Howie Day December 19th, 2003 State Theatre, Portland, ME Master creation: Elation KM201's>V2>D8 at soundboard by Dave Mallick [] SHNs were made: 8>U2A>Sound Studio 2.1.1b3>AIFF>xACT 1.3d3 by Dave Mallick [] CD1 [50:33.71] (minutes:seconds.frames) 01. Brace Yourself [05:01.30] 02. Morning After [04:43.56] 03. She Says [05:12.40] 04. Numbness For Sound [04:35.37] 05. Perfect Time Of Day [07:18.08] 06. End Of Our Days [04:53.56] 07. Trouble In Here [08:21.17] 08. Collide [05:30.18] 09. Secret [04:57.34] Notes: - First night opening for Guster at their DVD shoot. Huge thanks to management for allowing taping at these shows! - REALLY bad diginoise from 0:38 to 0:50 of t05; more at 3:17 to 3:25 of t06, likely caused by my tape getting chomped while re-inserting it later for playback. My DA-20 gave a complete 20-second dropout on t05 while the D8 was at least intermittently playing that portion back, so that's what I used. I was the only taper at the show (open, anyway) so unfortunately it's the best that's available.