (Crustacea^ Isopoda^ Corallanidae) from the East Coast of Mexico with a Supplemental Description ofE. subtilis Antonio Cantu-Diaz Barriga Instituto de Biologia UN AM, Mexico Elva Escobar Briones Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia UNAM, Mexico DOI: 10.18785/grr.0804.02 Follow this and additional works at: http:/ / gcr Part of the Marine Biology Commons Recommended Citation Barriga, A. C. and E. E. Briones. 1992. Isopods of the Genus Excorallana Stebbing, 1904 (Crustacea, Isopoda, Corallanidae) from the East Coast of Mexico with a Supplemental Description of£. subtilis. Gulf Research Reports 8 (4); 363-374. Retrieved from /vol8/iss4/2 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by The Aquila Digital Community. It has been accepted for inclusion in Gulf and Caribbean Research by an authorized editor ofThe Aquila Digital Community. For more information, please contact Joshua.Cromwell^ Gulf Research Reports. Vol. 8, No. 4, 363-374. 1992 Manuscript received September 20, 1990; accepted January 15, 1992 ISOPODS OF THE GENUS EXCORALLANA STEBBING, 1904 (CRUSTACEA, ISOPODA, CORALLANIDAE) FROM THE EAST COAST OF MEXICO WITH A SUPPLEMENTAL DESCRIPTION OF E. SUBTILIS ANTONIO CANTC-DIaZ BARR10A> AND FXVA ESCOBAR BRIONI-:S^ ‘Coleccidn Carcinoldgica; Instituio de Biohgfa UNAM: A.P. 70-153: 04510 Mexico Ci:y ^Laboraiorio de Ecologla del Demos; Instiiuto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia UNAM; A.P. 70-305 ; 04510 Mexico City ABSTRACT Eight species of Excorallanar E. acuticauda. E. delaneyi. E. oculaia. E. sexticornis. E. subtilis, B. iricornis tricornis. E. warmingii, and Excorallana sp. arc recorded for the eastern coast of Mexiett. The range of E. delaneyi is extended south in the Gulf of Mexico. Excorallana oculaia and E. subtilis are reported for the first lime in the Gulf. Based on spe^:!- rnens from the east coast of Mexico, a supplemental description of E. subiilis is presented and its taxonomy to other closely related specie.s discussed. A key is provided to the adult males of the species oi Excorallana now known to occur in the south- western Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean coast of Mexico. Introduction A viiriety of marine isopod crustaceans have been collected in conjunction wiili ongoing ecological and fau- nal surveys off the eastern coast of Mexico. This study deals with the new distribution records fur the cxcorallanid isopod genus Excorallana Stebbing, 1904 from the Gulf and Uic Caribbean coasts of Mexico. Except forE. oculaia, which occurs in both die eastern (west coast of Africa) and the western Atlantic, the 21 other species oi Excorallana are restricted to the tropical and temperate waters of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of die Americas. Of these, 16 species are endemic to the western Atlantic between 30“N and the Equator (Lemos de Castro and Lima 1971; Delaney 1989). The range of E. delaneyi is extended soutli in die Gulf. Excorallana oculaia and£. subiilis are reported for die first time in the Gulf. Six female specimens of the latter species were collected in Sabancuy, Campeche and Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, allowing its redcscripiion and the delermiiiation of differences among the specimens re- ported from Brazil by Lemos de Castro and Lima in 1 97 1. Materials and Methods Specimens used for this study were obtained from several localities and sites along the eastern coast of Mex- ico (Fig. 1), These were Isla de Sacrificios off Veracruz, Sabancuy and El Cayo in Terminus Lagoon; Seibaplaya, Campeche; Yucalpci6n and Rio Lagartos, Yucat^, Isla Mujercs, and along the shore tmd the barrier reef off Puerto Morelos in the Y ucatan Peninsula. Specimens from Termi- nus Lagoon were collected during 1983 in seagrass beds (Thalassia tesiudinum) using a 0,65m wide (0.451mm mesh) Cohnan-Segrovc sled (Eleftheriou and Holme 1985). Other specimens wcreobiainal from liand-collccicd sponges living on the seagrass beds at El Cayo. Material from the Yucat^ Peninsula and Sacrificios Island was hand-col- lected while skin diving and SCUBA diving during several field trips from 1985 to 1987. The specimens examined during this study are depos- ited in Uie (Zarcinological Collection at the Instituio de Biologla, National University of Mexico (IB-UNAM). Water temperature was recorded in the field with a hand thermometer. Tlic four to five digit catalogue numbers for tliese specimens are precederd by the letters EM. Speci- mens were fixed in 10% seawater fonnalin, soned in the laboratory, identified, catalogued, and stored in 70% etha- nol. The sex, total length 0.05) different within each station, the total catch values from island and sound stations exhibited considerable annual variation, with especially large catches occurring in 1983 and 1986 (Figure 3). Examination of spot gonads taken hrora bayou, sound, and island stations demonstrated that gravid females and ripe males occurred in all three habitats (Figure 4). Most of these individuals were observed from the island and sound stations in October and November. A low number of ripe males and gravid females, however, were collected from the bayou from October to December. Dbcxission Townsend (1956) examined the age-length relationship of spot in Florida using scales and length-frequencies, and he ^termined that spot between 150-185 mm SL (TL= 187-230 mm using the equation TL=1.233[SL] + 2 from Dawson [1958]) were priiWily age-2 fish, Parker (1971) determined that spot t^en from the Gulf of Mexico grew approximately 1 1 mm per month during their first year and 5,5 mm per month during their second year. Consequently, these dka would suggest that 220 mm TL fish were approximately 2.5 years old. Our data indicated 79% of the spot captured were between 190 and 229 mm TL and were probably 2 years old. Although our data represent length- frequency distribution skewed toward larger spot ( 1 90-33 1 mm TL), pre.sumably in the 2- and 3-year age classes, we rarely observed individual spot larger than 250 mm TL. Only 66 out of 4,330 (1.5%) spot caught by gill net were larger than 255 mm. Gunter (1950) similarly noted only 2% of 1 ,246 spot longer than 255 mm TL c^turcd by trawl along the Gulf Coast. Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP) data from 1982-1989 on spot captured from stations in Gulf of Mexico offshore waters bounded by 29°10' to 30'*10’N latitude and 87°30' to 89°00*W longitude indicated only 1% of the 1395 spot measured were larger than 255 mm (personal communica- tion, Kenneth Savastano, National Marine Fisheries Serv- ice, NSTL. MS 39529 SEAMAP 1991). In addition, Dawson (1958) summarized catch data of spot collected by trawlers off the Atlantic Coast (Hildebrand and Schroder 1928; Hildebrand and Cable 1930) and reported 10 of 27,227 (0.04%) ^ 255 mm TL. Our data from Uie Missis- sippi gill net study and those by others mentioned above demonstrate the infrequency of large spot in both estuarine and offshore areas, suggesting low survival of spot beyond 3 years of age. Our HVSL regression equation was not used because we did not have age data corresponding to that of Dawson ( 1958), Our regression equations and those of Dawson are more similar for smaller spot than larger ones and are probably not significantly different from each other in the 150-185 mm SL range. However, the lengths differ by more than 10 mm for fish greater than 220 mm SL. Monthly variation in catch could have been influenced by migration, by short-term and long-term environmental variations, by spawning periods, and by sampling. Dawson (1958) noted the number of spot ^ 150 mm TL in his samples from South Carolina was greater in March than in late spring. Those relatively small catches in late spring persisted until the start of autumn when the number in- creased (Dawson 1 958). A similar trend was also observed in our study for adults sampled from the island and sound Population Fluctuations and Dettubution of Adult Spot 389 Figure 1. Locations of the six sampling areas in Mississippi: Popps Ferr Fort Bayou, l>eer Island, Round Island, Ship Island, and Horn Island. stations in Mississippi Hildebrand and Cable (1930) noted a comparable trend for juvenile spot from near Beaufort, North Carolina. The large number of adults we collected in October (Figure 2) may have resulted in part firom a migra- tion of the fish from inshore and coastal habitats tooffshore spawning areas. Several studies have reported spawning migrations Of spot during autumn based on large catches of adults from offshore spawning grounds relative to simulta- neous small catches from inshore areas (Hildebrand and Schroder 1928; Pearson 1929; Gunter 1938, 1945; Dawson 1 958). We corroborate that conclusion with similar obser- vations (Figure 2). Large numbers of migrating spot collected from the sound and island stations during late autumn had fully developed gonads. As expected from earUer reports (Gunter 1938, 1945; Dawson 1958), few spot were collected during Dccember-February . Larger mean catches of spot from the island stations in March (mean=75) and April (mean=75) may have been influenced by the spent (spawned) or developing adults moving into and out of the area. These movements may have been triggered by gradual increases in water temperature in conjunction with consistent moder- ate- to-high salinities that occurred during those months. The relatively high number of spot observed for the seven- year period at the island stations during March and April were influenced by especially high catch rates in those months in 1983, 1984, and 1986. C!olIections made in March of 1983 and 1986 accounted for 67% of the total seven-year catch for March, and 57% of the total number for April was caught in 1983 and 1984, A review of salinity and temperature data we collected each week during and a few months preceding the peak collection periods revealed no variations in conditions that would readily explain why the above periods were more productive than intermediate periods. Samples of a non-dispersed population during different conditions of water and air probably contributed to some of the variation. Pertiaps favorable environmental conditions existed when these fish were larvae andposUar- vae, contributing to the development of strong year classes. If data for the months of March 1983 and 1986 and April 1983 and 1984 wwe removed firom the total data, the total number of occurrences for the months of March and April would not be significantly different (p > 0.05) from those of May-September, The data indicate long-term stability of the spot population from March to September during the years 1983 to 1988. Annual variation in the spot population is typical of a fish with a relatively short life cycle (Joseph 1972). Joseph also stated that population fluctuations could be influenced by survival of early stages, possibly resulting from environ- mental conditions that prevailed on the spawning grounds. However, detrimental conditions in the nursery grounds. 390 LeBlanc et al. TABLE 1 Total length-frequency distribution in 10 mm increments of all specimens of Leiostomus xanihurus measured fh)m Mississippi waters on a monthly basis from November 1982 to July 1989 TL (mm) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep . Oct Nov Dec Totals 120-129 2 2 130-139 1 1 2 140-149 1 1 2 150-159 1 1 2 160-169 1 1 1 3 170-179 1 2 1 1 5 180-189 1 3 2 3 2 2 2 15 190-199 1 2 5 29 9 19 25 16 15 22 9 5 157 200-209 9 15 42 160 65 51 61 60 53 129 35 9 689 210-219 25 12 160 270 104 100 97 105 87 281 85 37 1,363 220-229 23 35 264 230 64 71 55 65 37 251 97 23 1,215 230-239 20 23 147 120 25 24 12 10 18 100 70 7 576 240-249 8 6 58 28 6 7 1 1 3 48 30 3 199 250-259 1 1 14 3 2 1 1 7 29 1 60 260-269 3 1 1 3 18 26 270-279 1 1 5 7 280-289 3 1 4 290-299 1 1 300-309 310-319 320-329 1 1 330-339 1 1 Mean saJinity (ppt) and temperature ^C) of bayou, sound, and island stations by months — November 19S2 to July 1989 Population Fluctuattons and DisTWBunoN of Adult Spot 391 s 2 cn C s 'w' c +1 +1 +1 Tl +t +1 Vi +1 s s s s s V— > s s +1 Vi +1 +1 +1 +l +1 +1 +1 i2 s ?3 a ?5 a z} +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +• +1 cn VO m NO tri ^Standard deviation Mean number of spot collected ^ f Mean number of spot collected 392 LeBlanc et al. JaB Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month 2. Mean number of adult spot by month from three sampling locations from November 1982 through >89. The letter Indicates a significant difference (p > 0.05). 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 Year Figure 3. Mean number of adult spot by year fbom three sampling locations from 1983 through 1988. 394 LeBlanc et al. TABLE 3 Correlation matrix for salinity, temperature, localily, and number of spot collected Salinity Temperature Location No. fish collected Salinity -0.07 0.74* OiO* Temperature Locality Number of Cases 492 0,003 0.03 0.32* *1 -tailed sigmficance .001 such as extended periods of low temperature* could also affect survival and migration of young spot into the bays during spring, subsequently effecting the strength of those yearclasses. For example, ourcollection of wedcly weather data indicated that in January 1985, water temperature plunged from a mean of 10.3X to a low of 2.5®C for at least 48 hours* with ice forming in many bayous. Also during that year, three hurricanes moved through the area. Those extreme weather conditions possibly dispersed or moved many adults into offshore waters in 1985 and negatively influenced survival of young fish in the bayous and sound. The lower total catch of adult spot seen in 1985 may be related to the harsh weather conditions occurring in that year. Moreover, the relatively low numbers of larger, adult spot in 1987 and 1988 may also have been influenced by those same harsh conditions adversely effecting the sur- vival of larvae or young-of-the-year fish during the winter of 1985. Acknowledgments We thank Ronnie Palmer, Helen Gill, Randy Pierce, Nate Jordan, Pat Murphy. George CantreU, Stuart Harri- son, and Walt Brehm firom GCl^ who aided in different aspects of this study. Others also assisted at different periods. The study was conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Grant No. NA90AA-D-IJ217. LiT^tATURE Cited Dawson, C. E. 1958. A survey of the biology and life hisloiy of the spot, Leiostomus xanthurus^ with special reference to South Carolina, Conlribidions from Bears Laboratory 28:M8. Gunter, G. 1938. Seasonal variations in the abundance of certain estuarine and marine fishes in Louisiana, with parU'cular reference to life histories. Ecological Monographs 8:31 3- 346. Guntcr.G. 1945. Studies on marine fishes of Texas. PuW/cor/o/u of the Institute of Marine Science, University of Texas 1 :9- 190, Gunter, G. 1950. Correlation between temperature of water and size of marine fishes on the Atlantic and Golf Coast of the United States. Copeia 1950(4):298-304, Hildebrand, S. F. and L. Cable. 1930. Development and life history of fourteen telcostoan fishes at Beaufort, North Carolina. Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Fisheries 46:383-488, Hildebrand, S.F. and W.C. Schroder. 1928. Fishes of Chesap- eake Bay. Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Fisheries 43:1-366. Joseph, RB. 1972. Thestatusofthcsciaenidslocksofthcmiddlc Atlantic Coast. Chesapeake Science 13:87-100. Kobylinski, G. J. and P. F. Sheridan. 1979. Distribution, abundance, feeding and long-tcnn fluctuations of spot, Leiostomusxanihurus, and cioakjci^Micropogonias undula- tus, in Apalachicola Bay, Rorida, 1972-1977. Contribu- tions in Marine Science 22: 149-161 . Overstreet, R. M. 1983. Aspects of the biology of the spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, in Mississippi. Gu^ Re- search Reports, Supplement 1:1-43. Parker, J, C. 1971, The biology of the spot, Leiostomus xanthurus, and the croaker, Micropogonias undulatus, in two Gulf nursery areas. Texas A&M Sea Grant Publication Number TAMU-SG-71-210, 182 pp. Pearson, J. C. 1929. Natural history and conservation of the red fish and other commercial sciacnids on the Texas coast. Bulletin of the UnitedStates Bureau of Fisheries 44:29-2 14 . Townsend, B.C. 1956. A study of the spot, L«/o,r/£>/7tusxnn//iw-u;r Lacqjcdc, in AIligaiorHarhor, Florida. M,S.Thcsis,Ocean- ography Institute, Rorida State University. 43 pp. Tukey, J.W, 1953. Thcproblemofmultiplccomparisons. Ditto, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. Gulf Research Reports Volume 8 | Issue 4 January 1992 Feeding Biology, Distribution^ and Ecology of Two Species of Benthic Polychaetes: Paraonisfulgens 2Lnd Paraonis pygoenigmatica (Polychaeta: Paraonidae) Gary R. Gaston University of Mississippi Jerry A. McLelland Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Richard W Heard Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, richard.heard^ DOI: 10.18785/grr.0804.05 Follow this and additional works at: http:/ / gcr Part of the Marine Biology Commons Recommended Citation Gaston, G. R., J. A. McLelland and R. W. Heard. 1992. Feeding Biology, Distribution, and Ecology of Two Species of Benthic VolychsLetes: Paraonisfulgens and Paraonis pygoenigmatica (Polychaeta; Paraonidae). Gulf Research Reports 8 (4): 395-399. Retrieved from http:// 5 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by The Aquila Digital Community. It has been accepted for inclusion in Gulf and Caribbean Research by an authorized editor ofThe Aquila Digital Community. For more information, please contact Joshua.Cromwell^ Gu^Research RepoHs, VoL 8, No. 4, 395-399, 1992 Manuscript Received July 16, 1992; accepted August 10, 1992 FEEDING BIOLOGY, DISTRIBUTION, AND ECOLOGY OF TWO SPECIES OF BENTHIC POLYCHAETES: PARAONIS FULGENS AND PARAONIS PYGOENIGMATICA (POLYCHAETA: PARAONIDAE) GARY R. GASTONS JERRY A. MCLELLAND*, AND RICHARD W. HEARD' J Department of Biology, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi 38677 ^Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, P.O. Box 7000, Ocean Springs. Mississippi 39S64 AB^RACT Paraonis fulgent and Paraonis pygoenigmatica inhabit sandy Ultoral and subliltoral sediments of the northern Gulf of Mexico and U.S. East Coast, but seldom overlap in distribution. The purpose of this study was to compare the feeding ecology and distribution of these species. We analyzed distributions and gut contents of Gulf of Mexico specimens and found that P. fulgent inhabited substrates with slightly more silt and clay than those inhabited by P. pygoenigmatica. Although Paraonisfulgens ingested more diatoms than P. pygoenigmatica, this distinction likely resulted from habitat differences, not selective feeding. Previous studies suggested that P.fulgens fed selectively on diatoms only. Introduction The genus Paraonis Cenuti, 1909, contains just two species, Paraonis fulgens and Paraonis pygoenigmatica. Paraonis fulgens is distributed worldwide in shallow estu- arine and marine habitats (Strclzov 1973). However, P. pygoenigmatica occurs only in coastal waters of the U,S. Atlantic (Jones 1968) and northern Gulf of Mexico (Gaston 1984). Both species inhabit sandy substrates; P.fulgens generally inhabits littoral and sublittoral sediments and P. pygoenigmatica lives in slightly deeper water. Apparently, only P.fulgens occurs in dense populations (Gaston 1984). Ro^ (1971) and Risk and Tunniclif fe ( 1978) reported that P.fulgens fed solely on diatoms, but little else is known about the feeding ecology of these species. The purpose of this study was to compare the feeding ecology and distribution of these two species in northern Gulf of Mexico habitats. We investigated ingested foods to determine if differences m food accounted for their distinct distributions. Materials and Methods Most of the specimens examined for this study were collected by Gulf Coast Research Laboratory (GCRL) personnel off Biloxi, Mississippi, Ship and Horn Island, Mississippi and Perdido Key, Florida (Rakocinski et al. 1991, McLelland and Heard 1991). Additional specimens were collected as pan of a Bureau of Land Management (now M inerals Management Service) Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf baseline study conducted during 1975- 1981 (Uebelacker and Johnson 1984); along the Florida Gulf Coast by Mote Marine Laboratory personnel; off Padre Island, Texas (Rabalais and Flint 1983); in Pelican Bay, Alabama during the EPA Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAPO; and off Alabama, Texas, and the Middle Atlantic Bight by the author (Gaston 1985, 1987). Percentage of ingested food was estimated under compound microscopy as percentage represented by dia- toms (estimated volume) versus percentage represented by detritus. None of the guts examined were entirely empty. Statistical analyses involved aT-test for significant differ- ences (a = 0.05) between species (when the Bartlett Test indicated homogeneity of variables) using arcsine-trans- formed percentage data (percentage of food represented by diatoms). Results and Discussion Both P.fulgens andP, pygo enigma! tea inhabited sandy substrates with similar seduneni characteristics (Table 1). Paraonisfulgens was most abundant in sandy intertidal and shallow subtidal habitats with 96-99% sand (i.c., less than 4% silt and clay) as indicated in Table 2. Paraonis pygoe- nigmatica inhabited slightly deeper-water habitats with 2-3% sill and clay (Tables 1 and 2). Paraonis fulgens was one of the most abundant mac- robemhic organisms collected in the shallow waters off Perdido Key, Florida and Horn and Ship Islands, Missis- sippi. Their numbers peaked at both Ship Island and Horn Island during August 1990 at over lO.OOO/m^ (Table I). Colonization of the sediments by settling juveniles appar- ently occurred during summer. Paraonis pygoenigmatica was seldom as abundant as (Table 1). It occurred from subtidal to outer continental shelf waters, and seldom was collected at the same sites as P.fulgens (Table 1). In Perdido Key, P. fulgens inhabited sandy sediments be- tween the beach and sand bar just offshore (0 - 5.5m) and P. pygoenigmatica occurred beyond the sand bar (5.5 - 5.8m) as shown in Table 2. 395 396 Gaston TABLE 1 Selected distribution records and population densities of Paraonisfulgens and Paraonis pygoenigmatica in the Gulf of Mexico and southern Florida Atlantic Coast Depths in meters. Site Depth(s) Sediments Denaty/m^ Source Paraonisfulgens Horn Island, MS <1.0-30.0 >97% sand 1500-10,000 GCRL* Ship Island, MS 15.0-30.0 >96% sand 2000-12,000 GCRL* Biloxi Bay, MS 0.1-0.2 sand <500 Matulewski ** Pelican Bay, AL 2.4 sand <10 Gaston ** Mobile Bay, AL 2.4-3.6 sand 20-800 Gaston ** Mobile Bay, AL 4.0-6.5 sand <500 Johnson 1980 Perdido Key, FL 1.0-5.5 sand ** 500-8000 GCRL* FL Continenlal Shelf 19.0-20.0 fine sand <10 Gaston 1984 Marco Island, FL 0.5-1.0 sand <50 Milligan ** Padre Island, TX 0.1-2.0 fine sand mean = 200 Rabalais et al. 1983 Paraonis pygoenigmatica Ft. Lauderdale, FL 10.0 sand Milligan ** Perdido Key, FL 1.0-5.5 sand *** <50 GCRL* off Tampa, FL 20.0-24.0 fine sand 10-60 Gaston 1984 * Data from two Gulf Coast Research Laboratory studies (McLellaitd and Heard, 1991; Rakocinski et al. 1991). ** UnpubDshed data: K. Maiulewski (University of Southern Mississippi), G. Gaston (University of Mississippi), M. Milligan and A. McAllister (Mote Marine Laboratory), EMAP-NC 1991 Gulf of Mexico estuary survey. *** See Table 2 for more sediment data Paraonis fulgens is a subsurface detriti vore. It feeds in tight spirals beneath the sediment surface, and moves upward or downward as it completes a feeding spiral (Risk and Tunnicliffe 1978). Previous research indicated thatP. fulgens selectively ingested benthic diatoms (Roder 1971, Risk and Tunnicliffe 1978), whereas other paraonids feed on drift debris or detritus and are probably non-selective (Fauchald and Jumais 1979, Gaston 1983). Roder (1971) noted dial specimens he examined contained no detritus, only dialoms. Although diatoms were ingested by many specimens that we examined (Table 3), diatoms were apparently ingested passively with other detritus. Most of our specimens were filled with detritus, which included a few dmoflagellate and diatom tests. It did not appear that diatoms and/or dinoflagellates were selectively ingested; most ingested diatoms were small, unlike those observed by Roder (1971), and there were several diatom species represented. Furthermore , diatoms seldom composed even Feeding Ecology of Paraonis sit. 397 TABLE! Habitat and sediment characteristics of sites where Paraonis fulgens (F/) and Paraonis pygoenigmaSka iP.p,) were coDected at Perdido Key» Florida. Abundances; C = Common (>1000 m'^); R = Rare (<20 m‘^). From Rakocinski et aL (unpublished data). Station Abundance P/./P.P. Depth (m) % Sand (md. dia) % Sili/clay 1. Littoral * C - 1.0 98.8 (0.29) 1.2 2. Littoral C - 2.0 99.6 (0.25) 0.4 3. Longshore bar c - 1.0 98.9 (0.21) 1.1 4. Sublittoral ** c - 2.1 99.6 (0.20) 0.4 5. Sublittoral c - 3.7 98.6 (0.20) 1.4 6. Sublittoral c - 4.3 98.7 (0.28) 1.3 7. Sublittoral C R 5.5 99.5 (0.30) 0.5 8. Sublittoral - R 5.5 99.7 (032) 0.3 9. Sublittoral - R 5.5 97.4 (0.28) 2.6 10. Sublittoral - R 5.5 96.7 (0.25) 3.3 11. Sublittoral - R 5.8 97.7 (0.24) 2.3 Littoral = between beach and longshore bar. ** Sublitioral = outside the longshore bar. half of the matter ingested (Table 3), and many lacked chlOTOphyU. indicating that they were probably empty frustules when ingested. Like many paraonids. P. pygoenigmaiica is a subsur- face detridvore (Fauchald and Jumars 1979, Gaston 1983). It is less commonly collected than P.fulgens, as evidenced by the few numbers of specimens on Table 3. Whether or not it feeds in spirals is unknown. Gut contents of speci- mens collected in Perdido Key and in the Middle Atlantic Bight were filled with detritus, but included fewer diatoms than were ingested by P. fulgens (P < 0.01 . Table 3), These two species of Paraonis are members of the sandy littoral and sublittoral communities of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Their communities were numericaUy dominated by crustaceans in the northern Gulf; off West Ship Island, Mississippi the dominant taxa were an am- phipod (Lepidactylus sp.), an isopod {Exosphaeroma dimi- nu/um), acumacean {Spilocuma watlingi\ two polychaetes {P, fulgens and Dispio undnaia\ and a tanaid {Kalliapseudes sp.) (Rakocinski et al. 1991). A similar trophic group dominated their communities off Mobile Bay, Alabama and Perdido Key, Florida, including haustoriid amphipods, the isopod {B. diminutum), and (he same polychaetes (Gaston 1986, R 2 kkocinsld et al„ manuscript). These dominants were collected in habitats of both species of Paraonis al Perdido Key, even though P. fulgens and P. pygoenig- matica seldom were collected together (Table 2), The sediments where P, fulgens was most abundant were more dynamic than those inhabited by P. pygoenig- matica. Perhaps more diatoms were buried in the dynamic sediments and became detritus for grazing P. fulgens, as suggested by Risk and Tunnicliffe (1978). Unfortunately, the environmental and gut-contents data provided Little additional information on the distinction of the habitats of these two species. Apparently, P. fulgens feeds on detritus that includes diatoms, but P, pygoenigmatica does noL 398 Gaston TABLE 3 Gut-contents data of two species of Paraonis from three locations in the Gulf of Mexico. Percentage values are percent volume, estimated to the nearest 5%. Specimens collected in different samples are presented as separate data. Site Number examined % Diatoms % Detritus P. futgens Horn Island, MS 6 10 90 Horn Island, MS 2 25 75 Horn Island, MS 1 50 50 Perdido Key, FL 2 <5 95 Perdido Key, FL 4 10 90 Perdido Key, FL 7 25 75 Perdido Key, FL 4 50 50 Pelican Bay, AL 1 <5 95 Totals/Means 27 21.1 78.9 P. pygoenigmatica Perdido Key, FL 10 <5 >95 off Tampa. FL 2 0 100 Totals^eans 12 1.6 98.4 Thus, even though these two species are closely related, their feeding biology is distinct We propose that dissimilar habitats, and the abundance of diatoms in those habitats, account for their distinctive feeding biology. P. futgens forages for detritus (which may be diatom-laden detritus) in dynamic sediments of littoral and subliiioral zones, while P. pygoenigmatica is associated with less diatoma- ceous detritus in lower energy habitats beyond the swash zone. Acknowledgments We thank K. Matulewsld (GCRL) for help with speci- men collections and C. Rakocinski (GCRL) for help with data pioccssing. A. McAllister and E. Fenstermacher reviewed the manuscript and helped with specimen dissec- tions. We thank M. Milligan (Mote Marine Laboratory) for providing specimens. Feeding Ecology of Paraonis spp. 399 Literature Cited Fauchald, K. and R A. Jumais, 1979. The diel of worms: a study of polychaelc feeding guilds. Oceanogr, Mar. Biol. Rev. 17: I93-2S4. Gaston, G.R. 1983. Benthic Polychactaof the Middle Atlantic Bight: feeding and distribution Ph.D. Dissertation. College of William and Mary. Williamsburg, Virginia. 186 pp. Gaston, G.R, 1984. Family Paraonidae Cerruti. 1909. Volume I, Chapter 2 ini Polychaeta of the Northern Gu^ of Mexico, B.A. Vittor and P.G. Johnson (eds.). Vittor and Associates, Publications, Mobile, AL. Gaston, G.R. 1985. Effects of hypoxia on macrobcnlhos of the irmcr shelf off Cameron, Louisiana. Estuar. Coastal Shelf Sd. 20:603-613. Gaston .G.R. 1986. Mocrobenthic oomniunity study of potential m arine pipeline routes inMobile Bay and offshore Alabama. Report to Exxon Company, New Oilcans, Louisiana. Gaston, G.R. 1987. Benthic Poly chaela of the Middle Atlantic Bight: feeding and distribution. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 36: 251-262. Johnson, P.G. 1980. Seasonal variation in benthic community structure in Mobile Bay, Alabama. M.S. Thesis. University of Alabama in Birmingham. 1 18 pp. Jones, M.L. 1968. Paraonis pygoenigmatka new species, a now annelid from Massachusetts (Polychaeta; Paraonidae). Pwc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 81:323-334. McLcUand, J.A.andR.W, Heard. 1991- AsUidyofinterlidaland shallow water macroinvextebrate populations exposed to an oil spill on Horn Island. Mississippi. Report to National Park Service, U.S. Dept of the Interior. CA-5320-8'8001, CA- 5320-0-9004. Rabalais, S.C. and R.W, Flint. 1983. DCTOC-l effects on intertidal andsubtidal infauna of south Texas Gulf beaches. Contrib. Mar. Sci, 26:23-35. Rakocinski, C,, R.W. Heard, T, Simons, and D. GlcdhilL 1991. Macroinvcrtcbratc associations from beaches of selected barrier islands in the northern Gulf of Mexico: important environmental relationships. Bulb Mar. Sci. 48: 1-13. Risk, M.J. and VX TunnicUffc. 1978. Intertidal spiral burrows: Paraonis /ulgens and Spiophanes wigleyi in the Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy. /. Sed. Petrol. 48: 1287-1292. Roder, H. 1971. Gangsysteme von Levinsen 1883 (Polychaeta) in okologischcr, ethologischer und akuo- palaoniologischcr Sicht. SenckenbergUma Maritima 3:3- 51. Stielzov,V.E. 1973. Polychaete worms of the family Paraonidae Cerruti, 1909 - Pblychaeta Sedentaria. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, Leningrad. 170 pp. Ucbclackcr, J.M. and P.G. Johnson. 1984. Taxonomic guide to the polychaetes of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Barry A. Vittor & Assoc., Mobile, Alabama. 7 Vols. Gulf Research Reports Volume 8 | Issue 4 January 1992 Closed System Culture ofPenaeus vannamei John T. Ogle Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Jeffrey M. Lotz Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, jefF.lotz(^ DOI: 10.18785/grr.0804.06 Follow this and additional works at: http:/ / gcr Part of the Marine Biology Commons Recommended Citation Ogle, J. T. andj. M. Lotz. 1992. Closed System Cxilture ofPenaeus vannamei. Gxilf Research Reports 8 (4): 401-413. Retrieved from http;// This Article is brought to you for free and open access by The Aquila Digital Community It has been accepted for inclusion in Gulf and Caribbean Research by an authorized editor of The Aquila Digital Community. For more information, please contact Joshua.Cromwell( GuJf Research Reports. Vol. 8, No. 4. 401-413, 1992 Maouflcript rcceived June 12, 1991; accepted August 1, 1991 CLOSED SYSTEM CULTURE OF PENAEUS VANNAMEI JOHNT.OGLEANDJEFFREYM.LOTZ Gulf Coast Research Laboraiory, P.O. Box 7000. Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39564 ABSTRACT Penaeus wannamei were cultured utilizing three different closed recirculating seawater systems. The Hist system used biological filtration for water treatment. The second system utilized both physical and chemical filtration, but no biological filtration. The third system used a combination of biological, physical, and chemical filtration . Shrimp gro wlh w as monitored for a 1 2-wcek.pcriod for each system . Shrimp ftoin the biological filtration system had a growth rate of 0.82 g/wk and an overall survival rate of 45.6%. Shrimp from the closed system which used physical and chemical filtration had a growth rate of 0.99 g/wkand a survival ratcof 29.2%. In the third system which combined both types of filtration, the shrimp growth rate averaged 0.65 g/wkand the survivalrate was 56.9%. Introduction The intensive culture of marine shiimp has been of interest since shrimp fanning first began in the late 1960s. Initial grow -out trials at the Bureau of Commercial Fisher- ies in Galveston, Texas began inraceway tanks in I972and continued into 1980. One commercial venture. Intensive Culture Systems (Summerland Keys, Florida), attempted to grow shrimp in intensive closed systems as early as 1974. One of the largest attempts at closed system marine shrimp culture was by Aquabiotics (King James, Inc., Park Forrest, Illinois) in 1979. Currently, there arc at least three com- mercial ventures working with closed systems for the culture of marine shiimp: the Stillman Ranch and Red Ewald in Texas, and Aquamar in Florida. Two research facilities, the University of Texas Marine Science Institute (Port Aransas. Texas) and the Gulf Coasi Research Labo- ratory (Ocean Springs, Mississippi) are researching closed system culture on a small scale. Materials and Methods Three grow-out trials were conducted during 1989. The first two trials were run simultaneously and shrimp growth in the two unreplicaicd systems was compared. Shrimp system 1 (SS- 1 ) utilized biological filtration, while shrimp system 2 (SS-2a) utilized both physical and chemi- cal filtration with no biological filtration. The third trial, shrimp system 3 (SS-3a), utilized a combination of biologi- cal, physical and chemical water treatment. All systems were housed in a passively-heated greenhouse. Shrimp System 1. SS-l (Fig. I) consisted of a 1.8 m X 7.3 m X 0.28 m reciangular raceway with an area of 1 3.28 and a volume of 5.74 m^. Wastewater was collected in {Use of trade names does not imply endorsement.) a 5,08 cm diameter PVC slotted pipe nmning the length of the tank and passed by gravity flow through the end wall into a settling tank. The settling tank, 0.93 m x 1.85 m x 0.61 m, was packed with a plastic media, Norpac (Jaeger Products, Inc., Spring, Texas). A chamber at one end pro- vided room for a submersible sump pump (Little Giant 6CI , MR #5069 13 , Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) which supplied water through a 3.81 cm PVC pipe .split into three distribu- tion pipes. Two of the pipes were plumbed into the lop of a pair of protein skimmers, 0. 15 m in diameter and L8 m high, sparged with compressed air. Water exiled the bottom of the skimmers and was elevated by gravity to two rotating spray bars. Water from the spray bars irrigated two aerobic trickling filters. The fillers were constructed of a synthetic spawning matmaierial (Anderson Bait Company, Lonoke, Arkansas) wound in a spiral around corrugated fiberglass panels whichrcstedon top of a biological filter. Effluent from the spiral filters trickled into the top of the submerged trickling biological filter. The biological filter was constructed in a 0.96 m X 1.9 m X 0.2 m fiberglass lank. Plastic egg crate louvering suspended off the tank bottom with 2.54 cm di- ameter PVC pipe served as a support for clam shell and a media of ground PVC. Water flowed down through the media and out a bottom drain into the raceway. A 5. 1 cm diameter PVC standpipe maintained water in the sub- merged trickling biofilier at a depth of 17.8 cm. The third pipe from the pump was directed to a spray bar running the length of the raceway and suspended above the water. Additional circulation was provided by a Vi hp Jacuzzi pump (Model 5L, Little Rock, Arkansas). The intake pipe was placed inside acircular basket perforated with 1.27 cm square holes and covered with screen. The basket was used to prevent shrimp from being aspiratedby thepump. Water passed through the basket into a submerged 2.54 cm diame- ter spray pipe Tunning the length of the raceway. A venturi injector (Sophisticated Systems, Palm Harbor, Florida) 401 Figure I . Cross-section diagram of SS-1 utilizing biological filtration: P - pump, V - venturi injector, R - raceway, ST - settling tank, TK • trickling filter, SF - spiral filter, SB - spray bar, SK - skimmer, A - site of air injection, S - site of sample collection. was instaDed in the supply pipe lo oxygenate the water. Total area of the system including fillers was 16.9 and total volume was 6.6 m^. Ten net substrates, 30.5 cm x 152 cm with 0,6 cm mesh openings, were secured across the culture lank lo provide shelter. Water flow for SS- 1 was 28 gpm with a turnover rate of 23 limes per day (Table 1). In week 11, water lost throughout the study was re- placed (80% water change) and the system was cleaned. Shrimp System 2a. A rectangular raceway, 1.8 m x 7.3 m X 0.6 m, a lamellar separator and reservoir box containing six protein skimmers were the main compo- nents of SS-2a(Rg. 2). A 7.6 cm slotted PVC pipe running the length of the raceway collected wastewater. Tlie water was pumped (Little Giant, 6CI MR #506913, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) into the bottom of a lamellar separator inside a 0.76 m x 2. 1 m x 0,9 1 in lank elevated 0,2 m above the floor. Water flowed up though the angled lamellar media and cascaded into the reservoir box, 1 .0 m x 0.91 m X 1.3 m, wliich contained the six protein skimmers. The protein skimmers were constructed of PVC pipe 10.1 cm in diameter and 1.6 m in length. A 2.54 cm hole located 1.1 m from the bottom of the skimmer allowed water to flow into the skimmer pipe. Water flowed out the bottom of the skimmer through a 5.08 cm diameter PVC pipe connected lo a manifold constructed of 30.48 cm PVC pipe. A 5.08 cm diameter PVC pipe in one end of the manifold connected through the sidewall of the reservoir box to the intake of a Jacuzzi lAhp pump (Model 5L. Little Rock, Arkansas), Water was directed Uuough a venturi as- pirator (Sophisticated Systems, Palm Harbor, Florida) into a submerged spray bar nmning the length of the raceway. Activated air (ozone) generated from a UV unit (Water Management, Inc., Pascagoula, Mississippi) was sparged into the six protein skimmers and injected inlo the venturi. Ten 1.5 m X 0.30 m nets were hung vertically across the culture tank to provide additional substrate for shrimp. Water flow for SS-2a was 32 gpm with a turnover rate of 20 times per day. Tire system had a total area of 13.5 and a total volume of 8.7 Shrimp System 3a. SS-3a was constructed later in 1989 by utilizing some components from the other two systems as noted. The system consisted of four circular tanks, 1 .8 m in diameter, 66,0 cm in depth with a capacity of 2,273 L each (Fig. 3). A screened standpipe allowed Closed System Culture of P. vannamei 403 TABLE 1 Physical and biological parameters for three closed systems. System SS-1 SS-2a' SS-3a Area total 16.9 13.5 12.2 filter % 213 11.9 14.9 ratio f/i* 0.27 0.13 0.17 Volume total m^ 6.6 8.7 10.1 gallons 1752 2303 2767 filter % 13.5 30.5 33.1 ratio C/f' 0.15 0.44 0.49 Water flow (gpm) 28 32 24 tumover/day 23 20 13 exchange %/wk 7.1 1.8 3.3 Stocking number 3300 3300 4480 tank #/m^ 248 277 430 #/m^ 575 500 663 system 195 244 367 #/m^ 497 378 444 Harvest 12 wk mean size (g) 11.60 13.02 8.09 growth g/wk 0.82 1.00 0.65 survival % 45.6 29.2 56.9 production kg 12.5 17.4 20.7 kg/m^ 1.9 2.0 2.0 gal/lb 118 73 88 ratio of filler to tank Figures. A cross-section diagram ofSS-Sa utilizing chemical, physical and biological water treatments: L -lamellar separator, P - pump, SK - skimmer, BF - biological filter, R - reservoir tank, T - culture tank, O - site of ozone injection, S - site of sample coUection. Closed System Culture of F. va^namei 405 water to flow out of the tanks through 5.08 cm center drains where it was directed to Uie bottom of the lamellar separa- tor used in SS-2a. Water flowed up tlie mclmed media of the separator and overflowed mio a pump chamber. The pump chamber, a 81 .3 cm x 7 1 .1 cm x 81 .3 cm fiberglass tank, had a 3.81 cm PVC bulkhead fitting in the sidewall which connected directly to a lip Jacuzzi pump. The pump supplied water to the top of a 30.5 cm diameter,2.4 m tall tank with a conical insert having a 5.08 cm center hole, all of which served as a protein skimmer. Water exited the bottom of the skimmer and entered the bottom of a biofillcr. The biofdler was constructed of a conical-botlomed 0.029 m cylindrical tank 1 .5 m tall. A diffusor plate with holes on 2.54 cm centers was placed at the lop of the conical part of the filter tank. Gravel placed on top of the diffusor retained the carbon used as a filter media. Water flowed up through the filter, which caused some fluidization, where it was collected in an overflow trough and directed to a reservoir chamber used in SS-2a. Water entering the reservoir flowed through a cylindrical plastic perforated basket used in SS- 1 containing a bonded filter malting (Fritz Aquaculture, Dallas, Texas). Four separate bulkhead fittings exited the sidewall of the reser- voir and directed the water back to the culture tanks. Flow rates were controlled by valves. Excess water from the reservoir was directed by an overflow pipe back to the pump chamber. Ozone was sparged into the skimmer, the reservoir and directly into each of die four culture tanks. Total area for SS-3a was 12,2 and total volume was 10. 1 m^. The flow rate was 24 gpm with a turnover rate of 13 times per day . Hatchery-reared Penaeus vannamei postlarvae, cul- tured to a minimum size of 1 g, were hand counted into the three systems. SS-1 and SS-2a were stocked in February 1989 with 3,300 shrimp each. SS-3a was stocked in August 1989 willi 1 , 1 40 shrimp per tank for a total of 4,480 shrimp. Salinily varied from 16 to 20 ppt and temperature ranged from 23to28'’C. Shrimp were fed continuously utilizing automatic Zeigler baby belt feeders (Gardners, Pennsylvania). Rangen (Buhl, Idaho) and Ziegler (Gardners, Pennsylvania) aniTicial shrimp grower feeds were fed to shrimp at a rate of 5% body weight. A sample of no less than 25 animals were individu- ally weighed each week to the nearest 0.01 g on an electronic balance. Feeding rates were adjusted weekly for all systems. Shrimp growth was monitored for a period of 12 weeks, at which tune tanks were harvested and survival rales deiennined. Water quality values for pH and ammo- nia were determined weekly by using an Orion pH/ion analyzer. Nitrite and luirate were determined by standard methods (EPA 1983) each week. Sodium carbonate was added as needed in an attempt to regulate pH. Water was added only to replace loss and after occasional flushing of the lamellar separator. In addition, total hetrotrophic bacteria were determined by plating on marine agar and counting colony-fonning units. Presumptive Vibrio col- ony- fonning units cultured on TCBS agar were counted weekly for SS-I and SS-2a. Additional weekly water quality samples were taken from the inflow and outflow for each filter component of SS-2a and SS-3a for three weeks prior to the 12-week inventory. After the systems were modified, additional samples wore taken for three weeks prior to the 20lh-week harvest. The difference between values for inflow and outflow for each component was calculated and expressed as percent instantaneous change for ammonia and for nitrate. After the 1 2- week period when shrimp were harvested , SS-2a and SS-3a were modified and labelled as SS-2b and SS-3b, respectively. Additional water quality samples were analyzed from the individual filter components. For SS-2b, six 0.16 1.5 m high skimmers were plumbed directly into the lamellar outflow (Fig. 4). Water fiowed down though the skimmers, out llie bottom and was directed back up over the side of the reservoir chamber. SS 3b (Fig. 5) was modified by addition of a hydrocyclone (Flo Trend Systems, Inc, Demon, Texas) for particulate re- moval. The hydrocyclone was plumbed inline between the pump and the skimmer. The 30.48 cm diameter skimmer was replaced with a 45.72 cm diameter cylinder. The biofilter was replaced with a flat bouomed cylinder with a conical top 61 cm in diameter. Water exited the top of the filler through a 5.08 cm diairieier P VC pipe which directed the water though the sidewall of the reservoir. Results Results for the three systems were significantly differ- ent. Shrimp growth averaged 0.82, 0.99 and 0.65 g/wk and survival rales for the 12- week period were 45.6%, 29.2% and 56.9% for SS- 1 , SS-2a and SS-3a, respectively. Total production was 12.5, 17.4 and 20.7 kg or 1.9, 2.0, and 2.0 kg/m^ for SS-1, SS-2a and SS-3a, respectively (Table 1). Water varied in pH from 7. 1 2 to 7.87 for SS- 1 , 7.22 to 7.93 for SS-2a, and 7,33 to 7.80 for SS-3a (Fig. 6). Total ammonia flucutated from 0.01 to 0.254 ppm for SS-1, 0.094 to 0.455 ppm for SS-2a, and 0.083 to 1.06 ppm for SS-3a (Fig. 7). Nitrite flociutated from 0,098 to 2.12 ppm for SS-1, 0.074 to 2.35 ppm for SS-2a, and 0.063 to 1.38 ppm for SS-3a (Fig. 8). Nitrate increased from 0.1 18 to 55.3 ppm for SS- 1 , varied between 1 .35 to 23 .6 ppm for SS- 2a, and ranged from 4.79 to 12.5 ppm for SS-3a (Fig. 9). Nitrate was actually reduced in SS-2a and SS-3a, A com- parasion was made of tlic water quality data for systems 2a, 2b, 3a and 3b for the 'mdividual filter components. The pump removed anunonia from all systems ranging from 3.2% to 13.5%. The lamellar separator was also removing ammonia except in SS-3a where ammonia was added. The skimmer for SS-2a and 2b also increased the ammonia Figure 4. A cross*sectioQ diagram of SS-2b after modification: R - raceway, P > pump, L • lamellar separator, SK - skimmer, RV - reservoir tank, V - venturi injector, O - site of ozone injection, S - site of sample collection. Figure 5. A cross-section diagram of SS-3b after modification: L - lamellar separator, P - pump, C - hydrocyclone particle separa tor, SK - skimmer, BF - biological filter, R - reservoir tank, T - culture tank, O - site of ozone injection, S - site of sample collection. Parts per Million Closed S ystem C ulture of P. vannamei 407 O 1 234567B9 10 1112 WEEK LEGEND SS 1 BIOLOGICAL SS 2 OZONE SS 3 COMBINATION Figure 6. Graph of pH monitored over a 12 -week period for three shrimp systems* LEGEND SS 1 BIOLOGICAL „ SS 2 OZONE SS 3 COMBINATION Figure 7* Graph of total ammonia monitored over a 12-week period for three shrimp systems. Parts per Mon Parts per Million 408 Ogle andLooz LEGEND SS 1 BIOLOGICAL SS 2. OZONE SS 3 COMBINATION Figure 8. Graph of nitrite monitored over a 12-vFeek period for three shrimp systems. LEGEND SS 1 BIOLOGICAL SS 2 OZONE SS 3 COMBINATION Figure 9. Graph of nitrate monitored over a 12-week period for three shrimp systems. Closed System Culture of P. yannamei 409 concentration, while the skimmer for SS-3a and 3b reduced the ammonia level. Ammonia was removed by the venturi in SS-2a and by ihe filter in SS-3a (Table 2). Nitrate was removed at a rate of 0^6 to 0.81 ppm from all systems except SS-2a, Mostremoval of nitrate from the systems oc- curred in the lamellar separator (Table 3). The hetrotrophic bacterial levels remained about the same throughout the study for both SS-I and SS-2a (Fig. 10). Levels were basically the same for Ihe two systems until week 11, when SS -1 was cleaned and a 80% water change was made. Although the bacterial level increased in SS-2a for this week, SS-l levels decreased below the initial level. Numbers of presumptive Vibrio spp, de- creased slightly for both systems through week 4 and in- creased through week 11. In all but one sample, (week 4), counts for the ozonated system were higher than for the biological system (Fig. 11). During two of the weeks, counts were considerably higher than initial levels. Discussion Growth of P, vannaniei in the closed systems was consistent with rates recorded for the species in various systems. Under experimental conditions, growth as high as 3 g/wk have been reported (Ogle 1992). At higher stocking densities, Reid (1989) reported growth of 0.57 and 0.61 g/wk (Table 4). Under commercial pond production with high flushing rates, F. vannamei growth rates of 0.27 to 1.85 g/wk have been recorded (Table 5). Flowever, the target production period of 12 weeks resulted in 9 to 13 g animals. In order to achieve three crops per year, 1 .8 g/wk growth will be neccdssary for reliable production of a 20 g animal in a i 2 -week giowout period. Survival rales were dis^poiniing. Commercial ponds expect an 80-95% survival rate to make production fea- sible. In SS-1, SS-2a and SS“3a, numerous shrimp were lost when they jumped out of the culture tanks and escaped into other parts of the system. Bacterial levels were expected to be minimal in SS-2a with ozone treatment. Actually, hetenotrophic bacteria counts were higher in SS-2a than in SS-1 formostofthe 12- week period. Apparently, ozone was being consumed in the system by the high solid organic content. Before repeating this study, modifications should be made to remove solids from the system. Some biological filtration and denitrification was occurring in the lamellar. The nitrification occurring in the pump was unexpected and suggests that oxidation may have taken place due to air entrapment TABLE 2 Percent change in total ammonia between inflow and outflow of different filter components for four closed systems. System 2 a 2 b 3a 3b Pump -13.5 -8.9 -15.5 -3.2 Lamellar -8.5 - 2.2 +3.2 -6.3 Cyclone -1.5 Skimmer (O 3 ) +19.7 +4.1 ^.0 -7,0 Filter -17.7 - 12.2 Venturi (O 3 ) -25.2 - 12.8 Reservoir -26.8 Total ppm -0.043 -0.050 -0.30 -0.047 All numbers based on an average of three samples. 410 Ogle and Lotz TABLE 3 Percent change in nitrate levels between the inflow and outflow of different filter components for four closed systems. System 2a 2b 3a 3b Pump -15.7 +0.2 +2.7 -0.6 Lamellar +9.5 -2.8 -23.7 -19.8 Hydrocyclone -1.0 Skimmer (O3) +3.4 + 1.7 +1.9 -3.9 Filler -2.0 + 1.0 Venturi (O3) + 19.4 0.0 Reservoir + 15.4 Total ppm + 1.28 -0.26 -0.37 0.81 All numbers based on average of three samples. 1.000E+08 10000000 1000000 100000 CFU/ML J Biological UV - Ozone 0 1 3 4 8 9 11 Weeks Figure 10. Total lieterolrophic bacteria determined weekly for SS-1 and SS-2a. 10000000 1000000 100000 10000 1000 Closed System Culture of P. vannamki CFU/ML 411 100 Biological UV - Ozone 0 1 3 4 8 9 11 Weeks Figure 11. Presumptive Vibrio spp. sampled weekly for SS-1 and SS-2a. TABLE 4 Closed system growth (g/wk) of penaeid shrimp Species Minimum Maximum References P. aztecus 034 0.55 Forster and Beard 1974 0.20 0.53 Mock, Ross and Salser 1977 P. indicus 0.60 0,83 Forster and Beard 1974 P. japonicus 0.55 0.80 Forster and Beard 1974 P. merguiefisis 0.33 0.55 Beard, el al. 1977 P. inonodon 0.80 1.58 Forster and Beard 1974 P. occidentalis 0.57 0.78 Forster and Beard 1974 P. orienialis 0.91 1.42 Forster and Beard 1974 P. seitfeius 0.32 0.42 Forster and Beard 1974 0.25 0.52 Mock, Neal and Salser 1973 P. stylirostris 0.12 0.39 Kennedy 1980 P. vannamei 0.57 0.61 Reid Ym 0.59 0.99 Ogle 1992 412 Ogle and Lxyiz TABLES Growth of Penaeus vannamei at various densities. System Size System Type Density Growth g/wk Wyban and Sweeney 1990 330 pond 45 1.4 75 1.75 100 1.4 150 1.07 Aquacop 1989 1000 pond 139 0.60, 0.72 Reid 1989 — closed 970 0.57 1539 0.61 Ogle (unpublished data) 100 pond 100 0.38 16 0.80 1 1.85 Ogle 1992 1.8 in^ lank 6.5 3.29 13.7 2.31 27.3 1.40 This report closed 200 0.87, 0.99 367 0.59 Sandifer, et al. 1987 28 lank 10 1.41^ 20 1.35^ 40 l.ll^ Siindifer, ei al. 1988 0.25 ha pond 12 0.94^ 42.5 0.84^ 20 0.56^* 40 0.52^^ 60 0.51“ 100 0.57** Trimble, W. 1980 0.08 ha pond 2.5 1.8 ♦calculated, ♦♦estimated for 166-dlay growout Closed System Culture of P. vannamei 413 AcKNOWLEDGME?NnrS We thank Kathy Beaugez for reviewing the manu- scnipt and collecting data. Appreciation is also extended to Casey Nicholson^ Vicki CiW and Leslie Christinas for data collection and their iremendons support; Waste WaiM- Tteatraenu Inc. for supplying and setting up the ozone treatmcni; Patsy Browing for water analysis; and Cheryl Kerr and Dr. David Cook for bacteriological work. This project was funded by Grant 85-(SRS‘2-2537) and 85-(SR5 -2-2538) from the U.S. Department of Agricul- ture. Literature Cited Aquecop. 1989. Production results and operating costs of the first super'intensive shrimp farm in Tahiti. Absi. World Aquac- ult. Soc. 20(1):12A. Beard, T.W.,J.F.Wickcns andDJt. Arnstcin. 1977. The breeding and growth of Penaeus merguiensis Dc Man in laboratory recirculation systems. AquacuUitre 10:275-289. EPA. 1983. Chemical analysis for water and waste. EPA-625-16/ 14i003. Revised March 1983. Forster, I.R.M. andT.W. Beard. 1974. Experiments to assess the suitability of nine species of prawns for intensive cultiva- tion. Ai/Moctf/fKrc 3:335-368. Kennedy, R.M. 1980, Recycling and reuse of water for the intensive culture of shrimp. M.S. Thesis, Univ, ofHouston, Texas. 45 pp. Mock, C.R„ R. A. Neal and B .R. Salscr 1973. A closed raceway for the culture of shrimp. Proc. World Markult, Soc. 4:247-259. Mock, C.R.. L.R. Ross and B.R. Salser. 1977. Design and preliminary evaluation of a closed system for shrimp culture. Proc, World MaricuU, Soc. 8:333-369. Ogle, J.T. 1992. Variability in growth of postlarval P, vannamei. Gulf Res. Rept.: 8(4):423^26, Reid, B. 1989. Evaluation of a recirculating raceway system for the intensive culture of the penaeid shrimp Penaeus van- namei Boone. M.S. thesis. Corpus Chrisli State Univ,, Corpus Christl. Texas. 70 pp. Sandifer, P.A., J.S. Hopkins and A.D. Stokes. 1987. Intensive culture potential of Penaeus vannamei. J. World Aqacult. Soc. 18(2):94-100. Sandifer, P.A., J.S. Hopkins and A.D. Stokes. 1988. Intensifica- tion of shrimp culture in earthen ponds in South Carolina: Progress and prospects./. World Aquacult, Soc, 19(4):218' 226, Trimble, W.C. 1980. Production trials for monoculture and polyculture of white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) or blue shrimp (P, stylirostris) with Florida porapano (Trackinotus carolinusym Alabama, 1978-1979./. World Maricult. Soc. 11:44-59. Wyban, J.A. and J.N. Sweeney. 1990. A systems approach to developing intensive shrimp growout technology. Pp. 91- 94. In: R. HLrano and I. Hanyu (cds.). Second Asian Fisheries Forum. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philip- pines. 991 pp. Gulf Research Reports Volume 8 | Issue 4 January 1992 Effects of Salinity on Survival and Growth of Postlarval Penaeus vannamei John T. Ogle Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Kathy Beaugez Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Jeffrey M. Lotz Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, jefF.lotz(^ DOI: 10.18785/grr.0804.07 Follow this and additional works at: http:/ / gcr Part of the Marine Biology Commons Recommended Citation Oglc; J. T.; K. Beaugez and J. M. Lotz. 1992. Effects of Salinity on Survival and Growth of Postlarval Penaeus vannamei. Gulf Research Reports 8 (4): 415-421. Retrieved from http:// /iss4/7 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by The Aquila Digital Community. It has been accepted for inclusion in Gulf and Caribbean Research by an authorized editor ofThe Aquila Digital Community. For more information, please contact Joshua.Cromwell^ Gulf Research Reports, Vol. 8, No. 4, 415-421, 1992 Manuscript received June 13, 1990; accepted March 19, 1992 EFFECTS OF SALINITY ON SURVIVAL AND GROWTH OF POSTLARVAL PENAEt/S VANNAMEI JOHN T. OGLE, KATHY BEAUGEZ, AND JEFFREY M. LOTZ Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, P. O. Box 7000, Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39564 ABSTRACT Eight and 22-day-old Penaeus vannamei postlaivac were exposed to several salinities for 24 hours and 1 20 hours by direct transfer from 32 ppt salinity to lower salinity waters. The challenge study included six experiments conducted on 8 -day-old postlarvae (PL-8) and five experiments conducted on 22-day-old posllarvae (PL-22). Each experiment consisted of ten replicates of ten animals each- Shrimp were held in I L plastic containers with 5(X)-ml of seawater. Lowered salinity resulted in lower survival for shrimp of both ages. Longer exposure time resulted in lower survival for shrimp of both ages. Younger shrimp exhibited lower survival than older shrimp. Survival of 8-day-old posllarvae after 24-hour exposure to salinities of 32. 16. 8,4. and 2 ppt was 97.3%. 92.8%, 19.8%, 8.2% and 1.7%, respectively. Survival of 22-day-old posllarvae after 24-hour exposure was 99.2%, 97.8%, 83.8%, 63.4% and 40.2%, respectively. A second scries of experiments investi- gated the effect of salinity upon growth of 22-day-old postlarvae which had been acclimated to four different salinities (16. 8,4, and 2 ppt),Thirly shrimp were stocked in triplicate into 11 3 L (30 gal) aquaria and fed a prepared commercial feed. Growth was determined after 30 days at 16*^ and 28-30*C. Growth was greatest at higher temperatures, but statistically significant differences due to salinity were not detectable. Nonetheless, best observed growth occurred at the intermediate salinities of 8 and 4 ppL Introduction Shrimp of the genus Penaeus encounter a wide variety of salinities throughout their life cycle. Most penaeid species mature and reproduce in high salinity open ocean waters . Subsequently, the larvae migrate into lower salinity esruarine nursery areas where they metamorphose into postlarvae and grow rapidly (Gunier etal. 1964). Juveniles of Penaeus aztecus have been captured in Gulf of Mexico waters of 0.80 ppt salinity, and juveniles oiP.fluviatilis (= P. setiferus) have been found ui salinities as low as 0.42 ppt (Gunter and Shell 1958). At the other extreme, juvenile P. setiferus have been captured in water witli salinities as high as 43.3 ppi (Gunter 1961) andP, brasHi€nsis\mye. been captured in waters ranging from 40-60 ppt (Chung 1980). Although young shrimp tolerate a wide variety of salinities, they may show preferences for salinities within narrower ranges. For example, Chung (1980) found that 80% of the posilarval P. brasiliensis which he tested pre- ferred salinities from 5-28ppt,even though ihe animals had been captured in a high saUnity (40-60 ppt) lagoon. On the other hand, Zein-Eldin (1963) demonstrated lhat wild- caught P, aztecus, P. duorarum, and P. setiferus postlarvae all liad high survival rates tmd exhibited no differences in growth rate in salinities ranging from 2 to 40 ppt. This led Zein-Eldin to surmise Uiat salinity may be of less impor- tance than other factors in ijosdarval development. Penaeus vannamei, tlie most popular aquacultured shrimp in the Western Hemisphere, has been reponed to have the greatest tolerance for low salinity water (1-8 ppt) of four penaeids from west Mexico (Mair 1980). In Ecua- dor, wild-caught P. vannamei postlarvae have been re- poned to grow in ponds with salim'ties below 2 ppt by Chauvin (1983) and in 0 ppt salinity by Garston (1986). Wulff (1987) reported culturing lliis species in Arizona utilizing total freshwater. In laboratory experimenis, Oiin and Fast (1987) determined that transfer of 5 to 12-day-old postlarval P. vannamei from 32 ppt salinity water directly into water of 20 or 36 ppt salinity resulted in survivals of 89% and 99%, respectively. The only experimental data forP. vannamei growth in low salinities is that of Huang (1983). He measured the growth of postlarvae P. vannamei after 30 days in waters of 5, 15, 25, 35, and 45 ppt and found lhat fastest growth occurred at 25 ppt, while poorest growth occurred at 45 ppt. Studies on the survival and growth of postlarval P. vannamei in low salinity water are valuable to shrimp fanners along Uie NorUiem Gulf of Mexico. Coastal salinities may be as low as 2 ppt in the spring (Ogle 1 989), when postlarvae are generally slocked into ponds. Further, shrimp in ponds are often subjected to rapid salinity drops after rainfall. In this paper, we report tlie results of investigations concerning the effect of rapid salinity decreases on the survival of postlarval P. vannamei. We also attempt to determine the effect of low salinity on growth of P. van- namei after a period of acclimation to low salinity. 415 4J6 Ogle et al. Materials and Methods All studies were conducted using anificial sea sails (Instant Ocean) dissolved in lap waler. For each experi- ment, waters of various salinities were prepared from a common Slock of seawater wiihasalinity of32ppt. At least three days prior to each expeiimeni, the slock seawater was diluted with fresh lap water to achieve salinities of 1 6, 8, 4, and 2 ppt. Higher salinities (32 and 16 ppl) were measured with a refraclomeler, while lower salinities (8. 4 and 2 ppt) were measured with a hydrometer. During each experi- ment, continuous illumination was provided by six 40-watt fluorescent bulbs. Five-day-old posilarval slirimp were obtained from two Florida-based commercial hatcheries. Shrimp arrived at Ib-lS^C in 32-34 ppt seawater. Posllarvae from each shipment were held for three days in 32 ppt seawater and fed brine shrimp nauplii {Artemia sp.) three limes daily, ad libitum, before begiiming experiments. Each sliipmenl of shrimp was divided into three groups, one for each of three studies. Salinity Shock Study 1: 8-day-old postlarvae The first group of shrimp from each shipment was challenged when they were 8 days old by direct transfer into waters of one of five salinities (32, 16, 8, 4, or 2 ppl). White 1 L plastic bowls containing 500 juI of seawater were used as experimental chambers, 'fen chambers for each salinity (32, 16, 8, 4, and 2 ppO were utilized. Each chamber was slocked with ten postlarvae. Two hours were required to transfer the posllarvae to the experimental chambers. Chambers were loosely fitted wiili lids to reduce evaporation. Temperatures were maintained by placing cliambers in a constant-temperature water baili. Experiments were conducted on six separate ship- ments of 8-day-old postlarvae. Animals were fed live Anemia sp, nauplii and freeze-dried calanoid copepods (Kordon microplankion) immediately after being slocked and three times daily thereafter. Dead shrimp were re- moved daily. Survival of animals in each chamber was recorded at 24 hours and 120 hours. Study 2: 22‘-day-otd posllarvae The second group of animals from each shipment was held in water of 32 ppl salinity until they were 22-days-old. The slniinp were then challenged by direct iriinsfer to waters with salinities of 32, 16, 8, 4, and 2 ppt. All procedures employed in Study 1 were followed for the five experiments conducted on 22-day-old posllarvae. Salinity acclimation Study 3: Survival and growth of 22-day-old post-larvae accliinated to lower salinilies The third group of posilarval shrimp was gradually acclimated to the various salinilies prior to the start of the experiments. Slirimp were divided among four 1 13 L aq- uaria and acclimated separately to the lower salinities of 16, 8, 4, and 2 ppt. Salinity in each aquarium was lowered at a rate of 2 ppt per day by adding aged lap water. The acclimation regime achieved the desired salinities by the lime that the experiment was initialed (Day 0). Acclima- tion of shrimp to 2 ppt began 14 days prior to slocking, to 1 6 ppt began seven days before stocking and so on. During tile acclimation period, shrimp were gradually weaned from a diet of Anemia sp. nauplii and copepods to a Rangen-Zeigler posilarval feed. These experiments were performed in triplicate in all- glass aquaria containing 1 13 Lof seaw'aler. Each aquarium was stocked with 30 posllarvae. Shrimp were individually weighed to the nearest 0.0 1 g on an electronic balance. A subsample of 25 posllarvae from each of the salinilies was weighed on Day 0 after the acclimation period and prior to the Stan of each experiment When the experiments began, posllarvae were less than 0,01 g (wet weight). All surviv- ing shrimp were weighed on Day 30. Total weight gain was used as an indicator of growtli because Zem-Eldin (1963) and Raj and Raj (1982), working with posilarval penaeid shrimp, found that weight increased faster than length and was Uierefore a more sensitive indicator of growth. Three separate experiments were conducted in this study. The first two experiments were nm simultaneously using shrimp from the same shipment. In experiment 1, water temperatures were maintained at 30'’C ± (high temp). In experiment 2. water temperatures were main- tained al 16^C ± 2‘^C (low temp). The third experiment was run at a different lime and utilized a different shipment of shrimp than the first two experiments. During experiment 3, water temperatures were maintained at 28°C ± 1°C. Temperatures were controlled by regulating the room temperature or by aquarium healers. All three experiments were conducted at each of four salimlies (16, 8, 4, and 2 ppl). No substrate was used in the aquaria. Filtration was provided by an external power filter (Dynaflow 600). Pievious experiments on 22-day-old posllarvae demon- strated that the postlarvae were too small to handle the cur- rents and would be held against the filler screens during the first week. Death resulted whtm the shrimp were held against the screens for periods longer than an hour. To prevent loss of postlarvae, the intake pipe of the power filter was screened. Additionally, during the first week of growth the fillers were run only an hour a day. (Use of trade names does not imply endorsement,) Effects of Salinity on Postlarval Penaeus vannamei 417 Saliniiies were checked twice weekly and mainiained at Ihe appropriate salinity levels by the addition of freshwa- tec Salinity fluctuaiions were less than I ppt. Addition of plexiglass lids reduced evaporation and prevented the shrimp from jumping out of the tanks. Data Analysis Survival data were analyzed as percent survival using the Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric analysis of variance. Pairwise comparisons were performed with the Maim- Whitney U-lest us'mg Bonferroni's criterion of signifi- cance. Differences were considered to be significant if P < 0.05. Growth was determined as final wet weight of shrimp. The analysis of growth as a function of temperature and salinity was analyzed using a two-way nested analysis of variance where the replicated aquaria provided the error term for hypothesis testing. Differences were considered to be significant if P < 0.05. Results Salinity Shock Effect of age at exposure on ability to survive a salinity drop Figure 1 displays the survival of 8 -day-old postlarvae (PL-8) and 22-day -old posilarvae (PL-22) of P, vannamei at 24 hours and 120 hours after challenge to various lowered salinities. The Kruskal-Wallis lest delected sig- nificant differences in overall survival (combined 24 hours and 120 hours) between PL-8 and PL-22. Mann-Whitney U-tests at each salinity revealed that overall survival (com- bined 24 hours and 120 hours) was significantly lower for eight-day-old postlarvae Uian for 22-day-old postlarvae at 16, 8, 4, and 2 ppt salinity. No differences in survival due to age were delected at the initial salinity of 32 ppt Effect of salinity challenge on survival of 8-day-old postlarvae Survival of 8-day-old posUarvae after 24 hours expo- sure to salinities of 32, 16, 8, 4, and 2 ppt was 97.3%, 92.8%, 19.8%, 8.2%, and 1.7%, respectively. The Kruskal- Wallis test detected significant differences in overall sur- vival due to salinity. There was no significant difference (Mann-Whilney U-lcst) in survival percentage between PL-8s transferred to 32 ppt (control) and those transferred to 16 ppt (Figure 2). There was no significant difference in survival between PL-8s exposed to 4 and 2 ppt. Survival was significantly higher for PL-8s transferred to 8 ppt than those transferred to lower salinities. There was a signifi- cant reduction in survival between animals exposed to 16 ppt imd those exposed to 8 ppt. This trend was obvious in both Uie 24-houi and 120-hour experiments. Figure 2 reveals that although the observed survival rales were lower at 120 hours than at 24 hours, the differ- ences were statistically significant by the Mann-Whitney U-tesi only at the higher salinities (32 ppt and 16 ppt). Effect of salinity challenge on survival of 22-day-old postlarvae Survival of 22-day-oId po.stlarvae after 24 hours expo- sure to 32, 16, 8, 4, and 2 ppt was 99.2%, 97.8%, 83.8%, 63.4%. and 40.2%„ respectively. Figure 3 exhibits tlie effect of salinity challenge on 22-day-old postlarval sur- vival. The Kruskal-Wallis test detected significant differ- ences in overall survival due to salinity . Significantly lower survival was detected for animals transferred from 32 ppt to 4 and 2 ppt salinity (Mann-Whitney U-lest). Survival of animals exposed to 4 ppt was lower than survival of animals exposed to 8 ppt. Survival was also lower for animals exposed to 8 ppt than for animals exposed to 16 ppt. There was no significant difference in survival percentage be- tween PL-22s transferred to 32 ppt (control) and those transferred to 16 ppt. Survival of postlarvae after 24 hours exposure was generally higher at all salinities than after 120 hours expo- sure. Statistically significant differences for time of expo- sure are also indicated on Figure 3. Salinity Acclimation Effect of acclimation to lowered satin ity on survival of 22- day-old postlarvae Figure 4 compares the survival of shrimp acclimated to lower salinities at two temperatures. The Kruskal-Wallis test failed to delect differences in survival due to salinity at a temperature of 16°C. However, differences were de- tected at Uic higher temperatures where shrimp displayed a greater sensitivity to salinity (Maim-Whitney U-tests de- tected lower survival at 2 ppt than at 16 ppt). Effect of salinity acclimation and temperature on growth rate Postlarval P. vannamei grew fastest at higher leinpera- mres (Figure 5). The two-way nested analysis of variance delected greater final weights for shrimp reared at 30X than those at 16°C. Animals mainiained at 28-30°C were nearly twice as large as those grown at I6^C. There were no statistically detectable differences in growth among shrimp maintained at the four salinities. However, the greatest final weights were attained in tlie intermediate salinities (8 and 4 ppt) at both temperatures. Interestingly, there were large differences between shipments of shrimp in overall performance. Animals in experiment 2 (30X) reached 1 g in both 8 ppt and 4 ppt 418 Ogle FT AL. Salinity (ppt) Figure 1. Survival of salinity shock by 8-day-old and 22-day-old postlarval Penaeus vannameL Asterisks denote statistically signitlcaiit dilTerences in survival between shrimp of tbe two ages. 2 . 4 . 8 . 16 . 32 . Salinity (ppt) Figure 2. Survival of salinity shock by 8-day-old postlarval Penaeus vannamei for 24 and 120 hour exposures. Salinities sharing a line are not statistically different from one another. Asterisks denote statistically significant differences in survival between shrimp exposed for 24 hours or 120 hours at each salinity. Effects of Salintty on Postlarval Pesaeus vannamei 419 2 . 4 . 8 . 16 . 32 . Salinity (ppt) Figure 3. Survival of salinity shock by 22-day-old postlarval Penaeus vannamei for 24 hour and 120 hour exposures. Salinities sharing a line are not statistically difTerent Trom one another. Asterisks denote statistically significant differences in survival between sbrioip exposed for 24 hours or 120 hours at each salinity. Salinity (ppt) Figure 4. Effects of temperature on survival of 22-day-old postlarval Penaeux vannamei acclimated to low salinity. There are no statistically significant differences among salinities for shrimp maintained at 16°C. For shrimp maintained at 28°C and 30°C, salinities sharing a letter are not statistically different from each other. 420 Ogle et al. m 30C □ 16 C Salinity (ppt) Figure 5. Final weights of Penaeus vannamei grown for 30 days at two temperatures* There is a statistically significant difference between the temperatures, but there are no signiHcant differences due to salinity at either temperature. seawater. Animals grown in both 16 ppl and 2 ppi seawater ai 30®C failed to attain a size of I g. Animals from a different shipment of shrimp grown at 28'’C demonstrated negligible growth at any salinity and therefore were ex- cluded from the growth rate analysis. Discussion Our results on Uie tolerance of postlarval P. vannamei to rapidly-lowered salinities are consistent witli oUier stud- ies of penaeids. Zein-Eldin and Aldrich (1965) report lower survival of P. az(ecus when exposed to reduced salinilies for more than 24 hours. Biesiot (1975) noted that 22-day- old F. aziecus were more tolerant to challenge by low salinity than lO-day-old postlarvae. In studies on four penaeid species. Mair (1980) found that as shrimp became older and increased in size, their salinity preferences al- tered and they were apparently able to adjust more readily to lower salinities. In our studies, posilarvae of P. vannamei had greater observed survival at 24 hours than at 120 hours. The differ- ences in survival at a particular age which we noted between 24 hours and 120 hours are due to lime of expo- sure. The survival rale (deaths per hour) is no different at 24 hours than at 120 hours, even though the total number of deaths was greater at 120 hours for each salinity and age. There was a great deal of variability in survival among the different shipments of posilarvae tested. Ability of postlarvae to withstand stresses is known to vary considera- bly and is apparently correlated with overall performance in aquaculture settings. In fact, postlarvae collected from full seawater in the wild in Ecuador which are destined for shrimp culture ponds are subjected to a three -minute brack- ish water stress lest bath (15 ppt) to assess their vigor (Maugle, personal communication). A simple salinity stress test was used by Tackacn el ai. (1989) to evaluate nulritional differences for three si>ecies of penaeids includ- ing P. vannamei. Although we were unable to d etect statistically signifi- cant differences in growth rate attributable to salinity, the greatest observed growth rales occurred at 8 and 4 ppt salinities. In a commercial setting, P. vannamei slocked into nursery ponds are expected to achieve a size of 1 g in 30 to 50 days (Shleser and Folleil 1984). The growth of shrimp at30°C in this study was acceptable by this criterion at salinities of 8 and 4 ppt. Growth at 16°C was below this criterion at all salinities. Zein-Eldin and Griffith (1969) Effects of Salinity on Postlarval Penaeus vannamei 421 have shown lhal P. an ecus and P, seiiferus posUarvae were adversely alTecled by low salinities when held at low lem- peratures. Stunner and Lawrence (1989) found that a combination of high salinity and high temperamre had an adverse effect on production of P, vannamei posUarvae. As with survival » growth of P. vannamei under labora- tory conditions is highly variable and often unpredictable (Ogle 1 992). The lack of growUi in the group of shrimp held at28^C was probably not due to temperature, but indicative of the variabil ily of the animals^ Olin and Fast ( 1989) tested P. vannamei and P. monodon posilarvae in acclimation studies. When different groups of posilarvae were tested under the same conditions, there appeared to be significant differences in growUi among the groups. This points out the critical need for using as many replicates as possible when designing aiid performing experiments on .shrimp growth and survival. Even though greatest growUi was found in waters with salinities of 8 and 4 ppt, percentage survival was better at 16 ppt. We feel that posU^al .shrimp would have a higher survival rate if stocked into lower salinity ponds (between 1 6 and 8 ppt) as PL-22s rather than PL-8s. We do not know if the additional cost of holding the shrimp for the added 1 2 days would offset the cost of additional postlarvae. Acknowledgments The authors wish to express their appreciation to Annette Barrett, Leslie Christmas, Ken Stuck, and Bill Trimble for data collection and Vicki Crain for typmg. This research was supported in part by the Cooperative State Research Service of the U.S. Dept, of Agriculture through Grants 85-CSRS-2-2538 and 88-38808-3319. Literature Cited Biesioi, P. 1 975. Saliniry tolerance of postlarval brown shrimp Penaeus aziecus in relation to age and acclimation salinity. MS thesis. Bowling Green Slate University, Ohio. 63 pp. Chung, K.S. 1980. A note on salinity preferences of Penaeus brasiliensis. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 46(3):389. Chauvin, W.D. 1983. Ecuador shrimp moves to second largest export. The Fish Boat 28(8):4l, 66-70. Garston,G. 1986. Personal correspondence. Aquaculture Digest lL8.3g.p.20. Gunter, G. 1961. Habitat of juvenile shrimp (family Penaeidac). 42(3): 598-600. Gunter, G. and W.E. Shell, 1958. A study of an estuarine area with water-level control in the Louisiana marsh. Proc. of Louisi- ana Acad. Sci. 2l :5-34. Gunter, G., J. Y. Christmas and R. Kilicbrew. 1964. Some relations of salinity lo population distributions of motile es- luarine organisms, with special reference lopenaeid shrimp. Ecology 45( 1 ) : 1 8 1 - 1 85. Huang, H I. 1983. Factors affecting the successful cullurc of Penaeus stylirosiris and Penaeus vannainei at an csluarinc power plant site; temperature, salinity, inherent growth variabiUty.damsclfly nymph predation, population density and distribution, and polyculturc. Ph.D dissertation. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. 221 pp. Maugle, P.D. 1990. Personal communication. P.O. Box 476, Sandcrslome, Rhode Island. 02874. Mair, J. McD. 1980. Salinity and water type preferences of four species of postlarval shrimp {Penaeus) from West Mexico. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecof. 45:69-82. Ogle, J.T, 1989. The giowlh of cultchlcss CrassosJrea virgintca spat at Biloxi Bay, Mississippi using different methods of culture. Gulf Res- kept. 8(2):173-179. Ogle, J.T. 1992. Variability in growth of postlarval P. vannamei. Gulf Res. kept, 8(4):423.426. Olin, P.G, and A.W. Fast. 1987. Acclimation to pH and salinity of postlarval Penaeus nvarginatus and Penaeus vannamei in tropical aquaculture ponds. Absl. J. World Aquacul. Soc. 18(1);I7A. Olin, P.G. and A W. Fast. 1989. Acclimation of postlarval Penaeus vannamei and Penaeus monodon to abrupt change in salinity and Icmpcralure. Absi. J. World Aquacul. Soc. 20(1):60. Raj, R.P. and P.3.S. Raj. 1982. Effect of salinity on growth and survival of three species of pen acid prawns. Proc. Synip. Coastal Aquaculture 1:236-243. Shlcscc,RA.andL.F.FoUcL 1984. Research and development in maturation and production of penaeid shrimp in the Western Hcraisplrerc. Proc. 9th and 10th. U.S. -Japan Meeting on Aquaculture NOAA Tech. Repi. NMFS 16:57-60. Sturmcr, L.N. and A. Lawrence. 1989. Salinity effects on Pe~ naeus vannamei production in nursery and growoul ponds,, /. World Aquacul. Soc, 20(1):73A. Tackaerl, W., P. Abelin, P. Legcr and P. Sorgcloos. 1989. Stress resistance as a criterion lo evaluate quality of postlarval shrimp reared under different feeding procedures. Shrimp Plantation 89. IB Brazilian ShrimpConference, October 16- 20 19$9. Joaa Pessoa - P.B.- Brazil, pp, 393-403. Wulff, R. 1987. Rumblings in Arizona. Aquaculture Digest 12.11.7, p. lo-n. Zcin-Eldin, Z.P. 1963. Effcclof salinity on growth of postlarval penaeid shrimp. Biol. Bull 125(1): 188- 196. Zein-Eldin, Z.P. and Aldrich, D.V. 1965. Growth and survival of posilarvae Penaeus aztecus under controlled conditions of temperature and salinity. Biol. Bull. 129 (1); 199-21 6. 2^in-EIdjn, Z.P. and G.W. Griffith. 1969. An appraisal of the effects of salinity and temperature on growth and Survival of postlarval pcnacids. F AO Fish, kept, 3(57): 1015- 1026, Gulf Research Reports Volume 8 | Issue 4 January 1992 Variability in Growth of Postlarval Penaeus vannamei John T. Ogle Gulf Coast Research Laboratory DOI: 10.18785/grr.0804.08 Follow this and additional works at: http:/ / gcr Part of the Marine Biology Commons Recommended Citation Ogle, J. T. 1992. Variability in Growth of Postlarval Penaeus vannamei. Gulf Research Reports 8 (4): 423-426. Retrieved from This Article is brought to you for free and open access by The Aquila Digital Community It has been accepted for inclusion in Gulf and Caribbean Research by an authorized editor of The Aquila Digital Community. For more information, please contact Joshua.Cromwell( Gulf Research Reports. Vol. 8. No. 4, 423-426. 1992 Manuscript received October 1, 1990; accepted Janaary 18. 1992 VARIABILITY IN GROWTH OF POSTLARVAL VANNAMEl JOHN T. OGLE GuJf Coast Research Laboratory, P.O. Box 7000, Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39564 ABSTRACT This note reports the average size of Penaeus vannamei postlarvae held under a variety of conditions for approximately 30 days. Fifteen separate and independent rearing trials were completed over several seasons. Extreme growth variations were noted, with significent differences existing in eight of the 26 replicates. Significant differences were noted for treatments in seven of the 12 studies. Shrimp ranged in size from an average of 0.01 to 3.08 g after a month of culture. Introduction Commercial aquacultun; in the Americas typically in- volves culture of the South American while legg^ shrimp. Penaeus vannamei, in earthen or plastic-lined nursery ponds (Stunner and Lawrence 1987). Postlaivae stocked into nursery ponds are expected to achieve a 1 g size in 30 to 45 days. After this nursery period, the juveniles are stocked into large earthen growout ponds. The use of nursery ponds increases the feed efficiency for the postlarvae and provides belter inventory control for the stocking of production ponds. Extending the growing season is one advantage of using nursery ponds in the United States. Eluring the colder months, shrimp culture may be started indoors under controlled conditions. At the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory (GCRL), rearing trials of postlarvalP. vannamei were conducted under a variety of conditions. Results of those independent trials are pre- sented ha-e. Materials and Methods P. vannamei posUarvae obtained firom a number of commercial and research hatcheries in the United Stales and abroad were reared at GCRL. Most studies utilized 113 L, all-glass aquaria stocked with 30 animals each( 108/m^). Several 1 .5 m diameter by 1 .5 m deep kalwall tanks (Solar Components Corp., Manchester, New Hampshire), rectan- gular tanks (0.96m x L9mx0.3m) L84m^andapond(683 m^) were also used in some of the studies as noted. Shrimp were stocked at densities ranging firom 100/m^ to 4,000/m^. Outside studies utilized aquaria or tanks exposed to full sunlight. Tanks placed under a roofed porch received indirect sunlight With the exception of one location study in a shed, aquaria maintained indoors were routinely kept at 28®C under constant light supplied by six 40-walt fluo- rescent bulbs. One study used additional 30-wau lighting directly over each aquaria and Fucus sp. algae. Another study used 15-watt lighting over each aquaria and GraciT (aria sp. algae. Illumination provided by six seven-watt bulbs of three colors (red, green and blue) and a combina- tion of the three colors were utilized in one study. The aquaria were wrapped in black plastic to shield them firom incidenial light. A study on substrates used five plasdc screens suspended longitudinally in each of three tanks, while GracUlaria sp. algae was used as the substrate in three additional tanks. A production trial was conducted in a pond containing floating round cages constructed of 500 micron plastic screen with a volume of 1 mL A final study utilized three aquaria outside and three aquaria inside plumbed into a common water source. The aquaria were placed in water baths which also shared a common water source. Tliree additional aquaria indoors were not plumbed into the common water system, but shared the indoor water bath. Aeration was provided by a single airstone to all treatments with the exception of the pond. A prepared commercial postlarval diet (Zeigler Bros, Inc., Gardners, Pennsylvania) was used in all treatments and shrimp were fed ad libitum. All studies utilized water of 16 ppl salinity. Artificial seawater prepared from aged tap water and a commercial sea salt was used in all aquarium studies. Natural sunlight and natural bay water were used in the kalwall tank and pond studies. The posUarvae (PLs), IG to 36 days old, weighed several milligrams at Uie time of stocking. After the growth period, all shrimp were har- vested, counted and individually weighed to Uie nearest milligram on an electronic balance. Numbers were aver- aged and a standard deviation calculated. Significance (a = 0.01) between replicates and between treatments for each study were calculated using analysis of variance (ANOVA), Shrimp growth was expected to increase fourfold after one month. Therefore, growth was not deiermined in percent increase but reported as final wet weight Genaal categories of variability included producUon. polyculture, light, algae, substrate, source of PLs, feeding rate, water depth and indoor versus outdoor locaUons. 423 424 Ogle Results Growth was extremely variable, resulting in a final average size after 30 days from 0.01 g to 3.08 g (Table 1). Significant differences existed in eight of 26 replicates and seven of 12 treatments. Production trials resulted in sizes of 0.37 (Study A) and 0.10 g (Study N). A feeding trial resulted in a final size of 0.07 and 0.09 g (Study D). Polyculture resulted in sizes of 1.32 (Study E) and 0.28 g (Study F). The use of various colored lights resulted in sizes of 0.04 and 0.05 (Study I). It was interesting to note that the shrimp held under green light turned a deep blue color. The use of a macioalgae substrate and additional light resulted in sizes of 0.1 4 (Study K) and 0,72 g (Study L). The use of substrate screens resulted in a size of 0.29 g (Study M). Animals obtained from differem sources achieved sizes ranging from 0.0 1 (Study G) to 1 . 16 g (Study H). The growth at three water depths ranged from 1 .02 in the 5 ft depth to 1 .34 g in the 3 ft depth (Study B). A comparison of inside with outside growth resulted in an outdoor size of 1 . 18 g (Study C) and 0.48 g (Study Final sizes of shrimp from inside static» inside flowing and outside flowing tanks were 0.81, 0.98 and 1. 13 g (Study O), Best growth was recorded for animals held in the 683 pond (Study J). Shrimp held in cages in the pond reached a size of 1 .20 when fed and 1 .24 g when unfed. Animals stocked directly into the pond grew to a final size of 3.08 g (S tudy J). Shrimp in four of the 2 1 inside treatments ( 1 9 %) achieved a size of 1 g, while shrimp in eight of the 11 outside treatments (73%) achieved 1 gin size. The maximum size achieved by shrimp in the four treatments held under the roofed porch was 0.47 g. In the kalwell study (Study B), temperature ranges were similar in the 5 ft (80^96 F) and 3 ft (81-96 F) depth, but fluctuated more in the 1 ft (78-98 F) depth. In the study which compared location (Study C), water temperatures ranged from 73-100, 75-85 and 70-86 F for tanks located outside, under a porch and inside a shed, respectively. In the final study (Study O), the inside flowing and outside flowing aquaria generally maintained the same tempera- tures, whereas the inside static aquaria generally ranged 2 to 9 degrees lower. Discussion The animals placed in natural pond water showed remarkable growth. Leber and Pruder( 1988) demonstrated a growth factor present in high density culture systems that promotes growA gieaterthen 1.5 g/wk in production ponds. They showed that this water, when pumped indoors, still induced good slirimp growth. It should be noted that when aiumals from Study B were harvested and restocked into the kalwall tanks, they also showed remarkable growth, in- creasing in size by 3.29 g during an 1 1-day period. Direct statistical comparisons between trials were not possible due to differences in initia] age, tank type, light source, seawater type ai)d temperature. However, empiri- cal comparisons are discussed. For all factors, examples can be found for both good and poor growth. Shrimp ^owth is highly variable among groups of animals (Olin and Fast 1989), and even within the same group of animals. While this has been demonstrated by the significant differences reported in eight of the replicates with identical conditions, this is not always the case. Ani- mals from four different sources (two different sources for each study) cultured under the same conditions within the same study achieved poor growth in Study G (0.0 1 g) and good growth in Study H (1.16, 1 .14 g). Animals cultured outside generally grow better than animals grown inside. Eight of the 1 1 outside treatments achieved a size greater than 1 g, while only four of the 21 inside treatments achieved a size greater than 1 g. This was contradicted in the polycultuie Studies E and F. The shrimp cultured inside in Study E achieved a size greater than 1 g, while the shrimp cultured outside in Study F grew to a maximum size of 0.48 g. However, there was a signifi- cant difference in three of the four treatments in Studies E and F. All shrimp were held in aquaria without filuaiion at a density of 108 m^ for 30 days. Although there was a difference in posilarvae age at the lime of stocking, age does not appear to be the determining factor. The shrimp in Study H surpassed the 1 g size expected in a nursery system while the posilarvae in Study G showed negligible growth even though the animals were twice as old at the lime of slocking (PL- 12 vs PL-24, respectively). Also, the shrimp in Study H achieved the same size as the shrimp cultui^ without snails in Study H, even though Study £ animals were three limes as old (PL-36 vs PL-12). In all three studies, postlarvae were held inside in aquaria for 30 to 32 days at a density of 108 m^. In these studies, all treatments that were located out- doors tended to be warmer than the 28°C temperature of indoor tanks. The shallower water depth used for the kalwell tank.s also resulted in warmer temperatures. Aq- uaria placed outdoors tended to grow algae which may have conditioned the water or served as a supplemental feed source. The final study attempted to eliminaie the influ- ence of these factors by circulating both the culture water and the baUi water. Temperatures and algae growth were the same for both the inside and outside flowing tanks, and no significant differences were noted for shrimp sizes. Sig- nificant differences in growth of shrimp in the inside replicates were noted. TTieiefore, the role of natural sun- li^t per se has not been demonstrated. Variabd-tty in Growth of Postlarval PEffAEUS vannamei 425 Table 1 Nursery growth of Penaeus vanaamei under a variety of conditions Study Location Tank Type Biter Density An* Age PL Duntim Days Rep No. Sorviva] Percent Slat X Size g SD A. production outside kal □one 274 20 33-35 3* ,39.7 0.37 0.126 B, 5* outaide kal ncoe 108 26 31 1 19.0 a 1.01 0.338 3* depth outside kal ume 108 26 32 I 99.0 b 1.34 0.335 r depth outside kal none 108 26 32 1 81.0 a 1.14 0.395 C. location outside tk none 100 23 29-32 1 43.8 a 1.18 0.389 porch tk none 100 13 35 1 69.2 b 0A7 0.159 inside tk none 100 23 32 1 51.5 c 0.65 0.248 D. 1% feed inside aq dynaflo 108 14 32 3 68.3 a 0.07 0.061 10% feed inside aq dynaflo 108 14 32 3 85.0 a 0.09 0.073 E. snails inside aq none 108 36 32 3* 96.0 a 1.32 0.357 no snails ionde aq none 108 36 32 3 88.0 b 1.16 0.380 F. rauUd outside aq none 108 24 30 3* 93.3 a 0.28 0.146 no mullet outside ■q none 108 24 30 3* 98.9 b OM 0.166 0. source: f^niviso inside dynaflo 108 24 30 3 82.2 A OjOI 0J019 GuaiajuabuJ inside *q dynaflo 108 24 30 3 97.8 a 0.01 0.006 R souice; Oceanic InaL inside aq none 108 12 30 2 88.0 A 1.16 0J48 GCRL inside aq none 108 12 30 2 61.6 ■ 1.14 0.540 I. lights: grceci iiudde aq dynaflo 108 - 30 3 67.0 a 0.05 0.040 red inside aq dyniHo 108 - 30 3 76,0 s 0.05 0.027 blue inside aq dynaflo 108 - 30 3 73.0 a 0.04 0.021 mixod inside aq dynaflo 108 - 30 3 75.0 a 0.05 0.033 J. cage/fed outside pd none 108 22 32 3* 73.3 a 1.20 0.542 cage/imfed outside pd none 108 22 32 3 55.7 a 1.24 1.173 pend outside pd none "■ 22 32 1 — b X08 0368 K. bare inside aq none 108 .. 30 1 7.0 a 0.02 0.019 with algae inside aq ncme 108 - 30 1 75.0 a 0.06 0.045 algae/Iighi inside aq none 108 -- 30 1 110,0 b 0.14 0.067 L. bare inside •q none 108 - 30 3 90.0 0.49 SNA with light inside aq none 108 - 30 3 90.0 0.41 algae/light inside aq none 108 - 30 3 90.0 0.72 SNA SNA M. substrate: screens poich tk none 1635 10 37 3* 59.3 a 0.29 0.170 aigao poich Ik none 1635 10 37 3 52.9 a 0.35 0218 N. production porch tk exchange 4000 10 30 2 58.0 0.10 0.033 O, static inside •q none 108 12 30 3* 107.0 a 0.81 0.485 Howing inside aq none 108 12 30 3* 58.0 ab 0.98 0.702 (lowing outside aq none 108 12 30 3 2Z2 b 1.13 0.679 denotes Fcplicatea dial are significaDtly different liealmeata abaxing the same letter are not significaiitly differenl SNA— sample not analyzed kal - Kahvell tank l.S s 5 foot diameter^ aq • aqaaritun 0.279 & 3 gal; tk ■- tank 0.96-m x 1.9-in z 0.3 m; pond 683 inside - 24-h canataxU illumination; outside • full sunlight; porch ' under cover with natural sunlight Smdy I used six seven-watt lights (red, green, blue and mixed) with aquaria wrapped in black plastic. Study J used Fucus spu algae and 30-watt lighting 426 CkH£ Acknowledgments I wish to thank Leslie Christmas, Vicki Crain, Kathy and to Dr. Terry McBee for statistical analyses. Research Beaugez and Robert Westbrook for help in collecting data was supportedby USD ACSMR Giants 2-2537 and 2-2538. Literature Cited Leber, K.M. and G,D, Rrudcr. 1988. Using experimental micro- cosms in shrimp research: the growth-enhancing effect of shrimp pond water. 7. World AquacuU. Soc. 19(4): 197-203, Olin, P.G. and A.W. Fast, 1989. Acclimation of postlarvae Penaeus varmamei and Peruieus nwrtodon to abrupt changes in salinity and temperature. Abst, /. World AquacuU. Soc. 20(1);60A-61A. Shumer, L.N. and A.L. Lawrence. 1987, Intensive pond manage- ment strategies for nursery production of Penaeus varmamei juveniles, Abst,/. World AquacuU. Soc. 18(1):28A, Gulf Research Reports Volume 8 | Issue 4 January 1992 The Effect of Salinity on Spawning Frequency of Penaeus setiferus in Aquaria John T. Ogle Gulf Coast Research Laboratory DOI: 10.18785/grr.0804.09 Follow this and additional works at: http:/ / gcr Part of the Marine Biology Commons Recommended Citation Ogle, J. T. 1992. The Effect of Salinity on Spawning Frequency of Penaeus setiferus in Aquaria. Gulf Research Reports 8 (4): 427-429. Retrieved from This Article is brought to you for free and open access by The Aquila Digital Community It has been accepted for inclusion in Gulf and Caribbean Research by an authorized editor of The Aquila Digital Community. For more information, please contact Joshua.Cromwell( Gu^ Research Reports, VoJ. 8. No. 4, 427-429, 1992 Manuscript Received June 29, 1992; accep*^ August 31, 1992 THE EFFECT OF SALINITY ON SPAWNING FREQUENCY OF PENAEUS SETIFERUS IN AQUARIA JOHN T. OGLE Gu^ Coast Research Laboraiory, P.0, Box 7000, Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39564 ABSTRACT Penaeus setiferus were matuiedand spawned in asm all 120 L tank system in the absence of males. No significant differences in the number of shrimp that spawned or the time required to spawn were delected for shrimp held at salinities of 20, 25 or 30 ppt in cither natural or artificial seawater. The earliest that spawning occurred was an average of 17 days past ablation and as late as 28 days past ablation. None of the shrimp held in artificial seawater at 20 and 25 ppt spawned in the same molt cycle in which they were ablated, while one third of the shrimp held in natural seawater did. Introduction Interest in culture of marine shrimp has increased dramatically in the last decade. In 1980, 2% of the world’s shrimp were fanned in ponds. In 1991, fanned shrimp provided 28% of the world’s shrimp supply. The major Umiditg factor lo further development is the hatchery production of postlarvae or seed (Rosenbeny 1991). The production of seed by controlled sexual maturation of captive broodstock has been possible for marine shrimp since 1975. Experimental data on penaeid shrimp matura' tion and reproduction have been reviewed by Muthu and Laxminarayana (1982), Primavem (1985), Chamberlain (1985), Bray and Lawrence (1992), and Browdy (1992). Conditions represenling the “industry standard’ ’ for matu- ration of Penaeus vannamei from commercial facilities have been documented by Ogle (1991a), It is the general recommendation of those reviews that clear, clean, ocean seawater of 28-32 ppt be utilized for maturation. Few sites can provide these conditions, compelling more thanhaJf of the maturation facilities to use some percentage of recircu- lation (Ogle 1991a). The salinity of the natural seawater available to the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory is gener- ally much lower than the 28-32 ppi recommended for maturation. Therefore, the addition of artificial salts to the natural seawater is often required (Ogle 1992). In an attempt lo experimentally determine the salinity requirements for maturation and spawning of P. setiferus, the following study was conducted. Materials and Methods A small lank maturation system as described by Ogle (1991b) was utilized. Six systems containing six aquaria each with a volume of 120 L were utilized. Three systems contained natural seawater and three systems contained artificial seawater. Salinities of 20, 25 and 30 ppl were tested with both natural and artificial seawater. Bay water from Davis Bayou m Ocean Springs, Mississippi with a salinity of 25 ppt was heated to 80®C to achieve a 30 ppt salinity through evaporation for use in the three natural seawater systems. This water was then adjusted with weU water as required to achieve test sal iniiies. For the artificial seawater systems. Marine Environment (San Francisco, California) artificial sea salt was dissolved in well watCT and adjusted to the required test salinities. Female shrimp collected from the wild were held at 30 ppl and 28°C un^ they had achieved a minimum size of 30 g before being ind ividually placed in an aquarium in one of the six systems. The shrimp placed m the aquaria system had never been matured. Aiuinals were held at 28°C, exposed toa 14L: lOD photoperiod and fed a shrimp grower ration (2:ciglef, Gardners, Pennsylvania) until they molted. After molting, the diet was changed to frozen Maine bloodworms, squid and an artificial maturation pellei (Rangen, Buhal, Idaho). Animals were fed three limes daily and water temperature and salinity were recorded. Tanks were cleaned d^y by siphoning debris from the bottom of the aquaria. Five days after molting , animals were unilaterally ablated by eyestalk enuculaiion. Egg collectors were placed on taiiks containing ablated animals and checked daily. Subsequent molts and lime to spawning were re- corded. If the animals failed to spawn after four molt cycles, they were discarded. After spawning, animals were replaced with other shrimp from the holding system. As many as 14 shrimp and as few as 7 shrimp were u.sed in the six systems. For each female, the number of days past ablation until the time of spawning was recorded. This data from each system was analyzed using ANOVA. The percent spawning was analyzed using a G-tesu Results There were no significant differences in the number of animals that spawned or the time required to spawn be- tween P. setiferus at each of the salinities 20, 25 or 30 in 427 428 Ogle either the namral or aitiflcial seawater. The fewest spawns were recorded for animals held at 25 ppi, while the most spawns recorded occurred at 20 ppt; both were natural seawaters (Table 1). Highest mortality was recorded for animals held in 20 ppl artificial seawater and least mortal- ity for animalsheld in 30 ppt natural seawater. The earliest spawning occurred seven days past ablation in 20 ppl natural seawater. The latest spawning occurred 58 days past ablation in artificial seawater of 25 ppl. In two of the systems containing natural seawater at 20 ppl, the average days past ablation was 17. while at 25 ppt the average days past ablation was 28. Even though it appears that best results were obtained for 20 ppt natural and 30 ppt artificial waters, the results were not significantly different No shrimp in the artificial water withsah'niiiesof20and 25 ppt spawned during the same molt cycle in which they were ablated. In comparison, 33% and 38% of the shrimp in the natural seawater of 20 and 25 ppt spawned during the same molt cycle in which they were ablated, respectively. TABLE 1 Effect of Salinity on Maturation and Spawning of P, set^ferus in Aquaria SPAWN Molt Cycle % Average Seawater Salinity No Days Past Type ppl Spawn % Spawn % Dead % Number Ist 2nd 3id Ablation SE 20 46 28 36 11 0 80 20 27 7.2 Artificial 25 64 14 22 14 0 56 44 24 4.26 30 50 30 20 10 20 60 20 19 3.74 20 73 9 18 11 38 38 24 17 4.48 Natural 25 43 43 14 7 33 33 33 28 5.70 30 54 36 10 11 17 50 33 22 4.16 Spawns in the same moll cycle as ablation are 1 si molt cycle. Discussion F. setiferus are thought to spawn in 60 feet of water offshore in Louisiana during May and June when salinities are 34-36 ppl (Lindner and Anderson 1956). Joyce and Eldred (1966) reported the spawning of F. setiferus inshore at or near inlets. Bray, ei al, (1982) caught large numbers of mated F. setiferus off Port Aransas, Texas at asalinity of 34 ppl. Marifanns operated with mated females fished from Apalachicola Bay, Florida, but no salinities were reported. Continental Sea Farms, a maturation facility in Florida, utilized water collected at 22-28 ppt and adjusted to 28 ppt salinity. Other reported salinities for maturation of F. setiferus are 30.5 to 37. 1 ppt, Johnson and Fielding (1956); 44 ppt, Conte, et al (1977); 22 to 30 ppt, Brown, et al, (1979); 24 to 29 ppt, Lawrence et ah (1980); 30 to 36 ppt, Chamberlain (1988); and 25 to 32 ppt with an average of 26.9 ppt.Browdy and Sandifer (1991). The results rejxjtted here are encouraging and demon- strate ihaiF, setiferus can be artificially induced to mature and spawn in lower salinity and artificial seawaters. This may allow production of F. stf/z/ez-wsin areasof low salinity and will provide a savings for those facilities utilizing artificial seawater. Further research should be conducted to d^eimine the discrete effects of salinity on mating and egg viability. Salinity Effects on Spawning of Pe^aevs sehfervs 429 Acknowledgments Appreciation is expressed to Dr, Jeffrey Lotz, prin- ciple invesiigaior, for statistical analysis, Casey Nicholson and Cherie Heard for data collection and daily operation. and Kathy Beaugez for help in manuscript preparation. This project was funded by U.S. Dept of Agriculture Grants 85-(SRS -2-2537) and 85-(SRS-2-2538). Literature Cited Bray, W.A., G.W. Chamberlain and A.L. Lawrence. 1982. In- creased larval production oiPenaeus setiferus by artificial insemination during sourcing cruises. J. World Maricul. Soc, 13:123-133. Bray, W. A. and A.L. Lawrence. 1992. Reproduction of Pena^us species in captivity. Chapter 5, pp. 93-169, In: A. Fast and L.J. Lester (eds,). Marine Shrimp Culture: Principles and Practices. Elsevier. 1992. Browdy, C, 1992. A review of the n&pioductive biology of Penaeus species: Perspectives on controlled shrimp matura- tion systems for high quality nauplii production. Pp. 22-51 . In; J. Wyban (cd.). Prvc. Special Session on Shrimp Farm- ing. World Aquacul. Soc., Baton Rouge. Louisiana. 301 pp. Browdy, C.L. and P.A. Sandifer. 1991. Individual institutional progress rcpoils - WaddeU Maricultuie Center, U .S, Marine Shrimp Farming l^ogram Progress Report, Vol. 1. CSRS U.S. Dept. Agriculture, pp. 34-57, Brown, Jr., A., J. MeVey, B.S, Middleditch and A.L. Lawrence. 1979. Maturation of white shrimp {Penaeus setiferus) in captivity. Proc. World Maricul. Soc. 10:435-444. Chamberlain, G.W. 1985. Biology and control of shrimp repro- duction. In: G.W. Chamberlain, M.G. Haby andR.J. Migct (csds.). Texas Shrimp Farming Manual. Texas Agricultural Extension Service publication of invited papers presented at the Texas Shrimp Farming Workshop. 19-20 Nov. 1985, Corpus Christi, Texas, III1-II141. Chamberlain, G.W. 1988. Stepwise investigation of environ- mental and nutritional requirements for reproduction of penaeid shrimp, Ph.D. dissertation. Texas A&M Univ. 210 pp. Conte, F.S„ M.J. Duronsicl, W.H. Clark and J.C. Parker. 1977. Maturation of Penaeus siylirostris (Stempson) and Penaeus setiferus (Linn.) in hypcrsaline water near Corpus Christi, Texas. Proc, World Maricul. Soc. 8:327-334. Johnson, M.C. and J.R. Fielding. 1956. Propagation of the white shrimp (Penaeus setiferus) in captivity. Tulane Studies in Zool 4:175-190. Joyce, Jr., E.A. and B. Eldred. 1966. The Florida shrimping industry. Florida Bd. Conserv., Educ. Scr. No. 15. 47 pp. Lawrence, A.L.; Y. Akamine; B.S. Middleditch; G. Chamberlain and D. Hutchins. 1980. Maturation and reproduction of Penaeus setiferus in captivity, Proc, World Maricul. Soc. 11:481-487. Lindner, M.J. and W.W. Anderson. 1956, Growth, migradons, spawning and size distribution of shrimp Penaeus seri/erus. Fish, Bull. 106 from Fish. Bull,, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, vol, 56, 645 pp. Muthu , M.S , and A . Laxminaray ana, 1 982 . Induced maturation of penaeid prawns - a review. Proc. Symp. Coastal Aquacul. Part 1, Prawn Culture. Mar. Biol. Assn. India, pp, 16-27. Ogle, J.T. 1991a. Maturation of Penaeus vannamei based upon a survey. Gulf Res. Kept. 8(3):295-297. Ogle, J.T. 1991b. Design and operation of a small tank system for ovarian maturation and spawning of Penaeus vannamei. Gulf Res. Rept. 8(3):285-289. Ogle, 1992. Design and operation of the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory penaeid shrimp maturation facility I. Penaeus vannamei. Gulf Coast Res. Lab. Tech. Kept, No. 4. 41 pp. Primavera, J.H. 1985. A review of maturation and reproduction in closed thely cum pcnacids. In: Y. Taki, J.H. Primavera and J.A. Llobrcra (cda.). Proc. Istlnternat.Cor^. on the Culture of Penaeid PrawnsiShrimps. SEAPDEC , Iloilo City. Philip- pines, pp, 47-64. Rosenbeny , R. 1 99 1 . World Shrimp Farming 1991. Aquaculture Digest 9434 Kearny Mesa Road, San Diego, California. Gulf Research Reports Volume 8 | Issue 4 January 1992 A Note on the Fine Structure of Myoskeletal Junctions in Acartia tonsa Dana (Copepoda^ Calanoida) Harold D. Howse Gulf Coast Research Laboratory William E. Hawkins Gulf Coast Research Laboratory , William.Hawkins^ Harriet Perry Gulf Coast Research Laboratory , Harriet.Perry^ DOI: 10.18785/grr.0804.10 Follow this and additional works at: http:/ / gcr Part of the Marine Biology Commons Recommended Citation Howse, H. D., W. E. Hawkins and H. Perry. 1992. A Note on the Fine Structure of Myoskeletal Junctions in Acartia tonsa Dana (Copepoda, Calanoida). Gulf Research Reports 8 (4); 431-434. Retrieved from http:// This Article is brought to you for free and open access by The Aquila Digital Community. It has been accepted for inclusion in Gulf and Caribbean Research by an authorized editor ofThe Aquila Digital Community. For more information, please contact Joshua.Cromwell^ Gulf Research Reports. Vol. 8, No. 4, 431-434, 1992 Manuscript received January 15, 1992; acceded March 20, 1992 A NOTE ON THE FINE STRUCTURE OF MYOSKELETAL JUNCTIONS IN ACARTIA TONSA DANA (COPEPODA, CALANOIDA) HAROLD D. HOWSE, WILLUM E. HAWKINS, AND HARRIET M. PERRY Gulf Const Research Laboratory, P. O. Box 7000, Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39564 Introduction The endoskeleion of ihe calanoid copepod, Calanus finmarchicus, and its muscle attachments were described by Ixiwe (1935). She reported that the endoskeleion in C, fintnarchicus consists of two tendinous endostendtes and chitinous cxoskelclal ingrowths to which muscles are at- tached. Howsc (I960) noted attachments of the main muscles of the thorax to ihe exoskeleion in Acariio tonsa. Bouligand (1962) described the ultrastructure of muscle attachments to cuticle in three species of freshwater cope- pods of the genus Cyclops, Raymoni et al (1974) de- scribed the fme structure of muscle attaclunents to cuticle in C.finmarchicus. Inlormation of the internal anatomy of marine cope- pods remains sparse. Therefore, we thought it worthwhile to focus our observations on the attachmenLs of muscle to exoskelelal ingrowths in A. tonsa. Materials and Methods Live specimens of Acartia lonsa Dana were fixed overnight in cold phosphate-buffered 3% glularaldehyde (pH 7 ,2), washed in cold 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) with 5% sucrose for two hours, and post-fixed in phos- phate-buffered 1% osmium leiroxide (pH 7.2) for two hours (Millonig 1961). The specimens were embedded in a Maraglas-CardoHte mixture according to the method of Freeman Sc Spurlock (1962). Ultraihin sections were cut and doubly stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate for electron microscopy. These sections were examined and photographed with a Siemens Elmiskop I A. electron micro- scope. Results and Discussion Lowe (1935) reported that the muscles in C. fin- marchicus are attached to the chitinous exoskelelal in- growths (CEI) by tendinous comieclions, and that the endosieniites are attached to the exoskeleton by “groups of ectodermal tonofibrils.” Furihennore, she slated that some of the chitinous ingrowtiis serve only as attachments for muscle and ‘ ‘may be regarded as trueapodeines compa- rable with those wliich Manton (1928) has described in Hemimysis as being formed by the gradual sinking in of the attachment of a group of muscle.'’ The muscle attach- ments to Uie exoskeleton that we observed in Acartia appear to fit this criterion for apodemes. Lowe (1935) stated that iheendostemiies provide support for the muscles of the antennae and mouth parts. The chitinous ingrowths from the exoskeleion provide attachments for the remain- ing somatic muscles. Raymoni et al, (1974) described muscle attachments in C. fimtar Chius to a tendon: "^Arising from this are fine tubules which become grouped together into electron- dense bundles of fibers with loss of the tubular appear- ance.’ ’ They staled that these fibers bridge a narrow space and insert “...into the cuticle as lonofilamenis which can be seen with diminisliing density for practically die full thick- ness of the cuticle.” Further, they found no specialized tendinous aitachinenls in some areas. However, the sar- colemma of the muscle cell is apposed to the hypodermal membrane. But there are no tubular fibers in the hypoder- mis or lonofilaments penetraiing the cuticle. vSlighi variations occur in the diameter of microtubules (MT) among different species. Tliey are over 280 A in diameter in the brown shrimp, Penaeus aztecus (Talbot el al, 1972), about 210 A in diameter in the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus (Sherman 1974), 240 A in the crab, Carcinus maenus (Roosnerand Sherman 1976) and about 230 A in the insects, Calpodes eihitus and Rhodi/ius prolixs (Lai-Fook 1967). Acartia epidermal cells (lendinal cells, TC) are inter- posed between the chitinous exoskelelal ingrowth (apo- deme) and the muscle cell (Figs. 1 J23) where they form the lendo-skeletal junction with the former and the myo- lendinal junction wiili the latter. The gap of the myo- lendinal Junction is from 160 to 230 A in width (Fig. 1), narrower than a similar gap in the copepod, Cletocampius retrogressus, in which it is 400 A (Gharagozlou-van Gin- neken and Bouligand 1 973), and in F. anemoniae in which it is 300 to 400 A wide (Brigg, 1979). A similar gap in die barnacles. Baiatvus impro^kus and B. halanodk^y ranges from 250 to 700 A depending upon the region (Koulish 1973). The membranes of the cells forming the gap in Acartia are electron-dense but no desmosomes or other 431 432 Howse et al. Figure 1. Section through an epidermal tendinal cell (TC) interposed between the distal end ofa muscle cell (MC) anda chilinous exoskeletal ingrowth (CF*1). The microtubules (MT) are shown in langitudinal view, most of which arc bent. Note the several layers of chitin (arrowhead) in the center of the CEI. G-glycogen; lA.-itTemovahle artifact; Nu-nucleus; P>plasmalemma. X 43,500. Figure 2. Higher power view of the MT as they attach to cuticular projections, and the lonofibrils (TF) penetrate and ramify within the CEI. X 104,400. Myoskeletal JuNcnoNs IN A. Tons A 433 Figure 3. Section of an obliquely attached epidermal tendinal cell (TC) to the exoskeletal chitinous ingrowth (CEI). MC-muscle cell; SR'Sarcoplasmic reticulum, X 58,000. Figure 4. TraD5verse view of the microtubules (MT). Note desmosomal attachment ofMTs to chitinous knobs (CK) and their uniform distribution throughout the cytoplasm. Note the intermediate junction (arrowhead) between the tendinal cell and an adjacent epithelial cel) (EC2). C£l-chltlnou$ exoskeletal ingrowth. X 58,000. Figure 5. Transverse vie w of the MTs and large chitinous knobs (CK) Indenting the apical plasma membrane of the epidermal tendinal cell. CEl-chltlnous exoskeletal ingrowth. X 108,000. 434 Howse et al. specialized junctions occur. The cytoplasm of iheTCs mAcartia contain numerous MTs that are about 230 A in diameter and extend from their insertion in the basal end of the TC to their insertion in the apical region (Figs. 4,5). The MTs are larger than those in Cyclops in which they are 125 to 150 A in diameter (BouUgand 1962) and in the cyclopoid copepod, Paran- ihessius anemoniae, in which they are 200 A in diameter (Briggs 1979). In Acartia they are dispersed but closely associated throughout the cytoplasm (Fig. 1). They form groups, each of about 800 A in diameter, and become elec- tron-dense where they attach by hemidesmosomes to cu- ticular projections that form invaginations in the apical region of the TC (Fig. 2). In some areas, the attachment of the TC to the cuticle is marked by chiiinous knobular projections that arise from the cuticle. They vary in diame- ter up to 1200 A (Fig. 5). The microtubules ofiheTC attach to the chiiinous knobs by hemidesmosomes (Figs. 2,5). In other areas, the TC appears to be attached to the cuticle by lonofibrils that pass from the core of the invaginations deeply into the cuticle. This finding differs from that in C. fmniarchicus which in some areas lack lonofibrils and the muscle cell attaches directly to the innermost layer of the cuticle (supra cil.). In other areas, tonofibrils span a narrow space (Raymoni el al. 1974), and in Cyclops (Bouligand, 1962) there is a space between the epidermal cell and Uie cuticle through which the tonofibrils cross. In C. maenus, cuiicular rods tvise from the cuticle and insert into conical invaginations of the lendinal cell (Roosner and Sherman 1976). Similar groups in Cyclops consist of about 10 tonofibrils (Bouligand 1962), and in P, anemoniae they form electron-dense fibers of about 400 nm in thickness (Briggs 1979). The TFs that attach the TC to the cuticle are 0.08 um m diameter in C. ethUus and 0.05 to 0.22 pm in R. maenus (Lai-Fook 1967). In one of our preparations, the MTs are bent, a configu- ration that may reflect the relaxation or severance of the proximal end of the muscle (Fig. 1). Close association be( ween adjacent TCs occur nearthe CEI (Fig. 4) . The TCs are nucleated and contain pockets of glycogen (Figs. 1,3). The plasmalemma of the adjacent cells are electron-dense and are separated by a gap of about 140 A which is bisected by electron-dense material form- ing iniermediale junctions. The chiiinous projections and knobs provide a finn anchor for the TC, the microtubules of which may contrib- ute powerful tensile strength to enable the cell to withstand the force of muscle contraction (Lai-Fook 1967). The tendinal cell not only provides a strong tendinous attach- ment for the muscle to theexoskelelon, but may also absorb the shock of contraction in this constantly .swimming and highly active organism. Neither the chemistry of the lonofibrils nor their functional mechanisms are known, but Dustin (1978) Stated that they appear to have a me- chanical role (in leiusion)..,'" Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Gene Brown and Gina Brown in the preparation of iliis report. Literature Cited Bouligand. Y. 1962. Les uhrasnuc lures du muscle slric cl dcses attaches au squcletle chez les Cyclops (Crustactis Cop«Spo- dcs). J. Microscopic 1; 377-394, Dustin. P. 1978. Microtubules. New York: Springcr-Verlag. Briggs, R. P. 1979. Fine structure of musculature in ihecopcpod Paranihessius anefftoniue Chun. Biol. Bull. 157; 1 12-124. Gharagozlou-van Ginneken,!. D. and Y. Bouligand J973. Ultras- trusiurcs legumenlaires chez un Cruslace Copepodc, Cle- locampius retrogressits. Tissue and Cell 5 ;4 1 3 -4 39 - Howse, H. D. 1960. The Internal Analomyof a Marine Copepod, Acartia tonsa. Thesis Collection, University of Southern Mississippi. Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Koulish.S. 1973. Microtubules and muscle attachment in the integument of the Balanidac. J . Morphol. 140:1-14. Lai-Fook, J. 1967. The structure of developing muscle insertions in insects. J. Mo/pAo/. 123:5 03-528. Lowe, E. 1935. On the Anatomy of a Marine Copepod. Calanus finmarchicits (Gur\ncrus). Trans. Roy. Soc. (Edinb.) 58:561- 603. Manlon. S. M. 1928. On the embryology of a Mysid crustacean, Hemimysis lamorruse. Phil. Trans. Roy, Soc., London. Ser. B, Vol. CCXVI; 363. Raymont, J. E. G„ S. Krishnaswainy, M. A. Woodhouse, and R. L. Griffin. 1974. Studies on the fine structure of Copepoda, Observ a t ions on Ca la ruts ft run archicus (Gu nner us) . Proc . R . Soc. London. B. 185; 409424. Rossner, K. L. and R. G. Sherman. 1976. Organization of skclcl.'il muscle insertion in the crab Carcinusrnaenas. Trans. Amer. Micros. Soc. 95: 46-55. Sherman, R. G. 1974. Muscle attachments in horseshoe crab walking legs. Biol. Dull. 146: 88-99.