• : m : I 1HBMHNI ^: f :'-'bM A HANDBOOK OF PLANT TISSUE CULTURE BY PHILIP R. WHITE, A.B., Ph.D. THE JAQUES CATTELL PRESS LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA 1943 Copyright, 1943, by The Jaques Cattell Press PRINTED IN U. S. A. THE SCIENCE PRESS PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA DEDICATION to Henry K. White, to whom I owe a certain curiosity about the workings of nature and whose first lessons in scientific thinking and procedure are the foundation upon which all of my work has since been built, to Mary P. White, to whom I owe patience and perseverance and what humility I may claim, to carry through the tasks at hand, to Caroline D. White, whose inspiration and constant help have supported me at many a diffi- « cult pass, and to little Christopher John and Jonathan Peter for whom, after all, all things in heaven and earth are done, this little volume is humbly dedicated. "Entia non sunt multiplicand! praeter necessitatem" Wm. of Occam, 1270-1349. PEEFACE The writing of any book, and particularly one in a new and special field, should, in these days of stress and in the presence of an already stagger- ing plethora of publication, be a matter for very serious consideration. Books are written to be read, and unless one has at least a potential public one should hesitate long and seriously about bring- ing out a new volume. Yet the history of Science has been from the first a history of methods, either experimental methods or methods of thought. When, therefore, a new method or a new applica- tion of older methods is developed, it behooves those who are responsible for its development to consider carefully when it has progressed far enough beyond adolescence to warrant a formal introduction in society. Tissue Culture as a branch of animal biology has long since passed that stage and has received extended attention in the handbooks of Fischer, Erdmann, Willmer, Ephrussi, Parker, and others. Many of these handbooks carry titles conveying the impression that they treat the subject in its entirety. Yet it is in vain that one searches their pages for any but the briefest possible treatment of the cultivation of plant tissues. One might vi Preface assume that the animal biologists had a strict monopoly on the method. This is, of course, not at all a fair picture. It is with the conviction that Tissue Culture is, in fact, the domain of all biolo- gists and that Plant Tissue Culture has, in the last decade, developed to the point where it deserves and even demands consideration as a separate, valid, useful, and promising, if not yet fully ma- ture, discipline, that I have undertaken the prepa- ration of this little volume. Having decided that the time is ripe for publi- cation in a new field, an author must then deter- mine the scope of his subject, the type of reader he wishes to reach, and the degree of detail which it is valuable to present. I have planned this book as an aid to those who may actually make use of the technique — students, investigators in other fields for whom the methods presented may be useful in the solution of their own problems, and perhaps a very few who may approach the subject for its own sake. With this in mind, I have tried to keep the presentation as simple and concise as seemed compatible with completeness and lucidity and have used, wherever possible, photographs and drawings in place of long descriptions. I have not attempted an inclusive survey of the field in all its past and present ramifications but have concentrated on those matters which may suggest to the student new fields of conquest and provide him with the basic information and the techniques Preface vii necessary to an intelligent approach to those fields. Most of the techniques described are those de- veloped and perfected in my own laboratory, but I have tried also to provide a working outline of other techniques and methods of approach. One does not prepare a book, even a small one, alone. I should like especially to acknowledge the help of Professor Edmund Sinnott of Yale, Professor George Avery and Miss Bethe Ander- son of Connecticut College, Dr. Esther Carpenter of Smith College, Dr. and Mrs. Warren Lewis of the Carnegie Institution, Dr. Frank Thone of Sci- ence Service, and Harriet Butler Bunker of Dum- merston, Vermont, all of whom examined the early plan, read and criticized the preliminary drafts of the manuscript, made many helpful criticisms and suggestions, and gave me their unstinted en- couragement throughout the task. I should like also to express my gratitude to Professor Gottlieb Haberlandt, Dr. Ross Harrison, Dr. Alexis Carrel, Dr. and Mrs. Warren Lewis, Dr. Walter Kotte, and Dr. Roger Gautheret for permission to use their portraits. These will, I hope, add greatly to the living quality of the book. Dr. Gautheret in particular deserves my deepest gratitude for the difficulties and perhaps danger which he over- came in sending me his picture and biography out of war-ridden Paris. I sincerely regret that Dr. W. J. Robbins preferred to have his portrait omitted from the series. The illustrations, with viii Preface the exception of these portraits and of figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 14, 15, 35, 39, and 64, are all from my own laboratory and were photographed or drawn by Mr. Julian A. Carlile whose competent help has certainly greatly enhanced whatever value the book may have. My sincere thanks are due him and other members of the technical staff of the Rockefeller Institute for their unfailing coopera- tion. I should like to thank Dr. James Bonner for the photographs used in figure 35 and John Wiley and Sons for permission to republish figure 22, the original of which I furnished them in 1937. Pictures taken from periodicals and from older books carry their acknowledgments in the text. The bibliography at the end of the book is intended to cover the major contributions in the field of Plant Tissue Cultures and to contain in addition some collateral material from related fields suffi- cient to suggest to the reader possible interrela- tions. Corrections, suggestions, and criticisms will, of course, be welcomed. With this brief introduction, I turn my offspring over to the good graces of a critical and exacting, but I trust understanding, public. Princeton, New Jersey, September, 1942. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Chapter I. Introduction 1 Chapter II. The History of Plant Tissue Culture 19 Chapter III. The Living Materials 43 Chapter IV. The Laboratory 67 Chapter V. Nutrients 90 Chapter VI. How Cultures Are Started 117 Chapter VII. Culture Techniques 131 Chapter VIII. Growth Measurements and Their Interpretation 154 Chapter IX. Tissue Culture and the Study of Problems in the Pathology and General Physi- ology of Plants 183 Chapter X. Morphogenesis 209 Bibliography 227 Index 262 , 13 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Fig. 1. Polarity in regeneration of cut tubers of Corydalis solida 6 Fig. 2. Eetention of specific characteristics by grafts of fruits of three varieties of gourds 13 Fig. 3. Eetention of specific characteristics by grafts be- tween two species of tadpoles 14 Fig. 4. Production of lens by grafted belly epithelium of a toad, under induction from the eye-cup of a frog 15 Fig. 5. Gottlieb Haberlandt 16 Fig. 6. Ross G. Harrison 23 Fig. 7. Warren H. Lewis 24 Fig. 8. Margaret R. (Mrs. Warren H.) Lewis 25 Fig. 9. Alexis Carrel 26 Fig. 10. W. Kotte 37 Fig. 11. R. J. Gautheret 38 Fig. 12. Philip R. White 39 Fig. 13. Roots of tomato, white clover, and red clover 40 Fig. 14. Section of seed of Peperomia hispidula 46 Fig. 15. Undifferentiated embryo of Peperomia hispidula 47 Fig. 16. Leaves regenerated on root of dandelion 51 Fig. 17. Cultures of sunflower tissues 52 Fig. 18. Cultures of Nicotiana callus 53 Fig. 19. Cultures of bacteria-free crown-gall tissues of sun- flower 53 Fig. 20. Young embryo of Portulaca oleracea 54 Fig. 21. Root cap on root of white clover 61 Fig. 22. Root-hairs on growing excised tomato root 62 Fig. 23. Root-hairs on growing excised buckwheat root 63 Fig. 24. Growing excised roots of tomato and buckwheat 64 Fig. 25. Plan of a laboratory suite 68 Fig. 26. Week by week increment rates of excised roots over eight years 78 xi xii List of Illustrations PAGE Fig. 27. Diagram of special pierced slide for hanging-drop cultures 80 Fig. 28. Implements commonly used in plant tissue culture work 85 Fig. 29. Equipment for preparing and transferring cultures 86 Fig. 30. Procedure of cutting roots within flasks 87 Fig. 31. Distributing nutrient to flasks 87 Fig. 32. Method of obtaining sterile adventitious roots 88 Fig. 33. Excising adventitious roots from cuttings 88 Fig. 34. Method of obtaining uniform stocks of root tips 113 Fig. 35. Bean pod segments used in testing wound stimulants 114 Fig. 36. Eemoving blocks of cambium from large trees 115 Fig. 37. Procedure in making cultures of cambium 115 Fig. 38. Cambium culture of Salix caproea 116 Fig. 39. Surface of cambial cultures of Abies pectinata 127 Fig. 40. Measuring a root within the culture flask 128 Fig. 41. Sample pages from a book of records 129 Fig. 42. Equipment used in making hanging-drop cultures 130 Fig. 43. Average daily increment rates of 1000 roots during one week in vitro 141 Fig. 44. Effects of temperature on growth rates of tomato roots 145 Fig. 45. Example of a line graph recording daily march of increments of excised roots 174 Fig. 46. Example of a histogram recording effects of nutrient variables on growth 175 Fig. 47. Example of an isopleth diagram showing the effects of two simultaneous variables 176 Fig. 48. Tomato root showing gross effect of indole acetic acid on growth 179 Fig. 49. Effects of iron concentration on root growth 180 Fig. 50. Effects of iron concentration on root growth 181 Fig. 51. Detail of the effects of indole acetic acid on cells of an excised root 182 Fig. 52. Graph showing effects of indole acetic acid on growth rates 187 Fig. 53. Graph of rates of water secretion (root pressure) in excised tomato roots 191 List of Illustrations xiii PAGE Fig. 54. Developmental cycle of plastids in cells of Stellaria media 193 Fig. 55. Eegion of maturation of excised tomato root 195 Fig. 56. Manometer for measuring root pressure 196 Fig. 57. Manometer assembly, detail 197 Fig. 58. A battery of manometers with attached pressure equipment 198 Fig. 59. Titration of distribution of aucuba-mosaic virus in a tomato root 201 Fig. 60. Tyrosinase distribution in an excised tomato root 205 Fig. 61. Hyperhydric enlargement of cells of seed primordia of Antirrhinum 206 Fig. 62. Meristematic cells in Nicotiana callus culture 207 Fig. 63. Scalariform cells in Nicotiana callus culture _ 208 Fig. 64. In vitro grafts of cambium cultures 213 Fig. 65. Cross section of a Nicotiana callus culture 214 Fig. 66. Detail from figure 65 215 Fig. 67. Disorganized vascular tissue from a sunflower tumor tissue culture 216 Fig. 68. Formation of stem growing point on a Nicotiana callus culture 223 Fig. 69. Section showing Nicotiana callus cultivated in a rab- bit 's eye 224 Fig. 70. Detail from figure 69 225 Fig. 71. Effect of aeration on differentiation of a Nicotiana callus culture 226 "Man kann sich also folgende zwei Vorstellungen von der Ursache der organischen Erscheinungen, des Wachstum usw. machen : Erstens die Ursache liegt in der Totalitat des Organismus. . . . Die andere Erklar- ungsweise ist die : Das Wachstum geschieht nicht durch eine im ganzen Organismus begriindete Kraft, sondern jeder einzelne Elementarteil besitzt eine selbstandige Kraft, ein selbstandiges Leben. . . . "Wir haben gesehen, dass alle Organismen aus wesentlich gleichen Teilen, namlich aus Zellen zusammengesetzt sind, dass diese Zellen nach wesentlich denselben Gesetzen sich bilden und wachsen, dass also diese Prozesse iiberall auch durch dieselben Krafte hervorgebracht werden miissen. Finden wir nun, dass einzelne dieser Elementarteile, die sich von den iibrigen nicht unterscheiden, sich vom Organismus lostrennen und selbstandig weiter wachsen konnen, so konnen wir daraus schliessen, dass auch jeder der iibrigen Elementarteile, jede Zelle fur sich schon die Kraft besitzt, neue Molekiile anzuziehen und zu wachsen, dass also jeder Elementarteile eine eigentiimliche Kraft, ein selbstandiges Leben besitzt vermoge dessen er selbstandig sich zu entwickeln imstande ware, wenn ihm bloss die ausseren Bedingungen dargeboten wiirden, unter welchen er im Organismus steht. Solche selbstandig, getrennt vom Organismus wachsende Zellen sind z. B. die Eier der Tiere. . . . Bei niederen Pflanzen kann sich jede beliebige Zelle von der Pflanze lostren- nen und dann selbstandig weiter wachsen. Hier bestehen also ganze Pflanzen aus Zellen, deren selbstandiges Leben unmittelbar nachweisen lasst. Da nun alle Zellen nach denselben Gesetzen wachsen, also nicht in einem Falle der Grund des Wachstum in der Zelle selbst, im andern Falle im ganzen Organismus liegen kann, da sich ferner nachweisen lasst, dass einzelne, von den iibrigen in der Art des Wachstums nicht verschiedene Zellen selbstandig sich entwickeln, so miissen wir iiber- haupt den Zellen ein selbstandiges Leben zuschreiben. . . . Dass nicht wirklich jede einzelne Zelle, wenn sie von einem Organismus getrennt wird, weiter wachst, ist gegen diese Theorie so wenig ein Einwurf, als es ein Einwurf gegen das selbstandige Leben einer Biene ist, wenn sie getrennt von ihrem Schwarm auf die Dauer nicht fortbestehen kann." "One can thus construct the following two hypotheses concerning the origin of organic phenomena such as growth : either this origin is a function of the organism as a whole, or growth does not take place by means of any force residing in the entire organism but each elementary part possesses an individual force, a separate life. "We have seen that all organisms consist of essentially like parts, the cells ; that these cells are formed and grow according to essentially the same laws ; that these processes are thus everywhere the result of the same forces. If, therefore, we find that some of these elementary parts, which do not differ from others, are capable of being separated from the organism and of continuing to grow independently, we can conclude that each of the other elementary parts, each cell, must possess the capacity to gather new molecules to itself and to grow, that therefore each cell possesses a particular force, an independent life, as a result of which it too would be capable of developing independently if only there be provided the external conditions under which it exists in the organ- ism. The eggs of animals are in fact such cells, capable of living sepa- rated from the organism. Among the lower plants any cell can be separated from the plant and continue to grow. Thus, entire plants may consist of cells whose capacity for independent life can be clearly demonstrated. Now, since all cells grow according to the same laws so that it is not possible that in one case the cause of growth lies in the cell itself while in another case it lies in the entire organism, and since moreover it can be demonstrated that single cells whose growth does not differ from that of other cells can develop independently, we must there- fore ascribe an independent life to the cell as such. That not every cell, when separated from the organism does in fact grow is no more an argu- ment against this theory than is the fact that a bee soon dies when separated from its swarm, a valid argument against the individual life of the bee." TnEODORE Schwann. 1839, 29. pp. 188-190. Chapter I INTRODUCTION In the whole gamut of human thought, there is perhaps no question that crops up more fre- quently in one form or another than that which asks ''By what means do the myriads of different forms and processes which we see in the Universe around us come into being, what controls them within normal metes and bounds, and how does it come about that those 'normal' bounds are occa- sionally transcended, so often with disastrous results? What is it that brings about and main- tains the extraordinary harmony which we usually find in Nature, yet from time to time alters that harmony by what appear to us to be transgres- sions ! " If we knew the full answers to the mul- titudinous variants of this question, there would be very little left worth inquiring about. For this question does have a multitude of variants. It is asked at all sorts of different levels of human experience. At the cosmic level it becomes the question of creation itself. The psychologist asks it at the level of human thought 2 Plant Tissue Culture and behavior. The sociologist asks it at the level of races and nations, tribes, sects, and societies. The chemist asks it at the level of "substances" and the physicist at the level of material bodies great or small, be they galaxies or particles of light. The geneticist and taxonomist ask it con- cerning the segregation and delimitation of char- acters of related organisms. With regard to single organisms, we ask ' ' How is it that the size, form, texture, rate of development, function of the various parts are determined and limited? "Why does an anterior limb-bud give rise to a hand while a posterior limb-bud gives rise to a foot? Why does a cell of a given type, when chance places it in one region of the body, become an element of the glandular epithelium of the kidney, while in another part of the body the same type of cell appears as a constituent of the iris? Why does the sub-epidermal cell of a foliar leaf become a center of food synthesis, while in a floral leaf it becomes a megaspore-mother-cell with a repro- ductive function? Why do the cells surrounding a wound in a "normal" individual take part in an orderly granulation, closing the wound, form- ing well-limited scar tissue, organizing a harmon- ious replacement of the injured regions, while in an individual carrying a cancer, even at some dis- tant part of the body, cells of the same region may Introduction 3 be detonated into an explosive, disordered, dis- harmonious, and ultimately self -destroying over- growth?" The factors which control these char- acteristics of size, form, function, and rate of development of living organisms, which maintain at all times the proper balance among their parts, and which, when disturbed, result in creatures of abnormal type, constitute the materials of that important branch of biological science which we call ' ' morphogenesis. ' ' Science progresses in five main steps. First, there is the observation of more or less evident facts, their codification and analysis. Second, there is the formulation of ideas and principles based on these facts and their arrangement into working hypotheses. Third, there is the develop- ment of techniques for the testing of these hy- potheses. Fourth, there is the acquiring through use of these techniques of pertinent but less evi- dent information, the verification, modification, and refinement of these hypotheses, until they themselves become facts. And fifth, there is the integration of these latterly acquired larger facts into the general picture. In the study of living organisms, one of the early observed "facts" was the ubiquity of those units which we call cells. Information about cells, acquired by general ob- servation, very early led to the formulation of the 4 Plant Tissue Culture fundamental hypothesis of the so-called ''cell theory," promulgated a century ago in the words which are set at the head of this chapter (Schwann, 1839, 29* that all cells are essentially elementary organisms, theoretically alike and capable of au- tonomous existence. But there is an alternative hypothesis which also rests upon a considerable mass of observed facts, namely, that somewhere in the developmental history of an organism its constituent cells cease to be totipotent, by segrega- tion and loss of certain functions. No mechanism is known by which such segregation or loss can take place, yet it so often appears to have taken place that this alternative hypothesis has today many adherents. If all cells of an organism are essentially alike and, within the genetic pattern, totipotent, then the differences in behavior of cells of a given type in different situations in the body must result from the interrelations of these cells with their environments and with other cells in the organism. It should be possible to restore suppressed func- tions by isolating the cell from those external in- fluences which were responsible for the suppres- sion. If, on the other hand, there has been a true segregation and loss of function so that the cells are, in the mature organism, no longer totipotent, * Italic numbers refer to bibliography. Introduction 5 then no modification of a given cell-line 's environ- ment could hope to restore the lost functions. It is clear that a decision between these two alterna- tive hypotheses is essential to any valid notion of the origin of form and function. And it is also clear that one of the most promising techniques for arriving at such a decision lies in the segrega- tion of cells, tissues, and organs from the associ- ated members of the body and their maintenance and study as isolated units, under as nearly opti- mal and as fully controlled conditions as possible. The attempt to reduce an organism to its constitu- ent cells and to study these cells as elementary organisms is thus a project of fundamental impor- tance in the solution of basic biological questions. Schleiden (1838, 27) and Schwann (1839, 29), who formulated the concept of cellular totipotency, and Virchow (1858, 433), who popularized that concept, made no attempt to put it to experimental test. A half century elapsed between its formu- lation and the first well-organized experimental study of the question. In the 1870 's, several workers attacked the problem, no one with more lucidity and patience than Vochting. Vochting chose two methods of approach. First, he dis- sected plants into smaller and smaller fragments, studying the phenomena of polarity in these f ra, ments. He found "polarity" to be a chara 6 Plant Tissue Culture istic of every fragment, irrespective of size, and hence by implication of the individual cells (1878, 329, 1884, 329) . Thus, the distal portion of a stem or piece of stem always produced leaves and the proximal portion roots, but whether a given cell Fig. 1. Tubers of Corydalis solida, cut and allowed to regen- erate. The tissues at the center of the tuber form leaves (left), roots (center), or merely wound callus (right), depending on the spatial orientation of the cut, showing the dependence of morpho- genetic expression on fortuitous external factors. (From Goebel, K. 1908. Einleitung in die experimentelle Morphologie der Pflanzen. 220, fig. Ill, 293.) Introduction 7 produced leaves or roots depended on that cell's fortuitous position, whether distal to or proximal to the nearest cut surface or uninjured growing point. If a three-foot piece of willow was left intact, the distal foot of stem would produce only roots, but if a six-inch piece was isolated from the distal end of such a stem either by removal or merely by severing the bark, the proximal three inches of this piece would produce leaves instead of roots. Later observations by von Goebel ( 1908, 293) (Fig. 1) Schwanitz (1935, 323) and others led to similar conclusions. Here the morphogenetic pattern was a function of the "organism as a whole" (considering here the autonomous frag- ment as the organism), of the relationships of cell to cell within the particular tissue continuum. The cell appeared to be totipotent, its actual ex- pressed function being a resultant of the in- fluences coming from outside. Vochting's second approach involved the age-old method of grafting (Fig. 2) or transplantation (1892, 330, 1894, 331) and merely confirmed what had been known from time immemorial, that no matter what the environ- ment or host into which a scion was transplanted, it always developed in a given pattern which was fixed by the species from which it came. Not only was the developmental pattern fixed, but the physiological behavior was also fixed by the spe- 8 Plant Tissue Culture cies and could not be altered by contact with or even dependence on the tissues of another species (Vochting, 1894, 331). The transplantation ex- periments demonstrated the restrictions which species places on the potencies of a cell. The dis- section experiments demonstrated the essential totipotency of the cell within these species limita- tions. Similar conclusions may be drawn from experiments with animal materials (Figs. 3, 4). To carry this method of dissection to its logical end, we would have to go to the cells themselves, as we have already said. Implicit in Schleiden and Schwann's concept, subjected to a preliminary pragmatic test by Vochting, this idea seems never- theless not to have been explicitly formulated as a basis for planning experiments with either plant or animal materials until much later. In the early years of the present century, Haberlandt (1902, 98) (Fig. 5) set forth the principle frankly and lucidly in the words that I have placed at the head of Chapter II. He then proceeded methodically to fill the gap in our knowledge, the existence of which he had called to our attention. He set out to grow cells and small groups of cells in suitable nutrients and to study their behavior. The dis- cipline which Haberlandt thus outlined is that which, in the four decades since his paper, has gradually crystallized into what we know today Introduction 9 as "tissue cultures." (See Harrison, 1928, 18). (See also references 1-41.) But it is not always given to one individual both to formulate the broad outlines of a new tech- nique and to put that technique into actual prac- tice. Haberlandt was faced at the start with a series of major difficulties inherent in plant anatomy and morphogenesis which it has actually taken workers a third of a century to learn to overcome. These difficulties are chiefly three. In the first place, most cells of a plant are not bathed in any free, complete nutrient medium. The xylem sap lacks many of the organic constituents needed to maintain life. The phloem sap is in direct contact with only a very few specialized cells. Most plant cells must obtain a large part of their nutriment by diffusion through neighbor- ing cells. There is no "natural" nutrient which can be extracted from a plant and used for the cultivation of its cells and for subsequent analysis. In the second place, most plant cells, with rare exceptions, are surrounded by a rigid pellicle. This prevents the cells from seeking and engulfing food, thus greatly restricting the forms of food which they can use. It prevents their adhering satisfactorily to any solid substratum. And, since excision involves rupturing this pellicle and expos- ing the protoplast naked to the surrounding 10 Plant Tissue Culture medium in a way that seldom occurs in nature, it greatly increases the shock which any cell must inevitably suffer in the process of removing it from the body. In the third place, "growth," in the plant, is normally restricted to a few special- ized regions of the body, leaving all other parts in an essentially inert condition, as far as capacity for continued cell multiplication is concerned, and greatly restricting the experimenter in his choice of materials. As a result of these difficulties, although the problem has been investigated by a considerable number of workers, more than 30 years elapsed between Haberlandt's formulation of the tissue culture concept and the first really successful experiments with plant tissue cultures. Fortunately for the development of the field as a whole, however, animal tissues present none of the above-named difficulties, at least to anything like a comparable degree. In the first place, ani- mal cells throughout the body are regularly bathed in one or both of two characteristic and essentially complete nutrient fluids, the blood and lymph. These can be easily removed from the body in large quantity. They serve as basic "natural" nutrients for animal cells in which such cells can be immersed without serious shock. They can be analyzed at leisure to determine which of their constituents are truly essential. In the second Introduction 11 place, animal cells are for the most part sur- rounded by a tough but mobile pellicle in place of the rigid pellicle of the plant cell. Animal cells can therefore be removed from the body with a minimum of shock. Anyone who has worked with both types will appreciate this difference. Ani- mal cells adhere well to a variety of solid sub- strata. They are capable of autonomous move- ment and phagocytosis, so that they can be fed on relatively complex nutrient materials which they themselves transform into constituents which can pass readily into the protoplasts. And finally, "growth" of the animal body regularly takes place in all parts of the body and, in the sense of replacement, throughout the life of the animal. There is thus comparatively little obvious restric- tion placed on the experimenter in choosing favor- able materials for cultivation. These facts have largely affected the progress of tissue cultures in the two living kingdoms and are responsible for the early success in the animal field. Plant tissue cultures have only within the last half decade reached anything like a comparable position. SUMMAKY The question of the origin of form and function in our Universe is one of the most fundamental problems to the solution of which man has set his 12 Plant Tissue Culture intellect. As regards living organisms, this prob- lem embraces everything that we include under the name of "morphogenesis." Since the cell is theoretically the ultimate unit of structure in liv- ing organisms, the question of the origin of form and function in living beings may be stated thus : "Are the factors which determine these charac- teristics external to the individual cell (in which case the cell is totipotent but its particular expres- sion comes about through a potentially reversible suppression of some of its potencies due to its spatial association with other cells), or are they internal, in the individual cell (in which case the cell is obviously not totipotent but has lost some of its potencies at some point in the sequence of events which constitute its temporal association with other cells)?" One method of deciding be- tween these two possibilities lies in the isolation and cultivation of individual cells as separate units or elementary organisms. The technique of isolating and studying cells in this way has, in the last four decades, become established as the technique of "tissue culture." Introduction 13 Fig. 2. Ovary segments of three varieties of gourds (a fruits jaunes, above; poire verte, center; a fruits blancs, below) grafted together. Each variety retains its specific characteristics, although in intimate anatomical and physiological contact with the tissues of other varieties. The portion a fruits blancs must obtain all its nutriment through the tissues of two other varieties, yet remains unaffected by this fact. The dependence of morphogenetic capac- ity on strictly hereditary internal factors is clearly shown. (From Carriere, E. A. 1875. Eev. Horticole 1875 : 14-16, 278.) 14 /'hint Tissue Cult/ire **Msl8& Pig. 3. Segments of larvae of Bana palustris (left) and R. sylvatica (right) having differenl pigmentation, grafted together in the early embryonic stages. Each retains its own specific char- acteristics in intimate anatomical and physiological contacl with the other. Al the right, progressive stages in development. At the upper left, histological detail of the region of union between the two. Compare with Fig. 2. (From Earrison, R. G. L904. Ark. in ik. An.-ii. 63: 35 L49, US.) Introduction 15 Fig. 4. Besults of grafting belly epithelium from a toad em- bryo (Bufo vulgaris) onto the eye region of an embryo of a frog (Eaiia esoulenta). Here the grafted epithelium has formed, due to its spatial relationship to the eye-cup of the host, a lens. Since eyes are never normally present in the belly of the toad, this result shows that belly epithelium possesses a potency (the lens-forming potency) which, while never normally expressed, can be evoked by suitable circumstances. The species characteristics of the transplant (melanotic pigmentation) remain determined by the source, but the morphological characteristics have been determined by the host. At the right, cross section of entire head region. At the left, detail of the right-hand eye showing the transplant. (From Filatow, D. 1925. Arch. entw. mech. Org. 105: 475-482, 402.) 16 Plant Tissue Culture ^6. Pig. 5. Gottlieb Haberlandt, 1854 . Professor Emeritus, Pflanzenphysiologisches Enstitul der Qniversitat, Berlin Dahlem, Germany. Firsl to formulate specifically the concepl of tissue cult ures. "Es sind meines Wissens nach bisher noch keine planmassig angelegten Versuche gemacht worden, isolierte vegetative Zellen von holier ent- wickelten Pflanzen in geeigneten Nahrlosungen zu kultivieren. Und doch miissten die Ergebnisse solcher Kulturversuche manches interessante Streiflicht auf die Eigenschaften und Fahigkeiten werfen die die Zelle als Elementarorganismus in sich birgt : sie miissten Aufschliisse bringen fiber die Wechselbeziehungen und gegenseitigen Beeinflussungen denen die Zellen innerhalb des vielzelligen Gesamtorganismus ausgesetzt sind." "There has been, so far as I know, up to the present, no planned at- tempt to cultivate the vegetative cells of higher plants in suitable nutri- ents. Yet the results of such attempts should cast many interesting sidelights on the peculiarities and capacities which the cell, as an ele- mentary organism, possesses : they should make possible conclusions as to the interrelations and reciprocal influences to which the cell is sub- jected within the multicellular organism." G. Habeblandt. 1902, 98. p. 69. Chapter II THE HISTORY OF PLANT TISSUE CULTURE The science of plant tissue cultures has had a long but tenuous history. It would be difficult to assign an exact date for the "first step" in its development. Certainly, as we have seen, the idea of cultivating fragments of plants was im- plicit in much that was done in the 19th century. Rechinger, in 1893, 108, seems to have been the first to investigate experimentally the "minimum limit" of divisibility of plant parts, using isolated buds of Populus nigra, Fraxinus Ornus, roots of Beta vulgaris, Brassica rapa, sections of stems of Pothos celatocaulis, Coleus arifolia, and many other materials. He concluded that pieces less than 20 mm. thick would only rarely regenerate entire plants and that some vascular tissue must be included in the fragments cultivated. But in this work he used no nutrient solutions, "grow- ing" his cultures on sand moistened with tap water. These were scarcely "tissue cultures" in any real sense. 20 Plant Tissue Culture A decade later, as we have seen, the real prob- lem was clearly formulated for the first time by Haberlandt (1902,98) (Fig. 5). Where Rechinger had sought to determine the limits of divisibility of plant materials, Haberlandt boldly took his point of departure directly from the cell theory and assumed that down to the cell level there were no limits of divisibility. He, therefore, chose to work with single cells, an aim which we now look upon as an elusive and as yet unattained ideal. Further, Haberlandt fully appreciated the impor- tance of the photosynthetic process to all living material and consequently conceived the idea that, since most plants contain green cells, by cultivat- ing these particular cells the necessity for pro- viding carbohydrate in the nutrient would be eliminated and the problem of technique simpli- fied. In this he apparently lost sight of the fact that green cells are, for the most part, relatively mature and highly differentiated cells which have, to a great extent, lost their meristematic functions. This ''simplification" led him to work with pali- sade cells of Lamium, pith cells from the petioles of Eichhomia crassipes, glandular hairs of Pul- monaria, stamen hairs of Tradescantia, stinging hairs of Urtica, stomatal guard cells of Ornitho- galum, and many other similar materials. The results were, without exception, disappointing The History of Plant Tissue Culture 21 and the attempt to attack the problem directly was regretfully abandoned for another decade with the remark that ' ' Jedenf alls diirf te die Methode ' • At any rate, the method of der Ziichtung isolierter Pflan- cultivating isolated plant cells zenzellen in Nahrlosungen ver- in nutrient solution should make schiedene wichtige Probleme von possible the experimental study einer neuen Seite her der ex- of many important problems perimentellen Bearbeitung zug- from a new point of view." anglich machen." (1902, 98) Haberlandt turned to an indirect approach, that of the study of wound healing (1913, 294, 1914, 295, 1919, 245, 296, 1920, 297, 1921, 354, 1922, 355), and has never returned to the original problem. It was during this unfruitful first decade of the 20th century that the sister science of animal tis- sue cultures saw its initiation and greatest devel- opment. Harrison (Fig. 6) in 1907 succeeded in settling an old controversy by just the methods suggested by Haberlandt, when he cultivated the neuroblast of the frog in clotted lymph (1907, 131, 1908, 132, 1910, 414). He followed the presenta- tion of his experimental results with a brilliant expose of the possibilities of this method of ap- proach. Two years later Burrows studied with Harrison, subsequently joined Carrel, and to- gether these two established the present-day method of cultivating excised animal tissues in a nutrient made up of blood plasma and embryo 22 Plant Tissue Culture juice or their equivalents (Burrows, 1910, 117, 118, 1911, 119; Carrel, 1911, 120, 1912, 121-125, 1913, 190; Carrel and Burrows, 1910, 128). The method outlined in 1913 by Carrel (Fig. 9) has changed only in minor details since that date. Carrel and Burrows ' method of cultivating ani- mal cells in a blood-plasma embryo-juice nutrient, while relatively simple and easily duplicable, has not led to any exact knowledge of the nutrient requirements of such cells and tissues. Blood plasma and embryo juice are organic complexes of unknown constitution, and such attempts as have been made to elucidate their makeup have not been especially successful (Baker, 1929, 233, 1933, 183; Baker and Carrel, 1925, 195, 1926, 184, 185, 1927, 186, 1928, 187-189 ; Carrel and Baker, 1926, 191 ; Ebeling, 1921, 192 ; Fischer and Demuth, 1928, 194). Nor have the attempts at a synthesis of a nutrient, led by Dr. and Mrs. Warren H. Lewis (Figs. 7, 8) in this country and Dr. A. H. Drew in England been much more successful in eliminating the unknowns (Baker, 1936, 234; Drew, 1922, 145, 1923, 146 ; M. E. Lewis, 1916, 148 ; M. R. and W. H. Lewis, 1911, 149-151, 1912, 152, 153 ; W. H. Lewis, 1921, 154, 1923, 155, 1929, 156; Vogelaar and Erlichmann, 1933, 162, 1934, 163, 164, 1936, 235, 1937, 236, 1939, 165). The cultivation of animal tissues is still an empirical science. The History of Plant Tissue Culture 23 Fig. 6. Boss G. Harrison, 1870- . Professor Emeritus, Os- born Zoological Laboratory, Yale University, New Haven, Connecti- cut. First to carry out successful cultures of excised animal tissues. '24 Phi lit Tissue Culture Pig. 7. Warren II. Lewis, L870- . Emeritus Associate, The Carnegie [institution of Washington. One of the first to investi- gate the behavior of animal tissue cultures in media nt' known constitution. The History of Plant Tissue Culture 25 ' -■ WjLa>-i\ Qj-utx- \jYfij«-2> v^^-^-s Fig. 8. Margaret E. (Mrs. Warren H.) Lewis, 1881- . Re- search Associate, The Carnegie Institution of Washington. Investi- gator of animal tissue cultures, particularly of malignant tissues. 26 Plant Tissue Culture QlJU^^^ Fig. 9. Alexis Carrel, L873- . Member Emeritus, The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New Fork City. First to develop ;i method of maintaining animal tissues in culture for unlimited periods. The History of Plant Tissue Culture 27 Attempts were, of course, made to duplicate Carrel's and Lewis' brilliant results, with plant tissues, by use of some "natural" nutrient com- parable to embryo juice. All such attempts, with one possible exception, have consistently failed. Schmucker, in 1929, 110, reported that he had suc- cessfully grown individual leaf-mesophyll cells of Bocconia in a fluid prepared from a filtered ex- tract of Bocconia leaves. Details were appar- ently never published, the work has not been verified by any later worker, and the result is so at variance with all other recorded experiments that its correctness is to be doubted. In the hands of other workers, all preparations of tissue juices, xylem sap, phloem exudate, liquid endosperm, etc., have given evidence of toxicity (Prat, 1927, 451; Bobbins, 1922, 177 ; Bobbins and V. B. White, 1937, 178* ) . This has, of course, forced workers in the plant tissue culture field to resort to the much more tedious, difficult, and uncertain, but at the same time when successful more satisfying method of developing step by step an essentially synthetic medium. The profound influence of Haberlandt's wide reputation determined the subsequent orientation * van Overbeek, Conklin and Blakeslee have reported successful use of coconut milk as a nutrient for Datura embryos, too late for the reference to be included in the bibliography of this volume. (Science 94: 350-351, 1941). 28 Plant Tissue Culture of the majority of investigations concerned with the cultivation of plant tissues for a quarter of a century and, while animal tissue culture studies were making rapid strides, plant studies were for the most part wandering in what we now look upon as blind alleys. Smith in 1907, 325, Bobilioff- Preisser in 1917, 90, Lamprecht in 1918, 102, 103, Thielman in 1924, 111, and 1925, 112, 113, Borger, 92, and Czech, 93, in 1926, Kunkel, 101, and Prat, 451, in 1927, tJlehla, 115, and Kemmer, 99, in 1928, Pfeiffer, 107, and Scheitterer, 109, in 1931, five of them students of Haberlandt, all attempted to grow cells of mature type. The materials studied in- cluded leaf fragments of Peperomia, Bryophyllum, Kalanchoe, Crassula, Sempervivum, Allium, Poly- podium, Aspidium, Dicranum, Begonia, Triticum, Pisum, Tradescantia, etc., epidermis of Viola, Thunbergia, Rlioeo, stem tissues of Solanum, Bras- sica, Saintpaulia, Coleus, Daucus, young ovaries of Cucurbita, pith cells of Symphoricarpus, and a variety of other plant parts. All gave equally unsatisfactory results. Kiister, in 1928, 20, con- sidered the problem hopeless ("aussichtslos") and asked if perhaps the assumption that cells are totipotent might not itself be false. There was, indeed, much evidence from a variety of sources which appeared to be contrary to this assumption. Not the least indicative of these evidences came The History of Plant Tissue Culture 29 from the field of animal tissue cultures. Fibro- blasts, when grown in culture, not only always maintained their characters as fibroblasts, but retained growth rates which were characteristic of the particular tissues or organs from which they had been excised (Parker, 1931, 421, 1932, 422-424, 1933, 425, 426). Epithelial cells also con- tinued true to type (Ebeling, 1924, 389, 1925, 390; Ebeling and Fischer, 1922, 391 ; Fischer, 1922, 403, 404, 1929, 408). These results conveyed the im- pression that somewhere in the ontogeny of the individual animal the potential capacities of the cells had been segregated, only "fibroblast charac- ters" being retained by fibroblasts and "epithe- lium characters" by epithelium. This impression has been so emphasized by much recent biological work that the older concept of the cell as an " ele- mentary organism" and the plant or animal as a "society of cells" has fallen into disrepute and has, to a considerable extent, given way to the modern concept of the "organism as a whole." The cell has come to be looked upon as a more or less fortuitous structural element without any fundamental importance except as one means out of several by which the integrations of the whole may be attained. There nevertheless remains much indisputable evidence which seems to point to the importance 30 Plant Tissue Culture of the cell as a physiological entity and to its fun- damental totipotency. The whole gene mecha- nism, as exemplified in somatic cells, seems to lose its meaning without this concept. The regen- eration of leaves and roots from tissues which are neither leaf nor root points to the existence of capacities which are called forth only by excep- tional circumstances. Vochting's dissection ex- periments suggest a similar explanation. Spe- mann and his followers have obtained in their transplantation experiments striking support of this concept, for, while a piece of epithelium of a melanotic amphibian is always melanotic (species specific) in whatever host it may be grown (Fig. 3), it may form tail, or mouth, or eyelid, depending on the position in the body in which it is placed (Fig. 4) (Harrison, 1904, 413; Filatow, 1925, 402; Spemann, 1936, 431; Schotte, 1932, 430). Some transformations such as, for example, that from fibroblast to macrophage are also known to take place in animal tissue cultures (Ebeling and Fischer, 1922, 391; Fischer, 1925, 406, 1926, 407). There thus still seems to be much evidence to sup- port Haberlandt's original concept and to lend support to the hope that, while excised plant cells have not yet been grown in vitro with the facility which Haberlandt appears to have anticipated, they will eventually be so grown. Such is the The History of Plant Tissue Culture 31 basis for the continued study of the subject of "plant tissue cultures." Haberlandt's influence, while tending to orient the subject in a fundamentally unfruitful direction, nevertheless did keep interest in the field alive. Moreover, Haberlandt was a sound enough scien- tist to see that there were other possible orienta- tions and to encourage them even though he did not recognize their full value. In 1922 one of his students, Kotte, 51, 52, (Fig. 10) made the first important experimental contribution to the sub- ject. Kotte chose to work not with single, green, mature cells, but with colorless meristems, excised root tips. His motivation in this choice, although not very clearly formulated, appears to have been similar to that which oriented the present writer's choice of material a decade later (White, 1931, 32, 1932, 89), namely, their meristematic character, their ease of excision and consequent relative freedom from trauma, and the considerable variety of their normal physiological responses. Kotte succeeded in cultivating excised root tips of pea and maize in a variety of nutrients. These all contained the salts of a dilute Knop solution. To these were added various combinations of glu- cose, peptone, asparagin, alanine, glycine, Liebig's meat extract, a pepsin-diastase digest of pea seeds, etc. The most satisfactory results, in 32 Plant Tissue Culture which normal development and response were maintained for considerable periods, were ob- tained in a solution containing, besides the salts, 1 per cent dextrose plus 5 g. Liebig's meat extract per liter. The work was well planned, excellently carried out, and, as we can now see, of consider- able promise, but no subcultures were attempted, Haberlandt apparently overlooked its importance, and no attempt seems to have been made to follow it up. By one of those coincidences which often crop up in science, Bobbins in the United States, following the leadership of Jacques Loeb (Rob- bins, 1939, 220; Loeb, 1915, 302, 1916, 23, 303, 1917, 304, 305, 1918, 306, 1924, 24) and Louis Knudson (Knudson, 1916, 168, 1919, 100 ; Knudson and Smith, 1919, 169), simultaneously and inde- pendently carried out similar work with compar- able results (Robbins, 1922, 57). His method dif- fered from Kotte's chiefly in the use of yeast extract in place of Liebig's meat extract. Rob- bins (1922, 177) and his colleague, Maneval (Robbins and Maneval, 1923, 59, 1924, 258) carried their work somewhat further than did Kotte and, by using subcultures, succeeded in maintaining cultures for some 20 weeks. But in every series, there set in a gradual diminution in growth rate and all cultures were ultimately lost. The results seemed to suggest that some unknown material The History of Plant Tissue Culture 33 not present in the nutrient might be essential for continued growth. The work was dropped and was not resumed by Bobbins for another decade. Somewhat analogous studies were made by Cham- bers in 1923, 43, 44, Mayer in 1929, 138, Heidt in 1931, 50, and Malyschev in 1932, 53, 54. The ideas originally outlined by Haberlandt and given their first really encouraging investigation by Kotte and Robbins, passed then to other hands and have seen considerable fruition since 1930. Progress since that date has been largely under the leadership of two workers, in France and in the United States. Gautheret (Fig. 11), a stu- dent of Guilliermond and disciple of Molliard, carried out a great many investigations in the field of "plant tissue cultures" in the years 1930-1940. Studies similar to those of Kotte with excised root tips were without marked success (Gautheret, 1932, 48, 1933, 49, 95, 96, 1935, 15, 1937, 242, 1939, 97). But simultaneous studies using cambium from large trees were much more promising. He succeded in growing cambium tissues for con- siderable periods (Gautheret, 1934, 67, 1935, 15, 1937, 68, 1938, 69, 70, 1939, 71, 72, 1940, 73), in pro- ducing in vitro grafts (1935, 15, 1937, 16), and in learning a great deal about the nutrient require- ments of such tissues. With the work of his com- patriot Nobecourt (Nobecourt, 1937, 74, 1938, 75, 34 Plant Tissue Culture 76, 1939, 77; Nobecourt and Dusseau, 1938, 311), and with White's (Fig. 12) independent work in America, these studies have led to the first really successful prolonged cultivation of undifferenti- ated plant tissues (White, 1939, 78, 333) . At about the same time that Gautheret's work was initiated, the author of this volume, under the influence of Dr. and Mrs. Warren H. Lewis and of the late Profes- sor Duncan S. Johnson, began at the Johns Hopkins University an intensive study of the whole prob- lem of plant tissue cultures. The methods of ap- proach finally adopted as most promising, al- though developed independently, came to resem- ble superficially those of Kotte and Bobbins on the one hand and of Gautheret on the other (White, 1931, 32, 1932, 63, 89, 1933, 64, 116, 141, 142). These studies led in 1934 to the first prolonged cultivation of excised roots (White, 1934, 65), to the development of satisfactory synthetic culture media in 1937 (White, 1937, 141, 143, 144, 180, 181, 231, 1939, 182, 1940, 172, 173, 232), and to the pro- longed cultivation of undifferentiated plant tis- sues in 1939 (White, 1939, 78). The work of Bon- ner (Bonner, 1937, 198, 1938, 199, 1940, 201; Bon- ner and Addicott, 1937, 42), Fiedler (1936, 45), Galligar (1934, 46, 1936, 166, 1938, 167, 1939, 47), Marotto (1935, 55, 1936, 56), Loo and Loo (1935, 216, 1936, 217), and others, and recent studies of The History of Plant Tissue Culture 35 Bobbins and his coworkers on excised roots (Rob- bins and Bartley, 1937, 170, 222, 223; Robbins, Bartley, and V. B. White, 1936, 58; Robbins and Schmidt, 1938, 60, 1939, 61, 224, 225 ; Robbins and V. B. White, 1936, 62) stem largely from these studies of 1930-1934. It is this work since 1930 which forms the basis for the present volume. The field is still too new to be frozen into definite patterns. This account merely attempts to bring it as nearly up to date as possible and to make the present techniques available to students of the field. Summary The history of plant tissue culture has been a long and tenuous one. It may be conveniently divided into four periods: 1834-1900 — The con- cept of cellular totipotency and its demonstration by cultivation of single cells was implicit in the fundamentals of the "cell theory" but was neither clearly expressed as a distinct concept nor sub- jected to experimental test during this period. 1900-1922 — The idea of tissue cultures was out- lined for the first time in its broad aspects by Haberlandt in 1902 and was first put into practice, with animal tissues, by Harrison in 1907 and by Burrows and Carrel in 1910. Efforts aimed at the establishment of similar cultures of plant tis- sues were fruitless until 1922 when Kotte and Rob- 36 Plant Tissue Culture bins independently cultivated excised root tips for brief periods. 1922-1934 — The method as out- lined by Kotte and Robbins was still far from fully successful, and the period from 1922 to 1934 was again one of largely unsuccessful attempts in a great many different directions. 1934—1939 — In 1934 White and Gautheret gave a new impetus and orientation to the subject, White by demon- strating the possibility of growing isolated roots for unlimited periods in vitro, Gautheret by dem- onstrating the possibility of obtaining in vitro growth of fragments of cambium. The period 1934 to 1939 was one of rapid expansion of the field, of perfecting the nutrients and culture con- ditions, and of gradual establishment of the tech- nique on a firm basis. This was capped in 1939 by White's, Nobecourt's, and Gautheret 's indepen- dent demonstration of the possibility of growing undifferentiated tissues for unlimited periods and by White's demonstration of experimental control of differentiation in such cultures. * William J. Robbins, 1890- . Director, The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx Park, New York City. Simultaneously and independently from Kotte, cultivated excised root tips for the first time for limited periods in artificial media. Student of the vitamin requirements of plants. The author regrets that Dr. Robbins has requested that his portrait be omitted from this series. The History of Plant Tissue Culture 37 / tf Fig. 10. Walter Kotte, . Reg. Bot., HauptsteUe fur PflanzenschutZj Augustenberg, Post Grotzingen, Baden, Germany. Simultaneously and independently from Bobbins* cultivated excised root tips for the first time for limited periods in artificial media. :;s Plant Tissue Culture Fig. II. Roger J. Gautheret, L910- . Charge de eours, Faculty ilrs Sciences, Paris, Prance. First to cultivate, bide pendently from White, undifferentiated planl tissues in vitro for unlimited periods, student of the nutrition and behavior of ex- cised planl tissues, especially cambium. The History of Plant Tissue Culture 39 Fig. 12. Philip R. White, 1901- . Associate, The Rocke- feller Institute for Medical Research, Princeton, N. J. First to cultivate root tips and, independently from Gautheret, undiffer- entiated plant tissues in vitro for unlimited periods. Student of the nutrition and morphogenesis of excised plant tissues. 40 Plant Tissue Culture Pig. 13. Roots of tomato (left), white clover (center), and red clover (right) grown in culture for ten or more passages. (From White, I". R. 1938. Am. .). Hot. 25: 352, tig. 10, 66.) 42 Plant Tissue Culture "AXka 8i «f &>v Tavra. <£Xoios fiiXcw prjrpa 6a a ?xet P-MrPav- iravra 8' opoLoptpfj. nal ra Tovraiy 8e in vpoTtpa ical if dv Tavra, vypov U 4>\of/ aapf apxai yap avrai. irXrjv el ns \eyoi t&s twv proixeiuiv Swapeis, avrai 8e KOival irdvrusv. 17 pev ovv crixrla Kai 77 6\rj rovrois. "Again there are the things of which such parts (root, stem, leaf) are composed, namely, bark, wood, and core (in the case of those plants which have it), and these are all 'composed of like parts.' Further, there are the things which are even prior to these, from which they are derived — sap, fibre, veins, flesh ; for these are elementary substances — unless one should prefer to call them the active principles of the ele- ments ; and they are common to all parts of the plant. Thus, the essence and entire material of plants consists in these." Theophrastus. Enquiry into plants. I. II. I. Translation by Sir Arthur Hort. Loeb Classical Library. G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1916, +5 3. Chapter III THE LIVING MATERIALS In the chapter on the history of plant tissue cul- ture, data were presented on a long series of at- tempts to grow excised plant tissues. Most of these attempts failed ; a few were successful. If plant tissues are classified according to their ob- served usefulness as culture material, it becomes immediately obvious that all of the tissues which have given promise of being grown satisfactorily, with the single exception of Schmucker's uncor- roborated report (1929, 110) on leaf-mesophyll cells, have been meristematic tissues. With this single exception, all "mature" tissues have failed. This is not to say that they are all incapable of growth. But available evidence seems to indicate that, when a meristematic function is resumed by cells at any point in the plant body, as in the case of healing internal wounds, these cells are for the most part not truly mature (Schilling, 1915, 321, 1923, 322 ; Jaeger, 1928, 298) . The medullary ray parenchyma, phloem parenchyma, pith cells in general, pericycle and endodermis, and cortical parenchyma are known to retain their meriste- 44 Plant Tissue Culture matic capacity throughout most of the life of the plant (tTlehla, 1928, 115; MacDougal, 1926, 307; MacDougal and Shreve, 1924, 445; Sinnott and Bloch, 1941, 324). Epidermal tissue does so ordi- narily for somewhat shorter periods (Nay lor, 1931, 308 ; Naylor and Johnson, 1937, 309 ; Naylor and Sperry, 1938, 310), while such cells as tri- chomes, guard cells, xylem fibers, etc., retain this capacity for only very brief periods (Haberlandt, 1913, 294, 1914, 295, 1919, 245, 296, 1920, 297, 1921, 354), because of mechanical modifications if for no other reason. It is probable that means may ulti- mately be found for obtaining cultures from most living, nucleated cells. But the initial work in any discipline is quite properly concentrated on the easier materials available and the less promising ones may well await the establishment of more adequate techniques. Kecent work in this field has, therefore, been concentrated on the meri- stems. Plant meristems can, for the most part, be clas- sified in three main groups, leaving a rather large residue of those more difficult to classify. The fertilized egg is, of course, the meristematic cell par excellence, since there can be no question about its fundamental totipotency. It is, how- ever, an extremely delicate "organism," (Fig. 20) normally hedged around by all sorts of protec- The Living Materials 45 tions against mechanical and chemical shocks, provided with very special and obscure nutrition, and requiring considerable manipulation for its excision. Hannig (1904, 81), Stingl (1907, 85), Dietrich (1924, 79), Essenbeck u. Suessenguth (1925, 80), White (1932, 89), Tukey (1933, 86, 1934, 87, 1938, 328), Werckmeister (1934, 88), LaRue (1936, 82), LaRue and Avery (1938, 83), Razdorskii (1938, 84), and others have grown ex- cised embryos of more or less advanced stages of development, but egg cells have apparently not yet been cultured. It is probable that the difficul- ties involved can be overcome. Indeed, Tukey 's results with older embryos of stone-fruits indicate considerable progress. However, since the culti- vation of such embryos, as practiced, results in entire plants which differ in no wise from plants obtained from viable seed by the more usual meth- ods, such cultures are likely to prove of value only in special cases. Noteworthy among these are the fairly numerous cases where viable embryos are initiated but where, for one reason or another, endosperm is not developed so that the embryos die of starvation. Such was the case with Tukey 's hybrid peaches (1933, 86) and with the Musa semi- nifera studied by White (1928, 332). Similar "physiologically sterile" plants have been re- ported in the literature on numerous occasions. 46 Plant Tissue Culture The embryo itself, even up to a fairly late stage of development, is largely or entirely made up of undifferentiated cells. Indeed, in the orchids, Peperomias, and many other plants there is little or no morphological differentiation evident in the Fig. 14. Longitudinal section of seed of Peperomia hispidula showing the mature but completely undifferentiated, few-celled embryo. (From Johnson, D. S. 1914. Am. J. Bot. 1: 396, fig. 100, 444.) The Living Materials 47 embryo at the time the seeds are "ripe" (Johnson, 1912, 444). (Figs. 14, 15.) It is, therefore, pos- sible to cut an embryo into bits and grow any one of these fragments. But, as Smith (1907, 325), Molliard (1921, 106), LaRue (1936, 82, 104), Dau- phine (1929, 94), and others have shown, even in the embryo there are some regions having a greater proliferative capacity than others, an ob- servation which agrees with that established in animal embryology. Cotyledons will usually re- generate easily (Molliard, 1921, 106; Behre, 1929, 275). Roots can be counted on to grow as roots, but means of inducing them to develop leaves have, with rare exceptions (especially among the Compositae) (Fig. 16), not yet been found. Hypocotyl is in general still more refractory, E< Fig. 15. Detail of endosperm and embryo of Peperomia hispi- dula. This is an ideal type of material for the study of embryo differentiation after germination. (From Johnson, D. S. 1914. Am. J. Bot. 1: 396, fig. 110, 444.) 48 Plant Tissue Culture while the epicotyl and plumule tend to form roots and develop into normal plants without serious difficulty. Thus, even in the embryo there is the beginning of an apparent loss of totipotency, a segregation of function which is marked in the root, somewhat less in hypocotyl and cotyledon, and lacking in epicotyl and plumule. As the embryo grows into a plant, there is a pro- gressive maturation of some tissues so that, ex- cept for "juvenile" cells like the medullary ray parenchyma scattered through the plant body, there are segregated certain meristematic re- gions which carry on the function of prolifera- tive growth (Priestley, 1928, 314; Priestley and Swingle, 1929, 316 ; Jaeger, 1928, 298) . These re- gions are: the terminal growing points of roots and stems, the lateral meristems designated as cambiums and phellogens, and intercalary meri- stems in the procambial region, at the base of the internodes in grasses and lianes and at the base of some leaves or, as in Camptosorus, near the tips of leaves. The intercalary meristems require considerable manipulation for their excision and therefore suf- fer rather severe injury. Scheitterer (1931, 109) had slight success with the intercalary meristem of grasses, and none of those of lianes have been cultivated although they should be fairly easy to The Living Materials 49 work with. The only intercalary meristem which has been successfully grown is that from the pro- cambial region of tobacco (White, 1939, 78). If the procambial tissues of fairly succulent plants such as tobacco or squash are carefully excised under aseptic conditions (see later) and placed on a nutrient substratum, proliferation will occur, the newly formed callus tissue can be removed from adherent non-proliferating medullary ele- ments, and a rapidly growing "pure-line" callus culture will result which can be propagated in series indefinitely. This is one of the most im- portant types of culture obtained to date and will be discussed in more detail later (Fig. 18). If, moreover, the cambium is taken from peren- nial plants having secondary thickening, and for this purpose trees of fairly good size offer fewer mechanical difficulties than do smaller plants, and is placed on a nutrient, a similar proliferation occurs, the product of which can be treated in the same manner (Gautheret, 1934, 67, 1935, 15, 1937, 68, 1938, 69, 70, 1939, 71, 72, 1940, 73). When es- tablished in culture, it behaves much as do cul- tures derived from procambium. Gautheret has been especially successful with this type of cul- ture and has made a number of very interesting experiments therewith (Figs. 38, 64). The cul- tures of callus from carrot root, carried out by 50 Plant Tissue Culture Gautheret and Nobecourt (Nobecourt, 1937, 74, 1938, 75, 76, 1939, 77), may be considered as "cam- bium" cultures altbougb grown from root cam- bium rather than from stem cambium. Terminal meristems are of two types — stem tips and root tips. The plumule taken from the em- bryo is a stem tip and cultures of this region, taken from no matter what age of plant, behave in much the same way. They differentiate into normal organs ; if they become successfully estab- lished, they develop roots and subsequently be- have as entire plants. As grown to date, they thus offer little or no advantage for physiological studies over seedlings derived in the usual way. Hence, although excised stem tips have been grown with some success by Robbins (1922, 57), White (1933, 116), Avery and LaRue (1938, 237), Behre (1929, 275), and others, such cultures have not proved of great value to the tissue culture field and have not been pushed very far. Root tips, on the other hand, represent one of the most important types of material for tissue or organ cultures. If the tips of very young roots of any sort, from ungerminated embryos, seed- lings, old root systems, or adventitious roots pro- duced on cuttings, are obtained in an aseptic con- dition and are excised and placed in nutrient solu- tion or on a nutrient substratum, they will, if con- The Living Materials 51 Fig. 16. Root of dandelion grown in culture. Callus normally forms on roots of many composites on both distal and proximal ends of cut or injured segments (see paired nodules at the left). Leaves frequently develop from these calluses (upper left). This is in shari> contrast to the behavior of callus on plants which proliferate only at the distal ends of segments. .)!' Plant Tissue Culture Pig. 17. Tissues from sunflower. Left-hand column, fragments immediately after excision. Right-hand column, the same after two weeks mi nutrient agar. Top: wedge-shaped segment taken from .•in old stem, containing (left) cortex, (center) vascular tissue in eluding cambium, and ( righl i pith. Second row: transverse seg- ment from procambial region where nil parts are approximately equally meristematic. Third row: transverse segment from some wlint older stem. Proliferation is largely from the cambial ring. Bottom: transverse segmenl from an old stem. (From White. I\ l,\. and Braun, A. C. 1942. (•.•nicer Research 2: fig. :'.. Si The Living Materials 53 Fig. 18. Culture of undifferentiated callus from the hybrid, Nicotiana langsdorffiix X. glauea maintained for many passages in vitro on nutrient agar. (From White, P. E. 1989. Am. J. Bot. 26: 60, fig. 3, 78.) Fig. 19. Cultures of bacteria free crown-gall tissue from sun- flower, grown in vitro on nutrient agar. 54 Plant Tissue Cult are I \ .» s \ v v \ ' Pi ■ • •' • - --*% V \ \ Pig. 20. Young embryo of Portulaca oleracea with remnants of the embryo sac still adhering. If embryos of this and still younger stages can be grown, much may be learned of the factors involved in early embryo development. ( Prom White, P. K. L932. Arch, exp. Zellf. 1 1 : 610, fig. s, 89. | The Living Materials 55 ditions are right, grow normally. They main- tain for the most part their normal morphology, branching and extending in a regular way. The details of this morphology are characteristic for different species (Figs. 13, 21-24). There is, for example, a very marked and wide difference in degree of apical dominance (White, 1938, 66). In the mustard, Brassica nigra, apical dominance is extremely weak; as fast as branches are laid down, they grow with a vigor equal to that of the parent root so that an open network of rootlets is formed without definite outlines. Roots of clover, Trifolium repens (Fig. 13), on the other hand have a very marked apical dominance so that, even though many branches may be laid down, their increment is greatly retarded as com- pared with that of the original root and the growth habit is that of a well denned and very attenuate cone. The habits are thus roughly com- parable to those of the white oak (Quercus alba), on the one hand, and the white fir (Abies lasio- carpa), on the other. Such roots can be excised with a minimum of injury since the cross sectional area is small in proportion to the volume of even a comparatively short piece. They are meristematic for a consid- erable length and consequently can be counted on to grow with fair rapidity. They are naturally 56 Plant Tissue Culture immersed in a nutrient substratum (the soil solu- tion), the essential feature of which is a mobile liquid solution so that placing them in a liquid nutrient does not involve any marked change in their environment, provided the nutrient is suffi- ciently aerated in some way (Cannon, 1932, 240; Zimmerman, 1930, 270; Steward, Berry, and Broyer, 1936, 262; Hoagland and Broyer, 1936, 246). This substratum is, in nature, a fairly com- plex solution of salts, humic acids, and other sim- ple organic compounds. The major problem in duplicating the environment of a root is in pro- viding the equivalent of the organic materials ordinarily supplied by the parent plant, and a glance at the anatomy of a rapidly growing root shows that these materials, coming from the phloem, must travel for considerable distances by diffusion through other cells before they can reach the dividing cells themselves. It might, therefore, be anticipated that these organic materials would prove to be relatively simple substances, as indeed they have (see later). The problem of growing excised roots should, therefore, both from a me- chanical and a physiological point of view, be rela- tively simple. Kotte's (1922, 51, 52) and Robbins' (1922, 57) early work supported this supposition. Excised root tips have, in fact, served as the ex- perimental material par excellence for the pre- The Living Materials 57 liminary work in developing a tissue and organ culture technique, and practically all of the fun- damental steps in that development have been made first with root tips and only later applied to other tissues. Such roots are, in fact, very sensitive to differences in cultural conditions such as temperature, pH (White, 1932, 63), osmotic value (Bonner and Addicott, 1937, 42), concentra- tion and proportion of nutrient salts (White, 1933, 141, 1937, 143; Bonner and Addicott, 1937, 42), carbohydrate supply (White, 1932, 63, 1940, 172, 173), etc.; this sensitivity manifests itself either in change of growth habit (qualitative) or change in growth rate (quantitative). Growth rate can be measured quite accurately by any of a number of methods (see later), so that it is possible to follow the effects of relatively small differences in environmental conditions and to establish opti- mal ranges for these conditions. There remains a variety of meristematic re- gions which are more difficult to classify. The entire young flower, and particularly the ovary, is at first meristematic. This function is retained in some tissues for a long time. Wehnelt (1927, 230) and subsequently Bonner and English (1938, 342) have taken advantage of this fact in using the inner surface of bean pods as test-pieces for a study of the growth stimulating properties of 58 Plant Tissue Culture certain plant extracts (Fig. 35). White (1932, 89) and Moebius (1922, 105) have attempted to grow immature ovules and Tukey (1937, 114) and Borger (1926, 92) attempted to grow excised placental tissue without marked success. There are, in additon to these meristematic regions, cells scattered throughout the plant body, such as the medullary ray cells, the "xylem parenchyma" cells, the phloem companion cells, which retain a characteristic meristematic appearance long after the neighboring cells have "matured," and are capable of resuming growth when freed from the inhibitory effects of the neighboring tissues. Cells of the pith, of the cortex, of the epidermis, and other tissues may also, under special and at pres- ent little understood conditions, resume a meriste- matic function (Reiche, 1924, 369; Okado, 1920, 312; Wilhelm, 1930, 338; Winkler, 1902, 339; Sin- nott and Bloch, 1941, 324; Stingl, 1909, 326), but until a great deal more is known about them than at present they cannot be looked upon as satisfac- tory material for plant tissue cultures. The Living Materials 59 Summary Examination of the history of plant tissue cul- tures shows that only those tissues have so far been successfully cultivated which possess a fun- damentally meristematic character and do not have to undergo any major degree of de-differen- tiation. Plant meristems are, for the most part, of three main types. Apical meristems, particu- larly root tips, have been cultivated extensively and most of the details of technique have been developed through their study. Intercalary meri- stems such as cambium have also been successfully grown, as undifferentiated masses or with their differentiation experimentally controlled. Egg- cells and embryos, insofar as they have been grown in culture, have given rise to complete plants. Such cultures can be of importance in the study of the origin of form and function only insofar as the degree and direction of their dif- ferentiation can be controlled. Other tissues, such as young ovaries, placental tissues, etc., have been studied to a lesser degree and have in some cases proved useful for special purposes. The Living Materials 61 Fig. 21. White-clover root grown in vitro, showing the massive root-cap commonly formed on the roots of legumes. (From White, P. E, 1938. Am. J. Bot. 25: 352, fig. 11a, 66.) t\'2 Plant Tissue Culture Fig. Roo1 hairs from an excised tomato rool grown in vitro. mts. L938. ."•'J, fig. 19.) i Prom SeifriZj W., The Physiology of 1 The Li ring Materials 63 Fig. 23. Root hairs on roots of buckwheat grown in vitro. (From White, P. R. 1938. Am. J. Bot. 25: 349, fig. 4, 66.) 64 Plant Tissue Culture pIQ. 24. Roo1 of tomato (left) and buckwheal (right). White, P. R. L938. Am. J. Bot. 25: 349, fig. 2, 66.) ( From 66 Plant Tissue Culture "(My) room was generally hung round with Guts, stomachs, bladders, preparations of parts and drawings. I had sand furnaces, Calots, Glasses and all sorts of Chymical Implements. . . . Here I and my Associates often dined upon the same table as our dogs lay upon. I often prepared the pulvis fulminans and sometimes surprized the whole College with a sudden explosion. I cur'd a lad once of an ague with it, by fright. In my own Elaboratory I made large quantitys of sal volatile oleosum, Tinctura Metallorum, Elixir Proprietatis and such matters as would serve to put into our Drink." Diary of Mr. Wm. Stukeley, 1707, describing his rooms at Cambridge where he and his fellow stu- dent, Mr. Stephen Hales, planned and carried out some of the first real experiments in plant and animal physiology. US. Chapter IV THE LABORATORY The description of a laboratory given above is presented as an example, not an ideal ! The gen- eral requirements for a plant tissue culture lab- oratory are the same as those for any detailed micro-culture work: 1, facilities for the prepara- tion, sterilization, and storage of nutrients and for the cleansing of used equipment; 2, a place for the aseptic manipulation of tissue masses; 3, facilities for the maintenance of cultures under carefully controlled conditions; 4, facilities for examination and study of cultures in whatever ways may be desired, and 5, a place for the assem- blage and filing of records. It will seldom be possible to carry on all these procedures in a single room with any degree of effectiveness, but the degree of complexity introduced into the or- ganization of the laboratory will depend on the particular needs and the facilities available for any given work. The ideal organization would allow a separate room for each of the above pro- cedures— a media room, a transfer room, one or more culture rooms, a laboratory, and an office. (Compare Parker, 1938, 26.) (Fig. 25.) 68 Plant Tissue Culture The media room. The media room will ordi- narily be used for preparing and sterilizing of nutrients and equipment and probably also for the storage of extra supplies. If possible, it should be reserved for the preparation of nutrients and equipment for tissue cultures only, since sharing it with bacteriologists, mycologists, etc., involves definite risks of contaminations, both biological and chemical. There will be required: a good stove, an autoclave, a dry-sterilization oven, a refrigerator, a sink, a water still, tables and cup- rhell Mu QDesk I , OFFICE Files , ff 1 Table Microscope* o / w\ ~] 1 Shelv LAVATORY, Table Cupcoa rds & Bookcases \-~ ' ,.^~ Cupbd. Shelt Table ' 7=A ul"e \ Et |° \ Cupbdi 1 Shelfft CULTURE RM. Fig. 25. Plan for a suite of rooms designed particularly for use in the study of plant tissue cultures. The Laboratory 69 boards, and possibly an Arnold sterilizer. Gas, vacuum for use in filtering, compressed air for use in drying pipettes, etc., and extra water connec- tions and electric outlets should be provided. The stove, autoclave, and oven require no special com- ment. The sink should be of acid-proof vitreous material with vitreous piping, or should be kept thoroughly paraffined since a great deal of wash- ing in chromic acid cleaning solution will have to be done therein. It should be fairly large, with the faucets placed high enough to escape possible splashing from the sink. It has been found con- venient to place a broad shelf above the sink wide enough to take two 20-liter Pyrex carboys, one for single-distilled water, the other for double-dis- tilled water, and to drain graduates from a rack below the shelf. There should also be a draining rack for flasks and miscellaneous glassware. If distilled water is available as a laboratory service, it can be piped above the sink and replace the carboy of single-distilled water. Such a supply should not, however, be relied upon for water for making up solutions or for the final rinsing of glassware. For these purposes, water should al- ways be re-distilled in a special still installed in the media room. Where a laboratory supply of distilled water is not available, it will be necessary to have two stills, either separate or built in tan- 70 Plant Tissue Culture dem. The best procedure appears to be to start with ''tap water" from a spring or well (city water frequently contains chlorine which may pass over in the still and reappear in the product unless the condenser is properly vented). This should be treated with a softener and filter to re- move the greater amount of dissolved salts, oil from pumps, particulate matter, and other prod- ucts which might interfere with the efficiency of the first distillation. It should then be distilled with an ordinary well-vented still and should finally be passed into a second still, re-distilled, and the final product collected in Pyrex contain- ers. A block tin still of the "Precision" type, if properly handled, is quite satisfactory for the final distillation for all ordinary purposes. A Pyrex still can also be used. Distillation in quartz, silica, silver, or other special types of stills will seldom be necessary. Special precau- tions to insure removal of traces of particular ele- ments may have to be taken in special cases — thus, Pyrex can, of course, not be used for storage of water to be used in any critical experiments on the behavior of tissues towards boron, rubber tubing or stoppers should not be used in experi- ments with zinc or sulfur, and so on (Anion, 1938, 133; Arnon and Stout, 1939, 134, 135; Stout and Arnon, 1939, 140; Hoagland and Arnon, 1941, The Laboratory 71 137). With these points in mind, a satisfactory supply of water can be prepared. Salts must be accurately weighed. With the exception of the sugar (see later) which can be weighed on a coarse torsion balance in the media room, all weighings should be carried out in the laboratory room on high grade quantitative bal- ances. The actual preparation of media will be dis- cussed in a separate chapter and the glassware required will be listed there. Glassware must be kept scrupulously clean (Richards, 1936, 452). Carrel (see Parker, 1938, 26) boils his flasks in soap solution, rinses thor- oughly with water and then with 95 per cent alco- hol, and allows them to dry, after which they are dry-sterilized. Vogelaar and Erlichmann (1939, 457) recommend washing in a sodium pyrophos- phate solution. In this laboratory, it has been customary to wash all glassware after use in a sulfuric acid-potassium dichromate solution, made up without added water. The cleaning solution is kept in 3-gallon glazed crocks, such a crock being placed in one corner of the vitreous or well- paraffined sink. The flasks to be washed are first emptied and, if they contain any solid matter, this is rinsed out (Step 1 in the cleaning routine). They are then placed in the acid and allowed to 72 Plant Tissue Culture stand for a few minutes (Step 2). For ordinary routine washing of flasks used only for liquid nutrients, the time required to transfer 50 flasks from the draining table to the rinsing container (Step 4 in the washing routine) is usually long enough for flasks to stand in the acid. Flasks which have contained solid residues likely to stick to the walls should be left in acid over night. After standing the requisite time, the flasks are removed from the acid, using linemen's rubber gloves, are drained thoroughly into the crock, and are then placed on 18" X 24" enamel trays for further draining (Step 3). While they are drain- ing, a second batch of flasks can be immersed in the crock of acid. After thorough draining on the trays, the flasks are placed under running warm water for a few minutes (Step 4). It is important that all traces of bichromate be re- moved (Richards, 1936, 452). They are then rinsed thoroughly at least five times in running tap water, twice in single-distilled water, and finally once in double-distilled water, after which they are inverted in paper-lined metal trays and set aside to dry. Excess cleaning solution from the draining trays can be poured back into the crock at intervals. The acid should be replaced by fresh whenever it turns green and ceases to remove pencil markings on flasks without rub- The Laboratory 73 bing. Do not pour exhausted solution down the sink! It can be emptied in some waste place where it will do no serious damage. Nutrients will generally be made up in 4-liter, 10-liter, or 20-liter serum bottles (see later). A supply of graduates of various sizes, 125, 250, 500, and 1000 ml. Erlenmeyer flasks, 500, 1000, and 3000 ml. balloon flasks, test tubes, pipettes, etc., will be required for the preparation of different nutrients and should be kept in the media room. Both absorbent and non-absorbent cotton, a good grade of cheesecloth, heavy paper for wrapping glassware for dry-sterilization, cord, stones for sharpening instruments, etc., should also be pro- vided. Cotton plugs for flasks should be of non-ab- sorbent cotton and should be wrapped in cheese- cloth. This reduces the danger of plugs sticking to the mouths of the flasks, prevents loose fibers from falling into the flasks, and helps to preserve the form of the plugs. Plugs prepared in this way can be used repeatedly. It has been found best to cover each plugged flask with an inverted 50 ml. beaker to keep out dust and water of con- densation, else molds are likely to grow in the plugs and ultimately penetrate to the nutrient (Figs. 29-31). (See Tukey, 1934,57). Metal trays 13" X 21" X 3^" (Fig. 31) are of the proper dimen- 74 Plant Tissue Culture sions to hold forty 125 ml. Erlenmeyer flasks, and three such trays of flasks can be placed simul- taneously in a 20-inch autoclave. Shelves should be provided of proper depth to hold these trays where nutrient can be stored after sterilization. The transfer room. This is perhaps the most important room in the laboratory. A good trans- fer room is absolutely essential for satisfactory tissue culture work. For very simple manipula- tions, a low bacteriologist's hood may suffice, but for any extensive work a special room is essential, and, since the conditions required differ somewhat from those in a pathological laboratory, it should, if possible, be reserved for this work alone. Rob- bins, and Lewis use plywood chambers about 4'6" X 5'6" X 7'6", provided with air filters, elec- tricity, and gas. The ideal transfer room should be an inside room, without windows. Windows always leak, no matter how well built, so that a marked increase in contaminations in a room pro- vided with them always occurs in windy weather. Light from windows is also very irregular. The temperature drop across a window, moreover, sets up convection currents within the room. These annoyances are eliminated by using an inside room. It should have no special heating unit, since such a unit is also a source of convection currents. A well designed air-conditioning outfit The Laboratory 75 with proper filters and correctly placed outlets will provide adequate aeration and temperature control. A room about 8 X 10 ft. with 8 ft. ceiling is an excellent size. The lighting should be dif- fuse, preferably through a broad skylight supple- mented by properly placed indirect lamps. Cup- boards with tight, sliding doors may be built into the walls, but there should be no fixed furniture in the room and all wall surfaces, doors, etc., should be designed so as to reduce to a minimum the possibility of dust accumulating. Outlets for electricity, compressed air, vacuum, and water should be provided. There should be a sink built into a flush hood at one end of the room. A movable table and stools should be provided. The walls and ceiling should be of washable tile or enamel and, as Carrel (see Parker, 1938, 26) has pointed out, a dark gray color is best since it reduces reflections and the mental distractions which lighter-colored surfaces always impose. Provision should be made for washing the air of the room with a series of water sprays or steam jets so as to remove any spores which may get in when the room is opened. A transfer room for plant tissue cultures should not contain gas outlets. Gas is extremely toxic to plant materials and unburned gas may easily be occluded in the culture flasks if the mouths are 76 Plant Tissue Culture flamed (Saeger, 1933, 261). Cotton plugs char, and bits of charred cotton falling into flasks of nutrient may vitiate the results of nutrition experiments. Cotton itself contains significant quantities of thiamin (Schopfer et Rytz, 1937, 226). With rare exceptions, the custom of flam- ing the mouths of tubes and plugs is a pernicious hocus-pocus. Flasks which are properly handled and plugged and are capped to keep out dust and water of condensation will remain sterile for months without flaming. Instruments can be ade- quately sterilized in boiling water. If needles for bacteriological studies must be flamed, this can be done quite satisfactorily in a small alcohol flame without the hazards involved in the use of gas. The use of gas around a plant tissue culture labo- ratory should be reduced to a minimum. The culture rooms. The details of culture rooms, laboratory, and office will, of course, be modified to meet the needs and facilities of indi- vidual workers. Facilities for accurate control of temperature, illumination, and humidity, and experimental comparison of different levels of these factors are desirable. Since plant tissue cultures are extremely sensitive to temperature fluctuations (White, 1932, 63, 1937, 265, 266) and have an optimum temperature only slightly above room temperature (about 27°-30° C), it is impor- The Laboratory 11 tant that even the room used for routine stock cultures be air-conditioned, with faciilties for cooling in extremely hot weather. Cultures main- tained in an ordinary laboratory room without such control show a marked seasonal variation in growth rate (Fig. 26) (White, 1937, 265) and may, in extreme weather, suffer serious injury. The experimental culture room should be pro- vided with plenty of table space or, alternatively, with table-height wall benches, since most experi- mental cultures must be examined at frequent intervals and must be easily accessible. Stock cultures can be kept on shelves, since they do not need to be handled. The laboratory. Like the culture room, the laboratory must be adapted for the particular type of problem in view. A complete laboratory should contain facilities for chemical analyses, a good hood, balances, drying ovens, equipment for preparation of sections and slides and their ex- amination, equipment for special types of experi- ments such as respiration apparatus, facilities for glass-blowing, etc. Gas outlets for use in connec- tion with plant tissue culture work should, where possible, be restricted to this room and the media room. There should, of course, be adequate cup- board space for chemicals. The office. Every man has his own ideas of 78 Plant Tissue Culture 3annno a3d ww The Laboratory 79 how an office should be arranged, so that that need not be treated in detail here. What has been outlined above is approximately an ideal suite. Most setups will, of course, fall short of this ideal, but that need not detract from the quality of the work done so long as the prob- lems attacked are restricted to those for which the available equipment is adequate. Good work has been done in many a garret. But it must be remembered that the garret is usually the birth- place of sciences, not their adult milieu. Jacques Loeb's tumblers and finger bowls would hardly have sufficed for the determination of particle shape of virus molecules. Most of the equipment used in preparing and maintaining plant tissue cultures — glassware, im- plements, etc. — are the same as those available in any good microbiological laboratory, so that they need only be enumerated. There are, how- ever, a few items not so likely to be found in the average laboratory. Glassware. Graduates, pipettes, Erlenmeyer flasks, balloon flasks, beakers, Stender dishes, watch glasses, test tubes, hollow ground slides, cover slips of various sizes and shapes, burettes, etc., are, of course, stock necessities. Most cul- tures of both roots and callus can best be main- tained in 125 ml. Erlenmeyer flasks. These can 80 Plant Tissue Culture be handled far more easily than test tubes (which require special sloped racks), they present a larger space in which to work when dissections are to be performed on the cultures, they will stand on an ordinary table without rolling, and they are easily cleaned. They do occupy consid- erable space. Special flasks such as Carrel flasks f b C D E =c*= ?:1 f.j.r.1 / *•■ . \ (. o ) A !■*-- *-7mm» ■ 1 5mm *-►•!. i i i i ! 1 -75mm — -j Zbmn Fig. 27. Diagram of a special, pierced slide found particularly satisfactory for hanging-drop cultures of plant tissues. A, tissue fragment. B, drop of nutrient. C, square 22 x 22 mm. No. 1 cover glass on which culture is made. D, small 7x7 mm. No. 0 cover (square or round) held on lower surface of nutrient by capillarity providing a flat lower as well as upper surface to the drop. E, square 22 x 22 mm. No. 2 cover glass closing the bottom of the chamber. The Laboratory 81 appear not to have any considerable advantages for plant tissue cultures. If test tubes are to be used — as may be desirable in some experiments — the 1" X 6" size is the most useful (Fig. 29). Two special pieces of glassware have been found extremely useful. The first is the Maximow em- bryological watch glass (Maximow, 1925, 420). This has a cemented plate-glass bottom which offers an optically flat surface far superior to the pressed type in common use, especially for fine dissections under the binocular. Those with the beveled wall to the cavity are more easily cleaned than those with a straight up-and-down wall. This same property of optical flatness is often like- wise important in the slides used for hanging- drop cultures. This requirement may be met in several ways. The glass Van Tiegham cell can be used. Dr. Warren Lewis places low brass rings dipped in paraffin on ordinary slides and cements the inverted cover slips to these. A still better method is to use special 3 mm. thick slides, each of which is pierced with a 10-12 mm. hole. Short pieces of thin (1 mm.) slides are cemented to both top and bottom of these, at both ends, leaving a space 25 mm. long in the center, surrounding the hole, free. A 22 mm. square No. 2 cover slip is fastened with vaseline to the bottom of the slide in this space, forming a circular chamber with a 82 Plant Tissue Culture thin flat bottom. The cover slip carrying the cul- ture is then inverted over the chamber. This chamber is optically flat. It can be opened either by removal of the culture or, if access to the cul- ture is desired without disturbing it, as for micro- manipulation, the chamber can be opened from below by sliding out the first cover glass. Because of the cemented-on strips at the ends of the slides, they can be stacked one on top of another or used freely on the microscope platform without danger of deranging the cultures. Pierced slides for this purpose can be obtained for about 30 cents apiece (Fig. 27). A special burette for filling flasks has been found useful. This will be discussed in the chap- ter on the preparation of nutrients. Implements. Scalpels, scissors, needles, for- ceps, platinum loops, etc., are standard equipment. For severing roots in the flasks, Bobbins uses a long-handled scalpel made by spot-welding a chip of razor blade to a wire held in a transfer loop handle. A surgeon's nasal scissors of the Gruene- wald or Heymann type is, for many types of dis- section, still more satisfactory. It is of just the right length to reach to the bottom of a 125 ml. Erlenmeyer flask, does not require a wide space for manipulation as do iridectomy scissors, will cut cleanly even against considerable resis- The Laboratory 83 tance (a point of importance in operating on woody cultures), and is generally very efficient. For working in very large flasks, cystoscopic scissors may be desirable, but will be needed only in special cases. Scalpels have, in general, been found not very satisfactory (Fig. 28). As has been pointed out elsewhere, it is not desirable to have gas in the transfer room. Most implements are best sterilized by boiling. This may be done in a surgeon's sterilizing pan or on an ordinary hot plate. A very satisfactory method is to place a one-liter stainless steel beaker of distilled water, heated with a Westinghouse immersion heater such as is sold to traveling sales- men for heating shaving water, on the operating table. The instruments may be kept immersed in this when not in actual use. In making transfers usually two needles or loops are employed, one being kept in the boiling water at all times. With this precaution, bacterial or fungus contamina- tions are almost never carried from one flask to another (Figs. 29, 30). For flaming flasks, tubes, or needles in special cases as, for example, when it is necessary to pour nutrient from one flask to another, an alcohol lamp may be provided. 84 Plant Tissue Culture Summary Ideal facilities for plant tissue culture work should include a media room for the preparation of nutrients and equipment, an operating and transfer room for the preparation of cultures, one or more culture rooms for the maintenance of cul- tures under accurately controlled and systemati- cally manipulated environmental conditions, a laboratory for the study and analysis of nutrients and cultures and for chemical and physical tests, and an office for the study and filing of experi- mental records. Little special equipment is required other than that to be found in any good microbiological laboratory. The Lab orator// 85 Fig. 28. Implements commonly used in plant tissue culture work. From left to right : spiral loop used for transferring large callus cultures intact; platinum spatula for transferring small cul- tures; loop for transferring small roots, callus cultures, and sus- pensions of bacteria, yeasts, etc.; hooked wire used by Bobbins to transfer small pieces of roots; loop used in transferring root seg- ments a centimeter or more in length; two types of scalpels with replaceable blades, suitable for dissecting callus cultures in situ and two smaller scalpels with fixed blades ; a surgeon 's ear-curette used for making initial isolations of procambial and other meriste- matic tissues from stems, galls, etc. ; glass spatula used for grinding tissues and making inoculations to leaves in the study of viruses in plant tissues; a surgeon's ear-and-throat scissor of a length suitable for cutting up root cultures in a 125-ml. Erlenmeyer flask. Above, two dissecting needles suitable for fine dissections, and two types of forceps. 86 Plant Tissue Culture ■j. iJC DC if CO — - 1 :. The Laboratory 87 Fig. 30. Procedure employed in cutting roots within their flasks, preparatory to transferring them to fresh nutrient. Fig. 31. Distributing nutrient to flasks. The tray to the opera- tor's left contains empty flasks which are filled from a semi-auto- matic burette and transferred to the tray to the right, to be plugged, capped, and sterilized. 88 Plant Tissue Culture Fig. 32. Method of obtaining sterile adventitious roots from cut- tings of tomato. Cuttings are suspended inside a glass cylinder lined with constantly wot blotting paper until roots develop. Pig. 33. Method id' excising adventitious roots from cuttings, for inoculation into sterile nutrient. Chapter V NUTRIENTS Unlike animal tissue cultures, plant tissue cul- tures have from the beginning been carried out in nutrients which are wholly or in major part syn- thetic. This is, of course, of great practical as well as theoretical importance. Nevertheless, it has come about as a matter of necessity rather than by deliberate intent. Animal tissue culture nutrients are for the most part made up of com- plex organic materials — embryo extract (Carrel, 1913, 190), blood plasma or serum (Harrison, 1907, 131; Erlichman, 1935, 147), peptic digests of fibrin (Baker, 1933, 183; Baker and Carrel, 1926, 184, 185, 1928, 187-189; Carrel and Baker, 1926, 191 ; Ebeling, 1921, 192, 1924, 193 ; Fischer and Demuth, 1928, 194), tissue broth and the like with, it is true, salt mixtures such as Ringer's (1886, 160), Tyrode's (1910, 161), Locke's (1895, 157-159), or other solutions (Drew, 1922, 145, 1924, 146 ; Lewis, M. R., 1916, 148 ; Lewis, M. R., and Lewis, W. H., 1911, 149-151, 1912, 152, 153; Lewis, W. H., 1921, 154, 1923, 155, 1929, 156; Vogelaar and Erlichman, 1933, 162, 1934, 163, 164, Nutrients 91 1936, 235, 1939, 165), added, but in which these synthetic adjuncts play only a secondary and ill- defined role. Little is really known about the ex- act constitution of such nutrients and, although they are quite satisfactory for their primary pur- pose of sustaining growth of isolated members, their preparation is largely a matter of rule-of- thumb. The successful use of such complexes by the animal tissue culturists antedated by many years the development of satisfactory plant tissue culture media. Attempts were, of course, made to utilize similar media for plant tissues but, as we have already seen, these attempts all failed, with the exception of the single unconfirmed piece of work by Schmucker (1929, 110). This failure has had as one consequence the forcing of investiga- tion into a different channel and the slow, tedious building up of a mass of information sufficient to permit the designing of nutrients made up of well- defined products of synthetic origin in place of the ill-defined organic broths and juices. Plant tissue culture nutrients contain four cate- gories of materials. These are, first, water ; sec- ond, inorganic salts; third, organic constituents; and sometimes, fourth, coagulating agents. Water. Since water makes up approximately 97 per cent of the mass of all nutrients, while some other ingredients are required in amounts repre- 92 Plant Tissue Culture sented by ten-thousandths of a per cent, the purity of the water used is of prime importance and can- not be overemphasized (White, 1932, 63, 1933, 141). ''Tap water" is, of course, worse than use- less in any critical studies on nutrition. Many laboratory supplies of "distilled water" are like- wise worthless, because of significant amounts of impurities of many sorts. These may range from traces of lead from improperly soldered joints in faucets to distillable petroleum-oil fractions com- ing from the pumps used in wells or pumping plants from which the ' * tap water ' ' is derived. In order to insure a truly pure supply, water should be first run through a softener and filter (see Chapter III), then distilled at least twice, and finally stored in vessels of hard glass or Pyrex. Carboys can be covered with inverted beakers to keep out dust or can be plugged with wads of clean cotton enclosed in well-boiled and rinsed cheese- cloth. Rubber stoppers should not be used, and care must be taken that water does not come in contact with cotton plugs. Salts. Plant tissues require for satisfactory growth at least eleven elements besides oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. These are calcium, potas- sium, magnesium, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc, boron, and iodine. While not essential, sodium and chlorine are to be con- Nutrients 93 sidered as not undesirable additions. These ele- ments are supplied in the form of inorganic salts (White, 1933, 141, 1937, 142, 143, 1938, 144 ; Berthe- lot, 1934, 136; Bobbins, V. B. White, et al., 1936, 139; Bonner and Addicott, 1937, 42). Because of the extremely minute quantities of some of these elements which are required and because of the toxic effects which very small traces of other ele- ments may exert, it is essential that the salts used be of the greatest possible purity. For stock nutrients, the "C.P. Grade" products of most reliable manufacturers are satisfactory, but for critical studies it may be necessary to prepare specially purified salts. Methods of purification for particular purposes, by recrystallization or by other means, have been developed and are to be found in the literature of plant nutrition (see Arnon, 1938, 133 ; Anion and Stout, 1939, 134, 135 ; Stout and Arnon, 1939, 140). Detailed procedures for any given problem will have to be chosen with the particular exigencies of that special problem in mind. Procedures used in the preparation of nutrients will be considered later. Organic materials. The organic materials re- quired for the nutrition of plant tissue cultures fall into four main groups : carbohydrates, vita- mins and hormones, amino-acids and other simple nitrogenous substances, and organic complexes of the tissue broth type. 94 Plant Tissue Culture Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates make up from 0.5 per cent to 10 per cent of the mass of nutrients. They serve two main purposes: as sources of energy for the maintenance of the various living processes in the growing tissues, and as osmotic agents. Apparently the first of these, as energy source, is their major role, for nutrient solutions which have proved satisfactory for plant tissues, in marked contrast to animal tissue culture nutri- ents, are seldom isotonic with the tissues them- selves. The osmotic value of the nutrient seldom exceeds 2 atmospheres for a tissue having an "osmotic value" of 5 to 10 atmospheres (Thiel- man u. Berzin, 1927, 263). This discrepancy may be more apparent than real, since the "osmotic value" usually given for plant tissues is the plasmolytic value and may be greatly in excess of the true osmotic value of the protoplasm itself (Bennet-Clark, Greenwood and Barker, 1936, 238; Mason and Phillis, 1939, 446). That the major role of the carbohydrate is nutritional rather than osmotic is further indicated by the fact that spe- cific carbohydrates, not carbohydrate per se, are required. Glucose and fructose have been em- ployed in some media, particularly those used for the cultivation of tissues of monocotyledonous plants, but with results which have not been en- tirely satisfactory (Kotte, 1922, 51, 52; Robbins, Nutrients 95 1922, 57 ; Robbins and Maneval, 1923, 59 ; Robbins and V. B. White, 1937, 178; Malyschev, 1933, 53, 54; White, 1932, 63, 1940, 172, 173). Mannose, galactose, etc., have also been tested. There is some evidence that galactose may be quite toxic (White, 1940, 173). This unsatisfactory behavior of the monosaccharides may be due in part to the difficulty in purifying them adequately (Robbins and Bartley, 1937, 170; Robbins and Schmidt, 1939, 61). All commercial preparations of mono- saccharides, even the best ' ' C.P. Grade, ' ' contain varying amounts of impurities which may be in- jurious. They are also relatively unstable to heat and cannot be autoclaved with impunity (Thiel- man, 1938, 171). Fortunately, the much more easily purified and more stable disaccharide, su- crose, is a completely satisfactory carbohydrate for all plant tissues which have so far been grown suc- cessfully (White, 1934, et seq., 65, 66, 78, 172, 173; Fiedler, 1936, 45; Robbins and Bartley, 1937, 222; Robbins and Schmidt, 1938, 60; Thielman, 1938, 171). Although maltose, brown sugar (Robbins and Schmidt, 1938, 60, 1939, 224), and even dextrin (White, 1940, 173) have given excellent results in some experiments, their beneficial effects above those of sucrose are to be attributed to non-car- bohydrate impurities. There is to date no evi- dence that any sugar other than sucrose needs 96 Plant Tissue Culture to be employed. Sucrose crystallizes easily so that even the commercial sugar to be bought in every grocery store is usually as pure or purer than most "C.P. Grade" chemicals, though per- haps less reliable. The use of "C.P. Grade" is to be recommended for all critical studies, as a precaution. "C.P. Grade" sucrose usually con- tains some calcium and magnesium, but the quan- tities of these two elements required for normal growth of plant tissues are so high that the traces likely to come from the sugar are too small to be of probable significance. Its content of copper and zinc may possibly be significant. It does not appear to contain significant quantities of any of the vitamins known to be important for the activ- ity of plant tissues. (Compare Ebeling, 1914, 271, 1936, 174; Lewis, 1922, 175.) Vitamins and hormones. Four oligodynamic organic substances have been reported to be im- portant for the growth of excised plant tissues. Fortunately, all four of these substances are avail- able as synthetic products of high purity. The only universally necessary member of this group seems to be thiamin (vitamin Bx) (Bonner, 1937, 198, 199; Robbins and Bartley, 1937, 222, 223 ; White, 1937, 231 ; Gautheret, 1938, 69 ; Nobe- court, 1938, 75). Thiamin or its precursors have been shown to be essential for, or at least highly beneficial to, the growth of a great variety of plant Nutrients 97 parts. In some cases apparently either the thia- zole portion of the thiamin (Robbins and Bartley, 1937, 223) or both thiazole and pyrimidine (Bon- ner, 1938, 199, 1940, 201; Bonner and Buckman, 1938, 239) may be substituted for thiamin itself, and there appears to be some evidence that the thiazole can be replaced by certain complex sub- stituted pyridines, but no plant tissues appear to be able to maintain themselves for long without some source of thiamin activity. In many types of tissues, this requirement becomes evident in com- plete failure of the cultures if thiamin or thiazole is not included in the nutrient (Bonner, 1937, 198, 1938, 199; Robbins and Bartley, 1937, 222, 223; White, 1937, 231, 1939, 182 ; Bonner and Devirian, 1939, 205). Here the tissues are clearly unable to synthesize thiamin. In other cases, no growth failure may occur in the absence of an external source of thiamin, but thiamin may be recovered in increasing quantities from cultures grown for long periods, showing that the vitamin has been synthesized by the tissues in quantities sufficient to supply their growth requirements (Bonner and Devirian, 1939, 205; Nobecourt, 1940, 252; Mc- Clary, 1940, 248). Nicotinic acid appears to be equally important for a somewhat smaller number of plants such as legumes (Bonner, 1938, 200; Addicott and Bonner, 98 Plant Tissue Culture 1938, 197 ; Bonner and Axtman, 1937, 203 ; Bonner and Devirian, 1939, 205). These show a marked failure in the absence of a significant external source of nicotinic acid. Since no means of esti- mating nicotinic acid concentrations in small quan- tities of plant tissues is yet available, it is not yet possible to determine if those plant members which do not require an external source of nico- tinic acid may synthesize it in quantities sufficient to satisfy their needs. It is, therefore, not pos- sible as yet to say if all plant tissues require nico- tinic acid or not. It is only clear that most tissues do not require an external source and that a few tissues de require such a source. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is also clearly bene- ficial to many plant tissues. It has been reported to be necessary for satisfactory growth of roots of tomato (Robbins and Schmidt, 1939, 61, 224, 225 ; Bobbins, 1940, 202 ; Day 1941, 208 ; Bonner, 1940, 201). The evidence in support of this report is not conclusive and has been opposed by other evi- dence (White, 1940, 232). Certainly many plant tissues can dispense with all external sources of this vitamin. As with nicotinic acid, there is no evidence either for or against its synthesis by plant tissues. Indole acetic acid has been reported to benefit the growth of roots of maize (Geiger-Huber, 1936, Nutrients 99 214; Geiger-Huber u. Burlet, 1936, 215; Thielman u. Pelece, 1940, 227; Duhamet, 1939, 209), callus cultures from poplar and carrot (Gautheret, 1937, 211, 1939, 212, 1940, 213 ; Nobecourt, 1937, 74, 1938, 75, 1939, 77), and some other types of plant issue cultures (Fiedler, 1938, 45; Thimann and Skoog, 1940, 454) . It has also been shown to be produced by some roots (Thimann, 1936, 228; Nagao, 1936, 249, 1937, 250, 1938, 251 ; van Overbeek, 1939, 253 254 ; van Overbeek and Bonner, 1938, 255) . There is no evidence that it is necessary for such growth and considerable evidence to show that it may be highly injurious. Ascorbic acid, biotin, and other vitamins may likewise play an as yet undeter- mined role in the development of plant tissues. (Kogl u. Haagen-Smit, 1936, 358; Bonner and Bonner, 1938, 204 ; Duhamet, 1939, 209). Organic nitrogen. Amino-acids. Many plant tissues require, in addition to water, salts, carbo- hydrate, and thiamin or other vitamin, some source of organic nitrogen. This may be supplied in a variety of ways. Many plant tissues will thrive on a nutrient in which this need is met by the single amino-acid glycine (glycocoll) (White, 1939, 182). This is obtainable as a synthetic prod- uct of high purity and is to be recommended wher- ever its use will give satisfactory results. In other cases, it may be necessary to supply a more 100 Plant Tissue Culture complex source in the form of a mixture of a number of amino-acids (White, 1935, 179, 1937, 181 ; Bonner and Addicott, 1937, 42) . In that case, the synthetic acids should be used wherever pos- sible, or where they are not available amino-acids of the highest possible purity should be obtained. This must be emphasized because amino-acids of "natural" origin are likely to be themselves mix- tures. Thus, even the best commercial samples of leucine are known to contain considerable and highly significant amounts of methionine (Mueller, 1935,447). Organic complexes. All tissue culture media contain accessory organic (non-carbohydrate) ma- terial of some sort. The early nutrients included yeast extract (Robbins, 1922, 177; White, 1932, 63, 1934, 65, 1937, 180 ; Fiedler, 1936, 45), Liebig's beef extract (Kotte, 1922, 51, 52; White, 1932, 89), peptones (Robbins, 1922, 177), fibrin digests ( White, 1932, 89 ) , etc. ( See also Haberlandt, 1902, 98 ; Loo and Loo, 1935, 216, 1936, 217) . The use of thiamin, nicotinic acid, pyridoxine, the amino- acids, etc., is the outcome of a long and pains- taking study of these complexes and in most cases permits us to dispense with the more complex materials entirely. This has not always proved true, however, and it is frequently desirable, when a new tissue or a member taken from a previously Nutrients 101 unstudied species of plant is under investigation, to employ a complex source of organic adjuncts and only gradually to approach the simpler media. While peptone or fibrin proteose preparations (Fischer and Demuth, 1928, 194; Baker, 1933, 183) may sometimes be used with success, the complex of most uniform usefulness is yeast extract. Brewer's yeast is apparently superior to baker's yeast and the well known "Brewer's Yeast — Har- ris" has proved very satisfactory for this pur- pose. The standard procedure has been to weigh out 10 grams of dry "Brewer's Yeast — Harris" into a liter of distilled water, boil for one-half hour, then centrifuge, decant the supernatant, make up to one liter, divide into 50 ml. aliquots in Pyrex test tubes, and freeze at - 15° C. Ten ml. of this concentrate is sufficient to make one liter of complete nutrient (White, 1937, 180) (see later). In the frozen state this will keep indefi- nitely without deterioration. Fibrin digest may be prepared in a similarly concentrated form by use of pepsin or by bacterial digestion (Fischer and Demuth, 1928, 194). Coagulants. While most tissues grow satisfac- torily in liquid media, there are some circum- stances under which it is useful to provide a semi- solid substratum (see Bobbins, 1922, 57; Kotte, 1922, 51, 52; trlehla, 1928, 115; White, 1933, 64, 102 Plant Tissue Culture 1939, 78, 333 ; Fiedler, 1936, 45 ; Gautheret, 1935, 15, 1937, 68). It is, of course, desirable to keep the medium as nearly as possible of the same chemical constitution as are the liquid media. Two com- mon coagulants are available. Gelatin has been used by some workers. This requires a concen- tration of 10-20 per cent to maintain a satisfac- tory consistency, which introduces not only a con- siderable risk of chemical contamination but also a marked adsorption factor. Agar, on the other hand, will give satisfactory consistency at 0.75 per cent. Commercial agar is seldom free of soluble contaminants and must be thoroughly leached. Take 60 g. of finely shredded agar (the powdered forms are likely to contain a contami- nating "filler"), add 2 to 3 liters of distilled water, and set aside in a cool room. Change the water 3 times daily for a week. After thorough leaching, make up to the required volume with nutrient solution, melt, filter through cotton, and distribute to flasks or test tubes. These can then be auto- claved and set aside to cool. The preparation of nutrients. While there is already a considerable number of nutrients in use having slightly different constitutions, the pro- cedures used in their preparation will scarcely vary greatly in any important details. A stock example can, therefore, be given which can be con- Nutrients 103 sidered typical. The nutrient used in this labora- tory for all routine cultures at present (1942) has the following constitution: Salts Mg. /liter Mols. MgSO* 360.0 3x10-* Ca(NOs)2 200.0 1.2 x 10s Na2SO« 200.0 1.4 x 10^ KN03 80.0 8x10-* KC1 65.0 9 x 10-4 NaH-PCX • H20 16.5 9X10"5 Fe2(S01)3 2.5 6xl0-« MnS04 4.5 3.7 x 10-8 ZnSO, 1.5 9.4 x 10^ H3B03 1.5 1.2 x 10^ KI 0.75 4.5 x lO^7 Sucrose 2000.0 6 x 10-s Glycine 3.0 4xl0-« Nicotinic acid 0.5 4x10^ Pyridoxine 0.1 4.9 x 10"7 Thiamin 0.1 2.3 x 10 7 Osmotic value n - 1.8 atm. Since this nutrient is used in great quantity and must be made up at frequent intervals, it is not efficient to weigh out the separate constituents for each new set of nutrient. In practice only the sucrose and the iron are weighed each time, the first because any stock solution containing sucrose would ferment unless sterilized and kept sterile, the second because in solution Fe2(S04)3 rapidly oxidizes and precipitates. All the other constitu- ents are taken from concentrated stock solutions which will keep indefinitely. The inorganic stock solution is made up as fol- 104 Plant Tissue Culture lows: 20 g. Ca(N03)2, 20 g. Na2S04, 6.5 g. KC1, 8 g. KN03, 1.65 g. NaH2P04, 0.45 g. MnS04, 0.15 g. ZnS04, 0.15 g. H3B03, and 0.075 g. KI are dis- solved together in 8 liters of distilled water. 36 g. of MgS04 are dissolved in 2 liters of distilled water. The two solutions are then mixed slowly, stirring constantly. Some insoluble precipitate may form in the bottom of the bottle. The result- ing solution is stored in a dark bottle to prevent growth of algae. Ten liters of this solution are sufficient to make 100 liters of nutrient, taking 100 ml. for each liter of nutrient required. The stock solution of accessory organic mate- rials is made up as follows: Three grams of glycine, 500 mg. of nicotinic acid, 100 mg. of pyridoxine, and 100 mg. of thiamin are dissolved together in 1 liter of distilled water. This is pipetted into Pyrex test tubes in 10 ml. aliquots and stored in the icebox at - 5° C. A liter of this stock will make 1000 liters of nutrient, taking 1 * For callus only. **"Gelose" — presumably means agar, but is not so specified, 15, 72. t Extract of 100 mg. dried brewer's yeast (Harris). t Gautheret says merely : ' ' Knop solution, i strength, ' ' 72. Since there are many different formulae in use for ' ' Knop solution, ' ' this is indefinite. The concentrations given above correspond to a "i strength solution" of the "dilute formula" given by Palladin, 449, for use with young plants. The solution for mature plants is given with a concentration 5 times that of the "dilute" solution and 10 times the concentration given in this table. § Gautheret says: "Take 10 drops of Berthelot's solution to each liter of nutrient," 72. Assuming 20 drops = 1 ml., Berthelot's, 136, formula would give approximately the concentrations shown in this table. Nutrients 105 TABLE 1 Nutrients commonly used for cultivation of plant tissues White Bob- bins Bonner Gautheret *H ?> So .S od •i-t 3 Boots: tomato flower, etc. Callus: tobacc oots: radish, mustard, bu etc., 66 o 03 s o +3 on O o o 08 a o 03 o o OS of s CD O O 73 O o oots: wheat, etc., 15 O r— t 93 03 ■4-3 o M 03 « 00 03 fc m « m « M m G o Grams per liter Sucrose Dextrose Agar Glycine Yeast Vit. B1 Cystein-HCl I.A.A Nic. acid Vit. B6 Ca(N03)2 ... CaS04 MgS04 KN03 KC1 KH2P04 Na2S04 NaH2P04 KI Fe2(S04)s ... Fe-tart MnS04 ZnS04 H3BOa NiCL. CoCl2 Ti2(S04)3 ... CuS04 G1S04 H2S04 20 7.5* 20 20 20 20 20 20 15** 20 15** Milligrams per liter 3 0.1 0.5 0.1 200 360 80 65 200 16.5 0.75 2.5 4.5 1.5 1.5 lOOt 0.1 100 35 80 16.5 0.75 2.5 4.5 1.5 1.5 0.2 0.2 333 40 63 42 60 2.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 170 21 85 61 20 1.5 0.1 675 170 21 85 61 20 1.5 0.1 170 21 85 61 20 1.5 10 285* 72t" 72* 72* 72 1 20 1 0.4$ 1 10 0.01 285* 72 * 72* 72* 72* 20 * 6.4$ 20 13** 1 10 0.01 285* 0.2 72* 72* 72* 72* 20 * 0.4$ 0.2$ 0.02$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.8$ 0.01$ 0.02$ 0.0004$ 106 Plant Tissue Culture ml. for each liter of nutrient required. A com- parison of this nutrient with a number of others in common use is given in the accompanying table. A convenient experimental series includes 200 cultures requiring 10 liters of nutrient. Each cul- ture receives 50 ml. of solution. To prepare nutrient for such a series, 200 g. of sucrose are dissolved in 2 liters of double-distilled water. In 1 liter of water are dissolved 25 mg. of Fe2(S04)3- These are mixed, 1 liter of stock salt solution and 10 ml. of glycine-thiamin solution are added, and the whole is made up to 10 liters. This is then distributed to the culture flasks in 50 ml. aliquots, using a special semi-automatic measuring burette (Fig. 31) which greatly facilitates rapid ma- nipulation. For experimental nutrients (as dis- tinct from stock nutrients) where each liter differs from each other one in constitution, it is best to use graduates instead of burettes for this distri- bution. After all the flasks are correctly charged with nutrient, they are plugged with cheesecloth- covered non-absorbent cotton plugs, capped with inverted 50 ml. beakers, and sterilized. Sterilization. Most nutrients used for plant tis- sue cultures contain sucrose and are unaffected by autoclaving. The usual routine is to sterilize for 20 minutes at 18-20 lbs. pressure. It has been found convenient to place flasks of nutrient as soon as filled in galvanized iron trays 13" X 21" X 3£". Nutrients 107 Each tray holds forty 125 ml. Erlenmeyer flasks and three trays (120 flasks) can be sterilized at once in a 20-inch autoclave. They can then be con- veniently handled and stored without removing from the trays. While autoclaving is satisfac- tory for most nutrients likely to be used in plant tissue culture work, those containing dextrose are somewhat thermolabile and are better sterilized either in the Arnold type of sterilizer or by filtra- tion through Seitz filters or Berkefeld candles. These methods are all so thoroughly standardized in general microbiological practice that they need not be described here. Storage. Once sterilized, the stock nutrients will keep indefinitely aside from the gradual con- centration which results from evaporation. Be- cause of this last factor, it is best not to use nutri- ents that are more than a month old unless they have been stored in a moist room. Special nutrients. The details presented above apply specifically to the standard nutrient used for the maintenance of all stock cultures in this laboratory. This standard nutrient is employed in most nutrition experiments as a basis of com- parison designated as the control. Experiments involving the stimulatory or depressant effects of increased concentrations of standard ingredients or of materials not present in this nutrient can be set up merely by adding the required materials 108 Plant Tissue Culture Example 1 To study effects of various concentrations and combinations of thiamin and vitamin Be November, 1939 6 Final solution contains in addition to salts and sucrose, the following per liter Stock solution = 320 g. sucrose, 1600 ml. salt solution, 10 mg. Fe2(S04)s in 8 liters H20 Glycine solution = 300 mg. in 1 liter H20 Thiamin solution = 100 mg. in 1 liter H20 Pyridoxine solution = 100 mg. in 1 liter H20 Water Milliliters per liter 1 2 3.0 mg. glycine 0 1 mg. thiamin (Ba) 500 < < < « < i 500 < i ( i 1 1 500 < i 1 1 t ( 500 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 10 < i 1 1 « i 10 t i 1 1 1 1 1 < < « < 1 « < < < < i 10 30 10 3 1 30 10 3 1 30 10 3 1 490 499 3 4 5 6 1.0 mg. pyridoxine (B„) 3.0 mg. glycine + 0.1 mg. B2* + 3.0 mg. B9 3 0 mg. + 1.0 " ' ' 490 489 460 480 7 glycine + 0.3 ' ' " .. 487 g + 0.1 " " 489 9 10 + 3.0 mg. Be 0.1 mg. +1.0 " " 469 489 11 thiamin + 0.3 ' ' ' ' 496 12 + 0.1 " " 498 13 14 3 mg. + 3.0 mg. B„ glycine + 1.0 " ' ' 459 479 15 + 0.1 mg. +0.3 " " 486 16 thiamin +0.1 " " 488 Control. Nutrients 109 Example 2 To study effects of various concentrations of three iron salts May, 1940 o CO " d d a t3 2 ro . •rt S fl 60 II CO -+3 •i|l.s bi)'-1 00 a o d o •t-t sq 11 O o 8 ' r II oK gw © © ° f^.2 O DO 0> a. co a g II 5 d d o.S CO 3 CD ■rt a» 2 "S o o fl 5 += ^ "*" ° d § _r * 50 o 55 .a .2 CD .rH _T* *"3 d TS w re l. Eh re .ft 53 ft o 9 ■H+>B S re -a A 50 -fl o . +» m "3 & M .8 oo >L *" «5 rt GGrH 60 o CO n OH » — -*3 pHrH Oi iH « • O bo ga °d ^a W «0 u CD CO ] VTillilite rs per liter 1 500 500 2 0.6xl0-« MFe2(S04)3 < < 5 495 3 3.6 ' < < < < < 17 483 4 6.0 « < < < < < 50 450 5 36.0 « < << 1 1 167 333 6 60.0 ' < < < 1 1 500 7 0.6 « « Fe(N03)3 • 9H20 500 5 495 8 3.0 ' t t < 1 1 17 483 9 6.0 ' < < « 1 1 50 450 10 36.0 ' « < < 1 1 167 333 11 60.0 < i i t 1 1 500 12 0.6 ' ' FeCl3 • 6H20 500 5 495 13 3.6 « i it < t 17 483 14 6.0 ' ( 1 1 1 1 50 450 15 36.0 < t it 1 1 167 333 16 60.0 ' i 1 1 1 1 500 110 Plant Tissue Culture Oi CO OS ^3 J. si s ■to s •«» ■»- s o o Si 3 •ia^Ai 53 Ol Ol O) O Oi OO 00 05 O <35 CO GO CO CO CO <3> - OO ~ CO IS OOOOOOOOOOOOO 1—I1— 1 1— li— 11— 1 1— 1 1— li— It— li— 1 1— 1 1— t 1— 1 0 0 iH T-l ja^X x ui 'Sra ggt Eoa£H OOOOOOOOOOOO 1— It— 1 1— 1 1— li— 1 1— 1 1-1 1— li— 1 1— 1 r- li— 1 000 rtrlH aa^ix x ui 'Sui OSI fosuz OOOOOOOOOOO 1— 1 1— 1 1— (i— 1 1— 1 1— 1 1— li— li— 1 1— It— 1 OOOO I— 1 TH T— 1 T— 1 ld%l\ x ui 'Sin 0^^ OOOOOOOOOO 1— IriHHrii- 1 i—l 1— 1 1— t i—l OOOOO 1— ) rH 1— 1 1— 1 r-l ja;il x ui 'Stn OSS OOOOOOOOO 1— li— It— li— li— li— It— 1 1— It— 1 OOOOOO T-l T— 1 T— 1 T— 1 T— 1 T— 1 J9;H x ui '3 SS'I 'OcFHS OOOOOOOO t— It— It— It— It— It— It— It— 1 OOOOOOO T-l T— 1 I— 1 T— 1 T— 1 T-l T— 1 jo^iX x UT *3 S"9 IDS OOOOOOO IOOOOOOO t— It— It-It— It— It— It— 1 it— It— It-It— It— It— It— 1 EONM OOOOOO T-i T— 1 T— 1 I—l T— 1 T— 1 OOOOOOOO t— Ii-Ht— It— It— It— It— It— 1 ja^ x UT '3 S'S 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 i-l iH r-l iH OOOOOOOOOO T— It— It— It— It-Hi— It— It— It— It— 1 aa^il x ui -3 oi B(80tf)*Q OOOO rH t-l t-H 1— 1 OOOOOOOOOOO tHlHt— li-Hi- lt-li— It— It-It— 1 1 — 1 "l"1 00T ui 'Slu 01 mUTBiqj, i-H 1— 1 O if- li-Hr-li- IrHt-liHi-lt-li-i' ■ iH t— 1 iom x ui -Sin 008 9UI0ix£) 00 :ooooooooooo :o riH 1— It— li— It— It— It— It— It— li— It— It— 1 : rH 0*H 8J9*H 8 UT 's 0o 8 esoiong O : O B^OT^ UOI^n[OS l^UI^ ♦ b *- c y o4 m a .= > .= g •2 E- c s N ft a T* C X 19 * 'c ■J. 1 re PC a ) Glyc. and thiamin KNOa and KCl ... 'ON < — 03 w Tt ir ) tc > t> • oc c = r* e x t >c to Nutrients 111 either before or after sterilization. Experiments involving omission or reduction in concentration of the constituents of this nutrient itself (salts, sugar, thiamin, etc.) require the setting up of special nutrients. While this approach is familiar to all physiologists and experienced workers may have their own methods of preparing such nutri- ents, it seems desirable to outline briefly the simplified procedures developed here. Three ex- amples will be given. Each of the three sets of experiments outlined above involves a comparison of 16 different solu- tions, each provided in a quantity of one liter. Since 50 ml. of nutrients are used for each culture (see later), this provides 20 replications in each nutrient. By employing condensed records of this sort and simplified procedures, two men working together can easily make up nutrient for 15 or 20 sets of cultures in a half day, which is about the maximum that can be satisfactorily inoculated and measured in a day. Sets of 16 have been found most practical. Nutrients containing special ingredients not dis- cussed here may require special treatment which the individual worker will have to adapt to his particular needs. Summary Nutrients for plant tissue cultures are for the most part made up of definitely known synthetic 112 Plant Tissue Culture or highly purified ingredients. These include salts of various kinds (chlorides, nitrates, sulfates, phosphates, and iodides of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, manganese, zinc, and boron) ; carbohydrate (especially sucrose) ; or- ganic nitrogenous materials (amino-acids, tissue digest peptides, peptones, etc.) ; hormones and vitamins (thiamin, nicotinic acid, vitamin B6, indole acetic acid, etc.) ; and sometimes coagu- lating agents (agar-agar, gelatine, etc.). Standard procedures for the preparation of nutrients are described. Nutrients L13 Pig. 34. At the top, a healthy excised tomato root at the end of a one-week passage. In the second row a similar root lias been divided into eight pieces to be used in setting up a stock of com- parable root tips for experimental use. The ninth, apical piece was discarded. Third row, eight root segments similar to those shown above after a second week's cultivation in fresh nutrient. At the bottom are 32 selected root tips, all derived under comparable con- ditions from the single apex used as inoculum two passages earlier. 114 Plant Tissue Culture Fig. 35. Bean pod segments used as test material for plant wound stimulants. Above: segments from the centers of five selected pods, each divided into six pieces so thai each piece con tains tlic depression lefl by a single ovule. Center, left: ;i drop of the solution under investigation is placed in each depression and the series placed in ;i moisl chamber; right: :i similar scries 48 hours later showing ;i small intumescence ;it the site of each drop of liquid. Below, top row: sections through ;i control series treated with distilled water; bottom row: ;i similar series treated with :i solution of ' ' traumatin. " (From Bonner, J., and English, .1. L938. Planl Physiol. 13: 335, fig. 1. • Nutrients 115 PlG. 36. Removal of blocks containing undisturbed cambium from large trees. The surface bark is shaved off, four deep in- cisions made, well into the sap wood, and the block removed with a chisel and transferred to a sterile Petri dish in which it can be carried to the laboratory. Fig. 37. In the laboratory the block is broken open carefully at the cambium level and fragments of tissue removed for cultivation on nutrient agar. 116 Plant Tissue Culture Fig. 38. <','iinlii.-il culture of Salix caproea after four months in vitro. (From Gautheret, l>*. J. l!»:'>7. La culture des tissus vegetaux. Actualites scientifiques el industrielles 554, plate 2, 16.) Chapter VI HOW CULTURES ARE STARTED As we have already seen, the two types of plant material which have so far proved most useful in plant tissue culture work have been, first, root tips and, second, cambium or procambium. Most of the following discussion will apply to these types. Seedling roots. Root tips are perhaps sub- jected in nature to more environmental vicissi- tudes than are any other types of meristems. They are, therefore, relatively resistant to injury. Nevertheless, once a root is growing either in the soil or in a culture medium, if it is not already aseptic it cannot be rendered so by any but rather drastic means which may well influence its subse- quent behavior. It is, therefore, important that roots for culture be obtained wherever possible from sterile seedlings and, moreover, it is highly desirable that the seeds themselves be rendered aseptic with as little chemical interference as pos- sible in order that consideration of potential after- effects need not enter into the interpretation of results. In many cases, aseptic seeds can be ob- 118 Plant Tissue Culture tained without any chemical treatment whatever. This is true of all seeds which, when ripe, are en- closed in fleshy, woody, or membranaceous fruits (tomato, apple, squash, bean, tobacco, etc.). Sound, clean fruits of these plants are opened by breaking or tearing in such a way that no instru- ment penetrates to the seed cavity. The seeds themselves are then lifted out with sterile needles or forceps, placed on slips of sterile paper in Petri dishes, and allowed to dry under conditions which will preclude the entry of contaminants from out- side. These seeds can then be used for starting cultures without further treatment (White, 1934, 65). Seeds contained in very small fruits, in drupes or achenes, or the seeds of Gymnosperms cannot be obtained in a uniformly aseptic condition by mechanical manipulation alone. These must therefore be surface-sterilized. Where ultra- violet light is available, this may sometimes serve as a sterilizing agent, but it is rather uncertain since spores may easily become lodged in crevices in the seed surface which are protected from illu- mination even if the seeds are constantly shaken. The most satisfactory result is to be obtained with bromine gas (Klein u. Kisser, 1924, 299; Burlet, 1936, 207). Seeds are shaken for 5 to 10 minutes in a bottle containing a few ml. of 1 per cent How Cultures Are Started 119 bromine-water. They are then spread out on sterile filter paper in Petri dishes. The bromine quickly penetrates all crevices in the seed coats, killing most if not all contaminants, yet evaporates completely leaving no traces to affect the seed- lings. In spite of its obvious advantages, bromine must be handled with great care, under a hood, so that some workers prefer to use other reagents. A solution of calcium hypochlorite containing 1 per cent chlorine will give fairly satisfactory re- sults (Wilson, 1915, 455; White, 1932, 63) if seeds are shaken therein for 15 to 30 minutes, then washed in sterile distilled water and placed in Petri dishes. The time required for complete sterilization will vary considerably with the species of seed, as will the amount of injury to the seedling which usually results. Each species must be studied specially. Dakin solution (Parker, 1938, 26) is also good. Mercuric chloride, 85 per cent alcohol, "Uspulin," and other disinfectants have been used by particular workers. The meth- ods of using these reagents are standard biological procedures and need not be presented in detail. Once sterilized, the seeds may be placed for germination either directly in flasks or tubes of nutrient or in Petri dishes on filter paper mois- tened with sterile water or on agar. If sown on a semi-solid substratum such as agar, several 120 Plant Tissue Culture seeds can be placed in each receptacle since any contaminant which may be present on one seed will not easily spread to another. If placed di- rectly in a nutrient solution, only a single seed should be put in each container. The flasks, Petri dishes, or test tubes containing the seeds should be set aside in darkness until the seedling roots have attained a length of 10 to 15 mm. The roots are then severed with scissors or scalpel at a length of 3 mm. or more and transferred to the nutrient in which they are to be grown. Adventitious roots. While most cultures can best be started from seedling roots, conditions occasionally arise which cannot be fulfilled by such materials. This has been notably true of certain virus "cultures" in which no method of inocu- lating virus into roots growing in vitro has yet been found (White, 1934, 438). It is then neces- sary to resort to adventitious roots coming from cuttings of infected plants (see later). With plants like tomato which root easily, this presents no great difficulty. Cuttings are made from rap- idly growing plants having a lush growth and the leaves are removed, using a sharp clean scalpel. The cuttings are then suspended in large flasks or crocks containing a little water in the bottom and lined with moist blotting paper so as to provide a saturated atmosphere (Fig. 32). These are set in How Cultures Are Started 121 darkness or in dim light until adventitious roots emerge. The cuttings are removed in a sterile room, the roots carefully severed and placed one by one in flasks of nutrient. (Fig. 33). Using this simple procedure, many roots will, of course, be contaminated with molds or bacteria and must be discarded. Some, however, will regu- larly remain sterile. These can then be made to serve as the origins for clones of sterile root cul- tures each carrying the virus of the disease with which the original cutting was infected. With slower-rooting cuttings, greater precautions against contamination will be necessary, and the surfaces will have to be sterilized by some one of the methods described for the sterilization of seeds. Whatever sterilizing agent is used, it must be removed by thorough washing with sterile distilled water. The containers must also be ster- ile and all manipulations must be carried out aseptically. A high yield of sound aseptic root- lets cannot be expected under these exacting con- ditions, but they can be obtained with some patience. Cambium. Theoretically the cambium layer, since it continues to grow throughout the life of the plant, for hundreds and even thousands of years in some cases, should be excellent material for cultivation. Practically, however, it offers of 122 Plant Tissue Culture all the major meristematic regions except the medullary rays perhaps most difficulties in the way of isolating fragments aseptically without too great injury (White, 1931, 32). Most of the work carried out to date on the cultivation of cambium in vitro has been done by Gautheret (Gautheret, 1934, 67, 1935, 15, 1937, 68, 1938, 69, 70, 1939, 71, 72, 212, 1940, 73; Gioelli, 1937, 291, 1938, 292). To isolate a block of cambium, all six faces of the block must be cut, and this must be done with- out carrying contaminating spores from the sur- face of the plant onto the excised fragment. To perform this operation on the cambium of small woody stems would be almost impossible. It can, however, be successfully carried out on large trees. A piece of bark an inch or more square is cut out with a sharp knife or chisel, being careful to cut well into the sap wood (Fig. 36). Gautheret per- formed this operation with carefully sterilized instruments after surface-sterilizing the tree trunk (Gautheret, 1935, 15), but these precautions are not necessary at this stage. The block is placed in a clean container and transferred to the laboratory. There, under aseptic conditions, it is split at the cambium level in such a way that neither instruments nor possibly contaminated tissue surfaces come in contact with the center of the exposed surface. Pieces of cambium are then How Cultures Are Started 123 carefully cut or torn out of this sterile surface using sterile instruments and are transferred to nutrient solution, preferably to a semi-solid sub- stratum (Fig. 37). Such fragments should be quite sterile. Cultures of this sort have been pre- pared from willow, poplar, beech, oak, pine, and other trees. Gautheret's most successful cultures were of cambium from Salix capraea (Gautheret, 1935, 15, 1937, 68, 1938, 69 ) . The growth obtained is of a loose, fungoid character and in general de- velops rather slowly (Figs. 38, 39). Procambial strands. The procedure to be used in isolating procambial strands for cultivation is somewhat similar to that employed with cambium (White, 1939, 78). This tissue can, of course, be most easily removed from stems of succulent indi- viduals. Rapidly growing tips of tobacco, squash, sunflower, and similar plants make excellent mate- rial. Terminal pieces about 8 to 10 inches long are severed and the leaves carefully removed with a sharp scalpel or razor, leaving as little stub as possible. Under aseptic conditions, the epidermis of the distal 1 or 2 inches is stripped off, begin- ning from the proximal end and taking care that the exposed surfaces are not touched by unsterile instruments or epidermis fragments. When the terminal portion is completely exposed, the grow- ing point is grasped with sterile forceps and bent 124 Plant Tissue Culture sharply sidewise so that the stem breaks. The break will take place in the region of active growth where the cells possess a maximum of turgor with a minimum of cell-wall deposit. Slices about 0.5 mm. thick are made across the stem in or near this region and the pieces transferred to nutrient agar or to very shallow layers of liquid nutrient. Pro- liferation from very young tissues will take place in all parts, while from older tissues only the re- gion of the provascular strands will proliferate (Fig. 17). Tubercles of white or green callus are formed on the uppermost cut surface. It usually requires 10 days or 2 weeks for these to attain a sufficient size to justify further division. These tubercles can then be separated from the underly- ing non-proliferative tissue, or the culture can be simply divided into a number of fragments con- taining both growing and non-proliferative mate- rial, and the pieces transferred to fresh nutrient. Cultures from young carrot roots, potato tubers, kohl-rabi, and other fleshy, only partially differ- entiated members can be made in a similar fash- ion. A similar technique is used in making cul- tures from secondary crown-gall tumors (White and Braun, 1941, 335, 1942, 336, 337). Miscellaneous materials. The excision of inter- calary meristems such as those of grasses requires much the same technique as that for the procam- How Cultures Are Started 125 bial strands. Medullary rays, the multiple peri- cycle, and certain phelloderm cambiums should in theory be fairly satisfactory experimental mate- rial, albeit difficult to isolate. They have appar- ently not been studied to date. There are in plants, of course, many other regions which show meristematic activity. Very young seed pri- mordia are made up entirely of meristematic cells and are easily removed with little danger of con- tamination and a minimum of trauma (White, 1932, 89 ; Moebius, 1928, 105; Molliard, 1921, 106). All of the tissues of young ovaries are likewise meristematic as are some of those of more mature ovaries (Tukey, 1937, 114). Wehnelt (1937, 230) and subsequently Bonner and English (1938, 342) have taken advantage of this fact and used tissue from the inner surface of bean pods as material for the study of proliferation. Bonner has had some success with tissue cultures of this material (Bon- ner, 1936, Pi) (Fig. 35). The meristematic centers in the leaves of Begonia, Bryopliyllum (Naylor, 1931, 308),Saintpaulia (Naylor and Johnson, 1937, 309), Chlorophytum (Naylor and Sperry, 1938, 310), Camptosorus, etc., and the stipular gemmae of Marattia should theoretically be excellent mate- rial with which to work but have not been studied as yet. Many "mature" regions may also be stimulated to renewed activity by proximity to a 126 Plant Tissue Culture wound (Haberlandt, 1913, 294, 1914, 295, 1919, 245, 296, 1921, 354, 1922, 355; Reiche, 1924, 369; Wehnelt, 1937, 230; Bonner and English, 1938, 342; Sinnott and Bloch, 1941, 324) or by the in- jection of such substances as the gall-inducing secretions of certain insects (Kiister, 1911, 300). Only the easiest types of materials have, up to the present, been carefully studied. The field open to future investigation is obviously very large. Summary Cultures may be started from seeds, from cut- tings, or from excised fragments. In any case, the final result must be a relatively uninjured, aseptic mass of tissue, and the procedures for obtaining such masses, either with or without the intervention of chemical disinfectants, are of the greatest importance. These procedures for ob- taining aseptic seeds, adventitious roots, etc., and for dissecting cambium and procambial tissues are described and figured. Procedures for han- dling other miscellaneous meristematic tissues are also presented. Hoir Cultures Are Started 127 Pig. 39. Two views of the surface of eambial cultures of Abies pectinata after 8 days (below) and one month (above) in vitro. (From Gautheret, E. J. 1935. Eecherches sur la culture des tissus vegetaux. (These) 215, plate XV, 15.) 128 Plant Tissue Culture Pig. 40. Bow root cultures are measured. The flask containing the culture is held in the Lef1 hand. The righl hand holds a flexible celluloid rule which is placed under the flask and is bent to a curva ture approximating that of the root. With the zero poinl under the base of the root, ;i very accurate estimate can be made of the root's length. In expert hands the error of such measurements "will seldom exceed 3 or l per cenl of the true length. How Cultures Are Started 129 03 £ bo • iH 03 V* CO ft 0) 03 o H -M OS bt ■~ •rH ^H bC oj CO p_j +2 cd bo r-< i— < CM o O 1 ' r^ r— o 5 -*-* CO ^* rQ o» s r^Z 3 -j-j r* bt C0~ ■+J !> bo ; 03 CO r« bo O T3 ~ o nS o ;~ 03 O %* O 01 aT p ■t- 3 <=n rt CO O bo o cc -i^ ft «H , O as CO 'ft 03 ir bo tH 03 03 6 ft CO O -t^ 0) 130 Plant Tissue Culture "> ^ - < C O Ll Fig. 42. Equipment used in making hanging-drop cultures and other cultures of small masses of tissue. Top: wire rack for clear '2'2 ■ l'l' mm. square cover glasses. .Middle row, from left to right: 1 X i! inch slides provided with three sizes of hollow-ground cavities; concentrically grooved depression slide: heavy slide with deep flal bottomed molded cavity; pierced slide i see Pig. '27); slide with ylass ring (Y;in Tiegham cell); slide with removable, ground, pierced plate, without and with suspended culture. Bottom vow, left to right: small embryological watch glass with round bottomed, molded cavity; Mnximow einbryological watch glass with tl;it pl.-ito- glass bottom; two sizes of chemical watch glasses in Petri dishes, used as moist chambers, as employed by Pell for tissue and organ cultures. Chapter VII CULTURE TECHNIQUES Tissue cultures, whether of plant or animal materials, have for the most part been carried out in three general classes of containers, each class being especially adapted to a particular type of problem. These are, first, cultures in flasks or special vessels of one type or another adapted to the study of relatively large masses of tissue under conditions which involve considerable ex- perimental manipulation (Carrel, 1912, 125, 1923, 126, 127; Maximow, 1925, 420; Fell, 1928, 392; Bobbins, 1922, 57; White, 1934, 65; Bonner and Addicott, 1937, 42; Parker, 1934, 427, 1936, 428, 429) ; second, cultures in test tubes, likewise adapted to the study of masses of tissues but in general less suitable to their manipulation (Kotte, 1922, 51, 52 ; Malyschev, 1932, 53, 54 ; Fiedler, 1936, 45; Gey, 1933, 129) ; and, third, hanging-drop cul- tures adapted to the minute study and observation of very small pieces of tissues (Harrison, 1907, 131 ; Burrows, 1910, 117 ; Carrel, 1911, 120 ; Lewis and Lewis, 1911, 149 ; Chambers, 1923, 43, 1924, 44; White, 1932, 89). By far the most important 132 Plant Tissue Culture of these categories in the preliminary attack upon most problems is the first, since for most materials it possesses, of all the methods of approach, the greatest reliability and flexibility. Bonner (1940, 201) carries root cultures in Petri dishes, but these seem to the writer of this volume to offer no significant advantages over flasks. Cer- tainly they must be handled with much greater care to avoid slopping, and would seem much more likely to become contaminated. Fell (1928 et seq., 392- 401) uses, for animal tissue cultures, shallow ves- sels of the "salt-cellar" or embryological watch glass type placed in Petri dishes acting as moist chambers. These may have distinct advantages for cultures of small volume such as callus cul- tures but cannot be used for roots. The preparation of stocks. In any piece of scientific work, one of the prime requisites if sig- nificant results are to be obtained is an adequate supply of uniform, duplicable material with which to work. The tissue culture technique has in this respect one great advantage over most other cul- ture practices — that it permits the building up of vegetatively derived clones, all members derived by division of a single ancestral fragment so that all members have exactly the same genetic consti- tution. The question of genetic uniformity and stability is entirely eliminated. One might expect Culture Techniques 133 that under these circumstances all members of such a clone could be counted on to behave exactly alike under a given set of conditions. This is generally true of animal tissue cultures (Ebeling, 1921, 456; Parker, 1932, 422, 423, 1938, 26) and cultures of undifferentiated plant materials (White, 1939, 78). It does not, however, appear to be the case with cultures of excised roots (Bobbins and Bart- ley, 1937, 170; Bobbins and Schmidt, 1938, 60, 1939, 61; Bobbins and V. B. White, 1936, 62; Delarge, 1938, 280, 1939, 281). Sister cultures, placed under supposedly identical conditions, may behave in markedly different manners. This is one of the most disconcerting phenomena encoun- tered in the field of plant tissue cultures. In mycological and bacteriological studies, the inocu- lation of two fragments of mycelium or two bac- terial cells can be counted upon to give rise to colonies of like appearance, aside from the rather infrequent occurrence of saltations. Why is this not equally true of root segments of higher plants? The difference is probably more apparent than real. When a fragment of fungus mycelium is transplanted, it branches rapidly to form a discoid or spherical colony, the outline of which is delim- ited by many hundreds of branches, each of which has its own particular increment rate. The col- ony derived from a bacterial transplant or a frag- 134 Plant Tissue Culture ment of animal tissue likewise consists of hun- dreds of cells which behave as individuals. "What we observe in measuring such a colony is the inte- grated behavior of many individuals in which whatever variations exist in the behavior of any one individual disappear in the final average for the colony. It is not at all certain that the individ- uals in such a colony have behaved alike. In fol- lowing the behavior of a root culture, on the other hand, one is dealing with a single branch behaving as an individual, so that the full measure of vari- ability is immediately evident. It is only by taking the average of a large number of such individual cultures that one can get a picture truly comparable to that of the single fungus, bacterial or fibroblast colony. Since it is patently impossible to deal with even hundreds of cultures at a time in abso- lutely uniform conditions of environment, the indi- vidual variability comes into unavoidable promi- nence. Part of this variability doubtless arises as a result of slight and unrecognized differences in the environmental conditions to which individual flasks are subjected. Anyone who has studied, for example, the differences in atmospheric humidity in different parts of a single greenhouse bench knows how difficult it is to maintain uniform con- ditions even a few inches apart. Not all variables Culture Techniques 135 are known. Such sources of error can be reduced by careful study but can never be completely eliminated. Much of the variability, however, probably arises from differences in age, state of nutrition, degree of established dominance, extent of ex- cision trauma, and similar characteristics of the separate explants. The effects of these differ- ences can be greatly reduced by careful selection of the individual fragments used in each experi- ment. The importance of adequate uniform stocks from which to make this selection is thus obvious. It is clear, for example, that, if a rapidly grow- ing root culture containing one terminal growing point and 18 branches none of which has yet ac- quired an individual dominance is divided into 19 pieces each containing a single apical meristem, these pieces will be far from alike. The terminal meristem will be of much greater diameter than the others and of quite a different past history. It will suffer far less from the shock of excision, since its traumatized surface will be far less in proportion to its volume than for the laterals. It will recover more quickly and will show a much greater growth in the first few days after excision. Experience has shown that this difference can be somewhat reduced by cutting the main root above 136 Plant Tissue Culture and below each branch instead of severing the branch itself, in such a way that a "heel" of older tissue is left attached to each branch. The differ- ence is still more reduced if only branches which have already acquired their full individuality or "dominance" are used. With tomato this domi- nance usually develops after the branch has reached a length of about 20 mm. If branches of this sort are severed, they will generally show no more retardation on excision than will apical meristems and can be considered comparable thereto. It is, therefore, advantageous in prepar- ing a stock from which to select root tips, to have as high a proportion of well established branches as possible. Experience has shown that, if a piece of old tissue carrying several branch initials but from which the apex has been removed is cul- tured for a time, a considerable proportion of these initials will establish themselves with a com- parable degree of dominance. Acquaintance with these facts has given rise to a standard experi- mental procedure. Experience has shown that, in root cultures in flasks, satisfactorily reliable results cannot be counted on if a given experiment contains less than 20 replications under each experimental con- dition complex (see later). If, for example, it is desired to compare four sets of conditions among Culture Techniques 137 one another and with a control, the experiment will require a minimum of 100 cultures. The routine procedure is as follows : Ten rapidly growing, uniform cultures of clonal ancestry and each about 100 mm. long are selected. The terminal segment of each to a length of 3-4 mm. is removed and discarded. The remainder is divided into 10 to 15 mm. segments and each seg- ment is placed in a flask of fresh nutrient and allowed to grow for a week. Each will develop from 3 or 4 to a dozen branches, and of these an average of 4 or 5 on each piece will have estab- lished comparable growth rates and full domi- nance. There should thus be available 300 or more uniform, well established root tips. These are care- fully severed at a length of 10-15 mm. and from them 100 tips of as uniform character as possible are chosen for use in the actual experiment (Fig. 34). There is thus available a supply of tips which are all root apexes, of uniform size, age, nutrition, and degree of trauma, and which have all come from comparable root pieces of clonal relationship. The individual variability is thus reduced to a minimum. This does not mean that all cultures will behave exactly alike, even under as nearly like conditions as we are able to set up — there still remains a considerable residual vari- ability that is as yet unexplained. But when a 138 Plant Tissue Culture sufficient number of replications is provided, the results can be counted on to be, under like condi- tions, similar from one test to another and, after properly correcting for regular seasonal differ- ences (see later), they will give comparable results from year to year and from season to season. The setting up of stocks for all cultures involves essentially the same procedure. The prime requi- sites are a considerably greater amount of avail- able material than is at all likely to be needed so that a selection is possible, all material to be of clonal origin. Callus cultures grow much more slowly than do root cultures, so that a greater time, usually about a month, must be allowed between the setting up of stocks and their actual utilization. Inoculation. The procedure in making inocula- tions is comparatively simple. The whole pro- cedure is carried out in the transfer room. Stock cultures from which tips or callus fragments are to be taken are placed in a tray to the left of the operator. The instruments are in the sterilizing beaker or pan, in front of him (Fig. 30). Unin- oculated flasks of nutrient are placed in trays to his right and a box for discarded caps stands at his left. The glass caps are removed from both sets of flasks. A flask containing a stock culture is grasped in the left hand, tilted to reduce the Culture Techniques 139 horizontal exposure of the opening, and the cotton plug is removed with the little finger and heel of the right hand and retained. The operating scis- sors or scalpel is taken out of the boiling water with the right hand, and all satisfactory appearing root tips or callus fragments on the stock culture are severed and a mental note made of their num- ber. The plug is replaced, the scissors returned to the boiling water, and the flask returned to the tray. Root pieces longer than 15 mm. become dif- ficult to pick up. Pieces shorter than 10 mm. are likely to suffer considerable shock from excision and to respond poorly after transfer. While fragments as small as 0.1 mm. in length have been grown successfully (White, 1932, 89), experience has shown that those from 10 to 15 mm. long offer the most satisfactory balance between these vari- ous characteristics. The process of excision is repeated until all available tips have been severed. Since a mental note has been made of the total number of root tips severed and the number re- quired for the experiment planned is known, it is then possible to judge how drastically the avail- able pieces can be culled and still leave a sufficient number. After all tips have been severed, the actual in- oculation can be begun. A stock flask is grasped in the left hand and an uninoculated one is placed 140 Plant Tissue Culture on the table in front of the operator. The plug is removed from the first, and a sound, rapidly grow- ing root tip is selected and picked up on a long chromel-wire loop. Usually two loops are em- ployed alternately so that one is always in the sterilizing beaker while the other one is in use. The stock flask is plugged and set on the table, the uninoculated flask is taken up in the left hand, its plug removed with the right hand which still holds the transfer loop, and the culture fragment is in- serted, the flask plugged and returned to its tray. The loop is returned to the boiling water and a fresh one taken up. The process is then repeated with another flask. In choosing tips for inocula- tion, it will be noted that occasionally a root which does not visibly differ from the others will never- theless sink to the bottom of the flask instead of floating at the surface. Such tips should not be used, as experience has shown that they are regu- larly retarded in their development. Such re- tarded tips will sometimes recover completely, but they cannot be relied on to do so. What the cause of this condition is is not known, although it ap- pears to be some obscure characteristic of the general "state of health" of the stock culture before excision. The above description applies to the setting up of root cultures. The procedure for callus cul- Culture Techniques 141 tures is similar except that, for dividing the tissue mass, a small, sharp scalpel gives better results than do the scissors. Growth. Under ideal conditions, root cultures set up as described above will begin to grow almost immediately and will increase 3 to 4 mm. in length in the first 24 hours. (For methods of measuring growth, see later.) This increment rate acceler- ates up to about the 5th day when average rates of 10 to 15 mm. per day are common (occasional roots may grow as much as 80 mm. per day for single 24-hour periods), after which the growth rate again decreases rapidly (Fig. 43). This re- tardation indicates that the 5th or 6th day is the 12 3 4 5 6 7 Days Fig. 43. Typical increment rates of tomato roots (average of 1000 cultures) on each day of a single one-week passage. The maximum increment rate is reached on the fifth day. 142 Plant Tissue Culture best time for subculturing. A one-week culture period has been chosen as best for routine work. The average growth rate throughout the year, of cultures grown in the laboratory without special temperature control, is about 7 to 8 mm. per cul- ture per day, being greater than this in summer and less in winter (Fig. 26). Cultures begin to branch on about the 3rd day and may have as many as 30 branches by the end of a week. Some of the decrease in linear increment after the 5th day may be due to distribution of material into the branches instead of its concentration in a single axis. However, if, instead of using tips as inocula, non-apical segments bearing branch primordia such as are employed as stock cultures are used, the branches, although at first somewhat retarded, will when established increase at rates character- istic for the particular species and for the nutrient used, but independent of the number of branches developing on the culture. This behavior makes it clear that the rate of growth of a branch (and presumably of the main axis as well) is not deter- mined by the number of branches present and that the retardation of growth rate after the 5th day is not entirely due to diversion of nutrient mate- rials to newly formed branches. While this laboratory has found a one-week cul- ture period to be best adapted to the problems Culture Techniques 143 under consideration here, Bobbins and his col- leagues have chosen a much longer period, usually from a month to two months. This has certain definite advantages as well as disadvantages. Robbins uses dry-weight as a measure of growth. By this method cultures are examined only at the end of the passage, when they must be sacrificed (see later). A two-month period thus requires only an eighth as much work as do eight one-week periods. The long period permits tissues to ma- ture and might, in theory, give time for morpho- logical changes to become evident that would never appear in cultures maintained for repeated short periods. (Compare Parker, 1936, 428, 429; Fischer u. Parker, 1929, 411.) It permits the accumulation of large masses of tissue so that the percentage differential between the final size in two different nutrients may be much greater than after a shorter period. These appear to be ad- vantages. On the other hand, the long period permits the study of far fewer cultures in a given space of time, tying up both laboratory space and glassware. Contrary to expectation, morphologi- cal changes which might be anticipated have not actually appeared. Moreover, the large masses of tissue accumulated in a long period may be largely inert carbohydrate — cell-wall materials, starch, etc. There is some evidence that such cul- 144 Plant Tissue Culture tures may be built up by a recurrent cyclic re- utilization of materials leached out of the older inactive or even dead tissues. The increment figures obtained at the end of a long period may thus give no true measure of the level of meta- bolic activity of the tissue involved. It is doubt- ful whether the advantages of a long culture period are not greatly outweighed by its disad- vantages. Culture conditions required. The requisite characteristics of the nutrient have been discussed elsewhere. Cultures are apparently for the most part relatively insensitive to light and can be placed either in darkness or in diffuse light (Robbins and Maneval, 1924, 258; White, 1932, 63, 1937, 265; Malyschev, 1932, 53, 54; Gautheret, 1935, 15). They should never be exposed for long periods to direct light as they are extremely sen- sitive to high temperature and to temperature changes and could easily become overheated (White, 1932, 63, 1937, 265) . It is highly desirable to have the temperature of the culture chamber and transfer room rather accurately controlled. Root tips of wheat have an optimum temperature of about 27° (White, 1932, 63), tomato nearer 30° (White, 1937, 265). The range between optimum and maximum is, however, very narrow and a 5° rise above these temperatures, if maintained for Culture Techniques 145 very long, will kill the cultures (Fig. 44). It is because of this extreme sensitivity to high tem- peratures that cultures, when maintained at "room temperature," fluctuate so much more widely in growth rate in summer than in winter. Cultures will, on the other hand, endure low tem- peratures— down to + 5° C. — for long periods o Q_ Ld tr 3 O a. I5h 10 o= Growth rates at the indicated temperatures. x = Growth rates at 22', of cultures previously held for one week at the indicated temperatures. x— x-x 10 20 30 DEGREES C. Fig. 44. Average increment rates of isolated tomato roots main- tained for one week at a series of controlled temperatures ranging from 5° to 40° C. (open circles) and then all transferred for a sec- ond week (crosses) to a temperature of about 22° C. All except those maintained at 35° and 40° show an immediate reversion to the growth rate typical for 22°. (From White, P. R. 1937. Plant Physiol. 12 : 773, fig. 1, 266.) 146 Plant Tissue Culture without apparent injury and, while growing very slowly at such temperatures, will resume a normal growth rate within a few days when removed to higher temperatures (White, 1937, 266). Aside from these two requirements, of maintained tem- perature level and protection from direct insola- tion, together with protection from traces of gases or volatile materials, the environmental require- ments of plant tissue cultures are not especially exacting. Flask cultures of the type described above have great flexibility and permit considerable freedom of manipulation. They can be handled easily and do not readily become contaminated. They do, however, occupy a good deal of space, the nutrient evaporates rapidly with consequent alteration in its solute concentration so that the cultures must be transferred at frequent intervals, and they require large volumes of nutrient. Conditions may some- times arise under which these objectionable fac- tors outweigh the difficulties of manipulation in small space so that it is desirable to grow cultures in test tubes, either on agar or in liquid nutrient. The size of the tube to be used will depend on the requirements of the particular experiment. Gey uses a special 15 X 100 mm. tube for " roller tube" cultivation of animal tissue cultures (Gey, 1933, 129; Gey and Gey, 1936, 130). This method has Culture Techniques 147 not been tried with plant tissue cultures but de- serves attention. Lewis uses ordinary 15 X 150 mm. test tubes for the same purpose (Lewis, 1935, 419). Callus cultures have sometimes been grown in 2 ml. of nutrient in 12 X 100 mm. serum tubes, but such cultures must, of course, be removed from the tubes for any kind of manipulation, even for division in order to make transfers. Tubes 25 X 150 mm. without lip and charged with 10 ml. of nutrient, have proved to be a fairly satisfactory compromise between the advantages and disad- vantages of the test tube and the Erlenmeyer flask. They are shallow enough and have wide enough mouths that considerable dissection and other manipulation can be practiced on the cultures without removing them from the tube. The liquid surface is still small enough in proportion to the volume to reduce evaporation to a considerable extent, yet the depth of liquid is small enough to permit some degree of aeration without special precautions. Such tubes are especially well adapted for routine callus cultures on agar. Eoot cultures in tubes must be watched to see that the tips do not turn upward when the culture reaches a length greater than the diameter of the tube. Otherwise, with continued growth the tip may be forced out into the air where it will no longer grow satisfactorily. 148 Plant Tissue Culture Flask cultures and tube cultures are suitable for experiments in which gross increase and habit of growth are the features of chief interest and in which, when further details are required, they can be obtained by removing the cultures from the original containers where, for example, they are to be fixed and sectioned. These are, in general, characteristics of the initial phases in the develop- ment of any field of investigation. But these methods do not permit the observer to follow the behavior of individual cells except under condi- tions which entail a more or less serious disruption of the continuity of growth. Plant tissue cells do not migrate along a solid substratum (Chambers, 1923, 43 ; Pf eiffer, 1933, 450 ; Scheitterer, 1931, 109, and Gautheret, 1937, 282, notwithstanding), since the cellulose pellicle interferes with the adhesive qualities of the cells. It is, therefore, not possible to use flasks of the Carrel-flask type for micro- scopic examination under growing conditions. For this purpose, hanging-drop cultures (see Parker, 1938, 26), in spite of numerous objection- able characteristics, appear to be best. This type of culture is second only to the flask type in im- portance in carrying out plant tissue cultures. In the typical hanging-drop culture a drop of nutrient, either liquid or semi-solid, is placed on a cover glass, the cover is inverted over some form Culture Techniques 149 of depression slide so as to seal the drop into a chamber which will reduce evaporation from the drop, and the culture is then incubated. This technique permits many modifications which have been described in more or less detail in other man- uals of microbiological methods. Slides. A variety of slides have been developed for use with hanging drops (Fig. 42). The sim- plest of these are the hollow ground slides used by the protozoologists. The curvature of these depressions provides only a very poor optical medium through which to illuminate cultures for observation by transmitted light. Slides with a deep hot-pressed well with "flat" bottom instead of the ground depression are somewhat better in this respect. Low ' ' Van Tiegham ' ' rings of glass, or the brass rings used by Dr. and Mrs. Warren Lewis (Parker, 1938, 26), cemented to ordinary flat slides, provide still better optical properties but are somewhat clumsy to handle. The pierced slide described in Chapter IV (Fig. 27), in spite of its fragility, offers the best, most easily handled, most widely useful type of slide for hanging-drop cultures. While the optical properties of this slide are excellent, the curvature of the surface of the drop may cause some trouble. This can be obviated by floating a 5 X 5 mm. sq. piece of No. 0 cover on the surface of the drop over the culture. 150 Plant Tissue Culture Capillary forces will hold this piece firmly in place while the 2.5 mm. distance from center to margin will still permit a free interchange of gases be- tween the liquid and the air in the chamber. Cover glasses. Standard No. 1 cover glasses are usually used for hanging-drop cultures. These should be thoroughly cleaned, preferably in cleaning solution, rinsed, dipped in a 50-50 ether- absolute alcohol mixture which is then burned off, and stacked for use in a wire rack. Covers of mica are frequently employed, but their optical properties are seldom satisfactory and they some- times contain soluble impurities which may be injurious. All covers now available have objec- tionable features. Cover glasses are usually made of "soft" glass, are quite soluble, and tend to rapidly alkalinize the nutrient drop. In animal tissue cultures, where the optimal pH is about 7.6 and where the tendency of the tissue metabolism is to render the solution more acid, this alkaliniz- ing tendency of soft glass is not objectionable — especially as animal tissue culture media are mostly highly buffered. But with plant cultures which are made in unbuffered solutions having an optimal pH of about 5.4, and in which a reaction above 6.0 may be very injurious, this tendency may be quite serious in its effects. Pyrex covers, if available, would obviate this difficulty, but these Culture Techniques 151 have not yet been successfully manufactured. Quartz covers are much too expensive for routine work. Some progress has been made towards solving this problem by dipping glass covers in chemically and physiologically inert plastics such as ethyl-methacrylate (du Pont), "Clarite," etc. This method has given considerable promise, but a reliable technique for obtaining duplicable re- sults has not yet been perfected. At present, this seems, however, to be the best lead. Methods. Hanging-drop cultures, of course, re- quire very minute amounts of both tissues and nutrients. Methods for their preparation are described in great detail in Parker's (1938, 26) recent handbook. The nutrients can be sterilized in either small flasks or test tubes. Sterile pi- pettes with sterile rubber bulbs must be provided. The material to be cultured is cut up into pieces of the required size — root tips 0.5 mm. or less in length (Chambers, 1923, 43, 1924, 44; White, 1932, 89), bits of callus, intercalary meristems (Scheitterer, 1931, 109), seed primordia (White, 1932, 89), small bud centers (White, 1933, 116), etc. — and is placed in sterile nutrient in watch glasses which will be set at the operator's left. Instruments, covers, and slides are placed in front. The slides are first prepared with a small drop of vaseline on each side of the depression 152 Plant Tissue Culture or hole. A clean cover is grasped between the thumb and middle finger of the left hand (the form of the rack used facilitates this) and, while it is held horizontal, a drop of nutrient solution is placed on the middle of the cover. This is spread around in a uniform thin layer about 8 mm. in diameter. The fragment of tissue is then placed in the center of the drop, the cover is inverted with a quick, smooth motion so as not to throw off the drop of liquid, and is pressed down over the depression of a slide. The slide is set to the operator's right and the process repeated. After a sufficient series is completed, the covers are ringed with hot paraffin or vaseline, using a small brush, so as to seal them. They are then ready for observation or incubation. Hanging-drop cultures should be transferred to fresh nutrient at least every 3rd or 4th day. If regular depression slides are used, this will neces- sitate removing the cover carrying the culture, a process which requires great care (Parker, 1938, 26). If special pierced slides are used, it is only necessary to slip out the lower cover, draw off the nutrient with a clean pipette, replace it with a fresh drop, and insert a clean cover in place of the one removed. Culture Techniques 153 Summary Cultures are maintained either in flasks, tubes, or hanging drops. Most of the preliminary stud- ies, particularly on problems of nutrition, have been carried out in Erlenmeyer flasks. These are large enough to permit a good deal of manipula- tion of cultures and to provide a large volume of nutrient which is only slowly altered by the metab- olism of the tissues. Test tubes require much less space and nutrient but permit only a very limited amount of manipulation. Neither method permits microscopic examination of cultures. A technique for such examination is provided in the various sorts of hanging-drop cultures which are impor- tant for this reason, although they require much more work and do not provide the stable nutrient conditions necessary for satisfactory study of nutritional problems. Since each of these three techniques has its own special advantages for par- ticular types of problem, the best technique for any given problem will have to be chosen with these characteristics in mind. Chapter VIII GROWTH MEASUREMENTS AND THEIR INTERPRETATION The chief aims of plant tissue cultures are, of course, first, the setting up of a group of condi- tions which shall adequately duplicate those under which the organ, tissue, or cell lives in nature, in such a manner that its behavior therein is quanti- tatively and qualitatively "normal," that is simi- lar to what it would have been in its native environment ; and, second, the study of the quanti- tative and qualitative changes which take place in its behavior when single elements of these con- ditions are altered. This gives us a measure of the importance and function of each character- istic of the environment in the economy of the organ, tissue, or cell under investigation, permits us to sort out the significant from the merely for- tuitous elements of behavior, thus simplifying our picture of the real organism, and should lead to a better understanding of behavior itself. Qualitative differences cannot easily be repre- sented except by descriptive — hence subjective — means. These must inevitably fall short of the Growth Measurements 155 ideal requirements of scientific presentation. True science rests upon quantitative representa- tions. And quantitative changes can be precisely represented in terms of measurements. It is thus natural that measurement should play a dominant role in tissue culture studies and that the accuracy and reliability of measurement should be a major concern of the student of this subject. Living organisms, particularly those which, like most plant materials, are incapable of autonomous movement, give evidence of their reactions to changes in environment chiefly by changes in char- acter or velocity of growth. And growth comes into evidence chiefly through increase either in mass or in complexity of some one or more parts of the living material or its products. Increase can be measured in a variety of ways, depending on the nature of the material to be measured. Methods. We are, of course, primarily inter- ested in tissue cultures because they are living materials. Increase of living material, as dis- tinct from non-living secretions, is therefore of the greatest importance. These living materials are chiefly proteins. The carbohydrates and fats and the nitrogenous materials of non-protein character are largely constituents which can be removed without destroying the organism's ca- pacity to live. This is also true of some of the 156 Plant Tissue Culture proteins themselves, but, if we set aside all con- stituents of an organism except protein and fol- low the increase or decrease in this one constitu- ent, we have about as good a measure of the increase or decrease in living substance under a given set of conditions as is at present available. This can be done by aliquot determinations of non- soluble amino-nitrogen. Mueller recognized this when he chose this criterion as the only acceptable one in the measurement of growth of diphtheria bacilli under the influence of different nutrient complexes (Mueller, 1935, 176). The actual measurement of amino-nitrogen, while slow and tedious, is not especially difficult. It could be applied to tissue culture practice as a routine procedure, if desired. It has, however, one very serious drawback which, together with its tediousness, has prevented its coming into common practice. This is the fact that it requires the destruction of the material measured. In studying living, growing organisms, this is a seri- ous drawback, since it prevents the making of sub- cultures from examples which prove to be espe- cially favorable. The best that can be done is to make such measurements on a series of aliquots, using sufficient numbers so that the results will truly represent the characteristics of the whole series. This method easily becomes cumbersome or unreliable, or both. Growth Measurements 157 Increase in protein nitrogen is the best measure of increase in living material available. Increase in carbohydrate may also give a measure of the activity of the protoplasm. It is, however, a cumu- lative or catalytic process, since any given unit of protoplasm may produce 1 or 10 or 100 units of carbohydrate without itself necessarily either in- creasing or decreasing in amount. Estimation of dry weight has been frequently used as a measure of increase of the total material in a culture. If samples for such determination are taken when the cultures are growing actively, this may give a fairly accurate indication of protoplasmic activ- ity. But, if they are taken in what we term the "differentiating" stage in development, there may easily be a rapid increase in dry weight along with an actual decrease in living material. Dry weight determinations are tedious and time-con- suming, although less so than amino-nitrogen determinations. They can be made with a fair degree of accuracy, the error in good hands prob- ably amounting to about 5 per cent plus or minus the true value. This method of recording increase has been used in plant tissue culture studies to some extent, especially by Robbins and his col- leagues (Robbins, 1922, 57, 177; Robbins and Maneval, 1923, 59, 1924, 258; Robbins and Bartley, 1937, 170, 222, 223; Robbins and Schmidt, 1938, 158 Plant Tissue Culture 60, 1939, 61, 224), by Gautheret (1939, 285) and by Malyschev (1932, 53, 54). Like ammo-nitro- gen determinations, however, it involves destruc- tion of the specimens studied, discontinuity of observations, and the use of aliquots. There is, however, a third method which does not involve destruction of the tissue, permits con- secutive measurements, and in practiced hands is at least as accurate as is the measurement of dry weights. That is the measurement of area in- creases. In studying animal tissue cultures, it has long been the practice to project the image of a culture on paper at hourly, daily, or weekly inter- vals, making tracings of the outline, to measure the areas of these tracings with a planimeter, and from the results to construct curves represent- ing the growth increments (Ebeling, 1921, 456; Parker, 1938, 26). It is recognized that this method may err in making no distinction between cell migration and cell increase and in taking no account of changes in thickness of the cultures. The first objection does not apply to the use of this method for plant cultures, since no migration takes place from plant tissues. The second objec- tion is valid when the areas of callus cultures are under investigation, since these ordinarily develop as somewhat flattened hemispheres of tissue. When applied to root cultures, however, a modi- Growth Measurements 159 fication of this method, using linear rather than area increments as a criterion of growth, has furnished the most generally satisfactory mea- sure of increase yet devised. When grown in culture, roots do not undergo secondary thicken- ing (White, 1934, 65). As a result, they ordinarily take up a diameter characteristic of the species and of the culture medium within a very few milli- meters of the growing point and retain this diam- eter throughout the length of even very old cul- tures (White, 1932, 63, 1933, 64, 141, 1934, 65). The cross sectional area is thus a constant and can be ignored in comparing measurements, so that length alone becomes an accurate measure of volume and weight. Fiedler (1936, 45) has verfied the fact that the weights and linear increments of root cultures bear a constant relation to one another, by parallel measurements and weighings of a series of cultures of different length. This statement, of course, does not apply to branches at the time of or shortly after their initiation (these always have a smaller diameter than do fully established roots), but it is a well established fact that once a branch has acquired its full indi- viduality or "dominance" (discussed elsewhere) it acquires this characteristic diameter. Measure- ments which record only the linear increment of the central axis will thus give an accurate record 160 Plant Tissue Culture of the increase, so long as the culture does not branch. If the branches formed are ignored, this measurement will then be somewhat beloiv the true value as measured by dry-weight or ammo-nitro- gen methods, but will never, on the average, exceed the true value. It will be in error in proportion to the number and importance of the branches pres- ent. Since normally growing roots seldom pro- duce branches in great number or of great length, the error introduced in this way will seldom be great. Thus, for example, one series of 20 cultures studied in June, 1939, in the control nutrient, had a total linear increment of the main axes of 7449 mm. in a week's time. There were 492 branches (an unusually large number) with a total length of 2804 mm. Since the cross sectional area of the branches would average about one-fifth that of the main axes, the ratio volume of branches : volume 2804 560 of main axes would be about — ^— : 7450 = „.^q = 1:13 = 7.5%. Ignoring the branches thus intro- duces an error of -7.5 per cent into the record. Similarly, an experimental series in which potas- sium was omitted from the nutrient (April, 1939) gave a linear axial increment of 1654 mm., an increment in branches of 214 mm., and an error of 9.14. 4.2 ^F : 1654 = tSt = 1:38 = 2.6%. An error of 5 1654 - 2.6 per cent is less than that likely to be intro- Growth Measurements 161 duced into dry weight measurements by hygro- scopic absorption of moisture and is less than errors likely to arise from inaccuracies of mea- surements (see below), so that it is not important. Moreover, this error is always a negative one, the measurements will (aside from errors of manipu- lation) always be minimal ones, with the result that every experiment recorded in this way is slightly weighted against the experimenter. This has thus furnished a very satisfactory criterion of growth. The usefulness of any method depends, of course, largely on its simplicity, accuracy, and degree of reliability. The method used in making measurements is extremely simple (Fig. 40). The flask containing the culture to be measured is held in the left hand. A flexible celluloid rule is used to make the measurement. If the culture is very short (under 30 mm.), it can be caused to float against the glass so that both ends touch and the ruler is laid alongside. For cultures more than 30 mm. long, particularly if they have curved greatly, it is best to place the rule below the flask and bend it to approximate the curve of the root. One must be careful to look through the glass downward (parallel to the straight component of the sides) rather than sidewise (radially to the curved component) so that the curvatures will not 162 Plant Tissue Culture distort and enlarge the apparent image. By this method, measurements can be made with sur- prising accuracy. The accuracy of measurement has been determined in two ways. In the first place, a series of 10 roots varying in length from 18 to 110 mm. was measured. The flasks were shuffled so that the order of measurements was changed. The roots were remeasured and the process repeated seven times. The measurements were then subjected to statistical analysis. The results are shown in Table 2. They indicate that measurements made by an observer on a single set of roots will vary from measurement to mea- surement by somewhat less than 2 per cent but give no indication of the deviation from the true length. In the second place, a series of 20 cultures was measured in the routine way by two different ob- servers and the results recorded. The roots were then removed from the nutrient, placed in a vessel of water, and stretched out along a ruler in such a way that an accurate measure of the true length could be obtained. These last measurements were then compared with the measurements of the two observers made by the standard method, giving a basis for expressing the average error of the method in the hands of these observers. (Ob- server A was an experienced worker; observer B Growth Measurements 163 05 00 CO M H *tf CO CO O iH O O O O O Tt< CO t}< t~ ■>* CO CO O i— I i— I i— I rH rH i— I ira io «o «o >o »n to c. 31 35 w. c -■ -« M M N CO * ■<* io in •* io ■* CO M CO co io w "*^ ^3^ ^^ ^3^ ^r t?i ^^ OOMOlOOOOOC CO CO co •* •* CO CO O iH rH rH rH i— I rH CO CO CO CO CO CO (M O O O rH O O © 00 00 CO 00 00 00 00 © o o M a 5 IO CO d O i— 1 d CO t>. iH rH CO in in OS d 00 CO o-i C5 d CO io C35 r-I CO © CO r-i to CO CO CO CO C5 CO © d d i- CO © O CO d C o © CC 1— © cs a £ + I & 2 + 1 O T3 a? .3 03 M (3 -2-13 " '*!& t> CD iH CD ' Is. n m n S 5 « > w f, > CD m 164 Plant Tissue Culture had much less experience with the method.) The results were : Root Tru* A's B's A, B, length measure- measure- errQr errQr mm. ments ments 1 129 135 115 + 6 -14 2 158 165 135 + 7 -23 3 37 38 28 + 1 - 9 4 175 188 150 + 13 -25 5 140 144 130 + 4 -10 6 58 58 56 0 - 2 7 71 75 68 + 4 - 3 8 173 182 150 + 9 -23 9 178 184 165 + 6 -13 10 162 170 135 + 8 -32 11 161 172 145 + 11 -16 12 162 174 150 + 12 -12 13 147 157 130 + 10 -17 14 156 167 137 + 11 -19 15 154 170 150 + 16 - 4 16 170 182 160 + 12 -10 17 168 180 150 + 12 -18 18 66 70 70 + 4 - 4 19 114 118 115 + 4 - 1 20 141 148 122 + 7 -19 Average 131 144 123 + 7.9 -13.3 Error as per cent of true value = +6.0 - 10.2 In this series the experienced observer tended to overestimate the length of cultures by about 6 per cent, which is just about enough to compen- sate for the systematic error of - 7.5 per cent due to the presence of unmeasured branches (see above), while the less experienced observer tended to underestimate the lengths by a considerably greater margin. In experienced hands, this method will give results of an accuracy and relia- Growth Measurements 165 bility very nearly equal to that obtainable in making dry weight determinations and has the great advantage that it can be practiced rapidly and without removing the cultures from their flasks. Repeated measurements can be made on each growing culture at any desired interval, growth curves can be set up, and subcultures can be made from those roots which show, over an extended period, any desired type of behavior. Replications. As we have already seen, root and callus cultures, since they are biological mate- rials, show a considerable degree of variability. In the series presented in the last table, the lengths at the end of a week in the control nutrient varied between 37 and 178 mm., with an average of 131 mm. This is fairly typical of root cultures. It is obvious that materials of this degree of variability cannot be treated as individuals but must be treated statistically. This being the case, it is important to decide first how many replications are necessary in order that significant results can be obtained and, second, how wide a difference must a given experimental variable produce in a series of the chosen number of cultures before that effect can be considered as being due to this vari- able and not to chance. Decision on the first point involves a compromise between the ideal of an infinite number on which to base averages and the 166 Plant Tissue Culture number which can be practicably handled in a laboratory with restricted space and facilities and limited time. This laboratory has chosen 20 as the standard number of cultures used in setting up averages, and each experiment is generally re- peated several times. The second point can be settled by a statistical analysis of actual results using this standard number. Some examples are given in Table 3. In this group of experiments, in each of which 20 cultures grown under one set of conditions are compared with 20 cultures grown either under a different set of conditions or else under the same conditions but on different dates, differences up to 12 per cent between the two series (Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 10) are without statistical significance; differences of 24 and 25 per cent (Nos. 5 and 8) are of doubtful significance (odds of less than 20 : 1 against the results being due to chance) ; while differences of 31 per cent and over (Nos. 6, 7, and 9) are highly significant (odds of more than 20:1 against the results being due to chance). This analysis indicates that in experiments car- ried out in this way and using 20 replications in each experimental complex differences of 30 per cent and over can, in general, be relied on to indi- cate a true difference in behavior and not merely fortuitous differences due to the variability of the CO H M a in favor ifference ing sig- ificant •3- -ooooo'g H - "* * N lO ■* OS ©J ©' O O © rH ci ui (M* -*' © »s u ° 00TjHC0M t^rHt^t^tOOOt^lONOJ h m si si o6oioot»t^«o-*'oirH rH rH rH + | +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 H^(MOCOCOO-<*Oqt--?0 cc5coc; 05 ?o«do6o6«0'*cdcoc'it- d a 02 M +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 TfH W t~ t>- (£> t>; t^rHt^rHOOOOrHT^OSOS t~t^t~t~«o?ot~cot-t~ g s. s. s-s ss s § « su s rH ~© HoHO „© „ r" ' ., r_l O ^ »H -rH ~rH ffl H ffl ,-T <© .rT1-1 <© h-t 1— 1 rH ^ rH ~ rH ~ i T^ l rH i V 1 | O) « 1 O 1 03 OS « OS ^JL _OS _JL 2 OS ^ CS ^ rH g« d OS fl 2. rt 3 qJOs h^ -a * S 05 -H 0) a; K a> 3^?S^ Sr; ejrVcSo 3 o cS © S r-. o3 ^h^bOhOhOhObHi-jHhjHi-sOb oo oo oo oo S 2 oo -,roo q^oo rQ°° CO CO CO co 22 22 CO PQ CO W oo W oo as os oi en 2 2 o> v_^os t- os *■ 2 rH rH rH rH ^ ^ rH g rH 0 rH 0 " 1— 1 rH rH rH rH °? l ^t^^Os^t^^OS^S^S^OS^Os gOs gOS tnmosQjoDajinaicci . a> , m S4J ©'S u'S O « § « § « s ® 5 « is « S ■ ? 3 6 d £> s £? 3 r^H,>HI-,r>HI-Sr>il-Sr>tr,r^r^!>Hr-SrHl-5C5r-;0,-5 6 rHCacO-*lO«5t~OOOJO fc r-t O d rd •H O d o ® id -a M C3 d cS ^3 o d d eS a> a «(H O cS Pi 168 Plant Tissue Culture material. This, then, has been used as a basis in interpreting results of experiments of this sort. Records. Each worker will have his own prefer- ences as to records, which he will adapt to his own particular problems. This laboratory's records, as regards root cultures, may be worth presenting. All records are kept in 5 X 7£" notebooks contain- ing about 120 pages, cross-ruled at \" intervals. This book is of a size that will slip into a coat pocket (Fig. 41). The rulings permit the organi- zation of the page into both horizontal and vertical columns and are close enough together so that a great deal of information can be placed on a single page. Three sample pages will suffice to indicate the ways in which such pages can be organized. The three sample pages indicate clearly the way in which routine numerical records are kept. In addition, photographs are taken of typical roots in each important experiment chosen to represent as nearly as possible the average length and growth habit of those grown in each solution or environmental complex. Thus, in Example 2, root No. 136 was set aside for photographing since it most nearly approximated the average of the group. The actual figures were: Average increment = 24.8 mm. No. 136 = 42—18 = 24 mm. Growth Measurements 169 Average number of branches = 2.3 No. 136 = 2 Average length of longest branch = 5 mm. No. 136 = 5 mm. From these records and from any qualitative notes which may be taken, a picture of the effects of any particular experimental variable can be built up. Presentation of results. It is seldom if ever necessary or desirable to present the numerical data in an experiment in toto. The results can usually be presented better in the form of either histograms where only average results for total passages are desired or curves where temporal trends are to be given. Where a number of simul- taneous experiments are to be compared, the re- sults can be presented in absolute units — mm. or mg. or per cent nitrogen. Where experiments carried out on different tissues or at different times, particularly at different times of year, are to be compared, this is not possible, since the ef- fects of varietal differences or of uncontrolled seasonal variables in the environment may have as great or greater effects on growth rates than do the experimental variables. Since all cultures react on the average in approximately the same way and to the same extent to most variables in the environment, this difficulty can be obviated by setting up a control in each series, treating this control always as the norm, and comparing all 170 Plant Tissue Culture Example 1 Stock cultures 51 Passag s 326 1939 Passage 327 No. Derived from* July 25 August 1 No. Derived from Aug. 1 August 8 1 1 15t 68 4- 9-13J 53$ 1 1 17 85 4- 6-18 68 2 2 16 90 + 11- 6 74 2 2 18 83 4- 4-10 65 3 « 16 53 +5 37 3 4 16 M || 0 4 4 19 108 4-19-30 89 4 a 19 90 + 11-16 71 5 5 17 134 4-24- 8 117 5 5 17 85 + 10- 8 68 6 « 16 105 4-15- 9 89 6 6 17 105 + 20- 5 88 7 8 17 25 4- 6-60 60 7 7 16 50+ 6-37 37 8 9 18 66 4- 8-52 52 8 u 15 75 + 10-18 60 9 10 16 98 4-15- 8 82 9 « 15 52+ 7-32 37 10 u 19 127 4-20-13 108 10 u 14 45+ 3-10 31 11 11 17 95 4-13-23 78 11 8 16 115 + 16- 7 99 12 12 16 85 4- 3- 7 69 12 u 17 95+ 2- 5 78 13 M 16 110 4-16-12 94 13 « 16 70 M || 54 14 « 14 85 4-10- 8 71 14 u 16 67+ 6-25 51 15 (I 15 88 4- 6- 3 73 15 9 18 51+ 4-15M|| 33 16 14 18 115 4-24-11 97 16 10 18 136 + 20-20 118 17 16 18 108 4-27- 8 90 17 11 15 86 + 20-16 71 18 18 17 50 4- 7-14 33 18 12 19 110 + 10- 5 91 19 19 16 4-5-43 43 19 13 18 145 + 12-20 122 20 20 16 33 4- 4- 7 17 20 14 19 129 + 20-16 110 21 tt 15 33 4- 5-10 18 21 15 18 132 + 22-19 114 22 21 17 87 4- 9-26 70 22 16 17 75 + 15-20 58 23 22 17 20 S || 3 23 17 18 65 47 24 23 17 72 4-10-29 55 24 19 17 75+ 8-22 58 25 24 16 107 4- 8- 6 91 25 22 17 87 + 15-17 20 T otal inci ement = 1663 mm. 1704 mm. !ean inci otes: ./cult./d ay = 9.5 mm. 9.7 mm. * A record is kept of the genealogy of each culture. Thus, Nos. 2 and 3 of passage 326 were derived from No. 2 of passage 325, Nos. 11, 12, 13, and 14 of passage 327 were taken as tips of branches of No. 8 of passage 326, etc. Thus, the history of any culture can be traced at will. t The length of each culture is recorded as soon after transfer as possible. t At the end of the passage (one week), the length of the main axis, the number of brandies, and the length of the longest branch are recorded. Thus, 68 + 9-13 means that the culture had attained a total length of 68 mm. and had formed 9 branches the longest of which was 13 mm. long. 53 + 5 indicates a total length of 53 mm. with only a single branch 5 mm. long. +5-43 indicates that the main axis had not grown at all but that there were 5 brandies the longest of which was 43 mm. long. In this case the length of the longest branch is used in calculating increments. § These figures represent tin' increase during a week's growth, that is, the difference between 15 mm. initial length and 68 mm. final length. || "M" indicates contamination with mold, "B" contamination with bacteria, and "S ' ' indicates that the culture had sunk to the bottom of the flask. Growth Measurements 171 cm CO ic irst-coojiooscoeo I I I I I I I I I -*-tiexico',!*lirac?cic\i coco ++++++++ ++ 00 CO iH i-H CO t- CO CO 00 "* CO t£ «33gSS SSSSS^SSSw coco^ inCOO^NCOCOOCOr-ICOeoeO^^^eoeOCOCO in co co io io II II I CXI CM CO CO IO CO + + + + + + TjH t- ■* CO CO O CM CO CO CO "* TjH IC K3t>MNIOtOMN I | I I I I I I I Tt<-^CM in CO CO CO CO CO + + + + + + + + + th oo wtuntoNaH ■<*l 2,»»l>ir5S cococoiom w tjh comco ^ ^ co cm ,1111 I I III I I I I CO CO CO CO CO W CO COTJH CO ^ *0 CO CO CO CO + + + + + + + ++ + + + + +± + •apura piooaa o_m -lupung a a CO CO o CO © CO "V, co t-< d o II O o in CM a d o a in CO in^koiocMTH»OTtHinco^ioiCTtH-*n^ sssssssss^ssggsssjsss 00 00 CMTHCO^CO^CD^^iOCvlCMlOCOCOCOTtHCMCMlO -sssssssssssssssssss o _,^-,^.rf(in!OKCCffiOH(MC<3^K)CONCCiaO o d o °i r-i "* CJD fl 00 d -* C3 -.s »H !h d -tJ -u d 3 a \CB . -u ^. a^ -a£ oo o • o tH d o o .H+»+' (I) CO CO 60 &D CJO r: .. -"t »H M >h CO CO CO > t» > «< 172 Plant Tissue Culture Example 3 Koot-pressures balanced against compressed air of measured ■nrp.ssnrp. Vfl.lllAfl 25 pressure values Set up June 15, 1937 Date Days Time Hours Height Remarks June 15 0 14: 00 0 75 16: 00 2' 75 16 1 8: 30 18'30" 100 12: 00 22' 106 16: 00 26' 117 1 atm. pressure applied 16: 10 26'10" 120 o < < tt i ' 16: 40 26'40" 120 17 2 8: 30 42'30" 148 Q C t ( ( ( < 11: 00 45' 164 4 < < < < <' 12: 00 46' 164 13:30 47'30" 176 5 " " " 15: 30 49'30" 172* c 1 1 a i ( 17: 30 51'30" 172 18 3 8: 30 66'30" 176 Pressure removed 11: 30 69' 197 * Balance between ex- 12: 00 70' 210 ternal and internal 15: 00 73' 234 pressure (or leakage 17: 00 75' 244 point) was reached 19 4 8: 30 90'30" 360 in this experiment at 12: 00 94' 398 5 atm. or 75 lbs. per 20 5 sq. inch. 21 6 9: 00 139' 604 Top of manometer reached other cultures within the series with the control, on a percentage basis. The percentage results can then be compared from one experiment to another, which could not be done with the absolute values. Thus, in two series (White, 1940, 232) on the effects of vitamin B<$ on two different strains of roots, one strain in an experiment using 1.0 ppm. vitamin B6 as the only organic accessory Growth Measurements 173 substance and completed on July 13, 1939, gave a numerical index of 58.6 mm., the other strain, in a similar experiment completed on December 7, 1939, gave a numerical index of only 21.8 mm., but the percentage values for the two were 60 and 62, respectively. While the use of percentages may be objected to on the grounds that it involves a subjective choice of a standard, it is the only way in which non-simultaneous experiments can be compared and has proved very satisfactory as a method of presenting results. Three examples of graphical representations will serve to show the types found most useful (Figs. 45^7). Interpretation of results. While the results themselves must, wherever possible, be presented in numerical form with a definite idea of the de- gree of accuracy and significance which can be attached to them, the interpretation of results is the duty of the observer. It is necessary for him to take into account not merely the numerical data but also many qualitative features of the results which cannot be set down in numerical form. In- terpretation involves the integration of many sorts of information which only the person who actually handles the cultures can have available. How this is to be done is a matter of personal inclination and cannot be presented in any hand- book. Yet it is in this, just as much as in the 174 Plant Tissue Culture 16 14 o = Control with yeast - A=5-amino-acid mixture » = Control wi hout yeast < Q > ro 19.4: 0.6 30: 1 >- 182 10:1 15:5 3:1 - FlG. 47. An isopleth diagram (three-dimensional graph) show- ing the approximate average increment rates (indicated by isopleth lines) obtained when tomato roots were grown in solutions in which the concentrations of sucrose and of sodium chloride were simul- taneously varied in a regular way so as to obtain a graded series of ratios (indicated on the ordinates) and a simultaneous graded series of osmotic values (indicated on the abscissae). This type of dia- gram, which may also be built into the form of a solid graph like a relief map, is extremely useful when it is desired to record the effects of the interaction of two simultaneous variables. (From White, P. R. 1942. Plant Physiol. 17 : 159, fig. 5, 37.) Growth Measurements 177 recording of data, that the scientist shows his true calibre. It does not seem amiss, therefore, to emphasize the importance as well as the difficulty of this phase of any experimental project. Summary The significance of any piece of scientific work rests primarily on the ability to express results in quantitative terms and the reliability of these terms themselves. The measurement of cultures and the interpretation and evaluation of such mea- surements are, thus, matters of prime importance. Plant tissue cultures may be measured by deter- mining protein nitrogen, dry weight, respiration intensity, area, volume, and doubtless other char- acteristics. The first three methods require the destruction of the tissue studied. With callus cultures none of these methods is fully satisfac- tory and a subjective criterion can scarcely be avoided. With root cultures linear increment has been found to be a satisfactory criterion of growth which is easily and accurately obtained, yet does not involve destruction of the tissue studied. Measurement of the central axis alone, ignoring all branches, is in error by about 5 to 8 per cent as compared to dry weights. Linear measure- ments can be made with a mean error of 6 to 8 per cent, an accuracy comparable to that obtainable 178 Plant Tissue Culture in making dry weight determinations. In order to reduce the random error, each experiment should include at least 20 replications in each environmental complex, and with this number a difference of at least 30 per cent of the control value must be produced by any given variable before that variable can safely be assumed to be responsible for the difference. Records are kept in standard notebooks of a size to be slipped into the coat pocket. Final results may be presented as tables, graphs, histograms, or models. In order that experiments carried out at different times may be compared, it is desirable to express results in terms of percentages of a control maintained under as nearly as possible standardized con- ditions. Growth Measurements 179 Fig. 48. Tip of excised tomato root grown for one week in a complete nutrient to which were added 3 x 10~G g. of indole acetic acid per ml. of nutrient. Failure of the axis to elongate has crowded the branch-primordia which are usually scattered over many centimeters of root into a few millimeters giving the appear- ance of a "rooting" response, x 25. ISO Plant Tissue Cull me Pig. \'.k Excised tomato roots grown in solutions containing, in addition to other essentia] constituents, the following concentrations of Fe.,(S04)3, reading from Left to right: none, 0.6, L.8, 6.0, 18.0, ;mil 60.0 • Ki " M. Photograph was taken after cultivation for one week. (From White, P. E. 1942. Planl Physiol. 17: L58, fig. 4, 37.) Growth Measurements 181 Fig. 50. Excised tomato roots grown in solutions containing, from left to right, the following concentrations of Fe2(S04)3: none, 0.675, 1.35, 2.025, 2.7, 3.375, 4.05, 4.725, 5.4, 6.077, 6.75, 7.425, 8.1, 8.775, 9.45, and 10.125 x 10"6 M. The linear increments of roots grown in iron concentrations from 1.35 to 5.4 x lO"*3 M are greater than at higher concentrations, but the branches are short and the general habit poor. Experience has shown that roots grow more satisfactorily and for longer periods if the iron concentration is from 6.0 to 7.0 x 10-6 M. The extreme sensitivity of these roots to slight variations in concentration of ions which are present in as minute amounts as is iron is one of the striking characteristics of such cultures. 1S12 Plant Tissue Culture Fig. 51. Surface view of the region of elongation of a tomato root grown in a solution containing indole acetic acid, showing the scattered necrotic lesions resulting from plasmoptysis (explosion) of many cortical cells. Compare with Fig. 56 wliich shows a com- parable region of :i root grown in ;i nutrient Lacking indole acetic acid, x 150. Chapter IX TISSUE CULTURE AND THE STUDY OF PROBLEMS IN THE PATHOLOGY AND GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF PLANTS The history of any biological method covers, in general, three phases which may or may not be simultaneous. These are: the development and perfection of basic techniques ; the application of those techniques to already recognized problems ; and the formulation of new and unforeseen appli- cations. Harrison (1907, 131) began with the sec- ond phase in this series, having before him a defi- nite problem, the elucidation of the origin of nerve fibrils, before he devised the tissue culture tech- nique. Having solved that particular problem by relatively simple methods, he found no further incentive to perfect or expand the technique and turned to other problems amenable to other tech- niques. Carrel (1911 et seq., 120), on the other hand, without a specific problem but with a less formulated concept of a vast field of problems, took this technique and perfected it to a very high degree. The application to new but specific prob- 184 Plant Tissue Culture lems again passed to a third set of workers, where Fell used it in studying bone-phosphatase activity (Fell, 1928 et seq., 392-401), Warburg in studying tumor metabolism (Warburg, 1923, 272, 1926, 273 ; Warburg and Kubowitz, 1927, 274), Rivers in growing vaccines (Rivers, Haagen, and Mucken- fuss, 1929, 440, 441; Rivers and Ward, 1935, 442), etc. The plant tissue culture idea began with a theory rather than with a specific problem. Haberlandt's theory (1902, 98) gave rise to a technique in the hands of Gautheret (1932 et seq., 48), White (1934 et seq., 65), and others. Being of much more recent development than the animal tissue culture technique, it has no such great literature of applications, yet it has already found a variety of fields of usefulness and will doubtless find many more in the future. The applications of the tissue culture technique fall for the most part in three fields : in physiology, in pathology, and in morphogenesis. Physiology Gross reactions. As we have seen elsewhere, that aspect of a culture's reaction to its environ- ment which can be most easily recorded in quanti- tative terms is its increase in mass. Its altera- tions in form come second, while in the third rank General Physiology of Plants 185 in ease of investigation, but by no means third in importance, are its changes in rate of activity as evinced in terms of enzymatic digestion, respira- tion, photosynthesis (if any), etc. Mass increase has been used in measuring cul- tures' behavior towards nutrient variables, vita- mins, temperature and light changes, and so on. In this way it has been demonstrated, for example, that, whereas the absolute concentrations of va- rious ions or molecules which give optimal growth rates differ widely for different elements — 0.05 M for sucrose (Bobbins, 1922, 57; Bonner and Addi- cott, 1937, 42; White, 1932, 63), 0.02 M for calcium and magnesium (White, 1932, 141), 0.000,002 M for iron (Figs. 49, 50) (White, 1932, 141 ; Robbins and Schmidt, 1938, 60), and 0.000,000,3 M for thia- min (Robbins and Bartley, 1937, 222 ; Bonner, 1937, 198; White, 1937, 231) — the range around these optima which will still permit normal growth is in almost all cases of about the same magnitude, from about 0.5 to 5.0 times the absolute optimal value (White, in press). The capacity of the tissue to adjust its behavior vis a vis these widely different substances appears to be about the same, irrespective of the substance under investigation. These powers of adjustment may be enhanced or reduced according to the existing conditions as regards other variables in the environment with 186 Plant Tissue Culture which they have no apparent connection. Thus, cultures grown in a glycine-thiamin nutrient give results which, at their best, are superior to the best results obtained in a yeast nutrient, yet in a gly- cine-thiamin nutrient they appear to be far more sensitive to temperature changes than in a yeast nutrient, so that at suboptimal or supraoptimal temperatures the relations between growth rates in these two nutrients may be just reversed (White, unpublished). The presence of a large number of substances of various character in the yeast extract seems to "buffer" the cultures against a too great sensitivity to other limiting factors as compared to the few substances in the synthetic (glycine-thiamin) solution. Perhaps this is one reason for past failures to obtain satis- factory growth of animal tissues in simple nutri- ents. Studies of this sort bid fair to give us considerably better insight into the functions and interactions of the various nutrient molecules and ions as well as other environmental variables in the plant's economy. Qualitative changes. A tissue 's or organ 's reac- tion to nutritional variables may, of course, be studied qualitatively as well as quantitatively. The reaction to indole acetic acid and its homo- logues serves as a striking but by no means iso- lated example. A graded series of concentrations General Physiology of Plants 187 of indole acetic acid added to a basic nutrient will give quantitative results which may be expressed in a fairly uniform curve (Fig. 52) (Fiedler, 1936, 45; Geiger-Huber, 1936, 214; Geiger-Huber u. Burlet, 1936, 215; Duhamet, 1939, 209; Bonner 10" l2 to-'4 GRAMS- INDOLE-ACETlC-ACID PER ML NUTRIENT Fig. 52. Graph showing the relative rates of increment of ex- cised tomato roots grown for one week in a complete nutrient to which had been added (from left to right) decreasing concentrations of indole acetic acid. While 10'12 and 10"1S g. of indole acetic acid per ml. of nutrient gave results which might indicate a stimulative effect, the improvement over the control without indole acetic acid was less than the probable error of the experiment and hence of doubtful significance. 188 Plant Tissue Culture and Koepfli, 1939, 343; White, unpublished). But it is also possible to observe, at concen- trations just exceeding the threshold level for growth retardation, a characteristic shorten- ing and thickening of the root axis, resulting in a crowding of the branch primordia into a relatively small space (Fig. 48) (Leonian and Lilly, 1937, 219). This gives an apparent but not real increase in the number of branches and simulates a ' ' root- ing" response, although in point of fact a rapidly growing culture of the same age, grown in a nutri- ent lacking indole acetic acid, would normally form just as many branches but scattered over from 10 to 20 times as great a length of root. Root cultures deprived of potassium continue to grow in length with unimpaired vigor but become pro- gressively more and more slender and fail to branch, as if all the potassium present in the orig- inal explant was being retained in the apical meri- stem so that none was available for the formation of branch primordia. Omission of iodine from the nutrient likewise leaves the culture quantitatively unimpaired but results in a spasmodic growth, the tips dying after 3 or 4 days and a series of new branches developing, giving a picture quite differ- ent from that produced by potassium deficiency (White, in press). Changes in activity. As has already been General Physiology of Plants 189 pointed out, changes in mass and in form are only secondary symptoms of the real activity of the tissue and must be interpreted with some caution. The activity of the tissue can be studied in a some- what more direct fashion by examining its capaci- ties for fermentation or more especially its re- spiratory activity. This has been done, to date, in only a single piece of work, carried out on callus cultures of Salix capraea by Plantefol (1938, 256, 257) in co-operation with Gautheret. Both callus cultures and root cultures, because of their rela- tively reduced dimensions which permit a com- paratively easy gas interchange between culture and nutrient, because of their freedom from trauma, and because of their high growth rates, should provide ideal material for study of proc- esses of this sort (Warburg, 1923, 272, 1926, 273). Nothing has been done in the study of photo- synthetic activity using plant tissue cultures. Roots normally do not possess such activity and that of callus cultures is probably low so that they do not appear likely to prove very useful in this respect. While these are some of the obvious tissue ac- tivities which suggest themselves as possible sub- jects of investigation, there certainly exist less obvious but no less important ones. One of these turned up unexpectedly in the form of a glandular 190 Plant Tissue Culture function in root tissues. Root cultures, although immersed in nutrient fluid, nevertheless form well differentiated vascular strands (Fig. 55). The existence of such strands suggested the possibility that they might be serving some real function, and means were devised which made possible the demonstration of the existence of a unidirectional flow of liquid through these immersed organs (White, 1936, 264). Further study showed that this flow was not continuous but had a diurnal rhythm and that it was maintained even when opposed by very great external pressures (Fig. 53) (White, 1938, 267-269). The existence of a rhythmic secretion was verified by Grossenbacher (1938, 243, 1939, 244), and the unidirectional character of the flow and the magnitude of the force were verified by Rosene (1937, 259, 1941, 260). A correlative diurnal rhythm in respira- tion rate has likewise been demonstrated in grow- ing excised roots (White, 1942, 37, 38). The tech- niques required for study of this phenomenon are far from simple, so that investigations thereon have been intensive rather than extensive (Figs. 56-58). The problem is, however, an impor- tant one in its bearing on the question of water movement in plants and of glandular activity in general. It serves as an excellent example of the unforeseen applications which a new technique may find. General Physiology of Plants 191 Hours 20 30 40 50 70 80 500 1 _L 0 10 20 30 40 Hours 50 60 70 80 Fig. 53. Graph showing the rates of water secretion of two similar tomato roots over a period of 3$ days, one (above) against uniform (atmospheric) pressure, the other (below) against imposed pressures up to 90 lbs./sq. in. The diurnal rhythm with which secretion proceeds is a striking characteristic of the behavior of tissues of this sort. (From White, P. R. 1938. Am. J. Bot. 25: 226, fig. 6, 267.) 192 Plant Tissue Culture Tropisms. Kotte (1922, 52) and Fiedler (1936, 45) have both made cursory observations on geo- tropic response of roots grown in an agar sub- stratum and report normal curvature. It has been the experience of this laboratory that roots floated on or near the surface of a liquid sub- stratum show no such response. Two possible explanations of this difference have suggested themselves — either that the positive chemotropic response to the oxygen gradient in a liquid me- dium is more powerful than the geotropic response and masks the latter (an explanation which should be equally applicable to a semi-solid substratum) or that the absence of a fixed support or fulcrum from which to bend makes it impossible for a root to retain a unilateral orientation. The positive reaction on agar seems to support the latter ex- planation, yet, once a root has grown long enough in a liquid nutrient to curve around the flask some- what, it has built up a bilateral symmetry which should make a reaction to gravity possible. This does not take place. Yet in experiments in which roots were fixed in a constantly aerated medium lacking an oxygen gradient, the response reap- peared (White, unpublished). A clear explana- tion is yet to be obtained. This example should suffice to show that cultures of this sort are capa- ble of serving as excellent material for certain types of tropistic studies. General Physiology of Plants 193 Cellular reactions. While the use of hanging- drop cultures adapted to continuous observation of single cells has so far been little developed as applied to plant tissue cultures, there seems to be no a priori reason why questions of the reactions of individual cells should not be followed by means of such a technique. This has, indeed, been done in a number of scattered instances. The gradual resorption of starch from the plastids in hanging- drop cultures of Stellaria media has been studied in this way (Fig. 54) (White, 1933, 116). The localization of tyrosinase in the plastids of root- hairs and cortical cells has been demonstrated by Fig. 54. A typical developmental cycle of individual cells in a culture of the stem tip of Stellaria media maintained for two weeks in a hanging drop of nutrient, showing the progressive increase and then decrease in size of the plastids as the cell grows, reaches maturity, passes into senility, and finally dies. (From White, P. R. 1933. Protoplasma 9 : 110, fig. 19, 116.) 194 Plant Tissue Culture growing root cultures in a nutrient containing 5 ppm. of tyrosine, a concentration which permits normal growth (Fig. 60) (White, unpublished). The behavior of localized root cells towards indole acetic acid with the formation of scattered necrotic lesions produced by the bursting of individual cells (plasmoptysis) has likewise been studied (Fig. 51) (White, unpublished). The tendency towards differentiation of scalariform cells in the interior of callus cultures (White, 1939, 78) may be looked upon as an example of cellular response to a par- ticular environmental complex, in this case one of low available oxygen content (Figs. 62, 63, 65, 66). Cyclosis can be observed very satisfactorily in the large " callus-blasen " to be found on the surfaces of callus cultures (Fig. 61) (White, 1932, 89), which should facilitate an accurate study of the effects of environmental variables on this process. These serve merely to point out some few places at which physiological processes have been or can be approached by means of tissue cultures. Pathology In the field of phytopathology, the most obvious of all applications of a new technique for the cul- tivation of phanerogamic tissues is in the main- tenance of such tissues as substrata for either obligate or facultative pathogens. The method as General Physiology of Plants 195 j *' ■ X m . | # Fig. 55. Optical longitudinal section of the region of matura- tion of a growing excised tomato root, showing the well-differenti- ated stele. x90. (From White, P. R. 1938. Am. J. Bot. 25: 223, fig. 1, 267.) 196 I'huit Tissue Culture Fig. ."><;. A manometer attached to a single excised root growing in its culture ll;isk. Water is secreted into the manometer, forcing the colored index drop upward iii the capillary. (From White, P. K. L938. Am. J. Bot. 25: 224, fig. 2, ?67.) (lateral Physiology of Plants 197 Fig. 57. Details of equipment used in studying the basipetal secretion of water by excised tomato roots, showing the glass mano- meters, rubber hose, and metal clamps at various stages in their assembly. (From White, P. B. 1938. Am. J. Bot. 25 : 225, fig. 5, 267.) IDS Plant Tissue Culture Fig. 58. Assembly of four manometers with their attached roots :iik1 culture Husks, coupled by a manifold to a tank of compressed nitrogen in stn-li a manner thai the force with which water is driven into the capillaries by the Becretory activity of the roots can be balanced against a known gas pressure and thus measured. ( From White, P. B. 1942. Sigma Xi Quarterly 30: L32, fig. 13, SS4.) General Physiology of Plants 199 it stands today is hardly usable for the latter, for the obvious reason that the basic nutrient for tis- sues is also an excellent nutrient for many of these organisms. It may, of course, be possible to modify the nutrient in such a way as to make it suitable for the host tissue but not for the infect- ing organism. Lewis and McCoy (1933, 301) used a primitive sort of organ-culture technique in the study of bacterial nodule formation on the roots of legumes. Although their results were not en- tirely satisfactory, they suffice to indicate one direction in which the more highly perfected tech- niques may prove useful. Kiker and Berge (1935, 317) foresaw some such possibility in connection with their studies of crown gall organisms, as did Nobecourt and Dusseau (1938, 311) and Berthelot and Amoureux (1937, 276). Nothing has been done with fungi except Gioelli's observations on the effects of chance contaminations on his cam- bium cultures (1938, 292). If the roots of cereals can be grown in the same manner as those of dico- tyledonous plants, they should serve as interesting substrata for the study of rust infections. Viruses in tissue culture have been studied to a somewhat greater extent than have bacteria and fungi, though still barely enough to give a sugges- tion of the possibilities. Viruses of a consider- able number of diseases of the mosaic group have 200 Plant Tissue Culture been cultivated in excised roots of tomato (White, 1934, 438, 1936, 439). (See Chapter VI.) Dis- eases which cause only moderate local injury and which move rapidly into all parts of the host can be maintained indefinitely in tissue cultures with- out difficulty and without essential change in the methods. Here they produce no macroscopically visible symptoms. By aliquot titration, it is pos- sible to follow the rate of multiplication of the virus as a function of host-tissue multiplication (Fig. 59) and to show that the two rates are inde- pendent of one another. Stanley (1938, 437) has used such cultures as a source of virus in order to demonstrate the essential identity of the chemis- try of virus protein produced in these chlorophyll- free tissues and of that derived from the usual leaf tissues with their high chlorophyll content and activity. Viruses which cause a high degree of local injury and which have a slow migration rate in the tissue are somewhat more difficult to main- tain in culture. A considerable amount of older tissue must be included in every explant along with the usual meristem, since the meristems themselves are often virus-free. Otherwise, the virus may be left behind in the discarded tissue and a strain of healthy tissue segregated for culti- vation. Such healthy strains have been segre- gated from cultures carrying "cucumber mosaic" General Physiology of Plants 201 ■a Eh i CO o 13 a 03 00 03 *H a oo a © • rH 00 r-H a 03 rH m 13 _© 03 03 a 13 a a a C3 a a 3 a a a a ^3 ■~t 03 ,o HH •rH +n 03 >- +H 03 «H OO n u u +H 03 O a -*- 03 m a .a a ft +i 13 13 (13 • iH rH +H a rH DO 03 r-H O • rH -h. rH 00 O a a X 3 a O +n 13 03 C3 a 00 03 > a 03 u • rH 03 43 03" (-1 o -»H> ■IH oo rH o •S 03 +3 03 43 --n rH o a 03 +h a -4-> M 03 a 03 .a -*H 43 bo a o a • rH a o • rH be 03 rH 03 ,a ft oo a M • rH > O a o (3 ■J3 o a H a o a 03 «3 o rH +H oo • rH a p*» 13 03 03 ■a oo a a o OO a bo 03 *H a • rH a 00 13 03 03 ft oo oo > 03 • rH a Hi oo 'a be be a 03 ft a O rH 4= +H a Eh be • i-H o 03 03 ri oo ft m 03 -_i S3 oo O r— 1 3 c-1 a o • rH 00 43 oo 03 •r- a -IH a o w fin 00 rH 03 1>H 1) +H a o • rH 13 O u o -r-H a S o 03 O -4-H 1-1 e CO © be «a 03 .a O r^ rH 03 > a • rH OO a 03 rH a • rH +3 a 03 C3 a • rH a S i>> 03 .a CO X! -t-> a 13 03 -*th e o 13 03 -4H a « • rH .9 00 a 03 -t-n 00 a rH ft O 03 U 3 • rH > • rH 13 so a 03 +s 03 13 O DO +H H a o ■ rH ft -4H a o a a o rH - a •H a o ■rH -tH « < OS in 6 03 a • rH 00 03 O a a a a '5 ,a -t-r a a rH bo i* o 13 a 43 00 13 .a "■a 03 hO +3 oo a •r-5 o o 03 3 a «H +H 13 o r-H 03 ,a ■r-H a -4-H (-1 13 rH a 13 03 03 ft a n 03 o r| a a ft 03 — JO .a -4-3 03 13 a M 202 Plant Tissue Culture virus, Jensen's No. 16 strain of tobacco mosaic virus, and some other virulent types (White, un- published). Interestingly enough, no method has yet been found for inoculating such cultures (they must be isolated from systemically infected plants), so that there is no danger of a virus-bear- ing culture, once established, ever becoming con- taminated with another virus (White, 1934, 438). Tissue cultures have to date not been tested as hosts for phanerogamic parasites such as Cuscuta, Viscum, etc., but should prove useful in the study of phanerogamic host-parasite relations. One field of investigation in which tissue cul- tures promise to be extremely useful, which repre- sents essentially an extension of the nutrition studies mentioned above, is that covering the effects of toxic or injurious substances, either of organic or inorganic origin, on the behavior of the tissues of such cultures. The reaction to indole acetic acid mentioned above is an excellent exam- ple and serves to show the sorts of observations which are possible in this field using even very simple methods (Figs. 48, 51, 52). The reaction of excised carrot tissue to colchicine has also been studied, by Duhamet (1939, 210). Histology and Cytology Tissue and organ cultures furnish unusually clean, uniform, easily handled material for histo- General Physiology of Plants 203 logical study. Gautheret (1935, 15, 1937, 282, 1938, 283, 284, 1940, 286-289), Dauphine (1930, 279), Bobbins and bis colleagues (Bobbins and V. B. White, 1936, 62), and Addicott (1941, 196) have utilized root cultures for some anatomical and histological studies. White (1939, 78) Gautheret (1938, 283, 284) and Gioelli (1937, 290) have made a few similar studies with callus cultures. There remains, however, much to be done in this direc- tion. Summary The tissue culture technique has been applied to the study of the reactions of tissues, organs, and cells to variations in concentrations of nutrient materials, growth stimulants, toxins, and other environmental variables. These reactions can be measured in terms of mass increase, differentia- tion, level of respiratory activity, enzyme or water secretion, tropistic bending, and many other sorts of behavior. Bacteria, molds, and viruses have been cultivated on growing isolated plant organs as hosts and the host behavior studied. These represent some of the fields to which the technique has already been applied. Many more obviously remain as yet untouched. General Physiology of Plants 205 Fig. 60. Optical longitudinal section of an excised tomato root grown for one week in a complete nutrient to which was added 15 rag. of tyrosine per liter of solution, showing the typical blackening of the plastids indicating the presence of tyrosinase, x 150. 206 Plant Tissue Culture i * \ L4 \ Pig. 61. Above, successive stages (left to right) in the hyper- hydric enlargemenl of the integuments of immature seeds of Antir- rhinum upon cultivation in hanging drops of nutrient. These large, thin-walled callus cells furnish excellent material in which to ob- serve the details of cellular behavior. ■ '.W. ( From White, P. E. 1932. Arch. exp. Zellforsch. LI: 615, figs. 1 I. is. 19,89.) Below, single cells from the margins of hanging drop cultures of immature seeds of Antirrhinum showing the nucleus, protoplasmic strands, |. last. .is, oil globules, etc. < 250. (Prom White, P. R. 1932. Arch. exp. Zellforsch. 11 : 617 and 619, figs. 2] and 23, 89.) General Physiology of Plants 207 Fig. (52. Detail of a mass of meristematic cells from the outer region of a culture of undifferentiated callus from a plant of the hybrid, Nicotiana langsdorffi x N. glauca. Delafield 's haematoxylin- safranin. x 1000. (From White, P. R. 1939. Am. J. Bot. 26: 63, fig. 11, 78.) •jus Plant Tissue Culture Fir,. <;:;. A shorl series of scalariforno <-clls forming an incom- plete vascular strand in the interior of ;i Nicotiana callus culture. L000. (From White, P. R. IJKW. Am. .1. Hot. I2t> : (53, fig. 8, Chapter X MORPHOGENESIS It was suggested at the beginning of this volume that the technique of cultivating excised tissues had its chief raison d'etre and gave its greatest promise in the study of the origins of form and function, that is, in problems of morphogenesis. Harrison 's original problem which led to the first in vitro cultivation of animal cells — whether the nerve fibrils originate in situ from the innervated cells or their products or whether they originate ab extra, by growth from the distant ganglia — was a morphogenetic problem. So was Robbins ' orig- inal problem — whether the root was dependent on the leafy portions of the plant for anything more than its basic carbohydrate nutrition. So like- wise was the problem — what was the nature of the stimulus by which crown gall organisms or their products induce abnormal proliferation of the host cells — which led the author of this volume to undertake the development of a plant tissue cul- ture technique (White, 1931, 32). The number of problems which have been attacked to date by means of this technique is not large. But the 210 Plant Tissue Culture number which it should be possible to attack by this means is legion. It seems desirable therefore to outline some of the possibilities. (See Harri- son, 1912, 415, 1933, 416 ; Fischer, 1922, 405, 1930, 409, 1931, 410; Fischer u. Parker, 1929, 411; Parker, 1934, 427, 1936, 428, 429). That the developmental and behavior pattern in higher animals is greatly influenced by meta- bolic products known as "hormones" is today generally recognized. Of recent years, there has grown up a considerable literature on "plant hormones" as well. The first plant hormone, "auxin," was originally studied as a factor in geotropic and phototropic, hence purely orienta- tion, responses (Paal, 1914, 367, 1919, 368; Boysen- Jensen, 1910, 344). It has subsequently come to be looked upon as a true morphogenetic hormone, since it seems to induce the differentiation of roots from tissues that ordinarily rarely, if ever, pro- duce roots (Went, 1929, 380 ; Bouillenne et Went, 1933, 277 ; Thimann and Went, 1934, 229 ; Laibach, 1935, 218; Thimann and Koepfli, 1935, 376; Cooper, 1935, 345, 1936, 346; Zimmerman et al., 1933, 384, 1935, 385, 386), to control the formation and development of buds (Thimann and Skoog, 1933, 377, 1934, 378; Snow, 1925, 372; LeFanu, 1936, 359; van Overbeek, 1938, 366), to influence the abscission of leaves and of fruits (Gustafson, Morphogenesis 211 1936, 350, 1938, 351, 352, 1939, 353 ; Gardner and Marth, 1937, 348), to initiate the activity of cam- bium (Snow, 1933, 373, 1935, 374-, Avery, Burk- holder, and Creighton, 1937, 341), to regulate the specific branching habit of plants (Lehmann, 1936, 360; Delisle, 1937, 347; Goodwin, 1937, 349), to mediate between genes and growing tissues in con- trolling the procumbent vs. erect habit (van Over- beek, 1936, 363, 1938, 365), in producing dwarf ness (van Overbeek, 1935, 362, 1938, 364), to take part in the production of bacterial root nodules (Thi- mann, 1936, 375), and many other responses. (Compare Appleman, 1918, 340; Went, 1928, 379, 1932, 381). All these responses are attributed to the same substance. If this view is correct, then the differences in response must depend on corre- lative factors resident in, or in the neighborhood of, the responding cells. A growing, undifferen- tiated mass of cells, such as a callus culture, or a mass characterized by a definite but limited degree of differentiation, such as an excised root, should not only possess fewer of these internal variables but should permit a more rigorous control of the external variables as well. If auxin is truly a specific root-forming hormone (Went, 1929, 380) f it should be possible to set up conditions under which its local application to such a callus culture would regularly induce the local formation of 212 Plant Tissue Culture roots. If auxin is truly a hormone of tropic re- sponse (Boy sen- Jensen, 1910, 344), its unilateral application to growing excised roots should regu- larly induce unilateral curvature. Moreover, there have recently been described a number of other specific "hormones," a flower-forming hor- mone (Melchers, 1937, 361; Hamner and Bonner, 1938, 356), a stem-forming hormone, "cauloca- line" (Went, 1938, 382), and a leaf -forming hor- mone, "phyllocaline" (Went, 1938, 382), in addi- tion to the root-forming hormone, "rhizocaline," which Bouillenne (1938, 206) and Cooper (1935, 345, 1936, 346) believe to be different from the auxin of Went (1929, 380) and Kogl, Haagen- Smit, and Erxleben (1933, 357). If these sub- stances are truly specific for the processes from which they take their names, and if, as we have suggested, the cells of tissue cultures are essen- tially totipotent, it should be possible to set up cultural conditions for such tissues such that ap- plication of a flower-forming hormone would regu- larly induce the formation of flowers, application of rhizocaline would regularly induce the produc- tion of roots, etc. The tissue culture technique seems to offer possibilities for the analysis of these relations, under conditions relatively free of uncontrollable variables. On the other hand, there is already available Morphogenesis •21:5 e \ /- , . : " 1 \ 1 . w 3 s^^BPfJ? * < Fig. 64. Above, two cultures of cambium of Sambucus JHtfra grown side by side on a semi-solid nutrient in such a manner that a graft union formed at the center. The exact line of fusion can- not be distinguished, x 100. Below, cultures of cambium of Acer pseudoplatanus grown as in the picture above. The graft union was much less perfect here, x 150. (From Gautheret, R. J. 1935. Recherches sur la culture des tissus vegetans. (These) 250, plate XVIII, 1, 2, 15.) 214 Plant Tissue Culture Fig. (>."). Transverse section of an 8-weeks-old culture of Vicotiana callus, showing the compact, relatively organized central portion surrounded by a broad region of younger, louse, unorgan- ized, and mostly rapidly growing tissue. 20. (From White, P. R. 1939. Am. J. Hot. 26: 61, fig. •"".. 78.) I'm. (i(i. Detail from Lower margin of Pig, !>."">, showing meriste- matic areas scattered through the upper half of the picture while the lower portion, particularly at the left, is made up largely of gianl cells of a mature type, x 138. (From White, 1'. R. L939. An,. .1. Bot. 26: til', fig. 7, 78.) Morphogenesis 215 •:• \ t }. i L— -" J 9> *• '/r? P"»«s* ■■Ji r- Fig. 66. •J Hi Plant Tissue Culture m<~- - a; * ^ 4 xiv >.-*- V; I Vr 1 1 * J t .'■\ • ** •^ . Pig. r>7. A typical whorl of disorganized vascular tissue from the interior of a culture of bacteria free crown-gall tissue of sun- flower. ■ \'l'i. Morphogenesis 217 some evidence that the differentiation of specific organs, while it may be influenced by specific sub- stances, may also be controlled to some extent at least by concentration gradients of non-specific substances, hence by polar (physical) as well as chemical relationships. The phenomena of polar- ity mentioned at the very beginning of this book in connection with the work of Vochting, Goebel, and others thus offer another field in which the tissue culture technique provides a means of approach not heretofore available. Priestley (1928, 314, 1930, 315, Pearsall and Priestley, 1923, 313) attributes the formation of cambium in radial plant bodies to a radially distributed hydrogen-ion gradient. Lund (1931, 247) and Rosene and Lund (1935, 319) have shown that there is a correspond- ing electropotential gradient which can be modi- fied by imposing artificial oxygen-hydrogen gradi- ents. White (1939, 333) has shown that an oxy- gen gradient may be correlated with the response by which undifferentiated callus cultures (Figs. 17, 18, 61, 65) are induced to form stems and leaves without the intercession of a caulocaline (Figs. 68, 71). White (1938, 267) and Rosene (1937, 259, 1941, 260) have shown that there is a hydrostatic flow correlated with the electrostatic gradient along excised and intact roots. But it is as yet quite unknown which of all these gradients 218 Plant Tissue Culture — of pH, of redox-potential, of electrostatic poten- tial, of hydrostatic potential, and of tendency to differentiate — is primary and which secondary. It should be possible in tissue culture to artificially impose or modify any or all of these gradients, except the last, along controlled spatial axes and thus to determine with which other gradients they bear a causal relationship. Brachet has applied this method in animal embryology to the study of effects of imposed oxygen gradients (Brachet, 1937, 387; Brachet and Shapiro, 1938, 388), and Huxley (1926, 417, 1927, 418), Gilchrist (1928, 412), and Vogt (1932, 434) have applied it to the study of temperature gradients. Fife and Framp- ton (1936, 241) have applied it in plant pathology to the study of the causal factors involved in the orientation of a parasitic insect's proboscis in the tissues of the host, with brilliant results. With plant tissue cultures it is a virgin field except for White's preliminary observations on oxygen gra- dients and differentiation (Figs. 68, 71) (1939, 333, 1942, 334) and, in a sense, those of Nobecourt (1939, 448) and of Gautheret (1940, 286-288) on bud formation. Yet these methods of approach should prove effective with excised organs (roots) and undifferentiated masses (callus) and perhaps even more with young developing embryos, espe- cially if these can be grown from the fertilized egg. Morphogenesis 219 The forces which, in the egg cell of a vascular Cryptogam, for example, result in the first three mitoses segregating cells which normally develop into stem growing point, cotyledon, root, and sus- pensor, respectively, are sufficiently clean-cut to offer material capable of clear and definite analy- sis, once a technique for such studies is available. The tissue culture technique should make possible the development of a true science of plant em- bryology. One method of approach to problems of organi- zation which has proved especially effective in animal embryology is, as we have seen, that of transplantation, developed to a high degree by Harrison and by Spemann (1936, 431, 432). With plant material, the Boysen-Jensen-Paal-Went technique of transplanting Avena coleoptile tips, or agar blocks containing extracts from such tips, is essentially a comparable technique, the coleop- tile or agar block (Went, 1928, 379) acting in the same way as an organizer in the sense of Spemann. If plant members such as coleoptile tips (Avery and La Rue), root tips (White et al), stem tips and buds (White), leaf primordia, etc., can be grown in culture, can be subjected to controlled environmental influences, and can then be trans- planted into otherwise intact host plants, the ques- tion of organ influences at a distance, of correla- 220 Plant Tissue Culture tions of the type suggested by Sachs (1880, 370, 1882, 370, 1893, 320, 371), could be brought within the scope of experimental analysis (see Went, 1941,555). Another field in which this technique might pre- sumably find valuable applications is the study of the physiological aspects of heterosis and incom- patibility. Bobbins has already studied the growth behavior of excised roots from certain hybrid tomatoes, compared with that of roots from the two inbred parents (1941, 318). In cases where the hybrid is ' ' physiologically sterile, ' ' due to unsatisfactory endosperm development, as in certain peaches (Tukey, 1933, 327; White, 1928, 332), the tissue culture method has proved its value in permitting the propagation of embryos which would otherwise perish. Where adventi- tious embryos arise aposporously from the nucel- lar wall, as in many Citrus fruits, Taraxacum, certain Daturas, etc. (Blakeslee and van Over- beek), the technique should prove valuable, not only in propagating these embryos in refractory cases, but also in determining the causes of poly- embryony and aposporous embryogony. More- over, where "incompatibility" is suspected of being physiological rather than anatomical, the cultivation of tissues of the two incompatible mem- bers together in vitro might well throw light on Morphogenesis 221 the nature of this incompatibility. Gautheret (1935, 15) has carried out experiments of this type, though for quite a different purpose, in his pre- liminary study of heterologous and homologous in vitro grafts, which indicate the feasibility of this sort of approach (Fig. 64). (See also Figs. 69, 70.) The tissue culture technique has recently per- mitted the transfer of one problem group already mentioned, the "crown gall problem," from the field of pathology to that of experimental morpho- genesis with extremely important implications. Tissues isolated from secondary or metastatic crown gall tumors have been grown in tissue cul- ture (Fig. 19). Here they maintained a rapid, disorganized type of growth (Fig. 67) which ex- pressed itself, upon reimplantation into healthy hosts, in the production of new tumors. The tis- sues were shown to be free of bacteria. The tissue culture technique has thus permitted the experimental manipulation of crown gall tissues free of the original pathogen and the study of the factors involved in the origin of the tumefacient property of the cells themselves. It thus offers a new approach to problems of the origin of malig- nancy (White and Braun, 1941, 335, 1942, 336, 337; Braun and White, 1942, 436). The physiological aspects of cellular morpho- 222 Plant Tissue Culture genesis, the causal factors involved in the differen- tiation of bast-fibers, stone-cells, medullary ray cells, phloem tube elements, and of true meristems, all from the same parenchymatous elements, are also problems open to attack by tissue culture methods. These suggestions merely serve to point out some of the as yet essentially untouched fields opened up by the development of this technique. The history of the progress of science is a history of such tools. SUMMAKY In the study of the origin of form and function, that is, of morphogenesis, tissue culture methods provide a means of isolating cells, organs, and tis- sues from the morphogenetic influences of neigh- boring cells, organs, and tissues and placing them in controlled environments. Questions of the effects of growth substances or ''hormones," of chemical and physical gradients, and of cytoge- netic factors can be approached by this means with considerable hope of success. Morphogenesis 223 Fig. 68. A culture of Nicotiana callus maintained for 8 weeks in an undifferentiated state by repeated transfer on a serni-solid nutrient and then placed for 2 weeks in a liquid nutrient. Reduc- tion in available oxygen supply under the latter conditions has resulted in the formation of differentiated growing points and leaves, x 7.5. (From White, P. R. 1939. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 66: 509, fig. 2, 333.) 224 I'hi ul Tissue Culture in,. 69. Transverse section of a Nicotiana callus culture main tamed for two weeks iii the anterior chamber of a rabbit's eve. (Courtesy of Dr. Harry s. X. Greene, Vale University Medical School.) The deep-staining areas are animal cells, largely invasive leucocytes, which have in many cases pushed their way between the less deeply staining plant cells. The very dark, broken, lenticular mass at the left is the lens of the eye. The plant tissue contains many gianl cells at the margin and some vascular strands luit no meristematic areas, indicating that, while cell division had stopped, Cell enlargement and maturation had proceeded for some time after insertion of the culture in the eve. ■ 41'. Morphogenesis 225 t> Fig. 70. Detail from the lower right-hand portion of Tig. 69, showing plant tissue with a central vascular strand flanked both above and below by animal cells which have in many cases pene- trated into the intercellular spaces, x 400. 2'2i\ Plant Tissue Culture PIG. 71. Two sister cultures of Nicotiana Callus tissue. That above was grown for _<> weeks on :i semi-solid medium providing adequate aeration. Thai below was grown for !<• weeks on the semi solid medium followed by 10 weeks in ;i nutrient of the same constitution except for the omission of the agar. Here the culture was submerged and thus subject to reduced aeration, stem grow ing points and Leaves of n high order of differentiation have, under the latter conditions, developed from n tissue mass which, on the semisolid nutrient, appeared to have lost the capacity to differ- entiate. <1.5. (From White, P. R. L939. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 66: 509, fig. 1, 888. i BIBLIOGRAPHY Keference has been made in the foregoing text to publications in a variety of fields, some directly bearing on the cultivation of excised plant organs and tissues, some having only an indirect bearing on this subject. The following list of publications cited must obviously be incomplete. It is believed to contain all the major contributions on plant tissue cultures. The references on collateral subjects, such as plant growth substance studies, animal tissue cultures, etc., are intended to be merely suggestive. The citations have been roughly classified according to subjects to facilitate the reader's search for a given type of material. This classification must obviously appear arbitrary in many cases, but it is hoped may prove useful and suggestive. Nos. I. General treatises 1-39 II. Cultivation 1. Roots 40-66 2. Callus and cambium 67-78 3. Embryos 79-89 4. Tissues other than roots, calluses, and embryos 90-116 5. Animal tissues 117-132 III. Nutrition 1. Inorganic a. Plant 133-144 b. Animal 145-165 2. Carbohydrate a. Plant 166-173 b. Animal 174-175 3. Nitrogenous a. Plant 176-182 b. Animal 183-194 4. Fat a. Plant (None) b. Animal 195 5. Vitamins and hormones a. Plant 196-232 b. Animal 233-236 228 Plant Tissue Culture IV. Physiology other than nutrition 1. Plant 237-270 2. Animal 271-274 V. Morphology and morphogenesis 1. Plant a. General 275-339 b. Growth substances 340-386 2. Animal 387-435 VI. Pathology 1. Plant 436-439 2. Animal 440-442 VII. Miscellaneous 1. Plant 443-455 2. Animal 456-457 General Treatises 1. Bloom, W. 1937. Cellular differentiation and tissue cul- ture. Physiol. Rev. 17: 589-617. 2. Borger, H. 1926. Verfahren pflanzlicher Gewebeziichtung. (Nachtrag zur: Erdmann, Rh. Gewebeziichtung.) Handb. norm. path. Physiol., Band 14, l.Halfte: 1000-1002. Springer, Berlin. 3. Burlet, E. 1940. Ueber die pflanzliche Organkultur und ihre Anwendung bei physiologischen Untersuchungen. Ber. schweiz. bot. Ges. 50: 519-544. 4. Carrel, A. 1924. The method of tissue culture and its bear- ing on pathological problems. Brit. Med. Jour. 2: 140- 145. 5. . 1924. Tissue culture and cell physiology. Physiol. Rev. 4 : 1-20. 6. . 1928. Modern techniques of tissue culture and results. Arch. exp. Zellforsch. 6: 70-81. 7. . 1931. The new cytology. 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Abies lasiocarpa, 55 Abies pectinata, cambium, cul- tures of, 127 abscission, auxin a factor in, 210 Acer pseudoplatanus, grafts in cambium cultures, 213 achenes, sterilization of, 118 acid, ascorbic, 99 acid, boric, 103, 104, 105 acid, chromic (see potassium dichromate) acid, humic, 56 acid, indole-acetic, effects on growth, 98, 105, 179, 182, 186-188, 194, 202 acid, nicotinic, 97, 98, 100, 103, 104, 105 acid, sulfuric, as nutrient, 105 (see also cleaning solution, 71) acids, amino (see amino-acids) Addicott, 203, 241; A. and Bon- ner, J., 97, 241; Bonner, J., and A., 34, 57, 93, 100, 131, 185, 230 adventitious embryos, origin and cultivation of, 220 adventitious roots, 50, 88, 120 aeration, effect on differenti- ation, 194 aeration, effect on geotropic re- sponse, 192 aeration, requirements of roots, 56 Aesculvs, 252 agar, 102, 104, 105 air-conditioning, of culture and transfer rooms, 74, 77 alanine, 31 alcohol, for cleaning glassware, 71 alcohol lamps for flaming in- struments, 83 alcohol sterilization of tissues, 119 algae, growth in stock salt solu- tions, 104 Allium, 28 amino-acids, 93, 99, 100 amino-nitrogen, as measure of growth, 156 Amoureux; Berthelot and A., 199, 247 amphibian embryos, 14, 15 animal tissue cultures, 21-30 Antirrhinum, cultures of seed primordia, 206 apical dominance, in roots, 55 aposporous embryos, 220 apple seeds, aseptic removal of, 118 Appleman, 211, 252 area of cultures, measurement of, 158 Arnold sterilizer, 69, 107 Arnon, 70, 93, 236; A. and Stout, 70, 93, 237; Stout and A., 70, 93, 237; Hoagland and A., 70, 237 ascorbic acid, 99 asepsis, 117 et seq. asparagin, 31 Aspidium, 28 atmospheric humidity, 134 264 Plant Tissue Culture aucuba mosaic virus, 201 autoclave, 68 autonomy of cells, 4 auxin, effects of, 210-212 Avena, 252 Avena coleoptiles, 219 Avery and La Rue, 50, 245; A., Burkholder, and Creighton, 211, 252; La Rue and A., 45, 233 Axtman; Bonner, J., and A., 98, 242 bacterial digestion of fibrin, 101 bacteriological contaminations, 74, 83, 121 bacteriologist's hood, for trans- fers, 74 Baker, 22, 90, 101, 240, 244; B. and Carrel, 22, 90, 240, 241; Carrel and B., 22, 90, 241 baker's yeast, 101 balances, 71 bark, removal for cultivation, 115, 122 Barker; Bennet-Clark, Green- wood, and B., 94, 245 Bartley; Bobbins and B., 35, 95, 96, 97, 133, 157, 185, 239, 243; Robbins, B., and White, V. B., 35, 231; Robbins, White, V. B., McClary, and B., 93, 237 (see also Robbins and Schmidt [Schmidt=B art- ley] 35, 95, 133, 157, 158, 185, 232, 243, 244) bean pods, aseptic seeds from, 118 bean pods, use in testing wound substances, 57, 114 beech, cambium cultures from, 123 Begonia, 28, 125 Behre, 47, 50, 247 belly epithelium of toad, 15 Bennet-Clark, Greenwood, and Barker, 94, 245 Berge; Riker and B., 199, 250 Berkefeld filters, 107 Berry; Steward, B., and Broyer, 56, 246 Berthelot, 93, 104, 237; B. and Amoureux, 199, 247 Berthelot 's solution, 104 Berzin; Thielman and B., 94, 247 Beta vulgaris, 19 biotin, 99 Blakeslee; van Overbeek, Conk- lin, and B., 27, 220 Bloch; Sinnott and B., 58, 126, 251 blood as a nutrient, 10 blood plasma, 21, 22, 90 Bloom, 228 Bobilioff-Preisser, 28, 234 Bocconia, 27 Bonner, D.; Bonner, J., and B., 99, 242 Bonner, J., 34, 96, 97, 105, 125, 132, 185, 234, 242; B. and Ad- dicott, 34, 57, 93, 131, 185, 230; B. and Axtman, 98, 242; B. and Bonner, D., 99, 242; B. and Buckman, 97, 245; B. and Devirian, 97, 242; B. and En- glish, 57, 114, 126, 252; B. and Koepfli, 187, 188, 252; Addicott and B., 97, 98, 241; Hamner and B., 212, 253; van Overbeek and B., 99, 246 Borger, 28, 58, 228, 234 boric acid, 103, 104, 105 boron, 70, 92 Bouillenne, M. ; Bouillenne, R., and B., 212, 242 Bouillenne, R., and Bouillenne, M., 212, 242; B. and Went, 210, 248 Bcysen-Jensen, 210, 212, 219, 252 Brachet, 218, 255; B. and Sha- piro, 218, 256 branches, effect on measure- ments of roots, 160 branching habit, auxin a factor in, 211 Index 265 brass rings, as culture chambers, 81, 149 Brassica, 28 Brassica nigra, apical dominance in roots, 55 Brassica rapa, 19 Braun and White, P. R., 221, 259; White, P. R., and B., 52, 124, 221, 252 brewer 's yeast, 101 ' ' Brewer 's yeast — Harris, ' ' 101 bromine, as sterilizing agent, 118, 119 brown sugar, 95 Broyer; Hoagland and B., 56, 245; Steward, Berry, and B., 56, 246 Bryophyllum, 28, 125 Bryophyllum calycinum, 249, 250 Buckman; Bonner, J., and B., 97,245 buckwheat roots, 63, 64, 105 bud cultures, 151 buffering effect of complex nu- trients, 186 Bufo vulgaris, 15, 257 Bnrkholder; Avery, B., and Creighton, 211, 252 Burlet, 118, 228, 242; Geiger- Huber and B., 98, 187, 243 Burrows, 21, 22, 35, 131, 235, 236; Carrel and B„ 22, 236 C calcium, 92, 96, 185 calcium hypochlorite, 119 calcium nitrate, 103, 104, 105 calcium sulfate, 105 callus "blasen," 194, 206 callus cultures, 52, 53, 99, 105 "calots," 66 cambial activity, initiation and control by auxin, 211 cambium cultures, 33, 36, 116 cambium cultures, isolation of, 115, 121, 122 cambiums, 48-50 (see also, meristems) Camptosorus, 48, 125 cancer, 2 Cannon, 56, 245 Canti; Fell and C, 256 carbohydrate, 57, 93, 94-96 carbon, 92 carboys, Pyrex, 69 Carrel, 21, 22, 26, 35, 71, 75, 90, 131, 183, 228, 236, 241; C. and Baker, 22, 90, 241; C. and Bur- rows, 22, 236; Baker and C, 22, 90, 240, 241 Carrel flasks, 80 Carriere, 13, 248 carrot, 49, 99 carrot, cultures from 105, 124 caulocaline, 212, 217 cell theory, 4, 35 cellular reactions, 193-194 cellular totipotency, 4-8 celluloid rule, for measuring roots, 128, 161 cereals, roots, cultivation of, 199 Chambers, 33, 131, 148, 151, 231 chemotropic response, 192 chlorides, 112 chlorine, 92 chlorine, as sterilizing agent, 119 Chlorophytum, 125 Chlorophytum datum, 250 chromel wire loops, 82, 85 chromic acid (see potassium di- chromate) ' ' chymical implements, ' ' 66 Citrus, fruits, aposporous em- bryos in, 220 "clarite," 151 Clark-Kennedy, 260 cleaning procedures, for glass- ware, 71, 72 cleaning solutions, 69, 71 clones, importance of, 132 clover roots, cultures of, 40, 105 clover roots, dominance in, 55 clover roots, root cap, 61 coagulants, 101, 102 cobalt chloride, 105 coconut milk, as a nutrient, 27 colchicine, effects on carrot cul- tures, 202 266 Plant Tissue Culture eoleoptile, Avena, transplanta- tion of, 219 Coleus, 28 Coleus arifolia, 19 colony shape, 133, 158 commercial sugar (see sucrose) companion cells, phloem, meri- stematic character of, 58 Compo sitae, bud formation on roots, 47, 51 concentration gradients, 217 Conklin; van Overbeek, C, and Blakeslee, 27 contaminations, 74, 83, 121 convection currents, 74 Cooper, 210, 212, 252, 253 copper, 96 copper sulfate, 105 cortical tissues, retention of meristematic function by, 43, 58 Corydalis solida, 6 cotton plugs, 73 cotyledons, regeneration in, 47 cover glasses, 150, 151 Crassula, 28 Creighton; Avery, Burkholder, and C, 211, 252 criteria of response to external influences, 184-194 Crocker; Zimmerman, C, and Hitchcock, 255 crocks for cleaning solution, 71 crown gall, 199, 209, 221 crown-gall tissue, cultivation of, 53, 124, 216 cucumber mosaic virus, 200 Cucurbita, 28 culture conditions, 144 et seq. culture period, length of, 142, 143 culture rooms, 76 culture techniques, 131 et seq. curvature, tropic, effect of auxin on, 212 Cuscuta, 202 cuttings, development of roots on, 88, 121 cyclosis, 194 cystei'n-HCl, 105 cystoscopic scissors, 83 cytology, 202 Czech, 28, 234 D Dakin solution, 119 dandelion root, polarity and bud formation, 51 Datura, 27, 220 Daucus, 28 Dauphine, 47, 203, 234, 248 Day, 98, 242 Delarge, 133, 248 Delisle, 211, 253 Demuth; Fischer and D., 22, 90, 101, 241 developmental patterns, 210-219 deviation from norm, growth rates of cultures, 163-165 Devirian; Bonner, J., and D., 97, 98, 242 dextrin, 95 dextrose, 32, 105, 107 diameter of roots, 159 diastase, digestion products as nutrients, 31 Dicranum, 28 Dietrich, 45, 233 differentiation, as affected by oxygen supply, 194, 223, 226 digests, peptic, of fibrin, 90 diphtheria bacilli, 156 disaccharides, 95 distilled water, 69, 70, 92 diurnal rhythms, of water secre- tion and of respiration, 190 dominance, 55, 136, 159 Drew, 22, 90, 237, 238 Drosera, 247 drupes, sterilization of, 118 dry weights, as measure of growth, 143, 157 Duhamet, 99, 187, 202, 242 Dusseau; Nobecourt and D., 34, 199, 250 dwarfness, auxin a factor in, 211 E Ebeling, 22, 29, 90, 96, 133, 158, 240, 247, 256, 261; E. and Fischer, 29, 30, 256 Index 267 egg, fertilized, as meristem, 44 egg cells, cultivation of, 45, 219 EichJwrnia crassipes, 20 electropotential gradient, 217 electrostatic potential, 218 elementary organism, 4, 29 ' 'elixir proprietatis, ' ' 66 embryo juice as nutrient, 22, 27, 90 embryogeny, 218, 219 embryological watch glasses, 81, ISO, 132 embryology, experimental, 219 embryos, adventitious, 220 embryos, amphibian, 14, 15 embryos, plant, 45-47 embryos, undifferentiated, 46, 47 endodermis, meristematic char- acter of, 43 endosperm, abortive, 45, 220 endosperm, liquid, as nutrient, 27 energy sources, 94—96 English; Bonner, J., and E., 57, 114, 125, 126, 252 Ephrussi, 228 epicotyl, proliferative capacity of, 48 epidermal tissue, meristematic character of, 44 epidermis, cultivation of, 28 Epilobium, 254 epithelial cells, animal, in cul- ture, 29 epithelium, 2, 30 epithelium, belly of toad, 15 epithelium, glandular, of kidney, 2 epithelium, of iris, 2 Erdmann, 228 erect habit, auxin as a factor in, 211 Erlichman, 90, 238; Vogelaar and E., 22, 71, 90, 91, 239, 244 errors of measurement, 162 et seq. Erxleben; Kogl, Haagen-Smit, and E., 212, 253 Essenbeck and Suessenguth, 45, 233 ether-alcohol, for cleaning cover glasses, 150 ethyl-methacrylate, 151 Eutettix tenellus, 245 excised roots, early cultivation of, 31-36 excision procedures, 87, 88 exudate, phloem, toxicity of, 27 eye-cup, of frog, 15 F Fell, 131, 132, 184, 256; F. and Canti, 132, 256; F. and Lan- dauer, 132, 256; F. and Robi- son, 132, 256, 257 ferric chloride, 109 ferric nitrate, 109 ferric sulfate, 103, 105, 106, 108, 109, 180, 181 ferric tartrate, 105 fertilized egg cells, as material for morphogenetie study, 218- 219 fertilized egg cells, meristematic character of, 44 fibrin digests, as nutrients, 90, 101 fibroblasts, apparent loss of toti- potency in, 29, 30 Fiedler, 34, 95, 99, 100, 102, 131, 159, 187, 192, 229, 231 Fife and Frampton, 218, 245 Filatow, 15, 30, 257 fir, white, 55 Fischer, 29, 30, 210, 229, 257; F. and Demuth, 22, 90, 101, 241; F. and Farker, 143, 210, 257; Ebeling and F., 29, 30, 256 flaming of tubes, practice, 76, 83 flasks, Carrel, 80, 81 flasks, culture, 131 flax roots, 105 floating of roots, importance of, 140 flower-forming hormones, 212 foliar leaf, differentiation of, 2 form, origin of, 1, 2, 11, 12 Frampton; Fife and F., 218, 245 Fraxinus Ornus, 19 frog tissues, 14, 15, 21 2(>8 Plant Tissue Culture fructose, 94 fruits, fleshy, membranaceous and woody, aseptic seeds from, 118 function, origin of, 1, 2, 11, 12 fungi, as parasites on tissue cul- tures, 199 fungoid growth of cambium cul- tures, 123 G galactose, 95 Galligar, 34, 231, 239 ganglia, nerve fibers from, 209 Gardner and Marth, 211, 253 gas, toxicity of, 75, 76 gas interchange as a morpho- genetic factor, 192, 194 Gautheret, 33, 34, 36, 38, 49, 50, 96, 99, 102, 104, 105, 116, 122, 123, 127, 144, 148, 158, 184, 203, 213, 221, 229, 231, 232, 234, 242, 245, 248; Plantefol and G., 189, 246 Geiger-Huber, 98, 187, 243; G. and Burlet, 98, 187, 243 Geinitz; Spemann and G., 259 gelatine, 102 ' ' gelose, ' ' 104 gemmae, stipular, of Marattia, 125 gene mechanism, 30 genes, auxin in relation to, 211 genetic constitution and stabil- ity, 132 geotropic response, 192, 210 Gey, G. O., 131, 146, 236; G. and Gey, M. C, 146, 236 Gey, M. C; Gey, G. O., and G., 146, 236 Gilchrist, 218, 257 Gioelli, 122, 199, 203, 249 glandular function of roots, 189, 190 glandular hairs, cultivation of, 20 glassware, 79 et seq. glucenium sulfate, 105 glucose, 31, 94 glycine, 31, 99, 103, 104, 105, 106 glycocoll (see glycine) Goebel, 6, 7, 217, 249 Goodwin, 211, 253 gourds, 13 grafting, 7, 13, 14, 15 grafts, in vitro, 33, 213 granulation of wounds, 2 grasses, meristems of, 48 Greene, 224, 225 Greenwood; Bennet-Clark, G., and Barker, 94, 245 Grossenbacher, 190, 245 growth, distribution of, in the body, 10, 11 growth, restrictions on, 10 growth habit, 57, 142 growth measurements, 154 et seq. growth rates, 57, 141 Gruenewald scissors, 82 guard cells, loss of proliferative capacity, 44 Guilliermond, 33 Gustafson, 210, 253 Gymnosperms, sterilization of seeds, 118 H Haagen; Elvers, H., and Muckenfuss, 184, 259 Haagen-Smit; Kogl and H., 99, 253; KogL H., and Erxleben, 212, 253 Haberlandt, 8, 9, 10, 16, 18, 20, 21, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 44, 100, 126, 184, 234, 245, 249, 253 hairs, glandular, stamen and stinging, cultivation of, 20 hairs, root, 62, 63 Hales, 66 Hamner and Bonner, J., 212, 253 hanging-drop cultures, 148, 149, 151 et seq. hanging-drop cultures, equip- ment, ISO, 149 et seq. Hannig, 45, 233 Index 269 Harris yeast, 101 Harrison, 9, 14, 21, 23, 30, 35, 90, 131, 183, 209, 210, 219, 229, 236, 257 Heidt, 33, 231 Eelianthus annuus, 251 Helianthus tuberosus, 251 heterologous grafts, 221 heterosis, 220 Heyman scissors, 82 histograms, use of, 175 histology, 202, 203 Hitchcock; Zimmerman and H., 255; Zimmerman, Crocker, and H., 255 Hoagland and Arnon, 70, 237; H. and Broyer, 56, 245 hollow-ground slides, 130, 149 homologous grafts, 221 hood, bacteriological, 74 hood, chemical, 77 hormones, 93, 96, 210-212 Hort, 42 humic acid, 56 Huxley, 218, 258 hybrid peaches, 45 hybrid tomatoes, 220 hydrogen-ion gradients, 217 hydrostatic gradients, 217 hydrostatic potential, 218 hydrostatic pressure, 190 Hyoscyamus niger, 254 hyperhydrie enlargement, 206 hypocotyl, prolif erative capacity of, 47 hypotheses, working, 3 immature ovules, cultivation of, 58 immersion heater, 83 implements, 82 et seq., 85 incompatibility, 220 increment rates, 155 et seq. indole-acetic acid, 98, 105, 179, 182, 186-188, 194, 202 innervated cells, 209 inoculation procedures, 138 et seq. insect galls, 126 insolation, danger from, 144 intercalary meristems, 48, 49, 124, 151 intumescences, 114 iodine, 92 iodine, effects of deficiency, 188 iridectomy scissors, 82 iris, epithelium, 2 iron, 92 iron, effects on growth, 180, 181 iron, optimal concentrations of, 185 iron chloride, 109 iron nitrate, 109 iron sulfate, 103, 105, 106, 109, 180, 181 iron tartrate, 105 isopleth diagrams, use of, 176 isotonicity, 94 J Jaeger, 43, 48, 249 Jensen 's No. 16 virus, 202 Johnson, B.; Naylor and J., 44 125, 250 Johnson, D. S., 34, 46, 47, 260 juvenile cells, 48 K Kalanchoe, 28 Kemmer, 28, 234 Kisser; Klein and K., 118, 249 Klein and Kisser, 118, 249 Knop's solution, 31, 104 Knudson, 32, 234, 239; K. and Smith, R. S., 32, 239 Koepfli; Bonner, J., and K., 188, 252; Thimann and K., 210, 255 Kbgl and Haagen-Smit, 99, 253; K., Haagen-Smit, and Erxle- ben, 212, 253 kohl-rabi, cultivation of tissues of, 124 Kotte, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 56, 94, 100, 101, 131, 192, 231 Krontowski, 229 Kubowitz; Warburg and K., 184, 247 Kunkel, 28, 234 Kuster, 28, 126, 229, 249 270 Plant Tissue Culture laboratory, 67 et seq. Laibach/210, 243 Lamium, 20 Lamprecht, 28, 234 Landau er; Fell and L., 256 La Rue, 45, 47, 233, 235; L. and Avery, 45, 233; Avery and L., 50, 219, 245 lateral meristems, 48 lead, toxicity of, 92 leaf-mesophyll, cultivation of, 27, 43 leaf-prirnordia, cultivation of, 219 Le Farm, 210, 253 legume nodules, 199 Lehmann, 211, 254 lens, origin of in amphibian eye, 15 Leonian and Lilly, 188, 243 leucine, impurities in, 100 leucocytes, 224, 225 Lewis, K. H., and McCoy, 199, 249 Lewis, M. R., 22, 25, 34, 90, 96, 238, 240; L. and Lewis, W. H., 22, 34, 90, 131, 149, 238 Lewis, W. H., 22, 24, 74, 81, 90, 147, 238, 258; L. and Lewis, M. R., 22, 229 banes, 48 Liebig 's meat extract, use in nutrients, 31, 32, 100 Lilly; Leonian and L., 188, 243 limb-buds, vertebrate, 2 line graphs, use of, 174 bnear increments, as measure of growth, 159 Locke, 90, 238 Locke 's solution, 90 Loeb, 32, 79, 229, 249, 250 Loo, S. W.; Loo, T. L., and L., 34, 100, 243 Loo, T. L., and Loo, S. W., 34, 100, 243 loss of function, 4 Lund, 217, 245; Rosene and L., 217, 251 Lupinus alb us, 234, 242, 245 lymph, use as nutrient fluid, 10, 21 M MacDougal, 44, 250; M. and Shreve, 44, 260 macrophage, 30 magnesium, 92, 96, 185 magnesium sulfate, 103, 104, 105 maize roots, 98 malignancy, origin of, 221 maltose, 95 Malus, 252 Malyschev, 33, 95, 131, 144, 158, 231 Maneval; Robbins and M., 32, 95, 144, 157, 232, 246 manganese, 92 manganese sulfate, 103, 104, 105 mannose, 95 manometer for measuring root pressure, 196, 197, 198 Marattia, 125 Marotto, 34, 231 Marth; Gardner and M., 211, 253 Mason and Phillis, 94, 260 Maximow, 81, 131, 258 Maximow embryological watch glass, 81 Mayer, 33, 237 McClary, 97, 245; Robbins, White, V. B., M., and Bartley, 93, 237 McCoy; Lewis, K. H., and M., 199, 249 measurement, methods, 128, 154 et seq. meat extract, Liebig 's, as nutri- ent, 31, 32, 100 media, 90 et seq. media room, 68 et seq. medullary ray parenchyma, pro- liferative capacity of, 43, 48 medullary rays, 58, 125 megaspore-mother-cell, 2 melanotic epithelium, of am- phibia, 30 Melchers, 212, 254 Index 271 mercuric chloride, as disinfec- tant, 119 meristematic function, retention of, 58 meristematic regions, 57 meristematic tissues, 2 07, 215 meristems, 44 et seq., 59 meristems, intercalary, 48 meristems, lateral, 48 meristems, terminal, 50 metastatic tumors, 221 methionine, as impurity in leu- cine, 100 mica cover glasses, 150 migration of cells, 148, 158 migration rate of viruses, 200 Moebius, 58, 125, 235 mobility of cell surfaces, 11 Molliard, 33, 47, 125, 235 monocotyledonous plants, 94 monosaccharides, 95 morphogenesis, 3-12, 13, 14, 15, 209 et seq. mosaic diseases, 199-202 motility of cells, 11 Muckenfuss; Rivers, Haagen, and M., 184, 259 Mueller, 100, 156, 240, 260 Musa seminifera, 45 mustard, 55 mustard roots, 105 N Nagao, 99, 245, 246 nasal scissors, 82 Naylor, 44, 125, 250; N. and Johnson, B., 44, 125, 250; N. and Sperry, 44, 125, 250 necrotic lesions, 194, 201 nerve fibrils, origin of, 183, 209 neuroblast, 21 niacin (see nicotinic acid) nickel chloride, 105 Nicotiana, callus cultures, 53, 207, 208, 214, 215, 223-226 Nicotiana glutinosa, 201 nicotinic acid, 97, 98, 100, 103, 104, 105 nitrates, 112 nitrogen, 92 nitrogenous materials, 93 Nobecourt, 33, 34, 36, 50, 96, 97, 99, 218, 229, 233, 246, 260; N. and Dusseau, 34, 199, 250 nodules, bacterial, formation on legumes, 199 notebooks, 129, 168 nucleated cells, cultivation of, 44 nutrient concentrations, sensitiv- ity to, 57, 185 nutrient salts, 92, 93 nutrients, 90 et seq. O oak, cultivation of cambium, 123 oak, white, 55 obligate parasites, cultivation of, 194, 199 Okado, 58, 250 oligodynamic organic sub- stances, 96 omission of nutrient constitu- ents, 110, 111 optimum concentrations, 185 optimum temperatures, 76 orchids, undifferentiated em- bryos of, 46 organic complexes, in nutrients, 22, 90, 91, 100, 101 organic materials, 93 et seq. organic nitrogen, 99 organism as a whole, 7, 29 Ornithogalum, 20 osmotic agents, 94 osmotic value, 57 ovaries, cultivation of tissues from, 57, 125 Overbeek, van, 99, 210, 211, 246, 254; O. and Bonner, J., 99, 246; O., Conklin, and Blake slee, 27; Blakeslee and O., 220 ovules, immature, cultivation of, 58 oxygen, 92 oxygen gradients, effect on dif- ferentiation, 194, 218 oxygen-hydrogen gradients, 217 272 Plant Tissue Culture Faah 210, 219, 254 palisade cells, cultivation of, 20 Palladin, 104, 260 parasites, facultative and obli- gate, cultivation of, 194, 199- 202 parenchyma, cortical, medullary ray, xylem, retention of meri- stematic function, 43, 44, 58 Parker, 29, 67, 71, 75, 119, 131, 133, 143, 148, 149, 151, 152, 158, 210, 229, 258; Fischer and P., 143, 210, 257 pathogens, facultative and obli- gate, cultivation of, 194, 199- 202 pathology, 194 et seq. patterns, developmental (mor- phogenetic), 7 pea root, 105 pea seeds, digest of, as nutrient, 31 peaches, hybrid, 45 Pearsall and Priestley, 217, 250 Pelece; Thielman and P., 99, 244 pellicle, of animal cell, mobility of, 11 pellicle, of plant cell, rigidity of, 9 Teperomia, 28 Peperomia hispidula, 46, 47, 260 Feperomias, undifferentiated embryos in, 46, 47 pepsin, 101 peptic digests, 90, 101 peptone, in nutrients, 31, 101 percentages, use of 172, 173 pericycle, retention of meriste- matic function by, 43, 125 Petri-dish cultures, 132 petroleum oil, toxicity of, 92 Pfeiffer, 28, 148, 235, 260 pH, 57, 218 phagocytosis, 11 phanerogamic parasites, 202 rhaseolus vulgaris, 242 phelloderm, as material for cul- tures, 125 phellogens, 48 Phillis; Mason and P., 94, 260 phloem exudate, as nutrient, 27 phloem parenchyma, meriste- matic character of, 43 phloem sap, 9 phosphatase, 184 phosphates, 112 phosphorus, 92 photosynthesis, 20, 189 phototropic response, role of auxin in, 210 phyllocalines, 212 physiologically sterile plants, 45, 220 pierced slide, 80, 81, 82, 149 pigmentation of amphibian em- bryos, 14, 15 pine, cultivation of cambium of, 123 Tisum, 28 pith, meristematie capacity of, 43, 58 pith cells, cultivation of, 20 placental tissue, cultivation of, 58 planimeter, use in measuring growth, 158 plant extracts, toxicity of, 27 PlantefoL 189, 246; P. and Gautheret, 189, 246 plasma, use as nutrient, 21, 90 plasmolytic value, 94 plasmoptysis, 182 , 194 plastids, 193 plumule, rooting of, 48, 50 polarity, 5-7, 217, 218 polyembryony, causes of, 220 Folypodium, 28 poplar, cultivation of cambium, 123 Populus nigra, 19 Fortulaca oleracea, cultivation of embryos, 54 potassium, 92 potassium, effect of deficiency of, 188 Index 273 potassium chloride, 103, 104, 105 potassium dichromate, 71 potassium iodide, 103, 104, 105 potassium nitrate, 103, 104, 105 potassium phosphate, acid, 105 potato tuber cultures, 124 Pothos celatocaulis, 19 Prat, 27, 28, 260 " Precision" still, 70 preparation of nutrients, 102 et seq. Priestley, 48, 217, 250; P. and Swingle, 48, 250; Pearsall and P., 217, 250 proboscis, insect, 218 procambial strands, technique of excision, 123 procambial tissues, 48, 49 procambium, cultivation of, 49 procumbent habit, auxin a fac- tor in, 211 protein-N, measurement of, 156, 157 proteoses as nutrients, 101 Prunus avium, 251 Pulmonaria, 20 "pulvis fulminans, " 66 Putnam, G. P., and Son, 42 pyridines, 97 pyridoxine, 98, 100, 103, 104 pyrimidine, 97 Q qualitative reactions, 186 et seq. quartz cover glasses, 151 quartz still, 70 Quercus alba, 55 K rabbit 's eye, plant callus in, 224, racks, for cover glasses, ISO, 152 radish roots, 105 Bana esculenta, 15, 257 Sana palustris, 14 Bana sylvatica, 14 Razdorskii, 45, 233 Rechinger, 19, 20, 235 records, 129, 168 et seq. redox-potential, 218 regeneration, 6, 19, 30 Reiche, 58, 126, 254 reimplantation of tumors, 221 replications, 165 et seq. respiration, 189 re-utilization of nutrient con- stituents, 144 rhizocaline, 212 Bhoeo, 28 Richards, 71, 72, 260 Riker and Berge, 199, 250 Ringer, 90, 239 Ringer's solution, 90 rings, brass, as culture cham- bers, 81, 149 Rivers, Haagen, and Mucken- fuss, 184, 259; R. and Ward, 184, 259 Robbins, 27, 32, 33, 34, 36, 50, 56, 74, 82, 94, 98, 100, 101, 105, 131, 143, 157, 185, 209, 220, 231, 240, 243, 250; R. and Bartley, 35, 95, 96, 97, 133, 157, 185, 239, 243; R. and Maneval, 32, 95, 144, 157, 232, 246; R. and Schmidt, 35, 95, 98, 105, 133, 157, 158, 185, 232, 243, 244; R. and White, V. B., 27, 35, 95, 133, 203, 232, 240; R., Bartley, and White, V. B., 35, 231; R., White, V. B., McClary, and Bartley, 93, 237 Robison; Fell and R., 256, 257 roller tube cultures, 146, 147 root caps, 61 root cultures, 117-121 root hairs, 62, 63 root nodules, auxin a factor in formation of, 211 root pressure, 172, 190, 191, 196, 197, 198 root tips, cultivation of, 31, 50, 56 rooting response, 188 roots, adventitious, 50, 88, 120 roots, localization of initiation, 211, 212 Rosene, 190, 217, 246; R. and Lund, 217, 251 274 Plant Tissue Culture rust infections, 199 Rytz; Schopfer and R., 76, 244 S Sachs, 220, 251, 254 Saeger, 76, 246 Saintpaulia, 28 Saintpaulia ionantha, 250 ' ' sal volatile oleosum, ' ' 66 Salix eapraea, cultures of cam- bium, 116, 123 Salix eapraea, respiration of cambium cultures, 189 "salt-cellars" (culture dishes), 132 salt mixtures in nutrient solu- tions, 90 saltations, 133 salts, 71, 92, 93 Sambucus nigra, grafts in cam- bium cultures, 213 sand furnaces, 66 sap, xylern, as nutrient, 27 scalariform cells, differentiation of, 194, 208 scalpels, 82, 83, 85 scar tissue, 2 Scheitterer, 28, 48, 148, 151, 235 Schilling, 43, 251 Schleiden, 5, 8, 230 Schmidt; Robbins and S., 35, 95, 98, 105, 133, 157, 158, 185, 232, 243, 244 Schmucker, 27, 43, 91, 235 Schneider, 230 Schopfer and Rytz, 76, 244 Schotte, 30, 258 Schwanitz, 7, 251 Schwann, 4, 5, 8, 230 scions, 7 scissors, cystoscopic, 83 scissors, Gruenewald, 82 scissors, Heyman, 82 scissors, iridectomy, 82 scissors, nasal, 82 seasonal variations in growth, 77,75 secondary thickening, 159 secondary tumors, 221 seed primordia, cultivation of, 125, 151, 206 seedling roots, as culture ma- terial, 117 segregation of functions, 4 segregation of tissues and cells for study, 5 Seifriz, 62 Seitz filters, 107 semi-solid culture media, 101, 102 Sempervivum, 28 serum, as nutrient, 90 serum bottles, 73 Shapiro; Brachet and S., 218, 256 shock of excision, 48 Shreve; MacDougal and S., 44, 260 silica still, 70 silver still, 70 sink, 69 Sinnott and Bloch, 44, 58, 126, 251 Skoog; Thimann and S., 99, 210, 255, 260 slides, depression (hollow- ground), 130, 149 slides, pierced, 80, 81, 130, 149 Smith, L. H., 28, 47, 251 Smith, R. S.; Knudson and S., 32, 239 Snow, 210, 211, 254 soap, 71 sodium, 92 sodium acid phosphate, 103, 104, 105 sodium chloride, 176 sodium pyrophosphate, 71 sodium sulfate, 103, 104 softener, water, 70 "soft" glass cover glasses, 150 soil solution, 56 Solarium, 28 Solatium tuberosum, 233 Solidago, 253 somatic cells, totipotency of, 30 Spemann, 30, 219, 258; S. and Geinitz, 219, 259 Index 275 Sperry; Naylor and S., 44, 125, 250 Spirodela, 246 squash fruit, aseptic seeds from, 118 squash stem, cultivation of pro- cambium, 49 stamen hairs, cultivation of, 20 Stanley, 200, 259 starch, resorption of, 193 statistical analysis, 165-168 statistical significance of re- sults, 166 stele, 195 Stellaria media, 193, 235 stem tips, 50 sterilization of nutrients, 106, 107 sterilizer, Arnold, 69, 107 Steward, Berry, and Broyer, 56, 246 stills, 69 stinging hairs, cultivation of, 20 Stingl, 45, 58, 233, 251 stipular gemmae of Marattia, as culture material, 125 stock cultures, 113, 132 stomatal guard cells, cultivation of, 20 stone cells, 222 stone fruits, 45 Stout and Arnon, 70, 93, 237; Arnon and S., 70, 93, 237 Strangeways, 230 Stukeley, 66 substrata, nutritive (see nutri- ents) sucrose, 95, 96, 103, 105, 106, 185 Suessenguth; Essenbeck and S., 45, 233 sugar, 71 sulfur, 70, 92 sulfuric acid, 71, 105 sunflower, cultivation of callus from, 52 sunflower roots, 105 suspensor, 219 Swingle; Priestley and S., 48, 250 Symphoricarpus, 28 T tap water, 70, 92 Taraxacum, 220 temperature, optimal, 76, 144, 145 temperature effects, 57, 76, 144, 145 temperature gradients, 218 terminal growing points, 50 terminal meristems, 50 et seq. test-tube cultures, 131, 146, 147 Theophrastus, 42, 260 thiamin, 97, 100, 103, 104, 106, 108, 185 thiazole, 97 Thielman (Tauja-Thielman), 28, 95, 235, 239; T. and Berzin, 94, 247; T. and Pelece, 98 99 244 Thimann, 99, 211, 244, 255; T. and Koepfli, 210, 255; T. and Skoog, 99, 210, 255, 260; T. and Went, 210, 244 Thunbergia, 28 tile, for walls, 75 ' ' tinctura metallorum, ' ' 66 tissue broth, as nutrient, 90 tissue culture, 9, 12, 35 tissue juices, toxicity of, 27 titanium sulfate, 105 titration of virus concentration, 200, 201 tobacco, cultivation of procam- bium, 49 tobacco callus, 105 tobacco fruits, aseptic seeds from, 118 tomato roots, 40, 62, 64, 98, 105, 113, 179, 180, 181, 182 tomato seeds, 118 totipotency, 4, 8, 12, 30, 35, 44, 212 toxicity of gas, 75, 76 toxins, inorganic, 202 toxins, organic, 202 276 Plant Tissue Culture Tradescantia, 20, 28 transfer room, 74—76 transplantation, 7, 8, 15, 30, 219 traumatin, 114 trays, enamel and galvanized, 72 trees, cambium, cultivation of, 49 trees, cambium, cultures of, 127, 213 trees, cambium, excision of, 121- 123 trichomes, loss of meristematic function in, 44 Trifolium repens, 55 Triticum, 28 Triturus torosus, 257 tropic response, auxin as factor in, 212 tropisms, 192 Tukey, 45, 58, 73, 125, 220, 233, 235, 251 tumefacient property of cells, 221 tumor metabolism, 184 tumors, 221 Tyrode, 90, 239 Tyrode's solution, 90 tyrosinase, 193, 205 tyrosine, 194, 205 U tlehla, 28, 44, 101, 235 Vlmus campestris, 248 ultraviolet light, use as steriliz- ing agent, 118 undifferentiated tissues, cultiva- tion of, 34, 133 ungcrminated embryos as cul- ture material, 46-48 uniformity of cultures, 133 Urtica, 20 "Uspulin," as disinfectant, 119 vaccines, cultivation of, 184 van Tiegham cell, 81, 149 variability, 133 et seq. vascular strands, disorganized, 216 vascular strands, organization of in culture, 190 vascular tissue, importance for regeneration, 19 vaseline for sealing slide cul- tures, 151, 152 Vicia faba, 250, 252, 255 Viola, 28 Virchow, 5, 259 virus molecules, determination of shape, 79 viruses, cultivation of, 120, 199, 200 Viscum, 202 vitamin Bly 96, 105 (see thia- min) vitamin Ba, 98, 105, 108, 172 (see pyridoxine) vitamins, 93, 96, 99 vitreous sink, 69 Vbchting, 5, 7, 8, 30, 217, 251 Vogelaar and Erlichman, 22, 71, 90, 239, 244, 261 Vogt, 218, 230, 259 W wall color, 75 Warburg, 184, 189, 247; W. and Kubowitz, 184, 247 Ward; Rivers and W., 184, 259 washing of air, 75 washing glassware, 71, 72 watch glasses, Maximow, 81 water, distillation of, 70, 92 water, filtration, 92 water, purity, 70, 91, 92 water softener, 70, 92 Wehnelt, 57, 125, 126, 244 weight vs. length (as measure of growth), 159 Weiss, 259 Went, 210, 211, 212, 219, 220, 255; Bouillenne, R., and W., 210, 248; Thimann and W., 210, 244 Werckmeister, 45, 234 Westinghouse immersion heater, 83 wheat roots, 105 white clover, root cap, 61 Index 277 white oak, 55 White, P. B., 31, 34, 36, 39, 45, 49, 50, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 61, 63, 64, 76, 77, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 105, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 125, 131, 133, 139, 144, 145, 146, 151, 159, 175, 176, 180, 184, 185, 188, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 200, 202, 203, 206, 207, 208, 209, 214, 217, 218, 220, 223, 226, 230, 232, 233, 234, 235, 237, 239, 240, 244, 247, 251, 252, 259; W. and Braun, 52, 124, 221, 252; Braun and W., 221, 259 White, V. B.; Bobbins and W., 27, 35, 95, 133, 203, 232, 240; Bobbins, Bartley, and W., 35, 231; Bobbins, W., McClary, and Bartley, 93, 237 Wilcoxon; Zimmerman and W., 255 Wilhelm, 58, 252 Willmer, 230 willow, cambium cultures, 105, 123 willow, polarity in, 7 Wilson, 119, 260 Winkler, 58, 252 wire racks for cover glasses, 130, 152 wound healing, 2, 21, 43 wound hormones, 114 xylem fibers, loss of meriste- matic function by, 44 xylem parenchyma, proliferative capacity, 58 xylem sap, 9, 27 yeast, brewer's vs. baker's, 101 yeast, extract as nutrient, 32, 100, 105 Zimmerman, 56, 247; Z. and Hitchcock, 210, 255; Z. and Wilcoxon, 210, 255; Z., Crocker, and Hitchcock, 210, 255 zinc, 70, 92, 96 zinc sulfate, 103, 104, 105 Zizania aquatica, 233