Hamell On Trial 5-19-06 Coda New York,N.Y. 1.Sugarfree> 2.Values> 3.Civil Disobedience> 4.Coulter's Snatch> 5.I Survived Katrina>When You Are Young> 6.I ______ A Dead Guy> 7.I Blew A Chimp> 8.Chris And The Angels> 9.Detroit Boys>Hard Of Hearing Joke> 10.Joe Strummer Meets Victor Borga>Inquiring Minds> 11.Your Mom's Hot> 12.I Hate Your Kid> 13.John Lennon> 14.Presidents>Hail> 15.He's Pat Robertson> 16.?Don't Tell Us> 17.7 Seas>SpongeBob SquarePants>7 Seas> 18.Nancy's Got A New Boyfriend> 19.Bill Hicks> 20.Halfway> 21.Hamell's Ramble> 22.Ghosts And Goats>Dog Joke> 23.Open Up The Gates> 24.A Fathers Advice> 25.The Meeting 26.Outro