LIBRARY .UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS JOSEPH GRINNELL O^^ A HAND-LIST OF BEITISH BIEDS. A HAND-LIST OF BEITISH BIEDS WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF EACH SPECIES IN THE BRITISH ISLES AND ABROAD. BY ERNST HARTERT F. C. R. JOURDAIN N. F. TICEHURST AND H. F. WITHERBY. WITHERBY & CO, 326 HIGH HOLBORN LONDON, W.C, 1912. nrnnni> Nomenclature is only *'a means, not an end," but without uniformity it is a confusion. INTRODUCTION. IN preparing this Hand-List our chief aims have been (1) to give an up-to-date and useful account of the distribution at home and abroad of all those birds which in our opinion are entitled to a place on the British list, and (2) to give each bird its correct scientific name in conformity with the Rules of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. In drawing up this account of the distribution of each species in the British Isles we have had in view the necessity of giving such details as will indicate to the student whether a bird is worthy of special record on account of its general rarity, its scarcity in any particular part of the country, or at some particular season of the year, or because of the want of previous observations. For these and other such reasons it has been necessary to treat some species much more fully than others. The distribution abroad has been given in more general terms, but here again a species of wide range does not require so much detail as one of more restricted or unequal distribution. Moreover our knowledge of the distribution of some species is much more complete than that of others. The notes on migration refer chiefly to passage-movements or are given in cases where the known migrations of a species are too complicated to be treated in the distributional accounts. For various reasons nearly every bird on our List has been given at one time or another more than one scientific name, and the difficulty always has been to know by which name it should be called. Nomenclature is proverbially a vexed subject, but there is one necessity which all, however diverse their views, must agree is of the first importance — the necessity for uniformity ; not a partial uniformity confined to British ornithologists or to any other section of the ornithological world, for such a uniformity could VI INTRODUCTION . only have a local and transient value, but a world-wide uniformity, based upon Kules which can be acepted by ornithologists of all nations. If the scientific names of birds were uniform all over the world, what an enormous benefit it would be to ornithologists and science generally. Should we not all unite in striving to reach this end ? After all, what is nomenclature ? It is little more than a system of labelling, and yet we have neglected for more than 150 years one of the requisites of greatest importance — that our labels should everywhere be the same for the same bird. How has the evil of want of uniformity arisen and continued ? In early times, with slow and difficult means of communication there was plenty of excuse for describing as new a bird which had already been named by someone else in another part of the world, and since those times many even of the most familiar birds have in ignorance of previous descriptions and names been redescribed and renamed, so that there has gradually grown up a long list of synonyms for one and the same species. The evil has continued for want of the adoption of a uniform system of nomenclature, based on the strictest priority, by which the correct names can be fixed. Unfor- tunately, authorities have hitherto made it very much a matter of individual choice as to which name should be employed, and we regret to say that this " method " even now obtains. But such a proceeding can never lead to uniformity, for so long as the matter is one of choice ungoverned by rules which can be accepted as authoritative by all the world, then so long will there be chaos. Let us take a few examples, out of many which might be cited, where uniformity in deciding upon the name to be used is an impos- sibility without the universal adoption of one code of Eules based on absolute priority. While Stephens in Shaw's " General Zoology " (1809) used the name Lanius ruficollis for the Woodchat, MacGillivray, Yarrell, in the 2nd and 3rd editions, and Harting in the 1st edition of his " Handbook," called the bird Lanius rutilus. But even at this period Gray (1863) and Gould (1850-68) preferred to use Lanius or Enneoctonus rufus. In 1871 Newton adopted the name auri- culatus in the 4th edition of Yarrell and was followed by Dresser in the " Birds of Europe." But the committee of the B.O.U. in their " List " (1883) changed the name to L. pomeranus. Seebohm, who was a member of this committee, preferred to use the name INTRODUCTION. vii L. rufus in his " History of British Birds," and Lord Lilford, the President of the Union, again changed the name back to L. rutilus (1890-93). Saunders, in the 2nd edition of his "Manual" (1899) used L. pomeranus, but Harting in the 2nd edition of his " Hand- book," changed the name once more to L. rufus. This by no means exhausts the list of names used even by British writers for this unfortunate bird, but it is enough to show how impossible it is to expect agreement without observance of law. Let us hope that under the name of L. senator L. (1758) it may be allowed to rest. The Whitethroat used to be called Sylvia cinerea, until Newton, Dresser, and others introduced the name rufa, while several Con- tinental ornithologists began to call it Sylvia sylvia. A careful perusal of the original description, however, shows that the names rufa and sylvia are quite doubtful, and cannot be adopted, while Latham clearly described the species under the name communis. The specific names of the Arctic and Long-tailed Skuas have been transposed many times, the Arctic Skua having been called para- siticus by Fleming, Gray, Harting (1872) and others, cepphus by Leach, Richardsoni by MacGillivray, Yarrell (2nd and 3rd editions), Lilford, and Seebohm, crepidatus by Dresser, Harting (1901), Yarrell (4th edition), Saunders, and in the B.O.U. "List." The Long- tailed Skua has been called parasiticus by MacGillivray, Dresser, Yarrell (4th edition), Harting (1901), Saunders, and in the B.O.U. " List," cepphus by Gray, buffoni by Yarrell (2nd and 3rd edition) and Seebohm, crepidatus by Brehm and Naumann, longicaudus by Gould and Harting (1872). Many other instances of great confusion of names for one and the same bird might be given, but enough has been said to show that only by the adoption of one code of Rules and by strict adherence to those rules, can uniformity be attained. If our decision upon the name to be used rests on a set of Rules, and is not in any way governed by individual choice or taste, then there must needs be but one correct name and that name must be universally employed. It has been said that uniformity would never be attained. This is, however, not logical, because one name only is the oldest, and the few doubtful cases, and they are few, are being decided upon and cleared up by careful nomenclators, with the help of the International Commission, which discusses doubtful cases, and brings them finally before the International Zoological Congresses for decision. Vlll INTRODUCTION. For these reasons we have adopted the " International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature," and have been strictly obedient to those Rules in deciding upon the correct name to be used for the birds on the British list. Although this has involved a good many changes from the names that British ornithologists are accustomed to, and will thus cause some temporary inconvenience, we are sure that the principle upon which we have acted is the only scientific one possible, and we firmly believe that this principle will very soon be universally conceded. These Rules have the highest international authority, and only international authority can be universally accepted. But the Rules must be followed implicitly, and no exceptions to them must be made, for once an exception is allowed, then the old evil of individual choice must enter, and uniformity be lost again. There may be, in certain cases, some dissension in the interpretation of the Rules, but when once these difficulties are overcome uniformity will be accomplished, and following uniformity will come stability. Let everyone help towards this most desirable end by studying and upholding the strict letter of the law, rather than his own con- venience, likes, and dislikes. The more important Rules affecting specific and subspecific names are given below, and of these if may be remarked that numbers 26 and 27 are the most important, and have the greatest effect upon the British list, because most British authors have, since 1846, adopted the 12th edition of Linne as the starting point, instead of the 10th, and have had scant regard for the strict law of priority : — " ARTICLE 2. — The scientific designation of animals is uninominal for subgenera and all higher groups, binominal for species, and trinominal for subspecies. " ARTICLE 11. — Specific and subspecific names are subject to the same rules and recommendations, and from a nomen- clatural standpoint they are co-ordinate, that is, they are of the same value. " ARTICLE 12. — A specific name becomes a subspecific name when the species so named becomes a subspecies, and vice versa. " ARTICLE 17. — If it is desired to cite the subspecific name, such name is written immediately following the specific name, without the interposition of any mark of punctuation. INTRODUCTION. IX Example : Rana esculenta marmorata Hallo well, but not Rana esculenta (marmorata) or Rana marmorata Hallo well. " ARTICLE 19. — The original orthography of a name is to be preserved, unless an error of transcription, a lapsus calami, or a typographical error is evident. " ARTICLE 25. — The valid name of a genus or species can be only that name under which it was first designated in the condition : (a) That this name was published and accompanied by an indication, or a definition, or a description ; and (b) That the author has applied the principles of binary nomenclature. "ARTICLE 26.— The 10th edition of Linne's " Systema Naturse," 1758, is the work which inaugurated the consistent general application of the binary nomenclature in zoology. The date 1758, therefore, is accepted as the starting-point of zoological nomenclature and of the Law of Priority. " ARTICLE 27. — The Law of Priority obtains and conse- quently the oldest available name is retained : (a) When any part of an animal is named before the animal) itself ; (b) When the larva is named before the adult ; (c) When the two sexes of an animal have been considered as distinct species or even as belonging to a distinct genera ; (d) When an animal represents a regular succession of dissimilar generations which have been considered as. belonging to different species or even to different genera. " ARTICLE 32. — A generic or a specific name, once published,, cannot be rejected even by its author, because of inappro- priateness. Examples : Names like Polyodon, Apus, albus, etc., when once published, are not to be rejected because of a claim that they indicate characters contradictory to those possessed by the animals in question. " Article 33. — A name is not to be rejected because of tautonymy, that is, because the specific or the specific and subspecific names are identical with the generic name. Ex- amples : Trutta trutta, Apus apus apus." As the use of trinomials for subspecies — or, better, geographical or local races — does not seem to be generally understood, it may here be explained that when a species is divided into two or more races, or when two or more species are grouped as races of one X INTRODUCTION. species, then each of these races must have a trinomial appellation. It is impossible to say which is the oldest or parent form, therefore the first named race of all those grouped under one species is arbitrarily taken as the typical race, and its name becomes that of the species. Thus Parus major is t/he species of the Great Tit, and includes all the Great Tits just as the genus Parus includes all the Tits. As the form of Great Tit inhabiting northern Europe was the first to be named it must be called Parus major major, and all other races of Great Tits must have as their first two names Parus major. Simi- larly the typical race of Wren must be called Troglodytes troglodytes troglodytes if it is to be distinguished from Troglodytes troglodytes hirtensis or any other race of Wren. It must be understood that the binomial Parus major or Troglodytes troglodytes refers to the species, i.e. the whole group of subspecies, and cannot be used to differentiate one of those subspecies. It cannot be gainsaid that the trinomial system is of the greatest possible use scientifically as demonstrating the close relationship of geographical forms of the same species, just as the binomial system demonstrates the rela- tionship of species of the same genus. Where we have used in this Hand-List a different name to that adopted by Howard Saunders in his " Manual," an explanatory note has been given, except in those cases where Saunders rejected a specific name on account of tautonymy (e.g. Crex pratensis for Crex crex), or when we have transferred a species to a different, but well-known, genus. We have made the Synonymy as brief as possible, but have in every case given as the first reference the earliest name and the typical locality for the bird described under that name. We have also given in each case the reference to Yarrell's " History of British Birds," 4th edition, edited by A. Newton and H. Saunders, which, for the sake of brevity, has been quoted as " Yarrell," and to "An Illustrated Manual of British Birds " by Howard Saunders, 2nd edition, which we have quoted as " Saunders " When a bird has been added to the British list since the publication of the latter work, we have given a reference in the Synonymy to the first record. References have also been given to names given specially to British birds, whether distinct or not. " British Birds " (maga- zine) has been quoted throughout as " Brit. B." INTRODUCTION. Xi In preparing the accounts of the British distribution, we have made free use of Howard Saunders's well-known "Manual," especially for the earlier records of rarer species. We have also consulted the numerous county avifaunas, and the series of Scottish faunas, as well as the various journals devoted, or partly devoted, to British ornithology. We are also indebted to Messrs. Ussher and Warren's excellent book on the " Birds of Ireland," and to the former author's recently published " List of Irish Birds " ; we have further to thank Mr. Ussher for his great kindness in checking the proofs of the Irish distribution. There is still much to be learnt about the exact distribution of the birds in the British Isles, and we hope that the publication of this Hand-List, in which the distribution is given in concise form, will lead to some of the gaps in our knowledge being filled, and to misstatements being corrected. Unfortunately, up to a few years ago, British ornithologists failed to see the importance of separating definitely, nearly allied forms of the same species. Consequently, the older records of the occurrences of two or more forms of one species were " lumped " under one heading, and little trouble was taken to ascertain to which form any particular bird belonged. It has been impossible to examine more than a very few of the specimens in question, but we hope now that the great importance of subspecific distinctions is fully realized, to have more of these older specimens sent for examination, so that the subspecies to which they belong may be determined, and thus their place of origin be more exactly ascertained. There are some who think that a distinction should be made between " vagrants " which have occurred a good many times, and those which have occurred only once or twice, but no distinction save a purely arbitrary one can be so made. It is certainly of far greater interest to know that such a bird has occurred in one area several times than once, for one occurrence might be due to a pure accident. On the other hand, the experience of the last few years during which certain circumscribed areas such as Fair Isle, the Isle of May, and the south-east corner of England, have been very closely watched, proves that many of these " vagrants " or " stragglers " occur much more often than was formerly supposed. Indeed, so convincing is the proof that it must be obvious to everyone who has studied the question at all, that for every " straggler " which is identified and recorded, at least ten, let us say, go past unidentified Xll INTRODUCTION. and unrecorded. It is, therefore, impossible to exclude any bird from a full place on the list so long as it has been once satisfactorily recorded as having occurred in this country in a wild state. The British Distribution includes the information published in the February issue of " British Birds " (i.e. down to page 260 of Vol. V.), while the Distribution Abroad has been brought down to the end of the year 1911. The various sections of the work have been apportioned amongst us as follows : — Nomenclature : Hartert. British Distribution : Witherby, assisted by Ticehurst and Jourdain. Distribution Abroad : Hartert, assisted by Jourdain. Migrations : Ticehurst. But each of us has revised the other's work, and we hope that our Hand-List will make a step towards uniformity in nomenclature and a more exact knowledge of the distribution of our birds. We need hardly add that any information as to errors of omission or commission will be sincerely appreciated by THE AUTHORS. 326, HIGH HOLBORN, April, 1912. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. CORVUS CORAX 1. Corvus corax corax L. — THE RAVEN. CORVUS CORAX Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 105 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Corvus corax Linnaeus, Yarrell, n, p. 259 ; Saunders, p. 241. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Resident. Breeds here and there on coast from Isle of Wight to Cornwall and north Devon, and in Cumbrian and Pennine Hills and Wales. Rare visitor eastern counties and midlands (bred Essex, 1889). Breeds Isle of Man. Scotland. — Resident. Breeds fairly commonly, especially in west and higher districts and on islands, especially Hebrides and Shetlands; scarcer Orkneys. More common from late autumn to spring. Ireland. — Resident. Breeds wilder sea- cliffs and some mountains, especially in west. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — In Scotland seems regular autumn- to spring-immigrant, sometimes in considerable numbers ; in Ireland small flocks occasionally noted, but elsewhere only vagrant-movements of a bird here and there. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally. Represented by allied forms in Faeroes, Iceland, Spain, some Mediterranean islands, Greece, and Palestine to north-west India ; in Canary Islands and north Africa ; also in north Asia, Greenland, and North America. CORVUS CORNIX 2. Corvus cornix cornix L.— THE HOODED CROW. CORVUS CORNIX Linnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 105 (1758— Europe Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Corvus cornix Linnaeus, Yarrell, u, p. 275 ; Saunders, p. 245. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Regular autumn- and winter- visitor east coast, south coast to Hants., Trent Valley, and east midlands ; occasional further inland and western counties ; rare Wales. Has bred occasionally, mostly eastern counties, and seldom inland. Has also interbred with C. c. cor one. Resident Isle of Man. Scotland. — Resident. Abundant north and west and islands. Overlaps breeding-range of G. c. corone, and often B 2 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. interbreeds with it, especially in Clyde area in west, and Tay area in east. Very occasionally breeds in south-east, where chiefly known as migrant. Ireland. — Resident in every county. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Great numbers arrive east coast Great Britain from central Europe and Scandinavia, from mid- Sept, to mid-Nov., and depart from mid-Feb. to mid- April. No evidence of migration in Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Scandinavia, Denmark, Russia, east Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy, also Faeroes. Represented by other forms in Corsica and Sardinia, Balkan Peninsula, Cyprus, Egypt, and west Asia. Interbreeds with C. corone where ranges overlap. CORVUS CORONE 3. Corvus corone corone L. — THE CARRION-CROW. CORVUS CORONE Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 105 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : England). Corvus corone Linnaeus, Yarrell, n, p. 274 ; Saunders, p. 243. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Resident and common, but somewhat local. Scotland. — Resident. On east side common as far north as Perth, not rare in north of Moray area, and occasionally nests east Sutherland ; on west side common parts of Clyde district, but scarce resident Skye and very scarce north-west Highlands ; occasional visitor Orkneys, Shetlands, and Fair Isle. Where overlapping range of C. c. comix frequently interbreeds. Ireland. — Very rare. Said to have bred Mayo, 1890. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Arrives east coast Great Britain from central Europe between mid-Sept, and mid-Nov., and returns between mid-Feb. and mid- April. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Western Europe generally, in Germany roughly to the Elbe, and throughout the Alps to Bohemia. An allied form in north-east Asia. Interbreeds with C. comix in Germany and Siberia where ranges overlap. CORVUS FRUGILEGUS 4. Corvus frugilegus frugilegus L. — THE ROOK. CORVUS FBUGILEGUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 105 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Corvus frugilegus Linnaeus, Yarrell, u, p. 289 ; Saunders, p. 247. DISTRIBUTION.— British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed. Increasing and spreading north in Scotland, and now breeds Caithness, Sutherland, Ross, and Cromarty, O.Hebrides and Orkneys, but only visitor Shetlands. Now breeds western isles of Ireland. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 6 MIGRATIONS — British Isles. — After nesting our residents are subject to partial and irregular movements — some probably emigrating to Continent. Great numbers arrive east coast Great Britain between mid-Sept, and mid-Nov. from central Europe and Scandinavia, and return between February and April. Winter- movements also noted in Hebrides ; in Ireland apparently a cross- channel movement autumn and spring. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally from Finland and 60° north in Sweden, but rare or absent in south Europe. Represented by allied forms in parts of west and east Asia. COLCEUS MONEDULA 5. Coloeus monedula spermologus (Vieill.)*— THE JACKDAW. CORVUS SPERMOLOGUS Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., vm, p. 40 (1817 — Typical locality : south of France). Corvus monedula Linnaeus, Yarrell, n, p. 305 ; Saunders, p. 239. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Common except north- west Scotland, wrhere scarce, O. Hebrides, where appears on migration and has recently nested, and Shetlands, where only rather rare visitor, although now abundant Orkneys. Does not. breed western isles of Ireland. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Some of our residents appear to- depart autumn and return spring. Numbers arrive east coast Great Britain Sept. and Oct., and depart Feb. or March. Arrivals have been noted April and Oct. Fair Isle. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — West and central Europe, also parts of south Europe, but exact limits not yet ascertained. Replaced by closely-allied forms in Scandinavia, east Europe, parts of north and west Asia, and Algeria. PICA PICA 6. Pica pica pica (L.)— THE MAGPIE. CORVUS PICA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 106 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Pica rustica (Scopoli), Yarrell, 11, p. 312 ; Saunders, p. 237. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Resident. Generally dis- tributed, but much diminished in numbers in some parts by game- preserving and probably now exterminated East Anglia. Some evidence of migration on east coast England. Scotland. — Resident. * The Scandinavian Jackdaw, Coloeus monedula monedula (L.), is possibly an immigrant to the east coast of Great Britain in autumn, but none of the, specimens of migrants which we have so far examined have been of this form.. B 2 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. Very scarce north and north-west, and rather local elsewhere on mainland, being in some places plentiful and in others very scarce. Unknown 0. Hebrides and very rare vagrant Orkneys and Shet lands. Ireland. — Resident since 17th century. Numerous ; scarcer in extreme west. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Nearly whole of Europe. Replaced by other forms in Spain and north-west Africa, and in parts of Asia and North America. NUCIFRAGA CARYOCATACTES 7. Nucifraga caryocatactes caryocatactes (L.) — THE THICK- BILLED NUTCRACKER. CORVUS CARYOCATACTES Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 106 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Nucifraga caryocatactes (Linnaeus), Yarrell, n, p. 330 (part) ; Saunders, p. 233 (part). DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Rare vagrant. Some occurrences recorded under N. c. macrorhynchus may have been of this form, but only the following have been satisfactorily identified : Sussex — one near Chichester, Dec. 21, 1900, male near Brede, Feb. 12, 1907, one Penhurst, Nov. 7, 1908, female near Hastings, March 4, 1909 ; Kent — male, Benenden, Jan. 14, 1905 ; Cheshire — male near Northwich, 1860. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Scandinavia, Bornholm, northern Russia, East Prussia, and principal mountain-systems of Europe (Harz, Bohmerwald, Alps. Carpathians, Tatra, Balkans, etc.) 8. Nucifraga caryocatactes macrorhynchus Brehm — THE SLENDER-BILLED NUTCRACKER. NUCIFBAGA MACRORHYNCHOS Brehm, Lehrb. Naturg. eur. Vogel, i, p. 103 (1823 — Mountain forests mid N. Europe and Asia. Restricted typical locality : Germany — winter. Type, a migrant. Nucifraga caryocatactes (Linnaeus), Yarrell, n, p. 330 (part) ; Saunders, p. 233 (part). DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Vagrant. About forty authentic records of Nutcrackers in England, chiefly in southern and eastern counties, one Wales, three Scotland, but none Ireland. Probably most were of the Slender-billed form, but few have been properly identified (c/. supra). Five in autumn, 1911, were of this form. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeding in Siberia ; in winter frequently all over Europe, as far westwards as France and central Pyrenees. Common in certain years, rare or absent in others. Represented by allied forms in Japan, Formosa, north China, Kamtschatka, Turkestan, Himalayas, etc. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 5 GARRULUS GLANDARIUS 9. Garrulus glandarius glandarius (L.)— THE CONTINENTAL JAY. CORVUS GLANDARIUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 106 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Garrulus glandarius (Linnaeus), Yarrell, n, p. 323 (part) ; Saunders, p. 235 (part). Garrulus g. glandarius, N. F. Ticehurst, Brit. B., iv, p. 213. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Migrant. Jays arriving on east coast England in autumn have fairly often been recorded (cf. Saunders, p. 235 ; Birds Yorks., i, pp. 226-7 ; Hist. Birds Kent, p. 196, etc.), but no specimens of immigrants had been examined until recorded by Ticehurst, Kent, and Sussex, Oct., 1910 (Brit. B., TV, p. 213). More records of ContinentalJays based on examination of specimens are required. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally, but represented by different forms in Spain, some Mediterranean islands, south-east Russia, Turkey, north-west Africa, and parts of Asia. 10. Garrulus glandarius rufitergum Hart.— THE BRITISH JAY. GARRULUS GLANDARIUS RUFITERGUM Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 30 (1903— Type, Tring) ; id., Brit. B., i, p. 209. Garrulus glandarius (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 323 (part) ; Saunders, p. 235 (part). DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to Great Britain. — England, and Wales. — Resident. Generally distributed ; locally abundant. Not found Isle of Man. Scotland. — Resident. Very local. Decreased in numbers but apparently extending northwards. Very rare north of Great Glen and not found Sutherland, Caithness, north-west Highlands, Hebrides, or Orkneys. Recorded Shetlands, but this may have been the Continental form. Ireland. — Replaced by Garrulus glandarius hibernicus, but may occur casually. n. Garrulus glandarius hibernicus With. & Hart. — THE IRISH JAY. GARRULUS GLANDARIUS HIBERNICUS Witherby and Hartert, Brit. B., iv, p. 234 (1911— Ireland. Type, co. Wexford). DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to Ireland. — Resident in parts of fol- lowing counties : — Waterford, Tipperary, Kilkenny, Wexford, Carlow, Queen's, King's, Kildare, and irregularly in Cork, Galway, Westmeath, Wicklow, Dublin, Meath, and Louth ; recently spread into Fermanagh and Cavan. 6 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. PYRRHOCORAX PYRRHOCORAX 12. Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax (L.)— THE CHOUGH. UPUPA PYRRHOCORAX Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 118 (1758 — Coasts of England and Egypt. Restricted typical locality : England). Pyrrhocorax graculus* (nee Linnaeus) Yarrell, n, p. 252 ; Saunders, p. 231. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Resident. Rapidly decreasing. Breeds on parts of south-west coast of England ; some sea-cliffs and a few places close to sea in Wales ; Isle of Man ; some I. Hebrides (especially Islay and Jura), and one or two places on mainland in south-west Scotland. Occurs sporadically elsewhere. Ireland. — Resident on many sea-cliffs, especially in west, and some inland cliffs, but decreasing. Absent from east coast. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Channel Islands, coasts of west France, Alps, Spain, some Canary Islands, north-west Africa, Mediterranean countries, Asia Minor, Syria, and mountains of central and north Asia eastwards to China, southwards to Himalayas. [NOTE. — An example of the ALPINE CHOUGH, Pyrrhocorax graculus (L.) nee auct., shot in Oxon in 1881, had probably escaped from captivity (cf. Saunders, p. 232).] STURNUS VULGARIS 13. Sturnus vulgaris vulgaris L.— THE STARLING. STURNUS VULGARIS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 167 (1758 — Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Sturnus vulgaris (Linnaeus), Yarrell, n, p. 228 ; Saunders, p. 227. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed. Increased greatly during last fifty years or so, and has spread northwards on Scottish mainland (has long been common Shet- lands and Orkneys) and westwards on mainland Great Britain and Ireland and in I. Hebrides, though has long been common (but lately greatly increased) in O. Hebrides and some western isles of Ireland. In Ireland now nests every county, but still scarce some districts, especially in parts of Cork and Kerry. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Our residents flock late summer and some emigrate autumn and return Feb. and March. Vast numbers arrive from central and north Europe on east coast Great Britain from Sept. to Nov. ; some winter and some pass south ; * It is difficult to understand how this name came to be accepted for the red-billed Chough, as the diagnosis says : " rostro pedibusque luteis." On the other hand, the Upupa Pyrrhocorax of 1758 is undoubtedly the Chough, the diagnosis being: "Upupa atra, rostro pedibusque rubris " ; in 1766, however, Linnaeus, apparently having forgotten what he had already written quite correctly — except for the genus — in 1758, gave under the name of Gorvus Pyrrhocorax a mixture. — E.H. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 7 return movement noted from Feb. to April. A great immigration in Ireland from Sept. to Nov. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — From north Scandinavia and Russia to south Europe, the Pyrenees and Italy ; on migration to Madeira and Canary Islands, wintering in north Africa. Other more or less closely-allied forms on Fseroes, Azores, in south-east Europe, and in Asia. PASTOR ROSEUS 14. Pastor roseus (L.)— THE ROSE-COLOURED STARLING. TUBDTJS ROSEUS Lmnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 170 (1758 — Lapland and Switzerland). Pastor roseus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, n, p. 243 ; Saunders, p. 229. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Vagrant. Fairly frequent. Recorded from many parts England, chiefly east side, but often Devon and Cornwall ; seldom Wales ; often Scotland, but never 0. Hebrides ; about twenty-eight times Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — South-east Europe, occasionally as far west as Italy and Hungary, and in Asia from Asia Minor to Turkestan, common in winter in India. Wandering irregularly far northwards, thus observed from time to time in nearly all parts of Europe, exceptionally as far north as Lapland, Finland, East Prussia, also Belgium and Holland. [NOTE. — Examples of the RED-WINGED STARLING, Agelaius phosniceus Linnaeus, of North America have been taken in this country, but this species not being migratory, the recorded examples had no doubt escaped from captivity. The same may be said of Icterus galbula (Coracias galbula Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 108, typ. loc. — Carolina), also from America, which has been captured in Shetland, and recorded under the name Icterus Baltimore, though the latter, being a migrant, might more likely have been a genuine visitor. Sturnella magna and Scolecophagus carolinus (sub nomine S. ferru- gineus] from North America must also have escaped from captivity, and this is absolutely certain with the Indian Mynah, Gracula religiosa, from southern India and Ceylon.] ORIOLUS ORIOLUS 15. Oriolus oriolus oriolus (L.)— THE GOLDEN ORIOLE. CORACIAS ORIOLUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 107 (1758 — Europe, Asia. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Oriolus galbula Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 233 ; Saunders, p. 145. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Spring- visitor. Annual in very small numbers to south-east and south-west England; irregular elsewhere, but has occurred most counties. Has nested Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Northants., Herts., Surrey, Devon, and especially Kent, while other records are not authenticated. Scotland. — A few 8 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. occurrences, mostly in south ; one Shetlands, one Orkneys, and noted Fair Isle spring and autumn, 1908, and May, 1909. Ireland. — Rare casual spring and summer- visitor, most frequent Kerry, Cork, Waterford, and Down. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally, except Norway, Sweden, north of 63° and Russia north of 60°, to Mediterranean, and in mountain-forests of north-west Africa (local and not common) ; eastward to Tian-Shan and Altai, and replaced by allied form in India. In winter in tropical and southern Africa and Madagascar. COCCOTHRAUSTES COCCOTHRAUSTES 1 6. Coccothraustes coccothraustes coccothraustes (L.) — THE HAWFINCH. LOXIA COCCOTHRAUSTES Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 171 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa australiore. " Restricted typical locality : Italy). Coccothraustes vulgaris Pallas, Yarrell, n, p. 98 ; Saunders. p. 171. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Resident. Local, but generally dis- tributed except in north and west, where, however, has lately increased and spread, and now breeds in Cumberland, Durham, and Northumberland (since 1884). Rarely breeds in Devon and not in Cornwall. Wales. — Resident. Now well-known in eastern half, but rare or unknown in western parts. Scotland. — Resident. Now considered as widely distributed and not very rare in south- east, and has nested East Lothian (1908 and 1909), and east Fife (1903) ; also bred Dumfries (1906 and 1908). Elsewhere a good many stragglers, even as far north as Fair Isle and Shetlands. Ireland. — Rare vagrant to all quarters, mostly winter. Said to have nested Kildare 1902. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — No regular migrations yet worked out, but occurs occasionally at lighthouses in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and has been noticed in winter in parts where it does not breed. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally, exact limits eastwards uncertain. Replaced by allied forms in north-west Africa, Turke- stan, India, and east Asia. CHLORIS CHLORIS 17. Chloris chloris chloris (L.)— THE GREENFINCH. LOXIA CHLORIS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 174 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Coccothraustes chloris (Linnaeus), Yarrell, n, p. 105. Ligurinus chloris (Linnaeus), Saunders, p. 169. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 9 DISTRIBUTOR— British Isles. — Resident. Common most parts, but only a visitor to Shetlands and most O. Hebrides, though it breeds Stornoway (Lewis). MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Most home-bred birds emigrate Sept. and return March. Great numbers arrive north-east coasts Great Britain Oct. and leave in early spring. An autumn -immigration has also been noticed in Ireland. DISTRIBUTION.— A broad. — North and central Europe generally. Replaced by allied forms in south-west Europe and north-west Africa, in south-east Europe, Syria, and Turkestan. CARDUELIS CARDUELIS [Carduelis carduelis carduelis (L.)— THE CONTINENTAL GOLDFINCH. FRIISTGILLA CARDUELIS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 180 (1758 — Juniper woods of Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — " Immigrant." Goldfinches are recorded regularly east coast England in Oct. (cf. Saunders, p. 174 ; Birds Yorks., i, p. 171). Until actual specimens have been examined, however, the Continental form cannot be definitely included. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from about lat. 65° in Norway and 60° in Russia to the Mediterranean. Replaced in Spain and north-west Africa, some Mediterranean islands, and the Atlantic isles as well as in western Asia, by closely-allied forms.] 18. Carduelis carduelis britannica (Hart.)— THE BRITISH GOLDFINCH. ACANTHIS CARDUELIS BRiTANNicus Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 68 (1903— British Isles. Type, Rottingdean) ; id., Brit. B., i, p. 211. Carduelis elegans Stephens, Yarrell, n, p. 117; Saunders, p. 173. DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to British Isles. — British Isles. — Resident. Local, but generally distributed, and increasing except in Ireland where decreasing ; very rare northern Scotland and only scarce vagrant 0. Hebrides, Shetlands, and Orkneys. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Flocks, and migrates locally autumn and winter, and some may emigrate. Passing birds (possibly of British form) have been noted in spring in various counties (cf. Bull. B.O.C., xx, p. 178 ; xxn, p. 182 ; xxiv, p. 173). 10 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. CARDUELIS SPINUS 19. Carduelis spinus (L.)— THE SISKIN. FRINGILLA SPINUS Linnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. x. i, p. 181 (1758 — Juniper woods of Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Carduelis spinus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, IT, p. 126 ; Saunders, p. 175. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Resident and autumn-to- spring visitor. A few pairs nest regularly Cumberland, and nests have been recorded Durham, Yorks., Salop, and north Wales. Evidence of having bred exceptionally Surrey, Sussex, Kent, and other south counties, in most cases unsatisfactory. Scotland. — Breeds from Perth northwards to Caithness and east Sutherland, also in east Ross, occasionally in Tweed, and in small numbers in Solway district, but otherwise a rare visitor to west side, and only recently recorded from O. Hebrides (Barra, autumn). In Shet- lands and Fair Isle has been noted on spring and autumn passages, and in Orkneys in autumn. Ireland. — Resident. Breeds locally all four Provinces. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Arrives in fluctuating numbers east coast Great Britain from Sept. to Nov., and departs in April and early May. Has been recorded from Lights of south coast Ireland in winter, which may point to occasional emigration of Irish residents. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Locally in north Europe and northern Asia (but absent from the high north) as far south as Alps and rarely to north Italy, Balkans, and Caucasus. In winter common in Italy, sometimes not rare in north-west Africa. [NOTE. — The specimen of the NORTH AMERICAN GOLDFINCH, Carduelis tristis (L.), shot on Achill Island (Mayo), Sept. 6, 1894, had no doubt escaped from captivity (cf. ZooL, 1894, p. 396)]. CARDUELIS FLAVIROSTRIS 20. Carduelis flavirostris flavirostris (L.)— THE TWITE. FRINGILLA FLAVIROSTRIS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 182 (1758 — " Europa." Typical locality : Sweden). Linota flavirostris (Linnseus), Yarrell, n, p. 160 ; Saunders, p. 193. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Resident. Breeds very locally most moorlands from east Cheshire, north Staffs., north Derby., and west Yorks. northwards, and in Lanes, at lower levels. Forsakes high ground in winter. Small colony found nesting north Devon 1904, but otherwise only known as somewhat uncertain winter- visitor to south, though in some years plentiful on parts of south coast. Very rare visitor Cornwall. Suspected of nesting in north Wales. Scotland. — Much more common and general than A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 11 in England, especially on west coast and Hebrides, Orkneys, and Shetlands. In south-west and on lower ground on east side scarce as nester. Ireland. — Breeds all counties except those of central Plain. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — The coasts are resorted to in winter by inland breeding- birds ; but migrants, possibly from oversea, arrive east coast Oct. and return March. In Ireland an autumn- immigration has been noted on north and west coasts. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North Norway, Lapland, and north Finland, in winter over Europe, but very rare in Mediterranean countries. Replaced by other races from Asia Minor and Caucasus to Persian Turkestan, etc., and in Tibet and Manchuria. CARDUELIS LINARIA 21. Carduelis linaria linaria (L.)— THE MEALY REDPOLL. FBINGILLA LINARIA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 182 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : the alder woods of Sweden). Linota linaria (Linnaeus), Yarrell, n, p. 133 ; Saunders, p. 189. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Irregular autumn- winter visitor along whole east coast Great Britain, but more common east Scotland and north-east England. Occasionally arrives great numbers, as in 1829, 1847, 1855, 1861, 1863, 1873, 1885, 1897, 1910. More rarely recorded spring. Elsewhere in Great Britain rare winter-straggler, as it is in Ireland, where it appears chiefly in western islands. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern portions of Northern Hemi- sphere, the northern limit of its breeding-range overlapping the southern range of C. hornemannii exilipes ; in Europe as far south as Baltic and coast of East Prussia. In winter and on migration over greater part of Europe, parts of central Asia, and United States. 22. Carduelis linaria rostrata (Coues) — GREENLAND REDPOLL. AEGIOTHUS ROSTRATUS Coues, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1861, p. 378 (S. Greenland). L. rostrata, Saunders, p. 190 (in text). DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant. Barra (0. Hebrides) one, Oct. 8, 1896 ; one, Nov. 10, 1898 ; one, Oct. 13, 1900 ; two, Sept., 1901. Fair Isle (Shetlands), a number Sept. and Oct. 1905, and small party Sept. 21, 1907. Shetlands, several Oct. and Nov., 1907. (W. Eagle Clarke, Ann. S.N.H., 1901, p. 131, 1902, p. 118, 1906, p. 17, 1908, p. 76. E. Hamilton, op.c., 1910, 12 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. p. 54.) Several Achill Island (Mayo) and two or more Tearaght (Kerry) have been assigned to this form. (Birds Ireland, p. 64) (cf. Brit. B., i, pp. 182, 383 ; m, p. 378). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Summer-resident in south Greenland- In winter south-westwards through Canada and parts of western United States. [Carduelis linaria holboelli (Brehm)— HOLBOLL'S REDPOLL.* LINABIA HOLBOELLI Brehm, Handb. Naturg. Vog. Deutschl., p. 280 (1831 — Described from migrants obtained in Germany). L. holboelli, Saunders, p. 189 (in text). DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Vagrant. One, Aston Clinton (Bucks.), Dec. 14, 1895 (Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 80). One said Achill Island, Mayo (Bull. B.O.C., xn, p. 15). Possibly some of a flock inYorks., 1881 (Birds Yorks., i, p. 187). A number Fair Isle autumn 1910. Two Shetlands, Oct. 28, 1910. One Isle of May (Forth) Oct. 23, 1910. A number Lothians, Oct., 1910. One Cambridge, Dec. 12, 1910. (Brit. B., iv, pp. 291, 369, v, p. 60). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Polar regions of Old and New World, in winter southwards to Holland, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Russia, central Asia, Japan, and occasional during migration in parts of north-east North America.] 23. Carduelis linaria cabaret (P.L.S. Miill.)t— THE LESSER REDPOLL. FBINGILLA CABARET P.L.S. Muller, Natursystem, Suppl., p. 165 (1776 — Ex Daubenton and Buffon. Europe. Restricted typical locality : France). Acanthis linaria britannica Schmiedeknecht, Wirbelt. Eur., p. 128 (1906 — Great Britain). Linota rufescens (Vieillot), Yarrell, n, p. 146 ; Saunders, p. 191. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Resident. Breeds most counties, but locally and especially so in southern England and Wales, and very sparingly in south-west England, while in extreme south-west it is rare even in autumn and winter, when it becomes more generally distributed elsewhere. Scotland. — Resident. More generally distributed in wooded districts than in England, but uncommon in north-west, and appears not to breed Caithness. Breeds sparingly I. Hebrides, and has nested Barra (0. Hebrides). * As this form appears to breed within the same area as C. I. linaria it may represent only an individual variation, and until this question is finally decided we cannot admit it fully to the list. Occurrences of specimens possessing the characters assigned to this form should, meanwhile, be carefully recorded. •j- The name cabaret is forty years older than rufescens. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 13 Said to nest Orkneys, but rare at any time Shetlands. Ireland. — .Resident. Generally distributed, even in the bare west. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Flocks said to arrive Yorks. coast in Oct., and it becomes more generally common east coast in winter. Some at least of our breeding-birds appear to emigrate in winter. No migration noted in Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Alpine regions, probably also Carpa- thians and Balkans, and possibly the Caucasus. CARDUELIS HORNEMANNII 24. Carduelis hornemannii hornemannii (Holb.) — HORNE- MANN'S REDPOLL. LINOTA HORNEMANNII Holboll, Naturk. Tidskr., iv, p. 398 (1843— Greenland). L. hornemanni, Yarrell, n, pp. 141 and 144 (in text) ; Saunders, p. 189 (in text). DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Very rare vagrant. Specimens from Spurn (Yorks.), Oct., 1883, and Oct., 1893, have been assigned to this form (Birds Yorks., i, p. 189), and one near Whit burn (Durham), April 24, 1855 (Saunders, p. 189). Five Fair Isle (Shetlands), Sept. and Oct., 1905 (W. E. Clarke, Ann. S.N.H., 1906, p. 17). One Unst (Shetlands), Oct., 1905 (E. Hamilton, op.c., 1910, p. 54). (cf. Brit. B., I, p. 183 ; m, p. 378). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Resident in Greenland. Once obtained in France, in Spitsbergen, Franz -Josef Land, Jan May en, and perhaps Iceland, but probably in all these places as a rule only an accidental visitor. In winter regularly in parts of North America. 25. Carduelis hornemannii exilipes (Coues) -- COUES'S REDPOLL. AEGIOTHUS EXILIPES Coues, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Nov., 1861, p. 385 (Fort Simpson, Arctic America). DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Very rare vagrant. A specimen assigned to this form occurred atEasington (Yorks.), winter 1893-4, and two others at Skeffling (Yorks.), Dec. 30, 1898 (Birds Yorks., i, p. 188). One Fair Isle autumn 1900 (W. E. Clarke, Ann. S.N.H., 1911, p. 53 ; cf. Brit. B., iv, p. 292). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Lapland and north Russia, northern- most portions of continents of Asia and America. In winter southwards to East Prussia (rare), Japan, and northern United States of America. 14 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. CARDUELIS CITRINELLA 26. Carduelis citrinella citrinella (L.)— THE CITRIL FINCH. FRINGILLA CITRINELLA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. xu, i, p. 320 (1766 — " Hab. in Europa australi." Restricted typical locality : Alps ; Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 81). Citril Finch, Yarrell, n, p. 113 (in footnote) ; Saunders, p. 178 (in text) ; Chrysomitris citrinella, id., Brit. B., i, p. 12. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One. Female Yarmouth (Norfolk) Jan. 29, 1904 (J. H. Gurney, ZooL, 1905, p. 91). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Mountain-systems of central and south Europe. Replaced by a local race in Corsica, Sardinia, and perhaps parts of Italy. CARDUELIS CANNABINA 27. Carduelis cannabina cannabina (L.) — THE LINNET. FRINGILLA CANNABINA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 182 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Linota cannabina (Linnaeus), Yarrell, n, p. 153 ; Saunders, p. 187. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Common and widely distributed, but uncommon and local in west Scotland and I. Hebrides ; rare vagrant O. Hebrides and apparently so Shet- lands ; recorded several times Pair Isle and common nester and migrant Orkneys. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Our home-bred birds (or in any case a proportion of them) move south autumn, many crossing Channel and returning spring. Large numbers of Continental immigrants arrive east coasts Great Britain autumn and return spring. Fre- quently observed as immigrant on Irish coasts both spring and autumn, but movements not clearly worked out. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally, except in the high north. Replaced by smaller forms in Mediterranean countries and Atlantic isles, and by a lighter one in parts of west Asia. SERINUS CANARIUS 28. Serinus canarius serinus (L.) — THE SERIN. FKINGILLA SERINUS Linnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. xn, i, p. 320 (1766 — South Europe). Serinus hortulana K. L. Koch, Yarrell, n, p. Ill ; Saunders, p. 177. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant. About twenty recorded England, ten being from Sussex coast, where also small flock said to have been seen, three each Kent and Norfolk, one or A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 15 two near London, one each Hants., Somerset, and Devon, and one said to have been seen Yorks., and another Oxon. Two co. Dublin. Male near Edinburgh Nov. 9, 1911. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Common in north-west Africa and south Europe, northwards to Germany, where in olden times restricted to south-west parts (Frankfort), but now nearly all over the country. In Holland now less rare than formerly, but whether it breeds as yet uncertain. Casual in Denmark. [NOTE. — " Wild " CANARIES, Serinus canarius canarius (L.) have been taken in Great Britain, but these were undoubtedly escaped birds, as in its home (Canary Islands, Azores, and Madeira) the Canary Serin does not migrate, and numbers are imported into our islands.] PYRRHULA PYRRHULA 29, Pyrrhula pyrrhula pyrrhula (L.)— THE NORTHERN BULLFINCH. LOXIA PYRRHULA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 171 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). P. major, Saunders, p. 195 (in text). DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Irregular winter- visitor. As it is imported as cage-bird some records may be due to "escapes," but following are probably genuine : — England — Two Yorks. Nov., 1894, and possibly immigrations noted under "Pyrrhula europcea " Nov., 1880, Oct. and Nov., 1884, 1886, 1887, and other years (Birds Yorks., i, pp. 194 and 195), one Yorks. coast Dec. 3, 1910. One Yarmouth (Norfolk) Jan. 22, 1893. Scotland.— One near Longniddry (Haddington) Oct., 1884. Considerable immigration Shetlands Nov., 1905, and some birds March and April, 1905, Oct., 1906, and one Nov., 1902, probably of this form. One or more Fair Isle, Nov., 1905, and a few Nov., 1906, and a good many Isle of May, Fair Isle, and Shetlands, as well as south- east Scotland, Oct., Nov. and Dec., 1910. Others recorded as " Bullfinches " in Shetlands probably of this form (cf. Brit. B., i, p. 246 ; iv, pp. 211, 250, 292, 369). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Scandinavia, Russia, north-east parts of Germany, and west Siberia, also apparently Hungary and Tran- sylvania. In winter spreading southwards and westwards, as far as west and south Europe. Represented by a form (P.p. europcea*) ; much more nearly allied to P. p. pileata in west and central Europe generally, and by other forms in the Azores, Caucasus, and temperate Asia. * No examples of this form have as yet been detected in the British Isles. 16 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 30. Pyrrhula pyrrhula pileata MacGillivray — THE BRITISH BULLFINCH. PYRRHTJLA PILEATA MacGillivray, Hist. Brit. Birds, i, p. 407 (1837 — Great Britain). Pyrrhula pyrrhula pileata MacGillivray, Hartert, Brit. B., n, p. 130. Pyrrhula europcea Vieillot, Yarrell, n, p. 166 ; Saunders, p. 195. DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to British Isles. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed, but rather local in Scotland. Recently spread to some I. Hebrides, and recorded from Harris and North Uist (0. Hebrides). Its recorded visits to Orkneys and Shetlands may be referable to P. p. pyrrhula (ut supra). CARPODACUS ERYTHRINUS 31. Carpodacus erythrinus erythrinus (Pall.)— THE SCARLET GROSBEAK. LOXIA ERYTHRINA Pallas, Nov. Comm. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., xrv, p. 587, pi. 23, fig. 1 (1770— S. Russia and Siberia. Restricted typical locality : Volga). Pyrrhula erythrina (Pallas), Yarrell, n, p. 172 ; Saunders, p. 197. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Four England and Wales, and five Scotland. Female near Brighton (Sussex) Sept., 1869. Female Hampstead (Middlesex) Oct. 5, 1870. Female near Yarmouth (Norfolk) Sept. 3, 1892 (Saunders, pp. 197, 199, 756). Male near Paincastle (Radnor) about 1875 (ZooL, 1904, p. 228). One Fair Isle (Shetlands) Oct. 3, 1906 (Ann. S.N.H., 1907, p. 70). Isle of May, one Sept. 25, 1907, one Sept. 12, 1908, one Sept. 13, 1909, one Sept. 7, 1910 (op.c., 1908, p. 18 ; 1909, p. 14 ; 1910, p. 4 ; 1911, p. 4 ; cf. Brit. B., i, pp. 246, 296 ; n, p. 346 ; in, p. 378 ; iv, p. 318). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North-east Germany, Russia, Siberia, eastwards at least to the Lena River, and replaced by allied races in central Asia and Kamtschatka. Migrant, but its regular winter- quarters appear to be as yet uncertain ; during migration or in winter occasionally in west and south Europe. PINICOLA ENUCLEATOR 32. Pinicola enucleator enucleator (L.) -- THE PINE- GROSBEAK. LOXIA ENUCLEATOR Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 171 (1758 — North of Sweden and North America. The American form, however, differs. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Pyrrhula enucleator (Linnaeus), Yarrell, n, p. 177 ; Saunders, p. 199. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 17 DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant. Some fifty recorded, but most are not authenticated. Of recent years the following records :— One Notts., Oct. 30, 1890 (Saunders, p. 199) ; small flock Kent and Sussex, Oct., 1905 ; two Kent, March 4, 1909 (cf. Brit. B., i, p. 247 ; Hist. Birds Kent, p. 165). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Scandinavia and north Russia, north Siberia. In winter spreading more or less regularly southwards and westwards, occasionally as far as Italy and south France. Represented by closely-allied forms in Kamtschatka and North America. LOXIA CURVIROSTRA 33. Loxia curvirostra curvirostra L. - - THE COMMON CROSSBILL. LOXIA CURVIROSTRA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 171 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Loxia curvirostra anglica Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 119 ; id., Brit. B., i, p. 209 ; cf. id., op.c., in, p. 194. Loxia curvirostra Linnaeus, Yarrell, n, p. 187 (part) ; Saunders, p. 201 (part). DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Late summer - immigrant arriving mid- June to August. Regular in some districts, but irregular in most, and especially so in north-west and south-west England and in Wales. Periodically (every three to ten years) arrives in great numbers and becomes much more generally distri- buted and frequently stays over following spring and into summer. Most nesting-records in springs immediately following " irruptions." Has nested in following counties ; dates within square brackets refer to probable but not positive records : — Devon, 1839, 1894. Somerset, 1910. Hants., 1839, 1858, 1877, 1892, 1910. Berks., 1882, 1889, [1898], 1899, 1910. Sussex, 1791, 1840, 1910. Surrey [1899], 1910. Kent [1833], [1839], [1894], 1910, 1911. Herts., 1907. Gloucester, 1839, 1910. Oxon [1839]. Leicester, 1839. Staffs., 1910. Hereford [1895]. Salop 1880, [1895]. [1896]. Northants., 1892 1904., Beds. [1899], 1910. Essex, 1910. Suffolk, 1815, 1822, 1885, 1889, 1910, 1911. Norfolk 1829 [1887], 1889, 1910, 1911. Lines. [1910]. Yorks., 1829, 1840 [1855], 1872, 1876, 1902. Durham, 1838, 1856. Cumberland, 1839, 1856. [1865]. Northumberland [1821], 1838, 1869. Cheviot Hills, 1898. Carnarvon, 1890 or 1891. Montgomery, 1880. Merioneth [1897]. Scotland. — Late summer-immigrant as in England, but apparently not so regular ; subject to similar irruptions, appearing in numbers even in far northern and western isles. Breeds sporadically and rarely in south Scotland, and possibly also in territory of Loxia c. scotica, but proof so far wanting. Has nested Ayr. 18 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 1864, [1884]. Dumfries [1838-9], 1888. Kincardine, 1903. Linlith- gow, 1839. Stirling, 1839. Ireland. — Now resident but not indigenous. Apparently only migrates to Ireland in years of " irruptions." Following irruption of 1838 bred Tipperary and has since ; in 1867 Kildare ; since 1868 has settled Fermanagh ; since 1881 King's ; between 1883 and 1895 Westmeath. Following irruption of 1887-8, increased and bred more widely, and is now established (with fluctuations) in plantations of conifers in each province. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally and north Asia, but represented by closely-allied forms in Spain, the Balearic Isles, Cyprus, north-west Africa, central Asia and Himalayas to Japan and North America. More or less nomadic, in certain years migra- tory and spreading in great numbers westwards and southwards. 34. Loxia curvirostra scotica Hart. - - THE SCOTTISH CROSSBILL. LOXIA CURVIROSTBA SCOTICA Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 120 (1904 — Scotland), id., Brit. B., i, p. 211. Loxia curvirostra Linnaeus, Yarrell, n, p. 187 (part) ; Saunders, p. 201 (part). DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to Scotland. — Resident in north Scotland, breeding from south-east Sutherland, throughout Moray Basin south to Dunkeld (Perth), west to Loch Maree (west Ross), and east to Huntley (Banff). Has occurred sporadically in winter in very small numbers in Dumfries, Kirkcudbright, and Fife, but apparently not a regular migrant from data available. LOXIA PYTYOPSITTACUS 35. Loxia pytyopsittacus Borkh. — THE PARROT-CROSSBILL. LOXIA PYTYOPSITTACUS Borkhausen, Rheinisches Magazin, i, p. 139 (1793 — Substituted typical locality: Sweden; cf. Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 122). Loxia pityopsittacus Bechstein, Yarrell, n, p. 207 ; Saunders, p. 202. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant. A good many re- corded, but some at least (especially from Scotland) may be referable to L. c. scotica. The following examined by us are of this species : near Plumstead (Kent) Jan., 1868 ; Southgate (Middlesex) Nov., 1864. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North Europe (Scandinavia and north Russia to Poland). Like other Crossbills, somewhat nomadic, and known to have nested in Germany and probably also in other parts of central Europe. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 19 LOXIA LEUCOPTERA 36. Loxia leucoptera bifasciata (Brehm)— THE TWO-BARRED CROSSBILL. CBUCIBOSTRA BIFASCIATA Brehm, Ornis, in, p. 85 (1827 — Thuringia and Vienna). Loxia bifasciata (C. L. Brehm), Yarrell, n, p. 211 ; Saunders, p. 203. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant. A good many recorded from various parts England, but mostly on eastern side ; in some years (e.g. 1845-6, and autumn 1889) a number together. About eleven authentic records Scotland, and three Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Forests of north European Russia (and probably west Siberia), more or less irregularly spreading south- westwards at various times of the year. Concerning the doubtful Siberian subspecies, Loxia leucoptera elegans Horn., cf. Vog. paL Fauna, i, p. 124. [Loxia leucoptera leucoptera Gm.— THE AMERICAN WHITE- WINGED CROSSBILL. LOXIA LEUCOPTERA Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, 2, p. 844 (1789 — North America). Loxia leucoptera J. F. Gmelin, Yarrell, n, p. 218 ; Saunders, p. 204 (in text). DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Several recorded occurrences, are dealt with by Saunders and in Yarrell, and there are others, but it is very doubtful if it has occurred in a truly wild state. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern North America. In winter southwards, irregularly as far as North Carolina, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Colorado, Nevada. Occurs south and east Greenland. Said to have been procured on Heligoland.] FRINGILLA CCELEBS 37- Fringilla coelebs coelebs L.— THE CHAFFINCH. CCELEBS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat.,ed. x, i, p. 179 (1758 — " Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Fringilla coelebs gengleri Kleinschmidt, Falco, v, p. 13 (1909 — England. Typical locality : Hampstead). Fringilla coslebs Linnaeus, Yarrell, n, p. 68 ; Saunders, p. 183. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Abundant and widely distributed, nesting in Orkneys but not Shetlands, nor probably O. Hebrides, where only a visitor. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Our residents flock in winter and move about the country, but there is little evidence that they emigrate. Meantime large flocks arrive from the Continent on c 2 0 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. east coasts Great Britain. Many continue westward and spread inland, while some perhaps pass south. A diminution in Sept. and an increase in Oct. and Nov. have been noticed in Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally, western parts of Asia. In winter in north Africa. Replaced by a supposed closely-allied form in Corsica, and by different races in north-west Africa, Canaries, Madeira, and Azo'res. FRINGILLA MONTIFRINGILLA 38. Fringilla montifringilla L.— THE BRAMBLING. FRINGILLA MONTIFRINGILLA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 179 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality: Sweden). Fringilla montifringilla Linnaeus, Yarrell, n, p. 75 ; Saunders, p. 185. DISTRIBUTION AND MIGRATIONS. — England and Wales. — Winter- visitor, arriving north-east and east coasts England Oct., in varying numbers according to severity of weather. In south and west England and in Wales its numbers are still more dependent upon weather-conditions as well as supply of beech-mast. In some years does not occur in extreme south-west and west. Most return March, but many stay until April and occasionally to May and exceptionally June (Yorks., June 30, 1907). Scotland. — Numbers greatly influenced by weather-conditions, and most regular and abundant in south-east ; in south-west and north-east more irregular but sometimes occurring in large numbers ; in north-west and O. Hebrides a straggler; in Shetlands and Fair Isle fairly regular autumn and spring, but in Orkneys irregular. Late dates : Dumfries., May 10, 1895 ; Fair Isle, May 20, 1909. Ireland.— In varying numbers to all quarters, but rare in west. Late date : Down, June 13, 1910. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Sub-arctic forests of Old World, in Europe in northern Scandinavia and north Russia, in winter all over Europe and northern parts of Asia. An eastern form has been separated, but requires confirmation. MONTIFRINGILLA NIVALIS 39. Montifringilla nivalis nivalis (L.)— THE SNOW-FINCH. FRINGILLA NIVALIS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. xn, i, p. 321 (1766 — " Hab. in America." Errore ! As typical locality accepted : Switzerland; cf. Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 132). Montifringilla nivalis (Linn.), M. J. Nicoll, Bull. B.O.C., xv, p. 58 ; Saunders, Brit. B., i, p. 13. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Twice. Male, Rye Harbour (Sussex), Feb. 22, 1905 (ut supra}. Two, Paddock Wood (Kent), Dec. 28, 1906, with a flock of four or five " similar-looking " birds (N. F. Ticehurst, Brit. B., i, p. 189). A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 21 DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — High elevations in the Alps, Pyrenees, Sierra Nevada (Spain), north Apennines, rare in south-east Europe but breeding in Montenegro and Greece. Allied forms in Asia. PASSER DOMESTICUS 40. Passer domesticus domesticus (L.) - - THE HOUSE- SPARROW. FRINGILLA DOMESTICA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 183 (1758 — " Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Passer domesticus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, 11, p. 89 ; Saunders, p. 179. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Widely distributed. Now established I. Hebrides, but still confined to Castlebay (Barra), Tarbert (Harris) and Stornoway (Lewis) in O. Hebrides. Local in many parts Ireland, but found on western isles. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Appears to move from certain exposed places in winter, but no evidence of true migration of our residents. An autumn-immigration to east coast of England south of the Wash has been noted, and there is some evidence of a cross-Channel departure in late autumn. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally except Italy , eastwards to Siberia. Replaced by closely-allied forms in Italy, north Africa and parts of Asia. PASSER MONTANUS 41. Passer montanus montanus (L.) — THE TREE-SPARROW. FRINGILLA MONTANA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 183 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality: North Italy; cf. Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 160). Passer montanus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, 11, p. 82 ; Saunders, p. 181. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Resident. Widely spread but local, especially in extreme south-west (where it appears not to nest), south and west Wales and Lanes., Westmorland and Cumberland. Has nested Isle of Man. Scotland. — Mostly on east side, very local and rare west side. Breeds in some 0. Hebrides, even as far west as St. Kilda, and very rarely in Shetlands. Ireland. — Local resident, co. Dublin since 1852, and recently on coasts of Londonderry, Mayo and Donegal, and once seen in Sligo. Once occurred off Wexford. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Large flocks arrive east coast England late Sept. and in Oct., and return mid-March to mid- April. Occurs Fair Isle and Isle of May in autumn. No evidence of migration to Ireland. 22 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally and Siberia. Replaced by closely-allied forms in east Siberia, Japan, Turkestan, and Persia, India and China, Greater Sunda Islands, Hainan and Formosa. EMBERIZA CALANDRA* 42. Emberiza calandra calandra L.— THE CORN-BUNTING. EMBERIZA CALANDRA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat, ed. x, i, p. 176 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality: Sweden). Emberiza miliaria Linnaeus, Yarrell, n, p. 38 ; Saunders, p. 207. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Common in most coastal regions throughout, but generally local elsewhere. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Breeding-birds, or at all events many of them, emigrate in autumn from Great Britain, and perhaps also from Ireland. Immigrants noted east coast Great Britain, and flocks occur other parts in autumn. In Shetlands and Fair Isle occurs on both passages. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — From south Sweden in the north through- out Europe to north Africa and west Asia. The forms from west Siberia, Corsica, and Canary Islands have been separated, but are all very closely-allied and require confirmation. EMBERIZA CITRINELLA 43. Emberiza citrinella citrinella L. — THE YELLOW BUNTING. EMBERIZA CITRINELLA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 177 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality: Sweden). Emberiza citrinella Linnaeus, Yarrell, n, p. 43 ; Saunders, p. 209. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Common and generally distributed, but does not nest in some O. Hebrides, now common Orkneys, but seldom noticed Shetlands except on migration ; occurs Fair Isle both passages, but chiefly autumn. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Flocks in winter, but little evidence that our breeding- birds emigrate. Immigrants from north appear east coasts Great Britain in Oct. and Nov. and return in spring. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally from about lat. 65J° to 70° N., but in south Spain and south Italy only in winter, and absent from Greece. Replaced by allied forms in Siberia and east Europe. Local races require further study. * In 1758 Linnaeus named the Corn- Bunting calandra, and we cannot accept his alteration of 1766, when he called it miliaria without explanation. — E .H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 23 EMBERIZA LEUCOCEPHALA 44. Emberiza leucocephala S. G. Gm.— THE PINE-BUNTING. EMBERIZA LETICOCEPHALOS S. G. Gmelin, Nov. Comm. Acad. Sci. Imp. Petropol., xv, p. 480, pi. 23, fig. 3 (1771— Astrakhan). Emberiza leucocephala W. Eagle Clarke, Scot. Nat., 1912, p. 8 ; cf. Brit. B., v, p. 239. DISTRIBUTION. — Scotland. — One. Male, Fair Isle (Shetlands), Oct. 30, 1911 (ut supra}. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds from west Siberia (Ural) to east Siberia. Migrates to China, Mongolia, Turkestan, casually to Europe (Italy, Dalmatia, Russia, south France, Austria, Heligoland). EMBERIZA MELANOCEPHALA 45. Emberiza melanocephala Scop.— THE BLACK-HEADED BUNTING. EMBERIZA MELANOCEPHALA Scopoli, Annus i, Hist. Nat., p. 142 (1769 — Carniola). Emberiza melanocephala Scopoli, Yarrell, n, p. 64 ; Saunders, p. 205. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain — Five England, two Scotland. Female near Brighton (Sussex) about Nov. 3, 1888. Male, Notts., June or July, 1884. Male, near Dunfermline (Fife) Nov. 5, 1886, Female, Bexhill (Sussex) Nov. 3, 1894 (Saunders, p. 205). Male, Little Common (Sussex) April 21, 1905. Male, Fair Isle, Sept. 21, 1907. Male, near Westfield (Sussex) May 5, 1909 (Brit. B., i, pp. 248, 383 ; m, p. 412). DISTRIBUTION — Abroad. — South-east Europe and Asia Minor to Palestine, Persia, and Baluchistan, occasionally west to Italy ; casual visitor to south Germany, Austria, south France, Heligoland. In winter in north-west India. EMBERIZA AUREOLA 46. Emberiza aureola Pall.— THE YELLOW-BREASTED BUNTING. EMBEKIZA AUREOLA Pallas, Reise d. versch. Prov. d. Russ. Reichs, n, p. 711 (1773— River Irtish in Siberia). Emberiza aureola Pallas, Saunders, Bull. B.O.C., xvi, p. 10 ; id., Brit. B., i, p. 13. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Two. Female, Cley (Norfolk) Sept. 21, 1905 (Saunders, Bull. B.O.C., xvi, pp. 10-11). Female, near Wells (Norfolk) Sept. 5, 1907 (F. G. Penrose, Brit. B., i, p. 263). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North Russia and Siberia ; on migration in many tropical parts of Asia and casual in south and west Europe, Austria, Bohemia, Italy, south France, Heligoland. 24 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. EMBERIZA CIRLUS 47. Emberiza cirlus L.— THE CIRL BUNTING. EMBERIZA CIRLUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. xn, i, p. 311 (1766 — S. Europe). Emberiza cirlus Linnaeus, Yarrell, u, p. 50 ; Saunders, p. 211. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Resident, but local, nesting in Somerset and coastal counties from Cornwall to Kent, scarcer Herts., Beds., Surrey, Berks., Bucks., Oxon, Wilts., Gloucester, Worcester, Hereford, Salop, and many counties of Wales, but not recorded nesting Pembroke, Carmarthen, Radnor, Merioneth, or Anglesey. Nests very rarely Middlesex, Cheshire and Yorks., and possibly Lanes. Elsewhere rare winter-straggler. Scotland. — Rare vagrant. Four or five. Ireland. — Rare vagrant. One seen Donegal Aug. 2, 1902 (H. E. Howard, ZooL, 1902, p. 353). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Mediterranean countries generally : in small numbers in south-west Germany (Rhine, Moselle, Saar) and through western parts of France. The Corsican race has recently been separated, but this seems to require confirmation. EMBERIZA HORTULANA 48. Emberiza hortulana L.— THE ORTOLAN BUNTING. EMBERIZA HORTULANA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 177 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Emberiza hortulana Linnaeus, Yarrell n, p. 57 ; Saunders, p. 213. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Vagrant. A good many chiefly on east and south coasts in autumn (occasionally in small parties), but also in April, May, and June. Scotland. — Except in Fair Isle, where it appears regularly on spring and autumn passages, only recorded some eight times. Ireland. — One somewhat doubtful record Clare, May, 1852. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally (except in the high north), Mediterranean countries and west Asia. EMBERIZA CIA 49. Emberiza cia cia L.— THE MEADOW-BUNTING. EMBERIZA CIA Linnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. xn, i, p. 310 (1766 — S. Europe Restricted typical locality : Lower Austria). Emberiza cia Linn.,Sharpe, Bull. B.O.C., xm, p. 38 ; Saunders, Brit. B., i, p. 13. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Five. Two near Shoreham (Sussex) end Oct., 1902 (R. B. Sharpe, Bull.B.O.C., xm., p. 38). One near Faversham (Kent) about Feb. 14, 1905 (C. J. Carroll, Ibis, 1905, p. 291). Two Ninfield (Sussex) April 1, 1910 (J. B. Nichols, Brit. B., v, p. 50). A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 25 DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Mediterranean countries generally, north to Rhine valley, Lower Austria and foot of Transylvanian Alps. Replaced by allied forms in various parts of Asia. EMBERIZA CIOIDES 50. Emberiza cioides castaneiceps Moore — THE EAST SIBERIAN MEADOW-BUNTING. EMBERIZA CASTANEICEPS Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 215 (China). Emberiza cioides (nee Brandt), Saunders, p. 215. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One caught alive Flamborough Cliffs (Yorks.) Nov., 1886 (cf. Ibis, 1889, pp. 293-294 and 296.) DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — East Siberia, Manchuria, and Corea, wintering in China. Replaced by E. c. cioides in west Siberia, and by E. c. ciopsis in Japan. EMBERIZA RUSTICA 51. Emberiza rustica Pall.— THE RUSTIC-BUNTING. EMBERIZA RUSTICA Pallas, Reise d. versch. Prov. d. Russ. Reichs, in, p. 698 (1776 — Transbaikalia). Emberiza rustica Pallas, Yarrell, n, p. 29 ; Saunders, p. 217. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Five England, six Scotland. England. — One near Brighton (Sussex) Oct. 23, 1867. One Holder- ness (Yorks.) Sept. 17, 1881. One Elstree (Herts.) Nov. 19, 1882 (Saunders, p. 217). One Westfield (Sussex) Sept. 22, 1902. One near Seaton Sluice (Northumberland) sometime previous to Dec., 1904. One seen Lines, (cf. Brit. B., I, pp. 248-9). Scotland.— Pair Torphins (Aberdeen) end March, 1905. Male Cape Wrath (Sutherland) May 11, 1906 (cf. i.e., I, p. 249). Single birds •spring and autumn, 1908, Fair Isle (cf. op.c., n, p. 423). One autumn, 1909, Fair Isle (cf. op.c., iv, p'i 290). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — From east Finland throughout Siberia to Kamtschatka. On migration through Manchuria and Mongolia to Japan, China, Turkestan, casual in Europe (Sweden, Austria, Germany, Heligoland, south France, Italy, Holland). EMBERIZA PUSILLA 52. Emberiza pusilla Pall.— THE LITTLE BUNTING. EMBERIZA PUSILLA Pallas, Reise d. versch. Prov. d. Russ. Reichs, in, p. 697 (1776— Trans baikalian Alps). Emberiza pusilla Pallas, Yarrell, n, p. 34 ; Saunders, p. 219. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — About six England, seventeen Scotland, and one Ireland. England. — One Brighton (Sussex) 26 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. Nov. 2, 1864 (Saunders, p. 219). One Teesmouth (Durham) Oct. 11, 1902. One near Rugby (Warwick.) Oct., 1902. One Dover (Kent) Nov. 16, 1907. One supposed Southend (Essex) Nov., 1892. One Cley (Norfolk) Oct. 19, 1908 (cf. Brit. B., i, pp. 249, 383, 385 ; n, p. 238). Scotland.— One Pentland Skerries, Oct. 15, 1903. One seen Fair Isle, Oct. 2, 1905, one Oct. 3, 1906, one April 14, 1907 ; nine identified and probably more present, Oct. 10 to Nov. 5, 1907 ; one autumn, 1909. One Sule Skerry, Sept. 22, 1908. One Isle of May, Sept. 25, and one Sept. 26, 1909 (cf. op.c., i, pp. 249, 383 ; n, p. 314 ; in, p. 378 ; iv, p. 290). Ireland. — One Rockabill Lt. (Dublin) Oct. 2, 1908 (op.c., n, p. 238). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North Russia and Siberia to Turkestan. In winter further south in Asia, and not rarely in Europe : east Germany, south Sweden, Holland, Belgium, Heligoland, Austria, Italy, and Algeria. EMBERIZA SCHCENICLUS 53. Emberiza schceniclus schoeniclus L. — THE REED- BUNTING. EMBERIZA SCHCENICLUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 182 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Emberiza schoeniclus Linnaeus, Yarrell, 11, p. 23 ; Saunders, p. 221. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed throughout, but only rare visitor to Shetlands, though in Fair Isle appears to be of double passage ; breeds sparingly Orkneys and O. Hebrides. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Majority of home-bred birds emigrate Sept. and Oct. and return March. Numbers arrive autumn from Continent and spread over the country, returning in spring. Similar migrations in Ireland are not recorded but some appear to emigrate. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally, but absent (except on migration) or rare in south-eastern Europe, eastwards to Siberia. In winter in south Europe, Asia Minor, in small numbers in north Africa, in Asia as far south as Punjab in north-west India. Replaced by a number of allied forms in south-east Europe and central Asia. EMBERIZA PYRRHULOIDES 54. Emberiza pyrrhuloides palustris Savi— THE WESTERN LARGE-BILLED REED-BUNTING. EMBERIZA PALUSTRIS Savi, Orn. Toscana, n, p. 91 (1829 — " Toscana ")., Emberiza pyrrhuloides palustris Savi, M. J. Nicoll, Bull. B.O.C., xxi, p. 104 ; id., Brit. B., 11, p. 88. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 27 DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One. Male, near Lydd (Kent) May 26, 1908 (ut supra). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Italy, Sicily, south France, and east Spain. Allied forms in Greece and parts of west Asia. CALCARIUS LAPPONICUS 55. Calcarius lapponicus lapponicus (L.) — THE LAPLAND BUNTING. FBINGILLA LAPPONICA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 180 (1758 — Lapland). Plectrophanes lapponicus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, n, p. 15 ; Calcarius lap- ponicus (Linnaeus), Saunders, p. 223. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Observed in recent years with some regularity in autumn in Norfolk, Fair Isle, and Flannan Isles. Has occurred many English counties as vagrant and with fair regularity in Kent, and probably other east coast counties. In Scotland has occurred (besides in Flannans and Fair Isle) at intervals in Shetlands and Orkneys, Caithness, Sule Skerry and Isle of May. Very rarely observed in spring, exceptionally in summer and occasionally in winter. Ireland. — Three : Fastnet Rock (Cork) Oct. 16, 1887; Kilbarrack (Dublin) Jan., 27, 1906, and Dec. 12, 1907. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Arctic and sub-arctic latitudes of the Old and New Worlds ; in winter to middle Europe, rarely to Italy ; in Asia to China. Allied forms in Kamtschatka and Alaska. PLECTROPHENAX NIVALIS* 56. Plectrophenax nivalis (L.)— THE SNOW-BUNTING. EMBERIZA NIVALIS Linnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 176 (1758 — Lapland, etc.). Plectrophanes nivalis (Linnseus), Yarrell, n, p. 1 ; Saunders, p. 225. DISTRIBUTION. — England, Wales and Ireland. — Winter-visitor (Oct. to March and April). Regular but in varying numbers, chiefly to coast, but occasionally inland, and rather commonly on hills in Wales. Occasionally stops until May, and fairly frequently in summer on north and west coasts Ireland. Scotland. — Resident. Breeds in small numbers on higher mountains in northern half of mainland — in any case as far south as Perth., and in Shetlands. Also winter-visitor, often in large numbers, from Sept. to April, and occasionally later. Often inland and on hills in winter, and not much in " evidence " on north-east coast. * Stejneger, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., v., 1882, p. 33, has clearly shown that the name Plectrophanes is not tenable, and has proposed Plectrophenax. The namePasserina, which has been used for some time, is not correct. — E.H. 28 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Arctic and sub-arctic regions of Northern Hemisphere, in winter farther south, in small numbers to Mediter- ranean countries. American ornithologists separate a subspecies from Siberian coast of Bering Sea and Commander, Pribilof, and Shumagin Islands, but this requires confirmation. [NOTE. — A specimen of the AMERICAN SNOWBIRD, Junco hyemalis (L.)> of which ten different local races inhabit the whole of North America, was captured at Loop Head Light (Clare), May 30, 1895 (Irish Nat., 1906, p. 137 ; Brit. B., i, p. 12), having probably escaped from captivity]. [NOTE. — Specimens of the AMERICAN WHITE-THROATED SPARROW, Zonotrichia albicollis (Gm.), have occurred at Aberdeen, near Brighton (Sussex), in Holderness (Yorks.), and on Flannan Isles, but these had probably escaped. Breeds in eastern North America, and winters in eastern United States, and as far south as north-east Mexico and Florida]. [NOTE. — Two examples of the CALANDRA LARK, Melanocorypha calandra (L.), are said to have been taken in England, but the typical race, which inhabits south Europe and north-west Africa, is a favourite cage-bird, and therefore the occurrences are probably not genuine.] MELANOCORYPHA SIBIRICA 57. Melanocorypha sibirica (Gm.)— THE WHITE-WINGED LARK. ALATJDA SIBIRICA Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, 2, p. 799 (1789— ex Pallas, Reise. Typical locality : River Irtish). Melanocorypha sibirica (J. F. Gmelin), Yarrell, i, p. 642 ; Alauda sibirica J. F. Gmelin, Saunders, p. 257. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Six. Female, near Brighton (Sussex) Nov. 22, 1869 (Saunders, p. 257). Woodchurch (Kent) male Jan. 27, female Jan. 28, and male Mar. 22, 1902 (N. F. Ticehurst, Bull. B.O.C., xn, p. 50; xm, p. 15). Pevensey Sluice (Sussex) male Dec. 30, 1907, and female Jan. 1, 1908 (R. Butterfield, op.c., xxi, p. 51 ; cf. Brit. B., i, pp. 256, 357). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — South Russian Steppes, Transcaspia, west (Russian) Turkestan to Siberia. On autumn- migration frequently in south-east Europe and also far west : Belgium, Italy, Heligoland, etc. MELANOCORYPHA YELTONIENSIS 58. Melanocorypha yeltoniensis (Forst.)— THE BLACK LARK- ALAUDA YELTONIENSIS Forster, Philos. Trans. LVII, p. 350 (1767 — S. Russia, Lower Volga, near Lake Yelton). Alauda tatarica Pall., Seebohm, Hist. Brit, B., 11, p. 282. Melanocorypha yeltoniensis (Forst.), C. B. Ticehurst, Bull, B.O.C., xix, p. 57 ; Saunders, Brit. B., i, p. 14. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Small party on borders of Sussex and Kent, January, 1907, following being shot : male, near Pevensey (Sussex) Jan. 29 ; female, near Lydd (Kent) Jan. 31 ; male, near Lydd, Feb. 18 ; male, Rye (Sussex) Feb. 16 (ut supra}. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 29 DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — From west Siberia and Turkestan to the Lower Volga. In winter more or less vagrant, and has appeared in the Talysh plains, Heligoland, Galizia, Belgium, and Italy. CALANDRELLA BRACHYDACTYLA 59. Calandrella brachydactyla brachydactyla (Leisler) — THE SHORT-TOED LARK. ALAUDA BRACHYDACTYLA Leisler, Ann. Wetterau. Ges., in, p. 357, pi. 19 (1814 — Montpellier in France). Calandrella brachydactyla (Leisler), Yarrell, I, p. 637 ; Alauda brachy- dactyla Leisler, Saunders, p. 255. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Twelve England, two Scotland, one Ireland. One near Shrewsbury (Salop), four near Brighton, and one Amberley (Sussex) ; one near Southampton and one near Portsmouth (Hants.) ; one Orpington (Kent) ; one Scilly Isles ; one near Cambridge ; one South Breydon (Norfolk). One Flannan Isles (0. Hebrides) Sept. 20, 1904 ; one Fair Isle, Nov. 11, 1907. One Blackrock Light (Mayo) Oct. 11, 1890. Only two spring- records (cf. Saunders and Brit. B., i, pp. 255, 384 ; in, p. 263). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — From south France throughout south Europe and north Africa, eastward to Asia Minor and Palestine. Northern birds more or less migratory, in winter to Sahara and Sudan, also to north-west India ; more southern birds resident or vagrant. Has occurred casually elsewhere, as in Heligoland, Switzerland, near Metz. It is desirable that such specimens should be carefully examined, as they might belong to the eastern form which represents C. b. brachydactyla in central Asia. GALERIDA CRISTATA* 60. Galerida cristata cristata (L.)— THE CRESTED LARK. ALATJDA CRISTATA Linneeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 166 (1758 — " Habitat in Europae viis." Vienna fixed as restricted typical locality by Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 228). Alauda cristata Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 632 ; Saunders, p. 253. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Seven. Four in autumn at intervals and one June 12, 1880 Cornwall ; one Littlehampton (Sussex) prior to 1845 ; one near Shoreham (Sussex) Oct. 20, 1863. * The name Galerida has been rejected, and new names have been created by Madarasz and Dresser, because they supposed that Galerida was a misprint for Galerita, which was preoccupied. There is, however, nothing in the original publication to prove this. In the same volume Brehm adopted Galerida, and we may suppose that Boie and Brehm purposely spelt the name with d in order to distinguish it from the well-known name Galerita, referring to a common beetle, undoubtedly known to both authors. — E.H. 30 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. Others, including a supposed example co. Dublin, 1836, not authenticated (cf. Saunders, and Ussher, List of Irish Birds, p. 22). A male from Penzance (Cornwall) Sept., 1846, in Mr. J. H. Gurney's collection, is of this form, but the other specimens require careful comparison. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from south Sweden to Pyrenees, Italy, Balkans, and south-west Russia. Represented by between twenty and thirty more or less closely-allied forms in Mediter- ranean countries, north Africa to Sudan (Senegambia, Upper Nigeria, Somaliland) and many parts of Asia. LULLULA ARBOREA* 61. Lullula arborea arborea (L.)— THE WOOD-LARK. ALATJDA ARBOREA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 166 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Alauda arborea Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 625 ; Saunders, p. 251. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Resident. Locally distri- buted, most frequent southern counties, lower Severn and Thames valleys, from Bucks, to west Norfolk and Suffolk, in southern Midlands and south Wales ; northwards very scarce, but breeds rarely parts of Yorks., and probably parts of north Wales ; breeding has been recorded from Lanes, and Cumberland, and vagrants from Northumberland. Has undoubtedly decreased, and is not now found in places where formerly known. Scotland. — Apparently 110 authentic record except from Fair Isle, where small numbers recorded in late autumn and winter 1906, 1907, 1909, and 1910, and once Isle of May (Forth) Oct. 6, 1910. Ireland. — Formerly in several counties, now extremely rare and apparently breeding only in Wicklow. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Except for Fair Isle records no evidence of migration, except those of quite a local character, but in severe weather small flocks and single birds are noticed on coast in various parts. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Middle Scandinavia to south Europe and Ural. Local forms have been separated from Corsica and Sardinia, north-west Africa, south-east Europe, Persia, and Transcaspia, but, though it is certain that southern and eastern birds are paler, their distribution and relations to one another are not yet clearly denned. * It is impossible to suppress the generic name Lullula. If Galerida is separated generically, then Lullula must be too. Otherwise nearly all Larks must be placed in the same genus. — E.H A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 31 ALAUDA ARVENSIS 62. Alauda arvensis arvensis L. — THE SKY- LARK. ALAUDA ARVENSIS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. x, i, p. 165 (1758 — " Habitat in Europse apricis." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Alauda arvensis scotica Tschusi, Orn. Jahrb., xn, p. 162 (1903 — Scotland). Alauda arvensis Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 614 ; Saunders, p. 249. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Common and generally distributed but somewhat local in north-west parts of mainland Scotland. Many, if not most, home-bred birds leave in autumn. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Southward movement of breeding- birds begins in Shetlands and Hebrides late Aug., continuing to early Nov. ; many cross Channel ; others pass to Ireland. In spring return migration along same routes from late Feb. to early April. From late Sept. to early Nov. vast numbers from central Europe arrive between Tees and Kent ; from north Europe through- out Oct. and early Nov. in Shetlands, and east coast Scotland and north-east coast England. Majority of central European birds pass on, following route taken by our residents, while north European birds form bulk of winter-residents, many crossing to Ireland. Spring-emigration from Ireland along same lines from mid-Feb. to late March. Our winter- visitors leave north-east and east coasts for north and central Europe from late Feb. to early April. During March return movement of " passage-birds " observed. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe with exception of south Italy and south-east Europe, and Mediterranean islands, where it is represented by a very closely- allied subspecies. Other allied forms inhabit west Siberia and other portions of north and middle Asia and north-west Africa. 63. Alauda arvensis cinerea Ehmcke— THE EASTERN SKY- LARK. ALAUDA CINEREA Ehmcke, Journ. f. Orn., 1903, p. 149 (Barnoul in W. Siberia). Alauda arvensis cinerea, W. E. Clarke, Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1906, p. 139. DISTRIBUTION. — Scotland. — One Flannan Islands Light (0. Hebrides) Feb. 24, 1906 (ut supra}. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — West Siberia, Turkestan, and parts of Persia. In winter farther south and as far west as Algeria. 32 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. EREMOPHILA ALPESTRIS* 64. Eremophila alpestris flava (Gm.)— THE SHORE-LARK. ALATJDA FLAVA Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, 2, p. 800 (1789 — Typical locality : Siberia). Otocorys alpestris (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 604 ; Saunders, p. 259. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Winter- visitor (Nov. -March and April). First noticed Norfolk March, 1830. Was irregular winter-visitor to east and south coasts until 1879, when considerable visitation occurred, and subsequently has increased and is now annual autumn to spring visitor east coast from Yorks. to Kent. Along south coast occasional ; elsewhere very rare. Wales. — Very rare vagrant. Scotland. — First recorded East Lothian Jan., 1859, subsequently rarely, as far north as Fife ; of recent years annually small numbers autumn and occasionally spring Fair Isle, and a few in autumns 1907 and 1909, Isle of May. Unknown in west. Ireland. — One Wicklow Head, Nov. 4, 1910 (R. M. Barrington, Brit. B., iv, p. 215. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North Europe, chiefly north of Arctic Circle, and north Asia. Represented in America by a number of allied forms. (Hartert treats all the Horned Larks as forms of E. alpestris.) ANTHUS RICHARDI 65. Anthus richardi richardi VieilL— RICHARD'S PIPIT. ANTHUS RICHARDI Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., nouv. ed., xxvi, p. 491 (1818— France). Anthus richardi Vieillot, Yarrell, i, p. 598 ; Saunders, p. 139. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Vagrant. Over seventy recorded in various parts England, but chiefly in south coast counties and Norfolk. In Scotland, single birds Perth and Kirkcudbright ; several autumn 1908, one autumn 1909, and two Oct. 6, 1911, Fair Isle. In Ireland, one Lucan (Dublin) Nov. 21, 1907, one Howth (Dublin) Oct. 23, 1911. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North Asia. Migrant wintering in tro- pical India and south China, and frequently visiting Europe, even west Europe, and Mediterranean countries. An allied race breeds in south Mongolia and China. * The name alpestris originally refers to a north American form, which, though very close to the one of the Old World, is separable. — E.H. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 33 ANTHUS CAMPESTRIS 66. Anthus campestris (L.)— THE TAWNY PIPIT. ALATJDA CAMPESTRIS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 166 (1758 — "Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Anthus campestris (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 592 ; Saunders, p. 137. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Thirty or more in past fifty years in autumn in Sussex, where Mr. M. J. Nicoll recently considered it an annual visitor, and had evidence that a pair bred 1905, and again possibly 1906. Elsewhere very rare straggler — one Scilly Isles, Sept. 1868 ; one Yorks., Nov. 20, 1869 ; one Hants., 1879 ; one Lowestoft (Suffolk) Sept. 2, 1890 ; one Yarmouth (Norfolk) Oct. 9, 1897 ; one Cornwall, Sept. 16, 1899 ; one Cley (Norfolk) Sept. 15, 1910. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from south and middle Sweden to Mediterranean and north-west Africa, east to central Asia. In winter in tropical Africa and north-west India. The existence of a smaller form is doubtful (cf. Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 269). ANTHUS TRIVIALIS 67. Anthus trivialis trivialis (L.)— THE TREE-PIPIT. ALAUDA TRIVIALIS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 166 (1758 — Sweden). Anthus arboreus MacGillivray, Hist. Brit. B., n, p. 188 ; Thompson B. Ireland, i, p. 224. Anthus trivialis (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 569 ; Saunders, p. 131. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Summer-resident. Fairly distributed and common except west Cornwall, but occurs autumn on Scilly Isles. Scotland. — Plentiful south-west and fairly distri- buted elsewhere to central, but rarer northwards ; very rare Suther- land, and does not breed Caithness, not recorded Shetlands, and only once or twice as vagrant Orkneys and 0. Hebrides, but regular spring and autumn passage- migrant Fair Isle. Ireland. — Reported occurrences not authenticated. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from Tromso and north Russia to north Spain, higher portions of Italy, and in small numbers to south-east Europe (mountains of Greece), in Asia to the Yenisei and Tian-Shan. Migrates in winter to Mediterranean, tropical Africa, and north-west India. ANTHUS PRATENSIS 68. Anthus pratensis (L.)— THE MEADOW-PIPIT. ALAUDA PRATENSIS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 166 (1758 — " Habitat in Europae pratis." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Anthus pratensis (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 575 ; Saunders, p. 133. 34 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Abundant throughout in open country, but majority leave higher and more northern situations in autumn and many emigrate. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Summer-residents from Hebrides and Highlands move south, chiefly down west coast, from about mid- Aug. to late Oct., and there is evidence of autumn-immigration in Ireland corresponding partly with this movement. Many, if not majority of, English breeding- birds pass south and west in autumn. Emigratory movements along south coast England from late Sept. to late Nov., and corresponding immigratory move- ments in south-east Ireland have been noticed. From early Sept. to late Oct. large numbers of immigrants, many of which winter with us, while some pass on, arrive in northern Scottish isles, and between mid-Sept, and Nov. on east coast from Forfar to Kent. Return passage from end Feb. to mid- April on south coast Ireland, and from mid-March to mid- April on whole south coast England. Considerable evidence that more northerly breeding-birds pass north along west coast or through western counties England, rather than east coast. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from Iceland, the Fseroes, and North Cape to Pyrenees, Italy, and Carpathian Mountains, east- wards to west Siberia and north Turkestan. Migrant, wintering in the Mediterranean countries, north Africa, Syria, and Asia Minor. ANTHUS CERVINUS 69. Anthus cervinus (Pall.)— THE RED-THROATED PIPIT. MOTACILLA CERVINA Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso-As., i, p. 511 (1827 — Siberia). Anthus cervinus (Pallas), Saunders, p. 135. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Seven. One, Unst (Shetlands), May 4, 1854. One St. Leonards (Sussex), Nov. 13, 1895 (Saunders, p. 135). One, Achill (Mayo), May 26th, 1895 (Bull. B.O.C., xii, p. 15, and Brit. B., I, p. 112). One Ninfield (Sussex), Nov. 26, 1901 (Bull. B.O.C., xn, p. 35, and Brit. B., i, p. 112). Two autumn, 1908, Fair Isle (Ann. S.N.H., 1909, p. 72, and Brit. B., n, p. 423). One Rother Marshes (Kent), April 29, 1909 (Hist. Birds Kent, p. 104, and Brit. B., in, p. 256). [Specimens from Brighton, 1884, and Rainham, 1880 (Saunders, p. 135) are A. pratensis (Brit. B., n, pp. 278-9), as also one from Donegal, Aug., 1898.] DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in high north of Europe and Asia. Migrant, wintering in India (in small numbers even in Malay Archi- pelago), south Arabia, Nubia, and Egypt to east Africa. Rare or irregular visitor to west Europe and north-west Africa. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 35 ANTHUS SPINOLETTA 70. Anthus spinoletta spinoletta (L.)— THE WATER-PIPIT. ALAUDA SPINOLETTA Linnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 166 (1758 — Italy). Anthus spinoletta, Seebohm, Hist. Brit. B., n, p. 248. Anthus spipoletta (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 581 ; Saunders, p. 141. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Possibly regular migrant to Sussex coast and a vagrant elsewhere. There has been some confusion between the Water-Pipit and Scandinavian Rock-Pipit, but Mr. M. J. Nicoll has recently shown (Zool., 1906, p. 467) that it is fairly regular on passage in Sussex. The following appear satisfactory : Sussex, four, spring and autumn prior to 1900, one Feb., 1900, one Oct., 1902, four Oct., eight Nov., and one Dec., 1904, four Feb., one April, and one Oct., 1905, and some spring, 1906. Single birds, Isle of Wight, Sept., 1865 ; Lines., April, 1895 ; Carnarvon, April and Dec., 1897, Feb., 1898 ; Scilly Islands, May, 1903 ; Oxon, Mar., 1903 ; Devon, Aug., 1904 ; Norfolk, Jan., 1905 ; Kent, Jan., 1905 (cf. Brit. B., i, pp. 113-114, n, p. 276, m, pp. 120, 299). Ireland.— One Rockabill (Dublin), June, 1861. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Mountains of central and south Europe generally, east to Asia Minor. Partly migrant, or vagrant, visiting plains of north Germany and elsewhere, and common in winter in south Europe, also occurring in north-west Africa. 71. Anthus spinoletta rubescens (Tunst.)— THE AMERICAN WATER-PIPIT. ALAUDA RUBESCENS Tunstall, Orn. Brit., p. 2 (1771 — Ex Pennant, Brit. Zool., Birds, n, p. 239, who took his descr. from Edwards, Gleanings, pi. 297, where a bird from Pennsylvania is figured ; Edwards said he also found this bird near London.) Anthus ludovicianus Yarrell, i, p. 589 (in text) ; A. pennsylvanicus = ludovicianus, Saunders, p. 142 (in text). DISTRIBUTION. — Scotland. — One St. Kilda (O. Hebrides), Sept., 1910 (W. Eagle Clarke, Ann. S.N.H., 1911, p. 52 ; cf. Brit. B., iv, p. 285). The specimen mentioned by Edwards (ut supra], and those recorded by MacGillivray (Man. Brit. Birds, p. 169), were probably A. s. littoralis (cf. Yarrell, i, p. 590). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Arctic zone from north-east Siberia, north Alaska, north Mackenzie, on both sides of Davis Strait south to Great Slave Lake, north Quebec and Newfoundland, and from Aleutian Islands and Prince William Sound, as well as on high mountains south to California and mid-Mexico. Winters from south United States to Guatemala. Has occurred twice on Heligoland. D 2 36 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 72. Anthus spinoletta obscurus (Lath.)— THE ROCK-PIPIT. ALATJDA OBSCUBA Latham, Index Orn., n, p. 494 (1790 — England). Alauda petrosa Montagu, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, iv, p. 41 (1798 — Wales). Anthus obscurus (Latham), Yarrell, i, p. 58G ; Saunders, p. 143. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed on rocky shores throughout. Also on many flat shores in autumn and winter. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Autumn immigration east coast Great Britain, and return-migration spring. There is evidence that some migrants pass on southward. No regular migration noted elsewhere. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Channel Islands, and coasts of north France. According to Collett (Nyt Mag. Naturv., xxin, p. 144, xxvi, p. 306) this form breeds on coasts of Norway, while A. spinoletta littoralis is the Baltic form. In winter vagrant, and found along the coasts to Spain, also occasionally inland. 73. Anthus spinoletta littoralis Brehm*— THE SCANDINA- VIAN ROCK-PIPIT. ANTHUS LITTORALIS Brehm, Handb. Naturg. Vog. Deutschl., p. 331 (1831— Danish Isles). Anthus rupestris, Yarrell, I, p. 588 (in text) ; Saunders, p. 143 (in text). DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Since Booth noted its occurrence in Sussex in March and April very little is recorded. Has been observed in parts of Wales, Scilly Isles, Northumberland, Lines., Norfolk, Land's End, Kent (two). Said to pass along Yorks. coast in autumn, which is probable, but the bird is only distinguish- able from the Rock -Pipit in summer-plumage, when the throat is less spotted and has a rosy hue. Specimens recorded by Edwards near London and by MacGillivray near Edinburgh as " Alauda rubescens " (vide supra) were possibly of this race. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Coasts of Scandinavia (Baltic coasts only according to Collett), Danish Isles and, it is said, White Sea in north Russia. In winter farther south : Heligoland (common), coasts of Germany, Holland, Belgium, north France. MOTACILLA FLAVA 74. Motacilla flava flava L.— THE BLUE-HEADED WAGTAIL. MOTACILLA FLAVA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 185 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : S. Sweden). Motacilla flava Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 558 ; Saunders, p. 127 ; M . f. flava L., N. F. Ticehurst, Brit. B., i, p. 134 et seq. * The name rupestris refers only in part to this bird. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 37 DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Summer-resident in small numbers south-east Sussex and south-west Kent, arriving end April and departing August. Has bred several times Durham and Wilts., and possibly north Devon, Norfolk, Suffolk, north Kent, and Essex. Elsewhere often recorded as a straggler, but chiefly in south. Wales. — Two Merioneth, one Carnarvon, and has occurred, and possibly bred, Brecon. Scotland. — Has occurred at Edinburgh, in Haddington, Lanark, Dumfries, Shetlands, and Fair Isle. Possibly nested Aberdeen. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in most parts of Europe, from middle Scandinavia to Pyrenees, and (in small numbers) north Italy, eastwards throughout Russia (limits in south-east uncertain) and Hungary to Danube and Save. Winters in Africa. Repre- sented in north Europe, Mediterranean countries, south Russia, and various parts of north Asia by a number of other forms. 75. Motacilla flava beema Sykes— SYKES'S WAGTAIL. MOTACILLA BEEMA Sykes, Proc. Zool. Soc., London, 1832, p. 90 (Dekkan, India). Motacilla beema, Butterfield, Zool., 1902, p. 232 ; Saunders, Brit. B., i, p. 11 ; N. F. Ticehurst, t.c., i, p. 136. DISTRIBUTION. — England. - - One. Male Rottingdean (Sussex), April 20, 1898 (ut supra}. [A male, Sussex, May 31, 1901, said to have been probably of this race, is a worn example of M . f. flava (N. F. Ticehurst, Brit. B., i, p. 136).] DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — West Siberia. Winters in India. Casual in Europe (Hungary). 76. Motacilla flava thunbergi Billberg* — THE GREY- HEADED WAGTAIL. MOTACILLA THUNBERGI Billberg, Synopsis Fauna Scand., i, 2, Aves, p. 50 (1828— Lapland). Motacilla viridis Gm. : M. borealis Sundev., Saunders, Brit. B., i, p. 10 ; M. f. borealis Sund., N. F. Ticehurst, t.c., i, p. 136. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — One probable, Penzance (Saun- ders, p. 128). One Yorks., spring, 1901. Possibly a pair bred Romney Marsh, June, 1906. Two, Sussex, May, 1903, one, May, 1904, one, May, 1907, one, spring 1869 or 1870, one, May, 1909. One possibly Dover (Kent), 1889. Pentland Skerries (Orkneys), one May, 1888, and one May, 1889. Fair Isle, " fair numbers " end May and early June and Sept., 1908, spring and autumn, 1909, and in 1910. * Billberg's name antedates Sundevall's borealis by 14 years, and has now been widely adopted. — E.H. 38 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in north Scandinavia, Russia, and Siberia ; on migration throughout Europe, rarely to north- west and north-east Africa, not rare in India, Burmah, and Tenasserim. 77. Motacilla flava cinereocapilla Savi — THE ASHY-HEADED WAGTAIL. MOTACILLA CINEREOCAPILLA Savi, Nuovo Giornale dei Letterati, no. 57, p. 190 (1831— Italy). Motacilla flava cinereocapilla Savi, N. F. Ticehurst, Brit. B., i, p. 137. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One Penzance (Cornwall) ; one Shering- ham (Norfolk) about May, 1842 (ut supra}. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Spain, south France (Camargue), Sicily, Italy, east to Dalmatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Montenegro. Also said to nest in north-west Africa, as well as occurring there on passage, wintering in northern tropical Africa. 78. Motacilla flava melanocephala Licht. — THE BLACK- HEADED WAGTAIL. MOTACILLA MELANOCEPHALA Lichtenstein, Verz. Doubl. Zool. Mus. Berlin, p. 36 (1823— Nubia). Motacilla feldeggi of Michahelles, Butterfield, Bull. B.O.C., xm, p. 69 ; M. melanocephala Licht., Saunders, Brit. B., i, p. 10 : M. /. melano- cephala Licht., N. F. Ticehurst, i.e., i, p. 137. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Four. Male, Willingdon (Sussex), May 13, 1903 (W. R. Butterfield, Zool, 1903, p. 420). Male, Lydd (Kent), June 3, 1908 (J. B. Nichols, Brit. B., n, p. 165). Male, Winchelsea (Sussex), May 23, 1909 (id., op.c., in, p. 256). Male, Romney Marsh (Sussex), May 26, 1909 (C. B. Ticehurst, I.e., p. 257). One (probable) seen Norfolk, June 17 and 19, 1910 (op.c., iv, p. 92). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Greece, Turkey, north to Bulgaria and south Dalmatia, Asia Minor, Caucasus, south Russia. Migrates south to Arabia and north-east Africa, straying occasionally northwards (Heligoland) and westwards to Italy, Tunisia, and Algeria. 79. Motacilla flava rayi (Bp.)— THE YELLOW WAGTAIL. BUDYTES RAYI Bonaparte, Geog. and Comp. List of B. Europe and N. America, p. 18 (1838—" British Islands "). Budytes neglectus Brehm, Vogelfang, p. 142 (1855 — England, rarely in Germany). Motacilla raii (Bonaparte), Yarrell, i, p. 564 ; Saunders, p. 129 ; M. flava rayi (Bp.), Hartert, Brit. B., i, p. 212. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 39 DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Summer-resident. Arrives end March, April, and early May ; departs Sept. Distributed through- out England and Wales, but rarely breeds Devon, where, as Cornwall and west Wales, chiefly known as passage-migrant. In Scotland chiefly in south (but not Tweed area) and rarely as far as Inverness and Aberdeen on east side, and not beyond Clyde area in west, north of which a straggler. Said to have bred Orkneys. Occurred N. Rona (O. Hebrides), Shetlands, and Fair Isle (twice). Ireland. — Very local, breeding on Loughs Neagh, Corrib, and Mask ; occurs autumn Dublin coast and three times Wexford Lights. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Appears to breed in small numbers in west Holland (Snouckaert van Schauburg, Avifauna Neerlandica, p. 27, 1908), west France, and perhaps Portugal, also, it is said, on Heligoland (Weigold, Orn. Monatsber., 1910, p. 158). Migrates through west Europe to west Africa. MOTACILLA BOARULA 80. Motacilla boarula boarula L.*— THE GREY WAGTAIL. MOTACILLA BOABULA Linnaeus, Mantissa Plantarum, p. 527 (1771 — Sweden). Motacilla grisea Miiller, Natursystem Suppl., p. 175 (1776 — Ex Edwards, who described and figured a bird killed near London. Miiller erroneously wrote " Amerika "). Motacilla sulphurea Bechstein, Yarrell, i, p. 552 ; Motacilla melanope (nee Pallas), Saunders, p. 125. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Breeds very sparingly in eastern half of England and only sparingly in south-eastern counties, most common in Wales, Ireland, and Scotland, but scarce in north Scotland, breeds Orkneys, but only a visitor to Shetlands and O. Hebrides. A movement from its breeding-places southwards occurs in autumn. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from south Sweden to Mediter- ranean countries, east to Ural. Partial migrant, apparently only in small numbers south in winter to Senegambia and British East Africa. Replaced by a closely-allied form (M. b. melanope) in north Asia (in winter in tropics), and by another on Atlantic isles. (With regard to the form from the Canary Islands, see Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 299). MOTACILLA ALBA 81 Motacilla alba lugubris Temm.— THE PIED WAGTAIL. MOTACILLA LTJGUBRIS Temminck, Man. d'Orn., i, p. 253 (1820— Partim. Temminck mentions specimens from Siberia, Crimea, France, Egypt, * M . boarula of 1771 is, of course, the oldest name and melanope refers to an eastern form with longer tail. — E.H. 40 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. Hungary ! As the description agrees with our bird, and the name has been generally accepted, it may be allowed to stand). Motacilla Yarrellii Gould, B. Europe, List of Plates in Vol. n, p. 2 (1837— Great Britain). Motacilla lugubris Temminck, Yarrell, i, p. 538; Saunders, p. 131 ; M. a. lugubris Temm., Hartert, Brit. B. i, p. 212. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident, generally distributed, but doubtful breeder Shetlands and only rare visitor O. Hebrides, where it has been confused with the White Wagtail (Ann. S.N.H., 1902, p. 144). Many of our breeding-birds migrate southwards in autumn and return in early spring. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in small numbers on west coast of France, Belgium, and Holland (once), and, according to Collett, near Stavanger and Bergen in Norway. Otherwise represented in Europe, north-west Africa, and northern parts of Asia by other forms. On migration in Heligoland and Denmark, winters in south France, Portugal, Spain, and Marocco. 82. Motacilla alba alba L.— THE WHITE WAGTAIL. MOTACILLA ALBA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 185 (1758 — "Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Motacilla alba Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 548 ; Saunders, p. 123. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Spring and autumn passage-migrant. Has bred exceptionally in Devon, Isle of Wight, Kent, Sussex, Middlesex, Cambs., Suffolk, Hunts., Yorks., Carnarvon, Fair Isle (1909 and 1910), possibly Northants. and Ross. Also often recorded as interbreeding with Pied Wagtail, and although many records are no doubt based upon faulty identification, some are genuine. Passes through British Isles from mid-March to early June, being chiefly noticed coastal regions west sides Great Britain and Ireland, and especially frequent Welsh coast, in O. Hebrides, Shet- lands, and Fair Isle. On eastern side appears to pass through in smaller numbers, and seldom recorded south-east coast England, north-east coast Scotland, or east coast Ireland, but this is partly due to want of observation. In autumn returns from mid- Aug. to early Oct. along same routes. Occasionally inland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe, from Iceland and Scandinavia to Mediterranean, east to Ural. Has been observed on Jan May en and in south Greenland ; winters in tropical Africa, touches Azores (exceptionally), Madeira and Canary Islands ; is replaced as a breeding-bird in British Isles and north-west France by M. a. lugu- bris, and by other allied forms in north-west Africa and across Asia to Kuriles and Japan. [NOTE. — An example of the AMERICAN YELLOW WARBLER, Dendroica cextiva cestiva (Gm.), picked up near Axwell Park (Durham), May, 1904 (E. Bidwell, Bull. B.O.C., xv, p. 46), had, in our opinion, most probably escaped from captivity.] A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 41 CERTHIA FAMILIARIS 83. Certhia familiaris brittanica Ridgw.— THE BRITISH TREE-CREEPER. CERTHIA BRITTANICA Ridgway, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., v, p. 113 (1882 — England). Certhia familiaris Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 468 ; Saunders, p. 117 ; Certhia f. brittanica Ridgw., Hartert, Brit. B., i, p. 218. DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to British Isles. Resident. Generally distributed in suitable localities, but absent from O. Hebrides and very rarely seen in Shetlands and Orkneys. 84. Certhia familiaris familiaris L.— THE NORTHERN TREE- CREEPER. CERTHIA FAMILIARIS Linnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 118 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). DISTRIBUTION. — Scotland. — One. Male (exhausted) Fair Isle, Dec. 27, 1906 (W. Eagle Clarke, Ann. S.N.H., 1907, p. 72). Records of Tree-Creepers from Orkneys and Shetlands, especially from latter during a gale, Sept., 1859 and in Oct., 1882 with Great Spotted Woodpeckers, may relate to this form. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Scandinavia, north Russia and Poland, south to Carpathian Mountains, Siberia to sea of Ochotsk, also in east Germany. This form is replaced on mountains of Corsica, central and west Europe generally, the Caucasus, Persia, and many other parts of Asia by other races. In many parts of Europe we find side by side with a race of Certhia familiaris a race of another species (Certhia brachydactyla), and forms of this species take the place of C. familiaris in most parts of south Europe, Cyprus, north- west Africa, and apparently Asia Minor, or at least parts of it, as also in North America. TICHODROMA MURARIA 85. Tichodroma muraria (L.)— THE WALL-CREEPER. CERTHIA MURARIA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat.,ed. xn, i, p. 184 (1766 — S. Europe). Tichodroma muraria (Linnseus), Yarrell, in, p. ix, ; Saunders, p. 119. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Four. One Stratton Strawless (Norfolk), Oct., 1792. One Sabden (Lanes.), May 8, 1872. One Winchelsea (Sussex) about 1886 (cf. Saunders, p. 119). Female near Hastings (Sussex), Dec. 26, 1905 (W. R. Butterfield, Bull. B.O.C., xvi, p. 44). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Mountain-ranges of central and south Europe, east to Mongolia, Turkestan, and Himalayas. Stragglers 42 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. occasionally seen far away from their breeding-places (Germany, Brittany, Normandy, Alderney, etc.). SITTA EUROP^EA 86. Sitta europasa britannica Hart.— THE BRITISH NUTHATCH. SITTA EUROP^A BRITANNICA Hartert, Nov. Zool., 1900, p. 526 (England). Sitta ccesia Wolf, Yarrell, i, p. 473 ; Saunders, p. 113 ; S. e. britannica Hartert, Brit. B., i, p. 218. DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to Great Britain. Resident. Tolerably common south and central England, rarer west Cornwall and Wales, and very rare or unknown extreme south-west Cornwall and western Wales. In Isle of Wight unknown. Very local Cheshire and Yorks., north of which counties only a straggler, but has occasionally bred. In Scotland has occurred three times in south-east (said to have bred near Ednam (Roxburgh) about 1850), two were seen Skye, and is said to have occurred in Shetlands. In Ireland one seen Malahide (Dublin), March 26, 1911, was no doubt introduced (cf. Brit. B, v, pp. 28 and 229). PARUS MAJOR 87. Parus major major L.— THE CONTINENTAL GREAT TITMOUSE. PARUS MAJOR Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 189 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Great numbers Norfolk and Suffolk coasts Oct., 1910 (C. B. Ticehurst, Brit. B., iv, p. 247). Others at same time Kent andinScilly Isles in Nov. (N. F. Ticehurst, i.e., p. 228). One, Isle of May, Oct. 15, 1910 (E. V. Baxter and L. J. Rintoul, Ann. S.N.H., 1911, p. 3). One Fair Isle, Nov. 17, 1910, and one probable Shetlands, Oct. 25, 1910 (Brit. B., v, p. 200). In Oct., 1910, many, probably of this form, seen in Yorks., and apparently immi- grant Great Tits have often been noted in autumn on east coasts England, and particularly in 1878, 1883, 1884, 1886, 1889, and 1901 (cf. Birds Yorks., i, p. 108), while what was deemed a return migra- tion was noted in Norfolk in Feb., 1848 (Birds Norfolk, i, p. 140), but no examples of these earlier immigrations have been identified. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally to Mediterranean, east to west Siberia and Altai. Replaced by allied forms on some Mediterranean islands and Greece, north-west Africa and many parts of Asia. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 43 88. Parus major newtoni Prazak — THE BRITISH GREAT TITMOUSE. PARUS MAJOR NEWTONI Prazak, Orn. Jahrb., v, p. 239 (1894— England). Parus major Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 479 ; Saunders, p. 103 ; P. m. newtoni Prazak, Hartert, Brit. B., i, p. 213. DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to British Isles. England, Wales, and Ireland. — Resident. Generally distributed. Scotland. — Resident. Generally distributed in south and central portions ; becoming scarce and local Inverness and north Argyll, and very rare north of Loch Ness ; in north Sutherland, Caithness, Orkneys and Shetlands Great Tits (whether of this form or P. m. major not ascertained), are only occasional visitors ; breeds Islay, Jura, and Mull, but only rare visitor Skye, and unknown O. Hebrides. PARUS C^ERULEUS 89. Parus caeruleus caeruleus L. — THE CONTINENTAL BLUE TITMOUSE. PARUS CAERULEUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 190 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Parus caeruleus cceruleus L., J. L. Bonhote, Bull. B.O.C., xxvn, p. 101 ; cf. Brit. B., v, p. 109. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — One, Peebleshire (ut supra}. Immi- grations of Blue Tits have been noted, especially in Yorks., where they appear to arrive in most seasons from mid-Sept, to mid-Nov., and large immigrations were recorded end Oct., 1878 (corresponding with a " rush " at Heligoland), in 1889, and Sept., 1901 (Birds Yorks., i, pp. 112-113). No specimens of these migrants have, however, been examined and identified as belonging to this form. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — From about lat. north 64° in Sweden and 60° in Russia, throughout continental Europe, but replaced by allied forms in Spain, on some of the Mediterranean islands and Canaries, north-west Africa, Persia, and apparently east Russia. 90. Parus caeruleus obscurus Prazak— THE BRITISH BLUE TITMOUSE. PARUS C^RULEUS OBSCURUS Prazak, Orn. Jahrb., 1894, p. 246 (England). Parus cceruleus Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 483 ; Saunders, p. 109 ; P. c. obscurus Prazak, Hartert, Brit. B., i, p. 213. DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to British Isles. England, Wales, and Ireland. — Resident. Generally distributed. Scotland. — Resident, Generally distributed, but becomes rare and very local in north- west, and apparently only occasional Caithness, and rare wanderer 44 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. Orkneys and Shetlands ; well distributed most I. Hebrides, but rare Skye, and apparently unknown Eigg ; unknown O. Hebrides. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Generally considered subject only to local movements, but has occurred as a migrant at Isle of May in autumn. PARUS ATER 91. Parus ater ater L.— THE CONTINENTAL COAL- TITMOUSE. PARUS ATER Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 190 (1758 — "Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Pams ater Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 489 (part) ; Saunders, p. 105 (part). DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Said to be occasional visitor to east coast England, but we know of only two specimens (in Mr. J. H. Gurney's coll.), viz. : Northrepps (Norfolk), Jan. 15, 1866 ; Laken- ham, Norwich, spring, 1866 (cf. Birds Europe, in, p. 88). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe and north Asia, but replaced by allied races in Sardinia, probably Spain and Portugal, and in Marocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, Cyprus, Crimea, Caucasus, and parts of Asia. 92. Parus ater britannicus Sharpe and Dresser— THE BRITISH COAL-TITMOUSE. PARUS BRITANNICUS Sharpe and Dresser, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vm, p. 437 (1871— England). Parus ater Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 489 (part) ; Saunders, p. 105 (part). P. a. britannicus Sharpe & Dresser, Hartert, Brit. B., i, p. 213. DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to Great Britain. England and Wales.— Eesident. Generally distributed, more especially in wooded parts. Scotland. — Resident. Generally distributed, except Caithness, where very rarely observed,* and in Shetlands, Orkneys, and O. Hebrides, where unknown. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Generally considered as subject to local movements only, but has been observed on autumn-migration at Isle of May and Bass Rock. 93. Parus ater hibernicus Ogilvie-Grant— THE IRISH COAL- TITMOUSE. PARUS HIBERNICUS Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. B.O.C., xxvn, p. 37 (31.xii.1910 — Ireland). * Records from Wick (Caithness) in autumn may be referable to Parus a. ater. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 45 Parus hibernicus, Daily Mail (!) No. 4593, p. 3 (28.xii.1910 — County Sligo, Ireland. Author not clearly stated, either "Natural History authorities," Louis Wain, or Sir William Ingram). DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to Ireland. Resident, and generally distributed, more especially in wooded districts.* PARUS CRISTATUS 94. Parus cristatus scoticus (Prazak) — THE SCOTTISH CRESTED TITMOUSE. LOPHOPHANES CRISTATUS scoTicA Prazak, Journ. f. Orn., 1897, p. 347 (Scotland). Parus cristatus Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 499 ; Saunders, p. 1 1 1 ; P. c. scotica (Prazak), Hartert, Brit. B., i, p. 215. DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to Scotland. Confined to Spey Valley, where resident over whole area of pine-tracts in Abernethy, Rothie- murchus and Dulnan, from base of Cairngorms to Ballindalloch. Vagrants, possibly of this form, have occurred Argyll, Perth, and Dumbarton. 95. Parus cristatus cristatus L.— THE NORTHERN CRESTED TIT. PARUS CRISTATUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 189 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Parus cristatus cristatus L., Witherby, Brit. B., v, pp. 109-10. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One, Whitby (Yorks.), March, 1872 (ut supra] . [Other examples (not examined) of Crested Tits, recorded as obtained, are : Thirsk (Yorks.), near Christchurch (Hants.), 1846, Grange, Melton (Suffolk), about 1873, Suffolk, about 1840. Others are recorded as seen.] DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Scandinavia, north Russia, Poland, and east Germany. Replaced in west Germany, central and west Europe by Parus cristatus mitratus Brehm, a much browner form. 96. Parus cristatus mitratus Brehm— CENTRAL EUROPEAN CRESTED TIT. PARUS MITRATUS Brehm, Handb. Naturg. Vog. Deutschl., p. 467 (1831— Germany). Parus cristatus mitratus Brehm, Witherby, Brit. B., v, p. 110. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One. Yarmouth (Isle of Wight) pre- vious to 1844 (ut supra}. * Some examples, especially from co. Down, are not separable from Parus a. britannicus. 46 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in central Europe, south to Pyrenees and Alps. In Italy south of Alps only from autumn to spring. Represented in north and north-east Europe, and apparently in Spain and Portugal, by closely-allied forms. PARUS PALUSTRIS 97. Parus palustris dresseri Stejn.— THE BRITISH MARSH- TITMOUSE. PARUS PALUSTRIS DRESSERI Stejneger, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., ix, p. 200 (1886— England). Parus palustris Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 495 ; Saunders, p. 107 ; P. p. dresseri Stejn., Hartert, Brit. B., i, p. 214. DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to Great Britain. England and Wales.— Resident. Rather local and especially so in west Cornwall, Cumber- land and Westmorland. In northern parts of north Wales probably only accidental, and in Anglesey unknown. It may be replaced entirely by the Willow-Tit in some parts, and especially in the north. Scotland. — Appears to be entirely replaced by the Willow- Tit. Ireland. — Said to have occurred many years ago in counties Antrim, Kildare, Dublin, and Louth, but no specimens exist. Has been introduced Tipperary (Brit. B., v, p. 229). PARUS ATRICAPILLUS 98. Parus atricapillus kleinschmidti Hellm. — THE BRITISH WILLOW-TITMOUSE. PARUS MONTANUS KLEINSCHMIDTI Hellmayr, Orn. Jahrb., 1900, p. 212 (England. Coalfall Wood, near Finchley). Parus atricapillus kleinschmidti Hellni., Rothschild, Brit. B., i, p. 44 ; Hartert, i.e., p. 214. DISTRIBUTION. — Apparently confined to Great Britain. Distribution as yet little known, and in England and Wales we can only give counties where it has been identified, and in which it is present in small numbers with Parus palustris dresseri, viz.: Devon, Wilts., Hants., Sussex, Kent, Surrey, Berks., Oxon., Bucks., Herts., Middlesex, Cambs., Suffolk, Northants., Lines., Yorks., Lanes., Derb}^, Salop, Staffs., Worcester, Hereford, Brecon, Merioneth, Carnarvon (cf.Brit. B., i, pp. 47, 215, 359, iv, pp. 147, 248, 284, 337). Scotland. — It would seem entirely to replace P. p. dresseri, but specimens have only been critically examined from Forth and Moray areas, Dumfries, Kirkcudbright, Renfrew, and Lanark, (cf. Brit. B., iv, pp. 159, 284 ; v, pp. 133, 256). Very local, but fairly well dis- tributed south of a line from Firth of Forth to Firth of Clyde, reach- ing to Loch Lomond and into Stirling and Perth in small numbers and very locally to a little north of Perth (town), with isolated A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 47 record as far as Dunkeld. Also breeds in parts of Spey valley, but otherwise unknown in north, except for a few isolated records in Moray area. Unknown I. and O. Hebrides, Shetlands and Orkneys. 99. Parus atricapillus borealis Selys. — THE NORTHERN WILLOW-TITMOUSE. PARUS BOREALIS Selys-Longchamps, Bull. Ac. Bruxelles, x, 2, p. 28 (1843 — Iceland — errore ! The type came from Norway). Pants borealis (Selys-Longch.), Grant, Bull. B.O.C., xxm, p. 34 ; id. Brit. B.,n, p. 277. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One, Tetbury (Gloucester), March, 1907. Also thought to have been seen at Welwyn (Herts.), Jan. 12, 1908 (ut supra}. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Scandinavia, north and north-west Russia, Russian Baltic provinces, and East Prussia. In winter, vagrant and appearing elsewhere (Poland, Orenburg, etc.). ^EGITHALOS CAUDATUS 100. ^Egithalos caudatus caudatus (L.)— THE NORTHERN LONG-TAILED TITMOUSE. PARUS CAUDATUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 190 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Acredula caudata (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 504 (part) ; Saunders, p. 101 (part). DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One found dead Tynemouth (Northum- berland) Nov., 1852 (Hancock, Birds North. & Durham, p. 77). One said to have been obtained at Dover (Kent) prior to 1889, is at Rochester (Hist. Birds Kent, p. 76). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North and east Europe to Siberia and north Japan ( Jesso) ; in winter vagrant and appearing in central and west Europe. Replaced in central and south Europe, Asia Minor, Caucasus, Crimea, Persia, China and south Japan by other races. 1 01. iEgithalos caudatus roseus (Blyth)— THE BRITISH LONG-TAILED TITMOUSE. MECISTURA ROSEA Blyth, in Gilb. White, Nat. Hist. Selborne, p. Ill (1836— England). Mecistura vagans Leach, Cat. Mamm. Birds Brit. Mus., p. 17 (1816 — Xo description). Mecistura longicauda MacGillivray, Hist. Brit. B., 11, p. 454 (part). Acredula caudata (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 504 (part) ; Saunders, p. 101 (part) ; A. c. rosea (Blyth), Hartert, Brit. B., i, p. 217. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed in most parts, but rare in some very barren districts and in Isle of 48 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. Man; only once O. Hebrides ("company" Lewis, 1903), never Orkneys, only once (four seen April, 1860) Shetlands, very rare Caithness and extreme north-west Scotland, but common, if some- what local, in other parts. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Specimens from central Pyrenees appear to be indistinguishable from British ones. Probably this form occurs also in other parts of west France. REGULUS REGULUS 102. Regulus regulus regulus (L.)— THE CONTINENTAL GOLDEN-CRESTED WREN. MOTACILLA REGULUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 188 (1758 — ' ' Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Regulus cristatus K. L. Koch, Yarrell, i, p. 449 (part) ; Saunders, p. 57 (part). DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Very few migrant Goldcrests have been examined, but this form appears to be an autumn-immigrant (Sept. to Nov.) to east coast, possibly not occurring every year, but sometimes in great numbers, apparently occasionally reaching Ireland, but no specimens from Ireland identified. Returns March and April. Identified examples from coasts Yorks., Lines., Norfolk, Kent and Sussex, and Isle of May, Sept. and Oct., from Sussex Dec., and from St. Catherine's Light (Isle of Wight) and Yorks., Oct. and Nov. Autumn and spring- migrants in Orkneys and Shetlands are probably of this form. Abroad. — Europe from Scandinavia and north Russia (as far as pine-forests reach) to Pyrenees, Italy, Macedonia, Caucasus, and Asia Minor. Resident and vagrant. Represented by allied forms in British Isles, Azores, Canary Islands, Corsica and Sardinia, Turkestan, Himalayas, and Japan. 103. Regulus regulus anglorum Hart. — THE BRITISH GOLDEN-CRESTED WREN. REGULUS REGULUS ANGLORUM Hartert, Bull. B.O.C., xvi, p. 11 (Great Britain and Ireland). Regulus cristatus K. L. Koch, Yarrell, i, p. 449 (part) ; Saunders, p. 57 (part) ; R. r. anglorum Hartert, Brit. B., i, p. 218. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed, except in extreme north-west Scotland, where local ; in O. Hebrides, where only once recorded as breeding (Stornoway, 1906) ; Shetlands, where it does not breed, and Orkneys, where only twice recorded as breeding. Goldcrests, possibly of Continental form, are however common as spring-and autumn- migrants in these three groups of islands. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 49 MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Few migrant specimens having been critically examined, it is impossible to define migrations of our birds, but there is no doubt a very considerable southward movement, in some years at all events, in autumn, and a return in spring along east coast Great Britain, although probably many individuals are residents subject only to local movements. Some perhaps pass in autumn from Great Britain to Ireland, where Goldcrests have been noted at Lights fairly frequently in Aug., while numbers occur in Sept. and Oct. ; those taken at Lights on south coast England may be leaving the country in autumn and returning in spring. REGULUS IGNICAPILLUS 104. Regulus ignicapillus ignicapillus (Temm.) — THE FIRE- CRESTED WREN. SYLVIA IGNICAPILLA Temminck, Man. d'Orn., ed. n, i, p. 231 (1820 — Ex Brehm MS. : France, Germany, etc.). Regulus ignicapillus (C. L. Brehm), Yarrell, i, p. 456 ; Saunders, p. 59. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Fairly frequent visitor from Oct. to April along coast from Cornwall to Kent, and considered as annual autumn-visitor near Dover (Kent) and Scilly Isles, and nearly so in east Kent and Cornwall. Also fairly frequent along east coast up to and including Yorks., and has occurred rarely in Berks., Oxon., Salop, and Surrey. One near Pwllheli (Carnarvon), March 24, 1878. A pair Brecon, Feb. 2 7, 1899. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Central and south Europe to north-west Africa and Asia Minor. Replaced by allied race in Madeira. [NOTE. — Two examples of the AMERICAN RUBY-CROWNED WREN, Regulus calendula calendula (L.), now in the British Museum, said to have been shot near Loch Lomond in 1852, cannot be admitted, the evidence not being sufficient (Yarrell, i, p. 455 ; Saunders, p. 80).] PANURUS BIARMICUS 105. Panurus biarmicus biarmicus (L.)— THE BEARDED TITMOUSE. PARUS BIARMICUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 190 (1758 — "Habitat in Europa." Ex Albin & Edwards, who state that they described Danish specimens, which probably came from Holstein ; cf. Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 403). Panurus biarmicus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 511 ; Saunders, p. 99. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Resident in Norfolk and perhaps north Suffolk Broads, and in one locality in Devon. Formerly bred Sussex, Kent, Essex, Cambs., Hunts., and Lines. To most south counties very rare vagrant, nearly always in winter, and has been 50 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. recorded along Thames as far west as Gloucester ; also very rare vagrant to some midland counties and as far north as Yorks., where a few have occurred. Many reports of birds seen are not well authenticated. Introduced Yorks. 1911 (Brit. B., v, p. 108). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe, in east Spain, south France, Holland, Italy ; formerly in various parts of Germany, and replaced by an allied race in Hungary, Roumania, south Russia and Asia, from Asia Minor probably to Manchuria. LANIUS MINOR 106. Lanius minor Gm.— THE LESSER GREY SHRIKE. LANIUS MINOR Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, i, p. 308(1788 — "Habitat in Italia, Hispania, Russia." Restricted typical locality : Italy). Lanius minor J. F. Gmelin, Yarrell, i, p. 205 ; Saunders, p. 149. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Fourteen. Most Sept. and Oct. but also Nov. (one), Jan. (one), April (three), May (two), June (one) ; from following counties : — Yorks. (one), Norfolk (three), Beds. (one), Kent (two), Sussex (three), Hants, (two), Devon (one), and Scilly Isles (one). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — South and central Europe, north to Livonia and west Siberia, east to Asia Minor, Persia, and Russian Turkestan to Altai Mountains, but absent from Spain. Migrant, wintering in tropical Africa. LANIUS EXCUBITOR 107. Lanius excubitor excubitor L.— THE GREAT GREY SHRIKE. LANIUS EXCUBITOR Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 94 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Lanius excubitor Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 199 ; Saunders, p. 147. Lanius major Pallas, Yarrell, in, p. viii. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Annual autumn and winter- visitant along east side, generally singly, but periodically in fair numbers. Much more irregular spring and only occasional summer. Noted Fair Isle on both passages, and often occurs Orkneys, but apparently much rarer Shetlands. Elsewhere irregular, especially in west, and very rare casual to west Wales and Hebrides. Ireland. — Rare casual, most frequently in north. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from north Russia and Scandi- navia to Pyrenees and Alps, and east to Hungary and River Ob. On migration farther south, but not to Africa. Replaced in south France, Spain and Portugal, on Canary Islands, in north-west Africa, north-east Africa, south-east Europe, and parts of Asia and North America, by a number of other forms. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 51 1 08. Lanius excubitor meridionalis Temm. — THE SOUTH EUROPEAN GREY SHRIKE. LANIUS MERIDIONALIS Temminck, Man. d'Orn.,ed. n., i, p. 143 (1820 S. Italy, Dalmatia, S. France, etc. Restricted typical locality : Provence). Lanius meridionalis, J. B. Nichols, Brit. B., v, p. 75. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One. Male near Pett (Sussex), Jan. 2, 1911 (ut supra}. [The specimen recorded from near Norwich, Dec., 1890 (J. H. Gurney, Trans. Norf. & N. Nat. Soc., vm, pt. iii, pp. 352-3, and Brit. B., I, p. 124), was wrongly identified (Brit. B., v,p. HI).] DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Spain, Portugal, south France, once at Gien on the Loire. Casual in Italy from the Riviera to Rome. LANIUS SENATOR* 109. Lanius senator senator L.— THE WOODCHAT SHRIKE. LANIUS SENATOR Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 94 (1758 — "Habitat in Tndiis." Errore. Rhine fixed as typical locality by Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 434). Lanius auriculatus P. L. S. Miiller, Yarrell, i, p. 215 ; Lanius pomeranus Sparrman, Saunders, p. 153. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Some forty at intervals, mostly in south, and east as far north as Norfolk ; very rarely elsewhere. Not recorded from : — Lines., Rutland, Hunts., Beds., Bucks., Gloucester, Salop, Staffs., Leicester, Warwick, and Middlesex, nor from Wales. Said to have twice nested Isle of Wight. Scotland. — One, Isle of May (Forth), Oct. 19, 1911. Ireland.— One, Blackwater Lightship (Wexford), Aug. 16, 1903. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North-west Africa and Mediterranean countries generally, north to north Germany, Holland, and Belgium, east to south Russia, Caucasus, and Asia Minor. Migrant, south in winter to Sahara, Senegambia, Niger, and Haussaland. Replaced in Corsica and Sardinia, Persia and Palestine, by closely-allied forms. no. Lanius senator badius Hartl.— THE CORSICAN WOOD- CHAT SHRIKE. LANIUS BADIUS Hartlaub, Journ. f. On., 1854, p. 100 (Gold Coast). Lanius senator badius Hartl., C. B. Ticehurst, Bull. B.O.C., xxv, p. 76 ; id., Brit. B.,III, p. 369. * This species is rather unfortunate in its names. Until 1871 it was almost universally called L. rufus, or sometimes ruftceps or rutilus. Then Mr. Dresser introduced auriculatus, and this alteration of a well-known, time- honoured name was unblushingly accepted by Saunders in the same year, and by Gadow, but in 1883 Saunders adopted pomeranus, which had to give way to senator, since the adoption of the 10th edition of Linnneus, 1758. — E,H. E 2 52 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One, Romney Marsh (Kent), June 29, (ut supra). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Corsica and Sardinia, wintering in west Africa (Gold Coast, Nigeria), passing through Tunisia. LANIUS NUBICUS in. Lanius nubicus Licht.— THE MASKED SHRIKE. LANIUS NUBICUS Liechtenstein, Verz. Doubl. Mus. Berlin, p. 47 (1823 — Nubia). Lanius nubicus, Nicoll, Bull. B.O.C., xvi, p. 22 ; Saunders, Brit. B., i. p. 11. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One, adult male, Woodchurch (Kent), July 11, 1905 (ut supra). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in south-west Persia, Asia Minor, Cyprus and Syria, formerly also in Greece. Winters in north-east Africa, and south Arabia. LANIUS COLLURIO 112. Lanius collurio collurio L.— THE RED-BACKED SHRIKE. LANIUS COLLURIO Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 94 (1758 — "Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Lanius collurio Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 209 ; Saunders, p. 151. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Summer-resident (early May to late August). Also autumn and spring passage- migrant. Irregu- larly distributed throughout south and central England and in Wales, chiefly in wooded districts. On west side of Pennine chain breeds very rarely in Cheshire and as far north as Cumberland, but on east side now only nests irregularly in Yorks., except near Sedburgh (north-west) where it is annual. In Durham and Northumberland only a casual visitor. Scotland. — Occasional visitor to south-east (the records of its having nested are discredited, cf. Brit. B., n, p. 410). Very rare beyond Forth, and very rare or unknown in west. Has occurred twice Shetlands (the record of its having bred cannot be substantiated), once and possibly twice Orkneys, several times and possibly regularly in May and Sept. Fair Isle, and once O. Hebrides (Flannan Isles), Sept. 14, 1909. Ireland.— Three. Near Belfast (Down), Aug. 10, 1878 ; Wicklow Head Light, Sept. 1, 1908 ; Fastnet Rock Light (Cork), Sep. 26, 1910. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — From about lat. 64° north, throughout Europe, south to Cantabrian Mountains and Pyrenees, Italy and (?) Sicily, Greece, Asia Minor, and north Syria. Migrant, wintering in A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 53 tropical and south Africa. Replaced in Corsica and Sardinia, in Transcaucasia, Persia and west Turkestan, by closely-allied forms which require further study. AMPELIS GARRULUS 113. Ampelis garrulus (L.)— THE WAXWING. LANIUS GARRULUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 95 (1758 — "Habitat in Europa." Typical locality : Sweden). Ampelis garrulus Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 523 ; Saunders, p. 155. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Irregular visitor from Oct. to March, but generally in winter- months, very occasionally April, very rarely May, and twice July (Yorks.). Sometimes occurs in considerable numbers, as in winters 1686, 1834-5, 1849-50, 1866-7, 1872-3, 1892-3, 1901-2, and 1903-4. Most frequent on eastern side. Has occurred in most counties but rarely in west England and Scotland, and still more rarely in Wales and north Scotland (includ- ing Orkneys and Shetlands), and only twice in 0. Hebrides. Ireland. — Rare and irregular winter- visitor chiefly in east and north. Occasionally in some numbers, as in 1903-4. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Arctic regions of eastern and western hemispheres. In Europe, north Scandinavia, north Finland, and north Russia. In winter farther south, regularly as far as East Prussia, rarely to Italy. [XoTE. — The example of the SOUTH AFRICAN BULBUL (Pycnonotus capensis, or one of its subspecies) shot near Waterford, Ireland, Jan., 1838, had no doubt escaped from captivity (Yarrell, i, p. 247 ; Saunders, p. 144).] MUSCICAPA STRIATA* 114. Muscicapa striata striata (Pall.)— THE SPOTTED FLYCATCHER. MOTACILLA STRIATA Pallas, Vroeg's Cat. Verzam. Vogelen, etc., Adum- bratiuncula, p. 3 (1764— Holland). Muscicapa grisola Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 220 ; Saunders, p. 157. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer-resident (May or late April to Sept.). Generally distributed except in O. Hebrides, where only two vagrants (Flannans, June 14, 1905, and Sept. 23, 1909) ; in north Sutherland where it breeds rarely, and in Caithness where doubtful breeder, but occurs as migrant in Orkneys, where bred for a year or two about 1867, but otherwise known only as occasional * Since the rediscovery of the rare work quoted (only three copies appear to be known, but a reprint has been made of the " Adumbratiuncula ") its new names have been adopted, and under these circumstances striata of 1764 antedates grisola of 1766. — E.H. 54 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. visitor, as in Shetland s ; in Fair Isle recorded on both migrations, but chiefly from late May to mid- June. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Europe from Archangel and Tromso to Mediterranean and in Atlas Mountains in north-west Africa. Winters in central and south Africa. Replaced by very closely-allied forms in west Asia and, perhaps, Corsica. MUSCICAPA LATIROSTRIS 115. Muscicapa latirostris Kaffl.— THE BROWN FLY- CATCHER. MUSCICAPA LATIROSTBIS Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, xin, 2, p. 312 (1821— Sumatra). Alseonax latirostris Raffl., Nicoll, Bull. B.O.C., xxm, p. 93 ; Muscicapa latirostris, id., Brit. B., in, p. 112. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One, a male, near Lydd (Kent), May 21, 1909 (ul supra). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — East Siberia to Lake Baikal, Corea, Japan, northern parts of China and eastern Himalayas. In winter in India, Ceylon and other islands east to the Greater Sunda Islands and Philippines. MUSCICAPA HYPOLEUCA* 1 1 6. Muscicapa hypoleuca hypoleuca (Pall.) — THE PIED FLYCATCHER. MOTACILLA HYPOLEUCA Pallas, in Vroeg's Cat. Verzam. Vogelen, etc., Adumbratiuncula, p. 3 (1764 — Holland). Muscicapa luctuosa MacGillivray, Hist. Brit. B., in, p. 524. Muscicapa atricapilla Linnaeus, Yarrell, I, p. 229 ; Saunders, p. 159. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Summer-resident (late April and early May to late Aug. and Sept.). Breeds regularly in con- siderable numbers north and central Wales ; very small numbers Devon and Salop ; locally north Lanes. ; more commonly West- morland and Cumberland ; occasionally Lines. ; locally north and west Ridings of Yorks. and in Durham and Northumberland. Has also bred exceptionally in many other counties, including some southern ones. Scotland. — Breeds very locally in Dumfries., and has bred exceptionally in Kirkcudbright., Ayr., Midlothian, Had- dington, Roxburgh, Peebles, and Inverness. Ireland. — Nine. One co. Sligo, three Tuskar Light (Wexford), four Fastnet Light (Cork), one Tearaght Light (Kerry) ; one April, rest autumn. * As Linnasus's name atricapilla dates from 1766, Pallas 's name hypoleuca has priority, and must therefore be adopted. — E.H. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 55 MIGRATIONS. — Great Britain. — As a passage-migrant in autumn (mid-Aug. and Sept.) and spring (end April and May), appears in considerable numbers, especially in autumn, along east coast from Yorks. to Kent. North of Yorks., and especially in north of Scottish mainland more irregular, though passing through Orkneys fairly commonly and noted on both passages in Fair Isle, but much more rarely seen in Shetlands. In most other English counties and in south and east Scotland appears as occasional straggler, gener- ally in May, but seems particularly rare as migrant in Cornwall and Devon, though noted with some regularity in Somerset, and nearly every autumn at St. Catherine's Light (Isle of Wight). It is as yet uncertain by what routes our breeding-birds reach their quarters. In west Scotland (except Dumfries, and Kirkcudbright) only recorded once or twice, and in 0. Hebrides a rare vagrant. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from lat. 69° or 70° north in Scandinavia, and from 65° in Finland and 60° in Russia to Spain, Italy, and Sardinia. In east apparently to Urals, south-west to Austria. In winter in Africa. Replaced by other races in north- west Africa, Caucasus, Asia Minor, Persia, and Greece. MUSCICAPA COLLARIS 117. Muscicapa collaris Bechst.— THE COLLARED FLY- CATCHER. MUSCICAPA COLLARIS Bechstein, Gemeinn. Nat. Deutschl., iv, p. 495 (1795 — Europe and Germany : Thiiringerwald). Muscicapa collaris Bechst., J. B. Nichols, Brit. B., v, p. 238. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Two, males, near Winchelsea (Sussex), one May 12, one May 13, 1911 (ut supra}. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Island of Gotland in Baltic, Austrian Poland, Austria, Hungary, south Russia, south Germany (locally common in Bavaria), parts of middle, and very rare north, Germany, south-east Europe generally, but in Greece apparently only migrant, very local France, Belgium, Holland, also Italy ; possibly on some Mediterranean islands, and Spain (?). On passage in most parts of Europe, Persia, Asia Minor, Palestine, Egypt, Tripoli and Tunisia ; winter- quarters probably in central Africa. MUSCICAPA PARVA 118. Muscicapa parva parva Bechst.— THE RED-BREASTED FLYCATCHER. MUSCICAPA PARVA Bechstein, Latham's allg. Uebers. d. Vogel, n, p. 356, fig. on title-page (1794— Thiiringerwald). Muscicapa parva Bechstein, Yarrell, i, p. 224 ; Saunders, p. 161. 56 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Irregular passage-migrant, chiefly Sept. and Oct., but occasionally Nov., once Jan. (Cornwall), and once June (Cheshire). England, nineteen obtained and others seen ; Norfolk, eleven and two others seen ; Lines., one ; Yorks., one and three others said to have been seen; Northumberland, one ; Cheshire, one ; Cornwall, one and another seen ; Scilly Isles, three. Scotland, seven obtained and others seen : — Fair Isle, four and others seen ; O. Hebrides, one and two seen ; Bell Rock (Fife), one ; Isle of May (Forth), one. Ireland, five obtained at Lights : — Wexford, two ; Cork, one ; Kerry, one ; Donegal, one. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Europe from St. Petersburg, Riigen, and Denmark to Alps, apparently eastwards to west Siberia. On migration occasionally in south Sweden, more often in Heligoland, Holland and elsewhere in west Europe. In winter in western parts of India ; also observed at Cairo, and will probably be found in winter in parts of tropical Africa. Replaced by other races in east Siberia, and Himalayas. PHYLLOSCOPUS COLLYBITA* 119. Phylloscopus collybita collybita (Vieill.)— THE CHIFF- CHAFF. SYLVIA COLLYBITA Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., nouv. ed., xi, p. 235 (1817— France). Phylloscopus collybita (Vieillot), Yarrell, i, p. 437 ; Phylloscopus rufus (Bechstein), Saunders, p. 67. DISTRIBUTION. — England, Wales, and Ireland. — Summer-resident from mid-March to Sept., but occasionally a few winter in south England, especially Cornwall and Devon, and in Ireland. Weil distributed, but rare or local in Norfolk, Lanes., and north-west Yorks. Also a passage- migrant. Scotland. — Except in south-west (Sol way and Clyde) and south-east (Tweed), where it is local summer- resident, in Forth, where it is extremely local, and in some I. Hebrides, where it has nested (Arran, Bute, Mull), it is a somewhat rare passage- migrant occurring in small numbers up east side, and still more rarely in Orkneys, Fair Isle, and Shetlands. On west side from Argyll northwards practically unrecorded, but has been noted as fairly common near Loch Maree (Ross.) (A. H. Evans, Ann. S.N.H., 1896, p. 94) ; only a rare vagrant to 0. Hebrides. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeding in central, west, and south Europe. Winters in Mediterranean countries, especially in north- west Africa. Replaced by closely- allied forms in east and north Europe, Siberia, and central Asia, and on Canary Islands. * The name " rufus " has been erroneously used for the Chiff chaff. It was first introduced by Gmelin, but his Motacilla rufa does not refer to a Phylloscopus at all. The first certain name is collybita. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 57 120. Phylloscopus collybita abietinus (Nilss.) — THE SCANDI- NAVIAN CHIFFCHAFF. SYLVIA ABIETINA Nilsson, Kgl. Vet.-Akad. Handl., 1819, p. 115 (Sweden). Phylloscopus collybita abietina (Nilss.), Bonhote, Bull. B.O.C., xxm, p. 21 ; id., Brit. B., n, p. 233. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One, a female, St. Catherine's Light (Isle of Wight), April 15, 1907 (ut supra}. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Generally north and east Europe, but difficult to distinguish, therefore distribution not well known, and requiring further study. 121. Phylloscopus collybita tristis Blyth— THE SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF. PHYLLOSCOPUS TRISTIS Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, xn, p. 966 (1843 — Calcutta). Phylloscopus tristis, Clarke, Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1907, p. 15 ; id., Bull. B.O.C., xix, p. 18 ; Saunders, Brit. B., i, p. 8. DISTRIBUTION. — Scotland. — About a dozen obtained and others seen as follows :— One, Sule Skerry Light (Orkneys), Sept. 23, 1902 ; four obtained and others seen, Fair Isle (Shetlands), Oct. 21 and 24, 1907 ; one obtained and another seen, Kirkwall (Orkneys), Feb. 5, 1908, had been observed since Jan 25 (cf. W. E. Clarke, Ann. S.N.H., 1907, p. 15, 1908, p. 80 ; and Brit. B., i, pp. 8, 382). One, Fair Isle, autumn, 1909 (op.c. iv, p. 289), and several autumn, 1910 (op.c., v. p. 200). One obtained Isle of May, Oct. 16, 1910 (E. V. Baxter and L. J. Rintoul, Ann. S.N.H., 1911, p. 3). One obtained Shetlands Oct. 28, 1910. and others seen (J. S. Tulloch, i.e., 1911, p. 115 ; cf. Brit. B.} iv, p. 318, v, pp. 28, 200). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeding from Petchora and Ural to Lake Baikal, migrating through Turkestan, and wintering in India, In Oct., 1846, obtained in Heligoland. PHYLLOSCOPUS TROCHILUS 122. Phylloscopus trochilus trochilus (L.)— THE WILLOW- WARBLER. MOTACILLA TROCHILUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 188 (1758 — Ex cit., Willughby, etc. Restricted typical locality : England ; cf. Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 507). Phylloscopus trochilus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 432 ; Saunders, p. 69. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer-resident (early April to mid-Sept.). Abundant and widely distributed, but somewhat local Cornwall, rare north Caithness, local Skye, but common in 58 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. other I. Hebrides ; has nested very rarely 0. Hebrides and Shet- lands, but is seen on spring and autumn passage in these islands, as well as Fair Isle and Orkneys. Also abundant passage-migrant on south and east coasts England, and east coast Scotland. Occa- sionally stays winter in south England and in Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — From Lapland, Finland, Scandinavia, and north Russia throughout west, central, and south Europe, except in Balkan Peninsula. In winter in Africa, in small numbers in Mediterranean countries. Replaced in north-east Russia and Siberia by P. t. eversmanni. 123. Phylloscopus trochilus eversmanni (Bp.) - THE NORTHERN WILLOW-WARBLER. PHYLLOPNEUSTE EVERSMANNI Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., i, p. 289 (1850 — Ex Eversmann, Addenda. Actual typical locality : Kazan and Orenburg). Phylloscopus trochilus eversmanni (Bonap.), C. B. Ticehurst, Bull. B.O.C., xxm, p. 20 ; cf. Brit. B., n, pp. 234, 342, v, p. 28). DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Passage-migrant, having been detected in small numbers in spring (end April and May) in Isle of Wight, Sussex, Kent, Norfolk, Yorks, Isle of May, and Shetlands, once in Sept. and Oct. in Norfolk, and once in Sept. in Yorks. (ut supra). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North-east Russia and Siberia, at least to River Kolyma. Once obtained in Bering Sea. On migration in Roumania, and apparently wintering in Africa. Often difficult to distinguish, therefore distribution not well known. PHYLLOSCOPUS NITIDUS 124. Phylloscopus nitidus viridanus Blyth — THE GREENISH WARBLER. PHYLLOSCOPUS VIRIDANUS Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, xn, p. 967 ( 1843— Calcutta and Nepal). Phylloscopus viridanus Blyth, Saunders, p. 65. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One, a female, North Cotes (Lines.), Sept. 5, 1896 (G. H. Caton-Haigh, Bull. B.O.C., vi, p. viii). [A second record, Sule Skerry Light., afterwards shown to be Phyllo- scopus b. borealis, vide infra, No. 126.] DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds from Baltic Provinces of Russia (possibly north-east Russia) throughout central Russia to west Siberia and north Turkestan. Winters in India. Replaced by P. n. nitidus in Caucasus, Transcaspia and Persia, and by another form in east Siberia and other parts of Asia. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 59 PHYLLOSCOPUS SIBILATRIX 125. Phylloscopus sibilatrix sibilatrix (Bechst.) - THE WOOD-WARBLER. MOTACILLA SIBILATRIX Bechstein, Naturforscher., xxvii, p. 47 (1793 — Thiiringian mountains). Phylloscopus sibilatrix (Bechstein), Yarrell, i, p. 427 ; Saunders, p. 71. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Summer-resident (mid-April to Sept.). Widely distributed in well-wooded districts, but local, being abundant in some parts (especially those heavily-woooded with beech and oak) and rare or unknown in treeless districts. Has been observed Isle of Man. Scotland. — Fairly common, but local in south, becoming more thinly distributed northwards to Loch Broom (Ross), north of which on west side unknown as nester. On east side fairly common in south-east Sutherland (as far west as Lairg), but very rare further north. Single birds Fair Isle (June and Aug., 1907, and May, 1909), and one Sule Skerry (Sept., 1906), but otherwise unknown Orkneys and Shetlands. A summer- resident in most I. Hebrides and said to have occurred once in O. Hebrides. Ireland. — Extremely scarce, nesting small numbers Galway and Queen's co., and Wicklow. Vagrants have been taken in Donegal, Fermanagh, Mayo and Dublin, and seen in Sligo, Londonderry, Antrim and Wexford. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from Upsala, south Finland and Archangel to France, Alps, and Austria-Hungary. Replaced by an ill-defined subspecies, apparently with different song, in the Mediterranean countries, probably also in north-west Africa. PHYLLOSCOPUS BOREALIS 126. Phylloscopus borealis borealis (Bias.)— EVERSM ANN'S WARBLER. PHYLLOPNEUSTE BOREALIS Blasius, Naumannia, 1858, p. 313 (Sea of Ochotsk.). Phylloscopus borealis (Blasius), Clarke, Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1909, p. 1. DISTRIBUTION.— Scotland.— The first, Sule Skerry Light (Orkneys), Sept. 5, 1902, was erroneously recorded as P. n. viridanus (cf. Saunders, Bull. B.O.C., xm, p. 12, W. E. Clarke, Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1903, p. 22), and subsequently correctly identified (id., op.c., 1909, p. 114, and cf. Brit. B., n, p. 408). Second, Fair Isle (Shet- lands), Sept. 28, 1908 (W. E. Clarke, Ann. S.N.H., 1909, p. 1, and cf. Brit. B.} n, p. 310). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North Norway and north Russia to east Siberia, in winter in southern parts of Asia and its islands as far 60 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. as the Moluccas, Alor. and Sumba. Keplaced by a closely-allied form on Kurile Islands, Jesso, and perhaps other Japanese islands, and in Kamtschatka. PHYLLOSCOPUS SUPERCILIOSUS 127. Phylloscopus superciliosus superciliosus (Gm.) — THE YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER. MOTACILLA SUPERCILIOSA Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, p. 975 (1788 — " Russia "). Phylloscopus superciliosus (J. F. Gmelin), Yarrell, i, p. 443 ; Saunders, p. 61. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Previously considered rare vagrant, has lately been so often recorded on east coasts Great Britain and in Fair Isle that it may now be considered as an almost regular passage- migrant in very small numbers (more numerous some years than others) along east coast from mid- Sept. to late Oct. Has also occurred very rarely in west and once in Ireland. Two seen in spring (Kent, April 15, 1899, Dumfries., April 11, 1909). Following recorded : England. — Twenty obtained and two seen, viz., Scilly Isles, three ; Gloucester., one ; Kent, one seen: Suffolk, one seen ; Norfolk, six ; Lines., four ; Yorks., five ; Northumberland, one. Scotland — Thirty-eight recorded, viz. : Dumfries., one seen ; Isle of May (Forth), seventeen ; east Ross., two ; Fair Isle (Shetlands), sixteen ; Sumburgh Head (Shetlands), one ; Skerry vore Light (0 . Hebrides) , one. Ireland. — One. Tearaght Light (Kerry) . DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Siberia, migrates through greater part of Asia, and winters in southern China and India. Appears not rarely in Europe, from Orenburg and west Russia to Heligoland, Germany, and Holland. Replaced by allied forms in Altai, Tian-shan, Himalayas, and mountains south of Brahmaputra. PHYLLOSCOPUS PROREGULUS 128. Phylloscopus proregulus proregulus (Pall.) — PALLAS 'S WARBLER. MOTACILLA PROREGULUS Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., i, p. 499 (1827— Transbaikalia). Phylloscopus proregulus (Pallas), Saunders, p. 63. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One, a female, Cley (Norfolk), Oct. 31, 1896 (T. Southwell, ZooL, 1896, p. 466). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in east Siberia ; Sarudny found it passing through quite regularly near Orenburg (Ural), and it has been shot on Heligoland. Winters in south China. Replaced by allied form in Himalayas. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 61 HERBIVOCULA SCHWARZI* 129. Herbivocula schwarzi (Radde) - RADDE'S BUSH- WARBLER. SYLVIA SCHWARZI Radde, Reise Siiden v. O. Sibirien, n, p. 260, pi. ix (1863 — Tarei Nor and Bureja Mountains). Lusciniola schwarzi (Radde), Saunders, p. 73*. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One, a young bird, North Cotes (Lines.), Oct. 1, 1898 (G. H. Caton-Haigh, Bull. B.O.C., vm, p. vi.). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — East Siberia, wintering in south China, Pegu, and Tenasserim. CETTIA CETTI 130. Cettia cetti cetti (Marm.)— CETTI'S WARBLER. SYLVIA CETTI Marmora, Mem. Accad. Torino, xxx, p. 254 (1820 — Sardinia). Cettia cetti, Nicoll, Bull. B.O.C., xiv, p. 84 ; Saunders, Brit. B., I, p. 9. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Two. A male, Battle (Sussex), May 12, 1904 (ut supra}. A female, Whatlington (Sussex), Sept. 1, 1906 (J. B. Nichols, Brit. B., i, p. 185). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — South France, Spain and Portugal, Mallorca, Italy, Sicily, Corsica and Sardinia, north-west Africa, south-east Europe and Asia Minor to Syria, and apparently Caucasus and Crimea. Replaced by paler form in Khirgiz Steppes and east Persia to Turkestan. LOCUSTELLA LUSCINIOIDES 131. Locustella luscinioides luscinioides (Savi) — SAVI'S WARBLER. SYLVIA LUSCINIOIDES Savi, Nuovo Giorn. Letter., vn, p. 341 (1824 — Pisa). Acrocephalus luscinioides (Savi), Yarrell, i, p. 389 ; Locustella luscinioides (Savi), Saunders, p. 91. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Formerly regular summer-resident in small numbers fens of Norfolk, Cambs , and Hunts., but has not appeared since 1856. A bird thought to be of this species seen in Humber district May 24, 1897, and another said to have been seen * H. schwarzi is wrongly placed in the genus Lusciniola. It is apparently most closely allied to the genus Phylloscopus, but differs from the latter in sufficiently striking peculiarities to be separated generically. The genus Herbivocula was established by Swinhoe in 1871. — E.H. 62 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. in Bucks. Scotland. — One, Fair Isle, spring, 1908 (W. E. Clarke, Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1909, p. 73 ; cf. Brit. B., n, p. 423). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Spain, parts of France, Holland, and near Geldern in the Rhenish Provinces, Italy, Sicily, Galizia, Poland, parts of Russia, Hungary, and valley of Danube, also Egypt, and probably north-west Africa. Winter-quarters not precisely known. Replaced by paler race in Transcaspia and Turkestan. LOCUSTELLA CERTHIOLA 132. Locustella certhiola (Pall.)— PALLAS 'S GRASSHOPPER- WARBLER. MOTACILLA CERTHIOLA Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., i, p. 509 (1827 — Transbaikalia). Locustella certhiola Pall., Grant, Bull. B.O.C., xxm, p. 18 ; Harrington, Brit. B., n, p. 230. DISTRIBUTION. — Ireland. — One. Kale, Rockabill Light (Dublin), Sept. 28, 1908 (ut supra}. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Siberia and Altai to Pacific, wintering in India, Greater Sunda and Natuna Islands. Once Heligoland. LOCUSTELLA N^VIA 133. Locustella naevia ncEvia (Bodd.)— THE GRASSHOPPER- WARBLER. MOTACILLA N.EVIA Boddaert, Tabl. PI. Enl., p. 35 (1783— ex Daubenton pi. 581, 3 : Italy). Acrocephalus ncevius (Boddaert), Yarrell, i, p. 384 ; Locustella ncevia (Boddaert), Saunders, p. 89. DISTRIBUTION. — England, Wales, and Ireland. — Summer-resident (mid- April to Sept.) local, but fairly evenly distributed in suitable localities, rare Cornwall and very local Wales. Scotland. — Local and thinly distributed in south-west and Clyde area, scarcer north- wards, but breeding at wide intervals as far north as Arisaig (south- west Inverness.) and Skye. On east side breeds locally as far as Perth, and has been recorded as nesting at Pitlochry (Perth.), and even as far north as Elgin, north of which on mainland not noted even as vagrant, but has occurred once (May 29, 1907) Fair Isle. Has once occurred as far west as Skerry vore (off Tiree), but not in 0. Hebrides. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Middle and south Europe generally, north to south Norway and Finland, south to north Spain, middle Italy, and Slavonia, wintering in north-west Africa, and probably south Spain. Replaced by L. n. straminea from Caucasus and Oren- burg to Altai and Turkestan. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 63 LOCUSTELLA LANCEOLATA 134. Locustella lanceolata (Temm.)— THE LANCEOLATED WARBLER. SYLVIA LANCEOLATA Temminck, Man. d'Orn., ed. n, iv, p. 614 (1840 — Mainz ? Erroneous locality. Typical locality : Russia). Locustella lanceolata, Caton-Haigh, Brit. B., in, p. 353. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Three. Male, North Cotes (Lines.), Nov. 18, 1909 (ut supra] ; one Pentland Skerries (Orkneys), Oct. 26, 1910, and one Fair Isle, Sept. 9, 1908 (W. E. Clarke, Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1911, p. 71 ; cf. Brit. B., iv, p. 368). DISTRIBUTION — Abroad. — From Kamtschatka and north Japan to west Siberia, rare in Russia (Onega R.), wintering in south China, Borneo, Andamans, and India. ACROCEPHALUS ARUNDINACEUS 135. Acrocephalus arundinaceus arundinaceus (L.) — THE GREAT REED-WARBLER. TURDUS ARUNDINACEUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 170 (1758 — ex Klein : Danzig). Acrocephalus arundinaceus (Linnseus), Yarrell, i, p. 364 ; Acrocephalus turdoides (Meyer), Saunders, p. 83. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — About ten authentic occurrences besides other unsubstantiated records. Newcastle (Northumberland). May 28, 1847 ; Sittingbourne, May 4, 1853, and Wingham (Kent), Sept. 14, 1881 ; Godalming (Surrey), spring, 1858 ; Ellesmere (Salop), about 1886 ; Ringwood, June 3, 1884, and Christchurch (Hants), May 10, 1900 ; St. Leonards, Sept. 25, 1903, and Sept. 12, 1906, and Bexhill (Sussex), May 1, 1905 ; one seen Horning (Norfolk), May 1, 1906. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Middle and south Europe to north-west Africa, eastwards at least to the Ural and (locally) west Siberia, north to Baltic and Russian Baltic provinces, rare visitor to south Sweden. Winters in tropical Africa south to Natal ; in Persia on migration. Replaced by another race from Volga delta eastward to Transcaspia and Turkestan and by third form in south-east "Siberia, north China, Japan, and Corea. ACROCEPHALUS STREPERUS 136. Acrocephalus streperus streperus (Vie ill.) — THE REED- WARBLER. SYLVIA STREPERA Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., nouv. ed., xi, p. 182 (1817— France). Acrocephalus arundinaceus (Brisson nee Newton), Seebohm, Hist. Brit. B., i, p. 367 (erroneous). (See also Fleming, Selby, and others.) Acrocephalus streperus (Vieillot), Yarrell, i, p. 369 ; Saunders, p. 79. 64 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Summer-resident (late April to Sept.). By nature of its habitat local, but fairly distributed throughout south and midland England, except in north Devon, Cornwall, and Scilly Isles, where very rare. In south Wales very local (numerous only at Llangorse Lake), and not found in Pembroke, and in north Wales very local and rare except on Salop border, and not recorded Anglesey. In Derby breeds only in extreme south, but ranges further north on each side, being found in Lanes, and Yorks, but very locally, especially in north, where it is rare, but breeds in small numbers as far as Craven district, Nidd Valley and Ripon (once in Wensleydale) in west, and Redcar in east. Has been recorded as nesting once or twice in Lake District and Durham, but otherwise unknown north of Yorks. Scotland. — Two, Fair Isle, Sept. 24, 1906, and autumn, 1909. Ireland.— One, Rockabill Light (Dublin), Oct. 20, 1908. [One said to have been shot near Dublin 1843, and another to have been heard on the Shannon.] DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — South Sweden and Russian Baltic Provinces to Mediterranean and north-west Africa, wintering in Africa. Replaced by closely- allied form from Lower Volga to Turkestan. ACROCEPHALUS PALUSTRIS 137. Acrocephalus palustris (Bechst.)— THE MARSH- WARBLER. SYLVIA PALUSTRIS Bechstein, Orn. Taschenb., p. 186 (1803 — Germany). Acrocephalus palustris (Bechstein), Yarrell, i, p. 373 ; in, p. viii ; Saunders, p. 81. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Summer-resident arriving late May or early June. Apparently very scarce and local, but distribution very little known. Has been recorded as nesting in : — Somerset, several districts regularly ; Wilts., once, 1900 ; Hants., 1907 and twice previously ; Sussex, once, 1903 ; Kent, twice, 1905 and 1909 ; Surrey, once, 1907 ; Gloucester, frequently ; Oxon., annually for several years ; Bucks., twice in 1909 ; Cambs., 1909 and once previously ; Norfolk, possibly once about 1880 ; Warwick, 30 or 40 years ago ; Worcester, in some num- bers. Scotland. — One St. Kilda (O. Hebrides), Sept. or early Oct., 1910. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from Denmark and Russian Baltic Provinces to south Spain (?), Italy, Montenegro, and Bulgaria, probably also north-west Africa, east to Ural (Oren- burg) and Caspian Sea. Winters in Africa, south to Natal and Pondoland. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 65 ACROCEPHALUS DUMETORUM 138. Acrocephalus dumetorum Blyth — BLYTH'S REED- WARBLER. ACROCEPHALUS DUMETORUM Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, xvin, p. 815 (1849 — New name for the Sylvia montana or Acrocephalus montanus of Indian authors, which had been erroneously identified with Horsfield's Sylvia montana — India). Acrocephalus dumetorum Blyth, W. E. Clarke, Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1911, p. 70 ; cf. Brit. B., iv, p. 362. DISTRIBUTION. — Scotland. — One Fair Isle, Sept., 1910 (ut supra). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Central Asia from Himalayas north- ward, east to Transcaspia, Altai, Turkestan, west Siberia, and parts of European Russia. Winters in India, south to Ceylon. ACROCEPHALUS SCHCENOB^NUS 139. Acrocephalus schcenobaenus (L.) — THE SEDGE- WARBLER. MOTACILLA SCHCENOB^NUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 184 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : S. Sweden). Acrocephalus phragmitis, Seebohm, Hist. Brit. B., i, p. 352 ; also older authors. Acrocephalus schcenobcenus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 376 ; Saunders, p. 85. DISTRIBUTION. — England, Wales, and Ireland. — Summer-resident (late April to late Sept). Generally distributed. Occasionally occurs in Oct. (probably on passage) and exceptionally in winter. Scotland. — Generally distributed, but rarer in north, and very rare north-west ; scarce Orkneys ; unknown Shetlands, but of double passage Fair Isle ; scarce breeder in some I. Hebrides, but absent from others ; very rare vagrant 0. Hebrides (Barra). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — From about lat. 70° north in Sweden, the Murman Coast and Archangel, Ob and Yenisei throughout north Siberia and Altai Mountains, Russia and Europe, but rare or absent from Spain and Greece, wintering in Asia Minor and Africa. ACROCEPHALUS AQUATICUS 140. Acrocephalus aquaticus (Gm.) - - THE AQUATIC WARBLER. MOTACILLA AQUATICA Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, ii, p. 953 (1789— No locality given. Ex Scopoli, who described birds from Carniola or Venetia). Acrocephalus aquaticus (J. F. Gmelin), Yarrell, i, p. 380 ; Saunders, p. 87. F 66 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Seventeen authentic examples obtained, and several others seen, chiefly Sept., but also Aug. and Oct., as follows : Cornwall (Eddystone), one ; Hants, two ; Isle of Wight, three ; Sussex, five and several seen ; Kent, one ; Norfolk, four and one seen ; Leicester one. Ireland. — One Bull Bock Light (Cork) Sept. 20, 1903. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Central and south Europe (but absent from south of Balkan Peninsula), and north-west Africa. In south- east Europe and Egypt on migration ; appears to occur in winter in north-west Africa, but winter- quarters not known for certain. HYPOLAIS ICTERINA 141. Hypolais icterina (Vieill.)— THE ICTERINE WARBLER. SYLVIA ICTERINA Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., nouv. ed., xi, p. 194 (1817— France). Hypolais hypolais, Seebohm, Hist. Brit. B., i, p. 381 ; and others. Hypolais icterina (Vieillot), Yarrell, i, p. 360 ; Saunders, p. 75. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Fourteen obtained and a few others seen, mostly Sept., but three June, two May, and one April. Isle of Wight (St. Catherine's Light), one ; Sussex, two ; Kent, two obtained, one seen (Kentish Knock Light) ; Norfolk, seven pro- cured, two seen (all north coast) ; Yorks., one taken, another seen ; Northumberland one. Scotland. — One Fair Isle, 1908, one Lerwick (Shetlands), May 15, 1910. Ireland. — One, Dunsinea (Dublin), June 8, 1856. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Greater part of Europe (except extreme north, west France, Spain, and Greece), and north-west Africa (north Algeria) ; wintering in tropical Africa. HYPOLAIS POLYGLOTTA 142. Hypolais polyglotta (Vieill.) - - THE MELODIOUS WARBLER. SYLVIA POLYGLOTTA Vieillot, Nouv. Diet., nouv. ed., xi, p. 200 (1817 — France). Hypolais polyglotta (Vieillot), Saunders, p. 77. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Only three obtained. Male, Burwash (Sussex), April 30, 1897 (Saunders, p. 77). Male, Ninfield (Sussex), May 10, 1900 (W. R. Butterfield, Ibis, 1900, p. 569; cf. Brit. B., i, p. 83). Male near Sandplace, Looe (Cornwall), May 12, 1905 (J. Clark, ZooL, 1907, p. 282; cf. Brit. B., i, p. 127). This, or the Icterine, several times reported as seen and heard singing, notably in Pembroke in summer 1886, and in south-east Devon near Lyme A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 67 Regis in May, 1897, and in some numbers in May, 1898, when they were said to be nesting. Eggs, apparently of this, but possibly of preceding species, were taken at Lancing (Sussex) about 1893, and near Croydon (Surrey) in 1884. Ireland. — One, Old Head Light, Kinsale (Cork), Sept. 23, 1905 (R. M. Barrington, Irish Nat., 1906, p. 157 ; cf. Brit. B., i, p. 83). One said to have been seen and heard singing at Coollatin (Wicklow), May, 1886. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — France, with exception of northernmost departments (north of Somme), south-west Europe and north-west Africa, Italy. Rare visitor to Belgium, Heligoland, and parts of Austrian Empire. Winters in west Africa. SYLVIA NISORIA 143. Sylvia nisoria nisoria (Bechst.) — THE BARRED WARBLER. MOTACILLA NISORIA Bechstein, Gem. Naturg. Deutschl., iv, p. 580 (1795 — Middle and N. Germany). Sylvia nisoria (Bechstein), Yarrell, in, p. ix ; Saunders, p. 51. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Twenty-three England, over seven Scotland, and two Ireland. Most on east coast and in Sept., but also in Aug., Oct., and Nov., and once in April. In recent years one or two on east coast in most autumns. England. — Kent, two ; Norfolk, nine ; Lines., five ; Yorks., four ; Cambs., one ; Oxon., one; Lanes., one. Scotland. — Broadford (Skye), one ; Dhuheartach Light (Argyll.), one ; Barra (0. Hebrides), one ; Isle of May (Forth), two ; Fair Isle (Shetlands), several. Ireland. — Bellmullet (Mayo), one ; Rockabill Light (Dublin), one. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from south Sweden, Denmark, and Gulf of Finland, throughout Russia, locally in Germany (with exception of west, where rare visitor only, as it is in France), Austria and Hungary, to Dobrudsha, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Dalmatia, and north Italy. Winters in north-east Africa. Replaced by very closely- allied form in west Siberia and Turkestan. SYLVIA HORTENSIS* 144. Sylvia hortensis hortensis (Gm.)— THE ORPHEAN WARBLER. MOTACILLA HORTENSIS Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, ii, p. 955 (1789 — France and Italy). Sylvia orphea Temminck, Yarrell, i, p. 423 ; Saunders, p. 45. * As explained by Hartert and others, Gmelin undoubtedly described the Orphean Warbler as S. hortensis, as a glance at his description shows. It is the oldest name, and must therefore be adopted. F2 68 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Four obtained. Female shot and another said to have been seen near Wetherby (Yorks.), July 63 1848 (thought to have been nesting). Young bird, said to have been unable to fly, caught near Holloway (Middlesex), June, 1866 (Saunders, p. 45). Female shot near St. Leonards (Sussex), Oct. 7, 1903 (W. R. Butterfield, Bull. B.O.C., xiv, p. 16). Young bird picked up near same place Sept. 16, 1905 (C. B. Ticehurst, op.c., xvi, p. 35 ; cf. Brit. B., i, p. 56). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — South-west Europe and north-west Africa, through central parts of France in small numbers, north to Luxembourg and Metz, west Switzerland, Italy, and Sicily. Winter- quarters must be Africa, but not actually known. Replaced by a closely-allied form in Asia Minor, Turkestan, Afghanistan, Persia to Gilgit, west to Dalmatia, Herzegovina, Montenegro and Greece, wintering in India, Arabia, and north-east Africa. SYLVIA BORIN* 145. Sylvia borin (Bodd.)— THE GARDEN-WARBLER. MOTACILLA BORIN Boddaert, Tabl. PI. Enl., p. 35 (1783— ex Daubenton, PI. Enl. 579, 2— France). Sylvia salicaria (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 414; Sylvia hortensis nee Bechstein, Saunders, p. 49. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Summer-resident (end April to Sept.). Generally distributed, but rather local and not known to breed in west Cornwall (rare casual visitor to Scilly Isles), nor in parts of Pembroke, and rare Anglesey and west Carnarvon. Scotland. — Rather local in Solway area, common in Clyde and Forth areas, and in south Perth., north of which not known to breed, and has rarely occurred. In Shetlands one obtained and another record doubtful. In Fair Isle fairly common on both spring- and autumn-passages, and in Orkneys occurs frequently in autumn and has occurred once in spring. In O. Hebrides, one seen Flannans and two obtained Barra (Nov. 25, 1895, Oct. 24, 1898). Ireland. — Very local, unknown in most districts, but nests in various localities in all four provinces, but chiefly near the Shannon. MIGRATIONS. — Great Britain. — From mid-Sept, to second week of Oct. there is a passage down east coast. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally (except extreme north) as far south as Spain, and north-west Africa (Atlas) in west, and Albania in east ; from Russia eastwards to Persia, Transcaspia, and west Siberia. Winters in Africa. Breeding in Syria is asserted, but requires confirmation. * Sylvia hortensis of many authors, but S. hortensis is clearly the Orphean Warbler ; this name not being available for the Garden- Warbler, the name borin must be adopted. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 69 SYLVIA ATRICAPILLA 146. Sylvia atricapilla atricapilla (L.)— THE BLACKCAP. MOTACILLA ATRICAPILLA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 187 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Sylvia atricapilla (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 418 ; Saunders, p. 47. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Summer-resident (about end April to Sept. and often later, and occasionally winter). Some- what local, but fairly well distributed. Rare Anglesey and Lleyn (Carnarvon). Scotland. — Generally distributed, but local west side as far north as Argyll., where becomes scarce, but breeds Jura ; north of Ardnamurchan only once recorded (West Ross. Nov. 23, 1905). On east side frequent nester as far north as Dunkeld (Perth.), and further north breeds locally in Kincardine and Spey Valley. In other parts of north-east chiefly known as autumn migrant, but has bred once Loch Ness and near Beauly (Moray Firth). In Orkneys, Fair Isle, and Shetlands fairly regular autumn- migrant, (Sept.-Oct.). In Shetlands once attempted to breed, and has probably also bred Orkneys. In O. Hebrides rare straggler. Has often occurred even in north in Nov. and two or three times in Dec. Ireland. — Has a wide range, breeding in many counties, but in most it is scarce and even rare, being most numerous in Wick - low. Fairly often occurs in winter. MIGRATIONS. — Great Britain. — From third week Sept. to mid-Oct. a well-marked passage down east coasts. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally from about lat. 66° north in Scandinavia to Mediterranean, west to Azores and Cape Verde Islands, south to Marocco, Algeria and Tunisia, north of Atlas, east to Asia Minor, Syria and Persia, in west Siberia near Omsk. Winters in Africa and in small numbers in south Europe. Replaced in Madeira and Canary Islands by closely- allied form. SYLVIA COMMUNIS* 147. Sylvia communis communis Lath. — THE WHITE- THROAT. SYLVIA COMMUNIS Latham, Gen. Syn. Suppl., i, p. 287 (1787 — England). Sylvia ru/a (Boddaert), Yarrell, i, p. 406 ; Sylvia cinerea Bechstein, Saunders, p. 41. DISTRIBUTION. — England, Wales, and Ireland. — Summer-resident (April to Sept.). Generally distributed. Scotland. — Generally dis- * This species has also been unfortunate with regard to its names. It has often been called Sylvia rufa, but that name was based on an unrecog- nizable figtire, and more commonly S. cinerea, but Latham clearly described the'English bird as Sylvia communis sixteen years before Bechstein. — E.H. 70 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. tributed in south, locally common in centre, thinly distributed and local in north, apparently not breeding in north Sutherland or Caithness. In Orkneys, Fair Isle, and Shetlands noted recently as fairly frequent passage- migrant in autumn and in spring, and has possibly once nested Orkneys. In I. Hebrides well known, but to 0. Hebrides a somewhat rare passage- migrant, but occasionally seen in summer and bred once Lewis (1881) and once Barra (1900). MIGRATIONS. — Great Britain. — A well-marked passage from early Sept. to early Oct. down west coasts England and Wales and east coasts Scotland and England. Also some evidence of immigration from east on east coast during same period. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from 65° north lat. in Scandinavia to Mediterranean, also north Algeria and north Tunisia. Winters in Africa and in small numbers in Canary Islands. Replaced from Caucasus, Syria and Persia to west Siberia by Sylvia communis icterops. SYLVIA CURRUCA 148. Sylvia curruca curruca (L.)— THE LESSER WHITE- THROAT. MOTACILLA CURRUCA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat.,ed. x, i, p. 184 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Sylvia curruca (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 410 ; Saunders, p. 43. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Summer-resident (April to Sept.). Generally distributed except in extreme south-west (where it nests in Somerset and Devon, but is only a casual autumn- migrant to Cornwall, and has occurred only once in Scilly Isles) and in north, being local in Cumberland and Westmorland, and very rare in Durham and Northumberland. Wales. — Fairly well distributed in eastern parts, but very rare or unknown in coastal counties on west side. Scotland. — All nesting-records doubtful, but those from Dumfries, Ross, and Stirling may possibly be authentic, otherwise only known as a passage- migrant, rare and occasional in Solway and Clyde areas, once south-west Inverness, but not known else- where on west side ; on east coast seems fairly regular in very small numbers on autumn- passage, having been observed for several years at Isle of May (Forth), but on mainland very rarely recorded. Orkneys (Sule Skerry) once, Sept. 17, 1902 ; Fair Isle small numbers in May (occasionally April and June) and in autumn (Aug. to Oct.) ; Shetlands occurrence doubtful ; O. Hebrides three times, viz. : Flannan Isles (Sept. 23, 1904, and May 21, 1905), Barra (Oct. 24, 1898). Ireland.— Two. Tearaght Light (Kerry) Oct. 1, 1890, Inishtrahull Light (Donegal) Oct. 10, 1899. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 71 DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Europe from about 64° - 65° in Scandinavia and north Russia to Mediterranean, east to Ural and apparently to Caucasus, Asia Minor and Persia, but absent from Spain. Winters principally in north-east Africa. Replaced by other races in Siberia and central Asia, and Khirgiz Steppes. SYLVIA MELANOCEPHALA 149. Sylvia melanocephala melanocephala (Gm.) — THE SARDINIAN WARBLER. SYLVIA MELANOCEPHALA Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, ii, p. 970 (1789 — Sardinia). Sylvia melanocephala, C. B. Ticehurst, Bull. B.O.C., xix, p. 105 ; T. Parkin, Brit. B., i, p. 86 ; Saunders, p. 46 (in text). DISTRIBUTION. — Englatid. — One, male, near Hastings (Sussex), June 3, 1907 (ut supra}. A bird seen at Exmouth (Devon) April 16, 1890, may possibly have been of this species (cf. Saunders, p. 46). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in south Europe, Asia Minor, and north-west Africa, and winters partly in same countries, partly in Sahara, Palestine, and Nubia. Replaced by allied races in western Canaries, and Syria, the latter race also wintering in Nubia SYLVIA CANTILLANS* 150. Sylvia cantillans cantillans Pall.— THE SUB ALPINE WARBLER. SYLVIA CANTILLANS Pallas, in Vroeg's Cat. Verzam. Vogelen, etc., Adum- bratiuncula, p. 4 (1764— Italy). Sylvia subalpina Bonelli, Saunders, p. 53. DISTRIBUTION. — Scotland. — Two. One St. Kilda (0. Hebrides) June 14, 1894 (Sharpe, Bull. B.O.C., iv, p. ix.). One Fair Isle (Shetlands) 1908 (W. E. Clarke, Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1909, p. 72, and cf. Brit. B., n, p. 422). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Italy, Sardinia, Corsica, Sicily, southern Alps to Savoy, south-east France, Spain, and Portugal. Replaced in north-west Africa, and in south-east Europe, and Asia Minor, by allied races. * With the unfortunately unavoidable acceptance of the names in Vroeg's Catalogue, rediscovered some years ago by Mr. Sherborn, it becomes necessary to adopt the name cantillans, which has 56 years priority over subalpina ! — E.H. 72 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. SYLVIA UNDATA 151. Sylvia undata dartfordiensis Lath.*— THE DARTFORD WARBLER. SYLVIA DARTFORDIENSIS Latham, Ind. Orn., n, p. 517 (1790 — Bexley Heath, near Dartford). Melizophilus provincialis, Selby, Brit. Orn., i, p. 219 (1833) ; Seebohm, Hist. Brit. B., i, p. 414. Melizophilus undatus (Boddaert), Yarrell, i, p. 398 ; Sylvia undata (Boddaert), Saunders, p. 55. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Resident. Very local. Main nesting- haunts in Hants., extending into Isle of Wight and Dorset and possibly Wilts., and Surrey, extending into Berks, and Sussex ; also breeds small numbers in Cornwall, Essex, east Suffolk and probably Oxon. ; a pair or two recorded as breeding tolerably regularly at one locality in Salop. Some evidence that a pair bred Cannock Chase (Staffs.) about 1870, and formerly bred in Kent. Middlesex, and Devon, but now extinct in these counties. Recorded breeding in Somerset and Herts, requires confirmation. Rare vagrant to other counties in southern half of England. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Channel Islands and north-west France. Replaced by closely- allied races in south-west Europe and north- west Africa. AGROBATES GALACTOTESf 152. Agrobates galactotes galactotes (Temm.)— THE RUFOUS WARBLER. SYLVIA GALACTOTES Temminck, Man. d'Orn., ed. n, i, p. 182 (1820 — S. Spain). Aedon galactodes (Temminck), Yarrell, i, p. 355 ; Saunders, p. 73. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Four. One near Brighton (Sussex) Sept. 16, 1854. One Start (Devon) Sept, 25, 1859. One Slapton (Devon) Oct. 12, 1876. One Old Head of Kinsale (Cork) Sept., 1876. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — South Spain and Portugal, north Africa, south Syria. Stray birds have been observed in Italy. Appears in winter in oases of Great Desert, * The Dartford Warbler had been in the undisturbed possession of the name provincialis for over 60 years, when Gray, and later Newton and Dresser, correctly adopted undata ; and as the British race is darker and smaller it must be called S. u. dartfordiensis. The generic separation of Melizophilus is not tenable. — E.H. f The generic name " Aedon " has erroneously been accepted for the Rufous Warblers. This name was first introduced by Forster, 1817, for the Nightingales; Boie's use of the same name for the Rufous Warblers, in 1826, is therefore null and void.— E.H. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDb. 73 153- Agrobates galactotes syriacus (Hempr. & Ehr.) — THE BROWN-BACKED WARBLER. CURRUCA GALACTODES VAR. SYRiACA Hemprich and Ehrenberg, Symb. Phys., fol. bb (1833— Syria [Beirut]). Aedon familiaris, J. B. Nichols, Brit. B., i, p. 257 ; A. F. Griffith, Bull. B.O.C., xxvn, p. 29. A. g. syriacus, Witherby, Brit. B., iv, p. 310. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Two. Male, Hythe (Kent), July 15, 1907. Male, Ninfield (Sussex) May 13, 1910 (ut supra}. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — From south Herzegovina and south Dalmatia throughout Greece and Ionian Islands to Asia Minor and north Syria. Winters in south Arabia, Somaliland, and east Africa (Mombasa). Replaced in south Caucasus, Persia, Mesopotamia, Transcaspia, Turkestan, Afghanistan, and Baluchistan by A. g. familiaris, which winters in north-west India, Sindh, and Raj- putana, and has been recorded once from Heligoland. TURDUS DAUMA 154. Turdus dauma aureus Hoi.*— WHITE'S THRUSH. TURDUS AUREUS Holandre, Fauna dep. Moselle, in Ann. Moselle 1825, p. 60 (Metz). Turdus Whitei Eyton, Rarer Brit. B., p. 92 (1836 — Christchurch). Turdus varius Pallas, Yarrell, i, p. 251 ; Saunders, p. 11. T. d. aureus, Hartert, Brit. B., iv, p. 129. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Vagrant. Since the first, near Christ- church (Hants.) Jan. 24, 1828, authentic examples have been recorded, almost all in winter, from Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Gloucester, Salop, Suffolk, Norfolk, Yorks. (five), Durham, Warwick. In Scotland one, Hardacres (Berwick) Dec., 1878. In Ireland three, near Bandon (Cork), Ballymahon (Longford), and Westport (Mayo). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — East Siberia and Japan. Winters in south China and Formosa. Occasionally observed in Philippine Islands, in Pegu, Assam, west Siberia, and various parts of Europe from Urals and Scandinavia to Belgium. France, and Italy. Replaced by other subspecies on Loo Choo (Liu Kiu) Islands, in mountains of Java and Lombok, Himalayas (T. dauma dauma}, and south India. [NOTE. — An example of the SIBERIAN THRUSH, Turdus sibiricus sibiricus Pal., is said to have been shot in Surrey (winter 1860-61) and another to have been picked up at Bonchurch, Isle of Wight (winter 1874), but the evidence is not considered sufficient (c/. Saunders, p. 12). It inhabits Siberia, wintering in eastern India, Andamans, south China, and Greater Sunda Islands. Has been obtained in Germany, Belgium, Holland, France, and Bulgaria.] * Holandre's name is two years earlier than Pallas's varius. — E.H. 74 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. TURDUS PILARIS 155. Turdus pilaris L.— THE FIELDFARE. TURDUS PLLAKIS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 168 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Turdus pilaris Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 272 ; Saunders, p. 7. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor (Sept. to April, some- times May and exceptionally later). Generally distributed. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — From Shetlands to Wash small numbers arrive Sept. and early Oct., followed by large immigrations until Nov., and spread west and south-west to winter- quarters. Smaller streams, probably after an overland flight, pass down west coast Scotland and through the isles, the latter reaching winter- quarters in Ireland. Some of those passing down either coast are passage- migrants, and leave the country from western half of southern seaboard. Southward " weather- movements " occur in winter. Passage- migrants arrive on south coast England from late March through April to early May. These join our winter- visitors, which leave much as they arrived throughout April to early, and sometimes mid, May. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North Europe and north Asia, east to Lena, south to parts of Germany and Austria-Hungary, wintering in central and south Europe, in small numbers to north-west Africa and north-west India. TURDUS VISCIVORUS 156. Turdus viscivorus viscivorus L.— THE MISTLE-THRUSH. TURDUS VISCIVORUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 168 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : England ; cf. Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 647, note). Turdus viscivorus Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 258 ; Saunders, p. 1. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Kesident. Generally distributed except in higher mountains and treeless districts, and only thinly distributed in north-west Scotland, breeds in most I. Hebrides, but unknown in O. Hebrides except Stornoway (Lewis), where bred 1906 and possibly since 1902 ; rare Orkneys, but has bred ; scarce passage- migrant Fair Isle, and rare vagrant Shetlands. First seen in Ireland about 1800 ; has been spreading ever since. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Many, apparently, of our breeding- birds move southwards in late Aug. From mid-Sept, to mid-Nov. small rushes of immigrants at considerable intervals occur from Fife to Norfolk, and probably further north and further south, but apparently less regularly (in Fair Isle and Caithness they appear, however, to be regular). A migration also noted from I. Hebrides A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 75 to Cornwall and is probably somewhat like that of Fieldfare, but is not well recorded, and it seems uncertain if Ireland is reached. Emigrations along whole south coast England noted in Oct. and Nov. Winter " weather- movements " sometimes occur. From mid- Feb. to early April a return immigration is noted on south coast England, but records from elsewhere are insufficient to enable the migrations to be traced. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North and central and mountains of south Europe, east to Ural and west Siberia. Winters in Mediter- ranean countries. Replaced in north-west Africa and central Asia, and perhaps west Mediterranean isles, by allied forms. TURDUS PHILOMELUS* 157. Turdus philomelus philomelus Brehm--THE CON- TINENTAL SONG-THRUSH. TURDUS PHILOMELOS Brehm, Handb. Naturg. Vog. Deutschl.,p. 382 (1831 — Middle Germany). Turdus musicus (non Linnaeus, 1758 !), Yarrell, i, p. 264 (part) ; Saunders, p. 3 (part). Turdus philomelos, Hartert, Brit. B., iv, p. 131. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Migrant, having been identified from late Sept. to early Nov. on coasts of Yorks., Lines., Norfolk and Suffolk, and Isle of May (Forth), in April at Dorset Light, and in April as well as autumn at St. Catherine's Light (Isle of Wight), also on night of March 30-31 at Mull of Galloway Light (Miss A. C. Jackson in Hit.). Little so far recorded of this form from identified examples (cf. Brit. B., iv, pp. 246, 291), but there cannot be much doubt that it arrives annually with the first Red- wings from late Sept. throughout Oct., followed by stragglers to mid- No v. on east coast from extreme south of Shetlands to Norfolk. Many afterwards appear to proceed along coasts to winter- quarters in Ireland and the Continent, others remain as winter-residents, sometimes performing further migratory journeys along same routes as their forerunners, when compelled by unfavourable weather con- ditions. In spring this form occurs with T. p. clarkei amongst returning migrants on south coast in late March and during April, and appears to continue up east coast, and finally depart by route followed in autumn. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally, west Siberia to Lake Baikal, but absent from south Spain, south Italy, and Greece. Wintering in south Europe and north Africa. * Generally called Turdus musicus, but Linnaeus described, in 1758, under this name the Redwing ! His diagnosis ' ' alis subtus ferrugineis, linea superciliari albicante " leaves no doubt. The next oldest name for the Song-Thrush is T. philomelos Brehm, 1831.— E.H. 76 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 158. Turdus philomelus clarkei Hart. — THE BRITISH SONG-THRUSH. TURDUS PHILOMELOS CLARKEI Hartert, Bull. B.O.C., xxin, p. 54 (1909 — Great Britain) ; id., Brit. B., iv, p. 131. Turdus musicus Linnseus, Yarrell, i, p. 264 (part) ; Saunders, p. 3 (part). DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed, but rare in Shetlands. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — In late July and throughout August many, especially breeders in elevated districts, pass south gradually along all coasts. In Sept. and Oct. emigration more pronounced, and " rushes " occur in late Oct. Later on emigratory movements dependent on weather also occur. In Sept. and Oct. also a certain proportion of Irish birds emigrate. Many British Song -Thrushes winter in Ireland as well as further south. The return migration begins on south coasts England and Ireland during Feb., and lasts throughout March, and into April. Irish winter -residents return about late March. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — According to a note by Baron R. Snouckaert van Schauburg. the British form also inhabits Holland (Orn. Monatsber., 1910, p. 158; cf. Brit. B., v, p. 223). TURDUS MUSICUS* 159. Turdus musicus L.— THE REDWING. TURDUS MUSICUS Linnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 169 (1758— Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Turdus iliacus Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. xn, i, p. 292 (1766 — non Linnaeus 1758 ! The latter is a hopeless mixture, while the name musicus is unassailable.) Turdus iliacus Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 268 ; Saunders, p. 5. Turdus musicus, Hartert, Brit. B., iv, p. 130. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor (mid-Aug. to April and May). Generally distributed. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Similar to those of the Fieldfare. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeding in north Europe and north Asia, including Iceland, south in Europe to north-east corner of East Prussia, wintering in south Europe and north-west Africa, Persia, and north-west India. * As stated under T. philomelus, the name musicus, as first published, refers to the Redwing, and was only afterwards transferred to the Song-Thrush. The name iliacus was, in the first instance, an inextricable mixture of Song- Thrush, Redwing, and Mistle-Thrush, and could not be employed for the Redwing for this reason, as well as because the latter was already called musicus. — E .H. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 77 TURDUS FUSCATUS 1 60. Turdus fuscatus Pall.— THE DUSKY THRUSH. TURDUS FUSCATUS Pallas, Zoogr. Ross-Asiat., i, p. 451, pi. xn (1827 — Transbaikalia). Turdus fuscatus = T. dubius, Musters, Bull. B.O.C., xvi, p. 45 ; Saunders, Brit. B., i, p. 5. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One near Gunthorpe (Notts.), Oct. 13, 1905 (ut supra}. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Siberia, wintering in China, north-west India to Assam. Occasionally in Europe : Italy, south France, Russia, probably Germany, Heligoland (once), Belgium, Holland, Norway. TURDUS RUFICOLLIS 161. Turdus ruficollis atrogularis Temm. — THE BLACK- THROATED THRUSH. TURDUS ATROGULARIS Temminck, Man. d'Orn., i, p. 169 (1820 — Austria and Silesia). Turdus atrigularis Temminck, Yarrell, i, p. 276 ; Saunders, p. 9. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Four. Male Lewes (Sussex), Dec. 23, 1868. One (said to have been with another) near Perth, Feb., 1879 (Saunders, p. 9). Male, Newenden (Kent), Jan. 30, 1909 (T. Parkin, Bull. B.O.C., xxm, p. 57 ; Brit. B., n, p. 378). Male Wittersham (Kent) March 15, 1911 (N. F. Ticehurst, Bull. B.O.C., xxvii, p. 94 ; Brit. B., v, p. 50). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — West Siberia to Altai Mountains and, according to Sewertzow, in Turkestan. On passage or in winter in Turkestan, Afghanistan, Persia, Baluchistan, Himalayas, and north-west India. Once obtained in south Arabia, casual in Europe : Finland, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Austria, rarer in west. Replaced by T. ruficollis ruficollis in east Siberia. [NOTE. — Several examples of the AMERICAN ROBIN, Turdus migratorius migratorius L., which inhabits eastern and northern North America, and in winter migrates to Florida, Texas, Bermudas, and exceptionally Cuba, have been taken in the British Isles, but they had no doubt escaped from captivity. Recently an attempt at introduction has been made at Guildford (Surrey).] TURDUS TORQUATUS 162. Turdus torquatus torquatus L.— THE RING-OUZEL. TURDUS TORQUATUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 170 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Turdus torquatus Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 287 ; Saunders, p. 15. 78 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Summer-resident (late March and April to Sept. and Oct.), occasionally staying throughout winter. Nests regularly in hilly districts of Cornwall, Devon and Somerset, Wales and Welsh border, in Pennine backbone and spurs from north Staffs., Derby., and east Cheshire northwards to Cheviots, and on moors of north-east Yorks. A few breed Isle of Man. Said to have nested exceptionally in Hants., Kent, Suffolk, Norfolk, Warwick, and other counties. Has visited most counties on migration. Scotland. — On mainland generally distributed in summer (occasion- ally staying winter) ; breeds in higher districts and in some localities down to sea-level, but most common from 1,000 to 1,600 feet, and seldom nests above 2,000 feet. Rarely breeds Orkneys, but occurs spring and autumn, as in Shetlands, where does not breed. Nests in most I. Hebrides, but only sporadically Skye, and not Tiree ; in 0. Hebrides a very rare visitor. Ireland. — Thinly distributed summer-resident in wilder mountain-districts of each province, and occasionally near sea-level. Occasionally remains winter. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — British breeding-birds probably reach summer-quarters by a westerly route, arriving in extreme south- west England. Passage-migrants occur in small numbers from mid- April to mid-May east of line from Isle of Wight to Wash. Occurs in most counties on autumn-passage, but the route down east coast is very well marked, and probably includes both British-bred birds and passage-migrants. Also indications of a west coast route in autumn. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Scandinavia, migrating through Europe and wintering in Mediterranean countries. Replaced by allied forms in mountain-systems of central and south Europe, and in Caucasus, east to north Persia and Transcaspia. 163. Turdus torquatus alpestris (Brehm) — THE ALPINE RING-OUZEL. MERULA ALPESTRIS Brehm, Isis 1828, p. 1,281 (nomen nudum !) ; id., Handb. Naturg. Vog. Deutschl., p. 377 (1831— Tirol). DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One or more. Male, Guestling (Sussex), May 23, 1911 (M. J. Nicoll, Brit. B., v, p. 72). One said to have been of this form obtained in Yorks. early in 1893, and another in Norfolk Sept. 18, 1894 (ZooL, 1895, pp. 56, 99). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in mountains of central and south Europe, from Pyrenees to Alps, higher mountain-ranges of south Germany, east to Balkans and Carpathians. On passage obtained in Asia Minor, where it possibly breeds. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 79 TURDUS MERULA 164. Turdus merula merula L. — THE BLACKBIRD. TURDUS MERULA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 170 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Turdus merula Linnaeus, Yarrell, I, p. 280 ; Saunders, p. 13. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed, but in 0. Hebrides and Shetlands a scarce and local breeder, though more common in Orkneys and I. Hebrides, and much more common in all these islands as winter-visitor. In Ireland has extended breeding-range to extreme west of mainland, and to Achill Island and Aran Isles. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Many home-bred birds migrate in autumn and return in spring, especially in north Scotland and exposed places elsewhere. A large autumn (late Oct. and Nov.) immigration in northern isles and down both sides of Great Britain, as well as in Ireland. Some of these immigrants pass on and leave the country, others stay winter. A reverse movement in spring (late Feb. to early April). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — The whole of Europe, except Spain, where replaced — as in north-west Africa, the Atlantic islands, south- east Europe to Persia, Syria, Turkestan to Mongolia, Himalayas and China — by more or less closely-allied forms. MONTICOLA SAXATILIS 165. Monticola saxatilis (L.)— THE ROCK-THRUSH. TURDUS SAXATILIS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. xn, i, p. 294 (1766 — " Habitat in Helve tiae, Austrise, Borussiae montibus." Restricted typical locality : Switzerland). Monticola saxatilis (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 292 ; Saunders, p. 17. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Five or more. One Therfield (Herts.) May 19, 1843 (Saunders, p. 17). Male obtained and another seenPentland Skerries Light (Orkneys) May 17, 1910 (W. E. Clarke, Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1910, p. 148, 1911, p. 135 ; cf. Brit. B., iv, p. 117, v, p. 200.) Male and female (young) Pett (Sussex) Sept. 1 and 2, 1911 (H. W. Ford-Lindsay, Brit. B., v, p. 130). [One said to have been seen near Whitby (Yorks.) June, 1852, and another said to have been shot at Cobham (Kent).] DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North-west Africa, south and middle Europe, east to south Siberia and north China, wintering in tropical Africa, north India and China. 80 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. CENANTHE CENANTHE* 1 66. CEnanthe oenanthe oenanthe (L.)— THE WHEATEAR. MOTACILLA OENANTHE Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 186 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Saxicola oenanthe (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 347 ; Saunders, p. 19 (part). DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer-resident (March to Oct.) ; said to winter occasionally. Widely distributed, though local. Also passage-migrant, arrivals on south coast England in May and move- ments in various parts in late Oct. and Nov. being no doubt of such birds. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Whole of Europe to north (and possibly south) Spain, east to north and central Asia ; wintering in tropical Africa. (See Hartert's Vog. pal. Fauna, i, pp. 680-81, on geographical and other variations.) 167. CEnanthe oenanthe leucorrhoa (Gm.) — THE GREEN- LAND WHEATEAR. MOTACILLA LEUCORHOA Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, ii, p. 966 (1789 — Senegal). Saxicola oenanthe (L.), Saunders, p. 19 (part). Saxicola oenanthe leucorrhoa (Gmelin), C. B. Ticehurst, Brit. B., n, p. 271. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Passage-migrant (April-May and Sept. -Oct.) through Great Britain and Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Greenland and north-east America west of Davis Strait to Labrador, and apparently Iceland, though a series from there should be re-examined, as they appear to be, at least partly, intermediate. Migrates through north-west Africa, Canaries, and Azores to Senegambia, in America to New York, New Brunswick, Ontario, Colorado, and Louisiana. CENANTHE DESERTI 1 68. CEnanthe deserti deserti (Temm.)— THE WESTERN DESERT- WHEATEAR. Saxicola deserti Temminck, PI. Col. 359, fig. 2 (1825— Egypt). ? Saxicola deserti (Temminck), Yarrell, in, p. viii ; S. deserti Riippell, Saunders, p. 25 (? part). * The Wheatears have, for a long time, been called Saxicola without due consideration of facts, and it has even been stated that Motacilla cznanthe is the genotype " by subsequent designation " of Gray, 1841. This designa- tion, however, was anticipated by Swainson, who, in 182 7, designated Motacilla rubicola as the genotype. Thus the name Saxicola must be used for the Chats, which is lucky in so far as the usual name Pratincola is not available, because of its use for the Pratincoles in 1798, eighteen years before. By the method of elimination Saxicola also becomes the generic title for the Chats, and not for the Wheatears. The next oldest name for the latter is CEnanthe Vieillot, 1816, type by tautonymy Motacilla oenanthe L. — E.H. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 81 DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Female Holderness coast (Yorks.) Oct. 17, 1885 (Saunders, p. 25), is of this form. Other Desert- Wheatears which we have not examined, are : male, near Alloa (Clackmannan), Nov. 26, 1880 ; male, near Arbroath (Forfar), Dec. 28, 1887 (Saunders, p. 25) ; male " near the sea " (Norfolk), Oct. 31, 1907 (J. H. Gurney, Zoo!., 1908, p. 132). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Sahara. Once obtained in Italy. 169. CEnanthe deserti albifrons (Brandt)*— THE EASTERN DESERT- WHEATEAR. SAXICOLA ALBIFRONS Brandt, Bull. Acad. St. Petersburg, n, p. 139 (1844 — W. Siberia). Saxicola deserti atrogularis Blyth, Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 684. DISTRIBUTION. — Scotland. — Male Pentland Skerries Light (Orkneys), June 2, 1906 (W. E. Clarke, Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1906, p. 138) is of this form. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — From Khirgiz Steppes to Saissansk, Dsungaria, Nan-Shan, Ala-Shan, Ordas, and south Kuku-Nor. (Specimens obtained on Heligoland probably belong to this form.) On migration through south-west Asia to south Arabia, Sokotra, and north-east Africa. CENANTHE HISPANICAf 170. CEnanthe hispanica hispanica (L.)— THE WESTERN BLACK-EARED WHEATEAR. MOTACILLA HISPANICA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 186 (1758— " Hispania." Typical locality : Gibraltar). Saxicola stapazina (Vieillot), Yarrell, i, p. viii ; Saunders, p. 23 ; S. stapazina (Linnaeus) nee Vieillot, id., Brit. B., i, p. 6 ; S. occidentalis, id., I.e., p. 7 ; S. h. hispanica, Hartert, op.c., TV, p. 131. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Six obtained and one seen, viz. : male (black-throated) near Bury (Lanes.) May 8, 1875 ; male (black-throated) seen Spurn (Yorks.) Sept. 18, 1892 (Saunders, p. 23) ; male near Polegate (Sussex) May 28, 1902; male near Hooe (Sussex) May 22, 1905 ; male (black-throated) near Lydd (Kent) May 22, 1906 (Saunders, Brit. B., i, pp. 6, 7) ; male Winchelsea (Sussex) May 2, 1907 (J. B. Nichols, i.e., i, p. 185) ; male (black-throated) Fair Isle Sept. 25, 1907 (W. E. Clarke, Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1908, p. 81 ; cf. Brit. B., i, p. 382). * The name albifrons has hitherto been overlooked, and was only dis- covered by Hartert after the appearance of the first volume of his book on Palae arctic birds. f Clearly described in 1758 as Mot. hispanica. As the black-throated and white- throated birds (stapazina and aurita of former times) are only dimorphisms of the same species, hispanica takes the place of both. — E.H. G 82 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIKDS. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Western Mediterranean countries, south of the Alpine range and south Tyrol. Passing through the western Sahara and observed as far south as Senegambia. Has been shot on Heligoland. Replaced in eastern Mediterranean countries, east to Asia Minor and Syria, by (E. hispanica xanthomelcena. ((E. h. gaddi from west Persia is as yet insufficiently known.) 171. CEnanthe hispanica xanthomelaena (Hempr. & Ehr.)*— THE EASTERN BLACK-EARED WHEATEAR. SAXICOLA XANTHOMELAENA Hemprich & Ehrenberg, Symb. Phys., Aves, fol. c, aa, no. 6 (1833 — Egypt. Description of the autumn-plumage of the black-throated form). Saxicola amphileuca Hemprich & Ehrenberg, t.c., fol. bb, no. 4 (1833 — Syria. Description of the white- throated form in summer-plumage). Saxicola stapazina Linn. (=S. aurita Temm.), M. J. Nicoll, Bull. B.O.C., xvi, p. 22 ; Saxicola stapazina (Linn.), nee Vieillot, Saunders, Brit. B., i, p. 6. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One. Adult male near Pett, Sussex, Sept. 9, 1905 (ut supra}. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds from Asia Minor and Palestine westwards throughout Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Roumania, south Russia (Crimea) to Montenegro, Croatia and Dalmatia, and perhaps in south Italy (Apulia, Calabria, Sicily ?). Migrates through Egypt and Nubia and winters in eastern Sudan and Abyssinia. On passage not very rare in Italy, rare in Tripoli, Tunisia, and Algeria. CENANTHE PLESCHANKA 172. CEnanthe pleschanka pleschanka (Lepech.) — THE PIED WHEATEAR. MOTACILLA PLESCHAKKALepechin, Nov. Comm. Petr., xiv, p. 503, pi. 24 (1770 or 1771 — Saratow on the Volga ; translation in Hase, Lepechin's Reise, i, p. 229). Saxicola pleschanka, E. V. Baxter and L. J. Rintoul, Ann. Scot. Xat. Hist., 1910, p. 2 ; c/. Brit. B., in, p. 290. DISTRIBUTION. — Scotland. — Female, Isle of May (Forth) Oct. 19, 1909 (ut supra}. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — South Russia to Crimea, Dobrudscha, Caucasus, Transcaspia, Turkestan, Persia, Afghanistan, west Tibet, north to south-east Siberia, and north China, also in Gilgit and north Kashmir. On passage in north-east Africa and Arabia, also casual in Italy and perhaps Algeria, also on Heligoland. Replaced by smaller race in Cyprus. * Hemprich and Ehrenberg gave a number of names to the eastern black- and white-throated and black-eared Wheatears, the first of which is xanthomelcvna. — E.H. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 83 CENANTHE ISABELLINA 173. CEnanthe isabellina (Cretzschm.)— THE ISABELLINE WHEATEAR. SAXICOLA ISABELLINA Cretzschmar, Atlas zu Riippells Reise, Vogel, p. 52, pi. 34, b (1826— Nubia). Saxicola isabellina Riippell, Saunders, p. 21. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Two. Female, Allonby (Cumberland) Nov. 11, 1887 (H. A. Macpherson, Ibis, 1888, p. 149). Male, Rye Harbour (Sussex) April 17, 1911 (N. F. Ticehurst, Brit. B., v, p. 74). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — From steppes of south-east Russia, Asia Minor and Syria to Turkestan, Tibet, Mongolia, east Siberia, and north-west China ; wintering in north-east and east Africa, south Arabia, and west India. Casual in south-east Europe, a few times observed in Tunisia and Algeria. CENANTHE LEUCURA 174. CEnanthe leucura leucura (Gm.) — THE BLACK WHEATEAR. TURDUS LEUCURUS Gmeliri, Syst. Nat., i, ii, p. 820 (1789 — Gibraltar). Saxicola leucura (Gm.), N. F. Ticehurst, Brit. B., m, p. 289. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Male and female near Rye Harbour (Sussex) seen Aug. 31, 1909, and shot Sept. 2 and 16 respectively (ut supra}. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Portugal and Spain, Riviera, and, ap- parently, in Sicily, but not in Greece. Replaced by a closely- allied form in north-west Africa. SAXICOLA RUBETRA* 175. Saxicola rubetra rubetra (L.)— THE WHINCHAT. MOTACILLA RUBETRA Linnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 186 (1758 — Europe. Retricted typical locality : Sweden). Pratincola rubetra (Linnseus), Yarrell, i, p. 344 ; Saunders, p. 27. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Summer-resident (April to Oct.), somewhat local, but widely distributed and in many parts very numerous. Rare Cornwall, very local Orkneys, a rarely observed migrant only in Shetlands ; spring and autumn migrant Fair Isle ; breeds very sparingly O. Hebrides. Ireland. — Breeds locally through- out Ulster and in north-east Mayo, Leitrim, Sligo, Roscommon and Longford, scarcer in Louth, Dublin, Wicklow, and Clare; elsewhere a rare migrant. Winters on rare occasions. * The usual name Pratincola dates from Koch, 1816, but cannot be used because Schrank introduced it for the Pratincoles in 1798. (See note under CEnanthe cenanthe. ) — E .H. G 2 84 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeding in Europe, from about lat. 70° north in Scandinavia to Mediterranean (in Greece and south Spain only on passage), wintering in tropical Africa. Replaced by paler forms in south Dalmatia and north-west Africa ( ? breeding), in the Caucasus (perhaps also parts of Persia and Asia Minor), and west Siberia. SAXICOLA TORQUATA 176. Saxicola torquata hibernans (Hart.)— THE BRITISH STONECHAT. PRATINCOLA TORQUATA HIBERNANS Hartert, Journ. f. Orn., 1910, p. 173 (England). Pratincola rubicola (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 339 ; Saunders, p. 29 ; P. t. hibernans, Hartert, Brit. B., m, p. 315. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident, widely distributed, but local and uncertain, often abandoning a locality after a few years. Most numerous in coastal regions. Very local in midland plain of England, in Pennines, and in south-west Scotland, but more common northwards and eastwards in Scotland. Breeds sparingly 0. Hebrides, rarely Orkneys, and only occasional visitor to Fair Isle and Shetlands. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — A considerable movement to coast and southwards takes place in autumn, and probably some indi- viduals leave the country in winter. In many districts, especially inland, it is only a summer-resident. Passage-movements noted in O. Hebrides and Fair Isle may refer to the Continental race, 8. t. rubicola (L.). 177. Saxicola torquata indica (Blyth)— THE INDIAN STONECHAT. PRATINCOLA INDICA Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, xvi, p. 129 (1847 — India). Pratincola maura (nee Pallas), Saunders, Brit. B., i, p. 7. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Male near Cley (Norfolk) Sept. 2, 1904 (Saunders, Bull. B.O.C., xvi, p. 10, and Brit. B., i, p. 7 ; cf. Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 708). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — West Siberia, Russian Turkestan to south Ural and western Himalayas, wintering in India generally. Represented by S. t. hibernans in British Isles, by 8. t. rubicola* in continental Europe from south Sweden to Mediterranean, east to south Russia and north-west Africa, and passing through northern Sahara on migration, by 8. t. maura in Caucasus, and by other forms in various parts of Asia and Africa. * This form has not yet been proved to occur in the British Isles so far as we are aware. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 85 PHCENICURUS PHCENICURUS* 178. Phoenicurus phcenicurus phoenicurus (L.) — THE RED- START. MOTACILLA PHCENICURUS Linnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 187 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Ruticilla pho&nicurus (Linnseus), Yarrell, i, p. 329 ; Saunders, p. 31. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Summer-resident (late March to Oct.), widely distributed, but local. Uncommon as nester west of Exeter (Devon) and unusual in Cornwall. Scotland. — Widely distributed but local. Rare as nester in extreme north of mainland, has not bred Orkneys and only once Shetlands (1901), but is well known in these islands and Fair Isle as spring and autumn migrant. Breeds in Mull, but not elsewhere in I. Hebrides, but occurs regularly on double passage at Skerryvore. Rare autumn-visitor to O. Hebrides. Ireland. — Very rare, a few pairs breeding regularly in Wicklow and occasionally in Tyrone. Very scarce on migration at Lights. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Spring and autumn passage-migrant along whole east coast from Kent to Shetlands. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from North Cape to Mediterranean, but in Spain only north of Cantabrian mountains, in Italy only in mountains, and in Greece on passage ; Russia with exceptions of Steppes, Tundras and Crimea ; in Siberia to Irkutsk and Lake Baikal. Wintering in west and north-east Africa. Replaced by allied races in Atlas mountains, and in Crimea, Caucasus, Trans- caucasia, Asia Minor, Persia, and Bochara. PHCENICURUS OCHRURUS 179. Phoenicurus ochrurus gibraltariensisf (Gm.) — THE BLACK REDSTART. MOTACILLA GIBRALTAKIENSIS Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, 2, p. 987 (1789 — Gibraltar). Ruticilla titys (Scopoli), Yarrell, i, p. 333 ; Saunders, p. 33. P. o. gibraltariensis, Hartert, Brit. B., iv, p. 132. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Passage-migrant (Oct.- Nov. and March-April and sometimes May) and winter-visitor. Regular but generally in very small numbers along south and east * The generic name Phcenicurus antedates Ruticilla. — E.H. f The time-honoured name titys is erroneously used for the Black Redstart. Linnseus described under that name an old female of the Redstart, and not a Black Redstart. Therefore gibr altar iensis must be used, and as the Black Redstart of the Caucasus is a subspecies (geographical representative) of it, the name of the latter, being older, becomes the specific name of the Black Redstarts.— E.H. 86 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. coasts England as far as Yorks., north of which, as well as on west side England north of Bristol Channel and in Wales, it is rarely observed. In southern counties of England, and especially in Cornwall and Devon, winters regularly, but elsewhere only rarely found in winter. Reports of breeding are not substantiated. Scotland. — Rare and irregular passage-migrant to east coast as far north as Pentland Skerries (Orkneys) (twice), Orkneys (twice), and Fair Isle (five times). On western side rare straggler: Sol way (twice), Clyde (once). In 0. Hebrides, four times Flannans and once South Uist. Once Tiree. Ireland. — Fairly regular autumn and occasional spring passage -migrant in south and south-east. Rare elsewhere. Occasionally in winter. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from Baltic to Mediterranean, east to Roumania and Bulgaria. Wintering partly in Europe, but mostly in Africa. Casual in Scandinavia, once Finland. Re- placed by a number of rather different forms in Caucasus, Armenia, Persia, Syria, Transcaspia to Turkestan, Altai and Sayan Moun- tains, central Asia generally and parts of the Himalayas to Tibet and Mongolia. LUSCINIA MEGARHYNCHA 1 80. Luscinia megarhyncha megarhyncha Brehm - THE NIGHTINGALE. LTJSCINIA MEGARHYNCHOS Brehm, Handb. Naturg. Vog. Deutschl., p. 356 (1831— Germany). Daulias luscinia* (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 312 ; Saunders, p. 39. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Summer-resident (April to mid-Sept.). Generally distributed in suitable places and locally numerous south and east of a line joining Wash and Severn, except in Cornwall and extreme wrest Somerset, where it is absent, and in Devon, where it is confined to river-valleys a short distance inland from south coast as far west as the Dart. In Hereford, Monmouth, and Glamorgan confined to southern river- valleys. North and west of above-mentioned line becomes rapidly scarce, and is only regular and at all numerous in river-valleys, and is sporadic and uncertain in south Staffs., Salop, and south Derby., and only occasional in Cheshire and the extreme east of Brecon, Montgomery, Denbigh, and Flint. On east side locally not uncommon in Leicester, Notts., and Lines., but thins out northwards and breeds irregularly in southern parts of the eastern and south-eastern portions of West Yorks., and sporadically in eastern half of North Yorks. Records of vagrants from Carmarthen, Cardigan, Lanes. (?), Durham, and Northumberland (cf. Brit. B., v, pp. 2-21). Scotland. — One, Isle * The specific name luscinia originally referred to the Thrush-Nightingale or Sprosser, and cannot, therefore, be used for our Nightingale ! See, among others, Sharpe, Handlist, iv, p. 153. — E.H. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 87 of May (Forth), May 9, 1911 (Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1911, p. 132; cf. Brit. B., v, p. 83). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from shores of North Sea to Mediterranean, and Black Sea, north-west Africa, Asia Minor, and Cyprus, wintering in Africa. Replaced by other races in Persia, Turkestan, and Khirgiz Steppes. Recently Corsican form has been separated (Orn. Monatsber., 1910, p. 155). LUSCINIA LUSCINIA 181. Luscinia luscinia (L.)— THE THRUSH-NIGHTINGALE. MOTACILLA LUSCINIA Linnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 184 (1758 — " Europa." Restricted typical locality: Sweden. Linnaeus expressly says that he did not observe the small Nightingale). Luscinia luscinia, W. E. Clarke, Scot. Nat., 1912, p. 9 ; cf. Brit. B., v, p. 240. DISTRIBUTION. — Scotland. — One Fair Isle (Shetlands), May 15, 1911 (ut supra). [One at Smeeth (Kent) Oct. 22, 1904 (M. J. Nicoll, Bull. B.O.C., xv, p. 20) was considered an unlikely genuine migrant owing to the late date (cf. Hartert, i.e., p. 47 ; Saunders, Brit. B., I, p. 8). Another said to have been taken Norfolk, June 5, 1845, was not identified until many years afterwards (L. A. C. Edwards, Brit. B., v, p. 224).] DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — South and middle Sweden, south Finland, Denmark, a narrow belt along the Baltic in north Germany, north- east Germany generally, Galizia, Transylvania, Roumania, Russia, east to the Ural (Orenburg) and south-west Siberia to the Altai. Casual and rare in west Europe. Wintering in east Africa. [NOTE! — Two examples of the SIBERIAN RUBY-THROAT, Luscinia calliope (Pallas), are said by Mr. J. P. Nunn to have been observed by him near Westgate-on-Sea (Kent) in Oct., 1900 (cf. Saunders, Brit. B., i, p. 8), but on this evidence the bird cannot be admitted. It breeds from Siberia to Kamtschatka, Mongolia and north China, wintering in the Philippines, south China and India, and has been observed in the Urals, Caucasus, south France (2) and Italy (4).] LUSCINIA SVECICA* 182. Luscinia svecica gaetkei (Kleinschm.)f — THE NOR- WEGIAN BLUETHROAT. ERITHACUS GAETKEI Kleinschmidt, Journ. f. Orn., 1904, p. 302 (Norwegian Alps, but type a migrant from Heligoland). Ruticilla suecica (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 321 ; Cyanecula suecica (Linnaeus), Saunders, p. 35. * No structural character appears to exist by which the Nightingales, Bluethroats, and some other birds not occurring in the British Isles can be separated ; they must therefore be placed in the same genus. — E.H. t This form and its distribution require further study. It differs from the Lapland form by a more pointed wing, larger size, and deeper brown upper-parts. 88 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Regular autumn passage-migrant (Aug.- Oct.) and probably a regular, but seldom observed, spring -migrant along east coast. Rare straggler south coast ; elsewhere not recorded. Scotland. — On mainland only once autumn (Elgin, Sept. 15, 1890), and twice spring (off Aberdeen, May 16, 1872, Carmyle, Clyde, May 14, 1910). In Fair Isle and Isle of May regularly in recent years in autumn as well as spring 1909 in Fair Isle. Three Unst (Shetlands) Sept., 1902, one Monach Island Light (O. Hebrides) Oct., 1890, and one Pentland Skerries (Orkneys) May 12, 1890. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Norwegian high mountains. Passes in numbers over Heligoland, through Holland, and apparently north- west Germany, France, and Spain. Replaced by allied forms in Lapland and Sweden, and north Asia. 183. Luscinia svecica cyanecula (Wolf) — THE WHITE- SPOTTED BLUETHROAT. SYLVIA CYANECULA Wolf, in Meyer & Wolf's Taschenb. d. deutsch. Vogelk., i, p. 240 (1810— Germany). Cyanecula leucocyana Brehm, Yarrell, i, p. 323 (in text) ; Cyanecula wolfi C. L. Brehm, Saunders, Brit. B., i, p. 7. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Seven males. Near Scarborough (Yorks.), April 12, 1876 (J. G. Tuck, Zool., 1876, p. 4976, cf. Birds Yorks., p. 38, and Brit. B., i, p. 228). Dungeness Light (Kent) Oct. 6, 1902 (M. J. Nicoll, Bull, B.O.C., xn, p. 14). Near Hastings (Sussex) Sept. 1, 1905 (C. B. Ticehurst, op.c., xvi, p. 34). Fair Isle (Shetlands) presumably spring 1909 and in 1910 (W. E. Clarke, Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1910, pp. 67, 196; cf. Brit. B., m, p. 417, v, p. 200). Two, Pett Level (Sussex), May 15 and 17, 1911 (i.e., v, H. W. Ford-Lindsay, p. 23, J. B. Nichols, p. 106).* DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Middle Europe from France to west Russia. Migrates through more western parts of Europe to north- west Africa, also in lesser numbers to north-east Africa. Replaced by closely-allied forms in south Russia generally, Persia, Kashmir (Ladakh), the Karakoram, Pamir and Altai Mountains, and east Turkestan. * A bird said to have been a Bluethroat was seen by Captain Hadneld at Bonchurch, Isle of Wight, from about Feb., 1865, to Sept., 1867, and is said to have had a spotless blue throat in the month of November, 1865 ! In Jan., 1866, another Bluethroat was recorded from the same place by the same observer. No Bluethroats have been observed elsewhere in Great Britain in winter. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 89 DANDALUS RUBECULA* 184. Dandalus rubecula rubecula (L.)— THE CONTINENTAL REDBREAST. MOTACILLA RUBECULA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat.,ed. i, p. 188 (1758 — "Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Erithacus rubecula (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 305 (part) ; Saunders, p. 37 (part). DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Few identified specimens have been recorded. In spring has been noted St. Catherine's Light (Isle of Wight) between March 25 and April 23. In autumn on east coast from Yorks. to Suffolk between Sept. 14 and Nov. 4, in Sussex in Oct., and at St. Catherine's Light between Oct. 23 and Dec. 11. In Scotland has been noted on spring and autumn passages in Fair Isle (Shetlands), where it also winters in small numbers. Has also occurred Mull of Galloway, Nov., and Isle of May, Oct. The Robins occurring often in great numbers on passage in Shetlands are probably also of this form. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally up to 68* north from France to Urals, west Siberia and west Turkestan, Madeira, Azores, some of the Canaries, wintering in Persia, and Mediterranean countries to oases of Sahara. Replaced by allied forms in Sardinia and Corsica, in north-west Africa, on Tenerife and Gran Canaria, north Persia and Caucasus. 185. Dandalus rubecula melophilus (Hart.)— THE BRITISH REDBREAST. ERITHACUS RUBECULA MELOPHILUS Hartert, Nov. Zool., 1901, p. 317 (British Isles). Erithacus rubecula (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 305 (part) ; Saunders, p. 37 (part) ; E. r. melophilus, Hartert, Brit. B., i, p. 219. DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to British Isles. British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed, but scarce in extreme north of Scottish mainland and in Orkneys, and apparently absent from Shetlands (passage-migrants in Shetlands are probably D. r. rubecula} ; sparingly distributed North Uist and Lewis, and has bred Barra since 1892, but not in other O. Hebrides. (Single birds, of which race not recorded, have occurred occasionally Flannan Isles, spring and autumn.) MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — A considerable movement of individuals, southward in autumn and northward in spring, occurs, * If the Robins are separated generically their name must be Dandalus, as Erithacus cannot be used, the genotype of the latter being Motacilla erithacus, which is the Redstart ; moreover Cuvier's name in this case must be regarded as a nomen nudum. — E.H. 90 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. especially in Scotland and northern parts of England and along east coast. In some seasons a few leave south coast in late Oct. and early Nov., and probably return during March, but so few actual migrants have been examined that it is impossible to say anything more definite at present ; both races occur together at Lights on south coast. PRUNELLA COLLARIS* 1 86. Prunella collaris collaris (Scop.)— THE ALPINE ACCENTOR. STUKNTJS COLLARIS Scopoli, Annus i, Historico-Natur., p. 131 (1769 — Carinthia). Accentor alpinus, Seebohm, Hist. Brit. B., i, p. 501 (also MacGillivray, Hewitson, etc.). Accentor collaris (Scopoli), Yarrell, i, p. 296 ; Saunders, p. 95. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Twenty obtained or satisfactorily identified between Aug. and Jan. (once in March) in following counties : Cornwall (1), Devon (4), Somerset (1), Gloucester (1), Hants. (1), Surrey (1), Sussex (2), Essex (1), Cambs. (2), Suffolk (2), Yorks. (1), Warwick (1), Carnarvon (1), Fair Isle (Shetlands) (1). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Mountain-systems of south and central Europe, but replaced by an allied race in south-east Europe (Dalmatia to Greece), and by others in Caucasus and Asia Minor, and parts of Asia. PRUNELLA MODULARIS 187. Prunella modularis modularis (L.)— THE CONTINENTAL HEDGE-SPARROW. MOTACILLA MODULARIS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 184 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — One only so far identified, Spurn (Yorks.), Sept. 7, 1882 (Hartert, Brit. B., in, p. 314), but Hedge- Sparrows observed in Shetlands and Fair Isle in spring (twice in great numbers in April) and autumn were probably of this form, which will perhaps be found to be regular spring and autumn passage - migrant. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from about lat. 70° north to Mediterranean, east to Black Sea and Urals, in south Spain and south-east Europe only winter-visitor. Partly migratory, visiting (rarely) north-west Africa, Asia Minor, and Syria. * Prunella is the correct name for this genus, since Accentor had been previously used for the Dippers. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 91 1 88. Prunella modularis occidentalis (Hart.) — THE BRITISH HEDGE-SPARROW. ACCENTOR MODULARIS OCCIDENTALIS Hartert, Brit. B., in, p. 313 (March, 1910— British Isles). Accentor modularis (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 301 ; Saunders, p. 93. DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to British Isles. British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed, but scarcer (though increasing of recent years) in extreme north of Scottish mainland, scarce in Orkneys, does not breed Shetlands, common Stornoway (Lewis), but scarce elsewhere in 0. Hebrides. MIGRATIONS.1— British Isles. — A migration soutwards in autumn and northwards in spring is recorded on east coasts, and although some have been identified as the British form, some, like those observed in Shetlands and Fair Isle, are probably P. m. modularis. TROGLODYTES TROGLODYTES* 189. Troglodytes troglodytes troglodytes (L.)— THE WREN. MOTACILLA TROGLODYTES Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 188 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Troglodytes parvulus K. L. Koch, Yarrell, i, p. 460 (part) ; Saunders, p. 115 (part). DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed, except where replaced by local forms (ut infra}. MIGRATIONS.' — British Isles. — A migration, possibly of continental origin, in autumn and spring is noticed on east coasts England and Scotland (Isle of May), while the frequency of records (although not annual) points to an autumn passage through the western isles of Scotland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from north Scandinavia to Urals in east, and shores of Mediterranean, but replaced by allied forms on some islands in north Atlantic Ocean, in Mediterranean, north-west Africa, Caucasus and Persia, Turkestan, and other parts of north and east Asia to Japan and Kuriles, as well as North America. * There has been much diversity of opinion and discussion about the generic name of the European Wrens, which have been called Anorthura and Olbiorchilus, but as there is no sufficient reason for a generic separation of the so-called typical (American) Troglodytes and the others, the name Troglodytes can be preserved. — E.H. 92 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 190. Troglodytes troglodytes hirtensis Seeb.— THE ST. KILDA WREN. TROGLODYTES HIRTENSIS Seebohm, Zoologist, 1884, p. 333 (St. Kilda). Troglodytes parvulus K. L. Koch, Yarrell, i, p. 460 (part) ; Saunders, p. 115 (part) ; T. t. hirtensis Seeb., Hartert, Brit. B., i, p. 219. DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to St. Kilda (0. Hebrides), where it is resident. 191. Troglodytes troglodytes zetlandicus Hart. — THE SHET- LAND WREN. TROGLODYTES TROGLODYTES ZETLANDICUS Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 777 (1910— Shetland Islands). Troglodytes parvulus K. L. Koch, Yarrell, i, p. 460 (part) ; Saunders, p. 115 (part) ; T. t. zetlandicus, Hartert, Brit. B., iv, p. 134. DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to Shetlands, where it is resident. The Wren inhabiting Fair Isle appears to differ from this form. CINCLUS CINCLUS 192. Cinclus cinclus cinclus (L.)— THE BLACK-BELLIED DIPPER. STURNTJS CINCLUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 168 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Cinclus melanog aster, Yarrell, i, p. 244 (in text) ; Saunders, p. 97 (in text). DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Vagrant. Has occurred several times in Norfolk and Yorks. from Oct. to Feb. Examples said to have been of this form have also been recorded from Suffolk, Notts., and Salop, and from Spiggie (Shetlands). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Scandinavia and north Russia, Russian Baltic Provinces and apparently to East Prussia. In winter in small numbers in north-east Germany and east Russia. Replaced by allied races in Germany, the Pyrenees, Spain, Alps and Italy, Corsica and Sardinia, north-west Africa, south-east Europe, the Caucasus, west and central Asia and Siberia. 193. Cinclus cinclus britannicus Tschusi— THE BRITISH DIPPER. CINCLUS CINCLUS BRITANNICUS Tschusi, Orn. Jahrb., xin, p. 69 (1902 — Great Britain). Cinclus aquaticus Bechstein, Yarrell, i, p. 241 (part) ; Saunders, p. 97 (part) ; C. c. britannicus Tsch., Hartert, Brit. B., i, p. 220. DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to Great Britain. England and Wales. — Resident in west and north England and in Wales, where there are quickly running rocky streams, but only a rare vagrant to counties east of Dorset, Somerset, Gloucester, Hereford, Salop, Staffs., and Derby. Also very scarce in east Yorks., and Durham. Scotland.— Generally distributed except in Orkneys, where only twice occurred, A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 93 and in Shetlands, where not yet recorded ; in O. Hebrides breeds in Harris, Lewis, and Barra. 194. Cinclus cinclus hibernicus Hart. — THE IRISH DIPPER. CINCLUS CINCLUS HIBERNICUS Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, p. 790 (1910 — co. Cork, Ireland). Cinclus aquaticus Bechstein, Yarrell, i, p. 241 (part) ; Saunders, p. 97 (part) ; C. c. hibernicus, Hartert, Brit. B., iv, p. 136. DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to Ireland, where it is resident and generally distributed in suitable localities. CHELIDON RUSTICA* 195. Chelidon rustica rustica (L.)— THE SWALLOW. HIRUNDO RUSTICA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 191 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Hirundo rustica Linnaeus, Yarrell, n, p. 340; Saunders, p. 163. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer-resident (mid-March to mid-Oct., individuals often in Nov., sometimes Dec., and occasion- ally throughout winter). Generally distributed, but breeds rarely in extreme west of Ireland, north-west of Scotland and Orkneys, and very rarely Shetlands and 0. Hebrides (Barra, 1896, and probably on occasions in Uists and Lewis). MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Passage-migration lasts from late April till (sometimes) mid-June, with maximum about mid-May. These passage-migrants form bulk of later south coast immigrants. Northward movement almost entirely confined to east coast and North Sea is crossed before northern limit of mainland is reached, very few indeed passing through Orkneys and Shetlands. Small numbers pass north up east coast of Ireland and west coast of England and Wales, going through the Hebrides during first three weeks of May, probably to Faeroes and Iceland, and possibly northern Europe. Autumn passage-migration lasts from mid-Sept, to mid- Oct. Pronounced on east coast of mainland, but little noticed elsewhere. On arrival birds mingle with our own, and movements cannot be separated. Departures all take place from south coast, and probably passage-migrants form bulk of later departing birds. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe, north-west Africa and western parts of Asia. Wintering in tropical and south Africa, India and its islands. Replaced by allied forms in Syria ( ? Asia Minor), Egypt, north Asia to Japan, and North America, all being migrants, winter- ing far south. * Chelidon Forster, 1817, was used for the Swallows and not for the Martins ! Forster separated our three genera for the first time, naming the Swallows Chelidon, the Martins Hirundo, the Sand-Martins Riparia, and this must be accepted (c/. Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, i, pp. 799, 800 ; also Brit. B., iv, pp. 136, 230, 259).— E.H. 94 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. CHELIDON DAURICA. 196. Chelidon daurica rufula (Temm.)— THE RED-RUMPED SWALLOW. HIRUNDO RUFULA Temminck, Man. d'Orn., 2, ed. in, p. 298 (1835 — Egypt, Sicily, S. Africa, Japan. S. Africa ex Levaillant, whose locality is not trustworthy. Japan erroneous. Restricted typical locality : Egypt). Hinindo rufula, W. E. Clarke, Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1906, p. 205, 1908, p. 203 ; Saunders, Brit. B., I, p. 11. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Two obtained and two seen. One shot (and picked up dead ten days later) and two others seen, Fair Isle (Shetlands), June 2, 1906 (ut supra}. Adult female Jury Gap, Romney Marsh (Kent), May 16, 1909 (M. J. Nicoll, Bull. B.O.C., xxm, p. 93, and Brit. B., m, p. 122). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Turkestan, Persia, Baluchistan, Afghan- istan, Syria, Egypt ( ? only as migrant), Asia Minor, Cyprus, Greece, also Marocco and (rare or casual) Algeria, and Tunisia. Sometimes seen in Italy, perhaps breeding in Sicily and south Italy, has occurred once Heligoland, and south France. Replaced by allied races in east Siberia, Mongolia, and north China (once [two specimens] in June in Assam), in the mountains south of the Brahmaputra, India, south China, and the East Indian Archipelago (probably only in winter). HIRUNDO URBICA 197. Hirundo urbica urbica L.— THE MARTIN. HIRUNDO URBICA Linnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 192 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Chelidon urbica (Linnseus), Yarrell, n, p. 349 ; Saunders, p. 165. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer-resident (late March to mid-Oct., often Nov., and sometimes Dec.). Generally distributed, but more local, especially in Ireland, than Swallow. Scarce breeder Orkneys, only occasionally nests and not common migrant Shetlands, and rare vagrant (about eight times) to O. Hebrides. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Movements of passage -migrants have not yet been worked out in detail, but probably they follow very closely those of the Swallow, and the two species often migrate in company, particularly in autumn. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe, from lat. 70° north in Scandi- navia to Mediterranean, east to Yenisei and Turkestan. Wintering in south-east Africa and Mossamedes, and in north-west India. Replaced by short-winged form in north-west Africa and apparently south-west Persia and Greece, and in central and east Siberia, Mongolia, Manchuria and north China, Kashmir, south China and Japan. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 95 RIPARIA RIPARIA 198. Riparia riparia riparia (L.)— THE SAND-MARTIN. HIRTJNDO RIPARIA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 192 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Cotile riparia (Linnaeus), Yarrell, n, p. 355 ; Saunders, p. 167. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer-resident (late March to Sept. and Oct., and exceptionally Nov.). Widely distributed, but local. In Ireland more frequent than Martin. Scarce in extreme north of Scotland and 0. Hebrides, rare breeder Orkneys, and scarce migrant, once recorded nesting, Shetlands. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Movements of passage -migrants have not yet been worked out in detail, but probably they are very similar to those of preceding two species, with which they often travel in company, particularly in autumn. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally from 70° north, south to Tunisia and Algeria, east to Siberia, Syria, Palestine, but limits not well known, also North America. Wintering in east and south Africa, India, also in South America. Replaced by other forms (limits in Asia imperfectly known) in Siberia, north-west India, Turkestan, and Nile Valley. [NOTE. — The AMERICAN PURPLE MARTIN, Progne subis subis (L.), said to have been shot near Kingstown, Ireland, in 1840 (Yarrell, 11, p. 361 ; Saunders, p. 166), and the AMERICAN TREE-SWALLOW, Tachycineta bicolor (Vieill.), said to have been killed at Derby in 1850, cannot be admitted.] APUS MELBA* 199. Apus melba melba (L.)— THE ALPINE SWIFT. HIRUNDO MELBA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 192 (1758 — Gibraltar). melba (Linnaeus), Yarrell, n, p. 372 ; Saunders, p. 263. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — England. — Rare vagrant. About twenty-five satisfactorily identified from April to Oct. in various parts, but chiefly in southern half, but seven Yorks. and one North- umberland. Wales. — One, Pembroke, Nov. 20, 1908. Ireland. — Four. Scotland — None. * There has been much discussion about the generic name of the Swifts, but since 1897 the name Apus has been adopted by most advocates of priority. It has been rejected by some on account of the name Apos, employed in the same book by the same author some pages previously for a genus of Crustaceans. As the author (Scopoli) wrote nearly all his books in Latin, and was a great Latin scholar, we cannot consider this as an "error of transcription," but must suppose that he purposely used these two different spellings, in order to distinguish between the two names. If the name Apus is rejected, then Micropus comes into use, as employed in the Catalogue of Birds. — E.H. 96 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North-west Africa, south Europe to Pyrenees, Alps and Crimea, islands in Mediterranean, Asia Minor to Caucasus, Persia to Turkestan, Himalayas and high mountains of Indian Peninsula, Ceylon. Winter- quarters uncertain ; observed in south Arabia and northern Sahara on migration. Replaced by allied races in mountains of tropical and south Africa. APUS APUS 200. Apus apus apus (L.) — THE SWIFT. HIRUNDO APUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 192 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Cypselus apus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, n, p. 364 ; Saunders, p. 261. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer-resident (end April to end Aug., Sept., and Oct., exceptionally later). Generally distributed except in north-west Scotland, where does not breed ; I. Hebrides, where rarely breeds ; O. Hebrides, Orkneys and Shetlands, where does not breed and is an uncommon, though fairly regular, migrant. These last must be passage-migrants, but there is practically no other evidence of passage-migration. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally from about lat. 70° in Scandinavia and Archangel in north Russia southwards, in winter as far as south Africa and Madagascar. Replaced by somewhat doubtful forms in south Europe and north-west Africa, and by more distinct ones in various parts of west, north, and middle Asia. CENTURA CAUDACUTA 201. Chaetura caudacuta caudacuta (Lath.) — THE NEEDLE- TAILED SWIFT. HIRUNDO CAUDACUTA Latham, Ind. Orn., Suppl., p. Ivii, (1801 — Australia). Acanthyllis caudacuta (Latham), Yarrell, n, p. 371 (footnote), in, p. ix ; Saunders, p. 265. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Two. One Great Horkesley (Essex) July 8, 1846 (Zool., 1846, p. 1492). One (said to have been with another) Ringwood (Hants) July 26 or 27, 1879 (Proc. Zool. Soc., 1880, p. 1 ; Zool., 1880, p. 81). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — East Siberia, Mongolia, Manchuria, Sac- halin, and Japan, in winter in Australia and Tasmania. Replaced by G. caudacuta nudipes in the Himalayas. CAPRIMULGUS EUROP^US 202. Caprimulgus europaeus europaeus L. — THE NIGHTJAR. CAPRIMULGUS EUROPAEUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 193 (1758 — ' ' Europe and America," the latter a mistake. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Caprimulgus europceus Linnseus, Yarrell, n, p. 377 ; Saunders, p. 267. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 97 DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer-resident (May to Sept., occasionally Nov.). Generally distributed in suitable localities, except Orkneys and Shetlands, where only a vagrant, and 0. Hebrides, where only twice occurred (Ghlaiss, Aug. 14, 1897, N. Uist, June 2, 1907). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from about lat. 63° north, south- wards in winter in Africa. Replaced in Spain, Corsica and Sardinia, parts of Italy, south-east Europe north to Hungary, Crimea, and south-east Russia, Asia Minor, north-west Africa, and various parts of Asia by other races. CAPRIMULGUS ^GYPTIUS 203. Caprimulgus aegyptius segyptius Licht.* — THE EGYPTIAN NIGHTJAR. CAPRIMULGUS .^GYPTIUS Lichtenstein, Verz. Doubl., p. 59 (1823 — Typical locality : Egypt). Caprimulgus cegyptius (Licht.), Yarrell, in, p. ix ; Saunders, p. 270. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One Rainworth, near Mansfield (Notts.) June 23, 1883 (J. Whitaker, ZooL, 1883, p. 374). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Ranges from Turkestan, Afghanistan, Baluchistan, Mesopotamia, and east Persia to Egypt, and is partly migratory. A less greyish, more reddish-isabelline form inhabits the Sahara, south Algeria, south Tunisia, Libyan Desert to Egypt on west side of Nile. CAPRIMULGUS RUFICOLLIS 204. Caprimulgus ruficollis desertorum Erl.t — THE ALGERIAN RED-NECKED NIGHTJAR. CAPRIMULGUS RUFICOLLIS DESERTORUM Erlanger, Journ. f. Orn., 1899, p. 521, pi. xi (Tunisia). Caprimulgus ruficollis Temminck, Yarrell, n, p. 386, in, p. ix, ; Saunders, p. 269. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One Killingworth, near Newcastle (Northumberland), Oct. 5, 1856 (Hancock, Ibis, 1862, p. 39.) DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Tunisia and Algeria, but not breeding south of Atlas mountains. Replaced by darker form in south Spain, Portugal, and Marocco south to south-western Atlas. * It is more likely that the true C. cegyptius cegyptius has occurred in Europe than the Saharan form C. ce. saharce, but it would be desirable to compare the specimen in Mr. Whitaker's collection. t I have carefully examined the specimen from Killingworth ; it is rather faded, but, taking this into full consideration, there seems no doubt that it belongs to the desert form, and not to the darker C. ruficollis ruficollis from Spain and north Marocco, which one would have expected. — E.H. 98 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. MEROPS APIASTER 205. Merops apiaster L. — THE BEE-EATER. MEROPS APIASTER Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 117 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa australi, Oriente "). Merops apiaster Linnaeus, Yarrell, n, p. 435 ; Saunders, p. 283. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Vagrant. England. — Over forty obtained and many others seen, chiefly south of Derby, but seven in Yorks. Scotland. — Five or six seen or obtained on mainland, and one Shetlands. Ireland. — Over twenty seen or obtained. Generally appears in spring, but also in autumn ; often two or three together, and flocks of six or seven have been reported from Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — South Europe and Mediterranean islands, Africa north of Sahara, north to Camargue in south France, Danube in Hungary, and south Russia, eastwards to Transcaspia, Turkestan and west Siberia, Asia Minor, Syria, Persia, Afghanistan, and Kash- mir. During migration and in winter in tropical Africa south to Cape Colony (where also said to nest), and north-west India. Often strays north of its regular range and has nested at least three times in Germany, once found in Lapland, several times in central and even north Russia, and in Scandinavia and Denmark, Heligoland, Germany, Belgium, Holland, north France, and Luxemburg. [NOTE. — The BLUE -TAILED BEE-EATER, Merops philippinus L., recorded from near Seaton Carew in 1862, cannot be admitted (Yarrell, n, p. 442 ; Saunders, p. 284).] UPUPA EPOPS 206. Upupa epops epops L. — THE HOOPOE. UPUPA EPOPS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 117 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Upupa epops Linnaeus, Yarrell, n, p. 419 ; Saunders, p. 285. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Passage -migrant, regular in spring but less frequent in autumn, on south and south-east coasts England. North of Thames on east coast frequent, but less regular ; elsewhere a vagrant, rare in north Wales (six only), midlands and north-west England. Has nested from time to time in all south coastal counties (perhaps most frequently Hants.) as well as Surrey and Wilts. Has occurred in winter in various counties even in north. Scotland. — Vagrant. Has occurred in most parts, including I. and O. Hebrides, Orkneys, Fair Isle, and Shetlands. Ireland.— Almost annual passage-migrant in spring and autumn on south coast, but has never nested. Vagrant elsewhere. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe, more frequent in south. East- wards to west Siberia and west Turkestan, breeding apparently alsoin north-west India. In winter in Africa as far as Gambia, Haussaland A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 99 Abyssinia and Galla countries, and south India. Replaced by other forms in east Siberia and Mongolia, Egypt, tropical and south Africa, Madagascar, India, Ceylon, south China, and Hainan. CORACIAS GARRULUS 207. Coracias garrulus garrulus L. — THE ROLLER. CORACIAS GARRULUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 107 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Coracias garrulus Linnaeus, Yarrell, n, p. 428 ; Saunders, p. 281. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Vagrant. Over one hundred have occurred in most parts, chiefly autumn, but fairly often spring. Most often in south and east England (24 Norfolk), rarely in north Wales and north-west England and Scotland (but examples recorded as far as Caithness, Orkneys, and St. Kilda). Ten obtained in Ireland DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from 61° north in Scandinavia and latitude of St. Petersburg to Mediterranean and north-west Africa, eastwards to west Siberia. Replaced by allied form in Transcaspia, north Persia, etc. In winter in tropical and south Africa to Cape Colony, also in India. Single specimens observed in north Norway, on Fseroes and Canaries. [NOTE. — The recorded occurrences of two ABYSSINIAN ROLLERS, Coracias abyssinicus Bodd., near Glasgow about 1857 (Yarrell, n, p. 434; Saunders, p. 282), and of an INDIAN ROLLER, Coracias benghalensis L., said to have been shot near Louth (Lines.), Oct., 1883, cannot be admitted.] ALCEDO ISPIDA 208. Alcedo ispida ispida L.— THE KINGFISHER. ALCEDO ISPIDA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 115 (1758 — "Habitat in Europa, Asia." Restricted typical locality : Europe). Alcedo ispida Linnaeus, Yarrell, n, p. 443 ; Saunders, p. 279. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Resident. Generally distri- buted on slow-flowing streams, often moving to coasts in autumn and severe weather. Occasional appearance at Lights in autumn and spring may indicate passage-movements. Scotland. — Resident. Generally distributed in south, but becoming irregular and rare north of Grampians. Not noted Caithness or Shetlands, and only once Orkneys and 0. Hebrides (Barra, July 25, 1892). Ireland.— Resident but scarce in all counties. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally, from south Scandinavia to Mediterranean, replaced by closely -allied forms in north Africa and Asia. [NOTE. — The two AMERICAN BELTED KiNGFiSHERSjCer^e alcyon (L.), said to have been obtained in Meath and Wicklow in autumn 1845 (Yarrell, n, p. 452 ; Saunders, p. 280 (in text) ) cannot be admitted, as the records were undoubtedly due to a fraud. The bird inhabits North America and has occurred in Holland and on the Azores.] H 2 100 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. PICUS VIRIDIS 209. Picus viridis pluvius Hart.— THE BRITISH GREEN WOODPECKER. Picus VIRIDIS PLUVIUS Hartert, Brit. B., v, p. 125. Gecinus viridis (Linnaeus), Yarrell, n, p. 457 ; Saunders, p. 273. DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to British Isles. England and Wales.—- Resident. Fairly generally distributed but local, rare Lanes, and extreme west and north-west Yorks., and only occasional Westmor- land, Cumberland, Durham, and Northumberland. Scotland. — Rare vagrant. Three Dumfries., one Clyde area, one Roxburgh, one " Forth," several " Tay," and one Orkneys, but most records not entirely satisfactory. Ireland. — Rare vagrant. Three recorded as obtained, one in 1847 and one in 1854, but no specimens exist. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Replaced by a closely-allied form in Europe generally, north to Lapland, east to Caucasus and Asia Minor, and by others in Spain and Persia. DRYOBATES MAJOR* 210. Dryobates major major (L.)— THE NORTHERN GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER. Picus MAJOR Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 114 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Dendrocopus major (Linnaeus), Yarrell, n, p. 470 (part) ; Saunders, p. 275 (part). DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor. Apparently fairly : regular in small numbers Sept. to Nov. east coast Great Britain j from Norfolk northwards, often visiting Shetlands and Orkneys, i and occasionally west side Scotland and even 0. Hebrides, also | sometimes occurs inland in England (e.g. Northants, 1889), and south of Norfolk. In Ireland about forty occurrences in all proba- c bility of this form. Periodically occurs in considerable numbers, as in 1861, 1868, 1886, 1889, 1898, 1901, 1903, 1909. Very fewg specimens have yet been critically examined, but evidence for above, statement is strongly presumptive. Examples have been deter-e mined as follows : — Co. Down winter 1886-7 ; Northants, Dec., 1889 ; Perth, Oct., 1891 ; Forfar, Nov., 1892 ; Lines., Oct., 1898 ; Sussex, * According to recent investigations made in America, the usual name Dendrocopus (originally spelt Dendrocopos) was published in July, 1816, and thus was anticipated by Dendrocopus of Vieillot published in April of the same year. These names spelt with us and os at the end cannot both stand : they obviously have the same meaning, and are only differently transliterated from the Greek. The case thus differs from that of Apus and Apos, which were created by the same author in the same book, and were probably both spelt thus differently in order to distinguish them. The name Dryobates has been in undisputed use in America for the last 25 years. — E.H. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 101 Nov., 1903 ; Northumberland, Nov., 1904 ; Berwick, March, 1906 ; Yorks. and Forth, Sept., 1909 ; East Ross, Oct., 1909 ; Aberdeen, Dec., 1909 ; Sussex, Nov., 1910. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North Europe, as far south as East Prussia, north and middle Russia and Siberia. In winter somewhat vagrant, thus appearing sometimes out of its range. Replaced by allied forms in central, west, and south Europe, Canaries, north-west Africa, and many parts of Asia. 211. Dryobates major anglicus (Hart.) — THE BRITISH GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER. DENDROCOPUS MAJOR ANGLICUS Hartert, Nov. Zool., 1900, p. 528 (Eng- land) ; id., Brit. B., I, p. 221. Dendrocopus major (Linnaeus), Yarrell, 11, p. 470 (part) ; Saunders, p. 275 (part). DISTRIBUTION. — Confined to British Isles. England and Wales. — Resident. Fairly distributed in wooded parts, but scarce Lanes, and rare Westmorland and Cumberland, and very scarce north of Durham. Scotland. — Became extinct about middle of nineteenth century, but since 1887, when bred in Berwick., has gradually increased in south Scotland and is now fairly well spread, but very scarce, though increasing, in south-eastern half as well as Dumfries., and has nested since 1907 as far north as Dunkeld (Perth.) and even once in Aberdeen (1903).* DRYOBATES MINOR 212. Dryobates minor comminutus (Hart.)— THE BRITISH LESSER SPOTTED WOODPECKER. DENDROCOPUS MINOR COMMINUTUS Hartert, Brit. B., i, p. 221 (1907 — England. Type : Wingrave in Bucks.). Dendrocopus minor (Linnseus), Yarrell, n, p. 477 ; Saunders, p. 277. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Resident. Local but common in some places in south England and midlands, becoming extremely local Yorks., very rare Lanes., and only vagrant northwards, though has nested once Cumberland. In eastern Wales fairly distributed, but in west practically unknown, though nested Merioneth 1908. Scotland. — One recorded Dumfries. 1865, and two others said obtained Solway district, but reported occurrences elsewhere extremely doubtful. Ireland. — Six or seven recorded, but none since a very doubtful record in 1857 ; no specimen can be traced, and Mr. Ussher places species in square brackets (List of Irish Birds, 1908). * Many winter occurrences of stray birds in north England and north and west Scotland are no doubt referable to the northern form, as are probably the examples recorded from Ireland. 102 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — The Lesser Spotted Woodpecker of Holland appears to be the same as that of Great Britain. In other parts of Europe, north-west Africa, and north Asia, replaced by allied races. [NOTE. — Numerous supposed occurrences of the BLACK WOODPECKER, Dryocopus m. martins (L.), have been recorded (Yarrell, n, p. 482 ; Saunders, p. 278), but none are sufficiently authenticated to admit of its inclusion. No specimens have been produced, while caged birds are known to have been turned out on one occasion at least. Its distribution abroad is : Europe from Archangel in north Russia and Scandinavia to Cantabrian mountains, Alps and Balkan Peninsula, Caucasus and Siberia to Kamtschatka and Sachalin in the east, and Ussuriland in the south. Replaced by allied form in Kham (south-west Tibet).] [NOTE. — Examples of the AMERICAN HAIRY WOODPECKER, Dryobates villosus (L.) or subspecies, are said to have been obtained in Yorks. (Yarrell, 11, p. 485 ; Saunders, p. 276). An example of the AMERICAN DOWNY WOOD- PECKER, Dryobates pubescens (L.), or one of its forms, is said to have been killed in Dorset in 1836 (Yarrell, n, p. 485 ; Saunders, p. 278), and others have been recorded, but all these, as well as a specimen of the AMERICAN GOLDEN-WINGED WOODPECKER, Colaptes auratus (L.) or one of its subspecies (Yarrell, n, p. 486 ; Saunders, p. 278) said to have been shot in Wilts, in 1836, were no doubt due to importation. Donovan's statement in 1809 that an example of the THREE-TOED WOODPECKER, Picoides tridactylus (L.) or subspecies, had been shot in Scotland is unsubstantiated (Yarrell, n, p. 486 ; Saunders, p. 278).] JYNX TORQUILLA 213. Jynx torquilla torquilla L.— THE WRYNECK. JYNX TORQUILLA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 112 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Jynx torquilla Linnaeus, Yarrell, n, p. 487 ; Saunders, p. 271. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Summer-resident (mid-March to end Sept.). Chiefly south-east England, scarce south-west, rare Wales (especially in north), very scarce Cheshire, north Staffs., and Derby., very local Yorks. and Durham, rare vagrant Northumberland, as now in Lanes, and Cumberland, where it formerly bred. Scotland. — Very scarce passage-migrant on east side and most often noted in northern isles. Very rare vagrant to south-west, has not occurred from Argyll, northwards or in I. or 0. Hebrides. Ireland. — Six. One in May, five in autumn at or near coast. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe and temperate north Asia, passing through the Sahara and Egypt, and wintering in tropical Africa and India. Replaced by closely-allied forms in the far east, Sardinia and Algeria. CUCULUS CANORUS 214. Cuculus canorus canorus L. — THE CUCKOO. CUCULUS CANORUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 110 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Cuculus canorus Linnaeus, Yarrell, n, p. 387 ; Saunders, p. 287. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 103 DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer-resident (early April, strag- glers occasionally late March, to Sept. and Oct., very occasionally Nov. (latest co. Down, Nov. 26, 1900), adults leaving by Aug.). Generally distributed, but rare in Shetlands. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from within the Arctic Circle to north-west Africa, and a great part of Asia. In winter in Africa and parts of south Asia. On Canaries only on passage. Replaced by allied forms in parts of Asia, and in south-west Europe and north-west Africa. CLAMATOR GLANDARIUS* 215. Clamator glandarius (L.)— THE GREAT SPOTTED CUCKOO. CUCULUS GLANDARIUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. Ill (1758 — North Africa and South Europe). Coccystes glandarius (Linnaeus), Yarrell, n, p. 408 ; Saunders, p. 289. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Four. One Omey Isle (Galway) about March, 1842. One seen Skellig Rock (Kerry) April 30, 1897. One near Bellingham (Northumberland) Aug. 5, 1870. One Yar- mouth (Norfolk) Oct. 18, 1896 (Saunders, p. 289). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — During breeding -season in north Africa and south-west Europe, rare in Greece, east to Asia Minor, Cyprus and Persia, casual in Bulgaria and Dalmatia, also in Italy, three times observed in Germany. Wintering in tropical and south Africa. Either this or closely-allied form breeds also in tropical and south Africa. COCCYZUS AMERICANUS 216. Coccyzus americanus americanus (L-)t — THE AMERICAN YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO. CUCULUS AMERICANUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. Ill (1758 — Carolina). Coccyzus americanus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, n, p. 414 ; Saunders, p. 290 (in text). DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant. About twelve as follows : — England and Wales. — Pembroke, autumn, 1832. Corn- wall about 1835. Cardigan, Oct. 29, 1870. Lundy Is. (Devon), Oct., 1874. Dorset, Oct. 5, 1895. Isle of Wight, Oct., 1896. * The name Clamator antedates Coccystes by 15 years. See Stejneger, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, xv, p. 37. — E.H. f Both the American Cuckoos must be admitted, in our opinion, as rare vagrants to Europe. 104 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BTRDS. Carnarvon, Nov. 10, 1899. Somerset, Oct. 6; 1901. Hants., Oct. 30, 1901. Scotland.— Colonsay Isle (Argyll), Nov. 6, 1904. Ireland. — Cork, autumn, 1825. Dublin, autumn, 1832 (cf. Yarrell, Saunders, and Brit. B., I, p. 284, iv, p. 126). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad.— Breeds in south parts of North America, migrates through West Indies and Central America, and winters in South America. Rare straggler to Europe (Italy, Belgium). COCCYZUS ERYTHROPHTHALMUS 217. Coccyzus erythrophthalmus (Wilson)— THE AMERICAN BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO. CCTCTJLUS ERYTHROPHTHALMUS Wilson, Amer. Orn., iv, 1811, 16, pi. 28, fig. 2 (1811 — Typical locality probably near Philadelphia). Coccyzus erythrophthalmus Yarrell, n, p. 415 (footnote) ; Saunders, p. 290 (in text). DISTRIBUTION. — Ireland. — One Killead (Antrim), Sept. 25, 1871 (Zool 1872, p. 3022 ; Proc. Zool. Soc., 1872, p. 661 ; Yarrell, Saunders, and Birds Ireland, p. 401). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in eastern half of North America, from south-east Alberta, south Manitoba, south Quebec, south to Arkansas, North Carolina, and mountains of Georgia. Winters in South America and has occurred as a vagrant in Italy and the Azores. NYCTEA NYCTEA* 218. Nyctea nyctea (L.)— THE SNOWY OWL. STRIX NYCTEA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 93 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa et America septentrionali." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Nyctea scandiaca (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 187 ; Saunders, p. 303. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Almost regular winter-visitor to Shetlands and frequent Orkneys and Hebrides, often on mainland of Scotland and in Ireland, where nearly forty recorded, chiefly in north and north-west, and most numerously Mayo. In England three taken in Northumberland, one and several seen Yorks., ten Norfolk, one Suffolk, some five Devon, one Somerset, one Scilly Isles. Occurs from Sept. to April, and one (Mayo) July 21, 1906. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Circumpolar, some birds migrating into the temperate zone in winter, in Europe occasionally as far south as France, Switzerland, Caspian and Black Seas. * Linnseus's name scandiaca cannot be accepted, because he referred to an owl with long ears, and thus could not have meant the Snowy Owl. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 105 SURNIA ULULA 219. Surnia ulula ulula (L.)— THE EUROPEAN HAWK-OWL. STRIX ULULA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 93 (1758— Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Surnia funerea (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 183 (part) ; Saunders, p. 305 (part). DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — One Unst (Shetlands) winter 1860-1 , probably this form. One Amesbury (Wilts.), prior to 1876. One Aberdeen., Nov., 1898 (Saunders, pp. 305, 756). One Northants., Oct. 19, 1903, not definitely assigned to either form (J. H. Gurney, ZooL, 1904, p. 214). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern parts of Old World, casual Alaska, in winter vagrant and slightly more to south. Replaced by allied forms in North America (S. ulula caparoch) and in parts of Asia. 220. Surnia ulula caparoch (Miiller)— THE AMERICAN HAWK-OWL. STRIX CAPAROCH P.L.S. Miiller, Natursystem, Suppl., p. 69 (1776 — Ex Edwards " Europa " by mistake ! Typical locality : Hudson Bay). Surnia funerea (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 183 (part) ; Saunders, p. 305 (part). DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Four. One off Cornwall, March, 1830. One Yalton (Somerset), Aug., 1847. One near Glasgow (Renfrew), Dec., 1863. One near Greenock (Renfrew), Nov., 1868 (Saunders, p. 305). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern North America, in winter in small numbers as far south as Washington, Nebraska, Indiana, Ohio, New York, Massachusetts, and Maine. iEGOLIUS TENGMALMI 221. ^Egolius tengmalmi tengmalmi (Gm.)* — TENGMALM'S OWL. STRIX TENGMALMI Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, i, p. 291 (1788— Sweden). Nyctala tengmalmi (J. F. Gmelin), Yarrell, i, p. 154 ; Saunders, p. 299. * In the A.O.U. Checklist, ed. in, p. 171, Tengmalm's Owl is called Cryptoglaux funerea funerea. Nyctala Brehm, 1828, is a nomen nudum, therefore rightly rejected. dSgolius Kaup, 1829, has been rejected on account of ^Egolia Billberg, 1828, but this is contrary to the International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature. With regard to the specific name, we cannot accept funerea L. (which was principally based on a figure of Billberg repre- senting Tengmalm's Owl), for its author says that it has the size of a Crow, while Tengmalm's Owl is about half that size. Moreover, Linnaeus quoted as a doubtful synonym a figure of the Short-eared Owl. — E.H. 106 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Rare vagrant. About twenty authentic records chiefly in Yorks. (twelve), Northumberland, Norfolk, and Suffolk, also one or two so far south as Kent and Somerset, Salop (one), Northants. (one), Lanes, (one), Cumberland (one). (In Oct. and Nov., 1901, it occurred in Suffolk (two), Norfolk, Yorks. and Shetlands.) Scotland.— Tour. Cramond Is. (Forth) Dec., 1860. Peterhead (Aberdeen), Feb., 1886. Shetlands, Nov., 1901, and January, 1908 DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North Europe, mountain-forests of cen- tral and east Europe, Siberia ; in winter and autumn, vagrant. Replaced by allied forms in north-east Siberia, Caucasus, and North America. ATHENE NOCTUA* 222. Athene noctua noctua (Scop.)— THE LITTLE OWL. STRIX NOCTUA Scopoli, Annus i, Historico-Xat., p. 22 (1772 — Carniola ; description bad, perhaps doubtful, but Retzius, Faun. Suec., p. 84, 1800, gave a clear description of the Little Owl, adopting the same name). Carine noctua (Scopoli), Yarrell, I, p. 178 ; Athene noctua (Scopoli), Saunders, p. 301. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Now resident as an introduced bird. About twenty early recorded examples may have been genuine vagrants, but since Waterton turned out five in Yorks. in 1843, large numbers have been introduced, notably by Lord Lilford at Oundle, Northants., some years previous to 1889, and by Mr. E. G. B. Meade-Waldo near Edenbridge, Kent, about 1874. From Oundle they have spread greatly and now breed in Northants., Leicester, south Derby , Rutland, Lines, (probably Yorks.), Hunts., Cambs., Beds., Herts., and Berks., and have occurred in Staffs., Salop, Warwick, Worcester., Hereford., Gloucester., Oxon., Wilts., Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Notts. From Edenbridge they have spread and breed through west half Kent and much of Sussex and Surrey, while a record of breeding at Portsmouth may be due to this intro- duction. Examples recorded from Anglesey, Ireland, and Scotland were probably escapes. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from North Sea (once in South Sweden) to Mediterranean. Replaced by allied forms in north Africa and parts of west Asia. * The generic name Athene has been rejected on account of the previous Athena of Hiibner for a genus of moths ; but no explanation of the meanings of either name being given, both may stand. Otherwise Carine would have to be adopted.— E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 107 BUBO BUBO 223. Bubo bubo bubo (L.)— THE EAGLE-OWL. STRIX BUBO Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 92 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Bubo ignavus T. Forster, Yarrell, i, p. 168 ; Saunders, p. 309. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Very rare vagrant. Being fre- quently kept in captivity, suspicion rests upon a good many recorded occurrences. Specimens have been taken in Yorks., Lines., Oxon., Derby, Salop, Sussex, Hants., Wilts., Shetlands, Orkneys, and Argyll., and a good many others recorded as seen. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from Scandinavia and north Russia to Mediterranean. According to Loche in Algerian Atlas. Replaced by more or less different races in Spain, south-east Europe, Asia Minor, Turkestan, Siberia and other parts of Asia to Japan and north Africa. ASIO OTUS 224. Asio otus otus (L.)— THE LONG-EARED OWL. STRIX OTUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 92 (1758 — Europe. Re- stricted typical locality : Sweden). Asio otus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 158 ; Saunders, p. 293. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed in wooded localities, but rather local. To 0. Hebrides and Shetlands uncommon migrant. On east coast Great Britain noted in limited numbers as migrant in late autumn. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe and north Asia, also north-west Africa. Replaced by allied races on some Canary Islands and in North America. ASIO FLAMMEUS* 225. Asio flammeus flammeus (Pontoppidan) — THE SHORT- EARED OWL. STRIX FLAMMEA Pontoppidan, Danske Atlas, i, p. 617, pi. xxv (1763 — Denmark). Asio brachyotus MacGillivray, Hist. Brit. B., in, p. 461. Asio accipitrinus (Pallas), Yarrell, i, p. 163 ; Saunders, p. 295. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and winter-visitor Oct. and Nov. to April and May). In England and Wales nests * Pontoppidan clearly figured the Short-eared Owl and named it Strix flammea in 1763. Afterwards Linnaeus, in 1766, published a very short description of an owl, which he also called Strix flammea. This latter was partly based on a picture by Rudbeck, which represents the Short-eared Owl, partly on descriptions of the Barn-Owl. Evidently Linnaeus did not know these Owls himself. — E.H. 108 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. occasionally in many counties but doubtfully regularly anywhere south of Lanes, and Yorks. Northwards and throughout Scotland nests locally and sparingly, but in Shetlands rarely and in I. Hebrides infrequently. Not known to nest in Ireland. As winter- visit or fairly generally distributed, and both as breeder and migrant numbers fluctuate considerably, and are greatly augmented in years of vole-plague, e.g. 1874-6 and 1891-3 in south Scotland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Nearly cosmopolitan, but absent in Europe as a breeding-species from Spain. If no other races can be separated (which is by no means settled) certainly that inhabiting Hawaii is different, but Russian authors separate also a pale Asiatic form. OTUS SCOPS* 226. Otus scops scops (L.)— THE SCOPS-OWL. STRIX SCOPS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 92 (1758 — Europe. Re- stricted typical locality : Italy). Scops giu (Scopoli), Yarrell, i, p. 173 ; Saunders, p. 307. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant. England. — Cornwall (2), Wilts., Hants. (4), Kent (4 or 5), Berks., Bucks., Middlesex, Essex, Norfolk (5); Northants., Yorks. (about 5), Cheshire, Lanes., Cumberland (2). Wales.— Pembroke. Scotland.— Fife, Perth. (2), Aberdeen (2), Sutherland, Orkneys, Shetlands (3). Ireland. — Nine times. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from south Germany to Mediter- ranean, north Africa. Replaced by other races in Cyprus, parts of Asia and Africa. Palsearctic forms and their distribution not yet sufficiently known. TYTO ALBAf 227. Tyto alba alba (Scop.)— THE WHITE-BREASTED BARN-OWL. STRIX ALBA Scopoli, Annus i, Historic© -Natur. , p. 21 (1769 — Friuli, in N. Italy). Aluco ftammeus (Linnaeus) (nee Pontoppidan), Yarrell, i, p. 194 (part) ; Strix ftammea Linnaeus (nee Pontoppidan), Saunders, p. 291 (part). * The generic name Otus Pennant, 1769, antedates Scops of Savigny. f It has already been explained, under the Short-eared Owl, that the name Strix ftammea belongs to the latter, and cannot be used for the Barn-Owl. The first name of the latter is Strix alba Scopoli 1769. — The type of the generic Strix is, by tautonomy, Strix strix, the Brown Owl, and the first generic term for the Barn-Owl is Tyto, Billberg, 1828.— E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 109 DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed but not abundant, and scarcer, especially in Scotland, than formerly. Breeds very rarely in north-west and only rare vagrant to north-east Scotland ; no certain record of its occurrence in Orkneys, Shetlands or O. Hebrides, but one heard in latter by P. H. Bahr, June, 1907. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — West France, Portugal and Spain, south Europe generally, north-west Africa. Replaced by allied forms in central Europe and various parts of Africa, Asia, Australia, and America. 228. Tyto alba guttata (Brehm)— THE DARK-BREASTED BARN-OWL. STRIX GUTTATA Brehm, Handb. Naturg. Vog. DeutschL, p. 106 (1831 — In winter in Germany). Aluco flammeus (Linnaeus) (nee Pontopiddan), Yarrell, I, p. 194 (part) ; Strix flammea Linnaeus (nee Pontopiddan), Saunders, p. 291 (part). DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Vagrant or irregular migrant. Very few occurrence? can unhesitatingly be ascribed to this form : at least eight in ; us.?ex (Sept., Oct., Nov., Feb.), one in Kent, two certainly Norfolk (Dec. and Jan.) and others probably (as in Aug. and early Sept., 1901, when forty Barn-Owls were brought to a Norwich taxidermist), one certainly Yorks. (Dec.) and others probably (Oct. and Nov.), one no doubt Northumberland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — South Sweden, Denmark, Germany to east France (where and even on the Rhine the ranges of this form and T. alba alba overlap), south to Alps, Austria and Hungary. STRIX ALUCO 229. Strix aluco aluco L.— THE TAWNY OWL. STRIX ALUCO Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 93 (1758 — Europe. Re- stricted typical locality : Sweden). Strix aluco Linnaeus, Yarrell, I, p. 146 ; Syrnium aluco (Linnaeus), Saunders, p. 297. DISTRIBUTION — Great Britain. — Resident. Generally distributed but becoming uncommon in Sutherland and very rare Caithness ; very doubtful if ever occurred Orkneys or Shetlands, and has cer- tainly not 0. Hebrides or Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally, to forest-limit, east to Caucasus, Palestine, and north Persia. Replaced in south-west Persia and north-west Africa by closely-allied subspecies. 110 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. FALCO RUSTICOLUS* 230. — Falco rusticolus rusticolus L. — THE GYR-FALCON. FALCO RUSTICOLUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 88 (1758 — Sweden. cf. Fauna Suecica, ed. n, p. 56). Falco gyrfalco Linnaeus, Saunders, p. 345. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Very rare vagrant. Two admitted by Saunders : — Adult, Mayfield (Sussex), Jan., 1845 and young, Orford (Suffolk), Oct., 1867. One Hatfield Broad Oak (Essex), Dec., 1901, and another Thetford Warren (Norfolk) spring, 1883, doubtfully authentic (Brit. B., i, p. 321). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North Scandinavia and Lapland; stray- ing occasionally to Baltic Provinces, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Heligoland, Belgium, and Holland. Said to have occurred in Iceland and North America. 231. Falco rusticolus islandus Brunn. — THE ICELAND FALCON. FALCO ISLANDUS Brunnich, Orn. Bor., p. 2 (1764 — partim, No. 9 only. Briinnich doubtfully united the white and grey falcons, stating that the various varieties were brought to Denmark by the Icelanders. From Kerr— 1792 — onwards islandus has generally been restricted to the grey- backed Iceland form). Falco islandus J. F. Gmelin, Yarrell, i, p. 46 (part) ; Saunders, p. 343. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant. Identified examples obtained from time to time (generally in winter) in Northumberland, Westmorland, Yorks., Salop, Scilly Isles, and possibly Lines. ; in Shetlands, Orkneys, 0. and I. Hebrides, and several localities Scottish mainland. Four times in north and west Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Appears to be the only form breeding in Iceland, whence it strays very rarely southwards. 232. Falco rusticolus candicans Gm. — THE GREENLAND FALCON. FALCO CANDICANS Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, p. 275 (1788 — "Habitat in Islandia et Scotia boreali " ! As Gmelin distinguished between the white candicans and the dark islandus, the former name has generally been restricted to the Greenland form, though Gmelin did not know its real habitat). Falco candicans J. F. Gmelin, Yarrell, i, p. 36 ; Saunders, p. 341. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Irregular winter and spring- visitor, chiefly Scotland (especially islands) and Ireland (especially north * It seems impossible to avoid this name, for gyrfalco is undoubtedly a synonym, both names referring to Swedish birds in various plumages. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. Ill and west coasts), occasionally north England, and elsewhere very rarely, viz. : — Denbigh, Brecon, Pembroke, Norfolk, Suffolk, Sussex, Devon and Lundy Island, Cornwall and Scilly Isles. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Greenland and arctic North America, west to Commander Islands, straying casually to western Europe (Faeroes, north France, Germany, not so rarely to Iceland). Apparently represented by other forms in the Ural and parts of north Asia, and possibly south of Hudson's Bay. FALCO PEREGRINUS 233. Falco peregrinus peregrinus Tunst.— THE PEREGRINE FALCON. FALCO PEREGRINUS Tunstall, Ornithologia Britannica, p. 1 (1771 — Ex Brit. Zool., p. 136 — Great Britain). Falco peregrinus britannicus Erlanger, Journ. f. Orn., 1903, p. 296 (England). Falco peregrinus J. F. Gmelin, Yarrell, i, p. 53 ; Saunders, p. 347. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and passage -migrant. In south England confined as breeding-bird to cliffs of south and south- west coasts, but in Wales, north England, Scotland (mainland and islands) and Ireland much more common and breeds both sea-cliffs and inland rocks. In autumn northerly-bred birds pass through Great Britain on migration, while in winter our residents are fre- quently observed inland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North and central Europe. Represented by allied forms in the Mediterranean countries, north -wrest Africa, various parts of Asia, Australia, and America. 234. Falco peregrinus anatum Bp.— THE NORTH AMERICAN PEREGRINE. FALCO ANATUM Bonaparte, Geogr. & Comp. List, p. 4 (1838 — New Jersey). Falco peregrinus, E. Bidwell, Bull. B.O.C., xxvii, p. 103 ; cf. Brit. B., v, p. 219. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Two. One shot Newbold Verdon near Market Bosworth (Leicester), Oct. 31, 1891 (ut supra}. One netted Humberstone (Lines.), Sept. 28, 1910 (G. H. Caton-Haigh, Brit. B., v, p. 219). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds over greater part of North America (but replaced in north-west coast region by a very closely- allied race, Falco peregrinus pealei] from Norton Sound in Alaska, northern Mackenzie, Boothia Peninsula, and west Greenland to Lower California, Arizona, Texas, south Carolina, and winters from 112 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. southern British Columbia to West Indies, Panama, and South America. FALCO SUBBUTEO 235. Falco subbuteo subbuteo L. — THE HOBBY. FALCO SUBBUTEO Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 89 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Falco subbuteo Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 65 ; Saunders, p. 349. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Summer-resident (May to Sept., occa- sionally later). Breeds fairly regularly in counties south of Thames and as far west as Devon (rare migrant Cornwall) and in Salop, Northants, and Gloucester ; less regularly in counties on north side of Thames and in Cambs., Suffolk, Norfolk, and Lines. ; only very occasionally in midlands and exceptionally in Derby., Cheshire, and Yorks. Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. — Kare vagrant. In Scotland once bred (Perth., 1887), and has occurred as far north as Shetlands, but chiefly in south. In Ireland has occurred ten times, chiefly in south-east. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally, eastwards to west Asia, in winter in Africa and north-west India. Represented by closely-allied races in north-west Africa and various parts of Asia. FALCO REGULUS* 236. Falco regulus regulus Pall.— THE MERLIN. FALCO REGULUS Pallas, Reise d. versch. Prov. d. Russ. Reichs, n, p. 707 (1773— Siberia). Falco cesalon Gmelin, Yarrell, i, p. 74 ; F. cesalon Tunstall, Saunders, p. 351. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Breeds in many parts Wales, Pennine Range and spurs, moors of north-east Yorks., Cheviots, and throughout Scotland and Ireland in suitable localities. Said to have bred Exmoor (Somerset). In autumn descends to low ground and in winter becomes fairly generally distributed. Probably also a passage of Continental birds. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Nesting in Faeroes, Iceland, Scandinavia, north Russia south to Baltic provinces, and in Siberia. On migration to temperate parts of Europe and Asia, as far south as north Africa and north-west India. A paler form is supposed to represent this bird in the Khirgiz steppes. * Falco cesalon Tunstall is a nomen nudum, and therefore not acceptable. In the case of F. peregrinits the author gave a clear reference, in this case absolutely none. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 113 FALCO TINNUNCULUS 237. Falco tinnunculus tinnunculus L. — THE KESTREL. FALCO TINNUNCULUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 90 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Falco tinnunculus Linnaeus, Yarrell, I, p. 78 ; Saunders, p. 355. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed, but leaves Shet lands for winter, and much rarer then in other parts of north Scotland as well as in north and east Ireland. In England numbers are swelled in winter by immigrants, and passage-movements are noted on east coast. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe, north Africa, north, central and west Asia, in winter more southwards to east Africa and parts of India. The minute study of the races of the Kestrel remains to be done, but clearly-defined subspecies represent the European form on Madeira, the Canary and Cape Verde Islands, in north-east and east Africa, Japan, India, and many islands in the Eastern Archi- pelago. FALCO NAUMANNI* 238. Falco naumanni naumanni Fleisch. — THE LESSER KESTREL. FALCO XAUMANNI Fleischer, Sylvan Jahrbuch auf 1817 und 1818, p. 174 (1818 — Visitor to S. Germany and Switzerland). Falco cenchris, Yarrell, i, p. 82 (in text) ; Saunders, p. 357. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Very rare vagrant. Eight times England— Yorks., Nov., 1867; April, 1892; Oct., 1909. Kent, May, 1877. Scilly Isles, March, 1891. Isle of Wight, Nov., 1895 ; April, 1903. Sussex, May, 1896. Once Scotland (Aberdeen., Oct., 1897). Once Ireland (Dublin, Feb., 1891). Chiefly adult males. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Mediterranean countries generally, stray- ing into Savoy and Germany, breeding as far north as southern Poland, east to Bokhara, in winter in tropical Africa. Replaced in China by an allied subspecies. FALCO VESPERTINUS 239. Falco vespertinus vespertinus L.— THE RED-FOOTED FALCON. FALCO VESPERTINUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. xn, i, p. 129 (1766 — " Ingria," i.e. province of St. Petersburg). Falco vespertinus Linnaeus, Yarrell, i, p. 69 ; Saunders, p. 353. * This name, correctly employed by Sharpe in the Cat. B. Brit. M-us., i, 1874, as well as the names tinnunculoides and xanthonyx, antedate cenchris. 114 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant. About thirty-five England, chiefly south and east, but also Cornwall, Salop, Cheshire, Lanes. Two Wales (Pembroke and Denbigh). Four Scotland (Aberdeen (two), Fife, and Roxburgh). One Ireland (Wicklow). Most spring and summer, a few autumn, and exceptionally winter. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Russia and west Siberia as far east as the Altai, and in Hungary and the plains of the Lower Danube ; migrates in winter to Africa. Replaced by a paler form in east Siberia (which winters in the eastern parts of India), and by others in central Asia, and China. AQUILA CHRYSAETUS 240. Aquila chrysaetus chrysaetus (L.) — THE GOLDEN EAGLE. FALCO CHRYSAETOS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 88 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Aquila chrysaetus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 11 ; Aquila chrysaetus (L), Saunders, p. 327. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Very rare vagrant. Occa- sionally Yorks. and northwards, but southwards authentic examples procured only in Sussex, Norfolk, Lines., and Northants. Formerly resident Wales, Derby, (about 200 years ago), Lake District, and Cheviots (about 100 years ago). Scotland. — Resident in Highlands and I. and O. Hebrides, formerly Orkneys, but unknown Shetlands. To Lowlands very scarce winter- visitor, but formerly bred in south- west (about 60 jrears ago). Ireland. — Resident (probably only in two counties), formerly much more common. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern parts of Northern Hemisphere, south to north Africa and the Himalayas, in North America to Texas and North Carolina. Appears to be replaced by other races at least in parts of central Asia. AQUILA MACULATA 241. Aquila maculata (Gm.)*— THE SPOTTED EAGLE. FALCO MACULATUS Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, p. 258 (1788 — No locality, but doubtless Europe). Aquila ncevia (J. F. Gmelin), Yarrell, i, p. 20 ; Aquila maculata (J. F. Gmelin), Saunders, p. 325. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Ireland. — Very rare vagrant. Eight or nine England. Cornwall, Dec., 1860 ; Nov., 1861. Hants., * We have not been able to examine any of the specimens, but Saunders states that it is chiefly, if not entirely, the larger species which has visited us. It is important that all the specimens should be critically examined. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 115 Dec., 1861. Lanes., 1875. Northumberland, Oct., 1885. Essex Oct. and Nov., 1891. Suffolk, Nov., 1891 (one shot and one seen). Ireland. Two near Youghal (Cork), Jan., 1845. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — From shores of Baltic (Livland) east to Turkestan, south Siberia, north India, and China, and south to Balkan Peninsula and Palestine. On migration to north-east Africa, and India to Burmah, casual in west and south Europe. BUTEO LAGOPUS* 242. Buteo lagopus lagopus (Briinn.) — THE ROUGH-LEGGED BUZZARD. FALCO LAGOPUS Brunnich, Orn. Bor., p. 4 (1764 — Christiansoe near Bornholm, Baltic). Buteo lagopus (J. F. Gmelin), Yarrell, I, p. 115 ; Saunders, p. 323. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Irregular winter -visit or (Oct. to March and April), occurring most years east coast Scotland and England as far south as Norfolk, and at intervals in considerable numbers, as in winters 1875-6, 1880-1, 1891-2, 1903-4. Also fairly frequent along Pennine Chain, rarer in south-east England, and only occasional vagrant elsewhere, being especially rare on west side. In O. Hebrides once. Ireland. — Seventeen, most frequently in Ulster. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North Europe and north Asia, very exceptionally breeding as far south as Germany. In winter vagrant and partially migrant, now and then reaching Pyrenees, Mediter- ranean regions, Caspian and Black Sea. Replaced by other sub- species in North America and parts of Asia. BUTEO BUTEO 243. Buteo buteo buteo (L.)— THE COMMON BUZZARD. FALCO BUTEO Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 90 (1758 — Europe). Buteo vulgaris Leach, Yarrell, I, p. 109 ; Saunders, p. 321. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Resident, breeding commonly in Wales, Devonian peninsula and Lakeland (as well as very sparingly in Pennines), and in central and west Scotland including 0. Hebrides ; only exceptionally elsewhere. On east coast irregular migrant, but elsewhere only occasional visitor, although numerous in some winters ; occurrence at any time in Shetlands doubtful, and * It is not advisable to separate Buteo and Archibuteo, because some Asiatic species are intermediate and vary very much with regard to the feathering of the tarsus — the only difference in these supposed genera. — E.H. i 2 116 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. only once 0. Hebrides (Lewis). Ireland. — Exterminated as resident probably between 1880 and 1890, now only autumn to spring vagrant. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from about lat. 66° in Sweden, but local and rare in south-east Europe. Replaced by other races in most parts of Russia, and parts of Asia, also in the Atlantic isles. [NOTE. — Examples of Buteo buteo desertorum (Daud.) are said to have occurred in Wilts, and near Newcastle, while the occurrence of the American Buzzards, Buteo lineatus lineatus (Gm.) in Scotland (Yarrell, i, p. 113 ; Saunders, p. 322) and Buteo borealis borealis (Gm.) in Notts. (Saunders, p. 322) has been recorded.] HALIAETUS ALBICILLA 244. HaliaStus albicilla (L.) — THE WHITE-TAILED EAGLE. FALCO ALBICILLA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 89 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa, America." The latter erroneous. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Haliceetus albicilla (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 25 ; Haliaetus albicilla (L), Saunders, p. 329. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident in a few places in 0. Hebrides and Shetlands. Elsewhere exterminated as breeding species ; nowhere known now in Ireland (Brit. B., v, p. 138). Irregular migrant to most maritime counties and rare vagrant inland, such visitors being usually immature. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern parts of Europe to Mediter- ranean, but scarce in west (in winter to north Egypt) and Asia, also Greenland. CIRCUS ^ERUGINOSUS 245. Circus seruginosus (L.) —THE MARSH-HARRIER. FALCO ^ERUGINOSUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 91 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Circus ceruginosus (Linnseus), Yarrell, i, p. 127 ; Saunders, p. 315. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Attempts to breed most years in Norfolk but elsewhere now only rare autumn and winter- vagrant. Scotland. — Rare vagrant. Has occurred several times in Solway area, but elsewhere only some eight recorded. Ireland. — Still lingers on some midland and western tracts of bog. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Nesting in Europe, Marocco, and north Asia ; in winter in parts of Africa and India. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 117 CIRCUS PYGARGUS* 246. Circus pygargus (L.)— MONTAGU'S HARRIER. FALCO PYGARGUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. x, i, p. 89] (1758 — Europe. Ex Albin. Typical locality : England). Circus cineraceus (Montagu), Yarrell, I, p. 138 ; Saunders, p. 319. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Summer-resident (April to Oct., sometimes Nov.). Nests (or attempts to) annually East Anglia and occasionally elsewhere, as in Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Hants., Isle of Wight, Dorset., Cambs., Sussex, Surrey, Yorks. and Merioneth, and possibly Notts, and Northumberland in recent years. Scotland. —Rare vagrant ; about seven in southern half of mainland, one of which (June 15, 1881) may possibly have nested in Solway area. Ireland. — Rare vagrant. One Queen's co., eleven in or near co. Wicklow, where may possibly sometimes breed. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Temperate portions of Europe and Asia, also north-west Africa. In winter in Africa and India. CIRCUS CYANEUS 247. Circus cyaneus (L.)— THE HEN-HARRIER. FALCO CYANEUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. xn, i, p. 126 (1766 — Ex Edwards. Typical locality : near London). Circus cyaneus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 132 ; Saunders, p. 317. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and winter-visitor. As breeder now practically confined to Orkneys, O. Hebrides and some mountain districts of Ireland. In England and Wales has nested in recent years Cornwall, Hants., and Carnarvon, and possibly Devon, but otherwise only a winter-visitor. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North and central Europe to north Italy, north Asia, in winter in north India, and Africa as far as the Sahara, Nubia and, apparently, Abyssinia. The existence of other races is not yet a settled question. ACCIPITER GENTILISf 248. Accipiter gentilis gentilis (L.)— THE GOSHAWK. FALCO GENTILIS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 89 (1758 — "Habitat in Alpibus," by which, however, the Scandinavian Alps are meant in the first instance, as is quite clear from other statements of Linnaeus). Astur palumbarius (Linnaeus), Yarrell, I, p. 83 ; Saunders, p. 331. * Linnaeus based the name pygargus on Albin's unmistakable figure of an English bird, and it must therefore be accepted, as it has just half a century's priority over Montagu's name. — E.H. f Goshawrks and Sparrow-Hawks cannot be separated generically. Linnaeus described the Goshawk twice, thinking the young and old were two different species, and the name gentilis, standing first, must be — and has recently been largely — accepted. — E .H. 118 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant. Most recorded ex- amples immature from east coasts England and Scotland ; elsewhere and especially in west, extremely rare. One 0. Hebrides winter 1887-8, but authenticity of three recorded in Ireland doubtful (R. J. Ussher, List of Irish Birds, p. 28). Nest, probably of wild bird, with four eggs found and female shot near Grosmont (Yorks.) May, 1893 (Brit. B., i, p. 319). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally, but replaced by allied races in various parts of northern Asia, apparently in Sardinia, and in North America. [NOTE. — Specimens of the AMERICAN GOSHAWK, Accipiter gentilis atrica- pillus (Wilson), are said to have been obtained in Perthshire, Tipperary, and King's co. (Yarrell, i, p. 87 ; Saunders., p. 322).] ACCIPITER NISUS 249. Accipiter nisus nisus (L.) —THE SPARROW-HAWK. FALCO Nisus Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 92 (1758 — "Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Accipiter nisus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 88 ; Saunders, p. 333. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed where there are woodlands. Very doubtful if ever occurred O. Hebrides or Shetlands, and is rare Orkneys and extreme north and north-west Scotland. Frequently observed as autumn migrant on east coast Great Britain. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally, east apparently to west Siberia, but replaced by very closely-allied subspecies in Madeira and Canary Islands, north-west Africa, Corsica and Sardinia, and by better defined ones in various parts of Asia. MILVUS MILVUS 250. Milvus milvus (I..)— THE KITE. FALCO MILVUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 89 (1758 — Europe, Asia, Africa. Restricted typical locality : S. Sweden). Milvus regalis, Seebohm, Hist. Brit. B., i, p. 74. Milvus ictinus (Savigny), Yarrell, i, p. 92 ; Saunders. p. 335. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Resident. Formerly abundant, now confined to Wales, where only five birds known in 1905, but over twenty in 1910. Now very rare vagrant elsewhere. Recorded occurrences in Ireland cannot be substantiated (R. J. Ussher, List of Irish Birds, p. 28). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — From south Sweden throughout Europe, east to Russia ; north-west Africa and western Canary Islands. North European birds are migratory, but do not seem to cross the Sahara. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 119 MILVUS KORSCHUN* 251. Milvus korschun korschun (Gm.)— THE BLACK KITE. ACCIPITER KORSCHUN Gmelin, Nov. Comm. Petr., xv, p. 444 (1771 — S. Russian Steppes). Milvus ater, Seebohm, Hist. Brit. B., i, p. 80. Milvus migrans (Boddaert), Yarrell, I, p. 97 : Saunders, p. 337. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Two. Adult male Alnwick (Nor- thumberland), May 11, 1866 (Hancock, Ibis, 1867, p. 253). Male Aberdeen, April 16, or 18, 1901 (G. Sim, Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1901, p. 133; cf. Brit. B., n, p. 413). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — South and central Europe, north-west Africa, and west Asia. European birds are migratory and winter in tropical Africa. Replaced by other forms in tropical and north-east Africa and various parts of Asia. [NOTE. — The BLACK-WINGED KITE, Elanus cceruleus (Desfontaines), is said to have been shot in co. Meath about 1862 (Saunders, p. 338).] [NOTE. — Several specimens of the AMERICAN SWALLOW -TAILED KITE, Elanoides forficatus (L.), which inhabits North and South America, have been recorded as taken in Great Britain, but the claims for the admission of this species are in our opinion insufficient (cf. Saunders, p. 338).] PERNIS APIVORUS 252. Pernis apivorus apivorus (L.)— THE HONEY-BUZZARD. FALCO APIVORUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 91 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Pernis apivorus (Linnseus), Yarrell, i, p. 121 ; Saunders, p. 339. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Uncommon passage-migrant (May- June and Sept. -Oct.). Occurs somewhere in Great Britain almost every year, and occasionally in eastern half of Ireland, most frequently in autumn. Formerly rare summer-resident in England, now only very occasionally nests, most recent cases being Hereford, 1895, Northumberland, 1897, and Durham, 1899, and probably elsewhere unrecorded. Has bred as far north as east Ross. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in north and middle Europe, north to mid-Scandinavia and Finland, south to Cantabrian Moun- tains, north Italy and the Dobrudscha, eastwards to west Siberia, winters in tropical Africa and parts of India. Replaced by allied races in east Siberia and parts of tropical Asia. PANDION HALIAETUS 253. Pandion haliaetus haliaetus (L.)— THE OSPREY. FALCO HALIJETUS Linnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 91 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Pandion haliceetus (Linnseus), Yarrell, i, p. 30 ; Pandion haliaetus (L.), Saunders, p. 359. *The name korschun, having considerable priority, is now universally accepted. — E.H. 120 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Possibly still resident, and rare passage-migrant. Until recently summer-resident in several places in Highlands, now possibly only nests in one locality, but Loch Arkaig was deserted in 1911 and Loch an Eilein in 1903. In England fairly regular passage-migrant (Sept. -Oct. and March-April), oc- curring in most years on some part or other of coasts or on inland waters ; migrants also recorded occasionally in Scotland (only once 0. Hebrides and very rarely Orkneys), Wales, and Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from Lapland to Spain, Mediter- ranean and Atlantic islands, south to Cape Verdes, north-west and north-east Africa to south Arabia, north Asia south to India and Ceylon, in winter in tropical Africa. Replaced by closely-allied forms in North America, on the Papuan islands, and in Australia. GYPS FULVUS 254. Gyps fulvus fulvus (Hablizl)— THE GRIFFON-VULTURE. VULTUR FULVUS Hablizl, Neue Nordische Beytraege, iv, p. 58 (1783 — Mts. of Gilan, N. Persia). Gyps fulvus (J. F. Gmelin), Yarrell, i, p. 1 ; Saunders, p. 311. DISTRIBUTION. — Ireland. — One, a young bird caught alive near Cork Harbour, spring, 1843. One seen near Southampton Water. (ut supra.} DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — South Europe, north to Pyrenees and Transylvania and north Africa, extending far into the Sahara, and perhaps right across the desert, east to west Asia. Replaced by different subspecies in parts of India and Africa, but the supposed west European form (6?. fulvus occidentalis Schleg.) appears not to be separable. NEOPHRON PERCNOPTERUS 255. Neophron percnopterus percnopterus (L.) -- THE EGYPTIAN VULTURE. VULTUR PERENOPTERUS (evident misprint for Percnopterus) Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 87 (1758— Egypt). Neophron percnopterus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, i, p. 6 ; Saunders, p. 313. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Two obtained and one seen. Immature bird shot (another seen) near Kilve, Bridgwater Bay (Somerset), Oct., 1825. Immature bird obtained Peldon (Essex), Sept. 28, 1868 (ut supra}. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Mediterranean countries, north to Mt. Sal eve in Switzerland and the Bukowina, east to north-west India. Also in Canaries, Cape Verdes, and almost the whole of Africa. Partly migratory. Replaced in India (except in extreme north-west) by N. percnopterus ginginianus. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 121 CICONIA CICONIA 256. Ciconia ciconia ciconia (L.)— THE WHITE STORK. ARDEA CICONIA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 142 (1758 — Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Ciconia alba Bechstein, Yarrell, iv, p. 219 ; Saunders, p. 387. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Vagrant. Over thirty East Anglia and several others in various parts of southern half of England, but very rarely in west, a few Scotland, and three or four Ireland. Most in spring. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from Norway and Sweden to Spain and north-west Africa (Marocco, Algeria, Tunisia) and west Africa (Gold Coast, according to Boyd Alexander), Asia Minor and Palestine, west and central Asia. Migrating southwards in winter to central and south Africa (said to have bred, but confirmation is necessary), and in India to Ceylon (said to have bred, but confir- mation is required). Replaced by an allied race in east Asia. CICONIA NIGRA 257. Ciconia nigra (L.)— THE BLACK STORK. ARDEA NIGRA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 142 (1758 — North Europe). Ciconia nigra (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 225 ; Saunders, p. 389. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Very rare vagrant. Nineteen recorded ; Scilly Isles (2), Devon (1), Somerset (1), Dorset (2), Kent (4), Middle- sex (1), Oxon. (1), Essex (1), Suffolk (1), Norfolk (2), Yorks. (2), Durham (1). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Germany, Austria and Hungary, south Sweden, Denmark, Russia, east Europe, and in temperate Asia. Probably also Spain. Winters in Africa and India. PLATALEA LEUCORODIA 258. Platalea leucorodia leucorodia L.— THE SPOONBILL. PLATALEA LEUCORODIA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 139 (1758 — Europa. Restricted typical locality : S. Sweden). Platalea leucorodia Linnaeus, Yarrell, iv, p. 237 ; Saunders, p. 393. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Passage-migrant in Norfolk and Kent, vagrant elsewhere. A few visit Norfolk annually April to June (once March 31) and Aug. to Oct. (occasionally July and once Nov. 21), and Kent every spring. To south coast England and to Pembroke and Cardigan (Dovey) fairly frequent vagrant, usually in autumn. Inland on west coast (except where mentioned), and north of Yorks. (where recorded about nine times) very rare. Stragglers as far as Hebrides, Orkneys and Shetlands. In Ireland 122 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. some thirty -seven recorded from maritime counties, chiefly in south. Formerly bred East Anglia, Sussex, Middlesex, Pembroke, and elsewhere. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Very seldom visiting Scandinavia and north Russia, but south of 56° north lat. breeding locally in suit- able localities (still nesting in Holland, but apparently no longer in France), south as far as Spain, Hungary, Dalmatia, the basin of Lower Danube and south Russia ; apparently also resident in parts of north and east Africa, west and central Asia and India. In winter in tropical Africa and India. Represented by allied forms in east Asia, tropical Africa, and Australia. EGATHEUS FALCINELLUS* 259. Egatheus falcinellus falcinellus (L.)— THE GLOSSY IBIS. TANTALUS FALCINELLUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. xii, i, p. 241 (1766 — " Habitat in Austria, Italia."). Plegadis falcinellus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 231 ; Saunders, p. 391. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Autumn-visitor, very rare in spring. Occurs almost every autumn (Aug. -Nov.) somewhere, but most frequently on south or east (as far north as Yorks.) coasts of England. Very rare inland and north of Bristol Channel on west side and north of Yorks. on east side. In Scotland some twenty recorded besides flock of about twenty Orkneys, Sept. 1907. In Ireland over forty recorded in autumn and more than half from south maritime counties. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Occasional visitor to Iceland, the Faeroes, Scandinavia, Denmark, and the Baltic provinces, but nesting in valley of Danube, in south Russia, and in west Europe only in the Camargue, Andalucia, Balearic Isles and Sicily, east to central Asia and India, and in Africa and the south-eastern United States of America. Northern birds are migratory, wintering in tropical and southern Africa, tropical Asia and casually even Australia. Replaced by a closely-allied form in America from south Oregon, Arizona, Texas, and Florida to Chile and Patagonia. ARDEA CINEREA 260. Ardea cinerea L.— THE COMMON HERON. ARDEA CINEREA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 143 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Ardea cinerea Linnseus, Yarrell, iv, p. 162 ; Saunders, p. 367. * cf. Nov. Zool., 1910, p. 499. The name Egatheus has one year's priority over Plegadis. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 123 DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — The greater part of Europe and Asia south of 60° north lat. (occasional straggler to Greenland and Iceland), also parts of tropical India, and apparently Africa, south to Cape Colony and Orange River Colony. East Asiatic birds are apparently slightly different, but their differences require confirmation. ARDEA PURPUREA 261. Ardea purpurea purpurea L.— THE PURPLE HERON. ARDEA PURPUREA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. xn, i, p. 236 (1766 — "Habitat in Orients "). Ardea purpurea Linnaeus, Yarrell, iv, p. 172 ; Saunders, p. 369. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant. Over fifty, chiefly east coast England south of Wash, more rarely south coast, and very rarely elsewhere. In Scotland there seem only two authentic (East Lothian, Oct., 1892 ; Caithness, Sept., 1907). In Ireland only one (Monaghan, prior to 1834). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds locally from Holland, France, Austria, Hungary, south Russia to north Africa ; more or less migratory in Europe, but resident and winter- visitor in many parts of tropical and south Africa, extending eastwards to Persian Gulf and west central Asia. Replaced by another form in India, China, and Malayan Archipelago. EGRETTA ALBA 262. Egretta alba alba (L.)— THE GREAT WHITE HERON. ARDEA ALBA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 144 (1758 — Europe. Re- stricted typical locality : Sweden). Ardea alba Linnaeus, Yarrell, iv, p. 177 ; Saunders, p. 371. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Very rare vagrant. About seven authentic — three Yorks., one Cambs., one Notts., one East Lothian, one Perth, (cf. Saunders, p. 371, and Brit. B., i, p. 347). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds (formerly in great numbers) in parts of south-east Europe, in the plains of the Danube and north to south Russia, at least once (1863) in Silesia. Seems also to breed eastwards as far as east Asia. Northern birds are migrants. The distribution and description of allied races are as yet imperfectly known, but it seems that the birds from tropical and south Africa, as well as those from India, east Asia and the Malayan Archipelago to Australia, are separable, and the large American Egret might also be looked upon as a representative of E. a Iba alba. 124 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. EGRETTA GARZETTA 263. Egretta garzetta garzetta (L.)— THE LITTLE EGRET. ARDEA GARZETTA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. xii, i, p. 237 (1766 — " Habitat in Oriente." Ex Brisson, who says " juxta maris littora versatur " !) Ardea garzetta Linnseus, Yarrell, iv, p. 182 ; Saunders, p. 373. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Very rare vagrant. Several recorded, but Saunders admitted only one — Countess Weir, Exe (Devon), June 3; 1870 — as thoroughly authentic. Others recorded from Sussex, Northants. (two), and Yorks. may be genuine. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — South Europe, Africa, and southern and central Asia generally. In Africa it appears to breed as well as winter, most European Egrets being migrants. A straggler in central and western Europe. Replaced by closely-allied race in Malayan Archipelago, and Moluccas to Australia. ARDEOLA IBIS* 264. Ardeola ibis ibis (L.)— THE BUFF-BACKED HERON. ARDEA IBIS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 144 (1758 — Egypt). Ardea bnbulcus Audouin, Yarrell, iv, p. 187 ; Saunders, p. 375. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One, immature female, near Kingsbridge (Devon), end Oct., 1805 (ut supra}. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — South Europe and Africa, in Asia east- wards at least as far as Persia, but represented by A. ibis coromanda in the far east, India and the Malayan Archipelago to the Moluccas. ARDEOLA RALLOIDES 265. Ardeola ralloides ralloides (Scop.)— THE SQUACCO HERON. ARDEA RALLOIDES Scopoli, Annus i, Historico-Xatur., p. 88 (1769 — Carniola). Ardea ralloides Scopoli, Yarrell, iv, p. 191 ; Saunders, p. 377. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant. Over sixty. Eng- land.— Scilly Isles, Cornwall (about 20), Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Wilts., Hants., Isle of Wight, Sussex, Surrey, Kent, Suffolk, Norfolk, Lines., Northumberland, Cumberland, Notts., Salop. Wales.— Denbigh, Montgomery, and Brecon. Scotland. — Three. Ireland. — Eight (chiefly south coast). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad.— Mediterranean countries and south Russia to Caspian Sea (migratory) and Africa (all the year round apparently). Accidental in central Europe. * Linnaeus's name is certain and now generally adopted. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 125 NYCTICORAX NYCTICQRAX 266. Nycticorax nycticorax nycticorax (L.) — THE NIGHT- HERON. ARDEA NYCTICORAX Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 142 (1758 — S. Europe). Nycticorax griseus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 195 ; Saunders, p. 379. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Vagrant. England. — Many south and east coasts as far north as Yorks., a good many inland, but few west and north. Chiefly spring and autumn. Only seven or eight recorded during last twelve years. Scotland. — Four in south, one Aberdeen, several Argyll, one 0. Hebrides. Ireland. — Twenty- four, of which only one is from Connaught . DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — South and central Europe as well as nearly whole of Africa and greater part of Asia as far south as the Sunda Islands. Migratory in northern parts of its breeding range. Represented by closely -allied forms in America. IXOBRYCHUS MINUTUS* 267. Ixobrychus minutus (L.)— THE LITTLE BITTERN. ARDEA MINUTA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. xn, i, p. 240 (1766 — Helvetia, Aleppo. Restricted typical locality : Switzerland). Ardetta niinuta (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 200 ; Saunders, p. 381. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Vagrant. England and Wales.— Recorded nearly every county, most frequently south and east counties, rarer Wales and west, and north of Yorks. Probably bred Norfolk within last forty years. Scotland. — Rare, but has occurred as far north as Orkneys and Shetlands, though not O. Hebrides. Ireland. — About thirty, chiefly south and east and only one Connaught. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Central and south Europe, south of about 60° north lat., east to central Asia, south to Himalayas, Kashmir, North-west Provinces of India and Sind ; in winter in Africa, and (not common) parts of India. BOTAURUS STELLARIS 268. Botaurus stellaris stellaris (L.)— THE BITTERN. ARDEA STELLARIS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 144 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Botaurus stellaris (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 206 ; Saunders, p. 383. DISTRIBUTION.— British Isles. — Winter-visitor chiefly, but often also in summer. Used to breed regularly in many places England, * The generic name Ixobryclins Billberg, 1828, has priority over Ardetta Gray, 1842. (See Journal /ur Ornithologie, 1906, p. 533.)— E.H. 126 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. Wales, and Ireland, and in Norfolk even down to 1868, while in 1886 a young one with down still upon it was found there, and in 1911 it was proved to breed (E. L. Turner, Brit. B., v, pp. 90-97). To Scotland irregular visitor, but has occurred most parts. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Temperate portions of Palsearctic region generally, in Europe north to Scandinavia, and migratory, in winter in north-west Africa, Mediterranean countries and India. Replaced by closely -allied subspecies in America and south Africa. 269. Botaurus stellaris lentiginosus (Mont.) — THE AMERICAN BITTERN. ARDEA LENTIGINOSA Montagu, Orn. Diet., Suppl., text and plate (1813 — Piddletovvn in Dorsetshire). Botaurus lentiginosus (Montagu), Yarrell, iv, p. 213 ; Saunders, p. 385. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Very rare vagrant. England and Wales. — About seventeen : Scilly Isles, Cornwall (2), Devon (2), Dorset., Hants. (2), Sussex (2), Kent (2), Yorks. (2), Lanes., Anglesey and Pembroke. Scotland. — Seven : Dumfries. (2), Ayr., Argyll., Aberdeen, Elgin, Caithness. Ireland.— Fifteen : Munster (6), Leinster (6), Ulster (3). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North and Central America. [NOTE. — A specimen of the GREEN HERON, Butorides virescens virescens (L.), inhabiting eastern North America and wintering from West Indies south- wards, is said to have bean shot in Cornwall, Oct., 1889 (Saunders, p. 386).] PKCENICOPTERUS ROSEUS 270. Phcenicopterus roseus Pall.— THE FLAMINGO. PHOENICOPTERTJS ROSEUS Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., n, p. 207 (1827 — S. Russia, Caspian). Phcenicopterus roseus Pallas, Yarrell, iv, p. 244 ; Saunders, p. 395. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Very rare vagrant. Obtained some fifteen times, but some were certainly escaped birds, and most recorded in recent years are open to that suspicion. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — From the basin of Mediterranean (Spain, south France) to west Siberia, Lake Baikal and Persian Gulf, Africa and India to Ceylon, but apparently not breeding in the tropics, excepting on Cape Verde Islands, a group inhabited by a number of other Palsearctic forms. CYGNUS CYGNUS 271. Cygnus cygnus (L.)— THE WHOOPER SWAN. ANAS CYGNUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 122 (1758— Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Cygnus musicits Bechstein, Yarrell, iv, p. 308 ; Saunders, p. 413. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 127 DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor (Oct. -Nov. to March- April, occasionally May). More frequent Scotland than England, rare Ireland. More abundant severe weather. Used to breed Orkneys. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Iceland, north Europe and north Asia, migrating southwards to central and south Europe, central Asia, China, and occasionally Japan. CYGNUS BEWICKII 272. Cygnus bewickii bewickii Yarr.— BEWICK'S SWAN. CYGNUS BEWICKII Yarrell, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, xvi, ii, p. 453 (1830— England). Cygnus bewicki Yarrell, Yarrell, iv, p. 315 ; Saunders, p. 415. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor. Fairly frequent England and Wales in severe winters, and sometimes abundant Scotland, especially in O. Hebrides. In Ireland regular visitor to parts of Ulster, Connaught, and co. Kerry, and in severe winters more numerous and more general. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North Russia (Petchora), Novaya Zemlia and arctic Asia, but replaced by a larger race in east Siberia (see Ibis, 1907, pp. 650-2). Migrates south to China and Japan and casually to Caspian, central and west Europe less frequently than to British Isles. CYGNUS OLOR 273. Cygnus olor (Gm.)— THE MUTE SWAN. ANAS OLOR Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, ii, p. 501 (1789— Russia). Cygnus olor (Gmelin), Yarrell, iv, p. 324 ; Saunders, p. 417. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and generally distributed in a semi -domesticated condition. Originally introduced. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Appears to breed in a wild state in south Scandinavia, Denmark, north Germany, central and south Russia, south-east Europe, and eastwards to Turkestan and Mongolia. Migratory, and wintering in basin of Mediterranean, on Caspian Sea and eastwards, occasionally in north-west India. Found in a semi- domesticated state in many places. [NOTE. — There is no doubt that the so-called Polish Swan ("Cygnus im- mutabilis") is only an aberrant domesticated and semi-domesticated Mute Swan.] [NOTE. — An immature bird, supposed to be an example of the AMERICAN TRUMPETER SWAN, Cygnus buccinator Richardson, was shot near Aldeburgh (Suffolk) in Oct., 1866, and is in the Museum of that town (Yarrell, iv, p. 322 ; Saunders, p. 416). Examples of the AMERICAN WHISTLING SWAN, Cygnus columbianus Ord, are stated, " on weak evidence," to have been found in shops of Edinburgh poulterers (Yarrell, iv, p. 322 ; Saunders, p. 416).] 128 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. ANSER ANSER 274. Anser anser (L.)— THE GREY LAG-GOOSE. ANAS ANSER Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 123 (1758 — Europe. Re- stricted typical locality : Sweden). Anser cinereus Meyer, Yarrell, iv, p. 253 ; Saunders, p. 397. DISTRIBUTION. — England, Wales, and Ireland. — Winter-visitor. Rare along east coast England, and very irregular in south and west. Used to breed (Cambridge up to 1773, Lines, to early 1800). In Ireland rare in most counties, but visits parts of Wexford, Wick- low, Meath, Louth, Mayo, and lower Shannon. Probably formerly bred Bog of Allen and co. Down. Scotland. — Resident. Breeds Ross, Sutherland, Caithness, some I. Hebrides, and more plenti- fully O. Hebrides. On mainland does not breed south of Loch Maree in truly wild state. In winter more general, but apparently only occasional on east side. Has increased of recent years in Solway. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Iceland, Europe, north-east of a line drawn from Eriesland to the Lower Danube, and in Asia as far east as east Siberia and Kamtschatka, migrating south in winter as far as Mediterranean and north Africa, China and India. [NOTE. — A specimen of Anser rubrirostris Swinhoe is said to have been obtained in co. Limerick, Nov. 23, 1901 (F. Coburn, Bull. B.O.C., xii, p. 80), but according to Alpheraky (see The Geese of Europe and Asia, pp. 24-41) and others, this supposed eastern race cannot be distinguished !] ANSER ALBIFRONS 275. Anser albifrons (Scop.)— THE WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE. BRANTA ALBIFRONS Scopoli, Annus I, Historico-Natur., p. 69 (1769 — Carniola). Anser albi/rons (Scopoli), Yarrell, iv, p. 261 ; Saunders, p. 399. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor. Scarce east coast Great Britain, sometimes plentiful south and most regular west, where, however, its distribution is irregular. In Ireland regular and often abundant on great bogs in all provinces. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds from Lapland (Gobel) and Novaya Zemlia, Kolguev, Kanin, and eastwards along arctic Siberia. Also breeds in Iceland, Greenland, and arctic North America, but Ameri- can authors distinguish their form under the name of A. albifrons gambeli, a distinction which requires confirmation.* On migration all over Europe to Mediterranean and Egypt, north India, Corea, Japan, and China, while the American form wanders as far as Mexico and Cuba. * Some specimens of White-fronted Geese from Ireland have been assigned by Mr. F. Coburn to the doubtful Anser gambeli, but the validity of this sup- posed race cannot be decided without further study (cf. Brit. B., 11, p. 25). A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 129 ANSER FINMARCHICUS* 276. Anser finmarchicus Gunner.— THE LESSER WHITE- FRONTED GOOSE. ANSER FINMARCHICUS Gunner, Leeniii de Lappoii. Comm. notis, p. 264 (1767— Finmark). A. erythropus, Yarrell, iv, p. 263 (in text) ; Saunders, p. 400 (in text) ; id., Brit. B., i, p. 14. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Very rare vagrant. Young male Fen- ham Flats (Northumberland) Sept. 16, 1886 (A. Chapman, Field, Dec. 11, 1886, p. 87 ; Saunders, p. 400). Adult female, Wash (Nor- folk), Jan. 24, 1900 (F. Coburn, ZooL, 1901, p. 317 ; J. H. Gurney, Ibis, 1902, pp. 269-75). One also said to have been taken near York (Birds Tories., p. 413) and one in Humber District about 1874 (J. Cordeaux, Birds Humber District, p. 22), and some possibly on Solway, Jan., 1894 (H. S. Gladstone, Birds Dumfries., p. 243), but the histories of these specimens are not above reproach. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in tundras of Siberia, westward to Kanin and Lapland. Winters in Japan, China and (in small numbers) in India, Mongolia, and probably in Turkestan, straying in small numbers to central, south, and west Europe. ANSER FABALIS f } 277. Anser fabalis fabalis (Lath.)— THE BEAN-GOOSE. ANAS FABALIS Latham, Gen. Syn., Suppl., i, p. 297 (1787 — Great Britain). Anser segetum (Gmelin), Yarrell, iv, p. 265 ; Saunders, p. 401. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor. Widely but not abundantly distributed, generally more frequent on west than east ooasts Great Britain. Only one authentic example O. Hebrides (S. Uist, March, 1903), very rare extreme north Scottish mainland, occurrence in Orkneys and Shetlands not proved. In Ireland very * It is impossible to say whether Anser erythropus (L.) (Anas erythropus Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 123, 1758 : " A. cinerea, fronte alba, Fn. Suec., "92, Anser helsingicus Clusius. exot. 308. Habitat in Europa septentrionali ") refers to this goose or A. albifrons Scopoli. It might be restricted to the commoner A. albifrons, but why it has been accepted for the Lesser White- fronted Goose is incomprehensible. Under the circumstances it is best not to employ it at all. — E.H. f Latham's name, having two years priority, is now generally adopted. (See Cat. B. Brit. Mus., xxvn, etc.). — E.H. J Many authors separate two supposed species : Anser fabalis (= segetum •Gm.) and Anser arvensis, while others do not recognize them as different. If they are two species, both would occur in Great Britain, and Mr. F. W. Frohawk has gone so far as to affirm that A. arvensis is the usual form (Field, 1902, p. 605), but until we have more thoroughly investigated the question we can only admit one species. K 130 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. scarce in south, but more numerous west and midlands, especially in severe winters. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Owing to the confusion of several species and subspecies of these Geese, the distribution of this form is not easily understood, but it appears that Anser fabalis fabalis breeds on Kolguev and Novaya Zemlia and in north-east Russia (Petchora) and probably west Siberia, while in Finland and Lapland it appears to occur only on passage, and is represented by allied forms in the north of eastern Asia. On migration in most parts of Europe and western Asia. ANSER BRACHYRHYNCHUS 278. Anser brachyrhynchus Baillon— THE PINK-FOOTED GOOSE. ANSER BRACHYRHYNCHUS Baillon, Mem. Soc. R. Abbeville, 1833, p. 74 (France). Anser brachyrhynchus Baillon, Yarrell, iv, p. 270 ; Saunders, p. 403. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor. Most numerous east coast Great Britain, scarcer south and west. Rare extreme north Scotland, identified only two or three times Orkneys, not Shetlands, a number Oct. 1909, Fair Isle, doubtful occurrence 0. Hebrides. In Ireland only two obtained, Lough Swilly (Donegal), Oct. 19, 1891, Lough Key (Roscommon), Feb. 17, 1908. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Occurs on passage and winters in north- western Europe. Appears regularly in Holland, but has only been casually obtained in Germany, France, and Belgium, and, strange to say, in Scandinavia, though we may suppose that it wanders along coast of Norway. Reaches probably Spain and Portugal. Breeding quarters Spitsbergen and probably Franz-Josef Land, possibly also Iceland. (Occurrences recorded in Persia, India, and Japan are probably either referable to Anser neglectus, or erroneous.) ANSER HYPERBOREUS 279. Anser hyperboreus hyperboreus Pall. — THE SNOW- GOOSE. ANSER HYPERBOREUS Pallas, Spicilegia Zool., fasc. vi, p. 25 (1769 — N.E. Siberia). Chen hyperboreus (Pallas), Yarrell, iv, p. 275 ; Saunders, p. 405. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant. Ireland. — Three co. Wexford, Nov., 1871. Two (out of seven) caught co. Mayo, Oct., 1877 (Saunders, p. 405). One obtained and another seen co. Long- ford, Oct., 1903. Four seen co. Mayo, Dec., 1903, and fourteen Dec., 1906 (cf. Brit. B., n, p. 27). England and Scotland. — Only one obtained (Aug., 1854, Scottish Solway), no doubt same bird as seen A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 131 previously Cumberland side ; said to have been seen other occasions in Solway (Birds Dumfries., p. 248). Reported as seen Northum- berland, Yorks., and Gloucester winter 1890-1 (Saunders, p. 405), Norfolk, autumn, 1909, and Essex April and May, 1911 (cf. Brit. B., iv, p. 28, v, pp. 25, 139), but some of these later examples may have been escapes from captivity. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Eastern Arctic Asia and western Arctic America. On passage and in winter in western North America, southwards to Lower California and Mexico ; in Asia south to Japan ; in Europe observed in several countries, such as Norway, Holland, France, Heligoland, Germany, and probably elsewhere — even, perhaps, in Greece. Replaced by A. h. nivalis in eastern North America. 280. Anser hyperboreus nivalis (Forst.)— THE GREATER SNOW-GOOSE. ANAS NIVALIS Forster, Philos. Trans., LXII, p. 433 (1772 — Severn R., Hudson Bay, Canada). Chen nivalis Forster, Sharpe, Bull. B.O.C., x, p. xv. DISTRIBUTION. — Ireland. — One, Belmullet (Mayo) Oct., 1886 (ut supra ; cf. R. J. Ussher, List Irish Birds, p. 33 ; Brit. B., n, p. 27). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in north Greenland and Ellesmere Land, though full range is unknown ; on passage and in winter in eastern America, south to Louisiana, Florida and even Porto Rico. Replaced by A. h. hyperboreus in western North America and arctic east Asia. BRANTA RUFICOLLIS* 281. Branta ruficollis (Pall.)— THE RED-BREASTED GOOSE. ANSER RUFICOLLIS Pallas, Spicilegia Zool., fasc. vi, p. 21, pi. iv (1769 — S. Russia). Bernicla ruficollis (Pallas), Yarrell, iv, p. 281 ; Saunders, p. 407. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Very rare vagrant. One near London early 1776. One near Wycliflfe (Yorks.) about same time. One Berwick-on-Tweed (Northumberland), 1818. One Maldon (Essex), Jan. 6, 1871. Two said to have been got south Devon, and one Norfolk (Saunders, p. 407). One Severn (Gloucester), Nov. 18, 1909 (Brit. B., in, p. 376). Others recorded, but not substantiated. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Nests in tundras of western Siberia ; * Bernicla is often quoted as a genus of Brisson, bub Brisson never established such a genus. The name Branta (Scopoli, 1769) must therefore be used— E.H. K 2 132 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. winters in great numbers on Caspian Sea, in steppes of Transcaspia and parts of Persia, passing through south Russia, the Khirgiz steppes, and parts of Turkestan, casually in France, Italy, Holland, Germany, Galicia, Hungary, and even — at least in ancient times — in Egypt. BRANTA LEUCOPSIS 282. Branta leucopsis (Bechst.)— THE BARNACLE-GOOSE. ANAS LEUCOPSIS Bechstein, Orn. Taschenb., n, p. 424 (1803 — Germany). Bernicla leucopsis (Bechstein), Yarrell, iv, p. 286 ; Saunders, p. 409. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor. Most numerous O. and some I. Hebrides, and Solway, where, however, becoming scarcer. Formerly conimon, now rare, parts of Wales and Cheshire, but more numerous generally on west side Great Britain than east, where very rare, as on south coast and inland. In northern Scotland rare, but fairly regular visitor Orkneys and well-known passage- migrant (not wintering) Shetlands. In Ireland regular winter- visitor to coasts and islands Connaught and co. Donegal, and in small numbers to Dundalk Bay (Louth), very rare southern half. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds Spitsbergen and north-east Greenland, possibly also Kolguev(P), Novaya Zemlia, and north- west Siberia. On migration and in winter from Iceland to shores of Baltic and North Sea, occasionally inland, exceptionally south to Italy, Spain, Marocco, Azores, casually in North America. BRANTA BERNICLA 283. Branta bernicla bernicla (L.)— THE BRENT GOOSE. ANAS BERNICLA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p 124 (1758 — "Habitat in Europa boreali ; migrat supra Sueciam "). Bernicla brenta (Pallas), Yarrell, iv, p. 290; Saunders, p. 411. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter- visitor. Most numerous and regular east coast Scotland, east and south coast England, and all coasts Ireland, where, however, scarcer on south coast. On wTest coasts Great Britain generally scarce and somewhat irregular, as in western isles Scotland, but common parts of Orkneys, and in Shetlands chiefly known as passage-migrant. Very rare inland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds on Franz- Josef Land, Spitsbergen, Kolguev, and Novaya Zemlia (not on mainland of European Russia), on Yenisei, and even further east ; replaced by allied races in east and west North America. In winter in vast numbers on shores of Baltic and especially North Sea. Casually inland, sometimes south to Mediterranean and even north Africa. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 133 284. Branta bernicla glaucogastra (Brehm) — THE PALE- BREASTED BRENT GOOSE. BERNICLA GLAUCOGASTER Brehm, Handb. Naturg. Vog. Deutschl., p. 849 (1831— German coast of Baltic Sea). DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor. In very few in- stances definitely recorded, and distribution of the two forms is little known, but this form is said to occur with the typical but to be scarcer south of the Humber (Saunders, p. 412). Recorded Sol- way and Yorks., also Northumberland, where seems more abundant than typical form (A. Chapman, Bird-life Borders, 2nd ed., p. 337) ; appears to be more common than typical form in south-east Ireland (H.F.W.) DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in arctic islands of north-eastern North America, west to about longitude 100°, and on west coast of Greenland, in winter along Atlantic coasts of America, south to Carolina and even Florida, casually inland, accidental in British Columbia. A few occurrences recorded from Kolguev, but appar- ently from memory only, and not from actual comparison, and from Taimyr peninsula, whence one skin is known. [Branta bernicla nigricans (Lawr.)— THE BLACK BRENT GOOSE. ANSER NIGRICANS Lawrence, Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. York, 1840, p. 171, pi. xii (New Jersey). Bernicla nigricans, Gurney, Zool., 1908, pp. 121 and 123 ; id., i.e., 19] 0 p. 123 ; Coburn, Rep. and Trans. N. Staffs. F. Club, XLIV, pp. 121-5. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Said by Mr. F. Coburn to have been obtained as follows : Wash (Norfolk), female, Jan, 15, 1907; male, Feb., 1902 ; fourteen, Jan., 1909 ; Staffs., one, Nov. 23, 1895 ; Warwick, one, Nov. 5, 1897 (ut supra and Brit. B., n, pp. 27, iv, pp. 27 and 107). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds on arctic coast and islands of western North America and in arctic zone of Siberia from the Lena eastwards to islands in Bering Sea. In winter along eastern coasts of Asiatic continent and its islands to Japan, and along west coast of America to lower California. Also recorded Maui (Hawaii).] [NOTE. — The CANADA GOOSE, Branta canadensis canadensis (L.), an inhabitant of North America, has been domesticated in this country for more than two centuries, but there is no evidence that truly wild birds have ever visited us (c/. Yarrell, iv, p. 295 ; Saunders, p. 412).] [NOTE. — Many examples of the introduced EGYPTIAN GOOSE, Chenalopex cegyptiacus (L.), an inhabitant of Africa and Palestine, have been killed in various parts of the country (Yarrell, iv, p. 300 ; Saunders, p. 412).] [NOTE. — Examples, undoubtedly introduced, of the SPUR-WINGED GOOSE, Phctropterus gambensis (L.), an inhabitant of tropical Africa, have been killed in this country (Yarrell, iv, p. 304 ; Saunders, p. 412).] 134 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. TADORNA TADORNA 285. Tadorna tadorna (L.)— THE SHELD-DUCK. ANAS TADORNA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 122 (1758 — Coasts of Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Tadorna cornuta (S. G. Gmelin), Yarrell, iv, p. 352 ; Saunders, p. 419. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed suitable localities coast, and especially estuaries, and in some places breeds considerable distance inland. Scarcer in south Great Britain than north and in Shetlands very rare, and very doubtful if ever nested. In winter, numbers increased by immigrants. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in northern Europe, from about latitude 70° in Norway and 51° in Urals to France and even Spain, and on salt-lakes of south Siberia and central Asia, also in eastern Asia, west to Caspian and Black Seas. On migration south to Medi- terranean and north Africa, as far as the tropic of Cancer, to north India, Japan, China, and Formosa. Casually in Iceland and Faeroes. CASARCA FERRUGINEA* 286. Casarca ferruginea (Pall.)— THE RUDDY SHELD- DUCK. ANAS FERRUGINEA Pallas, Vroeg's Cat., Adumbratiuncula, p. 5 (1764 — Tartary). Tadorna casarca (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 347 ; Saunders, p. 421. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant. Many occurred June to Sept., 1892 various parts Ireland, in Cumberland, Sutherland, Elgin, Lines., Norfolk, and Suffolk. Flocks ten to fifteen and even twenty in some places (cf. F. M. Ogilvie, ZooL, 1892, pp. 392-8). Others recorded from time to time Dorset, Hants., Kent, Norfolk, Essex, and elsewhere, including Sule Skerry (Orkneys), June 18,1909. Some recorded examples no doubt escaped from semi-captivity. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — East and south Europe south to north Africa, east through middle Asia to China and Japan ; winters in India and south China to Formosa, also in north Africa. ANAS PLATYRHYNCHAf 287. Anas platyrhyncha platyrhyncha L. — THE MALLARD. ANAS PLATYRHYNCHOS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 125 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Anas boscas Linnaeus, Yarrell, iv, p. 358 ; Saunders, p. 423. * The name ferruginea antedates Linnseus's Anas casarca. — E.H. f Linnaeus described the female as Anas platyrhynchos on p. 125, the male as Anas boschas (not boscas) on p. 127 of Syst. Nat., ed. x. The former name has therefore been correctly accepted (Lonnberg, A.O.U. Checklist, and others). — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 135 DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and winter-visitor. Gener- ally distributed. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern Hemisphere, in winter south to north-east Africa and north India. Also in North America, but at least the Greenland form is separable ; in winter (in America) south to Mexico, West Indies, and Panama. ANAS STREPERA 288. Anas strepera L.— THE GADWALL. ANAS STREPERA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 125 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Anas strepera Linnaeus, Yarrell, iv, p. 370 ; Saunders, p. 425. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and winter -visit or. Breeds regularly (now in considerable numbers) Norfolk and Suffolk, and in 1909, 1910, and probably previously, on a loch in Forth area, Scotland. Also bred in Peebles, 1906. Elsewhere autumn to spring visitor, uncertain and scarce most parts, but common Tiree. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern Hemisphere, breeding in tem- perate regions of both continents ; in winter south to Abyssinia, India and China, Mexico and Florida. (Accidental in Bermudas, Cuba, and Jamaica.) ANAS CRECCA 289. Anas crecca crecca L. — THE TEAL. ANAS CRECCA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 126 (1758— Europe. Re- stricted typical locality : Sweden). Querquedula crecca (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 387 ; Saunders, p. 431. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and winter-visitor. Breeds most English counties ; sparsely southern and inland ones, more plentifully eastern and northern and in Wales. In Scotland widely distributed breeding-bird, and known to breed plentifully in some O. Hebrides since 1901. In Ireland breeds throughout in limited numbers. Some home-bred birds emigrate in autumn, but numbers •are greatly increased in winter by Continental visitors. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Palsearctic region generally, breeding more abundantly in northern portions, but in winter all over con- tinent of Europe, where open fresh-water remains, and in milder parts of Asia, south to Haussa-land, Abyssinia, Blue Nile, Sokotra, India and Ceylon, Burmah, Japan and China. Represented by A. c. carolinensis in North America. 136 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 290. Anas crecca carolinensis Gm. — THE AMERICAN GREEN-WINGED TEAL. ANAS CAROLINENSIS Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, ii, p. 533 (1789 — Carolina to Hudson Bay). Nettion carolinense (J. F. Gmelin), Saunders, p. 433. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Two or three. Adult male Kingsbridge estuary (Devon), Nov. 23, 1879 (H. Nicholls, Zool., 1880, p. 70). Adult male near Scarborough (Yorks.), Nov., 1851 (J. Evans, op.c., 1852, p. 3472). One said to have been shot Hurstbourne Park (Hants.) about 1840 (Saunders, p. 433). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Replaces Anas crecca crecca in North America, winters in parts of United States and as far south as Lower California, West Indies and even Honduras, accidental in Hawaii, Bermudas, and Greenland. ANAS DISCORS 291. Anas discors L.— THE AMERICAN BLUE-WINGED TEAL. ANAS DISCORS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. xn, i, p. 205 (1766 — Carolina to- Virginia). Querquedula discors (Linnaeus), Saunders, p. 434 ; Yarrell, iv, p. 391 (in text). DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Two or three. Female Upper Nithsdale (Dumfries), 1858 (Saunders, p. 434, Birds Dumfries., pp. 276-8, cf. Brit. B., v, p. 257). Female Dee estuary (Cheshire), about 1860 (Vert. Fauna Cheshire, p. 322). Immature female (probably wild bird) Ballycotton (Cork), Ireland, Sept., 1910 (Bull. B.O.C., xxvii, p. 15; Brit. B., iv, p. 252). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Western Hemisphere ; breeding in Canada and United States, wintering in parts of United States and south to West Indies and South America. ANAS QUERQUEDULA 292. Anas querquedula L. — THE GARGANEY. ANAS QTJEKQUEDULA Linnaeus, Syst. Xat., ed. x, i, p. 126 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Querquedula circia (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 393 ; Saunders, p. 435. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer resident and vagrant. Breeds regularly Norfolk, Suffolk, and Kent ; has bred Durham (1880-7), Yorks. (1882, 1908), Essex, Hants. (1897), Somerset (1910). Elsewhere vagrant — usually spring, less frequently autumn, A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 137 and exceptionally winter. Especially rare Wales, west and north England, Scotland (not occurred O. Hebrides), and Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Paleearctic region generally, breeding chiefly in subarctic portions, migrating in winter as far south as northern and tropical Africa, and south Asia as far as Philippines and Moluccas. [NOTE. — Wanderers from captivity of the NORTH AMERICAN SUMMER-DUCK, Aix sponsa (L.), are sometimes shot (Saunders, p. 432).] ANAS PENELOPE 293. Anas penelope L.— THE WIGEON. AXAS PENELOPE Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 69 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Mareca penelope (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 397 ; Saunders, p. 437. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and winter- visit or. Breeds regularly Sutherland, Caithness, Ross, Cromarty, and Perth ; and in Argyll, borders of Roxburgh and Selkirk, and Forth area at all events in recent years ; has nested Shetlands, Orkneys, Kirkcud- bright., Coll, Kincardine; also (possibly wild birds) Yorks. (1897 and 1901), Cumberland (1903 and 1908), and Merioneth (1898). Some evidence, but no proof, of breeding occasionally other parts. Common winter-visitor on all coasts and occasionally inland waters. In Shetlands, chiefly autumn and spring migrant. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Palsearctic region generally, breeding in colder parts, wintering in more southern latitudes as far as north Africa, Persia, India, Burmah, Sunda Islands, and China ; accidental visitor to North America. ANAS AMERICANA 294. Anas americana Gm.— THE AMERICAN WIGEON. ANAS AMERICANA Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, ii, p. 526 (1789 — N". America). Mareca americana (Gmelin), Yarrell, iv, p. 403 ; Saunders, p. 439. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Very rare vagrant. Male identified, and female probably, at London Market, winter 1837-8. Young male found at Leeds game-stall, Feb., 1895 (Saunders, p. 439). Adult male shot Benbecula (0. Hebrides), Jan. 3, 1907 (Bull. B.O.C., xix, p. 57 ; cf. Brit. B., n, p. 56). Adult male seen Anglesey, June, 1910, may have been an escape from captivity (Brit. B., iv, pp. 87, 256). Other occurrences (unauthenticated) recorded. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North America, in winter south to Guatemala, Costa Rica, West Indies, and Hawaiian Islands, 138 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. Accidental in Europe (France), Azores, and Bering Islands. Re- ported as breeding in Iceland by Mr. F. Coburn (Bull. B.O.C., xn, p. 14), but this statement requires confirmation. SPATULA CLYPEATA 295. Spatula clypeata (L.)— THE SHOVELER. ANAS CLYPEATA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 124 (1758 — Restricted typical locality : S. Sweden). Spatula clypeata (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 375 ; Saunders, p. 427. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Resident, forsaking most breeding-places in autumn and then, as well as in winter, more widely distributed. Since 1876 greatly increased as breeding- species, and now nests Northumberland, Cumberland, Durham, Yorks., Lanes.. Lines., Notts., Staffs., Salop, Warwick., Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambs., Beds., Herts., Essex, Kent, Sussex, Hants., Dorset, Somerset, and Devon. In Wales much scarcer, but nests Anglesey -and once Merioneth. Scotland. — Breeds good many places in south and east, in Orkneys, Tiree, since 1903 in 0. Hebrides, and sporadically in north mainland. Increasing. — Ireland. — Breeds every province. Increasing. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern Hemisphere. Breeds as far north as lat. 68° and in America to Alaska, winters as far south as Senegambia and Somaliland, India and Ceylon, China and Formosa, Hawaiian Islands, and in America to West Indies and Colombia. Casual in Bermudas and Newfoundland, once near Capetown. DAFILA ACUTA 296. Dafila acuta (L.)— THE PINTAIL. ANAS ACUTA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 126 (1758 — k' Hab. in Europse maritimis." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Dafila acuta (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 380 ; Saunders, p. 429. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and winter- visit or. Has bred Skye (I. Hebrides) in 1889, Loch Leven (Fife) since 1898 (and probably before), Selkirk in 1901, South Uist (0. Hebrides) in 1902, Shetlands 1905 and 1908, Orkneys several years, and increased in 1910, while a clutch of eggs in Brit. Mus. is labelled " Inverness- shire." May have bred Ireland many years ago. Otherwise regular, but rather scarce, winter- visitor (Sept. -April) to most parts coast and occasionally inland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern Hemisphere, breeding in north- ern parts from about 70° down to lat. 50°, also in south Spain and south France ; in winter south to northern Africa, India, China A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 139 and even Borneo, Panama. Porto Rico, Cuba, Hawaiian Islands, and Laysan. NYROCA RUFINA* 297. Nyroca rufina (Pall.)— THE RED-CRESTED POCHARD. ANAS RUFINA Pallas, Reise d. versch. Prov. d. Russ. Reichs, n, p. 713 (1773— S. Russia). Fuligula rufina (Pallas), Yarrell, iv, p. 407 ; Saunders, p. 441. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Very rare vagrant. Since the first in July, 1818, eight or nine Norfolk, besides flocks of thirteen and four Sept., 1906. A few others recorded (all autumn or winter), chiefly east coast England, as follows : — Northumberland (one), Yorks. (one, Jan., 1900), Suffolk (several), Essex (one), mouth of Thames (flock of eighteen), Bucks, and Herts. (Tring Reservoirs, flock), Sussex (flock of 14-16, Jan., 1911), Hants, (one), Dorset (one), Devon (one), Cornwall (one), Pembroke (one), Westmorland (one), Argyll (one), Kerry (one). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Mediterranean countries to central Asia, exceptionally in Germany and south Hungary, wintering in Mediter- ranean, south-west Asia and in India. Accidental in north Europe, once in United States. NYROCA FERINA 298. Nyroca ferina ferina (L.)— THE COMMON POCHARD. ANAS FERINA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 126 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Fuligula ferina (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 413 ; Saunders, p. 443. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Resident and winter- visitor. Increasing and now breeds, or has bred, in all maritime counties of east coast, as well as Hants., Dorset, Sussex, Herts., Bucks., Berks., Staffs., Lanes., and possibly Anglesey. In winter more widely dispersed, but irregular in numbers and localities. Scotland. — Breeds most parts, but only winter- visitor to Shetlands and mainly so to O. Hebrides , where truly wild birds may have nested. Ireland. — Winter- visitor. A pair with young identified in Monaghan, 1907, and said to have bred elsewhere. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Palaearctic region generally from Atlantic Ocean to Japan, breeding chiefly in subarctic portions, wintering in Mediterranean countries east to India, China, and Japan. Replaced by an allied race in North America. * The numerous k ' genera " of Ducks distinguished by many authors should be avoided, as they are not sufficiently well-defined, and the oldest name for the group under consideration is Nyroca Fleming, 1822. — E.H. 140 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. NYROCA NYROCA 299. Nyroca nyroca (Giild.)— THE FERRUGINOUS DUCK. ANAS NYROCA Giildenstadt, Nov. Comm. Sc. Petrop., xiv, i, p. 405 (1769— S. Russia). Fuligula nyroca (Giildenstadt), Yarrell, iv, p. 418 ; Saunders, p. 445. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant. England. — Over fifty recorded from Norfolk and a few Suffolk, Cambs., Lines., Notts., Yorks., Northumberland (one), Lanes, (one), Oxon. (four), Essex (one), Kent (one or two), Surrey (one), Sussex (nine), Hants, (a few), Dorset (one), Devon (two), Cornwall (one), Brecon (one), Radnor (one), Montgomery (seven). Scotland. — One or two Firth of Forth and two on Tay. Ireland. — Eight or nine. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Palsearctic region generally, eastwards to valley of the Ob. Breeds in south, central, and east Europe, north Africa, and west Asia. In winter in north Africa and India. [NYROCA BAERF Nyroca baeri (Radde)— BAER'S DUCK. ANAS (FULIGULA) BAERI Radde, Reise S. v. O. Sibirien, n, p. 376, pi. 15- (1863— S.E. Siberia). Nyroca baeri, X. C. Rothschild, Bull. B.O.C., xn, p. 25 ; &thyia baeri Saunders, Brit. B., i, p. 14 ; W. Rothschild, i.e., p. 63. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One. Male, Tring Reservoirs (Herts. )r Nov. 5, 1901 (ut supra}. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — East Siberia, on passage and in winter to Japan, China, Waigiu Islands near New Guinea, irregularly Burmah and India.] NYROCA FULIGULA 300. Nyroca fuligula (L.)— THE TUFTED DUCK. ANAS FULIGULA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 128 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Fuligula cristata (Leach), Yarrell, iv, p. 430 ; Saunders, p. 447. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and winter-visitor. During last twenty years greatly increased and extended range as breeding- species. Now nests in most English counties, in Anglesey, in Scot- land all over south and east as far north as Caithness and Orkneys, * We do not think it advisable to admit fully a duck on the strength of one recently recorded occurrence, since many" water-fowl " are now kept in semi- captivity without even being properly identified. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 141 as well as in I. and O. (since 1903) Hebrides, but still only rare visitor to west coast from Argyll north. In Ireland only known as winter- visitor until 1877, now breeds many counties in all provinces. In winter more plentiful and more widely dispersed. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Palsearctic region generally, from Atlantic to 1 Pacific. In winter south to China and India, Malayan Archi- pelago (casual) and to Abyssinia in Africa (where it is even said to breed), once recorded from Siberia. NYROCA MARILA 301. Nyroca marila marila (L.)— THE SCAUP-DUCK. ANAS MARILA Linnaeus, Fauna Svecica, ed. n, p. 39 (1761 — Lapland). Fuligula marila (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 423 ; Saunders, p. 449. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and winter- visitor. Bred Sutherland 1899, and in an island of Uist group (0. Hebrides) 1897-9 (two pairs), 1900 (three pairs), probably also 1901 and certainly 1902. Also 1906 in another island in same group (cf. Brit. B., n, pp. 85, 132, 146, 209, 283). Otherwise winter-visitor to all coasts and seldom on inland waters. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Palsearctic region generally, but replaced in the east — and apparently in North America — by an allied race. Breeds in arctic regions, winters as far south as Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas, and north India. [NOTE. — A specimen found in Leadenhall Market, and said to have been taken in Lines., formed the subject of Donovan's description and figure of Nyroca collaris, the AMERICAN RING-NECKED DUCK (Anas collaris Donovan, Brit. Birds, vi, 1809, pi. 147). The bird is an inhabitant of North America, irom British Columbia to northern California, and from Alberta south to Dakota and Wisconsin ; in winter south to Porto Rico and Guatemala.] NYROCA CLANGULA 302. Nyroca clangula clangula (L.)— THE GOLDENEYE. ANAS CLANGULA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 125 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Clangula glaucion (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 435 ; Saunders, p. 451. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor. Generally distri- buted round coasts, in estuaries, and less frequently in lakes and rivers. Sometimes seen in summer in Scotland, but no proof of breeding. Adult males comparatively rare. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern Palsearctic region, breeding in arctic and subarctic portions, on migration and in winter south to 142 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. Mediterranean and Caspian region, north India, China and Japan. Replaced by a very closely -allied race in North America. [NOTE. — An immature male Goldeneye shot on the Aide, Suffolk, Feb. 1, 1908, was thought to be a specimen of BARROW'S GOLDENEYE, Nyroca islandica (Gm.) (F. M. Ogilvie, Bull. B.O.C., xxm, p. 63), which breeds in Iceland and northern North America, and winters southwards to California, is a rare visitor to Greenland, and a vagrant in Europe. The identification requires con- firmation ; young birds are hardly distinguishable from those of the Goldeneye.] NYROCA ALBEOLA 303. Nyroca albeola (L.)— THE BUFFEL-HEADED DUCK. ANAS ALBEOLA Linnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 124 (1758 — America. Typical locality : Newfoundland). Clangula albeola (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 442 ; Saunders, p. 453. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Two. Adult male Yarmouth (Nor- folk) about 1830 (Birds Norfolk, in, p. 222); one Bridlington (Yorks.) winter 1864-5 (Cordeaux, ZooL, 1865, p. 9659). Others recorded, including two Aberdeen., mentioned by Gray, not con- sidered authentic (cf. Fauna Tay Basin, p. 243). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North America, breeding as far north as the Yukon River, the lower Mackenzie and Great Slave Lake, and south to Montana, wintering from Aleutian Islands and British Columbia south to Lower California, Mexico and Florida. Casual in Hawaii, Greenland (once), Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Bermudas, Cuba, and Europe (Great Britain only). CLANGULA HYEMALIS* 304. Clangula hyemalis (L.)— THE LONG-TAILED DUCK. ANAS HYEMALIS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 126 (1758 — N. Europe and America. Restricted typical locality : N. Sweden). Harelda glacialis (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 446 ; Saunders, p. 455. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor (Sept. -April, occasion- ally summer, and possibly a few resident). Regular visitor east coast Great Britain, occasional south and west coasts England and Wales. On west side Scotland and in Hebrides as well as Orkneys and Shetlands very common. In Ireland somewhat irregular, and chiefly visits north and west coasts. On inland waters rare vagrant. Adults rather uncommon. Eggs apparently of this species taken several times Shetlands, reported as breeding summer 1911, Orkneys (O. V. Aplin, ZooL, 1911, p. 432 ; Brit. B., v, p. 203), and some evidence of previous nesting Orkneys but as yet no proof. * Anas hyemalis is the oldest name, glacialis having been only published in 1766, eight years later. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 143 DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern Hemisphere. Breeding in arctic regions, wintering further southwards to Black and Caspian Seas, and (in small numbers) Mediterranean, in Asia to Lake Baikal, Japan, China, in America in northern United States and on Great Lakes, and as far south as Gulf of Mexico. HISTRIONICUS HISTRIONICUS* 305. Histrionicus histrionicus (L.)— THE HARLEQUIN-DUCK. ANAS HISTRIONICA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. x, i, p. 127 (1758 — America. Typical locality : Newfoundland). Cosmonetta histrionica (Linnseus), Yarrell, iv, p. 452 ; Saunders, p. 457. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Very rare vagrant. Male found dead Filey (Yorks.) autumn 1862. Two young males obtained, out of three seen, Fame Isles (Northumberland) Dec. 2, 1886. Has possibly occurred Scotland, while others recorded are doubtfully authentic (Saunders, p. 457). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern Hemisphere, breeding in Ice- land, north-east Asia, and probably other places (according to Sabanaeff in the Ural and government of Yaroslav), also in North America as far south as Montana. In winter south to Japan, Lake Baikal, middle United States of America, and California. Rare in Europe. POLYSTICTA STELLERlt 306. Polysticta stelleri (Pall.)— STELLER'S EIDER. ANAS STELLERI Pallas, Spicilegia ZooL, fasc. vi, p. 35, pi. 5 (1769 — Kamt- schatka). Somateria stelleri (Pallas), Yarrell, iv, p. 468 ; Saunders, p. 463. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Two. Nearly adult male Caistor (Nor- folk) Feb. 10, 1830 (Yarrell, Proc. Z. Soc., 1831, p. 35). Young male off Filey Brigg (Yorks.) Aug. 15, 1845 (R. J. Bell, Zool, 1846, p. 1249). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Arctic and sub-arctic coasts of Northern Hemisphere, breeding in arctic regions (erroneously stated to have nested on Varanger Fjord, east of North Cape and at Petschinka, but certain in east Siberia, east of Taimyr Peninsula, and Arctic Ocean near Bering Sea east to Alaska) ; in winter sparingly in various parts of northern Europe, more numerous on coasts of Kamtschatka to Kurile Islands, Aleutian Islands and Greenland, once in Quebec, * Histrionicus, 1828, antedates Cosmonetta, 1829.— E.H. f Recent ornithologists separate Steller's Eider from the genus Somateria* If this is done, the generic name Polysticta is the oldest name for it. — E.H. 144 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. SOMATERIA MOLLISSIMA 307. Somateria mollissima mollissima (L.) — THE COMMON EIDER. ANAS MOLLISSIMA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 124 (1758 — X. Europe). Somateria mollissima (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 457 ; Saunders, p. 459. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Resident and winter- visitor. Breeds coast of Northumberland, Holy Isle and Fame Isles ; along east coast Scotland, in Orkneys, Shetlands, O. and many I. Hebrides, parts of Argyll coast, and in recent years northwards on west coast. As a winter-visitor uncommon or rare on west and south coasts Great Britain, 'but lately increased in parts of north-west Scotland ; on «ast coast regular, becoming more abundant from Northumberland northwards. Ireland. — Rare vagrant ; under forty recorded from •all provinces. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in north-western Palsearctic region from Iceland to shores of Kara Sea and south to Sylt and (casually) Vlieland and Terschelling Islands. In winter along coasts of Europe, occasionally to south Europe and Azores. Replaced by closely -allied forms in North America, Greenland, Spitsbergen, and north-east Asia. [NOTE. — An Eider shot at Graemsay (Orkneys) Dec. 14, 1904, and said to have been a Pacific Eider, Somateria mollissima \r-nigntm Gray (Bull. B.O.C., xv, p. 32 ; ZooL, 1905, pp. 74, 142, 143 ; Ann. S.N.H., 1905, p. 183), was sub- sequently proved to be a variety of the Common Eider, Somateria m. mollissima t (cf. Bull. B.O.C., xix, p. 80 ; Brit. B., i, pp. 15, 69, 125, 158.] SOMATERIA SPECTABILIS 308. Somateria spectabilis (L.)— THE KING-EIDER. ANAS SPECTABILIS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 123 (1758 — Canada, Sweden). Somateria spectabilis (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 463 ; Saunders, p. 461. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Very rare vagrant. England.— Three obtained Norfolk, one Yorks., two (and others seen) Fame Isles (Northumberland). Scotland. — Examples obtained and satis- factorily identified coast of Haddington, Firth of Forth, Fife (June, 1899), and Firth of Tay (several obtained winter 1879-80). Several recorded Shetlands (last Feb., 1899, June 29, 1910), one Fair Isle (1910) and several Orkneys (last Feb., 1906). Recorded as seen off Jura and Islay. Ireland. — Dublin (five), Down (two), Mayo (one), and Rathlin Island (last Down, Nov., 1897). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern portion of Northern Hemi- sphere, breeding on shores of Arctic Ocean (Greenland, Spitsbergen, Novaya Zemlia and arctic Siberia and America) ; in winter casually to France (Italy twice) and several parts of northern Europe, in America rarely and accidentally to Georgia, California, .and Iowa. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 145 OIDEMIA NIGRA* 309. Oidemia nigra nigra (L.)— THE COMMON SCOTER. ANAS NIGRA Linnaeus, Syst. Xat., ed. x, i, p. 123 (1758 — Lapland and England). (Edemia nigra (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 472 ; Saunders, p. 465. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and winter- visitor. Breeds Caithness, Sutherland, Cromarty, and parts of Ross and Inverness, said to have bred Tiree, 1897, and one pair has bred in a lough in Ireland since 1905 (probably 1904) (cf. Brit. B., n, pp. 39, 86, 134 ; in, p. 197 ; iv, p. 154 ; v, p. 79). Common winter- visitor (young birds often remaining through summer) east and south coasts. Great Britain, but in Orkneys, Shetlands, 0. Hebrides and west coast generally, less plentiful, though usually very common More- cambe Bay and Solway. In Ireland regular visitor to northern half, but scarce elsewhere. On inland waters infrequent. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeding from Iceland through north Europe and west Siberia to Taimyr Peninsula, from about lat. 74° to Polar Circle (bred Spitsbergen 1905). On passage and in winter on shores of Europe, occasionally as far south as Spain, Portugal, the Mediterranean, Azores, and Rio de Oro on west coast of the Sahara. Replaced by a closely-allied race in North America and north-east Siberia. OIDEMIA FUSCA 310. Oidemia fusca fusca (L.) —THE VELVET-SCOTER. ANAS FUSCA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 123 (1758 — "Habitat in Oceano Europaeo." Restricted typical locality : Swedish coast). (Edemia ftisca (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 476 ; Saunders, p. 467. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles.— Winter- visitor. Regular, but not abundant, east coast Great Britain, not infrequent south coast, rare western side. Common Orkneys, but rare Shetlands and * The question has been raised (in litt. ) whether the generic name Oidemia should be replaced by Melanitta. Melanitta Boie (Isis, 1822, p. 564) was published in May, 1822. The exact date of publication of Oidemia Fleming (Philosophy of Zoology, n, p. 260) is not known. It was published in 1822, but the work has no more exact date than the year. In the Edinburgh Philo- sophical Journal, Vol. vn, No. xiv, which appeared in Oct, 1822, Fleming's Philosophy of Zoology was first mentioned. The editors say: "We have long regretted the want of a scientific, and at the same time popular, view of the leading facts in zoology. It is, therefore, with much pleasure and satisfaction that we announce the appearance of a work by Dr. Fleming in two volumes octavo, entitled Philosophy of Zoology ..." It is therefore probable that the work of Fleming was not published before the autumn of 1822, or the notice might have appeared in a former number. As long, how- ever, as there is no absolute proof that the name Oidemia is of a later date, it must not be altered, and no nomenclator should advocate such an alteration on mere inference and probabilities. — E.H. L 146 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. uncommon 0. Hebrides. Rare visitor Ireland. Very rare vagrant inland waters. Said to have nested Scotland, but no proof. Some individuals stay throughout summer. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North Palsearctic region, eastwards to west Siberia, in winter south to shores of temperate Europe, Medi- terranean and north African coasts, Black and Caspian Seas. Accidental in Greenland. Replaced by allied races in east Siberia and North America. OIDEMIA PERSPICILLATA 311. Oidemia perspicillata (L.)— THE SURF-SCOTER. ANAS PERSPICILLATA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 125 (1758 — Canada). (Edemia perspicillata (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 481 ; Saunders, p. 469. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant. Most frequent Orkneys, where occasional examples, usually young, not infrequently seen and six recorded obtained. Several recorded seen elsewhere and following obtained : 0. Hebrides (one), Firth of Forth (one or two), Cumberland (one), Lanes, (one), Scilly Isles (two), Cornwall (two), Devon (three), Dorset (two). Six Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in northern North America ; non-breeding birds in summer on coast of Lower California, in Green- land and on northern coasts of United States ; in winter south to Lower California, Carolina, Florida. Casual in Bermudas and Jamaica. Also (apparently breeding) on shores of Bering Sea, and (according to Palmen) in extreme north-east of Siberia. A number of occurrences on record from Lapland, Finland, Scandinavia, Heligoland, Belgium, France. MERGUS MERGANSER 312. Mergus merganser merganser L. — THE GOOSANDER. MERGUS MERGANSER Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 129 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Mergus merganser Linnaeus, Yarrell, iv, p. 488 ; Saunders, p. 471. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and winter -visitor. Breeds Sutherland, Ross, Moray area, Tay area, and parts Argyll. Else- where winter-visitor to estuaries and inland waters, but rare Orkneys and Shetlands ; very rare 0. Hebrides, and somewhat irregular and uncommon south England, Wales and Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — From Iceland and north Europe (south to Switzerland and Germany) to Kamtschatka. In winter south to Mediterranean, Japan and China. Replaced by allied forms in North America, and central Asia, the latter race wintering in India. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 147 MERGUS SERRATOR 313. Mergus serrator L. — THE RED-BREASTED MER- GANSER. MERGUS SERRATOR Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 129 (1758 — Europe' Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Mergus serrator Linnaeus, Yarrell, iv, p. 494 ; Saunders, p. 473. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and winter- visitor. Breeds commonly Argyll, and Tay area, and northwards both on salt and fresh waters, as well as Hebrides, Orkneys and Shetlands, and many parts Ireland. Elsewhere common winter-visitor, chiefly coasts and infrequently inland waters. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in northern portions of Northern Hemisphere, south in winter to north Africa, Black and Caspian Seas, Sind, China and Japan, in America to Lower California and Florida, casual in Bermudas, Cuba, and Hawaiian Isles. MERGUS ALBELLUS 314. Mergus albellus L.— THE SMEW. MERGUS ALBELLUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 129 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Mediterranean, near Smyrna ; from the first quotation : Hasselquist's Journey, p. 268). Mergus albellus Linnaeus, Yarrell, iv, p. 499 ; Saunders, p. 475. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor. Not uncommon Orkneys and east coast Great Britain, tolerably regular south coast, but scarce west coasts, except in some I. Hebrides, where not uncommon. Very rare O. Hebrides and Shetlands. Rare, but probably annual, visitor Ireland. Occurs on fresh waters as well as on coast, but adult males rarely recorded anywhere. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern Palsearctic region, from north of Baltic to Bering Sea in summer. In winter south to north-west Africa, Mediterranean generally, Black and Caspian Seas, north India, China and Japan. MERGUS CUCULLATUS 315. Mergus cucullatus L.— THE AMERICAN HOODED MERGANSER. MERGUS CUCULLATUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 129 (1758 — America). Mergus cucullatus Linnaeus, Yarrell, iv, p. 509 ; Saunders, p. 477. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Very rare vagrant. Four fully authenticated, viz. young male Menai Straits (N. Wales), winter 1830-31 ; pair Queenstown Harbour (Cork), Dec., 1878 ; female L 2 148 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. Shannon Estuary (Kerry), Jan., 1881. Single birds also said to have been taken Dingle Bay and Tralee Harbour (Kerry), Knockdrin (Meath), near Sligo and Norfolk (winter, 1837-38). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North America. Breeds from central British Columbia, Great Slave Lake, central Keewatin, central Ungava, and Newfoundland, south to Oregon, New Mexico, Louisiana and Florida ; winters from southern British Columbia south to Lower California, Mexico, the Gulf States and Cuba. Single records from Alaska, Bermudas. PHALACROCORAX CARBO 316. Phalacrocorax carbo carbo (L.)— THE CORMORANT PELECANUS CARBO Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 133 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Phalacrocorax carbo (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 143 ; Saunders, p. 361. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed, outnumbering Shag east coast Great Britain from Flamborough northwards, most of Welsh coast, and Irish coasts except north and west. Commonly visits many inland waters, and breeds in a few places on inland cliffs and in parts of Connaught in trees. Some appear to move southwards in autumn. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern Hemisphere generally, but replaced by various subspecies in Africa, India, Australia, New Zealand, though the status of eastern forms is as yet uncertain. PHALACROCORAX GRACULUS 317. Phalacrocorax graculus graculus (L.) — THE SHAG. PELECANUS GRACULUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. xn, i, p. 217 (1766 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Phalacrocorax graculus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 151 ; Saunders, p. 363. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Does not breed on south coast England eastwards of Isle of Wight, nor east coast England (except Fame Isles), and only sparingly east coast Scotland. Else- where generally distributed. Outnumbers Cormorant Avest coast Ireland. Rare visitor inland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Coasts of west Europe from Norway to Portugal, Faeroes and Iceland. Replaced in Mediterranean by P. graculus desmaresti. SULA BASSANA 318. Sula bassana (L.)— THE GANNET. PELECANUS BASSANUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 133 (1758 — Scotland, America). Sula bassana (Linnseus), Yarrell, iv, p. 155 ; Saunders, p. 365. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 149 DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Breeds Grasholm (Pem- broke), Bass Rock (Haddington), Ailsa Craig (Ayr), St. Kilda Isles and Sulisgeir (0. Hebrides), the Stack and West Sulisgeir (Orkneys), Bull Rock (Cork), and Skelligs (Kerry). Lundy Island now abandoned. In autumn and winter breeding-places deserted and general southward movement. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Faeroes and Iceland, and in North America south to Gulf of St. Lawrence, in winter along coasts of north Atlantic, extending south to Marocco (according to Hartlaub even to Senegambia), Azores, and Canary Islands, and in America to Gulf of Mexico. [NOTE. — AN AMERICAN DARTER, Anhinga anhinga (L.), is said to have been shot near Poole (Dorset) June, 1851 (Saunders, p. 364).] [NOTE. — A RED-BILLED TROPIC-BIRD, Phaethon cethereus (L.), is said to have been found dead in Herefordshire (Saunders, p. 366).] HYDROBATES PELAGICUS* 319. Hydrobates pelagicus (L.)— THE STORM-PETREL. PROCELLARIA PELAGICA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 131 (1758 — ' ' Habitat in albo Oceano." Restricted typical locality : coast of Sweden). Procellaria pelagica Linnaeus, Yarrell, iv, p. 42 ; Saunders, p. 727. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Breeds Scilly Isles, possi- bly an islet off Lundy, several islands off southern portion of Welsh coast, many western isles Scotland, as well as Orkneys and Shetlands, and several islands off north and west coasts Ireland. A pair nested Bass Rock, 1904. In autumn and spring generally distributed in British waters, and often driven inland in rough weather ; in winter usually very scarce. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Eastern portions of north Atlantic, south to western Mediterranean and west Africa, but rare south of Canary Islands ; also recorded from south Africa and seen in Straits of Bab el Mandeb, but specimens should be compared. OCEANODROMA LEUCORHOA 320. Oceanodroma leucorhoa (Vieill.)— LEACH'S FORK- TAILED PETREL. PROCELLARIA LEUCORHOA Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., notiv. ed., xxv, p. 422 (1817 — Picardy in France). Cymochorea leucorrhoa (Vieillot), Yarrell, iv, p. 37 ; Oceanodroma leucorrhoa (Vieillot), Saunders, p. 729. * In the Cat. B. Brit. M.U8. this species has been called Procellaria pelagica, and it has been stated that P. pelagica was the type of Procellaria. This is an error (cf. Nov. Zool., 1910, p. 497). American and other authors have accepted the generic name Thafassidroma, but Hydrobates is older, and it need not be rejected on account of the previous name Hydrobata. — E.H. 150 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Breeds Flannan Isles, St. Kilda group and North Rona (O. Hebrides), and two or three islets off Kerry and Mayo. Elsewhere somewhat irregular visitor (chiefly autumn) to all coasts, and not infrequently driven inland during gales. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North Pacific and north Atlantic Oceans. Breeds in North America from Bay of Fundy to Labrador and in north Pacific, in Europe not outside British Isles, but stragglers occurred Norway, Heligoland, coasts of Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, Portugal, south to Canaries and Azores, and Mediterranean. OCEANODROMA CASTRO 321. Oceanodroma castro (Harcourt) — THE MADEIRAN FORK-TAILED PETREL. THALASSIDROMA CASTRO Harcourt, Sketch of Madeira, p. 123 (1851 — Desertas near Madeira). Oceanodroma castro (Harcourt), Saunders, p. 731. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Three. One picked up dead Littlestone (Kent) Dec. 5, 1895 (Saunders, p. 731). A female shot near Hythe (Kent) Nov. 8, 1906 (N. F. Ticehurst, Bull. B.O.C., xix, p. 20 ; cf. Brit. B., n, p. 369). One picked up dead Milford (Hants.) Nov. 19, 1911 (P. W. Munn, Brit. B., v, p. 252). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Has a curiously wide distribution, breed- ing on outlying rocks of Azores, Canary and Madeira groups, on Cape Verde Islands and probably St. Helena, as well as on Hawaiian and Galapagos Islands in Pacific Ocean. OCEANITES OCEANICUS 322. Oceanites oceanicus (Kuhl)— WILSON'S PETREL. PROCEIXARIA OCEANICA Kuhl, Beitrage z. Zoo!., p. 136, pi. 10, fig. 1 ( 1 820— Southern Oceans ; no locality stated). Oceanites oceanica (Kuhl), Yarrell, iv, p. 48 ; Saunders, p. 733. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Very rare vagrant. England. — Many seen off Land's End, May, 1838. Following authentic examples since obtained : Cornwall (one), Wilts, (one), Isle of Wight (two), Sussex (one), Yorks. (one), Cumberland (three). Scotland. — One Jura (I. Hebrides) Oct., 1891. Ireland. — Two, Lough Erne (Antrim) and Mossvale (Down) Oct. 1 and 2, 1891. DISTRIBUTION. —Abroad. — Breeds in South Polar regions, migrating northwards during antarctic winter as far as British Isles and Labrador, having been found in all seas except north Pacific. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 151 PELAGODROMA MARINA 323. Pelagodroma marina (Lath.)— THE FRIGATE-PETREL. PROCELLABJA MARINA Latham, Index Orn., n, p. 826 (1790 — Ocean, 37° S. lat.). Pelagodroma marina (Latham), Saunders, p. 735. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Two. One picked up dead Walney Island (Lanes.) Nov., 1890 (H. A. Macpherson, Ibis, 1891, p. 602). Young female caught alive Colonsay (I. Hebrides) Jan. 1, 1897 (W. E. Clarke, Ann. S.N.H., 189V, p. 88). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Southern oceans, breeding in Australian and New Zealand seas, and again in middle Atlantic, where it nests on Cape Verde and Salvage Islands. Occurring casually off Massa- chusetts coast in North America. PUFFINUS OBSCURUS 324. Puffinus obscurus godmani Allen— THE LITTLE DUSKY SHEARWATER. PUFFINUS GODMANI Allen, Auk, 1908, p. 339. (Madeira. From literature.*) Puffinus obscurus atlanticus Rothschild and Hartert, Bull. B.O.C., xxvn, p. 43 (1911 — North Atlantic Islands. Type from Porto Santo near Madeira), f Puffinus obscurus (nee Gmelin), Yarrell, iv, p. 27 ; P. assimilis nee Gould, Saunders, p. 743 ; P. bailloni Bonaparte, Godman, Mon. Petrels, p. 138. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Six. One caught on board-ship off Bull Rock (Cork) May 6, 1853 (Birds Ireland, p. 395). Male found dead near Bungay (Suffolk) about April 10, 1858 (Saunders, p. 743). Female picked up near Bexhill (Sussex) Dec. 28, 1900 (W. R. But- terfield, Bull. B.O.C., xi, p. 45). Male caught near Lydd (Kent) Nov. 27, 1905 (N. F. Ticehurst, op.c., xvi, p. 38 ; cf. Brit. B.,u, p. 373). Female picked up dead St. Leonards (Sussex) Oct. 27, 1911 (H. W. Ford-Lindsay, op.c., v, p. 253). Male picked up dead Pevensey Sluice (Sussex) Nov. 15, 1911 (H. F. Witherby, I.e.). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Islands in eastern parts of northern half of Atlantic Ocean : Cape Verdes, Canaries, Madeira and neighbouring islands, Azores. Replaced by other subspecies in western part of north Atlantic (east coast of United States, Bahamas, Bermudas), on Mascarene Islands (Seychelles, Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar), in Australian and New Zealand seas, on Galapagos Islands, and in central Pacific Ocean (the last P. obscurus obscurus (Gm.)). * Professor Allen, without examining specimens, gave a name to the Madeiran race, which had already been described in detail. t See Nov. ZooL, 1899, pp. 194-7. 152 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. PUFFINUS GRAVIS 325. Puffinus gravis (O'Reilly) — THE GREAT SHEAR- WATER. PROCELLARIA GRAVIS O'Reilly, Greenland, adjacent seas, etc., p. 140, pi. 12, fig. 1 (1818— Cape Farewell and Staten Hook to Newfoundland). Puffinus major F. Faber, Yarrell, iv, p. 12 ; P. gravis (O'Reilly), Saunders, p. 737. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Autumn-visitor. Most frequent and regular off coasts of south-west England, western isles Scotland, and south and west coasts Ireland. Fairly frequent off Yorks. coast, but seldom noticed elsewhere on east coast. Very seldom near land. Often in flocks and generally seen Aug. to Nov., but not infrequently late June and July. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Atlantic Ocean from Arctic Circle to south Africa and Cape Horn. Only known with certainty to breed in the Tristan d'Acunha group, but probably nests in other localities in the Southern Hemisphere. PUFFINUS KUHLII 326. Puffinus kuhlii kuhlii (Boie)— THE MEDITERRANEAN GREAT SHEARWATER. PROCELLARIA KUHLII Boie, Isis, 1835, p. 257 (Corsica). Puffinus kuhlii (Boie), W. R. Butterfield, Bull. B.O.C., xvi, p. 71 ; Saunders, Brit, B., i, p. 16. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One. Female picked up Pevensey Beach (Sussex) Feb. 21, 1906 (ut supra). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Mediterranean Sea, from Palestine to Spain. Replaced in north Atlantic by another form inhabiting east Atlantic Islands, and probably by still another on eastern American coast, though the distinctness of last is doubtful. PUFFINUS GRISEUS 327. Puffinus griseus (Gm.)— THE SOOTY SHEARWATER. PROCELLARIA GRISEA Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, ii, p. 564 (1789 — Southern Hemisphere). Puffinus griseus (Gmelin), Yarrell, iv, p. 17 ; Saunders, p. 739. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Autumn-visitor (Aug.-Oct., ex- ceptionally Nov. and Dec.). Chiefly noticed off Firth of Forth, coast Yorks., along Channel from Sussex to Cornwall (only twice A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 153 Kent), and off coasts Cork, Kerry, and Mayo. Also recorded Northumberland (four and others seen), and once each from coasts Orkneys, Haddington, Norfolk, Down. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Southern Hemisphere, ranging north after breeding -season to Fseroes and United States, as well as to the Kuriles in Pacific. PUFFINUS PUFFINUS 328. Puffinus puffinus puffinus (Brunn.)— THE MANX SHEARWATER. PROCELLAEIA PUFFINUS BrUnnich, Orn. Bor., p. 29 (1764 — Faeroes, Norway). Puffinus anglorum (Temminck), Yarrell, iv, p. 21 ; Saunders, p. 741. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Breeds Scilly Isles (in great numbers), several islands off coast Wales as well as on main- land Carnarvon, several I. and 0. Hebrides (notably Eigg and St. Kilda), Orkneys and Shetlands, and several islands and a few promontories in Ireland (most numerously Kerry). In late Aug. and Sept. considerable migrations noted, and then becomes widely spread round coasts, and examples are frequently picked up exhausted inland. In winter a decided diminution in numbers, which has been especially noted in Ireland and Scotland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds extremely locally on east side of north Atlantic ; occurs casually to Greenland, south to Canaries and Azores and Brazilian coast. Replaced by another race in Medi- terranean. 329. Puffinus puffinus yelkouan (Acerbi)— THE LEVANTINE SHEARWATER. PROCEIXARIA YELKOUAN Acerbi, Bibl. Ital., CXL, p. 294 (1827 — Medi- terranean). Puffinus yelkouanus (Acerbi), Saunders, pp. 741-2. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Vagrant. Eighteen recorded off coast Yorks., one Northumberland, two Norfolk, one Kent, one Hants., three Devon, and one Firth of Forth. Most Sept., some Aug., one Oct, and one Feb. (cf. Saunders, p. 742, and Brit. B., n, pp. 137; 206, 313, 372, m, p. 295). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Mediterranean from east to west ; cas- ually (out of breeding-season) as far north as North Sea. 154 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. PTERODROMA NEGLECTA* 330. Pterodroma neglecta (Schleg.)— SCHLEGEL 'S PETREL. f PROCELLARIA NEGLECTA Schlegel, Mas. Pays-Bas., vi, Procell., p. 10 ( 1 863— Kermadec Islands). (Estrelata neglecta (Schlegel), Xewstead and Coward, P.Z.S., 1908, p. 433 ; Brit. B., n, p. 14 ; C. Oldham, Bull. B.O.C., xxi, p. 101. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One. Male found dead near Tarporley (Cheshire), April 1, 1908 (ut supra). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — South Pacific Ocean. PTERODROMA HASITATAt 331. Pterodroma hasitata (Kuhl)— THE CAPPED PETREL. PROCELLARIA HASITATA Kuhl, Beitrage z. ZooL, 2, Abt., p. 142 (1820 — Without locality). (Estrelata hcesitata (Kuhl), Yarrell, iv, p. 8 ; Saunders, p. 745. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One. Caught on a heath, Southacre, near SwafTham (Norfolk), Mar. or April, 1850 (Newton, ZooL, 1852, p. 3691). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Warmer parts of Atlantic. Formerly breeding on Hayti and Lesser Antilles and not rare in West Indies, straying to United States, France, and England. Having been driven from its breeding -places it is now almost, if not quite, extinct ; the last one killed was in 1893, in New York State. PTERODROMA BREVIPES 332. Pterodroma brevipes (Peale)— THE COLLARED PETREL. PROCELLARIA BREVIPES Peale, U.S. Ex pi. Exp., vm, pp. 294, 337, pi. 80 (1848— Pacific Ocean, 68° S., long. 95° W.). (Estrelata brevipes (Peale), Saunders, p. 747. DISTRIBUTION. — Wales. — One. Shot between Borth and Aberys- twyth (Cardigan) end Nov. or beginning Dec., 1889 (J. E. Harting, ZooL, 1890, p. 454 ; Salvin, Ibis, 1891, p. 411). * The generic name Pterodroma, Bonaparte, 1856, antedates (Estrelata, 1857, which is generally erroneously quoted as having been published in 1855.— E.H. f The name Procellaria phillipii Gray, Ibis, 1862, p. 246, based on the plate in Phillip, Voyage to Botany Bay, must remain doubtful until we know which kind of Pterodroma breeds on Phillip Island. As this name is not accepted, the English name ' ' Phillip's Fulmar," used by Godman (Mon. Petrels, p. 226), cannot be recommended. — E.H. J The name was spelt hasitata. We cannot possibly assume that this is a misprint for hcesitata, because it is based on the " Hasita " of Forster's unpub- lished plates. Temminck called it " Le Hasite." — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 155 DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Western and southern Pacific Ocean, one recorded from Japan. BULWERIA BULWERII 333. Bulweria bulwerii (Jard. and Selby)— BULWER'S PETREL. PROCELLARIA BULWERII Jardine and Selby, Illustr. Orn ., n, pi. 05 and text (1828— Madeira or near by). Bulweria columbina (Moquin-Tandon), Yarrell, iv, p. 34 ; B. buhceri (Jardine and Selby), Saunders, p. 749. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Five. One found dead Tanfield (Yorks.) May 8, 1837 (Saunders, p. 749). One found dead near Beachy Head (Sussex), Feb. 3, 1903 (N. F. Ticehurst, Bull. B.O.C., xm, p. 51). Female found dead near St. Leonards (Sussex), Feb. 4. 1904 (W. R. Butterfield, op.c., xiv, p. 49). Male picked up near Winchelsea (Sussex), Sept. 4, 1908 (C. J. Carroll, op.c., xxm, p. 32 ; cf. Brit. B, n, pp. 282, 373). Male picked up Pevensey (Sussex), Oct. 24, 1911 (H. W. Ford-Lindsay, Brit. B., v, p. 198). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Temperate parts of north Pacific and eastern temperate north Atlantic, casual in Greenland. [DAPTION CAPENSE Daption capense (L.)— THE CAPE PIGEON. PROCELLARIA CAPENSIS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 132 (1758 — Cape of Good Hope). Daption capense, Yarrell, iv, p. 11 (in text) ; Saunders, p. 750 (in text). DISTRIBUTION. — Examples of this species, an inhabitant of the southern seas, have been recorded from the Dovey, 1879, near Dublin, 1881, and near Bournemouth, 1894, but former writers have excluded them as not being genuine wanderers with some reason.] FULMARUS GLACIALIS 334. Fulmarus glacialis glacialis (L.) — THE FULMAR PETREL. PROCELLARIA GLACIALIS Linnams, Fauna Svecica, ed. n, p. 51 (1761 — Arctic Sea). Fulmarus glacialis (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 1 ; Saunders, p. 751. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. During last twelve years has steadily increased as breeding-bird, and now nests in O. Hebrides, besides St. Kilda (where increased), N. Rona, Flannans and Barra and possibly Shiant Isles ; Shetlands some thirteen sites ; Fair Isle ; Orkneys three or four places ; Handa Isle (off Sutherland), 156 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. Cape Wrath (Sutherland) ; Dunnet Head and Berriedale Head (Caithness) (cf. Brit. B., n, pp. 373-4, v, pp. 56, 198). Discovered breeding Ireland, 1911, north Mayo coast and Ulster coast (Irish Nat., 1911, pp. 149-52; cf. Brit. B., v, p. 141). Although rarely coming to land, even after storms, is met with most times of year at sea off east coast Great Britain and north and west coasts Ireland, and in winter off south and west coasts England. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North Atlantic, generally breeding far north. Replaced by allied race in north Pacific. DIOMEDEA MELANOPHRYS 335. Diomedea melanophrys Temm. — THE BLACK- BROWED ALBATROS. DIOMEDEA MELANOPHRYS Temminck (ex Boie MS.), PI- Col. 450 (1828 — Cape of Good Hope and Australia). Diomedea melanophrys Boie, Saunders, p. 753. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One. Exhausted bird picked up near Linton (Cambs.), July 9, 1897 (E. A. Butler, Ibis, 1897, p. 625). [A bird supposed to have been an Albatros, was seen by Mr. J. A. Harvie-Brown twenty miles north-west of Orkneys, July 18, 1894 (Ann. S.N.H., 1895, p. 57).] DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Southern Oceans, north to the seas near Cape of Good Hope, occasionally straying into European waters (lat. 80° 11' N., long. 4° E., Fseroes). COLYMBUS CRISTATUS* 336. Colymbus cristatus cristatus L.— THE GREAT CRESTED GREBE. COLYMBUS CRISTATUS Linnaeus, Syst. Xat., ed. x, i, p. 135 (1753 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Podiceps cristatus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 117 ; Podicipes cristatus (Linnaeus), Saunders, p. 717. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. During last twenty years breeding -range has been extending. Now nests many suitable in- land waters throughout England (rarely extreme south-west and north) ; a few places Wales ; a good many places south Scotland, north to parts of Perth and Forfar, and many places in Ireland. * The acceptance of Brisson's genera necessitates the restriction of the name Colymbus to the Grebes. Linnaeus included in the genus Colymb us three Grebes and one Diver ; Brisson restricted Colymbus to the Grebes and placed the Divers in his genus Mergus ; the latter name having been preoccupied by Linnaeus, the next oldest name, i.e. Gavia Forster, 1788, including Divers only, must be accepted for the latter. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BEITISH BIRDS. 157 To extreme north Scotland as well as Orkneys, Shetlands and I. Hebrides only rare vagrant, and unrecorded O. Hebrides. In winter general movement to tidal waters and coasts. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Nesting in Europe from lat. 60° north to Mediterranean and north Africa, and probably throughout northern and central Asia to China and Japan. Wintering in Mediterranean and northern Africa. It is said to breed also in Abyssinia and south Africa. Represented by allied races in Australia and New Zealand. COLYMBUS AURITUS 337. Colymbus auritus L.— THE SLAVONIAN GREBE. COLYMBUS AURITUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 135 (1758 — Europe and America. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Podiceps auritus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 128 ; Podicipes auritus (Linnaeus), Saunders, p. 721. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and winter-visitor. A few breed in north mainland Scotland, and some evidence, but no proof, that it has bred elsewhere. Otherwise regular winter-visitor all coasts and occasional inland waters, also has occurred a good many times in summer, chiefly Scotland and Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern part of Northern Hemisphere, south in winter to Mediterranean and Azores, China, and in America to south California, the Gulf Coast, and Florida. COLYMBUS GRISEIGENA 338. Colymbus griseigena griseigena Bodd. — THE RED- NECKED GREBE. COLYMBUS GRISEIGENA Boddaert, Tabl. PI. Enl., p. 55 (1783— Ex Dau- benton, PI. Enl. 931. No locality stated. We fix as the typical locality : France). Podiceps griseigena (Boddaert), Yarrell, iv, p. 124 ; Podicipes griseigena (Boddaert), Saunders, p. 719. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor. Chiefly east coast Great Britain and sometimes in considerable numbers, occasional south coast England, rare west side Great Britain (not recorded O. Hebrides), fairly frequent Orkneys, only occasional Shetlands, only twelve obtained in Ireland. Very rare inland waters. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe and western Asia, ranging south to Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas, and (at least in winter, 158 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. but supposed to breed in Marocco) coasts of Marocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Egypt. Replaced by an allied race in North America, east Siberia, and Greenland. COLYMBUS NIGRICOLLIS 339. Colymbus nigricollis nigricollis (Brehm) — THE BLACK- NECKED GREBE. PODICEPS NIGRICOLLIS Brehm, Handb. Naturg. Vog. Deutschl., p. 963 (1831— E. Germany). Podiceps nigricollis C. L. Brehm, Yarrell, iv, p. 133 ; Podicipes nigricollis C. L. Brehm, Saunders, p. 723. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Known to have bred regularly one locality since 1904, also some evidence of breeding on occasions Norfolk, Oxon., and Perth. Otherwise irregular visitor, chiefly autumn to spring, but sometimes summer, and most fre- quently coasts Yorks., Norfolk, and Merioneth. Elsewhere very uncommon, while in north-west England and west and north Scotland and Orkneys very rare vagrant and not known 0. Hebrides or Shetlands. In Ireland obtained twenty-four times. Occasional inland waters. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — From south Sweden throughout Europe to Africa and through temperate Asia to China and Japan. Breeds even in tropical and south Africa (Abyssinia and South Africa). Straggler to Azores. Replaced by a closely-allied form in North America. COLYMBUS RUFICOLLIS* 340. Colymbus ruficollis ruficollis Pall.— -THE LITTLE GREBE. COLYMBUS RUFICOLLIS Pallas, Vroeg's Cat. Coll., Adumbratiuncula, p. 6 (1764— Holland). Podiceps fluviatilis (Tunstall), Yarrell, iv, p. 137; Podicipes fluviatilis (Tunstall), Saunders, p. 725. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed, but less plentiful northern Scotland. In autumn, immigrants occur east coast England, and in winter many go down to tidal waters. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — From about lat. 62° north, southwards throughout Europe to north Africa, and temperate Asia. Replaced by more or less closely-allied forms in tropical and south Africa, tropical Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and North America. * The introd uction by Sherborn and American ornithologists of Pallas's names in the sale- catalogue of Vroeg's collection — names published with full diagnoses and localities, and therefore perfectly genuine — necessitates this alteration of the name of the Little Grebe. — E.H. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 159 GAVIA IMMER* 341. Gavia immer (Briinn.)— THE GREAT NORTHERN DIVER. COLYMBUS IMMER Briinnich, Orn. Bor., p. 38 (1764 — No locality; ap- parently X. Norway). Colymbus glacialis Linnseus, Yarrell, iv, p. 96 ; Saunders, p. 709. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter- visitor. Fairly generally distributed all coasts from Sept. or Oct. to April and May, but most plentiful in north. In O. Hebrides and Shetlands present most times of year, and has been thought several times, but never proved, to have bred in latter. Not uncommon inland waters. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern part of Northern Hemisphere, in winter south to Mediterranean as far as Algeria as well as Azores and Black Sea, and in America to Lower California, the Gulf Coast and Florida. GAVIA ADAMSII 342. Gavia adamsii (Gray) — THE WHITE-BILLED NORTHERN DIVER. COLYMBUS ADAMSII Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 167 (Alaska). Colymbus adamsi Gray, Yarrell, in, p. x ; Saunders, p. 711. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — About six. One near Lowestoft (Suffolk) spring 1852 [another supposed Suffolk example not con- sidered authentic]. Two (one Jan., 1879) Northumberland coast. One Hickling (Norfolk), Dec. 1872. One Emsworth Harbour (Hants.) winter 1895-96. One Loch Fyne (Argyll) autumn 1893. One said Filey (Yorks.) Jan. 1897 (cf. Saunders, p. 711; Brit. B., i, p. 295, n, p. 333, v, p. 176 ; Birds Yorks., p. 734). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Arctic portions of Northern Hemisphere from Taimyr eastward in Old World. In winter more to the south ; in America to Nushagak, Alaska, Colorado, while in Europe specimens from Upper Austria and Italy have been identi- fied as G. adamsii. GAVIA ARCTICA 343. Gavia arctica (L.)t— THE BLACK-THROATED DIVER. COLYMBUS ARCTICUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 135 (1758 — Europe and America. Restricted typical locality ; Sweden). Colymbus arcticus Linnaeus, Yarrell, iv, p. 105 ; Saunders, p. 713. * Unfortunately Briinnich's name antedates Linnseus's Colymbus glacialis, and must therefore be used. With regard to the generic name, see footnote under Colymbus cristatus, p. 150. — E.H. f According to Buturlin, both Cr.arctaca and G. pacifica are found breeding side by side in areas of thousands of miles. We cannot, therefore, treat them as geographical forms of one species. 160 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and winter-visitor. Breeds in small numbers Perth, Argyll, and more commonly Inverness, Ross, Sutherland, Caithness and 0. Hebrides, and occasionally Skye and Orkneys. To Shetlands very rare visitor, but has possibly bred. Elsewhere uncommon winter- visitor (Oct. -May) and rarest of the Divers (except G. adamsii). Especially rare west coast England and Wales and in Ireland. Rare vagrant inland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern part of Northern Hemisphere, south in winter to Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas, in America casually to Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa, Ohio, and New York. GAVIA STELLATA* 344. Gavia stellata (Pontoppidan)— THE RED-THROATED DIVER. COLYMBUS STELLATUS Pontoppidan, Danske Atlas, i, p. 621 (1763 — Ex Willughby, pi. 62. Denmark). Colymbus septentrionalis Linnaeus, Yarrell, iv, p. 112 ; Saunders, p. 715. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and winter- visitor. Breeds from south Inverness northwards, in Orkneys, Shetlands and O. Hebrides, and in one locality Ulster. Otherwise common winter- visitor to all coasts, and often ascends rivers and visits inland waters. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern part of Northern Hemisphere. In winter south to Algeria, Black and Caspian Seas, south China ; in America to California, Maine, and Florida. COLUMBA PALUMBUS 345. Columba palumbus palumbus L. — THE WOOD-PIGEON. COLUMBA PALUMBUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 163 (1758 — " Europe, Asia." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Columba palumbus Linnaeus, Yarrell, in, p. 1 ; Saunders, p. 479. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed, but only passage-migrant Shetlands, though breeds sparingly Orkneys and O. Hebrides. Considerable immigration east coast Great Britain autumn and return spring. Generally more abundant winter, but varies in numbers and localities affected. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally, as far east as Persia, and in north-west Africa. Replaced by closely-allied forms in Azores, Madeira, and central Asia. * Pontoppidan's name is certain, and antedates Linnaeus's C. septen- trionalis.— E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 161 COLUMBA GENAS 346. Columba oenas L.— THE STOCK-DOVE. COLUMBA OENAS Linngens, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 162 (1758 — Europe, part. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Columba aznas Linnaeus, Yarrell, in, p. 8 ; Saunders, p. 481. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Resident. Local but widely distributed. In extreme north England has become resident and increased since about 1870. Occasionally observed as immigrant east coast. Scotland. — Resident. First recorded about 1860 and first nested about 1877. Has spread rapidly since, and now breeds throughout southern counties, and although not north of Clyde area on west side, on east breeds as far north as Sutherland, where first nest found 1889. To Caithness, Orkneys and Shetlands very rare vagrant and unrecorded from Hebrides. Ireland. — Resident. First recorded 1875, and first nest 1877, now breeds (increasingly) in many parts Leinster and Ulster, and as far west as Lough Derg. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe and western Asia, east to Turkes- tan. Northern birds are migratory and winter in Mediterranean countries, south to Algeria and Marocco. COLUMBA LIVIA 347. Columba livia livia Gm.— THE ROCK-DOVE. COLUMBA LIVIA (C. domestica fi) Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, ii, p. 769 (1789 — part. No locality stated ; we accept south Europe as the typical locality). Columba livia Gmelin, Yarrell, in, p. 13 ; Saunders, p. 483. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Resident. Breeds sea-cliffs Yorks., sparingly Devon and Cornwall, one locality Cumberland, and a good many places Welsh coast. Scotland and Ireland.— Widely distributed, especially on west coasts and isles. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Found in Faeroes (formerly in Norway), Mediterranean countries and islands, Crimea, north-west Africa and Asia Minor, east to Afghanistan and north-west India. Replaced by allied forms in south Persia, India, China to Japan, Egypt, Nubia to Palestine, and parts of west Africa. STREPTOPELIA TURTUR* 348. Streptopelia turtur turtur (L.)— THE TURTLE-DOVE. COLUMBA TURTUR Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 164 (1758 — " Habitat in India." Errore. Ex Willughby, Ray, Albin. Real typical locality r England). Turtur communis Selby, Yarrell, in, p. 21 ; Saunders, p. 485. * Turtur Selby 1835 has been commonly used for this genus, but it is un- fortunately preoccupied by Turtur Boddaert, 1783, instituted for a totally different Pigeon. The next oldest name is Streptopelia Bonaparte 1857. — E.H. M 162 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Summer-resident (late April and early May to Sept. and occasionally later : one Dec., one Feb.). Breeds chiefly south, east, and midlands : infrequent Cornwall and western Wales, but lately spread to Bangor (Carnarvon) and west Merioneth and Montgomery, much increased Cheshire, infrequent Lanes., very rare (but has bred) Cumberland, breeds eastern half Yorks. as far north as Bipon and Scarborough. Northwards irregular migrant, but has bred Durham. Scotland and Ireland.— Summer- and autumn- visitor. Occurs irregularly most parts Scot- land, even northern and western isles, but does not breed. In Ireland regular, but scarce, visitor to south coast, a vagrant to other maritime counties, and rare vagrant inland, chiefly May and June, less frequently autumn, and said to have bred two or three times. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from Scandinavia and north Russia to Mediterranean and westernmost Asia ; in winter in north Africa, south to Abyssinia and Red Sea. Replaced by allied races in north Africa, Persia and probably other parts of western Asia. STREPTOPELIA ORIENTALIS 349. Streptopelia orientalis orientalis (Lath.) — THE EASTERN RUFOUS TURTLE-DOVE. COLUMBA ORIENTALIS Latham, Ind. Orn., n, p. 606 (1790 — China. Ex Sonnerat). Turtur orientalis (Latham), Saunders, p. 487. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One. A young bird near Scarborough (Yorks.) Oct. 23, 1889 (Seebohm, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1890, p. 361). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Manchuria, Corea and Japan, throughout China to Himalayas and central India. Casual in Denmark and Sweden. Races perhaps not yet fully known, but certainly replaced by AS', orientalis ferrago in south-west Siberia, Turkestan to Kashmir and Xepal. [XoTE.— Five examples of the AMERICAN PASSENGER-PIGEON, Ectopistes migratorius (L.), have been recorded as shot in the British Isles ; one had certainly escaped from captivity and the others had no doubt also (Yarrell, in, p. 26 ; Saunders, p. 487). The species is now apparently extinct.] SYRRHAPTES PARADOXUS 350. Syrrhaptes paradoxus (Pall.) — PALLAS 'S SAND- GROUSE. TETRAD PARADOXA Pallas, Reise d. versch. Prov. d. Russ. Reichs, n, p. 712. pi. F (1773— Tartary desert). Syrrhaptes paradoxus (Pallas), Yarrell, in, p. 31 ; Saunders, p. 488. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Irregular visitor. Greatest inva- sions, May, 1863 and 1888, arriving along whole east coast Great Britain and spreading over greater part British Isles, reaching even A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 163 north-west Ireland and O. Hebrides. Two clutches of eggs found near Beverley (Yorks.) June and July, 1888, and young birds at mouth of Fmdhorn, Culbin Sands (Elgin), June 1888 and Aug. 1889. Considerable invasion May 1908, recorded Yorks., Norfolk, Essex, Kent, Surrey, Berks., Herts., Hants., Cheshire. Other occurrences are : 1859, Norfolk, Kent, Carnarvon; 1872, Northumberland, Ayr ; 1876, Yorks., Norfolk, Kildare ; 1890, Yorks., Lines., Norfolk, Suffolk ; 1891, Yorks., north Scotland ; 1899, Yorks. and Lines. ; 1904, Yorks. ; 1906, Yorks., Norfolk, East Lothian ; 1909, Yorks. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds from Khirgiz Steppes and recently L"fa Government in south-east Russia to Mongolia and southern Transcaspia, Koko-nor and Tsaidam. At irregular intervals migra- tions take place, which bring these birds far westward into Europe, as far west as France and Spain, and south to Italy, north to Norway and Archangel. Probably the appearance at Pechili in China is also irregular. Pallas's Sand-Grouse was noticed in Europe for first time in 1848 near Sarepta (south Russia) and 1859 in west Europe. H^EMATOPUS OSTRALEGUS 351. Haematopus ostralegus ostralegus L. — THE OYSTER- CATCHER. HJEMATOPUS OSTRALEGUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed, x, i, p. 152 (1758 — Europe and Xorth America. Restricted typical locality : Oeland [island near Sweden]). Hcematopus ostralegus Linnaeus, Yarrell, in, p. 294; Saunders, p. 559. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Breeds only very sparingly in few localities east coast England and on south coast, but fairly plentifully on coasts Wales and Lanes, northwards. In Scotland and Ireland plentiful and frequently breeds along rivers and inland lochs Scotland. General movement southward in autumn when immigrants arrive from Continent and species becomes more numerous and more generally distributed. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally, eastwards to central Asia. Wintering as far south as Mediterranean, north Africa, Red Sea, and north-west India. Replaced by a closely -allied form in north-east Asia, and by others in Australia and New Zealand, North and South America. BURHINUS CEDICNEMUS* 352. Burhinus cedicnemus oedicnemus (L.)— THE STONE- CURLEW. CHARADRIUS CEDICXEMUS Linnaeus, Syst. Xat., ed. x, i, p. 151 (1758 — England). (Edicnemus scohpax (S. G. Gmelin), Yarrell, in. p. 225 ; Saunders, p. 529. * I do not consider Burhinus magnirostris (Australia) and our Stone-Curlew generically separable, and in that case Burhinus, being the oldest name, is the generic appellation. — E.H. M 2 164 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Summer-resident (April-Oct.), some winter Devon and Cornwall, and occasional elsewhere. Breeds Yorks. (now two localities only, York moors and wolds), Lines., Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex (one locality), Kent, Sussex, Surrey, Hants., Dorset, Wilts., Berks., Oxon., Herts, (not Beds, since 1890) and Cambs. Elsewhere vagrant. Very rare Wales and north. Scotland and Ireland. — Rare vagrant. Two Scotland — St. Andrews (Fife), Jan., 1858, Dumbarton, Aug., 1897. Ten Ireland, autumn to March. Clare, Waterford, Wexford, Dublin (5), Antrim and one without data. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Central and south Europe, east at least to the Ural and Caspian. Partially migratory, wintering in north- east Africa and Mediterranean countries. Replaced by allied races in north-west Africa and Asia, and by others in various parts of Africa. CURSORIUS GALLICUS 353. Cursorius gallicus gallicus (Gm..)— THE CREAM- COLOURED COURSER. CHARADRIUS GALLICUS Gmelm, Syst. Nat. i, ii, p. 692 (1789 — France). Cursorius gallicus (Gmelin), Yarrell, in, p. 238 ; Saunders, p. 533. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Rare vagrant. About twenty England, twro Wales, one Scotland. Chiefly Oct. to Dec., but a pair May 5, 1911, Sussex. Has been recorded Northumberland, Yorks., Lines., Norfolk, Suffolk, Kent, Middlesex, Hants., Wilts., Dorset, Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, Leicester, Cumberland, Cardigan, " North Wales " and Lanark. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Deserts of north Africa, west to Canary and Cape Verde Islands, occasionally met with in south Europe, and as far north as Heligoland, Germany, Holland, Belgium, and France. Exact limit to the east uncertain. Replaced by allied races in Somaliland, the Dahlak Islands in Red Sea, Transcaspia and other parts of Asia. GLAREOLA PRATINCOLA* 354. Glareola pratincola pratincola (L.) — THE PRATIN- COLE. HIRUNDO PRATINCOLA Linnanis, Syst. Nat., ed. xii, i, p. 345 (1766 — S. Europe and Austria). Glareola pratincola (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 231 ; Saimders, p. 531. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant. Over twenty Eng- land, one Wales, three Scotland, one doubtful Ireland. Has been * The name "/usca" has been adopted erroneously. The description en which it is based does not refer to this Pratincole. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 165 recorded Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Wilts., Hants, (two or three), Surrey, Kent (three), Essex, Norfolk (four), Cambs., Lines., Yorks. (three), Lanes., Cumberland, Brecon (one seen), Unst (Shetlands), Montrose (Fife), Flannan Isles (0. Hebrides). One supposed Cork prior to 1844. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — South Europe and north Africa, east- wards to Palestine, Black and Caspian Seas, and, apparently, to Turkestan ; northwards (in Europe) to the Camargue in south France and to Hungary. Stragglers have not infrequently occurred in Austria, Poland, Germany, Holland, and Belgium. Northern birds are migratory and seem to winter in north Africa. Replaced by allied races in tropical and south Africa, and tropical and east Asia. GLAREOLA NORDMANNI* 355. Glareola nordmanni Nordm.— THE BLACK-WINGED PRATINCOLE. GLAREOLA NORDMANNI " Fischer," Nordmann, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, xv, p. 314, pi. 2 (1842 — Steppes of south Russia). Glareola melanoptera Nordmann, N. F. Ticehurst, Bull. B.O.C., xin, p. 78 ; Samiders, Brit. B., I, p. 15. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Four. One Romney Marsh (Kent), May 30, 1903 (ut supra}. One same place, June 17, and one Rye (Sussex), June 18, 1903 (Boyd Alexander, Bull, B.O.C., xiv, p. 17). One near Northallerton (Yorks.) Aug. 17, 1909 (R. Fortune, Nat., 1909, p. 372 ; Brit. B., m, p. 266). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Appears to inhabit south Russian steppes together with G. pratincola pratincola, north to west Siberia and east to Turkestan. Breeds casually in Hungary and the Dobrudscha. Winters in tropical and south Africa. CHARADRIUS MORINELLUS 356. Charadrius morinellus L.— THE DOTTEREL. CHARADRIUS MORINELLUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 150 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Eudromias morinellus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 246 ; Saunders, p. 535. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer-resident (late April and early May to Aug. and Sept.). Breeds Lake District (very sparingly) and in Cairngorm and Grampian ranges as well as a few localities north of Spey valley and west of Great Glen, and has extended to south of Loch Tay in recent years. Has bred Kirkcudbright and * The bird was described and figured under the name of Glareola nord- manni, and not as melanoptera. In a footnote it is said that Nordmann had proposed to call it melanoptera, but that the Society had preferred the name nordmanni ! The full and complete description is by Nordmann alone. — E.H. 166 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. probably Dumfries. As passage-migrant has occurred many localities England and south Scotland and occasionally Wales, but only rare vagrant west and north Scotland, including Orkneys and Shetlands, and twice Flannan Isles (0. Hebrides). In Ireland fourteen times, Munster and Ulster, chiefly autumn, but once (flock of twenty) April. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in north Scandinavia, Novaya Zemlia, Waigatz, and Arctic Asia (Taimyr, Yenisei, Lena), also in small numbers on the German Riesengebirge (on frontier of Silesia and Bohemia), and in Transylvania. Migratory, wintering in north Africa, Palestine, and Persia. Casual on Canaries and in Japan. CHARADRIUS ASIATICUS 357. Charadrius asiaticus Pall.— THE CASPIAN PLOVER. CHARADRIUS ASIATICUS Pallas, Reise d. versch. Prov. d. Russ. Reichs, n, p. 715 (1773— S. Tartary). itis asiatica (Pallas), Saunders, p. 537. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Three or four. Male adult shot and another bird seen near Great Yarmouth (Norfolk), May 22, 1890 (Saunders, p. 537). A pair shot Romney Marsh (Sussex), July 13, 1911 (H. W. Ford-Lindsay, Brit. B., v, p. 115). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in south-east Russia and through Khirgiz Steppes to salt -steppes of Turkestan. Winters in west India and Africa. CHARADRIUS HIATICULA 358. Charadrius hiaticula hiaticula L.— THE RINGED PLOVER. CHARADRIUS HIATICULA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 150 (1758 — Europe and America. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Charadrius hiaticula major Seebohm, Hist. Brit. B., in, p. 20 (1885 — Seebohm separated a larger race, supposed to be resident in the British Isles, but other ornithologists have not followed him, and the status of this race remains very doubtful). JEgialitis hiaticula (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 257 ; Saunders, p. 539. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed flat coasts, and also a few breed inland as in the Cheviots, west Suffolk, Norfolk, Middlesex, Surrey, and Worcester, on banks of rivers and lakes, warrens, sewage-farms, etc. Immigration noted autumn, when some also emigrate southwards and return spring. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Arctic to central Europe, east to arctic and central Asia, and eastern arctic America. Winters on Mediter- ranean and in Africa, as far south as Cape Colony, casual in A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 167 north-west India, Australia, Chile and Barbados. Replaced by an allied race in North America (except easternmost arctic part), which winters in South America. CHARADRIUS DUBIUS* 359. Charadrius dubius Scop.— THE LITTLE RINGED PLOVER. CHARADRIUS DUBIUS Scopoli, Del. Faun, et Flor. Insubr., n, p. 93 (1786— Luzon). Charadrius minor MacGillivray, Man. Brit. B., n, p. 53 (1840). litis curonica (Gmelin), Yarrell, in, p. 262 ; Saunders, p. 541. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Very rare vagrant. Some nine authentic examples recorded. Sussex two ; Scilly one, Oct. 23, 1863 ; Middlesex two, Aug., 1864 ; Isle of Wight one, Aug., 1864 (Saunders, p. 541) ; Christchurch, Aug. 1860, and April 28, 1879 (Birds Hants., p. 286) ; North Uist (O. Hebrides) (probably Oct.), 1908 (Brit. B., n, p. 388). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Nests in north, central and south Europe, as well as in north-west Africa, eastwards through north and central Asia to Japan. Winters in Africa, India, and Malayan Archipelago. Casual in New Guinea and North America. A tropical Indian race has been separated by some authors, but its status requires further investigation. CHARADRIUS ALEXANDRINUSf 360. Charadrius alexandrinus alexandrinus L. — KENTISH PLOVER. CHARADRIUS ALEXANDRINUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 150 (1758 — Egypt). ^gialitis cantiana (Latham), Yarrell, in, p. 267 ; Saunders, p. 543. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Summer-resident (April, exceptionally March, to late Sept., occasionally Oct.). Breeds only coasts of Kent and Sussex. Very rare migrant along south coast to Devon and Cornwall and up east coast to Yorks. (seven). Very rare vagrant elsewhere, Teesmouth (Durham) one, May, 1904, Marbury Mere (Cheshire) pair seen, April 29, 1908, Mansfield (Notts.) one seen, April, 1904. Ireland. — Very rare vagrant. On four or five occasions autumn and winter, latest 1852. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Europe from south Sweden to Mediterranean and north Africa, Madeira, Canary and Cape Verde * Scopoli's name is certain and antedates Gmelin's curonica ; it has there- fore been generally adopted. — E.H. Linnaeus's name antedates that of Latham. — E.H. 168 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. Islands and Azores, apparently to east Siberia and Corea. Winters in Africa, India, Ceylon, Burmah, and apparently Japan. Replaced by allied forms in China, America, and apparently also Ceylon. CHARADRIUS VOCIFERUS 361. Charadrius vociferus L.— THE KILLDEER PLOVER. CHARADRIUS VOCIFERUS Linnaeus, Syst. Xat., ed. x, i, p. 150 (1758 — America. Restricted typical locality : Carolina. Ex Catesby). dZgialitis vocifera (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. ix ; Saunders, p. 545. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Six. Near Christchurch (Hants.) April, 1859. Tresco (Scilly Isles) Jan. 15, 1885 (Saunders, p. 545 and Birds Hants., p. 287). Peterhead (Aberdeen) 1867 (W. P. Pycraft, ylTm. 8.N.H., 1904, p. 247 ; cf. Brit. B., n, p. 150). Three Romney Marsh (Kent), April 21 and 22, 1908 (N. F. Ticehurst, Brit. B., n, p. 169 ; Bull, B.O.C., xxm, p. 25). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in North America, from British Columbia south to central Mexico, winters in Central and South America, from California to Venezuela, Peru, and more rarely Paraguay and Chile. CHARADRIUS APRICARIUS* 362. Charadrius apricarius L.— THE GOLDEN PLOVER. CHARADRIUS APRICARIUS Linnseus, Syst. Xat., ed. x, i, p. 150 (1758 — Oeland [island near Sweden] and America : the latter erroneous, ex: Edwards). Pluvialis aurea MacGillivray, Hist. Brit. B., iv, p. 94 (1852). Charadrius phi via I is Linnaeus, Yarrell, in, p. 271 ; Saunders, p. 547. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Breeds sparingly moors Devon and Somerset, more plentifully Wales and its borders and north-east Yorks., and commonly Pennines and northwards through- out Scotland and its islands. In Ireland on mountains many dis- tricts, as well as bogs in western Connaught. In autumn and winter far more numerous, and widely distributed on low-lying marshes and fields. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Our breeding-birds begin to leave moors for coastal regions early Aug., and return March and April. From Sept. to Nov. immigrants arrive in great numbers and return April and May. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North Europe, Faeroes and Iceland, and west Siberia ; in winter south to north Africa, Azores and Canary Islands, and in Asia as far as Sind. * This bird is more generally known in England as C. phivialis, in Germany as C. auratus ; but its oldest name is apricarius, a name used by Pallas, Sunde- vall, Gray, Heuglin, Bonaparte, Schlegel, Loche, and others, and recently by all authors who begin nomenclature with the year 1758. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 169 CHARADRIUS DOMINICUS 363. Charadrius dominicus dominicus Mull. — THE AMERI- CAN GOLDEN PLOVER. CHARADRIUS DOMINICUS P. L. S. Miiller, Natursystem, Suppl., p. 116 (1776 — Santo Domingo. Ex Brisson). Charadrius dominicus P.L.S. Miiller, Saunders, p. 549 (part) ; C. fulvus Yarrell, in, p. 276 (in text). DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Three or four. [Leadenhall Market, autumn 1882.] Near Perth Aug. 3, 1883* (J. G. Millais, ZooL, 1886, p. 26). Belmullet (Mayo) Sept. 13, 1894 (E. Williams, Irish Nat., 1894, p. 224 ; Saunders, p. 549). Shell Haven Point (Essex) Aug. 6, 1896* (H. Nunn, ZooL, 1897, p. 330). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in arctic north America, winters in Brazil and Argentina, passing down Atlantic Ocean, returning through Mississippi valley, and occurring, on migration, in Green- land and Bermudas, once on Heligoland, 1847. Replaced in north- east Asia by C. d. fulvus. 364. Charadrius dominicus fulvus Gm. — THE ASIATIC GOLDEN PLOVER. CHARADRIUS FULVUS Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, p. 687 (1789 — Tahiti). Charadrius dominicus P. L. Miiller, Saunders, p. 549 (part). DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Two or three. [Leadenhall Market Dec., 1874, said from Norfolk.] Loch Stenness (Orkneys) Nov., 1887 (J. G. Millais, Field, 10.xn.1887 ; Saunders, p. 549). Epsom Race-course (Surrey) Nov. 12, 1870 (J. A. Bucknill, Birds Surrey, p. 283). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in eastern arctic Asia and Alaska, winters in Pacific Ocean, south to New Zealand. Has occurred as vagrant in Poland, on Heligoland (three), Malta (two), in south Spain and (according to Loche) in Algeria (one). Replaced by C. dominicus dominicus in America. SQUATAROLA SQUATAROLA 365. Squatarola squatarola (L.)— THE GREY PLOVER. TRINGA SQUATAROLA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 149 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Squatarola helvetica (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 278 ; Saunders, p. 551. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor and passage-migrant (end July -Aug., but chiefly Oct. to April-May and a few throughout summer). Generally distributed (usually small parties) east and * Apparently C. d. dominicus, but possibly C. d. julvus. 170 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. south coasts England, less frequent west coast and Scotland, where very rare north of Solway on west and north of Ness on east ; also very rare Orkneys, Shetlands, and Hebrides. In Ireland visits all coasts, but scarce south. Rare vagrant inland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in tundras of arctic Europe, Asia, and America, passes through subarctic regions and winters in Africa, India, Malaysia, Australia, and South America. CHETTUSIA GREGARIA* 366. Chettusia gregaria (Pall.)— THE SOCIABLE PLOVER. CHARADRIUS GREGARIUS Pallas, Reise d. versch. Prov. d. Russ. Reichs, i, p. 456 (1771 — Volga steppes). Vanellus gregarius (Pallas), Saunders, p. 553. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Very rare vagrant. One near St. Michael's-on-Wyre (Lanes.) autumn, about 1860 (Saunders, p. 553). Female near Navan (Meath) Aug. 1, 1899 (E. Williams, Irish Nat., 1899, p. 233). Female out of flock of six, Romney Marsh (Kent), May 3, 1907 (C. B. Ticehurst, Bull. B.O.C., xix, p. 85). Four (another said to have escaped) near Winchelsea (Sussex), May 25-27, 1910 (A. F. Griffith, op.c., xxvn, p. 28 ; cf. Brit. B., i, p. 57, n, p. 150, iv, p. 256). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds from south Russian steppes to Turkestan, the Altai and (? regularly) west Siberia, and Mongolia, south in winter to north-east Africa and India. Casual in Poland, Italy, south France, and near Cadiz. VANELLUS VANELLUS 367. Vanellus vanellus (L.)— THE LAPWING. TRINGA VANELLUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 148 (1758 — Europe, Africa. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Vanellus vulgaris Bechstein, Yarrell, in, p. 283 ; Saunders, p. 555. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed. In autumn large numbers arrive from Continent and many of our home-bred birds move to coast, while a proportion emigrate south- wards, especially from northern districts. In extreme north Scot- land known chiefly as summer-resident. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Europe (from the Arctic circle to south Spain) and in northern Asia eastwards to the Pacific Ocean [according to Irby north Marocco, and (?) Egypt]. Winters in south * Both in the Introduction to theUccelli of his Iconogr. Faun. ItaL, and on p. 115 (accompanied by a fine plate) Bonaparte spelt the name Chettusia, not Chcetusia. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 171 Europe, north Africa, Asia Minor, Persia and north India, China and south Japan. Casual in Greenland, Jan Mayen, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New York, Bahamas, and Barbados. ARENARIA INTERPRES* 368. Arenaria interpres interpres (L.)— THE TURNSTONE. TRINGA INTERPRES Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 148 (1758 — Europe and N. America. Restricted typical locality : Gotland). Strepsilas interpres (Linnseus), Yarrell, in, p. 289 ; Saunders, p. 557. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Pas sage -migrant and winter-visitor (late July and Aug. to May). Widely distributed all coasts chiefly autumn and spring but many stay winter, especially in south England and Ireland. Non-breeding birds frequently observed throughout summer. Occasionally inland on passage. Supposed, but never proved, to have bred on several occasions. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Greenland, arctic Europe, south to Cattegat and Baltic, and Asia, and also in Alaska. Winters on coasts of Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, and Australia. Replaced by a very closely -allied form (status of which requires further investigation) in arctic America, which migrates south to Central and South America. BARTRAMIA LONGICAUDA 369. Bartramia longicauda (Bechst.)— BARTRAM'S SAND- PIPER. TRINGA LONGICAUDA Bechsteui, Allg. Ueb. Vogel, iv, ii, p. 453 (1812 — N. America). Bartramia longicauda (Bechstein), Yarrell, in, p. 440 ; Saunders, p. 603. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — About eleven. Near Warwick, end Oct., 1851. Near Cambridge, Dec. 12, 1854. River Parret (Somer- set) about 1850. Near Mullion (Cornwall) Nov. 13, 1865. Lowstead (Northumberland) Nov. 21, 1879. [Leadenhall Market, said from Lines., Oct., 1880.] Near Lizard (Cornwall) Oct., 1883. Near Ballinasloe (Galway) autumn, 1855. Near Bandon (Cork) Sept. 4, 1894 (Saunders, p. 603; cf. Yarrell, m, p. 440). [Poulterer's shop, Falmouth (Cornwall) Oct., 1903.] Romney Marsh (Kent) July 18, 1908 (Brit. B., n, pp. 206, 269). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds from Alaska to Missouri, Indiana, and north Virginia, winters on pampas of South America, south to Argentina. Occurs occasionally in Europe : the only authenticated * Arenaria Brisson antedates Strepsilas by 51 years. It is strange that British ornithologists, who introduced and always advocated Brisson's generic names, have ignored this unmistakeable generic term. — E.H. 172 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. instances out of British Isles, however, seem to be two captures in Italy and Malta. MACHETES PUGNAX 370. Machetes pugnax (L.)— THE RUFF. TBINGA PUGNAX Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 148 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : South Sweden). Machetes pugnax (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 426 ; Saunders, p. 599. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Passage -migrant and occasional winter and summer. Formerly bred many places England but only occasionally now. A pair nested 1901, 1902, and 1903 near Tees- mouth (Durham) ; in Norfolk Broads, 1907 (and possibly other years recently) ; eggs said to have been taken Lanes., 1910 (cf. Brit. B., I, p. 65, n, p. 268, iv, p. 222). Otherwise chiefly passage-migrant much more frequent autumn than spring, and on east side Great Britain than west, where, as in Hebrides and Ireland, decidedly scarce, even autumn, and very rare spring. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Europe and north-west Asia, to Taimyr Peninsula and Dauria, from highest north to Danube and south Russian steppes. Winters in Africa, north India, and Burmah. Wanders occasionally to America, from Ontario and Greenland south to Indiana, North Carolina, Barbados, and even northern South America. CANUTUS CANUTUS* 371. Canutus canutus (L.)— THE KNOT. TRINGA CANUTUS Linnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 149 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Tringa canutus Linnaeus, Yarrell, in, p. 413 ; Saunders, p. 595. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor (Aug. -May and occa- sionally later) and passage-migrant. Most abundant east coasts Great Britain, common south and west coasts England and in Solway, but north of Clyde, as in Hebrides, and apparently Orkneys and Shetlands scarce. Common east and north coasts Ireland, but scarce elsewhere. Occasional inland. Extensive autumn and spring passage-movements of birds wintering further south, and in severe weather many of our winter- visitors pass south. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Arctic regions (Taimyr Penin- sula in Siberia, perhaps Iceland, Greenland, Ellesmere Land to Melville Peninsula, Point Barrow in Alaska), migrates south as far as south Africa, India, Australia, and New Zealand, North and South America to Patagonia. * It seems reasonable to separate the Knot generically, and in that case Canutus is the oldest generic name. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 173 CALIDRIS LEUCOPH^A* 372. Calidris leucophsea (Pall.)— THE SANDERLING. TMXGA LEUCOPH^A Pallas, in Vroeg's Cat. Coll., p. 32 (1764 — Northern coast of Holland). Calidris arenaria (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 420 ; Saunders, p. 597. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Passage-migrant (Aug.-Oct. and April-May) and winter-visitor. Widely distributed on sandy coasts but scarce west Scotland. Chiefly passage-migrant staying through autumn, but a good many winter. Non-breeding birds observed frequently throughout summer. Occasional inland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in arctic regions (Spitsbergen, north Siberia, probably Iceland, from Melville Island and Ellesmere Land to Greenland, Alaska), visits in winter and during migration all the lands southwards, as far as south Africa, Java, Borneo, Australia, the Marshall and Hawaiian Islands, and in America, Patagonia and Chile. EROLIA ALPINAj 373. Erolia alpina alpina (L.)— THE DUNLIN. TRINGA ALPINA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 149 (1758 — Lapland). Tringa alpina Linnaeus, Yarrell, in, p. 377 ; Saunders, p. 583. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and winter-visitor. Breeds sparingly moors Cardigan, Denbigh and Merioneth (formerly Dee marshes), Lanes., Yorks. and Derby borders, north and north-west Yorks., and Tees marshes ; northwards more abundantly both moors and coast-marshes, and most Hebrides, Orkneys and Shetlands. Has bred Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and Lines. In Ireland breeds small numbers many parts Leinster, Connaught, and Ulster. Many immigrants arrive autumn and until their return in spring the bird is very numerous on all coasts, while many non-breeding birds stay throughout summer. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in north Europe; Iceland and Faeroes; and north Asia, migrates in winter to Mediterranean, north Africa and Red Sea, also to India. Accidental in eastern North America. Replaced by an allied race in east Asia and North America. * The name leucophcea antedates Tringa Arenaria of Linnaeus (1766). — E.H. f The name Tringa now being used for the Sandpipers (Totanus olim) according to the International Riiles and " Opinions" of the Commission, the next oldest name must be taken up for the Stints and Dunlins. — E.H. 174 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. EROLIA FERRUGINEA* 374. Erolia ferruginea (Briinn.) — THE CURLEW-SAND- PIPER. TRINGA FERRUGINEA Briinnich, Orn. Bor., p. 53 (1764 — Iceland and Christiansoe). Tringa subarquata (Giildenstadt), Yarrell, in, p. 403 ; Saunders, p. 591. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Passage-migrant (Aug.-Oct. and March- June, exceptionally July). Chiefly east coast Great Britain and south coast England, scarce west side, rare I. and unknown O. Hebrides, scarce Shetlands, unknown Orkneys and extreme north and north-west Scottish mainland. In Ireland, chiefly autumn, east and north coasts, occasional Nov., and once Dec. 26, 1892. Much rarer, especially Scotland and Ireland, in spring. Occasional inland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in arctic regions of Asia, winters in Africa (from Mediterranean to tropical and south Africa), India, Malay Peninsula, and even Australia. Casual in North and South America. EROLIA MINUTA 375. Erolia minuta minuta (Leisl.)— THE LITTLE STINT. TRINGA MINUTA Leisler, Nachtrage zu Bechst. Xaturg. DeutschL, p. 74 (1812 — Near on the Main). Tringa minuta Leisler, Yarrell, in, p. 386 ; Saunders, p. 585. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Passage -migrant chiefly end Aug. to Oct., rarely later, very rare anywhere spring April- June, exception- ally July. Regular autumn (but varying numbers), east and south- east coasts England and south-east Scotland ; irregular and scarce, north of Aberdeen (but recorded to Shetlands), west coasts Great Britain (including some I. but no 0. Hebrides) and south coast England. In Ireland apparently regular autumn east coast, very rare elsewhere ; only one doubtful spring-record. Exceptional inland waters. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Inhabits west Siberian tundras and islands (Novaya Zemlia, Kolguev, Waigatz, etc.) to North Cape of Europe, and migrates south to Africa and India. Replaced in east Siberia by E. minuta ruficollis, which wanders south through China and Japan to Sunda Islands, Moluccas, and Australia. * Tringa ferruginea antedates Scolopax subarquata by ten years. — E.H. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 175 EROLIA MINUTILLA 376. Erolia minutilla minutilla (Vieill.)— THE AMERICAN STINT. TRINGA MINUTILLA Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., nouv. ed., xxxiv, p. 466 (1819— Nova Scotia to the Antilles). Tringa minutilla Vieillot, Yarrell, in, p. 396 ; Saunders, p. 587. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Four. Mount's Bay (Cornwall) Oct. 10, 1853. Northern Burrows near Bideford (Devon) Sept. 1869 and Aug. 22, 1892 (Saunders, p. 587). Near Mousehole (Cornwall) Sept., 1890 (J. Clark, Zool, 1907, p. 286, and Brit. B., n, p. 268). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern North America, in winter from California, Texas, and North Carolina through West Indies and Central America to Brazil, Galapagos Islands, and Chile. On migra- tion throughout North America, north-east Siberia and Commander Islands, also in Greenland and Bermudas. Replaced by an allied form which breeds in north-east Siberia, Kamtschatka, and the Kurile Islands, and winters south-east Asia, to Australia. EROLIA TEMMINCKII 377. Erolia temminckii (Leisl.)— TEMMINCK'S STINT. TRINGA TEMMINCKII Leisler, Nachtrage zu Bechst. Naturg. DeutschL, p. 78 (1812— Near Hanau on the Main). Tringa temmincki Leisler, Yarrell, m, p. 398 ; Saunders, p. 589. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare and irregular passage-migrant chiefly autumn (late July to Sept.), very rarely spring (May). Irregular everywhere but most frequent from Norfolk southwards and along south coast England to Scilly. Elsewhere very rare vagrant — about seven from Dee to Solway, a few from Lines, to Northumberland, two or three east coast Scotland, one Fair Isle (autumn 1908), one co. Kerry (Jan., 1848). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeding from Scandinavia eastwards in arctic portions of Old World, migrating south in winter to Mediter- ranean and north Africa, India, Ceylon, the Indo-Chinese countries and China. EROLIA MACULATA 378. Erolia maculata maculata (Vieill.)— THE AMERICAN PECTORAL SANDPIPER. TRINGA MACULATA Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., nouv. ed., xxxiv, p. 465 (1819— Antilles or southern U.S.). Tringa maculata Vieillot, Yarrell, m, p. 368 ; Saunders, p. 579. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Vagrant. About forty-five England, three Scotland, three Ireland, chiefly autumn, occasional spring. 176 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. England.— Northumberland (one), Durham (two), Yorks. (five), Norfolk (nine), Suffolk (five or six), Kent (two), Sussex (five), Devon (two), Cornwall (three), Scilly Isles (ten), Cumberland (one). Scotland. — Aberdeen, Argyll and Orkneys, one each. Ireland.— Portumna (Galway) (one), Belmullet (Mayo) (two). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds on arctic shores of North America, winters in South America, from Peru and Bolivia to Chile, Argentina and Patagonia ; casual in north-east Siberia, Unalaska, Greenland and Hawaii. Replaced by E. maculata acuminata in east Siberia. 379. Erolia maculata acuminata (Horsf.)*— THE SIBERIAN PECTORAL SANDPIPER. TOTANUS ACUMINATUS Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, xin, p. 192 (1821 — Java, winter- visitor). Tringa acuminata (Horsfield), Saunders, pp. 579 and 580. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One or two. Breydon (Norfolk) Aug. 29, 1892 (Seebohm, Ibis, 1893, p. 181). [One said taken near Yar- mouth, Sept., 1848 (I.e. ; cf. Gurney, Zool, 1849, pp. 2392 and 2568).] DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North-east Siberia, Kamtschatka, Com- mander Islands. Winters in Japan and south to New Guinea, Australia, and New Zealand. Replaced in North America by E. maculata maculata. EROLIA BAIRDII 380. Erolia bairdii (Coues)— BAIRD'S SANDPIPER. ACTODROMAS BAIRDII Coues, Proc. Acad. Sci. Philad., 1861, p. 194 (Great Slave Lake, Canada). Tringa bairdi (Coues), E. Hartert, Bull. B.O.C., XT, p. 27 ; Saunders Brit. B., i, p. 15. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Three. Young female Rye Harbour (Sussex) Oct. 11, 1900 (ut supra}. One Hunstanton (Norfolk) Sept. 16, 1903 (J. H. Gurney, Zool., 1909, p. 124). Adult female St. Kilda (0. Hebrides) Sept. 28, 1911 (W. E. Clarke, Scot. Nat., 1912, p. 9 ; cf. Brit. B., v, p. 255). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds along arctic coast of North America and migrates south to Chile, Argentina, and Patagonia, casual in south-west Africa. * American authors (A.O.U. Checklist, 3rd ed, 1910, p. 113) have adopted Latham's name Tringa aurita (Latham, Ind. Orn. Sitppl., p. LXVI, ex Gen. Syn. Suppl., p. 314) but without reason, as the description disagrees almost entirely with that of the present species. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 177 EROLIA FUSCICOLLIS 381. Erolia fuscicollis (VieiU.)— BONAPARTE'S SAND- PIPER. TRINGA FUSCICOLLIS Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., nouv. ed., xxxiv, p. 461 (1819 — Paraguay. Ex Azara). Tringa fuscicollis Vieillot, Yarrell in, p. 373 ; Saunders, p. 581. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Fourteen. Salop (one), Scilly Isles, (two), Cornwall (three), Devon (four), Sussex (two), Middlesex (one)., (Saunders, p. 581). Kent (one), June 4, 1906 (Brit. B., I, p. 231). One believed shot near Belfast prior to 1836. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds on arctic coast of North America,, having occurred as far west as Point Barrow in Alaska, and as far east as Greenland ; migrates through North America, and winters in southern South America ; casual in Bermudas. EROLIA SUBRUFICOLLIS* 382. Erolia subruficollis (Vieill.)— THE BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER. TRINGA SUBRUFICOLLIS Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., nouv. ed., xxxiv, p. 465 (1819 — Paraguay. Ex Azara). Tryngites rufescens (Vieillot), Yarrell, in, p. 435 ; Saunders, p. 601. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — About eighteen, mostly Sept., but one May and one July. Lines, (one), Norfolk (five), Cambs. (one), Sussex (one), [Kent (one) supposed], Cornwall and Scilly (four), Lundy Island (one), Lanes, (one), Cumberland (one), Dublin (one), Down (two), [Caithness (one) supposed], (Saunders, p. 601 and Brit. B., n, pp. 241, 269.) DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds along arctic coasts of North America, and apparently easternmost arctic Asia, winters in Argen- tina and Uruguay, passing, on migration, through North America and appearing occasionally west Europe (Heligoland, Switzerland). EROLIA MARITIMAf 383. Erolia maritima maritima (Brunn.) — THE PURPLE SANDPIPER. TRINGA MARITIMA Brunnich, Orn. Borealis, p. 54 (1764 — Christiansoe, Norway). Tringa striata Linnseus, Yarrell, in, p. 408 ; Saunders, p. 593. * The name subruficollishas page-priority over rufescens, and is now univer- sally accepted ; cf. Cat. B. Brit. Mus., xxiv, p. 521, A.O.U. Check-list, p. 124. f Tringa striata L. is a wrong name, the description not agreeing with that of the Purple Sandpiper ; moreover maritima antedates striata. — E.H. 178 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor (Sept. to April and May, occasionally June). Widely spread all coasts, especially rocky ones. Thought to have bred Shetlands, but no proof. Exceptional inland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Inhabits arctic regions of Northern Hemi- sphere, and breeds in Siberia, north Russia, north Scandinavia, Novaya Zemlia, Spitsbergen, Iceland and Faeroes, Greenland and arctic America (Melville Island, Ellesmere Land), being migratory in northernmost regions, resident as far north as Iceland and south Greenland, but wintering as far south as North Sea and Baltic, and even in small numbers to Mediterranean and in America to Great Lakes, Georgia, Florida and Bermudas. Replaced by other sub- species in Alaska, the Pribilof, Commander, Aleutian and Shumagin Islands. EREUNETES PUSILLUS 384. Ereunetes pusillus pusillus (L.)— THE SEMI-PALMATED SANDPIPER. TRINGA PTJSILLA Linnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. xii, i, p. 252 (1766 — San Domingo). Ereunetes pusillu*, N. F. Ticehurst, Brit. B., i, p. 223. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One. Romney Marsh (Kent), Sept. 17, 1907 (ut supra}. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds from arctic shores of North America south to mouth of Yukon river and to south Ungava. Winters from Texas and Carolina through West Indies and Central America to Patagonia, migrating through United States (mainly «ast of Rocky Mountains), casual in north-east Siberia. Replaced lay a very closely-allied form in north -westernmost North America {Alaska coast) from Kotzebue Sound to mouth of Yukon (according to A.O.U. Check-list), migrating in winter south to Florida and Carolina, Trinidad and South America. LIMICOLA PLATYRHYNCHA 385. Limicola platyrhyncha platyrhyncha (Temin.) — THE BROAD-BILLED SANDPIPER. TRINGA PLATYBINCHA (evidently wrong transliteration for platyrhyncha) Temminck, Man. d'Orn., p. 398 (1815 — Swamps of N. Europe and N. America, on passage in Germany. Typical locality : north Europe). Limicola platyrhyncha (Temminck), Yarrell, in, p. 362 ; Saunders, p. 577. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Ireland. — Fifteen, mostly Aug. to Oct., but two April and two May. Yorks. (one), Norfolk (five), Kent (two), Sussex (six), Belfast Lough (one) (Saunders, p. 577 and Brit. B., n, p. 267, m, p. 257). A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 179 DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Scandinavian mountains, and probably in north Russia and west Siberia. On migration visiting coasts and inland waters of Denmark, Holland, Germany, France, Switzerland, and Italy, Black and Caspian, Mediterranean and Red Seas, Pamirs and India. Replaced farther east by paler form (L. platyrhyncha sibirica Dress.), which is found on shores of sea of Ochotsk, and probably on Lake Baikal, and in winter in Japan, China, and even Malayan and Moluccan Islands. It must breed in east Siberia. MACRORHAMPHUS GRISEUS 386. Macrorhamphus griseus griseus (Gin..) — THE RED- BREASTED SANDPIPER. SCOLOPAX GRISEA Gmelin, Syst. Xat., i, ii, p. 658 (1789 — Coast of New York). Macrorhamphus griseus (Gmelin), Yarrell, in, p. 357 ; Saunders, p. 621. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Over twenty from Aug. to Oct. in various years. Yorks. (one), Lines, (one), Norfolk (three), Middlesex (two), Kent (three), Hants, (two), Devon (one or more), Scilly (one), Lanes, (two), Cumberland (one), Fife (one), Lanark (one), Argyll (one), Queen's co. (one), Tipperary (one). (Saunders, p. 621 ; Brit. B., i, p. 231, n, p. 270 ; Hist. Birds Kent, p. 481.) DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Eastern North America, exact breeding range unknown. Winters from Florida and west Indies south to north Brazil ; passes on migration along Atlantic coast of North America and occasionally through Illinois, Indiana, and Ontario ; accidental in Greenland, Bermudas, and France. Replaced by a closely-allied race in western North America. TRINGA HYPOLEUCA* 387. Tringa hypoleuca L.— THE COMMON SANDPIPER. TRINGA HYPOLEUCOS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 149 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Totanus hypoleucus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 446 ; Saunders, p. 605. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer-resident (April to Sept. occasionally March, Oct. and Nov.). Breeds only very exceptionally south and east of a line from Bristol Channel to Humber, but not uncommonly Devonian peninsula. West and north of this line breeds throughout England and Wales, and Scotland and its isles, and in Ireland except in south-east, where scarce. Elsewhere common passage -migrant. A few may sometimes winter south Devon. * The name Tringa cannot be used for the birds hitherto called Tringa. The genotype of Tringa is, by tautonymy, Tringa ocrophus. See Smithsonian Inst. Publication, 1838 (July, 1910), pp. 31, 33 ; Nov. Zool., 1911, p. 5.— E.H. N 2 180 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Greater part of Old World, nesting from Arctic Circle to Mediterranean Basin in Europe, and north Himalayas in Asia, migrating in winter to central and south Africa, India, East Indian Archipelago, and even Australia and Tasmania. TRINGA MACULARIA 388. Tringa macularia L.— THE SPOTTED SANDPIPER. TRINGA MACULARIA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. xn, i, p. 249 (1766 — Europe and America ; Europe probably mistake. Restricted typical locality : Pennsylvania). Totanus macularius (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 452 ; Saunders, pp. 606, 605*. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Very rare vagrant. Many recorded (cf. Saunders, p. 606) but only following can be admitted : Female near Finea (W. Meath) Feb. 2, 1899 (Saunders, p. 605*). Pair near Lydd (Kent), May 5, 1904 (J. L. Bonhote, Bull. B.O.C., xiv, p. 84 ; Brit. B., n, p. 269). Female Shoreham (Sussex) Nov. 27, 1908 (J. B. Nichols, Brit. B., in, p. 377). One Hebden Bridge (Yorks.) about 1899 (W. Greaves, Nat., 1911, p. 100 ; Brit. B., iv, pp. 319, 369). One Whitby (Yorks.), March 29, 1849 (admitted by T. H. Nelson, Birds Yorks., p. 628, doubted by J. H. Gurney, Rambles of a Nat., p. 256). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in North America from north-west Alaska and Newfoundland to south California, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, and south Carolina ; winters from California, Louisiana, and south Carolina to south Brazil and Peru. Stragglers have occurred in Europe (Heligoland). TRINGA GLAREOLA 389. Tringa glareola L.— THE WOOD-SANDPIPER. TRINGA GLAREOLA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 149 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Totanus glareola (Gmelin), Yarrell, in, p. 463 ; Saunders, p. 607. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Passage-migrant. Regular (gener- ally single, sometimes flocks) autumn (July-Oct.), uncommon spring (April-May) on east and south-east coasts England, rare along south coast. Rare vagrant, west coast England and Wales, in Scotland (about nine) and in Ireland (seven). Exceptionally inland. Bred Prestwick Car (Northumberland) 1853, and possibly previously, possibly Norfolk prior to 1846, but alleged breeding Elgin 1853 discredited. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in north Europe and north Asia, and Avinters in Mediterranean countries, Africa, and south Asia to Australia and Hawaiian Isles. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 181 TRINGA OCROPHUS 390. Tringa ocrophus L.— THE GREEN SANDPIPER. TRINGA OCROPHUS* Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 149 (1758 — " Habitat in Europa." Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Totanus ochropus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 457 ; Saunders, p. 609. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Passage-migrant and winter-visitor. Frequent autumn and spring England and Wales and often staying throughout winter. Occasionally observed throughout summer, and breeding often suspected but never proved. In Scotland fairly frequent east, casual west, very rare north, apparently regularly small numbers autumn and occasional spring, Fair Isle, and twice O. Hebrides, but not recorded elsewhere Scottish isles. In Ireland casual autumn and winter- visitor and twice spring (April and June). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North Europe and north Asia, in winter south to Africa (even south Africa), India, and the Malayan Archi- pelago. Accidental in Nova Scotia and Australia. TRINGA SOLITARIA 391. Tringa solitaria solitaria Wilson— THE SOLITARY SANDPIPER. TRINGA SOLITARIA Wilson, Amer. Orn., vn, p. 53, pi. 58, fig. 3 (1813 — Exact locality not stated. We designate Pennsylvania. See A.O.U. Checklist, 1910, p. 121). Totanus solitarius (Wilson), Yarrell, in, pp. x and 468 ; Saunders, p. 611. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Five. Banks of Clyde (Lanark) some years previous to 1870. Scilly Isles, Sept. 21, 1882. Near Marazion (Cornwall), Oct., 1884 (Saunders, p. 611). Rye Harbour (Sussex), Aug. 7, 1904 (C. B. Ticehurst, Bull. B.O.C., xv, p. 12 ; cf. Brit. B., n, p. 269). Littlestone (Kent), seen July 18, shot Aug. 15, 1908 (Duchess of Bedford, Brit. B., n, pp. 136, 170). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — In summer in northern North America, winters from West Indies to Argentina, and has been recorded from Greenland and Bermudas. Replaced by a closely -allied form in westernmost North America. TRINGA FLAVIPES 392. Tringa flavipes (Gm.)— THE YELLOWSHANK. SCOLOPAX FLAVIPES Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, ii, p. 659 (1789 — New York). Totanus flavipes (Gmelin), Yarrell, in, p. 480 ; Saunders, p. 613. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Three. Misson (Notts.) 1854 (?), * It has been supposed that ocrophus is an error f or " ochropus," but this is not so. Linnaeus adopted the name " Ocrophus " from the " Ocrophus sive Rhodophus " of Gesner, Aldrovandus, and other older writers. — E.H. 182 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. Near Marazion (Cornwall) Sept. 12, 1871 (Saunders, p. 613). Fair Isle (Shetlands), 1910 (W. E. Clarke, Ann. S.N.H., 1911, p. 53 ; cf. Brit. B., iv, p. 291). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds from Kotzebue Sound, Alaska, north Mackenzie, central Keewatin, and south Ungava to valley of Upper Yukon, south Saskatchewan, and north Quebec ; winters in Argentina, Chile, and Patagonia, and casually in Mexico, Florida, and Bahamas. Also recorded from Pribilof Islands, Greenland, and Bermudas. TRINGA MELANOLEUCA 393. Tringa melanoleuca (Gm,)— THE GREATER YELLOW- SHANK. SCOLOPAX MELANOLEUCA Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, ii, p. 659 (1789 — Labrador). Totanus melanoleucus (Gmelin), A. F. Griffith, Bull. B.O.C., xix, p. 7 ; Saunders, Brit. B., i, p. 16. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One, Tresco, Scilly Isles, Sept. 16, 1906 (ut supra}. [One said to have been shot in Warwickshire, Nov. 22, 1907, cf. Brit. B., iv, p. 109.] DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in northern North America from Lake Iliamna, Alaska, and south Mackenzie to south British Colum- bia, Ungava, Labrador, and Anticosti Island ; winters from south California, Texas, Louisiana, and Georgia (casually north Carolina) south to Patagonia ; in Bermudas on migration. TRINGA TOTANUS 394. Tringa totanus (L.)— THE COMMON REDSHANK. SCOLOPAX TOTANUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 145 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Totanus calidris (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 469 ; Saunders, p. 615. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Breeds (increasing gener- ally during last few years, especially inland) many suitable localities throughout, but sparsely Wales, Shetlands, not south coast Ireland, and rarely 0. Hebrides. In autumn on all coasts but less numerous winter. MIGRATIONS. — British Isles. — Nesting-places occupied from March to Sept., when movement to coasts and estuaries is made. Immigrants arrive from Aug. onwards and later a movement southward is noted. Return movements occur March, April, and even early May. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds throughout Europe generally and Mediterranean countries, and from Asia Minor to east Siberia. Migrates in winter as far south as Africa, India, and Malayan Archipelago. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 183 TRINGA ERYTHROPUS* 395- Tringa erythropus (Pall.)— THE SPOTTED REDSHANK. SCOLOPAX ERYTHROPUS Pallas, Vroeg's Cat. Coll., Adumbratiuncula, p. 6 (1764— Holland). Scolopax maculata Tunstall, Orn. Brit,, p. 3 (1771 — Great Britain. Ex Zool. Brit.). Totanus fuscus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 474 ; Saunders, p. 617. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Uncommon passage-migrant (May- June and Aug. -Sept., exceptional winter). Chiefly Kent to Yorks., occasional south, and rare west coasts England, very rare Scotland (less than twenty times, mostly in south-west) and in Ireland (twenty or more times, chiefly in Moy estuary (Mayo and Sligo)). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in arctic Europe and Asia, winters in Mediterranean countries and Africa north of Equator, India and China. TRINGA NEBULARIAf 396. Tringa nebularia (Gunner.)— THE GREENSHANK. SCOLOPAX NEBULARIA Gunnerus, Leem, Beskr. Finm. Lapp., p. 251 (1767— Norway). Totanus canescens (Gmelin), Yarrell, in, p. 483 ; Saunders, p. 619. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Breeds Scotland from Rannoch Moor (Perth) northwards on mainland, and most commonly Inverness, eastern Ross, and Sutherland ; in Lewis and Harris (0. Hebrides), rarely in Skye, possibly in Tiree, not in Orkneys, but possibly on a few occasions in Shetlands. Elsewhere passage- migrant throughout British coasts and occasionally inland, chiefly autumn, and more rarely spring, and only occasionally observed in Avinter. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Summers in northern regions of Europe and Asia, while it passes on migration through temperate Europe and Asia, and winters in Africa and tropical Asia, Malay Archi- pelago, and Australia. Accidental in Canaries and Azores, and America. * The names of Pallas, in the Catalogue of Vroeg's Collection being admissible, the name erythropus has priority over Scolopax fusca Linnaeus, 1766, which, by the by, is not the Scolopax fusca of the same author of 1758!— E.H. f There can be no doubt as to the specific name of the Greenshank, which has hitherto been unfortunate in its nomenclature ; it is most commonly called Totanus glottis, while Saunders (I.e.) preferred the name canescens, and Reichenow maintained that Linnseus's name Tringa littorea was referable to the Greenshank, which view, however, cannot be accepted. — E.H. 184 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. TRINGA STAGNATILIS 397. Tringa stagnatilis (Bechst.)— THE MARSH-SAND- PIPER. TOTANUS STAGNATILIS Bechstein, Orn. Taschenb., n, p. 292, pi. (1803 — Germany). T. stagnatilis, Saunders, p. 620 (text) ; M. J. Nicoll, Brit. B., in, p. 350. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Four. One Tring (Herts.), Oct., 1887 (cf. Viet. Hist. Bucks., I, p. 150 ; Brit. B., in, p. 356 (footnote) and Saunders, p. 620). Pair Rye Harbour (Sussex), female June 16 and male June 18, 1909 (M. J. Nicoll, Brit. B., in, p. 356). Female Bodiam Marsh (Sussex), July 1, 1910 (J. B. Nichols, Brit. B., v, p. 49). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Seems to breed in south Siberia and Turkestan, throughout south-east Europe in suitable localities, and possibly also in south France, while nesting in north-west Africa has not yet been proved. Migrates to Africa, India, Indo-Chinese countries, and eastern Archipelago south to Australia. PHALAROPUS FULICARIUS 398. Phalaropus fulicarius (L.)— THE GREY PHALAROPE. TRINGA FULICARIA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 148 (1758 — " America." Typical locality : Hudson Bay. Ex Edwards). Phalaropus fulicarius (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 310 ; Saunders, p. 565. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Passage -migrant. Scarce and irregular all coasts (most regular south-west England) autumn, very rare winter and spring. Occasional inland. Periodically (after heavy south-west gales) in numbers, as autumns 1866, 1869, and 1886 in south England and autumn 1891 in many parts. Very rare vagrant Hebrides, Orkneys and Shetlands. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in arctic regions of Old and New Worlds (in Europe south to Iceland (rare), Spitsbergen, and Novaya Zemlia), migrating in winter south to Falkland and Juan Fernandez Islands, and Chile ; in the east to China and New Zealand. In Europe in winter found on many inland waters and along coasts to Mediterranean, also in north Africa. PHALAROPUS LOBATUS* 399. Phalaropus lobatus (L.) — THE RED-NECKED PHALAROPE. TRINGA TOBATA (evident misprint for lobata, corrected p. 824) Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 148 (1758 — N. America and Lapland. Restricted typical locality : Hudson Bay, from first and only quotation). Phalaropus hyperboreus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 315 ; Saunders, p. 567. * P. lobatus is beyond doubt, and is the oldest specific name. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 185 DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer -resident (May- Aug.) and vagrant. Breeds in limited numbers Orkneys, Shetlands, 0. Hebrides, and one locality west of Ireland. Elsewhere vagrant, occurring most frequently (but rarely) south and east coasts England, very rarely west coast and very rarely Scotland, except at breeding- haunts, and only three times Ireland outside breeding-locality. Exceptionally inland. Usually in autumn, occasionally winter and spring. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Nests in northern regions of both hemi- spheres, though more southward than Grey Phalarope ; breeding as far south as Iceland, Faeroes, central Norway, and south Greenland ; in North America from Alaska to Aleutian Islands, Yukon river, north Mackenzie, central Keewatin, south James Bay, and north Ungava. Migrates through Europe, Asia, and North America to India, Malayan and Moluccan Islands, China and Japan, and in America to Central America, Bermudas, and occasionally Hawaii. HIMANTOPUS HIMANTOPUS 400. Himantopus himantopus*(L.)— THE BLACK- WINGED STILT. CHARADRITJS HIMANTOPUS Linnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 151 (1758 — S. Europe). Himantopus condidus Bonnaterre, Yarrell, in, p. 305 ; Saunders, p. 563. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant. A good many records but few recent ones. Chiefly in early summer, most south and east coasts, especially Norfolk (about seventeen), and a few inland counties of England. Elsewhere very rare vagrant : Gloucester (one), Wales (one), Cheshire (one), Dumfries (two or three), Clyde (two), Shetlands (one), Orkneys (two), Tay and Moray (old doubtful records), Ireland six occasions. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in suitable localities in south France (delta of Rhone), Spain and Portugal, in Sicily, Hungary to Black Sea basin and Balkan Peninsula, Cyprus, in many places in Africa, from Marocco, Algeria and Tunisia to south Africa, and in many places in south Asia. Northern birds are migratory, wintering in Africa. RECURVIROSTRA AVOSETTA 401. Recurvirostra avosetta L. — THE AVOCET. RECURVIROSTRA AVOSETTA Linnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 151 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Oeland). Recurvirostra avocetta Linnaeus, Yarrell, in, p. 299 ; Saunders, p. 561. * Perhaps some of the other recognized species of Stilts were better treated as geographical races, in which case the Black-winged Stilt would have to be referred to trinomially. — E.H. 186 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Irregular migrant. Only in Norfolk, Kent and Sussex fairly regular in spring (May-June) but irregular autumn. Elsewhere vagrant, very rare west side Great Britain and north of Yorks. North Wales (one), Lanes, (two), 0. Hebrides (two), Shetlands (two), Moray (one), Tay (one probable). In Ireland obtained fourteen occasions and a few seen, chiefly south and east coasts (but Galway (one), Mayo (one) ) Aug. to Feb. Formerly summer-resident and bred Humber to Sussex, the last nests being mouth of Trent about 1837 (Birds Yorks., p. 589), and Kent 1842 and probably 1843 (Hist. Birds Kent, p. 439). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds locally on shores of North Sea (Denmark, Holland, and one locality Baltic), south France, and Spain, and from basin of Mediterranean eastwards to shores of Black, Caspian, and Aral Seas. Ranges also across Asia to China, and over many parts of Africa. Northern birds are migratory. LIMOSA LAPPONICA 402. Limosa lapponica lapponica (L.) — THE BAR-TAILED GODWIT. SCOLOPAX LAPPONICA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 147 (1758 — Lapland). Limosa lapponica (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 494 ; Saunders, p. 623. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor and passage-migrant. Generally distributed around all coasts, but scarce Orkneys and Shetlands. Many stay winter, but many, especially from Yorks. southward on east coast, are only autumn and spring passage- migrants. A good many non-breeders stay summer, especially in parts of western Scotland and Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — North Europe (rarely as far west as Lap- land) to Siberia, probably east to Taimyr peninsula, being repre- sented further eastwards by Limosa lapponica baueri. Migratory, wintering as far south as Senegambia and Somaliland in Africa and Mekran coast and Karachi in Asia, passing through intervening countries on migration, while the eastern race ranges through south- east Asia to Malay Archipelago, Australia, etc. LIMOSA LIMOSA 403. Limosa limosa (L.)— THE BLACK-TAILED GODWIT. SCOLOPAX LIMOSA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 147 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Limosa cegocephala (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 488 ; Limosa belgica (J. F. Gmelin), Saunders, p. 625. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Irregular passage-migrant, chiefly autumn (Aug. -Sept.), occasionally spring (April-May), rarely winter and summer. Mostly along east coast from Humber southwards and on south coast ; scarce vagrant north of Humber on east side A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 187 and everywhere on west side Great Britain ; has occurred O. and I. Hebrides, Orkneys and Shetlands. Frequent migrant to Ireland. Occasionally inland. Formerly summer-resident breeding from south Yorks. to Norfolk ; last 1847 Norfolk, and possibly 1885 Lines. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in north Europe and Asia, in Europe in Iceland (rarely Faeroes) and from Jutland, north Ger- many (sparingly in Sweden) and 60° north in Russia south to Low Countries, Hungary, and parts of central Russia and west Asia ; migrates through Europe and west Asia ; winters in basin of Mediterranean, and stragglers reach Canaries and Abyssinia ; in Asia winter-quarters are chiefly India and Ceylon. Accidental in Greenland. Appears to be represented by a closely -allied race — perhaps of doubtful value — further eastwards. NUMENIUS ARQUATA 404. Numenius arquata arquata (L.) — THE COMMON CURLEW. SCOLOPAX ARQUATA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 145 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Numenius arquata (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 499 ; Saunders, p. 627. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident, passage-migrant, and winter -visit or. Breeds sparingly Dorset, Wilts., and Hants., more freely Devonian peninsula, exceptionally Norfolk (1910) and Surrey (1897), commonly Wales and neighbouring counties, and from Staffs, and Derbyshire northwards on high ground (as well as on low ground in Yorks.). Also Isle of Man. In Scotland breeds generally and commonly, except 0. Hebrides, where nesting not proved. In Ireland breeds all provinces. In early autumn breeding -haunts deserted for coasts, on all of which it is found autumn and spring and occasionally summer. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Scandinavia, Russia, north and south Germany (Bavaria), Austria, Galizia, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, and in Brittany, also apparently on Canaries. Passes through central and south Europe, appearing on Azores, and wintering in Africa from Mediterranean districts to south Africa and Madagascar. In Asia this form does not seem to reach further east than the Khirgiz Steppes, being represented by a wrell distinguished race further eastwards, and replaced by another species in east Siberia. NUMENIUS PH^EOPUS 405. Numenius phseopus phaeopus (L.) — THE WHIMBREL. SCOLOPAX PHJEOPUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 146 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Numenius phceopus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 507 ; Saunders, p. 629. 188 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer-resident and passage- migrant. A few breed Orkneys and Shetlands, and apparently breeding-birds have been seen North Rona (0. Hebrides), and possibly on an islet off west Ross. No authentic case of breeding elsewhere. Passage -migrant all coasts and often inland, April and May and end July to Sept. and occasionally later. A few non- breeders stay summer. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Iceland, Faeroes, north Scandi- navia, north Russia, and west Siberia, and is found occasionally in Greenland. Migrates through western Palaearctic region and winters on coasts of Africa, some individuals remaining in winter-quarters all the year round. Replaced by the allied, but easily separable, N. phceopus variegatus in north-east Asia, the latter migrating to south-east Asia and Australia. NUMENIUS BOREALIS 406. Numenius borealis (Forster)— THE ESKIMO-CURLEW. SCOLOPAX BOREALIS J. R. Forster, Philos. Trans., LXII, p. 431 (1772 — Fort Albany, Hudson Bay). Numenius borealis (J. R. Forster), Yarrell, in, p. 512 ; Saunders, p. 631. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Seven or eight. One Sept. 6, 1855, and one-Sept. 21, 1880, Kincardine. One Sept. 29, 1879, Aberdeen. Two Nov., 1852, near Woodbridge (Suffolk), and one alleged R. Aide (Suffolk) prior to 1870. One Sept. 10, 1887, Scilly Isles. One Dublin Market, Oct., 1870, alleged from Sligo (Saunders, p. 631). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds on Barren Grounds of north Mackenzie in arctic America, passes through United States and winters in South America from Galapagos Islands and Chile to Brazil, Argentina, and Patagonia. Also recorded from Greenland and Falkland Islands. Said to have become very rare, so that fears have been expressed of its becoming extinct. NUMENIUS TENUIROSTRIS 407. Numenius tenuirostris VieilL— THE SLENDER-BILLED CURLEW. NUMENIUS TENUIROSTRIS Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. cl'Hist. Xat., nouv. ed., vm, p. 302 (1817— Egypt). Numenius tenuirostris VieilL, M. J. Nicoll, Brit. B., v, p. 124. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Three or more. Young male and female Sept. 21, and adult male Sept. 23, 1910, from " small flock " near Brookland (Kent) (ut supra]. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in north, the only breeding-place so far known being west Siberia ; passes winter in Mediterranean countries, as far west as south France and Algeria. Obtained on A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 189 passage in Russia, Hungary, and Austria, and occasionally further west ; four times in Germany, once Heligoland, twice Belgium, three times Holland, once at least in north France. GALLINAGO MEDIA* 408. Gallinago media (Lath.)— THE GREAT SNIPE. SCOLOPAX MEDIA Latham, Gen. Syn. Suppl., i, p. 292 (1787 — Lancashire, England). Gallinago major (Gmelin), Yarrell, in, p. 336 ; Saunders, p. 571. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare passage -migrant. Probably annual autumn (Aug. -Oct.) in small numbers east and south England, vagrant elsewhere ; over thirty Scotland and fourteen Ireland. Very rare indeed in spring. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Scandinavia, north Russia and west Siberia, as far south as Denmark, and some parts of north Germany. On migration passes through Europe and westernmost Asia (Caucasus, Persia), and winters in Africa from north Africa to south Africa (east Cape Colony and Natal). Said to be accidental in Canada. GALLINAGO GALLINAGO 409. Gallinago gallinago gallinago (L.) — THE COMMON SNIPE. SCOLOPAX GALLINAGO Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 147 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Gallinago scolopacina Gould, B. Great Britain, iv, pi. 79. Gallinago ccelestis (Frenzel), Yarrell, in, p. 342 ; Saunders, p. 573. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident, passage -mi grant, and winter- visitor. Breeds locally suitable places throughout but in some southern English counties rarely. A proportion of our breeding birds appear to emigrate. Abundant winter- visitor (Oct. -March). Weather greatly influences its movements, but regular arrivals on Sussex coast in April point to passage-movements. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Iceland, Faeroes, north and temperate Europe to north Italy and south Russia, and in north Asia south of lat. 70° north to high plateaus of central Asia. Winters from British Isles to east Atlantic isles and north Africa, as far as Senegambia and Aden, Persia, India, Ceylon, Andaman Islands, Burmah, Malay Peninsula, China, Japan, Formosa, Batjan (see Cat. B. Brit. Mus., xxiv, p. 641, perhaps an error, or very accidental occurrence), and Philippine Islands. Recorded also from Greenland * Latham's name has two years priority over Gmelin's of 1789, and it i.s strange that this has been overlooked for so many years, although it was useJ. by Meyer and Wolf, Schinz, Vieillot, Naumann, and others. — E.H. 190 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. and Bermudas. Replaced in America by the very closely-allied G. gallinago wilsoni. LIMNOCRYPTES GALLINULA 410. Limnocryptes gallinula (L.)— THE JACK SNIPE. SCOLOPAX GALLINULA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. xii, i, p. 244 (1766 — Europe). Gallinago gallinula (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 351 ; Saunders, p. 575. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor (early Sept. and Oct. to April and occasionally later). Generally distributed but decidedly local. No authentic case of nesting. Possibly also a passage- migrant. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in arctic regions of Old World ; passes on migration through the intervening countries, and winters as far south as north Africa, Persia, Afghanistan, India, Ceylon and Burmah. SCOLOPAX RUSTICOLA 411. Scolopax rusticola L.— THE WOODCOCK. SCOLOPAX RUSTICOLA Linnaeus, Syst. Xat., ed. x, i, p. 146 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Scolopax rusticula Linnaeus, Yarrell, in, p. 320 ; Saunders, p. 569. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and winter-visitor. Breeds most parts and increasingly ; in some years, as 1902, 1904, and 1908 in parts of Scotland in unusual numbers. Winter- visitors arrive east coast Great Britain Oct. and Nov., and depart March. A proportion of our breeding -birds emigrate, and winter weather- movements are often noted. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds on Madeira, Canary Islands, and Azores, in Europe from Arctic Circle to Pyrenees, Alps, Balkans, and Caucasus (but not in Greece), and eastwards through Asia to Hima- layas (not rare above 10,000 feet), and even north Japan. Winters in Mediterranean countries, as far as north-west Africa, in Egypt, Persia, India, Burmah, rarely as far as Ceylon, and China. Some winter in west Europe, especially in mild winters. Has been recorded once from Fseroes, and stragglers are occasionally found in eastern North America from Newfoundland to Virginia. HYDROCHELIDON NIGRA 412. Hydrochelidon nigra nigra (L.)— THE BLACK TERN. STERNA NIGRA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 137 (1758— Europe. Restricted typical locality : near Upsala). Hydrochelidon nigra (Linnaeus), Yarrell, m, p. 516 ; Saunders, p. 633. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — Passage-migrant, April and A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 191 May (occasionally summer) and Aug. and Sept. (occasionally later). Chiefly south, and east England up to Yorks., where annual but rarer, as it is inland, including midlands. More irregular west coast and Wales. North of Yorks. and Cheshire, rare. Often in flocks. Formerly bred various parts, last records Solway, 1855, Norfolk, 1858. Scotland. — Occasional Tweed and Forth, rare vagrant else- where, not recorded extreme north nor any islands. Ireland. — Rare vagrant to all Provinces. Has occurred July, Nov., and Dec. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Europe south of about 60° north lat. Winters in Africa south to Loango in west and (at least) Abys- sinia in east. Eastwards known as far as west Turkestan. Once recorded from Faeroes. Replaced in North America (in summer) and in South America (in winter) by H. nigra surinamensis. HYDROCHELIDON LEUCOPAREIA* 413. Hydrochelidon leucopareia leucopareia (Temm.) — THE WHISKERED TERN. STERNA LEUCOPAREIA " Natterer " Ternminck, Man. d'Orn., 2nd ed., ii, p. 746 (1820 — S. Hungary, discovered by Natterer, also Istria, Dalmatia, France). Hydrochelidon hybrida (Pallas), Yarrell, in, p. 527 ; Saunders, p. 637. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Very rare vagrant. England. — Twelve. One Dorset, Aug., 1836. One Yorks., 1842. Two Norfolk, June, 1847, and Oct., 1890. One Scilly Isles, Aug., 1851. One Devon, May, 1865. One Hants., June, 1875. Four Sussex, Aug. 9, 1905. One Kent, same date. Scotland. — One, Nithsdale (Dum- fries), May 28, 1894. Ireland.— One, Dublin Bay, Sept., 1839. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Nests in south Europe as far north as south Hungary and (exceptionally only ?) in Bavaria, also regularly in north Africa, and recorded breeding in Transvaal. Also through- out temperate and warmer Asia to China, though perhaps eastern birds may be separable, and the Australian ones certainly are. Winters in Africa and south Asia. HYDROCHELIDON LEUCOPTERAt 414. Hydrochelidon leucoptera (Temm..)— THE WHITE- WINGED BLACK TERN. STERNA LEUCOPTERA Temminck, Man. d'Orn., p. 483 (1815 — Shores of the Mediterranean, Swiss lakes, etc.). Hydrochelidon leucoptera (Schinz), Yarrell, in, p. 522 ; Saunders, p. 635. * Pallas's name dates from 1827 and not from 1811 (cf. Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, I, p. 277). The name leucopareia Temm. (not of Natterer ! ) has therefore priority. — E.H. f Though Temminck's Man. d'Orn. and Meisner and Schinz's Vog. d. Schweiz bear the same date, 1815, Temminck's work appeared before that of Meisner and Schinz, as is clear from p. 265 of the latter volume. — E.H. 192 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant, mostly April and May, sometimes in small flocks, three in autumn. England. — Has occurred Durham, Yorks. (two spring, one Sept. 26, 1896), Norfolk (many), Kent, Sussex, Hants., Dorset (several), Devon (several, one Nov., 1870), Cornwall and Scilly, Warwick (two). Ireland. — Six. One each Clare, Limerick, Tipperary, Waterford, two Dublin (one Oct., 1841). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in south-east Europe, north to Hungary, and ( ? regularly) in Bavaria, throughout south Russia and temperate Asia to China. In winter in Africa and south Asia to Australia and even New Zealand. Accidental in North America and Barbados. STERNA NILOTICA* 415. Sterna nilotica nilotica Gm.— THE GULL-BILLED TERN. STERNA NILOTICA Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, ii, p. 606 (1789 — Egypt. Ex Hasselquist). Sterna anglica Montagu, Yarrell, in, p. 531 ; Saunders, p. 639. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Very rare vagrant. About twenty- four : Lanes, (two), Yorks. (one), Norfolk (ten), Kent (four or five), Sussex (three), Hants, (one), Devon (one), Cornwall (one), Scilly (one). All spring or summer and none recorded last twelve years. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Europe in a few small colonies on coasts of Jutland and Schleswig, formerly on small island near Eiigen in Baltic, exceptionally in Bavaria, Hungary (apparently now only one breeding-place), south France, Spain and Portugal, Greece, Asia Minor, on Black and Caspian Seas, and north-west Africa (island on Tunisian coast, Algeria). Across temperate Asia to Mongolia, but breeds in Persia, and the Punjab (India). In winter, ranges all over Africa and tropical Asia. Also breeds in North and in South America, and winters in eastern South America. Represented by closely-allied race in Australia, and probably other forms are separable. STERNA TSCHEGRAVAt 416. Sterna tschegrava Lep. — THE CASPIAN TERN. STERNA TSCHEGRAVA Lepechin, Nov. Comm. Acad. Petr., xiv, i, p. 500, pi. xiii (1770— S. Russia). Sterna caspia Pallas, Yarrell, in, p. 536 ; Saunders, p. 641. * The name nilotica antedates anglica by twenty -four years. f Lepechin's description and figure are quite clear, and his name must be accepted. I have carefully compared them and have asked the opinion of three other ornithologists, who fully agree with my view. Saunders also quoted it without doubt, but probably rejected it because he did not like " changes," and as it has only page-priority. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 193 DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Very rare vagrant. About nineteen obtained and others seen : Northumberland, Yorks., Lines., Suffolk, Hants, (one each), Notts, (two), Dorset (four), Norfolk (nine got and others seen, the last July, 1901, July, 1902, and Aug., 1910). Records from Kent are doubtful. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Locally on coasts of Europe from about 60° north lat. southwards (Baltic, Sylt, Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas) ; throughout Asia east to China, throughout Malaysia to Australia and New Zealand ; many parts of Africa, chiefly in winter ; also North America, wintering on south Atlantic and Gulf coasts. Northern birds are migratory. STERNA SANDVICENSIS* 417. Sterna sandvicensis sandvicensis Lath. — THE SAND- WICH TERN. STERNA SANDVICENSIS Latham, Gen. Syn., Suppl., i, p. 296 (1787 — Kent, etc.). Sterna cantiaca Gmelin, Yarrell, in, p. 540 ; Saunders, p. 643. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer-resident (end March to Sept.). As a passage-migrant occurs many parts of British coast and occasionally inland. England. — Large breeding colonies Fame Isles (Northumberland) and Ravenglass (Cumberland), was not breeding Walney Island (Lanes.), 1901. Only occasionally breeds Kent. Scilly Isles and Norfolk (1893), and has ceased Essex. Scotland. — Breeds Kirkcudbright and sporadically on east coast, also breeds Sanday (Orkneys). | Ireland. — Several colonies on loughs in Mayo, one in Fermanagh, and occasionally on islands off Down and in Donegal. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — " Atlantic and North Sea coasts from the Orkneys southward to the Mediterranean, the Black Sea and the Caspian (breeding) ; in winter along the west coast of Africa to the Cape of Good Hope and up to Natal, down the Red Sea and across Mesopotamia to the Persian Gulf, Mekran coast and Karachi " (Saunders). Represented by Sterna sandvicensis acuflavida in North America, from Carolina to Mexico, and British Honduras, wintering in Florida, Louisiana, Central America, West Indies, and South America. * Saunders, Cat. B. Brit. Mus., xxv, p. 75, says that Latham's name is a " nomen nudum," but this is by no means the case, being based on the " Sandwich Tern" of his General Synopsis, in, ii, p. 356, and Suppl. , i, p. 266,. where the bird is described at length, and therefore his name must be used. — E.H. f The Rev. J. R. Hale informs us that it breeds on Sanday, and not Xorth Ronaldshay, as stated in Saunders's Manual. 194 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. STERNA DOUGALLII 418. Sterna dougallii dougallii Mont.— THE ROSEATE TERN. Sterna dougalli Montagu, Yarrell, in, p. 544 ; Saunders, p. G45. STERNA DOUGALLII Montagu, Orn. Diet. Suppl., text and plate (1813 — Firth of Clyde, Scotland). DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer-resident and vagrant. Breeds regularly, Fame Isles (Northumberland), one or two pairs, Skerries (N. Wales), small colony, another locality (N. Wales), large colony. Elsewhere vagrant, very rare Scotland and Ireland. Formerly bred Foulney and Walney (Lanes.), Scilly, Clyde and possibly Moray areas, Dublin and Down, and probably also in north- west Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Coasts of Atlantic and (sparingly) North Sea, from about 57° north lat. in summer to Mediterranean, Azores, and Madeira ; in north-west and east Africa ; North America from Sable Island to Long Island and from Bahamas to Lesser Antilles and north coast of Venezuela, wintering from Bahamas to Brazil. The geographical forms have not yet been finally worked out, but our race is replaced by allied forms at least on the islands of the Bay of Bengal, and probably all coasts of Indian Ocean, as well as in Australia. STERNA HIRUNDO* 419. Sterna hirundo L.— THE COMMON TERN. STERNA HIRUNDO Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 137 (1758 — " Europa." Restricted typical locality : Lakes and swamps of Sweden. Ex Fauna Svecica, No. 127). Sterna fluvia til-is Xaumann, Yarrell, in, p. 549 ; Saunders, p. 647. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer-resident (April to Sept. and Oct.). Breeds many places all coasts but rarely in 0. Hebrides. North of Loch Broom on west side Scotland and in Ireland outnumbered by S. paradiscea, but on east side relatively common further northward and abundant Pent land Skerries, but sparse Orkneys, and only discovered breeding Shetlands 1901. Migrants occasional 0. Hebrides and Fair Isle. Breeds some inland lakes and rivers Scotland and Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Coasts, rivers, and lakes of Europe, Canaries, Azores, Tunisia, temperate Asia and temperate North America. In winter (chiefly) in India, Ceylon, and Africa, as well as parts of South America. Local races may exist, but the question is not settled. * There is no reason for rejecting the well-known name Sterna hirundo, the description and breeding-place distinctly showing that this Tern was meant by Linnaeus. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 195 STERNA PARADIS^A* 420. Sterna paradisaea Briinn. — THE ARCTIC TERN. STERNA PARADIS^A Brunnich, Orn. Bor. p. 46 (1764 — Christiansoe, Denmark). Sterna macrura Naumann, Yarrell, in, p. 553 ; Saunders, p. 649. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer-resident (April to Sept. and Oct.). England. — Breeds only Fame Isles (Northumberland), Scilly Isles, two groups of islets off Anglesey, Walney (Lanes.), and Isle of Man. Elsewhere on passage and often inland. Scotland. — Breeds all coasts and groups of islands, and outnumbers 8. hirundo on west side north of Loch Broom and in Orkneys and Shetlands, and is chief breeding species 0. Hebrides. Ireland. — On coasts and some lakes. More numerous than 8. hirundo. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in northern regions of Old and New Worlds, from about 82° north lat. south to about 50° north lat. in Europe and 42° in America. In winter southwards to coasts of Africa and South America. Appears to be represented by a closely- allied form in the Southern Ocean, though some ornithologists are of opinion that these southern birds are migrants from the Northern Hemisphere. STERNA MINUTA 421. Sterna minuta minuta L. — THE LITTLE TERN. STERNA MINUTA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. xn, i, p. 228 (1766 — S. Europe). Sterna minuta Linnaeus, Yarrell, in, p. 558 ; Saunders, p. 651. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer-resident (end April to Sept. or Oct., exceptionally later). Breeding colonies of various sizes here and there south coasts. East coast as far north as Tees- mouth, but not further north in England ; a few pairs Forth, increasing Tay, a few Aberdeen, fair number Moray Firth, but doubtful breeder northwards on mainland, but appears to breed Orkneys, though only straggler Shetlands. On west side colonies from Cornwall to Solway, but does not now breed northwards on mainland, though it does in Tiree, and has in Barra since 1901-3, in N. Uist in 1907, possibly in Lewis in 1907, and in another O. Hebrides since 1885 or 1886. Breeds in Ireland on coasts of Leinster, Ulster, and Connaught. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in north Europe and north-west Africa, and in Asia as far east as Turkestan and perhaps India (Indian birds may be separable), and winters as far south as tropical and south Africa, Burmah and Java. Replaced by allied forms * There is no doubt about Briinnich's name, and it has many years priority over that of Naumann. — E.H. o 2 196 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. in America, the Malayan Archipelago, the China Seas and Australia, and (according to Zarudny and Loudon) in Persian Baluchistan. STERNA FULIGINOSA 422. Sterna fuliginosa Gm.— THE SOOTY TERN. ? Sterna fuscata Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. xn, i, p. 228 (1766 — Dominica. Ex Brisson). STERNA FTJLIGINOSA Gmelin, Syst. Nat.,i, ii, p. 605 (1789 — " Habitat in mari atlantico, americano, indico, australi." Selected typical locality : New York, type in Mus. Lever., fide Latham). Sterna fuliginosa Gmelin, Yarrell, in, p. 562 ; Saunders, p. 653. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Six. Tutbury near Burton-on-Tren (Staffs.), Oct., 1852. Near Wallingford (Berks.), June 21, 1869 Near Bath (Somerset), Oct. 4 or 5, 1885 (Saunders, p. 653). Near Brandon (Suffolk), Mar. or April, 1900 (W. G. Clarke, Zool., 1903, p. 393; Brit. B., n, p. 308). Hulme, near Manchester (Lanes.), Oct. 9, 1901 (Saunders, Bull. B.O.C., xn, p. 26 ; Brit. B., n, p. 308). Brighton (Sussex), April 24, 1911 (A. F. Griffith, Bull. B.O.C., xxvii, p. 95 ; Brit. B., v, p. 81). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Tropical and sub-tropical seas, but almost unknown on Pacific coast of South America. Wanders occasionally northwards as far as Maine in North America, the Azores, and Europe ; once Germany, once France, once Italy. [Sterna anastheta Scop.— THE LESSER SOOTY TERN. STERNA AN^THETUS (evidently misprint for ancestheta) Scopoli, Del. Faun, et Flor. Insubr., i, p. 92 (1786— Ex Sonnerat : Island of Panay, Philippines). Sterna ancestheta Scopoli, Yarrell, in, p. 565 (in text) ; Saunders, p. 654 (in text). DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One alleged taken on a lightship, mouth of Thames, Sept., 1875, " but the evidence is slightly imperfect " (Saunders, p. 654). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Tropical and intertropical seas, but possibly separable into various races. Nearest breeding-places to British Isles are apparently those in Bahamas and West Indies, or on the coasts of west Africa.] [NOTE. — Two specimens of the NODDY TERN, Anous stolidus stolidus (L.) (Sterna stolida Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 137 (1758 — In the " American Sea " : West Indian seas meant) ) alleged to have been shot between Tuskar Rock and Dublin about 1830, were brought in skinned by the captain of a vessel, and the evidence is not considered sufficient by R. J. Ussher (c/. List Irish Birds, p. 48 ; Brit. B., n, p. 248). Another, alleged to have been shot on the Dee Marshes, is not authentic (Birds Cheshire, p. 229 ; c/. Yarrell, in, p. 567 ; Saunders, p. 655). Anous stolidus stolidus appears to be distributed throughout the Atlantic from Florida Keys and coast of Louisiana to A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 197 Bahamas and West Indies, south to Brazil and Tristan da Cunha, but it has been suggested that it only winters in these southern latitudes. It is represented by allied forms in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.] XEMA SABINI 423. Xema sabini (Sabine)— SABINE'S GULL. LARUS SABINI Sabine, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, xn, p. 522. pi. 29 (1818 — Islands near Disco, west coast of Greenland). Xema sabinii (J. Sabine), Yarrell, in, p. 573 ; Saunders, p. 657. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Irregular autumn and winter- visitor. Almost regular Yorks. and Norfolk, many recorded elsewhere, even in inland counties, but rarer Scotland (unrecorded O. Hebrides) and only twelve Ireland (Dublin Bay seven, Belfast Lough three, Donegal Bay one, Lough Derg one). Adults very rare, viz. one, each Yorks., Norfolk, Sussex, Kent, Hants., Cornwall, Mull, East Lothian, and Shetlands (seen July 25, 1909). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds from coast of Alaska to north Greenland and on arctic islands of Old World. Winters in more southern latitudes from Europe to Bermudas and Texas, and about 12° south lat., and even Peru. Not rare as visitor to Atlantic coasts of France, casual in Holland, Switzerland, and Austria-Hungary. RHODOSTETHIA ROSEA 424. Rhodostethia rosea (MacGill.)— THE WEDGE-TAILED GULL. LARUS ROSEUS MacGillivray, Mem. Wernerian Soc., v, p. 249 (1824 — Melville Peninsula). Rhodostethia rosea MacGillivray, Yarrell, in, p. 579 ; Saunders, p. 659. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One near Tadcaster (Yorks.), Dec. 22* 1846, or Feb. 1847 (W. Milner, Zool, 1847, p. 1694, and cf. p. 1784 ; Saunders, p. 659 ; Birds Yorks., p. 665). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in delta of Kolyma River in north-east Siberia and doubtless other places on arctic shores of Asia. Has been found in many places in arctic seas and casual visitors have been obtained in Faeroes and Heligoland. LARUS PHILADELPHIA 425. Larus Philadelphia (Ord)— BONAPARTE'S GULL. STERNA PHILADELPHIA Ord, in Guthrie's Geogr., 2nd Amer. ed., p. 319 (1815— near Philadelphia, U.S.A.). Larus Philadelphia (Ord), Yarrell, in, p. 584 ; Saunders, p. 661. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Six. One near Belfast, Feb. 1, 198 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 1848. One Loch Lomond (Argyll) about end April, 1850. One Falmouth, Jan. 4, 1865, one Penryn, Jan. 10, 1865, and one Penzance (Cornwall), Oct. 20, 1890. One St. Leonards (Sussex) early Nov., 1870 (Saunders, p. 661). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds from Alaska and north Mackenzie to British Columbia and south Keewatin. Winters from Maine to Florida, Texas, and Yucatan and on Pacific coasts of North America as far south as Lower California and Mexico ; on migration west to Kotzebue Sound and east to Ungava, casual in Bermudas and Bahamas. Once, in winter 1845, in Heligoland. LARUS MINUTUS 426. Larus minutus Pall.— THE LITTLE GULL. LARUS MINUTUS Pallas, Reise d. versch. Prov. d. Russ. Reichs, in, p. 702 (1776— Beresof, Tobolsk). Larus minutus Pallas, Yarrell, in, p. 589 ; Saunders, p. 663. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Irregular autumn and winter- visitor, occasionally spring and summer. Almost annual east coast England (sometimes numerous as 1866 and 1868 in Yorks., and winter 1869-70 on east coast), fairly frequent south coast, rare Wales and northwards to 0. Hebrides and Shetlands, not so rare east coast Scotland. About eleven Ireland, chiefly near Dublin and Belfast, but one Londonderry, one Galway, one Meath (Feb., 1909). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds from River Ob to Sea of Ochotsk in subarctic Asia, and in north-east Europe as far west as the Ladoga and Onega lakes, Baltic Provinces of Russia, a few places in northern, east, and west Prussia, and at least in one locality in west Jutland. Formerly (and perhaps still) on Gotland. After breeding-season not rare on Baltic shores of Prussia, but in small numbers only as far west as North Sea, and casually even to Faeroes (once), Bermudas, Maine, and Long Island, New York. In Europe south as far as Mediterranean. Once, according to Irby, near Jehangirabad in north-west India. LARUS RIDIBUNDUS 427. Larus ridibundus L.— THE BLACK-HEADED GULL. LARUS RIDIBUNDUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. xn, i, p. 225 (1766 — " Habitat in Mari Europseo." Restricted typical locality : England — from first three quotations). Larus ridibundus Linnaeus, Yarrell, in, p. 594 ; Saunders, p. 665. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Increasing greatly of late years. Breeding colonies throughout Great Britain from Dorset in south-west and Kent in south-east to Shetlands and 0. Hebrides A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 199 and many Ireland. Generally distributed coasts and rivers and frequently inland in winter. Some evidence of immigration from Continent in autumn. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad, — Breeds in temperate Europe and Acia, from Faeroes, south Norway, and Sweden and Archangel southwards to Mediterranean, and eastwards to Kamtschatka. Passes winter in north Africa and south Asia, as far south as India, China, Japan, and Philippines. LARUS MELANOCEPHALUS 428. Larus melanocephalus Temm. --THE MEDITER- RANEAN BLACK-HEADED GULL. LARUS MELANOCEPHALUS Natterer, Isis 1818, p. 816 (Chiozza — Nomen nudum !) ; Temminck, Man. d'Orn., 2nd ed., p. 777 (1820 — Adriatic. First description). Larus melanocephalus Natterer, Yarrell, in, p. 604 ; Saunders, p. 667. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Three. Immature, Barking Creek (Essex), Jan. 1866. Adult, Breydon (Norfolk), Dec. 26, 1886 (Saunders, p. 667). One Yorks. coast Nov., 1895 (Birds Yorks., p. 675). [Two said Falmouth (Cornwall) Mar., 1851, cf. Brit. B., n, p. 328.] DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Inhabits Mediterranean, Bosporus, and Black Seas, and reaches in west to Spain, Portugal, and south-west France, whence occasionally blown as far as mouth of Somme in Channel. LARUS ICHTHYAETUS 429 . Larus ichthyaetus Pall.— THE GREAT BLACK-HEADED GULL. LARUS ICHTHYAETUS Pallas, Reise d. versch. Prov. d. Russ. Reichs, n, p. 713 (1773— Caspian). Larus ichtyaetus Pallas, Yarrell, in, p. 609 ; L. ichthyaetus Pallas, Saunders p. 669. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One. Adult off Exmouth (Devon), end May or early June, 1859 (F. W. L. Ross, Ann. & Mag. N.H. (3), iv, p. 467). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Eastern Mediterranean, Egypt to Nubia and Red Sea, Palestine, Black and Caspian Seas, eastwards to Turkestan and Tibet. In winter on coasts of Persian Gulf and Baluchistan, and in India as far as Ceylon and Burmah. 200 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. LARUS CANUS 430. Larus canus canus L. — THE COMMON GULL. LARUS CANUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 136 (1758 — Europe. Re- stricted typical locality : Sweden). Larus canus Linnaeus, Yarrell, in, p. 613 ; Saunders, p. 671. DISTRIBUTION. — England and Wales. — On all coasts and often inland. Young birds frequent all summer, especially in north. Bred Fame Isles (Northumberland), 1910, and possibly once pre- viously, but has not bred elsewhere. Probably some winter- visitors are immigrants from Continent. Scotland and Ireland. — Resident. In Scotland breeds from Solway and Forth northwards on low coasts and freshwater lochs on mainland and islands. In Ireland small colonies in coast districts, Donegal, Sligo, Mayo, and Connemara, Loughs Conn and Mask, and Blaskets (Kerry). Common and more widely distributed winter. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern Europe and Asia, north to 67°-70°, south to Frisian Isles (Holland), Mecklenburg, the Russian Baltic Provinces, and even south Russia. In autumn and winter to Mediterranean basin, Nile Valley, and Persian Gulf : in east from Kamtschatka to Japan and China ; i are in Iceland, once in Lab- rador. Replaced by L. canus brackyrhynchus in western North America. LARUS ARGENTATUS 431. Larus argentatus argentatus Pontopp.* — THE HER- RING-GULL. LARUS ARGENTATUS Pontoppidan, Danske Atlas, i, p. 622 (1763 — Denmark). Larus argentatus Gmelin, Yarrell, in, p. 618 ; Saunders, p. 673. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Breeds all precipitous coasts and stacks, as well as occasionally on low ground such as low islands and bogs. In winter generally distributed on coasts but rather uncommon far inland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — " Northern Europe from the White Sea westward, the Atlantic Region to Iceland and down to the north of France (breeding) ; Greenland, Baffin Bay, Melville Peninsula, Prince Regent Inlet, North Georgian or Parry Islands, and Prince Albert Land (breeding)." Southwards, in Europe in winter only to Mediterranean basin, Black and Caspian Seas, in America wintering south to Lower California and Mexico, Bahamas, Cuba, Yucatan, and Texas. Replaced, during breeding -season, in Mediterranean, Atlan- tic islands, and coasts of north-west Africa, as well as from Black and Caspian Seas, eastwards to Lake Baikal, and along arctic coast of Siberia as well as in North America, by allied forms. * Pontoppidan named the species twenty six years before Gmelin. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 201 432. Larus argentatus cachinnans Pall. — THE YELLOW- LEGGED HERRING-GULL. LARUS CACHINNANS Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso- Asiat., n, p. 318 (1827 — Caspian Sea, Volga to Lake Baikal). Larus cachinnans Pallas, Samiders, pp. 673, 674. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One or two. One shot Breydon (Nor- folk) Nov. 4, 1886 (T. Southwell, ZooL, 1897, p. 572). One seen Dover (Kent) April 18, 1904 (N. C. Rothschild, Bull. B.O.C., xiv, p. 91 ; cf. Brit. B., n, p. 328). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds from Azores, Canary and Ma- deiran Islands throughout basin of Mediterranean, and from Black and Caspian Seas through west Asia to Lake Baikal. According to Buturlin also in White Sea, Gulf of Finland, and Lake Onega. In winter in India, in Red Sea, and in Africa to Senegambia and Abyssinia. LARUS FUSCUS 433. Larus fuscus fuscus L.— THE LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL. LARUS FUSCUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 136 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Larus fuscus Linnaeus, Yarrell, in, p. 624 ; Saunders, p. 675. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Breeds coasts Isle of Wight (increased recently), Cornwall, Devon (nested Kent, 1908), inland and coasts of Wales and isles, Cumberland, Northumberland, and Fame Isles ; many places coast, inland and isles of Scotland ; several islands, lakes, and some inland places in Ireland. In winter more widely distributed on coasts, but most general on passage autumn and spring, when often seen inland. Considerable numbers emigrate in winter, Shetlands and Orkneys being abandoned, extreme north mainland nearly so, and species becoming rare in Ireland. Non-breeding birds frequent in summer on all coasts. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Northern Europe from the Dwina to Faeroes (not in Iceland), southward to Mediterranean (breeding in one place off Maroccan coast), in winter to Canaries (but breeds on Azores), Senegal, Fanti, Bonny, Egypt, Nubia, Red Sea (where said to be resident), and Persian Gulf. Very rare in north Caspian (Saunders). A close study of local races has not yet been made, but this form seems to be replaced in north Russia east of the Dwina, and in Siberia, by the allied form called Larus fuscus affinis, which winters in west Asia, Arabia, Somaliland, Sokotra. (The type of L. affinis was obtained in Greenland ( ? ), while it is also recorded from Heligoland and, doubtfully, from France.) 202 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. LARUS MARINUS 434. Larus marinus L.— THE GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL. LARUS MARINUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 136 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Gotland). Larus marinus Linnaeus, Yarrell, in, p. 631 ; Saunders, p. 677. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Breeds sparsely coasts of Dorset, Cornwall, Scilly Isles, Lundy Isle, Wales (coasts and islets in lakes), Lake District and Clyde Area, and commonly northwards and Scottish isles both sea-cliffs and inland. Does not breed from Forth southwards on east side. In Ireland increasing, and breeds rocky coasts and islands, especially west, and a few inland loughs north and west. In winter more widely distributed on all coasts. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — " Northern Europe, from the Lower Pet- chora westward to Iceland, and down to about 50° north (breeding) ; in winter to the Canaries and Azores, and along the Mediterranean (rarely) to the Egyptian coast ; also on inland waters. Greenland, and also the east coast and the great lakes of North America to Labrador (breeding) ; in winter (casually) to Florida, and accident- ally in Bermuda " (Saunders). LARUS GLAUCUS* 435. Larus glaucus Briinn.— THE GLAUCOUS GULL. LABUS GLAUCUS Briinnich, Orn. Bor., p. 44 (1764 — Iceland). Larus glaucus O. Fabricius, Yarrell, in, p. 636 ; Saunders, p. 679. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter-visitor, exceptional summer. Most frequent and occasionally abundant east coast Great Britain from Shetlands to Norfolk. Frequent north and west Ireland. Elsewhere rare and occasional, although apparently regular 0. Hebrides. Adults very rare in south and west. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in circumpolar region, and ranges in winter to Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas, Japan, Cali- fornia, Bermudas, North Carolina, Texas, and Florida. LARUS LEUCOPTERUS 436. Larus leucopterus Faber— THE ICELAND GULL. LARUS LEUCOPTERUS Faber, Prodromus Island. Orn., p. 91 (1822 — Iceland). LARUS LEUCOPTERUS Faber, Yarrell, in, p. 642 ; Saunders, p. 681. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Winter- visitor, sometimes until April and May. Much same as Glaucous but decidedly scarcer. Many Cornwall and Devon winters 1872-3 and 1874-5. * Briinnich named the species sixteen years before Fabricius. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 203 DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Jan May en, Greenland, north to Victoria Land and Boothia Peninsula ; possibly Novaya Zemlia ; in winter south to Baltic (casually), Scandinavia, British Islands down to Gulf of Gascony (rarely), Iceland, and Faeroes; in America to Great Lakes (casually) and Long Island, accidentally in Nebraska and Maryland. RISSA TRIDACTYLA 437. Rissa tridactyla tridactyla (L.) — THE KITTIWAKE GULL. LARUS TRIDACTYLUS Linnseus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 136 (1758 — N. Europe. Restricted typical locality : Great Britain). Rissa tridactyla (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 650 ; Saunders, p. 683. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and winter-visitor. Breeds abundantly precipitous coasts and islands, Ireland, and north and west Scotland (especially Orkneys, Shetlands, and Hebrides), also Isle of Man, Wales, Lundy Island [in Scilly Isles apparently not since 1900], not south coast England, and only in a few places on east side Great Britain, viz. Flamborough Head (Yorks.), Fame Isles (Nor- thumberland), St. Abb's Head (Berwick), Fowlsheugh (Kincardine), Dunbury (Aberdeen), and borders Aberdeen and Banff. In winter widely distributed on all coasts Great Britain, numbers being in- creased by immigrants, but in Ireland apparently scarcer in winter. Rare inland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds from west arctic Asia, Spitsbergen, and arctic Europe to north-west France, and from Wellington Channel and north Greenland to Gulf of St. Lawrence, and winters from latter south to New Jersey, and casually to Virginia, Bermudas, and Great Lakes, and in Europe south to Mediterranean, the Atlantic islands from Madeira to Azores, Senegal, and Caspian Sea. Replaced by Rissa tridactyla pollicaris on coasts of north Pacific, Bering Sea and adjacent ocean, south to Commander and Aleutian Islands. PAGOPHILA EBURNEA 438. Pagophila eburnea (Phipps)— THE IVORY-GULL. ? LARUS ALBUS Gunnerus, Leem, Beskr. Finm. Lapp., p. 285 (1767 — N. Norway). Larus eburneus Phipps, Voy. N. Pole, App., p. 187 (1774 — Arctic Sea). Pagophila eburnea (Phipps), Yarrell, in, p. 656 ; Saunders, p. 685. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Rare vagrant. About forty-five. Most frequent Shetlands and Orkneys, but has occurred many counties Great Britain (Yorks., seven), and three in Ireland. From autumn to spring and as late as June. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in high arctic latitudes around 204 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. North Pole, wintering south as far as north France, Lake Geneva (once), British Columbia, Lake Ontario and Long Island in America. STERCORARIUS SKUA 439. Stercorarius skua skua (Briinn.)* — THE GREAT SKUA. CATHARACTA SKUA Briinnich, Oni. Bor., p. 33 (1764 — Faeroes and Iceland). Stercorarius catarrhactes (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 662 ; Saunders, p. 687. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident in Shetlands, breeding on Unst and Foula. Increased late years (over forty nests Hermanees, 1907) and nested Hascosay, 1907, and Burrafirth Voe, 1904. Else- where winter- visitor (exceptional summer), seldom coming to land. Seen various months at sea off south-west Ireland ; others obtained Dublin, Down, and Tipperary. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Iceland and Faeroes, also apparently on Lady Franklin Island (Hudson Strait). In winter southward in north Atlantic to about Gibraltar, the fishing- grounds off Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, and even (casually) to Long Island. Replaced by allied forms in southern oceans. STERCORARIUS POMARINUSf 440. Stercorarius pomarinus (Temm.) - - THE POMA- TORHINE SKUA. LESTRIS POMARINUS Temminck, Man. d'Orn., p. 514 (1815 — Arctic regions, Holland and France). Stercorarius pomatorhimts (Temminck), Yarrell, in, p. 668 ; Saunders, p. 689. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Passage-migrant and winter-visitor. Tolerably regular autumn passage -migrant, especially east coast England, less regular east coast Scotland, and still scarcer south and west coasts Great Britain and coasts Ireland. Periodically great numbers (e.g. autumn, 1879, 1880, 1886, 1892, 1901 Great Britain, and Oct., 1862, Ireland). Sometimes stops winter, but rare on spring -passage except seas of O. Hebrides, where recorded as frequent in some years. Said to have bred but no proof. Sometimes blown inland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — "Arctic regions north of 70°, chiefly on tundras during breeding-season " ; in winter southward as far as Australia, south Africa, New Jersey, Galapagos Islands, and Peru. * Briinnich's name has two years priority over that of Linnaeus, who, in fact, derived his description from Briinnich. — E.H. f The original spelling is pom'arinits, and we have no right to alter it, as we cannot absolutely prove that Temminck meant " pomatorhimis." Brehm also called an Eagle pomarina. — E.H. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 205 STERCORARIUS PARASITICUS* 441. Stercorarius parasiticus (L.) — THE ARCTIC SKUA. LARUS PARASITICUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 136 (1758 — Europe, America, Asia. Restricted typical locality : coast of Sweden). Stercorarius crepidatus (Gmelin), Yarrell, in, p. 674 ; Saunders, p. 691. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer-resident and passage- migrant. Breeds many places Shetlands, a few Orkneys and I. and O. Hebrides, and very sparsely Caithness and Sutherland. Else- where passage-migrant chiefly autumn (Aug. -Oct.) in varying numbers ; rare spring. Most regular east coast Great Britain, less frequent south and west coasts, and Ireland. Sometimes inland. Occasionally summer. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Circumpolar and subarctic regions, breed- ing as far south as about 55° 45', and in America to Aleutian Islands, Great Slave Lake and central Keewatin. In winter along coasts of Europe and Africa south to Cape of Good Hope, Persian Gulf, Australia, New Zealand, and in America to California and Brazil. STERCORARIUS LONGICAUDUSf 442. Stercorarius longicaudus Vieill.— THE LONG-TAILED SKUA. STERCORARIUS LONGICAUDUS Vieillot, Nouv.Dict. d' Hist. Nat., nouv. ed., xxxn, p. 157 (1819 — Northern regions). Stercorarius parasiticus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 680 ; Saunders, p. 693. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Irregular autumn-migrant (Sept.- Oct.), occasional spring and summer. Most frequent (but rather rare) east coast England, usually small numbers, occasionally many, as in 1879, rare south and west coasts (except 1891) and rare Scotland and Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Circumpolar regions of Northern Hemis- sphere. Winters south to Straits of Gibraltar and Japan, and in America on New England coasts, casually to California, accidentally in Manitoba, Iowa, Illinois, and Florida. * Gray, Dresser, Saunders, and (following these authorities) other British and Continental ornithologists, have shifted the name parasiticus from this species to the Long-tailed Skua. It is rather surprising that Saunders should have at length recommended this transfer, as he otherwise would not accept " violent transfers even when justifiable." In this case the change is not justifiable, as fully explained by Stejneger (Proc. U.S. Nat. Museum, v, pp. 40-42), whose view has now been generally accepted. — E.H. f As explained under the Arctic Skua, the name parasiticus must not be used for the Long-tailed Skua ; the next oldest name is Vieillot's longicaudus, which corresponds with the English name. — E.H. 206 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. ALCA TORDA 443. Alca torda L.— THE RAZORBILL. ALCA TORDA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 130 (1758 — "Habitat in Europse borealis oceano "). Alca torda Linnaeus, Yarrell, iv, p. 55 ; Saunders, p. 695. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Breeds (end March-Aug.) suitable cliffs (mainland and isles) throughout (doubtfully Dover cliffs). Less plentiful than Guillemot except in Ireland. Fairly generally distributed in seas autumn and winter (rare Irish seas winter) and frequently washed up on coasts, and occasionally storm-driven inland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Islands and coasts of North Atlantic, breeding as far south as Channel Islands and Brittany, and in America to Newfoundland and New Brunswick. In winter south to Mediterranean, and Canary Islands (casually), and in America to Long Island and casually to North Carolina. ALCA IMPENNIS 444. Alca impennis L.— THE GREAT AUK. ALCA IMPENNIS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 130 (1758 — Arctic Europe). Alca impennis Linnaeus, Yarrell, iv, p. 61 : Saunders, p. 697. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Extinct. Recorded in 0. Hebrides as far back as 1684, but became rare early 1800. Only British taken specimens known are (1) Papa Westray (Orkneys) (the breeding- place was the Holm of Papa Westray, see Ibis 1898, p. 587) obtained by Bullock 1813, now in Brit. Mus. ; (2) St. Kilda (O. Hebrides) captured alive and received by Fleming, Aug. 1821 or 2 ; (3) Water- ford coast May, 1834, captured alive and now in Trin. Coll. Mus., Dublin. Strong evidence of one captured Stack-an-Armin (St. Kilda) about 1840, and fair evidence of one captured Fame Isles a few years previous to 1769. Remains have been found Orkneys, Caithness, Oronsay Is. (Argyll), Durham, Antrim, Donegal, Clare, and Waterford. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Formerly breeding round Newfoundland, and particularly on Funk Island, Iceland (Grimsey, Eldey, Geirfugla- sker), Faeroes, and possibly in east Greenland ; in winter at least south to Ireland and Denmark, and to Carolina and Florida. Extinct since 1844. Eighty skins and seventy-three eggs are known to be in existence (E. Bidwell). URIA TROILLE 445. Uria troille troille (L.)— THE COMMON GUILLEMOT. COLYMBUS TROILLE Linnaeus, Fauna Svecica, ed. n, p. 52 (1761 — Arctic Ocean). Uria troile (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 69 ; Saunders, p. 699. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 207 DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Breeds (end March. -Aug.) suitable cliffs (mainlands and isles) throughout. More plentiful than Razorbill, except in Ireland. Fairly generally distributed in seas autumn and winter (scarce Irish seas winter), and frequently washed up on coasts and occasionally storm-driven inland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Coasts and islands of north Atlantic, breeding south to north France and small islands off Portugal, and on American side to Newfoundland and Magdalen Islands. In winter south to about 30° north, and in America to Maine. Re- placed by an allied form in north Pacific. URIA LOMVIA* 446. Uria lomvia lomvia (L.)— BRUNNICH'S GUILLEMOT. ALCA LOMVIA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 130 (1758 — N. Europe. Restricted typical locality Greenland, from Linnaeus's last but most definite quotation : Albin, pi. 84). Uria bruennichi Sabine, Yarrell, iv, p. 76 ; Saunders, p. 701. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Rare vagrant. Male Scarborough Dec. 7, 1894, male and female Filey (and others reported) Jan., 1895, one near Flamborough Hd., Nov., 1899, one off Scarborough, Oct. 28, 1902, and probably one or two others previous to 1894 (Birds Yorks., pp. 724-5). One reported seen Bempton Cliffs (Yorks.) June 27, 1909 (Brit. B., in, p. 91). One Cambs., Jan. 12, 1895 (Saunders, p. 701). One reported seen Fame Isles (Northumberland) June 14, 1908 (Brit. B., n, p. 331). Female, Craigielaw Pt. (Haddington), Dec. 11, 1908 (t.c., n, p. 425). Others possible Caithness and Suffolk. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Coasts and islands of Arctic Ocean, but even in winter not far south, being only a straggler to North Sea and English Channel, and a very exceptional vagrant inland in Europe, while on American coast it extends south casually to South Carolina, northern Ohio, Indiana, and Iowa. Replaced by Uria lomvia arra in North Pacific, Bering Sea, and on coast of eastern north Siberia. URIA GRYLLE 447. Uria grylle grylle (L.)— THE BLACK GUILLEMOT. ALCA GRYLLE Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 130 (1758 — European Arctic Ocean). Uria grylle (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 81 ; Saunders, p. 703. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Breeds sparsely Isle of Man, and a few places between Solway and Firth of Lome, northwards more * The name lomvia antedates brunnichii by sixty years. — E.H. 208 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. abundantly, but especially in some I. and most O. Hebrides, Orkneys and Shetlands, fairly commonly north coast Sutherland and north- east coast Caithness, but not now southwards on east side. Fairly frequent Ireland except east coast, where few. Used to nest a few places east coast Scotland, Flamborough (Yorks), Orme's Head (N. Wales). Outside present breeding area only occasional visitor and especially rare in south. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Coasts of north Europe eastwards to White Sea, Faeroes, Iceland, south Greenland, eastern North America from Ungava to Maine ; in winter to north of France and in America from Cumberland Sound to Cape Cod and casually to New Jersey. Replaced in circumpolar seas (Novaya Zemlia, Spitsbergen, Franz -Josef Land, north Greenland and arctic America) by an allied form. ALLE ALLE 448. Alle alle (L.)— THE LITTLE AUK. ALCA ALLE Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 131 (1758 — Arctic Ocean). Mergulus alle (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 85 ; Saunders, p. 705. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Irregular winter-visitor. Most fre- quent Scotland and east coast England, but occurs all coasts, often being driven on shore and inland. Occasionally in great numbers as Jan., 1895, Feb. and Mar., 1900, Nov., 1910 and Jan. and Feb., 1912. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Arctic Ocean, from Novaya Zemlia and Franz -Josef Land to Greenland, Baffin Bay and Kane Basin, in winter south to Azores and Canary Islands, and in America to Long Island, casually and accidentally to other parts of North America. FRATERCULA ARCTICA 449. Fratercula arctica arctica (L.)— THE PUFFIN. ALCA ARCTICA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 130 (1758 — X. European Ocean. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Fratercula arctica (Linnaeus), Yarrell, iv, p. 90 ; Saurders, p. 707. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Breeds (erd March- Aug.) sparsely, Isle of Wight, mainland Dorset, Cornwall, Devon; abun- dantly Scilly Isles and Lundy ; many colonies Wales and northwards mainland and isles, especially abundant Hebrides and Shetlands. Few colonies east side Scotland, breeds Fame Isles (Northumberland) and Flamborough (Yorks.), but not elsewhere east coast England. Formerly bred Kent. Abundant various parts Ireland. Seldom near shore winter. Occasionally driven inland. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 209 DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Coasts and islands of north Atlantic, south to Portugal, in winter casual to Canary Islands and Azores. Replaced by a larger form in Arctic Ocean from northern and western Greenland to Spitsbergen and Novaya Zemlia. OTIS TARDA 450. Otis tarda tarda L.— THE GREAT BUSTARD. OTIS TARDA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 154 (1758 — Poland, Orient, Belgium, England. Restricted typical locality : Poland). Otis tarda Linnaeus, Yarrell, in, p. 193 ; Saunders, p. 523. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Very rare vagrant. Formerly bred many parts England and at one time in south-east Scotland. Last survivor Yorks., 1832 or 1833, last bred Norfolk and Suffolk about 1838, dying out a few years later. In winters 1870-71, 1879-80, and 1890-91 considerable number occurred. Attempted re-intro- duction in Norfolk (1900) may account for several shot Dec., 1902, Lines, (two), Glamorgan (one), and Ireland (two), or these may have been genuine immigrants. Has occurred very rarely mainland Scotland and once Orkneys (1886). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from central Germany (and formerly Denmark and south Sweden) to Russia and the Khirgiz Steppes, southwards to Spain (perhaps only occasional migrant to north-west Africa), Asia Minor ; migrates to Persia. The exact limit eastwards is uncertain, but in central Asia (Turkestan) and eastern Asia, closely-allied forms take the place of the European race. OTIS TETRAX 451. Otis tetrax L.— THE LITTLE BUSTARD. OTIS TETRAX Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 154 (1758 — "Europe* especially France." Typical locality therefore France). Otis tetrax Linnaeus, Yarrell, in, p. 216 ; Saunders, p. 525. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Occurrences fairly numerous Yorks., Norfolk and Suffolk, less so southern counties England, and only very occasional elsewhere. Scotland. — Four. Forfar, Fife, and Elgin (two). Ireland. — Eight. Kerry, Cork (two), Wicklow (two), Longford, Mayo (two). Usually in winter, occasionally spring, e.g. Suffolk, May 3, 1898, Derby, May 14th, 1901. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Southern Europe, north to central France and central Germany (accidentally or at least casually only to Scandinavia, the Baltic Provinces, and Ingermannland in Russia), and north-west Africa, eastwards to west Siberia, central Asia, 210 A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. and Yarkand, and in winter north-west India. Northern birds are migrants, but not much is known about the extent of their migrations. HOUBARA UNDULATA* 452. Houbara undulata macqueenii (Gray & Hardw.) — MAC- QUEEN'S BUSTARD. OTIS MACQUEENII Gray and Hardwicke, Illustr. Ind. Zool., n, pi. 47 (1834 — India). Otis macqueeni J. E. Gray, Yarrell, in, p. 221 ; Saunders, p. 527. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Four. One Kirton-in-Lindsey (Lines.), Oct., 1847. Male adult near Redcar (Yorks.), Oct. 5, 1892. Male near Spurn (Yorks.), Oct. 17, 1896 (Saunders, p. 527). Female St. Fergus (Aberdeen) Oct. 24, 1898 (Saunders, p. 756). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — From west Siberia (foot of Altai, Tomsk) and west Turkestan to north-west India, and Sind, Afghanistan, Persia to Syria, the Khirgiz Steppes and Lower Volga. Stragglers have been obtained in many parts of Europe : west Russia, Livonia, Oeland, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Bohemia, Holland, Belgium, France, Italy. Houbara undulata undulata, inhabits the northern Sahara, and H. undulata fuertaventurce the island of Fuertaventura, east Canaries. MEGALORNIS GRUSf 453. Megalornis grus grus (L.)— THE COMMON CRANE. ABDEA Gnus Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 141 (1758 — Europe, Africa. .Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Grus communis Bechstein, Yarrell, in, p. 178 ; Saunders, p. 521. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Bare vagrant. Bred East Anglia up to about 1600 and subsequently regular winter- visitor (perhaps also common in Ireland 12th-14th century) but for last century or more only irregular. Has occurred most counties England ; rarely Wales (last Anglesey, May, 1908) ; rarely Scotland (latest Pentland Skerries, May, 1903, Shetlands, May, 1906, Lewis (0. Hebrides), May 1906) ; very rarely Ireland (latest Tipperary, Sept., 1906, Donegal, June, 1896). Bones found in cave in Clare. * The genus Houbara appears to be fairly separable from Otis, if various genera of Bustards are admitted. Macqueen's Bustard is very closely allied to the north-west African Houbara Bustard, and can only be looked upon as a subspecies of the latter. The alleged differences of the " key " in the Cat. B. Brit. Mus., xxni, are not quite correct. — E.H. I The name Grus, Pallas 1766, is a synonym of Psophia, and recognizing this fact, Gray, in 1841, introduced Megalornis for the Cranes. See Nov. ZooL, 1910, p. 502.— E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 211 DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in Europe from Scandinavia, greater part of Russia, and north Germany to Austro -Hungary, the Balkan Peninsula, north Italy, and south Spain. In Asia probably ranges to west Siberia and Turkestan, while a closely-allied, but paler, race replaces it further eastwards. European Cranes migrate in autumn southwards to Africa as far as Marocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, and to Abyssinia. [NOTE. — An AMERICAN BROWN CRANE, Megalornis canadensis (L. ),recorded as shot co. Cork, Ireland, September 14th, 1905 (A. R. Nichols, Irish Nat., 1907, p. 209), had probably escaped from captivity (Brit. B., i, p. 90). This species inhabits North America, breeding in Alaska, migrating through the United States, wintering south to Texas and Jalisco in Mexico, casual west to California.] [NOTE. — A DEMOISELLE CRANE, Anthropoides virgo (L.), said to have been shot Orkneys, May 14th, 1863, a companion bird escaping (Yarrell, in, .p. 192 ; Saunders, p. 522), had probably escaped from captivity. Another was erroneously recorded from Somerset. The bird breeds in south Spain (?) the Dobrudscha and south Russia, as well as in north-west Africa, and many parts of Asia, while stragglers have occurred in Sweden, Heligoland, Germany. Frequently kept in confinement.] [NOTE. — An AFRICAN CROWNED CRANE, Balearica pavonina(L.), shot in Ayrshire, Sept. 17, 1871, had doubtless escaped from captivity (Yarrell, in, p. 192 ; Saunders, p. 522). Four races of this species inhabit west, east, and south Africa.] CREX CREX 454. Crex crex (L.)— THE LAND-RAIL. RALLUS CREX Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 153 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Crex pratensis Bechstein, Yarrell, in, p. 137 ; Saunders, p. 507. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer resident (late April and May to Oct.). One or two recorded in winter most years, especially Ireland and 0. Hebrides. Widely distributed even to remote islands, but in fluctuating numbers, thus in recent years nearly absent from south-eastern quarter of England. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Greater part of Europe, from Scandinavia, and Faroes to Pyrenees and north Italy, eastwards to west Siberia and central Asia, in winter in Africa. Casually in United States, Greenland, Bermudas, and once in Australia. PORZANA PORZANA* 455. Porzana porzana (L.)— THE SPOTTED CRAKE. RALLTJS PORZANA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. xii, i, p. 262 (1766 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : France). Porzana maruetta (Leach), Yarrell, in, p. 143 ; Saunders, p. 509. * The generic names Porzana, Ortygometra, and Zapornia were all created in 1816. The former is preferable, as having a fixed type by tautonymy, besides being most generally used, and Ortygometra is a mixture. To split these little Rails into two or three genera, does not seem to be of any use. — E.H. p2 212 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer resident and passage- migrant (March-May and Aug.-Nov.), occasionally wintering. Now rarely recorded breeding but probably still does so in some southern English counties and in East Anglia, Trent Valley, Yorks, and Brecon and possibly elsewhere. Formerly bred more commonly and as far north as southern Scotland, but Elgin record unlikely. Fairly frequent autumn-migrant except in north-west and north Scotland where very rare, once Hebrides, rarely Orkneys and Shetlands. In Ireland uncommon autumn, occasional winter- visitor. Bred (apparently commonly) Roscommon about 1851, apparently young bird taken Kerry and heard calling several nights Waterford, May, 1900. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — "Europe generally up to about 65° north lat., as far east as Yarkand ; wintering in Indian Peninsula and in Africa. Accidental in Greenland " (Sharpe). Probably also breeds north-west Africa. PORZANA CAROLINA 456. Porzana Carolina (L.)— THE CAROLINA CRAKE. RAIXTTS CAKOLINUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 153 (1758 — N. America. Restricted typical locality : Hudson Bay). Porzana Carolina, Yarrell, in, p. 147 (in text) ; Saunders, p. 510 (in text) ; Lort Phillips, Bull. B.O.C., xn, p. 26. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Three. Near Newbury (Berks.), Oct., 1864 (Saunders, p. 510). Near Cardiff, 1888 (Birds Glamorgan, p. 113). Male Tiree (I. Hebrides), Oct. 25th., 1901 (E. Lort Phillips, Bull. B.O.C., xii, p. 26 ; cf. Brit. B., n, p. 29). DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds in North America, winters from California and South Carolina through West Indies and Central America to South America, accidental in Bermudas and Greenland. PORZANA PARVA 457. Porzana parva (Scop.)— THE LITTLE CRAKE. RALLUS PABVUS Scopoli, Annus i, Historico-Natur., p. 108 (1769 — Carniola). Porzana parva (Scopoli), Yarrell, in, p. 148 ; Saunders, p. 511. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Vagrant. England. — About forty, as follows : Yorks. (five), Lines., Norfolk (eleven), Suffolk, Cambs., Middlesex, Oxon., Surrey (possibly), Sussex (four), Hants, (four), Dorset (two), Somerset, Devon (several), Cornwall, Salop, Lanes., Cumberland (two). Scotland.— Two. Banff, March, 1852, Ayr, March, 1909. Ireland. — Two. co. Dublin, March, 1854, Kildare, Nov,, 1903. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 213 DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Breeds from south Sweden, north Germany and central Russia down to Hungary, south France, north Italy (possibly also in Algeria and Tunisia). On passage in Mediterranean countries, wintering in Africa. Eastward appears to breed as far as Persia and Turkestan, and winters in west India (Sind). PORZANA PUSILLA* 458. Porzana pusilla intermedia (Herm.) — BAILLON'S CRAKE. RALLTJS INTERMEDIUS Hermann, Obs. Zool., i, p. 198 (1804 — Strasbourg). Porzana bailloni (Vieillot), Yarrell, in, p. 154 ; Saunders, p. 513. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Vagrant, but two nests and eggs found Cambs., June and Aug., 1858, and two near Hickling (Norfolk) June and July, 1866. As vagrant has occurred chiefly Norfolk, but also Derby., Notts., Yorks., Suffolk, Essex, Herts., Kent, Sussex, Surrey, Hants., Dorset, Somerset, Cornwall, Pembroke, Carnarvon, Cheshire, Lanes., Cumberland, Derby., Isle of Man, Dumfries., Wigtown, Renfrew, Sutherland, Caithness, Cork, and Waterford. Chiefly spring and autumn, and exceptionally summer and winter. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Central and southern Europe generally, as far north as East Prussia ; also north-west Africa (Algeria), and probably Egypt, eastwards at least as far as Persia. Passes Mediter- ranean countries on migration, and winters probably partly north and partly south of Sahara. Represented by allied forms in Africa south of Sahara and Madagascar, east Siberia and Japan, Australia and New Zealand. [Porphyrio alleni Thomps.— ALLEN'S GALLINULE. PORPHYRIO ALLENI Thompson, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., x, p. 204 (1842 — Iddah on the Lower Niger). Porphyriola alleni (Thompson), J. H. Gurney, Zool., 1902, p. 98. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — One captured alive on a fishing-boat off Hopton, near Yarmouth (Norfolk), Jan. 1, 1902, may have escaped from captivity. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Resident in tropical Africa, but has occurred accidentally on Canary Islands and a number of times on Azores, as well as in south Europe.] [NOTE. — Examples of the PURPLE GALLINULE, Porphyrio cceruleus (Vandelli), the GREEN-BACKED GALLINULE, Porphyrio porphyrio (L.), the *Porzana pusilla pusilla (Rallus pusillus Pallas, Reise d. Versch. Prov. d. Russ. Reichs, in, p. 700 — 1776, Dauria= Transbaikalia) is the eastern repre- sentative ; cf. Cat. B. Brit. Mus., xxm, pp. 103, 107. Hermann's name has fifteen years priority over Vieillot's bailloni. — E.H. 214 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. INDIAN GALLINULE, Porphyrio veterum Gm., and the AUSTRALIAN GALLINULE, Porphyrio melanotus Temm., have been captured from time to time, but these had no doubt escaped from captivity or semi-captivity (Yarrell, m, p. 170 ; Saunders, p. 518).] RALLUS AQUATICUS 459. Rallus aquaticus aquaticus L. — THE WATER-RAIL. RALLUS AQUATICUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 153 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Great Britain). Rallus aquaticus Linnaeus, Yarrell, in, p. 159 ; Saunders, p. 515. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident and winter- visitor. Breeds most marshy districts, especially Norfolk and Ireland, but very few records of nesting in Scotland, especially in the north, and has not bred Shetlands, and not for some years Orkneys. In winter com- moner and more widely spread. Well marked immigration Oct. and Nov., north, east, and west coasts Great Britain and Ireland, return generally April not so well marked. Also some emigration autumn on south coast England may indicate southward movement of some home-bred birds or passage of some immigrants. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally, north as far as Iceland (practically resident), Scandinavia, and St. Petersburg, south to Mediterranean, north-west Africa, and Egypt. Exact limit eastwards uncertain, but birds from north-east Asia and eastern parts of India (in winter) are Rallus aquaticus indicus, while Zarudny has separated a Persian race as R. aquaticus korejewi. GALLINULA CHLOROPUS 460. Gallinula chloropus chloropus (L.) — THE MOOR-HEN. FULICA CHLOROPUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 152(1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : England). Gallinula chloropus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 164 ; Saunders, p. 517. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed, but scarce in northern Shetlands. Subject to local movements, and some evidence of immigration and emigration in autumn, and immigration south coast in spring. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe generally, and nearly whole of Africa, on passage in Atlantic isles, eastwards apparently to Turkestan. Replaced by allied forms in Madagascar, greater part of Asia, America, and Hawaiian Islands. FULICA ATRA 461. Fulica atra atra L.— THE COOT. FULICA ATRA Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 152 (1758 — Europe. Re- stricted typical locality : Sweden). Fulica atra Linnaeus, Yarrell, in, p. 171 ; Saunders, p. 519. A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 215 DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed and locally very numerous. In severe weather moves to tidal waters and southwards. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Greater part of Europe and Asia and north Africa, on passage in Atlantic isles. Replaced by closely- allied forms in Australia, Tasmania, and possibly east Asia. [NOTE. — Three examples of the ANDALTJCIAN HEMIPODE, Turnix sylvatica sylvatica (Desf . ), no doubt escaped from captivity, have been recorded as having been captured in England (Yarrell, in, p. 131 ; Saunders, p. 506).] TETRAO UROGALLUS 462. Tetrao urogallus urogallus L.— THE CAPERCAILLIE. TETRAO UROGALLUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 159 (1758— Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Tetrao urogallus Linnaeus, Yarrell, in, p. 45 ; Saunders, p. 491. DISTRIBUTION. — Scotland. — Resident. Became extinct Scotland and Ireland about 1760, and England perhaps a century previously. Reintroduced from Sweden into Perthshire 1837, and subsequently in many places. Now spread over Tay area and north into Aberdeen, Elgin, and Inverness, west into Argyll, south into Stirling, Dum- barton and Lanark, and sporadically Mid and East Lothians, Ayr, Renfrew, Wigtown, Dumfries, and other southern counties. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Forests of Europe generally from Scan- dinavia to Pyrenees and Cantabrian Mountains, Alps, and Car- pathians and Balkans. Represented by allied forms from Ural Mountains eastwards. LYRURUS TETRIX* 463. Lyrurus tetrix tetrix (L.)— THE BLACK GROUSE. TETRAO TETRIX Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 159 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Tetrao tetrix Linnaeus, Yarrell, in, p. 60 ; Saunders, p. 493. DISTRIBUTION. — Great Britain. — Resident. Almost extinct Corn- wall, scarce south Devon, more plentiful north Devon and Somerset, some Dorset and Wilts, (extinct in Hants., Kent, Surrey and Sussex), locally many parts Wales, English border counties and north mid- lands, and more numerous (but still local) in all English counties north of Derby. Generally distributed mainland Scotland and some I. Hebrides, but not 0. Hebrides, Orkneys or Shetlands. Has been introduced many parts (e.g. Sussex, Surrey, Berks., Bucks., Norfolk, Suffolk, Orkneys, N. Wales, Ireland), but generally unsuccessfully. * The genus Lyrurus appears to be better separable than many others which are generally recognized. — E.H. 216 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe from Scandinavia and Russia to Switzerland and Apennines, but not found in Pyrenees. Repre- sented by various other races from east Russia eastwards (cf. Lorenz, Die Birkhuhner Russlands}. LAGOPUS LAGOPUS 464. Lagopus lagopus scoticus (Lath.) — THE RED GROUSE. TETRAO SCOTICUS Latham, Gen. Syn., Suppl., i, p. 290 (1787 — Scotland). Lagopus scoticus (Latham), Yarrell, in, p. 73 ; Saunders, p. 495. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. England and Wales. — In, and west and north of, Glamorgan, Brecon, Hereford, Salop, Staffs.. Derby, Yorks. Stragglers have occurred many counties and intro- ductions have been made in Surrey and Suffolk. Scotland.— Generally distributed, but not Shetlands, where attempts have been made at introduction. Ireland. — In every county, especially moun- tains of west and bogs of central plain, but seldom numerous. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Originally exclusively British, but re- cently introduced (successfully) into the Eiffel Mountains in west Germany and Belgium, and perhaps other places abroad. Replaced by other races in north Europe, north Asia, and North America. LAGOPUS MUTUS 465. Lagopus mutus mutus (Montin) — THE PTARMIGAN. TETRAO MUTUS Montin, Phys. Salsk. Handl., i, p. 155 (1776-86— Sweden). Lagopus mutus (Montin), Yarrell, in, p. 83 ; Saunders, p. 497. DISTRIBUTION. — Scotland. — Resident. On high mountains of main- land from Ben Lomond north, also a few in Jura, Skye, Lewis, and Harris. Extinct Orkneys, Arran, Dumfries. Unsuccessful attempts at introduction into Ireland have been made. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Mountains of Europe from Scandinavia to Pyrenees and Alps, eastwards to Ural, and perhaps far into Asia. Replaced by a number of allied forms in arctic regions, and apparently in Japan. PHASIANUS COLCHICUS* 466. Phasianus colchicus L.— THE PHEASANT. PHASIANUS COLCHICUS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 158 (1758 — " Habitat in Africa, Asia." Africa is wrong ! Restricted typical locality : Colchis). Phasianus colchicus (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 91 ; Saunders, p. 499. * Evidently Phasianus colchicus colchicus L. was first introduced into England. Afterwards the Ring-necked Pheasant, P. colchicus torquatus, and several allied forms were acclimatized, and they have so freely mixed with the old race that hardly any pure colchicus can now be found, and most or all British Pheasants are now mongrels. — E.H. A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. 217 DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Introduced in England before 1066, in Scotland and Ireland about five hundred years later. Now generally hybridized with P. c. iorquatus, introduced about 1700, and other races more recently. Generally distributed but not Shetlands and unsuccessfully introduced Orkneys. Scarce Ireland in places not preserved. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Various Pheasants have been introduced into almost every part of Europe and many suitable places in North America. In no part of Europe are they indigenous. True home of P. colchicus colchicus is in west parts of Transcaucasia, basins of rivers Rion and Chorokh, or districts round east and south-east fhores of Black Sea generally, not further north than Sukham-kale. Represented by more or less closely-allied forms in Caucasus, east Transcaucasia, Talysch, and many parts of west, north, and central Asia. PERDIX PERDIX 467. Perdix perdix perdix (L.)— THE COMMON PARTRIDGE. TETRAO PERDIX Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 160 (1758 — Europe. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Perdix cinerea Latham, Yarrell, in, p. 105 ; Saunders, p. 501. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Resident. Generally distributed, but local in Scotland, not present Shetlands, but introduced (not successfully) 0. Hebrides and Orkneys. Becoming scarce Ireland. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Difficult at present to define with cer- tainty distribution of P. perdix perdix, but it appears to be dis- tributed over greater part of Europe, and to be replaced by closely- allied forms on alpine meadows of Pyrenees, and north Spain, eastern Europe and western Asia, east to foot of Altai Mountains. COTURNIX COTURNIX 468. Coturnix coturnix coturnix (L.) — THE QUAIL. TETRAO COTURNIX Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 161 (1758 — Europe, Asia, Africa. Restricted typical locality : Sweden). Coturnix commnnis Bonnaterre, Yarrell, in, p. 123 ; Saunders, p. 505. DISTRIBUTION. — British Isles. — Summer-resident, occasionally stay- ing winter. Formerly much more plentiful, especially Lines, and East Anglia. Now scarce, but numbers fluctuate. Rare north- wards in Great Britain, but has bred as far as Sutherland and Caithness, as well as Orkneys, Shetlands, and 0. Hebrides. In Ireland previous to 1850, practically resident and plentiful, now much scarcer and chiefly summer-resident in eastern half. 218 A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Europe and Africa north of Sahara, east to west Asia, exact limit eastwards not yet fully known. Partial migrant, wintering in Mediterranean countries, Africa, and India. Replaced by allied races in Atlantic isles, Africa south of Sahara, and east Asia to Japan. CACCABIS RUFA 469. Caccabis rufa rufa (L.) — THE RED-LEGGED PARTRIDGE. TETBAO RTJFTJS Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 160 (1758 — Part. S. Europe). Caccabis rufa (Linnaeus), Yarrell, in, p. 115 ; Saunders, p. 503. DISTRIBUTION. — England. — Resident. Introduced Suffolk about 1770, and subsequently many places, now found in Yorks., midlands and southwards, west to Somerset and sparingly north Wales, and by recent introductions in many other parts. Some evidence of immigration on east and south-east coasts. DISTRIBUTION. — Abroad. — Belgium, France, and apparently north Spain, Italy, north to west and south Switzerland, and Balearic Isles ( ? ). Replaced by very closely-allied forms in south Spain, possibly Corsica, Canaries, and Madeira, but introduced in Azores. Abi] A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. [Ame INDEX. The approved English names of birds admitted fully to the List are printed in CAPITALS. The scientific names adopted by us of these birds are printed in italic. All other names are printed in ordinary type. abietinus, Phylloscopus c., 57 abyssinicus, Coracias, 99 Acanthis carduelis britannicus, 9 Acanthyllis caudacuta, 96 ACCENTOR, ALPINE, 90 — , see SPARROW, HEDGE - Accentor alpinus, 90 — collaris, 90 — modularis, 91 - occidentalis, 91 Accipiter gentilis gentilis, 117 - atricapillus, 118 — nisus nisus, 118 accipitrinus, Asio, 107 Acredula caudata, 47 — rosea, 47 Acrocephalus aquations, 65 — arundinaceus arundinaceus, 63 dumetorum, 65 — palustris, 64 phragmitis, 65 schcenobcenus, 65 — streperus streperus, 63 acuflavida, Sterna s., 193 acuminata, Erolia m., 176 acuta, Dafda, 138 adamsii, Gavia, 159 Aedon familiaris, 73 — galactodes, 72 ^gialitis asiatica, 166 — cantiana, 167 curonica, 167 hiaticula, 166 — vocifera, 168 ^Egiothius exilipes, 13 — rostratus, 1 1 ^Egithalos caudatus caudatus, 47 — roseus, 47 segocephala, Limosa, 186 dEgolius tengmalmi tengmalmi, 105 aegyptiacus, Chenalopex, 133 cegyptius, Caprimulgus ce., 97 ceruginosus, Circus, 116 aesalon, Falco, 112 aestiva, Dendroica, 40 sethereus, Phaethon, 149 ^Ethyia baeri, 140 affinis, Larus f., 201 Agelaius phceniceus, 7 Agrobates galactotes galactotes, 72 syriacus, 73 Aix sponsa, 137 Alauda arborea, 30 Alauda arvensis arvensis, 31 cinerea, 31 scotica, 31 - brachydactyla, 29 cristata, 29 sibirica, 28 tatarica, 28 alba, Ciconia, 121 , Egretta a., 123 , Motacilla a., 40 , Tyto a., 108 ALBATROS, BLACK-BROWED, 156 albellus, Mergus, 147 albeola, Nyroca, 142 albicilla, Haliaetus, 116 albicollis, Zonotrichia, 28 albifrons, Anser, 128 , (Enanthe d., 81 albus, Larus, 203 Alca impennis, 206 tor da, 206 Alcedo ispida ispida, 99 alcyon, Ceryle, 99 alexandrinus, Charadrius a., 167 Atte alle, 208 alleni, Porphyrio, 213 alpestris, Otocorys, 32 alpestris, Turdus t., IS alpina, Erolia a., 173 alpinus, Accentor, 90 Alseonax latirostris, 54 aluco, Strix a., 109 americana, Anas, 137 219 Ame] A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. [Avo americanus, Coccyzus a., 103 Ampelis garrulus, 53 amphileuca, Saxicola, 82 ansestheta, Sterna, 196 Anas americana, 137 boscas, 134 — crecca crecca, 135 carolinensis , 136 — discors, 136 penelope, 137 — platyrhyncha platyrhyncha, 134 querquedula, 136 — strepera, 135 anatum, Falco p., Ill anglica, Loxia c., 17 — , Sterna, 192 anglicus, Dry abates m., 101 anglorum, Puffinus, 153 anglorum, Regulus r., 48 Anhinga anhinga, 149 Anous stolidus stolidus, 196 Anser albifrons, 128 gambeli, 128 anser, 128 — arvensis, 129 — brachyrhynchus, 130 cinereus, 128 — erythropus, 129 fabalis fabalis, 129 finmarchicus, 129 gambeli, 128 - helsingicus, 129 — hyperboreus hyperboreus, 130 nivalis, 131 — neglectus, 130 — rubrirostris, 128 — segetum, 129 Anthropoides virgo, 211 Anthus arboreus, 33 Anthus campestris, 33 cervinus, 34 ludovicianus, 35 obscurus, 36 — pennsylvanicus, 35 - petrosa, 36 pratensis, 33 richardi richardi, 32 — rupestris, 36 spinoletta littoralis, 36 obscurus, 36 rttbescens, 35 spinoletta, 35 — spipoletta, 35 trivialis trivialis, 33 apiaster, Merops, 98 apivorus, Pernis a., 119 apricarius, Charadrius, 168 Apus apus apus, 96 melba melba, 95 aquations, Acrocephalus, 65 , Cinclus, 92, 93 — , Rallus, 214 Aquila chrysaetus chrysaetus, 114 maculata, 114 naevia, 114 arborea, Lullula a., 30 arboreus, Anthus, 33 arctica, Fratercula a., 208 , Gavia, 159 Ardea alba, 123 — bubulcus, 124 Ardea cinerea, 122 garzetta, 124 purpurea purpurea, 123 - ralloides, 124 Ardeola ibis ibis, 124 ralloides ralloides, 124 Ardetta minuta, 125 arenaria, Calidris, 173 Arenaria interpres interpres, 171 argentatus, Larus a., 200 arquata, Nnmenius a., 187 arra, Uria 1., 207 arundinaceus, Acrocephalus a., 63 arvensis, Alauda a., 31 — , Anser, 129 asiatica, JEgialitis, 166 asiaticus, Charadrius, 166 Asio accipitrinus, 107 brachyotus, 107 Asio flammeus flammeus, 107 — otus otus, 107 assimilis, Puffinus, 151 Astur palumbarius, 117 ater, Milvus, 119 ater, Parus a., 44 Athene noctua noctua, 106 atlanticus, Puffinus o., 151 atra, Fulica a., 214 atricapilla, Muscicapa, 54 atricapilla, Sylvia «., 69 atrigularis, Turdus, 77 atrogularis, Saxicola d., 81 atrogularis, Turdus r., 77 AUK, GREAT, 206 — , LITTLE, 208 auratus, Charadrius, 168 — , Colaptes, 102 aurea, Pluvialis, 168 aureola, Emberiza, 23 aureus, Turdus d., 73 auriculatus, Lanius, 51 aurita, Saxicola, 81, 82 — , Tringa, 176 auritus, Colymbus, 157 AVOCET, 185 avosetta, Recurvirostra, 185 Bad] A HAS D -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. [Cam badius, Lanius s., 51 baeri, Nyroca, 140 bailloni, Porzana, 213 — , Puffinus, 151 bairdii, Erolia, 176 Balearica pavonina, 211 baltimore, Icterus, 7 Bartramia longicauda, 171 bassana, Sula, 148 BEE-EATER, 98 , Blue-tailed, 98 beema, Motacilla /., 37 benghalensis, Coracias, 99 Bernicla brenta, 132 - leucopsis, 132 — nigricans, 133 ruficollis, 131 bernicla, Branta b., 132 bewickii, Cygnus b., 127 biarmicus, Panurus b., 49 bicolor, Tachycineta, 95 bifasciata, Loxia L, 19 BITTERN, 125 — , AMERICAN, 126 — , LITTLE, 125 BLACKBIRD, 79 BLACKCAP, 69 BLUETHROAT, NORWEGIAN, 87 — , WHITE -SPOTTED, 88 boarula, Moticilla b., 39 borealis, Buteo b., 116 — — , Motacilla, 37 borealis, Numenius, 188 — , Parus a., 47 — , Phylloscopus b., 59 borin, Sylvia, 68 boscas, Anas, 134 Botaurus stellaris stellaris, 125 — lentiginosus, 126 brachydactyla, Calandrella b., 29 — , Certhia, 41 brachyotus, Asio, 107 brachyrhynchus, Anser, 130 BRAMBLING, 20 Branta bernicla bernicla, 132 — glaucogastra, 133 - nigricans, 133 — canadensis canadensis, 133 — leucopsis, 132 - ruficollis, 131 brenta, Bernicla, 132 brevipes, Pterodroma, 154 britannica, Acanthis L, 12 britannica, Carduelis c., 9 — , Certhia /., 41 — , Sitta e., 42 britannicus, Cinclus c., 92 — , Falco p., Ill • , Parus a., 44 bruennichi, Uria, 207 Bubo biibo bubo, 107 — ignavus, 107 bubulcus, Ardea, 124 buccinator, Cygnus, 127 Budytes neglectus, 38 Bulbul, South African, 53 BULLFINCH, BRITISH, 16 — , NORTHERN, 15 Bulweria bulwerii, 155 columbina, 155 BUNTING, BLACK-HEADED, 23 GIRL, 24 CORN-, 22 LAPLAND, 27 LITTLE, 25 MEADOW-, 24 , EAST SIBERIAN, 25 ORTOLAN, 24 PINE-, 23 REED-, 26 , WESTERN LARGE-BILLED, 26 RUSTIC, 25 SNOW-, 27 YELLOW, 22 YELLOW-BREASTED, 23 Burhinus magnirostris, 163 Burhinus cedicnemus cedicnemus, 163 BUSTARD, GREAT, 209 , LITTLE, 209 , MACQUEEN'S, 210 Buteo buteo buteo, 115 desertorum, 116 borealis borealis, 116 lagopus lagopus, 115 lineatus lineatus, 116 vulgaris, 115 Butorides virescens virescens, 126 BUZZARD, COMMON, 115 , HONEY-, 119 , ROUGH-LEGGED, 115 cabaret, Carduelis L, 12 Caccabis rufa ru/a, 218 cachinnans, Larus a., 201 caeruleus, Elanus, 119 cceruleus, Parus c., 43 — , Porphyrio, 213 caesia, Sitta, 42 calandra, Emberiza c., 22 , Melanocorypha, 28 Calandrella brachydactyla brachydac- tyla, 29 Calcarius lapponicus lapponicus, 27 calendula, Regulus c., 49 Calidris arenaria, 173 Calidris leucophcea, 173 calidris, Totanus, 182 campestris, Anthus, 33 221 Can] A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. [Cit canadensis, Branta c., 133 , Megalornis, 211 Canary Serin, 15 candicans, Falco r., 110 candidus, Himantopus, 185 canescens, Totanus, 183 cannabina, Carduelis c., 14 canorus, Cuculus c., 102 cantiaca, Sterna, 193 cantiana, ^Egialitis, 167 cantillans, Sylvia c., 71 canus, Larus, 200 Canutus canutus, 172 canutus, Tringa, 172 caparoch, Surnia u., 105 capense, Daption, 155 capensis, Pycnonotus, 53 Cape Pigeon, 155 CAPERCAILLIE, 215 Caprimulgus enropceus europceus, 96 cegyptius cegyptius, 97 ruficollis desertorum, 97 carbo, Phalacrocorax c., 148 Carduelis carduelis carduelis, 9 cannabina cannabina, 14 citrinella citrinella, 14 — flavirostris flavirostris, 10 — hornemannii hornemannii, 13 exilipes, 13 linaria linaria, 11 — cabaret, 12 holboelli, 12 rostrata, 11 — spinus, 10 tristris, 10 Carine noctua, 106 Carolina, Porzana, 212 carolinense, Nettion, 136 carolinensis, Anas c., 136 carolinus, Scolecophagus, 7 Carpodacus erythrinus erythrinus, 16 caryocatactes, Nucifraga c., 4 Casarca ferruginea, 134 casarca, Tadorna, 134 caspia, Sterna, 192 castaneiceps , Emberiza c., 25 castro, Oceanodroma, 150 catarrhactes, Stercorarius, 204 caudacuta, Chcetura c., 96 caudata, Acredula, 47 caudatus, ^githalos c., 47 cenchris, Falco, 113 Certhia familiaris familiaris, 41 — brittanica, 41 certhiola, Locustella, 62 cervinus, Anthus, 34 Ceryle alcyon, 99 Cettia cetti cetti, 61 cetti, Cettia cetti, 61 Chcetura caudacuta caudacuta, 96 CHAFFINCH, 19 Charadrius alexandrinus alexandrinus 167 apricarius, 168 ] asiaticus, 166 auratus, 168 dominicus dominicus, 169 — fulvus, 169 dubius, 167 hiaticula hiaticula, 166 — major, 166 minor, 167 morinellus, 165 - pluvialis, 168 voci/erus, 168 Chelidon daurica rufula, 94 rustica rustica, 93 urbica, 94 Chen hyperboreus, 130 nivalis, 131 Chenalopex segyptiacus, 133 Chettusia gregaria, 170 CHIFFCHAFF, 56 , S CANDIDA VI AN, 57 , SIBERIAN, 57 Chloris chloris chloris, 8 chloris, Ligurinus, 8 chloropus, Gallinula c., 214 CHOUGH, 6 — , Alpine, 6 chrysaetus, Aquila c., 114 Chrysomitris citrinella, 14 da, Emberiza c., 24 Ciconia alba, 121 Ciconia ciconia ciconia, 121 nigra, 121 Cinclus aquaticus, 92, 93 Cinclus cinclus cinclus, 92 — britannicus , 92 hibernicus, 93 — melanogaster, 92 cinerea, Alauda a., 31 , Ardea, 122 , Perdix, 217 , Sylvia, 69 cineraceus, Circus, 117 cinereocapilla, Motacilla /., 38 cinereus, Anser, 128 cioides, Emberiza, 25 ciopsis, Emberiza c., 25 circia, Querquedula, 136 Circus ceruginosus, 116 cineraceus, 117 cyaneus, 117 — pygargus, 117 cirlus, Emberiza, 24 CITRIL FINCH, 14 citrinella, Carduelis c., 14 222 Cit] A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. [Cyp citrinella, Eniberiza c., 22 Clamator glandarius, 103 Clangula albeola, 142 — glaucion, 141 Clangula hy emails, 142 clangula, Nyroca c., 141 clarkei, Turdus p., 76 clypeata, Spatula, 138 Coccothraustes coccothraustes cocco- thraustes, 8 Coccystes glandarius, 103 Coccyzus americanus americanus, 103 — erythrophthalmus, 104 cozlebs, Fringilla c., 19 coelestis, Gallinago, 189 Colaptes auratus, 102 colchicus, Phasianus c., 21G collaris, Muscicapa, 55 — , Nyroca, 141 — , Prunella c., 90 collurio, Lanius c., 52 collybita, Phylloscopus c., 56 ColcBus monedula spermologus, 3 Columba lima lima, 161 — cenas, 161 pal ambus palumbus, 160 columbianus, Cygnus, 127 Colymbus adamsi, 159 — arcticus, 159 Colymbus auritus, 157 — cristatus cristatus, 156 — glacialis, 159 — griseigena griseigena, 157 — nigricollis nigricollis, 158 - ruficollis ruficollis, 158 septentrionalis, 160 comminutus, Dryobates m., 101 communis, Coturnix, 217 — , Grus, 210 communis, Sylvia c., 69 — , Turtur, 161 COOT, 214 Coracias abyssinicus, 99 - benghalensis, 99 Coracias garrulus garrulus, 99 corax, Corvus c., 1 CORMORANT, 148 cornix, Corvus c., 1 cornuta, Tadorna, 134 corone, Corvus c., 2 Corvus corax corax, 1 — cornix cornix, 1 — corone corone, 2 — frugilegus frugilegus, 2 Cosmonetta histrionica, 143 Cotile riparia, 95 Coturnix communis, 217 Coturnix coturnix coturnix, 217 COURSER, CREAM-COLOURED, 164 CRAKE, BAILLON'S, 213 , CAROLINA, 212 — , CORN-, see RAIL, LAND- — , LITTLE, 212 SPOTTED, 211 Crane, Brown, American, 211 CRANE, COMMON, 210 , Crowned, African, 211 , Demoiselle, 211 crecca, Anas c., 135 CREEPER, TREE-, BRITISH, 41 — , , NORTHERN, 41 , WALL-,. 41 crepidatus, Stercorarius, 205 Crex crex, 211 - pratensis, 211 cristata, Fuligula, 140 cristata, Galerida c-., 29 cristatus, Colymbus c., 156 , Parus c., 45 , Regulus, 48 CROSSBILL, American White-winged, 19 , COMMON, 17 , PARROT-, 18 , SCOTTISH, 18 , TWO -BARRED, 19 CROW, CARRION-, 2 — , HOODED, 1 Cryptoglaux funerea funerea, 105 CUCKOO, 102 , AMERICAN BLACK-BILLED, 104 , YELLOWT-BILLED, 103 , GREAT SPOTTED, 103 cucullatus, Mergus, 147 Cuculus canorus canorus, 102 CURLEW, COMMON, 187 — , ESKIMO, 188 , SLENDER-BILLED, 188 , STONE-, 163 curonica, -^Egialitis, 167 curruca, Sylvia c., 70 Cursorius gallicus gallicus, 164 curvirostra, Loxia c., 17 Cyanecula leucocyana, 88 — suecica, 87 wolfi, 88 cyanecula, Luscinia svecica, 88 cyaneus, Circus, 117 Cygnus bewickii bewickii, 127 buccinator, 127 columbianus, 127 — cygnus, 126 immutabilis, 127 — musicus, 126 olor, 127 Cymochorea leucorrhoa, 149 Cypselus apus, 96 melba, 95 223 Daf] A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIEDS. [Eur Dafila acuta, 138 Dandalus rubecula melophilus, 89 — rubecula, 89 Daption capense, 155 Darter, American, 149 dartfordiensis, Sylvia u.} 72 Daulias luscinia, 86 dauma, Turdus, 73 daurica, Chelidon, 94 Dendrocopus major, 100-1 minor, 101 Dendroica aestiva aestiva, 40 deserti, (Enanthe d.. 80 desertorum, Buteo b., 116 desertorum, Caprimulgits r,. 97 desmaresti, Phalacrocorax g., 148 Diomedea melanophrys, 156 DIPPER, BLACK-BELLIED, 92 — , BRITISH, 92 , IRISH, 93 discors, Anas, 136 DIVER, BLACK-THROATED, 159 , GREAT NORTHERN, 159 , RED-THROATED, 160 — , WHITE-BILLED NORTHERN, 159 domesticus, Passer d., 21 dominions, Charadrius d,, 169 DOTTEREL, 165 dougallii, Sterna d., 194 Dove, RING-, see PIGEON, WOOD- DOVE, ROCK-, 161 — , STOCK-, 161 — , TURTLE-, 161 — , , EASTERN RUFOUS, 162 dresseri, Parus, p. 46 Dryobates major anglicus, 101 major, 100 — minor comminutus, 101 - pubescens, 102 - villosus, 102 Dryocopus martins martius, 102 dubius, Charadrius, 167 — , Turdus, 77 DUCK, BAER'S, 140 BUFFEL-HEADED, 142 FERRUGINOUS, 140 HARLEQUIN-, 143 LONG-TAILED, 142 Ring-necked, American, 141 SCAUP-, 141 SHELD-, 134 — , RUDDY, 134 Summer, North American, 137 TUFTED, 140 Ducks, see EIDER, GADWALL, GAR- GANEY, GOLDENEYE, GOOSANDER, MALLARD, MERGANSER, PINTAIL, POCHARD, SCOTER, SHOVELER, SMEW, TEAL, WIGEON. dumetorum, Acroceplialus, 65 DUNLIN, 173 EAGLE, GOLDEN, 114 , SPOTTED, 114 , WHITE-TAILED, 116 eburnea, Pagophila, 203 Ectopistes migratorius, 162 Efjatheus jaldnellus falcinellus, 122 EGRET, LITTLE, 124 Egretta alba alba, 123 — garze.Ua garzetta, 124 EIDER, COMMON, 144 — , KING-, 144 , Pacific, 144 — , STELLER'S, 143 Elanoides forficatus, 119 Elaiius caeruleus, 119 elegans, Carduelis, 9 , Loxia 1., 19 Emberiza aureola, 23 calandra calandra, 22 da da, 24 cioides castaneiceps , 25 — drlus, 24 - dlrinella dtrinella, 22 hortulana, 24 leucocephala, 23 melanocephala, 23 miliaria, 22 pusilla, 25 pyrrhuloides palustris, 26 rustica, 25 schceniclus schoeniclus, 26 enucleator, Pinicola e.,\Q epops, Upupa e., 98 Eremophila alpestris ftava, 32 Erithacus rubecula, 89 melophilus, 89 Erolia alpina alpina, 173 bairdii, 176 ferruginea, 174 fusdcollis, 177 maculata acuminata, 176 maculata, 175 maritima maritima, 111 minuta minuta, 174 ruficollis, 174 minntilla minutilla, 175 subruficollis, 177 temminckii, 175 erythrinus, Carpodacus e., 16 erythroplithalmus, Coccyzus, 104 erythropus, Aiiser, 129 erythropus, Tringa, 183 Eudromias morinellus, 165 Eurenetes pusillus pusitttts, 178 euro pas a, Pyrrhula, 15, 16 europceus, Caprimulgus e., 96 224 Eve] A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. [Gav eversmanni, Phylloscopus t., 58 excubitor, Lanius e., 50 exilipes, Carduelis /L, 13 fabalis, Anser /., 129 falcinellus, Egatheus f., 122 Falco aesalon, 112 — candicans, 110 - cenchris, 113 gyrfalco, 110 — islandus, 110 Falco naumanni naumanni, 113 — peregrinus peregrinus, 111 — anatum, 111 — britannicus, 111 — pealei, 111 — regulus regulus, 112 — rusticolus candicans, 110 — islandus, 110 — rusticolus, 110 — subbuteo subbuteo, 112 — tinnunculus tinnunculus, 113 — vespertinus vespertinus, 113 FALCON, GREENLAND, 110 , GYR-, 110 — , ICELAND, 110 — , PEREGRINE, 111 — , , NORTH AMERICAN, 111 — , RED-FOOTED, 113 familiaris, Aedon, 73 familiaris, Certhia /., 41 feldeggi, Motacilla, 38 ferina, Nyroca /., 139J ferruginea, Casarca, 134 — , Erolia, 174 ferruginous, Scolecophagus, 7 FIELDFARE, 74 FINCH, CITRIL, 14 — , SNOW-, 20 finmarchicus, Anser, 129 FIRE-CRESTED WREN, 49 FLAMINGO, 126 flammea, Strix, 107-9 flammeus, Asio /., 107 flava, Eremophila a., 32 — , Motacilla /., 36 flavipes, Tringa, 181 flavirostris, Carduelis f., 10 fluviatilis, Podicipes, 158 — , Sterna, 194 FLYCATCHER, BROWN, 54 , COLLARED, 55 , PIED, 54 — , RED -BREASTED, 55 , SPOTTED, 53 forficatus, Elanoides, 119 Fratercula arciica arctica, 208 Fringilla ccelebs codebs, 19 monti/ringilla, 20 fruqilegus, Corvus /., 2 fuertaventurse, Houbarau., 210 Fulica atra atra, 214 fulicarius, Phalaropus, 184 fuliginosa, Sterna, 196 Fuligula cristata, 140 ferina, 139 marila, 141 nyroca, 140 fuligula, Nyroca, 140 Fuligula rufina, 139 FULMAR PETREL, 155 Fulmarus glacialis glacialis, 155 fulvus, Charadrius d., 169 Gyps /., 120 funerea, Cryptoglaux, 105 , Surnia, 105 fusca, Oidemia /., 145 fuscata, Sterna, 196 fuscatus, Turdus, 77 fuscicollis, Erolia, 177 fuscus, Lams /., 201 , Totanus, 183 GAD WALL, 135 gaetkei, Luscinia svecica, 87 galactodes, Aedon, 72 galactotes, Agrobates g., 72 galbula, Icterus, 7 , Oriolus, 7 Galerida cristata cristata, 29 gallicus, Cursorius g., 164 Gallinago coelestis, 189 Gallinago gallinago gallinago, 189 wilsoni, 190 gallinula, 190 major, 189 media, 189 scolopacina, 189 Gallinula chloropus chloropus, 214 gallinula, Limnocryptes, 190 Gallinule, Allen's, 213 , Australian, 214 , Green-backed, 213 — , Indian, 214 — , Purple, 213 gambeli, Anser a., 128 gambensis, Plectropterus, 133 GANNET, 148 GARGANEY, 136 garrulus, Ampelis, 53 — , Coracias g., 99 Garrulus glandarius glandarius, 5 hibernicus, 5 — rufitergum, 5 garzetta, Egretta g., 124 Gavia adamsii, 159 — arctica, 159 immer, 159 225 Gav] A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. [Her Gavia pacifica, 159 Gavia stellata, 160 Gecinus viridis, 100 gengleri, Fringilla c., 19 gentilis, Accipiter g., 117 gibraltariensis, Phcenicurus o., 85 ginginianus, Neophron p., 120 giu, Scops, 108 glacialis, Colymbus, 159 glacialis, Fulmarus g., 155 , Harelda, 142 glandarius, Clamator, 103 , Garrulus g., 5 Glareola melanoptera, 165 Glareola nordmanni, 165 • pratincola pratincola, 164 glareola, Tringa, 180 glaucion, Clangula, 141 glaitcogastra, Branta &., 133 glaitcus, Larus, 202 glottis, Totanus, 183 Goatsucker, see NIGHTJAR godmani, Puffinus o., 151 GODWIT, BAB-TAILED, 186 , BLACK-TAILED, 186 GOLDEN -CHESTED WREN, 48 GOLDENEYE, 141 , Barrow's, 141 GOLDFINCH, BRITISH, 9 , CONTINENTAL, 9 , North American, 10 GOOSANDER, 146 GOOSE, BARNACLE-, 132 , BEAN-, 129 , BRENT, 132 , , Black, 133 , , PALE -BREASTED, 133 , Canada, 133 , Egyptian, 133 , PINK-FOOTED, 130 , RED -BREASTED, 131 , SNOW-, 130 , , GREATER, 131 , Spur- winged, 133 , WHITE -FRONTED, 133 LESSER, 129 GOSHAWK, 117 , American, 118 Gracula religiosa, 7 graculus, Phalacrocorax g., 148 , Pyrrhocorax, 6 grams, Puffinus, 152 GREBE, BLACK-NECKED, 158 , GREAT CRESTED, 156 , LITTLE, 158 , RED-NECKED, 157 , SLAVONIAN, 157 GREENFINCH, 8 GREENSHANK, 183 gregaria, Chettusia, 170 gregarius, Vanellus, 170 grisea, Motacilla, 39 griseigena, Colymbus g., 157 griseus, Macrorhamphus g.t 179 , Nycticorax, 125 , Puffinus, 152 grisola, Muscicapa, 53 GROSBEAK, PINE-, 16 SCARLET, 16 GROUSE, BLACK, 215 , RED, 216 , SAND-, PALLAS'S, 162 grus, Megalornis g., 210 grylle, Uria g., 207 GUILLEMOT, BLACK, 207 , BRUNNICH'S, 207 , COMMON, 206 GULL, BLACK-BACKED, GREAT, 202 , , LESSER, 201 , BLACK-HEADED, 198 , , GREAT, 199 , , MEDITERRANEAN, 199 , BONAPARTE'S, 197 , COMMON, 200 , GLAUCOUS, 202 , HERRING-, 200 , , YELLOW-LEGGED, 201 , ICELAND, 202 , IVORY-, 203 , KITTIWAKE, 203 , LITTLE, 198 , SABINE'S, 197 , WEDGE-TAILED, 197 guttata, Tyto a., 109 Gyps fulvus fulvus, 1£0 occidentalis, 120 gyrfalco, Falco, 110 Hcematopus ostralegus ostralegus, 163 Haliaetus albicilla, 116 haliaetus, Pandion h., 119 Harelda glacialis, 142 HARRIER, HEN-, 117 , MARSH-, 116 , MONTAGU'S, 117 hasitata, Pterodroma, 154 HAWFINCH, 8 HAWK, SPARROW-, 118 helsingicus, Anser, 129 helvetica, Squatarola, 169 Hemipode, Andalucian, 215 Herbivocida schwarzi, 61 HERON, BUFF-BACKED, 124 , COMMON, 122 , GREAT WHITE, 123 , Green, 126 , NIGHT-, 125 , PURPLE, 123 226 Her] A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. [Lar HERON, SQUACCO, 124 hiaticula, Charadrius h., 166 hibernans, Saxicola t., 84 hibernicus, Cinclus c., 93 — , Glandarius g., 5 — , Parus a., 44 Himantopus candidus, 185 Himantopus himantopus, 185 hirtensis, Troglodytes t., 92 Hirundo riparia riparia, 95 — rufula, 94 rustica, 93 — urbica urbica, 94 hirundo, Sterna, 194 hispanica, (Enanthe h., 81 histrionica, Cosmonetta, 143 Histrionicus histrionicus, 143 HOBBY, 112 holboelli, Carduelis I., 12 HOOPOE, 98 hornemannii, Carduelis h., 13 horteiisis, Sylvia, 68 hortensis, Sylvia h., 67 hortulana, Ember iza, 24 — , Serinus, 14 Houbara undulata fuertaventurse, 210 Houbara undulata macqueenii, 210 - undulata, 210 hybrida, Hydrochelidon, 191 Hydrobates pelagicus, 149 Hydrochelidon hybrida, 191 Hydrochelidon leucopareia leucopareia, 191 — leucoptera, 191 — nigra nigra, 190 — surinamensis, 191 hyemalis, Clangula, 142 , Junco, 28 hyperboreus, Anser h., 130 — , Phalaropus, 184 Hypolais hypolais, 66 Hypolais icterina, 66 — polyglotta, 66 hypoleuca, Muscicapa h., 54 — , Tringa, 179 hypoleucus, Totanus,^179 ibis, Ardeola i., 124 IBIS, GLOSSY, 122 ichthyaetus, Larus, 199 icterina, Hypolais, 66 Ictevus galbula, 7 baltimore, 7 ictinus, Milvus, 118 ignavus, Bubo, 107 ignicapillus, Regulus'_i., 49 iliacus, Turdus, 76 immer, Gavia, 159 imniutabilis, Cygnus, 127 impennis, Alca, 206 indica, Saxicola t., 84 intermedia, Porzana p., 213 interpres, Arenaria i., 171 isabellina, (Enanthe, 83 islandica, Nyroca, 141 islandus, Falco r., 110 ispida, Alcedo i., 99 Ixobrychus minutus, 125 JACKDAW, 3 JAY, BRITISH, 5 , CONTINENTAL, 5 , IRISH, 5 Junco hyemalis, 28 Jynx torquilla torquilla, 102 KESTREL, 113 — , LESSER, 113 KINGFISHER, 99 , American Belted, 99 KITE, 118 , BLACK, 119 , Black-winged, 119 , Swallow- tailed, American, 119 KITTIWAKE GULL, 203 kleinschmidti, Parus a., 46 KNOT, 172 korschun, Milvus u., 119 kuhlii, Puffinus k., 152 lagopus, Buteo I., 115 Lagopus lagopus scoticus,[21& mutus mutus, 216 lanceolata, Locustella, 63 Lanius auriculatus, 51 Lanius collurio collurio, 52 excubitor excubitor, 50 meridionalis, 51 minor, 50 nubicus, 52 pomeranus, 51 ruficeps, 51 rufus, 51 rutilus, 51 senator badius, 51 senator, 51 lapponica, Limosa I., 186 lapponicus, Calcarius L, 27 LAPWING, 170 LARK, BLACK, 28 , Calandra, 28 , CRESTED, 29 , SHORE-, 32 , SHORT-TOED, 29 , SKY-, 31 , , EASTERN, 31 , WHITE-WINGED, 28 , WOOD-, 30 Larus albus, 203 227 Q 2 Lar] A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. [Mel Larus argentatus argentatus, 200 cachinnans, 201 canus canus, 200 fnscus fuscus, 201 — affinis, 201 glaucus, 202 ichthyaetus, 199 leucopterus, 202 marinus, 202 m&lanocephalus, 199 minutus, 198 Philadelphia, 197 ridibundus, 198 fatirostris, Muscicapa, 54 lentiginosus, Botaurus s., 126 leucocephala, Emberiza, 23 leucocyana, Cyanecula, 88 leucopareia, Hydrochelidon I., 191 leucophcea, Calidris, 173 leucopsis, Branta, 132 leucoptera, Hydrochelidon, 191 ,LoxiaL, 19 leucopterus, Larus, 202 leucorhoa, Oceanodroma, 149 leucorodia, Platalea L, 121 leucorrhoa, (Enanthe 02., 80 leiicura, (Enanthe L, 83 Limicola platyrhyncha platyrhyncha, 178 Limnocryptes gallinula, 190 Limosa segocephala, 186 Limosa lapponica lapponica, 186 limosa, 186 linaria, Cardwlis L, 11 lineatus, Buteo L, 116 LINNET, 14 Linota cannabina, 14 — flavirostris, 10 holboelli, 12 — hornemanni, 13 — linaria, 11 — rostrata, 11 — rufescens, 12 littoralis, Anthus s., 36 littorea, Tringa, 183 fo'w'a, Columba L, 161 lobatus, Phalaropus, 184 Lociistella certhiola, 62 lanceolata, 63 luscinioides luscinioides, 61 — ncevia ncevia, 62 lomvia, Uria L, 207 longicauda, Bartramia, 171 , Mecistura, 47 longicaudus, Stercorarius, 205 Lophophanes c. scotica, 45 Loxia curvirostra curvirostra, 17 — anglica, 17 scotica, 18 Loxia leucoptera bi/asciata, 19 - leucoptera, 19 — pytyopsittacus, 18 luctuosa, Muscicapa, 54 ludovicianus, Anthus, 35 lugubris, Motacilla a., 39 Lullula arborea arborea, 30 Luscinia calliope, 87 Luscinia luscinia, 87 megarhyncha megarhyncha, 86 svecica cyanecula, 88 gaetkei, 87 luscinioides, Locustella L, 61 Lusciniola schwarzi, 61 Lyrurus tetrix tetrix, 215 Machetes pugnax, 172 macqueenii, Houbara u., 210 Macrorhamphus griseus griseus, 179 macrorhynchus, Nucifraga c., 4 macrura, Sterna, 195 macularia, Tringa, 180 macularius, Totanus, 180 maculata, Aquila, 114 , Erolia m., 175 — , Scolopax, 183 magna, Sturnella, 7 magnirostris, Burhinus, 163 MAGPIE, 3 major, Charadrius h., 166 , Dendrocopus, 100-1 major, Dryobates m., 100 , Gallinago, 189 , Lanius, 50 , Parus m., 42 , Puffinus, 152 , Pyrrhula, 15 MALLARD, 134 Mareca americana, 137 penelope, 137 marila, Nyroca m., 141 marina, Pelagodroma, 151 marinus, Larus, 202 maritima, Erolia m., 177 MARTIN, 94 , Purple, American, 95 , SAND-, 95 martius, Dryocopus m., 102 maruetta, Porzana, 211 maura, Saxicola t., 84 Mecistura longicauda, 47 rosea, 47 — vagans, 47 media, Gallinago, 189 Megalornis ca^nadensis, 211 Megalornis grus grus, 210 megarhyncha, Luscinia m., 86 Melanitta, 145 melanocephala, Emberiza, 23 228 Mel] A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. [Nil melanocephala, Motacilla /., 38 , Sylvia m.,1\ melanocephalus, Larus, 199 Melanocorypha calandra, 28 Melanocorypha sibirica, 28 — yeltoniensis, 28 melanogaster, Cinclus, 92 melanoleiica, Tringa, 182 melanoleucus, Totanus, 182 melanope, Motacilla, 39 melanophrys, Diomedia, 156 melanoptera, Glareola, 165 melanotus, Porphyrio, 214 melba, Apus m., 95 Melizophilus provincialis, 72 - undatus, 72 melophilus, Dandalus r., 89 MERGANSER, HOODED, AMERICAN, 147 — , RED-BREASTED, 147 merganser, Mergus m., 146 Mergulus alle, 208 Mergus albellus, 147 — cucullatus, 147 — merganser merganser, 146 — serrator, 147 meridionalis, Lanius e., 51 MERLIN, 112 Merops apiaster, 98 - philippinus, 98 merula, Turdus, 79 migrans, Milvus, 119 migrate rius, Ectopistes, 162 — , Turdus m., 77 miliaria, Emberiza, 22 Milvus ater, 119 — ictinus, 118 Milvus korschun korschun, 119 — migrans, 119 — milvus, 118 — regalis, 118 minor, Charadrius, 167 — , Dendrocopus, 101 minor, Lanius, 50 minuta, Ardetta, 125 minuta, Erolia, 174 , Sterna m., 195 minutilla, Erolia m., 175 minutus, Ixdbrychus, 125 — , Larus, 198 mitratus, Parus c., 45 modularis, Prunella m., 90 mollissima, Somateria m., 144 monedula, Corvus, 3 Monticola saxatilis, 79 monti/ringilla, Fringilla, 20 Monti fringilla nivalis nivalis, 20 MOORHEN, 214 morinellus, Charadrius, 165 Motacilla alba alba, 40 Motacilla alba lugubris, 39 - beema, 37 — boarula boarula, 39 — borealis, 37 feldeggi, 38 ftava fiava, 36 beema, 37 borealis, 37 cinereocapilla, 38 — feldeggi, 38 — melanocephala, 38 — rayi, 38 — thunbergi, 37 viridis, 37 — grisea, 39 - lugubris, 39 — melanocephala, 38 — melanope, 39 - raii, 38 — sulphurea, 39 - viridis, 37 - yarrellii, 40 muraria, Tichodroma, 41 Muscicapa atricapilla, 54 Muscicapa collaris, 55 — grisola, 53 — hypoleuca hypoleuca, 54 — latirostris, 54 - luctuosa, 54 — parva parva, 55 — striata striata, 53 musicus, Cygnus, 126 - ,Turdus, 75, 76 musicus, Turdus, 76 mutus, Lagopus m., 216 . nee via, Aquila, 114 ncevia, Locustella n., 62 naumanni, Falco n., 113 nebularia, Tringa, 183 neglect a, Pterodroma, 154 neglectus, Anser, 130 — — , Budytes, 38 Neophron percnopterus percnopterus, 120 — ginginianus, 120 Nettion carolinense, 136 newtoni, Parus m., 43 NIGHTINGALE, 86 — , THRUSH-, 87 NIGHTJAR, 96 , ALGERIAN RED-NECKED, 97 , EGYPTIAN, 97 nigra, Ciconia, 121 , Hydrochelidon n., 190 , Oidemia n., 145 nigricans, Branta b., 133 nigricollis, Colymbus n., 158 nilotica, Sterna n., 192 229 Nis] A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. [Par nisona, Sylvia n., 67 nisus, Accipiter n., 118 nivalis, Anser h., 131 , Montifringilla n., 20 , Plectrophenax, 27 noctua, Athene n., 106 nordmanni, Glareola, 165 nubicus, Lanius, 52 Nucifraga caryocatactes caryocatactes, 4 macrorhynchus, 4 nudipes, Chsetura c., 96 Numenius arquata arquata, 187 borealis, 188 — phceopus phceopus, 187 — tenuirostris, 188 NUTCRACKER, SLENDER-BILLED, 4 — , THICK-BILLED, 4 NUTHATCH, BRITISH, 42 Nyctala tengmalmi, 105 Nyctea nyctea, 104 — scandiaca, 104 Nycticorax griseus, 125 Nycticorax nycticorax nycticorax, 125 Nyroca albeola, 142 baeri, 140 — clangula clangula, 141 — collaris, 141 ferina ferina, 139 - fuligula, 140 nyroca, Fuligula, 140 Nyroca islandica, 141 Nyroca marila marila, 141 — nyroca, 140 - rufina, 139 obscurus, Anthus s., 36 — , Parus c., 43 — , Puffinus, 151 occiden tails, Gyps f., 120 occidental**, Prunella m., 91 , Saxicola, 81 oceanicus, Oceanites, 150 Oceanites oceanicus, 150 Oceanodroma caslro, 150 leucorhoa, 149 ochropus, Totanus, 181 ocrophus, Tringa, 181 (Edemia, see Oidemia. cedicnemus, Burhinus OR., 163 (Edicnemus scolopax, 163 (Enanthe deserti albifrons, 81 — deserti, 80 — hispanica hispanica, 81 — xanthomelcena, 82 isabellina, 83 leucura leucura, 83 oenanthe leucorrhoa, 80 cenanthe, 80 pleschanka pleschanJca, 82 oenanthe, Saxicola, 80 oznas, Columba, 161 (Estrelata brevipes, 154 hsesitata, 154 — neglecta, 154 Oidemia fusca fusca, 145 — nigra nigra, 145 — perspicillata, 146 olor, Cygnus, 127 orientalis, Streptopelia o., 162 ORIOLE, GOLDEN, 7 Oriolus galbula, 7 Oriolus oriolus oriolus, 1 orphea, Sylvia, 67 ORTOLAN BUNTING, 24 OSPREY, 119 ostralegus, Hcematopus o., 163 Otis macqueeni, 210 Otis tar da tarda, 209 — tetrax, 209 Otocorys alpestris, 32 otus, Asio o., 107 Otus scops scops, 108 OUZEL, RING-, 77 — , , ALPINF, 78 OWL, BARN-, DARK-BREASTED, 109 — , , WHITE-BREASTED, 108 -, EAGLE-, 107 -, HAWK-, AMERICAN, 105 -, EUROPEAN, 105 — , LITTLE, 106 — , LONG-EARED, 107 , SCOPS, 108 — , SHORT-EARED, 107 , SNOWY, 104 , TAWNY, 109 — , TENGMALM'S, 105 OYSTERCATCHER, 163 pacifica, Gavia, 159 Pagophila eburnea, 203 palumbarius, Astur, 117 palumbus, Columba p., 160 palustris, Acrocephalus, 64 — , Emberiza p., 26 — , Parus, 46 Pandion haliaetus haliaetus, 119 Panurus biarmicus biarmicus, 49 paradiscea, Sterna, 195 paradoxus, Syrrhaptes, 162 parasiticus, Stercorarius, 205 PARTRIDGE, COMMON, 217 , PvED-LEGGED, 218 Parus ater ater, 44 britannicus, 44 — hibernicus, 44 — atricapillus borealis, 47 kleinschmidti, 46 borealis, 47 230 Par] A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIBDS. [Plu Parus britannicus, 44 Pur us cceruleus cceruleus, 43 obscurus, 43 — cristatus cristatus, 45 mitratus, 45 scoticits, 45 hibernicus, 44 - major major, 42 — newtoni, 43 - palustris dresseri, 46 parva, Muscicapa p., 55 , Porzana, 212 parvulus, Troglodytes, 91, 92 Passer domvsticus domesticus, 21 — montanus, 21 Pastor roseus, 7 pavonina, Balearica, 211 pealei, Falco p., Ill pelagica, Procellaria, 149 pelagicus, Hydrobates, 149 Pelagodroma marina, 151 penelope, Anas, 137 pennsylvanicus, Anthus, 35 percnopterus, Neophron p., 120 Perdix cinerea, 217 Perdix perdix perdix, 217 Peregrine, see FALCON. peregrinus, Falco p., Ill Pernis apivorus apivorus, 119 perspicillata, Oidemia, 146 PETREL, BULWER'S, 155 — , CAPPED, 154 , COLLARED, 154 , FORK-TAILED, LEACH'S, 149 — , , MADEIRAN, 150 — , FRIGATE-, 151 — , FULMAR, 155 — , Phillip's, 154 — , SCHLEGEL'S, 154 , STORM-, 149 , WILSON'S, 150 petrosa, Anthus, 36 phceopus, Numenius p., 187 Phaethon sethereus, 149 Phalacrocorax carbo carbo, 148 — graculus graculus, 148 — desmaresti, 148 PHALAROPE, GREY, 184 — , RED-NECKED, 184 Phalaropus fulicarius, 184 hyperboreus, 184 lobatus, 184 Phasianus colchicus colchicus, 216 torquatus, 216 PHEASANT, 216 Philadelphia, Larus, 197 philippinus, Merops, 98 phillipii, Procellaria, 154 philomelus, Turdus p., 75 phoenicius, Agelaius, 7 Phcenicopterus roseus, 126 Phcenicurus ochrurus gibraltariensis, 85 phcenicurus phcenicurus, 85 phragmitis, Acrocephalus, 65 Phylloscopus borealis borealis, 59 collybita collybita, 56 abietinus, 57 tristis, 57 nitidus viridanus, 58 proregulus proregulus, 60 sibilatrix sibilatrix, 59 superciliosus superciliosus, 60 tristis, 57 trochilus eversmanni, 58 — trochilus, 57 viridanus, 58 Pica pica pica, 3 Picoides tridactylus, 102 Picus viridis pluvius, 100. Pigeon, Cape, 155 — , Passenger, American, 162 PIGEON, WOOD-, 160 is, Turdus, 74 a, Pyrrhula p., 16 Pinicola enucleator enucleator, 16 PINTAIL, 138 PIPIT, MEADOW-, 33 , RED-THROATED, 34 , RICHARD'S, 32 , ROCK-, 36 , , SCANDINAVIAN, 36 TAWNY, 33 TREE-, 33 WATER-, 35 AMERICAN, 35 pityopsittacus, Loxia, 18 Platalea leucorodia leucorodia, 121 platyrhyncha, Anas p, 134 , Limicola p., 178 Plectrophanes lapponicus, 27 nivalis, 27 Plectrophenax nivalis, 27 Plectropterus gambensis, 133 Plegadis falcinellus, 122 pleschanka, (Enanthe p., 82 PLOVER, CASPIAN, 166 GOLDEN, 168 — , AMERICAN, 169 , ASIATIC, 169 Green, see LAPWING GREY, 169 KENTISH, 167 KlLLDEER, 168 RINGED, 166 — , LITTLE, 167 SOCIABLE, 170 Stone-, see CURLEW, STONE- Pluvialis aurea, 168 231 Plu] A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. [Ric pluvialis, Charadrius, 168 pluvius, Picus v., 100 POCHARD, COMMON, 139 , RED -CRESTED, 139 — , White-eyed, see DUCK, FERRU- GINOUS Podicipes auritus, 157 — cristatus, 156 — fluviatilis, 158 — griseigena, 157 nigricollis, 158 pollicaris, Rissa t., 203 polyglotta, Hypolais, 66 Polysticta stelleri, 143 pomarinus, Stercorarius, 204 pomatorhirms, Stercorarius, 204 pomeranus, Lanius, 51 Porphyrio alleni, 213 — caeruleus, 213 - melanotus, 214 - porphyrio, 213 - veterum, 214 Porzana bailloni, 213 Porzana Carolina, 212 — maruetta, 211 parva, 212 porzana, 211 — pusilla intermedia, 213 - pusilla, 213 pratensis, Anthus, 33 — , Crex, 211 pratincola, Olareola p., 164 Pratincola indica, 84 — maura, 84 - rubetra, 83 — rubicola, 84 — torquata hibernans, 84 PRATINCOLE, 164 , BLACK- WINGED, 165 Procellaria phillipii, 154 Progne subis subis, 95 proregulus, Phylloscopus p., 60 provincialis, Melizophilus, 72 Prunella collaris collaris, 90 modularis modular is, 90 occidentalis, 91 Pterodroma brevipes, 154 hasitata, 154 neglecta, 154 pubescens, Dryobates, 102 PUFFIN, 208 Puffinus anglorum, 153 assimilis, 151 bailloni, 151 Puffinus grams, 152 griseus, 152 kuhlii kuhlii, 152 major, 152 obscurus atlanticus, 151 Puffinus obscurus godmani, 151 — obscurus, 151 - puffinus puffinus, 153 — yelkouan, 153 pugnax, Machetes, 172 purpurea, Ardea p., 123 pusilla, Emberiza, 25 , Porzana p., 213 pusillus, Eurenetes p., 178 Pycnonotus capensis, 53 pygargus, Circus, 117 Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax, 6 Pyrrhula enucleator, 16 - erythrina, 16 Pyrrhula pyrrhula pyrrhula,1 15 europsea, 15, 16 pileata, 16 pytyopsittacus, Loxia, 18 QUAIL, 217 querquedula, Anas, 136 Querquedula circia, 136 - crecca, 135 - discors, 136 raii, Motacilla, 38 RAIL, LAND-, 211 , WATER-, 214 ralloides, Ardeola r., 124 Rallus aquaticus, 214 RAVEN, 1 rayi, Motacilla /., 38 RAZORBILL, 206 Recurvirostra avosetta, 185 REDBREAST, BRITISH, 89 , CONTINENTAL, 89 REDPOLL, COUES'S, 13 , GREENLAND, 11 , HOLBOLL'S, 12 , HORNEMANN'S, 13 , LESSER, 12 , MEALY, 1 1 REDSHANK, COMMON, 182 — , SPOTTED, 183 REDSTART, 85 — , BLACK, 85 REDWING, 76 regalis, Milvus, 118 Regulus calendula calendula, 49 cristatus, 48 regulus, Falco r., 112 Regulus ignicapillus ignicapillus, 49 — regulus anglorum, 48 regulus, 48 religiosa, Gracula, 7 Rhodostethia rosea, 197 richardi, Anthus r., 32 232 Rid] A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. [She ridibundus, Larus, 198 Riparia riparia riparia, 95 Rissa tridactyla tridactyla, 203 - pollicaris, 203 Robin, see REDBREAST. — , American, 77 ROLLER, 99 — , Abyssinian, 99 — , Indian, 99 ROOK, 2 rosea, Rhodosteihia, 197 roseus, ^githalos c., 47 — , Pastor, 7 — , Phcenicopterus, 126 rostrata, Carduelis I., 11 rubecula, Dandalus r., 89 rubescens, Anthus s., 35 rubetra, Saxicola r., 83 rubicola, Saxicola t., 84 rubrirostris, Anser, 128 Ruby-throat, Siberian, 87 rufa, Caccabis r., 218 — , Sylvia, 69 rufescens, Linota, 12 — , Tryngites, 177 RUFF, 172 ruficeps, Lanius, 51 ruficollis, Branta, 131 — , Caprimulgus, 97 — , Colymbus r., 158 — , Erolia m., 174 — , Turdus, 77 rufina, Nyroca, 139 rufitergum, Glandarius g., 5 rufula, Chelidon d., 94 rufus, Lanius, 51 — , Phylloscopus, 56 rupestris, Anthus, 36 rustica, Chelidon r., 93 , Emberiza, 25 , Pica, 3 rusticola, Scolopax, 190 rusticolus, Falco r., 110 Ruticilla phoenicurus, 85 titys, 85 rutilus, Lanius, 51 sabini, Xema, 197 saharae, Caprimulgus se., 97 salicaria, Sylvia, 68 SANDERLING, 173 SAND-GROUSE, PALLAS'S, 162 SANDPIPER, BAIRD'S, 176 , BARTRAM'S, 171 , BONAPARTE'S, 177 • , BROAD -BILLED, 178 — , BUFF-BREASTED, 177 , COMMON, 179 , CURLEW-, 174 SANDPIPER, GREEN, 181 — , MARSH-, 184 — , PECTORAL, AMERICAN, 175 — , , SIBERIAN, 176 — , PURPLE, 177 , RED -BREASTED, 179 — , SEMI-PALMATED, 178 , SOLITARY, 181 , SPOTTED, 180 , WOOD-, 180 sandvicensis, Sterna s., 193 saxatilis, Monticola, 79 Saxicola amphileuca, 82 - aurita, 81, 82 deserti, 80 atrogularis, 81 — hispanica, 81 isabellina, 83 — leucura, 83 occidentalis, 81 — oenanthe, 80 leucorrhoa, 80 - pleschanka, 82 - stapazina, 81, 82 — xanthomelaena, 82 Saxicola rubetra rubetra, 83 — torquata hibernans, 84 — indica, 84 maura, 84 — rubicola, 84 scandiaca, Nyctea, 104 SCAUP-DUCK, 141 schcenidus, Emberiza s., 26 schcenobcenus, Acrocephalus, 65 schwarzi, Herbivocula, 61 Scolecophagus carolinus, 7 — ferruginous, 7 scolopacina, Gallinago, 189 scolopax, (Edicnemus, 163 Scolopax rusticola , 190 Scops giu, 108 scops, Otus s., 108 SCOTER, COMMON, 145 , SURF-, 146 — , VELVET-, 145 scotica, Loxia c., 18 scoticus, Parus c., 45 , Lagopus I., 216 segetum, Anser, 129 senator, Lanius s., 51 septentrionalis, Colymbus, 160 SERIN, 14 — , Canary, 15 Serinus canarius serinus, 14 canarius, 15 serrator, Mergus, 147 SHAG, 148 SHEARWATER, GREAT, 152 , , MEDITERRANEAN, 152 233 She] A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. [Sur SHEARWATER, LEVANTINE, 153 — , LITTLE DUSKY, 151 , MANX, 153 — , SOOTY, 152 SHELD-DUCK, 134 , RUDDY, 134 SHOVELER, 138 SHRIKE, GREY, GREAT, 50 — , , LESSER, 50 , , SOUTHEUROPEAN, 51 -, MASKED, 52 -, RED-BACKED, 52 -, WOODCHAT, 51 -, CORSICAN, 51 sibilatrix, Phylloscopus s., 59 sibirica, Melanocorypha, 28 sibiricus, Turd us s., 73 SISKIN, 10 Sitta europo&a britannica, 42 SKUA, ARCTIC, 205 — , Buffon's, see LONG-TAILED. — , GREAT, 204 — , LONG-TAILED, 205 , POMATORHINE, 204 — , Richardson's, see ARCTIC. skua, Stercorarius s., 204 SMEW, 147 SNIPE, COMMON, 189 , GREAT, 189 , JACK, 190 Snowbird, American, 28 SNOW-FINCH, 20 solitaria, Tringa s., 181 solitarius, Totanus, 181 Somateria mollissima mollissima, 144 v-nigrum, 144 — spectabilis, 144 stelleri, 143 SPARROW, HEDGE-, BRITISH, 91 — , , CONTINENTAL, 90 — , HOUSE-, 21 , TREE-, 21 , White-throated American, 28 Spatula clypeata, 138 spectabilis, Somateria, 144 spermologus, Colceus m., 3 spinoletta, Anihus s., 35 spinus, Carduelis, 10 spipoletta, Anthus, 35 sponsa, Aix, 137 SPOONBILL, 121 Sprosser, see NIGHTINGALE, THRUSH- Squatarola helvetica, 169 Squatarola squatarola, 169 stagnatilis, Tringa, 184 stapazina, Saxicola, 81, 82 STARLING, 6 , Red-winged, 7 , ROSE-COLOURED, 7 stellaris, Botaurus s., 125 stellata, Oavia, 160 stelleri, Polysticta, 143 Stercorarius catarrhactes, 204 crepidatus, 205 Stercorarius longicaudus, 205 parasiticus, 205 pomarinus, 204 pomatorhinus, 204 skua skua, 204 Sterna ansestheta, 196 anglica, 192 cantiaca, 193 caspia, 192 Sterna dougallii dougallii, 194 fluviatilis, 194 fuliginosa, 196 fuscata, 196 hirundo, 194 macrura, 195 minuta minuta, 195 nilotica nilotica, 192 paradiscea, 195 sandvicensis sandvicensis, 193 acuflavida, 193 tschegrava, 192 STILT, BLACK-WINGED, 185 STINT, AMERICAN, 175 , LITTLE, 174 , TEMMINCK'S, 175 stolidus, Anous s., 196 STONECHAT, BRITISH, 84 , INDIAN, 84 STONE-CURLEW, 163 STORK, BLACK, 121 — , WHITE, 121 strepera, Anas, 135 streperus, Acrocephalus s., 63 Strepsilas interpres, 171 Streptopelia orientalis orientalis, 162 turtur turtur, 161 striata, Muscicapa s., 53 — , Tringa, 177 Strix aluco aluco, 109 — flammea, 108 Sturnella magna, 7 Sturnus vulgaris vulgaris, 6 subalpina, Sylvia, 71 subarquata, Tringa, 174 subbuteo, Falco s., 112 subis, Progne s., 95 subruficollis, Erolia, 177 suecica, Cyanecula, 87 Sula bassana, 148 sulphurea, Motacilla, 39 super ciliosus, Phylloscopus s., 60 surinamensis, Hydro chelidon n., 191 Surnia funerea, 105 Sumia ulula caparoch, 105 234 Sur] A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. [Tri Surnia ulula ulula, 105 svecica, Luscinia, 87 SWALLOW, 93 — , RED -HUMPED, 94 — , Tree-, American, 95 SWAN, BEWICK'S, 127 . MUTE, 127 — , Polish, 127 — , Trumpeter, American, 127 — , Whistling, American, 127 — , WHOOPER, 126 SWIFT, 96 — , ALPINE, 95 — , NEEDLE-TAILED, 96 sylvatica, Turnix, 215 Sylvia atricapilla atricapilla, 69 borin, 68 — cantillans cantillans, 71 cinerea, 69 — communis communis, 69 — curruca curruca, 70 — hortensis hortensis, 67 - hortensis, 68 — melanocephala melanocephala, 71 — nisoria nisoria, 67 - orphea, 67 - rufa, 69 — salicaria, 68 subalpina, 71 undata dartfordiensis, 72 syriacus, A gr abates g., 73 Syrnium aluco, 109 Syrrhaptes paradoxus, 162 Tachycineta bicolor, 95 Tadorna casarca, 134 cornuta, 134 Tadorna tadorna, 134 tarda, Otis t., 209 tatarica, Alauda, 28 TEAL, 135 — , BLUE-WINGED, AMERICAN, 136 — , GREEN- WINGED, AMERICAN, 136 temminckii, Erolia, 175 tengmalmi, AZgolius t., 105 tenuirostris, Numenius, 188 TERN, ARCTIC, 195 , BLACK, 190 — , , WHITE-WINGED, 191 , CASPIAN, 192 — , COMMON, 194 — , GULL-BILLED, 192 • , LITTLE, 195 — , Noddy, 196 — , ROSEATE, 194 — , SANDWICH, 193 — , SOOTY, 196 , , Lesser, 196 Tetrao tetrix, 215 Tetrao urogallus urogallus, 215 tetrax, Otis, 209 tetrix, Lyrurus t., 215 Thalassidroma, 149 THRUSH, BLACK-THROATED, 77 DUSKY, 77 MISTLE-, 74 ROCK-, 79 SONG-, BRITISH, 76 — , CONTINENTAL, 75 WHITE'S, 73 thuribergi, Motacilla /., 37 Tichodroma muraria, 41 tinnunculus, Falco t., 113 TITMOUSE, BEARDED, 49 , BLUE, BRITISH, 43 — , , CONTINENTAL, 43 , COAL-, BRITISH, 44 — , , CONTINENTAL, 44 — , , IRISH, 44 — , CRESTED, CENTRAL EUROPEAN, 45 — , , NORTHERN, 45 — , , SCOTTISH, 45 , GREAT, BRITISH, 43 -, CONTINENTAL, 42 LONG-TAILED, BRITISH, 47 , NORTHERN, 47 , WHISKERED, 191 , MARSH-, BRITISH, 46 , WILLOW-, BRITISH, 46 , , NORTHERN, 47 titys, Ruticilla, 85 torda, Alca, 206 torquatus, Phasianus c., 216 , Turdus t.,11 torquilla, Jynx t., 102 Totanus calidris, 182 - canescens, 183 - flavipes, 181 - fuscus, 183 glareola, 180 glottis, 183 - hypoleucus, 179 macularius, 180 — melanoleucus, 182 — ochropus, 181 — solitarius, 181 — stagnatilis, 184 totanus, Tringa, 182 tridactyla, Rissa t., 203 tridactylus, Pico ides, 102 Tringa acuminata, 176 - alpina, 173 - aurita, 176 bairdi, 176 — canutus, 172 Tringa erythropus, 183 — flavipes, 181 fuscicollis, 177 235 Tri] A HAND -LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. [War Tringa glareola, 180 — hypoleuca, 179 - littorea, 183 — macularia, 180 — maculata, 175 — melanoleuca, 182 — minuta, 174 — minutilla, 175 nebularia, 183 — ocrophus, 181 — solitaria solitaria, 181 — stagnatilis, 184 - striata, 177 — subarquata, 174 - temmincki, 175 - totanus, 182 tristis, Carduelis, 10 iristis, Phylloscopus c., 57 trivialis, Anthus t., 33 trochilus, Phylloscopus t., 57 Troglodytes parvulus, 91, 92 Troglodytes troglodytes hirtensis, 92 — troglodytes, 91 — zetlandicus, 92 troille, Uria t., 206 Tropic-Bird, Red-billed, 149 Tryngites rufescens, 177 tschegrava, Sterna, 192 turdoides, Acrocephalus, 63 Turd us atrigularis, 77 Turdus dauma aureus, 73 — dubius, 77 fuscatus, 77 — iliacus, 76 — merula, 79 — migratorius migratorius, 77 — musicus, 76 — musicus, 75, 76 — philomelus clarkei, 76 — philomelus, 75 — pilaris, 74 — ruficollis atrogularis, 77 — sibiricus sibiricus, 73 — torquatus alpestris, 78 torquatus, 77, — varius, 73 viscivorus viscivorus, 74 - Whitei, 73 Turnix sylvatica, 215 TURNSTONE, 171 Turtur communis, 161 — orientalis, 162 turtur, Streptopelia t., 161 TWITE, 10 Tyto alba alba, 108 — guttata, 109 nlula, Surnia W./105 undata, Sylvia, 72 undatus, Melizophilus, 72 undulata, Houbara u., 210 Upupa epops epops, 98 urbica, Hirundo u., 94 Uria bruennichi, 207 Uria grylle grylle, 207 — lomvia lomvia, 207 arra, 207 - troille troille, 206 urogallus, Tetrao u., 215 vagans, Mecistura, 47 Vanellus gregarius, 170 Vanellus vaneilus, 170 - vulgaris, 170 varius, Turdus, 73 vespertinus, Falco v., 113 veterum, Porphyrio, 214 villosus, Dryobates 102 virescens, Butorides v., 126 virgo, Anthropoides, 211 viridanus, Phylloscopus n., 58 viridis, Gecinus, 100 , Motacilla, 37 viscivorus, Turdus v., 74 v-nigrum, Somateria m., 144 vocifera, ^Egialitis, 168 voci/erus, Charadrius, 168 vulgaris, Buteo, 115 , Coccothraustes, 8 , Sturnus v., 6 — , Vanellus, 170 VULTURE, EGYPTIAN, 120 , GRIFFON-, 120 WAGTAIL, ASHY-HEADED, 38 , BLACK-HEADED, 38 — , BLUE-HEADED, 36 , GREY, 39 , GREY-HEADED, 37 , PIED, 39 , SYKES'S, 37 — , WHITE, 40 — , YELLOW, 38 Warbler, American Yellow, 40 WARBLER, AQUATIC, 65 — , BARRED, 67 , Blackcap, 69 , Blyth's, 65 , BROWN-BACKED, 73 — , BUSH-, RADDE'S/^}! , CETTI'S, 61 — , DARTFORD, 72 , EVERSMANN'S, 59 — , GARDEN-, 68 , GRASSHOPPER-, 62 , , PALLAS'S, ^62 ., GREENISH, '58 236 War] A HAND-LIST OF BRITISH BIRDS. [Zon WARBLER, ICTERINE, 66 — , LANCEOLATED, 63 — , MARSH-, 64 — , MELODIOUS, 66 — , ORPHEAN, 67 — , PALLAS'S, 60 — , GRASSHOPPER-, — , RADDE'S BUSH-, 61 — , REED-, 63 — , BLYTH'S, 65 -, GREAT, 63 — , RUFOUS, 72 — , SARDINIAN, 71 — , SAVI'S, 61 — , SEDGE-, 65 — , SUBALPINE, 71 — , WILLOW-, 57 — , , NORTHERN, 58 — , WOOD-, 59 — , YELLOW-BROWED, 60 Waterhen, see MOORHEN WAXWING, 53 WHEATEAR, 80 — . BLACK, 83 — . BLACK-EARED, EASTERN, 82 — , , WESTERN, 81 — , Black-throated, 81, 82 — , DESERT-, EASTERN, 81 — , , WESTERN, 80 — , GREENLAND, 80 , ISABELLINE, 83 , PIED, 82 WHIMBREL, 187 WHINCHAT, 83 Whitei, Turdus, 73 WHITETHROAT, 69 f LESSER, 70 WIGEON, 137 , AMERICAN, 137 wilsoni, Gallinago g., 190 wolfi, Cyaneoula, 88 WOODCOCK, 190 Woodpecker, American Downy, 102 — , — — Golden-winged, 102 — , Hairy, 102 — , Black, 102 WOODPECKER, GREAT SPOTTED, BRITISH, 101 — , , NORTHERN, 100 — , GREEN, BRITISH, 100 — , LESSER SPOTTED, BRITISH, 101 — , THREE-TOED, 102 WREN, 91 — , FIRE-CRESTED, 49 — , GOLDEN-CRESTED, BRITISH, 48 , , CONTINENTAL, 48 , Ruby-crowned, American, 49 , ST. KILDA, 92 — , SHETLAND, 92 Wren, see WARBLER, WILLOW-, etc. WRYNECK, 102 xanthomelcena, (Enanthe h., 82 Xema sabini, 197 yarrellii, Motacilla, 40 yelkouan, Puffinus p., 153 Yellowhammer, see BUNTING, YELLOW YELLOWSHANK, 181 , GREATER, 182 yeltoniensis, Melanocorypha, 28 zeilandizus, Troglodyte* t., 92 Zonotrichia albioollis, 28 237 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW RENEWED BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Book Slip-50m-8,'66(Goo30s4)458 N° 461667 QL690 Hartert, E. G7 A hand- list of British H28 birds, with an account of the distribution of each species in the British Isles and abroad • LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS