LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Gl FT OF Class Published monthly by ike New York State Education Department BULLETIN 345 JUNE IQ05 New York State Museum JOHN M. CLARKE Director /Bulletin 91 ZOOLOGY 12 HIGHER CRUSTACEA OF NEW YORK CITY BY FREDERICK C. PAULM Preface 117 Introduction 1 18 Description and definition of the phylum . . , 119 Catalogue 127 Phyllocarida , 128 Schizopoda 128 Decapoda 129 Macrura * 130 Catalogue (continued) Brachyura \ . 137 Stomatopoda 149 Cumacea 150 Arthrostraca 151 Amphipoda 151 Isopoda 169 Index 187 ALBANY NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 1905 Price 20 cents INTRODUCTION In these days of nature study in the schools and elsewhere, atten- tion is chiefly paid to a few striking groups, the birds apparently being the forms most favored. Invertebrates with the exception of mollusks and insects, are receiving very little attention, though there is a wealth of material awaiting the patient investigation of their life histories and habits. One of the evident reasons for this is the lack of facilities for easily identifying the forms collected. The literature of the subject is large, though much of it consists of mere verbal description, and only a part of the species have been figured. Much of it too, is usually inaccessible except to those within reach of large libraries. The group of which the present catalogue treats, the malacos- tracous Crustacea, perhaps suffers less from this deficiency than some others, for many of the forms are large and conspicuous and have been frequently brought to public notice. It is true also that keys to the greater part of this group have been recently published, but it is the belief of the writer that, even with the best of keys, the inexperienced observer has difficulty in. identifying members of large groups without the aid of illustration. It is with the hope of partly remedying this deficiency that this catalogue has been prepared, and figures of all the species taken within the city limits are here given. It is not complete ; the collecting has not yet been extensive enough to include all the forms that occur. Still over 60 species have been taken, either within the city limits or at localities near by where the conditions are sufficiently similar to warrant the certainty that they will be found within the area under discussion. Descriptions of the species have been made as brief as practicable and only the most salient and characteristic marks given. In the Decapoda, where the families are represented by but one or two genera, the diagnosis of the family has been omitted, that of the tribe being thought sufficient. In the Arthrostraca, on the other hand, short diagnoses of the families represented have been presented. HIGHER CRUSTACEA OF NEW YORK CITY 119 Besides the descriptions, short notes on the station and mode of life of the species are given and also, for what appear to be the rarer forms, the exact locality where taken. As the whole city has not yet been worked over it is to be remembered that many of the species here assigned to restricted localities will be found wherever the conditions are suitable. Many of the cuts in the work have been copied from various papers by Rathbun, Verrill, Harger and others; the remainder of the figures were drawn by the writer. The author's thanks are due to Professors Wilson and Dean, for their kindness in offering the use of the laboratory of the department of zoology, Columbia University, and to Professor Crampton for the facilities of the Columbia Laboratory at Bay Shore ; also to Prof. S. J. Holmes who has kindly identified some Amphipoda, and to other zoologists who have given advice and encouragement. It is hoped that this catalogue will serve to stimulate the interest in this group of the Crustacea. The writer will be glad to receive notes as to the occurrence of any species, and will be pleased to identify any forms that may be sent to the State Museum. DESCRIPTION AND DEFINITION OF THE PHYLUM ARTHROPODA As a preliminary to the catalogue it may be well to give some definition and explanation of the division to which the class described belongs and of the class itself. This great division, or phylum, is characterized by bilateral symmetry as in the lower phylum, the Annulata or worms, and as in that group the body is divided into segments. An advance over the Annulata, however, is in the presence of jointed appendages attached to the segments and from this circumstance it has received the name Arthropoda (Greek &f6pou"s a joint, -"'J-rfoot). The Arthropoda are divided into five classes: 1 Crustacea, including lobsters, shrimps, crabs, barnacles, water fleas etc. 2 Onychophora, with only one genus, Peripatus 3 Myriopoda: centipedes and millipedes y^UBRA 'ir^v / CK THE' \ I UNIVERSITY ) I2O NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 4 Insecta: insects 5 Arachnida: spiders, scorpions, mites etc. A part of the Crustacea are treated in the present catalogue. The name Crustacea implied to early zoologists an animal with a hard but flexible shell, in distinction from the Testacea in which the shell was hard and brittle, as in the clam or oyster. The insects and other groups have, however, a hard and flexible shell, so that this will not serve as a distinction. On comparing the classes we find that a much greater portion of the Crustacea than of the other groups is aquatic and the breath- ing apparatus is of a different character. The insects, myriopods and Peripatus breathe through a series of tubes or tracheae, which carry the air to all parts of the body, while in the Crustacea there are no tracheae and the blood becomes aerated either in certain localized regions, the gills, or else over the general body surface. In completing the definition of the class it would be well for the student to have before him some more or less familiar crustacean and examine its structure. Take then the crayfish or lobster, which differ but little from each other and are common though they can not be called typical Crustacea in the sense that they exhibit crustacean characters in their simplest form. First, we observe that the body is segmented. This is not so obvious in the anterior part of the crayfish, for the head and thorax are fused together into a cephalothorax, which is covered by a fold of the integument, the carapace. The presence of appendages shows, however, that this part of the body is composed of segments fused together. The abdomen is distinctly segmented. The cephalic region or head in the crayfish, as in all Crustacea, is composed of a prostomium and five segments, all indistinguishably fused. It bears two pairs of feelers, the anterior of which are known as the antennulae and the posterior as the antennae. Then follow a pair of eyes, stalked, in the order to which the crayfish belongs. On the underside of the head are the mouth parts which consist of a pair of mandibles or jaws and two pairs of maxillae. HIGHER CRUSTACEA OF NEW YORK CITY 121 If the second pair of maxillae be examined carefully, it will be found that they are biramous, that is consist of a basal joint which bears two rami or branches, known respectively as exopodite and endopodite. This may be termed the typical form of a crustacean limb, but it is often modified by the loss of one of the rami, the exopodite. This is true of the mandibles and the first maxilla. The thoracic region, which follows and which, as mentioned above, in the crayfish is fused with the head, bears eight pairs of appendages. Of these the first three are comparatively small, are biramous, function as accessory mouth parts and are known as maxillipeds. The next five pairs are large with only a single branch representing the endopodite and serve as the walking legs. The first pair of them are largest and the penultimate joint is produced distally to form a projection against which the ultimate joint bites, thus forming a claw or chela. The next two pairs are chelate also, while the last two are simple. To the bases of these appendages are attached long plumose hol- low gills which are covered over and protected by the carapace. Another set of gills is also attached to the inner wall of this chamber directly above the preceding. The appendages of the third, fourth and fifth segments of the abdomen are biramous and delicate and are used to aid in swimming, and by the female as a place of attachment for the eggs. The sixth pair are also biramous but are broad and flattened and together with the last joint or telson (which is without appendages) form a fanlike tail fin. With the aid of this and by suddenly bending the body, the crayfish can give a swift leap backward through the water. The appendages of the second abdominal appendage in the female, and of the first and second of the male, are modified into genital organs. Examine now another form of Crustacea, less familiar than the crayfish or lobster, but exhibiting the crustacean characters in greater simplicity : the common fresh-water amphipod, G a m m a r u s fasciatus, found everywhere in fresh-water ponds. One of the 122 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM beach fleas or one of the common salt-water Gammarids will do as well. In this form [fig.i] the fusion of the segments has not taken place to the extent that it has in the crayfish. The head consists of the prostomium and five fused segments, and to them is added PI. Tl Fig. i Diagram of G a m m a r u s fasciatus Divisions of body: O/=cephalon or head; /Vr.=pereion, thorax or mesosome ; /Y=ipleon, abdomen (the first three segments of this are sometimes called the metasome, the last three urosome) Appendages of cephalon : ^«;'1=antennula or superior antenna ; /Wj= peduncle ; f7l =\- lum ; A c —accessory or secondary flagellum ; A nf^= antenna, or inferior antenna; /W2=ped- uncle ; Fl^ = flagellum ; Af./=mandibular palp ;Af_r./=maxilliped Appendages of pereion : Gwj^first gnathopod ; Gn%= second gnathopod ; /V*-. = basus; 7=ischium ; J/=merus; C« = carpus; f=propo- dus ; 7J>=dactylus ; Pa = palm of gnathopod Appendages of pleon : /Y.rf=pleopoda ; £/r=uropoda ; 7"=telson | 1 = length of animal from front of head to end of terminal uropod <5 = male ? = female one thoracic segment, but there is no carapace. The remainder of the segments are all free. The head bears a pair of sessile eyes, that is eyes without a stalk, a pair of antennulae [Ant^] and a pair of antennae [Ant2]. Each of these consists of a peduncle [Fed] of three and four joints respectively and a flagellum [Flo] of many joints. In addition to this, the antennulae bear a very short accessory flagellum [^c]. The mouth parts are quite similar to those of the crayfish, consisting of mandibles and two pairs of maxillae. The mandibles in the Amphi- HIGHER CRUSTACEA OF NEW YORK CITY 123 poda may or may not bear a jointed appendage known as a palp [M. p]. This is frequently of value in determining the species, and when present, either it appears projecting as in the figure, or, fre- quently in alcoholic specimens, the end of it may be seen between the bases of the antennulae. As only one thoracic segment is fused with the head, there is but one maxilliped [M.v. />], which is small. The seven following segments constitute the thorax or pereion [Per]. Its first two pairs of appendages, corresponding to the second and third maxillipeds of the crayfish, are large and known as gnathopoda [Gn]. They consist, as do the following five pairs of legs, of six joints attached to a base plate, the coxa [C 1-7]. The six joints beginning at the proximal end are named basus [B], ischium [/], merus [M], carpus [Ca], propodus [P] and dactylus [D]. The ultimate joint, the dactylus, is bent back on the propodus so as to form a sort of chela, or, as it is termed, a subchela. The next five pairs of legs are the pereiopoda. The first two are of moderate size and the last three are larger and adapted for leaping or walking. The last six segments are the abdomen or pleon [PI]. The three anterior of them are larger than the rest and bear delicate biramous appendages, the pleopoda [PL d], which function as swimming organs. The last three appendages are the uropoda [Ur] and are biramous, stout and assist in leaping. The last pair of them, known as the terminal uropoda, differ fre- quently in other species, from the preceding pairs and afford valuable diagnostic characters. The terminal segment of the body, the telson [T], as in the crayfish, has no appendages and is small. It also varies greatly in the different species. The breathing organs of this group are in the form of lamellar sacs attached to the bases of the pereiopoda. The eggs are carried in a brood pouch formed of plates attached to the pereion of the female. Comparing now the two forms, we see that, in spite of their dis- similar appearance, they are composed of the same elements, though the elements may be greatly modified for different purposes. These 124 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM modifications are carried out in every direction and form the basis for the division into orders, families, genera and species. It is certain too that in no other group of animals are there such wide deviations from what may be regarded as a typical form, such as the second one described above, or such extreme modifications in adaptation to particular or special modes of life. It may even be carried to the extent of the entire loss of all crustacean characters, as in Sacculina, a parasite on a crab, where in the adult there is no sign of segmentation, no appendages, no mouth, just a sac with a number of rootlike filaments extending through the body of the host. It is only by its developmental history that we know it to be a crustacean. This variation takes place to a certain extent even within the groups of closely related forms which are regarded as a tribe or a family and explains the frequent use of the words " usually " or " generally " in the diagnoses, or the terms " with or without " a certain part. The sexes in the Crustacea are usually separate, and the eggs are carried by the female either in a brood pouch or attached to the limbs. The young, in most cases, hatch in a free swimming form so unlike the parent that formerly they were regarded as distinct species. This larva grows by a series of molts whereby it gradu- ally increases in size and attains the adult form. In other words there is indirect development or a metamorphosis. In other cases, such as in the crayfishes and the Arthrostaca, the young are very like the parent, differing only in small details, and the development is direct. Owing to the hardness of the integument, which is incapable of growth, increase in size in the Crustacea is obtained by the shedding of the hard shell and the formation of a new one underneath. This new one is soft and thus allows a certain increase in size, but it soon hardens. A familiar example of this soft condition after molting is seen in the " soft shell crab." The Crustacea as a class may be regarded as holding a very similar place in the economy of the ocean to that of the insects on the land. Like the insects, they are widely distributed, hardly any place being HIGHER CRUSTACEA OF NEW YORK CITY 125 without its representatives, modified to suit the conditions. Minute forms belonging to the lower orders swarm at the surface of the ocean and together with the young of the higher orders, form an important supply of food for fishes and other animals. Other similar species inhabit fresh water, and no roadside pool is without them. Crawling over the bottoms of the bays and sounds, or buried in the sand or mud, other varieties, usually larger and belonging to the higher orders, may be found, while along the shores, under stones or heaps of debris or rockweed, or living among the algae on piles, or even in the piles themselves, are many others. Some also have been modified for a terrestrial life and may even be said to have become domesticated; for certain of the sow-bugs are rarely to be found except in the vicinity of human habitations. A few of 'the leading forms have been made use of directly as food, but the economic importance of the group as a whole is mainly indirect. The literature of the group is very extensive and dates back to early times, though the early papers were of but little importance. Even as late as 1840 it was still possible for Milne-Edwards to write a Histoire naturelle des Crustaces and tell practically all that was known concerning them, but the group has now grown far beyond such bounds and most of the works deal with orders or smaller groups. Consequently the greater part of the literature had best be given under the heads of the different orders, but the following general works may be mentioned here. De Kay, J. E. Zoology of New York. pt6 Crustacea. Alb. 1844. Milne-Edwards, A. Histoire naturelle des Crustaces. Par. 1834-40. Rathbun, R. Fisheries and Fishery Industries of the United States. Sec. i, pt5. Wash. 1884. Economic and food values of Crustacea. Sars, Gr. 0. An Account of the Crustacea of Norway. Christiania and Copenhagen. 1895 . Diagnoses of families etc., with short descriptions and figures of the species ; not yet completed. Say, Thomas. An Account of the Crustacea of the United States. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Jour. 1817-18. v.i. The first important work on American Crustacea. Gives first descriptions of many common forms. 126 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM. Smith, S. I. The Stalk-eyed Crustacea of the Atlantic Coast of North America, north of Cape Cod. Ct. Acad. Arts and Sci. Trans. 1878-82. 5:27. Stebbing, T. R. R. A History of Crustacea, Recent Malacostraca. Internat. Sci. Ser. 71. New York. 1893. Stimpson, W. Marine Invertebrata of Grand Manan. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 6. Wash. 1854. Underwood, L. M. List of the Described Species of Fresh-water Crustacea from America, north of Mexico. 111. State Lab. Nat. Hist. Bui. 1886. 2:323. Index of species described to that date with principal references. Verrill, A. E. Invertebrates of Vineyard Sound. Com. Fish and Fisheries Rep't. Wash. 1874. Descriptions and accounts of the habits of many common species. HIGHER CRUSTACEA OF NEW YORK CITY 1 27 CATALOGUE The Crustacea are divided into two subclasses : I Entomostraca, 2 Malacostraca. Subclass I ENTOMOSTRACA Crustacea of comparatively simple organization and usually of small size. Except in the parasitic forms and the barnacles the typical crustacean number of head appendages are present, but the thoracic and abdominal appendages are very variable in number and are little differentiated. A large carapace is frequently present, being sometimes in the form of a bivalved shell. The young usually hatch in a very primitive, free-swimming stage known as the nauplius. But little has been done on this subclass in New York ; and it is still far too early to attempt a catalogue of the species. Subclass 2 MALACOSTRACA Crustacea, usually of considerable size and more highly organized than those of the preceding subclass. The number of segments is constant, there being (except in one order, not represented in New York) a thorax of eight segments and an abdomen of seven. In all the orders represented here, one or more of the thoracic segments are fused with the head to form a cephalothorax, which in some of the orders is covered by a carapace. The thoracic appendages are more highly differentiated than in the Entomostraca and are often strikingly modified in connection with their various functions. One or more pairs of them usually act as accessory mouth parts and are known as maxillipeds. With but few exceptions, the nauplius stage, in which the young of the Entomostraca hatch, is passed through in the egg, but except in one order, the young- hatch in a form very unlike the parent and thus undergo a metamorphosis. The members of this group are more familiar to the ordinary observer, as it includes, among others, the crabs, lobsters, crayfish, the beach fleas and the sow-bugs. 128 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The Malacostraca are divided into six orders, of which all but the first are represented in New York city : I Phyllocarida, 2 Schizo- poda, 3 Decapoda, 4 Stomatopoda, 5 Cumacea, 6 Arthrostraca. Order I F»HYLLOCARIDA Small Malacostraca which have some of the characters of the Entomostraca and form a connecting link between them and the Malacostraca. Head and thorax with malacostracan number of seg- ments, with a bivalved carapace, and with feet leaflike. Abdomen with eight segments, with biramous appendages and a pair of caudal stylets. The principal genus is Nebalia, and a species of this, N . b i p e s Fab., is common in the North Atlantic but has not been taken as far south as New York. Order 2 SCHIZOF»ODA Malacostraca in which the thoracic appendages are all biramous, and the anterior ones are only to a slight extent modified as maxilli- peds. A thin, soft carapace is present but does not cover the pos- terior segments. Eyes stalked. A small group of forms which are known as opossum shrimps, three species of which are found in New York city waters. Mysis stenolepis Smith My sis stenolepis Smith. In Verrill. /. c. 1874. p. 551. Body more or less cylindric. Carapace produced into a short, blunt rostrum : inferior angle with a sharp tooth. Antennal scale rather longer than carapace, ciliated ; flagellum of antennae as long as body. Abdomen somewhat geniculated between first and second segments. Inner lamellae of the sixth segment slightly longer than telson. Length : male 23 mm, female 30 mm. Color white, marked with black pigment spots, somewhat stellate in form. Very common in the eelgrass in Great South bay. Two other species of Schizopoda will probably be found, both smaller than the preceding. Mysis americana Smith, meas- ures 10-12 mm and the antennal scale is but three quarters the length of the carapace. The inner lamella of the sixth abdominal segment is as long as the telson. Found among eelgrass. HIGHER CRUSTACEA OF NEW YORK CITY 129 H e t e r o m y s i s f o r m o s a Smith is still smaller, males meas- uring 6 mm and females 8 mm. The first pair of legs differ from those of Mysis in having the terminal portion, which is multiarticu- Fig. 2 Mysis stenolepis (Modified from Verrill) late in that genus, composed of but three joints. The males are colorless and transparent and the females rose-colored. Found in colonies, often in the dead shells of bivalve mollusks. Order 3 DECAPODA Malacostraca in which the head and thoracic segments are united to form a cephalothorax, which is usually covered by a carapace. The first three pairs of thoracic appendages are maxillipeds, while the following five pairs are, as the name Decapoda implies, the walking legs. In these the exopodite or outer branch of the typical crustacean limb has disappeared, leaving the leg uniramous. The first leg is usually larger than the others and by the growth of the penultimate segment, forms a claw or chela. They breathe by gills which are hollow outgrowths from the bases of the thoracic legs or of the thoracic wall and which are covered by the carapace. The eyes are stalked. The Decapoda is a large group and contains the largest and most striking of the Crustacea and has consequently been the most studied. The literature is therefore extensive ; but besides the works already referred to under Crustacea any other important ones will be mentioned under the separate species. The Decapoda are divided into two suborders : a Macrura, b Brachyura. 130 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Suborder a Decapoda in which the cephalothorax is usually longer than broad and the abdomen is large and well developed and carried straight out behind. The second pair of antennae are long and many jointed and the last pair of maxillipeds are leglike. The walking legs are well developed and have the terminal joints of one or more of them modified into chelae. The abdominal appendages are generally all present, and the last pair, the uropoda, are broader and form, with the terminal segment, a tail fin. The eggs are carried attached to the abdominal appendages of the female, and the young are hatched in a free-swimming form quite unlike the adult. This varies, however, greatly in different forms, and in the crayfishes the newly hatched young are very like the adult in everything except size. This suborder includes the shrimps and prawns, which are found, sometimes in great numbers, among the seaweeds on piles or wharves. The lobster, which is now extinct in New York city, belongs in this group, as does the crayfish, common in the brooks. Keys to the macrurous Crustacea of North America are to be found in the American Naturalist, 1899, v.33, as follows: "The Caridea," J. S. Kingsley, p. 709 ; " Astacoid and Thalassinoid Crustacea," J. S. Kingsley, p.SiQ; "The Astacidea," W. P. Hay, P-957- The Macrura are divided into four tribes : i Caridea, 2 Astacidea, 3 Thalassinidea, 4 Anomura. i CARIDEA Small or moderate sized forms with a rather compressed body. Carapace smooth and without sutures and produced into a longer or shorter rostrum, frequently toothed. The carapace is not fused in front with the epistome (the frontal region between the eyes). Antennae with a large scale. The thoracic legs are generally long and delicate, one or more of the anterior ones being chelate. This group includes the shrimps and prawns, and our common species represent the three families Crangonidae, Palaemonidae and Penaeidae. HIGHER CRUSTACEA OF NEW YORK CITY Family Crangon vulgaris Fab. Shrimp Crangon vulgar is Fabricius. Ent. Syst. Sup. 1798. p. 410. Verrill. /. c. 1874. P-550, pi. 3, fig. 10. Crangon septemspinosis DeKay. /. c. 1844. p.25, pl.8, fig.24. Carapace flattened on dorsal surface and with a minute flattened rostrum. Antennulae biflagellate, outer flagellum about as long as antenna! scale, inner slightly longer. Last pair of maxillipeds pedi- form. First pair of legs largest and subchelate, second pair smallest. Fig. 3 Crangon vulgaris (After Verrill) Length 50 mm. Color light, but thickly spotted with dark gray or black markings, which cause it to resemble closely the sand. In muddy localities, where the bottom is darker, the spots are more numerous and larger, so that the animals have an almost uniform color. They are found on the bottoms of the bays in shallow water, either lying upon the sand or buried in it with only the eyes and antennae exposed. It is a very active form, springing quickly away when any attempt is made to capture it but it needs all its powers of concealment and action, for it is hunted by many fishes, and, according to Verrill, it constitutes the principal food of several species, among which are the weakfish, bluefish, flounders, striped bass etc. It is a very widely distributed species, occurring all over the northern hemisphere. It is the edible shrimp of Europe. 132 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Family Palaemonetes vulgaris (Say) Prawn Palaemon vulgaris Say. /. c. 1818. p. 248. DeKay. /. c. 1844. p.2p, pi. 9, fig.3o. Palaemonetes vulgaris Verrill. /. c. 1874. P-55O. pi. 2, fig.g. Characterized by the presence of a straight, thin rostrum, as long as the carapace, and with eight or nine teeth above and four below. Antennulae triflagellate, longer branches two thirds the length of the antennae, which are slightly longer than the body. Second pair of feet larger than first and both chelate. Fig. 4 Palaemonetes vu Igar is (After Verrill) Length 45 mm. Translucent and almost colorless, with irregular spots of brown and black. Found in great numbers in the eelgrass or clinging to the Fucus on piles and wharves. It appears to like brackish water and runs up at times to where the water is entirely fresh. Important as a food for fishes. Virbius zostericola Smith Virbius zostericola Smith. In Verrill. /. c. 1874. P-55O, pl-3, fig. 1 1 Female, rostrum straight and as long as carapace, with two (rarely three) teeth on upper edge and three (sometimes two or four) on lower. Carapace smooth, armed with three spines on anterior part. Inner flagellum of antennae extending slightly beyond tip of antennal scale, outer flagellum much shorter. Abdomen geniculated at third segment, the posterior margin of which is prominent but not OF HIGHER CRUSTACEA OF NEW YORK CITY 133 acute. Males, smaller, more slender and with rostrum narrower vertically. Length: female 20-26 mm, male 15-20 mm. Color translucent, usually bright green or pale with specks of brown or red and a broad median band of dark brown. Found among the eelgrass and taken in Jamaica bay. V i r b i u s pleuracanthus Stimp. may also be taken. It may be distinguished from the above by the shorter rostrum. Fig- 5 Virbiuszostericola (After Verrilli Another much larger shrimp, measuring six inches in length, is occasionally taken in Great South bay and in the Hudson. This is the edible shrimp of the southern states, P e n a e u s brasilien- s i s Lat. and it belongs to the family Penaeidae. 2 ASTACIDEA Moderate or large sized forms with a rather stout body. Antennal scale small or wanting. Xo longitudinal sutures, but a transverse suture separating the cephalic from the thoracic region, may be present. Carapace united in front with the epistome. First pair of thoracic legs in our forms are large and chelate and the two following pairs may also bear small chelae. Our representatives of this tribe are the lobster and the crayfish, both of which belong to the family Astacidae. Homarus americanus Mil.-Edw. Homarus americanus Milne-Edwards. Hist. Nat. des Cms. 1837. 2:334. Herrick, F. H. U. S. Fish Com. Bui. for 1895. p.i, pl.A-J and 1-54. This, the well known edible form, is no longer to be taken within the limits of New York city, the constant fishing to which it was subject, as well as the pollution of the water, having completely exterminated it. 134 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM A very complete description of its life history, habits etc. and a full literature list are to be found in the paper of Herrick's cited above. Cambarus bartonii (Fab.) Crayfish A s t a c n s b a r t o n n i i Fabricius. Ent. Syst. Sup. 1798. p. 407. DeKay. /. c. 1844. p. 22, pi. 8, fig.25. Cambarus bartonii Hagen, H. A. Mus. Comp. Zool. Mem. 1870. v.2, no. i, p.75- Faxon, W. Mus. Comp. Zool. Mem. 1885., 110.4. Huxley, T. H. The Crayfish. This is the well known crayfish and is the only species of the genus so far found in New York city, so that it is unnecessary to give any description of it. The genus is moreover a very perplexing one, and any one making a study of it should consult the works of Hagen and Faxon mentioned above. Crayfishes are found under stones in the beds of small brooks or in springs, where they lie with their heads and antennae out, waiting for a small fish or a worm and ready to spring back at any sign of danger. In larger brooks with muddy banks they make burrows and are indeed a considerable nuisance in canals, as they undermine the sides, sometimes causing disastrous cave ins. They either walk slowly along the bottoms on the tips of their legs, with the large chelae held straight out in front, or propel them- selves backward through the water in a series of leaps, by the bend- ing of the abdomen with its fanlike fin. The eggs are large, and the young do not undergo any meta- morphosis, being hatched in a form very similar to the adult. Fig. 6 Cambarus bartonii HIGHER CRUSTACEA OF NEW YORK CITY 135 3 THALASSINIDEA Moderate sized forms with two longitudinal dorsal sutures and with a cervical suture frequently present. First thoracic legs usually large and chelate. Abdomen large. Burrowing forms. Representatives of this group have not so far been taken within the city limits, but species of the genera Callianassa and Gebia may possibly be found. They inhabit deep burrows in the mud or muddy Sand' 4 ANOMURA Aberrant forms, at one time placed in a class by themselves but now united with the Macrura. Its principal diagnostic character is the reduction of the last pair of thoracic legs and their dorsal posi- tion. It includes the family Hippidae, the sand-bugs, and the Paguridae, the hermit crabs. Family HIF»F»IDAE Hippa talpoida Say Sand-bug Hippa talpoida Say, T. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Jour. 1817. 1:160. DeKay. /. c. 1844. p.i8, pi. 7, fig. 17. Verrill. /. c. 1874. p. 548, pi. 2, fig.5. An oval and very convex form, with numerous longitudinal stria- tions on the anterior portion of the cephalothorax. Eyes small and on long stalks. Second antennae as long as thorax and fringed with long hairs. First four thoracic legs large, not chelate, and adapted for burrowing. Terminal segment of abdomen long and triangular and folded close under the body. The smooth surface and peculiar form of this species render it the most rapid burrower on our shores. It lives in the sand near low Fig. 7 Hippa talpoida (After Verrill) water mark, and, if dug out, will rapidly disappear again, going down into the sand backward. Length 25 mm. Color yellowish white tinged with purple. Occurs on the exposed southern shore of Long Island. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM i36 Family a Eupagurus pollicaris (Say) b Eupagurus longicarpus (Say) Hermit crabs a Pagurus pollicaris Say, T. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Jour. 1817. 1:162. DeKay. /. c. 1844. p.ig, pl.8, fig.2i. Eupagurus pollicaris Verrill. I.e. 1874. p.54§- Pagur us longicarpus Say, T. I.e. 1:163. DeKay. /. c. 1844. p.2O, pl.8, fig.22. Eupagurus longicarpus Verrill. /. c. 1874. p-549- Kingsley, J. S. Am. Nat. 1888. 22:888. Fig. 8 Eupagurus pollicaris Asymmetric forms with abdomen large but its integument not calcined. Abdominal appendages much reduced. Inhabit empty gasteropod shells. In order to protect their soft abdomen,, these forms ensconce them- selves in empty gasteropod shells, and from this circumstance are known as hermit crabs, having a fancied resemblance to a hermit in his cell. HIGHER CRUSTACEA OF NEW YORK CITY 137 The first pair of thoracic legs are large and chelate, the right being generally larger than the left. The next two pairs are also large and end in simple points, and the last two pairs are much reduced. The abdominal appendages are more or less atrophied, except the last, which are modified into hooks for holding on to the columella of the shell. In the male these are the only pair present, but in the female the others are slightly developed, and to them the eggs are attached as in the other Macrura. As the animal increases in size, it takes a larger shell, sometimes killing and eating the original inhabitant and sometimes taking a dead shell which suits it. Considerable has been written on the habits of these forms, and interesting accounts may be found in the works of Verrill and Kingsley cited above. These forms are easily kept in an aquarium. Of the two species E . longicarpus is much the commoner and may be found on the sandy bottoms of the bays everywhere. It is the smaller form and usually occupies the shells of Ilyanassa or Anachis, though any small shell may be used. It may be distin- guished by its size and by its elongated and smooth chelae. In E . p o 1 1 i c a r i s , on the other hand, the chelae are shorter, stouter and covered with tubercles, and together they form an operculum to close the opening of the shell. This species occupies the shells of Natica and Sycotypus, and is found occasionally under rocks at low water, but usually occurs in deeper water on rocky or shelly bottoms. E . longicarpus is frequently found covered with a variety of Hydroid, H y d r a c t i n i a p o 1 y c 1 i n a Agas. a case of com- mensalism. Suborder b BRACH VZLJRA Decapoda in which the body is proportionally very broad, fre- quently broader than long, and in which the abdomen is much reduced and permanently flexed in a groove on the underside of the cephalothorax. The antennae are short, and the third maxilli- peds are flattened and platelike, forming a covering for the other mouth parts. The first pair of legs are larger than the others and are modified into chelae. The other four pairs terminate in points 138 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM or the last pair may be flattened to form a finlike organ. The abdominal appendages are much reduced, two pairs being found in the male and one in the female. The eggs, which are usually much smaller in proportion than in the Macrura, are carried attached to the hairs of the abdominal appendages of the female. The young are hatched in a form very different from the adult and known as a zoea. It is a free- swimming form, characterized by the presence of but two pairs of legs, which represent the second and third pairs of maxillipeds of the adult. The other appendages appear gradually at the successive molts of the animal, though up to a certain stage it still retains the zoea form. At that molt, however, it suddenly changes, attaining a form very similar to that of the adult, but with the abdomen held straight out behind instead of flexed. This is known as a megalops and by a further series of molts it attains the definitive crab form. This order includes the crabs, among which the blue, or edible crab is familiar to everyone. Besides this, the large lady crab, the green crab and the spider crabs are found, walking over the bottoms of the bays or concealed under the seaweeds. Small mud crabs are found under stones in muddy situations, and the odd looking fiddler crabs occur on the marshes. Keys to the Brachyura of North America by Mary J. Rathbun are to be found in the American Naturalist, 1900, v.34, as follow: " Cyclometopous or Cancroid Crabs," p. 131 ; " Oxyrhynchous and Oxystomatous Crabs," p. 503 ; " Catometopous or Grapsoid Crabs/' **nfe~-Brachyura are divided into four tribes : I Cyclometopa, 2 Oxyrhynca, 3 Catometopa, 4 Oxystomata. Tlrese may be separated by the form of the carapace and the front, that is the portion between the eyes. The Oxystomata are not represented. T CYCLOMETOPA Cancroid crabs. Carapace usually broader than long and regu- larly arched in front. No rostrum. Divided into three families, Cancridae, Pilumnidae and Por- tunidae, all of which are represented. HIGHER CRUSTACEA OF NEW YORK CITY 139 Family Cancer irroratus Say Rock crab Cancer irroratus Say, T. (male only, the female being C. b o r e a 1 i s) Acad Nat. Sci. Phila. Jour. 1817. p. 59, pl.4, fig.2. Verrill. /. c. 1874. p-546. Smith. /. c. 1878. p.38. Platycarcinus irroratus De Kay. /. c. 1844.- p. 6, pi. 2, fig. 2. Carapace rounded, with nine blunt teeth on each side of the anterior part. Last pair of legs end in points. It is a northern form, being the common crab of the New England states, but extends down into New Jersey. It is found Fig. Q Cancer irroratus (After Rathbun) under large rocks near low water or buried in the sand or gravel beneath them, but may also occur on the sandy beaches. Length of carapace 75 mm, breadth 100 mm. Color light, but thickly spotted over with many small red dots which give the prevailing color. The allied species, C . b o r e a 1 i s Stimpson, the northern crab, may possibly be found within the city limits. This is a rather larger and heavier species than irroratus and frequents rocky local- ities, usually being found on the rocks, and not underneath. Farther north it is found cast on the beaches in considerable numbers. It possesses the nine lateral teeth, but those on the side are more pointed, and the carapace is rougher than in irroratus. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 140 Family Panopeus harrisii (Gould) Panopeus depressus Smith Panopeus sayi Smith M ud crabs P i 1 u m n n s harrisii Gould, A. A. Invert, of Mass. 1841. p. 326. DeKay, J. E. /. c. 1844. p.;, pl-7, fig-iS- Panopeus depressus and P. sayi Smith, S. I. Soc. Nat. Hist. Bost. Proc. 1869. 12:283 and 284. Benedict, J. E. & Rathbun, M. J. The Genus Panopeus. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 1891. I4:355- Small forms with dull colors, carapace broader than long and with several short teeth. Last pair of legs somewhat flattened but ending in points. Fig. 10 «=:Panopeus harrisii; /'—P. depressus ; r=P. say i ; = claw of G. pugna x ; c = claw of G. pugilator appeared to stand on the beach and wave their great claws, calling it back again. The species are mostly vegetarians, feeding on algae, which they pick off with their small claws. They live in burrows in the sand and mud, where they are abundant, completely honeycombing it. Their habits and mode of life have been interestingly described by Verrill /. c. p-336, and Kingsley, Am. Xat. 1888, 22:888. They are easily kept in captivity, on damp sand, and may be fed on crackers dipped in water. G . minax and p u g n a x are found on the salt marshes, while G. pugilator occurs on sandy or muddy beaches near high water mark and is rarer than the other two. They may be found almost anywhere along the shore, sometimes, as was the case at Rockaway Beach, in such numbers that the entire shore appeared to be in motion. HIGHER CRUSTACEA OF NEW YORK CITY 149 Family Pinnotheres ostreum Say Oyster crab Pinnotheres ostreum Say, T. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Jour. 1817. 1:67, pU, fig.s. DeKay. /. c. 1843. p.i2, pl.7, fig.i6. Verrill. /. c. 1874. p.546 (figure given is P. maculatum). Carapace rounded, that of female soft and thin, eyes small. Female found only in branchial cavity of oyster. The members of this genus are noteworthy in that the females live within the branchial cavity of certain lamellibranch mollusks, the present species inhabiting the oyster, while an allied form, P. maculatum, lives in the common mussel. The males are free. These crabs were originally known as Pinnoteres, " the guardian of the Pinna," for an allied species in Europe lives in the shell of a lamellibranch, Pinna, and was supposed to give warning to the mollusk at the approach of any danger, so that it could close its shell. The oyster crab is of some economic importance as food, but the difficulty of obtaining a sufficient supply limits its use. Order 4 STON1ATOF»ODA Malacostraca with a small carapace which does not cover the last three thoracic segments. The abdomen is proportionally very large, and its first five appendages bear gill filaments. The first five thoracic appendages are maxillipeds, and the last three are small biramous legs. Eyes stalked. A very small order with only one representative on our coast. Squilla empusa Say Mantis shrimp Squilla empusa Say, T. /. c. 1818. 1 1250. DeKay. /. c. 1844. p.32, pl.i3, fig.54- Verrill. /. c. 1874. p.55i. A large form, which, besides the characters of the order, shows the following : Antennulae with three flagella, antennae shorter, with a large scale. The second maxillipeds large and subchelate, the 150 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM serrated dactylus folding back on the propodus like a knife blade. The tail fin is large and armed with spines, which can give a severe dig if the animal is handled incautiously. It inhabits burrows of its own con- struction, 15-20 mm in diameter, in the soft mud in shallow water. Length 15-250111. Color yellowish with green, brown and yellow mark- ings. Taken at Cold Spring Harbor and may be found within the city limits. Order 5 CUMACEA A small order of Malacostraca, in which the anterior part of the body is very much larger than the posterior. A carapace is present, covering the anterior segments and leaving never more than five segments exposed. Abdomen cylindric, flexible, of six segments, the fifth longest. The members of this order are bottom forms, extending to very great depths and reaching their greatest development in colder Fig. 17 Squilla empusa Rathbun) Fig. 18 Diastylus quadrispinosa Sars (After Verrill) waters. None have been taken so far in New York city, but several species will probably be obtained by dredging. The species of Diastylus figured is common, according to Verrill, on soft muddy bottoms in Vineyard sound. HIGHER CRUSTACEA OF NEW YORK CITY Order 6 Malacostraca in which the first, and in some cases the second thoracic segment also, is fused with the head. The remaining seg- ments are free, and there is no carapace. Eyes generally sessile or without stalks. A large group, none of which attain very great dimensions. The head and the first thoracic segment are indistinguishably fused to form an incomplete cephalothorax, and the first thoracic appendage is a maxilliped. The next seven thoracic segments are free and bear legs, and the abdominal segments may or may not be fused. The large eggs are carried by the female in a brood pouch formed by flat platelike appendages of certain thoracic legs. There is no metamorphosis, the young being hatched in a form resembling the parent. Divided into two suborders : a Amphipoda, b Isopoda. Suborder a Arthrostraca in which the body is usually compressed from side to side. The gills are borne on the thoracic appendages. The larger suborder of the two. In addition to the above charac- ters, it may be distinguished by the large abdomen, which, except in the Caprellidae, where it is vestigial, is as long as the thorax and has the segments free. Both pairs of antenna are present and either or both may be well developed. Eyes sessile in all of our forms. The first two pairs of thoracic legs, which are known as gnathopods, are frequently large, specially in the males, and subchelate, the terminal joint being bent back against the penultimate. The last three pairs are gener- ally long and adapted for leaping. The abdominal appendages are biramous and the first three pairs are long and delicate and function as swimming organs. The last three are stouter and assist in leap- ing and are known as uropods. To this suborder belong the " beach fleas," which are seen actively skipping around on the sand or hiding, sometimes in great numbers, under debris on the shore. Others are found under stones near tide marks, or burrowing in the sand or living in tubes of their own construction. Still others live in seaweeds or among eelgrass. I52 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM They are of considerable economic importance, as they frequently occur in immense numbers and are an important, if not the principal, food of many fishes. Bate, G. Spence. Catalogue of the Amphipodous Crustacea of the British Museum. Lond. 1862. Bate & Westwood. British Sessile-eyed Crustacea. Lond. 1863. Holmes, S. J. Synopses of North American Invertebrates, 18. The Am- phipoda. Am. Nat. 1903. 37:267. Sars's work, mentioned before, is also valuable, as it gives a classi- fication of the group and many figures of species, some of which are found on our shores. The Amphipoda are divided among three tribes : I Hyperiidea, 2 Gammaridea, 3 Caprellidea. The first of these is purely pelagic or free-swimming and its forms generally possess relatively enormous eyes. Specimens have not been taken within the city limits but they probably occur. By far the greater number of species belong to the second tribe, the third, which is of a distinctly degraded type, being a small one. 2 GAMMARIDEA According to Sars, this tribe is divided into 25 families and of these 7 have common representatives in New York city. Family ORCHESTIDAE Antennulae much shorter than antennae and devoid of a secondary flagellum. Mandibles without a palp. Gnathopods variable, the second pair being generally different in the two sexes. First two pairs of uropoda strong, last pair smaller and one branched. A very distinct family, the members of which have become more or less adapted to terrestrial life. They may be said to be the beach fleas. Allorchestes dentata (Smith) Hyalella dentata Smith. S. I. U. S. Fish Com. Rep't. 1872-73. p.645, pl.2, fig.8-io. A fresh-water form in which the first and second abdominal seg- ments are produced dorsally into spines. Much the smaller of the two fresh-water Amphipods found within the city. It also differs from Gammarus fasciatus, the HIGHER CRUSTACEA OF NEW YORK CITY 153 other form, in the lack of a secondary flagellum to the antennulae and in the gnathopoda. The first pair of these are small and sub- Fig. 19 Allorchestesdentata (After Smith) chelate in both sexes, and the second are small in the female and large in the male. Length 4.5-6.5 mm. Occurs in the fresh-water ponds and stagnant pools throughout the city. Allorchestes littoralis Stimpson Allorchestes littoralis Stimpson, W. The Marine Invertebrata of Grand Manan. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 6. Wash. 1854. Hyale littoralis Verrill. /. c. 1874. P-556. Fig. 20 A llor ches tes 1 it tora 1 is Antennae less than one third length of body, much stouter than antennulae and with thick fascicles of hairs. First gnathopoda small, subchelate and alike in both sexes. Second gnathopoda of similar form in both sexes but much larger in the male. 154 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM A littoral species, living under stones below high water mark. Length 8-10 mm. Color green of varying shades to brown. A few specimens were taken on the Chimney Sweeps near City Island. Orchestia agilis Smith Orchestia agilis Smith, S. I. In Verrill. /. c. 1874. p.555, pU, fig. 1 4- First gnathopods subchelate in both sexes; second pair of male much larger than first, with the hand oval and a notch at the pos- terior end of the palm. Antennulae not reaching penultimate joint of antennae. Flagellum of antennae stout, shorter than the peduncle Fig. 21 Orchestia agilis (After Verrill) and with 12-15 segments. First coxal plate small, fifth nearly as deep as fourth and deeply cleft. Carpus of third pereiopod of male swollen. As its name implies, this is a very active form and it occurs in great numbers under the debris, seaweed, eelgrass etc. cast up by the tide, about high water mark. When this is turned over, they make off by leaps in every direction, so that it is difficult to catch them, and then hide under the edges of stones or other objects. Length: male 10-15 mm, female 10-14 mnl- Color varies greatly, and all shades are found, from a light flesh color through pink or olive green to a deep slate or almost to black. This species is distributed almost everywhere along the shore of the bays and may nearly always be found. Orchestia palustris Smith Orchestia palustris Smith, S. I. In Verrill. /. c. 1874. p.555- Gnathopods as in O . agilis, but with palm of second pair of male smooth and without the notch. Antennulae reaching beyond HIGHER CRUSTACEA OF NEW 155 tip of penultimate joint of antennae. Flagelktm of antennae slender, longer than the peduncle and with 1 8 to 26 segments. Coxal plates as in preceding species. Fig. 22 Orchestiapalustris male, and first and second gnathopoda of female Very common under stones and logs above high water mark and somewhat farther from the water than a g i 1 i s . Length: male 15-22 mm, female 12-18 mm. Color varies much as in O . a g i 1 i s . Found all along the shores of the bays. Talorchestia longicornis (Say) T a 1 i t r u s longicornis Say, T. /. c. 1818. p. 384. Talorchestia longicornis Verrill. /. c. 1874. P-556. Small- wood, M. E. Cold Spring Harbor Monographs, i. Brooklyn. 1903. First gnathopods subchelate in the males but not in the females. Second gnathopods of male very large, subchelate, broader distally and with a large tubercle on the palm. Antennulae just reaching tip of penultimate joint of anten- nae, which are as long as the body. Eyes of moderate size. Coxal plates and uropods much as in Orchestia. Found on the sand beaches be- tween and above tide marks, often running or leaping over the sand but usually buried in it or under driftwood. An exceedingly good account of its habits is given by Smallwood [/. c.] to which the Fig.23 Talorchestia longicornis; a = second gnathopod of male; 6= first and c = second gnathopod of female 156 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM reader is referred. Smallwood is inclined to regard this and the succeeding species as identical, but representing different stages in the life of the animal, those called longicornis being the older individuals. Length 15-25 mm. Color cream or sand-colored, the older speci- mens showing markings of ocher, brown or violet. Common on sand beaches. Talorchestia megalophthalma (White) Orchestia megalophthalmia White. Cat. Crus. Brit. Mus. Talorchestia megalophthalma Verrill. /. c. 1874. p. 556. Gnathopods as in T. longicornis, but palm of male with- out the tubercle. Antennulae reaching tip of penultimate joint of Fig. 24 Talorchestia megalophthalmia antennae, which are less than half the length of the body. Eyes very large, occupying greater part of the head. Habits and color as in the preceding species. Length 15-25 mm. Found on sandy beaches. Family Antennulae somewhat shorter than antennae and with a sec- ondary flagellum. Mandibles with a palp. Gnathopoda compara- tively small and feeble, generally imperfectly subcheliform. Pos- HIGHER CRUSTACEA OF NEW YORK CITY 157 terior pereiopoda more or less dissimilar in structure and adapted for burrowing in soft bottoms. Uropoda all biramous, the last pair generally unlike the others. A family which possesses great abilities in burrowing; and the pereiopoda are correspondingly greatly modified. The one species taken probably has the most extreme development in that direction. Hailstorms arenarius (Slab.) O n i s c u s arenarius Slabber. Naturkunde Verlustigingen etc. p. 92, pi. 2, fig.3 and 4. Lepidactylus dytiscus Say, T. /. c. 1818. p-38o. Verrill. /. c. 1874, P-556. Smith, S. I. Ct. Acad. Arts and Sci. Trans. 1880. 4:282. Haustorius a r e n a r i u s Sars. I.e. 1895. p.i35, pl.46. Antennae with long and plumose hairs. Posterior pereiopoda very broad and without dactylus. Fig. 25 Haustorius arenarius This species can not be confounded with any other found on our coast. Its peculiar form, in which it somewhat resembles the sand bug, Hippa, and the character of its appendages, cause it to be the most rapid burrower of our coast. Length 10-12 mm. Cream or sand colored. Taken at Bayshore and Freeport and will probably be found in the sand along the bays, near high water mark. Family Body compressed anteriorly. Eyes generally four. Antennulae slender, without accessory flagellum, and placed at anterior end of head. Antennae somewhat larger and placed farther back. Last two segments of abdomen fused. Third pereiopoda different from 158 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM the preceding, with basal joint large and produced behind into a ciliated lobe. A burrowing family, only a single species of which has been taken, though others probably occur. Ampelisca macrocephala Lillg. A m p e 1 i s c a macrocephala Lillgeborg. Ofvers. af Kongl. Vet. Akad. Forh. 1852. p.;. Sars. /. c. 1895. p. 172, pl.6o, fig.i. Head as long as the first three thoracic segments. Eyes four, small, red and at anterior end of head. Lower posterior angle of the third abdominal segment produced. Basal segment of third pereiopoda nearly transverse below, the carpus not produced anteriorly. Fig. 26 Ampelisca macrocephala It is a burrowing form, living in smoothly lined tubes, which it constructs in the mud, and in the bottom of which it may generally be found. Length 10-15 mm. Color hyaline white. Found in the sandy mud flats of Jamaica bay. Calliopius laeviusculus (Kr.) Amphithoe laeviusculus Kr^yer. Gr^VIS Parasitic, usually on fish. Head projecting over base of anten- nulae, which, like the antennae are short and tapering with but little distinction into peduncle and flagellum. Dactylus of feet curved and adapted for fastening to the body of the fish. Fig. 42 Cyathura car- inata (After Harger) HIGHER CRUSTACEA OF NEW YORK CITY 173 Aegathoa loliginea Flarger A e g a t h o a 1 o 1 i g i n e a Harger. Am. Jour. Sci. Ser. 3, 1878. 15:376. Harger. /. c. 1880. p.393,, fig.66. Richardson. /. c. 1901. p. 526. Front of head evenly rounded, eyes very large. Antennae 10 jointed. First thoracic segment longer than others, which are equal in length. Legs armed with strong curved claws. Pleon long and large, uropoda slightly ciliated. (The uropoda in the specimens taken were like the right uropod in the figure.) Parasitic in the mouth of the squid usually, but taken on bluefish in Great South bay. Length 13 mm, breadth 3.6 mm. Color in alcohol, yellow with minute black spots. loll«ln" Livoneca ovalis (Say) C y m o t h o a ovalis Say, T. /. c. 1818. 1 1394. Cymothoa t r i 1 o b a DeKay. I.e. 1844. P-46,, fig.4O. Livoneca ovalis Verrill. I.e. 1874. P-572. Harger. /. c. 1880. p. 395. Richardson. /. c. 1901. p. 531. A parasitic Isopod, with body broadly oval and more or less distorted. Dorsal surface moderately convex. Feet pressed closely to the body and concealed; the first three pairs pointing forward, the last four backward. They are found clinging to the roof of the mouth or to the gills of fishes. The bluefish is the usual host, but it occurs on other forms, such as the scup. Length 15-22 mm, breadth 10—12 mm. Color light with minute, short, dark lines, which may be numerous enough Fig. 44 Livoneca ovalis to give the animal a very deep color. 174 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Famil Body short and convex. Head broad and transverse. Anten- nulae and antennae multiarticulate and distinctly divided into peduncle and flagellum. Anterior segments of pleon short with segments united. Cassidina lunifrons Richardson Cassidina lunifrons Richardson. Am. Nat. 1900. 34:222. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 1901. 23:533. fig. 14. A small species with broad, elliptic body. Head broader than long and set into thorax, eyes at posterior lateral corners. Terminal segment ^i&^fr;^' large and truncate. Inner branch of ,4^,; •i^; figure, 145. Caridea, i3Q7-335- Carinogammarus mucronatus, i6i3- 622 ; figure, 161. Cassidina lunifrons, I742; figure, 174. Catometopa, 138', i474-495. Centipedes, 119°. Chelifera, I7o°-7i9. Corophiidae, i669-678. Corophium cylindricum, i6j~ ; figure, 167. Crabs, 119°. blue, I421-43G. edible, I42*-43G- fiddler, i476-489. green, i447-456. hermit, 135*, i362-377- lady, i436-447- mud, I402-4i9. oyster, 149*. rock, I391. soft shell, 143". soldier, i476-489. spider, i458-473- Crangon septemspinosus, 13 11. vulgaris, isi1; figure, 131. Crangonidae, 130°, I3I1. Crayfish, I2O6, I3O5, I338, I342. 1 88 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Crustacea, up9. Cumacea, 150*. Cyathura carinata, I723; figure, 172. Cyclisticus convexns, i8is-82°; figure, 181. Cyclometopa, I387, I38S-45C. Cymothoa oval is, I735. triloba, I735. Cymothoidae, i72°-738. Decapoda, i293-49°. De Kay, J. E., cited, I257. Diastylus quadrispinosa, figure, 150. Edotea triloba, 177-; figure, 177. Elasmopns laevis, i621J-63>3; figure, 163. Entomostraca, 127-. Epelys trilobus, 177". Epicaridea, i854-86l Enpagurus longicarpus, is61-377. pollicaris, I361-37T; figure, 136. Flabellifera, 1 72^75 *. Gammaridae, i593-644. Gammaridea, i524-678. Gammarus fasciatus, 121°, 152°, 160"- 6i3; figures, 122, 160. locusta, i597-6or'; figure, 160. mucronatus, i6i3. Gebia, 135-. Gecarcinidae, I475. Gelasimus minax, i476-489 ; figure, 148. pugilator, i47''-48!'; figure, 148. pugnax, i47°-489; figure, 148. vocans, I477. Grapsidae, I475. Harger, cited, i7o2. Haustorius arenarius, i573; figure, 157- Hay, W. P., cited, 130'"'. Herbst, cited, 144". Hermit crabs, 135*, i36a-377. Heteromysis formosa, 129*. Hippa talpoida, I354; figure, 135. Hippidae, I354. Holmes, S. J., cited, 152". Homarus americanus, 1 33s- 34'. Hyale littoral is, I535. Hyalella dentata, 152*. Hyperiidea, I52:t. Idotea irrorata, I758. marina, i75T-764; figure, 175. metallica, I771. phosphorea, i764-77:; figure, 176. robusta, 177'. triloba, 177". Idoteidae, i75"-77<:. Insecta, I2O1. Lsopoda, i695-8s3. Jaera albifrons, I788. copiosa, i78s. marina, i787-7g5; figure, 179. Janiridae, i78°-793. Jassa marmorata, i65°-663; figure, 165. Kingsley, J. S., cited, 130°, I374, M87. Lady crab, i43°-447. Lepidactylus dytiscus, I573. Leptochila algicola, i7i2. dubia, 171'; figure, 171. rapax, i7i7; figure, 171. Libinia canaliculata, I459. dubia, i45s-473; figure, 146. emarginata, i45s-473 ; figure, 146. Livoneca ovalis, I733; figure, 173. Lobsters, 119", 120°, 133*; extinct in New York city, I3O5. Lupa diacantha, 142'. Macrura, i3o1-377, Maiidae, 145', i458-473- Malacostraca, i275-28\ Melita dentata, 162'. nitida, i6z2 ; figure, 162. Metaponorthus pruinosus, 183^-84' ; figure, 184. Microciona prolifera, 141'. Microdeutopus gryllotalpa, i63''-644; figure, 164. Millipedes, 119°. Milne-Edwards, A., cited, 125'. Mites, I201. Moera laevis, 162°. Mud crabs, I4O2-4I9. Myriopoda, TI99. INDEX TO HIGHER CRUSTACEA OF NEW YORK CITY 189 Mysis americana, I2SU. I stenolepis, i28°-295; figure, 129. Nebalia bipes, I283. Ocypodidae, i4/5-48'J. Oniscidae, i8o4-845. Oniscoidea, i79!-4^7 ; figure, 144- Podoceridae, i643-668. Podocerus cylindricns, 167-. Pontoporeiidae, i569-578. Porcellio pruinosus, i838. rathkei, i82G-834; figure, 182. Porcellio scaber, 183"; figure, 183. Portunidae, i389,i421-45<;. Prawns, 130*, I3O9, 132'. Probopyrus palaemoneticola, i8s8-863 ; figure, 185. Rathbun, Mary ]., cited, 138°. Rathbun, R., cited, 125*. Richardson, Harriet, cited, I7O4. Rock crab, 139'. Sand-bug, 135"'. Sars, G. O., cited, 125s, I523, 152'', 170°. Say, Thomas, cited, 125", 170". Schizopoda, i284-295. Scorpions, I2O\ Shrimps, 119'-', I3O4, 130°, 131'. mantis, I49S-5O4. Smallwood, cited, 155°. Smith, S. I., cited, I261. Sphaeroma quadridentatum, i747-754; figure, 175. Sphaeromidae, i741-75°- Spiders, I2O1. Squilla empusa, i49*-5o4 ; figure, 150. Stebbing, T. R. R., cited, 126". Stencsoma irrorata, 175s. Stimpson, W., cited, 126'. Stomatopoda, i49"-5o4. Talitrus longicornis, I555. Talorchestia longicornis, i553-562; figure, 155. megalophthalma, I563; figure, 156. Tanaidae, I7ou-7i". Tanais dubius, I71*- filurn, I7I1. Thalassinidea, I351. Unciola irrorata, i664 ; figure, 166. Underwood, L. AL, cited, I263. Valvifera, i753-77°- Verrill, A. E., cited, I263, 137*, 148', 150°, 170°. Virbius pleuracanthus, I332. zostericola, i32s-333; figure, 133. Water fleas, 119°. Westwood, cited, I522. New York State Education Department New York State Museum PUBLICATIONS Postage or express to places outside of New York State must be paid in addition to the price given. On 10 or more copies of any one publica- tion 20% discount will be given, the buyer to pay transportation. Editions printed are only large enough to meet special claims and probable sales. When the sale copies are exhausted, the price for the few reserve copies is advanced to that charged by secondhand booksellers, in order to limit their distribution to cases of special need. Such prices are inclosed in [ ]. All publications are in paper covers, unless binding is specified. Museum annual reports i847-date. All in print to 1892, 500 a volume, 750 in cloth; i&ys-daie, 750, cloth. These reports are made up of the reports of the director, geologist, paleontologist, botanist and entomologist, and museum bulletins and memoirs, issued as advance sections of the reports. Geologist's annual reports i88i-date. Rep'ts i, 3-13, i;-date, O; 2, 14-16, Q. The annual reports of the early natural history survey, 1837-41, are out of print. Reports 1-4, 1881-84, were published only in separate form. Of the sth report 4 pages were reprinted in the sgth museum report, and a supplement to the 6th report was included in the 4oth museum report. The yth and subsequent reports are included in the 4ist and following museum reports, except that certain lithographic plates in the nth report (1891) and isth (1893) are omitted from the 4$th and 47th museum reports. Separate volumes of the following only are available. Report Price Report Price Report Price 12(1892) $.50 17 $.75 21 $.40 14 -75 18 -75 22 .40 15, 2V. 2 19 .40 23 In press 16 i 20 .50 In 1898 the paleontologic work of the State was made distinct from the geologic and was reported separately from 1899-1903. The two departments were reunited in 1904. Paleontologist's annual reports 1899-1903. See fourth note under Geologist's annual reports. Bound also with museum reports of which they form a part. Reports for 1899 and 1900 may be had for zoc each. Those for 1901-3 were issued as bulletins. In 1904 combined with geologist's report. Entomologist's annual reports on the injurious and other insects of the State of New York i882-date. Reports 3-19 bound also with museum reports 40-46, 48-57 of which they form a part. Since 1898 these reports have been issued as bulletins. Reports 3-4 are out of print, other reports with prices are : Report Price Report Price Report Price i $.50 9 $-25 15 (En 9) $.15 2 .30 10 5 -25 « 6 .15 12 7 .20 13 8 .25 i4 (En 5) 35 16 ( " 10 ) .25 25 17 ( " H ) -3° 25 18 ( 17 ) .20 10 19 ( " 21 ) .15 20 ao In press Reports 2, 8-12 may also be obtained bound separately in cloth at 25c in addition to the price given above. Botanist's annual reports i867-date. Bound also with museum reports 2i-date of which they form a part ; the first botanist's report appeared in the 2ist museum report and is numbered 21. Reports 21-24, 29, 31-41 were not published separately. Separate reports 25-28, 30, 42-50 and 52 (Botany 3), are out of print. Report 51 may be had for 4oc ; 53 for 2oc ; 54 for soc. Since the ssth these reports have been issued as bulletins. Descriptions and illustrations of edible, poisonous and unwholesome fungi of New York have been published in volumes i and 3 of the 48th museum report and in volume i of the 49th, sjst, 52d, 54th and 55th reports. The descriptions and illustrations of edible and unwholesome species con- tained in the 4gth, sist and 52d reports have been revised and rearranged, and, combined with others more recently prepared, constitute Museum memoir 4. MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS Museum bulletins i887-date. O. To advance subscribers, $2 a year or 500 a year for those of any one division: (i) geology, economic geology, miner- alogy, (2) general zoology, archeology and miscellaneous, (3) paleontology, (4) botany, (5) entomology. Bulletins are also found with the annual reports of the museum as follows : Bulletin Repori Bulletin G i 48, V. Pa i 2 5', v. 2, 3 3 '2, V. 4 4 54, V 5,6 5 56, v. E«r 5, 6 48, V. Z 3 7 50, v. 4 8 53, v. 5-7 9 54, v. 8 10 *' V. 9 ii 5*S v. En 3 M 2 " V. 4-6 Rep Bulletin Report Bulletin Report En 7-9 53, v Ar3 52, . 10 54 1 4 54, • 1 1 ii 5 . 12, 13 u 6 55, • 14 55, 7 56, . 15-18 56, Ms i, 2 Bo 3 52 4 53- Memoir 5 5*1 2 49, -3 0 56, 3, 4 53, .2 Ar i 50, 2 5', The figures in parenthesis indicate the bulletin's number as a New York State Museum bulletin. Geology. Gl (14) Kemp, J. F. Geology of Moriah and Westport Town- ships, Essex Co. N. Y., with notes on the iron mines. 38p. 7pl. 2 maps. Sep. 1895. loc. G2 (19) Merrill, F: J. H. Guide to the Study of the Geological Collections of the New York State Museum. i62p. nppl. map. Nov. 1898. [joe] G3 (21) Kemp, J. F. Geology of the Lake Placid Region. 24p. ipl. map. Sep. 1898. 5c. G4 (48) Woodworth, J. B. Pleistocene Geology of Nassau County and Borough of Queens. 58p. il. gpl. map. Dec. 1901. 250. G5 (56) Merrill, F: J. H. Description of the State Geologic Map of 1901. 42p. 2 maps, tab. Oct. 1902. loc. G6 (77) Gushing, H. P. Geology of the Vicinity of Little Falls, Herkimer Co. 98p. il. I5pl. 2 maps. Jan. 1905. joe. G7 (83) Woodworth, J. B. Pleistocene Geology of the Mooers Quadrangle. 62p. 25pl. map. June 1905. 250. G8 (84) - - Ancient Water Levels of the Champlain and Hudson Valleys. In press. G9 (95) dishing, H. P. Geology of the Northeast Adirondack Region. In press. Ogilvie, I. H. Geology of the Paradox Lake Quadrangle. In press. Economic geology. Egl (3) Smock, J: C. Building Stone in the State of New York. 152?. Mar. 1888. Out of print. Eg2 (7) First Report on the Iron Mines and Iron Ore Districts in the State of New York. 6+70p. map. June 1889. Out of print. Eg3 (10) Building Stone in New York. 2iop. map, tab. Sep. 1890. 40c. Eg4 (11) Merrill, F: J. H. Salt and Gypsum Industries of New York. 92p. I2pl. 2 maps, ii tab. Ap. 1893. [Joe] Eg5 (12) Ries, Heinrich. Clay Industries of New York. I74p. 2pl. map. Mar. 1895. soc. Eg6 (15) Merrill, F: J. H. Mineral Resources of New York. 224?. 2 maps. Sep. 1895. [50^] Eg7 (17) Road Materials and Road Building in New York. 52p. i4pl. 2 maps 34x45, 68x92 cm. Oct. 1897. I5c. Maps separate ioc each, two for i$c. Eg8 (30) Orton, Edward. Petroleum and Natural Gas in New York. 136?. il. 3 maps. Nov. 1899. I5C* Eg9 (35) Ries, Heinrich. Clays of New York; their Properties and Uses. 456p. I40pl. map. June 1900. $i, cloth. EglO (44) Lime and Cement Industries of New York; Eckel, E. C. Chapters on the Cement Industry. 332?. loipl. 2 maps. Dec. 1901. 85c, cloth. Egll (61) Dickinson, H. T. Quarries of Bluestone and other Sandstones in New York. io8p. i8pl. 2 maps. Mar. 1903. 35c. Egl2 (85) Rafter, G: W. Hydrology of New York State. 9O2p. il. 44pl. 5 maps. May 1905. $1-50, cloth. Newland, D. H. Mining and Quarry Industry of New York. In press. NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Mineralogy. Ml (4) Nason, F. L. Some New York Minerals and their Localities. 2Op. ipl. Aug. 1888. [ioc] M2 (58) Whitlock, H. P. Guide to the Mineralogic Collections of the New York State Musuem. i5Op. il. 39pl. n models. Sep. 1902. 400. M3 (70) - - New York Mineral Localities, nop. Sep. 1903. 20c. Paleontology. Pal (34) Cumings, E. R. Lower Silurian System of East- ern Montgomery County; Prosser, C: S. Notes on the Stratigraphy of Mohawk Valley and Saratoga County, N. Y. 74p. lopl. map. May 1900. I5c. Pa2 (39) Clarke, J: M.; Simpson, G: B. & Loomis, F: B. Paleontologic Papers i. /2p. il. i6pl. Oct. 1900. I5c. Contents : Clarke, I : M. A Remarkable Occurrence of Orthoceras in the Oneonta Beds of the Chenango Valley, N. V. — Paropsonema cryptophya ; a Peculiar Echinoderm from the Intumescens-zone (Portage Beds) of Western New York. — Dictyonine Hexactinellid Sponges from the Upper Devonic of New York. — The Water Biscuit of Squaw Island, Canandaigua Lake, N. Y. Simpsnn, G : B. Preliminary Descriptions of New Genera of Paleozoic Rugose Corals. Loomis, F : B. Siluric Fungi from Western New York Pa3 (42) Ruedemann, Rudolf. Hudson River Beds near Albany and their Taxonomic Equivalents. H4p. 2pl. map. Ap. 1901. 250. Pa4 (45) Grabau, A. W. Geology and Paleontology of Niagara Falls and Vicinity. 286p. il. i8pl. map. Ap. 1901. 650; cloth, ooc. Pa5 (49) Ruedemann, Rudolf; Clarke, J: M. & Wood, Elvira. Paleon- tologic Papers 2. 240p. I3pl. Dec. 1901. 400. Contents: Ruedemann, Rudolf. Trenton Conglomerate of Rysedorph Hill. Clarke, J : M. Limes:ones of Central and Western New York Interbedded with Bituminous Shales of the Marcellus Stage. Wood, Elvira. Marcellus Limestones of Lancaster, Erie Co. N. Y. Clarke, J : M. New Agelacrinites. Value of Amnigenia as an Indicator of Fresh- water Deposits during the Devonic of New York, Ireland and the Khineland. Pa6 (52) Clarke, J: M. Report of the State Paleontologist 1901. 28op. il. 9pl. map, I tab. July 1902. 400. Pa7 (63) - Stratigraphy of Canandaigua and Naples Quadrangles. /8p. map. June 1904. 250. Pa8 (65) - — Catalogue of Type Specimens of Paleozoic Fossils in the New York State Museum. 848p. May 1903. $1.20, cloth. Pa9 (69) - - Report of the State Paleontologist 1902. 464p. 52pl. 8 maps. Nov. 1903. $i, cloth. PalO (80) _ - Report of the State Paleontologist 1903. 396?. 2Opl. map. Feb. 1905. 85c, cloth. Pall (81) - - & Luther, D. D. Watkins and Elmira Quadrangles. 32p. map. Mar. 1905. 2$c. Pal2 (82) Geologic Map of the Tully Quadrangle. 4Op. map. Ap. 1905. 20C. Luther, D. D. Geology of the Buffalo Quadrangle- In pr.ess. Grabau, A. W. Guide to the Geology and Paleontology of the Schoharie Region. In press. Ruedemann, Rudolf. Cephalopoda of Beekmantown and Chazy Formations of Champlain Basin. In preparation. Zoology. Zl (1) Marshall, W: B. Preliminary List of New York Unioni- dae. 20p. Mar. 1892. $c. Z2 (9) Beaks of Unionidae Inhabiting the Vicinity of Albany, N. Y. 24p. ipl. Aug. 1890. loc. Z3 (29) Miller, G. S. jr. Preliminary List of New York Mammals. 124?. Oct. 1899. I5c. Z4 (33) Farr, M. S. Check List of New York Birds. 224?. Ap. 1900. 250. Z5 (38) Miller, G. S. jr. Key to the Land Mammals of Northeastern North America. io6p. Oct. 1900. 150. Z6 (40) Simpson, G: B. Anatomy and Physiology of Polygyra albolabris and Limax maximus and Embryology of Limax maximus. 82p. 28pl. Oct. 1901. 2$c. Z7 (43) Kellogg, J. L. Clam and Scallop Industries of New York. 36?. 2pl. map. Ap. 1901. we. Z8 (51) Eckel, E. C. & Paulmier, F. C. Catalogue of Reptiles and Batrach- ians of New York. 64p. il. ipl. Ap. 1902. i$c. E kel, E. C. Serpents of Northeastern United States. Piinlmier, F. C. Lizards, Tortoises and Batrachians of New York. MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS 29 (60) Bean, T. H. Catalogue of the Fishes of New York. 7849. Feb. 1903. $i, cloth. Z10 (71) Kellogg, J. L. Feeding Habits and Growth of Venus mercenaria. 3Op. 40pl. Sep. 1903. loc. Zll (88) Letson, Elizabeth J. Check List of the Mollusca of New York. 114?. May 1905. 2oc. Z12 (91) Paulmier, F. C. Higher Crustacea of New York City. 78p. il. June 1905. 20c. Eaton, E. H. Birds of New York. In preparation. Entomology. Enl (5) Lintner, J. A. White Grub of the May Beetle. 329. il. Nov. 1888. loc. En2 (6) - _ Cut-worms. 36?. il. Nov. 1888. loc. En3 (13) San Jose Scale and Some Destructive Insects of New York State. 54p. ;pl. Ap. 1895. I5c. En4 (20) Felt, E. P. Elm-leaf Beetle in New York State. 46p. il. spl. June 1898. sc. See En 15. En5 (23) i4th Report of the State Entomologist 1898. isop. il. Qpl. Dec. 1898. 2oc. En6 (24) - - Memorial of the Life and Entomologic Work of J. A. Lint- ner Ph.D. State Entomologist 1874-98; Index to Entomologist's Re- ports 1-13. 3i6p. ipl. Oct. 1899. 350. Supplement to i4th report of the state entomologist. En7 (26) Collection, Preservation and Distribution of New York In- sects. 36?. il. Ap. 1809. sc. En8 (27) Shade Tree Pests in New York State. 26p. il. spl. May 1899. 5c> En9 (31) i5th Report of the State Entomologist 1899. I28p. June 1900. isc. EnlO (36) i6th Report of the State Entomologist 1900. ii8p. i6pL Mar. 1901. 25c. Enll (37) Catalogue of Some of the More Important Injurious and Beneficial Insects of New York State. 54p. il. Sep. 1900. loc. Enl2 (46) Scale Insects of Importance and a List of the Species in New York State. 94p. il. I5pl. June 1901. 2$c. Enl3 (47) Needham, J. G. & Betten, Cornelius. Aquatic Insects in the Adirondacks. 234p. il. 36pl. Sep. 1901. 45c. Enl4 (53) Felt, E. P. I7th Report of the State Entomologist 1901. 232?. il. 6pl. Aug. 1902. soc. Enl5 (57) Elm Leaf Beetle in New York State. 46p. il. Spl. Aug. 1902. 150. This is a revision of En4 containing the more essential facts observed since that was prepared. Enl6 (59) Grapevine Root Worm. 4Op. 6pl. Dec. 1902. i$c. See Enig. Enl7 (64) i8th Report of the State Entomologist 1902. nop. 6pl. May 1903. 2oc. Enl8 (68) Needham, J. G. & others. Aquatic Insects in New York. 322p. 52pl. Aug. 1903. Soc, cloth. 19 (72 Enl9 (72) Felt, E. P. Grapevine Root Worm. s8p. I3pl. Nov. 1903. 2oc. This is a revision of Eni6 containing the more essential facts observed since that was prepared. En20 (74) - - & Joutel, L. H. Monograph of the Genus Saperda. 88p. I4pl. June 1904. 25c. En21 (76) Felt, E. P. I9th Report of the State Entomologist 1903. isop. 4pl. 1904. I5c* En22 (79) Mosquitos or Culicidae of New York. 164?. il. 57pl. Oct. 1904. 400. En23 (86) Needham, J. G. & others. May Flies and Midges of New York. 352p. il. 37pl. Soc, cloth. Felt, E. P. 20th Report of the State Entomologist 1904. In press. Botany. Bol (2) Peck, C: H. Contributions to the Botany of the State of New York. 66p. 2pl. May 1887- Out of print. . Bo2 (8) Boleti of the United States. Q6p. Sep. 1889. [foci Bo3 (25) Report of the State Botanist 1898. 76p. spl. Oct. 1899. Out of print. NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT te Bo4 (28) Plants of North Elba. 2O<5p. map. June 1899. 200. Bo5 (54) Report of the State Botanist 1901. 58p. 7pl. Nov. 1902. 400. Bo6 (67) Report of the State Botanist 1902. 196?. 5pl. May 1903. 5oc. Bo7 (75) Report of the State Botanist 1903. 7op. 4pl. 1904. 40C. Report of the State Botanist 1904. In press. Archeology. Arl (16) Beauchamp, W: M. Aboriginal Chipped Stone Im- plements of New York. 86p. 23pl. Oct. 1897. 2$c. Ar2 (18) Polished Stone Articles used by the New York Aborigines. l°4P- 35pl- Nov. 1897. 250. Ar3 (22) Earthenware of the New York Aborigines. 78?. 33pl. Oct. 1898. 25c. Ar4 (32) Aboriginal Occupation of New York. i9Op. i6pl. 2 maps. Mar. 1900. soc. Ar5 (41) Wampum and Shell Articles used by New York Indians. i66p. 28pl. Mar. 1901. 300. Ar6 (50) Horn and Bone Implements of the New York Indians. H2p. 43pl. Mar. 1902. Ar7 (55) Metallic Implements of the New York Indians. 94p. 38?!. June 1902. 250. Ar8 (73) Metallic Ornaments of the New York Indians. I22p. 37pl. Dec. 1903. 300. Ar9 (78) History of the New York Iroquois. 340p. I7pl. map. Feb. 1905. 75c, cloth. ArlO (87) Perch Lake Mounds. 84?. I2pl. Ap. 1905. 2oc. Aril (89) Aboriginal Use of Wood in New York. 190?. 35pl. June 1905- 35C. Miscellaneous. Msl (62) Merrill, F: J. H. Directory of Natural History Museums in United States and Canada. 236p. Ap. 1903. 3oc. Ms2 (66) Ellis, Mary. Index to Publications of the New York State Nat- ural History Survey and New York State Museum 1837-1902. 4i8p. June 1903. ?5c, cloth. Museum memoirs i889-date. Q. 1 Beecher, C: E. & Clarke, J: M. Development of some Silurian Brachi- opoda. o6p. 8pl. Oct. 1889. Out of print. % Hall, James & Clarke, J: M. Paleozoic Reticulate Sponges. 35Op. il. 70pl. 1898. $i, cloth. 3 Clarke, J: M. The Oriskany Fauna of Becraft Mountain, Columbia Co. N. Y. I28p. 9pl. Oct. 1900. Soc. 4 Peck, C: H. N. Y. Edible Fungi, 1895-99. io6p. 25pl. Nov. 1900. 75C. This includes revised descriptions and illustrations of fungi reported in the 4Qth, sist and $zd reports of the state botanist. 5 Clarke, J: M. & Ruedemann, Rudolf. Guelph Formation and Fauna of New York State. 196?. 21 pi. July 1903. #1.50, cloth. 6 Naples Fauna in Western New York. 268p. 26pl. map. $2, cloth. 7 Ruedemann, Rudolf. Graptolites of New York. Pt I Graptolites of the Lower Beds. 350p. I7pl. Feb. 1905. $1.50, cloth. Felt, E. P. Insects Affecting Park and Woodland Trees. In press. Clarke, J: M. Early Devonic of Eastern New York. In preparation. Natural history Of New York. 3ov. il. pi. maps. Q. Albany 1842-94. DIVISION i ZOOLOGY. De Kay, James E. Zoology of New York; or, The New York Fauna; comprising detailed descriptions of all the animals hitherto observed within the State of New York with brief notices of those occasionally found near its borders, and accompanied by appropri- ate illustrations. 5v. il. pi. maps. sq. Q. Albany 1842-44. Out of print. Historical introduction to the series by Gov. W : H. Seward. 178?. v. i pti Mammalia. i3+i46p. 33pl. 1842. 300 copies with hand-colored plates. v. 2 pt2 Birds. 12+380?. 1419!. 1844. Colored plates, v. 3 pt3 Reptiles and Amphibia. 7+98p- PU Fishes. 15+415?. 1842. pts-4 bound together. I MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS v. 4 Plates to accompany v. 3. Reptiles and Amphibia 23pl. Fishes 7ppl. 1842. 300 copies with hand-colored plates. v- 5 pt$ Mollusca. 4+27ip. 4opl. pt6 Crustacea. 70?. I3pl. 1843-44. Hand-colored plates : pts-6 bound together. DIVISION 2 BOTANY. Torrey, John. Flora of the State of New York; com- prising full descriptions of all the indigenous and naturalized plants hith- erto discovered in the State, with remarks on their economical and med- ical properties. 2v. il. pi. sq. Q. Albany 1843. Out of print. v. i Flora of the State of New York. 12+484?. 72pl. 1843. 300 copies with hand-colored plates. v. 2 Flora of the State of New York. 572p. 89?!. 1843. 300 copies with hand-colored plates. DIVISION 3 MINERALOGY. Beck, Lewis C. Mineralogy of New York; com- prising detailed descriptions of the minerals hitherto found in the State of New York, and notices of their uses in the arts and agriculture. 11. pi. sq. Q. Albany 11842. Out of print. v. i pti Economical Mineralogy. pt2 Descriptive Mineralogy. 24+536?. 1842. 8 plates additional to those printed as part of the text. DIVISION 4 GEOLOGY. Mather, W: W.; Emmons, Ebenezer; Vanuxem, Lard- ner & Hall, James. Geology of New York. 4v. il. pi. sq. Q. Albany 1842-43. Out of print. v. I pti Mather, W: W. First Geological District. 37+653?. 46pl. 1843. v. 2 pt2 Emmons, Ebenezer. Second Geological District. 10+437?. 17?!. 1842. v- 3 pt3 Vanuxem, Lardner. Third Geological District. 3o6p. 1842. v. 4 pt4 Hall, James. Fourth Geological District 22+683?. *9pl- map. 1843- DIVISION 5 AGRICULTURE. Emmons, Ebenezer. Agriculture of New York; comprising an account of the classification, composition and .distribution of the soils and rocks and the natural waters of the different geological formations, together*$vith a condensed view of the meteorology and agri- cultural productions of the State, sv. il. pi. sq. Q. Albany 1846-54* Out of print. v. i Soils of the State, their Composition and Distribution. 11+371?. 2ipl. 1846. v. 2 Analysis of Soils, Plants, Cereals, etc. 8+343+46?. 42?!. 1849. With hand-colored plates. v. 3 Fruits, etc. 8+340?. 1851. v. 4 Plates to accompany v. 3. 95?!. 1851. Hand-colored. v. 5 Insects Injurious to Agriculture. 8+272?. 50?!. 1854. With hand -colored plates. DIVISION 6 PALEONTOLOGY. Hall, James. Palaeontology of New York. 8v. il. pi. sq. Q. Albany 1847-94. Bound in cloth. v. i Organic Remains of the Lower Division of the New York System. 23+338?. 99?1. 1847. Out of prmt. v. 2 Organic Remains of Lower Middle Division of the New York System. 8+362?. 104?!. 1852. ' Out of print. v. 3 Organic Remains of the Lower Helderberg Group and the Oriskany Sandstone, pti, text. 12+532?. 1859. [$3.50] pt2, I43pl. 1861. [$2.50] v. 4 Fossil Brachiopoda of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. 11+1+428?. oopl. 1867. $2.50. v. 5 pti Lamellibranchiata i. Monomyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups. 18+268?. 45?!. 1884. $2.50. r Lamellibranchiata 2. Dimyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Ham- ilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. 62+293?. 5ipl. 1885. $2.50. pt2 Gasteropoda, Pteropoda and Cephalopoda of the Upper Helder- berg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. 2v. 1879. v. i, text 15+492?. v. 2, I2O?1. $-2.50 for 2 v. NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT - & Simpson, George B. y. 6 Corals and Bryozoa of the Lower and Upper Helderberg'and Hamilton Groups. 24+298?. 67pl. 1887. $2.50. • - & Clarke, John M. v. 7 Trilobites and other Crustacea of the Oris- kany, Upper Helderberg. Hamilton, Portage, Chemung and Catskill Groups. 64+236?. 46pl. 11888. Cont. supplement to v. 5, pt2. Ptero- poda, Cephalopoda and Annelida. 42p. i8pl. 1888. $2.50. - & Clarke, John M. v. 8 pti Introduction to the Study of the Genera of the Paleozoic Brachiopoda. 16+367?. 44pl. 1892. $2.50. - & Clarke, John M. - pt2 Paleozoic Brachiopoda. 16+304?. 84?!. 1894. $2.50. Catalogue of the Cabinet of Natural History of the State of New York and of the Historical and Antiquarian Collection annexed thereto. 242?. O. 1853- Handbooks i8o.3-date. 7^x12^ cm. In quantities, i cent for each 16 pages or less. Single copies postpaid as below. H5 New York State Museum. 52?. il. 40. Outline history and work of the museum with list of staff igoa. H13 Paleontology. I2p. 2c. Brief outline of State Museum work in paleontology under heads: Definition; ^Relation to biology ; Relation to stratigraphy ; History of paleontology in New York. H15 Guide to Excursions in the Fossiliferous Rocks of New York. 8c. Itineraries of 32 trips covering nearly the entire series of Paleozoic rocks, prepared specially for the use of teachers and students desiring to acquaint themselves more intimately with the classic rocks of this State. H16 Entomology. i6p. 2c. 117 Economic Geology. 44?. 40. 8 Insecticides and Fungicides. 2Op. 30. H19 Classification of New York Series of Geologic Formations. 32?. 30. Maps. Merrill, F: J. H. Economic and Geologic Map of the State of New York; issued as part of Museum bulletin 15 and the 48th Museum Report, v. i. 59x67 cm. 1894, Scale 14 miles to i inch. 150. - Geologic Map of New York. 1901. Scale sfciiles to I inch. In alias form $3; mounted on rollers $5. Lower Hudson sheets 6oc. The lower Hudson sheet, geologically colored, comprises Rockland, Orange, Dutchess, Put- nam, Westchester, New York, Richmond, Kings, Queens and Nassau counties, and parts of Sul- livan, Ulster and Suffolk counties'; also northeastern New Jersey and part of western Connecticut. - Map of New York showing the Surface Configuration and Water Sheds. 1901. Scale 12 miles to i inch. 150. Geologic maps on the United States Geological Survey topographic base; scale i in. ='i m. Those marked with an asterisk have also been pub- lished separately. *Albany county. Mus. rep't 49, v. 2. 1898. 50c Area around Lake Placid. Mus. bul. 21. 1898. Vicinity of Frankfort Hill [parts of Herkimer and Oneida counties]. Mus. rep't 51, v. i. 1899. Rockland county. State geol. rep't 18. 1899. Amsterdam quadrangle. Mus. bul. 34. 1900. *Parts of Albany and Rensselaer counties. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. loc. *Niagara River. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. 250. Part of Clinton county. State geol. rep't 19. 1901. Oyster Bay and Hempstead quadrangles on Long Island. Mus. bul. 48. 1901. Portions of Clinton and Essex counties. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. Part of town of Northumberland, Saratoga co. State geol. rep't 21. 1903, Union Springs, Cayuga county and vicinity. Mus. bul. 69. 1903. *Olean quadrangle. Mus. bul. 69. 1903. loc. *Becraft Mt with 2 sheets of sections. (Scale t in. =^ m.) Mus. bul. 69. 1903. 20C. *Canandaigua-Naples quadrangles. Mus. bul. 63. 1904. 200. *Little Falls quadrangle. Mus. bul. 77. 1905. 150. *Watkins-Elmira 'quadrangle. Mus. bul. 81. 1905,. 200. *Tully quadrangle. Mus. bul. 82. 1905. ior. *Salamanca quadrangle. Mus. bul. 80. 1905. loc. York ~Tmis m bulletin^ U52 ncu91_ III Ml RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORRO eifCULATION DEPARTMENT This book is due on the last date stamped belov on the date to which renewed, books are subject to immediate reca UNI-' Xo. z i£C. CIR. JUL 2 8 18 LD21 — 32m — 1,'75 (S3845L)4970 General Librar University of Calif Berkeley