One of the Handy Dog Booklet Series HANDLING THE MATING By CAPT. WILL JUDY Editor of Dog World Magazine, Author of The Dog Encyclo- pedia, Training the Dog, Care of the Dog, Kennel Building and Plans, Principles of Dog Breeding, and Sirius Series P & M ANGUS GnOBGB E. 8c HARRIETTA DWYER ROUTE 1, BOX 261K ALBANY, OREGON 97321 JUDY PUBLISHING COMPANY CHICAGO 1945 ' COPYRIGHT, 1945, WILL JUDY Purchasable at any bookstore or from the publisher Excerpts to a reasonable extent can be made but with specific credit to author and publisher Printed in U.S.A. First edition, 1932 — 2,000. Second edition, 1935—2.000. Third edition, 1937 — 4,00C Fourth edition, 1942 — 4,000. This fifth edition, 1945 — 6.000. PUBLISHER'S NOTE This is one of a series of TWELVE booklets by Capt. Will Judy on specific dog subjects of practical Interest and published under the name HANDY DOC BOOKLETS. Figure denotes current edition. 1. FEEDING THE DOC (5) 2. HOW TO SHIP DOCS (3) 3. DOC IN SHOW RINC (5) 4. DOC SHOWS AND RULES (3) 5. LAWS ABOUT DOCS (4) 6. WHELPINC OF PUPPIES (5) 7. HOUSEBREAKINC DOC (5) 8. HANDLINC THE MATINC (5) 9. STUD DOC'S CARE AND MANAGEMENT (4) 10. ANATOMY OF THE DOC (3) 11. PUPPIES AND THEIR CARE (4^ 12. HOW TO SELL DOCS (3) It is a pleasure to invite a+tention to the scientific, authoritative, vigorous manner of presentation characteristic of his writings, not only on dogs but also on general subjects. The price of these booklets is 25c each, 3 for 50c, 7 for $1, 8 or more, 13c each; or a special price of $1.50 for all twelve. Or all twelve nicely bound in book form, $2.50. Cash or COD. Any assortment of titles. Order either by number or title. As the subjects covered by the Handy Dog Booklet Series are those which interest every dog owner, breeder and lover in a practical, important way, the publishers take pleasure in offering them in this convenient, low-priced booklet form. More copies have been sold (141,000 total thus far) than of any other printed matter in the dog field. JUDY PUBLISHING COMPANY JUDY BUILDING. 3323 MICHIGAN BOULEVARD, CHICAGO 16 TMt MOUSf or Jbcv BVUDfDBViERVKI April, 1945 HANDLING THE MATING OF DOGS It is strangely true that in almost all of the much writing on dog breeding, little is said about the actual mating and the care and handling of the stud and the matron immediately before, during, and immediately after the mating. Young and inexperienced studs have been spoiled and serious damage done to matrons by reason of improper care and handling. Both the mind and the body, the physiological and psychological factors, are to be considered. The larger the breed, the greater is the need for care. A sensitive male unduly or excessively punished, may prove an unwilling stud on this account forever afterward. Also one particular person may succeed in inducing the male to perform the stud duty whereas other persons fail. Present-day Living Conditions Considered In the natural life of the woods, the dogs met and mated without interference from human beings. But it is not to be concluded that some of these natural matings did not tvork physical harm. Further, the stud and the matron, kept today in somewhat artificial conditions, conditions different from and far less rigorous than those of the fields and outdoors, can not be expected to perform sexual intercourse with the same ease and daring as under the conditions of nature and its free life. Make Arrangements in Advance Last-minute plans may be illadvised. The time to arrange for a mating for your bitch (matron, dam) is several months (not several days) before she is due in heat. To select a proper stud requires the [3] 4 HANDLING THE MATING OF DOGS study of pedigrees and of the prepotent ancestors in the pedigrees, of both stud and dam. This study properly requires time and effort, comparison and research. This is the most important task — it is the secret — of the successful breeder. It is to be done long before the bitch comes into heat. How then can the owner of the bitch mate her scientifically (by selective breeding), if he does not choose the stud until the bitch is already in heat? As long as this condition of last-minute attention exists, the majority of matings will be hit-and-miss from the breeding standpoint, with good type offspring a matter of accident .rather than planned schedule. Choose the stud and make all arrangements with his owner at least thirty days before the bitch is due in season or heat. Remind the owner of the stud about ten days in advance of the expected heat so that he can plan accordingly. At least two days before the bitch is shipped to him, write or wire the scheduled hour of arrival at his kennels. What Day of Heat is Best for Mating? The present discussion does not concern itself with days of heat to be taken advantage of to secure certain alleged results such as determination of sex, sure pregnancy, size of litter and so forth. We are now concerned only with the particular day or days of heat when the bitch accepts intercourse with the stud most readily. We may set the total period of heat (season, oestrum) at nineteen to twenty-one days with twenty days as a set figure. The lengh of the period varies with breeds and with individuals of a breed. Larger breeds tend toward a longer period of heat than do the smaller breeds. The first heat (which may occur anywhere from 8 to 9^2 months of age, usually 8^2 months) may be of shorter duration and not strongly noticeable. A few bitches will receive the stud on the twentieth day. Some bitches, being shy breeders, will receive or admit the stud only during a few hours. Some will admit the stud over a period of two weeks. No general rule is to be set forth but in most cases, the tenth to the fifteenth day of season, is advisable for the mating. And there are so many exceptions that the rule is well proved. A bitch will continue to accept a male after a mating and until she goes out of heat, altho after being mated, she is not as receptive during ihe ■ re^mainmg portion of the heat period. Consequently caie must; be had lest. she mate to another male. It is possible to carry Ti Breeder's Code 1. I will Study the bitch as well as the sire. 2. I will study grandparents rather than parents. 3. I will not pay any attention to breeding superstitions. 4. I will interpret a pedigree by breeding facts rather than names antl titles. 5. I will keep full breeding records and draw conclusions accordingly. 6. I will put away culls and weaklings shortly after birth. 7. I will not breed, sell or give away a shy or excessively nervous dog. 8. I will judge a stud by his offspring even to the third generation. 9. I will honor most the bred-by-exhibitor dog. 10. I will give preference to breetling spe- cimens of good disposition and temperament. — WiU Judy. 6 HANDLING THE MATING OF DOGS two litters, even by the same stud, or separate studs, altho one does not develop. During the second week of heat, the vulva loses some of its hardness and size; the quantity of discharge however may increase until the fifteenth day; and the color pales from a deep red after the ninth day. Then is an advisable time for actual mating. The conduct of the bitch also tells the condition. She shows signs of excitement, carries her tail to the side, and invites attention. If it is attempted to breed her too early in the season, she may fight the male — but the best day on which to breed the bitch is any day when she accepts the male. Do Not Breed and Ship on Same Day A bitch when received for mating, is best kept in the crate until she arrives in the kennels. She is away from home; is uneasy on account of her heat; she is among strangers; she may be inclined to snap or to try to run away. After the stud owner accepts her at the station, the liability for her keeping is upon him. A bitch should not be brought to the kennel, mated and shipped away the same day. It is true that a howling bitch is a terror to all and an exceeding great nuisance. Yet she should be kept over night; it may be necessary to bring her into the house or bedroom for the night. A bit of human understanding of animal nature is well in place in these instances. Immediate Preparations to be Made The stud should not be fed at least two hours before mating. Both he and bitch should have opportunity to relieve bladder and bowels before the mating. It is well that the sexual organs of both stud and bitch be sponged before mating to remove dirt and possibility of infection. Examination should be made (of both dogs) for possible infectious skin or other conditions. Douche the bitch's vagina before service with carbonate of soda in lukewarm water to eliminate any acid conditions, a tablespoonful per pint. Older bitches usually are more likely to have an acid condition of the vagina. Douching should be done about thirty minutes before mating. However, douching is not essential. Precautions to be Taken at the Mating A bitch usually does not eat for several hours after mating. Morning matings are preferred for this reason. She then has time to settle down, rest herself, and regain a hearty appetite by eventide. HANDLING THE MATING OF DOGS MALE SEXUAL OFOANS ■MI"'''" OUGASIS LEFT, Male Sexual Organs: 1. Bladder. 2. The rectum portion of the colon or large intestine leading on to the external opening or anus at 3. 4. Scrotum or bag containing the testicles (5). 6. Penis. 7. Sheath or covering of penis. 8a and Sb. Vas deferens — tubes from the prostate gland to each testicle {and carrying semen into the urethra). 9. Urethra duct, carrying urine from bladder to external exit {penis, male; vagina, female). In male, urethra is also a genital duct for semen. Do not confuse urethra with ureters, of which there are two, one leading from each kidney to the bladder. 10. Prostrate pland. RIGHT: 1. and 1. Ovarian bursa or sacs. 2. Ovaries (.one on each side). 3. Fal- iopian tubes (.one on each of the two horns), 4. Main body of uterus or womb. 5. Bladder (to rear). 6. Os uteri (mouth of womb), from which puppies emerge. 7. Vagina (external ope»' ing). 8. External urethral orifice (where urine emerges). 9. Fossa clitoridis. 10. Fetuses (puppies) in the womb. 11. Region of kidneys. 12. Rectal opening (above vaginal opening). 13. Vulva attached to pelvic bone for support. Do not mate in hot sun; use a quiet inclosure; choose morning or evening to avoid heat of the day; avoid noise and distractions. If the hair about the sexual parts of the female are long and plentiful, they should be cut to about a half-inch length. The bitch, even when ready for service, may cause trouble by snapping not only the male but the handler or kennelman. Usually a bitch snaps at the dog two or three times and then accepts him. It is well that some bitches inclined to be snapping, be muzzled with a strap drawn just taut enough to prevent biting. This precaution may avoid injury either to the stud or to the handler. Unless the stud is especially savage in disposition, he should not be muzzled altho after repeated unsuccessful attempts, he may be more inclined to bite. 8 HANDLING THE MATING OF DOGS The author's booklet The Stud Dog's Care and Management, also one of the twelve in this series, presents full information on its subject. Breed Forcibly after a Time If the bitch tries to avoid the stud and moves away from him. if she continues to snap at him, if she keeps her tail pressed closely between her legs, if she sits down, she should be removed as she is likely not ready. She should be brought again the next day to the stud and the meetings repeated until she accepts service. If she persists in refusing service after three days, whatever force is necessary should be employed. Suggestions to Facilitate Mating // other conditions are equal, it is well to mate a maiden or virgin bitch with an experienced stud and an inexperienced stud with an adult bitch that has whelped a litter. A maiden bitch and an inexperi- enced stud form a difficult combination. The bitch insists on playing: by the hour and the male can not manage to mount. The hymen or membranous covering needs to be broken in a virgin bitch. This is done by the entrance of the stud's penis. In artificial insemination, it must be broken by inserting the finger. If the bitch is too tight, the vagina should be well lubricated with mineral oil, vaseline or other parafin preparation. This should be done preferably with a clean rubber finger rather than the bare finger. It is well that the first studding of a male be done in the open and by day. This should be done with a timid male. Sometimes a young dog is spoiled for all time if an attempt is made to help him. Always each individual dog must be studied for his peculiarities in the matter of sexual romances. Some romance should be permitted. The bitch and the stud should become acquainted for a few minutes, thru a wire netting. Trouble and hesitation will be avoided by this advance courtship. Also, it tends to urge on a sluggish stud. The stud shows himself ready by the dribble from his mouth and by his licking of the bitch's vulva. Manual Handling of the Pair Two persons should be present at a mating — one to handle the stud, the other to handle the bitch ; and one of these, preferably not connected with the kennels, can sign the breeding or stud certificate as a witness, tho this is not required. HANDLING THE MATING OF DOGS .9 TABLE SHOWING WHEN A BITCH IS DUE TO WHELF n I 1 • II |i ll 1 It if II i! l! 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