1am AAaaa AABAA. Anas : Wy ! > YAY Wy i A £ WANN WAN Naanansvanrnnancneye NAA AAR: AR ARP A\A AN ANAAAY Ry AAnna asc ananis SRARAARAARANA Missidiga: Na A wAnaae ARARA & VAMaaisas ! WAAR an, eee | | . \sAnbanansansoAtt on panane nA BAAN ARR AaAa) t NARAR AAA NAA AAAAAn aA NAAARAR } an A fi m, a Miannaannnh ae ne ke ats BAN aah i ae Si ys A Tata DTN Stele ae Diclme ae ay OS es tie oi ee Re ee ee puke 3° aa peneceres tc) AT pbs Ap eign ord casera: GA NTT aot, rates SS a) : <} y ) NES Ms : VAVA a ; fal TE VW - IL Ree hag ns cy Z tee Wa Us, vie 2, XII. An Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. By William George Maton, M.D. F.R.S. § L.S. and the Reverend Thomas Rackett, M.A. F.R.S. § LS. Read February 1, April 5, May 3, and June 21, 1803. Exprrtence having fully evinced the necessity of system in describing natural objects, it has always been an useful and pleasing task to trace its formation and progressive improvement: and though, until Linnzus drew the outlines of his Systema Na- ture, there were no plans of universal arrangement to which mo- dern inquirers can feel much interest in turning their attention ; yet, with respect to particular branches of natural history, we shall find no one that has not engaged the labour of studious men from the very infancy of learning, and that has not, in its pro- gress towards perfection, called forth every variety of talent. Thus the vegetable kingdom, in the contemplation of which mankind in every age have placed one of their purest pleasures, is seen to have employed the pen of science in a multitude of attempts at method, giving rise to a diversity of details and dis- criminations, and gradually increasing its claims to importance through an endless series of authors. Aware of the advantages which must always result from the review of successive systems, and from digesting the claims of those who had preceded him, the great Swedish naturalist presented us with an excellent model for this species of history in his Bibliotheca Botanica. If botani- cal writers deserved this enumeration of their labours, and if the science io Magee 120 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxert’s science itself could obtain so valuable a register from the hands of its illustrious reformer, we may be allowed to express our -wonder at a similar history of authors not having been executed, as an aid to all other departments of natural history. It is now some years that the writers of this paper have devoted much attention to the study of the Testacea; and in preparing a systematic catalogue and description of such species as inhabit the British islands, they had much reason to lament being un- provided with any professed and complete history of this branch of zoology, to assist them in collecting synonyms and comparing figures and descriptions. Excepting the Fundamenta Testaceo- logie, contained in the Amwnitates Academica, there is no work that exhibits the progress of the science, or treats of the merits of writers, at all ina satisfactory manner. In order to supply this defect, so far at least as our own means of research have ex- tended, and with a view to some explanation of the references which we may have occasion to employ ina future paper, the fol- lowing sketches are submitted to the Linnean Society. With regard to the order of them, the chronological has appeared to us to be the most eligible; but, as a methodical classification of authors may also be useful, subjoined to the historical part of this paper is a list of their names and works, arranged according to the subjects of which they treat. We have omitted, however, mere catalogists, and such authors as have treated of the Tes- tacea only in a casual manner, conceiving that an enumeration of such performances would protract this paper to an undue length, without adding any thing particularly curious or important to the history of the science, If several authors of a higher order have not been inserted, it is either because they are not accessi- ble to the generality of our countrymen, or because they have copied others too nearly to be allowed the merit of originality, With Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 121 With respect to the general execution of our task, it is incumbent on us to solicit the indulgence of this learned Society, by whom we hope those deficiencies will be pardoned which have not pro- ceeded from neglect of means of information within our reach. ARISTOTLE, the illustrious father of system in general, seems to have been also the first writer, and the inventor of method, in 'Testaceology. In his History of Animals (book iv. ch. 4.) we find a copious de- scription of that tribe to which he has affixed the term Osgaxodegua, a term apparently intended to include all such animals as are con- tained in a shelly covering. It isremarkable enough, that the very first attempt to reduce the species of this tribe under a regular system was so far successful that its outline stood the test of sub- sequent discoveries, and was retained in 'Testaceology to a late period. It was Aristotle who formed the divisions of 1. Univalves, 2. Bivalves, and 3. Turbinated Shells; and the terms which he applied to several subdivisions, or genera, remain, as well as the genera themselves, in all modern systems. The terms Lepas, Solen, Pinna, and Nerita, may serve as exam- ples. Of the animals themselves, distinctly from the shells, this philosopher (as might naturally be supposed) possessed but a very imperfect knowledge; yet he saw the necessity of connect- ing the structure and habits of them, as-far as was possible, with the form of their coverings, in the framing of a scientific system. Thus, in his genera of Cocalia, Purpure, and Buccina, he expressly describes the head and flesh of the included reptiles. Aristotle’s merit, however, was only that of having established some philo- sophical and permanent distinctions. The number of shells known VOL, VII. R im 122 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxert’s in those ages was very confined ; many of the mere appendages of testaceous animals, such as opercula and detached valves, were mistaken for distinct species ; and a variety of families were con- stituted on the most absurd principles. Yet, with all these, defects, Testaceology experienced no improvement from the great Roman naturalist PLINY, @ ° who is chargeable with a greater fault than that of having left no better an arrangement than he found, for he seems scarcely to have adopted any arrangement at all. In the 9th book of his Natural History he gives a pretty diffuse description of 'Testa- ceous animals, but in a very vague and unmethodical manner. In Pliny’s time the Romans must have had considerable opportuni- ties of increasing their knowledge of shells, for their navigation had been much extended; and with respect to the Mediterra- nean in particular, their augmented acquaintance with its coasts must have been the means of importing into the capital of the world a great variety of new species. ‘The manner in which this diligent naturalist alludes to the diversified form, colour, and magnitude of these beautiful objects, sufficiently shows that he had viewed no small number, and that he found in them ample sources of interest and admiration. It ought to be remarked, that there are commentators who have bestowed particular attention on that part of Pliny’s works of which we have been treating, and whom the curious scholar may do well to consult. Among these L. Gronovius, Franciscus Mas- sarius*, and Klein, deserve respectful mention. ‘here are also some annotations in the Leipsic Commentaries for 1773 +, illustra- tive of the Roman naturalist’s terminology. * Basil, 1537, 4to. + Fischer. p. 487. > 2 I AELIAN Eistorical Account of Testaceological Writers. 123 ALLIAN does not omit the Testaceous tribe in his work Iles Zwwy wWrornroe: but that philosopher’s knowledge of the habits of these animals was of course very limited, and the chapters dedicated to such subjects are, therefore, very concise. It ought, perhaps, to be mentioned, that the distribution of his matter is still more vague than that of ¢is predecessors, and much superstition is mixed with it. Y's After the dark ages, one of the earliest writers on the subject of natural history was VINCENTIUS (a Dominican monk of Beauvais); but he does not treat of any branch of that science otherwise than specifically, attempting no general arrangement, nor dividing his work otherwise than into books and chapters. His “ Speculum Nature,” in the vast com- pass of its curious matter, contains descriptions of a few of the more remarkable shells, as the murev, purpura, ostrea, &c. but they are borrowed chiefly from Aristotle and Pliny, and are re- plete with the absurd and superstitious notions of the times. The year following ALBERTUS MAGNUS published his volume “ de Animalibus,” &c. in which are similar scattered descriptions of various shells, without any scientific order, or much original information. ADAM LONICERUS, in his “ Historie Naturalis Opus novum,” introduces figures of shells, and describes a few species under the heads of Cochlee and Conche: but he is extremely concise ; a circumstance for which R 2 he 124, Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxert’s he apologises, by remarking, that persons who reside in the vici- nity of the sea are alone competent to attempt a full description and a scientific discrimination of the Testacea.—We have next to mention BELON, famous for his travels in the East, and who was, perhaps, one of the first learned men that travelled with a particular view to na- tural science. In 1553 he published at Paris an octavo volume “de Aquatilibus,” accompanied by figures, among which are a few shells not incorrectly represented, but the description is scanty and superficial. 'The succeeding year RONDELETIUS (Professor of Physic at Montpelier), whose situation had given him many opportunities in this way, published on the same sub- ject in a work bearing the title of “ Universa Aquatihum His- toria.” In the second part of this work he has described and figured upwards of one hundred species of Testaceous animals. He has quoted largely from Aristotle and Pliny, interspersing his descriptions with philological remarks, which are, in many in- stances, more copious than those which relate to the nature of the creatures themselves. In the different editions of the Commentaries of MATTHIOLUS the cuts are very different, both in accuracy and dimensions, and still more so in number. The first edition of this work contains figures of only nine species of shells; the blocks seem to have been afterwards borrowed by the Spanish booksellers (a practice very common at that period), and hence the figures of the Sala- manca edition of 1566 are the same. In the Italian edition of 1565 some Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 125 some of these figures were omitted, and some new ones intro- duced, so as to render the whole number fourteen, and they are considerably larger than the former. In the Lyons edition of 1572, by des Moulins, some of the species contained in that of 1554 are introduced (but with the omission of one contained in the edition last mentioned), and the figures are all original. They were copied by the Venetian publishers in 1621, but were in some instances transposed and reversed. Bauhin, in his publi- cation of this work, copied pretty accurately that of 1572, so far as the figures are concerned ; as did also Pinet, who, however, reduced the size of them very considerably, and inserted only ten species. The edition of 1683 we have never seen. Matthiolus is pretty copious in his descriptions of the shells mentioned by Dioscorides, but they are derived chiefly from the perusal of authors whom we have already mentioned. GESNER. In 1558 appeared the work of Conrad Gesner “ de Piscium et Aquatilium Animantium Historia,” in which may be found all that was known by the antients, and by this author’s immediate pre- decessors, relative to Testacea. Well might Boerhaave bestow on Gesner the appellation of “ Monstrum eruditionis,’—an appella- tion to which this indefatigable writer was justly entitled, for the extent of his learning, and the excellence of his comments on the writings of antiquity. His figures of shells are, for the most part, extremely rude; but, in general, the species intended to be re- presented may be pretty readily recognized, and they are accom- panied by very ample descriptions. In the “ Icones Animalium” of this author we find several shells of the Indian and Arabian seas, which had never been figured before, and which prove that he was not content, even in a part of his work comparatively so in- considerable, 126 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Rackett’s considerable, to detail what was known by his predecessors, with- out making additions of his own. With regard to system, Gesner trod pretty nearly in the steps of Aristotle. In making a fourth class, denominated Anomala, he can scarcely be said to have am- proved the arrangement of the Grecian philosopher; and even if his genera of Balani, Penicille marine, Tubuli marini, and Echini, can be considered as more properly placed here than in any one of the Aristotelian classes, it was certainly very injudicious to include the Ste/le marine and Meduseé among 'Testaceous aninials. LINOCIER, the well-known copyist of Gesner, gives a brief account of a few shells, with figures, in his ‘“ Histowre des Poissons.” IMPERATO. Francesco Iinperato was the editor of a work on natural history composed principally by his father. The figures, which are far from being cither rude or incorrect, relate principally to fossils : they are few in number, but the description of shells occupies several pages, and, though devoid of system, proves the author to have paid considerable attention to this branch of zoology. Besides giving the labours of his father to the world, Francesco published two treatises of his own, one entitled ‘ de Fossilibus Opusculin,” and another, “ Discorsi intorno a diverse Cose Naturali.” Both of these came from the press at Naples, and deserved, as well as the work first mentioned, to be considered as very respect- able additions to the scientific literature of that day. The treatise on Fossils contains some figures under the correspondent descrip- tions; but the miscellaneous work is destitute of any, and indeed does not trcat particularly either of recent or of fossil shells. ALDRO- Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 127 ALDROVAN DUS followed the disposition of shells adopted by Gesner, except that he inverted the order of the classes, and altogether omitted the objectionable one of Anomaia. His work “ de Mollibus Crustaceis, Testaceis, et Zoophytis,” is divided into four books. The figures are coarse and inaccurate, and less fit for reference than those of, perhaps, any other of the older writers on this science. COLUMNA. The treatise of Fabius Columna is to be considered rather asa Monographia of the Purpura than as referable to shells in general; but it contains descriptions of a few rarer species, and of some fossils also, which are all neatly figured in seven copper plates, exclusive of the one attached to a dissertation on Glossopetre. This work was re-published in 1675 by John Daniel Major, M.D. whom we shall notice hereafter. In the same year with Columna’s Treatise on the Purpura ap- peared the excellent plates of BASIL BESLER (apothecary of Nuremberg), well known among the naturalists of that period, particularly for his attachment to botany. These plates are highly finished, and perhaps altogether superior to any that had appeared before on copper relative to subjects of na- tural history. ‘Two of them only contain figures of shells, the lovers of which must lament that there are no more, so elegantly and correctly are they executed. There are specific descriptions in Latin and German. The work has for its title ‘ Fasciculus Rarirun,” &c. and, though inconsiderable in its extent, well deserves a place in the library of the curious naturalist. CHIOCCO, 128 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxetvt’s CHIOCCO, the describer of the “ Museum Calceolarium,” gives a very full account of the shells contained in that collection, with specific characters, in the Latin language. These descriptions, however, are for the most part borrowed from other writers. The book itself must have been looked upon in those days as very superb and expensive, and was certainly worthy of the museum which it professes to describe. This museum was begun by Benedict Ceruto, a physician, and even before it received additions from Calceolari, contained an immense assortment both of natural and artificial subjects. The figures of the shells occupy six plates, and are very correctly executed. It appears to be the first work that was written professedly as.a description of a museum of na- tural curiosities, if we except OLIVIT’S account of the same col- lection, which, however, is very vague and imperfect. The forming of collections began about this period to be under- taken by many curious persons, especially in Italy and Germany, countries where, in common with other branches of science, na- tural history first attracted attention, after the revival of letters. SCHONVELDE (a physician of Hamburgh) was author of an account of marine, lake, and river animals found in the duchies of Sleswick and Hol- stein, which contains separate chapters on oysters and muscles, pectunculi, and pediculi aquatict. ‘The work is of a very superficial nature, and relates chiefly to the culinary uses of the animals. NIEREMBERGIUS may be included in our list, as having given some account of va- rious Testacea in his “ Historia Nature;” but he does not present us with Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 129 with figures of any species, nor are his descriptions on this sub- ject at all full, except where he treats of pearls. About twenty years after the publication of the Musewm Calce- olarium there appeared a performance of a similar nature in the “ Gazophylacium Rerum Naturalium” of MICHAEL RUPERT BESLER (the brother of Basil), whose plates were in the first edition twen- ty-four in number, representing, among other subjects, a few figures of shells, some of which, however, are formed artificially into ridiculous similitudes of human heads, &c. ‘There is a con- cise description in Latin under the respective figures. In the second edition, the number of plates was augmented to thirty- five, with a German preface ; but in this, as in the former publi- cation, the majority of the subjects relate to artificial curiosities. Nothing can be more incommodious than the size of the book, which is almost twice as large as that of the copper-plates. ‘The museum of WORMIUS contained many species of Testacea: but the author vouchsafed figures of none of them, except Lepas anatifera; and this was one that might well have been spared, being copied from Marcgrave’s Nat. Hist. Brasilia, which is referred to by Linneus for that spe- cies. Connected with it we have the whole of the ridiculous story, so generally received by the credulous naturalists of that day, re- specting the Barnacle Goose. Chapters 6, 7, and 8 of the “ Mu- seum Wormianum” relate entirely to shells, divided, according to the Aristotelian classification, into Univalvia, Bivalvia, and Tur- binata. The volume of which we have been speaking was preceded by the synoptic catalogue of SEGER, printed at Copenhagen in 1053. VOL. VII. s An 130 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. RackeEtTt’s An account of the collection of natural curiosities belonging to an Italian nobleman of the name of MOSCARDO made its appearance at Padua. Several species are figured in this work, those of shells occupying twelve copper-plates, but they are not very elegantly nor correctly represented. There are no general descriptions, the subjects being noticed only speci- fically. There was another edition of these Note published in 1672 at Verona (the city where Count Moscardo resided). This contained some wooden cuts besides the copper. JONSTON (who was a great compiler and copyist with regard to description) deserves but little credit, except for the number of his figures, which were also more highly finished than had hitherto been cus- tomary in these branches of pursuit. His ‘ Historia Naturalis de Exanguibus Aquaticis” contains twenty copper-plates of Mollusca and Testacea, but there is no regular distribution of the indivi- dual figures, nor any remarkable accuracy in their design. This author describes a few of the more remarkable shells in his Thaumatographia Naturalis, printed in 1005. POWER gives a pretty full account of the structure of Helix lucorum in his Exp. Philosophy. ‘DE ROCHFORT, author of the Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Isles Antilles, is pretty full in his description of the shells of those isles, but with no pretensions to system. His 19th chapter is illustrated by a pretty Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 131 pretty accurate plate of five of these, which he considered as most remarkable for their heauty and shape. In 1666 the museum of the Duke of Holstem-Gottorp was de- scribed by i ADAM OLEARIUS. A second edition of this work came out in 1674. Each is em- bellished with thirty-six remarkably neat and good copper-plates, five of them containing shells, which are referred to by Linnzus in various parts of his Systema. DU TERTRE, who succeeded this author in the same undertaking, has done little more than having corrected what he considered as mistakes in his predecessor, with respect to the natural history of the Ca- ribbee shells, but his work is three times as large. MERRETT, though scarcely entitled to the character of a describer, seems to deserve a place in our account of 'lestaceological writers, as hav- ing been the earliest catalogist of the natural productions of Great Britain. The Testacez (as he calls them) occupy but little more than a page of his Pinax, and his references are only to Rondele- tius, Gesner, Aldrovandus, and Jonston. CHARLETON is to be considered rather as a nomenclator than as having any pretensions to the rank of a systematical writer, yet he con- structed some subdivisions of his own in the classes before esta- bhshed. He separated the Turbinata and Bivalvia into two orders, which are very ill conceived, especially those of the last men- s 2 tioned 132 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxerr’s tioned class, the distinctions of Conche aspera and leves occa- sioning the disunion of several obvious natural genera. 'The * Onomasticon Zoicum” certainly deserves respectful mention, inasmuch as it was the earliest production of the kind that was published in England. ‘The author, who was a physician of con- siderable learning and celebrity, had before distinguished him- self in the science of natural history by his ‘ Evercitationes de Differentiis et Nominibus Animalium,” published at Oxford in 1677. STENO cannot, with propriety, occupy a place in our historical account of 'Testaceological writers on any other ground than that of hav- ing been the author of several curious remarks on the mode of for- mation of shells. ‘These remarks occur in a work, the title of which certainly does not indicate any connexion with them, viz. “ De Solido intra Solidum naturaliter contento Dissertationis Pro- dromus.” It is (properly speaking) a treatise on crystallography, but contains some pages on the subject of shells that are highly deserving of attention, as they form the earliest attempt to ex- plain in a scientific manner the fabric and texture of testaceous bodies. ‘ BOYLE, our celebrated countryman, is not undeserving of mention here, having made experiments on the phenomena of shell-fish (parti- cularly of the Ostrea edulis) under an exhausted receiver ; which experiments are described in the Philosophical Transactions (vol. 5. p- 2023.) of the year 1670. It is but right to regard whatever elucidates the nature, even of a solitary individual, of the testa- ceous tribe, as subservient to the accuracy of systematical arrange- ment; and we shall, therefore, not omit to point out in the course of Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 133 of this dissertation every source of information connected with the history of these animals. WILLIS, the celebrated physiologist, has very accurately figured and de- scribed the anatomy of the Ostrea edulis in his Evercitationes de Anima Brutorum. The annotations of MAJOR on the elegant and learned treatise of Fabius Columna have been alluded to before: as the annotator himself was the author of a system, he is entitled to specific mention in the proper chronolo- gical place. . This system is annexed to a republication of the history of the Purpura, together with a “ Dictionarium Ostracolo- gicum,” the most useful part of Major’s performance. He adopted anew and elaborate method of distributing Testacea, founded principally on the species described by Columna himself, whose figures (twenty-five in number) are copied in wood-cuts placed in the systematic as well as in the descriptive part: among them are several fossils of the genera of Chama and Anomia. 'The method, however, is infinitely too complicated and ramifying to admit of any useful application. The dictionary exhibits an explanation of all the terms then employed in Testaceology, poimting out the respective authors by whom they were first introduced, and tracing out, in most instances, the derivation of them. ‘The ter- minology of modern systems is, evidently, far from being chiefly of modern invention, and it is curious to remark how many of the designations established in the Fundamenta Testaceologié may be found in the earliest glossary connected with that science, the Dictionarium Ostracologicum of Major. When \ 134, Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxett’s When alluding to this writer’s system, we ought to have men- tioned that, fond as he was of numerous subdivisions, the classz- fication (properly so called) is singularly, but not absurdly, sim- plified, all the Testacea being comprehended under the heads of Univalvia and Plurivalvia. In the latter we find the genera of Conche anatifere and Balani (united by Linnzeus under the name of Lepas), which before the time of Major had been very impro- perly arranged either among the Univalves or the Bivalves. LEGATI is to be mentioned in this place as the author of the ‘“ Museo Cospiano,” printed at Bologna in 1677. The basis of the collection distinguished by the above appellation was laid by the celebrated Aldrovandus, who was, probably, the first person that formed a regular museum, and whose handwriting still remains aftixed to many specimens that formed the subjects of Legati’s descrip- tions. Ferdinando Cospi, a Bolognese patrician, afterwards aug- mented it so considerably that his name became attached to it, -and the University of Bologna, to which it was afterwards pre- sented, considered it as one of its greatest treasures. In the work of which we are treating, figures of shells are very sparingly intro- duced, but they have the merit of neatness and of tolerable accu- racy. ‘There are ample descriptions of Testacea interspersed with critical and philological matter. SIR ROBERT MORAY was author of a description, illustrated by a rough outline, of Lepas anatifera, from which the credulous knight asserts that young geese may actually be seen to emerge. His ‘* Relation con- cerning Bernacles” occurs in the 12th volume of the Philosophical Transactions, The Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 135 The Helix lucorum is anatomically described by HARDERUS in a dissertation entitled “* Examen anatomica Cochle@ terrestris domiporte.” This author published also a few anatomical epistles (relative to the genital organs of some of the Univalves), which are annexed to his translation of Marsigli’s work hereafter to be mentioned. . The museum of the Royal Society of London next acquired the celebrity it deserved from the descriptive catalogue of b) GREW. This was the earliest work of the kind that appeared in our na- tive language. ‘The shells are described in two chapters (the first comprehending Univalves, and the second Bivalves and Multi- valves), illustrated by four good plates, each of which contains eight or ten species, with the current English names annexed. There is a general scheme subjoined, which remains a proof of the pains taken by the author; but it is complicated, and excep- tionable in many respects. ‘The natural and artificial curiosities at that time possessed by the Royal Society were preserved in Gresham College; they now, as is well known, form a part of our great national collection in the British Museum. BUONANNI. Contemporary with Grew was the learned Philip Buonanpi, an Italian jesuit, who may be considered as the first autnor that treated at any length, exclusively, on the subject of shells, and whose figures are very frequently referred to in the Systema Na- ture. His work was first printed in his own language, but was three 136 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxert’s three years afterwards put into a Latin form, under the title of “ Recreatio Mentis et Oculi in Observatione Animalium Testaceorum.” it contains upwards of five hundred figures, not remarkable, how- ever, for their accuracy; the apertures of the Univalves are, in many instances, represented as turning to the left instead of the right. ‘The descriptive part is loose and desultory, and exhibits few marks of scientific distribution, except the general division of the subject into 1. Univalvia non turbinata, 2. Bivalvia, and 3. Turbinata. In the inferior divisions this author has strangely separated spe- cies naturally allied to each other. For instance, the Serpule, Den- talia, &c. are left out of his first class, and, as well as the Por- cellanee, distributed under the third; and, with equal want of consistency, he places the Haliotis and Nautilus (genera manifestly turbinated) among those which he terms Univalvia non turbinata. But it should be remarked, as a circumstance highly creditable to Buonanni, that, in many instances, he has given the /ocz na- tales of his species, which were too little attended to by testace- ologists of that age. He has also treated of the formation of shells ina manner more philosophical than could have been expected at such a period. The subjects for his engravings were obtained principally from the famous museum of Kircher, which was afterwards separately described by our author under the title of “ Museum Kircherianum.” 'This volume contains forty-six plates and five hundred and eighty-six figures of shells (besides those illustrative of other parts of the collection), and the descriptive and physiological matter of Buonanni’s original work. MARSIGLI. Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 137 An elegant little work relative to the ova of Testacea was pub- lished by MARSIGLI. It bears the title of ‘* Relazione del Ritrovamento dell’ uova di Chiocciole di A. F. M. in una Lettera al Sign. Marcello Malphigt.” One plate only accompanies it. We ought to observe that this author makes very honourable mention of our countryman Lister. Some observations on Marsigli’s account of these ova were pub- lished by a few years afterwards FULBERTI, whose work is commonly found in the same volume with the former. Among the Observazioni Naturali of BOCCONE there occur some remarks relative to Testacea, which are not un- interesting. Boccone seems to be the first author who has de- scribed fully the Lepas diadema of Linneus, which, from its been seen adhering to the back of a whale, was denominated Pediculus ceti. An anatomical description of the common muscle was pub- lished the same year in the Leipsic Commentaries by DE, HEIDE, which description also appears in Valentini’s Amphitheatrum Zoo- tomicum. The purple fish was described at considerable length in the Philosophical Transactions by COLE, who has taken considerable pains in pointing out the mode of ob- taining, and the nature of, this celebrated dye. Buccinum Lapillus, the species alluded to by this author, is figured in an annexed plate. This tract was reprinted in 1689, and sold separately. VOL. VII. ay LISTER. 138 Dr. Matron’s and Mr. Racxett’s LISTER. There is no name in the annals of natural history that deserves to be mentioned with more respect than that of our countryman Dr. Martin Lister, to whom, in this historical catalogue, we have given the place appropriate to the time of the publication of his Synopsis, or general work on shells: but, as this was far from being the first in order of his publications, we shall beg leave to preface our account of it with some remarks on his earlier produc- tions. We may be permitted, perhaps, to be less concise on the subject of this celebrated writer than we have shown ourselves with respect to most of his predecessors, when it is considered that he was the father of British Testaceology, and that in the labour, accuracy, and extent of his works, as well as in the philosophical spirit with which they were executed, he has far surpassed all the writers of that period. His figures, both in point of number and faithfulness, are with reason still held in such high estimation, that no person attached to this branch of natural history can ad- vance in it without the constant use of them, nor without finding them preferable for reference to many more splendid engravings which have succeeded them. The earliest essays of Lister on the subject of the Testacea ap- peared in the Philosophical Transactions, that general and useful receptacle for accidental and detached discoveries in natural sci- ence, for the preservation of which the Royal Society was insti- tuted, and to which our indefatigable countryman was one of the earliest and most valuable contributors. His first communication was (anonymously) on the subject of heterostrophous shells. At this time he was living at York, whence some subsequent com- munications were dated, and where he made many of those ob- servations relative to zoology and fossils which formed an impor- tant Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 139 tant part of his “ Historia Animalium Angle.” Previous to the publication of this work, however, he exhibited a specimen of his arrangement of the British Testacea in some tables printed in the 9th volume of the Philosophical Transactions, in which collection nothing of a similar nature had ever before been inserted. ‘The three treatises which composed the History, and which related to spiders, to land and fresh water shells, and to those that inha- bit the sea, were published in a quarto volume in the year 1678, with a distinct tract relative to fossils. ‘They were accompanied by twelve copper plates, the first four of which illustrate the de- scriptions of the insects, and the eight others those of the recent and fossil shells. With respect to system, it must be confessed that the author was far from having attained either simplicity or accuracy; it had for its basis the very unphilosophical distinction of the abode of the animals, and in its subdivisions the ramifi- cations were too numerous to be referred to with facility. The paucity of generic terms also formed a lamentable defect. His principal object, indeed, (as he himself informs us in his pre- face,) was to render the description of speczes as ample and accu- rate as possible; and he expresses himself with so much good sense and genuine science on this point that we cannot forbear inserting his own words in this place: “ Idlud autem (says he) in hoc opusculo precipue institui; nimirum, singulorum generum bes- tiolas quam accuratissime in species diducere; cujus illa certe singu- laris utilitas esse possit, ut st que in posterum preclara experimenta de his animalibus aliorum industria confecerit, ea tuto huc referri pos- sint, suisque queque locis recte disponantur. Mihi interea illud satis superque est, ea primum nostra animalia seculo indicasse rerum nature studiosissimo. Qui vero simile opus aggressi fuerint, er tantum intel- ligant quantum sudavimus, resque adeo minutas vel extrema linea certo cognoscere esse aliquid. Cum autem pleraque, que hic habentur, T 2 ad 140 Dr. Maron’s and Mr. Rackert’s ad fidem sensus referrt possint, in id maxime incubui ne ipse primum deceptus posteros in errorem ducerem. Summam sane diligentiam ad- hibui, ut veras species distinguendo, non multiplicando citra necessita- tem singulis, minutissimis licet, fidissimis tamen observationibus, que ad animalium mores vitamque spectarent, evornarem.” Some additional species, with further remarks on many before described, were figured inan “ A ppendix,” which went through two editions, the first being published in quarto at York in the year 1081, and the _atter subjoined to his edition of Goedart’s Insects. This entomo- logical work was published in an octavo form, with twenty plates, two of which contain figures of shells. The original “ Appendia” is now become very scarce. It was in the year 1685 that Lister commenced the publication of his great T'estaceological work entitled “ Historia sive Synopses methodica Conchyliorum,” which was divided into four books, be- sides a mantissa. Lib. 1. De Turbinibus terrestribus. 2. De Turb. aque dulcis et Bivalvibus aque dulcis. 3. De Bivalv. marinis, et Conchis anatiferis. 4. De Patellis, Dentalibus, §c. et de Buccinis marinis. The plates (which were 1057 in number) had very different di- mensions; in some instances containing a single figure, in others several figures, and not unfrequently more than one distinct spe- cies on the same plate. Concise descriptions are engraved on most of them, with references, wherever they could be given, to the places whence the specimens were brought. Our author seems to have been principally indebted to the museum of Mr. Cour- tein for the means of representing and describing those species with which he was not himself provided; but that his own collec- tion was not deficient, either in number or perfection of speci- mens, is evident from what remains of it in the Ashmolean museum Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 141 museum at Oxford. To this University the plates themselves were also bequeathed, and there they were republished in 1770, under the direction of the Rev. William Huddesford, keeper of the Ashmolean museum, who subjoined two indices, one connected. with Lister’s own distribution, and the other with the Linnean, to which last were affixed as many of the current English names as the editor was acquainted with. This edition differs from the former principally in containing several plates on one page: the whole number is 1085 (28 more than are comprehended in the first edition), but there do not appear plates 89, 164, 195, 196, 222, 923, 961, which were contained in the original. ‘The num- ber of figures amounts to no fewer than 1153, exclusive of the fossils and anatomical subjects. These, however, are not to be considered as so many distinct species, since there is, doubtless, a repetition of several, which the author, on account of difference of colour and stages of growth, did not imagine to be the same. We ought not to omit mentioning that the delineations of all these, for the most part so accurate, came from the fair hands of this celebrated naturalist’s daughters, Susannah and Ann Lister, whose names deserve to descend to posterity with their father’s, and whose truly meritorious industry and ingenuity are patterns for their sex. The researches of Lister were by no means confined to the mere coverings of Testacea. So far was he from contenting him- self with pointing out the beauty and variety of the shed/s, that he not only collected as much as was in his power relative to the habits of the animals, but also devoted great pains to the illus- tration of their anatomical structure. He published three separate «« Evercitations,” each exhibiting dissections of Vermes, and con- taining ample descriptions, in Latin. The first “ Mxercitatio Ana- tomica” relates chiefly to the Limaces. Of the second (to whieh was 142 Dr. Maron’s and Mr. Racxerr’s was subjoined a dissertation on Small-Pox) the Buccina formed the principal subject. The last relates to bivalves: it contains also a dissertation on the human calculus. The “ Anatomy of the Scallop” formed the subject of a distinct paper, published under this title in the 19th volume of the Philosophical Transactions. FEHR wrote a dissertation on the Argonauta Argo, which is printed in the Eph. Acad. Nat. Cur. There is a correct engraving of this species subjoined to it. The same year an academical dissertation on the Purpura was published at Upsal during the presidency of NORMANN, E]. Bask being the respondent. This contains a disquisition on the purple fish of the antients, but without definitively marking any particular species as being employed by them for extracting the famous T'yrian dye. A wooden cut is prefixed exhibiting three figures, two of which are copied from Jonston (and seem to be referable to Murex Brandaris) and the other from Columna. Some observations in the Eph. Acad. Nat. Cur. by SCHELHAMMER ought, perhaps, to be mentioned here. Two of this author’s com- munications are on the subject of fresh water shells, and are ac- companied by a few figures, which are pretty correctly executed. The author pretends to give only a concise account of some spe- cies which he had recently noticed, and it is too imperfect to merit being referred to. A third communication is entitled ‘ Anz- mal in Cochlea minuta depressa degens;” this relates rather to the physiology of the animal (a Heli) than to the testaceous covering. The Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 143 The ova of some species of Ostrea were treated of in the same work by BRACHIUS, whose observations, however, were very scanty, the account of them not extending beyond three pages. DU MOLINET, author of “ Le Cabinet de la Bibliotheque de Sainte Genevieve,” is scarcely entitled to a place among the writers who form the sub- jects of this paper, his work treating almost wholly of antiquities. Among the plates, however, (which are finely executed,) there is one containing twenty-one figures of shells, which are accompa- nied by names and concise descriptions in the French language. In the 17th volume of the Philosophical Transactions we find some communications on the subject of shells addressed to Dr. Lister by a naturalist of the name of BANISTER, who resided many years in Virginia; but his descriptions are too vague to enable us to ascertain what species he alludes to. In the same volume is a “ Description of certain Shells found in the East Indies, communicated to Dr. Lister” by WITZEN, who figured many of them, but was not sufficiently precise in his description to enable the reader to determine all the species. The best figure in the plate is that of an Ostrea found at Goa. A similar work to Du Molinet’s was the description of the mu- seum of Christian V. king of Denmark, whose librarian, OLIGER & 144 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxertr’s OLIGER JACOBAUS, drew up an elaborate volume, under the title of “ Museum Re- gium.” It is a very handsome work, but contains no attempt at system, and the tenth plate is the only one relative to 'Testaceo- logy: indeed this represents only an ornamental fabric composed of shells. In the new edition published by LAUERENTZEN a few species are added, though in a very indifferent style, and there is not much augmentation of the descriptive part. An al- phabetical index, in two parts, one of which relates to the artifi- cial, and the other to the natural subjects, was published in 1726. SIBBALD, though best known by his “ Scotia illustrata,” ought to be men- tioned here, as having been the author of a general Testaceologi- cal work, bearing the title of “ Auctarium Musai Balfouriani.” This work, however, does not treat of Testacea exclusively, but com- prehends a variety of subjects, both of art and nature, which were contained in the collection of Sir Andrew Balfour, Knight, M.D. —a collection presented to the University of Edinburgh, and considerably augmented by the intimate friend of the donor, who described the whole in the work above mentioned. Unfortu- nately for the reputation of this University among naturalists, a very small part of the collection is now remaining. “ Such,” says Mr. Pennant, ‘“* has been the negligence of past times, that scarce a specimen of the noble collection deposited in it by Sir Andrew Balfour is to be met with, any more than the great additions made to it by Sir Robert Sibbald.” (Scotch Tour, 1770. p. 246.) Such is too often the fate of public collections; and so slight or so transient is any respect for the laudable intentions of gene- rous Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 145 rous individuals towards public bodies, that common care is rarely taken to preserve from destruction what escapes the hand of peculation and robbery. But to return to our subject: The description of the Balfourian museum treats pretty largely of the specimens of Testacea contained in it, being divided into five chapters, agreeably to something like system. ‘The preface con- tains an interesting account of the most remarkable musea ante- rior to the formation of the Balfourian, and also of the works which profess to describe them. One of the earliest and most elaborate of Sibbald’s performances in natural history was his “‘ Scotza tllustrata, sive Prodromus Histo- rie naturalis,” &c. published in the year 1684. The attempt, as it was the first made in that country to describe scientifically its several productions, deserves very respectful mention, and will be a lasting monument of the learning and industry of the author; whe, however, whether from finding the undertaking too exten- sive and laborious, or from being discouraged by some severe criticisms on what he had already accomplished, never executed his intention, to write the miscellaneous history of Scotland in all its branches. He answered some of the attacks made on his work in “ Vindicie Scotie illustrate,’ annexed to his “ Miscellanea eru- dite Antiquitatis,” which were published im 1710, and reprinted, with all his folio works except the ‘ Scotia ¢llustrata,” in 1739. With regard to the Testaceological part of the Prodromus, it is concise and obscure, and illustrated only by two plates: the system is founded partly on the principles of Lister, and partly on those of Buonanni. But this was not the only treatise of Sibbald on the subject of shells, for he was the author also of a work entitled “ Nautilogia ; sive Exercitatio philosophica de Nautilis aliisyue Conchyliis navigera VOL. VII. U Similitudine 146 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxett’s Similitudine ornatis;” and in an appendix to his “ de Aquatilibus Observationes” he gave a particular description of Lepas anatifera, refuting the ridiculous notions entertained at that period respect- ing this creature. Sir Robert was contributor of several papers to the Philoso- phical Transactions. In volume 19th there is an account of some Scotch shells, addressed to Dr. Lister ; and in the 25th volume a description of what the author calls Pediculus ceti (Lepas diadema, Linn.) forms part of a letter to Sir Hans Sloane. The refutation of the absurd story of the Barnacle Goose-was undertaken by many writers about this time, and among others by 4 ERICUS A MOINICHEN, whose name is prefixed to a dissertation entitled ‘ Conche anati- fere vindicate.” a Inthe number of writers who have treated of the physiology of the Testacea, the celebrated . LEEUWENHOEK deserves to hold a distinguished place. His first production on this subject was addressed to the Royal Society, and relates chiefly to the generation of these animals: the ova and the intestinal structure of certain Mytili are also particularly described. His 95th epistle treats of the ovaria of Conche in general, and is illus- trated by some good figures. Another describes the ova of diffe- rent shells. Lastly, inan epistle dated 1717, he gives an account of the tendinous substances belonging to some bivalves; but it is very concise, and introduced only ina cursory manner, when he is treating of the structure of tendons in general. LEIGH Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 147 LEIGH has figured a few species of Testacea in his “ Natural Ifstory of Lancashire,” and the figures are not inaccurate; but we find no- thing in the descriptive part very worthy of attention. WALLACE, also, in his “ Account of the Islands of Orkney,” enumerates such species as had fallen under his notice, describing them chiefly in the words of Lister; and he has figured three of them. PETIV WR: Though the merit of Petiver was principally that of an ichnio- graphist, yet we are to consider him also as capable of describing the subjects which he collected and figured, with accuracy and science. The Philosophical Transactions contain several papers written by him, which show that he considered the study of na- ture as subservient to more dignified purposes than the mere amusement of the eye, or the ostentatiousness of a museum: those relative to shells are descriptive chiefly of foreign species, and contain the synonyms of Rondeletius, Aldrovandus, Lister, and others of his predecessors, wherever they were applicable. The specimens which he received from the Moluccas are de- scribed in the 22d volume of the work we have mentioned, with some additional remarks in the 23d; those from Carolina in the 24th. In the “ Memoirs for the Curious” we find “ an account of bivalves brought from the coast of India.” The great assiduity with which Petiver procured animals, plants, and fossils from va- rious parts of the world, caused his collection soon to assume sufti- cient magnitude and importance for rendering his name well known both at home and abroad; and so highly did the greatest judge of the value of natural curiosities at that period, Sir Hans u 2 Sloane, 148 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxerr’s Sloane, estimate the museum of our indefatigable naturalist, that he offered him 40001. for it some time before his death. The mode by which he was most successful in obtaining specimens consisted in engaging captains and surgeons of ships to bring home what- ever appeared to them curious in the countries which they visited, directing their choice and assisting their judgment by distributing among them printed lists and instructions. At length he conceived the design of publishing engravings of the principal rarities contained in his museum, and in 1702 he commenced its execution, in the work entitled “ Gazophylacium Nature et Artis.” This was divided into decads, and illustrated by what he called ‘classical and topical catalogues,” which, however, did not ex- hibit, any more than the plates themselves, even an outline of scientific order: neither were they any further descriptive than as they pointed out the native countries of the several subjects, and, occasionally, the commonly received appellations. Yet the work acquires considerable value from the accuracy with which most of the figures are executed, and from its having been so frequently referred to by Linneus; as long as whose writings are consulted the Gazophylacium of Petiver must remain in repute. A great number of the subjects had never been figured before, especially of the Testacea, some of which have not been duly no- ticed or referred to in descriptions of the correspondent species until within a very late period. There are about fifty English shells among the figures. This useful work was completed. in two folio parts, each containing fifty plates, which, in another edition, were increased to the number of one hundred and fifty- six, and they comprehend in the whole three thousand figures. In the same volume with the latter edition of the Gazophylacium there are twenty-two plates of Amboyna and East Indian shells, with names, references, &c. and containing above four hundred figures. (but Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 149 (but these were copied from Rumphius); also twenty plates illus- trative of animals and plants of the Charibbee islands, and entitled “ Pterigraphia Americana.” 'The last, indeed, appeared in the original editition, which formed only one volume; whereas the edition of 1764 was, with the various other sets of engravings published by this author, sufficiently bulky to be divided into two. PLOT, the author of the “ Natural History of Staffordshire and Oxford- shire,’ makes some mention in the latter of such Testacea inhabit- ing that county as had fallen under his notice. In his tenth plate we are presented with a figure (viz.9.) of Buccinwm undatum, which, if we are to give credit to this author’s account, was found alive in Cornbury Park: but it is evident, from his references to Ron- deletius and Aldrovandus, that the species found there could be no other than the Helix Pomatia. Hence his work should be con- sulted with great caution. Contemporary with our countryman Petiver was the celebrated RUMPHIUS, not only whose pursuits but whose profession was exactly the same as the former’s, as he was originally an apothecary at Am- sterdam, where his rich and costly museum acquired the same celebrity as that of Petiver in London. The passion for forming cabinets of natural curiosities, especially of shells, began at this period to be very prevalent in Holland. Rich individuals studied to outvie one another in that country, as much in the expensive- ness and extent of their collections, as in the splendour of their equipages and retinue; and the sums which were given for 1 Cedo nulli or a Wenteltrap would appear too enormous to deserve be- lief, if such accounts were not authenticated by the most respect- able 150 Dr. Maton’s and Mr, Racxerr’s able writers of that day. Rumphius himself informs us in his preface to the “ Amboinshe Rariteitkamer,” that a shell described in this work cost no less than 500 Dutch florins. The book bearing this title contains a description, in the Dutch language, of the more remarkable natural productions of Am- boyna preserved in the museum of Rumphius, which are figured in sixty plates, thirty-three of these containing solely shells. The figures were designed by Madame Sybille Merian, so well known by her work on the Surinam insects: they are, in general, cor- rect; but there is a harshness in the engraving which takes off considerably from the beauty of many of the subjects. ‘The de- scription was written by M. Schein Voet, who adopted no very regular method; nor does he appear to have been extensively conversant with preceding 'l'estaceological authors. ‘There was a second edition of the work in 1741; and, indeed, an intermediate publication of the plates by themselves took place, without any letter-press, except a table of Latin, Dutch, and Malabar names. This last-mentioned edition is in more general use than either of the other two. | The great service rendered to science by the industry and libe- rality of Rumphius, caused him to be received as a member into most of the learned societies of Europe: in that of the Nature Curiosorum of Germany he obtained the appellation of Plinius Indicus, which was richly merited by the vast accession to our knowledge of the productions of that part of the world made by his own researches, and displayed in his magnificent publications. In the Ephemerides of the illustrious academy just mentioned ap- pear two dissertations on T'estaceological subjects from the pen of Rumphius: the first, “de Ova Marino, Porcellanis, seu Conchis wenercis,” is illustrated by very good figures of Bu/la Ovum and Cyprea Arabica; and the second, “ de Nautilo remigante et velifi- . cante,” Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. e 151 cante,” by a plate representing Argonauta Argo in the act of sailing. ‘The author, it seems, was enabled to give an accurate account of the construction and movements of that wonderful animal from personal observations, on the Indian seas. In the memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris for 1706 occurs one of the most excellent Testaceological disserta- tions that had ever before appeared ; it was the composition of the celebrated anatomist CR aiv.., and had for its subject the physiology and pathology of the Mus- cle tribe. The anatomy, habits, and diseases of several species of Mytilus are amply and scientifically described, and there are some accurate figures in two plates subjoined. M. Poupart had before distinguished himself by a dissertation on the motive power of an aquatic Helix, which was published in the “ Journal des Scavans.” One of the most distinguished Dutch collectors, contemporary with Rumphius, was LEVIN VINCENT, the description of whose museum, however, scarcely deserves to be spoken of here, since it is composed in too general and popu- lar a manner to be of any utility to a scientific naturalist; and the plates (which, notwithstanding, are well executed) represent the several objects in a confused manner, as they were placed in the museum itself: yet a few species of sheils, as well as of other natural curiosities, may be pretty easily discriminated. ‘The de- scription we allude to is entitled “ Wondertoonel der Nature,” and was published, wholly in the Dutch language, at Amsterdam in 1706. But this work was afterwards given, in an abridged form, in Latin and French, with impressions of the same plates. | The 152 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxett’s The “ Philosophical Transactions” of our own country for the _ following year contain an account of some of the shells of the Philippine Islands, communicated by Petiver from KAMEL, many of whose papers occur in that work, and who illustrates his descriptions by references to the plates published by his corre- spondent. HANNEMAN may be considered as the author of an academical dissertation, “ Ostrea Holsatica exhibens,’ of which Hans Roslin was respon- dent, and which was illustrated by a plate. It is copied into Va- lentini’s Amphitheatrum Zootomicum, hereafter to be mentioned. REAUMUR, whose name is immortalized among naturalists by the perseve- rance and profoundness with which he studied the structure and ceconomy of the smaller animals, deserves to occupy a distin- guished place in the catalogue of Testaceelogical writers. ‘To this illustrious zoologist we are indebted for several admirable dissertations on the formation, growth, and motive powers of Testacea. The memoirs of the French academy from the year 1709 to 1717 derive from his labours a large share of their value ; and to the details of his various curious discoveries contained in them recourse will be had with delight and advantage so long as the science of nature shall be loved. Each of his papers is illus- trated by excellent plates, exhibiting several of the species de- scribed, and various parts of their internal structure; and each may be considered as the most complete, with respect to the sub- jects on which it treats, of any similar dissertations that had hitherto appeared. The Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 155 The natural history of the Pine, and the formation of Pearls, were elegantly and amply treated of in a memoir which appeared in the volume for 1717. The “ Thesaurus Animalium” of RUYSCH contains several figures of shells grouped with corals and other substances, as they stood in the museum; but, his book being a mere catalogue, the descriptions are of little use. The 6th plate, which is admirably engraved, exhibits the shell and contained animal of a species of Voluta, which he calls Buccinwm Guienense. Most of the shells figured in this work are natives of the Indian seas. The countryman and contempory of Reaumur, and whose only treatise relative to Testacea appears among the memoirs of the same learned body, MERY, wrote some remarks on the common river muscle, which are both elaborate and diffuse. The anatomical structure of the animal is considered; and we find other descriptions of a miscellaneous na- ture : but this author seems to have borrowed pretty largely from the labours of others. MORTON, the natural historian of Northamptonshire, notwithstanding the number and elegance of his engravings of fossil shells, and his mention of many species of the recent kind, unfortunately has presented us with only two figures of the latter, which occur in his 13th plate: his description of them, however, is in general iJlustrated by references to Lister. VOL. VII, x CYPRIANUS, 154 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxett’s C¥PRIANGS; the editor of Franzius’s “ Historia Animalium sacra,’ made very considerable additions to that author’s description of the Testacea ; and though the name of Franzius himself does not seem to deserve a separate place in our catalogue, that of his continuator merits very respectful mention. His 8th chapter De Testatis embraces a variety of literary and physiological matter relative to those ani- mals; some notice is taken of systems, and a variety of references are made to preceding writers; but the descriptions themselves. are too general to be of any use in the investigation of species. In 1714 were published the valuable plates illustrative of va- rious subjects contained in the museum of GOTTWALD, of Dantzic. These were not accompanied by any description, though they have numbers referring to manuscript notes of the collector. ‘I'he museum seems to have been particularly famous for the anatomical preparations it included. ‘The plates are one hundred and nine in number, no fewer than forty-three of them. exhibiting shells. They are executed with no less accuracy than beauty, and may be considered as peculiarly useful for reference. It is to be lamented, however, that few of the original copies of this work are complete; the one possessed by Sir Joseph Banks is the only perfect one we have seen. (See MULLER.) BARRELIER, the French botanist, whose work was edited in this year by the elder Jussieu, did not confine his industrious. and scientific re- searches to plants alone, but was author also of a description of certain species of Insecta and Vermes, which is illustrated by plates, and comprehended in the volume of his labours. ‘Three of Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 155 of these plates contain shells, and are not ill executed, but the descriptive part is slight and useless. JOHN HENRY LOCHNER, the author of a work entitled “ Rariora Musei Besleriani,” unfor- tunately did not live to enjoy the reputation which, as he was only twenty years of age at the time of completing such laborious de- scriptions, was so justly due to him. 'The care of publishing them devolved to his father Michael Frederick Lochner, who was di- rector of the Imperial Academy Nat. Cur., and by whom we are presented, in the preface, with an interesting account of the extra- ordinary youth so prematurely snatched from the world, as also of the two Beslers, whose collections were so much celebrated in their day. Twenty-four plates out of the forty are the same as ap- peared in Basil Besler’s own work, and there are only three rela- tive to shells. Much of the description is extracted from other authors, and the knowledge displayed in it is chiefly of an anti- quarian and philological nature, there being no attempt at system. VALENTINI, though his most voluminous work came forth as early as the year 1704, we have named here, on account of his most valuable per- formance not appearing until sixteen years after the former; we allude to the “ Amphitheatrum Zootomicum.” It is true that a large part of the contents of this volume consists of extracts. from preceding and contemporary writers, and many of ihe plates ave copied; but, considered with reference to shells, the Amphithe- atrum Zootomicum has much better claims to attention than the Museum Museorum. In the latter the figures of shells are wretched! y executed. In fact, this bulky work relates to materia medica as much as to natural history, and the second edition actually bears % 2 the 156 Dr. Marton’s and Mr. Racxerti’s the title of Historia Simplicium. 'The testaceological remarks are extremely superficial, and defective in originality. RICHARD BRADLEY, though not a professed testaceologist, has not altogether omitted this order of animals in his ‘* Philosophical. Account of the Works of Nature;” and his figures of the species, though few and scat- tered, are not unworthy of being referred to. ‘This work im its day must have been considered as an interesting view of the ceconomy of nature, being judiciously written, and illustrated by a considerable number of accurate engravings. Hitherto system in testaceology had made but little progress. That of Buonanni was almost the only one which can be said to have been fully and philosophically exemplified, and its outline was more or less preserved in most succeeding attempts; but its defects and errors, as we have before remarked, were numerous. After having noticed a multitude of mere describers, we now come to an author who is not undeserving of the title of a scien- tific one, and whose system, so far as marine Testacea are con- cerned (and of these alone he treats), certainly glances at the great clue to simplicity, which was afterwards so successfully and admirably seized by the great reformer of natural history in ge- neral. ‘The author alluded to is LANGIUS. He is the first whose generic characters are founded on com- modious distinctions, the aperture of univalves, and the hinge of bivalves, being particularly considered. ‘These distinctions, how- ever, are not allowed their due importance throughout; for the contour of the shell is, in many instances, made the exclusive basis of the definition, and the adoption of this naturally led, as in Llistorical Account of Testaceological Writers. 157 in othér systems, to a most inconvenient and perplexed multipli- cation of genera. The parts, classes, and sections also are far from being well conceived, and embarrass, rather than assist, the investigation of the other divisions. A philosophical account of the growth, generation, &c. of tes- taccous animals is prefixed to the classification, which consists of three parts ; the first having two classes and seventeen genera, the second six classes and fifty genera, and the third three classes and forty-three genera. There are no trivial names, nor are there many original descriptions of species, most of the latter being borrowed from Buonanni, Lister, and Rumphius. ‘The same year BRUCKMANN, of Brunswick, published a dissertation on the Venus Dione and a Cyprea, and FRANKENAU, in the Acta Acad. Nat. Cur. on Chiton punctatus, under the absurd title of “ Calva Serpentis Americani Diademata.” Kach of these is illustrated by copper-plate figures. VALENTYN. Though his descriptions, in consequence of being clothed in the Dutch language, do not admit of very general use, yet he has conferred great benefit on Testaceology by his admirable plates, of which there are sixteen (finished in the highest style both of accuracy and elegance), consigned solely to figures of East Indian shells. These plates accompanied the publication of the “ Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indien,” but were re-published, with conchological descriptions only, in 1754. Valentyn’s work may be looked upon as a sort of continuation of Rumphius’s. As, like the latter, he was some time resident in Amboyna, 158 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Rackxett’s Amboyna, his opportunities of investigating the natural produc- tions of those shores were extensive. He was chaplain to the Dutch settlement in that island, and in his five parts of the His- tory of the East Indies, he was at the pains of writing every thing he knew relative to the geography, civil history, zoology, &c. of a part of the world from which his countrymen had drawn such various riches. SLOANE, a name as familiar as it is dear to naturalists, has a place in our list correspondent to the date of the 2d volume of his Voyage, viz. 1725. ‘The preface to this volume assigns the reasons for the long interval that occurred between the publication of it and the first, and these reasons are too much connected with our imme- diate subject not to deserve mention here. Sir Hans was princi- pally occupied by the care, arrangement, and description of his museum, which in 1702 received tie augmentation of Mr. Cour- tein’s valuable stores, and in 1718 that of Petiver’s.—In the collection of plates belonging to the 2d volume of the Voyage there are two (viz. 240 and 241) that contain figures of shells, with Latin descriptions over each species; some taken from Lister. Our illustrious author being the first person who visited Jamaica and others of the West India islands, purely with a view to the ex- tension of science, his plates and descriptions, of course, relate to many species not before known, KUNDMAN, a great collector of natural curiosities, is placed by De Bergen among the systematical writers; but his * Promptuarium” has the arrangement rather of a catalogue than of a scientific treatise, and it seems to be founded upon Buonanni’s rather than to be a system of his own. ‘There is a paper of this collector in the Act, Acad, Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 159 Acad. Nat. Cur. on monstrous shells, and species that fetched a high price at that period. Among the Qdservationes Rariorum Med. Anat. et Chirurg. of STALPART is a dissertation entitled “Conche falsis gravide Anseribus,” which forms another refutation of the absurd notions once entertained respecting the origin of the Barnacle Geese, and is illustrated by a plate copied from Wormius. The figure is quoted by Linneus, though evidently not original. JOHN ERNEST HEBENSTREIT seems to have been the first writer who thought an arrangement of the Testacea worthy of forming the subject of an academical dissertation. The author makes no fewer than eight classes, six of which comprehend the univalves, and two the bivalves. Attend- ing, like most of his predecessors, by far too much to the innu- merable variations of the general shape of shells, and by far too little to the apertures and hinges, he has multiplied the subdivi- sions of his system to a very unnecessary degree. He has also introduced an useless, if not an unphilosophical, distinction be- tween Testacea and Conchylia. The museum of Richter, a senator of Leipsic, was described by this author; but the method which he observed in that under- taking seems to have been compounded of Aristotle’s, Lister's, and Rumphius’s, conjoined with his own. DALE (the well known author of the Pharmacologia) has inserted in his edition of Taylor’s History of Harwich an account of the Testacea found in the country and on the sea-coast about that town. This account 160 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxerr’s account is arranged agreeably to the system, and for the most part in the words, of Lister, but not without synonyms of pre- ceding authors and many remarks of his own. As the figures of the Harwich fossils are so numerous and so accurate, it is much to be lamented that the recent shells were not included among the engravings. BREYNLUS was another author who formed a systematic arrangement of shells. His ‘* Dissertatio Physica de Polythalamis” derives its principal merit from the more precise specification of the Belem- nite, Ammonita, and Orthoceratité than had hitherto appeared. There are seven good plates of Echint accompanying this work. Breynius was author also of a Latin epistle to Sir Hans Sloane on the plants and animals of Spain, which appears in the Philoso- phical Transactions, and which contains a description (with figures) of Heliv Janthina, mentioned by this author as “ Cochilea colore speciosior.” ‘There is another epistle, (viz. “ De quibusdam Conchis minus notis,”) in the Mem. sopra la Fisica e Istoria Naturale. VALLISNERI, the celebrated Italian physiologist, whose pursuits were so simi- lar to those of Reaumur, did not, any more than the latter, dis- dain paying attention to testaceous animals. In his Opere Physico- mediche we find two dissertations; one relative to the Teredo navalis, and another on the subject of some Chitons. ‘The Teredo navalis gave rise to numerous essays about this time, more espe- cially in Holland and Germany. ‘The former of these countries had peculiar reason to feel an interest in the history of that de- structive creature. In the year 1730, the persons appointed to take care of the dykes observed that the piles (which were made of the hardest oak) defending the low countries from the incur- sions Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 161 sions of the sea, were eaten through in a few months. The da- mage occasioned by so extraordinary a corrosion of the timber was immense, and the people of Holland were thrown into the utmost consternation. Luckily, however, adequate remedies were ultimately discovered ; and it was by the accounts which came from the pens of Rousset, Putoneus, Belkmeer, Massuet, but more particularly SELLIUS that naturalists now had an opportunity of learning very fully the history of the Teredo. The work of Sellius is entitled “ Historia Naturalis Teredinis, sew Xylophagi Marini.” It is illustrated by two plates, and contains much learning, as well as curious detail of facts relative to the structure and habits of the animal. The following year FISCHER, of Konisberg, published a synoptical table of shells, which is contained in the work of Klein on Echini. It is divided into three parts, Cochlee, Conche, and Polyconche, each of these being subdi- vided into classes and genera. ‘The names of most of the latter have been retained by Linnzeus to designate his species; but, in fact, they have been in pretty general use from the time of Rumphius. The 2d edition of the Bibliotheca Appendix of BYTEMEISTER contains two plates of shells (viz. 11. and 12.), which are executed with great accuracy. It is to be lamented that they are not ac- companied by some description. In a work published by DESLANDES are two dissertations; one on the subject of Barnacles, and the other “ sur les Vers qui rongent le Bois des Vaisseaux.” From the na- VOL. VII. Y ; ture 162 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxert’s ture of the facts of which they treat, it cannot be supposed that they contain much original matter,’those species of Testacea having been amply described before. The “ Catalogue raisonné” published by a dealer at Paris of the name of GERSAINT would scarcely deserve mention here, were it not prefaced by some general observations on shells, an account of the principal cabinets then existing in France and Holland, and a list of such authors and their works as are most worthy of being consulted : these particulars are interesting to collectors, and render the book useful for reference; though it is very defective in the enumera- tion of testaceological writers, and is more suited to the lover of mere curiosities than to the man of science. iipiU HAMEL, the well-known French botanist, ought to be mentioned among our authors, having published some experiments on the colouring matter furnished by the Purpura, with remarks on the species itself. These are inserted in the Mem. de V Acad. Royale des Sciences for 1736. Duhamel considers the purple fish of the antients as a species of Murex ; whereas his countryman Reaumur supposed it to be the Buccinum Lapillus of Linneus. It will be proper to place here SWAMMERDAM; since it was in 1737 that his Biblia Nature first appeared, a work containing many valuable anatomical remarks on testaceous as well as other animals, which are illustrated by figures. From the catalogue of this great physiologist’s museum, published in 1679, it appears that he was an indefatigable collector of most : kinds Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 168 kinds of natural curiosities, shells forming no inconsiderable part of the cabinet. ‘Though the works now alluded to came forth in Dutch and Latin, yet the Biblia Nature soon assumed an English dress; and its latest edition by Hill, containing the translation made by Floyd and notes copied from Reaumur, was a very ac- ceptable addition to the libraries of our countrymen. PLANCUS, of Arimini, published a curious book on shells found on the shores of the Adriatic, with an account of the tides in that sea: there are descriptions in it also of several marine productions besides Testacea, which, with the latter, are figured in five plates. Some of the species so nearly resemble the Cornua Ammonis, both in- ternally and externally, that the author might almost have been warranted in asserting the existence of recent specimens of those remarkable shells, so frequent in the fossilized state.- The first edition of Plancus’s work, “ de Conchis minus notis,” was printed at Venice in 1739; the second at Rome in 1760, with nineteen more plates than appeared in the former, which contained only five; and in these five some additional figures are inserted. In the year 1742 appeared the splendid and valuable work of GUALTIERI, entitled “ Index Testarum Conchyliorum que adservantur in Museo Nicolai Gualtieri, Philosophi et Medici Florentini,’ &c. 'The author, in his preface, gives some account of the books that had been published before his time; he also exhibits a system composed by TOURNEFORT, whose manuscripts on this subject had been presented to Gualtieri by Professor 'Targioni. The curious reader cannot fail to be interested in whatever came from the pen of one y 2 of 164 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxert’s of the greatest naturalists the world has known, and will find that this composition (which had not before made its appearance in print) deserves to have had a place among the most important of his works. Besides the great number of new and expressive terms which were introduced into Testaceology, the genera constructed by Tournefort exhibit infinitely more science and precision than those of any preceding writer in the same branch. His classes are analogous to those which had begun to be in general use, namely, Univalvia, Bivalvia, and Multivalvia; but this author preferred the terms Monotoma, Ditoma, and Polytoma. The classes are di- vided into familie, the characters of which are drawn chiefly from the general habit and contour; whereas those of the genera are founded in a great measure on the mouth or hinge, accord- ing as the shell is simple or valved. Besides 'Tournefort’s sys- tem, our author gives a specimen of that of Breynius; but he adheres to Langius’s, with the exception of the class Polytoma, borrowed from the first-mentioned writer. In the 110 plates which accompany Gualtieri’s work are given figures of the most rare shells of the Asiatic and African shores; several of which were very indifferently engraved by Buonanni and other authors, and many (especially of the Coni, Helices, and Nerite,) do not appear to have been engraved before. It must be remarked, however, that many of the subjects from which the drawings were made appear to have suffered from the polish of the dealer, and the outline is not always given with scrupulous fidelity: yet, upon the whole, the Index Testarum of Gualtieri is an useful and mag- nificent work, and deserves a place among those which are most worthy of being consulted and referred to. As this did honour to Italy, so, in the same year, did that of D’ARGEN- Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 165 D’ARGENVILLE to the kingdom of France. The modesty of this author induced him to conceal his name in the first edition, the title page inti- mating only that he was of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Montpellier: it was inscribed “ L’ Histoire Naturelle éclaircie dans deux de ses Parties principales, la Lithologie et la Conchyliologie,” &c. In the first chapter of the first part some account is given of na- tural history in general, and of the works of those writers who have treated of Lithology and Testaceology. The catalogue is short, and the author declines speaking of his contemporaries, and of such as have given the natural history of particular coun- tries only. In the second chapter of the second part he proceeds to develop his system, dividing Testacea into the three com- monly received classes, and separating those species which inha- bit the sea from those which inhabit the land. His families are twenty-seven in number, including the Echini, and are founded chiefly on external figure, though in the genera of Pholas, Solen, Chama, Venus, Ostrea, Cyprea, Conus, Nautilus, Strombus, Trochus, Helix, Nerita, Dentalium, Haliotis, and Patella, the characters correspond very nearly with those established afterwards by Lin- neus. Of thirty-three plates, twenty-six exhibit many of the more common as well as of the more beautiful shells; they are not only finely but accurately executed, and entitle our author to the epithet of ‘ nitédissimus,” so appropriately bestowed on him by the great Swedish naturalist. We ought not to omit men- tioning that, besides a particular description of every species, the work contains a chapter on the formation and growth of Testacea, some observations on the methods of cleaning and_ polishing shells, and a concise account of thé most celebrated cabinets of natural curiosities existing in Europe at that time. The 166 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Rackert’s The second edition of D’Argenville was augmented by a his- tory of the Mollusca inhabitants of shells, and three new plates, two of which are illustrative of those animals; and the latter are figured, in general, of their natural size. In 1780 there was another publication of this admirable work, with considerable additions, corrections, and improvements, by Messrs. I'avanne de Montcervelle (father and son). ‘There are upwards of 2000 shells figured in this edition, and in so masterly a manner that the work, on the whole, surpasses every thing of the kind which the world had seen before, and must still be held in the highest estimation by the lovers of testaceology. BARTRAM appears in the Philosophical Transactions as author of some “ Ob- servations concerning the Salt-marsh Muscle, the Oyster-banks, and the Fresh-water Muscle of Pennsylvania.” These obser- vations are accompanied by figures. NEEDHAM, whose account of Microscopical Discoveries is well known in our own country, deserves mention here, as having given a very full description of the Lepas anatifera, with figures of that shell and of various parts of the contained animal, which are referred to by Tanneus. At this period the ‘ Testaceo-Theologia” ot LESSERS was written, with a view to elevate the study of those beautiful and varied creatures that inhabit the depths of the ocean to a level with others more commonly chosen for demonstrating the power and isdom of the divine Ruler of the universe; and surely Tlistorical Account of Testaceological Writers. 167 surely there are few tribes of animals which, by delighting the eye and engaging the attention, seem more likely to dispose the mind to sublime meditations, and to form a never-failing source of wonder and admiration, than the testaceous inhabitants of the deep. The title of this work might give rise to the supposition that it is calculated solely for popular use, and that the informa- tion is of that general and discursive kind which becomes subser- vient only to the exercises of piety; but it will be found to be no less suited to the study of the man of science. It contains a more full account of testaceological writers than occurs in most other treatises of this nature; it abounds with anatomical and physio- logical knowledge; the descriptions are conformable to a scien- tific arrangement of species; and by the notes and synonyms the author discovers himself to have been conversant with all the best productions of his predecessors in this department of natural history. It is also embellished with 137 figures of shells, which, though somewhat roughly engraved, are not unworthy of being consulted. A second edition was printed in 1756, preserving the octavo form like the first; it is only to be lamented that it did not undergo conversion from the German into some more current language. At this period the natural history of our sister kingdom began to be investigated by men well qualified to do full justice to the subject. The first of these who committed his researches to the press was DR. CHARLES SMITH: but this gentleman limited them to the counties of Waterford, Cork, and Kerry, which counties he described successively, and in separate works, under the patronage and with the assistance of the Physico-Historical Society of Dublin. It may not be su- perfluous to remark, that the express purpose of this institution was 168 Dr. Matron’s and Mr. Racxert’s was to cultivate the natural history of Ireland, aud that it owed its origin probably to the plan originally formed by Mr. Boyle in England, which led to the labours of Plot and other county historians, and which cannot be sufficiently applauded for its utility. On the subject of Testacea Dr. Smith was not very mi- nute or methodical: but the more common and well known spe- cies he is far from having, in all instances, treated of superficially. DR. JAMES PARSONS described two species of Testacea in the Philosophical Transactions : but they form the subjects of separate communications, the first of which, relating to Mytilus lithophagus, occurs in vol. 45, and the second an account of Pholas pusilla, called by this writer P. conoides, in vol. 55. The latter is illustrated by four figures. The “ History of Animals” of Doctor (afterwards SIR) JOHN-HILL contains five good and correct plates of Testacea, each figure hav- ing its English name underneath. This author divided shells into a certain number of “ series,” the characters of which are founded on very dissimilar principles, some of them being derived from the nature of the shells themselves, and others from their habita- tions, like the divisions adopted by Lister. ‘The genera, however, have some resemblance to those of the Linnean system. The specific descriptions are in Latin, but the other parts of the work in English. In the Recueil de l’ Académie de Rochelle is a full description by MERCIER DU PATY of Mytilus edulis, to which the author has annexed three plates. KLEIN. Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 169 KLEIN. The first work published by this author which it falls within our province to notice is his “ Descriptiones Tubulorum Marinorum,” containing nine plates, which represent chiefly different species of Belemnite ; but he notices also various species of recent Testacea, as Solenes, Dentalia, &c. in order to complete his arrangement of the tubular coverings of animals. But the principal testaceo- logical performance of this author was his “ Tentamen Methodi Ostracologice,” a work (as its title implies) written professedly with views to the establishment of a system, but which, though the composition of a very able naturalist, certainly does not pos- sess the merit of practical utility. The general divisions (forming parts, sections, classes, and genera) are too numerous, and, what is worse, species are constituted in some instances without being referable to any genus; ana in one of the parts there is a solitary genus without any class. The specific descriptions, however, are for the most part sufficiently full and precise, and there are fre- quent references to Aldrovandus, Gesner, Buonanni, Lister, and Rumphius. The work contains twelve plates; the figures are one hundred in number, but exhibit a harshness which is not com- pensated by any extraordinany correctness, and most of them are copies. A subjoined dissertation, “ De Formatione, Cremento et Coloribus Testarum,” deserves to be considered as the best part of the volume, for it contains many physiological remarks of an original and curious nature. ‘This subject, though taken up by so early an author as Buonanni, had not hitherto been entered into so much as the nature of it demanded.—Klein wrote also on the Lepas anatifera, in the Memoirs of the Nat. Hist. Society of Dantzic. VOL, Vil. Z JO; 170 _ Dr. Maron’s and Mr. Rackett’s JO. HENR. COHAUSEN was the author of a “Conspectus Sciographicus Testaceorum.” There cannot, however, be a more strange and unscientific arrangement of shells than the one here proposed; nor can it answer the pur- pose of any person to whom the descriptions of Pliny, Buonanni, and Rumphius are familiar, to consult it. A considerable work on shells was published in the year 1755. The author, NICHOLAS GEVE, does not give any scientific names, nor is his description of much use to a scientific reader; though there are some good references in the notes. He employs both the German and the French lan- guages, and is very diffuse. The plates are the most valuable part of the work, being thirty-three in number, and containing 434 coloured figures, which are in general correct. DR. WHYTT was author of a description of the ovary of the Buccznum ampul- latum. This description is accompanied by figures. Two memoirs on the subject of Testacea were laid before the French Academy by GUETTARD, well known by various other interesting tracts on different branches of natural history. The first of these memoirs is enti- tled “ Observations qui peuvent servir a former quelques Caracteres de Coquillages.” Fourteen genera are here described, founded on the nature of the contained animals. ‘The second memoir is “ sur le Rapport qwil y a entre les Coraux et les Tuyaua Marins, et entre To this are annexed five excellent plates of ] ceuv-ci et les Coquilles.’ Iistorical Account of Testaceological Writers. a of Serpule, Dentalia, kc. In the general collection of his works we find a description of the Sable coquillier, or shelly sand found at Zalbach, near Calais (tom. 2. p.21—22.); also a long disserta- tion on tubular substances found in the sea, which is accom- panied by a scheme of arrangement.—The last of this author’s memoirs which it falls within our province to mention is on the subject of Lepas anatifera. The history of this animal is very diffusely given in the 4th volume of the collection. M.Guettard remarks upon the accounts. given by authors from the earliest times, tracing out the origin of the fabulous narratives that were copied from one to another respecting that singular species. In the Transactions of the Electoral Academy of Mentz, the only writer who has treated of shells is JOHN FREDERIC HOFFMAN. Two of his communications relate to species resembling the Cornu Ammonis, which, in fact, he describes as being found in a native state; but, though a Nautilus, the shell he alludes to cannot pro- perly be considered as being the same with that fossil. The * Tubuli vermiculares Cornua Ammonis referentes” (described in p- 16—20.) are minute shells, similar, many of them, to what had been before noticed by Plancus. The 2d volume of these Trans- actions contains a paper from the same author descriptive of Helix auricularia, the animal of which species, as well as the shell, is minutely noticed. COUNT JOSEPH GINANNI, of Ravenna, rendered himself well known to the lovers of Testa- ceology by two considerable works which treat of that subject very largely. ‘The Opere Postwme contains a description of the ma- ritime, marsh, and terrestrial Testacea of the territory of Ravenna, Zz 2, after 172 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Rackery’s after a system somewhat similar to Buonanni’s, and in the Italian language. ‘These different tribes are distributed into three cor- respondent treatises, the first of which is accompanied by thirty- one plates, the second by four, and the third by three only. The engraving is slight; but there is a correctness of design in most of the figures, and several new species are contained among thei. A like character may be given of those which accompany the other work, descriptive of the museum formed by his uncle Count Francis Ginanni, for which he had prepared most of the mate- rials, though its publication did not take place until five years after the former. It is iltustrated by two plates of Testacea, which, under the head of “ Corpi che stanno in Mari,” are described agreeably to the system contamed im the Opere Postume. There are pretty numerous references to preceding writers, which con- siderably assist readers unacquainted with the Italian language. In the same year with the re-publication of the fine work of D’Argenville, the French had to boast of another author of their nation rendering singular service to the study of the Testacea; this was ADANSON, who, in his ** Histoire Naturelle du Senegal,” has presented us with an accurate description of shells figured in sixteen plates. It is prefaced by an aceount of the author's travels in the years 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752, and 1753. There is also a general history of Testaceology, and an arrangement of species invented by himself. This arrangement rests principally on circumstances connected with the structure and habits of the animals; on which subject Adanson is more diffuse and particular than almost any person who preceded him. His general divisions of Testacea are Limacons and Conques; the first of these comprehending his Univalves and Opercu- iées, the second Bivalves and Multivalves. His species are only 185 in Iistorical Account of Testaceological Writers. 1738 in number ; but under each of these are arranged numerous var- eties (as they are considered by this author), which, however, have most of them been constituted distinct species in other 'lestaceo- logical works. ‘I'hese are illustrated by 400 figures, which have in general the merit of correctness, but are not so elaborately and strongly engraved as might be expected in a French per- formance of that period, when, in this highly useful and elegant art, France was not rivalled by any other nation in the world. ‘There is a paper by this author in the Mem. de l’ Acad. descrip- tive of a species of Pholas which he observed in the timber of ships in Senegal, and illustrated by very good figures of Teredo navalis and the Pholades. In 1758 appeared the long expected third volume of the “ De- scriptio Thesawi Rerum Naturalium” of SEBA, containing sixty-one plates of shells, some of which, however, may be considered as useless, since they represent figures of birds, &c. formed from those shells; and most of them discover great waste of engraving. There is still another subject of regret which wust occur to every person who peruses this sumptuous and bulky work, namely, that most of the figures are common and well known species, and calculated more for the amusement of the eye, and for the surprise of the ignorant, than for the assist- ance of a scientific naturalist. ‘The descriptive part is not re- markable for precision, nor is there any appearance of regular system. One very useful purpose, however, may be said to have been answered by the repeated representations of the same spe- cies given by Seba, which is the possibility of seeing it im various positions : the student being thus enabled to determine the agree- ment of his specimen with those which are figured, more cer- tainly ~ 174 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxert’s tainly than when he is presented with only one view of a sheil. This advantage seems to have been particularly attended to by Gualtieri, who may be considered as having given excellent hints to ichniographists ; for his figures are no where unnecessarily mul- tiplied (which is more than can be said in praise of Seba), and they have an obvious connexion with the more satisfactory de- termination of species. It is much to be lamented that in many other works, which (except in this particular) are of high value, his judicious example has been wholly overlooked. BORLASE, the indefatigable historian of Cornwall, is to be applauded for giving a pretty copious catalogue of the shells found in that county, which, from the position and extent of the shores, are very numerous. His 28th plate contains nearly thirty figures of Tes- tacea, and they are very correct. The author displays but little science in this branch of natural history, and his descriptions are copied from some of the oldest writers on the subject. There are some good figures, accompanied by descriptions, of several species of Lepas, in the Philosophical Transactions. ‘The author of this description was JOHN ELLIS, well known by his elaborate work on Corullines; he addresses it in a letter to Mr. Isaac Romilly. The figures of shells in EDWARDS _are referred to in the Systema Nature; but they are very few in number, and occupy only a secondary place in this author's “ Gleanings.” We Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 175 We now come to the proper place for adverting to what was effected in the science of Testaceology by the immortal LINNAUS. From his great and comprehensive genius, this, like the other branches ef natural history, was destined to receive an entirely new aspect: under his reforming hand it passed from confusion and incongruity to lucid order and simplicity; and though the improvement, as happens with all the most useful results of human labour, was, even under his pen, progressive, it reached a precision and facility of application to which former systems can scarcely be said to have approached. There has been avery general belief that less attention was de- voted by Linnzus to the history and arrangement of the Testacea than to any other order of the animal kingdom, and that he even thought their external coverings, or shells, scarcely worthy of be- coming subjects of scientific distribution. Whatever may have been the origin of this belief, it certainly does not appear to us to be warranted by any examination of the Systema Nature itself, not even of its earliest editions. The original state of that extraor- dinary work (and it was in this that Linnzeus first touched on Tes- taceology) did not indicate, perhaps, less happy reformation of method with regard to the Testacea than to other parts of orga- nized nature; its deficiencies were those from which few other portions of the performance were exempt, and which were natu- rally to be expected in all, on the first sketch of so grand and so heterogeneous a subject. The great aim of the author being sim- plicity, he seems to have at first over-reached it rather than to have fallen short, and the consequences are obvious. His origi- nal genera of shells were too few, being only eight in number, viz. 1. Cochlea. 176 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxert’s 1. Cochlea. 5. Patella. 2. Nautilus. 6. Dentalium. 5. Cyprea. 7. Concha. 4. Haliotis. 8. Lepas. In some of the subsequent editions of the Systema two or three more genera were added; but, at length, in the 10th they were augmented to thirty-two, which are only three less than Linnzeus employed on any occasion afterwards. The edition of 1758 is, therefore, to be considered as the period at which he may be said to have perfected his principles of ‘Testaceological arrangement, though, in fact, the principles themselves underwent no material change from the beginning, (a proof that our illustrious author never treated the subject with carelessness,) the only alteration that he deemed necessary being in the number of the genera: he accordingly broke that of Cochlea into Conus, Bulla, Voluta, Buc- cinum, Strombus, Murex, Trochus, Turbo, Helix, and Nerite, and that of Concha into Chiton, Pholas, and the bivalvia. The faults of the Testaceological systems which preceded Linneus’s may be readily deduced from the remarks made in various parts of this paper. ‘These systems laboured under extreme difficulty of ap- plication, not only on account of the multitude of divisions and subdivisions which were deemed necessary by their respective authors, but also of the practice of founding generic distinctions on variations of gencral contour, Such variations being endless, there was consequently no end to the multiplication of families, and species became correspondently sparing. ‘There was only one author who can be said to be free from reproach on this score, and that was Adanson: he, however, set out upon principles of arrangement essentially different from those of the generality of writers on this science, and, by making the contained animal al- most exclusively the basis of his system, necessarily became limited Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 177 limited in the choice of generic characters. But to the establish- ment of characters purely zoological the objections are still stronger than to the being guided by the general form of the shell. Independently of the very small extent to which our know- ledge of the Mollusca has hitherto been carried, it appears to us that, from the very nature of these animals when provided with a portable place of retreat from danger, they can never present those permanent and obvious points of distinction so indispen- sable to an apt and commodious investigation of all natural ob- jects. Wherein does the animal differ from an unshapen mass of lifeless matter when coiled up within its shelly habitation? And how are its natural shape and appendages to be examined, but by the knife of ananatomist? In fact, it isreasonable to con- clude that innumerable testaceous animals must ever remain un- known to us, except by the euvie accidentally thrown upon the shores after their death: many of them appear to inhabit in- accessible recesses of the ocean, and others part with life on the point of being removed from their native element. ‘To place his system beyond the reach of those objections which presented them- selves to all that had been hitherto proposed, Linnzeus was obliged to strike out some principles of discrimination wholly different from any before exemplified; and that sagacity with which he seized new and admirable guidances to methodical arrangement, in other parts of the dominions of nature, fortunately assisted him also in this. After having convinced himself of the futility of forming a system of Testaceology solely on the structure of the animal, or.even making the latter at all concerned in the specific distinctions, he astonishingly simplified the whole science by di- viding Testacea only into the three obvious families of Univalves, Bivalves, and Multivalves, with subordinate genera characterized by variations of particular parts of the shells. The hinge in bi- VOL< VII. QA valves, 178 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxrrti’s valves, and the aperture, or mouth, of univalves, as it was a permanent character, so was it also less multiform than any other that could have been chosen. The general outline, however, was not wholly neglected. It served to form an uniting character for such as may be called natural families of shells, which were dis- tributed into suitable divisions, subordinately to the artificial genus, so as to become an assistance instead of an embarrassment in the investigation of species. ‘Thus, the terms truncati, pyri- formes, elongati, and lari, became useful demarcations in the genus Conus, without creating the confusion which must always be incident to too great a number of regular genera, especially when those genera are formed (as was the practice of the genera- lity of preceding authors) from external figure only. In a few genera it was necessary to deviate a little from these principles, (and what system can be free from anomalies?) yet they are too few to affect the general simplicity, and we ought to be surprised only at the characters holding good so far as they do. But our great author was not wholly inattentive to the creatures for which the beautiful and endlessly diversified receptacles that he had characterized were designed. Among the generic marks was in- cluded the name of the molluscous inhabitant; or, where the ani- mal differed from any which had a place in other parts of his system, he described it at length. Thus was a method established, which, though not speculatively regular, possesses so much prac- tical utility that we cannot hesitate to prefer it to any hitherto made known to the world. Whatever improvements it may un- dergo (and of improvements all human systems must necessarily be susceptible), there is in our minds no doubt that the general foundations will stand the test of scientific application for ages ; a sentiment which will appear the less bold, if we quote in aid of our assertions those of a very distinguished naturalist of a neigh- bouring Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 179 bouring country; in which if, after almost unprecedented pains had been taken, both by himself and by an indefatigable con- temporary, for the formation of a perfect systems the principles of Linnzus remain unimpaired, we may fairly relinquish the ex- pectation of being presented with any less exceptionable. “ On peut dire,” says M. Lamarck, “ que Linné a établi les vrais prin- cipes qu’on doit suivre dans letude et la détermination des co- quilles, et qu’il a posé les bases de cette intéressante partie de nos connoissances.” (Mem. de la Soc. d’ Hist. Nat. p. 63.) Having made these general remarks on the Testaceological part of Linnzus’s Systema, we shall proceed to notice such other of his works as relate to this branch of natural history. The first of these in order of time (and certainly not the last in point of value) was the Fauna Suecica, originally published in 1746, and con- taining sixty species of Testacea admirably described, with their synonyms at full length. In the second edition, which came forth in 1761, the number of species discovered to be natives of Sweden was augmented to eighty-nine, and the genera exhibited the improvements adopted in the 10th edition of the Systema. But, prior to the appearance of the improved Fauna Suecica, the author had described the cabinets of the king of Sweden and count Tessin, the contents of which had, no doubt, furnished him with new hints towards perfecting his method in every branch of natural history. It is to be lamented, however, that neither the Museum Tessinianum nor the Museum Adolphi Friderict Regis con- tain descriptions or figures of more than three species of Tes- tacea. They are works of much splendour, in point both of typo- graphy and engraving, but afford very little assistance to the hel- minthologist. In the description of another Museum (that of the queen of Sweden) Linnzus made ample amends for his brevity in that of the former; and her Swedish majesty’s collection being Qa 2 particularly 180 Dr. Matron’s and Mr. Racxerr’s particularly rich in insects and shells, he was enabled to afford abundant information to the lovers of both these orders of the animal kingdom. ‘The Musewn Ludovice Ulrice Regine may be considered as the best of Linnzeus’s 'Testaceological works, and, as it is so frequently quoted in the Systema, becomes, though now very scarce in this country, of indispensable utility to the scientific student. It describes 434 species of shells, and the re- marks subjoined to the definitions of each are admirable for their precision, minuteness, and regularity. This volume was pub- lished in 1764; but, though posterior in date to that of the 10th edition of the Syst. Nat., itretains the old divisions of Conche and Cochlee. The last of Linnzus’s works,. viz. the Mantissa altera, contains thirty-five species not described in any of the books al- ready mentioned.—It ought to have been remarked in an earlier part of this account, that our great author's Travels contain de- scriptions of several species of Testacea at considerable length; but, from the language in which these were written, they are of little use to the English reader. The Iter Westro-gothicum con- tains one plate of shells, which, however, represents the univalves reversed, as if they were all heterostrophous. In regard to the terms and peculiar descriptive manner adopted by Linneeus in this part of his labours, they are no less surprising for their happy expressiveness, appropriateness, and utility of application, than in other departments of the science of nature, to which he gave the same new aspect and stability of reformation. They constitute a language of his own,—a language so eminently subservient to the purposes for which it was calculated, that it would alone be sufficient to mark the superior genius of Linnzeus. At the same time we cannot hesitate to confess, that a few of these terms, however strongly they may be warranted by the si- militudes and analogies which they express, and which when so pointed Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 181 pointed out are of great advantage to the language of science, are not altogether reconcilable with the delicacy proper to be observed in ordinary discourse; nor are they such, perhaps, as should be employed on any occasions, except those when their original signification is immediately implicated. Yet these terms may be exchanged for others without detriment to the Lin- nean phraseology in general; and though none probably more expressive can be adopted for the respective purposes, they may be abolished without any great disadvantage to those generic de- finitions into which they have been introduced. Whilst alluding to the language and terms employed by Lin- neus in his description of the Testacea, we ought to refer the reader to the Fundamenta Testaceologie, in which they are all sci- entifically explained, and which contains a complete illustration of the principles of arrangement adopted in this part of his works. Though it bears the name of MURRAY, who was re- spondent in this academical dissertation, the performance ought properly to be considered as the President’s, who, as in all the other papers contained in the Amenitates Academice, furnished the principal materials for them himself. The paper of which we are speaking contains three plates, explanatory of the generic characters, and of the parts of shells to which the several terms apply. In concluding our remarks on the works of Linneus, we ought to take some notice of the editor of his Systema, GMELIN, who has increased the number of the Vermes Testacea to 2334. If the whole of this number were founded on unimpeachable authori- ties, and if the writer had in other respects inspired confidence in his correctness, as well as in his knowledge of the subject, great indeed would have been the obligation of naturalists to this labo- rious publisher. Unfortunately, however, his errors are innume- rable 182 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. RacxeEtTt’s rable in this part of the Systema, with which he seems to have been less conversant than with any other; and so little dependence is there on his references and synonyms, that the same figure is frequently found to be quoted for species most widely different from one another; and even the same species, in more than one instance, is described twice. A writer who should undertake to rectify these errors would perform a truly valuable service to Tes- taceology. Such an opportunity presented itself to a country- man of ours, who has recently put the Syst. Nat. into an English dress, and who has professed having availed himself of the im- provements and additions of later naturalists; yet we cannot find that Dr. TURTON has done more than having trodden in the steps of Gmelin, not perceiving even the most glaring of his inadvertencies. It would be wholly useless and superfluous, therefore, to assign any place to the English editor of Linnzus’s Systema but that of a mere translator. The remark we have made relative to the comparatively small number of rare species iigured by Seba is applicable also to the superb and costly work of REGENFUS, which, though it reflects honour on the artist and on the monarch by whom he was patronized, has conferred but little benefit on Testaceology as a science. It contains twelve beautifully coloured plates, in imperial folio, each plate compehending twelve shells. The descriptive part (which is in both French and Danish, and was the work of Professor Kratzenstein and Dr. Ascanius,) is pre- ceded by a full list of authors, and by an account of the prin- cipal cabinets of shells at that time existing in Denmark. Front- ing each plate is a good table of synonyms, which may be consi- dered as one of the most useful parts of the work ; but the spe- cies Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 183 cies to which they refer are in general of the most common kind. We cannot but lament that the hand of so admirable en engraver was not employed on subjects which more strongly needed the assistance of his art in order to be known; for those which are figured by Regenfus fall daily under the notice of the most hum- ble collectors. Had this work been continued, however, it is probable that there would not have been so much ground for regret. Among the plates intended for a second volume (impres- sions of twelve of which are possessed by Sir Joseph Banks) the species figured are much more interesting than in the first; seve- ral of these are described by Dr. Martini (Berlin. Sammlung 6. Band. p. 667—669.); but it is to be feared that, as the original artist is now no more, the intention of editing them has been re- linquished. The “ Opuscula Subseciva” of BASTER contain much anatomical and physiological matter of a very cu- rious nature, relative to testaceous as well as to crustaceous and molluscous animals. ‘They were continued from the year 1759 to 1705, forming six distinct books, each illustrated by very in- structive and interesting engravings. The propagation and ovaria of shell fish in general; the Ostree, Mytili, Pholades, and Telline . and several species of Testacea individually, are amply and satis- factorily treated of; in short, to those who are more studious to ascertain facts in the economy, structure, and habits of animals than to store their memories merely with the names of genera and species, the works of Baster may be recommended, as containing a fund of important and original information. There is a translation of this author’s dissertation on the Teredo navalis in the Philosophical Transactions, and it is accompanied by figures. An 184 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxervt’s An excellent Monographia of the Helix decollata was published b ; BRISSON, whose observations are illustrated by thirteen figures, and they relate to the structure of the animal as well as to the shape of the shell. DR. FORBES gives, in the Phzlosophical Transactions, an account (which, how- ever, is much too concise) of a Patella found at Bermuda. The figure, as it exhibits only the structure of the animal, makes but imperfect amends for the deficiency of description; and though a short addition is made to the latter by Dr. Morton, the species is far from being defined. In 1760, KNORR, a painter of Nuremberg, began the publication of a work enti- tled “ Les Délices des-Yeuxr et de l Esprit.” He did not live to complete it himself; but the task was carried on by his execu- tors, who concluded it with a sixth part, published in 1773. This last part contains forty plates of shells; each of the five former was limited to thirty. ‘There are, in the whole, 978 figures, very slightly engraved, but well drawn and most elegantly painted. No order is observed; and many subjects are repeated, on ac- count of slight variations in the colour and contour. ‘The last ten plates present white shells on a dark-coloured ground. With the second part a systematical table is given; but this is connected only with the plates preceding, and very nearly agrees with that adopted by Rumphius, of which, in the present improved state of science, the reader will be content to take only a transient notice. The descriptions of the plates relate chiefly to the figure and colour of the objects represented, containing but few remarks concerning Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 185 concerning their natural history. A Linnean table is subjoined by the editors; this is too inaccurate, however, to be of use to a scientific student. But the above was not the only Testaceological work, materials for which were compiled by this industrious and able artist. His * Delicie Nature selecte” contain seven finely coloured plates of shells, with copious descriptions in French and German, intended for popular use. ‘This volume came forth under the direction of Muller and de la Blaquiére, the original author having died prior to.the time of its publication; but his name cannot fail to be re- membered with respect by those who devote themselves to his favourite pursuit, from the reflection that the useful parts of these elegant performances originated entirely with himself. In this place it will be proper to notice a compendious view of various systems of 'T'estaceology written by DE BERGEN, and printed at Nuremberg in 1760. It exhibits the systems of twenty-four different authors, under the heads of “ Methodi uni- versales” and ‘* Methodi particulares,” with concise strictures on each system separately. This work originally appeared in the Nov. Act. Ac. Nat. Cur. The Acta Helvetica contain two Testaceological papers from the pen of SCHLOTTERBECCIUS; one entitled “ Observationes de Cochlea quadam ad Turbines refe- renda,” and the other “ Observatio Physica de Cochleis quibusdam nec non de Turbinibus nonnullis,’ &c. The very titles indicate the desultoriness of these descriptions; and the figures accompanying them do not supply their imperfections, except indeed some which are illustrative of the paper last mentioned, and which re- VOL. Vil. 2B late 186 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxert’s late chiefly to fresh-water and land species of the genera Turbo and Helix. It is impossible to discover what species of shell is the subject of the first paper. In the same work, and in the same volume with Schlotterbeck’s first paper, we find some account of the Turbo Nautileus, by HOFER. This account relates chiefly to the animal, considered sepa- rately from the shell, and is illustrated by figures. The Comment. Acad. Sc. Imp. Petrop. contain three papers com- municated by KOELREUTER, who, in the first of these, has described a species of Serpula (found in the White Sea), which he calls tubspora, but which is the filo- grana of other writers. ‘The second paper describes Sabella sca- bra, called by this author a Dentalium. Sabella scabra may be considered as a giant among the Testacea, the specimen described by Koelreuter being 4 feet 2 Paris inches long, and 3 lines in diameter at one end, and 6 at the other. There is a figure ac- companying the description in tom. 12. Our author’s third paper is of a physiological nature, and relates to the ovarza of Mytilus cygneus. The Ist and 2d volumes of the Amusement Microscopique of LEDERMULLER contain some good coloured figures of minute shells, of which it is only to be lamented that the author has not given a more sci- entific description. The anatomy and physiology of the Vermes were, at this period, subjects of more general interest than ever. The progress of discovery Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 187 discovery had augmented the number of known species to a won- derful degree ; and from remarking the large portion of the chain of organized life occupied by these creatures, naturalists were ne- cessarily led to turn their attention to facts as well as to names, and to presume that many curious and important analogies, illus- trative of the phenomena of life and sensation, might be col- lected from an examination of the structure and habits of so ex- tensively varied a tribe. In the Mem. de Acad. des Sciences (a work which we have so frequently had occasion to mention with respect, as a repository of information highly valuable to the 'Tes- taceologist) we find a paper entitled ‘ Eclaircessemens sur 1 ’Orga- nization jusqu ici inconnue d'une Quantité considérable de Productions Animales, principalement de Coquilles des Animaux,” by HERISSANT, who has subjoined to it eight excellent plates, three of which re- late entirely to shells, and the other five to Madrepore, &c. ‘The matter is not wholly original; but, when we mention that it occu- pies upwards of thirty pages, it will naturally be imagined that the reader may derive advantage from its perusal: there are cer- tainly many facts and speculations which have not less merit for their novelty than for the utility of their application. The extensive collection of natural curiosities formed by M. DAVILA is described in three octavo volumes. The first of these relates to the 'Testaceological part of the collection, which is treated of pretty conformably to the Linnean system, but wholly in French, and divided into three distinct portions, viz. “ Coquilles de Mer, d’ Eau douce, et terrestres.” 'There are twenty-two excellent plates, containing several species never before figured, and in a great 2B2 measure 188 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxert’s measure compensating for imperfections in the descriptive part. It is a work that deserves to be more generally known than it seems hitherto to have been in this country; and as. the figures are both original and aceurate, they ought to be more eommonly quoted. Among the Mem. Etrang. de Acad. des Sciences we find an ex- cellent account of Mytilus ithophagus, written by FOUGEROUX. This account is illustrated by a beautiful plate, which exhibits very accurately the nidus, shell, and structure of the animal. The 9th volume of this same work contains a memoir by DE LA FAILLE, “ sur VOrigine des Macreuses,” in which a full refutation is given of the strange story of the Barnacle Goose, and there is a large figure of the well-known shell originally supposed to produce it. This was a subject on which it was scarcely worth while for a writer of so late a period to employ any pains. GEOFFROY merits mention among writers on the Testacea for his “ Traité som- maire des Coquilles tant fluviatiles que terrestres qui se trouvent aux Environs de Paris.” Thenumber of species described is forty-six, which are included in seven genera; and the system is the author’s own, though not materially different from that of Linneeus, ex- cept that more attention is paid to the animal itself than in the works of the latter. The specific descriptions are given in Latin, but the bulk of the work is in the French language. An artist of the name of DUCHESNE published three plates of i’resh-water and Land Shells, which form a good accompaniment to these descriptions Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 189 descriptions of Geoffroy; they contain figures of forty-six shells (with French names correspondent to Geoffroy’s system), all found in the environs of Paris. Many valuable experiments and observations, tending to throw light on the physiology and pathology of the Snail tribe, are to be found in the Journal des Scavans for 1770. ‘They were com- menced in the year 1768 by COTTE, and continued in the Journal de Physique. WALLIS, the historian of Northumberland, includes the Testacea in his ac- count of the natural productions of that county, adding copious synonyms from Lister, Petiver, and Linnzus; but the number of species described is only eight. The commencement of the great conchological work of ‘ MARTINI, in the year 1769, may be considered as formmg a sort of epoch in the history of that science, it being the most copious, labori- ous, and valuable publication on the subject of shells that has hitherto appeared. Only three volumes, however, were completed by this author; the other seven came from a Danish clergyman, J. H. CHEMNITZ, by whom the undertaking was concluded in 1788. ‘The “ Newes Systematisches Conchylien Cabinet” contains 366 plates, exhibiting no fewer than 3711 figures, besides vignettes, &c. which are all faithfully drawn, and coloured with the utmost accuracy. In the 9th volume are many South Sea species, which had never before. been figured, and which were selected from some of the most celebrated 190 -Dr. Maton’s and Mr. RacKxert’s celebrated cabinets on the continent, but more especially from that of Spengler, whose collection deserves to be considered as one of the most extensive, as well as the most replete with rare and interesting specimens, that has ever been formed for the study of the Testacea. ‘The name of SPENGLER ought to have a place also among the writers on these subjects, descriptions of several shells from his pen having appeared in different German publications; and it has not unmeritedly been attached, as a spe- cific denomination, to a Mactra described by Chemnitz. The work of which we are here particularly treating does not materially differ, as to system, from the Linnean school, but (excepting just the definitions of the species and the synonyms) is written wholly in the German language; and it is much to be lamented that it has not assumed any other dress, for the fulness of the descriptive part renders it highly worthy of being consult- ed. At the period when the use of the Latin language was thought indispensable in books of science, the attainment of knowledge was attended with much fewer difficulties than at present, when, though the use of a dead language may not be absolutely neces- sary, there is certainly as much need as ever of some one tongue being made the medium of communication among philosophical men of all nations. We do not hesitate to pronounce the volumes of Martiniand Chemnitz as constituting a Testaceological library in themselves; and we cannot, therefore, adequately express our regret at their utility as books of reference being limited to the German scholar, when it might, without any considerable diffi- culty, have been extended to all lovers of the science by the sub- stitution of French. Chemnitz was author of several 'Festaceological papers inserted in different foreign journals, but they are not of sufficient im- portance to require being particularized, His collection of shells 1s Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 191 is proved to have been very rich, by the catalogue of the sale lately published: of the number of the multivalves contained in it, we may judge from his remarks on that division published in the Nova Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. wherein he speaks of being pos- sessed of no fewer than thirty different species of Chiton. SCHROTER may be considered as one of the most indefatigable Testaceolo- gists of later times. His treatises on land and river shells, and his introduction to the Linnean system of conchology, have laid his countrymen under great obligations to him, and have contri- buted in a very conspicuous degree to the general extension of the science. We shall proceed to specify the titles and time of publication of these highly useful works; after which we would, with a due tribute of praise to the author, detail such of his labours as are of less account, were they not too numerous to be noticed in a paper of this kind, and were not most of them scattered in a variety of German publications, to which re- course cannot very generally be had in this country. ‘The “ Versuch einer systematischen Abhandlung uber die Erdkonchylien um Thangelstadt” is illustrated by two copper-plates, containing figures of the land shells found chiefly in the neighbourhood of Thangelstadt. The next work was an account of the river shells of Thuringia. This excellent treatise contains eleven very cor- rect engravings, which, however, are rather too highly coloured. There are long descriptions in it, with good specific characters, formed on the Linnean method. A third treatise came forth at Frankfort in 1783, under the title of “ Ueber den innern Bau der See und einiger auslindischen Erd und Fluss Schnecken,’ with five plates. In the same year with the last-mentioned work this writer published his general conchology in three thick octavo volumes, illustrated 192 Dr. Maron's and Mr. Racxerr's illustrated by nine good plates, and containing ample descrip- tions, with synonyms at length, of every known species of shell. The “ Einleitung in die Conchylienkenntniss nach Linné” sets out with an explanation of the Linnean system of 'Testaceology, to which it forms an excellent introduction. The systematical part, however, inverts the order followed by Linnzus in his Systema Nature, as it begins with the Univalves and ends with the Mul- tivalves. Consistently with chronological detail, we ought to have mentioned in an earlier part of our notices of Schroter his republication of the plates of Gottwald’s museum; yet this vo- lume not being wholly original, though so acceptable a present to the lovers of 'l'estaceology, might, without impropriety, perhaps, have been excluded from the regular enumeration of works more creditable to the author’s reputation. Of forty-nine plates, forty- three relate entirely to shells which had been in a great degree de- scribed (though not in print) by the older Gottwald. ‘The draw- ings also from which the figures were taken had been made by that collector. At the death of Dr. J. C. Gottwald the plates and MSS. fell into the hands of a bookseller, who (after they had un- dergone revision and received additions from the author of whom we have been treating) published them at Nuremberg in 1782. The museum itself was purchased by Peter the Great for 1000 rubles. We have before spoken of the correctness and elegance of the engravings, which cannot fail to immortalise the name of Gottwald; and his editor has imparted much additional value to the work by the subjoined letter-press. RUDY: in his “ Essay towards a Natural History of the County of Dub- lin,” has followed pretty nearly the steps of his countryman Smith, referring to no scientific author on the subject of Testacea, ex- cepting Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 193 cepting Lister, and his information is (on this subject at least) in no respect ample. In the Fundamenta Zoologica of BRUNNICH we find a few genera added to those of Linnzeus, but only among the univalves; the genus Nautilus being divided into three, and that of Buccinum into the same number, ‘These alterations are strictly reconcilable with Linnean principles, yet it may be rea- sonably doubted how far they are necessary. At the head of those writers who have contended for what may be called the natural system of Testaceology, or asystem founded on the stucture and habits of the inhabitants of shells, may be placed OTHO FREDERIC MULLER, one of the most laborious and sagacious zoologists of his age. In his “ Vermium terrestrium et fluviatilium Historia” we have a sketch of his proposed arrangement of the land and river Testacea, which, according to this author, form two very distinct orders, though not differing from each other so widely as the fresh-water and the maritime. The characters of his genera are taken chiefly from the shape of the tentacula of the animals; in the bivalves, from the stphon which they protrude. Hence the Linnean genus Limaz is included in the testaceous instead of the molluscous order. The work in which these outlines are given is published in two volumes, the first begun in 1773, and the second in 1774: the latter relates solely to the subject of which we are treating ; and its preliminary matter, in a physiological and anatomical point of view, is of a very curious and instructive nature. In 1776 our author printed a Prodromus of the Zoology of Den- mark, containing concise descriptions of every known species in- VOL. VII. ac habiting 194 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxerrt’s habiting that country, with the names by which they are therein vulgarly designated, as well as those which serve the purposes of system. The Testacea are arranged under thirty-six genera, of which ten are of our author’s own construction, and derived from his peculiar method of arrangement; the others agree with the Linnean classification. This work was followed a year afterwards by the first fasciculus of his “ Animalium Danie et Norvegieé rariorum ac minus notorum Icones.” The Zoologia Danica was completed in 1779. It describes at considerable length all the new and most remarkable species; and, agreeably to the author’s scheme of Testaceological arrange- ment, the contained animals are not less minutely noticed than their shells. The Icones were re-edited in 1781 in the same vo- lume with a folio history of the species which they represent ; forming, in fact, the Danish Zoology. We cannot conclude our account of Miiller’s labours on the subject of the Testacea, without expressing our admiration of the fidelity and perseverance with which he has added to our knowledge of that order of animals. No observer has hitherto done so much towards rendering us fully acquainted with their structure and ceconomy ; and though, as the basis of a system, his researches are not susceptible of so useful and general an application as the more artificial method of Linneus, they cannot fail to be of permanent importance to the common stock of natural science. FORTIS, the Dalmatian traveller, has given a few good figures of Testacea, to illustrate the description of those species which he found in the Porto di Bua. FORSKAHL, Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 195 FORSKAHL, the celebrated traveller, also attended to this subject. In the description of the animals observed on his journey in the East, we find nearly thirty shells, though few of these were new. Among his Icones are figures of some of them and their contained animals, but they are very slightly executed. There is a good figure of Helix cornea, with the animal, in the Naturkundige Verlustigingen (or Naturalist’s Amusements) of SLABBER, who has given some remarks on this species. We must not omit noticing the Zoophylacium Gronovianum, a description of the rich museum of LAUR, THEOD, GRONOVIUS, senator of Leyden, where this yolume was published in 1781. It contains plates (of the rarer objects), among which are two of shells, with upwards of twenty correct figures; and there is an excellent scientific description of 589 species, conformable to the Linnean method, Some of these have not been described by any other author, DE JOUBERT, the author of a “ Mémoire sur une Coquille de l Espéce des Pou- lettes péchée dans la Méditerranée,” merits the same remark as has been made with respect to his countryman Fougeroux, and his memoir occupies the same work. It relates to recent and fossil Anomia, of which there are several figures. KAMMERER, a German testaceologist, described the collection of the Here- ditary Prince of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt. ‘Though the work be 26 2 little 196 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Rackervt’s little more than a catalogue, it is adorned with very good figures, and many of the species are of considerable rarity. It is wholly in the German language. The plates are twelve in number, ex- clusive of the four subjoined to an appendix to this work, pub- lished at Leipsic under the title of “ Nachtrag zu der Conchylien im Fiirstlichen Cabinette 2u Rudolstadt.” The Fauna Groenlandica of OTHO ‘FABRICIUS deserves a distinguished place among Testaceological works, as it contains an ample and satisfactory description of fifty-seven species of shells, some of which had not been described by any author before. The arrangement is that adopted by Miiller; and, like him, Fabricius pays minute attention to the structure and habits of the contained animals. We are indebted to the celebrated PALLAS for the description of several new species of Testacea, in his Mis- cellanea Zoologica, and also in the Spicilegia Zoologica; and he has not contented himself with making known non-descript species, but has, moreover, rectified the accounts given by preceding au- thors of others well known before. Few labourers in the paths of natural history have more largely extended every branch of it than this truly scientific observer. The 'Testaceologist will con- sult with much satisfaction his remarks on the Serpule, contained in the work first mentioned, and called forth by the occasion of describing that remarkable species the S. gigantea. He adduces many anatomical facts which seem to have been unknown to Linnzeus, and which occasion some anomalies in that genus. The 10th fasciculus of the Spicilegia contains good figures of some rarer shells Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 197 shells of different genera, and also accurate descriptions. There are histories of new species by the same author in the Nova Acta Acad. Petrop., with figures. These species are Serpula Spirillum, Lepas cariosa, Pholas Teredula, Chiton amiculatus, and Helix coriacea. The 64th volume of the Philosophical Transactions contains some curious facts relative to what has been called the reviviscence of snails, communicated to the Royal Society by DR. MACBRIDE. This is a subject more particularly interesting to the physiolo- gist, but cannot be considered as foreign to the science of 'Testa- ceology in general. The following year the celebrated BONNET published some experiments on the regeneration of the head of the common Land-snail, which appear among his other works. These experiments were pursued likewise by Miiller in the Journ. de Physique, and by J. AND. MURRAY, in a Programma, at Gottingen, the year after Bonnet’s observa- tions appeared. This is the proper place to notice the labours of our countryman PENNANT, whose British Zoology is the earliest work professing to treat of the animals of our island after the Linnean method, and who ought, therefore, to be considered as having commenced a new era among English naturalists. The three first editions of this work, 198 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxerr's work, however, did not comprehend any of the Vermes, and it was not until the year 1778 that a 4th volume made its appear- ance, with descriptions and figures of that tribe, This volume contains an enumeration of 163 species of Testacea, with concise descriptions, and 56 plates exhibiting about 200 figures of them, Most of these plates are valuable for reference, but some of them are executed less carefully than could have been wished. In the descriptive part the author has translated pretty closely the spe- cific characters given by Linnzus, whenever they could be had ; but there are several species of which the former is to be looked upon as the first describer. It is very remarkable, however, that he should have wholly omitted others which had been noticed by Lister and Petiver, and which are unquestionably natives of our island, In the Nova Act. Reg. Soc. Scient. Upsal. we find a description of Anomia Caput Serpentis by this author, with a figure subjoined. It may be remarked that the same shell is described in the same volume by the pen of Linneus, whose figure (with those of Ano- mia patelleformis, noticed in the same paper,) occurs in the plate that contains Pennant’s. We have next to mention the Introductio ad Historiam Natu« ralem, and the Delicié Faune et Flore Insubrice, of the learned SCOPOLI, both of which are the productions of great science, aided by ge- nuine ardour of investigation. Scopoli was well acquainted with the labours of his predecessors in Testaceology, as well as in other branches of natural history, and has availed himself of them to- wards perfecting the system of Linnzus, whose genera he has considerably augmented,—more so, perhaps, than is consistent with the general simplicity and facility of application of the ori~ ginal, Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 199 ginal. For such of Linnzus’s terms as have justly been consi- dered objectionable, on account of indelicacy, this author has substituted others which, though not equally expressive, perhaps, are sufficiently intelligible. In the specific descriptions, the shell and the animal have been alike regarded; and the author seems to have steered a sort of middle course between the advocates for a system founded chiefly on the former, and those who have made the latter the chief subject of their attention.—Our remarks hi- therto have had respect only to the Introd.ad Hist. Nat. In the other work the merit consists in the figures, which are finely drawn, and contribute greatly to the general splendour of the volume. Plate 25 of Part I and 24 of Part II exhibit solely shells, correspondent to concise descriptions of seven remarkable species. The period of which we are treating was peculiarly productive of valuable publications in Testaceology. In 1778 BARON BORN, so well known by his writings on mineralogy, presented to the public his description of the shells preserved in the museum of the Empress Queen at Vienna. This work was undertaken by the express command of Her Imperial Majesty, and forms a thick octavo volume, in Latin and German. The author has closely followed the Linnean method, and his descriptions exhibit the peculiar terseness and precision introduced into natural history by that great writer. His synonyms are copious and correct, and he does not appear to have fallen into that frequent error among naturalists—the undue multiplication of species. In this work the number of the latter is 616, and references are made to them by their German, Dutch, French, and English names, in four distinct indices.—Two years after the publication of the descrip- tive 200 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxervt’s scriptive part of the museum, appeared the sumptuous and splen- did folio which illustrates it by eighteen admirable engravings (containing upwards of 200 coloured figures), besides vignettes and other ornamental appendages. ‘This volume cannot be said to have been surpassed by any similar performance, either in elegance or utility, and may justly be considered as one of the most valuable works of which the lover of shells can become possessed, In 1776 were published the “ Elements of Conchology ” of DA) COST Ac ‘ As this author wrote after Linnzus, it might be expected that a system, in which he professes to differ materially from that great naturalist, would have contained some important improvements. It is worthy of remark, however, that, after abusive strictures on the Linnean system, Mr. da Costa builds his own chiefly on the general characters which Linneus himself has made use of. For example, the turbinated univalves are characterized by the shape of the aperture, and the bivalves by the nature of the hinge. When the student is informed that he must make himself acquainted with four orders, sixteen families, and thirty-nine genera of uni- valves, and with three orders, sixteen families, and twenty-three genera of bivalves and multivalves, before he arrives at specific distinctions, none of which our author considers in this perform- ance, he will most probably abandon the new system in disgust. It cannot but be acknowledged that the volume contains some judicious remarks on the study of this branch of natural history, and on the authors who have treated of it. here are also useful instructions for collecting, cleaning, and preserving specimens. Still more acceptable to the public were two other works of this author; one of which, however, was on too extensive a scale to admit Historical Account of Testaceolovical Writers. 201 admit of being completed ; we mean the “ Conchology or Natural History of Shells,” which was published, anonymously, in folio numbers, but never proceeded beyond twenty-six pages of letter- press and twelve plates. The shells figured are chiefly of the genera of Patella, Haliotis, and Serpula.—Vhe British Conchology was the work that conferred most reputation on this writer; and it certainly formed a valuable addition to the natural history of our island. He has described many species not noticed by Pen- nant, yet some of these are not well ascertained to be natives of Great Britam; nor are Linneus’s synonyms in every instance cor- rectly applied. He follows the system laid down in his Elements of Conchology. ‘The descriptions are minute and accurate, and calculated for both the English and the French reader, each of those languages being employed throughout the volume. It is much to be wished that every species mentioned in it had been figured, especially as the plates exhibit 124 species out of the 152. These plates are 17 in number, and coloured; but the accu- racy neither of the engraving nor of the colouring is much to be commended. For the most part, however, the subjects are pretty readily recognizable. Weare glad to have to record in these Testaceological memoirs the name of a female physiologist, MASSON LE GOLFT, some remarks by whom on the re-production of parts of Muscles occur in the Journal de Physique. The same work contains an account of lithophagous marine ani- mals, written by DICQU EMARE. The locomotive faculty of certain Ostree is treated of by the same author in the 28th volume of the abovementioned journal. VOW. VII: on MOLINA, 202 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxkerv’s MOLINA, in his Natural History of Chili, includes the Testacea of that coun- try, which he has described in a scientific manner. The reproduction of the head of the common Snail, a subject to which the attention of physiologists had been first directed by Bonnet, occupied at this time the notice of one of the most saga- cious observers of the age, the justly celebrated SPALLANZANIT, whose experiments and observations may be found amply de- tailed in the Mem. della Soc. Ital. for the years 1782 and 1784. This valuable paper contains a variety of very curious facts; and the first part of it is illustrated by nine figures, which exhibit va- rious states of the decapitated animal. In recording the description given by GIOENI of a new genus found on the shores of Catania, we have, unfor- tunately, only to commemorate a very remarkable mistake made by that naturalist, the supposed new genus having been disco- vered to be merely the gizzard of Bulla hgnaria, so well described by our countryman, Mr. George Humphreys, in the 2d volume of the Linnean Transactions. This detection of the mistake, how- ever, was not made until seventeen years after the publication of Gioeni’s book. So little suspicion was entertained of the substance thus brought to notice not being a real shell, that it obtained a scientific name as such (Triola Gioeni) from Professor Retzius, and occupied a place in the system of the late M. Bru- guiere, under the appellation of Gioenta Sicula. For the ascertain- ing of its real nature we are indebted to M. DRAPARNAUD, whose account may be found in the Nouv. Journ. de Physique. LIGHT- Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 203 LIGHTFOOT (well known from his Flora Scotica) was author of a description of five species of Testacea, either wholly unknown to, or not duly noticed by, any of his predecessors. This gentleman was deser- vedly considered as one of the most able Linnean scholars of his time, and, from his constant opportunities of access to the Port- land museum, had rendered himself particularly conversant in conchology; a circumstance sufficiently evinced in the paper of which we have been speaking, and which appears in the 76th volume of the Philosophical Transactions. 'The figures, also, ac- companying the paper are very correctly drawn. In the year 1784 MARTYN, a dealer, began one of the most beautiful and costly conchologi- cal works this country has ever seen. It bears the title of the Universal Conchologist, and was intended to exhibit a figure of every known shell, drawn and painted after nature. ‘The author began with the non-descript species collected in the different voyages to the South Seas after the year 1764. His work is pre- faced with general remarks, in French and English, an account of the more remarkable cabinets of shells existing in Great Britain, and some observations relative to Testaceological writers. It con- tains also explicatory tables, exhibiting the name of each shell, according to the author’s system, the name it bears in the Lin- nean, the degree of rarity, the habitat, and the collection in which it was found. But, before this ingenious artist had completed his two volumes of South Sea shells, he discovered the impossibility of procuring purchasers sufficient to compensate him for his labour and expense,—a misfortune generally experienced by pri- vate individuals who embark in such extensive and sumptuous undertakings. He, therefore, did not proceed beyond 160 plates ; 2p 2 which, 204 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxetr’s which, however, as they include all the species then known to the southern navigators, may be considered as constituting a com- plete work, so far as it goes, and it was all that Mr. Martyn had absolutely engaged himself to execute. ‘There is only one species ona plate, but each is exhibited in different aspects, with incom- parable elegance, and with great correctness of drawing and colouring. In the same year with the first volume of the Universal Concho- logy appeared a description of the minute shells found on the Sandwich shores by WILLIAM BOYS, with whose name ought also to be joined that of GEORGE WALKER, by whom considerable additions were made to the observations of Mr. Boys, and who drew the figures. This work contains three plates, exhibiting ninety species (inclusive of three Madlusca), both f the natural and of a magnified size. Each species is concisely described in Latin, agreeably to the Linnean method, and accom- panied by some observations in English relative to colour, degree of rarity, &c. LEFEBURE DES HAYES gave a very full description, accompanied by figures, of the Chiton squamosus, which will be found in the Journal de Physique for 1787. The “ Nova Testaceorum Genera” of Miinter Philipsson were published, as an Inaugural Dissertation, at Lund, under the Pre- sidency of RETZIUS. This performance contains many judicious remarks relative to the Linnean genera, which the author proposes in some instances ta Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 205 to divide; and he forms three from the authority of Linneeus him- self, if Acharius (by whom the information of Linnzus’s intentions was communicated to Retzius) be correct. There can be no doubt that the Mya Perna of the Syst. Nat. admits of being made a distinct genus, under which may, very properly, be compre- hended some of the ventricose species of Mytilus. ‘The appella- tion of Perna is accordingly given to this family, and that of Unio to the two perlaceous species of Mya, viz. Margaritifera and Pictorum. ‘The four last species of the original genus Ostrea ap- pear to have been afterwards intended by Linnzeus to form an- other family, to be called Melina. According to our author, the Anomia consists of four very different divisions of shells, which he proposes to designate by the generic terms of Anomia, Crania, Te- rebratula, and Placenta. By turning to the Anomie as they stand in the 12th edition of the Systema, the reader will easily discover what species are meant to be comprehended under each of these genera; and how partial soever he may be to the original arrange- ment of Linnzeus, he will not be disposed, perhaps, to accuse the Testaceologist of whom we are treating of any rashness of reform. There is a scientific description, with figures, of Venus lithophaga, published by the Professor in the Mem. de Acad. Roy. des Sc. for 1786. In the same work for 1788 we find an author of the name of LE GENTILE; who describes a Patella (apparently the c@ruleata) found on an aquatic plant, which, with the shell, is figured in the 20th plate of that volume. CORDINER. In the plates accompanying Mr. Cordiner’s Description of Ruins, &c. in North Britain are several figures of Testacea, which are 206 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxert’s are represented with the animals for the most part complete; but the engravings are slight, and the shells are intermingled with Zoophytes. The microscopic subjects described by SOLDANI are principally shells, which this author discovered at Portofer- rara, the island del Giglio, and on the shores of Castiglioncello, la Follonica, &c. The work does not exhibit much method or science; but the species figured in it are extremely curious, many of them being wholly unlike any of the larger and well known ones. There are 148 plates, in which the shells are represented both of their natural size and magnified. As a physiological accent on the subject of T estacea, the letter of BONVICINI to Professor Girardi, inserted in the Mem. della Soc. Ital., ought to be mentioned here. It contains several curious experiments relative to the organ of sight in the Snail tribe. In the “ Magazin Encyclopédique” some facts respecting the life of the Lepas anatifera may be found. They were communicated by M. MESAIZE, who seems to have had opportunities of paying considerable at- tention to this singular species. With the year 1789 commenced the Helminthological part of the grand work carried on in France under the title of ‘ Encyclo- pédie Méthodique.” 'This department had been undertaken by BRUGUIERE (the well known traveller in the East), who appears to have been fully qualified for the completion of the laborious task ; but, un- fortunately Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 207 fortunately for natural history and his nation, he was cut off bya premature death, just after he had completed the Ist volume (which does not go beyond the letter C) of the article Vers. In the preface to this article we are presented with the method of arrangement which he intended to have pursued, and which is obviously founded on that of Linnzus: in fact, the author pro- fesses to deviate from it no further than he conceives himself to be required by the discoveries subsequent to the publication of the Systema. The number of genera, however, in the French zoo- logist’s order of Testacea is nearly double that of Linnzeus’s, being sixty-one instead of thirty-six. Only two livracsons of plates con- taining shells have hitherto come to our hands; but such is the originality of the figures, and the excellence of their execution, that, incomplete as they are with respect to the letter-press, they form by themselves a very valuable work to be referred to by other authors.—There occur some interesting papers relative to Testacea by M. Bruguiere in the Journal d@’ Hist. Nat. (of which that gentleman was a principal conductor); in one of these he has treated, at considerable length, of the formation and growth of the Porcellanea, adducing a variety of new and curious facts on that subject. The “ Naturalist’s Miscellany” of our countryman DR. SHA W is too well known to require any detailed mention in this paper: and, even if it had not been inconsistent with our plan to have discussed the merits of contemporary English authors, we could not, with propriety, enter upon an analysis of a work which is not yet completed. We shall, therefore, content ourselves with pointing out its place in the general history of Testaceology. The 208 Dr. Maron's and Mr. RackeEtr’s The “ Zoologia Adriatica” of the Abbé OLIVI deserves a place among Conchological performances, for it con- tains a very scientific account of all the shells found in the Gulf of Venice. This author makes known seven new species, which are well figured, and very fully described. It was not reserved for the anatomist alone to illustrate the physiology of the testaceous tribe, for chemistry now began to lend its aid towards extending and improving this interesting sub- ject of inquiry. Inthe Ann, de Chimie we find M. VAUQUELIN treating of the respiratory process in the Helix Pomatia. This eminent chemist proves, in the course of his observations, that the Vermes require vital air for the excitement of their pulmonary system as well as other animals, and that they cannot live with- out it. But the most curious fact is, that the species above men- tioned will respire azotic and carbonic acid gas as long as any oxygen remains combined with either;—whence M. Vauquelin is induced to think that this Helix may be a good eudiometer. The Journal d’ Hist. Nat. for the same year contains an article entitled “ Observations sur la Génération des Buccins d’ Eau douce,” from which observations M. RIBAUCOURT, the writer of them, is induced to conclude that all the species of that tribe are viviparous. ‘The second volume of that instructive work has the anatomy of Patella vulgaris, which is written by M. CUVIER, and illustrated by a plate, representing both the animal and the shell in various points of view. This very able comparative ana- tomist Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 209 tomist has distinguished himself by other dissections of Testacea, which will be found in the Annales du Museum National, and which we have much satisfaction in particularizing. His first memoir in that journal relates to the animal of Lingula anatina of Lamarck (Patella Unguis of Linnzeus), the parts of which are ad- mirably exhibited in the 17th plate. In the subsequent number Bulla aperta (Bullea of Lamarck) is described and figured with equal ability. It is by such minute and accurate examinations that species are definitively fixed, and we cannot forbear express- ing a hope that M. Cuvier will continue to present us with other examples of the successfulness of his researches among this still imperfectly known order of animals. Several minute and other shells not before known are de- scribed in the Trans. of the Linn. Soc. by JOHN ADAMS, who discovered them on the coast of Pembrokeshire. The de- scriptions, which are perfectly scientific, are accompanied by figures. In mentioning the name of Mr. Adams, the authors of the present paper, who were so fortunate as to enjoy his corre- spondence on. 'Testaceological subjects, cannot omit paying a tri- bute of respect to his memory, from having witnessed the enthusi- asm and perseverance with which he pursued the study of nature ; nor can they help reminding their fellow-members of the loss they sustained in the untimely death of one who gave such unequivo- cal proofs of usefulness and ability. It is a task as laborious as it is unlimited to push the examina- tion of natural objects beyond the ordinary powers of the senses; and it may, perhaps, be questioned by some, whether such pur- suits lead to any useful practical purposes: yet the supplying of VOL.. VIT. 2E links 210 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxert’s links in the chain of organized creatures, the multiplication of analogies, and the tracing of changes produced in the different stages of the growth of animals, cannot fail to give curious and interesting results to the profound naturalist. The investigation of microscopic shells, so zealously pursued by a Plancus and a Sol- dani, has been taken up with no small success by M.M. LEOPOLD A FICHTEL AND J... CHARLES A: MOLE, whose elegant and instructive work on this subject deserves par- ticular mention, since it is to be considered as the fullest cata- logue of minute Testacea that has yet been published. It is em- bellished with beautifully coloured plates, which represent the several subjects both of the natural and of a magnified size. The descriptions are given in two languages (viz. the Latin and the German), and we must not omit our tribute of applause to the ingenious authors for having thus shown a respect for the scien- tific world in general, as well as for their own countrymen in par- ticular. It is an example which, as we have before ventured to remark, ought to be universally adopted; unless the advantages of knowledge are intended to be purely local, like that which re- lates to the trade and traffic of nations; or unless it be thought necessary for human life to be wholly occupied in the acquisition of languages. The genera of Argonauta and Nautilus form the principal subjects of this volume; and many species appear under each of these which had been either not duly observed, or wholly unnoticed, by preceding writers. M. LAMARCK, Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 211 M. LAMARCK, whose sentiments respecting the Linnean Testaceology we have quoted (in a former part of this paper) in support of our own, has strong claims to a distinguished place among the writers on this branch of pursuit. The Journal d@ Hist. Nat., Mem. de la Soc. d Hist. Nat. de Paris, and the Annales du Mus. Nat. contain suffi- cient proofs of the close attention which he has paid to the order of Testacea. In the first of these works we find some judi- cious remarks of this eminent naturalist on the Testaceological system of Bruguiere, and in the second he has presented us with a sketch of the method adopted by himself. Whether the num- ber of the genera employed in the latter (which are sixty-three more than are used in the former) ought to be a ground of pre- ference, we do not presume to determine; but the system of M. Lamarck must be considered as an entire new modelling of the Linnean ; and we cannot help questioning whether it has im- proved the perspicuity of the original. In the Ann. du Mus. Nat. M. Lamarck has described a new genus belonging to his order of Crustaces conchyliferes under the name of Tubicinella.—It is from this author that we may expect the continuation of the article Vers in the French Encyclopedie, so unfortunately interrupted by the death of M, Bruguiere. WILLIAM GEORGE MATON has described, in the Trans. of the Linnean Society, a species of Tel- lina not noticed by Linneus. In his Observations on the Western Counties frequent mention is made of Testacea found in that di- strict; some of which had not been described as natives of the British islands before; and Turbo rudis is here first made known as a new species. GE 2 MR. 212 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Rackrrr’s MR. HATCHETT is the only author, with whose writings we are acquainted, that has scientifically investigated what may be called the chemical cha- racters of shells; a comparison of which with those derived from external structure cannot but be highly curious and interesting to the philosophical naturalist. To the disciple of Linneus it is peculiarly satisfactory to perceive that so many of Mr. Hatchett’s experiments tend to establish the propriety of distinctions adopted by that illustrious naturalist. We would only refer the reader to the instance of the Echinus, the chemical characteristic of which genus proves, in opposition to Klein, the correctness of Linnzus, in placing it among the crustaceous instead of the testaceous tribe; the presence of the phosphate of lime detected in the cover- ing of the Echinus distinguishes the latter from testaceous sub- stances, which consist only of carbonate of lime mixed with the gelatinous matter. When one science can thus be made to remove unavoidable ambiguities in another, a beautiful example is esta- blished of the intimate connection that subsists between all the various branches of natural knowledge. In the year 1799 MR. DONOVAN began the publication of the Natural History of the British Shells, including figures and descriptions of all the species hither- to discovered in Great Britain, systematically arranged in the Linnean manner, with scientific and general observations on each. Of this work five volumes in octavo have appeared, com- prising 180 plates, with coloured figures; but, as it is not yet completed, we have only to observe, that the author has given several new species, and that he has rectified many errors of pre- ceding writers. The Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 213 The student will find much useful illustration of the generic characters of bivalves in the 6th volume of the Linnean Society’s Transactions; in which MR. WILLIAM WOOD has described and figured the hinges of such shells of that division as are found in Great Britain. M. DUFRESNE. From this writer we have some remarks on the genera of Tubi- cinella, Cornula, and Balanus (of Lamarck), with admirable figures of Coronula Balenaris and Tubicinella, in the Ann. du Museum. The communication is entitled ‘ Notice sur les Balanus.” The last writer whom we have to record in this historical ac- count is GEORGE MONTAGU, ESQ., who, by indefatigable perseverance in his researches, and by a long residence near the sea coast, has been enabled to make consider- able additions to the British Testacea, and to gratify the zoologist with descriptions of, and various particulars relative to, many of the animals of that order whose history was much less perfectly known before. He has enumerated nearly 470 species; upwards of 100 of which had either not been described by any former au- thor, or had now first been ascertained to be British. Sixteen coloured plates accompany the work, on which are delineated some of the shells described, but not figured by former writers,— a few already known, which are necessarily introduced for the sake of comparison,—and many first discovered by Mr. Montagu himself; of the latter, however, about thirty are unaccompanied by figures. This author adopts the Linnean system; but has de- viated from it in placing many Linnean Helices under the genus Turbo, 214 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Rackert’s Turbo, and arranging all the depressed species of the former with- out regard to the shape of the aperture. A new genus (Vermiculum) is introduced for the purpose of containing such of the Serpule as do not agree with the generic character of being fixed to other bodies. ‘The whole of the work is in the English language ; so that the author cannot be said to have employed the Linnean terminology (strictly so called) or the Linnean mode of descrip- tion; but this is a circumstance which will not be regretted by ordinary readers. N.B. In the following Systematical enumeration of Testaceological writers, and of their works, the numbers annexed to the names of the former refer to the pages in the preceding account wherein these writers are respectively mentioned. SYLI.ABUS Systematical Arrangement of Testaceological Writers. 215 SYLLABUS CLASSIUM IN SYSTEMATE TESTACEOLOGORUM. 1. HISTORICI (Qui Testacea generaliter tractavere). 2. MONOGRAPHI (Qui unicum genus, familiam, vel speciem descripserunt). 4 3. TOPOGRAPHI (Testaceorum alicujus orbis terrarum partis descriptores. Peregrinatores, &c.). 4. MUSZOGRAPHI (Qui Muszea, Collectiones Testaceorum descripserunt). 5. MICROGRAPHI (Testaceorum que non nisi oculis armatis sunt distinguenda descriptores). 6. THAUMATOGRAPHI (Qui monstrosa, vel mirabilia in Testaceis indicarunt). 7. ANATOMICI (Qui Vermium Testaceorum partes dissectas scrutati sunt). 8. PHYSIOLOGI (Qui prcipue mores, habitus, naturam Vermium Festaceorum yel generaliter, vel specialiter, exploraverunt). 9. SYSTEMATICI (Qui Testacea in ordinem aliquem redegerunt) . 10. NOMENCLATORES (Qui pomina tantum Testaceis imposuerunt, vel explicarunt). 11. COMMENTATORES (Qui scripta aliorum dilucidarunt). 12. ICHNIOGRAPHI (Qui figuras vel ligno vel ere incisas exhibuerunt). HISTORICT. 216 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Nackert’s I, HIstoOnicr —— APIS TOTEAHS. (121) (Mortuus circa A, 322, ante C.) Tsp: Zeer Tsopies to A. xsQ. 3. CAIUS PLINIUS SECUNDUS. (192) (Floruit A. D. 80.) Historia Mundi, Lib. 9. AIAIANOZX. (193) (Mortuus circa A, D. 140.) Ueps Zwwy sdiatytos. lo. y- VINCENTIUS. (123) Speculum Naturale. Venet. 1494. fol. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. (123) De Animalibus. Venet. 1495. fol. ADAM LONICERUS. (123) Historie Naturalis opus novum. Francof, tom. 1. 1551. fol. tom. 2. 1555. fol. cum figg, ligno incisis. a) PIERRE BELON. (124) De Aquatilibus, Lil.2. Paris. 1553. 8vo. p. 448. cum figg. ligno incisis. GULIELMUS RONDELETIUS. (124) Universa Aquatilium Historia. Lugd. 1555. fol. cum figg. ligno incisis. CONRAD GESNER. (125) Lil. 4. de Piscium et Aquatilium Animantium Natura, Tiguri. 1558. fol. Francof, 1620. cum figg. ligno incisis. GEOFFROY LINOCIER. (126) Histoire des Poissons, Paris, 1584. 12mo, avec figg. Paris, 1619. 12mo, imprimée avec son Histoire des Plantes. FRANCESCO IMPERATO. (126) Dell’ Historia Naturale di Ferrante Imperato Napolitano Lil.28. Neap. 1599. fol. con figg. in ligno. ij ULYSSES ALDROVANDUS. (127) Tomus tertius de Mollibus crustaceis, testaceis, et zoophytis. Bononiz. 1606. fol. cum figg. ligna incisis. FABIUS Systematical Arrangement of Testaceological Writers. 217 FABIUS COLUMNA. (127) Aquatilium et Terrestrium aliquot Animalium aliarumque Naturalium rerum Olser- vationes. Rome 1616. 4to. cum. fige. eri incisis, cum notis D. Mason, M.D. Kiliz. 1675. 4to. cum figg. ligno incisis. , JOANNES EUSEBIUS NIEREMBERGIUS. (128) Historia Nature. Antverp. 1635, fol. cum figg. ligno incisis, JOANNES JONSTON. (130) De exsanguibus aquaticis. Lil. 4. Amst. 1657. fol. cum tabb. eneis 20. FILIPPO BUONANNI. | (135) Ricreatione dell’ occhio e della mente nell’ Observation?’ delle Chiocciole. Rom. 1681- 4to. con figg, Recreatio mentis et ocult in Observatione Animalium Testaceorum. Rome, 1684. 4to. cum tabb. eneis pluribus quam in priore editione. Supplementum Recreationis, &c. in parte 2nda_ Observationum circa Viventia que in rebus non viventibus reperiuntur. Rom. 1691. 4to. cum tabb. ceneis 10. non antea in lucem editis. MARTIN LISTER. (Vide MONOGR.) Historia, sive Synopsis methodica Conchyliorum. Lond. 1685-1692. fol. Oxon. 1770. a GULIELMO HUDDESFORD. cum tabb. eneis. JOANNES CYPRIANUS,. (153) FRANZII Historia Animalium sacra. Cap. 8. Francof, et Lips. 1712. 4to. RICHARD BRADLEY. (156) Philosophical Account of the Works of Nature. London, 1721. 4to. with figures. ANT. JOS. DESALLIER D’ARGENVILLE. (165) L’ Histoire Naturelle ecluircie dans deux de ses principales parties, la Lithologie et la Conchyliologie. Paris, 1742. et 1757. 4to. 1780. 2 tomes, avec planches excellentes, par M.M. FAVANNE DE MONTCERVELLE. JOH. PHIL. BREYNIUS (Vide SYSTEMATICOS). De quibusdam Conchis minus notis in Mem. sopra la Fisica e Istoria Naturale. tom. 1. p-175. (Lucca. 1743.) FRED. CHRIST. LESSERS. (166) Testaceo-Theologia. Lips. 1748. et 1756. 8vyo. (Germanice) cum tabb. zneis. VOL, VII. 2F SIR ¥ 218 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Rackertr’s SIR JOHN HILL, KNT. (168) History of Animals. London, 1752. fol. with fige. NICHOLAS G. GEVE. (170) Monatliche lelustigungen im reiche der natur, au Conchylien und Seegewachsen (Germ. et Gall.) Hamb. 1755. 4to. mit 33 kupfern. P. S. PALLAS. (196) Miscellanea Zoologica. Wag. Com. 1766. 4to. cum tabb. eneis. Spicilegia Zoologica. Berol. 1767—1780. 4to. cum tabb. zneis nitidissimis. Marina varia, nova, et rariora in Nov. Act. Acad. Petrop. tom.2. p. 229. tab. 7. (1787.) F. H. W. MARTINI. (189) Neues Systematisches Conchylien Cabinet. Nurberg. Band. 1. 1769. 4to. mit 31 kupf. oO MODENA 2.1771. ..kupf. 32— 65. nviemoIatrencaos 3.1777. ..kupf. 66—121. J. HIERON. CHEMNITZ. (189) Neues Systematisches Conchylien Cabinet geordnet und beschrieben von F. H. W. MARTINI. Nurnberg. Band. 4. 1780. 4to. kupf. 122—15g9. oF HAASE Gat 5. F781. 2. vee ee 160—193. ASG HOO TEC’ Gio & 6.4782. dahl .36 ae chekatata clonsfetas WehTOAee cca eo i—— OO oA Tae BASSE Sok ie 8 TO—102. Yin Te eS g. 1. Abth. 1786. 103—116. ae aieieelsloe Pataca Q2...... 1788. 117—136. CAROLUS LINN-EUS. (Vide SYSTEMATICOS) In Mantissa Plantarum altera. Holm, 1771. 8vo. JOH. ANT. SCOPOLI. (198) Introductio ad Historiam Naturalem. Pragz 1777. 8vo. p. 386—400. EMANUEL MENDEZ DA COSTA. (200) Conchology, or Natural History of Shells. London, . fol. 12 plates. (English and French. Ss J. S. SCHROTER. (192) Einleitung in die Conchylienkenntniss nach Linné. Halle. Band. 1. 1783. 8vo. mit 3 kupfern. Bo bicot Sato 2.1784. .. kupf. 4—7. oi BEESON 3. "86 ,. kupf, s—g. ‘ J. G. BRUGUIERE. Systematical Arrangement of Vestaceological Writers. 219 J.G. BRUGUIERE. (206) Histoire Naturelle des Vers. tom. 1. dans !’Encyclopedie methodique (Paris, 1789- 1792.) Livraison 32. et 48. GEORGE SHAW. (207) Naturalist’s Miscellany. London, 1790. 8yo. with coloured plates. Td: MONOGRAPHI. (Purpura.) FABIUS COLUMNA. (1927) Purpura, @&c. Rom. 1616. 4to. cum tabb. zneis 7. WILLIAM COLE. (137) Observations on the Purple Fishin Phil. Trans. vol.15, p.1278-1236. with a plate (1685). Purpura Anglicana. London, 1689. 4to. LAURENCE NORMANN. (142) Dissert. Acad. de Purpura. Resp. El. Bask. Upsal. 1686. 8vo. cum figg. ligno incisis. HENRI LOUIS DU HAMEL. (162) Quelques experiences sur la liqueur colorante que fournit le Pourpre, &c. in Mem. de PAcad. Fran. 1736. p. 49—63. (Lepas anatifera.) SIR ROBERT MORAY. (134) Relation concerning Barnacles in Phil. Trans. vol. 12. p- 925—927. with a figure (1678). ERICUS A MOINICHEN. (146) Conche anatifere vindicate. Resp. Claudio Ursin. Haffn. 1697. 4to. cum plage. ¢. CORNELIUS STALPART VAN DER WIEL. (159) In ejus Observationilus rariorum Med. Anat. et Chirurg. Cent. post. p. 458—469. cum fig. eri incisa. (Lugd. Bat. 1727. 8vo.) DESLANDES. (161) Eclaireissemens sur les Oiseaux de Mer dans son “ Recueil de differens Traitez, de Physique et d’Histoire Naturelle.” tom. 1. p.197. (Paris, 1736. 3 tom. 12mo.) QF 2 JA. 920 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxertr’s JA. THEOD. KLEIN. (169) Von Schaalthieren, Conch anatifere, Entenmuscheln in Abhandl. der Naturf. Ge- sllesch. in Dantzig. 2 theil. p. 349—354. CLEMENS DE LA FAILLE. (188) Sur V Origine des Macreuses dans Jes Mem. Etrang. de ’Ac. Roy. des Sc. (1780.} tom. 9. p. 331—344. avec une fig. JEAN ETIENNE GUETTARD. (Vide SYSTEMATICOS) Sur les Conques anatiferes dans ses ‘* Memoires sur differentes Parties des Sc. et des Arts,” tom. 4. p. 238—303. (1783) MESAIZE. (206) Observations sur les Conques anatiferes dans le Magazin. Encyclop. 2. An. tom. 6. p- 158. (1797) (Testacea heterostropha.) MARTIN LISTER. (188) Observations concerning the odd turn of some Shell-snails, &c. in Phil. Trans vol. 4. p- 1011. (1669) (Argonauta Argo.) JOANNES MICH. FEHR. (142) De Carina Nautili elegantissima in Eph. Ac. Nat. Cur. Dec. 2. An. 4. p, 210. (1686) cum tab. en, GEORG. EVERARD RUMPHIUS. (Vide MUSZOGR.) De Nautilo remigante et velificante in Eph. Ac. Nat. Cur. Dec. 2. An. 7. p. 8. (1689) cum fig. (Testacea varia fluviatilia.) GUNTHER. CHRISTOPH. SCHELHAMMER. (Vide PHYSIOLOGOS) Conche Cochleeque recenter observate in Eph. Ac. Nat. Cur. Dec. 2. An. 6. p. 212 —216. (1688) cum figg. Alia Cochlearum genera itidem Mediterranea, aque dulcis incolis accensenda. ibid. p- 216. (Lepades varia.) SIR ROBERT SIBBALD, KNT. (Vide MUSZOGR.) Description of the Pediculus Ceti in Phil. Trans. vol. 25. p. 2314—2317. with a figure. JOHN ELLIS. (174) An Account of several rare Species of Barnacles in Phil. Trans, vol. 50. p. 845—855. (1758) with figures. DUFRESNE. Systematical Arrangement of Testaceological Writers. 221 DUFRESNE. (213) Notice sur les Balanus dans les Ann. du Mus. Nat. Cah. 6. p. 465. avec figg. (Cypree@ varia.) GEORGIUS EVERARD RUMPHIUS. (Vide MUSAZOGR.) Deovo marino, Porcellanis, seu Conchis venereis in Eph. Ac. Nat. Cur. Dec. 2. An. 5, p. 222. (1686) cum tab. en. FR. ERN. BRUCKMANN. (157) De Curiosissimis duabus Conchis marinis. Brunsy. 1722. 4to. cum tab. enea. (Venus Dione.) FR. ERN. BRUCKMANN. (157) Vide supra. (Chitones varit.) FRANCUS DE FRANKENAU. (157) Calva Serpentis diademata in Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. vol. 1. p. 63—64. (1722) tab. 1. fig. 1. 2. if ANTONIO VALLISNERI. (160) : Insetti marini analoghi alle Patelle o cimici degli Agrumi in “ Opere Fisico-mediche,” fom. 2. p. 95. LEFEBURE DES HAYES. (204) Notices sur le Beeuf marin, autrement nommé Bete a huit ecailles ow octovalve dans le Jour. de Phys. 1787. tom. 30. p. 209—214. avec figg. JOHANN. HIERON. CHEMNITZ (Vide HISTORICOS). Olservationes de Testacets multivalvibus nonnullis in Noy. Act. Nat. Cur. t. 8. Ap.35 —42, (1791) ( Teredines vari.) ANTONIO VALLISNERI. (160) Osservaxioni intorno alle Brume delle navi in “ Opere Fisico-mediche,” tom. 2. p. 53 —57. GODOFRED SELLIUS. (161) Historia Naturalis Teredinis seu Xylophagi marini. Trajecti ad Rhen. 1733. 4to. cum tabb. zneis 2. p. 353. ROUSSET. (161) Observations sur les Vers de mer, qui percent les vaisseaux, 2de. edit, Haye. 1733. 8vo. ayec 3 planches. DESLANDE ESL Ss. 922 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxert’s DESLANDES. (161) Sur les Vers qui rougent le Bots de Vaisseaux, dans son “ Recueil,” &c, tom. 1. p. 214. JOB BASTER. (Vide PHYSIOLOGOS) Dissertation on the Worms which destroy the Piles on the coast of Holland and Zea- and in Phil. Trans. vol. 41. p. 276—288. (1739) with figg. MICHEL ADANSON. (Vide TOPOGRAPHOS) Description a-une nouvelle espece de Ver qui rouge les Bois et les Vatsseaux observée en Senegal dans les Mem. de l’Acad. des Sc. 1759. p. 249—278. avec planches. (Mytilus lithophagus.) JAMES PARSONS. (168) Observations on certain Shell-fish lodged in a large Stone brought from Mahon Har- -Lour in Phil. Trans. vol. 45. p. 44—48. (1750) with figg. AUGUSTE DENIS FOUGEROUX DE BONDAROY. (188) Memoire sur le Coquillage appelé Datte en Provence dans les Mem. Etrang. de |’Ac. Roy. des Sc. tom. 5. p. 467—478. (1768) avec une planche excellente. DICQUEMARE., (201) Insectes marins destructeurs des Pierres dans le Journ. de Phys. tom. 18. p. 222. —224. tom. 20. p. 228—230. (Mytilus edulis.) MERCIER DU PATY. (168) Sur les Bouchots @ Moules dans \e Recueil de Acad. de Rochelle. 1752. p. 79. 95. avec 3 planches, (Pholas pusilla.) JAMES PARSONS. (168) Account of Pholas conoides in Phil, Trans. vol. 55. p. 1—6. (1766) with fig. (Serpula quedam.) JO. FRIDERIC HOFFMAN. (171) Dissertatiuncula de Cornu Ammonis nativo Littoris Bergensis in Norvegia in Act. Acad. Mogunt. tom. 1. p. 110—117. (1757). De Tubulis vermicularibus Cornua Ammonis referentilus in Act. Acad. Mogunt. tom. 2. . 16—20. (1761) (Helix Systematical Arrangement of Testaceological Writers. 223 (Heliw Auricularia.) JO. FRID. HOFFMAN. (171) De Concha spherica fluviatili, alata, ex badio et nigro colore variegata in Act. Acad. Mogunt, tom. 2. p. 1—15. (1761) (Helix decollata.) BRISSON. (184) Olservations sur une espece de Limagon terrestre dont le sommet de la Coquille se trouve cassé sans que V Animal en souffre dans les Mem. de I’Acad. des Sc. 1759. p. 99—114. avec figg. 13. (Patelle varie.) GEORGE FORBES. (184) A letter relating to the Patella, or Limpet Fish, found at Bermuda in Phil. Trans. vol. 50. p. 859—860. (1759) pl. 35. LE GENTIL. (205) Observations sur une espece de Varech, &c. et sur une petite Coquille qui se loge dans le tronc de cette Plante dans les Mem. de |’Acad. des Sc. 1788. p. 439—442. tab. 20. (Serpula filograna.) JOS. THEOPHILUS KOELREUTER. (186) Descriptio Tubipore maris alli indigene in Noy. Comment. Ac. Petrop. 1761. tom, 7. p. 374—376. tab. 16. (Sabella scabra.) JOS. THEOPHILUS KOELREUTER. (186) Dentalit Americani, ingentis magnitudinis descriptio in Noy. Comment. Ac. Petrop. 1766. tom, 12. p. 352—356. (Helix cornea.) MARTIN SLABBER. (195) Naturkundige Verlustigingen. (Haarl. 1778. 4to.) 13. (Anomie quedam.) DE JOUBERT. (195) Memoire sur une Coquille de Vespece des Poulettes pechée dans la Mediterranée dans les Mem, Etrang. de l’Ac. des Sc. (1774.) tom. 6. p. 77—80. et p. 883—91. avec fig. (Anomia. Dr. Maton’s and Mr. RacxeErtvt’s S es pa (Anomia Caput Serpentis.) THOMAS PENNANT. (197) Anomia. in Nov. Act. Soc. Upsal. vol. 1. p. 38—39. fig. 4. (1773) CAROLUS VON LINNE. (198) Anomia descripta in Nov. Act. Soc. Upsal. vol. 1. p. 39—43. tab. 5. fig. 3. (1773) (Anomia patelleformis.) CAROLUS VON LINNE. (198) In Nov. Act. Reg. Soc. Sc. Ups. vol. 1. p. 42. fig. 6.7. (Venus lithophaga.) AND. JOHAN. RETZIUS (Vide SYSTEMATICOS). Venus lithophaga descripta dans les Mem. de Acad. de Turin. vol. 3. Corresp. p. 11—14. cum fig. (Chiton spinosus.) J. G. BRUGUIERE. (206) ‘ Dans le * Journ. d’Hist. Nat.” tom. 1. p. 20. (Paris, 1792. 8vo.) pl. 2. fig. 1. 2. (Purpura tubifera.) J. G. BRUGUIERE. (206) Dans le “Journ. d’Hist. Nat.” tom. 1. p.20. (Paris, 1792. 8vo.) pl. 2. fig. 3. 4. (Unio granosa.) J. G. BRUGUIERE. (206) Dans le * Journ. d’Hist. Nat.” tom. 1. p. 103. (Paris, 1792. 8vo.) pl. 6. fig. 3.4. (Bulimus Sinamarinus.) J. G. BRUGUIERE. (206) Dans ie ‘ Journ. d’Hist. Nat.” tom. 1. p. 339. pl. 18. fig. 2. 3. (Tellina riwalis.) WILLIAM GEORGE MATON. (211) In Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. 3. p. 44.—45. tab. 13. fig. 37. 38. (1797) III. TOPOGRAPHI. Systematical Arrangement of Testaceological Writers. 225 19 iy TOPOGBRAB AI. (Dania.) STEPH. VON SCHONVELDE. (128) Ichthyologia. Hamb. 1624. 4to. JOH. LUD. HANNEMAN. (152) Diss. Acad. Ostrea Holsatica exhibens. Resp. H. Roslin. Kilon. 4to. 1708. cum fig. ten. OTHO FREDERIC MULLER. (193) Zoologia Danice Prodromus. Haynie, 1776. 8vo. Zoologia Danica, Hayn.et Lips. vol. 1. 1779. 8vo. vol. 2. 1784. 8vo.—Hayn. 1781. fol. cum tabb. eneis. (America australis.) DE ROCHFORT. (131) Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Isles Antilles. ch. 19. 2de edit. Rotterd. 1665. 4to. avec planches, JEAN BAPT. DU TERTRE. (131) Histoire Generale des Antilles habitées par les Frangois. tom.2. (Paris, 1667. 4to.) SIR HANS SLOANE, BART. (158) Voyage to the Islands Madeira, Barbadoes, Nevis, St. Christopher’s, and Jamaica, vol. 2. pl. 240-241. (London, 1725. fol.) GIOV. IGNAZIO MOLINA. (202) Saggio sulla Storia Naturale del Chili. Bologna, 1782. 8vo. (Insule Britannice.) CHRISTOPH. MERRETT. (131) Pinax Rerum Naturalium Britannicarum. London, 1667. 8vo: MARTIN LISTER. (Vide MONOGR.) Historia Animalium Anglie. Lond. 1678. 4to. cum tabb. zneis. Appendix Hist. Anim. Anglie. Ebor. 1681.4to.cum tabb. zneis. Lond. 1685. 8yo. SIR ROBERT SIBBALD, KNT. (Vide MUSEOGRAPHOS) Scotia illustrata. Edinb. 1684. fol. cum tabb. eeneis. VOL, VII, 26 Letter 296 Dr. Marton’s and Mr. Racxrtr’s Letter to Dr. M. Lister containing an Account of several Shells observed by him in Scotland, in Phil. Trans. vol. 19. p. 321. ROBERT PLOT. (149) Natural History of Staffordshire. Oxford, 1686. fol. Natural History of Oxfordshire, 2d edit. Oxford, 1705. fol. with figg. CHARLES LEIGH. (147) Natural History of Lancashire, Cheshire, and Derlyhire. Oxford, 1700. fol. JAMES WALLACE. (147) Account of the Islands of Orkney, 2d edit. London, 1700. 8yo. _ JOHN MORTON. (153) Natural History of Northamptonshire. London, 1712. fol. with plates. DALE. (159) History and Antiquities of Harwich ly SILAS TAYLOR, ad edit. Lond. 1732. 4to. CHARLES SMITH. (167) Antient and present State of the County and City of Waterford. Dublin, 1745. 8vo.; 1774. 8vo. with many additions. Antient and present State of the County of Cork. Dublin, 1750. 8vo. 2 vols. Antient and present State of the County of Kerry. Dublin, 1756. 8vo. WILLIAM BORLASE. (174) Natural History of Cornwall, Oxford, 1758. fol. with plates. JOHN WALLIS. (189) Natural History and Antiquities of Northumberland, vol. 1. p. 366. (Lond. 1769. fol.) JOHN. RUTTY.. (192) . ¢ Essay towards a Natural History of the County of Dublin. Dublin, 1772. 2 vols, 8yo- THOMAS PENNANT. (197) F British Zoology, vol. 4th. London, 1777. 8vo. with plates. oy EMANUEL MENDEZ DA COSTA. (200) / British Conchology. (Fr.and Eng.) London, 1778. 4to. with coloured plates. JOHN LIGHTFOOT. (203) An Account of some minute British Shells either not duly observed or totally unnoticed by Authors, in Phil. Trans. vol. 76. p. 160-170. (1786) with 3 good plates. WILLIAM BOYS anpj GEORGE WALKER. (Vide MICROGRAPHOS) CHARLES Systematical Arrangement of Testaceological Writers. 227 CHARLES CORDINER.. (205) Remarkable Ruins, €8c. in North Britain. London, 1788-1795. 4to. with coloured lates. are WILLIAM GEORGE MATON. (Vide MONOGRAPHOS) Observations relative chiefly to the Natural History, Sc. of the Western Counties of England. Salisbury, 1797. 8vo. 2 vols. JOHN ADAMS. (Vide MICROGRAPHOS) EDWARD DONOVAN. (212) Natural History of the British Shells. Lond. 1799. 8vo. 5 vols. with coloured plates. GEORGE MONTAGU. (213) Testacea Britannica, London, 1803. 4to. 2 vols. with 16 elegantly coloured plates. (America septentrionals.) JOHN BANISTER. (143) In Phil. Trans. vol. 17. p. 671-672. (1693) JAMES PETIVER. (Vide ICHNIOGR.) Account of Animals and Shells sent from Carolina, in Phil. Trans. vol. 24. p. 1951. (1705) Pterigraphia Americana in “ Gaxophylacio”’ suo. (Vide (CHNIOGR.) JOHN BARTRAM. (166) Olservations concerning the Salt-marsh Muscle, the Oyster-banks, and the Fresh-water Muscle of Pennsylvania, in Phil. Trans, vol. 43. p. 157-159. (1744) with figg. (Asia.) NICHOLAS WITSEN. (143) Description of certain Shells found in the East Indies, in Phil. Trans. vol. t7. p.870. (1693) with figures. JAMES CUNINGHAME. A Catalogue of Shells, &c. gathered at the Island Ascension, in Phil. Trans. vol. 21. p. 295-298. (1699) JAMES PETIVER. (Vide [CHNIOGR.) Description of some Shells found on the Molucca Islands, in Phil. Trans. vol. 22. p.923- 933. (1701) 2G 2 Shells 228 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxett’s Shells sent from Fort St. George, in Phil. Trans. vol. 23. p. 1266. (1706) An Account of Bivalves brought from the Coasts of India, in * Memoirs for the Cu- rious,” p. 223-225. (1708) Aquatilium Animalium Amboine Icones et Nomina. In Gazxophylacio” suo. (Vide ICHNIOGR.) GEORG. EVERARD RUMPHIUS. (Vide MUSZZOGR.) GEORGE JOSEPH KAMEL. (152) De Conchis Turbinibus bivalvibus et univalvibus Philippensibus, in Phil. Trans. vol. 25. p- 2396. (1707) FRANCOIS VALENTYN. (157) Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indien. Dordrecht & Amst. 1724-1727. tom. 8. fol. cum tabb. zeneis opt. Verhandeling der Zee-horenkens en Zee-gewassen in en omtrent Amboina en de naly- gelegene Eilanden. Amst. 1754. fol. cum iisdem tabb. PETER FORSKAHL. (195) Descriptiones Animalium que in Itinere Orientali observavit P. F., edit. a C. NIE- BUHR. Havnie, 1775. 4to. (Gallia.) JACOBUS BARRELIER. (154) Specimen Insectorum quorundam Marinorum, in Libro de Plantis per Galliam, Hispa- niam et Italiam observatis. (4. de Jussieu) Paris, 1714. fol. avec planches. GEOFFROY. (188) Traité sommaire des Coquilles tant fluviatiles que terrestres qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris. Paris, 1767. 8vo. JEAN ETIENNE GUETTARD. (171) Sur le Sable Coquillier de Zallach dans ses “ Mem. sur differentes parties des Sc. et Arts,” tom. 2. p. 21-22.) (1770) ( Hispania.) JACOBUS BARRELIER. (Vide supra) JOH. PHIL. BREYNIUS. (Vide SYSTEMATICOS) Epistola varias Observationes continens in Itinere per Italiam suscepto, anno 1703. in Phil. Trans. yol, 27. p. 447-459. } (Italia.) Systematical Arrangement of Testaceological Writers. 229 (Italia.) BARRELIER. (Vide supra) JANUS PLANCUS. (162) De Conchis minus notis. Venet. 1739. et Rom. 1760. 4to. cum tabb. eneis. De quibusdam Conchis minus notis in Mem. sopra la Fisica. tom, 1. (Lucca, 1743.) IL CONTE GIUSEPPE GINANNI, (171) nel’ suoi Opere Postume. tom. 2. (Venezia. 1757. fol.) con tavy. 31. JOH. ANT. SCOPOLI. (Vide HISTORICOS) Delicie Faune et Flore Insubrice. Ticini. 1786; cum tabb. eneis. GIUSEPPE OLIVI. (208) Zoologia Adriatica. Bassano. 1792. 4to. cum tabb. zneis. (Africa.) MICHEL ADANSON. (172) Histoire Naturelle du Senegal, Paris, 1757. 4to. avec planches 19. (Suecia.) CAROLUS LINNAEUS. (198) Fauna Suecica. Lugd. Bat. 1746. 8vo. Holm. 1761. 8yo. Wistgota Resa. Stockholm, 1747. 8yo. (Germania.) J. S. SCHROTER. (191) Versuch einer systematischen Abhandlung iber die Erdkonchylien um Thangelstadt. Berlin, 1771. 4to. mit 2 kupfern. Die Geschichte der Flussconchylien mit verziiglicher Riicksicht auf diejenigen welche in den Thiiringischen wassern leben. Halle, 1779. mit 11 kupfern. Ueber den innern Bau des See und einiger auslindischen Erd- und Fluss-schnecken. Frankf. 1783. 4to. mit 5 kupfern. (Dalmatia.) ALBERTO FORTIS. (194) Viaggio in Dalmaxia. Venezia, 1774, 4to, con fige. (Groenlandia.) 230 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Racxetr’s (Groenlandia.) OTHO FABRICIUS. (196) Fauna Groenlandica. Uafn. et Lips. 1780. 8vo. MUSHOGRAPHI. (GENERALES.) SIR ROBERT SIBBALD, KNT. (Vide Museum Balfourianum.) EDM. FRANCOIS GERSAINT. (162) Catalogue raisonné de Coquilles, @c. Paris, 1736. 8vo. (Museum Calceolarium.) JOANNES BAPTISTA OLIVUS. (128) De reeonditis et precipuis Collectaneis in Mus. Calceolario asservatis. Venet. 1584. 4to. CHIOCCO. (128) Mus. Calceol. Verona, 1622. fol. cum figg. bonis. (Museum Beslerianum.) MICHAEL RUPERT BESLER. (129) Gaxophylacium Rerum Naturalium 1642. Lips. 1733. fol. cum tabb. encis. JOAN. HENR. LOCHNER. (155) Rariora Musei Besleriani. 1716. fol. cum tabb. zeneis optimis. (Museum Wormianum.) GEORGIUS SEGERUS. (130) Synopsis methodica Rariorum tum Naturalium tum Artificialium que in Museo D. Olai Wormii asservantur. Hafn. 1653. 4to. OLAUS WORMIUS. (129) Mus. Worm. cap. 6.7.8. (Lugd. Bat. 1655, fol, cum fig. una.) (Mus. Systematical Arrangement of Testaceological Writers. 23 (Museum Moscardianum.) CONTE LODOVICO MOSCARDO. (130) Note del Museo del conte L. M. Pad. 1656. fol. cum figg. eneis. Veron. 1672. fol. cum figg. seri et ligno incisis. (Museum Gottorpianum.) ADAM OLEARIUS. (131) Kunst-Gammer. Slesv. 1666. et 1674. 4to. cum tabb. zeneis nitidissimis. (Museum Cospianum.) LORENZO LEGATI. (134) Museo Cospiano. p. 92. Bologna, 1671. fol. cum figg. ligno incisis. (Museum Regalis Soc. Lond.) NEHEMIAH GREW. (135) Museum Regalis Societatis, or Catalogue and Description of the natural and artificial Rarities belonging to the Royal Society, and preserved in Gresham College. London, 1681. fol. with plates. (Museum S. Genev.) CLAUDE DU MOLINET. (143) Le Cabinet de la Bibliotheque de Ste. Genevieve. Paris, 1692. foi. cum tabb. zneis nitidissimis. (Museum Reg. Haffniense.) OLIGER JACOBAEUS. (144) Museum Regium. Haffn. 1696. fol. cum tabb. zneis. JOANNES LAUERENTZEN. (144) Auctarium Musei Regii. Haffn. 1699. fol. cum tabb. zneis. (Museum Balfourianum.) SIR ROBERT SIBBALD, KNT. (144) Auctarium Musei Balfouriani. Edinb. 1697. 8vo. (Museum M. B. Valentini.) MICH. BERN. VALENTINI. (155) Museum Musceorum (Germanice). Francof, ad Men. 1704. fol, 2 vol. cum fige. an. pessimis. Historia 932 Dr. Maron’s and Mr. Racketr’s Historia Simplicium reformata @ Joh. Conrad. Becher, Latia restituta. (Latine.) Offenb. 1732. fol. (Muscum Rumphianum.) . GEORG. EVERARD RUMPHIUS, (149) D’ Amboinsche Rariteithamer. Amstel. 1705, et 1741. fol. cum tabb. sneis 60. (Museum Lev. Vincent.) LEVIN VINCENT. (151) WVondertoonel der Nature. Amst. 1706. 4to. met platen. Description abregée, Fc. Amst. 1715. 4to. avec les mémes planches. (Museum Kircherianum.) FILIPPO BUONANNI. (Vide HISTORICOS) Musceeum Kircherianum. Rom. 1709. fol. cum tabb. eneis. (Museum Ruyschianum:) FRIDERICUS RUYSCH. (153) Thesaurus Animalium primus. (Latine et Belgice.) Amst. 1710, 4to. cum tabb. zneis. (Museum Richterianum.) JO. ERN. HEBENSTREIT. (159) Museum Richterianum. Lips. 1713. fol. (Museum Kundmannianun.) JOANNES CHRISTIANUS KUNDMANN. (158) Promptuarium Rerum Naturalium et Artificialium Vratislaviense. Vratislavize, 1726.4to. (Musewn Gualterianum.) Index Testarum Conchyliorum que adservantur in Museo NICOLAI GUALTIERI, Philosophi et Medici, Florentini, &c. Florentiz, 1742. fol. cum tabb. eeneis. (168) (Museum Ginannianum.) . IL CONTE FRANCESCO GINANNI. (Vide TOPOGRAPHOS) Produziont Naturali che se ritrovano nel Mus. Ginanniin Ravenna. Lucca, 1762. 4to. fige. OnInES (Mus, Systematical Arrangement of Testaceological Writers. 233 (Museum Tessinianum.) CAROLUS LINN/EUS. (Vide SYSTEMATICOS) atine et Suecice. Holm. 1753. fol. cum tabb. eneis. (Museum Adolphi Frid. Suecie Regis.) CAROLUS LINN/EUS. (Vide SYSTEMATICOS) Latine et Suecice. Holm. 1754. fol. cum tabb. eeneis. (Museum Sebe.) ALBERTUS SEBA. (173) Descriptio Thesauri Rerum Naturalium. tom. 3us. (Amst. 1758. fol.) cum tabb. en. splendidis. (Museum Ludovice Ulrice Suecie Regine.) CAROLUS LINNA®US. (Vide SYSTEMATICOS) Holm. 1764. 8vo. (Museum Davile.) ‘ DAVILA. (187) Catalogue Systématique et Raisonnée, tom. Imier. (1767, 8vo.) avec planches 22. en _taille douce. (Museum Cesareum.) IGNAZ EDLER VON BORN. (199) Index Rerum Naturalium Musei Cesarei Vindobonensis. Pars \ma. Testacea. (Latine et Germanice.) Vindobone, 1778. 8vo. Testacea Musei Cesarei Vindobonensis. Vindob. 1780. fol. cum tabb. eneis colo- ratis egregiis. (Museum Gronovianum.) LAUR. THEODORUS GRONOVIUS. (195) Zoophylacitum Gronovianum. Lugd. Bat. 1781. fol. cum tabb. zneis. (Museum Rudolstadtianum.) C. L. KAMMERER. (195) Die Conchylien in Cabinette der Herrn, Erb-Prinzen von Schwartzburg-Rudolstadt. Rudolst. 1786. 8vo. mit 12 kupfern. Nachtrag xu der Conchylien im Furstlichen Cabinette xu Rudolstadt. Lips. 1791.8vo. mit 4 kupfern. VOL. VII. ; 2H Vv. MICROGRAPHI. 234 Dr. Maron’s and Mr. Racxetr’s v. MICROGRAPHAL HENRY POWER. (130) Experimental Philosophy, Ols.1. (London, 1664, 4to.) TURBERVILLE NEEDHAM. (166) An Acount of some new Microscopical Discoveries. (London, 1745. 8vo.) plate 6th. JOH. FRID. HOFFMAN. (Vide MONOGR. de Nautilis) MARTIN FROBENE LEDERMULLER. (186) Amusement Microscopique. Tom. Imier. Nuremb. 1764. 4to. pl. 4.8.3 tom. 2de 1766. pl. 74. Peay | WILLIAM BOYS anp GEORGE WALKER. (204) Testacea minuta rariora nuperrime detecta in Arena Littoris Sandvicensts. Lond. 1784. 4to. cum tabb. eneis 3. AMBR. SOLDANI. (206) Testaceographia ac Zoophytographia purva et microscopica. Senis, vol. 1. 1789. vol, 2. 1795. 4to. cum tabb. eneis 148. JOHN ADAMS. (209) Description of minute Shells found on the Coast of Pembrokeshire, in Trans. Linn, Soc. vol. 3. p. 64-68. pl. 13. p. 259-254. vol. 5. pl. 1. p. 1-6. LEOPOLD A FICHTEL zr J. P. CARL. A MOLL. Testacea Microscopica aliaque minuta ex Generibus Argonauta et Nautilus ad Naturam picta et descripta. Wien, 1798. 4to. cum tabb. eneis 24 coloratis. (Latine et Germanice.) Soa ee ee Vik EAU MA POG fae ELT. JOANNES JONSTONUS. (130) Thaumatographia Naturalis. Amstel. 1632. et 1665. 16mo. A History of the wonderful Things of Nature. London, 1657. fol. JOH. CHRISTIANUS KUNDMANN. (158) De Conchis et Cochleis monstrosis pretiosisque in Act. Ac. Nat, Cur. vol.3.p. 317. (1733) VII. ANATOMICI. ' Systematical Arrangement of Testaccological Writers. 235 VIL. ANATOMICL (GENER ALES.) MICH. BERN. VALENTINI. (155) Amphitheatrum Zootomicum. _ Francof. 1720. fol. cum tabb. eeneis. (Helix lucorum.) JOAN. JAC. HARDERUS. (135) Examen anat. Cochle@ terrestris domiporte. Basil. 1679. 8vo. p. 73. cum tab. 1. Ant. Fel. Marsigli de Ovis Cochlearum, cum Joh. Jac. Harderi Epistolis aliquot de Partilus genitalibus Cochlearum. Aug. Vindel. 1684. 8vo. (Mytilus cygneus et anatinus.) ANTON. DE HEIDE. (137) Descriptio Anatomica Mytili in Act. Erud. Lips. 1684. p. 426. JEAN MERY. (153) Remarques faites sur la Moule des Etangs in Mem. de l’Acad. Frang. 1710. p. 408-426. JOSEPH GOTTLIEB KOELREUTER. (186) Olservationes Anatomico-Physiologice Mytili Cygnei. Linn. Ovaria concernentes in Noy. Ac. Sc. Imp. Petrop. tom. 6. p. 236-239. (1790) (Helices varie.) MARTIN LISTER. (Vide MONOGRAPHOS) Exercitatio Anatomica, in qua de Cochleis, maxime terrestribus, agitur. Lond. 1694, Svo. cum tabb. eneis 6. Exercit. Anat. altera, in qua agitur de Buccinis fluviatililus et marinis. Lond. 1695. o. cum tabb. eneis 6. ( Bivalvia.) MARTIN LISTER. Exercitatio Anatomica tertia. Lond. 1696. 4to. (tabb. en. 9.) cum 4zctarioend utrasque precedentes exercitationes anatomicas. on (Ostrea 230 Dr. Mavon’s and Mr. Racxertt’s (Ostrea maaina.) MARTIN LISTER. Anatomy of the Scallop in Phil. Trans. vol. 19. p. 567. (1697) cum tab. nea. Latine. (Buccinum ampullatum.) ROBERT WHYTT. (170) Description of the Matrix or Ovary of the B. ampullatum in Edinb. Phys. and Lit. Essays, vol. 2. p. 8. (1756) with figg. (Turbo Nautileus.) JOANNES HOFER. (186) Olservatio Zoologica in Act. Helvet. vol. 4. p. 212-213. tab. 9. f. 21-22. (1760) (Patella vulgata.) GEORGE CUVIER. (208) Anatomie de la Patelle commune dans le Journ. d’Hist. Nat.*tom. 2. p. 81-95. avec une planche. (1792.) % (Bulla lignaria.) GEORGE HUMPHREYS. (202) Account of the Gizzard of the Shell called by Linneus Bulla lignaria, in Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. 2. p. 15-18. pl. 2. (1794) (Patella Unguis.) GEORGE CUVIER. (209) Dans les Ann. du Mus. Nat. cah. 1. p. 69. pl. 17. (Bulla aperta.) GEORGE CUVIER. (209) Dans les Ann. du Mus. Nat. cah. 1. p. 69. VIII. PHYSIOLOGI. Systematical Arrangenent of Testaceological Writers. — 237 VII. . Pe ¥. Se OU OG, T. NICOLAUS STENO. (132) De Solicio intra Solidum naturaliter contento Dissertationis Prodromus. Flor. 1669. 4to. ROBERT BOYLE. (132) Of some Phenomena afforded by Shell-fishes, in Phil. Trans. vol. 5. p. 2023. (1670) THOMAS WILLIS. (133) Exercitationes duce de Anima Brutorum. (London, 1672. 8vo.) tab. 2nda. ANTONIO FELICE MARSIGLI. (137) Relaxione del Ritrovamento dell’ Uova di Chiocciole. Bologna, 1683. et Roma, 1695. 12mo. cum tab. 1. znea. IL CONTI GODEFRIDO FULBERTI. (137) Riflessioni sopra il medesimo Soggetto. Roma, 1683. Bologna, 1695. 12mo. PAOLO BOCCONE. (137) Olservaxiont Naturali. Bologna, 1684. 12mo. JACOBUS BRACHIUS. (143) De Ovis Ostreorum, in Eph. Ac. Nat. Cur. dec. 2, an. 8. p. 506. (1690) GUNTHER. CHRISTOPH. SCHELHAMMER. (142) Animal in Cochlea minuta depressa degens, in Eph. Ac. Nat. Cur. dec. 2. an. 9. p. 245-246. (1691) 1 ANTONIUS A LEEUWENHOEK. (146) De Ovis et Ovariis Testaceorum, in Phil. Trans. vol. 17. (1694) p. 593-594.; vol. 19. (1698) p. 790-793.; vol. 27. (1712) p. 529-534. FRANCOIS POUPART. | (151) Sur la Progression du Limagon aquatique dont la Coquille est tournée en spirale coni- que, dans la Journ. des Scayans 22 Mars, 1694. Remarques sur les Coquillages a deux Coquilles, et premierement-sur les Moules, dans les Mem. de l’Acad. Roy. des Sc. 1706. p. 52-61. avec fige. RENE ANTOINE FE. DE-REAUMUR. }):(152)o° 5 De la Formation et de V Accroissement des Coquilles des Animaux tant terrestres qu. aquatiques, soit de Mer soit de Riviere, dans les Mem. del’Acad. 1709. p. 364-400. avee 2 planches.: Du 938 Dr. Mavon’s and Mr. Racxett’s Du Mouvement progressif et de quelques autres Mouvemens de diverses Especes de Co- quillages, &c. Ibid. 1710. p. 439-490. avec 4 planches. Des differentes Manieres ‘dont plusieurs Especes d’ Animaux de Mer s’attachent au Salle, aux Pierres, et les uns aux autres. Ibid. 1711. p. 109-136. avec 2 planches. Observations sur le Mouvement progressif de quelques Coquilles de Mer, &c. Ibid. 1712. p. 115-147. avec fige. Eclaircissemens de quelques Difficultés sur la Formation et ? Accroissement des Coquilles. Ibid. 1716. p. 303-311. Observations sur le Coquillage appelé Pinne Marine. Ibid. 1717. p. 177-194. avec 2 planches. JOHN SWAMMERDAM. (162) Biblia Nature. Belgice, cum Versione Latina. Lugd. Bat.1737. fol. vol. 2. cum tabb. senels. The Book of Nature. London, 1758. fol. with plates, by JOHN HILL, M.D. JA. THEOD. KLEIN. (169) Lucubratiuncula de Formatione, Cremento, et Colorilus Testarum in Tent. Methodi Ostracologice. (Vide SYSTEMATICOS) JOB. BASTER. (182) Opuscula Subseciva. Haarl. Lib. 1. 1759. allay a si5 a) 9. 00 bm 1. Ay owe Sine Ore 3. 1761. Sa el elie) ayetiot 1.1762. tom. 2. ahora daeley eyelets 2.1765. 4to. cum tabb. eneis. P, J. SCHLOTTERBECCIUS. (185) Olservationes de Cochlea quadam ad Turbines referenda, in Act. Helvet. vol. 4. p- 46-49. tab. 5. f. 4. (1760) Olservatio Physica de Cochleis quibusdam, @&c. in Act. Hely. vol. 5. p. 275-288. tab. 3 A. 3 B. (1762) FRANCOIS DAVID HERISSANT. (187) Eclaircissemens sur UV Organisation jusqu’ici inconnue d’une Quantité considérable de Productions Animales, principalement de Coquilles des Animaux, dans les Mem. de |’ Acad. Roy. des Sc. 1766. p. 508-540.avec planches. COTTE. (189) Dans le Journ. des Scavans, 1770. et Journ. de Physique, tom. 3. p. 370. DAVID Systematical Arrangement of Testaceological Writers. 239 DAVID MACBRIDE. (197) On the Reviviscence of some Snails kept 15 Years, in Phil. Trans. vol. 64. p. 432-437. (1774) CHARLES BONNET. (197) Exp. sur la Regeneration de la Téte du Limagon terrestre, dans le Journ. de Phy- sique, tom. 10. p. 165-179. (1775) J. AND. MURRAY. (197) De Redintegratione Partium Cochleis Limacibusque precisarum. Gotting. 1776. 4to. pp- 19. necnon in suis Opusculis, vol. 1. p. 315-342. OTHO FREDERIC MULLER. (197) Sur le méme sujet, dans le Journ. de Physique, (1777) tom. 12. p. 111, MASSON LE GOLFT. (201) Observations sur les Moules, dans le Journ. de Phys. (1779) tom. 14. p. 485-486, DICQUEMARE. (201) Sur la Faculté locomotive des Huitres. Ibid. tom. 28. p. 241-244. LAZARO SPALLANZANI. (202) Risultati di Esperienze sopra la Reproduxione della Testa nelle Lumache Terrestri, in Mem. della Soc. Ital. (1782) tom. 1. p. 581-612. (1784) tom. 2. p. 506-602. con figg. GIUSEPPE BONVICINI. (206) Lettera al Sign. Prof. Girardi, in Mem. della Soc. Ital. tom. 7. p. 291-299. (1794) J. G. BRUGUIERE. (Vide SYSTEMATICOS) Sur la Formation de la Coquille des Porcellaines, et sur la Faculté qu’ont leurs Ani- maux de s’en détacher, et de les quitter a des différentes Epoques, dans le Journ. d’Hist. Nat. tom. 1. p. 307. & 321. VAUQUELIN. (208) Observations Chimiques et Physiques sur la Respiration des Insectes et des Vers, dans les Ann. de Chim. tom. 12. p. 273-291. (1792) M. DE RIBAUCOURT. (208) Sur la Generation des Buccins'd’ Eau douce, dans le Journ. d’Hist. Nat. tom. 1. p. 428. CHARLES HATCHET: :-(242)q .0v71 Experiments on Shell and Bone, in Phil. Trans.\1799. er IX. SYSTEMATICI. QAO Dir. Maron’s and Mr. Racxert’s re SYSTEMATICI. MARTIN LISTER. (Vide MONOGRAPH.) Extract of a Letter concerning the First Part of his Tables of Snails, in Phil. Trans. vol. 9. p. 96-99. (1673) CAR. NIC. LANGIUS. (186) Methodus nova Testacea Marina in suas Classes, Genera, et Species distriluendi. Lucern. i72/. 4to. pp. 102. JOAN. ERN. HEBENSTREIT. (159) Dissertatio de Ordinibus Conchyliorum methodica Ratione instituendis. Resp. JOAN. GEZAUR. Lips. 1728. 4to. pp. 28. JA. THEODORE KLEIN. (169) Descriptiones Tubulorum marinorum. Gedani, 1731. 4to. cum tabb. zneis. Tentamen Methodi Ostracologice. Lugd. Bat. 1753. 4to. cum tabb. zneis 12. preter appendices, JOH. PHIL. BREYNIUS. (160) Dissertatio Physica de Polythalamiis. Gedan. 1732. 4to. pp. 64. cum tabb. zeneis. CHRISTIAN GAB. FISCHER. (161) Specialis Tabula Synoptica sistens Cochlides et Conchas, in Kleinii “ Disp. Echinoder- matum,” p. 73-75. (Gedani, 1734. 4to.) et in eodem Opere edito a N. G. Leske, p- G0-62. (Lips. 1778. 4to.) ; ANT. JOS. DESALLIER D’ARGENVILLE. Dans sa Conchyliologie. (Vide HISTORICOS) JOSEPHUS PITTON TOURNEFORT. (163) Introductio ad Historiam Testaceorum, in Ind. Test. Nic. Gualtieri. (Vide MU- S EOGRAPHOS) JO. HEN. COHAUSEN. (170) Conspectus Sciographicus Testaceorum, in Dissert. Epistolicarum. tom. 3. (Francof. 1754. 8yo.) p. 296-346. JEAN ETIENNE GUETTARD. (170) Olservations qui peuvent servir a former quelques Characteres de Coquillages, dans les Mem. de |’Acad. 1756. p. 145-183. Sur le Rapport qwil y a entre les Coraux et les Tuyaux marins, et entre ceux-ci et les Coquilles. bid. 1760. p. 114-146. avec planches. Sur les Tuyaux marins, dans ses Mem, sur différentes Parties d’Hist. Nat. tom. 3. p- 18-208. (1770) MICHEL Historical Account of Testaceological Writers. 241 MICHEL ADANSON. (172) Dans son Histoire Naturelle du Senegal. (Vide TOPOGRAPHOS) CAROLUS LINNEUS. (175) Systema Nature. Ed. 1ma Lugd. Bat. 1735. fol. max. Ed. 10ma (Holm. 1751. 8vo.) tom. 1. pars 2. Ed. 12ma (Holm. 8vo.) tom. 1. pars 2. (1767) Ed. 13maa JO. FRID. GMELIN. (Lips. 1788. 8vo.) tom. 1. pars 6. System of Nature by WILLIAM TURTON, M. D. Part 1. 1802. 8vo. Fundamenta Testaceologie. Resp. ADOLPH. MURRAY. Upsal. 1771. 4to. pp. 43. cum tabb. zneis 2. et in Amen. Acad. vol. 8. p. 107-150. CAR. AUG. DE BERGEN. (185) Classes Conchyliorum. Nuremb. 1760. 4to. pp. 132. necnon in Noy. Act. Ac. Nat. Cur. tom. 2. App. 1-132. FRIED. HENR. WILHELM MARTINI. (Vide HISTORICOS) MARTIN THRANE BRUNNICH. (193) Fundamenta Zoologica. Hafn. et Lips. 1772. 8yo. pp. 253. OTHO FREDERIC MULLER. (193) Vermium Terrestrium et Fluviatilium Historia. Hayniz, tom. 1. 1773. tom. 2.1774. 4to. EMANUEL MENDEZ DA COSTA. (200) Elements of Conchology. London, 1776. 8vo. with 7 plates. M. AND. RETZIUS. (205) Nova Testaceorum Genera. Resp. LAUR. MUNTER PHILIPSSON. Lund. 1788. Ato. pp. 23. JEAN GUILLAUME BRUGUIERE. (206) Dans 1 Encyclopédie Méthodique. (Vide HISTORICOS) JEAN BAPT. LAMARCK. (211) Observations sur les Coquilles, dans le Journ. d’Hist. Nat. tom. 2. P- 269-280. (1792) Prodrome d’une nouvelle Classification des Coquilles, dans les Mem. de Ja Soc. d’Hist. Nat. de Paris. (An. 7.) p. 63-91. WIILLIAM WOOD. (213) Observations on the Hinges of British Bivalve Shells, in Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. 6. p. 154. t. 14. 15.16, 17. 18. (1802) VOL. VI. a1 X. NOMEN- 242 Dr. Maton’s and Mr. Rackerr’s X. NOMENCLATORES. WALTER CHARLTON. (131) Onomasticon Zoicum. Lond. 1668. 4to. DANIEL MAJOR. (132) Dictionarium Ostracologicum. (Vide SYSTEMATICOS) CONRAD GESNER. (Vide HISTORICOS) Nomenclator Aquatilium Animantium. Tiguri, 1560. fol. a XI. COMMENTATORES (IN DIOSCORIDEM.) PETRUS MATHIOLUS. (124) Commentaria in vi Libros Dioscoridis. Venet. 1554. fol. Latine. cum figg. eAab ola USGS. s LEAUCes | Vane steteielele Salam. 566... 0. Flspanice. ... 2's 1 Tbe byes OPPs aes che Gallice. (Des Moulins) Francof. 1598. .... Latine. (C. Bauhin) Lugd. 1620. ....Gallice. (Pinet) Venets | 16215 «0.5: ULALUTIE paihey etetehe eke (IN PLINIUM.) FRANCISCUS MASSARIUS. (122) Castigationes et Annotationes in 9 Lilrum Plinii de Nat. Hist. Basil. 1537. 4to. CHRISTIAN. GAB. FISCHER. (122) In Act. Eruditorum. Lips. 1733. p. 487. L. T. GRONOVIUS. (122) JACOBUS THEODORUS KLEIN. (Vide SYSTEMATICOS) Commentariolum in Locum Plinii Hist, Nat. (lib. 9. ¢. 33.) de Concharum Differentiis, in Tent. Meth. Ostracologice. XII. ICH- Systematical Arrangement of Testaceological Writers. 243 XII. ICHNIOGRAP HI. CONRAD GESNER. (Vide HISTORICOS) Icones Animalium Aquatilium. Tiguri, fol. 1560. — BASIL BESLER. (127) Fasciculus rariorum et Aspectu digniorum varii Generis que collegit et suis Impensis Eri ad vivum incidi curavit. 1616. fol. JAMES PETIVER. (147) Gaxophylacium Nature et Artis. Lond. 1702—1711. fol. Opera Hist. Nat. spectantia. Lond. 1764. fol. 2 vol. GEORGE EVERARD RUMPHIUS. (Vide MUSAZO0GRAPHOS) Thesaurus Imaginum Piscium Testaceorum, quibus accedunt Conchylia, denique Mine- ralia.. Lugd. Bat. 1705. et Hag. Comitum, 1739. fol. cum tabb, eneis 60. CHRISTOPHER GOTTWALD. (154) Museum Gottwaldianum. Gedan. 1714. fol. cum tabb. zneis nitidissimis. Musei Gottwaldiani Testaceorum, Stellarum Marinarum, et Coralliorum que super- sunt Tabule. Nurenb. 1782. fol. cum tabb. zn, 49. editisa JOH. SAM, SCHRO- TER. (193) HEN. JOH. BYTEMEISTER. (161) Bibliothece Appendix. Ed. eda. Jul. 1735. 4to. cum tabb. zneis. GEORGE EDWARDS. (174) Gleanings of Natural History. (English and French) London, Part 1. 1758. Past 2. 1760. 4to. FRANCOIS MICHAEL REGENFUS. (182) Choix de Coquillages et de Crustacés. Copenh. 1758. fol. GEORG. WOLFFGANG KNORR. (184) Les Délices des Yeux et de Esprit, ow Collection générale des différentes Espéces de Coquillages que la Mer renferme. Nuremb. tom. 1. 1760. tom. 2. 1773. 4to. avec planches colorées. Delicie Nature selecte. Nuremb. 1766. fol. tom. 1mus, cum tabb. eneis 7. coloratis. DUCHESNE. (188) Recueil des Coquilles fluviatiles et terrestres qui se trouvent aux Environs de Paris. 3 planches. fol. ai2 PETER 244 Dr.Maron’s and Mr. Racxert’s Systematical Arrangement. PETER FORSKAHL. (195) Tcones Rerum Naturalium quas in Itinere Orientali depingi curavit. Edite a C. NIE- BUHR. tab. 40ma. (Havnie, 1776. 4to.) OTHO FREDERIC MULLER. (Vide TOPOGRAPHOS) Animalium Danie et Norvegie rariorum ac minus notorum Icones. Haynie, 1777. fol. cum tabb. en. 40. THOMAS MARTIN. (203) Universal Conchologist. London, vol. 1. 1784. vol. 2. 1786. fol. with 160 most ele- gant plates. JEAN BAPTISTE LAMARCK. (207) Vers Testacés, dans le “ Tableau Encyclopédique et Méthodique.” (Paris, 1797-1798. 4to.) Livraison 62-64. Planches 390. Carded XIII. An ate Fe na ae nae a yp, Ly es UTION LIBRARIES 88