HERRI NG'BVSSE TRADE EXPRESSED IM SVNDRY Particulars, both for the building of ^«/?x, making of deepe Sea-Nets, and other appurte- nances, alfo the right curing of the Herring for Forrcine Vent. Tegethcr jv'tb , Sundry O.ders of the Netherlands , for the better Governement of the Royall Fifliing, as by the fol- lowing Treat ife doth raore at large appeare. All which hath bin perufed by the P a r l i a m e k t Committee j and is appointed to bee publiAied for the generall Direftion of the whole Kmgdomc. \VRITTE^^ By Simon Smith, Agent for t he ROYALL-FISHING. L O N D O Nj Printed by ^.P. for Tiicholas Bonrne ^ at the South entrance of the Royall Exchange. 16^1. HERRI NG'BVSSE TRADE EXPRESSED IM SVNDRY Particular.,bothfor the building of "Btt/?/, making of deepeSea-NeCs, and other appurte- nances, alio the right curing of the Herring for Forreine Vent. Together w'th , Sundry O.ders of the Netherlands , for the better Governement of the Royall Fifbin^, as by the fol- lovv'ing Treat ife doth raore at large appeare. All which hath bin perufed by the P a r l i a m e k t Committee 5 and is appointed to bee publiUied tor the generall Direftioa of the whole Kmgdonic. \VRITTE^^ By Simon Smith, Agent for the ROYALL-FISHING. L O N D O Nj Printed by ^.P. for Tiicholas Bonrne ^ at the South entrance of the Royall Exchange 16^1. TO THE HIGH AND MIGHTY MONARCH CHARLES. BYTHE GR and muft remaine and lye with the bad or^es : That alfo the Hei ring- taken, in fea i? naughtily falted, fevered and layd in barrels, ail witli great loflTe and damage of tha Merchants interelTed therein , and cjonfequently to the fpoyle of the Xrade of the generall Eiftiing for Herriags ., and of C 3 ' the i i The Herring-'^PtiJfe the great Fiftiings, being one of the principall meanes and happincfleof theie Countries , and the Inhabitants thereof; fo it is, that for the fpcedy prevention thereof, wc with the advice of the De- puties of the townes, who live by the faid Fifliing tor Herring, and great Fifliing, have ordeined and appointed that which hereafter enfueth. I. Prohibition. That no man (hall prefumefrora henceforwards to drefle or to make wet , any Nets , for to catch Herrings before 5,/(^fcw/ day, at Midfummer, but upon the fame day, and after that tillthe laft ofl^* nuary^ includedjCvery one may freely dreffe or make his Nets, and every Pilot fhall bee obliged at his arrivalI,to declare upon Oath, with two of his mar- riners, that be hath not dreffed or wrought with his faid Nets, before the faid day : and if any one fhall make any Nets wet before the faid time , fhall for- feit 200 Carolm Gilders, and the Herrings which he fhall have taken, or the value thereof. 2 Vnhibition. Vndcr the faid prohibition, are not comprehen- ded the Fifliermen and other, who goe to fea,to take Codfifli^ unto whom is granted to take Herring be- fore S. lohns day , for their owne baits andother- w^ife, or further not • and they are forbidden to gar- bifh or draw any Herring, before the 2 5 of I»«^> or to fait and put them in Pots , Barrels ^ or fmall Firkins, or to fell them at fea, ungarbiftied, faked or unfalted, or to bring them a shore.be it to divide, fell> TRAD B. 19 fell, turne over, or othenvife to diftribute them up- on like penalties, as hereabove faid, againftthe un- feafonable taking of Herrings, is fet dovvne. III. Alfo all fteeresmen, fhip Matters , and all others are forbidden by thefc prffents , that no manshalf prefume, having brought jfbme fresh or Pannier her- ring in thefe Countries 5 for to garbiiTi here the fame, to fait, and to put the fame in Barrels , for to betranfported, much leffe fold in thefe or other Lands, upon forfeit of the fame herring , and be- fidesupon penaltieto forfeit 3 Gilders,upon every Barrell, to yeeld one third part to the Officer , who shall execute it, one third part for the poore of the towne, where the fame hapneth, and one third pare for the Meflengen IV. No manfhall prefume in Sea , to deliver over, fell, or barter any Herring, ctherwife then unto thofe that are thereunto appointed or fuffered by tlieMagirtrates, in the Townesof the faid Traffick, of Holland 3nd fVefifriezland^ with the Steerfman ,&: at leaftwith 2 or 3 oftheir Marriners muft m ike to appcare by a printed bill, fcaled and fubfcribcd as is rchearled in the following Article, to declare the fame at their comining, according to the lixth Arti- cle of this Ordinance 5 ani if fo bee any man , o- therwife delivers over Herring, the fteereftini iliall forfeit the Herring fo delivered over, orthe value thxreof^andbefides^that apenattieof 300 Gilders to 20 The Berring-Bu^e to be paid out of the fteereman or Pilots ownc Goods, without thechargcof the owners y (o that the owners fhall hold and keep their regrefle to the ftceres-min, for to recover the value and damage of the Herring fo forfeited ; and moreover the Pilot fhallbeputoff from his fervice, or be held unfuf- ficient. (5) All thofe that defire to chafe at Sea, or to follow tfeeBuffbs, fhall require an aft of confent from the Magiftrates of the Fifliing Trade, in the places where they launch or put off, for to purfue the laid Trade of Fifhing, untill the 1 5 of lulyznA no lon- ger, which fhall be granted them under the Seale of the Fifhing, from whence they put off, by a printed bill fublcribed by the Secretary of the fame place , fo that he (hall firft promife under Oath, or by his Turth inftead of his Oath, to take over no pickled Herrings, but from the fliips of Holland and Weft^ friezeland^ and that they fhall bring atteftation from every fteerefman , of whom they carrie over Her- rixigs, figned by the faid fteeres-man, and Mafter by whom the herrings is delivered over, with two of his Marriners, comprehending the name of the Mr. where hee lyethjandhow the fhip is called, with the quantity of Herring fo taken over , and that the fame alfo after S. lohns day be taken, drawne, filted y and putup in Barrels in their (hips, upon forfei- ture of the Herring , or value thereof- which they rakeorcarryoverwithout the faid aft of confent, or othervvife then from the S :ips of the faid coun- triesjor alfo without tl:e like atteftation. Item that they Trade. ^l they (hall take over no frefh Herrings or panniers of Herrinss , then thofe that are taken after Saint Johns day atorefaid upon like penalty as before; and it is.interdided and forbidden all fteirfmen or Pilot for to fell or deliver over pickle Herrings unto any Chafers , after the 1 5 July aforefaid in fmall or great ^ upon forfeiture of the Herrings at the charge of the fteirfman , and the monies given for the fame at the charge of the buyer, without that any thereof fiiall fall to the charge of the owners. (O No Chafers , Steirefmen or Fifhers , {hall dare to bring Herrings any where elfe then in HoUand or WeftfreUeland^ in the places where they dry e Her- rings , or where they are wont to give certificate ofthetaking of Herring, upon forfeit of the Her- ring or the valevv thereof, and befides upon paine to pay 200 Gilders, and the (aid fteirfmen, fhall at their firft arrivall come and declare by oath ( or by the truth m ftead of oath) before the Magiftrates of the Towne and places where they arrive , with three of their Marnners , before they unlade any Her- rings outof their fhips, be it firft or laft Herrings, how much Herrings they have made over and to whom • and alfo that they have delivered over no Herrings to any body , laving unto fiich who have fliewcn them the lawfu Hade of confent , whereby the (aid Trafficke is granted unto them , and that the fame, as alfo all the Herrings , befides which they bring in was taken after Saint hhns day , and drawne and garbifhed in their fhips , falted and put I> ia zz The.B^rriYi%;Bu^e in barrels ; that alfo they have not wrought or made wet any Nets before Saint M/?/ day f likewife if they have not done any hurt to any in Sea , or have fuftred no hurt of nonej upon penalty to forfeit 4a Gilders by the Steirmen out of their proper goods. 7 Alfo no Inhabitant of H^'i'W and H^ejlfreiz>eUnd^ fhall feeketohave any part or portion in any fhips, or boats , which are fent out of the Countries of BoUandi and pyeftfretzeland , for to follow the Chafe or BufTes , upon penalty of 600 Gilders to forfeit upon every fhip or boat, and the complaint hereof may happen at all times 5 when the fame is or fhall be difcovered, without being prefcribed in leffer timethen 2oyeares. 8 The firft Herrings fhall not be fould for to fpend or confume withinthe Count rie, or be diftributed others then ftich as fhall be taken after Saint lohns day aforefaid, and at leaft, hath laine 10 dayes in the firft pickle, which being made.manifeft unto the choifeMafters inthe particular Cirties , they fhall put a round circle upon the barrels , betweenethe head- hoope and belly-hoope, upon forfeit of the Herrings (which fhall be put to fale to be fpent in thefe Countries ) or the valew thereof, if fo be the fame fhould chanct to be fold before the bringing in, to diftribute one third part to the Officer, ©ne 3 part to the poore, and one third part to the Mef- fenger. (9) AH Steirfmen.muft have a different marke there- with TRADE. 1$ withtomarkethe Herrings which they bring out of their {flips a fliore, or put overboard in any boats orfliips before they deliver it • and they mu ft put thefaidmarke upon the ftaple"or nic thereunto, upon forfeit of fix ftivers upon everj barrell which is not marked. (10) Tlie faid fteirfmm of the Citties or places where Herring jBuffes or other (hips fmall, or great living by the nChing for Herrings doe goe out and come in J {hall be bound to bring their names and marks wherewith they {hall marke their Herrings when it is brought a fhore or put overboard, to be regiflred in the Secretaries Office of the places where they de(ireto harbor , and marke them themfe Ives, after tbeyfhallbe arrived from the firft voyage, upon penalty of three pounds, of 40 groots by the {teerrf« man or Pilot who {hall take the Herring, and put it in barrels. All fleerefmen , fhall be alfo bound to doe their be{l endeavoured and diligence- that che faid Her- rings be laid even foure m length in his partitions from one bottome to the other , without cafting the Herrings with baskets into the barrels , and if any one be found to doe the contrary', the Pilot or Mafter of the Buflfc or other (hips fmall or great livingby fifhing for Herrings, fhall forfeit the Her- rings which is throwne into the barrels with pan- niers or gefpen , and thofe which are not laid 4 in length in their partitions, upon every barrell where the deceit lyeth two fliillings Flemmifh , and be D 2 cor- 24 T^^ Berring-Bufic cor^edled according to arbitrement ; and y< t be- fides the Merchant thereof to mend his lofle well, underftanding that the fteerefman may againe re* cover the forfeiture and lofle of the Merchant , by the fellow that lay d the Herring, who to that pur- pofe fhall bebound to fet his markc within thebar- rell 3 an hand broad below the bowle, and the arbi- trary CO rreftion fhill be dire(9:ed againft that fellow or Say lor who hath layd the Herrings , as farre as he hath done or committed a fault beyond the know* fcdge of the Pilot, Likewifc no man fhall colour , falfifie or change the Herring, normixethe old Herring under the new, much lefle to lay unfitting Net-herrings by the faire and good Herrings in barrels, upon'the for- feiture of the Herrings , and three Gilders upon every barrell, and befidcs that correftion of the Ma- gi ft rate. 03) Every fteerfman fhall be bound to caufe the Herring to be well divided, the well grownefrom tliethin , the row milfe Herrings?, and the refl, and each to be put in barrels by themfelves • likewife to marke the middle fort of Herrings taken after Saint hhns tide v/ith a knot upon the belly of the barrel], and the thin Herrings or fhotten , after Saint lohns- tide, with a knot betweene the third and belly hoa|>. (14) Alio each fteerefman fhall be bound before he fell his Herrings , to fay for what fort he will fell them, for foil and fweetjbrakifb, ' roe-ficke clcerc or TRAD B. or pure ware , and if it be found out bad in the de- livery 5 the fame fhall be parted feveraliy by the choice Mailers, who muft keepe a good Rcgifter of the entrie; that alfothe faid Iteerefman fhall be found to make out prefently all the fmall (lilted Herrings , and before that any be layd under decke, each with feverall marke 5 the Um^es Herrings with /. the female with r. the Bartholmews with5. and the Cruv Herrings with an X. upon penalty to for- feit 3 Gilders for every barrell unmarked, and every fteerefman with two ofhis Marriners muft declare at their arrivall in the Clarks Office, that they have marked the Herrings at fea in manner as aforefaid, and each a part before they were put under the hat- ches,' (15) The ftecrefraan fhall according to convenicncy of the Skoles and places of fi{hing,falt the Herring, as he fhall find to be fitting according to his difcre- tion , and advancement ofthe fifhing. Of the choife^ f aching^ and rajfing ofthe Herrings. That from henceforwards, the Herrings when they fhall be arrived from Sea, muft be prayfed atleaft within 3 weeks after that the fame (Tiall be fold or fent away into other places, without that the fame appraifed Herrings, only in regard of the fir ft fel* lers,fhall be fubjeft or lyable to'^any higher or more valuation in other Citties and places. (17) It is forbidden that no body may rayfe or pacfce D 3 any x6 T/;^ Herrini-Bttjfe any Herrings but in the Lords ftrcvt, or at the Keies j or in the places where the lame is wont to be done^ and that withdores open , where every one may goe out and m without hmderance at their pleafures, upon penalty that thofe that packe or rayfewith thedores ll^ut^or hinder any body of their entrance, fhall forfeit fi5C pounds of 40 groots the pound to thebehalfe of the Officer, fo often as itihallbe found to be done contrary hereunto. C18; And the choyfe Mafters fliall take good heed that nounpureBrakifh, Roe-ficke, want^pickle, milch- ficke 3 or other unfitting Herrings, be filled up, ray- fed or packed with pure Herrings , but men (hall rayfe and fill up the unpure with the like Herrings, upon penalty of three pounds of 40 groots , each to be forfeited upon every barrell , as well by the Merchant as alfb by the Packer , Rayfer, Cooper, and each of them feverally^ that are imployed about the packing of the faid Herring •, and for to effeft the fame fitly , there {hall be no Herrings hereafter packed or rayfed for to goe beyond the Seas , un- lefle that the Rate-maflers having beene called there- unto , shall have eftimated them, that no other but good ware be packed with good , and the unpure with the unpure , upon the penalty aforefaid, and that the deceit may the better be difcovered , the Mafter of the place where the Herrings shall be ray- fed or packed , muft put his marke without upon the barrels under the 2 uppermoft hoops , between the third hoope and the necke-hoope. Trade. 1.7 (IP) ^~^ All Coopers shall be bound in the rayfingofthe Herrings , for the fir ft to ray fe all bad and naughty barrels without therein to fceke their owne advan- tage, and in the packing from bottome to bo t to me, to take good barrels all at the pleafurc of the Mer^ chant -'or Rate-mafters , who are to looke therunto, upon penalty 5 that if the Coopers , Packers, or thofethat are found at the ray fing to be faulty there- in, foure groot Fleniing to be forfeited upon every bad or unfit barrell, and moreover to ray fe the fame againe , or new packe it in a new barrell without the charge of the Merchant. (2 0) Alfo the Coopers may not hoope any drycd or other rayfed Herring barrell, with halfe barrell hoops , nor alfo with greepe hoops before the mid- dle of March, but with godd whole barrell hoops. V21) They fhall bind no Herrings going over Sea with leffe then with 14 hoops , the va]u;:?tion remayning upon the binding of the hoops in their being good or bad, (21) Andbecaufe wecunderftand , that fomeperfons of thefe Countries for their fpeciall profit , in for- mer yeares have undertaken to packe divers Her- rings ir unfitting c.iske,as inSaln\on and other unfit barrels, to the great dammage and prejud ice of the common Trade ; Therefore We prohibite by thefe Prefents , that no body from hence forwards , fliill * dare to packe any Herrings in Salmon or other un-? fit barrels ^but onely in battels which fhall be m^de and. 2 8 The Herring-'^Buffe and dryed according to the Proclamation made and Ordinance publifhed for the making, rating and burning of the Herring barrels upon the forfeiture of the Herrings 3 and there befidcs ten Carolus Gil- ders upon each peece , either fmall or great to be beftowed to tlie Officetjthe Informer and the poore each a third part. As alfo it is forbidden , that no Packers, Coo- pers and Wharfemen of thefe Countries, (hall dare to packc any herrings in Salmon or other unfit bar- rels , upon penalty of being prefcntly put out of their places. For the Sah. C24) No body fhall put any Spanifh faltjOrPortugall fait in cliefts, fellers or barrels, before that the fame lliallbe vifitedand appraifed by the Rate-mafters thereto appointed , upon the penalty to forfeit 2 5 Gilders upon each hundreds. 05) That no fteerefman or others from hencefor- vvards, m:iy carry any fait to Sea in their ftiips for to fait herrings therevvitb,but Spanifh or Pottugall fait, which muft be viewed by the Ratemafters againe before they may take in the fame into their lliips as before 5 and muft alfo ftrikeopcn all barrels thetof not being full, rayfe them and fet their ufuall marke thereupon, upon penaltie that the fteerefman that fhall be found to have falted herrings with fait nothavinsbeenethefecond time viewed as before, fh^J Trade. zt^ (hall forfct 3 5 Gilders , and the fteerefman in the Certificatof the Herrings muftalfo declare, that their caught Herrings is (alted with good appcaifed Spanillibr Portugal fAt before that the fame Her ^ ring fhall be fold or ray fed. (26) The fteerefman fhall be bound, upon the com- mand of the Rate-mafters to beate open by his Mi^r- riners , and to fhut againe the barrels oi fait , and the Rate-mafters that for their apprayfementand vifiting of each barrelloffalr, at each rime have a Doite , to be payed the firft rime of the appraife- ment by the Seller, and the fecond time by the Buyer. In cafe of the rating of the (a id fait, any deceit were found to be done in the Cafes or fellers, the ven- der thereof, fhall forfeit looCdrolw Gilders, all which faid 3'penalties orforfeiturs fhall beapplyed, one third part to the Officer who fhall execute it, the^fecond third part 3 to the Fifhmgs, and thelalt part ro the poore. * (28) That no body from henceforwards fliall dare to fait the Herring with any French fait, either SeuBer/^ Olderdoms^ Btiocue^ Saint Martin , Brouage , Streight^ Weft-India^ and the He of Aiaie fait, upon forfeiture of the Herrings that fhall be pickled or faked there- with. All the penalties and forfeitures, which by thefe and the former Articles have been appointed againft E " the 3 o T^he Berring-Bupt the fteerefman , they mult be paid out of his o\vne ■ goods , without that he bring; the lame in whole Or m part to thcahargeof thelhip or owners, (30) The fteerefman going for Herrings, fhall be bound to fait the pure Herrings caught after Saint lamestydiQ^ Bartho/mew tyde or Crw.v tyde, whereof men defire to packe , circle, or burnt with fmall fait boy Id of fait , according to the Contrad therefore made vvirla thofe of Cui^tfj. No body fhill receive any white or fmall fait, but by a due Certificat from the place where the fame fait is made , upon forfeiture of the fait , whereof the fliip-mafter 5 who brings the fame fait from the faid place, where it is mide , that the fame fait is not altered , or to their knowledge diminifhed, fince that time they have taken or received it into their fhips^ but that the fame is left in, being accor- ding to the Contents ofthc Certificate,upon forfei- ture of the Salt^ in cafetheShip-maftcr is owner thereof 5 and in cafe not upon forfeiture of the va- Jew thereof, to be recovered of his perfon, fhip,'and goods, and that he moreover fh) 11 be punifhedfor perjury, all more largely fpecified and declared in I he Order formerly mde with the Deputies of Cuffen^ which by thefe Prefents is not altered or di- miniflied, but approved.] (32) That men fhall carry out no other pickled Her- rings into France^ nor any parts of Flanders and fur- ther out weflvvard , but the great Roan Brandt Her- rings ^'->TRA D Z. 31 rings caucrht and packccj after Crux-tydc ; Item^ that "'tt\€h dial not carry thither^nor to Breamen^Hamifurghy ^^ulienztiA mlier Citties or places , Herring (alted Vfftii C<^tk\(i\t and packed fiom bottometo bot- ^bni^5^^ WeM tvllefoltasxhe fhotten Herrings for to be fold for foure, or refufe all and every point, upon forfeiture of the Herrings^, or the valevv thereof, !ah3lctb€t5e:befides to forfeit upon every barrell <^Ci3- din/W ^Jttd'ef^i and correction from the Sherifs to &e QtppIJtd.theGnbthifrd part to thelnformer or Infor- -nrers jH^hetlier the fame be Marriners or other perfons^ ^pnethird part for the Orficerjand one third part for ihe pobre to be executed , when the fame (hall hap- pmtobe knotvne, akhoiighthat it were aftef the expiration of fome yeares thereafter. 03) Prohibiting alfo expreflely by thefe Prefents , that no Packers , Coopers and vvharfmen of thofe . Countries 5 ihali dare to packe any courfe falted Herrings 5 either full or Ihotten , from bottome to bottome , upon penalty not onely to be put fr^m theirplace,butaifo declared uncapablc, and fur- ther not^to be admitted or iot io be imployed againe in any City orothei: particular fervices. (34) ;;-.-^^ That no body may burneariy ftiarke upon the Herring barrels 3 but every one may fcrape his marke thereupon wkh the matke itdn, upon penal- ty as aforefaid, befidesthe great and Imall burnt marke , which is fent to Hdmburgh or elfevvhere3 upon which the name or marke of the Seller 3 tp- 'gethcr with the nunib^r ofthe ycare (hall be burnt, E ' 2 35 The Herring-Bu^e (55) -..-r.-' t-::-:.-'i^:ii That no Herring barrels which havebeene once fcntout of the Countrie, with raifed or packed Herrings , may be carryed to Sea againCi for ;Her- ringsto be laden therein > upon forfeiture ofc flie fame Herrings. ^ -'■■^ (3 6) ■ And for the better preferving and keeping of the fajd Trade of Fifhing and Herri^ ypyage In thefe Countries , it is proliibited and forbidden, t|i^ no Mafter land , or any forreine Herrings fhall be wa- ihed, harboured , new packed or otherwife made up here in the Countries , but men fliall onely txanf- port them made up in barrels , in (uchmanneras they arc brought into thefe Countries upon penal- tic of the forfeiture of rke fame. (37) All penalties and forfeitures ^ whereof hereto- fore there hath bcene no application made fhall, come one third part to the Intorm^er or Informers, \'i4hethcr the fame be Marriners or others perfon^, one third part to the Officer who ftiall eKec«t^ the fame, and one third part to the pOQip. 'i (38; )viiD '. And that the faid Herring Voyage and Trade thereof, and this Ordinance may be fully in all good order maintained and ob{erved,tlae ftecrifman fliall be bound each to have fuch an order with him , and to take it with him to Sea , to th3iead they may not pretend any ignorance. 3 9 The Officers may not compound for any of the faid TRAD B. 3J faid trefpartes or contraventions , without the ex- prcffe confent and picfence of the Burrow-maftcrs of the places, and fuch conipofitions madewithout their confent , fhall be held for voyd , and of no va- levv. Andalfo that notvvithftanding the faidBur- row-raafters and pay-ntiaftcrs and others thereunto by themauthorized^may purfueand execute the faid mulds upon the delinquents, and apply the fhare of the Aid officer far the benefit of the Gitty^ 5tv)>i^ ^ C40) , .... And the Deputies of the Cities, living by the laid Herring voyage and great filliing , may at all cimes conceive and make fuch Orders &: Racements as they in future times, for the welfare of the (aid Trade and commerce thereof fliall find to appertained And becau fe we are well and certainely informed^ that all the faid points doe tend to the prefervaricn and amendment of the faid Trade, therefor em doe ordame all and every one whom tte fame may con- cerne , pundually to governe themfelves according to the Contents hereof, upon the penalties and for- feitures fet downe in each Article which we doe un- derftand well, a)nd ordaine (hallbe ftriftly executed againft all delinquents, and to the end no body may pretend ignorance thereof; We doe command and authorize the firft Mcffenger for the Court of flol- land hereupon required , to publifh the Contents ofthefe Prefents, every-where within the Citties and places of Holland and W^fifret^^lar^d where ^he fame fhall b^ necdfulUr 3, Dovm in thtjitg^i ' " E 3 under j^ The Herrini-Bup under theufuall Scale of the States of Holland^h&tt- upon imprinted in ttianner of a Proclamation , re4 viewed and decreed oiv^he Ullof Apriil, i6} 2. ; ' B) Order of thi States J h c)lls baA ^/rjl ... ' • ^^'^-^^ Placaert , Of&rdefs abiut E^irfntri' ^'^ MM about hiring them^ ^c. Tbe States of the Countries of Holland , and fVe^frieutanA^xmto ali thofe (hai'ITee'tHefe^jfirtfents^ or heare> or read them gr<^eting. VVllERfe AS, through the length and alteration of the times, ma^ ny faults and mifdemeanours are happened in the hiring of Marriners, hiring themfelves for the her- ring nfliing Voyage, ^ndthar it is needful] tp pfo; Vide therein by ali due meanes and remedies, that the complaints 01 the Steerefmen , and common ovv- ners ; therefore fo it is, that wee at the requeftoiF the Committees of the Cities, getting their living by the fame Herring Voyage, and Filing , have or- deined and eftablifhedj doe ordeinc and eftablifh by thefe Prefents, the Points and Articles follow- ing. ■' That all perfon* from henceforth , hirirfg tSeni- {elves with Steerefmen , for the Herring Voyage - fhall be bound to performe their worke andtcrvice, fo as the Steercfman lliall cotomahd tfiem wirhout, to dispart from it, withoUt'the^xprelTe^tonfenr '8t :j,^:>i ^ will Trade. 35 will of the Steereman, upon penaltie that the ftcer- man may rebate the farae Marriner for eacfe quarter of the day, five Stivers 3 for halfe a day ten Stivers^ and for a whole day twenty Stivers, and that on the firft quarter of an houre that bee fhali come after that he fnall have tarried from his vvorkcj and in cafe the matter be brought in Court, then the mar- riner fhall forfeit to the Officers , three Carolus Gilders. II. And if anybody hire him/elfe to a Steerefman for any worke, either for packing, cicanfing, hoop- ing, building, or other fhip-workes, or doe not do the fame, or could not doe it, or that any body be- ing at fea, overcharge himfelfe with drinke^the fteer-- mancommingfrom fea, maydifcharge him, and abate him the hxth penny of his wages agreed for, III. That the Mariners having hired themfelves unto- a fteerefman, and aftervVards hiring themfelves a- gaine to another fteerefman, rnill forfeit therefore the penaltie of ten Gilders, and naore, the A rbitra- ry of the Sheriffes and fteerefman, knowing ttie fame, and fuch hired Mariners iTiall forfeit the like ten Gilders : and in cafe the fteerfman were admo- nidied thereof by a Meffl^nger, and notwithftanding went yet to fea with the fame mariner, hce fhall for- feit for each Mariner, whereof he hath bin warned , twenty Gilders, the one halfe to be to the Officer of the place, who ll\all take notice thereof, and the other halfe for the poore ; and for to prevent the fame. The Berrmg-^Bup fame, the ftcerfraan fhall be bound before he accept of them, to demmd of the mariners^jif they are not hired with any body elfe, before he hire them • and alfo nootherfteerefmankno.ving it 5 or afterwards being warned thereof^ and leaving his firft ftcerman, may have them, and go.e to fea with them, each alfo upon the lilce penaltie ; and the firft fteereman with whom the bargaine is made, (h ill have his free will and choice,whether he will carry fuch an untrue ma- riner in his ftiip, for the firft hire agreed upon or no, and if fo be the fteerman doe not defire to have him, he fhall not bee bound to give him the fame hire or wages remaining, neverthele(!e the mariner that hireth himfelfe the fecond or third time fallen into the penalties, and to be corre^fledas aforefaid, and that out of their own goods, and the Mariners having hired themfelves for to goe with any fteere- man for Herring, and abufing the fteereman flialbe bound to ftand to the firft fentence of the court of the place where they have hired themfelves, for to goe from thence, without they may decline or ap- peale to the places where they are dwelling; and that to I hat end, it shall be enough, that their perfons , where they fhall be found, or at their laft dwelling place, notice left, or fummons be done , with inti. mation, that whether they appearc or not, that ju- dicc iTiall bedonfeto the fteerclman, and the Officer from the place that t hey have hired themfelves to go from, by the Sheriffes or Judges of the fame places whence they were hired, upon the. contents of the Article of the fame Proclamation • and in cafe ilicy be there condemned by the Judge, either ap- pearing Trade, 37 pearing in Court, orby contempt up3n fuch a fcntence obteyned, there fhall be gnmted rigorous letters of exe- cution, for to be executed by the Meffenger alone , or if the fame were judged by the Court of Holland : Notwith- ftanding^any oppofition or appeale, and without preju- dice thereof. IV. That a Steerefman lying ready for to goe to Sea , The Marriners iliallbc bound to come a iTiipboard at the time and houre appointed them by the fteercirnan , and if any body come not on fhipboard and the ftecrefmjn went to fayle free, fball forfeita penalty of fix pounds to the Offi- cer,and there befide be corredcd at tlie cenfure of the She- riffes. V. That all Marriners and hirelings commin^ from Sea, at each voyage fhall receive their hire, on condition, that the fteerefman or Book-keper, (hall keep in foureteene dayes hire of every voyage, wherewith they fhall be con- tented, and without murmuring iTiall goe to Sea againe, upon forfeiture of the mony that fhall be dew to them fromthe fteerefman, to the profit of the (hip, and fi^C^- rolm Gilders more to the profit of the Officer , and if hee ftrike the owner or fteerefman , hee fliall be correfted at the cenfure of the Sheriffcs, provided that when he is gone to (ea a^aine with his fteerefman with whom hj firft hyre <-* himfelfe, that the fame fteerefman or Book keper, muft prefently pay the detained mony unto whom it fliall pleafe them. V I. In cafe that the fteerefman come in through any want, of bad fortune, warre, leakage of fhips, or any other lofTc ofTackell , and for that orbther caufesto continew fur- ther his Trade , it (hall fuffice m paying the Marriner% according to the courfe of the time till Saint Lucies day, the tbirteenthof December, provided,that if the fteerefman F thinkc P The Berrtng'Bu^e thinke fitting to ftay longer at fea for to Trade , the Mar- riners fhall lervethe fteerefinan fo long as bethinks good^ on conditions , that they fhall be payed thereforeaccor- ding to the courfe of the time for their hyre , fo as here- after is declared in the feventh Article , but if the fteereP man depart out of his Trade on Saint Lucies day, and tarry longer by the way , through bad weather and wind, in fuchacafc he fhall piy the Marriners no more then untillthat day, and all the Mirriners when they arrive, fhall be bound to helpe to cut them off all, upon penaltie for unwilling Marriners their whole hyre, and alfocor* rcftion at the cenfiire of the Sheriffes , and in cafe the fteerefman cut off withm the fifhing tin:ie, and the owners find it not good that he fhould goe to Sea againe , aad in paying the Marriners more then for the courfe of the time, the owners may recover of the fteerefman or of the Book-keeper , andmuftbe payed out of his owne goods upon the penaltie of one hundred Gilders , the one halfe for the Officer, one fourth part for the Informer, and the remaining fourth part, forthcpoDrcat the place where they {hall be recovered. VII. And in cafe any fteerefman lofe his fiiip by ill for- tune of the fea or of the fands, he fhall be bound to pay the hyrelings according to the tinr>e that they have gone with him, in cafe fo much goods be laved , that befides the (a^ Jary forthefaving of them , the hyre fhall be payed ac- cording to tlie courfe of the time of the fame gooas, viz. that all the weckes for the filhing fhall be reckoned from Lammas day to Saint LucpssAzy , thofe eight weekes for #velve 5 bur in cafe tlie fbip and goods fhall be takenor .ranfomcd by the enemie or Pyrats, the hyre of the Marri- sers or hyrelings (hallftand atttedifirretion and mode- ration TRADE. |9 ration of neutrall fteerefmcn , or finally of the Judge whence fuch a fhip went forth according to thequalitjf ofthcbufinefle. VIII. Thatnobody may caufeany Herring, either frefti or other to be carrycd out of the fhip upon forfeiture of twenty ftivers , for the benefit of the Officer, and to^re- ftore the Herring to the fteercfman 5 the correftion at the ccnfure of the Sheriftes , iinleffe the fame happened with theconfent and knowledge of the fteerefman. . IX. That none fliill fend or carry any Beere out of the fhip, nor alfocallany body from without mto the fhip , upon the faid penalty of twenty ftivers ^ and confutable corre- dion as before. X. What Marriners or Mate have received mony or Her- rings of the fteerefman , and runne away therewith, fhall be bound to reftore to the fteerefman the monies or Her- rings received , and befides , fhall forfeit a penalty of twenty Carolus Gilders, onethirdpart fortheb«efitof the Officer, the other third part, to thebehoofeof the fhips, and yet fuffer the Arbitrary correftion of the Sheriffes. XI. WIk) (hall be hurt or fhot in the fhips worke, in warre by the occafion thereof , to him fhall be payd the Chirur- gions hyre without any more , out of the common (hip, without to be bound for his dyet , and if hee retaine any maime, the (hip or owners fhall not be lyabltf therefore,, but he (hall receive his full wages for the voyage wherein the fame happened* XIL That thofe that hyre themfelvcs in time of warres for to goe {at Herring and will not fight when it fhall be F 2 needfuil 40 The Berring^Bupe needfull , that they fhall punilTied be at the difcretion of the Judge whence the fhip went forth* 'Xllf. The ftcerefman fliall orely pay thefc Marriners , fhip- boyesand hyrehngs , which they have hyred or fhall hyre withmony^ without to promife them any Herring fifh, Mickerell, basket Herring , Beere , Bread , or any other wares or Merchandizes , howfoever the fame may be na- medj but they may grant them onely, but every voyage he shalldoe one firkin of Herring without any more, which shall be delivered unto them out of the fhips Herrings with the knowledge of the Book-keeper or head owners, without that they may caft out any Herrings , or deliver any wood which shall belong to the owners , upon for- feirureof the fame wood, and "itheboyes shall haveone fir- kin of Herrings in the vvhole Fishings by them to be re^ ceivedupon fuch a voyage, as they shall require it , but the Marriners and other hyrelings muft receive the fame atevcry voyage on forfeiture ^thereof , and the fteerefman or Book-keeper domg the contrary hereunto, fliallout of theij owne goods , forfeit fifty Carolm Gilders for every Marriner^hyreling or boy.to whom they fhall have piomifcd more Herring fifh/or other wares, tobebe- ftovved the one halfe to the Officer, who iliall put in exe- cution 5 and tho'ther halfe to the behoofe of the poore^ and the Informers halfe in halfe. XIV. All which faid firkcns of herrings muft be togetheFnaf' led up in ore day before Sun- fet,wu hour that they may;be opened againe for to packe them or raife them upon'for- feiiure of the fame Herring, and bcfides a penalty of fixe Carolm Gilders, to thebehoofeof the Officer, Jand corre- dionfrom the Sheriftes, to be forfeited as well by the ileercfman as by tlie Mate out of their owne goods. XV. TRAD E. 4« XV. That no flcerfnien,lhip boyes,Mafriners or others with- in the niip bord, may caft or pick out any herrings whf n as they are at fea, for fpoy ling of the Oiip hcrnngs, but to take them as they rife halfe barrels and firkcns,onely they are to caft out the fhotten , peie herrings , broken orbrmjed ^^^^ ^^ ^^ herrinvs.hut takethcbcft fort as they cometo hand , but ,^^j, ,„ not to pick or cull them out, upon forfeiture of the Her- ih o.thci, rinss, and fix Gilders our of their owne goods, as vvel! by ^^^ thefteeremmasbytheMate^but all halte butter barrels wok^ go and firkens which .hall be eaten up within a niipbord,ani 'iiciiM^. not any more, (hall be filled with fiib or herring for the ships ule. XVI. J 1 r • II, Therefore fo it ^,That we having foconfidcredthe laid bu. fines, have foundgoodandapprovedallandevery of the faid points and Articles, as being needfuU for the furthe- rance andprefervationofthefaid Herring voyage and Fi- shing, and there fore by our open Letters of mcUmatm^ sharply commanded and ordained, doe command and or- dainc by thefe Prefents, that the fame shall be every where kept and obfi rvcd in its points, upon the penalty therein comprized, & to t!^e end, nobody may pretend ignorance thereof, m doe co".nnnim6imt)^onicxhe. firft; MeUenger of the Court oiWoOand , being hereunto required to pro- claimcthe Contents hereof ; and y. artly on the firit ot March, every where to renew it within the Cities and pii- ccso{HoffandSciVeftfreizeUnd,'^'hQre itshallbe neeJluil. Vo»ne in the lU(^e, under the ufuall Sealc of the States ot Holland , hereunder imprinted in mannerof aDecree, by the common confent of the faid States ot Hoff^nd & ivejt. fr«afAiW,thc twelfth of May i634- , . „r • t r Bjthe order of (he States of RoMni a"i V\ eftfreizeland ^''^^"'^"^' rand.fH^o!fe, ^ p* Vmtamatim . 4 z The Herring-Btijfe Proclamation and Order ferving fer the fecurvig of the Her* ring f^ojageof Holland, afid Weftfriezland. The Knights, Gentlemen, and Cities of Holland^ and lf^eftfriez»eland^ reprefenting the States of the fame Coun- tries , doe make knowne : WHEREAS certainc points of/Orders have bin fliewrcd us^'by the Deputies for the great Fifiimg of the faid countries, conceived by him by orJe( from their principals , for the more (ecurity of the (hips, which from henceforward fliall depart out of the(e Countries to fea, for the forefaid Trade : and it is required by the fame Deputy, concerning the great Fifli- ing, that we would find good, and agree to the fame points and eftablilh them by a Proclamation, and Ordinance that the fame may be publifhed every where, within the /aid Countries where it fhall bee needfull, that e^ery one may governe himfelfe thereafter : (o it is, that wc having cond dered the importance and neceflity of the matter, and ef- pecially the oportunity of the time in the conjunireSims for the luUding of a Herring B r S S E. H E length of the B.uffe. y from Sremmeto Serne muft bee (evenry five Foot. That is to fay, 4 5 Foot the length of the kecle , which muft be, viz. : 1 8 Inches deepe^the fore part of the Keele, 12 -Inches deepe, the after pirt of the Kecle. 14 Inches the breadth of the Keelc. 3 Foot the Stem or Rake, which mnft,beev^^. '■ 5 Foot Crooked J V^^ ' 20 Inches broad the fore ftem. 7 Foot the fterne Pofte rauft fall backward^ 75 A3 rhe TheHerring-BUjJe ThcSternc-poftmuftbe 20 Feetj and crooked in tlieinfidc i^ inches^ Square in the afterfidcj and' 7 Inches thicke. The fore Stem muft fall in length for/vards 2 3 Foot, 7 foot deepe begets 1 6 foot and a halfe broad in the Mid-fhip, within the Tymbers. 10 Foot deepe from the keele, t(?the uppermoft Decke. 4 Foot 3 Inches the lower deck frotn the keele , wherein are 10 double roomes, befides the Net roomesfor ftoage. 5 Foot 9 Inches betweene the Decks. The ioagc will be for 4 1 2 Barrels. T/X Barrels. Foure double roomcs before the Cabbins will hold 1 1 8 2 Double roomes in the laftidge, where the Net$ are haildm -^ ' = -^—024 2 Double roomes before the Cabbins — — -044 - 1 fmgle roome after the Net roome!will hold"0 2 8 I fingle roome under the Cabbin^wili hold — o 1 6 And under the Gabbins^whf re the men lye — 072 And betwixt the Cabbins^in the fore ftem 100 412 'Which 4 r 2 Barrels, reckoning 1 2 Barrels to the Laft, produceth 34 Lafts and foure Barrels. Th« Trade. The charge of the [aid Bujfe. 1. s. d. The Hull will coft for Tymbcr and Workman- ftiip — — — ««afc» — 300-0-0. The Marts, Yards, &c. • 008^0-0. The Iron-workc, and Anchors- — --o^O'O'O, The Standing rigging and other ropes — oi7-o'o. . Thcthree CableSjVvhichniuftbeof ioo> Fathoms a piecc^ about, 8 Inches, weigh-So ^0.0.0. ing 13 C. a piece, of onefiezc 3 The fayles and ropes thereuttto belong- ing — "^ ^- 032.0.0. The Blocks and PumpeSj&:c. ' — 00^.0.0. The Anchor Stocks- oo2,o.o< The Boatc and Cares — -i- "OoS.o.'" The Pricklayer and Painter, — 002.10.0 The Flags and Ancient — - — --^ — ~ — 003*00.0 . ThcCoiupaflc Maker — ■- -00 1. 10. a ^ 500. oo.oo* — .- -^ — li, s. d* '■'T^tMIiis»1,;3QjC!(. 00. 00. jbe charge of the ^6 Nets^ trhichthefiid Bu/e dothufe at thefetting'iout, 4.Deepingsof7oMairesapiece3makes^Ii. s, d» aNer,whereof 2 coft 16 s. a piecc,and 2Q coft lo.s. a pieccjwhich togetl:er is 5 2.s.r ^''■^•^^•^ for a Net, io the 5 6 Nets amounts to-- j For r R A D E . //. s. d. For Twine Making vvillcoft 2 s. a Net -005.12.0 For Norfels at 8 d. a Ket ,' being i jo have aRope. Fot 8 Way -Ropes^weighing, 3 C.2.q. a Rope, at 30 s. fer centX- — 042.00.0, For 7 Coyles of i \ (nchesjvvillbc") 1 C. a Coyle^ which is 7 C. at 28 s. I ^ per cent, being forScyfonsj the Coyle ; conreining ^4 Fathoms, and each fey- ( oop,i(f.o. fon muft have ^ Fathonis^which corns I to — J For 14 Coy Is of 54 Fathoms, a piece^a The Net- to make 56 Net-Ropes , weighing 1 0 C.S014. 14.0. Rope being i(? 2 qu. at 2^ S. fCf ccnt. — J l^^tZ;\t F^^ ^ Coyle of I G. weight to make will make 4 BowlcflrapS . OO 1. 08.O. Net-Ropes. For ^oBo'^lesat 15 d. a piece is oo5.i5,o. For 6 hundred weight of Cotkc at 1 8 s. per ce?it/i$ 005.08.0. For 50 i. of Marline to fafterfthe corks at 4 pence p^r pound ooo.i<^.8. For 80 li.of fpunne Yarncjto favethep Bowleftraps from wearing out, at 18, s.Sooo.13.4. per Cen ^.**> — .3 For tl:ie Tanning and Beetfters worke5& petrie charges at z (hillings per Net, is— 00 5 . 1 2 .0. 237.04.4. The whole charge of the 56 ^ecs amounts unto 2 37 li. 4 s. 4 d. fi^hich breakethout 4. li» J./^r every Net. The Trade. The Confumftive Charge in the tm moneihsFilhing^ lo WeyesofSpanifti Salt is 400 Buflielsjwatcr meafure, which will make 470 Barrels of Herring , ^^.k. reckoning 6 Bufhvlstomake 7 Barrels of Herrings which doth colt with charges 4 //.the vvey //. s/d, is — : ^40 ,00,0 . 35 Lafts of Herring Cask, at 22 s.the laft-3o7o.oo.o. ^/'^^'''f^^''' IS for 5 6 Nets ^ and noc 47o> The weare and teare of the Buflfe at i o ^^ i» menao- //.a moneth' — ..^-».,« OZO-OO-O- cuJaceof the The whole charge that isconfuraed, is--255-i4-o. rakisbecauie So the fum of this 2 months imployment will be piu^irgTven The Net-Sales made of the 400 barrels m tor waite.io i^^ . — 400.00.0. ";^^j;:f -^^^^ Deduft the charge abovefaid 2 5 5, 14.0. oai,'cdn.. ^ Reraaincth deer gains m 2 moneths- •144,0^. o. the a mm^.v' B The^^"^"' The Herrin^-Enje The times and places of the Herring Fijbings. To get unto the coaft of shetetand by the begin. Craachcad. "'"§ ^^ -^^^^^ ^"^^^ ^'^^ Herring do nfQ about Cr^»f- Head^ which is the headland or outmoft part of 5r4. m Sownde, within two leagues, fon:\etimcs more, where the Herrings doe abide about 14 dayes. Farric Island. Fromtheuceto ^arry Iflandj which is within 7 leagues to the Southward oi Shetelandy where the Herringcontinues wcekes round about thacF^rri Ifland. ^ vu^n n.^. , From thence to Bu^i;^ Neffe , hcmg about 30 E«fF.n Dc(^ps, j^^g^^^ ^^ ^j^^. Soyth.^ard of F^ff) Hand, the Fifli- ing place called 5«j^;i Deepes, and is 20 Leagues to the Northward of the Frythe where the Herring abide chivetDeeps about 14 dayes^and 14 dayes more in the tifhing grounds under Chivet hils, and Chivet Chafe. Thence they follow them to the I>oggerhAnch ^ n h n 1, ^^^^^ ^^^y ^^y iometimes a Moneth,and fometimes uoggeroan^. ^ yveckes, and then about the beginning of sevtemb. they come into the Tarmouth feas , where they conti- nue untill the middle of ^ovemb^and from thence they fall to the fouthward, being followed with fmal Fifherboats, but dangerous for the Bufles to follow them. Lewes Loughs There isalfogoodFifhinginthc Longhes, atthe Ijland of the Leires, very commodious and profita^ ble to thofe inhabitants, but not fo for the Bufe/ nc of Man. ^'^^^^^^ '^'9 ^^^^ of Ilc of Man , is great app^a^ ranee of Hcrring,which is moft proper for thofeof Leverpoole, but unprofitable for Buffes to bee fcnt trom other farre remote ports. Trade. 7 7he fever aU fins of wrrings^and times ef facking them. There are barrels of Herrings called Sea-fticks» And there are barrels called repacked Herrings/ The fea- fticks are all the Fifhing feafon astliey Seamck. conrx from fea, which containe betvveene 5 and 6 c. Herring as they fhall rife in bignefle^ which being repaft on fhore, 17 Barrels will make but 1 2 repad Barrels, for the manner is to take out the Herring, wafhing themin their owne pick'e, ^nd fo lay them orderly in a frefli Barrcll, whicli have no fait put to them, but trodden downe asclofe as may be, and fo headed up. The fummer Herring which are taken from lune^ Summer Ut> to the 1 5 of /«/), are fold away in fcafticks , to bee ""&'♦ fpent prelently in regard of their fatnefle , and will not indurc repacking, andfogoe on with another fall and fhotten ;but the repaft Herrings are forted, the fall Herrings by themfelves packed^ and the {hot- Full andshos- ten and fick Herring in Barrels by themfelves , mar- ^*^' king the parrels diftindly . There are alfo a fort of Herrings called Crux- Herrings, beginning the 14 of Seftemb. being tlic cmx HeT« day noted exaL Crucis^thtk Herrings are made with ""S** fait upon fait, and are carefully forted out ( all full Herring) and ufcd in the repacking, as before men- tioned , and can pack but ten Barrels a day. The Corved Herrings , which are to make red ^^^^^ ^"^^ Herrings, are thofe that are taken in the Tarmouth ^ feas, provided that they can bee carried on fhore B 2 within TheHerring-BttjJe within 2 or 3 dayes after they be taken , otherwife they muft be pickled. The Corved Herrings arenever gippedbut rowed Corycd Her- j^^ ^^j^.^ f^j, j-j^^ batdT prefervation of them, till they ''"^ ' can be brought a fliore, and if any be prcferved ifor to make Red-herrings , they arevvafhedout of the pickle before they be hanged up in the Red-herring houfes, ObfervAtions in the Filings at Sea. In the evening they caft out their Nets , and fo drive all night ^ and in the morning they get them in againe 5 and gip, fait and packe all the Herrings be* fore they (et on the kettle. ^ -And if fo be they get not Herring^?, then they fay le up and dovvne all that day 5 untill they find a hope- ful! place to take Herrings and at thebreakeofday hale in their Nets. All the day the BufTe rides by the anchor whilft the Nets are aboard , and if foule weather, then doe they put out all their Cables ^'at length, and fo pro- cure the Bufles eafier riding and more {^kty. The dijj^ofaffofthe men and youths in the laying out of their Nets^ and haling them in againe, Firft one Net is caft overboord^ andfo the Bufle driving away, the one drawes the reft after it, and when as all the 5 6 Nets are out , the Bufle rides by the Way-rope, every Net hath one rope called a Seyzon whereby it hangs on the Way-rope, which lets downc the Net 8 fathomes decpe into the Sea • to every Seizon belongs a Buye , which is faftne-d to TRADE. to the Way-rope , and 4 whole Herring Barrels to the whole Fleet of Nets, whereby the better to find Thrpicm- out the Nets, in cafe they fhould be broken off and mma is fo loftat any time through ftormes , or by accident ^^^'^/J(^^^^^^^^^ With fome fliips rudders commmgover, may break ihip to go ouc them. ^ o defbe%kv/ed The imfkyment of the Men in their Offices, whef$ byTworn men, the Nets are to be haled up, that their Thereis^menattheCapften, then the firft Sey- ;,"f,'k^^^^^^ zon, comming in the hawfe way, i Man doth ftand Ropes. there and loo len it from the way-rope, and hee gives it to another man that brings the Net there- with to the laft way, where they 6ale in the Net, and there are two M n ftanding that pull in the Net , then there are three men more that tbake the Her- ringsout of the Nets into the well, and i Man takes the Net from them and ftowes it. There is one man with a chop-^icke, catching Cods for the Kettle, and the Ma^er he ftands in the chaide waels with the Ladnet, to favethe Herrings that drop out of the Ncts.inhiiingthemin, there is one boy to hold on the way-rope,>at the Capfteri, and i Bo j to Coyle it, and ftowe it from the Capften. ^vhen thi Nets are haled t^* mth Herrings, One .man takes the Herrings out of the Well with the Ladne'-,and fihthe Gippers baskets. 9 Gipn?;'rs which cut their throats, and takes out the Guts, and fling the ful Herring into one Basket, and the fhotten Herring into another. One man takes the full Baskets, when chey are gipt^ and carries them to the rower backe,wherein is fait, B 3 One 10 i he Herrtng-Bujie One Boy doth row and ftirre them up and downc in the (alt. One boy takes the rowed Herring, and carries them in Baskets to the Packers. Fourc men pack the Herrings into the Barrels , / and lay them one by one ftraite and even. One Man when the Barrell is full, takes the fame from the Packer, and it ftands one day open to (ct* tle,andthat the fait may melt and diflfolve to pickle, and then fills them up , and Heads up the Bar- rels. Nota^ The Matter is to vicvr and approve every bar* rell before it bee headed up, that it may bee found Merchantable, or in default thereof, the Matter is to make allowance accordingly. For making of the Pickle, the obfervation is., that it mutt be fo ftrong,as that a Herring wil fivim in it, and then it doth fo pine and overcome the na- ture of the Herring, that it makes it ftifFe, and pre- ferves it, otherwife, if the pickle bee weaker then the nature of the Herring , it will overcome the ftrengthof the pickle, andfoothe Herring will de- cay. ThejmplojmeHtofthe Fifbermen dftd Marriners ^ fvhiljl they be in Harbor ^ and till they come t$ their Fijhings outtvards bound. They are to riggc and fit the Bufle, and to flow the Sake, and Beere, which is inttead of the Ballaft, they arc to take in the Caske and Viifiualling,and o^ ther provifions* They TRADE, ,1 They are to take in the Nets with the Net-ropes ^ way-ropes, boyes, and all things thereto belonging, and having them aboard, they are to bring the Nets to their ropes, and Noflell, and Corke them, and make them in all rcfpeds fit, and in a readineflc a« gainft they come to the Fiifhing grovvnds. Homewards bownd. They are to Wafli out their Nets, and takeout the Noffels, and Seyzons , and Corckes 3 prefer- ving them all they can in a profitable way. And to unlade and rowle into the ftorehou^all their Herrings, well conditioned in the chines and hoopes. And having unladen and cleanfed the Bufle , and made the roomes fit, they are prefcntly to take in- to her againe, 5^ Frefh Nets, and the I'ke quantity of fait, andcaske, and other provifions, and make all expedition to the Fifliing againe, receiving their wages and 'allowances according to the orders which are hereafter exprefled. Ea ch Gifper muji have. The G^ippci Apaircof Tanned Leather fleeves willcoft 18 Iher/out^f pence. huw^iges, A paireof Bootes will coft 7 fhillings. A paireof Boor-Britches will coft 4ftiJlings. A Barme-skin or Apron vvill coft 3 5. 4 d. And fixe Gipping knives a man will coft 1 8 d* Th€ ir TheBerrini'Bu^t The Plantmonfor a fijhing^ where^ artdhotv. In that part of the River or Sea-tovvne , where thefe accommodations may be had, viz. A good VVharfe to build ftore-houfes upon, where the Bufle may come clofe to the ftore-houfe, and fo borh lade and unlade with eafier charge , and quicker diipatch. Nora. Alfo where there may be made an Arfinall or ^^^^^^^^^°^^^^docke to harbor up t^^^ and there to plant prX^vation^^ vvillowes to make hoops for the Caske, andrcede ofthepickie,' for the Ruffes. rah waccfwiii ^o havc ground for the Twine- fpinners and rope nocrocicasitmakers to workein, and to lay up fea-coales and f ""^^the^ kkk* Tanning- barke for to tanne the nets with , alfo to running out"" lay up Notway ftiort wood for the Bufles firing for the Herrings drcffing thcir viduals. ipoyie. jj^^ ftore-houfes to be built'with the lower- ftory open for the better row ling in and packing of the Herrings^ and laying up the provifions of fait , with a large yard in the middle^for the Coopers, to make Which will be ^^ J trim the Caske, Alfo a convenient place to doncwimas ^ i vt ' % r i few coaies as aict up z large Coppcr to tan the Nets , to be of thafi ^^iF^Vdh''' fufficient bignefle , that it may Tan a whole fleet, of haife^hc nets. 5 ^ Nets at once. And there mufl be ground adjoy- , ning to put in flakes for the drying of the Nets as they are drawneoutof th,e Tanpe fat ^ and hung abroadon tliofe ftakcs , which is dOnevvith much ei^fe& celerity by one manj^nd with kfle damageto the Net then any othqr way; In the fccond ftory,thc Nets ., Deckings and Twine "td be Mely kept, and th^re to be wrought by the Beetefters ^ and in the up- per Trade. M per ftory , to have the Cables and ropes houfed and coy ledjand the Tayles and other provifions laid up. the Pfovijions to be made aforehandfor futnijhing the Magazine, The beft Rine and Rusband are thefe, Hempc Tobe drcft& brought in by the Eaftland Merchants trom the ;|~;^^^ parts o(Leiffeland2ind Prufia, tir;pe , ioi m.i« Pitch and Tarre from the Bahicke Seas and /Vort^aj, ^'^.^jf^^^^^'^^"^ Barrels boards and willow hoopes , from Ham- rops,wayrops, *w^fc and thofe parts. ^ ' ^'if^^'^^'Va^^^^^^^ Deale-boards 5 Mafts and Sparres from Norway /J^^j^^ Q^l^l^ and fire wood. ^"^ the Ukc* • Lixhan fait , and fait upon fait made in England. Normandy Canvas for faylcSjand fffwich Canvas. Peafe and Oatemeale. Butter and Gheefe. Bacon in Gammons. ^quavita and Vineger. Gipping-knives and Chopfticks, Adzes and other toolcs. Leather for the Gippers. Barke of Afhcn-trees for tanningthe Nets. Seacoles for heating the Copper for tanning, Corke and Rofen from Burdeaux. Candles and other Chandlery wares. To have a good quantity of Deepings or quarter Nets 3 alwayes in readineffe for to new the Nets at the returne of the Buffes. And all the Twine that can be gotten of the Sum* raer fpinning, which is then beft made both for fpinning and'dry ing, G The /4 T^^ Hening'-Bufie Theaforefiiid Provifions being made in dew fea- fbns, will not onely prove very profitable unto the fidiing ftockjbut likewife to vrhofoever (hal be plea- fed to lay out his mony^in all or any ofthe faid pro- vifions 5 tiiat fo the Filliers may readily be fupplyed at their rerurne, the want whereof hath beene the chiefed caufe ofthe lU fucccfle that hath accrewed unto thofe former undertakers. Sundrie confiderable things offered mto the Magiftrate. It would be a great fuJtherance unto the Fifhing imploymcnt , and confequently for the increafe of Trading; That a Bancke may be ereded in the moft prnicipall parts of theKingdome , to furnirti the working poore with monies in their feverall cal- lings 3 whereby they may be enabled for to fet them- felves on worke, paying but after the rate of 8 per centum • and that the Brokers Trade may be prohi- bited in their way of lending monies to the poore, whole cruel courfe of lending is upon the garments or fomc houiliold ftuffe for their fecurity /taking a halfe peny for the loane ofxijd. a vveeke y which^is 43 s. 4d. for every twenty {hillings at the yeares end, befides theufing and wearing ofthe pawne in themeane time, which is intollerable opprefsing of thepoore^and the Commonwealth fuifers mani- fold wrong thereby; provided that this Bancke be furniilied onely with thefe monies of Widowes and Orphans and fuch like, and none elie , fliall receive any increafe of monies they fhall brmg into this Bancke j Tr AD E^ 15 Bancke ; And if the Trade of ufury fhall be permit- ted unto the moneyed men of the Kingdome, then that fuch may be en joyned to put in a proportiona- ble part into the Bancke^ (iich as (hall be thought meet. That the Beggers Trade may be fufFered no lon- ger 5 wherein their Land-lords have cherifhed them in that eourfe, which enableth them to pay their rents , and thereby the {uburbs are greatly encreafcd with fuch lazie poore 5 that eatc not their bread by thefweatoftheirbrowes 5 butasevill members in the Commonwealth , makes proviCons deare by the great expenceoffuch idle drones, who forthemoft part of them live without the knowledge of God, and in a way of baftardy , begets m;iny children ne- ver btought to the Sacrament of Baptifme , which is of a very fearefuU and lamentable confequence. Therefore for remedy it were good , that the Land- lords of all fiich fhould be commanded under a good penalty , that they fhall forthwith provide hempe and worke-mafters to inftrud and teach all fiich their Tennants for thedrefsingofHemp, fpimiing of Twine , braiding of deepings , making of Nets and allthings thereto appertaining. That each Ward within the Citty oi London^ may build and (et forth a Buffc, which will not require above 1000 1. flocke , and thereby all their penfio- ners and others that wants imployment may be fct onworke ; there being many well difpofed people, that would give freely towards the keeping of va« grants at worke. That convenient places may be appointed for C a Hemp-dieifer^s i5 ' The Herrini'Buffe Hempdreflers & Twine fpinners to dwell in^vvhcthcr the vagrants and fturdy beggers, that Aall be found in the Itreets and wayes may be fent, the ftrongerto beat the Hemp, the lame to turne the wheeles , the children to fpin the Twine , and the women to braid decpings. That fiich Countries youths and others that fhall be imployed into the Fifhing imployment, may be apparelled and maintained at the charge of the Town or place from whence they fhall be fent or doe be, long^ until 1 fuch time as they (hall be made capable of the Trade , and all to doe good fervice. That whereas the vente ot the pickled Herrings is in the Balticke Seas , from w hence great ftore of Come is brought by the Hollander, who having Granaries provided at each Port, for the laying up thereof, and liberty to export Khe fame, thereby many thoufands of labouring people are imployed by carrying and tending thereof, alfo many hun- dreds ofgreat Merchants fhips {ct on worke , both in the importing and exporting thereof, which Magazeene of Corn doth not only fcede the Bifhers: and labourers and furnifli the fhips, but alfo greatly incrcafeth Trade , bringing home gold and filver and other merchandizes ,both profitable to his Ma- jeftie and people. The like accommodation of Granaries and exportation would much advance tbeFilW-ngs, The 11501