LIBRARY JKJYAL ONTARIO M Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Royal Ontario Museum ). ROM Life Sciences Occasional Papers Royal Ontario Museum December 15, 1969 No. 14 ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM LIBRARIES Hemoglobin Electrophoresis in the Systematics of Bats (Microchiroptera) by J. R. Tamsitt1 and Dario Valdivieso2 Electrophoresis is a most useful procedure for systematically comparing proteins of dif- ferent organisms, and data from electro- phoretic studies of blood proteins have aided in the clarification of phylogenetic relation- ships and in grouping higher taxonomic cate- gories (Foreman, 1960; Dessauer, 1966; Johnson, 1968). Hemoglobins, unlike some serum proteins, are not affected by diet, age, reproductive state, temperature or other variables. There are, however, few electro- phoretic data on bat hemoglobin. Manwell and Kerst (1966) and Mitchell (1966) found considerable individual variation and only minor differences between species in the hemoglobins of temperate bats of the family Vespertilionidae. Valdivieso et al. (1969) compared electrophoretic properties of hemoglobin from Puerto Rican bats of the families Phyllostomatidae, Vespertilionidae and Molossidae and found differences and similarities correlated with taxonomic af- finity. Although hemoglobins of closely related species were indistinguishable, Valdi- vieso et al. (op. cit.) concluded that hemo- globin electrophoresis may be used to add additional evidence to estimates of relation- ships derived from traditional criteria. Two distinct electrophoretic phenotypes of hemoglobin occur in bats of the family Vespertilionidae (Manwell and Kerst, op. cit.; Mitchell, op. cit.; Valdivieso et al., op. 1. Department of Mammalogy, ROM. 2. Seneca College, Willowdale, Ontario; Research Associate, Department of Mammalogy, ROM. 3 1761 05162603 4 cit.), but only one phenotype is known in bats of the families Phyllostomatidae and Molossidae (Valdivieso et al., op. cit.). Ex- tensive sampling of additional taxa should indicate whether Neotropical phyllostomatid and molossid bats possess the considerable hemoglobin polymorphism found in tem- perate vespertilionid bats, whether there are geographic differences in hemoglobins of disjunct populations of the same taxa, and should help determine the worth of hemo- globin electrophoretic properties in system- atic studies of microchiropteran bats. We therefore describe here results of new elec- trophoretic studies on bat hemoglobin which confirm and extend previous observations. Materials and Methods — Hemoglobin sam- ples were obtained from 109 bats of 13 species collected in Colombia, Venezuela and Ontario in November and December, 1968, and January, 1969 (Table I). Bats were taken in "mist" nets or from culverts in Colombia and Venezuela and from a mine in Ontario. Identifications were made by R. L. Peterson and the senior author (JRT), and specimens are deposited in the mammal collection of the Royal Ontario Museum. The large Artibeus which occurs sympatri- cally with A. lituratus in west central Colombia was referred by Tamsitt and Valdivieso (1963: 175) to A. jamaicensis jamaicensis, but specimens (ROM 48959, 48981-48986) are indistinguishable from examples from Trinidad described by LIBRARY ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM Andersen (1906: 420) as A. planirostris trinitatis. Although Hershkovitz (1949) con- sidered A. planirostris to be synonymous with A. jamaicensis, the allocation of this large fruit bat to the species A. jamaicensis is questionable (R. L. Peterson, personal communication). Until the taxonomic status of the large Artibeus from northern South America is clarified, we therefore only tenta- tively refer our specimens from the Magda- lena River Valley of Colombia to A . j. trini- tatis. Blood was obtained by heart puncture with sterile syringes rinsed with heparin, transferred to 0.5 ml tubes, and centrifuged at 3,000 rpm for 20 minutes to separate plasma from the packed cells. The buffy coat was removed by aspiration with a micropipette. The cells were washed once with cold 0.85 per cent saline and then centrifuged. The hemolysate was prepared by adding 1.5 volumes of distilled water to the packed cells. After thorough mixing, the solution was frozen and thawed three times. The hemolysates were then centrifuged at 4,000 rpm for five minutes, and the super- natant was stored at — 5°C. Samples were run as oxyhemoglobin. Before electrophore- sis the samples were thawed, shaken with half volume of chloroform, and centrifuged in a Beckman Microfuge for two minutes at 14,000-17,000 rpm to extract methemo- globin and to improve electrophoretic resolu- tion. Electrophoretic mobility characteristics of hemoglobins did not change during cold storage, and patterns were reproducible after two months. Although stabilizing procedures, e.g., derivitization of oxyhemoglobins to carbomonoxy- or cyanomet-forms, have been employed for hemoglobins, these methods were not conveniently adaptable to field con- ditions and were the motive for our decision to base electropherograms on mobility characteristics of oxyhemoglobins. Hemolysates were analyzed by electro- phoresis in the Model R-101 Microzone Cell (Beckman Instrument Co., Fullerton, Cali- fornia) with Sepraphore III poly acetate membranes (Gelman Instrument Co., Ann Arbor, Michigan) and barbital buffer pH 8.6, ionic strength 0.075. The sample (0.25 jA) was applied to the membrane with a Beckman applicator for 12 seconds, and separation was accomplished at 200 V for 20 minutes. Human hemoglobins A, C and S were run simultaneously with bat hemo- globin as controls. After electrophoresis, hemoglobins were stained with Ponceau S. Results — Only one electropherogram pat- tern, a single anodal band, was seen in the 13 species at pH 8.6 (Figs. 1-3). The homogeneous hemoglobin components of Phyllostomus discolor, P. hastatus, Glosso- phaga soricina, Lonchophylla robusta, Carollia perspicillata, Sturnira lilium, Arti- beus phaeotis, A. cf. jamaicensis, A. lituratus and Desmodus rotundus were identical and indistinguishable from human S. Hemo- globins of Myotis lucijugus and M. subulatus (Fig. 3, A and C) were identical and had mobilities corresponding to human C. The hemoglobin of Molossus molossus (Figs. 2, E, and 3, C) migrated the least and had a mobility slightly more cathodal than human C. Neither clear genetic polymorphism nor intrapopulation or interspecific variation was found in any of the taxa, but only a few individuals of some species were tested, and further sampling may reveal variant patterns. Moreover, hemoglobins of G. soricina (Fig. 2, D), C. perspicillata (Fig. 1, C) and A. lituratus (Fig. 1, D and E), collected in Co- lombia and Venezuela from localities sepa- rated by the Eastern Andean Cordillera and approximately 1,000 airline kilometers apart, were indistinguishable, as were those of P. discolor and A. lituratus from Co- lombian localities 55 and 85 airline kilo- meters distant in the Magdalena River Val- ley and the western slopes of the East Andean Cordillera. No relationship was evi- dent between pattern types and sex, age (neonate, juvenile, young adult or adult) or in female reproductive condition (non- parous, pregnant, lactating or post-lactat- ing). Although fetal hemoglobin distinct from adult hemoglobin occurs in some mam- mals (reviewed by Manwell, 1960), patterns for juvenile and adult D. rotundus (Fig. 2, A) and for fetal and adult P. discolor (Fig. 2, B) do not differ.* *The reduced amount and lower concentration of fetal hemoglobin account for the differences seen in Fig. 2, B in the width of the hemoglobin bands of adult and fetal P. discolor. Discussion — We encountered three electro- phoretically different hemoglobins in this study. With the exception of the vampire bat (D. rotundus), there was in general a cor- relation of hemoglobin pattern with taxono- mic relationship. One electrophoretic pat- tern, an anodal band corresponding to human S, was found in genera and species of the subfamilies Phyllostomatinae, Glosso- phaginae, Carolliinae, Sturnirinae and Steno- derminae of the family Phyllostomatidae (Table II, Fig. 4). This hemoglobin electro- phoretic pattern is identical to that reported by Valdivieso et al. (1969) for the phyllo- stomatid genera Monophyllus (subfamily Glossophaginae), Artibeus, Stenoderma (subfamily Stenoderminae) and Erophylla (subfamily Phyllonycterinae) from Puerto Rico. Excluding Chilonycteris (subfamily Chilonycterinae), whose hemoglobin is dif- ferent (Valdivieso et al., op. cit.) and whose status as a subfamily of the Phyllo- stomatidae has been questioned (Machado- Allison, 1967), the hemoglobins of the 13 species of phyllostomatids analyzed to date are invariably the same (Table II). We therefore find a reasonable amount of sup- port from "classical" sources (Miller, 1907) for a close relationship among the sub- families of the phyllostomatid complex as defined by hemoglobin electropherograms. The relationship of one genus, Sturnira, to other Phyllostomatidae is still not clear. Although Miller (op. cit.) placed the genus in a separate subfamily because of its highly specialized tooth structure, de la Torre (1961) contended that Sturnira should be placed with the Stenoderminae. On the basis of chromosome similarities, Baker (1967) and Gardner and O'Neill (1969) concurred with de la Torre, as did Wenzel et al. (1966) after a study of parasitic flies (Streb- lidae) and their hosts. The morphology of sturnirine spermatozoa, however, differs from that of other phyllostomatids (Forman, 1968), and certain mites (Spinturnicidae) parasitizing Sturnira are unique to the group (Machado- Allison, 1965). Although our limited hemoglobin data do not distinguish Sturnira from other phyllostomatids, the relationship of the sturnirines with the carollines (see Walton and Walton, 1968), on the one hand, and with the glossophagines (see Baker, 1967), on the other, needs clari- fication before subfamilial status is disre- garded and the group is allied with the steno- dermines. An interesting finding was that the hemo- globin of the vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) was electrophoretically indistin- guishable from those of bats of the family Phyllostomatidae. Although extensive modi- fications, reflecting adaptations to sangui- vorous feeding habits, indicate considerable temporal isolation of the desmodontids from the phyllostomatids, evidence is accumulat- ing to suggest that vampire bats are phy- letically more closely allied to members of the family Phyllostomatidae than is implied by current classification. Miller (1907), and subsequently Simpson (1945), Cabrera (1958), Hall and Kelson (1959) and Anderson and Jones (1967), recognized the Desmodontidae, but Dobson (1875), Winge (1941-42) and Bourliere (1955) con- sidered the desmodontids as a subfamily of the Phyllostomatidae (cf. Walton and Walton, 1968, for a recent summary of early nomenclatorial history and synonomy). Data from host-ectoparasite relationships (Ma- chado-Allison, 1967; Wenzel et al, 1966), spermatozoa morphology (Forman et al., 1968), and karyotypes (Hsu and Benirschke, 1967; Forman et al., op. cit.) indicate a close relationship between the desmodontids and the Phyllostomatidae. Moreover, the degree of development of the neocortex of Desmodus is comparable to phyllostomatids (Mann, 1963), as are orientation sounds and behaviour (Griffin and Novick, 1955; Novick, 1963), palate and wing structure (Miller, op. cit.) and post-cranial skeletal elements (Walton and Walton, op. cit.). Al- though the hemoglobin morphs of Desmodus and nine genera of six subfamilies of the Phyllostomatidae are identical (Table II; Fig. 4), peptide mapping might show that these specific hemoglobins differ in primary structure, as Foreman (1964) has shown in rodents with nearly identical hemoglobin ionograms. In our opinion a detailed study of hemoglobin and additional biochemical characters of the involved genera (Des- modus, Diaemus, Diphylla) is needed before vampire bats are assigned as a subfamily of the family Phyllostomatidae. A second electrophoretic pattern was seen in bats of the family Vespertilionidae. In Myotis lucifugus and M. subulatus from Ontario, hemoglobin migration was the same and approximately equal to human C (Table II, Fig. 4). A comparable hemoglobin was found by Mitchell (1966) in M. lucifugus and M. grisescens from Missouri. Manwell and Kerst (1966), on the other hand, found a slowly moving major and a more rapidly moving anodal zone in both M. lucifugus and M. keenii from Illinois. Populations of M. lucifugus from Missouri, Illinois and Ontario represent the same subspecies (M. /. luci- fugus), and in the absence of intra- populational variation, these geographically different phenotypes are not easily interpreted unless hemoglobin is polymorphic in this species. Comparable geographic differences have been found in Eptesicus fuscus. Hetero- geneous hemoglobins were found by Manwell and Kerst (1966) in E. f. fuscus from Illi- nois and by Valdivieso et al. ( 1969) in E. f. wetmorei from Puerto Rico, but Mitchell (op. cit.) found a homogeneous hemoglobin in Missouri E. f. fuscus. In other vesper- tilionids, e.g., Pipistrellus subflavus and Plecotus townsendii, however, similar het- erogeneous hemoglobins have been found in both Illinois and Missouri. Differences in electrophoretic technique could account for these differences, but this is unlikely as Mitchell (op. cit.) and Valdivieso et al. (op. cit.) used the same electrophoretic pro- cedure (cellulose polyacetate) but obtained different results. A more logical explanation to account for the presence of more than one adult hemoglobin in M. lucifugus and E. fuscus is polymorphism. But the numbers of Eptesicus and Myotis and the geographic areas sampled to date have been small, and extensive sampling throughout the range of these and other vespertilionids is needed to determine the degree of allelic variation and also to determine whether we are cor- rect in attributing these differences to poly- morphism. A third electrophoretic pattern, a slow anodal band, was seen in Molossus molossus of the family Molossidae (Table II, Fig. 4). This same pattern has been found as well in the molossid bats Tadarida brasiliensis (Johnson and Wicks, 1959) and in M. m. fort is from Puerto Rico (Valdivieso et al., 1969). Although serum proteins (Johnson and Wicks, op. cit.) and immunologic data (Forman et al., 1968) do not differen- tiate the Molossidae from the Vespertilioni- dae, hemoglobin and karyotype differences (Baker and Patton, 1967; Wainberg, 1966) support Miller's (1907) interpretation that the two groups of insectivorous bats are sufficiently distinct to merit familial separa- tion. Furthermore, lactate dehydrogenase patterns of Molossus and Eptesicus tissues, although similar, are distinguishable and different from those of phylostomatid bats (unpublished data). The similarities and differences we have found among bat hemoglobins correspond in large part to the phylogeny presented by Simpson (1945). The hemoglobins of mem- bers of the superfamilies Phyllostomatoidea and Vespertilionoidea differ from each other more than the hemoglobins of bats within each of these groups differ. Except for the Chilonycterinae, evidence to date suggests that the hemoglobins of the Phyllostoma- toidea are quite similar. Hemoglobins of the Vespertilionoidea, on the other hand, appear to differ among themselves far more than do the hemoglobins of the Phyllostomatoidea. Recent publications (Thompson et al., 1966; Foreman, 1968; Rasmussen et al., 1968; Self A., 1968) have revealed not only hemoglobin variation between species of the same genus but also the occurrence of poly- morphism within a given species in the order Rodentia. This type of variation, however, is not always the case, as there is a remark- able homogeneity between the hemoglobins of Microchiroptera (Manwell and Kerst, 1966; Valdivieso et al, 1969; this study). Because the rate of hemoglobin change is low, based on the amount of variation found within and between closely related genera, similarities in bat hemoglobin electropho- retic patterns, although of limited taxonomic value, may be indicative of phylogenetic relationships. Hemoglobin analysis certainly supports the validity of the common origin of the Phyllostomatidae and the Desmodon- tidae, whose genera have hemoglobins indis- tinguishable from one another but different from those of the Vespertilionidae and Molossidae. + D E * ♦ 3 4 + 6 7 8 Figure 1 Electrophoretic patterns of erythrocyte hemolysates at pH 8.6. Arrows indicate baselines of sample application. A. Carollia perspicillata (Venezuela): 1-3, 5-8, $ $ ; 4, Human A. B. C. perspicillata (Venezuela): 1-3, 5-8, 2 ?; 4, Human S. C. C. perspicillata: 1, 2, $ $ (Colombia); 3, $ (Venezuela); 4, Human S; 5-8, 5 2 (Venezuela). D. Artibeus lituratus: 1-4, S S (Colombia); 5-7, S S (Venezuela); 8, Human CA. E. A. lituratus: 1, 2 (Colombia); 2-4, 9 2 (Venezuela); 5-7, $ S (Venezuela); 8, Human CA. F. A. cf. jamaicensis: 1-3, 2 2 (Colombia); 4, 5, $ $ (Colombia); A. phaeotis: 6, 7, S $ (Colombia); 8, Human CA. Acknowledgments — We are indebted to Drs. Omar Linares, Francis R. Hunter and M. Brock Fenton for laboratory and field assistance; to the staffs of the Depart- ments of Biology, Universidad de la Region Centro-Occidental, Barquisimento, Univer- sidad de los Andes, Bogota, and the In- stituto de Zoologia Tropical, Universidad Central, Caracas, for providing us with laboratory facilities; to Dr. Gonzalo Medina Padilla, Director, Rancho Grande Biological Station, for his co-operation and the use of facilities; and to the staff of the Department of Mammalogy, Royal Ontario Museum, for their assistance. The illustrations were pre- pared by Mrs. Sophie Poray and Mr. L. R. Warren, Royal Ontario Museum. We thank Dr. R. L. Peterson for aid in identify- ing specimens and for critically reading the manuscript. These activities were sup- ported by the National Research Council of Canada, the Canadian National Sports- men's Show and the Royal Ontario Museum. + D + + 6 Figure 2 Electrophoretic patterns of erythrocyte hemolysates at pH 8.6. Arrows indicate baselines of sample application. A. Desmodus rotundus (Colombia): 1, juve- nile 8 ; 2-4, 9 5 ; 5, Human CA. B. Phyllostomus discolor (Colombia): 1, $ fetus; 2-4, $ $ ; 5, Human CA. C. P. hastatus (Venezuela): 1, $ ; 2-4, 9?; 5, Human CA. D. Glossophaga soricina: 1-3, $ $ (Vene- zuela); 4, ? $ (Venezuela); 5, 9 (Colom- bia); 6, Human CA. E. Molossus molossus (Colombia): 1, 2, $ $; 3-5, 9 9 ; 6, Human CA. Summary — Hemoglobins of 109 examples of 1 3 species of bats from Colombia, Vene- zuela and Canada were compared by cellu- lose polyacetate electrophoresis. All bats exhibited a single-banded hemoglobin pheno- type. The phyllostomatid bats Phyllostomus discolor, P. hastatus (subfamily Phyllosto- matinae), Glossophaga soricina, Loncho- phylla robusta (subfamily Glossophaginae), Carollia perspicillata (subfamily Carolli- inae), Sturnira lilium (subfamily Sturniri- nae), Artibeus phaeotis, A. cf. jamaicensis and A. lituratus (subfamily Stenoderminae) had indistinguishable hemoglobin morphs. Hemoglobin electropherograms of the vam- pire bat, Desmodus rotundus (family Des- modontidae), and the phyllostomatid bats could not be differentiated, suggesting a closer relationship of the desmodontid to the phyllostomatid bats than is implied by cur- rent classification. The hemoglobins of the vespertilionid bats Myotis lucijugus and M. subulatus were identical but differed from the phyllostomatid and desmodontid bats by ir» + B + 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 3 Electrophoretic patterns of erythrocyte hemolysates at pH 8.6. Arrows indicate the baselines of sample application. A. 1, Lonchophylla robusta 2 (Colombia); 2, Sturnira lilium $ (Colombia); 3, S. lilium 2 (Colombia); 4, Artibeus cf. jamaicensis $ (Colombia); 5, Myotis subulatus $ (Ontario); 6, Human CA. B. 1, Phyllostomus hastatus $ (Venezuela); 2, Glossophaga soricina $ (Venezuela); 3, Carollia perspicillata S (Venezuela); 4, S. lilium S (Colombia); 5, A. lituratus 2 (Venezuela); 6, Human CA. 1, A. lituratus $ (Venezuela); 2, Desmodus rotundus 2 (Colombia); 3, Molossus molossus $ (Colombia); 4, Myotis luci- fugus S (Ontario); 5. M. molossus 2 (Colombia); 6, Human CA. a slower migration. A slow, almost isoelec- tric hemoglobin characterized the molossid bat Molossus molossus and distinguished it from bats of the families Phyllostomatidae, Desmodontidae and Vespertilionidae. Electropherograms were independent of sex and age, and there was no variation in the electrophoretic patterns of individuals of a species from the same or different localities. Electrophoretic properties of bat hemoglobin have limited taxonomic value at lower levels of organization but are useful in phylogenetic analysis. Resumen — Se comparan las hemoglobinas de 109 ejemplares correspondientes a 13 especies de quiropteros de Colombia, Vene- zuela y Canada por medio de electroforesis de poliacetato de celulosa. El fenotipo exhi- bido por todos los murcielagos es de una banda simple de hemoglobina. Los quirop- teros filostomatidos Phyllostomus discolor, P. hastatus (subfamilia Phyllostomatinae), Glossophaga soricina, Lonchophylla robusta (subfamilia Glossophaginae), Carollia pers- picillata (subfamilia Carolliinae), Sturnira lilium (subfamilia Sturnirinae), Artibeus phaeotis, A. cf. jamaicensis and A. litura- tus (subfamilia Stenoderminae) presentan morfos identicos de hemoglobinas. Los elec- troferogramas del vampiro, Desmodus rotun- dus (familia Desmodontidae), y de los filostomatidos no pueden diferenciarse, lo ciial sugiere un parentesco mas cercano entre los desmodontidos y filostomatidos de lo implicado en la clasificacion actual. Las hemoglobinas de los vespertilionidos Myotis lucijugus y M. subulatus son identicas pero difieren de las de los filostomatidos y de los desmodontidos por presentar migra- ciones mas lentas. Una hemoglobina lenta, casi isoelectrica, caracteriza al molosido Molossus molossus distinguiendolo de los filostomatidos, desmodontidos y vesperti- lionidos. Diferencias en sexo y edad no afectan los patrones de los electroferogramas. No existe variacion en los modelos electroforeticos de ejemplares de una especie ya sea de la misma o de diferentes localidades. Las pro- piedades electroforeticas de la hemoglobina quiropteriana tienen valor taxonomico limi- tado en niveles de organizacion bajos pero son de utilidad en analisis filogenetico. HUMAN CA HUMAN CS FAMILY PHYLLOSTOMATIDAE SUBFAMILY PHYLLOSTOMATINAE Phyllostomus discolor Phyllostomus hastatus SUBFAMILY GLOSSOPHAGINAE Glossophaga soricina Lonchophylla robusta SUBFAMILY CAROLLIINAE Carollia perspici llata SUBFAMILY STURNIRINAE Sturnira lilium SUBFAMILY STENODERMINAE Artibeus phaeotis Artibeus cf . jamaicensis II II Artibeus lituratus FAMILY DESMODONTIDAE Desmodus rotundus Figure 4 Intergeneric and interspecific comparison of hemo- globin morphs of bats. The circle represents the origin. FAMILY VESPERTILIONIDAE Myotis lucifugus Myotis subulatus FAMILY MOLOSSIDAE Molossus molossus I I I TABLE I Collection data for bat species examined in this study Age and Number of Species Sex Specimens Date Locality Phyllostomus discolor Adult 9 1 December 18, 1968 1 Young Adult cf 1 January 8, 1969 4 Adult cf 1 55 5 Pregnant 9 1 59 5 Fetus cf 1 59 5 Phyllostomus hastatus Adult cf 3 November 19, 1968 6 Adult 9 3 " 6 Glossophaga soricina Adult cf 4 November 18, 1968 7 Adult 9 1 " 7 Adult 9 1 December 18, 1968 1 Pregnant 9 1 January 8, 1969 4 Lonchophylla robusta Adult 9 1 95 4 Carollia perspicillata Adult cf 7 November 18, 1968 7 Young Adult cf 1 " 7 Adult 9 11 55 7 Young Adult 9 3 55 7 Adult cf 1 December 18, 1968 1 Young Adult cf 1 December 28, 1968 2 Adult cf 4 January 8, 1969 5 Pregnant 9 4 55 5 Adult 9 6 59 5 Sturnira lilium Adult cf 1 December 18, 1968 1 Adult 9 1 " 1 Artibeus phaeotis Adult cf 1 January 8, 1969 4 Artibeus cf. jamaicensis Adult cf 3 55 4 Pregnant 9 1 95 4 Lactating 9 2 95 4 Artibeus lituratus Adult cf 8 November 19, 1968 6 Adult 9 5 55 6 Adult cf 7 December 18, 1968 1 Pregnant 9 1 December 22, 1968 3 Adult cf 1 January 8, 1969 5 Desmodus rotundas Adult cf 3 December 26, 1968 5 Adult 9 2 " 5 Pregnant 9 2 99 5 Adult cf 2 99 5 Neonate cf 1 " 5 Myotis lucifugus Adult cf 4 December 7, 1968 8 Adult 9 1 " 8 Myotis subulatus Adult cf 1 " 8 Molossus molossus Adult cf 2 December 22, 1968 3 Adult 9 2 99 3 Lactating 9 1 " 3 KEY TO LOCALITIES Colombia 1. Cundinamarca : Mesitas del Colegio (1210 m). 2. " : Pacho (1859 m). 3. " : Villeta (804 m). 4. Tolima: Melgar (430 m). 5. : 9 km NW Melgar (approx. 430 m). Venezuela 6. Aragua: Portachuelo Pass, Rancho Grande (1100 m). 7. Lara: 7 km E Barquisimeto (566 m). Canada 8. Ontario : Hunt Mine, Renfrew Co. (approx. 90 m). TABLE II Grouping of species of bats by hemoglobin electropherograms.* Heterogeneous hemoglobins are designated by the subscript "1" for the anodal band and "2" for the cathodal band Origin Zone Pipistrellus subflavus^ Eptesicus fuscus^ Tadarida brasiliensis Molossus molossus Human Hb-C Myotis lucifugus My otis grisescens Myotis subulatus Pipistrellus subflavus\ Chilonycteris parnellii Human Hb-S Phyllostomus discolor Phyllostomus hastatus Glossophaga soricina Lonchophylla robusta Monophyllus redmani Carol! ia perspicillata Sturnira lilium Artibeus phaetois A rtibeus jamaicensis Artibeus cf. jamaicensis Artibeus lituratus Stenoderma rufum Erophylla bombifrons Desmodus rotundus Eptesicusfuscusi Human Hb-A *Data from Johnson and Wicks (1959), Mitchell (1966), Valdivieso et al. (1969) and this study. Published information from species whose hemoglobins were subjected to electrophoresis with reference hemoglobins other than human are not included in the table. 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All manuscripts considered for publication are subject to the scrutiny and editorial policies of the Life Sciences Editorial Board and to review by persons outside the Museum staff who are authorities in the particular field involved. price: 50tf ©The Royal Ontario Museum, 1969 100 Queen's Park, Toronto 181, Canada PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS 12 LIBRAE ROYAL OHTAmO M.<««