Handle with EXTREME CARE This volume is BRITTLE and cannot be repaired Photocopy only if necessar iERSTEIN SCIENCE INFORMATION CENTRE J ) F CHAPTER III. CONNECTIVE TISSUES 4G CHAPTER IV. MUSCULAR TISSUE Go CHAPTER V. TISSUES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 7ft HISTOLOGY— PART II. CHAPTER VI. PREPARATION OF THE' COMPOUND TISSUES . . . .100 CHAPTER VII. VASCULAR SYSTEM 110 t CHAPTER VIII. LYMPHATIC SYSTEM 12:; CHAPTER IX. ORGANS OF RESPIRATION 13o \ X CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. PA(H'. ORGANS OP DIGESTION 135 CHAPTER XI. SKIN, CUTANEOUS GLANDS, AND GENITO-URINARY APPARATUS 141 CHAPTER XII. ORGANS OF SPECIAL SENSE 150 CHAPTER XIII. EMBRYOLOGY 158 CHAPTER XIV. APPENDIX.— STUDY OF INFLAMED TISSUES 1G9 PHYSIOLOGY.— PART I. BLOOD, CIRCULATION, RESPIRATION, AND ANIMAL HEAT. CHAPTER XV. THE BLOOD . . . I7o CHAPTER XVI. THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 217 CHAPTER XVII. RESPIRATION 298 CHAPTER XVIII. ANIMAL HEAT :;::fi PHYSIOLOGY.— PART II. FUNCTIONS OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. CHAPTER XIX. GENERAL DIRECTIONS 350 CHAPTER XX. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MUSCLE AT REST . 360 CONTENTS. xi CHAPTER XXI. PAGE PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS ON THE STIMULATION <>i- NKUVE AND MUSCLE 304 CHAPTKR XXII. PHENOMENA AND LAWS OF MUSCULAR CONTRACTION . . . . 365 CHAPTER XXIII. THE WAVE OF MUSCULAR CONTRACTION 369 CHAPTER XXIV. TETANUS 371 CHAPTER XXV. ELECTRIC CURRENTS OF MUSCLES 376 CHAPTER XXVI. ELECTRIC CURRENTS OF NERVES 381 CHAPTER XXVII. ELECTROTONUS 382 CHAPTER XXVIII. STIMULATION OF NERVES 385 CHAPTER XXIX. PHENOMENA ACCOMPANYING A NERVOUS IMPULSE . . . 393 CHAPTER XXX. VARIOUS FORMS OF STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE . . 395 CHAPTER XXXI. URARI POISONING AND INDEPENDENT MUSCULAR IRRITABILITY . 308 CHAPTER XXXII. THE FUNCTIONS o>' THE ROOTS OF SPINAL NERVES . . . 402 CHAPTER XXXIII. REFLEX ACTIONS 406 CHAPTER XXXIV. ON SOME FUNCTIONS OF CERTAIN PARTS OF THE KNCEPHAI.ON . 11:5 Xll CONTENTS. PHYSIOLOGY.— PART III. DIGESTION AND SECRETION. CHAPTER XXXV. TA(!K ALBUMINOUS COMPOUNDS 421 CHAPTER XXXVI. CHEMISTRY OF THE TISSUES -142 CHAPTER XXXVII. DIGESTION 4o7 CHAPTER XXXVIII. THE SECRETIONS ' . . .526 CHAPTER XXXIX. APPENDIX. — NOTES ON MANIPULATION. ... . 501 HISTOLOGY. BY DR. E. KLEIN. PART I -PREPARATION OF THE ELEMENTARY TISSUES. CHAPTER I BLOOD CORPUSCLES. IN the microscopical examination of the blood, we have to do only with the study of the formed elements, namely, the colorless corpuscles and blood disks. Colorless Blood Corpuscles. — The colorless corpuscles are elementary organisms which are endowed with the power of spontaneous motion. This power belongs to them in virtue of the material of which their bodies are composed. This mate- rial is protoplasm. Theirjnption is of two kinds; it consists of change o£ form and change of place. The latter results from the former. As movements of this kind are seen in greatest perfection in rhizopods and amoeba?, they are called amoeboid. Amoeboid Movements of Colorless Corpuscles. — Very active movements are seen in the colorless blood corpus- cles of the newt. The cells are large and easy of observation. It is of the first importance, in beginning our study of them, that they should be placed under conditions which, if not iden- tical with, are not materially different from, those under which they actually exist. The simplest method is the following : — Take a clean glass slide and an absolutely clean cover-glass, which, as we must use high powers (that is, objectives of which the focal distance is short), must be thin. Take the newt out of the water, dry the tail, cut off its end. If no blood comes, squeeze the organ from the root towards the tip until a drop is obtained. One of two methods may now be used : 1st, let the blood drop upon the middle of the glass slide, and place the cover-glass on it in such a way that one edge rests on it? sur- face, while the opposite edge is supported by the finger or for- ceps. Then let the glass gradually down upon the drop. Or, 2 18 BLOOD CORPUSCLES. 2dly, collect the blood on the cover-glass by bringing it into contact with the drop, then place it on the slide with its clean surface upwards. By following either of these methods, the introduction of air-bubbles will be avoided, which would otherwise be a source of difficulty to the beginner. The drop should be neither too small nor too large. The following in- conveniences arise from its being too large: 1. The thin cover- glass does not lie steadily in its place, but floats on the drop in such a way that, by the slightest movement of the table, currents are produced in the liquid which render observation difficult or impossible. 2. If it is desired to keep the preparation for a length of time under observation, it is necessary to adopt some means to prevent the liquid from evaporating ; for, if this is not done, it gradually dries from the edges, and soon be- comes unfit for the observation of amoeboid movements, we therefore inclose the preparation in oil, as will be immediately described, and experience shows that, by so doing, the move- ments may be watched for twelve hours or more continuously — a time which is sufficient for a complete study of the phe- nomena in question. This, however, cannot be done unless the drop is very small. 3. If high powers are used, the front glass of the objective comes into contact with the cover-glass, and produces currents due to pressure. If, on the other hand, the drop is too small, the elements are pressed upon by the cover-glass, and thereby subjected to unnatural conditions. No definite rule can be given as re- gards the size of the drop, which must of course vary with that of the cover-glass. The mode of surrounding a preparation of blood with oil is as follows : Take a drop with a glass roVl or camel-hair pencil, and let it fall at the very edge of the cover-glass in such a way that, although most of it is on the surface of the slide, it covers a little of the cover-glass also. Then incline the glass slide slightly, and with the rod lead the oil from the drop along the edge of the cover-glass, taking care not to press upon the latter. If one drop of oil is insufficient, of course another must be added. Take great care to avoid sn/earing the cover glass too far ; for by so doing, the space available for observation may become inconveniently limited. Having thus obtained a preparation of blood entirely pro- tected from evaporation, we are ready to begin our study of the colorless corpuscles. Varieties of Colorless Corpuscles. — As soon as we have brought a field contain ing blood into focus, we see, in addition to a multitude of colored blood disks, to which we at present pay no attention, a greater or less number of color- less corpuscles, which themselves differ from one another both in size and aspect, and in their property of spontaneous BY DR. KLEIN. 19 movement. Three forms may be distinguished, which we will examine in succession : — 1. Common Large Colorless Corpuscles. — Supposing that a few moments have elapsed since the preparation was made, some of these pale corpuscles are sure to be seen float- ing hither and thither in the liquid with a rolling movement. The}' are much more numerous than the other forms. Fix the attention on one of these bodies, and observe, first, that it is so transparent that, as it rolls over and over, a single granule embedded in its substance may be kept constantly in view. Continuing the observation, notice that the surface of the corpuscle, at first smooth, gradually becomes uneven. The cause of the unevenness is this. The surface is beset with a greater or less .number of filamentous appendages, varying in length, and distributed over the surface with variable uniformity. These seem to consist of the same material as the body of the corpuscle. When they are short the}' may be compared to prickles, when longer they are often bent at the point. Sometimes we see one of the processes lengthen itself, while another disappears; sometimes a whole group of processes push out on one side, while others are re- tracted on the opposite side. Occasion all}r, from the small- ness and great number of the processes, it is scarcely possible to be sure as to the changes which occur. Here is a corpuscle which appears to be gradually enlarging. Let us follow the changes it will undergo. Already it covers a space three or four times as great as before. Simultaneously with this in- crease of size, its form becomes irregular, and (as may be ascertained by the fine-adjustment screw) its vertical measure- ment is diminished, so that it now constitutes a thin layer limited by a distinct contour. Soon, however, the circumfer- ence thins out in certain directions, so that the edge can no longer be discerned ; the only evidence of its existence in these attenuated parts being that the field appears to be covered with a granulous film. In the layer of protoplasm we have now before us, some parts are hyaline, or contain at most a few minute granules. In others, you will notice, there are clear spots with well-de- fined contours, which differ indefinitely in size, and have no definite arrangement. Many of them are so clear that they look like perforations. It is characteristic of them that they are undergoing change, both as regards their relative position and relative distinctness, some coming into view while others are fading. These we call vj^y^s. They are believed to be cavities filled with liquid, the origin of which is due to the constant commotion of the protoplasmic mass. If this be so, it is easy to understand why it is that they appear and dis- appear so rapidly. We next observe that at some part of the 20 BLOOD CORPUSCLES. corpuscle (often, but not always, towards the centre) one or more bodies may be distinguished of roundish, ovoid, or irre- gular form, and tolerably distinct contour, somewhat less re- fractive than the surrounding protoplasm, and containing one or more granules. These bodies are commonly close together, and are called nuclei. The nuclei are usually invisible so long as the colorless blood corpuscle is spheroidal ; when it spreads out into a layer, they can be distinguished. But they can also be observed when the lamina draws itself together into an irre- gular clump ; and it may be then seen that they are subject to continual change, both as regards form and relative position. We now leave the corpuscle we have been hitherto studying and observe another, which is roundish, and exhibits a very few delicate processes. At present we see no nuclei. After a time we notice that one of the processes suddenly becomes longer and thicker, so that the corpuscle is now club-shaped, consisting of a tapering stalk ending in a knob. The stalk incloses an oblong, compressed nucleus, and the knob two such nuclei close together, the surfaces of both being shaggy, with minute processes. We have not long to wait until the body loses this form. A new process, towards which the two nuclei tend, shoots out from the knob, at right angles to the stalk. The knob becomes smaller in proportion to the growth of the process, while the two nuclei gradually approach its ex- tremity. The next change is, that each process lengthens out in the direction of its axis into a filament, the two together being of such a length as to stretch over the whole field. These filaments spring from a small clump of granular proto- plasm— the original knob above mentioned. Each filament swells out at its end into a little mass, which, in the one case, contains a single nucleus, in the others, two nuclei. Continu- ing our observation, we notice that the clump at the junction of the two filaments disappears, while the other masses, which are now united by a straight thread of nearly equal thickness throughout, get larger, and send out new processes. The larger mass now creeps nearer the edge of the field; the smaller is drawn after it, but moves more slowly, so that the hyaline thread which connects them gets thinner«and longer. But while we are watching it, the large mass undergoes changes which are a repetition of what we before observed in the original clump. A process shoots out from it at right angles to the direction of the thread : into this process one of the nuclei finds its way; it then stretches out into a filament, which is swollen at its extremity into a protoplasmic envelope for the nucleus. Still later, we* find that the filaments become thicker and shorter ; that the clumps between which they stretch, again approach one another, until, in their confluence, the original form reappears. A similar series of changes may BY DR. KLEIN. 21 be witnessed in any corpuscle of the kind we have been studying. 2. Granular Corpuscles. — Of the three kinds of pale cor- puscles which, as before stated, are to be observed in the blood of the newt, we have now to consider the granular cells. These are larger, but much less numerous than the others, and are distinguished by the large dark granules they contain. To observe them we must make a fresh preparation, for they un- dergo changes of form much more -rapidly than the others. The granular corpuscle is at first spheroidal. Very soon its surface exhibits round and entirely hyaline prominences, into which, however, granules appear shortly to find their way. So long as the corpuscle presents this appearance, the only changes of form observable consist in heaving movements of the prominences. Eventually, one of these suddenly shoots out into a prong-like process, into which the granular mass of the original cell flows. Soon the corpuscle throws out a second similar process, into which the mass again gathers itself, and in this way advances across the field, with more or less ra- pidity. After this has gone on for a certain time the move- ments change their type : the corpuscle lengthens itself out into a thread, in which the movement of the protoplasm is rendered visible by that of the dark granules which it contains. The thread swells out at the end into a little mass, from and towards which alternately the rolling motion of the granules is seen to be directed. Often a granular corpuscle may be ob- served to creep about among groups of colored blood-disks, stretching out its process with the terminal knob, as if this were a feeler. In other cases we may witness the whole series of changes described in the preceding paragraph as occurring in the ordinary form of colorless blood corpuscle ; the main difference being that the transformations are accomplished within shorter periods. Finally, it may be noticed that in granular cells, even when they are spheroidal, the nuclei often show themselves as ovoid spaces free from granules. They are, however, much more readily distinguished after the cell has undergone changes of form. 3. Colorless Corpuscles of the third form. — In addi- tion to the common colorless corpuscles and the granular cells we have just had under observation, we notice a considerable number of colorless elements of a different character. These are of three kinds : (a) Small, well-defined bodies, resembling nuclei, which retain only for a very short time the spheroidal form which they had at first ; (b) larger corpuscles, consisting of finely granular protoplasm, with jagged outline, containing three or four distinct nuclei, which may be either roundish, or flattened against each other, exhibit a double contour, and contain a few fine nucleoli which are relatively of a large size, 22 » BLOOD CORPUSCLES. so ranch so, that they often appear to be surrounded by a narrow zone of protoplasm ; (c) large masses of finely granular protoplasm, which commonly are of irregular form, and in- close bodies similar to the nuclei above described, varying in number from five to twenty in each mass.1 Methods of Warming a Preparation. — As in our fur- ther study of the blood corpuscles it will be necessary to em- ploy artificially increased temperatures, we proceed to describe the methods employed for applying heat to preparations whilst under microscopic observation. These methods are of two kinds. The first is used when we wish to subject the prepa- ration for an indefinite period to an increased temperature, to which it has been gradualljr raised ; the second when we wish to warm it suddenly, but for a very short period. To accom- plish the first of these objects, a very simple contrivance, shown- in Fig. 1, may be used. Take a cover-glass, and spread all round the edge of its upper surface a thin layer of oil ; then take another cover-glass of the same size as the first, place on its centre the drop of the blood to be examined, and allow it to fall on the glass previously prepared, edge to edge, with the blood drop downwards. The drop will then occupy the space between the two, inclosed by the layer of oil in such a manner that it may be examined under high powers. The preparation may then be readily lifted with the aid of a lancet- shaped knife, and placed on the orifice of the copper plate (e). The copper rod (g) is then gently warmed by means of a spirit- lamp, a little cacao butter (or some other fat, the fusing point of which nearly corresponds to the desired temperature) having tieen previously placed on the copper plate, close to the prepa- ration. As soon as the cacao butter begins to liquefy, the flame of the lamp is diminished, or the lamp itself is removed to a greater distance, until the heat communicated b}' it to the plate through the rod is just sufficient to keep the fat from solidifying. If it is desired to employ higher temperatures, or to measure the temperature with greater exactitude, it is necessary to have recourse to Strieker's warm stage. Strieker's Warm Stage. — Of this there are two forms. In one the mode of heating, and consequently of modifying the amount of heat communicated, is that which has been already described (see Fig. 2). From its simplicity it is well adapted for the beginner, while it enables the more practised observer to maintain any desired temperature within very inconsidera- ble limits of variation. The other, in addition to the greater exactitude which can be attained, has the advantage that, by 1 Free nuclei of colored corpuscles, which may bo soon if tho prepa- ration has been subjected to pressure, must not be confused with these structures. BY DR. KLEIN. 23 its aid, it is possible to continue the observation for a long pe- riod. It is this which is employed by Sanderson and Strieker for the study of the circulation in mammalia. For our present purpose we do not require the whole apparatus, so that it is only necessary to refer to those parts of it which are shown in Fig. 3. In the employment of this apparatus several difficulties are encountered. For instance, the temperature of the water re- ceptacle ;.s only in part controlled by the regulator. Then, again, the temperature of the stage is subject to variation ac- cording to the rate at which the water flows into and escapes from it; so that, if great care be not taken in the adjustment, constancy cannot be relied on. Another practical difficulty lies in the fact that the temperature of the water in the recep- tacle is different from that in the stage, the rate of flow being so inconsiderable that there is necessarily a great loss of heat by radiation from the metal surface. If the stage be not fitted with a thermometer, this difference of temperature may be de- termined, once for all, by comparative measurements, so that the true temperature of the stage can then be known at any time by deducting the ascertained loss of heat, i. e., the ascer- tained difference above referred to, from the temperature to which the regulator is adjusted. Method of varying the temperature rapidly. — In connection with this apparatus, it is convenient to describe the method employed for subjecting a preparation to sudden alterations of temperature. With this view the following con- trivance is used : A clip is placed on the tube leading from the water receptacle (Cf, Fig. 3), by means of which the access of warm water to the stage may be interrupted. The end of the escape-tube (D) is then allowed to dip into a vessel of cold water. This done, cold water may be readily introduced into the stage, so as to cool it suddenly, by suction through the tube ((7), which must be provided with a branch (not shown in the figure) between the clip and the stage, for the purpose. This, of course, at once lowers the temperature. To effect a sudden rise, all that is necessary is to open the clip. For short experiments, it is not necessary to have a water receptacle spe- cially constructed for the purpose ; a large flask, supported over a lamp, and without a regulator, may be substituted for it, provided that, in addition to the discharge-tube, a thermom- eter is passed through the cork, in order that the variations of temperature maybe observed, and the application of heat mod- ified accordingly. Effects of Warmth on the Colorless Corpuscles.— We now return to the study of the drop of newt's blood, in- closed between two cover-glasses, with which we were occu- pied. On subjecting the preparation to a temperature of 38° 24 BLOOD CORPUSCLES. C., the first fact that we notice is that the movements of the colorless corpuscles in general, and of the granular ones in particular, are much more active. We shall not, however, oc- cupy ourselves at present with these, but shall direct our atten- tion to the three kinds of corpuscles which we have included in our third division. On the warm stage we may observe in these bodies (which differ only in size) two kinds of change. One of these consists of alteration in the form of the protoplasm, from the surface of which processes shoot out in all directions. This is more particularly seen in the forms we have designated b and r. In the form a, although the nucleus at first appears bare, it is afterwards seen to be surrounded by a protoplasmic envelope; this may throw out a pointed process, which, after stretching out to a considerable length, is retracted, to be succeeded by others. If the preparation is kept for a length of time at 38°, the elements of the form a undergo other remarkable altera- tions. They become strongly refractive, lose their double contour and sharply-defined aspect, and acquire a form which, at first globular, subsequently exhibits constrictions ; so that they become in succession kidney-shaped, dumb-bell shaped, and rosette-shaped, until thejr eventually assume a nodulated aspect. In the course of the process it is common to observe the furrows or constrictions forming, disappearing, and reap- pearing repeatedly; but, sooner or later, they become more and more distinct and complete, so that the body assumes the ap- pearance of a clump of highly refractive minute globules. Con- sidering the coincidence of the changes of form and aspect of the nucleus with those which occur simultaneously in the cell, it is scarcely possible to doubt the dependence of the former upon the latter, especially if we bear in mind the concomitant changes in optical properties. So that we must regard these appearances as indicating that the nuclei take an active part in the changes of form. In the form c the cell-substance itself may be also the seat of a process of division. In one instance at least I have, of course after many hours of observation, witnessed the division of a cell which originally contained five nuclei. The cell in question in the first place exhibited a transverse furrow : this became deeper and deeper, so that, eventually, two masses were formed, united together by a neck, the smaller containing two nuclei, the larger three. These nuclei had already under- gone the process of cleavage above described. By the length- ening, thinning out, and final rupture of the isthmus, the two corpuscles came apart. In the larger of the two, which was now exclusively observed, there appeared gradually two boss- like prominences, each of which contained a number of small bodies resulting from the cleavage of the nuclei. By the con- BY DR. KLEIN. 25 striction of the base of each of these prominences it gradually separated from the rest of the cell. One of them, after sei>:i ra- tion, sent out a process ; in the other, no alteration of form could be observed. It is probable that the forms a and It are the offspring of c. On the warm stage, division can also be observed in the first and second variety of colorless corpuscles. Thus, for example, it sometimes happens that the process described only results in actual separation by rupture of the filament. In other cases a corpuscle undergoes division by a process of cleavage, pre- ceded by the repeated formation, disappearance, and reappear- ance of furrows. In all cases of real division it is to be observed that the 3roung cells produced exhibit very active movements, changing thereby in form and place. Colorless Corpuscles of Man. — The mode of examining the colorless corpuscles of other classes of animals is similar to that above described. It is, however, necessary to add some observations as to the characters which these bodies present in human blood. A drop of blood, taken from the finger, is placed between two cover-glasses, as above described, and examined on the warm stage at a temperature of 38° C. The Imncuui-caLarlessL corpuscles are smaller than those of the newt, and exhibit much less variety in their appearance. They are either quite pale, or they contain a variable number of dark granules. The movements are less active than those of newt's blood, but sometimes are comparable with them. When they are more active than usual, the mode in which their processes are thrown out and retracted, and the characters of their pro- gressive movement correspond with the descriptions already given. On one occasion I have observed movements which were even more lively than those commonly seen in the newt, and resembled those of rhizopods in the extreme rapidity with which the successive protrusion of processes, and corresponding interstitial fluxion of the protoplasm occurred. This happened in the case of a patient suffering from hemorrhagic anaemia. Feeding of Colorless Corpuscles. — We have now to stucVy the faculty possessed by the colorless corpuscles of taking, by virtue of their amo3boid movement, solid particles into their substance. For this purpose we employ either finely- divided fatty substances or coloring matters. The subject is of great interest in relation to the mode in which amoeboid cells take in nourishment. To the histologist it is further of importance, as affording him a means by which to mark indi- vidual corpuscles, so as to follow them in their wanderings through the organism. The materials used are the following: a. Vermilion. This is prepared by prolonged trituration in a half per cent, solution of common salt. b. Carmine. Car- mine is dissolved in as little liquor- ammonias as possible, in a 2G BLOOD CORPUSCLES. small beaker, and filtered. Common concentrated (commer- cial) acetic acid is then added with agitation, until a drop of the mixture, when examined under a low power, is seen to con- tain granules. If too much is added, the precipitate is not fine enough. The latter is then to be separated by careful decantation, and suspended in a half per cent, salt solution as before. It is well to dilute the liquid with its bulk of serum before using it. c. Aniline Blue is dissolved in common me- thylated spirit, and filtered. Water or salt solution must then be added gradually, so as to obtain a fine precipitate, the resulting liquid being mixed with serum as above, d. Fresh Milk. If it is intended to watch the process of feeding, a small drop of blood, to which one of the liquids above mentioned has been added, is examined, either in the ordinary way, in the case of amphibian blood, or on the warm stage if mammalian blood is emplo3^ed. If our object is merely to observe corpus- cles already fed, the liquids in question ma}* be injected either into the jugular vein (of rabbits or guineapigs) or into the abdominal vein (of frogs), care being taken to employ a suffi- ciently large quantity. After 10-30 minutes, a drop of blood may be taken for examination. (See Chapter VII., as to in- jection into the veins, and Chapter VIII., as to the lymphatic sj'stem.) Whichever plan is adopted, it is alike possible to satisfy ourselves that the cells not only take in foreign bodies, but that they also have the faculty of discharging them, and further, that when one cell comes into contact with another, it often gives up to it the solid bodies which it has itself before ingested. In general, the tendenc}* to ingestion varies with the activity of the amoeboid movement, for the first thing observed is an adhesion, either of the surface of the central part of the corpuscle, or of a process to the foreign body, fol- lowed bjr a retraction of the adherent part into its substance. Application of Liquid Reagents.— It is, in the first place, of importance to ascertain what liquids can be added without affecting the vital phenomena of the colorless corpus- cles. Such are designated by the adjective indifferent, and are those which are always to be used in the study of fresh living tissues. For example, we may use fresh serum or tran- sudation liquids, as also the aqueous humour of the eye, which has the important advantage of being entirehr free from formed elements. The most commonly used indifferent liquid is the half per cent, solution of common salt already mentioned, which is of great value ; although, as may be readily under- stood, it is not altogether without action on living tissues. In the examination of blood, it is added as a preparatory step to the addition of other reagents. With this view the solution is dropped from a capillary pipette (Fig. 4) upon a slide ; a BY DR. KLEIN. 27 drop of newt's blood being then added to it and covered. It is seen that the colorless corpuscles have undergone no mate- rial change, but that, in some instances, their movements are not quite so active. The colored corpuscles, which in our previous examination we have disregarded, are now seen as smooth oval elliptical disks, which, when looked at edgewise, present an outline as if they were oblong rods. Those which lie horizontally look, for the most part, like greenish-3rellow bodies of oval form; in some of which we can distinguish a central elliptical nucleus. Soon, changes occur, in consequence of which the color becomes unequally distributed, the margins are more or less curved, or the surfaces marked with what look like folds. These appearances are referable probably to a pro- cess analogous to coagulation. Method of Retarding Evaporation. — If it is intended to keep a preparation of this kind long under observation, it is necessary to add saline solution from time to time from a pipette. If, however, as is often the case, it is of importance to keep an individual corpuscle in the field, this method can- not be emploj'ed without great risk of the object being carried away by the stream. To avoid this result, it is a good plan to place a drop or two of solution near each of two opposite margins of the cover-glass. By these drops the liquid under the glass is preserved from evaporation, because the space in the immediate neighborhood of the margin is kept saturated with moisture. We may now proceed to study the action of other reagents on blood already treated with saline solution. We use the so-called method of irrigation. On one side of the cover- glass a small strip of blotting-paper is placed, while the re- agent is discharged from the pipette at the opposite edge. When the paper has become saturated with liquid it is replaced by another, and the process repeated, so that a constant cur- rent is maintained through the preparation. If the colored corpuscles are the special subject of study, it is best to wait until they have shrunk, for we are then sure that many of them will have had time to sink and adhere to the surface of the slide. If this precaution is neglected, they are apt to be swept away by the current. Action of Distilled Water. — In blood preparations irri- gated with distilled water, the movements of the colorless blood corpuscles gradnall}- cease. The inequalities, corre- sponding to the processes, disappear, while the corpuscle en- larges, and assumes the globular form. From one to four (or even more) round vesicular nuclei come into view. Soon tin- nuclei coalesce to form a single mass, also having a vesicular character, which not un frequently exhibits a rotatory move- ment within the corpuscle. The substance which surrounds 28 BLOOD CORPUSCLES. the nucleus is pale. It contains numerous distinct granules, which show active Brownian movement. It not unfrequently happens, that a much-swollen spheroidal corpuscle, after re- maining a length of time in its place without change, is torn away from its attachment to the glass by the current, in which case it may either divide into two masses, one of which con- tinues adherent, while the other floats away, or it may float away en masse, leaving behind it a long filament, by which it is still connected with its original point of adhesion. By re- newing the irrigation, the filament will probably be severed. It is thus proved that the colorless corpuscle consists of a soft viscous substance. The final result of the action of water on the colorless corpuscles is alwa}Ts disintegration; the mass suddenly disperses into the surrounding medium, all that re- mains of the previously so active entity is a collapsed, form- less clump, in which one or two motionless granules may be seen. In the colored blood disks, the first change is that their surfaces become smooth, their contour becomes circular, the nucleus rounder and brighter than before, the corpuscle paler and paler, until its outline is scarcely distinguishable. Two phenomena are worth noticing before we proceed further. The first is, that, at the commencement of irrigation with dis- tilled water, it occasionally happens that, immediately their surfaces have become smooth, the corpuscles suddenly assume a rounder and smaller appearance, and are more intensely colored : quickly returning, however, to the elliptical form, and losing their color as before. The second will be explained later: a colored corpuscle appears to have separated into two parts, a pale elliptical disk and a yellow mass, occupying a central, or, more frequently, an eccentric position within it, from which colored processes often stretch out like rays toward the periphery. Strieker's Method. — There is another method of studj'ing the action of water on the colored corpuscles. For this pur- pose we require the warm stage (Fig. 2). A drop of water is placed on the floor of the chamber, and on the middle of the surface of the cover-glass a drop of blood, either pure or di- luted with salt solution. The cover-glass is then inverted over the chamber, the edges of which have been previously oiled, or surrounded with a ring of putty, so that it is air- tight. By warming the copper wire the water is made to evaporate from the floor of the chamber, and becomes con- densed on the under surface of the cover-glass. In this way we are enabled to study the gradual action of water on the corpuscles very advantageously. Action of Salt Solution on the Blood Corpuscles of Mammalia. — In mammalian blood which has been diluted BY DR. KLEIN. 29 with salt solution, the naturally bi concave colored corpuscles exhibit a remarkable alteration, which consists in thuir assum- ing a form very similar to that of the fruit of the horse-chest- nut. In those corpuscles which present their surfaces, the processes which project from the margin look like the rays of a star, while those which spring from the surface appear as dark points. In such a preparation it is not difficult to float away the colored disks altogether, by irrigating it immedi- ately with salt solution. The colorless corpuscles sink very rapidly, and stick to the glass, while the colored disks remain suspended. Let us seek for a field in which one or two colorless corpus- cles only are to be seen. By discontinuing the irrigation, at the same time replacing the bit of blotting-paper so as to with- draw the fluid, we bring the cover so near the slide that it compresses the corpuscles, which in consequence appear paler and larger. The paper is now taken away, and salt solution added at the opposite edge as before. The corpuscles at once become smaller and more globular, and seem to contract; but, immediately after, dilate again, as if they were relaxing. In the resumption by the corpuscle of its original form after compression, we have to do with a phenomenon which can only be explained on the supposition that the colorless corpuscle is elastic. The nature of the contraction and the subsequent re- laxation lead us, however, to suppose that the contraction is, at least partly, a result of the excitation produced by the irri- gation with saline solution. Action of Water on Mammalian Blood. — As regards the action of water on the corpuscles of mammalian blood, there is not much to be added to what has been said with re- ference to newt's blood ; the colorless corpuscles discontinue their movements, become globular in form, exhibit vesicular nuclei and vibrating granules, and finally are disintegrated. The colored disks lose their horse-chestnut form, become smooth and pale, and eventually disappear. Action of Acids. — The general action of acids is so uni- form that it is not necessary to refer separately to each. We content ourselves with describing the action of acetic acid. A special action of boracic acid will be noticed further on. The final result of the action of acetic acid on the blood corpuscles is the same, whether i", is diluted or concentrated. The rapid- it}' with which the changes take place is, however, different. It is always better to begin with dilute acid. If a , salt solution preparation of newt's blood is, after the shrinking of the colored corpuscles, irrigated with a liquid containing one per cent, of the ordinary commercial acid, we observe, first, that the move- ments of the colorless corpuscles cease, and that they enlarge and display their nuclei as sharply-defined bodies, beset with 30 BLOOD CORPUSCLES. granules. If the action of the acid has been prolonged, each corpuscle appears to consist of two parts — a distinctly gran- ular mass, which immediately surrounds the nucleus, and a bright transparent circle, with sharp outline, within which that body is inclosed. The nuclei are furrowed in such a way that their form is very variable, and, if the action lias lasted long enough, they look as if actually split into smaller par- ticles. The colored corpuscles again become smooth, swell out somewhat, become cellular in their contour, just as after the addition of water, each showing an oblong granular nucleus, which is at first smooth, subsequently uneven and rough. Many of the blood disks return to their original elliptical form. All eventually lose their color, but possess, even when entirely colorless, a much more distinct contour than those which have been acted upon by water. Occasionally, it happens that the nucleus becomes stained with coloring matter, and assumes a yellow tint. In human blood, the colorless corpuscles exhibit, after the action of acetic acid, the appearance of globular bodies, in which two, three, or more small shrunken nuclei are visible. The colored disks lose their stellate form and their coloring matter, but their outlines are still distinct. Action of Alkalies. — If a salt solution preparation is irri- gated with an alkaline liquid, whatever be the source of the blood used, the colorless corpuscles at first swell, and then rapidly disappear. The colored disks also swell out at first — those of mammalia becoming often what German authors have designated napformig (cup-shaped) ; eventually they lose their color and disappear. Action of Boracic Acid. — We have now to describe a reaction which, especially in the blood of the newt, is of im- portance, as serving to illustrate the intimate structure of the colored blood disk. The action of a two per cent, solution of boracic acid on the colorless corpuscles in general, and on the blood disks of mammalia, does not differ from that of other weak acids. If, however, a salt preparation of newt's blood, in which the colored corpuscles have already sunk, is irrigated with the solution in question, we observe that those bodies swell and acquire a circular contour, showing, at the same time, a pale oval nucleus. It is no\vseen that, as the disk grad- ually pales, the nucleus becomes more and more spheroidal and yellow, while, at the same time, it increases in size. At first it is smooth, subsequently uneven. Here and there cor- puscles are met with in which the yellow central body (zooid of Briicke) is not round, but beset with processes which stretch like rajs towards the periphery. Occasionally, it can be made out that the processes are withdrawn, so that the yellow centre acquires a roundish form. The zooids eventually lose theif central position, and if the preparation is protected from evapo- BY DR. KLEIN. 31 ration for a sufficient length of time, the observer is sure to see many corpuscles in which the3T lie, some partly, some'entirc-lv outside of the outline of the pale disk. The latter (again fol- lowing Briicke) we designate cecoid. Briicke teaches that the zooid consists of the nucleus and the haemoglobin ; that it with- draws from the cecoid which it previously, as it were, inhab- ited, and collects itself around the nucleus, so as to form an independent individual, capable of a separate existence. In describing furlher on similar appearances observed during the action of carbonic acid gas, we shall suggest another explana- tion of the phenomenon. Action of Tannin on Human Blood — Roberts's Re- action.— The action of tannin on the colored corpuscles of human blood resembles that of boracic acid on newt's blood. When two per cent, solution of tannin is added to human blood, the corpuscles, which have been already rendered star- shaped by salt solution, acquire an even contour. Soon after, a sharply-defined, 3rellowish-green, roundish body is seen, either just within or at the margin of each corpuscle, or even out- side of it, while the corpuscle itself has become colorless. Action of Gases on the Blood. — For the study of the action of oxygen and carbonic acid gas on the blood corpus- cles, either of the movable stages represented in Figs. 2, 3, and 16 may be used. Around the edge of the central chamber we form an annular wall of putty. We then make on a cover- glass a preparation of newt's blood, to which about half its volume of distilled water has been added. The glass is then inverted over the chamber (upon the floor of which a drop of water has previously been placed) with the preparation down- wards, so "that its entire periphery presses evenly upon the putty ring. The chamber is thus converted into an air-tight cavity. In Fig. 3, two tubes (H, I), with India-rubber con- nectors fitted to them, are shown, both of which communicate with the chamber in such a way that when it is closed above and below, a stream of gas passing in by the one escapes by the other. By means of an apparatus in communication with the tube H, the construction of which will be readily under- stood from Fig. 5, the observer is able to fill the chamber at will with carbonic acid gas or with air. This is accomplished as follows: — If the bottle containing hydrochloric acid is raised, the clip n opened, and the India-rubber tube a shut between the teeth, the carbonic acid, which is developed in M, after it has passed through the wash-bottle V, flows into the chamber, and is dis- charged l>y the tube b. By proceeding in this manner one hand is left free, and can be used for adjustment. To inter- rupt the current of gas, all that is necessary is to close X and 32 BLOOD CORPUSCLES. to let down the bottle. The carbonic acid gas in the chamber is easily replaced by air, by aspiration through the tube a. Action of Carbonic Acid Gas. — The preparation having been brought into focus, the gas is allowed to pass through the chamber for a short time. At first, the only observable effect is that the nuclei of the slightly smoother disks are more distinct. If the carbonic acid is now replaced by air, the nuclei again become indistinguishable. We have to do, therefore, with a transitory coagulation of the substance surrounding the nucleus. An excess of the gas brings the nuclei perma- nently into view. If, however, we first add to our preparation a quantity of water, sufficient not merely to swell the colored disks, but to deprive them partly of their color, the result is somewhat different. After a short action of the gas, the ap- pearances are much as they have been already described ; but, if an excess is admitted, bodies similar to the zooids above described as produced by the action of boracic acid, come into view. Instead of the pale oblong nuclei, the areas of the decolor- ized disks inclose relatively large, yellow, roundish bodies, both the areas and the inclosed bodies being beset with fine gran- ules. In those disks which have previously lost their color, and are consequently scarcely visible, the nuclei become visi- ble after the addition of excess of carbonic acid, as pale granulous bodies, the disks themselves also containing nume- rous granules. If we now replace the carbonic acid by air, the corpuscles recover, in every respect, their previous aspect; those in which the zooids had come into view becoming smooth, and of uniform color, so that neither nucleus nor granules can be distinguished. Those disks which have lost their color by the action of water become, as before, uniformly pale and in- distinct. The experiment may be repeated several times. It is not difficult to explain all these appearances by coagulation. It is a very good plan, in order to study the action of car- bonic acid on newt's blood, in all degrees of dilution, to examine a salt solution preparation of such blood on the mov- able stage (Fig. 2), which also serves the purpose of a gas chamber. On warming the metal rod, water vapor is disen- gaged from the floor of the chamber (into which a drop of water has been previously introduced), and acts upon the cor- puscles. In order to study the action of carbonic acid on the colored corpuscles of man,^ it is best to employ a drop of blood mixed with salt-solution, taking care that the individual cells are as much as possible separate from one another. If, as soon as the corpuscles become horse-chestnut shaped in consequence of the action of the salt-solution, the preparation is subjected to the action of the gas, we at once observe that the acuminate- BY DR. KLEIN. 33 projections on the surface of the corpuscles become less marked in consequence of the levelling up of the intermediate parts ; and, although there are many which do not resume the bicon- cave form, being still saucer-shaped, they all have even surfaces. If the carbonic acid is replaced by air, the corpuscles again become horse-chestnut shaped. This reaction may also be witnessed several times in succession. The disappearance of the stellate form may be explained on \he supposition that a spontaneously coagulated constituent is redissolved under the action of carbonic acid. Colorless corpuscles show their nuclei when acted on by carbonic acid, but are otherwise unaltered. Action of Electricity. — If it is intended to subject blood to the action of electrical discharges, or of the constant or in- terrupted current, we place a small drop of blood on the slide (Fig. 6) in such a position that, when it is covered, it spreads between the two poles of tinfoil, which we connect by means of either of the appliances shown in the figure wi£h the secon- dary coil of the induction apparatus. According to Rollett, it is advisable, in using electrical dis- charges, that the tinfoil points should be six millimetres apart. The Ley den jar should have a surface of 500 square centi- metres, and give a spark one millimetre long. If, then, the discharges succeed each other at intervals of from three to five minutes, the following changes are observed in the colored cor- puscles of man. Firstly, the circular disks become slightly crenate. This effect gradually increases, the corpuscles become rosette-shaped, then mulberry-shaped, and finally, by the acu- mination of the projections, horse-chestnut shaped. Later, the processes are withdrawn, the blood corpuscle becomes round, and, at last, pale. In the corpuscles of the newt and frog the effects are not dissimilar. They become wrinkled and dappled, but these appearances are very transitory, and they are again seen to be circular and pale, while the nucleus becomes round and sharply defined. Not unfrequently it happens that one or more blood corpuscles coalesce before they lose their color, or that (in amphibian blood) the nucleus is discharged while the disk is still yellow. The effects produced by induction cur- rents are altogether analogous to those above described. Un- der the action of the constant current (a single Bunsen's cell) the corpuscles next the electrodes undergo changes, which at the negative pole correspond to the action of an acid, at the positive, to that of an alkali. In a salt preparation of batra- chian blood examined near the positive pole, the nucleus comes first into view, and then the corpuscles lose their color. In a similar preparation of human blood in which the corpuscles are horse-chestnut shaped already, they become smooth, lose their color, and disappear. The colorless corpuscles, when excited electrically during 3 34 BLOOD CORPUSCLES. their amoeboid movements, assume the spheroidal form. Their movements, however, are resumed as soon as the excitation is discontinued. The motion is more undulating than before, but soon recovers its former character. After repeated excita- tion the corpuscles expand into lamina?, but still exhibit changes of form. Under the influence of successive shocks of greater intensity, the colorless corpuscles swell out, their granules exhibiting molecular movement, and finally disappear. Blood Crystals. — In concluding this chapter, we propose to give the most simple methods of obtaining crystals of haemo- globin and hoemin for microscopic purposes, referring the reader for more detailed information to Chapter XV. Haemoglobin. — A large drop of blood is taken directly from a living guineapig, and allowed to coagulate on a watch- glass. We now add a small quantity of water, and then, taking up the clot witli the forceps, let fall on a glass slide several small drops. As these drops evaporate hemoglobin crystals of varying size shoot out from the edge, separately and in bunches. Another plan is to cut out the heart and great vessels of a recently killed guineapig, placing them on a watch-glass in saturated air for twenty-four hours. Then take some blood from the heart by means of a capillary tube, and allow a very small drop to fall into an equally small drop of water on a slide. As it evaporates, crystals are formed as before. This method does not answer with rabbit's blood. Hssmin Crystals. — The simplest method of obtaining htcmin crystals is the following: A small quantity of dried mammalian blood (human will do) is placed on a slide. A few small crystals of common salt are then added, and a cover- glass placed over. A drop of glacial acetic acid is then allowed to enter from the side. On warming the preparation carefully until the greater part of the acid has evaporated, an immense number of the reddish-brown crystals of hsemin are seen. For a description of the corpuscles which occur in the lym- phatic system, see the chapter treating of that subject. The development of the blood corpuscles will be described in Chap- ter VII. BY DR. KLEIN. 35 CHAPTER II. EPITHELIUM AND ENDOTHELIUM. I UNDER this heading are included the epithelium of the mucous membranes, of the cornea and conjunctiva, and of the integument, and the endothelium of the serous membranes. The epithelium-like structures which are in relation with the nerves of the various organs of sense will be examined in Part II. Ciliated Cylindrical Epithelium. — To investigate cili- ated epithelium in the living state, a frog should be selected, and its mouth opened with the handle of a scalpel. Then, using either a lancet-shaped needle or the blade of a sharp knife, we scrape from the projection in the roof of the oral cavit}', corresponding with the floor of the orbit, a little of its epithe- lial covering. This is transferred to a small drop of an indiffe- rent fluid (half per cent, solution of common salt) on a glass slide, slightly separated with needles, and covered in the usual manner. In such a specimen we find not only masses of epi- thelium in connection, but also smaller groups and single cells. In the masses of epithelium we cannot distinguish quite clearly the individual cells, but on the free border — on the coast, as it were, of the epithelial island — we observe the exceed iugly lively movement of the cilia. In addition we see blood disks, small round particles of protoplasm and granules driven quick- ]y along in the fluid ; and from tnese passing bodies we are able to recognize the direction of the movement of the cilia, an' observation which could not otherwise be made, on account of the extreme rapidity of that movement. In the smaller epithelial groups we are able more easily to recognize the in- dividual shortly-conical cells. These groups are in more or less rapid rotation, th-; rotatory motion being due to the fact that only one portion of their surface is furnished with cilia — that, namely, which corresponds to the bases of the conical cells. Effects of Reagents on Ciliary Motion. — Dilute Alkalies. — After some time we perceive that the cilia here and there begin to strike more slowly, and, by-and-by, they come to rest. In a specimen prepared as above described, which has of course been prevented from becoming dry by the occasional addition of a drop of half per cent, solution of com- mon salt, if we choose a spot at which the ciliary movement 36 EPITHELIUM AND ENDOTHELIUM. is either exceedingly languid or has ceased altogether, and cautiously allow a small quantity of a very delicate solution. of potash to act upon it by the irrigation process, we soon ob- serve that the motion is renewed ; becoming equal in rapidity to that seen in the perfectly fresh preparation. The restora- tion of motion is not due to any special property of potash ; nor can it be attributed to the influence of that reagent in dis- solving coagulated material between the cilia, which might be supposed to interfere median \ca\\y with their movements. This is proved by the fact that many other reagents act simi- larly as stimulants of ciliary motion — e. y means of the fine adjustment the individual cells of these layers may be studied; but we shall not at present occupy ourselves further either with the epithelium of the anterior corneal sur- face, or with the membrana Descemeti, since they will be fully described when we treat of the cornea. The epithelium of the skin (epidermis), and especiall}" of the elements of the stratum corneum, \n&y be readily brought under investigation as follows : A small shred is raised from cither the back, or palm of the hand, and covered in water ; reagents which act upon horny structures, as, e.g., dilute and concentrated acids and alkalies, may then be added. For the stiuty of the cells of the Rete Malpighii, or portion of the epidermis which lies upon the corium, or true skin, the pointed condylomata so frequently met with, are peculiarly suitable. Cancroid tumors are equally to be recommended. We place these structures in a sherry-colored solution of bichromate of potash, and let them macerate tuere for several days. At the end of this time we scrape off a small portion of the epithelium with a scalpel, transfer it to a drop of water or bichromate solution on a slide, break it up with a needle-handle, and apply the cover-glass as usual. In such preparations we meet with very striking forms of the so-called ridged cells, i.e., polyhedric cells whose surfaces are covered with ridges and intermediate furrows, and whose borders therefore, when seen in profile, appear as if serrated. Wherever t«-o such surfaces are applied to each other, the ridges of the one fit into the furrows of the other, the line of adaptation being a zigzag one. The granular protoplasm of the individual cells, the sharply-bordered, ovoid, single or double nuclei, which sometimes lie in avacuole in the protoplasm, and the nucleoli are clearly seen. Very interesting are the nume- rous cells in various stages of division. These are represented by the following forms: 1. Ceils containing a single nucleus constricted into an hour-glass shape, with two nucleoli. 2. Cells which possess two nuclei lying quite close to each other, each with a nucleolus. 3. Cells with two nuclei lying at a 42 EPITHELIUM AND ENDOTIIELIUM. distance from each other. Amongst those of the first form, some possess a shallow constriction ; in some the constricting furrow is so deep, that the two portions of the cell are con- nected by a short bridge, which in others is reduced to a slender filament. The division of the nucleus is not always into two; it i/ not uncommon to find cells whose nucleus is rosette-shaped. Further, we meet with numerous large, flat cells, belonging to the most superficial layers, in whose interior is a yacuole of variable size, and shut up in this a young brood of from two or three, to eight or ten cells. This variety of proliferation is known as endogenous. Epithelium of the Bladder. — As we have already re- marked, the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the urinary bladder of mammals is laminated and transitional. A thin shred from the internal surface of the urinary bladder of the rabbit, guineapig, dog, or cat, in the fresh state, may be covered in half per cent, solution of common salt in water, or in a bichromate solution. If the bladder has been kept from twent3^-four to forty -eight hours in the latter liquid, specimens are obtained in which the following appearances may be ob- served: Firstly, large pavement cells, bounded b}r a double contour, and consisting of a uniformly granular protoplasm which contains from two to five clear vesicular nuclei, each with a double contour, and possessing a large, shining nucleo- lus. In these pavement cells-we see that, as a rule, only one of the surfaces is even ; that, namely, which corresponds to the free surface of the mucous membrane. Of this we may convince ourselves by examination of connected masses of epithelium or of vertical sections. The deep surface of each cell is marked by depressions with prominent ridges between them, and is that by which it is in contact with the club- shaped or conical cells of the subjacent layer, so that the rounded summits of the latter fit into the depressions of the former. The cells of the second layer consist of a uniformly granular protoplasm, have a double contour membrane, and each contains an oval vesicular nucleus, and within this a shining iiucleolus. They possess simple or divided processes of varying length and thickness. Among lliem there are spindle-shaped cells which insinuate themselves between the processes of the former layer. To study the single layer of epithelium of the urinary bladder of the frog, consisting as it does of large granular cells, we spread upon a slide a portion of this organ with the free surface upwards, and cover it with a piece of thin glass, on the under surface of which a small drop of half per cent, solution of common salt has been placed. Wherever folds occur in the mucous membrane the epithelial cells show them- BY LR. KLEIN. 43 selves in profile ; where tins is not the case, the surface view alone is obtained. The Endothelium of the Serous Membranes. — The endotlicliuin of the serous membranes, as well as that of the membranes related to them (for example, those which cover the posterior surface of the cornea and the iris of mammals, and the septa and walls of the lymph sacks of amphibia), is well known to consist of flat cells, the substance of wlych appears homogeneous when fresh, but becomes finely granular by the action of certain reagents. The aucleus is .generally single, and occasions a projection of the free surface. It is usually oval and clear, and sometimes contains a nuclcokis in its interior. Some-jiells , contain two nuclei. By reason of the homogeneity of its protoplasm, the cndothelium of the serous membranes is, with difficulty, brought into view in the fresh state. In folds, indeed, of a serous membrane which has been spread out upon a slide in a solution of common salt or in other indifferent reagents, the individual cells may be recognized in profile. Again, on the omentum, and on certain parts of the pleura of many animals, there occur bodies (which were first described by Sanderson as structures re- sembling lymph follicles, and which we shall describe at length in another place), the endothelium covering which may be seen in the fresh state to ™naiat. r>f grrmillg1' ^lla w]>i^ are polyhedral, but rounded on their free surfaces, each in- closing a rounded nucleus. On the fenestratecl portion of the omentum, also, spots are met with where granular cells of the same form occur in groups, the elements of which appear to sprout out as it were frpm a common stem. Cells of the same kind are also found on the abdominal surface of the centrum tendineum of the diaphragm, over the structures to be after- wards described as lymph channels. Further, as we have already had occasion cursorily to remark, there occurs, in the mesentery and parietal peritoneum, and in the female of Bufo and Rana, on the septum separating the cisterna ly mphatica magna from the peritoneal cavity, between the non-ciliated, homogeneous, large and flat endothelial cells, other9-w4«ek-are ciliated,- -granular, small, and polyhedral, occuring either singly or in groups. To bring these into view we have simply, as we have said, to remove a portion of the membrane in question from the recently killed animal, to spread it out .carefully upon a slide with a couple of needles, avoiding all unnecessary dragging, and to cover it quickly before it be- comes dry, with a cover-glass, on which a small drop of half per cent, solution of common salt, serum, or aqueous humor has been placed. The Silver Method. — The best method, however, and the one most frequently employed for exhibiting endothelkm, is 44 EPITHELIUM AND ENDOTHELIUM. that of coloring by means of a solution of nitrate of silver. This method consists in bathing the fresh membrane, which, of course, has not been allowed to come into contact with blood or any injurious fluid, in a quarter or half per cent, so- lution of nitrate of silver. After immersion in this for a few minutes, it is washed out in ordinary water, which must be renewed as often as it becomes turbid, and is then exposed to tha light until it assumes a brownish color. The portion of membrane thus treated is spread out upon a glass, slide and covered, a small drop of glycerine having been previously placed on the under surface of the cover-glass. On superficial examination a system of dnrlf linnn.Ia secu, -wlirdfbcnmrt clear spaces of various forms and sizes corresponding to the indi- vidual endothelial cells. Before mounting such a portion of membrane in glycerine, after having colored it with silver, we may place it for a short time in very dilute ammoniacal car- mine solution (to which, however, two small drops of acetic acid have been previously added), and then wash it in slightly acidulated water. We shall then find, on mounting the speci- men, that nuclei .appear in the spaces above mentioned: these are sometimes central, but more often to one side, and are ob- long in form. According to the duration of the action of the carmine solution, and to its strength, they are more or less intensely colored. Ity a modification of the silver method we may demonstrate, not only the nuclei and dark lines, but also the cell substance of the endothelin. This method always succeeds with the endothelium which lines the lymph sacs of the frog, and with that of the abdominal side of the diaphragm: sometimes also with the endothelium of other serous mem- branes. If we allow the membranes mentioned to lie for a longer time (ten to fifteen minutes) in a half per cent, nitrate of silver solution, and then simply wash them in water, and mount them in glycerine after they have acquired a brown color, we shall be able to recognize, after an interval of from twelve to twenty-four hours, or often even earlier, the sub- stance of the endothelial cells as a yellow or dark brown pre- cipitation surrounding the clear oval nucleus. In preparing specimens with silver it is in general much to be recommended to mount the objects in glycerine, as soon as they have assumed a brownish tint, and not to leave them exposed to the light for an unnecessarily long time, otherwise they are apt to lose their beauty and clearness, from the occurrence of dark precipitates. In many parts of silver-colored serous membranes a peculiar arrangement of the endothelium is observed, which consists in the existence of dark or clear spaces of various forms, around which the cells are set in a radiating manner. Each of these small apertures occurs at the point of junction of three or more endothelial cells, the interstitial lines of which radiate BY DR. KLEIN. 45 from the aperture. Sucli an arrangement we find on the por- tions'of the abdominal side of the diaphragm, which corre- spond to the so-called lymph channels, on certain parts of the mesentery, and very abundantly in the pleura and omentum on the structures already mentioned as resembling lymph fol- licles. They are distinguished by the name of tilomata, and are looked upon as the recipient openings of canals which be- long to the lymphatic system. In the case of many of these cells this has not yet been proved ; some of them have even been regarded as small endothelial portions of larger cells ; while others give the impression of being accidental forma- tions. Of such openings, or stomata^ those that occur on the * septum of the cisterna lympliatica magna of the frog may serve as the type. If we cut out this membrane from a frog or toad, spread it out and mount it in a solution of common salt, or in serum, or if instead we first color it in silver and then mount it in glycerine, we shall find a proportionately large number of roundish or oblong openings between large radiating endothelial cells. These discontinuities represent the openings to short canals, which pass through the mem- branes and connect the abdominal cavity with that of the cisterna lymphatica magna. These openings are bordered by small granular cells, the convexities of which project into them. They are compactly arranged together, and each pos- sesses a roundish nucleus. If the spreading out of the speci- men has not been accomplished with sufficient care, or the membrane is too much shrunk, we miss the above-mentioned regular openings, and there appear instead only groups of small roundish cells — i.e., the openings are collapsed, and the cells which line them have approached each other, so as to come in contact. The nature of the small bodies which pro- ject in the interior of the stomatr has been disputed. It has been believed that they are nothing more than the nuclei of the large radiating endothelial cells which surround them. But, as we may convince ourselves both in fresh and in silver preparations, they are really endothelial cells seen in profile, which line the apertures. In female frogs and toads these cells are provided with cilia. In the chapter on lymphatic vessels we shall have an opportunity of making several addi- tional remarks on the stomata. We shall, in conclusion, endeavor to show that the lines which are brought out by nitrate of silver in the serous mem- branes are caused by precipitations for the most part in the albuminous substance which connects the cells, and not merely, as many authors believe, in an albuminous fluid which col- lects between their surfaces. A serous membrane prepared from an animal just killed may be spread upon a cork plate and rinsed with one per cent, solution of sugar, or with a very 4(3 CONNECTIVE TISSUES. dilute solution of glycerine, may even be brushed with a camel- hair pencil moistened with water (of course not too vigorously), without preventing the occurrence of the silver lines. Again, in a section prepared from a fresh mucous membrane, with laminated pavement epithelium, which section has been colored in silver, the silver lines corresponding to the borders of the individual cells are distinguishable throughout all the layers. Further, silver lines corresponding with the borders of the in- dividual muscle cells are met with in unstriped muscular tissue which has been colored in silver, as, e. #., in the muscular coats of arteries. These facts justify the assumption that the silver lines are caused by precipitations in the albuminous intersti- tial substance which bounds and separates the individual cells. CHAPTER III. CONNECTIVE TISSUES. UNDER this heading we include the fibrous tissues, with the cellular elements which they contain, the elastic tissues, carti- lage, and bone. Fibrous Tissue. — Fibrous tissue consists of delicate gela- Vigenous fibres, which are connected by an interstitial albumi- nous substance. The fibres form bundles of various thickness, which either have a parallel arrangement, as in tendons and fasciae ; or form a meshwork by the> spliting and reunion of neighboring bundles, as in the omentum, the submucous and subcutaneous tissue ; or, finally, l^ave a felt-like arrangement in which the bundles cross each other, or twist round one another in the most complicated manner, as in the skin and mucous membranes. Fibrous tissue may be studied in the fresh state, or after maceration, or in hardened preparations. To examine the tissue in the fresh state it is best to make a preparation of a tendon by teasing. A small tendon (such as, e. (/., one of the extensors of the toes) having been cut out from a recently killed frog or rabbit, is placed from ten to fifteen minutes in a five to ten per cent, solution of chloride of sodium, whereb}'- the splitting of the tendon is considerably facilitated. Process of Teasing. — In making preparations b}- teasing, the following practical rules must be attended to: A very small portion must be used; this must be placed on the glass in a drop of the liquid to be employed, which must also be small, for if in too great quantity the particles teased out, swim away BY DR. KLEIX. 47 in the liquid, and are difficult to seize upon with the needle. On the other hand care must be taken, as the liquid evaporates, to add more, so as not to allow the preparation to become dry. In the preparation of tissues which consist of several parallel bundles, such as nerves, tendons, or muscular tissue, our object is to divide the fragments in the direction of the fibres into smaller and smaller portions. Even when the tisstie consists of elements which tend in no particular direction, it is still desirable to follow one direction in teasing — the object being best attained by first fixing the fragment with one needle, then piercing it with the other held in the opposite direction, and finally drawing the two apart. It is further noteworthy that the teasing must be performed on the centre of a slide, and limited within an area which is not larger than the cover-glass. The drop of fluid in which the preparation is to be mounted should be placed on the cover-glass, which must then be in- verted upon it. As the liquid evaporates it must be renewed from time to time. Action of Acetic Acid on Fibrous Tissues. — In a teased preparation of tendon in salt solution, bundles of very fine homogeneous-looking fibres are seen. If the preparation is irrigated with weak acetic acid the bundles are seen to swell out, become homogeneous, and completely disappear. If con- centrated acid is used the effect is more rapid. Areolar Tissue. — In a portion of fresh mesentery (of a frog or of a small mammalian animal) spread out on a glass slide and mounted in salt solution, we have the shining wavy bundles forming a felt-work. In the omen turn or pleura of a guineapig or of a cat, prepared in a similar way, the arrange- ment is that of a meshwork. From each larger bundle we see several smaller ones splitting off, and then meeting with simi- lar ones which are branches of other larger bundles in the neighborhood. (See Fig. 8.) According to the abundance of these collateral or secondary bundles, and the way in which they run, the meshes vary in size and form, being round, rhom- bic, or oblong. Effect of Maceration.— For the purpose of macerating fibrous tissue, ten per cent, solution of common salt, lime water, baryta water, or solution of permanganate of potash may be used. By all these reagents the interstitial albuminous sub- stance is dissolved out, so that the bundles split into their con- stituent fibres. All that is then necessary to display them is to prepare a small fragment with needles. Diluted bichromate of potash solution may also be used, but its action is very slow. Elastic Tissue.— Elastic tissue is characterized specially by the facts that the elementary fibres of which it consists do not swell in ackls, that they do not yield gelatin in boiling, and that in general they are 'not united into bundles, but occur 48 CONNECTIVE TISSUES. as sharply defined threads which run an isolated course, some- times straight, sometimes contorted, or even spiral. By repeated bifurcations and fusions of the branches again with one another, they form a network. These facts may be demonstrated very advantageously in a serous membrane, particularly in the meso- colon of the rabbit, or in that part of the parietal peritoneum of the sanfti animal which lies on either side of the lumbar ver- tebrae. In both of these situations the elastic fibres are very strongly developed. If preparations of these or similar mem- branes are treated with acetic acid, the bundles of common connective tissue disappear, so that the network of elastic fibres becomes prominent. To show the elastic fibres of the ligamenlum nuclise, the best way is to make preparations by teasing a portion of that of the ox, in salt solution, either in the fresh condition, or after maceration for a day or more in sherry-colored solution of bichromate of potash. In either case we have before us thick, solid, shiny cords of homogeneous substance, which branch dichotomously, uniting by their branches so as to form a net- work. The individual fibres, however, run mostly in one direc- tion, and are so close to one another, that, on superficial exami- nation, they exhibit the appearance of a reticular arrangement. Such fibres as happen to be separated from the rest are often rolled up like a watch-spring. The dichotomously-branching elastic fibres of the pulmonary substance can be shown, either by teasing fragments of fresh lung (an operation which requires an immense deal of patience), or in sections of fresh lung hardened by freezing, as will be afterwards described. The elastic so-called fenestrated mem- branes which exist in the tunica intima of the large arteries may be demonstrated as follows: A part of the aorta of a rab- bit or guineapig, having been cut out, is pinned down on a flat cork with the internal surface upwards. The membrane having been fixed at a certain point with a needle, the intima is raised up close to the latter with sharp forceps, and then shreds as long as possible are stripped off — a process which requires no remarkable skill. Any one possessed of the requisite dexterity may then strip off thin lamellae from the deep surface of these shreds ; these may be at once mounted, and are so thin that the fenestrated membrane can be seen at the edges without further preparation. If this does not succeed, the student must content himself with teasing out the shreds first obtained. Finally, a network of elastic fibres can be shown very beauti- fully in the vocal cords of the frog. To any one who is suffi- ciently acquainted with the general anatomical relations of the parts, it is not difficult to remove those structures even from the living animal. The easiest way is to place the vocal cord for a few minutes in dilute acetic acid, and then to scrape off BY DR. KLEIN. 49 the epithelium with a lancet-shaped needle — a process which is much facilitated by the previous steeping in the acid. The preparation is then mounted in glycerin. Cellular Elements of the Connective Tissue.— These are cither amceboid — i. e., migratory cells ; or branched — i. fixed cells ; the latter being distinguished further by the union of their branched or simple processes, so as to form network ^ of various densities. Amceboid Cells. — These are to be found in every form of connective tissue. Normally, they occur only in small num- bers, and are irregularly distributed; but, in inflammation, they are numerous in proportion to the intensit}7 of the process, their multiplication being sometimes scarcely observable, while, at other times, they are so numerous as to fill up the tissue. Two kinds may be distinguished : the cells of the first form entirely resemble the colorless blood corpuscles — i. e., they con- sist of finely granular protoplasm, contain two or more nuclei, exhibit amoeboid movements, and are similar!}- affected by re- agents ; while those of the second form are large, coarsely granular cells, which, like the granular cells of the blood, are characterized by the rounded contour of their processes. The former are to be found in eveiy connective tissue, but the latter are more common in the subcutaneous and submucous tissue, in the intermuscular connective tissue, in the mesentery, in the neighborhood of bloodvessels, in the septa of the subcutaneous lymph sacs of the frog or toad, and in the neurilemma of the larger nerve trunks of the frog. The two forms graduate into each other. The method of studying these cells in the living condition consists simply in spreading out thin shreds of connective tis- sue on a glass slide, and mounting them in indifferent liquids. Where the integument is loose, as in the neck of mammalia, etc., it is easy to effect this, by first making a slit in the skin, and then, with curved scissors, snipping away a thin lamella of subcutaneous tissue. In the frog, the tongue may be drawn out and fixed by an assistant, while the operator snips out a portion, so as to obtain a cut-surface, from which a thin la- mella can be readily taken, as above. In either case the lamella must be spread out, without loss of time, and with as little dis- placement as possible, on the slide, and mounted in humor aqueus or fresh serum. Blood corpuscles which exist on the surface of the preparation do not interfere with the object, he- cause the amoeboid cells are to be found in the interstices of the clear transparent fibrillated mass of fibrous tissue. It is somewhat more difficult to demonstrate the migratory cells of the normal cornea. The method is as follows: A frog is held by an assistant in such a way that the bulbus oruli is tense. The mcmbrana nictitans is then drawn back, and the bulb pene- 50 CONNECTIVE TISSUES. trated with a cataract knife, just as in the operation for cata- ract, at the limbus conjunctivas next the inner canthus. The point of the knife is advanced until it approaches the limbus of the opposite side, without puncturing it, and is then carried outwards and upwards, so as to form a flap, consisting of the upper half of the cornea. The extreme edge of the flap must then be seized with the forceps, while the lower half of the cornea is cut awa}r with the aid of scissors curved in the direc- tion of their edge. The cornea is next transferred to a drop of humor aqueus (previously obtained by puncturing the oppo- site eye) and spread out on the glass slide with the anterior surface uppermost. In order to avoid folds, it is desirable to make two or three radical incisions. The preparation is now covered and inclosed in oil. If it is desired to study the mi- gratory cells on the warm stage, the preparation must of course be mounted between two cover-glasses, as before di- rected. If a cornea is thus prepared with great care, nothing is to be seen excepting that a few pale lines of interstitial substance, referable to the anterior epithelium, may be distinguished where the membrane is folded. No other optical differences can be made out. If the individual epithelial elements can be distin- guished, this affords proof that the object has been injured in preparation. Notwithstanding its homogeneity, it is possible (with the No. 10 immersion objective of Hartnack) to find out the upper and under surfaces of the cornea by means of colored blood corpuscles, pigment, granules, or retina-elements which may happen to be in contact with them. As time goes on, the interstitial lines of the anterior epithelium come into view. If we then adjust the microscope so as to bring into view the most superficial layer of the propria, a few corpuscles of more or less irregular form can be detected, each of which consists of almost hyaline protoplasm, and contains a nucleus of ir- regular form, apparently finely granular. If one of these cor- puscles is watched carefullj', it is seen that changes of form take place, both in the protoplasm and in the nucleus. The corpuscles throw out processes and retract them, and even per- form a certain amount of locomotion. The nuclei become con- stricted or compressed, and again resume their original form, to undergo similar changes. By and by similar corpuscles become visible in the depth of the cornea. On the warm stage the movements are naturally more active. (See Chapter XIY.) If a preparation is made in humor aqueus of the fresh peri- toneum (particularly the omentum) of the frog or of a mammal, or of a septum of a subcutaneous lymph sac of the former, in- numerable migratory cells are seen, especially in the neighbor- hood of the vessels, which present transitions between small BY DR. KLEIN. 51 pale corpuscles and large granular ones, all exhibiting distinct amoeboid movements. But the best place for observing these bodies is the tail of the tadpole. If a portion of the tail is taken from the thin menr^ranous part, and mounted in half per cent, salt solution, migratory cells are to be found every- where, consisting of finely granular protoplasm, and displaying extremely active movements. With reference to the granular corpuscles it is not necessary to add much to what has already been said. Among the best examples are certain coarsely granular elements, which occur in the intermuscular connective tissue of the frog. If the transparent membrane which separates the muscles of the thigh of the frog is spread out and examined in an indifferent liquid, it is found that, besides active migratory cells, there are coarsely granular elements possessing oblong nuclei of the most various forms, which move very sluggishly. Perfectly similar bodies occur in the sheaths of large nerves of the frog. Another situation for studying these cells in great numbers is the tongue of the same animal. A living frog having been secured in the supine position, its mouth is opened and the tongue is drawn out by its two cornua. Thin shreds are then snipped from the substance of the organ (the epithelium having been first re- moved in the same way) and covered in fresh serum. In a preparation thus made, an immense number of large coarsely granular cells appear, presenting the most grotesque forms. (See Fig. 9.) Branched Cells (Connective Tissue Corpuscles). — Those bodies are fl.att.fned o.ejjft, consisting of finely g protoplasm: each contains a nucleus, which is also, for the most part, flattened and oblong. They possess a greater or less number of processes ; and by these, which are sometimes branclTetTJ sometimes single, they are in continuity with each other, so as to fflrm a network. In some connective tissues the processes exhibit a more or less regular relation to the body of the corpuscles ; in trthers, they are so short that the corpuscles are almost in contact with each other, being sepa- rated by scarcely any interstitial substance. In preparations made in the way alreadj' recommended for the demonstration of amoeboid cells of the subcutaneous connective tissue of the rabbit, bodies are also found which are distinguished from thu others by their very irregular placoid form, grenfcer size, and hyaline appearuuee, as well as by the possession of oblong nuclei. These cells contain very few granules, and those mostly in the neighborhood of the nucleus. At first sight these placoids seem to have only short projections, but, under high powers, they are found to possess numerous long hyaline radiating processes. 52 CONNECTIVE TISSUES. Fixed Corpuscles of the Cornea. — In a cornea prepared in the manner previously described, it is possible to recognize the network of pale branched corpuscles at all depths, after some time has elapsed. They may, however, be more distinctly shown with the aid of certain reagents, particularly wood vinegar, nitrate of silver, chloride of gold, and some other metallic salts. Of these, the first is now laid aside in favor of the others. In preparations obtained by stripping off shreds of a cornea (of the rabbit or frog), which has been macerated for twenty-four hours in wood vinegar, the corpuscles are seen as, large flattened cells, consisting of graaiulo.us protoplasm, com- municating with one another by processes. If vertical sections are made of such a cornea, the cells seem to be spindle-shaped ; but, if the section is made obliquely, it is found that the cor- puscles appear the more flattened and the more branched, the greater the obliquity of the section. This fact proves that the corpuscles are flattened in planes parallel to the surface, and that the processes also stretch out in similar planes. Treatment of the Cornea with Nitrate of Silver.— Nitrate of silver is used both in substance and in solution. In substance it may be employed in two ways : a. The centre of the cornea of a frog, which is held by an assistant in the manner previously described, is firmly cauterized with a pointed stick of lunar caustic. One or two drops of salt solution are then allowed to flow over the cornea to decompose the excess of nitrate of silver. About an hour after the cauterization, the cornea is excised in the manner directed in p. 49, washed in water for several minutes, and the surface of the slough cleansed by pencilling it lightly under water. In the case of the frog's cornea, the central cauterized part may be cut out and mounted in glycerin at once; but the rabbit's cornea is so thick that it is necessary to split it into layers, with the help of fine pointed forceps. If the preparation has been exposed to daylight, clear spaces are seen on a brown, yellow, or dark ground, which communicate with one another by clear channels, either branched or single. These correspond in form and configuration with the network of corpuscles above described. This signifies that we have before us, as will be more com- pletely shown afterwards, the spaces which the corpuscles occupy. This network of clear spaces represents the canalicular system (Saftcandlchen System) of the cornea: it must not be confused with Bowman's tubes, b. The second method of ap- plying the nitrate of silver in substance has the advantage that it shows the canalicular system in all parts of the cornea. It consists in first scraping the cornea of a living frog or small mammal with a sharp cataract knife, so as to remove the epi- thelium completely. After a little practise, and provided ther bulb is properly fixed by an assistant, it is not difficult to per- BY DR. KLEIN. 53 form tins operation without injuring the substance of the cornea. Thereupon the caustic is two or three times lightly rubbed over the whole surface, after which the eye is washed with saline solution, and the animal is left to itself for twenty or thirty minutes. The cornea is then excised, washed in ordinary water for several minutes, and pencilled with a camel-hair brush. The mode of preparation is as before, care being taken to make one or two radial incisions, in order that the mem- brane may lie flat on the glass surface. After the preparation has been exposed for a few hours, the contrast between the spaces and the yellowish-brown interstitial substance becomes very obvious. v [The endothelium of Descemet's membrane, with its dark interstitial lines, brownish-yellow cell substance, and clear ovoid or lobed nuclei, is well seen. It is to be noted that all preparations of this kind must be kept in the dark.] Similar results are obtained by the use of the nitrate of silver in solution. With this view the epithelium is either pencilled oft' from the anterior surface with warm water, or scraped off as above described. The cornea is then imme- diately excised and immersed for fifteen or twenty minutes in a half to one per cent, solution. It is then washed and pre- pared as above. If, however, after washing the preparation for a very short time, it is transferred to a ten per cent, solu- tion of chloride of sodium for five or ten minutes, and is then again washed in ordinary water and mounted in glycerin, the appearance is very different. We have before us in most parts the canalicular system marked out by a dark precipitate, while the interstitial substance remains almost clear. In other parts there are gradations of staining between this appearance and the negative staining obtained by the ordinary method. Preparation of the Cornea with Chloride of Gold. — The fresh cornea of a frog or mammal is placed in as much half per cent, solution of pure chloride of gold as is sufficient to cover it, and left immersed until it acquires a straw-yellow color — i. e., at most thirty minutes. Thereupon it is trans- ferred to distilled water, or water slightly acidulated. The preparation passes through pale gray, then dark gray, violet gray, violet and reddish, to dark red — the time required for the production of the last-mentioned color differing, caeterisparilmx, according to the time during which it was immersed, and the in- tensity of the light. In the height of summer, twenty-four hours, or even less time, is sufficient ; but in winter several days are required, in which case it is preferable to use distilled, rather than acidulated, water, because the latter is apt to produce too much swelling of the preparation. From a darkly colored cornea so prepared, the anterior epithelium is removed by strip- ping it off from the annulms conjunctivx inwards, with the aid 54 CONNECTIVE TISSUES. of a sharp pointed forceps. If that of a frog, the cornea may then be mounted in glycerin without further preparation. The rabbit's cornea must be prepared as before directed. In this way one of the most beautiful preparations in the whole range of histology is obtained. The bodies and processes of the cor- puscles are seen to consist of a more or less granular proto- plasm of various shades of violet. Each corpuscle contains a flattened oblong, well-defined nucleus, which is of a violet color, and incloses one or two large, round, dark colored nu- cleoli. (Fig. 10.) Corneas stained with chloride of gold may also be advantageously studied by vertical sections, and by sections parallel with the surface : from such sections it is easy for any one to satisfy himself that the structures seen actually exist as such, and are not the products of the mode of prepara- tion. It is, however, necessary to demonstrate that the cana- licular network which we see with such distinctness in silver preparations, corresponds to and coincides with the network of branched corpuscles displayed in gold preparations, in such a way as to make it certain that the latter fit into and fill out the former. There are two modes of proof: a. A frog's cornea is prepared and mounted, lege art-is, on the glass slide (Fig. 0), and is then examined with a No. 10 immersion, objec- tive, while an induced current of moderate strength is caused to act upon it. After the excitation, the system of branched corpuscles becomes distinguishable, and each is seen to be surrounded with a clear margin. After a time this appearance is lost, but can be reproduced by repeating the excitation. It admits of but one interpretation, viz., that the protoplasm contracts, under the excitation, in such a way as no longer to fill out the space in which it is contained — again occupying it as soon as the contraction ceases, b. A rabbit's cornea is gently rubbed with caustic until the epithelium is removed as a slough. After from twenty to thirty minutes a few drops of concentrated solution of chloride of gold are placed on the cornea. The eye is left to itself for fifteen or twenty minutes, after which time the cornea is shaved off with a razor, and steeped for twenty-four hours in water feebly acidulated with acetic acid. It is then not difficult to prepare from the parch- ment-like cornea, with sharp forceps, thin lamella ; or to make thin sections, in planes parallel with the surface, with a razor. In preparations of either kind mounted in glycerin, even when examined with the naked eye, three different colors may be dis tinguished. There are patches of gray and others of violet: and these two are separated from each other by intermediate regions of a dull violet-red. Under the microscope the gray parts exhibit the characteristic appearance of silver prepara- tions— a clear canalicular system on a yellowish-brown inter- stitial substance. In the violet parts the canalicular system is BY DR. KLEIN. 55 also clear, but the interstitial substance is violet ; whereas in the dull red parts, there are bluish or dull red corpuscles on a clear groand. Both in the first and in the second, there are transitions to the intermediate parts, i. e., the nearer the part observed is to the edge of the dull violet-red parts, the more possible is it to make out that the network of protoplasm occupies the canalicular system. It is always possible to find points where the processes of protoplasm stretch from these parts into clear canaliculi. Branched Corpuscles of the Tail of the Tadpole. — Another object in which it is easy to demonstrate the branched corpuscles is the tail of the tadpole. In this organ, when prepared in the fresh state, as above directed, a very beautiful network of pale protoplasm, in a hyaline interstitial substance, may be demonstrated. The network consists of nucleated cells, which communicate with one another by den- dritic processes. It is most dense near the edges and toward the tip of the tail. In order to obtain preparations of this structure, it is best to place a portion of the organ of a tad- pole (in which the posterior extremities have begun to sprout) in half per cent, solution of chloride of gold for from thirty to forty minutes. The preparation having been placed for twenty-four hours in distilled water and exposed to light, the epithelium of one side must be removed. For this purpose the organ must be fixed by a needle in the middle line close to the cut end : the epithelium, with the plexus of nerves and bloodvessels of one side, can be stripped off with the fine- pointed forceps in the form of a membrane — a process which is much facilitated by first placing the preparation for fifteen minutes in absolute alcohol. The separated structures are then covered in glycerin. Such preparations are of great value, serving not merely for the demonstration of the cells with which we are now concerned, but also, as will be seen, for the study of the structure and development of the capil- lary bloodvessels, of the most minute nerve fibres, and the relation of the lymphatic vessels to the connective tissue elements. The description and mode of demonstration of the branched cells of the serous membranes will be given in the chapter on the lymphatic system, in connection with which they are of most importance. Branched Corpuscles of the Skin. — In order to de- monstrate the branched cells of the cutis (or of the mucosa), it is best to snip off folds or ribands from the fresh structure with the curved scissors. These are placed in half per cent, solution of chloride of gold until they acquire a distinctly yellow tinge. They are then transferred into distilled water until they are tinged dark violet and finally hardened in ordi- nary alcohol. Sections must then be made parallel to the 56 CONNECTIVE TISSUES. surface and covered in glycerin. Sections in this direction are preferable, because the branching of the cells and their mode of communication cannot be so well seen in others. We shall return to these subsequently. In the membrana nictitans of the frog there occur networks of large, coarsely granulated cells, containing flattened oblong nuclei, and with branches which run for the most part parallel with the surface. This structure must be prepared with chloride of gold in exactly the same way as the cornea. Pigment Cells. — These are closely related to the fixed cells now under consideration. They are more or less branched corpuscles, which are sometimes isolated, sometimes foriiL.a. network. The}- are, in general, larger than the ordi- nary connective tissue corpuscles. Each contains an oblong 44ear nucleus, while both their bodies and processes are beset with pigment granules. In mammalia they are 4i****l. as is well known, especially in the skin, and in the sclerotic, iris, and chor.oid. In the lower vertebrates, c.ij.. in the frog, they are very numerous, not only in the skin, but in the peritoneum, and in several mucous membranes. Pigment cells can be made to retract their pigmented processes when stimulated either mechanically, chemicall}', or electrically, as well as under the influence of light. Let us examine them (a) in the we*b, (b) in the mesentery of the frog, (c) in the tail of the tadpole, and (d) in the choroid of a mammal, (a) A common frog (jR. temporaria) is secured on a plate similar to that shown in Fig. 11, and the toes are extended by ligatures at- tached to their tips. With this view, the hole O is surrounded by five or six small perforations into which wooden pins can be stuck ; the ends of the ligatures are drawn through the holes and fastened with the pins. In those parts of the web, which appear to the naked eye dark, it is seen, even with a linear magnification of 100, that the pigment cells are con- nected by an extraordinary number of fine dark processes which are either penicilliated or dendritic. Often the distinc- tion between body and process is not marked ; it looks rather as if the whole network were made up of processes. In other parts, which are not so dark to the naked eye, groups of pigment cells are found in which the bodies are round or oblong, and the processes broader and less numerous — the latter being either in continuity with those of neighboring corpuscles, or broken off abruptly by a gnawed edge. The pigment granules do not extend to the end of these broad processes ; so that it is possible to see that the substance in which they are embedded is hyaline. If the dark parts are touched once or twice with a camel-hair pencil (especially if it has been dipped in oil of turpentine), the processes are gradually retracted, while, pari passu, the BY DR. KLEIN. 57 skin becomes visibly paler. On resuming the observation, after the lapse of one or two hours, it is found that the pigmental network is as dense, and the processes are as numerous, a* at the beginning of the observation. It is a remarkable fact that the projection of the processes is much accelerated by the application of a drop of croton oil, with the aid of a capillary pipette, to the irritated part. In certain places where the cells are not entirely black, but have a more or less yellowish-Jjrown color, and possess only a few stumpy pro- cesses, these last undergo spontaneous changes of form as regards length and thickness. When the web is irritated, these, like the others, retract their processes altogether. If the circulation is arrested by placing a ligature around the leg, the pigment cells on the same side acquire a brighter color — the dull brownish-yellow tint returning with the resto- ration of the circulation. In the tail of the tadpole the pigment cells in several respects resemble the ordinary branched cells. The most superficial extend themselves by their processes between the epithelial cells. In the tadpole of the toad, which is distinguished from that of the frog by the breadth and shortness of the tail, they are spindle-shaped, and form by their processes a tolerably regular lattice-work, with nearly rectangular spaces, which is uniformly distributed throughout the tissue ; immediately un- derneath the epithelium, however, there are some cells, the mode of branching of which is dendritic. In fresh prepara- tions, or in preparations with chloride of gold, of the mesen- tery of the frog, a greater or less number of pigment cells are seen in the immediate neighborhood of the large bloodvessels, and especially the arteries, and often form a complete sheath around them. Isolated pigment cells occur also elsewhere in the tissue. With high powers (>To. 10 immersion) and with dilute acetic acid, it is possible to make oift in fresh prepara- tions of the nictitating membrane and mesentery that the whole cell is not pigmented, the pigment being confined to certain parts of the body and to the axes of some of the pro- cesses. In mammalia, the most varied forms of pigment cells occur in the choroid and sclerotic, from the irregularly formed cells with slight knob-shaped projections containing coarse pigment granules, to cells with regular dendritic branching and fine granules. Fat Cells. Fat cells are distinguished from ordinary branched connective tissue corpuscles mainly by the fact that tUgy contain drops of fat. When an ordinary branched ct'll undergoes -conversion int<> a fat cell, the change commences by the appearance of small droplets in the protoplasm. I>y the confluence of these with each other a larger drop is formed. As this increases, the protoplasm of the corpuscles is dis- 58 CONNECTIVE TISSUES. tended more and more, until it forms around the globule a thin investment, in which lies the clear oblong nucleus. In well-developed fat cells, which usually lie together in groups, it is not possible to observe processes. They rather resemble closely packed globular structures. Transition Forms bet-ween Connective Tissue Corpuscles and Fat Cells. — If, in a rabbit, the skin and subcutaneous tissue are divided over the inner (anterior) third of the infra-orbital edge, and the thin membrane which stretches over the infra-orbital fossa is severed, it is easy to remove, along with the glandula infraorbitalis, a gelatinous hj-aline mass. If, from this mass, a very thin portion is snipped off and placed in a drop of fresh serum on a glass slide and covered, it is easy to distinguish, among the ordinary branched cells, others which are larger and contain globules of fat. All transitions ma}'' be seen between those which contain one or two small droplets and those which are completely distended. These structures will be referred to again, under another heading. Fat cells are, as a rule, collected in masses around bloodvessels. v Tendon Cells. — The cells of mature tendon tissue do not /essentially differ from those of ordinary connective tissue. Like them, they are oblate branched masses of protoplasm, which are in communication with one another by their pro- cesses. They are not, however, flat, but curve themselves in conformity with the surfaces of the individual bundles to which they are applied. In order to study them, the best material is afforded by the tail-tendons both of young and full- grown rats or of rabbits, which can be examined either in the fresh state in serum, or by steeping them for a few minutes in silver solution, after they have been first pencilled with a camel-hair brush dipped in fresh serum. Another material which may be used is the centrum tendineum of the diaphragm. In very young animals the caudal tendons present a peculiar arrangement. If the tail of a very 3roung rat is amputated, and the tip torn asunder from the cut end, a great number of isolated lengths of tendon are obtained, of almost microscopic tenuity. These may be at once separated, and covered in very dilute acetic acid. Such a preparation shows, between the in- dividual bundles, chains of apparently quadrangular masses of protoplasm, each containing a roundish nucleus. These chains alternate in position with the bundles. If, however, a single cylindrical bundle of fibrils is separated, it is seen that it possesses an envelope of granulous protoplasm, which ex- tends along one side of the bundle, covering nearly half of its circumference ; in this envelope nuclei lie arranged in linear series. If the preparations are treated with stronger acetic acid, the protoplasm between the nuclei exhibits cross lines of BY DR. KLEIN. 59 interstitial substance. Hence it is evident that the sheath of protoplasm with which nearly the half of each individual bundle is surrounded consists of a series of hollow half-cylin- ders with their ends in apposition. To preserve the prepara- tions above referred to, the fresh tendon should be placed for a very short time in acidulated water, until it begins to swell just perceptibly; it is then to be transferred to half per c«-nt. solution of chloride of gold for ten or fifteen minutes, and washed in distilled water till it acquires a rich color, and then to be mounted in glj-cerin. In cross sections through young tendons of the rat or rabbit, in consequence of the anatomical facts already stated, the bundles look as if they were contained in the meshes of a network of protoplasm, with nuclei at the nodes. Such sections may be best prepared from the caudal tendons, or from the T. Achilles treated with gold and then hardened in common alcohol. Adenoid Tissue. — It remains to describe the so-called adenoid tissue. By this term is understood a dense reticulum of branched cells, the processes of which are short but of great delicacy. The j'ounger the individual, the more the material of which the reticulum is composed possesses the character of protoplasm ; the older, the more homogeneous the processes appear, and the smaller the quantity of protoplasm at the nodes, which correspond .to the bodies of the cells. There are great differences between the several forms of adenoid tissue, which it will be most advantageous to study in connection with the tissues in which they are respectively met with, e. y bloodvessels (e.g., in the patella or head of the femur of the human foetus). In the immediate neighborhood of the vessels they possess more or less the form of ordinary cartilage cells. They may be prepared for observation in the same way as the others. Yellow Cartilage differs from hyaline in the fact that its matrix consists of a network of elastic fibres, in which there are cavities occupied by cartilage cells, either isolated or in groups. These are sometimes surrounded by a certain quan- tity of hyaline substance. The best objects for the study of this tissue are the epiglottis and the cartilage of the external ear ; these may be examined fresh or in chloride of gold. In addition to these forms, the so-called parenchymatous cartilage must be mentioned ; i. e., cartilage without matrix. This occurs in the embryonal chorda dorsalis, and in the tcndo Achilles of the frog. We have already studied an example of it in the nucleus cartilage of the epiphyses of the frog's tibia. Fibro-Cartilage. — In fibro-cartilage the structural ele- ments of cartilage are intermixed with gelatigenous tissue, as in the neighborhood of the insertions of tendons into bones, in BY DR. KLEIN. 63 cartilages of the symphyses, etc. The mode of preparation is the same. Bone. — In the investigation of the structure of bone, one of two courses may be followed, according as we have in view the bony framework, i. e., the bone substance proper, or the soft parts, viz., the periosteum, medulla, bloodvessels, and nerves. The bone substance proper ma}* be studied satisfac- torily by means of thin sections, for the preparation of which the method is as follows: A human long bone, a vertebra, or one of the flat bones of the skull, is cleared of the soft parts and dried. The bone is then fixed in a vise, and thin lamella" are cut in various directions with the aid of a fine saw. These are rubbed down with moist emery powdered on a ground- glass plate, against which they are pressed either with the finger alone, or with a bit of cork, or with a, second glass plate, until they are extremely fine. Having been polished on a wet hone, they are washed in water and pencilled with a camel-hair brush, in order to get rid of adhering dirt. They must next be dried and placed under a cover-glass, either without the addition of any liquid, or in glycerin. As ex- amples, transverse and longitudinal sections of a human radius may be taken. In the one, the Haversian canals are seen cut across ; in the other, they appear as broad channels, which communicate with each other by cross channels, the latter running obliquely or at right angles to the former. The clear ground substance consists of lamella} arranged concentrically around the Haversian canals (primary lamellae), and secondary lamellae, which run longitudinally in various planes, occupying the spaces which are left between contiguous systems of concentric lamellae. The lamellae contain an im- mense number of dark cavities (lacunae) at equal distances from each other, which, as longitudinal sections show, are of elliptical form. These communicate with each other by dark, somewhat convoluted canaliculi, many of which run in the same layer, but many also in such a direction as to form com- munications between one lamella and the next. In dry prepa- rations, the whole system of lacume and canaliculi is filled with air. We shall s-. e afterwards that in the living state they contain protoplasmic branching cells. A second method of preparing bone is that of maceration. A fresh bone is separated from the surrounding muscles and placed in a large quantity of a quarter to half per cent, solu- tion of chromic acid, to which a few drops of hydrochloric acid have been added. The bone acquires a consistence suitable for the preparation of sections with the razor in from a week to a fortnight, according to its size. If too soft, it can be placed in diluted alcohol. Bones prepared in this way may 64 CONNECTIVE TISSUES. be used just as other tissues hardened in chromic acid (see Chap. VI.). For the study of the periosteum and of the compact bony substance, i.e., of its lamella? and lacuna?, with the cells con- tained in them, sections of the long bones of man are very suitable. The spongy substance can be best examined in the metacarpal and metatarsal bones and in the phalanges of children, or in those of rabbits or rats. Very instructive sec- tions may also be obtained from the tibia of the frog, showing the compact substance of the bone, as well as the pigment cells, fat cells, medullary cells, and bloodvessels of the marrow. Medullary tissue can be also advantageously studied in the tongue bone of birds. The whole tongue is hardened in chromic acid solution, after which sections are made through the posterior part of the tongue, so as to pass through the bone in question. Sections of bone prepared as above afford evidence that the cells which occupy the lacunre are strictly analogous to the branched cells of other connective tissues, so that the system of lacunas and canaliculi, seen in prepara- tions of dried bone, corresponds entirely with the system of canaliculi (Saftcandlchen) seen in silver preparations of the cornea, serous membranes, etc. And it may even be shown in preparations of the flat bones of the skull, or of the tongue bone of birds, that the cells are not only in continuity ex- ternally with those of the periosteum (which, although really branched, look spindle-shaped in section), but internally, i.e., towards the medulla, with cells which are also more or less branched, but are arranged so regularly and so close together against the bony surface, that the}' resemble an endothelial lining. In the flat bones of the skull of human embryos, the same arrangement presents itself with great distinctness — the cells, which line the medullary cavities, being then called osteoblasts. The medullary tissue of bone is rich in bloodvessels and in cellular elements. The former are best seen in injected prepa- rations (see Part II., Chapter VI.). After the injected part has been one or two days in alcohol, the bone must be freed from surrounding tissues, and steeped in chromic acid with the addition of hydrochloric acid, as before. The medullary cells, which differ in size and in the distinctness of their granu- lation, may be examined in the fresh condition on the warm stage, for the demonstration of their amoeboid movements, in the manner several times described previous!}'. In chromic acid preparations, the individual medullary cells, as well as the fat cells, retain their form and aspect. Development of Bone-tissue.— For the study of the development of bony tissue (whether from cartilage or from fibrous tissue, as in the flat bones of the skull) the human BY DR. KLEIN. 05 foetus is best adapted, after having been steeped in Miillcr's liquid, or in one-quarter to half per cent, solution of chromic acid, for a few days. The sections may be stained with car- mine (see Chapter VI.). For studying the development and growth of bone in the epiphyses, longitudinal sections may be made through the epiphysis of the femur, or of the tibia. <>f the metacarpal bones, or phalanges of newly born human foetuses, or of young rabbits. CHAPTER IY. MUSCULAR TISSUE. SECTION I. — UNSTRIPED MUSCLE. THE elements of this tissue are cells — the so-called " contrac- tile fibre-cells" — of varying length, and for the most part spindle-shaped, this form being often modified by a flattening of the cells where they come in contact. Their ends are either single or divided. Their substance is, in the fresh state, a pale or finely granular protoplasm, sometimes longitudinally stri- ated: in the thicker part of the cell lies an oblong, compressed nucleus, rather rounded at the extremities (thus becoming staff-shaped), or pointed. The nucleus contains one or two large shining nucleoli : if single, the nucleolus lies in the centre of the nucleus ; if double, one is found at each extremit}'. External to the nucleus, and in a straight line with its longi- tudinal axis, some small granules may sometimes be seen. The unstrip'ed muscular fibres are always arranged in bundles, the elements .of which are separated from each other by inter- stitial substance. The bundles are held. together by.connectivc tissue, in which they lie in such a way that they either form membranes (as in the intestine) or meshworks (as in the blad- der). In the former rase, the bundles are parallel and mostly undivided ; in the latter, they run in various directions, divide frequently, and intercommunicate with each other. The best materials for the study of involuntary muscular fibre, are the bladder of the frog, the mesentery of the newt, the muscular coats of the intestines of the frog and mammalia, and arteries, such as those at the root of the mesentery of the frog. They may be demonstrated either in connection or isolated. To show their arrangement, a portion of the bladder of the frog may be spread on the glass slide with the mucous surface downwards, and covered in half per cent, salt solution. In 5 66 MUSCULAR TISSUE. such a preparation it is seen that a meshwork is formed by the repeated division of the bundles of fibres. If the bit is soaked for a few minutes in one 'per cent, or two per cent, acetic acid, the epithelium brushed off with a camel-hair pencil, and the membrane then examined in water or glycerin, the individual elements of the muscular bundles come very distinctly into view ; those of the muscular coats of the arteries can also be studied advantageously. The mesentery of the newt maybe prepared in the same manner. Instructive preparations of muscular tissue may be obtained by carefully excising the iris of an albino rabbit just killed, and spreading it flat on the ob- ject glass in an indifferent liquid. The muscular tissue of the intestine can be prepared as follows : A short portion of the small intestine of a rabbit, or mature foetus, is filled with half per cent, salt solution by ligaturing one of the ends, and tying into the other a glass tube with a canulated extremity, through which the liquid must be injected. The gut having been in this way well distended, a second ligature is placed between it and the canula. Thin shreds, consisting only of the perito- neum and of the longitudinal muscular layer, are then stripped off with the aid of pointed forceps from the surface of the in- testine opposite to its meseuteric attachment. These strips are carefully spread out and prepared in an indifferent liquid. Of course care must be taken not to pierce the intestine with the forceps. Another suitable object of stucVy is the abdominal extremity of the Fallopian tube, which, in some mammalia (e. g., in the sow), is dilated into a large thin sac. It may be prepared in the same way as the bladder of the frog. An ex- cellent method of preparing unstriped muscle is to immerse the tissue in half per cent, solution of gold, for which purpose the bladder of the frog, the mesentery of the newt, the iris of the eyes of albino animals, or the muscular coat of the intestine of small mammalia may be used. The bladder of the frog is prepared as follows : A frog is decapitated, and the upper two-thirds of the abdominal cavity opened. A solution of chlo- ride of gold is injected, either "by means of a tube ten to fifteen centimetres in length, which is drawn out at one end so as to form a canula, and bent at an obtuse angle so as to facilitate its introduction into the bladder, or, still better, with the aid of a glass syringe furnished with a long beak. As soon as the bladder is filled; a ligature is placed round its neck and tight- ened round the canula, after which the organ may be excised and placed in a capsule, containing a similar solution, for fif- teen minutes. After this time it is cut into small sections, which are immersed in acidulated water and exposed to the light. If this method is followed, there is no fear of folds or shrinking, as the bladder is already more or less hardened. As soon as the fragments have acquired a dark violet or dull BY DR. KLEIN. 67 red color, the mucous membrane is pencilled away and the re- mainder covered in glycerin. The mesentery of the newt, the iris, or the muscular coat of the intestine of mammalia may be prepared in the method already explained, and then treated in every respect as just described. Chloride of palladium, which has also been used for the coloring of muscular fibres, has no advantage over the gold salt. In sections of unstriped muscle, previously hardened in one-eighth to one-fourth per cent, solution of chromic acid, and subsequently colored in pic- ric acid, carmine, aniline, &c., the muscular bundles are dis- tinctly seen, as well as their relations to each other, and to the septa of connective tissue which surround and separate them.1 In sections through the hardened intestine of the frog, rab- bit, or rat, the muscular cells, where they are seen in longitu- dinal section, appear to be separated from each other, not by straight lines, but by marginal borders, which exhibit fine trans- verse markings, referable to the existence of minute furrows, which run in a direction vertical to the axis of the fibre. To isolate the individual muscle-cells for the study of their form and nuclei, macerating liquids, by which the interstitial substance is disintegrated, are employed. Small fragments are introduced into a dark sherry-colored solution of bichromate of potash, two or three per cent, acetic acid mixture, nitric acid diluted with four times its volume of water, or thirty-five per cent, potash solution. The arrangement of the nerves of unstriped muscle will be described in a future chapter. SECTION II.— STRIPED MUSCLE. The tissue of striped muscles consists of long cylinders (mus- cular fibres) which are united by connective tissue into bundles (fasciculi) of varying length. The following parts have to be considered : The contents of substance of the individual fibre with its muscle-corpuscles ; the sarcolemma ; and the junction of muscle with tension. The mode of ending of the nerves in muscle will be described in the next chapter. Proper Substance of Muscular Fibre. — The leg of a water-beetle (Hydrophilus) is torn out, and its horny covering removed. A snip is then taken from the exposed muscular mass, with the aid of curved scissors, or a fine scalpel, and at once covered without addition. If the cover-glass is then 1 Fine sections of structures containing numerous unstriped muscu- lar fibres, which have been hardened in chromic acid, then placed for a few days in diluted alcohol, and finally stained in a weak ammoniacal solution of carmine, exhibit a striking contrast between the muscular fibres and the connective tissue, the former being tinged yellow by the chromic acid, the latter red by the carmine. 68 MUSCULAR TISSUE. slightly pressed, so as to flatten out the object, arborescent branchings of the tracheae first attract attention. These air- tubes consist, like the tracheae of mammalia, of parallel rings, and entwine the muscular fibres with a network of fine, dark capillaries, each of which follows a winding or spiral course. The muscular fibres themselves, which either run parallel, or cross each other in various directions, are in active movement In some fibres this movement resembles that of a wave, which rapidly progresses in the direction of its length ; in others, when it is slower, it has a vermicular character. On more careful examination it is seen that, during the progress of the wave, the muscle swells, returning to its original thickness immediately after. It is further observed that the dark paral- lel striae come nearer together during the swelling, and that the interval-s return to their original width after the wave has passed. In the contents of a muscular fibre, when in a state of rest, the following parts can be distinguished : (a) the dark parallel cross stripes, which as we shall find, correspond to thin parallel disks of less refractive isotropous substance (called interstitial disks) ; (b) the portion intervening between these. This, again, appears to consist*of two parts, viz., a broader middle one of dull gray appearance, and on either side of this a narrow, clear layer. The whole is made up of highly refractive, anisotropous contractile substance, which is to be regarded as the essential substance of the muscular fibre. The dark cross-lines do not seem, under high powers, homogeneous, but appear to consist of series of contiguous granules of equal size. Many muscular fibres exhibit no other differences ; in others, it is possible to distinguish lines running longitudinall}' of greater or less extent, and which are so arranged that they come between what appear to be dark granules of the inter- stitial striae. With reference to these granules, it is not to be supposed that the3' actually exist as such ; the appearance is rather to be regarded as expressive of the fact that the dark, interstitial transverse stripes are interrupted by clear, longi- tudinal lines, the interval between the latter remaining dark — as, e. gr., in a check of which dark transverse lines are covered b3' light longitudinal lines. In a fresh muscular fibre, as seen under the microscope, the transverse interstitial disks are not placed vertically, as we can satisfy ourselves by using the fine adjustment, but are set at an oblique angle with the long axis of the muscular fibre. In this respect a muscular fibre may be compared to a roll formed of coins of different metals, so ar- ranged that the thin dark disks alternate with thicker light ones. If such a roll is laid on a plain surface, all the coins lean in one direction, and present their edges to the eye, re- garding them from above, just as the disks in a muscular fibre do under the microscope. BY DR. KLEIN. 69 We have now to consider the significance of the appearances above described. The fact may be stated in limine, that the whole of what intervenes between two interstitial stripes, /. ,-., the gray band and its two bright borders, affects polarized light in the same way — that consequently the view according to which only the borders are doubly refracting, is erroneous. If a microscope is employed, of which the stage admits of ro- tation around the vertical axis of the instrument, as in the larger instruments of Hartnack, and these bright borders (which should be distinct and regular) are observed, in a muscular fibre, under No. 8 objective, and if the stage is slowly rotated, so as to alter the course of the rays in relation to the muscular fibre under observation, a remarkable change is seen to take place in these borders. As the rotation is continued the bright bands fade, first on one side of the interstitial line, then on the other, coming into view again in the same order; the changes dtf not, however, occur simultaneously through- out the whole of the muscular fibre. When fresh muscular tissue is placed in absolute alcohol, and then steeped for a few minutes in oil of turpentine, mounted in dammar varnish, and covered, only two kinds of substance can be distinguished in the fibres, i.e., dark inter- stitial stripes and a dull gray substance between them, without a trace of the clear borders. The longitudinal section of such a muscular fibre ma}' be represented diagram maticall}', as in Fig. 15. In the diagram, the slightly refracting interstitial substance is represented by a, the clear borders by 6, the dull gray by c. Let us endeavor to understand the course of the ra3Ts which pass through b. Let j be a ray which enters from the mirror in the direction a j3, and penetrates at o into the less refractive medium a, and passes through it in the direc- tion o 5 — inasmuch as it deviates from the normal in a. Let $' be another ray which enters b at the angle m' ', i. e., a greater angle than that under which $ enters. Accordingly, the de- viation it will undergo in the medium a will be greater than the deviation undergone by $. And if it be assumed that it is so great that the sine of the angle of dcviation=f, the angle being a right angle, the ray will pass out between a and 6. If the angle of incidence it greater than in', the angle of deviation is greater than a right angle, so that the ray does not enter a at all, but is totally reflected through b. Hence the substance b appears clearer than c, for more rays pass out at b than at c; the excess consisting of those rays which, entering b in a di- rection towards a, and at a greater angle than ??i', are totally reflected in 6. as above explained. The bright borders of the proper substance present the same characters and relations in the muscles of crabs after treat- ment with gold. Occasionally they may be also seen in the 70 MUSCULAR TISSUE. muscles of frogs, and in those of the tail of the rabbit, if quite fresh. From these facts it is evident that the clear borders of the proper substance need not be regarded as actually ana- tomically distinct from the rest, but their presence can be ex- plained as mere optical results of total rejection, i. e., provided it be admitted that the interstitial substance and the proper substance refract light in different degress. In order to study the lon'gitudinal striae preparations must be made in humor aqueus of the fresh muscular tissue of Hydrophilus, of the sartorius of the frog, or of the muscles of the back of the lizard, care being taken to separate the muscular bundles slightly from one another. In such propa- gations it is seen that the substance which lies between two [adjoining transverse striae appears to be marked off into a number of quadrangular areas which correspond to the sides lof the prismatic " sarcous elements." / A number of such sarcous elements, arranged in a linear series parallel to the axis of the muscle, and connected each to each by shorter disks of transparent intermediary substance^ together constitute a so-called primitive fibril. And, in ac- cordance with this definition, we can conceive each muscular fibre to be formed of primitive fibrils, along with the interme- diary substance (corresponding to the longitudinal striae), by; hich these fibrils are held together. It is no less possible to' conceive of the muscular fibre as consisting of disks (each composed of a number of laterally contiguous sarcous ele- ments, along with the intermediary substance by which they are, as just remarked, held together), separated each from each by thinner disks of intermediary substance. The best demonstration that the sarcous elements are the elements of the muscular substance which are arranged in disks trans- versely, and in fibrils longitudinally, is to be obtained by the method of Cohnheim. A muscular fibre of a frog, Hyrophilus, or cray fish is exposed in a platinum capsule to a freezing mixture, at a temperature of — 6° C. to — 8° C. After a short time the muscle acquires the consistence of wax. Fine sec- tions are then made with the aid of a cooled razor, and are at once examined in a drop of serum under a thin cover-glass, care being taken to introduce slips of silver paper to avoid pressure. Such a preparation, seen under Hartnack's immer- sion objective No. 10, exhibits the following facts: Circular\ /or oval disks present themselves (cross sections of muscular I fibres), the margins of which are sharply defined and possess/ la double contour (sarcolemma). Within the sarcolemma a Beautiful mosaic is seen, in which the triangular, four-sided, or pentagonal areas appear to consist of dull-looking material, separated by lines which are brighter, more transparent, and refract light less strongly. These linos are, in general, of ui : BY DR. KLEIN. 71 extreme tenuity, but certain spots are always to be observed, within whi'.-h the areas of dulness are further apart ; in other words, the clear lines of demarcation are wider. Wherever this is the case there exist sharply defined nucleus-like bodies, which, as we shall find, are actually the nuclei of the muscle- corpuscles. In cross sections of muscular fibres of Crustacea, insecta, amphibia, and reptilia, nuclei, surrounded by spots in which the clear lines are thicker than elsewhere, are met with in all parts of the fibres ; but in mammalia they occur only in the immediate neighborhood of the sarcolemma. In the Crustacea and in Hydroplrilus, the prevalent form of the mosaic is pentagonal ; in the frog, four-cornered, and usually rectangular. Provided that the preparation is protected from pressure and evaporation, it remains unaltered for several days. If a small quantity of water or very dilute acetic acid is added to the fresh preparation, the disks swell out in a remarkable manner; the polygonal areas become more trans- parent and increase in size, while the intermediary substance disappears. A fresh section, obtained as above, may be placed for a few minutes in diluted serum and then transferred for from ten to thirty seconds to half per cent, silver solution ; finally, washed in water slightly acidulated with acetic acid, covered in glyce- rin, and exposed to light. A preparation is thus obtained in which the sectional disks are colored of various shades, from clear j-ellowish-brown to dark-brown. Clear white lines on a brown ground are seen with great distinctness, which corre- spond completely with the trellis-work of transparent lines seen in the fresh preparation, from which appearance we learn that the spaces of the mosaic are stained brown by silver. Oblique sections, whether examined fresh or after staining with silver, exhibit corresponding appearances. In longitudi- nal sections, prepared according to the same method, small brown rectangles, longer in the direction of the axis of the muscle than in the transverse direction, which correspond to the sarcous elements, are here and there visible. These rectangles are separated from each other by clear narrow lines. If a very small fragment of mammalian or frog muscle (sartorius or mylohyoid of the frog, or the flat muscle in front of the trachea of the rabbit), be steeped for fifteen or twenty minutes in chloride of gold, then exposed to light for one or two days in slightly acidulated water, and subsequently hardened in common alcohol, sections can be made in planes at right angles to the axis of the muscle. These exhibit appearances which coincide in every respect with those above described, the only difference being that the rectangular sar- cous elements exhibit a clear red or purple tinge, while the interstitial substance is dark. 72 MUSCULAR TISSUE. From all these facts we learn that the substance of a mus- cular fibre consists, in the first place, of oblong prisms, i. e., sarcous elements, with their axes parallel to its axis, and formed of a material which refracts light strongly, is stained strongly with silver, slightly with solution of chloride of gold, and swells out in the fresh state on the addition of water ; and, secondly, of a less refractive, transparent, interstitial substance, occupying the remainder of the space ; which is not colored by silver, but is intensely stained b.y chloride of gold, and dis- appears in dilute acetic acid. This last reagent appears to have the faculty of dissolving the interfibrillar part of the inter- stitial substance, leaving the interstitial disks of the fibrils almost intact. Similar facts are observed in muscles which are subjected to the hardening influence of alcohol or chromic acid. In sections of muscles so prepared, the fasciculi which are cut transversely are seen to consist of disks, which are either round or flattened against each other, and may be easily stained in carmine or picric acid. In such disks the double contoured section of the sarcolemma includes a number of small roundish corpuscles, each of which, as may be seen in longitu- dinal sections, is a fibril cut across. Muscular fibres, cut lon- gitudinally, seem to consist merely of fibrils which are divided bjr cross lines'into small long rods placed end to end. In sec- tions of hardened tongue of the frog, it is very easy to obtain isolated fibrils : thej" are also to be seen in teased preparations of other muscles hardened in alcohol and chromic acid. The Sarcolemma. — Each muscular fibre is invested in a structureless hyaline membrane. To demonstrate it, the readiest method is to add water to a fresh preparation of Hydrophilus, or, better, frog muscle. After a short time the sarcolemma separates in transparent bulgings with double contours. Greater lengths of sarcolemma can be shown, by carefully teasing fresh frog-muscle in salt solution. In such a prepara- tion, fibres are always to be found, which, over a greater or less extent, are no longer striated, but consist of a finely granular mass. Continuing the observation, it is seen that the parts of the fibre on either side of such a spot become con- tracted, as indicated by the approximation of the transverse stria?, and by the widening of the fibre. By virtue of this con- traction, the granular muscular substance is torn asunder, the sarcolemma being brought into view as a transparent tube. Within this tube a greater or less number of granules are ob- served in active molecular movement. As the disintegration of the muscular substance progresses, an increasing quantity of sarcolemma is brought into view. The broken up ends of muscular substance are always irregular in form, presenting numerous projections, none of which exhibit striation. By and by fresh spots become the seat of the same change, so that the BY DR. KLEIN. 73 disintegrated parts are separated from each other only by short intervals of normal muscle. By drawing asunder a small number of muscular bundles, their opposite ends being seized with fine forceps, a preparation may be obtained which shows similar appearances in a larger proportion of fibres. The extraordinary power of resistance of the sarcolemma ma}' be shown as follows: One of the hind legs of a tadpole IB amputated at the thigh. The animal is then replaced in water. After forty-eight hours, the loosened muscular fibres hang from the stump in long pencils. If these are cut off close to the sur- face of the stump with sharp scissors, and covered in water, the}' are found to consist of a number of hyaline tubes, which, when seen in profile, present doubly contoured edges. Next the cut edge some of them contain a plug of striped muscular substance, or of coarsely granular material, which is divided into a number of closely packed polyhedral cells. In the rest of the tubes, coarsely granular young cells are seen sprouting from the internal surface. Muscle- Corpuscles. — In preparations of fresh muscle (newt, frog, or Hydrophilus} numerous nuclei occur, which in the Hydropliilus are roundish, in the frog oblong or staff- shaped. If dilute acetic acid be added, the muscular substance becomes swollen and transparent, and the nuclei are seen very distinctly, each embedded in granular protoplasm,, which has the form of a spindle-shaped cell, the long axis of which is parallel to that of the fibre. If, on the other hand, we examine an oblique or cross section of frozen muscle, covered in dilute acetic acid, it is easy to satisfy one's self that the nuclei in question are not embedded in fusiform protoplasmic masses, but in finely granular lamellae, which are seen to be dotted about the whole thickness of the fibre, and may be either di- vided or simple. The distribution of these lamellae in the muscular fibre differs in different animals. In mammalia, they are confined to the immediate neighborhood of the surface; in the Hydrophilus, crab, newt, and frog, they constitute a net- work within the muscular fibre, exhibiting marked differences in thickness, not only between different lamella?, but between dif- ferent parts of the same lamella. In fresh muscle of Dytiscus marginalia, the arrangement of these protoplasmic masses is as follows: In some muscular fibres, the granular protoplasm has, throughout the fibre, the form, more or less, of cylindrical bands. in which roundish nuclei are arranged close together in linear series. Here and there, these nuclei are separated by distinct marks, so that the whole cylinder seems as if divided into por- tions, each corresponding to a nucleus. In other fibres, there are, in place of an 'axial cylinder of protoplasm, two or three lamella? which are continuous with each other by subordinate lamellae of various extent. In these, roundish nuclei are em- 74 MUSCULAR TISSUE. bedded at various distances, and in cross sections they appear thicker at the level of the nuclei. In an optical longitudinal section, in which a lamina is seen in its whole length, it is ob- served to be usually curved. In a transverse section it is also often curved. We therefore conclude that these lamellae are composed of placoid cells, each of which corresponds to a nu- cleus, and constitutes a muscle-corpuscle, the limits of which are indicated by the markings often seen between neighboring nuclei. In Hydropliilus, muscular fibres are also met with, in which the lamellae are replaced by cylinders. In the individual muscular fibres of the tongue of the frog, obtained by taking a snip from that organ near the surface, and covering it at once with serum, chains of oblong nuclei, or large groups of nuclei without definite arrangement, are to be found here and there. In the latter case, the nuclei are not all oblong ; some of them are constricted and possess knobs. In sections of tongue stained in gold, it is seen that these chains and groups of nuclei are embedded in granular protoplasm, which is continuous with the granular lamellae above described. These bodies are therefore to be regarded as enlarged, many- nucleated muscle-corpuscles. Tendinous Insertions. — The transition from muscle to tendon takes place in two ways : In one the transverse striae cease, the whole muscular fibre passing into a tendinous bundle of the same size, consisting of parallel wavy fibres. In the other, the muscular fibre tapers to a blunt point, the sarco- lemma extending beyond it as a thread-like structure of vary- ing thickness, resembling, and becoming continuous with, a slender bundle of connective tissue. Oblong cellular structures may be seen in this fibre. The first form may be very easily and completely demonstrated in a teased preparation in serum or saline solution, in the muscular layer which extends, in Hydrophilus, from the trunk to the first joint of the extremi- ties, or in a similar preparation of the thoracic cutaneous muscle of the frog. In the latter case, care will be necessary to remove the tendinous insertions along with the muscle, and to spread out the whole in serum or saline solution before covering it. The second form can be studied in fresh teased preparations of the muscles of the limbs of small mammalia, or of the muscles of the larynx; but more easily in very thin sections of the tongue of man or of mammalia, especially in those fibres which radiate upwards towards the dorsal mucous membrane. In sections of tongue hardened in chromic acid, which are made across the long axis of the organ, bundles of fibres are seen to pass upwards between the transverse^ cut bundles of the longitudinalis linguse. Of these bundles it is seen that certain of the muscular fibres stop short, the sarco- lemma being prolonged into a thread, as above described. The BY DR. KLEIN. 7-") rest of the muscular fibres enter the mucosa, and end in ten- dinous bundles of equal diameter, which again unite with the mesh work of the mucosa. Arrangement and Division of Muscular Fibres.— They are grouped into bundles by septa of connective tissue, which in general contain numerous amoeboid cells, and a net- work of ordinaiy branched cells. From these septa thinner lamellae spring, which are interposed between the individual bundles. In a mature foetus a cross section of muscular bun- dles, e.g., of the tongue, palate, or eyelids, shows that they are intersected by a beautiful network of nucleated branched cells, in such a way that each mesh is occupied by a single fibre. In general, striated muscles do not divide : there are, however, situations in which muscular fibres are seen to divide dicho- tomously or dendritically. The best example is to be found in the cardiac muscular fibres, of which a repeated dichotomous division is characteristic, as also their union with one another so as to form a network. In the tongue of mammalia, the muscular fibres often divide before ending in tendons ; but in that of the frog the divisions occur much more frequently. Both in recent preparations, and in sections made after hard- ening, muscular fibres are seen which branch dendritically, as they ascend towards the dorsal mucous membrane, the ulti- mate branches being so small that they contain only a few fibrils, which finally end in connective tissue fibres. Examination of Muscular Fibre in Polarized Light. — We assume the reader to be acquainted with the action of a Nicol's prism, contenting ourselves with stating that the polari- zation microscope is an ordinary microscope, in which one Nicol is placed above the eye-piece or ocular (i. e. between the eye-glass and the observer's eye), and a second between the object and mirror. The upper Nicol is usually of one piece with the ocular. The prism is so fixed that it can be rotated, and that the axis of rotation is contained in its principal plane. The degree of rotation is measured by a graduated circle. The lower Nicol is surrounded by a condensing lens, and can (in Hartnack's microscope) be "fitted into the tube which ordinarily contains the diaphragm or condensor. In looking through such a microscope, it is seen that the illumination ot the field varies according to the relative position of the two prisms ; so that, in rotating the upper one (which is called the analyzer), it is darkened and lightened twice in each complete rotation. The positions of greatest obscurity arc those in which the principal planes of the two Nicols are at right angles to each other — of greatest luminousness, those in which these planes are coincident. When the microscope is^used with the Nicol in the first-mentioned position, the object is said to be observed between crossed Nicols. 76 MUSCULAR TISSUE. Before proceeding to describe what is seen in muscle when examined between crossed Nicols, the facts observed when crystals which possess similar optical properties are looked at in the polarizing microscope, should be first carefully studied. Muscular fibres can be shown to possess optical properties which resemble thqse of doubly refractive, positive, uniaxial crystals,' such, e. y repeated division, or by giving off smaller lateral branchlets. To demonstrate the fibrillated structure of the axis-cylinder, a fresh nervous bundle may be prepared from the lateral columns of the spinal cord of a small mammal, from the optic nerve, the olfactory nerve, or from some nerve belonging to the sympathetic sys- tem. The preparation must be macerated for twenty-four hours in iodized serum, and then further prepared by teasing with needles. In the nerve fibres of the lateral columns of the spinal cord, the structure of the axis-cylinder may also be shown in preparations which have been steeped for several days in diluted solution of bichromate of potash. In prepa- rations thus obtained, many of the fibres are seen to exhibit points at which the medullary sheath is brdken, in conse- quence of which the palut 88 TISSUES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. whether the spiral fibre is connected with these nuclei, as has been supposed, by a network of extremely fine filaments from which it appears to spring, cannot be determined any more certainly than the question whether, in multipolar cells in gene- ral, the processes spring entirely from the substance of the cell, or one or other of them from the nucleus. Reproduction of Ganglion Cells. — The ganglion cells of the sympathetic system seem to undergo very active develop- ment. This appears, first, from the frequency with which cells containing two nuclei are met with; secondly, from the cir- cumstance that frequently two, three, or four polyhedral cells occur in a common capsule; thirdly, from the occasional oc- currence of two club-shaped cells in one capsule, so placed that they are in apposition by their flat bases, while their sharp ends are continuous with processes ; and finally, that in many organs, as, e. »; last are pale, streaked longitudinally, and have nucleated sheaths. By their abundant ramifications, they form a network of rhomboidal or oblong meshes, having nuclei at their points of junction. This network involves the individual muscular bundles, and is called the intermediary network. Pine ii la- ments, containing granules, spring from it, which penetrate be- tween the muscular cells, and divide dichotomously in this situation, forming by their connection the intra-muscular work. In addition to the fibrils which lie between the fibres, the network contains others, which penetrate the muscle-cells and become connected with the nucleoli of their nuclei, in such a way, however, that the nucleolus is not the end of the fibril, but is intercalated in it. It is only in a few, out of a great many successful preparations, that the intra-muscular network can be demonstrated. Most serve to show only the interme- diary plexus. Nerves of the Striped Muscles. — The demonstration of the nerves of voluntary muscle has, hitherto, been accom- plished only in fresh preparations; there are, however, one or two cases in which the silver method can be used. It is, in the first place, to be borne in mind that only muscles that are still irritable are of any use for the purpose. Secondly, that the greatest care must be taken in making the preparation, especially to prevent the cover-glass from pressing, by strips of paper. Muscular Nerve Endings of the Water-beetle. — The muscles of certain invertebrate animals, e. g., Dytiscus, or, still better, Hydrophilus piceus, and particularly those which pass from the thorax to the legs, are best suited for the purpose. The muscle is severed near its insertion with fine, sharp scis- sors, and at once placed on the object-glass and covered, or transferred to a drop of serum and spread out so as to sepa- rate a few muscular fibres. It is easy to recognize the broad, riband-shaped, raedullated nerve fibres, each possessing a stri- ated axis-cylinder, which rapidly divide into finer non-medul- lated fibres, each distinctly streaked and beset with nuclei. A single muscular fibre ma}' receive several non-medu Hated nerve fibres. At the point at which each enters the muscular sub- stance, a more or less marked elevation is distinguishable, the so-called Doyere's prominence. This consists of granular sub- stance in which clear, roundish nuclei are embedded. The prominence, with its nuclei, is lengthened out into processes in directions corresponding with tnat of the axis of the muscular fibre. These processes may either stretch along the surface of the muscular fibre, or sink into its depth. Sometimes the prominence is represented by a mere lamina of granular sub- 7 98 TISSUES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. stance, which does not project above the surface. The axis- cylinder penetrates into the substance of the prominence, pass- ing through the sarcolemrna, with which its Schwann's sheath becomes continuous. It usually divides dichotomously in the prominence, each branch ending in a rounded extremity. The prominence, therefore, consists of two parts, viz., the axis- cylinder, with its two branches, and the nucleated granular substance in which it is embedded. The granular substance consists, in all probability, of the same material as that which constitutes the so-called muscle-corpuscles. Muscular Nerve Endings of the Frog. — In many respects the nerves of the muscles of the frog differ from those above described. In the first place, there are many muscular fibres which are entered by only one nerve. In order to make out this fact, it is a good plan to place portions of muscle in a mixture of chlorate of potash and nitric acid at 40° C. ; or, better, to place the tissue for twenty-four hours or more in diluted sulphurous acid, after which it is exposed, still remaining in the liquid, to a temperature of 40° for a few hours. If the muscle is then shaken with water in a test tube, the individual fibres separate very readily from each other, and may be covered without further preparation. For the study of the finer relation of the muscular nerves, separate fasciculi of the gastrocnemius may be employed, which must be cut out with their tendons — those parts being chosen to which vessels and nerves can be traced with the naked eye. The preparation is covered in humor aqueus, after it has been spread out with great care with needles. It is then possible to observe that a inedullated fibre comes into contact here and there with a muscular fibre, and divides into several medullated branches. Just as the branches approach the point at which they enter the sarcolemma, in order to attain the surface of the muscular substance, they lose their medullary sheath. At this point, they resolve themselves into a number of small pale filaments, which run parallel to the long axis of the muscle, keeping close to its surface, and are beset with oblong structures resembling nuclei. Eventually, each terminates abruptly in a rounded end. Another excellent object for demonstration of the muscular nerves is the thoracic cutaneous muscle of the frog, which must be divided along its insertions, and then severed from its thoracic attachments, and carefully spread out in a drop of humor aqueus and covered, care being taken to interpose strips of paper underneath the edge of the cover-glass. It is also possible to demonstrate the nerve endings iu frog-muscles with the aid of nitrate of silver — the same parts being used for the purpose. The isolated fasciculi are placed in serum, to which an equal quantity of distilled water has been added, for ten or BY DR. KLEIN. 99 fifteen minutes. Thence they are transferred to a quarter per cent, solution of nitrate of silver for thirty or sixty seconds, and then exposed to the light until they acquire a brownish color. They are further prepared in a drop of a mixture of equal parts of ordinary acetic acid, glycerine, and water. In such preparations a system of clear lines shows itself in the striped brown ground of muscular substance. These lines correspond exactly, in their whole arrangement, with the intra- muscular nerves above described. Muscular Nerve Endings of Snakes and Lizards. — The most beautiful muscular nerve endings with which we are acquainted are those of the reptilia, e.g., Lacerta agilis, Lacerta mridiS) and Coluber natrix. In preparations of the muscle of the thigh or of the back of the lizard in humor aqueus or serum, it is seen that the medullated nerve fibres divide into branches in the same way as in the frog. Here, as before, the branches lose their medullary sheath just as they enter the sarcolemma, and then resolve themselves into a beautiful digi- tate or fringe-like expansion of pale fibres embedded in a granular ground containing nuclei, resembling that described in Hydrophilus, but of a laminar form. In the subcutaneous muscles of Coluber natrix, the terminal expansion forms a rich network of riband-shaped fibres embedded in a granular ground. The network is so close that it looks like a lamina in which round and oval orifices have been punched out. In silver preparations made as above directed, as well in the lizard as in the snake, the same facts may be demonstrated — the intra- muscular system of nerves exhibiting themselves as clear lines on a brown ground. The endings of the muscular nerves of mammals resemble those of reptiles. From the preceding details it appears that two forms of muscular nerve endings may be distinguished. In the first form, the ends of the axis-c3Tlinder, or those of its branches, lie in immediate contact with the muscular substance under- neath the sarcolemma (frog). In the second, they are embed- ded in a granulous gro-md (Hydropliilus, reptilia, mammalia). The demonstration of nerve endings is one of the most difficult tasks which can be undertaken by the histologist. 100 METHODS. PART II. PREPARATION OF THE COMPOUND TISSUES. CHAPTER VI. METHODS. THE methods of examining tissues in the fresh state, with or without the addition of reagents, and of isolating the ele- ments by the process of teasing with needles, have been fully described in the First Part. We have also seen that, in trans- parent structures, particularly membranes, the anatomical relations of the elements may be studied, either by observing them in the natural condition, or after preparation with the solution of chloride of gold, or with that of nitrate of silver. For the investigation of the compact tissues, other modes of preparation are necessary, in order to bring them into such a condition that fine sections can be made of them. It is the purpose of this chapter to describe the method by which this is accomplished. Preparation of Sections of Fresh Tissues. — There are a few organs or parts of organs which possess such a con- sistence that it is possible, without preparation, to make micro- scopical sections of them ; such as cartilage, some tumors, skin, hypertrophied lymphatic glands, prostate gland, kidney, liver, and under certain circumstances involuntary muscle. Sections of these tissues serve either for the study of the con- dition of the elements, or the action of reagents ; or are made with a view of treating them with gold or silver. They are, however, mainly useful as facilitating the preparation of the individual elements by the process of teasing. For this pur- pose the section may be either used in the fresh state with indifferent liquids, or after maceration in iodized serum, Miil- ler's fluid, or one per cent, solution of bichromate of potash. For the study of the anatomical relation of fresh tissues, other methods must be used. The simplest plan is to take thp object in the hand, and use a sharp section knife. It is some- times recommended to fix the tissue between elder pith or BY DR. KLEIN. 101 cork, by mechanical means. This is not advantageous on the following grounds : Those tissues which are soft are so injured by the pressure that their elements are in a completely un- natural condition ; whereas, in the case of firm tissues, it is quite easy to do without such assistance. Preparation of Sections by Freezing. — For the pur- pose of obtaining sections of tissue without any dislocation or alteration of structure, the method of freezing is well adapted. A freezing mixture is prepared by introducing alternately small quantities of broken ice, or snow (not so advantageous), and of finely powdered salt, into a large vessel, mixing the two ingredients thoroughly after each addition. The tem- perature should be determined by the introduction of a ther- mometer. The object, which must be small, should be cut to an oblong form, and placed on a flat cork, much wider than itself. It must be pinned to this cork at the end opposite that from which the sections are to be cut. In the case of a mem- brane, the object must be folded, and fixed in the same way. The whole is then placed in a platinum crucible, which has been previously plunged into the freezing mixture. The cru- cible must be at once covered, and a little of the freezing mixture placed on the top of it. Tke section knife, which must be sharp, is cooled by laying it on ice. As soon as it is ascertained, by exploration with a needle, that the preparation is firm enough, the knife is handed to an assistant, who wipes it, and holds it in readiness. The cork is then taken out with the forceps, and seized by the fingers of the left hand in such a way that they do not come into contact with the preparation. A succession of sections having been rapidly made, the num- ber varying with the skill of the operator, the cork is replaced in the crucible. The sections may be employed either for immediate examination, or for teaming, or subjected to further processes of preparation. As soon as the portion of tissue in the crucible is again of the proper consistence, more sections can be made. As regards the temperature which should be employed, and the time during which the object should be frozen, no definite rule can be given. It may be stated, in general, that temperatures varying from — 6° to — 20° C. are sufficient for all purposes. The time necessary for the attain- ment of the proper degree of firmness is obviously dependent on the temperature of the freezing mixture, on the thickness of the object, and on the relative quantity of water it contains. Accordingly the time is very variable, so that the proper moment for removing the preparation can only be determined by frequently repeated exploration ; by which means alone it is" possible to avoid the risk of carrying the hardening too far a result which is alike prejudicial to the structure of the organ, and to the success of the section. 102 METHODS. Methods by which Tissues are Hardened for the Preparation of Sections. — For the purpose of rapidly hardening tissues, small portions may be advantageously placed in the chloride of gold, osmic acid, or chloride of pal- ladium, and kept till they are sufficiently consistent. Such preparations must usually be embedded in the manner to be hereafter described, before sections are made from them. The sections themselves are then exposed to the light in distilled water, and covered in glycerin. Half per cent, solution of chloride of gold, solutions of perosmic acid varying from one- tenth to two per cent., or solutions of chloride of palladium from one-tenth to half per cent., are used. Other agents and methods in use are the following : Alco- hol, oxalic acid, boiling and drying, chromic acid and its com- pounds, (a) For thin membranous tissues, hardening in alco- hol answers well. It is more rapid than chromic acid, which, however, has superseded it for many purposes for which it was formerly employed. Absolute alcohol is used principally for hardening brain, and for injected tissues. Common alco- hol is also used for the hardening of pancreas, salivary glands, and the glands of the stomach and intestine, and of objects which have been already treated with gold or silver. Further, when tissues have been partly hardened in chromic acid com- pounds, the hardening can be accelerated and completed by subsequent immersion in common alcohol. (6) The use of oxalic acid and oxalates, and other similar salts, may be en- tirely dispensed with. If used, weak solutions of from a half to two per cent, are preferable, (c) The process of boiling, etc., is entirely relinquished. In former times it was employed for intestine, kidney, trachea, and larynx. The intestine was' boiled in a mixture of water, creasote, and vinegar, stretched on cork, and dried. Sections were made with scalpels, and then steeped in acetic acid, (d) The chromium compounds are the most valuable agents we possess for hardening — viz., chromic acid, in solutions varying in strength from one-tenth to half per cent.; bichromate of potash, in solutions from half to two per cent., and Miill r's liquid, which consists of two parts of bichromate, and one part of sulphate of soda, in 100 parts of water. These have the immense advantage that they produce no marked shrinking or distortion of the tissues, so that they retain for the most part their natural characters. This is particularly the case as regards bichromate of potash and Muller's liquid. Yery small portions of tissue must be used, particularly when chromic acid is employed, for it pene- trates much less readily into the tissues than the others ; so that if the preparation is too large, it is apt tq become putrid in the centre, while the outside is too hard. If the objects- are smeared with foreign matters, as, e. g., intestine by intes- BY DR. KLEIN. 103 tinal contents, blood, or mucus, it is desirable to rinse them in water colored j-ellow by bichromate of potash, before intro- ducing them into the hardening liquid. The quantity of liquid must be large in proportion to the size of the object. If the process does not go on quickly enough, the liquid must be re- newed. Chromic acid hardens much more rapidly than bi- chromate or Miiller's liquid, from two to five days being often enough for the former, while as many weeks are required for the latter. Its greatest disadvantage is that the tissue be- comes brittle if it is left in it beyond the time that is neces- sary. It is, on this account, a good plan to transfer the objects to common alcohol before they have acquired the requisite consistence. The alcohol not only serves to com- plete the hardening, but to preserve the objects in a state fit for use. For some tissues, chromic acid is not suitable to begin with, e. g., retina, ovary, or kidneys. For all these organs, the bichromate of potash must be used. After two or three weeks they are transferred to chromic acid or alcohol, to complete the hardening. Embedding. — It has been several times mentioned that small portions of hardened tissues must be embedded. This is effected by immersing the bits in a fluid mass, which can be rendered solid either by cooling it or depriving it of water ; the purpose being, first, to render it possible to hold the bit, and secondhr, to facilitate the cutting of sections equally thin throughout. Mixtures are used of stearin and oil, stearin and wax, paraffin and oil, paraffin and wax, paraffin spermaceti and oil, wax and oil, gum arabic, gelatin, gelatin and glycerin. Among the fatty mixtures, the best, cheapest, and easiest to prepare, is wax and oil. Next comes the mixture of paraflin spermaceti and oil. For portions of tissue which have an un- even surface, especially if the inequalities are close together, embedding in gelatin or gum is more to be recommended, especially to those who have not had much practice. Embedding in Wax and Oil. — For this purpose pure white wax and pure olive-oil should be used. Equal quantities of these ingredients are warmed in a capsule till all the wax is fused; they are then thoroughly mixed with a glass rod. It is better to prepare a considerable quantity at a time, although only very little is required for one embedding. The propor- tion of wax to oil depends on the consistence of the object to be embedded ; the more wax being employed the firmer the object, and vice versa. When sections of compact tissues (V. //., glands of the organs of digestion trachea, larynx and muscle, bone, the eye and its appendages) are to be made, the mode of procedure is as follows: If the organ has been hardened in alcohol, an oblong bit must be cut from it with a razor, in- cluding the part of which it is desired to make sections. If 104 METHODS. it has been hardened in any aqueous solution, e. g., chromic acid or bichromate of potash, it must be first steeped in com- mon alcohol. According to the size of the bit, a little box or case, of paper or any suitable material, such, for example, as zinc foil, must be made, so that it will hold the fused mixture. When paper is used, the sides are joined with gum or paste, or are merely pinned together. The box should be about half as long again as the object used. When ready, it is filled with the fused wax-mass to a depth sufficient to cover the object. As soon as the mass begins to solidify at the sides, the bit is introduced as follows: A needle is stuck slightly into the end opposite to that from which sections are to be cut, and the bit is plunged into the mass with its long diameter hori- zontal, and in such a position that the end furthest from the needle is near, but not in contact with, the side of the box, and, consequently, the other end is at a considerable distance from the side. In this way, although the whole is surrounded with the wax mass, there is a greater thickness around the end into which the needle is stuck, so that the whole can be se- curely and conveniently held. The solidification can be accel- erated by immersion in water or alcohol. If the portions of tissue are compact enough, it is possible to perforate the bit with a very slender needle, the point of which is stuck into the table or cork on which the box rests; by this means the ope- rator is saved the trouble of holding the needle till the wax- mixture solidifies. In finally withdrawing the needle, the greatest care must be taken to give it a twisting motion, as otherwise, especially if the object is thin, it is apt to be dis- placed. If the object contains a cavity communicating with the surface by a single opening (y agitation with air. The nature of the change of color is ex- j)ressed in two facts, which can be observed with the aid of the BY DR. BURDON-S ANDERSON. 1P5 spectroscope. The first is. that when solutions of haemoglobin, or of blood, are deprived of oxygen, either by placing them m vacua or by the addition of reducing agents, the more refran- gible rays (blue and violet) are much less absorbed, and the green more absorbed than they were before. The second fact is, that in solutions so concentrated that most of the spectrum is extinguished, the last color which is transmitted is orange- red if the blood is arterial, red if it is venous. These two facts may be shortly expressed by saying that the color of arterial- ized blood consists of orange-red plus green, of venous blood- red plus blue. These differences, however, are not the most remarkable which are observed when oxydized and reduced solutions of blood or its coloring matter are compared spectroscopically. The most striking change produced by reduction relates to the two bands of absorption in the yellow part of the spectrum which have been already mentioned. This change is most readily demonstrated by following the directions given by Stokes in his original, paper. A solution of protosulphate of iron, to which a sufficient quantity of tartaric acid has been added to prevent its being precipitated by alkalies, is rendered decidedly alkaline by the addition of ammonia, and is intro- duced into the solution of blood. " The color is almost in- stantly changed to a much more purple red, as seen in small thicknesses, and a much darker red than before, as seen in greater thickness. The change of color, which recalls the dif- ference between arterial and venous blood, is striking enough, but the change in the absorption spectrum is far more decisive. The two highly characteristic dark bands seen before, are now replaced by a single band, somewhat broader and less sharply defined at its edges than either of the former, and occupying nearly the position of the bright band separating the dark bands of the original solution (see Fig. 195, 2). The fluid is more transparent for the blue, and less so for the green than it was before. If the thickness be increased till the whole of the spec- trum more refrangible than the red be on the point of disap- pearing, the last part to remain is green, a little beyond the fixed line 6, in the case of the original solution ; and blue, some way beyond F, in the case of the modified fluid. If the purple solution be exposed to the air in a shallow vessel, it quickly returns to its original condition, showing the same two char- acteristic bands as before ; and this change takes place imme- diately, provided, a small quantity only of the reducing agent were employed, when the solution is shaken up with air. If an additional quantity of the reagent be now added, the same effect is produced as at first, and the solution may thus be made to go through its changes any number of times." [Stokes, On the Reduction and Oxj'dation of the Coloring Matter of 196 THE BLOOD. the Blood. Proceedings of the Roy. Soc., vol. xiii. p. 355.] The same facts can be demonstrated quite as advantageously, and perhaps with greater ease, if the solution of the sulphhy- drate of ammonium is substituted for the solution of sulphate of iron used by Stokes. The change is, however, not so rapid: it is accelerated by subjecting the liquid to a temperature of 40° C. 19. Methaemoglobin. — If a pure solution of ha3inaglobin is left to itself at the ordinary temperature, it gradually loses its brightness, and if it is then examined spectroscopically, it is seen that a new band has appeared iu the orange at a point where in ordinary blood there is least absorption. This band is due to the presence of a new coloring matter, called by Hoppe-Seyler methaemoglobin. The same change occurs under other circumstances, e. (/., when carbonic acid gas is passed through dilute solutions of hcemaglobin, or when glacial acetic acid is added to dilute solution of defibrinated ox-blood, in ex- tremely small quantity. [In larger proportions, acetic acid determines the formation of hrematon. — See § 22.] Hemoglo- bin undergoes the same transformation when acted on by per- manganate of potash. If a crystal of pure permanganate is dissolved in distilled water, and the solution added to very dilute solution of blood, before the slit of the spectroscope, at a temperature of about 25° C., the haemoglobin bands gradu- ally disappear. In their place we have a spectrum, in which there are not only the band mentioned above, but two others, of which one nearly corresponds in position to the second hae- moglobin band, while the other lies half way between the lines E and F. Methaemoglobin is a substance of which the chemi- cal constitution and relations are imperfectly ascertained. Its presence is indicated spectroscopically in all collections of blood which have been for some time extra vasated within the body, e. (/., in thrombi, sanguinolent transudation liquids, etc. 20. Preparation of the Crystalline Coloring Matters which result from the Decomposition of Haemoglo- bin, and Demonstration of their Absorption Spectra. — Hsemin. — When dried blood is treated with glacial acetic acid and warmed to the temperature of the body, a solution is ob- tained which yields crystals of a new coloring matter, of re- markable properties, which has been designated hamiin. The crystals vary extremely in shape, sometimes occurring as rhombic plates, sometimes as rods crossing each other at vari- ous angles. They are not soluble without decomposition in an}' liquid excepting hydrochloric acid, and are so little liable to chemical change that they may be kept for years, exposed to a moist atmosphere, without undergoing any change. Ilae- min differs from haemal in (§ 21) in containing an additional equivalent of hydrochloric acid, on which account it is also BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 197 called hydro-chlorate of haematin. Its carbon, nitrogen, and iron are in the same relative proportions as in haMnatin, but necessarily it contains a little less iron per cent, than that body. The mode of preparing the so-called Teichmann's crystals — in other words, the mode of obtaining ha3min for the purpose of demonstrating its crystalline form microscopically — has been fully described in the histological part (Chap. I., p. 34). Ilnemin may be obtained from blood in quantity, as follows, but the process is one which appears to present great difficulty, as it frequently fails. Defibrinated blood is diluted with a vol- ume and a half of distilled water. The transparent liquid is then precipitated with neutral acetate of lead, for the purpose of separating the albumin. The excess of lead (with respect to which it is desirable to be careful not to add more than is necessary) having been got rid of by the addition of a con- centrated solution of carbonate of soda, the liquid is filtered, and the filtrate evaporated to dryness either in the air or in vacuo. The dry residue is then finely powdered and rubbed up with fifteen times its own weight of glacial acetic acid, to which a trace of chloride of sodium has been added. The brown liquid thus obtained is introduced into a flask and warmed in the water bath until it is entirely dissolved, and the solution is mixed with five times as much distilled water, and allowed to stand for many days, protected from evaporation. The crystals collect on the bottom of the beaker and may be readily purified by repeatedly treating them with distilled water, allowing them to subside and then decanting. As hoa- min contains chlorin, it cannot be prepared from hrcmatin unless chlorides be present. When it is prepared from blood, the quantity of chloride of sodium present is sufficient, so that the addition of that salt is not essential. The solution of ha-- iiiin in hydrochloric acid gives no characteristic spectrum. 21. Haematin. — Haematin can only be obtained in a state of perfect purity from the crystals of haemin, the mode of pre- paration of which has just been given. The process is simple : the hrcmin crystals are dissolved, i. e., decomposed in ammonia. The solution of luumatin thus obtained is evaporated to dry- ness, the residue is then extracted with water, which removes the chloride of ammonium, and dried. The product is pure luiMnatin. It is insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether, soluble in alkalies and alkaline carbonates, but not soluble in acids without decomposition. In the impure state, haematin may be obtained in various ways. The change occurs more gradually at ordinary tem- peratures in solutions of blood, or hemoglobin, which are de- cidi-dly alkaline, whether the alkalinity is di-rivcd from potash, soda, ammonia, or their carbonates. Solutions of haemoglobin 198 THE BLOOD. which have undergone this last change exhibit, when placed before the slit of the spectroscope, in place of the haemoglobin bands, a less distinct and paler band on the opposite side of the D line, ?'. e., in the orange. This change is characteristic of the presence of haematin. It is attended with an obvious darkening of the color of the liquid. When an alkaline solution of haematin is subjected to the action of reducing agents, such as sulphuret of ammonium or protosulphate of iron, it exhibits, when examined spectroscopi- cally, two much more distinct bands (Fig. 195, 4), one of which is exactly opposite the bright space which separates the two haemoglobin bands ; the other, which is less intense, is close to Frauenhofer's line, E, i. e., nearer to the blue end of the spec- trum than the broader of the two haemoglobin bands. If the solution is fresh and dilute, and the quantity of the reducing agent small, these bands can be made to vanish by agitation with air, giving way to the so-called oxyhaematin band above described. All these facts may be as readily demonstrated in solutions of blood corpuscles ; i. • is then raised and the stopcock again turned as at first — viz., the horizontal way closed, the vertical way open. The air contained in a c having been discharged, the stopcock is again opened horizontally and closed vertically, and v depressed. The air remaining in the bulb is again expanded in the same proportion as before. If the capacity of the tube, together with its dilatation, be equal to that of the bulb and its tube, it is obvious that the effect of each stroke of the pump will be to halve the density of the air in the bulb ; consequently, if the operation is repeated ten times, the density of the air con- tained in the bulb (supposing it to be dry, and to have an ori- ginal density of 760 millimetres) becomes 760x(?)'°=0.74 mil- limetre. By filling the bulb and the tube leading to it, before attaching it, with water deprived of its gases by boiling, the process of exhaustion can be very much shortened. Xo sooner does the mercury sink in the vertical tube (a c) than the water follows it, and can be discharged by raising the mercury- holder with the stopcock open vertically and closed horizon- tally, as before. A vacuum which is almost perfect is thus obtained at a single working of the pump. In the pumps recently made by M. Alvergniat, he has substituted a movable support which works up and down the vertical board by a winch. 27. Geissler's Pump. — The instrument (see fig. 198) con- sists, like that just described, of a fixed vertical tube (a), which is dilated into a large bulb near the top and communicates near its lower end by means of a flexible tube of thick walled caout- chouc with another vessel (b) which can be moved up and down by turning a winch. Above the bulb, the vertical tube, which is nearly a metre in length, ends in a stopcock (gr), so con- structed that the bulb can be completely shut off, or may be brought into communication eithei with the external air or with BY DR. BURDOX-SANDERSON. 207 the cavity to be exhausted. The pump is worked in the same manner as that just described. In order, if necessary, to dry the vacuum, a Pfliiger's drying apparatus is interposed between the pump and the recipient. This may be described as a U tube, the bend of which is dilated into a bulb (c). It is so constructed that the fragments of pumice or the glass balls moistened with sulphuric acid which are used for drying can be readily introduced into either limb. The tube leading from the dessicator to the pump communicates with a vacuum gauge (m). The advantage which this instrument possesses consists in the relatively large size of the bulb, the perfection of the workmanship (particularly of the stopcocks) and the arrange- ment whereby the vacuum obtained is dry. 28. Frankland-Sprengel Pump. — Sprengel's pump as modified by Frankland, consists essentially of a vertical glass tube (o Fig. 199) about four feet long, with thick walls and nar- row bore, the lower end of which is bent up in such a way that, if filled with mercuiy, and closed at the top, it would constitute a barometer. At its upper end, however, it is not closed, but is continuous by a bend with the second vertical tube (G) or ascending limb of the Sprengel (the supply tube), which is of wider bore, and runs parallel to the first. At the top, or con- vexity of the bend, a third tube, about four inches in length (the exhaustion tube), is sealed on, by which the barometer tube or descending limb communicates with the cavity to be exhausted. The ascending limb communicates by a flexible tube, strengthened by a covering of strong canvass and guarded by a screw clip, with the descending limb of another bent tube (c) of similar construction to the first ; the only dif- ference between it and the one just described being that it com- municates at the bend, not with any cavity, but merely with a bulb (D) closed at E by mercury. Its other limb finally com- municates by a second flexible tube with a reservoir of mer- cury (B), the arrangement of which will be best understood from the figure. It consists of two glass funnels, each having long stems, the relative sizes of which are such that the one can be contained within the other. To work the pump, the exhaust- ing tube of the first bent tube must be connected with the cavity to be exhausted by means of a junction of vulcanized caout- chouc, guarded by a chamber filled with glycerin. Mercury is then poured into the inner funnel (the tube leading to the first bend having been previously closed) until it rises in the space between it and the outer to the same level. This done, the clip is opened, and a stream of mercury is allowed to flow over the two bends in succession, great care being taken that the stream is not so abundant as to cause the mercury to ascend in the exhausting tube above the level of the bend. The flow must then be gradually diminished with the aid of the clip, 208 THE BLOOD. until the column of mercury in the descending limb of the Sprengel tube is broken into fragments by intervening spaces containing air. This happens whenever the quantity of mer- cury which reaches the bend by the ascending limb in any given time, is less than that which leaves it by the descending limb. In a time which varies according to the capacity of the cavity to be exhausted, vacuum is attained. No more bubbles are discharged at the lower end of the Sprengel. Each drop of mercury as it falls produces a peculiar click, and if the current is stopped, it is seen that the height of the column in the de- scending limb is less than that of the barometer at the time, by a number of millimetres which is equal to the tension of aqueous vapor at the temperature. The apparatus is so arranged that the bend of the first tube is supported at a level several inches higher than that of the second. Consequently, as the process of exhaustion approaches, the bulb with which it communicates becomes emptied of mercury, the vacuous space thus formed gradually extending till the level of the mer- cury in the descending limb coincides with that of the bend of the second tube. We next pass to the description of the method of obtaining blood from an artery or vein, and of transferring it to the vacuum. Although it is not possible to produce a vacuum with the Sprengel pump above described, as rapidly as with the ordinary mercurial pump,1 its action in other respects is very satisfactory. It completely fulfils the conditions enume- rated by Ludwig as essential to an efficient blood-pump. The vacuum produced is perfect; it is bounded by mercury which, having previously passed through a vacuum (in the first tube), is completely deprived of air; and it can be renewed any num- ber of times after the blood is introduced. 29. Method of Transferring the Blood to be Ex- hausted from the Artery or Vein to the Vacuum. — It is essential that the transference should be effected without contact with air; the blood must therefore either flow as directly as possible from the artery or vein into the vacuum tube: or, if it is intended to defibrinate it, it must be received in a space previously occupied by mercury. Before describing the mode of transferring, an account must be given of the chamber or re- cipient in which the blood is exhausted, and of the mode in which it communicates with the pump. The exhaustion tube (see Fig. 199, 11) is connected by a vulcanite union, inclosed in an external tube containing glycerin, with a long nearly capil-. lary tube, of such form and length as to reach the table by the side of which the pump stands. Near its lower end it is bent 1 The instrument probably admits of considerable improvement in this respect. BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 2l9 at an obtuse angle, so that the last few inches are horizontal. A little above the bend there is a bulb: the horizontal part is firmly supported on a block. With this tube the recipient is united either by a mercurial joint (i) or by a connector of vul- canized India-rubber, inclosed in a glycerin chamber. The recipient is a large glass tube (j), of about an inch and a quarter diameter, and forty inches long. At its lower end it terminates in a capillary tube, which is guarded by a stopcock (L). Its capacit}' is about 250 centimetres, consequently six- teen times that of the blood it is intended to receive. In selecting a method of transference, preference ought to be given to those plans which are least complicated and most rapid in execution. The method I have found to answer is as fol- lows: The animal having been secured, a canula fitted with an India-rubber connector is inserted in the vessel, which is closed by a clip lege artis. For receiving the blood as it flows from the artery or vein, a straight-glass tube (Fig. 199, M) of known capacity is used ; one end of this tube is guarded by a stop- cock, while the other is drawn out, and so formed that it can be accurately stopped by the finger. A trough having been filled with mercury, completely freed from air by passing through the pump, the narrow end of the tube is dipped into it. The tube is then easily filled up to the stopcock by aspira- tion and the stopcock closed. It having been ascertained that the tube is perfectly full, it is placed in an inclined position, with the stopcock end downwards, and the open end at such a distance from the canula that the India-rubber tube can be easily slipped over it at the required moment. This having been accomplished, and the other end of the tube having been fitted with a bit of India-rubber tubing of sufficient length to convey away the mercury to a convenient receptacle, all is read3'. The clip on the canula is opened, and blood allowed to flow freely from the tube for a few moments while the mercury tube is grasped by the operator. The warmth of the hand causes the mercury to expand and project from the open end of the tube: at that moment the India-rubber connector from which blood is flowing is slipped over it, and the connection is completed without the slightest risk of the introduction of air. Without a moment's loss of time the stopcock is opened, and the blood allowed to replace the mercury. The stopcock having been closed, the India-rubber connector is slipped off, and the open end of the tube closed with the finger. The tube is now placed with its open end downwards in the mercurial trough (u), the finger being still kept on the orifice, while an assistant fills the bit of capillary tube beyond the stopcock with boiled distilled water, and connects it with the corresponding end of the recipient by means of an India-rubber connector. The mo- ment that this is accomplished, the finger is removed from the 14 210 THE BLOOD. orifice of the tube, and both stopcocks are opened. The blood passes rapidly into the recipient, followed by a column of mer- cury, and is at once converted into froth. A few drops of mer- cury having been allowed to enter, the stopcocks are finally closed. It will be understood from the figure that the joint between the measuring tube and the recipient, as well as the stopcocks, are under water, the purpose of which arrangement is, it need scarcely be said, to obviate the risk of the entrance of air. At first the water in the wooden trough (N, which is not in- troduced until M has been joined to L) is kept cool with frag- ments of ice, in order to prevent the blood from coagulating during the preliminary operations. As soon as all is complete, hot water is gradually added until the temperature rises to about 40° C., care being taken not to expose the stopcocks to the air during the process. The only moment in the process at which air can be admitted, is that of joining the measuring tube to the recipient. For this reason it is desirable, before opening the second stopcock of the measuring tube, to keep the pump in action for a few minutes so as to be certain that the vacuum is unimpaired before admitting the blood. This is not attended with inconvenience, if the blood is kept at a tempera- ture approaching that of freezing. When it is desired to defibrinate the blood before exhausting it, it must be collected over mercury. This is best effected in Ludwig's recipient. This recipient is a tube closed at one end and furnished with a Geissler's stopcock having a remarkably large way. The tube is inverted over mercury, with the stop- cock open, and the blood allowed to flow directly from the ves- sel into it until it is nearty filled. It is then closed by the hand, defibrinated by vigorous shaking with mercury, and replaced in the trough. The stopcock is now closed, and the tube, from which the blood contained outside of the stopcock has been washed, is united with the recipient of the pump by an India- rubber joint. To carry out this method, Sprengel's pump is scarcely applicable ; for, inasmuch as the process of exhaustion cannot be begun until the connection is made, a longtime must elapse before the tap can be opened. Blood alters so rapidly after removal from the body — the oxygen diminishing, the car- bonic acid increasing — that if much time is lost the results are of little value. 30. Method of Analysis. — In France most of the analy- ses which have been published by Bernard and his pupils have been made by a method which, although rapid, is inexact. In Germany the analyses of Ludwig and his pupils, as well as those of Pfliiger, have been made according to the accurate methods first introduced by Bunsen, and commonly known by his name. Bernard's method is practised in the physiological BY DR. BURDON-S ANDERSON. 211 laboratory of the Jardin des Plantes, in Paris. The analysis is made in a circular mercurial trough, in the centre of which is a well sixteen inches deep, and large enough to contain about 12 Ibs. of mercury. The gas having been transferred from the tube in which it is collected from the pump, to a eudiometer, the latter is plunged into the mercury, in order that its contained air may acquire the temperature of the metal. It is then raised with the aid of a wooden tube-holder until the level of the mercury inside is the same as that out- side. The quantit}' of gas having been measured, a fragment of caustic potash is introduced, which rapidly dissolves in the few drops of water which always float on the surface of the mercury. The column of mercury is then gently agitated by alternately raising and lowering the eudiometer, which, after the completion of absorption, is again plunged into the mercury. The gas having been again measured, about a centimetre of strong solution of pyrogallic acid is introduced with the aid of a pipette with a bent beak. The agitation is repeated and continued for some time. As soon as the absorption of the oxygen appears to be complete, the tube is transferred to a basin containing water, into which the mercury with the P3rro- gallate of potash is allowed to fall. The residue, consisting of nitrogen, is read over water. The results obtained by this rough- and-ready method must necessarily be erroneous, not only be- cause the measurements are inaccurate, but because the absorp- tions must always be incomplete. If, however (as in certain pathological inquiries), it is more important that the analy- ses should be numerous than that they should be exact, it may be available. For class illustrations of the general nature of the blood gases, it is completely adapted. For more exact purposes the process of gas analysis has been during the last few years much shortened by Frankland, Russell, and others. With a view to the analysis of the gases of drinking Water, Frankland has introduced an apparatus of great simplicity (see Fig. 200), the working of which will be readily understood by the diagram. It consists of two parts, viz., a laboratory tube (&), in which the gas to be analyzed is first received, and a measuring apparatus to which it can be transferred from the laboratory, in order that its volume ma}- be determined before and after each absorption. The measur- ing apparatus consists of two tubes (a, 6), fixed vertically side by side in a stand, surrounded by a chamber containing water (??). They communicate below both with each other and (by the long flexible tube) with a mereurj'-holder (<), like that of Alvergniat's pump. One of them can be brought into communication by the arm (g) with the laboratory tube ; the other (b) is open at the top. A scale of millimetres is en- graved on it, the zero of which is opposite o. A corresponding 212 THE BLOOD. scale, starting from a zero at the same level, is engraved on the measuring tube. The apparatus is filled with mercury by raising the mercury-holder (t) to a sufficient height, the stop- cock (/) remaining open ; in doing which the surface of the mercury in t must not be more than a few millimetres higher than the tap. As soon as the mercury appears at #, the stop- cock is closed. The next step is to fill the laboratory tube. Having inverted it in the trough, which has been previously raised to the proper height, the operator draws out most of the air by means of a bent tube, the point of which rises to the top of the laboratory tube, and shuts the stopcock as soon as the mercury rises. The removal of the air is completed by joining g and g1 so as to connect the laboratory tube with the measuring apparatus, and then causing the air contained in the former to pass over into the latter, b}r depressing t. The stopcock h must now be closed and g and g' disconnected to allow of the expulsion of the air from a. This having been accomplished, g and gf are again brought together and care- fully secured. The whole apparatus is now full of mercury ; as soon as it has been ascertained that the joint is air-tight at all pressures, it is ready for use. Before proceeding further, however, the measuring tube, which, as already stated, is graduated in millimetres measured from an arbitrary zero line near the bottom, must be calibrated. In other words, it must be ascertained as regards each principal mark of the gradu- ation, what volume of air or water (as the case may be) the tube contains, when the upper convex surface of the mercury stands exactly level with it. For this purpose the orifice a, is connected by means of an India-rubber tube with a reservoir (a funnel) containing distilled water. The mercurial column is then allowed to descend until it stands exactly at zero. A weighed beaker having been then placed under a, water is ex- pelled till the column stands at a height of fifty millimetres, and the beaker again weighed. In a similar manner the out- flow of water corresponding to a rise of the mercurial column from fifty to one hundred millimetres is determined, until the capacity which corresponds to each fifty millimetres of the scale is ascertained. To insure accuracy, the process must be repeated several times. If the results, after correction for difference of temperature, are in close accordance, the means may then be taken as expressing the capacities required. In the upper part of the tube, calibration must be made at short- er intervals. In calibrating, as in all subsequent measure- ments, the height of the column must be read horizontally through a telescope, so adjusted that its axis is at the same height as the surface of the mercury. The temperature is read by a thermometer suspended in the cylinder of water by which the barometer and measuring tube are surrounded. BY DR. BURDON-S ANDERSON. 213 31. Introduction of the Gas to be Analyzed. — The measuring and laboratory tubes having been brought into con- nection in the manner described above, and both filled with mercury, the gas to be analyzed is introduced into the labo- ratory tube from the test tube to which it has been discharged by the Sprengel. It is then at once transferred to the mea- suring tube by depressing t until the mercury rises in the laboratory tube as far as the stop-cock gf. This done, the stop-cock g is closed, and t raised or depressed till the column stands at one of the marks of the graduation, in reference to which the capacity of the tube has been determined. The temperature is then observed, and the pressure determined by adding the difference between the height of the column in the measuring tube and that in the pressure tube, to the reading of a barometer which stands by. A few drops of solution of caustic potash having been introduced into the laboratory tube, the gas is returned from the measuring tube. Absorption takes place rapidly. It is accelerated by slightly agitating the trough, and by allowing the mercury to stream into the labo- ratory tube after the gas has passed. The measurement of the gas after absorption is performed in the same manner us before. About half a centimetre of strong solution of pyro- gallic acid is then introduced in the same way as the potash, and the gas again returned. After absorption of the oxygen, what remains is nitrogen. In analysis of blood gases, the proportion of nitrogen is nearl}r constant, viz., about 2.5 vol- umes in 100 volumes of blood. If a larger quantity is obtained, the fact indicates that air has entered. Whatever method of anatysis is employed, the results must be reduced to 0° tem- perature and 760° millimetres pressure — i. y its open branch. In doing this, great care must be taken not to allow the solution to flow into the wound. Air bubbles, if they exist, are got rid of by passing a thin rod of whalebone into the canula, which must then be closed by means of the terminal clip. All being now ready, the stem of the canula is finally opened, and the clip re- moved from the arterv. The mercurial column at once begins to oscillate ; but no record should be taken until a minute or two have elapsed, for it often happens that a small quantity of BY DR. BURDON-S ANDERSON. 223 soda solution enters the artery and produces a slight and transi- tory disturbance of the circulation. If, indeed, the previously existing pressure in the artery tube is somewhat less than that of the artery, no such effect occurs ; but inasmuch as we have no means of knowing the arterial pressure of any particular animal beforehand, it is usually unavoidable. A kymographic observation may last a few minutes or several hours, according to the question to be investigated. In the latter case, tracings are taken at intervals. Two persons are required, one of whom performs the experiment, while the other undertakes the charge of the. writing apparatus, and notes on the paper-roll, with a soft pencil, the events as they occur and the times of beginning eacli tracing. In this way the roll stands in the place of a protocol, and is less liable to errors of time'and order than any other kind of record. 35. Measurement of absolute Arterial Pressure at any given moment during the period of observation. — For this purpose it is necessary to draw the abscissa of the pressure curve, i. e., the horizontal line which the writer would have drawn had the arterial pressure been equal to that of the atmosphere. This is accomplished immediately after the ter- mination of the experiment, by closing the stem of the canula and then removing it from the artery, and immersing it in a capsule containing soda solution, standing at a level equal to that of the artery. The clip having been opened, the clock- work is set in motion for a moment, and a horizontal line drawn which coincides with the abscissa required. In this line the paper is then pierced with a pointed instrument in such a way us to perforate the several layers of paper at the same level. By removing the roll from the cylinder and connecting the holes, a horizontal straight line is obtained which runs from end to end of the record. By drawing an ordinate from any point in the tracing to this line, measuring its length in milli- metres and doubling the result, the absolute arterial pressure at the corresponding moment is obtained in millimetres of mercury. The mean arterial pressure is obtained by drawing ordi- nates at regular intervals and measuring the length of each. The mean of the lengths corresponding to the period investi- gated, multiplied by two, is the mean pressure required. [I never use paper divided into squares — in other words, with the ordinates readj^ measured — finding by experience that they do not tend to accuracy. Moreover, such paper is expensive, and thereby furnishes an inducement for an undesirable economy in its use.] In all normal kymographic records it is seen that the arterial expansions due to the contractions of the left ven- tricle are indicated by oscillations which differ very materially in form, and that these differences are dependent on their ire- 224 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. quency. (See Fig. 206.) When extremely frequent, they are mere undulations; but when the intervals are longer, they ex- hibit forms which, as we shall afterwards see, have a definite relation to the changes of tension which actually occur in the arteries during each cardiac period. It is further seen that there are larger waves which correspond, not to the beats of the heart, but to the respiration — the valley and ascending limb of each of these greater undulations corresponding to inspira- tion, the summit and descending limb to expiration and to the pause. These and other details will be referred to in future sections. SECTION II. — OBSERVATION OF THE SUCCESSIVE CHANGES OF ARTE- RIAL TENSION WHICH OCCUR DURING EACH CARDIAC PERIOD. In studying tracings obtained by the mercurial kymograph, it is to be borne in mind that what is inscribed on the C37linder is not the record of the actual movement of the artery, but of the oscillations of the mercurial column. It is true that the latter are the immediate results of the former, and that the elevation of the distal column produced by each arterial ex- pansion has some relation to the increase of lateral pressure, of which the expansion is the expression ; but the curve drawn is not that of the arteiy, but of the manometer. The artery expands suddenly, the mercury rises comparatively slowly, so that at the moment it attains its acme the artery has already collapsed. Consequently, if the interval between each pulsa- tion and its successor is very short, the extent of oscillation (or, as it is usually called, the excursion) of the manometer is relatively too small ; and conversely, if the interval is much prolonged, the excursion is relatively too great. The descent of the column is almost entirely independent of the collapse of the artery. It falls back to equilibrium, and describes a curve, which (as may be learnt by comparison) has the same characters as that made by the lever in returning to its origi- nal position, by whatever way — as, e. (7., b}'' squeezing the con- necting-tube— the equilibrium of the manometer may have been momentarily disturbed. This being the case, it is easy to understand that no conclu- sion can be derived from observations with the mercurial mano- meter, cither as to the duration of the effect produced by each contraction of the heart, or as to the relative duration of the periods of expansion and collapse. The use of the instru-. ment is limited to the investigation of the mean pressure, and of those varieties of pressure of which the periods of recur- rence are long enough to prevent their being interfered with by the proper oscillations of the instrument. BY DR. BURDON-S ANDERSON. 225 36. The Spring Kymograph. — If we desire to obtain a record of the complicated succession of variations of arterial pressure which constitute an act of pulsation, precisely as they occur as regards order, duration, and degree, or of the exact interval of time between the close of one arterial expan- sion and the commencement of the next, the instrument with which we write must be of such a nature that it shall transmit the movements communicated to it without mixing with them any movements of its own. The most perfect of such instru- ments is the so-called Federkymograpkion of Professor Fick. The construction of the instrument will be readily understood with the aid of Fig. 205. It consists essentially of a C-shaped hollow spring of thin metal. The cavity of the spring is filled with spirits of wine, and communicates with the artery by means of a connecting-tube containing bicarbonate of soda. As the pressure increases, the crescentic spring tends to straighten, and vice versa. Hence, if the proximal end is fixed, the distal end performs movements which follow exactly the variations of arterial tension. These movements are of very small ex- tent, but they are so exact that the slightest and most transi- tory variations are expressed by them. Before they are writ- ten on the cylinder they must be enlarged by a lever. It is not necessary to make any remarks as to the mode of connecting the spring k3rmograph with an artery, the modus operandi being the same as that described in § 34. It is, how- ever, to be noted, that if it is intended to use the tracing ob- tained by it for the purpose of determining the absolute arte- rial pressure, the instrument must be first graduated by com- parison with a mercurial manometer. This is effected as follows : The kymograph being placed so as to write on the recording cylinder, its artery tube, which communicates by a side opening with a pressure bottle, is united with the proxi- mal arm of the manometer. The pressure bottle is first lowered until the liquid it contains stands at the same level as the mercuiy in the proximal arm. A tracing is made on the cylinder, which is the abscissa. The bottle is then raised till the distal mercurial column is ten millimetres higher than the proximal, and a second tracing taken, and so on at suc- cessive increments of 10 mill, pressure, up to 150 mill, or more. Bjr measuring vertically the distances in millimetres between the horizontal lines so traced and the abscissa, a series of results are obtained which express the values of the ordinates of the tracing in millimetres of mercurial pressure. In tracings obtained by the spring kymograph it is seen that the ascent of the lever, whi<>l» Corresponds to the period during which the artery is act^i on by the contracting ven- tricle, is abrupt — indeed, nearly vertical ; that towards the vertex the tracing changes direction, gradually approaching 15 226 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. a horizontal line touching it at the highest point; that the line of descent — much more oblique than that of ascent — ter- minates in the same way by gradually approaching a horizon- tal line touching the curve at its lowest point. (See fig. 207.) 37. Observation of the Expansive Movements "which accompany the successive Changes of Arte- rial Pressure above described.— When an artery is ex- posed in a living animal, as, e. y., when it is prepared in the manner described in § 34, two kinds of motion are seen. The bit of artery which is separated from the surrounding parts lengthens, and its diameter visibly increases each time it is acted on by the contracting heart. Of these two phenomena, the first is commonly called locomotion, because in certain superficial arteries of the human body (especially when they are enlarged in advanced life), the artery, as it lengthens, is compelled to bend to one side or the other, and thereby visibly changes its place each time that it is distended. The other, viz., the expansive movement, is called pulsation, and is practically of great importance, seeing that it is the only phenomenon of the arterial circulation which admits of being investigated without exposing the artery, and consequently affords the only direct means by which we can judge of its ever-varying conditions in man. Arteries being elastic, their changes of diameter express all changes of the pressure exercised by their liquid inelastic con- tents on their internal surfaces. If, therefore, the expansive movements of an exposed artery were to be measured and re- corded graphically, the record would correspond closety with that of the pressure obtained by Fick's kymograph. For just as in that instrument the variations of pressure are converted by the C-shaped spring into nearly rectilinear movements, the artery expands with every increase of pressure on its internal surface, and contracts with ever}' diminution of it, so that any point taken on its surface is constantly performing, in relation to its axis, orderly successions of rectilinear movements in opposite directions. In both cases — that of the spring and that of the artery — the expansion, and the pressure which produces it, vary in the same directions during the same times, but not in the same fleyrce. As regards the spring, we can readily determine the relation of expansion to pressure by the method of graduation described in the preceding paragraph, and so use the former as an expression for the latter. In the case of the arter}', ho such empirical graduation is possible. The expansion of an artery, or any other elastic tube, due to any given increase of pressure against its internal surface, depends upon the degree in which the tube is already distended at the commencement of the act of expansion. The greater the original distension, BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 227 the less will be the effect ; so that the condition of an artery in which the expansive movement is relatively greatest, is that in which its walls, when the expanding agency is suspended. are in the state of elastic equilibrium, i.e., when the minimum pressure is least. A moment's consideration teaches us that there are two circumstances which must diminish the minimum pressure in the arteries, viz., diminution of the mean arterial pressure, and prolongation of the period which intervenes be- tween one expansive act and its successor. In other words, the less frequent the contractions of the heart and the lower the arterial pressure, the greater the expansion in proportion to the. expanding force which produces it. 38. The Sphygmograph. — In man, no artery can be di- rectly measured either as regards pressure or expansion. In feeling the pulse, we attempt to measure both by the sense of touch, and obtain results, which, although incapable of nu- merical expression, are sufficiently exact to be of great value. In the sphygmograph, an attempt has been made to obtain the same kind of information by a mechanical contrivance, which the physician obtains by the tactus eruditus ; the supposed advantage of the instrumental results over the others being, that they can be estimated by measurement and weighing, and that they are unaffected by variation in the skill and tactile sensibility of the observer. The purpose of the sphygmograph is to measure the com- plicated succession of alternate enlargements and diminutions which an artery undergoes whenever blood is forced into it by the contracting heart, to magnify those movements, and to write them on a surface, progressing at a uniform rate by watch-work. The construction of the instrument is so well known, that it is scarcely necessary to give a detailed description of it. It consists essentially of three parts: a frame of brass which is applied along the outer edge of the volar aspect of the fore- arm, in such a way that it is maintained in a fixed position with reference to the bones of the wrist and radius — a steel spring which, when the instrument is in use, presses upon the radial artery and receives its movements — and lastly, mechani- cal arrangements for maguifj'ing these movements and record- ing them. Both of these ends are accomplished by means of a light wooden lever (A A', fig. 208) of the third order, which is supported by steel points (c). There is a second lever of the same order (B E) which has its centre of movement near the attachment of the spring (at E). It terminates in a vertical knife-edge (D), and is traversed by a vertical screw (T). When the extremity of the screw (N) rests upon the spring above the ivory plate, every movement of the plate is transmitted to this lever (B E), and, by means of the knife edge, to the wooden 228 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. lever (A A'). The purpose of the screw (T) is to vary at will the distance between the wooden lever and the upper surface of the spring, without interfering with the mechanism by which the movement is transmitted. As the distance between the steel points (c) and the knife-edge (D) is much less than the length of the lever, the oscillations of the extremity of the lever (A') are much more extensive than the vertical move- ments of the spring. The lever ends in a metal point, which writes on a glass plate blackened by passing it rapidly back- ward and forward through the flame of a spirit-lamp trimmed with paraffin. When this instrument is applied in the proper manner to the wrist, the radial artery is compressed between the surface of the radius and a spring, the bearing of which is in a fixed position in relation to that surface. This being the case, the spring performs movements which are more or less conform- able with the variations of the diameter of the artery. These movements are transferred in a magnified, but otherwise little altered, form to the lever. As regards the relative and actual duration of the movements, the correspondence is exact; but as regards their extent, this is true only in so far as the lever follows the movements of the spring with precision,1 and as the strength of the spring, i. e., the pressure exercised by it on the artery, is adapted to the antagonistic pressure exerted by the blood stream on the internal surface, and to the extent of the movements it is intended to measure. The relation between the pressure of the spring and its effect on the artery is a complex one, and need only be considered here in so far as is necessary for the interpretation of sphyg- mographic results. To facilitate our understanding of it, let us call the position which the spring takes when left to itself its equilibrium position ; and as regards the artery, let us de- signate a plane parallel to the surface of the skin, and touch- ing the surface of the artery, when most dilated, the plane of expansion; and a plane in similar relation to it, when least expanded, the plane of collapse ; and to simplify the problem, let us suppose that the artery is not covered by skin. It is evident that, if the sphygmograph accomplished its professed end complete!}', the under surface of its spring would coincide with one of these planes at the moment of the pulse, and with the other during the interval. The question is, How ought the spring to be set, in order to obtain a movement which shall approach this standard of perfection as nearly as possible ? We may proceed one step towards answering this question without difficulty. It should be set so that if the spring were in the equilibrium position its under surface would lie within 1 See note on p. 235. BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 229 the plane of collapse — i.e., nearer the axis of the artery. For if it were further from the artery it would be affected by the arterial movement only during its period of expansion, remain- ing the rest of the time motionless. If, on the other hand, it were much nearer, the vessel would be flattened against the bone during the period of collapse, so that in this case, as in the other, there would be no motion (of the spring) during diastole. Hence it is easy to understand how it happens that the tracings obtained with excessive and defective pressure are very similar to each other in their general characters. Stating the same thing in other words, we arrive at the general rule that the spring must be so set that the ivory plate on its under surface is at such a distance from the opposed surface of bone that the artery is pressed upon at all degrees of expansion, yet not so strongly pressed upon as to bring its walls into contact even when it is relaxed. Within these limits, the variations of form of -the tracing — in other words, its departure from truth — are very inconsiderable ; so that observations made on the same individual at different times yield closely correspond- ing forms. As, however, the results obtained by strong press- ure are less subject to accidental error than those obtained with weaker ones, it is better always to begin with a pressure sufficient to flatten the artery, and then to weaken the spring until the effects of over-compression disappear — i. e., until it is found that the lever continues to descend until the very end of diastole. 39. Use of the Sphyginograpii as a Means of Appre- ciating those Changes of Mean Arterial Pressure •which occur in Disease. — We have already seen that the sphygmograph is of no use as a gauge of arterial pressure. It is possible, however, by the comparison of observations made at successive periods on the same individual, to determine whether the arterial tension has changed, and in what direc- tion the change has taken place. We have seen that if the spring is so strong that the artery is either partially or en- tirely flattened against the radius, the fact is indicated by the cessation of the motion of the lever. The strength of spring which is required to bring about this result varies with the pressure by which the artery is distended ; so that if in any in- dividual the arterial pressure is increased, a greater tension of the spring is required to compress it than was required before. With Marey's sph^ygrnggraph, as imported, it is not possible for the observer to avail himself of this principle, because the instrument is not graduated — i. e., there is no means by which the pressure exerted by the spring at any moment can be ascer- tained. I have therefore modified that instrument as follows (nee Fig. 209, a) : The brass frame, instead of being bound on to the arm by bandages, rests firmly on the bones of the wrist 230 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. (particularly the scaphoid) by a plate of brass, the under sur- face of which is covered with ebonite. In the middle of the upper surface of this plate is a socket for the reception of the point of a finely-cut screw, which revolves in it freely. Above, the screw ends in a milled head (Y), between which and its point it passes, first loosely through a guide, which is of the same piece with the brass plate; and, secondly, through a hole in the end of the brass frame of the sphygrnograph (F), in which it fits closely. This being the construction, it is scarcely necessary to explain that, by turning the milled head, the dis- tance between the ebonite surface and the frame is varied according to the direction of revolution, and that in this way the pressure on the artery may be readily modified when the instrument is in use. The extent of the modifications thus produced, however, still remains undetermined, for they vary according to the form of the limb and the relative position of the arm and forearm at the time of observation. To measure them, we must have recourse to another method which is at once simple and accurate. It is obvious that, provided that the spring is firmly and immovably fixed in its place, the press- ure which it makes against any object pushed against it from below is determinate by the force which is exerted in pushing it. If, for example, I turn the instrument upside down, and place a weight of 200 grammes on what was before the under surface, now the upper surface, of the spring, I push it back some fraction of an inch from its position of equilibrium ; I learn that, whenever it is pushed back to this extent, the press- ure it exerts on the surface opposed to it is that of 200 grammes' weight. Repeating the experiment with a series of other weights, I can in a similar way obtain other measure- ments of distance corresponding to them, and thus, by com- bining the results, accomplish the graduation of the spring in such a wajr that the pressure made by it can be alwa3rs known from the extent of its deflexion. The most convenient way of determining this deflexion is either to measure the distance between the head of the steel screw, the point of which rests on the upper surface of the spring, and the surface of the brass lever, with a scale (as shown in Fig. 210); or, better still, to have the screw itself graduated. In either case, care must be taken to fix the writing lever in the proper position — i.e., in a direction which coincides with the direction of movement of the writing surface — before making the measurements. 40. The Artificial Artery or Arterial Schema.— The' phenomena of arterial pulsation can be best studied in a well- constructed schema or artificial artery, consisting in an elastic tube through which water is propelled by an artificial heart, i. <;., by a pump of such construction that it discharges its contents into the tube in a manner which mechanically BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 231 resembles that in which the heart discharges its blood into the arteries. Several instruments of this kind have been con- trived, from the simple schema of E. H. Weber, to the com- plicated " artificial heart" of Marey. It may be stated generally that those forms of schema are most instructive which are of the simplest construction ; and inasmuch as the object in view is not to illustrate but to explain, it is of no importance whatever that the schema should have any outward resemblance to the organs of circu- lation for which it stands. What is essential in a schema is, that as regards the quantity of liquid discharged at each stroke of the pump, the period occupied in the discharge, the distribution in time of the pressure exercised on the mass of liquid expelled, and the resistance opposed to the terminal outflow of liquid from the elastic tube, the representation should resemble, as closely as possible, the thing represented. To the student, it is far from an advantage that the resem- blance should extend beyond this to the details of external form and arrangement; for his attention is thereby apt to be drawn off from the essential conditions of the act, to the accessory peculiarities of the machine which produces it. Two kinds of schema may be usefully employed for the study of the phenomena of the pulse, which differ from each other in the construction of the pump which does the work of the heart. The first is represented in fig. 211. Here the pump consists of a glass tube (A), closed at the upper end, and connected below by two branches — on one side with a cistern, at a level of some eight or ten feet above the table ; on the other, with the experimental tube which represents the artery. These communications are controlled by valves, placed at the opposite ends of a horizontal lever (E, D) of such construction that the same act which closes the one must necessarily open the other ; so that, as regards their actions, one represents the semilunar, the other the auriculo-ventricular valves of the heart. By means of a spring (shown in the figure to the right of D), when the apparatus is not working, i. e., during the period corresponding to diastole, the former is kept closed, the latter open. Under these circumstances, the water rises in the tube, compressing the column of air which it contains in a proportion which is determined by Marriotte's law. If, as in the present instance, the pressure is about one-third of an atmosphere, the volume of the inclosed air is diminished in the proportion of 2 : 3, and so on. When, by depressing the opposite end of the lever, the aortic valve is opened, and the mitral closed, the compressed air suddenly expands, and forces the water which the tube contains into the aorta. We shall see, when we come to consider the modes of contraction of the heart, that the above is as close an imitation as could be 232 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. made by any artificial means. Just as, when the heart con- tracts, it compresses its contents most energetically at the outset, while its force rapidly diminishes towards the end of the systole, so here the most rapid movement of the column is at the first moment after the depression of the lever. The arterial tube where it passes under the valve D is about four lines in thickness. Soon it divides into two branches of smaller diameter, each of which is several yards long. One of these tubes passes under the spring of the sphygmograpli, which is fixed at n in such a manner that tracings may be conveniently taken. Both open finally into a waste basin ; but each is provided with screw clamps, by which it can be compressed or constricted at any desired distance from the pump. The purpose of the bifurcation is, that the observer may be enabled, without interfering in any way with the con- dition of the tube, of which the expansive movements are re- corded sphygmographically, to vary the quantity of liquid which is discharged through it per minute. To experiment with the schema satisfactoril}', it is desirable to leave the working of the lever to an assistant, or, still better, to arrange the apparatus so that the work can be clone by an electro- magnet. The observer is then at liberty to watch the effect of modifications of resistance, etc., on the form of the tracings while they are in progress. The most important facts to be demonstrated with the aid of the schema, as above described, are the following: — 1. It is shown that the artificial and the natural pulse resemble each other closely, each consisting in a succession of expansive and contractile movements which always occur in the same order (.see Fig. 212, a). In describing these movements, it is convenient to speak of the experimental tube as the artery, and to assume that elevation of the lever of the sphygmograpli is equivalent to expansion of the tube, and depression to contrac- tion. This granted, the tracing shows that when the valve D is opened, a sudden expansion of the artery takes place; that so long as the heart continues to act the vessel remains full, and that the cessation of the injection of liquid from behind de- termines a contraction of the artery which is as rapid as the previous expansion. No sooner has the artery accomplished its contraction than it begins a second expansion inferior to the first both in extent and rapidity ; and then finally contracts, continuing to get smaller until the aortic valve again opens. 2. It can next be shown that just as the expansion of the* lever is consequent on the opening of the aortic valve, so its descent is consequent (not on the closing of the valve, but) on the cessation of the injection of liquid by the pump, i. e., the cessation of the systolic contraction of the ventricle. To prove this, I use a contrivance which will be readily understood from BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 233 the figure. Its purpose is to write on the plate of the sphyg- raogrnph the duration of the injection of liquid. It consists of a cylinder of box-wood (Fig. 211, H), the steel axis of which rests horizontally on bearings so placed that the cylinder revolves in a direction at right angles to that of the movement of the plate at a short distance from it. From one side of the cylinder a steel needle projects, which, when the cylinder turns, makes a mark on the smoked surface. Round one side of the cylinder runs a cord of spun silk, the two ends of which stretch, one from either side of it, to the point of a vertical arm (L) ; this arm springs from the wooden lever already described, by which the valves are opened and shut. Of the two cords, the upper one is rendered partly elastic by the interposition of a short length of caoutchouc. So long as the aortic valve is closed, the needle remains in contact, but the moment the valve is opened, it is withdrawn, and we obtain, first, an upper horizontal line, broken at regular intervals — which are, of course, limited in time by the opening and closing of the aortic valve — and, secondly, a pulse-tracing (Fig. 212, 6), which may be compared with it. This exact correspondence between the length of time the heart is acting and the time which elapses between the begin- ning of the expansion and the commencement of the contrac- tion, affords evidence that the latter is dependent on the former. 3. Lastly, it can be shown that the second expansion is not, as might be supposed, connected with the closure of the com- munication between the pump and the elastic tube (the shut- ting of the aortic valve), but is a consequence of the disturb- ance of equilibrium produced in the tube itself by the act of distension. To demonstrate this, the second expansion must be studied under various conditions and by various methods; among the best is the following: A narrow tube, closed at one end, and containing air, is connected by means of a T-piece with the experimental tube or arterj7. The volume of air con- tained in the tube varies with the pressure, indicating its varia- tions with great sensitiveness. If the surface of the liquid in the tube is watched during the action of the pump, it is very easy to see that the volume of air is diminished as the valve D opens, enlarges for a moment, and again contracts after the injection has ceased. If now the action of the pump is so modi- lied that, after opening the valve D, the discharge of liquid is continued for some seconds (both valves remaining open), we learn that the first expansion is followed by a second just as before. If the same experiment is made with the sphygmo- graph, a tracing is obtained in which the ascent due to the open- ing of the valve is succeeded by a momentary descent, then a second ascent, the lever finally assuming a position correspond- 234 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. ing to the increased pressure produced by the continuous cur- rent which is now passing through the tube. From this experiment we learn, as regards the artificial artery, first, that the second beat of the pulse is not, as has been sometimes imagined, a mere product of the instrumental method we employ to demonstrate it, for it can be shown quite as distinctly in other ways ; and secondly, that it is a result of the disturbance produced in the tube by the sudden disten- sion of its proximal end, independently of any subsequent move- ment or action of the pump. 41. Experiments with the Schema relating to the Form of the Arterial Pulse. — In the schema, the injection of liquid by the artificial heart into the proximal end of the elastic tube produces two effects, which can not only be dis- tinguished in the tracing, but can be proved experimentally to be independent of each other. One of these consists in the transmission of a series of vibratory movements of the liquid (i. e., movements in alternately opposite directions) from the proximal to the distal end ; the other, in the communication of the pressure existing in the artificial heart at the moment that the valve D is opened to the contents of the arterial tube. The first of these effects can be readily demonstrated on the schema. If 3-011 take an elastic tube, distended with water, and closed at both ends, and give it a smart rap with a hammer at one end, an effect is transmitted along the tube which, although of an entirely different nature to that which constitutes the pulse, yet mixes itself up with it under certain conditions. This effect is called, from its mode of origin, a percussion-wave. To produce it, close the communication between the schematic heart and artery, and arrange the lever (Fig. 211) in such a manner that, by striking on it with a hammer (at D), the required percus- sion may be produced. The tube being placed under the spring of the sphj'gmograph (at o), in such a position that the length of tubing between the point of percussion (r>) and the spring (<;) is equal to two metres, a succession of percussion-waves is produced, and a tracing obtained similar to those shown in Fig. 213, in which the interruptions in the upper line indicate the moment of percussion, the vertical ascents in the lower line the effects. In the figure, the interval of time between cause and effect corresponds to the portion of the horizontal line (in the lower tracing) which lies between the short vertical scratch and the commencement of the ascent. The rate of movement of the clock-work during the experiment being 8 centimetres per minute, this distance corresponds to about a fifteenth of a second. The other effect, the communication of pressure from the artificial heart to the elastic tube, may be readily illustrated BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSOtf. 235 with the aid of a schema in which the heart is represented by an elastic bag of such size that it can be squeezed with the hand. This bag communicates at one end with a long elastic tube representing the arterial system, at the other with a vessel con- taining water, the apertures being furnished with valves which open in directions corresponding to those of the heart. If three levers, like those we have just been using, are so arranged as to receive the successive expansion-waves — produced by repeatedly squeezing the bag — at different distances from their origin, the three tracings are obtained which are represented in Fig. 214. It is instructive to observe that these tracings have no resemblance to those of the arterial pulse. The reason is, that the contracting hand is entirely unlike the contracting heart. The real heart, like the schematic heart used in the pre- vious experiments, contracts suddenly, exerting its greatest vigor at the commencement. The hand contracts gradually, and is, moreover, incomparably weaker, as compared with the resistance to be overcome, than the heart. Hence the expan- sion of the tube is slow, lasts a long time, and is followed by no rebound. This very slowness of the process enables one to see the steps of it better. In the distal part of the tube, to which the upper tracing corresponds, the expansion culminates later than in the proximal part, because the motion commu- nicated to its contents by the grip of the hand at the outset does not begin to tell on the former (distal) until the latter is fully expanded. In the pulse tracings obtained with the schema arranged as in Fig. 211, so as to imitate the natural pulse, the two effects produced in the preceding experiments separately, are combined with each other. Thus in Fig. 212 a, the abrupt initial ascent of the lever is the first of a series of vibratory movements of the same kind as those shown in Fig. 213, and is instantly fol- lowed by a recoil. In the same tracing, the more gradual ac- cumulation of arterial pressure manifests itself in the fact that the lever jerked up1 by the vibration does not (as in Fig. 213) descend to its previous position, but remains elevated for a period, which, as already seen, depends on the duration of the injection of liquid. This combination of effects is seen with equal distinctness in the natural radial pulse. The abrupt line of ascent with which 1 In the sphygmographs, lately made by Bregnet, the movement of the spring is communicated to the writing lever by a mechanism shown in Fig. 209 &, more simple and effectual than that described on p. 227. The screw is hinged to the upper surface of the spring in such ;\ way that it presses gently against the axis of the lever, and acts upon it as a rack on its pinion. In this way the lever follows the movements of the screw muck more exactly, and the jerk is diminished. (See Garrod on Sphygmography. Journ. of Anat. and Phvs., May, 1872, p. 399.) 236 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. every normal tracing begins, expresses not the more or less gradually increasing arterial distension, but the antecedent transmission of a vibration. 42. Postponement of the Pulse. — There is a sensible dif- ference in time between the beat of the carotid arteiyand that of the radial. Any one can satisfy himself of the fact by feel- ing his own carotid with the left thumb and forefinger, while he feels the left radial with the other hand. The reason why time is lost in the transmission of the expansion from the centre to the periphery, is that the arteries are elastic. Let us sup- pose a tube, A, B, c, to represent the arterial system — A the proximal end, c the distal. At the instant that blood bursts suddenly out of the contracting heart into A, it yields to the pressure against its internal surface and expands. In this expansion great part of the sensible motion of the blood momentary disappears, and consequently, so long as the expansion lasts, produces comparatively very little effect in distending B ; but immediately that A becomes tense, the lost, or rather converted, motion again becomes sensible, and adds itself to the motion which the contracting heart is still communicating. And, inasmuch as B deals with the accumu- lated effect which it receives from A in exactly the same way as A dealt with that which it received from the heart, c is as far behind B in attaining its maximum of distension as B was behind A. This being the case, it is easy to see that the loss of time between A and c, or between aorta and radial, depends on the yieldingness (extensibility) of the tube by which the two points are connected. If the tube is absolutely rigid, there is no postponement; if, though elastic, it is tense at the moment that it receives the discharge, there is scarcely any ; whereas that condition of the tube is most favorable to postponement, in which it is longest in attaining its maximum of distension, or in which the time taken by any part of it to expand to the uttermost is longest. The preceding explanation relates exclusively to so much of the pulsation as is due to the communication of pressure. As regards the antecedent vibration-effect, we have also time occu- pied in transmission, but the rate of propagation is so rapid that in the case of an artery, or of an elastic tube of similar length, it is inappreciable. This fact enables us to explain, how it is that in some persons the pulse seems to be much more postponed than in others. The reason of this is, not that there is more time lost in the former case than in the latter, for even if this were so the difference would be certainly too inconsiderable to be judged of by the finger, but that in some BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 237 individuals, and under certain conditions of health, the instan- taneously transmitted vibration-effect is more felt by the fin- ger; in others, the moment at which the artery attains its greatest extension. Thus a pulse of the form shown in Fig. 215 a seems to the finger delayed, because the vibration-effect is in abeyance on account of the existence of an obstruction between the heart and the wrist; whereas, in the pulse re- presented in 6, the initial shock is so intense that it masks the other. 43. Cause of the Second Beat. — The facts relating to the postponement of arterial expansion are also the key to the understanding of the phenomenon of dicrotism. In applying them in explanation of the production of the second expansion in arteries which, like the radial, are not far from the periphery, there are two facts to be borne in mind: first, that these arte- ries, as they become smaller, become more distensible; and secondly, that in the capillaries themselves the resistance to the passage of blood is much greater than any which is en- countered in the arteries. Just as the expansion of the aorta determines that of the radial, the radial expansion determines and is followed by that of the peripheral arterioles. Hence at a certain moment the radial is subsiding, while the arterioles are still swelling; so that, when they are at their acme of dis- tension, the pressure is greater at the periphery than in the radial itself. From the other fact — the resistance to the flow of blood in the capillaries — it results that, immediately behind this resistance, pressure accumulates so long as blood enters the arterioles from behind more rapidly than it is discharged in front. The state of the arterial circulation during the period of cardiac diastole may therefore be described as follows: The arterial system is closed by the aortic valve behind, and vir- tually closed in front by the capillary resistance. In the largest arteries the expansion is ebbing, in the smallest it is culminating; so that, fur an instant, the pressure is greater in the latter than in the former. There is but one effect possible. The restoration of equilibrium must take place by increase of pressure towards the heart and diminution towards the peri- phery. This restoration of equilibrium constitutes the second beat. It ma}r manifest itself in veiy different degrees, accord- ing to the yieldingness of the arteries. When, as in health, the arteries are tense, it is seen merely in a slight arrest or in- terruption of the arterial collapse — a break in the descending limb of the tracing. In fever, when the arteries are relatively much more distensible, the second expansion is separated by so distinct an interval of relaxation from the first that the pulse feels double to the finger. To facilitate the comprehension of the subject, the synchronous conditions of central, peripheral, and intermediate arteries may be stated in parallel columns. 238 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. , Carotid. Radial. Peripheral Arterioles. Fully expanded . Expanding . . Collapsed. Contracting . Expanded . . Expanding. Again expanding . Contracting . . Expanding. Stationary . Again expanding . Slowly contracting. Contracting . Contracting ' . Contracting. Hence, as sphygmographic tracings show to be the case, the second expansion in the great arteries lasts longer than in the smaller ones ; for, although it commences the sooner the nearer the heart, the subsidence is simultaneous throughout the whole arterial system. Rules for Sphygmographic Observation. — 1. The forearm should be supported on a table or other similar sur- face, with the back of the wrist reposing on a firm, well-padded cushion, of such a height that the dorsal surface of the hand makes an angle of from 20° to 30° with that of the forearm. 2. The sphygmograph must be placed on the wrist in a di- rection parallel with that of the radius, in such a position that the block rests upon the trapezium and scaphoid, and the extremity of the spring is opposite the styloid process of the radius. 3. In beginning an observation, adjust the instrument so that the pressure exerted by the spring is sufficient to flatten the artery against the radius ; then weaken the spring until the effects of over-compression disappear — i.e., until you find that the lever continues to descend until the end of diastole. Note the pressure at which this result is attained, as well as that which is required to flatten the artery, and take tracings at each of the two pressures. SECTION III. — PHENOMENA OF THE CIRCULATION IN THE SMALLEST ARTERIES. The smallest arteries may be studied during life with the aid of the microscope, in fish, batrachians, and mammalia. 44. For the microscopical study of the circulation in fish, a contrivance devised by Dr. Caton, of Liverpool, is used (fig. 216). It consists of an oblong box of gutta percha, open at one end, closed at the other, and just large enough to hold the body of a minnow or stickleback very loosely. This box forms part of a plate of gutta percha, which is fixed on to the stage of the microscope in such a position that the tail of the fish contained in it covers a perforation in the plate prepared" for its reception. The tail is held securely in its place by a ligature, and the caudal fin which rests on a square of glass is further secured by a couple of fine springs. The box itself, which incloses the head and gills of the fish, contains water, which is constantly renewed by means of the two tubes, of BY DR. BUllDON-SA^7DERSON. 289 which the upper, guarded by a screw-clamp, communicates with a vessel at a higher level, the lower conveys the water away as fast as it is supplied. The excellency of this method lies in the fact that the animal can be kept under observation, without the use of any narcotizing drug, for a long time in a perfectly natural condition. The frog is used both in the larval and adult state. To observe the circulation in the tail of the tadpole, the animal is placed in a moderately strong solution of curare, care being taken to remove it before it is completely paralyzed — the moment, in short, that its motions become sluggish. It is also possible to secure it, without the aid of curare, in a holder of construction similar to that of the in- strument I have just described — a method which has this great advantage, that the animal is in a more normal condition ; for even when curare is given with the greatest care, the action of the heart is weakened by it. For most purposes the adult frog is more useful than the tadpole, particularly when it is desired to observe not merely the circulation as it is, but to witness the modifications which the phenomena undergo under the influence of conditions acting on the bloodvessels through the nervous system. There are three transparent parts of the frog — the mesen- tery, the web, and the tongue — each of which has its special advantages for the purposes of study. For a first view of the relation between arteries, capillaries, veins, and lymphatics, the mesentery is superior to either of the other two. The frog must be placed under the influence of curare, the dose of which, for the ordinary specimens of rana temporaria, is about ^oo^1 of a grain. The solution of curare is prepared by weighing out five milligrammes of the substance, and rubbing it up in a glass mortar with a little alcohol. The proper quantity of water — that is, sufficient to make up ten cubic centimetres — is then added, and a straw-colored, nearly limpid liquid is obtained; a single drop of which is a sufficient dose. It is injected under the skin of the back with an ordinary subcutaneous syringe, and answers best when the effect does not manifest itself for some time after the injection. The most convenient apparatus for the purpose of exposing the mesentery is that shown in fig. 217. The manipulation is fully described in Chapter VII. It is always desirable to commence the examination with a low power. It is then seen that the arteries are smaller than the veins, the latter exceed- ing the former in diameter by about a sixth ; that the arterial stream is quicker than the venous ; that it is accelerated appreciably at each beat of the heart ; and that in every artery a space can be distinguished within the outline of the vessel, which is entirely free from corpuscles. The arterial stream, indeed, is so quick that the forms of the corpuscles 240 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. cannot be discerned, but in the veins both colored and color- less corpuscles can be distinguished ; and it is soon noticeable that, while the former are confined to the axial current, the latter show a tendency to loiter along the inner surface of the vessel, like round pebbles in a shallow but rapid stream. The observation may be continued without material change for many hours ; but if aiw artery is measured from time to time micrometrically, it will be found that after a while it becomes wider. (Tn this dilatation of the arteries follows a correspond- ing though less marked enlargement of the veins, and, if the attention of the observer is fixed upon these last, it is seen that the circulation, which was before so active, undergoes a marked and almost sudden slowing. This slowing indicates that the membrane, in consequence of its exposure to the air, is becoming inflamed; simultaneously with it, the colorless corpuscles, instead of loitering here -and there at the edge of the axial current, crowd in numbers against the venous walls. In this way the vessel becomes lined with a continuous pave- ment of these bodies, which remain almost motionless, not- withstanding that the axial current still sweeps by them, though with abated velocity. If, at this moment the atten- tion is directed to the outer contour of the vessel, it is seen that minute, colorless, button-shaped elevations spring from it, each of which first assumes the form of a hemispherical pro- jection, and is eventual!}' converted into a pear-shaped body, attached by a stalk to the outer surface of the vein. This bod}', which has thus made its way through the vascular mem- brane, is, I need scarcely sa}r, an amoeboid colorless corpuscle. It soon shows itself to be so by throwing out delicate prongs of transparent protoplasm from its surface, especially in the direction from which it has come. The methods to be employed for the study of the circulation in the tongue and in the web are fully described in Chapter VII. For investigations relating to the innervation and con- tractile movements of the smallest arteries, the tongue is of little value, though superior to the mesentery and web for the study of inflammation. The web, on the other hand, is pre- ferable, for the purposes first mentioned, to either the tongue or mesentery. 45. Capillary Circulation in Mammalia.— The study of the capillary circulation of mammalia under the micro- scope is attended with great difficulty — in the first place, be- cause (if we except the wing of the bat) there is no exteriial part sufficiently transparent for observation under high power; and, secondly, because if internal parts are used, the injurious effects of exposure are much greater than those which occur in batrachians. To overcome these difficulties it is necessary BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 241 to have recourse to more complicated appliances and appa- ratus. The mesenteries of small rodents have been repeatedly used for the demonstration of the mammalian capillary circulation. These, however, are not to be compared, as subjects of obser- vation, with the omentum, and particularly with that of the guineapig. This structure forms a delicate membranous ex- pansion of from twelve to fifteen cubic centimetres in extent, which is attached by its upper margin to the greater curvature of the stomach. It differs from the organ of the same name in man in consisting, for the most part, of only two layers of peritonaeum, in being much more delicate in its structure, and containing very little fat. Hence, from the simplicity of the anatomical relations, and particularly from its being attached by one side only to the stomach, from its perfect transparency, from its abundant vascularity, and, lastly, from its containing not only vessels but living cells, it is obvious that this mem- brane offers a good field for research. The observations hitherto made on the mammalian mesen- tery have been without practical result, the reason being that so vulnerable a tissue as that of the peritonaeum cannot be exposed, even for a few minutes, without injury; so that, although the greatest care is taken in demonstration, only a momentary glimpse can be obtained. To obviate this difficulty, the arrangements for placing the membrane under the micro- scope must be of such a nature, that the structure is bathed during the whole period of observation in a liquid at the tem- perature of the bod}'. It need scarcely be said that water, from its destructive influence on living tissues, would not answer the purpose. Serum would probably be best, if it were always at hand ; but, practically, solution of common salt of the strength ordinarily used (f per cent.) answers the purpose perfectly. The temperature is maintained by keeping the glass trough, in wlrich the membrane is spread out, over the warm stage, the construction of which has been already de- scribed. The mode of procedure is as follows: The guineapig is first placed under the influence of chloral by injecting that sub- stance in solution under the skin, three grains being required for an animal about lib. in weight. It is then laid on a sup- port, the upper surface of which is on the same horizontal plane as that of the microscope-stage. An incision not more than an inch in length is next made, extending outwards from the edge of the left rectus muscle a little below the end of the ensifonn cartilage. The muscles having been divided, and the peritonaeum cautiously opened for about half an inch, or even less, the free edge of the omentum is carefully drawn out. It must then be floated in the warm bath prepared for it, and is 16 242 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. ready for examination. It is, however, found very advanta- geous to cover those parts of it which do not lie under the microscope with sheets of blotting-paper, for by this means the risk of exposure is diminished, and the undulating move- ments of the water are prevented ; so that the object is rendered much steadier than it would otherwise be. So long as low powers are employed, this arrangement is sufficient ; but if it is desired to use objectives of short focal distance, it is necessary to warm the objective by allowing a stream of water from the same source as that which supplies the stage to pass round it. The objects which present themselves to the observer are manifold. Veins and arteries maybe studied of various di- ameters, some of which are free, while others are surrounded by sheaths of tissue in which there are labjTinths of capillaries of surpassing beauty. Several new observations have already been made by this method. One of the most important, phy- siologically, is the fact that the maintenance of the capillary circulation is wonderfully dependent on temperature; and, in particular, that any rise of temperature above the normal is in the highest degree injurious, partly, perhaps, from its direct influence on the blood corpuscles, but mainly because it pro- duces changes similiar to those we have already noticed as occurring in batrachians after long exposure — viz., arrest of the capillary blood-stream and escape of the liquor sanguinis and corpuscles into the surrounding tissue. 46. Artificial Circulation. — For many purposes of re- search, it is desirable to observe the circulation independently of the action of the heart. This is accomplished either in the whole body or in an organ, by injecting blood, or a liquid which may be substituted for it, in a constant stream into the arterial system, at the same temperature and under the same pressure as that which natural!}' exists in the arteries. In the case of batrachians, this is accomplished without difficulty, for the temperature of the bod}' differs little from that of the atmosphere, and the nutritive processes can be maintained for long periods, not only without respiration, but without the agent by which oxygen is conveyed to the tissues — haemoglo- bin. Consequently the conditions to be observed are very simple. The requirements for the purpose are as follows: — 1. The liquid to be injected ma}' be either serum, defibri- nated blood, or f per cent, solution of chloride of sodium. When, serum is used, it must be absolutely fresh. For this reason, the serum obtained from the slaughter-house is usualty not to be depended upon. It is therefore necessary to use a small rabbit for the purpose. In order to obtain a sufficient quantity of blood from this animal, a canula must be care- fully secured in the carotid, and a clip placed on the artery. BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 243 The connector adapted to the canula must be of sufficient length to reach an absolutely clean flask or capsule destined for the reception of the blood. If serum is required, the cap- sule must be allowed to stand in a cool place until it is coagu- lated. If defibrinated blood, the flask must be agitated brisk- ly immediately after it is collected. The blood should be taken in successive portions, for in this way a much larger quantity is obtained than would be yielded if the animal were allowed to bleed to death at once. 2. The apparatus for injection consists of a funnel, supported on a holder at a height of about two feet from the table, to the stem of which a flexible tube, guarded by a clip, is adapt- ed. In addition to this, two canulae must be prepared, one for the bulbus arteriosus, the other for the vena cava inferior. Both should be made of thin fusible glass, and of the size and form shown in figure 218. The arterial canula must be con- nected by an India-rubber tube of- the same width as itself with a glass joiner, and its end must be supported by a holder which can be best made of a strip of sheet lead bent to the proper form. The funnel having been filled with the liquid to be injected, and connected with the canula by the joiner, a sufficient quantity is allowed to flow into the tube to occupy it completely, and the clip closed. All being now ready, a frog, previously slightly curarized, is fixed on the table in the supine position. The integument is divided over the sternum in the middle line, and the anterior wall of the upper part of the visceral cavity removed, so as to expose the pericardium, great care being taken not to injure the abdominal vein, or any other large vessel. The ventricle is then opened, and the canula passed through the opening into the bulb, and secured by a ligature. This done, the heart is drawn upwards, and to the right (after severance of the small vein which stretches from the back of the ventricle to the pericardium), so as to expose the sinus venosus, which is then opened in the line of junction between it and the auricles. By this opening, the canula for the vena cava is easily introduced into the funnel- shaped dilatation (see fig. 228 6), and pushed into the vein. If the canula is of proper size, a ligature is unnecessary. On opening the clip on the tube leading from the funnel, the cir- culation is restored. The blood contained in the vascular system of the animal is soon replaced by the liquid injected. The most instructive observations, relating to frogs in which the circulation is maintained artificially (sometimes called salt or serum frogs, according to the liquid used), are made with the aid of the microscope. The examination of the web shows us that even when saline solution is used, the ves- sels and the circulation through them remain unaltered for some time. If serum is used, this period is longer, provided 244 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. that it is perfectly fresh. A very slight admixture, however, of kept serum is fatal to the experiment. After a time, de- cliue of tissue life manifests itself by a change in the appear- ance of the preparation, the elements losing their plumpness and distinctness of outline. Along with this change, the ves- sels, and particularly the arteries, become relaxed, and the normal exchange between the liquid inside and that outside of the vessels is perverted, the latter increasing in such a way as to render the whole animal oadematous. If. while the circulation is still normal, an injury is inflicted on a part of the web — as, for example, by applying mustard to a spot on its surface — it is seen that in the injured part changes occur suddenly which are analogous to those which, as tissue death approaches, affect the whole body. These changes are known by the term .s/fl.s?'s, and form part of the process of inflammation — a word which is used as a general expression for the local effects of injuring living parts to such a degree as not to destroy their vitality at once. They are best studied when scrum which contains a few corpuscles, or defibrinated blood diluted with saline solution, is employed. It is then seen that in any part of the web to which a so-called irritant is applied, as, e. g., mustard — the blood stream is re- tarded, and the corpuscles crowd together in the dilated ves- sels. This is not due to any property of mutual attraction peculiar to the corpuscles, for the same thing happens if milk, diluted with saline solution, is substituted for blood ; so that, whatever be the nature of the change, its seat is not in the circulating liquid itself, but in the vessels or surrounding tis- sues. SECTION IV. — FUNCTIONS OP VASOMOTOR NERVES. In the proceeding section the arteries have been regarded merely as passive elastic tubes, dilating or contracting accord- ing to the pressure exercised upon them by the circulating blood. They must now be studied as not only elastic but contractile. The arteries owe their contractility to the unstriped muscu- lar fibres which they contain. These fibres shorten under the influence of impressions conveyed to them by the vascular nerves, which nerves, together with the automatic centre from which they radiate, constitute the vasomotor nervous system. Of the centre which governs arterial contraction, nothing is known anatomically ; for there is no point or tract in the brain or spinal cord to which vascular nerves can be traced back. All that is known has been learnt exclusively by experiment. That there is a vasamotor centre, and that it is intracranial, we learn by observing, first, that if the medulla is divided ini- BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 245 mediately below the cerebellum, all the arteries are relaxed, and that a similar effect is produced if certain afferent nerve fibres, which lead to the intracranial part of the cord, are ex- cited. Its position has been lately determined with great pre- cision in the rabbit by Ludwig and Owsjannikow, who have found by experiments, to which further reference will be made, that it is limited towards the spinal cord by a line four or five millimetres above the calamus scriptorius, and extends towards the brain to within a millimetre of the corpora qaadrigemina. That the vasomotor centre is in constant automatic action, is shown b}' the paralyzing effect of section, whether "of the spinal cord, or of any nerve known to contain vascular fibres. If the action of the centre were not constant, division could not produce arterial relaxation. In relation to this constancy of action, the word tonus is used. Arterial tonus means that degree of contraction of an artery which is constant and nor- mal. It is maintained only so long as the artery is in com- munication witli the vaso-motor centre. 47. Experiments relating to the Influence of the Cerebro-Spinal Nervous Centres of the Vascular Sys- tem.—(1.) Destruction of the Nervous Centres. — Two frogs are slightly curarized, and placed side by side on the same board, in the supine position. In both, the heart and great vessels are exposed, as in the preceding section. It having been ascertained that the circulation is normal in each animal, and the frequency of the contractions having been noted, the brain and spinal cord are destroyed in one of the frogs, by inserting a strong needle into the spinal canal imme- diately below the occipital bone, and then passing it upwards and downwards. This may usually be accomplished without much loss of blood. If now the frog which has been deprived of its nervous centres is compared with the other, it is seen that in the former, although the heart is beating with perfect regularity and unaltered frequency, it is empty, and in conse- quence, instead of projecting from the opening in the anterior wall of the chest, it is withdrawn upwards and backwards towards the oesophagus. The emptiness of the heart is not limited to the ventricle and bulb. The auricles are alike deprived of blood ; and if the heart is drawn forwards by the apex, it is seen that the sinus venosus and vena cava inferior are in the same condition. The state of the heart is therefore not dependent on any cause inherent in itself, but on the fact that no blood is conveyed to it by the veins. To make this still more evident, the rest of the visceral cavity may be opened, when it is seen that, although the vena cava is collapsed, the intestinal veins are distended. The second frog, which is no longer required for comparison, 246 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. should now be pithed in the same manner as the first. A canula is then introduced into the abdominal vein, with its orifice towards the heart, and connected, by an India-rubber tube guarded by a clip, with a funnel containing three-fourths per cent, solution of chloride of sodium. The heart having been exposed, and its empty condition noted, the clip is opened. Its cavities at once distend, and it acts as vigorously and effectually as before the destruction of the nervous cen- tres. The experiment may be varied thus: Two frogs are suspended side by side, one of which has been pithed in the manner above described. In both, the heart is exposed and the ventricle cut across. In the pithed frog, a small quantity of blood escapes, the quantity contained in the heart itself and the commencement of the arterial system. In the other, blood continues to flow for some minutes, in consequence of the con- tinned contraction of the arterial system. To what extent the veins may participate in it is uncertain. These simple experiments show, first, that in the frog the arteries, unaided by the heart, continue the circulation for a certain time after equilibrium of pressure has been established, by virtue of their contractility ; and secondly, that in this ani- mal the influence of arterial contractility in aid of the circula- tion is so considerable that, when it is abolished, circulation is no longer possible. It ma}' be well to point out that this fact affords no ground for supposing that the arteries take any active part in main- taining the circulation. All that is proved is, that in the re- laxed state the vascular system of the frog is relatively so capacious that it is more than large enough to contain the whole mass of the blood, which consequently comes to rest in it out of reach of the influence of the heart. During life, the arterial tonus is usually constant ; so long as, and in so far as this is the case, the function of the arteries is a passive one, the motion they give to the blood-stream during diastole being a mere restitution of that received by them from the heart during systole. On the other hand, whenever they contract, they originate motion of themselves ; but in this case the dura- tion of the effect is limited by that of the contraction, and can never be continuous. 48. (2.) Direct Excitation of the Spinal Cord in the Frog — The requirements are as follows : a. A thin board of soft wood about 8 inches long and 2 inches broad, one end of which lias a V-shaped notch cut out of it, corresponding in form and size to one of the interdigital membranes of the web of the frog's foot. b. A pair of common strong sewing-needles ; around the blunt end of each of these needles, the end of a length of thin copper wire is closely coiled ; they are then cov- ered nearly to their points with a protective and insulating •BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 247 coating of soft sealing-wax, for which purpose it is necessary to warm them in the flame of a lamp. In doing this, care must be taken not to heat the point, c. A battery and Du Bois's induction apparatus and key. The key must be interposed in the secondary circuit. A frog having been curarized just sufficiently to paralyze its voluntary muscles, a straight line is drawn from the notch along the upper surface of the board in a direction parallel to its edges. Two small perforations are made in this line, a couple of millimetres from each other, at a distance from the notch equal to that from the web of the frog to its occiput. Through these perforations the needles are thrust, so as to pro- ject about 5 millimetres, after which the board is arranged in such a way on the microscope, that the V-shaped notch rests over the stage aperture, and the opposite end on a support at the same level. All being now ready, the integument is opened along the middle line of the back of the neck, and the occipital bone perforated in the middle line with a fine awl, close to its posterior margin. The frog is then laid, back downwards on the board, in such a position that one of the needles enters the cranium through the hole in the occipital bone, the other the spinal canal. The web is then laid on a plate of glass which covers the notch, and secured if necessary by fine pins. Finally, the heart is exposed as before. On opening the key for a moment, so as to allow the induced current to pass through the needles, it is seen that all the arte- ries of the web at once contract, the contraction increasing for four or five seconds and then gradually subsiding. If the ex- citation is continued for several seconds, the circulation stops. To judge of the effect accurate^, it is desirable, first, to fix upon an artery for observation beforehand, and bring it well into view ; and secondly, to measure its diameter before, during, and after excitation. For this purpose, a sheet of paper is placed on a board in such a position that its surface is at right angles to the direction in which the image is thrown by the prism (see fig. 219), and at a distance of about 10 inches from it. The outlines of the vessel are then traced on the paper with a fine hard pencil. During and after excitation, other tracings are made in the same way; by comparison of which the changes of the diameter of the vessel can be accurately estimated. The microscope must of course be so placed that light is received from the side, and that the surface of the paper is sufficiently illuminated to enable the observer to distinguish the point of the pencil. To insure success in this fundamental experiment, the following precautions must be attended to. The dose of curare must be very small, and should therefore be given an hour or two before the observation is made. One at least of the electrodes must be inserted within the cranium ; for if both 248 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD*. are below the occipital bone, the effect is uncertain. Lastly, great care must be taken to use feeble currents, and not to pro- long the excitations, for the vasomotor nervous system of the frog is very readily exhausted. 49. (3.) Excitation and Section of the Spinal Cord in the Rabbit. — The requirements and preliminary preparation for this experiment are the following: A canula and subcuta- neous 837ringe for injecting 20 per cent, solution of curare into the jugular vein ; apparatus for a kymographic observation of arterial pressure ; apparatus for artificial respiration ; a needle for ligaturing the muscles, in addition to the ordinary instru- ments. The canula for the jugular is shown in fig. 220 An India-rubber tube is fitted to it, the end of which is closed by a ligature. It is inserted as follows: The rabbit having been placed in the usual way on Czermak's rabbit supporter, with the cushion under its neck, the integument is divided in the middle line from the pomum ^(famtdownwards, as directed in Section I. On drawing the edge of the incision to either side, the jugular vein is readily seen as it crosses the sterno-mastoid. It is then carefully cleared of the platysma fibres and fascia which cover it, and of its sheath to the extent of an inch or more, with the aid of two pairs of blunt forceps. A clip having been placed on the proximal end of the cleared part, a ligature is looped round the distal end, which is tightened as soon as it is seen that the vein is distended. This being accomplished, a second ligature is placed round the vessel between the first ligature and the clip, and then a V-shaped incision is made in the vein immediately beyond it. Finally, the canula, which has been previously filled with saline solution, is slipped into the vein and secured in its place by the ligature prepared for it. When it is intended to inject, the point of the subcutaneous syringe is shrust through the closed tube of India-rubber. On withdrawing it no liquid escapes. The plan has the advantage that successive quantities may be injected with the greatest facility. The mode of preparing the carotid artery, and of con- necting it with the kymographic canula, has been described in § 34. For the present purpose it is necessary to free the artery from its connections to a greater extent than usual. The canula having been secured in the artery, and the latter divided beyond the point of insertion, the canula is turned back and fixed to the arimal's thorax (by tying it to the fur) in such a position that the artery forms a loop, with its convexity towards the head. The purpose of this arrangement is to prevent the artery from being strained when the animal is turned. The apparatus for artificial respiration has not yet been described. It is re- quired because the animal being under the influence of curare, its voluntary muscles are paralyzed. As a substitute for natu- ral breathing, air must be injected in the proper quantity at move//3i it is f/n it ai//th BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 249 regular intervals, which correspond with the previous frequency of the respiratory acts. In the absence of self-acting apparatus, the best instrument to use is the caoutchouc blower and ex- panding regulator sold by Messrs. Griffin for working the gas blow-pipe (see fig. 221). The blower is worked by means of a squeezer. It consists of an oblong board or lever, 16 inches long, 3 inches wide, and j inch thick. This board is hinged in the middle to a fulcrum, in such a way as to admit of a see-saw The fulcrum is firmly screwed to the table. When use, the blower is placed under one end, i. e., between the table, the degree of compression being limited by a str/ig cord attached at the opposite end to the table. By varying the length of the cord, the quantity of air injected at each stroke is regulated. The blower communicates with the respiratory cavity by a trachea! canula. No valve is required, the expired air passing out freely during the intervals between each injection and its successor, by a hole in the tube. The quantity of air discharged by the blower at each stroke must, therefore, considerably exceed the quantity which is required for respiration. This contrivance can be worked with much less fatigue than bellows. The time must be regulated \>y a metronome. The self-acting apparatus consists of two parts — a constantly acting blower or expirator, and an arrange- ment for interrupting the current of air at regular intervals. The best constant blower is that known as Sprengel's blowpipe,1 the structure of which will be understood at once from fig. 222. The essential part of it is the vertical tube J, with its branch e, the lower end of which opens in*o a bottle having two other openings. Of these, one, which communicates with the top of the bottle, is for the efflux of air; the other, near the bottom, for the escape of water. If a continuous current of water is caused to pass through rf, e remaining open, it carries with it a quantity of air which passes down into the bottle; and if the screw clamp c is so adjusted as to allow the water to flow out of the bottle at the same rate that it flows in from 0, the water in the bottle remains at the same level, and a constant stream of air escapes from b. The interruption of the stream of air so produced is effected by means of an electro-magnet, which is so arranged that each time the voltaic current is closed, a weight bj- which the tube is compressed is lifted, and thus air is in- jected so long as the magnet is in action. The voltaic current raay be closed aud opened either by a metronome or by the mercurial breaker, shown in fig. 22IJ. Two copper wires, one of which is connected with the battery, the other with the mag- net, run along the top of the wooden bridge, nearly meeting at 1 A somewhat more complicated apparatus ( Waxxerluftpumpc zur Erzeugung comprimirter Luft) is sold by Desaga of Heidelberg. 250 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. the crown of the arch ; here they descend parallel to each other, but not in contact. Below the arch is a flat vulcanite bag, on the upper surface of which a U tube is supported vertically, with its concavity upwards. The ends of the two wires are received into the two limbs of the U. As the bend contains mercury, it is obvious that whenever the bag expands tlie cir- cuit is closed, and broken when it contracts. The rest of the mechanism is so arranged that the tube is closed beyond the breaker whenever the magnet is not acting, and open so long as the current passes. This condition can, however, never be permanent ; for after an interval of time, which can be very readily regulated by altering the quantity of mercury in the U tube, the bag becomes sufficiently distended to close the cir- cuit. When this happens, the magnet acts and opens the tube, allowing the distended bag to discharge itself. This contriv- ance answers particularly well for the artificial respiration of rabbits. The needles for exciting the cord are constructed in the same manner as those described in the preceding paragraph ; they should, however, be thicker and stronger. The canulfle having been placed in the trachea and external jugular vein, and the apparatus for artificial respiration being in order, three-tenths of a centimetre of a one percent, solution of curare is injected. As soon as respiration ceases, air is in- jected at regular intervals by the metronome, the beats of which express the previous frequency of breathing. The carotid artery is now connected with the kymograph, and the animal placed in the supine position, the head-holder being so arranged that the head is very much flexed on the cervical part of the spinal column, so as to make the space between the occipital bone and the atlas as wide as possible. In doing this, great care must be taken not to strain or twist the artery, or kink the air tube. This done, an observation must be made of the arte- rial pressure, and the atlanto-occipital membrane exposed with as much dispatch and as little bleeding as practicable. This is best effected with the aid of the notched needle, fig. 203 /. With the help of this needle, three ligatures are passed under- neath the muscles which stretch vertically on either side of the spine of the atlas, its point being directed towards the occipital spine as close to the bone as possible. It is usually necessary to pass two such ligatures in line on either side, the upper entering where the lower passes out. The ligatures having been tightened and the muscles divided in the middle line, it is easy to expose the posterior tubercle of the atlas, the mem- brane, and the edge of the occipital bone, without hemorrhage. The next step is to expose the cord by dividing the atlanto- occipital membrane; this is best done with scissors and for- ceps. While a tracing of the arterial pressure is taken by an assistant, the cord is divided: at once the mercurial column BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 251 sinks from, say, 100 millimetres to 20 or 30. One needle is then inserted in the middle line above the posterior tubercle of the atlas, the other below it, the key being closed. On opening the latter so as to direct the induced current through the needles, the arterial pressure rises to a height which at first equals, if not exceeds, that at which it stood before sec- tion. The effects of exciting the cord in increasing the arterial pressure are seen with equal distinctness when the cord is not previously divided. In both cases the ascent is accompanied with an increase of the frequency of the contractions of the heart, the cause of which will be investigated in a future sec- tion. Direct Observation of the Arteries during Excitation of the Cord. — That the increase and diminution of arterial pressure observed is in great part, if not entirety, dependent on con- traction of the arterial systems, can be shown in several ways. The most direct consists in the observation of the arteries themselves. In the rabbit, the arteria saphena, which, after leaving the femoral, just as that vessel enters the adductor sheath, takes a superficial course towards the inner side of the knee, may be observed with great facility. All that is neces- sary is to divide carefulty, first the skin, and then the fascia which covers it : the two saphena veins which lie on either side of it serve to determine its exact position. In this artery it can be readily seen that as the pressure rises the vessel contracts. To observe the effect of vascular contrac- tion on the heart, that organ must be exposed. In a curarized animal, this can be effected without interfering materially with the vital functions. Ligatures of fine copper wire having been passed, with the aid of a curved needle (fig. 203, e), around the 3d, 4th, 5th, and 6th cartilages, close to the left edge of the sternum, and a second vertical series of ligatures around the corresponding ribs at a sufficient distance outwards, the portion of the thoracic wall which lies between the two series can be removed without hemorrhage. It is then seen that after section of the cord, the heart is flaccid and empty, and that its cavities fill and its action becomes vigorous when the vascular contraction caused by excitation of the peripheral end forces the blood forwards so as to fill the right auricle. [For the experimental proof that the effects of excitation of the cord above described are not dependent on the increased vigor of the contractions of the heart, see §§ 80, 81.] 50. (4.) Section of the Medulla Oblongata in the Rabbit, within the Cranium. — The recent experiments of Liuhvig and Owsjannikow have shown that the medulla may be divided within the cranium with the same results as regards arterial pressure as are obtained when it is severed immediately 252 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. below the occipital foramen. For this purpose, the occipital bone must be perforated with a small trephine (fig. 203, d) in the middle line between the occipital protuberance and the occipital spine (see fig. 224). By this opening, a thin-bladed knife is introduced in the middle plane, with its edge outwards, by which the medulla is divided, first on one side, then on the other. If the division is made as much as five millimetres above the calamus scriptorius, the diminution of arterial press- ure produced is as great as after section outside of the cranium. In experiments in which the division was made higher, the effect was found to be lessened, disappearing when a point was reached about a millimetre below the corpora quadrigemina. EXPERIMENTS RELATING TO THE REFLEX EXCITATION OF THE VASO- MOTOR CENTRE. The vasomotor centre, although constantly in activity, may be stimulated by impressions received by it through afferent nerves. This can be shown both in the frog and in mammalia. 51. Reflex Excitation of the Medulla Oblongata in the Frog. — For this purpose, the nerves in question may be excited either with the aid of the ordinary excitor (fig. 225), or by the application of a metallic brush to the skin. In the latter case, one of the wires which form the secondary circuit ends in a point which is inserted into the muscles; the other, in the brush which is kept in contact with the skin in the im- mediate neighborhood. The effect should be observed in the web, in the mesenteiy, and in the great vessels leading to the heart. The currents employed must be feeble when the nerves are excited \)y the direct application of the electrodes to the sensory nerves, but strong when it is intended to excite their cutaneous or mucous endings. The periods of excitation should always be very short. The experiment may be varied as follows: a. A frog having been carefully curarized, with the same precautions as were recommended for studying the effect of direct excitation of the medulla, and arranged for the microscopical observation of the circulation in the web, the points of the excitor arc placed upon the tongue, the mouth being kept open for the purpose. On opening the key, the same changes exactly arc observed in the vessels as are pro- duced by direct excitation. At the first moment the blood- stream in the arteries is accelerated, but immediately after, the arteries begin to contract sensibty. The contraction increases gradually but rapidly for one or two seconds, and is attended with slowing, and finally with arrest, of the circula- tion. A maximum of narrowing having been attained, the effect passes off as it came on. Even if the excitation is BY DR. BURDON-S ANDERSON. 253 continued, the arteries do not remain contracted, but often exhibit alternations of contraction and relaxation at irregular intervals. Fo»r observing the changes of rate of movement in the velocity of the blood-stream, the veins should be preferred ; for in them the initial acceleration is not quite so transitory as in the arteries, while the subsequent slowing is as distinct. If it is desired to make a more exact observation, the method devised by Dr. Riegel must be used. It consists in comparing the movements of the blood corpuscles in a selected artery or vein, with that of a current of water containing solid particles in suspension, which passes through a horizontal glass tube fixed in the eye-piece of the microscope at such a distance from the eye-glass as to be distinctly seen by the observer. One end of the tube communic?' with a large bottle placed on a shelf at a higher level * l ., the table, containing the liquid ; the other, with the ..ischarge tube of the movable warm stage represented in fig. 3. By varying the height of the dropper, the rate of flow through the eye-piece can be readily regulated. The rate of flow is learnt by measuring the quantity of liquid discharged per second, and dividing it by the product of the lumen of the glass tube and the magnifying power of the microscope. Thus, if the rate of discharge were a cubic centi- metre in 15 seconds, i. e., 6.6' cubic millimetres per second, the lumen of the tube 0.8 square mill., and the magnifying power 300, the velocity of the current would be 3-^~^= 0.02775 mill. The determination of the absolute velocity is of little import- ance, the object being rather to appreciate, with exactitude and certainty, the changes of rate which occur during the period of observation, b. If, instead of the tongue, the surface of the skin is excited with the brush, the appearances observed are very similar. The initial acceleration of the blood-stream is more easily observed by this method than by the other, c. Direct Excitation of a Sensory Nerve. — A frog having been curarized, the integument is divided along the outer and posterior aspect of the thigh in a line which corresponds in direction with the slender biceps muscle, or rather with the groove between the muscular mass which covers the front of the femur (triceps femoris) and the bulky semi-membranosus. The sciatic nerve, accompanied by the sciatic artery and vein, lies immediately underneath the biceps, between it and the semi-membranosus. In order to separate it from the vessels, it is best to bring it into view by raising the biceps on a blunt hook. Both webs having been arranged for observation under the microscope, the nerve is divided a little above the knee, and the central end laid on the copper points. The secondary coil having been placed at a considerable distance from the primary, and the eye fixed on an artery of the web of the un- 254 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. injured limb, the key is opened. The same series of phe- nomena present themselves as before — contraction and slowing of the circulation, preceded by a much less obvious accelera- tion. If now the other web is brought under the microscope, it is seen that the contraction of the arteries is very incqnsider- able, the acceleration is more distinct. The explanation of this is easy. The sciatic nerve being the channel by which most of the vasomotor fibres find their way to the arteries of the web, those vessels are in great measure (but not entirely) paralyzed by its division. Consequent!}^ of the three effects produced by excitation of the vasomotor centre — viz., increased vigor of the contractions of the heart, increase of arterial press- ure, and contraction of the arteries — the first two only mani- fest themselves in acceleration of the blood-stream. In the other limb, the vasomotor nerves being intact, the phenomena present themselves in their completeness. The effect of direct and indirect excitation of the medulla on the vessels of the mesentery has as yet been imperfectly investigated. It is certain that in general the contraction of the mesenteric arteries is much less marked than of those of the web. It is often entirely absent, the only change observed during excita- tion being that the stream is accelerated. These facts do not indicate that these arteries are out of the control of the cerebro-spinal centres, but merely that the nerves excited are not in reflex relation with them. 52. Reflex Excitation of the Medulla Oblongata in Mammalia. — The vasomotor centre may be stimulated in the dog, rabbit, or cat, by the electrical excitation of any sen- sory nerve. The most convenient for the purpose is the sciatic. The requirements are the same as for an ordinary kymographic observation. If it is intended to excite the trunk of the sciatic nerve, the animal must rest on its side. It must first be ren- dered insensible by opium or chloral, and subsequently curar- ized. In order to expose the sciatic nerve, an incision must be made from a point half way between the trochanter and the promontory of the ischium towards the tendon of the biceps. Such an incision runs nearly parallel to the inner and posterior edge of the long head of the muscle just named, which edge must be found and drawn outwards. In the upper third of the thigh, the nerve lies between the biceps and the adductor magnus, further down, between the biceps and the semi-membranosus. If it is desired to stimulate the nerve near its distribution, the peronaeal nerve may be found very readily in front of the ankle, on the fibular side of the com- mon extensor of the toes. It is often called the n. dorsalis pedis. Excitation of the central end of the divided sciatic or of the peronseal nerve produces effects which are indistinguishable in BY DR. BURDON-SA^7DERSON. 255 kind from those of direct excitation of the medulla, although the augmentation of arterial pressure and other concomitant phenomena are less considerable. In the case of the dorsalis pedis, however, and other nerves to be immediately referred to, there is a marked difference between the condition of the arteries in the region to which the excited afferent nerve is distributed, and those of the rest of the body. EXPERIMENTS SHOWING THAT THE SAME DEGREE OF EXCITATION OF A SENSORY NERVE WHICH PRODUCES GENERAL CONTRACTION OF THE ARTERIES IN OTHER PARTS OF THE BODY, DIMINISHES THE TONUS OF THE ARTERIES OF THE PART TO WHICH THE Ex- CITED NERVE is DISTRIBUTED. 53. (1.) Excitation of the Nerves of the External Ear of the Rabbit. — The ear of the rabbit derives its sensi- bility from two nerves, both of considerable size. One of these, the posterior auricular, approaches the surface at the back of the neck, very near the middle line, and runs forwards and outwards, under a thin covering of muscle, to the root of the ear, where it penetrates a process of cartilage, easily felt in passing the finger from the occiput outwards. By making an incision between this process and the occipital spine, the nerve can be very easily found. The other nerve (n. auricu- laris magnus, see fig. 226) springs from the anterior branches of the second and third cervical nerves ; it becomes superficial at the posterior edge of the sterno-mastoid, and then runs up- wards, covered only by integument, towards the thin edge of the external ear, where it soon divides into two branches. It is most easily found at the root of the ear, just before it di- vides. The animal having been curarized, the apparatus for artificial respiration is connected with the trachea, and the manometer of the kymograph with the carotid artery. The great auricu- lar nerve is then carefully exposed, separated from the sur- rounding parts with the aid of two pairs of blunt forceps, and divided. The next step is to arrange the lobe of the ear in such a way that the central artery can be well seen. With this view, if sunlight is not at command, a paraffin lamp should be so placed that its light may be thrown on the ear from behind by a condensing lens, while the lobe itself is sup- ported vertically by a suitable holder. Before beginning the experiment, the central arteiy should be carefully observed, attention being particularly directed to the rhythmical changes of diameter which it undergoes. Its condition having been carefully noted, and a preliminary kymographic tracing having been taken, for the purpose of preserving a record of the pre- vious arterial pressure, the central end of the nerve is laid upon the points of the excitor, and the key opened for a couple 256 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. of seconds. If no increase of arterial pressure takes place, the secondary coil, which in beginning the experiment must be distant from the primary one, is cautiously brought nearer to it until this effect is produced. As soon as this is the case, it is usually observed that the artery of the ear, instead of contracting, dilates, and that the whole lobe obviously con- tains more blood than it did before. Frequently, however, it happens that, notwithstanding the increase of arterial press- ure, no increased vascular injection is observable. In this case, recourse must be had to the posterior auricular nerve, the excitation of the central end of which is almost certain to be followed by the effect in question. The augmentation of arterial pressure and the dilatation of the auricular artery appear to be collateral phenomena, both increasing gradually during the few seconds which succeed the commencement of electrical excitation. If care is taken neither to prolong the excitation unduly nor to use too strong currents, the reaction may be witnessed a great number of times in the same animal. 54. (2.) Excitation of the Dorsalis Pedis.— When the central end of the divided dorsal nerve of the foot is excited, phenomena occur of a similar nature. To enable the observer to judge of the effect, the saphenous artery must be exposed in its course down the inner side of the lower half of the thigh, as recommended in § 49. It is then seen that during and after excitation of the central end of the divided nerve, the artery gradually dilates, subsequently regaining its former dimensions. The general result of the preceding experiments may be expressed by saying that the afferent nerves to which the}r relate (in common probably with other sensory nerves) con- tain fibres so endowed that, when they are excited, the action of the vasomotor centre is inhibited or suspended, as regards certain regions with which the nerves in question are in close anatomical relation. In its relations to the vasomotor ner- vous system, the words " inhibitory" and "depressor," both of which are used by ph^ysiologists to denote the case in which arterial tonus is diminished by excitation of an afferent nerve, may be regarded as equivalent. EXPERIMENTS RELATING TO THE EFFECTS OF DIRECT EXCITATION AND DIVISION OF THE VASOMOTOR NERVES. When a vasomotor nerve is excited directly, the arteries of the region to which it is distributed contract. When it is divided, they become permanently larger, and remain unaffect- ed by changes in the condition of the vasomotor centre, whether these are determined by direct or reflex excitation. BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 257 55. (1.) Demonstration of the Vasomotor Functions of the Cervical Portion of the Sympathetic Nervous System in the Rabbit. — In 1852, Brown-St'quard showed that when the sympathetic nerve is divided in the neck, the central artery of the ear dilates, and the organ becomes vascu- lar ; and that when the peripheral end is excited, the same ar- teries contract ; and in the same year he demonstrated that the former effect was dependent on paralysis, the latter on spasm of the muscular walls of the vessels. A rabbit having been placed on the support in the prone position, about four cubic centimetres of a five per cent, solu- tion of chloral (obtained by diluting a stronger solution with the required proportion of the ordinary solution of chloride of sodium) is gradually injected into the crural vein. [For the method of exposing the crural vein and of inserting the canula, see § 49]. As soon as the animal is insensible, an incision is made about two inches in length parallel with the trachea, so as to expose the edge of the sterno-mastoid muscle on one side. The carotid artery is then brought into view, separated from the vagus, and drawn forward from beneath the edges of the muscle with the (fig. 203, c) hook, when it is seen that two small nerves, both much smaller than the vagus, are drawn forward with it, embedded in the membranous sheath (fig. 227). Of these two nerves, one, which is the smaller of the two, is the depressor — an important cardiac branch of the vagus; the other is the sympathetic. To discriminate between them, all that is necessary is to trace them both upwards. It is then seen that the depressor arises by one root from the vagus trunk, by another from the superior laryngeal ; whereas the sympathetic continues its course upwards alongside of the artery. The sympathetic is also distinguishable by its gray color. A loose ligature having been placed round the nerve, the condition of the posterior auricular artery should be care- fully observed, and noted in the manner recommended in the previous paragraph. On dividing the nerve, it is seen that the artery dilates, the rhythmical movements cease, and the whole vascular network of the ear rapidly becomes injected with blood. The change in the condition of the organ is very similar, both in degree and in kind, to that observed after ex- citation of the central end of the auricular nerve, but differs from it in being more permanent. If after a few minutes the ears are held, one in each hand, it is felt that that of the in- jured side is warmer than the other. If now the peripheral end of the divided nerve is placed between the copper points and the key opened, the artery contracts and the congestion of the car disappears. This experiment shows conclusively that most of the spinal vasomotor nerves which are distributed to the arteries of the 17 258 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. integument of the head, must reach their destination by pass- ing through the superior cervical ganglion. As, however, the superior ganglion is also in direct communication with the spinal cord, the vascular paralysis is incomplete unless this communication is broken by the extirpation of the ganglion. To accomplish this, the incision must be continued upwards in the angle of the jaw (see fig. 227). The carotid artery and the vagus which accompanies it, having been brought into view as far upwards as the stylohyoid muscle, are drawn for- wards and towards the middle line with the blunt hook by an assistant, while the sympathetic trunk is followed upwards behind the artery with the aid of two pairs of blunt forceps. The space in which tin: ganglion lies is crossed by the trunk of the hypoglossal nerve, and by the stylohyoid muscle. The latter should be divided. The extirpation of the ganglion is best effected with blunt-pointed scissors. After section of the sympathetic trunk in the neck, the normal condition of the ear is gradually restored; but if the ganglion is destroyed, the effect is permanent. 56. (2.) Demonstration of the Vasomotor Functions of the Splanchnic Nerves. — The splanchnic nerves con- lain (in addition to those fibres which govern the peristaltic movements of the intestine, with which we have at present no concern) sensory and vasomotor fibres. The vasomotor fibres are distributed to the arteries of the abdominal viscera. Their importance depends on the fact that these arteries receive so larijc a, share of the systemic blood-stream (especiall}' in the rabbit), that the resistance offered by the arterial system to the discharge of blood from the heart is largely affected by any alteration of their calibre. The sensory part of the nerve, in common with other sensory nerves, contains fibres by which the vasomotor centre is influenced. It is also, as will be seen in a future section, in reflex relation with the heart through the vagus. The splanchnic nerve in the rabbit leaves the sympa- thetic trunk at the 8th or 9th ganglion, passes downwards in front of the psoas major muscle, receiving branches from the other thoracic ganglia. At the level of the tenth thoracic vertebra, the two nerves lie on either side of the descending aorta, and accompany it downwards until it reaches the dia- phragm, at which point the right splanchnic is further away from the vessel than the left. After entering the belly, the left splanchnic retains the same relation to the aorta as before, ending in the lower of the two cvt'liac ganglia, which is easily found above the left supra-renal capsule on the front of the aorta. The right nerve is more difficult to find from its lying further from the aorta, separated from it by the breadth of the vena cav.a. It ends at the level of the right supra-renal cap- sule, iu the superior cteliac ganglion which lies in front of the BY DR. BURDON-S ANDERSON. 259 vein. The splanchnic nerve may be reached either in the ab- domen or in the thorax. In very exact experiments, and es- pecially in those that relate fco the functions of the afferent fibres, it is obvious)}' desirable that these organs should not IT exposed by opening the peritonaea! cavity; but for the pur- pose of demonstrating the vasomotor functions of the nerve, this precaution is unnecessaiy. When one of the splanchnic nerves is divided in the rabbit, the arterial pressure sinks ; on electrical excitation of the divided nerve, it rises to a height which far exceeds the normal limits. Section of the other nerve is followed by further reduction, which, however, is not so considerable as that produced by division of the first. The reduction of pressure after section is attended with increase, the elevation of pressure after excitation with decrease of the frequency of the pulse. These facts are demonstrated as fol- lows : — A chloralized rabbit having been secured in the prone position, and one carotid connected with the kymograph, the abdominal cavity is freely opened in the linea alba. The in- tegument is then carefully divided by a transverse incision, which extends outwards from the first incision a little below the edge of the ribs. A curved needle, of the form shown in fig. 203 e, guarded by the left forefinger, is then passed under the abdominal wall in the direction of the incision. Its point having been brought out about two and a half inches from the linea alba, the ligatures are tightened in such a way that the muscles are constricted at different levels. The part between the ligatures is then divided by a horizontal incision, which may be continued in the same direction without hemorrhage. This done, the left splanchnic nerve is plainly seen running down parallel to the aorta on its left side, towards the supra- renal capsule. The space in which it lies is occupied by very loose cellular tissue covered by peritoneum, which must be broken through to get at the nerve. Immediately after the abdominal cavity is opened — that is, before the nerves are touched — there is a very considerable rise of arterial pressure, which is accompanied with slowing of the pulse. These effects are, however, only transitory, the mercurial column sometimes sinking immediately afterwards below its original level. After division of the left splanchnic it sinks very considerably, often as much as forty millimetres (f. e., more than an inch and a half). On placing the peri- pheral cut end between the copper points of the excitor and opening the key, the column suddenly rises. The sinking pro- duced by section of the right nerve is comparatively incon- siderable. As it is very difficult to get at, its division may be omitted, all that is essential in the experiment being observ- able after section of the left. 260 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. The following numerical results are derived from one of Ludwig and Cyon's experiments : Previous arterial pressure, 90 millimetres; after division of left splanchnic, 41 mill.; during excitation of peripheral end of divided nerve, 115 mill.; after division of right splanchnic, 31 mill. After section of both nerves, the vessels of all the abdominal viscera are seen to be dilated. The portal system is filled with blood ; the small vessels of the mesenter}', and those which ramify on the surface of the intestine are beautifully injected, the vessels of the kidneys are dilated, and the parenchyma is hyperaemic ; all of which facts indicate, not merely that by the relaxation of the abdominal bloodvessels a large proportion of the resist- ance to the heart is annulled, but that a quantity of blood is, so to speak, transferred into the portal system, and thereby as completely discharged from the systemic circulation as if a great internal hemorrhage had taken place. PART II. — THE HEART. SECTION V.— THE MOVEMENTS OF THE HEART. The method of demonstrating the movements of the heart, stated in the order of their importance, are the following: 1. Exposure of the contracting heart in situ. 2. Application of instruments to the prseeordia, for the purpose of measuring the cardiac movements of the wall of the chest. 3. Listening to the sounds of the heart. 4. Imitating the movements of the living heart by the production of similar passive movements in the dead heart. 57. Study of the Movements of the Heart in the Frog. — Before beginning the study of its movements, an ade- quate knowledge of the form and anatomical relations of the organ must be gained by dissection. For this purpose, the heart and great vessels should be filled with some solid sub- stance which can be rendered fluid by warming it ; such, for example, as cacao butter or the ordinary gelatin mass (see Chap. VI.). This must be injected by the vena cava inferior in sufficient quantity to fill the heart and great vessels (see fig. 228). It is then seen that the organ, as a whole, is egg- shaped ; but is more or less flattened from side to side by a furrow which crosses the heart nearly at right angles to its axis, but inclines downwards towards the left; it is divided into an upper globular (formed of the two auricles) and a lower conical part (the ventricle). On its anterior aspect, the ventricle is continuous with a cylindrical prominence (the bulb), which projects from the anterior aspect of the right auricle, and terminates above by dividing into two arteries, the BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 261 right and left aorta. Of these aortic, which part from each other at the middle line, the left is the larger. The posterior wall of the right auricle extends backwards into a club-shaped appendage, the sinus venosus. This body may be described as the dilated end of the large vena cava inferior. It first extends vertically upwards in the middle line, in continuity with that vein, applying itself against the oesophagus behind, and opening towards the front into the right auricle, from which it is separated by a slight furrow. At the top it re- ceives on either side the two venae cavas superiores, which, however, are relatively small. The two auricles are separated from each other by a septum, which stretches as a curtain from before backwards, between them. This curtain ends below in a crescentic margin, beneath which the two cavities communi- cate freely. The orifice leading from the sinus venosus into the right auricle is guarded by a well-marked Eustachian valve, which hangs downwards and towards the right. The auriculo- ventricular valve consists of an anterior and a posterior cur- tain, both of which are continuous at their edges with the auricular septum. The mode of exposing the heart has already been described. The facts to be observed when the pericardium is opened are the following: The series of muscular movements which are performed by the heart each time it contracts is seen to begin at the upper end of the vena cava inferior and sinus venosus. From the sinus the peristaltic wave extends to the auricles; but it is not until the auricular contraction is complete that the ventricle suddenly draws itself together. Before this last act is accomplished, it is usually seen that the sinus venosus is full, and the auricles are already filling. In a moment they become distended and contract, transferring the blood they contain to the now empty and flaccid ventricle, which in its turn forwards it onwards to the bulbus aortas and arterial system. In consequence of the fact that during the contrac- tion of the ventricle the auricles are already filling with blood, and that the ventricle does not fill until the auricle contracts, the successive appearances presented by the heart during each cardiac period are very much as if there were a constant ex- change of blood between the two great chambers into which the organ is divided, and at once suggest the notion that the auricles and ventricle dilate and contract alternately, the one seeming to contract while the other dilates, and vice versa. It is easy, however, for any one who possesses the faculty of observation to satisfy himself that this is not the case, and that, while the ventricular contraction is determined by the auricular, and the auricular by that of the sinus, the last originates of itself — i. e., independently of any previous movement. 262 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. The precise time between the successive acts above described may be measured by arranging a lever of the second order in such a way that, while it rests near its bearings on the con- tracting heart, and follows its movements, its distal end in- scribes those movements on the cylinder of the recording ap- paratus. In this way a tracing is obtained (Fig. 229), in which the relaxation of the heart is marked by a rapid descent of the lever, the auricular contraction l>y a first ascent, the commencement of that of the ventricle by a second, and its continuance by a slow subsidence, suddenly ending in the rapid diastolic descent already mentioned. Thus, in the ex- ample given, the interval between the vertical lines a and b cor- responds to the auricular systole ; that between b and c to the contraction of the ventricle — so that the auricles are in dia- stole from 6 to a, the ventricles from c to b. 58. Study of the Movements of the Heart in Mam- malia.— For this purpose a rabbit must be completely clilo- ralized. The trachea having been connected with the appa- ratus for artificial respiration, and the frequency and quantity of the inflations carefully regulated, the chest is opened in the manner already indicated in § 49. The facts to be studied are the following : a. At the beginning of the period of relaxation, the heart is so flaccid that it obeys the law of gravitation, and is consequently flattened from side to side, just as we usually see it in the dead bod}'. It does not follow, from this observa- tion, that the relaxed heart has the same form when inclosed in the tligrax. but on other grounds it probably is so, for its form within the chest when in the flaccid condition is mani- festly determined partly by gravity, partly by the shape of the space in which it is contained; and inasmuch as the space is ' a wedge-shaped one, bounded anteriorly by the sternum and ribs, posteriorly by the diaphragm, but virtually unlimited towards either side, we may be quite sure that the organ is at least as much flattened antero-posteriorly in the natural state, as it is seen to be when the chest is open. b. During the re- mainder of the diastole the ventricles are still flaccid and per- fectly passive, but the conditions are changed. While gradu- ally filling with blood, they go through those changes of form which are exhibited by a bladder contained in a basin when it is gradually filled with water, c. At the end of diastole fol- lows a very short period, during which, although the ventricles are still soft, active muscular movements can be observed. This is known as the pra3-systolic period. Systole has in. re- ality begun ; but the auriculo-ventricular valves not having yet had time to close, the ventricular contraction is unresisted. The heart, like any other muscle, so long as it contracts with- out opposition, is soft. d. The moment that the valves close, the heart hardens and becomes globular, slightly twisting BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 263 round its axis, while the apex is thrown forward, and at the same time approaches the base. If at the moment of ventri- cular hardening the attention is fixed on the aorta, that great artery is seen to undergo the same changes of form which we have already studied in the arterial pulse — changes due partly to lateral expansion, i. e., increase of diameter ; partly to axial expansion, i. e., increase of length. The "locomotive" move- ment, which results from the axial expansion of the aorta, has its influence on the heart, for it compensates for the axial shortening which occurs when the heart gathers itself up into a globe to overcome the arterial resistance which is opposed to it at the moment that it begins to force its contents into the already distended arteries. In the preceding paragraphs the attention of the student has been directed entirely to the arterial side of the heart, i. e., to the movements of the ventricles and great arterial trunks. These having been mastered, he must next observe those of the auricles, with special reference to the order of time in which they occur. At the commencement of the period of ventricular relaxa- tion the whole heart is flaccid. The duration of this period varies inversely as the frequency of the pulse, so that no general statement can be made with respect to it. As long as it lasts, blood enters the auricles from the systemic and pulmonary veins. At a moment which anticipates the harden- ing of the ventricles (in the rabbit) by something like a fifth of a second, the auricles harden, while the ventricles, which have already received a certain quantity of blood through the open auriculo-ventricular orifices, fill much more rapidly. This hardening of the auricles is not, however, to be compared either in vigor or suddenness to that of the ventricles ; it does not affect the whole auricle at once, but rather seems to spread from the venre cavae towards the ventricles as a wave of contraction. While the auricle is still contracting, the pre- paratory u prne-systolic" movements begin in the ventricles, culminating, as already described, in the ventricular shock, or heart pulse. To complete the study of the movements of the heart in situ, they should be observed under various abnormal condi- tions, e. gr., under the influence of section and excitation of the vagi, in d3rspno3a, and after hemorrhage. The appear- ances then seen will be referred to under the proper heads. 59. The Cardiac Impulse. — It has been already stated that the ventricular part of the heart is contained, both in man and in the lower mammalia, in a somewhat wedge-shaped space, the posterior wall of which formed by the diaphragm is more or less resistant. Consequently, when the ventricles suddenly harden and become globular, they knock against the 264 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. wall of the chest with more or less violence. This knock is called the cardiac impulse. It is precisely coincident with the complete closure of the auriculo-ventricnlar valves, and deter- mines the bursting open of the sigmoid valves. If the base of the heart, i. e., the roots of the great arteries, were fixed, the shortening of the ventricular axis, which, as we have seen, occurs at the moment of hardening, would determine a with- drawal or retraction of the apex from the position occupied by it in diastole. As, however, this shortening is attended with lengthening of the aorta, its retractive effect is more or less neutralized, so that the seat of impulse — in other words, the centre towards which the muscular mass of the ventricles draws itself together — is not far from the position occupied by the apex of the heart when in a state of relaxation. This can be demonstrated both in man and in the lower animals. In a rabbit or dog rendered insensible by opium or chloral, a number of long slender needles are introduced into the heart in the following positions: No. 1 is inserted vertically into ' the ventricle at the point at which its knock can be felt by the finger most distinctly.- From this point a line is drawn upwards and inwards towards the root of the aorta, along which Nos. 2, 3, and 4 are inserted in a similar manner in the intercostal spaces. In like manner, Nos. 5 and 0 are inserted at equal distances on either side of the impulse in the same intercostal space. The movements executed by these several needles differ according to their relation to the central one, No. 1, which, although it is affected by the ascent and descent of the diaphragm, is indifferent as regards the heart. Of the series, Nos. 2, 3, and 4, the free end of each performs an in- stantaneous upward movement, the extent of which is in pro- portion to its distance from No. 1 ; and finally, Nos. 5 and 6 oscillate more or less horizontally, their free ends receding from each other, as well as from No. 1, at the moment of the impulse. From these facts we learn that, whereas that part of the ventricular mass which knocks against the chest is nearly stationary, the base of the heart moves downwards, and to the left at the moment of the ventricular hardening, t. e., of the aortic pulse; and that the other parts of the ven- tricles are drawn towards the impulse in a degree proportional to their distance from it. In man, the same facts are demonstrated with the aid of the cardiograph. The word cardiograph has been applied by various writers to a variety of instruments, which differ from each other both in their form and in the principles on which they are constructed, but agree in the purpose which they are intended to fulfil. This purpose is the recording of the cardiac movements of the wall of the chest by the graphic method. BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 265 60. The Cardiograph. — The cardiograph I use is shown in fig. 230. Its most important part is a hollow disk, the rira and back of which are of brass; the front is of. thin India- rubber membrane. This disk is called a tympanum. To the brass back a flat steel spring is screwed, which is bent twice at right angles in the same direction, in such a way that it over- hangs the India-rubber membrane. The extremity of this spring, which is exactly opposite the centre of the face of the tympanum, is perforated by a steel screw, the point of which rests on the membrane, while its head is surmounted by an ivory knob. The tympanum is further provided with three adjusting screws, by which, when in use, it rests on the wall of the chest, with its face parallel to the surface, and can be approximated or withdrawn at will. It is evident that when the screws are so adjusted that the spring presses on the chest, whatever movements of expansion or retraction are made by the surface to which it is applied are communicated to it, and by it to the India-rubber membrane with which its point is in contact. The cavity of the disk communicates by a vulcanized India-rubber tube with a second tympanum, represented in fig. 231, in such a way that the two tympana and the tube inclose an air-tight cavity. The result of this arrangement is, that whatever movement is performed by the first is simultaneously reproduced, but in the reverse direction, by the second. If the tympana are of equal area, the extents of the primary and secondary movements are equal. When, as is usually the case, the areas are unequal, the extent of movement is approxi- mately inversely proportional to tha areas. The movement of the second tympanum is magnified and inscribed on the regis- tering cylinder by a lever in the manner explained in a pre- vious paragraph. By this apparatus a tracing is obtained, which is an exact representation of the movements of the sur- face against which the spring is applied, so that, if the instru- ment is graduated, it may be used not only for the purpose of estimating the relative duration of those movements, but for measuring their extent. For the purpose of studying the cardiac impulse in the hu- man chest, the subject should be allowed to rest supine on a flat surface, with his head on a pillow. The impulse is sought for in the normal position, i.e., in the space between the fifth and sixth ribs, about half an inch nearer the sternum than the mammary line (the line which passes vertically through the nipple). On applying the cardiograph in this position, with the ivory knob pressing against the seat of impulse, a 'tracing is always obtained which has the general characters exhibited in Fig. 232a, in which the moment of hardening is indicated by a sudden ascent of the lever, and the end of the ventricular systole by an equally marked, but not so sudden, descent. If 266 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. now the cardiograph is shifted towards the sternum, the character of the tracing is entirely altered. (See Fig. 2326). The ventricular hardening is still,' indeed, indicated by a jerk upwards of the lever; but this is immediately succeeded by a descent of such a character as to afford evidence that at the point investigated the thoracic wall, instead of bulging, is re- tracted during the systolic effort. This phenomenon, which is well known to pathologists, being so marked in some con- ditions of disease that it is easily appreciated by the unaided hand or eye, has been called the " negative impulse." It means that the heart, which, when gradually filling with blood applies itself to the whole prsecordia, gathers itself from all directions towards the centre of impulse — in bedside language, commonly miscalled the apex. If the cardiographic tracing of the im- pulse is compared with that obtained manometrically by a method to be immediately described, it is obvious that the two correspond with each other very closely ; so that we are per- fectly safe in assuming, as has been done above, that the ascent denotes the beginning, the descent the end, of the ventricular effort. We can thus determine with the greatest precision the moment at which the mitral and tricupsid valves close. The moment of the closure of the arterial valves is not so certain, for it does not coincide with the end of the systole. It is sometimes marked by an up-and-down movement of the lever, due to the vibration into which the chest wall is thrown at the moment that the curtains of the aortic valve come together. The auricular contraction is often indicated by a slight eleva- tion, which precedes the impulse by a distinct interval. 61. Investigation of the Sounds of the Heart.— The sounds of the heart can be studied both in man and in the lower animals. The first or dull sound coincides with the hardening of the ventricles, the complete closure of the auriculo-ventrieular valves, and the bursting open of the arte- rial orifices. It is caused principally by the sudden distension of the ven- tricles, but can bq proved experimentally to be also in part of the same nature with the noise made by all muscles in the act of contracting against a resistance. The second or sharp sound is coincident with and caused by the closure of the sigmoid valves. This is proved by the observation that if the valve is injured, or prevented from closing by mechanical means, the sound is no longer heard. In studying the sounds of the heart in the lower animals, particularly in the dog, the student o.f medicine should direct his attention specially to the modifica- tions of the sounds under known conditions — e. g., in dysp- no2a, when the heart is distended with blood ; after hemorrhage, when the ventricles are insufficiently filled in diastole ; after section of the vagi, when the frequency of the contractions is BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 267 so great that the aortic valves have not even time to close, or under the various conditions in which these nerves are directly or indirectly excited. From all these modifications, the effi- cient causes of which are known and understood, lessons may be learnt which may be applied directly at the bedside as aids in the interpretation of analogous phenomena when they pre- sent themselves in man. 62. Study of the Action of the Valves in the Dead Heart. — Although this method forms no exception to the general rule that little can be learnt in ph}*siology by teleo- logical inferences from the properties of dead organs or tis- sues, it is yet of great value to the student for the purpose of illustrating the purely mechanical part of the action of the heart. The heart of any mammalian animal may be used, that of the pig being most suitable. The simplest method of imi- tating the conditions which actually exist in the circulation, consists in bringing one or other of the ventricles into commu- nication with a reservoir placed at a sufficient height above it by means of two flexible tubes. The most convenient form to be given to the reservoir is that of a glass funnel, the stem of which communicates by one of the flexible tubes with the aorta. The other tube ends in a large glass canula, which is securety tied into the ventricle near its apex ; its opposite end is fitted to a glass syphon, the short leg of which dips into a funnel ; the tube is guarded by a clip. The funnel and syphon having been filled with water, and the clip closed, the apparatus is ready. On opening the clip, water flows into the right ven- tricle and distends it ; on closing it and compressing the ven- tricle with the hand, its contents are forced upwards through the aorta into the funnel, while the tricuspid valve is distended. To observe the action of that valve, all that is necessary is to cut away part of the wall of the right auricle. It is then seen that, when the ventricle is squeezed, the liquid contained in it tends to rush outwards by the auriculo-ventricular opening, currying the valve with it. In a moment the curtains become distended, meeting by their borders so as to form a tense mem- branous dome, which projects into the auricle. The time which intervenes between the commencement of the compression and the tightening of the valve varies according to the vigor of the contractions, the quantity of blood contained in the ventricle, and the previous position of the valve, but must always be ap- preciable. It corresponds to the pros systolic period previously referred to. All these facts are learnt much more impressively by introducing the index finger into the right auricle of a large animal. In the horse this can be done easily by an opening of such size that the finger is tightly grasped by it. The valve bulges out as a tense membranous dome into the auricle at the moment of auricular contraction. In observing the action of 268 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. the tricuspid valve in the dead heart, it is important to notice what are the conditions which render the valve incompetent, i. e., prevent it from closing completely. The most important of these conditions is over-distension of the ventricle, by which the ostium becomes too large to be covered by the valve. When this occurs during life, the phenomenon known as the venous pulse presents itself. The right ventricle being still in communication with the venous system at the moment that it hardens, blood is injected by it backwards. When, in the human subject, this condition is permanent, it leads first to dilatation of the great veins, and, secondly, to similar incom- petence of the vein-valves nearest the heart. In such persons two large swellings are seen on either side of the neck — the distended jugular veins — which pulsate nearly synchronously with the heart. SECTION VI.— ENDOCABDIAL PRESSURE. By this term is understood the pressure exercised by the blood contained in the heart, against its internal surface. It can be measured in the frog and in mammalia. 63. Investigation of the Endocardial Pressure in the Heart of the Frog under various Conditions. — In the frog the action of the heart is maintained unimpaired after the separation of the organ from the cerebro-spinal nervous centres. It is not even necessary that "it should be supplied with blood. Serum (if perfectly fresh) of another animal may be substituted for it, without apparent^ affecting either the vigor or regularity of the cardiac contractions. These two facts render it possible to use the heart of the frog for the solu- tion of a number of problems, in reference to which it is desira- ble to investigate the mechanical functions of the heart inde- pendently of the influence of the nervous system. The method of preparing the heart for such experiments is that first employed by Dr. Coats, of Glasgow, in an investiga- tion relating to the mechanical work done b}' the heart in a given time, in Lud wig's laboratory. It has been since used with various modifications byBowditch, Brunton,Blasius, and others. The brain and spinal cord having been destroyed by the introduction of a needle, the body of the frog is cut across below the liver. The sternum with the anterior extremities are removed, great care being taken to reserve on one side a large flap of skin which may be used as a cover for the nerves, and the heart. The heart is then freed of its pericardium, and the little serous ligament by which it is connected with the posterior surface of that membrane is ligatured and divided. The next step is to tie one branch of the aorta, and then to pass a canula through the other and the bulb into the ventricle. The BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 269 suspensory ligaments of the liver are then severed so as to ex- pose the vena cava inferior. A ligature is passed round that vessel, which is then slit open so as to allow a large canula to pass into the right auricle. The canula having been secured, the liver and lungs are removed, the stomach is severed through the middle, and a stout glass rod, tapering at either end, is passed from the mouth down the oesophagus. This rod should be as large as possible, as the stretching of the parts between the heart and the spinal column which is thus produced mate- rially facilitates their satisfactory exposure. The end of the glass rod which projects from the mouth must then be fixed in a support, and the tube which is inserted in the right auricle be fitted with a flexible tube and connected with a glass reser- voir (for which purpose one of the patent syphon inkstands does best) filled with reddish rabbit serum. The aorta is in like manner connected with a manometer of the form indicated in fig. 233, from which the general arrangement of the heart, reservoir, and manometer will also be best understood. The heart is charged with serum and brought into action by filling the reservoir. From thence the liquid fills the right auricle, passes therefrom to the ventricle, and is discharged by it into the manometer. As soon as it is seen that no more air bubbles pass through the proximal limb of the manometer (the upper end of which is 'connected with a flexible tube for the purpose of conveying the liquid pumped by the heart to a suitable receptacle), the apparatus is ready. The mode of ex- periment may be varied according as it is intended merely to measure the variations of endocardial pressure which occur during a cardiac period, or to observe the modifications which that pressure undergoes under different mechanical conditions. 64. a. Variations of Endocardial Pressure which occur during each Cardiac Period. — To observe these, the heart must communicate exclusively with the manometer, the prox- imal limb of which with the tube leading to it from the ven- tricle, and the ventricle itself, must form one cavity filled with serum and closed towards the auricles by the valve, and in the opposite direction by the mercurial column and a clip, by which the tube connected with the upper end of the proximal limb is guarded. The manometer should be at such a height that when the pressure is greatest the top of the proximal column is at the same level as the heart ; and the quantity of mercury it contains must be adjusted, by addition or subtrac- tion, with the aid of a capillary pipette, so that when the heart is in diastole the distal column is still about a millimetre higher than the other. The reservoir for the supply of serum ID u.st now be placed at such a height above the heart that the auricle is equal to that existing during diastole in the ven- tricle; and inasmuch as this has been alreacty arranged at a 270 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. millimetre of mercury, the height of the venous column of serum must be about half an inch = 12 millimetres, the spe- cific gravity of mercury being about twelve times that of serum. In the distal column of the manometer is a glass piston, the upper end of which bears a horizontal arm arranged in the same way as that which bears the writing pencil in the ordi- nary kymograph — the main differences being that in this case the manometer is much smaller, and that, in order to avoid friction, the tracing is recorded, as in the sphygmograph, on glazed paper, blackened by passing it over the flame of a paraffin lamp. The record so obtained is shown ri fig. 234. On account of the relative slowness of the movements and the inconsiderable lumen of the manometer, the curve is very little modified by the oscillation proper to the mercurial column, and is therefore a true representation of the succession of changes of pressure which take place in the ventricle. We learn from it that in the frog the pressure exercised by the ventricle on the blood it contains arrives at its acme somewhat gradually, and persists for an appreciable period ; and that when the heart relaxes, the subsidence of pressure is at first extremely rapid, but subsequently somewhat more gradual. The rate of move- ment of the paper being 40 centimetres per minute, the dura- tion of each systole can be easily measured. 65. b. Modifications of the Endocardia! Pressure Curve under various Conditions. — For the purpose of investigating the influence of various mechanical conditions on the action of the heart, and particularly of changes in the relation of the pressure in the veins and that in the arteries, the apparatus must be so modified that the ventricle, instead of communi- cating exclusively with the manometer, pumps the liquid, con- stant^ supplied to it from the venous reservoir, along a tube or system of tubes representing the arterial system. To fulfil these conditions, all that is necessary is, (1) to insert the arte- rial canula, not in the bulb, but in the left aorta (the right being tiecf), so as not to interfere with the play of the aortic valve ; and (2) to join to the proximal limb of the gauge an India-rubber tube, dilated near the junction into an elastic bulb, and ending in a nearly capillary beak of glass, the pur- pose of the latter being to furnish the required resistance, that of the former to render the discharge as nearly equable as pos- sible— in short, to replace the elasticity of the arteries. The advantage of this arrangement does not lie in the cir- cumstance that the mode of action of the heart is more natural, for it makes little difference to that organ whether the liquid' it discharges at one contraction returns to it during the next relaxation or is pumped forwards, provided that the pressures to which it is subjected are the same in systole as in diastole. It is rather that when the heart is so arranged that liquid is BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 271 pumped through it continuously, the observer has it in his power to modify the arterial pressure (by altering the resist- ance) without modifying the venous pressure, and vice versa, and so to reproduce conditions which actually exist and exer- cise a most important influence in the living body. It is obvious that if the pressure on the venous side of the heart is ?u7, no progressive movement will occur, whatever may be the resistance in the arteries; and, on the other hand, that if the pressures .on the two sides of the heart are equal, there must also be no movement, for, the auriculo-ventricular valve remaining open, the heart would act as in the previous experi- ment, receiving back again in diastole whatever liquid it dis- charged during systole. Between these two extremes, that of equality of venous and arterial pressures and that of total want of pressure in the auricles, a mean relation exists which is most advantageous to efficient action, and cannot be de- parted from in either direction without impairment of effect. The existence of this ratio of greatest efficiency has been lately demonstrated experimentally by Blasius;1 and it has been found, first, that for every value of arterial resistance, it is possible by successive trials to ascertain what venous pressure enables the heart to contract with the greatest effect ; and, secondly, that for every heart there is a certain value of arterial resistance which is most advantageous. The mean result of numerous observations is, that the frog's heart (ranaesculenta) does most work when it is opposed by an arterial pressure of about 35 millimetres of mercury. If the resistance is greater than this, the heart becomes over-distended, and its valves incompetent. 66. Application of the preceding Methods to the Investigation of the Problem of the Mechanical Work done by the Heart in a given Time. — In the preceding paragraph, the expressions, mechanical " effect" of the heart's contractions, and " work" done by the heart, have been used without explanation. Before proceeding further, it is necessary to define them. The work done b}' the heart in any given time is equal to the product of the aortic pressure and the quantity of blood which passes through the aortic orifice in the same time. To illustrate this, it is necessar}' to revert to the experiment described in § 46, in which the circu- lation is maintained artificially in the frog by substituting for the heart a column of serum of sufficient height. In this case, so long as the height of the column remains unaltered, the work done in canning on the circulation truly represents that of the heart. If it is allowed to diminish, the rate of flow diminishes with it. To maintain constancy in the circulation, 1 Am. Frosch-Herzen angestellte Versuche uber die Herz-Arbeit, etc. Pick's Arbeiten, Wurzburg, 1872, p. 1. 272 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. the liquid discharged by the sinus venosns must be constantly replaced in the funnel ns it flows out. The work which is ex- pended in doing this per minute is the work by which the cir- culation is carried on. Thus, supposing the height of the column of serum to be 400 millimetres, and that it is found that the level of the liquid in the funnel begins to subside when not supplied at such a rate that the weight of serum flowing through the aorta during one second is equal to one- fiftli of a gramme, then the force expended per second would be that required to raise one-fifth of a gramme 400 millimetres, i.e., one gramme to the height of a metre in 12.5 seconds, or 0.08 grammes to the same height in one second ; and this re- sult has Ill-en arrived at in accordance with the proposition with which we started, by multiplying the aortic pressure (expressed in the height of a column of blood corresponding to it) by the quantity discharged in the given time. If exact information were attainable as to the quantity which the heart actually discharges at a stroke, it would be possible to measure the quantity of work done by the heart in the maintenance of the circulation in a mammalian animal, and inferentially in man ; but inasmuch as no such method at present exists, no estimate can be given which possesses even approximate value. In the frog, however, a reliable estimate can be made by the methods described in § G3, whichever form of experiment is employed. Thus, when the heart communi- cates exclusively with the manometer, the work which the heart is made to do is to raise whatever quantity of mercury is contained in the manometer between the level at which it stands during diastole and that to which it rises in systole, to the mean height height £, where h denotes the difference in millimetres of the two levels. For evidently, of the whole number of particles of mercury in the distal column, the sur- face of which is caused to rise h millimetres above the surface in the proximal column, it is only the top particles which are raised // millimetres above the level of the proximal column ; those in the exact middle are raised only half h ; those above and below, less or more in proportion to their distance from the middle ; so that the mean elevation is half h. The weight is easily known if we know the aera, ?'. e., lumen, of the tube, and the specific gravity of the mercury. If we designate the former as a and the latter as s, we have the weight lifted by the heart in each contraction to the height £, expressed by a x //, and the work done (that is, the product of the weight lifted and the height to which it is lifted) ^ 2. If it is desired to obtain perfectly accurate results, a manometer must be used of which the area of the surface of the mercury in the proximal limb is relatively very large. In the other form of experiment, § 64, i.e., when a continuous current of serum is pumped by BY DR. BURDOX-SANDERSON. 273 the heart along a tube representing an arterial system, the problem assumes a somewhat different form. The rate of flow through the tube must be first ascertained b}^ measuring the discharge from its terminal orifice. This being known, the answer to the question is arrived at by considering what height of column of serum would, if substituted for the heart, be sufficient to determine the same rate of efflux. This can be learnt most accurately by a comparative experiment; it can be deduced approximately from the measurement of the mean pressure actually existing in the aorta. Here, as before, the mechanical work done by the heart is the work which would be required to raise the quantity of serum discharged per second to the height corresponding to the pressure, i. e., to a height something like twelve times that indicated by the mercurial manometer. 67. Investigation of the Endocardial Pressure in Mammalia. — As this mode of investigation can only be prac- tised on animals of large size, and has already perhaps yielded all the results which can be expected from it, it will be suffi- cient to give a cursory account of it here, referring the reader to the papers of its author, Professor Chauveau, for detailed information. The method consists in lodging in one or other of the cavities of the heart of an animal, an India-rubber bag, or ampulla, which communicates by a long narrow tube with a manometer. The introduction of the instrument in question (which has received the name of cardiac sound) into the right cavities through the external jugular vein is perfectly easy, and can be effected in the horse, as I can testify from my own ob- servation, without occasioning the animal the slightest suffer- ing or even inconvenience — a fact easily enough understood when we reflect that the internal surface of the vascular system is not supplied with sensory nerves. The ampulla does not come in contact with the surface of the heart. The left ven- tricle is reached through the carotid artery with somewhat greater difficult}'. The left auricle is of course inaccessible. The most important results have been obtained by a cardiac sound so constructed that the variations of pressure can be recorded in the right auricle and ventricle simultaneously. By means of this instrument, M. Chauveau has been able to demon- strate the order of succession of the movements of the heart, and the intervals of time which separate them from each other, with an exactitude which would have been otherwise unattaina- ble. Thus he has shown that in the horse the interval between the hardening of the auricle and that of the ventricle is just about a tenth of a second, and that the duration of the ven- tricular systole is about three-tenths, whatever be the number of contractions per minute ; so that frequency of the pulse de- pends not on the time taken by the heart to accomplish each 18 274 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. contraction, but on the interval of relaxation which separates one systole from its successor. (See fig. 235.) Chauveau found the systolic pressure in the horse to be about 128 millimetres in the left ventricle, and 25 millimetres in the right. These numbers express the relative, values of the me- chanical work done by the two ventricles. The absolute values, as has been already stated, are unknown, from the impossibility of determining the quantity of blood which flows through the heart in a given time. SECTION VII.— INTRINSIC NERVOUS SYSTEM OF THE HEART. Nothing is as yet known either as to the anatomical distribu- tion of nervous elements in the hearts of mammalia, or as to the functions which they perform. In the frog, both have been the subject of minute and repeated investigation. We have already had frequent occasion to observe that the frog's heart continues to beat after its removal from the body, and that this rhythmical movement often goes on for hours or even for days, under favorable circumstances. From this it is evi- dent that its maintenance is dependent on conditions which are contained within the heart itself. 68. Proof that the Ganglion Cells contained in the Heart are the Springs of its Automatic Movement.— It is objected by some physiologists that the rhythmical con- tractions go on not merely in the whole heart when deprived of blood and severed from the cercbro-spinal nervous system, but also in mere fragments of the muscular substance which cannot be admitted to contain ganglion cells. The answer lies in the results of the following experiments: — The heart of a frog just removed from the body is placed in a watch-glass containing serum, or three-fourths- per cent, saline solution, in which it will continue to pulsate for many hours. Small portions of muscularsubstance are then taken either from the s/m/s IVWJSMS, the auricles, or the ventricle, and observed in a drop or two of the indifferent liquid, under a lowr power. It is then seen that portions taken from the sinus, the auricles, or that part of the ventricle which is in the immediate neighbor- hood of the auriculo-ventricular constriction, pulsate rhythmi- cally, but that similar portions taken from the ventricle near the apex do not pulsate. The pulsating bits ma}' be further divided with sharp scissors under the dissecting microscope, until preparations are obtained which consist of only a few muscular fibres. Many of these still contract rhythmically, each fibre becoming shorter and thicker at each contraction, but not losing its rectilinear contour. If now the pulsating and non-pulsating shreds are submitted to microscopical examina- tion, it will be found that, whereas ganglion cells cannot be BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 275 seen in the latter, they exist as a rule in the former. In the recent state, indeed, it is quite impossible to demonstrate their presence in either case, but they can be detected after prepara- tion with chloride of gold in the manner directed in Chap. IV. 69. Description of the Intrinsic Nervous System of the Heart of the Frog. — The heart of the frog is not known to receive nerves from any source excepting the vagus. The cardiac branches of this nerve, as they enter the heart (see § 73), apply themselves to the superior vena cava close to its origin, and then, after giving numerous branches beset with ganglionic cells to the sinus venosus, the two nerves combine to form a plexus at the upper part of the septum, between the auricles. From this plexus two filaments descend, the smaller along the anterior edge of the septum, the larger along the posterior. On approaching the auriculo-ventricular orifice, each of them exhibits a distinct bulging (Bidder's ganglia), from which radiating streaks may be seen to spread towards the ventricle. So long as the nerves are still outside of the heart they do not contain any ganglion cells, nor give off any branches ; but as they approach the plexus they become beset with cells, and give off numerous filaments to the sinus venosus. The two branches (anterior and posterior) have no special relation to the two rami cardiaci from which they in common originate, although Bidder finds that the anterior contains more fibres from the right side, the posterior from the left. In their course, both filaments give off branches, which ramify in the septum or pass into the wall of the auricles. In order to see these nerves, the heart must be exposed by opening the peri- cardium. Its point must then be drawn upwards, the two aortse divided, and the ligamentous shred which connects it with the posterior surface of the pericardium cut through. The two venae cavae must then be divided as far from the heart as possible, and the heart removed. If the organ is now stretched on a wax plate by means of fine pins stuck into the venae cavoe, one into the vena cava inferior, and one into each vena cava superior, and examined under water, the two vagi (rami cardiaci) can be seen where they are in relation with the vena cava superior. If now the apex is drawn to the right and fixed by a fourth pin, the side of the left auricle is ex- posed, and may be slit open with fine scissors, so as to bring into view the septum, which must then be cleared of the outer wall of the auricle by careful dissection. Fig. 236 shows the appearance of the septum prepared in this wa}r. 70. Demonstration of the Special Functions of the Ganglia. 1. Stannius's Experiment — The heart of a frog having been exposed in the usual way, a short glass rod is introduced into the oesophagus. All the other organs may 276 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. now be removed in the manner directed in § 63, care being taken to avoid interfering with the vena? cavae. The glass rod having now been fixed horizontally on the table, and the oesophagus secured by pins stuck through it into the table so as to prevent it from slipping on the rod, the apex of the heart is seized with blunt forceps and drawn forwards and to the right. A silk ligature is then passed, with the aid of the needle shown in fig. 2036, between the vena cava inferior and the ventricle, and between the venre carte superiores and the right auricle, in such a position that when it is tightened it will grasp the line of junction between the sinus venosus and the right auricle. The ligature having been looped by nn assistant and carefully adjusted in the proper position, the heart is left to itself. As soon as it is seen that it is con- tracting regularly, the ligature is tightened. After one or two beats, the heart stops in a state of relaxation. The pulsations of the sinus, however, continue at the same rate as before. After a time the ventricle also begins to beat ; but on com- paring its rhythm with that of the sinus, it is seen that they do not agree. 2. In another heart, prepared in the same manner, the sinus is cut off from the right auricle, the line of amputation corre- sponding with that of the ligature in 1. In doing this, the heart must be drawn forwards with the forceps by its apex as above directed. The result is more striking when the scissors used are not very sharp. 3. If in either of the above experiments the ventricle is cut off from the auricles immediately after the ligature or amputa- tion, as the case may be, it begins to beat again at once. 4. In a third heart, the line of ligature, i. e., the junction between the sinus venosus and the right auricle, is excited by the induced current. For this purpose Du Bois Re3'inond's induction apparatus is used. The points of the excitor must be very close to each other. The effect resembles that of the ligature. If the electrodes, instead of being placed so as to include the sinus, are applied to the auricles, no effect is produced. 5. In another animal, y^^ of a grain of atropin (or less) is injected underneath the skin. After a few minutes the heart is removed, and experiment 4 is repeated. The electrical exci- tation produces no effect, the ganglion of the septa being para- lyzed. Experiment 1 is then repeated. The heart stops as before. All the preceding results can be obtained in the separated heart. The method recommended facilitates the manipulation without in the slightest degree impairing the value of the re- sults. Stannius's experiment admits of two different explana- tions, which are not, however, inconsistent with each other: — BY DR. BURDON-S ANDERSON. 277 1. The arrest of the heart may be regarded as a result of the excitation of the ganglion of the septum, i. e., the mechani- cal irritation of that part produced by the scissors or ligature ; in other words, as an effect of the same nature as that pro- duced in experiment 4, where that centre is subjected directly to electrical stimulation ; or, 2. It is dependent on the severance of the sinus vcnosus from the rest of the heart. In this case it must be regarded as of a different nature from the arrest produced by electrical excitation. If it were not for experiment 5, we should be inclined to adopt the former of these views : for it is very easy to imagine that it is not likely to make much difference whether we squeeze the ganglion with a ligature, nip it between the blades of a pair of scissors, or excite it by Faradaic electricity. In- deed, any one who compares the two results — the arrest of the heart by electrical excitation of the sinus on the one hand, and that produced by ligature across the upper part of the auricles on the other — would probably at once decide on their identity. By previously subjecting the heart to the influence of atropin, we are enabled to demonstrate that such a conclu- sion would be erroneous ; for if the effect of ligature were of the same nature, it would be counteracted by the same agenc3r. In order to explain the phenomena, it is necessary to assume, what has not yet been proved anatomically, namely, that the venous sinus contains an automatic motor centre. By this term we understand (in accordance with the general notions entertained as to rythmical action) aganglionic centre, in which energy tends to accumulate and discharge itself in the form of motion at regular intervals, the length of which varies (a) with the resistance to the discharge, and (6) with the rapidity of accumulation. The physiological ground for this assumption of the exist- ence of a motor centre in the sinus venosus is, first, that the succession of acts which make up a cardiac contraction com- mences distinctly in the sinus, and that it is the only part of the heart which contracts independently, i.e., without being affected by the action of any other part of the organ ; and, secondly, that electrical stimulation of the sinus induces in- creased frequency of the contractions of the whole organ. Ad- mitting the existence of such a centre, and assuming also that the ganglion of the vagus, situated, as we have seen it to be, close to the line of ligature or amputation on the auricular side of it, has the power of inhibiting, i.e., increasing the re- sistance to the discharges from that centre, and further that it exercises a similar inhibitory influence on the motor ganglia at the base of the ventricle, we are enabled to harmonize the experimental results completely thus: In the ligature and am- 278 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. putation experiments, the heart stops for two reasons: first, because the ventricle is separated from the motor centre ; and, secondly, because, by the pressure or mechanical irritation of the ligature or blunt scissors, the vagus ganglion is excited. In electrical excitation, on the other hand, the second of these effects is produced without the first ; consequently, when under the influence of atropin. the vagus ganglion is paralyzed — the influence of ligature and amputation, in so far as they are de- pendent on severance of the sinus from the rest of the heart, are unaltered, but electrical excitation is without result. On this subject the student will do well to consult the ori- ginal papers, the references to which are as follows : As regards the anatomy of the ganglia, the most important paper is that of Bidder, in Miiller's Archiv, 1852, p. 163; as regards their functions, Stannius (Miiller's Archiv, 1852, p. 85), Nawrocki (Dcr Stanniusche Ilerzversuch, Heidenhain's Studien, 1861, p. 110), and Schmiedeberg (Untersuch. liber einige Giftwirkungen am Froschherzen. Lud wig's Arbeiten, 1871, p. 41). 71. Study of the Influence of Changes of Tempe- rature on the Heart. — (a) In the Frog. Inasmuch as the influence of temperature is obviously dependent on the in- trinsic nervous system, the present is the proper time for con- sidering it. The modes of investigation are the same as those already described in the section on endocardiac pressure. Ex- act and extended researches have been made by both of the methods there given, the first having been employed by Cyon, the second by Blasius. Of the two, the latter is preferable, on account of the greater case with which the work done can be measured. The general result is, firstly, that the quantity of mechanical work which can be done by the heart in a given time increases with the temperature up to a certain point (about 20° C., but it differs in difl'erent animals, and no doubt also at different seasons), so that it may be doubled or trebled by a gradual rise from ordinary winter temperature to that of summer; and, secondly, that under the same circumstances the frequenc}7 of the contractions increases in much greater proportion than the mechanical effect. Hence it results that, although the total quantity of work done in a given time is A 88 at lower temperatures than at higher, the effect of each in- dividual contraction is much greater. If it is desired mereljr to observe the effect of changes of temperature on the frequency of the pulse, much simpler ap- paratus will answer the purpose. Either the whole heart may be used or a part of it. In the former case, the organ having been removed from the body is suspended by a thread attached to the aorta in the interior of a tolerably wide test-tube fur- nished with a cork, through the centre of which the thread is drawn. At the bottom of the tube there is a bit of blotting- BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 279 paper, soaked with water. The " moist chamber" so prepared is immersed vertically in a test tube filled with cold water, which also contains a thermometer. The water in the beaker is then very gradually warmed, while its temperature and the frequency of the contractions of the heart are noted from time to time. It is then seen that the frequency gradually increases up to about 34° C., above which the contractions become ir- regular, and are difficult to count with exactitude, until at last the condition known as " heat rigor" (with reference to which see Chapter XX.) supervenes. Similar observations may be made with respect to portions of the heart, as, e. g., the base of the ventricle or the sinus venosus. For this purpose it is convenient to place the fragment on a cover glass in a drop of serum, and invert it over the chamber of Strieker's warm stage. 72. (b) In Mammalia. — From the observation of the very remarkable effects which diminution and increase of the in- ternal temperature of the bod\T respectively produce, the one * in diminishing, the other in increasing, the frequency of the pulse in rabbits and dogs, it seems probable that the mammalian heart is more sensitive to temperature changes than that of the amphibia. As, however, it is not possible to eliminate the in- fluence of the central nervous system, this cannot be proved experimentally. SECTION VIII. — THE INHIBITORY NERVES OP THE HEART. 73. 1. Demonstration of the Influence of the Vagus Nerve on the Heart in the Frog. — Description of the Vagus Nerve. — The vagus nerve originates in the frog from the posterior aspect of the medulla oblongata by three or four roots, the lowest (analogous to the spinal accessory) being more to the front than the rest. The nerve passes out of the cranial cavity through the condyloid foramen of the occipital bone, outside of which it forms a ganglion, and is in close relation with the sy in pathetic trunk. After leaving the sym- pathetic (see fig. 237). it divides into two branches, of which the anterior contains the glossopharyngeal, the posterior the nerves which are distributed to the heart, lungs, and other viscera. The vagus itself and its cardiac branch run along- side of and in the same direction with the lower of the three petrohyoid muscles, as far as the extremity of the posterior horn of the hyoid bone, into which the muscle is inserted. During this part of its course it is accompanied by the laryn- goal nerve, which leaves it just before it reaches the insertion of the muscle. At about the same point it crosses the apex of the lung, passing behind the pulmonary artery, and gives off pulmonary branches which accompany that vessel. Having 280 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. crossed the lung, the nerve finds its way directly to the sinus venosus, but is so surrounded with gray-looking connective tissue, that in small frogs it is difficult to trace it. As it enters the heart it is closely applied to the superior vena cava and to the wall of the sinus. 74. Method. — A frog, having been slightly curarized or rendered motionless by section of the medulla, is fixed in the prone position. The sternum is then divided in the middle line, and the two halves of the wall of the chest drawn to either side, so as to expose the pericardium and lungs, while a stout glass rod is passed down the oesophagus. The following objects (see fig. 237) are then seen : 1. The two aortic, parting from each other in the middle line, ascend outwards and up- wards close to the cartilaginous tips of the posterior horns of the hyoid bone. 2. From each of these horns muscular fibres are seen to stretch backwards and upwards, towards the occipital region ; these are the petrohyoid muscles already mentioned, which originate from the petrous bone, and are inserted into the cartilaginous processes just referred to. The lower of these nearly parallel bundles of fibres, is the guide to the vagus nerve, which always lies along its lower edge. 3. Following the muscles backwards, they are seen to be crossed by a white nervous cord (the hypoglossal nerve), which ascends upwards and inwards towards the muscles of the tongue. Nearer the middle line, lying somewhat further from the surface, but following the same general direction, another nerve is seen, the glosso-pharyngeal. 4. Crossing upwards to the larynx, over the tip of the inferior horn of the hyoid, the laryngeal nerve is seen. This is the only nerve which is likely to be mistaken for the vagus ; it must therefore be traced back for a short distance from the cartilage and divided. It is convenient also to get rid of the hypoglossus. The vagus, with the muscular slip which accompanies it, can now be readily placed on or between the electrodes. On opening the key, the heart usuall}' stops in diastole, with its cavities full of blood, the arrest not being preceded by any previous slowing. If, however, Helmholtz's arrangement of the induction apparatus is used, and the secondary coil is placed at a sufficient distance, a degree of excitation may be attained which, while it falls short of stopping the heart, is enough to diminish its frequency. With reference to this effect, it is to be noticed that, although it is mainly due to mere lengthening of the diastolic intervals, it is also accompa- nied with an impairment of the vigor of the ventricular systole; so that if the heart is connected with a manometer (N'T § 63), the manometer rises less during the period of slow- ing than it did before. Another interesting and important BY DR. BURDON-SAXDERSON. 281 fact is, that the effect does not attain its maximum till several seconds after the commencement of the excitation. [In this and all other experiments in which it is desired to note the time which elapses between the application of a stimulus and its effect, we use the electrical indicator. It is an arrangement exactly similar to an electrical bell, with the exception that the hammer, instead of striking a bell, writes on the recording cylinder of the kymograph. By a simple mechanical arrangement, the same act which opens the Du Bois' key closes another circuit, of which the electro-magnet of the indicator forms part, and vice versa. This being the case, the instrument makes vertical strokes on the cylinder at the moment that the excitation of the nerve begins and ends.] 75. 2. Demonstration of the Influence of the Vagus Nerve on the Heart in Mammalia. — In mammalia, the inhibitory nerves contained in the vagi are in constant action, consequently division of both vagi produces acceleration of the contractions of the heart. In the dog, this effect is much more considerable than in the rabbit, and is attended with an increase of the arterial pressure, which in the latter is absent (see fig. 238). On the other hand, electrical excitation of the vagus, whether previously divided or not, retards the contrac- tions of the heart in all animals, and, if the induced current is strong enough, arrests the organ in diastole. (See fig. 239 a, 6.) To show these facts in the rabbit, all that is necessary is to narcotize the animal, to insert a needle in the heart at the upper part of the prrecorclia (i. e., about an inch to the left of the middle line, at the level of the third cartilage), and to ex- pose the vagi on both sides of the neck. If, now, either nerve is placed between the electrodes, and the key opened, the movement of the needle either stops, becomes irregular, or is merely retarded and diminished in extent, according to the strength of the current. To observe the effect of section, loose ligatures must be placed round both nerves, and the animal then left to itself, while the number of pulsations per fifteen seconds is carefully counted. The two nerves are then divided at once, and the countings repeated. The increase of frequency usually amounts to about twenty percent. Finally, the peripheral end of one nerve is excited, and the same effects produced as by excitation of the undivided trunk. In demonstrating the influence of the vagus on the heart in the dog, it is desirable to connect the carotid or crural artery with the kymograph ; for the most important effects are those which relate to the changes in the arterial pressure. The pre- liminary steps of the experiment are those described in § 34. Loose ligatures having been placed round both vagi, and a kymographic observation made, to determine the normal arte- rial pressure and frequency of the pulse, both nerves are 282 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. divided simultaneously. The mercurial column at once rises, and the contractions of the heart become so frequent, that the oscillations can no longer be followed by the eye, all that can be distinguished being a vibratile movement of the column. On exciting the peripheral end of either vagus, the same effects are produced as in the rabbit. If the current is sufficiently strong to stop the heart, the mercurial column sinks rapidly, inscribing a parabolic curve on the paper (fig. 239ft), the exact form of which depends on the condition of the arterial system ; the rate of descent varing inversely as the arterial resistance encountered by the blood in its progress towards the veins. On discontinuing the excitation, the heart begins to beat again, at first at long intervals, subsequently more frequently, the pressure rapidly increasing until (for a few moments) it exceeds that observed before excitation. In man, the trunk of the vagus may in some persons be excited by pressure, and results produced which correspond with those of electrical ex- citation in animals. Prof. Czermak, of Leipsic, is able, by making pressure at the proper spot on the right side of the neck, to nrrcst the action of his heart for a few moments.1 76. 3. Demonstration of the Influence of certain Afferent Nerves, in reflex Relation with the Inhibi- tory Nerves contained in the Vagus, on the Heart. Bernstein's Experiment. — The inhibitory heart nerves contained in the vagus are in intimate relation, through the heart centre in the medulla oblongata, with certain afferent fibres contained in the sympathetic system ; so that when these fibres are excited, the same effects are produced as if the vagus itself was directly acted upon. This may be shown in the frog as follows: A frog is secured in the supine position. The pleuro-peritoneal cavity is then opened, and the intestines and other viscera are removed, great care being taken not to injure the mesentery or the vessels and nerves which it con- tains. Nothing now remains excepting the heart resting upon the oesophagus. By carefully dividing the double layer of serous membrane which forms the lateral wall of the cisterna magna on both sides (see. Chap II.), the ganglionic chains (fig. iMO) are brought into view along with the rami com- )iinni<'antes by which the ganglia are severally connected with the anterior roots of the corresponding spinal nerves. In the thoracic part of the visceral cavity the two aortoe are seen converging downwards, till at the level of the sixth vertebra the)' meet to form one trunk, from which at its origin the me- senteric artery is given off, to be distributed to the stoma-ch and intestines. If now the two aortse are raised near their junctions, with the point of the forceps, it is seen that one of 1 Populare Vortrage, p. 27. BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 283 the ganglia of the cord sends towards the mescnteric artery a branch which meets with its fellow from the corresponding ganglion of the opposite side, to form a plexus of nerves which surrounds the artery ; and that from or through this plexus a nerve or nerves (nervi mesenterici) can be traced which follow the vessel towards its distribution. It is in these nerves that the fibres which are in reflex relation with the vagus are contained. To excite them, the best method is to raise the aortrc with the forceps from the bodies of the verte- bne, drawing upwards with them at the same time the two ganglionic cords; then to divide the abdominal aorta and the two cords at the level of the seventh or eighth vertebra, sever- ing at the same time some of the rami communicantes on either side; and lastly, to place the two aortse and the cords which accompany them, on the excitor in such a position that the two ganglia next the junction are in contact with the electrodes. On opening the key, the heart is arrested in dias- tole, beginning to contract again rhythmically as before, when the excitation is discontinued. To demonstrate that the channels by which stimulation of the mesenteric nerves affects the heart are the vagus nerves and their centres in the me- dulla oblongata, the experiment must be thrice repeated; first, after section of both vagi ; secondly, after destruction of the medulla oblongata; and thirdly, after destruction of the brain, the medulla remaining intact. In the first and second cases the effect is annulled, in the third it is unaltered.1 77. Reflex Excitation of the Vagus of the Frog, by Mechanical Means: Goltz's Klopfversuch.— It is now man}' years since it was discovered by Goltz that excitation of the ends of the mesenteric nerves by mechanical means produces the same effect as the electrical excitation of their trunks. To show this, a frog is secured on its back, the pleuro-peritoneal cavity opened, and the heart exposed as before. The surface of the intestine is then smartly tapped. After a few moments the heart is arrested in diastole. If the ganglionic cord is then divided on each side opposite the junction of the two aortae, and the experiment repeated, no effect is produced. Another frog is prepared in the same way, with the exception that both vagi are divided. On repeating the tapping, the result is negative. The same thing happens if, instead of dividing the vagi, the cord is divided immediately below the medulla. 78. Reflex Excitation of the Vagus in Mammalia. — The constant action of the inhibitory heart nerves in the higher animals is dependent on the constant action of the centripetal nerves in reflex relation with them. This may be shown as fol- 1 " Untersuclmngen iiber don Mechanismus cles regulatorischen Herz- nervensystems." Archiv f. Anat, u. Physiol., 1804, p. 614. 284 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. lows : In a rabbit, the trachea is connected with the apparatus for artificial respiration, and the vagi are exposed in the neck. Thereupon the spinal cord is divided immediately below the medulla oblongata. On the cessation of breathing, artificial respiration is commenced. The cervical sympathetics are then divided, and a needle is inserted in the heart. A succes- sion of observations of the frequency of the heart's action is then made, and both vagi are divided. No acceleration of the pulse rate occurs. The purpose of the experiment is to show that when the affer- ent sympathetic nerves which are known to be in reflex relation with the vagus heart nerves are severed, the same effect is pro- duced on the vagus as if it were itself divided. There is no way of accomplishing this directly, without such interference with other nerves as would affect the heart, and thereby render the result ambiguous. The most complete method would be to remove the whole, ganglionic cord on both sides. Without reference to the extreme difficulty of such an operation, it is clear that it would involve the accelerator nerves (see § 80), and thereby perhaps produce an effect the opposite of that which we intended — a slowing instead of an acceleration of the pulse. So also, when the spinal cord is divided immediately below the medulla oblongata, the effect is modified not only by the de- struction of the accelerator nerves, but by the general paralysis of the vasomotor system. Consequently no answer to the question is to be obtained by direct observation of the changes which are produced by any such operation in the rate of pulsa- tion of the heart, so that the end we have in view can only be accomplished indirectly. We already know that both vagi are in constant action, i. e.. that the heart is constantly under their inhibitory control ; and that when this control is removed by dividing them, the frequency of the pulse increases. It is ob- vious that this effect can only be witnessed so long as the con- trol is in actual exercise ; in other words, that if the vagi arc not acting, it would make no difference as regards the heart whether they are divided or not. The consideration of this fact suggests the method which is employed in the experiment above described, which shows that in an animal in which the spinal cord has been divided below the medulla, the rate of the pulse is the same before and after section of the vagi. Bernstein has further shown that the same thing happens after destruction of the whole ganglionic cord, or of the cervi- cal part, provided that the spinal cord is at the same time severed at the seventh vertebra. In the dog, section of the cord generally diminishes the frequency of the pulse. There is no such effect in the rabbit. The difference can only be ex- plained by supposing that in the former the activity of the accelerator nerves is less, as compared with that of the nerves BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 285 in reflex relation with the vagus, than in the latter. In the frog, section of the sympathetic at the level of the junction of the aortffi has no direct effect on the frequency of the pulse, for the same reason, viz., that in this animal the heart-beat is not quickened by section of the vagi. The influence of reflex excitation of the vagus through the fifth nerve may be easily shown in the rabbit by causing the animal to smefl ammonia. The effect is immediate. Accord- ing to the strength of the ammonia, the heart is arrested in diastole, or the diastolic intervals are lengthened. The inha- lation of chloroform, which is so apt to be fatal to rabbits, stops the heart in the same way. When sudden death occurs in a man by a blow on the epigastrium, or by drinking a large quantity of cold water, the heart is arrested in diastole by the agency of the same nerves as in Goltz's experiment. 79. Demonstration of the Influence of Increase or Diminution of the Arterial Pressure on the Fre- quency of the Contractions of the Heart. — The pulse is retarded by increase, accelerated by diminution of arterial pressure. That these effects are mainly dependent on the in- hibitory heart nerves, can be shown in the rabbit as follows : Ligatures having been passed round the vagus nerve on each side, and a needle inserted in the heart, the fingers of the right hand are placed under the animal's back, while the thumb is firmly pressed upon the aorta, the beats of the needle having been previously counted. On making pressure, the frequency of the contractions of the heart is diminished, and this effect continues so long as the pressure lasts. Both vagi are now divided and the experiment repeated. The frequency of the pulse is still slightly diminished, but the degree of diminution is not to be compared with the previous effect. This experiment can be made with greater exactitude by applying the pressure to the aorta directly, at the same time connecting the carotid artery with Pick's kymograph. To accomplish the first of these objects, the abdominal cavity is opened in a chloralized rabbit in exactly the same way as for excitation of the left splanchnic nerve. It is then easy to place the thumb directly on the aorta as it passes between the crura of the diaphragm. Tracings are thus obtained which show that, during obstruction of the aorta, the arterial press- ure is doubled, or even trebled, and the pulse rate much di- minished, the status quo being re-established when the thumb is removed from the aorta. After division of the vagi, the effect as regards pressure is of course as marked as before, but there is scarcely any slowing of the pulse. The fact that the effect of aortic obstruction in diminishing the frequency of the pulse is so markedly weakened by section of both vagi, shows that these nerves bear a large part in its 2S6 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. production, and therefore that the relation between cause and consequence is in this case not dependent on the lengthening of the systole by resistance, as supposed by Marey. The question, however, remains, whether the mechanical explana- tion may not be accepted as regards the remainder of effect which is observed after the vagi are divided. There are two reasons why this is not possible. One is, that here, as in other cases when the pulse rate is retarded, the retardation does not signify that the S3rstole is lengthened, but that the diastolic intervals arc more protracted. The other reason is, that even after section of the vagi, the retardation of pulse produced by increased arterial pressure is postponed, whereas if it were merely mechanical it would certainly be immediate. We must therefore turn to the nervous system for its explanation — either to some influence exercised on the heart by means of accelerator nerves, which after section of the vagi are the only channel by which the heart is in communication with the cere- bro-spinal centres, or to excitation of the inhibitory nerves in the heart itself. Considering that in the frog the same effects are produced by exciting the ganglion of the vagus in the cut- out heart as by exciting the vagus itself, and that we have no reason to believe that increased pressure produces any paralyzing influence on the accelerators, we need have little hesitation in concluding that the effect of increased blood- pressure in retarding the heart's rhythm is exercised entirety through the inhibitory heart-nerves ; and that it is due princi- pal^' to the increased supply of blood to the intra-cramal vagus centre — i. e., to the medulla oblongata, but partly also to the influence of the increased endocardial pressure on the vagus ends in the heart itself. 80. Demonstration of the Functions of the Accele- rator Nerves. — It has been already seen that when, after severance of the spinal cord just below the medulla oblongata, the organ is excited electrically below the section, two effects are produced — the arterial pressure, reduced by the section, is enormously increased, and the heart beats much more fre- quently. Bezold thought that both of these effects were due to the direct action of the spinal cord on the heart. Ludwig and Thiry showed that, as regards arterial pressure, this was a mistake. They also showed that the acceleration of the pulse was in part a secondary effect of the increased resistance to the flow of blood ; for they found that even after the complete severance of all nervous communication between the heart and the spinal cord, the pulse became markedly more frequent an excitation of the cord. Hence Ludwig was led to doubt whether, after all, the central nervous system exercised any direct accelerative influence on the heart. We now know that while v. Bezold was wrong in believing that the spinal nerves BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 287 have any power of augmenting the energy of the heart's con- tractions, or of causing it to do more work in a given time, there are certain nerves by which the distribution of its efforts in time may be modified in the direction of greater frequency. Bv the following experiment it can be shown that the accele- ration of pulse which is produced bj< electrical excitation of the severed spinal cord is independent of increase of arterial pressure. In a curarized rabbit in which respiration is maintained arti- ficially, the spinal cord is severed from the medulla, and the vagi, sympathetics, and depressors are divided. The arterial pressure of course sinks to about an inch of mercury, and the pulse becomes slower. The cord is then excited electrically. The pressure rises at once to four or five inches, the rate of the heart's contractions also increasing, but not in proportion to the rise of pressure. As soon as the effects of stimulation have subsided, and the circulation has had time to resume its former condition, both splanchnics are divided, in consequence of which the pressure again sinks a few millimetres. The key is opened : again we have acceleration of the pulse, but this time, the nerm pressores having been divided, the excitation produces hardly any effect on the arterial tension. The results of one of Ludwig's experiments are as follows: After section of the depressors, vagi, and sympathetics, arterial pressure 60 millimetres, pulsations in 15 seconds, 52 ; after section of cord, arterial pressure 20 millimetres, pulsations 45 ; during excita- tion of cord, arterial pressure 80 millimetres, pulsations 61; after section of splanchnics, arterial pressure 10 millimetres, pulsations 27; during excitation of medulla, arterial pressure 12 millimetres, pulsations 42. 81. Proof that the Inferior Cervical Ganglion is the Channel by which the Direct Influence of the Spinal Cord on the Heart is exercised. — Before pro- ceeding to describe the experiments by which this is shown, it will be necessary to give an account of the anatomical rela- tions of the lowest cervical ganglion in the rabbit and dog. It is obvious, from what we know of the anatomy of the cardiac nerves as well in man as in the lower animals, that, with the exclusion of the vagus, the only channels by which the spinal cord can influence the heart directly are the rami communicantes, by which it is united with the ganglia. By experiment we learn that the communicating filaments by which the accelerating influence of the cerebro-spinal centres is transmitted, are those which enter the inferior cervical ganglion. In the rabbit, the trunk of the cervical sympathetic ends at the root of the neck, in the inferior ganglion. This ganglion lies deepl}- on the surface of the muscles which cover the spinal 238 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. column (lone/us colli), and consequently to the inner side of the tendinous origins of the scalenus anticus from the trans- verse processes. It has the oesophagus on its inner side, the vertebral artery on its outer, and lies behind the carotid artery and internal jugular vein. The following are the best guides to its discovery: Superficially, the junction of the external jugular vein and subclavian vein to form the vena innominata, in the angle between which vessels the phrenic nerve appears lying on the scalenus anticus ; more deeply, the origins of the scalenus anticus, from the two last cervical transverse pro- cesses ; and particularly the vertebral artery where it passes to the inside of these insertions, to enter the foramen trans- versarium of the sixth cervical vertebra. The upper end of the ganglion is to be found close to the artery on its inner side. The ganglion receives from above, in addition to the sympathetic trunk, communicating branches from the brachial plexus and from the vagus, and a branch (the so-called radix brevis) whicli accompanies the vertebral artery. Downwards, the ganglion sends (besides those leading to the first thoracic ganglion) branches which go towards the heart. One of the most internal of these is the continuation of the depressor nerve, to be hereafter mentioned, which rather passes by the ganglion than springs out of it, and looses itself in the plexus of nerves between the aorta and pulmonary artery. The com- munication between the lower cervical and the first thoracic ganglion takes place by two nerves, one of which passes in front of, the other behind, the subclavian artery, before that artery gives off the vertebral. The accelerator fibres enter the ganglion by the vertebral nerve, and thence find their way to the heart through the cardiac plexus already mentioned. (See explanation of fig. 241.) In the dog, the arrangement of the accelerator nerves is somewhat different. In this animal, as in the rabbit, the lower cervical ganglion lies on the longus colli immediately to the inner side of the vertebral artery, and above the subclavian. It is connected with the first thoracic ganglion by two twigs, one of which passes behind the subclavian and vertebral arte- ries, the other in front of them. Of its cardiac branches, of which three have been distinguished by Cyon, the most im- portant accompanies the recurrent nerve until that nerve bends upwards to its distribution, and then follows the sub- clavian or innominate artery to gain the cardiac plexus. From above, the ganglion receives, first, the combined trunk of the vagus and sympathetic, which here separate from each other, the former continuing its course into the thorax ; and secondly, two branches corresponding to those described in the rabbit. The accelerator fibres are very variously distributed among these several branches, sometimes finding their way to the BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 289 heart from the inferior cervical ganglion along the vagus, or the recurrent, but most frequently by the cardiac branch above described. For further details, see the explanation ot fig. 242. Before entering on any experimental inquiry relating to the accelerator nerves, it is absolutely necessary to make several dissections. The mode of experiment is as follows: In a cu- rarized rabbit in which artificial respiration is maintained in the usual way, an incision is made in the middle line extending from the upper third of the sternum to the upper end of the trachea. The external jugular vein of one side is then brought into view, tied in two places, and divided between the liga- tures. The sterno-mastoid muscle is also divided between ligatures : a strong, threaded aneurism needle is thrust under the sterno-clavicular ligament and the upper fibres of the pectoral muscles ; these, with the ligament, are divided be- tween ligatures, and the cut ends drawn aside. By this pro- ceeding, the carotid artery, the internal jugular vein, and the subclavian vein, are brought into view. These veins and the vena anonyma are tied and divided in the manner already in- dicated, and any other vessels which come in the way are se- cured. A simpler and more rapid mode of performing the operation is the following: The superficial parts having been exposed by two lines of incision, one of which is in the middle line, while the other extends from it on either side in the di- rection of the sterno-clavicular ligament, and the jugular vein having been divided between ligatures, the next step is to find the pneumogastric nerve at the upper part of the wound, and free it from the surrounding tissues. This done, a blunt aneu- rism needle is threaded and passed carefully, with its convexity backwards, along the course of the nerve, between it and the carotid artery. Its point is then made to penetrate the sheath and fascia immediately above the long, cord-like, sterno-clavi- cular ligament. The thread is then severed, and the ends having been drawn out to a sufficient length, the two ligatures are tightened, the one inside and the other outside of the aneurism needle, after which the whole of the tissues which arc tied off between the ligatures, including the great veins, may be raised on the needle and divided. The needle, which has been carefully kept in its place, is now again threaded, and its point pushed downwards under the edge of the pectoral muscles, as far as the upper surface of the first rib. The point is then pushed outwards and forwards through the muscles, the thread is again severed, and the muscles are divided be- tween the two ligatures in the manner already described. By this proceeding a deep hollow (see fig. 243) is exposed, in which, among other important parts, the ganglion inferius lies, covered by a layer of fascia. This hollow is bounded 19 290 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. below by the crescentic upper border of the first rib, behind and to the outside by the scalenus anticus, and to the inside by the trachea and (on the right side) by the oesophagus. In the depth of the hollow, to the outside, lies the subclavian artery on its way to cross outwards over the first rib : the vertebral artery springs from it just as it is about to leave the hollow space. This vessel is the guide to the ganglion which lies on its inner side concealed in a good deal of cellular tissue. To lind it, the most certain method is to seek for the trunk of the sympathetic in the upper part of the space where it lies con- cealed behind the carotid artery, and then to trace it down to the ganglion. All this having been accomplished without bleeding, there is no difficulty in passing a ligature round the ganglion, so that at any desired moment it may be extirpated. The same operation is then performed on the opposite side of the body. Both ganglia having been thus prepared with as little loss of time as possible, the sympathetic and vagus are divided (so as completely to sever the nervous connection be- tween the heart and the central nervous system), and one of the carotids is connected with the kymograph. The medulla oblongata is then divided, and comparative observations are made, in the manner already directed, as to the effect of excitation of the peripheral end of the spinal cord on the arterial pressure, and on the frequency of the pulse before and after extirpation of both ganglia. In the one case, the rise of pressure is attended with acceleration ; in the other, the frequency of the contractions of the heart remains un- altered. This result proves, first, that the accelerative influ- ence of the cordon the heart is conveyed by nerves which pass through the ganglia; and secondly, that these nerves are not in constant action. Although the cord, when excited, acts throughout by means of them, their destruction produces no elt'eet on the heart when the cord is quiescent. To complete the proof that the nerves which pass to the heart from the sympathetic trunk, and particularly those which spring from the ganglion, are concerned in shortening the diastolic inter- vals, direct observations are necessary. Such observations were first made by the brothers Cyon, who found that both in the dog and rabbit most of the accelerator fibres reach the ganglion by the nerve which accompanies the vertebral artery. In both animals, but especially in the dog, as has been already stated, the path followed by these fibres from the ganglion to the heart varies considerably in different individuals. The experiments by which these facts have been established are among the most difficult in physiology, and consequently the description of them lies beyond the scope of this work. From the preceding experiments and observations, we learn that it is the function of the accelerator nerves to shorten the BY DR. BURDON-S ANDERSON. 2 diastolic interval, and thus, indirectly, to render the individual contractions of the heart feeble and less effectual. How they act, and what is their anatomical and physiological relation either to the ganglion cells, or to the vagus of which they are the antagonists, it is not at present possible to explain. As has been already stated, the heart of the frog does not receive any accelerator nerves. From the following experiment, how- ever, it appears that the vagus nerves in that animal contain accelerator fibres. To demonstrate this, the animal must be placed under the influence of nicotin, which alkaloid, as lately shown by Schmiedeberg, possesses the power of paralyzing the terminations of the inhibitory fibres contained in the trunk of the vagus, without affecting the intrinsic inhibitory ganglia of the heart. If in a frog, into which about a thirtieth of a grain of nicotin has been injected, one vagus nerve is excited, the excitation, instead of arresting the heart in diastole, or dimin- ishing its frequenc}', accelerates its contractions. And if, instead of injecting the solution under the skin, the heart is prepared after Dr. Coats's method, supplied with serum con- taining nicotin, and connected with the kymograph, and observed before, during and after excitation of the vagus, tracings are obtained which show that the frequency of the heart-beats is increased sixty per cent.; that the acceleration commences about four seconds after the opening of the key, and lasts about a minute and a half after the cessation of the excitation; and that it is due to shortening, or rather annull- ing, of the diastole, each systole following immediately on the close of the preceding one (see fig. 2*4). 82. Demonstration of the Functions of the Depres- sor Nerve. — In the rabbit as well as in the cat, a cardiac branch separates itself from the vagus at the level of the thy- roid cartilage, high in the neck, and ends in the inferior cervical ganglion. In the rabbit, the nerve commonly originates in two roots, one of which springs from the superior laryngeal, the other from the vagus 'tself, near the point at which the laryngeal leaves it; but very often it is derived exclusively from the superior laryngeal. In its course towards the inferior cervical ganglion, it is close to the carotid arteiy, and still closer to the sympathetic trunk, from which it is distinguished by its smaller size and whiter aspect. From the ganglion the fibres of the depressor are continued downwards, forming the two most internal of the filaments which in the rabbit pass be- tween it and the heart. They can be traced to the connective tissue between the origin of the aorta and pulmonary artery. The depressor contains centripetal fibres, the function of which is to diminish the activity of the vasomotor centre, and thereby diminish the arterial pressure. A rabbit is chloralized ; one carotid is connected with the 292 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. kymograph, and the vagus of the same side divided opposite the thyroid cartilage. The depressor is isolated, and a loop of thread passed round it. An observation is then taken of the arterial pressure and pulse rate, after which the depressor is divided. There is no alteration either in the height of the mercurial column, or in the number of pulsations per ten seconds. On exciting the peripheral end, there is still no effect; but on exciting the central end the pressure sinks to about two-thirds of its previous height, and the pulse often be- comes slower. On discontinuing the excitation, the status quo* is gradually restored. The results of such an experiment are shown in the tracing (fig. 245). It is seen that the excitation produces no change whatever either in the character or frequency of the pulsations, the only effect produced being diminution of pressure. In other instances there is perceptible slowing, but the variations of the two effects are never parallel. In the observation recorded in the tracing, the vagus of the side opposite to that on which the depressor was excited, was left intact; consequently the heart was still partly under the control of the intracranial inhibitory centre. Notwithstanding this, the slowing was not appreci- able. When it does occur, it must be attributed, without doubt, to reflex excitation of the inhibitory heart centre, the effect of which is conveyed to the heart by the undivided vagus. The diminution of the arterial pressure cannot be referred to any direct influence exercised by excitation of the depressor on the heart, but to diminution of the resistance in the arterial system ; i. e., to relaxation of the minute arteries. This may be shown in the same animal which is used for the preceding experiment, if the left splanchnic is divided (see § 56) and the depressor excited as before. The mercurial column, which has alread}' fallen, say, to two-thirds of its former height, is further depressed during excitation ; but the amount of sinking is much less than it would have been if the splanchnic had not been divided. The same conclusion is confirmed by two other observations, viz., (1) that if the aorta is obstructed so as to raise the arterial pressure and conceal any changes in the state of contraction of the abdominal vessels, the effect of the excitation of the de- pressor is imperceptible : and (2) that if the abdominal organs are exposed and inspected during excitation of the depressor, they are seen, according to Cyon, to become congested. The effect is most perceptible in the kidneys, which (if care is taken, to avoid the previous occurrence of congestion from expos'ure or other conditions) change color from pale to red, and back again, as the induced current is closed or opened. BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 293 SUPPLEMENT. ABSORPTION BY THE VEINS AND LYMPHATICS. Under this head, certain experiments will be referred to re- lating to the mode in which soluble and insoluble substances find their way into the vascular system from the tissues. This kind of absorption may be termed, in order to distinguish it from that which takes place at the cutaneous and mucous sur- faces, internal absorption. The other kind will be dealt with in succeeding Chapters. It is obvious, so far as relates to the bloodvessels, that con- sidering that the whole vascular system, with the exception of that of the spleen, the medulla of bone, and some other smaller tissues, is lined with a continuous membrane, no substance can enter them excepting in a state of solution, and consequently that the process of venous absorption is one of filtration or diffusion; and that, of these two, the former is excluded by the fact that the pressure inside of the vascular system is every- where greater than the pressure outside. As regards the lym- phatic system, on the other hand, the anatomical facts des- cribed in Chap. YIII. will show that there is no obstacle to the entry of solid substances, provided that they are in a state of extremely fine division ; so that we are led to infer that, whereas it is the function of the bloodvessels to absorb sub- stances which are soluble and diffusible, those which are inca- pable of diffusion are taken up by the lymphatics. From experiments we learn, not merely that this inference is correct, but that the process of absorption from the tissues by the veins is, like the analogous process of secretion (Chap. XXXVI.), dependent on the nervous sj'stem. 83. Proof that Solid Matters in a State of Extremely Fine Division are Absorbed from the Tissues by the Lymphatics. — In Chapter VIII. it has been shown that, without reference to the oi'igin of the lacteals from the mucous membrane of the intestine, or to the stomata, by which the lymphatic system communicates with the serous cavities, the absorbent system originates from those forms of interstitial tissue which for the present we designate lymphatic, the char- acteristic of which is that they consist of ground substance, riddled in all directions by cavities containing protoplasm masses — i. e., cells, these cavities being in communication with each other, as well as with the lymphatic capillaries, by a net- work of channels (lymphatic canaliculi or Saftkandlcheii). The distribution in the body of interstitial tissue having these characters has not yet been sufficiently investigated ; for it is only during the last year or two that its anatomical relations have been more or less complete!}' made out. We already 294 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. know, however, that it is to be found almost everywhere, par- ticularly in the tunica adventitia of bloodvessels, underneath the endothelial lining of serous cavities, and of the vascular system, and on the surface and in the inter-fascicular splits of tendons and aponeuroses ; and that, wherever it occurs, it is in anatomical relation with lymphatic capillaries. The proof that the absorption of solid matters in fine division takes place mechanically, has already been given in Chapter VIII., where it is shown that the lymphatics leading from the peritonaeum can be filled with Prussian blue or other coloring matters in suspension, by injecting the liquid charged with them into the peritonaea! cavity; and that if the mechanical conditions are favorable, the injection takes place in the same manner in the dead body as in the living. It has also been shown in the same Chapter, that in order to obtain good anatomical pre- parations of lymphatic capillaries, the best method is that there described as the method of puncture, the reason being that, wherever these vessels are abundant, they are in open communication with the canaliculi, and, consequently, that it is impossible to introduce the point of a syringe into the tissue bt'tweiMi them without penetrating many of these cavities. This may be instructively shown as follows. 84. Method of Showing the Mode of Entry of Col- ored Liquids into the Lymphatic Vessels. — The best tissue for the purpose is the mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea ; those of an ox or sheep may be used. An ordi- nal1}' subcutaneous syringe, with as fine a point as possible, is charged with solution of alkanet in spirits of turpentine. The point is then inserted horizontally into the mucous membrane, at some part where it rests upon cartilage. A drop of the liquid is then pushed out into the tissue as slowly as possible. If the operation is successful, it at once fills the lymphatic net- work, the character of the result varying according as the point of the syringe has entered the submucosa or has not penetrated beyond the mucosa. That the liquid progresses along the vessels by capillarity is learnt by observing that the injection continues to spread long after all pressure from the syringe has ceased. The alkanet solution is employed in this and similar experiments, because it is quite incapable of pass- ing through organic membranes, is immiscible with water, and enters capillary channels with extraordinary facility. The further progress of liquids along the lymphatics towards the venous system is due partly to capillarity, partly to the fact that the lymphatics pass through spaces in which the pressure is less than that in which their capillaries originate, and parti}' to the variations of pressure due to muscular action, to which they are subjected. That in certain parts of the body BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 295 the lymphatic trunks are subjected to a less pressure than their absorbing orifices, does not need special experimental proof. Thus, for example, it is certain that the tymphatics of the peri- tonaeum enter the thorax, i. e., pass from a cavity where the pressure is usually greater, to another where it is much less than that of the atmosphere. The influence of muscular move- ments admits of being demonstrated by the following experi- ment, which at the same time affords a striking confirmation of the evidence already given as to the mechanical nature of lymphatic absorption. In a large dog, which has been just killed by opening one carotid, the skin, costal cartilages, and muscles of the flank are severed by a transverse incision, which extends from the ensi- form cartilage as far as the middle line on either side. The wall of the abdomen is then split vertically in the linea alba, and the diaphragm cut away from the ribs. The bladder hav- ing been squeezed empty, two ligatures are tightened round the rectum, which is divided between them. Ligatures must now be placed round the cardia, the hepatic vessels, and duct, and the mesentery, so as to remove the stomach and intestines en manse without bleeding. This having been accomplished, the vena cava is tied above and below the liver, and that organ removed, after which the body is bisected by sawing through the eighth vertebra, and completing the division of the soft parts. Finally, a glass canula, fitted with a flexible tube guarded by a clip, is inserted in the thoracic duct and secured with a ligature. If now the spinal column is fixed near the edge of the table, and the lower limbs alternately flexed and extended by an as- sistant, the lymph flows freely and may be received in a test tube. If the passive movement is discontinued and then re- sumed from time to time, the quantity of lymph collected is very considerable, so that it is easy to fill several test tubes; but none is discharged during the intervals of cessation. The lymph which is collected at first, resembles ordinary lymph both in its microscopical characters and in its composition. It is ob- vious that it is the liquid which at the moment of death occu- pied the canaliculi of the tissues from which it is gathered. The course taken by the lymph stream can be further demon- strated in the same preparation, by introducing solution of alkanet, by puncture, into the intertendinous splits of the lower part of the fascia lata. If a sufficiently fine syringe is used, it is easy to produce in this way a satisfactory injection, first, of the lymphatic capillaries contained in the splits them- selves, and secondly (if the passive movements are continued), of the rich net-work of lymphatics which exists in the " cellular membrane" which covers the aponeurosis on its cutaneous 296 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. aspect.1 Soon the discharge from the thoracic duct is reddened by the alkanet. It has been shown by Ludwig that in the ex- tremities, the tendons and aponeuroses are the special seat of the net-works of capillaries by which the lymphatics commence, and that the}' have here an arrangement similar to that observed in the central tendon of the diaphragm. The experiment proves that even passive movements of the limbs, by alternately tight- ening and relaxing these structures, press forwards the lymph stream. The influence of active movements must be much greater. 85. Internal Absorption by the Veins.— The propo- sition stated at the beginning of the section, that substances in solution enter the capillaries from the tissues by a process of absorption, which is under the immediate control of the nervous system, may be strikingly illustrated as follows : — Two frogs having been slightly curarized are prepared thus: The heart having been exposed lege artis ; a small opening is made in the skin in the occipital region. In one of the frogs, the brain and spinal cord are completely destroyed by passing a needle upwards and downwards from the occipital region, and then both are hung vertically on a board, side by side, looking in the same direction. A small funnel, the stem of which is drawn out into a narrow beak, is now passed from the incision downwards under the skin of each animal, till its end reaches the dorsal lymphatic sac. This done, the bulbus aortae is divided in both animals, and the results are observed. In the frog deprived of its central nervous system, only a few drops of blood escape — the quantity, that is to say, previously contained in the heart and in the beginning of the arterial system. In the other, the bleeding is not only more abundant, but continues for several minutes after the section. As soon as bleeding lias ceased, a quantity of saline solution (say, 5 to 10 centimetres) is injected into the lymphatic sac of each animal until it is distended, and the exact quantity used carefully noted. In the frog in which the central nervous system is intact, the discharge of blood from the opening in the bulb begins again, and goes on increasing; while the liquid, which at first is nearly pure blood, becomes more and more diluted with serum. The discharge of sanguineous liquid goes on for one or two hours ; and if, during the progress of the experi- ment, the vasomotor centre is stimulated reflexly by exciting a sensory nerve or the surface of the skin, it is seen that the rate of flow is at once augmented, but becomes less after the cessation of the excitation than it was before. This last fact 1 Colored drawings of the injections so obtained will be found in Lud- wig and Schweigger-Seidel's beautiful monograph on the lymphatics of tendons and aponeuroses. BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 297 is thought by Goltz,1 the author of this experiment, to indicate that when a sensory nerve is excited, venous absorption is in- creased. It may perhaps be attributable rather to the contrac- tion of the vessels which is determined by the excitation. To render the observation of the result as accurate as possible, the quantity discharged should be measured. The quantity found in the test-glass in which the mixture of blood and serum is collected should, together with the residue remaining in the lymph sac, be equal to the quantity originally injected. — In the other frog there is no discharge. The heart remains flaccid although contracting regularly, and the skin dry from the arrest of the secretion of the cutaneous glands. In this experiment it may be supposed, either that the liquid contained in the lymph sac passes into the circulation directly, or that it first diffuses out into the surrounding tissue, and is then absorbed by the veins. The first supposition is negatived by the obser- vation that the contractions of the lymph hearts have ceased in both frogs, and that consequently the mechanism by which alone the liquid could be directly transferred to the venous system is wanting. We are, therefore, compelled to admit that it enters the blood-stream by the only other channel open to it ; and the conditions of the experiment prove that it does so under the direct influence of the nervous system. The precise nature of the agency by which the living ele- ments which surround the bloodvessels determine the diffusion of liquid into the blood in opposition to pressure, cannot at present be stated. In the instance before us, two sets of effects may be distinguished as referable to one cause, i. e., destruc- tion of the central nervous system — those due to paralytic relaxation of the bloodvessels, and those which are attributable to absence of absorption. In how far those of the second kind are the immediate result of the others, may perhaps be open to question. They do not, however, afford any explana- tion of them, for there is no reason why a relaxed vessel should not absorb quite as much as a contracted one ; the fact of relaxation affords no explanation whatever of the absence of absorption. Both are manifestations of properties enjoyed by the living elements only so long as they are in communica- tion with cerebro-spinal nervous centres. 1 " Ueber den Einfluss der Nervencentren auf die Aufsangung," Pfliigers Archiv. B. v. p. 53. 29 S RESPIRATION. CHAPTER XVII. RESPIRATION. SECTION I.— PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE EXTERNAL MOVEMENTS OF RESPIRATION. 86. Respiratory Movements of the Frog. — To ob- serve the respiratory movements in the frog, the animal must be fixed on its back. It is seen that that part of the floor of the pharyngeal cavity which corresponds to the submaxillary space, i. e.. to the space which lies between the episternal car- tilage, and the two branches of the lower jaw bone, alternately rises and falls at intervals of about one or two seconds. On more attentive examination, it is found that these movements are due to the alternate retraction and advance of the body of the hyoid bone, the general form of which can be readily dis- tinguished under the skin. To study their nature, the skin must be divided in the middle line from the mouth to the sternum, and detached from the subjacent muscles as far out- wards on either side as the jaw. In this way a view is ob- tained of all the muscles attached to the hyoid bone, without interfering with the mechanism of respiration (see fig. 246). By its long and slender anterior horn, the hyoid bone is con- nected with the skull (i. e., with the cartilaginous part of the petrous bone) in such a manner that, although the two car- tilages are not united by a joint, the hyoid works on the petrous bones as if it were hinged to them. This being borne in mind, it is easy to understand the action of the muscles which are attached to it. Those which come from the sternum and bones connected with it, in drawing the hyoid backwards, cause it, at the same time, to descend in such a way as to in- crease the space between its upper surface and the roof of the mouth and pharynx, and to extend that part of the submax- illary space which intervenes between the arch of the hyoid and that of the lower jaw. On the other hand, those muscles which stretch from the chin (the genio-hyoid), and from the petrous bones (the petrohyoid muscles) to the body of the bone, combine in drawing it upwards and forwards, to such a' degree, indeed, that when the latter are in action, the sub- maxillary space becomes concave. All this can be readily seen in the living animal; for although the muscles above- mentioned are covered by the submaxillary or mylohyoid BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 299 muscles, this muscular membrane is so thin that they can be easily perceived through it. To investigate the part taken by these movements in the mechanism of respiration, it is necessary to ascertain in what relation they stand to the influx and efflux of air. This is accomplished by inserting a suitable glass cannla into one of the nostrils and connecting it with the tympanum, shown in fig. 231. In this way the curve is obtained, which is copied in fig. 240 bis. By watching, at the same time, the motions of the hyoid bone and of the lever, it is easy to satisfy one's self that the retraction of the former towards the sternum corres- ponds with the depression of the latter, and with the entrance of air into the pharyngcal cavity. It is further seen that the motions are by no means uniform, and that in connection with this want of uniformity they present certain peculiarities which, from their intimate connection with the mechanism by which air is introduced into and expelled from the lungs, require careful attention. The tracing enables us to divide the respira- tory acts into two kinds, viz., smaller alternative movements (a a a), which occur at pretty regular short intervals, and larger movements (b b 6), which differ from the others in this respect, that the less energetic expiratory act by which the movement begins, terminates in a sudden expulsion of air, indicated I)}' a more rapid rise of the lever, and determined by a more vigor- ous contraction of those muscles which connect the body of the hyoid bone with the skull. This sudden elevation of the floor of the pharynx is the act by which the frog injects air into its lungs. The student must now fix his attention on the nostrils, when he will see that whereas during the small movements (a a) those organs are motionless, the sudden expulsions (6 b) are accompanied by contraction of the little constrictor mus- cles of the nares, and, consequently, that the latter differ from the former not merely in their greater vigor, but in their being executed with the nostrils more or less closed, so that the air, instead of passing freely out, is injected through the glottis into the lungs. To prove this, watch the expiratory muscles of the flanks (the external oblique particularly). At the first moment, it will perhaps appear as if the sudden contraction of these muscles were coincident with the closure of the nares, but it is soon seen that the former movement follows the latter at an interval of time, which, although very short, is not difficult to appreciate even without instruments. This may be demon- strated graphically by puncturing* the anterior wall of the vis- ceral cavity, and introducing through the puncture a canula in such a way that it communicates with the cavity of one lung. The canula being connected with a tympanum, a tracing is ob- tained, which shows that the period during which the air is contained in the lungs is extremely short, that the entry of air 300 RESPIRATION. into the lungs coincides with the closure of the nares, and is determined by the approximation of the body of the hyoid bone to the roof of the phaiynx, and that the expulsion of air from the lungs by the contraction of the flanks occurs while the hyoid is still drawn upwards, so that the two muscular movements form part of the same act. 87. External Respiratory Movements of Man and Mammalia. — The alternate emptying and filling of the air cells of the lungs, which is the final cause of respiration, is effected by the alternate enlargement and contraction of the chest. If the whole of the thorax were occupied by the air cells, these changes of capacity could be measured by the quan- tity of air entering and leaving the respiratory cavity in each act of breathing. As, however, in addition to the lungs, the chest contains various other organs, some of which alter their volume very considerably, according to the degree of expansion of the cavity in which they are contained, there is no constant relation between the enlargement or diminution of the available intra-thoracic air space and the external enlargement or dimi- nution of the thorax. There is no practicable method of determining the changes of volume which the chest undergoes in respiration with exacti- tude. As, however, the imperfect methods we possess differ from most of those employed in physiology, in being quite as applicable to man as to the lower animals, and are sufficiently accurate to yield valuable results in the study of disease, they are well worthy of the attention of the pli3rsician, though of comparatively little interest to the physiologist. 88. The external movements of the human chest maybe in- vestigated by recording the variations either of its diameters or of its circumference, at different parts, or of both simulta- neously. For the graphic measurement of the circumference, an instrument contrived by Marey, and much improved by Bert, is used. It consists of an air-tight cylinder of brass and India-rubber, of the shape and construction of a common drum, the cylinder being of brass and the membranous ends of India- rubber. The cylinder communicates by a flexible tube with a tympanum, the lever of which records its variations of capacity. To the centre of each of the two terminal membranes a metal disk is attached, which is furnished with a hook, and is thus connected with one of the ends of an inelastic cincture, which encircles the circumference to be measured. As the circum- ference augments, the membranes are extended, and the ca7 pacity of the drum increased, and vice versa. It is obvious that before the instrument is used it must be graduated. The mode of accomplishing this will be given further on. 89. The graphic measurement of the diameters of the chest is much more simple, inasmuch as it merely involves the trans- BY DR. 'BURDON-SANDERSON. 301 lation to the paper of the movement produced by the alternate recession from each other, and approximation to each other, of two points in the chest wall at the opposite extremities of the diameter to be measured ; so that if either of these points be taken as fixed, the recording of the movement of the other point amounts to nothing more than the conversion of one rectilinear movement into another. This is readily accom- plished by the contrivance we have already employed for re- cording the external cardiac movements (see § 60), that is, by the employment of two tympana, the one for receiving the movement to be investigated, the other for inscribing it on the cylinder. The receiving tympanum must be so placed that the distance of its India-rubber membrane from the fixed extremity of the diameter to be investigated, is subject to no variation during the period of measurement, and that its ivory button is applied to the movable end in such a way that the diameter, if produced beyond the surface of the chest, would coincide with its axis. All these conditions are completely fulfilled in the instrument I use. It consists of two parallel bars of iron, the opposite ends of which are screwed firmly at right angles into a cross bar, so as to form a rigid frame re- sembling in shape the Greek letter n. The diameter to be investigated is placed between the extremities of these bars. One of these carries an ivory knob, similar to that of the cardiograph, the convexity of which looks towards the oppo- site arm. Its distance may be varied by a screw. The other arm bears the receiving tympanum, the knob of which faces the knob just mentioned, their axis being in the same line. The mode of application of the instrument, which may be conveniently called a recording stethometer, varies according to the diameter to be measured. The most important diame- ters are those which connect the 8th rib in the axillary line with the same rib of the opposite side, the manubrium 'sterni with the 3d dorsal spine, the lower end of the sternum with the 8th dorsal spine, and the ensiform cartilage with the 10th dor- sal spine. The mode of application for the first of these diame- ters is shown in fig. 247. The subject stands or sits, as is most convenient, and the stethometer is hung over his neck by a broad band, the length of which can be regulated by a buckle. The movements recorded are not those which the middle of the 8th rib performs in relation to its sternal and vertebral attachments, but those which the one end of the diameter executes in relation to the other, which is for the moment regarded as a fixed point. In measuring the diame- ters which lie in the middle plane, it is most convenient to take the vertebral spines as fixed points, although, of course, the results would not be affected by doing otherwise. The records obtained by the stethometer are of value for two pur- 302 RESPIRATION. poses, viz., for the appreciation of the relative and absolute duration of the respiratory acts, and for the measurement of their extent. For the latter purpose, the instrument must be graduated every time that it is used. To facilitate this pro- cess, I employ a set of five standard wooden measures of length, differing from each other by two millimetres. With these, the graduation is effected in less than five minutes. The recording and receiving tympana having been brought into communication, and the whole system tested as regards the perfection of the joints, and found to be air-tight, one of the wands (the one of which the length is equal to the mean of the five) is placed between the two buttons of the stcthometer, which are then approximated until the India-rubber membrane of the tympanum is slightly concave. A horizontal tracing having been drawn on the cylinder, the two next longest and shortest wands are substituted for the first, and the process is repented in respect of each, and then the next two, until five parallel horizontal lines have been drawn, by comparison with which, the variations of the diameters investigated may be estimated in millimetres from the vertical measurements of the tracings. By this method we learn, for example, that in a healthy muscular young man, aged 22, the diameters above given vary respectively in each respiration as follows : Upper sternal diameter = 146, varies one millimetre; the lower ster- nal diaineter=203, varies 1.5 — 1.8 millimetre; the transverse costal diameter=228, varies 1.7 — 2.0 millimetres. As regards the duration and succession of the respiratory acts, the most instructive curves are the costal and lower sternal (see fig. 248). It must be carefully borne in mind that the}' apply strictly to natural respiration. In forced breathing, the thoracic movements acquire a different char- acter. Dr. Arthur Ransome, who has studied the subject with great accuracy, allows me to refer to his measurements. He has found that the variations of the antero-posterior diame- ters of the upper part of the chest are very extensive, and that the whole thoracic framework participates in them — the ends of the upper ribs moving horizontally forward, i. e., in a plane parallel to the middle plane of the body, from 12 to 30 millimetres ; the advance of the third rib is greater, by several millimetres, than that of the fifth. Dr. Ransome con- siders that this advance cannot be otherwise accounted for than by an actual bending of the ribs. We shall see afterwards that the difference between natural, and forced breathing consists partly in increased constriction of the chest during expiration, partly in increased expansion during inspiration. In the meantime, it is sufficient to note that when the thoracic movements become excessive, the change affects the antero-posterior diameters of the upper part BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 303 of the chest more than of the lower part, so that the normal relation between the two is reversed. 90. Measurement of the Intra-Thoracic Pressure. — In consequence of the elasticity of the lungs, and of the fact that they are contained in a cavity of which the capacity is much greater than the volume which these organs assume in their unextended condition, and that their external surface is inseparably applied to the inner surface of the cavity, the pressure to which the heart, arteries, veins, and other intra- thoracic organs are subjected, is considerably less than that of the atmosphere. What is required to measure the difference is to connect one pleural cavity with a manometer. This is easily effected in the following manner : A glass tube of about three millimetres in diameter is sealed at one end, and drawn out to a blunt point. A hole is then cut with a sharp three- cornered file on one side of the tube, close to the sealed end, and the open end temporarily closed with a plug of wax. A rabbit having been secured on the rabbit support, the skin is perforated with a scalpel close to the left edge of the middle of the sternum. This having been done, the point of the tube is easily passed into the right pleura by pushing it in a hori- zontal direction behind the sternum, with its point against the posterior (i. e., as the animal is placed, the under) surface of the thoracic wall. The wax plug is then removed, and the open end is connected with a water manometer; but while this is being done, great care must be taken to keep the side of the tube on which the orifice is, firml}' but gently applied against the chest wall. The quantity of water in the manometer is then increased or diminished until the two columns stand at the same level. If now the tube is twisted round so that its orifice looks towards the cavity of the chest, the distal column sinks, the difference between the heights of the two columns in millimetres being about thirteen times as great as the dif- ference in millimetres of mercury between the atmospheric pressure and that to which the thoracic organs are subjected in the animal under observation. The intra-thoracic pressure may also be measured indirectly immediately after death, by connecting the trachea air-tight with a manometer, and then, after seeing that the two columns stand at the same level, opening both pleural cavities. This time the distal column rises above the proximal. The difference between them, if the same kind of animal is used, will be the same, though in the opposite direction. If it is desired to obtain a record of the variations of intra-thoracic pressure during the respiratory acts, it is easily done by bringing the tube into communica- tion with a Marey's tympanum, by means of a somewhat thick- walled India-rubber connector. In this way the tracing, fig. 249, is obtained. 804 RESPIRATION. SECTION II. — STUDY OF THE MODE OF ACTION OF THE MUSCLES OF RESPIRATION. In man, the entry of air into the chest in tranquil breathing is accomplished exclusive!}* by the diaphragm. In the dog, it is effected partly by the descent of the diaphragm, partly by the widening of the chest. In the rabbit, the respiratory movements resemble in their general character those of man, on which account this animal is preferable to any other for the purposes of study. From the fact just stated, it is ob- vious that in our examination of the action of the muscles of respiration, we must not confine ourselves to the normal breathing, for if we were to do so, our studies would relate almost exclusive!}' to one muscle. To observe the action of the others, we must direct our attention to the excessive tho- racic movements of animals affected more or less with dyspncea, the phenomena of which condition, so far as they relate to the action of muscles, must therefore be entered upon here, although its nature and cause will form the subject of a special section. The muscular movements by which the chest is expanded, must be studied in their relation to a certain definable position of the thorax, which is called the position of equilibrium. It is the position assumed by it at the end of normal expiration. For as no muscle takes part in the normal expiratory act, the whole thoracic muscular apparatus is at that moment in a state of rest, the bones and cartilages assuming that position which results from the balance of the opposed elastic forces, which act upon them from within and from without. Of these elastic forces, the most important is that of the lungs ; which organs, being contained in a cavity much larger than they are themselves, to the inner surface of which their external sur- face is inseparably applied, constantly draw together its walls with a force to be investigated in a future paragraph. Next in importance is the elasticity of the ribs and cartilages, by virtue of which the thoracic wall ever tends to be larger than it is, in opposition to the contractile influence of the lungs. Co-operating with these, we have, thirdly, the "tonus" of the thoracic muscles, different indeed in its nature, but indis- tinguishable as regards its action. All the muscles by which the chest is enlarged beyond the position of equilibrium are called inspirator}' ; all those by which it is contracted to a capacity less than that which it possesses when in equilibrium are called expiratory. 91. Inspiratory Muscles. — The Diaphragm. — To demon- strate the action of the diaphragm, several methods may be used. The most striking is to expose it in an animal made completely insensible by the injection of from twenty to forty BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 805 minims of a ten per cent, solution of chloral into the crural vein. For this purpose the abdominal cavity must be opened in the linea alba, immediately below the cnsiform cartilage, and then two incisions must be made, extending from the opening in opposite directions parallel to the edges of the costal car- tilages, according to the instructions given in § 56. Another method consists in merely making an opening in the linea alba, close to the cnsiform cartilage, sufficient to receive the finger, the tip of which must be pressed against the centrum tendi- neum, when the movements can be appreciated with great ex- actitude. The plan most used consists in introducing a long and slender needle into the chest through the eusiform carti- lage, close to the lower end of the sternum, the direction of which is such, that it grazes the upper surface of the diaphragm, if possible piercing it at one or two points, so as to be in some part of its course on the abdominal side of the membrane. For this experiment, the rabbit must be carefully chloralized, and secured on Czermak's supporter in such a way that the spinal column is immovable. A long silk thread is then passed through the eye of the needle and connected with the little bow-wood pulley shown in fig. 250, the movements of which are inscribed by means of the horizontal lever on the blackened cylinder. The tracing so obtained enables us not only to de- termine to what relative distance the dome of the diaphragm descends in each inspiratory act, but also the mean relaxation of the muscle, z.*e., the mean height to which it ascends during each expiration. This, as we shall see further on, is much affected by conditions which act on ihe muscle by its motor nerve. 92. Intercostal Muscle*. — To demonstrate the action of the intercostal muscles, a rabbit is used which has been deprived both of voluntary motion and of sensibility b}- the ablation of the cerebral hemispheres as well as of the corpora striata and thai ami optici. This operation is performed as follows : The animal having been rendered insensible by chloroform, both carotids are tied. It is then secured on the supporter in the prone position. The calvarium is now exposed by an incision extending from the occiput to the frontal region in the middle line, and the integument drawn aside in either direction. The parietal bones having been first perforated with the trephine, to allow of the introduction of the cutting pliers, the roof of the cranium is rapidly removed so as to expose the hemi- spheres completely. These organs are then scooped out with the ivory handle of a scalpel, an assistant being at hand with the actual cautery to arrest the bleeding. The animal at once passes into a state resembling deep sleep, breathing regularly, but much more slowly than before the operation. The action of the respiratory muscles of the chest can now be investigated 20 306 RESPIRATION. without any misgiving as to the infliction of suffering, by re- moving the integument and superficial layer of muscles so as to expose the ribs and intercostal spaces. The first lesson to be learnt relates to normal breathing. It it seen that so long as air enters the chest freel}r, and the res- piratory apparatus is not interfered with, there is no appreci- able expansive movement of the ribs, and the intercostal mus- cles, in so far as they are visible, do not contract. Dyspnoea may now be produced, either by letting air into one or both of the~ pleural cavities, by diminishing the opening by which the chest communicates with the atmosphere, or by combining the two methods. It is most convenient to begin with puncturing one pleura. The effect of this operation is to increase the respiratory movements, and to alter their character by bringing the tho- racic muscles into action. The upper ribs, particularly the second, third, and fourth, which were before motionless, move upwards and outwards in each inspiration, while the external intercostal muscles, and the intercartilaginous parts of the in- ternal intercostal, are seen to grow hard in contraction at the same moment. To produce a higher degree of dyspnoea, the other pleura may be opened; the principal effect observed is that the upward and outward movement of the upper ribs is increased, and that the scaleni, which were before inactive, now begin to contract in concert with the external intercostals. These muscles, although from their anatomical arrangement they must act as elevators of the ribs, cannot be shown to be so experimentally ; for there is no appreciable diminution of the costal movement when they are divided. The function of the external intercostals and intercartilagi- nous muscles, having been proved by direct observation in the manner above described, at a very early period in the history of physiology, has never been seriously disputed. This is not however the case as regards the interosseous part of th.e internal intercostals — that part of those muscles which is covered by the external intercostals. In the rabbit, the interosseous intercos- tals differ from the intercartilaginous, both in being less oblique and in being somewhat thinner. The experimental evidence as to their function is negative — that is to say, it can be shown tha4 they do not contract with the external muscles, but it cannot be shown that they act antagonistically to them. It admits of demonstration as regards any of the lower ribs, from the fourth to the eighth or ninth, that if all the muscles at- tached to it from above are removed, excepting the external intercostals and the levatores costarum breves (muscles which connect each transverse process with the rib next below it, and can be seen to contract with the external intercostals), the rib BY DR. BURDON-S ANDERSON. 307 still rises outwards in inspiration; but if these muscles are completely severed, no more costal movement is perceptible ; nor is there any hardening of the exposed intercostal muscles at the moment of inspiration. In a word, it must still be ad- mitted that the action of these muscles is as yet undetermined. Most probably they may be regarded as constrictors of the chest — as the agents of forced expiration. 93. Movements of the Nares and Larynx. — In the rabbit, the nostrils dilate with each ordinary inspiration, and contract in expiration; but from their frequency these move- ments are very difficult to observe. To study them satisfac- torily, the student must avail himself of the excessiva*and in- frequent respirations of animals in which both vagi have been divided. It is then seen that the dilatation of the nares is the first act of inspiration. It precedes by a distinct interval the expansion of the chest, and appears even to precede the contraction of the diaphragm. Whether it actually does so is very difficult to determine. The muscles by which this movement is effected are, the subcutaneous faciei which springs from the lateral surface of the intermaxillary bone, and from the anterior supraorbital process of the frontal bone, to be in- serted into the skin of the nose and forehead, and the levator nasi, which springs from the lower edge of the orbit, and is also inserted by a long tendon into the skin, covering the edge of the nose, Of the two, the former is the more super- ficial. The respiratory movements of the larynx in the rabbit are scarcely perceptible in perfectly natural breathing; but the slightest interference with the access of air to the chest is suf- ficient to produce them. The larynx is drawn downwards in inspiration by the muscles connecting it with the sternum, and returns to the position of muscular equilibrium in expira- tion. One of these muscles, the sterno-thyroid, has also the effect of tilting forwards the thyroid cartilage, so as to bring its lower edge nearer the cricoid. 94. To stiuty the intrinsic respirato^ movements of the larynx, the rima glottidis must be exposed to observation, by making a suitable opening either above or below. The best view of the movements is obtained by dividing the hyothyroid membrane. The skin having been carefully divided in the middle line, lege artis, the membrane must be exposed with the aid of two pairs of forceps. The veins (which are the principal source of difficulty) can then be readily seen, and must be carefully secured above and below by ligatures, be- tween which the membrane may be cut across without risk of hemorrhage. The head must of course be so supported that a strong light is thrown on the vocal cords. If now the epi- glottis is drawn forwards, the motions of the vocal cords and 308 RESPIRATION. of the aryteenoid cartilages are well seen — the chink becoming wider in inspiration, narrower in expiration. To observe the motions of the arytrenoid cartilages, the best way is to excite the recurrent nerves, when it is seen that during excitation the vocal cord of the same side approaches the middle line. If both recurrents are excited, the riraa is completely closed, the arytrenoid cartilages applying themselves to each other just as they do in the production of a musical note. Con- sidering that the recurrent nerve is distributed to all the muscles, and not merely to those which act as constrictors (arytsenoidei and crico-arytsenoidei laterales), and that the movements produced are of the same nature as those which occur in ordinary expiration, though much more vigorous, we arrive at the inference that in both cases the widening of the glottis is a condition of general muscular relaxation, or, in other words, that all the intrinsic muscles of the larynx are expiratory — their combined effect manifesting itself in ap- proximation of the vocal cords, not because the posterior crico-arytii'noid muscles and the other dilating muscles do not act with the rest, but because they are overpowered by them. SECTION III. — MEASUREMENT OF THE QUANTITY OF AIR RESPIRED IN A GIVEN TIME, AND OF THE VOLUME OF AlR INHALED IN EACH RE- SPIRATORY ACT. 95. The apparatus for this purpose consists of three parts, viz., (a) a receiver or chamber in which the air to be breathed during the period of observation is contained; (b) a face-piece and tube for connecting the receiver with the respiratory cavity of the subject of observation ; (c) arrangements for supplying fresh air to the receiver, to take the place of the air breathed. To obtain results which are reliable, the first and most im- portant condition is that the air should be respired without the slightest effort. To insure this, the receiver must be of such construction that the pressure to which the air contained in it is subjected should be the same as that of the atmos- phere. Consequently, it must have the form either of a gaso- meter, the cylinder of which is accurately counterpoised, or that of a membranous bag, the material of which is so thin that H offers no resistance either in contracting or expanding. The l>est material for the latter purpose is vulcanized India- rubber; it is, however, difficult to obtain bags of this descrip- tion which are perfect. Whatever be its form, the receiver must have two openings, one communicating with the face- piece, the other for the reception of air. It must be also so constructed that the moment at which it is full may be easily and accurately observed. BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 309 The receiver is brought into communication with the expira- tory cavity of the subject of experiment by means of a face- piece or mask of very perfect construction, furnished with two valves, by one of which the air is expelled, while the other, opening inwards, guards the orifice of a tube about an inch in width, which leads from the receiver. • By its second opening, the receiver communicates with a gasometer filled with air, under a pressure somewhat greater than that of the atmosphere. Between the gasometer and the receiver, the tube of communication passes first through a stop-cock of brass, the aperture of which can be regulated verv accurately by means of a long handle, and then through an 'accurately 'graduated gas meter, specially constructed for the purpose. Each observation lasts ten minutes. The gas- ometer is kept full of air by means of a pair of bellows, which must be worked by an assistant (in default of other motor) during the whole period; while the quantity of air which is driven through the meter to the recipient is so regulated with the aid of the stop-cock, that the receiver is kept exactly at the same degree of fulness. The chief mechanical source of inexactitude in this appara- tus is to be found in the imperfect closure of the valves, and imperfect fitting of the face-piece. These defects may be obviated by substituting for the face-piece a couple of tubes of ivoiy, which accurately fit the anterior opening of the nostrils. The wide tube with which these ivory nose-pieces are connected, at once divides into two branches. Of these, one is guarded by a mercurial valve leading outwrrds, the other by a similar valve leading inwards for inspiration, the arrangement of these valves being the same as that shown in fig. 251 to be imme- diately described. 96. In making observations of the same nature on the lower animals, it is convenient to use an apparatus which not only admits of accurate measurement of the quantity of air breathed, but renders it possible to modify its composition by the introduction of definite proportions of other gases or vapors. And inasmuch as in such investigations it is, as a rule, of more importance that the conditions should be accurately known than that they should be identical with those normally existing, the principle of completely avoiding resistance, which was regarded as fundamental in the con- struction of the apparatus described in the preceding para- graph, must be abandoned ; for it is a mechanical impossibility to construct valves which, while they close with perfect accuracy, work without resistance. The apparatus to be now described is so constructed that any gaseous mixture may be kept in it for a length of time without change of composition by diffusion, and the valves act so perfectly that the experi- 310 RESPIRATION. menter is absolutely certain that the whole of the air which leaves the receiver, and no more, is actually used in respiration. The receiver may he constructed as follows: Two glass cylinders are selected, about eight inches in length, open at both ends, one of which is about half an inch wider than the other; the outer i§ about three inches in width, the inner (E fig. 251) two and a half inches. Both of them are cemented in the most perfect manner possible, with their axes in the same vertical line into a circular horizontal plate, so that they are separated from each other by a narrow space of the same width everywhere. This space is to be filled with mercury. Through the central part of the plate rise three vertical tubes of glass, of about a quarter of an inch internal diameter. Underneath the plate, which is supported on a tripod, each of these tubes passes downwards for a short distance, and is then bent horizontally at right angles. A third cylinder (D), closed at one end and made of iron carefully protected, con- stitutes the bell of the gasometer. Its diameter is the mean of the diameters of the two cylinders of glass, so that it descends without touching them into the space containing mercury, by which they are separated from each other. It is suspended by a silk cord, pulley, and counterpoise. The counterpoise consists of a cup containing shot, and there is a second and similar cup on the top of the cylinder. Of the three tubes which enter the receiver from below, one (A) com- municates with the atmosphere* (when in use), a second (B) with the respiratory cavity of the animal, the third (c) is usually closed. The India-rubber tubes by which these com- munications are made, are guarded by the simple contrivances, known as Miiller's mercurial valves. Each such valve consists of a rather wide bottle containing a shallow column of mer- cuiy, and closed air-tight with an India-rubber stopper. Through the stopper pass two tubes, one of which is of such length that its end dips just below the surface of the mercury; the other is much shorter. The valve (A) is so placed that the short tube is in direct communication with the receiver, the long one with the atmosphere ; in (c) this arrangement is re- versed. To complete the apparatus, all that is required is a T tube and a third valve. The stem of the T tube communi- cates with the respiratory cavity by means of a canula secured air-ti jht in the trachea ; the one arm with the receiver, and the other with the valve (B), through which the expired air is dis- charged into the atmosphere. The quantity of air used by the animal during any given period of observation must be measured in the same way as before. The objection to which this apparatus or any other of similar construction is liable, lies, as has been already hinted, in the resistance offered by the mercurial valves, which is BY DR. BURDON-SANDE11SON. 311 sufficient to retard the respiratory movements to a sensible degree. As, however, the most important applications of the method are those which relate to the influence of variable con- ditions on the quantity of air breathed, this fact is of little consequence; for the error arising from it may be entirely eliminated by substituting, as a standard of comparison, the respiration already modified by the resistance, for normal respiration. For the purpose of obtaining such a standard, the animal must be allowed to breathe common air through the apparatus for some time before making any other observa- tion. SECTION IV. — DETERMINATION OP THE QUANTITY OP CARBONIC ACID GAS DISCHARGED BY AN ANIMAL PROM THE LUNGS AND SKIN IN A GIVEN TIME. 97. There are two leading methods by which this can be accomplished. One of them is that of Regnault and Reiset, which, with important modifications, has been used by Ludwig and his pupils. The animal under observation is contained in an air-tight chamber, which communicates with a second chamber containing oxygen. The chamber communicates with an absorbing apparatus, through which the air passes in a continuous current, so that the expired carbonic acid gas is removed from it as rapidly as it is formed, its place being taken up by exactly the same volume of oxygen, so that the constitution of the air remains unchanged. The quantity of carbonic acid gas absorbed is calculated from the increase of weight of the absorbing apparatus during the period of obser- vation. As improved by Ludwig, the method is the best suited for exact experiments. The apparatus is described in Lud wig's Arbeiten for 1869. The second method, which is much simpler, and sufficiently exact when for comparative investigations as to the influence of various physiological and pathological conditions on the discharge of carbonic acid gas, is that of Pettenkofer. It is applicable either to large animals or small. A short account of Pettenkofer's complete apparatus will now be given, as an aid to the understanding of the application of the same method to the small animals in common use for physiological and pathological investigations. Pettenkofer's apparatus consists of three parts, viz., a chamber in which a man can sit or stand comfortabty; a large wet gas meter, which communicates with the chamber by a tube ; a double-action air-pump, by which air is continuously drawn through the meter from the cham- ber ; and, lastly, clockwork, by which the pump is worked. The chamber, which is of metal and glass, communicates with the external air during the period of observation by the inter- 312 RESPIRATION. slices round the door, which serve for the entrance of air, and by the tube, which leads to the meter. The quantity of air which is drawn through it by this tube amounts to about 20,000 litres (TOG. 4 cubic feet) per hour, a quantity not merely abundantly sufficient for ventilation, but to prevent loss or error by diffusion into the air through the chinks round the door. It is quite unnecessary to describe the aspirating appa- ratus excepting in so far as to state that the clockwork is moved by a weight, which, by a well-known mechanical con- trivance, is constantly wound up by a steam-engine. To obtain a result, we must be able to determine with accu- racy, first, the duration of the period of observation, and, secondly, the quantity of carbonic acid gas contained in the air which passes out of the chamber during that period. The latter object may be attained either by estimating the total weight of carbonic acid discharged, or by measuring the volume of air aspired, and, simultaneously, the proportion by volume of the same gas contained in it. In the apparatus above described, the quantity of air discharged is so large that it would not be possible to analyze the whole of it, so that the second of the two alternatives must be adopted. This is effected not by taking one or more specimens of the discharged air from time to time and analyzing them (for this plan, unless a very great number of analyses were made, would, in consequence of the constant irregularities which occur in the rate of discharge, give wrong results), but by causing a definite proportion of the used air to pass through an absorb- ing apparatus, and measuring the total quantity of carbonic acid gas contained in it by a volumetrical method to be imme- diately described. This division of the aspired air into two parts, one to be measured and analyzed, the other merely to be measured, is a matter of great difficult3r ; for it obviously involves the carrying on during the period of observation of two continuous measurements — i. e., the employment of two meters instead of one, each of which must give results which are not only accurate in themselves, but must correspond exactly with those of the other. As, in applying the method to animals so small that the whole quantity of air can be analyzed, this difficulty is not met with, it is not necessary to say anything as to the means of obviating it, or the errors which, in spite of all precautions, it occasions. 98. Application of Pettenkofer's Method to the Determination of the Discharge of Carbonic Acid. Gas in Small Animals. — The apparatus consists of a metal chamber of iron, which communicates in one direction with the Bunsen's water air-pump ; in the other, with the apparatus for the absorption of carbonic acid gas. Its lid closes air- tight by means of a mercurial joint. For a guineapig or rat, BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 313 it should have a capacity of about 500 cubic inches (8193 c. c.). Between the blower and the chamber is interposed a flask of about 6 oz. capacity, through the cork of which two tubes pass ; of these, one is prolonged nearty to the bottom ; the other, the exit tube, ends just below the under surface of the cork. This flask is filled with pumice, moistened with solu- tion of potash. In this way the chamber is supplied with a constant and perfectly steady stream of air, free from carbonic acid. As, however, the quantity of air supplied by the blower is much larger than is required, it must be diminished by allowing a certain quantity to waste. For this purpose a T tube is interposed between the blower and the potash flask, the stem of which is connected by an India-rubber tube with a kind of safety-valve, the construction of which is the same as that of valve B, in fig. 251 ; the waste of air may be in- creased or diminished by raising or lowering the longer of the two tubes. The absorbing apparatus consists of two or a greater number of absorption tubes (fig. 252), which are charged with absorbing liquid. When each tube is placed at its proper inclination, and the difference between the pressure on opposite sides of the column of liquid is not too great, the air, which enters the short limb by an end of India-rubber tube which reaches nearly to the bend, passes up the long arm in a regular succession of bubbles so small that it is thoroughly acted on by the liquid. The two tubes are charged with a solution of baryta, which in the longer is three times as strong as in the shorter. The strengths of both solutions are deter- mined volumetrically by a standrrd solution of oxalic acid before and after every period of observation. Preparation of the Solutions of Baryta and Oxalic Acid. — Of the two solutions of baryta which are in use, the stronger contains about 21 grammes of hydrate of baryta in a litre, the other 7 grammes; the former is obtained by adding suf- ficient distilled water to 420 cub. cent, of saturated baryta water to make up a litre ; the latter contains 140 cub. cent, in a litre. These liquids must be kept in bottles which have no communication with the air, excepting through a flask or ab- sorption tube filled with pumice, moistened with potash. The oxalic acid solution must be prepared with the utmost accuracy. It must contain 2.8636 grammes of pure well-crystallized oxalic acid, free from efflorescence, in a litre. Before making the solution, it is necessary to dry the crystals over sulphuric acid for a few hours. The strength of this solution stands in the ratio of exactly 1 to 22 to that of the ordinary volumetri- cal solution of the pharmacopoeia. It keeps badly, being apt to become mouldy, so that if a large amount is required, it is better to keep the weighed quantities of oxalic acid than the liquid. 314 RESPIRATION. Mode of determining the Strength of the Baryta Solution. — Thirty centimetres of baryta water having been introduced into a small flask, the solution of oxalic acid is cautiously added from a finely graduated burette. Between each addi- tion, the flask is closed with the thumb and shaken. As an indicator, Pettenkofer has found that turmeric paper gives better results than litmus. The paper must be prepared by digesting turmeric root in weak alcohol, and dipping strips of Swedish filter paper into it, which must then be dried in a dark place, and kept in the dark. When the liquid is so nearly neutralized that it does not brown a strip of paper dipped into it, a drop is placed with a rod on the strip. If there is still a trace of alkaline reaction, a brown line appears at the peripheiy. As soon as this is no longer the case, the point of complete neutralization has been attained. This reaction is so delicate, that it is sensibly affected by the presence of one- tenth of a cubic centimetre of solution of oxalic acid, i. e., one-tenth of a milligramme of carbonic acid gas, so that the results of two determinations of the same liquid ought not to differ from each other by more than the quantity named. It is well, in order to save time, to make a first experiment with a small quantity (say 5 cub. cent.). It is of great practical importance to notice that the baryta solution must contain no trace of caustic potash, or soda, the smallest quantities of which render the determination impossible— for the oxalate of potash or soda formed in this case reacts on the carbonate of baryta present, so as to produce oxalate of baryta and carbo- nate of soda. Consequently, the liquid never loses its alkaline reaction, for each renewed addition of oxalic acid re-converts the alkaline carbonate into oxalate, which is again decomposed by the carbonate of baryta as before. Mode of preparing and filling the Absorption Tubes. — The short arm of each tube is filled air-tight with an India-rubber cork, pierced with a tube. The larger tube is connected at its opposite end with the smaller, from which the air finally escapes through an India-rubber tube, guarded by a screw-clip. By adjusting this clip, the size of the bubbles is regulated, their magnitude varying inversely as the resistance. To fill the tubes, the required quantities of liquid are introduced into flasks, fitted with air-tight corks, having necks sufficiently wide for the introduction of a pipette. The strength of the solution having been determined in thirty centimetres, as above de- scribed, the stronger solution is to be delivered into the first absorption tube in three quantities of 45 centimetres, and two such quantities of the weaker into the second. [Tubes of the size required for these quantities are made by Cetti & Co., of Brobke Street, Holborn.] The tubes are then closed and adjusted to the proper inclination (previously ascertained by BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 815 trial). At the close of the experiment, the liquids are trans- ferred once more to flasks, similar to those above described, and their strength determined as before. The calculation of the result is simple. The quantity of carbonic acid absorbed by each 30 cub. cent, of the liquid is indicated by the difference between the corresponding quantities of oxalic acid solution used, before and after absorption. This quantity must be mul- tiplied in the one case by 153IJ5=4.5,in the other by §£=3- The •sum of the two products is the total quantity of carbonic acid disengaged during the period of observation. If an animal larger than a guineapig is used, it is necessary to employ two sets of absorbing tubes, or a greater number. SECTION V. — INNERVATION OF THE RESPIRATORY MOVEMENTS. The rhythmical movements of respiration depend on the activit}' of a centre contained in that part of the floor of the fourth ventricle from which the roots of the vagus nerve spring. The proof of this fact lies in the fundamental ex- periment of Legallois, by which he showed that the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and even part of the medulla oblongata itself may be removed, without arresting respiration. This experi- ment has already been described in § 92. B}' motor nerves this centre is in relation with the muscles of which the combined rhythmical actions have been studied in the same paragraph. Its discharges of energ}', like those of the motor centres of the heart, are automatic, but their rhythm is constantly subject to modification by impressions received through the afferent fibres of the vagi. Consequently, the study of the innervation of the respiratory movements resolves itself into experiments relating to the respiratory functions of these nerves. The results of such experiments may be divided accord- ing as they relate to the effects of section of both vagi, to ex- citation of the central end of the divided nerves, or to excita- tion of the superior laryngeal nerve. 99. Section of both Vagi in the Neck. — In the para- graph relating to the functions of the vagus as a heart-nerve, directions have been given as to the mode of preparing it. The rabbit is preferable to the dog or cat, for in those animals the vagus is united in one trunk with the sympathetic. Section of the vagi is the simplest and at the same time one of the most instructive experiments relating to the physiolog}' of the ner- vous system. The animal having been secured in the usual way on Czermak's rabbit support, a ligature is passed round each nerve a little below the cricoid cartilage. The ends of each ligature are then knotted together, so as to facilitate their being found at any moment. To observe the effect, the animal should be placed before and after section, under the same cir- 316 RESPIRATION. cumstances. If it is not intended to record the results graphi- cally, it may be allowed to run about while the respirations arc counted, and careful observations are made as to the respira- tory movements. For more exact observations various methods may be used, each of which is of some value. The first consists in recording the movements of the diaphragm on the kymo- graph, as directed in § 9 1.1 The second and third are so con- trived as to show not only the duration and rhythm of the respiratory movements before and after section, but the extent of the respiratory exchange of air. The apparatus for this purpose is constructed as follows: A large bottle, capable of holding five gallons or more, is closed air-tight with an India-rubber cork, into which the stem of a glass T tube is carefully fitted. Of the two branches of the T tube, one communicates with the respiratory cavity of the animal, by a connector of Indiu-rub- ber and a glass canula secured air-tight in the trachea, the other is left open and can be readily closed with the finger. The bottle also communicates by a second glass tube which passes through its India-rubber stopper, with a Marey's tympanum, the lever of which writes on the blackened cylinder of the kymo- graph. This tube is controlled by a screw clamp. So long as the arm of the T piece is left open, the animal of course breathes the external air freely. On placing the finger against the aper- ture, it begins to breathe the air of the bottle, but inasmuch as the capacity of this vessel is 250 times as great as the respira- tory cavity of the rabbit, it can do so for some time without the slightest dyspnoea, as is proved by the observation that the depressors of the larynx do not come into action. The resist- ance is, however, sufficiently great to affect the lever of the tympanum, the rise and fall of which in each respiratory act is in exact proportion to the quantity of air breathed. The animal having been chloralizcd and both nerves prepared as above de- scribed, a few tracings should be taken of the normal respira- tion. This done, the clockwork is again set in motion and both nerves are divided at the same moment. In this way a tracing (fig. 253) is obtained, which strikingly exhibits the effects of section, both as regards the rhythm and extent of the thoracic movements. Another method consists in measuring the quantity of air inspired in a given time with the aid of the apparatus shown in fig. 251. In this way the effect of section on the respiratory exchange can be estimated with much greater precision than in any other, but obviously no information is obtained as to the respiratory movements. 100. The most important results are as follows : 1. In the 1 The tracing so obtained is shown in the first (normal) part of fig. 255. BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 317 adult rabbit, the number of respirations per minute diminishes from 120—140 to 40—50. That this is only to a very slight extent dependent on the narrowing of the glottis due to the relaxation of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx, is proved by the fact that if the two recurrents are divided, the retarding effect of the operation is very inconsiderable, while the re- tarding effect of section is diminished in no appreciable degree by previous tracheotomy. 2. The mechanism of breathing is completely altered. Each respiration is about five times as deep as it was before. This depends partly on increased action of the diaphragm, partly on the participation of the accessory muscles in the inspiratory act. The belly is projected and the larynx drawn down by the sternal muscles in each inspiration, while the upper ribs, which before were motionless, are drawn upwards and outwards by the external intercostals and inter- cartilaginous muscles. The inspiratory expansion of the upper part of the thorax lasts for several seconds, at the end of which it suddenly collapses, expelling the air with such force as to make an audible sonorous noise in the air-passages, often accompanied, if the trachea has not been opened, with a coarse rale. This sudden collapse, which is a non-muscular act, is followed by a long pause, the existence of which is characteristic. At the end of it there usually occurs a short expiratory movement, attended with hardening of the muscles of the abdominal wall, which is the immediate precursor of the inspiratory act. The mode of breathing just described is that of dyspnoea; but there is this important difference between ordinary dyspnoea and that produced by section of the vagi, that whereas in the former the frequency of the respiratory movements is increased, in the latter it is diminished ; with this exception, all the characteristics of dyspnoea are present. 3. The quantity of air breathed per minute is as great after section of both vagi as before, the diminished frequency of the respirations being counterbalanced by the increased depth of the respiratory act. This is proved by measuring the quantity of air breathed in a given time in the manner above directed. 4. These facts afford ground for inferring that although section of both vagi does not materially either in- crease or diminish the work done in a given time by the re- spiratory muscles, it interferes veiy considerably with the accomplishment of the purpose of their movements — the ar- terialization of the blood. Notwithstanding the vigor of the respiratory movements, the blood becomes more or less venous. 101. Death after Section of both Vagi.— Rabbits in which both vagi have been divided, commonly die before the end of the first day. Dogs live longer — often two or three days. After death, the lungs are found in an altered condi- tion, of which the following are the leading features : The 318 RESPIRATION. mucous lining of the air-passages is reddened (especially in dogs), the color being due to the injection of the capillaries of the raucosa with blood. The lungs collapse much less than naturally when the chest is opened. The pulmonary paren- chyma is, to a greater or less extent, devoid of air. The air- less parts are soaked with a brownish-red serous liquid, and here and there choked with a grayish- white material, which, on microscopical examination, is found to consist of young cells (pus corpuscles). Similar cells are seen in the serous liquid along with numerous blood corpuscles. These changes may be accounted for as follows : When the vagi are divided, all the parts to which the branches below the point of section are distributed are affected, e. (/., the larynx, air-passages, lungs, oesophagus, etc. 1. The glottis is partially closed, just as it is after death. 2. The mucous lining of the air-passages is de- prived of sensibility, so that, when it is irritated, no cough is produced. 3. The muscular fibres of the oesophagus are para- lyzed, so that regurgitation of food from the stomach is apt to take place ; the muscular fibres of the bronchial tubes are in a similar condition. With reference to these co-efficients in the production of the lung affection we have the following facts, showing that the first two are at all events the only ones which are of importance: (a) A lung affection of the same nature as that induced by section of both vagi, though of in- ferior intensity, follows section of the inferior laryngeal nerves. (6) In animals with divided vagi, life is prolonged by tracheotomy, the degree of prolongation depending on the efficiency of means used to prevent the entrance of foreign bodies into the air-passages, (c) In animals of which the vagi are intact, a lung affection is produced by injecting mucus from the pharynx into the air-passages which is of the same nature with that now under consideration. The combination of these facts leads to the inference that the inflammation of the lungs of which animals with divided vagi die, is dependent on the intrusion of foreign bodies from the pharynx into the air passages and lungs, rather than to anjT direct effect of the section on the lung tissue. 102. Demonstration of the Respiratory Functions of Afferent Fibres of the Vagus, by Excitation of the Central End of the Divided Nerve.— -The method of preparing the nerve has been already described. The excitor, shown in fig. 225, is used. It is better to employ Helmholtz's side wire (see next paragraph), but not necessary ; for even, when strong unmodified induced currents are used, there is little danger of unipolar effects, the extent to which the nerve can be separated being such, that there is no difficulty in inter- posing a considerable air space between it and the surrounding parts. BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 319 The phenomena which accompany excitation of the central end of the divided vagus vary according to the state of the animal and the state of the nerve. It will be convenient to describe them under heads corresponding to these conditions : 1. Animal breathing naturally. To observe what may be re- garded as the normal results of excitation, care must be taken that the subject of experiment is not exhausted, and that, in placing it on the support, nothing is done which can interfere with its breathing. The movements of the diaphragm must be recorded1 either with the aid of the apparatus, fig. 250, or in the manner described in the preceding paragraph ; but for the present purpose, by far the best method is to introduce into the peritonseal cavity, by means of a small opening in the linea alba close to the ensiform cartilage, a small flat bag of India-rubber, of such size that it can be conveniently slipped between the diaphragm and liver. If this bag is slightty dis- tended with air and connected with a Marey's tympanum, it gives excellent tracings of the diaphragmatic movements. To the student who witnesses the experiment for the first time, a still more convincing mode of appreciating the effect of ex- citing the central end on the diaphragm is to feel the con- traction of the muscle with the finger during the period of ex- citation. The nerve having been prepared, and the excitor placed under it, a preliminary tracing must be taken of the normal respiration. In a tracing, taken by the method de- scribed in § 99, it is seen that in each respiratory act three parts may be distinguished, one of which, the ascent, expresses in- spiration, or active contraction of the diaphragm ; the whole of the remainder of the period corresponds to relaxation 01 that muscle. Sometimes the part of the curve which imme- diately precedes the ascent indicates that towards the close of the period of relaxation air neither enters nor leaves the chest. If a straight line is drawn through the angle formed in each curve at the point corresponding to the commencement of in- spiration, it may be taken as indicating the position of the lever when the diaphragm is at rest after an ordinary expi- ration. So long as air is passing out of the chest, the lever keeps below this line, but as soon as the outflow ceases, pro- vided that the diaphragm is still relaxed, it returns to it. Hence the line corresponds to the position of equilibrium. These facts are well seen in the first (normal) part of tracing, fig. 255. The tympanum having now been connected with the bag between the diaphragm and liver, as above described, and the secondary coil placed at a considerable distance from the pri- mary, the key which has been connected with the telegraph is 1 See 62:. 254a. 320 RESPIRATION. opened. The effect cannot be predicted with certaintj". Probably the respiratory movements will be quickened, the lever assuming a somewhat higher position during the period of excitation than it did before. This indicates that the dia- phragm descends further in each inspiration, and does not relax quite so much in expiration. The secondary coil must now be gradually brought up nearer, while the excitation is repeated after each shifting, until it is observed that the lever ascends and remains station- ary each time the key is opened, drawing a nearly horizontal line at a much higher level than that of the previous part of the tracing. (See fig. 254 6.1) If the excitation is continued only for a few seconds, the elevation of the lever which indi- cates contraction of the diaphragm not only continues during the whole time, but lasts a second or two after it. The lever then gradually falls, and after a few moments resumes its up- and-down movements, always beginning with a descent. In other words, the diaphragm, after a period of contraction, which somewhat exceeds its cause in duration, is for a moment relaxed before it assumes its rhythmical action. The conduct of the other respiratory muscles should be carefully watched (by another observer) during these experiments. It will be seen that, provided that the animal is breathing perfectly naturally at the moment that the key is opened, the descent of the diaphragm determined by the excitation of the vagus is not attended by any other muscular movement, and in par- ticular, that the upper ribs remain as motionless as before, and that the larynx does not descend.2 2. Animal in the state of apnosa. In a rabbit of which the blood has been sur- charged with oxygen by excessive artificial respiration, the effect of exciting the central end of the vagus is negative. No respiratory movement is produced. To demonstrate this, experiments must be made before, during, and after apnoea. It is found that the same current which tetanizes the dia- phragm in the normal state, has no effect when the blood is over-arterialized. This is an experiment of fundamental im- portance, because it shows that the relation between the vagus 1 Fig;. 2545 shows that during the whole period of excitation (indi- cated by the horizontal line below) the diaphragm remained contracted ; then followed a few irregular movements, after which the rhythmical movements were resumed with a slightly increased frequency. The period of contraction was interrupted, as frequently happens, by a momentary relaxation. 2 Fig. 254a was obtained in the same animal as 2546 with the aid of the apparatus, Fig. 250. The tracing shows that the rhythmical move- ments were not resumed until a second or two after excitation had censed. They were at first somewhat more frequent than before, and the diaphragm was in a lower position. In less than a minute the pre- vious conditions were restored in both respects. BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. and the motor nerves of respiration (and particularly the phrenic) is entirely different from that which exists between the afferent and efferent nerve in the ordinary case of reflex action. 3. Animal in the state of dysjmcea. When the blood, instead of containing too much oxygen, contains too little, the effect of excitation of the central end extends itself to all the extra muscles which are at the time in action ; consequently, the greater the dyspnoea, the greater is the number of muscles which respond to the stimulus. This is best seen in an animal in which after perforation of one side of the chest, respiration is maintained artificially ; the same rabbit which has served for the other experiments may be used. The result may be varied according to the degree of dyspnoea produced, by regu- lating the frequency and quantity of the injections of air. If, for example, the dyspnoea is sufficient to bring into action the external intercostals, intercartilaginei, and scaleni, all these muscles contract simultaneously with the diaphragm when the central end is excited, so that the chest remains during the time that the key is open, in a state of tetanic expansion. 103. Excitation of the Central End of one Vagus after Sec- tion of both. — By very careful graduation of the induced cur- rent (with Helmholtz's modification), it is sometimes possible to supply the precise degree of excitation to the vagus centre, which is required to make up for the loss sustained by the sec- tion of its afferent fibres, and in this way to restore the normal respiratory rhythm. More frequently the experiment fails, and effects are produced which correspond to those described above. Exceptional Cases. — It very frequently happens, particularly in animals under the influence of chloral, that effects are pro- duced by excitation of the central end which are just the oppo- site of those which we regard as normal. The diaphragm, in- stead of contracting, relaxes, and remains relaxed during the whole time (see Fig. 2551) that the key is open. The imme- diate cause of this generally is that the nerve is exhausted. The reason why it happens is that the vagus contains (in addi- tion to the fibres which, when excited, act on the vagus centre in such a way as to lessen the hypothetical resistance by which it is normally prevented from discharging itself in muscular contractions) other fibres, which in the language of physiolo- 1 The tracing, Fig. 255, was obtained by the method described in § 99. During the whole period of excitation the diaphragm remained stationary in the position of ordinary expiration ; almost immediately after, the rhythmical movements were resumed, the first movement be- ing an ordinary inspiration. The period was interrupted by a single respiratory movement, caused by the accidental removal of the elec- trodes from the nerve. The notches in the horizontal part of the tracing express cardiac pulsations. 21 322 RESPIRATION. gists are "inhibitory" — i.e., tend to increase the resistance above referred to. In the fresh state of the nerve, the influ- ence of these fibres is completely overbalanced by that of the others. In the exhausted state, this relation is reversed, so that the two sets of afferent fibres are as much distinguished from each other by their difference of endurance as by their differences of function. Recent experiments (Burkhart) make it probable that the " inhibitory" fibres .come mostly from the recurrents. 104. Excitation of the Superior Laryngeal Nerve.— The experimental investigation of the superior laryngeal is much more difficult than that of the trunk of the vagus, partly because the nerve is difficult to reach and runs a short course, partly because it is very slender. To expose it in the rabbit, an incision should be made extending from the side of the tra- chea, at the level of its first and second rings, to the hollow between the angle of the jaw and the larynx. After severing the skin in the usual way, the fascia which extends forwards from the edge of the sterno-mastoid muscle must be carefully broken through with the aid of two pairs of dissecting forceps, so as to expose the parts seen in Fig. 22T. The space is di- vided into two by the artery, the direction of which coincides exactly with that of the original incision. lSTear its lower end the artery gives off its thyroid branch. At the top the space is limited by the tendon of the stylohyoid muscle, and the pos- terior cornu of the hyoid bone. Immediately below the muscle is the trunk of the ninth nerve, which arches forwards towards the tongue. The descending branch of that nerve passes down- wards and forwards to reach the muscles which cover the front of the trachea, giving communicating branches to the cervical plexus, and a branch which arches forwards over the artery to gain the muscles which draw the larynx upwards. Before pro- ceeding to expose the deeper nerves, it is well, in order to avoid confusion, to remove the descendens noni; the next step is to draw the larynx well to the side opposite to that chosen for the incision, so as to widen the space between it and the caro- tid artery. This done, the exposure oi the superior laryngeal becomes easy. Its exact position is indicated in the figure ; its course is much twisted, so as to allow of the up-and-down movements of the larynx. In preparing it, no cutting instru- ments must be used. It must be freed from the surrounding structures with the aid of two pairs of forceps, any veins in the way having been divided between two ligatures. Care must be taken, however, to leave a certain quantitj^ of cellular tissue about it to serve as a kind of protective sheath, and make it somewhat less liable to get dry. The nerve having been prepared, a ligature must be tied round it as near as pos- sible to the thyrohyoid membrane, after which it must be di- BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 323 vidod beyond. In the dog or cat the mode of preparation is very much the same as in the rabbit. In the cat, the compara- tive thickness of the nerve facilitates the manipulation. In exciting the superior la^ngeal, the great source of difficulty is the proximity of the vagus and the consequent liability of that nerve to be acted on by the induced current in a unipolar way. This accident, which is of course fatal to the success of the investigation, the functions of the two nerves being opposite, is to be avoided, not by the use of complicated arrangements for the insulation of the nerve, but by placing it in such a way on the ordinary copper points that the part acted on is separated by a considerable air space from the surrounding tissues. Before beginning the excitation, the secondary coil must be shifted to a distance from the primary, and the primary current divided by means of Helmholtz's side wire into two branches, one of which only passes through the breaker. The other is led directly from the battery to the coil, so that the primary current is never entirely opened. In this way the opening induction shock, which, in the ordinary arrangement of the induction apparatus, possesses a much greater tension than that of the closing shock, is so reduced that the two become nearly equal to each other.1 Conse- quently, as the risk of unipolar action varies with the maxi- mum intensity of the current, it is very much diminished by this contrivance — so much so, indeed, that if care is taken to prepare the nerve properly, even moderately strong currents may be used without any effects referable to unipolar excita- tion of the vagus manifesting themselves. Excitation of the central end of the superior laryngeal produces, according to the strength of the current used, either diminution of fre- quency of the respiratory movements or complete relaxation of the muscles of inspiration. The most advantageous way of judging of its effect on the diaphragm, is to expose that muscle in the way directed in § 91. It is then seen that that muscle becomes absolutely flaccid during excitation of the nerve, and it is drawn up by the elastic contraction of the lungs, so as to assume its highest possible position. When the excitation is discontinued, the relaxation either gives way to natural breathing or is immediately succeeded by one or two vigorous inspirations. If the current is so feeble that it mereljr diminishes the frequency of the respirations, without arresting them, the tracings show that there is no diminution of the duration of the inspiratory acts, and that the slowing is entirely due to a prolongation of the intervals, i. e., of the 1 For a fuller explanation of the difference between the two induced currents and of the effect of Helmholtz's modification, see Rosenthal, "Electricitatslehre," p. 120. 324 RESPIRATION. periods during which the diaphragm remains in the position assumed by it at the close of ordinary expiration. To record the effects graphically, any of the methods recommended in the preceding paragraphs may be used. If the method de- scribed in § 99 is employed", a tracing is obtained which exactly resembles fig. 255. The tracing, fig. 256,1 was drawn by inserting a bag between the diaphragm and the liver. SECTION VI.— INFLUENCE or THE RESPIRATION ON THE CIRCULATION. 105. If the stethoscope is applied to the praecordia of a dog, it is easily observed, especially if the animal has been narco- tized, that the rate at which the contractions of the heart succeed each other is subject to rhythmically recurring varia- tions, and that the acceleration follows eath expansion of the chest, lasting during the first part of the succeeding expiration ; while during the latter part of the expiratory period — the period during which, as we have seen, air is expelled very slowly — the diastolic intervals become longer. These facts admit of much more precise demonstration by the graphic method. For this purpose the most convenient instrument is that shown in fig. 257. It is a kymograph so constructed as to record the arterial pressure and respiratory movements simultaneously. The mercurial manometer consists of two limbs of equal length, one of which, the distal (A), is much wider than the other near the top, the relation between the lumen of the one and that of the other being 1:10. The float which rests on the distal column is of boxwood. Its under surface is concave, so as to fit the convex surface of the mercury. By the vertical rod it is connected with a light lever, i>, about two feet in length, which is counterpoised by a weight suspended to it on the other side of the brass bearing, E. At its thin end, the lever carries a pen, the distance of which from D is such, that for every inch of variation of difference between the two col- umns of the manometer, it rises or falls three-tenths of an inch. It will be readily understood that the movement of the pen, instead of being rectilinear, is circular; consequently, it is vertical only when the lever is horizontal ; for which reason the fulcrum, E, which is so constructed as to slide up and down on the brass uprights, must always be placed in such a posi- tion that the lever is horizontal. The height of the mercurial 1 The tracing, fig. 256, shows that during the whole period of excitaT tion the diaphragm remained motionless in the position of expiration, with the exception that at gradually lengthening intervals it executed momentary contractions. When, after the cessation of excitation, the respiratory movements were resumed, they were slower 'but more ex- tensive than before. BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 325 column corresponds to the average arterial pressure. That part of the instrument which is intended for recording the re- spiratory movements, consists of a Marey's tympanum, c, and a lever, F, similar to D, and of the same length, with which it is connected. The tube, n, of the tympanum may be either brought into communication with one arm of a glass "f" tube, the stem of which is inserted in the trachea, or with a stetho- meter applied to the chest. The lever of the tympanum is connected with the recording lever by a vertical rod seen in the drawing. In this way two tracings are obtained simul- taneously, of which fig. 258 is an example. The arterial trac- ing is marked A p, the respiratory R. In the latter, the begin- ning of inspiration is indicated by the vertical stroke a; of expiration by b; of the pause by c. The coincident points in A P are indicated by similar strokes. The break is made by removing both pens from the paper by the same act. In man, the variations of frequency (which, of course, can alone be in- vestigated) are absent in most healthy persons, although very obvious in certain conditions of disease. In the rabbit they are .much less marked than in the dog. They are regarded by most physiologists as dependent on variations of activity of the intracranial centre of the cardiac vagus: until very re- cently it has been assumed, by way of explanation, that the respiratory movements affect the cerebral circulation in such a way that during the period of relaxation of the muscles of respiration, the supply of blood to the medulla oblongata is diminished, and increased during their contraction — and that the inhibitory nervous system of the heart is affected by these changes. This explanation has always appeared unsatisfactory, and could only be accepted provisionally ; for it seemed ex- tremely improbable that there was any appreciable difference in the supply of blood between the inspiratory and expiratory periods. We now know that the respiratory variations in the arterial pressure and in the frequency of the contractions of the heart, are not necessarily dependent on the mechanical effect of the respiratory movements on the heart, inasmuch as they persist when these movements are abolished; and that they have their primary source in the vasomotor and cardiac- inhibitory centres, which act rlrythmically, not because they are subject to any rhythmical excitation, but because they have periods of waxing and waning activity which correspond to those of the respiratory centre. A very little consideration shows that this inference carries the admission that the cardiac- inhibitory centre and the vasomotor centre act alternately, for it can be seen in every tracing that the increase of arterial tension determined by increased vascular tonus, alternates with the retarded pulse and diminished tension produced by " vagus excitation." In other words, the phase of maximum 326 RESPIRATION. activity of the inhibitory centre always coincides with that of minimum activity of the vasomotor centre. The experiment l>3' which it is proved that the respiratory phases of arterial pressure and pulse frequency are independent of the thoracic movement, consists in curarizing a dog by the injection into the venous system of a dose of curare only just sufficient to paralyze the respiratory muscles (5 to 10 millig. for a dog of 10 Ibs. weight), and observing graphically the changes of ar- terial pressure which occur during the gradual extinction of the respiratory movements, with the aid of the apparatus de- scribed above. The tracings, figs. 259-261, show what is ob- served at three different stages of curarization. Curve 259 was drawn when the animal's muscles were still active. It may be regarded as normal. Curve 260' corresponds to a period at which each inspiration and expiration is represented by a scarcel}' perceptible contraction and dilatation of the chest. Curve 261 to a still later condition, in which the inspi- ratory movements are indicated by a mere vibration of the lever, produced (as was observed at the time) by momentary contraction of certain inspiratory muscles which were not yet completely paralyzed. We learn from these observations, that during the gradual extinction of the respirator}' movements, the intervals between them correspondingly lengthen ; and that at first the variations of arterial pressure and pulse fre- quency exhibit the characters which closely correspond to those they exhibit normally. Subsequently, the ascents and descents of the mercurial column become much more gradual, and the changes of frequency less abrupt. Finally they as- sume, so far as relates to arterial tension, the characters of the variations known as Traube's curves, to be described in the next paragraph. 106. Traube's Curves. — This term is applied by physio- logists to the rhythmical variations of arterial pressure which occur in curarized animals, after complete cessation of the re- spiratoiy movements, and section of both vagi. They can be demonstrated in the rabbit, cat, or dog, but most readily in the last. Traube described them as they occur in the absence of artificial respiration, i. y the intercartilagi- 1 The fact of apnooa was first demonstrated by Hook, before the Royal Society in October, 1667. His experiment consists in op'ening the chest of a dog, distending the lungs with bellows, and keeping up a constant stream of air through the organ through punctures made in its surface for the purpose. He found that, although "the eyes were all the time very quick, and the heart beating regularly," there were no respiratory movements. The term " apnooa" was first applied to this condition by Rosenthal, in 1864. BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 329 nous muscles and external intercostals, are the most important, as indicating successive stages. For a comprehensive study of dyspnoea, as it affects not merely the respiratory movements, but the circulation and the functions of the nervous system, those experiments are best in which the disorder can be watched from its beginnings in mere increase of functional activity (hy- perpncea), to its issue in asphyxia or suffocation. These may consist, either in complete obstruction of the air-passages, in which case death occurs very rapidly (in 4-5 minutes in the dog, a shorter time in the rabbit), in allowing the animal to breathe out of a bag with which its respiratory cavit}^ is in air-tight communication, or from a gasometer (the instrument represented in Fig. 251), into which definite mixtures of gases can be continuously introduced. 109. Asphyxia by Complete Occlusion of the Tra- chea.— For this purpose, a canula must be fixed air-tight in the trachea, the mouth of which is of such form that it can be plugged with a cork. If it is desired to obtain a tracing of the variations of tension which the air so inclosed in the respira- tory cavity undergoes, the cork must be perforated and fitted with a tube which communicates with a mercurial manometer, the movements of which are recorded on the cylinder of the Irvmograph, simultaneously with the variations of pressure in the crural artery. The tube must be of small bore and have thick walls. The phenomena, as they present themselves in the dog, may be enumerated as follows : First minute. — Ex- cessive respiratory movements, in which at first the expansive efforts of the thoracic muscles, afterwards the expulsive efforts of the muscles of the abdominal wail, are most violent. During this period the arterial pressure increases, but it is extremely difficult to measure it, on account of the modifying influence of the thoracic movements. Towards the close of the first minute the animal becomes convulsed. These convulsions must be attentively studied, because they are the type, by compari- son with which all other convulsions of the same order are de- scribed or defined. The prominent fact with respect to these convulsions is that they are expiratory. At first, indeed, they seem to be nothing more than exaggerations of the previous expulsive efforts. Afterwards, the contractions of the proper expiratory muscles are accompanied by more or less irregular spasms of the muscles of the limbs, particularly of the flexors. Second minute. — Early in the second minute the convulsions cease, often suddenly; simultaneously with their cessation, the expiratory efforts become indistinguishable. The iris is now dilated to a rim ; the eye does not close when the cornea is touched, nor does the pupil react to light ; all reflex reaction to stimuli has ceased. All the muscles, except those of inspi- ration, are flaccid, and the animal lies in a state of tranquil- 830 RESPIRATION. lity, which contrasts in the most striking way with the storm which preceded it. The condition of the circulation at this stage can be best judged of by the tracing, Fig. 2636.' Inspi- rations occur at long but tolerably regular intervals, and each iuspiratory act is accompanied, not, as in normal inspiration, by an increase of arterial pressure, but by a marked diminu- tion. The mean arterial pressure, which at the beginning of the second minute is far above the normal, sinks considerably below it towards the end. Third and .fourth minutes. — As death approaches, the thoracic and abdominal movements, which are entirely inspiratory, become slower and slower as well as shallower. The diminution of frequency is, however, never uniform, the inspirations occurring, for the most part, in successions of two or three efforts, with long pauses between them. In each act the accessory muscles of inspiration co- operate with the diaphragm in the production of the result, and towards the close other muscles come into spasmodic action which are not usually regarded as inspiratory muscles at all, although, in all probability, they act by virtue of motor impulses originating in the inspirator}' centre. In these spasms, which accompany the final gasps of an asphyxiated animal, the head is thrown back, the trunk straightened or arched backwards, and the limbs are extended, while the mouth gapes and the nostrils dilate. They are called by physiologists stretching convulsions, and must be carefully distinguished by the student from the expiratory convulsions previously described. 110. Asphyxia by Slow Suffocation. — When an animal is allowed to breathe the same quantity of air repeatedly and continuously out of a bag, the process being of much longer duration, the phenomena can be studied with greater facility. As, however, its duration depends on two variable conditions, viz., the respiratory capacity of the animal and the capacity of the receptacle from which it breathes, it is not pos- sible to describe the phenomena with reference to periods of fixed duration. It is sufficient to divide the process into two stages, the limits of which will be readily understood from the preceding paragraph. The first may be called that of hyper- pnoca. The respiratory movements, at first natural, are gradu- ally exaggerated, both as regards their extent and frequency, while the arterial pressure rises. Towards the end of the period, as in the former case, the expiratory movements gain in vigor, both absolutely and relatively to those of inspiration, so that each inspiratory act is immediately followed by a sucl- 1 Fig. 2636 is taken toward the end of the second minute of asphyxia by occlusion. The mean arterial pressure is gradually sinking; each in- spiration is accompanied by a depression of arterial pressure. BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 331 den tightening of the anterior abdominal wall, accompanied by convulsive twitchings of the limbs. The second stage begins by a change in the phenomena quite as marked as when the exclusion of air is complete. Suddenly, the violent expulsive efforts cease, and theinspiratory movements assume the charac- ter already described, consisting in spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm, accompanied by gasping movements of the head and neck, the most marked difference being that the arte- rial pressure, instead of sinking with each inspiratory effort, rises, the rise being accompanied by an equally considerable acceleration (see Fig. 263a'). In the dog this phenomenon is so obvious that it can be judged of quite as well by watching the mercurial column of the manometer as by the tracing. As re- gards the gradual diminution of the frequency of the contrac- tions of the heart during the first part of the period of collapse, and their gradual acceleration as extinction approaches, the phenomena are the same, whatever be the mode in which asphyxia is produced. As regards the final respiratory move- ments, and the stretching convulsions which are associated with them, nothing need be added to the description previously given. The preceding facts may be summed up as follows : In the first stage of asphyxia (understanding by the term, that part of the process which culminates in the struggle), the phenomena are of two kinds. At first, we have merely over-activit3r of the respiratory apparatus (hyperpnoea) ; at the end, expiratory convulsion. The convulsive movements are so distinct from those proper to expiration, that we are compelled to assign their origin to a special centre. This centre is often called the "convulsion centre." It is probably identical with that from which the co-ordinated expiratory movements of dyspnoea (hy- perpncea) spring ; for in asphyxia we see that these last pass into convulsions by insensible gradations.1 When the struggle with which the first stage closes is succeeded by the calm of the second, all voluntary muscles, excepting those which are 1 Fig. 263a is taken at the beginning of the second stage of slow asphyxia. Almost every inspiration is immediately followed by two or three cardiac contractions, succeeding each other at very short in- tervals. 2 It is important to notice that the convulsion of asphyxia is identical with that produced in Kussmaul and Tenner's experiment, both haying the expiratory character. If that experiment is performed in an animal in the state of apnoea, the arrest of the arterial circulation in the intra- cranial nervous centres at once induces respiratory movements ; and if the closure of the arteries continues, the animal passes through the suc- cessive stages of dyspnoea, and finally becomes convulsed just as in as- phyxia. If at this point the arteries are released, the animal relapses gradually, after one or two vigorous inspirations, into the condition of apucea. 332 RESPIRATION. either inspiratory or associated in their action with inspiration, become relaxed. The inspiratory muscles, on the contrary, act with great vigor. 111. State of the Circulation in Asphyxia.— This may be best studied by actually observing the condition of the heart and great vessels in a narcotized animal, of which the chest has been opened while respiration is maintained artificially. In a perfectly chloralized animal, the heart may be exposed very rapidly, as follows : The integument covering the left side of the chest having been turned back, a series of strong ligatures are passed round* the costal cartilages, close to the left edge of the sternum, in such a way that each ligature enters the thoracic cavity by one intercostal space and passes out by the next; a second set of ligatures are passed in a similar manner round the ribs in a vertical line outside of the praecordia. The ligatures having been tightened, the quadrangular space between them can be cut away without any bleeding. The pericardium having then been opened, the thoracic organs can be perfectly well seen. If now after continuing the artificial respiration till apncea is produced, it is suspended, all the degrees of respiratory activity. viz., apnoea, natural breathing, hyperpnoea, dyspnoea, convul- sion, asphyxia, will be witnessed in the order in which they have been mentioned, and it will be seen that no very obvious change in the condition of the heart and great vessels will occur until the last stage (corresponding to what I have called the second stage of asphyxia) is approached. During the convulsive strug- gle, and particularly towards its close, the heart enlarges to something like the double of its former dimension, this enlarge- ment being due (as the attentive observer will have no difficulty in satisfying himself) to the lengthening of the diastolic inter- val and to the quantity of blood contained in the great veins, which in fact are so distended, that if cut into they spirt like arteries. If at this point air is again injected, the heart begins after a few seconds to contract more rapidly, and in a moment or two, emptying itself of its overcharge of blood, resumes its former size. The effect of these changes on the arterial pres- sure can be best studied in a curarized animal, of which the crural or carotid has been connected with the kymograph. If, in such an animal, artificial respiration is discontinued till the arterial pressure, after first increasing, sinks as low as 20 to 40 millimetres, the tracing shows that the diastolic intervals are much lengthened. If then air is injected, the arterial pressure after an interval of 5 or G seconds suddenly rises, while the curve expressing the rise indicates the extreme frequency of the contractions by which the heart empties itself of its con- tents, or rather pumps on the blood contained in the over-full veins to the arterial system. (See fig. 264, in which i indicates the moment of injection of air.) During this effort, the mer- BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 333 curial column usually rises above the normal, but after it is over, subsides to a height which is nearly the same as that about which it oscillated before artificial respiration was sus- pended. The explanation of these phenemena may be given in a few words. One of the effects of diminishing the proportion of oxygen in the circulating blood is to excite the vasomotor centre, and thus determine general contraction of the small arteries. The immediate consequence of this contraction is to fill the venous S3rstem, in the production of which result the contraction of the expiratory muscles of the trunk and extremi- ties powerfully co-operates. The heart being abundantly sup- plied with blood, fills rapidly during diastole and contracts vigorously, in consequence of which and of the increased resist- ance in front, the arterial pressure rises. This last effect is however temporary ; the diastolic intervals being lengthened by the excitation of the inhibitory nervous system, and the heart itself weakened by defect of oxygen, the organ soon passes into the state of diastolic relaxation already described. Its contractions become more and more ineffectual till they finally cease, leaving the arteries empt\r, the veins distended, its own cavities relaxed and full of blood. That the small arte- ries are contracted in asphyxia we learn by inspecting them (see § 49). The narrowing is as marked as it is during elec- trical excitation of the medulla oblongata. In both cases the contraction induces increased arterial pressure, but there is this difference, that whereas in the latter case the heart is not interfered with, in the former its functional activity is much im- paired by the condition of the blood. Consequently, the rise of the arterial pressure is much greater in proportion to the degree of contraction of the arteries during excitation of the medulla than in asphyxia. 112. Examination of the Heart after Death by Asphyxia. — If the heart is rapidly exposed immediately after death by asphyxia, and a strong ligature tightened round the roots of the great vessels, the organ may be readily cut out without allowing any blood to escape from its cavities. The quantity of blood contained in the right and left side re- spectively may be measured by carefully opening the ventri- cles and allowing their contents to flow into separate measure glasses. It is always found that all the cavities of the heart are filled to distension, the quantities in the right and left cavities respectively, usually being to each other about in the proportion of 2 to 3. The lungs are always pale ; if, however, the body is kept for a few hours, those parts of the organs which are lowest becomes airless and soaked with sanguino- lent liquid. 113. Demonstration of the Chemical Changes which occur in the Blood in Dyspnoea and Asphyxia. — It 334 RESPIRATION. being known that in suffocation two changes take place in the chemical condition of the blood — diminution of oxygen and increase of carbonic acid gas — it is obviously not unreasonable to attribute the phenomena either to the one or the other of these changes, or to the combination of both. In the preced- ing pages it has been assumed that they are due to the dimi- nution of ox3'gen. The chief proofs that this is so are as fol- lows : In order to demonstrate in a striking way and in one experiment that diminution of oxygen in the air breathed does, and that excess of carbonic acid gas does not, produce the phenomena of dyspnoea, the following method, devised by Rosenthal, may be employed. The mercurial gosometer (fig. 251) is filled with oxygen. The animal is then allowed to breathe the gas in the way described (§ 95) until it may be reasonably supposed that the air contained in the air-passages is displaced by it. This occurs in the rabbit in about ten respirations. The communication is then opened between the valve B and the receiver, while the exit tube is clipped so that the animal both inspires from the gasometer and expires into it. As the experiment goes on, it is obvious that the propor- tion of carbonic acid increases and must continue to increase, until that gas attains such a tension in the gasometer that no further escape from the blood is possible. At first the volume of gas in the gasometer undergoes no sensible diminution, for the animal expires nearly as much of carbonic acid as it inspires of oxygen ; afterwards, as the quantity of carbonic acid gas given off becomes less and less, the cylinder sinks in each inspiration more and more. As soon as this is the case it is of course absolutely certain that the animal is breathing an atmosphere containing a large excess of carbonic acid gas, yet notwithstanding, there is no sign of asphyxia, the reason being that the oxygen still exists in the mixture in a propor- tion exceeding that in which it exists in the atmosphere, or at all events, not falling far short of it. When at a still later period the breathing begins to be excessive, the dyspnoea can at first be relieved by increasing the pressure to which the gases contained in the gasometer are exposed. This, of course, while it favors the absorption of oxygen, equally favors that of carbonic acid gas ; that the latter has no physiological effect cannot be maintained, but the experiment proves that its effect is very inconsiderable. The direct proof that dyspnoea is dependent on defect of oxygen, is obtained by the analysis of the gases of the blood in an animal which has been asphyxiated by the inhalation of pure nitrogen. Pfliiger has found that an animal (dog) breath- ing nitrogen becomes hyperpnceic in 15 seconds. In 20 seconds the struggle is at its height, the blood being already very dark. In Pflliger's experiments, blood was allowed to flow from an BY DR. BURDON-S ANDERSON. 335 artery into a recipient for the analysis of its gases, at from half a minute to a minute after the beginning of the inhalation of nitrogen, the animal being already in the second stage of as- phyxia. It was found, for example,1 that the blood of an animal which before breathing nitrogen contained 18.8 per cent, per vol. of oxygen (at 760 millim. and 0° C.), contained after breath- ing nitrogen for one minute a mere trace of oxygen (0.3 per cent.) ; during the same period the carbonic acid gas had dimin- ished from 47.2 per cent, to 39.4 per cent. These experiments are referred to here on account of their fundamental importance. They are much too difficult for repetition. 114. Demonstration that the Pulmonary Termina- tions of the Vagus Nerves are Excited by Distension of the Lungs. — It was long ago surmised by physiologists (particularly by Rosenthal) that the pulmonary branches of the vagus nerves contain afferent fibres, which are excited by the expansion of that organ, and that these fibres take part in the regulation both of the movements of the heart and those of respiration. The proof of this has been lately given by Hering. A dog having been narcotized with morphia or opium, one arm of a T-shaped canula is secured in the trachea, the other being connected with a mercurial manometer. To the stem an India- rubber connector is fitted, which is guarded by a screw clip, and ends in a blowing tube: a canula is placed in the carotid and connected with the kymograph. These preparations having been made, an observation of arterial pressure is taken. The clockwork being still in motion, the experimenter distends the lungs of the animal until the distal column of the manometer stands about 30 or 40 millimetres above the other, and then closes the clip. Two important results are produced. In the first place, the inspiratory muscles are thrown out of action, and remain relaxed so long as the distension lasts, while those of expiration are brought into continuous and energetic con- traction ; and secondly, the frequency of the contractions of the heart is more than doubled. In the preceding experiment the circulation is considerably affected by the increased pres- sure exercised by the distended lungs on the heart and great veins ; consequently, the increased frequency of the pulse might be attributed in whole or in part to this circumstance rather than to the pulmonary distension. To meet this objection, the experiment may be modified as follows : A dog is narcotized and respiration maintained artificially, the apparatus being so arranged that at any moment the lungs may be dist\nded as in the last case. This done, the thoracic organs are completely exposed by removing the anterior wall of the chest in the man- ner described in § 49 : it is then seen that the effect of inflation 1 Pfliiger's Archiv., vol. I p. 94. 336 ANIMAL HEAT. on the heart is just the same as when the thorax is closed. These results are sufficient to show the pulmonary distension and acceleration of the contraction of the heart, stand in the relation to each other of cause to effect. That the influence of the former on the latter is exercised through the nervous sys- tem, and consequently through the vagi (these being the only known channel by which the lungs are in communication with the nervous centres) is sufficiently obvious. Accordingly, we should expect that if this channel were interrupted the effect would be annulled, and experiment proves that it is so. The demonstration is, however, very difficult, for in the dog the pulsations of the heart are already so rapid after section of the vagi that no further acceleration is possible ; a negative result, therefore, would mean nothing. Hering has met this difficulty by carefully exciting the peripheral end of one of the divided nerves after section of both (using Helmholtz's modification), so as to reduce the frequency of the heart's action, and repeat- ing the pulmonary distension under these altered conditions ; the result was still negative. These experiments teach us two important facts relating to the innervation of the lungs, viz., that the pulmonary branches of the vagus contain afferent fibres, the excitation of which by pulmonary distension tends to weaken or paralyze both theinspiratory and cardiac centres in the medulla oblongata ; the one action showing itself in the complete cessation of the rhythmical efforts of the inspiratory muscles, the other in the shortening of the diastolic intervals of the heart. The subject requires much fuller investigation than it has yet received. CHAPTER XVIII. ANIMAL HEAT. THE temperature of the body is dependent on the relative activity of two sets of processes, viz. : those by which heat is produced or generated, and those by which it is destroyed or lost. The subject admits of being correspondingly divided into two parts— the study of the processes, and the study of the resulting state. The former is based on the measurement of the quantity of heat set free at the surface during a given period (Calorimetry) ; the second on the measurement of the temperature existing in the circulating blood and the tissues at the moment of observation (Thermometry). BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 337 SECTION I.— CALORIMETBT. The production of heat is one of the essential functions of living tissue ; consequently, wherever there are living cells, heat is generated at all times. We assume, at the outset, that the source of production is the sum of the chemical processes which take place in the body ; and that under all circum- stances, so long as the tissues are neither growing nor wasting, the quantity of heat produced by the oxidation of the food consumed is equal to the quantity which would have been produced had the same quantity of oxidizable substance been converted into similar more or less oxidized products out of the body. 115- There are two distinct methods by which a theoretically complete determination of the quantity of heat products in the body in a given time can be arrived at. The first consists in deducting the heat-producing power (heat value) of the substances discharged from the body in a given time, from the heat value of the substances consumed. The second is based on the actual measurement of the quantity of heat discharged in a given time. In the former case the difference obtained expresses the amount of heat produced in the period, provided that the animal is in a state of nutritive equilibrium — i. e., that its tissues are neither growing nor wasting. In the latter, the measurement gives the desired result, provided that the discharge is exactly equal to the production of heat — i. e., that the temperature of the body remains the same. With reference to the first method, as it reposes entirely on chemical and physical operations, some of which do not fall within the scope of this work, while others will be described under other heads, all that is necessary is to make clear the principles of its application. So long as an animal is in nutritive equilibrium (see above) the combustible material actually consumed, i. e., oxidized in its body in a given time, may be known by deducting, from the quantity of such material actually swallowed, the quantity discharged in the faeces. This determination is, therefore, purely a question of chemical analysis. The heat-producing powers of the chief constituents of food have been determined approximatively by Frankland, who finds, for example, that one gramme of albumin, in under- going complete combustion into water, carbonic acid, and ammonia, produces heat enough to raise 4998 grammes of water one degree centigrade. This fact we express by stating that 4998 is the heat value of albumen. In like manner Frankland has found the heat value of lean beef to be 5103, and of the fat 9069. If, therefore, it were possible to determine how much of any of these substances is consumed, 22 338 ANIMAL HEAT. say per diem, it is clear that we could readily calculate how much heat would be produced, provided that the consumption, i. e., oxidation, were complete. As regards the albuminous elements of food, no such complete oxidation takes place, for the elements of these compounds do not leave the organism in the form of ultimate products of oxidation, but in great part in the form of urea and other imperfectly oxidized organic constituents of urine. The quantity of heat actually pro- duced by a given weight of albumin, therefore, falls consider- ably short of its heat value. In order to arrive at this quantity, the deduction previously referred to must be made : i. e., from the heat value of the albumin consumed, the heat value of the nitrogenous excreted substances into which it is transformed must be taken: the difference expresses theoreti- cally the exact number of heat units actually generated by its elements in their passage through the body. As regards the hydro-carbons, no such deduction is necessary, so that in the case of animals which feed exclusively on these compounds — e. g., bees — the quantity of heat produced is at once obtained by estimating the heat value of the food consumed.1 Another chemical method of estimating the rate of produc- tion of heat in the body of an animal, is founded on the esti- mation of the discharge of carbonic acid from the lungs and skin. In carnivorous animals this method is of little value, for, as we have seen, so much of the food consumed as consists of albuminous compounds is incompletely oxidized, so that theFe is no definite relation between the consumption of albu- minous products and the amount of oxidation. In such ani- mals, however, as can be fed entirely on hydro-carbons of known composition, the carbonic acid gas discharged may be taken as an exact index of the heat production — not because the quantity of heat produced, as was at first erroneously as- sumed, is equal to the heat which would be disengaged by the oxidation of the quantity of carbon actually contained in the carbonic acid, and of the quantity of hydrogen contained in the corresponding quantity of water — but because in such an animal the whole of the material consumed is completely oxi- di/i'd ; so that the quantity of carbon discharged as carbonic acid is always equal to the total quantity of the same element oxidized. On this account bees, which can be fed exclusively 1 No results can be obtained by this method unless the animal is in a state of perfect nutritive equilibrium. For this reason, it can be seldom applicable in the investigation of physiological or pathological questio'ns relating to heat ; for, on account of the length of the periods over which the determinations must necessarily extend, it gives little or no informa- tion as to the variations in the production of heat, the appreciation of which is practically more important than the determination of the means of the quantities produced per hour or day. BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 339 on hydro-carbons, and have the additional advantage that, although they are of variable temperature, their heat produc- tion is as active as that of warm-blooded animals, are specially adapted for the investigation of the relation between heat pro- duction and oxidation. Under many circumstances which preclude the use of this method alone, it is of value in combination with that of direct measurement, to be immediately described ; for the informa- tion it affords, even when the nutritive substances consumed are partly nitrogenous, is trustworthy. If the ingestion of nutritive material is regular and uniform, it affords a rough, but otherwise reliable, indication of whatever variations may occur in the activity of the chemical vital processes. It will be readily understood, that these indications occur later than the causes which produce them ; so that it is not until some time after any increase or diminution of oxidation, that the corresponding increase or diminution of the discharge of carbonic acid manifests itself. The mode of gauging the discharge of carbonic acid in the animal body has been de- scribed in the previous chapter. In the application of the re- sults of such determinations, it must not be forgotten that the absolute values obtained are meaningless. Their use is limited to the interpretation of direct calorimetrical measurements. 116. Direct Estimation of the Quantity of Heat produced by an Animal in a given Time. — The second method (to which alone the term Calorirnetry is strictly appli- cable), consists in the direct estimation of the quantity of heat (heat units) given off by an animal in a given time. The subject of observation is placed lor a measured period in a chamber, which is so constructed that while it is continuously supplied with air for respiration, it is surrounded on all sides by a mass of water, the weight and temperature of which are known. The construction of such a chamber (Calorimeter) can be readily understood from the diagram, fig. 265. A, is a box of zinc plate, in which the animal is placed, the size varying according to the animal it is intended to receive. If for rabbit or small dog, it is 15 J inches long by 12 inches wide, and 13 inches high. It possesses two openings, one of which is in the lid and communicates with a large gasometer, into which air is constantly injected by a Bunsen's water air- pump. The other is in one end, and opens into an exit tube (D), which after surrounding the box twice, terminates in a flexible connector, by which the air which has passed through the chamber escapes. The section of this tube, the purpose of which is to secure the condensation of the aqueous vapor dis- charged from the lungs and skin, is oblong and rectangular; in order that it may present to the water by which it is sur- rounded as large a surface as possible. The inner box (A) is 340 ANIMAL HEAT. surrounded by another, which is of such dimensions that the external surface of the former is separated from the internal surface of the latter by a space of an inch and a half in every direction. This space contains water the weight of which can be readily known. The inner box can be fixed into its place by a simple mechanical arrangement. The water-chamber (B) is contained in a wooden case (C), which however is so large that a considerable space intervenes, which is closely packed with tow, the purpose of which is to prevent loss or gain of heat by radiation or conduction, and thus to render the tem- perature of the interior of the apparatus entirely independent of that of the surrounding media. For the same reason the external surface of the water-chamber is of bright tinplate. The interior of the water-chamber is japanned. The zinc inner chamber for the reception of the animal is left as it is. The temperature of the animal having been measured by passing a thermometer an inch and a half into the rectum, it is placed in the box, the exit tube of which has been previously brought into communication with an aspirator. The lid is then rapidly but carefulty closed with putty, and the whole placed without loss of time in the water-chamber. The water-chamber is then closed and immediately covered with a layer of tow. In its lid there are two oblong openings for the introduction of stirrers.1 The water having been agitated immediately after the introduction of the box containing the animal, a thermometer is introduced by one of the openings already mentioned, which after three minutes is read. The time having been noted, the apparatus is left to itself for fifteen minutes, half an hour, or an hour, and the temperature is again ob- served after agitation of the water. The results having been noted, the animal is withdrawn with as little delay as possible from the case containing it, and the thermometer is introduced into the rectum to the same distance as before, and read after the same interval of time. In this way obviously four readings are obtained— those of the animal and of the calorimeter at the beginning and end of the given period. To interpret them we must take into ac- count, not only the relative weights of the animal and of the calorimeter, but their several capacities for heat. In the case in which the temperature of the animal remains the same, the amount of production being equal to that of discharge, all that is required is to know how much heat has been communi- cated during the period of observation to the calorimeter. In the opposite case we must, in order to judge of the quantity 1 I have lately adopted a better method of agitation, consisting in the injection of air into the space below the chamber A. The construction is such that the whole of the air so used finds its way into the chamber. BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 341 of heat produced, add to or deduct from the quantity commu- nicated the quantity it has borrowed or given off from its own body. If the animal loses heat while it is in the chamber, the heat it gives off is only partial^ generated, the remainder being abstracted from its own body. If it gains, the quantity of heat generated is only partially given off; the remainder is added to its own temperature. To make this deduction or addition, as the case may be, two questions must be answered. 1. How much heat does the calorimeter require in order that its temperature may be raised one degree? 2. How much does the body of the animal require for the same purpose ? In both cases the quantity required is equal to the specific heat multiplied by the weight. The mean specific heat of the calorimeter is obtained by adding together the products of the specific heat and weight of the parts of which it is composed — i. e., the iron case and the water. Supposing, e. g., the iron to weigh 3800 grammes and the water 8600 grammes, the specific heat of iron being 0.114, the product in question is for the iron casing 419.5, while that for the water is 8600.0. Consequently 9019.5 gramme-units1 of heat are required to raise the whole one degree of temperature. Applying the same method to the animal body, the specific heat of which is estimated to be 0.83, we have of course 0.83 gramme-units as the quantity to be added or deducted for each gramme of weight and degree of variation of temperature. The whole process will be readily understood from an ex- ample, the weight of the calorimeter being that given above. Temperature of calorimeter — at beginning 9°.l C., at end 9°.T C. Temperature of animal — at beginning 39°.2 C., at end 38°.3 C. Weight of animal, 3200 grammes. From these results we obtain : — 1. Units of heat communicated to the calorimeter 9019.5 x 1.6 = 14431. 2. Units of heat borrowed from the body of the animal 3200 x 0.83 x 0.9 = 2390. Result 14431—2390 = 12041. That is to say, the animal, during the period of observation gave off 12,041 gramme-units of heat. In calorimetrical experiments, the temperature of the water 1 The absolute amount of heat (in gramme-units) required to raise the calorimeter 1° C. of temperature may be ascertained empirically by introducing into the calorimeter (in place of the animal) a metal vessel containing a known weight of water at a known temperature — say 40° C. — and determining on the one hand the loss of heat sustained by the water, and on the other, the gain by the calorimeter in a given time. 342 ANIMAL HEAT. should, as a rule, be a little higher than that of the surround- ing atmosphere. Not only is this the condition most favour- able to the accuracy of the observations, but it is most advan- tageous as regards the state of the animal observed. If the temperature is too high, the disengagement of heat from the surface is relatively lessened, so that unless completely com- pensated for by increased evaporation, the bodily temperature of the animal will rise. If, on the other hand, the tempera- ture of the calorimeter is lower than that of the surrounding air, that of the animal sinks so quickly that its condition is no longer normal. It is obviously of great importance that the observations should be made in a room of even tempera- ture, and it is desirable that it should not be too cold. The method above described may be applied not only to the investigation of periodical and other physiological variations of the process of nutrition, but to the investigation of many abnormal states and alterations, such for example as those of fever changes affecting the condition of the surface of the body, changes affecting the circulation, respiration or nervous system, and changes produced by the action of various drugs.1 -,-For the investigation of fever, the pyrexial state ma}' be pro- duced experimentally, either by injecting into the venous S3Ts- tem small quantities (5 to 15 minims) of the exudation liquids of certain acute inflammations ; or by producing a local in- flammation, e.. j;., by applying croton oil to the surface. Al- though the increase of temperature produced by these methods has been carefully investigated by the thermometer, no suffi- cient investigations have as yet been made as to the quantity of heat produced in a given time. Among other subjects which admit of calorimetrical investigation, that of the remark- able effects produced in rabbits by the process of " varnish- ing" may be referred to. 117. Increased Discharge of Heat of "Varnished" Rabbits. — It is well known that rabbits when smeared over the clipped surface with gelatin or any other similar material, 1 Considering that it is not possible, even with the utmost care, to keep the animal in a perfectly natural condition during a calorimetrical observation, and that there are certain sources of error inseparable from the method itself, which do not admit of being corrected for, it is advi- sable in employing the calorimeter for physiological investigations to estimate the value of the results obtained not by calculation but by comparative experiments, e. g., (1) by comparing the result obtained under the condition to be investigated with the result obtained in the normal state of the same animal ; (2) by employing in each observation two calorimeters, in one of which the animal is placed, while the other remains unoccupied, but in all other respects under the same conditions. In this case, the loss of heat, if any, during the period of observation in the empty calorimeter is to be added to the gain in the one in which the animal is contained. BY DR. BURDON-S ANDERSON. 343 die ; the pulse and respiration being first accelerated and then diminishing. Associated with this last change is a very rapid loss of temperature, while the urine becomes albuminous. Formerly it was supposed that these changes were dependent on the suspension of respiration. It is easy, however, to prove experimentally that it is not so by placing the animal in a chamber at a temperature of about 30° C., when it is seen that as the temperature of the body rises the other symptoms disappear. Even if the animal has been allowed to cool as low as 21°.l C. it can be restored by warmth. By placing a varnished rabbit in the calorimeter, it can be shown that al- though its temperature is actually 10° or more below that of the surrounding air, it gives off a great deal more heat than a normal rabbit. Thus I find that a rabbit, which in the normal state gives off only 3000 heat units in ten minutes, gives off about 20,000 after varnishing, notwithstanding that in the former case its temperature was constant at 39.5° C., while in the other it sank from 36° to 25°. SECTION II. — THERMOMETRY. The temperature of the animal body is measured either by the mercurial thermometer or thermo-electrically : — 118. Measurement of Temperature by the Mercu- rial Thermometer. — The mercurial thermometer used for physiological (as well as for pathological) purposes should have the following characters. The proportion between the quantity of mercury contained in the bulb and the lumen of the tube must be such that the difference of length of the column produced by any given increase of temperature shall be as great as possible. One degree of the centigrade scale should be sufficiently distant from another to render it possi- ble to read easily to a tenth. On this account the range of graduation is necessarily limited. It is sufficient if it extends from 30° to 45° C. The bulb must expose a large surface in proportion to the volume of mercury it contains ; for which reason it is made cylindrical. The most celebrated thermo- meters are those of Dr. Geissler, of Bonn. They are 32 centi- metres ( = 12 inches) long, and relatively exceedingly narrow — only a line arid a half in diameter. The cistern is no wider than the stem, and is eight-tenths of an inch long. Mr. Hawks- ley, of Blenheim Street, has recently constructed for me in- struments which are very similar and comparable in quality to those of Geissler. The bulbs and stems are of equal diame- ter throughout, not exceeding three millimetres. They are extremely sensitive, and the graduation is so fine that to the practised observer it is easy to read accurately to the 50th of a degree of Celsius. 344 ANIMAL HEAT. For many purposes, it is desirable to employ maximum ther- mometers, i. e., thermometers in which the capillary tube pos- sesses a narrowing at one part, which, while it allows the mer- cury to ascend, prevents its return to the cistern ; so that the instrument, when removed from the part, still shows the tem- perature to which the bulb has been exposed. Maximum thermometers are constantly used for clinical purposes in this country, and are also valuable to the physiologist. If it is intended to observe the temperature in the interior of the heart, or in any of the great cavities of the body, the animal must be of large size, and must be curarized. To ob- serve the temperature in the right ventricle, the bulb of a long stemmed thermometer must be introduced through the exter- nal jugular. To observe that of the aorta, or left ventricle, the carotid must be opened. If a large do'g is used, a thermo- meter introduced into the right side of the heart may, if the tube-be long enough, be easily pushed onwards into the vena cava. In the rabbit it is scarcely possible to do this, but it is easy with one of the thermometers mentioned above to mea- sure the temperature of the heart in this animal. 119. Electrical Measurement of Temperature. — If a magnetic needle is set in an oblong quadrangular frame, of which one of the long sides is of bismuth and the other three sides are of copper, the two metals being soldered together at the two junctions in such a manner that the needle can swing freely in a plane at right angles to that of the frame, and so placed that the frame is in the magnetic meridian, it can then be observed that if one of the junctions is warmed, the magnet is made to decline from its normal position — the degree of deflection varying with the difference of temperature of the two junctions, and continuing until they again resume the same temperature. The deflection of the magnet indicates that in the quadrangle a current exists, and the direction of the de- flection shows that the current flows from the bismuth to the copper, beginning at the warmer of the two junctions. Similar results are obtained when other combinations of two metals are substituted for bismuth and copper. According to the electro-motive force yielded by each, the metals may be ar- ranged in what is called the thermo-electrical series ; in which series those metals are placed furthest apart which yield the greatest quantity of electricity at their junctions. Bismuth is at one end, antimony at the other ; close to bismuth comes German silver, and close to antimony iron. Iron and German silver yield, therefore, nearly as much electro-motive force per degree of difference of temperature as antimony and bismuth, and are much more workable. Being further apart in the thermo-electrical series than bismuth and copper, they are preferable to those metals on that ground also. BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 345 On these facts are based the electrical method of measuring temperature. Instead of the quadrangle, we give to our junc- tions a convenient form for introducing them into the situa- tions at which we desire to make our measurements. Instead of the magnet, we use the instrument known as a multiplier. This consists essentially of a magnet, surrounded by numerous coils of copper wire, in which the current due to difference of temperature between the two junctions flows. We have to de- scribe first the junctions, then the multiplier. As one of the reasons for preferring the electrical to the ordinary method of measurement is that the measuring instrument can be intro- duced with exactitude into spaces which are too small for a thermometer bulb, the form usually given to the junctions is that of a needle. These needles are generally made of iron and German silver, i. e'., each needle consists of two wires of iron and German silver respectively, which are soldered together at and near their points, so that the junction may be completely buried in any tissue into which the needle is thrust. The two needles forming one element are connected together, metal to metal — the iron wire forming part of both, while the two Ger- man silver wires communicate each with the two ends of the coil of the multiplier, thus completing the circuit. As the needles require to be handled by the experimenter, it is neces- sary to protect the upper ends by covering them with silk and varnish ; and the two wires must be carefully isolated from each other everywhere excepting at the points where they are soldered together. For the purpose of making clear the mode of using the ther- mo-electric needles, let us suppose that it is required to measure the difference of temperature between two symmetrical parts on opposite sides of the body, one of which is inflamed, the other in the normal state. One or any number of thermo-ele- ments may be used, each of which consists of a pair of needles with their wires arranged as above described. If only one ele- ment is employed, or.e of its junctions is placed in each of the tissues of which the temperature is to be investigated ; the iron wire of each needle being in communication with that of the other, and the German silver wires with the ends of the multi- .plier. If several pairs are used, an equal number of needles must be placed in each of the parts to be compared, the ar- rangement of which is as follows : Let us designate the needles on the right side A, B, c, those on the left A', B', and c'. The German silver ends of A and Gf being connected with the multi- plier, the iron end of A is connected with that of A', the iron end of B with that of B', and that of c with c', and the German silver end of A' with that of B, and that of B' with that of c. It is scarcely requisite to say that the junctions need not assume the form of needles ; each may consist of two wires of 346 ANIMAL HEAT. different metals soldered together endwise, in which case it is of course necessary to transfix the part to be investigated with the joined wire, placing it in such a position that the junction is at the point to be investigated. The multiplier consists essentially of a magnetic needle, sus- pended horizontally in the centre of a coil of wire along which flows the current which requires to be measured. In conse- quence of this arrangement, the needle, if it is in the same plane with the coil which surrounds it, will be deflected in accordance with Ampere's law, whenever a current passes along the wire, and will be acted on similarly by all parts of the coil. In order to enable the needle to act under the direction of the coil without being affected by terrestrial magnetism, it is made astatic. Two magnetic needles of equal powers, placed parallel to each other, are rigidly united by a copper wire passing through their centres of gravity in such a manner that the north pole of the one is opposite the south pole of the other, and vice iv/'.N-f?. The united needles are hung at such a level that the one swings above the coil, the other in its centre. From this arrangement it results not only that the influence of earth- magnetism is neutralized, but that both needles are affected in the same way by the current. The construction of the most important parts of the instru- ment (which is represented in fig. 2(>fi, bis) is as follows: The wire is coiled round a frame of wood, represented at a, the two pieces .r and ?/ are hollow. In the cavity of the horizontal piece, .r, the lower of the two magnets swings, and can be introduced through the vertical slit in ij. The magnets are shown at b. The copper wire is carefully covered with silk, and varnished. As the resistance of the coil must be low, the wire is not longer than from -0 to '2.') feet, and its thickness is cons'ulerahle (0.5-1 millim.). The end of the coil terminates in the screws seen on the right side in the drawing. The nee- dles are hung by a cocoon fibre to the centre of the frame, the mode of attachment being such that by raising or depressing the knob the height at which they are suspended can be varied. When the instrument is used, the lower needle must swing freely in the horizontal split, the upper above the graduated circle. Having raised the needles by the cocoon fibres till they swing freely, adjust the instrument with the levelling screws so that the fibre hangs exactly in the centre of the circle, then rotate the coil until the upper needle points to 180° and 0°, and connect the screws with the thermo-elements, with the intervention of a single "plug-key." If the temperatures of the junctions are different, the needle is deflected on opening the key. In using the multiplier, it must be remembered that although the deflection of the needle varies with the intensity of the cur- BY DR. BURDON-SANDERSON. 347 rent, and consequent!}- with the difference of temperature be- tween the two junctions, the variations are not proportional, so that, c. p., a deflection of 30° does not indicate a current twice as strong as a deflection of 15°. The relation between the read- ings and the intensities of the currents the}' indicate is different in each instrument, and consequently, must be determined once for all for each. Of the various modes which may be adopted for this purpose, the simplest is the empirical method devised originally by Melloni, an account of which will be found in all treatises on physics ; the operation can be best done in a physi- cal laboratory. Within twenty degrees the deflection is usu- ally so nearly proportional to the strength of the current, that the error may be disregarded. For deflections beyond this point the results of the graduation must be recorded in a table of the following form, which must be kept with the instrument. Deflection. Intensity of Current. 20° 20.0 24° 25.0 28° 31.5 32° 39.6 36° 49.5 etc. etc. The above numbers are taken from the example given by Melloni. In the second column the starting number 20, stands for the intensity of current indicated by a deflection of 20°. This being assumed, the other numbers represent the intensities corresponding to the deflections opposite to which they stand. The instrument having been graduated, it is still necessary to determine for each element the constant, by which the start- ing number must be multiplied in order to give the temperature difference. Thus, if with a certain element a deviation of 20° is produced by a difference of temperature amounting to 0.10 C., the temperature corresponding to any other deviation is obtained by multiplying the number opposite to it in the table by 0.005, which is therefore the constant required. This deter- mination the physiologist must make for himself. It is effected by immersing the junctions into two large vessels containing water or oil, the difference of temperature between which is measured by accurate and sensible thermometers. To avoid error, it is of course necessary to repeat the observation many times. [For the accurate measurements of temperature which are required in some physiological and pathological researches the multiplier is not adapted. We substitute for it a true galvano- meter. The instrument used in German}' is the Spiegelbussole of Wiedemann, a description of which will be found in Rosen- thal's " Electricitatslehre fur Mediciner." In England, the 348 ANIMAL HEAT. preference is given to the galvanometer of Sir William Thorn - son. In both of these instruments the deviation of the needle has a definite relation to the intensity of the current, the inten- sities of any two currents being proportionate to the tangents of the angles of the deviation they produce; so that, so long as the same junctions are used, if the deviation produced by any known difference of temperature has been ascertained em- pirically, the values of other readings can be deduced from it.] 120. Distribution of Temperature in the Body. — The principal purpose to which the thermo-electrical method is applied in physiology, is that of measuring the differences of temperature which exist between different parts of the body. These differences vary according to the proximity to, or dis- tance from, the surface of the point where the measurement is made, and according to the supply of blood which the adjacent tissues or organs receive. Taking as a standard of comparison the temperature of blood in the aorta, the facts hitherto ascer- tained as to the temperature of other parts are as follows: — 1. The blood of the inferior vena cava is warmer, that of the superior, colder ; but in the former this is true only of the upper part of the vein just as it passes through the diaphragm. 2. The temperature of the skin and subcutaneous tissue is always considerably lower than that of the aorta, but varies a good deal. 3. The temperature of the lungs also varies. Near the dia- phragm it is higher than that of the aortic blood, but elsewhere, and particularly near the costal surfaces, it is lower. 4. All the abdominal organs have a higher temperature than that of the aortic blood, those in the upper part of the abdomi- nal cavity being the warmest. 5. The blood contained in the right ventricle is somewhat warmer than that in the left, the difference varying from 1° C. to 3° C. This difference is not dependent on the cooling of the blood as it passes through the lungs ; for it is just as marked when an animal is made to breathe warmed air saturated with moisture. Moreover, such an hypothesis is rendered untenable, by the fact that the lungs themselves are scarcely cooler than the blood in the aorta. Its real cause is, doubtless, that the wall of the right ventricle is in contact with the diaphragm and abdominal organs, while the left is surrounded by lung. The recent introduction of thermometers of extreme sensi- tiveness and accuracy has rendered the method less important to the physiologist than it seemed to be a few years ago. This may be illustrated by the remarkable fact, that the long con- troversy as to .the relative temperature of the two sides of the heart has been at last set at rest, not electrically, but by the thermometer. PHYSIOLOGY. PART IL-FDNCTIONS OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER, INTRODUCTORY. IN the following part of this work, the object chiefly kept in view has been to limit the directions as much as possible to such observations and experiments as the student may be reasonably expected to perform for himself under due super- vision. The ordinary phenomena of muscle and nerve are consequently dealt with at far greater length than are the properties of the central nervous system. The latter are, to sa}' the least, but imperfectly known, the experiments on which our knowledge rests difficult and complex, and too often bring- ing out uncertain or even contradictory results. The former, on the other hand, may be studied with approximate exacti- tude ; the methods of experiment and observation are becom- ing, year by year, more physical in character, and the observa- tions themselves, fundamental in their nature and having the widest bearings in all the higher branches of physiologj^, may, for the most part, be conducted on frogs, may be repeated any number of times without difficulty or expense, and so serve usefully as a means of training students in physiological study and inquiry. The phenomena in question are so fully treated of in various text-books, that space in the following chapters has been devoted to detailed instructions as to how to proceed in the various observations rather than to complete explana- tions of what the observations are intended to show or prove. Instructions concerning the various special pieces of appara- tus required in this part of the subject are thrown together, for convenience sake, in the first chapter. The succeeding chapters deal with the general properties of muscle and nerve; while such observations as the student may be expected to 350 GENERAL DIRECTIONS. make on the central nervous system are contained in the two last chapters. No special chapters on the senses have been introduced, as there seemed to be no mean between the common simple observations on the one hand which are found in all the text- books and such elaborate instructions on the other as would hardly come under the scope of this work. CHAPTER XIX. GENERAL DIRECTIONS. I. The Nerve-Muscle Preparation. — Having pithed a frog and destroyed both its brain and spinal cord, lay it on its belly and make an incision through the skin along the middle line of the back of the thigh, from the knee to the end of the coccyx, and carry the incision along the back about midway between the coccyx and ileum (fig. 266, line k, m, n). On drawing back or removing the skin, there will come into view, on the outside of the thigh, the triceps femoris (fig. 267 a), on the median side the semi-membranosus c, and between these the small narrow biceps femoris b. With the " seeker" sepe- rate gentty b and c ; the sciatic nerve and femoral vessels will be found running between them. Gently tear away, with the seeker, the connective tissue round the nerve, beginning near the knee (where it divides into two branches), and working upwards till the muscle n is reached. Be careful to touch the nerve itself as little as possible, and on no account seize it with a pair of forceps. Carefully cut through the pyriform muscle n and the connective tissue in which the nerve is em- bedded at this point, divide the iliac-coccygeal muscle rf, right through, and follow the three nerves (which come into view when the muscle is removed, and which go to form the sciatic and other nerves) right up to the vertebral column. Cut the column across just above the last lumbar vertebra, and bisect lengthways the piece so cut off. Hold the bony fragment witli the forceps, lift it up and free it from the tissues around, and then follow with the scissors the nerves right down to the knee, cutting away their various branches and removing any tissue which still may be clinging to them. Now remove the skin from the leg; the gastrocnemius (fig. 267 g) will at once be recognized : cut through the tendo Achillis at /, below the thickening at the heel. Holding the cut tendon with a pair of forceps, it will be easy, with a few BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 351 strokes of the seeker, to free the muscle right up to its at- tachment to the end of the femur, at h. The branch of the sciatic nerve going to the gastrocnemius will be readily seen when the muscle is turned over, as also another branch which runs along its under surface, but which ends in other muscles. Carefully avoiding any injury to the former nerve, but disre- garding the latter, cut away the whole of the tibia and fibula from the femur. Clear away, carefully avoiding the nerve, all the" muscles of the thigh from the lower end of the femur so as to leave the bone tolerably bare, and cut the bone across at its lower third. There is left merely the end of the femur, to which is attached the uninjured gastrocnemius, with the whole length of the nerve from the muscle up to its entrance into the spinal canal. The muscle attached to the fragment of femur, with its prepared nerve, is represented in fig. 268. (The vertebral fragment is not shown.) II. The Lever. — In order to study the contraction of a muscle, it is advantageous to employ a lever. The myographion of Helmholtz and Pfliiger is shown in fig. 269. The lever a moves on the fulcrum b and is balanced by the counterpoise c. At d is either a fine brush to write on paper, or a fine style to scratch smoked glass or paper. The rod e bearing the style, moves on a hinge at/, and also carries a counterpoise g. Hence the writing point describes a straight line, while the actual end of the lever itself is describing the arc of a circle. The silk thread coming from the tendon of the muscle is attached at h. The small pan is to receive weights for loading the muscle. For ordinary purposes, the simple lever .of Marey, shown in the lower part of fig. 210, is much more convenient for use, while at the same time the momentum of the heavy lever of the myographion is avoided. The portion next to the fulcrum is of metal, perforated or notched to receive the hooks, etc., by which the muscle is attached above, and the weight below. This is prolonged by a thin slip of wood or piece of straw, at the end of which is a fine brush, placed horizontally at an angle of about 60 degrees to the long axis of the lever, or a thin slip of gutta-percha bearing a fine needle for tracing on smoked glass or paper. To get rid of the momentum, the weight may be replaced by a long weak spiral spring. This spring must be graduated beforehand, i. e., the amount of force determined which is re- quired to extend it to a given amount. The spiral may be replaced by a simple slip of main-spring pressing on the lever in a direction opposite to that of the movement given to it by the muscle. III. The Moist Chamber. — In order to prevent the muscle and nerve from drying, they must be kept damp. 352 GENERAL DIRECTIONS. Moistening either muscle or nerve, and especially the nerve, even with Na. 01. .75 p. c. is undesirable, as it tends to intro- duce errors. It is necessary, therefore, so to place the nerve and muscle that they may be experimented upon in an atmo- sphere kept uniformly damp. This is effected by means of the moist chamber (fig. 270). This consists of a platform of hard wood or ebonite, which slides up and down, and can also be turned from side to side and clamped in any position, on an upright. Let into the platform are two or more pairs of insulated binding screws for receiving the various wires for the electrodes, as well as clamps into which the leaden electrode bearers are fixed. The upright on which the platform slides also carries above a sliding arm, with a clamp for holding the femur of the nerve- muscle preparation, and below a similar sliding arm to which the lever is fixed. The attachment of the muscle to the lever is carried through a slit in the platform. A common glass shade, fitting into a rim in the platform, covers everything ; and when several pieces of wet blotting-paper are placed inside the cover, the atmosphere within ma}r be kept saturated with moisture for any length of time. IV. Nerve Chamber. — When the phenomena of electro- tonus (Chap. XXVII.) are being studied, it is very desirable to have a smaller chamber than the ordinary moist chamber to work in. This may be gained by having a small glass trough, about three inches long and one broad, with a movable top, and the glass of one of the sides replaced by a piece of India- rubber sheeting with a slit along the middle. The electrodes may be introduced through the slit at the side (the India- rubber closing on them), the nerve placed in position on the electrodes, a few morsels of wet blotting-paper inserted (so as not to touch the nerve), and the cover laid on. The nerve may thus be kept from drying for a considerable time. V. Electrodes. — For many purposes the ends of the copper wires may be used without any special arrangement. The two wires may be kept separate, or they may be fixed at a definite distance from each other in an insulating handle of bone, wood, gutta-percha, etc. (fig. 271). It is often con- venient to have the ends of wires completely covered, except just at one point in each to which the nerve may be applied (fig. 271). In this case it is also frequently an advantage to have the ends somewhat curved. Such a pair of electrodes can easily be made at once by fastening two wires, bent as desired, on either side of a slip of wood, or other non-conduct- ing material, of the thickness required to separate the wires sufficiently, coating the whole with melted paraffin, and, when the paraffin has cooled, scraping a little away at one spot till a point of each wire is exposed. Platinum wire, or slips of BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 353 platinum foil, may be advantageously substituted for the terminal portions of the copper wires. VI. Non-Polarizable Electrodes. — In many cases, how- ever, it will be absolute^ necessary to have non-polarizable electrodes. The most convenient form is that of Du Bois Reymond, modified by Bonders (fig. 272). A glass tube a (about one-third inch diameter is the most convenient size) is plugged at one end by a plug b of china clay, worked into a firm putty with .75 p. c. sol. of Na. Cl. A few drops of a saturated solution of sulphate of zinc c are carefully introduced into the tube. A slip of zinc, or piece of zinc wire z, thoroughly amalgamated at the tip but covered with varnish over the greater part of its length, is introduced into the tube, and so placed that the amalgamated end dips into the zinc solution as far as two or three millimetres above the clay plug. The other upper end of the wire is bent round the upper open end of the tube, and brought to the binding screw of the brass collar d, which is movable up and down the outside of the tube, and can be clamped at will. The copper wire e is fastened in the same binding screw. Several such electrodes of different forms should be pre- pared. The tube may be cut off straight at the lower end, and the clay plug brought out in the form of a cone (fig. 273 A), or in any other shape that may be desirable. It is often convenient that the end of the tube should be cut obliquely, with the clay plug not projecting at all (fig. 273 c). The end of the tube may be of the same diameter as the rest of the tube, or may be brought more or less to a point Where the electrodes require to be applied to nerves, it is convenient to have the form fig. 273 B ; the end of the tube is bent round, and the extreme point closed ; near the end, on the upper surface, a small hole is drilled ; consequently the plug b is only exposed at bf. Electrodes of different lengths should be prepared ; those required for working in the moist chamber need not be more than two inches long ; otherwise, five or six inches is a con- venient length. The most convenient electrode-bearer is represented in fig. 272. The piece of leaden wire k ends in the brass head hr, which bears the two arms f /, each of which holds an elec- trode tube by means of a spring collar. The two arms move round the point /i, and can be clamped in any position. The points of the electrodes may thus be brought near to or apart from each other, as may be desired. The extremely flexible but non-elastic leaden wire (a cylindrical wire being far better than a flat piece of lead), the far end of which is fixed in a clamp, permits the pair of electrodes to be placed without re- 23 354 GENERAL DIRECTIONS. bound, and therefore with great accuracy, in any position whatever. VII. Commutator. — This is useful for changing the direc- tion of a current when the effects of constant currents are being studied. Any form of commutator ma}r be used, pro- vided that the current can easily be cut off altogether, as well as reversed in direction. A very convenient form is that represented in fig. 297, -in which, when the handle is horizontal, the current is cut off from the electrodes altogether; and a different direction given to the current according as the handle is raised or lowered. The wires from the battery should be brought to the upper, and those from the electrodes to the lower binding screws. VIII. Rheochord.— This instrument is directed to be used in the following pages simply for the purpose of causing defi- nite changes in the amount of a constant current under use. Fig. 298 represents a convenient form of the rheochord of Du Bois Raymond. Bring the wires from the battery to the binding screws at the top of the board and those from the electrodes to the same scivws. If all the plugs are in place and the travelling mer- cury cups close up to the top of the board in direct contact with the brass, the resistance to the current from the battery offered by the rheochord compared with that offered by the circuit of the electrodes is practically nil, and consequently all the current passes through the former and none through the latter. If the mercury cups be moved on their platinum wires a little distance down the board, there will be no passage for the current from one side of the rheochord to the other, ex- cept through such a length of the two platinum wires as lies between the cups and the brass plate. But these thin wires offer :i certain resistance to the passage of the current, and consequently a proportionate fraction of the total current from the battery is thrown into the circuit of the electrodes. By sliding the mercury cups various distances down the graduated board, small differences of resistance in the rheochord are es- tablished, and consequentl}'- slightly differing fractions of the total current thrown into the circuit of the electrodes. If one of the plugs be removed, a certain amount of resistance is suddenly introduced into the rheocord, and consequently a certain amount of the current is suddenly thrown into the circuit of the electrodes. With the different plugs different amounts of resistance are introduced into the rheochord, and different amounts of the current thrown into the circuit of the electrodes. The several plugs are all numbered as multiples of the resistance offered by the total length of the platinum wires on which the cups travel. Thus if the resistance offered by the rheochord when the cups are quite at the bottom of the BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 355 board, but all the plugs in place, be taken as the unit, the re- moval of the plug marked 5 will suddenly introduce in addi- tion five times that amount of resistance, and so send a pro- portionate amount of the current through the circuit of the electrodes. IX. The Double Key or Wippe.— This is very con- venient when it is desired to throw a given current from one pair of electrodes into another. It is represented in fig. 299, in which it is seen that the mercury cups belonging to the binding screws 1 and 2 are connected by a handle of which the central part is of insulating material, the ends of thick copper wire. Each of the copper wires is crossed just as it enters the handle by an arch of the same material ; one end of each arch dips into one of the mercury cups 3 and 4, when the handle is thrown to the right as in the figure. The wires from one pair of electrodes are to be brought to the binding screws 3 and 4, those from the other to the screws 5 and 6. The small cups on the surface are to be filled with mercury, and the wires from the battery or induction coil, etc., brought to the screws 1 and 2, and the straight cross wires between 3 and 6 and 4 and 5 taken away. By throwing the handle to the right, the current from the battery is sent into the wires connected with the screws 3 and 4 ; by throwing the handle to the left, into the wire connected with the screws 5 and 6. X. The Marking Lever. — This is a two-armed, flat, metal lever, fig. 2Y5 a a', working vertically on the pivot 6, the arm a being considerably heavier than af. The pivot is elec- trically continuous with the small brass pillar c, where binding screws receive a wire or wires from & battery, induction coil, electrode, etc. The pillar c is placed on one side of the sup- port d, made of non-conducting material, which by e can be clamped to any stand, either vertically or horizontally. On the other side of the support is a similar pillar/" (also bearing binding-screws), on which the arm a of the lever rests ; g is a weak spring, which serves to catch the end of the lever when thrown up ; h is a slip of gutta-percha or India-rubber at the end of the lever bearing the marking needle or pen. If c be connected with one of the poles of the batteiy, and f with one end of the primary coil, when the lever is down and horizontal, the arm a being in close contact with the pillar, the current passes along the lever from c to /. When, therefore, the arm a of the lever is suddenly tilted up, which can easily be done with the point of the finger, the current is suddenly broken ; and the moment of the breaking is indicated on the registering surface by the descent of the marking point of the lever. When it is desired to mark the making rather than the breaking of a current, the two positive (or negative) wires must be brought to the binding screws of/, and the two nega- 356 GENERAL DIRECTIONS. tive (or positive) to those of c. The tilting up of a will then correspond to the making of a current as in Du Bois Rey- inond's key. (See below.) XI. Arrangement of Apparatus for Experiment.— The electrodes being charged and fastened in their bearers, the bearers secured in the clamps, and the wires from the electrodes brought to the binding-screws of the platform of the moist- chamber, fasten the femur of the nerve-muscle preparation securely in the clamp, in such a way that the muscle* hangs vertically downwards over the slit. Seize the vertebral frag- ment with the forceps, and gently lodge the nerves on the electrodes. Firing fasten the tendo Achillis in a Kronecker's clamp (fig. 274), and with a strong silk thread of appropriate length connect the Kronecker with the lever, the silk passing through the slit. Adjust the arm bearing the muscle, and that bearing the lever, in such a way that the muscle hangs per- fectty vertical, and, without being actually on the stretch, is so attached to the lever (which should be in a perfectly horizontal position) that the slightest contraction of the former will move the latter. Bring the wires from the battery, induction coil, etc., to the binding-screws which carry the wires of the electrodes. Place the glass shade over the platform, with wet blotting-paper inside, being careful that the wet paper touches neither the nerve-muscle nor the wires. Prepare weights for loading the lever; the most convenient are 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 150, 200, and 300 grammes. Place the whole apparatus so that the point of the lever touches the registering surface. Where it is required to stucty the muscle without removing it from the circulation, another method must be adopted, which may be followed in other cases as well. The upper surface of the platform should in this case be provided with a thick layer of cork. Having pithed the frog, pin it firmly, bell}' downwards, on the cork of the platform, fixing the thigh of one side espe- cially tight ; one of the pins should be passed close to the femur, on the anterior surface of the thigh, just above the knee. Make a slight longitudinal slit along the tendo Achillis. which divide low down, and carefully dissect out for a few millimetres; put a small but strong S hook, with a silk thread attached, in the tendon, pass the silk over one of the small double-cone pulleys which are fixed on to the platform, and so through the arms of the T slit to the lever below. The sciatic nerve may now be dissected out in the thigh without injuring the bloodvessels, and the curved electrodes slipped beneath it. Where the recording cylinder used rotates on its horizontal, BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 357 and not on its vertical, axis, the simple lever must be fixed in a horizontal position at the front of the platform, and the silk brought in a straight line to it from the tendon. Resistance to the action of the muscle may then be gained by means of the light spring, or a weight passing over another pulley. As a rule, it is best, when possible, to, do without a pulley. XII. Recording Tuning-Fork. — For measuring small intervals of time in physiological observations, it becomes absolutely necessary to make use of tuning-forks of known rates of vibration. Fig. 277 is a figure of a tuning-fork arranged by Konig for recording its vibrations on a revolv- ing surface. A massive stand bears the fork A firmly secured in it. The two coils c c' (which by means of the arrangement k can be slid up and down the stand, so as to accommodate themselves to tuning-forks of different lengths) project over the two ends of the fork, and each bears a screw d which can be screwed as desired up to or away from the ends of the fork. The upper arm of the fork bears at its end a rod a with plati- num point which dips into the mercury cup b. The tuning-fork B, which must have the same rate of vibra- tion as A, is fixed into a light movable stand, so that it can be placed in such a position that the light elastic marker g may touch with the least excess of friction the recording sur- face. This fork is" placed in the same manner as A, with its ends between the coils e e', bearing similarly the screws f f . One wire from a battery w is connected witli a binding ^ screw at the handle of the tuning-fork A, and is thus in electric continuity with the rod a. The mercury cup b is connected by a wire z with the coil e of the fork B. The other pole of the v/ battery is connected by x with the coils c c' of A, and thence by y with the coil ef of B. The screws d d, ff being brought rather near to their re- spective forks, place a small quantity of mercury covered by a little spirit in the cup 6, and having set the fork A vibrating a little, screw the rod a up or down until magnetic interruption is fairly established. B will then be found vibrating synchro- nously with A, and the point g will be found tracing curves on the recording surface, the interval of time corresponding to each curve being determined by the pitch of the fork. Screw the d d, //', as far away from their respective forks as can be done without stopping the current altogether. XIII. Arrangement of Electrical Apparatus. — Con- stant Current. — Place the nerve (or muscle, when muscle alone is the subject of experiment) on the electrodes, taking care that the nerve is actually in contact with each electrode. When the non-polarizable electrodes are used, their plugs must be kept damp with the normal saline solution: avoid making 358 GENERAL DIRECTIONS. them too wet, and especially do not let a bridge of fluid form along the nerve between the two electrodes. Bring the wire from each electrode to the outer binding screw on each side of a Du Bois Raymond's key (fig. 300). Bring the wires from the battery to the inner screws of the same key. Let the positive wire, the wire connected with the copper, carbon, platinum, etc., of the battery be colored of some defi- nite color, e. r/., red; let the wire fastened to the same side of the key have the same color. The electrode connected with this wire will be the positive electrode, or anode* Let the two other wires connecting the zinc of the battery with the key, and that side of the key with the other electrode which there- fore becomes the negative electrode or kathode, be colored of some other color, e. g., blue. When the key is down, the brass plate offers such little re- sistance to the passage of the current, compared with that offered by the nerve, etc., that the whole current will pass through the bridge of the ke}% and none through the nerve. Consequently, opening the key is equivalent to throwing a current into the nerve; shutting the key, to removing the cur- rent from the nerve; during the whole time that the key is open, the nerve, etc., is exposed to the action of the current. When the kathode (negative pole) is placed at a point on the nerve nearer the muscle than the anode (positive pole), the current is said to ^descending; when the anode is the nearer, the current is said to be ascending. Single Induction Shock. — Connect each wire from the battery (Fig. 276 B), a key b intervening, with one of the two screws on the top of the primary coil C. Connect the secondary coil I) with the electrodes E E', a key a intervening. Whenever the key b is opened, and the current from the battery allowed to pass from the primary coil, a current is in- duced for the instant in the secondary coil ; another current is similarly induced in the secondai\y coil when the same key is shut; but in the interval there is no current produced in the secondary coil provided that the current in the primary coil be constant. If the key a is kept open while the key b is being opened or shut, at each opening or shutting of b a single "induction shock" is sent through the nerve. If a be kept open when b is opened, i. e., when the current is allowed to pass into the primary coil (when the current is made), but closed before b is closed again, a " making or closing induction shock" only will be sent through the nerve. If the key a be kept closed while b is opened, and opened before b is shut (and the current in the primary coil is broken), a "breaking or opening induction shock" onl}- is passed through the nerve. BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 359 In determining the direction of the induction shock, it must be remembered that, at making the current in the primary coil, the current induced in the secondary coil is opposite in direc- tion to that of the primary, but that on breaking it, it is in the same direction. Interrupted Current. — For ordinary tetanizing purposes, the magnetic interrupter of Du Bms Re3'mond's apparatus is used (see Fig. 293). Connect the end of the positive wire of the batteiy with the brass column gr, and the negative wire with a ; the current then enters by (7, passes along the German silver spring, which when not in action is in contact, by a little plate of platinum soldered on to its upper surface, with the platinum point of the screw/. From /the current passes through the brass block e, with its binding screw d, to the pri- mary coil c; after traversing it, it reaches the electro-magnet 6, and then returns to the battery through the binding screw a. The anchor h is supported over the electro-magnet by the end of the German silver spring; the moment that the current passes through 6, the anchor with the spring is drawn down so as to break the current at /. Thereupon, the magnet ceasing to act, allows the spring to return to its former posi- tion. By sliding the secondary coil to a greater or less dis- tance from the primary, the strength of the induced current can be varied at will. When it is specially important to avoid unipolar action, the apparatus must be modified in the manner recommended by Helmholtz. With this view, connect the column g with the binding screw d by a side wire also marked g, and heighten the tip of the column a by means of the milled rim. This arrangement is shown in Fig. 294. The current enters as be- fore, but in its course to the primary coil it passes partly through /and partly through the side wire g. When the an- chor is drawn down, as seen in the figure, the spring rests upon the summit of a, so that the current passes directly back, as indicated by the arrow, to the battery. The moment this is the case, the current through the electro-magnet becomes so feeble that it is insufficient to keep down the anchor, the spring rising again comes into contact with/, and so on. The modi- fication of effect is as follows : 1. The induced currents are weaker, for the variations of the strength of the current are less. 2. The intensity of the opening induction current, which in the ordinary arrangement is much greater than that of the closing, is reduced so that the two are nearly equal. If it is desired to allow the current from the battery to tra- verse the primary coil without passing the interrupter, so as, e. g., to use the apparatus for producing single opening or closing induction shocks, connect the positive wire of the bat- tery with e, and the negative, as before, with a. 360 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MUSCLE AT REST. It is often advisable to use a key both between the battery and the induction coil, and between the secondary coil and the electrodes. Current with Definite Interruptions by Means of the Metronome. — Arrange as for a single induction shock, except that, in place of the key 6, insert the electrical metro- nome, an instrument which may be described as a key which is opened and closed by clock-work at regular intervals of time, the length of interval being varied at will. The key a may be dispensed with, as, unless a special provision be made, the shocks given will be both opening and closing. Current interrupted by Means of an Oscillating Rod. — Bring one wire straight from the battery to the pri- mary coil, connect the other wire with a slip of thin elastic steel (the length will be determined by the rapidity of inter- ruption required), one end of which is made fast, while at the other a needle, at right angles to, but in electrical continuity with, the steel slip, hangs over a mercury cup at such a dis- tance, that when the steel slip is at rest, the needle is quite clear of the mercury, but that when the slip is made to oscil- late, with each oscillation the needle dips in and out of the mercury. Connect the mercury of the cup with the other binding screw of the primary coil. At each oscillation of the slip, the current will accordingly be made and broken. CHAPTER XX. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MUSCLE AT REST. I. Elasticity. — Obs. I. Take a gastrocnemius, prepared as directed in Chap. XIX., sec. I., except that the nerve may be neglected whollj- ; fasten the femur in the clamp of the moist chamber, and attach the mus'cle to the lever, as directed in sec. XI. Let the lever be perfectly horizontal. Draw on the recording surface a straight line, on which jnake a mark for zero, and mark off abscissae in the proportion of 10, 30, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, etc. Disregarding the weight of the lever (or of the pan, etc., when Helmholtz's arrangement is used), the muscle may be supposed to have its natural length when no weight is brought to bear upon it. This may be indicated by bringing the re- cording point of the lever to touch the zero point on the re- cording surface. Next shift the recording surface until the point of the lever touches the point corresponding to 10. BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 361 Then place 10 grammes in the pan, or hang a 10 gramme weight on the lever. The point of the lever will move down- wards, describing a line of a certain length. This indicates the amount of extension which the muscle has suffered in con- sequence of being loaded with the 10 gramme weight. Remove the weight carefully ; the point of the lever will re- turn to the point where it was before the weight was applied. The distance of the point of attachment of the muscle and that of the point of the lever from the fulcrum being known, the actual extension of the muscle with 10 grammes may be calculated from the length of the line marked on the cylinder. "Muscle possesses very little elasticity (i. e., is very extensi- ble} ; but that little is very perfect ; i. e., on withdrawal of the extending force, the muscle returns very rapidly and com- pletely to its previous length." Obs. II. Now move the recording surface till the lever point stands at the mark 30; load the pan with 30, and proceed as before. Repeat at 50, 100. 200, etc. Before trying the heavier weights (300, 400), see that everything is secure, especially the clamps on the femur and on the tendon. As a general rule, the attachment of the muscle to the femur at last gives way. With the heavier weights it will be found that the muscle returns after extra extension and upon removal of the weights towards its former length, at first very quickly, and then more and more slowty — and that even after waiting for some minutes, it does not regain its former length completely. This falling short of a complete return is due to exhaustion (commencing death, see Obs. IV.). The student had better, in one set of observations, start in each case from the point of the ordinate to which the lever had returned after the previous extension, but of course from the next point on the abscissa, and in another set bring down the recording surface in each case so that the lever may start afresh from the abscissa line. The lever should be horizontal at the beginning of eacli trial. The pan or weight should also be allowed to descend very gradually and slowly, to avoid momentum. Where there is no arrangement for keeping the recording point in a straight line, a horizontal line drawn through the end of each curve will cut off from a vertical line, drawn through the starting-point, a line equal to the vertical distance traversed by the lever point. If now the lines so obtained be examined, it will be found that though with the greater weights there is greater extension, yet the increase of extension caused by increase of weight gets less and less. The extension increases not in direct propor- tion to the weight, but with continually diminishing increments. If a line be drawn through the points which in each case mark the limit of extension, that line will not be a straight line as it 362 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MUSCLE AT REST. would be if the extension were in direct proportion to the weight, but will be a curve, sinking very rapidly at first, but afterwards more and more slowly, and so continually tending to run parallel to the abscissa line ; in fact, it will be an hyper- bola. Obs. III. Neither of the above set of observations is quite correct : to eliminate the effects of exhaustion, the observations should be repeated on the muscle within the body (see Chap. XIX., sec. XI.), and time allowed between each observation for the muscle completely to recover itself. Obs. IV. Kill the muscle (either the same or a fresh one) by immersing it in water at 40° C. for five minutes. Repeat Obs. I. and II. on the muscle so-killed. It will be found that there is far less extension of the muscle, which, after the load has been removed, does not return to its original length. The dead muscle, as compared with the living one, is more elastic, i. e., is less extensible ; but its elasticity is very imper- fect, i. e., the original length is not regained. II. Reaction. — Obs. V. Having pithed a frog, place a ca- nula in the aorta, slit open the right auricle, and drive all the blood out by injecting the normal saline solution, which should be perfectly neutral. Dissect out the gastrocnemius of one side with clean instruments, and with a very clean knife cut it across through the middle of its belty. Take two slips of lit- mus paper, one faintly red, the other faintly blue ; press the cut end of one-half of the muscle on one piece, and the other on the other. On the red litmus paper will be left a distinct blue mark where the muscle was pressed ; on the blue litmus paper there will be no mark at all, or, if any, a change in the direc- tion of red, which is distinctly less red than the blue mark on the red litmus is blue. The reaction of living muscle, freed as much as possible from blood, is faintly alkaline. Obs. VI. Kill the corresponding muscle in the other leg by immersion in water at 40° C. Test as in Obs. V. The blue litmus paper will be marked most distinctly red ; the red not altered. For this a much stronger blue paper may be used. The reaction is permanent, and therefore is not due to carbonic acid. Muscle, in dying, on entering into RIGOR MORTIS, becomes dis- tinHly acid. Obs. VII. Keep any of the above rigid muscles covered in a damp warm place. Test the reaction from time to time. The acid reaction gives way to an alkaline one. which increases rapidly in intensity, and soon far exceeds the natural alkaline reaction. This secondary alkalinity arises from decomposi- tion. BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 363 At the same time the muscle will be found to have become very extensible, with scarcely any elasticity. 6bs. VIII. Divide a fresh muscle in two. Immerse for a few minutes one half (A) in water at 40° C. ; the other (B) in boiling water. Test the reaction of both. A will be acid, from development of rigor mortis. B will be alkaline. Before rigor mortis had time to set in, the albumin of the muscle was coagulated. This coagulation set free a quantity of alkali (see Chap. XXXY.) ; hence its re- action. III. Transparency. — 06s. IX. Take from a frog a portion of any one of its thin flat muscles. The mylohyoid is the most convenient, but the sartorius (fig. 278 s.), or any other thin muscle, will do as well. The muscle must be perfectly fresh and irritable, and care must be taken that at least the middle portion of muscle is not in the least injured. Place the muscle in normal saline solution, or serum, on the unheated " warm stage," and examine with a quarter-inch object-glass. Focus down through the middle (least injured) portion of the muscle, upon some object (bloodvessel, etc.) underneath the fibres. The distinctness with which this object is seen will be a measure of the transparency of the muscular tissue. Keeping the eye fixed upon the above-mentioned object, heat the stage. It will be found that when the temperature of the muscle has risen to 40° C. (or a little below), the object is no longer so distinct as before, or has even become totally invisi- ble. On entering into rigor mortis, the muscular fibre becomes opaque. Living muscle is very_£xtensU)l§, with perfect elasticity, of alkaline reaction, and considerable transparency. On enter- ing into rigor mortis it loses its extensibility, its elasticity becomes imperfect, its reaction acid, and its transparency gives place to opacity. 364 STIMULATION OF NERVE AND MUSCLE. CHAPTER XXI. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS ON THE STIMULATION OF NERVE AND MUSCLE. I. Electrical Stimulation. — Obs. I. Get ready a nerve- muscle preparation and place the nerve on a pair of common electrodes ; or simpty lay bare the sciatic nerve, slip the elec- trodes underneath, and watch the leg for any movements indi- cating muscular contractions. Connect the electrodes with a battery of one, two, or three cells, a key intervening. Open the key, and after a few seconds shut it again ; this is equiva- lent to making and then breaking a current in the nerve. It will be found that either at the breaking or at the making, or at both making and breaking of the current, a single muscular contraction is produced ; but that during the passage of the current (provided the intensity be uniform) there is no con- traction at all. Obs. II. Instead of a constant current, employ a single induction shock. Each application of a single induction shock (if strong enough), whether it be an opening shock or a closing shock, will produce a single muscular contraction. Obs. III. Instead of a single induction shock, employ a series of shocks rapidly following each other. These produce a continued contraction, a tetanus, which lasts during the whole time of the application of the currents, or until the muscle is completely exhausted. For this purpose use the apparatus of Du Bois Reymond. Obs. IV. Lay bare the gastrocnemius or any other muscle, apply the electrodes directly to the muscle instead of to the nerve, and repeat the above observations. The results will be the same. II. Mechanical Stimulation. — 06s. V. Pinch the nerve sharply with a pair of forceps, prick the muscle with a needle ; in either case a contraction will take place. III. Thermal Stimulation.— Obs. VI. Touch lightly either nerve or muscle with a hot needle ; a contraction will follow. IV. Chemical Stimulation.— 06s.. VII. Dip the end of the nerve into a strong solution of common salt ; after a little while a series of contractions running into tetanus will be ob- served in the muscles supplied by the nerve. Obs. VIII. Kill the muscle and nerve by immersion for a few minutes in water at 40°. The above stimuli applied to either muscle or nerve will produce no contraction. BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 365 CHAPTER XXII. PHENOMENA AND LAWS OF MUSCULAR CONTRACTION. I. The Muscle Curve. — In order to study the muscle curve, the recording surface must travel with sufficient rapidity. (The chief features of the curve may be seen when Secretan's cylinder with Foucault's regulator revolves on the second axis.) 06s. I. Arrange a muscle preparation in the moist chamber. The electrodes should be placed at some little distance from each other on the muscle itself; the nerve consequently need not be prepared. Load with 10 or 15 grms. Underneath the point of the lever bring the recording tuning-fork to bear on the cylinder. Arrange for a single opening induction shock, but instead of the key b (Chap. XIX., sec. XIII.), insert the marking key, simply introducing it into one wire from the battery, so that when the lever is down the current passes, but when it is raised (and the point depressed) the current is broken (Chap. XIX., sec. X.). The point of the marking key must be brought close under the recording point of the lever but above the recording point of the tuning-fork. Place all three recording points very carefully in the same vertical line. The marking key being closed, and the tuning-fork vibrat- ing, open the key a, and remove the break from the governor of the clock-work , when the cylinder is approaching the end of the first revolution, open the marking key, and as soon as possible afterwards stop the cylinder. On the cylinder there will now be seen three lines of mark- ing (see fig. 279) ; a is the line of the marking key, and the point where it descends indicates the moment at which the current broke into the muscle ; b is the line of the tuning-fork, and each complete curve denotes a certain fraction of a second (determined by the pitch of the tuning-fork) ; c is the line of the muscle-lever, m1 marks the moment of the beginning of the contraction, m? the curve's highest point, m3 its termina- tion. Draw a straight vertical line m through the point where the line a descends, and similar vertical (parallel) lines ??i, m1, r/i2, wis, cutting a b and c. m — m1 will give by measurement off b the duration of the latent period m1 — m*, of the rise; m'1 — ?TIS, of the fall; and m1 — ?us, of the total contraction. 366 LAWS OF MUSCULAR CONTRACTION. The rapidity of Sdcretnn's second axis is hardly sufficient to bring out the latent period with sufficient distinctness; but the other characters of the curve may be very well shown. The third, swiftest, axis may be used, but there are diffi- culties in managing it. Care must be taken to reduce the friction of the various recording points to a minimum ; and the observation should not be taken till towards the end of the second revolution. Before that, the cylinder is far from reaching its maximum (uniform) speed; after that, the over- lapping curves of the tuning-fork are difficult to decipher. 1 Setter results are obtained if the cylinder be used horizon- tall}" (the natural position of the apparatus) instead of verti- cally. The lever tuning-fork and marking key will of course have to be arranged accordingly. "When the heavier myographion lever is emplo}red, the effect of the inertia of the lever will make itself manifest in a secon- dary curve, at the end of the muscle curve. (For more exact observations than are furnished by Fon- cault's second axis, it is better to employ the pendulum myo- J//V//////OH, see, Wundt Mechanik der Nerveu, p. G.) A muscular contraction, even when produced by an instan- taneous electric shock, takes a measurable time for its com- plete development. The contraction does not begin at the moment when the stimulus breaks into the muscle, but is pre- ceded by a latent period. The contraction curve rises at first very rapidly, but afterwards more slowly, and having reached a maximum, declines at first slowly, afterwards more rapidly, and lastly more slowly again. The advanced student may determine by the same method the variations in the character of the muscle curve, caused by :— 1. Exhaustion. — Ob$. II. Having determined with a single induction shock the natural curve, exhaust the muscle by pro- longed or repeated stimulation with the interrupted current, and then repeat again with the same single induction shock as before. The curve will be not only of less height, but will be longer, />., the contraction will be slower, and the latent period especially will be prolonged. 2. Heat and Oold.-~0fo. III. The temperature of the chamber may be raised or lowered by introducing a current of moist hot air or pieces of ice into it. It is more convenient, however, to use the frog in a hori- zontal position, simply laying bare the gastrocnemius, and dividing its tendon (see Chap. XIX., sec. XL), and then placing tha muscle in a double trough, made by bending a pu < <• of leaden tube. Having determined the natural curve, pass hot or ice-cold water through the tube, and determine the curve at various temperatures. BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 367 At higher temperatures than the normal, the muscle curve is much shortened ; at lower, lengthened. 3. Poisons : Veratrin, etc. — Obs. IY. Arrange the frog as directed for observations on muscles in the living body (Chap. XIX., sec. XI), and having determined the natural muscle curve, inject a small quantity of veratrin (5^-317 ™grm.) beneath the skin of the back, having previously divided the sciatic nerve near the knee without injuiy to the bloodvessels. Determine the curve at given intervals after the introduction of the poison; the duration of the contraction will be enor- mously prolonged. II. The Contraction as a Function of the Stimulus. Obs. V. Arrange the nerve muscle preparation in the moist chamber; place the nerve over a pair of electrodes. Load the muscle with about 10 grammes. Arrange for a single induc- tion shock, using in the same series of observations the same either opening or closing shock. Draw an abscissa line on the recording surface. Slide the secondary coil as far away as the sliding board will allow from the primary coil. Send a shock through the nerve. If there is no contraction (and most probably there will be none), move the secondary coil some centimetres nearer •the primary; repeat the shock. Advance in this way, gradu- ally bringing the secondary coil nearer and nearer to the pri- mary, until the first visible contraction is gained. By sliding the seer"''; >il backwards and forwards, accurate^ determine this "minimum stimulus" for the muscle and nerve under the circumstances of the case. Advance now steadily on, moving the secondary coil a definite distance nearer the primary each time, and record each contraction as an ordinate on the abscissa line, at dis- tances proportionate to the distances the secondary coil is moved, in a manner similar to Chap. XX., Obs. II. The contractions will go on for a while increasing as the strength of the current increases; but at last it will be found that increasing the stimulus no longer increases the contrac- tion, i. e., the ;i maximum contraction" for the muscle and nerve under the circumstances has been reached. Determine accurately the relative positions of the two coils at which this point is reached. If with the battery employed to start with the maximum contraction is not reached, increase the number of cells. The student in making the above observations is nearly sure to meet with very great irregularities, which will tend very much to confuse the results. These may be partly due to imperfections in the apparatus. He will therefore carefully examine these, and see that everything is in order, and espe- cially that the battery is working steadily. 368 LAWS OF MUSCULAR CONTRACTION. But the variations will in most cases be due to the fact that the nerve after stimulation, and the muscle after stimulation and contraction, are for a variable period of time in a different condition from what they were before. They are suffering from more or less exhaustion, reaction, etc. To eliminate these entirely is a task of considerable difficulty. They may be more or less reduced by waiting a sufficiently long time between each two trials, by working backwards from the stronger shocks to the weaker, as well as from the weaker to the stronger, etc. etc. The student, however, will see sufficient to enable him to state that the amount of contraction does increase with the increase of the strength of the shock (increase of stimulus) ^ at first rapidly, then more and more slowly, and finally, when the maximum is reached, ceasing to increase any more. III. The Contraction as a Function of the Resist- ance. Obs. VI. Everything being arranged as in the last observa- tion, place the secondary coil in such a position as to give a shock about midway between the maximum and minimum stimulus. First let there be no load to the muscle ; record the contrac- tion as an ordinate on the abscissa line. Then load succes-- sivcly with 10, 30, 50, 100, etc. etc., grammes; recording the several contractions at proportionate distances along the ab- scissa line. Repeat with a minimum stimulus and also with a maximum stimulus. With (he same stimulus the amount of contraction decreases as the load is increased; but not regularly. At first, as the load is increased from zero upwards by small increments, the contraction increases; as the load continues to be increased, the increment diminishes, and finally gives place to a decre- ment. The initial increase of contraction is most prominent when the stimulus lies within a certain range of intensity. IV. The Work Done. 06s. VII. The dimensions of the lever being known, deter- mine from the ordinates of contraction the actual shortening of the muscle itself during each contraction. This multiplied into the weight will give the work done in each case. Draw an abscissa line and mark off from it distances propor- tionate to the loads employed in Obs. VI. Draw as ordinates the actual work done in the case of each load. A line drawn through the summits of the ordinates will give the curve of the work done with the same stimulus and increasing loads. With the same given stimulus and an increasing load, the work done increases up to a maximum, and then declines. BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 369 The maximum is not the same with all intensities of stimulus. Tlu're is a definite relation of load, muscle, and stimulus, by which the greatest amount of work can be got out of a given muscle. CHAPTER XXIII. THE WAVE OF MUSCULAR CONTRACTION. 06s. I. Place a nerve-muscle preparation in a horizontal position, so that the gastrocnemius rests on some flat surface (e. g., a glass plate) over which it can glide freely ; clamp the femur fragment tight ; by means of a pulley attach the tendon to a lever, etc., with a load of 10 or 15 grammes. Bring over the middle of the muscle the button of a light cardiograph connected with a Marey's tambour (see 'p. 265, fig. 230). If the button is large, attach to its under surface a conical piece of cork or some other material, which can be brought into contact with a small portion of the surface of the muscle. Bring the recording point of the tambour lever to mark on the cylinder, a little distance below the other lever. Place the nerve on the electrodes of an induction coil. While the cylinder (first or second axis) is revolving, and the two levers are describing parallel lines, send induction shocks of various strengths through the electrodes. The direct lever will indicate the shortening of the muscle, the tambour lever its thickening. It will be seen that they both take place at about the same time, and that with the various strengths of current the movement of one lever in- creases or decreases with the other. 06s. II. Poison a frog completely with urari, so as to eli- minate as much as possible the influence of nerves. Dissect out carefully one of the large muscles of the thigh ; for in- stance, the rectus interims major (fig. 278, r. i}. Cut away with it the piece of the pelvis, to which its origin is attached. Leave as much of the tendon of insertion as possible. Lay the muscle in a small trough (fig. 280) (one can easily be made of gutta-percha), and place over it, as far apart as possible, two levers. The levers must be so arranged that their points write on the cylinder one below the other in ex- actly the same vertical line. Fix the one end of the muscle by clamping the piece of pelvis, and attach by means of a pulley a load of 5 or 10 grammes to the tendon. Bring two pointed electrodes from an induction coil, to one 370 THE WAVE OF MUSCULAR CONTRACTION. end of the muscle, so that they touch the muscular fibres close to the end. Bring the levers to trace on the cylinder rotating on its swiftest axis. While the two points of the lever are describ- ing two parallel lines on the cylinder, send a single induction shock through the lever. Each of the two levers will describe a curve, each curve in- dicating the thickening of the muscle under the lever during the contraction. But these curves will not be exactly one under the other ; one, viz., that described by the lever nearer the electrodes, will be a little earlier than the other. The dif- ference in time between the commencement of the two curves will be more marked in an exhausted muscle, or in a muscle exposed to a low temperature, than in a fresh and very irri- table muscle. Tin: contraction then does not take place in the whole fibre at t/i<- xnme time, but travels with a certain velocity from the point at which, the electrodes are placed along the fibre. Obs. III. Repeat the observation ; placing the electrodes on the muscle close to the tendon of insertion instead of close to the origin. The results are just the same; the wave of contraction travels in either direction. Obs. IV. Instead of resting the levers on the muscle as di- rected above, the muscle may be placed on a piece of cork with holes in it and two slips of thin foil looped round two distant parts of the muscle, each slip being connected with a lever below, as in fig. 281. If the tuning-fork be brought to trace on the cylinder be- low the levers, the interval of time between the commence- ments of the two contractions may be exactly determined, and the distance between the two levers on the muscle being accurately measured, the velocity of the wave of contraction mav be calculated. BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 371 CHAPTER XXIV. TETANUS. 1. The Curve of Tetanus. — Obs. I. Having arranged the nerve-muscle preparation, etc., in the moist chamber as usual, draw first, if not ready at hand, the curve of a simple muscular contraction, for comparison. Then connect the electrodes with the induction machine using the magnetic interrupter ; insert between the secondary coil and the electrodes the marking key with double circuit ; raising the marking key will now allow an interrupted current to fall into the nerve ; on pressing the key down the current will be shut off. All being arranged (the slow axis of Se'cretan's instrument will give sufficient speed), allow an interrupted current of very moderate intensity (i. e., the secondary coil hardly, if at all, overlapping the primary with a weak battery) to break into the nerve, and in a few seconds shut it off again. A curve similar to that shown in fig. 282 will be obtained ; where the plumb line in drawn through the first a marks the commencement both of the stimulation and contraction (the speed not being sufficient to show the latent period), and the line in1 through the second a marks the end of the stimulation, and ?ws the end of the contraction. It will be seen that the curve rises at first very rapidly,1 afterwards more slowly, and speedily reaches a maximum, which it maintains during the whole time of the stimulation. Upon the cessation of the stimulus at wi2, the curve at once falls, at first very rapidly, but afterwards more slowly, and in its later phases very slowl}'. If the stimulus is allowed to act upon the muscle for more than a few seconds, the curve begins to decline, even while the stimulus is still acting; but, even after very prolonged stimu- lation, the cessation of the stimulus is indicated by a sharp fall in the curve. Tetanus from an ordinary interrupted current is a continued contraction rapidly reaching a maximum, continuing (within limits) in that condition so long as the current is passing, and followed by a gradual relaxation upon the current being cut off- 1 In the figure the curve does not rise rapidly enough. 372 TETANUS. Obs. II. Arrange for a single induction coil, but replace the key 6 by the oscillating interrupter (Chap. XIX., sec. XIII.). Use the first or the second axis cf Secretan, and the needle of the interruptor being clear of the mercury, open the key a, and set the cylinder revolving. "When uniformity of speed has been reached, suddenly set the interruptor vibrating, and after some ten vibrations or so have taken place, close the key a. The tracing on the cylinder will be a curve of the character shown in fig. 283. In general features it resembles the curve, fig. 282. There is the'same rise, maximum, and fall ; but instead of being, as in fig. 282, apparently a simple curve, it is evidently composed of a series of curves. Each of these component curves cor- responds to a contraction caused by a breaking or a making of the primary current through the needle dipping into or coming out of the mercury. It will be seen that the second contraction began before the first was completed, and is, so to speak, placed on the top of it ; in the same way , the third comes on the top of the second, and so on. The amount of rise contributed by each subordinate curve to the total rise is greatest in the first, and goes on diminishing until the maxi- mum is reached. By varying the length of the oscillating slip, a series of curves may be obtained, showing the various steps between a series of quite separate contractions, each being completed before the next begins, and one in which (as in the tetanus produced with the magnetic interruptor) the individual con- tractions follow each other so rapidly, that no trace of their separate existence is visible on the recording surface. Tetanus really consists of a series of simple muscular con- tractions fused together. II. The Effects of Exhaustion. Obs. III. Throw a muscle, with the electrodes applied to the muscle itself, into tetanus, with a strong interrupted current. Record the movement on the cylinder. Continue the current for some minutes. The curve will gradually fall from the maxi- mum down to very nearly the abscissa line : but even after very prolonged action, a sudden fall will mark the shutting off the current. 06s. IV. Send through a muscle a single induction shock of a certain strength. Record the contraction. Then tetanize the muscle by means of the interrupted current for ten or twenty seconds. Apply again the same induction shock as before. There will be either a much slighter contraction than before, or none at all. After waiting some minutes, repeat the shock r.gain. The contraction will now be much nearer its former dimensions. BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 373 By contraction, especially by tetanus, irritability of a muscle is diminished; after a period of rest, the irritability returns even in a muscle removed from the blood current. Obs. V. Repeat the observation on a muscle still connected with the blood current. The return of irritability will be much more rapid and complete. With a Du Bois Reymond's^induction apparatus, the transi- tion from a single induction suock to an interrupted current may easily be effected thus : The apparatus being arranged for • an interrupted current, the key a being open, press the spring of the magnetic interruptor up to the platinum point, and open the key b. The current breaks into the primary coil, and a single (making or closing) induction shock is the result. On letting go the spring, an interrupted current is at once ob- tained. This may be stopped at any moment by pressing down the spring, and then a single shock is again obtained by letting it rise once against the platinum point, and keeping it there. III. Phenomena Attending Muscular Contraction. These can only be satisfactorily determined by studying tetanus. The changes in a single contraction are too slight and transitory to be distinctly appreciated. Obs. VI. During contraction there is no appreciable change of bulk. Take the whole leg, or, better still, both legs, of a frog, in- cluding the attachment of the thigh muscles to the ilium and coccyx, and remove the skin. Tie a thin platinum wire round each end of the leg. Place the thigh in a bottle filled with normal saline solution, insert a cork in the mouth, bring the platinum wires through the cork, and in the centre of the cork insert a narrow glass tube. Fill the tube up to a certain height with the saline solution, make sure that no air bubble remains below the cork or entangled in the leg, and that the cork is tight. Place a scale behind the glass tube in order that the level of the solution may be exactly determined, and bring the platinum wires into connection with an induction coil arranged for an interrupted current. Tetanize the leg with a strong current ; even at the height of the tetanus, no perceptible change of level in the fluid in the tube will take place. Obs, VII. During contraction the elasticity of the muscle is diminished^ i. e., its extensibility is increased. Load a muscle with 50 grammes, and record the amount of extension. Remove the load and tetanize>tie muscle. At the height of tetanus, load the muscle again with the 50 grammes and record the extension. This will be found to be much larger in the second instance than the first. If tracings of the extension be taken on a revolving cj-linder, curves similar to 374 TETANUS. those shown in Fig. 284 will be obtained. When the muscle is at rest and unloaded, the recording point of the lever describes the straight line o, x. The sudden application and speedy re- moval of the load produces the curve .r, a, the muscle in this instance failing to return to its original length. On being tetanized, the muscle shortens from the level of x' a to the level of o; and the application of the same load as before pro- duces the long curve o' a'. Obs. VIII. Dicing contraction there is a diminution, a nega- tive variation, of the natural muscle current. This is shown by the galvanometer (see Chap. XXV., Sec. II.). It may also be shown by using the variations in the mus- cular current as a means of stimulating a nerve supplying another muscle. Get ready two nerve-muscle preparations as irritable and as little injured as possible; one may be the whole of the under Icir, with the femur cut off close to knee, and as long a sciatic nerve as possible (Fig. 285 A); the other should include the muscles of the thigh as well, the skin being in both cases re- moved (Fig. 285 B). Place B on a glass plate, and let the extreme (central) end of the nerve rest on a pair of electrodes connected with an in- duction coil. Lay the nerve of A over the muscles of the thigh of B, as in the figure. Send a single induction shock through B; there will be a single contraction of the muscles of B, and almost at the same time a single contraction of the muscles of A. Send an interrupted current through the electrodes of B. The muscles of B will be thrown into tetanus. So also will those of A. The single contraction of the muscles of B causes a single variation in the natural currents of the muscles of B; this acts as a single stimulus to the nerve of A, and so causes a single contraction in the muscles of A. When the muscles of B are thrown into tetanus, each con- stituent contraction of which that tetanus is made up causes a corresponding variation in the natural current, which therefore during the tetanus is undergoing a succession of variations. Kach such variation acts as a stimulus to the nerve of A, and accordingly the muscles of A are thrown into a tetanus, the constituent contractions of which correspond exactly with those of the muscles of B. In the galvanometer we have no such series of variations in the position of the needle; the negative variation during teta- nus appears as a steady backward swing of the needle. This BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 375 is because the inertia of the needle prevents its responding with sufficient rapidity to the variations in the current. The proof that the negative variation of tetanus is thus really made up of a succession of variations is supplied not by the galvanometer, but by the above experiment with the frog's muscle, or, as it is often called, the " rheoscopic frog." The above observation will frequently fail unless the nerves are perfectly fresh and irritable. 06s. IX. Satisfactory results having been obtained, liga- ture tightly in one case the nerve of B between the muscles and the electrodes, and in another the nerve of A between its muscles and the part of the nerve lying on the muscle of B. In either case, the secondary contraction in A should be entirely absent. If they are present, they are due to an escape of the current ; and the observation must be repeated on fresh muscles and nerves, greater precautions being taken to pre- vent the escape of the current. Obs. X. During contraction, muscle becomes acid. Prepare two muscles, either the gastrocnemius or rectus, or, perhaps better still, take the whole of the thigh muscles. Leave one, A, alone ; tetanize the other, B, repeatedly. Make an incision through each and test their reaction. A will be found to be neutral or alkaline ; B will be found to be distinctly acid. Obs. XL During contraction, the temperature of the mus- cle rises. Prepare a whole leg with sciatic nerve ; choose a large, healthy, strong frog. From the thigh resect the femur in its middle for the greater part of its length, injuring the nerve and muscles as little as possible. In place of the removed femur, place the bulb of a thermo- meter reading one-tenth of a degree centrigrade at least ; wrap the muscles carefully round the balb ; surround the thigh with cotton-wool, and wait till the level of the mercury is constant. The thermometer should be fixed very firmly and steady. Now send an interrupted current through the nerve. The muscles will be thrown into tetanus, and the mercury in the thermo- meter will rise. (For determining more exactly the changes of temperature in a muscle during contraction, it is better to use thermopile needles with a galvanometer of little resistance (see Chap. XVIII., p. 344) ; or for still finer observations, in which it is desirable to avoid the effects of friction, the swinging appa- ratus of Heidenhain may be employed. (See Heidenhain- Me.chan. Leistung, WarmeentvrickelUng^ etc., bei der Muskel- th'dtigkeit.} 376 ELECTRIC CURRENTS OF MUSCLES. CHAPTER XXY. ELECTRIC CURRENTS OF MUSCLES. I. The Natural Currents. — Obs. I. Place the gah^anome- ter A and scale B east and west (with lamp lighted) about three feet apart, level the galvanometer with the levelling screws c, carefully set the mirror free if needful by gently raising the milled head seen on the top of the galvanometer when the glass cover is removed,1 and adjust the height of the lamp by pulling in and out its brass neck, or moving it from side to side until the light falls well on the mirror. The most convenient galvanometer for the purpose is Sir William Thomson's. The one represented in the figure (fig. 286) is a differential one, but should be used as a single one in the following observations by connecting the two central binding screws a a with a piece of wire. Having put on the glass cover, screw the adjusting magnet d with its upright e on to the top of the galvanometer. Let the magnet, with its north pole directed towards the magnetic north, be at first at the top of the upright ; gradually bring it down, moving it from side to side, and carefully watching the spot of light as it travels to and fro on the scale. Before the magnet has descended very far, the student will have so far gained command over the mirror, as, by moving the magnet to a certain position right or left, to be able to bring the spot of light nearly to zero. This done, shift the scale away from or towards the galva- nometer, until the image of the slit/ through which the lamp shines is well focussed on the scale. (If not provided on the scale, affix an upright wire in the middle of the slit ; have the slit wide, and use the shadow of the wire seen in the broad spot of light, to determine the position of the mirror.) Now bring the magnet very gradually still lower down, keeping the spot of light as near as possible to zero, and watching attentively the rapidity with which the spot oscil- lates on either side of that point. It will be found that as the magnet descends the oscillations become slower and slower. This indicates that the influence of the earth's magnetism is becoming more and more neutralized by the magnetism of the 1 If possible, the galvanometer should be carefully levelled and set once for all, aiid kept so in some place where it need not be disturbed. BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 377 adjusting magnet. On continuing to lower the magnet, the point of neutralization is soon passed, and thc'ii tin- influence of the adjusting magnet on the needle becomes stronger than that ef the earth. The needle, consequently, which previously had its north pole under the north pole of the magnet, would, if free to turn, swing half round in the attempt to bring its south pole under the north pole of the magnet; and indeed does swing round as far as the arrangements of the apparatus will allow, the spot of light rapidly travelling quite beyond the limits of the scale. When this had been found to occur, the magnet must be raised again np to or rather above the point of neutralization. The oscillations of the needle will now be at their minimum of rapidity, and the needle will be at its maximum of sensitiveness. Bring the spot of light ex- actly to zero. The magnet may be at first moved with the hand, but this will be found to be too coarse a method. Finer adjustment is gained by turning the milled head/. The wires conveying the current through the galvanometer are to be attached to the outer binding screws b b. To determine which direction of current is indicated by the movement of the spot of light, try the effect of a very feeble cell, upon the galvanometer. But be careful not to use the whole of the current proceeding from the cell; cut off the greater part of it by means of the shunt. (Fig. 287.) Bring the wires from the cell to the binding screws of the shunt. With the plug placed in the hole between the binding screws, there is no resistance offered by the shunt. The whole current consequently flows through the shunt, none going through the circuit of the galvanometer. The shunt may thus be used as a key, and it will not be necessary to have another key between the galvanometer and the electrodes. If a plug be inserted in the hole marked 1-9, and the plug between the binding screws be withdrawn, such resistance is offered by the shunt, that one-tenth of the total current of cell goes through the galvanometer. Similarly with the plug in the hole marked 1-99, instead of in the hole marked 1-9, 1-1 00th goes through the galvanometer; so also with 1-1)99. By means of the shunt send l-1000th of the current from a cell through the galvanometer, and mark the direction in which the light travels. Note which screw of the galvanome- ter is connected with the kathode, and which with the anode, and the relation of the direction of travel of the spot of light, to that of the current is known. Most probably it will be found that the light travels in the same way as the current. Obs. II. Prepare two non-polari/ablc electrodes with trun- cated ends, or with the plug projecting; connect them with the shunt, using it as a key. The plug being iu the shunt and the spot of light at zero, 378 ELECTRIC CURRENTS OF MUSCLES. place (he two electrodes so that the plugs touch each other, or place a morsel of thread or paper, moistened with normal saline solution, over the two plugs, and open the key. The needle should remain at zero. If any deviation OCCUfSfit is an indication of a current in the electrodes themselves. If the deviation is slight and constant, its direction and amount in degrees must be noted, and all subsequent observations corrected by it. This may be done by shifting the scale a little, so as to bring the spot of light to zero, or by bringing tin- spot of light to zero by means of the adjusting magnet. If it lie large, a fresh pair of electrodes must be prepared, which shall give no such deviation. nim. III. The muscle may now be prepared. Take one of the largo muscles of the thigh, c. g., the triceps (fig. 267 a); with a sharp clean knife or scissors cut the tendon of inser- tion clear away with a transverse cut; similarly make a transverse cut at the origin. Place the muscle thus prepared on a glass plate with the electrodes under a moist chamber. The muscle will have a natural longitudinal surface and two artificial transverse surfaces. Place one electrode on the longitudinal surface at a point as near as possible midway between the two ends, and the other as near as possible in the centre of one of the transverse sections. Connect the elec- trodes with the binding screws of the shunt, the plug of the shunt being in place between the screws. Remove the plug. A deviation of the needle will take place. Most probably the spot of light will swing right out of sight beyond the limit of the scale. If this is so, replace the plug; when the needle has returned to zero, shunt by means of the second plug; for instance, put the second plug in the hole marked 1-90 and thus allow only l-100th of the muscle current to pass through the galvanometer, and then remove the first plug. The deflec- tion will be far less. Note its direction and amount (number of degrees of scale). A current will be found passing through the galvanometer from t ho mid-point of the longitudinal surface to the central point of* the transverse section. Replace the plug, so as to shut oil' all the current from the galvanometer. ()/>*. IV. Keeping the one electrode still on the transverse section, shift the other electrode from the mid-longitudinal point to some point nearer that transverse section ; remove the plug. The deflection of the needle will indicate a current in the same direction as before, but of less strength. Replace tin- plug. oh*. V. Place the electrodes in the following positions, always replacing the plug (serving as key) between the binding screws of the shunt after each observation, and always being BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 379 careful that the amount of contact between the electrodes and muscle is as nearly as possible the same in all cases: — One electrode on the mid-longitudinal point, the other at the other transverse section. The current will be, as before, from the longitudinal surface to the transverse section. 06s. VI. One electrode on or near the mid-longitudinal surface, the other at a point nearer either transverse section. The current will be slight, and its direction will be from the point on or near the mid-longitudinal point to the one farther off. 06s. VII. The two electrodes on the longitudinal surface on either side at unequal distances from the middle point or equator. The current will be slight, and from the point nearer the middle to the point farther off. 06s. VIII. The two electrodes on the longitudinal surface at equal distances from the middle point on either side; there will be little or no current at all. 06s. IX. By using very pointed electrodes, evidence of a current may be obtained on the transverse section from the electrode farther from the centre to that nearer to the centre. 06s. X. The student may repeat these observations on a muscle to which an artificial longitudinal surface has been given by a clean section, and also on a muscle, the tendons of origin and insertion of which have been divided without injury to the muscular fibres, i. e., on a muscle with natural trans- verse surfaces as well as a natural longitudinal surface. In all cases the following result will come out more or less clearly: — In any muscle, or piece of muscle, with natural or artificial longitudinal and transverse surfaces evidence may be obtained of a current passing through the electrodes from the middle of the longitudinal surface (from the equator} to the centre of either transverse section, and from any point nearer the equa- tor to any point nearer the centre of either transverse section ; the current is stronger the farther apart these tivo point* lie (see fig. 288, where the direction of the currents obtainable from a piece of muscle of rectangular form is indicated by the arrows, and the intensity by the sweep of the curves. The points a a, equidistant from the equator, give no current). 06s. XI. Immerse the muscle, on which you have been experimenting, in water at 40°, in order to kill it. As soon as it is cool, repeat the above observations. No currents at all, or very trifling ones, will be obtained, if the muscle be perfectly and completely "rigid.'' The currents obtainable from a living muscle disappear when rigor mortis is complete. In all cases examine the electrodes by themselves, after any series of observations, as well as before, in order to be sure 380 ELECTRIC CURRENTS OF MUSCLES. that no changes have taken place in them during the observa- tions, such as would give rise to a current. II. Negative Variation.— Obs. XII. Get ready a nerve- mufcle preparation, and make a transverse section through the lower end of the muscle. Lay the muscle on a glass plate ; connect the equator and transverse section of the muscle by non-polarizable electrodes with the shunt and so with the gal- vanometer ; lay the end of the nerve (as far away from the muscle as possible) on another pair of electrodes. Connect this second pair, or "exciting electrodes," as they may be called, with an induction coil arranged for an interrupted cur- rent. Let the induction coil be as far as possible away from the galvanometer, and before commencing the observation ascertain that the setting the induction machine in action does not affect the needle. The spot of light being at zero, remove the plug of the shunt, and when the spot has come to rest (using a shunt if the cur- rent is too great for the scale), send a moderately strong inter- mitted current through the exciting electrodes. The muscle will become tetanized; at the same time the spot of light will travel back a certain distance toward zero, i. e., the current obtainable from the muscle at rest is diminished, or suffers a negative variation during tetanus. Shut off the tetanizing cur- rent ; the needle returns towards its former position. If the muscle be laid flat on the glass plate, considerable tetanus may be called forth without the electrodes at all shifting their posi- tion in relation to the muscle, especialty if they be pressed somewhat firmly on to the muscle to start with. 06s. XIII. Having determined the negative variation as above, tie a piece of wet silk or thread tightly round the nerve between the muscle and the exciting electrodes, being very careful to disturb nothing else. Now send the same inter- rupted current as before through the exciting electrodes. There will be no tetanus and no negative variation. The liga- ture, having destroyed the vital continuity of the nerve, lias prevented the passage of nervous impulses along the nerve to the muscle. Should any influence on the galvanometer be observable, it is an indication that an escape of current from the exciting electrodes to the galvanometer electrodes has taken place. The ligature of the nerve does not destroy the electrical con- tinuity of the nerve, though it does its vital continuity. The exciting electrodes must be removed further from the muscle, or a weaker current used, so as to prevent this escape of current, and the observation then repeated. BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 381 CHAPTER XXVI. ELECTRIC CURRENTS OF NERVES. I. Natural Currents. — Obs. I. Bring the galvanometer into as sensitive a condition as possible. The shunt will be unnecessary in this case except to be used as a key. Prepare as long a piece of nerve as possible with the least possible injury. Hang the middle of the nerve over a bent non-polari- zable electrode, and bring both ends to rest on the plug of another electrode, as represented in fig. 289. In this way, one electrode will be in contact with the equator, and the other with both transverse sections. The current from the equator to each transverse section being the same in direction, the re- sult of this arrangement will be to double the effect on the needle. The current in the nerve, far feebler than thai in muscle, is as in the muscle from the equator (or mid-longitudinal point) to the transverse section. Obs. II. By doubling a long piece of nerve and laying different points on the electrodes, it may be determined that the arrangements of the currents are the same in one case as in the other. Naturally, the various points in the minute transverse section cannot be examined. II. Negative Variation in Nerve. — Obs. III. Prepare as long a piece of nerve as possible ; lay the transverse section of the central end and a point in the longitudinal suri'ace at some little distance from that end on the pair of galvanometer electrodes. Lay any two points at the other end (peripheral) of the nerve on a pair of exciting electrodes connected with an interrupted current. Determine the amount of deflection given by the natural current. Send an interrupted current through the exciting pair. There should be a slight but distinct diminution, a slight negative variation, of the current. When a nerve is excited, the natural current suffers a negative variation. Obs. IV. Repeat the observation, placing the peripheral end of the nerve on the galvanometer electrodes, and the central on the exciting electrodes. There will be, as before, a diminution, a negative variation of the current. 382 ELECTROTONUS. The negative variation travels along the neroe in either di- rection. O6.s. V. Ascertain as before, by ligature, that the effects witnessed are not due to any escape of current. CHAPTER XXVII. ELECTROTONUS. Ohs. I. Prepare as long a piece of nerve as possible. Get ready tirv pair of non-polarizable electrodes. Place the thicker (central) end of the nerve, on one pair of electrodes, a a' fig. 290. This figure is intended to represent diagrammatic-ally the effects of a polarizing current, p p', acting on the centre of a piece of nerve, as seen by testing either end with a gal- vanometer. It will serve, however, to illustrate the simpler case of Obs. I., if the electrodes 6 b' be supposed to be removed and p p' brought nearer to that end of the nerve. Let one electrode be on the transverse section of the nerve, and the other on the longitudinal surface at some distance, so as to obtain a tolerably good current. Connect this pair of elec- trodes with the galvanometer, putting in a key or using the shunt. Place the other end of the nerve on the other pair of elec- trodes, p p' ; connect these electrodes with a cell, which may be called the polarizing cell, interposing a commutator (Chap. XIX., sec. VII.). Cover the nerve with a shade, or put it with the electrodes in the nerve chamber (Chap. XIX., sec. IV.), to protect it against evaporation. Both keys being down, and the needle of the galvanometer being at zero, open the key of a a', and note the deflection of the needle. The current will of course pass through the gal- vanometer in the direction of the arrow in the figure from a to «', and the circuit may be supposed to be completed by the current passing inside the nerve in the direction of the arrow. Shut the key of a a'. Obs. II. Now open the commutator of the polarizing cell in such a way that the current of the cell passes from p to //, in the direction of the arrows in the figure, i. e., flows in the same direction as the natural nerve current flows through the gal- vanometer. Open the key of a a'. Note again the deflection of the needle; it will be found to be greater than it was before. Shut the key of a a' and shut off the polarizing current. BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 383 Then reopen a a'. The needle will be found to return to the position it had in Obs. I. Obs. III. Repeat the observation, but reverse the polarizing current; let it flow from p' to p, that is, in a direction con- trary to the natural nerve-current. The needle of the galvano- meter will now be found to have suffered a diminution of de- flection instead of an increase. " When a constant current is allowed to break into a nerve, the natural nerve current, even at some distance from the electrodes, is affected during the whole lime of the passage of the constant (polariziag) current; when the natural and polarizing cur rents have the same direction, the natural cur- rent is increased ; when contrary directions, the natural cur- rent is diminished." This condition of the nerve, maintained during the whole passage of the current, is known as electrotonus. Obs. IV. Tie the nerve very tightly with a ligature between the polarizing and the galvanometer electrodes ; or divide it, and place the ends carefully in exact opposition, and repeat the observations. It will be found that the natural current is in no way affected by the polarizing current. The phenomena, therefore, are not due to any escape of the battery current : something more than mere physical continu- ity is required for their development. Obs. V. Repeat the observations, placing the thinner (peri- pheral) end of the nerve on the galvanometer electrodes, and the thicker on the polarizing electrodes. The results are the same ; electrotonus is established equally well in either direction. Obs. VI. The same result may b^ better shown in the fol- lowing way: Take three pair of electrodes. Place the polar- izing pair p p', fig. 290, in the middle of the nerve, and connect the other two pair with the two cut ends, as shown in the figure. Bring the wires from a a' to a key, and those from b bf to another key; then the wires from both keys to the same bind- ing screws of the galvanometer. By opening the key of a a' while that of b br is shut, or vice versa, the amount of natural current in a a' or 6 b' may be respectively determined. (Or use the double key, as directed in Chap. XIX., sec. IX.). Determine both before the key of p p' is opened. Then open the key of p pf and determine the amount of deflection both in a a,' and b &'. It will be found that when the current passes from p to p' in the direction of the arrow, as in the figure, the current at b bf is diminished (in the neighborhood of the kathode), while that at a a' is increased (in the neighborhood of the anode). If the direction of the polarizing current be reversed, if it be 384 ELECTROTOXUS. made to flow from pf to p, then a af will be diminished and b b' Increased. O/jx. VII. Repeat the observation, placing the galvanometer electrodes, not at the cut ends as before, but on any two points from which a natural current can be obtained. Similar results will be observed. AVith most dispositions of the electrodes the natural current is increased in the neighborhood of the positive and diminished in that of the negative pole. The region of the negative pole is said to be thrown into katelectrotonus, that of the positive into aiiclrrlmtnniin. n//s. VIII. Having determined the amount of diminution of b b' and the amount of increase of a a' when the polarizing electrode is exactly in the middle line between the other two ptiir, shift the. polarizing electrodes nearer to b b' . Be very careful that the electrodes in their new position are exactly the same distance from each other as before, and that the nerve touches the pings of the electrodes exactly as before, so that the only difference established is that a different part of the nerve is placed between the electrodes. He careful also not to disturb the position of the nerves on the two pair of galvano- meter electrodes. If all has been done properly before the polarizing current is allowed to break into the nerve, the amount of deilection at a a' and l> // should be the same as when the polarizing electrodes were in the middle. Now open the key of the polarizing current and determine the deilection at a "' and b b'. The diminution of deflection at b b' should be greater, and the increase at. a f clccfrnfon ic incrcn.;l lie tn the ]><>lari : i i>f electrolonic increase or decrease of the natural current increases with an increasing intensity of the polarizing cm-rent. Obs. XI. Determine the electrotonic increase and decrease BT SHL MI CHAM, TDfiSBK. -> : with a, given current on a perfectly re main fo effects will be found to be hi • .'Hi? rariatum if dependent on fke vital conditions »f the neroe. CHAPTER XXTJIL STIMU1 OTHEE things being constant, we may now take in the contraction of the muscle of a nerve-muscle preparation as a measure of variations in the condition of the nerve. A muscular contraction is a token of a nervous impulse passing along the nerve, the extent and character of the one being & measure of the extent and character of the other: a tetanus in the muscle indicates a series of impulses in the nerves, follow- ing each other with not less than a certain velocity. 1 The Effects of the Constant Current.— Obs. I. Ar- range a nerve-muscle preparation in the moist chambei. the nerve on non-polarizable electrodes, the muscle loaded with 10 or 15 grammes, lever attached, recording surface pre- pared, etc. Have a battery of two or more cells, and between the br, and the el- introduce the rheochord (Chap. XIX VI II.). Let all the plugs be in, and the travelling mercury cups close up. The resistance now offered by the rheochord, compared with that offered by the electrodes, is practically nil ; consequently none of fbe current from the battery will pass through the latter; there will, therefore, be no contraction in the m ... - Remove one of the plugs, viz., that one the removal of which throws the least resistance into the rheochord. A certain fraction of the current will now pass through the electrodes on account of the resistance thrown into the current through the rheochord by the removal of the plug. If a contract: the result, let it be recorded ; if none, let that fact be recorded oting on the recording surface the plug removed. He- move the plugs one by one, recording the result each time. Replace the plugs one l»y one, also noting the results. It will be found that a contraction of the muscle takes place, a nervous impulse is originated, only at the moment when the plug is withdrawn or replaced. It may be p. 386 STIMULATION OF NERVES. at both withdrawal or reinsertion, or at either, or at neither; but no contraction occurs in the interval during which the plug or plugs remain away from the board or in their place, provided that the current in the battery be constant and the condition of the nerve-muscle normal. A nervous impulse it generated in a nerve only when there is a sudden change in the. intensity of a constant current passing through it (including the changes from and to zero, i. e., the total breaking and making of the current). So long as the current remains uniform in intensity, there is no contraction of the muscle, no nervous impulse generated in (he nerve. The contractions so obtained are simple contractions, indica- tive of the advent of a single nervous impulse. Very often, especially in working with winter frogs in early spring, the con- tractions thus obtained by variations in the intensity of a con- stant current are not simple, but tetanic. This is an abnormal result, which has not yet been investigated. The contractions obtained above are not only variable, inas- much as they come either at a diminution (breaking) or increase (making) of the current, or at both, but also differ in extent, . the nervous impulses differ in intensity. These variations depend on the strength of the current (amount of variation of the current), the direction of the cur- rent, and the condition of the nerve. II. Law of Contraction. — Ob*. II. Arrange in the moist chamber a nerve-muscle preparation as fresh and lively as pos- sible. Place the nerve on a pair of nou-polarizable electrodes, about a centimetre apart. Insert between the electrodes and a battery of two or more cells, first the commutator, and then the rheochord. Let the positive and negative wires have different colors, the same throughout the whole apparatus in each case, and arrange so that when the handle of the commu- tator is raised, the current is ascending in the nerve ; when depressed) descending* The handle of the commutator being horizontal, and the plug** of the rheochord all in, withdraw the mercury cups a few de- gnv.s of the scale, and depress the handle of the commutator. If there be any contraction, record it. This is equivalent to the making in the nerve of an extremely feeble descending cur- rent. Then bring the handle of the commutator horizontal, and so break this feeble current, recording any result. After wailing a few minutes, repeat the observation, using an ascending current instead of a descending. Thus will be obtained the effects of breaking and making an extremely feeble constant current both ascending and descending. Then shift the mercuiy cups several degrees, and repeat the whole observation. This will give the effects of making and BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 387 breaking a still feeble but yet rather stronger descending and ascending current. Proceed in this way, shifting the mercury cups by stages, until they are brought to the other end of the board ; then remove the plugs one by one, the removal of each plug mark- ing a corresponding augmentation of the strength of the current sent through the electrodes on the nerves. Wait some minutes between each observation to allow the nerve to recover itself. Tabulate the results. They should be such that, throwing the various intensities of current into four categories, they illustrate the following law: — Descending. Ascending Make. Break. Make. Break. Weakest Yes No No No Weak Yes No Yes No Moderate Y'es Yes Yes Yes Strong Yes No No Yes where " Y"es" means a contraction ; " No," none. The making of the descending current is the first to make itself manifest by its effects, and maintains its pre-eminence throughout the series as the most certain and strongest stimulus. Next, the making of the ascending current also becomes effi- cient; then the breaking of the descending; lastl}r, the break- ing of the ascending ; so that with a certain intensity of current which we here call " moderate," a contraction is called forth both by making and breaking both ascending and descending currents. With a further increase of intens;ty, the contraction which follows upon the making of the ascending current gets less, and finally disappears altogether. The contraction due to breaking the descending current suffers subsequently the same fate, so that with a " strong" current we have only a single contraction with each current; but it is a contraction on mak- ing in the case of the descending, on breaking in case of the ascending. We have seen that when a constant current is sent into a nerve, katelectrotonus is established at the negative pole, ane- lectrotonus at the positive. Both conditions remain during the whole time of the passage, and both disappear (with more or less rebound) when the current is broken. It is evident from the above observations that the rise of a nervous impulse is connected with the transition of a nerve from its ordinary condition into that of either katelectrotonus or anelectrotonus, or both, or with its return from katelectrotonus or anelectrotonus into its normal condition, and not with its being or remaining in either katelectrotonus or anelectrotonus. 888 STIMULATION OF NERVES. Further, it is evident from the different results of breaking and making, that the entrance into katelectrotonus and ane- lectrotonus has not the same relation to the origin of a nervous impulse as lias the exit from those states. Lastly, from the different behavior of the ascending and descending currents, it appears that the effect of the entrance into katelectrotonus is not the same as that of the entrance into anelectrotonus, and that the effects of the exits from these states likewise differ. III. Electrotonus as affecting Irritability.— Arrange a nerve-muscle preparation in the moist chamber, with lever. etc. Prepare two pair of non-polarizable electrodes. Place the end of the nerve on one pair, about 1 or 2 cm. apart ; connect this, the. polnrizimj pair, with a battery of one or two cells, the commutator intervening. Place the second pair between the first pair and the muscle, and connect this, the exciting- pair, with an induction coil. When the polarizing current is made a descending one, the portion of the nerve on which the exciting electrodes rest, will lie in the n-gion of katelectrotonus ; when ascending, in nnflrr- trotonus, O/AS-. III. The polarizing current being shut off (the handle of the commutator horizontal), pass a single induction (open- ing) shock through the " exciting" pair, and record the con- traction. Shift the secondary coil, if necessary, until a con- traction of moderate excursion is obtained, and note the dis- tance of the secondary coil from the primary. Now let the polarizing current (i.^re/nl in the nerve (through the polarizing pair of electrodes) ; the exciting pair will ac- cordinglv now be in the region of anelectrotonwt, ;ect the cont ract ion which may be caused by the making (and subsequent breaking) of the constant polarizing current ; and while the current is thus passing in an ascending direc- tion, send a single induction shock of the same strength as before through the exciting pair, and record the contraction. Shut ot!' the polarizing current, and after a few minutes1 rest, send a third time the same induction shock through the exciting pair. Of the three contractions thus called forth by the same stimulus (the induction shock) under different circumstances, it "ill be found that the second is much smaller than the first, but the third nearly of the same size (it may be larger) as the first />nrii:ij tin' jifi.^nt/c tif ti <-n»*t a */•<•*. VI. The other arrangements being the same, put the magnetic interruptor into connection with the primary coil. Record the movements of the lever on the revolving cylinder. With a not very strong interrupted current, throw the mus- cle into tetanus, and as soon as tetanus is established, send an ascending current through the polarizing electrodes for a few seconds only, and afterwards close the key of the inter- rupted current. The curve of the tetanus on the recording cylinder will ex- hibit a marked fall (down even to zero if the polarizing current be strong enough) at the moment when the polarizing current breaks into the nerve, and a corresponding rise when the polarizing current is shut off. This is simply another way of showing the diminution of irritability in anelectrotoi.us. Obit. VII. Repeat the observation, using a very weak teta- nizing current, and let the polarizing current be descending. The making of the polarizing urrent will be marked by a rise, and the breaking by a corr< .ponding fall in the tetanus curve, indicating, as before, an increase of irritability in katelectro- tonus. Obs. VIII. Ligature the nerve between the two pair of elec- trodes, and repeat all the observations. The polarizing current will have no effect at all upon the results of the exciting f /"/;>•//., the irritability of the portions of the nerve lying immediately below the section. In the above observations, the student must make sure that the electrodes are exactly similar, so that the differences which come out are not due to any differences of resistance in the two pair of electrodes or to the electrodes of one pair being further apart from each other than those of the other, etc. For this purpose it will be as well, after a, series of observa- tions, to exchange the electrodes, putting the one pair in the former position of the other, and repeat the series. o/ys. XVII. On the sciatic nerve of a frog in which the brain and spinal cord have been destroyed, and the heart removed so as to stop the circulation, place three pair of electrodes, one near the gastrocnemius, another close to the central end of the nerve, and a third between the other two. Divide the nerve above the upper pair. Arrange the preparation carefully in the moist chamber. BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 393 Send a single weak induction shock through each pair of electrodes, and record the contraction ; or determine the minimum stimulus for each pair of electrodes. Repeat the observation at intervals during the day. It will be found that after the temporary increase due to section, the irritability gradually diminishes from the central cut end towards the peripheiy, the extreme muscular branches being the last to die. Be careful that no part of the nerve is more exposed than others. Obs. XVIII. Repeat the observation in a frog whose brain and spinal cord have been destroyed, but the blood current not interfered with. The irritability will disappear much more slowly, but in the same centrifugal manner. CHAPTER XXIX. PHENOMENA ACCOMPANYING A NERVOUS IMPULSE. THE only phenomenon definitely and certainly known to accompany the passage of a nervous impulse is the negative variation of the nerve current (see Chap. XXVI., sec. II.). In the case of muscle, the negative variation shown in teta- nus by the galvanometer was proved by the rheoscopic frog to consist of a series of successive negative variations (see Chap. XXIV., sec. III.). At first sight a similar proof seems to be afforded by the be- havior of nerves. Obs. I. Prepare a nerve-muscle, and also a separate piece of nerve as long as possible. Place the nerve-muscle B (fig. 291) on a glass plate ; place the nerve A over the nerve of B, in either of the positions shown in fig. 291, 1. II. ; connect the end of A with an induction coil. A single shock sent through A will produce a contraction in B; an interrupted current will throw B into tetanus. Obs. II. Ligature A between the electrodes and the end touch- ing B. No contractions will appear in B on sending shocks through the electrodes. This proves that the results of Obs. I. were not due to any simple electrical conduction through A or to any escape of the current to B by other means. The same thing is shown in the so-called "paradoxical con- traction." 06s. III. In the leg of a frog, the sciatic nerve divides at the 394 PHENOMENA ACCOMPANYING A NERVOUS IMPULSE. lower end of the thigh into the peroneal nncl tibial branches. Dissect out one, say the peroneal, and divide it at its periphery. Divide the sciatic trunk high up, and place the peroneal branch on the electrodes of an induction coil. This will virtually con- vert the leg into a preparation similar to tig. 291, III.; the peroneal and tibial branches running, so to speak, side by side in the sciatic trunk. Irritating the peroneal nerve A, with an interrupted current, will produce contractions in the muscles to which the tibial B is distributed. All these " secondaiy contractions" cease when the nerve A is ligatured between the electrodes and the nerve B. With each making (competent to give rise to a nervous im- pulse) of the exciting current through A, two events take place which must be kept distinct in the mind of the student. First, there is the electrotonic increase (in the anelectrotonic region) or decrease (in the katelectrotonic region) of the natural nerve current. This increase or decrease remains during the whole time of the passage of the exciting current, and disappears with the breaking. Secondly, there is the negative variation of the natural cur- rent which travels with the nervous impulse indifferently in either direction, and which, in any given point of the nerve, is over and gone in an exceedingly short time after the act of making the exciting current. During the time of the passage of the (uniformly constant) current, there is no negative variation, as there is no nervous impulse. On breaking the exciting current, a fresh negative variation sweeps along the nerve, if the current is of such a character that the breaking of it gives rise to a nervous impulse. With a single induction shock there is also the double event of a negative variation, and, as well, of a momentary electro- ton us ; with an interrupted current there is a succession of sueh double events. In both these cases the secondary contraction, as in Obs. I., II., III., may be due to either half of the double event: to the negative variation, or to the electrotonic change; or to both. To which of them it is really due cannot be decided by the use of such currents only. If, however, the electrotonic increase is itself competent to cMuse a secondary contraction, the contraction ought to be ob- tainable at an}- period during the passage of an exciting con- stant ei.rrent, at a time when" the negative variation is absent. (Ms. IV. Connect A (placed on a glass plate) with a constant cunvnt of two cells, the positive pole towards the long free end ; suspend the nerve of B in such a manner over A that, when de- sired, it can be let fall so as to lie upon A in the position I. or II. (fig. 291). BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 395 The exciting current being made, a negative variation sweeps over A and is gone. There remains, however the anelectrotonic increase of the natural current of A along the whole region from the positive pole to the free end. Now let fall B as directed. A contraction in the muscle of B will follow. This can only be due to the electro ton ically increased natural nerve current of A acting as a stimulus to the nerve of B when the circuit is closed by a portion of B, and so causing a nervous impulse just as the closing of any other galvanic current would. And inasmuch as the electric intensity of the electrotonic increase (or decrease) is much greater than that of the negative variation, the secondary contractions in the Obs. I., II., III. are chiefly due to this cause. CHAPTER XXX. VARIOUS FORMS OF STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. I. Mechanical Stimulation. — A blow, sufficiently strong and sudden, applied to either muscle or nerve, .will produce a contraction; and a series of such blows repeated sufficient^ rapidly will produce a tetanus. This may be roughly shown by striking simply by hand, with some thin but blunt instrument, either muscle or nerve. For more exact purposes, the tetanomotor of Heidenhain may be used, and can be applied equally to muscle or nerve. For a description, sec Rosenthal, Electricitatslehre, p. 116. A simpler method is that of Mare}T's, with a tuning-fork. 06s. I. Get ready a nerve-muscle preparation. Place the nerve on a small piece of India-rubber sheeting stretched quite tight over a ring of wood or metal. The object of the elastic India-rubber is to soften the violence of the blows given. Ar- range a tuning-fork on a stand, in such a position that the vibrations of the tuning-fork shall take place at right angles to the nerve. Set the fork going, and bring it in slight contact with the nerve. The muscle will at once be thrown into teta- nus, which may be recorded on the cylinder. O6.s. II. A muscle (gastrocnemius, or, better, one of the recti) of a frog poisoned with urari, may be placed on the caoutchouc in place of the nerve. Tetanus will be then obtained by direct mechanical irritation of the muscle itself, without intervention of the nerves. 396 VARIOUS FORMS OF STIMULATION. II. Idio-Muscular Contractions. — Obit. III. Place on some flat surface a nerve-muscle preparation which has been much exhausted by treatment or by long removal from the body. Strike the muscle sharply with some thin but blunt instru- ment (handle of scalpel), across the middle of the belly, at right angles to its long axis. A contraction will probably follow — a contraction which, as usual, travels along the whole length of the fibres. When the contraction, however, has passed away, the line where the blow fell will be marked by a wheal, i. e., by a local shortening and thickening, which lasts for several seconds, but finally disappears. This wheal, this local thickening and short- ening, is the idio-muscular contraction. O6.s. IV. Wait till neither muscle nor nerve give any (ordi- nary) contraction with an electric stimulus. Strike as before ; the Ldio-m oscular contraction will still make its appearance. The relaxation becomes slower the nearer the advent of rigor morli*, with the onset of which the idio-muscular contraction disappears. III. Chemical Stimulation of Muscle. — Oba. V. Care- fully dissect out the sartorius muscle in the front of the thigl (liir. 27**). injuring it as little as possible, and taking away with it a piece of the pelvis from which it has its origin. Clam the piece of pelvis, avoiding any entanglement of the fibres <> the sartorius itself, and attach the clamp to a stand so that the muscle hangs vertical. If it be desired to record the contrac- tions, thrust a fine needle through the middle of the muscle, and either bring the muscle to bear directly on the recording surface, steadying it with a shotted thread as in the kymo- graphion (Chap. XVI., § 33), or make the needle part of a delicate lever. With a sharp pair of scissors, cut off the ten- don of insertion so as to lay bare a transverse section of mus- cular fibre. Place a drop of an}' or each of the below-mentioned fluids on a rather greasy glass plate (so as to have a good convex sur- face of lluid), and very gradually raise the plate until the fluid c- tines in contact with the muscular surface. Immediate!}', or very shortly after contact, spasmodic contractions of the muscle will begin. The following substances applied directly to muscular fibres produce contractions: — Mineral acids, even when extremely diluted; solutions of metallic salts ; strong solutions of neutral salts of the alkalies ; lactic acid ; glycerin, even diluted to a considerable extent. O!,K. VI. The vapor of ammonia, even in mere traces, acts as a powerful stimulus. Place a few drops of ammonia in a small, flat, wide-mouthed bottle; cover the top with a greased glass plate. Protect the muscle from all extraneous vapor of am- ! BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 397 monin, and bring the closed bottle immediately under it. The muscle exhibiting no contractions (there being no escape of ammonia), slip away the glass cover from the top of the bottle ; contractions will at once follow. In the above observations, a fresh surface of muscle must be cut after each trial, as the body used as stimulus destroys the layer of muscle with which it is immediately in contact. Apply the substance under trial as soon as possible after making the section, as the surface exposed soon dies. IV. Chemical Stimulation of Nerve.— 06s. VII. Pre- pare a nerve-muscle with as long a piece of nerve as possible. Fasten the muscle in the clamp, and support the nerve so that the end hangs freely down in a vertical position. Bring a drop of one of the below-mentioned fluids, on a glass plate, in con- tact with the end of the nerve, allow some millimetres at least of the nerves to be fully immersed in the fluid ; and either take a fresh nerve-muscle for each experiment or cut away each time all that portion of the nerve which had been previously exposed to the action of the fluid. The movements of the muscle may be recorded as usual, not load the muscle with anything more than the lever elf. The following substances applied to a nerve produce con- aotions in its muscles : — Mineral acids, in considerable concentration only; neutral suits of the alkalis and metallic salts, in considerable concen- tration only; lactic acid, only when concentrated; glycerin, only when concentrated. Ammonia hardly acts at all as a stimulus to nerve ; in making trial with this, care must be taken to protect the muscle from all ammonia vapor. V. Thermal Stimulation of Muscle.— Obs. VIII. Hav- ing arranged a sartorious muscle, as in Obs. V., bring to the lower cut surface a thin slip of heated metal. On contact taking place, a contraction will result. In this case the heat is applied to a part only of the muscle. 06s. IX. Attach a gastrocnemius to a lever (either with the origin of the muscle downwards and the tendon upwards, or in the ordinary position with the tendon playing round a pulley) in such a way that flic whole muscle may readily be immersed in fluid. Fig. 202 represents a convenient arrange- ment for this and other purposes. The muscle a is fastened to the clamp c, which is part of the bent holder d. This holder moves on the same upright as the lever e. The tendon of the muscle is attached by the thread b to the lever, so that its contractions pull the lever down. The lever is counter- balanced by weights carried over a pulley. The muscle can thus be readily immersed in or withdrawn from any fluid. Counterbalance the lever with 10 or 15 grammes. 398 INDEPENDENT MUSCULAR IRRITABILITY. Immerse the whole of the muscle in a small vessel filled with normal saline solution, and around the small vessel place a large one, through which send a stream of hot water. By means of a thermometer, ascertain the temperature of the saline solution close to the muscle. When the tempera- ture rises to 38°-40° C., the muscle is thrown into tetanus. In this case the temperature of the whole muscle has been raised at as nearly as possible the same time. Immediately that tetanus has set in, withdraw the muscle from the saline solution. The tetanus will speedily pass away, and the muscle will remain alive and irritable. Repeat the observation, but allow the muscle to continue at the temperature of 40° for about two minutes. On removing the solution, the muscle will still remain in a state of tetanic contraction, as indicated by the position of the lever, and from that contraction no relaxation will take place. No stimulus, however strong, will be able to call forth any further contraction. The reaction of the muscle will be found to be acid, and its extensibility diminished. In fact, the muscle will be found to have passed from a state of tetanus into a state riynr morti*. VI. Thermal Stimulation of Nerves.— 06s. X. range the nerve-muscle preparation with the nerve dcpende as in 06s. VII. Bring a hot surface to bear on the end of the nerve, or dip the end of the nerve into a hot normal saline solution, or place the end of the nerve in a small quantity of the normal saline solution, the temperature of which gradually raise. In all cases contractions in the muscle will follow. rilAPTKR XXXI. URARI POISONING AND INDEPENDENT MUSCULAR IRRITABILITY. uhn. I. Introduce beneath the skin of the back of a strong frog u drop or two of a solution of urari. (The exact strength of the solution and the dose required will depend on the source from wh'ch the urari has been obtained.) In a short time the frog will be found perfectly motionless, with its respiration :n rested, but its heart still beating. Lay bare the sciatic nerve in the thigh, slip under it a pair of electrodes connected with an induction coil, and stimulate the nerve with an interrupted current, taking care that there is BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 399 no escape of the current into the surrounding muscles. This may be effected by slipping under the electrodes a small piece of India-rubber sheeting. If the animal 1ms been thoroughly poisoned, no contractions •whatever in the muscles of the leg will follow upon the appli- cation of a stimulus, however strong, to the nerve. If con- tractions do make their appearance, the poisoning is not com- plete; and the student must wait or inject a further quantity of the poison. The nerve having been proved to be insensible to stimuli, lay bare any of the muscles of the leg and apply the electrodes directly to them. Contractions will be manifest upon the ap- plication of a very slight stimulus. The effect of urari is to destroy (or suspend) the irritability of nerves but not that of muscles. Obs. II. In a strong frog make an incision through the skin between the ilium and coccyx along the line k, m, fig- 266 Cut cautiously through the ileo-coccygeal muscle (fig. 267 d) until the peritoneal cavity is reached. The three nerves (fig. )5, 7' 8' 9'), which go to form the sciatic nerve, will come into when the sides of the wound are held apart. Very cau- >usly, by means of a small aneurism needle, pass a thread ider these nerves, putting it under from the outside and inging it out again on the median side. Be very careful not 1o wound the bloodvessels. Rolpt the same process on the other side, passing the same thread under the nerves of that side too, but putting it in at the median side and bringing it out at the outside. The thread will now be in the position of the line o p q in fig. 2G6, with the nerves of one side lying over it between o and p, and those of the other side over it between p and q. Tie the thread very tightly round the abdomen, so as to check entirely the flow of blood to the lower limbs. All this may be done under a slight dose of chloroform. The nerves thus form the only means of communication between the hind limbs and the trunk, the vascular communication being entirely stopped. Now inject a small quantity of urari into the back, and wait until the poison has had time to produce its effects in that part of the body to which alone it has access, viz., the part above the liga- ture. The following facts may then be determined : — Though there are no voluntary movements in the body, head, or fore limbs, some slight (voluntary?) movements may some- times be witnessed in the hind limbs. Pinching, or otherwise stimulating, either hind foot may produce movements in either one or both hind limbs, but in no other part of the body. Pinching, or otherwise stimulating, the skin of the head, 400 INDEPENDENT MUSCULAR IRRITABILITY. fore limbs or trunk above the ligature may produce movements in tin' hind limbs, but in no other part of the body. These facts are intelligible only on the hypothesis that the urari has destroyed (or suspended) the irritability of the motor nerves in that part of the body to which, by means of the blood current, it has had access, but has not destroyed the irritability of the sensory nerves or of the central nervous sys- tem. Pinching the skin of the fore limb gave rise to an affe- rent nervous impulse which, either by volition or by reflex action, gave rise in turn to efferent impulses which were unable to manifest themselves through the poisoned motor. nerves of the fore limbs and trunk, but found vent through the unpoisoncd motor nerves of the hind limbs. In order to bring these results out well, the dose of poison must not be more than sufficient to poison the motor nerves. Subsequent or stronger action of the poison affects the central nervous system as well. Obs. III. In a fresh, strong frog, lay bare the sciatic nerve on one side — say the right — in its lower course, place a ligature under it near where it divides into its two brandies, and tic1 tl ligature tightly round the leg above the knee. Thecircnlati of the lower right leg will thus be completely arrested; but asmufh as the nerve is not included in the ligature, there wij be complete nervous connection between the right lower leg an< the rest of the body. Poison with urari. As soon as tH animal has come under the influence of the poison, det^tmine the following facts : — Complete absence of spontaneous movements, except per- haps some feeble stirring of the right lower leg. Stimulation of the right lower foot may produce movements in the right lower leg, but will not produce movements in any other part of the body. Stimulation of any part of body may produce movements in the right lower leg, but in no other part of the body. If the two sciatic nerves be laid bare along their whole course, it will be found that stimulation, however strong, applied to the left sciatic nerve, produces no contractions whatever in the muscles to which its brandies go; while stimulation, even slight, of the right sciatic nerve, whether applied above or below the level of the ligature, and even close up to the spinal cord, produces contractions in the mus- cles of the right lower leg, but in none other. Now the whole of the trunk of the right sciatic nerve, being supplied with poisoned blood, has been as much subject to the influence of the urari as the left sciatic. Nevertheless, while the trunk of the left sciatic seems to have entirely lost its irritability, that of the right seems to have suffered very little indeed. The difference really is, that the left sciatic trunk BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 401 cannot manifest its irritability because all its branches are poisoned ; the right sciatic can, by means of those brunches which through the ligature have been removed from the in- fluence of the poison-bearing blood. With moderate doses of urarij the small branches appear to be poisoned and to have lost their irritability^ while the trunks are still intact. O/AS. IV. In a fresh, strong frog, dissect out a gastrocne- mius (or an}' other single muscle), dividing both insertion and origin and ligaturing its bloodvessels, thus leaving it connected with the rest of the body by its nerve only. Poison the frog with urari. It will be found that stimulation of the nerve fibres supply- ing the muscle at any part of their course, whether close to the muscle, or in the sciatic trunk as far away as possible from the muscle, will produce contractions in the muscle, though all the other motor nervvi in the body seem to have lost their irritability. In a similar way it may be proved that if only the portion of nerve immediately next to the muscle be kept from the in- fluence of the poison, however much the rest may have been subjected to the action of the poison, the muscle may be Sr,thro\vii into contractions by stimuli applied to any part of the ^Hurse of the nerve. The presumption is, that urari acts on The extreme ends only of the nerve, possibly on the end-plates. Yet, as we have seen, however much the muscles themselves be exposed to the action of the poison, they do not lose their irritability. These two facts (1), that urari poisons the ex- treme peripheral ends of the nerves, and (2), that the muscles themselves do not under urari lose their irritability, form to- gether a very strong argument for the view that muscles pos- sess an independent irritability of their own. Obs. V. Get ready a nerve-muscle preparation. Place one pair of electrodes (A) (as far apart as practicable) on the muscle itself, another (B) on the nerve near the muscle, and a third (non-polarizable) pair (C) on the nerve also, a little higher up than B. Connect A and B with induction coils, and determine the minimum stimulus required to be sent through each pair of electrodes in order to produce a contrac- tion in the muscle. It will be as well to record the contraction by means of the lever, etc. The irritability of the nerve (elec- trodes B) and of the muscle and nerve together (electrodes A) will thus be respectively determined. Now pass through C a strong ascending constant current ; and while the current is passing, determine as before the mini- mum .stimulus for A and B. By the ascending constant cur- rent the portion of nerve between the electrodes C and the muscle has been thrown into a state of anelectrotonus ; and it 26 402 THE FUNCTIONS OF THE ROOTS OF SPINAL NERVES. will be found that the irritability of the nerve in this region has been very considerably lowered ; or, if the polarizing cur- rent be strong enough, and the pair of polarizing electrodes far enough apart, has been suspended altogether. Contractions in the muscle are either entirely absent when a shock is sent through B, or only appear when the shock is very strong. At the same time it will be found that the minimum stimulus of A is not very different from what it was before. A rather stronger stimulus is required to produce a contraction, but the difference is strikingly less than that in the case of the elec- trodes B, and even this difference may be accounted for by considering that the electrodes A stimulate both the muscular fibres and the intra-muscular nerve fibres, and that the com- bined effect is therefore greater when the intra-muscular nerves are intact than when they are paralyzed by the ascending cur- rent. Thus the ascending current will, if strong enough, suspend the irritability of the nerve fibres supplying a muscle, and yet will leave the muscle but little altered in its susceptibility to direct stimulation. This again is an argument in favor of " independent muscular irritability." The same view is supported by the facts that the chemical irritants of nerve and muscle are not identical (see Chapte .XXX.. uftts. V.-V1I.) ; that the lower part of the sartori of young frogs in which no nerve fibres can be detected, is susceptible of chemical stimulation ; and that the idio-muscu- lar contraction ma}- be called forth in muscles the nerves of which have completely lost their irritability. (Chapter XXX., Obs. IV.) CHAPTER XXXII. THE FUNCTIONS OF THE ROOTS OF SPINAL NERVES. THE posterior root of a spinal nerve is said to be sensory, i. t\. to serve as the path along which alone centripetal influ- ences pass on their way from the peripheral nerve terminations to those central organs, in which they become transformed into sensations, or give rise to reflex actions, etc. The anterior root is said to be motor, i. e., to serve as the path along which :«lonc ct'ittrifiHjal impulses pass, on their way from the central organs to the nerve terminations in muscles, etc. The truth of this absolute distinction in function between the two roots may readily be shown in the frog. The results are most clear and distinct when the organs of BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 403 consciousness are intact, and the ordinary tokens of sensation are used to determine whether the impulses caused by stimu- lation of the peripheral terminations reach the conscious cen- tral nervous system or not. But the facts may also be readily shown in the absence of the brain, when reflex action is taken as a proof of a centripetal impulse having reached the spinal cord. In the former case, the frog should be placed under chloroform during the laying bare of the roots. In the latter the medulla should be previously divided in the neck (.s< ///<•// *i tuple reflex actions or more compli- cated voluntary movements set going by conscious sensations, are ci-t'tjfucesof centripetal sensor impulses, excited in the posterior /•>/ roots. ohft. IV. Examine now the sensibility of the hind limb on which you have been operating. It will be found that pinching the toes or the skin of the hind surfaces of the limb produces little or no reflex action. The anterior surface of the leg, how- ever, still retains considerable sensibility. aba. V. Divide the posterior roots of the 7th and 8th nerves, and also that of the small 10th nerve. The whole limb will now be found to be totally insensible. Movements of the leg, however, may readily bo called forth by pinching the skin of the back, or any other part of the body except the leg itself. I>ft'i.«inn nfthc posterior roots stops the passage of sensory, but not of motor impulse*. Obs. V I. Carefully cut away the posterior roots on which you have been experimenting. The anterior roots, which are thin- ner than the posterior, will now come into view. Repeat on one of these anterior roots (9th nerve) Obs. II. Mere touching the nerve will probably produce a movement of the hind limb of that side. This result will at all events follow upon ligature and section. Stimulation of the peripheral stump, with even a very feeble stimul'is, will produce tetanus in the limb. "/»>-. VII. Kcpcat on the anterior root next above 06s. III. '•(feet whatever will be produced by stimulating the cen- tral stump. BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 405 The anterior roots convey motor impulses centrifugally, but not sensory impulses centripetally. Obs. VIII. In a fresh, strong frog lay bare the roots of the spinal nerves and divide the posterior roots of the 7th, 8th, !»th, 10th nerves on the right side and the corresponding anterior roots on the left side. The left leg will remain motionless, being simply dragged along by the rest of the body, but never moving of itself. [If the brain has been previously destroyed or separated from the spinal cord, the right les? will be drawn up as usual (see Chap. XXXIII.), but not the feft leg.] Pinching the right foot, or otherwise irritating the right leg, will give rise to no movement whatever in any part of the body, will call forth no signs of sensation. Pinching the left foot, or otherwise irritating the left leg, or an}T part of the body except the right leg, will produce move- ments which may occur in any part of the bod\r except the left leg itself. In this case the right leg has had all its posterior, the left all its anterior, roots divided. No centripetal impulses pass up from the right leg to the central nervous system ; no centrifugal impulses pass down from the central nervous system to muscles of the left leg. The posterior roots are the channels of the centripetal (sen- sory), the anterior of centrifugal (motor) impulses. Recurrent Sensibility. — This is never witnessed in the frog. It can only be shown in the higher animals, the cat or dog being best adapted for the purpose. The method adopted is very similar to the above — the arches of one or two verte- brae being carefully sawn through or cut through with the bone forceps, and the exposed roots being very carefully freed from the connective tissue surrounding them. If the animal be strong, and have thoroughly recovered from the chloroform and from the operation, irritation of the peripheral stump of the anterior root causes not only contractions in the muscles supplied by the nerve, but also movements in other parts of the body indicative of pain or of sensations. On dividing the mixed trunk at some little distance from the junction of the roots, the contractions of the muscles supplied by the nerve cease, but the general signs of pain or of sensation still re- main. These disappear when the posterior root is also divided. Hence it is inferred that fibres conveying centripetal impulses pass downward along the anterior root to the mixed trunk, and thence, turning round, run back again to the central ner- vous organ along the posterior root. (For further details, see Bernard, Le§ons sur la Phys. du Systeme Nerveux, Vol. I., p. 62 et seq.) 406 REFLEX ACTIONS. CHAPTER XXXIII. REFLEX ACTIONS. REFLEX actions are best studied in the frog, the brain hav- ing first been removed, or at least separated from the spinal cord. The strongest and healthiest frogs should be chosen for the purpose. The student should make himself acquainted with the general form of the dried frog's skull. This having been done, the position of the occipito-atlantal articulation may readily be recognized on the living animal. nsion nftln; Medulla Oblongata. — Having wrapped a cloth round the hind legs and body of the animal, clasp the fore legs round the ring finger of the left hand, and hold them in posi- tion by the middle and little fingers, which should also hold tight the cloth. Press down the tip of the frog's nose with the thumb of the same hand, so as to bend the neck as much as possible. If the fore-finger of the right hand be now made to glide over the roof of the skull, exactly in the mid-line from before backwards, a slight but distinct depression will be felt in the neck at the point where the occiput ends, and where the medulla is covered, not by bone, but by the occipito-atlantal iiu-iiibrane. It lies in a line drawn across the skull at a tan- gent to the hinder borders of the two membrana tympani. (Fig. 2GG, line a-/>.) The position of this point being satisfactorily ascertained, with a sharp-pointed scalpel make a small transverse incision across it about a few millimetres long. The incision should not be ran ifd too far on either side. If the blood, which comes freely, be rapidly taken up with a sponge, and the neck be kept well bout, the medulla will be clearly seen. This should now be completely cut across, and the wound be rapidly sponged, in order that the division may be ascertained by aetual inspec- tion to be complete. The encephalon may then be completely destroyed by introducing a blunt piece of wire into the wound, and evi^eeratinu; the skull. If the wound be then left to itself the bleeding will, in most cases, soon cease ; if not. a small plug of woov or suW °f a grain of strj'chnia sulphate and determine again after a short interval the effects of mechanical stimulation. Thc}^ will be found to be increased, i. e., the reflex excitability has become heightened. Now inject a larger quantity of the poison, and in a very short time a very marked change becomes obvious. The movement resulting from the stimulus is no longer a simple movement, for instance, a simple withdrawal of the foot, but a tetanic extension of the leg, which becomes more and more violent and prolonged. Soon each application of the stimulus will give rise to a prolonged tetanic movement which is no longer confined to the linil:, or even to the side stimulated. The hind limbs are forcibly extended, the fore limbs bent over the sternum, and every muscle of the trunk is thrown into a state of prolonged tetanic contraction. BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 413 After a while these contractions pass off and the body and limbs become once more relaxed. With each application of the stimulus the same tetanus of the whole body is called forth, no matter to what part of the body the stimulus be applied, or what be the character of the stimulus. The purposeful nor- mal reflex actions are lost in a complete spasm of the whole body. It is possible to conceive that this result might be brought out by an abnormal intensit}- of the impulses generated in the afferent nerve by the stimulus, or by an abnormal irrita- bility of the total muscular system, or by an abnormal condi- tion of the spinal cord. That the last and not either of the former two is the real cause, is shown by the following obser- vation. Obs. XV. In a frog with divided medulla, ligature the hind limbs, leaving the nerves free as directed in Chap. XXXI. for urari, and afterwards inject a small dose of strychnia. In spite of the absence of the blood-current in the lower limbs, the reflex actions will be as manifest in them, and as easily brought about by stimulating them, as under ordinary circumstances. But by the ligature the strychnia has been prevented from having access to either the sensory nerves or the motor nerves and muscles of the hind limb. Hence the tetanic character of the reflex actions produced in them must be due entirely to tlxe changed conditions of the spinal cord itself. CHAPTER XXXIV. ON SOME FUNCTIONS OF CERTAIN PARTS OF THE ENCEPHALON. MOST of the experiments illustrating this part of the sub- ject, like those having to do with the conduction of impulses through the spinal cord, are of a kind which the student can- not be expected to perform for himself, and are consequently not introduced here. Several observations, however, of a very instructive character may be made on the frog. The brain of the frog may be considered, for present physio- logical purposes, as consisting of three segments. We have first the medulla oblongata (fig. 296 M. 0), and small cerebel- lum c. next the optic lobes, L. Op., easily recognized in an operation by the pigment contained in their pia mater, and lastly, the cerebral hemispheres H. C lying over the corpora 414 ON SOME FUNCTIONS OF THE ENCEPHALON. striata, with the small optic thalami Th. 0 between them and the optic lobes. The position of the optic lobes pretty well corresponds to the hind part of the fronto-parietal bones, which are distinctly seen when the skin over the skull is removed. A transverse incision made through the skull with a narrow strong blade, in a line which runs as a tangent to the anterior borders of the incmbraniB tympani, will separate the cerebral from the optic lobes. This may be done without removing even the skin. In most cases, however, it is better to remove the roof of the skull and to see the parts of the brain which are being operated on. The frog being placed under chloroform, make a longitudi- nal incision over the mid-line of the skull from behind the nose backwards, and convert it into a T incision by a trans- verse cut immediately behind the raembranse tympani (fig. 2C.O, e.fab.). Hook back the flaps. With a pair of fine bone forceps or strong scissors cut right across the fronto-parietal bones where the}' overlap the ethmoid. Each bone may then be easily seized by its front end and torn away without any injury to the cerebrum below. That being done, the blade of a pair of scissors may be carefully slipped under each parietal bone close to its external border and the bone cut through. The bones may then be carefully seized at their front border with a pair of forceps, lifted up and torn away. If the blood- vessels at the side have been avoided, there will be but little bleeding, and what does occur will soon cease. The cerebrum may now be simply divided from the optic lobes by a trans- verse incision and removed. A better method, in order to prevent any injury to the optic nerves and optic thalami, is to cut across the cerebral lobes at their junction with the olfac- tory lobes, fig. 296 L. ol., to lift up their cut ends and so to remove them carefully, working gradually backwards. To separate the optic lobes from the medulla, nothing more than a simple transverse incision is necessary, taking care not to injure the cerebellum ; but it is as well to remove all the parts in front of the incision. The flaps of skin may then be brought together and united by a couple of sutures, and the animal left to recover from the operation. All plugging, etc., should be avoided. oh*. I. The phenomena of a frog when the animal possesses /fa' medulla oblongata and cerebellum as well as the spinal cord, but all the rest of brain has been removed. The follow- ing facts may be observed after the animal has completely recoversd from the operation, and should be compared with the phenomena of a frog possessing a spinal cord only. The attitude is completely normal, quite different from that BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 415 of a frog possessing the spinal cord only. The head is well raised on the fore limbs. Respiration goes on in an almost normal manner. If left to itself, and protected from all external stimuli, the animal will remain perfectly motionless. For some little time after the operation has been performed, movements apparently voluntary, that is, occurring without any obvious cause, are frequently witnessed. These, however, generally cease after a little while, and if the animal lives long enough for the wound to heal, entirely disappear. The animal will not feed of itself. Flies, worms, etc., may be placed close to it, and even introduced between the teeth, without any notice being taken of them. If, however, the mouth be opened and a morsel be introduced into the pharynx, it is swallowed. In this way the animal may be kept alive for an indefinite period, being fed on pieces of worm or flesh ; frog's flesh does very well ; care must be taken not to introduce too large pieces, and not to feed too often. If the skin round the anus be pinched, the animal does more than simply kick out its hind legs : it leaps forward, often repeating the leap several times, and springing forward a con- siderable distance ; sometimes it crawls instead of leaping, and not unfrequently does both. If placed on its back, it imme- diately turns over again to its normal position. This it does instantly and with vigor. It has to be held down forcibly in order to keep it on its back for any length of time. If thrown into a basin of water, it at once begins to swim, and continues swimming about with considerable energy till it finds some resting-place. Having found a suitable support, it crawls upon it, and assumes the normal attitude, and there remains motionless until again disturbed. If the cerebellum be removed, all these movements and habits become much impaired, much feebler, and less striking; or may (with the exception of the respiratory movements) be wholly absent, but it is difficult to remove the entire cerebellum •without injury to the medulla. Hence the share taken by each organ in keeping up thete powers of executing complicated movements cannot be readily ascertained. The above facts all point to the existence in this part of the brain of some mechanism connected with the co-ordination of movements. The crawling, leaping, swimming, and turning over on to the belty till demand a more complex nervous machinery than is needed for the purely spinal reflex actions, intricate as many of these are. The persistence of what we have called the normal attitude is very remarkable. Strictly speaking, the natural frog varies its attitude constant!}', but its most common posture, the one into which it naturally falls when at rest, is the one we have 416 ON SOME FUNCTIONS OF THE ENCEPHALON. described. This attitude is the one to which the frog with cerebellum and medulla clings most rigidly, to which it always returns after being disturbed, and in which it eventually dies if left alone and not fed. olia. II. Influence of the presence of optic lobes. — Remove llu- parts in front of the optic lobes as directed; the best re- sults are obtained when the animal is allowed to remain per- fectly quiet for a day, or for several hours at least, after the operation. All the facts mentioned in 06s. I. may also be observed in this case ; in addition, there are certain phenomena which are only witnessed when the optic lobes are present. Goltz^ Balancing Experiment. — Place the frog on a rough board (about eight or nine inches square), somewhat near to one of the edges. Hold the board horizontal, and the frog will remain motionless in the normal attitude. Tilt the board gradually up, with that edge uppermost which is farthest away from the frog, and towards which he should be looking. Up to an angle of about 45° and beyond no change will be observed in the frog. As soon, however, as the board becomes so much inclined that the centre of gravity of the frog is thrown outside the lower edge, the frog will begin to creep up the board. As the inclination proceeds, the frog moves higher and higher up, until, when the board at last becomes vertical, the frog will be found seated in the normal attitude, on the upper edge. On continuing the movement of the board, so that what was the upper surface becomes the lower, the frog will move from the edge downward over the now upper surface ; and when that surface, by the continuance of the revolving motion, again becomes inclined upward, will again creep over it as before towards the new upper edge. Evidently here the disturbance of the centre of gravity pro- duces such an effect as to give rise to movements which are directed towards the re-establishment of equilibrium, and which are continued until that result is achieved. At first sight this may appear very much like an act of conscious intelligence, but if the student carefully observes the different behavior of an entire frog and of a frog in this condition, the contrast between the two will be found very striking. This frog does nothing but crawl, and stops crawling as soon as the stimulus of the disturbed equilibrium passes away. When the experiment is successful, he remains perched motionless on the edge of the vertical board, and never leaps away. The entire frog leaps ;u\ ay at once. f/W/2'.s Croaking Experiment. — Place the frog on the table, and with the thumb and forefinger gently stroke down the flanks on either side. A little very gentle pressure must be ex- ercised. As the thumb is thus carried backward along the BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 417 sides of the animal, he will utter a single distinct, sharp, short croak, and as often as the movement is repeated the croak will be heard. This again is very different from the behavior of the entire frog. The entire frog, when thus stroked, may or may not croak ; for a single stroke he may croak several times, or not at all. The frog without the cerebral hemispheres, but posses- sing the optic lobes, and otherwise in good condition, croaks at every stroke, and croaks once only for each stroke. One seems driven to regard this behavior as the result of a, so to speak, croaking mechanism ; and not as the act of a con- scious intelligence. 06s. III. The cerebral hemispheres having been carefully re- moved, in such a way as to leave intact the optic nerves, the student may attempt the following experiment of Goltz to test the persistence of any visual sensations. Place the frog on the table, with his head towards the window, and some six or eight inches in front of him place a large book, or other thoroughly opaque mass. Gently pinch him behind, in any spot which is exactly in the median line of his body. Under ordinary circumstances, he would spring for- ward in a straight line, and, in the absence of all vision, would strike his head against the book. It will be found in this case, however, if the experiment be successful, that instead of spring- ing forward in a straight line, he turns a little to the right or to the left, so as to avoid the book. If he turns to the left, shift the book to the left and then repeat the experiment. He will now move in a straight line or to the right. In the same way, if the book be to the right he will incline to the left. The student will do well to try this experiment, but it fre- quently fails. Care should be taken to have the light coming into the room as directly in front of the animal as possible, in order to exaggerate the shadow cast by the book. Apparently the image of the opaque book produces some sort of visual im- pression sufficient to guide the movements of the animal. But it would be hazardous to * ay that the animal sees, for it is diffi- cult, or rather impossible, to obtain any other evidence of the influence of vision in a frog in such a condition, i These observations are introduced to illustrate the fact that, in the absence of the cerebral hemispheres, whether the optic lobes be present or no, the frog possesses no volition. He exe- cutes none of those so-called spontaneous movements which we are in the habit of attributing to volition. This leads us to infer the absence of at least that amount of consciousness which we find inseparably connected with volition. At the same time, we learn that the presence of certain parts of the brain lying behind the cerebrum, determines the nature of the movements 27 418 ON SOME FUNCTIONS OF THE ENCEPHALON. which arc called forth by external stimuli, rendering them very complicated and delicate, especially giving them features which cause them closely to resemble ordinary voluntary movements, and suggesting the idea of intricate arrangements within certain parts of the brain, of afferent (including nerves from the sense organs) and efferent nerves and nervous centres, which may be set into action by volition on the one hand, or by some external stimulus on the other. 06s. IV. Inhibitory Influence of parts of the Brain over the Reflex Actions of the Spinal Cord. The reflex actions of the cord much more readily occur, and are much more vigorous and complete, in the absence than in the presence of the brain. The brain, therefore, must in some way or other prevent reflex actions. Irritation <>f tit*' tir lobes — Having prepared a frog, as in o/,s. II. etc., ascertain the intensity of the reflex activity by the sulphuric acid method. (Chapter XXXIII., Obs. VI.). Touch with a small crystal of sodium of chloride, or with the point of a brush dipped in saline solution, the cut surface of the optic lobes and determine, after a few seconds before con- vulsions, which may occur, have set in, the duration of the interval between the exposure of the foot to the acid and its withdrawal. It will be found to be greatly prolonged. In other words, irritation of the optic lobes has interfered with, or partially inhibited, the reflex action of the cord. If the optic lobes be removed, and the medulla irritated instead, the result will be much less marked. n/;s. V. Having prepared a frog with optic lobes, and deter- mined the reflex interval as above, inject into the back £ grain of quinine sulphate, and determine the interval again from time to time. It will be found to be much prolonged. Having prepared a frog with divided medulla (Chapter XXXIII.), and determined the duration of the reflex interval, inject the same quantity of quinine, and again determine the interval as before. No prolongation of the interval will be ob- served. These results may be explained by supposing that the quinine is unable to act directly on the reflex activity of the cord, but is able either to stimulate an inhibitory mechanism in the brain, or at least to affect the brain in such a manner as to interfere with the reflex actions of the cord. O//s. V 1. Jtriiini'fil of the Crrelirnl Jti'in /*j>/irrt>* in the Bird. — SeK-ct a vigorous pigeon, so young as to be just able to fly well. Keep it on dry food for a few days, in order to avoid an excess of bleeding. Having placed it under chloroform, using as little chloro- form as possible, make an incision in the median line over the roof of the skull, and hook back the two flaps of skin. The thin skull may now be easily cut through with a pair of scis- BY DR. MICHAEL FOSTER. 419 sors, and the roof removed. Without waiting to stop the bleeding, draw the cerebral hemispheres gently forward, and carry a traverse incision from side to side with a blunt- pointed bistoury through the brain in front of the corpora bigemina, and with a narrow spatula remove the hemispheres en manse from behind forwards. Place the animal on a perch, and leave it to itself. Do not attempt to plug or staunch the bleeding; a clot will soon form and serve as the best protec- tion against further bleeding. Postpone putting sutures into the flaps of skin until the bleeding has wholly ceased. If it be desired to keep the animal alive for any length of time, it will be as well to allow it to remain perfectl}' quiet for some time after the operation, avoiding all observations and experiments upon it. Only on the second or third day begin to feed it gradually with a few grains of softened barley or of rice. Otherwise, observations may be begun as soon as the bleed- ing has ceased. The bird so deprived of its cerebral hemispheres (together with its corpora striata and optic thalami), if placed on the finger or on a perch, will settle itself in a balanced position, and remain thus for an indefinite period motionless, or all but motionless, except as far as the breathing is concerned. It seems to be plunged in the most profound sleep, with the head drooping and the e3*elids closed. If irritated, it appears to awake; it opens its eyes, raises its head, and more or less opens its wings, and otherwise moves its body or limbs. If, while in a state of complete rest, perched on the fore- finger, the finger be gently revolved, so as to throw the centre of gravity outside the finger, the wingc will immediately spread out as if for the act of flight. If thrown into the air, it will actually fly for some little dis- tance, eventually settling down into its lethargic but balanced condition. If in its flight it meets any objects it blindly strikes against them. For a detailed description of the phenomena exhibited by such a bird, see Flourcns's Systeme Nerveux, p. 123. O/-s. VII. Removal of the Cerebral Hemispheres in the Mam- mal.— A young rabbit, about two months old, is the most suit- able animal to operate upon. It should be fed for some days previously on dry food. The method of operating is very much the same as in the bird. Fasten the animal on a Cer- mak's rabbit-holder (Fig. 204), which should be raised at an angle of 60° or so, in order that the head may be as high as possible, and, consequently, the bleeding diminished. The removal of the roof of the skull will be facilitated by first making a small hole in each parietal with a trephine about a 420 ON SOME FUNCTIONS OF THE ENCEPHALON. third of an inch in diameter, and then slipping the blade of the scissors from one hole to the other between the bone and the dura mater, and cutting the bone through. The rest of the roof may then be removed piecemeal. Carefully avoid wound- ing the venous sinuses, and carry the operation through as speedily as possible. The amount of ether or chloroform given should be no more than is absolutely necessary just to send the animal off. Previous ligature of the carotid does very little good, and only complicates the operation. The animal will not survive the operation very long, but for several hours after the operation the phenomena of complicated movements consequent on stimulation, with total absence of volition, may be witnessed as in the bird and in the frog. 06s. VIII. Division of (he Semi-circular Canals. — This is best performed on the bird, ex. gr., a young pigeon. The stu- dent should first make himself acquainted with the position and relation of the canals in a dead bird. Make a vertical incision along the back of the head, hook back the flaps of skin, scrape away the insertion of the muscles of the neck, remove the outer tablet of the diploe of the skull behind each ear, and pick away in minute pieces with a small pair of forceps the cancellous bone, embedded in which the hard bony canals will then easily be found. I hiving thus determined their exact position in the dead bird, the student will find no groat difficulty in reaching them by a similar proceeding in the living body. Having found them, cut one or, better still, two on each side right through with a pair of small but strong scissors. The bleeding, which is generally >sive, may be staunched by styptics. Immediately after the operation, and for an indefinite time afterwards, the bird exhibits the utmost disorder in its move- ments. Though able apparently to move each and every mus- cle of its body, it lias completely lost the so-called co-ordina- ting power. For a particular account of this condition, see Flourens's Systeme Nerveux, p. 454, and Goltz Pfliiger's Archiv. Vol. III. p. 172. PHYSIOLOGY. PART III -DIGESTION AND SECRETION, WITH INTRODUCTORY CHAPTERS ON THE ALBUMINOUS COMPOUNDS, AND ON THE CHEMISTRY OF THE TISSUES. BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTOK CHAPTER XXXY. ALBUMINOUS COMPOUNDS. SECTION 1.— PROPERTIES OP ALBUMIN. 1. ALBUMINOUS bodies occur in all the tissues of the higher i imals, and form the chief part of their bulk. They derive t» ;r name from white of egg, which may be taken as a type of tlu ^roup, and thev all resemble one another very closely, both in A operties anc* composition. They contain 52.7-54.5 per cent, of carbon, 6.9-7.3 per cent, hydrogen, 20.9-23!5 per cent, oxygen, 15.4-16.5 per cent, nitrogen, and 0.8-1.6 sulphur. In the body they occur partly in a solid form and partly in solu- tion. The herbivora derive them from vegetables in which they are contained, and fie carnivora from the animals on which they feed. They do not diffuse, and only a small part of the albuminous matter taken as food passes through the walls of the alimentary canal into the circulation unchanged. The greater portion is converted into diffusible bodies nearly allied to albumin, called peptones, which are readity absorbed. The organism not 01113' possesses the power of transforming albuminous bodies of one kind into those of another, so that, e. g., the casein of milk is converted into the muscles of the sucking infant, but of combining them with other substances, so as to form such compounds as the haemoglobin of blood, and of altering them in such a way as to obtain from them the so- 422 ALBUMINOUS COMPOUNDS. called albuminoids of which connective and elastic tissue, carti- lage, and epithelium are composed. After serving their purpose in the organism, they are ex- creted, not, however, in the form of albumin, but in that of urea. It is extremely improbable that the}' are converted di- rectly into urea, but rather into leucine and tyrosine, uric acid, kreatin and kreatinine, and other sut^tances^ from which urea is produced by further decomposition. Lately, some have seemed inclined to put forth the opinion that peptones, after their absorption, instead of being raised again to the rank of albuminous bodies, undergo still further decomposition, and yield hydro-carbons, which serve as fuel to the body, and nitro- genous substances, which are rapidly converted into urea and led, while the waste of the tissues proper is supplied by albumin absorbed as such from the alimentary canal (Pick). * * 2. Preparation of a Solution of Albumin to be used in testing. — Egg Albumin. — In order to get a solu- tion of albumin for examination, pour the whites of two or three hen's eggs into a beaker, and cut them up with a pair of scis- sors, so as to liberate the albumin from the network of fine mem- branes in which it is inclosed ; stir the viscous fluid vigorously with a glass rod, and then press it through a piece of linen. Mix it with an equal quantity of water, allow it to stand at rest for some time, and then filter it. It passes very slowly through the filter and chokes it very quickly. Several small filters should therefore be used in preference to one or two large ones, and they should be changed as soon as they get choked. The filtration should also be quickened by the use of the air-pump (see Appendix, § 211). This filtrate contains inorganic salts as well as albumin, but it will serve perfectly well to show most of the properties of albumin. For some purposes, however, serum albumin is to be preferred (xcf § 18). * 3. Preparation of Pure Albumin. — If pure albumin is wanted, it may be prepared by separating the inorganic salts from it by dialysis, and this operation is also useful in showing that albumin does not diffuse. Before subjecting the diluted and filtered albumin to dialysis, it is advisable to concentrate it by evaporation at 40° C., so as to quicken the diffusion of the salts. Then place the concen- trated liquid in a dialyser (App. § 212), and let it remain over distilled water. Change the water every six hours, till the water no longer gives a turbidity with silver nitrate. As sodium chloride is the chief salt contained in the egg albumin its ab- sence in the dilfusate may be regarded as a sign that the albu- min is free from all salts which diffuse. The vessels used must be perfectly clean, and the distilled water tested beforehand, as this test is very delicate. The albumin still retains a certain BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTO^ 4^3 proportion of inorganic salts, but there is no way known of removing them without completely altering its constitution. 4. Preservation of Albumin. — If kept in solution, albumin will quickly decompose, and it is inconvenient to prepare it from eggs every time that a solution is required. It may, however, be preserved for a long while by evaporating the solution to dryness at 40° C. (see App. § 208). The dry albumin forms a yellowish transparent glassy substance, which may be kept in a stoppered bottle, and dissolved as required. 5. Serum Albumin. — Preparation : Add very dilute acetic acid, drop by drop, to serum of blood or hydrocele fluid, stirring it constant!}' all the time, till a flocculent precipitate is produced. Filter. Add a dilute solution of sodium carbo- nate to the filtrate till it is nearly neutralized ; evaporate it to a small bulk at 40° C. ; separate the salts by diffusion, and evaporate the solution at 40° C. to dryness, in the same way as directed for egg albumin. It still contains small quantities of salts, but it is almost impossible to separate them from it. 6. Differences between Serum Albumin and Egg Albumin. — Serum albumin agrees with egg albumin in most of its characters, but it differs from it in the following re- spects : — 1. Its solutions are not coagulated by ether. N 2. It is more easily precipitated from its solution by hydro- chloric acid. \. 3. It dissolves more readily in concentrated nitric or hj-dro- chloric acid, and the precipitate thrown down by dilution from the solutions in these acids, as well as that thrown down by these acids from solutions in other menstrua, is readil}' and completely soluble in the concentrated acids, while the pre- cipitate of egg albumin is not. When injected under the skin of an animal it does not appear in the urine, while egg albumin does so either when injected under the skin or introduced in large quantities into the stomach or rectum (Stockvis). * 7. Solubility of Dry Albumin. — In testing the solu- bility of albumin or other substances to be afterwards men- tioned, they ouglftt first to be pulverized and then agitated or stirred .vitii the liquid. It' the powder rung \\\\.$ Tru"""*8, these ought to be broken up with a glass stirring rod ; this may be don,e much more easily if the rod is very thick or has a bulb- ous end. If simple agrtfrtion or heat suffices to dissolve a substance, it may be placcu in a test-tube, but if it requires stirring it should be put in a test-glass (as the rod is apt to break the tube), and afterwards transferred to a tube if heat is to be Applied. The fact of a substance being soluble in a liquid is ascer- ALBUM I : I put. in becoming . and finally dfcai>; \\' \K-.H it i.s only ,lc no diminution in the '1 Off, (;d or do which will indicate the It. in ;i alcohol and M solvch' I liq'ii'l to :duc or D albumin in a Wedgwood inort;ir. Put a ;I.H .solubility in tin; : — The albumin will ,u solution by boiling, when it will i ^•(•2. Li'j • filltiirnin wil; . an-1 may i from tin- -'.hiUon by neutr;i.li/ing. lOl. Icobol I, will .'.Ibumin. On arl- .' ion. a jii- The albumin rlis- iii;illy becomes blue, then violet, aiifl, : . witii one portion at t.lie tempei'a- ,iiK rui'l with anotir t a spirit-lamp. in both, but much more quickly in that. w!. A precipitate Tails when eith< i tion is neutral T. OODC'i I : The albumin aii'l more quickly if h'-. utrated Nitric Aci'l : The albumin 'i f'orm- !j Holution. When boiled it • more; ;IIowe-l t.o cool, and ammonia 8. Coagulation of Albumin. -^One of the mo pBRtiOD from Qi Holut ions wHiH iTIMbluble cr,axulum by I" -iiin^. In heating Jilbiin;; hold them too near the Ham.-, and al about. ''i UdpPnbeafflMp- li-iil l^abery solution i•<>, '////•///'/ Coayu -i s'Jution of litiini ition of albumin and boil. Ti. lly blue. BY DR. LADDER BRUNTON. 425 ir/u'rh in^lnrnrr I'nmjnlalinn. T<')Uj»T» tin- YV/»/>r/Y/////v of (!<>/' Hi'iilml Alknlhn' ,SV/x on Ihc 7Vwy>/-/v/////v Oj Ogulation.—The addition of neutral alkaline salts, such as sodium chloride or sulphate, to a solut ion of albumin causes it to coagulate at, a lower temperature than it would other\\: do. The salts prodii"e this ell'eet in neutral, in acid, and in alkaline solutions of alb;unin. llepeal, the previous e\ periment , dividing each solut inn into two parts and adding to one of them some saturated solution of sodium sulphate. In each case coa^iilat ion will take place at a. lower temperature in the solution to which the salt has been added than in t he corresponding one to which no addition has been made. A - the acgtic acid alone lowers the temperature of coagula- tion, and t he addit ion of nent ral salts does so still further, I he solution to which both have been added will coagulate lirst. P»y adding a large (piantity of the salt Mid of aoetio aoid OOOgn- 420 ALBUMINOUS COMPOUNDS. lation may be produced at a temperature between 20° C. and 30° C. (Hoppe-Seyler). f Coagidation z.s- not due to heat alone, but to the presence of }\'dfrr. — Take some perfectly dry albumin, put it in a test-tube, cover the mouth of the tube and plunge its lower end into boiling water. Keep it there sufficiently long to be certain that the albumin has been heated to 100° C. Take it out, let it cool, and then add water to the albumin. It will be found solu- ble. Plunge the tube a second time into the boiling water, and the solution will be coagulated. ** 9. Precipitation of Albuminous Bodies. — Though the action of the following reagents may be conveniently tried with a solution of egg albumin, their power of precipitating albumin is not limited to that obtained from eggs, but extends equally to all other albuminous bodies. Take a solution of albumin in water, put some of it into ten tcst-lul' • following reagents. They all precipitate albumin. 1. Concentrated nitric acid. V 2. Concentrated hydrochloric acid. * 3. Concentrated sulphuric acid. Acetic acid, or a little hydrochloric acid, and afterwards a solution of potassium ferrocyanide. 5. Acetic acid and a considerable quantity of a concentrated solution of sodium sulphate. [Other neutral salts of the alkalis or alkaline earths as well as gum arable or dextrin have a simi- lar action to sodium sulphate.] v. ('). P>:isie lead acetate. M 7. Mercuric chloride. < 8. Tannic acid. 9. Powdered potassium carbonate thrown into the solution till it is almost saturated. 10. Alcohol. * 10. Detection of Albumin. — The three tests ordina- rily used to deteel the presence of albumin in a fluid are 1st. Its precipitation when boiled and acidulated with nitric acid. iM. Its precipitation by acetic acid and ferrocyanide of potassium. • M. Its precipitation when boiled with acetic acid and a strong solution of neutral salt. The student should first try these tests with a solution known to contain albumin, so as to become familiar with them, and afterwards with a solution which may or may not contain it. 1. Put some of the fluid in a test-tube and heat it over a spirit-lamp or Uunsen's burner till it boils. Add a drop or two of nitric acid so as to give it a most distinctly acid reac- BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 427 tion. If a precipitate is formed by boiling and is unchanged by the nitric acid, or if one forms after the addition of the acid, the fluid contains albumin. The acid is added for two reasons, (a) To dissolve any substance wluck_iiug4»fc be present in the solution, and being precipitated by boiling might simulate albuminous coagula- tion. Such substances are calcium phosphate which is present in human urine, and calcium carbonate in the urine of herbi- vora. As this test is very frequently used for detecting albu- min in urine, these substances might very easily lead to error. Albumin which has been coagulated by heat is not soluble in nitric acid, and if the precipitate produced in the fluid by boiling disappears on the addition of acid, no albumin is present. (b) To neutralize alkali which might hinder the albumin from being~precipitated by boiling. Take some solution of albumin jin water, add a few drops of liquor potassse and boil. No precipitate occurs. Add one drop of dilute nitric acid — any precipitate which forms disap- *' pears on shaking the tube. Add sufficient to make the fluid very distinctly acid, and a permanent coagulum will be pro- duced. The quantity of acid added must therefore not be too small, or some albumin may remain in the solution. Some- times, instead of using nitric acid, the fluid is kept boiling, and acetic acid added very gradually till the fluid is neutral. Unless very great care is taken to neutralize the fluid exactly, this method may fail, for if an excess of acetic acid be added it will retain the albumin solution. If neutralized exactly, the albumin will be precipitated, and may be separated from the fluid by filtration. 2. Acidulate the fluid strongly with acetic acid, and then add several drops of a solution of potassium ferrocyanide. If albumin be present, a white flocculent precipitate will occur. 3. Add acetic acid to the fluid till it is very distinctly acid, 1 mix it with its own volume of a strong solution of sodium sul- phate, and heat to boiling. If albuminous bodies are present, a permanent precipitate w5.ll be formed. This last method enables us not only to discover albumin when present, but to separate it from the solution, so that tests for other substances, such as sugar, with which the pres- ence of albumin would have interfered, may then be applied to it. 11. Separation of Albuminous Bodies from other Substances in solution. — 1. The usual way of separating albuminous bodies from solutions is by boiling, so as to coagu- late the albumin. If the g^jpHmia tii'fl ^''^nily ooi'1i they are boiled without adding anything, but if not, a little dilute 428 ALBUMINOUS COMPOUNDS. acetic acid is to be added befor^boiling, excess being carefully avoided. 2. If complete coagulation is not produced by boiling with acetic acid alone, an equal volume of concentrated solution of sodium sulphate may be added, and the liquid again boiled. ** 12. Tests for traces of Albumin in solution.— 1. !, nnd (Jwtfier Test. — It is advisable, before try- ing this test, which is also used for the detection of sugar, to become acquainted with the reaction presented when a caustic alkali is added to a solution of cupric sulphate, and the mix- ture heated without any foreign substance being present in the solution. Put a little distilled water into a test-tube, with a drop or two of a dilute solution of cupric sulphate. Pour •me liquor potassie. and a light blue precipitate of hydrated cuprie oxide will be thrown down. Boil the liquid, and the blue precipitate will be converted into a black powder, which is anhydrous cupric oxide. If it is gently warmed, in- stead of 1 toiled, the powder will be dark brown. Tin- hydrated cupric oxide is not soluble in excess of ordi- nary liy>iu .!•, hut, is slightly soluble in very concen- trated solutions of potash, and imparts to them a light blue color. The. presence of eertain organic substances renders hydrated cupric Milphate soluble in weaker alkaline solutions. Put >oim' water and cupric sulphate solution in a test-tube; add a small crystal of tartaric acid, or a few drops of its solu- tion, and then liquor_j)otassa'. Kither no precipitate will form, or it will i . and. on shaking the tube, the liquid will become of a bright blue color. Boil it: no precipitate will fall, and no change in the color will take place. Ali/'li'-alian of Hi in Text /<> Allnmu' n. — Put some solution of albumin in a test-tube; add a drop or two of cupric sulphate and liquor potassa- ; an excess of liquor potassie does not inter- fere with the reaction. Kither no precipitate will fall, or it will be dissolved on shaking the tube, the liquid assuming a violet color. Boil it. No precipitate falls, but the violet color will become deeper. ** 2. Xntil1i»in'nii-in Ilt'arlinn. — Add to the fluid some con- centrated nitric acid, and boil. Let the liquid cool, and then add a little ammonia. If albumin is present, an orajjg£_mlor will be produced. This is one of the most delicate tests for albuminous substances. ** :•{. MiWm'x IlrnrtioH. — Add to the fluid a little of Mil- Ion's reagent and heat. If albumin be present in considerable quantities, a white precipitate will fall and become red on heat- ing ; if only a trace be present, the iluid will become red. The lor i-i produced even at ordinary temperatures, but it is. increased by heating. To prepare Millon's reagent take two beakers, one of which BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 429 may be considerably larger than the other ; place one on each pan of a pair of scales, and add shot or weights to the pan containing the lighter beaker till the other is counterbalanced. Pour into the smaller beaker a little mercury, and into the other the same weight of nitric acid (sp. gr. 1,042). Dissolve the mercury in the nitric acid at first without, and afterwards with gentle warmth. Pour the solution into a graduated glass measure, and add to it twice its volume of water. Let H stand for some hours, and then decant the fluid from the crystalline deposit. / SECTION II. — ALTERATION OF ALBUMIN BY ALKALIS. Egg albumin is converted into alkali-albuminate when it is dissolved in caustic potash or soda, or when they are added to its solutions. Alkali-albuminate is the substance first described by Mulder under the name of protein. He considered it to be the essential part of all albuminous bodies, and regarded them as compounds of it. Albuminous bodies are not converted immediately into alkali albuminate, but they undergo this change when allowed to stand with caustic alkalis, and it is greatly accelerated by the application of heat. Alkali albuminate is not coagulated by heat. It is soluble \ in weak alkalis. 'It is precipitated when the alkaline solutions I are neutralized by acids. It is soluble in very dilute acids, ' especially hydrochloric acid, and when the acid is added in ( excess to an alkaline solution, the precipitate which was , thrown down by its neutralization is again dissolved very/ readily by the acid. When the acid solution is neutralized/ by an alkali the albumin is again precipitated. If the alkali albuminate is precipitated by neutralization, and the precipitate immediately dissolved in acid, it is quickly converted into syntonian. If it is precipitated, and allowed to stand for some time, it will still be dissolved by dilute acids, but not so readily as immediately after precipitation, and it must be warmed with them to 60° C. in order to convert it into syntonian. If alkaline phosphates are present in the solution, alkali 3 albuminate is not precipitated by neutralization. When just sufficient acid has been added to a solution of alkali albumi- nate to convert the basic phosphate into acid phosphate, the slightest excess of acid, or even C02 will produce a precipitate. In studying the action of alkalis on albumin, it is as well to begin with their action on solution of albumin, and afterwards to examine the solid alkali albuminate. ** 13. Alkali Albuminate. — Dissolve some albumin in water in a beaker ; add to it a few drops of liquor potassse, and 430 ALBUMINOUS COMPOUNDS. put a little of the mixture into four test-tubes. The Alkali Albuminate is not formed immediately. — To the solution in the first tube add a drop of watery solution of litmus (see App. § 217). Then add very dilute acid till the blue color of the litmus begins to change to red. No precipitate, or only a. very slight one, will take" place. Boil the neutral liquid; a precipitate is produced showing that much unchanged albumin is still present. ~ If a precipitate falls, the presence of much unchanged albumin may still be demonstrated by filtering and boiling the filtrate, or adding tannin to it, when a precipitate will be produced. It /s '/ u />/•/// fnrnn-d irJn n heat /s u]>i>lie(L Ji i* noi r»(i<}i//ttf<'// Ixnliu'j. Gently warm the fluid in the second test-tube till it boils; no precipitate forms. Let it cool, add a drop of litmus to it, and neutralize. Just when the blue begins to change to red the fluid will become turbid from the precipitation of the alkali albuminate. Let the pre- cipitate >ettle, and filter the fluid. P>oil the filtrate; no pre- cipitate is formed, showing that the whole of the albumin has become insoluble in water, and has been precipitated by ncu- tralixalion. // i* anlubli- hi dilute r//-/Ws. Warm and neutral- ize the solution in the third tube as in last experiment, then add an excess of hydrochloric acid to the neutralized solution, and the liquid will again become clear. On neutralizing the solution a second time the preeipitat" iv-appcars. It is formed at nrdiniiry (finjH-rnlurrn, fmf more tlnirly. Let the solution in the fourth tube stand for some time, and then neutralize it. The precipitate will be greater than in that which was neutral- ized immediately after adding the potash. Filter and test the amount of albumin in the filtrate by adding tannin. It will vary, being greater or less, according to the shorter or longer time the solution has been allowed to stand. * 14. Preparation of Solid Alkali Albuminate.— a. From CLigs. Put the white of one or two eggs in a beaker, cut it up with scissors and shake it vigorously with air in a llask until the membranes separate and come to the top with the foam. Kilter it through a piece of linen. Add strong solu- tion of can>tic potash to it drop by drop, until the whole mass becomes transformed into a stiff jelly. Cut it into pieces about the size of a horse-bean and throw them into a large quantity of distilled water. Stir them round and round a few times and then pour oil' the water, keeping back the pieces by a piece of gauze stretched across the month of the beaker. "Wash the albuminate with fresh water several times in order to remove the free alkali until the pieces begin to turn white at the edges and exhibit only a faint though distinct alkaline reaction. As the albuminate is soluble in water containing alkali, a good deal of it is lost in the process. When deprived BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 431 of its alkali !>}' prolonged washing or by soaking in dilute acids it forms pKRudo^brin. Like fibrin this substance is elastic, and it swells but does not dissolve in dilute hydro- chloric acid. Unlike fibrin it contains no ash, and when put into bydrogeo peroxide does not readily decompose it ; so that few bubbles of gas appear. b. From milk. Alkali albuminate may be prepared from milk by shaking with caustic potash and ether, removing the ether, precipitating the albuminate by acetic acid and washing the coagulum with water, alcohol, and ether. 15. Properties. — Boil some pieces of albuminate in water; it still contains alkali, and is soluble in boiling water, forming a feebl}7 alkaline solution. Let it cool, divide it into several portions and apply the following tests : — 1. Pass CO., through the solution and a precipitate will fall. No precipitate is produced if the solution is strongly alkaline. 2. Add alcohol to the solution ; no precipitate is produced. 3. Add magnesium sulphate in substance till the solution is saturated. The albuminate will be precipitated. Calcium chloride will have the same effect. It is precipitated })y metallic salts like other albuminous solutions. It is precipitated by neutralization, and behaves to alkaline phosphates like the solution of alkali albuminate prepared by heating solutions of albumin with potash. * It is not precipitated by Neutralization in presence of Alkaline Phosphates. — A veiy small quantity of acid is suffi- cient to give a distinctly acid reaction to a pure solution of alkali albuminate, but if sodium or potassium phosphate is present a considerable amount of dilute acid may be added to the liquid after the point of neutralization has been reached without given it a very distinctly acid reaction ; for the acetic acid and neutral phosphate react on each other, forming sodium or potassium acetate^and acid phosphate. Whenever the solution becomes/cfistinctly acid, the albumin is precipi- tated, whether sodium phosphate be present or not. If suffi- cient acid has been added to convert all but a trace of the sodium phosphate present into acid phosphate, the further addition of CO, will cause u precipitate. Heating the solution will also cause a precipitate, for it converts the acid phosphate into neutral phosphate, and by thus liberating free acid acts just as the addition of more acid would do. Put some solution of alkali albuminate into two test-tubes ; add solution of sodium phosp ate to one of them, and color them both equally with solution of litmus. Neutralize them both with very dilute acetic acid. Very little acid will neutralize the pure solution of albuminate, and the slightest excess will at once turn the litmus red. A 432 ALBUMINOUS COMPOUNDS. greater quantity may be added to the other without turning it red. and till it turns red no precipitate will fall.1 16. Alkali Albuminate should contain no Sulphur. — The sulphur which is contained in albumin is said to be re- moved by the alkali used in converting it into alkali al humi- liate, and it therefore differs from casein and syntonin, in both of which sulphur is present. The presence of sulphur is thus tested : Put a piece of alkali albuminate into liquor potassae, add a drop of solution of lead acetate and boil. The solution should not become brown, as it would do from the formation of lead sulphide, if sulphur were present in the alkali albumi- nate. The sulphur is, however, by no means always removed during the preparation, and it is very probable that a brown color will be got. SECTION III.— ALTERATION OF ALBUMIN BY ACIDS. ACID ALBUMIN OR SYNTONIN. When a solution of albumin is treated with very dilute acids, or when solid albumin is dissolved in concentrated acids, it is converted into acid albumin, which is identical with syntonin, or, at any rate, appears to be so. Myosin, vitellin, and fibrin are quickly dissolved by dilute acids, and converted into S3*ntonin. It is soluble in very dilute acids, but is insoluble in wati-r, and it is, therefore, precipitated by neutralization. It is redissolved by excess of alkali, as it is soluble in alkalis and alkaline carbonates. Unlike alkali albuminate, its pre- cipitation is not prevented by the presence of alkaline phos- phates. It is not precipitated from decidedly acid solutions by boiling, but when the solutions are nearly neutralized, and only very faintly acid, boiling precipitates it. 1 It is usually stated that alkali albuminate is precipitated by neutral- ization. In the text I have made use of this expression, which is per- haps a convenient one, since the quantity of acid necessary to produce precipitation being extremely small and the preeipitate soluble in excess, the direction to neutrali/e rather than to acidulate, is more likely to lead to the desired result. 1 believe the student will readily convince himself that alkali albuminate is not precipitated from its solutions by exact neutralization, and is only thrown down when a slight excess of acid is present. I am inclined to think that the .-odium phosphate acts simply by preventing the inadvertent addition of a slight excess of acid, which is extremely liable to occur in solutions of alkali albuminate, and that syntonin is precipitated by neutralization in presence of sodium phosphate, while alkali albuminate is not, because the point of slight acidity at which the albumin is precipitated is reached before that of neutralization in the former case, so that, before neutralization is etlected, the albumin is thrown down ; while in the latter, the solution docs not become acid, and the albumin is therefore not precipitated, till after neutralization. On this subject compare Rollett, Wien. Sitz. Ber. XXXIX. p. 547, and Moleschott's Untersuch, VII. p. 230, also Soxhlet, Journ. f. pract. Chemie, N. F. 1872, VI. p. 1. BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 433 ** 17. Preparation of a Solution of Acid Albumin or Syntonin. — Put some solution qf albumin in water into a beaker and mix it with its own bulk of dilute hydrochloric acid (four cubic centimetres of strong commercial acid in one litre of water). Pour some of the mixture into several test- tubes. The dilute acid does not convert the albumin immedi- ttfrh/ into syntonin. Add to the fluid in the first test-tube a drop of litmus solution, and then neutralize it exactly with dilute liquor potass;-,-. Little or no precipitate will fall. If any should be produced, filter, and boil the filtrate or add tan- nin to it. A copious precipitate will appear, showing that there is much albumin in the solution. The prolonged action »f the acid converts it into synlonin, which is precipitated by neutralization. Let one tube stand for some hours, and then examine it, or prepare it some hours before, and examine it at the same time as the rest. Put a drop of litmus into it, divide the liquid into two parts and then neutralize one part exactly. The whole of the albumin will be precipitated Trom the liquid. To show this, filter and boil the filtrate; no precipi- tate will be produced. Acid albumin is not precipitated from acid solutions by boiling. Boil the other part of the liquid. The albumin in it has been already sh< Reconverted into syntonin. No coagulation will occur. „ jrmation of acid albumin is accelerated by heat. Warm a test-tube containing albumin solution mixed with acid gently to boiling. Add a drop of litmus solution, and neutralize. The albumin will be completely precipitated, and the solution, when filtered, will give no precipitate on boiling. t ^ijntoniu is precipitated from its solutions by neutraliza^T tion.rn'D though alkaline phosphates be pre&nt. Repeat the*** last experiment, adding a little sodium phosphate before neutralizing. The syntonin will be precipitated as before. * 18. Behavior of Syntonin with Acids. — Syntonin is soluble in concentrated mineral acids; it is insoluble in them when they are moderately dilute, and it is soluble in them when very dilute. Heat a watery solution of albumin gently to boiling, with its own bulk of very dilute Hydrochloric or nitric acid (four parts of commercial acid in 1000 of water). No coagulum will be produced. Add a small quantity of strong acid and a precipitate will form which will dissolve in a large quantity of the acid, especially when heated. Put a little serum albumin into three test-tubes, and add to one concentrated nitric acid, to another hydrochloric, and to- a third sulphuric acid. Dissolve the albumin in the acid by heating. Dilute the solutions with twice their volume of water, and a precipitate will fall. Let it settle, and pour off the siiperua- 28 434 ALBUMINOUS COMPOUNDS. taut liquid or filter it ; throw the precipitate, still moist with acid, into water, and it will dissolve1. Tins is not a solution in water, but in dilute acid, for a considerable quantity of acid still remains in the precipitate. Fgg albumin ditl'ers from serum albumin in its behavior with acids, and this, and its eoauu lability by ether, form the chief distinctions between them. Kepeat the last experiment with egg albumin. It will not dissolve so readily in nitric or hydrochloric acid, and when precipitated by dilution will dissolve slowly and imperfectly in more water, instead of doing so readily, like serum albumin. The precipitate from hydrochloric acid will be brittle and fibrous if the solution has been recently made, but if the solu- tion is boiled until it begins to become violet, or allowed to stand for some days, the precipitate will be lloeculent and soluble, like that of serum albumin. * 19. Preparation of Syntonin. — (a.) From serum or ..Ibnmin. Neulrali/.e the solution in dilute acid, obtained in la-t experiment, with dilute liquor potass;e ; a gelatinous tlocciilent precipitate of [Mire .syntonin will fall. (l>.) From lil rin. Dissolve it in concentrated hydrochloric acid: filter the solution if necessary, and then proceed as with serum albumin. (r.) From muscle. Mince some muscle, wash it with water, add to it a considerable quantity of dilute hydrochloric acid (four cubic centimetres of strong acid to one litre of water), and let it stand for several hours, stirring it frequent ly. Fil- ter it through a plaited filter. Dilute the filtrate with water, neutrali/e it with a solution of sodium carbonate, and wash the precipitate with water. 20. Characters. — When freshly precipitated, syntonin forms a st icky jelly, but it is not tenacious. No////;//////. — It is insoluble in water, and in dilute Nad solution. It is readily soluble in lime water, in dilute hydro- chloric acid, and weak alkaline solutions. It is not soluble in a solution of six parts of potassium nitrate in 1(M» of water. Its solutions behave like those made by heating albuminous solut ions with dilute acids. 21. Tests. — Dissolve some syntonin in lime-water and boil it. Coagulation will occur. Add magnesium sulphate or calcium chloride to a cold alka- line solution of syntonin. Fnlike alkali albuminate, it will not b<- precipitated, lloil tin- solution, and precipitation will occur. l>oil an alkaline solution of syntonin, and then add magne- sium sulphate or calcium chloride, ami a precipitate will fall e. This would seem to be due to the syntoniu being converted into alkali albuminate by boiling. BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 435 22. Syntonin contains Sulphur. — Dissolve some svn- tonin in liquor potassce, add a drop of a solution of lead acetate to it, and boil. It will become brown from the formation of lead sulphide. 23. Distinction between Alkali Albumin and Syn- tonin.— If a solution of alkali albuminate contains an alkaline phosphate, the alkali albumin is not precipitated when the solution is neutralized, but syntonin is precipitated from its solutions by neutralization whether 1111 alkaline phosphate be present or not. SYNOPSIS OP THE CHIEF A i.m MINOUS BODIES. (Hoppe-Scyler.) 24. I. Albumins. — Albuminous bodies which are soluble in water, and are not precipitated by very dilute acids, alka- line carbonates, NaCl, or platino-hydroeianic acid. Their solutions are coagulated by boiling. 1. S^rtuii All»nn hi. — Not coagulated by shaking with ether. Kendily soluble in concentrated hydrochloric acid; water added to this solution causes a precipitate which is readily dissolved by more water. 2. AY/v Alhituijit. — Precipitated by ether. Less readily solu- ble in concentrated hydrochloric acid : water added to this solution causes a precipitate which dissolves with difficulty in a large quantity of water. 25. II. Globulins. — Albuminous substances, insoluble in water, soluble in dilute NaCl solution. The solution is coagu- lated by heat. Very dilute hydrochloric acid dissolves them and converts them into syntonin. 1. V-itellin. — Not precipitated by the addition of NaCl in substance to the solution until it is .aturated. 2. J///rm»j. — Precipitated from its solution in dilute Nad solution by the addition of NaCl in substance. 3. Pihrimtt/i-iit'c tfuhufducfi and — 4. Fibrinoplastic ^uli,, • .2 ^ sN '^ ^ • g '•£ « • s sg o 2 .^ . •3 « ^^ ^ *S o 5'I.a • a 1 8 £ •£ • r~Z >>'i3 -5 « — . ' -2 s ^ lit ' s io ^-3 "a .ti 3 rt ' ? w OT •ft ^ ^oa - « Q, ' ^ -P o 2 — "" S.j^g •3 ,tS *j J g^ e « t.s^ s:§-t0o f 2^1^.5^ fi Iz; ^ PM I 3 to 3 o a 1 a 1 ^ a .9 D 1 1 1 Jo ! Sao O s— ' i t CJ 5 O ^ ** (2 •S is • * 0* ?23 ' 7>^- i| n^ * § u ^"^ wa * j£ , — - — •^- r— * ^ * . ^ . „& £o • %li • "5 y — 5 a « ' ^— • --, rH ylj C '-=• o o s o - • ^, "•?• i« F • IBS • ' z'M • — ^ 2 111- ^ c| ir- r >. ot precipitated by ot precipitated b; hydrochloric acid ot precipitated wl tions are saturate^ recipitated by C02 fe ^ * a >.^ tfl recipitated by neul acetic acid. Prec vented by the pre: line phosphates recipitated by n Precipitation not the presence of a phates . . . - s — ^ •:••? Ill It 1 £.':3 """ ^, S D o P-^> £ £ 2 PM H " PH PH fc 438 ALBUMINOUS COMPOUNDS. as fibrin, for a long time with water, especially under pressure, in a Papin's digester, in a sealed glass tube, or in a soda-water bottle. By boiling with dilute sulphuric acid or concentrated hydrochloric acid, they are produced in a shorter time. The production of peptones by the digestive ferments will be con- sidered afterwards. 35. Leucine. — Preparation. — It may be obtained by boil- ing fibrin with dilute acid for a long time, or by digesting it with pancreas, but it is more usually got from horn chips. Hoil two parts of horn shavings with live parts of sulphuric acid, previously diluted with thirteen parts of water, for twenty- four hours, loss of water by evaporation being prevented by the arrangement shown in 'fig. 329. Saturate the fluid while hot, with chalk, filter, evaporate the filtrate to half its bulk, add oxalic acid to precipitate the lime, filter and evaporate till a scum forms on the surface, and then set it aside to crystallize. A considerable amount of tyrosine will crystallize out first. Pour off the liquor, let it stand till crystals of leucine form. Purify them by boiling with water and lead hydrate, filter, re- move'the lead by sulphuretted hydrogen, filter, evaporate the filtrate in a water-bath to dryness: dissolve the residue in hot weak alcohol, and let it cool and evaporate till crystallization takes place. Leucine can be formed synthetically, and if wanted pure, this is the best way of obtaining it. For this purpose a mixture of valeral-ammonia, hydrocyanic and hydrochloric acids arc boiled together in a retort till the oily ammonium compound has disappeared. The liquid is then evaporated to dryness, the residue is boiled with water and lead hydrate, and the product purified as already directed. Character.*. — Leucine forms extremely slender, white, glisten- ing plates. Allow a drop of a solution in water or alcohol to evaporate on an object-glass and examine it under the micro- It will form round balls, which are either hyaline, and strongly resemble fat globules, or exhibit radiating lines. Or it may appear as very thin plates grouped in a radiating fashion. They differ from unites presenting a similar form in not being strongly refractive. Siifiihilifi/. — 1. Water: Pure leucine dissolves slowly, and is soluble in about twenty-seven parts of cold water. It dissolves more easily in hot water. AVhen impure it is more easily solu- ble. •J. Alcohol: Pure leucine dissolves in 1040 parts of cold, and in 800 of hot alcohol. If impure, it is much more soluble. .".. In Liquor potassw, 4, ammonia, and 5, dilute acids, it is readily soluble. »'.. Concentrated hydrochloric or sulphuric acids. It is dis- BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 430 solved without decomposition. Neutralize them, and it is precipitated. f Effect of Heat.— At 170° C. it sublimes unchanged: a higher temperature decomposes it. Put a little leucine into a dry test-tube and heat it gently. It will rise in white clouds and be deposited on the cool part of the tube. Heat the deposit strongly and a strong smell of amylamine will be perceived. Decomposition. — When decomposed by heat it yields C02 NH3, and amylamine. To show this put a portion of leucine into a hard glass bulb, and connect this by means of India-rubber tubing with a glass tube long enough to reach to the bottom of a test-tube. Pre- pare two other similar pieces of glass tubing and three test- tubes, the first of which should be about half filled with caus- tic baryta solution, the second with Nessler's reagent, and the third with water. Heat the bulb containing the leucine, apply- ing the heat first to the upper part of the bulb and gradually moving it downwards, so that as the leucine sublimes its vapor may be strongly heated and decomposed. Pass the fumes into the baryta solution, then disconnect the glass tubing, and after attaching a clean piece, pass them into Nessler's reagent and then into water. The baryta will be precipitated as white car- bonate, the Nessler's reagent will become brown, showing the presence of ammonia, and the water in the third test-tube will acquire the peculiar smell of amylamine and an alkaline reac- tion. Add to the barium solution a little nitric acid. It will become clear and evolve gas, showing that the precipitate was barium carbonate. A minute quantity only of Nil., is disen- gaged when leucine is heated alone, and the coloration of Ness- ler's reagent is therefore very slight. If a little lime and caus- tic soda or potash are heated with the leucine much more NH3 is given off. 36. Preparation of Nessler's Reagent. — Dissolve 4 grammes of potassium iodide in 250 cub. cent, of distilled water. Set aside a few cub. cent, and add a cold saturated solu- tion of mercuric chloride to the remainder, till the precipitate of mercuric iodide is no longer dissolved on stirring. Add that part of the potassium iodide solution which was set aside, to the rest, so as to dissolve the remaining precipitate, and then add mercuric chloride again very gradually, till a slight per- manent precipitate is produced. If a few cub. cent, of the potassium iodide solution were not set aside, great caution would be required in adding the mercuric chloride so as to avoid excess. Dissolve 150 grammes of potassium hydrate in 150 cub. cent, of distilled water, allow the solution to cool, and add it gradually to the potassium iodide solution. Pour the mixture into a measuring-glass or flask, and add distilled water i 440 ALBUMINOUS COMPOUNDS. to make up a litre. Pour it into a large well-stoppered bottle, taking care that there is no ammonia near it at the time. It will deposit a In-own precipitate, and become quite clear and of a pale greenish-yellow color. It is then ready for use ; a little of it should be poured into a smaller bottle when wanted. 37. Detection of Leucine in Tissues. — In order to de- tect the presence of leucine, cut up the organ (the pancreas of a, sheep or ox, for example) into small pieces with a large knife or Bansftge-makiDg machine. Mix it with water and let it stand for a littte while, stirring it frequently ; filter it through a piece of cloth, and press out the water first with the hand, and then with a screw-press. Extract it with water a second time in the same way. Mix the watery extracts together, acidify slightly with acetic acid, and boil, to coagulate the albumin. Filter: add a solution of lead acetate to the iiltrate. Filter : pass sul- phuretted hydrogen through the filtrate to remove the excess of lead. Filter: evaporate the filtrate to dryness. Extract the residue with boiling alcohol. Filter: evaporate the filtrate to a syrup, and set it aside for several days to crystallize. If leucine is present, it will crystallize in a day or two in balls or knots, or, possibly, in shining plates, but will not form good crystals. It is not pure, but is mixed with a number of other substances. In order to free it from these, the following- method is recommended by lloppe-Seyler. Dissolve it in ammonia, add lead acetate till no further precipitate is produced. Filter: wash the precipitate with a little water. Suspend it in water, and pass sulphuretted hydrogen through it. Filter, and evaporate the filtrate in the water bath. 38. Tests for Leucine. — The formation of round lumps or plates is not suttieient to prove that a substance is leucine, and other tests must be applied to them. Before doing so, they should be purified by drying them between two folds of blot- ting-paper, dissolving them in boiling alcohol, and letting them crystallize out again. The following tests may be applied: — 1. Tut a portion into a dry test-tube and heat it over a P.unsen's burner or spirit-lamp. If it consists of leucine, it will emit the smell of amylamine. -2. SHieivr's Test: Put a small portion of the supposed Icuciiie with a drop of nitric acid on a piece of platinum foil, and evaporate it gently. If it is pure ieucine, a colorless, almost invisible, residue will remain on the foil. Add a few drops of liquor potas>;e to it, and heat. It will become yellow or brownish, and then form an oily drop, which runs 'about upon the foil without adhering to it. 39. Tyrosine. — 7'/v/ifm///o/j.— Boil horn shavings with dilute sulphuric acid, crystallize out the tyrosine, as directed in the preparation of leucine, wash the crystals with cold •' BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 441 water, dissolve them in ammonia, and allow the solution to evaporate, until the tyrosine crystallizes. It forms fine colorless microscopic needles, with a silky lustre, and without taste or smell. Or digest fibrin with pancreas, see § Itl. Characters. — Let a drop of a solution of tyrosine in hot water evaporate on an object-glass, and examine it under the microscope. Long needle-like crystals will be seen which are often united in single tufts, or in radiating groups of tufts. Solubility. — I. Cold water dissolves it with difficulty. 2. Boiling water dissolves it easily. Almost all the tyrosine crystallizes out on cooling. It is insoluble in, 3. Absolute alcohol, 4. Ether. It is easy soluble in, 5. Ammonia, 6. Liq- uor potassne, 7. Concentrated solution of potassium or sodium carbonate, 8. Alcoholic solution of caustic potash, 9. Concen- trated hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, and, 10. Dilute mineral acid. 11. Acetic acid dissolves it with difficulty. 12. Nitric acid dissolves it. Let the solution stand a while. A yellow crystalline powder of nitro-tyrosine will separate. Pour oil' the liquid and add liquor potasste to the powder. It will dissolve and form a red solution. 40. Detection of Tyrosine. — Treat the organ exactly as described in the process for the detection of leucine. The dried residue, after it has been extracted with boiling alcohol to remove the leucine, consists of tyrosine. Dissolve it in boil- ing water or ammonia, and let it crystallize out. 41. Tests for Tyrosine. — It is distinguished b}^ its micro- scopic appearance, and by the following reactions. 1. Hoffmann's Test. — Put a little of the solution supposed to contain tyrosine in a test-tube ; add some water, and a lew drops of mercuric nitrate solution. Boil it for a little while. If tyrosine is present, the liquid will become rose-colored, and will afterwards deposit a red precipitate. 2. Piria's Test. — Pour a few drops of concentrated sulphu- ric acid on two or three pieces of tyrosine the size of a pin's head in a watch-glass. Gently warm it for a little. Let the solution cool. Mix it with a little water, and add chalk or barium carbonate till all effervescence has ceased. Filter. Evaporate, if necessary, to a small bulk at a gentle heat, and add a few drops of a neutral solution of ferric chloride. The fluid will become of a beautiful violet. 3. Scherer's Test. — Put a little of the supposed ty'rosine, with a drop or tw/ of nitric acid, on a piece of platinum foil, and evaporate ge/tly. If it is really tyrosine, it will quickly become of a bri5). It contains sulphur, which seems to be in a very loose state of combination. Hair, as is well known, becomes blackened by lead sulphide when a leaden comb is used. To show the presence of sulphur, put a few parings of nails into a test-tube; add a little liquor potassae, and boil. Add a little hydrochloric or sulphuric acid to the solution thus obtained. Hydrogen sulphide will be given oil', and maybe recognized by the smell. 43. Connective Tissue. — In the group of tissues so desig- nated, there are several which do not seem very like one another. Such arc mucous tissue, rcticular and ordinary connective tis- sue, adipose tissue, cartilage, bone, and dentine. Their close relation to one another is shown by their being linked together by Intermediate forms, by one tissue sometimes passing into another so that the boundary between them cannot be defined, and by one occasionally replacing another. They all contain substances which are either derived from albumin or are nearty connected with it, and have received the name of albuminoids. 44. Albuminoid^, — These are nitrogenous, and resemble albuminous bodies in composition, but differ from them in their behavior with acetic acid, potassium ferrocyanide, nitric and hydrochloric acids. They are mnein, gelatin, and chondrin. * 45. Mucin. — This is found in fcetal connective tissue, and although not present in the fasciculi is an important con- stituent of tendon tissue. It occurs also in all mucous secre- tions, and gives them a tenacious character. It is distinguished! by its solutions not being coagulated or rendered turbid by BY DR. LAUDER BHUNTON. 443 boiling; by giving with acetic acid a precipitate which shrinks together in pure acid, instead of swelling and dissolving as albuminous bodies do. The addition of potassium ferrocyanide to the acetic acid prevents it from precipitating mucin, so that no turbidity is produced unless albuminous substances are also present. It gives no precipitate with mercuric chloride; when heated with liquor potassie and cupric sulphate, the solution remains of a clear blue. Preparation, (a) From Salivary Glands. — Wash the sali- vary glands of an ox or sheep well. Cut them up into small pieces. Wash away any remaining blood with a little water. Mix the glandular substance well up with a considerable quan- tity of water, and filter through linen. Add acetic acid gradu- ally to the filtrate, till a precipitate partly fibrous and partly flocculent is obtained. Filter through linen. Wash the pre- cipitate with water, and then with alcohol and ether, to remove the fat. (b) From Tendons. — Free the sinews of the legs of an ox or sheep from muscle. Wash them well, and cut them up in small pieces. Extract them with water. Put them into a large quan- tity of lime or baryta water, and let them stand in a closed ves- sel for several days. Filter. Add acetic acid in excess to the filtrate to precipitate the mucin. Wash the white flocculent precipitate with dilute acetic acid and then with dilute alcohol. (c) From Ox Gall. (See § 134). Solubility. — 1 . Water : — It does not dissolve, but swells very much; \\.en the mixture is filtered, part of the mucin often passes tlirough, forming a turbid filtrate. The mixture with water is not tenacious, and no foam is produced on shaking it. 2. XaCl solution. Add a little solid NaCl to a mixture of mucin and water. It will become clearer. Put a glass rod into the liquid. It will now be found to be tenacious, and on with- drawing the rod a" long thread will follow it from the fluid. Shake it, and foam will form. Add a large quantity of water to the solution or mixture (for it is not certain which it is), and the mucin will be precipitated. 3. Very dilute hydrochloric acid of less than 1 per cent., or other mineral acid, does not dis- solve mucin. 4. Dilute hydrochloric acid of 5 per cent, parity dissolves it. Shake the solution and it foams. Add a little NaCl to it, and the mucin will dissolve much more readily. 5. Concentrated hydrochloric, or other mineral acid, dissolves it completely. 6. Liquor potassrc dissolves it; add a little to some mucin, but not enough to dissolve the whole of it. Filter. The filtrate is not tenacious, and is neutral. 7. Baryta and limewater dissolve mucin, and when used in small quantity give, like liquor potass;c, a neutral filtrate. Precipitation of Mucin. — f 1. Boil the neutral or slightly alkaline solution. It will not be altered. 444 CHEMISTRY OF THE TISSUES. f 2. Add acetic acid. A precipitate will fall. Let it settle. Pour off the liquid and pour on glacial acetic acid. Generally it will not dissolve. f 3. Add acetic acid with solution of potassium ferrocyanide. If the miicin is pure no turbidity will appear at first, but will do so after the solution has stood for some time. 4. Add mercuric chloride. No precipitate. 5. Add basic lead acetate. A copious precipitate will form. f Reaction with Cupric Oxide, — Add liquor potassre and a little cupric sulphate to a solution of mucin. The cupric hy- drate will be dissolved. ]>oil. The liquid will still remain of a clear blue color. This distinguishes mucin from albumin, pepsine, and gelatin, which give a violet or red color. ** 46. Ordinary Connective Tissue. — Tendons. — Gelatigenous Substance, or Collagen. — This substance forms the organic basis of bones and teeth, and the principal or fibrous part of connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, and tae. J'ri-fnirdfit.ni. (a) From HIHH-H. — Soak some bones in hydro- chloric acid diluted with 8 or 9 times its bulk of water, chang- ing the acid several times. This will remove the inorganic salts which arc deposited in the bone and impart hardness to it; so that when they are entirely removed, the bone will retain its original shape, but be quite soft and pliable. The time during which the bones must be soaked in order to remove the whole of the salts they contain, varies with their size ; but if the bones be cut into small pieces, or thin bones such as ribs are used, a day or two is sufficient. Wash them well with water to remove the acid and dry them over the water bath. (b) Frnm Tcmln).*.. — After removing the mucin from tendons by means of lime or baryta water (.see § 45), wash the swollen pieces first with water, and then with a little acetic acid much diluted, so that they contract and do not again swell. Then soak and wash them for a while in water, changing it several times. Characters.— When fresh, it is soft, but it shrinks and be- comes hard when it is dried or alcohol is added to it. ,SW //A //////.— 1. In cold water, it will not dissolve. 2. Boil the water. It will dissolve and be convened into gelatin. On cooling, it will form a jelly. 3. In cold dilute acetic or other acid, it will swell up. 4. In boiling dilute acids, it is dissolved and converted into gelatin still more readily than by water. 5. In hot liquor potassrc, it dissolves tolerably easily. 47. Gelatin.— /'reparation. — Boil collagen obtained from bones or sinews in the manner already described. Filter the solution hot. Divide the filtrate into three parts. Allow one of them to cool; it will form a jelly. Evaporate another to BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 445 dryness on the water bath. Use the third for testing various precipitants. Solubility. — 1. Cold water. Dried gelatin will swell, but will not dissolve. 2. Boil the water, it will dissolve. 3. Cold dilute acids, and 4. Cold dilute alkalis, will dissolve it readily. Precipitation. — It is precipitated by 1, tannic acid; 2, mercuric chloride. Unlike albumin, pure gelatin is not pre- cipitated by, 1, acetic acid and ferrocyanide of potassium ; 2, many metallic salts, .as lead acetate, cupric or ferric sulphate. It is not precipitated by acids or alkalis. Alteration by Boiling. — Boil a solution of gelatin for some time with an acid or alkali and let it cool. It will remain fluid and will not form a jelly. Test its reactions. They will be found the same as before. The same effect is produced by prolonged boiling with water alone. 48. Elastic Tissue. — Elastin. — The elastic fibres which occur in the connective tissue in various parts of the body, and are especially abundant in the middle coats of the aorta and large arteries, and in the ligamentum nuclise, and ligamenta subflava, are supposed to consist of elastin. Preparation. — Remove the adhering cellular tissue from the fresh ligamentum nuchse of an ox. Cut it into small pieces, and boil it with alcohol and ether to remove the fat. J3oil it for 24 hours with water, to dissolve the collagen, renewing the water as it evaporates, or preventing evaporation (see § 207). Boil the residue with concentrated acetic acid for a consider- able time ; remove the acetic acid by boiling with water, and then boil with moderately dilute liquor sodae or potassre till it begins to swell. Remove the alkali by boiling with dilute acetic acid, then with water. Pivt the residue into cold hydro- chloric acid ; let it remain for 24 hours, and then wash it with water till the washings have no longer an acid reaction and leave no residue on evaporation. Characters. — The elastin which remains after the treatment just described is yellowish and elastic while moist, but when 4ry becomes hard and brittle. Solubility. — 1. Put a piece of dry elastin in water. It will swell up but will not dissolve. 2. Boil the water. Unlike the collagen of connective tissue, it will not dissolve. It does not form gelatin, and the water will not gelatinize on cooling. 3. It does not dissolve in alcohol, ether, or acetic acid, though it swells in the latter. 4. Boil it with a strong solution of caustic potash ; it will dissolve. Precipitation. — Neutralize the solution in potash with hy- drochloric or other acid. No precipitate will fall. Add tannin to the neutral solution. A precipitate will be produced. No other acids cause a precipitate. Reactions. — 1. Xanthoprotein reaction. Put a piece of elas- 446 CHEMISTRY OF THE TISSUES. tin in concentrated nitric acid, and let it stay some time. It will swell up, then become yellow, and lastly form a mucilagi- nous solution. Add ammonia, and it will become a deep orange-red. 2. Millon's reaction. Test a piece of elastin with Millon's reagent. It will become slightly red. Decomposition. — On boiling elastin with concentrated sul- phuric acid, it is decomposed and yields leucine, but no tyrosine. ** 49. Cartilage.— Chondrogen.— The intercellular sub- stance of hyaline cartilage, and that which lies between the fibres of fibrocartilage, consists mainly of chondrogen, so named because it is dissolved by boiling in water and forms chondrin. Hafnttility. — Take a piece of costal cartilage of a sheep or ox mid test its solubility in the following reagents : 1. Cold water. It is insoluble. When allowed to dry before it is put in water, it swells up slightly. 2. In boiling water, it dissolves. On cooling, it forms a jelly. 3. In acetic acid it is insoluble. When dry, it swells very little in acetic acid. 50. Chondrin.— /'/•»•/„/ /-(///OH — Boil the costal cartilages or trachea of a sheep or ox in water till the perichondrium strips easily oil'. Hi-move the perichondrium. Cut up the cartilages into very small pieces, and boil them with water for several hours. If a Papin's digester is at hand, boil them in it under a pressure of 2-o atmospheres. Filter while hot. The fil- trate will be strongly opalescent. Put part of it into a beaker and allow it to cool. It will form a jelly. To the remainder of the filtrate add acetic acid, and the chondrin will be pre- cipitated. Solubility. — Test the solubility of chondrin, using either that precipitated by acetic acid, or the jell}' which formed on cooling, in the following reagents: 1. In cold water it is in- soluble. Heat it, and it is dissolved. It is soluble in 2. Solu- tions of alkaline salts, as sodium sulphate, and is easily solu- ble in :>. Dilute mineral acids, L Liquor potassjv, and .">. Liquor ammonia*. It is insoluble in ('». Alcohol, and 7. Ether. 7V« r//;//r///o/,. — Add to a warm solution of chondrin in water, f 1. Acetic acid. It will be precipitated, f 2. Add to this ;i little sodium chloride or sulphate. The precipitate will n-dixxolvu. ;*. Add sodium sulphate to a, watery solution of elioinlrin. and afterwards acetic acid. No precipitate will fall. 4. Pilule hydrochloric or other mineral acid. The chondrin is precipitated and is dissolved by excess of acid. 5. Alum pre- cipitates chondrin ; excels dissolves it. G. Lead acetate, 7. Sil- ver nitrj.te, s. Chlorine water, all precipitate chondrin. /;//V, / ,,/' llnilintj. — Boil a watery solution of chondrin for a long time. Let it cool, and it will be found to have lost its BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTOtf. 447 power of gelatinizing, but it will give the other reactions just as before. Decomposition of Chondrin. — By boiling with concentrated hydrochloric acid, chondrin is decomposed, and yields grape sugar, and certain nitrogenous substances. The presence of grape sugar may be tested by the reactions given in § 77 or § 155. 51. Distinctive Characters of Mucin, Chondrin, Gelatin, and Albumin. Mucin. — Precipitated by acetic acid, the precipitate is not dissolved by sodium sulphate. Chondrin. — Precipitated by acetic acid, the precipitate is dissolved \iy sodium sulphate. Gelatin. — Not precipitated by acetic acid, nor by acetic acid and potassium ferrocyanide. Albumin. — Dissolved by acetic acid, the solution is precipi- tated by potassium ferrocyanide, or by the-addition of alkaline salts and heat. Gelatin and Chondrin are most generally recognized by their hot solutions forming a jelly on cooling ; but as they are both deprived of this property by long boiling or boiling with acids, this test is not always to be depended on. **• 52. Bone. — When bone is subjected to the action of acids, the earthy salts are removed. The remainder, to which the name ossein has been given, consists chiefly of gelatigenous substance. The earthy salts are tribasic calcium, and magne- sium phosphates, calcium carbonate, and small quantities of calcium fluoride. To remove the earthy salts, and leave the ossein, place a bone for some time at a low temperature in very dilute hydrochloric acid. When treated with warm dilute hydrochloric acrid, bone gives out C02 and is apt to separate into lamella?. The ossein is soft, flexible, and elastic while moist, but becomes hard when dry. It retains the form of the bone. In its chemical characters it resembles the gelatigenous substance from con- nective tissue. To get the earthy salts, incinerate the bone, when the organic substance will be consumed, and the}- will remain behind, mixed with other salts formed during the combustion, for here as in other cases the salts in the ash differ considerably from those which exist in the tissue. ** 53. Adipose Tissue. — Fats. — Fats differ from each other in appearance and consistence. Their general properties may be conveniently studied in olive oil, for which cod liver oil or train oil may be substituted, if an animal fat is desired. Solubility. — Fats are insoluble in 1. Water, and 2. Cold al- cohol, f 3. Hot alcohol. Warm a test-tube containing oil and alcohol over a spirit-lamp or Buuseii's burner. As the 448 CHEMISTRY OF THE TISSUES. spirit becomes warm, part of the oil will be dissolved. Pour oil' some of the clear alcoholic solution into another tube and cool it. It will become milky from the deposition of oil. f 4. Cold ether. Shake a little oil with ether and it will dissolve readily. The test-tube containing the ether must not be brought near a flame, as its vapor is readily inflammable. 5. Chloroform ; 6. Oil of turpentine, and other volatile oils, also dissolve fat readily. * Emnl*inni*ing of Fats. — Shake a little oil with a solution of albumin in a test-tube. The oil will become finely divided, and form a milky-lookiug fluid or emulsion. Put a drop of this under the microscope, and it will be found to consist of minute globules of fat. The globules in the emulsion unite again and form large globules, but very slowly. Add a little acetic acid to the emulsion and shake it. The globules will unite much more quickly. Repeat the experiment with a solu- tion of gelatin. This also will emulsionize the fat. Reaction. — Wash a piece of lard in water and press a piece of litmus paper against it, or melt it in a test-tube, and put a drop of it or of olive oil on the paper. Its reaction will be neutral. Composition of Fate* — Fat consists of a triatomic radicle, propenyl or glyccryl, combined with three atoms of ;i inona- toinic fatty acid. The glyceryl may be displaced by inorganic bases, such as potassium, lead, etc., and glyceryl hydrate, or glyccryl alcohol (glycerin) is produced. The replacement of glycerin by other basis is termed saponification. Boil two and a half grammes of olive oil with one gramme of very finely powdered lead oxide, and about fifty cubic centi- metres of water in a beaker or evaporating dish for some hours, stirring the mixture well to prevent the lead oxide from tailing to the bottom, and replacing the water as it evaporates.. The lead will combine with the fatty acid in the oil, forming a slightly yellowish mass, and the glycerin will be set free. To obtain the glycerin, filter the fluid : pass sulphuretted hydrogen through the filtrate, add a little animal charcoal to decolorize it : let it stand for a while in a warm place; filter and evapo- rate the filtrate. i - 54. Glycerin. — Glycerin is a syrup^y fluid, with a sweet * taste ami a neutral reaction. Xohihilifi/. — 1. With water, and, 2. with alcohol, it mixes very readily, o. With ether it does not. Xi,ft't-iif i'mi-er — It dissolves many metallic oxides. Add a little liquor potnssje to a solution of copper sulphate or lead te, a precipitate will fall. Add a little glycerin, and the precipitate will redissolve. It aUo acts to some extent as a solvent for fatty acids. /'• composition. — Put a little glycerin, free from water, into BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 449 a test-tube, with glacial phosphoric acid or acid potassium sulphate, and heat. The glycerin will be decomposed, and yield uatcr and acrolein or acrol, a body which has an extremely unpleasant smell, and causes great irritation of the nose and eyes. Test for Glycerin. — As no other body j'ields acrolein when decomposed in the way just mentioned, its formation serves as a test for glycerin ; and as it is very pungent, small quantities of glycerin can easily be detected. 55. Muscle. — For the structure of muscle, see Chap. IY. Reaction. — Muscles which have been at rest have an amphi- cromatic reaction; i. e., they change red litmus to blue, and also blue litmus to red. They do not alter the color of blue litmus so much as that of red, and they are therefore alkaline. Alteration in the Reaction by Contraction. — The reaction changes to acid after contraction of the muscle or after death. See Chap. XX., Obs. VI. 56. Composition of Muscle. — The Sarcolemma is usually said to agree with elastic tissue in its characters, and to yield no gelatin, but it has been recently stated to be solu- ble, though slowly, in alkalies and acids, as well as in gastric juice, and would thus more nearly resemble connective tissue. 57. Sarcous Elements. — Little is known regarding the chemical composition of the sarcous elements, except that they swell slightly, and lose their power of double refraction when boiled or when heated with alkalies or very dilute acids. Alcohol does not alter them. f 58. Muscle Plasma. — When muscles are subjected to pressure at 0° C., a fluid termed muscle plasma is obtained. The plasma of muscles resembles the plasma of the blood, in possessing the power of coagulating spontaneously, and sepa- rating into a clot, and serum. To this clot, corresponding to the fibrin of the blood, the name myosin has been given. Co- agulation of the plasma causes the muscles to lose their elas- ticity and become stiff and hard, and thus gives rise to rigor mortis. After some time, decomposition sets in, and the mus- cles again become soft and flexible. Muscle plasma is some- what troublesome to obtain, as it coagulates too quickly in the muscles of warm-blooded animals to allow of its preparation from them, and the muscles of frogs, in which it coagulates more slowh', are not always to be had in sufficient quantity. r reparation. — Prepare a freezing mixture by mixing to- gether equal parts of salt and snow, or pounded ice. Intro- duce it into a large beaker, and plunge a platinum crucible or small tin box into it. Fill another beaker with half per cent, salt solution, and put it in a vessel containing snow or ice. Prepare several frogs in the following manner: Open the thorax, cut oil' the apex of the heart, push a canula up into the aortic 29 450 CHEMISTRY OF THE TISSUES. bulb, and inject a half per cent, salt solution through it, in the manner directed for artificial circulation in Chap. XVI. § 45, till the fluid which issues from the veins is quite colorless. Cut away the muscles close to their attachments, and wash them with half per cent, salt solution cooled to 0° C. When washed, squeeze them tightly together into a ball, and tie them up in a piece of thin linen ; put them into the crucible or tin box. As the muscles of each frog are prepared add them to those in the crucible, and let it remain in the freezing mixture until they are all frozen quite hard. Take a sharp knife and cool it in the freezing mixture; cut the frozen mass of muscle into very thin slices; throw them into a mortar cooled in the same way, and break them up small. Tie them up in a piece of strong linen, and put them into a strong screw-press. As the temperature of the muscle is gradually raised by the warmth of the room to 0° C., the frozen plasma melts and issues from the press. It must be collected in a vessel cooled in ice, and filtered through paper moistened with cold half per cent, salt solution, and collected in a cold beaker. The funnel may be kept cold during filtration by placing it in a double cop- per filtering stand of the form shown in fig. 336, but filled with snow or pounded ice, instead of hot water. As the filters get soon choked, the}' must be frequently renewed. The filtered plasma is a slightly yellowish and opalescent, syriqyy, but not tenacious, fluid. Reaction. — Its reaction is alkaline, like that of muscle. Coagulation of Muscle Plasma. — Transfer a little plasma from the beaker to cooled test-tubes and observe the following facts : — It will coagulate spontaneously when allowed to stand at the temperature of the room, and form a gelatinous clot, which will begin at the sides of the tube, and extend inwards. By stirring, a coagulum is obtained, which is flocculent, and not fibrous like the fibrine of blood. Heat greatly accelerates its coagulation, and at 40° C. it coagulates almost instantaneously. Cold water coagulates it at once, so that the plasma when dropped into it, forms white clastic balls. Cold NaCl solution, of fifteen per cent, also coagulates it, but a solution of five per cent., does not. Dilute hydrochloric acid of ten per cent, coagulates it at once, but dissolves the coagulum, and forms syntoiiin almost immediately. * 59. Examination of the Aqueous Extract of Muscle. — In order to obtain an aqueous extract of muscle, a dog must be killed by decapitation, and the blood removed from the vessels of the lower extremities by artificial circula; tion. For this purpose open the abdomen quickly, and insert a canula in the aorta. Inject ten per cent. NaCl solution into BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 451 it till the blood returns colorless by the vena cava. Cut off some of the muscles of the thigh quickly, and mince them up small. This is best done by a sausage-making machine. Mix the mass with distilled water, stir it up well, and let it stand for a quarter of an hour. Filter it through linen, aiding its filtration by pressure. '* 60. Albuminous Substances in Muscle. — Alkali Albuminate- — The watery extract thus obtained contains alkali albuminate. It is at first alkaline or neutral, but after- wards becomes acid, and the alkali albuminate is then thrown down as a flocculent precipitate. The source of the acid is not known. If the extract has been made from muscle which has already become acid, this precipitate will not fall. To a portion of the extract add dilute hydrochloric, acetic, or lactic acid very gradually. A flocculent precipitate will fall. Repeat the last experiment, using exactly the same quanti- ties of extract and acid, but add a little sodium phosphate to the extract before acidulating it. ]STo precipitate will fall. See § 15. Albumins — Besides alkali albuminate, the extract contains two other albuminous substances, one of which coagulates at 45° C., the other at 75° C. Filter the fluid from which the alkali albuminate has been precipitated either by the develop- ment or the addition of acid. Put some in a test-tube and warm it in a water bath to 45° C. A precipitate will form. The coagulation is not affected at all by previously rendering the liquid neutral or alkaline. Let the fluid stand till the precipitate subsides, and then remove it by filtration, and warm the filtrate to 10° C. A second coagulation will take place. ** 61. Myosin. — Free the remainder of the muscles from fascia, tendons, fat, nerves, and vessels, and cut them up small. Put the mass of finely-divided muscle into five or six times its weight of water and stir it well. Let it stand for several hours and then strain it through a linen cloth, and express the fluid with the aid cf a screw-press. Treat the muscles a second time with water ia the same way, and strain and press again. Unite all the fluids thus obtained and keep them for examination. Wash the muscle, which remains on the linen, with water, as before, till it becomes of a grayish color, and the water is no longer colored. Throw it into a mortar, and rub it up with ten per cent, salt solution in sufficient quantity to prevent it from being too thick and to allow it to flow tolerably easily. Let it stand for several hours; filter, first through linen, then through paper, and add to the filtrate several pieces of rock salt. As the salt dissolves, the myosin, which is insoluble in a concentrated NaC 4.V2 CHEMISTRY OF THE TISSUES. solution is precipitated in flocculi. If any salt remains undis- solvcd after the myosin seems fully precipitated, remove it, and then filter the solution. The m3rosin which contains a large amount of Na(1l remains on the filter. In order to free it from This, dry it as well as possible by pressing it between folds of filtering paper ; dissolve it in a little water, and throw the solu- tion into a large beaker full of water, when it will again be pre- cipitated. Let it stand for a day, pour off the clear fluid as well as possible, and then collect the precipitate on a filter. After the greater part of the water has passed through the filter, but while the precipitate is still moist, remove it into a beaker, as it cannot be separated from the filter after it becomes dry. frnltiliilHy. — Test the solubility of the moist myosin in the following reagents: f 1. Ten per cent. NaCl solution. The myosin will dissolve. Put some sodium chloride in substance into the solution. As it dissolves, and the solution becomes saturated, the myosin will be precipitated. It is soluble in 2. Solution of sodium sulphate or other neutral salt ; 3. Very dilute liquor potassa1 ; and 4. Very dilute hydrochloric acid. Action of Acids and Alkalies. — Dilute acid and alkalies dis- solve myosin, as has just been seen. At first it is simply dis- solved, but is very soon converted into acid albumin or alkali albuminate. Divide the solutions of myosin in dilute liquor potassa? and dilute hydrochloric acid just made, into two por- tions, add salt solution immediately to one portion of each, put in a drop of litmus, and neutralize both. No precipitate will fall, for the myosin being unchanged is soluble in the salt solu- tion. Let the other portions stand for ten minutes, and then tivat them in the same way. A precipitate will fall on neutral- izinir them, for the myosin, being now converted into alkali al- buminate and syntonin, is no longer soluble in NaCl solution. Coagulation of Myosin. — 1. Boil a NaCl solution of myosin ; it will coagulate. 2. Add alcohol to its NaCl solution, and a similar coagulum will form. l\li'cct of Drying. — Dried myosin is tough and difficult to powder, and almost insoluble in NaCl solution. * 62. Extractive Matters in Muscle.— The cold watery extract of muscle contains, beside the albuminous mat- ter*, creatine, creatinine, hypoxanthine (sarkin), xanthine, uric acid, inosic acid (apparently not always present), glucose, ino- site, salts of lactic acid, and volatile fatty acids and acid phos- phates of the alkalies. Unless a large quantity of muscle can •i, it will be better to use Liebig's extract for the prepara- tion of these substances. Put the watery extract of muscle in a tin kettle; heat it quickly to boiling, so as to coagulate the albumin. Filter it through a linen cloth. Let the filtrate be-. eome quite cool, and add acetate of lead to it as long as a pre- cipitate is formed. Excess of lead must be avoided as much as BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 453 possible. Collect the precipitate on a filter, and keep it for after examination. . ...... (a) 63. Creatine. — Precipitate any lead present in the filtrate by hydrogen sulphide: filter; evaporate the filtrate to a thin syrup on the water-bath. Put it in a cool place for several days, and the creatine will separate in short colorless crystals. Let it stand till no more crystals are deposited; pour oft' the mother liquor from the ciystals, and add to it two or three times its volume of alcohol of 88 per cent., so as to cause the sus- pended creatine to be deposited. Filter it, and wash the crys- tals with a little alcohol. Wash off the crystals which still re- main on the evaporating dish with the alcohol which drops from the filter, throw them also on the filter, and wash them with a little alcohol. Collect the filtrates, mix them and put them aside. ......... (6) Dissolve the crystals in a little boiling water, and allow the solution to cool, when the creatine will ciystallize out in color- less transparent and lustrous oblique rhombic prisms, which, when gently heated on a piece of platinum foil, lose water of crystallization, and become dull and whitish. Solubility. — Creatine is sparingly soluble in cold water ; easily soluble in boiling water ; almost insoluble in strong alco- hol; insoluble in ether. Reaction. — The solution in hot water has a neutral reaction, and bitter taste. Test. — Creatine has no very characteristic reactions, and it is best recognized by converting it into creatinine. If it is pure, no precipitate will fall on the addition of zinc chloride to its solutions, but if mixed with creatinine a precipitate will be produced. Decomposition. — When it is boiled for a considerable time with caustic baryta, creatinine decomposes into urea and sar- cosin. If the boiling is continued still longer, the urea decom- poses into carbonic acid and ammonia. This reaction is very interesting as indicating one source of urea in the body. When boiled with water for a long time or with acids, it loses water and is converted into creatinine. 64. Creatinine. — Boil creatine for half an hour with dilute hydrochloric acid ; neutralize with hydrated lead oxide ; filter ; evaporate the filtrate to dryness on the water-bath. Extract the residue with alcohol, and evaporate the extract. The crea- tinine will crystallize in colorless lustrous prisms, which, when heated on platinum foil, do not dry like creatine. Solubility. — It is soluble in water, especially when hot. Un- like creatine, it is soluble in hot alcohol. Reaction. — Test the watery solution with litmus or turmeric paper ; it will be found strongly alkaline. It has a taste like dilute ammonia. 454 CHEMISTRY OF THE TISSUES. Characters Crcatinine acts like a strong alkali, and forms double salts with metals. The most important is its compound with zinc chloride. Add to an alcoholic or not very dilute watery solution of creatine, a concentrated syrupy solution of zinc chloride free from hydrochloric acid ; a precipitate of wartv granules -will fall at once if the solution is concentrated ; but it dilute, groups of needles will slowly form. The granules ni under the microscope to consist of radiating groups of fine needles. They are very sparingly soluble in cold water ; more so in hot; insoluble in alcohol ; but very soluble in mine- ral acids. This test is sufficient to distinguish creatinine. It is fur- ther precipitated by silver nitrate, by mercuric chloride, and 1>\ mercuric nitrate with the gradual addition of sodium carbo- nate. 65. Sarkin (Hypoxanthine).— Evaporate the alcohol from the filtrate (6) upon the water-bath ; dilute it with water ; render it alkaline by ammonia, and then add an ammoniacal solution of silver nitrate. Sarkin will be precipitated. Let the flocculcnt precipitate subside ; wash it several times by decan- tation with water containing ammonia; throw it on a smooth porous iiltcr, and wash it thoroughly ; push a glass rod through the bottom of the filter, and wash the precipitate with nitric acid of 1.100 sp. gr. into a small flask. Heat it to boiling, and add more nitric acid till the whole is dissolved. The fluid should be kept nearly boiling. Sometimes a few flakes of silver chloride remain undissolved. Decant the liquid from them into a beaker, and let it stand for six hours. A double nitrate of silver and hypoxanthine will crystallize out. Decant the liquid (c) from the crystals and preserve it for the preparation of xanthine. Wash them with an ammoniacal solution of silver nitrate to remove the free acid. Suspend them in water, and pass hydrogen sulphide through it. Filter from the silver sulphide, and evaporate the filtrate. The hypoxan- thine will crystallize out. In its reactions it resembles xanthine, but differs from it in being precipitated by silver nitrate. 66. Xanthine.— To the mother liquor (c) of the hypoxan- thine add ammonia in excess. A floccnlent precipitate of nitrate of silver and xanthine wrill fall. Wash it by decantation ; sus- pend it in boiling water, and decompose it by hydrogen sul- phide. Filter and evaporate. The xanthine will separate as a scaly film. Ws/s. — Put a little xanthine in ammonia. It will dissolve. Add a little nitric acid to a portion of xanthine in a porcelain capsule; evaporate to dryness. A yellow residue will remain. Add a drop of caustic soda to it, and it will become red. Heat it, and the color will change to purple red. BY DR. LAUDEll BRUNTON. 455 Put liquor sodre in a watch-glass with a little chloride of lime ; stir it, and introduce a portion of xanthine. A ring will form round it, at first dark green, but soon becoming brown, find then disappearing. 67. Uric Acid. — Suspend the lead precipitate (a) in water ; decompose it completely b}' hydrogen-sulphide; filter; concen- trate the filtrate in a water-bath. Uric acid will separate gradu- ally. Filter, and set the filtrate aside (d). Wash the crystals on the filter with a little water and then with alcohol. If desired, they may be further purified by dissolving them in a little liquor sodae, precipitating by ammonium cliloridc ; filtering and decomposing by dilute hydrochloric acid. Murexide Test. — Put a small portion of uric acid on a watch- glass, with one or two drops of nitric acid, and evaporate to dryness at a moderate temperature. A yellow residue will re- main, which becomes red when quite dry. Put a drop of am- monia on the side of the glass, and let it run gently down to the uric acid, which will then become of a beautiful purple. If a drop of liquor potassrc or liquor sodoe is used instead of am- monia, a bluish-violet color will be produced. Inosite. — Evaporate the filtrate (d) till a permanent tur- bidity is produced by the addition of alcohol. Then add its own volume of alcohol to it and warm it, when the turbidity will disappear. Set it aside for several days. Inosite may then crystallize out. If it does not, add ether ; and if still no crystals form, evaporate almost to dryness ; add a little nitric acid, evaporate to dryness ; moisten it with calcium chloride, and evaporate to dryness again. If inosite is present, a rosy red spot will remain. If crystals have been formed, dissolve some in water, in which the}- are easily soluble, and apply the same test. 68. Brain. — The brain contains cholesterin, lecithin, and cerebrin, besides albuminous substances, which chiefly form the axis cylinders, and are insoluble in water. Cerebrin probably belongs to the white substance of nerves. The specific gravity of the brain may be ascertained in the manner directed in App. § 216, and the amount of water it contains by weighing it, drying it in a hot chamber, or over sulphuric acid, and estimating the loss. To separate the sub- stances contained in the brain, remove the membranes and ves- sels as much as possible from it, wash its surface with water, and rub it to a paste in a mortar. Mix it with great excess of alcohol, and let it stand for several days, stirring it frequently. Separate the alcohol by filtration, and set it aside for the pre- paration of lecithin (a) Rub up the brain again, and extract it with large quantities of ether, as long as the}' take up much lecithin or cholesterin. 456 CHEMISTRY OF THE TISSUES. This is known by evaporating a small quantity of the ether eacli time it is taken from the brain. Put the ether aside; ex- tract the brain with hot alcohol several times, and filter it hot. On cooling, cerebrin will crystallize out, mixed with lecithin. 69. Cerebrin. — Purification. — Filter off the alcohol from the crystals, wash them with cold ether, and boil them for an hour with baryta water. Pass CO, through the liquid to pre- cipitate the excess of baryta ; filter, and wash the precipitate first witli cold water and then with cold alcohol. Put the pre- cipitate in a beaker with alcohol and heat it, to extract the cerebrin from it, an,d filter it hot. On cooling, crystals of cerebrin will be deposited, which should be again dissolved in hot ak-ohol, allowed to crystallize out again, washed with ether, rind dried at a moderate temperature. (Vrebriu forms a white hygroscopic powder. Put a little on a piece of platinum foil and heat it. It will become brown, melt, MIM! then burn. I-'roin the mode of preparation, it is evident that it is inso- luble in cold but soluble in hot alcohol, and that it is not de- stroyed by boiling with baryta water. Put it in water. It will slowly swell up, somewhat like starch. 70. Lecithin. — Add to the alcoholic extract (a) a solution Of platinum chloride, acidified with hydrochloric acid. A vel- low (loceuleiit precipitate of lecithin platinum chloride will fall. Filter, and dissolve the precipitate in ether; pass hydro- gen sulphide through the solution to precipitate the platinum. Kilter and evaporate. Lecithin chloride will remain a waxy mass. Decomposition, — When treated with acids or with boiling baryta water it is decomposed, and yields glycerophosphoric acid, iieurin, and fatty acids. Dissolve some lecithin chloride in alcohol and pour it into boiling baryta water. It will be decomposed, and a smeary precipitate will fall. 71. Neurin.— -Filter; pass C0.2 through the filtrate to re- move the baryta: lilter; evaporate to dryness; extract with alcohol Add to the alcoholic extract platinum chloride, and a precipitate of neurin platinum ehlori Ie will fall. The pla- tinum may l.e removed by hydrogen sulphide and the neurin chloride obtained, but it is with difficulty crystallizable. BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 457 CHAPTER XXXVII. DIGESTION. SECTION I.— SALIVA AND ITS SECRETIONS. 72. Mode of obtaining Mixed Saliva.— To obtain a sufficient quantity of human saliva for examination, the secre- tion of the salivaiy glands must be stimulated artificially. For this purpose anj' of the mechanical or chemical stimuli to be mentioned in § 85 may be used. To avoid the risk of the saliva becoming altered by mixture with the substance used to quicken its secretion, the mechanical stimuli should be pre- ferred. There is no objection, however, to the employment of ether vapor. ** 73. Examination of Mixed Saliva — Appearance. — Saliva is transparent or opalescent. It sometimes deposits a white precipitate almost immediately after it has been col- lected. When poured from one vessel to another, it is seen to be more or less viscid, in consequence of which it is gen- erally filled with air-bubbles. If none are present, they are readily produced \)y blowing into the liquid through a narrow glass tube, when it is seen that they take a long time to subside. If the saliva is allowed to stand long, a thin pelli- cle of carbonate of lime forms on its surface. Microscopical K.i'nmination. — Saliva contains numerous air-bubbles, pave- ment epithelium cells from the mouth, and round cells (sali- vary corpuscles) resembling lymph corpuscles, within which are numerous granules in constant movement. ** 74. Determination of the Amount of Water and of Solids. — Take a small porcelain crucible with a lid, dry it in an air-bath at 100° C., put it under a bell-jar over a dish containing strong sulphuric acid till it is quite cool, then weigh it immediate!}' and note its weight carefully. After weighing it, replace it in the air-bath for another hour, cool it and weigh it again as before. If the weight is less the second time than the first, the process must be repeated till no further loss of weight occurs. Introduce some saliva into it and weigh again. The amount of saliva used is ascertained by de- ducting the weight of the crucible alone from the weight of the crucible and its contents, thus : — 458 DIGESTION. t of crucible and saliva 33.562 grra. Weight of crucible alone 23.296 grin. 10.266 = weight of saliva used. Evaporate the saliva to dryness either in the air-bath or over a water-bath, but finish the desiccation in the air-bath. Cool and weigh the crucible as before. The amount of solid residue is determined in the same way as that of the saliva itself, thus : — Weight of crucible and dried residue 23.342 grm. Weight of crucible alone 23.296 grm. Difference .046 grm. =weight of residue. The amount of water is found by subtracting the weight of the solid residue from that of the saliva used, thus : — Weight of saliva used 10.266 Weight of solid residue .046 11X220 weight of water. Hence percentage of water = '"" = 99.5 and Percentage of solid residue = £^-Xl00 = 0.44 10.2G(> * 75. Qualitative Investigation of Inorganic Con- stituents. — For this purpose the saliva must be filtered so as to separate the epithelium and mucus. It contains carbo- nates, chlorides, phosphates and sulphates of potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium, and in most cases also potassium sulphocyanide. The presence of these several salts may 1)0 demonstrated as follows : Carbonates. — If a drop of saliva is placed on an object-glass and covered in the usual way, and a drop of acetic acid added, bubbles of gas will be seen to form under the cover-glass. Chlorides. — The saliva is acidulated strongly with nitric acid, after which solution of silver nitrate is added ; the precipitate formed is insoluble in excess of acid, but dissolves readily in ammonia. Sulphates. —Tlu- turbidity produced by solution of barium, chloride, or nitrate docs not disappear when nitric acid is added, and the liquid is boiled. Pottn^nntm. — If a little saliva is gently evapo- rated ,,u a platinum wire and then heated in the flame of a Bansen'fl lamp, the flame seen through blue glass exhibits a violet i.olor. Sodium. — Without the glass it presents the well- known yellow color due to the presence of sodium. Calcium may In- precipitated as oxalate by the addition of ammonium' oxalate, Maym'tium as ammoniaco-magnesian phosphate. To obtain the latter, ammonium chloride, and ammonia must first BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 459 be added, then sodium phosphate. Potassium Sulphocyanide. — This is generally, though not invariably, present in mixed saliva. It is derived from the saliva secreted by the parotid gland, and is not contained in that of the submaxillary gland. To show its presence, add a drop of solution of perchloride of iron, so veiy dilute as to be almost colorless, to a little saliva in a porcelain crucible or capsule, and stir it. A reddish color is developed, which remains unchanged after the addition of hydrochloric acid, but is at once removed by a solution of cor- rosive sublimate. Perchloride of iron gives a similar color with acetic acid and with meconic acid, but the color produced in the former case is destroyed by hydrochloric acid and in the latter by mercuric chloride. When undiluted perchloride of iron is used, the color is deep red, and may be shown to persons at a little distance. If the test does not at first suc- ceed, the saliva should be evaporated to one-third of its bulk, and the test then applied. To determine the percentage of inorganic salts, the dry resi- due must be incinerated (see § 214), weighed, and calculated, as in § 74. * 76. Organic Constituents. — These are albumin, mucin, ptyalin. Albumin. — If saliva is strongly acidified with nitric acid, it becomes turbid, but no precipitate is formed. On then boiling it becomes clearer, and the color changes to yellow ; the addition of ammonia changes the 3rellow to orange-red. If to another portion a mixture of acetic acid and potassium ferrocyanide is added, a white precipitate is produced. Saliva contains two albuminous bodies — albumin proper dissolved in salts, and globulin. Globulin is precipitated from dilute solu- tions by CO 2, ordinary albumin is not. To separate them, a stream of carbonic acid gas must be passed through saliva, di- luted with a large quantity of water, for some time. A very fine flocculent precipitate is formed, which tends to disappear when the turbid liquid is agitated with air. After the precipi- tate has settled, the liquid may be decanted off with a syphon, and. if needful, filtered ; it can then be proved to contain albu- min by the addition of acetic acid and ferrocyanide of potas- sium. This process requires considerable care. Mucin. — To this bod}' is due the stickiness and tenacity of saliva. If acetic acid is gradually added to saliva while it is stirred with a glass rod, it becomes more and more tenacious, and finally the mucin separates in white stringy flakes ; these must be washed with water and acetic acid, and tested b}T the reactions given in § 45. ** 77. Action of Saliva on Starch Paste. — Saliva con- verts starch into sugar. To show this, prepare some thin mucilage by rubbing up a little starch with cold water into a smooth paste and pouring a large quantity of boiling water DIGESTION. over it (<>nc grain of starch to one hundred centimetres of water), or by boiling it in :i flask or large test-tube, and then allowing it to cool. Filter the saliva to be used, and distribute it in three test-tubes, introducing into the first, starch mucilage al«,m>_into the second, saliva— and into the third, saliva with about three times its hulk of starch paste. Mix them well ier by agitation. Then put all three for a few minutes water-batb at 40° C., or warm them gently over a spirit- lamp. Add to each of them liquor potassa> in excess, and a drop or two of solution of cupric sulphate. In the first and second, a light blue precipitate will be thrown down, and the liquid will 'remain colorless; but in the third, the precipitate ill l.e redissolved. and give a blue solution. If the liquids are boiled, the precipitate in the first tube, containing starch paste, alone will be blackened, but the liquid will remain colorless. In the second, containing saliva, the precipitate will be partly dissolved, and give to the fluid a color, due to albumin in the saliva, § 12. In the third, a yellow or orange precipitate will be formed. This reaction, which is known as T milliner's test, shows that there is no siiiiar either in the saliva or starch used, but that it is formed by the action of the one on the other. Rapidity of conversion sugar.— Bidder and Schmidt erroneously con- sidered that the conversion of starch into sugar was almost instantaneous. To illustrate this view, introduce saliva into a small Leaker. Place it in a water-bath at 40° C., and when it U warmed through, let a little dilute starch mucilage, colored with iodine, fall into it drop by drop. As each drop falls it becomes decolorized. The disappearance of the blue color is not dependent on the conversion of starch into sugar, but on the conversion of the iodine into hydriodic acid. Other or- ganic fluids, such as the urine of dogs, according to Schiff, ex- hibit the same react ion. which is probably due to their con- taining deoxidizing substances, for the same effect is produced by Milphurous acid or morphia, both of which absorb oxygen readily. This may be shown by putting starch mucilage colored with a little iodine into a test-tube and diluting it till it forms a clear blue transparent solution. If it is now placed in the warm bath at 40° C., it will remain unaltered, but will at once lose its color on the addition of either of the reducing nts above mentioned. * 78. Effect of Temperature on the Diastatic Action of Saliva. — Take four test-tubes, and carefully introduce a little saliva into each with a pipette. Put the first into a mix- ture of >no\v or ice and salt, the second into a test-tube rack on the table, the third into a water-bath at 40° 0.; boil the fourth briskly for two or three minutes, and then allow it to cool. Then add starch paste to each of them, and allow them BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 461 to remain where they arc for five or ten minutes. Take a part of the fluid from each, and test it for sugar, either by Trom- mer's or Moore's tests. (See § 155.) None will be found in the first or fourth, a little in the second, and more in the third. Thus we learn that saliva does not act, or acts very slowly, at the freezing point, that it acts at the temperature of the air, and still more quickly at the temperature of the bod}'. Now place the first and fourth test-tubes in the water-bath at 40 C., allow them to remain for several minutes, and test again for sugar. It will be found in the first but not in the fourth. This shows that the power of saliva to transform starch into sugar, is merely suspended by exposure to a very low temperature, but is totalty destroyed by boiling. * 79. Influence of Acids and Alkalies on the Dias- tatic Action of Saliva. — Dilute acids do not arrest the action of saliva upon starch ; stronger acids do so for a time, but when they are neutralized the action again goes on. Take three test-tubes, and put into each equal parts of saliva and starch paste. Add to the first its own bulk of water, to the second a similar proportion of distilled water, containing 0.65 per cent, of commercial hydrochloric acid, and to the third the same quantity of dilute acid of 10 per cent., and keep them for five minutes at 40° C. Add liquor potassse to the first and second, and test for sugar. It will be found in nearly equal quantity in both. Take part of the fluid in the third tube, and test it for sugar. None will be found. Neutralize the remainder with carbonate of potash, carefully avoiding excess, and replace the test-tube in the water-bath for a little while. On again testing it, sugar will be found to be present — As the greater part of the starch we eat is not transformed into sugar in the moiuh, but is swallowed un- changed, it is important for us to know whether the trans- formation goes on in the stomach or whether it is arrested by the acid gastric juice. The strength of the dilute acid just employed (0.2 of real hydrochloric acid) is nearly the same as that of the gastric juice, and the experiment shows that in the healthy stomach the conversion of starch into sugar may go on rapidly. In some pathological conditions the acidity of the gastric juice is abnormally increased, and the action of the saliva may be suspended so long as the food remains in the stomach, but when the acid is neutralized by the intestinal secretion, the action will go on again. Alkalies. — Caustic potash and soda, when added to the saliva in excess, put a stop to its action on starch, and its diastatic power is not restored by neutralization. Its action is suspended by sodium and potassium carbonates, ammonia and lime-water, but restored by neutralization. Put saliva in two test-tubes and add to one several drop's of liquor potassa3, DIGESTION. and to the other a few drops of a solution of potassium car- bonate, mix a little starch mucilage with both, and let them >,id in a water-bath at 40° C. for half an hour. Test a small portion of the liquid from both tubes, and having ascertained that neither contains sugar, put a drop of litmus solution in eaeh, and neutralize with dilute hydrochloric acid. After both have stood for another half hour, sugar will be found in the one to which the carbonate was added, but not in the other. * 80. Action of Saliva on Raw Starch.— As has been seen, the saliva rapidly converts starch mucilage into sugar, it it does not act so quickly on raw starch. The starch mules consist of a number of layers arranged in an eccentric manner round a point called the hilum. These layers consist alternately of two substances which have been termed respec- tive! v, starch-cellulose and starch-gran ulose. The latter is colored blue by iodine alone; th.- former is not colored unless the granules have been previously acted on by sulphuric acid or zinc chloride. When starch is digested with saliva, the Lrrannlo.se only is dissolved, and although the starch granules Mill retain their form, they are no longer colored blue by iodine. To show this, potato starch must be mixed with saliva, and subjected for two or three days to a temperature of 35° C. The saliva used must be decanted off, and a fresh quantity added every two or three hours. The starch is prepared for the purpose by placing a quantity of the pulp obtained by .aping tin- cut surface of a raw potato on a bit of calico strctchi-d over tlie mouth of a beaker, and then washing it with a gentle stream of water. The starch granules pass through into the beaker, leaving a fibrous residue on the calico. 81. Artificial Saliva.— As ptyalin is present, ready formed, in the salivary glands, a lluid which, like saliva, will convert starch into sugar, can be obtained by making an infu- siou of the glands. Take the salivary glands of an ox, sheep, rabbit, or guinea- pig. Remove the cellular tissue from them, chop them up fine, and let tin-in stand with a little water upon them for several hours. Strain through muslin and filter. The filtrate may lie iiM-d instead of saliva for the experiments already described. * 82. Preparation of Ptyalin from the Salivary Glands. — Ptyalin may In; separated from the infusion of the glands in the »ame manner as from saliva, but as it dissolves readily in glycerin, it is much more advantageous to ex- tract it by that agent. For this purpose prepare the salivary glands oi' an ox or sheep, as above directed. Place the welf- miiuvd gland in a llask. and cover it with absolute alcohol. Cork the mouth of the llask, and let it stand for twenty-four BY I)R. LADDER BRUNTON. 463 hours. Then, having poured off the liquid, squeeze the re- mainder in a cloth, so as to get rid of as much of the alcoholic extract as possible. The cake so obtained must now be mixed with as much glycerin as will cover it in a beaker, and allowed to remain for several days, during which the mixture may be occasional^ stirred. At the end of this period, the whole must be strained through muslin, and then filtered through paper. In the filtrate, ptyalin is precipitated by the addition of alcohol in excess. The precipitate, after having been col- lected by subsidence and decantation, must be dried over sul- phuric acid. 83. Separation of Ptyalin from Saliva. — The method employed for separating ptyalin as well as other ferments from the secretions in which they are contained, depends on the fact that when a copious precipitate is produced in the fluid, the fer- ment adheres to the particles of the precipitate, and is carried down along with them. It does not, however, adhere very closely to the precipitate, and can readily be washed off. The precipitate employed to carry down ptyalin is calcium phos- phate. This carries down with it not only the ptyalin, but also the albumin in the saliva. The albumin, however, adheres more closely than the ptyalin to the precipitate, so that the ptj'alin is dissolved away by the first wash -water, while the albumin remains adherent. Collect a considerable quantity of saliva by filling the mouth with ether; while fresh, acidify it strongly with phosphoric acid, so that the precipitate to be pro- duced may be voluminous; then add milk of lime till the fluid has a faintly alkaline reaction, and filter. When the fluid has drained from the precipitate, remove the latter into a fresh beaker, add to it a little water, not exceeding in amount the saliva originally employed, stir it veil and filter again. Add to the filtrate an excess of alcohol. After some time a fine white flocculent precipitate will separate, which must be col- lected in a filter and dried over sulphuric acid. It then forms a snow-white powder, and consists of ptyalin mixed with some inorganic salts. To obtain it free from ash, dissolve it in water, and precipitate it again by absolute alcohol. Pour off the alco- hol, dissolve again in water, and precipitate again. Repeat this several times, collect the precipitate on a filter, wash with dilute alcohol, and then with a little water, and finally dry it at a low temperature, under a bell-jar over sulphuric acid. * 84. Properties of Ptyalin. — The reactions of ptyalin may be examined either in the filtered aqueous solution of the calcium phosphate precipitate, or in solutions of pure pt3ralin. Ptyalin differs entirely from albumin in its reactions. 1. Add nitric acid; there is no precipitate. Boil the liquid, allow il~ to cool, and add ammonia. No yellow color is produced. 2. Add to several portions in test-tubes, mercuric chloride; 4lU DIGESTION. tannie acid ; acetic acid and solution of potassium ferrocyanide ; platinum chloride; solution of iodine. No precipitate appears in anv case, Imt the iodine produces a ^yellow color. \dd lead acetate, and to another quantity basic lead ace- tate. In both cases a precipitate is formed after a time, and on filtration it. is found that the filtrate is without action on starch, the ptyalin having been carried down with the precipitate. 4. Add liquor potass® and cupric sulphate. No reduction of the copper oxide occurs. ** 85 Secretion of Saliva.— The secretion of saliva goes on very slowly or ceases entirely when the glands are not under the influence of some stimulus. The stimulus may be either mechanical, chemical, electrical, or mental. The student may otimate tlu' effect of different stimuli by experiments on him- self, thus: Swallow all the saliva contained in the mouth, so as to empty it eompletely. At the end of two minutes spit out the saliva which has collected iu the mouth into a small beaker previously counterpoised (S€€ * -!•">) and weigh it. Again empty the mouth, apply the stimulus and colled the saliva for t \\ o minutes more, and weigh as before. I*y the comparison of the two, the action of the stimulus may be judged of. The -timulation are the following: — 1. M, <•!«,,,,< •„ I. —\\u\\ a pebble or glass stopper in the month, and attempt to chew it. •_'. < 'lifmi'-nf. — Touch the tongue (1 ) with a crystal of tartaric or citric acid, or ( '2 ) of sodium carbonate: (.'>), fill the mouth with ether vapor, allowing it to pass back into the pharynx, and retaining it for some time in the mouth. :;. I-'.lr, -tri>-.. diminish arterial tonus. Among the most important observations bearing on this ques- tion art* those lately published by J leidenhain. who has found that injection of atropia into the arteries or veins of an animal deprives the chorda of its power of over-secretion, without in- ing with its vaso-inhibitory function ; and the earlier ex- ents of (liann/./.i. made under Ludwig's directions, in which a similar effect was produced by the injection of solution of quinine, half per cent, hydrochloric acid, or five per cent, solution of .sodium carbonate into the gland itself. ** 92. Demonstration of the Functions of the Chorda Tympani and Sympathetic Fibres of the Submaxil- lary Gland in the Dog. — The animal having been secured, as directed in § SS. and placed under chloroform, with the BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 469 usual precautions, the hair is clipped from the jaws and neck, and the skin cleaned with a wet sponge. This having been ac- complished, proceed according to the following Directions. — 1. Make an incision along the inner border of the lower jaw, beginning about its anterior third, a little in front of the insertion of the digastric musclevand extend it backwards to the transverse process of the atlas, dividing the skin and platysma (see, figs. 308 and 310). — 2. Expose the jugular vein at or near the point where it divides into two branches (j' and j"), and lay bare those branches also. One of them (j') passes upwards behind the gland ; the other (j") passes forwards below it, and then subdivides into two branches. The gland itself has two veins. One of them (d' fig. 308) issues from its posterior aspect and enters the vein j'. The other (d) comes from its lower side and enters the vein j". Sometimes one vein (d) is larger, sometimes the other (d'). — 3. Tie both branches of the lower division of the jugular opposite J" (fig. 310). Tie the upper branch where it crosses the ramus of the jaw, and remove the part between the ligatures. — 4. Tie the other division (J') on the distal side of the place where it receives the vein (d' fig. 308) from the gland. — 5. Remove the cellular tissue from the surface of the digastric muscle, and from the groove between it and the masseter. Be careful not to injure the facial artery, and the duct of the gland which passes forwards and inwards between the muscles. — 6. Separate the digastric muscle by means of a director or aneurism needle from the facial artery. Tie the arterial twig which supplies the muscle. Separate the muscle from its attachment to the jaw, or divide it about its anterior third, cutting it through very carefully, so as not to injure the duct and nerves which lie below it. — 7. Lay hold of the lower end of the digastric with a pair of artery forceps, and draw it backwards. This brings into view a triangular space, whose apex is directed forwards, and whose base is formed by the reflected digastric. Its lower margin (the dog being supposed to be in the upright position, as in the figures) is formed by the genio-hyoid muscle, and its upper one by the ramus of the jaw and the lower edge of the masseter. The anterior half of its floor is formed by the mylo-hyoid muscle, on which some nerves ramify. The carotid artery enters the triangle at its lower angle, and runs along its base, giving off first the lingual artery, secondly the facial. Just as the carotid begins to pass in front of the digastric, it is crossed by the hypoglossal nerve P, and is accompanied by filaments of the sympathetic tt'. At the upper angle of the triangle, several structures pass from it to the hilus of the gland close to the margin of the digastric. These are — 1, the duct; 2, the nerves ; 3, the principal artery of the gland. The artery is given off 470 DIGESTION. by the facial at the upper angle of the triangle. It lies beneath tin- nerves, but is easily reached by drawing them aside.— 8. Carefully isolate the digastric by a director or aneurism needle from all the structures just mentioned. Divide it close to its insertion into the temporal bone.— 9. Divide the mylo-hyoid muscle, cutting its fibres across about their middle, and reflect the upper half, taking care not to injure the mylo-hyoid never which lies upon it, and tying all the veins which come into view on its surface with a double ligature. This brings into view the lingual nerve L, which issues from under the ramus of the jaw just opposite the groove between the masseter and digastric muscles, and after passing across the floor of the triangle towards the middle line, enters the mucous membrane of the mouth 10. Draw the parts alittle towards the middle line with the fingers, and follow the lingual nerve to the ramus of the jaw'. A small twig T will then be seen, which a oil' from its posterior aspect, bends down, making a sort of loop, and then runs backwards to the gland in close relation to the duct. This nerve is the cJmrda tijuipani. In the angle between the eorda and the lingual lies the submaxillary gan- glion.— 11. Isolate the chorda tym/tani, pass a thread under it. and tie the two ends together, so that the nerve maybe 1 from its place at will. — 12. Isolate the lingual nerve clost- to its entrance into the month, and pass a thread under it. — 1,'{. To reaeh tin- sympathetic, divide the hypoglossal nerve P just where it crosses the carotid, and raise up its central end. Close to the inside of the carotid lies the vagus, and when this is raised the sympathetic is seen underneath and inside of it. The sympathetic separates from the vagus at this point and goes to the superior cervical ganglion (see fig. :;u!>). From the ganglion, fibres accompany the carotid and enter the gland, some along with the chief artery (0), and others with the other artery 1". The ganglion can easily be found by following the carotid filaments backwards. — 14. Place a e:mula in the submaxillary duct. The ducts of the sub- maxillary and sublingual glands pass along the middle of the triangle close to each other. The submaxillary duct lies nearer the ramus of the jaw, and is larger than the sublingnal duct. Isolate it slightly with an aneurism needle. Pass undev it a thread for the purpose of tying in the eanula. Place under the duct a smooth splinter of wood or a piece of card half an inch long by one-eighth of an inch wide, on which it may rest. Close the duct as near the mouth as possible with a clip, or tie a thread round it so as to obstruct it. Raise the chorda by the thread which has been passed round it, irritate it by a weak interrupted current; the purpose of this is to distend the duct with secretion, and thus render the introduction of a eanula much easier. Let an assistant lay hold of one edge of BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTOX. 471 the duct with a- pair of fine forceps while the operator lays hold of the other just over the splinter of wood on which 'it rests; open the duct between them with sharp-pointed scif Insert the canula into the duct and tie it in. — 15. Put a liga- ture round the jugular vein half an inch or an inch below its bifurcation, so as to be able readily to introduce into it a canula when necessary. In the preceding directions, all the steps of the operative procedure required for the complete investigation of the func- tions of the submaxillary gland during life are detailed. The method may. however, be modified, according as it is intended to limit the observation to the influence of direct or reflex ex- citation of chorda tympani on the secretion of the gland, or to extend it to this investigation of the vascular changes and to the functions of the vascular nerves. 93. Direct and Reflex Excitation of the Chorda Tympani. — Proceed as above directed, omitting 13 and 15. 2, 3, and 4 may also be omitted, provided that all such veins as are necessarily involved in the succeeding steps are doubly ligatured and divided between the ligatures. Reflex Excitation. — Divide the lingual nerve close to its entrance into the mouth, and excite its central end with the secondary coil at a con- siderable distance from the primary. The secretion of saliva is increased. The animal must previously be allowed to recover from the chloroform, or no increase will be observed. The reflex action of the lingual is abolished during narcosis by opium, as well as by chloroform. ** Direct Excitation.— Divide the chorda close to the point at which it leaves the lingual, and place the peripheral cut end on theexcitor (fig. 225), removing the secondary coil to a considerable distance from the primary. On opening the ke}r, saliva is discharged from the canula (to which an end of India-rubber leading into a test-tube has been fitted). It begins to flow a few seconds after the excitation, but not immediately. By repeating the excitation at regular short intervals, the discharge can be maintained, and a con- siderable quantity collected. ** 94. Demonstration that the Pressure produced by Secretion in the Duct of the Submaxillary Gland •when it is Obstructed is greater than the Arterial Pressure. — A canula having been placed in the carotid of the opposite side of the body and connected with a mercurial ma- nometer, a second manometer is connected with the canula in the duct of the gland. The pressure indicated by the latter gradually increases until it attains a height greater than that indicated by the former. In this experiment it is desirable that the tube of the manometer connected with the duct should be narrow. Its proximal arm should be connected by a side opening with a pressure bottle at a height of about four feet 472 DIGESTION. from the table, the arrangement being the same as in the man- ometer of the kymograph. In this way a mercurial pressure t of about 50 mill, of mercury is produced in the duct before excitation is commenced. On exciting the chorda tympani^ it rises, as above stated, to double that height or more. For this experiment the same preparations are required as for the pre- ceding, and the same animal may be used. The measurement of the arterial pressure in this experiment may be advanta- geously omitted. The pressure in the particular case may be assumed to be equal to the average. ** 95. Excitation of the Vascular Nerves.— If the filaments which accompany the carotid or principal artery of the gland are excited, a few drops of secretion may be dis- charged, but the quantity is so small that unless care is taken that the canula and duct are quite full before the key is opened, the effect will be scarcely perceptible. The secretion thus ob- tained is so thick and viscid, that the canula is apt to become choked by it. ** 96. Demonstration of the Influence of Excitation of the Chorda, and of the Vascular Filaments on the Circulation of the Submaxillary Gland. — For this pur- pose it is necessary to insert a canula into the jugular vein, which has been exposed for this purpose (see direction 15). In doing so. great care must be taken that the vein is not twisted, and that the canula is properly inserted so as to allow the blood to flow freely out of it from the gland ; it will be remembered that all the tributaries of the vein, excepting those from the gland, have been previously tied. On exciting the chorda, the blood flows from the canula more rapidly, and acquires a brighter color. The opposite effect is produced by exciting the vascular filaments. 97. Simultaneous or Alternate Excitation of the Chorda Tympani and Vascular Filaments of the Sub- maxillary Gland. — The same degree of excitation of the chorda which is sufficient to induce a marked increase of the secretion of the gland, is without effect if the sympathetic fila- ments are excited at the same time. Hence it is concluded that the functions of the two sets of fibres are antagonistic to each other, not only in relation to the circulation of the gland, but as regards their direct influence on secretion. The experi- mental proof of this consists in first exciting the chorda with tin- MM-ondary coil at such a distance that the effect produced is only just appreciable, and then repeating the excitation while the va.-.cular filaments are excited at the same time. In the latter case, the effect of the excitation of the chorda is annulled. I' with a Pohl's commutator the same induced currents are' directed alternately through the chorda and the sympathetic filaments at short intervals, the preventive influence of excita- BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 473 tion of the latter manifests itself in the same way as if the ex- citation were simultaneous. Here, as before, the effect must be verified by comparative experiments. 98. Simultaneous Section of the Chorda Tympani and Vascular Nerves. — Paralytic Secretion. — After divi- sion of both nerves, the secretion of the submaxillary gland, which in the normal state only goes on when the gland is directly or reflexly excited, becomes constant and abundant. This effect does not occur until some time after section, and may last for days or weeks. A similar condition of the gland is produced by the introduction of curare into the blood, which is supplied to the gland by its arteries. To show this, proceed as follows : Find the facial artery and prepare it. Then insert and secure a canula, to which an end of India-rubber tubing has been previously fitted in the usual way. Fill the canula with saline solution, and connect it with the nozzle of a Pravaz's syringe previously charged with one per cent, solution of curare, taking care that the India-rubber tube is firmly tied round the nozzle. Open the clip, inject five divisions (about two milligr. of curare), and then close the clip. The same mode of injection may be used for the introduction of solution of atropin, if it is desired to repeat the experiments of Heidenhain previously referred to. 99. Function of the Submaxillary Ganglion. — Bernard found that excitation of the central end of the lingual, when divided near the mouth, produces effects similar to those of excitation of the chorda, i. e., causes the submaxillary gland to secrete even when the trunk of the lingual and chorda has been severed at a point nearer the brain than that at which it is in relation with the ganglion. From this, Bernard concluded that the submaxillary ganglion acts as a reflex centre, independently of the central nervous system. More recent observations render it probable that Bernard's result derives its explanation from the anatomical fact that a filament of the chorda exists, at all events in some animals, which accompanies the lingual nerve for about an inch and a half beyond the point at which the chorda separates from it. The effect in question is to be attributed to excitation of this filament, which runs back parallel with the lingual nerve to the submaxillary plexus, and so to the gland. (On this subject, see Schiff, Physiol. de la Digestion, t. I., p. 288, and Haartman's Thesis, 1846. Helsingfors, p. 3T, and PL I. 142.) 100. Parotid Glands. — In most animals the parotid, like the submaxillary gland, does not secrete unless the nerves which regulate its secretion are stimulated, but in the sheep it is said by Eckhard to secrete constantly. Secretion occurs when sapid substances are applied to the posterior part of the tongue, and still more when they are chewed ; but the mere 474 DIGESTION. motion of the jaws in chewing a tasteless substance does not induce secretion. The gland receives two secreting nerves, one of which is derived from the facial, and the other from the sympathetic. The branch from the facial is the lesser superfi- cial petrosal nerve, which leaves the facial in the petrous por- tion of the temporal bone, passes to the otic ganglion, and thence to join the auriculo-tcmporal branch of the fifth, in which it proceeds to the gland. These facts have been experi- mentally ascertained by observing, first, that irritation of the roots of the facial within the cranium determines flow of saliva from the parotid gland ; secondly, that excitation of the fifth nerve within the cranium has no such effect ; and, thirdly, that after section of the facial nerve at its exit from the stylo- mastoid foramen, the application of stimuli to the mouth de- termines secretion from the parotid as before. These facts, taken in combination, show that the secreting fibres for the parotid are given off by the facial in its passage through the petrous part of the temporal bone. This conclusion receives direct confirmation from an experiment of Bernard, who found that destruction of the facial nerve in the temporal bone stops the secretion of the parotid. Of the three nerves given off by the facial in its passage through the temporal bone, viz., the chorda tympani, the greater superficial petrosal and the lesser, the last-mentioned was proved by Bernard by exclusion to contain the secreting fibres for the parotid, for he showed that the chorda could be divided in the tympanum without affecting the parotid secretion ; and j-ards the greater superficial petrosal, it was known ana- tomically that it did not go to the parotid, and also found ex- perimentally that excision of Meckel's ganglion had no effect on that gland. Bernard's conclusion has received direct con- firmation from later experiments, which have shown, first, that the secreting function of the parotid gland is much impaired by the extirpation of the otic ganglion, and entirely annulled by section of the auriculo-temporal nerve. After division of this nerve. Schiff has shown that discharge of saliva cannot be induced by the application of stimuli to the mouth, and that electrical excitation of the peripheral end excites secretion just in the same way as excitation of the chorda tympani.1 1 For :i description of the method of dividing the facial at its exit from tin- st\ lomastoid foramen, see Eekhard's JScitr'.ige y.nr Anatomic und Physiologic, JM. III. p. 49. Section of the facial within the temporal lione is described iii Bernard, Lemons sur la Physiol. et la Pathol. du S\st. N'crv., II. ])]). r>8 and 141. As regards section of the chorda in the tympanum, excision of the sphenopalatine ganglion, and division • >f the Lesser suj.erticial petrosal nerve, nee, Schirt, Physiol. de la Diges- tion, tom. 1. ].. 2'J!». Excision of the otic ganglion, do. p. 227. For the method of exciting the aurieulo-tcmporal nerve, see Nawrocki Stud, d. Physiol lust, zu Brcslau, lit. IV. p. loo. BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 475 ** 101. Secretion of Saliva after Decapitation.— Make a parotid fistula in a rabbit ; decapitate it ; split the head in the middle line by a knife and hammer ; remove the brain from that half of the head on which the fistula has been made, apply a piece of filter-paper colored red by litmus to the orifice of the duct, and irritate the roots of the facial as they enter the internal auditory foramen, either electrically or by touching the nerve with a drop of acid. A blue spot will appear on the paper, showing that saliva has been secreted. SECTION II.— DIGESTION IN THE STOMACH. 102. In the stomach the albuminous constituents of the food which were unaffected by the saliva are dissolved by the gas- tric juice, and to a great extent converted into peptones. If the}- were merely dissolved, they could only be absorbed in very minute quantities, for albumin will hardly diffuse through animal membranes. The peptones into which the albuminous substances are converted, on the contrary, diffuse very readily, and are thus easily absorbed. The gelatinous substances in the food are also changed somewhat by the gastric juice, so that after they have been acted on by it they no longer gela- tinize. The transformation of starch into sugar by the saliva, which was begun in the mouth, also goes on in the stomach, the acidity of the gastric juice being too slight to arrest it. Unlike saliva, gastric juice cannot be readily obtained from, man or animals, at any rate in a state of purity, without an operation. It is therefore necessary to establish a gastric fistula in a dog in order to collect a sufficient quantity of gas- tric, juice for examination. ** 103. Establishment of a Gastric Fistula.— The object of making a gastric fistula is twofold : 1st, to obtain gastric juice for examination; and, 2d, to observe the process of secretion within the stomach itself. The method adopted by Bassow was simply to make an in- cision in the abdominal parietes, to sew the stomach to the edge of the wound, and then to make an opening in the stomach itself. The fistula was plugged with a piece of sponge. It was, however, very liable to close, and was too small to allow the interior of the stomach to be observed. Blondlot pre- vented the wound from closing by placing in it a canula, which was closed with a cork, so that the gastric juice and products of digestion might not be lost during the intervals between his observations. This method, as improved by Bernard, is the one usually employed. Bernard's canula consists of two tubes, each of which has at one end a broad flange. One tube screws into the other, so that the distance between the two flanges can he 476 DIGESTION. altered at will. This is effected by means of a key which fits on two projecting points in the inner tube, and turns it round, while the outer one is held fast by the fingers. The advantage of this form over a simple tube with a shield at each end, is that the cicatrix of the wound often thickens in healing, and if the tube is not proportionately lengthened the outer plate presses on the skin and causes ulceration. The disadvantage of Bernard's canula is, that it is too small to allow the in- terior of the stomach to be conveniently observed, and also, I think, that the edge of the wound comes into contact with the screw of the inner tube, and not with a smooth surface. These advantages may be readily obviated by increasing the diameter of the tube and the width of the flange, and adapting a key to the projecting points by which the outer tube may be placed in the stomach and turned round as necessary. Such a canula is represented in fig. 311. 104. Operation for Gastric Fistula. — Give the dog a hearty meal, so as to distend its stomach completely and make it lie close against the intestinal walls.1 Anaesthetize the animal by chloroform, taking care that the vapor is mixed with a sufficient proportion of air. Lay it on its back on the table, shave off the hair from the epigastric and hypochondriac regions, and remove the hairs carefully by a sponge, so as to prevent the risk of their getting into the peritoneal cavity. Make a vertical incision about an inch and a half to one side of the linea alba, preferably the left, and parallel to it, extend- ing downwards from the lower edge of the costal cartilages to a distance somewhat less than the diameter of the flange of the canula. Divide the muscles parallel to the course of their fibres. Tie every bleeding point before opening the perito- neum, so that no blood shall get into its cavity. Open the peritoneum on a director. Lay hold of the stomach with a pair of artery forceps at a point where there are not many ves- sels, and draw it forwards. Pass two threads with a curved needle into the gastric walls at a distance from each other about equal to the diameter of the tube of the canula, and bring them out again at a similar distance from the points where they were introduced. Make an incision into the gastric walls, between the two threads, rather shorter than the diame- ter of the tube of the canula. Put a pair of forceps, with the blades together, into the incision, and then dilate it by sepa- rating the blades till it is large enough to allow the canula to be introduced. Push the canula into the stomach up to its outer plate. Tie the stomach to it by the threads, and then 1 Holmgren recommends the inflation of the stomach with air, by nc:ms ,.l a tube passed down the oesophagus, as preferable to distend- ing it with food. BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 477 pass their ends through the edges of the wound in the abdo- minal wall in such a way as to fasten the stomach to it, and at the same time to keep the cut edges in apposition. No other suture is required. Leave the canula uncorked for at least half an hour after the operation is finished, for when the dog recovers from the chloroform it will vomit, and if the ca- nula be corked, the fluid contents of the stomach are apt to be forced past the side of the canula into the abdominal cavity. Feed the dog on milk for one or two days, and if the operation be performed in winter, keep it in a place warmed night and day. The da}^ after the operation the edges of the wound will be much swollen, but the swelling will subside in a day or two. After the wound has begun to heal, the cicatrix may thicken, and the outer plate of the canula begin to press too much on the skin, so that it ulcerates. If this should occur, the canula must be lengthened by screwing the two Hangs further apart. The canula may be closed by an India-rubber stopper, or by a cork. If the dog tears out the cork with his teeth, soak it in decoction of colocynth, or put a little phosphoric acid on its outer end. In order to collect the juice, let the animal fast for several hours, so that its stomach may be quite empty, but not for more than a day, as the mucous membrane would become covered with a thick coating of mucous. Let an assistant pat the dog, and keep him quiet ; withdraw the cork from the canula, and tickle the inside of the stomach with a feather tied to a glass rod. Put a small beaker underneath, so that the end of the rod rests on its bottom : the gastric juice will flow into it down the sides of the rod. ** 105. Examination of Gpstric Juice.— The gastric juice is thin, almost colorless, very faintly opalescent, and has a faintly acid taste. Its specific gravity is nearly the same as that of water. Its reaction is strongly acid; blue litmus paper becoming bright red when dipped into it. Composition. — In the dog, it contains three per cent, of solids ; in man, only one per cent. About two-thirds of this is organic matter, consisting of pepsin and peptones ; and one- third of indVganic matter, consisting of chlorides of potassium, sodium, ammonium, calcium, and phosphates of calcium, mag- nesium, and iron. The specific gravity and amount of solids, organic and inorganic, are to be determined in the same way as those of saliva. The acidity of the gastric juice is really due to free acid, and not to acid salts. To show this, the amount of bases and of acid contained in it must be determined. When this is done, it is found that the quantity of acid is more than sufli- cient to form acid salts with all the bases present which are capable of forming such salts ; it must, therefore, exist partly 478 DIGESTION. in a free state. For the details of this process, consult Bidder and Schmidt, Verdauungssufte, u. Stoffwechsel, 1852, p. 44; or Hoppe-Seyler's Handbuch d. Chemischen Analyse, third edi- tion, p. 434. , 106. Estimation of the Acid in Gastric Juice.— Fill a burette with dilute standard solution of soda (one part in ten), letting the standard solution flow gently into it, so as to avoid air-bubbles, till it is filled above the zero mark. Then place it in the stand, and take care that it is perfectly vertical, If any bubbles of air are present they must be allowed to break or be removed by a glass rod. Let the fluid flow out by pressing the clip till its level corresponds to the zero mark on the burette. Measure out 10 cubic centimetres of gastric juice into a beaker, and add a little litmus solution to it till a dis- tinct red color is produced. Place the beaker containing it under the burette, and let the alkaline solution flow gradually into it at first, and at last only drop by drop, stirring all the time till the red color of the litmus changes to a violet. Then note exactly the level at which the surface of the fluid stands in the burette. The. difference between this level and the zero mark gives the number of cubic centimetres used. Calculate the amount of soda contained in this quantity. One hundred cubic centimetres of the original soda solution contained four grammes, or one-tenth of an equivalent of soda. One hundred cubic centimetres of the diluted solution, therefore, contains one-tenth of this amount, 0.04 grammes, or one-tenth of an equivalent. Let us suppose that the amount of soda solution actually used to neutralize the gastric juice is 21.6 cubic centimetres. Then, as 100 cubic centimetres contain 0.04 grammes ( = 0.01 equivalent), this quantity will contain only 0.006 grammes ( = 0.00216 equivalent). The quantity of gastric juice neutral- ized was 10 cubic centimetres. Had we used 100 cubic centi- metres of juice instead of 10, we should have required ten times as much soda to neutralize it, i.e., 0.0216 equivalent. One hundred cubic centimetres of the juice, therefore, contains 0.0:M of an equivalent of acid, supposing that the acid be monobasic. If the acid be bibasic or tribasic, an equivalent of soda would only saturate a half or a third of an equivalent of acid, and the proportion of acid would be 0.015 or 0.007. 107. To Determine the Nature of the Acid.— The gastric juice is introduced into a large retort connected with a Liebig's condenser, and distilled till the fluid in the retort becomes ,rery concentrated, and clouds begin to form in it. To remove the excess of water from the distillate, it must be neutralized with sodium carbonate, evaporated to dry ness over a water-bath, extracted with absolute alcohol and filtered. The filtrate is then evaporated to dry ness on a water-bath, and BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 479 the residue dissolved in a small quantity of water. A little of the solution is now put in a test-tube, and a few drops of a neutral solution of ferric chloride added. If acetic acid is present, the fluid will become of a dark red color, and when boiled will deposit a yellow precipitate. A solution of silver nitrate may be added to second portion. If hydrochloric acid is present, a white precipitate will fall, and will not be dis- solved on adding nitric acid, but will be dissolved by ammonia. To the remainder, dilute sulphuric acid is added, and the mixture allowed to stand for some time. If butyric acid is present, a smell like rancid butter will be perceived. The residue of the gastric juice, which remained in the retort after the hydrochloric and other acids were distilled off, is poured into a large test-tube or flask, and agitated with ether. The ethereal la}*er is then decanted off and evaporated over a water- bath. If acetic acid be present in the gastric juice, it will remain as an acid residue. Ci'3'stals of zinc lactate (square prisms with one or two oblique surfaces at the ends) may be obtained on allowing the residue to stand after the addition of zinc, oxide, and water. 108. Action of Gastric Juice. — The power of gastric juice to dissolve coagulated albuminous substances is best shown by using fibrin from blood. To prepare fibrin the blood is to be stirred, as it flows from the vessel, with a rough stick or piece of ragged whalebone, and the fibrin collected and washed till it is perfectly white. It may be preserved for a considerable time under glycerin, from which it must be washed before it is used. Put a small piece of fibrin into a test-tube along with gastric juice, and place the tube for an /hour or two in the water-bath at 35° C. The fibrin will swellA Ibecome somewhat transparent, and then dissolve, forming an\ lopalescent fluid, which is not precipitated by boiling, and I (slightly, or not at all, by neutralization. As no other fluid except gasti'i'1. juice has this action on fibrin, the production of all these effects is used as a test for it, and is called the pepsin test. Pepsin alone will not produce them, however, unless free acid be present as it is in gastric juice. In this process, boiled fibrin may also be used as recommended by Kiihne. ** 109. Artificial Gastric Juice.— All the actions of gas- tric juice can be more conveniently studied with an artificial juice than with the natural secretion, as the former can be ob- tained in much larger quantities. The method of preparing it is as follows : Open the stomach of a newly-killed pig or rabbit, or the fourth stomach of a calf, remove its contents and wash it thoroughly with a gentle stream of water without much rub- bing. Lay it on a piece of board with its mucous surface up- wards, fasten it down with a few pins, and then with the back 480 DIGESTION. of a knife or an ivory paper-cutter, scrape off all the mucus from the surface. Rub it up in a mortar with clean silicious sand or powdered glass and water, let it stand some time, stirring it from time to time, and then filter it. The filtrate is gastric juice in a state of very considerable purity. It is slightly opa- lescent, and contains a large quantity of pepsin and but little peptone. When acidulated with its own bulk of dilute hydro- chloric acid of 0.2 per cent., it digests fibrin with great rapidity. It may be kept in a bottle for a long time, and though fungi grow on its surface, it still retains its digestive powers. A much stronger gastric juice, though not so pure, is ob- tained by scraping the mucus from the stomach as in the first process, or by dissecting off the whole mucous membrane from the muscular layer, cutting it into small pieces, then rubbing it up with dilute hydrochloric acid of 0.1 per cent, and filtering. The gastric juice so readily prepared by this method is very strong, and does very well for experiments on digestion, al- though it contains a good deal of albumin which is dissolved in the acid. It may be freed in a great measure from albumin by putting it into the water-bath at 35° C., for several hours, so as to convert the albumin into peptones, and then transfer- ring it to a dialyzer, and changing the water several times. The peptones will diffuse out into the water, a great part of the pepsin will remain in the dialyzer. * 110. To Prepare Hydrochloric Acid containing 0.2 per cent, of real HC1. — The ordinary strong hydrochlo- ric acid sp.gr. 1.16 contains 31.8 per cent, by weight of HC1. gas. To prepare a dilute acid, containing 0.2 per cent, of real IIC1., measure out with a graduated pipette 6.25 cubic centi- metres of such acid into a litre flask ; fill the flask up to the neck with distilled water, and shake so as to mix thoroughly. * 111. To Prepare a Solution of Pepsin in Glycerin. — The solubility of digestive ferments in glycerin was dis- covered by Yon Wittich ; and by its means they may be ob- tained with great facility. Cut open the stomach of a pig or rabbit (best when newly killed), and wash the mucous membrane as directed ; cut off the pyloric part ; stretch the re- mainder on a piece of board, and dissect off the mucous mem- brane from the muscular layer. Cut up the mucous membrane into small pieces and put it into a beaker, with sufficient gly- cerin to cover it. It will acquire peptic properties in a few- hours, but it is as well to let it remain for several days. Then strain off the glycerin and put on a fresh quantity. This may be repeated several times, and each time the glycerin will take up a fresh quantity of pepsin. An artificial gastric juice may be readily prepared whenever s wanted by adding a little of the glycerin extract to hydro- chloric acid of 0.1 per cent. BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 481 ** 112. Preparation of Pure Pepsin from Glycerin Solution. — Let the mucous membrane, prepared and cut into pieces, as already directed, lie for 24 hours in absolute alcohol. Filter off the alcohol ; dry the pieces of mucous membrane with a cloth or filtering paper, cover them with glycerin, and let them stand for several days or weeks. Filter the glycerin, first through linen and then through paper. Add a large excess of absolute alcohol to the filtrate and a flocculent precipitate will fall. Filter off the alcohol, pour HC1. of 2 per cent, over the precipitate on the filter, and it will dissolve. Boil a little of the solution with strong nitric acid, and after cooling, add am- monia. It should not give the slightest trace of the xantho- protein reaction. Let a piece of fibrin, either boiled or un- boiled, remain in another portion of the solution for several hours, at 40° C., and it will be digested. Apply the other tests mentioned in § 118. Very probably no precipitate may be occasioned by platinum chloride. 113. Preparation of Pepsin (Brucke's Method).— The process by which Briicke separated pepsin, and thus for the first time succeeded in isolating any of the digestive ferments, depends on their being carried down from their solutions along with precipitates produced in them. This has already been mentioned when speaking of saliva, from which Cohnheitn separated ptyalin by Brucke's process. Separate the mucous membrane from the stomachs of two pigs, and cut it up into small pieces, as directed in § 109. Digest it at 40° C. with a considerable quantity of dilute phosphoric acid, of the British Pharmacopeia, mixed with its own bulk of water (it thus con- tains 5 per cent, of acid). If necessary, remove the acid, and add fresh portions till the whole of ilie stomach has been dis- solved, with the exception of a slight residue, continuing the process till the liquid which passes through on filtering gives no precipitate with potassium ferrocyanide. Filter the liquid, put a little of the filtrate aside in a test-tube, and add lime- water to the remainder till it turns blue litmus paper slightly violet. Collect the precipitate on a cloth filter, press all the fluid out of it with the aid of a screw-press, and dissolve it while still moist, in water, with the addition of dilute hydrochloric acid (50 cubic centimetres of commercial acid in a litre of water). Precipitate the solution a second time with lime-water, col- lect the precipitate on a cloth filter, press out the liquid, pour a little water on it while still moist, and add phosphoric acid to it in small quantities and at long intervals. The pasty tri- basic phosphate Ca^POJ., is thus converted into sandy bibasic phosphate Ca H PO4. Filter off the fluid; it contains pepsin still mixed with albuminous substances. Test its digestive power by adding a few drops of it to 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric 31 482 DIGESTION. noid, and digesting fibrin in it. It will be found still to give tin- x:\nthroprotein reaction, though not quite so strongly as the original solution. Wash the precipitate upon the filter several times with distilled water, plug the funnel, and pour on dilute phosphoric acid, so that a part of the Ca H P04 is dis- solved, ra II/POJjj, being formed. After several hours remove the plug and' let the fluid run oft'. It will digest fibrin, and has a still weaker xanthoprotein reaction. Wash the precipitate several times with distilled water, plug the funnel again, pour on fresh phosphoric acid, and repeat this several times. At last a tin id is obtained which, although it digests, gives scarcely anv xanthoprotein reaction. To prepare pure pepsin in xuh- tifnin-f. prepare a solution with phosphoric acid and lime-water, as directed above. After precipitating a second time with lime- water, and pressing the precipitate, dissolve it in dilute hy- drochloric acid and filter it into a large flask. Prepare a cold saturated solution of cholesterin in a mixture of 4 parts of alco- hol of 808 sp. gr. and one part of ether. Put a long funnel which will reach to the bottom of the flask into it, and pour in the cholesterin solution in small quantities. It will separate and form a thick scum on the surface of the fluid. After it has attained the thickness of about an inch, take out the funnel, close the mouth of the flask and shake it well, so that as much pepsin as possible may stick to the cholesterin. Filter and wash the precipitate, first with water acidulated with acetic acid, and then with pure water. Continue the washing until the wash-water no longer has an acid reaction, nor gives a pre- cipitate with silver nitrate. Put the moist cholcsterin into a precipitate glass, and shake it with some ether which has been previously agitated with water to free it from alcohol. The ether will dissolve the cholesterin, and the adhering water will separate and form a turbid layer at the bottom of the glass. Pour off the ether and shake the watery solution with new- quantities of ether several times, until a few drops of the ethe- real solution no longer leaves behind crystals of cholesterin when evaporated. Then let the glass stand open, to allow the last thin layer of ether, which cannot be poured off', to evapo- rate. Filter ; a small quantity of a slimy substance remains in the filter, but the filtrate is clear. It is a concentrated solution of pepsin, and the following reactions may be tried with it, or with the solution of pepsin obtained directly from the lime pre- cipitate. * 114. Reactions of Pepsin. — To show the following reac- tions the solutions referred to in §§ 112 or 113 may be employed. It is not precipitated by — 1, concentrated nitric acid ; 2, tannic acid ; .'>, iodine; 4, mercuric chloride. It is precipitated by — 1, platinum chloride; 2, lead acetate, both neutral and basic. If absolutely pure, it gives no xanthoprotein reaction. When BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 483 allowed to evaporate over sulphuric acid, it leaves a grayish amorphous body, which contains nitrogen, and is not hygro- scopic. It is sparingly soluble in water, more readily in dilute acids, and digests fibrin. 115. Digestive Action of Pepsin. — Neither pepsin alone nor dilute hydrochloric acid alone will digest fibrin, but when mixed together they do so readily. Pepsin alone has no action on fibrin whatever ; hydrochloric acid of 0.2 per cent, alone causes it to swell up, but does not dissolve it for days, or even weeks, at ordinary temperatures. At 35°-38° C., it dissolves fibrin readily in from twenty-four to forty-eight hours, but only converts it into syntonin, so that the whole of the albuminous matter (with the exception of a trace which Von Wittich says is really converted into peptone), may be precipitated by neu- tralization. Pepsin with dilute hydrochloric acid likewise causes fibrin to swell and dissolves it, forming at first an opa- lescent solution of syntonin which can be almost entirely pre- cipitated by neutralization, a little peptone only remaining in solution. Its action does not stop here, for it very quickly con- verts the syntonin (parapeptone) into peptones which are not precipitated by neutralization nor coagulated by boiling, but are precipitated by alcohol, and possess all the characteristic reactions of albuminous bodies. 116. Products of the Digestion of Albuminous Com- pounds.— During digestion several substances are formed, to which the names of parapeptone, dyspeptone, and metapeptone have been given by Meissner. Parapeptone. — Briicke considers that albuminous bodies are converted into syntonin, and that the syntonin is transformed entirely into peptones during digestion, but Meissner thinks that the syntonin, instead of undergoing this transformation, splits up into peptones and parapeptones. Parapeptones agree with syntonin in every respect, except that they cannot be converted into peptones by any amount of digestion, while syntonin can be digested. When an albuminous body is sub- jected to the action of gastric juice, the solution first obtained yields, on neutralization, a precipitate of syntonin, which, when again treated with gastric juice, is converted into pep- tones. After digestion has gone on a little longer, the pre- cipitate consists, according to Meissner, partly of syntonin and partly of parapeptones, for he states that if this precipitate is digested with fresh gastric juice, a less proportion of it than of the former precipitate is converted into peptones, and that this proportion diminishes more and more as digestion goes on, and the remaining syntonin is split up. Briicke and others have found, however, that fibrin can be completely converted into peptones ; consequently, Meissner is not correct in sup- posing that syntonin splits up into peptones and parapeptones. 484 DIGESTION. Sometimes, however, several days are required to convert the whole into peptones. Dyspeptone. — The dyspeptone of fibrin is a part of the syn- tonin or parapeptone, which becomes insoluble in 2 per cent, hydrochloric acid, and therefore falls as a fine precipitate. It also, according to Meissner, is incapable of further digestion, and only differs from parapeptone in being insoluble in dilute alkalies and dilute acids, and therefore is precipitated sponta- neously from gastric juice without neutralization. The dyspeptone of fibrin still requires investigation. The dyspeptone of casein has lately been examined by Hoppe- Seyler and Lubavin ; as it consists partly, at least, of a non- albuminous substance, they consider casein to be composed, like haemoglobin and vitellin, of an albuminous, combined with a non-albuminous, body. Metapeptone is merel}' an intermediate stage between syn- tonin and peptone. Peptones. — There are several kinds of peptones, but they still require further investigation. Meissner distinguishes three sorts, which he names a, 6, and c peptones ; c is the final product, the others being probably only preliminary stages in its production ; a is precipitated from neutral solu- tions by concentrated nitric acid, and from solutions slightly acidulated with acetic acid by potassium ferrocyanide ; b is not precipitated by concentrated nitric acid, but is precipitated by acetic acid and potassium ferrocyanide; c is not precipitated by either of these reagents. ** 117. Demonstration of the Digestive Action of Pepsin. — Take three test-tubes, and put into the first, water with a few drops of glycerin extract of pepsin ; into the second, 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric acid; and into the third, the same acid with a few drops of the glycerin extract. Throw into each a small piece of fibrin, taking great care to choose pieces not only of the same size, but of the same texture, as hard pieces are much more slowly acted on either by acid or by gastric juice. Label each, or note the number of the hole in the rack in which each is placed, and put them all in the water- bath at 40° C. (fig. 331). In order to obtain a sufficient quantity of solution of peptones for testing, is is desirable at the same time to put a larger quantity of fibrin in a beaker with dilute acid, and when it has swollen up and become transparent, add some glycerin extract to it, and place it with the ivst. Look at the test-tubes again in five minutes or so, and if the pepsin extract is strong, the bit of fibrin in the gas- tric juice will be partly dissolved, while the one in the acid will have swollen and become translucent, still retaining its form, while that in pepsin alone will be unchanged. Filter the artificial gastric juice from the residue of fibrin. Put a BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 485 drop of litmus in the filtrate and neutralize it; a precipitate of syntonin or parapeptone will fall. Filter the liquid: the neutral filtrate containing peptones will not be precipitated by boiling, but it will give the xanthoprotein reaction strongly, and will give a precipitate with tannin.1 For the further examination of the products of digestion, filter the solution in the beaker from any undissolved residue. Neutralize, and parapeptones will be precipitated. Let the precipitate settle, and then filter : the filtrate will contain pep- tones. Test for a and 6 peptones. If they are present, put the beaker back in the bath for a while, and then test for them again. If they are no longer present, apply the follow- ing tests: — ** 118. Reactions of Peptones.— True or c peptones possess the following characteristics : They are not precipitated by (1) neutralization, (2) boiling the solution, either neutral or acid, (3) nitric acid either in the cold or on boiling, (4) hydrochloric acid in the cold, (5) acetic acid and potassium ferrocyanide — (after standing, the fluid becomes turbid and gives a precipitate) — (6) copper sulphate in small quantity (if more is added it causes turbidity, which partly disappears on adding excess). They are precipitated by (1) tannic acid, (2) silver nitrate, (3) mercuric chloride, (4) platinum chloride, (5) lead acetate, both neutral and basic. (The precipitate is soluble in excess.) The solution, when treated with caustic potash and an extremely minute quantity of copper sulphate, or a drop of diluted Fehling's solution, gives a precipitate which dissolves on shaking, and forms a red solution. If more copper sul- phate is then added, it becomes violet. Peptones thus differ from albumin, which gives a violet at once. ** 119. Diffusibility of Peptones.— Put a solution of peptones into a small dialyzer, and let it diffuse into distilled water for an hour or two. Then test the water by the tests given above, and peptones will be found to be present. In this they differ from albumin, which, as has been already seen, hardly diffuses at all. * 120. Action of Gastric Juice on Gelatin. — Pepsin, with dilute hydrochloric acid, deprives gelatin of its power to 1 For showing the action of pepsin to a class, Grunhagen's method may be employed. A piece of moist fibrin is placed in 0.2 per cent, hydrochloric acid till it swells to a stiff jelly. It is then laid on a funnel, either with or without a filter, and after the superfluous acid has drained off, a few drops of glycerin solution of pepsin, or artificial gastric juice, are added to it. The rapidity with which the fibrin is converted into peptone is shown by the number of drops which fall from the funnel. By using two similar filters, the power of different digestive fluids may be compared, and the effect of temperature shown by using Planta- mour's funnel. 486 DIGESTION. form a jelly sooner than dilute hydrochloric acid alone. Soak gelatin in cold water till it swells up completely, and then add sufficient boiling water to it to form a concentrated solution. Put some of it into two test-tubes, and add to each its own bulk of 0.2 per cent, hydrochloric acid. Put into one test- tube a little glycerine solution of pepsin, and into the other the same amount of glycerin, and place them in the water- 1 t:ith at 40° C. Take them out after an hour or so, and let tlu'in cool. If both gelatinize, replace them for a while, and then cool them again, repeating the experiment if necessary. In this way the gelatin in the gastric juice will be found to lose its power of gelatinizing somewhat sooner than the other. * 121. Effect of Temperature on Digestion. — A low temperature arrests the action of pepsin temporarily, but does not destroy its activity. It acts more and more rapidly as the temperature increases, until it attains its maximum between 30° C. and 50° C. Above this the action becomes slower. It is completely annulled by boiling. The activity of a dilute solution of pepsin is destroyed by exposure to a temperature of 70° C. for two minutes, and by a still lower temperature when exposed for a longer time. The activity of a concen- trated solution is not so readily "destroyed, and that of an undiluted glycerin solution is retained after being exposed to 80° C. for two minutes. To show the action of temperature, take four tubes, and put into each equal quantities of 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric acid, to which a little glycerin solution of pepsin has been added. Put one in pounded ice, the second in a test-tube rack on the table, the third in the water-bath at 40° C., and boil the fourth, and then put it also in the water-bath. Put into each a bit of fibrin, and let them stand. The fibrin in the third tube will dissolve quickly, that in the second much more slowly, that in the first and fourth not at all. After a while — say half an hour — take the tube out of the ice and put it in the water- bath. The fibrin will then dissolve quickly, showing that the activity of the pepsin has been only suspended. That in the fourth will not dissolve at all, showing that the pepsin has been destroyed. * 122. Strength of Acid required for Digestion.— The strength of acid with which albuminous bodies are most quickly digested by pepsin varies with the nature of the body, and al.io with the amount of pepsin present. Very dilute solutions of pepsin digest best with very dilute acids, while more concentrated pepsin solutions act more quickly with a somewhat stronger acid. There seems, indeed, to be a definite relation between the amount of pepsin and the strength of the acid, though what this is has not yet been determined. The proper strength of acid for any albuminous body may be BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 487 ascertained by placing a number of test-glasses in pairs, the first pair containing very dilute acid, and each succeeding pair a stronger acid. In each glass is placed a little of the albu- minous substance, and to one of each pair an equal quantity of solution of pepsin is to be added. They are then allowed to stand, and the rapidity with which digestion goes on in each is noted. The glasses with acid alone are required for the purpose of comparing its effects with those of the pepsin and acid together. It can be shown as follows that digestion is hindered when the acid is either too weak or too strong: Take three test- tubes, and put into the first 10 cubic centimetres of 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric acid, mixed with three times its bulk of water ; into the second the same quantity of a similar acid undiluted; and into the third 9J cubic centimetres of this acid, and half a cubic centimetre of commercial hydrochloric acid. Place in each a bit of fibrin, and put them all in the water- bath at 40° C. The fibrin in the second one will be quickly digested; that in the first and third tube much more slowly. The reason of the slow digestion 'in the third tube will be seen in the next experiment. * 123. Influence of the Swelling of Fibrin on its Digestion. — If fibrin is prevented from swelling up under the action of gastric juice, either by mechanical means, such as a thread tied round it, or by chemical agents, such as salt solu- tions or too strong acids, its digestion is much retarded. Put about 10 cubic centimetres of 0.1 percent, hydrochloric acid into four test-tubes, and add to that in the fourth test-tube half a cubic centimetre of commercial hydrochloric acid. Take four bits of fibrin as nearly as possible of equal size. Wind a thread firmly round one of them, and drop it into the third test-tube. Put another piece into each of the other tubes. As soon as that in the second tube begins to swell, add a saturated solution of sodium chloride to it till it shrivels again. Then add to the fluid in each tube half a cubic centimetre of glycerin-pepsin, and let them stand. The fibrin in the first tube, which merely serves for comparison, is soon digested, and dissolves from without inwards. The bit in the second tube does not swell again, but dissolves from within outwards; so that a sort of shell remains, which, on shaking, falls to pieces. That in the third tube, which has been tied with a thread, behaves in the same way. That in the stronger acid, in the fourth tube, sivells incompletely, but dissolves from without inwards, like the first. ** 124. Pepsin is not destroyed during Digestion.— Although the digestive power of pepsin appears to be i/ulcfitn'fc, yet a limited quantity of gastric juice will not dissolve an un- limited quantity ofjibriti. — Add a little glycerin-pepsin and a 438 DIGESTION. quantity of fibrin to some 0.2 per cent, hydrochloric acid in a test-tube, :md place it in the water-bath at 40° C. for several hours. If all the fibrin is digested, add more, and repeat the addition until at last it remains undissolved, however long it may be digested. 'The arrest of digestion in this experiment is not due to de- struction of the pepsin, but to the accumulation of the products of digestion in the liquid, and to the want of acid. Dilute the mixture with water, and put it in the water-bath again, and di- gestion will go on for a while and then stop. If again diluted, it will go on again, but the action will be slow from the dilu- tion of the acid. If more acid be added, digestion will proceed more quickly, and by adding fresh quantities of acid, a very large quantity of fibrin may be digested. The same tiling may be shown by putting the fibrin and di- gestive lluid in a dialyzer and letting the peptones diffuse out. The digestive fluid is then to be evaporated to its original bulk, and acidulated, when it will digest the same amount of fibrin as it did at first. It is well to keep an excess of fibrin always in the dialyzer. This experiment is interesting, because diges- tion in the stomach takes place under somewhat similar con- ditions, the peptones being absorbed by the gastric vessels. A stronger acid is required for digestion if the products of di~ -••/it in quantity in the solution. When digestion stops, as in the previous experiment, it may be renewed by acidulating the solution more strongly with hydrochloric acid instead of diluting with water, and when it stops a second time a second addition of acid will set it on again. As too strong hydrochloric acid arrests digestion, a limit is soon put to the addition of acid, but if phosphoric acid is used instead, diges- tion may be- kept up for a considerable time by fresh additions of acid. * 125. Pepsin Test. — The power of pepsin to dissolve albu- minous substances and convert them into peptones, has been em- ployed as a test for its presence. For this purpose either fibrin or coagulated white of egg may be used. The process is given by r.riickc in " Moleschotts Untersuchungen" for 1860, p. 490, and from this the following description has been taken: — f J'c) min Test with Fibrin. — To test for the presence of pep- sin in any substance or organ (as for example, any part of the digestive system of an invertebrate animal), it must be finely divided, treated with distilled water, and then allowed to stand for some time, with frequent stirring, and filtered. If the filtrate is alkaline it must be neutralized, after which as much hydro- chloric acid must be added to it as will bring the percentage of acid to one-tenth. A bit of fibrin is then thrown into it ; if it swells it is allowed to stand, but if it does not swell, dilute acid is added by drops at intervals till the edges and free fibres BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 489 of the hits of fibrin become translucent. If the filtrate is acid, a bit of fibrin is thrown into it; if it swells up, it is allowed to stand, if not, acid is added as before directed till it does swell ; the digestion is then allowed to go on at the temperature of the room, and the result observed. The residue which remains on the filter is introduced into a beaker covered with 0.1 per cent. Ii3*drochloric acid, and placed in the water-bath at 40° C. for an hour and a half or two hours, or allowed to stand 24 hours at the temperature of the room, with frequent stirring. It is then filtered, and the filtrate used in the same manner as before. The reason wh3T Briicke recom- mends that the wateiy extract should be tested separately from the acid extract, is that by this means pepsin already excreted from the peptic cells can be distinguished from pepsin still con- tained in them, inasmuch as the former is easily taken up by water alone, while the latter is taken up with difficulty by water, but easily by dilute acid. This process has also the ad- vantage that when soluble albuminous bodies are present in au3r quantity, they are, for the most part, removed by the watery extract. If neither of these objects is of importance, the substance may be at once treated with dilute hydrochloric acid, and when it is small, as, for example, the salivary glands of insects, it ma}^ be at once thrown with a bit of fibrin into dilute hydrochloric acid, and digestion looked for. If a fluid is to be examined it must be filtered, and the filtrate and residue treated as above directed for solids. Pepsin Test with WJiite of Egg. — White of egg is more readily got than fibrin, but it dissolves mere slowly, so that the test takes a longer time. Hard boiled white of egg, cut into dice, may be left fora long time in dilute hydrochloric acid without undergoing an}' changes, but the coagulura which is produced by boiling white of egg diluted with water undergoes partial solution pretty rapidly. The free alkali contained in white of egg is the cause of this difference in its behavior when prepared in these different ways, and the inconstancy of its amount ren- ders it difficult to determine what degree of acidity must be given to the liquid. To obviate this, add acetic acid to white of egg diluted with water until it turns blue litmus paper violet, but not red. Filter from the precipitate; test the reaction of the filtrate again, and correct it if necessary. Then coagulate it in the water-bath, wash it with water, and use it like fibrin, but use an acid of 0.15 per cent. If pepsin is present, diges- tion will go on just as with fibrin. The acid alone will not dis- solve the albumin for many days. 126. Theory of Pepsin Digestion. — It has already been seen that neither pepsin alone, nor hydrochloric acid alone, will digest. C. Schmidt supposes they do so when mixed, by forming a compound acid — pepto-hydrocliloric acid. He thinks 490 DIGESTION. that digestion consists in the combination of this acid with albuminous bodies, and explains the fact that digestion can be renewed by the addition of hydrochloric acid after it has ceased, by supposing that the pepto-hydrochloric acid, thus liberated, is enabled to begin to digest anew. The combination of pepsin and hydrochloric acid to form a new arid is supported by several facts, and is very generally believed, but Schmidt's hypothesis regarding its mode of net ion is open to the objection that it is not merely a com- pound of albumin with acid which is formed during digestion, but peptones. It therefore seems more probable that the pep- sin acts as a ferment only in acid solutions, causing the albu- minous bodies to take up water and split up.1 That pepsin and hydrochloric acid mutually combine when mixed, as in digestive liquids, is rendered probable, not only by the fact already shown that they produce effects together which neither is capable of producing separately, but that in such mixtmv> the characters of both are modified. This is seen by comparing the action of dilute hydrochloric acid alone with that of hydrochloric acid pepsin. The former extracts all the salts and leaves a gelatinous substance, while the latter extracts this substance and leaves a brittle mass containing a large proportion of inorganic salts. As regards pepsin, a modification of property is shown in Yon Wittich's observation, that, although pepsin alone does not diffuse through vegetable parchment, pepsin with hydrochloric acid does so readily. Thai the decomposition of albuminous sub- stances is essentially connected with their taking up water, is rendered probable by the fact that digestion does not take* place in its absence, and that products similar to those of digestion can he obtained by boiling albuminous bodies with water for a very long time, or for a shorter time with dilute acid. The former of these facts can be easily demonstrated by treating fibrin which has been soaked in glycerin and not washed at 40° C. with a glycerin solution of pepsin undiluted with water, acidulated to the proper degree by the addition of a few drops of strong acid ; under these circumstances the fibrin is not digested. The latter ma}* be shown by boiling fibrin with dilute sulphuric acid for an hour or two, and then neutralizing the liquid, filtering and testing the filtrate for peptones. * 127. Secretion of Gastric Juice.— Pepsin is contained in all parts of the peptic glands, but free acid is only formed near their orifices. To show this, kill a pigeon, open it imrne- 1 For a clear account of the probable mode of action of ferments, see " Betrechtnngen niter die Wlrkongsweiae der ungeformten Fermente," by Dr. (i. lliifner; Uarth, Leipzig, 1872. BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 491 diately and dissect off part of the muscular layer from the proventriculus, which lies between the crop and gizzard. The ends of the gastric glands are thus laid bare. With a pair of curved scissors snip offthe ends of the glands, taking care not to cut much below the surface. Squeeze the shred so obtained 'between two bits of blue litmus paper. It will have a neutral or at most an extremely weak acid reaction, while the inside of the stomach will be found to be strongly acid. The pres- ence of pepsin in the part of the glands where little or no acid is contained may be shown by dissecting oft' this part along with the muscular layer, and placing it in a test-tube with 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric acid in the water-bath at 40° C. Part at least of the muscular layer will be digested. The presence of acid only on the surface of the stomach can be shown, also, by injecting first a solution of half a gramme of ferric lactate, and then a solution of potassium ferrocyanide into the jugular vein of a rabbit, killing it about an hour afterwards, and open- ing the stomach immediately. These two salts form Prussian blue only in the presence of an acid. On making a section of the wall of the stomach, it is seen that the blue color is en- tirely confined to the surface, the deeper part of the mucous membrane remaining colorless. After Death Acid continues to be formed in the Glands. — Thus, if the stomach of a pig or rabbit is cut in pieces, washed until it no longer gives a trace of acid reaction, and then left to itself, it is found after a time to be again acid. * 128. Digestion of the Stomach by itself.— If there is only a small quantity of acid present in the stomach it will not be completely digested after death ; but if it contains anything which will supply acid, not only the stomach, but a great part of the adjoining organs may be digested. Give a cat a quantity of milk, or introduce the same liquid into the stomach of a rabbit or guineapig by means of a syringe and a gum-elastic catheter. For this purpose a perforated cork should be placed between the animal's teeth, and the catheter passed through the hole into the stomach. In an hour after kill the animal, and let it lie in a warm place for twenty-four hours. The whole of the stomach will probably be found digested. The stomach is not digested during life, because the alkalinity of its walls is preserved by the circulation of blood in them. * 129. Digestion of the Stomach during Life.— When the circulation of the blood is arrested in one part of the organ, it becomes digested, and ulceration occurs. This is best shown by Sharpey's modification of Pavy's original experiment. The method consists in opening the stomach of a rabbit, narcotized by subcutaneous injection of chloral, by a longitudinal incision, seizing a part of its posterior wall with a pair of artery forceps and drawing it forward. This having been done, a ligature is 492 DIGESTION. passed round the part seized, so as to include a piece of about half an inch in diameter. Finally, the wound in the stomach and that in the abdominal wall are sewn up, and the animal placed in a warm place for some hours. 130. Influence of Nerves upon the Secretion of the Stomach. — The stomach, like the submixillary gland, has two , secretions; one thin, watery, and acid— the gastric juice proper ; the other thick, tenacious and alkaline — the gastric mucus. The latter is secreted and accumulates on the surface of the gastric mucous membrane during fasting, while the former is only secreted when an irritant is applied to the inside of the stomach. The irritant may be mechanical, e. f/., the friction caused by food, or any firm or hard substance introduced into the stomach, tickling with a feather, or rubbing with a glass rod. The most active chemical irritants are alkalies, which produce, even in very dilute solutions, an abundant secretion. This continues even after the alkali has been neutralized by the ijastric juice or washed away by a stream of water. The saliva which is swallowed by the animal thus excites the se- cretion of gastric juice. Other stimulants are alcohol, ether, pepper, and cold water. When an irritant is applied, the gas- tric in neons membrane, which is of a pale color, immediately becomes red ; its vessels dilate those of the submaxillary gland,' and the watery-looking gastric juice oozes rapidly from its surface. The nerve centres, on which secretion is dependent, are present in the walls of the stomach itself, for it takes place even after all the nerves which enter the viscus from without have been divided. These centres are, however, as we shall see. much influenced by the vagi. The Action of the Vagus on the stomach is stilL much dis- puted, hut it would appear from the experiments of Bernard and Rutherford that it contains afferent fibres, the irritation of which, as, e. g., during digestion, causes reflex dilatation of the gastric vessels. Bernard found that section of the vagi during digestion caused the stomach to become pale, and that in one or more experiments, irritation of these nerves reddened it, and inducei 1 an abundant secretion. He did not, however, deter- mine whether this effect was due to afferent or efferent fibres, but Rutherford found that, while section of the vagi during di- gestion caused the stomach to become pale, irritation of their central ends generally reddened it. This effect was, however, sometimes preceded by its opposite, the organ becoming pale at first ai.d afterwards red, a result which indicates that the vagus contains two sets of afferent fibres, one of which increases, while the other diminishes the degree of contraction of the gas-' trie vessels.1 From the observation of Bernard and Blondlot, that gentle excita- tion increases the secretion of gastric juice while violent irritation stops BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 493 ** 131. Effect of Stimuli on the Secretion of Gastric Juice. — To see the effect of stimuli applied to the mucous membrane, a dog with a gastric fistula should be allowed to fast for six or seven hours, and then laid on its side in such a position that a good light falls into the canula. The observa- tion consists in noting the color of the membrane, and then in- jecting a little dilute solution of sodium carbonate, or tickling the surface with a feather, and observing the effect. The effect of irritation on the amount of secretion may be estimated by letting the dog stand while the beaker is held under the canula, and by measuring the juice which flows from it in a given time before and after irritation. ** 132. Demonstration of the Action of the Vagus and Splanchnic on the Stomach. — The proof that the vasomotor nerves of the stomach are derived from the splanch- nics is founded on the observation that, when the left splanch- nic is irritated in the rabbit, as directed at page 259, the arte- ries at the great curvature may be seen to contract. This may be still better seen in the cat. f The vagus is the sensory nerve of the stomach and contains k Jafferent fibres, the irritation of which produces reddening oft \the gastric mucous membrane. — It also contains motor-fibres| which are distributed to the muscular coats of the organ. Tor show these facts, a cat must be placed under chloroform, after which both vagi are prepared, and the stomach exposed. If, now, the animal having partially recovered from the anaesthetic, the stomach is seized between the thumb and forefinger, and subjected to traction in the direction of its length, slight but unequivocal signs of uneasiness are perceived. The vagi are then divided, after which it may be observed, first, that the stomach is paler than before, and secondly, no sign of uneasi- ness is produced by traction. On irritation of the central end of one of the divided nerves, the color of the mucous surface is more or less completely re- stored. On irritation of the peripheral end, the walls of the stomach often begin 10 contract, but this effect is not constant when either splanchnic is intact. When both are divided, irri- tation of either vagus is invariably followed by movements of the stomach (Houckgeest). Experiments on vomiting have been omitted, as they do not succeed in narcotized animals. it and causes vomiting, it appears probable that some of the gastric nerves are more easily excited than others. See Carpenter's Physiology, edited by Power, 7th edition, p. 128. 494 DIGESTION. SECTION III.— FUNCTIONS or THE LIVER. BILE. 133. General Characters of the Bile.— Bile as it flows from the liver is a thin liquid, but when it stays some time in the gall bladder it becomes mixed with mucin, the presence of which renders it tenacious. In man, it is, when fresh, of a golden-yellow color, like yolk of egg, as may be seen when it is vomited ; but after death the bile in the gall bladder is generally brownish. In the dog it is also yellow, in the herbi- vora it is green, but very frequently it has a decided brown tinge in both. Its specific gravity and composition are not always the same even in the same animal. Specific Gravity- and Solids. — The specific gravity and amount of solids, organic and inorganic, in bile are determined in the same way as in saliva. The ash has a reddish tinge, due to the presence of iron. For the method of determining the amount of iron, see page 202. * Reaction. — Bile discolors litmus so much as to hide the reaction, it must therefore be first diluted and the reaction tested afterwards. In fresh bile it is always alkaline. 134. Composition of Bile. — When obtained from the gall bladder, the bile contains, 1, mucin ; 2, bile pigments ; 3, sodium salts of biliary acids; 4, cholesterin; 5, lecithin ; 6, phosphates of sodium, calcium, and iron, sodium chloride, and generally traces of copper. * Mucin. — Add common alcohol to bile, obtained from the gall bladder of an ox; wash the abundant precipitate so ob- tained with dilute alcohol ; add water, and the precipitate will dissolve; add acetic acid, and a precipitate of mucin will fall with traces of bile pigment adhering to it. For the reactions of mucin, .see § 45. Hili'. r/ tallize, and groups of silky needles appear. To preserve the crystals, pour off the mixture of alcohol and ether, wash them with pure ether, evaporate the adhering ether from them in vacuo, and replace the stopper in the bottle. The crystals, if left exposed, take up moisture, and form a resinous mass, which is eventually converted into a syrupy fluid. Crystallized bile is very soluble in water and in alco- hol, but insoluble in ether. Composition of Crystallized Bile. — Crystallized bile consists of the sodium salts of glycocholic and taurocholic acids. To separate these two acids from the base and from each other, dissolve the crystals or the resinous precipitate in water, and add first solution of neutral lead acetate, and then a little basic BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. lead acetate. This combines with the glycocholic acid, and forms an insoluble lead-glycocholate. Filter, and add to the filtrate lead acetate and ammonia, and a precipitate of lead- taurocholate will be formed. Filter; the filtrate contains the soda which has been set free, and also the excess of lead. The nature of the base may be shown by precipitating the lead from the solution by hydrogen-sulphide, and filtering ; the filtrate when evaporated to dryness leaves sodium acetate. *142. Glycocholic Acid (O^H^NOJ is abundant in ox-gall, but is only present in small quantities in human bile, and absent from the bile of the dog and cat. Preparation. — Dissolve the lead-gljrcocholate obtained in last experiment in hot alcohol ; precipitate the lead with hydrogen-sulphide, con- centrate the alcoholic solution by evaporation, and then pre- cipitate the glycocholic acid by adding water. Another and easier plan is that of Gortop-Besanez. Evapo- rate ox-gall nearly to dryness in a water-bath, and exhaust the residue with alcohol of ninety per cent. (sp. gr. 822). Distil or evaporate off the alcohol, dilute the residue if neces- sary with water, add milk of lime to it and warm it gently. The greater part of the coloring matter will be precipitated by the lime. Filter, allow it to cool, and add dilute sulphuric acid to it (avoiding excess), until a permanent turbidity is produced. Let it stand for a few hours, and the fluid will in most cases become a mass of crystals of glycocholic acid. Occasionally this conversion does not take place till after some days, or even weeks. Throw the mass on a filter con- nected with the water air-pump, wash with cold water, and press it between folds of blotting paper, first with the hand and then with a screw-press. It may be obtained in a still purer condition by dissolving it in a large quantity of lime- water, and adding dilute sulphuric acid" until the glycocholic acid again separates. It crystallizes in long thin white needles. The crystals are sparingly soluble in cold water, more readily in warm, from which it crystallizes out on cooling. It is very sparingly soluble in ether, readily in alcohol. When water is added to the alcoholic solution, the acid is precipitated first as a turbidity, and then in flakes and drops, which become gradually converted into crystals. * 143! Glycocine or Glycocol. — Glycocholic acid can be decomposed, and glj'cocine obtained from it by boiling it for a long time with strong hydrochloric acid.1 On then 1 Glycocine is more readily prepared from hippuric acid, which is contained in large quantities in the urine of herbivora, and consists of glycocine in combination with benzoic acid. Preparation of Hippuric Acid. — Milk of lime is added to horse's or cow's urine ; the mixture is boiled, filtered, neutralized with hydrochloric acid, and evaporated to a small bulk. On acidulating with hydrochloric acid, hippuric acid 502 DIGESTION. allowing it to cooi, a resinous mass (cholalic acid and dyslysin) separates. The fluid is poured off from the resin and evapo- ruU-d. The residue is then dissolved in water warmed with hydrated lead oxide, and tiltered ; the filtrate decomposed by hydrogen-sulphide, filtered, and the filtrate evaporated. The transparent rhomboidal crystals of glycocine thus ob- tained are then washed with absolute alcohol. They have a sweet taste, and are readily soluble in cold water ; almost in- soluble in ether and alcohol. * 144. Taurocholic Acid (C.,6H45NSO.) is present along with glycocholic acid in ox-bile ; it is the chief acid in human bile, and the only one in that of dogs. Preparation. — Sus- pend the lead taurocholate obtained from crystallized bile in alcohol, and decompose it by hydrogen-sulphide : filter ; evapo- rate the filtrate at a moderate temperature to a small bulk, place it in a stoppered bottle, and precipitate by a great excess of ether. The acid is precipitated as a syrup. After standing, it changes, if the process is successful, to fine silky crystals, which, when exposed to air, dissolve, or form a syrup. Taurocholic acid is soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in ether. It is recognized as a bile acid by giving Petten- knler's reaction, and is distinguished from glycocholic acid by not being precipitated by lead acetate alone, but by lead acetate and ammonia, and from any other bile acid by yielding taurin when decomposed by boiling with hydrochloric acid. It may be prepared from taurocholic acid or from crude bile. 145. Taurine (C2H7NS03).— Preparation.— Boil ox-gall with dilute hydrochloric acid for several hours. The bile acids are thus decomposed : Taurine and glycocine combine with the hydrochloric acid, and remain in solution, cholic acid separating as a resinous mass. Filter the fluid, evaporate the filtrate to dryness, extract the residue with absolute alcohol to remove the glycocine-hydrochlorate, dissolve the residue in water, and allow it to stand and crystallize. In order to purify it, dissolve it in spirit, precipitate it with lead acetate, decompose the precipitate with hydrogen-sulphide, filter, evapo- rate the filtrate to dryness, extract the residue with absolute alcohol, dissolve the taurine which remains in a very little water, and allow it to crystallize. Taurine is soluble in fifteen crystallizes out in rhombic prisms resembling thick needles (fig. 313). Qlycocine is prepared by boiling hippuric acid with strong hydrochloric acid for several hours, and evaporating the solution almost to dryness. The hippuric acid is decomposed, yielding benzoic acid and glycocine. The residue is extracted with cold water, which dissolves but little of the beneoic acid. To the watery extract hydrated lead oxide is then added, to remove the hydrochloric acid. The liquid is filtered, and the' d precipitated from the filtrate by hydrogen sulphide. The precipi- e having been removed by filtration, the filtrate is evaporated to a small bulk. BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 503 or sixteen parts of cold water, and in a much smaller quantit}r of hot water. In cold alcohol it is sparingly soluble, more easily in warm alcohol. It is insoluble in absolute alcohol and ether. Taurine is recognized by its crystalline form, and by its containing sulphur. Its crystals are colorless, transparent, six-sided prisms, with four to six-sided pointed ends (fig. 312). Taurine is proved to contain sulphur as follows: If a crystal is heated on platinum foil, it swells, becomes brown, and fuses, giving off fumes in which sulphurous acid is recognized by its smell. If the crystals are ignited with sodium carbonate, and a little acid is poured over the residue, hydric-sulphide is evolved. If they are dissolved in caustic potash, and the solution concentrated by boiling, ammonia is given off, and potassium sulphate and acetate left in solution. 146. Cholic Acid (C,4HJOO5). — Preparation.— Boil bile (or solution of glycocholic acid) with strong solution of caustic potash, or hot saturated solution of baryta water, for twelve or fourteen hours, precipitate by hydrochloric acid, wash the precipitate with water, dissolve it in a little liquor potassae, add ether, precipitate by hydrochloric acid, and allow the liquid to stand for several days. The ether causes it to become crystalline, and form quadrilateral prisms with pyramidal ends. Pour off the ether, dry the crystals between folds of blotting paper, dissolve them in hot alcohol, and add a little water until a turbidity just commences. Cholic acid crystallizes out on cooling in tetrahedra. Cholic acid exists in two con- ditions. In one it is soft and waxy, and somewhat soluble in water ; in ether tolerably, and in alcohol very readily soluble. In the crystalline condition it is insoluble in water and ether, but tolerably soluble in alcohol. When heated on platinum foil,. it becomes brown, melts and burns, giving off incense-like fumes. Heat, or boiling with sulphuric acid, converts it into resinous-looking substances, choloidinic acid and dyslysin. * 147. Cholesterin. — Cholesterin is not generally pre- pared directly from bile, but from gall-stones, most of which consist chiefl\r of Cholesterin, along with a little bile pigment and earthy salts. Preparation. — Extract pulverized gall- stones with boiling alcohol, and filter while boiling. Crystals of chobesterin separate from the filtrate when cool. In order to purify it, boil the crystals with alcoholic solution of caustic potash/ On cooling they will again separate. Wash the pro- duct with cold alcohol, and then with water; dissolve it in a mixture of alcohol and ether; allow it to evaporate. Crystal- lized cholesterin forms rhombic plates, the corners of which are often broken (fig. 314). It is quite insoluble in water and in cold alcohol. In boiling alcohol it dissolves with ease. Cho- lesterin may be conveniently prepared from the ethereal extract of gall stones obtained in the preparation of bilirubin by evapo- 504 DIGESTION. ration. The crystals must be purified as above directed. ,07?S.— (1) Put a few crystals of cholesterin under the microscope ; add a drop of a mixture of five volumes of sul- phuric acid and one of water, and warm the object-glass gently. The edges of the crystals will acquire a carmine color. If three parts of acid are used to one of water, the edges are violet, and if it is still more dilute they become lilac and dis- solve in the acid. (2) Add to some crystals strong sulphuric acid, with a little iodine or zinc chloride ; they acquire a tint which varies from greenish-blue to violet. (3) Put a drop of roneeut rated nitric arid on a crystal in a porcelain capsule, and evaporate to dry ness at a gentle heat ; touch the residue with a drop of ammonia. A deep red color is produced. (4) Hub up cholesterin with strong sulphuric acid, and add chlo- roform. A solution varying in color from blood-red to purple is produced, which, after changing successively into violet, blue, and green, finally disappears. * 148. Action of Bile. — The bile appears to aid the ab- sorption of fat. Lenz, Bidder, and Schmidt found that, after ligature of the gall duct, a dog absorbed less fat than before, and that the chyle* in the thoracic duct contained very little fat. They calculated the amount absorbed by comparing the quantity of fat eaten with the amount passed with the faeces. The bile emulsionizes fat, as can be seen by shaking a little oil with it. It is doubtful, however, whether it is to this property that the absorption is due. In forcing oil through animal mem- branes or filter-paper, either by pressure or by suction, it passes with much greater facility if it has been previously mixed with bile. 149. Bile precipitates Syntonin and Pepsin.— Digest a piece of fibrin with artificial gastric juice, and then add a larijv quantity of bile to it; a precipitate is at once produced. Filter, put another piece of fibrin in the filtrate, and acidulate with hydrochloric acid to the proper degree. The pepsin having been precipitated) the fibrin is not digested. Unless the quan- tity of bile is large, the whole of the pepsin will not be thrown down. It is not known what purpose is served by the pre- cipitation of the chyme by the bile in the duodenum. In the stomach the presence of bile must be injurious. 150. Secretion of Bile. — The secretion of bile goes on constantly, but is more rapid at one time than another. It is accelerated after taking food, usually attaining its maximum from two to four hours after each meal. The secretion is observed by tying the gall duct and introducing a canula into the gall bladder. A detailed account of the method of perform- in^ this operation on dogs is given by Rutherford and Gamgee in the report of the British Association for 1868. The principal facts may be demonstrated in the guineapig, as follows : — BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 505 ** 151. Mode of Producing Biliary Fistula in Guineapigs. — Chloroform the animal and secure it on the rabbit-support. Make an incision from an inch to an inch and a quarter long through the abdominal parietes in the linea alba from the xiphoid process downwards. The pyloric end of the stomach is thus exposed. Pull gently on the stomach until the duodenum is brought into view. The part correspond- ing to the superior transverse part in man forms a loop with its convexity directed towards the diaphragm, into the top of which convexity the ductus ckoledochus enters. Tie the duct in this situation, then seize the gall bladder with a pair of forceps. It is always full, and cannot be missed if the forceps are passed immediately under the edge of the costal cartilages. Make a small incision into the gall bladder, introduce a canula and tie it in. The diameter of the canula should be from two to three centimetres, and the end to be inserted should have a project- ing rim. This can be made very readily by heating the end of a piece of glass tubing of the proper size, and pressing it, while hot, against a flat piece of iron. Sew up the wound, leaving the free end of the canula outside. The bile in guineapigs is secreted in very large quantities, being as much as 7.3 grammes in an hour per kilogramme of bod}' weight. It contains a very small proportion of solids, about 1.3 per cent. When the bile duct is tied the guineapigs die in less than twent3r-four hours, but when it is not tied they will live for a week. The bile is se- creted wider a very low pressure. For estimating this pressure, prepare a manometer by attaching a piece of glass tubing, eighteen inches long, to a wooden or pasteboard scale. Fit an India-rubber tube to its lower end, fill the manometer and tube with water, and close the latter with a clip. Tie the ductus choledochus of a guineapig, and secure a canula in its gall bladder. Having ascertained that the water in the manometer stands at about 100 millimetres above the zero point, place the tube in a horizontal position at the same level as the canula. Connect the India-rubber tubing with the canula, and remove the clip. As the bile is secreted, the column of water advances, and the rapidity of secretion is thus indicated. When it reaches 150 millimetres on the scale, raise the tube to a vertical position. If the maximum pressure under which secretion occurs in the animal experimented on be used, the water will descend in the tube, but if not, it will continue to rise. ** 152. Absorption by the Liver.— The bile which has been secreted by the liver is re-absorbed either when the pres- sure is diminished in the bloodvessels, or when it is increased in the bile capillaries (Heidenhain) ; jaundice may thus be pro- duced in two ways. To show absorption from diminished pressure in the bloodvessels, compress the aorta just under- neath the diaphragm. The pressure in the manometer some- 506 DIGESTION. times falls, but as the vena cava and other parts are generally compressed likewise, the result is not constant. To show ab- sorption from increased pressure in the ducts, replace the water in the manometer by aqueous solution of indigo-carmine, taking care that the column of fluid stands several inches above the highest level previously attained by it. The solution is gradu- ally absorbed, muscular tremors occur, and the animal dies just as if water had been injected into the veins. At the same time the surface becomes colored blue by the indigo-carmine. The experiment enables us to understand how a very slight obstruction to the orifice of the bile duct is sufficient to deter- mine re-absorption, and the production of jaundice. GLYCOGEN. 153. It would form a marked exception to the economical use of material which we find in the body if the liver, the largest gland in it, had as its sole function the secretion of bile; a fluid of much less importance in digestion than the gastric or pancreatic juices. This, however, is not the case, for, in addition to secreting bile, the liver has the power of forming glycogen, a substance winch resembles dextrin in its reactions, and like it, can be converted into sugar by the action of ferments. It is always present in the liver in larger amount during digestion than during fasting. What the materials from which it is formed actually are is uncertain. Its amount is increased by the use of starchy food ; but as it continues to be formed in considerable quantity when the food consists of flesh alone, it is evident that it can be produced from albumin- ous bodies. In support of its origin from albumin, it has been argued .that the increased amount which is met with after the administration of starchy food, is due to the sugar derived from the starch being burnt off instead of albumin, in con- sequence of which more albumin remains to be converted into glycogen. The experiments of Cyon (if the}'' are to be relied upon) make it probable that urea is formed in the liver. As the amounts of sugar and urea excreted by diabetic patients fed on an nnimal diet, run parallel with one another, it might be supposed that when the diet is exclusively albuminous, glycogen is formed by albumin or peptones splitting up and yielding glycogen and urea. Again, when the diet consists of starch and sugar, glycogen is formed abundantly, and at the same time a deposit of fat takes place in the liver. From this it might be supposed that the sugar absorbed from the intes- tine is decomposed so as to yield glycogen and fat. Glycogen seems to be of great importance for cell growth, for it is found, wherever this is going on actively, as in new formations, or in embryonic tissues. A remarkable experiment of Hoppe-Seyler BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 507 shows that it is an ingredient of colorless blood corpuscles so long as they are active, but that when they lose their power of motion their glycogen disappears, and is replaced by sugar.1 In early foetal life, the muscular fibres and lungs contain much glycogen, which subsequently diminishes. The liver and other glands, and the nervous system of the embryo, contain little or no glycogen ; but it is found in large quantities in the pla- centa. After birth it is confined almost entirely to the liver and muscles. In the latter it seems to have some^relation to the work done by them, for the quantity present in them is diminished by activity. The glycogen of the liver does not remain in it long, but is soon converted into sugar, so that the large quantity which is present after a meal is quickly dimin- ished by fasting, and disappears altogether during starvation, while that present in the muscles does not increase so much after food, nor is it so quickly lessened by starvation (Weiss). Although both the liver itself and the blood contain a fer- ment which transforms glycogen into sugar, its conversion is probably effected in great measure by the blood, for it takes place more rapidly when the circulation through the liver is quickened. It is uncertain what the use of the sugar in the organism is, but possibly it, as well as gtyeogen, has some- thing to do with muscular action, since the quantity of sugar (or a substance reducing copper) in blood becomes much dimin- ished in its passage through the vessels of contracting mus- cles (Genersich). While Bernard considers that the formation of sugar goes on in the liver constantly during life, this has been denied by Pavy, Hitter, Meissner, and Schiff, who hold that it only occurs after death, or under pathological condi- tions, such as disturbance of the respiration or circulation during life. They base their opinions on the observations that the liver contains little or no sugar when examined imme- diately after death, and that the blood of the hepatic vein does not contain more sugar than that of the portal or jugular veins. It is quite true that sugar is found only in very small amount in fresh livers ; but the smallness of the quantity is in all pro- bability due to the constant circulation through the liver during life, washing the sugar out of it as soon as it is formed (Flint). The statement that the blood of the portal contains as much sugar as that of the hepatic vein, rests on experiments vitiated by the omission to place a ligature on the former while removing the liver, so that the hepatic vein having no valves, the blood from it flowed back into the portal system. When this fallacy is avoided, sugar is found in much larger propor- tion in the hepatic than in the portal vein. To meet the objec- 1 For the details of this experiment see Med. Chem. Untersuch., 1871, p. 486. 508 DIGESTION. tion that sugar thus found has been formed after death, blood ten taken from the right side of the heart, or vena cava, and the quantity of sugar it contained compared with a similar specimen of blood from the jugular vein. Every precaution was taken to avoid disturbance of the circulation, yet the suu:a r in the former was found to exceed that in the latter con- siderably (Lusk). ** 154. Mode of demonstrating the Glycogenic Function of the Liver. — The Liver contains Sugar which ran In' ?vmo»vsuiv-l>ottle containing water. (See page 1 14.) Proceed in rvt-ry respect as in injecting the liver for anatomical pur- poses, using ;v pressure of two or three feet of water. The liquid which Hows from the hepatic vein as the water enters the portal vein, will be at first blood, then blood diluted with water, and, lastly, pure water. Collect portions of each of the>e fluids in small beakers as they flow out. The remainder which is not collected is allowed to run into the dish in which the liver lies. Te-t each of the fluids for grape sugar. It will be found in the portions first collected, the quantity gradually diminishing as the washing is continued. Eventually it disap- A How the stream to flow until none can be detected by any of the tots described in the next paragraph. As soon as this is the case, disconnect the canula without loss of time, and cut the liver into three pieces. Mince one of them as rapidly as possible, put it immediately into water boil- ing briskly, and acidulate it very slightly with acetic acid, to coagulate the albumin. Put another into strong alcohol for a minute or two, pour off the alcohol, and squeeze the remainder of it from the liver. Then cut it up small, cover it with abso- lute alcohol and let it stand. Allow the third piece of liver to lie on the table. After the liver has been boiled for a few min- utes filter the water from it. The filtrate is milky. Test it for sugar. If the operation has been rapidly performed, little or none will be found, showing that all the sugar has been re- moved from the liver. //• />• (njaiii fnrmrd in the Liver after its removal by Wndtin-j. — After the third piece of liver has lain on the ta\)le for some time, cut it up and boil it like the first ; filter, and test for sugar ; in most cases it will be found. As there was none BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 509 in the other piece, this sugar must have been formed after the liver was cut in pieces. The Liver contains Glycogen, a Substance which can be changed into Grape Sugar by the action of Ferments. — Take a little of the milky nitrate obtained by boiling the liver which has been already found to contain no sugar. Add to it a little saliva, and let it stand in the water-bath at 35° C. for a few minutes, or warm it gently over a spirit-lamp. Then add liquor potassoe and ctipric sulphate, and boil ; sugar is found. Evapo- rate the milky remainder of the nitrate to a small bulk, and add alcohol in excess. A white flocculent precipitate of gly- cogen is formed. The Liver also contains a Diastatic Ferment. — From the other piece of liver which has been placed in alcohol prepare a glycerin solution, as directed in' § 160. Add some of this to a solution of glycogen, let it remain in the water-bath at 40° C., and test small portions of it from time to time. Sugar will at length be found, but very many hours may be necessary. 155. Mode of Testing for Sugar in Blood. — As the albumin and coloring matter of the blood would interfere with the reaction, they must be removed before the test is applied. Bernard's method is as follows: Put the blood, if pure, in a mortar, and rub it up with a quantity of animal charcoal, suffi- cient to form a dry paste. Add a little water, rub it up again, and throw the mixture on a filter. The water filters through quite clear, holding in solution any sugar which may be pre- sent, and Trommer's test may then be applied to it. If the blood is diluted, agitate it well with sufficient animal charcoal to form a thick paste ; filter it, and test as before. Another method, which is preferable if the quantity of sugar is to be estimated, is to mix the blood with three or four times its bulk of strong spirit, and after allowing it to stand for some time, to filter. The residue is then extracted with much alco- hol, and after the addition of the extract to the filtrate, the alcohol is evaporated off and the residual liquid tested. Trom- mer's test answers for saliva, but in the present case it is inade- quate, as many other bubstances capable of reducing cupric oxide might be present. Other tests are therefore required. Moore's Test. — Put the solution in a test-tube and add suffi- cient liquor potassse or liquor sodae to make it strongly alka- line. Heat it gently to boiling. If sugar is present in con- siderable quantity, the fluid will become first yellow, then reddish-brown, and, lastly, dark brown or black ; but if there is only a little sugar, the color will only become yellow or red- dish-brown. Bb'ttchers's Test. — Put the solution in a test-tube, and add to it as much bismuth oxide or subnitrate as will lie on the point of a knife, and a considerable excess of a very strong solution 510 DIGESTION. of caustic potash or soda, and boil for some time. If sugar is present, the bismuth oxide will be reduced and become at first gray, and lastly black. If only traces of sugar are present, a •mall quantity of bismuth must be used, or the whole will not In- ivduced; if a first trial gives only a gray color, it should be repeated with a smaller quantity of bismuth. /•'. / mentation Test. — A solution of grape sugar mixed with yeast should at once ferment and give off carbonic acid. A convenient apparatus for testing this is described by Bernard. It consists of a test-tube, about three inches long, fitted with a tight cork, through which a piece of small glass tubing passes tcTthe bottom. The tube is to be completely filled with the fluid to be tested, mixed with a little yeast, and then put in the water-bath at 35° C. If sugar is present, carbonic acid is given off, and as it cannot escape, it drives the fluid out through the small tube. As the yeast may contain sugar itself, a similar tube should be filled with yeast and water for comparison with the first. The gas may be shown to be carbonic acid by shak- ing it with baryta water. The fluid which escapes should be collected by means of a piece of India-rubber tubing attached to the upper end of the small tube, and tested for alcohol by boiling it with a little potassium bichromate and sulphuric acid. 1 1' alcohol is present the fluid becomes green. ** 156. Preparation of Glycogen. — In order to obtain a large amount of glycogen from a liver, the animal must be healthy, and must be killed during digestion, as otherwise the liver would contain but little glycogen. Conversion into sugar after death must be prevented by rendering the ferment which acts on it inactive, as quickly as possible ; this is done by heat- ing the liver to 100° C. Kill a large and well-fed rabbit an hour or two after it has had a full meal, by decapitation with a long knife. Open the abdomen instantly, tear out the liver, chop it into pieces as quickly as possible with a few strokes of the knife, and throw it into a capacious capsule containing water, which is kept briskly boiling by a large Bunsen's burner. The burner must be large, because the liver cools the water into which it is thrown, and unless ebullition be kept up briskly it may be some time before the pieces of liver are heated to 100° C. throughout, in which case the transformation of glycogen into sugar will go on in those parts which are insufficiently heated. Let the liver boil briskly for a short time ; then pour the liquid out of the capsule into a large beaker, and put the liver into a mortar. Return the liquid to the capsule, rub the liver to a fine pulp, put it back into the capsule and boil it again. Then filter the liquid and cool the filtrate rapidl}', by placing the vessel con- taining it in ieed water. The filtrate contains a considerable quantity of albuminous substances, which must be removed in BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 511 order to get the gtycogen pure. This is best done by precipi- tating them with potassio-mercuric iodide, as recommended by Briicke. This solution is made by precipitating a solution of mercuric chloride with potassium iodide, washing the precipi- tate and adding it to a boiling solution of potassium iodide till the latter is saturated. When the filtrate from the liver is cool, add hydrochloric acid and potassio-mercuric iodide solution to it alternatel}*, as long as they cause any precipitate. Stir the mixture, let it stand about five minutes, and then filter. Add alcohol to the filtrate till glycogen begins to be copiously precipitated, taking care not to add an excess of alcohol, lest other substances be also precipitated. The glycogen is best precipitated when the mix- ture contains 60 per cent, of absolute alcohol. Collect the gly- cogen in a filter, wash it, first with dilute alcohol, then with strong alcohol of 90 per cent. (sp. gr. 822), which makes it more easy to separate from the filter. Extract it- with ether and dry it rapidly on a flat plate. Instead of separating the albumin from the glycogen by potassio-mercuric iodide, the boiling solu- tion of glycogen may be slightly acidulated with acetic acid and filtered. The filtrate is then quickly evaporated to half its bulk and mixed with its own volume of strong alcohol of 90 per cent. The glycogen is precipitated along with a little glu- tin. To separate it from this it is boiled with liquor potassae for an hour or more, neutralized with acetic acid, precipitated with alcohol, collected on a filter, washed first with strong alco- hol and then with absolute alcohol till all traces of water have been removed, and then the alcohol displaced by absolute ether. The glycogen remains as a white powder. It is to be quickly dried by spreading it in a thin layer on a warm porcelain plate and passing a current of air over it. If the glutin has not been perfectly removed, or if the water has been incompletely dis- placed by the alcohol and ether, the glycogen in drying becomes converted into a gummy mass, instead of forming, as it ought to do, a white powder. * 157. Properties of Glycogen. — Glycogen is amorphous, colorless, and tasteless. In water it is readily soluble. The solutions are strongly opalescent, and when concentrated are quite milky. They are, apparently, true solutions, as they pass unchanged through filters and through animal charcoal, and no particles can be observed in them by the microscope. Briicke, however, considers that they are not true solutions, but merely suspensions of particles of glycogen swollen up in the fluid. The opalescence disappears on the addition of caustic alkalies, although the alkali does not destroy the glycogen. In alcohol and in ether it is insoluble. It contains no nitrogen. When burnt on platinum foil, it does not give off the peculiar smell of nitrogenous bodies, nor does it leave any ash. 512 DIGESTION. (Jlycogen is colored red by solution of iodine. The best solution for this purpose is made by putting a little iodine in water and adding potassium iodide very graduallj* to it, with constant agitation, until the fluid assumes a wine-red color. If caustic potash is added to a solution of glycogen, and then a drop of cupric sulphate, the copper oxide is redissolved. The oxide is not reduced on boiling. 158. Influence of Food on the Amount of Glycogen in the Liver. — If two rabbits, one of which is fed abundantly with corn, the other sparingly with green food, are kept other- wise in the same conditions and killed at the same period of digestion, it is found that the liver of the former contains much more glycogen than that of the latter. ** 159. Conditions which determine the Conver- sion of Glycogen into Grape Sugar. — Glycogen can be changed into dextrin and grape sugar: — 1. By Ferments. — Take a watery solution of glycogen and mix some saliva with it. Put the mixture into two test-tubes and place them in the water-bath at 37° to 40° C. Take out one immediately after the milkiness of the solution has dis- appeared. Add alcohol to it: a precipitate of dextrin is formed. Filter, and wash the precipitate with alcohol. Put the precipitate in water : it becomes transparent and dissolves, forming a solution perfectly free from opalescence. Test a lit tic of the solution with liquor potassae and cupric sulphate ; no reduction takes place on boiling. To another portion add iodine solution; a red color like that of glycogen appears. Test the alcoholic filtrate with liquor potassae and cupric sul- phate: it is reduced. This shows that the glycogen has been converted partly into dextrin and partly into grape-sugar by the salivary ferment. Let the other test-tube stand for some time in the water-bath. Add alcohol. If it has stood long enough, no precipitate is produced. Test it. On applying Troinnier's test a great reduction of cupric oxide will occur. This shows that the glycogen has been entirely converted into sugar by the prolonged action of the salivary ferment. liltxtd contains a Ferment which converts Glycogen. — A ferment possessing the same action is contained in the blood. Add a little blood to a solution of glycogen, and let it stand for some time at 3Y° C. Then remove the albumin and test for sugar in the manner already described. '. /;// ,f r/,/.s._Mix a solution of glycogen with dilute hydro- chloric or sulphuric acid and boil. Then add liquor potassse "i excess and copper sulphate, and boil ; sugar is found. All specimens of glycogen can be converted into sugar by acids, they are not all alike in their behavior to ferments, some • specimens requiring a longer time than others. BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 513 160. Separation of a Diastatic Ferment from the Liver. — Cut off the head of a rabbit and remove the liver as quickly as possible. Mince it and wash it with water several times to remove the blood. Then squeeze it tolerably dry, put it into absolute alcohol, and let it remain for twenty-four hours. Filter off the alcohol, wash the liver with alcohol, and then put the mass, for several da}'s, in gtycerin. Filter it through muslin. The filtrate is free from sugar, but contains a ferment which converts glycogen and starch into sugar. Take a little of the glycerin extract in each of three test- tubes ; put into one a little glycogen, and into another a little starch paste, and let them stand for a quarter or half an hour. Then test all three for sugar with copper sulphate and potash. No sugar will be found in the tube containing the glj-cerin extract alone, the sugar found in the liver immediately after death having been removed by the alcohol before the glycerin was added. Both the other tubes will contain sugar. Diluting the glycerin extract does not alter the effect. After the Ferment has been extracted by Glycerin, the Jfa.s.s atill contains Glycogen. — Extract the mass several times with fresh glycerin. Take two test-tubes: then introduce a little of it, with water in each, and let them into two test-tubes. Test one of them for sugar: none is found. Add to the other one a little of the glycerin extract, which has already been found to contain no sugar, and let it stand at 40° C. for some time, after which it will be found to contain sugar. A similar ferment can be extracted from bile by precipitating it with alcohol, washing the precipitate with alcohol on a filter, and then extracting it with glycerin in the way already mentioned (Von Wittieh). 161. Glycosuria. — It is still disputed whether sugar is a normal constituent of the urine or not. But in the diseased condition, to which the term Diabetes Mellitas is applied, it appears in considerable quantities. Bernard first showed that its appearance in the urine can be induced by certain lesions of the nervous system, and finding that they caused, at the same time, dilatation of the vessels of the liver, he attributed the appearance of the sugar to the increased circulation through that organ. His views have lately been confirmed; the nervous mechanism by which the vessels become dilated has been discovered by Cyon and Aladoff, from whose re- searches it appears that the vasomotor nerves of the hepatic vessels pass from the vasomotor centre in the medulla oblon- gata down the cervical part of the spinal cord, which they leave at its lower end. Thence they accompany the vertebral arteries to the Jast cervical ganglion, finding their way by the two fibres, which pass in front and behind the subclavian artery (forming the annulus of Vieussens) to the first dorsal 33 514 DIGESTION. ganglion. Thence they proceed in the gangliated cord of the sympathetic and the splanchnic nerves to the liver. When these vasomotor fibres are severed, -either by dividing the fibres on the vertebral artery or those forming the annul us of A'ienssens, or by extirpating the third cervical or first dorsal eanjrlion, the hepatic vessels dilate, and diabetes occurs. It is of great importance to notice that section of the sympa- thetic cord or the splanchnic nerves does not produce diabetes, although the vasomotor nerves of the liver are thus divided. The reason of this probably is that the vasomotor nerves of the intestine, being divided at the same time, so much blood goes to the inte&tina] vessels that the circulation in the liver is not increased. The vessels can be dilated reflexly by irrita- ting the central ends of the cut vagi, or the roots of the vagus in 'the fourth ventricle. Section of the splanchnics or sym- pathetic cord prevents the occurrence of diabetes when the fourth ventricle is afterwards punctured, but does not remove it when already present. Diabetes may also be produced by the inhalation of carbonic oxide (Schmiedeberg), chloroform, or nitrite of amyl, or by the injection of curare. As regards carl ionic oxide, it has been ascertained that the action is not prevented in the. dog by section of both splanchnics, but in rabbits it does not produce diabetes at all (Eokhard). Increased proportion of sugar in the blood determines glyco- suria. To show this, expose the jugular vein in a healthy rab- bit, having first weighed it and ascertained that its urine is free from sugar. Then slowly inject 5 to 10 per cent, solution of grape sugar into the vein. About two grammes of sugar should be used for every kilogramme of body weight. Sugar is found in the urine shortly after, but next day it will have disappeared. It has been found that if the amount of sugar in the blood does not exceed a half a gramme for each kilogramme of body weight, it 'may not appear in the urine. ** 162. Production of Glycosuria "by Puncture of the Floor of the Fourth Ventricle. — The part of the fourth ventricle the puncture of which is followed by the most abundant appearance of sugar in the urine is limited superiorly by a line joining the origin of the auditory nerves, and inferi- orly by one joining the origins of the vagi ; a puncture higher up. or to either side, may, however, produce more or less glyco- suria. It has been ascertained by Bernard that it is essential to the result, that the olivary fasciculi should be injured, and th..t it is not produced by injury of the superficial, i. e., poste- rior sensory layers. The instrument used for puncturing the ventricles consists of a small steel chisel (see Fig. 315), about four millimetres broad, and having a style in the middle winch projects about two millimetres beyond the cutting edge. This chisel is pushed on through the occipital bone and the cere- BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 515 bellum until its further progress is arrested by the point com- ing in contact with the basilar process of the occipital bone. In this way the edge of the chisel is prevented from injuring the anterior motor fibres of the medulla, and thus producing a disturbance of the motor functions which would complicate the experiment. Mode of Operation. — Place a rabbit in the prone position on Czermak's rabbit-support, and fix the head to the upright at the side. Feel for the occipital protuberance, and make an in- cision over it about half an inch long. Fix the point of the chisel in the middle line of the skull just behind the protube- rance, and bore through the bone, moving the handle of the instrument from side to side, in order to assist its passage, but not pressing with too great a force. When the skull has been penetrated, push the chisel downwards and forwards through the cerebellum in such a direction as to cross a line joining the two auditory meatus (see Fig. 310) until it is stopped by the basilar process, and then gently withdraw it. Remove some of the urine in half an hour or an hour afterwards (§ 138), and test it for sugar. SECTION IV.— DIGESTION IN THE INTESTINES. PANCREATIC JUICE. 163. Pancreatic juice may be obtained either by a temporary or permanent fistula. It is usually stated that the secretions from these two kinds of fistula differ much from each other, a normal juice being obtained only from a temporary fistula, while that yielded by a permanent one is watery and destitute of some of the properties possessed by the other. Ludwig and Bernstein, however, have, by an improved method of making a permanent fistula, succeeded in obtaining a normal juice from it also. 164. Method of making a Temporary Fistula. — In the dog there are two pancreatic ducts, one of which opens into the duodenum along with the ductus choledochus. The other duct, which is larger, and enters the duodenum about two cen- timetres below the one first mentioned, is exclusive!}' employed for the operation. It is not necessary to ligature the first. Bernard prefers for the purpose large dogs, sheep dogs being best, as they are less subject to peritonitis than others. Five or six hours before the operation, the animal should get a large meal of bread and meat. The operation, which must be per- formed as quickly as possible, consists in laying the dog on its left side, and making an incision five centimetres long in the right hypochondrium from the projecting point of the last false rib downwards, parallel with the linea alba. The bleeding should be stopped before the peritoneum is opened. The duo- 516 DIGESTION. denum lies opposite the wound. As soon as it is exposed it is drawn out, and the pancreatic duct looked for about two centi- metres below the (Ittctux choleflochus. The part of the pancreas in which the duct lies is generally closely attached to the duo- denum, and somewhat overlaps it. The largest and lowest of the bundles of vessels which pass from the duodenum to the pancreas, lies over the duct. These vessels are to be pushed aside, and a thread passed under the duct, which is recognized by being larger and paler than the vessels. Care must be taken not to injure the vessels and cause bleeding, and the pancreas roust be pulled or pressed as little as possible. The duct is opened with scissors, and a plain silver canula, about five mil- limetres in diameter, and 10 or 12 centimetres long, pushed into it up to its first division, which is generally visible; the ligature is then tightened; another thread is passed through the serous coat of the duodenum, and the canula fixed to the intestine by it. The ends of these threads, and the end of the canula. are kept outside the wound, the duodenum returned to the abdominal cavity, and the wound closed by first sewing together the muscles, and then the skin. A small India-rubber bag. furnished with a stopcock, is then tied to the outer end of the canula. emptied of air. and the stopcock closed. The juice then collects in it, and is drawn off by the stopcock (see -17). Generally, it flows abundantly ; but if it does not, a little ether should be injected into the stomach by a stomach- pump. The juice may be collected for several hours; but after the expiration of twenty-four hours, the character of the secretion changes. In a few hours more, the canula and threads should be gently drawn out. The wound general!}* heals (juickly. 165. Method of making a Permanent Fistula. — For permanent fistula?, Ludwig and Bernstein choose small dogs, as in them the duodenum is more easily reached from the mid- dle line, and is not drawn so far from its natural position by the fistula as in larger animals. The dog must be kept fasting on tin- day of the operation, as the pancreatic vessels are full during digestion, and bleed easily. Narcotize the animal by injecting opium into the tibial vein, and open the abdomen by an incision about two centimetres long in the linea alba, mid- way between the ensiforin cartilage and the umbilicus. The duodenum is then searched for, and drawn out of the wound along with the attached pancreas, and a thread looped round the dmt. Instead of then putting in a canula, a piece of lead wire is inserted into the duct, so that one end of it passes into the Intestine and the other into the gland to a considerable dis- The middle part of it is twisted together, and projects through the wound. Owing to the T shape thus given to the' wire, it cannot either slip out or move about in the duct; but BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 517 wire being chosen which does not fill it up, the flow of the juice is not hindered. Three threads having then been passed through the wall of the duodenum near the duct, the intestine and omentum are replaced in the abdomen, and the duodenum fastened by the threads to the abdominal wall. The wound is then sewed up, care being taken that the twisted part of the lead wire passes through the wound. Twenty-four hours after the operation, the stitches are taken out, but the wire left in. In two or three days afterwards the juice can be collected. For this purpose, the animal must be supported by two straps, which pass under its belly, and are attached to a horizontal bar hung from the roof by a cord and pulley. The dog is thus suspended over a table at such a height that it can barely touch it with its toes, in which position it remains perfectly still. A funnel is then attached under the fistula, and the juice collected in a glass below. The normal juice obtained from a temporary fistula is a col- orless transparent tenacious fluid, with a strongly alkaline re- action. When cooled under 0° C.. a coagulum separates from it. The juice from permanent fistulae is more watery, and yields no coagulum when cooled. In the former, it often contains about 10 per cent, of solids, but the amount may be as low as 2 per cent. ; and in the latter, the percentage is frequently from 2 to 5. Their amount is determined in the manner described in § 74. Pancreatic juice contains an albuminous body, an alkali-albuminate, leucine, tyrosine, fats, soaps, inorganic salts, and three ferments. One of these converts starch into sugar, another splits up fats, liberating fatty acids, and the third con- verts albuminous bodies, first into peptones, and then into leu- cine and tyrosine. On account of the presence of this third ferment, the reactions of the juice, after it has been allowed to- stand, differ from those which it presents when fresh, the albu- min of the fresh juice itself being digested by the ferment in it, and yielding peptones, leucine, and tyrosine. When fresh juice is heated to 72° C., the albumin coagulates, and after the coagulum has been separated, acetic acid precipitates the alkali- albuminate. The watery extract of the gland may be used for showing many of the properties and actions of pancreatic juice,, instead of the juice itself. ** 166. Artificial Pancreatic Juice. — For this purpose, the pancreas from an animal killed in full digestion must be em- ployed. Take the pancreas of an animal which has been killed about six hours after a full meal. Wash off the blood, cut it into moderately small pieces, pour about four times its weight of water at 25° C. over it, and let it stand for two hours in the water at that temperature, above which it must not be allowed to rise more than four or five degrees at most. Filter it first through linen, and then through paper. The filtrate generally 518 DIGESTION. has an acid reaction from the presence of fatty acids, liberated by the ferment from the fats in the pancreas, and is opalescent from the presence of fat in a state of emulsion. Boil a little of the fluid ; a precipitate of albumin is formed. Filter, and neu- tralize by acetic acids, and a further precipitate of alkali-albu- minate will be produced. The presence of leucine and tyrosine may be shown by removing the albumin by boiling and acidu- lat iiiir. and then separating them as described in § 35. To show that leucine is present in the juice as secreted, and is not due to changes in it afterwards, it must be received in alcohol as it flows from the fistula. * 167. Glycerin Solution of Pancreatic Ferments.— After cutting up the pancreas, as in the previous experiment, lay it for a day or two in absolute alcohol, and after express- ing the alcohol let it lie several days in glycerin, then filter. ** 168. Actions of Pancreatic Juice.— It emulsionizes /V//.__Shake up some of the watery extract with olive oil, an emulsion is formed. This is due to the albumin it contains, for by adding liquor potassae to the mixture so as to dissolve the albumin, and shaking, the drops of fat may be made to run together again. 2. It decomposes /<>//*, liberating Fatty Acids. — The extract of pancreas contains fat: hence when it is kept for an hour in the water-bath at 40° C., without any addition, its acid reac- tion increases. To show its action on fats, carefully neutralize some of the watery extract and add to it a little olive oil or fresh butter, whose reaction must also be neutral. Put the mixture in the water-bath for some time, put a drop from the bottom of the tube on blue litmus paper and let it run off. A red and somewhat greasy spot is left. 3. // ro/Hvr/.s Starch into Sugar. — Mix some of the extract with starch mucilage and let it stay for some minutes in the water-bath at 40° C. ; then apply Trommer's test, and sugar will be found. 4. // ///f/rs/.s Fibrin, forming Peptones, and afterwards de- r'//;/«/• into Grape Sugar — Dissolve some cane sugar in water, and apply Trommer's test to a portion of the solution. No reduction of the copper will occur as it would do if grape sugar were employed. Add some artificial intesti- nal juice to another portion of the solution. Let it stand at 40° for a short time, and then apply Trommer's test ; a re- duction of the copper will take place. A similar conversion of cane into grape sugar is produced by boiling with acids, as may be shown by boiling a little of the syrup with dilute sul- phuric acid, and then applying Trommer's test. * 176. Moreau's Experiment.— When all the. Nerve* yniny /o a jxirt <>f the Intent hie arc divided, it secretes a very large Quantity of a watery Intestinal Juice. — This is shown by letting a large dog fast for at least twenty-four hours, so that its intestines may be empty. It is then put under chloroform, an incision made in the linea alba, and a loop of intestine drawn out. Two ligatures are tied firmly round it at a distance of four or five inches apart, so that the piece of bowel between them is completely isolated from the rest of the intestine. All the nerves in the mesentery belonging to this piece are then carefully divided, leaving the vessels uninjured. Another liga- ture is then tied round the intestine on each side of the first two, ami about four or five inches from them, so that a piece of intestine similar to the first is isolated on each side of it, but the nerves going to them are left untouched. The intestine is then returned to the abdominal cavity, the wound sewn up, and BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTOX. 525 the animal left for four or five hours. It is then killed, and the intestines examined. The part of which the nerves have been divided is found perfectly full of fluid, while the piece on each side of it is empty. The fluid contained in the distended loop has been ascertained by Kiihne to resemble in composition diluted intestinal juice. 177. Movements of the Intestine. — The influence of the nervous system on the movements of the intestine has not yet been completely investigated. Peristaltic action is in all probability produced by the ganglia in the intestinal walls, as it continues in an excised portion ; but it may be increased by the action of the vagi, and lessened or arrested by the splanch- nics. The ganglia are stimulated and movements excited by the presence of venous blood in the intestinal vessels (Maier and Von Basch), or their distension by arterial blood (Nasse). The splanchnics are inhibitory nerves for the intestine, and its movements are arrested by their irritation (Pfliiger and Westphal). At a certain period after death, however, they ex- cite movements (Ludwig and Spiess). It is uncertain whether they exert an inhibitory action directly on the ganglia as the vagus does in the heart, or act only indirectly through the ab- sence of blood which they produce by causing contraction of the vessels. For a description of the method of showing the action of the splanchnics, see Ludwig and Spiess ; Sitzungsbe- richte der Wiener Academic, xxv. 1857, p. 580. Their inhibi- tory power is said by Koliker to be destroyed by curare, and the writer has been unable to observe it in several experiments on animals narcotized by chloral. Irritation of the vagi causes movements of the intestine, beginning in the stomach. This occurs only occasionally when one or both splanchnics are in- tact, but almost invariably after both have been divided (Houckgeest). In performing this experiment, as well as others on the intestine, it is advisable to employ Sanclers-Ezn's method, of opening the abdomen under f per cent, salt solution warmed to 35° C., in order to avoid the irritation to the intes- tines which is occasioned by their exposure to air. For this purpose, a bath of tin or zinc, 32 inches long, by 9J broad, and 8^ deep, provided wiih a Geissler's regulator at one end, is used. Into this thirty-five litres of water at 35° C. are poured, and sufficient salt added to make a f per cent, solution. In- stead of measuring out the water each time, it is more conven- ient to mark on the sides of the bath the height to which it should be filled. The animal, being laid on a piece of board with Czermak's holder attached to it, instead of the usual sup- port, is placed in the bath, and the lower end of the board is kept immersed by attaching a weight to it. For detailed ex- periments with this method, see Houckgeest Pfliiger's Archiv. vi. p. 2GG. 526 THE SECRETIONS. CHAPTER XXXVIII. THE SECRETIONS. SECTION I.— MILK. 178. Characters of Milk.— Newly-drawn milk is an opaque fluid of a white or yellowish-white color. Its color and opacity are due to its being an emulsion, i. e., to its con- sisting of little globules of fat suspended in a solution of albumin, milk, sugar, and organic salts. Each globule of fat is covered by a thin coating of casein. When the milk is allowed to stand, the fat globules, being lighter than the fluid in which they swim, rise in great part to the top, and form cream, and the lower part of the fluid often acquires a bluish tinge. A similar separation also takes place in the milk gland itself, so that the milk last drawn is richest in cream. The globules of fat are prevented from uniting by the thin albumi- nous coating which surrounds each ; but when this is broken latiou, they coalesce, forming butter. Changes also occur in the milk, sugar, casein, and fats of the milk, more or , 'liekly. according to the higher or lower temperature to which it is exposed. The milk-sugar becomes converted, ap- parently through the agency of a ferment, into lactic acid. This gives the milk an acid reaction, and precipitates the case- in, causing the milk to curdle. The coagulum, or curd, in- l the fat globules. The liquid from which it is separated, a sul ut ion of milk, sugar, and salts, is known as whey. The curd, when completely separated from the whey, is called che. .J//r/-Msr,,/,/r,// /'J.m ID i t)tif ipe. It will be seen to consist of a colorless fluid, con- taining large numbers of minute fat globules. Add a drop of acetic acid, so as to dissolve the coating of casein : the globules will coalesce. Besides these globules, cells containing much fat may be. seen, and also masses of fat similar to those within the cells, but destitute of an envelope. These cells are found much more frequently in the milk (called colostrum) which is secreted for the first lew days after parturition, and they have, therefore, received the name of colostrum corpuscles.' They sometimes exhibit contractile movements. /!,-u rfjini. — The reaction of human milk is always alkaline,- and that of cows' milk is generally so. Free lactic acid always BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 527 exists in the fresh milk of the carnivora, and occasionally in that of the cow and goat. Specific Gravity. — The specific gravity may be taken by the specific gravity bottle or by a hydrometer. Before using either, the milk should be well shaken and air-bubbles removed, With a view to the detection of adulteration by water, a special hydrometer is used, which is known as Quevenne's lacto-densimeter. It is furnished with a scale indicating specific gravities from 1042 to 1014. The highest specific gravity of milk yet observed is 1040 to 1041, and the average specific gravity of milk mixed with 50 per cent, of water is 1014 to 1016. The instrument is graduated for use at 15° C., and when employed at a different temperature, a correction must be made in the specific gravity indicated by it. Tables for this purpose are to be found in Gorup-Besanez's Zoochemie, 3d edition, p. 468. The quantity of water mixed with a sample of milk may be approximately estimated by the sub- joined tables. . The specific gravity of milk, with the cream thoroughly mixed with it by shaking, is first ascertained, and if the result is doubtful, another observation is made after the cream has been removed. Table for estimating the quality of milk by its specific gravity before the removal of the cream: — Specific Gravity. 1033 to 29 = Pure milk. 1029 " 26 = Milk with 10 per cent, of water. 1026 "23 = " 20 " " 1023 " 20 = " 30 " " 1020 " 17 = " 40 " ". lOH " 14 = " 50 " " Table for estimating the quality of milk from which the cream has been removed, by its specific gravity : — Specific Gravity. 1037 to 1033 = Pure milk. 1033 " 1029 = Milk with 10 per cent, of water. 1029 " 1026 + " 20 " " 1026 " 1023 = " 30 " " 1023 " 1020 = " 40 " " 1020 " 1016 = " 50 " " **]/79. Constituents of Milk.— Casein.— Casein closely resembles alkali-albuminate4 in its characters. It is not pre- 1 Casein is usually regarded as identical with alkali -albumiuate. The recent researches of Hoppe-Seyler and Lubavin on its digestion in gas- tric juice, tend to show that it consists of an albuminous, in combina- tion with a non-albuminous, organic body. 528 THE SECRETIONS. cipitated by boiling. It is soluble in alkaline solutions, and is precipitate^ from them by neutralization, but this precipitation is prevented by the presence of alkaline phosphates. It dis- solves in excess of hydrochloric acid, and also, but not so readily, in acetic acid. Milk does not coagulate when it is boiled in a test-tube, but if it is boiled in an evaporating basin, the casein near the surface becomes somewhat dried and forms a scum on the surface; and if this is removed another appears. When milk stands in a warm place, it becomes sour and curdles. If common salt is added to fresh milk, it becomes sour on stand- ing, but does not curdle, for the albumin, separated from the casein by the acid, is kept in solution by the neutral salt. If the solution is boiled, the albumin is coagulated. M,,,l,- »t' tf,-]>nratiny the term mixed urine, we understand a ^ mixture of the different portions of urine passed during twenty- four hours. When urine is allowed to stand for some hours, it deposits a - slight cloudy sediment, which is called the mucous cloud, Midi '' which consists of mucus holding in suspension a few epithelial cells, derived from the genito-urinary passages. It is usually affirmed that the urine, on exposure to the air, in clean vessels, becomes, after some hours, much more acid than it was when passed. To this change the name of the acid fermentation has been given. There are no facts which prove the constant occur- rence of this acid change. ^ When the urine is, however, placed for periods which vary very greatly, in open vessels, exposed to air, it ultimately invariably undergoes the so-called alkaline fermentation, i. e., its reaction becomes exceedingly alkaline, it / , , emits an ammoniacal odor, and it becomes turbid, in conse-/ foi&r»A quence of the precipitation of phosphate of magnesium and am- monium, of phosphate of calcium, and unite of ammonium. The acid reaction of healthy human urine is probably due, inic_ great part, to free carbonic acid, to uric and to hippuric acids ; it has been commonly believed, however, that acid pli'osijhaje > &*• .of sodium exists in urine., and that the acidity of the fluid is chiefly dne to its presence. The alkaline reaction of urine which has become decom- posed is undoubtedly due to carbonate of ammonium. Un- der the influence of putrescent animal substances it may be observed that perfectly fresh urine becomes, in the course of an hour or two, intensely fcetid. Under these circumstances, the urea contained in urine combines with the elements of water and is transformed into ammonium carbonate CH4N20 + HaO = (NH4)9C03. The following experiments throw much light on the proximate causes of the alkaline fermentation of urine: — 532 THE SECRETIONS. Collect 200 cubic centimetres of perfectly fresh urine in a vessel which has been carefully washed with dilute sulphuric acid, and afterwards with distilled water. Examine the reac- tion of the fluid, which will be found acid, then divide it in four equal parts: 1st. Pour fifty cubic centimetres into a clean beaker, and set it aside to serve as a standard with which to compare the other portions. 2d. Place fifty cubic centimetres in a clean beaker, and add to it a few drops of urine which has been allowed to become foetid. After twenty-four hours compare this sample with the first, determining the following points : a, smell, which will have become ammoniacal in the second, unchanged in the first ; 6, clt'ann\*a. The second sample will have become opalescent, or a considerable deposit will have fallen ; c, reaction will be strongly alkaline in the second, and still acid in the first. The alkaline reaction m&y be shown to be due to the presence of a volatile alkali by heating the test-paper which lias been used, and observing that the reaction which indicated alkalinity dis- appears on the application of heat ; thus the blue color pro- duced when reddened litmus paper was plunged into the fluid, will disappear, and again give place to red when the paper is heated. I 3d. A third quantity of fifty cubic centimetres is placed in a Florence flask and boiled briskly for some time, then a plug of clean cotton wool is inserted into the neck of the flask whose contents are still boiling, and is thrust down by means of a glass rod. The urine is allowed to boil for some minutes after the insertion of the plug, the flask is then allowed to cool, set aside for many weeks and then examined. The flask containing boiled urine and protected by the plug / of cotton wool, will, if the operator have been sufficiently expert, retain its transparency and its acidity, and when examined with the microscope will present no animal or vege- table forms. On, however, exposing the contents of the flask to the air, the alkaline fermentation will soon occur. 182. Enumeration of the normal constituents of the Urine. — The normal urine of man consists <•// /»•//?/ of a watery solution of urea and common salt, mixed with smaller though important quantities of other substances, viz., hippuric acid. (Toatinim1, uric acid, coloring matters yet not accurately invcsti.uati'd, indican, traces of fat, besides ammonium and potassium chlorides, sulphates of potassium and sodium, phos- phates of calcium and magnesium, acid phosphate of sodium, hi lick- acid and iron. To the list of organic substances pres- ent in urine, we may add unknown substances which contain sulphur and phosphorus in an unoxidized condition, besides well-known bodies which are certainly present in the urine in BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 533 certain cases of disease, but which cannot positively be classed among the normal constituents. The abnormal urine of man may contain albumin, irrape- sugar, lactic acid and lactates (?), bile coloring matter and bile acids, blood serum and blood cells, haemoglobin, pus serum and pus cells, carbonate of ammonium, sulphuretted hydrogen, oxalate of lime, xanthine, hypoxanthine, leucine, tyrosine, and The urine may contain, in addition to the substances which have been previously named, others which have been intro- duced into the body as drugs or poisons, and which, being excreted by the kidneys, find their way into the urine ; this is the case with many, although probably not with all the metallic salts, with most alkaloids, and with organic bodies of different constitution, as carbolic acid, alcohol, and various vegetable coloring matters. 183. Urinary deposits. — Owing to deficiency in the quan- tity of the urinary water, excess in the quantity of normal ingredients, or presence of substances which are not normally present, we are apt to have urinary sediments or deposits, some of which are composed of structural elements, not usually present, others of the normal or abnormal proximate princi- ples. Amongst such sediments we find most frequently uric acid, urates, ammoniaco-magnesian phosphate, calcium phos- phate, calcium oxalate, blood corpuscles, mucus, epithelium, pus, etc. ** 184. Reactions of Urine treated with some com- mon reagents. Before commencing a systematic account of the mode of separating the chief constituents of urine, the student may with advantage study the action on this fluid of a few of the common reagents which indicate the presence of the chief ingredients contained. Put about 15 cubic centimetres of urine into a series of test-tubes, and try the following experi- ments : — 1. Add about 5 cubic centimetres of strong nitric acid. No precipitate will occur, either immediately or after standing for some time. The color of the urine will, ho w darker. 2. To a portion of fresh urine in a test-tube add an equal volume of liquor potassa3. After some time a transparent flaky precipitate will be observed, which separates on boiling, leaving the supernatant fluid of its original color. By other experiments it may be shown that solutions of am- monia and caustic soda likewise induce this precipitate, which consists of earthy phosphates. 3. Add to 15 cubic centimetres of the urine, about 5 c.c. of a solution of silver nitrate (1-10) ; an abundant curdy precipi- / is -,,:\\ THE SECRETIONS. ill fall. This consists of chloride of silver and phosphate of silver ; and adding nitric acid to the mixture, the phosphate of silver is dissolved, leaving a quantity of perfectly white chloride of silver, which, after the test-tube has been shaken for some time, sinks to the bottom, leaving a clear supernatant fluid. 4. To 15 cubic centimetres of urine which have been strongly acidulated with nitric or hydrochloric acid, add two or three T a solution of barium chloride. A precipitate of barium sulphate will fall. ... 1'our a strongly acid solution of ammonium naolybdate hi a few drops of urine and boil ; the fluid will I - -llo\v, and a canary-yellow precipitate will fajl, of'phospho-molybdate of ammonium ; this indicates the presence of phosphoric acid. To 1.") cubic centimetres of urine, in a test-tube, add an equal quantity of a solution of caustic baryta. An abundant j.itate will fall, composed chiefly of barium sulphate and phosphate. 7. To the same quantity of urine add about one-third of its volume of a solution of acetate of lead. A white precipitate, consisting of chloride, sulphate and phosphate of lead, will Mud it will be observed that the urine is to a great extent decolorized. ON THK MKTH<> .VRATING, AND ON THE REACTION OF THE PKIM ir-AL OKGANIC CONSTITUENTS OP UKINE. ** 185. Preparation of Urea (CH.Y.O) from Urine. — Take loo cubic centimetres of urine, and add to it 50 cubic centimetres of a solution made b}' mixing one volume of a saturated solution of nitrate of barium, with two volumes of a saturated solution of caustic bar3*ta. A precipitate will form, which is chiefly composed of phos- phate and sulphate of barium. On filtering, a clear fluid is obtained which is evaporated to dryness on a water bath. The residues treated with hot spirits of wine, and the alcoholic solution i* likewise evaporated to dryness. On now adding absolute alcohol to the residue the urea is separated, and is obtained from the solution by evaporation. To purify it further fr<>m traces of other organic and saline matters, the crystals of urea must be collected on blotting-paper, strongly pressed between folds of filtering paper, dried on a porous tile, and, if •i in dissolved in spirit and re-crystallized. Although urea can be readily obtained from urine, it is more convenient to make use of artificial urea in the experiments which are required to demonstrate its characteristic properties.' As it is altogether beyond the province of this book to refer BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. to matters which concern pure chemistry, it may be merely stated that the artificial urea, which can now be readily pur- chased, is prepared' by mixing, in certain proportions, aqueous solutions of potassium cyanate and ammonium sulphate, eva- porating to dry ness and extracting the residue with alcohol. During the process ammonium cyanate is first formed, and sub- sequently this is transformed into its isomer, urea. In order to determine the chief reactions of urea, perform the following experiments : — / 1. Take a crystal of urea, and placing it in a water-glass add , . ji, few drops of distilled water. It will dissolve with great ^ readiness. Take a couple of drops of the solution and it to crystallize on a glass slide, which may be gently heated. A residue is obtained which presents to the naked eye a_crys,- talline appearance, and which under the microscope is seen to jbe formed of transparent tour-sided prisms, terminated by one lor two oblique facets (Fig. 322). / 2. Place a fragment of urea on the tongue, and observe that it possesses a cool, nitre-like taste. 3. Heat a fragment of urea on a piece of platinum foil, or on a platinum spatula, over a gas or spirit-lamp. The urea will I first melt, then solidify, and ultimately burn away rapidly without leaving a trace of ash or unburned carbon. A 4. Place a tiny crystal of urea on a glass slide ; dissolve it /in distilled water, and then add a drop of strong and perfectly colorless nitric acid. Crystals will form which consist of a compound of nitric acid and urea (CH4N,O,HNO3). These much less soluble than crystals of urea. Nitrate of urea is ^ comparatively insoluble in dilute nitric acid. Nitrate of urea crystallizes generally in the form of six-sided tables (Fig. 323). From highly concentrated urine ^ma~n,large quantities of nitrate of urea may be sometimes obtained, without any pre- vious evaporation, by merely adding pure nitric acid. In any case, however, nitrate of urea may be obtained in a crystalline form by evaporating urine nearly to a syrupy consistence, de- canting the liquid from the salts which have separated out, and then adding an equal volume of pure nitric acid. 5. Perform an experiment similar to the preceding one, substituting a solution of oxalic acid for the nitric acid. A crystallization of oxalate of urea (CH4N10JCtHtO4) is obtained (Fig. 324). - 6. Take one cubic centimetre of a solution of pure urea (con-A tainingS grammes dissolved in 100 grammes of distilled water). \ Then add cautiously a solution of mercuric nitrate; a curdy white precipitate forms, which consists of combinations of urea with mercuric oxide. On adding a drop of the mixture of urea I and mercuric nitrate to a drop of a cold saturated solution oT I strdhr-carboirate no reaction will be observed until an excess of THE SECRETIONS. the mercuric salt has been added. Then there is produced a vt'i-y characteristic yellow color, due to the precipitation of nH'ivuric hydrate. On this reaction is based Liebig's method for tin- (Teterrnlhation of urea. T. Place one cubic centimetre of a solution such as that used in the last experiment, in a test-tube, and then fill the latter exactly with a solution of sodium hypochlorite. Invert the tube once or twice, and plunge it into a basin containing mer- cury. A most vigorous evolution of gas takes place ; this con- sists of nitrogen. The reaction which occurs is illustrated by the following equation : — The carbonic acid which is generated in the reaction is absorbed by the solution of sodium hypochlorite. Instead of sodium hypochlorite, the similar salt of potassium or calcium might be used in this experiment. ** 186. Separation of uric acid (C5H4N408) from Urine. — Place 200 cubic centimetres of urine in a narrow glass cylinder, and add two or three cubic centimetres of pure nitric acid. After twenty-four hours a brick colored or brown sedi- ment will have subsided, which consists of crystals of urj&ajjid, strongly tinted with the coloring matter of urine. These pre- sent, under the microscope, the most various forms, the more common being rhombic tables or columns and lozenge-shaped ils ; the 37ellow or brown color which such crystals pos- sess is very characteristic of uric acid. Decant the urine from the red sediment of uric acid, which may be freely washed with distilled water, as uric acid requires 14,000 times its weight of cold and 1800 times its weight of hot water to dissolve it. The sediment may then be collected on filtering paper and subjected to the following tests : — 1. Place a small quantity of the cr3Tstals on a microscopic slide, and add a drop of liquor potassae. The crystals dissolve, and a solution of urate of potassium is obtained (GjHjEL^Og). Now add carefully an excess of nitric or hydrochloric acid, when uric acid will be again obtained in the form of crystals, which may be further examined. It may be well to state that uric acid often occurs as a de- posit in urine which has not been artificially acidified, and that the crystallographic characters of the substance are very various and soim-t iim-s puzzling. The typical crystals of uric acid are undoubtedly rhombic plates with extremely obtuse angles; the typical form is, however, very frequently modified ; thus spin- dfe-ehsped figures are formed by the rounding of the obtuse angles, or the primary form is so modified that needles are- formed which occur in groups (fig. 305). Not at all unfrequently BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. we have the primary form so modified that the cr3rstals resemble hcxMgon.il plates. Experience gained by a frequent comparison with accurate drawings of the various forms of crystals of uric acid, can alone enable the observer rapidl}r to identity uric acid. When any doubts exist as to the identity, it is well to dissolve the suspected crystals in liquor potassre, and to proceed as directed above, for by neutralizing an alkaline urate with acid, some of the commoner, and therefore easily identified shapes of uric acid crystals, are obtained. 2. Place a very small quantity of the reddish crystalline deposit in a watch glass ; add four or five drops of nitric acid and heat very cautiously over a small spirit-lamp flame. The uric acid will dissolve, and on evaporating to dryness, a red- dish-yellow residue is obtained. On exposing this residue to the vapor of ammonia, or adding, by means of a thin glass rod, a small quantity of solution of ammpnia, a beautiful purple- red color is developed, which, on the subsequent 'addition of a little solution of caustic potash, assumes a violet tint. This reaction has received the name of the Murexide Test. ^i-uxv *187. Separation of Hippuric Acid (C!)ITiJNO!)._AfterflfA^u urea, hippuric acid is the organic compound present in largestr,i quantity in the urine of man, the mean quantity excreted pei diem amounting at least to one gramme. The difficulties tending the separation of hippuric acid from the urine of man are, however, great, and it is therefore advisable that the stu- dent should learn to isolate this substance when it is present in larger quantities than normal in the urine. As the urine of herbivora contains large quantities of hippuric acid, it may be advantageous to use for the experiment to be described cows' or horses' urine, or the urine of men in whom an excessive excretion of hippuric acid has been Induced ; this maybe done by administering to a man ten or fifteen grammes of benzoic acid ten or twelve hours before the urine is collected. It is a fact worthy of remembrance that when benzoic acid is administered to healthy men, large quantities of hippuric (gty- co-benzoic) acid are excreted. There appears to be always in the system a quantity of glycocine (C.2H.,(NH2) 02). which al- though it is never excreted as such, is capable of being seized upon by the radical of benzoic acid, so as to yield hippuric acid. By comparing the formula? of glycocine and hippuric acid, ex- hibited below, it will be seen that the latter can be represented as derived from the former by the substitution of (C7H50) for H, thus: — Glycocine C2H,(NHJO2 Hippuric acid C2II2(NH2)(C.H50)O2. Take 200 cubic centimetres of the fresh urine of the cow and concentrate it, by heating on the water-bath, to forty cubic 538 THE SECRETIONS. centimetres. Then add hydrochloric acid, and set aside until next day. A large quantity of hippuric acid will have separa- ted in the form of a brown crystalline mass. Wash with cold water, press the crystalline mass between folds of filtering paper ; dissolve in as little boiling water as possible, add a little pure animal charcoal (i. e., animal charcoal which has been in contact with dilute hydrochloric acid for many dajTs, and then thoroughly washed with water), and filter. The filtrate should be concentrated and allowed to crystallize. ( l-'or other methods of separating hippuric acid, especially when existing in small quantities, the reader is referred to Hoppe-Seyler's " Handbuch der physiologisch- und patholo- gisch-chemiBchen Analyse, 1870, p. 15Y). Having obtained nearly pure hippuric acid, the following experiments may be tried : — 1. Dissolve a fragment in boiling water, and allow a drop of the solution to crystallize on a microscope slide. The acid usually separates in the form of transparent prisms which are single, or occur in radiating groups, and generally present four sides parallel to their long axis ; their ends are terminated by two or four planes. Their primary form is a right rhombic prism (fig. 313). 2. Heat a fragment of hippuric acid in a small glass tube, with a little soda-lime ; the ammonia which is given off, and which can readily be detected by its odor, proves that the body under examination contains nitrogen. 3. Mix a fragment of hippuric acid with strong nitric acid in a small porcelain crucible. Boil and then evaporate to dryness; on heating the residue, a very characteristic odor of nitro-benzol is developed. * 188. Separation of Creatinine (C4H.N3O) from Urine. — To 300 cubic centimetres of urine add milk of lime until the reaction of the fluid is decidedly alkaline. Then add a solution of chloride of calcium as long as a precipitate falls. After the precipitate has been allowed partially to subside, filter, evaporate the filtrate to dryness in a basin or the water- ball), and add to the yet warm residue thirty or forty cubic centimetres of 95 per cent, alcohol. Stir and decant the con- tents of the basin into a beaker, taking care to add the alco- holic washings of the basin. Set aside the beaker in a cool place. Filter and wash the insoluble residue with a little more spirit. If the filtrate and washings amount to more than 50 c. c,, concentrate at a gentle heat to that volume. Allow the fluid to cool, and then add half a cubic centimetre of an alco- holic solution of chloride of zinc, absolutely free from the least t rare of acid, and stir for some time. Set the beaker aside for three or four days in a cellar. At the end of that time the' whole of the creatinine will have separated in combination BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 539 with zinc chloride. It should be collected on a filter and washed with pure spirit; the substance left on the filter con- sists of chemically pure chloride of zinc-creatinine (C4H7N30)2, ZnCl2. This most characteristic compound is very slightly soluble in cold water and insoluble in cold alcohol ; it crystal- lizes from urine in the form of bundles of needles. From chloride of zinc-creatinine, the pure substance is obtained by boiling with freshly prepared and thoroughly washed hydrate oxide of lead for half an hour or longer. On filtering the fluid, and evaporating to dryness, creatinine is obtained, which ma3r be dissolved in alcohol and crystallized. Creatinine is very soluble in cold alcohol. The following experiments may be performed with it : — 1. When a few drops of a solution are allowed to evaporate spontaneously, colorless prisms are obtained (fig. 302). 2. The taste of the solution is strongly alkaline. 3. The reaction to test-paper is intensely alkaline. 4. A concentrated solution of chloride of zinc added to creatinine, causes the immediate precipitation of the zinc com- pound, which is always crystalline. ** 189. Separation of the Coloring matters of Urine. — Under various names, among others that of Urohae- matine, different writers have described the substance, or mixture of substances, which i\\ey considered to be the cause of the color of healthy urine (Scherer, Harley, Heller). We are now perfectly convinced that no one coloring matter, capa hie of accounting for the normal, golden, or amber color of human urine, has been separated. The following experiments may be performed, as they throw some light on the reactions of the normal urinary coloring matter : — 1. Take 200 cubic centimetres of urine and precipitate with neutral acetate of lead ; an abundant precipitate falls, which consists of lead salts of acids "present in the urine, and which contains a portion of the urinary coloring matter. Filter, and observe that the filtrate from this precipitate is not altogether colorless. Add to the filtrate basic acetate of lead, when a further precipitate will fovm, which, when separated, leaves a colorless filtrate. Now unite the precipitates caused by neutral and basic acetates of lead, and treat the mixture with alcohol acidulated with hydrochloric acid. A red fluid will be obtained, which, on filtration and evaporation, yields a reddish-black residue, insoluble in water. That this [a not, as was supposed, the coloring matter of urine, is now admitted. The researches of Dr. Harley, although failing to discover any one normal urinary coloring matter, show 540 THE SECRETIONS. that the so-called urohaematine contains a mixture of several pigmentary substances. •J. Passing from uroluematine, the student's attention is to be drawn to the constant presence in urine of a very well- defined body—viz., indican, or white indigo (C16H12N20?)— which may readily be converted into indigo-blue and indigo- red. To the indican present in urine, Heller, who first dis- covered its presence, without, however, being aware of its nature, gave the name of Uroxanthine, and to the indigo-blue and indigo-red obtained from it, the names of-Uroglaucine and T'rrhodin respectively. I-'or the method of obtaining indican, the reader is referred to Hoppe-Seyler (op. cit. p. 163); it will be sufficient if the student performs the following experiments: — • Precipitate 100 cubic cent imetres of perfectly fresh urine with acetate of lead. The fluid is filtered. The filtrate con- tains the whole of t lie indican. A strong solution of ammonia is added, which precipitates hydrated lead oxide, together with indican. The precipitate is collected on a filter, washed with water and dilute dydrochloric acid. Very often the filter is seen to contain blue particles, in consequence of the production of indigo-blue, which contrasts with the chloride of lead with which it is mixed. Tin* filtrate, when left to itself for twenty -four hours, gener- ally becomes covered with a bluish-purple film, consisting of indigo. ^everal hundred cubic centimetres of pure urine are pre- cipitated by acetate of lead and then filtered; the filtrate is treated with excess of sulphuretted hydrogen, boiled and filtered; the filtrate is now poured into an equal volume of pure and strong hydrochloric acid. The fluid becomes either violet or indigo-blue ; it is allowed to stand for twelve hours, and diluted with an equal volume of water. After about twenty-four hours, a deposit wfll generally have formed, which is collected on a filter, washed, and dried. When treated with ether, the deposit will generally yield to it a red coloring matter, whilst indigo is left behind, and is to be purified by solution in boiling alcohol. The student will remember that indigo-blue only differs from indicau in the possession of two additional atoms of hydro- gen,— Indican, or white indigo C16H12N.,02. Indigotin, or blue indigo QJ&J&fif In the production of indigo-blue from indican there are other substances formed, such as a form of sugar, which is an i.somer of glucose, but uufermentable, and the imperfectly' BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. « investigated body, indigo-red, which has already been alluded to.1 The following reactions may be tried with indigo-blue : — (a) Shake a fragment of indigo-blue with ether ; the sub- stance is found to be very scantily soluble. Ether, however, dissolves enough to acquire a faint blue tint. (6) Place a fragment in a narrow glass tube and heat ; it will sublime and be deposited in the cool part of the tube. the latter be very narrow and thin, it may be examined microscopically. The sublimate of indigo is then seen to con- sist of microscopic needles and plates. METHODS FOR THE QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF UKINE. ** 190. Determination of the total quantity of Urine passed in a given time. — Before describing briefly the methods which are empk^ed for the determination of the more important urinary constituents, attention must be drawn to the fact that, as a general rule, quantitative analysis of urine throws little or no light on the rate and character of the tis- sue changes going on in the animal body, unless the analysis be made of a specimen of urine which represents the average excretion of a known period, during which the conditions of the animal have been ascertained as accurately as possible. These remarks will be better understood when it is stated that we can obtain the .most valuable information relating to the urinary secretion if we collect, mix, and then measure the whole of the urine passed in twenty-four hours. Having ascertained the total volume of urine passed in twenty-four hours, two hundred cubic centimetres will suffice for the great majority of quantitative analyses. The urine of man must be collected in perfectly clean glass vessels which in accurate experiments, should, before being used, be washed with dilute sulphuric acid, and then with water. The collecting-vessel may be graduated or not ; in the latter case, the urine is carefully poured, if necessary, in suc- cessive portions, after being mixed, into a cylinder capable of holding a litre of water, and divided into 200 parts ; so that each division indicates 5 cubic centimetres. It is frequently of use to collect the urine of dogs and rab- bits, especially when experiments are made on the physiological action of drugs. 1 In many cases of disease, urine contains so much indican, that the following reaction may be observed :— To five cubic centimetres of fuming hydrocbloric acid, add from one to two cubic centimetres of urine. A violet color is produced, which passes into red. 542 THE SECRETIONS. In these cases, cages are employed, whose walls are made partly of sheet iron or zinc, and partly of wire netting. The floor of the cage should be made of thick glass rods (about four-tenths of an inch in diameter), placed very closely together. These rods are so arranged that the spaces between them will allow urine to trickle away, whilst the solid excreta are re- tained. The glass rods are firmly inserted into the wooden base of the cage ; this is furnished with a drawer, into which is accu- rately fitted a flat glass or porcelain dish, such as is used by photographers in washing photographs. The dish is perforated by a hole, in which a tube (preferably of glass) is accurately fitted, and leads to the collecting vessels outside. If can: be taken to wash the glass-rod bottom of the cage and the collecting-glass dish placed beneath it, the urine may be collected in a state of great purity. ** 191. Determination of the specific gravity of Urine. — This may be effected in either of the two ways de- scribed in A pp. § 216, for the determination of the specific gravity of thuds, viz., by means of a hydrometer or with the specific gravity bottle. The hydrometer employed for taking the specific gravity of urine is called a urinometer; in this country its stem is usually divided so as to indicate densities ranging from 1000 to 1060 (water being 1000); it is preferable to use two urinometers : one indicating densities from 1000 to 1030, the other from 1030 to 1060. The length of the stem being the same as that of the ordinary instruments, the accuracy of the reading will be much increased. Before using a urinometer, its accuracy should be checked by immersing it in fluids of known specific gravity. If the specific gravity of three samples of urine be Mcciu ately taken with the bottle, data are obtained for checking the accuracy of the urinometer. Although, under certain circumstances, important informa- tion may be obtained by a determination of the specific gravity of an isolated sample of urine, generally it is only when the specific gravity of a sample of the mixed and measured urine of the twenty-four hours is ascertained, that we learn much from the experiment. A knowledge of the specific gravity enables one to form a near approximation to the total quantity of solid matter ex- creted by the kidneys in a given time. It has been empirically determined that the specific gravity of urine generally bears a close relation to the solid matters 1 which ii contains in solution. ^Sir Robert Christison pointed out, many years ago, that if the whole numbers which express the difference between the density of a sample of urine and the density of water (expressed as 1000) be multiplied by the factor BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 543 2.33, the product represents very closely the weight of the total solids contained in 1000 parts, by weight, of urine. Subsequent observers have determined that whilst Ohristison's formula yields very correct results when applied to urines of specific gravities above 1018, for urines of lower specific gravity greater accuracy is obtained by substituting the factor 2 for 2.33. The following example will suffice to show the method of calculating approximately the total solid matter excreted in the urine in twenty-four hours : — A man passes in twenty-four hours 1575 cubic centimetres of urine of specific gravity 1023, and it is desired to obtain an approximate estimate of the total urinary solids. 1st. We find the total solids (expressed in any particular units of weight) contained in 1000 parts (expressed in the same units of weight) by Dr. Christison's formula, thus, if the unit be the gramme, and the quantity of solid matter in 1000 grammes be represented by x, x = (1023 — 1000) 2.33 = 53.59. 2d. We require to know the weight of the whole of urine. As its density is 1023, and the quantity 1576 cubic centimetres, the weight in grammes is at once found by the following proportion : — 1000 : 1023 :: 1575 :x x 1575 1000 3d. Knowing the weight in grammes of the urine of twenty- four hours, and the approximate weight of total solid matters in 1000 parts, by weight, of urine, we obtain the total solids passed in twenty-four hours expressed in grammes : — 1000 : 53.59 :: 1611 : x x = 86.33 grammes. It is to be noted that the result obtained by such calcula- tions is merely an approximation to the actual number which would be ascertained by the direct method, to be immediately described ; the approximation is, however, sufficiently close to be useful. 192. Determination of the Total Solid Matters con- tained in Urine. — If we know the total volume of urine passed in twenty-four hours, and it be desired to ascertain, by direct weighing, the total quantity of solid matter contained in it, 10 or 15 cubic centimetres of the mixed urine are poured from a very accurately graduated pipette into a weighed porce- lain or glass capsule, which is heated over the water-bath, 544 THE SECRETIONS. or in the water oven (fig. 339), until a nearly dry residue is obtained. The capsule with its contents is then heated in an air oven whose temperature is maintained at 120° C. The capsule is, after some time, allowed to cool in an exsiccator (fig. 340) and rapidly weighed. The drying and weighing should be repeated until the weight of the capsule and residue is constant. In order to secure accuracy, the capsule in which the evaporation is carried on should be fitted with a ground til:i>- plate, which should be placed over it, when it is trans- ferred from the air oven to the exsiccator, and from the ex- siccator to the balance. It is absolutely essential that the weighing should be con- ducted with the greatest possible rapidity* as the dried urinary solids are highly hygroscopic. Instead of measuring the urine used in the analysis, a weighed quantity may lie taken. ** 193. Determination of the Amount of Chlorine contained in Urine. Hi/ L /<'!>/<< •'.< M.'thod — It has been already mentioned that when a solution of mercuric nitride is added to a solution of ureri. :i dense white precipitate, is formed, which consists of compounds of urea with mercuric oxide. If the solution of mercuric nitrate be sufficiently diluted, and be added iii sutlicient quantity, the compound formed con- tains four molecules of mercuric oxide for each molecule of urea. If, however, a solution of mercuric nitrate be added to a solution of urea and chloride of sodium, no precipitate will at first be formed, the reaction between the urea and oxide of mercury not occurring until the double decomposition between the mercuric nitrate and sodium chloride has been completed, thus: — Hg 2N03 + 2NaCl=Hg 01,+ 2NaN08. As soon, however, as this has occurred, a white precipitate of the mercuric oxide and urea compound falls. Liebi«r's method of determining the amount of chlorine in urine is based upon the reactions which have been referred to. In order to enable the student to determine the amount of chlorine by Liebig's method, we shall describe, in the first place, the method of preparing the standard solution of nitrate of ineivury, and, in the second place, the method to be fol- lowed in determining by its aid the quantity of chlorine in urine. /'reparation of standard solution of mercuric nitrate for the ffilhnafian of clilnrinc in Urine. The following solutions are required: — 1st. A solution of mercuric nitrate of such a strength that BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 545 one cubic centimetre shall correspond to 10 milligrammes (0.010 grin.) of sodium chloride. This solution may be made by dissolving twenty grammes of perfectly pure metallic mercury in boiling nitric acid, until a drop of the acid fluid does not cause a precipitate when added to a solution of common salt. The acid fluid is concentrated by heating over a water-bath until it is of syrupy consistence. It is then diluted with nearly a litre of distilled water. Unless a great excess of nitric acid has remained after the evaporation, a white precipitate, consisting of a basic nitrate of mercury, will fall, and must be separated by filtration. Be- fore performing the latter operation, a few drops of nitric acid may, however, be added, as they will cause the re-solution of a considerable part of the precipitate, without rendering the liquid too acid. The solution of mercuric nitrate thus made must be set aside until the other reagents which are required for determining its strength are prepared. 2d. A solution made by dissolving in distilled water 20 grammes of pure sodium cloride and diluting to one litre. The salt is fused before being weighed. Ten cubic centimetres of this solution contain 0.200 grm. of NaCl. 3d. A solution made by dissolving 4 grammes of pure urea iu distilled water and diluting to 100 c. c. 4th. A solution of sodium sulphate, saturated at ordinary temperatures. In order to determine the strength of the solution of mer- curic nitrate, it is poured into a burette (preferably a Mohr's burette, with glass stopcock) of a capacity of 50 cubic centi- metres, and divided into lOths of a cubic centimetre. Ten cubic centimetres of the standard solution of chloride of sodium are then measured by means of a pipette, and poured into a glass beaker. To this is added 3 cubic centimetres of the solution of urea, and 5 cubic centimetres of the solution of sulphate of sodium. The solution of nitrate of mercury is now allowed to flow gently into the beaker : as the drops fall into the fluid con- tained in the latter, a white precipitate is seen to form, which, however, dissolves at once, or when the fluid is stirred. On adding more of the solution of nitrate of mercury, the fluid becomes opalescent but no precipitate occurs until the reaction is completed, i.e., until the whole of the chloride of sodium has been decomposed. The number of cubic centimetres of the solution of mercuric nitrate which has been added is read off; if, for example, 12.7 cubic centimetres of the solution had to be added in order to induce a permanent precipitate, we conclude that this quantity of solution contains the quantity of mercuric nitrate required 35 546 THE SECRETIONS. to decompose 0.200 gramme of NaCl. As it is convenient to have a solution of which 10 cubic centimetres shall be equiva- lent to 0.100 gramme of NaCl, we must take our solution and dilute it to the required extent. In the assumed case, 12.7 cubic centimetres Contained as much of the mercurial salt as correspond to 0.200 gramme of NaCl, ?'. e., as much as would be required in 20 cubic centimetres of solution. If we there- fore diluted 12.7 cubic centimetres with 7.3 cubic centimetres of water, we should obtain 20 cubic centimetres of a solution of which 10 cubic centimetres would be exactly capable of de- composing 0.100 gramme of NaCl. But as in preparing such a standard solution we deal with large quantities of fluid, it is well to effect the dilution of the whole at once. Thus let us suppose that we have 800 cubic centimetres of the solution, of which 12.7 cubic centimetres are equivalent to 0. •_><><> gramme of NaCl. As 12.7 cubic centimetres require the addition of 7.3 cubic centimetres of water, it is easy to find how much 800 cubic centimetres require, viz., 459.8 cubic centimetres. If we then measure out very accurately this quantity of distilled water, and :ul<) and the number required in the first operation. 2d. When the amount of solution of nitrate of mercury added to 15 cubic centimetres of the filtrate from the mixture of urine and baryta mixture, is less than 30 cubic centimetres, 0.1 cubic centimetre must be subtracted from the amount of mercury solution required, for every 5 cubic centimetres less than 30 cubic centimetres. This correction is of little importance. II. Dni'if* im-(hinl for tin' (^'termination of Urea. This excellent method is based upon the fact already men- tioned, that when a solution of urea (CH4NaO), such as urine, is treated with a solution of hypochlorite, it splits up into car- bonic acid, water, and nitrogen gas. If the mixture be effected in a long graduated tube, and this be inverted and placed over mercury, the whole of the N accumulates on the surface of the fluid, the carbonic acid being absorbed by the solution of hy- pochlorite use.l. From the volume of N evolved the quantity of urea present may be calculated. (For details of this method the reader is referred to a Treatise on the Pathology of the Urine, by Dr. Thndichum, London: Churchill, 1858.) Daw's process is, like Liebig's, not absolutely correct. Uric aci.l. and other nitrogenous substances present in urine, are de- composed by hypochlorites ; as their quantity is, however, com- paratively very .small, the error introduced is not large. The writer can vouch, from personal observations, of the great accu- \ racy of this method when applied to solutions of pure urea, and believes that, if carried out with the apparatus devised by Dr. ufner for the determination of urea by solutions of alkaline / hypobromites, it would prove the most useful and reliable method for the determination of urea. BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 551 * 196. Determination of the Amount of Uric Acid in Urine. — Uric acid is usually determined by precipitation with dilute nitric or hydrochloric acid, the crystalline precipi- tate being washed, dried, and weighed. Take 200 c. c. of the urine and add to it 5 c. c. of dilute hy- drochloric acid of density 1.11. Set aside in a cellar for 24 hours. Collect the uric acid on a weighed filter, and wash thoroughly with distilled water. Dry the filter and uric acid in a water oven at a temperature of 100° C. Allow the dried filter to cool under an exsiccator (in watch glasses, etc.) and weigh. The weight of the filter and uric acid, minus the weight of the filter paper, gives the amount of uric acid precipitated. To this must, however, be added the quantity of uric acid which has been held in solution by the urine and hydrochloric acid, and by the washings of the filter. The whole of these fluids are therefore mixed and measured, and for every 100 c. c. 0.0038 grammes of uric acid must be calculated (Neubauer). The number thus calculated, added to that of the uric acid col- lected on a filter, gives the amount of uric acid contained ^ the urine. The number is, however, only an approximation co the truth.1 **197. Determination of the Amount of Phosphoric Acid contained in Urine. — The phosphoric acid contained in urine exists partly in a state of combination with the alka- line earths, magnesia, and lime, but chiefly in combination with alkalies. If we render the urine alkaline by the addition of am- monia, the former are precipitated, leaving the alkaline phos- phates in solution. It is customary to state the amount of phosphoric anhydride corresponding to phosphoric acid in the urine. In determining the quantity of phosphoric acid in urine, we may merely determine the total quantity existing in the fluid, or we may determine the total quantity first, and then the quantity which remains after the precipitation of the earthy phosphates. The volumetric method for the determination of phosphoric acid in urine is based upon the following reactions: — (a) When a solution of a phosphate acidulated with acetic acid is treated with a solution of nitrate or acetate of uranium, a precipitate falls which is composed of uranium phosphate. (6) When a soluble salt of uranium is added to a solution of potassium ferrocyanide, a reddish-brown precipitate or color is developed. Preparation of Standard Solutions of Uranium, etc. — Before preparing this solution, it is advisable to make a standard solu- 1 The reader is referred to the recent researches of Dr. Salkowsky, in Virchow's Archiv. Bd. 52, and of Maly, Pfliiger's Archiv. 1872, vol. vi. p. 201. THE SECRETIONS. tion of a phosphate. For this purpose, 10.085 grammes of well crystallized sodium phosphate (Ka4HP04-f 12H,O) are dis- solved in distilled water, and the solution diluted to one litre. Fifty cubic centimetres contain 0.1 gramme of P205. Then 100 grammes of sodium acetate are dissolved in 900 c.c., of distilled water, and 100 c.c., of acetic acid added. The solution of uranium acetate is made ty dissolving com- mercial uranic oxide in acetic acid, diluting and filtering; or, instead, a solution of uranium nitrate may be made by dissolv- ing the crystallized salt in water, and diluting. The solutions are intended to contain 20.3 grammes of uranic oxide in one litre of solution. Having obtained the solution of uranium acetate or nitrate, its strength is determined in the following manner: 50 c.c. of the standard solution of sodium phosphate are placed in a beaker, and f> e. c., of the acid solution of sodium acetate added. The uranium solution is poured from an accurately graduated burette, until precipitation ceases. Then a few drops, of a solution of potassium ferrocynnide are placed on a porcelain slab, and after each addition of uranium solution to the phos- phate, a drop of the mixture is taken up by means of a glass rod and brought in contact with the ferrocyanide. As soon as an excess of uranium solution has been added, the character- istic reddish-ln-own color of uranium ferrocyanide is observed. It is convenient to graduate the solution of uranium so that I'll cubic centimetres shall bo exactly equal to 50 c.c. of the standard solution of phosphate of soda, z.e., to 0.1 gramme of nalyzing urine by means of solutions of uranium, it is convenient to operate on 50 c.c. This quantity of urine is treated with the acetate of sodium solution and heated on the water-bath to a temperature approaching 100° C. ; it is then treated with the solution of uranium as previously described. 198. Determination of the Quantity of Sulphuric Acid in Urine.— The quantity of sulphuric acid in urine is letermined by precipitating with chloride of barium and weighing the dried and burned precipitate of barium sulphate ; from this the amount of sulphuric acid can be calculated. It i> usual to state the amount of sulphuric anhydride (SO3) cor- responding to the sulphuric acid existing in the urine. ' For details as to the precaution to be used in determining the amount of sulphuric acid by precipitation, the student is >ferred to Presenius'a Quantitative Analysis. The manipula- tions involved in such an analysis, however simple it may be, can only be learned in a laboratory devoted to pure chemistry, t has been suggested that the sulphuric acid in urine should letermined by means of a standard solution of chloride of barium ; the metnod is one, however, which is tedious, and ' BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 553 which cannot be recommended, even on the score of rapidity, as preferable to the one first described. ** 199. Detection of Sugar in Urine.— It is still a mat- ter of doubt whether the urine in health contains sugar; the processes which have'been suggested, for the separation of this substance, by those who maintain its constant occurrence in healthy urine, are, however, complicated ; and, as they have led to veiy various results in the hands of different observers, their consideration would be out of place in this book. (See Pfliiger's Archiv.'fiir Physiol. V. pp. 359 and 375.) When present in abnormal quantities in urine, as in diabetes, glucose ma}' be very readily detected. The following experi- ments will be sufficient to make the student acquainted with the more common reactions. Experiment 1. Take 5 cubic centimetres of diabetic urine, or of a solution of grape-sugar, and add to it two or three drops of a solution of copper sulphate, so that a very slight green tinge is perceptible; flien add to the fluid a solution of caustic soda, or potash, until the precipitate of hydrate copper oxide, at first formed, is rediss,olved. The fluid, which has assumed a blue tint, is now boiled, when an abundant precipitate of cuprous oxide falls ; before this has separated, the fluid in which the precipitation is effected be- comes opaque, and presents a reddish-yellow color. This is known as Trommer's test (xee § 77 and § 12). 2. To five cubic centimetres, of urine add nearly an equal volume of a solution of caustic soda, or potash, and boil. The fluid will assume at first a light-yellow, then an amber, and lastly a dark-brown coloration. This is known as More's test. 3. Some diabetic urine is mixed with a little brewer's yeast. and the mixture is poured into a test-tube half full of mercury ; the orifice of the tube is closed with the thumb, and the tul)e is inverted into a capsule containing mercury. After a period of twenty-four hours, at ordinary tempera- tures, the test-tube will be found to contain large quantities of carbonic acid gas, which can be readily absorbed by passing up into the tube a fragment of caustic potash. In addition to these tests, the student may with advantage determine, by means of a polariscope, that diabetic urine pos- sesses the property of rotating the plane of polarized light to the right, ** 200. Determination r.f the Quantity of Sugar in Urine. — This may be best effected by one of the two follow- ing methods : firstly, by determining to what extent a known depth of the saccharine fluid rotates the plane of polarized light to the right; or, secondly, by determining the quantity of urine which has to be boiled with a standard solution of 554 THE SECRETIONS. a cupric salt, in order to reduce the whole of the copper to the condition of red cuprous oxide. In order to determine the quantity of sugar by the last method, which is known as that of Fehling, we require to prepare a standard solution in the following manner : 34.65 grammes of pure and well crystallized copper sulphate are dissolved in about 160 cubic centimetres of water, and 173 grammes of Rochelle salts (tartrate of potash and soda) are dissolved in about 600 cubic centimetres of solution of caustic soda, having a specific gravity of 1120. Tl?e solution of sul- phate of copper is added gradually to the alkaline solution of Rodielle salts, the fluid being continually stirred. A deep blue solution is thus obtained, which is diluted with distilled .water to the volume of one litre. Ten cubic centimetres of this solution are reduced by 0.05 gramme of diabetic sugar. The following is the process which has to be followed in determining the quantity of sugar in urine: — The urine to be examined is diluted to a known extent; thus in the case of a diabetic urine, having a specific gravity of 1040, 100 cubic centimetres are diluted with distilled water to the volume of 1000 cubic centimetres. Ten cubic centimetres of the standard copper solution are then accurately measured out and poured into a porcelain capsule. Forty cubic centimetres of distilled water are added, and the solution in the capsule boiled. The previously diluted urine is then allowed to flow in from a burette ; after a few cubic centimetres have been added, the fluid in the capsule is briskly boiled, and then the application of heat discontinued for a few seconds. The solution, which, after the saccharine fluid has been boHed with it, assumes a red color, deposits a red sediment of cuprous oxide, whilst the supernatant fluid retains a more or less blue color, in consequence of a portion of the copper remaining in solution. Successive portions of the diluted urine are then added, and the fluid boiled after each addition. As the operation proceeds, the addition of the diluted urine is performed with great care, only a few drops being poured in at a time. A point is at last • i died when the bottom of the capsule is coated with a de- posit of red cuprous oxide^Ssnd when, on tilting the capsule so as to bring the fluid, which it contains, over the clean white sides, no tint of blue is perceived. The number of cubic centimetres of sugar solution added is then rend off and marked. It is advisable, however, to pur- ;he operation one step further. A few more drops of diluted urine are added to the contents of the basin, which ;nv a\ r/., sugar) be present, exerting an opposite action on polarized light. ** 203. Detection of Bile-coloring Matter in Urine. — When a large quantity of bilirubin is present in urine it may be separated from it by agitating the fluid with chloroform, decanting, evaporating the chloroform solution, dissolving the residue in pure chloroform, and allowing the fluid to evaporate spontaneously. In this way red rhombic prisms of bilirubin may be obtained. In all cases where bile-coloring matter is present, we can de- tect it by the well known reaction with nitric acid (Gmelin's reaction). If strong nitric acid, containing nitrous acid, be added t<> a thin stratum of urine containing bile, in a flat por- celain di>h. a s!ieee*si«m of beautiful tints is perceived. The fluid is seen at first to be green, then blue and violet ; it then assumes a rather dirty claret, and ultimately a dirty yellow color (see $ 1.35). In cases where a very satisfactory search for traces of bili- rubin is to be made, it is advisable to separate it from the urine, by means of chloroform, and then to test the evaporated residue with nitric acid. A property which is very characteristic of urine or other animal fluids colored by bile pigment, is that of staining, of a yellow color, linen which is moistened with it. ** 204. Separation and Detection of Bile Acids in Urine. — Four or five hundred cubic centimetres of urine are treated with acetate of lead until a precipitate ceases to fall, and then solution of ammonia is added. The precipitate is collected on a filter, washed with water, and allowed to drain. The filter paper, with the very bulky precipitate which it con- tain-, is then boiled in a flask, with alcohol, and the solution is filtered whilst hot. A few drops of solution of sodium carbot nate being added, the fluid is evaporated to dry ness on the BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 557 water-bath. The residue is boiled with absolute alcohol, and the solution is concentrated to a small volume. On adding an excess of ether to the alcohol, a precipitate occurs which con- sists of the soda salts of the bile acids, and which, if set aside for some time, often crystallizes. This precipitate may be obtained by decanting from it the supernatant mixture of alcohol and ether. It is soluble in water ; a few drops of the aqueous solution may be evaporated to dryness in a porcelain capsule and then subjected to Petten- kofer's test. This consists in adding a few drops of pure sul- phuric acid, and then a trace of solution of cane sugar to it, and heating very gently. After some time, an exceedingly beautiful purple-violet coloration is developed. Bile acids may be detected in the urine without previous separation by employing Strasbourg's method (see § 140), but Hoppe-Seyler's method just described is much more reliable. 205. Detection of Blood in Urine. — Urine which con-/^, tains blood, on being allowed to stand, usually furnishes a de- , posit in which characteristic blood corpuscles may be discovered n , ' without difficulty. On examining such urine by means of the spectroscope, there is usually no difficulty in observing the spectrum of hsemoglo- bin or of hrematin. Urine which contains haemoglobin furnishes, when boiled, a precipitate of albumin and haematin.1 1 Although it lins been considered adivisable to devote some space to the mode of detecting a few of the more important abnormal constituents of urine, it would be beyond the object of this book to give a complete account of the properties of, and mode of separating, all the substances which occur in urine in a state of disease. Any additional information on these subjects is to be found in the very valuable " Handbuch der physiologisch- imd pathologisch-Chemirchen Analyse" of Professor Hoppe-Seyler, to which reference has been already made. APPENDIX. CHAPTER XXXIX. PRACTICAL NOTES ON MANIPULATION. 206. Manipulation of Glass Tubing. — Most laboratories contain a glass-blower's table ; in its absence the mouth gas blowpipe must be used. The difficulty of keeping up a continuous blast of air with this instrument can be readily overcome by practice, provided that the orifice is not too wide. The blowpipe flame (fig. 325) consists of two parts, an inner blue cone (a) which is the deoxidizing or reducing flame, and an outer envelope (6) which surrounds it. The hottest part of the flame is a very little in front of the tip of the blue cone. The reducing flame is so called because the unburnt gasses present in it have at that high temperature a great tendency to take oxygen from any substance con- taining it. In the outer envelope, on the contrary, the supply of oxy- gen is abundant ; it is therefore called the oxidizing flame. Ordinary English glass tubing contains oxide of lead : when it is heated in the reducing flame, black stains of metallic lead form on its surface. To avoid this, it should always be heated in the extremity of the outer flame. German glass is free from lead, and much less fusible than English glass, and is generally preferable to it. Tubes of German glass may be dis- tinguished from English by looking through them lengthwise ; the for- mer has a greenish color, while the latter looks dark. In drawing out a glass tube so as to form a pipette (nee fig. 326), care must be taken to soften the part to be drawn completely and equally, and to remove it from the flame before extending it. If this precaution is neglected, the drawn-out part will collapse and close, \7hen heating a tube for the purpose of bending, it is important to use as low a temperature as is sufficient to soften it, and not to begin to bend until a considerable ex- tent of the part to be bent is equally softened. For this reason, it is best to use a large flame (that from a gas jet being preferable to a Bunsen's lamp or blowpipe), in which the tube must be moved up and down until the object is attained. Before bending, it must of course be re- moved from the flame. In bending a thin tube, especially, if it be heated too strongly, it is difficult to avoid its becoming wrinkled at the bend. To avoid this, it is a good plan to close one end air-tight and blow in gently at the other during flexion. Large tubes are bent more easily by filling them with clean dry sand and heating them over incandescent charcoal, supported on wire netting. To seal a tube, it must be thoroughly softened at a short distance from its end, and drawn put quickly to a thread. The capillary part of a tube already drawn out is sealed instantaneously by directing the point of a small blowpipe flame upon it and extending' the heated part (fig. 327). To close a tube at its end, another piece of the same kind of glass must be joined to it 5(30 APPENDIX. bv fusin" tho ends of both in the same flame. As soon as the joining Died sli-htly. the- tube to be closed is heated again at a short dis- tance from its end. and drawn out as before .—After glass has been strongly heated it must be allowed radually as possible, in order to anneal it. .;• r,,,-/.-x.— To fit properly, a cork must be somewhat larirer than the opening it is intended to till. Before pushing it in, it Should always he reducrd by compression, either with a cork-squeezer or in its absence, hy rollinir it on the floor (protected by a covering ot paper) under tin- tout. For shaping corks, a shoemaker's knife which ha* I'een -harpened on a rounh stone answers best. Any knife with a •.ill do. To perforate a cork, a piece of brass tubing, the ; one mil of which is sharpened, is used. It is best to work the borer trom tin- opposite ends, the two bore-holes meeting in the middle. A- the holes always require finishing with a rat's tail file, a borer smaller than the intended channel should be used. 207. Solution and Ebullition.— The different solubility of various organic substance- in regents, such as water, ether, alcohol, acids, alkalies, and saline solutions, not only sen es as a means of separating them from each oilier, but in many instances, MS in the case of albumi- Doas bodies, furnishes a characteriatic by which one substance maybe distinguished from others nearly allied to it. Tests are also more gene- rally and conveniently applied to solutions than to bodies themselves. Solution takes place more readily when the body to be dissolved is finely divided. Drvand hard substances are therefore generally pulveri/ed by poundini: and rubbing in a Wedgewood mortar. If too large to be con- venientlv triturated at once, they may be previously broken in an iron mortar, or by wrapping them loosely in brown paper and pounding tin-in with a hammer. If the substance is constantly shaken or stirred about so as to bring it continually into contact with fresh portions of the solvent, it will dissolve much more quickly than if allowed to remain /•"/• prfimrinri friliitinH*.— \ beaker is for most purposes the most convenient vessel, a* its contents can be stirred at the same time that it i- subjected to heat, which always accelerates solution. To avoid risk of fracture, the beaker must not be heated over a naked flame, but must lie placed (in a piece of wire gau/.e or sand bath i fig. JV28), supported on a tripod. Flasks may be employed instead of beakers for solution or boiling when stirring' is not required. They have the; advantage of i' fluid during the process of ebullition, as any particles which spurt up are caught against the sides of the flask, especially if it is placed in an inclined position, instead of falling outside as in a beaker. To i ••/(ion. — Various methods may be used. One of these consi>!s in placing a small funnel in the mouth of the flask ; the fluid condenser, in the funnel and runs hack into the flask. Another method is to close the neck of the flask with a cork, through which a wide glass tube, drawn out to a capillary opening at its upper end, is i. A considerable part of the vapor passing from the boiling liquid tensed in the tube and falls back into the flask. If the boiling is long continued, the tube Lrets very hot and a great, deal of vapor Bo avoid this, the escape tube is prolonged and surrounded hv a I.irlii-'s condenser, for which purpose it must be bent at an angle oi about I'Jli . as Men in fig. --".I. To exhaust a substance with ether, the ether and the substance should be placed in one tlask, with which a second is connected by a bent glass tube which passes through the cork of both. The tube, which scarcely projects beyond the under surface of the cork in the first flask, reaches BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 5G1 to the bottom of the second. The first flask being then placed in a beaker of warm water and the second in cold, the ether distils over from the former into the latter and is condensed. When a large quan- tity of the ether has passed over, the Masks arc transposed, when the whole of the ether rushes back into the first flask. The process may be repeated indefinitely. In connection with this subject, an arrangement may be described which is chiefly used for washing precipitates. It is also applicable for the purpose of replacing loss by evaporation when liquids are boiled, or to keep the water at a constant level in a water-bath. (See fig. 331.) It consists of a large flask, «, fitted with a cork, through which pass two tubes. One of these, &, c, is straight and open at both ends ; the other, d, e, g, /, is bent so as to form a syphon, the limbs of which are of equal length. Both ends of d, e, g, /, are at a somewhat lower level than the lower end of Z>, c. The end is placed in the funnel or water- bath at such a height that the level of the lower end of 6, e, coincides with that at which it is desired that the surface of the fluid shall remain. The effective difference in the limbs of the syphon is the space between c and d. Whenever the surface of the liquid in the funnel or bath is on a level with e, the tube d, e, g, /, ceases to act as a syphon ; but as soon as it falls, d, /, again acts, and liquid runs into the funnel till the surface is again level with c. 208. Evaporation. — Evaporation of watery liquids is usually con- ducted in shallow basins of Berlin porcelain, heated either directly in a sand-bath or over a water-bath. An ordinary saucepan answers per- fectly as a water-bath. (See fig. 330.) If the naked flame is used, it ought not to be allowed actually to touch the bottom of the basin. The process is greatly accelerated by constant stirring. If it is important that none of the substance be lost, the liquid must not be Jieated to boiling, as it is then apt to spirt over the sides. In evaporating a solution to dryness, its surface often becomes covered towards the end of the process with a pellicle, which hinders the vapor below from escaping easily, and thus both retards evaporation and causes the vapor to issue in jets which may occasion loss of material. The formation of the pellicle is best prevented by stirring the fluid con- stantly with a glass rod. It may also be prevented by covering the evaporating basin loosely with another somewhat smaller one, or with a concave glass with the concavity dowmvards, but this retards evapo- ration. Solutions in alcohol, ether, and chloroform must be evaporated in beakers. Solutions in the two latter menstrua must never be evapo- rated over a naked flame, but always on a water-bath, as their vapor is inflammable. Evaporation at a Constant Medium Temperature. — It is sometimes desirable to evaporate a liquid at a constant medium temperature, such as 40° C. This may be done roughly by placing the evaporating basin in a sand-bath, and carefully regulating the size of the flame by a thermometer. Unless, however, it is constantly watched, the tempera- ture is apt to rise or fall too much, and the solution may get spoiled. This difficulty is avoided by using a water-bath heated by a gas-lamp, which is connected with a Bunsen's gas-regulator. For this purpose I find a water-bath of the accompanying form (fig. 331) a convenient one. It is made of galvanized zinc, is eleven inches in diameter, and five deep. At one side it bulges out, and in the projecting part thus formed the thermometer and regulator are placed. The top of the bath is covered by a zinc plate perforated by several large holes, in which evaporating basins may be put ; or by a series of concentric copper rings, one or more of which may be removed so as to accommodate evaporating basins of different sizes. The regulator, as modified by 36 APPENDIX. .'), consists of a wide glass tube, a, divided into two in upper :iiid a lower, by a hori/onial septum. In the middle of : nun is an opening, from which a tube runs down nearly to the . of the lower division. The tube is closed by a perforated cork or India-rubber stopper. Through this passes a tube. H, with a hori- zontal limb. K. Inside B is a smaller and shorter tube, r, which lias a •.iall opening opposite D. The sides of i; and c are luted together with cement at K. In using this regulator, a quantity of mercury is poured into A. and of course runs down into the lower division, partly tilling it. and partly compressing the air it contains. The month of A. la then closed by the cork, and the tube c connected by India-rubber tubing with a gas-pipe, and the tube K with a small MUT. Tin s down the tube r through its lower opi n end, up again between it and B, and out at K. and thence to the burner. The regulator and a thermometer are then immersed in the water-bath, •.ted. and the bath warmed till the thermometer indicates MV other desired temperature. The tubes 13 and c are then , down till the mercury touches the lower end of c and closes it. thai pre\ented from passing onwards to the burner, and the \\onld go out entirely were it not that the small hole in c, oppo- site D. allo\\s sullicient gas to pass through it to preserve Ihe flame from ompletely extinguished. As soon as the flame is thus diminished, i'er-bath and the regulator immersed in it begin to cool, and the mercury, and still more the air in the regulator, consequently contracts. The mercury, therefore, sinks, and lea\» s the mouth of c open, so that • ely through it. the flame increases, and the tem- ilie hath B The mercury and air again expand ; he temperature is reached to which the regulator was adjusted. Hi' s the mouth of c. and cuts oil' the gas till the temperat i.dls. In this way the temperature mav be • i- months at -U) without varying much more than half a'degree. mercury is \ery clean, however, it will adhere slightly to the lower end of c. and the \ariations will thus be greater. The water bath must also lie kept at a constant level, as otherwise the part of the regulator heated by it is sometimes greater and sometimes less. The mercury consequently does not always expand in the same pro- portion to the rise in the temperature of'the water in which it is par- tially immersed, and variations of -everai degrees may thus be produced. 209. Precipitation.- In precipitating a substance by the addition of another, the reagent is generally added a little at a time, and mixed iiis of a -tirring rod. till a further addition of the reagent produces no perceptible increase in the amount of the precipitate. In order to iin that the precipitation is complete, a little of the liquid is tested by throum- it on a tiller, and the reagent added to tin; clear filtrate. It no further precipitate occurs, the precipitation is complete ; but if one is formed, the liltrate is again mixed with the rest of the fluid and the process repeated. 210. Washing of Precipitates on Filters.— Precipitates are gene- rally collected on a filter and \\ashed by directing u stream of water or alcohol on them by means of a wash-bottle. Tn«' filter should never be tilled up to the top, as the upper part of the precipitate cannot then be, i-hed. It is always advisable to let the precipitate settle in . and to allow the' clear liquid to passs through the filter throwing the precipitate itself upon it ; and the whole of the fluid from which the precipitate has subsided must be allowed to pass through the filler before the washing is begun. A stream of water is then directed on the part of the precipitate nearest the edge of the filter, by which it is gradually washed towards the centre. The stream BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 563 should not be too strong, nor should it strike the filter or precipitate perpendicularly, as it is then apt to scatter the precipitate or tear the filter. When the filter is nearly full of water, the whole should be allowed to run through, and the washing again repeated. Wtithing of Precipitates by Decantation. — When a precipitate sub- sides quickly, it is more readily washed by decantation than on a filter. Granular and gelatinous precipitates are not easily washed completely on a filter, and it is better to wash them as well as possible by decanta- tion, and to finish the operation on a filter. In washing by decantation, the precipitate is placed in a tall beaker, and stirred well with a quantity of water, alcohol, or other washing liquid. It is then allowed to sub- side, and the supernatant liquid carefully poured off or removed by a syphon (see fig. 833) ; this is repeated till the washing is complete. In order to prevent any of the precipitate being carried off in the washing and lost, the liquid used for washing may be collected and passed through a filter. Any part of the precipitate retained by the filter may then lie washed, and the rest of the precipitate added to it. 211. Filtration. — Filtration is the separation of insoluble substances from liquids bypassing the latter through a porous material which keeps the former back. When the substance to be removed is in large pieces, or when the liquid is thick and viscid, and will not pass easily through paper, it may be filtered through linen or gauze. The linen may either be stretched over the mouth of a beaker or placed in a porcelain strainer in the form of a hollow cone, with numerous perforations near its apex. The removal of the last portions of the liquid may generally be hastened by squeezing the linen either with the hand or in a press (fig. 334). Fine precipitates are usually separated by filters of unglazed porous paper, made specially for the purpose. To make a filter, take a round or square piece of paper of the proper size, and fold it twice at right angles. If a square piece has been used, it must now be cut round. Open it in the form of a cone, and place it in a funnel. If the funnel is of proper form (its sides sloping at an angle of 30° to its axis), the filter will fit it exactly. If it does not, the angle at the apex of the paper cone must be modified. The filter should always be a little smaller than the funnel, and never project above its edges. Before pouring in the liquid to be filtered, the paper must be moistened with distilled water, alcohol, or ether, according as the liquid is aqueous, alcoholic, or ethereal. If this is not done, the first portions of the fluid which pass through are apt to be muddy, but they may be cleared by pouring them back on the filter and making them pass through a second time. To avoid breaking the filter at the apex, the liquid should be poured on it so as to fall on its sides, which are supported by the funnel, and the stream directed by a. glass rod. The filtrate is generally collected in a beaker ; it is well to let the end of the funnel touch the side of the glass, so that the liquid may run down it without splashing If the filtrate only is wanted, fil- tration may be quickened by using a ribbed or plaited filter. To make this, take a circular piece of filter paper and fold it into quadrants, and then into half quadrants, making all the folds towards one side. Then make a fold towards the other side between each two of those already made, and push the paper into the funnel, pressing the point down into the neck of the funnel ; then pour in the liquid, Avhen it will open com- pletely. Instead of this, three glass rods, bent at the top so as to hook on to the edge of the funnel, may be laid inside it at equal distances from each other. These are useful both in quickening the filtration and in supporting the bottom of the filter, especially when the funnel is badly made and its tube is too wide at its junction with the cone. When albuminous liquids are filtered through paper, the pores become very quickly choked up, and it is therefore better to use a number of small ->r,4 APPENDIX. than one large one ; and when the fluid ceases to pass through • of filters, to' pour it into fresh ones. ition /»/ Iliinten's P» ////,'. —Filtration maybe much accelerated l,v lilterin- the liquid into :i partial vacuum. This is done by fixing the funnel air-tight in one neck of si Woull'e's bottle, and exhausting the air throu-h the' other by an ordinary exhausting syringe. It can, however, l,r more conveniently effected by means of a Bunsen'fl water air-pump 885). Tin- principle of this instrument is the same as that of Sprengel's pump, with this ditl'erenee. that water is substituted for mercury. It consists of a wide air-tiirht tube, through which water descends in a constant stream pth Which (if it is desired to produce a complete vacuum) must not hi- less than thirty-two feet. Into the axis of this tube, close to its upper end. a second tube of much smaller bore projects, the open end of which looks down\\ anls. /. e., in the direction of the stream. Through this tuli.', if it is opi-n. air is constantly drawn ; any closed cavity with which it is in air-tight communication is rapidly exhausted. It may thus be used eitlier as an aspirator or as an air-pump. If, however, the .•f the column of water is less than thirty-two feet, its exhausting poueris limited to the production of a diminished pressure, which is i-xpre— ed by the ditl'erenee bet ween the height of the column and thirty- two feet. The usual \\av of employing it in filtration is to attach the •ion tube u to a piece of bent glass tubing, which passes through an India-rubber stopper in one neck of a Woulfe's bottle, in the other (f which a funnel is fixed in a similar manner. The air inside the bottle being exhausted by the air-pump, the fluid is forced rapidly through the filter by the pressure of the external atmospheie. 1 find it :iient to UM- a strong bell jar. with a tubular opening at the Into this opening an India-rubber stopper, which is perforated for the funnel and exhausting tube, is fitted. The beaker in which the fil- ived is placed on a ground-glass plate. The ground if the bell jar having been .-.mcared with resin ointment, it is set on the plate iii such a position that the funnel is exactly over the beaker. The tluid is then poured into the filter, and the air exhausted from the bell jar. The pressure of the air would force the liquid through the did tear it away unless it wire supported in some way. This is done by taking a semicircular piece of platinum foil of suitable si/e. A snip ha\ing been made at the centre of the straight edge, and at right angles to it. the bit of toil is heated in the blowpipe {lame, and allowed • !. Il can then lie smoothed out. bent at the snip, and the edges brought together so a-- to overlap each other slightly. The hollow cone thus formed is next placed in an iron mould with a conical cavity, and • 1 firmly in with a conical plug. The funnel used must be chosen with sides sloping at the proper anirlc. and the tube must not be too wide, at the junction with the cone. The platinum toil is placed in the bottom of the tunnel, and prosed with the linger. «> as to lit the funnel smoothly. In-tead of platinum foil, fine wire ^au/.e or parchment paper is som'e- used. The filter is then folded and placed Aith its apex resting in the platinum, moistened with water, and pressed gently a gainst the sides of the funnel so as to make it lit tightly to it. ami prevent air from Lret- tin^ down into the receiver between them. Milk, albuminous solutions, '\eriin can be tillered much more readily through j>oroiis eartlien- •iian thro\iu!i ]>apcr. For this purpose the top of a porou> cell, sneli ;,-, i^ US(.,1 lor u-alvanic batteries, is closed by an India-rubber cap with t\\ o ••peninirs. < )ne ot'these is connected by a short glass tube and : India-rubber tubing with the pump. Thnumh the other a <;lass - nearly to the bottom of the cylinder, and is closed at its piece of India-rubber tubing and a strong clip. This BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. .">»;."> serves as a pipette to remove a little of the fluid occasionally from the fell for the purpose of testing it. The cell is placed in a glass cylinder, little more than wide enough to admit it, and the fluid to be tillered is poured into the cylinder until it (-overs the lo\ver part of the India-rubber rap. The air being then exhausted from the cell, the fluid filters into it from the cylinder. Instead of cells, cones of porous earthenware may be used as tillers. A short piece of wide India-rubber tubing is stretched over the top of a funnel, and into its upper end, which lies flat across the opening of the funnel, a porous cone is inserted (see fig. 335). In order to keep liquids hot during the process of filtration, Plantamour's funnel is used. This is a hollow funnel of copper containing water, which is kept hot by a flame applied to a projecting part. A better plan is to use a water-bath with a funnel-shaped opening in it (fig. 336). This has the advantage that it may be kept at any required temperature with the aid of a Bunsen's regulator. 212. Dialysis.— Almost all crystalline bodies, with the notable ex- ception of hemoglobin, pass readily, when in a state of solution, through animal membranes or through vegetable parchment. The great ma- jority of non-ciystalline bodies, such as albumin, do not pass through at all, or only with very great difficulty. In this way the diffusible may be separated from non-diffusible substances. Such a separation is termed dialysis. Graham, the discoverer of the process, gave to the ditl'usible bodies the name crystalloids, to the non-diffusible the name colloids, as he thought all crystalline bodies diffused and all non-crystal- li/ablo did not ; but these names are open to- objection since the dis- covery that hemoglobin will not diffuse, although it forms crystals, while peptones diffuse, although they do not crystallize. Dialysis is effected by placing the liquid which is to be dialysed in a cylinder, of which the bottom consists of vegetable parchment. This cylinder, called a dialyser. is then placed in a shallow vessel containing distilled water. The diffusible substances pass through the parchment into the water, while the non-diffusible remain behind. Two forms of dialyser are in ordinary use. For dialysing small quantities, bell-shaped glass jars are used. For quantities of seven or eight ounces or upwards, a dialyser is employed which consists of two gutta-percha hoops, one of which is two inches deep, the other only one. The deeper hoop is slightly conical, so that the other hoop slips over its smaller end. Before using this contrivance, both hoops must be washed thoroughly with distilled water. A piece of vegetable parchment, about three inches wider than the smaller end of the deep hoop, must then be steeped for a minute in distilled water and stretched over it. After applying the edges of the parchment carefully to the outside of the smaller hoop, the larger one is slipped over it, so as to fix it tightly. The dialyser musi next b" tested, to ascertain that the parchment is free from holes. It must be filled to the depth of a quarter of an inch with distilled water, and placid for a short while on a piece of blotting- paper. If there are any holes in the parchment, the water will come through and leave a wet spot on the blotting-paper, in which case either a fresh piece should be put on or the hok's closed up. This may be done by sticking a piece of vegetable parchment over the holes on the under surface of the dialyser \vith white of egg, and then passing a smooth hot iron over the patches. This done, the dialyser must be again tested. After having been ascertained to be perfect, it may be filled ; the liquid to be dialysed must not cover the bottom to a greater depth than half an inch. It must then be floated in about five times as much water as it contains of liquid (fig. 337), and gently agitated from time to time. The bell-shaped dialysers are used in the same way, but the paper is APPENDIX. fixed <»vcr the wide end \vith a piece of fine cord, and the dialyser, of iii-in"- floated on the water, is suspended so that the parch- ment is ///••»/. below the surface. This is effected by strings which pass from its' neek to u irlass rod laid over the month of a cylindrical glass j;II- containing the water (fig. 338). Diffusion is prompted by using a irface of parchment, or by frequently gently shaking the dialyser. Tin- proems may be further accelerated by heat and by evaporation, for which purple ill'- basin containing the dialyser may be advantageously placed in the warm chamber or bath at a temperature of 37° C. 213. Drying.— Glass vessels, in which substances are to be weighed, are dried by heat. In the case of flasks and tubes, this may be done by warming them over thetlame of a spirit-lamp, then blowing air through them with the bellows. For most purposes the hot-air bath is used— a copper vessel either cubical or cvlindrical in shape, and provided with a door or movable cover ifiir. 889), It is heated by a lamp or burner, and must be furnished witli a thermometer, so fixed as to indicate the temperature of tin- air of the clnmber. For all purposes which re- quire a temperature not exceeding 100° C., the hot-air bath must con- tWO Casings, the space between which is filled with water. Di'1/in'f and Cnoli/iy <>ctr Sulphuric Acid. — When substances, espe- eiallv hv'-roscopic powders, are dried in the air-bath and then allowed to cool, 'they take up moisture and gain weight. To prevent this, they must be allowed to cool under a bell jar, under which is a dish con- taining sulphuric acid (fig. 340). The acid absorbs moisture with avidity, and keeps the air under the jar dry. The acid may be placed in a shallow dish, and the substances to he dried supported over it on a sheet of perforated /inc, which rests on the edges of the dish or on a small tripod. Another method is to put the acid in a beaker, covered with a ground-glass plate greased at the edges, and to support the cru- cible on a leaden support ; the support is made of a bit of strong leaden wire by bending one end of it into a circle which lies at the bottom of the beaker, and the other end into a smaller circle which rises above the -url'aee of the acid and holds the crucible. To prevent dried hydro- substances from taking up moisture during weighing, they should not be placed in an open vessel, but inclosed between two watch- held together by a spring. Wild, it is desired to' dry substances without the aid of heat, they are to be placed under the receiver of an air-pump and over sulphuric acid, tsl mentioned. pitates may be rapidly dried by supporting the funnel containing them over a very small flame by means of a beaker with the bottom out. a triangle of iron wire and a piece of wire gau/,e, arranged as in lig. :;il. 214. Ignition. — Substances are exposed to a red heat in order to dry them th. iron-Id Y. to drive away volatile matters, or to burn off organic constituents, and allow the fixed inorganic solids to be determined. A small quantity of a substance may be iirnited on a piece of platinum foil or in a platinum spoon, larger quantities in porcelain or platinum' crucibles. Platinum vessels should not be used if the substance to be , contains iodine. bromine, phosphorus, or easily reducible . such as cupper, lead, silver, u'old, or tin. When precipitates ted in a filter arc ignited, they must be first carefully dried. The crucible is then to be placed on a piece of -la/ed paper, the precipitate d from the filter bv nibbing the sides together, and then shaken gently into the crucible. The filter is then either folded and placed in the Crucible, «r it is set lire to and held over it bv a pair of forceps, so that the ashes may fall into it. Anv ashes or precipitate that has fallen on the paper havimr been collected' ami added to the rest, the crucible BY DR. LAUDER BRUNTON. 567 is placed in a triangle of platinum wires stretched on a larger one of iron wire (fig. :>42), and heated over a Bunsen's lamp. The cover should be laid on the crucible at first to prevent any loss, and the heat raised very gradually. The cover may be removed during part of the process to allow freer access of air, but towards the end it should again be replaced so that the heat within the crucible may become greater. With the same view, the blowpipe flame; may be substituted tor that of the Bunsen's burner. The crucible is then allowed to cool somewhat on the triangle, but while still warm must be placed over sulphuric acid, and left there till cold. The weight of ash left by a good filter is very inconsiderable ; but it may be ascertained by burning a dozen filters and dividing the weight of the ash by the number. Filters may be almost completely deprived of ash by extracting them with dilute- hydrochloric acid, and washing them with vfciter till the acid reaction completely disappears. 215. Weighing. — The balances most useful in a physiological labora- tory are a fine analytical balance to carry 100 grammes in each pan, and turn easily with half a milligramme or less, and a large balance to carry seventy kilogrammes, and turn with a few grammes. Fine balances are always protected by glass covers, to prevent the access of dust and protect the instrument from draughts of air, etc. Inside this, a vessel containing chloride of calcium is often placed to keep the air dry. The doors of the case should be only opened when the substance or weights are to be adjusted, and should be closed while the beam is o dating. It is convenient to lay the weights cr n. sheet of paper on e floor of the balance, and to mark the weight of e^ . that part 01 the paper where it lies. They must never be touched with the fingers, only with forceps. It is advisable always to place the weights in the same pan (the right) of the balance, and the substance to be weighed in the other. The placing of heavy weights on a fine balance should be avoided, even though they may not exceed the weight which the instru- ment is constructed to carry. Nothing should be placed on the pans or taken from them while the beam is oscillating. It is not necessary to wait each time till the index stops moving in order to see whether there is any difference between the weights in the pans ; for this is ascer- tained much more axactly by observing whether the index oscillates farther on one side of the zero mark th.in on the other, than by noticing its position when at rest. After weighing, add together the weights which are absent from their places on the paper. Note down the weight at once, and check it by adding the weights together as they are lifted from the pan and replaced. No weight should ever be allowed to remain on the balance after weighing. Substances are generally weighed in watch-glasses, small crucibles or small flasks. These may be either weighed separately, and their weight deducted from the total weight, or they may be counterpoised. To save the trouble of weighing them each time, they may be carefully weighed once for all, and their weight noted and marked on them with a diamond, or, if they are of porcelain, in ink. When a crucible with its lid is used, it is usual to put correspond- ing marks on the crucible and its lid, so that the same may be used each time. Counterpoises may be made in various ways. The most con- venient is to choose a piece of brass of about the size of the brass weight which corresponds most closely to the weight of the vessel to be coun- terpoised, and reduce it by careful filing till the weights are exactly equal. If only required for temporary use, a pill-box partly filled with small shot will suffice. 216. Specific Gravity. — The specific gravity of a solid or liquid is its weight compared with that of an equal bulk of distilled water. AY liter and other liquids, however, shrink when cooled, and expand 568 APPENDIX. Avhen heated, so that the weight of a given bulk varies with the tempe- rature. If a vessel containing, for example, a cubic inch is filled with a fluid at a moderate temperature ami cooled, the liquid will shrink, and more miM In- poured in to till up the space. If, on the contrary, it he warmed, the liquid will run over. The weight of the cubic inch of cold liquid will he greater than that of the liquid tit the original temperature hv the quantity poured in. while that of the hot liquid will be less by that which has run over. It is therefore absolutely necessary to coin- pure the weights of bodies at the same temperature. Specific gravities are in this country estimated at 1-V C. or (JO F. ;tri(y of Liquid*.— The specific gravity of a liquid maybe ascertained by th'e use of the specific gravity TJUlllf, llii1 hydrometer, or specific gravity beads. Specific Gravity Bottle.— This is a small bottle which contains a known \olume of liquid ; one form of bottle (fig. 348) contains its pro- per quantity when it is tilled perfectly full, another form (fig. 844) when filled up to a mark on the neck, which is long and thin. The bottle hav- . n charged with the liquid, of which the specific gravity is to be determined, the weight of its contents is determined by the balance, for which purpose it must first be counterpoised. The quotient obtained by dividing the weight of the liquid by the weight of the same bulk of MI the same temperature is its specific gravity. It is difficult to fill an ordinary bottle completely and to put in the stopper without get- ting in an air-bubble, which would of course alter the weight of the its ami MI give false results. To obviate this difficulty, the stop- pi r of a specific gravity bottle has a hole bored up through its middle, so that when the bottle is filled and the stopper put in, any air or fluid that may be present in the neck passes up through the hole, and thus both the hottle and the hole in the stopper are completely filled with fluid. Before weighing the empty bottle or making a counterpoise for it, it must be thoroughly dried. Specific gravity bottles of this kind tTUCted "to contain from .",() to !()(") grammes of distilled water at 1 :> ('. Counterpoises are always sold with them. Before, u-ing them, the accuracy both of the counterpoise and of the capacity of the bottle mn>t be toted. For thi' latter purpose, the bottle must be filled and then immersed in a beaker containing distilled water at a tem- perature a few degrees higher than 1.") ('.. and allowed to remain until a thermometer standing in the water indicates that the required tempe- lia^ been reached. The bottle must then be removed from the • and \\eiiihed against the counterpoise, its outside having been tiiM carefully wiped dry. The weight is that of the distilled water contained in the bottle al \~> ('. In weighing the contents of the hot - tl" when charged with any liquid of which the specific gravity is to be determined, the same method U to be followed, with the exception that •tie must not be completely immersed in the liquid contained in If then ir indicate the \\eight of the water and //•' that of lie volume of the other liquid at the same temperature, its specific iiy = v. times it is difficult to get a sufficient quantity of liquid to fill the • C gravity bottle just described. When this is the case, a specific gravity hottle may be made out of a test-tube, by drawing it out, as in the accompanying figure (Tig. :54.")).and then flattening the bottom so as to make it stand by heating it and pressing it against a piece of iron. A -eratch U to be made on the narrow part of the neck, up to which the bottle is to be filled with water at 1.". C.. and weighed against a counterpoise as before. In all other respects the procedure is that which • 11 already described. BY DR. LADDER BRUNTON. 569 The Hydrometer. — The hydrometer is an elongated glass bulb which is weighed at one end so as to make it float upright, and is prolonged at the other end into a stem, graduated in such a manner that the number of the division up to which the instrument sinks expresses the specific gravity of the liquid in which it is placed. As every instrument reads accurately only at the temperature for which it is constructed, the liquid must be brought to the proper temperature before the instrument is used. In using the hydrometer, the liquid must be placed in a cylin- drical glass vessel, deep enough and wide enough to allow the instru- ment to float freely in it without coming in contact with the sides or bottom. The froth, if any, is then to be removed from the surface with a piece of blotting-paper, and the hydrometer allowed gently to sink into the liquid. The mark on the scale, which coincides with its sur- face, indicates the specific gravity. To read this correctly, the eye must be brought to a level with the surface of the liquid. When this is the case, the surface presents the form of a meniscus, assuming the aspect of an ellipse when the eye is either raised or lowered. To insure accuracy, the reading should be repeated once or twice, the hydrometer being down in the liquid between each two observations. Specific Gravity of Solids. — The specific gravity of a solid mass, the substance of which is insoluble, is ascertained by weighing it first in air and then in water. The difference between these weights is equal to the weight of its own bulk of the water which it displaces. The specific gravity is therefore got by dividing the weight of the solid in air by the difference between its weight in air and water. The weight of solids may also be ascertained by immersing them in fluids of known density till they float. Thus the best way of ascertaining the specific gravity of the substance of the brain, or any other organ, is to prepare a graduated series of solutions of common salt of different densities, and to immerse the solid, first in one, and then in another, till a solution is found in which it floats indifferently at any height. 217. Volumetrical Analysis. — For volumetrical analyses, measuring flasks, measuring glasses, pipettes, burettes, and other accessory appa- ratus are required. Mi'«.*uring Flasks. — These flasks, of the form shown in fig. 346, are used for dissolving substances for the preparation of standard solutions, etc. They should have tolerably wide mouths, and be furnished with well-fitting stoppers, so that they may be shaken without risk of loss. The graduation mark should be ju:t below the middle of the neck. Flasks are used of capacities varying from 100 centimetres to a litre. Gr<><] netted cylinders, such as that shown in fig. 347, generally called test-mixers, are used for the same purpose. Pipettes. — A pipette is a glass tube of the shape shown in fig. 348, and when filled up to the mark on the neck it should deliver the exact quan- tity of fluid which is marked upon it. Some pipettes are graduated so as to let the exact quantity run out by its own weight ; others, to de- liver the right amount only when the liquid is blown forcibly out. The former arc to be preferred. Another kind of pipette is graduated along the greater part of its length, so as to deliver different quantities at will, but it is not so accurate as the others. In using pipettes, the liquid to be measured is to be put into a test-glass or small beaker ; the lower end of the pipette is then immersed in the liquid, which is to be sucked up till it stands somewhat above the mark on the neck of the pipette. The upper end of the pipette must then be quickly covered with the moistened tip of the forefinger, so as to prevent the liquid from flowing out. The mark on the neck is next brought to a level with the eye. and the tip of the finger gently raised so as to allow the liquid to escape slowly till it stands opposite the mark. It is then allowed to run out into a clean 570 APPENDIX. beaker, and the last few drops removed from the point of the pipette by touching it against the side of the beaker. /ii/n'tfi'n.— These are used for delivering standard solutions. There nil forms of burette, but the most convenient is that of Mohr. It consi-ts of a graduated tube, to whose lower end an India-rubber tube is attached, which can be opened and shut by a spring clip (fig. 849), so that the operator can let the solution run out or stop it at will. The bu- rette is supported in an upright position on a stand made for the purpose .V2). To prevent dust getting in, a polished marble should be placed on its upper end. Iii man}' cases the spring clip answers well, but when nitrate of mercury is used it attacks the clip, and bichromate of pota-h destroys the India-rubber. For such liquids a burette fur- ni-lied with a glass stopcock is to be preferred. A burette should be filled by allowing the Tumid to How gently into it while it is held in an inclined portion in the hand till it stands above the zero mark. The in- stnnnent is then replaced. If any air-bubbles arc present, they must be allowed to break, or removed by a glass rod. The solution is then al- lowed to flow out till its level corresponds to the zero mark on the burette. " fl Burettes and other Graduated Instruments 'used in >h/xi*. — When liquid is contained in a narrow tube, its surface is higher at the edges where it touches the glass than elsewhere; and if we examine the curved surface by transmitted light, it seems to be formed nt' several /.ones or bands, the lowest of which is dark (fig. :>.">()). To avoid errors and uncertainty, the under border of the dark arded as indicating the level at which the liquid stands. In reading, the eye must of course be exactly level with the surface, otherwise the reading will be either too high or too low. The under surface of the liquid is more easily seen if a card, with its under half blackened, while its upper half remains white, be held behind the liquid, so that the division between the black and whiteparts is about one-eighth of an inch below its surface. The lower surface of the liquid then seems to be bounded by a sharp black line (Sutton). Burettes may be read very ea-ily and with great accuracy by tiding Krdmann's float (fig. :!.">r. This is an elongated gla i lie solution used in the neutralization of albumi- iquids is prepared by dissolving a little litmus in distilled water, decanting the liquid from the sediment, and diluting it as required. For determinations, of the str-ngUi of acid, the litmus solution is made b\- putting 10 grammes of solid litmus into half a litre of distilled water, let- ting it >tand for a few hours in a warm place, decanting the clear fluid, adding a few drops of dilute nitric acid so as to produce a violet color, and preserving it in an open bottle with a narrow neck. If the color should at any time partially disappear, it may be restored by exposing the liquid to the air in an open bottle (Sutton)/ fini, ,,f .s',,^(/._Kjll ;i burette with solution of soda, and cautiously drop this into (\.'.\ grammes of purified oxalic acid in crys- :ite dry lint not elllore-ced. dissolved in about ?() c. c. of distilled water, until the acid is exactly neutralized, as indicated by litmus. Note the number of irrain measures (n) of soda solution used, and having then introduced '.100 c. c. of it into a graduated jar. augment this quantity by the addition of water until it becomes c. c> ]f. for example >i=!i:j. the 1)00 cub. cent, should be augmented to 90°x>10() = 967.7 93 ,,. BY DR. LAJDER BRUNTON. 571 cub. cent. 100 cub. cent, contain TT0th of an equivalent in grammes (4 grammes) of hydrate of soda, and will neutralize ^th of an equivalent in grammes of an acid. Soda solution for estimating the acidity of gastric juice is made by di- luting 100 c. c. of the above solution to the bulk of a litre. 218. Polariscope. — There are several organic substances whose solutions possess the power of circumpolarization, i. e., of rotating to one side or another the plane of polarization of a ray of polarized light passing through them. Some of them, such as glucose, cane sugar, and tartaric acid, turn it to the right hand, while others, such as albumin, unc-rystal- lizable sugar, and oil of turpentine, turn it to the left. As the amount of rotation increases in proportion to the concentration of the solution and the thickness of the stratum through which the ray passes, it is easy to ascertain the quantity of a substance held in solution by simply observing the extent to which a ray is rotated in passing through a stratum of a de- finite thickness. The apparatus used for this purpose is shown in rig. 853. It consists of a stand in which arc placed two NicoPs prisms, a and b. The prism b is fixed, but that at a is movable, and the extent to which it is rotated is indicated on a graduated circular disk s s by an index z. When the two prisms are placed exactly in the same position, the ray, which has been polarized by b passes readily through «, and the field of vision of an observer, looking into the instrument at a, is illuminated. As a is turned round on its axis, the field becomes dimmer and dimmer till the tAvo prisms are turned crosswise to each other, when the polar- ized ray by b is entirely stopped by «, and the field consequently be- comes quite dark. At this time the index stands at zero. If a glass tube, containing a solution of sugar or albumin, is then placed in the space oo, the polarized ray will pass through it, and in doing so will have its plane of polarization more or less rotated, so that it will no longer be entirely stopped by the prism a. In order, therefore, to stop it again and produce a dark field, this prism must be rotated to a corre- sponding degree, and the extent of rotation is read off on the graduated disk. As it is difficult to determine exactly the position of a. at which the field is darkest, some additions have been made to this instrument by Soleil and Ventzke, which make their saccharimeter more complica- ted, but greatly increase its exactitude. The first of these is a plate of quartz, q, composed of two pieces, whose line of junction is exactly in the middle of the field of vision. One piece rotates light to the right hand, while the other turns it to the left. When a solution of sugar is placed in the space o o, it increases the action of that half of the plate which rotates to the right, and lessens the action of the other half which rotates to the left, and the two halves of the field of vision become of a different color. This difference can be removed by turning the prism «, but this is more easily effected by means of the compensator n. The chief parts of this are figured separately. It consists of two equal prisms (>• and r') of left-handed quartz, whose surfaces (c and O an? cut perpendicularly to the optic axis of the crystal. Taken together they form a plate bounded by parallel surfaces, and they can be made to slide on one another by means of a rack and pinion, 9, so as to in- crease or diminish its thickness at will. One of the frames in which these is fixed has a scale, I, and the other a vernier, n. When the zero of this corresponds to the zero on the scale, the left-handed rotation of the two prisms is compensated by a plate of right-handed quartz, p. and the field then appears of an uniform color, but as soon as the prisms are moved this compensation ceases, and the two halves become differently colored. The same effect is produced by putting a solution of sugar into o o. The screw v is then turned till the effect of the sugar is counter- balanced and the amount of rotation read off on the scale. At this end, APPENDIX. telescopic adjustment, to enable the division between tin- two ofihe quartz to be clearly seen. In using this instrument, the end b should be placed opposite the brightest 'part of a lamp Maine, and it is advisable to cover the flame with an earthenware cylinder having an aperture which just admits tin- end ol the Baccharimeter, so as to shut oil' all light except that which through the instrument. The x.ero of the vernier having been placed opposite that of the scale, the operator looks into the end «, and adjusts the telescope till the dark line in the centre of the field is clearly tle'tiiied. If the two sides of tin- field are of exactly the same tint, he may proceed with the operation, but if they are not, he must adjust them by m«- -TCW and key. which are not represented in the en^rav'mir. The tube is then to be tilled with the tluid to lie examined, and it- i by a piece of glass and a metal cap, which should not be sereued tOO tightly. The tluid must be transparent, and as dole, A fight yellow color does not interfere with the accuracy of the determination, but a red or brown color impairs it seriously. Three tubes, 1. i.'. and \ a decimetre in length, are generally Supplied with each instrument, and the longer the tube used, the more exact is the determination. Dark fluids may be examined in the >horier tubes, but if very dark they should be diluted before examina- tion. The tube is then placed in the space o <>, and the rack r is turned till the two halves of the field present exactly the same tint. By turn- ing the prUni ,/, different colors of the field may be obtained ; a pale •lor is that in which dill'erences of the two halves can be most readily observed. The distance to which the y.ero of the vernier has been moved from that of the scale to one or other side, indicates the amount of dextro- or hevo-rotation. The compensator is so graduated that each decree of the scale corresponds to one gramme of sugar or albumin in 130 cub. cent, of iluid when a tube one decimetre long is used. When tubes of a diH'erent length are employed, the number of divided by the length of the tube in order to find out the strength of the solution. As sugar and albumin rotate the rays in a dim-rent direction, their amount cannot be determined when both are in a solution, the instrument then indicating merely the dilfer- enee between their rotating power. In such a case the albumin must be relumed and the amount of sugar determined. The ditl'erence between the rotation caused by the sugar alone and the sugar and albumin together, will then of course give the rotation due to albumin. This instrument may also be used for distinguishing between substances, such as albuminous bodies, which nearly resemble each other in their ireneral characters and reactions, hut have different powers of rotation or specific rotation. Tin. *y»r///V rotation of a substance is the extent t«> which a solution of one gramme in one cubic centimetre, contained in a tube one decimetre long, will rotate a ray of light passing through rotation of light to the right, a 4-' is prefixed to the number of degrees through which the beam is turned, and a — to indi- :aiion to the left. The specific rotation of sugar is -f ^(\ ; that of albumin — 66°. To find out the specific rotation of aoy substance with the saccharimcter, the following formula is used (Iloppe- : I : — uF THE MOST IMPORTANT INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS DTO IN TIMS WORK. WITH INFORMATION AS TO WHERE TI1KV CAN UK OBTAINED. I. HISTOLOGY. >• Co., 21 Place JJinij>/ifni\ PY//..V/«!, 17 Grossbecren Strasse, •lein Bessel Strasse, Berlin, for good instru- iH'iits at :i lower price. \\ "A KM IN.M.I-TJMI APPARATUS, SYRINGES AND. CANUL^S, FIM. s< ISSOKS AND FORCEPS, STEEL CLIPS, ETC. — IIawksley,4. '. r»,>,,,l SV/v,7. HAT. . }\'< -!l* Street. Oxford Street. S«.n -Marqaort Sf Co., Bonn. i IN. — Croote and BbirL-irdl, Soho Sqi< CHI.MI -I'kin and Williams, 16 Cross Street, Hatton Garden. II. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. (i it l'i MT- '/ie)i.f* <'-•); Dr. Geissler, Mechani /.-«'/•, A- ('•>.. 'il I > \M> MACLEOD'S APPARATUS, RECI- . IS AM) olll! K AlM'AKATUS FOR ANALYSIS OF BLOOD Q urns, <••'>: \- Co., 11 /1r.»>/,; ftfM*, ilnlborn. \\ YMo(;u Am. Ai:'ii.i;i\i S< HI:MA, ( A KI>I< MiuArn, MAREY'S TYMPANA AMI l,i;\ i i:-. i;i .« iii:niN<; S ri. IIIOM I.TI.I; ; ( X.I.UM AK'S RAB- i;rr SriMNiui ; M ANoMi/i i i:. \M> SUPPORT FOR COATS' AP- I" i:\TCS; I)i;i.K ATI 'I'HKIiMoMl.TKliS; AM.riiISM NEEDLES, r.iiNi II ..... xs, CLIPS, SCREW CLAMPS AND OTHER INSTRU- i-'S.—llurkslt'y. 4 nti-nfttim. Mrfct, Bond Street. LIST OF INSTRUMENTS, ETC. 575 BERNARD'S HOLDER. — Gueride, Fabriquant & Instruments de Chirur- •"> i '• lYttfitkot'er'.- tost for, 409 A ct'n iii" n!'. "till position of, I1.' I (Jetieral character ..f, •'.'.' 1 .t-nts, Relation of, to liu-nio- glohin. -I'.'T Tests f. r, r.it precipitate-. syntonin ami pepsin, 504 lull i if. .",()} Biliary fistula. Mode of produ Preparation nf, from bile, 496 l'i Prop* r, Epithelium of, 12 • •mi. Formation of lamolhe of, 17". • n, 30 • acid gas oil, ",'1 Id (ill. 1SS \-ltlle I. II. 1 •"-'.' of electrii-ity . ; D, •'•! :aieal changes i.f, in \\\ aii'l asph;. ( ' i i • - - 1 7 coloring inattor, 1 >^7 ling coagulation "f iii:iiniii-ili:i. Action of -nhitii.n <•;.. tion uf. in urinv, •JDJ liM-tlK.il of aii:tlv.-is, IJK' Mtloring laky or Motlio.l of i: fnun artory or v.-in. to vacuum, 1JUS : .'.tration of, 17''. Quantitative ilctfrmination of hoc- i'in in, I'.'li nuantitativf analysis of, 199 Bloodvessels, KiulutLclium of, 118 Muscular coat of, 120 Nerves of, 121 of intestine, 139 Structure of, 118 r.ono. C,:; Chemistry of, 417 Development of, '• 1 Inflammation of, 170 Preparation of gelatigenous sub- stances from. 111 Boracic acid, Action of, on blood, 30 Brain and spinal cord, Ganglion cells of, 88 Chemistry of, 4 •">•"> (iangliou cells of, hemispheres, Branched cells (connective tissue cor- puscles), ."> 1 corpuscles of skin, -V> of tail of tadpole, 55 P.runnor's glands. Calorimetry, 337 Capillary circulation in mammalia, 24 inflammation of, 170 Yellow, 112 Casein, Mode of separating, from milk, . -P.i Pigment, 50 Tend Cellular element-- of centrum tendi- neum in iviation to lymphatics, 127 Cellular. Elements of, connective tis- sue. I'.' Centrum tendineum, Cellular elements ..f. 127 Cerebral hemispheres, Removal of, in l.ir.1, 117 Cerebrin, -J •".'•. Cerebro-spinal nervous centres of vas- cular system, influence of, 245 IXI)EX. 579 Changes of arterial pressure during each cardiac period, 22 1 Chick, Cleavage cavity of, 1»;4 Lainelhe of blastoderm of, 1C,.") Chloride of gold, Preparation of cor- nea with, 63 Chlorine, Determination of, in urine, 508 Cliolesterin, 503 Cholic acid, 503 Chondrin, Decomposition of, 447 Chondrin. Effect of boiling on, 440 Precipitation of, 446 Preparation of, 44G Solubility of, 440 Clmndrogen, 440 Solubility of, 440 Chorda tympani and vascular fila- ments of snbmaxillary gland, Simul- taneous section of, 472 Chorda tympani, Direct and reflex excitation of, 471 Ciliary motion, Effects of reagents on, 35 Study of, in situ, 30 Ciliated cylindrical epithelium, 35 epithelium, 37 Circulation, Artificial, 242 Capillary, in mammalia, 240 in arteries, 217 Influence of respiration on, 324 Microscopical study of, 121 Phenomena of, in smallest arte- ries, 238 State of, in asphyxia, 332 Study of, in cold-blooded ani- mals, 121 Study of, in mesentery, 121 in tail of tadpole, 122 in tongue, 122 in web of frog's foot, 121 Cleavage cavity in ova of fish and amphibia, 101 of chick, 104 process in ova of fish and am- phibia, 159 Coagulation of albumin, 424 of blood, 183 of muscle plasma, 450 of myosin, 4-32 Cold, Action of, on blood, 188 Cold-blooded animals, Study of cir- culation in, 121 Coloring of sections, 106 Colorless blood corpuscles, 17 Colorless corpuscles, Action of dis- tilled water on, 27 Amoeboid movements of, 17 ' Colorless corpuscles. Application of liquid reajreuts t<>, 20 Effects of warmth on. 2:J Feeding of. 25 of man. 2-~> Varieties of, 18 Commutator, :!•"> 1 Conjunctiva and membrana nictitans, Nerves of, 02 Connective tissue, Cellular elements of, 49 corpuscles, 51 and fat cells, Transition forms between. 5S Development of, •">'.» tissues, 40 Chemistry of, 442 Constant current, Arrangement of electrical apparatus for, .'557 Contraction as a function of stimulus, 307 Contractions, Idio-muscular, :!05 Cornea, Fixed corpuscles of, 52 Inflammation of, 171 Nerves of, 01 Preparation of, with chloride of gold, .',:; Treatment of, with nitrate of silver, 52 Corpuscles, Branched, of skin, 55 of tail of tadpole, 55 Fixed, of cornea, 52 Granular, 21 Corpuscles of blood, Separation of, from liquor sanguinis, by subsi- dence, 177 Cranial and spinal nerves, Ganglia of, I 2 Creatine, 453 Decomposition of, 453 Reaction of, 45-': Solubility of, 453 Tests for, 453 Creatinine, 45:; Characters of, 45 I Reaction of, 45:; Separation of, from urine, 538 Solubility of, 45:; Crystallized bile, 500 composition, 500 Action of, on blood, 189 Curare, Poisoning by, ::os Current, electric, interrupted by means of an oscillating rod, 360 Current, electric, with definite inter- ruptions by means of the metro- nome, 300 INDEX. irieal ciliated epithelium, •">•"> epithelium, non-ciliated, 38 Dammar varnish. Preparation of, 108 Death, after section of both % Development of bone tissue, 64 of connective tissue, 50 Dial] Diaphragm, demonstration of lym- phatics by injection, 12'i Diaphragm. Lymphatics of centrum tendineum of, 12:1 Dinstatic action of saliva, Effect of temperature on. . -tioii. -I". 7 etion, 421 t< of temperature on, 486 in the stomach, 17~> int* Method of making a temporary fistula, ">1 "i i.iM in tli" inter-tine-. Method of maki. '.rut ti-tula, "il'i Digestion of the stomach by itself, during life. r.M Sir '.d rctjuired for, . 483 9 proligerus :.nd ovum. 1 Is- I xcitatiou o!. Dryinj Chemistry of, 1 !•"> i r. ! I". ll'i l'i cparntion of. 1 1"> Solubility of. I l"i Electric current- .if muscle , tive variations of, of nerves, 381 • Ural, 381 .'ive variations of, rement of tempera- ture, stimulation of nerve and muscle, Electricity, Action of, on blood, '•]" Electrodes, :'.-Vj Non-polarizable, 353 Electrotonus. :;s-j as affect ing irritabilit; Embedding in gum and gelatine, 105 in wax and oil, 103 of tissues for cutting sections, 103 Embryology, 158 Endocardial pressure, 2 •'•* curve, Modifications of, -7'> in mammalia, -l'\ Investigation of, in heart of frog. Variations of, during each cardiac period, 'Ji'.'.' Endothelium and epithelium, 35 Inflammation of, 170 of bloodvessels, 1 1 ^ of serous membranes. •!:; Silver method of exhibiting, -1 '\ Epitheli;>l tissues', Chemistry of, 442 Epithelium and enilotlieliuiir. of ovary, 147 Ciliated forms of, 37 Cylindrical ciliated, '.'>'> non-ciliated. :'.* Inflammation of, 1 ti'1 of bladder, 42 of kidneys, 1 I 1 of malpighian corpuscles, 14-3 of villi of intestines, 39 pavement, 40 Excitation and section of spinal cord in rabbit, '2 is Direct, of spinal cord in i ro- of dorsalis pcdis, L'.'iii of i. ;ernal ear of rab- bit, 2V, of superior laryngcul nerve, 322 • •entral end of one vagus after section of both, of vascular nerve- of submax- illary gland. -172 Extractive matters in muscle, -152 Evaporation. Method of retarding. 27 Fallopian tub*8, 1 1^ Ttem- and vagina, 1 1^ Fat ce1.: and connective tissue cor- pusrles. Transition forms between. Eats. 117 1'osition of. I 1s Eniulsionizing of. 1 is lieactiuns of, 1 lx INDEX. 581 Fats. Solubility of, 4 17 Footling of colorless corpuscles, 25 Fibre cells, Spiral, 87 Fibrin and plasma, Properties of, 178 Influence of swelling of, on its digestion, 487 Fibrinogen and paraglobulin, Experi- ments relating to, 179 Fibrinogenio substance, 435 Fibrino-plastic substance, 435 Fibrins, 435 Fibro-cartilage, 62 Fibrous tissue, 46 tissues, Action of acetic acid on, 47 Effect of maceration on, 47 Filtration, 563 of frog's blood, 176 Fixed corpuscles of the cornea, 52 Follicles, Graafian, 148 of intestine, Solitary and agmi- nated, 132 of Peyer, 138 Frankland-Sprengel pump, 207 Frog, Injection of, during life, 110 Muscular nerve endings of, 08 Respiratory movements of, 208 Study of movements of heart in, 260 - Ganglia, Auerbach's, 86 of the cranial and spinal nerves,82 Ganglion cells of brain and spinal cord, 83 of hemispheres of brain, 85 of sympathetic system, 85 Reproduction of, 88 Gases, Action of, on blood, 31 of arterial blood of dog, Analysis of, 214 of blood, 204 Gastric fistula, Establishment of, 475 Operation for, 476 Gastric juice, Action of, 479 on gelatine Artificial, 479 Effects of stimuli on secre- tion of, 493 Estimation of acid in, 478 Examination of, 477 Secretion of, 490 To determine the nature of acid in, 478 Geissler's pump, 206 Gelatin, 444 Action of gastric juice on, 485 Alteration of, by boiling, 445 Precipitation of, 445 Gelatin, Preparation of, 444 Solubility df, 4 1"> Gelatigenous substance, I 1 1 Characters of, 4 I I Preparation of, from bone, 441 Preparation of, from ten- dons, 444 Solubility of, 444 Genital organs, 147 of male, 149 Gerlach's carmine mass, 113 Gland, thymus, L'52 Glands, Lymphatic, system, 130 of Brunner, 138 Parotid, 473 Salivary and pancreatic, 135 Sebaceous, 14o Sweat, 142 Globulins, 435 Glycerin, 448 Decomposition of, 448 Solubility of, 448 Solvent powers of, 448 Test for, 449 Glycocholic acid, 501 Glycogen, 506 Conver'n of, into grape sugar, 512 Influence of food on amount of, in liver, 512 Preparation of, 510 Properties of, 511 Glycogenic function of liver, Mode of demonstrating, 508 Glycosuria, 513 produced by puncture of floor of fourth ventricle, 514 Graafian follicles, 148 Granular corpuscles, 21 Gum or gelatin, Embedding in, 105 Hsematin, 197 Htematoin, 198 Hannin, 196 crystals, 34 Haemoglobin, 34 Chemical properties of, 192 Determination of quantity by es- timation of its iron, 2(>2 Optical properties of, 194 Preparation of, 183 Quantitative determination of, in blood, 201 Hair, 144 Hardened tissues, Preparations of sections from, lei; Hearing, Organ of, 1-54 Heart, 260 58i INDEX. Heart, Examination of, after death b} Function uf depressor nerve of, 291 Inhibitory nerves of, 27'.' Influence of temperature on. 27* Int; triu <>f, 271 260 turn of, 2''f the hear1 1 , 118 ,118 with I'm i 12 Injection aft.-r death, 112 ;n.-trumeiits for, 114 of lymplmtic glands and mucous ! of the Crop during life, 1 1<> of t lutinmalia during life, 111 !ution of nitrate of silver, 118 ttiou of respiratory mov« iphragra, 304 Inter Internal absorption by veins. - Interrupted electric current, ;!•">'.' Intestinal fistula, 522 juice, 522 Actions of, 524 Artificial. 52:', Intestine, epithelium of villi, 3'1 Large, 139 Movements of, 52-"> Small, 137 Solitary and ngminated follicles of, 132 Intra-thoracic pressure, Measurement of, 303 Intrinsic nervous system of the heart, 271 Kidney.-, Epithelium of, 144 Isolation of tubes of, 1 15 Kymographic observation. Kules and precautions in, 220 •apli, Mercurial, 219 Spring, 225 Lecithin, -15t', Leucine, 438 - for, HO Liquor sanguinis, 175 Liver. Absorption by, 5o5 Functions of. I'1 1 Influence of food on amount of glycogen contained in. 512 Glycogenic function of. 5<>x Separation of diastatic ferment from, 51:; Lymphatic glands, Structure of, 130 :. 12:; Momata of. 125 Structure of, 1-" Lymphatics of diaphragm. 12»'i of omentum and mesentery. 12s Male genital organs. 11'.' Malpijihian corpuscles, Epithelium ! 15 Manipulation. Practical notes < of glass tubinjr. Mechanical stimulation of muscle and nervr Medulla oblo:, lioD of. li)"', Excitation (,|'. 252 25 1 'ii of, within the cra- nium, 251 Medullary sheath of nerve fibres, 80 Meissner's bodies or tactile corpus- cles INDEX. 583 Mci oner's plexus, 80 Membrana nictitans and conjunctiva, , Nerves of, '.12 Mesentery, 12<> and oinontum, Lymphatic system | of, 128 Study of circulation in, 121 Metapeptone, lsl Metheamoglobin, 15)0 Microscopical study of circulation, ! 121 Milk, 52G Characters of, 520 Constituents of, 527 Fats of, 52'.) Microscopical examination of, 520 Mode of estimating butter in, 529 separating albumin from, 528 separating casein from, 52b Sugar in, 528 Moreau's experiment on intestinal secretion, 524 Motion, Ciliary study of, in situ, 30 Mouth, Mucous membrane of, 135 Mucin, 442 Mucous and serous membranes, Nerves of, 95 Mucous membrane of mouth, tongue, pharynx, and oesophagus, 135 Murexide test for uric acid, 455 Muscle, Albuminous substance in, 451 and nerve, Mechanical stimula- tion of, 395 Aqueous extract of, 450 Chemical stimulation of, 390 Chemistry of, 449 corpuscles, 73 curve, 305 Exhaustion of, 306 Striped, 67 Unstriped, 65 plasma, 449 Reaction of, 449 Thermal stimulation of, 397 Muscles of respiration, Action of, 304 Muscular coat of bloodvessels, 120 Muscular contraction, Influence of temperature on, 306 Influence of veratrin, etc., on, 367 Phenomena and laws of, 365 Wave of, 369 work done, 368 Muscular fibre, Arrangement and di- vision of, 75 Muscular fibres, Examination of, in polarized light, 75 Muscular fibres, Substance of, 67 Nerves of. W nerve endings, 97-99 tissue, 05 Myosin, 435 Nares and larynx, Movements of, 307 Nessler's reagent, Preparation of, 439 Neurilemma, 81 Neurin, 450 Nerve cells, 82 Peripheral, 90 chamber, 352 Chemical stimulation of, 397 endings, 89 fibres, 7H Axis-cylinder, 79 Medullary sheath, 80 non-medullated, 82 Schwann's sheath, 81 Nerves, Influence of, on secretion of stomach, 492 Nerves of bloodvessels, 121 of conjunctiva and membrana nicti'tans, 92 of cornea, 91 of mucous and serous membranes, 95 of peritoneum, 96 of septum cisternce of mesentery of frog and newt, 95 of skin, 93 of striped muscle, 97 of tadpole's tail, 94 of unstriped muscular fibre, 96 Stimulation of, 385 Thermal stimulation of, 398 Vasomotor functions of, 244 Nervous system, Tissues of, 79 Omentum and mesentery, Lymphatics of, 128 Optic lobes, Irritation of, 418 Organs of digestion, 135 of respiration, 133 of special sense, 150 Ova of fish and amphibia, Process of cleavage in, 159 Ovary, Epithelium and endothelium of, 147 stroma of, 148 Ovum and discus proligerus, 148 Pancreas and salivary glands, 135 Pancreatic ferments, Glycerin solu- tion of, 518 Pancreatic ferments, Isolation of, 520 juice, 515-521 INDEX. 'iiiliii ami fibrinogen, Kxperi- mcnts relating to, 17'J Parapeptone, Parutid duct, Insertion of canula in. ti-tu glandt Phosphoric acid, Estimation of, in urin. • Ticric acid, Coloring of sections by, test f.r tyrosine, -1 11 linis, 17") . ->~ 1 ht. Examination of mus- cular fibres in. 7"> Washing of, on filters, 205 :.'tion, -171 ling, 1 12 relaUng Pump- r'8, and okland-Spr< i oblongatn, of v 111!'. . mcnt-. Innci vatiuii of, :;r> of : "f ^j'inal IHTVOS, Functions of, Saliva ami il •t of UMiijti-rature on dias- tat'u- :u-tii.ii i.f. •itucnts of, 458 of, after decapitation, n of ptvalin from, 4C3 Salivary listnho, -W* glands and pancreas, 135 Preparation of mucin from, 448 Secretion of, in rabbit, 4H5 secretion, Stimulation of, 464 Sarcolemma, 72 Sarcous elements, 449 Sarkin, -I") 1 Scherer's test for leucine, 440 tyrosine. -1 1 1 [ Scliwann's sheath, SI Sebaceous glands, 143 Secretion of gastric juice, 400 of saliva. -I'1. 1 of stomach, Influence of nerves On, 4!'li Section of both vngi in the nerk, .".!.", of medulla oblmijrata within the era niu in, •-!•">! .Sections, Coloring of, 10(5 Mounting of, 1 07 of frcf-h ti.-Mifs, Preparation of, 100 of hardened tissues, Preparation of, 106 Semicircular canals, Division of, 420 Sensibility, IliTiirrent. -lo") - niembranr- Serum albumin, -1'J:! Skin, 141 Branched corpuscles of, 55 Nfi ' Sight. Organ of. !•")(> .-'ulution for injecting, 114, 118 Smell, Origin of, l-">7 Siiund- of the lieart, -*'<('> S|iefi;i I. 150 i\ ity, "i< 17 Spbygmogrnpb, 227 229 Spinal and cranial nerves, Ganglia of, cord, Kxcitation of, 2M, 21^. Spiral fibre cell- Splanchnic i .-motor func- tion Spleen, 1 In Spring kymograph, 22") Starch paste. Action of saliva on, 459 Stimulatior of muscles and nerves, Stomach. 136 MOII of, during life, 491 Strieker's warm Striped muscle, ''.7 \es of, '.'7 ; Stroma of ovary, 148 INDEX. 585 Submaxillary fistula, 4G6 ganglion, Functions of, 473 gland, Excitation of vaso-motor nerves of, 471 Investigation of functions of, 407 Sugar, Detection of, in urine, 553 Testing for, in blood, 509 Sweat glands, 142 Sympathetic system, Ganglia of, 85, 8G nerve, Vaso-rnotor functions of cervical portion of, 257 Syntonin, or acid albumin, 432 Tactile corpuscles, 90 Tannin, Action of, on blood, 31 Taste, Organ of, 155 Taurocholic acid, 502 Taurine, 502 Teeth, 135 Temperature, Distribution of, in body, 348 Electrical measurement of, 344 Tendons, Preparation of gelatigenous substance from, 444 of rni'tun from, 443 Tetanus, 371 Curve of, 371 effects of exhaustion, 372 Thermal stimulatiou of muscle and nerve, 364, 397-8 Thermometry, 343 Thymus gland, 132 Tissues, Chemistry of, 442 Process of teasing, 46 Tongue, Mucous membrane of, 135 of frog, Inflammation of, 173 Study of circulation in, 122 Traube's curves, 326 Tuning-fork, 357 Tyrosine, 440 Preparation of, by pancreatic digestion, 521 Tests for, 441 Uustriped muscle, 65 Nerves of, 96 Urari, Poisoning by (see also Curare), 398 Urea, Determination of, in urine, 547 Preparation of, from urinfe, 534 Ureter, pelvis of kidney, and bladder, 147 Uric acid, 455 Determination of, in urine, 551 Urinary apparatus, 144 deposits, 533 38 Urine, 531 Detection of blood in, -V>7 Constituents of, 534 Determination of albumin in, 556 of chlorine in, 549 of phosphoric acid in, 551 of sugar in, 553 of sulphuric acid in, 552 of urea in, 547 quantity passed in a given time, 541 Reactions of, 531, 533 Separation of bile acids from, 556 of coloring matters from, 539 of creatinine from, 538 of hippuric acid from, 537 Specific gravity of, 542 Uterus, Fallopian tubes, and vagina, 148 Vagus and splanchnic ner.ves, Influ- ence of, on stomach, 493 nerve, Influence of, on heart, 279-80 Reflex excitation of, 283 Valves, Study of, in dead heart, 267 Varnished rabbits, Increased dis- charge of heat from, 342 Vascular system, Methods of inject- ing, 110 Vasomotor, Centre reflex excitation of, 252 functions of splanchnic nerves, 258 of cervical portion of the sympathetic, 257 nerves, Excitation and division of, 250 Functions of, 244 Veins and lymphatics, Absorption by, 293 Internal absorption by, 296 Villi of intestine, Epithelium of, 39 Vitellin, 435 Volumetrical analysis, 569 Warm stage, 22 Wax and oil, Embedding in, 103 Web of frog's foot, Circulation in, 121 Weighing, 567 Xanthine, 454 Yellow cartilage, 62 PLATE I. FIG. i.— Simple arrangement for warming an object under the microscope. It- consists of a copper plate (c) with a central oritiee wliirli is cemented to a common object-glass. From the edge of the plate a copper roil i.«/i projects, t In- end of which can In- heated by a spirit lump. p. 6. Flu. u.— A similar lm». more complicated apparatus. The copper plate 6 is square. The red e i'niiii its under surface (upper as seen in the drawing), anil fits in a groove <*'ut i" the glass. The groove emls in a hole into which the pin er a. The gas enters and passes out. by the tube I, />'. The block when in use is fixed with putty on to an ordinary object-glass, and the chamber closed at tho top with a cover-glass. PLATE II. Fir,. ^.—Strieker's warm sia.se. In the vessel A B C the water is maintained at a constant level (indicated by the dnttod line), and at boiling temperature. A, supply tulir ; I;, waste tube; C.tul>e leading to the stage; D, tube by which the hot water leaves the stage, terminating in a conical dropper, F. ; F, funnel for collecting the drops which fall from F.; <;, waste. The rate of flow is determined by \ arying the height of E, by means of the sliding screw on which it is supported. It .admits of more exact adjustment by means of a fine screw which works in the axis of the vertical column, on which the escape tube is supported. This column is firmly fixed in the stage of the micro8co;5e ; its axial screw terminates above in a milled head, K. FIG. 4.— Capillary pipette, p. 11. Fit;. 14.— A similar stage by Strieker, in which the chamber b is wanned by a voltaic current, //are two copper plates to which Strieker's electrodes, represented in tig. i,, arc applied. c. A platinum wire by which these two plates are in communication. It mils round the cistern of the thermometer <1. The electrodes are in connec- tion with the opposite poles of a suitable battery, the elements of which must present a huge surface. PLATE III. Fir,. 5.— Carbonic acid apparatus. A. Bottle containing hydrochloric acid. M. Bottle containing fragments of inarlile on a stratum of broken glass. v- Wash-bottle. H. Object support, fig. 16. «. T-tul>e which communicates with the gas app;ir;itns by the tube F, which is guarded by a clip, and in the opposite direction with H. By its stem it is in direct communication with the mouth of the operator by a tube on which there is also a clip- Wlien the first .dip is closed. carlMinic add collects in M and drives back the hydrochloric acid into A; a current of air can then lie drawn through « and H. If the clip on the mouth-tube is closed and that on F opened, carbonic acid passes through H. p. 16. FIG. 6.— Microscope stage on which the object-glass is held in position by Strieker's electrodes. Each electrode is insulated by being screwed into an ivory knob which is let into the Kfcige plate of the microscope. The electrodes are connected (with the inti-rix.sition of a key) with the secondary .'oil of a Im Hois Kcymond's induction appa- ratus. The key is represented open. The upper surface of the object-glass is covered with tinfoil, leaving a space. 6, for the reception of the object, p. 17. PLATE IV. FlG. 17.— Injection syringe, one-third of the actual size. FH;. n.-Suppoit for the study of the circulation in the web of the frog. It must be so arranged that the large hole is just opposite the stage aperture of the microscope. (.S«-c description in text, p. 4J.) It may also lie used fur the study of the tongue. For this purpose half of a ring of cork must be fixed with brass plus round the hole on the side next the end of the board. To this cork the comua of the tongue may be attached. FIG. 20. — a & b. Injection cannulas, actual sizes. FIG. 21.— Section knife. In the left-hand comer transverse section of the blade. FIO. i3.-Nozzle of injection syringe, at FIG. 19.— Support for studying the circulation in the mesentery of the frog. a. Board on which the frog lies. c. Glass disk on which the mesentery rests. 6. Trough for the reception of the coil of intestine, d. Object-glass covered with cork. (Ill the text, p. 108, b and c are transposed.] PLATE V. PIG. 22.— Common large colourless corpuscle of the newt, a to h. Successive forms assumed by the same cell in the course of an hour, iu a preparation enclosed in oil, without the addition of any reagent, p. 3. (Hart" nack: Ocular, No. 3; Objective, No. 8.) FIG. 23.— A granular corpuscle in the same preparation, o to h. Successive forms assumed by the same cell in the course of fifteen minutes, p. 5- (Ocular, No. 3; Objective, No. 8.) FIG. 24.— a and 6. Coloured blood corpuscle of the"\newt, after the addition of 2 per cent, boracic acid, showing the zooid and ojeoid. e. Coloured corpuscle of human blood, after the addition of 2 per cent, tannin solution, showing the zooid and cecoid. d. Coloured corpuscle of newt's blood, after the addition of diluted acetic acid. c. The same, treated with water, and then subjected to the action of CO2. /. The same. A small quantity of C02 IIHH been added to it, after it had been rendered pale by treatment with water, g. Colourless corpuscle of newt's blood, after the addition of dilute acetic acid. * ft. Colourless corpuscle of huiuaij blood, after the addition of dilute acetic acid. pp. 13-15. (Oc., 3; Obj., 8.) PLATE VI. Flii. 25.— Oil preparation of human blood, as observed on the warm stage. A colourless blood corpuscle is • \viiijj the changes of form it has undergone in twenty minutes, p. 9. (Hartnack : Ocul., 3; Obj., a) Fir,. 7.— Various forms of epithelial cells from the trachea of a cat, after maceration in solution of bichromate at potMfa (;,.!,], t Mill m lean at the top of the figure, to the left. p. 23. (Oc., 4, Obj., 8.) PLATE VII. FIG. 26.-Epithelial cells from the urinary bladder of a rabbit, after maceration in solution of bichromate of potash, p. 27. (Oc., 4; Obj.. 8.) V* i^Ww' ww FIG. 27.— Epithelial cells (lidged cells) of the rcte malpighii from a pjinted condyloma, macerateC in solution Of bichromate of potash. The cells are iu various stages of divis'ou. (Oc.,3; Obj. ,8.) Fig. 28.— Superficial cells of the same preparation. Endogenous proliferation is seen at a and c p 26 (Oc., 3; Obj., 8.) Fig. 29.— Jagged cells of the middle layers of pavement epithelium from a vertical section of the gum of a new-born infant, hardened in chromic acid. (Oc., 3; Obj., 8.) I.MI. miliiil nirface, 1 .-i-nti-uiu trnilim-nm ,,f nil.l.it, slightly roloiiriMl with ih.-lnim of the svDttt when- n<> lyni|ili '•. Tin- >.IHM>, .-Imwing .111 intfrfasi-ic-ul;.r lyinpli rliiiniu-1 under- lying the eilduthuliinu, in wliicli a cajiillary l.Miipli \ri-M-liuns. c. A "stoiun" (rj. i>i>. . Obj., 4.) Fie. 31.— rieural surface of centr..in tei.dini'uin nf nitriiit, more strongly coloured with silver, a, Hues of the interstitial sul .stance i,f tin- mdothelial cells ; b. cell substance ; c. nucleus. (Oc., 3; Ohj., 5.) FIG. 32.— The same as fig. 30, still oUmml. (Oc., 3; Obj., 7.) PLATE IX. & o. ;;.-ecula (6). H re and there cells are seen which have gcrniiiiiitire characters ; and brand ed cells, a. Meshwork of bundles of fibrous connective tissue, p. 29. PLATE X. Fit;, is.— A similar preparation 1'rmu the same omeiituui as fig. 34, showing groups of germinating eudothu- H.-U cells amongst the ordinary large enduthelial elements which cover the trabecula (6). (In Figs. 34 and 35, Oc. 3, Obj. 5. Tube half drawn out.) FlU. 36. -Silver preparation of the septum of tin- cixfrritu rymplatfed MOffM in thelial elements of peritoneal surfaee having geniiiiiuting chanicters. 6. A free trabeculu projietin- :iUi\,. tli surface, covered with germinating enilothcliiim. c. rignifiit cells, p. •_•«. (Oe.. ^; olij.. 8. Tab* DO< draw out.) PLATE XI. PIO. 38.— Bud-shaped structure of mesogastriutn of frog, trotted with silver, covered with ciliated polyhedral •.vrmiiKitinu' end.,tl,elium. In tin- ground-substance of the bud-shaped structure are groups of young ain»'b,.id 'i,f anterior mediast.ii of the ciidotheliuin surrounding tralwculie (normal). (Oc.. 3; Obi., 7.) th* e.-it ; evtrnsiir ireVlninat .{, :• .nt.-il preparation of cornea of frog coloured with chloride of gold, showing the network of I'lMin-h' •' i<-. The grouiul-substance is completely co'ourless. p. 40, referred to as fig. 10. (Oc., 3; obj.. a) .—Cornea of frog treated with lunar caustic, a. C'analicular system \*iflkii>i«lsyttcm). In one place branched, flattened cornea corpuscle with its nucleus is seen; in two others ar>> lacuna; of the canalicular . and nuclei (c) of the cornea corpuscles, d. Migratory cells, b. liranclii-d ohamifls which connect the - nf tin- canal. .-ular syRteiu. (in>uiid-siii>>stani-r dark. p. 38. (Oc.. T, ; ol>j.. -;. Iinincrsion.) PLATE XIII. Fio. 45.— Ordinary fat cells of a fat tract in the omeutum of a rat. (Oc., 3; Obj., 7.) FIG. 42.— Membrana nictitans of frog, treated with chloride of. gold. a. Branched pigment cells. 6. Uupigiuented portion of the body o£ the cell. d. Unpigmented process, c. Nucleus of pigment cell. e. Ordinary unpii^uented branched flattened cell. p. .41. (Oc., 4; Obj., 10 ; immersion— reduced to about half.) FIG. 43-— Surface of chronically inflamed me- sentery of ape, pencilled and treated with silver. Caualiculur system : Migratory cells are seen upon the flat branched culls, which, on account of their nuclei and size, are probably not to be re- gf.r.Ud as colourless blood corpuscles. (Oc., 3; Obj., 8. Tube not drawn out.) L FIG. 44.— The same preparation, showing the branched cells of the canalicular system fill, 4 with fat globules. (Oc.. 3; Obj., 8.) FIG. 41.— Horizontal preparation of cornea of rabbit, treated first with lunar caustic, and afterwards placed in 10 per cent, saline solution. Utli. j., 8. Tulxi ' p.,ii<-':il p. rit ma fr..in tlir Ininliar NgfoOOi a ral.l.it with iK-ril'iiiuis. Cells ..f tl . o mi Hi uliir system are seen (branched connective tfssr »liii-li are fat ceils and y.nn. :iiinrl»,id cells. (Oc., 3; Ol PLATE XVI. FIG. 51. — Preparation of suiface of omentum o£ rabbit, pencilled and treated with silver, a. The flat branched cells of the cannlicular system are visible as finely granular stnu-tuivs ; their nuclei are sharply defined, and in scxeral places are seen in the aet of dividing. 6. Migratory cells, some of which are free, while others grow out from the flat cells of the canalicular system, like buds; in one of the latter, the fonnatiou of a vacuole ia seen at c. d. A vacuole cell, the wall of which is already changed into endothelial elemeuts. (Oc., 3; Obj., 9, Immersion.) PLATE XVII. FIG. S3.-Caudal tendon of a young mt, pencilled and treated with silver. The spaces occupied by the tendon cells are clear, while the intercellular interstitial sub- Stance is seen as dark lines. FIG. Si-Similar preparation from a full growu rat. p. 44. (Oc., 3 ; Obi 7) FIG. 54. -Caudal tendon of young rat, treated first with dilute acetic -u-'d and T].P,, .howing the arrangement, f,,nn and structure of the tendon cel.s. p 44 (Oc.'™ ; o!,j', a °f g°ld FIG. 55.— Transverse secMon of tendon n Of the tail of a rabbit. (Ma-nifying power about 250.) solution preparation o rcthr tissue trabmil.-u from the fi-n.^t ratul I"'1'""1 "f "'•' oinriihini of a guineapig. a. • f j.. 7 . ) FIG. 57.— Longitudinal section of Intetrertebnl cartilage of the tail of a rabbit. The preparation was coloured with chloride of gold, then macerated in dilute chromic acid, and hardem-d in alcohol, r,. Clrar hyaline cartilage. «. Border between hyaline and (c) i:nnin'.-t i>. consists (as in tendon) of bundles of nmm-ctixe tissue. In < .Ion cells, are others \vhichin general arrangement resemble them, 1 ait which, in consequence of their forui and structural character, must be regarded as cartilage cells. (Oc., 3; Obj., 8.) PLATE XIX. —Transverse section of .1 portion of the epiphysig In the neighlxmrhood of the diaphysis of the femur of ;i Inn. .an fi.'tns. HIM.-. -r.-.tr.l in chnmiie :u:id. This p.'irt is still n.vtTt-d with l.yalinr OVtUag*. a. Superficial IH.rti.ni .if liyaline cnrtil;iK«'. '•>• ''''"• s.uiir. with ! int.T.Tlliil;ir Mil.st.-in.v of which at c is ling transition into uniliry il 'H.III- t nil PITH \:\- .-. ,/. Kim- lihnnn tissue, rich in c.-ll cli-in.-nts ;in..(•). (().-., 3; Ohj.,7.) PLATE XX. FIG. 59.— Longitudinal section of opiphysis of the.saiiie pi. paratinii. \ :int:un-i' is diniiui!.)i(m *!>•• raitilam- c-cll,,l tin- r;.rtilii>.v caiisuli-ll^in t.. place tin ins.-hc.s ill ivuulai- ,,,,!, i • prriphiTilly; tlif int.-ivllular Miln-t.-inw still further diniini.-.hrs and pa.-.-rs ,,vrr int.. ln,ny tral.r. ul:r tli,- eiiilir\'iiial III.IH- ti;- sue of the layer E. In this layer the cell ck -lit.-, i.f th.- .-paces, which answir to the ,,i the prc\i..u>la;..i J>,lia\cpreci.-.-ly the p(J.-iti(.iinf nstc.'Masts. 11.49. (1)0,4; «>hj.,7. Tvil o not drawn out.) 1'i.ATi: XXI. FIG. 60.— Transverse section of the diaphysis of the femur in a human fa-fus, marer.-itrd with chromicacid. a. Con- centric layer of connective tissue of periosteum, b. Bundles of connective tissue of the periosteum wliich run longitudinally, cut across, c. Loose layer of internal periosteum, rieh in blood-vessels and young cells, which is in course of transition into d, the trabecul«3 of bone, as well as into its rich medullary tissue. The latter abounds in blood-vessels aud cellular elements and occupies the space around and I .et ween the iraliwulte. The cells of the loose tissue of internal periosteum must be regarded as analogous with the cells (ln>ne eormisrli-s) found in the bone tr*- beculie, with those (osteoblasts) which lie i"»m the bone trabecula;. and with those in the medullary tissue. In a similar manner the intercellular substance of the loose internal i>.-iio steal layer (more or less distinct fibrous con- nective tissue) are continuous with that of the boue trabecuht, aud of the spaces between them. p. 50. (Oc., 3; Obj.,5. Tub.' half drawn out.) I'M™ XXII. ,0 ,> FIG. 6r.-Vertical section of the pariet*! bone of the sknll of a child, niacemte.! in chromic acid, showing the lx>ne traliecul.-e of the diploe. a. Bone tr.il>ecul.-i-. d.vi-ivd liy (6) osteoblasts. c. Medullary tissue (in ..utline). t.i'.M of :t lingle pala MIO-thfl .•.xis-cylinclor process, which is .also ilistinguislir.l fr,,i,i is l,y its more (l.-lic;it.- K.iigitinliiial streaking, ami the absence of any granular substance betweeu the i'- (/>. ID.-., 5; Obj.,8.) l''":- 75.— Horizontal sci-t.ion of i-onn>a of r.ibl tubttantia propria. a. Coarse non-niedull.it. •(! Magnified 300 diam.) v> i u-.'i'. in chlornlj ..i K'old. ihowiag tln> norvos of the trunk. 6. Fine non-iuodullatcd norvo fibres, p. 78. I'IATI: \.\IX. MI:. 70. -Il,,ri>:ont ,1 Motion .: .<,.t c..l..uroil iu ehloride <>f gold, showing a, the coarser non- tue.lullateil nerve trunks m the >nl, , ,.iil,, li.,1 J.I.-MIS; ft, the flue non-niedulluted uerve fibres; and c, tufts "f the finest iu-1-v.' til.nls. ,,. ;-:. I Ma-nilicd ,x«> diam.) Kli.. 77.— Aiu-rl.ii.-l,fs ph-xiis »f sinall inti-stiiu- i.f hiiin.-iii fu'tus coloured with K'old. The plexus consists of flbrllUted snbstanre, mi.1 is made up of trul.emla- ..f various thickiu-ss, s. which unite iu law I'laeoids. Nucleus-like elements (unformed ganglion cells) and ganglion .-ells are pmlie'i.vM.ti.m coloured with chloride of gold. a. Coarse iion-medullated nerve trunks of the snli-cpitlu'li.-il I'lcxus. b. Tufts of fmu noii-inrdullated nerve fibres, c. Similar fibres of the deep iutra -epithelial <.'. Kpitheliuleells. p. 78. (Magnified 300 diam.) X X .—Similar preparation to lii;. Ri, but showing better the nerve fibres of the substance of the cornea, and c\ a« in fig. 81. d. Finest non-medullated nerve fibrils, p. 78. (Magnified 300 diam.) PLATE XXXIII. : -ll"ri/.«nt,;.l involution of the same kind as fig. 83, showing the deepiutra-epithelial network of fine non- n«.(lul];,i, ..-wed fi.in, tho surface, a. Contours of deepest cells of anterior epithelium. 6. Nerve fibres. p. 7 (Oc., 3 ; Obj., 7. Tube not drawn out.) FIG. 85.— Hori/' ornea of rabliitouloun>d with chloride of gold, exhibiting more swellings than in fig. 73, which :ire din- eilbrr tn the nup.U' of pivp.iratiun or to the appearance of foreshortened nerve fibres passing .1 downwards into other layers. (Oc., 3; Obj., 7. Tube half drawn out.) FKi. 86.— Horizontal pwpanktlon »i eomMOi fn>- ooloimd in c:h]oride of gold. a. Large nou-medullated nerve trunk*, nerves of the fint order, b. Nerve fibres of the second order, c. Nerv« fibres of the third order, ft. cornea corpuscles, p. 78. (Oc., 3; Obj., 8.) -Horizontal preparation of nictitating membrane of frog iu chloride of gold, showing the distribution of non-mediillatrd iicrvi' fibres tr, it, capillary bluucl-vossels. 6. Coarse nou-inedullated nerve fibres giving off flue , which f,,vm a plexus around the vessel, p. 79. (Oc., 3; Ob]., 8.) FK;. 88.— Mesentery of frog tivaU-.l with <:hlondu of gold. ,t. Large trunk of iiiedullated nen-e fibres. 6. A sin-U- niedullated nerve tibiv. r and ; :.r.' visibl,- in twn i ) ' :rbj.,7.) ]'.,m: XXX VI II. Fie. 04. -H.>ri/.ont;il seeti.,n ,n nn cl dlate.l nerves under the surface epithelium. «. Coarse nervi- trunks. /,. Outlires t,f t epithelial cells, c. Son-medullrted nerve fttae* forming a plera* [n «ome plac«a branchlet* nwj be blob, leaving tbenetwork, become i.l.-utiii-.l with tho i lulie not drawn out.) interstitial substance of the .h-ej.eM e).it.ht;lial .-ells. -Hori/'Hital iirei>aratioii of IIH I reate.l with elilc.i idi- of pihl, gi\ in^ the- surface \ lew of a i with tlie pl.-\us ot nil Lent«d non -nieiliillateii ..-h lie in (he aihenl il i , t ion, (.Lowing the plexus of sim:i:.r tihres in the M\\ entitia of a l.-.r-e artery. (Oc..3 O'..j.. 7.1 PLATE XXXIX. Kn;. 07.— H'lmontal preiuration of nictitating membrane of frog, coloured in chloride of gold, showing the distri- Imti.m ,.f tlif noii-inriliillutiMl new.- fibres under the epithelium of the posterior surface, a. Larger, 6 smaller •• MII; ;tll.-.st ii..]i-iii<-.liilliited neive fibres, p. 79. (Oc., 3; Obj., 8.) .-Vertical section of inje.-teil i-iesenteric g\nnd of t;uiiieapig, showing the distribution of the blood-ve.-.-.-l>. (i. Cortical layer. 6. Medullary layer, c. Large 1.1 i %.*SM •!.- ,-i the hilus of the gland, p. 118. (Oc.. 3; Obj., 2.) PLATE XL. FIG. TOO. — Transverse section of .an artery from a vertical section of the skin of a guiueapig, coloured with gold. a. Luiueti of the vessel, b. Endotheliuui seen in profile, c. Iiitima. d. Circular muscles, e. Adveutitia. /. Cellular elements of adveutitia. p. 106. (Oc., 3 ; Obj., 7.) FIG. 99.— Longitudinal section of a branch of the pulmo- nary artery, from the lung of a guiueapig, the bronchi* of which wei-e injected with dilute chromic acid. a. Intima. b. Circular layer of unstriped muscular fibres, cut across* c. Adventitia. p. 106. (Oc., 3; Obj., 7.) FIG. 102.— A capillary blood-vessel, the ca- vity of which is extend- ing into a branched cell. (Oc.,3 Obj., 7.) Fig. ioi.— Preparation from the normal omentum of a rabbit, firtst pencilled and then treated with silver, showing the development of young capill -.ries. a. Capillary blood-vessels. 6. Capillaries only just hollowed out ; this pro- cess of excavation is taking place in the branched connective tissue cells, d, which are ill relation with the capillary wall. c. Vacuoles in the branched cells, e. Branched cells of the ground-substance. /. Migratory cells (Oc 3 Obj.. 7.) PLATE XLI. Fid. 103.— Omentum of rabbit coloured in silver, a. One of the larger arteries, showing the spindle-shaped endo- theliuin and transverse muscular fibre. 6. One of the larger veins, showing the eudothelial elements, which are not 10 alougatad a» in the artery, c, Eudothelium of unu of thu surfaces of the membrane, p. 105. (Oc., 3 Obj., 5.) FIG. 104.— rart of the same preparation as flj?. 103. a. Endothelium of one of the surfaces. 6. An arteriole branching into true capillaries d, which are continued into a capillary vein c. The eudotheliuiii is clearly shown in all the vessel*. (Oc.,3; Ol.j., 7.) PLATE XLIII. FIG. 105.— Vertical section of mucosa and of injected stomach «.f a rat, showing the rich capillary system of the mucosa which contains the peptic glands, p. 126. (Oc.,3; Obj.,2.) FIO. 107.— Horizontal preparation of mucous membrane of injected utems of guineapiK, showing the superficial dense capillary meshwork, the arteries l>eneath, and the still deep, r venous system of vessels (1 road and pale). (Oc., 3 ; Obj., 2.) FIG. 106.— A fat tract from the omentum of an injected guineapiif. a. Artery, b. Vein. c. Dense system of capillary vessels of true fatty tissue. (Oc., 2 ; Obj., 2.) PLATK XLIV, Fir,. 108.— Surface preparation of the mucous membrane of the stomach of a rat, injected ; showing the superficial arteries, the dense network of capillaries, and the deep veins, which are pale. (Oc., 3 ; Obj., 2.) PIO. 109.— Masses of tubercle fr-m the injected omehtum of a guineapiff. artificially infected with tuberculosis (chronic inflammation of the seroi-s incinliranes). A. Tubercles partly nodular, partly in tracts, a. Artery. 6. Vein. Between these is a rich capillary system, e, permeating th« luasisa of tul>ercle. pp. 38 and 115. (Oc., 3 Ob]., a.) PLATE XLV. Fid. no — Vertical section of injected tongue of rabbit, showing the rich system of vessels with which the transversely striped muscular substance is provided. (Oc., 3; Obj., 2.) PLATE XLVI. FIG. in.— Mesentery of frog coloured In silver, a. Ordinary surface eudothelium. 4. EudotheHal cells i rounding a simple true stoma. These cells have the germinating character, are distinctly grauular, and not flat like those which surround them. p. 112. (Oc., 3; OV>j., 5. Tube not drawii out.) PIG. H2.— Septum citterna lymphaticce magnce of frog, coloured iu silver. A. .View of peritoneal surface. B. View of surface of lymph sac. The stomata, some of which are open, some collapsed, are surrounded by germinating endothelium, which is ciliated if the subject is a female, p. 112. (Oc., 3; Ouj., 5.) PLATE XLVII. Fig. 113.— Surface view of mesentery, coloured in silver, of a giiineapig affected with chronic inflam- mation of the serous membranes from artificially induced tuberculosis. Proliferation of the surface endothelium which surrounds a true stoma is seen ; i.e., germinating endothelium. a. True stoma, open. fc. Simple lymph lacuna;, the endotheliuiu of which i.s exposed because the stumata belonging to them are wide opeu. c. Proliferating eudotUelium. d. Ordinary surface endothelium. p. 112. (Oc., 3; Obj., 5.) PLATE XLVIII. FIG. 115.— Peritoneal surface of centrum tendiueum of rabbit, treated wi h water and then coloured in silver. In the middle of the preparation a lymph vessel, I, appears below the surface endotheliuui, i.e., the system of lines of interstitial substance. On both sides of the lymph vessel are tendon trabeculw, t. The endothe- liuin which covers the lymph channels consists of smaller elements. Five true stomata are shiwn which pass through the "vertical lymph channels" into the lymph vessel below. Two of the stomata are open, and three collapsed; all are surrounded by germinating endothelium. p. HI. (Oc., 3; Obj., 5. Tube not drawn cut.) FIG. 114.— Similar preparation. „•. A wide lymph vessel which can be seen through the surface endothelium a. An artery, d, and a nerve trunk, e, pass through the lymph vessel (perivascular lymph vessel) c, and within the field of vision are ten distinctly open true etomata 6. The surface eudothelium bordering the stomata is germinating, p. 112, (Oc., 3, Obj., 5.) PLATE XLIX. FIG. 116.— Mesentery, coloured in silver, of guineapig affected in the same manner as in fig. 113. a. Surface endothelium. d. The freely exposed upper wall of a lymph sinus, the endothelial marking of which is seen. On the periphery, however, answering to the free surface of the serous membrane, two distinctly open true stomata, 6, are shown. These communicate in an oblique direction with the lymph sinus. On the right a closed stoma cam be seen. The endothelium, c, which borders the gtomata is in germination. (Oc., 3; Ohj., 7.) PLATE L. FIG. 117.— Peritoneal surface of centrum tendineum of rabbit, pencilled and coloured iu silver, showing the lymph capillaries of the abd.mi'iial serous covering iu the neighbourhood of the large blood-vessels which pass through the diaphragm. The sinuous endotheliuiu of the lyiuph capillaries is diotiuctly bhown. p. 114. Oc., 3; Obj., 4. Tube halt drawn out.) Kit:. 118.— Pleural surface of centrum tendin°utn of guinenpig, pencilled and coloured in silver. A. Lymph ve-sels of the p'euri.1 side, the largxr trunks having spindle-shaped endutheliuui. and teing provided with valv««. Duly a few capillaries are tx> be seen— that is to say, few vessels with sinuous eudothelium. B. Principally lymph capillaiies which run between the (eudinous bundl-s. p. 114. (Oc.t 3; Ohj., 4. Tube not drawn out.) PLATE LI. F IG. 119.— Similar preparation of a raBbit. Rich network of lymph vessels of the pleural side. a. Large trunks of lymph vessels, having spindle-shaped endothelium and provided with va'ves. 6. Lymph capillaries, c. Lymph capillaries which penetrate deeply, i.e., which bend towards the abdominal side in order to run tietwetn the bundles of tendon, p. 114. (Oc., 3; Obj., 2.) PLATE LI I. PIG. 120.— Lymphatics of centrum tendineum of rabbit, pencilled under water and then bathed in silver, while artificial respiration was being carried on. The lymph vessels are visible in the slightly-toluured ground as distinct .and very sinuous tubes, the emlothelium of which is sharply denned, a. Trunks of lymph vessels of pleural side. 6. Lymph capillaries which, as "straight interfuscicular lymph capill tries," run between the tendon bundles, and reach to the abdominal side. p. 114. (Oc., 3; Ob]., 5.) PLATE LIII. PIG. i2i.— Omentum of rabbit, pencilled and coloured in silver, a. Artery. 6. Capillary blood-vessel. c. Network of lymphatics, recognized as lymph capillaries by their sinuous endothelium and the absence of \ lives, d. Lymphatic cana'iculi of the ground substance; iu most of them the nuclei of the cells contained in them are seen. p. 115. (Oc., 3; Obj., 5. Tube half drawn out.) PLATE LTV. FIG. 122.— Surface of omentum of rabbit., pencilled and coloured in silver, showing the distribution of the lymph vessels, a. Lymph vessels, showing their endotheliura. 6. Valves, c. Indicates the position of vessels enclosed in a tract, the derails of which, as well as those of the ground-substance d, are omit»ed. p. us (Oc., 3 ; Obj., 5.) PLATE LV. PIO. 123.— Pleural side ef pencilled centrum tendineum of a guineapig, in which there was chronic inflam- mation of the serous membranes, in consequence of artificially induced tuberculosis, a. Lymph capillaries of the pleural serosa surrounding an island of ground-substance. In the latter is the canalicular system, with the nucleated flat cells. 6, which it contains. These cells, in various places, are seen to be dividing; and most of them are branched, o. The endothelium of the lymph capillaries is distinctly seen in several places to be in continuity with the cells of the canalicular system. (Oc., 3; Obj., 7. Tube not drawn out.) PLATE LYI. FIG. 124.— Pleural side of centrum tendinenm of rabbit, pencilled and coloured in silver. I. Lymph capil- laries, showing their endotLelium. The system of lymphatic canaliculi, c, stands out sharply from the dark coloured ground-substance of the pleural serosa; in many places the lacunoe of the canalicular system are separated from each other by mere lines, and a trace of nucleus s is to be seen; the placoid cell to which the nucleus belongs is not visible. At t, the canalicular system ia passing ovtr Into eiidotheliuin of the lymph capillaries, p. 114. (Oc., 3 ; Obj., 7. Tube half drawn out.) PLATE LVII. FIG. 125.— Similar preparation to flg 124. a. Lymph vessels with valves, passing over into >>, ljiii|ili capillaries, c. Islands of ground-substance showing the canulicular sjstem. p. 114. (Oc., 3; Obj., 5.) PLATE LVIII. FIG. 127.— Section of cortical layer of mesenteric gland of ox, which has been hardened in Mailer's liquid aud then shaken, a. Capillary blood-vessel, b. Nucleated cells representing the nodes of the delicate reticulum -adenoid tissue. (Oc., 3; Obj., 7.) Fie. 126.— Surface of oiuentum of rabbit, pencilled and coloured in silver, a. Lymphatic capillary in the neighbour!! .od of ft, an artery, c. Cap'llary bl.»,d -vrssrls, the wa'l ,.f which is evidently in continuity with the numerous branched eell forms, il, in tlie Kround-siUwtance. At c, the enclutliHlium (,£ the lymphatic capillary is siniilirly seen to be in continuity with the cells of the ground-substance. (Oc.,3; Obj., 7.) PLATE LIX. FIO. 128.— Centrum tendineam of rabbit, seen 'from the abdominal side. Berlin blue had been introduced into the peritoneum by "natural injection." 6. Straight interfaaciculav lymphatics between the bundles of tendon of the abdominal side. a. Lymph vessels of the pi eural side, showing the valves, with corresponding dila- tations. The last lymph vessels are as completely injected as the first. (Oc., 3; Obj., 4. Tube not drawn out.) 1'I.ATK LX'. FIG. 129.— Section of medullary sulistiince f niesenteric gland of ox, wuich has been hardened in Miiller's liquid and then partially shaken. The figure shows the lymphatic cylinders containing blood- vessels, sur- rounded by elos'-ly parked ljni;ili eorpus -Irs, t!i, tiiii-ly ilbr.iiis t rabfciilaj. and the system of cells between them. Tin- blank .spares heUveen the trabecu];i- and the cylinders represent the system ..f lymph sinusi-s, the lymph corpus .•'«; of whi.-h have for the most part been shaken out. p. 117. (Oc., 3; Obj., 8. Tul>e not drawn PLATE LXI. Fir, , » -Alveolus from a section of lone of rabbit, of elastic fibre*. 6. Epithelium of the alveolus, seen froi p.na (Oc.. 3; Obj.. ?-> -Section of a long of a rabbit, injected through the pulmonary artery, a. Branch of the pulmonary artery losing itaelf in », a dense capil- lary system, p. ix>. between the constituent cells of a cylinder arc capillary bile ducts cot acre*. P.D& (Oc.. 31 Obj.. S.) PLATE LXII. FIG. 134.— Horizontal section of liver of dog, the vena portce of which has been injected, a. Trunk of inter- lobular vessel. 6. Trunk of intralobular vessel, or vena centralii. A dense system of capillary vessels is between them. p. 126. (Oc., 3; Obj., 2.) FlG. 135.— Vertical section of liver of rabbit, the portal vein and hepatic duct of which are injected, a. In- terlobular blood-vessels. 6. Interlobular bile ducts, forming a network, c. Intralolmlar capillary blood-vessels. d. Intralobular bile capillaries, e. Liver cells, the nuclei of which are deeply stained with carmine, p. 126. (Oc.. 3; Obj., s) («••-! als) tig. 142.) FIG. 136.— Vertical section of injected small intestine of rat. a. Villus showing its epithelium and dense system of capillary vessels, which is developed from a central artery d, aud terminates iu two peripheral veins, e. b. Mucosa. c. Portion of muteularit externa. p. 124. (Oc., 2; Oil., 2.) FIG. 137.— Vertical section of a vilhis of the small intestine of a cat, hardened in chromic acid. a. Streaked basal border of epithelium, b. Cylindrical epithelium, c. Goblet cells, d. Central lymph vessel, e. Smooth muscular fibres which lie nearest to the lymph vessels. /. Adenoid stroma of the villus in which lymph corpuscles lie. p. 124. (Oc., 3; Obj., 8.) FIG. 138.— Transverse section of filiform papilla of tongue of rabbit, a. Epithelial covering of papilla:. 6. Capillary loop of papillae, c. Vessels of the mucosa. d. Vessels of longitudinal muscles, p. 122. (Oc., 2; Obj., 2.) FIG. 139.— Transverse section of large bronchus of human fdetus, from a lung hardened in chromic acid. a. Ciliated cylindrical epithelium in layers. 6. Mucosa. c. Bundles of unstriped muscular fibre, d. Sub- mucous tissue, showing cross sections of gland tubes, e. Portion of cartilaginous ring. /. On the left, an artery cut through ; on the right, below, a vein. g. Trunks of medullated nerve fibre cut through, h. Section of ganglion, p. 120. (Oc., 3; Obj., 4. Tube not drawn out.) (For figures of retina referred to in the text, tee figs. 157 and 158.) PLATE LXIV. FIG. 140. -Two injected follicles from transverse section of Peyer's patches of small intestine of rabbit. Out of the plexus of large vessels which surrounds the follicle, numerous capillaries are developed, which tend towards the centre of the follicle, and for the most part turn back so as to form loops, p. 125. (Oc 3 Obj., 2.) FIG. 141.— Vertical section of portion of ileum of dog, hardened in chromic acid. a. Villus, showing its cylindrical epithelium with thick basal border. The stroma of the villus seems to consist of closely-packed lymph corpuscles; between are bundles of unstriped muscular fibre. 6. Mucosa with Lieberkuhnian crypts. c. Muscularis mucosce, with interruptions through which the summits of the follicles, d, project, in erder to reach the epithelium of the free surface, d. Portion of tub-muvosa, in which the follicles are closely packed, and are partly fused together, so as to form a Peyer's patch. At the base of the follicles the lymph sinuses, e, which surround them can be seen. /. Portion of circular muscular layer of the mutcularis externa. p. 126. Oc., 3; Obj., 2.) PLATK LXV. FlO. 143.— From a longitudinal section of the injected kidney of a rat. a. Arterial trunk. 6. Venous trunk, c. Glomerulus. d. Vas afferens of the glomerulus. e. Vas efferens. /. Capillaries which twiue round the convoluted tubes, g. Capillary vessels of the pyramidal processes, p. 134. (Oc., 3; Obj., 4.) PIG. 142.— Section, parallel with the surface, of an acinus of the same preparation as fig. 135. a. Int.ra- tabular capillary blood-vessel. 6. Intralobular capillary bile duct. c. Liver cells, p. 126. (Oc.,3; Obj., 7.) (See also fig. 135.) FIG. 144.— From a kidney of pig injected from the ureter, showing the arrangement of the tubes in the pyramidal substance, a. Collecting tubes. 6. Henle's loops, p. 134. (Oc., 3; Obj., 2.) PLATE LXVI. K.,;. MS-T^nsvers,. .,,,,„„ a,,,,,s „,, UX1S ,„• thl. injeoted k,d ()f ft mt_ At A fa UU raa» reote, wl,i,:h penetrate the pyramids. B. Corticiil .ulmtaiice. v. i;«. ((>,•.. }; ObJ., a.) fa '"ft%!§.; ••^'V PLATE LXVII. *^r ^Q«£Q>< k*PWpt ^:^/lff f • 2>-|^ -if (p fe^Sl^Q ? »^ FIG. 146.— Transverse section of pyramidal substance of kidney of pig, the blood-vessels of which are injected. a. Large collecting tube, cut across, lined with cylindrical epithelium, b. Branch of collecting tube, cut across, lined with epithelium with shorter cylinders, c and d, Heule's loops cut across, e. Blood-vessels cut across. D. Connective tissue ground-substance, p. 132. Fu;. 147.— Teased preparation from a section of kidney of pig, hardened in bichromate of potash, showing a Benin's loop. a. Membrana propria. b. Epithelium. Fie. 148.— The same, showing a portion of a collecting tube in the pyramidal processes of the corticalis. A. shows the lumen of the tube: b, the membrana pn.pria : a, the cylindrical epithelium, p. 132. (Oc., 3.) Fl(J. 149.— Socti.in of (-.irtiual substance of kidney of human fcetus, hardened in bichromate of potash. a. Glomerulus with (ft) its •nu-tnbruna jini/n-in ; and c, the epithelium of polyhedric cells covering the glome- rulus. This epithelium is continuous with rf, the flattened epithelium which lies upon the inner surface of the Bowman's capsule, c. /. Convoluted urinary tube cut across, p. 132. (Set also fig, 155.) FIG. 150.— Portion of convoluted tube of kidney of pig, prepared with bichromate of potash. The granular substance which tills the tube contains nuclei, many of which are surrounded by areas the limits of which are faintly indicated, b. Me»il-r,ititt proprin. p. 132. (Oc.. 3.) PIG. 151.— Longitudinal section of eyelash of newly-born child, hardened in chromic acid, a. The papilla. 6. Layer of longitudinal fibres of h;iir bulb. c. Muscular fibre of the mutculus cilinris albini cut transversely. d. Hyaline membrane which separates the inner layer (g) of the hair bulb (here cut through), which consists of transverse unstriped muscular fibre, and e, the external sheath of the rout. This hyaline membrane extends uninterruptedly over the papilla. /. Outermost cylindrical cells of the external root sheath, which cover the hyaline membrane of the p.-ipill;.. p. 131. Firs. 132. -Portion of a Mcihomian follicle from a vertical section of human eyelid, hardened in chromic acid. a. Primtiiul duct, with its lining of pavement epithelium, c. b. The acini which communicate by channels with the principal duct. These acini are bounded by a layer of iwlyheclrul cells, consisting of granular protoplasm, which lines the memtirdiiii propria. These cells are directly continuous with the deep cell layer of the duct. c. Polyhedral cells filling the acinus, which are flattened against each other, and which, in preparations treated with alcohol and oil of cloves, are seen to contain each a nucleus, p. 131. PLATE LXIX. FIG. 153.— Tubular glands of human prostate, hardened in chromic acid, showing the cylindrical epithelium which covers them. p. 137. FIG. 154.— Section of cortical substance of kidney of six months' human foetus, hardened in bichromate of l«.tash. a. Glomerulus. I,. .!/,•, »/„•«»« /,r>,,,ri,<, which extends over the glomerulus, and which is a direct continuation of Bowman's capsule. At the point of section it appears as if it consisted of spindle-shaped elements placed together, c. The epithelium of cylindrical elements which covers the glomerulus. d. Epithe- lium of iK.lylie.lral cells which lines Bowman's capsule. /. Convoluted urinary tube cut through transversely, p. 132. (See also fig. 143.) FIG. 155.— Vertical section of human eyelid, showing the tubular glands which are embedded in that part of the conjunctiva palpebne, which is nearest the conjunctiva fornicis. Chloride of gold preparation, har- dened in alcohol, a. Connective tissue ground-substance, rich in branched cells, in which the tubular glands (6) are embedded. These are shown cut through in various directions. Where they are cut transversely, as at <•, it is seen that the epithelium covering them consists of cylindrical nucleated cells. (Oc., 3; Obj., 8.) PLATE LXX. FIR. 136.— Vertical section of cornea of rabbit, hardened in chromic acid. a. Anterior layer of pavement epithelium. b. Siibstuntui propria of the cornea, consisting of connective tissue fibres in more or less parallel bundles, between which are the cornea corpuscles. These, In vertical sections, appear spindle shaped, c. The posterior lamina elastica, or Deacemet's membrane, and the endothelium of polyhedral cells, d, which covers it. p. 138. FIG. 137.— Diagram of the connective substance of the retina. FIG. 158.— Diagram of the nervous ele- ments of the retina (after Max Schultze). These two diagrams must be supposed to fit into one another in such a way that the nervous elements ail corresponding spaces in the counecti-.-ect, I. I'.aer's elea\agc cavity. X. In 169 and 170, Rusconi's cleft; in 170, Hnsc (A;il,riii.-!/xh-). I'. l>ome of the cl«vi\ a.w cavity, consist in- ,,f cl..inent.s in an advaiirci! .stage nf ele:n. representinif the original upper jxJc of the egjf. r. Original lower ]M)le of the egg, si in 17! and 172, Ecker's yolk plug. t. Kln.ients ,,f the mar-ins of the cleavaw cavity (cnitral >"lk HUM of l:,-i- chert). They are larjrer, tliat is, less aihancetl in clca\a.^T, than the elements in the ii«nic of tin- cavity or of Ru.scoiii'-s i-a\i(y. In nr/, they are makinir tlieir way aloli- the inni-r sm fact.- of the CUM-I- of the cleavage cavity towards tin- upper ]H,le. They answer to the formative ele.nenis of the trout's tgg. I: cleft advam-e.s l«'t«een these ehmenty, so that in tjt, where the cleft has In-come a ea\it>, Ufc from the cleavage cavity l>y a layer of formative elements, s. In 17.', owini: To the alteration in its centre of gravity, the egg has changed its ]Kksition, the wliitc ]Mi!e Ix-inj; How nearly uppermost, p. 152. PLATE LXXIII. Kli:. 168.— Vertical section of peripheral part of blastoderm of trout's egg at the fourteenth day. 6. Margiua thickening, c. Central thin portion of blastoderm, showing superficially a layer of flattened elements, undT which is a layer of spheroidal elements, d. The blastoderm rests on the yolk by means of the sub-germinal processes, as in fig. 167. The formative elements, e, on the floor of the cleavage cavity, a, are derived from the blastoderm ; either from the sub-germinal processes, or from the lower layer, d, of the central portion. f. Yolk of the saucer-shaped depression, g. Vacuoles (fat globules?). PIG. 173.— Vertical section of the dorsal furrow of the commencing embryo of bufo einereus. ,/. Corne;. layer. 6. Dorsal furrow, c. C''>mmeneii!>.: crninil i;t-r\ous system. *'. <'ommeneim: r1i<>r>r*itfix. .-. IVn- pheral portion of nervous layer. /. Peripheral portion of the third or motor-germinative layer. Lower ayer. c. Cleavage cavity. etweeu the layers of the blastoderm. FIG. 177.— Section of commencing embryo at the twenty-sixth hour after incubation, a. I'pper. l> middle, c under layer, d. Central portion of the middle layer, whirh is here fused with the upper layer, e. Primitive groove. /. Dorsal ridges. PLATE LXXV. Fir,. 178.— Similar preparation at the thirty-sixth hour. a. Upjier layer. 6. Parietal lamella, lainhm /•<'//- tralit (limit, n\ukvli>lnf-). <(. Lower layer. /. Central nervous system. g. Chorda dortalis. h. Proto-vertebne. i. Wollfiau body. k. Pleuro-peritoneal fissure, b, c, k, i, y, are products of differentiation of the middle layer, p. 156. Flf:. 179.— Section of area opaca, and a portion of arta pelJucida of blastoderm (caudal end), at the thirtieth hour. A)', .\ri-n /ifllurit/,!. .In. .\r,-n <,/,••,,- trails, d. Lamina serosa. /. Blood-vessels. ryo of chick at the beginning of the second day, in the neighbourhood of the heart, a f the central nervous system, d. Under or epithelial glandular layer. I'. Anterior intestine (Vorderdarin). <\ Lninina serusa. f. Lamina ventralit. g. Aortse. k. Vence K.ild of anmios. />• ricuro-pt ritoneal cavity. H. Heart cavity, h. Endothelium of wall of heart, c'. Proper wall of heart. *. Blood corpuscles. PIG. 187.— Transition of the formative elements of the blastoderm into endotlieli.il vesicles containing blood corpuscles (endogenous development »f hlood corpuscles), i. Coarsely granular forinativ.- clcinont in wliicli is(ilali-(l nuclei, it, are fmiml. 2. Nunn'ruiis nm-l.-i. anil a fi-\v lilood corpuscles, a, are dist iii'.'uislialilc. while a peripheral cone, .Hated from the rest of the fell. In ;. the peripheral nucleated layer of finely granular protoplasm has liecmipe distinct from the contents, which consist entirely of coloured 1)1 1 corpuscles, so that we have before us a vesicle lined with cndothcJimn and tilled with The liniii}? of finely granular protoplaKin. with its more or less regularly iirntngcd nuclei, represents the eudothelium of a future PLATE LXXVII. Fie. j&j.-Sertion of the posterior part of the body of the embryo of the chick at the forty-eighth honr. «. Central nervous system. 1,. Proto-\vrtrbrro. c. Chord I dirsulis. d. Upper or corneal layer, e. Serous, and/, ventral lamina. ,/. Wolllian duct. /». Aorta;. i. Pleuro-peritoneal cavity. k. Lower layer. D. [ntestinal furrow. A. Ainniotic fold. 7. Blood-vessels. Pin. 183.— Section of anterior cerebral vesicle of embryo at the middle of the fecund day. a. Cavify of anterior cerebral vesicle. /'. Wall of reivl -ral ve-irle. r. I'rimary opt it- vesicle, and ,1 its wall. . layer of gerin. /. Tliickenins of th.- upper layer for the formation of (be 1,-ns. ,,. Middle layer. /.. .V.TPU* opticia. p. 157. PLATE LXXVIII. FIGS. 184-186.— Various stages In the transition of the primary into the secondary optic vesicle, and the development of the lens at the end of the second and during the third day. 186. o. Cavity of secondary optic vesicle, b. Rudiment of retina, c. Rudiment of pigment epithelium of the choroid. d. A'crrin o/ttictu. e. Lens. /. Upper or corneal layer. 184. a. Primary optic vesicle, and 6 its wall. c. Nervus opticut. d. Upper or corneal layer, e. Beginning of lens. 185. a. Primary optic vesicle. 5. Saucer shaped cavity, which subsequently becomes the secondary optic vesicle, c. Ifervut opticut. d. Outer wall, and e inner wall, of primary optic vesicle, f. Upper or corneal layer. g. Rudiment of lens. FIG. 188.— Other forms of elements, in which blood corpuscles are produced, a, a, are the cavities of vesi- cular structures, produced by the formation of vacuoles, in originally solid cells. The wall of the vesicle 6, which consists of nucleated protoplasm, represents the endothclium of the future vessel, for which reason these vesicles may be called endothelial vesicles. At d, blood corpuscles are detaching themselves from tin- inner portion of a vesicle. /. Shows an element of another kind, iu which blood corpuscles are formed. It is a spindle-shaped or branched solid cell, the central portion of which becomes blood corpuscles, and the peri- pheral portion endothelium. ft. Is an element similar to that in fig. 187. These three varieties of formative elements of blood corpuscles are in communication with each other by solid offshoots. They have this in common, that in all a peripheral layer of nucleated protoplasm is dif- ferentiated from the interior, which contains a greater or less number of blood corpuscles. The interiors of neighbouring elements eventually become continuous with each other by the offshoots or communicating threads above mentioned, which become hollowed out, and thus give rise to a system of tubes, the blood-vessel*. PLATK LXXIX. FIG. 190.— Test tube, with foot, used for subsidence of small quantities of blood (§ i). FIG. igi.-Vessel of tin plate for collecting blood and keeping it at O°OC (§ 2). FIG. 192.— Coagulation of blood of frog in a fine capillary tul>e. Hartnack. (Obj. 9; immersion. Oc. 3.) FIG. 193.— a. Cannulr. for Schafer's experiment. 6 shows the form into which a tube is drawn out for the preparation of an arterial oaunula (§ 9); the tube is first severed at one of the constrictions, and then filed away in the direction of the oblique line. c. T-shaped arterial cannulu; the horizontal tube is in communica- tion with the manometer of the kymograph (§ 33). FIG. 194.— Object-glass for studying the action of induction shocks on blood. The drop of blood to be exa- mined is placed between the tinfuil points on the under surface of the fixed square cover-glass. The chamber is closed by placing a second ordinary object-glass below it (§ 13). PLATE LXXX. FIG. 196. — Jloppe-Seyler'a bottle for iirepurini; tibriu (§ 23). FlU. 195.— Various absorption spectra, i. o'4 per cent, solution of liremoglobin. 2. Reduced hreuio- globin (§ 18). 3. Hieiiiatoiu (§ 22). 4. Reduced luuinatin (§ 21). 5. o'o6 per cent, solution of 6. o'7 per cent, (solution ol the same (§ 24). Fit;. iyS.— Ufihulur's iia-rcuriul pump (§ -7) K1U. 197.— Alverxniiil's luercurUl pump « jo). PLAM LXXXf. FlCi. igQ.-FranUljiiid-Si.ivii-1'l ]miup (§ 28). FlC. 203.— a and &• Needles for passing lift.-ituros 11:1.! a rves. c. Briicke's blunt hook. ^TTK B ' Lb FIG. 204.— L'zerniak's rabbit support (§ 34). FIG. 201.— Fraiikland and Ward's apparatus for explosion (§ 31). (From Button's V<.l'im. LXXXIV. Flf:. 202.— The mercurial kymograph, n. Vulcanite rotl of floating piston, b. Tube which communicates with the pressure bottle, c. Tulie which communicates with the artery, d. Feeding cylinder, i. First axis, which revolves once in a minute. 2. Second axis, which revolves once in ten seconds. 3. Third axis, in a second and a half (§ 33). The instrument is furnished with other cylinders suitable for the reception of single Kinds of glaztd pa]>er, the surface of which can lie black, ned after they are fixed on to the cylinders, by causing the latter to revolve over the flame of a petroleum lamp. These cylinders can I* fitted on t*. either of the axes i, 2, or 3, and are always need when it is necessary to employ a rapidly-moving surface, as, »•., and thus to the writiug-ueedle G. K. Leaden tulje by which the cavity of the spring is in communication with the artery. Fig:. 207 K I It li Fie: 207a FIG. 207.- Norm vl arterial tracing obtained with the spring '-.ymograph (dog under curare). FIG. zoya.— Tracing of same animal after exhaustion of vagus by repeated excitations ; dicrotous pulse. K FIG. 208.— Mechanical arrangement of the siihygmograph (§ 38). PI.ATK LXXXYI. Fir. 209.-End view of the block by which the sphygmograph rests on the bones of the wrist sh e, which is of black vulcanite. At F the tube communicates with a long vertical tube of glass, only part of which is seen ; It is closed at the top, and usually shut off from F by a pinchcock. At O the tube pasoes under the spring of the Bphygmogvaph, the frame of which rests on a block (below o). By error, the tulxj has lieen drawn on the wrong side of the block. H. The blackened plate of the sphygmograph. To the left of it is seen the cylin- der, with its needle for recording the time which intervenes between the opening and closing of the aortic valve, D. L. A rod which is firmly fixed iii the lever, and is connected by two cords, one of which is elastic with the cylinder ($ 40). PLATE LXXXVIF. FI<:. 2126.— Natural pills FIG. 213.— Percussion waves (§ 41.) FUJ. 214.— Tracings showing the contractions and expansions of an india-rubber till*, along wliich water is propelled in an intermitting stream by squeezing with the hiind at regular intervals of time an elastic twig provided with valves, with which the tube is in coinmunicati -n ; the bag thus represent* the heart. The thm- tracings are drawn simultaneously, and exhibit the expansive movements of the tube at three different di* tances from the liag, the npper tracing lieing taken at the greatest distance (§ 41). PLATK LXXXVIII FIG. 217.— Stage f,>r mi's..|itery ot frog (§ 44). FIG. 218.— Cannulse for aorta and <•<•/<« i-ni'n of frog. The right-banil figure represents the arterial CMUraU. They are o£ size suitable lor large specimens of i{. escitlenta (§ 46). FIG. 219.— Diagram of arrangement for measuring objects seen under the microscope, a. Axis of tulw of microscope. 6. Prism, d. Direction in which the object is seen. c. Surface of drawing-board, which should be at a distance of 10 inches (25 centimeters) from th«- eye. The angles of the prism being equal, the angle a 6c = 6o° (§ 48). FIG. 221.— Griffin's blower and expanding regulator, as useints. Their sheaths are made of bits of flexible catheter, and are bound together with waxed silk (§ 51). FIC. 226.— Parts exposed in the rabbit by an inciMon extciidiiiu' from tin- thyroid cartilage to tin the left ear. vj. Bifurcation of the jugular vein; j>ff, posterior facial vein; ;< a r. po>-irr:..r auricular vein; afv, anterior facial vein ; n a m. great auriciilar ncr\c, « her. -ii . n i.-r..- at «!,.- i»«teri..r the stemo-iuastoid muscle (§ 53)- Fli;. L-7. -Carotid artiry of rabbit, and parts in relation with it. c, Carotid; <• in, <;,r>in m^jut of hyoid IKHH: ; »• h, stylohyoid muscle; h. hyooglossal nerve; *, sympathetic-; ,., ngaa neive; /, points to superior laryiiKeul nerve where, close to its origin from the vagus, it. [MMM behind the carotid ; p, pharyngeal artery; * ,„, edge of sterno-mastoid muscle; t h, thyroid artery ; s t h, stenio- hyoid muscle; I, laryugeal artery the nerve which crosses it is the . noni (§ 56). FIC. 2-jS.— Heart of ir,,)i (after Fritm-h,-) ; front view to the left, lack \ ie the right. A J, Aorta' ; r.< •..«., VMM iv/nr ntptrtorei ; .(t.n, left auricle ; right aurit-le ; !'<•,/., \entrirli'; li.nr., lin/l-nx iirti-i-inxnn : X.t:. siuii* ri'iitmiix ; ]'.r.i.. i cum iiifi'i-inr ; )"./(., IV/KC Jti'/>nfi<;r : : The cardiograph (§ 60). Kl(J. a.«. — Marey's tympanum and h-\d. a, r.c.um^ in «inch tlir s*n-l ftxil nl th.- I.A.I «..rkv : it ,.,n lie raised or di-prcssccl at «ill, liv means i,f the little adjusting level, the I'.IIL; arm of wliieh ll st.reteh backwards and slightly downwards from n.; b, tyiii|Kiniim ; ./', tul.e h> which it-- ,a\it\ ,..mni:ini- cates with the cardiograph; this tube enters the tyn luiuum by a h..rix<.ntal metal tube ..it its further side. PI.ATK CVIII. FIG. 291.— Diagram c,f a muscle and nerves, arranged to show the use of the eleetrotoiiii- i-h;ui','i- in our m-i i . a stimulus fur another,];. I. II. t«o ilitl'cr -nt, m.«li's of placing the nerve of A <»i I!; III. the so-culled " para- doxical contraction." FIG. 292. — Apparatus for showing the ed'erts of vary ill',' tenipe FIG 253.— Tliuimlu -tion a')parahis .,f l)n I'.ois Keymond, with the magnetic intervuptor. FK;. 294.— S'-iien f above. PLATE CIX. Irl. FIO. 295.— Diagram of the nervous system of a frog -anterior (or inferior) view, i, 2, 3, &c., to 10, Cranial nerves in order. I'o, ophthalmic branch; Vl>, palatine nerve ; IV, superior maxillary ; IV, inferior maxillary; IV tympanic nerve, which, after joining with the nimux i-i,»ininnir,i,ix of the \j_nis, goes to form A", the facial nerve. Kl.issiiplmryiiKi-al nc-rvc ; A' 3, nerves to stomach ami intestines; A" 4, cutaneous brunch ; A" II, iMii^lion of vagus M, spinal curd ; I'toio', spiual nerves in order; ,•>' i tu ,s'in, symp-itlietic ganglia, numix-red ac-conliiiK to the nerves with which they coininunicate ; Xc, emral nerve ; Xi, sciatic nerve. (After Ecker. flightly altered.) FIG. 296.— View ..f the hrain of a frug from above, enlarged, i.ol. olfactory lo>>€8; Il.c. cerebral hemispheres. O.p. pineal hody ; Th.o. opiic thalami ; L.op. optic lobes ; C. cerebellum ; M.o. Medulla oblongata ; S.rh. sinus rhomlioidalis. FIG. 297.— Commutator. PLATK CX. FlO. 293.— The Rheochord. The diagram represents the end of the board on which tho resistance wires are stretched, a, b, c. , the total resistance of the rheochord is twenty times as great as between 6 a-ad c. If plugs (not shown in the diagram) are inserted between eich block and its neighbour, the resistance is nil. (See p. 347.) FlO. 299.— Double key. FIG. 300.— Du Bois Reyinond'» key. PLATK CXI. FIG. 301.— Creacine. PIG. 302.— Creatiniue. FIG. 303.— Nitrate of hypoxanthiue. FIQ. 304.— Hydrocklorate of xanthine. FIG. 305.— Uric 1'LATK CXII. FIG. 306.— P, potato starch ; W, wheat starch ; K, rice starch; A, arrowroot starch. FIG. 307—After Bernard. Nerves of the submaxillary and sublingual glands of the dog. N. Submaxillary Gland. O. Sublingual gland. J M. Whartou's duct, iu which a cannula has been placed. J L. Duct of the sub- lingual gland, also furnished with a canuula. T. S, S'. The lingual branch of the fifth nerve. F. The facial nerve, c. Chorda tympani. g. The submaxillary ganglion, q. The superior cervical ganglion. P. Sympathetic twig passing from the ganglion to the submaxillary gland, j. Internal maxillary artery. V. Vidian nerve. I. Branch of the lingual nerve ramifying in the breccal mucous membrane. ' FIG. 308.— After Bernard. Veins of the submaxillary gland, g. Submaxillary gland. J. Jugular vein, dividing into two branches,/ and/', which pass along the borders of the gland, d. Anterior vein, aud U' posterior vein, from the gland. 1'LATK OXIII Kli;. ¥*)•— After Bern.-inl. Dissection of the nerves of the suhmaxillary gland in the dog. G. Submaxillary Kland, fr..ni wliidi issues the duct K, accompanied at first by the lobules of the sublingual gland, which farther on lias ;l separate duct. c. Common carotid artery. I.. Lingual artery. O. Artery of the gland. It springs from the facial artery near its or '.gin from the external carotid. H H'. The hypoglossal nerve, cut across to expose the KU]>»-rior cervical ganglion vhich lies beneath it. V. The vagus. P. A sympathetic filament, which IB connected above with the superior cervical ganglion, and joins the vagus lower down. V. Branch of the first cervical nerve anastomosing with the superior cervical ganglion. R R. Glossopharyngcal nerve. I. Anterior branches of the sujxTJor cervical ganglion forming the inter carotid plexus which accompanies the external carotid artery. P. A small sympathetic twig which ascends to the sulimaxillary gland, accompany ing at first the inferior artery O, and iinotlu r gl indular artery P'. 'J. Sympathetic filaments from the same source accompanying the facial artery and forming anastomoses with the mylo-hyoid branch of the fifth. U. The lingual nerve, from the posterior aspect of which the chorda tympani T arises and passes backwards to l>e distributed to the gland forming anastomoses with filaments of the sympathetic. S. External division of the spinal accessory nerve. PLATI CX1V. FIG. 310.- After llcrnard. Anatomy of the parts exposed in operations on tlie submaxillary gland. The pos- Ifl DitlBOle has been rcmoxed. M. Anterior lialf of the muscle drawn aside by a hook. M. Insr, : ior half, which lias been removed in order to expose the carotid artery. 1 1' Sympathetic filaments, a. Sul.n.iixillary gland drawn aside l.y a hook in order to show its deep BUrface. II. Submaxillary and sublingual ducts. .1. Trunk of the external jugular vein. •''• Branch of the jugular vein passini; lieliind the .«!and. .1 . r.i-anch ot tin- jugular vein passing in front of tlie gland, cut across. ]). A vein issuing from the sub- in,-i\illary -land, t f. ( 'nroti.1 artery accompanied l.y a sympathetic filament on either side ; only one filament, t, 's distinctly .-ln.wn in ' >• Origin of the inferior artery of the gland. 1>. Hypoglossal nerve. 1.. Lingual ncv\c. T. clionl.a tympaiii going to the sul. maxillary gland. S s'. Mylo-hyoiil nniscle, cut i,l the laavary ducts which lie K'lieath it. U. Masseter muscle covering the angle of the k»W«r jaw. /. Origin ..t the mylo-hyoid nerve, which is hidden by the reflected digastric and mylo-hyoid muscles. Fir;, -in. --lia.-tric cannula seen in section, and key. A, outer flange; I!, inner Mange; r, ],]-..iect ing points hy \\hici. tlic outer can tie screwed round on the inner tuhe, so a.s to increase tlie di>tance between the flangea. D. ]), is the key l.y which the tube is turned. It consists of a circle of metal, with two slits, ].) and 1), into which the project ions c pas.,. U is attached by a cross-bar to a handle K. which is ftboUl six .„• elghl inches Ion-, though cut short in the eii-i.iv in-. FIQ.3I2. PLATK < XV. Kti:. ;M.— Cholesterin. FIG. 315.— Pointof the instrument used for iiumturinir ,ele til ]ir< lllHT 'lint ' tt'S - itlon of -i mbbifs luvi.l, show-in:,' the clinvtiun t:ik,-n l.y the iii.-tr.iinent in iinictin-hiL; tin- I'nui Hi M'litrirlr. ". .-,•), In llinn ; /.. f,j i^in nf thr M:\riitli ncrvi-;'', M''";l1 '''"''' : «'• "I'iKi" "'" lll« -itns tin' rivniimn ; /. the iiiMnmifiit ; «/. the tll'tli iirrvc' ; h, aiulitnry MII.-I! ; f, extmnitj »i tin- liistru nt reaching th,. i,i,.,iiiii:i. aft.T iKivin- i -llu.u , uccipikil VUIIUUB sinus; /, coriwra ({Uudri^uiuatii ; in. the brain ; ;(, su,'ti,,u ..: tin- . 1'LATK CXVI. Fir.. 317.— Arrangement of the cannula in a temporary pancreatic fistula. A, the chief pancreatic duct of the dog directed transversely ; a, insertion of the paiu rwuu- ducts into the intestine; the insertion of the smaller duct is higher up, and is marked by a line without a letter; a', a branch of the larger duct within the gland ; a", ligature, fastening the caiinula T to the intestine ; //, is a thread by which the cannula is fastened into the pancreatic duct; I, is the intestine; P I", the pancreas; T, the silver cannula; H, the stopcock, for letting out the pancreatic juice which has accumulated in the india-rubber bag ; v, an india-rubber tag, tied to the outer end of the cannula, and used for collecting the juice. FIG. 318.— The left-hand diagram shows the method of stitching up the end of the divided intestine so as to form a ciU-de-sac in Thiry's fistula. The right hand figure shows the method of stitching together the divided intestine. The two black dots in the middle of the pit-res already joined, indicate the position of the mesenterie vessels. The first stitch should surround these vessels and serve as a ligature for them. Five or six similar stitches at each side of the first serve to join the one edge, as shown here. The two ends of intestine are then pulled into the same straight line and the junction finished, as shown in fie. 319. FIU. 319.— Shows the method of applying the final stitches to join the divided intestine in Thiry's fistula. The two ends of intestine are represented as entirely apart, but the other half of the circumference must be understood to lie already sewn together in the manner shown in fig, 318. G> cxvir. FIG. 325.— Blowpip flame, o. reducing, 6, oxidizing part of the flame. FIG. 326.— Piece of glass drawn out to form a pipette. FIG. 327.— A tube drawn out in order to seal it. The operation is completed by directing the poii.t of a blowpipe ame on the point a, and drawing the two ends of the tube rabidly apart. FIG. 328.— Solution. The beaker is supported on wire gauze in order to prevent it from cracking. FIG. 329.— Apparatus for preventing loss by evaiwratioii during prolonged ebullition. K, tin- flask in which the liquid is l*>iled ; F. .1 Liebig's condenser; /, a glass tube, which connects E and F; t ami t, two india-rubber tubes, which convey a stream of water to and from the condenser. The vapour from F. is condensed in F, and runs back into K. Any of the condensed liquid that passe* beyond the bend of the glass tube I), which is connected to the upper end of K, is collected in the small vessel below, D, passes to the bottom of the vessel, and aa soon as any quantity of liquid accumulates in it, the flame may be removed from uuder E ; a vacuum then forms in E, and the liquid rushes back into it. 1'LATK CX VI if. • l bath. divided into two parts, an npperand lower, by a Imrixoiital -eptuni. from which a tube runs down n. -:.'in of the lower -lie. Tli,' npp.-r div laioD alld is tilled with meri-n: the cork of B, aod a and the liiirner. c, is an inner glass tube v are luted • a small hole in c, the Maine from bein- extinguished. The gas enters at / and p,. -he burner The instrumeut is set li it to the desind temperature, and then pushing dowii ft till the end of p- touches the mercury. The gai is then [irevented from passing through ,; and only enough passes throii-h (lie hide ,1 to keep the Maine alive, till, the instrument Incoming cooler, themereury ind allows the gas again to p: the lower end of 0. ./• : bath for experi- ments mi digestion, 01 for evapor- ating at a istant teiniiemture. This consists of two parts, the hath itself,/, ami an apparatus, a, for keeping the water in the ha'h at a constant level. ,i, is a large flask containing water. 6, c, is •'lie open at hoth ends. '.f. is a hent tube with limlis of equal length. The end. 0, is put at the level at which the the hath, ;, is to llolh en, Is. ,/and/, are ahout an inch helow e, M\d tints form a syphon, the etleethe difference the verti- cal distance between c and il, or atiout an inch. Whenever the water in / falls below the level of c. the syphon acts, and water runs through it until the level in i is as high as c, when it ceases. H, is opposite a thermometer for ling the temperature of the bath. /), is The one represented here differs somewhat froi.i that in tiir. 331, but • \pensive and has no advantage over the other. /', is •~ the water-bath of nMvani/ed /inc or tin. The dotted line represents the le\el of the water. It i.s eo\eivd b\ a lar-r ].laie perforated with holes, in which beakers eoiitain- tive fluids or evaporating basins ,-an beput Theceiltn is the lATgl it, and contains the test-tube rack. When not in use the holes are covered by plates of /.inc. The pel torah ,1 plate itself can he removed, and a large dialy/er, fig. 3i7. put in its place, when digestion and dialysis arc to be carried on at the same time. ?, is a tin rack for boldiiiL' test-tubes in which digestive fluids are placed. The holes in the npin-r plate of therack are numbered, so that the tuU-s m,-n -ity of attaching a label to them. Those in the lower plate are much smaller tha» in the upper, and ser\e only to prevent the tubes from slipping aside. CM; of the syphon in washing prreipitati s by dec intatioii. PLATE CXIX. FIG. 334.— Screw-press. The substance from which the fluid is to be expressed is wrapped in strong flannel or calico, and the liquid which oozes out is collected as it runs from the small spout. FIG. 335.— Bunsen's water air-pump. This consists of a wide glass-tube a, into which another tube 6, b', b", passes air-tight, c, is an india-rubber tube connecting a with the water supply, rf, is a clamp to stop the flow of water through c. et is another clamp to regulate the flow. /, is a reservoir to prevent any water which may accidentally come over from getting into j. a, is a plug to let out any water from /. h, is a screw for connecting a air-tight to a piece of tubing, which should pass 32 feet, if possible, lielow the level of n. i, is a piece of strong india-rubber tubing to connect the air-pump with./, the bell-jar, to be exhausted. The water rushes in at c and down h, carrying bubbles of air with it, as shown ->pp >site «, till the exhaus- tion is complete, a is represented as half full of water. *, a funnel tixed air-tight in the india-rubber stopper of j. I, a small cone of platinum foil to prevent the filter from being broken, w, a plate of ground glass, n, a beaker to receive the filtrate. N, a manometer to measure tlie degree of exhaustion, o, apiece of platinum foil of the proper size and ghape to make the cone, /. i, a mould, and t, a stamp, to give the proper shai>e to the cone, I. p, is a cone of porous earthenware used as a funnel, q, is a piece of wide india-rubber tubing stretched over the funnel r, and holding the cone p air-tight, r, is a funnel inserted into the stopper of a bell-jar. The bell-jar may either be exhausted by means of a tube in tlie stopper, like.;, or by a tuhnlature in the side, as is supposed to be the case with that holding r. FIG. 336.— Plantamour's f.mnel for keeping fluids hot during filtration. It may bUo be us, ,1 to keep liquids at the freezing point during filtration, by suKstit iting ice for hot water. There are two kin. Is of these funnels, one of them has simply a wide. . inning above, and anarrow one lielow, which is closed by a cork through »hi-h the tube of a glass funnel passes. The glass funnel which contains the filter is thus in direct contact with tin- warm water or ice with which tlie metal funnel is tilled, Tlie other form has a copper funnel in the situation cf thedotted line and in this the glass funnel is placed. The glass funnel is therefore only indirectly surrounded by the water or ice- on the apparatus, and its tem|*rature can therefore not be so exactly regulated, but it can Iieremo\e.l with great facility and another put in its place, which isnot the case when the other form is employed. FIG. 337.— I)ialy7.ei- of i:utta-;.i'rclia Th.- up]>er figure shows the dialy/er with the parchment paper -tivtelie.l over it. The lower shows it in use floating on water. PLATE CXX. FlO. 339.— Hot air bath for ilryiug precipi- tates, &c. FIG. 340.— Bell-jar and dish, containing sulphuric acid for drying and cooling substances. FIG. 342.— Platinum triangle stretched upon a larger iron one for ignition. FIG. 343.— Specific gravity bottle. FIG. 344.— Specific gravity bottle. FIG. 345.— Bottle for taking the spe- cific gravity of small quantities of liquids. FIG. 342. FIG. 343. FIG. 345- PLATE CXXI. FIG. 346- FIG. 346.— .Me;.suiii:{: flask. (From Button 's Handbook of Volumetric Analysis.) Fir. 347- -Test uiixer. (From Suttoii s Handbook of Volumetric Analysis.) I'LATE OXXIT. 50 CC 10 CC FIG. 3 \S.— Pipettes. (From Sutton's Handbook of Volumetric Analysis.) Fie:. 349.— Muhr's burette. (From Sutton'g Handbook of Volumetric Analysis.) «si-4 Cc f <'XXIir. FIG. 350. FIG. 351. FI8. 350.— From Sutton's Handbook of Volumetric Analysis. The figure to the left shows the elliptical appear, aiice presented by a line round a burette or by the surface of fluid in it, when the eye of the observer is above it. The figure to the right shows the curved surface of fluid in a tube. In raiding off its level, the lower border of the dark zone must coincide with the graduation of the burette as in the figure, where the dark line stretch- ing across the tube indicates one of the graduated lines upon it. FIG. 351.— Erdmanu's float. (From Button's Handbook of Volumetric Analysis.) j 353- FIG. 352.— Stand for burettes. (From Button's Handbook of Volumetric Analysis.) FIG. 353.--,sv/cvA,m/;;irf,'i-. « and 6 are two Nicol's prisms, one of which, 6, is fixed, and the other, a, is movable- !, is an indicator to show the position of it. s *, is a circular graduated disk for measuring the rotation of a. g, it a juartz plate composed of two pieces, /i, is a single plate of quai t/. /and/;, are (lie scale and \crnierofthe compen- sator, r, the screw by which the e. in] ensntor is adjusted, r and r', are the two quartz prisms of which the coui- [H'U>ator consists, i, /0 -2. X) -L&U 'CO &* -Act* 2 - i *'* - ^ / X 'V , A i*"H** , , / , /^ I'l.ATK XCI. Fill. 233.— Coats' apparatus. A, Kewrvolr; I;, stoproek ; C, tul:c l.-a.lin.u lYoin reMTVOlX t.. U, ri-iia cam hifi'i-iiif ; !>', aorta, the cannula in which is in communication with the manometer; F, tube guarded by- el ip, by which proximal end of manometer is closed; <;. style, which records the movements of the distal column of the manometer on the cylinder; H, heart; K, ligature, by which the tube is secured to the distended ccsophagus ; L, holder, by which the glass rod J is supported (§ 63). , PLATE XCII. FIG. 237.— Dissection of the parts in relation with the vagus nerve of the frog oil the right side. The (Montagu! is ilisti'inli'd with a glass tube alxmt half iin inch in width. The object is represented of about twice the actual size, a. Right aorta ; B. bulbut nortte ; c, posterior horn of hyoid l>one ; g.h., genio- hyoid muscle ; h.;/., hyoglossus muscle ; ]>, lowest of the three petrohyoid muscles ; H, ninth nerve ; G, glosso- pharyngeal nerve; r, vagus ; 6, larynx ; s& h & oh., point to the space occupied by the origins of the large muscle (stemohyoid) winch connects the hyoid with the ster- num, as well as by the omohyoid ; both of these muscles have beeu cut away (§ 73). FlO. 235.— Tra obtained by recording multaneously on the same cylinder the variations of pressure in the right auricle, right ventricle, and left ven- tricle, respectively. The interval between each vertical line and the next corresponds to about a tenth of a se- cond. The second ver- tical line is just before the completion of the systole of the auricles. The contraction of the ventricles falls be- tween the third and fourth lines. It ends between the seventh and eighth ; conse- quently, in the horse, the interval of time between the auricular systole and that of the ventricles is about o'iS sec., and the duration of the ventri- cular systole is about 0-4 sec. (After Chau- veau ; tee § 67.) Fid. 236. — Septum auricularum of frog, a, Muscular fibres ; 6, endo- cardium ; c, free edge of septum ; dd, wall of ve7i- tricle; e. right cardiac branch of vagus ; /, left branch ; h, anterior nerve of septum ; t, posterior nerve ; k k, Bidder's ganglia; II, ganglia of ventricle ; § 69. (After Bidder.) PLATE XCIII. FIG. 24o".-Sketch to illustrate the relations of the ganglionic cord in the visceral cavity of the frog. The teptum ciitcrrxe magnae having been divided on the right side, the right kidney is turned over towards the left, so as to expose the parts concealed by it, viz., the aorta and the gangliouic cord of the same side. The stomach and the first coil of intestine are also turned over, so that the posterior surface of the former organ is presented. In this way the origin of the mesenteric artery from the junction of the right and left aorts? is brought into view. On its surface nervous filaments, which spring from 'the ganglionic cord, may be traced. These (nervi mesenterici) com- bine to form a plexus with similar filaments from the corresponding ganglion of the Other side. (See fig. 295.) I, Liver; rl, right lung; *, stomach; k, kidney. FIG. 241.— Heart, lungs, and great vessels of the rabbit, with the nerves in relation with them. (After Ludwig, slightly altered.) V.c.d., V.c.t., Right and left vena cavas lufH-rinrft ; the left vena, cava is represented as if cut away, in order to show the nerves. G, (iaii'jlinn rrrrimtr. iiifrritt* ; i, sympathetic;!), vagus; d, depressor. The dotted lines on each side indicate the position of the chronic (S 81). ; ..-Dissert ion of the lower cervical ganglion in the dog, and of the parts in relation with it. (After Schmiedeberg.) i. Recurrent nerve : L>. romnmn tinnk of the vagus and gymimthetic ; 3, phrenic; 4 (leading up- wards and to the right from 8), mum* frM,r<,lii .- 5. communicating branch between ii.fcrior cervical ganglion (6) and recurrent . ; 7, trunk <>f sympathetic ; 8, first llnra-ic ganglion; 9, rnnutt ninlinr '.< tn/^-iior ; n, trunk of vagus (§ 81). PLATE XCIV. Fl(J. 244.— Tracing (after Schmiedel>erg) showing the effect of electrical stimulation of the vagus of .1 frog under tlie influence of nicotin. The line ending in asterisks indicates the duration of the period of excitation (i 81). FIG. 243.— Dissection of in- ferior cervical ganglion of rabbit. The pectoral mus- cles aud sterno-clavicular ligament have been divided, and other more superficial parts removed. The dotted line indicates the middle line of the body, g I, A lym- phatic gland in contact with the apex of the lung ; a *, sub-clavian artery ; aw, ver- tebral artery ; ". vagus nerve ; *, sympathetic ; p, phrenic (§ 81). FIG. 246.— Respiratory mus- cles of frog (after Ecker), suit, submentalis ; ;/ h, ge- niohyoideus ; h g, hyo- glossus ; I m, snlmiax illaris ; tin", anterior honi of the hyoid bone ; p h, petrohy- oidei ; oh, omohyoideus; t h, steruoliy oldens. .y* FIG. 247.— Recording Stethometer. A, Tympanum ; B, ivory knob; B'rod which carries the knob opposed to B, Ct T-tube, by which A communi- cates, on the one hand with the re- cording tympanum, on the other with an elastic bag D. The purpose of the bag is to enable the olwerver to vary the quantity of air in the cavity of the tympana at will. The tube lead- ing to it is closed by a clip when the instrument is in use. (§ Pq). 1'L.VTK XCV. FIG. 250.— Boxwood Pulley for recording the movements of a neeV'e., inserted in the diaphragm- A light lever is attached to the horizontal arm (§ 91). FIG. 251.— Bosenthal's apparatus, with W. Mailer's valves (§ o6». KK;. 252.— ivtt<-nk.,f,. I'KATK XCYI. FIG. 237.— Tlie lever kymograph, for recording the respiratory and arterial inurements simultaneously (§ 105). FIG. 258.— Tracing obtained with the lever kymograph (§ 105). PLATE XCVIT. FIG. 265.— The calorimeter (t 116). FKJ. 265, his.— Galvanometer or multiplier, for thennoel.vfr FI<;. 265, liis .(.-Wooden fniiu • cm wliirh the wire is coiled. FIG. 265, ))is 6.— The magnets. EXPLANATION OF PLATES XCVIII. TO 01. Fir,. 229.— Trucing drawn by a lever applied directly to the apex of the heart of the frog. Fie. 234.— Tracing of endocardial pressure of heart of frog, obtained by Coats' method. Fins. 238(1 and b.— Synchronous tracings of arterial pressure, and respiratory movement of air in trachea, tJikitn («) immediately before, and (b) one minute after, section of both vagi. The lever kymograph (flg. 257) was employed. Arterial pressure before section about 150 in.m., after section about 180 m.m. Pulse rate )»efore section no, after section 260. Respirations before section 24, after section 10. The characteristic violence of the expiratory movements after section is well shown. FICI. 239.— (i. Tracing of arterial pressure of 'rabbit, obtained with Pick's kymograph (fig. 205) during excitation of peripheral end of divided vagus, with feeble induced currents (secondary coil far removed from primary). Duration of excitation of nerve indicated by asterisks, b. The same, with secoiidary coil brought nearer. FIG. 245.— Tracing of arterial pressure with Pick's kymograph during excitation of the central end of the depressor nerve (§ 82). FIG. 232.— a. Tracing obtained with the cardiograph, when the button is applied to the seat of impulse of the human heart, b. Tracing obtained when the button is applied either outside of the impulse or nearer the sternum. The line of sudden descent in b coincides with that of sudden ascent in a. Both are coincident with the sudden hardening of the ventricle, i.e., with the complete closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves (§ 60). FIG. 246 bis.— Tracing of respiration of frog (§ 86). FIG. 249.— Tracing of iutrathoracic pressure (§ 90). FIO. 248.— Tracing obtained with the stethometer when applied as in flg. 247. i. Inspiration ; e, expiration. Immediately after a, a notch in each of the curves occurs, the descending limb of which expresses the moment of cardiac impulse. Compare fig. 2326 (§ 89). FIG. 253.— Respiration of the cat before and after section of both vagi. The tracing expresses the variations of pressure which occur in the air passages during each respiratory act. In b the horizontal line is that drawn by the lever when at rest ; consequently, when the pressure in the air passages is less than that of the atmosphere the lever rises, when it is greater it falls. The sudden expiratory movement which is the most, marked characteristic of the mode of breathing after section of both nerves commences at e (§ 92). FIG. 263(1.— Tracing of arterial pressure and respiratory movements in the second stage of asphyxia by occlusion. a p, Arterial pressure ; i, respiration. Both tracings express the movements of mercurial manometers ft 109). FIG. 2636.— Slow asphyxia. The lower tracing expresses the movements of an elastic bag in communication with the trachea (| no). FIGS. 259-261.— Tracings of respiratory movements of the dog before and after curarization (§ 105), FIG. 262.— Tracings of artificial respiration aid arterial pressure, showing Traube's curves, as seen with vagi intact (§ 106). FIG. 264.— Effect of a single injection of air in a curarized dog, after long discontinuance of artificial respiration (i in). FIGS. 2*4 and 255.— Excitation of the central end of the vagus in the rabbit (§§ ICG and 103). FIG. 256.— Excitation of the central end of the superior larynge.il nerve (§ 194). Fig\ 254. JX/xA^^VXA, Fie:. 245 V V PLATE 99. Fi£.249 'r\ r\ r\ r\ Fig. 248 Fiff.253 Fie. 263.5 V \ PLATE/OQ. Fie-. 259. "'?\i\^ .XAAKAAr^XAr^Vvi ! VV Fig. 260 WVWA, A V^ \A Fig. 261 Fie:. 262 Fig. 264 I art. resja. 266.— Diagram of u frog. f incision nri-essary in various ob«erv;itk FIG. 267.— Diagram of tlie mus- cles of the leg of a frog, interior surfare. a, t.rireps iemoris ; h, biceps feiuor.s; ?, semi-nieiuhra- -i'ii -iliaciis ; <• /, tendo a.-liillis ; •/, gast.ro<.-nu- n ins ; h, lifad (,f gastrocnemius ; •nnts (the muscle also marked k in front of and partly hiddi-n by the preceding is the tibialis auticus); I, rectus iu'- ternus ; m, glutieus ; it, pyri- fonnis; r, coccyx ; y, ilium ; a', vast.ns cxternus. PIG. 268.— The nerve-7iiuscle preparation. F, end of femur; N.sciatir. nerve; I, tendo a.-liiilis: >', attaelinient of .smaller lend.. a of gastrocne.mius t,, fiMinir. 1'LATK OIII. i|,hi l PtliiK«-r. I'lif moist cliiiinhcr, whii-li is sup- ported li\ tin- lar.LM- pillar, and from Which till' thread /( descends, is Hot sho\sn. Tin' lt-\ er '/ m«ves freely on the two pillars I,/,. At / the rode, hearing the mo\:iblc style "ic. 270.— The moist chamber, with the nerve-muscle prepar- ation, iioii-polarizable elect roth's, electrode- bearer, and lever in position ready for an observation. The >;lass cover is not .shown. FK;. 270 his. — Simple spring myographof Mare' , arranged horizontally. (Hoc oh. xix.) PI.ATK CIV. Kli;. 1:71.— Ordinary electrode: shielded. KlU. 272.— A Hon-polarizable i the ii-ln hand being tlic pair spoken ie bearer. the text as curved .and Kit;. 27?.— Ends of nun-polarizable electrodes. A, with the clay plug 6 projecting beyond the glass tube; B, with the end of the glass tube closed and bent, a hole being drilled iu the tube at ft', to expose the plug ; c, oblique eud with the clay plug flush with the glass tube. I'm. -74.— Krwnecker's forceps. FICJ. 276.-m-u,'i"i>n <>f th.' :iriMii-.-iiient..,f apparatus for studying tin- effects of rlrrt n it,, mis or irritability. A, the inuscleon wh..sc nerve an placed d) the polarizing ele :tn.de.Jri''. connected )>y the commutator C with the two celled battery II; (L-), ,lie exritin.u- electroiles !•: K', COIIIK i-ted tlin.n.uh the Du I'.uis' key ,i with the secondary coil 1>. c. thepriiu;u-y coil, connected tlirou^li the key I, with the cell I:. PLATE CV. FK;. 277.— The recording tuning fork. FIG. 278.— Diagram of the muscles of the thigh of a, frog, anterior surface, g, .sar- torius ; itd.m., adductor mag- n us; r.i.teo- tus iuternus major; v. i., vastus interims, ad. I., adductor longus ; act. b., adductor interims minor. I'll. brevis ; t, rectti FIG. 28o.-Mus.jle in a trough bearing two levers, in ord.r o show the wave of muscular contraction. To the left are wen the pointed electrodes and the c'amp fastening the muscle thread connected with the lever. FIG. 281.— A different disposition of the levers, intended to show the same thing. The levers seen below the platform on to which the muscle is fastened, are connected with slips which pass round the muscle at different part* of ite length. FIG. 279. — Dia- gram of a muscle curve as drawn on a travelling surface, c, the line described by the point of the lever connected with the muscle; a, the line described by marking lever; 6, the line described by the tuning- fork. Tne vertical line m marks the moment of stimu- lation, m' the be- ginning, mz the maximum, and in 3 the end of the contraction of the Tr-ATK CVI. FIG. 282.— Diagram of the curve of teta- nus. 6, the line drawn by the point of the lever connected with the muncle ; «. the line of the marking lever. The record- ing surface is supposed to be moving slowly. The line m marks the commence- ment of stimulation, and also of the con- traction (the movement not being suffi- ciently rapid to show the latent period) ; ml, the cessation of stimulation aud the commencement of relaxation; m3, the return of the muscle to its former length. The straight line, which is the continua- tion of 6 from m to m3, in the line which would have been described by the muscle in the absence of all contraction. PIG. 283.— Lower part of large figure. Curve of tetanus, showing the individual contractions. Below are seen t.he vibra- tions o( a recording tuning-fork. FIG. 284.- Upper part of large figure. Curves illustrating the increased extensi- bility of a muscle during tetanus. FIG. 285.— Muscles and nerves of frog, arranged for the experiment of the "rheoscopic frog." PLATE CVII. a at The sh of the galvanometer. KlU. 288.— Diagram illustrating the "natu- ral " current in a piece of muscle. The equator is marked by the posi- tive sign, and the mid- points iif the transverse sect ions by tlie nr-':il lv«. The arrows denote the direction of the current through the galvano- meter. The larger cur\ es denote the stronger cur- rents, and lid' m-»larizable electrodes in vl currents in a nerve. '..•<>\ — IVaLrram illustrating electrotonus. />';>, the polari/ing electrodes; (('('. b I,', electrodes so placed as to show the effects of the natural current on a g.-ilvanoincter at each end of the nerve wheo the polarizing current is in the direction of the arrow* in the figure; the niitural current of n a' is iii- < n-asrcl. as shown t>y the positive sign, while that of 4 b' is decreased, as shown liy the negative sigu. University of Toronto Library Acme Library Card Pocket LOWE-MARTIN CO. LIMITED