VOL. 2, 2010 | 7 ISSN 0973-1555 - —Alalteres A PEER REVIEWED INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL HALTERES ISSN 0973 -1555 (Web: http://antdiversityindia.com/halteresentomology_research_journal) Editorial Board Chief Editor: Dr. Himender Bharti (India) Email: himenderbharti mail.com/himenderbharti@antdiversityindia.com BOARD OF EDITORS Dr. K. Eguchi (Japan) Dr. Seike Yamane (Japan) Dr. V. V. Ramamurthy(India) Dr. Sudhir Singh (India) Dr. John R. Fellowes (UK) Dr. Sriyani Dias (Sri Lanka) Dr. A. S. Sohi (India) Dr. Simon Robson(Australia) Dr. Florian M. Steiner(Austria) Dr. Joachim Offenberg (Denmark) Dr. Bergert Steiner(Austria) Dr. Meenakshi Bharti (India) Dr. P_D. Rajan (India) JUNIOR REVIEWERS/EDITORS Mr. Yash Paul Sharma Mr. Irfan Gul Mr. Aijaz Ahmad Wachkoo Mr. Rakesh Kumar Published by Organisation for Conservation and Study of Biodiversity (CSBD) in collaboration with ANeT - India {regional concern of ANeT - International Network for Study of Ants, Head Office: Institute for Tropical Biology & Conservation University Malaysia, Sabah Locked Bag 2073, 88999 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia} Department of Zoology, Punjabi University, Patiala, India-147002 Email: csbdngo mail.com/himenderbharti@antdiversityindia.com http://www. antdiversityindia.com/anet-india (http://antdiversityindia.com/csbdan_ngo) Cover Design: Mr. Amandeep Singh (Copyright: CSBD & ANeT - India) CONTENTS Comparative study on improvement in Pollen Collection Technology Shazia Raja, Elizabeth Stephen Waghchoure, Rashid Mahmood, Ghulam Sarwar, Farida Iftikhar and Muhammad S 1d iques MUMaWaAl cree cree: cercscccc ces octets secctccenscconcsscoscha sascrevvscesersaacecsvsnscectvaasens secccesszdacerassadeessvsacetcasscaccrsaenacrastacceresTicacaert sytceetsaantet 1 Biodiversity of the short horned grasshoppers of the tribe Oedipodini (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Acridinae) in Kashmir Himalayas M. Nayyar Azim, Shabir Anmad Reshi and Ajaz Hassan Rathel...............::ccccsesssccceseseeeeesseeseeceeeseeeeeseseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeaaeeeeaeeeseenne A Phylogenetic analysis of Indian species of genus Macrophya Dahlbom (Hymenoptera: Symphyta; Tenthredinidae: Tenthredininae) M.S: Sainiiand! Es Kaul ccsts ccc cs secccee cs secede c cea ceed etceen ie cevcececce nec cces sede ccetacssuatesteessousavevees setessesdetsvesg tacdervgdeveusosedsestpacseesats scetearesedeveusces 24 Lucilia calviceps Bezzi, new record from India (Diptera: Calliphoridae), with a revised key to Indian species Meenakshi Bharti :& Hiromui Kurahashi..2c...ccccccccccscccccccesceccsaxscccsessscsteatsccoassadececesstescesssesssssccessdcoousasscesuaicecoassstesessessasscecassencoeurs ts 29 Impact of egg retention on walking behavior of Trichogramma chilonis (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) Muhammad Shakeel, Ahmed Zia, Abid Farid and Zakir HuUSSA@iIN..................ccccceccsscceecccneceeccueeseeeceeeceeccaeeceeecaeccseceueeceeceeeeseeeeees 31 Role of honeybees and other insects in enhancing the yield of Brassica campestris var. sarson JS -TaralGsiPooja Shanini ae. 22cck sissccceccscessctageseccocsecdasasssessaeseccccuasacuscacacwdccsaesecsagestesicesves saeaccsscasoussteteeiaes Ccddvarseicacecossantatececasiwasssssvens 35 Diversity of Aphidoidea in Rawalpindi Division (Punjab) Pakistan, with a list of host plant studied Ahmed Zia, Soaib Ali Hassan, Anjum Shehzad and Falak NaZ.............ccccccceceeccccccceeseeeeeececceeeueceeeeceeeeeeuaeeeeeeeeeeeuaaeeeeeeeeeueauaeeeeeres 38 Phylogenetic analysis of Indian species of genus Himalopsyche Banks (Trichoptera: Spicipalpia; Rhyacophilidae: Rhyacophilinae) MESS S alma Wau rieoo2ec cc cesssscscccctccess fevevevassstccessaeccutacessessaucasecsedss costs cetceses sac canettaees tueeccnnrs vee vasteassactsaeevuve fase coheed cag teste stecnunsiaverse? 44 Influence of foraging rate and speed of Apis species (Hymenoptera) on Brassica campestris var. sarson JS alaratandiRoojais hartniatysiiiccchscecccessuscccctvscccetesecessvscecsavnsastauecs eset ditteccocdendesvsszccaeesseeuvcseseeerastescstanausasceritissiesseveconstaceuadezesicetiees 49 SEM structure of mandibular sensilla in the carpenter ant, Camponotus compressus (Fabricius) (Formicidae: Hymenoptera) Deepak D. Barsagade, Dnyaneshwar B. Tembhare and Seema G. Kadu........ccccccccccccessssssssseeceesessscssnesceceeecessssessaeseeeeeeesssaes 53 A contribution towards the insect fauna of Vadodara, Gujarat (India): The Order Hemiptera Dolly Kumar ‘and! (Bhumika Natduesccsc..secccccccesesceetieccestsssecceevececcasessessscctssosaccesscasonedesaieececctssssusnsetsunensss¢ssobscsdeceassssansacciaddsstesssaecei« 58 Natural parasitism of leaf miner, Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) on vegetable crops in Kashmir (India) Deen MohammadiiBhatvand. Re Cx Blhag ates ci sccccccceccetssscoscssseascesesvscnsenssossisicastesssetuvasesasvacsestssnerssssueevessceveessscasnetssvesteixscvatetestsies: 64 Bioecology of Til Hawk Moth, Acherontia styx Westwood ReMeAtinwarcandiMiP: Gu ptasvecececcvrcscssacecsceesscezssoes ccs suena vevvies suecsetuarcaissssetsa: seeessishanesoeussesut cua set desceevete race essotiessviadsectetetsceetitresiees 70 Mm (hannah £ Soasbuaah | ae me ae 5 baw qe - a , 7 hes a Oihe « ous “na - = somal wi a a = cen “S spieaml x vhs “ Comparative study on improvement in Pollen Collection Technology Shazia Raja*, Elizabeth Stephen Waghchoure, Rashid Mahmood, Ghulam Sarwar, Farida Iftikhar and Muhammad Sidddique Munawar Honeybee Research Intstitute, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan. (#e-mail: shazia_raja2002@ yahoo.com) Abstract A newly designed pollen trap for beehives is disclosed. The trap includes a single wooden frame, mounted in the frame are two screens having two meshes (0.5mm in size with 0.7mm distance between them) that are fine enough to dislodge granules of pollen from the bees as they crawl through it. The pollen drops down through the screens into pollen tray. This construction permits the pollen trap to virtually occupy all the area of hive to promote good ventilation for dry pollen. The frame fits in the bottom of the hive by inserting it from back side and can be removed easily when not needed. After designing the new trap a trial was laid down on 11/02/2009 in the premises of HBRI on eight colonies. All the colonies selected were alike with respect to number of frames and bees present in them. The colonies were divided into two groups. On the first group the entrance trap was clipped while on the second group the newly devised bottom trap was fitted. The weight of pollen collected was compared and it was found to be significantly different from each other. The total yield of pollen from entrance trap and the fixed bottom trap in gm were found to be 12.55 + 1.66 (Mean + SE) and 22.5 + 1.25 (Mean + SE) respectively. The honey extracted from hives fitted with both types of traps was also compared and no difference was observed in their weight. Keywords: Pollen, Trap, Bees, Colonies. Introduction Pollen, sometimes incorrectly called as flower sperm is a fine to coarse powder consisting of micro gametophyte or pollen grain which produces the male gamete of seed plant. It is bee’s major source of protein, fatty substances, minerals and vitamins (Gary, 1975). Bee pollen is the flower pollen collected by alll honeybees for the purpose of feeding their larvae in the early stages of development. Collected flower pollen is accumulated as a pellet in pouches (pollen baskets) on the rear legs of the bees and it is the mixture of these pellets that comprises bee pollen (Campos et a/., 2005). The bees mix the pollen grains with a sticky substance that is secreted from their stomach, which allows the pollen to adhere to their legs in pollen baskets in order to safely transport to their hives. Bee pollen is one of the richest and purest natural foods ever discovered, and the incredible nutritional and medicinal value of pollen has been known for centuries. The pollen collected by bees is superior to the pollen collected directly from plants as the bees are extremely discriminate about selecting the best pollen from the millions of grains that are present, bees only select those grains that are rich in all the nutrients, especially nitrogenous materials. Traps for collecting pollen pellets from legs of honey bees have been designed to trap pollen reserves. These traps vary greatly in size, appearance, and method of installation on the hive. Incoming pollen can be sampled for studies of foraging activities of bees and for identifying and classifying pollen sources. Stored pollen is a basic ingredient of pollen supplement for feeding bees. This pollen supplement provided by the beekeeper stimulates brood rearing when the natural pollen stored in comb is unavailable or inadequate in the hive. Pollen traps called pollen guards were first used by Farrar (1934) to prevent bees from bringing pollen into the hive. Todd and Bishop (1940) improved these guards by changing the grid from perforated metal to 5-mesh hardware cloth. For pollen identification studies Nye (1959), constructed a trap that fits underneath the hive and had an opening on the side for removing the tray filled with pollen. A trap that was inserted in the front entrance for obtaining small samples of pollen in short time was developed by Stewart and Shimanuki (19771). Pollen traps vary greatly in design and positioning on the hive, but the basic principle is same i.e. a grid to remove the pollen from the bees and a tray to collect them. Moisture in the pollen may be a serious problem in areas where humidity is high, so the traps should be weather proof and installed carefully to keep out moisture. Pollen should only be collected from disease free colonies and trapping should be done only during pollen flow of one quarter pound per day. During major nectar flows, pollen trapping is unprofitable as grids slow down bee activity which ultimately reduces honey production. Freshly trapped pollen is perishable and it may be dried, frozen, or mixed with other materials and stored. For drying, the pollen should be spread On porous surface at a depth of one-half inch in an enclosed ventilated room and allow it to air dry. More rapid drying can be achieved in oven at 100 degrees F maximum. It can also be stored by putting it in paper bags in deep freezers below freezing temperatures. Materials and Methods The present work has been carried out in Honeybee Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre Islamabad, Pakistan during February-March 2009. We went under a series of steps before designing a new type of trap for collection of pollen from standard deep bottom hives. Initially, a double screen grid with a distance of 1.7mm was made (design no.1) but it did not Halteres, Vol.2, 2010 proved to be effective as it disturbed the movement of bees from one screen to other and ultimately we did not collect any pollen. Then it was improved by removing one mesh from it (design no. 2). When this trap was checked the objections from the first designed pollen trap were removed but another serious problem arouse i.e. time consumption in the installation, as every time we have to remove the top covers of hive while inserting the pollen trap, which is not economical in terms of time spent by beekeeper on other management practices especially in spring season. The design and location of the pollen trap on the hive may be changed to meet the prevailing needs and climatic conditions. Ease of installation, colony manipulation, minimum disturbance, cleanliness of pollen and size of tray should be given special attention while designing any trap. Thus keeping in view the above mentioned facts a further change was made in the trap (design no. 2) by making the grid which fits permanently in the hive and to collect pollen, just insert the single mesh (metal/plastic as both proved effective) which fits into that grid and when not needed can be removed easily. The design of no. 2 trap was further modified by using double mesh screen and keeping the distance of 0.7mm between them. Finally, the structure of pollen trap was made strong by using fine wood of Pinus walluchiana and inserting it from the back side so that it will not cause any hindrance to the incoming bees. Thus, the bees enter the hive through an opening at the front of hive and while passing through the mesh grid, most of the pollen pellets dislodged from the hind legs of the returning bees, fall into a tray covered by screen that allows the pollen pellets but not the bees to pass. The size of holes is also a crucial factor as it must not damage bees or restrict their normal flight activity. It is hoped that this new design of pollen trap produces reliable, consistent results and overcomes some of the problems encountered with other designs of traps. Pollen Collection After designing the new trap a trial was laid Comparative study on improvement in Pollen Collection Technology 3 down on 11/02/2009 in the premises of HBRI on eight colonies. All the colonies selected were alike with respect to number of frames and bees present in them. The colonies were divided into two groups. One group of four colonies had the entrance trap fitted at the entrance and on other four the newly devised bottom trap was fixed. Each trap was fixed on the hives at 10am and removed at 2pm. The experiment was continued for three weeks and data was taken twice a week. The pollen collected each day was stored in plastic bottles and weighed. A total of 40 samples of pollen were collected from the hives by using pollen trap in front of the hive for 4hrs interval throughout the experiment. These pollen samples were removed from the hind legs of honeybees on a rack fitted in a tray inside the trap, as bees pass through the trap, the loads on their legs fell down. After 4hrs interval traps were removed and pollen loads were collected, weighed and spread on the clean white paper for sorting. The pollen of different colour was stored in small glass bottles. A field survey was conducted and bees with pollen loads on their legs were collected from different plants. The pollen loads were then pushed off the hind legs into individual specimen of poly- thene bag. The bees were released unharmed or sometimes killed by using the killer bottle. These colours were matched with those pollen pellet trapped by pollen traps, which helped in identify- ing the source of pollen. Results and Discussion To analyze our data we used SPSS statistical programme version fourteen in which the approach is rather different as the statistics are not displayed on the spread sheet but in separate windows. Comparisons between means were made using the least significant difference (LSD) at 0.05 probabilities (SPSS). For statistical data, standard descriptive statistics were performed for each of the quantitative parameters. The dependence of honeybees on pollen in several ways is well documented (Stanley and Linskens, 1974, Wille et a/., 1985). Pollen is used primarily as a source of essential aminoacids required by honeybees (De Groot, 1953) in protein synthesis. In our study we worked on the newly devised pollen trap fitted on Apis mellifera colonies. The brood rearing capacity of Apis mellifera is known to be improved by the addition of pollen ash to a chemically defined diet (Herbert and Shimanuki, 1978). The nutritional status and biochemical composition of the royal jelly as influenced to a large extent by the type of pollen nutrition (Stanley and Linskens, 1974), may affect the composition of food fed to honeybee larvae. The use of pollen trap in pollen studies is not a new phenomenon. Wille et a/., (1985) reported that the weight of pollen collected by a colony, calculated from amounts collected in pollen traps, varies from 10 to 25kg/year. The mean weight of pollen collected from the entrance clipped pollen trap ranged from 0.5 to 49.0 gm and for the newly devised fixed bottom trap the range was 6 to 45gm respectively. The Lavene’s Test for equality of variance showed the P value greater than 0.05 so the weight of pollen collected was compared by using non parametric Mann-Whitney U Test and it was found that they were significantly different from each other (Mann-Whitney U = 512.5, P <0.00). The total mean yield of pollen (gm) from entrance trap and the fixed bottom trap were found to be 12.55 + 1.66 (Mean + SE) and 22.5 + 1.25 (Mean + SE) respectively (Fig. 1). The pollen brought in by the bees at Rothamsted during 1945 and 1946 has been collected daily by using a newly designed pollen trap and it was found that legumes, rosaceae trees/ shrubs and forest trees share 54, 15 and 11 % of the total collected pollen (Synge, 1947). Cundill (1986) tested a simple trap at three locations in Scotland and collected data at monthly intervals for three years which showed a clear link between pollen and the dominant plant species of the area. In our study after matching the colour of pollen colleted from trapped bees while foraging plants with that of pollen collected in pollen traps also showed a positive relationship between the pollen and prominent botanical sources of the area around the experimental trial. The results obtained also show some important pollen colours as follows; Lallemantia royleana Linum usitatissimum The colour of pollen can help in identifying the plants present in the area (Kirk, 1994). This method is usually accurate and can often identify the pollen to genus and species level but it is time consuming and requires expertise. In order to evaluate the use of three different types of traps referred as entrance, bottom and board, an investigation carried out in Poland (Bobrzecki and Wilde, 1987) showed that total pollen collected in 1986 was 2.47, 0.69 and 0.70 kg respectively for bottom, entrance and board traps. In 1987 the corresponding figures were 1.58, 0.50 and 0.41kg. They also found that amount of pollen did not lower the amount of honey produced which is in agreement with our results as we also did not find any difference in the amount of honey harvested from hives fitted with different traps Sillipum sp Callestemon citrinus Yellowish green Euphorbia sp. Reddish yellow Halteres, Vol.2, 2010 Sea green Green Yellowish green (One Way ANOVA, F |, ,. = 16.59, P > 0.001). The mean weights of honey (kgs) produced from colonies fitted with front and fixed bottom trap were 10.43 + 2.51 (Mean + SE) and 8.51 + 1.39 (Mean + SE) respectively (Fig. 2). Pollen traps have been used extensively by the various beekeepers during the summer months to collect surplus pollen brought in by the bees which can be used in the following spring to stimulate brood rearing at a time when pollen is in short supply. Stephen and Robert (2001) indicated that honeybees respond to deficiencies in the quantity or quality of their pollen reserves by increasing the gross amount of pollen returned to the colony, rather than by specializing in collecting pollen with greater pollen content. Comparative study on improvement in Pollen Collection Technology 5 They also suggested that colonies may respond to changes in their pollen stores by adjusting the numbers of inexperienced to experienced foragers within their foraging populations. The newly designed trap used in our study does not fit at the existing entrance but is placed at the bottom of the hive which allows the bees to have easy free access without getting crowded or aggressive. This ensures that they can replenish or collect their own pollen stores in good quantity. This trap is designed for beekeepers to allow them 25 20 10 Weight of honey in Kgs Front Trap Bottom Trap Fig. 1: The weight of pollen collected from the entrance fitted pollen trap (T1) and newly devised fixed bottom trap (T2). Acknowledgments We acknowledge Mr. Maqbool and Mr. Qurban, Senior Scientific Assistants, Honey Bee Research Institute for designing and testing the new pollen trap at various stages of fabrication. We are also thankful to Mr. Qurban, Mr. Riaz, Mr. Umar Daraz and Mr. Zafar for collecting pollen from traps and foraging bees on plants. References Bobrzecki, J. and Wilde, J. 1987. The influence of pollen trapping by 3 types of pollen traps on the development and productivity of honeybee to keep the trap on the hive throughout the summer and collect the pollen on alternate weeks or after every 2-3 days of week without disturbing bees and avoiding labour of putting and removing traps every time. The surplus pollen should be collected every other day and stored properly as a byproduct for feeding colonies when required. However, this requires more critical evaluation by future experiments involving collection of pollen over several months from single and mixed plant populations. Weight of honey in Kgs Front Trap Bottom Trap Fig. 2: The weight of honey harvested from hives fitted with front and newly devised fixed bottom pollen trap. colonies. CABI Abstracts. Poland: Akademia Rolniczo-Techniczna, Olsztyn. Campos, M. G. R., Stephen, B. A. M., Teresa, S. and Yannia, M. 2005. International Beekeeping Congress, Nov. 13-18. Banglore, India. Cundill, P. R. 1986. A new design of pollen trap for modern studies. Journal of Biogeography 13: 83-89. De Groot, A. P. 1953. Protein and amino acids requirements of the honeybee (Apis mellifera). Journal of Comparative Physiology and Ecology 3: 197-285. Farrar, C. L. 1934. Bees must have pollen. Gleanings Bee Culture 62: 276-278. Gary, N. E. 1975. Activities and behaviour of honeybees. In: Dedant, C. and Dedant, C.P. (eds.). The Hive and the Honeybee. Illinois: Dedant and Sons, Carthage 185-262. Herbert, A. W. and Shimanuki, B. 1978. Mineral requirements for brood-rearing by honey bees fed a synthetic diet. Journal of Apicultural Research 17: 118-122. Kirk, W. D. J. 1994. Recording the color of pollen loads. Bee World 75: 169-180. Nye, W.P. 1959. A modified pollen trap for honeybee hives. Journal of Economic Entomology 52: 1024-1025. Stanley, R. G. and Linskens, H. F. 1974. Pollen. Biology, bio-chemistry, management. NewYork: Springer- Verlag 100-109. Halteres, Vol.2, 2010 Stephen, E. and Robert, W. 2001. The influence of pollen quality on foraging behaviour in honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 51: 53-68. Stewart, J. D. and Shimanuki, H. 1971. Rapid-sample pollen trap for honey bees. Journal of Economic Entomology 63: 1350. Synge, A. D. 1947. Pollen collection by Honeybees (Apis mellifera). Journal of Animal Ecology 16: 122-138. Todd, F .E. and Bishop, R. K. 1940. Trapping honeybees gathered pollen and factors affecting yields. Economic Entomology 33: 866-870. Wille, H., Imdrof, A. Buhlmann, G. Kilchenmann, V. and Will, M. 1985. Pollen gathering and population dynamics of three liebfled bee colonies. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 92: 897-914. Biodiversity of the short horned grasshoppers of the tribe Oedipodini (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Acridinae) in Kashmir Himalayas M. Nayyar Azim*, Shabir Ahmad Reshi and Ajaz Hassan Rather Section of Entomology; PG Department of Zoology; University of Kashmir, Srinagar-190006 (J & kK). (#email: mnayyarazim@yahoo.com) Abstract Tribe Oedipodini is redefined. Key to genera of Oedipodini found in Kashmir and diagnostic characters of each genus are given. Key to species wherever necessary along with their habitats are also given. Keywords: Biodiversity, Oedipodini, Kashmir. Tribe Oedipodini Scudder, 1875 The tribe Oedipodini can be characterized as follows:- Body somewhat sturdy; antennae always filiform; fastigial foveolae present or absent, if present they are never contiguous in front, often they are small or triangular, more rarely oblong trapezoidal, but not quadrangular; frons vertical; pronotum usually without lateral carinae, if present, they are weak and less developed, median carina in some species high; tegmina and wings well developed, tegmina with spurious median vein strong, in some species absent or weak; wings often brightly marked with different shades of blue, dark blue, red or yellow, quite often with a black band; arolium small. Key to genera of the tribe Oedipodini Scudder found in Kashmir 1. Dorsum of pronotum without x-shaped Dalton tier eastanaacanenelsaenetahcagraa apheareeaats Z ----Dorsum of pronotum with x-shaped DAMEN hy rncuaeet etches Serceaag chen Oedaleus Fieber 2. Median carina of pronotum intersected by two trANSVEFSE SUICI. «2226.52.25. dorsee eecteecse verse cau ovens enn 3 ---Median carina of pronotum entire or intersected by only one transverse SUICUS ...................:::06008 5 3. Body small to medium size; median carina of pronotum not forming teeth like projection See eae tetas tak te casey Satie aaeeg (ieee ate teem ened eee 4 ---Body small; median carina of pronotum forming teeth like projections................... Trilophidia Stal 4. Frontal ridge flat or with a depression near median ocellus; pronotum longer than its width, with angular posterior margin............ 9 ----Frontal ridge with a groove throughout its length; pronotum as long as or shorter than its width, with widely rounded posterior MAC CIN geet ian ar eserswonses Cr OlLVIUis 1 IEDEr 5. Pronotum with well developed median AMIN etree ee ce dee ee ) ----Pronotum with weak median carina.............. she Resta weapreptiaesip a sat puteDIO HIE AAAI ON Aiolopus Fieber 6. Median carina of pronotum not excised at BOSICHION SUICUS 5 ..c.ceeo5ccs dies setseceletse coneeectetrs ¢ ----Median carina of pronotum slightly excised at DOSTONION SUICUS 2. ve, Gasscgumisdertansarcsemcescest del 8 7. Antennae longer than head and pronotum together; frontal ridge shallowly sulcate; pronotum not crest like, angulated behind with the tip rounded (0) epee eaten Peer ne tet cree nt Dittopternis Saussure ----Antennae shorter than head and pronotum together; frontal ridge flat; pronotum crest like, acutely angulated behind.......................:::08 Rebpeslearteesece nanan eae et Gastrimargus Saussure 8. Antennae about as long as head and pronotum together; frontal ridge flat; median carina of pronotum equally raised in prozona and metazoan, slightly excised by posterior transverse sulcus; wings without a dark transverse band; thorax ventrally with dense hairs................... eh se catesteaive Savaaunadgseueesensceee veer Locusta Linnaeus ----Antennae slightly longer than head and pronotum together; frontal ridge sulcate; median carina of pronotum strongly raised in prozona and moderately in metazoan, deeply excised by only one transverse sulcus; wings with a dark transverse band or the band may be weak or absent; thorax ventrally without dense PG EO Se cee cn cceencs recede Oedipoda Latreille 9. Tegmina with spurious median vein strongly approaching M apically; wings usually with a dark DAG inseutiase utdecutetsesns Sphingonotus Fieber ----Tegmina with spurious vein at equidistant from M and CuA; wings without a dark band AE RAEN Ror tet tr rcor Leptopternis Saussure 10. Pronotum with small sparse tubercles, lower margin of hind femur with long dense hairs Sasa che ece nas caey auentn mens Pternoscirta Saussure ----- Pronotum without small sparse tubercles, lower margin of hind femur without long dense (are: aici an aue nian ire Epacromius Uvarov Genus Oedipoda Latreille Oedipoda Latreille, 1829. In Cuvier, R. Anim. Ed., 2,0. 180, Type-species: Gryllus caerulescens Linnaeus (= Gryllus caerulescens caerulescens) Halteres, Vol.2, 2010 Ctypohippus Fieber, 1852. Kelch. Orth. Oberschl.,pp 2. Distribution: Asia, Europe, N. Africa. Diagnosis: Small to medium sized insects: antennae filiform, slightly longer than head pronotum together; fastigium of vertex concave, with raised lateral carinulae; fastigial foveolae present; frontal ridge sulcate; pronotum with median carina sharp, distinctly raised, sharply intersected by posterior transverse sulcus; lateral carinae often present, strongly interrupted by transverse sulci and obliterated in metazoan, dorsum rugose and tuberculate, metazoan longer than prozona, its posterior margin angular; mesosternal interspace longer than wide; tegmina and wings fully developed, wings with dark band, base of wing brightly coloured; arolium small; male with supra-anal plate elongate, angular, cercus conical, subgenital plate conical with obtuse apex, epiphallus with narrow bridge and bilobate lophi; female with ovipositor valves short, tips recurved, ventral valve with external lateral projection. The genus can easily be distinguished in having pronotum with median carina deeply excised at posterior transverse sulcus and dark band of the wing usually sends off a branch towards the base of the wing.The genus is represented by two species in Kashmir. Key to species of Oedipoda Latr. Found in Kashmir 1. Tegmina with apical half hyaline; wings with dark band narrow reaching upto the posterior wing MALIN. sons cee Oedipoda himalayana Uvarov ----Tegmina with only apex hyaline; wings with dark band wide, reaching upto the mid of posterior wing margin ............. Oedipoda miniata miniata (Pallas) Oedipoda himalayana Uvarov Oedipoda himalayana Uvarov, 1925. Mission Babaull Inde, Acrididae, 22. Oedipoda himalayana Uvarov; Bei-Bienko And Mischenko, 1951. Acad. Nauk.SSR,235. Biodiversity of the short horned grasshoppers of the tribe Oedipodini (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Acridinae) in Kashmir Himalayas 9 Distribution:Kashmir,Afghanistan, Uzbekistan. This species has been recorded from Kashmir by Bei-Bienko and Mischenko (1951), but the present authors could not collect any specimen of this species. Material examined: IARI,New Delhi collection, India: Kashmir, Rising Gorg,6000ft, 2F, 04.x.1923 (Fletcher). Oedipoda miniata miniata (Pallas) (Fig. 1) Gryllus miniatus Pallas, 1771. Reise. Russ. Reiches., 1: 467. Oedipoda miniatus (Pallas), Chopard. 1922. Fauna de France. 3: 134,163. Distribution: Southern Europe, Kazakistan, West Siberia, Asia, North Africa. The general morphological characters are same as described under genus. The genitalic characters are as follows:- Males having supra-anal plate with wavy apical margins, tip nearly rounded, cercus elongate, broader at base, narrow apically; epiphallus with bridge narrow, undivided medially, ancorae broad in the middle with pointed tips, lophi bilobate; female with supra-anal plate broad, subtriangular, slightly truncated on sides near apex, covered with setae; subgenital plate with posterior margin wavy, setae present , egg guide short about one and a half times longer than wide; ovipositor valves shorter than lateral apodeme, with blunt tips; spermatheca with apical diverticulum short, pre-apical diverticulum long, much broad, sac like with a tubercle like projection facing towards the tip of apical diverticulum. Material examined: 5 F, 2 M, Kashmir: Kupwara, Karnah, Gundi Gujran on grass, 9.ix. 2005 (Shabir A. Reshi). Habitat: The specimens of this species have been collected from stony soil with sparse grassy vegetation. Remarks: This subspecies has been recorded for the first time from Kashmir. Genus Sphingonotus Fieber Sphingonotus Fieber, 1852. Kelch.Orth. Overschles, 2; Fieber, 1853. Lotos, 3: 124. Type-species: Gryllus locusta caerulans Linne. Distribution: Cosmopolitan Diagnosis: Medium sized insects; antennae filiform, slightly longer than or about as long as head and pronotum together; fastigium of vertex concave, with lateral and sometimes with median carinulae; fastigial foveolae present, sometimes indistinct; frontal ridge shallowly sulcate; pronotum saddle shaped, narrowed and constricted in prozona, median carina low, thin sometimes indistinct and intersected by three transverse sulci, lateral carinae absent, metazoan longer than prozona, its posterior margin obtusely angular, with almost rounded apex; mesosternal interspace longer than wide; tegmina and wings fully developed, spurious median vein of tegmina more convex than the adjacent sector R and M and apically comes closer to M than CuA, wings with coloured base, often with a dark Band of varied length; spurs of hind tibia not specialized; arolium small; male epiphallus with moderately narrow bridge, large ancorae and with bilobate lophi. The genus can easily be identified on the basis of median carina of pronotum never raised in prozona; female with subgenital plate having acute posterior margin; ovipositor short, with moderately robust valves, ventral valve with externo-lateral projections. In Kashmir the specimens of this species are found in stony soil and wings are usually with a dark band. The genus is represented by four species in Kashmir. Key to species of Sphingonotus found in Kashmir 1: Mesosternal interspace narrow, less than twice as wide as long; wings with dark transverse band well developed and broad ..................... Z -------- Mesosternal interspace wide, twice or more as wide as long; wings with dark band diffused...... Sphingonotus kashmirensis Uvarov 10 2 Wings sky blue near the base ............. 3 --------- Wings colourless near the base....... hee een Saree Sphingonotus savignyi Saussure oe Smaller species; wings with dark transverse band distinctly wide, hardly attenuating LOWArGS DOSIGTION CNG icc sccsdccciass steededeohesats .. Sphingonotus balteatus himalayanus Uvarov -------- Larger species; wings with dark transverse band never wide, conspicuously attenuating beyond middle and towards its posterior end........... S. longipennis Saussure Sphingonotus kashmirensis Uvarov Sphingonotus kashmirensis Uvarov, 1925. Mission Babault Inde, Acrididae, 18pp. Distribution: Kashmir, Eastern Afghanistan. The species has been described and recorded by Uvarov (1925) and Bie-Bienko and Mischenko (1951) from Kashmir. However the present authors could not collect any specimen of this species from the region. Sphingonotus savignyi Saussure (Fig. 2) Sphingonotus savignyi Saussure, 1884.Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9):198,208. Distribution: India, Pakistan, North Africa, Arabia, Palestine. The characteristic features of this species same as described under genus and in the key to species. Material examined: 5 F, 4 M, Kashmir: Kupwara, Karnah, Gundi Gujran on grass, 9.ix.2006 (Shabir A. Reshi); 1 F, 2M, Baramulla, Gurez, Dawar on grass,16.ix.2006 (Shabir A. Reshi). Habitat: The specimens of this species have been collected from stony soil having patches of grassy vegetation. Remarks: This species has earlier been recorded from Kashmir by Bie-Bienko and Mischenko (1951). Halteres, Vol.2, 2010 Sphingonotus balteatus himalayanus Uvarov Oedipoda balteata Serville, 1839. /ns. Orth.734. Oedipoda latifasciata Walker, 1870. Zoologist, 28: 2299. Sphingonotus amaranthinus Saussure, 1884.Mem. Soc.Phys.Hist.Nat. Geneve, 28(9): 205. Sphingonotus bifasciatus Innes Bey, 1919. Bull.Soc.Ent.Egypte, 11: 45,48. Sphingonotus balteatus himalayanus Uvarov, 1923./.Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 29: 646. Distribution: India (Kashmir), Pakistan, Arabia, Egypt. The species has already been described by Bei-Bienko and Mischenko (1951). Remarks: This species has earlier been recorded by Kirby (1914) from Kashmir. The present authors however could not collect any specimen of this species from the region. Sphingonotus longipennis Saussure (Fig. 3) Sphingonotus longipennis Saussure, 1884. Mem.Soc.Phys.Hist.nat. Geneve,28(9):197-203 Sphingonotus Indus Saussure, 1884. /bid.204. Distribution: India, Pakistan, Africa, Europe. The charateristic features of the species are same as described under genus and in the key to the species except in the followings:- Male with supra-anal plate subtriangular, lateral margins curved medially, cercus elongate, more than twice as long as wide, with rounded apex; subgenital plate wide, flattened, wider than long, apex obtusely rounded, epiphallus with bridge narrow and undivided medially, ancorae broad in the middle, lophi bilobate; female with supra-anal plate subtriangular, covered with setae apically, subgenital plate with wavy posterior margin, setae absent, Jannone’s organ present, ovipositor with dorsal valve much shorter than lateral apodemes, spermatheca with apical diverticulum short, tubular and narrow, pre-apical diverticulum long and sac like. Material examined: 15 F, 8 M, Kashmir: Kupwara, Biodiversity of the short horned grasshoppers of the tribe Oedipodini (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Acridinae) in Kashmir Himalayas 11 Handwara, Shatgund Payeen on grass, 6.1x.2005 (Shabir A. Reshi); 4 F, 9 M, Kupwara, Handwara, Shatgund Payeen on grass, 11.ix.2006 (Shabir A. Reshi). Habitat: The specimens of this species have been collected from the stony soil having sparse vegetation along the river bank. Remarks: This species has earlier been recorded from Kashmir by Bie-Bienko and Mischenko (1951). But the material collected by the authors slightly differs from the description given by Bie- Bienko and Mischenko in having hind tibia without dark band, instead it is having white band. It also differs from the description given by Kirby (1914) in having median carina present on pronotum. Genus Oedaleus Fieber Oedaleus Fieber, 1853. Lotos., 3: 126 (as subgenus of Oedipoda Serville). Oedal/eus Stal, 1873. Recens. Orth., 1:123 (as subgenus of Pachytylus Fieber). Type-species: Acrydium nigrofasciatum Degeer. Distribution: Africa, Arabia, S. Europe, Middle East, erstwhile USSR, China, Oriental region, Australia. Diagnosis: Medium sized insects; antennae filiform, longer than head and pronotum together; fastigium of vertex flat or slightly concave with obtuse lateral carinulae, with or without median longitudinal carinula; frontal ridge flat or shallowly sulcate with marginal carinulae diverging ventrally, reaching or nearly reaching upto clypeus; pronotum with obtuse median carina, often intersected by posterior transverse sulcus, lateral carinae absent, dorsum with x-shaped pattern, metazoan equal to or little longer than prozona, posterior margin rounded or angular; mesosternal interspace wider than long, widening posteriorly; tegmina and wings fully developed, spurious median vein approximately equidistant between M and CuA, sometimes closer to CuA than M at base, wings usually with a dark band; hind femur with external ventral knee lobe acutely rounded; arolium of medium size or small; male with supra-anal plate angular, cercus conical with obtuse apex, subgenital plate conical with obtuse apex: females with ovipositor valves robust, curved, ventral valve with elongate external lateral projection, spermatheca with sac like apical diverticulum with or without a short pre apical diverticulum. The genus can easily be distinguished from other genera on the basis of having a light x-shaped marking on the dorsum of pronotum. The genus is represented by three species in Kashmir. Key to species of the genus Oedaleus Fieber found in Kashmir 1. Dark band of the hind wing reaches anteriorly to the anterior margin; spermatheca with small apical diverticulum ............0...jccccceec eee ce cee eens 2 ----Dark band of the hind wing not reaching to the anterior margin; spermatheca without apical diverticulum......... Oedaleus abruptus (Thunberg) 2. Pronotum with posterior transverse sulcus placed behind the middle; hind wing pale pink at base ...... ee Oedaleus rosescens Uvarov ----Pronotum with posterior transverse sulcus placed at the middle; hind wing pale yellow at base Fas ita tearelecitaacet Oedaleus senegalensis (Krauss) Oedaleus abruptus (Thunberg) (Fig. 4) Gryllus abruptus Thunberg,1815. Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb.,5:233. Pachytylus (Oedaleus) abruptus Stal, 1873.Recens. Orth.,1:127. Oedaleus (Oedaleus) abruptus Saussure,1884.Mem. Soc.Phys. Hist.Nat.Geneve, 28(1): 117. Oedaleus abruptus 1910.Syn.Cat. Orth. 3: 226. (Thunberg), Kirby, Distribution: Afghanistan,India,China, Myanmar, Nepal, Srilanka, Thailand. The distinguishing characters of this species are same as described under genus and in the key to species. Material examined: 3 F, 1 M, Kashmir: Kupwara, Handwara, Shatgund Payeen on grass, 27.ix.2006 (Shabir A. Reshi); 4 F, 5 M, locality same as above, 03.x.2006 (ShabirA Reshi). Habitat: The specimens of this species have been collected from the cultivated field having mixed vegetation of maize, sorghum and grasses along the river bank. Remarks: This species has been recorded for the first time from Kashmir (India). Earlier, Perwin et al. (1985) recorded it from Muzaffarabad (POK). Oedaleus rosescens Uvarov Oedaleus rosescens Uvarov, 1942. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9(11): 589. Distribution: Pakistan. India (Rajasthan, Punjab), N.E. Material examined: 4 F, 3 M,Kashmir: Kupwara, Handwara, Shatgund Payeen on grass, 27.ix.2006 (Shabir A. Reshi). Habitat: The specimens of this species have also been collected from the cultivated field having mixed vegetation of maize, sorghum-= and grasses along the river bank. Remarks: This species has also been recorded for the first time from Kashmir. Oedaleus senegalensis (Krauss) (Fig. 5) Pachytylus senegalensis Krauss, 1877. Sber. Acad. Wiss. Wien.,76(1): 56. Ctypohippus arenivolans Butler, 1881. Proc. Zool.Soc.Lond.85. Pachytylus mlokoziewizteki 1884.Annl.Soc.Ent.Belg., 28:105. Bolivar, Distribution: NorthAfrica, erstwhile USSR, Middle East, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India. Material examined: 4 F, 2 M, Kashmir: Kupwara, Handwara, Shatgund Payeen on grass,27.ix.2006 (Shabir A. Reshi). Halteres, Vol.2, 2010 Habitat: Same as in above mentioned two species. Remarks: This species has also been recorded for the first time from Kashmir. Genus Trilophidia Stal Trilophidia Stal,1873. Recens. Orth., 1:131. Type-species: Trilophidia cristella Stal Distribution: Ethiopian region, Oriental region and some parts of Palaearctic region Diagnosis: Smaller sized insects; antennae short, slightly or distinctly widened apically, usually longer than head and pronotum together; fastigium of vertex concave with truncate apex and undulated lateral carinulae; fastigial foveolae irregularly triangular or oval, sometimes indistinct; frontal ridge sulcate; pronotum with median carina distinct in prozona with two teeth like projections due to deeply incised anterior sulci and it seems to be bidentate in profile, lateral carinae irregular, forming small teeth like lateral tubercles in front of first sulcus, strongly diverging or sometimes weak in metazoan, metazoan longer than prozona, slightly inflated, posterior margin rectangular with obtuse apex; mesosternal interspace wider than long; tegmina and wings fully developed, tegmina with spurious median vein come closer to M than CuA apically, hind wings without band, slightly coloured or colourless at base; female with spermatheca having short apical and large sac like pre-apical diverticula; ovipositor valves short, with robust curved valves, ventral valve with small rounded externo-lateral projection. This genus can easily be distingmiened from other genera on the basis of having two teeth like projections on prozona of pronotum. The genus is represented by a single species in Kashmir. Trilophidia annulata (Thunberg) (Fig. 6) Gryllus annulatus Thunberg,1815. Mem.Acad. Sci.St.Petersb., 5: 234. Oedipoda cristella Stal, 1860. Engenic’s Resa. Orth.Stockholm, 3: 344. Biodiversity of the short horned grasshoppers of the tribe Oedipodini (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Acridinae) in Kashmir Himalayas 13 Epacromia aspera Walker, 1870. Cat.Derm. Salt. Br. Mus., 4: 775. Distribution: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Myanmar, China, South East Asia. Material examined: 1 F, 3 M, Kashmir: Baramulla,Uri,Uranbuha on maize, 13.ix.2005 (Shabir A. Reshi); 4 F, 5 M,Kupwara,Karnah, Gundi Gujran on grass, 24.ix.2005 (Shabir A. Reshi); 3 F, 3 M, Srinagar, Dachigam National Park on grass, 12.x.2006 (Shabir A. Reshi). Habitat: The specimens of this species have been collected from the fields having mixed vegetation of maize, sorghum and grasses and from the fields having short grasses and thorny vegetation. Remarks: This species has earlier been recorded by Hollis (1965) from Kashmir, later Bhat & Qadri (1999) recorded it from Dachigam National Park. Genus Acrotylus Fieber Acrotylus Fieber,1853. Lotos, 3: 125. Type-species: Gryllus insubricus Scopoli. Distribution: Asia, Australia, Africa, South Europe. Diagnosis: Small or medium sized insects; body covered with hairs; antennae filiform, longer than head and pronotum together; fastigium of vertex concave with margins raised; fastigial foveolae usually present , triangular in shape, sometimes indistinct; frontal ridge wide, sulcated, narrowing upwards, pronotum constricted just before middle, with well developed median and irregular tuberculate lateral carinae, which are sometimes absent in metazoan, median carina intersected by two transverse sulci, metazoan longer than prozona, its posterior margin broadly rounded; tegmina and wings fully developed; spurious median vein of tegmina close to CuA at base but at apex it is close to M; wings coloured at base with or without a dark band: hind tibia with inner pair of spur longer than outer pair. The genus can easily be distinguished from other genera on the basis of having pronotum with indistinct median carina on prozona intersected by two transverse sulci, posterior margin broadly rounded. The genus is represented by a single species in Kashmir. Acrotylus humbertianus Saussure (Fig. 7) Acrotylus humbertianus Saussure,1884.Mem. Soc. Phys.Hist.Nat.Geneve, 28(9): 189. Distribution: India, Pakistan, Srilanka, Afghanistan. Material examined: 4 F,6 M, Kashmir: Baramulla, Gurez, Dawar on grass,16.ix.2006 (Shabir A. Reshi). Habitat: The specimens of this species have been collected from rocky soil having sparse vegetation. Remarks: This species has earlier been recorded by Bei-Bienko and Mischenko(1951) from Kashmir. Genus Aiolopus Fieber Aiolopus Fieber, 1853.Lotos.,3:100. Epacromia Fischer, 1853.Orth.Eur., 296,360. Aeolopus (Sic) Kirby, 1910. Syn. Cat. Orth.,3: 120 Aeoloptilus Bei-Bienko, 1966. Zool. Zh.,45: 1793. Type-species: Gryllus thalassinus Fabricius Distribution: India, Australia, Europe and Africa. Diagnosis: Medium sized insects; antennae filiform as long as or longer than head and pronotum together; fastigium of vertex elongated, slightly concave with well developed lateral carinulae; fastigial foveolae present, elongate trapezoidal anteriorily reaching the fastigium of vertex; frontal ridge flat, more rarely with a groove: pronotum with median carina thin, low intersected by one transverse sulcus in front of the middle, lateral cannae absent, metazoan longer than prozona, its posterior margin obtuse angular, with rounded or obtuse apex; mesostemal interspace slightly wider than long; tegmina and wings fully developed; spurious median vein of tegmina sharp, strongly approaching M on the apex or nearly touching it; wings without dark band near the base colourless or slightly tinted; male with supra-anal plate elongate angular, cercus narrow conical with obtuse apex; subgenital plate subconical with obtuse apex. The genus can easily be separated from other genera on the basis of having pronotum with prozona constricted and without lateral carinae. The genus is represented by single species in Kashmir. Aiolopus thalassinus (Fabricius) (Fig. 8) Gryllus thalassinus Fabricius, 1781. Species Insectorum, 1:367. Distribution: Ethopian region, North-West India, Palaearctic region. Material examined: 4 F, 5 M, Kashmir: Kupwara, Handwara, Nowgam on grass, 28.vili.2004 (Shabir A. Reshi); 8 F, 6M, Srinagar, Dachigam National Park on grass, 11.ix.2004 (Shabir A. Reshi); 2 F, 7 M, Baramulla, Palhalan on maize, 28.x.2005 (Shabir A. Reshi). Habitat: The specimens of this species have been collected from the grassy fields. Remarks: This species has been recorded from Kashmir for the first time. Genus Dittopternis Saussure Dittopternis Saussure, 1884. Mem.Soc. Phys.Nat. Hist. Geneve, 28(9): 52,125. Type-species: Dittopternis ceylonica Saussure Distribution: India, Srilanka, Australia, South Africa. Diagnosis: Medium sized insects; head broad; antennae longer than head and pronotum together; fastigium of vertex concave, longer than broad; frontal ridge sulcated; pronotum with median carina intersected by the principal sulcus before the middle, front border truncated, hind border rectangular with tips rounded; tegmina and Halteres, Vol.2, 2010 wings fully developed, tegmina long, narrow densely reticulated, opaque beyond the middle, wings with base coloured followed by a curved black band, wings reaching beyond the abdomen; hind tibia with external apical spine absent, spines yellow with tips black, inner pair of spurs at the apex comparatively longer than the outer pair, upper carina of hind femur with spinules; male epiphallus with bridge broad , ancorae with tips pointed, lophi bilobate; female with ovipositor valves having blunt tips. The genus Is represented by a single species from Kashmir. Dittopternis venusta (Walker) (Fig. 9) Oedipoda venusta Walker, 1870. Cat. Derm. Salt.Br.Mus., 4: 740. Distribution: India. Material examined: 5 F, 5 M, Kashmir: Baramulla,Uri,Chandanwari on maize, 8.ix.2004, (Shabir A. Reshi). Habitat: The specimens of this species have been collected from Maize fields adjacent to forest. Remarks: This species has been recorded for the first time from Kashmir. Earlier Sharma and Gupta (1977) have recorded it from Jammu region of J & K state. Genus Gastrimargus Saussure Gastrimargus Saussure, 1884. Mem. Soc.Phys. Nat. Hist. Geneve, 28(9): 109,110. Type-species: Gryllus verescens Thunberg Distribution: Asia, Australia, Africa. Diagnosis: Medium to large sized insects; antennae filiform, about as long as or shorter than head and pronotum together; fastigium of vertex with truncate apex and well developed lateral and weakly developed Biodiversity of the short horned grasshoppers of the tribe Oedipodini (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Acridinae) in Kashmir Himalayas 15 median carinulae; fastigial foveolae if visible elongate and triangular; frontal ridge flat, wide with obtuse lateral carinulae; pronotum longer with sharply raised median carina which is sometimes entire and sometimes cut by only weak posterior sulcus, lateral carinae absent, x-shaped marking absent, rarely present, metazoan longer than prozona, its posterior margin acutely angular; mesosternal interspace wider than long; tegmina and wings fully developed, reaching beyond the apex of abdomen; spurious median vein closer to M than CuA throughout its length, dark band of the wings variable, basal area of the wing pale blue, pale greenish, yellow, pale yellow or bright sulphur yellow. The genus can easily be separated from other genera on the basis of having pronotum with median carina raised, crest like, entire or intersected by one transverse sulcus, posterior margin acutely angular. The genus is represented by two species in Kashmir. Key to species of Gastrimargus Saussure found in Kashmir 1. Median carina of pronotum distinctly intersected by posterior transverse sulcus: inner margins of hind femur blue black in GONOUM catia ctee nhc aagnies G. africanus Saussure ----Median carina of pronotum not distinctly intersected by posterior transverse sulcus; inner margins of hind femur dirty yellow in COMO sta au eeerd eee G. marmoratus Thunberb Gastrimargus africanus Saussure (Fig. 10) Oedaleus (Gastrimargus) marmoratus var. africana Saussure, 1888.Mem. Soc. Phys. Nat. Hist. Geneve, 30(1): 39. Distribution: India: Kashmir, H.P.,Bihar,Goa, Pakistan, Africa, South of Sahara, S.W.Africa. Diagnosis: The characteristic features of the species are same as described under genus and in the key to species.Some additional characters are as follows: Hind tibia reddish apically, the inner pair of spurs longer than outer pair; male epiphallus with large bridge, lophi bilobate; female with supra-anal plate subtriangular, sugenital plate with posterior margin wavy, egg guide long, dorsal ovipositor valve with incurved blunt tip, as long as lateral apodeme, ventral valve with concave depression. Material examined: 6F,3M, Kashmir: Kupwara, Handwara,, Nowgam on grass, 28.vili.2004 (Shabir A. Reshi); 6F, 3 M, Baramulla, Uri, Chandanwari on grass, 13.ix.2005 (Shabir A. Reshi); 2F,11M, Srinagar, Dachigam National Park on grass, 22. ix.2005 (Shabir A. Reshi). Habitat: The specimens of this species have been collected from the grassy range land surrounded by forest and from fields having mixed vegetation of grasses and bushes. Remarks: This species has earlier been recorded from Kashmir by Bhat & Qadri (1999). Mahmood and Yousuf (1999) also recorded it from POK. Gastrimargus marmoratus (Thunberg) Gryllus marmoratus Thunberg, 1815. Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb.,5: 232. Distribution: India: Kashmir, Assam; Japan. The collected specimens fully agree with the description given by Bei-Bienko and Mischenko (1951) and Ritchie (1982). Material examined: 3 F, 4 M, Kashmir: Baramulla, Uri, Chandanwari on grass,01.ix. 2007 (Shabir A. Reshi). Habitat: The specimens of this species have been collected from range land surrounded by forest. Remarks: This species has earlier been recorded from Kashmir by Bei-Bienko and Mischenko (1951). Genus Locusta Linnaeus Locusta Linnaeus, 1758. Syst. Nat.,1: 431. Oedipus Berthold, 1827.Weimar, /Indistr. Compt.,402. Pachytylus Fieber, 1853.Lotos, 3: 121. Type-species: Gryllus (Locusta) migratorius Linne. Distribution: All over the world. Diagnosis: Large sized insects; antennae filiform, about as long as head and pronotum together; fastigium of vertex slightly concave, not delimited anteriorly from the frontal ridge and extending roundly over into it; frontal ridge wide, flat, slightly constricted and depressed at the median ocellus; median carina of pronotum slightly concave or arcuate, intersected by posterior transverse sulcus, metazoan slightly longer than prozona, its posterior margin almost rounded or obtusely angular; mesosternal interspace about as long as wide or slightly longer; thorax ventrally with dense hairs making tomentum; tegmina and wings fully developed; spurious median vein of tegmina closer to CuA than to M, wings without dark band; male with supra-anal plate angular, cercus with obtuse apex, subgenital plate conical with subacute apex; female ovipositor short, robust with curved valves, ventral valve with angular, external, lateral projections. The genus can easily be separated from other genera on the basis of having thorax on the ventral side covered with dense hairs; wings without dark band; body robust. The genus is represented by a single species in Kashmir. Locusta migratoria Linnaeus (Fig. 11) Gryllus (Locusta) migratoria Linnaeus,1758. Syst.Nat. 1(10): 432. Distribution: India, Pakistan, Kazakistan, Halteres, Vol.2, 2010 Africa, Southwestern Pacific. Material examined: 3 F, 2 M, Kashmir: Baramulla,Gurez, Dawar on maize,18.ix.2004 (Shabir A. Reshi). Habitat: The specimens of this species have been collected from maize fields along the river bank (Kishan Ganga) at an altitude of 8000ft. Remarks: This species has been recorded for the first time from Kashmir (India). Earlier, Mahmood and Yousuf (1999) recorded it from POK. Genus Leptopternis Saussure Shingonotus (Leptopternis) Saussure, 1884. Memoires de la Societe de Physique et D’Histoire Naturelle de Geneve, 28(9): 193. Type-species: Oedipoda gracilis Eversmann Distribution: From Northwestern Mongolia and Dzungaria to Sahara. Diagnosis: Medium sized insects; antennae filiform, longer than head and pronotum together; fastigium of vertex concave, lateral carinulae present; fastigial foveolae present, triangular; frontal ridge shallowly concave; pronotum with linear median carina, lateral Carinae absent, dorsum crossed by three sulci, metazoan longer than prozona, its posterior margin obtusely angular; mesosternal interspace wider than long; tegmina and wings fully developed, wings without dark band; male with supra-anal plate elongate and angular, cercus narrow, conical with obtuse apex, epiphallus with a narrow bridge, ancorae large, lophi bilobate; females with acutely produced ovipositor valves. The genus is represented by a single species in Kashmir. Leptopternis gracilis (Evermann) Oedipoda gracilis Evermann, 1848. Addit. Fisch.Waldh. Orth.Ross.,10. Biodiversity of the short horned grasshoppers of the tribe Oedipodini (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Acridinae) in Kashmir Himalayas 17 The species has been recorded from Kashmir by Bei-Bienko and Mischenko (1951). Later, Mahmood and Yousuf (1999) recorded it from POK. However, the present authors could not collect any specimen of this species. Genus Pternoscirta Saussure Pternoscirta Saussure, 1884. Mem.Soc. Geneve, 28(9): 52,127. Type-species: Pternoscirta cinctifemur (Walker) Distribution: Oriental region. Diagnosis: Medium sized insects; ventral part of body and legs with long dense hairs; head short, somewhat rugose; vertex short, wide, flat; fastigial foveolae not reaching to the anterior margin of fastigium; pronotum slightly roughened with small sparse tubercles, median carina distinct, moderately raised: opening of tympanal organ widely uncovered; spurious median vein of tegmina comes closer to M than CuA apically, wings coloured basally, dusky on the apex and along the anterior margin, dark band absent; hind tibia with inner pair of spurs longer than the outer pair; arolium nearly equal to half the length of claw. The genus is represented by a single species in Kashmir. Pternoscirta caliginosa (DeHaan) Acridium (Oedipoda) caliginosum De Haan, 1842. Temm. Verh. Orth. 161. Distribution: India (Kashmir, Sikkim), South China, Malacca. Remarks: The species has been recorded from Kashmir by Bei-Bienko and Mischenko (1951). However, the present authors could not collect any specimen of this species. Genus Epacromius Uvarov Epacromius Uvarov, 1942. (1941). Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 67: 337,338. Type-species: Epacromius tergestinus Charpentier Distribution: Palaearctic & Oriental regions. Diagnosis: Medium sized insects; body slender; fastigium of vertex with apex rounded; fastigial foveolae well developed, elongated; frontal ridge flat or shallowly sulcate at least in males; pronotum with median carina thin, low, lateral carinae absent; mesosternal interspace open; tegmina and wings fully developed, spurious median vein of tegmina often irregular, extending along the middle field or runs moderately close to M apically; male subgenital plate flattened. The genus is represented by a single species in Kashmir. Epacromius coerulipes (lvano) Epacromius coerulipes |lvano, 1887. Trudy obshchestva Ispytatelei prirody Khar’ Kovskogo Universiteta, XX\|: 348. Distribution: Europe, Kazakistan, Australia, Hungary, Mongolia, Korea, China. Remarks: The species has been reported from Kashmir by Bei-Bienko and Mischenko (1951). However, the present authors could not collect any specimen of the species. Acknowledgements The authors are greatly indebted to Prof. R. C. Bhagat, Head, P.G. Department of Zoology, University of Kashmir, Srinagar. Thanks are also due to Chief Wildlife Warden, Kashmir, for granting permission to visit Dachigam National Park. We are also thankful to the government authorities for their help and co-operation in carrying out the survey in far flung and disturbed areas of the state. Halteres, Vol.2, 2010 18 eS 1 mm 7 mm Spermatheca, 0 Subgenital plate, o Hind wing, fe) 3 mm lmm Supra anal plate, Q Pronotum, Q ca TA 2 mm Supra anal plate, Oo Meso and Metasternum, 0) Epiphallus, of Fig. 1: Oedipoda miniata miniata (Pallas) 5 1 mm Spermatheca, 0) 1 mm Subgenital plate, Q Epiphallus, O” Fig. 2: Sphingonotus savignyi Saussure Biodiversity of the short horned grasshoppers of the tribe Oedipodini (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Acridinae) in Kashmir Himalayas ers Fi) a ; i es ; ~ aes hag fet § fhe tay Fi —, °. er 3 \ {| \ wn a Vogl \ f iby 3 | } ; ‘ ee ae wat, ‘ Fi Tes if | } ae waar: Wilson. OMe kt OG 4 i eects Tre “ i a ocean ee “, mannan 1 “mm Imm Supra anal plate, 0 Spermatheca, 0) rol a a ci a eas : f "3 "eh agement z Poa ad en nas : te “ a ee “i, ou Cs ‘s ‘ f (7 MSN ty a SFY 1 mm 7 if wf Ventral valve, Q =. le a i H we iy Or cs asseaaranaasatammenale oe U : ha il i 1 mm a ey ol Subgenital plate, ? a TTI sr, wa ee Ny PP ny we " 1 mm Dorsal valve, 0 Fig. 3: Sphingonotus longipennis Saussure 2mm wut | 1 mm Subgenital Spermatheca, 0) Epiphallus, Co Fig. 4: Oedaleus abruptus (Thunberg) | mm plate, Q 19 Halteres, Vol.2, 2010 20 wut | 1 mm Epiphallus, O° 1mm Subgenital plate, 9 Spermatheca, 2) 2mm Ovipositor valves, Q Fig. 5: Oedaleus senegalensis (Krauss) Wu | \., e [ ~ \ ppemmallces, 2 Subgenital plate, Q 4 mm 1 mm Meso and Metasternum, 0) Pronotum, 0) Epiphallus, ©” i ig ieee ccs, \inneaasnanan - sone ee bag wate % ip rs ee 2 mm ie ee Ovipositor valves, 0) Fig. 6: Trilophidia annulata (Thunberg) Biodiversity of the short horned grasshoppers of the tribe Oedipodini (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Acridinae) in Kashmir Himalayas “a 2 | 1mm Ovipositor valves, Q wu | 1 mm Subgenital plate, ? Spermatheca, Q Epiphallus, 0 Fig. 7: Acrotylus humbertianus Saussure 1 mm 1 mm 2 mm Subgenital plate, ? Ovipositor valves, 0 Epiphallus, (a wu Spermatheca, QO Fig. 8: Aiolopus thalassinus (Fabricius) 2 mm Supra anal plate, Q 5 mm Ventral ovipositor valve, 0) Dorsal ovipositor valve, 0) Fig. 9: Dittopternis venusta (Walker) 21 22 Halteres, Vol.2, 2010 1.5 mm 2mm Supra anal plate, 0 Supra anal plate, O ae wn 1 mm 4 mm ————= Epiphallus, © Ovipositor valves, 0) Fig. 10: Gastrimargus africanus Saussure wut | 1 mm 2 mm Spermatheca, O ee + Subgenital plate, Epiphallus, O 5 mm Ovipositor valves, 0) Fig. 11: Locusta migratoria Linn. Biodiversity of the short horned grasshoppers of the tribe Oedipodini (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Acridinae) in Kashmir Himalayas 23 References Bei-Bienko, G.Y. and Mischenko, L.L. 1951. Locusts and Grasshoppers of USSR and_ adjacent countries.Vols. 1, 2. Jarusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations. Bhat, G. Aand Qadri, M. Y. 1999. Fideletic status and micro distribution of orthopteran populations in grassland of Dachigam National Park, Kashmir. Oriental Science 4(1): 8-23. Bhowmik, H.K. 1985. Outline of distribution with an index catalogue of Indian grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acridoidea). Records of Zoological Survey of India 78:1-51. Hollis, D. 1965. A revision of the genus Trilophidia Stal (Orthoptera:Acridoidea), Transactions of Royal Entomological Society London 117(8): 245-262. Kirby, W.F. 1914. The fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma Orthoptera (Acrididae). New Delhi: Today & Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers. Mahmood, K. and Yousuf, M. 1999. New records of Oedipodinae (Acrididae: Orthoptera) From Azad Kashmir with the description of new species. Journal of Orthoptera Research 8: 271-275. Mischenko, L.L. 1936. Revision of Palaearctic species of the genus Sphingonotus Fieber (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Eos Madrid 12(1-2): 65-192. Perwin, R., Ahmad, H. and Ahmad, M. 1985. Host and food plants of some acridid Grasshoppers in Pakistan, Records Zoological Surveyof Pakistan 10(1-2): 101-109. Ritchie, J.M. 1982. A taxonomic revision of the genus Gastrimargus Saussure (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Bulletin of British Musuem Natural History 44(4): 239-329. Sharma, B. and Gupta, N. 1997. Identification key to the short horned grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) from sub-shivalik plains of Jammu. Journal of insect Science 10(1): 5-7. Uvarov, B. 1925. Records and descriptions of Indian Acrididae (Orthoptera). Annals and Magazine of Natural History 7(9): 480-509. Phylogenetic analysis of Indian species of genus Macrophya Dahlbom (Hymenoptera: Symphyta; Tenthredinidae: Tenthredininae) M.S. Saini’ and L. Kaur? Department of Zoology, Punjabi University, Patiala, India. (‘email: saini20@hotmail.com) (?email: lakhwinderkaur.kaur@gmail.com) Abstract Phylogenetic analysis was performed for 14 species of the genus Macrophya (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) using the phylogenetic analysis package PAUP, based on 15 of the morphological characters most commonly used for Macrophya species identification. Species descriptions were derived primarily from “Indian Sawflies Biodiversity” vol. II (Saini 2007). Parsimony analysis, using equally weighted characters, produced 48 trees. The results are discussed in terms of evolutionary trends or biological maxim that “nature prefer to modify the already existing structures so as to cope with new needs.” Keywords: Phylogenetic analysis, Macrophya, Evolutionary trends. Introduction The genus Macrophya (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) is widely distributed genus with its representatives available in almost all main regions of the globe. With regard to its affinities, it shares most of its characters with Pachyprotasis Hartig. Even within Macrophya the range of characters is so wide that time to time many of its subgenera were proposed (Malaise, 1945) and because of no distinct boundaries they all got merged (Ross, 1937 ; Gibson, 1980). Today none of its subgenus is considered to be valid (Abe & Smith,1991). The genus Macrophya was first described by Dahlbom (1835) as a subgenus of Tenthredo Linnaeus, on the basis of body shape, length and form of antenna. He divided this subgenus into two subsections “A” and “B”. Hartig (1837) applied names to these two subsections using 7. (Macrophya) for subsection “B” and T.(M.) (Pachyprotasis) for subsection “A”. Both of these were later recognised as valid genera by Westwood (1840). The genus is characterized by venation as in Pachyprotasis, but the anal cell may have a cross vein. Malar space mostly shorter than the diameter of an ocellus. The hind legs are strongly built, and the knees reaching and mostly exceeding the apex of the abdomen (Saini, 2007). The larval stages feed on variety of wild herbs, shrubs & trees. Generally adults feed on pollen, flower nectar or leaf juice exuding from wounds caused by strong mandibles. However, many robust species indulge in zoophagy (Cameron,1882; Rohwer, 1913; Benson,1938: Malaise,1945:; Naito,1988 and Goulet, 1996). The purpose of present study is to trace the long evolutionary history which modified generalizations into specializations of extreme form to suit the circumstances in which subsequently insects dwelled. Parsimony analysis is used to investigate phylogenetic relationships among Macrophya species, using data based on morphological characters most commonly used for Macrophya identification. Materials and Methods Species descriptions were derived primarily from “Indian Sawflies Biodiversity” vol. II (Saini, 2007) and the characters used in the Phylogenetic analysis of Indian species of genus Macrophya Dahlbom (Hymenoptera: Symphyta; Tenthredinidae: Tenthredininae) 25 analysis were those given comparably for all, or 6) Median fovea (0 = broad and shallow, 1 = almost all, species. Tenthredo Linnaeus was also indistinct , 2 = absent). included in the analysis as the outgroup. 7) Circumocellar furrow (0 = fine, 1 = distinct, Phylogenetic analysis was performed using 2 = indistinct). the package PAUP version 3.1.1. (Swofford,1993). 8) Postocellar furrow (0 = indistinct, 1 = absent, In total 15 morphological characters were used in 2 = distinct, 3 = fine). the phylogenetic analysis. These were :- 9) Postocellar area (0 = flat, 1 = subconvex, 2 = raised). 1) Clypeus incision (0 = subsquarely incised, 110) Antenna length (0 = two times or more than = circularly incised, 2 = incised with irregular two times of head width, 1 = antenna length anterior margin, 3 = incised with truncate less than two times of head width). bottom, 4 = clypeus triangulary incised). 11) Mesoscutellum (0 = raised, 1 = sub 2) Anterior margin of labrum (0 = rounded, 1 = convex, 2 = prismatic, 3 = flat, 4 = truncate, 2 = slightly emarginated). pulvinate). 3) Malar space (0 = shorter than diameter ofan 12) Mesepisternum (0 = roundly raised, 1 = ocellus, 1 = longer than diamater of an obtusely raised). ocellus, 2 = linear, 3 = inconspicuous). 13) Subapical tooth of claw (0 = subapical tooth 4) Frontal area (0 = below level of eyes , 1 = at of claw longer than apical one, 1 = subapical level of eyes). tooth of claw is shorter than apical one, 5) Supraantennal tubercles (0 = raised, 1 = 2 = subapical tooth is subequal to apical indistinct). one). Table-1: Presence or absence data for fifteen characters for 14 species of the genus Macrophya as used in the phylogenetic analysis; Tenthredo Linnaeus is included as an outgroup. Character number + falafel st elz fof olsols {zl slaelas [mM andreasiSaniandvasu [+ [o[2|a[+[ ofo[o[ [+ fo [+ [o [t a ea RAEI CSI EI ECW EW EAE CE CEE [us tormosanaronwer | +|+Jo]afo| rola] 1]1 fo fo ]2|1|+ [u gopeshwariSainietar [+ [1[o[ofo| of+[ofolo [2 [1 ]o fol aise sonore Le trfatelof olttetata fe iy ate fr [inscueonisCaneon [0 [0 Ea oreo Tan ac a Loe Cu naga Saniandvesu_| 1 [0[1[1]1] 11 ]2[ 1]0 [4 [1+ 10 [a [ut planeta ocsay [2 Tololof of fa to[tfo lz [1 Pot [2 [i pompinentsase To folifof of ifofi {fo fr fo fof fo [iu psewenonat senietal sfolofol rf ofr fatale fs fx fo fr fs roo [+ fo M. verticalis Konow No 26 Halteres, Vol.2, 2010 14) Metabasitarsus (0 = as long as following 15) Wing appearance (0 = clear, 1 = hyaline, joints combined, 1 = longer than following 2 = yellowish hyaline, 3 = dusky hyaline, joints combined). 4 = smoky hyaline). M. pompilina M. maculicornis M. pseudoplanata Tenthredo = 5 1289 M. khasiana 36894 0>1 0>1 Q>1 Q>/ 0) M. planata SYEDIDYED)| M. verticalis M. rufipodus A>} fot) Start M. andreasi 569% 235678 M. manganensis 129 fi IQ o7Qol PoE tito) (| / [>f} 94 Po) 27 M. formosana 1 D1 Qo} pf M. naga 35679 ff M. brancuccii DL gt!) | Fig. 1: Strict consensus tree for 14 species of Macrophya derived from the 48 most parsimonious trees calculated from the data in Table 1 ; outgroup = Tenthredo Linnaeus. Character of the ingroup have been optimized by fast transformation as implemented in PAUP. Character numbers are above the hashmarks; state changes are shown below with the respective primitive and derived conditions reported by a ‘>’. Apomorphy shown by filled hashmarks and pleisomorphy by open hashmarks. Phylogenetic analysis of Indian species of genus Macrophya Dahlbom (Hymenoptera: Symphyta; Tenthredinidae: Tenthredininae) 27 Results Parsimony analysis, using equally weighted characters, produced 48 most parsimonious trees (MPTs). Exact analysis by implicit enumeration (the ‘i.e.’ command of PAUP, which finds almost — parsimonious solutions) of the data in Table 1 resulted in formation of many cladograms which differed only at some places due to presence of more evolutionary events. Successive weighting was applied as a check of the reliability of the results. The main objective of phylogenetics is to correctly reconstruct the evolutionary history based on the observed character divergence between organisms. For estimating phylogenetic trees the most widely used PARSIMONY method (which hold the shortest tree to be the best estimate of the phylogeny) was used. Parsimony method is also called “Occam’s Razor” after William of Occam, a 14th Century English philosopher who advocated this minimalist problem solving approach of “shaving away” unnecessary complications. The principle of maximum parsimony is to search for a tree that requires the smallest number of evolutionary changes to explain the differences observed among the OTU under study. As discussed by Goloboff (1991) the term parsimony is still regarded in two different ways by cladists: 1) as the principle of seeking the cladogram with the greatest explanatory power, given the weights the character deserve. 2) as the principle of seeking the cladogram with minimum length under equal weights. Discussion In Fig.1 M. maculicornis is separated from Tenthredo by character five and there occurs formation of derived or apomorphic character. Similarly, all characters shown in cladogram by which taxa are separated from one another and if there occurs formation of apomorphy then that character is shown by filled hashmarks and pleisomorphy by open hashmarks in the cladogram. Tenthredo got separated from all other taxa by characters 3, 6, 8, 9 and 11 and there occurs formation of derived character and M. pompilina got separated from the latter by character 1 and character 5. Character 1 and character 5 both show apomorphy. So, sign 0>3 or 0>1 shows that there is formation of a derived character from the ancestral character. M. pseudoplanata and M. khasiana got separated from M. pompilina by characters 1, 2, 8 and 9. Similarly, M. pseudoplanata got evolved by character 5 and 8 and M. khasiana by character 1. M. gopeshwari and M. regia got separated by characters 1, 9, 10 and 14 and M. regia evolved due to characters 1, 5, 6 and 9. M. planata, M. verticalis, M. rufipodus, M. andreasi, M. manganensis, M. formosana, M. naga and M. brancuccii got separated from all above taxa by characters 1,5, 7 and 9. M. planata and WM. verticalis again separated from another by characters 1, 2, 7, 10, 13 and 15. The both taxa also got separated by some characters. M. planata by character 1 and M. verticalis by characters 10 and 15. M. rufipodus, M. andreasi, M. manganensis, M. formosana, M. naga and M. brancuccii got separated from M. planata and M. verticalis by characters 4 and 6. M. rufipodus got evolved due to character 8, 9, 11 and 15 and similarly, all other taxa got separated from other taxa due to presence of new characters present in them. So, extremely specialized forms descended by gradual changes leads to accumulation of certain appropriate features which represents body organization acquired to become complex so as to meet requirements which also underlies the biological maxim. References Abe, M. & Smith, D.R. 1991. The genus — group names of Symphyta (Hymenoptera) and their type species. Esakia, Fukuoka 31: 1-115. Benson, R.B. 1938. On the classification of sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). The Entomologist's monthly Magazine, 75: 110-113. Cameron, P. 1882. A monograph of the British phytophagous Hymenoptera vol. |. London: The Ray Society. Dahlbom, A.1835. Conspectus Tenthredinidum, Siricidum, Oryssinorum, Scandinaviae, quas Hymenopterum familias. Hafiniae: Kong! Swenska Wetenskaps, Academiens Handlingar 1-16. 28 Gibson, A.P. 1980. A revision of the genus Macrophya Dahlbom (Hymenoptera: Symphyta: Tenthredinidae) of North America. Memois of the Entomological Society of Canada 114: 166. Goloboff, P.A. 1991. Homoplasy and the choice among cladograms. Cladistics, 7: 215-232. Goulet, H. 1996. Revision of the Nearctic species of the arcuata group of the genus Jenthredo with notes on the higher classification of the Tenthredinini (Hymenoptera, Symphyta, Tenthredinidae). Contributions of the American Entomological Institute, Gainesville 29(2): 1-135. Hartig 1837. Die Familien der Blattwespen und Holzwespen. Berlin: Haude und Spener. Malaise, R. 1945. Tenthredinoidea of South-Eastern Asia with a general zoogeographical review. Opuscula Entomologica, Lund supplement 4: 1-288. Naito, T. 1988. Systematic position of the genus Rocalia (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) feeding on fern spores, with description of a new species from Halteres, Vol.2, 2010 Japan, Kontyd, 56(4): 798-804. Rohwer, S.A. 1913. Notes on the feeding habits of adult sawflies (Hymenoptera: Symphyta). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 15: 148-149. Ross, H.H. 1937. A generic classification of the Nearctic sawflies (Hymenoptera: Symphyta). IIlinois Biological Monographs, 34: 173. Saini, M.S. 2007. Indian Sawflies Biodiversity (Keys, Catalogue & Illustrations) vol. Il. Subfamily Tenthredininae Sans Genus Tenthredo L. Dehradun: Bishen Singh, Mahendra Pal Singh Publishers. Swofford, D.L. 1993. PAUP: Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony version 3.1.1. Illinois: Illinois Natural History Survey, Chamapaign. Westwood, J.O. 1840. Synopsis of the Genera of British Insecta. In: Westwood, J.O. (ed.). An Introduction to Modern Classification of Insects, 2: 158. Lucilia calviceps Bezzi, new record f i om India (Diptera: Calliphoridae), with a revised key to Indian species Meenakshi Bharti" & Hiromu Kurahashi? 1. Department of Zoology, Punjabi University, Patiala, (Pb.) 147002 India. (email: adubharti@yahoo.co.in) 2. International Department of Dipterology, Hikawadai 1-2-21, Higashikurume City, Tokyo 203-0004, Japan. (email: MLB15110@nifty.com) Abstract Lucilia calviceps Bezzi is newly recorded from India, a revised key is provided with all the Indian species. Keywords: Lucilia calviceps, New record, India, Revised key. Introduction Flies of genus Lucilia are generally called the green bottles. According to Kurahashi (1966) the genus Lucilia has been divided into three groups based on its evolutionary trends; i.e. richardsi group, cluvia group and fumicosta group. Out of these, the richardsi group is the most primitive (with maximum plesiomorph characters) and the fumicosta group being the most advanced one. The Indian fauna comprises of all the three groups but is dominated by Oriental elements (62.5%) followed by Palaearctic (25%) and Neotropical Nearctic (12.5%). In Fauna of British India Diptera vi (Calliphoridae) by Senior White et. a/., (1940) genus Lucilia was represented by six species from India. At present this genus Is represented by 8 species, Lucilia bazini seguy (Nandi, 2004) and Lucilia calviceps Bezzi being the new records from this region. The previous key (Senior White et. a/., 1940) is modified in order to incorporate the newly recorded species from India. Key to the Indian species of Lucilia fe Basicostal Scale Yellow, post sutural acrostichial 3 - - - ---------------------- (2) ---------- Basicostal Scale brown or black: post sutural acrostichial 2 - - ------ ----------- (3) Z. Abdomen arched in profile; sternites with tuft of long hairs; hypopygium prominent; parafrontalia bare or almost bare except for frontals and fronts-orbitals in female - - ------------- ~------------ ---- Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann) ------------ Abdomen not arched in profile, sternites without tuft of long hairs, hypopygium inconspicuous; parafrontalia in female with short decumbent bristles among frontals and parafrontals - -------------------------- 3. Alar squama always white or creamish in colour (never infuscated); lower squama may be white or infuscated - - ------------------- (4) <= Alar squama and thoracic squama infuscated -------------------------- (5) 4. Alar squama creamish with a tuft of yellowish white hairs at inner lower margin; thoracic squama pale, brownish on disc - - - - - - wren eee -- ---- Lucilia bazini seguy ao-n----- Alar and thoracic squama predominantly white -------------- Lucilia illustris (Meigen) 30 aa-------, Alar squama white; lower infuscated Lucilia oon ees enero wen aeoceces ampullacea Villeneuve 5. Anterior pair of post sutural acrostichial more advanced than 2" pair of Post sutural dorsocentral- - - - - -- Lucilia porphyrina (Walker) --------- Anterior pair of Post sutural acrostichial on the level or slightly posterior than 2" pair of post sutural dorsocentral -- ------------------ (6) 6. Male frons broader than the distance between two posterior ocelli; female parafacialia broader than the width of 3 antennal segment - - ----------------- Lucilia papuensis Macquart --------- Male frons smaller than the distance between two posterior ocelli; parafacialia as broad as or narrower than the width of 3° antennal segment in female - - ------------------- (7) 7. Eyes in male separated at narrowest point by less than the width of anterior ocellus; parafacialia yellow — grey dusted, narrower than the width of 3 antennal segment in female. - - - - ween eee eee ---- Lucilia hainanensis Fan ---------- Eyes in male separated at narrowest point more than the width of anterior ocellus; parafacialia silver-grey dusted; as broad as width of 3” antennal segment in female. - -------------- ----------------- --- Lucilia calviceps Bezzi Lucilia calviceps Bezzi Lucilia calviceps Bezzi, 1927:238. Type localites: Espiritu Santo and Epilsland, New Hebrides [Vanuatu] Length: 8.0-9.0 mm Halteres, Vol.2, 2010 Material Examined India: 1 female, Gugga, UNA, Himachal Pradesh, 600.mts, 6.X.2009; 3 males Dharampur, Himachal Pradesh, 450mts, 14.X.2009; 1 male, Bari, Himachal Pradesh, 450mts, 15.x.2009; 1 male, Kotla, Himachal Pradesh, 470mts, 7.x.2009: 1 female, Kotla, Himachal Pradesh, 470mts, 7.x.09. Distribution India (Himachal Pradesh), Philippines (Luzon), Malaysia (Malaya, Borneo), Papua New Guinea, (New Guinea, New Britain, New Ireland, Bougainville |.), Vanuatu Loyalty Islands and New Caledonia. References Kurahashi, H. 1998. Lucilia bazini Seguy, newly recorded from Peninsular Malaysia (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Medical Entomology and Zoology, 49(3) : 231-232. Kurahashi, H. 2001. The blowflies recorded from Srilanka, with descriptions of two new species (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology, 7(2): 241-254. Kurahashi, H. and Afzal, M. 2002. The blow flies recorded from Pakistan with the description of one new species (Diptera Calliphoridae). Medical Entomology & Zoology, 53(2) : 231-230 Kurahashi, H. and Thapa, V.K. 1994. Notes on Nepalese Calliphorid flies (Insecta: Diptera). Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology, 45: 179-252. Nandi, B.C. 2004. Checklist of Calliphoridae (Diptera) of India. Record of Zoological Survey of India, Occassional Paper No. 231: 1-47. Senior White, R., Aubertin, D. and Smart, J.1940. The Fauna of British India, including remainder of the Oriental region. Diptera vi, Family Calliphoridae. London: Taylor and Francis. Impact of egg retention on walking behavior of Trichogramma chilonis (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) Muhammad Shakeel’, Ahmed Zia’, Abid Farid? and Zakir Hussain‘ 1. University of Agriculture, Peshawer. (email: shakeelkhanmarwat@yahoo.com) 2. National Insect Museum-NARC, Islamabad. (email: sailyedahmed@yahoo.com) 3. Nuclear Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA). (email: abidfarid@nifa.org.pk) 4. IPDM Laboratories Directorate of Agriculture Northern Areas-Gilgit. (email: zakirentomologist@yahoo.com) Abstract In the present study effect of egg retention on walking behavior of females of Trichogramma chilonis (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) was investigated under laboratory conditions by using a computer based, Abid’s trackmove software. Results revealed that 3 days old wasps showed significant increase in their walking activity for searching host eggs as compared to 1 day and 2 days old wasps respectively. Keywords: Trichogramma, Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae, Walking behaviour, Egg retention. Introduction Egg parasitiods of genus Trichogramma are employed worldwide for biological control of insect pests (Smith, 1996). Searching for their host under natural conditions, long-range dispersal and delayed oviposition is often noticed in Trichogramma females (Wright et a/., 2001; Kuske et al., 2003). In many field and laboratory studies recorded range of dispersal is even several meters (Brar et al., 2000; McGregor et a/., 2000; Mehetre and Salunkhe, 2000; Wang et a/., 2000). For host oriented search, dispersal is mainly achieved by walking (Noldus et a/., 1991). Egg retention or delayed oviposition is demonstrated as refusal to oviposit (Monje et a/., 1999: Silva and Stouthamer, 1999: Carriere and Boivin, 2001; Hoffmann et a/., 2001; Hansen and Jensen, 2002). Dissections and behavioral observations have showed that such females had a lot of mature ovarial eggs but parasitization was blocked at the stage of arrestment and host recognition (Pavlik, 1993; Reznik et al., 1997, 1998). Earlier studies suggest that percentage of time spent in movement by Trichogramma females, delaying oviposition due to unavailability of suitable host eggs was slightly higher, than those for ovipositing females with readily available host eggs (Reznik and Umaraova, 1991). In all previous studies movement activity was only recorded in the presence of host eggs. Thus the increase in time spent during movement could be assessed by time expenditure for parasitization. Besides host, stimuli also had a strong direct influence on the female’s behavior (Gardner and Lenteren, 1986; Nordlund, 1994; Schmidt, 1994). Reznik et al/., (2001) demonstrated that oviposition by a group of simultaneously emerged Trichogramma females was observed to be uniformly distributed in time because of egg retention. Egg retention is thus accompanied with intensive movement activity and this mechanism seems to be even more adaptive when hosts are unavailable. 32 Relationships between walking behaviour and reproduction has never been investigated in the past. According to Dingle and Winchell (1997) spontaneous movement activity is better option for measure of dispersal. In view of this, present study has been designed to study walking behavior in females of Trichogramma chilonis during egg retention without providing host eggs. Materials and Methods Females of Trichogramma chilonis of age 1, 2 and 3 days were set to walk separately over specially designed grids made on an arena in order to observe their search for hosts (no host eggs were provided). Accuracy of the result depends upon size of grids. Smaller the grid size, accurate will be the results. Grids were numbered in a specific pattern on which computer operates the software (Abid’s Trackmove). Grids on which data could be taken easily were selected and a transparent cover slip of 6.6 x 6.7cm with thin boundaries was used to avoid escape of wasps out of the grids. Each day 10 wasps were released singly and observation time for every replication was kept constant i.e. 3 minutes. As the wasps start moving over the grids, software was started and numbers of grids traveled were entered. The whole experiment was carried out under controlled laboratory conditions for temperature, humidity and uniform diet etc. Results and Discussion Table 1 shows that all the ten replications for 1 day old wasps have significantly less waking activity than those of 2 and 3 days old wasps Halteres, Vol.2, 2010 respectively. The total distance covered and velocity attained by 2 days old wasps was higher than those of 1 day old ones and they even stayed for less time in the grids and their velocity without stay points was also greater. Same is the case with 3 days old wasps; they showed more higher velocity and covered more distance than those of 2 days old wasps. Their stay inside the gird was least and the velocity without stay points was maximum as compared to 1 day and 2 days old wasps. Increased walking’ activity of Trichogramma_ chilonis wasps on each successive day was observed as to be a reaction for host search for parasitization and it increased with the passage of time due to egg retention resulting pressure build up in ovaries. Therefore, 3 days old wasps showed greater walking activity over 2 days and 1 day old wasps respectively. Present study clarifies and confirms some queries of the previous studies, e.g. a study on the walking behaviour of Trichogramma females suggests that walking behavior of Trichogramma species (average speed, percentage of time spent moving etc.) and their movement only depends on environmental conditions, primarily on temperature (Fournier and Boivin 2000; Suverkropp et a/., 2001). However in the current study it was observed that physiological state of female can also be important. As all observations were collected under controlled conditions (temperature, humidity, diet, etc.) so difference in velocity and distance covered was observed as direct effect of egg retention. In another study with provision of non preferred hosts among preferred Table-1: Walking behavior of Trichogramma chilonis females observed in relation to egg retention. Replications (Wasps Released/Day) Velocity Without Stay 3.216 cm/sec 3.531 cm/sec Total Stay Time 43.29 sec 39.67 sec Impact of egg retention on walking behavior of Trichogramma chilonis (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) 33 ones, it was observed that increase in movement and dispersal in parasitizing Trichogramma females was a direct consequence of their search for appropriate host. In accordance to it, present study without provision of any host eggs suggests that increased movement was due to the direct effect of pressure build up in ovaries of female wasps due to egg retention and in result of this, females accelerate their search for host eggs. Each next day this search was increased because the eggs get mature in the ovaries and were needed to oviposit at the earliest. References Abid’s Trackmove, Accessed online at http:// www. nifa. org. pk/software.html. Brar, K.S., Khosa, S.S., Sekhon, B.S. 2000. Host searching capacity of laboratory reared and field collected populations of Trichogramma chilonis \shii. Journal of Biological Control 14: 29-33. Carriere, Y. and Boivin, G. 2001. Constraints on the evolution of thermal sensitivity of foraging in Trichogramma: genetic trade-offs and plasticity in maternal selection. American Naturalist 157: 570-581. Dingle, H. and Winchell, R. 1997. Juvenile hormone as a mediator of plasticity in insect life histories. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 35: 359-373. Fournier, F. and Boivin, G. 2000. Comparative dispersal of Trichogramma evanescens and Trichogramma pretiosum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) in relation to environmental conditions. Environmental Entomology 29: 55-63. Gardner, S.M. and Lenteren, J.C. 1986. Characterization of the arrestment responses of Trichogramma evanescens. Oecologia 68: 265-270. Hansen, L.S. and Jensen, K.M.V. 2002. Effect of temperature on parasitism and host-feeding of Trichogramma turkestanika (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) on Ephesia kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 95: 50-56. Hoffmann, M.P., Ode, P.R., Walker, D.L., Gardner, J., van Nouhuys, S. and Shelton, A.M. 2001. Performance of Trichogramma ostriniae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) reared on factitious hosts, including the target host, Ostriniua nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Biological Control 21: 1-10. Kuske, S., Widmer, F., Edwards, P.J., Turlings, T.C.J., Babendreier, D. and Bigler, F. 2003. Dispersal and persistence of mass released Trichogramma brassicae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) in non-target habitats. Biological Control 27: 181- 193. McGregor, R., Caddick, G. and Henderson, D. 2000. Egg loads and egg masses: parasitism of Choristoneura rosaceana eggs by Trichogramma minutum after inundative release in a commercial blueberry field. BioControl 45: 257-268. Mehetre, S.T. and Salunkhe, G.N. 2000. Studies on host searching capacity of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, an egg parasitoid of tomato fruit borer. Journal of Maharashtra Agricultural Universities 25: 102-103. Monje, J.C., Zebitz, C.P.W. and Ohnesorge, B. 1999. Host and host age preference of Trichogramma galloi and T. pretiosum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) reared on different hosts. Journal of Economic Entomology 92: 97-103. Noldus, L.P.J.J., van Lenteren, J.C. and Lewis, W.J. 1991. How Trichogramma parasitoids use moth sex pheromones as_ kairomones: orientation behaviour in a wind tunnel. Physiological Entomology 16: 313-327. Nordlund, D.A. 1994. Habitat location by Trichogramma. In: Wajnberg, E. Hassan, S.A., (eds.). Biological control with egg parasitoids. Wallingford, UK; CAB International: 155-163. Pavlik, J. 1993. Variability in the host acceptance of European corn borer, Ostrinia nubialis Hbn. (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) in strains of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma spp. (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae). Journal of Applied Entomology 115: 77-84. Reznik, S.Ya. and Umarova, T.Ya. 1991. Host population density influence on host acceptance in Trichogramma.. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 58: 49-54. Reznik, S.Ya., Umarova, T.Ya. and Voinovich, N.D. 1997. The influence of previous host age on current host acceptance in Trichogramma. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 82: 153-157. 34 Reznik, S.Ya., Umarova, T.Ya. and Voinovich, N.D. 1998. Egg retention in the presence of a host in Trichogramma females. Journal of Applied Entomology 122: 555-559. Reznik, S.Ya., Voinovich, N.D. and Umarova, T.Ya. 2001. Long-term egg retention and parasitization in Trichogramma_ principium (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae). Journal of Applied Entomology 125: 169-175. Schmidt, J.M. 1994. Host recognition and acceptance by Trichogramma. In: Wajnberg, E. and Hassan, S.A., (eds.). Biological control with egg parasitoids. Wallingford, UK; CAB International: 165-200. Silva, |.M.M.S. and Stouthamer, R. 1999. Do sympatric Trichogramma species parasitize the pest insect Helicoverpa armigera and the beneficial insect Chrysoperla carnea in different proportions? Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 92: 101-107. Halteres, Vol.2, 2010 Smith, S.M. 1996. Biological control with Trichogramma: advances, successes, and potential of their use. Annual Review of Entomology 41: 375-406. Suverkropp, B.P., Bigler, F. and van Lenteren, J.C. 2001. Temperature influences walking speed and walking activity of Trichogramma brassicae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Journal of Applied Entomology 125: 303-307. Wang, Z.Y., Zhou, D.R. and Hassan, S.A. 2000. The dispersal distance and activity rhythm of Trichogramma ostriniae in greenhouse. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica 27: 17-22. Wright M.G., Hoffmann, M.P., Chenus, S.A. and Gardner, J. 2001. Dispersal behavior of Trichogramma ostriniae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) in sweet corn fields: Implications for augmentative releases against Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Biological Control 22: 29-37. Role of honeybees and other insects in enhancing the yield of Brassica campestris var. sarson J.S.Tara & Pooja Sharma* Department of Zoology, University of Jammu, Jammu (Tawi) 180006, J&K, India. (#email: puja80_sharma@yahoo.co.in) Abstract Qualitative and quantitative effects of pollination on fruit set; number of seeds per siliqua and mean weight of 100 seeds were compared in controlled and open pollinated plants of sarson. Percent fruit set, number of seeds per siliqua and mean seed weight of 100 seeds were significantly (P<0.01) higher in open pollinated viz., 8.09, 9.37 and 141.86 than in controlled ones. Moreover, seeds of open pollinated plants were larger in size and viable than controlled ones. The crop was visited by many insect pollinators but Apis dorsata followed by Apis mellifera and Apis cerana were observed to be the most common pollinating species. Keywords: Pollination, Brassica campestris var. sarson, Apis dorsata, A. mellifera, A. cerana. Introduction Rapeseed mustard is the second most important edible oilseed crop in India after groundnut. Among rapeseed, Brassica campestris var. sarson is a self compatible crop and is generally considered to require insect pollination for better seed production (Mc Gregor, 1976; Free, 1970). These insects belong to orders viz., Hymenoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and Thysanoptera (Michener, 1974). Of these, Hymenopterans are the most important agents because of their high energy requirements and tendency for collecting provisions for their brood in the form of pollen and nectar. It is considered that services rendered by bees in pollination of fruits, vegetables, legume and other seed crops are worth many times the return, which bee keepers receive in the form of honey and bee wax (Mattu et a/., 1994). Bees provide the most suitable conditions for pollen selectivity, thereby, increasing the viability, weight and germination of the seeds (Kozin, 1972). Alderman and Angelo 1933, also suggested the role of pollinating insects in getting good quality crops. Materials and Methods Studies were conducted at Hiranagar in district Kathua, Jammu division to know the qualitative and quantitative effects of pollination on sarson flowers in terms of fruit set, number of seeds per siliqua and seed weight (Verma and Partap, 1993). Flowering started in the second week of January 2006.One colony each of Apis cerana F. and Apis mellifera L. were placed in the field when 15-20% of the flowering had already occurred. Plants with unopened floral buds were enclosed in insect mesh nets for self and wind pollination and open flower buds left for self pollination, pollination by wind and insects. Two sites were randomly selected in the field area having 10-12 plants, for each of the experimental designs as under:- 1) Affect of pollination on fruit set; 2) Affect of pollination on number of seeds per siliqua; Number of fruits (Siliqua_) Number of buds X 100 36 The number of seeds per siliqua was counted before harvesting period. 3) Affect of honeybees and other insect on fruit quality; Qualitative effect of honeybees and other insect pollinators on fruit quality was studied by collecting the ripe seeds. It was assessed in terms of increase in weight of seeds, measured with the help of micro electric balance. For this, 100 seeds were collected from each experimental design and mean weight of 10 samples with 100 seeds was found. The data so obtained was analyzed Statistically. Results and Discussion Seed yield data so obtained is presented in the Table 1, which reveals that fruit set was 79.96% in controlled experiment, while it was 88.05% in open pollinated flowers. This shows an increase of 8.09% in open pollinated flowers as compared to controlled ones. Similarly, mean Halteres, Vol.2, 2010 number of seeds/siliqua was 10.24 and 11.20, while mean weight of 100 seeds was 0.172 and 0.416 gm in controlled and open pollinated experimental designs respectively. These figures show an increase of 9.37% of seeds/siliqua and 141.86% of mean weight of 100 seeds in open pollinated flowers than controlled ones. These results are in conformity with the already recorded observations of Chand and Singh (1995) on Brassica juncea and Mishra et al. (1988) on Brassica campestris var. sarson. Further, Khan and Chaudhary (1988) emphasized upon the view that insect pollination led to the formation of well shaped larger grains and more viable seeds than self pollinated plants. The present investigator, also reconfirms these observations of the op. cit. workers, where the seeds of open pollinated plants are larger and viable than net caged ones. Some similar observations were reported by Singh (1997) on Brassica juncea and Singh et al., (2004) on var. toria. Table-1: Qualitative and quantitative effect of open pollination upon control pollination of plants of Brassica campestris var. sarson* 79.96 88.05 10.24 0.172 0.416 141.86 *= Open pollinated > control (P< 0.01) Weight (g) Conclusion Qualitative and quantitative data reveals significant (P<0.01) increase in percent of fruit set, number of seeds/siliqua and mean weight of 100 seeds in open pollinated flowers than in controlled flowers, covered with muslin cloths. Thus insects, especially the bees are the cheapest source for 8.09 11.2 9.37 increasing the yield of oilseed crops. References Alderman, W.H. andAngelo. E. 1933. Self and cross sterility in plum hybrids. Proceedings of Society of Horticultural Sciences 29: 118-121. Role of honeybees and other insects in enhancing the yield of Brassica campestris var. sarson 37 Chand, H. and Singh, R. 1995. Effect of pollination by Apis cerana Fabr. on yield of mustard, Brassica juncea Linn. Indian Bee Journal 57(4): 173-174. Free, J.B. 1970. Insect Pollination of Crops. London: Academic Press. Khan, B.M. and Chaudhary, M.!. 1988. Comparative assessment of honey bees and other insects with self pollination of sarson in Peshawar. Pakistan Journal of Forestry, 38(4): 231-237. Kozin, R.B. 1972. Pollination of Entomophilous Agricultural Crops by Bees. New Delhi: Amerind Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. Mattu, V.K., Devi, M. and Mattu, N. 1994. Pollen spectrum of some honeys of Kashmir (India) as determinant of honeybee forage. Indian Bee Journal 56(3-4): 132-141. McGregor, S.F. 1976. Insect pollination of cultivated crop plants. USA: U.S. Department of Agriculture. Michener, C.D. 1974. The Social Behaviour of Bees. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Mishra, R.C., Kumar, J. and Gupta, J.K. 1988. The effect of mode of pollination on yield and oil potential of Brassica campestris L. var. sarson with observations on insect pollinators. Journal of Apiculture Research 27(3): 186-189. Singh, Y. 1997. Role of honey bees in farm production, agricultural growth and rural reconstruction in India. Indian Bee Journal 59(1): 24-30. Singh, B., Kumar, M., Sharma, A.K. and Yadav, L.P. 2004. Effect of bee pollination on yield attributes and seed yield of toria (Brassica campestris var. toria). Environment and Ecology, 23(3): 571-573. Verma, L.R. and Partap, U. 1993. The Asian Hive Bee Apis cerana, as a Pollinator in Vegetable Seed Production (An Awareness Handbook). Nepal: Internatinal Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) Kathmandu. (Sa,,} Diversity of Aphidoidea in Rawalpindi Division (Punjab) Pakistan, with a list of host plant studied Ahmed Zia’, Soaib Ali Hassan”, Anjum Shehzad? and Falak Naz? 1. National Insect Museum, National Agriculture Research Centre, |slamabad — Pakistan. (email: saiyedahmed@yahoo.com) 2. Pir Meher Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi — Pakistan. (email: sohaib_hassan50@yahoo.com) 3. National Insect Museum, National Agriculture Research Centre, Islamabad — Pakistan. (email: nim.anjum@gmail.com) 4.National Insect Museum, National Agriculture Research Centre, |slamabad — Pakistan. (email: falakO5@yahoo.com) Abstract Aphids were collected from different hosts in four districts of Rawalpindi Division (Punjab), Pakistan. A total of 700 specimens were collected, yielding eight species under eight genera. Details regarding valid names, body size, distribution and general body characters of collected specimens alongwith their host plants are discussed in this paper. Richness and abundance of species was also studied. Further surveys are needed to unhide the existing fauna of Aphidoidea from the area. Keywords: Diversity, Aphidoidea, Pakistan, Punjab, Rawalpindi. Introduction Aphidoidea includes small soft bodied insects, commonly called aphids, blackflies, plant lice or greenflies. They are serious pests of crops, vegetables, ornamental plants and fruits. They suck cell sap and inject toxic saliva into plant tissues which may result in curling of leaves, appearance of discoloured spots on the foliage, blighting of buds and dimpling of fruits (Hashmi, 1994). Honey dew is released on plant leaves which results in development of sooty mould which hinders its photosynthesis (Blackman and Eastop, 2000). In Pakistan, lot of work has been done on the biology and population dynamics of aphids but only fewer taxonomic studies were carried out uptill now. Taxonomy of Aphidoidea in Pakistan was studied by Das (1918), Munir (1953), Khaliq (1965), Awan (1973) and Nasir (1989). A need for comprehensive survey was felt and present study was under taken to make an authentic and updated record of Aphidoidea inhabiting Rawalpindi division of Punjab province, Pakistan. Materials and Methods Extensive sampling was done during the years (2007-2008) to collect adults of Aphidoidea. All the four districts i.e Rawalpindi, Chakwal, Jehlum and Attock with twenty localities (five from each district) were visited (Fig. 1). Details of collection sites is as follows:- Rawalpindi Division (Punjab): 1) District Rawalpindi: Kahuta (L1), Mandra (L2), Gujar Khan (L3) Taxila (L4), Islamabad {NARC Research Farms (L5)}. 2) District Chakwal: Talagang (L6), Choa Syedan Shah (L7), Kallar Kahar (L8), Tman (L9), Mogla (L10). 3) District Jehlum: Dina (L11), Sohawa (L12), Mangla (L13), Pind Dadan Khan (L14), Khewra (E15): 4) District Attock: Hazro (L16), Hassan Abdal (L17), Fateh Jang (L18), Pindi Gheb (L19), Jand (L20). Diversity of Aphidoidea in Rawalpindi Division (Punjab) Pakistan, with a list of host plant studied 39 Aphids were collected from cereal crops, grasses, vegetables, weeds and fruit trees with an ordinary camel hair brush, by jerking the plants on white paper sheet and by netting in some cases. Their search was followed by deep observation of symptoms on plants such as presence of coccinellids and other aphid predators, ant associations, rolling and yellowing of infested leaves and development of black sooty mold. They were brought to the laboratory of National Insect Museum and were preserved in 80% alcohol. After making their slides, specimens were identified following Eastop (1961), Stroyan (1977), Martin (1983), Blackman and Eastop (1994); and Blackman and Eastop (2000). Voucher specimens were deposited in National Insect Museum, NARC- Islamabad. Results and Discussion Thirteen different hosts grown in twenty five different localities of four districts of Rawalpindi division were sampled to collect adults of Aphidoidea. A total of 700 adult aphids were collected that provides a record of eight aphid species identified under eight genera. Details regarding valid names, body size, distribution, general appearance and host plants for collected species are presented (Table 1). Richness of species was observed (Fig. 2), which shows presence of all the eight species in Rawalpindi district. However minimum number of species i.e five species were recorded from district Jehlum. Abundance of species was also studied (Table 2) showing Lipaphis erysimi, Brevicoryne brassicae and Rhopalosiphum padi as dominant and abundant species of Rawalpindi district and Sitobion avenae and Metopolophium dirhodum as common species of Jehlum district. However Brevicoryne brassicae also appeared to be a prevalent species of district Attock. Prociphilus oleae appears to be very rare and was recorded only from a single locality of Rawalpindi district. Due to huge diversity in topography and flora of the area, further surveys can add more species of Aphidoidea. To study the diversity of Aphidoidea in each area, diversity index following Menhinick (1964) was calcultaed (Fig. 3) which shows highest aphid diversity in district Chakwal however minimum was calculated for Attock. District Chakwal is rich in flora and almost all the major crops and a wide variety of vegetables and grasses are grown here, which may be a possible reason for higher aphid diversity in this area. In contrast to this Jhelum is less fertile and more mountainous as compared to Chakwal, which favours less development of Aphidoidea due to host unavailability. Hazro @ Bassa Abdal C17 gout imme oe g Ls b e | “ @ ISLAMABAD ATTOCK “ Vaxila LA ell é é Kahuta ¢ paces sa, Miicvis ¢ RAWALPINDL € A oe oe Fateh Jang , Mandra 1. 2%. Pindi Gheb t.19 @ Fa p oN Gujar Khan 1.3@ : “ Sohawe 9 CHAKWAL : Betis os vale e tas Lo Mangia “ny Taman LO @ eMogla Lio Dina Lt Rh MR ray x Kallar Kahar L8@ AS IRAN ARABIAN SEA Le Ae Choa Syedan Shah x NNO esd *e. an ee a ’. Apomorphy shown by filled hashmarks and pleisomorphy by open hashmarks. Phylogenetic analysis of Indian species of genus Himalopsyche Banks (Trichoptera: Spicipalpia; Rhyacophilidae: Rhyacophilinae) 47 11) Scape to pedicel ratio (O= If scape length is less than half of pedicel length, 1= If scape length is more than half of pedicel length). IATS : MB: OATS’ (0= If MB ratio greater than IATS but smaller than OATS, 1= If MB ratio smaller than IATS but greater than OATS). * I[ATS-Inner Apical Tibial spur, MB-Meta basitarsus, OATS— Outer Apical Tibial Spur 12) Results Parsimony analysis, using equally weighted characters, produced 27 most parsimonious trees (MPTs). Successive weighting was applied as a check of the reliability of the results. The main objective of phylogenetics is to correctly reconstruct the evolutionary history based on the observed character divergence between organisms. For estimating phylogenetic trees the most widely used PARSIMONY and MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD methods were used. Parsimony method also known as “ Occam’s Razor” after William of Occam, a 14" century English Philosopher who advocated this minimalist problem solving approach of “shaving away” unnecessary complications and the principle of maximum likelihood, is a tree with the highest likelihood and is the best estimate of the true phylogeny. The species Himalopsyche todma differs from all other species of Himalopsyche by the single character of apically bifidation of anal sclerite (character 6). To further investigate the MPTs the majority rule consensus method was used. Discussion In Fig.1 H. todma got separated from Rhyacophila by character 12 and H. todma differed from all other species of Himalopsyche due to apically bifidation of anal sclerite. Similarly, all characters are shown in cladogram by which taxa got separated from one another. The derived consensus tree identified two groupings to be present in the cladogram. The first group was composed of two unique species H. gyamo and H. bhagirathi. They grouped on the basis of shape of anal sclerite. The second group contained nine species H. hierophylax, H. lepcha, H. phedongensis, H. biansata, H. digitata, H. horai, H. maitreya, H. tibetana and H. lanceolata. They clustered together due to biarticulation of inferior appendage. H. do/masampa got separated from H. todma by characters 6, 9 and 10. All characters showed apomorphy. So sign 0>1 showed that there was formation of derived character from ancestral character. H. gyamo and H. bhagirathi got separated from H. dolmasampa by character 5. H. gyamo got evolved by characters 9 and 10 and H. bhagirathi by character 11. H. /ungma and H. malenanda got separated by characters 9 and 10. Character 9 showed apomorphy and character 10 showed pleisomorphy. H. malenanda got evolved due to characters 5 and 12. Character 12 showed maximum evolution. H. angnorbui and H. yongma got separated from H. malenanda by characters 4, 5 and 12. H. yongma got evolved by characters 4 and 10. H. amitabha got separated from latter by characters 4, 10 and 12. Similarly, H. yatrawalla got separated from H. amitabha by characters 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11. All the characters showed pleisomorphy. H. hierophylax got separated from H. yatrawalla due to presence of characters 1 and 12 and got evolved by characters 3, 4, 10, 11 and 12. Only the characters 3 and 4 showed apomorphy. H. /epcha and H. phedongensis got separated from H. hierophylax but they both shared the same characters. H. biansata, H. digitata, H. horal, H. maitreya and H. tibetana got separated from H. phedongensis by character 12 and they all shared the same characters but H. /Janceolata developed new character 10 and got separated from H. biansata, H. digitata, H. horai, H. maitreya and H. tibetana. To conclude, this can be said that species of genus Himalopsyche Banks exhibit a remarkable diversity of genitalic types in the males. References Banks, N. 1940. Report on certain Neuropteroid insects from Szechwan, China. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 88: 173-220. 48 Kimmins, D.E. 1952. Indian Caddisflies VI. New species and a new genus of the family Rhyacophilinae. Annals & Magazine of Natural History 5(12): 347- 361. Martynov, A.V. 1930. On the Trichopterous fauna of South China and Tibet. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 2: 65-112. Martynov, A.V. 1935. On a collection of Trichoptera from the Indian Museum |. Records of the Indian Museum 37: 93-209. Martynov, A.V. 1936. On a collection of Trichoptera from the Indian Museum II. Records of the Indian Museum 38: 239-306. Morton, K.J. 1900. Description of new species of Oriental Rhyacophilidae. Transactions of Entomological Society of London Part |: 1-9. Halteres, Vol.2, 2010 Resh, V.H. and Rosenberg, D.M. 1984. The ecology of aquatic insects. NewYork: Praeger Publishers. Schmid, F. 1963. Quelques Himalopsyche indiennes (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae). Bonner Zoologische Beitrage 14: 206-223. Schmid, F. 1966. Le genre Himalopsyche Banks (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae). Annales de la Sociztz Entomologique de Quebec 11(2): 123- 176. Schmid, F. 1989. Les Hydrobiosides (Trichoptera: Annulipalpia). Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique supplement Entomologie 59: 1-154. Swofford, D.L. 1993. PAUP: Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony version 3.1.1. Illinois: Illinois Natural History Survey, Chamapaign. Influence of foraging rate and speed of Apis species (Hymenoptera) on Brassica campestris var. sarson J.S.Tara and Pooja Sharma* Department of Zoology, University of Jammu, Jammu (Tawi) 180006, J&K, India. (#email: puja80_sharma@yahoo.co. in) Abstract Foraging rate and speed of three species of Apis cerana, A. mellifera and A. dorsata were studied in the fields of sarson at Pallimore and Hiranagar at three different hours of the day viz., 0900, 1200 and 1500 hours in order to determine the number of flowers visited per bee at a particular time. At both Pallimore and Hiranagar, A. dorsata spent significantly more time than A. cerana and A. mellifera at 0900hours, whereas no significant (P>0.05) differences were observed between the three Apis species at 1200 and 1500 hours of the day. However number of flowers visited/bee/minute by A. mellifera were significantly (P<0.05) more than A. dorsata and A. cerana at 0900 and 1200 hours at Pallimore but no such significant differences (P>0.05) were observed at 1500 hours of the day. Similarly at Hiranagar, A. mellifera visits significant (P<0.05) number of flowers/ minute at 1200hours than A. dorsata and A.cerana, whereas at 0900 and 1500 hours no such significant differences were observed (P>0.05). Keywords: Apis cerana, Apis mellifera, Apis dorsata, Brassica campestris, Foraging. Introduction Insects are of prime significance in pollination of agricultural and horticultural crops. These insects belong to order Hymenoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and Thysanoptera (Michener, 1974). Among hymenoptera, honeybees are considered as the most efficient pollinators of cultivated crops because of their floral fidelity (Wells and Wells, 1983 and Waser, 1986), potential for long working hours (Sihag, 1990), presence of pollen baskets, maintainability of high population, micromanipulation of flowers and adaptability to different climatic conditions (Verma and Partap, 1993). Materials and Methods Time spent per flower and number of flowers visited per minute were taken as the indicators of foraging rate and speed respectively. Time spent by a worker bee of A.cerana and A. mellifera on sarson flower and number of flowers visited per minute was recorded with the help of a stop watch having an accuracy of one tenth (1/ 10") of asecond. These observations were taken thrice a day at 0900, 1200 and 1500 hours and were repeated for a week in each field under good climatic conditions. Results and Discussion Three species of Apis were monitored for their foraging rate and speed at three different hours of the day i.e. 0900, 1200 and 1500 hours at both the fields as shown in Table 1 and Figures 1, 2, 3 & 4. It reveals that Apis cerana and A. mellifera coincide in their foraging rate and speed at 0900, 1200 and 1500 hours i.e. there is no difference in their foraging rate and speed. For A. dorsata the foraging rate and speed remains the same at 1200 and 1500 hours but at 0900 hours A. dorsata spent more time than A. cerana and A. mellifera. This may be due to large body size of A. dorsata and also due to partial opening of the flowers in the morning hours. These results are in agreement with Verma and Partap (1993) who noted no significant differences in the time spent and number of flowers Halteres, Vol.2, 2010 50 ‘(G0'0d) SINOY OOTZ) Je EueIAD ‘Wd) SIU OOZL PUB ODEO Ie eJeSIOp yd) SINOY QOGO }e EUueIAD Y