■t! I [^. i^ART II. For the Junior a ncf Senior Leaving Examinations. liIGH 5CH00 OTANICAL Book HB-3P0TT0N.MA-FL5- THE W. J. GAGE COMPANY (ltd.) TORONTO. \ y y^: u ^ r C X HIGH SCHOflL BOTANICAL NOTE 1U)0K: PART II. FOR THE JUNIOR AND SENIOR LEAVING EXAMINATIONS BY - H. B. SPOTTON, M.A., F.L.S. PRINTIPAL ok IlAltlKiHI) StKKKT CViI.LKOIATK ISimTtTK, TOKOXTO. Autlioriziil hy tin- Kduiafloit J)< imi l m- nL j'nr n,,hnio. I'ric'C', an Ci/irs THE W. .1. (rA(.i: foMl'ANV .^Lix'.;. : TORONTO. ._J Entei-etl according to Act of Parliament of Canada, in tlie year of our Lord 1805, in tJie office of tlie Minister of Agriculture, by the W. J. Gage Company (/-td.), Toronto. PREl'ACE 'IMiis 1)oiik irj (U'»ij,'iu'lants, j^onu^ iiractical hints t'oi- carrviuji;- '<\\ niioroscopic work, descriptions of certain cryiitaxt I)p:sgriptiox. Descriptiye Schedules : OnliiHinj Plant Scheduler. Coinpo.^tfes. Leaf Schech(/e.s. l-"Lni;AL Dl\(;i.'ams. IXDKX. Plaxk Leaves kuk Notes. I ON TIIIO MANAGICMENT OF ELEMENTARY CLASSES IN BOTANY' Tup: following suggestions are offered in the liope that they may be found helpful to those who are beginning the work of teaching Botany, as well as to the young student. Tlie writer, mindful of tlio dirticukies and perplexities which he has himself often had to encounter, makos no apology for thus presenting what appear to him to be the chief essentials to success in this department of school work. It goes without saying that no written instructions can ever make a successful teacher where natural enthusiasm is wanting, but it is equally true that the young enthusiast may derive some benefit from tlie larger experience of others; and while the intelligent and active teacher will not slavishly follow ilie details of any method, but will Ije quick to avail himself of any legitimate device which will serve Ills purpose, still there are broad principles upon which those who have had practical experience will ])i-obabl3' agree. In the following remarks an attempt is made To outline tlin coni-^- nf n yen's worlc wiiiiii it is thought will be found practicable in any High School. When to begin Botanical Work.— A good deal might be said in favor of beginning our botanical work in llie spring. At that time, wlien nature is awaking from the torpor of winter, and tlie iirst leaves and flowers are unfolding, it is especially delightfid to ramble abroad. Then, ]»erhaiis more than at any other time, the youtiifid mind is attracted by the forms of the vegetable world, and is prepared to enter upon the systematic study of them with more than ordinary enthusiasm. And if it were possible to continue through the siunmer the botanical work begun in the spring, doubtless the most satisfactorj' results would be obtained. There is, however, the break caused by the long vacation, during which teacher and ])upils are separated and school work generally abandonc increased in frequency for a time. How to begin. — Assuming, then, that the botanical work is commenced in September, the next question to consider is how to curry on the work of the class so as to give the subject its liighest educational value. Botany is essentially a science of observation. One of its verj' highe.st uses as a factor in education is tliiif if f'-iois tlm ..ve t.i b:. lilts of ■.uu-mv.hv. ■Rut. in ord.-r to On TIIK MaNACJEMKNT (JK ELii.MKNXAKV ClASSKS 1\ IJOTANV. receive this benefit, it is essential that the pupil should be brought into contact with the forms whicli are the objects of study; that he should- handle tliem and view theiii for himself; that he slioukl by personal inspection, ascertain their habits, and by visiting theix' haunts learn the situa- ations in which they flourish best. Undoubtedly, then, the first essential in giving a lesson is that every member of the class should have before liiia a specimen of the plant, or part of plant, which is to be the subject of the lesson. Then the teacher will direct attention to the different organs, naturally in the order of development of the organs themselves ; first to the root, then to the stem, then to the leaves, and finally to the flower. In a first lesson it would not be amiss to make a superficial examination of tlie entire plant, rapidly and briefly discussing the nature and use of each i)art. but avoiding as far as pos.ssible the use of technical terms. The chapter on tlie Buttercup, as given in the text-book, really affords material for several lessons. Each teacher must; however, be guided by the time at his disposal and the circumstances of his class as to how much ground he will attempt to cover at one time. Some of the plants described in the text-book as, for instance, Hepatica and Marsh Marigold, will not be available in the autumn. This, how- ever, is a matter of comparatively little consequence, as others can be substituted. In fact, after one plant, such as Buttercup, has been thoroughly understood, almost any other dicotyledonous plant may be .taken up and comi^ared with it. The order followed in the text-ljook is a good one, l}ecause the pupil is led by degrees from the study of floral forms in which all the parts are present but entirely disconnected, to others showing various complications and irregularities ; but the judicious teacher will readily supplement the work of the text-book by the use of material which he will find in abundance everywhere about him. Let him keep in view the series of facts which it is essential that the class should know, and he ma\' use any material which would enable the class to discover those facts from personal obseiwation. How to conduct a Lesson. — if the class is a large one, it Avill economize time to have the observations made simultaneouslj". Suppose the Red Maple is the subject of the lesson, which of coitrse in this particular case must be given in the spring. The class having observed that the flowers precede the leaves, that the flower-clusters upon one set of trees differ in appearance from those ujjon another set of trees, and that all the trees ai'e visited by mttltitudes of busy insects, let an abundant supply" of both sorts of flowers be procui'ed and taken to the class-room. Let the teacher then distribute the staminate flowers, and proceed with the observations upon them. Every pujiil shoidd have before him a blank schedule, in wliich he will set down tlie result of his observations, and it will be w-ell for the teacher to have a large schedule, visible to the class, marked off upon the blackboard. Assuming that the pupils have been made acquainted with the common terms employed in the forms, let them all be required to examine the calyx, and to set down in the proper place tlie number of sepals. Then ascertain what has been thus set down. If all agree in their observations, the result may be accepted and recorded in the schedule on the blackboard. If there are variations, these must be looked into and noted, if Currect. Then comes the question — " Poh^sepalous or Gamosepa- lous? " — the result to be checked as before. Then — '• Superior or Inferior? " — to be dealt with in like manner. To fill the last column, headed " Remarks," it will not be amiss to leave the pupils entirely to their own judgment as to what they may think worth recording. "When the notes have been made, the teacher may select from them such as are most worthy, and enter these in liis blackboard scheuttlc. The corolla will next be looked for and a record made. The word ■•Wanting" will doubtless be written down by every one, and may then be also written on the blackboard. Tlien the stamens come under notice. Each will set down the number he finds, and in this case it is hardly likelj- that aU the results will agree. Some will find five, otliers six, others seven. When all the results have been ascertained, the teacher should enter in his form the lowest and highest numbers, thus: 5-7, as expressing the collective result, and he should improve the opportunity here presented to caution his pupils not to Ox TKK MANAltlOMKNT OK Et-KMKNTAKV CkAS8E8 IN BoTANY, infer too much from tlie examination of a siuj;lo fipecimen, as variations similar to tlmt now under notice are not uncommon, Tlie coliesion and adhesion of the stamens will next be obstirvc-d, and the " Remarks" column filled and checked as before. Pistil " Wantinj^" will hn the next entrj', and will complete the examination of the stamiiuite blossom. The fertile flowors will then be distributed and the work carried on in tlie same manner, the pupils bcinj^ led to find out for them.selve3 the dif[er«-n«e between the two kinds of flowers, and no observation on their part being considered altogether unworthy of notice, even though relatively unimportant. The significance of tlie invasion of the flowers by insects can now be made clear, and the pupils should be advised to observe the treen, too, in the examination of minute flowers, that it becomes necessary to dissect out and exhibit separately siiecial iK>rtions of the flower, say, for example, the pollen-masses of the milkweed, or a single stamen of the pine. The teacher should, in such a case, perform the necessary dissection ; and having fixed the i>ortion properly luuler the lens, pass it round for the insijection of the pupils. They may then be re.|uired to m.ike a drawing of the object, and having thus apprehended what is necessary, may I* asked to try to rei«at the dissecting jn-ocess for themselves. The study of the structure and germination of seeds is another part of the work which can >« very well done in winter, and many interesting and valuable lessons may be given upon these points. Seeds of different sorts should be placed upon wet flannel or blotting-paper and allowed to germinate. The OS TlIK MANACiE.ME.NT UK KlEMENTAKV ClA.SSES IN BoTANY. ivliole process maj' then be observed in tlie most convenient way, dissections and comparisons bein^; readily made at various stagey. Spring Work — if tlie programme thus lightly sketched be fairly carried out, the young bot- anist should be very well prepared for field work in the spring. He will now put to a practical use the information he has been acquiring about the parts of plants and their modifications, and will proceed to identify and classify the flowering plants which come in his way according to the characters which he finds them to exhibit. As soon as practicable the puijils should be required to collect and bring to the class-room anj^ wild plants whatever which they may find in flower. If their specimens are enclosed in a suitable tin box, with a light sprinkling of water, they will remain in excellent condition for several da\-s. It is now of minor consequence whether all the members of the class are engaged apon the same plant or not ; but whether they are at work upon the same or different plants, the sched- ules must in all cases be conscientiously filled up before they attempt to determine the name and place of the specimen. Perhaps, for a time, until all become familiar with the u.se of the "flora/' it would ' be better to work upon one plant at a time. If this plan be followed, the points of structure should be observed, recorded, and checked as already described for the earlier lessons, and when the characters of the plant have thus been definitely settled, recourse must be had to the "kej'" which is prefixed to the flora. Full instructions are given in the book itself for the use of this " key." so that they need not be repeated here. All the teacher has to do is to accompany the class through the various questions which liave to be answered, putting them, if preferred, one by one, and receiving the answers of the class in Einj' way he may prefer; the answers in every case, of course, to be obtained from the completed sched- ule. If the true name of the plant is at length arrived at, this will be the best evidence that the work of observation has been accurately performed. Two or three lessons carried out in this manner will Ljive the pupils confidence, and familiarize them with the use of the flora, after which thej- may be allowed to examine and determine almost any flowering plant they may meet with. The teacher will find it useful at this stage to begin a register of the practical work done by his pupils. If prizes are given, the awarding of them may be made to depend largely upon the showing of this register. Then, if there is time, the mode of preserving and viounting specimens for the herbarium might be explained. Apart from its botanical importance, this work has an educational value in itself, demanding, as it does, the greatest neatness and care to ensure the most successful results. Full instructions will be found at the end of the glossary. Excursions. — Tlie writer cannot do better than reproduce here a short account of a botanical field day, written by him for the Educational Monthly some time ago, in order to illustrate how such a day may be spent : — A BOTANICAL FIELD DAY. It is a bright Saturday morning towards the end of June — a morning to ■which a score of boys and girls liave for some time been I()(jking forward with a good deal of plc^asant anticipation. They are juvi-nile bot- anists, members of a class formed some months ago, and having now, by the study of selected specimens, acquired some little knowledge of the structure of jilants, they are, on this particular morning, to meet for a ramble ; to gather such flowers as come in their way ; and then to re-assemble and compare notes, and also to determine the names of such plants as they do not alreadj' know. The rendezvous selected is a particularly good one for botanical purposes, commanding, as it does, a variety of situations. It is an upland from which, by a gentle slope to the northward, you may descend to the reedy margin of a small lake, concealed by trees until 3'ou are close upon it. East of this lake stretches a beaver meadow of many acres, fringed and dotted witli larches, and too moist to traverse in Ox THE Maxacjemknt (»k Elemkntakv Classes in Botany. comfort at most seasons of the 3'ear, but, in this warm nn.l k-afy month of June, solid enough under foot to dispel uncomfortal.le fears of false stvj.s. If. instead of d.-sci-nding, you skirt along the brow of tho hill, to the westward you come ujMin open meadows, with here and there a low cx^pse or thicket ; while to tho eastward are noble woods of maple and beech, succeeded farther on by pines, as the character of tho soil changes. To the southward are cultivated fields and market gardens, and in the distance the glinting of the sun on a couple of church spires marks the direction 01 the neighboring town. Ten o'clock is the hour of meeting, and on this occasion an exemplary punctuality Ls observed by everv - body. As it is intended to make a day of it, lunch baskets have not been forgotten. These are left for safi- kecping at a cottage close by, and then, after a brief rest in the shade of a friendly beech, tho party is divided, for the day's work, into small groups, and an area roughly marked out for each. Tho lower grounds and the lake region, as being somewhat difficult of access, are assigned to the sturdier Imv- u)iil,t. the hillside and the exploration of the woods and fields above are divided among the remainder. It is agreed that the work of collection shall be limited to two hours, and accordingly, as tho distant Ixiom of the noon boll comes over the fields, our botanists begin to straggle in again. It is nearly one o'clock, however, before the last detachment arrives. This consists of the boys who have made their way to the eastern end of the lake and the beaver-meadow. Their appearance is hailed with a shout of admi- ration, for of all the collections of flowers, theirs is certainly the most imposing. They must, indeed, havi- hit upon a veritable botanic garden, for each of them carries a huge bouquet, made up of a profusion of Lady's 8lippei-s and other Orchids, together with Lilies, Pitclier Plants, and beautiful pink Pyrolas. These boys are flushed with the excitement of their walk and their success ; and though the condition of their lower extremities would seem to indicate that they are not altogether unacquainted with bogs, they make no reference thereto, but dwell with enthusiasm, and some degree of extravagance jierhaps. on the beauties of the scene they have just left. But the others, tliough their collection will not vie in brilliancy with tho products of the beaver-meadow, have, nevertheless, in nearly every case, something of more than ordinary interest to show. The exjilorers of the lake margin were fortunate enough to find a punt, by means of Avhich a number of aquatic plants, Yellow Pond Lilies, Utricularias, the pretty white Water-Crowfoot, and the "Water-Shield, were brought within their reach ; and on the cool northern hill-side, trailing over the base of moss-covered stumps, specimens of the Twin-Flower — a special favorite of the great Linnaeus, and named Linncea boreal is in his honor — were obtained, as well as Violets of various species. Woodbines. Mitchellas, etc. The open fields and fence-rows yielded St. John"s-worts, Elder, rJnajjhaHums of several specie.s, a handsome Rudbeckia— the purple Cone-flower — and of course the ubiquitous Dandelion, and ilav- weed, and Alullein. But just now there are cravings which are not intellectual, cravings too urgent to be disregarded. The interest in botany is. at this moment, decidedly of a secondary nature, and when the lunch baskets are sent for, and their contents exposed to view, the gravest doubts of their sutJicieuc^' are entertained and freely expressed. The fullest kind of justice is done them, and in the course of a few minutes no vestige whatso- ever remains — nothing even suggestive of them, save the shrunken wrappers, upon which some eyes are now turned with an expression almost approaching to gloom. It is suggested, and the suggestion meets with no opposition, that whatever may be tho merits of botanical pursuits from an intellectual point of view, they have recommendations of a physical nature, not wholly unworthy of consideration ; and it begins to dawn upon these youthful scientists, though as yet they have no clear conception of the ideal mens sana in rorpore sano^ that Botany- has thi^ decided advantage over all other school studies, that, to pursue it with elHciencj', exercise of body must accom])an3' exercise of mind. TheN' can also comprehend that the botanical laboratory is as free as air to everyone who wishes to make use of it ; that everywhere around them the Livish productions of nature are only waiting to be asked, to unfold their beauties; and that anvone who liolds converse with the silent yet elolant its proper place in a botanical classification. A good many of the plants are recog- iiizfd, without imu-h diflicult^', as being near relatives of species already examined in the class-room ; the Lady's Slipper, for instance, is at once pronounced to be an Orchid ; the Pitcher-Plailt is immediately iden- tified by its leaves, the "Water-Crowfoot is only a white Buttercup; the few Composites in 1 loom at this season are referred at once to the proper familj' ; and so with a number of others. But there are some which cannot be disiwsed of in this off-hand manner, and for these our " Flora " must be consulted. For conve- nience, it is arranged that one person shall read aloud from the manual, while the others, with specimens in hand, listen to the descriptions, and assent or dissent, as these correspond to the characters exhiliited by the ]ilant under examination, or the reverse, until finally its true place and name are revealed. Those having tieen duly noted down, along with the date of collection and the locality, other specimens are taken up in the same way ; and though it is found impossible to overtake all the plants that have been gathered, yet con- siderable headway is made, and even the dullest (for our class, not being an ideal one, contains dull as well as clever pupils) feel a certain degree of confidence in their ability to do a little botanical work on their own account. The woi-k of determination is not prolonged to weariness, and soon after three o'clock preparations are made to return home. The fatigue of the morning's walk has comjjletely disap2ieared, and the youthful mind, released from the strain to which it has been subjected, unbends, and with that singular fertility of resource which causes the average juvenile to be at once the envy and the terror of his elders, immediately advances a host of topics for discussion, quite foreign to the object'of the day's proceedings. Botany is for the present laid aside, and it ceases to be a matter of any consequence whatever, whether stamens are hj'po- gj-nous or otherwise, or what may be the relation of the calyx to the OA^ary. "With pleasant conversation the homeward way is beguiled, and as we separate, a hope, which is believed to be genuine, is expressed that ere long we may meet again for another Field Day. PRACTICAL EXERCISES. 1. — Exaiuiuo iind ivcord, \\\\\\ ilrawiiii^s, the modes of vernation in six different i)lants. -. — Compare the leaves of lied Majile, Silver Maple, and Sugar Maple, making drawings. o. — Compare the leaf-clusters of the "White Pine, Red Pine, and Tamarack. 4. — Determine the phyllotaxis in six different plants. T). — Make a cross-section of a cluster of the leaves of the Blue Flag, near the base. Make a drawing of the section. l>. — Examine buds of the following, with special reference to protective coverings: Lilac, Spruce. Horse-chestnut, Beech, Poplar. JIake notes of what you observe. Where bud-scales are present examine their inside surfaces. 7. — Compare the climbing apparatus of the Pea with that of the Bean. S. — Compare as to mode of growth and ramification the stems of the Apple-tree and the Pine. 9. — Make vertical sections of the eye of a Potato, an Indian Turnip, and an nniuu, and uiaWi' dr;iu- ings of the sections. 10. — Make vertical and cross-sections of three different buds. Draw the sections. 11. — Examine the prickles of a Bramble and of a Galium. Are they hooked downwards or upwards? Of what .service are they to the plants? Give reasons for your opinion. 1-'. — Examine the ends of shoots of the Lilac towards the close of summer. Note the replacement of the terminal ImkI Ijv two lateral ones. Examine these again late in the fall. lo.— Examine tendrils of the Grape-vine and Virginia Creeper, noting any difference in their mode of action. 11.— Examine the twining stems of the Hop and the Morning Glory, noting diffrrences. 1,'j. —Detach bulblets from the axils of the leaves of tlie Tiger Lily, and plant tliem. Record results. 1'!.— Cut with a knife into the stems of an exogen and a woody eudogen (Bamboo, for example). Note and account for any difference in the difficulty of cutting through the outer surface. 17.— Examine and record, with drawings, the modes of sestivation in six different flowers. IS.— Draw floral diagrams of six different flowers, and write out the formulas. 19.— Compare the head of the Thistle with that of the Red Clover. I 8 Pkactical Exekcises. 20. — Detach with tlie point of a pencil the pollen-masses in any orchid flower, thus imitating the action of an insect. Note the downward contraction of the pollen-mass shortly after its withdrawal. "What purpose is served by this contraction ? Extract also the pollen-masses from a flowei' of Milkweed. 21. — Observe whether insects visit the flowers of anj' of the following- : Pine, Willow, Cucumber, Maple. 22. — Make and draw sections of six different ovaries. 23. — Soak a bean in water for an hour or two, and then dissect it, exhibiting all its parts. 24. — Compare the pappus of the Dandelion with the silky hairs u)jon the seeds of ]\Iilkweed and of Willow-herb. Note differences of origin. 25. — Bury a bean and an acorn in moist, warm sawdust, and note any difference in the phenomena of germination. 2^. — Gather a few acorns and seeds of the Red Maple and lay them awa\' for tlie winter. In the spring test their germinating powers. 27. — Examine scales of green pine-cones, and also of ripe ones. 28. — .Study the dehiscence of the ovary in Purslane, Shepherd's Purse, Catchfl} , Columbine, Mallow, Morning Glory. 29. — Dissect out the embryos from six albuminous seeds. 30. — Observe tlirough a good microscope, and make drawings of : — (a) Six different ])ollen-grains. (b) A thin slice of Elder pith. (cj A shred torn from the under surface of a leaf. (dj A similar shred from the vipj^er surface. (e) A cross-section of a bit of Lilac leaf with a vein in it. (f) A plant-hair. (g) A vertical section through the tip of a I'ootlet. (h) A thin slice of Potato. (i) The bloom on a Cabbage-leaf. 31. — Make cross-sections of the Bamboo and a branch or small stem of anj- of our native woods. Examine with a lens, and write notes on the different appearances presented. 32. — Examine the bark of a 3'oung tree and also of an old one of the same kind. Note any differences and account for them. 33. — Examine a bit of the under side of a leaf of Sweet-brier under a good microscope. Give your opinion of the source of its odour. 34.— Examine the sticky stem of the Catchfly. What causes the stickiness? What is its i^iob- able use ? .■>.'•. — F.Xixiu i no the scurfy uiiiltT smfuc*' of u h-uf of tlio coiiiinoii Sliepli'-^ < \" • '' i.<.it'iiii llllilrl ,1 i^'Ond III ii'l°ns(' ;iliil \vrlt>' linti'-, >i-\i- .'ill. — Scrape the .siiriuce of u slice ol I'olattj witli a Kiiile, mount. tl»e hcrapiiij;, niicl i-xutniiie witii a tjood microscoiio. Add a drop or two of sohitioii of ioditic ; oxniniiio auain. and di*»cril)e ami ••xpluiii the result. i)". — Try similar experiments with a 'i'urnip, a Carrot, an Ajiple, a softened Ppa, and write iiotea on the results. 3S. — Study the germination «>f a Pea, a Windsor Hean, and Jl j^rain of Indian Corn. Write notes upon any phenomena ohserved. Try the effect of different temperatures on the rapidity of pr- mination. 39. — Observe and write notes iij^on the different aspects presented hy plants when (jrowii in the shuile and when exposed to full sunlight. 4u. — Immerse a few <;reen leaves in a holtle full of water. Invert ni)on a sliallow dish of water witli- out .spilling. Expose the whole to strong stiidiglit. and examine after two or three hour*.. Describe and explain anything you observe. 1 1. — Kei)eat the last experiment, placing the ajiparatus in a dark closet. Note results. -Jl>. — Fill about one-third of a large wide-moutl>ed bottle with welKsoaked Peas. After three or four hours carefully remove the stopfier and lower into tlie bottle a lighted match or taj- '^^ ••<• and explain results. 4:j._(}row a hyacinth or a crocus in a |K'rfec:'^- dark cellar. Note the effect Ujon the colour of the leaves, and al.so u|)on that of the flowers. U. — A plant growing in a window bends towards tlie light. "What inference would yon draw a-s«to the effect of light upon the rate of growth? 4 J. --Procure and examine the structure of the little bladders found on the immersetl leaves of the com- mon Bladderwort. Note the action of the trap-door leading into the* bladder. Examine al.so the contents, and make notes of your observations. 4(;. Exanjim- til.' V. ►—I 7i Co y} n ■ S CD d 2 ■3 2, 2 5 1 s 5^ u .^ IJ r. '/I a •y. (D P tD O f t: CD J- e O 3^ o o as (D C 1?^ o K r r o 2 ^ •*^ « ^ ^ CD M P 1^ CD - — fD i-j ►< ^ rjl Cj I— I -, «" C 1 2 y' § W to O ■ 9. ^ r. ^ =■ o :^ Q in W X o P3 •=1 k! r ^z) H r- N-^ O Q V) !> ta* 2. . o ^' — c 5 1= 7= 2 2 ^ t— "x '- m O ~: in -n 3* > 1-3 CO o > GO o CQ GLOSS A R\ .:> \/ GLOSSARY OF BOTANICAL TEEMS USED IN PLANT DESCRIPTION. THE ROOT. Origin. Primary : when originating directly from the lower end of the radicle of the embryo (Fig. 1). Such a root is usually (but not always) single, and may send out lateral fibres as it grows ; such fibres or branches are included in the primary root. Annuals and biennials, and many trees, have, as a rule, only primary roots. Secondary : when originating from any other part of the nlaut than the end of the radicle, as from the sides of stems (J^'ig. 2), from tubers, rootstocks, bulbs, cuttings, etc. Perennial herbs, creeping plants, and most shrubs, jiro- duce such roots abundantly. Form. Tap : having a main central axis, distinctly larger than any of the branches (Fig. 3). Fibrous : made up of many similar parts wuiiout a disiincr central axis (Fig. 4). A tap-root is (a) Ccnical, when it gradually tapers from a broad top (Fig. 5). (b) Sjmidle-shaped or fusiform, when thickest in the middle (Fig. 6). (c) Turnip-shaped or napiform, when nearly globular with an abruptly tapering base (Fig. 7). Fibrous roots are (a) Of coarse threads, as in Buttercup. (b) Of fine threads, as in any common grass. (c) Fascicled or clustered or tuberous, when each of the iibi-es has become a fleshy mass, as in Peonj^ (Fig. 8). (In description the Variety may follow the Form on the same lino ; for example, Form; Tap, conical.) Colour. In many plants the colour of the root is characteristic, and should always be given in the description. .. J BO TA NIC A L TERMS. Position. .SiJitTKKHA.NKAN : w licii, ;is in most cases, the root is iimler- ^foiind. Akuial : when the roots spring from the sides of t}io stem above ground, as in Poison Ivy, wliicli uses roots for climbing ; and in Indian Corn. Aqcatu' : when suspended in water, as in Duckweed. Duration. Annual : lusting one season only. BiKNNiAi, : lasting two .seasons. Pekenniai. : lasting year aftcM- yc.-ii-. THE STEM. 'Class. Exogenous (or Dicotyledonous) : with the wood in ammal laj'ers or rings (Fig. 9). Note that plants with exogenous stems have also the following characters : (a) The embrj-o of the seed has morf than (usn.tlly two) cotyledons. (b) The leaves are net-veined. (c) The parts of the flower are usually I'ot in threes or sixes, but commonly in fours or fives. (d) They have a true bark. EXDOOENOUS (or MONOCOTVLEDONOUS) : with the wood not in rings but scattered thi-ough the stem (Fig. 10). Plants with endogenous stems have also the following characters : (a) The embryo has but one cotyledon. (b) The leaves are nearly alwaj's straight-veineil. (c) The parts of the flower are never in fives, Viut almost invariably in threes or sixes. (d) They have no true bark. Attitude. EuECT : growing directly upwards. Declined : bending over towards the ground. Prostrate, or Puocumuent, .or Tkaimno : lying flat along the ground. Creeping: lying flat, and striking roor nt intprv.-il-i iFig. 1 H. Diffuse : spreading in all directions. Ascending : growing upwards in a slanting direction. Climbing : when the stem raises itself Ijy means of tendrils (Fig. 12) or leaf-stalks, or hooked prickles, which lay hold of neighbouring j)lants or other objects. * Twining : when the stem itself coils round the support (Fig. 13). 1 Kit'. 10. Ki^^ 11. Fi|.'. U*. Fi»f. :3. GLOSSARY OF Texture. Herbaceous: with little or no wood, und (lying-clown to the ground each year. Woody : as in shrubs and trees. SuFFKUTicoSE : woody at the base, but herbaceous at tlie top. Position. Ai^;uiAL : growing aliove gi'ound. SuBTEKUANEAX : growing under ground. 0£ subterranean stems there are the following varieties : (a) Jihizonie, or liootstock : a horizontal, more or less flesh}', perennial underground stem, which produces each season a new bud at its extremity, from which the annual overground stem is developed, as in Trillium, Bloodroot, and most of our early-flowering herbs (Fig. 14). (b) Tuber : the thickened end of a rhizome, as the Potato and Artichoke (Fig. 15). (c) Bulb : a globular mass, usually made up of fleshy leaves attached to a short flat stem, as the Lily (Fig. 16) and Onion. (d) Conn : a bulb having the stem part very large compared with the bud or leaf jiart, as in Indian-Turnip (Fig. IT). A plant is described as acaulescent, or stemless, when the stem is ver^'' short and the leaves spring in a cluster from the surface of the ground, as in Dandelion and Hepatica. Shape. Terete: cylindrical (Fig. 18). Compressed : somewhat flattened (Fig. 19). Triangular : Fig. 20 Square: Fig. 21. Grooved : Fig. 22. Winged: Fig. 23. Striate : with lines running lengthwise. Juice. In some cases the colour or tasteof the juice is characteristic, and should be mentioned : Bloodroot has a red juice, Milk- weed a milky juice, Celandine a yellow juice, Buttercup a coloiu-less bitter juice, Soi-rel a colourless sour juice, etc. Branching. Tlie stem is Simple : when branches are entirely wanting, as in Mullein. ExcuRREN'T : when the main stem can be traced through to the top, as in Fir and Pine. Deliquescent : when the main stem is soon lost in the branches, as in most shrubs. Fig. 14. Fig. 15. Fig. 17. Figs. 18. 19. 20. 21. Figs. 21 lioTAMCAL TERMS. 17 With Ruxn'ERS : wlien there are slender branches frona the base of the stem wiiicli take root at the end, as in Straw- berry, etc. (Fig-. 11). With Stolons : when branches bend over so as to reach tlie ground and take root (Fig. 11). With Suckeus : when an underground branch sends up a stem at a distance from tlie parent jtlant, as in Mint, etc. (Fig. 11). Tenduils are sometimes brancli-forms, as those of the Grape (Fig. 12). Spixes, as in Hawthorn, are also branch-forms, stunted and pointed (Fig. 24). THE LEAF. Parts. Bl.vde : the broad part. Petiole : the leaf-stalk. Stipules : two small usually leaf-like pieces, one on each side of the petiole where it joins the stem of the plant (Fig. 25) ; but sometimes the stipules are in the form of spines, as in Locust, and sometimes they form a tube around the stem, as in Smartweed (Fig. 27). Sheath : the tubular petiole which surrounds the stem in many Endogens (Fig. 2G). Ligule : the thin semi-transpai'ent appendage growing at the top of the sheath in most grasse.^;. It appears to be an upward extension of the lining of the sheath (Fig. 20). Position. Radical : when arising from the stem at or below the surface of the ground. Caulixe : all the leaves higher up the stem. In plants like Dandelion and Hepatica all the leaves are radical. In ButteiTup and Shophord's Purse there are both kinds (Fig. 28). Arrangement. Ai/rKKNATi: : when only one leaf springs from a node, or joint of the stem (Fig. 29). ■ Opposite : when two leaves spring from each node on oppo- site sides of the stem ; and opposite leaves are decussate when each pair is at right angles to the next pair (Fig. 30). Whokled, or A'ekticill.vte : wlun three or more knves spring from a node (Fig. 31). Fasciculate : when there are sevei-al leaves in a bundle, as in Pine, Larch, etc. (Fig. 32). 18 GLOSSAJtr OF Division. Simple : when the blade is in one piece, however deeply it may be cut. Compound : when the blade is in two or more distinct pieces, which are then known as leaflets. A compound leaf is (a) Pinnate: when the leaflets are arranged on each side of a central or mid rib ; and such a pinnate leaf will be odd-pinnate if there is an odd leaflet at tlie end (Fig, 33) ; abrupt! y -pin nate if there is not a terminal leaflet (Fig. 34) ; and pinnate u-ith a tendril if the mid-rib ends in a tendril, as in Pea, etc. (Fig. 35). Again : the leaf is twice-pinnate if the primary divi- sions are themselves pinnate (Fig. 36) ; thrice-pinnate if the subdivision is carried through another stage ; and decompound if still more divided. It is interruptedly -pinnate if, as in Tomato, there are small leaflets interspersed among the larger ones (Fig. 37). (b) Palmate : if the leaflets are spread out from the end of the petiole, like fingers (Fig. 38). A compound leaf is further described by mentioning the number and form of the leaflets. (An example of the complete descrijition of a compound leaf is given at the beginning of the leaf-schedules later on). Venation. Straight- VEINED : when the veins run nearly parallel, either from end to end of the leaf, as in grasses (Fig. 39), or from a central rib to the margin, as in Calla (Fig. 40). Net-veined : when the veins run in all directions, forming a net-work. Such a leaf is (a) pinnately-net-veincd : when there a distinct cen- tral rib with the smaller veins^hranching from it on each side (Fig. 41) ; and (b) palmately-net-veined : when there are several chief ribs radiating from the end of the petiole (Fig. 42). Outline. 1. Of leaves nearly alike at both ends. Filiform : thread-like, as in Asparagus. AcicuLAR : needle-shaped, as in Pine (Fiir. 43). BO TA NIC A L TEUM^. LiNEAU : narrow compared with the length (Fig, 44). Oblong : not more than three times as lonfj; as liroail, and with sides inclined to be straight (Fig. 4;")). Oval, or Elliptical : not more than twice as lomr iis broad (Fig. 46). Orbicular : round, or nearly so (Fig. 47). 2. Of leaves hroadest below the middle. Subulate : awl-shaped (Fig. 48). Lanceolate : as in Fig. 49. Ovate : as in Fig. 50. Deltoid: about as broad as long, and rather triangular (Fig. 51). 3. Of leaves broadest above the middle. Oblanceolate : the reverse of lanceolate (Fig. 52). Spathulate : like the last, but more rounded at the top (Fig. 53). Obovate : the reverse of ovate (Fig. 54). Wedge-Shaped, or Cuneate : like the last, but with the end more flattened and the margins nearlj' straight (Fig. 55). In describing outlines, it will often be necessary to combine terms, as for example : linear-Moncj^ linear- lanceolate, oblong-ovate, etc., as the case may require. Margin. Entire : not indented in any way (^Fig. 5G), Serrate : with sharp teeth pointing forward like the teeth of a saw (Fig. 57). Serrulate : very finely serrate (Fig. 58). Dentate : witli teeth pointing outward (Fig. 59). Crenate : with teeth rounded at the point (Fig. 60). A margin may also be doubly-serrate (Fig. 61), doubly- dentate, or douhl y-crenate (Fig. 62), when the larger teeth are themselves serrate, or dentate, or crenate. Sinuate : deeply wavy (Fig. 63). CiLiATE : with a fringe of hairs. Revolute : with the edge turned back. Repand : like the edge of an expanded umbre'Ia (Fig. 64^. PiNNATiFiD : when the edge of a pmnately-veincd leaf is very deeply lobed (Fig. 65). Bi-PiNXATiFiD : when the tirst lobes are themselves pinnatifid (Fig. 66). Figs. 62, Fips. 64. 50. 57. 58. 59. Fip. 65. ^ ^: /' ^: ^ ■-i,'. ^ / *'. Fig. \m. Fig. lOa. 24 GLOSSARY OF THE FLOWER. Parts : Calvx ; the outer set of flower-leaves, usually green or green- ish^ as in Buttercup (Fig. 110 1. The pieces of which the calj'x is made ui> are called sepals. Corolla : the second set of flower-leaves, immediately within the calyx, and usuallj' some other colour than green (Fig. 110). The pieces of which the corolla is made up are called Fetals. These two sets taken together are known as the Floral Envelopes, and also as the Perianth, but the latter term is generally restricted to the flowers of Monocotyledons, such as Lilies, where the parts are very much alike. Some flowers of Dicot3'ledons, such as Marsh-Marigold (Fig. Ill), have only one set of floral envelopes, and this is then neai-ly alwaj's the calyx, no matter what its colour is. Stajiexs or AxDRfECiUM : the third set of flower-leaves, appearing as thread-like stalks with thickened ends (Fig. 112). These produce the pollen. PisriL or Gyxcecium : the central organ of the flower which bears the seed. It may be in several pieces, as in Butter- cup (Fig. 113), or in one piece as in Shepherd's Purse (Fig. 114). These last two sets taken together are the Essential Organs of the flower. Thej' alone are directly concerned in the production of seed. The floral envelopes protect the essential organs, and attract insects which help to distribute the pollen. Receptacle : the enlarged top of the peduncle to which the parts of the flower ai'e attached. Note also the following points : Flowers are (a) Perfect, if they have both stamens and pistil, whether cal^^x and corolla are present or not. (b) Imperfbict, if either stamens or pistil is wanting. And imperfect flowers are (1) S'taminate, if they bear stamens, but not pistil, as in Willow (Fig. 115). (2) Pistillate, if they bear pistils, but not stamens, as in Willow (Fig. IIG). (3) Neutral, if both stamens and pistil are absent. (4) Moj}OZ:ious, when staminate and pistillate flowers are borne on the same plant, as in Cucumber and Indian Corn. Corolla. Caly.x. Peduncle. Fig. 110. Fig. 111. Fig. 112. Fig. 113. Fig. 114. Fir. 11.0. Fii,'. lli>. BOTANICAL TERMS. 25 (5) Dicecious, when starainate and pistillate flowers are borne on different plants, as in Willow. (c) Poly(;a.mous, when there is a mixtvire of perfect and imperfect flowers. (d) Complete, if all four ])arts, viz : calyx, corolla, stamenri, and pistil, are present. (e) Incomplete, if any one or more of the four sets are wanting. Incomplete flowers are arhhiviydKons when calyx and corolla are both wanting;, as in Willow. (f) SvMMETRiCAL, if the different sets consist of the same number of pieces each, or of a multiple of the same number, for example : 4 sepals. 4 petals, H stamens, 4 carpels. (g) Unsymmetrical, if there are not the same number of pieces (or a multiple of the same number) in each set. (h) Regular : when the pieces of each set are alike in size and shape, as in Buttercup (Fig. 110). (1) Irregular : when the pieces of each set are not alike in size and shape, as in Sweet Pea, Orchid, etc. (Fig. 117). THE CALYX. Cohesion (union of like parts). Polysepalous : with the sepals entirely distinct from each other, so that the}' can be pulled off separately, as in Buttercup (Fig. 110). Gamosepalous : when the sepals are all united together (Fig. ll.S). The following terms are applicable to the gamosepalous calyx : (a) The Tube : the lower united part (Fig. 118). (b) The Limb: the upper separated part (Fig. 118), made up of lobes or teeth. In many composite flowers the limb is pappose, consisting of fine bristles (Fig. 119). (c) The Throat : the entrance to the calyx-tube. Adhesion (union of unlike |);uts;. Inferior : when the calyx is plainly beneath the ovary and free from it, as in Buttercup, etc. (Fig. 112). Superior : when the calyx-tube gi-ows fast to the outside of the ovary and the limb rises above it. as in Apple, etc. (Fig. l-20'». Fig. 117. I'appus. Fig. 118. Fig. U'.: Fig. 120. -'6 GLOSSARY OF Duration. Flkiaimous or Caducous: fallinji; off as soon as the flower opens, as in Bloodroot and Poppy. Deciduous : falling off about the same time as the corolla and stamens, as in Buttercup. Persistent : remaining after the corolla has fallen off, as in Hollyhock and Sweet-Brier (Fig. 121). As the sepals are only modified leaf-forms, they may he further described by means of the terms already explained for leaves, such as lanceolate, pubescent, etc. THE COROLLA. Cohesion. POLYPETALOUS : w hen the petals are entirely distinct from each other, as in Buttercup (Fig. 110). In such petals two parts may often be distinguished, a broad vipper part, the linib, and a narrower lower part, the claic (Fig. 122). Gamopetalous : when the petals are grown together in how- ever slight a degree, so that the corolla may be pulled off in one piece, as in Convolvulus, etc. (Fig. 12l»). The terms tube, limb and throat are applicable to such corollas, as well as to the gamosepalous calyx. A gamopetalous corolla is further described hy stating its Form. It is (a) Tubular, when of nearly the same width from top to bottom (Fig. 124). (b) Funnel-shaped, when the tube spreads out gradu- ally into a wide border (Fig. 123). (c) Campanulate, or bell-shaped, when the tube is short and wide, with a slightly spreading border (Fig. 125). (d) Salver-shaped, when the tube is long and narrow with a spreading border at right angles to it (Fig. 12()j. (e) Rotate, when the tube is very short with a spread- ing border (Fig. 127). (f) Urceolate, or urn-shaped, when the tube Is swollen below and contracted at the mouth (Fig. 128). (g) Labiate, when distinctly two-lipped as in Catnip and Turtle-head (Fig. 129). A Labiate corolla is further described as (1) Ringent, when the mouth is wide open (Fig. 129). (2) Personate, when the mouth is closed by an upward projection of the lower lip called the palate (Fig. 130). (h) Ligulate, when one side of the tube is prolonged into a ribbon or strap, as in Dandelion (Fig. 119). Calyx. Fig. 121. Fig. 122. Fig, 123. Fig. 125. Fig. 127. Fig. 124. Fig. 126. Fig. 128. Fig. 129. Fig. 130. DO TA yjCA L ti:r M S. The fonu of corolla peculiar to plants of tho Pulse Family is known as Papilionaceous (Fig. 1;}1): it consists of five petals; an upper large one (the standard), two side ones (the nin(/s), and two lower ones wiiicli are united together to form the keel. Finall}', both gamopetalous and polypetalous corollas may have one or more petals prolonged into spurs at the base (Fig. 130). Adhesion. Hypogyxous : when inserted on the receptacle, under the ovary and free from it (Fig. lo2, c). Perigyxous : when inserted on the calyx (Fig. i:j;], c.) Epigyxous : when inserted on the top of the ovary (Fig. 134, c). The corolla should be further described by giving tho shape, colour and size of the petals, using the ordinary terms. Ill describing the flowers of monocotyledons liaving a coloured perianth, use the following terms for cohesion : PoLYPHYLLOUS : when the pieces of the i^erianth are entirely separate. GAMOPHYLLOUfi : wheu the pieces of the perianth ai-e united. For adhesion, use the terms superior and inferior, as explained above for the calyx. Estivation. This term is applicable to both cal^-x and corolla, and means the mode in which these organs are folded in the bud. It is (a) Valvate, if the edges of the parts meet without overlapping (Fig. 135), as iu the calj'x of Mallow. (b) Convolute, if the members of a set overlap so that each has one edge covered and the other uncovered (Fig. 136), as in the corolla of Mallow. (c) Imbricate, when the members of a set overlap so that at least one piece has both edges uncovered and at least one piece has both edges covered (Fig. 137), as in Apple. (d) Plicate or plaited, applied to the folding of gamo- petalous corollas. The plaits may overlap in the convo- lute manner, as in Fig. 138 ; they are then said to be sn pyrrol ut'\ Htuiiilard wlnj,' ^^. Fi«r. 131. c/ ^ Fig. 1»*. J-^lR. 135. FiR. 136. Fi--- FJjr. ISK GLOSSARY OF THE STAMENS OR ANDRCECIUM. Parts. Filament : tlie lower stalk-like part ; it supports the anther (Fig. 140). Stamens are (a) Exserted, if the filaments are so long tliat the anthers protrude bej"ond the perianth (Fig. 141). (b) Included, if the filaments are not long enough to raise the anthers beyond the perianth (Fig. 126). (c) Sessile, if the filaments are absent (Fig. 142). Anther : the swollen upper part, consisting of one or more (u.suall^' two) saes or cells which contain the pollen (Fig. 139). One surface of the anther is usually more deeply grooved than the other ; this is the face, the otlier benig the back. An anther is (a) Introrse, if the face is toward the centre of the flower. (b) Extrorse, if ttirned otitwai'ds. Attachment of the Anther. The anther maj- be attached to the filament in three waj^s. It is (a) Innate, if its lower end rests on the top of the filament (Fig. 14.'>). (b) Adnate, if the back of the anther lies Avith its whole length against (and attached to) the filament (Fig. 144). (c) Versatile, if the end of the filament is attached to a point on the back of tlie anther, so that the latter swings about (Fig. 145). Dehiscence of the Anther. The anther may open in several ways to allow the escape of the pollen. The dehisce'^ ce is (a) Lonf/itudinal, when the anther-cell opens from top to bottom by a lateral line (Fig. 14(j). This is the usual mode. (b) Bi/ valvi's. when the side of the anther-cell turns uj), as on a hinge (Fig. 147). (c) By pores, when the pollen escapes tluough a minute opening at the top of the anther-cell (Fig. 148). Connective : the rib or solid part between the anther-cells. Occasionally the connective is obscure or wanting. anther •■pollfii. •I.laiiieiit. Fig. i:». Kitr. 110. Fig. 143. Fig. 145. Fig. 142. Fig. 144. Figs. 1 10. 1 17. 1 IS. BOTANICAL TKIiMS. 29 Pollen- : the minute grains (alike in the same plant, but very different in different plants) contained in tljo anther-cells, commonly reseml)ling a loose dust or powder (Fig. 110), but sometimes cohering in sticky masses (pollinia), as in Orcliis (Fig. 149). Pollen-grains are plant-cells having t\\., ..mi>, uihI enclosing a thickish liquid. Fig. IwO shows a single pollen-grain with its inner coat growing out in the form of "a tube. The pollen is the cs.scnti.il part of the stamen. The pupil should examine with a good microscope various kinds of pollen-grains, aiul make drawings of llicin. Number. If the stamens are not more than f< ,i in numijcr, the exact number should be stated. If more than ten, they are numerous or indefinite, and this is indicated by tlje sign cc in the proper column of the descriptive table. Cohesion. If the stamens are entirely separate from each other, their cohesion (or the absence of it) is described by prefixing to the ending -androus the Greek prefix corresi)onding to the number of stamens present, as follows : hrpt- The cohesion is DiDVX.VMOUS : if there are four stamens, two long and two short (Fig. 151). Tetradynamous : if there are six stamens, four long and two short (Fig. 152). MON'ADELPHOUS : Avhen all the filaments are grown together, leaving the anthers separate, as in Mallow (Fig. \'o?>). DiADELPHOu.s : when the filaments are grown together in two sets, as in Pea (Fig. 154). Triadelphous : when the filaments are grown together in three sets, as in St. John's Wort (Fig. 155). Polyadelphous: when the filaments are grown together in more than three sets. SyxCtENEsious : when all the anthers are grown together, leaving the filaments separate, as in Dandelion (Fig. 155). Adhesion. HvpOGYNOUS : when inserted on tli>> nn'oiUafle undor thn ovary (Fig. 132, s). Perigynous : when inserted on the catyx (Fig. 133, .«>. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. G. mo7i- di- tri- tetr- pent- hex- 8. 9. 10. move than 10. oct- enne- dec- poly- androus. Fi(,'. IVJ. Fig 150. Fig. 152. Fig. l.-iS. Fig. 151. Fig. 155. antli< ; filaments — TlK. l.-w?. 30 GLOSSAIiV OF Epigynous : when inserted on the ovary (Fig. 134, .s). Epipetalous : when inserted on the corolla (Fig. 151). Epipiiyllous : when inserted on the perianth (in Monocotyle- dons). Gynandrous : when inserted on the style, as in Orchids (Fig. 157). Situation. It is important to note the position of the stamens with refer- ence to the i')etals when they are of the same number as the latter. They may be (a) Alternate with the petals. (b) Opposite the petals. THE PISTIL OR GYNCEOIUM. Parts. Carpels : the pieces, either distinct or combined together, which make np the whole pistil. The pistil is (a) Simple, if' it consists of one carpel only, as in Pea (Fig. 158). (b) Convpound^ if it consists of two or more carpels, either separate from each other ( apocarj^ous ) as in Buttercup (Fig. 159), or combined together ( syncarpous ) as in Fig. 160. When several carpels are combined, the number is very commonly indicated hy seams or sutures on the outside of the ovary. Whether composed of one carpel or several combined, the pistil may have the following parts : Ovary : the lower swollen part, containing the ovule or ovules which develope into seeds (Fig. 160). The ovary maj* be one-celled even when compound (Fig. 161), or several-celled (Fig. 160). In the latter case the separat- ing walls are called dissepiments, and the cells are often spoken of as loculi (sing, loculus). Style : the narrow part above the ovarj^ (Fig. 160). A com- pound pistil may have several .styles, as in Fig. 162. Stigma: the moist roughish upper end of the style. This part differs from the rest of the pistil in having no skin or epidermis (Fig. 163). The stigma is (a) Capitate, if it forms a knob or button on the end of the style (Fig. 164). (b) Plumose, if of a feathery appearance as in grasses (Fig. 165). (c) Petaloid, if leaf-like and coloiu-ed, as in Iris (Fig. 166). style ovary Fig. ICO. Fi";, iGi>. Fig. 163. Fig-. 161. stigma style ■ ovary Fig. 106. no TA NIC A L TERMS. Note tliat tlie esseutiiil iiarls of tlie pistil are the ovary or seed-bearing part, and tlie stigma wliich receives the jiolleii. The style is often wanting, antl then tlio stigma is ncHsile. An exceiJtional pistil is found in ;/!/mtios])frmcus plants like tlie Pine. Hero the ovules are not enclosed, Imt are attached to the inner face of an open leaf or scale, the scales forming a cone (Figs. 167, 1G8, 169). Cohesion. Apocarpous : when the carpels are not united together in any way (Fig. 159). Syncaupous : when the carpels are grown together in any degree (Fig. IGO). They may be united merely at the base of the ovary, or to the top of the style. Adhesion. SuPEKiou: when entirely free from the calyx (Fig. 1.'52, /), as in Buttercup, Shepherd's Purse, etc. Inferior : when surrounded by the calyx-tube which grows fast to it (Fig. 134,/), as in Apple and Fuchsia. THE OVULE. Definition. Ovules are the bodies which, after fertilization by the pollen, develope into seeds. Placentation. By this term is meant the arrangement of the placentas, or projections in the interior of the ovary upon which the ovules grow. Placentation is (a) Mariiinal, in a simple pistil like that of Pea, the placenta being on one seam or suture (Fig. 158). (b) AxUe or Central, when the pistil is compound, and the dissepiments meet in the centre of the ovary (Fig. 160.) (c) Parietal, when the compound ovary is onC-celled and the ovules are borne on the walls (Fig. 161). (d) F)'ee Central, when the ovary is one-celled, and the ovules are borne on a column which rises from the bottom of the cell (Figs. 170, 171). Parts of the Ovule. Funiculus : the stalk by which the ovule is attached to the placenta (Fig. 173,/). If this stalk is absent the ovule is sessile. Primine : the outer coat of the ovule i^Fig. 17-2. ai). Secundine: the inner coat (Fig. 172, /7). MiCROPVLE : the minute opening through the two coats (Fig. 172, m). '^ F\k. lOT. # 0 Figs. 1C8, 1S8L Fig9. 170, 171. Ffg. 172. 32 CLOSSARV or Nucleus : tlie body of the ovule witliin the coats (Fig. 172, A:). Embkyo-sac : tlie L-irue cell in the nucleus in which the young plant is cleveloi)ed (Fig. 1T2, em). Chalaza : the portion where the two coats are blended together (Fig. 172, c). Kinds of Ovule. ORTHOTKOrous : wiieu the ovule is erect, and the uiicropyle is as far as possible from the funicidus or point of attacli- ment (Fig. 172). Anatropous : when the ovvtle is completelj^ inverted or bent upon itself so as to bring the niicroj)) le close to the jwint of attachment (Fig. 17o). In this case the funiculus becomes fused with the primine on one side, forming the raphe (Fig. 1713, r). Campvlotropous : when the ovule is half bent over (Fig. 174). Fertilization. Ovules are converted into seeds by the action of pollen upon them. Pollen grains fall upon the stigma which is moist and retains them. The grains begin to grow as shown in Fig. 150, tile inner coat being protr tided as a slender tube which makes its way down throtigh the stjde into the ovary, and then through the micropyle of the ovule, finally attaching itself to the stirface of the embrj^o-sac, and carrying the contents of the pollen-grain with it. Presently' growth begins inside the embryo-sac, and soon the embryo is formed, ^t is the presence of the embrj'o which marks the distinction between an ovide and a seedy In most cases the ovule is. fertilized by pollen brought from another flower of the same species (cross-fertiliza- tion), because very commonlj^ the pollen of its own flower is ready either too soon or too late to be of tise ; that is, the pollen and the stigma in the same flower do not com- monly mature at the same time. Plants are EnlomopJiilous, when the3' depend upon insects to carry the pollen from flower to flower, and Anamophilous, wdien this service is performed hy the wind. THE FRUIT. Definition. The friiit^ is the ripjened jiistil together with any otht'r pait, such as the calyx or receptacle, which may be adherent to it. If there are no such adherent parts the fruit is a true frxiit, consisting wholly of the ripened ovary with the seeds ; otherwi.se it is n jisciulocarp or spurious fruit, as in Ajiple, Strawberry and Jiose. Fisr. 173. Fig-. 174. liUTASlCAL Th'UMS. X\ The essential parts of the fruit are (a) llie Seed, or matin-ed ovule, and (b) The Pericarp, or malurcil nvaiy, within whii-h the seeds are contained. The Pericarp is in three hi vers : (a) TJte Epicarp (or Exocarp), the outer layer. (b) The Mesocarp (or Sarcocarp), the middle layer. (c) The Endocarp, the inner layer. Kinds of Fruit. A. — Duv Fruits : tliose whose pericarp remains thin, and becomes dry and hard at maturity. Such fruits are (1) Dehiscent, when the pericarp oi:)ens so as to allow the seeds to escape. (2) Indehiscent, \\\\v\\ ilie pericarp does not so open. Dry Dehiscent Fruits. (a) Follicle, a fruit of a single carpel, which ojiens down one edge only, as in Marsh-Marigold and Peonj' (Fig. 175). (b) Lerjicme, a fruit of a single carpel, which oiK'ns down botli edges (dorsal or outer and ventral or inner sutiires), as in Pea and Bean (Fig. 176). The Lament is a special iovm of legume. It is made up of a number of one-.seeded joints which separate from each other when ripe ; each joint, as a rule, remaining closed (Fig. 177). (c) Silique, a syncarpous fruit of two carpels divided by a thin partition, from which the carpels fall away when ripe, leaving the placentas and seeds around the edge of the partition (Fig. 178). (d) Silicic, a fruit of the same construction as the silique, and differing only in shape; the silique IxMiig consideraljly longer than broad, as in Stock (Fig. 17S), and the silicle being nearly or quite as broad as long, as in Shepherd's Purse (Figs. 179, 180). (e) Pyxis, a fruit which opens by a horizontal seam, so that the top comes off like a lid, as in Purslane (Fig. 181). (f) Capsule, a syncarpous fruit which normally splits at maturity, either wholly or partially, into as many pieces as there are carpels. The Dehiscence of the Capsule is Septicidal : when the splitting takes place in the line of the dissepiments (Fig. 182). Fi»r. 17.^. Fijr. 176. /■' Fij,'. 177. Fig. 17ft. # KIk. 17:». Kijr. 1«>. Fifi. i"! Flgr. iw. 34 GLOSSARY OF LocKMCiDAL : when the splitting? takes place in the mid- dle of the wall of each carpel, that is, along the dorsal sutures (Fig. 18D). Septifragal : wlien the walls split away from the parti- tion, leaving the latter standing (Fig. 184). CiRCUMCissiLE : when the top of the pericarp comes off like a lid (Fig. 181). By pores : when the seeds escape through small open- ings near the top of the capsule, as in Poppy. Dry Indehiscent Fruits. / (a) Achene, a dry indehiscent one-seeded fruit, having the pericar]) free from the seed, as in Buttercup (Figs. 185, 18(3), and all Composites. V (b) Caryopsis or Grain, a dry indehiscent one-seeded fruit, having the pericarp adherent to the seed, as in the Oat (Fig. 187), and Grasses generallj'. . (c) Nut, a dry indehiscent one-seeded fruit with a hard thick pericarp, and usually the product of a s^-ncarpous pistil, in which all the cells and seeds but one have dis- appeared during growth. The nut is often accompanied by a Cupule or hardened involucre, as in the Acorn (Fig. 188), Beech-nut and Hazel-nut. (d) Utricle, like an Achene, but with a very tliin loose pericarp (Fig. 189). (e) Schizocarp, a dry indehiscent two-several-seeded fruit, which breaks np at maturity into one-seeded pieces (carpels), each of which, however, remains closed, as in Mallow (Fig. 190), and all Umbelliferous plants (Fig. 191). , (f) Samara or Key, a dry indehiscent one-seeded fruit, with a thin wing, as in Elm (Fig. 192), and Ash. The Maple (Fig. 193) has a double samara, which splits into two pieces at maturity, and so is a true schizocarp. B.— Fleshy Fruits (all indehiscent): -■ (a) Drupe or Stone-fruit, a fleshj^ fruit, having a very hard endocarp (the putamen), wliich encloses the seed till germination, a thick and usually juicy mesocarp, and a thin outer skin or epicarp, as the Plum, Cherrj', Walnut and Peach (Fig. 194). ■ (b) B'rry, a fleshj'' fruit, having a soft and juicy endocarp, in which the seeds are embedded, as the Grape, Tomato, Currant, etc. (Fig. 195). The Orange is a special kind of berry known as a Hesperidium. Fig. 183. Fig. 184. Fig. 185. Fig. 186. Fig. 187. ig. ir»l. Fig. 102. Fig. 193. Fig. 194. Fig. 195. BOTANICAL TERMS. ;<.■) .(c) Gourd or Pcpo, a modilied U-'ny, liaviiiK a lianl rind, as in Pumpkin, Stjuasli, etc. V (d) Pome, a fleshy pseudocarp, the product of a syii- carpous pistil, in which the fleshy hiyer consists cliieHy of an enlarged calyx-tube, as in Pear and Ai-i.ic (Fig. 19(5). ^ (e) Aggregated Fruit, a clustered and colierent mass of carpels, the product of a sin-le flower, as in liasj)- berry (Fig. 197). ^ (f) Multiple Fruit, a clustered and colierent mass of carpels, each carpel being the product of a .separate flower, as in Pine-apple. The cone of tlie Pine may be regarded as a dry multiple fruit (Fig. 198). (g) Accessory Fruit, one in which the most con- spicuous part is neither a part of the pistil nor com- bined with it, as in Strawberry, where the conspicuous part is only the enlarged and briglitly coloured receptacle, the true fruit consisting of tlie acliencs whicli dot its surface (Fig. 199), and in Sweet Brier, where the fleshy outer part is a calyx-tube lined witli a hollow receptacle which bears the true fruit (achenes) on its inner surface (Fig. 200). TEE SEED. Definition. The seed is the mature ovule, and is specially characterized by the presence of the embryo or j'oung plantlet. Parts. Integument : formed by the development of the coats of the ovule, and consisting of an outer and an inner layer. (a) Testa, the outer layer (Fig. 206). (b) Tegmen, the inner layer (Fig. 20()). In connection with the integument note (1) The Funiculus, already defined when describing the ovule. (2) The Hilum, or scar where the funiculus was attached. (3) The Micropyle, a minute opening through tlie integument. Also the following special appendages : (1) Aril, an outgrowth of the funiculus or placenta, forming a more or less fleshy covering outside the tn;e integument of certain seeds, as in the Climbing Bitter- Sweet and the White Water Lily (Fig. 201). V\k. I!n;. Fig. 197 Flg. 198. V\K- 199. Aril Fig. 201. 36 GLOSSARY OF (2) Conin, a tuft of hairs attached to the testa in some seeds, as in Willow-herb and Milk-weed (Fig. 202). The coma must not be confounded with the pappus of composite flowers ; the latter is attached to the fruit. (3) Wing, a thin expansion of the testa (Fig. 203). But in the seeds of the Pine the wing splits off from the scale upon which the seed grows (Fig. 168). Nucleus : the body of the seed within the integument, con- taining ^ (a) Eiubryo, the young plantlet as found in the seed. This is made up of (1) Radicle, the rudimentary stem (Fig. 204). (2) 'Cotyledons, or Seed-leaves, the first leaves, often thick and fleshy, as in the Bean (Fig. 205), but some- times thin and leaf-like. (3) Plumule, the bud at the top of the radicle (Fig. 204). ■'(b) Albumen ov Endosperm, y^hBn-prQ?,Qnt: nourishing matter stored up outside the embryo, as shown in the jhaded porti'on of Fig. 206, the light part in the centre being the embrj-o. Kind. Dicotyledonous: having two cotyledons (Figs. 207, 208, 209). MON'OCOTYLEDOXOUS : having only one cotj-ledon (Figs. 210, 211, 212). PoLYCOTYLEDONOUS : having several cotyledons (Fig. 206). This is rare. AcoTYLEDONOUS : having no cotj'ledons (rare). Albuminous : having albumen or endosperna in addition to the embryo (Figs. 206, 210). The following terms applj^ to the folding of the parts of the embrj'o in dicotyledonous seeds : - (a) Accumhent, when tlie radicle is turned so as to touch the edges of the cotyledons (Fig. 213). (b) Incumhent, when the radicle is turned so as to lie against the back of. one cotyledon (Fig. 214). (c) Conduplicate, the same as incumbent with the addition that the cotyledons are curved so as to partly infold the radicle (Fig. 215). Nature and Use of the Parts of the Flower. All the parts of the flower are leaf-forms (pbyllomes), differing from ordinary foliage-leaves, because their functions are different. Fig. 202. cotyledon l ^^^&.»2vv'! ■'radicle Fitr. 201. cotyledon Fig. iOb. testa Figs. 207. 208. 209. Fig. 210. Fig. 21.3. Fig. 214. Fig. 215. no TA NIC A L TEJii/a. 37 The sepals differ less in api)e!iraace from ordinary leaves than any of the oilier parts. The petals resemble foliage-leaves in shape, but are mostly bright-coloured instead of green, and they are often sweet-scented. Sepals and petals together are pt'otec five organs, and they also serve to attract insects. Stamens are leaf-forms in which the filament answers to the petiole, and the anther to the blade, as shown in Fig. 21G. Carpels are loaf-forms folded lengthwise more or less completely, as shown in Fig. i?l7. Stamens and carpels are essciiUdl organs, and are directly concerned in the production of seed. FLORAL DIAGRAMS. By a floral diagram is meant the plan of a flower as exhibited in a cross-section. It should show tlio number and relative position of all the floral organs. Tiio position of sepals, petals, and stamens is commonly easy to (ix, but the true position of the carpels presents a little more difficulty. The ovary must be cut aci-oss with a sluirp knife while some other organ (saj^ the calj^x) is still in position, and the relative situation of the carpels must then be carefully observed. The aestivation of calyx and corolla may also be shown to advantage in a floral diagram. A number of examples of these diagrams are given in tlie margin, and the pupil should make the construction of such diagrams a regular part of his work. Fig. 215) is a diagram of a Mint flower. Fig. 219 " " '' Leguminous flower. Fig. 220 •• " " Marsii Marigold. Fig. 221 ^' Fi"-. 222 •' Fig. 223 •• Fig. 224 " Fig. 225 •' Melon (stuniinute). ■' Melon (pistillate). Compo-^itf flower. " Iris. I Irass tlower. Fi»r. 21B. Kip. ?17. SC^ Fljr. -M". FIsr. 219- Fife'. JLit. Fig. 221. Fig. 222. FIp.SM. tig. r.':\ 3S GLOSSARY OF LONGITUDINAL SECTIONS. The pupil should make a constant practice of splitting flowers through the centre (best done from below upwards with a very shariD knife), and drawing the section thus presented. Such a drawing is exceedingly useful in connection with the floral diagram, as still further exhibiting the relation of the parts to each other. Fig. 226 is a good example. Here the relations of the parts can be seen at a glance. COMPOSITE FLOWERS. A full description of a Composite flower involves some par- ticulars of a special kind ; for convenience, thei'efore, the various terms in use are collected together here. Inflorescence. Under this heading describe the arrangement of the heads, using the terms already explained — solitary, cymose, racemose, corymbose, spiked, etc. Head. The assemblage of florets (few or many) on a common receptacle. Parts of the Head. Florets : the small single flowers which in tlie aggregate make up the head. These are (a) Ligulate, when the corolla is prolonged on one side into a flat strap-shaped piece (Fig. 227). (b) Titbular, when the corolla is not thus prolonged, but is regularly developed all rou t. ' (Fig. 228). Receptacle : the place upon which the florets stand. Involucre : the circle or circles of bracts which surround tlie i head. Kinds of Head. LiGL'LiFLORAL : when all the florets of the head are ligulate, as in Dandelion (Fig. 229). Tl'BULIFLORAl : when all the florets are not ligulate ; and such heads are (a) Discoid, if all the florets are tubular as in Thistle. (b) Radiate, if the florets round the margin of tlie head (ray-florets) are ligulate, while tlie central ones (disk-florets) are tubular, as in Sunflower (Fig. 230), Fiff. 226. Fig. 227. Fig. 228. Fig. 229. ray-floret disk-floret cliaff involucre Fig. 230. BO TA NlilA L TEHM.-i Ray-Florets (always without stamens). Number: 5, 10, 20, cc, etc. Kind : (a) Pistillate, if the pistil is present. (b) Neutral, if the pistil is absent. Shape: linear, oblong, ovate, etc. Colour : white, yellow, etc. Pappus (if present) : (a) Simple, if in a single row of similar itirces. (b) Double, if there is an outer row of shorter pieces. (c) Capillary, of fine hair-like pieces. (tl) Plumose, of branching hairs or bristles, as in Thistle. (e) Barbed, if the hairs have tooili i)ointing backward, as in Dandelion. (f) Chaffy, of a few teeth or scales (Fig. 231). ACHEXE : (a) Comx>ressed, when somewhat flattened. (b) Terete, cj-lindrical (the cross-section round). (c) Angled, as in Fig. 232. (d) Striate, marked with fine vertical lines. Disk-Florets. Number: 5, 10, 20, cc, etc. Kind : perfect, staminate, etc. Colour : yellow, brown, etc. Pappus : as for the raj'-florets. ACHENE : as for the raj'-florets. Receptacle. Form : flat, concave, convex, conical, etc. Surface : (a) Chaffy, if tliere are chaff-like scales or bristles growing on the receptacle among the florets (Fig. 2o0), as in Sunflower. (b) Smooth, or naked, if there are no such scales or bristles, as in Dandelion. Involucre. Form : (a) Ovoid, egg-shaped, the broader part below, as in Thistle. (b) Cylindrical, nearlj^ the same width all the way up (Fig. 233). (c) Saucer-shaped, veiy flat and shallow. (d) Cup-shaped, Bell-shapi-d , err. 40 a LOSS A HY OF Bracts (or Scales) or Involucre. NuMHEK OF Rows : state the exact number, unless ver^' numerous. Arrangement of Scales : (a) Imbricated, in several rows and over-lapping (Fig. 233). (b) Reflexed, turned backward, as in Dandelion (Fig. 229). (c) Appressed, closely pressed together. (d) Squarrose, with the points widely spreading (Fig. 233). Texture : (a) Herbaceous, green and leaf-like. (b) Scarioua, thin and membranaceons. Shape : use the ordinai-y leaf terms. GRASSES. Tliese plants also requii'e several special terms for their complete descrii^tion. A few of the most necessary are given here. Inflorescence. In nearly all cases the inflorescence is a panicle, that is, an irregulai'l}^ branched raceme, and the panicle is either loose and open, as in Meadow-grass (Fig. 238), or dense and closely' packed as in Timothy and Foxtail. Spikelets : the small separate clusters of flowers which together make up the panicle (Fig. 239). In some cases there is but one flower in the spikelet. Outer Glumes : the pair of bracts at the base of the spikelet (Fig. 240). Note their shape and relative size. Inner Glumes or Palets : the pair of chafE-like bracts enclosing each particular flower (Fig. 242). Awns : bristle-shaped appendages sometimes found on the glumes or palets (Fig. 242). LoDicuLES : small hypogynous scales next to the stamens, occasionally found in grass-flowers. Culm. This is the name of the stem (Fig. 238). It is usually JioUow except at the joints. The culms may be tufted or single, and their attitude and other characters can be described by terms already explained. Fig. 234. Fig. -'."J. ^--^? Fig. 237. Fig. 236. BOTANICAL TERMS. 41 Leaf. Sheath : the .ower portion of the loaf surrounding the stem, and split on the side away from the blade (Fig. 238). Ligule: a thin upwiud projection from the top of the sheath. Fruit. Tills ahvaj's a cartjo^xs/'s or (/rain. TYPES OF GRASSES. Tlie following- selection of Grasses will bo found useful for examination, as illustrating most of the variations in tlio structure of these plants. 1. Timothy. Note the close inflorescence. Separate one of the component pieces which will probably resemble Fig. 234. If fully opened out it will resemble Fig. 235. Carefully dissect and describe, making a floral diagram. The spikelet hero consists of a single flower. ■2. Red-Top. Xote the open panicle (Fig. 23G). Detach and dissect a spike- let (Fig. 237), which in this plant also consists of a single flower. Observe the difference in the size of the inner bracts, and the three nerves on the larger one. 3. Meadow-Grass. The inflorescence is here an open greenish panicle, but each spikelet (Fig. 239) is compressed laterally and contains from three to five flowers. Fig. 210 shows a single flower. Xote the delicate whitibh margin of the lower palet, and the thin texture of the upper one ; also the two teeth at the apex of the latter, and the five nerves on the former. i. Chess. Here the spikelets (Fig. 241) are on iong, slender, nodding pedicels, and each contains from eight to ten flowers. The glumes are different in size. Dissect out a single flower (Fig. 242) and note the awn on the lower palet. The upper palet at length grows fast to the groove of the oblong grain. 5. Couch-Grass. In this grass the spikelets are sessile on opposite sides of a zig-zag peduncle, so that the whole forms a sort of spike. Each spikelet is four to eight-flowered, and there is but one at each joint of the peduncle, the side of the spikelet being against the stalk. Note the running root-stocks, which cause the grass to bo a nuisance difficult to get rid of. culm -sbcath Fit'. 2!». Apikelct (flume Fl^r. -jxi Kip. sw. palet FIjr. »«. FIjr. 2*3. 42 a LOUS AH Y OF <5. Old- Witch Grass. This grass is to be found everywhere in sandy soil and in cultivated grounds. The leaves are verj- hairy, and the panicle very large, compound, and loose, the pedicels being exti-emely slender. Of the two glumes one is much larger than the other. Unless you are careful you will regard the spikelets as 1 -flowered: observe, however, that in addition to the one manifestly perfect flower there is an extra palet beloiv. This palet (which is very much like the larger glume) is a rudimentary- or abortive second flower, and the spikelet may be described as 1 ^-flowered. 7. Barnyard Grass. This is a stout, coarse plant, common in manured soil. It is from one to four feet in height, and branches from the base. The spikelets form dense spikes, and these are crowded in a dense panicle which is rough with stiff hairs. The structure of the spikelets is much the same as in Old- Witch Grass, but the palet of the neutral flower is pointed with a rough awn or bristle. t!. Foxtail. In the common Foxtail the inflorescence is apparently' a dense, bristlj', cylindrical spike. In reality, however, it is a spiked panicle, the spikelets being nuich the same as in Barnyard Grass, btit their pedicels are prolonged beyond them into awn-like bristles. In this plant the bristles are in clusters and are barbed upwards. 'The spikes are taivny-yelloio in colour. THE PLANT-BODY GENERALLY, And the Functions of its Parts. The higher plants, such as phanerogams, are found to be made up of four distinct kinds of members, as follows : A. — Root: embracing the ordinarj' subterranean forms as previously described, and certain aerial forins, together with those of parasitic plants which feed upon other living organisms. The root differs from the stem in several important respects : (a) It is tipped with a mass of liardened cells consti- tuting the root-cap (Fig. 243, a). This protects the young root as it makes its way through the soil, and it is replaced from the inside as fast as it is worn awaj' on the outside. (b) The growth of the I'oot in length is accomplished by additions to its extremity, immediatelj^ behind the root-cap. no TA MCA L Tint MS. (c) Roots originate endoyenoxusly, that is to say, tliey do not develope from the exterior or surface of tlie jdant- body, but always begin in the deeper tissues, and even- tually break their way through tlie overlying layers till they reach the surface. (d) They do not, as a rule, produce leaves or buds. (e) They tend, as a rule, to grow downwards into the soil, avoiding the light. (f) The minute strvicture of the root is less ix;rfect in its development than that of the stem. ^\\e functions of the root are (a) To fix the plant in its place. (b) To act as an absorbent of the nutritious liquids contained in the soil. (c) In special cases to serve as a storehouse of food for the plant. B. — Caulome : including the stem and all its equivalents, such as branches, runners, tendrils, thorns, etc., as already described. In contrast to the root, the stem is alwaj's preceded by a bud. A bud is an earlj' stage of the development of a stem or branch, and is found on dissection to consist of many rudimentary leaves crowded on a short axis. This axis subsequently deve\oi>es tJn'oughont its length, forming the internodes (Fig. 244), thus differing widelj' from the root, which grows by additions to its extromitj'. "Winter-buds are covered with scaly bracts called biul- scales, which separate and fall away soon after the devel- opment of the bud begins in the spring. Euds are (a) Terminal, when at the ends of stems and branches. (b) Axillary, when produced in the axils (Fig. 244) of leaves. (c) Adventitious, when produced in some irregular manner. (d) .4cce*-6-o/7/, when produced as extra or additional buds beside the regular axillary bud, so that there are really several buds in the axil. The functions of the caulome are (a) To bear leaves and flowers. (b) To serve as a medium for the conveyance of the nourishing liquids absorbed by the root. 44 GLOSS A in" OF (c) In certain cases to serve as a storehouse for jjlunt- food. C. Phyi.i.omk : including the leaves and all tlieir equivalents, sucli as bracts, cotj'ledons. bud-scales, sepals, petals, etc. , as already' described. The phylloine is always developed laterally on a caulome. Foliage-leaves (as contrasted with flower-leaves) are generally green, owing to the jircsence of a substance called chlorophi/ll (found also in all other gi-een parts). A section thi-ough the body of a leaf is shown in Fig. 245, the shaded portions I'epresenting the cells v^^hich. con- tain , Iilorophyll. The chiet function of foliage-leaves is to assimilate the food-naaterials derived from the soil and the air, thus converting them into forms (commonly starch) which can be used in advancing the plant's growth. Sunlight and chlorophyll are essential to the process of assimilation. Transjnratioyi. Water-vapour is given off through the leaves, by the agency of minute openings (chiefly on the under surface) known as stomata (singular stoma). One of fhese greatly magnified is shown in Fig. 246. These stomata communicate with air-spaces among the loosely-packed cells in the body of the leaf. It may often be observed in hot bright weather that the leaves of plants droop if exposed to the sun ; this is because the loss of water through the leaves is greater than the suj^ply through the roots. At night, however, the stomata close, and the balance being restored the plant recovers. The functions of flower -leaves have already been re- ferred to. D. — Triciiome : including all the outgrowths from the surface or epidermis, whether of stem, leaf or root, such as hairs, bristles, root-hairs, prickles, etc. Of all the trichoma sti-uctures the root-hairs which occur abundantly on the j^oung roots of most plants, are the most imjiortant. They consist of single long cells, and their function is to increase the absorbing surface of the root, for which service they are peculiarly fitted by the thin and delicate nature of their walls. Hairs on parts above ground usually consist of a row of cells placed end to end (Figs. 247, 248). Often they are branched, as in the leaf-hairs of the ]\Iullein. Glandular hairs secrete a liquid in the cell which oc- cupies the extremity of the hair. The sticky surfaces of certain plants are produced in this way. ^□□□coqt '■^^ Fifr. 2-17. Fig. 218. no TA NIC A L TKll MS. 45 I Stinghifj hairs secrete a poisonous liquid. Tlio point of a hair of tliis kiiul on piercing; the skin breaks ofT, leaving the poison in the wounJ. Prickles (Fig. 249) differ from thorns in being out- growths of the bark • thorns arise from the wood. GROWTH. The growth of a plant consists in llio multiplication of its cells, and the subsequent enlargement of the latter by the addi- tion of new matter. The development of the cell frequently Involves, also, a change of form. Germination. By this term is meant the commencement of the process of growth from the seed. Under suitable conditions of tempeiature and moistui-e the embryo, which is dormant in the dry seed, wakens into activity and begins to develope. The details of the process vary somewhat according to the structure of the seed. If the cotyledons are thin and leaf-like, as in Majtle for example, the radi- cle genei-ally grows througliout its length so as to raise them above the soil, wliere they at once expand and become the first green leaves of the new plant, a root being at the same time developed from the lower end of the radicle. But if the cotyledons are thick and llosliy, containing much nourishment, then usually a bud called the plumule, which contains the elements of additional bits of stem, will be a prominent feature in the embryo, and in this case the cotyledon or cotyledons not infre- quently remain under ground, as in the pea and the acorn, and so do not perform the office of foliage-leaves, but merely supply the newly developing parts with nour- ishment. In albuminous seeds, the endosiierm is the chief source from which the germirating embryo derives its support. Vitality of Seeds. There is a considerable difference in regard to the length of time during which seeds retain their vitality. Some, such as those of Elm and Poplar, will germinate only if they have been kept fresh and not permitted to dry up, while others, such as those of Indian Corn and , Wheat, and in general those containing a copious store of j starch, may be kept for a very long time without lo-sing | their germinating power. 40 O LOSS A It r OF Pood of Plants. Growth implies assimilation of food. The elements of plant- food are ascertained by making a chemical analysis of the plant itself. AVater forms a very considerable per- centage of the whole weight, but is present to a greater extent in some portions of the plant body than in others. Fleshy roots, for example, may contain as much as 90 per cent., while dry seeds contain only about 12 per cent. The water may be expelled by careful drjang, and if Avhat is then left is burnt, what is called the oryaiiic part of the plant disajipears, and the inorrjanic part (the ash) remains behind. The organic part consists mainly of the elements carbon, hydrogen, oxj'gen, nitrogen, and sul- phur ; while the inorganic part contains very small quantities of phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Of all these constituents of the dr?/ plant carbon is the most abundant, amounting to about half the entire weight. Sources of Plant-food. All the materials just mentioned are obtained from the air, the water, and the soil. There is constantly present in the air carbonic acid gas — a compound of carbon and oxj-gen. This is absorbed by tlie leaves of land-plants, and (being soluble) from the water in which they live, by immersed plants. After absorption the gas is decom- posed and the carbon appropriated. The oxygen re- quired by the plant is derived chiefly from the carbonic acid gas and from water. Hydrogen is obtained chiefly by the decomposition of water, and nitrogen from the nitrates and ammonia salts in the soil. Sulphur, also, is obtained from salts occurring in the soil, and so too, of cour.se, are all the inorganic elements Respiration. Plants, like animals, are continvially inhaling oxygen ; indeed, as with animals, oxygen is essential to their existence. Germinating seeds and growing parts require large quantities of oxj'gen. The gas when inhaled is combined with carbon, giving rise to carbon dioxide. This process of oxidation is alwaj's accompanied by evolution of heat. This is well illustrated in the pi-ocess of malting, where damp bai'ley is heaped together. As soon as the grain j begins to sprout oxygen is rapidly absorbed, and a very decided rise of temperature takes place. BOTANICAL TKUMS. 47 A-ssimilation. Tliis is the process by which the carbon obtaiiiod from carlion dioxide is combined with the elements of wiiler to form starch. Metastasis. This is the process by wliich the starch, resultiiiK from assimilation, is converted into soluble forms and removed from the cells where it was produced to other portions of the plant where it is needed for purjioses of growth, or, if thei-e is an excess, to storehouses sucli as roots, bulbs, etc., for future use. Circumstances Afifecting Growth. Temperature. — Growth maj' bo stoitiied altof^ether by either too low or too high a temperatwro, and between the lim- ] its within^vhich any given plant is found to be capable of growth there will be found a particular degree of temperature more favourable to growth than any other, either above it or below it. This may be called the apti- mum. The effect of temperature differs considerably ac- cording to the amount of water present in the part affected, dry seeds, for instance, resisting a temperature, either high or low, to which soaked sei».ds would at once succumb. Liylit. — Light is essential to assimilation, but seeds and tubers, as well as nianj- of the lower plants which are without chlorophyll, such as Mushrooms, will grow in the absence of light as long as the stock of assimilated material upon which they draw is not exhausted. Tlie growth which takes place in the cambium-layer of dico- tyledons and in roots is another example of increase in size in the absence of light. The assimilated material in all these cases, however, has been previously elaboratwl ; elsewhere. j Light is found to exercise a retarding influence upon 1 growth. A plant, for instance, in a window will bend j towards the light, because the cells on the side nearest | the window grow more slowly than those which are shaded, thus causing curvature of the stem and petioles. Gravitation. — Grva.\\ta.t\on also affects growth, as we know , that the stem and root, or axis of the plant, are usually | in the line of the radius of the earth at the place of j growth. If a seedling plantlet be laid with the stem and | root horizontal, the stem will curve upward and the root downward in the endeavour to restore the vertical direc- | tion. 4s a LOSS A KY OF THE HERBARIUM. Those who are anxious to make the most of their botanical studies will find it of great advantage to gather and pre- serve specimens for reference. A few hints, therefore, on this subject will not be out of place. It will, of course, be an object to collectors to have their specimens exhibit as man}- of their natural characters as possible, so that, although dried and pressed, there will be no difficult}- in recognizing them ; and to this end neatness and care are tlie first requisites. Collecting. Specimens should be collected when the plants are in flower, and, if possible, on a dry day, as the flowers are then in better condition than if wet. If the plant is small, the whole of it, root and all, should be taken up ; if too large to be treated in this w^ay, a flower and one or two of the leaves (radical as well as cauline^ if these be different) may be gathered. Drying. As manj' of your specimens will be collected at a distance from home, a close tin box, which maj' be slung over the shoulder by a strap, should be provided, in which the plants may be kept fresh, particularly if a few drops of water be sprinkled ujjon them. Perhaps a better waj', however, is to carry a portfolio of convenient size — say 15 inches by 10 inches — made of two pieces of stout pasteboard or thin deal, and having a couple of straps with buckles for fastening it together. Between the covers should be placed sheets of blotting-paper or coarse wrapping-paper, as many as will allow the specimens to be separated by at least five or six sheets. The advan- tage of the portfolio is, that the plants maj' be placed between the sheets of blotting-paper, and subjected to pressure by means of the straps as soon as they are gathered. If carried in a box, they should be trans- ferred to paper as soon as possible. The specimens should be spread out with great care, and the crumpling and doubling of leaves guarded against. The onlj^ way to prevent moulding is to place plenty of i^aper between the plants, and chaiuje the paper frequently ; the fre- quency depending on the amount of moisture contained in the specimens. From ten days to a fortnight will be found sufficient for the thorough drjn'ng of almost any plant you are likely to meet with. Having made a pile of specimens with paper between them, as directed, they should be placed on a table or floor, covered by a flat Ii< > TA NIC A L TKR MS. board, and subjected to ijressuie by placing weij;lit8 on the top ; twenty bricks or so will answer very well. It is of great importance that the sheet of ]ja]H;r with in which the plant isjirst placed should not be interfered with during the drying process. The directions as to frequent changes refer only to the sheets not iuimediiitely in contact with the plant. The.se, to ensure the best re- sults, should be changed once a day for the first few days ; less frequently thereafter. Gray recommends ironing with hot irons in order to remove more riii)idly the moisture from fleshy leaves, and in any case to warm the driers in the sun before putting them between the plants. Mounting. When the specimens are thoroughly drj', the next thing is to mount them, and for this purpose you will require sheets of sti'ong white paper ; a good quality of unruled fools- cap or cheap drawing paper will be suitable. The most convenient way of attaching the specimen to the paper is to take a sheet of the same size as your paper, la}' tlie specimen carefully in the centre, wrong side up, and gum it thoroughly with a ver\' soft brush. Then take the paper to which the plant is to be attached, and lay it carefully on the specimen. You can then lift paper and specimen together, and, by pressing lightly with a soft cloth, ensure complete adhesion. To render plants with stout stems additionally secure, make a slit with a pen- knife through the paper immediately underneath the stem, then pass a narrow band of paper round the stem, and thrust both ends of the band through the slit. The ends may then be gummed to the back of the sheet. Sorting and Ticketing. The specimen having been duly mounted, its botanical name should be A\Titten neatlj- in the lower right-hand corner, together with the date of its collection and the locality where found. Of course only one Species should be mounted on each sheet ; and when a sufficient number have been prepared, the Species of the same Genus should be placed in a sheet of larger and coarser paper than that on which the specimens are mounted, and the name of the Genus should be written outside on the lower comer. Then the Genera of the same Order should be collected in the same manner, and the name of the Order written outside as before. The Oi-.Ums may thou Iw arranged in accordance with the classification you may be using, and carefully laid away in a dry place. If a cabinet, with shelves or drawers, can be specially devoted to storing the plants, so much the better. ;■)() MIAUTE STRUCTLllK. ON THE MINUTE STRUCTURE OF PLANTS. The Cell— Tissues— Tissue-Systems- genous Stems. -Exogenous and Endo- Qp to this point we have been engaged in observing such particulars of structure in plants as are manifest to the naked ej'e. We shall now enquire a little more closely, and find out wluit we can about the elementary structure of the different organs. We have all observed how tender and delicate is a little plantlet of any kind just sprouting from the seed ; but as time elapses, and the plant developes and acquires strength, its substance will, as we know, assume a texture varying with the nature of the plant, either becoming hard and firm and woody, if it is to be a tree or a shrub, or continuing to be soft and com- pressible as long as it lives, if it is to be an herb. Then, as a rule, the leaves of plants are of quite a different consistency from the stems, and the ribs and veins and petioles of foliage- leaves are of a firmer texture than the remaining part of them. In all plants, also, the newest portions, both of stem and root, are extremely soft compared wnth the older parts. It will be our object now to ascertain, as far as we can, the reason of svich differences as these ; and to accomplish this we shall have to call in the aid of a microscope of much higher power than that which has hitherto served our purpose. The Cell. First let us examme under our microscope a very thin slice of the pith of the Elder. You see at once that the whole slice is made up of more or less rounded, nearly trans- i;)arent bodies, rather loosely thrown together, as shown in Fig. 250. Next let us examine, in the same way, a tliin slice of the tuber of the Potato. Here, again, it is evi- dent that the object under examination is wholly composed of enclosed spaces, not so much rounded, however, as those of the Elder pith, because they are more closelj" packed together. Fig. 251 is a representation of two of these spaces. Now look at the leaf of a Moss, and you see again that we have an aggregation of enclosed spaces as before (Fig. 252). So, also, if we examine a hair from the surface of a Petunia or a Geranium, we have some such appearance presented to us as that shown in Figs. 253 and 254, the hairs manifestly consisting of several enclosed spaces placed end to end. In short, the microscope reveals to us the fact that every part of a i)lant is made up of such enclosed spaces, varying greatly in shape and size and general aspect, it is true, but alwaj-s (except in some of the very lowest plants) clearly exhibiting boun- Fig. 2.oO. f:"-. l'5i. Fig. 252. MISUTE STIiUCTUllE. 51 daries ; and since these boundaries are visible, no matter in what direction we make our cutting, it is clear tliat the spaces must be shut in on all sides. These enclosed spaces are called cells, and their boundaries are known as the cell- walls. Protoplasm. "Whilst looking at the parts of plants just submitted to exami- nation, it must have struck j'ou that the interior of the cell presents a ver^- different appearance in different cases. The Potato section, for example, is not at all like tho Moss-leaf section in the matter of cell-contents, and the cells of the Elder-pith appear to be quite empty. We shall discuss these differences presentl}-. In tiie mean, time let us studj' the appearance of some cells taken fresh from some part of a plant where growth is actually going on — say the point of a new rootlet. If our section is taken near enough to the point we shall get cells which have been just formed. Such a section is xevy well shown in Fig. 255. Here the cells are seen to be completely- filled with liquid having a granular apiicarance, and in the centre of each a rounded denser jiortion may be made out, each of these again enclosing one or more smaller bodies. This liquid wdiich thus fills the newly-formed cells is called protoplasm (p), the large rounded central mass is the nucleus [h), consisting of denser protoplasm, and the smaller enclosed masses are the nucleoli {kk). Now let us consider Fig. 256. This is a representation of a section of the same rootlet, taken a little farther back from the point, so that the cells now in view are a little older than the first ones. Thej' are manifestly larger ; that is to sa}-, they have grown. The nucleus and the nucleoli can still be made out in some of them, but tho protoplasm no longer entirely fills the cell. There arc now transparent spaces {vacuoles [.«.•]) which are filled with water, and between these the protoplasm is seen in the form of strings or bands, as well as lining the cell. The water has been absorbed through the cell-wall, and after saturating the protoplasm tlie excess has formed the vacuoles. Fig. 257 shows some cells from the same rootlet taken still farther back. It is clear that the change observed in Fig. 256 has been carried to a still greater extent. In some of these cells the protoplasm is restricted to the lining of the cell and the nucleus. In this figure h is the cell-wall ; s, s, vacuoles ; p. protoplasm ; k, nucleus. It is now to be observed that the protoplasm is the essential part of every living cell. Through its agency all the vital processes of the plant are carried on. Every cell of Fijf. a.vi. Kit'. 'i->i. r7 Fig. 25»;. r,2 MINUTE STRUCTURE. every plant at some time or other contains tliis substance, and wlien at length it disappears, the cells which are deprived of it no longer take any active part in the growth of the plant, but serve merely mechanical purposes, such as that of support or conduction, and are, in that stage of their historj', filled usually with air or water. The pith of the Elder is made up of such dead cells, as is also the greater part of the wood and bark and older parts generally of all plants. The most marked feature of the living protoplasm is its (ivtivity. We may observe this property' by exainining plant-hairs and other parts under high powers of the microscope, when it will be seen that there are move- ments of two kinds. The whole mass of protoplasm has a rotary motion, sliding upon the cell-wall, downwards on one side and upwards on the other. This is the 'mass-movement. Also currents may be traced passing across the protoplasm in different directions. This is the streaming-movement. In Fig. 258 the arrows show the direction of the currents. In some of the ver3' lowest plants, where there is no cell-wall, and the whole is- a mass of naked protoplasm, these movements may be observed more readilj' because they are less restricted. There is some doubt as to the exact chemical composition of protoplasm. It is, however, a verj' complex substance belonging to a group of bodies known as albuminoids, of which nitrogen is an important constituent. The consistence of protoplasm depends upon the amount of Avater it contains. In dry seeds, for example, it is tough and hard, but Avhen the same seeds are soaked in Avater it becomes i^artially liquid. Forms of Cells. As cells become older they tend as a rule to change their form, though sometimes we find them differing but little from their original conformation. Commonly a cell grows more rapidly in some one direction, thus giving rise to long forms, as is the case in stems generally, and in the i^etioles and veins of leaves, the superior toughness and strength of which are due to the lengthening and hardening of the cells of which they are composed (Fig. 259). The Cell-wall. In the i)ortions of plants just selected for microscopic exami- nation we have seen that tlie protoplasm is in every instance bounded by a wall. It has been ascertained that the wall is a chemical compound of carbon, hydro- FiR. 257. Ofjp Fig. 259. MINUTE STKUCTURE. 5.'J gen and oxygen, and to this compound tlic name alhtlosc has been given. We have said that the protoplasm is the active principle through tlie agency of which all the vital processes of the plant are carried on. It contains at some time or other every constituent of the plant. The cell-wall is itself, therefore, a product or .tpcrctton of the protoplasm, and is at first an extremely thin lilm, wiiich, however, gradually increases in thickness by the addition of further material. This new material is deposited bdwcfn ttir molecules of the original film, and so extend.s not only the surface of the wall, but, by deeper deposits, the thickness also. This process of acquisition of new mate- rial is known as intussusception. As the wall between two cells increases in thickness, a di.stinct middle layer is discernible in it, known as the middle lamella (m, Fig. 2(i0). Tiiis portion of the common wall is diff(>rent in chemical composition from the rest, so that it may, tinder jiroper treatment, be dissolved and the the cells thereby separated. It is in the earlier stages of their history, while the walls are comparativeh' thin, that the cells possess the greatest activity. Bj' these alone is carried on the process of growth, which consists in the multiplication and enlarge- ment of cells. It is seldom the case that the wall is thickened unifoi-mly. Often numerous round thin spots are left, so that the cell has a dotted appearance (Fig. 2(>1). When the thin spots in adjacent cells are contiguous, as they commonly are, a readj' means of intercommunication is afforded. Sometimes the spots, instead of being round, are oblong, so that the cell under the microscope presents a ladder- like appearance, and so is said to bo scalarifonn (Fig. 2(52). Then, again, the thickening may take the form of sjyiral bands upon the inner surface ; or, instead of a continuous spiral band, we may find a series of isolated rings, when the marking is said to be annular. Jietieu- lated cells are also found, in which the markings, as the name implies, form a sort of network on the walls. Several of these forms aresliown in Figs. 2G3 and 2(>4. Sometimes round thin spots will be left in the wall, and over each of these a thick-walled dome with an oi)ening at the top will be formed. At the same time a similar dome is raised at exactly' the same spot on the other side of the wall in the next cell; and, finally, the thin partition between the opposite domes break awaj', permitting free communication. Thus are formed what are called bor- dered pit.'i (Fig. 265), which abound in the wood of Coni- fe>f 1 ^i'^ Fif?. 200. FIk. SGI. d — :? Fitr. 263. Fig. 264. Flgr.265. 54 MISUTE STIWCTURE. fers. Fig. 2M is a diagram showing the structure of these peculiar markings. When cells stand end to end, and thin spots are left in the cross-partitions between them, slcvp.-cells ai'O formed. Here, again, the tliin spots finally disappear, thus prac- tically Igniting adjacent cells. Fig. 2G7 illustrates these cells. Here J9S represents the shrunken protoplasm (lifted off the perforated cross-pai-tition at sii) ; si, a sieve-plate on tlie side-wall. On the right is a view of tlie sieve- like wall. It sometimes happens that the thickening takes place through- out tlie length of a cell but in its angles only. Cells of this kind, wliicii are often found immediately under the surface of the stem in the higher plants, are called collen- chrjma cells. Fig. 268 is a transverse section of a petiole of a Begonia leaf, showing collenchyma cells ; e is the epidermis, chl chlorophyll granules. Besides the markings on the inside, cells often show mark- ings on the outside. The pollen-grains of tlie Mallow, for instance, are seen under the microscope to be covered with pointed projections. Other pollen-grains, also, ex- hiljit outside markings of different sorts. Tlie tliickening deposit may be so excessive in some cases as to almost completely fill up the cavity of the cell (Fig. '2()n). The shells of nuts and the tough coatings of seeds consist of cells of this kind ; but even in these cases the wall may be seen to be traversed by slender pores or canals, either simple or branched, radiating from the centi-e of the cell. To these hardened cells the name scl(:r(in<-]iy)iia is applied. The Contents of Cells. If j'ou look at Fig. 252, or, better still, if you have the oppor- titnity of viewing a Moss-leaf through a good microscope, 3'ou will see that in the protoplasmic lining of the cells there are numerous greenish, rounded granules. These are the bodies to which the green parts of plants owe tiieir colour. They ai'e called chloroi^hyll-yi^anulcs, and consist of protoplasmic matter in which particles of green colouring matter are embedded. The colouring matter itself is chlorophj-ll, and may be dissolved out of the granules, leaving the latter as ordinary i^rotoplasin. Almost without exception chloropliyll requires the action of sunlight for its production, and tlie clilorophyll dis- appears from green parts when sunlight is withdrawn, as is well seen in the process of bleaching celery. In many of our brightl}^ coloured foliage-plants the chloroph^'ll is concealed from view by other colouring matters. In flowers various colours are found in the protoplasm, but Fig. 2G6. Fiff. 267. Fig. 2fi8. .1/ /N U TE UTR UC TUlii: these, unlike cliloi-opli.N II, are iirocluceJ in daikness as well as in sunlight. Chlorophyll is of the utmost importance to the plant, seeing that only in the cells which contain it. and in tlio pros- euce of sunlight, can the materials whi<-h the j.Iant imbibes from the soil and the air be tiNsimildted. that is, converted into matter wliiih the plant can use for the purposes of growth. Now consider Fig. 2")!. Here are exhibited cell-contents of an entirely different aspect. The rounded bodies here \\?,'\h\e a.YQ starch-(jranuli's. as may be easily demonstrated by adding a drop of iodine solution to the Potato section under the microscope, a characteristic blue colour being at once produced. Such granules, differing somewhat in shape in different cases, abound in the cells of tu1)crs and grains of all sorts, where they have been stored up for use during the process of germination. Thej^ are origin- ally formed during sunlight in the chlorojihyll granules of the green parts. "When the light is withdrawn, as at night, they are dissolved and carried in solution to other parts to promote growth or to be stored up. If starcli- granules are subjected for a time to the action of saliva it will be found that a portion of each granule has been dissolved out, leaving an insoluble skeleton behind. The granule is thus shown to be made uj) of two distinct parts, the more soluble portion being known as yranulosr, and the less soluble framework as starch-cellulose. Crystals. These are of common occurrence in many plants, not o\\\y in the cell-cavities, but also imbedded in the substance of the cell-wall. They are also of various shapes, and may either occur separately or be massed together in clusters. The needle-shaped forms are known as vaphidis. Tlie.se crystals consist for the most part of calcium oxalate, but calcium carbonate is- also found, and may be readily dis- tinguished from the former by the effervescence occasioned on the addition of h\drochloric acid. The oxalate dis- solves in this acid without effervescence. Crystals may be readily observed under the microscoiie in thin sections of scales from the Onion bulb (Fig. 2()9), Khu- barb, Indian Turnip, and many other plants. In the leaves of plants of the Nettle Family it fretiuentl^- hap- pens that a wart-like growth of celhdose takes i)lace on the inside of the cell-wall, the inwardly projecting mass being attached to the wall by a slender stalk, and having multitudes of small crystals imliedded in it. Such inward growths are called cijstoliths ; they may be readilv seen in cross-sections of the Nettle leaf. Jlj M/NU TE STIiUCTURE. Crystalloids. S(mm1s, especially tlioso of an oily nature, as they approach maturity and become dry, develope in their cells multi- tudes of small rounded bodies of an albuminous nature known as alKuronc-cjrains (Fig. 270), and these often envelope minute substances of crj'stalline aspect, which, however, under the action of potash and other re-agents, undergo such changes of form as to lead to the belief that they are not true crystals. They are called cryntalloidH, and are to be regarded as forms of protoplasm. Occasionally' crystalloids are observed without the albuminous envelope, as, for example, in the tuber of the Potato. Fig. 2.')! shows a cell having two or three such crystal- loids of a cubical shape. The aleurone-grains in seeds containing starch fill the spaces between the starch-granules, as shown in Fig. 270, which represents a cell from the cotyledon on the Pea. In oily seeds, such as the Brazil-nut, they replace the starch. Other Cell-contents. Besides the important substances already enumerated as pro- ducts of the protoplasm, many others are found, such as sugar, inuline (a substance nearly related to starch, and found in a few special plants), fixed oils (castor, olive, linseed, etc., chiefly in seeds), essential oils (turpentine, oil of lemons, and essences of different kinds), gums, resins, and various acids. How new Cells are formed. There are several methods by which new cells are produced, but in the higher plants the common method is that of cell-division. "We have already stated that only the newer thin-walled cells are capable of exercising this function. The process is briefly as follows : in the cell about to divide, the protoplasm first separates into two portions, each containing part of the nucleus ; then a partition-wall of cellulose is developed between the two portions, thus forming two cells out of the original one. Each part then enlarges and divides again, and so the process goes on. When cell-division takes place in one direction only, filaments or threads are formed ; if in two directions, surfaces are formed; while division in three directions gives rise to masses. Fig. 271 shows dividing cells of the Bean in different stages. It is evident that every part of a plant, however much altered in its later history, must in its earlier stages have con- sisted of this thin-walled cellular sitbstance, or »ier^.y shows tliis process in Spii-ogyra. At a the fusion of the protoplasm is goini.' on ; at 6 it is complete. Also, tlie contents of a cell nniy contract and develope a new cell-wall, a process known as the rejuvenescence, or renewal of a cell. Tissues. An aggregation of similar cells is called a fissnr. Originally, every part of a plant consists of vierishvi, that is, of cells capable of dividing. But changes set in, as we have seen, at a very early stage, and eventually' all the cells assume jiernianent forms, some developing in one way, others in quite a different way, according to the function of each particular part. So that in any given plant we find tis- sues, or groups of cells, of very various kinds, and verj' different arrangements of these tissues in different ca.si-s. By examining sections taken in succe.ssion from the grow- ing point backwards, every degree of change from meri- stem to permanent tissue may be made out. In the growing parts of all plants, in the pulp of fruits, in tho pith, in the green parts of leaves, and in the entire sub- stance of many plants of low organization, we find tissue composed of short and comparatively thin-walled cells, to which the name parenchi/ma has been given. On tho other hand, in the substance of wood, in the inner bark, in the petioles and veins of leaves, etc., we meet with tissue consisting of long, pointed and overlapping cells, and known as 2)ro.se,nt/ii/)ii(i. That of tho wood \s fibrous tissue, and that of the inner bark is tlie bast, specially characterized by the extraordinary length and flexibility of the cells. Sclercnchyma and collcuchyina have . already been referred to. In the former the cells are commonly, though not always, short ; while in the latter they are usually long, but the ends are not pointed. M /.\ L: TE S TR UG TURK Cells liiive been described wliich are characterized by }ieculiar markiugs on their walls. "When such cells .stand end to end, the cross-partitions commonly disa])pear, with the effect of forming long tubes, generally of larger diameter than the other cells with which they are associated. Such large cells are known as vessels, and tissue formed of tiiem is called vascular or tradieary tissue. Hence we have spiral, scalar if orvi, annular, reticulated, and dotted vessels. These different kinds of vessels are usually found associated with fibrous tissue, and the combination of the two is known as the Jibro-vascular systetn. Many plants, such as Dandelion, Blood-root, Milkweed, and Spurge, emit a coloured or milky juice when wounded. This juice is technically called the latex. It is contained in a .special tissue which is peculiar to such plants, known as laticiferous tissue (Fig. 274). Its form differs in different cases. In some instances it consists of loui;- tubes which may or may not branch. In others, the cells composing it form a net-work. As in the case of vessels, the latex tubes are commonly formed b3^ the coalescence of cells originally separate, but sometimes hx the continued apical growth of .siniile cells. Sieve-tissue has been already noticed. The cells are usually rather wide, and the walls are not hardened, but the cross-partitions between the cells are thickened and perforated. It may be added that single cells which resemble vessels in their markings are often spoken of as tracheids {Fig. 265). Tissue-Systems. While groups of similar cells are designated tissues, we may have also different combinations of these tissues in differ- ent plants, or in different parts of the same pjlant, and these various combinations are known as ti'i.'iue-systeins. These are now usually ranged under three heads : (1) The Epidermal System, including those combinations of tissue which go to form the coverings of young stems, roots, and leaves; (2) 'The Fihro- vascular System, including such combinations as form the stringy masses which abound in the substance of the higher plants ; and (0) The Fun- damental Sy.stem, including the combinations of cells which have undergone little or no change of form; in short, all the rest of the plant except the two systems first mentioned. The Epidermal System is most highly developed in Phanerogams. Fig. 27.") shows a .section through the thickness of a leaf. Here it will be observed that there is a closely-packed layer of cells Fiff. 274. ZDDOCDCqgC Fisr. 275. M/yUTh' STIircTl UK. fonniui,' ilie ui.i)fr surface, ami a similar layer fonniiiK the lower surface. Tliese layers constitute the rj,i,l,riin'M or skin of the leaf. Tlie outer part of the e|)itl«'rini8 is usually a continuous layer, and is known as the rufolr. It will be seen that the walls of these cells are nuu-h thicker than those of the cells in the body of the leaf, and also that the epidermal cells, unlike the interior one.s, have been emptied of their protoplasmic contents and are rectan}:;ular in shape. It sometimes liappens that the epidermis consists of two or three layers instead of one. 4'lie outgrow^ths of the epidermis, included under the general terra trichomes, have already been referred to ; tliey must be regarded as part of the epidermal system. An examination of the under surface of almost any leaf will sliow the presence of a large number of oval openings, somewhat similar to that shown in Fig. 277. These are stomata (s, Fig. 27(;). They are formed by two epider- mal crescent-shaped cells with a space between them, and these have the power of separating or closing together according to circumstances ; separating in the liglit, in moist weather, and closing in dry. The openings com- municate with inttirviillular spanus in the body of the leaf, a number of which are seen in Fig. 27"). Fig. 278 is a larger view of a fulh* formed stoma (.v). In ordinary* leaves with an upper and a lower surface, the stomata are far more numerous on the lower side ; indeed, many such leaves are entirely without stomata on the upper surface. Vertical leaves have them rather e (ually dis- tributed ou both surfaces. Immersed leaves and under- ground stems have hardly any at all. and they are never found on roots. The stems of Dicotyledons lose their epidermis at a compara- tively' early period, and a tissue consisting of cells of cork, filled witli air. takes its place. These cork-cells are modi- fications of the cells beneatli the epidermis, and they form an effectual protection to the tissues within. The skin of the Potato-tuber exhibits this corky layer very clearly. The special tissue from which the cork is developed is called pheUogen. Fibro-Vascular System. • In the Fibro-vascular System different jihints exhibit a very different arrangement of the component tissues. As a rule, these tissues are capable of division into two group.s. in one of which the wood is develoiied, and in the other the bast. To the former of these groujis tlio general term .ri/lem is applicable, and to the latter tlie term phlof.m. The xylem is made up of the elongatei phloem of each bundle ; //?, wood formed by fascicular cambium ; ifh, wood formed by interfascicular cambium ; ifp, inter- fascicular phloem ; 6, b, b, bast-fibres ; fc, fascicular, and ic, interfascicular cambium. The external ring repre- sents the epidermis. In monocotyledons, on the other hand, there is no cambium- layer, and consequently the bundle when once formed is incapable of further increase, and so is said to be closed. Fig. 281 is a repi-esentation of the cross-section of an endogenous stem in which many of these closed bundles are visible. Of course in such stems no bark is formed. It has been explained that in the exogenous stem the xylem occupies one side of the fibro-vascular bundle, while the phloem occupies the other. In the closed bundles of Fis. 279. Fiir. 280. Fiir. L'm. M IXr TK S Tit UC T URK. r.i Ferns and Club-Mosses, as well as of some monocotyle- dons, however, a different arrangement prevails, tlie xylem occupying the central part of the bundlo, ajid the phloem forming' a circle around it. The former arranjre- ment is described as collateral, wliiio the latter is vou- centric. In many of tlie monocotyledons. ,-.>. well as in the exogens, the bundles are collateral. Fig. 282 shows a section of an exogenous stem somewhat older than that shown in Fig. 279. Hero new bundles have been formed between the earlier ones, .so that tlio whole centre of tlie stem, excei)t the pith and the lim-.s radiating from it, is occupied by the wood. This cylinder of wood is now encircled by a ring of cambium, beyond which are the tissues of the phloem. The ajipearance presented by the cross-section of an exogenous stem is that of a series of concentric rings, each ring showing the limit of a year's growth, The portions of wood formed late in the summer are more compressed by the outlying tissue than those formed in spring, and hence the outer part of each 3-ear's ring appears denser, and is sharply marked off from the ring of the following year. No growth of the cambium takes place in the winter. The rays which intersect these rings as fine lines consist of portions of the ground or fundamental tissue which have been squeezed into their present form bj' the increasing libro-vascular bundles on each side of them ; thej' are called medullary rays, and, as the stem grows, new ones are formed from the cambium. Only the primary ones, however, extend from the pith to the bark ; those formed later are shorter. In roots a special arrangement of the tissues of the bundles prevails, the xj-lem and phloem forming alternate rnyx. This is the radial ari-augement. Fundamental or Ground-Tissue. The Fundamental or Ground-Tissue comprises all the parts of the plant not already included in the epidermal an:< K^) The large central cavity {rnvuoh-\ fillod with colourless cell-sap. . (c) Tlie green spirals iniU'tldcd in the li ning of the cell (t^) The nucleus, occu pying a more or less contra! | position in the cell, (e) The threads of protoplasm connecting the nucleus with the lining of the cell. Having observed these features in the living specimen try the effect of introducing a drop of iodine solution under the cover-glass. "What is the effect upon the cell-wall ? Upon the green spirals? Upon the nucleus? Try also the effect (ujiou freshly mounted specimens) of a weak (2^ per cent.) solution of common salt; of glycerine; of weak solution of potash. All these observations may be repeated with any other simple vegetable forms, such as the prothallium of a fern, where the cells form a surface instead of a thread as in Spirogyra. i'lie movements of protoplasm may be easily observed in tlie root-hairs of aquatic plants, and in the stamen-hairs of Tradescantia. THE BEAN AND THE MAIZE. For practical work on the Bean and the Maize, seeds of these plants should be germinated in wet sawdust and the roots allowed to attain a length of several inches. "Well- grown plants should also be availal)le. Root of Bean. Make cross-sections of the primary root a little back of the apex ; clear in weak potash, and mount in glycerine. Note the following in order from the centre : (a) Tlie Pith, occupying the centre of the section, (b) Several (usually four) groups of primary xylem elements. (c) Alternate with, and somewhat exterior to tlii-se, the phloem groups. (d) Filling the spaces between all the groups of 00 and (c). parenchymatous tissue. (e) External to the xylem nnIiAT(HiY WoltK Leaf of Maize. Make sections across the veins and midrib, and treat as above. Study tlie stnicturc of the bundles of the veins and tlio luidril). iuid conijiare with those of the stem a.s already observed. Compare the parenchyma of tlie section with that of the Beuu leaf. Mount a bit of the epidermis, and com|)aro the forms of the epidermal cells with tliose of corresponding cells in tiie Bean. Study tlio stomata. Do they occur on one or both surfaces ? Make draioimjs of the sections. Calyx and Corolla. If flowers of the Bean can be procured, sections of the calyx and corolla may be made in the same way as the ordinary loaf-sections. Determine if possible the cau.so of the colour, if any, of the petals. Compare the texture of the jietal with that of the foliage-leaf. Are there stomata? vascular bundles '? Stamen. It is very difficult to make sections of the antlier of the Bean, because of its minuteness, but the structure of the anther of Marsh-Marigold maybe readily okserved, if .sections of a young unopened flower are made. Note the two lar^fe lobes, each containing two cavities or pollen-sacs separ- ated by a partition. In mature anthers these partitions are commonlj' broken down, so that each lobe then ap- pears to be one-cellod. Is there a vascular bundle in the section ? Observe the pollen-grains, and if possible make out the origin of the grains by free-cell formation. To observe the formation of pollen -tubes, make a moist chamber as follows : Cut a rough piece of cardboard the size of a slide, and make a hole in the centre some- what smaller than a cover-glass. Soak the cardboard in water and place it on the slide. Make a weak solution of sugar (say 5 percent,), and put a drop of it on the cover-glass. Place the pollen-grains in the drop and invert the cover-glass over the hole in the cardboard. Drying up can be prevented by occasionally wetting tlie cardboard. Put the slide away in a dark place for about 18 hours. At the end of this time poIlen-tul»es will pro- bably lie found in course of development, an.l may then be studied with a higher power. Carpel. A carpel of the Bean may be cut acro.ss and the structure of the wall compared with that of the foliage leaf. 68 suaaEsrj(jj\^s j-yji laboratory wouk. It is difficult to make a satisfactory section of tlie ovule of the Bean, but by making a large number of transverse sec- tions of an ovary of a j'ouug flower of Marsh-Marigold some good sections will be secured, which will show the essential parts. Note the two coats of the ovule, each of several layers of cells. Observe the micropyle, and within the coats the nucellus. In the latter is a large cell, the embryo-sac, which should be examined with a high power, in order to observe the central nucleus, the ovum with the two synergidae, near the micropylar end, and the antipodal cells at tlie opposite end. Fertilization. The details of the process may be observed in flowers of Marsh-Marigold, Evening-Primrose, Vero- nica serpyllifolia, and others : sections made through the stigma will show the pollen-tubes penetrating the tissue, and an examination of the ovules will often show the tubes entering the micropyle. The Seeds. As has been already pointed out the seed is characterized by the presence of the embryo, which is formed by cell-division in the embryo-sac, as a result of fertilization. Seeds of Bean and grains of Maize should be soaked in water for a day or so and sections made in both cases. Observe the starch granules in sections of the cotj^ledon of the Bean and of the endosperm of Maize. Are the granules alike in l)oth cases ? Are there any other cell-contents ? ILLUSTRATIONS OK BEAN AND MAIZE 70 ILLLUSTJiA T/US.^ OF BEAN. ILLUSTRATIONS OF BEAN. Fi^. 2''^o. Transverse section of root of Bean, taken a short distance Leliind the apex of the main root. The section passes through a Literal root, tc, trichomes ; e^>, epidermis ; j>c, paren- chyma of cortex; ed, bundle-sheath (endodermis) ; c/j", pericambitim ; ^j»//, phloem bundle; xy' . primary xylem bundle; re, root-cap (of lateral root). (Howes. j Fig. 284. Part of transverse section of the stem of Bean. c. cuticle; ap. epidermis; ep\ collen- chyma ; J9C, parenchyma of cortex ; ch' . cambium ; xy' ' , xj-lem sclerenchyma ; xj), xylem parenchyma ; xy' , primary xylem ; p<:' . parenchyma of pith ; rti?', medullary ray ; xy,i', xylem ray; .v^, sieve-ttibes ; ph.?; phloem rays; j'-P- phloem jiarenchyma ; }>Ji' . hard bast (scleren- chyma). (Howes.) Fig. 285. liadial longitudinal section of stem of Bean, corresponding to Fig, 284. Commencing at the left side, the elements shown are : cuticle, epidermis, collenchj'ma, parench3-ma of cortex, liard bast, jihloem parenchyma, soft bast (sieve-tubes), cambium, pitted vessels and xylem sclerenchyma, xj'lem parenchyma, annular and sjiiral vessels, pith parenchyma. (Howes.) pK* cb '•/' »v KV\ ILLUSTRA TIONS OF MA IZE. ILLUSTRATIONS OF MAIZE. Fig. 286. Germination of Maize in successive stages. A and B, front and side views of embryo separatelj^. In all parts of the figure w is tlie primary root ; ws. the root-sheatli : ?c', «•" . secondary roots ; e, endosperm portion of seed ; .st, cotj'ledon : r. open edges of same ; k. the plumule; b. 1/ , h" . young leaves ; /, part of the cast-off pericarp. (Sachs.) Fig. 287. Longitudinal section of a grain of Maize, c, adherent pericarp ; fs, base of fruit ; ey, hard j^ellowish part of endosperm ; ew, soft white part of endosperm ; sc, cotyledon ; ss, its apex ; e, its epidermis ; k, plumule ; iv (belowj, main root ; w (above), secondary roots arising from the stem .st ; us, root-sheath (the line connected with these letters'should be longer). (Sachs. ) Fig. 288. Longitudinal section through apex of root of Maize. (A little more than lialf the width of the root is shown.) All within the line vs is the root proper; all below and outside this line is root-cap ; s, apex of root ; the first layer of cells within v is epidermis ; i\ its thickened outer wall ; within the epidermis, several layers of cortex ; u-fg, belong to the pleronie cylin- der. (Sachs. ) Fig. 289. Protoplasm in cells of Maize. A, cells from a young leaf-sheath, showing numerous vacuoles separated by thin plates of protoplasm. B, cells from the first internode of the ger- minating i)lant. Here the protoplasm is broken up into rounded masses. h. vacuole ; k. nucleus. (Sachs.) Fig. 290. A, cell of endosperm of Maize. Thin plates of protoplasm separate the polygonal starch- grains, a — sitle, or sj>i)r(t)ii/nnn. Fig. .'WG is an enlarged view. This caj)- sule is clost'd at the top by a circular lid, the opi'viulitm , wliich falls away when the capsule is mature, llius allow- ing the escape of the spores, •which are produced in it. The spores are developed upon the surface of a central I'oluuin which ri.ses from the bottom of the capsule, and v.liich is known as the coluvirlla. The oi>ening through wiiicli tiie spores escajMj is called the stoma, and a good lens reveals the fact that around the stoma there is a circle (sometimes two) of minute teeth, known collectively as the pnristovia. In the Moss now before us the peristome consists of sixty-four teeth. In other Mosses the number varies, being always, however, some power of 2 ; either 1, or 8, or IG, or o2, or 64. Occasionally the teeth are altogether absent. We shall now consider the mode of reproduction in the Mosses. Let us commence with the spore. Tliis, ujion meeting with proper conditions, bursts its outer coat (the exo- sj)ore), and the inner coat (the eiulosjti/rc) is then pro- truded as a slender tube. This continues to grow by ret)eated divisions, vxntil at length, in most cases, a tangled thread-like mass of vegetation is produced, to which the name jn'ofonrvia has been given. After the lapse of several days minute buds are developed at differ- ent points ui)on the proionema, and these are found to consist of whorls of scaly leaves. This is the beginning of the development of the ordinary Moss-plant. Upon the iilants thus arising from the buds are develojied antheridia and archegonia, the former in the axils of the leaves forming the rosettes shown in Fig. 305, and the latter at ,the apex of other stems, as shown in Fig. 304. The antheridia are seen under the microscope to be club- shaped bodies, containing a mass of cells in which the antherozoids are formed. Fig. 307 shows an antheri- dium (.4) with escaping antherozoids a. At (B) is seen a si>erm-cell with contained antherozoid. At c is the antherozoid set free. The archegonia are tlask-shajted Ijodies, with a lower expanded portion and along neck above. Fig. 308 shows the o.\>ex of a fertile stem with several archegoniain the centre, and Fig. 309 shows a single archegonium very highly magnified. The anther- ozoids upon being set free make their way down the necks of the archegonia, and unite their substance with that of si)ecial cells in the lower end (one in each archegonium). These cells, as a con.se«iuence of being thus fertilizeed rocej)- tacles wliich appear on the surface of the plant-body. They consist of simple masses of tissue which fall away wlion fully grown, and immediately develoi)e into new phuits. The flosses uud Liverworts constitute a distinct group of plants called Bryophytes. It will be evident from the preceding descriptions that in the matter of reproduction they do not differ materially from the Pteridophytes. They are, however, distinctly separated from tliom bj' the simpler onjanization of t/uir tismies. The Bryo- phytes have no true roots, but onlj' root-hairs or rliizoids. The wliole plant body is, as a rule, composed of thin- walled parenchyma, and only in a few cases is there any appearance of a development of a filtro-vascular sjstem, and that only of the vaguest possible kind. Tiiere is, however, a woll-detined epidermal system, and stomata are not uncommon. THALLOPHYTES. Mushroom. Fig. 312 is a representation of the Common Mushroom of the natural size, while Fig. 313 shows the several stages of its growth. At A is seen a matted fibrous mass, which is tlie undergroimd portion of the plant. It is called the mi/cdium ; at several pli^es on it rounded outgrowths of different sizes are visible. These eventually develope into the overground part of the Mushroom. At // is shown a vertical section through one of these outgrowths at an early stage ; at i in this figure j'ou will observe two dark dots ; these are the open ends of a channel which forms a complete ring in the interior. At /// they are much more distinct, and here is also manifest a difference between the upjier and lower sections, which is still more marked at /Fand V. Tlie upijer spreading portion is called the pilaus ; at Fthe lower edge of the pileus is still attached by a circular membrane to the stalk. In this stage the membrane is called the veil ,' later on, as seen in Fig. 312, it is torn away from the pileus and now forms the an II III us, or ring, about the stalk. Upon the under side of tlie pileus are produced a great many vertical, thin plates, called lamella or gills. If we make a vertical sec- tion through the pileus so as to cut across a number of the lamellae, they will present the appearance sho^n at FiR. 518. X-2 cn yp TouA MO us t ypes. A, Fig. 314, ami if we magnify one of these cross-sections it will api^ear as at B, where there is seen an outer laj'er of cells standing on end. The wliole of both surfaces of the lamellffi is covered with such cells, and this special layer is the hiimcnlum. At C, the left-hand portion of the figure shows a- number of these cells much more highly magnified, some of them narrowed in at the top so as to form slender points, upon each of wliich is a rounded body. Tliese rounded bodies are the spores ; the narrowed ends of the cells are called sterifjmata^ and the projecting cells wliich bear them are specially known as hasidia. The spores are formed by the simple narrowing in of the outer ends of the basidia. The mycelium is, therefore, the vegetative part of the Mush- room while the stalked pileus above the surface is the fructification. The mjxelium is developed directly from the spore, but so far there have not been discovered any indications of the interaction of sperm-cells and germ-cells such as characterize the Bryophytes and Pteridophj^tes. You will note the entire absence of green colouring-matter. The Mushrooms produce no chlorophyll, and, conse- quentlj', are incapable of assimilation. They are always found growing upon decaying organic matter, as the leaf- soil of forests and meadows, etc. The Mushrooms are representatives of a large class of plants called Fungi, all the members of which are destitute of chloroplij'll. The cells of which they are made up are generally' in rows so as to form long threads which are known as hypJxe, and these may be either loosely inter- woven, as in ordinary Moulds, or firmly compacted to- gether, as in the Mushroom. As just mentioned. Mushrooms are saprophytic in their habits; but there are also Fungi w^hich are parasitic, such as Rust and Smut. To the Fungi belong such organisms as the Yeast-plant, and the Bacteria which are found in putre- fying matter, and are the cause of, or are associated with, diseases of various kinds. Lichens. Tliese plants may be found growing on the bark of trees, on old fences, on rocks, or on the ground. They differ widely in external appearance, sometimes growing erect and imi- tating a stem and branches, as in Fig. 315 ; sometimes forming flat expansions which adhere to the surface upon which they grow, as in Fig« 316. Some species are yel- low, others red, others grey. A very common one is that represented in Fig. 316. It may be found on many tree trunks, and will be easily recognized by the yellow disks which dot its surface. Fig. 313. CR IT TOGA MO IS T )' I'ES. s:i The flat part of tlio Lichen is the tliallus, or vegetative por- tion, while tlie yellow, cup-shaped disks (the apiAhiTia) contain the fructification. Fitj. ."UT shows a section of the apothecium, and also the lobing of the margin of the thallus. Fi{?:. 3 IS is a \Qxy hi;;hly niafjnlfied view of a section of a thallus, showing; it to bu lari^'cly made uj) of cells, or ///aj, similar to those of the Mushroom. But in f lie Lichen there are visible, in addition, large numbers *• of spherical green cells {liysts). In the asci arise the spores (technically ascasporcs), usually eight in each, and these when mature are dis- charged from the asci, and give rise to new plants. The ascospores are formed in the asci by the process known as /ri:e cell-fornudion. Tlie protoplasm in the asci col- lects about as many different points as there are spores to be formed, and a wall is then secreted about each. This mode, which is characteristic of a large numljerof Fungi, is (juite distinct from that which prevails in the Mush- rooms, where, as we have seen, the s])Ores are formed bj' iihstriction, Chara. Fig. 320 represents a Chara of the natural size. It grows almost anj'where in fresh waters, and is quite readily distinguished from other thread-like aquatics by the whorls of so-called leaves which encircle the stem, ami also bj- the general gritty-nature of the plant. A very offensive odour is emitted by the plant in course of decay. Its green colour shows at once the presence of chloro- phyll. On the branches you may observe hundreds of minute, more or less rounded, bodies ; Fig. 321 is an enlarged view of one of them. Here, at fe, is shown a large central nucleus (the fitwtde) enclosed in a spiral covering. This spiral consists of five long cells side by side, all of which wind about the central body, and have Flif. 31.1- Fljr. 51". 84 cn yp TOGA MO us r ypes. tlieir ends projecting above it. The nucule is a row of cells of which the highest is the germ-cell, and the whole answers, in fact, to the archegonium of the Bryophytes and Pteridophj'tes. It is in this plant called the cai'j^Ofjo- niiim. Just below it is a globular body made up of eii;ht triangular shield-shaped segments arranged about a cen- tral cavitj\ From the inner end of each segment several coiled filaments, of many cells each, pro ject into the cavity. At maturity the shields separate, and the filaments even- ttially break up into their constituent cells, each of which tlien liberates an antherozoid. The antherozoids make their way down the necks of the carpogonia and fertilize the germ-cells. The spiral cells then harden, and form a firm coat for the spore within. As the plant decays in the autumn, these seed-like sporocarps, as they are now called, drop off and full to the bottom of the water, where thej'' eventually germinate. On germination, they first produce a simple form to which the name pro-embryo has been given, and from which arises the plant-body which bears the antheridia and carpogonia. Tliere is, therefore, displaj^ed in this case an alternation of generations. • Chara belongs to a group of plants known as AlgSB. They grow either in the water or upon damp svirfaces. They differ from the Fungi principally in developing chloro- phyll, so that they are able to assimilate. In colour, the Algae are often green, but in other cases the chlorophyll is obscured by the presence of other colours, such as brown and red. In the lowest forms of both Algse and Fungi reproduction takes place by simple division of the cells. In higher forms the entire contents of two similar adjacent cells coalesce to form a new one, from which the new plant springs. This is the process of conjugation. In still higher forms, as in Chara, reproduction takes place by fertilization. The Algse, Fungi, and Lichens together constitute a great group called Thallophytes. Fig. 317 Fig. 318. Fig. 319. CH yP TOO A MO US TYPES. S") Figr. 32a -tv Fig. til. KEY TO THE FAMILIES OR ORDERS. SERIES I. PHANEROGAJViS. Plants produciug true flowers and seeds. CLASS I. DICOTYLEDONS. Distinguished ordinarily by having net- veined leaves, and the parts of the flowers in fours or fives, very rarely in sixes. Wood growing in rings, and sur- rounded by a true bark. Cotyledons of the embryo mostly two. SUB-CLASS I. AXGIOSPERMS. Seeds enclosed in an ovary. I. POLYPETALOUS DIVISION. Two distinct sets of Floral Envelopes. Parts of the corolla separate from each other. X. Staiucns more than t^vice as niauy as the petals. * Stamens hypogynous (inaerted on the receptacle). -J- Pistil apocarpous (carpels separate from each other). Raxunculace^. — Herbs. Leaves generally de- compound or much dissected 2 AxoNACE.E. — Small trees. Leaves entire. Petuis 6, iu 2 sets 7 Magkoliace.s — Trees. Leaves truncate, rruit resembling a cone 6 Mexispermace^. — Woody twiners. Flowers dioe- cious. Leaves peltate near the edge 7 Brasenia, in NviU'ii.^ACE.E. — Aquatic. Leaves oval, peltate ; the petiole attached to the centre 9 Malvace.b. — Stamens monadelphous. Calyx per- sistent. Ovaries in a ring 24 Podophyllum, in ijEHiiERii>AC'E.E. — Calyx fugacious. Leaves large, peltate, deeply lobed. Fruit a large flesliy berry, 1 -celled 8 -H-i- Pistil syncarpous. ( Stigmas, styles, placentce, or cells, more than one. ) Actsea, in RANrNcnLACE.^:, might be looked for here. Fruit a many seeded berry. Leaves compound . . .\ 2 Nymph.cace.'e. — Aquatics. Leaves floating, large, deeply cordate 9 SARRACENrACE-E. — Bog-plauts. Lcaves pitcher- shaped 10 PAPAVERACEi*:. — Juicc red or yellow. Sepals 2, caducous 10 Capparidace^. — Corolla cruciform, but pod 1 -celled. Leaves of 3 leaflets 16 Hypertcace^. — Leaves transparent-dotted. Sta- mens usually in 3, but sometimes 5, clusters. . 19 CiSTACE.E. — Sepals 5, very unequal, or only 3. Ovary 1 celled, with 3 parietal placentae 18 Malvace^. — Stamens monadelphous, connected with the bottom of tlie petals. Calyx persist- ent. Ovaries in a ring 2-1 TiLiACE.'E. — Trees. Flowers yellowish, in small hanging cymes, the peduncle with a leaf-like bract attached 25 * * Stamens peri'jynous (inserted on the calyx). Portulaca, in PoRTULACACE.B. — Low herbs, with fleshy leaves. Sepals 2, adhering to the ovary beneath. Pod opening by a lid 23 Ro.?ACE.E. — Leaves alternate, with stipules. Fruit apocarpous, or a drape, or a pome 38 * * * Stamens epi'jynous (attached to the ovary). Nymphsea, in Nymph.eace^. — Aquatic. Leaves floating. Flowers white, large, with numerous petals gradually passing into stamens 9 B. Stamens uot more than twice as many sis the petals. * Stamens just as many as the petals, and one stamen in ' front of each jMal. Berberidace.'E. — Herbs (with us). Anthers open- ing by uplifting valves 8 Portpl.\cace.e. — Sepals 2. Styles 3-cleft. Leaves 2, fleshy 23 Vitace^. — Shrubs, climbing by tendrils. Calyx minute 29 Rhamn'ace.e. — Shrubs, not climbing 29 Lysimacliia, in Primulace^, is occasionally polypetalous. Flowers yellow, in axillary spikes ; the petals sprinkled with purplish dots 91 * * Stamens either just ns many as the petals and alter- nate with them, or not exactly the same number. +- Corolla irregular. FuMARiACE^. — Corolla flattened and closed. Sta- mens 6 11 \"it)LA. l'o«l 'J-celled 32 LKfMMiMis.t;. — Corolla mostly pajiilionaceons. Filaments often nnited. C)vary ximple, with one parietal placenta. Leaves compound.... 33 •*-■*- Corolia reipilar, or nearly so, 1. Caly.K superior {i.e., sulherent to the ovary, wlujjly or partially). (a J Stamemt j^riijtjnoua (in^trted on the calyx). Crataegus, in Ki).SAiE.»:.— Shrubs. Stamens occasionally from 5 to 10 only. Leaves alternate, with stipules. Fruit drupe-like, containing 1-i) bony nutlets. 38 Saxikkaijack.k. — Leaves opposite or alternate, without stipules. Styles or stignia.s '2 ; in one instance 4. Ovary 1 -celled, with 2 or 3 parietiil placent;e .... -Hi HAMAMKi.ArK.i-:. — Shrubs. Stamens 8; styles 2. Flowers yellow, in autumn 48 Halorac.e.«. — Aquatics. Stamens 4 or 8. Styles or sessile stigmas 4 49 O.VACRArE.*:. — Flowers symmetrical. Stamens 2, 4, or 8. Stigmas 2 or 4, or capitate 49 MKLASTiiMACE.t. — Authers 1 -celled, opening by a pore at the apex. Stamens 8. Style and stigma 1. Flowers purple 51 LvTHRAfE.f.. — Calyx apparently adherent to, but really free from, the ovary. Stamens 10, in 2 sets. Leaves mostly whorled .'>1 t'rciKBiTACE.t:. — Tendril-bearing herbs. Flowers moua-cious 52 (h) Stamejui epigynous (on the ovary, or on a disk ichich covers the ovary J. Euonymus, in C'ELASTKACK.t:. — Shrub, with 4-8ided branchlets, not climbing. I^eaves simple. Potls crimson when ripe. Calyx not minute 30 U.MBELLiFER.*- — Flowers chiefly in compound umbels. Calyx very minute. Stamens 5. Styles 2. Fruit dry, 2-seeo«ite 21 Linage.*:. —Stamens 6, united below. Po or stigmas 2 ; in one instance 4. Carpels fewer than the petals. . . 46 CRA.ssfi.ArK.*:. — Y\owevi sf/mtnffHra/. Stamens 10 or 8. Leaves sometimes thshj- 48 Lythrace.c — Stamens 10, in two sets. Calyx enclosing, but really free from, the ovary. Leaves mostly whorled 51 (c) Stamens attacJied to a flfshy disk in the ftottom of the calyx-tube. AvACARUiACE-f.. — Trees, or shrubs, not prickly. I..eavcs compound. Stigmas 3. Fruit a 1- seeded drupelet 28 CELASTRACKt:. — Twininc shrub. Leaves simple. Por<>iit in (lie oviiry). * Stamois united by their anthers. CucuRBiTACE^. — Tendril-beariiig herbs oi! CoMPOsiT.K. — Flowers in heads, surrounded by an involucre 64 LoBELiACE.*:. — Flowers not in heads. Corolla split down one side 83 » * Stamens not united together in any way. ■i- Stamens inserted on the corolla. I DiPSACE.s. — Flowers in heads, surrounded by an involucre. Plant prickly 6.3 , VALEKiANACE.ii. — Flowcrs white, in clustered cymes. Stamens fewer than the lobes of the corolla 63 RuBiACE.B. — Leaves, when opposite, with stipules ; , when whorled, without stipules. Flowers, if | in heads, without an involucre 61 Caprifoliace.e. — Leaves opposite, without sti- pules ; but, in one genus, with appendages resembling stipules 58 -i — i-Stamens not inserted on the corolla, Campaxulace^. — Herbs with milky juice. Sta- mens as many as the lobes of the corolla 63 Ericace.e. — Chiefly shrubby plants or parasites. Stamens twice as many as the lobes of the corolla 85 B. t'alyx inferior (free fr«>ni Uie ovary). • Stamenn more than the lobes of the corolla. Leguminos^. — Ovary 1 -celled, with 1 parietal placenta. Stamens mostly diadelphous 33 Adlumia, in FuMAKiACE^. — Plant climbing. Corolla 2-spurred. 11 Malvace^. — Filaments monadelphous. Carpels in a ring 24 Ericace.'E. — Chiefly shrubby plants, with simple entire leaves. Stamens twice as many as the lobes of the corolla 85 Polygalace.'E. — Anthers 6 or 8, 1-celied, opening at the top. Pod 2-celled. Flowers irregular ; lower petal keel-shaped, and usually fringed at the top 32 OxALiDACE^E. — Stamens 10, 5 of them longer. Styles 5, distinct. Leaflets 3, obcordate, drooping at night-fall 27 * * Stamens just as many as the lobes of the corolla, one in front of each lobe. Primulace^. — Stamens on the corolla. Ovary 1 -celled, with a free central placenta rising from the base 91 * * * Stament jiixl ax mmii/ an the lohea of the corolla, iiixerted on its tube alternately willi its lobes. ■i-0 varies 2, se-parate. Apocynace^. — Plants with milky juice. Anthers converging round the stigmas, but not adher- ent to them. Filaments distinct 114 AscLEPiADACE^. — Plants with milky juice. An- thers adhering to the stigmas. Filaments monadelphous. Flowers in umbels 114 -! — \-Ovary 4-lobed around the base of the style. Mentha, in Labiat.e. — Stamens 4. Leaves opposite, aromatic 100 BoRRAGiNACEJE. — Stamens 5. Leaves alternate... 105 -i — i- Ovary 1-celled ; the seeds on the walls. Hydrophyllace.e. — Stamens 5, usually exserted. Style 2-cleft. Leaves lobed and sometimes cut-toothed 108 Gentianace^. — Leaves entire and opposite ; or (in Menyanthes) of 3 leaflets 112 -1 — \ — I — \~Ovary luith. 2 or more cells. Aquifoliace^.— Shrubs. Corolla almost poly- petalous. Calyx minute. Fruit a red berry- like drupe. Parts of the flower chiefly in fours or sixes 90 Plantagixace,e. — Stamens 4. Pod 2-celled. Flowers in a close spike 91 Verbascum, in Scrophulariace.e. — Corolla nearly regular. Flowers in a long terminal spike. Stamens 5 ; the filaments, or some of them, woolly 94 Polemoniace.'E. — Style 3-cleft. Corolla salver- shaped, with a long tube. Pod 3-celled, few- seeded ; seeds small 109 CoxvOLVULACE^. — Style 2-cleft. Pod 2-celled, generally 4-seeded ; seeds large. Chiefly twining or trailing plants 109 SoLANACE^. — Style single. Pod or berry 2-celled, many-seeded 110 * * * * Stamens feiner than the lobes of the corolla ; the corolla mostly irregular or 2-Upped. Labiate. — Ovary 4-lobed around the base of the style. Stamens 4 and didynamous, or occa- sionally only 2 with anthers. Stem square.. 100 VERBEXACE.i:. — Ovary 4-celled, but not lobed ; the style rising from tlie apex. Or, ovary 1-celled and 1-seeded. Stamens didynamous 99 Lentibulace.e. — Aquatic. Stamens 2. Ovary 1-celled, with a free central placenta 93 Orobanchace.*:. — Parasitic herbs, without green foliage. Ovary 1-celled, with many seeds on the walls. Stamens didynamous 94 ScKOPiiuLARiACE.?-:. — Ovary 2-celled, with many seeds. Stamens didynamous, or only 2 94 Kkv io riiK Famii.iics ok OitnKits. HI. Al'KTALOUS Iil\lslON. Corolla (ami sometimes calyx also) wanting. A. Flowers nut In rnlkiiis. ♦ Calyx and corolla both wantimj, Saukurack.*- — Flowers white, in a i1en.so tcnniiiiil spike, nixUliiig at the end. Carpels U or 4, nearly separate 124 l'EiiAToriiYLL.\rK.t:. — Immcrsccl aquatics, with wliorletl finely dissected leaves. Flowers inoncuoious 1 24 • ♦ Calyx superior (i.e., adherent to the orary). SAXiKit.\(iArE^K — Small, smooth herhs, with incon- spicuous greenish-ytUow lii)Wt;rs. Stamens twice as many as the calyx-lobes, ou a con- spicuous disk 46 IJALORACK-K.— Aquatics. Leaves finely dissectc Saxtai.ace.k. — Low plants with greenish-white Howers in terminal clusters. Calyx-tube pro- longed, and forming a neck to the 1-celled nut-like fruit 1 24 El.*l\<;xace.*:. — Shrubs with scurfy leaves. Flowers dicecious. Calyx 4parted, in the fertile flowers apparently a«Uierent to the ovary, and becoming fleshy in fruit 123 » * • Calyx inferior ( plainly free from the. ovaryj. +- Ovaries more than one and separate from each other. Raxcxctlace^. — Calyx present, colored anace.«. — Trees. Ovary 2-celIed and 2-lobed. Fruit two l-seedetl samaras joined together. Flowers polygamous 31 Rhamnace.e. — Shrubs. Ovary 3-celled and 3- seeded ; forming a berry 2!t FicoiDE.T..— Prostrate herbs with whorled leaves. Ovary 3-celled, many-seeded 52 UKTifACK.«. — Trees. Loaves simple. Ovary 2- celled, but fruit a 1-secdcd samara wingeil all round. Stigmas 2 1-7 -1 — i--i-Or(/ry only one, l-celled and 1-Mee.VACE.*;. — Herbs. Stipnlcs shoathinf; the stem at the nodes 119 Uktii'.\ce.«. - Herbs. Stigma 1. Flowers mon»e- cious or . Alismace.*;. — Pistil apocarpous ; carpels in a ring or head, leaves with distinct petiole and blade 147 Smila(;e,e. — Climbing plants, with alternate ribbed and net-veined petioled leaves. Flowers dicecious 157 Triglochin, in Alismace.k. — Rush-like marsh herbs. Flowers in a spike or raceme. Carpels when ripe split- ting away from a persistent axis ... 147 LiLlACE.E. — Perianth of similar divisions or lobes, mostly 6, but in one case 4. One stamen in front of each division, the stamens similar. . . . 158 Trillium, in LiLiACE.E. — Perianth of 3 green sepals and three colored petals 158 PoNTEDERiACE^:. — Stamcns 6, 3 long and 3 short. Perianth (blue or yellow) tubular, of 6 lobes. Aquatics 164 JuNCACE.-E. — Perianth glumaceous, of similar pieces 162 Eriocaulonace^. — In shallow water. Flowers in a small woolly head, at the summit of a 7- angled scape. Leaves in a tuft at the base. . . 165 III. GLUxMACEOUS DIVISION. Flowers without a true perianth, but subtended by thin scales called glumes. Cyperace.«. — Sheaths of the leaves not split 165 Gramixe.*;. — Sheaths of the leaves split on the side away from the blade 168 SERIES II. CRYPTOGAMS. Plants without stamens and pistils, reproducing themselves by spores instead of seeds. CLASS III. PTERIDOPHYTES. Stems containing vascular as well as c^illular tissue. FiLiCES. — Spores produced on the fronds 174 Equisetace.E. — Spores produced on the under side of the shield-sluiped scales of a terminal spike or cone 181 Lycopodiace.i-:. — Spore-cases produced in the axils of the simple leaves or bracts 182 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES or PLANT DESCRIPTION. A ffw examples of tlie method of filliiifr plant siliedulcs are (f'vcn In the po^es which Immediately follow. They are Intendwl to he suffffeativo rather than to he Implfeitly followed. Tent-hers will u.hc their f>wn jtulirnient ns to the deuTce of elaboration whieh will lie aimed nt In any partieiilar ca.-'e, a.'* a (.'ood deal must depend upon the sta^e of the pupils' knowlcdKc. PLANT SCHEDUDLE NO. K04»T. STKM. Origin Privianj. Form Ta/i, loiu/ and si out. Colour While or n-hitish. Duration .... Biennial or perennial. Position Subterranean. Class Dicotyledonous. Attitude Ascending or procumbent. Texture Herbaceous. Position Aerial. LK.ll'. Division Simple. Position Cauline. Arrangement. . .Alternate. Stipulation Stipulate. Insertion Petiolate ; petioles very long. Outline Round-kidney-shaped. Xo. of leaflets, if any. .None. *Texture Thickish. *Colour Green both sides. Shape . . Cylindrical. *Siz9 One to three inches across. Juice . . Mucilaginous. i *Venation Palmately net-veined. Branching. . . Stems simple, often tufted. 1 1 1 *Margin . . Slightly lobed and crenate. Height . .One to tvco feet. *Apex .... Obtuse. Duration . . . .Dying to the ground annually. *Base Deeply cordate. Surface . .Pubescent. j *Surface . . * Applit Pubescent. able to leaflets if leaf is compound. I \ I ILOKE.St'EME. Mode Paremose Variety One or two floicers in each axil. THE FLO^VEK. Okgan. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Form, Estivation, Colour, etc. IN-riaiidi. Lea ves. NOi'iu.— This space need not be used except for Monocotyledons . <:iljx. Sepals. .0 Gamosepalous. Inferior. An epicalyx of three bracts. Calyx valvate, persistent. C'oroll:i. Petals. 5 Polypetalous. Hypogynous. Petals white or pinkish, obcordate, J inch long, convolute in the bud. Staniriis. Filaments. Anthers. oc cc Monadel phous. Hypogynous. Tube of stamens united irith the base of the corolla. Anthers 1-celled. IMstil. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. oc cc cc oc Syncarpou.i. Superior. Carpels in a ring, as many as the styles, 1- seeded. FKHT. Kind Dry, indehiscent. Variety Schizocarp, breaking up into 1-seeded closed carpels. Dehiscence Indehiscent. No. of Seeds ^4* many as the carpels. Description of Seed. .Kidney-shaped, cotyledons crtimpled, little albumen. Fl.ORAI, DiACKAJI. 4XA)«!«lt'U.iTION, At. SERIES Phamruffams. Class AnfjioHin-rma. Sub-Class Diroli/ledonx. I )1 VISION Polyjietaloun. Order Malvacea. Genus. Malva. Species Botundifolia. Botanical Nami' Malm rutumHt'o/ia. Popular Name llotnul-iravtil Malluir. Habitat lioadgidtt and rullivated woU. Where found . . lloadiiile, Xorth Toronto. Da to of collection Sei^tember 'JtitU, is'M. DRAWINGS, &C. Loiiiritudiiial section of Hower showinir Stamen-tube. - Pistil. Fruit, showiiit; {lersistent calyx. Lenf with stipules Portion of .stem, with flower, leaf, and fruit. PLANT SCHEDUDLE. NO. K4M»T. STK.M. Origin Secondary. Form Fibrous. Colour Whitish. Duration . . . .Perennial. Position Subterranean. ( 'lass Monocotyleclonous ; a halh. Attitude Texture Herbaceous. Position Deep in the ground. Shape Mostly ohlony ; small. Juice Colouriess. Branching. . .None. Height Duration . . . .Pereyinial. Surface LEAF. Division Simple. Position liadiral. Arrangement. . .Alternate. Stipulalioii Exstipulate. Insertion Petioles sheathiny the srape. Outline Ohlony-lanceolatn. No. of leaflets, if any. .None. *Texture Thickish and soft. *Colour Green, mottled icith purple above. *Size Tliree to five inches long. *Venation Straight-veined. *IMargin Entire. ^Ajaex Acute. *Base Tapering. ^Surface Smooth and shining. * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. IXFLORESCEXtE. Mode Terminal. Variety Solitary. THE FLOWER. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. XOTES ON FOKM, .ESTIVATIOX, COLOUR, ETC. Pi'i'iaiilli. Leaves. € Polypjhyllous. Inferior. Divisions spreading, lanceolate, yellow, purple-spotted, an inch long. Calyx. Sepals. <'oroll:i. Petals. MtaiiK-iis. P'ilaments. Anthers. G G 6 Hexandrous. Plypogynous. Stamens opposite the divisions of the perianth. Pislil. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. 1 1 •J 3 Syncarpous. Superior. Ovarii narrowed at the base. Style club-shaped. Stigma .S-lobed. FKIIT. Kind Dry ; dehiscent. Variety Capsule. Dehiscence Loculicidal. No. of Seeds Many. Description of Seed. .Ovoid, vith meTnbranaceous tip. Albuminous. Floral Piaoi!aji. , Ac. SEHTES Phanerofjavia. Class Ant/losjjermn. Sui{-{ 'LASS Monocol yiedons. I )1\ISI()X /'rfti/oiilcuiin. Order Llfiarece. ( Jciius Eryflironium. Species Americanuin. Bfjtftniwil XuiiK' Krytlironitun Amtriranuin. Popular N'amo Ifof/'H-tuulU Violet. Hnltitat (\jjiMeM. Wlicrc fI. Origin Second ar;/. Form Fibrous. Colour Broicnish. Duration .... Peren n ial. Position Subterranean. Cluss DiiotylexJonoun. Attitude Erect. Texture Ilerhaceoun. Position Atrial, from a rootatoch. Shape Cylindrical, sliglithj grooved. Juice Colourless. Branching. . . Usually none. Height About 18 inches. Duration . . . .Rhizome perennial ; aerial stem anmial. Surface Smooth, or nearly so. LE.iF. Division . . .Simple. Position . . . Hadiral and cauline. Arrangement. .Alternate. Stipulation . Exstipulate. Insertion . . . Lower petiolate ; upper sessile. Outline . . . .Lover spathulate ; upjjer linear. No. of leaflets, if any. .None. *Texture. . . .Bather thick. *Colour Green both sides. *Size ^~i% inches long. *Venation . .Pinnately net-veined. *Margin . . . .Radical crenate ; cauline serrate. *Apex Obtuse. *Base Loicer tapering ; upper clasping. j*Surface . . . .Glabrous. I " Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. IXFLOKKSC'RXCt:, Ac. IIE.4I»«». Arrangement Terminal, solitary. Kim I Radiate. Size i\-^ inches across. RAV'FLOKKTiii. Number Many. Colour White Shape Linear-oblong. Kind Pistillate. Pappus Wanting, IMSK-FLOKETS. Nuinljcr Very many. Colour Yellow. Shape Tubular, slightly compressed. Kind Perfect. Pappus Wanting. RiXEI'TACLE. Form Flattish, or slightly convex. Surface Naked. IWOLIICRE. Form Broad, and flat. Rows of Scales About four. Form of Scales Lanceolate. Texture of Scales .... With scarious margins. Arrangement Imbricated. AC'HE\ES. Form Nearly cylindrical. Surface Striate or ribbed. Colour Whitish or grayish, SEED. Exalbuminous. " If florets are all alike fjive iiarticulars under heading Disk- florets. THE FLOWEK. Ore; AN. No. COIIESIOK. ADIIK8IO.N. ¥U>HXU DiAUKAM. <'jlIj>X. Sej.ah. o Gamosejjaloiis. Superior. <'or::f2^.t^<£/^^ Attitude z^^;^^??"-^^^-^- Texture li^AjJ^^<<>. Shape s-Z£.-^U-^lL:. Juice L^yr£/>::l^£^grdA^.. Branching .-oU^£^^ Height ^^:z-^:.::../^....4^*a.....2^.^^. Duration Zd^.2^r.2-r?;:<;r.:xa-.i^^ Division. Position C>:<3.yuJ:^;:3.:l^L^:..., Arrangement... Insertion Outline No. of leaflets, if any *Texture -J^^^ ♦Colour ^f±J.£y7^r:L^. Cl£r:tl.djt. /." J^A/ULL^... ^ *Size *Venation ...OLiai^ ^£t/e£cj.JbjeL.-2t^:ikir:i£^ ^ *Margin / *Apex *Base i2^.<^^d^.iiJl^.. *Surface- ■^yif^ AA-^-Xy 1/ <'/CU CtltcCL^ ■^eM/7^<^\^Ot:l^:0^i:::^?!!^^ Description of Seed _ Florai, Diagram. SERIES .-.J2>Z:2:-^ Species • 2=::Zr.r2:.2.„ DRAWINGS, &C. PLANT SCHEDULE, NO. ROOT. STEM. Origin — Form — Colour Duration Position ■ Class Attitude- Texture -- Position... Shape Juice Branching Height Duration . Surface LKAF. Division- Position - Arrangement Stipulation Insertion - : Outline .- No. of leaflets, if any . *Texture— *Colour— *Size - ♦Venation ♦Margin . *Apex . *Base .. ♦Surface — * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. IXFLOKESCEXtr. Mode Variety- THE FLOWER. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Form, ^stia'ation, Colock, etc. S*eriantb. Lea ves. Calyx. Sepals- Corolla. Petals. Slameus. Filaments. Anthers. ristji. St if) mas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. - FKllT. Kind Variety - Dehiscence No. of Seeds D(>scrii)tion of Seed- Flokai, 1Jia(;i:am. <'I.AHHIFI<'ATIO\. Ac. SERIES Class. — Sub-Glass. Division Order Genus Species Botanical Naino Popular Xamo IlabiUit Where fouiil Date of culloctiuii DRAWINGS, &C. PLANT SCHEDULE. NO. ICOOT. STEM. Origin Form Colour Duration Position Class Attitude Texture Position Shape Juice Branchinir- Height LEAF. I'ivision . Position . Arrangement. Duration - Surface...,- Stipulation Insertion Outline No. of leaflets, if anj^ *Texture *Colour *Size *Venation *Margin - *Apex . *Base .. ♦Surface — * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. 1 \ FLOatESCEXCE. Mode Variety- THE FliOlVER. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Form, .Estivation, Colocr, KTC. Periantli. Leaves. Calyx. Sepals. Corolla. Petals. .Staincit.s. Filaments. Anthers. Pistil. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. - FRUIT. Kind Variety Dehiscence No. of Seeds Dcscrijjtion of Seed- !■ l.iiKAI. 1 )|A(;HAM. CLAHSIFKATIUN. Ac. SERIES Class sub-Class. Division Order (Jenus Species I^itanical Name Popiilur Name IlabiUt I Whoro foiin'l Date of collection DRAWINGS, &C. PLANT SCHEDULE. NO. ROOT. STEM. Crigin. Form - Colour Duration Position Class Attitude Texture Position Shape Juice Branch in": - Height ■ Duration- Surface LEAF. Division Position _ Arrangement — Stipulation — Insertion - Outline - Xo. of leaflets, if any ■ *Texture *Colour *Size ~ *Venation *Margin • *Apex- *Base .- *Surface — * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. IXFLORESCE\CE. Mode- ... Variety. THE FLOWER. Organ. No. Cohesion. Aduesion. Notes on Form, .Estivation, Colour, etc. Perianth. Leaves. Calyx. Sepals. Corolla. Fttals. Stamens. Filaments. Anthers. VistiX. St if/mas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FRIIT. liiml Variety Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed. Floral Diacram. .J ( I t«»iri« tllON. Ar. SERIES Class Sub-Class DiVISKIN Order Genus Species - I^itjiiiii'iil N'ltiiiit .. . i'tJinilur .Nuiuo — Habitat Whoro found \hiW of collection DRAWINGS, &C. / PLANT SCHEDULE. NO KOOT. STEM. Origin Form - Colour Duration—. Position Class Attitude Texture Position Shape Juice — Branchinfr Height . Duration Surface LEAF. Division— Position Arrangement Stipulation Insertion - Outline — No. of leaflets, if aii\- ♦Texture *Colour ♦Size ♦Venation ♦Margin— ♦Apex ♦Base ♦Surface * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. INFLORESCENCE. Mode. Variety- THE FLOWER. Orgax. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Fohm, Estivation, Colour, etc. Pcriantii. Leaves. r Calyx. Sejials. Corolla. I'ttals. Stanien.s. Filaments. Anthers. Pi.stil. Stigmas. Stijles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FRl'IT. Kind Variety -~ Dehiscence- No. of Seeds Description of Seed. Flokai, Diac.ram. «I,.4SSn'l«ATI<>N, Ae. SERIES Class- Sitb-Class- Division Order Henus Species Botanicnl Name Popular Name Habitat Where found Date of collection DRAWINGS, &C. PLANT SCHEDULE, NO. ROOT. STEM. Origin Form Colour Duration Position Class Attitude Texture Position Shajie Juice Branchinc:- Height . Duration • Surface LEAF. Division Position Arrangement Stijmlation Insertion - Outline No. of leaflets, if any ■ *Texture *Colour --■ *Size :-- *Venation ♦Margin *Apex *Base ♦Surface — * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. INFLORESt'EM'E. Mode- Variety - THE FLOTI'ER. Okgan. No. Cohesion. Aduesion. Notes ox Forji, ^sth-atiox, CoLoun, etc. Perianth. Leaves. Calyx. Sepals. Corolla. Petals. Stamens. Filaments. Anthers. Pistil. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. - FRUT. Kind Variety Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed- CLASHItlC'ATlOX, Ac. SERIES Class Sub-Class. Division Order Genus Species • Botanical \amo Popular Name Habitat Whuro fciiinl Date of collection DRAWINGS, &C. PLANT SCHEDULE. NO- ROOT. STEM. Origin Form Colour Duration- Position... Class Attitude -■ Texture Position... Shape Juice 1.. Branching Height Duration Surface LEAF. Division Position — - Arrangement Stipulation Insertion — Outline No. of leaflets, if an^- *Texture *Colour *Size *Venation *Margin. *Apex . *Base .. *Surface * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. 1\ FLORESCENCE. Mode- Variety.. THE FLO>TER. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Fohm, ^sxrvAxiON, Colour, et(\ Perianth. Leaves. Calyx. Sepals. Corolla. Petals. Htaniens. Filaments. Anthers. Pistil. Stifimas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. - FRIIT. Kind Variety Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed. r LORAL Diagram. CLAHMIIKATIOV. .tr. SERIES Class Sub-Class 1)1 VISION Order Cenus Species ' Botnnioal Nann- [ I Popular Niiini' I Ilaliitat I WImt"' fniin I Uat* of collection DRAWINGS, &C. ._J PLANT SCHEDULE. NO.. BOOT. STEH. Origin Form Colour Duration Position Class Attitude Texture Position Shape Juice BranchinsT- LEAF. Height Duration - Surface Division Position Arrangement Stipulation - Insertion Outline No. of leaflets, if any ■ *Texture *Colour ♦Size *Venation ♦Margin- *Apex. ♦Base .. ♦Surface * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. IXFLOKESCEXCE. Mode ~ Variety- THE FLOM'ER. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Form, .SIstivation, Colour, etc. Poriantb. Leaves. Calyx. Sepals. Corolla. Petals. StaniciLS. Filaments. Anthers. Pistil. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. - FKIIT. Kind Variety Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed- 1< LdUAL DlAGli,\M. CLASSIFIf-ATIOX. ^ta. 8EEIES Class Sub-Class. Division Older Genus- Species ■ Botanical Name Popular Namfr— Habitat Whi'io foiinil Date of collection DRAWINGS, &C. PLANT SCHEDULE. NO ROOT. STEM. Origin Form Colour Duration Position - Class Attitude - Texture Position. . Shape Juice Li':AF. Branching Height Duration Surface ., . Division — Position- Arrangement Stipulation Insertion Outline No. of leaflets, if any ♦Texture --- ♦Colour — *Size ♦Venation ♦Margin - ♦Apex ♦Base ♦Surface - * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. INFLORESCENCE. Mode _ Variety.. THE FLOWER. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes ON FoKJi, jEstivatiox, Colour, kh . Periantli. Leaves. Calyx. Sepals. Corolla. Petals. Stamens. Filamenls. Anthers. Pi.stil. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FRirr. Kind Variety Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed- Floral Diagram. CLAS^III'K ATIO>f. 4c. SERIES Class— Sub-Class. Division Order Spei'it's Botanical Name l'(jpul.ir \:iiun Habitat Where foiinil Date of cuUeution DRAWINGS, &C. _J PLANT SCHEDULE, NO.. BOOT. STEM. Origin • Form Colour Duration Position Class Attitude Texture Position Shape Juice Branching. Height Duration Surface .......... LEAF. Division Position Arrangement Stipulation Insertion Outline - Xo. of leaflets, if any ■ ♦Texture *Colour *Size- — ~ *Venation *Margin .-.- *Apex *Base ♦Surface — Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. I\ FLORESCE\CE. Mode. Variety - THE FLOWER. Organ. No. COIIESIOM. Adhesion. Notes on Form, Estivation, Colour, etc. Poriantb. Leaves. • Calyx. Sejials. Corolla. Petals. Stanicn.s. Filaments. Anthers. Pistil. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. -- FRL'IT. Kind Variety Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed- Floral Diagram. C'LAHSItKATiO^, Ac. SERIES Class Sub-Class. Division Order Genus Species Botanical Name- Popular Namo — Habitat Where founil — Date of collection DRAWINGS, &C. PLANT SCHEDULE NO.. ROOT. STEM. Origin — Form Colour Duration Position Class Attitude Texture Position Shape Juico Branching- Height Duration Surface LEAF. Division- Position - Arrangement Stipulation Insertion Outline — - No. of leaflets, if any ♦Texture ♦Colour *?Jize — - /- ♦Venation ■ ♦Margin . ♦Apex ♦Base .. ♦Surface — * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. IXFLORESCENCE. j Mode — .. Variety- THE FLOWER. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes ON Form, ^Estivation, Colour, etc. Perianth. Leaven. Calyx. Sepah. Cnroliii. I'etah. Stsinieus. Filaments. Anthers. Pistil. Stif/vias. Sli/les. Carpels. Ovary-cells. ■ f;ci IT. Kind " Variety - Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed I'LOr.Al, DlAdUAM CLASKIt'K'ATION. Ac. SEEIES ...... Class Sub-Class . Division Order (ienus Species Botanical Name Popular Narno Habitat Where found Date of collection DRAWINGS, &C. PLANT SCHEDULE. NO.. ROOT. STEM. Origin • Form ~ Colour Duration Position Class Attitude Texture Position Shape Juice Branching - Height Duration • Surface '-- LEAF. Division Position- Arrangement Stipulation Insertion Outline - No. of leaflets, if any *Texture ♦Colour *Size *Venation *Margin *Apex. *Base .. ♦Surface — * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. INFLORESCENCE. Mode- Variety-. THE FLOWER. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Form, -iEsxivATiox, Colour, etc. Perianth. Leaves. Calyx. Sepals. Corolla. Petals. Stanicii.s. Filaments. Anthers. Pistil. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FRUIT. Kind Variety Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed Floral Diagram. rLAHHiri<'ATIO\. Ar. SERIES Cla&s Simj-Class. Division Order (ienus Species - Botanical Name Popular Name Habitat ..- Where found Date of collection DRAWINGS, &C. PLANT SCHEDULE, NO BOOT. STEM. Origin Form -. _ Colour Duration — Position Class Attitude- Texture Position Shape Juice Branching- Pleight Duration Surface LEAF. Division Position -- - Arrangement- Stipulation Insertion — Outline ~ No. of leaflets, if any ■ *Texture *Colour - - *Size *Venation *Margin — *Apex *Base *Surface - - * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. INFLORESCENCE. Mode- Variety- THE FLOIYER. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Form, .Estivation, Colodr, etc. Perianth. Leaves. Calyx. Sepals. Corolla. Petals. Stamens. Filaments. Anthers. Pistil. St if/mas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FUi;iT. Kind Variety Dehiscence No. of Seeds ~ Description of Seed. jfLOKAL Diagram. tXA»SIFICATIO.\. . No. of Seeds '. ....._^ Description of Seed Floral Diagram. CLAKSirK'iTION. Ae. SERIES Class — Sub-Class Division Order Genus Species Botanical Namo Popular Namo Habitat Whero foiin'l Dat« of collection DRAWhNGS, &C. L. PLANT SCHEDULE, NO. ICOOT. STEM. Origin Form Colour Duration. Position ••• Class Attitude-- Texture - Position-. ShajDe Juice Branching. Height Duration. Surface LEAF. Division- Position Arrangement Stipulation Insertion Outline No. of leaflets, if any *Texture ♦Colour ♦Size ♦Venation ♦Margin . ♦Apex. ♦Base - ♦Surface * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. IVFLOKESCEXCE. Mode - Variety.. THE FLOWER. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Form, ^Estivatiox, Colour, etc. Perianth. Leaves. t'alyx. Sepals. Corolla. Fetals. Stamens. FUaments. Anthers. ristil. St if/mas. Stijles. Carpels. Ovary-ceU s. FKIIT. K ind Variety Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed. Fi.ciKAi, Diagram. €LASglFI€ATieX, Ac si-:r[Es Class Sub-Class. Division Order ( '• onus species - BotAnical Name- Popular Name — HabiUt Where fuund Date of collection DRAWINGS, &C. L COMPOSITES. PLANT SCHEDULE NO.. UOOT. STEM. Origin Form Colour Duration Position Class Attitude • Texture I'osition .. Shaj^e Juice Branching Height Duration Surface li:af. nivi ;inn Position Arrangement Stipulation Insertion Outline No. of leaflets, if any ♦Texture *Colour *Size ♦Venation ♦Margin ♦Apex ♦Base ♦Surface * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. I\E^LOKESC'ENCE, Ac. Ili:.4I>.S. Arrangement- Kind. Size - »K.4y-FLOKKTS. Number Colour Shape Kind Pappus ''DI^»K-FLOI(l:T!<•. Number Colour Shape Kind Pappus REt'KrT.U'Li:. Form Surface-. I>VOLr€KE. Form Rows of scales Form of scales Texture of scales . Arrangement A<'HE\E!!i. Form ' Surface Colour... Ji^EEU. - If florets are all alike jrive jiarticulai-s under heading Disk- florets. lui: FLo»i:it. Organ. Corolla. Petals. Stnnirns. JF'i/anieiifn. Anthers. IMslil. Stigmas. Sti/les. < 'a rpeh. Ovary-ceUs. No. Cohesion. SKRIES Class Sub-Class. 1 )IVISION' Order i^enus ^pecles AUHKHIUN. FlX>BAI. UlAUHAM. CXA»SIFir.4TI05i. Ar. Hotanical Name- Popular Name Habitat ■ — Wlicrc fi)iiiiil Date of collection DRAWINGS, &C. COMPOSITES. KOOT. STEM. Origin Form Colour Durati(jn ... Position - " Class Attitude Texture Position Shape Juice Branchino" Height Duration Surface PLANT SCHEDULE. NO.... LEAF. Division Position Arrangement Stipulation Insertion .- Outline No. of leaflets, if any *Texture *Colour *Size *Venation *Margin . *Apex . *Base . *Surface * Applicable to leaflets if leaf Is compound. INFLORESCENCE, dec. IIE.IDS. Arrangement.. Kind Size ... KlY-FLOKETS. Number Colour Shape Kind Paj^pu.s- l>ISK-FLOKET.S. Number Colour... Shape-,. Kind Pappus I RECEPTACLE. Form -... Surface -. IWOLICRE. Form- — E,ows of scales Form of scales Texture of scales . Arrangement ACIIENE8. Form Surface. Colour... SEEU. * If florets arc all alike give particulars under heading Di.sk- florets. TIIK FMMTIJt. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhi»ion. Plorax, Duoram. C'nljVX. Sepah. f C«»r»Iln. Petals. /""^ StiiiiiriiK. l^^ilaments. Antliers. { ) Pistil. St i (J mas. Stijles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. • ^^^ CLASSIFICATION, Ac. SERIES Class Sub-Class. Division Order Genus Species Botanical Name Popular Name Habitat Where found Date of collection DRAWINGS, &C. J COMPOSITES. PLANT SCHEDULE. NO. UOOT. STEM. Origin - Form Colour Duration Position Class Attitude Texture Position Shape — .. Juice - — Branching Height Duiation— • Surface ..-'... LEAF. Division Position Arrangement - Stipulation Insertion - Outline No. of leaflets, if any - *Texture *Colour *Size — • *Venation *Margin *Apex *Base ♦Surface - * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. UEADS. Arrangement. Kind- Size ..- *RAl'-FLOUETS. Isumbcr Colour Shape — Ivind -^ Pappus — .. "DISK-FLORETS. Number- Colour Shape Kind — — Pappus ■XFLOKE.SCENCE, Ac. BEtEPTACLE. Form — Surface — INVOLirCBE. Form Eows of scales Form of scales -— Texture of scales. Arrangement- A€HE\E§. Form-.-. Surface - Colour SEED. ' If florets are all alike give particulars under heading Disk- florets. TIIK FLOHKK. Organ. <-al.vx. Se])alii. Corolla. Pttah. Stamens. Filaments. Anthers. i>istil. St iff mas. Sti/les. i 'a 7' pels. Ovary-cells. No. COHKSION. Adhesion. FiXfBAI. DiAUKAU. CLAi^SIFICATIOK, Ar. SKEIE8- ('LA.SS SUB-CLA.SS. 1>I VISION Order (ienus Species Botanical Name - Popular Name Habitat Where found -. Date of collection DRAWINGS, &C. COMPOSITES. PLANT SCHEDULE NO. ■COOT. 8TTK11. Origin Form Colour Duration Position Class Attitude Texture - ■ i'osition Shape Juice Branching Height Duration Surface .-' 11EAD8. Arrangement. Kind Size -RAT-FLOUETS. Number Colour ■ Shape Kind Pappus 'DISK-FLOKHT.S. Number Colour .. Shape Kind Pappus LEAF. Division Position Arrangement Stipulation - Insertion Outline No. of leaflets, if any ■ ♦Texture ♦Colour ♦Size ♦Venation ♦Margin ♦Apex ♦Base ♦Surface • * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. IM^e))als. Corolla. Petals. /^■\ Stamens. Filaments. Anthers. ( ) I>lslll. fStiijmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. V y CLASSIFICATION. Ac. SEKIES Class - - Sub-Class Division —- Order G en us Species -- Botanical Name- Popular Name Habitat Where found Date of collection DRAWINGS, &C. u COMPOSITES. PLANT SCHEDULE. NO. UOOT. Origin Form-... I gTEU. Colour Duration • PositioIl— Class Attitude- Texture - .. Position Shape Juice Branching Height Duration Surface LEAF. Division — Position - Arrangement Stipulation - Insertion Outline No. of leaflets, if any • *Texture - *Colour *Size - — — *Venation *Margin-— *Apex - — - *Base ♦Surface - - •- * Applicable to leaflets If leaf is compound. INFLORESCENCE, die. HEADS. Arrangement- Kind Size .- "BAY-FLOttETS. Number Colour Shape Kind Pappus RECEPTACLE. Form .- — . Surface "DISK-FLORETS. Number - Colour- Shape Kind Pappus INVOLUCRE. Form — Kows of scales — Form of ^ales Texture of scales- Arrangement ACHENES. Form Surface. Colour ..- SEED. * If florets are all alike give particulars under heading Disk- florets. TIIK FLOM»:U. Organ. No. Sepah. <'oroIla. Fetuh. siiiniriiH, Filamentn. Anthers. ristii. Stiijmas. Sti/ies. Carpels. Ovary-cells. CO}|KPION. AUIIK8ION. FU)RAL Dur.RAM. CLASSIFICATION, Ac. SKRIES Class - Si;b-Class. Division Order — Genus Species Botanical Name- Popular Name Habitat Where found — Date of collection DRAWINGS, &C. LEAF SCHEDULES. Leaf of. Description. Division Position . Arrangement- Insertion Stipulation Outline No. of leaflets, if any *Texture ♦Colour ♦Size ♦Venation ^Margin. ♦Apex ♦Base ♦Surface . Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. Drawings. Leaf of. Division _ Position Arrangement Insertion Stipulation Outline No. of leaflets, if any ♦Texture ; ♦Colour ~ ♦Size — _ ♦Venation -.- ♦Margin ♦Apex- ♦Base ♦Surface- — - * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. LEAF SCHEDULES. Leaf op.. Description. Division _ Position - .. Arrangement — Insertion — ~ Stipulation - - Outline - -.. No. of leaflets, if any - - ♦Texture - ♦Colour - - ♦Size — ♦Venation - - ♦Margin — — ♦Apex - - ♦Base — ♦Surface - * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. Dhawinos. Leap op Division - Position . Arrangement. Insertion - Stipulation t Outline - No. of leaflets, if any ♦Texture ♦Colour - ♦Size ; — ♦Venation - - - ♦Margin -.- — ~ ~ ♦Apex — - - "- - ♦Base-- - - ~ ♦Surface - - — - • Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. LEAF SCHEDULES. Leap op. Descrfption. Division Position ■ Arrangement Insertion ~ Stipulation - Outline — No. of leaflets, if any • ^Texture— *Colour *Size ^Venation *Margin .■.._ *Apex *Base - _..- ♦Surface _ _ * Applicable to leaflets If leaf is compound. Drawikgs. Leaf of. Division . Position . Arrangement. Insertion Stipulation Outline - ~ No. of leaflets, if any ♦Texture ♦Colour ♦Size _ ♦Venation _. ♦Margin -.- ♦Apex— - ♦Base ♦Surface ~ * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. LEAF SCHEDULES. Leap op - Description. Division Position . Arrangement 1 nsertion _ Stipulation Outline No. of leaflets, if any *Texture~ - ♦Colour— *Size..._ — - ♦Venation Drawint.s. ♦Margin- ♦Apex. ♦Base- ♦Surface Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. Leaf op. Division — Position Arrangement-., Insertion - - Stipulation Outline - - No. of leaflets, if any. ♦Texture - - ♦Colour -.- ♦Size ♦Venation - ♦Margin ♦Apex — ♦Base ♦Surface - • Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. LEAF SCHEDULES. Leaf of. Description. Division Position . DUA WINGS. Arrangement . Insertion Stipulation Outline .- No. of leaflets, if any -..'. *Texture *Colour =^Size *Vcnation ^Margin - *Apex ...y *Base - - ♦Surface '. * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. Leaf of. Division . Position Arrangement. Insertion Stipulation Outline No. of leaflets, if any-. *Texture ♦Colour - *Size ♦Venation . ♦Margin ♦Apex-- ♦Base — ♦Surface Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. LEAF SCHEDULES, Leaf of Description. Division Position Arrangement — Insertion Stipulation Outline — No. of leaflets, if any ♦Textui'e ♦Colour Drawings. *Size *Venation *^rargin *Apex *Base ♦Surface Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. Leaf op Division. Position Arrangement. Insertion Stipulation Outline No. of leaflets, if any ♦Texture - ♦Colour — - ♦Size " — ♦Venation - — ♦^Margin ~ - ♦Apex— - - ♦Base — — — ♦Surface - - • Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. LEAF SCHEDULES. Leaf op. Description. Drawings. Division Position Arrangement • Insertion „ _. Stipulation..- Outline _ No. of leaflets, if any - ♦Texture-- ♦Colour -. *Size — ♦Venation - ♦Margin - _ ♦Apex — - ♦Base : _.. ♦Surface _ _ * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. Leaf of. Division Position Arrangement - Insertion Stipulation Outline No. of leaflets, if any. ♦Texture— ♦Colour ♦Size ♦Venation ♦Margin- ♦Apex ♦Base ~ - ♦Surface. • Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. LEAF SCHEDULES. Leaf op — ... Dkscriition. Division Position . Arrangement Insertion Stipulation Outline No. of leaflets, if any . *Texture *Colour - I)RAWrN(}S. *Size . *Venation * Margin ■ *Apex *Base ^.Surface . * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. Leaf of Division . Position- Arrangement Insertion Stipulation Outline No. of leaflets, if any- ♦Texture ♦Colour ♦Size ♦Venation ♦Margin ♦Apex ♦Base ♦Surface - ' Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. LEAF SCHEDULES, Leaf op Description. Division Position Arrangenieiit Insertion Stipulation Drawings. Outline "Xo. of leaflets, if any *Tcxture *Colour -Size *Vonation *Margin.. *'Apex *Base *Surface . Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. LiEAF OF. Division Position ' - -— Arrangement ;.......r.. Insertion Stipulation Outline ~ No. of leaflets, if any ~ *Texture •- ♦Colour ^ .*" ♦Size- ♦Venation ♦Margin ♦Apex- ♦Base ♦Surface • * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. LEAF SCHEDULES. Make Drawings of Leaves Answering to the Following Descriptions. (The teacher will dictate the descriptions.) DES(JRII'TI()\. Division Position Arrangement - I usertion Stipulation Outline No. of leaflets, if uuy *Texture *Colour I)rawin(;h. *Size *Venation *Margin *Apex *Base *Surface Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. Division . Position Arrangement Insertion Stipulation Outline No. of leaflets, if any. *Texture ■ ♦Colour .... *Size-. *Venation * Margin *Apex *Base ♦Surface -. Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. LEAF SCHEDULES. Make Drawings of Leaves Answering to the Following Descriptions. (The teacher will dictate the descriptions.) Description. Division Position Arrangement Insertion Stipulation Outline - No. of leaflets, if any. *Texturo .- ♦Colour *Size. *Venation *Margin. *Apex Drawings. ♦Base ♦Surface . Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. Division . Position • Arrangement -.- Insertion ~ Stipulation Outline — No. of leaflets, if any- ♦Texture ♦Colour ♦Size— - ♦Venation ♦Margin ♦Apex- ~ ♦Base ♦Surface Applicable to leaflets if leaf Is compound. LEAF SCHEDULES. Make Drawings of Leaves Answekino to the Followino Descriptions. (The teacher will dictate the dcacriptiuiifl.) Description. Division — Position Arrangement Insertion _ Stipulation Outline _... No. of leaflets, if any. *Texture *Colour Dravvi.nos. *Size V * Venation * Margin *Apex *Base ^Surface — - - - * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is ccmpoiind. Division - Position Arrangement Insertion Stipulation Outline No. of leaflets, if any- *Texture *Colour *Size - ♦Venation *Margin *Apex *Base — ♦Surface - * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. I LEAF SCHEDULES. Make Drawings of Leaves Answering to tiie Following Descriptions. (The teacher will dictate the descriptions.) Description. Drawings. Division Position _ Arrangement Insertion Stipulation Outline No. of leaflets, if any *Texture *Colour *Size *Venation *Margin , *Apex - *Base ^Surface * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. Division Position , Arrangement Insertion- — Stipulation - - Outline No. of leaflets, if any ^Texture .» *Colour "...-; *Size A *Venation ~ *Margin - *Apex - *Base *>->urface - - • Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. LEAF SCHEDULES. Make Dratytngs of Leaves Answerini; to the Folu)Win(} Descriptions. (Tho teacher will dictate the deflrriptions.) Description. Drawtnor. Division Position • Arrangement- Insertion Stipulation ."..... Outline No. of leaflets, if any - *Texture *Colour *Size . *Venation ♦Margin. *Apex *Base .. *Surf ace • Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. Division Position Arrangement . Insertion Stipulation Outline No. of leaflets, if any. ♦Texture ~ ♦Colour *Size - ♦Venation ♦Margin ♦Api ex. ♦Base ♦Surface • Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. LEAF SCHEDULES. Make Drawings of Leaves Answering to the Following Descriptions. (The teacher will dictate the descriptions.) Description. Division Position Arrangement Insertion '■ Stipulation - - Outline - No. of leaflets, if any - ♦Texture- ♦Colour - ♦Size ~ ♦Venation - ♦Margin - ♦Apex - ♦Base - _ - ♦Surface _ * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. Division Position - Arrangement - Insertion - Stipulation Outline -- No. of leaflets, if any ♦Texture ~ - - ♦Colour ♦Size '. ♦Venation ♦Margin ■■ ♦Apex ♦Base - - ♦Surface * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound Drawings. LEAF SCHEDULES. Make Drawings of Leaves Answering to the F«jlix)Wino De8criptio>{s. (The teacher will dictate the descriptions.) Description. L'ivision Position Arrangement Insertion Stipulation- Outline — No. of leaflets, if any . *Texture ♦Colour - DRA>VIN08. *Size • ♦Venation • *Margin. *Apex ♦Base ♦Surface . * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. Division Position Arrangement. I nsertion - Stipulation Outline Xo. of leaflets, if any ♦Texture ♦Colour ♦Size ♦Venation - ♦Margin ♦Apex ♦Base ♦Surface Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. LEAF SCHEDULES. Make Drawings op Leaves Answering to the Following Descriptions. i^The teacher will dictate the descriptions.) Description. I'ivision Position AiTangement — Insertion : Stipulation Outline — No. of leaiiets, if any *Texture *Colour *Size - *Venation - ♦Margin - - *Apex , *Base — -■ ♦Surface - — * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. Division - Position - Arrangement - Insertion Stipulation Outline No. of leaflets, if any ♦Texture ♦Colour — - ♦Size ♦Venation - ♦Margin ♦Apex ♦Base " ♦Surface * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound Drawings. LEAF SCHEDULES. Make Drawings of Leaves Answering to the Following Descriptions. (The teacher will dictate the descriptions.) Description. Division Position Arrangement • Insertion Stipulation Outline No. of leaflets, if any - ♦Texture ■■■ ♦Colour Duawlnos. *Size. ♦Venation ♦Margin. ♦Apex ♦Base ♦Surface * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. Division Position. Arrangement. Insertion Stipulation Outline _.....„ No. of leaflets, if any ...- ♦Texture ♦Colour ♦Size - .: — ♦Venation •- ♦Margin ~ ♦Apex ♦Base - ♦Surface * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. r" LEAF SCHEDULES, Make Drawings of Leaves Answering to the Following Descriptions. (The teacher will dictate the descriptions.) Description. T)ivision Position Arrangement ~ Insertion - Stipulation Outline No. of leaflets, if any- *Texture ♦Colour *Size Drawings. * Venation ♦Margin- *Apex ♦Base ♦Surface . * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. Division - Position- Arrangement . Insertion Stipulation Outline No. of leaflets, if any- ♦Texture - ♦Colour ♦Size - ♦Venation ♦Margin ♦Apex ♦Base - - ♦Surface — - * Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. LEAF SCHEDULES. Make Drawings of Leaves Answering to the Followlng Descriptions. (The teacher will dictate the descriptions.) Description. Division Position Arrangement Insertion Stipulation Outline — No. of leaflets, if any *Texture ♦Colour *Size ♦Venation ♦Margin *Apex ♦Base ♦Surface Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. Dkawing.s. Division Position Arrangement Insertion Stipulation Outline Xo. of leaflets, if anj- ♦Texture ♦Colour ♦Size — ♦Venation ♦Margin ♦Apex — ♦Base - ♦Surface Applicable to leaflets if leaf is compound. FLOWER SCHEDULES Flower of.. OnOAN. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Form, Estivation. Colour, ktc. rrrlnnlh. Lea ves. • C'nljjx. Sepals. Corolla. Petals. Stallions. Filaments. Anthers. Pistil. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FKIIT. Kinrl y^ ~^ Var Deh ietv / \ No. of Se Q^S V / v_y Fldkal DrAORAM. Flower of.. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Form, ^Estivation, Colour, etc. Perianth. Leaves. Calyx. Sepals. Corolla. Petals. St am r IIS. Filaments. Anthers. Pistil. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FKIIT. Kind Variety—- Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed- Floral Diagrasl FLOWER SCHEDULES Flower of.. Organ. No. COHKSION. Adhesion. Nana on Fohm, ^lisTiVATioN, Coi,<)1,k. ktc. rvriantb. Leaves. Cal^'.v. Sepals. 4'or)tllii. I'elals. •Stai incus. Filaments. Anthers. I'l.stil. St iff mas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary -cells. FKIIT. Kind Variety - y^ ^ - ( ] No. Des of S< lorlc .._ \ j \^^^y^ Ki.oiiAr. Di.\f;iiAM. Flower of.. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Form, .ICsrn'ATiON, Colodb, Era I'vrlniitli. Leaves. C'nI.rx. Sepals. Corolln. Petals. Stniiioiis. Filaments. Anthers. Pistil. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FKllT. Kind Variety — Dehiscence — - No. of Seeds Description of Seed Fr.onAi. DiAGHAM. FLOWER SCHEDULES, Flower of.. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Form, .S;stivation, Colour, ktc. ■'(-rlHiilh. Leaves. <'nij»\-. Sepals. . t'orolla. Petals. .St:iincii<«. Filaments. Anthers. ristii. Stiginas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FKIIT. Kin Var Deh d „ „ ^^^N iptv. / \ [ No. of S€ *G(is \ J nTiy nf ftpArl . . \^^ ^^ Floiui- Diagram. Flower of.. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Form, Estivation, Colour, etc. Perianth. Leaves. Calyx. Sepals. Corolla. Petals. Staiiieii.s. Filaments. Anthers. ristii. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. - - FRUIT. Kind Variety - Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed. Floral Diagram FLOWER SCHEDULES. Floweh of.. Organ. No. COHKSION. ADJtESION. Notes on Form, ASbiivation. Colouk, ktc. INriaiitli. Lea ves. Calyx. Sepals. 4'orolla. J'eta/s. SlaiiieiLS. J^^ilamcnls. Anthers. IMslil. St if/mas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary -cells. FKDIT. Kin Vai d _ „....: ^ "^ igty - - -- — - — ■ / \ [ 1 No. of S( Y 1 \^^^^^y <_> n^t^ l"l.' l!,\l. I)|\(^l:\-V Flower of.. Okgan. D'rrlaiith. Leaves. falyx. Sepals. Corolla. Petals. Slaiiiriis. Filaments. Anthers. Pl.stil. St i (J mas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. No. Cohesion. Adiiksion. Notes on Foum, itlsTiVATiON. Cou»un. Kn: FBIJIT. Kind Variety Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed K"t,'>RAI. DivcnAM. FLOWER SCHEDULES Flower of.. Organ. No. COHKSION. Adhesion. Notes om Fohm, ^stivatiox. Colour, etc. rrriniilli. Leaves. Ciilyx. Seijals. Oorolln. Petals. • Stiinioiis. Filaments. Anthers. ri!«til. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary -cells. FRMT. Kin Var Deh d _ y^ ""\ ietv / \ j No. of S( iprlc . \ J nn of SpprI V^^^ ^y v.a.*^.^x Fr.iiKAr, D(Af;uA^!. Flower of.. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Fokji, jEsm'AnoN, Colour, etc. Periauth. Leaves. Calyx. Sepals. Corolla. Petals. t^taiiieiiH. Filaments. Anthers. ristii. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FBVIT. Kind Variety Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed- Florax Diagram. FLOWER SCHEDULES, Flower of. Okgan. No. COHKSION. Adhesion. Nans OK Form, XBttVkitos, Coi>onR, ktc. rei-inntb. Leaves. <'nl.vx. Sejials. t'orolln. Petal,. »» !»taiiieiis. yUainenls. Anthers. Pistil. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FKMT. Kind Variety Dehiscence No. of Seeds - - - ,/" ^ V / Sco.l v_y Ki ' •!. \i I»i \*,u \^^ Flower op.. ( )KGAN. No. Cohesion. Adhksion. Notes on Foru, .^stivatiox. Cou)cr. >rrr. I'oriaiitii. Lea ve.i. • talj-x. Sepaln. Corolla. Prta/s. StaiiK'iis. Filaments. Anthers. Pistil. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FRI'IT. Kind Variety - -.. Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed FU^RAI. DUOIUJC FLOWER SCHEDULES. Flower op... Organ. I'friniilh. Lta ves. !. Fluwek of. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Form, .Estivation, Colodr. etc. I'criaiitli. Leaves. Calyx. Sepals. Corolla. Petals. .Slaiiifiis. Filaments. Anthers. Pistil. StigmQs. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. \ FRL'IT. Kind Variety Dehiscence No. of Seeds - Description of Seed- Floral Diagram. FLOWER SCHEDULES. Flower of . OncAN. No. CdHKSIOX Ai>iti;sii..v. Notes on Form, iKsriVATioN, Colour, ktc. I'criaiilh. Lta ven. t'lilyx. Sejials. 4'or»IIn. I'etals. Staiiiriis. Filaments. Anthers. I'istll. Stiff via s. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FKBIT. Kin Var Deh d y^ ^\ iety _ _ _ „ / \ isrfinafi _ 1 No. of Se DespT-inti eds - - - - \ J in of Seed \^^^^ K'."ltAI. I)I.Vlil;AM. Flower of.. Okgan. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Form, /E.STIVATION, CoLOLK. KTC. rcrinnlli. Lea ves. C'nlyx. Sepals. Corolla. Petals. !ch, ktc. INrliiiilli. Lea ves. Calyx. Sepals. <'orolla. Petals. Slaiiicii.riniilii. Lea ves. Calyx. Se pals. Corolla. Petals. Staiiieii.s. Filaments. Anthers. Pistil. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Form, .(Estivation, Colour, etc. FRMT. Kind Variety Dehiscence No. of Seeds Descri lotion of Seed- Floral Diagram. Flower of.. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Form, .Estivation, Colour, etc. Periautli. Leaves. Calyx. Sepals. ' Curolln. Petals. Stanieus. Filaments. Anthers. Pistil. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FKLIT. Kind Variety — ■ Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed.. Floral Diagram. FLOWER SCHEDULES. OnGAN. S*orlniilli. Lea ves. <'alvx'. Sepals. <'or»IIn. I'etals. Sliinioiis. Filamenls. Anthers. ristii. St iff mas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. Flower op.. No. COHKSION. Adhesion. Notes on Form, yEuriVATiON. Cou)OB, btc. FROriT. Kind Variety Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed. Ki.<'|;ai. Uiaoiiam Flower of.. Organ. No. Cohesion. ADlIESroX. NOTKS ON FOKM, .tliniVA HON, CoLOUn, ETC. I'eriaiitli. Leaves. / Calyx. Sejials. Corolla. Petals. Slaiiiens. Filaments. Anthers. IMslil. Stiffvias. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FKIIT. Kind - Variety - Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed Fr-ORAt. DrVGRAM. FLOWER SCHEDULES. Flower op.. Organ. No. COHKSION. Adhesion. Notes on Form, ..Estivation. Coi-ocr, ktc. IVriaiilli. Leaves. Sepals. <'or«II». Petah. SlaiiK'iis. Filaments. Anthers. Plslil. Stiff mas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FCIOIIT. Kin Var Deh d X ^X ietv / ^ \ / No. of S€ gd<^ on of Sopfl ... ^^M'^^ Ki.oiiAi. DiAt;i:AM. Flower op.. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Forji, ^Estivation, Colour, etc. E'^triaiilli. Leaves. Calyx. Sepals. • CuroUn. Petals. !]is. Filaments. Anthers. I'asJil. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FRIIT. ]\iiiil • Variety Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed. Fldrat. Diacram. FLOWER SCHEDULES. Flower op „ — Obgan. No. COUKSION. Adhksion. Notes on Form. .flJsrtVATioN. CoiX)un, ktc. IN'i-irtiith. Leaves. Calyx. tSe))ah. Corolla. I'etals. gtaiiiciis. Filaments. Anthers. VHtll. Stir/mas. Sti//es. Carpels. Ovary-cells. vuaiT. Var d y^ ^\ 1 nf T7- / \ 'OpVll^f'PTl^'^ No. of S( ;eds \^^ >-' M'^' Ki.iiiiAi. iJi \i;i;a>'. Flower of.. Okgan. No. E'oriaiith. Leaves. Calyx. Sepals. Corolla. Petals. .Slaiiiriis. Filaments. Anthers. rislil. St if/ mas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes on Fokm, ..Estivation, Colocb, etc. FRiriT. Kind - Variety Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed Fr.im.Ki. DiAORAM. FLOWER SCHEDULES. Flower of... OnoAN. No. COHKSION. Anm:.^ioN. Notes on Form, Estivation, Ojlodr, ktc. rrriniitli. Lea ves. <'al.vx. Sepals. * Corolla. Petals. Stsimeiis. Filaments. Anthers. risiii. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FBCIT. Kinfi _ _ / y 1 \ Var Deh ietv - _ Ko. of Se *GQS - \ j \^^^^^ ^^ XJ^ ^x Flokal Dtacka''. Flower of- Organ. No. C0HE.S10N. Adhesion. Notes on Form, ^srivAnoN, Colour, ktc. I'criautli. Lea ves. Calyx. Sepals. Corolla. Petals. Staiiioiis. Filaments. Anthers. Pistil. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. - " JFRLIT. Kind " Variety Dehiscence - No. of Seeds Description of Seed-. Floral Dtaoha'i. FLOWER SCHEDULES Floweu or OliGAN. No. COHKSION. Adhesion. NOTTM ON FOKM, ,'EfiTIVATION. COUMR, CT*:. r«'rlaiitb. Lea ves. Sepals. t'orolln. Petals. Stiiini>ii.s. Filaments. Anthers. • riKtii. Stiff mas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FitriT. Kind _ /^ X Var Deh iety ~ _ _ ^..„ . / \ isnfinoft _ No. of Se Desoi'inti eds - - _ „. _ . V / "in of Seed v_^ FLORA!. 0!A*;itAM. Flower of.. OUGAX. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Notes ON Fok.m. .lis iia'ation, CoLocn, ETf. I'eriiiiitli. Leaves. talyx. Sepah. <'ui-olIn. Petals. Slaiiiriis. Filaments. Anthers. ristii. Stigmas. Styles. Carpels. Ovary-cells. FRIIT. Kind ~ Variety Dehiscence No. of Seeds Description of Seed. Fr.ORAI. DtAGUAM J FLORAL DIAGRAMS. Diagram of. Diagram of . Diagram of . Diagram of . Diagram of . Diagram of. Diagram of . . . Diagram of. FLORAL DIAGRAMS. Diagram of . Diajjrain oj Diagram of. \ Diagram of. Diagram of Diagram of. Diagram of . Diagram of INDEX OF PLANTS. NO. .A... NAME OF PLANT. ^^;k^ . /: X''■& M m :Kr;''- P^'>! iJf^i!^ mi m