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Secretary of the Commonwealth, Division of Public Records





®l)c €ommotttucaltl) of ilta6sacl)U6ett0





Secretary of the Commonwealth, Division of Public Records






Publication of this Document

approved by the Supervisor of Administration.


J UN 251921



In colonial and provincial times in Massachusetts groups of indi- viduals within clearly defined areas, not strong enough to become a town, were often established by law as townships and districts, without certain town privileges, as the power of choosing Represent- atives, etc.

Chapter 3 of the Acts of 1775 (section 3), passed Aug. 23, 1775, declared "that every corporate body in this colony which in the act for the incorporation thereof is said and declared to be made a dis- trict, and has, by such act, granted to it, or is declared to be vested with, the rights, powers, priviledges or immunities of a town, with the exception above mentioned of chusing and sending a representative to the great and general court or assembly, shall henceforth be, and shall be holden, taken and intended to be, a town to all intents and purposes whatsoever." (Prov. Laws, Vol. V, p. 420.)

Since that time thexe. have been no districts or townships in the State. New towns set off from one or more towns are duly incorpo- rated by law and their bounds fixed. Towns and cities may, of course, establish certain lines within their own areas as town and city limits (using the words in contradistinction to "country" or "outskirts") for the regvilation of water, light or police service. These lines, how- ever, would not properly be considered the corporate bounds of the town.

"Towns . . . became in effect municipal or quasi corporations, without any formal act of incorporation." (122 Mass. p. 349.)

March 23, 1786. "The inhabitants of every town within this gov- ernment are hereby declaired to be a body politic and corporate." (Acts 1785, chap. 75.)

Nov. 4, 1835. " All places now incorporated as districts, except the district of Marshpee, in the county of Barnstable, shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties to which towns are entitled by the provisions of this chapter." (R. S. chap. 15, sect. 9.)

The asterisk (*) following a date signifies that it is Old Style.

Many of the doings of the court are given in different volumes of the early records under different dates, usually, however, in the same year. The earliest date is given in these tables. The dates that appear in the column headed "First mentioned in the records of the State," etc., are those under which the several names as there given first appear in the records of the Colonies, Province, or State, although settlements under the same or different names might have been ear- lier made.

Names of cities are printed in small capitals; of extinct cities, towns and districts, in italics.

Under the provisions of chapter 101, Resolves of the May session, 1794, it was provided that as an accurate map of the Commonwealth would tend to facilitate and promote such information and improve- ments as would be favorable to its growth and prosperity, the several towns and districts were required to cause to be taken accurate plans of their respective towns or districts, upon a scale of 200 rods to an inch, to be lodged in the Secretary's office.

These plans were duly filed, with the exception of Chelsea, and are to be found in the Secretary's office. Division of Archives, Town Plans 1794, volumes 1 to 16.

By chapter 24, Resolves of 1797, May session, these plans were used as a basis for maps of Massachusetts proper and the District of Maine, which were published and distributed in 1801.

By chapter 50, Resolves of 1829, March 1, 1830, it was required that the city of Boston and the several towns and districts in the Com- monwealth cause to be made accurate plans of their respective towns or districts, upon a scale of 100 rods to an inch, upon a minute and accurate survey, to be lodged in the Secretary's office.

These in turn were filed, with the exception of Carver, Chelsea, Littleton, Nantucket, New Bedford and Plympton, and are to be found in the Secretary's office. Division of Archives, Town Plans 1830, vol- umes 1 to 15.

The tables that follow were prepared in their present form by the late llobert T. Swan, Esq., Commissioner of Public Records, and were continued by his successor, the late Henry E. Woods, Esq.


BARNSTABLE COUNTY. Incorporated June 2, 1685.

Cities and Tovv-ns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Estabhshed

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.


Mar. 5 * 1638

Bourne, Brewster, ,


Dennis, Eastham,

April 2, 1884 Feb. 19, 1803

June 11,*1712

June 19, 1793 June 7,* 1651

Common land. June 17,* 1641 bounds be- tween Barnstable and Yarmouth estab- lished. Mar. 2,* 1652 bounds between Barnstable and Sandwich to be estab- lished. Mar. 11,* 1658 Barnstable and Yarmouth agreed upon bounds. June 3,* 1662 additional lands granted to Barnstable. June 10,* 1662 bounds be- tween Barnstable and Sandwich to be established. Oct. 29,* 1672 bounds be- tween Barnstable and Sandmch estab- lished. Jan. 22, 1795 bounds between Barnstable and the District of Mashpee estabhshed. Mar. 28, 1894 bounds be- tween Barnstable and Mashpee estab- lished. April 24, 1916 bounds between Barnstable and Mashpee established and part of Sandwich annexed.

Part of Sandwich. April 14, 1897 bounds between Bourne and Wareham estab- lished.

Part of Harwich. June 21, 1811 part of Harwich annexed. April 25, 1848 part annexed to Harwich. Feb. 20, 1861 bounds between Brewster and Orleans established.

District of Manamoit. April 14, 1862 bounds between Chatham and Orleans and Chatham and Harwich established.

Part of Yarmouth.

Name changed from Nawsett. Mar. 5,* 1678 Eastham and purchasers on both sides to settle the bounds. June 16, 176.3 part established as the district of Well- fleet. July 14, 1772 part of Harwich an- nexed. Mar. 3, 1797 part of Eastham established as Orleans. Mar. 9, 1839 part annexed to Orleans. April 26, 1847 part annexed to Wellfleet. Mar. 23, 1867 bounds between Eastham and Orleans established and part of each town annexed to the other town. May 6, 1887 bounds between tidewaters of Eastham and Well- fleet estabhshed.


Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in. Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.


Sept. 14,* 1694


Sept. 14,* 1694

Marshpee, District of,

Mashpee, District of,

Mar. 31, 1834

June 14, 1763


May 28, 1870

Name changed from Suckanessct though not recorded. Nov. 28, 1735 bounds be- tween Falmouth and lands of the pro- prietors of Mashpee con6rmed. Mar. 17, 1841 a tract of land formerly in the plan- tation of Marshpee annexed. Mar. 19, 1880 bounds between Falmouth and Sand- wich established. June 18, 1885 bounds between Falmouth and Mashpee estab- lished.

Tract of land known as Satuckett. July 14, 1772 part annexed to Eastham. Feb. 19, 1803 part established as Brewster. June 21, 1811 part annexed to Brewster. April 25, 1848 part of Brewster annexed. April 4, 1862 bounds between Harwich and Orleans established. April 14, 1862 bounds between Harwich and Chatham established.

Plantation of Marshpee. Mar. 17, 1841 a tract oP land formerly in the plantation of Marshpee annexed to Falmouth. April 1,

1859 part annexed to Sandwich. Mar. 13,

1860 part annexed to Sandwich. May 28, 1870 district of Marshpee abolished and the town of Mashpee established.

Common land called Mashpee. Act of June 14, 1763 revived, to be in force until July 1, 1770. Nov. 15, 1770 the act again re- vived, to be in force until the end of the session of the General Court next after Nov. 1, 1775. Feb. 9, 1776 the act to con- tinue in force until the end of the session next after Nov. 1, 1779. Nov. 25, 1779 the act again continued until Nov. 1, 1785. Jtinc 13, 1788 the above act repealed and three "Guardians to the Proprietors" ap- pointed, the act now passed to be in force for ten years. Jan. 22, 1795 bounds be- tween the district of Mashpee and Barn- stable established. Mar. 7, 1797 the act of June 13, 1788 made perpetual until re- pealed by the legislature. Feb. 26, 1811 part of the "plantation of Marshpee" [sic] annexed to Sandwich.

District of Marshpee. Mar. 19, 1872 part of Sandwich re-annexed. June 18, 1885 bounds between Mashpee and Falmouth established. May 27, 18S7 bounds be- tween Mashpee and Sandwich established and part of Sandwich annexed. Mar. 28, 1894 bounds between Mashpee and Barn- stable established. April 20, 1905 bounds between Mashpee and Sandwich estab- lished and part of Sandwich annexed. April 24, 1916 bounds between Mashpee and Barnstable established.


Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.



-, 1643

Mar. 3, 1797



June 14,* 1727

Mar. 6,* 1638


June 7* 1670

Common land. Mar. 3,* 1645 certain com- mon lands "Lying between sea and sea" granted to those who go to dwell at "Nos- sett." June 2,* 1646 established as a township. June 7* 1651 name changed to Eastham.

Part of Eastham. Mar. 9, 1839 part of East- ham annexed. Feb. 20, 1861 bounds be- tween Orleans and Brewster established. April 4, 1862 bounds between Orleans and Harwich estabUshed. April 14, 1862 bounds between Orleans and Chatham established. Mar. 23, 1867 bounds be- tween Orleans and Eastham established and part of each town annexed to the other town.

Precinct of Cape Cod. June 12, 1813 part of Truro annexed and bounds between the towns established. Mar. 2, 1829 part of Truro annexed and bounds again estab- lished. Mar. 30, 1836 part of Truro an- nexed.

Common land called "Sanditch." Mar. 2* 1652 bounds between Sandwich and Barn- stable to be established. June 10,* 1662 bounds between Sandwich and Barnstable to be established. June 7,* 1670 the bounds established Jan. 19,* 1663 ordered to be entered on the records of the court. Oct. 29,* 1672 bounds between Sandwich and Barnstable estabHshed. July 7,* 1681 bounds between Sandwich and Suckanes- set established. Oct. 28,* 1684 bounds established. Nov. 28, 1735 bounds be- tween Sandwich and lands of the pro- prietors of Mashpee confirmed. Feb. 26, 1811 part of the " plantation of Marshpee " [sic] annexed. April 1, 1859 part of the district of Marshpee annexed. Mar. 13, 1860 part of the district of Marshpee an- nexed. Mar. 19, 1872 part re-annexed to Mashpee. Mar. 19, 1880 bounds between Sandwich and Falmouth established. April 2, 1884 part established as Bourne. May 27, 1887 bounds between Sandwich and Mashpee established and part an- nexed to Mashpee. April 20, 1905 bounds between Sandwich and Mashpee estab- lished and part annexed to Mashpee. April 24, 1916 part annexed to Barn- stable.

Bounds mentioned. July 7,* 1681 bounds between Suckanesset and Sandwich es- tablished. June 4,* 1686 made a township with privileges of a town. Name changed to Falmouth though not recorded.


Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.


July 16,* 1709


June 16, 1763


Jan. 7,* 1639

Common land called Pawmett. Oct. 21,* 1714 l)Ounds between Truro and the Prov- ince Land.s established. June 12, 1813 part annexed to Pro\ancetown and bounds between the towns established. Mar. 2, 1829 part annexed to Pro\'incetown and bounds again established. Mar. 30, 1836 part annexed to Provincetown. Feb. 22, 1837 bounds between Truro and Wellfleet established.

Part of Eastham estabUshed as the district of Wellfleet. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. Feb. 22, 1837 bounds betw-een Wellfleet and Truro established. April 26, 1847 part of East- ham annexed. May 6, 1887 bounds be- tween the tidewaters of Wellfleet and Eastham established.

Common land called Mattacheeset. June 17,* 1641 bounds between Yarmouth and Barnstable established. Mar. 11,* 1658 Yarmouth and Barnstable agreed upon bounds. June 19, 1793 part of Yarmouth established as Dennis.

BERKSHIRE COUNTY. Incorporated April 21, 1761.




3ethlehem, District of.

Oct. 15, I77i

Feb. 16, 1773

June 21, 1765

June 24, 1789

The plantation called East Hoosuck. April 10, 1780 the plantation called New Provi- dence annexed. Mar. 14, 1793 part in- cluded in the new town of Cheshire. April 16, 1878 part estabUshed as North Adams.

Part of Great Barrington and certain com- mon lands established as the district of Alford. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town bj^ general act. Feb. 11, 1779 part of Great Barrington annexed. Feb. 6, 1790 bounds between Alford and Egre- mont estabhshed. Feb. IS, 1819 part of Great Barrington annexed. Mar. 17, 1847 part of West Stockbridge annexed.

The new plantation called Number Four. Mar. 12, 1783 part included in the new town of Middlefteld. Feb. 3, 1798 certain common lands lying between Becket, Blandford, Chester, and Loudon annexed. Mar. 1, 1810 part of Loudon annexed.

The North Eleven Thousand Acres. June 19, 1809 district of Bethlehem and the town of Loudon united as the town of Loudon. Mar. 1, 1810 act of June 19, 1809 took effect.


Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Boston Corner, District of,


Clarksburg, .





Great Barrington,

April 14, 1838

Mar. 14, 1793

Mar. 2, 1798

Mar. 20, 1784

Feb. 13, 1760


June 15, 1805

July 4, 1771

June 30, 1761

July 2, 1776

Common land. Mar. 12, 1847 bounds be- tween the district of Boston Corner and Mount Washington established. May 14, 1853 ceded to the State of New York.

Parts of Adams, Lanesborough, Windsor, and the district of New Ashford. Feb. 26, 1794 part re-annexed to Windsor. Feb. 6, 1798 part of the district of New Ashford annexed. May 28, 1912 bounds between Cheshire and New Ashford established.

Common land. May 2, 1848 part annexed to Florida. May 20, 1852 part of Florida annexed. April 10, 1913 bounds between Clarksburg and Florida established.

The new plantation of Ashuelot Equivalent. Feb. 28, 1795 part of Windsor annexed. Feb. 23, 1796 part of Windsor annexed. June 21, 1804 part included in the new town of Hinsdale.

Common land established as the district of Egremont. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. Feb. 6, 1790 bounds between Egremont and Alford estabhshed. Feb. 22, 1790 part of Shef- field annexed. June 17, 1817 bounds be- tween Egremont and Mount Washington established and part of each town annexed to the other town. Feb. 16, 1824 part of Sheffield annexed. June 4, 1869 bounds between Egremont and Sheffield estab- lished.

Barnardstone's Grant and part of Bullock's Grant. May 2, 1848 part of Clarksburg annexed. May 20, 1852 part annexed to Clarksburg. April 10, 1913 bounds be- tween Florida and Clarksburg estab- lished.

The new plantation called Number Four. Oct. 16, 1778 part of the plantation called Number Five annexed, and the tov.n of Gageborough, together with this annexed tract of land, to be a town by the name of Windsor.

Part of Sheffield. Feb. 16, 1773 part in- cluded in the new district of Alford. Feb. 16, 1773 lands adjoining annexed. Oct. 21, 1777 part included in the new town of Lee. Feb. 11, 1779 part annexed to Alford. Feb. 18, 1819 part annexed to Alford.

The plantation called Jerico. June 26, 1798 part annexed to the district of New Ash- ford. May 20, 1851 bounds between Han- cock and New Ashford established.



Cities and Towns.

Hinsdale, .






Mount Washington,

New Ashford,

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

June 21, 1804

June 21, 1765

Oct. 21, 1777

Feb. 26, 1767

Feb. 27, 1773

April 12, 1847

June 21, 1779

Feb. 26, 1781

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Parts of Partridgefield and Dalton. Feb. 28, 1912 bounds between Hinsdale and Peru established.

The plantation of New Framingham. Mar. 14, 1793 part included in the new town of Cheshire.

Parts of Great Barrington and Washington, the Glass Works Grant, and part of Wil- liams's Grant. Mar. 7, 1806 bounds be- tween Lee and Lenox established. Mar. 7, 1806 part of Washington annexed, and line between Lee and Washington estab- lished. Feb. 7, 1820 bounds between Lee and Lenox estabhshed.

Part of Richmont. Nov. 20, 1770 land ad- joining annexed. Apr. 25, 1772 certain estates set off from Lenox to Richmont. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. Jan. 31, 1795 part of Wash- ington annexed. Feb. 18, 1802 part of Washington annexed. Mar. 7, 1806 bounds between Lenox and Lee estab- lished. Feb. 7, 1820 bounds between Lenox and Lee estabhshed.

Common land called Tyringham Equiva- lent. June 19, 1809 Loudon and the dis- trict of Bethlehem united as the town of Loudon. Mar. 1, 1810 the act of June 19, 1809 took effect and part was annexed to Becket. June 13, 1810 name changed to Otis.

Part of Tyringham. May 24, 1851 part of New Marlborough annexed. April 24, 1875 part of Sandisfield annexed. ^lay 19, 1875 the act of April 24, 1875 accepted by the town. June 1, 1875 the act of April 24, 1875 took effect.

The plantation called Tauconnuck Moun- tain. June 17, 1817 bounds between Mount Washington and Egremont estab- lished and part of each town annexed to the other town. Mar. 12, 1847 bounds between Mount Washington and the district of Boston Corner established.

Land called New Ashford, Ijnng between Adams, Hancock, Lanesborough, and Williamstown, established as the district of New Ashford. Mar. 14, 1793 part of the district of New Ashford included in the new town of Cheshire. Feb. 6, 1798 part of the district of New Ashford annexed to Cheshire. June 26, 1798 part of Han- cock annexed to the district of New Ash-



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

New Ashford Con.

New Marlborough, .

North Ad.a.ms,



Peru, .


Richmond, Richmont,


Feb. 26, 1781

June 15, 1759

April 16, 1878

June 13, 1810

July 4, 1771

June 19, 1806

April 21, 1761

Mar. 3, 1785

June 21, 1765

Mar. 6, 1762

ford. Nov. 4, 1835 the district made a town by chapter 15 of the Revised Stat- utes. May 20, 1851 bounds between New Ashford and Hancock established. May 28, 1912 bounds between New Ashford and Cheshire established.

The plantation called New Marlborough established as the district of New Marl- borough. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. June 19, 1795 part of Sheffield annexed. Feb. 7, 1798 part of Sheffield annexed. Feb. 27, 1811 part of Tyringham annexed. Feb. 11, 1812 part annexed to Tyringham. May 24, 1851 part annexed to Monterey. April 19, 1871 part of Sheffield annexed and bounds es- tablished.

Part of Adams. Mar. 22, 1895 North Adams incorporated as a city. April 8, 1895 act of incorporation accepted by the town. April 25, 1900 bounds between North Adams and Williamstown established and part of Williamstown annexed.

Name changed from Loudon. April 9, 1838 part of the common lands called East Eleven Thousand Acres annexed.

The new plantation called Number Two. Mar. 12, 1783 part included in the new town of Middlefield. June 21, 1804 part included in the new town of Hinsdale. June 19, 1806 name changed to Peru.

Name changed from Partridgefield. Feb. 28, 1912 bounds between Peru and Hins- dale estabhshed.

The plantation called Pontoosuck. June 5, 1889 Pittsfield incorporated as a city. Feb. 11, 1890 act of incorporation ac- cepted by the town.

Name changed from Richmont. Mar. 27, 1834 bounds between Richmond and West Stockbridge established.

The new plantation called Yokum Town and Mount Ephraim. Feb. 26, 1767 part established as the district of Lenox. April 24, 1772 certain estates set off from Lenox to Richmont. Mar. 3, 1785 name changed to Richmond.

The new plantation called Number Three. Feb. 10, 1819 the district of Southfield and the town of Sandisfield united as the town of Sandisfield. April 9, 1838 part of



Cities and Towns.

Sandisfield Con.

Savoy, Sheffield,

■Soutkfield , District of,


Tyringham, .


West Stockbridge,

First mentioned in IJccords of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

Mar. 6, 1762

Feb. 20, 1797 June 22,* 1733

June 19, 1797

June 22,* 1739

Mar. 6, 1762

April 12, 1777.

Mar. 9, 1774

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

the common lands called East Eleven Thousand Acres annexed. May 4, 1853 bounds between Sandisfield and Tolland established. May 15, 1855 bounds be- tween Sandisfield and Tolland established. April 24, 1875 part annexed to Monterey. May 19, 1875 act of April 24, 1875 ac- cepted bv Monterey. June 1, 1875 act of April 24,"^ 1875 took effect.

Common land.

Part of the lower plantation called Hous- satannick. June 19, 1753 common land lying west annexed. Jan. 21, 1760 certain estates annexed to the upper parish. June 30, 1761 part established as Great Barrington. Feb. 22, 1790 part annexed to Egremont. June 19, 1795 part annexed to New Marlborough. Feb. 7, 1798 part annexed to New Marlborough. Feb. 16, 1824 part annexed to Egremont. June 4, 1869 bounds between Sheffield and Egre- mont established. April 19, 1871 part annexed to New Marlborough and bounds established.

The South Eleven Thousand Acres. Feb. 8, 1819 district of Southfield and town of Sandisfield united as the town of Sandis- field.

The plantation called the Indian Town. Mar. 0, 1774 part established as the dis- trict of West Stockbridge. June 17, 1774 bounds between Stockbridge and West Stockbridge established. Mar. 2, 1829 part annexed to West Stockbridge. Feb. 6, 1830 the act of Mar. 2, 1829 perfected.

The new plantation called Number One. Feb. 27, 1811 part annexed to New Marl- borough. Feb. 11, 1812 part of New Marlborough annexed. April 12, 1847 part established as Monterey.

The plantation called Hartwood and several contiguous grants. Oct. 21, 1777 part included in the new town of Lee. Mar. 12, 1783 part included in the new town of Middlefield. Jan. 31, 1795 part annexed to Lenox. Feb. 18, 1802 part annexed to Lenox. Mar. 7, 1806 part annexed to Lee, and line between Washington and Lee estabUshed.

Part of Stockbridge established as the dis- trict of West Stockbridge. June 17, 1774 bounds between West Stockbridge and Stockbridge estabUshed. Aug. 23, 1775



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

West Stockbridge Con.

Mar. 9, 1774



June 21, 1765

Oct. 16, 1778

the district made a town by general act. Mar. 2, 1793 a gore of common land an- nexed. Mar. 2, 1829 part of Stockbridge annexed. Feb. 6, 1830 the act of Mar. 2, 1829 perfected. Mar. 27, 1834 bounds between West Stockbridge and Richmond established. Mar. 17, 1847 part an- nexed to Alford.

The plantation called West Hoosuck. April 9, 1838 certain unincorporated lands an- nexed. April 25, 1900 bounds between Williamstown and North Adams estab- lished and part annexed to North Adams.

The town of Gageborough and certain an- nexed lands. Mar. 14, 1793 part included in the new town of Cheshire. Feb. 26, 1794 part of Cheshire re-annexed. Feb. 28, 1795 part annexed to Dalton. Feb. 23, 1796 part annexed to Dalton.

BRISTOL COUNTY. Incorporated June 2, 1685.

Acushnet, Attleboro,



Feb. 13, 1860

Oct. 19,* 1694

April 18,* 1735

Oct. 5,* 1652

Part of Fairhaven. April 9, 1875 part an- nexed to New Bedford.

Part of Rehoboth called The North Pur- chase, to be called Attleborough. Sept. 10,* 1697 bounds between Attleborough and Rehoboth established. June 26,* 1710 "the mile and a half restored" to Attleborough. Feb. 18, 1830 bounds be- tween Attleborough and Wrentham es- tablished and part annexed to Wrentham. June 14, 1887 part established as North Attleborough. July 30, 1887 act of June 14, 1887 accepted by the town. Mar. 6, 1888 the acceptance of the act by the town confirmed. June 17, 1914 Attleborough incorporated as the city of Attleboro. Nov. 3, 1914 act of incorporation accepted by the town.

Parts of Dighton and Taunton. Feb. 26, 1799 part of Dighton annexed. Feb. 6, 1810 certain lands in Berkley belonging to Taunton annexed. Mar. 3, 1842 certain lands in Berkley belonging to Taunton annexed. April 1, 1879 part of Taunton annexed. April 12, 1879 act of April 1, 1879 accepted by the town.

Common land. June 8,* 1664 the tract of land called Acushena, Ponagansett, and Coaksett established as Dartmouth. June 3,* 1668 bounds established. Feb. 23,



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Dartmouth Con.

Oct. 5,* 1G52


May 30,* 1712

Easton, Fairhaven,

Fall River,



New Bedford,

Dec. 21,* 1725 Feb. 22, 1812

Feb. 26, 1803

July -, 1683

April 26, 1770 Feb. 23, 1787

1787 part established as New Bedford. July 2, 1787 part established as Westport. Feb. 25, 1793 part annexed to Westport. Feb. 28, 1795 part annexed to Westjjort. Mar. 4, 1805 part annexed to Westport. Feb. 20, 1828 bounds between Dartmouth and Westport established Feb. 19, 1831 bounds between Dartmouth and New Bedford estabHshed. Mar. 20, 1845 part annexed to New Bedford. May 3, 1888 part annexed to New Bedford.

Part of Taunton. April 18,* 1735 part in- cluded in the new town of Berklej'. Mar. 2,* 1743 bounds reported by a com- mittee. Jan. 8,* 1745 bounds established. Feb. 26, 1799 part annexed to Berkley. June 9, 1814 part established as Welling- ton. Feb. 12, 1824 bounds between Dighton and Wellington established and part annexed to Wellington. Feb. 22, 1826 Dighton and Wellington united as the town of Dighton if the act is accepted previous to Mar. 1, 1826. Feb. 25, 1826 act accepted by Dighton. April 4, 1854 part annexed to Somerset.

Part of the land in Norton called the Taun- ton North Purchase.

Part of New Bedford. June 15, 1815 part of Freetown annexed. April 9, 1836 part of Rochester annexed and bounds established. Feb. 13, 1860 part established asAcushnet.

Part of Freetown. June 18, 1804 name changed to Troy. Feb. 12, 1834 name changed from Troy. April 12, 1854 Fall River incorporated as a city. April 22, 1854 act of incorporation accepted by the town. April 10, 1861 certain lands on the east side of Mount Hope Bay an- nexed by the change of the bounds of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. June 14, 1894 bounds between Fall River and Westport located and defined.

Common land called Freemen's land. June 17,* 1700 bounds between Freetown and Tiverton established. Feb. 26, 1803 part established as Fall River. June 15, 1815 part annexed to Fairhaven.

Part of Norton made the district of Mans- field. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act.

Part of Dartmouth. Feb. 22, 1812 part established as Fairhaven. Feb. 19, lJi31 bounds between Dartmouth and New



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

New Bedford Con.

Feb. 23, 1787

North Attleborough,

Norton, ".

Raynham, Rehoboth,

June 14, 1887 Mar. 17,* 1710

April 2,* 1731 June 4,* 1645


Feb. 26, 1812


Feb. 20, 1790

Bedford established. Mar. 20, 1845 part of Dartmouth annexed. Mar. 9, 1847 New Bedford incorporated as a city. Mar. 18, 1847 act of incorporation ac- cepted by the town. April 9, 1875 part of Acushnet annexed. May 3, 1888 part of Dartmouth annexed.

Part of Attleborough. July 30, 1887 act of June 14, 1887 accepted by the town of Attleborough. Mar. 6, 1888 the accept- ance of the act by the town confirmed.

Part of Taunton called the North Purchase. June 12,* 1711 bill to perfect the grant passed. Dec. 21,* 1725 part established as Easton. Dec. 25, 1753 part of Stough- ton annexed. April 26, 1770 part estab- lished as the district of Mansfield.

Part of Taunton. Feb. 27, 1866 bounds between Raynham and Taunton estab- lished.

Common land called Seacunck. June 6,* 1649 bounds to be established. Mar. 5,* 1668 part included in the new town of Swansea. June 3,* 1668 certain common lands annexed. Aug. 11,* 1670 bounds between Rehoboth and Swansea estab- lished. July 5,* 1671 the land called the North Purchase granted to Rehoboth. July 7,* 1682 bounds established. Oct. 19,* 1694 part called the North Purchase established as Attleborough. Sept. 10,* 1697 bounds between Rehoboth and Attleborough established. June 26,* 1710 "the mile and a half" set off to Attle- borough. Dec. 23,* 1735 a gore of land annexed. Feb. 26, 1812 part established as Seekonk.

Part of Rehoboth. April 10, 1861 part of Pawtucket, R. I. and certain lands over which Seekonk may have claimed juris- diction lying east of a conventional line to be determined by the U. S. Supreme Court, after the entry of the decree of said court, to be part of Seekonk. Jan. 29, 1862 a municipal district by the name of East Seekonk, to consist of the ter- ritory named in the act of April 10, 1861 established. Said district to cease "so soon as the proper officers of the future town of Seekonk shall have been elected and qualified."

Part of Swansea called Shewamet Purchase. April 4, 1854 part of Dighton annexed.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as EstabUshed

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.


Mar. 5,* 1668


Mar. 3,* 1639

Troy, . . Wellinoton,


June 18, 1804 June 9, 1814

July 2, 1787

The township of Wannamoisett (a part of Rehoboth) and places adjacent. July 5,* 1669 a neck of land called Papasquash Neck, excepting one hundred acres, an- nexed. Aug. 11,* 1670 bounds between Swansea and Rehoboth established. July 5,* 1679 bounds established. Nov. 1,* 1679 bounds between Swansea and Mount Hope to be established. Feb. 20, 1790 part established as Somerset. Mar. 1, 1900 name established as Swansea.

Common land called Cohannett. Mar. 3,* 1640 land at Assonet granted to Taunton. June 19,* 1640 bounds established. Oct. 29,* 1672 certain lands granted to Taun- ton. July -, 1682 land called Assonet Neck annexed. Mar. 17,* 1710 the North Precinct of Taunton granted to be a town by the name of Norton. June 12,* 1711 bill to perfect the grant passed. May 30,* 1712 part established as Dighton. April 2,* 1731 part established as Raynham. April 18,* 1735 part in- cluded in the new town of Berkley. Feb. 6, 1810 certain lands in Berkley be- longing to Taunton annexed to Berkley. Mar. 3, 1842 certain lands in Berkley be- longing to Taunton annexed to Berkley. May 11, 1864 Taunton incorporated as a city. June 6, 1864 act of incorporation accepted by the town. Feb. 27, 1866 bounds between Taunton and Raynham established. June 1, 1867 bounds be- tween Taunton and Lakeville established. April 1, 1879 part annexed to Berkley. April 12, 1879 act of April 1, 1879 ac- cepted by Berkley.

Name changed from Fall River. Feb. 12, 1834 name changed to Fall River.

Part of Dighton. Feb. 12, 1824 bounds be- tween Dighton and Wellington estab- lished and part of Dighton annexed. Feb. 22, 1826 Wellington and Dighton united as the town of Dighton. June 16,

1827 Wellington revived to exist one year.

Part of Dartmouth. Feb. 25, 1793 part of Dartmouth annexed. Feb. 28, 1795 part of Dartmouth annexed. Mar. 4, 1805 part of Dartmouth annexed. Feb. 20,

1828 bounds between Westport and Dartmouth established. April 10, 1861 certain lands lying east and south of a line described, after the entry of a decree of the U. S. Supreme Court concerning the Rhode Island boundary, to be a part of Westport. June 14, 1894 bounds between Westport and Fall River located and defined.


COUNTY OF DUKES COUNTY, Incorporated June 22, 1695.

Cities and Towns.

First mentioned . in Records of the State, or therein recorded as Established or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.


Sept. 14,* 1694

Cottage City, Edgartown,

Gay Head,

Gosnold, .

Great Harbour,

Middletowne, . Oak Bluffs, . Tisbury, .

Feb 17, 1880

July 8,* 1671 1

May 28, 1856

Mar. 17, 1864

July 8,* 1671 1

July 8,* 1671 = Jan. 25, 1907 July 8,* 1671 2

West Tisbury,

April 28, 1892

Common land. Oct. 30,* 1714 "the Man- nour of Tisbury, commonly called Chil- mark," to have all the powers of a town. Nov. 30,* 1716 "all the lands upon Marthas Vineyard lying to the Westward of the said town" of Chilmark annexed to it, "together with an Island called No Mans land," . . . "provided that it ex- tend not to or take in any part of the Gay Head Rock." May 28, 1856 bounds between Chilmark and the lands of the Indians of Gay Head, as established May 9, 1855 confirmed. Mar. 17, 1864 part of Chilmark known as the Elizabeth Islands established as Gosnold. Feb. 27, 1882 bounds between Chilmark and Tisbury established. Mar. 25, 1896 bounds be- tween Chilmark and Gay Head to be determined. April 29, 1897 bounds be- tween Chilmark and Gay Head estab- lished.

Part of Edgartown. Jan changed to Oak Bluffs.

25, 1907 name

Name changed from Great Harbour. Feb. 5, 1830 bo\inds between Edgartown and Tisbury established. April 23, 1862 bounds between Edgartown and Tisbury established. Feb. 17, 1880 part estab- lished as Cottage City.

Indian lands. April 30, 1870 the district of Gay Head made the town of Gay Head. Mar. 25, 1896 bounds between Gay Head and Chilmark to be determined. April 29, 1897 bounds between Gay Head and Chil- mark established.

Part of Chilmark known as the Elizabeth Islands.

Common land, town.

Name changed to Edgar-

Common land. Name changed to Tisbury.

Name changed from Cottage City.

Name changed from Middletown. Nov. 8,* 1709 bounds established. Feb. 5, 1830 bounds between Tisbury and Edgartown established. April 23, 1862 bounds be- tween Tisbury and Edgartown estab- lished. Feb. 27, 1882 bounds between Tisbury and Chilmark established. April 28, 1892 part established as West Tisbury.

Part of Tisbury.

- "The said Towne being formerly known by the name of the Great Harbour." New York Book of Patents, Vol. 4, p. 75.

* "A township formerly known as Middletowne." New York Book of Patents, Vol. 4, p. 77.


ESSEX COUNTY. Incorporated May 10, 1643.

Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded a.s Estabhshed

or Incorporated.

From what Estabhshed or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.





May 27,* 1668

May 6,* 1646

Nov. 7,* 1668

Sept. 14,* 1694


Oct. 13,* 1675

Name changed from Salisbury-new-town. May 12,* 1675 just and full boimds al- lowed to Amesbury. Mar. 15, 1844 part of Salisburj' called "Little Salisbur>'" annexed. April 11, 1876 part established as Mcrrimac. June 16, 1886 part of Salis- bury annexed. July 1, 1886 act of June 16, 1886 took effect.

Common land called Cochicawick. May 26,* 1658 bounds between Andover and Billerica established. May 9,* 1678 bounds between Andover and "Wills Hill" established. June 20,* 1728 part included in the new town of Middleton. April 17, 1847 part included in the new town of Lawrence. April 7, 1855 part established as North Andover. Feb. 4, 1879 part annexed to Lawrence. May 21, 1903 bounds between Andover and Tewks- bury established. April 22, 1904 bounds between Andover and North Reading established.

Part of Salem called Bass River. May 28,* 1079 bounds between Beverly and Wen- ham established. Sept. 11, 1753 part of Salem annexed. April 27, 1857 part an- nexed to Danvers. Mar. 23, 1894 Beverly incorporated as a city. May 1, 1894 act of incorporation accepted by the town.

Part of Rowley. Feb. 25,* 1701 bounds Ijetween Boxford and Topsfield estab- lished. Nov. 19,* 1707 bounds between Boxford and Topsfield estabhshed. June 20,* 1728 part included in the new town of Middleton. June 10, 1808 part of Rowley annexed. June 18, 1825 bounds between Boxford and Rowley established. Mar. 7, 1846 part of Ipswich annexed. Mar. 21, 1856 part annexed to Groveland. April 15, 1897 part of Boxford annexed to Georgetown. Mar. 12, 1904 bounds tetween Boxford and North Andover established. Mar. 12, 1904 bounds be- tween Boxford and Rowley estal)lished. April 22, 1904 liounds between Boxford and Middleton established. April 22, 1904 bounds between Boxford and Georgetown established.

A part of Rowley called Merrimak or Rowley Village. Feb. 24,* 1701 agreed bounds between Bradford and Rowley confirmed. Mar. 8, 1850 part established as Groveland. May 4, 1896 annexed to Haverhill if the act is accepted by both places. Nov. 3, 1896 the act accepted by both. Jan. 4, 1897 the act took effect.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Dan vers,

Jan. 28,* 1752


Georgetown, . Gloucester,




Feb. 15, 1819

April 21, 1838 May 18,* 1642

Mar. 8, 1850

June 21, 1793

June 2,* 1641

The village and Middle Parishes in Salem established as the district of Danvers. June 16, 1757 the district made a town. (Act disallowed by the Privy Council, Aug. 10, 1759.) Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. Mar. 17, 1840 bounds between Danvers and Salem established. May 18, 1855 part estab- lished as South Danvers. May 31, 1856 bounds between Danvers and South Danvers estabhshed. April 27, 1857 part of Beverly annexed.

Part of Ipswich. April 19, 1892 boundary lines in tide-water between Essex and Gloucester, and Essex and Ipswich estab- lished. Mar. 12, 1904 bounds between Essex and Hamilton established.

Part of Rowley. April 15, 1897 part of Box- ford annexed. April 22, 1904 bounds be- tween GeorgetownandBoxfordestablished.

Common land called "Cape Anne." May 15,* 1672 bounds between Gloucester and Manchester established. Feb. 27, 1840 part estabhshed as Rockport. April 28, 1873 Gloucester incorporated as a city. May 15, 1873 act of incorporation ac- cepted by the town. April 19, 1892 boundary lines in tide-water between Gloucester and Essex and Ipswich estab- lished. May 6, 1902 bounds between Gloucester and Manchester to be estab- lished. Aug. 25, 1903 bounds as estab- lished confirmed by the Supreme Judicial Court.

Part of Bradford. Mar. 21 , 1856 part of Box- ford annexed. April 22, 1904 bounds between Groveland and West Newbury established.

Part of Ipswich called the Parish of Ipswich- Hamlet. June 5, 1896 bounds between Hamilton and Ipswich established and part of each town annexed to the other town. Mar. 12, 1904 bounds between Hamilton and Ipswich established. Mar. 12, 1904 bounds between Hamilton and Essex estabhshed. May 1 , 1905 bounds be- tween Hamilton and Wenham established.

Common land called Pantucket. Bounds between "Pantucket, ali: Haverell" and Salisbury established. May 10,* 1643 Haverhill is named as in one of the four shires established. May 23,* 1650 an island in the Merrimack River granted to Haverhill unless some person prove a


i:SSEX COUNTY Continued.

Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Haverhill Con.

June 2,* 1641


Aug. 5,* 1634



April 17, 1847

Nov. 20,* 1637

clear title to it within three years. Oct. 14,* 1651 bounds established. Oct. 19,* 16.54 bounds between Haverhill and Salisbury established. May 18,* 1664 bounds between Haverhill and "lands of Maj. Gen'l Dennison established." May 15,* 1667 bounds between Haverhill and Salisbury-new-town established. May 12,* 1675 bounds established. Dec. 8,* 1725 part included in the new town of Methuen. Mar. 10, 1869 Haverhill in- corporated as a city. May 15, 1869 act of incorporation accepted by the town. May 4, 1896 Bradford annexed if the act is accepted by both places. Nov. 3, 1896 the act accepted by both. Jan. 4, 1897 the act took effect.

Common land called "Aggawani." May 20,* 1642 bounds between Ipswich, Cape Ann, and Jeffrey's Creek established. Oct. 18,* 1648 part called the Village at the New Meadows named "Toppesfield." May 4,* 1649 two-fifths of Plum Island granted to Ipswich. Feb. 28,* 1694 bounds between Ipswich and Topsfield established. Feb. 16, 1774 part annexed to Topsfield. Nov. 29, 1785 part annexed to Rowley. June 21, 1793 part establi-shed as Hamilton. Feb. 15, 1819 part estab- lished as Essex. Mar. 7, 1846 part annexed to Boxford. April 19, 1892 boundary lines in tide-water between Ipswich and Essex, and Ipswich and Gloucester established. June 5, 1896 bounds between Ipswich and Hamilton established and part of each town an- nexed to the other town. Mar. 12, 1904 bounds between Ipswich and Hamilton established. Mar. 19, 1904 bounds be- tween Ipswich and Rowley established.

Parts of Andover and Methuen. Mar. 21, 1853 Lawrence incorporated as a city. Mar. 29, 1853 act of incorporation ac- cepted by the town. April 4, 1854 part of Methuen annexed. Feb. 4, 1879 parts of Andover and North Andover annexed.

The first Saugus. Mar. 13,* 1639 land granted to Lynn. Mar. 13,* 1639 bounds between Lynn and Salem established. May 29,* 1644 part established as Read- ing. July 3, 1782 part established as the district of Lynnfield. Feb. 17, 1815 part established as Saugus. April 10, 1850 Lynn incorporated as a city. April 19, 1850 act of incorporation accepted by the town. May 21, 1852 part established as Swampscott. Mar. 29, 1853 part es- tablished as Nahant.



Cities and Towns.




Merrimac, Methuen,


Nahant, Newbury,

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

July 3, 1782


May 14,* 1645

July 2,* 1633

April -11, 1876 Dec. 8,* 1725

June 20,* 1728

Mar. 29, 1853 May 6,* 1635

Jan. 28, 1764

Part of Lynn established as the district of Lynnfield. Feb. 28, 1814 the district made a town. April 10, 1854 bounds be- tween Lynnfield and Reading established. May 27, 1857 bounds between Lynnfield and North Reading established and part of each town annexed to the other town, provided the act is accepted by both towns. Nov. 3, 1857 act accepted by Lynnfield. (Accepted by North Reading Jan. 7, 1858.) April 2, 1870 bounds be- tween Lynnfield and Wakefield estab- lished. May 17, 1901 bounds between Lynnfield and Saugus established. May 2, 1905 bounds between Lynnfield and Reading established.

Part of Salem called "JeiTryes Creeke." May 15,* 1672 bounds between Man- chester and Gloucester established. May 6, 1902 bounds between Manchester and Gloucester to be established. Aug. 25, 1903 bounds as established confirmed by the Supreme Judicial Court.

Part of Salem called Marble Harbor. May 6,* 1635 a plantation established at Marblehead. May 2,* 1649 Marblehead established as a town.

Part of Amesbury.

Part of Haverhill and certain common lands. April 17, 1847 part included in the new town of Lawrence. April 4, 1854 part annexed to Lawrence. April 17, 1917 Methuen incorporated as a city. Nov. 6, 1917 act of incorporation accepted by the town.

Parts of Andover, Boxford, Salem, and Topsfield. April 22, 1904 bounds be- tween Middleton and North Andover established. April 22, 1904 bounds be- tween Middleton and Boxford established.

Part of Lynn.

The plantation called Wessacucon. May 4,* 1649 two-fifths of Plum Island granted to Newbury. May 14,* 1656 bounds be- tween Newbury and Rowley established. Jan. 28, 1764 part established as Newbury- port. Feb. 18, 1819 part established as Parsons. April 17, 1851 part annexed to Newburyport. Mar. 27, 1905 bounds between Newbury and Rowley estab- lished.

Part of Newbury. April 17, 1851 part of New- bury annexed. May 24, 1851 Newbury- port incorporated a.s a city. June 3, 1851 act of incorporation accepted by the town.



Cities and Towns.

North Andover, .

Parsons, Peabodt,

Rockport, Rowley,


First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

April 7, 1855

Feb. 18, 1819 April 13, 1868

Feb. 27, 1840 Sept. 4,* 1639

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Aug. 23,* 1630

Part of Andover. Feb. 4, 1879 part an- nexed to Lawrence. Mar. 12, 1904 bounds between North Andover and Boxford established. Mar. 12, 1904 bounds between Xorth Andover and North Reading established. April 22, 1904 bounds between North Andover and Middleton established.

Part of Newbury. June 14, 1820 name changed to West Newbury.

Name changed from South Danvers. April 30, 1868 act of April 13, 1868 accepted by the town. Mar. 27, 1882 part annexed to Salem. May 8, 1916 Peabody incor- porated as a city. Nov. 7, 1916 act of incorporation accepted by the town.

Part of Gloucester.

"Mr. Ezechi Rogers plantation." May 4,* 1649 one-fifth of Plum Island granted to Rowley. May 14,* 1656 bounds between Rowley and Newbury established. Oct. 13,* 1675 part established as Bradford. Aug. 12,* 1685 bounds between Rowley and the village (afterward Topsfield)

established. , 1694 part established

as Boxford. Feb. 24,* 1701 agreed bounds between Rowley and Bradford con- firmed. Nov. 29, 1785 part of Ipswich annexed. June 10, 1808 part annexed to Boxford. June IS, 1825 bounds between Rowley and Boxford established. April 21, 1838 part established as Georgetown. Mar. 12, 1904 bounds between Rowley and Boxford estabhshed. Mar. 19, 1904 bounds between Rowley and Ipswich established. Mar. 27, 1905 bounds be- tween Rowley and Newbury established.

Common land. Mar. 4,* 1635 bounds be- tween Salem and Saugus (now Lynn), and Salem and Marble Harbor to be estab- lished. Mar. 13,* 1639 bounds between Salem and Lynn established. Sept. 7,* 1643 part called Enon established as Wenham. May 14,* 1645 part called "Jeffryes Creeke" established as Man- chester. May 2,* 1649 part established as Marblehead. Oct. 19,* 1658 bounds be- tween Salem and Topsfield established. Oct. 16,* 1660 "Certain Islands known by the name of the Miserys and Bakers granted to Salem." May 29,* 1664 bounds between Salem and Topsfield established. Oct. 14,* 1668 part called Bass River established as Beverly. June 20,* 1728 part included in the new town of Middleton. Jan. 28,* 1752 part estab-


ESSEX COVi^iTY Continued.

Cities and Towns.

Salem Con.



First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

Aug. 23 * 1630

Oct. 7,* 1640


Saugus, South Danvers,

May 23,* 1666

July 5,* 1631

Feb. 17, 1815 May 18, 1855

Swampscott, Topsfield,

May 21, 1852 Oct. 18,* 1648

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

lished as the district of Danvers. Sept. 11, 1753 part annexed to Beverly. Mar. 23, 1836 Salem incorporated as a city. April 4, 1836 act of incorporation ac- cepted by the town. Mar. 17, 1840 bounds between Salem and Danvers established. April 30, 1856 bounds between Salem and South Danvers established and part of each place annexed to the other place. April 3, 1867 part annexed to Swampscott. Mar. 27, 1882 part of Peabody annexed.

Common land called Colechester. June 2* 1641 bounds between Salisbury and "Pan- tucket, ali: Haverell" established. Oct. 19,* 1654 bounds between Salisbury and Haverhill established. May 27,* 1668 part established as Amesbury. Mar. 15, 1844 part annexed to Amesbury. June 16, 1886 part annexed to Amesbury. .July 1, 1886 act of June 16, 1886 took effect.

Granted the privileges of a town. May 15,*

1667 bounds between Salisbury-new-town and Haverhill established. May 28,*

1668 "Salisbury newtown . . . may be named Emesbury."

The plantation of Saugus. Mar. 4,* 1635 bounds between Saugus and Salem, and between Saugus and Marble Harbor to be established. Nov. 20,* 1637 name changed to Lynn.

Part of Lynn. Feb. 22, 1841 part of Chelsea annexed. May 17, 1901 bounds between Saugus and Lynnfield established.

Part of Danvers. April 30, 1856 bounds between South Danvers and Salem estab- lished and part of each place annexed to the other place. May 31, 1856 bounds Isetween South Danvers and Danvers established. April 13, 1868 name changed to Peabody. April 30, 1868 name of Peabody accepted by the town.

Part of Lynn. April 3, 1867 part of Salem annexed.

Part of Ipswich called the Village at the New Meadows. Oct. 18,* 1650 Topsfield established as a town. Oct. 19,* 165S bounds between Topsfield and Salem established. May 29,* 1664 bounds be- tween Topsfield and Salem established. Feb. 28,* 1694 bounds between Topsfield and Ipswich established. Feb. 25,* 1701 bounds between Topsfield and Boxford established. Nov. 19,* 1707 bounds be-



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Topsfield Con.


West Newbury,

Oct. 18,* 1648

Sept. 7,* 1643

June 14, 1820

tween Topsfield and Boxford established. June 20,* 1728 part included in the new town of Middleton. Feb. 16, 1774 part of Ipswich annexed.

Part of Salem called Enon. May 28,* 1679 bounds between Wenham and Beverly and "the Village" established. May 1, 1905 bounds between Wenham and Hamil- ton established.

Name changed from Parsons. April 22, 1904 bounds between West Newbury and Groveland established.

FRANKLIN COUNTY. Incorporated June 24, 1811.

Ashfield, . Bernardston,

Buckland, Charlemont,


Conway, .

June 21, 1765 Mar. 6, 1762

April 14, 1779

June 21, 1765

June 30, 1761

June 17, 1767

Name changed from Huntstown.

The new plantation called Falltown. Dec. 2, 1779 part annexed to Colrain. Mar. 12,

1784 part established as the district of Leyden. April 14, 1838 part of Greenfield annexed. May 7, 1886 part of Leyden annexed, if this act is accepted by Ber- nardston. June 7, 1886 act of May 7, 1886 accepted.

The plantation called No-town, and part of Charlemont. April 14, 1838 of Conway annexed.

The new plantation called Charlemont. Feb. 4, 1774 three thousand acres of land annexed to Charlemont. April 14, 1779 part included in the new town of Buckland. Feb. 14, 1785 part included in the new town of Heath. Mar. 19, 1793 certain common lands between Charlemont and North River annexed. April 2, 1338 part of the common lands called Zoar annexed.

The new plantation called Colrain. April 22, 1772 grant to Colrain. Dec. 2, 1779 part of Bernardston annexed. April 24, 1911 bounds between Colrain and Leyden established.

Part of Deerfield established as the district of Conway. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. Feb. 19, 1781 part of Shelburne annexed. Feb. 9,

1785 part annexed to Goshen. June 17, 1791 part of Deerfield annexed. June 21, 1811 part of Deerfield annexed and bounds between Conway and Whately established. April 14, 1838 part annexed to Buckland.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records ot the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.


Oct. 22,* 1677




Hawley, .

Heath, Huntstown,

Aprill7, 1838 Sept. 28, 1793 June 9, 1753

Feb. 6, 1792

Feb. 14, 1785 Jan. 19,* 1736


Mar. 5, 1774

Common land. Oct. -, 1678 the encouraging of the rebuilding of the plantation of Deer- field provided for. May 31,* 1712 addi- tional grant to Deerfield. June 7,* 1712 bounds to extend "Nine miles from the River into the Western Woods." Nov. 19,* 1717 plat of seven miles square granted Deerfield confirmed. Aug. 3,* 1741 plat of Deerfield, including addi- tional grant, confirmed. June 9, 1753 part established as the district of Green- field. June 15, 1764 report on westerly bounds of Deerfield, including bounds of Deerfield and Huntstown, confirmed. June 17, 1767 part established as the dis- trict of Conway. June 21, 1768 part es- tablished as the district of Shelburne. June 17, 1791 part annexed to Conway. Mar. 5, 1810 part annexed to Whately. June 21, 1811 part annexed to Conway and bounds established. May 2, 1896 part annexed to Greenfield.

The common land called Erving's Grant. Feb. 27, 1841 bounds between Erving and Orange established. Feb. 10, 1860 part of Northfield called Hack's Grant annexed.

Part of Greenfield. Feb. 28, 1795 part of Northfield annexed. Mar. 14, 1805 the island called Great Island annexed after April 1, 1805.

Part of Deerfield established as the district of Greenfield. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. Sept. 28, 1793 part established as Gill. April 14, 1838 part annexed to Bernardston. May 2, 1896 part of Deerfield annexed.

The plantation called Number Seven. Mar. 9, 1793 part of plantation Number Seven, accidentally omitted in the bounds, an- nexed. June 21, 1803 part annexed to the district of Plainfield.

Part of Charlemont and common lands called Green and Walker's land.

Plat of township granted company under command of Ephraim Hunt confi-rmed. June 15, 1764 report on westerly bounds of Deerfield, including bounds of Deer- field and Hunts Town, confirmed. June 18, 1765 plan of Huntstown confirmed. June 21, 1765 name changed to Ashfield.

Part of Sunderland.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.


Mar. 12, 1784

Monroe, . Montague,

New Salem, .

Feb. 21. 1822 Jan. 25, 1754

June 15, 1753


Feb. 22,* 1714


Oct. 15, 1783


Feb. 9, 1785

Part of Bernardston established as the dis- trict of Leyden. Feb. 22, 1809 the district made a town. May 7, 1886 part an- nexed to Bernardston, if the act is ac- cepted by Bernardston. June 7, 18S6 the act accepted by Bernardston. April 24, 1911 bounds between Leyden and Colrain established.

Part of Rowe and a gore of common land.

Part of Sunderland established as the dis- trict of Montague. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. Feb. 28, 1803 part annexed to Wendell.

The township of New Salem with the addi- tional grant made to said township estab- lished as the district of New Salem. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by gen- eral act. Jan. 28, 1822 part included in the new town of Prescott. Feb. 20, 1824 part of Shutesbury annexed. Feb. 5, 1830 part annexed to Athol, Mar. 16, 1837 part annexed to Orange and part to Athol. April 27, 1911 bounds between New Salem and Prescott established.

Upon the petition of inhabitants of the "plantation at Squakeag formerly called Northfield" the grant for a plantation was "revived," the "town to be called North- field." June 10,* 1715 the order of Feb. 22,* 1714 continued for three years. Dec. 6,* 1720 the committee for the plantation continued for two years. June 15,* 1723 Northfield to enjoy all the privileges of a town. June 29, 1773 two tracts of land lying south of Northfield annexed. Feb. 28, 1795 part annexed to Gill. Feb. 10, 1860 part called Hack's Grant annexed to Erving.

Parts of Athol, Royalston, Warwick, and certain common lands called Ervingshire made the district of Orange. Feb. 24, 1810 the district made a town. Feb. 7, 1816 part annexed to Athol. Mar. 16, 1837 part of the common lands called Erving's Grant annexed. Mar. 16, 1837 part of New Salem annexed. Feb. 27, 1841 bounds between Orange and Erving established.

The common lands called Myrifield and lands adjoining. Feb. 21, 1822 part of Rowe and certain common lands estab- lished as Monroe. April 2, 1838 part of common lands called Zoar annexed.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.



Sunderland, .




June 21, 1768

June 30, 1761

Nov. 12,* 1718

Feb. 17, 1763

May 8, 1781

April 24, 1771

Part of Deerfield established as the district of Shelburne. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. Feb. 19, 1781 part annexed to Conway. Mar. 19, 1793 certain common lands between Shel- burne and North River annexed.

The plantation called Roadtown. May 8, 1781 part included in the new town of Wendell. Feb. 20, 1824 part annexed to New Salem.

Common land. Aug. 28,* 1729 land granted to Sunderland. Jan. 2,* 1740 bounds between Sunderland and Hadley estab- lished. Jan. 25, 1754 part established as the district of Montague. Mar. 5, 1774 part established as Leverett.

The plantation called Roxbury Canada with sundry farms lying therein, and certain common lands. Oct. 15, 1783 part in- cluded in the new town of Orange.

Part of Shutesbury and part of the common land called Ervingshire. Feb. 28, 1803 part of Montague and a gore of common land annexed.

Part of Hatfield. Mar. 5, 1810 part of Deer- field annexed. June 21, 1811 bounds be- tween Whately and Conway established. Feb. 2, 1849 bounds between Whately and Williamsburg established.

HAMPDEN COUNTY. Incorporated Feb. 25, 1812.

Agawam, . Blandford,


May 17, 1855 April 10,* 1741

June 10,* 1714

Part of West Springfield.

Suffield equivalent lands, commonly called Glasgow. Feb. 22, 1809 bounds between Blandford and Russell, and Blandford and Chester established. June 13, 1810 bounds between Blandford and Chester established. May 25, 1853 part annexed to Norwich.

Common land. Dec. 24,* 1731 the town established. Jan. 16,* 1742 part included in the new town of Western. April 23, 1760 part annexed to Palmer. April 28, 1760 part established as the district of Monson. Sept. 18, 1762 part established as the district of South Brimfield. Feb. 7, 1763 bounds definitely established.



Cities and Towns.



East Longmeadow, Granville,

Hampden, Holland, . . .






First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

Feb. 21, 1783

April 29, 1848

May 19, 1894

Jan. 25, 1754

Mar. 28, 1878

July 5, 1783

Mar. 14, 1850

Oct. 13, 1783

Feb. 28, 1774

April 28, 1760

Nov. 28, 1780

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Name changed from Murrayfield. Mar. 12, 1783 part included in the new town of Middlefield. June 21, 1799 part annexed to Worthington. Feb. 22, 1809 bounds between Chester and Blandford estab- lished. June 13, 1810 bounds between Chester and Blandford established. May 25, 1853 part annexed to Norwich.

Part of Springfield. April 18, 1890 Chicopee incorporated as a city. May 6, 1890 act of incorporation accepted by the town.

Part of Longmeadow. effect.

July 1, 1894 act took

The plantation of Bedford established as the district of Granville. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. June 14, 1810 part established as Tolland.

Part of Wilbraham.

Part of South Brimfield established as the district of Holland. Feb. 8, 1796 bounds between the district of Holland and South Brimfield established. Nov. 4, 1835 the district made a town by the pro- visions of chapter 15 of the Revised Statutes.

Part of West Springfield. April 7, 1873 Holyoke incorporated as a city. May 29, 1873 act of incorporation accepted by the town. June 9, 1909 part of North- ampton annexed.

Part of Springfield called Longmeadow. Nov. 16, 1787 certain common lands called the Gore annexed. June 2, 1890 part annexed to Springfield. July 1, 1894 part of Longmeadow established as East Longmeadow.

Part of Springfield called Stony Hill estab- lished as the district of Ludlow. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. June 5, 1830 bounds between Ludlow and Springfield established.

Part of Brimfield established as the district of Monson. Feb. 7, 1763 bounds defi- nitely established. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. Feb. 8, 1S28 bounds between Monson and Palmer established.

Parts of Westfield, Norwich, and South- ampton. P'eb. 25, 1792 part included in the new town of Russell. Mar. 6, 1792 parts of Norwich and Southampton an- nexed. June 3, 1914 bounds between Montgomery and Russell established.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Murray field,


Oct. 31, 1765

Jan. 30,* 1752


South Brimfield,



Feb. 25, 1792

Sept. 18, 1762

Nov. 7, 1770

June 2,* 1641

The new plantation called Murrayfield. June 29, 1773 part established as the district of Norwich. May 8, 1781 part annexed to Norwich. Feb. 21, 1783 name changed to Chester.

The plantation called The Elbows ' estab- lished as the district of Palmer. April 23, 1760 part of Brimfield annexed. Feb. 7, 1763 bounds definitely established. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. Feb. 8, 1828 bounds be- tween Palmer and Monson established. Feb. 7, 1831 part of Western annexed. April 29, 1910 bounds between Palmer and Ware established.

Parts of Westfield and Montgomery. Feb. 22, 1809 bounds between Blandford and Russell established. June 3, 1914 bounds between Russell and Montgomery estab- lished.

Part of Brimfield established as the district of South Brimfield. Feb. 21, 1766 the district divided into two parishes, the east and west. Aug. 23, 1775 the dis- trict made a town by general act. July 5, 1783 the east parish of South Brimfield established as the district of Holland. Feb. 8, 1796 bounds between South Brimfield and the district of Holland established. Feb. 20, 1828 name changed to Wales.

Part of Westfield established as the district of Southwick. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. Oct. 6, 1779 part of Westfield annexed. Mar. 20, 1837 bounds between Southwick and Westfield established.

Common land called Agawam. Nov. 11,* 1647 "Woronoko" to be a part of Spring- field. Mar. -, 1648 certain common lands annexed. May 19,* 1669 part called Woronoake established as West- field. May 31,* 1670 bounds between Springfield and Westfield established. May 17,* 1684 bounds established. June 4,* 1685 bounds between Springfield and Northampton established. Jan. 9,* 1740 bounds between Springfield and Suffield established. June 3,* 1743 bounds be- tween Springfield and Suffield established. June 15, 1763 part established as Wil- braham. Feb. 23, 1774 part established as West Springfield. Feb. 28, 1774 part called Stony Hill established as Ludlow. Oct. 13, 1783 part established as Long-

Sometimes called New Marlborough and sometimes Kingsfield .



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Springfield Con.


Wales, Westfield,

West Springfield,

Wilbraham, .

June 2,* 1641

June 14, 1810

Feb. 20, 1828 May 19,* 1669

Feb. 23, 1774

June 15, 1763

meadow. June 11, 1799 part annexed to Wilbraham. June 5, 1830 bounds be- tween Springfield and Ludlow established. April 29, 1848 part established as Chico- pee. April 12, 1852 Springfield incor- porated as a city. April 21, 1852 act of incorporation accepted by the town. June 2, 1890 part of Longmeadow an- nexed.

Part of Granville. May 4, 1853 bounds between Tolland and Sandisfield estab- lished. May 15, 1855 bounds between Tolland and Sandisfield established.

Name changed from South Brimfield.

Part of Springfield called Woronoake. May 31,* 1670 bounds between Westfield and Springfield established. June 4,* 1701 a strip of common land divided between Westfield and Northampton. Feb. 23,* 1713 land granted to Westfield. Nov. 7, 1770 part established as the district of Southwick. Oct. 6, 1779 part annexed to Southwick. Nov. 28, 1780 part in- cluded in the new town of Montgomery. Feb. 25, 1792 part included in the new town of Russell. Mar. 3, 1802 part an- nexed to West Springfield. Mar. 20, 1837 bounds between Westfield and Southwick established. June 3, 1914 Westfield in- corporated as a city. Nov. 3, 1914 act of incorporation rejected by the town.

Part of Springfield. Mar. 3, 1802 part of Westfield annexed. Mar. 14, 1850 part established as Holyoke. May 17, 1855 part established as Agawam.

Part of Springfield. June 11, 1799 part of Springfield called The Elbows annexed. Mar. 28, 1878 part of Wilbraham estab- lished as Hampden.

HAMPSHIRE COUNTY. Incorporated Mat 7, 1662.


Feb. 13, 1759

Part of Hadley established as the district of Amherst. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. Jan. 15, 1789 part of Hadley annexed. Feb. 28, 1811 part of Hadley annexed. Feb. 18, 1812, part of Hadley annexed. Feb. 17,

1814 part of Hadley annexed. Mar. 1,

1815 bounds between Amherst and Hadley established and part of each town annexed to the other town.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.







June 30, 1761

June 11, 1762

June 23, 1779

June 17, 1785

Feb. 15, 1816

May 14, 1781

The plantation called Cold Spring. Feb. 27, 1765 part annexed to Greenwich. June 22, 1771 part annexed to Greenwich. June 21, 1787 part annexed to Greenwich. June 16, 1788 part annexed to Pelham. Feb. 15, 1817 part included in the new town of Enfield.

The new plantation called New Hingham. Jan. 31, 1763 certain common lands an- nexed. May 14, 1781 part of Chesterfield and the plantation called Chesterfield Gore established as Goshen. June 8, 1789 part of Goshen annexed. Feb. 22, 1794 part of Norwich annexed. June 24, 1795 bounds between Chesterfield and Wil- liamsburg established. Feb. 7, 1797 bounds between Chesterfield and Williams- burg established. Feb. 16, 1810 bounds between Chesterfield, Goshen, and Wil- liamsburg established.

Part of the plantation called Number Five. Mar. 16, 1785 part established as the dis- trict of Plainfield. Mar. 21, 1788 certain common lands, called Murrayfield Grant and Minot's Grant, and a gore of 2,200 acres annexed. Feb. 4, 1794 part annexed to Plainfield.

Parts of Northampton and Southampton established as the district of Easthamp- ton. June 16, 1809 the district made a town. Feb. 1, 1828 bounds between Easthampton and Southampton estab- lished. Mar. 13, 1841 part of Southamp- ton annexed. April 4, 1850 part of South- ampton annexed. Feb. 21, 1862 bounds between Easthampton and Southampton established. Mar. 12, 1872 bounds be- tween Easthampton and Westhampton established. April 21, 1914 bounds be- tween Easthampton and Northampton established.

Parts of Belchertown and Greenwich. June 12, 1818 bounds between Enfield and Greenwich established and part of each town annexed to the other town. May 26, 1910 bounds between Enfield and Green- wich established.

Part of Chesterfield and the plantation called Chesterfield Gore. Feb. 9, 1785 part of Conway annexed. June 8, 1789 part an- nexed to Chesterfield. June 24, 1795 bounds between Goshen and Williams- burg established. Feb. 7, 1797 bounds be- tween Goshen and Williamsburg estab- lished. Feb. 16, 1810 bounds between Goshen, Chesterfield, and Williamsburg established.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.


June 11, 1768


April 20, 1754


May 22,* 1661


May 31,* 1670

Part of South Hadley. June 28, 1781 bounds between Granby and South Hadlev es- tablished. Mar. 9, 1792 part of South Hadley annexed. June 12, 1824 bounds between Granby and South Hadley estab- lished. June 20, 1826 bounds between Granby and South Hadley established. June 16, 1827 bounds between Granby and South Hadley established.

The plantation called Quabin. June 9, 1756 bounds between Greenwich and Hardwick established. Feb. 1, 1765 part of Hard- wick annexed. Feb. 27, 1765 part of Belchertown annexed. June 22, 1771 part of Belchertown annexed. June 21, 1787 part of Belchertown annexed. Feb. 18, 1801 part included in the new town of Dana. June 19, 1811 bounds between Greenwich and Dana established. Feb. 15, 1816 part included in the new town of Enfield. June 12, 1818 bounds between Greenwich and Enfield established and part of each town annexed to the other town. May 26, 1910 bounds between Greenwich and Enfield established. May 4, 1911 bounds between Greenwich and Dana established.

The new plantation near Northampton. Oct. 21,* 1663 bounds established. May 18,* 1664 certain common lands granted to Hadley. May 31,* 1670 part estab- lished as Hatfield. May 7,* 1673 certain common lands granted to Hadley. May 16,* 1683 certain common lands granted to Hadley. Nov. 25,* 1715 certain com- mon lands granted to Hadley. Jan. 2,* 1740 bounds between Hadley and Sunder- land established. April 12, 1753 part made the district of South Hadley. Feb. 13, 1759 part made the district of Amherst. Jan. 15, 1789 part annexed to Amherst. Feb. 28, 1811 part annexed to Amherst. Feb. 18, 1812 part annexed to Amherst. Feb. 17, 1814 part annexed to Amherst. Mar. 1, 1815 bounds between Hadley and Amherst established and part of each town annexed to the other town. April 15, 1850 part annexed to Northampton.

Part of Hadley. Oct. 11,* 1672 bounds established. Nov. 26,* 1695 certain com- mon lands annexed. Nov. 12,* 1720 bounds between Hatfield and Northamp- ton established. April 24, 1771 part es- tablished as Whately. April 24, 1771 part included in the new district of Williams- burg. Mar. 14, 1845 bounds between Hatfield and Williamsburg established and



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

Fronn what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Hatfield Co7i. .

Huntington, .

Middlefield, . .

Northampton, .





May 31,* 1670

Mar. 9, 1855 Mar. 12, 1783

May 14,* 1656

June 29, 1773

Jan. 15,* 1743

Mar. 16, 1785

Jan. 28, 1822

part of each town annexed to the other town. Mar. 19, 1846 bounds between Hatfield and Williamsburg established and part of each town annexed to the other town.

Name changed from Norwich.

Parts of Becket, Chester, Partridgefield, Washington, and Worthington, and the common lands called Prescott's Grant.

Common land called Nonotuck. June 4,* 1685 bounds between Northampton and Springfield established. June 4,* 1701 a strip of common land divided between Northampton and Westfield. Nov. 12,* 1720 bounds between Northampton and Hatfield established. Jan. 5, 1753 part established as Southampton. Sept. 29, 1778 part established as Westhampton. Sept. 29, 1778 part annexed to Southamp- ton. June 17, 1785 part included in the new district of Easthampton. April 15, 1850 part of Hadley annexed. Mar. 12, 1872 bounds between Northampton and Westhampton established. June 23, 1883 Northampton incorporated as a city. Sept. 5, 1883 act of incorporation ac- cepted by the town. June 9, 1909 part annexed to Holyoke. April 21, 1914 bounds between Northampton and East- hampton established.

Part of Murrayfield established as the dis- trict of Norwich. Aug. 23, 1775 the dis- trict made a town by general act. Nov. 28, 1780 part included in the new town of Montgomery. May 8, 1781 part of Mur- rayfield annexed. Mar. 6, 1792 part an- nexed to Montgomery. Feb. 22, 1794 part annexed to Chesterfield. May 25, 1853 parts of Blandford and Chester annexed. Mar. 9, 1855 name changed to Huntington.

Common land called New Lisburne. June 16, 1788 part of Belchertown annexed. Jan. 28, 1822 part included in the new town of Prescott.

Part of Cummington established as the dis- trict of Plainfield. Feb. 4, 1794 part of Cummington annexed to the district of Plainfield. June 21, 1803 part of Hawley annexed to the district of Plainfield. June 15, 1807 the district made a town.

Parts of Pelham and New Salem. April 27, 1911 bounds between Prescott and New Salem established.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.


Jan. 5, 1753

South Hadley,

April 12, 1753


Nov. 25, 1761



Sept. 29, 1778

April 24, 1771

Part of Northampton established as the district of Southampton. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. Sept. 29, 1778 part of Northampton an- nexed. Nov. 28, 1780 part included in the new town of Montgomery. June 17, 1785 part included in the new district of East- hampton. Mar. 6, 1792 part annexed to Montgomery. Feb. 1, 1828 bounds be- tween Southampton and Easthampton established. Mar. 13, 1841 part annexed to Easthampton. April 4, 1850 part annexed to Easthampton. Feb. 21, 1862 bounds between Southampton and East- hampton established. Mar. 12, 1872 bounds between Southampton and West- hampton established.

Part of Hadley established as the district of South Hadley. June 11, 1768 part of the district established as Granby. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. June 28, 1781 bounds between South Hadley and Granby established. Mar. 9, 1792 part annexed to Granby. June 12, 1824 bounds between South Hadley and Granby established. June 20, 1826 bounds between South Hadley and Granby established. June 16, 1827 bounds be- tween South Hadley and Granby estab- lished.

Parts of Brookfield, Palmer, and Western, and certain common lands, all forming Ware-River Parish, established as the district of Ware. Aug. 23, 1775 the dis- trict made a town by general act. Feb. 8, 1823 parts of Brookfield and Western annexed. April 29, 1910 bounds between Ware and Palmer established.

Part of Northampton. Mar. 12, 1872 bounds between Westhampton, and East- hampton, Northampton, and Southamp- ton established.

Part of Hatfield and certain common lands adjoining established as the district of Williamsburg. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. June 24, 1795 bounds between Williamsburg and Chesterfield and Goshen established. Feb. 7, 1797 bounds between Williams- burg and Chesterfield and Goshen estab- lished. Feb. 16, 1810 bounds between Williamsburg, Chesterfield and Goshen established. Mar. 14, 1845 bounds be- tween Williamsburg and Hatfield estab- lished and part of each town annexed to the other town. Mar. 19, 1846 bounds



Cities ai^d Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Williamsburg Con.


April 24, 1771

June 30, 1768

between Williamsburg and Hatfield es- tablished and part of each town annexed to the other town. Feb. 2, 1849 bounds between Williamsburg and Whately es- tablished.

The new plantation called Number Three. Mar. 12, 1783 part included in the new town of Middlefield. June 21, 1799 part of Chester annexed.

MIDDLESEX COUNTY. Incorporated May 10, 1643.





Ayer, . Bedford,


July 3,* 1735

April 13, 1867

Mar. 6, 1767 Mar. 16, 1846

Feb. 14, 1871 Sept. 23,* 1729

Mar. 18, 1859

Part of Concord with Willard's Farms. Dec. 11,* 1747 bounds between Acton and Concord established. April 28, 1780 part included in the second district of Carlisle.

Name changed from West Cambridge. April .30, 1867 the act took effect. Mar. 16, 1910 bounds between Arlington and Somerville established. May 5, 1911 bounds between Arlington and Cam- bridge established if accepted by the selectmen and city council. May 22, 1911 bounds accepted by selectmen of Arling- ton, and May 31, 1911 bounds accepted by city council of Cambridge.

Parts of Ashburnham, Fitchburg, and Townsend. Nov. 16, 1792 part of Ash- burnham annexed. Mar. 3, 1829 part of Fitchburg annexed.

Parts of Framingham, HoUiston, and Hop- kinton. April 28, 1853 part to be an- nexed to Hopkinton when a certain sum is paid by Hopkinton. May 2, 1853 the act took effect.

Parts of Groton and Shirley.

Parts of Billerica and Concord. Feb. 26,

1767 part of Billerica annexed. June 9,

1768 part of Lexington annexed.

Parts of Waltham, Watertown, and West Cambridge. Jan. 31, 1861 bounds be- tween Belmont and West Cambridge established. Feb. 25, 1862 part of Cam- bridge annexed and bounds established. April 19, 1880, part annexed to Cam- bridge. April 28, 1891 bounds between Belmont and Cambridge established and part of each place annexed to the other place. May 23, 1903 bounds between Belmont and Watertown established.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as EstabUshed

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Belmont Con.


Mar. 18, 1859

May 29,* 1655


Feb. 25, 1783


Burlington, Cambridge,

Feb. 24, 1807

Feb. 28, 1799 Sept. 8,* 1636

Feb. 16, 1906 bounds between Belmont and Cambridge readjusted. April 29, 1911 bounds between Belmont and Water- town established.

Common land. May 14,* 1656 eight thou- sand acres of common land granted to Billerica. May 15,* 1657 certain lands granted to Billerica. May 26,* 1658 bounds between Billerica and Andover established. May 22,* 1661 four thousand acres of land granted to Billerica. Oct. 10,* 1666 bounds between Billerica and Woburn established. Oct. 12,* 1669 bounds between Billerica and Woburn established. June 27,* 1701 bounds be- tween Billerica and Chelmsford and Con- cord established. Sept. 23,* 1729 part in- cluded in the new town of Bedford. June 13,* 1733 part annexed to Wilmington. Dec. 17,* 1734 part established as Tewks- bury. Dec. 27,* 1737 bounds between Billerica and Wilmington established. July 28,* 1741 bounds between Billerica and Woburn established. Feb. 26, 1767 part annexed to Bedford. April 28, 1780 part included in the second district of Carlisle.

Parts of Harvard, Littleton, and Stow established as the district of Boxborough. Feb. 20, 1794 bounds between Boxborough and Littleton established. Nov. 4, 1835 the district made a town by chapter 15 of the Revised Statutes. April 30, 1890 bounds between Boxborough and Little- ton established. June 14, 1906 bounds between Boxborough and Harvard es- tablished. June 15, 1906 bounds between Boxborough and Littleton established.

Part of Cambridge. Jan. 27, 1816 part of Cambridge annexed. May 21, 1873 Brighton annexed to Boston if the act is accepted by both places. Oct. 7, 1873 the act accepted by both. Jan. 5, 1874 the act took effect.

Part of Woburn. Jan. 20, 1800 part an- nexed to Lexington.

The town of Newe Towne. May 2* 1638 name changed to Cambridge. Mar. 13,* 1639 bounds between Cambridge and Watertown established. Oct. 7,* 1641 bounds between Cambridge and Boston established. Nov. 12,* 1659 one thousand acres of land granted to Cambridge. Oct. 19,* 1664 the grant renewed. Mar.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Estabhshed or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Cambridge Con.

Sept. 8,* 1636

Carlisle, District of, Carlisle, .

April 19, 1754 April 28, 1780

20,* 1713 part established as Lexington. April 19, 1754 bounds between Cam- bridge and Watertown established. June 4, 1755 part annexed to Waltham. April 18, 1761 part of Charlestown annexed. Mar. 6, 1802 part of Charlestown annexed. Feb. 24, 1807 part established as Brighton. Feb. 27, 1807 part established as West Cambridge. Jan. 27, 1816 part annexed to Brighton. Feb. 12, 1818 part of Charlestown annexed. June 17, 1820 part of Charlestown annexed. Mar. 17, 1846 Cambridge incorporated as a city. Mar. 30, 1846 act of incorporation ac- cepted by the town. April 27, 1855 part of Watertown annexed. April 30, 1856 bounds between Cambridge and Somer- ville established and part of each place annexed to the other place. Feb. 25, 1862 parts of Belmont and West Cambridge annexed. Parts annexed to Belmont and West Cambridge, and bounds estab- lished. April 29, 1862 bounds between Cambridge and Somerville established and part of each place annexed to the other place. April 19, 1880 part of Bel- mont annexed. Mar. 10, 1885 part of Watertown annexed. April 28, 1891 bounds between Cambridge and Belmont established and part of each place annexed to the other place. Mar. 9, 1898 bounds between Cambridge and Watertown es- tablished and part of each place annexed to the other. Mar. 29, 1898 bounds be- tween Cambridge and Boston established. Feb. 16, 1906 bounds between Cambridge and Belmont readjusted. Mar. 29, 1910 bounds between Cambridge and Boston established. May 5, 1911 bounds be- tween Cambridge and Arlington estab- lished if accepted by the city council and selectmen. May 22, 1911 bounds ac- cepted by selectmen of Arlington, and May 31, 1911 bounds accepted by city council of Cambridge.

Part of Concord. Oct. 6, 1756 the district annexed to Concord.

Parts of Acton, Billerica, Chelmsford, and Concord established as the district of Carlisle. Sept. 12, 1780 part of the dis- trict of Carlisle annexed to Concord. Mar. 1, 1783 part of the district of Carlisle annexed to Chelmsford. Feb. 18, 1805 the district made a town. Feb. 17, 1865 part of Chelmsford annexed to Carlisle and bounds established. May 23, 1903 bounds between Carlisle and Concord established.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.


Aug. 23,* 1630


May 29,* 1655

Common land. Mar. 6,* 1632 bounds be- tween Charlestown and Newe Towne established. July 8,* 1635 bounds be- tween Charlestown and Boston estab- lished. Mar. 3,* 1636 bounds established "eight miles into the country from their meeting-house." Mar. 28,* 1636 bounds between Charlestown and Boston estab- lished. Oct. 28,* 1636 Lovel's Island granted to Charlestown provided they employ it for fishing. May 13,* 1640 certain common lands granted to Charles- town. Oct. 7,* 1640 certain common lands granted to Charlestown. Sept. 27,* 1G42 part established as Woburn. Oct. 27,* 1648 Lovel's Island granted to Charlestown provided "half the timber and firewood shall belong to the garrison at the castle." May 2,* 1649 part estab- lished as Maiden. Nov. 12,* 1659 one thousand acres of land granted to Charles- town. Oct. 21,* 1663 certain common lands granted to Charlestown. Oct. 19,* 1664 the grant made Nov. 12,* 1659 re- newed. Dec. 17,* 1725 part established as Stoneham. June 7,* 1726 part an- nexed to Maiden. April 19, 1754 part an- nexed to Medford. April 18, 1761 part annexed to Cambridge. Mar. 6, 1802 part annexed to Cambridge. June 21, 1811 part of Medford annexed. Feb. 12, 1818 part annexed to Cambridge. June 17, 1820 part annexed to Cambridge. Feb. 25, 1842 part annexed to West Cam- bridge. Mar. 3, 1842 part established as Somerville. Feb. 22, 1847 Charlestown incorporated as a city. Mar. 10, 1847 act of incorporation accepted by the town. May 14, 1873 Charlestown annexed to Boston if the act is accepted by both cities. Oct. 7, 1873 act accepted by both. Jan. 5, 1874 the act took effect.

Common land. May 14,* 1656 land granted to Chelmsford. May 31,* 1660 bounds between Chelmsford and the Indian plantation at Patucket established. June 27,* 1701 bounds between Chelmsford and Billerica established. Nov. 23,* 1725 part annexed to Littleton. June 13,* 1726 "Wameset" annexed. Sept. 23,* 1729 part established as Westford. April 24, 1755 part annexed to Dunstable. April 28, 1780 part included in the second district of Carlisle. Mar. 1, 1783 part of the second district of Carli.sle annexed. Mar. 1, 1826 part established as Lowell. Feb. 17, 1865 part annexed to Carlisle and bounds established. May 18, 1874 part annexed to Lowell. June 23, 1874 act of May 18, 1874 accepted by Lowell. Aug. 1, 1874 the act took efifect.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.


Sept. 3,* 1635



Feb. 26,* 1702

Oct. 13.* 1680

East Sudbury, Everett, .

April 10, 1780 Mar. 9, 1870

A plantation at Muaketequid. Aug. 20,* 1638 bounds between Concord, Dedham, and Watertown established. May 13,* 16.51 bounds between Concord and Water- town established. June 27,* 1701 bounds between Concord and Billerica estab- lished. April 12,* 1717 bounds between Concord and Stow established. Nov. 23,* 172.5 part annexed to Littleton. Sept. 23,* 1729 part included in the new town of Bedford. July 3,* 1735 part included in the new town of Acton. Dec. 11,* 1747 bounds between Concord and Acton established. April 19, 1754 part included in the new town of Lincoln. April 19, 1754 part made the first district of Carlisle. Oct. 6, 1756 the first district of Carlisle annexed. April 28, 1780 part included in the second district of Carlisle. Sept. 12, 1780 part of the district of Carlisle an- nexed. May 23, 1903 bounds between Concord and Carlisle established.

Common land. Feb. 28, 1851 part annexed to Lowell. May 18, 1874 part annexed to Lowell. June 23, 1874 the act accepted by Lowell. Aug. 1, 1874 the act took effect. April 1, 1879 part annexed to Lowell.

Common land. Jan. 4,* 1733 part estab- lished as Nottingham (N. H.). July 4,* 1735 part included in the new town of Litchfield (N. H.). June 8,* 1747 part of Groton annexed. June 8,* 1747 part of Nottingham annexed. Jan. 6,* 1752 part annexed to Groton. June 7, 17.53 part of Groton annexed. June 14, 1754 part of Nottingham annexed. April 24, 1755 part of Chelmsford annexed. June 22, 1789 part established as the district of Tyngs- borough. Mar. 3, 1792 part annexed to the district of Tyngsborough. Feb. 25, 1793 part of Groton annexed. Jan. 26, 1796 part of Groton annexed. Jan. 29, 1798 bounds between Dunstable and the district of Tyngsborough established. June 18, 1803 part of Groton annexed. June 10, 1814 bounds between Dunstable and Tyngsborough established. Feb. 15, 1820 bounds between Dunstable and Groton established.

Part of Sudbury. Mar. 11, 1835 name changed to Wayland.

Part of Maiden. April 20, 1875 part an- nexed to Medford. June 11, 1892 Ever- ett incorporated as a city. July 19, 1892 act of incorporation accepted by the town.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Estaljlished

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.


Oct. 13,* 1675


May 23,* 1655


Dec. 3,* 1724


Dec. 13,* 1715

Common land. June 25,* 1700 the planta- tion of Framingham established as Fram- ingham. July 5,* 1700 certain common lands annexed. July 11,* 1700 part of Sherborn annexed. June 13,* 1701 bounds between Framingham and Sud- bury established. June 16,* 1710 bounds between Framingham and Sherborn es- tablished. Mar. 7, 1786 part annexed to Southborough. Feb. 23, 1791 part an- nexed to Marlborough. Feb. II, 1833 part of Holliston annexed. Mar. 16, 1846 part included in the new town of Ashland. April 22, 1871 part of Natick annexed.

The plantation of Petapawag. June 14,* 1715 bounds between Groton and Nashoba established. Sept. 10,* 1730 part annexed to Westford. June 29,* 1732 part in- cluded in the new town of Harvard. Jan. 4,* 1739 part annexed to Littleton. Feb. 27,* 1743 bounds between Groton and Littleton established. June 8,* 1747 part annexed to Dunstable. Jan. 6,* 1752 part of Dunstable annexed. Jan. 5, 1753 part established as the district of Shirley. April 12, 1753 part established as the district of Pepperell. June 7, 1753 part annexed to Dunstable. Feb. 25, 1793 part annexed to Dunstable. Jan. 26, 1796 part annexed to Dunstable. Feb. 6, 1798 part annexed to Shirley. Feb. 3, 1803 part of Pepperell annexed. June 18, 1803 part annexed to Dunstable. Feb. 15, 1820 bounds between Groton and Dun- stable established. May 18, 1857 part annexed to Pepperell. Feb. 14, 1871 part included in the new town of Ayer.

Part of Sherborn. Dec. 22,* 1744 bounds between Holliston and Hopkinton estab- lished. April 28, 1781 part of Hopkinton annexed. Mar. 3, 1829 part of Medway annexed and bounds established. Feb. 11, 1833 part annexed to Framingham. Mar. 27, 1835 part annexed to Milford and bounds between Holliston, Hopkinton, and Milford established. Mar. 16, 1846 part included in the new town of Ashland. April I, 1859 bounds between Holliston and Milford established.

Certain common lands and the plantation called Moguncoy. June 14,* 1735 part included in the new town of Upton. Dec. 22,* 1744 bounds between Hopkinton and Holliston established. April 28, 1781 part annexed to Holliston. Mar. 8, 1808 part annexed to Upton. Mar. 27, 1835 part of Milford annexed, part annexed to



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Hopkinton Con. .

Dec. 13,* 1715



Mar. 19, 1866

Mar. 20,* 1713

Lincoln, Littleton,

April 19, 1754

Dec. 3,* 1715


Mar. 1, 1826

Milford, and bounds between Hopkinton, Holliston, and Milford established. Mar. 15, 1846 part included in the new town of Ashland. April 28, 1853 part of Ashland to be annexed when a certain sum is paid by Hopkinton. May 2, 1853 three hun- dred dollars paid by Hopkinton and the act in effect. May 16, 1907 bounds be- tween Hopkinton and Milford established. May 16, 1907 bounds between Hopkin- ton and Upton established.

Parts of Marlborough and Stow. Mar. 20, 1868 part of Bolton annexed. May 1, 1905 bounds between Hudson and Berlin established. May 24, 1905 bounds be- tween Hudson and Stow established.

The North Precinct in Cambridge. April 19, 1754 part included in the new town of Lincoln. June 9, 1768 part annexed to Bedford. Jan. 20, 1800 part of Burlington annexed. Feb. 28, 1853 bounds between Lexington and Lincoln established. April 4, 1895 bounds between Lexington and Waltham located and defined.

Parts of Concord, Lexington and Weston. Feb. 28, 1853 bounds between Lincoln and Lexington established.

Common land. June 14,* 1715 bounds be- tween Nashoba 1 and Groton established. Nov. 23,* 1725 parts of Chelmsford and Concord annexed. Jan. 4,* 1739 part of Groton annexed. Feb. 27,* 1743 bounds between Littleton and Groton estab- lished. Feb. 25, 1783 part included in the new district of Boxborough. Feb. 20, 1794 bounds between Littleton and Box- borough established. April 30, 1890 bounds between Littleton and Boxborough established. June 14, 1906 bounds be- tween Littleton and Harvard established. June 15, 1906 bounds between Littleton and Boxborough established.

Part of Chelmsford. Mar. 29, 1834 part of Tewksbury annexed. April 1, 1836 Lowell incorporated as a city. April 11, 1836 act of incorporation accepted by the town. Feb. 28, 1851 part of Dracut an- nexed. May 18, 1874 parts of Chelmsford and Dracut annexed. June 5, 1874 part of Tewksbury annexed. June 23, 1874 act of May 18, 1874 accepted by Lowell. Aug. 1, 1874 the act took effect. April 1, 1879 part of Dracut annexed. May 17, 1888 part of Tewksbury annexed. April 30, 1906 part of Tewksbury annexed.

' Afterward Littleton.



Cities andITowns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein reoorded as Kstablished

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.


May 2* 1649

Marlborough, .

May 31,* 1660

Maynard, Medford,

April 19, 1871 Sept. 28,* 1630

Part of Charle.stown called Mystic Side. June 7,* 1726 part of Chariest own an- nexed. June 3,* 1727 part annexed to Reading. Dee. 21,* 1734 part of Maiden annexed to Stoneham. Dec. 18, 17.53 bounds between Maiden and Reading established. June 10, 1817 part annexed to Medford. May 3, 1850 part established as Melrose. Mar. 9, 1870 part estab- lished as Everett. April 20, 1877 part of Medford annexed. Feb. 20, 1878 bounds between Maiden and Medford established. Mar. 31, 1881 Maiden incorporated as a city. June 9, 1881 act of incorporation accepted by the town. June 10, 1910 bounds between Maiden and Medford established and a part of Medford an- nexed. Mar. 22, 1917 bounds between Maiden and Medford changed and estab- lished.

Common land. May 15,* 1667 plat of Marlborrow confirmed. July 2,* 1700 certain common lands granted to Marl- borough. Nov. 16,* 1716 a tract of land called Agaganquamasset confirmed to Marlborough. Oct. 25,* 1717 Alcock's Farms granted to Marlborough. Nov. 18,* 1717 part established as West- borough. July 6,* 1727 part estab- lished as Southborough. Julj^ 11, 1783 bounds between Marlborough and Stow established. Mar. 16, 1784 part included in the new district of Berlin. Feb. 23, 1791 part of Framingham annexed. June 20, 1807 part annexed to Northborough and bounds established. Feb. 11, 1829 part annexed to Bolton. Mar. 16, 1838 bounds between Marlborough and Bolton estab- lished. Mar. 24, 1843 part of South- borough annexed. Mar. 19, 1866 part included in the new town of Hudson. May 23, 1890 Marlborough incorporated as a city. July 14, 1890 act of incorpora- tion accepted by the town. May 16, 1901 bounds between Marlborough and South- borough established. May 1, 1905 bounds between Marlborough and Berlin estab- lished.

Parts of Sudbury and Stow.

Common land. April 19, 1754 part of Chark'stown annexed to Medford. June 21, ISll part annexed to Charlestown. June 10, 1817 part of Maiden annexed. April 30, 1850 part included in the new town of Winchester. April 20, 1875 part of Everett annexed. April 20, 1877 part annexed to Maiden. Feb. 20, 1878 bounds



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Medford Con.

Sept. 28,* 1630


May 3, 1850


Oct. 14,* 1651


Dec. 15,* 1691


July 26,* 1631

between Medford and Maiden estab- lished. May 31, 1892 Medford incor- porated as a city. Oct. 6, 1892 act of incorporation accepted by the town. June 10, 1910 bounds between Medford and Maiden established and a part an- nexed to Maiden. Mar. 22, 1917 bounds between Medford and Maiden changed and established.

Part of Maiden. Mar. 15, 1853 part of Stoneham annexed. Mar. 27, 1895 bounds between Melrose and Stoneham located and defined. Mar. 18, 1899 Melrose in- corporated as a city. May 8, 1899 act of incorporation accepted by the town. May 9, 1906 bounds between Melrose and Wakefield changed and established.

Indian plantation at Natick mentioned. May 31,* 1660 bounds of the plantation established. April 16,* 1679 exchange of land made with Sherborn. May 30,* 1679 the exchange of land with Sherborn ratified by the General Court. Oct. 18,* 1701 bounds between Natick and Dedham established. Feb. 25,* 1744 part of Need- ham annexed. Feb. 23, 1762 the parish of Natick established as the district of Natick. Feb. 19, 1781 the district of Natick made a town. June 22, 1797 bounds between Natick and Needham established and part of each town annexed to the other town. Feb. 7, 1820 part of Sherborn annexed. April 26, 1850 bounds between Natick and Wayland established. April 22, 1871 part annexed to Framing- ham.

The town of Cambridge Village, sometimes called Little Cambridge. June 21, 1803 an island in Charles River annexed. April 23, 1838 part annexed to Roxbury. April 16, 1849 part annexed to Waltham. June 2, 1873 Newton incorporated as a city. Oct. 13, 1873 act of incorporation ac- cepted by the town. May 29, 1874 bounds between Newton and Boston established. May 5, 1875 part of Boston annexed. June 23, 1875 the act accepted by Newton. July 1, 1875 the act took effect. Mar. 29, 1898 bounds between Newton and Boston established. May 13, 1898 bounds between Newton and Boston established. Mar. 28, 1907 bounds between Newton and Brookline established.

Common land. Mar. 6,* 1632 bounds be- tween " Charles-Towne and Newtowne" established. April 7,* 1635 bounds be-



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Newtowne Con.

North Reading,

July 26,* 1631

Mar. 22, 1853



April 12, 1753

May 29,* 1644

Sherborn, i

Oct. 7,* 1674

tween Newtowne and Watertown, and between Newtowne and Roxbury estab- lished. May 2,* 1638 name changed to Cambridge.

Part of Reading. May 27, 1857 bounds between North Reading and Lynnfield established and part of each town an- nexed to the other town provided the act is accepted by both towns. Jan. 7, 1858 the act accepted by North Reading. (Ac- cepted by Lynnfield Nov. 3, 1857.) Mar. 12, 1904 bounds between North Reading and North Andover established. April 22, 1904 bounds between North Reading and Andover established.

The second precinct of Groton made the district of "Pepperrell." Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. Feb. 3, 1803 part annexed to Groton. May 18, 1857 part of Groton annexed.

Part of Lynn. May 29,* 1644 bounds be- tween Reading and Woburn established. Oct. 14,* 1651 land granted to Reading, June 3,* 1727 part of Maiden annexed. Sept. 25,* 1730 part included in the new town of Wilmington. Dec. 21,* 1734 part annexed to Stoneham. April 5,* 1751 bounds between Reading and Stoneham established. Dec. 18, 1753 bounds be- tween Reading and Maiden established. Feb. 25, 1812 First or South Parish of Reading established as South Reading. June 16, 1813 part of South Reading an- nexed. Mar. 22, 1853 part established as North Reading. April 10, 1854 bounds between Reading and Lynnfield estab- lished. May 2, 1905 bounds between Reading and Lynnfield established.

Common land. April 16,* 1679 exchange of land made with the plantation of Natick. May 30,* 1679 the exchange ratified by General Court. May 17,* 1684 the grant of Oct. 7,* 1674 and the name Sherborne then given, confirmed. July 11,* 1700 part annexed to Framingham. June 10,* 1710 bounds between Sherborn and Franaingham established. Dec. 3,* 1724 part established as Holliston. Mar. 3, 1792 bounds between Sherburne and Med- way established. Feb. 7, 1820 part an- nexed to Natick. May 3, 1852 the name of the town of Sherburne [sic] changed to Sherborn.

See the extinct town of Sherburn. The spelling of the town name is given in each instance as found in the records.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as EstabHshed

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.


Jan. 5, 1753


Mar. 3, 1S42

South Reading,


Feb. 25, 1812

Dec. 17,* 1725


May 16,* 1683

Part of Groton established as the district of Shirley. Jan. 25, 1765 certain land known as Stow Leg annexed. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. Feb. 6, 1798 part of Groton annexed. Mar. 3, 1846 bounds between Shirley and Lunen- burg established. April 25, 1848 bounds between Shirley and Lunenburg estab- lished. Feb. 14, 1871 part included in the new town of Ayer.

Part of Charlestown. April 30, 1856 bounds between Somerville and Cambridge es- tablished and part of each place annexed to the other place. April 29, 1862 bounds between Somerville and Cambridge estab- lished and part of each place annexed to the other place. April 14, 1871 Somerville incorporated as a city. April 27, 1871 act of incorporation accepted by the town. May 4, 1891 bounds between Somerville and Boston established. Mar. 16, 1910 bounds between Somerville and Arlington established.

Part of Reading. June 16, 1813 part an- nexed to Reading. April 5, 1856 part of Stoneham annexed. Feb. 25, 1868 name changed to Wakefield. June 30, 1868 the act took effect.

Part of Charlestown. Dec. 21,* 1734 part of Maiden annexed. Dec. 21,* 1734 part of Reading annexed. April 5,* 1751 bounds between Stoneham and Reading estab- lished. Mar. 15, 1853 part annexed to Melrose. April 5, 1856 part annexed to South Reading. Mar. 13, 1889 part annexed to Wakefield. Mar. 27, 1895 bounds between Stoneham and Melrose located and defined. April 20, 1895 part of Woburn annexed to Stoneham.

The plantation between Concord and Lancaster called Pompositticut. April 12,* 1717 bounds between Stow and Concord established. Dec. 29,* 1730 part of Sudbury annexed. June 29,* 1732 part included in the new town of Harvard. Feb. 25, 1783 part included in the new town of Boxborough. July 11, 1783 bounds between Stow and Marl- borough established. Mar. 19, 1866 part included in the new town of Hudson. April 19, 1871 part included in the new town of Maynard. May 24, 1905 bounds between Stow and Hudson established.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.


Sept. 4,* 1639

Tewksbury, .

Townsend, Tyngsborough,

Dec. 17,* 1734

June 29,* 1732

June 22, 1789



Feb. 25, 1868

Jan. 4,* 1738


Sept. 7,* 1630

The new plantation by Concord. May 13,* 1640 land granted to Sudbury. May 2,* 1649 land granted to Sudbury. M-ay 13,* 1651 bounds between Sudbury and Watertown established. June 13,* 1701 bounds between Sudbury and Framing- ham established. June 9,* 1721 certain farms annexed. Dec. 29,* 1730 part an- nexed to Stow. April 10, 1780 part estab- lished as East Sudbury. April 19, 1871 part included in the new town of Maynard.

Part of Billerica. Mar. 29, 1834 part an- nexed to Lowell. June 5, 1874 part an- nexed to Lowell. May 17, 1888 part an- nexed to Lowell. May 21, 1903 bounds between Tewksbury and Andover estab- lished. April 30, 1906 part annexed to Lowell.

The north part of Turkey Hill. Mar. 6, 1767 part included in the new town of Ashby.

Part of Dunstable established as the dis- trict of Tyngsborough. Mar. 3, 1792 part of Dunstable annexed to the district of Tyngsborough. Jan. 29, 1798 part of Dunstable annexed to the district of Tyngsborough and bounds established. Feb. 23, 1809 the district made a town. June 10, 1814 bounds between Tyngs- borough and Dunstable established.

Name changed from South Reading. June 30, 1868 the act took effect. April 2, 1870 bounds between Wakefield and Lynnfield established. Mar. 13, 1889 part of Stoneham annexed. May 9, 1906 bounds between Wakefield and Melrose changed and established.

Part of Watertown. June 4, 1755 part of Cambridge annexed. June 25, 1766 bounds between Waltham and Weston established. April 16, 1849 part of Newton annexed. Mar. 18, 1859 part included in the new town of Belmont. June 2, 1884 Waltham incorporated as a city. July 16, 1884 act of incorporation accepted by the town. April 4, 1895 bounds between Waltham and Lexington located and defined.

"The town upon Charles River." Sept. 25,* 1634 part of New Towne to revert to Watertown, "if Mr. Hooker and his con- gregation shall remove hence." April 7,*



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as EstabUshed

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Watertown Con.

Sept. 7,* 1630

Wayland, . West Camhridge,

Mar. 11, 1835

Feb. 27, 1807

Westford, Weston,

Wilmington, .

Winchester, .

Sept. 23,* 1729 Jan. 1,*1713

Sept. 25,* 1730

April 30, 1850

1635 bounds between Watertown and New Towne established. Aug. 20,* 1638 bounds between Watertown, Concord, and Dedham established. Mar. 13,* 1639 bounds between Watertown and Cambridge established. May 22,* 1639 bounds between Watertown and Dedham established. May 13,* 1651 bounds be- tween Watertown and Sudbury estab- lished. May 13,* 1651 bounds between Watertown and Concord established. Jan. 1,* 1712 part established as Weston. Jan. 4,* 1738 part established as Waltham. April 19, 1754 bounds between Water- town and Cambridge established. April 27, 1855 part annexed to Cambridge. Mar. 18, 1859 part included in the new town of Belmont. Mar. 10, 1885 part annexed to Cambridge. Mar. 9, 1898 bounds between Watertown and Cam- bridge established and part of each place annexed to the other. May 23, 1903 bounds between Watertown and Belmont established. April 29, 1911 bounds be- tween Watertown and Belmont estab- lished.

Name changed from East Sudbury. April 26, 1850 bounds between Wayland and Natick established.

Part of Cambridge. Feb. 25, 1842 part of Charlestown annexed. April 30, 1850 part included in the new town of Win- chester. Mar. 18, 1859 part included in the new town of Belmont. Jan. 31, 1861 bounds between West Cambridge and Belmont established. Feb. 25, 1862 part of Cambridge annexed. April 13, 1867 name changed to Arlington. April 30, 1867 the act took effect.

Sept. 10,* 1730 part of

Part of Chelmsford. Groton annexed.

The West Precinct of Watertown. April 19, 1754 part included in the new town of Lincoln. June 25, 1766 bounds between Weston and Waltham established.

Parts of Reading and Woburn. June 13,* 1733 part of Billerica annexed. Dec. 27, 1757 bounds between Wilmington and Billerica established.

Parts of Medford, West Cambridge, and Woburn. May 12, 1873 part annexed to Woburn.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.


Sept. 27,* 1642

Charlestowne Village. May 29,* 1644 bounds between Woburn and Reading established. Oct. 19,* 1GG4 two thousand acres of land granted to Woburn. Oct. 10,* 1666 bounds between Woburn and Billerica established. Oct. 12,* 1669 bounds between Woburn and Billerica established. Sept. 25,* 1730 part in- cluded in the new town of Wilmington. July 28,* 1741 bounds between Woburn and Billerica established. Feb. 28, 1799 part established as Burlington. April 30, 1850 part included in the new town of Winchester. May 12, 1873 part of Win- chester annexed. May 18, 1888 Woburn incorporated as a city. May 29, 1888 act of incorporation accepted by the town. April 20, 1895 part of Woburn annexed to Stoneham.

NANTUCKET COUNTY. Incorporated June 22, 1695.



June 8, 1795 June 27,* 1687

Name changed from Sherburn.

Common land. -, 1692 the island of Nantucket granted to the Province of Massachusetts Bay. June 8,* 1713 the island of Tuckannock granted to Nan- tucket [sic]. June 8, 1795 name changed to Nantucket.

NORFOLK COUNTY. Incorporated March 26, 1793.

Avon, . Bellingham,


Feb. 21, 1888

Nov. 27,* 1719

May 13,* 1640

Part of Stoughton. April 16, 1889 parts of Holbrook and Randolph annexed.

Parts of Dedham, Mendon, and W'rentham, April 11,* 1735 bounds between Belling- ham and Wrentham established. Feb. 23, 1832 bounds between Bellingham and Franklin established. Mar. 7, 1872 bounds between Bellingham and Mendon established.

Land belonging to Boston called Mount Woollaston. May 30,* 1712 Blue Hill lands divided between Braintree and Milton. Feb. 22, 1792 part included in the new town of Quincy. Mar. 9, 1793 part established as Randolph. June 22, 1811 certain estates in Braintree re-an- nexed to Randolph. April 24, 1856 part annexed to Quincy. Mar. II, 1903 bounds between Braintree and Holbrook estab- lished.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what' Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.





Nov. 13,* 1705

Feb. 23, 1797

April 26, 1770

Sept. 8,* 1636

Part of Boston called Muddy River. Feb. 22, 1825 bounds between Brookline and Boston confirmed. Feb. 24, 1844 part of Roxbury annexed. June 18, 1870 part annexed to Boston. Nov. 4, 1870 the act accepted by Boston. April 27, 1872 bounds between Brookline and Boston established. May 8, 1874 part annexed to Boston. May 27, 1890 bounds between Brookline and Boston established. April 13, 1894 bounds between Brookline and Boston established. Mar. 28, 1907 bounds between Brookline and Newton established.

Part of Stoughton. Mar. 31, 1847 part an- nexed to Stoughton. Mar. 24, 1899 bounds between Canton and Sharon es- tablished.

Part of Hingham established as the district of Cohasset. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. June 14, 1823 part of Scituate annexed. Mar. 20, 1840 bounds between Cohasset and Scituate established and part of each town an- nexed to the other town. April 30, 1897 bounds between Cohasset, Hingham, and Scituate established.

Common land. May 16,* 1638 bounds be- tween Dedham and Roxbury established. May 17,* 1638 bounds between Dedham and Dorchester established. Aug. 20,*

1638 bounds between Dedham, Concord, and Watertown established. May 22,*

1639 bounds between Dedham and Water- town established. Oct. 17,* 1649 land granted for a village. May 22,* 1650 part established as Medfield. Oct. 14,* 1651 bounds confirmed. May 12,* 1675 bounds between Dedham and Roxbury established. Oct. 18,* 1701 bounds between Dedham and Natick established. Nov. 5,* 1711 part established as Needham. Aug. 22,* 1712 bounds between Dedham and Need- ham established. Nov. 3,* 1714 bounds between Dedham and Needham estab- lished. Nov. 27,* 1719 part included in the new town of Bellingham. Dec. 10,* 1724 part established as Walpole. April 25,* 1733 part of Stoughton annexed. Dec. 10,* 1737 part of Stoughton annexed. Dec. 11,* 1738 bounds between Dedham and Stoughton established. June 7,* 1739 part annexed to Dorchester. June 17, 1780 part of Stoughton annexed. July 7, 1784 part established as the district of Dover. Mar. 7, 1791 bounds between Dedham and Dover established. June 21, 1811 part re-annexed to Walpole. June



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Dedham Con.

Sept. 8,* 1636


Sept. 7,* 1630

Dover, .

July 7, 1784


June 10, 1778

17, 1831 part annexed to Dorchester. April 21, 1852 part annexed to West Roxbury upon payment of $400 by West Roxbury. April 30, 1852 the act accepted by West Roxbury. April 30, 1852 part annexed to Walpole. July 4, 1853 ^400 paid by West Roxbury to Dedham, and act of April 21, 1852 in effect. April 22, 1808 part included in the new town of Hyde Park. May 1, 1868 bounds fixed in the act of April 22, 1868 changed. Feb. 23, 1872 part included in the new town of Norwood. April 2, 1897 part established as West wood.

Common land called Mattapan. Mar. 4,* 1635 Thompson's Island granted to Dorchester. Mar. 28,* 1636 bounds established. May 17,* 1638 bounds be- tween Dorchester and Dedham estab- lished. June 2,* 1641 "Squantums Neck and Mennens Moone' ' annexed. Nov. 12,* 1659 one thousand acres of common land granted to Dorchester. May 7,* 1662 part established as Milton. Dec. 22,* 1726 part established as Stoughton. June 7,* 1739 part of Dedham annexed. Feb. 22, 1792 part annexed to Quincy. Mar. 6, 1804 part annexed to Boston. Feb. 10, 1814 part annexed to Quincy. Feb. 12, 1819 part annexed to Quincy. Feb. 21, 1820 bounds between Dorchester and Quincy established. June 17, 1831 part of Dedham annexed. Mar. 25, 1834 Thompson's Island set off and annexed to Boston. May 2, 1855 part annexed to Quincy. May 21, 1855 part annexed to Boston. April 22, 1868 part included in the new town of Hyde Park. May 1, 1868 act of April 22, 1868 amended and bounds changed. June 4, 1869 Dorchester an- nexed to Boston if this act is accepted by both places. June 22, 1869 act accepted by both. Jan. 3, 1870 the act took effect.

Part of Dedham established as the district of Dover. Mar. 7, 1791 bounds between the district of Dover and Dedham estab- lished. Mar. 31, 1836 the district made a town. May 2, 1836 the act accepted by the district. Feb. 27, 1872 bounds be- tween Dover and Walpole established. May 27, 1903 bounds between Dover and Medfield established. Mar. 12, 1904 bounds between Dover and Walpole es- tablished- Parts of Stoughton, Stoughtonham, Wal- pole, and Wrentham. Mar. 12, 1793 parts of Sharon and Stoughton annexed



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Foxborough Con.

June 10, 1778


Mar. 2, 1778


Hyde Park,

Feb. 29, 1872

April 22, 1868



May 22,* 1650

Oct. 24,* 1713

and bounds established. Feb. 3, 1819 bounds between Foxborough and Wren- tham established. Feb. 7, 1831 part of Wrentham annexed. Jan. 30, 1833 bounds between Foxborough and Sharon established and part of each town an- nexed to the other town. Mar. 27, 1833 part annexed to Walpole. Mar. 28, 1834 part annexed to Walpole. Feb. 28, 1850 part of Sharon annexed. May 23, 1903 bounds between Foxborough and Nor- folk, and Walpole established.

Part of Wrentham. June 25, 1792 part of Medway annexed. Nov. 13, 1792 bounds between Franklin and Medway estab- lished. Feb. 23, 1832 bounds between Franklin and Bellingham, and Medway established. Mar. 13, 1839 bounds be- tween Franklin and Medway established and part annexed to Medway. Feb. 23, 1870 part included in the new town of Norfolk.

Part of Randolph. April 16, 1889 part annexed to Avon. Mar. 11, 1903 bounds between Holbrook and Braintree estab- lished.

Parts of Dedham, Dorchester, and Milton. May 1, 1868 the act amended and bounds changed. April 1, 1898 bounds between Hyde Park and Boston established. May 24, 1911 (amended June 22, 1911) an- nexed to Boston if the act is accepted by both places. Nov. 7, 1911 the act ac- cepted by both, and took effect.

Part of Dedham. May 22,* 1651 Medfield granted the privileges of a town. May 28,* 1659 land granted to Medfield. Oct. 24,* 1713 part established as Medway. May 27, 1903 bounds between Medfield and Dover, Norfolk and Walpole estab- lished.

Part of Medfield. Nov. 28,* 1749 part of Wrentham annexed. Mar. 3, 1792 bounds between Medway and Sherborn estab- lished. June 25, 1792 part annexed to Franklin. Nov. 13, 1792 bounds between Medway and Franklin established. Mar. 3, 1829 bounds between Medway and HoUiston established and part of each town annexed to the other town. Feb. 23, 1832 bounds between Medway and Franklin established. Mar. 13, 1839 part of Franklin annexed and bounds established. Feb. 23, 1870 part included in the new town of Norfolk. Feb. 24, 1885 part established as Millis.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

E.xtinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Millis, Milton,

Feb. 24, 1885 May 7,* 1662


Nov, 6,* 1711


Norwood, Plainville,


Feb. 23, 1870

Feb. 23, 1872 April 4, 1905 Feb. 22, 1792



Mar. 9, 1793

Sept. 28,* 1630

Part of Medway.

Part of Dorchester called Uncataquissett. May 30,* 1712 Blue Hill lands divided between Milton and Braintree. April 22, 1868 part included in the new town of Hyde Park. May 1, 1868 the act amended and bounds established. April 16, 1885 bounds between Milton and Quincy established and part of each town annexed to the other town.

Part of Dedhara. Aug. 22,* 1712 bounds between Needham and Dedham estab- lished. Nov. 3,* 1714 bounds between Needham and Dedham established. Feb. 25,* 1744 part annexed to Natick. June 22, 1797 bounds between Needham and Natick established and part of each town annexed to the other town. April 6, 1881 part established as Wellesley.

Parts of Franklin, Medway, Walgole, and Wrentham. April 19, 1871 bounds be- tween Norfolk and Wrentham established. May 23, 1903 bounds between Norfolk and Foxborough established. May 27, 1903 bounds between Norfolk and Med- iield established.

Parts of Dedham and "Walpole.

Part of Wrentham.

Part of Braintree established as Quincy, and part of that part of Dorchester called "Squantum and the Farms" an- nexed. Feb. 10, 1814 part of "Squantum and the Farms" annexed. Feb. 12, 1819 part of Dorchester annexed. Feb. 21, 1820 bounds between Quincy and Dor- chester established, and part of Squantum annexed. May 2, 1855 part of Squantum annexed. April 24, 1856 part of Brain- tree annexed. April 16, 1885 bounds between Quincy and Milton established and part of each town annexed to the other town. May 17, 1888 Quincy incor- porated as a city. June 11, 1888 act of incorporation accepted by the town.

Part of Braintree. June 22, 1811 certain estates in Braintree reannexed. Mar. 21, 1861 bounds between Randolph and Abington established. Feb. 29, 1872 part established as Holbrook. April 16, 1889 part annexed to Avon.

Common land. Mar. 4,* 1633 bounds be- tween Roxbury and Boston established. April 7,* 1635 bounds between Roxbury



Cities and Towns.

Roxbury Con.



First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

Sept. 28,* 1630

Feb. 25, 1783

Dec. 22,* 1726

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

and Newe Towne established. May 25,* 1636 certain lands granted to Roxbury. May 2,* 1638 certain lands granted to Roxbury. May 16,* 1638 bounds between Roxbury and Dedham established. Oct. 7,* 1641 bounds between Roxbury and Boston established. Oct. 16,* 1660 certain lands granted to Roxbury. May 12,* 1675 bounds between Roxbury and Dedham established. Mar. 16, 1836 bounds between Roxbury and Boston established. April 19, 1837 bounds be- tween Roxbury and Boston established. April 23, 1838 part of Newton annexed, Feb. 24, 1844 part annexed to Brookline. Mar. 12, 1846 Roxbury incorporated as a city. Mar. 25, 1846 act of incorporation accepted by the town. May 3, 1850 part annexed to Boston and bounds be- tween Roxbury and Boston established. May 24, 1851 part established as West Roxbury. April 3, 1860 part annexed to Boston and bounds established if the act is accepted by both cities. April 16, 1860 the act accepted by Roxbury. May 8, 1860 the act accepted by Boston. June 1, 1867 Roxbury annexed to Boston if this act is accepted by both cities. Sept. 9, 1867 the act accepted by both. Jan. 5, 1868 the act took effect.

Name changed from Stoughtonham. Feb. 16, 1789 part of Stoughton annexed. Feb. 22, 1792 part of Stoughton annexed. Mar. 12, 1793 bounds between Sharon and Fox- borough established and parts of Sharon and Stoughton annexed to Foxborough. Feb. 28, 1804 part annexed to Walpole. June 21, 1811 part annexed to Walpole. Jan. 30, 1833 bounds between Sharon and Foxborough established and part of each town annexed to the other town. May 1, 1847 part annexed to Walpole. Feb. 28, 1850 part annexed to Foxborough. Mar. 26, 1864 part of Stoughton annexed. Mar. 24, 1899 bounds between Sharon and Canton established.

Part of Dorchester. April 25,* 17.33 part annexed to Dedham. Dec. 10,* 1737 part annexed to Dedham. Dec. 11,* 1738 bounds between Stoughton and Dedham established. Nov. 25, 1752 part annexed to Walpole. Mar. 30, 1753 part annexed to Walpole. June 13, 1753 part annexed to Walpole. Dec. 25, 1753 part annexed to Norton. Dec. 28, 1753 part annexed to Wrentham. Oct. 25, 1755 part annexed to Walpole. June 21, 1765 part estab- lished as the district of Stoughtonham. Nov. 20, 1770 part annexed to Bridge-



Cities and Towns.

Stoughton Con.


First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

Dec. 22 * 1726


Wellesley, West Roxbury,


June 21, 1765

Dec. 10,* 1724

April 6, 1881 May 24, 1851

April 2, 1897

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

water. June 10, 1778 part included in the- new town of Foxborough. June 17, 1780 part annexed to Dedham. Feb. 16, 1789 part annexed to Sharon. Feb. 22, 1792 part annexed to Sharon. Mar. 12, 1793 part annexed to Foxborough. Feb. 23,

1797 part established as Canton. Feb. 8,

1798 part annexed to Bridgewater. Mar. 31, 1847 part of Canton annexed. Mar. 26, 1864 part annexed to Sharon. Feb. 21, 1888 part established as Avon.

Part of Stoughton established as the dis- trict of Stoughtonham. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. June 10, 1778 part included in the new town of Foxborough. Feb. 25, 1783 name changed to Sharon.

Part of Dedham. Nov. 25, 1752 part of Stoughton annexed. Mar. 30, 1753 part of Stoughton annexed. June 13, 1753 part of Stoughton annexed. Oct. 25, 1755 part of Stoughton annexed. June 10, 1778, part included in the new town of Foxborough. Feb. 28, 1804 part of Sharon annexed. June 21, 1811 part of Sharon annexed and part of Dedham re- annexed. Mar. 27, 1833 part of Fox- borough annexed. Mar. 28, 1834 part of Foxborough annexed. April 30, 1852 part of Dedham annexed. Feb. 23, 1870 part included in the new town of Norfolk. Feb. 23, 1872 part included in the new town of Norwood. Feb. 27, 1872 bounds between Walpole and Dover established. May 1, 1874 part of Sharon annexed. May 23, 1903 bounds between Walpole and Fox- borough established. ]\Iay 27, 1903 bounds between Walpole and Medfield established. Mar. 12, 1904 bounds be- tween Walpole and Dover established.

Part of Needham.

Part of Roxbury. April 21, 1852 part of Dedham annexed upon payment of S400 by West Roxbury. April 30, 1852 the act accepted by West Roxbury. July 4, 1S53 $400 paid by West Roxbury to Dedham, and the act in effect. April 2, 1S70 bounds between West Roxbury and Boston estab- lished. April 12, 1872 part (Mount Hope Cemetery) annexed to Boston. May 29,

1873 West Roxbury annexed to Boston if the act is accepted by both places. Oct. 7, 1873 the act accepted by both. Jan. 5,

1874 the act took effect.

Part of Dedham.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.



Sept. 2,* 1635

Oct. 15,* 1673

The plantation of Wessaguscus. Sept. 3,* 1635 bounds between Weymouth and Hingham established. Mar. 9,* 1637 Round Island and Grape Island granted to Weymouth. Mar. 31, 1847 bounds be- tween Weymouth and Abingtonestablished.

Common land. Nov. 27,* 1719 part in- cluded in the new town of Bellingham. April 11,* 1735 bounds between Wrentham and Bellingham established. Nov. 28,* 1749 part annexed to Medway. Dec. 28, 1753 part of Stoughton annexed. Mar. 2, 1778 part established as Franklin. June 10, 1778 part included in the new town of Foxborough. Feb. 3, 1819 bounds be- tween Wrentham and Foxborough estab- lished. Feb. 18, 18.30 bounds between Wrentham and Attleborough established and part of Attleborough annexed. Feb. 7, 1831 part annexed to Foxborough. Feb. 23, 1870 part included in the new town of Norfolk. April 19, 1871 bounds between Wrentham and Norfolk estab- lished. April 4, 1905 part established as Plain ville.

PLYMOUTH COUNTY. Incorporated June 2, 1685.



June 10,* 1712

June 3,* 1656

Part of Bridgewater and certain lands ad- joining. June 14,* 1727 part included in the new town of Hanover. Mar. 31, 1847 bounds between Abington and Weymouth established. Mar. 21, 1861 bounds be tween Abington and Randolph estab- lished. Mar. 21, 1861 bounds between Abington and Hingham established. Mar. 9, 1874 part established as Rockland. Mar. 4, 1875 part included in the new town of South Abington.

Part of Duxbury called the New Plantation. June 3,* 1662 certain lands granted to Bridgewater. Feb. 11,* 1691 lands be- tween Bridgewater and Weymouth, called Foord's Farms, and lands adjoining, an- nexed. June 10,* 1712 part included in the new town of Abington. Nov. 20, 1770 part of Stoughton annexed. Feb. 8, 1798 part of Stoughton annexed. June 15, 1821 part established as North Bridgewater. Feb. 16, 1822 part e.stablished as West Bridgewater. June 14, 1823 part estab- lished as East Bridgewater. Feb. 20, 1824 part annexed to Halifax. Feb. 23, 1838 bounds between Bridgewater and East Bridgewater established. Mar. 20, 1846 bounds between Bridgewater and East Bridgewater established and part of each town annexed to the other town.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.




Mar. 28, 1874

June 9, 1790

June 7,* 1637

East Bridgewater,



June 14, 1823

July 4,* 1734

June 14,* 1727

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

North Bridgewater authorized to change its name. May 5, 1874 Brockton adopted as the name. April 24, 1S75 part annexed to South Abington, and parts of East Bridge- water and South Abington annexed. April 9, 1881 Brockton incorporated as a city. May 23, 1881 act of incorporation accepted by the town. May 8, 1893 part of West Bridgewater annexed to Brockton if the act is accepted by Brockton. Nov. 7, 1893 act accepted by Brockton. Mar. 1 1894 act of May 8, 1893 took full effect.

Part of Plympton. Feb. 8, 1793 bounds between Carver and Pljinpton estab- lished. Jan. 20, 1827 part annexed to V\ areham. Mar. 24, 1849 bounds between Carver and Middleborough e.stablished. May 16, 1901 bounds between Carver and Wareham established.

Common land. Mar. 2* 1641 bounds estab- lished. June 3,* 1656 part called the New Plantation established as Bridgewater. Mar. 2,* 1658 Namassakeesett annexed. Mar. 5,* 1661 certain lands granted to Duxbury and Marshfield. July 5,* 1670 bounds between Duxbury and "the Major's Purchase" established. June 5,* 1678 bounds established. Feb. 23,* 1683 bounds between Duxbury and Marshfield established. Mar. 21,* 1712 part in- cluded in the new town of Pembroke. June 14, 1813 bounds between Duxbury and Marshfield established. April 14, 1857 part annexed to Kingston.

Part of Bridgewater. Feb. 23, 1838 bounds between East Bridgewater and Bridge- water established. Mar. 20, 1846 part of Bridgewater annexed and bounds estab- lished. April 11, 1857 part of Halifax an- nexed and bounds established. Mar. 4, 1875 part included in the new town of South Abington. April 24, 1875 part an- nexed to Brockton.

Parts of Middleborough, Pembroke, and PljTnpton. Feb. 20, 1824 part of Bridge- water annexed. Mar. 16, 1831 part of Plympton annexed. April 11, 1857 part annexed to East Bridgewater and bounds established. Feb. 6, 1863 bounds be- tween Halifax and Plympton established and part of each town annexed to the other town.

Parts of Abington and Scituate. Mar. 6. 1835 bounds between Hanover and Pem- broke established. May 15, 1857 bounds between Hanover and South Scituate



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as EstabUshed

or Incorporated.

From what EstabUshed or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Hanover Con. .

June 14,* 1727

Hanson, Hingham,

Feb. 22, 1820 Sept. 2* 1635



Lakeville, Marion,

May 29,* 1644

June 16,* 1726

May 13, 1853 May 14, 1852


Mar. 1,*1642

established. Feb. 11, 1878 bounds be- tween Hanover and South Scituate es- tablished and part of each town annexed to the other town. Mar. 23, 1878 bounds between Hanover and Rockland estab- lished and part of each town annexed to the other town. April 23, 1885 bounds between Hanover and Pembroke estab- lished.

Part of Pembroke. April 3, 1903 bounds be- tween Hanson and Pembroke established.

Common land called Barecove. Sept. 3,* 1635 bounds between Hingham and Weymouth established. May 13,* 1640 land at Conihasset granted to Hingham. April 26, 1770 part established as the dis- trict of Cohasset. Mar. 21, 1861 bounds between Hingham and Abington estab- lished. April 30, 1897 bounds between Hingham, Cohasset, Norwell, and Scituate established.

The plantation called "Nantascot." May 26,* 1647 Hull is mentioned as a town. June 12,* 1663 Brewster Islands granted to Hull.

Part of Plymouth called the north precinct (including small parts of Duxbury, Pem- broke and Plympton). April 14, 1857 part of Duxbury annexed.

Part of Middleborough. June 1, 1887 bounds between Lakeville and Taunton established.

Part of Rochester. April 8, 1853 bounds between Marion and Rochester estab- lished. Feb. 18, 1859 bounds between Marion and Wareham established. Feb. 13, 1866 bounds between Marion and Wareham established. April 23, 1897 bounds between Marion and Wareham established. Mar. 1, 1909 bounds be- tween Marion and Wareham established.

Name changed from Rexhame though not recorded. Mar. 7,* 1643 bounds estab- lished. Mar. 5,* 1661 certain lands granted to Marshfield and Duxbury. Feb. 23,* 1683 bounds between Marsh- field and Duxbury established. Mar. 21,* 1712 part included in the new town of Pembroke. Nov. 8, 1782 bounds between Marshfield and Scituate estab- lished. Mar. 10, 1788 part of Scituate an- nexed. June 14, 1813 bounds between Marshfield and Duxbury established. May 11, 1887 bounds between Marshfield and Scituate established.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Mattapoisett, . Middleborough ,

May 20, 1857 June 1,*1669

North Bridgewater,



June 15, 1821

Feb. 27, \l

Mar. 21,* 1712


-, 1620


June 4,* 1707


Mar. 2,* 1641

Part of Rochester.

Common land called Namassakett. Sept 28,* 1680 certain lands at Assowamsett Neck and places adjacent granted to Middleborough. July 4,* 1734 part in- cluded in the new town of Halifax. Dec. 11,* 1734 part annexed to Plympton. Mar. 24, 1849 bounds between Middle- borough and Carver established. May 13, 1853 part established as Lakeville.

Part of Bridgewater. Jan. 26, 1825 bounds between North Bridgewater and West Bridgewater established. Mar. 28, 1874 name authorized to be changed. May 5, 1874 Brockton adopted as the name.

South Scituate authorized to change its name. Mar. 5, 1888 Norwell adopted as the name. April 30, 1897 bounds be- tween Norwell and Hingham established.

Part of Duxbury called Mattakeeset, a tract of land known as the Major's Purchase, and the land called Marshfield upper lands at Mattakeeset. July 4,* 1734 part included in the new town of Halifax. Feb. 22, 1820 part established as Hanson. Mar. 6, 1835 bounds between Pembroke and Hanover established. April 23, 1885 bounds between Pembroke and Hanover established. April 3, 1903 bounds between Pembroke and Hanson established.

Common land. June 7,* 1670 the bounds between Plymouth and Sandwich estab- lished. Jan. 19,* 1663 ordered to be re- corded. June 4,* 1707 part established as Plympton. June 16,* 1726 part called the north precinct (including small parts of Duxbury, Pembroke and Plympton) established as Kingston. July 10,* 1739 part included in the new town of Ware- ham. Jan. 20, 1827 part annexed to Wareham.

Part of Plymouth. July 4,* 1734 part in- cluded in the new town of Halifax. Dec. 11,* 1734 part of Middleborough annexed. June 9, 1790 part established as Carver. Feb. 8, 1793 bounds between Plympton and Carver established. Mar. 16, 1831 part annexed to Halifax. Feb. 6, 1863 bounds between Plympton and Halifax established and part of each town annexed to the other town.

Common land called Green's Harbour. Mar. 2,* 1641 Rexhame is in the list of places for which constables were chosen.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Rexhame Con.




South Abingion,

South Scituate,

Mar. 2,* 1641

June 4,* 1686

Mar. 9, 1874

July 1,* 1633

Mar, 4, 1875

Feb. 14, 1849

June 1,* 1641 Rexhame is mentioned in

a list of towns; the name then -disap- pears from the records, and the town afterward became Marshfield.

Common land called Sippican. June 11,* 1714 bounds between Rochester and Tiverton established. July 10,* 1739 part included in the new town of Wareham. April 9, 1836 part annexed to Fairhaven and bounds established. May 14, 1852 part established as Marion. April 8, 1853 bounds between Rochester and Marion established. May 20, 1857 part estab- lished as Mattapoisett. April 20, 1864 bounds between Rochester and Wareham established. Feb. 15, 1866 bounds be- tween Rochester and Wareham estab- lished. June 3, 1887 bounds between Rochester and Wareham established.

Part of Abington. Mar. 23, 1878 bounds between Rockland and Hanover estab- lished and part of each town annexed to the other town.

Common land. Oct. 4,* 1636 the town of Scituate authorized to dispose of lands. Nov. 30,* 1640 land granted to Scituate. Mar. 7,* 1643 bounds established. June 14,* 1727 part included in the new town of Hanover. Nov. 8, 1782 bounds between Scituate and Marshfield established. Mar. 10, 1788 part annexed to Marshfield. June 14, 1823 part annexed to Cohasset. Mar. 20, 1840 bounds between Scituate and Cohasset established and part of each town annexed to the other town. Feb. 14, 1849 part established as South Scituate. May 11, 1887 bounds between Scituate and Marshfield established. April 30, 1897 bounds between Scituate, Cohasset, and Hingham established.

Parts of Abington and East Bridgewater. April 24, 1875 part annexed to Brockton, and part of Brockton annexed. Mar. 5, 1886 South Abington authorized to change its name. May 3, 1886 name changed to Whitman.

Part of Scituate. May 15, 1857 bounds be- tween South Scituate and Hanover established. Feb. 11, 1878 bounds be- tween South Scituate and Hanover established and part of each town an- nexed to the other town. Feb. 27, 1888 South Scituate authorized to change its name. Mar. 5, 1888 name changed to Norwell.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Wareham, .

July 10,* 1739

West Bridgewater,

Feb. 16, 1822


Mar. 5, 1886

Part of Rochester and a plantation in Plymouth called Agawam. Jan. 20, 1827 parts of Carver and Plymouth annexed. Feb. 18, 1859 bounds between Wareham and Marion establi-shed. April 20, 1864 bounds between Wareham and Rochester established. Feb. 13, 1866 bounds be- tween Wareham and Marion established. Feb. 15, 1866 bounds between Wareham and Rochester established. June 3, 1887 bounds between Wareham and Rochester established. April 14, 1897 bounds be- tween Wareham and Bourne established. April 23, 1897 bounds between Wareham and Marion established. May 16, 1901 bounds between Wareham and Carver established. Mar. 1, 1909 bounds be- tween Wareham and Marion established.

Part of Bridgewater. Jan. 26, 1825 bounds between West Bridgewater and North Bridgewater established. May 8, 1893 part of West Bridgew-ater annexed to Brockton if the act is accepted by Brock- ton. Nov. 7, 1893 act accepted by Brockton. Mar. 1, 1894 act of May 8, 1893 took full effect.

South Abington authorized to change its name. May 3, 1886 name changed to Whitman.

SUFFOLK COUNTY. Incorporated Mat 10, 1643.


Sept. 7,* 1630

Common land called Tri-mountain. Nov. 7,* 1632 "ordered that the neck of land betwixt Powder Home Hill and Pullen Poynte shall belong to Boston." Mar. 4,* 1633 bounds between Boston and Roxbury established. May 14,* 1634 "Boston shall have convenient enlarge- ment at Mount Wooliston," to be re- ported to the next general court. Sept. 3,* 1634 "ordered that Wynetsemit shall belong to Boston." Sept. 25,* 1634 Mount Wooliston and Rumnej^ Marshe annexed. Mar. 4,* 1635 Deer, Hog, Long, and Spectacle Islands granted to Boston. July 8,* 1635 bounds between Boston and Charlestown established. Mar. 28,* 1636 bounds between Boston and Charlestown and Boston and Dorchester established. Mar. 9,* 1637 Noddle's Island annexed. May 13,* 1640 "Mount Woollaston" established as Braintree. Oct. 7,* 1641 bounds between Boston and Roxbury, at Muddy River, estab-



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as EstabUshed

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Boston Con.

Sept. 7* 1630

lished. Oct. 7,* 1641 bounds between Boston and Cambridge established. Nov. 13,* 1705 part called Muddy River established as Brookline. Jan. 10,* 1739 part called Winnissimet, Rumney Marsh, and Pullen Point (excepting Noddle's Island and Hog Island) established as Chelsea. Mar. 6, 1804 part of Dor- chester annexed. Feb. 23, 1822 Boston incorporated as a city. Mar. 4, 1822 act of incorporation accepted by the town. Feb. 22, 1825 bounds between Boston and Brookline established. Mar. 25, 1834 Thompson's Island set oflf from Dor- chester and annexed to Boston while it shall be used for charitable purposes. Mar. 16, 1836 bounds between Boston and Roxbury established. April 19, 1837 bounds between Boston and Roxbury established. May 3, 1850 part of Roxbury annexed and bounds established. May 21, 1855 part of Dorchester annexed. April 3, 1860 part of Roxbury annexed and bounds established if the act is ac- cepted by both cities. April 16, 1860 the act accepted by Roxbury. May 8, 1860 the act accepted by Boston. June 1, 1867 Roxbury annexed if the act is ac- cepted by both cities. Sept. 9, 1867 the act accepted by both. Jan. 5, 1868 the act took elTect. June 4, 1869 Dorchester annexed if the act is accepted by both places. June 22, 1869 the act accepted by both. Jan. 3, 1870 the act took effect. April 2, 1870 bounds between Boston and West Roxbury established. June 18, 1870 part of Brookline annexed. Nov. 4, 1870 the act accepted by Boston. April 12, 1872 part of West Roxbury (Mount Hope Cemetery) annexed. April 27, 1872 bounds between Boston and Brook- line established. May 14, 1873 Charles- town annexed if the act is accepted by both cities. May 21, 1873 Brighton annexed if the act is accepted by both places. May 29, 1873 West Roxbury annexed if the act is accepted by both places. Oct. 7, 1873 acts of annexation accepted by Boston, Charlestown, Brighton, and West Roxbury. Jan. 5,

1874 acts of annexation to Boston of Charlestown, Brighton, and West Roxbury took effect. May 8, 1874 part of Brookline annexed. May 29, 1874 bounds between Boston and Newton established. May 5,

1875 part annexed to Newton. June 23, 1875 the act accepted by Newton. July 1, 1875 the act took effect. May 27, 1890 bounds between Boston and Brook- line established. May 4, 1891 bounds



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or therein recorded as Established or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Boston Con.

Sept. 7,* 1630


Jan. 10,* 1739

North Chelsea,



Mar. 19, 1846

Mar. 24, 1871

Mar. 27, 1852

between Boston and Somerville estab- lished. April 13, 1894 bounds between Boston and Brookline established. Mar. 29, 1898 bounds between Boston and Newton established. Mar. 29, 1898 bounds between Boston and Cambridge established. April 1, 1898 bounds be- tween Boston and Hyde Park established. May 13, 1898 bounds between Boston and Newton established. April 18, 1900 certain land in the Charlestown district ceded to the United States. Mar. 29, 1910 bounds between Boston and Cam- bridge established. May 24, 1911 (amended June 22, 1911) Hyde Park annexed if the act is accepted by both places. Nov. 7, 1911 the act accepted by both, and took effect.

Part of Boston called Winnissimet, Rumney Marsh, and PuUen Point excepting Noddle's Island and Hog Island. Feb. 22, 1841 part annexed to Saugus. Mar. 19, 1846 part established as North Chelsea. Mar. 13, 1857 Chelsea incorporated as a city. Mar. 23, 1857 act of incorporation accepted by the town.

Part of Chelsea. Mar. 27, 1852 part estab- lished as Winthrop. Mar. 24, 1871 name changed to Revere if accepted within ninety days. April 3, 1871 the act ac- cepted.

North Chelsea authorized to change its name. April 3, 1871 name changed to Revere. June 19, 1914 Revere incor- porated as a city. Nov. 3, 1914 act of in- corporation accepted by the town.

Part of North Chelsea.

WORCESTER COUNTY. Incokporated April 2, 1731.



Feb. 22, 1765

Mar. 6, 1762

The plantation of Dorchester-Canada. Mar. 6, 1767 part included in the new town of Ashby. June 27, 1785 part included in the new town of Gardner. Nov. 16, 1792 part annexed to Ashby. Feb. 16, 1815 part of Gardner annexed. Janl 28, 1824 part of Westminster annexed.

The plantation called Payquage. Oct. 15, 1783 part included in the district of Orange. Oct. 20, 1786 part included in the new town of Gerry. Feb. 26, 1799 part annexed to Royalston. Mar. 7, 1803



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Athol Con.


Barre, . Berlin,

Blackstone, Bolton,



Mar. 6, 1762

Feb. 17, 1837

Nov. 7, 1776 Mar. 16, 1784

Mar. 25, 1845 June 24,* 1738

Mar. 1, 1786

Oct. 15,* 1673

part annexed to Royalston. Feb. 28, 1806 part of Gerry annexed. Feb. 7, 1816 part of Orange annexed. June 11, 1829 certain common lands known as Little Grant annexed. Feb. 5, 1830 part of New Salem annexed. Mar. 16, 1837 part of New Salem annexed.

Name changed from Ward. May 24, 1851 part annexed to Millbury. Mar. 27, 1908 bounds between Auburn and Oxford es- tablished.

Name changed from Hutchinson.

Parts of Bolton and Marlborough estab- lished as the district of Berlin. Feb. 8,

1791 part of Lancaster annexed to the district of Berlin. Feb. 15, 1806 bounds between Berlin and Northborough estab- lished and part of each town annexed to the other town. Feb. 6, 1812 the district of Berlin made the town of Berlin. May 1 , 1905 bounds between Berlin and Marl- borough; Berlin and Hudson; and Berlin and Clinton established.

Part of Mendon. May 1, 1916, part estab- lished as Millville.

Part of Lancaster. Mar. 16, 1784 part in- cluded in the new district of Berlin. Feb. 11, 1829 part of Marlborough annexed. Mar. 16, 1838 bounds between Bolton and Marlborough established. Mar. 20, 1868 part annexed to Hudson.

Part of Shrewsbury. Jan. 30, 1808 part in- cluded in the new town of West Boylston. Feb. 10, 1820 part annexed to West Boyl- ston. June 17, 1820 part annexed to West Boylston. May 2, 1905 bounds between Boylston and West Boylston established.

Common land called Quobauge. Nov. 12,* 1718 Brookfield invested with the privi- leges of a town. Dec. 3,* 1719 bounds es- tablished. Sept. 11,* 1730 bounds be- tween Brookfield and Leicester estab- lished. Jan. 16,* 1742 part included in the new town of Western. June 10, 1791 bounds between Brookfield and New Braintree established and part of each town annexed to the other town. Mar. 8,

1792 bounds between Brookfield and New Braintree established and part of each town annexed to the other town. Feb. 28, 1812 part established as North Brookfield. Feb. 8, 1823 part annexed to Ware. Mar. 3, 1848 part established as West Brook-



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Brookfield Con.


Clinton, Dana, .




Oct. 15,* 1673

Jan. 10, 1755

Mar. 14, 1850 Feb. 18, 1801

June 5,* 1746

Feb. 2,* 1732

Feb. 3, 1764

field. April 15, 1854 part of North Brook- field annexed. Mar. 18, 1910 bounds be- tween Brookfield and North Brookfield established. May 13, 1910 bounds be- tween Brookfield and West Brookfield established.

Part of Oxford established as the district of Charlton. (An act passed Nov. 21, 1754 establishing the town appears to have been considered as void.) June 3, 1757 lands called "The Gore" annexed. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by gen- eral act. Jan. 5, 1789 part annexed to Oxford. June 26, 1792 part annexed to Sturbridge. Feb. 23, 1809 part annexed to Oxford. Feb. 15, 1816 part included in the new town of Southbridge. Feb. 11, 1907 bounds between Charlton and Oxford established. Feb. 11, 1907 bounds be- tween Charlton and Southbridge estab- lished.

Part of Lancaster. May 1, 1905 bounds be- tween Clinton and Berlin established.

Parts of Greenwich, Hardwick, and Peter- sham. Feb. 12, 1803 bounds between Dana and Petersham established. June 19, 1811 bounds between Dana and Green- wich established. Feb. 4, 1842 parts of Hardwick and Petersham annexed. April 10, 1882 bounds between Dana and Petersham established. May 4, 1911 bounds between Dana and Greenwich established.

Name changed from New Sherburn. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by gen- eral act. Feb. 27, 1841 bounds between Douglas and Webster established. April

25, 1864 bounds between Douglas and Uxbridge established. May 16, 1907 bounds between Douglas and Sutton es- tablished.

Part of Oxford and certain common lands. June 25, 1794 part of a gore of common land known as Middlesex Gore annexed. Feb. 15, 1816 part included in the new town of Southbridge. Feb. 23, 1822 part annexed to Southbridge. Mar. 6, 1832 part included in the new town of Webster. Feb. 11, 1907 bounds between Dudley and Southbridge established.

Part of Lunenburg. Mar. 6, 1767 part in- cluded in the new town of Ashby. Feb.

26, 1783 certain common lands annexed.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated, Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City, Extinction, etc., according to Records of the State.



Feb, 3, 1764

June 27, 1785



Oct. 20, 1786

April 18,* 1735


Jan. 10,* 1739


June 29,* 1732

Feb. 27, 1796 part annexed to West- minster. Feb. 16, 1813 part annexed to Westminster. Mar. 3, 1829 part annexed to Ashby. Mar. 8, 1872 Fitohburg in- corporated as a city. April 8, 1872 act of incorporation accepted by the town.

Parts of Ashburnham, Templeton, West- minster, and Winchendon. Mar. 2, 1787 part annexed to Winchendon. Feb. 22, 1794 part of Winchendon annexed. Feb. 16, 1815 part annexed to Ashburnham. May 24, 1851 part of Winchendon an- nexed. April 17, 1908 bounds between Gardner and Winchendon established. April 17, 1908 bounds between Gardner and Westminster established.

Parts of Athol' and Templeton. Feb. 2, 1789 bounds between Gerry and Temple- ton established. Feb. 26, 1799 part an- nexed to Royalston. Feb. 28, 1806 part annexed to Athol. Feb. 5, 1814 name changed to PhUlipston.

The plantation of Hassanamisco. June 10,* 1737 part of Sutton annexed. Jan. 9,* 1742 parts of Sutton and Shrewsbury an- nexed. June 14, 1823 certain common lands annexed. Mar. 3, 1826 part of Shrewsbury annexed. Mar. 3, 1842 part of Sutton anne.xed. Feb. 11, 1907 bounds between Grafton and Worcester estab- lished. Feb. 11, 1907 bounds between Grafton and Shrewsbury established. Feb. 11, 1907 bounds between Grafton and Westborough established.

The plantation called Lambstown. Jan. 31,* 1751 part of *Hardwick and the precinct of New Braintree made a dis- trict. June 9, 1756 bounds between Hard- wick and Greenwich established. Feb. 1, 1765 part annexed to Hardwick. Feb. 18, 1801 part included in the new town of Dana. June 10, 1814 part of New Brain- tree annexed. Feb. 7, 1831 certain com- mon lands annexed. Feb. 6, 1833 certain common land called Hardwick Gore an- nexed. Feb. 4, 1842 part annexed to Dana.

Parts of Groton, Lancaster, and Stow. Feb. 25, 1783 part included in the new district of Boxborough. June 14, 1906 bounds between Harvard and Littleton established. June 14, 1906 bounds be- tween Harvard and Boxborough estab- lished.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Estabhshed

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.


Hopedale, Hubbardston,

Hutchinson, Lancaster,



Jan. 9,* 1741

April 7, 1886 Juno 13, 1767

June 17, 1774 May 18,* 1653

Feb. 15,* 1713

June 23,* 1740

Part of Worcester called North Worcester. Mar. 27, 1793 bounds between Holden and Paxton established. Feb. 13, 1804 part annexed to Paxton. Jan. 30, 1808 part included in the new town of West Boylston. Mar. 19, 1831 part of Paxton annexed. April 9, 1838 part annexed to Paxton. Mar. 13, 1906 bounds between Holden and Paxton established.

Part of Milford.

Part of Rutland established as the district of Hubbardston. Aug. 23, 1775 the dis- trict made a town by general act. Feb. 16, 1810 part annexed to Princeton.

Rutland district. Nov. changed to Barre.

7, 1776 name

Common land called Nashaway. May 14,* 1654 granted full liberties of a township. Oct. 11,* 1672 bounds established. May 7,* 167.3 given privileges of a towTi. June 5,* 1713 additional lands granted to Lancaster. Dec. 2,* 1720 certain bounds established. June 17,* 1721 certain bounds established. June 29,* 1732 part included in the new town of Harvard. June 24,* 1738 part established as Bolton. June 23,* 1740 part established as Leomin- ster. Sept. 17, 1762 part annexed to Shrewsbury. Feb. 27, 1768 part of Shrewsbury annexed. Feb. 26, 1781 part annexed to Shrewsbury. April 25, 1781 part established as Sterling. Feb. 8, 1791 part annexed to Berlin. Mar. 12, 1793 bounds between Lancaster and Sterling established. Mar. 7, 1837 part annexed to Sterling and bounds established. Mar. 14, 1850 part established as Clinton. May 7, 1906 bounds between Lancaster and Leominster established. April 21, 1908 bounds between Lancaster and Sterling established.

Common land called Towtaid. June 19,* 1714 bounds established. June 14,* 1722 Leicester granted the privileges of a town. Sept. 11,* 1730 bounds between Leicester and Brookfield established. April 12, 1753 part made the district of Spencer. June 2, 1758 part annexed to Worcester. Feb. 12, 1765 part included in the new district of Paxton. April 10, 1778 a parish set off from Leicester and other towns established as Ward.

Part of Lancaster. April 13, 1838 part of certain common land called No Town an- nexed. May 7, 1906 bounds between



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what EstabHshed or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Leominster Con.


June 23,* 1740

Aug. 1,*1728


May 15,* 1667


April 11, 1780


Millville, . . New Braintree,

June 11, 1813

May 1, 1916 Jan. 31,* 1751

Leominster and Lancaster established. May 13, 1915 Leominster incorporated as a city. Nov. 2, 1915 act of incorporation accepted by the town.

The south part of Turkey Hill. June 30,* 1732 239 acres granted to Lunenburg. April 7,* 1733 161 acres granted to Lunen- burg. Feb. 3, 1764 part established as Fitchburg. Mar. 3, 1846 bounds between Lunenburg and Shirley established. April 25, 1848 bounds between Lunenburg and Shirley established.

The township of Qunshapage. May 20,* 1669 certain lands granted to Mendon. June 29,* 1710 certain lands annexed. June 1,* 1714 purchase of land from the Indians in 1691 confirmed. Nov. 27,* 1719 part included in the new town of Bellingham. June 27,* 1727 part estab- lished as Uxbridge. June 14,* 1735 part included in the new town of Upton. April 10, 1754 bounds between Mendon and Uxbridge established. April 24, 1770 part of Uxbridge annexed. April 11, 1780 part established as Milford. Mar. 25, 1845 part established as Blackstone. Mar. 7, 1872 bounds between Mendon and Bellingham established.

Part of Mendon. Mar. 27, 1835 bounds be- tween Milford, Holliston, and Hopkinton established, and parts of Holliston and Hopkinton annexed to Milford, and part of Milford annexed to Hopkinton. April 1, 1859 bounds between Milford and Hol- liston established. April 7, 1886 part established as Hopedale. May 16, 1907 bounds between Milford and Upton es- tablished. May 16, 1907 bounds between Milford and Hopkinton established.

Partof Sutton. May24, 1851 part of Auburn annexed. Feb. 11, 1907 bounds between Millbury and Oxford established. May 16, 1907 bounds between Millbury and Sutton established.

Part of Blackstone.

Common land called New Braintree and part of the town of Hardwick established as a district. April 17,* 1751 the district given the name of New Braintree. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by gen- eral act. June 10, 1791 bounds between New Braintree and Brookfield established and part of each town annexed to the other town. Mar. 8, 1792 bounds be- tween New Braintree and Brookfield es-



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what EstabUshed or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

New Braintree Con.

New Sherburn,



North Brookfield,

Jan. 31,* 1751

Mar. 14,* 1745

Jan. 24, 1766

July 14, 1772



Feb. 28, 1812

June 7, 1762

May 31,* 1693

tablished and part of each town annexed to the other town. June 10, 1814 part an- nexed to Hardwick. April 24, 1911 bounds between New Braintree and North Brookfield established. April 24, 1911 bounds between New Braintree and West Brookfield established.

District of New Sherburn incorporated. June 4,* 1746 certain estates set off from New Sherburn to Uxbridge. June 5,* 1746 name changed to Douglas.

Part of Westborough established as the dis- trict of Northborough. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. Feb. 15, 1806 bounds between Northborough and Berlin established and part of each town annexed to the other town. June 20, 1807 part of Marlborough annexed and bounds established.

Part of Uxbridge established as the district of Northbridge. Aug. 23, 1775 the dis- trict made a town bj^ general act. April 20, 1780 part of Sutton annexed. Feb. 17, 1801 part of Sutton annexed. June 15, 1831 part annexed to Sutton. Mar. 7, 1837 bounds between Northbridge and Sutton established. Mar. 16, 1844 part of Sutton annexed. April 30, 1856 bounds between Northbridge and Uxbridge es- tablished and part of each town annexed to the other towoi. April 17, 1908 bounds between Northbridge and Uxbridge es- tablished.

Part of Brookfield. April 15, 1854 part an- nexed to Broolvfield. Mar. 18, 1910 bounds between North Brookfield and Brookfield established. April 24, 1911 bounds between North Brookfield and West Brookfield established. April 24, 1911 bounds between North Brookfield and New Braintree established.

Part of Rutland established as the district of Oakham. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act.

Common land. Dec. 8,* 1731 certain lands annexed. Feb. 2,* 1732 part included in the new town of Dudley. Nov. 22,* 1734 certain lands annexed. Nov. 21, 1754 part established as the district of Charl- ton. April 10, 1778 a parish set off from Oxford and other towns established as Ward. Jan. 5, 1789 part of Charlton an- nexed. Feb. 18, 1793 part of Sutton an- nexed. Feb. 6, 1807 the Oxford .South Gore annexed. Feb. 23, 1809 part of



C1TIE6 AND Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Oxford Con. .

May 31,* 1693


Feb. 12, 1765


April 20, 1754



Feb. 5, 1814

Oct. 20, 1759


Feb. 19, 1765

Charlton annexed. Mar. 6, 18.32 part in- cluded in the new town of Webster. Mar.

22, 1838 the Oxford North Gore annexed. Feb. 11, 1907 bounds between Oxford and Charlton established. Feb. 11, 1907 bounds between Oxford and Millbury estabHshed. Mar. 27, 1908 bounds be- tween Oxford and Auburn established.

Parts of Leicester and Rutland established as the district of Paxton. July 14, 1772 part of Rutland adjudged to belong to the district of Paxton. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act. Mar. 27, 1793 bounds between Paxton and Holden established. Feb. 13, 1804 part of Holden annexed. Feb. 20, 1829 bounds between Paxton and Rutland established. Mar. 19, 1831 part annexed to Holden. April 9, 1838 part of Holden annexed. May 24, 1851 part of Rutland annexed. Mar. 13, 1906 bounds between Paxton and Holden established.

The plantation called Nichewoag. Aug.

23, 1756 certain lands annexed. Feb. 18, 1801 part included in the new town of Dana. Feb. 12, 1803 bounds between Petersham and Dana established. Feb. 4, 1842 part annexed to Dana. April 10, 1882 bounds between Petersham and Dana established.

Name changed from Gerry. Mar. 29, 1837 bounds between Phillipston and Royalston established. April 5, 1892 part annexed to Templeton. April 17, 1908 bounds be- tween Phillipston and Templeton estab- lished.

Part of Rutland and certain common lands adjacent established as the district of Princeton. April 24, 1771 the district and all lands adjacent not belonging to any town or district established as the town. Mar. 6, 1773 all lands which did not belong to Princeton when it was a district are set off as they were before the passage of the act of April 24, 1771. Feb. 16, 1810 part of Hubbardston annexed. April 4, 1838 part of the common lands of No Town annexed. April 22, 1870 part of West- minster annexed.

Common land called Royalshire. June 17, 1780 part annexed to Winchendon. Oct. 15, 1783 part included in the new district of Orange. Feb. 26, 1799 parts of Athol and Gerry annexed. Mar. 7, 1803 part of Athol annexed. Mar. 29, 1837 bounds be- tween Royalston and Phillipston estab- lished.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.


Rutland, District of, Shrewsbury, .


Southbridge, .


Feb. 23,* 1714

April 12, 1753 Dec. C* 1720

July 6,* 1727

Feb. 15, 1816

April 12, 1753

Common land called Naquag. Dec. I,* 1715 original grant of Rutland confirmed. June 18,* 1722 Rutland granted the privi- leges that other towns enjoy. April 12, 1753 part established as the Rutland dis- trict. Oct. 20, 1759 part and certain com- mon lands adjacent established as the district of Princeton. June 7, 1762 part established as the district of Oakham. Feb. 12, 1765 part included in the new town of Paxton. June 13, 1767 part es- tablished as Hubbardston. July 14, 1772 part adjudged to belong to Paxton. Feb. 20, 1S29 bounds between Rutland and Paxton established. May 24, 1851 part annexed to Paxton.

Part of Rutland. June 17, 1774 Rutland District established as Hutchinson.

Common land. Aug. 16,* 1722 Shrewsbury is mentioned in the list of frontier towns. Dec. 19,* 1727 Shrewsbury endowed with equal powers with any other town in the province. Jan. 9,* 1742 part annexed to Grafton. June 3, 1762 part annexed to Westborough. Sept. 17, 1762 part of Lancaster annexed. Feb. 27, 17(58 part annexed to Lancaster. Feb. 26, 1781 part of Lancaster annexed. Mar. 1, 1786 part established as Boylston. Mar. 2, 1793 part annexed to Westborough. Alar. 3, 1826 part annexed to Grafton. Feb. 11, 1907 bounds between Shrewsbury and Westborough established. Feb. 11, 1907 bounds between Shrewsbury and Grafton established.

Part of Marlborough. Mar. 7, 1786 part of Framingham annexed. Mar. 5, 1835 bounds between Southborough and West- borough established. Mar. 24, 1843 part annexed to Marlborough. May 16, 1901 bounds between Southborough and Marl- borough established.

Parts of Charlton, Dudley, and Sturbridge. Feb. 23, 1S22 part of Dudley annexed. April 6, 1839 part of Sturbridge annexed. May 4, 1871 bounds between Southbridge and Sturbridge established. Feb. 11, 1907 bounds between Southbridge and Charlton established. Feb. 11, 1907 bounds between Southbridge and Dudley established.

Part of Leicester established as the district of Spencer. Aug. 23, 1775 the district made a town by general act.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.



April 25, 1781

June 24,* 1738


Oct. 28,* 1714


Mar. 6, 1762


June 14,* 1735

Part of Lancaster. Mar. 12, 1793 bounds between Sterling and Lancaster estab- lished. Jan. 30, 1808 part included in the new town of West Boylston. Mar. 7, 1837 bounds between Sterling and Lancaster established. April 21, 1908 bounds be- tween Sterling and Lancaster established.

Common land called New Medfield. Oct. 25, 1754 certain lands annexed. June 26,

1792 part of Charlton annexed. June 25, 1794 part of Middlesex Gore annexed. Feb. 15, 1816 part included in the new town of Southbridge. April 6, 1839 part annexed to Southbridge. May 4, 1871 bounds between Sturbridge and South- bridge established.

Common land. June 21,* 1715 "certain common lands allowed to the proprietors of Sutton." Dec. 6,* 1726 certain farms annexed. June 5,* 1728 part annexed to Westborough. June 14,* 1735 part in- cluded in the new town of Upton. June 10,* 1737 part annexed to Grafton. Jan. 9,* 1742 part annexed to Grafton. Feb. 1,* 1749 certain bounds established. Aug. 30, 1757 certain land annexed. June 29, 1769 bounds between Sutton and Uxbridge established. April 10, 1778 a parish set off from Sutton and other towns established as Ward. April 20, 1780 part annexed to Northbridge. June 5, 1789 a certain gore of land annexed. Feb. 18,

1793 part annexed to Oxford. Feb. 17, 1801 part annexed to Northbridge. June 11, 1813 part established as Millbury. June 15, 1831 part of Northbridge annexed. Mar. 7, 1837 bounds between Sutton and Northbridge established. Mar. 3, 1842 part annexed to Grafton. Mar. 16, 1844 part annexed to Northbridge. May 16, 1907 bounds between Sutton and Millbury established. May 16, 1907 bounds be- tween Sutton and Douglas established.

The plantation called Narraganset Num- ber Six. June 27, 1785 part included in the new town of Gardner. Oct. 20, 1786 part included in the new town of Gerry. Feb. 2, 1789 bounds between Templeton and Gerry established. April 5, 1892 part of Phillipston annexed. April 17, 1908 bounds between Templeton and Phillips- ton established.

Parts of Hopkinton, Mendon, Sutton, and Uxbridge. Jan. 24, 1763 part annexed to Westborough. Mar. 8, 1808 part of Hop-



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.

Upton Con.


June 14,* 1735

June 27,* 1727

Ward, .

Warren, Webster, .


AprU 10, 1778

Mar. 13, 1834 Mar. 6, 1832

Nov. IS,* 1717

West Boylston,

West Brookfield,

Jan. 30, 1808

Mar. 3, 1848

kinton annexed. May 16, 1907 bounds between Upton and Milford established. May 16, 1907 bounds between Upton and Hopkinton established.

Part of Mendon. June 14,* 1735 part in- cluded in the new town of Upton. June 5,* 1736 certain lands granted to Uxbridge. April 16,* 1742 certain lands annexed. June 4,* 1746 part of the district of New Sherborn annexed. April 10, 1754 bounds between Uxbridge and Mendon estab- lished. June 29, 1769 bounds between Uxbridge and Sutton established. April 24, 1770 part annexed to Mendon. July 14, 1772 part established as the district of Northbridge. April 30, 1856 bounds be- tween Uxbridge and Northbridge estab- lished and part of each town annexed to the other town. April 25, 1864 bounds be- tween Uxbridge and Douglas established. April 17, 1908 bounds between Uxbridge and Northbridge established.

The parish set off from Leicester, Oxford, Sutton, and Worcester. Feb. 17, 1837 name changed to Auburn.

Name changed from Western.

Common land and parts of Dudley and Oxford. Feb. 27, 1841 bounds between Webster and Douglas established.

Part of Marlborough called Chauncy, and other lands. June 5,* 1728 part of Sutton annexed. June 3, 1762 part of Shrews- bury annexed. Jan. 24, 1763 part of Upton annexed. Jan. 24, 1766 part es- tablished as the district of Northborough. Mar. 2, 1793 part of Shrewsbury annexed. Mar. 5, 1835 bounds between West- borough and Southborough established. Feb. 11, 1907 bounds between West- borough and Shrewsbury established. Feb. 11, 1907 bounds between West- borough and Grafton established.

Parts of Boylston, Holden, and Sterling. Feb. 10, 1820 part of Boylston annexed. June 17, 1820 part of Boylston annexed. May 2, 1905 bounds between West Boyl- ston established.

Part of Brookfield. May 13, 1910 bounds between West Brookfield and Brookfield established. April 24, 1911 bounds be- tween West Brookfield and New Braintree established.



Cities and Towns.

First mentioned in Records of the State, or

therein recorded as Established

or Incorporated.

From what Established or Incorporated,

Change of Boundary, Incorporation as a City,

Extinction, etc., according to Records

of the State.



Jan. 16,* 1742

Oct. 20, 1759

Winchendon, .

June 14, 1764

Worcester, .

Oct. 15,* 1684

Parts of Brimfield, Brookfield, and Kings- field (now Palmer). Feb. 8, 1823 part an- nexed to Ware. Feb. 7, 1831 part an- nexed to Palmer. Mar. 13, 1834 name changed to Warren.

The plantation called Narragansett Number Two established as the district of West- minster. April 26, 1770 the district made a town. June 27, 1785 part included in the new town of Gardner. Feb. 27, 1796 part of Fitchburg annexed. Feb. 16, 1813 part of Fitchburg annexed. Jan. 28, 1824 part annexed to Ashburnham. April 10, 1838 part of the comrhon lands called No Town annexed. April 22, 1870 part annexed to Princeton. April 17, 1908 bounds between Westminster and Gardner established.

The plantation called Ipswich-Canada. June 17, 1780 part of Royalston annexed and -the bounds of Winchendon extended to embrace all the lands on the north as far as the New Hampshire state line. June 27, 1785 part included in the new town of Gardner. Mar. 2, 1787 part of Gardner annexed. Feb. 22, 1794 part an- nexed to Gardner. May 24, 1851 part annexed to Gardner. April 17, 1908 bounds between Winchendon and Gardner established.

The plantation called Quansigamond. June 14,* 1722 Worcester granted the privileges of a town. Jan. 9,* 1741 part called North Worcester established as Holden. April 5,* 1743 certain lands annexed. June 2, 1758 part of Leicester annexed. April 10, 1778 the parish set off from Worcester and other towns established as Ward. June 14, 1785 certain common lands annexed. Mar. 22, 1838 Grafton Gore annexed. Feb. 29, 1848 Worcester incorporated as a city. Mar. 18, 1848 act of incorporation ac- cepted by the town. Feb. 11, 1907 bounds between Worcester and Grafton estab- lished.



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