1 HI • ... . ..._•-- 1 • : ; • : • v. '••: . • . • <• ^ M . • - . s i - - .. m - I • i •', ".' J : I \ 1 1 •,••,,- -. > • I i. , , 1 B # : '--:- ;, - i • - "- T J/3 1 I 1 -,: • IK w * . ••• -. •• ., - 1 ., - 1 '-.. " m- •:- § '- • • . . • . •• m - i I .- - . •. - - •• . • ' " , • : -. I V BRITISH HYDEOID ZOOPHYTES, VOL. I. EndcinJrium rameum, Pallas. 'j sf HISTORY OF THE BRITISH HYDKOID ZOOPHYTES. BY THOMAS HINCKS, B.A. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I.— TEXT. LONDON: .10HN VAN VOORST, PATERNOSTER ROW. MDCCCLXVIII. " THAT which we foolishly call vastness is, rightly considered, not more wonderful, not more impressive, than that which we insolently call little- ness."— BUSKIN. R E F A C E. IT is not necessary that I should enter into any explanation of the causes that have delayed the publication of the present work, which was designed and announced several years since ; but I should be ungrateful if I did not acknowledge the enduring patience of the Publisher under trials of no ordinary kind. The appearance of this work cannot certainly be accounted premature. Twenty-one years have elapsed since the second edition of Dr. Johnston's ' History of British Zoophytes ' was published ; and during that period the whole aspect of his favourite science has changed. His classification of the Hydroida has long been in great part obsolete, while the number of known species has been almost trebled since he wrote. Like his predecessor, Ellis, he rendered in his day invaluable service to Zoophytology, and gave an impulse to the study of it, of which we are now reaping the fruits. It should be added that there is a charm in his work, which does not become obsolete with its science ; it PREFACE. will always rank, with the ' Corallines ' of Ellis, amongst the classics of natural-history literature. As a manual for the use of the student, however, it has long ceased to be of value ; nor is there any work in existence that contains a complete account of the British Hyclroida. The place therefore is vacant, which the present work aspires to fill. I have endea- voured to make it a full and faithful exposition of our present knowledge, and to do for the students of this day what Johnston's ' History ' accomplished for those of his own generation. It is certainly time that the remarkable results attained since he wrote, and now widely scattered, should be presented in a connected form and made available for general use, and that the difficulties should be removed which interfere with the cultivation of one of the most delightful branches of Natural History. This Preface might have been very brief, had not the kindness of many friends and fellow workers laid me under heavy obligations, which it is a duty and a pleasure to acknowledge ; without such cooperation, indeed, I could not have accomplished my work. Foremost amongst those to whom I have been in- debted for help, it is right that I should place my lamented friend the late Mr. Alder, one of the ablest of British naturalists, and one of the most amiable and upright of men. In the course of a long corre- spondence, extending over many years, and relating chiefly to our favourite studies, I have had the oppor- tunity of profiting largely by his extensive knowledge, PREFACE. accurate observation, and sound judgment. During the preparation of this work I have had the benefit of his valuable opinion in many cases of difficulty, and have often been materially assisted by his cautious wisdom and remarkable skill in the discrimination of species. His collection was freely placed at my ser- vice ; and many of the figures with which this work is enriched are engraved from his admirable drawings. To Mr. Busk I am under peculiar obligations for much valuable counsel and practical aid, and especially for his kindness in placing at my disposal his large and interesting collection of foreign Hydroida and an extensive series of drawings. To my friend Prof. Allman I owe my warmest thanks for the readiness with which, out of his large stores of knowledge, he has communicated informa- tion that I happened to need, or favoured me with his views on doubtful points. I am also indebted to him for drawings of some of the species which he has discovered. The reader of this work will understand how much I, in common witli all zoophytologists, owe to his writings. Dr. Stre thill Wright has rendered me most impor- tant service by permitting me to reproduce the figures which illustrate his valuable papers, and by freely communicating to me his views on some of the most interesting questions in zoophytology. To the Rev. A. M. Norman I am indebted for the use of the late Mr. Barlee's collection of Hydroida, including many Shetland acquisitions, and for the PREFACE. opportunity of examining specimens obtained by him- self in the course of his extended dredgings. Mr. J. Gwyn Jeffreys has kindly supplied me with a quantity of zoophytes procured during one of his famous Shetland cruises, amongst which were one or two most beautiful species new to science. Mr. C. W. Peach, who was a valued contributor to Dr. Johnston's ' History,' and who is an enthusiastic worker still, has come to my assistance with an ample list of habitats, and has also contributed some inter- esting specimens. My acknowledgments are further due to Professor Wyville Thomson for some exquisite drawings which have been engraved for this work ; to Dr. Collingwood for a list of the zoophytes found in the neighbour- hood of Liverpool, and notes on some of the species ; to my friend Mr. E. W. H. Holdsworth for his interesting observations on Cladoncma ; to Mr. George Hodge for the use of figures and the communication of specimens ; to Mr. Leipner for some very skilfully mounted specimens of Campanularian and other zoo- phytes; and to Mr. G. S. Brady for Hydroida obtained in Connemara. I have also to thank Professor Sars and Professor Van Beneden for their great courtesy and kindness in forwarding to me copies of their publications. In the preparation of the plates I have had the zea- lous cooperation of Mr. Tuffen West, who has spared no pains in the execution of the engravings, and whose practical acquaintance with the subjects delineated, PREFACE. combined with his well-known artistic skill, has en- abled him to produce a most satisfactory result. One point in the work itself requires a word of explanation. It has been impossible, from the very nature of the objects treated of, to make the specific descriptions as brief as I could have desired. I have therefore printed in Italics the leading and distinctive characters, so that the peculiarities which separate each species from others may be recognized at a glance. I trust that this work may facilitate the study of one of the most charming branches of Natural History, and so tend in its degree to foster a taste which, I can testify from experience, is an unfailing source of delight, and affords the most welcome relief and refreshment amidst the cares and harder duties of life. T. H. Great Malvern, November 20th, 1868. Plumularia haledoides (young! CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION ........................................ i TERMINOLOGY OP THE HYDROIDA .................... i THE HYDROID COLONY .............................. v REPRODUCTION .................................... xx RATE OF GROWTH. PHOSPHORESCENCE .............. xliii GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION ........................ xlv METHOD OP COLLECTING THE HYDROIDA .............. xlviiii BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................... lii DICHOTOMOUS TABLES " .............................. lii CLASSIFICATION .................................... Ivii Suborder I. ATHECATA ................................ 1-135 Family CLAVID^E ............................... 1-18 „ HYDRACTINIID^E .......................... 18-27 „ PODOCORYNID^: ......................... 27-35 ,, LARIDJE .................................. 35-37 „ CORYNID.33 ................................ 37-61 „ RTAURIDIIDJE .............................. 61-69 CL.VVATELLIDJE ............................ 69-75 „ MYRIOTHELIP.T: .......................... 75-78 „ ............................ 79-87 „ ATBACTYLIDJK ........................... 87-113 „ TUBULABIID^K ............................ 114-131 3 72 SO CONTENTS. .Suborder II. THECAPHORA 137-308 Family CAMPANULARIID^E 137-185 „ CAMPANULINIDJE 186-195 „ LEPTOSCYPHID^E 196-198 „ LAFOEIDJE . . ; 198-215 „ TRICHYDRIDJE 215-218 „ COPPINIID^E 218-220 „ HALECIID^E 220-233 „ SERTULARIIDJE 233-279 „ PLUMULARIIDJE 279-308 Suborder III. GYMNOCHROA 309-31G Family HYDRIDE 309-316 APPENDIX 317-325 LIST OF WORKS ON THE HYDROIDA 327-328 INDEX TO THE WOODCUTS 331-334 INDEX 335-338 INTRODUCTION, A GENERAL sketch of the structure of the Hydroida, and the history of their reproduction and development, is a fit- ting prelude to the study of our British species. It would be impossible, in a systematic work like the present, to dis- cuss at length the many interesting and difficult questions that meet the student in this province of zoology. It will rather be my aim to convey an accurate idea of the form of structure that characterizes this group of animals, and of the striking facts of the Hydroid life-history. As a preliminary, it will be necessary to define the de- scriptive terms employed in this work. TERMINOLOGY. I have endeavoured to simplify in this department as much as is consistent with precision, believing that a cum- brous and difficult terminology is the bane of science. As uniformity of practice is clearly desirable, and much con- fusion arises from the use of terms in different senses, I have made only those changes that seemed to be absolutely necessary, and have adopted the terms that have obtained most currency in the higher literature of the subject. A precise terminology is no doubt of great value ; but a 11 INTRODUCTION. to burthen technical language with a multitude of harsh- sounding Greek compounds is to check, and not to aid, the cultivation of science. The aim should be to combine definiteness with simplicity, as far as possible. The following List includes the principal terms with which the student of the Hydroida should be familiar : — ZOOID. — Any one of the principal elements, more or less independent, that make up the complex individuality of the zoophyte, — e.g. the polypite, the reproductive body, whether fixed or free, &c. POLYPITE. — The alimentary or nutritive element of the Hydroid colony, consisting of a digestive sac, with a ter- minal opening (mouth) and organs of prehension (ten- tacles). Occasionally the adult zoophyte consists of a single polypite, as in Myriothela, Corymorpha, and Hydra ; but generally a large number, the product of successive buddings, are organically united, so as to form a compo- site and plant-like structure. . — The common flesh or trunk, which unites and binds together the polypites in a compound zoophyte. The following parts must be distinguished in it : — the stem, which is sometimes simple and sometimes branched, and the adherent base* or stolon, which roots the zoophyte to the surface on which it grows. The latter is generally filiform and reticulated ; but in some cases it occurs as a solid, chitinous crust (Hy dr actinia) . POLYPARY. — The chitinous f sheath or tube which encloses * The former of these is the hydrocaulus of sortie writers, and the latter the hydrorhiza. t Chitine is a suhstance resembling horn, but differing from it in chemical composition. INTRODUCTION. Ill the coenosarc, to a greater or less extent, in all (?) the fixed Hydroida. It varies in the degree of development, some- times investing the whole of the cosnosarc, and sometimes only a small portion of it. It usually forms a solid cover- ing, but in some cases is a mere membranous film. HYDROTHECA or CALYCLE. — The chitinous receptacle in which the polypites are lodged in one of the Hydroid sub- orders ( Thecaphora) . The term cell has been commonly applied to this portion of structure ; but as this word is now generally used in physiological science with a totally different meaning, it will be more convenient to dispense with it here. GONOPHORE. — The bud in which the reproductive ele- ments are formed. It consists of an external envelope (ectotheca), enclosing either a fixed generative sac, between the walls of which the ova and spermatozoa are developed, or a free sexual zooid*. GONOZOOID. — The sexual zooid, whether fixed or free ; the gonophore minus the ectotheca. In some genera (e. g. Clavatella and Corymorpha) the gonozooids are destitute of an ectothecal covering at all stages of their development. * A somewhat different meaning is given to the term gonophore from that which it bears in the works of Prof. Allman, by whom it was introduced. A little uncertainty, it seems to me, connects itself with his use of the word. He has denned the gonophores to be " certain buds of a peculiar structure, destined for the formation and protection of the generative elements." Of these buds an ectotheque or protective envelope is, in a large proportion of cases, an essential part ; and the contained sexual zooid, when free, makes its escape from this outer sac, which then withers away. Now, as employed by Allman, the gonophore is sometimes the reproductive bud with its ectotheca, and sometimes the contained zooid, whether fixed or free. To me the gono- phore is the whole bud, and the sexual zooid developed in it, whether as a fixed sac or a floating polypite, is the gonosooid. a2 IV INTRODUCTION. SPOROSAC. — The generative sac. GONOTHECA or CAPSULE. — The chitiiious receptacle, within which the gonophores are produced, in the sub- order Thecaphora. CORBULA. — The protective case which shelters the repro- ductive capsules in the genus Aglaophenia. (Woodcut, fig. 37, page 308.) UMBRELLA or SWIMMING-BELL. — The contractile disk, by means of which the medusiform gonozooid propels itself. MANUBRIUM. — The hollow body terminating in a mouth, which is suspended from the top of the umbrella, and hangs free in its cavity. VELUM. — The delicate membrane which partially closes the opening of the swimming-bell. LITHOCYSTS. — Small sacs developed on the margin of the swimming-bell, in certain genera, and containing refractile spherules. They are probably organs of sense. PLANULA. — The usual form of the Hydroid embryo. TROPHOSOME. — The whole company of alimentary zooids associated in a Hydroid community. GONOSOME. — The sexual zooids of the community. ECTODERM. — The external membrane or layer of the body-substance amongst the Crelenterata. ENDODERM. — The internal layer of the body-substance. NEMATOCYSTS or THREAD-CELLS. — Minute sacs imbedded in the body-substance containing delicate projectile threads. INTRODUCTION. V PALPOCIL. — A rigid, hair-like process, occurring on the tentacles of some of the Hydroida, and probably an organ of touch. THE HYDROID COLONY. In a few cases the adult Hydroid consists of a single polypite ; but generally many are organically united and form a colony or community. Associated life is the rule, and solitary existence the rare exception. Amongst the animals that compose the present order gemmation is universal, and by successive buddings the complex plant - like structure is rapidly evolved from the primary polypite, which is the product of the egg. Even in Hydra, which is a solitary being, the vegetative power is active ; but the buds, which are produced in profusion, are thrown off instead of being retained in permanent connexion with the parent stock. The Hydroid colony, which may include its thousands of polypites, as well as a large company of reproductive zooids, is the result, like the tree, of a continuous process of budding, and, whatever its extent, has originated in a single polypite. The analogies, indeed, between zoo- phyte-life and plant-life are numerous and striking ; and we shall best illustrate and explain many points in the history of the Hydroida by a reference to the facts of the vegetable world. Every Hydroid colony consists of two parts (which may be considered separately) — the coenosarc or common con- necting substance, and the zooids held in organic union by it, which discharge different functions in the service of the commonwealth. The coenosarc is a fleshy tube (a thread of animal sub- stance hollowed out in the centre) which now appears as VI INTRODUCTION. a trailing fibre adherent to some body and rooting the whole colony to its place, now as a simple or branching trunk supporting the zooids, and multiplying and renewing them. It is composed of two layers, an outer (ectoderm) and an inner (endoderm) , which enter into every portion of the structure. The endoderm lines the whole of the body- cavity, and is chiefly concerned with nutrition : the ecto- derm is much more susceptible of modification, and gives rise to many important structures. Between these two primitive layers a third is sometimes interposed, described by Allman and Wright as a muscular coat, composed of longitudinal fibres, and by Reichert as " a supporting lamella — a sort of inner skeleton." It has been observed in the body of the polypites, and, if muscular, will explain the rapidity with which they retract themselves*. In most cases the ccenosarc is partially or wholly protected by a chiti- nous covering (polypary) , which is a secretion from its outer layer. In many families the polypary invests the whole of the soft animal substance, and expands into elegant cups or caly- cles around the body of the polypites ; and we have thus a cast of the composite structure in chitine, which, in the disposition of its parts and its general aspect, bears a close resemblance to a plant. In other families the polypary is less developed, merely investing the stolonic network and the base of the poly- pites, or also clothing the trunk and branches, but never forming a true calycle. The Hydra alone, if we except the * Vide a paper by Dr. T. Strethill Wright on Hydractinia echinata, Edinb. N. P. Journ. N. S. for April 1857, paragraph 21. Also a paper by Eeichert in the ' Monatsbericht der Akad. der Wissenchaft. zu Berlin ' for July 1866. For the histology of the Hydroicla, the student should consult Kolliker's ' Icones HistologicaV part ii. INTRODUCTION. Vll floating members of the order, is totally destitute of a poly- pary. Through the tubular cavity of the coenosarc the nutrient matter, elaborated within the stomachs of the polypites, circulates, reaching every portion of the structure and supplying the elements needed to maintain the health and growth of the whole. The circulation is of the simplest kind : a stream, bearing along with it a multitude of restless granules of various sizes, issues from the stomachs of the polypites and rushes through the cavity of the coenosarc, pervading every portion of the organism. After flowing downward for some time, there is a pause in the circulation, and then the current rushes back with great impetuosity, and, once more entering the stomachs of the polypites, mingles with the contents. A busy ferment takes place for some seconds in the diges- tive sac, the larger particles hurrying to and fro amidst the contained mass of food, until at length the efflux again commences. The inner surface of the ccenosarc is covered with vibratile cilia, and these seem to be the chief agents concerned in maintaining the flow of the currents. Within the buds, which pullulate at certain points from the common substance, and are developed into new poly- pites, there is always a great aggregation of the nutrient particles and a remarkable activity amongst them. They crowd the cavity of the nascent polypite, and supply, as it were, the building-material that is needed for the extension of the structure. The coenosarc of the zoophyte may be likened to the trunk, branches, and roots of the tree, regarding the latter merely as a means of attachment to the soil. The zooids which it supports and binds together in one organic whole Vlll INTRODUCTION. may be compared with the leaf-buds and flower-buds of the plant. There arc two principal classes of them — the nutritive, or those which are concerned in obtaining and preparing food for the commonwealth, and the reproductive, which are charged with the propagation of the species. The polypite or alimentary zooid, though varying in form and colour, and in the arrangement of the prehensile organs with which it is furnished, is always identical in essential structure with the Hydra, the type of the class Hydrozoa. It consists of a soft contractile body, very mu- table in shape, the walls of which are composed of the same elements as those of the ccenosarc, and are, indeed, a con- tinuation of them. The interior is occupied by the diges- tive cavity, which is not a distinct bag or sac, but a mere hollow scooped out, as it were, in the body-substance. At its upper extremity it terminates in an oral opening ; and below it communicates freely with the general cavity of the ccenosarc, and lies open to the nutrient currents that pervade it. In some families (e. g. Campanulariidce} the base of the stomach is connected with the common canal traversing the stem by a narrow tubular passage, the C( transition-piece " of Reichert *. (Woodcut, fig. i. b.} The oral aperture is simple or somewhat lobed, and is commonly borne on the summit of a more or less promi- nent proboscis, which is capable of great elongation and contraction and is remarkable for its mobility. In some genera the proboscis is conical, in others it is trumpet- or funnel-shaped. Amongst the Eudendriida and Campanu- * Vide a paper "On the Contractile Substance and Intimate Structure of the C'ampanularies, Sertularia, and Hydride" by Prof. Reichert, Monats- bericht der Akadern. der Wissenschaft. zu Berlin, July 1866. Translated by Dallas, Ann. N. II. for January 1867. INTRODUCTION. IX lariidce it takes the latter form, and is a very conspicuous feature. (Woodcut, fig. i. a.) It is continually changing Fig. i. its shape, now enormously distended, now flattened down and with the lips thrown back, so as to form a saucer-like disk, now opening and closing rapidly, but never long the same. It is an admirable instrument, in conjunction with the tentacles, for the selection and prehension of food. In some Hydroids there is a marked constriction at the base of the proboscis; and in the curious genus Ophiodes (Hincks) the body is divided by a depression a little below the tentacles into two regions, a pharyngeal and gastric. Reichert distinguishes the narrow between the proboscis and the stomach as " the cesophageal passage." In gene- ral, however, the structure of the digestive sac is perfectly simple, and no defined " regions " can be recognized. Within the stomachs of the alimentary zooids the food is digested and prepared for the nutrition of the whole structure. The polypites are the feeders of the common- wealth, and the unceasing activity of many thousands of them in the larger species is engaged in keeping up the necessary supplies. X INTRODUCTION. The tentacles or prehensile organs are ranged round the oral extremity, or variously distributed over the surface of the body. They are filiform appendages, more or less ex- tensile, and always bear a formidable armature of thread- cells, which are often aggregated in prominent groups, so as to roughen the surface, or to give it a beaded appearance. The tentacle of the Hydroid is a tubular extension of the wall of the body, and communicates at the base with its cavity. In some cases, as in Hydra, it seems to be a simple tube, open throughout, in which the fluids circulate freely ; but generally the cavity is more or less obliterated, and the tentacle presents the appearance of being septate, and par- tially filled up by a cellular axis. In two of the suborders under which the Hydroida are ranged, the tentacles are disposed in a single wreath or circle, which surrounds the base of the proboscis, and are simply filiform ; but amongst the Athecata they exhibit considerable variety both of form and arrangement. They are sometimes scattered over the body of the poly- pite, in some cases there is a slight tendency to a spiral arrangement, in others they are placed in two remote circles, and in one species, at least, their number is reduced to two. Amongst the Tubulariida a large number of very short arms immediately surround the oral extremity, and a wreath of long slender tentacles encircles the base of the body. In many species these organs are arranged in two approximate series, one immediately behind the other, so closely set as to appear like a single circlet. In this suborder the tentacles are either slightly clavate or capitate, or simply filiform. In some genera the capi- tate and filiform kinds are both present. INTRODUCTION. XI The capitate tentacle, of which we have good examples in Coryne and Clavatella, bears on its summit a globular head, consisting of a collection of thread-cells — a formi- dable battery of offensive weapons, which is brought to bear on any passing prey. The arm is also endowed with vigo- rous percussive power, and when its numerous poisoned threads are brought into play, it can hardly fail to arrest and paralyze any of the smaller creatures that may come within its range. (Plate VII. fig. 1 6.) The thread-cells, which bear so important a part in the Hydroid economy, exhibit many modifications. They occur in the ectodermal layer, and are present in as- tonishing profusion, not only on the tentacles, but in other portions of the structure. They consist of minute sacs imbedded in the flesh and filled with fluid, which contain a long and delicate thread, capable of being projected with considerable force and inconceivable rapidity. These threads bury themselves in any soft substance against which they may be directed, and, it is supposed, convey into the wound which they make some poisonous fluid. The thread-cell is a most interesting piece of structure. The long dart which it encloses is borne on a continuation of the inner wall of the sac (the " sheath " of some writers, the " axial body" of others), which is often covered with barbs. (Woodcut, fig. iii. a.) When retracted, the thread is spirally coiled within the cell and sometimes wound round the sheath. (Woodcut, fig. iii. c.) Two kinds of thread- cell are often met with on the same species. Besides the formidable instruments with which the tentacles are armed, large bean-shaped cells are sometimes crowded together in immense quantities, as, for example, in the ectoderm of the coenosarc in Hydranthea, and in the outer covering of Xll INTRODUCTION. its gonophore. It is difficult to imagine what relation these can bear to the economy of the animal. Fig. ii. Fig. iii. Groups of these bean-shaped cells are also present on many of the tentacles of the latter zoophyte, a little above the base, and form a beautiful ring of prominent pearly bosses. Besides the thread-cells, the arm of the Hydroid bears another organ, which has been named by Dr. Wright the palpocil, and which is connected, no doubt, with the sense of touch. It consists of a long and delicate spine, springing from a small bulb, which is buried in the ectoderm. These palpocils or sensitive hairs are scattered over the tentacles in many species, and over other portions of the body, and must aid the capture of prey by giving instant notice of the presence of any animalcule or other small creature that may brush against them. It may be their function to rouse the thread-cells into action. INTRODUCTION. X11L Besides the ordinary tentacles, peculiar appendages occur in two genera, Cladonema (Plate XI. fig. 2) and Stauri- dium (Plate XII. fig. 1), which I have named false tenta- cles, and which seem to discharge the function of tactile organs. They are filiform processes, standing out in a single series, near the base of the body at some distance below the arms, and at first sight might be taken for ten- tacles deprived of their capitate extremities. They are, however, perfectly rigid, and the tips at least are thickly covered with the sensitive palpocils. It seems to be their office to warn the polypite of the presence of prey, for if one of them is touched by an animalcule in its course, the body is immediately bent towards it, and the tentacles are brought into play. In a few species the tentacles are united for a portion of their length by a very delicate membranous web. In Ophiodes (Plate XLV. fig. 2b) it is well developed, and forms a rather deep cup enclosing the proboscis. In this genus it is armed with small clusters of thread-cells, which are set round it, one in each of the spaces between the tentacles, like so many batteries, and can discharge on the shortest notice a multitude of poisoned darts. It is very interesting to see the threads cast forth beyond the tips of the tentacles, and waving about in all directions amongst them, as if prepared to act with them in seizing and dis- abling their prey. The intertentacular web is of rare occurrence, and is generally very slightly developed ; but it has a special interest as the homologue in the polypite of the swimming- bell in the free sexual zooid. Amongst the Thecaphora the polypite is protected by a calycle (Woodcut, fig. i.), within which it shelters itself by XIV INTRODUCTION. contracting the body and tentacles, and folding the latter together. When in pursuit of food, it stretches itself beyond the opening of its little dwelling, and expands its wreath of milk-white arms, the starry blossom, as it were, of the animal-plant. The calycles take the most graceful forms, resembling little chalices or vases, and are often decorated with cre- nated or castellated borders. In many species the aper- ture is furnished with an operculum, which opens to allow of the passage of the polypite, and closes on its retreat. It is a simple but very effective contrivance, and exhibits two or three principal modifications. In some cases the margin of the calycle is cleft into a number of pieces, which converge and meet in a point, and form a more or less conical lid. (Woodcut, fig 19, page 178.) In others, the cover is a membranous extension of the walls of the calycle, which falls into plaits or folds when the polypite withdraws, and so roofs over the opening. Amongst the Sertulariidce, the operculum presents another and a very interesting form, which has its exact parallel amongst the Protozoa. It consists of a plate or valve placed within the Fig iv. \ calycle, a little below the orifice, which is attached to the interior surface on one side and seems to be a continuation INTRODUCTION. XV of its inner layer, and which shuts clown over the polypite in a slanting position when it withdraws itself. When the polypite emerges, it slowly pushes the valve back and keeps it erect so long as it is exserted : on its retreat, which is as quick as light, the lid flies back to its place. (Woodcut, fig. iv. a, the operculum closed ; b, ditto open.) Dr. Wright has described a similar structure as occurring in the beautiful Protozoan Vaginicola valvata* ; and amongst the terrestrial mollusca it has its analogue in the clausium of the genus Clausilia. In some species the operculum seems to be a simple piece attached to the margin at one side by a kind of hinge, which falls down over the orifice like the lid of a box. The life of the polypites is by no means commensurate with that of the zoophyte. They frequently perish from various causes — falling, in some cases, like leaves, in others being absorbed into the substance from which they sprung ; while the ccenosarc retains its full vitality, and, in time, will bud forth a fresh crop. When the polypite is under- going the process of absorption, an extraordinary ferment is visible in its digestive sac; the granules contained in the nutrient stream are seen to be as actively at work as when a new portion is being added to the organism, moving restlessly about within the cavity, then hurrying from it, and soon reentering it, until the materials of the body have been, as it were, broken up and borne away to be wrought into fresh structures. Dr. Wright has observed, in the case of Hydractinia, that in the winter the coenosarc often exists in a high state of development, while the polypites are few in number * " Description of New Protozoa," Edinb. N. P. Jouru. N. S. for April 1858. XVI INTRODUCTION. or altogether absent, and only reappear with the return of spring. This condition may remind us the of winter rest of the plant. Besides the polypites, which are essential parts of every zoophyte, special appendages of the ccenosarc are met with in some species. Amongst these must be placed the curious structures which have been named "nema- tophores" by Mr. Busk, and which are characteristic of the family PlumulariidfS . They consist of an extension of the polypary, which may be tubular, or cup-shaped, or conical, open at the upper extremity, and enclosing a granular mass, in which large thread-cells are sometimes imbedded. They may be classified as simple or compound, sessile or pedunculate. The simple nematophore is a chitiiious tube or cup, consisting of a single chamber. The compound nematophore is bithalamic, having a slender tubular portion below (Woodcut, fig. v. a) , and expanding above into a hemispherical cup (Woodcut, fig. v. b). It is attached at the base only, and free throughout its length ; whereas the simple nematophore is generally to a consider- able extent adnate to the calycle or stem. The pedunculate form (Woodcut, fig. v.) I have only met with on Plumularia Catharina. In this -p- species the pair of lateral nematophores connected with the calycle are mounted on peduncles, by which they are raised to about the level of the rim. They are of the bithalamic type. The other ne- matophores, which are profusely distri- buted over this beautiful species, are sessile. Good examples of the simple tubular form are afforded by Aglaophenia phima (Woodcut, fig. vi.) and A. tubvlifera. INTRODUCTION. XV11 Simple cup-shaped nematophores occur on Plumularia pinnata, while those of P. sttacea and some other species of this genus and of Antennularia are bithalamic. The nematophores occur on various parts of the zoophyte, and are usually present in force about the hydrotheca. They are met with over all portions of the stem and on the creeping fibre ; but the most remarkable aggregation of them is found on the corbula, or case that protects the gonophores in the genus Aglaophenia, where every tooth on the crested ribs is formed by one of these curious bodies*. The contents of the nematophore have been recently investigated by Prof. Airman f; and to him we owe the important observation that the soft granular mass which fills it "has the power of emitting very extensile and mutable processes," that comport themselves in every respect like the pseudopodia of an Amoeba, which they also resemble in their structure. These processes " consist of a finely granular substance, which undergoes perpetual change of form;" and "they can be entirely withdrawn, so as to leave no apparent trace of their existence" J. (Woodcut, fig. vi.) * Prof. Huxley, in a paper " On the Anatomy and Affinities of the Family of the Medustu " (Phil. Trans. 1849, p. 427), in which, I believe, we have the first notice of the nematophore, has described a form occurring in a foreign species of Plumularia as consisting " of a stem proceeding from the pedicle of the ovary, bearing a series of conical bodies.'1 This evidently corresponds with the spur-like process fonnd at the base of the corbula in our own Aglaophenia fubulifera, nnd is nothing more or less than a supernumerary rib or "leaflet," edged, as all the elements of the corbula arc, with nematophores. t "On the Occurrence of Anicebiform Protoplasm, and the Emission <,(' !'-"ii. The ocellus, c. The sac or litlioi-jsi. c'. The spherule of lime. XXVI INTRODUCTION. supposed to be auditory ; but the conjecture is hardly borne out by an extended investigation of their structure. At the base of the tentacles (Woodcut, fig. xii. £) there is often a collection of pigment-cells (a coloured spot or ocellus) in which a crystalline body is sometimes imbedded, as in Eleutheria and Clavatella. In Tiaropsis diademata, Agassiz describes as many as fourteen highly refractive bodies, or lenses, as forming a crescent within the pigment- spot*. These ocelli are regarded, with much probability, as rudimentary organs of vision, or at least as holding a place in the Hydroid economy analogous to that of the eye in higher organisms. It is interesting to remark that these very simple organs of sense make their appearance only in the zooids which are destined to become free. The digestive cavity is lodged in the rnanubrium, and the nutritive material prepared in it passes into the canals and circulates through them ; the oral extremity is some- times lobed, and sometimes furnished with tentacular appendages, which assist in the capture of food. The generative elements are developed either between the two membranes that form the walls of the manubrium, or in special sacs, which are borne on the radiating canals (Woodcut, fig. xi. o). They usually occur in the former position amongst the Athecata, and in the latter amongst the Thecaphora ; but the distinction is not universal. The period at which the ovaries and spermaries make their appearance varies considerably; in some cases they are developed before the zooid detaches itself, in others not until long after its liberation. The free gonozooid has by no means attained its full * Contributions to the N. II. of the U. S. vol. iv. p. 300. INTRODUCTION. XXV11 development and perfect form on leaving the parent stock; in a large proportion of cases it undergoes very con- siderable change subsequently. The form of the umbrella may alter, and the marginal tentacles and other bodies and even the radiating canals increase greatly in number ; while the manubrium may become much elongated, or develope additional oral appendages *. The early and mature states are often so dissimilar as to have been re- ferred to different species ; and as there is seldom the opportunity of observing the whole course of development, the varying phases of the sexual zooid are a source of much perplexity to the systematist f. Gemmation is not confined to the fixed portions of the Hydroid colony ; it also enters into the history of the free and locomotive zooids. In many cases they manifest the vegetative tendencies of their tribe, and multiply rapidly by budding. Gemmation seems usually to take place when the true reproductive function is in abeyance. Thus in the spring the gonozooid of Clavatella developes buds on the margin of the body between each pair of tentacles, which are cast off at a certain stage of growth ; while later on in the year the vegetative activity ceases, and reproduction by ova and spermatozoa takes its place. These buds, which are analogous to those produced in such profusion by the Hydra, bear an exact resemblance, when mature, to the zooid that originated them. In other cases they spring from the manubrium, or from the bul- * A. Agassiz has pointed out that the tentacles are developed in a certain fixed order, and has given the formula of development for many species. (Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. is., August 1862.) t A good illustration of the changes which the detached zooid may undergo before reaching maturity, and of the complexity of structure which it may finally attain, is afforded by the genera Bouff(dut'i[li« and 7,ducf>/[a. XXV111 INTRODUCTION. bous base of the tentacles, or from the tentacle itself, or from the radiating canals. The free zooid, then, after its detachment, may pass through many stages of growth and development itself, and originate a large number of similar organisms, before proceeding to discharge its principal function, the elabo- ration of the generative elements. With the escape and dispersion of the latter, its existence, in all probability, usually terminates. Towards the end of its course it sometimes loses its loco- motive organs and passes into a state of quiescence, and in this condition closely resembles, in all essential particulars, an ordinary polypite. The locomotive energy fails, the umbrella is first reversed and then shrinks into a shapeless mass, which hangs about the base of the body, and bears the tentacles streaming behind it. (Woodcut, fig. xiii.) Fig. xiii. The medusiforin zooicl of Podocoryne carnca in its quiescent stage. — a. Tlic remains of the swimming-bell, b. The tentacular bulbs, o. The ova in the walls of the manubriuui. The adaptive dress which had fitted the zooid for a free INTRODUCTION. XXIX existence, and which disguised its real affinities, is cast aside, and that which remains is at once recognized as a polypite. During the period of quiescence the ova are liberated, and the mamibrmm then dissolves away *. It would be difficult to exaggerate in speaking of the beauty of these floating flower- buds, as they may well be called. The vivid tints which they often display, the gracefulness of their form, the exquisite delicacy of their tissues, and the vivacity of their movements, combine to render them singularly attractive. Frequently they are so perfectly translucent that their bubble-like forms only become visible in a strong light. In other cases the um- brella is delicately tinted, while the manubrium displays the gayest colouring, and brilliant ocelli glitter on the bulbous bases of the tentacles. To their other charms that of phosphorescence is often added; they are not only painted like the flower, but at night they are jewelled with vivid points of light, set round the margin of the bell, or one central lamp illumines the little crystal globe, and marks out its course through the water. Though indi- vidually minute, their numbers are so immense that they play an important part in the production of the luminosity of the ocean. The surface of the sea for miles together is often thickly covered with them ; and on still, sunny days * This " retrograde metamorphosis " has been observed by Dujardin and Holdsworth in Cladoncma — in Podocoryne by Loven, Peach, and myself, in Byncoryne by Allman and myself, and in Turris by Gosse, who remarks, after describing the reversion and disappearance of the umbrella, "of the scores kept, this was the common, and therefore, I suppose, the natural ter- mination." I have observed the same thing universally in Podocoryne carnea. The gonozooid of Clavatella, which has no swimming-bell to dispose of, equally loses its locomotive habit towards the close of its life, and fixing itself by the suctorial disks that had before served it as feet, remains perfectly inactive until the escape of the ova, which is speedily followed by its own dissolution. XXX INTRODUCTION. iii autumn certain species swarm in immense shoals off the coast *. Any one who has watched the escape of the goiiozooids from a specimen of the common Obelia genicu- luta will feel no surprise at the accounts which are given of the numbers of minute medusas that sport near the surface of the ocean, and at night make it glow with phosphoric fires. In this species each of the pretty urn-like capsules, which are produced in great profusion, contains a large number of zooids ; and several hundreds are soon liberated even from a small specimen. On the vast tangle-beds that fringe all portions of our coast, Obelia geniculata is uni- versally present, forming extensive forests over the long ribbon-like fronds ; and from these, during the breeding- season, countless thousands must be cast off. The stationary life of the polypi te does not offer much to interest the observer ; but the habits of the medusiform zooids are singularly attractive. Like miniature balloons they float suspended in the water for awhile ; then they suddenly start into motion, propelling themselves by a series of vigorous jerks or casts, and at the same time contracting the tentacles into the smallest compass ; then they become quiescent again, and sink slowly and gracefully, like parachutes, to the bottom of the vessel, some of the arms extended laterally, and the rest dependent. In all cases locomotion is effected by the pulsation (the alternate systole and diastole) of the swim- ming-bell. The tentacles have various uses. They assist in the capture of prey ; they are employed as organs of attach- * A. Ayassiz. ' Catalogue of North American Acalepba1,' p. 7-'!. INTRODUCTION. XXXI ment, by means of which, the zooid anchors itself while searching for food ; they also serve occasionally as legs. They are well armed with thread-cells, the deadly power of which compensates for the feebleness of the frail organism in other respects, and enables it to deal with creatures much higher in the scale of being than itself. It is interesting to watch the zooid when in quest of food. Anchoring itself by some of its tentacles, it casts out the remainder in all directions, elongating and attenu- ating them to an extraordinary degree, and keeping the extremities in a state of incessant tremulous motion, as if feeling for something. The mouth, placed as it is at the extremity of a free and extensile body, and often furnished with tentacular appen- dages, is in itself well adapted for the capture of prey. In the later stages of its existence, when the swimming-bell has collapsed and the tentacles are no longer available, the gonozooid is dependent on this organ for its supplies of food. At first sight there appears to be a total dissimi- larity between the (so-called) medusa and the polypite. In general aspect and in mode of life they present a striking contrast. The structural affinities between them are completely veiled by the modifications which adapt the sexual zooid to a free and locomotive existence. The swim- ming-bell is a mask, behind which the polypite is effectually concealed. We cannot wonder that the escape of the (so-called) medusa from the reproductive capsule of the zoophyte was at first regarded as a marvel, and excited so lively an interest. But the medusiform structure (which, with one or two exceptions, is characteristic of the zooids that are destined for independent existence) is only a XXX11 INTRODUCTION. variation on that which we find in the polypite, exhibiting the same principal elements, which are modified in con- formity with the new conditions of being. The free gono- zooid is essentially a polypite suspended in a contractile bell, which bears it through the water. We have only to imagine an ordinary alimentary zooid, detached and with its tentacles united by a web for a portion of their length, to have a structure closely resembling the (so-called) medusa. In Campanulina acuminata the arms of the poly- pite are, to some extent, palmate (Plate XXXVII. fig. b], and in the delicate web which connects them we have the homologue of the swimming-bell*. A polypite of this genus, separated from its colony, and floating by means of its tentacular disk, would suggest at once the aspect and habit of the medusiform zooid. In its highest form the sexual polypite takes on a struc- ture which fits it for independent existence. The tubular appendages, which in the nutritive zooid are mere prehen- sile organs f, are now connected for the greater portion of their length by a highly contractile membrane, and form a bell or disk, which serves as a float and a propeller. The extremities remain free, and discharge the office of ten- * Prof. Allman has remarked that in all cases the tentacles of the poly- pite are necessarily included in the thickness of the body-walls for some dis- tance from their origin. And this included portion he regards as the repre- sentative of the radiating canals. (" Report on the Reproductive System in the Hydroida," Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1863, p. 364.) f The view which regards the tentacles of the polypite and the radiating canals of the (so-called) medusa as homologous parts is confirmed by many considerations. It is worthy of remark that in some cases (e. g. Zygodacfyla) the canals increase in number as the zooid advances towards maturity, just as the tentacles of the polypite do ; and the course of development is the same in both. The new canals originate at (lie base of the manubrium, and irradually grow downwards to the circular vessel on the margin. INTRODUCTION. XXX111 tacles. An outgrowth from the margin of the membra- nous bell forms the veil, which partially closes it below. The body, containing the stomach, and corresponding with the proboscis or anterior portion of the ordinary polypite, is suspended, as it were, from the centre of the domed roof of the swimming-bell, and hangs free in its cavity. In the alimentary polypite the homologous struc- ture stands erect in the centre of the tentacular wreath. The tentacular tubes, which form in the free zooid the ribs on which the umbrella is, as it were, supported, also serve as the canals through which the nutritive fluid circulates*. They communicate, like the tentacles of the polypite, with the cavity of the stomach, and are further united at the margin of the swimming-bell by a circular canal. This ad- ditional structure completes the simple circulatory system. So far it is the only element which has not its homologue or equivalent in the polypite. In Clavatella we have an intermediate form, which throws much light on the relation of the medusiform structure to that of the polypite, and very clearly links the two together. In this genus the sexual zooid, though free and locomotive, is not furnished with a swimming-bell. It wants the striking feature of the (so-called) medusan structure, and, instead of floating and swimming, moves by means of suctorial disks, borne at the extremity of a branch or fork of the arms. (Plate XII. fig. 2 a.) But though ambulatory in its habits and destitute of the contractile float, it reminds us at once of the medusa. It has the same general form : as it moves, the mouth hangs down- wards ; and round the body, at the base of the tentacles, * In the Hydra, the tentacles are simple tubes into which the fluids pene- trate freelv. XXXIV INTRODUCTION. are a number of coloured ocelli. On examination it is found to be furnished with radiating canals, which are short and broad, and correspond in position with the arms. There is also a circular canal. The tentacles exactly resemble those of the polypite, with the exception of the branches bearing the adhesive disks. In other respects there is the closest resemblance between the free zooids of Clavatella and its polypite. The oral extremity of the latter, detached from the long pedunculated body which supports it *, requires very slight modification to convert it into the curious ambulatory structure which is charged with the propagation of the species. Putting aside for the moment the eye-specks and the locomotive appendages which are superadded to the stationary organism, there is but a single point of diffe- rence between the two of any significance. In the gono- zooid a larger portion of the tentacles is included in the body-walls than in the polypite, and the included portions are united by a circular vessel f. The sexual zooid of Clavatclla may be regarded as a partially developed me- dusa ; it is as clearly a slightly modified polypite. If we imagine the extension of the body- wall upon the tentacles to be carried somewhat further, we have the perfect swimming-bell. The close resemblance between the gonozooid and the * This seems to have its homologue in the pedicle by which the gonozooid is attached to the parent stock, a portion of which it bears with it for a time after liberation, It may be noted further that the reproductive buds of Chivatdla are de- stitute of any ectothecal covering, and exactly resemble the polypites in their mode of growth. t The study of Cluvah'Ua leaves no room for doubt as to the homological relation between the mdiating canal and the tentacle INTRODUCTION. XXXV polypite in this zoophyte is somewhat concealed by the peculiar habit of the former, as it is seen striding along with inverted mouth. But in the kindred genus Eleutheria the special locomotive organ is wanting, the mouth of the gonozooid is turned upward as it moves, and it has all the appearance of a polypite propelling itself, with little appa- rent ease or agility, by means of its tentacles. So much may suffice respecting the structural identity between the two principal elements of the Hydroid colony — the polypite and the (so-called) medusa, which, on a superficial view, appear to offer such a complete and striking contrast *. In the free sexual zooid with its contractile bell and mercurial habit, which not only matures but also diffuses the seed of new generations, the hydroid structure reaches, as it were, its culminating point. In a large proportion of cases, however, the reproductive element appears in much humbler guise. The gonozooid is permanently attached to the colony, like the alimentary polypite, and developes and liberates its products in situ. Amongst these fixed zooids, which are extremely numerous, a gradation of structure is traceable. A series of transi- tional forms connects the simplest of them, which is a mere sac, with the most complex, which makes a near approach to the medusa in structure, though not destined to become free. In different species the development of the gonozooid is, as it were, arrested at different points ; and it is only in certain cases that it attains the highest * I have not attempted to give an exhaustive view of this deeply interesting portion of my subject. Those who desire a fuller treatment of it may con- sult the works of Prof. Allman, and especially his admirable paper on C'or- di/lophora (Phil. Trans. June 1853), and his " Eeport on the reproductive system in the Hydroida." Report Brit, Assoc. for 18<>3, pp. 3 c2 XXXVI INTRODUCTION. condition — that of an organism endowed with the means of locomotion, and fitted for independent being. Thus in Hydra it is a mere bulging of the body-wall, between the two layers of which the generative elements originate ; and this, it must be remembered, is the earliest stage of all the more complex forms. In Clava it is a distinct process, Fia\ xiv. V- I i , - Male capsule of Gonothyr&a Loveni. — a. A gonozooid, still within the capsule, b. The spermatic mass. c. The spadix communicating with the cavity of the ccenosarc. «'. A gonozooid, borne at the summit of the capsule, discharging the spermatozoa, b'. The spermatic mass, fully developed, c'. The spadix. containing a prolongation of the general cavity of the body, INTRODUCTION. XXXVU enclosed by the two membranes (ectoderm and endoderm) ; it is, in fact, a manubrmm without the oral aperture, nutri- tion being provided for by the general circulation. In other cases a membranous envelope (which is the equivalent of the swimming-bell) and rudimentary radiating canals are super- added. In Tubularia a still further advance is made ; the gonozooid, though permanently attached, is furnished with a swimming-bell, in which the canals are present and the orifice, round which are set four tubercles representing the marginal tentacles. (Plate XX. fig. b.} The manubrium is destitute of a mouth. In this form there is every prepa- ration for free existence up to a certain point; but the gono- zooid remains enveloped in the ectotheca, and the swim- ming-bell is converted into a nursery, in which the embryo passes through the later stages of its development. In Gono- thyraa (Woodcut, fig. xiv.) a yet nearer approach is made to the medusiform structure : the umbrella is furnished with tentacular appendages ; and the gonozooid at a certain stage is pushed beyond the orifice of the capsule, and hangs there as if on the very point of escaping and entering upon a separate existence. It maintains its connexion however, and, like the seed-vessel, after ripening and scattering its products it withers away. Many other modifications occur ; but those which have been mentioned exhibit the gradual transition from the simplest to the most complex form. Occasionally we see the development of the gonozooid arrested at a certain stage, and, instead of becoming free as in normal cases, it continues in connexion with the parent stock. Thus in Syncoryne the sexual zooid is usually locomotive ; but towards the close of the breeding, season, it is sometimes met with in a depauperated condition, without XXXV111 INTRODUCTION. tentacles and with a merely rudimentary mouth : though the swimming-bell exhibits contractility, it never acts as a locomotive organ, but the zooid continues attached and does not attain a much higher point of development than that of Tubularia. I have observed a similar seasonal arrest of development in Podocoryne proboscidea. In such Fig. xv. ' , " / Female capsule of Campanularia flexuosa. — a. An ovum, with germinal vesicle and spot, still confined between the walls of the gonophore. b. The spadix, communicating with the general cavity of the cceuosarc. c. An ovum in one of the stages of segmentation, d. A planula. r. The ccenosarc of the zoophyte. INTRODUCTION. XXX IX cases we have the fixed and the free condition of the gono- zooid within the limits of a species, the former being abnormal and the result of partial development, but representing a perfect and permanent form in another portion of the series. It only remains to give a short account of the develop- ment of the Hydroid embryo. (Woodcut, fig. xvi.) The Fig. xvi. a- 1. The planula of a Carupanularian Hydroid. 2. The same, in a more advanced stage. — a. The enlarged extremity, by which the embryo attaches itself, b. The chitinous film. c. The point at which the polypite is developed. 3. The young Campanularian soon after attachment. — a. One of the tubular lobes into which the disk divides. The arrows show the direction in which the planulc moves. ovum after impregnation passes through the various stages of segmentation, and is resolved at last into a minutely xl INTRODUCTION. granular mass; and this, by the rearrangement of its material, and further development, is transformed into the elongate and somewhat conical embryo known as the planula. (Woodcut, fig. xvi. 1.) When mature, the em- bryo escapes from the reproductive sac into the water, and for a short period enjoys a free and active existence. The centre of the body is now found to be occupied by an elongate cavity ; the walls which enclose it are composed of two layers, the ectoderm and eudoderm ; and the surface is all but universally clothed with vibratile cilia*. After a while the body enlarges towards one extremity, and a thin chitinous film forms over a portion of its surface (woodcut, fig. xvi. 2); the movements become sluggish ; and at length the cilia disappear altogether, and the embryo fixes itself by the enlarged end, which expands into a flat, circular disk, the remainder of the body standing erect in the centre of it. (Woodcut, fig. xvi. 3.) The disk, by which the embryo is now permanently attached, soon breaks up into a number of lobes, which again divide dichotomously. (Woodcut, fig. xvi. 3 a.) The whole structure is at this stage invested by a chitiuous envelope or polypary. As development proceeds the upper extremity is moulded into a polypite within a transparent urn, the lid of which it pushes off when mature. From this primary stem, with its single polypite, by a series of successive buddings the complex plant-like structure is evolved ; while the discoid base gives off the delicate threads that net the surface of weed or stone, and originate and hold together in organic union whole forests of tree-like shoots. * The planule of Coppinia arcta, in many respects an anomalous species, is not ciliated. The embryos of Coryne vaginata are unciliated amoeboid bodies, which undergo remarkable changes of form after liberation. INTRODUCTION. Xli The course of development is subject to one or two variations. In some cases the entire body of the embryo on becoming attached spreads out into a circular disk, from the centre of which the stem is subsequently developed. In Tubularia (Plate XX. figs, c, d) and in Coryne Van-Benc- denii (p. 46) the planule stage is wanting, and the embryo takes on the form of the polypite before leaving the gono- phore. When it escapes from its confinement the body is furnished with an oral aperture at one end, surrounded by a number of tentacles ; it continues locomotive for a short time, and then fixes itself by the aboral extremity, and developes a stem and the full complement of arms. In some of the species which are furnished with a Fis. xvii. d The gonotlieca of Sertularia cupressina. — «, b, c. The capsule crowned by the marsupium in various stages of development, d. The capsule with the marsupium ruptured for the escape of the planulse. chitinous receptacle for the protection of the gonophores (Thecaphora] , the ova at a certain stage are transferred to a kind of nest or marsupial sac enveloped in a thick xlii INTRODUCTION. gelatinous covering*, and borne at the summit of the capsule, in which they complete their development. (Woodcut, fig. xvii.) This species of nidification is far from uncommon. The marsupium is sometimes formed, as Allman has suggested, by an extension of the endotheca or membrane which immediately confines the ova (Wood- cut, fig. xvii.) ; but in other cases the entire gonozooid is pushed upward, and at last beyond the opening of the capsule, by the growth of the column supporting it, and, having secreted a gelatinous coating, is converted into a kind of nest, in which the ova pass through the later stages of their development f. It may be well briefly to sum up the leading facts of the reproductive history of the Hydroida. In each colony, the alimentary and reproductive func- tions are distributed amongst two classes of zooids. The sexual zooids, like the flower-bud of the plant, are only developed at certain seasons, and occupy various positions in the different species. In a large number of cases they exhibit a modification of structure adapt- ing them for independent existence, and when mature detach themselves from the colony and become free and locomotive. The free sexual zooid, in all but one or two exceptional cases, may be regarded as essentially a polypite with its arms united by a contractile web, so as to form a float and natatory organ. Disguised by its adaptive dress, it has been separated from its kindred under the name of a medusa; it is in reality a swimming polypite. * The acrocyst of Allman. I' Wright has observed this in Opercularella /nc/ruttr. The marsupium of Campamdaria neglectu is formed in the same way. ( Vule p. 172.) INTRODUCTION. xliii When liberated, it matures and disperses the generative elements, and, having thus fulfilled its function, perishes. In other cases the gonozooids never become free, but, like the alimentary polypites, remain in permanent con- nexion with the colony. In this condition they exhibit many diversities, and constitute a series of transition forms leading up to the highest, in which the provision for a free and locomotive existence is complete. The embryo of the Hydroida is all but universally a ciliated body, the analogue of the winged seed of the plant, which diffuses the species. RATE OF GROWTH. PHOSPHORESCENCE. All the evidence we possess on the point seems to show that the development of the fixed Hydroida proceeds rapidly. Timber immersed in the sea is soon found to be covered with a luxuriant growth of zoophyte. Mr. Couch considers it probable that a large specimen of Sertularella polyzonias may be formed, under favourable circumstances, in fourteen days. At Rio Janeiro a Eudendrium, allied to E. rameum, has been observed to cover the bottom of a boat in fifteen days. Stimpson mentions that, on the hooker which he used for dredging at Grand Manaii, an Obelia had reached the height of an inch in less than a month after the bottom of the vessel had been scraped clean ; and Van Beneden speaks of the great rapidity with which Tubularia coronata is developed along the coast of Belgium*. * The following illustration of the enormous rate at which some of the Hydroids multiply is from M'Cracly: — "I have observed the medusas (of Tubularia cristata) fully grown and casting their larva; as early as March 10th, and as late as September 13th, during all which time thousands of larv;u arc xliv INTRODUCTION. As amongst plants, some species are annuals, especially such as are parasitic on the fronds and stems of seaweed, while others are probably perennial. The large, arbores- cent masses of the stouter kinds of Sertularia, Halecium, Eudendrium, &c. must be the growth of several seasons. Van Beneden has seen specimens of Tubularia and Cam- panularia live for several years in an aquarium without any diminution of their vegetative activity. The medusi- form zooids, the vagrant members of the colony, are com- paratively shortlived ; their function is seasonal, and as soon as it is fulfilled they perish*. It seems to be not improbable that the polypites in some cases perish in the winter, like the leaves of decidu- ous plants, and are renewed with the return of spring. Lamouroux states that he had found this to be the case in some species; and Lieut. Thomas, in a note on Euden- drium ramosum, records the fact that at Alloa, where this zoophyte is abundant, no specimens were found "with ' heads ' on in the month of November " f. Dr. Strethill Wright, too, as mentioned before, has seen many speci- mens of Hydr actinia in which the coenosarc was fully developed in winter, but the polypites were few in number continually shed, and in consequence thousands of new colonies established, their multiplication becoming so great during a favourable season that the rocks literally appear clothed with the yellow stems and rose-coloured blos- som-like bodies of these flower-animals."— G-ymnophthalmata of Charleston Harbour, Proc. Elliott Soc. Charleston, vol. i. * "Dans les plantes comme dans les auimaux, la vie est generalernent longue et la tenacite grande dans les individus agames ; ephemere et delicate, an contraire, dans les individus sexues. L'analogie entre la mednse et la fleur so confirme de plus en plus." — Fan Ben. Polypes, p. 101. t Supplement to Johnston's ' British Zoophytes,' p. 467. INTRODUCTION. or altogether wanting. On the return of spring, however, they reappeared. The polypites of the Hydroid colony, as well as their raedusiforra brethren, exhibit in many cases the beautiful phenomenon of phosphorescence. This has been observed in many species, but only, I believe, amongst the Theca- phora. Mr. Hassall has celebrated the beauty of the trawl- nets when raised at night, draperied with zoophytes which glitter " like myriads of the brightest diamonds." The luminosity resides in the living polypites, which, when irri- tated, instantaneously light up their little coloured lamps, and literally flash fire at their assailants. The common Obelia geniculata, which may be met with on every coast, is a phosphorescent species, and, if agitated soon after its removal from the sea, will furnish a fine display of " living stars." GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Little can be said on this branch of the subject. So far as we can judge, the British Hydroida, with a few excep- tions, are generally distributed round our coasts. There seems to be little localization of species. As yet we have only an imperfect knowledge of the distribution of the smaller kinds ; but the large and well-known species have most of them a very wide range. A few forms are essen- tially boreal and do not descend below the north-eastern section of the English coast : such are Salacia abietina and Sertularella tricuspidata. Sertularia fuse a has only been observed on the east coast of Scotland and the north- east coast of England. The eastern sea-board is fully exposed to the sweep of polar currents, which exert a very marked influence on its xlvi INTRODUCTION. fauna. This is recognized in the absence of many fine species of Hydroida which occur on the southern and western coasts, as well as in the presence of a few northern forms that are not found elsewhere, and the prevalence of others which become rare in warmer districts. Thuiaria thuja, which is abundant in the extreme north (North Cape Sec.), is one of the characteristic hydroids of the east coast of England. It all but disappears in the west, being ex- tremely rare along the coasts of Devon and Cornwall. The Aglaophenice, 011 the other hand, which flourish so re- markably in the south-west and along the north-western coasts that are exposed to Gulf-stream influences, barely put in an appearance in the north-east. Of A. pluma Mr. Alder mentions only a single specimen as having occurred in Northumberland and Durham. A. myriophyllum is reported equally rare, while A. pennatula and A. tubulifera are absent altogether. Three species, Diphasia alata, Calycella fastigiata, and Afflaophenia tubulifera, have been found in Cornwall and also in Shetland, the Hebrides, and on the west coast of Scotland, but nowhere else in Britain. The last-named flourishes luxuriantly in Oban Bay, having for its com- panion there, as in Cornwall, the beautiful coral, Caryo- phylla Smithii; and it has lately been obtained by Mr. Norman in the Hebrides. There can be little doubt that the peculiar distribution of these species, no less than that of the Madrepore, is due to the influence of the warm current, which after bathing the south-western shores of England, sweeps away to the north, touching the Orkneys and Shetland in its course. Afflaophenia tubulifera is also a South-African form. To the same genial influence we owe the remarkable INTRODUCTION. xlvii beauty and luxuriance that distinguish the zoophytes of Devon and Cornwall and, to a less extent, of the west coast of Scotland. A few species are decidedly local. Diphasia pinnata, the finest of the British Scrtulariidse, is confined to the coast of Devon and Cornwall. Coryne vaginata is the common representative of its family in the south and west, but does not range northward, so far as we know at present. Syncoryne eooimia fills a similar position on the east coast, and does not appear to occur elsewhere. A large number of the Athecata have only been observed hitherto in the north ; but as most of them are minute species, and have only been discovered recently, we should not be justified in drawing any inferences as to the extent of their range. If we turn now to the foreign relations of the British Hydroids, we find that a large number of them occur along the Atlantic coasts of North America, mingled with others. At least thirty species are known to be common to the two faunas*. The North-Pacific forms seem to be altogether distinct from our own. A few of our British species cluster about the North Cape : most of these have a very wide range of distribution ; but one or two are chiefly confined to the north-eastern division of our coast. Many Hydroids are common to Britain and the Medi- terranean. Clavatella, which has been found as far north as Whitby, on the east coast of England, ranges to Nice ; and Podocoryne carnea is at home in Norway and at Naples. Some of our species are inhabitants of the coast of Labrador, the polar waters that bathe the North Cape, * The Hydroid fauna of Labrador and the Gulf of St. Lawrence seems to be to a large extent identical with that of our own north-eastern coasts. xlvili INTRODUCTION. and the Mediterranean. A small group of forms, including a few of the Plumulariidee and some of the most cosmo- politan of the Sertulariida, is common to Britain and South Africa. In the South Pacific the Hydroid genera are represented, for the most part, by species distinct from our own ; but a few British forms have been noticed at various points in Australia and the neighbouring seas*. METHOD OF COLLECTING THE HYDROIDA. The British Hydroida are all marine, with the exception of Hydra (a truly fluviatile form) and Cordylophom (which is an inhabitant of fresh water here, but elseAvhere is met with in waters more or less saline) . Some of the species are confined to deep water; but a very large proportion are littoral, or inhabit the Laminarian zone, which skirts the shore. On a favourable coast, where a large extent of rock is laid bare at low tide, a rich harvest may be gathered without resorting to the use of the dredge. A large num- ber of the more minute Athecata (Hydr actinia, Corynidce, Atractylida, Tubulariidae, &c.), including many of the rarer and more interesting forms, are littoral in their habits, and also many of the Campanulariidae (the exquisite ' ' Bell Corallines "), of the smaller Plumulariidae, and other Thecaphora. Many species manifest a preference for cer- tain zones of the space included between tide-marks, and are only found within very definite limits. Some are confined to certain kinds of weed, or almost invariably * Diphasia pinnata at Sydney (and also in South Africa), PlmntiJaria obliqua in Van Diernen's Land, Sertularia attenuata at Port Adelaide, and Lafoea fruticosa in Bass's Straits. Sertularella polyzonias and Scrtularia operculata seem to be the two British species which have the widest range. INTRODUCTION. associate themselves with certain kinds of mollusk. Tlic peculiarities of habitat arc very curious, and must be learnt by observation and experience. The littoral Hydroids must be sought in the tide-pools, both large and small, in the chinks and crannies of the rock, on the underside of stones, and beneath the hanging weed. I have described elsewhere (vide p. 298, note) the method of search which is most likely to prove successful in the case of the minuter species, and the apparatus which is requisite. Of course a vast deal may be done in a more "easiful" way; but the collector will find an ample reward for his labour, whatever it may be, in the beauty of the scenery which it will open to him, and the interest of the material which he will gather. The larger Sertularian zoophytes, whose graceful plant- like forms are so familiar, can only be obtained in the living state by means of the dredge ; but the horny ske- letons may be gathered on most sandy beaches, and fre- quently in great profusion, after stormy winds. Large tangled masses of them, which are full of beauty in them- selves, are cast ashore, and if examined while still fresh and moist will often be found to conceal some of the smaller kinds in a living state. The dredge, indeed, is essential to those who would thoroughly investigate the Hydroida ; but rich material for study and a great variety of forms may be obtained on the shore. The free medusiform zooids may be captured with a hand- net from the rocks, or by means of a tow-net from a boat, especially in still, warm autumn weather, when they swarm near the surface of the sea. They are difficult to keep ; and few have as yet succeeded in obtaining and hatching the ova, and tracing the development into the polypite d 1 INTRODUCTION. form. Those who have the opportunity will do well to take up this line of investigation, which promises to yield the most interesting results. The reproduction and de- velopment of the Hydroida may be studied with great facility in many of the littoral species of Coryne, Syncoryne, Perigonimus and Tubularia. The ubiquitous Obelia geni- culata may always be readily obtained in summer with its capsules, within which the gonozooids may be watched through all the stages of their development, and from which they may be seen escaping in numbers. The larger and stouter species of Hydroida may be pre- served by drying ; but even these lose much of their beauty in the process. The Campanulariidte should be kept in fluid*, as their calycles shrivel up when dried. The Athecata generally must also be preserved in the same way, as the polypites, which exhibit many varieties, afford important characters ; and the mere polypary without them is, in a large proportion of cases, useless for the purpose of identification. Specimens kept in fluid retain much of their original beauty, though of course the exquisite colours that adorn many species are lost. But to appreciate fully the extreme loveliness of these " animal-plants " they must be seen in life. A tuft of Halecium or Eudendrium, the one laden with white, the other with brilliantly tinted polypites, like blossoms on some tropical tree, is a perfect marvel of beauty. The unfolding of a mass of Plumularia taken from amongst the miscellaneous contents of the dredge and thrown into a bottle of clear sea-water, is a sight which, once seen, no dredger will forget. A tree of Campanularia or Obelia, * The best methylated spirit is a good and convenient preservative fluid. INTRODUCTION. li when each one of its thousand transparent calycles, itself a study of form, is crowned by a circlet of beaded arms, drooping over its margin, like the petals of a flower, offers a rare combination of the elements of beauty. The rocky wall of some deep tidal pool, thickly studded with the long and slender stems of Tubularia, surmounted by the bright rose-coloured heads, is like the gay parterre of a garden. Equally beautiful is the dense growth of Campanularia, covering (as I have seen it in Plymouth Sound) large tracts of the rock, its delicate shoots swaying to and fro with each movement of the water, like trees in a storm — or the colony of Obelia on the waving frond of the tangle, looking almost ethereal in its grace, trans- parency, and delicacy, as seen against the coarse dark sur- face that supports it. But, besides the remarkable beauty, there is a charm in the life-story of these beings. " There must always be a certain fascination in a history which tells us of animals composed of multitudes of individuals (zooids) living an associated life, and so combining as to produce the most graceful plant-like structures — vegetating like a tree — putting forth thousands of polypites, like leaves, each a provider for the commonwealth — putting forth also a com- pany of buds, charged with the perpetuation of the species, ripening in transparent urns and scattering their winged seeds broadcast, or sent forth, moulded and painted by the highest art, like fairy emigrant-ships freighted with young life, to colonize distant seas. And these are the simple facts of nature"*. * Vide an article by the author, entitled " Zoophytes : the History of their Development," in the Quarterly Journal of Science, vol. ii. no. 7, p. 416. n INTRODUCTION. BIBLIOGRAPHY. It is unnecessary to give any extended list of works on the Hydroida, as those who are studying the literature of the subject will find full information in the ' Bibliographia ' by Agassiz, published by the Ray Society, the supple- mentary volumes by Carus and Engelmann (Bibliotheca Zoologica, 1848 to 1860), and the invaluable ' Record of Zoological Literature/ issued annually under the editor- ship of Dr. Giinther. A good list of Memoirs published subsequently to 1860 is prefixed to the ' Catalogue of North American Acalephee/ by Alexander Agassiz ; while the well-known journal,, the ' Archiv fur Naturgeschichte/ contains a critical review of the Coelenterate literature of each year by Prof. Leuckart, which is of the highest value to the student. In Prof. Greene's < Manual of the Coelen- terata ' there is also a list of some of the principal works and papers on the Hydroida. A selected list, which may answer the general purposes of the student, is given at the close of the present work. DICHOTOMOUS TABLES. The following Tables are added to enable the student at once to refer any species which he may find to its place. It must be clearly understood that they do not represent natural affinities and relationships, but are a purely arti- ficial contrivance to save time and somewhat wearisome labour. Having determined by their aid the genus to which his zoophyte belongs, the student should refer to the Synopsis of Families and Genera at the close of the Introduction to learn its position in the natural system. The characters on which the dichotomous division is INTRODUCTION. Hit based arc, as far as possible, such as may be easily recog- nized. But the generic groups are frequently founded on differences in the reproductive system only; and in such cases it has been necessary to employ the gouozooid as the criterion. For example, Coryne and Syncoryne are identical so far as the trophosome is concerned, and are distinguished solely by the character of the sexual zooids ; in such a case, if the reproductive bodies have not been observed, the only plan is to go through the species of the two genera until we find the description that answers to the form before us. An illustration will best indicate the method of employ- ing the Tables. Let Tubularia indivisa be the zoophyte that wre wish to determine. It has a polypary, but no calycles, and therefore belongs to the Athecate division (Table I.) ; its polypites are associated, not solitary, and therefore under Bracket 1 we are referred to No. 3 for further information. Turning to Bracket 3 we learn that, as it has tentacles of one kind only, we must pass 011 to No. 7. Bracket 7 gives us the choice between capitate and filiform tentacles; and, as our zoophyte has undoubtedly the latter, we are referred to No. 11. There we at once place it under the first division, " tentacles in two separate circles," and are directed to No. 12, where we learn that it is an Ectopleura if it has free gonozooids, and a Tubu- laria if it has not. Should this point be undetermined, we may turn first to the genus Ectopleura, and finding that it contains but a single species, which is minute and not clustered, we shall at once be guided to Tubularia as our goal. liv INTRODUCTION. TABLE I.— ATHECATA. Hydroida with a polypary, but without true calych'S. Genera. i I Polypites solitary 2 ' I Polypites associated 3 (Tentacles capitate and scattered 2. < over the body MYBIOTHELA. ( Tentacles filiform, in two circles , . COBYMOBPHA. q j Tentacles of two kinds 4 1 | Tentacles of one kind 7 i Upper tentacles capitate; lower without capitula, rigid 5 Upper tentacles capitate j lower filiform and flexile 6 (Capitate tentacles in a single cru- ciform verticil CLADONEMA. ' i Capitate tentacles in several cruci- ( form verticils STAUBIDIUM. „ I Stem simple VOBTICLAVA. ' I Stem branched ACHABADBIA. j I Tentacles capitate 8 ' j Tentacles filiform 11 ( Tentacles scattered or in several 8. < whorls 9 { Tentacles in a single whorl CLAVATELLA. n I With free medusiform gonozooids 10 ' I Without free gonozooids COBYNE. -,n \ Polypary composed of two coats . . ZANCLEA. | Polypary simple SYNCOBYNE. -, -, \ Tentacles in two separate circles . . 12 ' | Tentacles scattered or in one circle 13 i i) \ With free medusiform gonozooids . ECTOPLEUBA. | Without free gonozooids TUBULABIA. 13. I Tentacles scattered 14 j Tentacles in a single verticil 17 INTRODUCTION. Iv Genera. 1 , i Polypites on a distinct stem 15 ' ( Polypites sessile 16 ; Stems a simple tube (or rarely with a single branch) TUBICLAVA. Stems much branched and plant- like CORDYLOPHORA. { Tentacles few ; the four uppermost long and erect TIRKIS. Tentacles very numerous CLAVA. I Polypites with a bilabiate mouth 17. < (and two tentacles) LAR. ( Polypites with a simple mouth . . 18 [Tentacles with bosses formed of -. Q \ large thread-cells placed a little ' 1 above the base HYDRANTIIKA (Tentacles without bosses 19 i q I Polypites sessile , 20 ' | Polypites on a distinct stem 22 (Gonophoresborneonpolypiteswith- ')() 3 out tentacles 21 ' j Gonophores borne on polypites with ( tentacles or on the adherent base PODOCORYNE and CORYNOPSIS*. ( Polypites supported on a chitiuous 01 J and muricated crust HYDRACTINIA. " ' i Polypites developed on a simple ( retiforni stolon CIONISTES. I Polypites with a trumpet-shaped 22. <. proboscis EUDENDRIUM. | Polypites with a conical proboscis . 23 ( Body of polypite and lower part of o., J tentacles covered by a membra- " ' 1 nous sheath BIMKRIA. ( Polypites without such covering . . 24 Gonophores borne on polypites 24 without tentacles DICORYNE and HE- Gonophores borne on the ccenosarc. 25 TEROCORDYLE. 1 More or less arborescent GARVEIA and Bou- 25. •! GAINVILLIA. [ Small, and of simple habit AxRACTYLisand PE- RIGOXIMUS. * These genera diifer only in the character of the medusifonn zooid. Ivi INTRODUCTION. TABLE II.— THECAPHORA. Hydroida with true calycles. Genera. I Calycles erect aud free 2 1. < Calycles adnate, disposed along the ( stem and branches : 11 f * Calycles supported on a short pro- cess from the stem ; polypitesonly 2.<( partially retractile 3 j Without the stem-process; poly- t pites wholly retractile 4 I With snake-like tentacular organs 3. < distributed over the ccenosarc . . OPHIODES. \ Without such organs HALECIUM. {Calycles truly campanulate or bell- shaped 5 Calycles not campanulate 6 t- I Calycles operculated LOVENELLA. I Calycles not operculated ........ CLYTIA, OBELIA, CAMPANULARIA, THAUMANTIAS and GONOTHYR^Af. f Calycles ovato-conic J CAMPANULINA, ZY- GODACTYLA, OPERCITLARELLA, and LEPTOSCY- Calycles tubular or cylindrical. ... 7 PHTJS. ( Calycles with a conical operculum. 8 7. < Calycles without a conical oper- ( culum 9 {' Calycles constricted at the base and pedicellate CALYCELLA. Calycles not constricted at the base and perfectly sessile CUSPIDELLA. * The process immediately supporting the calycle or the jointed shoot on which it rests is a projection from the stem. The calycles in this section only shelter the base of the polypites. •f In this group the trophosorne affords no generic characters. If the reproductive bodies are absent, the student must treat it as a single genus, and identify his zoophyte by a reference to the specific descriptions. I The calycles in this section are more or less ovate, becoming pointed above, where the margin is cleft into convergent segments. This form must be distinguished from the long, tubular shape. INTRODUCTION. Ivii Genera. iCalycles united towards the base by a cellular mass COPPINIA. Calycles scattered 10 ICalycles rudimentary (exceedingly short cylinders) TIMCHYDHA. Calycles not rudimentary LAFOEA. Without nematophores 12 With nematophores 18 [Calycles cylindrical, and disposed jo J in longitudinal rows on all sides ' 1 of the stem SALACIA. ( Calycles otherwise disposed 13 iCalycles decumbent, scatteredalong a creeping fibre (no erect stem).. FrLELLUM. Calycles arranged in series along the stem and branches 14 I , ( Calycles unilateral HYDRALLMANIA. ' | Calycles biserial 15 lg | Calycles immersed THUIABIA. ' } Calycles not immersed 16 Calycles decidedly alternate, with a prominent operculum SERTULAEELLA. Calycles without external oper- culum 17 (Gonothecse (female) with a cleft J margin and internal marsupium . DIPHASIA. 1 Gonothecse with a plain orifice and ( without marsupium SERTULARIA. I With verticillate branchlets ANTENNULARIA. I Without verticillate branchlets . . 19 (With a mesial neniatophore at- n a J tached to the front of the calycle 1 Without a mesial uematophore at- ( tached to the front of the calycle AGLAOPHENIA. PLUMULARIA. CLASSIFICATION. It would be a fruitless labour to give any detailed account of the earlier systems of classification, which have now only an antiquarian interest. Those who are curious Mil INTRODUCTION. in such matters may consult Johnston's ( History/ where they will find a careful review of all that had been done in this department from the time of Ellis downwards — and the third volume of Agassiz's ( Contributions to the Natu- ral History of the United States/ Until a very recent period the real facts of the Hydroid life-history had not been fully ascertained, and the basis of a natural arrangement was therefore wanting. Even when Johnston wrote the true nature of the medusiform zooid had not been determined, and he followed Van Beneden in regarding it as the embryo. At that time, also, a very small number of the (so-called) rnedusoids had been traced to their Hydroid stock, and the naked-eyed Medusae were still treated as a group distinct from the Hydroida. The accumulation of facts has proceeded steadily since that period ; but the correct interpretation of them and the elaboration of a really philosophical classi- fication are amongst the latest results of research. The Hydroid community presents two dissimilar ele- ments, discharging respectively the functions of alimen- tation and reproduction ; and in a large number of cases these two elements separate from one another at a cer- tain stage, and lead thenceforth an independent existence. Before the connexion between these sundered parts was recognized, and while they were only known as distinct and dissimilar organisms, they were ranged under different classes and distinguished by different names. A double nomenclature was invented to designate what were only fragments of one and the same individuality. Integral portions of the same being were treated as if there were no affinity between them ; and the zooid which had but lately detached itself from the Hydroid stock, and would INTRODUCTION. lix soon lay the foundations of a new Hydroid colony, was relegated in the systems of classification to a distance from all its nearest of kin. This primary and inevitable mistake has introduced a large amount of confusion into this department of zoology, and we are only now escaping, in part at least, from the effects of it. The most important result of recent investigation has been the union of the Hydroid zoophytes and the naked- eyed Medusae of authors in one great natural group. The two forms of structure embraced in this division, the one represented by the Hydra, and the other by the (so-called) Jelly-fish, which appeared so dissimilar when only known in isolation, are now proved to be essentially identical : the fixed and floating polypites are but different phases of one and the same organism. And these elements are variously manifested and combined in the Hydroid group. In some cases there are fixed zooids (alimentary polypites) and free zooids (sexual polypites) developed from the same stock, and constituting one (zoological) individu- ality. In other cases there are two classes of fixed zooids, the nutritive and reproductive, permanently united ; in others, again, there are only free zooids (floating poly- pites) in which the nutritive and sexual functions are combined. But these are in reality nothing more than variations of one and the same structural group. There has been considerable diversity of opinion as to the true position of the small number of medusan * forms that are developed directly from the ovum without the intervention of any fixed Hydroid stock. But they certainly * This term is employed here and elsewhere as an adjective, descriptive of a certain modification of Hydroid structure. Ix INTRODUCTION. present no structural peculiarities that would entitle them to stand alone, and are rightly merged in the Order, which includes so many kindred zooidal forms. Agassiz and Fritz Miiller have taken this view"; and Cams, in his admirable classification of the Ccelenterata, has referred them to the Hydroida, though he has placed them in a distinct group (Haplomorpha) , apart from the forms into whose life-history the two elements enter. Huxley pro- poses a separate Order for the naked- eyed medusas that are developed directly from the eggs of similar organisms ; but the absence of the fixed-polypite stage can hardly be accounted more than a generic character when it is re- membered that the Lizzia observed by Claparede, the eggs of which produce medusas,, is identical in structure with the sexual zooid of the Campanularian LepioscypTms (All- man). I can see no reason whatever for detaching the medusan forms developed directly from the ovum, and not as buds on a fixed stock, from the Hydroida, either as a separate order, or even as a secondary section. To the latter they are bound by the closest structural affinities ; and instead of dismembering the Hydroid group on the ground of this difference in the mode of development, it is surely more philosophical to enlarge our conception of its range. I have therefore rejected Carus's subgroups Haplo- morpha and Diplomorpha, and have preserved the simple unity of the order Hydroida. The present work, however, embraces only the medusan forms that have been traced to a fixed Hydroid stock. Another result to which we have been brought by our increased knowledge of Ccelentcrate structure is the recog- nition of the close affinity subsisting between the Siphono- INTRODUCTION. Ixi phora (Eschscholtz) and the Hydroida proper. The rela- tionship is masked by the striking difference in habit and general aspect between the two groups ; but the restless ocean vagrants and the stationary, plant-like beings that seem to offer the most complete contrast to them are essentially identical in structure, and the leading pecu- liarities of each group are only modifications of that structure adapting it to various modes of life. At certain points of the Hydroid series, the apparent dissimilarity is much less marked ; and a colony of Hydr ac- tinia or Podocoryne very plainly betrays its affinity to Velella or Physalia. Carus lias ranged the Siphonophora and the Hydroida proper, as separate groups, under his order Hydromedusa. Agassiz unites the two as a single order, constituting sub- orders for the leading divisions of each. Huxley, who is followed by Greene, divides the Sipho- nophora into two groups, Calycophoridce and PhysopJioridce, which he regards as orders of his Class Hydrozoa, parallel with the Hydridce, Corynidcs, and Sertulariadae , and with the Lucernariadce, including the covered-eyed Medusae of Forbes*, and Lucernaria. All these arrangements recognize the close affinity of the Siphonophora and Hydroida, and differ only in the details of their grouping. In the present work the first three of Prof. Huxley's orders, Hydrides, Corynida, and Sertulariada, are treated as suborders, and constitute together the order Hydroida. It seems to me clear that these divisions have no claim to be considered groups of equal value with the Discophora (Lucernariadce of Huxley) . * Steganophthalmata, Forbes; Fhanerocarpee, Each. ; Acraspeda, Gcgon- baur. INTRODUCTION. The Calycophorida and Physophorida I should also rank as suborders,, and unite in the single order Siphonophora. The Medusida of Huxley, under which he has ranged the naked-eyed Medusae that have not yet been traced to a Hydroid stock, and those which are known to be developed directly from the ovum, according to the views already stated, should cease to constitute a distinct group. For the Steganophthalmata (Forbes) with Lucernaria, which form the third of the orders of Hydrozoa, Discophora seems to me a better designation than Lucernariada, which has been adopted by Huxley, and which is derived from a strikingly aberrant form. In classifying the Hydroida and constructing the generic groups, respect must be had, as emphatically pointed out by Allman*, to both the nutritive and reproductive ele- ments. It is much easier, however, to recognize the correctness of this principle in the abstract than to apply it practically to the work of the systematist; for the affinities suggested by one of these elements are, in many cases, by no means affirmed by the other. The trophosomes of two species may agree very closely in character, while the gonozooids are widely dissimilar, and vice versa. To take a striking illustration : the repro- ductive zooid of Corynopsis, a genus which ranks in the family of the Podocorynidce, is identical when first liberated with that of Bougainvillia, a member of the family Atrac- tylida-\. So Syncoryne eximia and Stauridium productum, which are referred to different genera from the dissimi- * In bis valuable paper " On the construction and limitation of genera among tbe Hydroida," Ann. N. H. for May 1864. t By an error, Bougainvillia is referred, on page 35, to the family of the Eudcndriidce. INTRODUCTION. Ixiii larity in the polypites, originate mcdusiform gonozooids \vhicli are not merely alike, but identical at the time of detachment*. In these examples the trophosomes are dissimilar, whilst the gonosomes agree. But the cases are much more numerous in Avhich the alimentary zooids exhibit the closest relationship, while the gonozooids pre- sent differences that would be commonly accounted generic. Amongst the Corynidce, three genera (Coryne, Sijncoryne, and Zancka] are undistinguishable one from the other, so far as the trophosome is concerned. In the large and beautiful family Campanulariidae, all the generic groups, with a single exception, are founded on characters sup- plied by the gonosome alone; and many similar cases might be cited. Perfect agreement in the alimentary characters does not of necessity imply agreement in the sexual characters ; whilst, on the other hand, the trophosomes may be strikingly unlike, and the gonozooids identical. Our system of classification must be harmonized with these perplexing facts ; and it is hardly a paradox to say that in some respects it may appear less natural if strictly conformed to the order of nature. It may be remarked, in passing, that in some genera the differences between the species are chiefly exhibited in the trophosome, and the gonozooids are almost, or alto- gether, identical. This is remarkably the case in the * A. Agassiz (in bis ' Cat. of North American Acalcphae, 1865) expresses his belief that at a more advanced stage these gonozooids would exhibit diffe- rences—and will not allow that " medusae generically identical " are " deve- loped from Hydroids generically distinct." Since the publication of his work, however, observations have placed it beyond doubt that many cases occur in which the gonosomes are identical, while the trophosomes present differences that must be accounted generic. Ixiv INTRODUCTION. genera Syncoryne and Periffonimus, and more or less so in several others. In such groups the alimentary portions of structure would seem to have been more susceptible of modification than the reproductive. In constituting the genera, I have endeavoured to give due weight to the different structural elements. I have followed Agassiz and Allman in regarding the presence or absence of a free sexual zooid as a character of generic value, though the adoption of this view leads to the sepa- ration of species that in all else are most nearly allied. But I must most strongly dissent from the practice of those authors who have multiplied divisions on the ground of slight variations in the gonozooid*. The three suborders under which I have distributed the British Hydroida correspond with the Tubularina, the Sertularina, and the Hydrina of Johnston ; but I have- thought it better to introduce significant titles for these higher divisions rather than to ring the changes on the names of the typical genera. The character which distinguishes the first suborder, Athecata (the naked condition of the polypites), is asso- ciated with great diversity in the configuration of the body and the structure and disposition of the tentacles. A rich variety of shape and colour characterizes the polypites of * There has been a tendency amongst some writers to pay almost exclu- sive attention -to the medusan element, both in their description and classifi- cation ; but the nutritive and reproductive structures are coordinate, and due regard must be had to both, if we are to form a just conception of the individual Hydroid, or of the affinities and relationships of the Hydroida. On the subject of classification, reference may be made to two admirable and exhaustive papers in the ' Natural History Review,' Nos. xi. and xii., for July and October, 1863, which are devoted to a review of the 4th vol. of Agassiz's ' Contributions,' and discuss very fully and with great ability the various questions connected with the systematic arrangement of the Hydrozoa. INTRODUCTION. 1XV this division. Amongst the Thecaphora, on the contrary, they exhibit very little variation, and the tentacles are in- variably filiform and arranged in a single wreath. A like uniformity prevails in the position of the gonophores throughout the latter suborder; they are always borne on a columnar offshoot from the coeuosarc, which is homo- logous with the proliferous polypite amongst the Athecata, whether fully developed or more or less atrophied. The Thecaphora are remarkable for their plant-like growth and the elegance of their forms. * The following Table exhibits the scheme of classification adopted in the present work : — Subkingdom CCELENTERATA, Frey & Leuckartf. Class HYUROZOA, Huxley. Ord. I. HYDKOIDA. Ord. II. SIPHONOPHORA. Ord. III. DISCOPIIORA. Order I. HYDEOIDA. Suborder I.— A THE CAT A. Hydroida destitute of true thecse or protective cases, either for the polypites or g-onophores. Family I. — Clavidse. CLAVA, Gmelin. TUBICLAVA, Allman. TURRIS, Lesson. CORDYLOPHORA, Allnian. * These two suborders correspond with the Gymnogonial and Angiogoniul divisions of Allman. The terms here employed seem to me to have tin's advantage, that they are more general in their application, and may be taken to apply both to the trophosorue and the gonosorne. t Beitrage zur Kenntn. dcr wirbellosen Thicrc, von Frey u. Leuckart, p. 37. Ixvi INTRODUCTION. Family II. — Hydractiniidae. HYDRACTINIA, Van Beneden. Family III. — Podocorynidse. PODOCORYNE, Sars. CORYNOPSIS, Allman. ? CIONISTES, Wright. Family IV. — Laridae. LAR, Gosse. Family V. — Corynidse. CORYNE, Gaertner. SYNCORYNE, Ehrenberg. ZANCLEA, Gegenbaur. Family VI. — Stauridiidse. CLADONEMA, Dujarclin. ] STAURIDIUM, Dujardin. Family VII.— Clavatellidse. CLAVATELLA, Hincks. Family VIII. — Myriothelidae. MYRIOTHELA, Sars. Family IX. — Eudendriidae. EUDENDRIUM, Elireuberg. Family X. — Atractylidse. ATRACTYLIS, Wright. PERIGONIMUS, Sars. HYDRANTHEA, Hincks. GARVEIA, Wright. BIMERIA, Wright. DICORYNE, Allman. HETEROCORDYLE, Allman, BOUGAINVILLIA, Lesson. Family XI. — Tubulariidae. TUBULARIA, Linn. CORYMORPHA^ Sars. ECTOPLEURA, Agassiz. INTRODUCTION. Family XII. — Pennariidae. VORTICLAVA, Alder. | ACHARADRIA, Wright. Suborder IL— THECAPHORA. Hydroida furnished with thecse. Family I. — Campanulariidse. CLYTIA, Lamouroux. OBELIA, Per. & Lesueur. CAMPANULARIA, Lamk. LOVENELLA, HillclvS. THAUMANTIAS, Escli. GONOTHYR.EA, Allman. Family II. — CampanuliiiidaB. CAMPANULINA, Van Ben. ZYGODACTYLA^ Brandt. OPERCULARELLA, Hincks. Family III. — Leptoscyphidse. LEPTOSCYPHUS, Allman. Family IV. — Lafoeidae. LAFOEA, Lamouroux. CALYCELLA, Hincks. CUSPIDELLA, Hincks. SALACIA, Lamouroux. FILELLUM, Hincks. Family Y. — Trichydridae. TRICIIYDKA, Wright. Family VI. — Coppiniidse. COPPINIA, Hassall. Family VII. — Haleciidse. HALECIUM, Okcn. OI'HJODES; Hincks. INTRODUCTION. Family VIII. — Sertulariidae. SERTULARELLA, Gray. | HYDRALLMANIA, Hincks. DIPHASIA, Agassiz. " THUIARIA, Fleming. SERTULARIA, Linn. Family IX. — Plumulariidse. ANTENNULARIA, Lamk. AGLAOPHENIA, Lamx. PLUMULARIA, Lamk. Suborder III.— GYMNOCHROA. Hydroida destitute of polypary ; locomotive. Family I. — Hydridse. HYDRA, Linnaeus. Agassiz, on the strength of observations made on the Millepora alcicornis, Linn., proposes to transfer to the Hy- droida the coral-making group of the Tabulata, which has hitherto ranked amongst the Actinozoa. He also conjec- tures that the Rugosa of Milne-Edwards belong to the class Hydrozoa. BRITISH HYDROIDA. Suborder L— ATHECATA. Tum-LARiNA, Ehrenberg, Corall. des rothen Moeres, 70; Jolinston, Brit. Zooph. i. 29. CoRYNiD^E (order), Huxley, Oceanic Hydrozoa, 21. TUBULARI.E, Agassiz, N. H. U. S. ir. 338. G-YMNOTOKA (except Hyrlra), J. V. Cams, Handbuch der Zoologie, ii. f>f>0. Family I. — Clavidae. POLYPITES claviform or fusiform, ivith scattered filiform tentacula. Genus CLAVA, Gmelin. Der. C'lava, a club. CORYNA, Elirenberg, Corall. d. rothen Meeres, 69. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Polypites clavate, contractile, ivith many scattered smooth tentacula, rising from a filiform stolon, sheathed in a chitinous polypary, which also invests the base of the polypite : reproduction by means of fixed sporosacs, borne singly or in clusters on the body, behind the posterior tentacles. B Z CLAVID^E. THE species of Clava are all strictly littoral, and are found on stones and weed between tide-marks. We are indebted to Dr. Strethill Wright* for correcting the error of previous naturalists, who had universally de- scribed the polypites of this genus as naked and single. The polypary is slightly developed, forming a delicate sheath round the creeping fibre, and rising into a little cup at the base of the polypites. Reproduction is dioecious, the male and female gono- zooids being borne by distinct colonies. The gonophore is of very simple structure, and destitute of investing capsule. Each ovary produces one or two ova, which are developed into ciliated planuloid embryos. The genus has representatives in the New and Old Worlds. It ranges to North America, and is widely dis- tributed through the North of Europe, having been ob- served in Norway, Denmark, the Faro Islands, the Skaga- rack, the Baltic, and Belgium, as well as on our own shores. It is not included in Sars's c Mediterranean Lit- toral Fauna/ All the known species occur in Britain. 1. C. MULTICORNIS, Forskal. HYDRA MULTICORNIS, Forsk, Descriptiones Animalium, &c., 131 ; and Icones Berum Naturalitim, pi. 20. figs. B, b. CORYNE SQUAMATA, Couch, Cornish Faun, iii. 11, pi. i. fig. 1 ; Van Bcneden, Rech. sur les Tubulaires, 60, pi. v. CLVVA MULTICORNIS, Johnston, Brit. Zooph. SO, pi. i. figs. 1-3. „ REPENS, T. Strethill Wright, Eclinb. New Phil. Journ. (N. S.) for July 1857, pi. ii. fig. 1. ,, DISCRETA, AUman, Ann. N. H. Nov. 1859. Plate I. fig. 1. POLYPITES separate, ranged at irregular intervals along * On Clava, Ed. N. P. Journ., N. S. vi. (July 1857). CLAVA MULTICORNIS. O the creeping filiform base, white, rose-, or flesh-coloured, with numerous tentacles; GONOPHORES round, hanging in many-pedicled clusters immediately behind the lower tentacles. Height about ^ inch. AFTER much consideration I venture to assign For- skal's name to the common Clava of our coasts, with scattered polypites. I admit at once that it is difficult to arrive at a conclusion, and that there is room for diversity of opinion. Forskal's description becomes hopelessly obscure at the very point where it should be clearest, and I can only urge that the interpretation which I put upon his words is as good as any other that can be offered. His figure, however, though poor, seems to me intelligible enough, and I have no doubt that it was suggested by the present species. Probably he may have confounded, as other naturalists have done, the scattered and the clustered forms. The Hydra squamata of Miiller is one of the clustered species, and both his description and figure are excellent. It is desirable to retain for the science, if possible, both these early and well-knoAvn names ; and I therefore propose relying chiefly on the figure to connect Forskal's with the scattered form, and to refer Miiller's to one of the species with clustered polypites. The number of arms in this pretty species, as amongst all the Hydroids of this suborder, varies with age. It ranges up to 30 or 40. The prevalent colour of the poly- pites is a rich rose, and there are few more beautiful sights of the kind than a fine colony of this zoophyte overspreading the surface of some tide-pool stone. The oral extremity is opake white. The anterior portion of the body is endowed with great mobility, and materially assists the tentacles in the capture of prey. The latter are slightly enlarged at the tip, which is covered with B.2 4 CLAVIDyE. minute hairs — the palpocils, or organs of touch. The ex- tremity of the tentacle possesses great prehensile power, and the Annelid or small Crustacean which may come in contact with it is at once made captive and firmly held in spite of its struggles. Hab. Generally distributed on our coasts, between tide- marks, commonly on stone. It is abundant in Devon and Cornwall, and has been noticed in the Frith of Forth (Wright), the Orkneys (Allman), and in Shetland (A.M.N) . 2. C. SQUAMATA, Muller. HYDRA. SQUAMATA, Muller, Zool. Dan. i. 3, tab. iv. figs. 1-3. CORYNE SQUAMATA, LcimJc. An. sans Vert. (2nd edit.) ii. 73. CLAVA MEMBRANACEA, T. S. Wright, Ed. New Phil. Journ. (N. S.) for July 1857, pi. ii. figs. 2, 3. Plate I. fig. 2. POLYPITES in dense clusters, springing from a crust com- posed of delicate membranous tubes agglutinated together, tall, expanding above, of a rich reddish tint, with nume- rous white tentacula, the clusters united by a simple, filiform stolon ; GONOPHORES forming a broad and very prominent collar round the body. Height of the polypites in extension from half an inch to an inch. I HAVE little doubt that this form, which has been cha- racterized by Wright under the name of C. membranacea, is the Hydra squamata of Muller. In all important points it agrees with the species so well described in the ' Danish Zoology ;' and even the peculiar character of the crust is indicated, when the author says of the polypites, "ope microscopii ex materia mucida fucum vestiente, ortum sximere videntur." Muller found his Hydra on the Fucus CLAVA C011NEA. 5 vesiculosus; and this seaweed is the common habitat of the British species that I have identified with it. In C. squamata the polypites are closely massed together, and form colonies on the fronds of the Fucus, the larger of Avhich measure about half an inch across. They are tall, and expand from the base upwards, thickening considerably towards the tentacles. Under the microscope the body appears lineated longitudinally, especially in the older polypites. The tentacles are pellucid white, and number about twenty in the adult *. The gonophores hang in large bunches below the posterior tentacles, and form a massive and conspicuous collar. Individually they are of considerable size, and almost spherical in form. The crust that supports each colony is made up of many tubes massed together ; and the upper surface of it is com- pletely covered with the cup-like extensions of the poly- pary, from which the polypites rise ; these give it a honey- combed appearance when the polypites are removed. The tubes are of extreme delicacy, and composed not of solid chitine, but of a soft membranous material. The colonies do not generally stand alone : the tubular basis sends oft' slender, filamentary prolongations, which creep along the weed and give rise at intervals to new clusters. Had. Queensferry, Firth of Forth, on Fucus vesiculosus (T. S. W.) : Lerwick, low water, on the same weed (A.M. N.) . [Denmark, on Fucus vesiculosus (Miillcr) .] 3. C. CORNEA, T. S.Wright. Eclin. New Phil. Jouni. (N. S.) for July 1857, pi. ii. fig. 4. Plate I. fig. 3. POLYPITKS clustered, slender, slightly tapering, of a rc2 (May 18fi4). 14 CLAVIDzE. CYAN.EA COCCINEA (free zooid), Davis, Ann. N. H. vii. (1841) 234, pi. ii. fig. 1,2,3. CLAVULA Gossn (the polypite), T. Strethill Wright, Edin. New Phil. Journ. (N. S.) for July 1859, pi. yiii. fig. 1. Plate III. fig. 1. POLYPITES minute, of a crimson colour, borne on short stalks, which rise at intervals from the creeping stolon ; tentacles about 12, the upper row long, four in number, erect, the rest scattered, shorter, inclined upwards. GONOZOOID. — UMBRELLA, in the mature zooid, subhemi- spheric, slightly pointed above, transparent, smooth, with four longitudinal bands ; MANUBRIUM of a rich crimson when laden with the ova, — the mouth with four lips, which are fimbriated at their edge; MARGINAL TENTACLES more than 60 in number, closely set, very contractile, each of them springing from a large bulbous base, on the upper part of which is a brilliant crimson ocellus. THE sexual zooid of this species has long been known, having been described by Lesson in 1837 as an indepen- dent animal. Forbes gives it a place amongst his naked- eyed Medusae, and celebrates its beauty. In its native element it "is brilliant as a bead of brightest coral." Mr. Gosse obtained the first clue to its history in 1852, having observed the escape of the embryos from the ovary and their subsequent development into minute polypites. Dr. Wright was afterwards fortunate enough not only to rear the polypites, but also to keep them until they had attained their perfect form. We are still ignorant of the position in which the reproductive bodies are developed, and of their early history. The embryo is oval, dark crimson in colour, and ciliated. After becoming attached it is developed into a branching stolon, from which perpendicular stems originate, bearing polypites with four long and straight tentacles. The further CORDYLOPHORA. 15 change consists in an increase of the number of arms, which are scattered over the body as in Clava. Hab. In the Solent and around the Isle of Wight, not uncommon : the West Bay of Portland (Forbes) : Tenby (Dr. J. F. Davis); Ilfracombe (Gosse): Queensferry, Firth of Forth (T. S. W.). Genus CORDYLOPHORA, Allman. Der. Kop3u\?), a club, and ^optw, I bear. SYNCORYNA, Agassiz, N. H. U. S. iv. 339. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stem well-developed, branching, rooted by a filiform stolon ; the whole of the ccenosarc in- vested by a chitinous polypary ; polypites fusiform, deve- loped from the extremities of the branches, with scattered filiform tentacula : reproduction by means affixed sporosacs, borne on the stem, never on the polypite. THE genus Cordylophora is peculiarly interesting, as con- taining the only composite Hydroids that have been found in fresh water. It seems, however, to be equally at home in brackish water. The C. albicola (Kirchenpauer) grows on buoys at the mouth of the Elbe ; and Lindstrom. has obtained C. lacustris in the half-saline waters of the Baltic amidst a curious assemblage of marine and fluviatile plants and animals. In this locality it grows on the stems of Myriophylla. Paludina impura, fresh-water Entomos- traca, and the larvre of insects abound. Associated with these is the Corophium longicorne, an undoubtedly littoral form, while the Tergipes lacinulatus, a thoroughly marine Crustacean, creeps in numbers amongst the branches of the Cordylophora*. * Vide a paper by Lindstrom on "the Invertebrate Fauna of the Baltic," in iho ' (Efversigt af Kongl. Vetensk.-Akad. Forhandlingar ' for 18f>5. IH CLAVID^E. The genus occurs in North America, Prof. Leidy having discovered another species, according to Agassiz, in New- port Harbour, R. I. Van Beneden has recently studied C. lacustris, and sup- plies some curious illustrations of the voracity of the poly- pites and their power of dealing with their prey. Having put some water-fleas (Daphne) into the vessels containing the Cordylophora, he was surprised in a short time to see these active Crustaceans struggling amongst the arms of the polypites, and soon losing their power of motion, and lying, as it were, paralysed in their solid carapaces. He has also seen worms (Nais) and Planariee seized and devoured. The former, though very tenacious of life, yielded rapidly to their assailants, and passed into the digestive cavity of the polypites. C. LACUSTRIS, Allman. CoRDYLornouA LACUSTRIS, Allman, Ann. N. H. xiii. (1844) 330; Phil. Trans. for 1853, 367, pi. xxv. and xxvi. ; Johnst. B. Z. 44, woodc. fig. 5 : Hincks, Ann. N. H. (2nd scr.) ii. 180 (March 1853), pi. vi. figs. 1, 2. SVNCORYNA LACUSTRIS, Agassis, N. H. U. S. IT. 33(.i. Plate III. fig. 2. STEM slightly flexuous, more or less branched; branches alternate, cylindrical, suberect, annulated above the point of origin ; POLYPITES white, ovoid, prolonged above into a conical proboscis, and supported on a fleshy neck, to the base of which the chitinous polypary extends ; tentacles 12-14; GONOPHORES oval, subsessile, invested by a delicate chitinous covering, generally from one to three on each branch. Height between 2 and 3 inches. THIS is the only composite and plant-like Hydroid which CORDYLOPHORA LACUSTRIS. 17 inhabits our fresh waters. It has been thoroughly in- o •, vestigated by Allman, who has made it the subject of an admirable memoir, which is one of the most important contributions to our knowledge of the structure and physiology of the Athecate Hydroida. The polypitcs of Cordylophora, when kept in confine- ment, soon perish, and are soon reproduced. They do not drop off, like those of Tubularia, but are destroyed by a process of absorption. The arms are roughened by thread- cells, which are arranged in regular nodules. The poly- pite, like the Hydra, possesses a remarkable power of elongating and shortening its tentacles. At times they are so much extended as greatly to exceed the entire body in length, and in this state are attenuated into most deli- cate filaments. When contracted they appear corrugated, and comparatively thick. The polypite is a singularly beautiful object when the tentacula (some 12 or 14 in number) are all fully elon- gated, floating like gossamer threads through the water, and waving to and fro with its every slightest movement. The reproductive buds are produced on the ultimate ramules, at some distance behind the polypite. There are sometimes as many as three on a branch, which are placed alternately, "the more advanced being always nearer to the main stems " ( Allman) . I have counted twelve ova in a single female capsule, but more commonly the num- ber amounts to six or eight. They are developed into ciliated planulse, which escape through the ruptured walls of the sac. On reaching the water the embryo remains inactive for a few seconds, undergoing remarkable changes of shape ; the body then acquires a rotatory motion, and it sails off with considerable rapidity. It is elongate-oval in form, somewhat broader at one extremity than the other, opake white in c 18 HYDRACTINIID^E. the centre, and semitransparent toAvards the edge of the body, and completely covered with cilia. Planulse which had made their escape late in the evening, I have found attached on the following morning. The cilia disappear, and they fix themselves by one extremity, which expands into a roundish disk, the body standing erect in the centre of it. This gradually assumes the form of the polypite, the upper portion becoming ovoid and pointed above. Three or four tentacles also sprout from it, while the polypary forms round the basal part. When the stem has reached a certain height, it swells into small protuberances here and there, which soon develope themselves into branches and polypites. At the same time the base sends out creeping shoots, from which fresh stems originate ; and the process of germination continues until a whole forest of plant-like structures has been evolved from the single primary zooid. Hob. On an old submerged boat, Grand Canal, Dublin (G. J. A.) : in the Commercial and other Docks, London, on wood, &c. (Dr. Bowerbank) : in a cistern at Kensing- ton (Busk) : near Lynn Regis (Dr. Low) . [G&lo-strat, Baltic (Lindstrom) : near Stockholm (Ret- zius) : Schleswig (Van Beneden) .] Family II. — Hydractiniidae. POLYPJTES claviform, sessile, with a single verticil of fili- form tentacles round the base of a conical proboscis, borne on an expanded and continuous crust ; the cceno- sarc naked above. HYDRACTINIA. 19 Genus HYDRACTINIA, Van Beneden. Der. Hydra, a genus of Hydroicla, and Actinia, a Sea-anemone. EciiiNoc'iiORiUM, Hassall, Annals N. H. for July 1841. SYNIIYDRA, De Quatrefages, Ann. Sc. Nat. xx. 232. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Polypites claviform, sessile, with a single verticil of filiform tentacula surrounding the base of a conical proboscis, developed at intervals from the cosno- sarc, which forms a naked expansion above, and below con- sists of a mass of anastomosing stolonic tubes clothed with a chitinous polypary, which are adnate to one another and form a continuous crust : reproduction by means of fixed sporosacs, which are borne on partially developed polypites*, destitute of tentacles and furnished with many spherical clusters of thread-cells round the oral extremity. POLYMORPHISM reaches its height amongst the Hydroicla in the genera Hydractinia and Podocoryne. In each colony of these zoophytes several distinct kinds of zooid with separate functions are united together, presenting a wonderful variety of form and structure. We have in Hydractinia, (1) the alimentary polypites, whose sole office it seems to be to procure and digest nutriment for the commonwealth; (2) the fertile polypites, which are small and attenuated and only furnished with rudimentary tentacles, and which support the true reproductive zooids ; (3) the fixed reproductive sacs, which differ in shape and colour in the two sexes ; (4) the spiral appendages, snake- like organs, endowed with great muscular power, and localized in certain regions of the common basal crust; * This is not always the case. Gegenbaur mentions that he has found gonophores on fully developed polypites (Grundziige der vergleichenden Anatomic, p. 99, & p. 94. fig. 15). C 2 20 HYDRACTINIID^E. and (5) the tentacular filaments, highly extensile thread- like processes with nematocysts at the tip, distributed chiefly on the outskirts of the colony. In Podocoryne we have, as a variation, a locomotive sexual zooid. In studying these remarkable organisms, we are at once reminded of the oceanic Hydrozoa, the complex colonies of which float freely in the open sea. There are many striking resemblances between Hydr actinia and some of the Physophoridas. Both exhibit the same polymorphism ; in both the reproductive bodies are borne on peculiarly modified polypites; in both tentacular appendages are deve- loped from the ccenosarc, and a solid expansion supports the community. Hydractinia and Podocoryne, from the nature of the habitat which they almost invariably select, enjoy the benefits of locomotion, though themselves fixed. They employ the mollusk and the Hermit-crab as their carriers, and to some extent, probably, as their purveyors also. The expanded crust of Hydractinia supporting the curious assemblage of zooids has been investigated by several eminent naturalists, from whom we have had con- flicting accounts of its nature and the mode of its forma- tion. Agassiz takes the view that the whole horny mass is a " foot-secretion " just as truly as it is among the gorgonioid polyps — an opinion which had been previously maintained by De Quatrefages. Dr. Strethill Wright, who has thoroughly investigated the history of Hydrac- tinia, and who was the first to notice some of the most interesting points of its structure, arrives at the opposite conclusion, that the mode in which the polypary is secreted is essentially the same as amongst other hydroid zoophytes. There is some difficulty in examining the chitinous expansion, closely adnate, as it usually is, to the body on which the colony is planted. Frequently, however, in the case of old shells tenanted by the Pagurus, it is found to HYDRACTINIA. 21 extend for some distance beyond the edge of the shell, and to form a considerable addition to the lip. This portion can be readily removed and submitted to the microscope. A careful examination of this free extension of the crust has yielded the following results : — The upper surface is invested by a white fleshy substance, from which the poly- pites and spiral organs are developed in large numbers, the latter almost exclusively on the extreme margin. On examination, this soft layer is found to be mainly com- posed of a multitude of delicate, anastomosing, tubular stolons closely packed together. The surface of the layer is more or less roughened by minute points of chitine, which protrude through it, and, running in lines, mark out the course of the stolouic tubes. At intervals large grooved and muricated spines occur, which are also partially covered by the fleshy crust. If a portion of the base be divided transversely so that the intimate structure may be examined in section, the following appearances are observable. Fig. 1. A large proportion of the slice is seen to be occupied by a chitinous framework (fig. I, a a), the upper side of which is overspread by the fleshy carpet that bears the polypites (fig. 1, b b}, while the inferior surface is more or less covered by a thin layer of a mucus-like substance 22 HYDRACTINIID^. (fig. I, c). The appearance of the framework itself as seen in section is that of a series of tubes laid side by side 011 a plate of chitine, and closely appressed one to the other. The tubular orifices are completely filled in with coenosarc. Above they rise into many spinous projections so as to exhibit a jagged outline ; below they rest uniformly on the chitinous base. Here and there smaller spinous processes are given off from the under surface of the latter, and pene- trate the mucous layer that invests it. The structure of the framework seems to be of this kind. From a thin basal lamina of chitine rise numerous chitinous lamellae, terminating above in serrulated edges, which sometimes run parallel to one another and some- times anastomose. The spaces between them form the channels in which the soft cosnosarcal stolons are contained; and from these rise the polypites and the spiral and ten- tacular appendages. The passages or tubes thus formed are covered in above, not by a solid wall, but by a chitinous network, which stretches across them a little below the free serrated edges of the lamellae. Through the meshes of this fenestrated covering the fleshy matter passes and forms a superficial layer, filling in the grooves between the ridges and overlying the frame- work, with the exception of the points of the spinules. The larger spines owe their origin to the elevation of the tubes at certain points. The chitinous crust of Hydractinia, then, is in no true sense a " foot- secretion ; " it is a modification of the ordi- nary stolonic base of the hydroid zoophyte, and is secreted in essentially the same way. The peculiarity consists in the reticulated covering of the chitiuous tubes, allowing of the outgrowth of the coenosarc and the consequent formation of a naked superficial layer. The mode of development will be understood by a HYDRACTINIA ECHINATA. 23 reference to Plate IV. fig. 6, which represents a young poly- pite in an early stage of growth. Before the formation of the head and tentacles, radical prolongations are given off at the base, which are the beginnings of the stolonic net- work. The spaces between them are gradually filled in by the extension of the coenosarc until they are almost united ; but instead of coalescing, they seem to secrete on each side of them the chitinous lamellae, the spinous ridges of which soon show themselves on the surface * ; and the passages thus formed are covered in by a reticulated roof. The free investing layer of the coenosarc rests upon this roof and conceals it. In an early period of growth the base of Hydractinia appears, according to Dr. Wright's observations, under various forms, and, in some of the conditions which he has described, resembles very exactly that of Podocoryne at a corresponding stage. But the development of this portion of the structure requires further investigation. H. ECHINATA, Fleming. AI.CYONIUM ECHINATUM, Flem. Brit. An. 517. ALCYONIDIUM ECHINATUM, Johnst. Br. Z. (1st edit.) 304, pi. xlii. figs. 3, 4. HYDRACTINIA LACTEA (the male), Van Sen. Tubulaires, 64, pi. vi. figs. 7-14. „ ROSEA (the female), Van Ben. Tubul. 63, pl.vi. figs. 1-6. ECHINOCHORICM CLAviGERUM, Hassall, Ann. N. H. July 1841, 371, pi. x. fig. 5. SYNHYDRA PARASITES, Quatrefages, Ann. Sc. Nat. xx. 232, t. 8, 9. HYDRACTINIA ECHINATA, Johnst. B. Z. 34, pi. i. figs. 4-6 ; T. Strethitt Wright, Edinb. New Phil. Journ. (N. S.) for April 1857 ; idem, Ann. N. H. for August 1861 ; Allman, Proceed. Eoyal Soc. Ed. session 1857-58. ,, FOLYCLINA, Agossiz, N. H. U. S. iv. 227, pi. xvi. (vol. iii.) and pi. xxvi. (vol. iv.) fig. 18. Plate IV. CHITINOUS CRUST covered with numerous grooved and * Vide De Quatrefages on Synhydra, Ann. Sc. Nat, (2nd ser.1 Zool. xx. -M.">. 24 HYDRA CTINIID^E. serrated spines; ALIMENTARY POLYPITES milk-white, with a variable number of tentacula (20-30 in*. the adult), which are held in extension, alternately elevated and depressed; FERTILE POLYPITES short and slender, bearing the gonophores in clusters or scattered upon the upper portion of the body; GONOPHORES (male) oblong and pointed above, of a yellowish colour, (female) roundish and rose-coloured, — occasionally developed on the com- mon base ; APPENDAGES OF THE CCENOSARC, long, filamen- tary organs spirally coiled while at rest, with clusters of thread-cells round the free extremity, and slender, very extensile tentacula distributed singly 011 the out- skirts of the colony. H. ECHINATA selects for its habitat invariably, so far as I have observed, univalve shells that are tenanted by the Hermit-crab ; and there can be no doubt that its alliance with the crustacean, though not essential to its wellbeing, is at least the source of material advantage to it. I have never found it in the situation in which Agassiz describes his H.polyclina as frequently flourishing, on rocks in tide- pools, where it sometimes covers, he says, "several square feet with a rosy, velvet-like carpet," though it also occurs on " the shells of Gasteropods, which serve as a retreat for the Hermit-Crab." This zoophyte forms a whitish fleecy covering on the shell of the mollusk, involving the greater part of it when finely developed. The waving forest of tall and graceful polypites generally reaches its greatest height towards the mouth, round the edge of which are set the curious snake-like appendages, either coiled up or unrolled and cast out over the orifice like a fringe. Inter- mingled with the perfect polypites, and commonly present in immense numbers, are the rudimentary zooids, which carry the generative sacs, attenuated by their work, and looking as if weighed down by their burthen. Towards the outskirts of the colony and along the growing edge of HYDRACTINIA ECHINATA. 25 the crust, the polypites are of much smaller size ; aucl in this region occur the tentacular filaments, which are capable of great extension, and float like long fishing- lines through the water. When not extended, these are so inconspicuous as readily to escape observation. Rising amongst the dense ranks of the polypites is a multitude of serrated spines ; and supporting the whole array of curious and beautiful structures spreads the common crust with its soft overlying carpet of coenosarc. A remarkable point in the history of the Hydractinia is the amount of sympathy that exists between the zooids composing a colony. This is due to the horizontal fleshy layer which immediately connects them all. It has been noticed that ift any part of the common base be irritated the spiral appendages uncoil simultaneously, and lash themselves violently backwards and forwards, and then quickly roll themselves up again *. I have seen a whole company discharge themselves with remarkable energy, and with the precision of a regiment on drill. After studying the structure and the singular associated movements and the constant position of these bodies, I have no doubt that Dr. Wright is correct in regarding them as special organs of the zoophyte (" forms of a truly definite nature"), notwithstanding the opposite de- cision of Agassiz. It is difficult to assign them a function, unless they be, as Dr. Wright has conjectured, " organs of defence or offence/5 They may, perhaps, be analogous in this respect to the nematophores of the Plumulariida or the curious tentacular appendages of Ophiodes. * Vide a very interesting paper on Hydractinia in the Edinburgh New Phil. Journ. for April 1857, by Dr. Strethill Wright, to whom we are in- debted for the first notice of the spiral and tentacular appendages, and a very accurate and philosophical account of the general structure of this zoophyte. 26 HYDEACTINIIDJ3. If we direct our attention to the alimentary polypites, we find that the proboscis is capable of extraordinary dis- tention, and assumes the most protean forms. In its most marked deviation from the normal condition, it pre- sents the appearance of a wide saucer-like disk, the tentacles standing out round the rim. In the prolific polypite the buccal prominence is small and broadly coni- cal, and is often concealed by the clustering masses of thread-cells. I am inclined to think that the mouth is not absolutely suppressed. Dr. Wright speaks of a whitish spot on the tip of the proboscis, through which he has succeeded in forcing " the contents of the intes- tine ; " and Agassiz describes a mouth in his H. polychna, a species which I am unable to distinguish from our own H. echinata. The sporosacs are distributed over the upper part of the body, and attain an immense size as their contents are matured. They are present in all stages of development on the same polypite, one or two being generally much in advance of the rest. The shape and colour vary in the two sexes, the male sporosac being often much elongated and of a vellowish tint, the female roundish and rose- * coloured. H. echinata is liable to be infested by the larvae of a Pycnogon, which manage in some way or other to take possession of the polypites and convert them into nests, in which they pass through certain stages of their develop- ment*. These converted polypites are nothing more than capacious sacs, without tentacles, in which, as in a comfortable nursery, the brood of young Pycnogons spend their early days, feeding 110 doubt on the nutrient juices of the zoophyte. * Vide a paper by Dr. Strethill Wright, Jouru. of Microscop. Science (N. S.) vol. in. PODOCORYNID.E. 27 Hab. On old univalve shells (Buccinum undatum, Fusus corneus, Turritella communis, Nassa reticulata, Littorina, Natica, Trochus zizyphinus, &c.) at low- water mark and in deep water; generally distributed. [Ostend (Van Ben.) : Normandy and Brittany, always on shells tenanted by the Pagurus (De Quatrefages) : North America (Agassiz) .] Family III. — Podocorynidse. POLYPITES sessile with a single verticil of filiform ten- tacula round the base of a conical proboscis. Genus PODOCORYNE, Sars (in part). Der. Trof's, a foot, and Coryne, a genus of Ilydroids. DYSMORPIIOSA, Philippi, Erichson's Archiv for 1842, 37, tab. i. fig. 3. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Coenosarc consisting of a net- ivork of creeping fibres, clothed with a polypary which also forms a small cup-like investment round the base of the poly- pites — the network in the adult state filled in ivith chitine, so as to constitute a continuous crust ; polypites sessile, claviform, with a single verticil of filiform tentacula surrounding the base of a conical proboscis ; gonophores borne on the body of the polypite below the tentacles, or on the common basis, and originating free, medusiform zooids. Gonozooid : Umbrella bell-shaped ; manubrium shorter than the umbrella, four-lipped, each lobe bearing a tuft of vibratile thread-cells ; radiating canals 4 ; marginal ten- tacles springing singly from bulbs ivithotit ocelli, the first 28 PODOCORYNIDyE. set placed at the termination of the canals, the number increasing with age, and always a multiple of four. THE Dysmorphosa of Philippi is undoubtedly identical with Podocoryne, and his name has precedence in point of time. As, however, Sars's genus must be broken up into two sections (the one including the species in which the sexual zooids become free, the other those in which they continue fixed), both names may be retained. I have assigned Podocoryne to the former of these divisions, of which the well-known P. carnea may be taken as the type. The other should bear Philippics name *. Under P. carnea an account is given of the mode in which the common crust is developed in this genus. The early and the later states are so different that they would probably be referred to distinct genera if the intermediate stages of growth had not been observed. Krohn has described the budding of young from the manubrium of the free sexual zooid, and A. Agassiz has made similar observations on an allied species (Dysmor- phosa fulgurans}. Development takes place with great rapidity, and "buds of the third generation are already forming while the second is still attached." Agassiz mentions that the latter species is sometimes so abundant that the whole sea, when disturbed, is brilliantly lighted by the peculiar bluish phosphorescent colour which it gives out f. We cease to wonder at the amazing num- ber of these (so-called) Medusae when we know that thev are not only thrown off by hundreds from each densely packed hydroid colony, but that every one of them has the power of producing a family by gemmation. * Allman has proposed the name Stylactis for this section. But as he now recognizes the identity of Dysmorphosa and Podocoryne, he will pro- bably not deem it desirable to displace either of the older names. t Catal. of North American Acalephw, p. 163. PODOCORYNE CARNEA. 29 The first set of marginal tentacles consists of four, which arc placed at the termination of the radiating canals. The subsequent increase takes place by fours, the largest number thus far observed in any species being 16. Podocoryne rivals Hydr actinia in the variety of form that exists amongst its zooids. The degeneration of the fertile polypites is never so complete as in the latter genus, and, indeed, in some cases it has no existence at all. I have shown that the spiral and filamentary appendages are common to both. There is a close relationship between the two genera. 1. P. CARNEA, Sars. PODOCORYNA CARNEA, Sars, Faun. Litt. Norv. part i. 4, t. i. figs. 7-18. „ ALBIDA, Sars, ibid. 7. PODOCORYNE CARNEA, Allman, Ann. N. H. for July 1859 and May 1864 ; Hincks, Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1864, (Proc. of Sect.) 99. Plate V. POLYPITES tall, expanding slightly upwards, white or red- dish, with an opake-white proboscis, and a variable number (4-30) of long and graceful tentacles, rising from an iiicmsting base, thickly covered (in the adult state) with smooth linear spines; GONOPHOHES borne in clusters on the body of the polypites *, a little below the base of the tentacles, pedunculate, containing each a single medusiform zooid. GONOZOOID. — UMBRELLA deep bell-shaped, thickly covered with minute thread-cells, and with a wide velum ; MANU- BRIUM short, reddish, with a tuft of large, vibratile thread-cells on each lobe of the mouth; MARGINAL TEN- TACLES eight, very extensile, springing from red bulbs, four fully developed at the time of liberation, and four more or less rudimentary. * The fertile polypites are generally, but not universally, smaller than the alimentary, and furnished with fewer tentacles (4-5). 30 PODOCORYNID^:. WE have had conflicting accounts of this zoophyte from authors, their discrepancies being due to the fact of their having observed it in different stages of growth. Sars describes the polypites as united together by a kind of incrusting mantle, which after their death remains behind ' ' as a brown epidermal investment, bearing numerous pointed spines of a horny nature/' Allman regards this as probably a mistake, and characterizes the hydrorhiza as simply tubular and retiform. But Podocoryne presents us with both conditions. In its younger state the poly- pites rise from delicate milk-white fibres, which run in nearly parallel lines over the surface of the shell that bears the zoophyte, and which are united by cross fibres, forming at first a rather wide-meshed net. These cross fibres in- crease in number and often anastomose, and gradually the meshes are filled in by a chitinous crust, which appears to involve the tubular basis itself. Numerous pointed spines are developed simultaneously, as it seems, with the growth of the crust ; at least I have never noticed them when the stolonic network was perfectly simple. They are not muri- cated, like those of Hydractinia, but smooth. In this way the common base becomes a continuous expansion, thickly studded with spinous processes, as described by Sars, on which the polypites are densely crowded together. I have specimens overspreading the shells of Nassa reticulata, that exhibit the two conditions side by side. The delicate milk-white network of fibres covers a considerable portion of the surface ; but at certain points the meshes may be seen partially filled in by the crust, while at others they are converted into a solid expansion. The stolonic portion, then, of Podocoryne cornea occurs under the following forms : — (1) as a network of fibres of greater or less complexity ; (2) as a network the fibres of which are involved in a chitinous crust, which partially PODOCORYNE CARNEA. 3] fills in the meshes, and is set at intervals with spines ; and (3) as a continuous crust bristling with spines. These facts are interesting, not only as clearing up the discrepancies in the accounts of the species, but as throwing light on the formation of similar structures. The polypites of P. carnea vary in colour ; they are sometimes white or with a slight tinge of yellow, and sometimes reddish. The proboscis is always opake white, and at the base of it there is often a collar of deeper red. There is no constant and uniform difference in size and the number of tentacles between those which bear the reproductive bodies and those which do not. Commonly the prolific polypites are smaller than the rest, and are sometimes much dwarfed and attenuated, the number of arms being reduced to 4 or 5. But they occur with 7 or 8, 10, and even 16, and are not unfrequently fully developed in all respects. The gonophores are produced in large clusters, forming a collar round the body of the polypite, some distance be- low the tentacles. I have counted 6 in a group; and Sars gives the number at 8—11. At the time of liberation the four tentacles, which are a continuation of the radiating canals, are fully developed, and there is generally a smaller tentacle in the centre of two of the interradial spaces. Two more soon bud from the remaining spaces, so as to make the whole number eight ; but 110 further increase has been observed. The mouth is divided into four distinct lobes, each of which is furnished with a tuft of thread-cells. These are mounted on extremely delicate peduncles ; and when the mouth is in search of food they are brought into an erect position, and are in constant vibratile motion. The gonozooid swims by a series of jerks or casts, and carries the arms curled back over the bell. 32 PODOCOHYNID^E. P. carnea is furnished with the curious spiral appendages first described by Wright as occurring on Hydr actinia echinata. They are placed in a row round the opening of the shell that supports the hydroid colony, on the edge of the investing crust, and are generally curled up in two or three coils. They have a white central core, and are very slightly enlarged at the free extremity. I have also observed in certain portions of the colony slender filaments springing immediately from the crust, wrhich correspond with the tentacular appendages of Hydr actinia. Hob. On stones in rock-pools near low-water mark, and on old shells brought up on the lines of the fishermen, Inch Garvie, Firth of Forth (G. J. A.) : on Nassa reticulata and Turritella off Torbay in moderate depths, and in Swanage Bay, Dorset : Oban, on operculum of Buccinwn (T. H.) : Cullercoats (J. A.). The shell of Nassa reticulata is the favourite habitat of this species, and I have found it generally present on spe- cimens taken up with the dredge. The main lines of the creeping stolon usually follow with much regularity the transverse sutures of the shell, the intervening spaces being barred by the cross fibres previously to the consoli- dation of the crust. [Norway : Naples, in 10-20 fathoms, on shells tenanted by the Pagurus (Sars) .] 2. P. AREOLATA, Alder. HYDRACTINIA AREOLATA, Alder, Suppl. to Northumb. Cat. Trans. Tynes. Nat. F. C. v. 225, pi. ix. figs. 1-4. RHIZOCLINE AREOLATA, Allman, Ann. N. H. for May 1864. Plate VI. fig. 1. POLYPITES small, white, columnar, slightly enlarging above, and terminating in a conical mouth; tentacles 6-10, PODOCORYNE AREOLATA. 33 appearing of different lengths from their varying contrac- tility ; the incrusting base from which the polypites rise, a solid chitinous expansion"*, bearing simple linear spines in groups, having areolar spaces between them ; GONO- PHORES sessile on the base, large, globular, or slightly pear-shaped, containing each a single zooid. GoNozooiD. — UMBRELLA (at the time of liberation) sub- globose, moderately deep, covered with thread-cells ; MANUBRIUM rather long and columnar, but not extend- ing beyond the margin of the umbrella; RADIATING CANALS golden-yellow, continued by four rather short marginal tentacles with bulbous bases, one to three shorter tentacles in each interradial space, the number varying with age. Height of polypite about -^ inch. PROF. ALLMAN has constituted for this species the genus Rhizocline, which he ranks amongst the Hydractiniidce. From this decision I am compelled to dissent. The H. areolata of Alder is a true Podocoryne, presenting all the essential characters of that genus as defined by its founder, Sars. The mere fact of its producing its gonophores on the stolon instead of the body of the polypite cannot entitle it to generic rank, for we meet with the same variation within the limits of a species. Nor is there anything peculiar in the nature of the incrusting base. Mr. Alder describes it as a " solid chitinous expansion ; '' but in its origin it is no doubt a reticulated stolon, the meshes of which are gradually filled in with chitine, as is the case in Podocoryne carnea^. The gonozooid of H. areolata agrees with that of Podocoryne in all essential particulars. In Mr. Alder's specimens the number of tentacles was 1G ; * In an early stage this is probably represented by an open network, t Mr. Alder agrees with me in my interpretation of this portion of (In- structure. 1) 34 PODOCOllYNIDYE. but Mr. Hodge, who has obtained the species at Seaham Harbour, figures only 8, the largest number hitherto observed on P. carnea. In both cases there is a progres- sive increase with age, and as yet we do not know the maximum with certainty. I have therefore no hesitation in referring Mr. Alder's Hydroid to the genus Podocoryne. Hub. " On a dead shell of Natica Alderi, brought in by the fishing-boats at Cullercoats" (J. A.) : on Natica Grcenlandica, Shetland (A. M. N.) : Seaham Harbour, in 30 fathoms (Mr. Hodge). Genus CORYNOPSIS, Allman. Der. From icopvvri, a club, and oi^is, face (resemblance). GENERIC CHARACTER. — Polypites sessile, claviform, with a single verticil of filiform tentacula surrounding the base of a conical proboscis, rising from a creeping and ramified stolon, clothed with a chitinous polypary ; gonophores borne on the body of the polypite below the base of the tentacles, and originating free, medusiform zooids. Umbrella of the gonozooid (at the time of liberation] deep bell- shaped ; manubrium not reaching the orifice of the bell, with 4 short tentacles round the mouth ; radiating canals 4, each terminating in a bulb, bearing two tentacles with a distinct ocellus at the base. C. ALBERT, Hodge. PonoooRYNE ALDERI, Hodge, Trans. Tynes. Nat. F. C. v. 82, pi. ii. figs. 10-1"). CORYNOPSTR AUIF.RI, Allman, Ann. N. II. for May 1804. Plate VI. fig. 2. PoLYriTEs tall and slender, tapering towards the base, of a pale pink colour, with 6 or 8 to 12 tentacles ; GONO- PHORES produced at a short distance below the tenta- cular verticil. LARID^E. 35 GrONozooiD. — UMBRELLA (at. the time of liberation) rather deeply campanulate ; MANUBRIUM short, of a pale green colour; RADIATING CANALS terminating in con- spicuous orange bulbs, each bearing two granulated tentacles, with a deep-red ocellus at the base. Height of the polypites i to i inch. THE polypite of this species presents all the characters of Podocoryne. The reproductive zooid is identical at the time of detachment with that of the genus Bougainvillia, which ranks amongst the Eudendriidae. It is probable that it follows the same course of deve- lopment, and exhibits, when mature, the branched oral appendages and the marginal clusters of tentacles that belong to the latter in its adult state. But the later stages of its growth have not been observed. Hub. Deep water, Seaham Harbour, Durham, on Ser- pula (G. H.)- Family IV. — Laridse. POLYPITES with a very small number of filiform tentacula, springing from the base of the proboscis, but not form- ing a circle round it. Fig. 2. 36 LAREDO . Genus LAR, Gosse. Der. Lar, a household god. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Polypites fusiform, sessile, with two tentacula springing from the base of a bilabiate pro- boscis, developed on a creeping and anastomosing filiform stolon* ; reproduction unknown. WE require further information before anything can be said with certainty of this extraordinary form. It has only occurred in Mr. Gosse's aquarium, and its reproduc- tive phase has not been observed. LAR SABELLARUM, Gosse. Transactions of the Linn. Soc. xxii. 113, tab. xx. Woodcut, fig. 2. POLYPITES about ^ inch in height, very slender towards the base, enlarging above and terminating in a head- like lobe, which is separated by a constriction from the rest of the body; mouth furnished with two pro- minent lips; tentacula long and muricated ; the ADHE- RENT BASE a loose network of slender threads. Mr. GOSSE describes the polypites as bearing " a most ludicrously close resemblance to the human figure, and as closely imitating certain human motions." They were " incessantly bowing and tossing about their arms in the most energetic manner/' Certainly if the figure from which our woodcut is copied be not exaggerated, a Larite colony must strikingly resemble a company of excited gymnasts. * This adherent base is probably enclosed in a delicate polypary ; but there is no mention of it in Gosse's description. CORYNID.E. 37 Allman says of the genus, " we are almost tempted to regard it as an abnormal condition of some other form." It must hold a provisional place until some new light is thrown upon its history by further observation. Hob. On a Sabella in Mr. Gosse's aquarium. Family V. — Corynidae. POLYPITES with capitate tentacula, scattered or in several whorls. G-enus CORYNE, Gaertner. Der. Kopvi'tj. a club. CAPSVLAUIA, Cuvier, Tableau elementaire, (i65. STIPULA, Sai-s, Bidrag til Siidyrenes Naturhist. (1829). SYNCORYNA, Ehrenberg, Corall. 70 (in part). HERMIA, Johnston, Brit. Zooph. (1st eel.) 111. ACROCIIORDIUM, Meyen, Nov. Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. 1834, xvi. 1(J5, tab. xxviii. fig- 8. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stem simple or branched, rooted by a creeping filiform stolon, the whole sheathed in a thin chitinous tube, smooth or annul at ed ; polypites terminal, clavate ; tentacles capitate, scattered over the body or in several whorls ; reproduction by means of fixed sporosacs, borne on the body of the polypite. AMONGST the polypites which answer to Gaertner's de- scription, two or three very distinct modes of reproduction are met with, and it is therefore necessary to distribute them into corresponding groups. His name is here em- ployed in a restricted sense, to designate the species that do not originate free medusiform zooids. The differences 38 CO11YNID.E. between the present genus and Syncoryne are confined to the gonozooids, the polypites of both presenting the same characters. The list of synonyms must be understood to apply to the two genera. The Capsularia of Cuvier is probably identical with Coryne as originally denned ; but his description is defec- tive and obscure,, and his name has not been adopted by subsequent authors. I therefore retain Gaertner's well- established designation, though it is of later date. There is still some uncertainty in the use of the name by authors. Even so high an authority as Van Beneden in his recent work follows Ehrenberg in making the Hydra squamata the type of the genus Coryne. But this is quite inadmissible, because (1) Gmelin had previously founded his genus Clava for this form ; and (2) Gaertner, who ori- ginated the name Coryne, applies it to a polypite with capitate tentacles. There is great difficulty in determining the synonymy of the species of Coryne. I believe it to be quite impossible to settle with any approach to certainty what the C\ pusilla of Gaertner was. The name has been applied to many different forms, has almost been used as a general appellation for everything corynoid, and it is a serious question whether it would not be wise to discard it alto- gether. As, however, it is old and familiar and finds a place in every work on zoophytology, I have retained it, and have connected it with a species that perhaps agrees better than most with Gaertner's description and figure. It is of the first importance that there should be fixity of usage with respect to nomenclature, and I therefore hope that this decision may be accepted as a starting-point for the future. We know but little of the geographical distribution of this and the following genus. Two or three species have C011YNE PUSILLA. 39 been observed in North America, one of which at least is identical with a British form*. A single species from the Pacific shores of the American continent (San Francisco) has been published by A. Agassiz ; and I have met with a minute species on gulf-weed, which I believe to be unde- scribed. The genera are represented on the coasts of Greenland, of Norway (to the North Cape), of Sweden, and of Belgium by forms that occur in our own seas. 1. C. PUSILLA, Gaertner. CORYNE I'USILLA, Gfierfno; in Pall. Spicil. Zool. fase. x. 40, tab. 4. fig. 8. ? Sv.NcoitYNALisTERii, Van Bcncdcn, Mem. sur Ics Tubul. 54, pi. iii. figs. 11, 12. CORYNA GLANDULOSA, Daly ell, Bern. An. Scotl. ii. pi. xxi. CORYNE RAMOSA, Alder, North. & Durli. Cat, in Trans. Tynes. P. C. iii. 102. „ SESSILIS (young), Gossc, Devonsh. Coast, 208, pi. xiv. figs. 1-3. Plate VII. fig. 1. STEM rather stout, irregularly and sparingly branched ; polypary of a dark horn-colour, closely and distinctly cumulated throughout ; POLYPITE long, linear, very slen- der, scarcely tapering towards the lower extremity, red- dish ; tentacles very numerous (30 or more], rather long and slender, and not expanded at the base, subverticil- late ; GONOPHORES scattered over the body. Height about an inch. THE tentacles in C. pusilla are more truly whorled than in any other species of Coryne, but the arrangement is by no means perfectly regular. They are slender and fur- nished with large capitula. The ammlation of the stem is well-defined. The rings are narrow, closely set, and not prominent. The branch- * The Syndic? //OH, of A. Agassiz (North- Amer. Acaleplue, 177) is founded on a small Corynoicl, obtained in Massachusetts J5ay and Eoston Harbour. The dill'erenees between it and .s////cu/y///<' are confined to the sexual zooid. and do not seem to be of generic value. 40 CORYNLD.E. ing is simple and scanty. The tufts are of somewhat spare and straggling habit, and have no tendency to busliiness. The linear figure of the polypites is a vrery marked character. They are slender, of considerable length, and of about equal size from one extremity to the other. In some specimens I have noticed that the gonophores are slightly pointed above, and I believe that this peculiarity will be found to distinguish the male. Sir John Dalyell's figure of Coryna glandulosa (Rem. An. vol. ii. pi. xxi.) is an admirable representation of this species. The C. sessilis (Gosse) is probably the young of it. At Ilfracombe (Mr. Gosse's locality) I have frequently found an unbranched and subsessile Coryne, agreeing very closely with his figure, which was undistinguishablc from the C. pusilla that was growing in the same pools. It is impossible to make much of the synonymy. The C. ramosa of Alder's Catalogue I know, from correspond- ence with the author, to be identical with C. pusilla. Pos- sibly so is the Stipula ramosa of Sars. Alder has identi- fied the Syncoryna Listerii (Van Ben.) with the present form, after the examination of specimens supplied by Van Beneden himself. If this decision be correct the figure in the ' Mem. sur les Tubulaires ' is very inadequate. In his later work Van Beneden has assigned the name to a different form, which seems to be the Syncoryne Sarsii. It were a hopeless task to attempt to clear up the confu- sion that has been caused by the want of sufficiently minute and careful diagnosis. Hab. Scotland (Sir J. G. Dalyell) : in rock-pools, Tyne- mouth (R. Howse) : Filey, Yorkshire : Ilfracombe, in rock-pools (T. II.) C011YNE VAGINATA. 41 2. C. VAGINATA, Hincks. CORYNE, Lister, Phil. Trans, for 1834, 376, pi. x. fig. 3. „ RAMOSA, Johnston, B. Z. 42, pi. vi. figs. 4, 5; Gossc, Devon. Coa.-i. 190, pi. ix. ?HEIOIIA r.LANDULOSA, Hassall, Ann. Is. H. for 1841, 283, pi. vi. fig. 2. CORYNE VAGINATA, Hincks, Devon Cat. Ann. N. H. (ser. 3) ix. pi. vii. figs. 1,1 n. Plate VIII. fig. 1. STEM tall, branched, annulated throughout ; branches given off on all sides of the stem, bearing polypiferous ramuli ; POLYPITES fusiform, prolonged beloiv into a slender neck, winch is invested by a delicate membranous cup-like extension of the polypary, ringed like the stem ; tentacles 15-20, or more, rather long and slender, bent inwards when at rest, extremities rose-coloured. GONOPHORES spherical, shortly stalked, produced in large numbers over the greater part of the body. Height 3 or ^ inches in finely grown specimens. THIS is one of several species that have been confounded under the name of C. ramosa. It is of tall and slender habit, and somewhat irregularly branched. The polypary is of firm texture and a decided horn-colour. The poly- pites are slender and fusiform, tapering off towards the mouth and downwards, and prolonged below into a narrow neck of some length. The upper extremity of the body is opake white, and the central portion of a reddish-brown colour. The tentacles are commonly held curved inwards, and have large, more or less deeply tinted roseate tips. The portion of the polypary surrounding the slender base of the polypite expands into a kind of cup, which extends nearly to the lowest tentacles. It is composed of three or four indistinct rings, and is simply membranous. The stem and branches are closely and regularly annu- lated throughout. The capsules present no peculiarity ; they form a very 42 COIIYNLCLE. dense mass over about two-thirds of the body of the polypite. The ova are large, and have a conspicuous germinal vesicle. Mr. Gosse witnessed the exclusion of 25 from a single capsule, " the process being all over in about a minute." The number varies considerably : I have met with 12, 18, and 20. They are oval or circular, and of a brownish colour, but undergo remarkable changes of form after ex- clusion, shooting out processes here and there, and hardly presenting the same shape for many seconds together. They seem to have no locomotive power*. This beautiful species is identical with the Coryne figured by Lister in his notable paper in the Philosophical Transactions for 1834. Gossc has also given a very characteristic representation of it. The Syncoryna Listerii of Van Beneden is certainly not identical with Lister's species. Hob. In tide-pools, near low-water mark : South Devon: Ilfracombe, and neighbouring coast : Swanage, Dorset : Clew Bay, co. Galway (T.H.) : co. Cork, common (G. J.A.) : Channel Islands, very fine. This is the common Coryne along the south-western coast. Its favourite habitat is amongst the luxuriant vegetation clothing the sides of the tide-pools, where it attains a large size, and adds not a little to the beauty of their scenery. 3. C. VERMICULARIS, Hilicks. " On New British Hydroida," Ann. N. II. for October 1806. Plate VIII. fig. 2. ZOOPHYTE /ow/m/gr dense shrubby tufts ; STEM much branched * Mr. Gosse has recorded similar observations in his ' Devonshire Coast.' pp. 194-195. CORYNE VEKMICULAllIS. 'io dichotomously , of a very light straw-colour and delicate texture, wavy, annulated, especially towards the base, the branches and upper portions of the stem often smooth or slightly wrinkled ; POLYPITES of great length (about ^ inch when mature), stout, almost cylindrical for half their length when extended, then tapering off very gradually towards the oral extremity ; tentacles in irregular and very distant ivhorls, rather stout, with large capitula, about 25 in number. GONOPHORES borne at the base of the tentacles over the lower half of the body, spherical, shortly stalked. Height of the tufts about | inch. THE size of the polypites is the point that first attracts attention in this species. The length is remarkable, being about a third greater than in any other British Coryne. The body is thick, and cylindrical below, and tapers off very gradually towards the apex. Altogether the polypites have a very worm-like appearance. The tentacles are sparingly distributed over the surface, a considerable space intervening between the imperfect whorls over the whole of the upper portion of the body. They are more nume- rous and closely set near the base. The polypary is exceedingly delicate, being colourless and perfectly transparent on the branches, where the ringing is often very faint or obsolete. The cocnosarc is of great thickness, almost filling up the tubular cavity of the stem. The branches are short and wavy. The rami- fication commences near the base of the primary stem, and consists of a succession of dichotomous divisions and subdivisions, resulting in the formation of little slirub-like tufts. Many filamentous branchlets, not bearing polypites and slightly clavate at the extremity, are distributed over the zoophyte (Plate VIII. fig. 2, x x}. The reproduc- tive buds seem to be confined to about the lower third of the body. 44 CORYNID^l. In many of the polypites the anterior portion of the body is much swollen and destitute of tentacles, a change which is probably due to the presence of some parasitic larva. [Woodcut, fig. 3.] I have not had the opportunity of ex- amining C. vermicularis in a living state. The foregoing description is founded on numerous specimens, well preserved in spirit, which were supplied by Mr. Busk. Hob. Shetland, from deep water. Fig. 3. 4. C. FRUTICOSA, Hincks. "Catalogue of Devon and Cornwall Zoophytes," Ann. N. H. (3rd ser.) viii. 158-9, pi. vi. figs. 5, 6. Plate VII. fig. 2. ZOOPHYTE bushy ; STEM slender, slightly and irregularly annulated throughout, much branched ; polypary delicate and light-coloured; BRANCHES erect, long, closely set, much and irregularly ramified; POLYPITES somewhat swollen beloiv, tapering above, with about 20 tentacula, which are rather long and furnished with small capitula, a verticil of five immediately below the mouth, and the rest scattered. GONOPHORES densely clustered, chiefly about the lower part of the body, sessile. Height from an inch to an inch and a half. THIS species forms dense, clustered, bushy masses on Fucus ; it is of very delicate habit. The polypary, which is extremely thin and transparent, is more or less ringed throughout, but the annulations are neither regular nor strongly marked. The branches grow erect, and attain a CORYNE VAN-BENEDENII. 45 considerable length, those which spring from the lower part of the stein often rising to the height of the main shoot ; they are set closely together, and give off' plenti- fully secondary branches and branch lets. The polypites are of moderate size ; they are somewhat enlarged below, and taper gradually towards the oral extremity. They want the narrow neck that supports those of C. vayinata, and there is no membranous cup at the base. The ten- tacles are rather long and slender, and have very small tips. The reproductive sacs, when mature, are very large ; they often form a kind of collar round the lower part of the body, but are sometimes more diffused. The dense bushy growth of C. fruticosa is very unlike that of any other British species. Hub. On Facus, Mount's Bay : Exmouth (T. H.) : Herm (half-tide), forming luxuriant tufts 011 a seaweed (G. Hodge) . 5. C. VANBENEDENII. SYNCORYNA PUSILLA, Van Brn(den, Rech. sur les Tubul. f>2, pi. iii. figs. 1-10. CORYNE PUSILLA, Johnst, B. Z. 41, pi. iv. figs. 1, '2. Plate IX. fig. 1. ZOOPHYTE small and very delicate ; STEM flexuous, irregu- larly branched, bearing many short, non-poly piferous ramules ; polypary transparent, papyraceous, pale yellow, ivith a few obscure wrinkles ; POLYPITES small, subclavate, with a slight membranous cup round the base ; tentacles from 12-16, or sometimes more; GONOPHORES few in num- ber (2—3), very large, pedunculate, situated at the base of the lower tentacles ; EMBRYO actiniform. Height from ^ to f inch. WE are mainly indebted to Van Beneden for our know- CORYNHLE. ledge of this species, which he has described under the name of Syncoryna pusiUa. It has no claim, however, to be identified with the original C. pusUIa of Gaertner, and I have therefore renamed it after its distinguished discoverer. Van Beneden describes the tentacles as disposed in three equidistant rows of four each, but remarks that he had seen individuals with only two rows, and that iu other cases it was difficult to recognize any regularity in their disposition. The number of arms is dependent on age, and in adult polypites reaches 16 or even more. There is a very slight tendency to verticillate arrangement. The stems are extremely delicate and irregularly flexu- ous, and the polypary is thin and transparent. The num- ber of short ramuli not bearing polypites is a marked character. The polypites are somewhat clavate in form, blunt, and rounded at the oral extremity, and tapering off slightly below, but not produced as in Syncoryne Sarsii. There is a small membranous dilatation of the polypary round their base. Van Beneden has given us an account of the mode of reproduction. The embryo is actiniform, and on issuing from the reproductive sac resembles a miniature Octopus, Fig. 4. with four arms (fig. 4). It moves sloAvly about for a CORYNE VAN-BENEDENII. 47 time by means of its rudimentary tentacles, and at last fixes itself by tlie base and assumes the perfect form. Through the kindness of the late Mr. Alder I have had the opportunity of examining specimens supplied by Van Beneden himself, and found at Ostend, and I am thus enabled to describe some of the earlier stages of de- velopment. The gonosacs are capacious and contain a single em- bryo, which occupies the centre of the cavity. The oral extremity is uppermost ; and four rudimentary tentacles can be distinguished through the walls of the sac, in mature specimens, surrounding a prominent pro- boscis. Four simple tubular processes, taking their origin in opposite pairs at the base of the gonosac, embrace the embryo, and converge above it (Plate IX. fig. 1 c}. They are the representatives of the gastrovascular canals. We have in this case a mode of reproduction very similar to that which is met with in the genus Tubnlaria. I am unable to give any British habitat for C. Van- Benedenii. It has never occurred to myself, nor have I received it from any of my correspondents. Dr. Johnston, however, has given an original and very characteristic figure of it, which was taken from British examples, and he states that it is often parasitical on Tubularia indivisa. The Syncoryna pusiHa of Van Bencdcn's latest work* is a different species, and referable to the next genus. * Reclierchos sur la Faunc Littoralc deBclgique, Pott/jifx, 1S(>0. \i. 11',). 48 Genus SYNCORYNE, Ehrenberg (in part). Der. . 106 ATRACTYLIDJS. DICOETNE CONFEETA grows iii dense masses on old univalve shells. Its principal shoots rise to a height of about half an inch and are irregularly branched. The branches are erect, " ascending at a very acute angle from the stem," so that the habit is slender and compact. Besides the taller shoots, there are generally many short, unbranched stems, bearing single polypites. These are chiefly of the proliferous kind ; and I have seen a large portion of the surface of the shell, over which the zoophyte was spreading, densely covered with a multitude of them, heavily laden with the clustering fruit. The fertile are also mingled with the alimentary polypites on the larger shoots ; but in the specimen to which I have referred, the latter formed an inconsiderable element, compared with the thick under- growth that surrounded them. The number of the tentacles is variable. It sometimes reaches 16, but Alder gives 10 as the usual complement. The remarkable free zooid of ilieDicoryne is unique, so far as our present knowledge goes, and is extremely interesting as an intermediate form. It consists of a sexual polypite (manubrium) furnished with two tentacles, which repre- sent the more usual natatory organ, while simple ciliary action replaces the propulsive movement of the swimming- bell. It swims, according to Allman, " with its body in a vertical position, carrying the posterior or tentacular extre- mity uppermost, and maintaining all the time a constant rotation on its longer or vertical axis." The female zooid produces two ova. Hab. On old shells of Buccinwn undatum and Fusus antiquus from deep water, Cullercoats (J. A.) : Orkney, in about 3 fathoms, on an old Buccinwn undatum tenanted by a Hermit Crab (G. J. A.) : Shetland, on Turritdla &c. (A. M. N.). HETEROCOKDYLE CONYBEAREI. 107 Geuus HETEROCORDYLE, Alhnan. Der. From erepos, dissimilar, and KopdvXt), a club. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stems simple or branched, rising from a creeping filiform and anastomosing stolon, the whole invested by a polypary ; polypites fusiform, with a single verticil of filiform tentacula round the base of a conical pro- boscis ; f/onophores borne on rudimentary polypites, desti- tute of tentacles, developed directly from the creeping stolon, containing fixed sporosacs. H. CONYBEAREI, Allmau. Ann. Nat. Hist, for July 1864, (Srdser.) xiv. 59, pi. ii. Plate XVIII. fig. 2. STEMS branched or simple, crowded on the creeping stolon, the longest attaining a height of about 4 lines ; poly- pary transversely corrugated, slightly dilated at the base of the polypites, ash-brown ; POLYPITES with about 12 tentacles, alternately erect and depressed, presenting a slightly clavate outline at their extremities; GONOPHORES borne on erect, club-shaped shoots, thickly set with thread-cells above, which spring out of a short tubular process from the surface of the creeping stolon, with very short peduncles, densely crowded, commencing a little behind the upper extremity of the shoot and ex- tending to within a short distance of its base. THIS species closely resembles, in general appearance, Dicoryne conferta ; but it is of humbler growth and some- what stiffer habit, and is further and chiefly distinguished by its simple, fixed sporosacs. Hab. The Harbour of Glengariff, co. Cork, on old uni- valve shells tenanted by Hermit Crabs (G. J. A.) : Oban, on Buccinum, near low- water mark (T. H.). 108 ATRACTYLID^E. Genus BOUGAINVILLIA, Lesson. Der. Named after a distinguished French voyager, Admiral Bougainville. HIPPOCRENE, Mertens, Mem. Acad. St. Petersbourg, 1835, 229. MAIUJELIS, Steenstrup, Vidensk. Medel. for 1849-50, 43. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stem branched, rooted by a fili- form stolon, the whole ccenosarc invested by a polypary ; pohjpites fusiform, with a single wreath of filiform tentacles round the base of a conical proboscis ; gonophores developed from the branches and originating free zooids. Gonozooid : Umbrella (at the time of liberation] deep bell-shaped ; manubrium shorter than the bell, with 4 oral tentacles ; radiating canals 4 ; marginal tentacles 8, borne in pairs on bulbs at the termination of the canals, with an ocellus at the base of each. As the zooid advances towards maturity the tentacles of the manubrium become branched, and those on the marginal bulbs increase considerably in number. IT is a curious fact, and one that strikingly illustrates the difficulty attendant upon the classification of the Hydroida, that the sexual zooid of Corynopsis, one of the Podocorynidce, is identical with that of the present genus, at least in its earliest stage. The Margelis of Steenstrup has been adopted by Agassiz for the members of Lesson's genus Bougainvillia, which have " a long, slender digestive cavity, with but slightly branching tentacles." But the differences be- tween the two sections, which are confined to the repro- ductive element, seem to me to be of slight significance, and quite insufficient to justify the dismemberment of a group that exhibits in its leading features so definite a type of structure. BOTJGAINVILLIA RAMOSA. 109 1. B. RAMOSA, Van Bencden. EUDENDRIUM RAMOSUM, Van Ben., Rech. sur les Tubul. 56, pi. iv. (with the exception of fig. 2). TUBULARIA RAMOSA, Dcili/dl, Rem. An. Scotl. i. 64, pi. xi. MEDUSA OCILIA and DUODECILIA (the free zooid), Daly. ibid. 66 & 72, pi. xi. ATIUCTYLIS RAMOSA, T. S. Wright, Edinb. New Phil. Journ. (N. S.) for Jiiii. 1859, vol. viii. pi. i. figs. 1, 2, 3. MARGELIS RAMOSA, Agassiz, N. H. U. S. iv. 344. BOUGAINVILMA RAMOSA, All tnan, Ann. N. H. for May 1864. Plate XIX. fig. 2. ZOOPHYTE much branched, of a yellowish horn-colour; MAIN STEMS and larger branches thick, composed of many delicate tubes ; the branches alternate and some- ivhat spirally disposed, bearing numerous short ramules, which dilate at the extremity into a kind of cup, within which the polypite is in great part retractile • POLYPITES with nearly 20 white tentacles when adult; GONO- PHORES borne in pairs or clusters on the ramules, a little below the cup-like expansion, pyriform, pedunculate, invested by a delicate capsule, and containing a single zooid. GONOZOOID. — UMBRELLA (at the time of liberation) deep bell-shaped, without thread-cells ; MANUBRIUM of an orange colour, with simple oral tentacles, which carry capitate clusters of thread-cells at the extremity ; MAR- GINAL TENTACLES with orange bulbs and a dark ocellus at the base of each. WHEN finely grown, B. ra/nosa attains a height of 3 in- ches, and presents a very tree-like appearance. In large specimens the main stem is very thick and coarse, and the branching luxuriant and irregular. The habit, as noted by Mr. Alder, is not unlike that of Halecium. The lower and larger branches are compound, like the stem, and often much ramified. The polypiferous ramules are short, and terminate in a very decided cup, within which the polypite is almost concealed when retracted. This cup is 110 ATRACTYLID^;. very frail, and soon disappears after the death of the polypite. The gonozooids, which are produced in great numbers, undergo remarkable changes after their liberation. These consist in the development of additional tentacles and ocelli on the marginal bulbs, until the number reaches 6 or 8 in each cluster, and in the dichotomous division and subdivision of the oral appendages. When fully matured, they are probably identical with the B. Britannica of Forbes's monograph. The changes in the zooid subsequent to its detachment have been observed by Wright in this species, and by A. Agassiz in the American B. superciliaris. We learn from the latter author that the second sets of tentacles are " de- veloped in pairs, one tentacle on each side of those of the first set," and the development proceeds in this order until the number is complete. In its first stage the gonozooid of B, ramosa is the Me- dusa ocilia of Dalyell. Hab. On shells and stones and on other zoophytes : Scotland, on Virgularia mirabitis (Dalyell) : Queensferry, Firth of Forth (T. S. Wright) : Oban Bay, in about 15 fathoms, very fine; dredged in Torbay (T. H.) : from the deep-water fishing-boats, Northumberland, fine (J. A.) . [Ostend, Van Ben.] 2. B. FRUTICOSA, Allman. BOUGAINVILLIA FRUTICOSA, Allman, Notes on the Hydroida, Ann. N. H. for July 1864. EUDENDRIUM RAMOS™, Allman, Proc. Hoy. Soc. Ed. Dee. 6th, 1858. ZOOPHYTE rising to the height of about 2 inches, much branched; MAIN STEMS composed of aggregated tubes; branches subalternate, the polypary of the smaller branches slightly corrugated transversely; POLYPITES BOUGAINVILLIA MUSCUS. Ill in extreme extension nearly cylindrical, protected at the base by a membranous corrugated cup, into which about a third of the body is withdrawn when contracted; GO- NOPHORES pyriform, on distinct peduncles, invested by a delicate cliitinous capsule, springing from the upper- side of the ramules, along which they range almost from end to end. GONOZOOID. — UMBRELLA (at the time of liberation) deep bell-shaped, with a well-developed velum, measuring about ^Q inch across its base ; MANUBRIUM subcylindrical, somewhat dilated at its base, of moderate size ; RADIA- TING CANALS terminating in bulbs, containing red pig- ment-granules, at the root of every tentacle a black eye-speck. THE foregoing description is based on Prof. Allman's papers. I have not had the opportunity of examining this species, which differs very slightly from the B. ramosa. The following are the distinctive points : — The polypite of B. fruticosa when extended is of a more cylindrical and slender form ; the membranous cup is smaller, covering only about one-third of the body, whereas in B. ramosa it almost entirely conceals the polypite during extreme con- traction; and the reproductive buds are borne along the whole of the upper surface of the ramules, instead of occurring in pairs or small groups a little behind the free extremity. The goiiozooids of the two forms seem to be identical. Hub. Growing in abundance on a piece of floating tim- ber in the mouth of the Kenmare River, co. Kerry (G. J. A.) . 3. B. MUSCUS, Allmau. PERIGONIMUS MUSCUS, Allman, Ann. N. H. for Jan. 1863. BOUGAINVILLIA MUSCUS, Allman, Ann. N. H. for May 1864. STEMS about half an inch in height , simple , springing at hi- 112 ATEACTYLIDyE. tervals from the creeping stolon, find sending off short branches, which are for the most part without further ramification ; POLYPARY light brown, slightly corrugated, with a well-marked cup-like dilatation at the base of the polypite ; POLYPITES light reddish brown, with about 1 6 tentacula held, in extension, alternately elevated and depressed; GONOPHORES borne on a rather long pe- duncle, and springing from the branches a little behind the polypite. GONOZOOID. — UMBRELLA (at the time of liberation) dome- shaped ; MANUBRIUM extending to about a third of the depth of the umbrella. THE free zooid is in all points undistinguishable from that of B. ramosa. The present species is known by its " small size and general habit, its more simple ramification, and the fact that its stems consist of a single tube, instead of being composed of numerous tubes coalesced into a dense bundle." (Allman.} Hub. In a rock-pool, Torquay, where it occurred abun- dantly, creeping over the bottom in small moss-like tufts (j. a A.). I have met with a form in various localities which is somewhat intermediate between this species and B. ramosa (Plate XIX. fig. 3). It is of small size, not exceeding an inch in height ; the main stem is compound towards the base, but still slender as compared with that of the latter species. The ramification is simple, the branchlets being regularly alternate and approximate. The colour is a light yellowish brown, and the polypary has the appear- ance of being sanded over. The main branches are less distant than in B. ramosa and are not compound, and the whole habit is simpler and more delicate. The composite portion of the stem is slender, and does not extend far. It is made up of very delicate tubules. Long fusiform bodies, supported on separate ramuli, EOUGAINVILLIA MUSCUS. 113 are commonly met with on this variety, the significance of which I have not determined with certainty, but which are probably the nests of some parasitic larva, such as has been observed on Hydr actinia and Syncoryne. Van Bene- den has represented a similar structure on a zoophyte which he refers to his Eudendrium ramosum (Mem. sur les Tubulaires, pi. iv. fig. 2), but which, judging from his figure of the gonophores, must be a distinct species (woodcut, fig. 11). Possibly this may be identical with Fig. 11. my variety, which I have never found with its repro- ductive bodies. This point must be left for future settlement. TUBULARIID^E. Family XI. — Tubulariidae. POLYPITES flask-shaped, with two sets of filiform tentacula, one oral, the other placed near the base of the body, Genus TUBULARIA, Linnceus (in part). Der. From tubulus, a little tube. PARYPHA, Agassiz, N. H. U. S. iv. 342 (for some of the species). THAMNOCNIDIA, Agassiz, N. H. U. S. iv. 342 (ditto). GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stems simple or branched, rooted by a filiform stolon, the whole invested by a polypary ; poly- pites flask-shaped, with filiform tentacles disposed in two verticils — the oral short and surrounding a conical pro- boscis, the aboral long and forming a circle near the base of the body ; gonophores borne on peduncles springing from the body of the polypite between the two circles of tentacles, containing fixed sporosacs. THE polypites of this genus are richly coloured with va- rious shades of red, and present the appearance of bright flowers on erect and slender stems. The reproductive buds never become detached; but in some cases (e. g. T. indivisa] they are furnished with an um- brella in which the radiating and circular canals are present, and an orifice surrounded by four tubercles, representing the marginal tentacles. The manubrium is destitute of a mouth. There is every preparation for independent exist- ence up to a certain point ; but here an arrest of deve- lopment takes place, and the bud remains enclosed in the outer envelope, while the swimming-bell is converted into a chamber or nursery, in which the embryo passes through its early stages, escaping at last through the opening above. In the development of Tubularia the plannle stage is ab- TTJBULARIA INDIVISA. 115 sent, and the young, on issuing from the ovisac, has already assumed the polypite form. A verticil of long arms surrounds the base of the proboscis ; and the oral series is either present in a rudimentary condition or subsequently developed (Plate XX. fig. b, b) . The embryo walks about by means of its arms, like a cuttlefish, with its head downwards*. After a time it attaches itself by its base, and the stem is gradually developed. We meet with a similar mode of reproduction in a mem- ber of the genus Coryne (C. VanBenedenii] and also in My- riothela. The polypites of Tubularia, at least when kept in capti- vity, are shed at short intervals, but are soon renewed. The prolific pulp gives origin to a succession of genera- tions ; and the birth of each is registered by the formation of a ring on the polypary. 1. T. INDIVISA, Linnaeus. "TUBULAR CORALLINE, LIKE OATEN PIPES," Ellis, Corall. 31, t. xvi. fig. 6. TITBULARIA INDIVISA, Linn. Syst. 1301 ; Lamk. An. s. Vert. (2nd ed.) ii. 125 ; Lamx. Exp. Meth. 17 ; Daly ell, Rem. An. Scotl. i. 2, pi. i. ii. iii. & iv. ; Lister, Phil. Trans. 1834, 366, pi. viii. fig. 1 ; Johnst. B. Z. 48, pi. iii. figs. 1, 2 ; "Mummery, Q. J. Microscop. Sc. for 1853, 28; T. S. Wright, Ed. N. P. Journ. (N. S.) for Jan. 1858, 113, pi. iii. figs. 2, 3; Allman, Ann.N. H, for July 1859. „ CALAMARIS, Pall. Blench. 81 ; Ehrcnb. Corall. roth. Meer. 71. (?) TUBVLARIA OIGANTEA, Lamx. Expos. 17, t. Ixviii. fig. 5. Plate XX. STEMS clustered, simple, erect, without cumulation, narrowed * Van Beneden's statement respecting the young of T. coronata, "elle n'a aucun moyen de locomotion," is incorrect. The tentacles are employed as feet. They are also used as oars, by means of which it moves freely through the water ; and in more than one case probably the floating Tubu- larian embryo lias been taken for a new generic form. i 2 116 TUBULARinLE. and twisted at the base, horn-coloured, rising to a height of from 6 to 12 inches ; POLYPITES deep red ; oral tentacles short and very numerous., aboral long, white, tapering, about 40 in the adult ; GONOPHORES on branched pedun- cles, forming large and very numerous clusters, springing from the base of the lower tentacles; SPOROSACS with four radiating canals and four small tubercles at their terminations. THE habit of T. indivisa is eminently simple, though occa- sionally the stems divide slightly towards the lower part. At the base the tubes are much twisted and interwoven, and are often agglutinated together for some distance above it. The embryos on exclusion from the ovisac not unfre- quently fix themselves on the stems, and develope them- selves in this position, so as to give the appearance of branching. I have seen whole colonies of young of all ages grouped on the older stems. The gonophores are developed in great profusion, and the clusters attain a large size, hanging down on all sides like bunches of fruit. The sporosac exhibits in great part the structure which is characteristic of the free sexual zooid, but continues permanently attached. At the upper extremity there is a somewhat square opening, with four red spots on the margin, marking the termina- tion of the radiating canals. The spadix is red and conspicuous. When the embryo issues from the ovisac it has twelve of the long arms, and the oral series is just sprouting. The stem in T. indivisa is traversed by a system of lon- gitudinal canals in which the circulation of the nutrient fluid takes place ; these are arranged in a circle immedi- ately within the outer wall of the ccenosarc, the central portion being imperforate. They arc ciliated on the in- TUBULA1UA INDIVISA. 117 terior surface, and terminate above in a single cavity at the base of the lower tentacular verticil*. This beautiful zoophyte has a wide range bathymetri- cally, being found on rocks between tide-marks, and in shallow water near shore, and also at great depths (140 fathoms, off the Mull of Galloway, Beechey] . The T. gigantea of Lamouroux, which reaches a height of from 12 to 15 inches, was referred by Dr. Johnston to the present species; but Mr. Alder, who obtained it on the Northumberland coast, was of opinion that it might prove distinct, and certainly required further examination. Hob, On rocks between tide-marks and in shallow water, and on shells, stones, &c. from deep water : common and generally distributed. It often covers profusely the sides of rocks and the under surface of ledges a little above low-water mark, hanging from them in unsightly tufts when the tide is out, but rising into sudden beauty with the return of the water, and clothing them with all the gaiety of a garden. On the pontoons of the great landing-stage at Liverpool it must grow in wonderful luxuriance, and present a rare spectacle of zoophytic beauty. I shall not soon forget the bucketful of this zoophyte, in the finest condition, which Mr. Moore, the able Curator of the Free Museum in that town, procured for me from this locality. Dr. Collingwood informs me that in February he has taken specimens from the landing-stage " having pendent clusters of ova two inches long." In summer, he adds, this zoophyte " appears to offer a favourite feeding-ground for Dendronotus arborescens." The Dingle rocks, also in the Mersey near Liverpool, are covered, as I learn from the same gentleman, at low-water mark and below it, with * Dr. T. S. Wright, " Observations on Brit. Zooph.," Eel. N. P. Journ. (N. S.) for Jan. 1858 ; Agassiz, N. H. U. S. vol. iv. L'07. 118 TUBTJLARIID^:. a luxuriant growth of T. indivisa. " After a storm," he writes, " I have seen this spot looking like a stubble-field, the heads all gone, and the straw-like tubes only left." Lieut. Thomas tells us, in the valuable notes which are published in the Supplement to Johnston's ' History/ that " on the oozy bottom which lies outside a line drawn be- tween Flamborough Head and the Staples " it grows to a very large size. Prof. Forbes found it in Rothsay Bay, flourishing, as it seemed, "upright on a muddy ground like a flower, fixed by the tapering root-like termination of its horny case." In Cornwall, according to Couch, it ranges in height from 2 to 14 inches. Dr. Perceval Wright has found it in remarkable beauty off the west coast of Ireland. Guernsey (A. M. N.). [Tromso and the North Cape in 30 fathoms, and Bergen (Sars): Greenland (Morch) : Bay of Biscay (Beltremieux) .] 2. T. LARYNX, Ellis and Solander. "TuBULous CORALLINE WRINKLED LIKE THE WINDPIPE," Ellis, Corall. 30, fc. xvi. fig. b. TUBULARIA MUSCOIDES, Pattas (not. Linn.), Blench. 82. „ LARYNX, Ellis and Solander, 31 ; Lamk. An. s. V. (2nd ed.) 126 ; Johnst. B. Z. 51, pi. iii. fig. 3, and pi. v. figs. 3, 4 ; Daly ell, Kern. An. Scotl. i. 42, pi. v. EUDENDRIUM BitYOiDEs, Ehrenb. Cor. roth. Meer. 72. Plate XXI. fig. 1. STEMS clustered, simple or slightly branched, slender, pel- lucid, pale horn-coloured, ringed at pretty regular in- tervals; POLYPITES small, light red, with white ten- tacles; GONOPHORES clustered on short peduncles, oval, of a purplish-red colour. Height from ^ an inch to 1^ inch. T. LARYNX is of humble growth, much smaller than the next species, and more regularly ringed. Annulated spaces TUBULARIA CO11ONATA. 119 occur at intervals throughout the length of its stems, which are of very thin papyraceous texture. It is sometimes simple, but often irregularly and fantastically branched, the branches being short and given off at various angles. The polypite is very small in comparison with that of T. coronata, but brilliant as others of its tribe, " equal in rich- ness of colour to the Guernsey Lily," according to Ellis ; and the gonophores are borne in shortly stalked clusters. The tubes of T. larynx are on the whole less slender than those of T. coronata, but its delicate little tufts con- trast strongly with the tall complicated masses of the latter species. Hob. Common between tide-marks, and ranging to deep water. " Near the opening of the Thames, adhering to other marine bodies and often to the bottoms of ships '' (Ellis) : from brackish water to 50 fathoms, on the east coast, Scotland (Lieut. Thomas) : on stones between tide- marks, South Devon, common (T. H.): Belfast Lough (W. Thompson) : &c. &c. [Mediterranean (Pallas) : Mouth of the Elbe (Kirchen- pauer) ; Grand Manan (Stimpson).] 3. T. CORONATA, Abildgaard. TUBULAUIA CORONATA, Abildgaard, Zool. Dan. (Milllcr), iv. 25, pi. cxli. figs. 1-5 ; Van Beneden, Memoire sur les Tubul. 49, pi. i. figs. 7-19 ; Allman, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. Session 1857-58. „ LAKYNX, var. j3, Johnston. B. Z. (1st. edit.) 116. „ GRACILIS, Harvey, Proc. Zool. Soc. no. xli. 54 ; Johnston, B. Z. (2nd edit.) 52, pi. iv. figs. 3-5; Aider, North, and Durh. Cat. in Trans. Tynes. F. C. iii. 107. Plate XXI. fig. 2. STEMS clustered, very slender, irregularly branched, of a light straw-colour, smooth or somewhat wrinkled, with occasional ringed spaces; POLYPITES larye, bright orange- 120 red ; GONOPHORES on much-branched peduncles, forming large clusters, oval, with 4 small tubercles at the upper extremity when mature. Height 3 to 3£ inches. THIS species grows in complicated masses formed of very slender, light-coloured, interlacing tubes. The stems are often much and irregularly branched, especially towards the lower extremity. They are for the most part perfectly smooth; but here and there a few distinct annulations occur, and there is sometimes a good deal of obscure wrinkling. The polypites are large and handsome, and the long branched clusters of gonophores with their red centres form a conspicuous feature. This species has been fully investigated by Van Beneden*. He states that the young, on exclusion from the gono- phore, has usually twelve long arms, but he has observed as few as six. The oral tentacles, in the cases that came under his observation, were not developed until some time after the embryo had made its escape. It appears, how- ever, from the observations of Sars, that they are sometimes present in a rudimentary state at the period of liberation. Indeed the embryos seem to be excluded in very various stages of development. The gonophores contain simple sporosacs with four inconspicuous tubercles at the summit. The T. gracilis of Harvey is probably identical with the present species ; but his description leaves some room for doubt. Hob. Generally in deep water. Shetland ( J. G. Jeifreys) : Northumbei'land, " on corallines and other marine sub- stances, generally on a muddy bottom, in the coralline zone and deep water" (J. A.): Lytham, Lancashire, in great profusion, cast ashore in large compact masses (T. H.). * Faune littor. cle Belgique, Polypes, 186(3, p. 110. pi. iy. TUBULARIA SIMPLEX. 121 [Belgium (Van. Beu.) : mouth of the Elbe (Kirchen- pauer) : Denmark (Abildgaard) : Sars records the occur- rence of a Tubularia at Messina under the name of T. larynx, which he identifies with the T. coronata of Van Beneden. He states that the same species is common in the North Sea.] 4. T. SIMPLEX, Alder. TUBULARIA DUMORTIERII, Johnst. B. Z. 50 ; Alder, Trans. Tynes. F. C. iii. 106. ,, SIMPLEX, Alder, Supp. North. Cat. in Trans. Tyncs. F. C. v. 232, pi. viii. figs. 3, 4. Plate XXII. fig. 1. STEM slender, smooth, unbranched, without cumulations, generally a little angulated at intervals and tapering to- wards the bottom, horn -coloured, usually solitary and attached by a short creeping base; POLYPITE slender, rose-coloured; tentacles whitish, the oral biserial, shorter and less numerous than in T. indivisa ; the aboral 20-24, moderately long. Height 2 to 2^ inches. THE tubes of this species are exceedingly slender, and the angulatioii seems to be a pretty constant character. The smaller size and the solitary habit distinguish it from T. indivisa. When living, the stems appear orange or scarlet, from the contained coenosarc. Dr. Johnston has given a very accurate description of this form, but referred it to the T. Dumortierii of Van Beneden, from which it differs widely. He says that the gonophores are spherical and shortly stalked. Hab. On shells and other marine bodies from deep water, Cullercoats (J. A.) : Berwick Bay (Dr. Johnston) : Oban, on stone (T. H.). 122 TUBULARinXE. 5. T. BELLIS, Allman. " Notes on the Hydroida," Ann. N. H. for January 1863. Plate XXI. fig. 3. STEMS short, sparingly branched, from | to 1 inch in height, pretty regularly marked by distinct annulations, which extend to the creeping stolon ; CGENOSARC orange, deepening in tint towards the base, expanding into a collar immediately below the polypites ; POLYPITE very large, measuring, in full-sized specimens, about 5 lines from tip to tip of the extended tentacles, body scarlet ; GONOPHORES oval, on short, erect, branched peduncles ; each gonosac with 4 well-marked tentaculoid tubercles on Us summit ; the peduncles and spadix scarlet. " A BEAUTIFUL little zoophyte, conspicuous by the bright colour and large size of its polypes." (Allman). The an- nulatiou, which extends pretty uniformly throughout the stem, is remarkably Avell-defmed. Hab. " Attached to the bottom of rock-pools at extreme low-water spring-tides, Shetland" (G. J. A.). 6. T. ATTENUATA, Allman. "Notes on the Hydroida," Ann. N. H. for July 1864. STEM 3 or 4 inches high, slender, obscurely corrugated, of a light straw-colour, very irregularly branched, with the branches given off at a wide angle ; POLYPITE supported on a collar-like expansion of the coenosarc, the oral ten- tacles about one-third as long as the aboral, the body deep vermilion between the two tentacular verticils, and thence becoming paler towards the enlarged base ; GO- NOPHORES (male) on short, erect, branched peduncles, usually 5-8 in a cluster ; tentacular appendages long. " T. ATTENUATA is a deep-water species. * * * It differs • ECTOPLEUIIA. 123 from T. coronata chiefly iu its more diffuse habit and the short erect peduncles of its clusters of gonophores ; while from the T. simplex of Alder it is easily distinguished by its branched hydrocaulus [stem] and the greater length of its distal [oral] tentacles." (Allman.} Hab. Firth of Forth, from about 15 fathoms ; Shetland seas, from about 50 fathoms (G. J. A.). 7. T. HUMILIS, Allman. " Notes on the Hydroida," Ann. N. H. for July 1864. STEMS about 1 inch high, simple or sparingly branched, springing at distinct intervals from the stolon; POLY- PARY light yellow, with nearly obsolete transverse corru- gations; POLYPITES rather small, scarlet, supported on collar-like expansions of the coenosarc; oral tentacles about 15, aboral 20 ; GONOPHORES (male) borne on very short branching peduncles, and forming erect scarlet clus- ters, usually about three in each cluster ; summit of gono- sac with three rather large tentaculiform tubercles. " IT resembles T. bellis in its mode of growth and in the shortness of its hydrocaulus [stem] , but is at once distin- guished from this species by the absence of distinct aimu- latiou, and by the smaller size and less appressed form of the polypite." (Allman.} Hab. " On rocks close to the level of low-water spring- tides, near the mouth of Kinsale Harbour" (G. J. A.). Genus ECTOPLEURA, Agassiz. Der. eKTos, without (outside), and TrXevpa, a rib. TUBULARU (in part). GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stems Jistular, simple or branched, TUBULARIID^E. rooted by a filiform stolon, the whole clothed by a polypary ; polypites flask-shaped, with filiform tentacles in two verticils — the oral short, surrounding a conical proboscis, the aboral long, near the base of the body ; gonophores developed in clusters on the body of the polypite between the circles of tentacles, containing free medusiform zooids. Gonozooid : Umbrella (at the time of liberation] nearly spherical (slightly flattened at the two poles) , traversed by prominent longitudinal ribs formed of series of thread-cells ; manubrium with a simple mouth, shorter than the bell; radiating canals 4 ; marginal tentacles 4, without ocelli at the base. E. DUMORTIERII, Van Bencden. TUBULARIA DUMORTJEUII, Van Bcneden, Mem. sur les Tubul. f>0, pi. ii. ; Johnston, B. Z. pi. vii. figs. 1, 2 (not the species described in the text). ECTOPLEURA DUMORTIERII, Agassiz, N. H. U. S. iv. 342. Plate XXI. fig. 4. STEMS about half an inch in height, scattered, simple (or occasionally very slightly branched), slender, of a pale horn-colour, attenuated and annulated at the base; POLYPITES proportionally large, rose-coloured ; oral ten- tacles short, in two series, numbering about 24 ; lower tentacles about 30, of moderate length; GONOPHORES spherical, borne on short, branched peduncles. GrONozooiD. — UMBRELLA (at the time of liberation) melon- shaped, traversed by eight longitudinal ribs ; MANUBRIUM reddish; MARGINAL TENTACLES set at intervals with clus- ters of thread-cells. THE Tubularia Dumortierii of Johnston is not the zoophyte that had been previously described by Van Beneden under this name, but another species, which has been distinguished and characterized by Alder as T. simplex. Prof. Wyville Thomson has recorded the occurrence of CORYMORPHA. 125 the Belgian zoophyte in Belfast Bay; but specimens of the dried polypary from this locality, which he has kindly sent me, are much stouter and of coarser texture than any ex- amples I have seen of E. Dumortierii, and, I believe, must be referred to some other species. A single stem with its polypite, attached to a piece of drift-wood which I obtained in the Isle of Man, cast ashore on the magnificent shingle- beach at the Point of Ayr, is the only British specimen that I know of. I have had the opportunity of comparing it with specimens of E. Dumortierii supplied by Van Be- nedeii, and have assured myself of their identity. The present form is of small size and great delicacy of habit, and the stems are developed singly and not in clus- ters. The polypary is of a light yellowish horn-colour and transparent. It is slightly annulated towards the base of the stem, which, in my specimen, tapers off very finely, and is attached to a short creeping fibre ; indeed the tube gra- dually expands upwards from the point of attachment to the terminal aperture. Here and there in the course of the stem there occurs a more or less perfect ring. The polypite is large for so diminutive and delicate a species, and, like most of the tribe, is of a reddish colour. Hob. On drift-wood cast ashore at the Point of Ayr, Isle of Man (T. H.). [Ostend, abundant on Flustra, the carapace of crabs, &c. (Van Beneden).] Genus CORYMORPHA, Sars (in part). Der. Kopvvr] (C'orync), a club, and (Jtoptyi), form. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Polypite solitary, borne on a simple stem, which terminates in a conical base and is invested 120 TUBULAKIID^E. by a delicate membranous sheath ; flask-shaped, with two sets of filiform tentacles — the oral short, in several verticils placed close together and surrounding a prominent probos- cis, the aboral longer, in a single series near the base of the body ; gonozooids on branched peduncles, borne on the body of the polypite at the base of the lower tentacles, free and medusiform when mature. Gonozooid : Umbrella (at the time of liberation] nearly globular ; manubrium with a simple mouth ; radiating canals 4<, terminating in four marginal bulbs, from one of which, in some cases, a single tentacle is developed, while in others each bulb bears a tentacle. THE Steenstrupia of Forbes is founded on the free zooid of this genus. Corymorpha is distinguished by a number of remarkable characters. Its solitary habit it shares with only two Hydroid genera beside (Myriothela and Hydra}. The membranous sheath which invests the coenosarc is a modi- fication of the more usual polypary ; while the free basal extremity, with its appendages, adapted to root the zoo- phyte in the sand, is a unique peculiarity. The gono- zooids, like those of Clavatella, are not contained in a pro- tective sac (ectotheca) , but are naked throughout the course of their development. Schmidt has constituted the genus Amalthaa for two or three species in which each of the four bulbs on the margin of the umbrella gives origin to a fully developed tentacle. In all other points they seem to agree with Sars's genus Corymorpha ; and I cannot allow that a mere difference in the number of arms, unaccompanied by any other structural peculiarity, is a sufficient ground for detaching them from it. I have therefore made the diagnosis of the present genus broad enough to include them. CORYMORPHA NTITANS. 127 1. C. NUTANS, Sars. COUYMORPHA NUTANS, Sars, ' Beskrivclser ' &c. 7, pi. i. fig- 3; Forbes Sf Good- sir, Ann. N. H. for 1840, (1st ser.) v. 310; Johnston, B. Z. 54, pi. vii. figs. 3-6 ; Hodge, Trans. Tynes. F, C. v. 80, pi. ii. figs. 1-10 ; Alhnan, Ann. N. H. for January 1863. Plate XXII. fig. 2. STEM subcylindrical, tapering slightly upwards, and enlar- ging at a short distance above the blunt, conical base, of a pinkish colour, traversed by reddish-brown longitudinal lines; POL YP A RY a transparent membranous tube; POLY- PITE of a pink colour ; oral tentacles very numerous (about 80), delicate, very contractile, arranged in several alter- nate series ; aboral tentacles about 30, white, long, and tapering. GONOZOOIDS naked, borne in clusters on the extremities of the branched stalks ; UMBRELLA (at the time of libera- tion) almost globular, slightly narrowed towards the aperture, continued above into a short conical apex tra- versed by a canal, with a broad velum and of a pale yellowish-brown colour; MANUBRIUM large, subcylin- drical ; MARGINAL BULBS reddish- brown, with carmine- coloured spots, — one, larger than the rest, bearing a single tentacle, the others without tentacles ; the tentacle very extensile, beaded with spherical clusters of thread-cells, of which the terminal one is the largest. Size, at the time of liberation, about -^ of an inch in diameter. THE lined appearance of the stem in Corymorpha is due to the presence of a number of longitudinal canals excavated in its substance, through which the nutrient fluid circu- lates. The arrangement of these canals is much the same as that met with in Tubularia. The lower tentacles possess little contractility, differ- 128 TUBTJLAHIIDTE. ing in this respect from the oral series, which act as pur- veyors to the mouth. The number can only be stated ap- proximately, as it varies with age. The arms are pure white; while the proboscis is pink, and the clusters of gonozooids orange-coloured. Forbes says of the Cory- morpha, that " when placed in a vessel of sea- water it pre- sented the appearance of a beautiful flower. Its head gracefully nodded (whence the appropriate specific appella- tion given it by Sars), bending the upper part of its stem. It waved its long tentacles to and fro at pleasure, but seemed to have no power of contracting them. Its beauty excited the admiration of all who saw it." The membranous sheath, according to Allman, invests the entire stem, lying close to it on the upper part, and forming a loose corrugated sac below. Forbes and Goodsir represent it as deciduous, and state that it disappears in the adult, with the exception of the part that envelopes the base. In the specimens which I have examined it covered a large portion of the stem, but did not extend so far as the base of the polypite. It probably varies with age. A number of tubular and extensile appendages are given off from the lower part of the stem, which are free pro- longations of the longitudinal canals. I have little doubt that they are organs of attachment, as I have always found them immersed in the sand, and they are generally thickly coated with it. But, besides these larger processes, the whole of the conical base gives off an immense number of extremely delicate threads, often of very considerable length, which form an entangled mass of interlacing fibres. These are very adhesive ; and spreading in all directions through the sand, they gather the particles about them and form a complicated and tenacious root, by which the zoo- phyte is securely fixed in its place. If the sand be carefully removed, the extremity is seen to be completely villous. CORYMORPHA NUTANS. 129 Sarshas accurately described this portion of the structure, and has remarked on the difficulty of detaching the Cory- morpha from its site. "When taken up, it has usually a bulb of sand at its base, which is held together by the ad- hesive threads. Allman has seen a specimen, when in confinement and free from sand, attach itself to the bottom of the vessel in which it was kept, by means of a multitude of fine tubular fila- ments, which formed an entangled web-like tissue, and which were ultimately invested with a delicate polypary. We have here a most interesting modification of the hydrorhiza, adapting it to the pecidiar locality in which the Corymorpha lives. The ordinary stolonic network, which is suitable only for a firm base, gives place to a mul- titude of long hair-like adhesive rootlets, which fix the zoophyte securely, even in the yielding sand. The gonozooid seems to undergo little change after liberation, merely increasing in size. Hub. Bay of Stromness, Orkneys, in 10 fathoms (Forbes and Goodsir) : Shetland (Forbes) : Fowey, Cornwall* : Isle of Man (J. A.) : Seaham Harbour, Durham, not uncom- mon in from 6-12 fathoms (G. Hodge) : Firth of Forth in about 14 fathoms (G. J. A.). Corymorpha nutans varies much in size according to the locality. Specimens from the far north reach a height of 3£ or 4^ inches. The Durham examples are smaller; while the Cornish specimen is still more diminutive. [Near Bergen, Norway, in 30-40 fathoms (Sars) : Grand Manan, on a sandy bottom in from 4-15 fathoms, abun- dant : off West Quoddy Head one hundred, or more, were taken at a single haul of the dredge (Stimpson)t-] * Mr. Peach has also obtained two other specimens in Fowey Harbour. t Sars, in a recent paper on Corymorpha, has described several new and nearly allied spcciea. Steenstrup has published a tropical form procured from Rio Janeiro. 130 TUBTJLARIID^. 2. C. NANA, Alder. HYDRACTINIA, Johnston, B. Z. 463, woodcut, fig. 79 a. ? (Alderi) Gray, Cat. Brit. Mus. Eadiata, 61. CORYMORPHA NANA, Alder, North, and Durh. Cat. Trans. Tynes. F. C. iii. 108, pi. ix. fig. 7, 8 ; Supplem. Trans. Tynes. F. C. v. 233, pi. xi. Plate XXII. fig. 3. STEM elongated, subcylindrical, transparent, white or yel- lowish, with opake ivhite lines, bearing towards the lower part of it a number of extensile tubular processes ; poly- pary a transparent filmy sheath, ending at the base in a gelatinous mass (?) by 'which the animal is att ache d ; POLY- PITES yellowish ; oral tentacles about 16-18 in two imper- fect rows, aboral tentacles 15-20. GONOZOOID naked, sessile, urn- or bell-shaped ; UMBRELLA (at the time of liberation) rather deep, semiglobose, transparent white ; MANUBRITJM rather long and thick ; RADIATING CANALS yellowish, three of them ending in a yellow bulb on the margin, the fourth produced into a club-shaped (?) tentacle. Height of zoophyte | to f inch. " COKYMORPHA NANA is a very active animal, constantly changing its form and the proportions of its parts. * * * In many of its states it bears a considerable resemblance to C. nutans, from which, however, it differs, not only in the diminutive size, but in the gonophores being sessile (not pedunculated or branched as in the latter), and large in proportion to the size of the animal. The medusoicl differs from that of C. nutans in having the umbrella rounded at the top ; in other respects it is very similar." (Alder.} Alder seems to have described the single tentacle of the gonozooid when in a contracted condition. It pro- bably resembles in structure that of C. nutans. He states that this species produces dissimilar repro- ductive bodies. On one polypite they were developed into 131 free zooids ; on another they presented a very different appearance, having tuberculated lobes on the upper part, and remaining attached during the whole time that the polypite continued to live, about ten days. Mr. Alder had little doubt of their continuing permanently fixed. He conjectures that the distinction is a sexual one ; but we must wait for further observations before we can decide upon its significance. We have, I believe, no analogous fact on record. Family XII. — Pennariidae. POLYPITES with two sets of tentacles — one oral and capitate, the other aboral and filiform. Genus VORTICLAVA, Alder. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Polypites borne on simple stems, developed at intervals on a creeping filiform stolon, the whole ccenosarc clothed with a very delicate film-like polypary (?); tentacles in two dissimilar verticils — the oral short and capi- tate, the aboral long and filiform. Reproduction unknown. THIS genus was founded by Alder after the examination of a single specimen, which had probably not attained its full development. He describes the polypite as solitary and naked; and Wright assigns the same characters to his V. proteus. In both cases, however, I believe, the individuals observed were merely primary polypites, and would have given origin in time to a creeping stolon on which other po- lypites would have been developed. I have a specimen of Vorticlava (obtained at Salcombe in South Devon) which K.2 132 PEXNARIID.E. consists of two polypites united by a short adherent base, one of them apparently fully grown, the other of small size and with only four knob-like tentacles round the upper ex- tremity (woodcut, fig. 12). It may per- haps be referable to the V. proteus ; at any rate it shows what the perfect form of the genus is. The type of the family Pennariidce is the Pennaria of Goldfuss, founded on the Sertularia pennaria of Cavolinr's admirable work (a form that has not occurred on our shores) . 1. V. HUM ins, Alder. ••Cut. of Zooph. of North, and Durh.," Trans. Trues. F. C. iii. 10U.pl. lii. figs. 1-4. Plate XXIII. fig. 1. STEM nearly cylindrical, tapering slightly towards the upper part ; POLYPITE wrhite, semitransparent ; oral ten- tacles 5, short and stout ; aboral tentacles 10, rather stout, smooth, about three times the length of the upper. Length of body -^ inch. Mr. ALDER'S specimen, which lived with him for several days, " was sluggish, holding itself always in a curved po- sition, as represented in the figure/'' The mouth is tubular and prominent ; the upper tentacles which surround it are generally curved inwards; they bear a cluster of small thread-cells on the capitula. Hab. On Corallina officinalis in a rock-pool between tide- marks, Cullercoats (J. A.) : Felixstowe (Busk). ACIIARADRIA. 133 2. V. PROTEUS, T. S. Wright. " Observations on Brit. Zooph.," Quart. Journ. Microscop. Science, iii. (N. S.) 50, pi. v. figs. 1-6. Plate XXIII. fig. 2. STEM, when fully extended, cylindrical and slender, capable of great elongation and contraction, invested by a deli- cate transparent film ; POLYPITE somewhat globular ; capitate tentacles 5, filiform tentacles 9. THE transparent layer which covers the body of the poly- pite ' ' extends from the foot, where it forms a thick mass, to a ridge which runs beneath the insertion of the lower row of tentacles." The zoophyte, as it occurred to Dr. Wright, was solitary, and had the power of changing its place. But, as I have ex- plained, his specimens were probably immature, the pri- mary polypites of a species which is compound and fixed in its perfect condition. It maybe identical with the Devon- shire form to which I have referred before ; but in the present state of our knowledge nothing can be said with certainty of the species of Vorticlava. A glance at the figures of V. proteus will show that it well deserves its specific name. Hab. On a stone in the " Fluke Hole," Firth of Forth (T. S. W.). Genus ACHARADRIA, T. Strethill Wright. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stems branched) clothed with a chitinous pohjpary • polypites with two rows of tentacles — the aboral long and filiform, the oral short and capitate. Reproduction unknown. 134 Dr. WRIGHT has given us a very brief description of this zoophyte. He does not mention or figure any creeping base ; but probably the erect shoots are bound together and rooted by a filiform stolon, as in other cases. " This little Tubularian * * bears the same relation to Vorti- clava that Tub. larynx does to Corymorplia" (Wright.} A. LARYNX, Wright. " Observations on Brit. Zooph.," Micr. Journ. (N. S.) iii. 50, pi. v. figs. 7, 8. Plate XXIII. fig. 3. STEMS sparingly branched, spirally twisted ; POLYPITES pale orange ; oral tentacles from 2 to 8, aboral from 4 to 12. Height about £ inch. A. LARYNX resembles in habit Tubularia larynx. Hob. On stones, Ilfracombe (T. S. W.). [The following genus should have been placed amongst the Podocorynida, p. 35.] Genus CIONISTES, T. S. Wright. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Polypites sessile, with a single verticil of filiform tentacles, developed at intervals on a re- ticulated stolon ; gonophores borne on rudimentary poly- pites, which are columnar and without either tentacles or clusters of thread-cells ; reproduction by means of fixed sporosacs. WE have but a slight account of this genus from its CIONISTES RETICULATA. 135 author; and it is difficult to decide upon its true position. It seems to have most affinity with the Podocorynida, and maybe referred provisionally to that family. I had in- tended originally to place it amongst the Atractylida>, and am now obliged to insert it out of its proper connexion. C. RETICULATA; T. S. Wright. Ann. N. H. for August 1861, (ser. 3) viii. 123, woodcut, fig. 1. POLYPITES (alimentary) minute, white, with short tentacles, borne at distant intervals on a close network of flattened tubes; GONOPHORES (male) oval, somewhat pointed above, numerous, developed on imperfect polypites, which are thickened towards the apex. ALL our knowledge of this species is derived from a very brief description by Dr. Strethill Wright, which is not minute enough to be of much value. Hab. On an old shell, Granton, near Edinburgh (T. S.W.). Fig. 13. Podoeorync areolata (Alder). 136 CAM PAN ULAHIID^E. Campanularia angulata, Hincks. CAMPANULA R1JD.E. 137 Suborder II.— THECAPHORA. SERTULAKJ.NA, Ehrenbcrg, Coral!, des roth. Meer. 73; Johnston, Brit. Zoopb. i. 57. SERTULAKIAD.E, Huxley, Oceanic Hydrozoa, 21. SERTULARLE, Agassiz, Nat. Hist. U. S. iv. 348. SKEXOTOKA, J. V. Cams, Handbuch der Zoologie, ii. 558. Family I. — Campanulariidse. HYDROTHEC.E terminal, pedicellate, campanulate ; POLY- PITES with a large, trumpet-shaped proboscis. THIS family is preeminent for delicate beauty and graceful habit. It includes a very considerable number of British species, of which some are deep-water forms ; but a large proportion are found either between tide- marks or at no great distance from the shore. If we imagine minute crystalline chalices, creuated or plain round the margin and mounted on slender pedicels, twisted spirally or delicately ringed, which are all united and bound to the body on which they grow by the finest network of tubes, we have the form which the polypary assumes in one section of this exquisite group. In an- other the species are arborescent and sometimes of con- siderable size, their tree-like tufts presenting the most lovely shapes, the branches laden with the hyaline calycles (variously formed and adorned) and with the vase-like cap- sules, and the whole structure exhibiting an indescribable delicacy of texture and gracefulness of habit. In both these sections the polypites are generally large and hand- some ; and when the embossed tentacles are thrown out over the margin of the little crystal dwelling, some droop- ing downwards, others standing almost erect (like a circle 138 CAMPANTJLARIIDJE. of guards) around the central proboscis, a prettier sight will not often reward the naturalist. "Delicacy, transparency, and grace pervade the entire structure ; the spirit of beauty has thrown itself into every curve and line : the eye rests with full satisfaction on the little cups, so perfect is their form ; and hardly less beau- tiful are the ringed and twisted pedicels that support them." In another section the calycles are curiously opercu- lated, being surmounted by little turrets formed of con- vergent segments, which open to allow of the passage of the polypite, and close again as it retreats. The polypites present few diversities. The body, when extended, is elongate, expanding upwards, and terminating above in a very conspicuous cup-shaped proboscis, around which the numerous milk-white tentacles, roughened by the whorls of thread-cells, are ranged, alternately de- pressed and elevated. The polypite does not extend to the bottom of the hydrotheca, but rests on a kind of floor a short distance from it, to which the coanosarc or common connecting- thread is prolonged from below. In one instance at least (Campanularia flexuosa, Hincks), the tentacles are united towards the base by a membranous web of extreme tenuity. The gonophores are contained in protective cases (gonothecae), which exhibit the elegance of form that is so characteristic of the family. The reproductive zooids in this family present many modifications. In some of the genera they are simple sporosacs, in which the generative products are matured within the capsule, being discharged at length through its orifice. In a few cases the development of the ova is completed within an extracapsular marsupium, which bursts at last and liberates the planulcs. In other genera CAMPANULARIID^. 139 we have free medusiform zooids, and these exhibit different types of structure. The generic groups in this family are founded for the most part on the differences presented by the reproductive system. In Lovenella alone are good dis- tinctive characters supplied by the polypite and caly- cle; in the remaining genera they must be sought al- together in the portions of structure connected with the propagation of the species. As these are not always present, a practical difficulty will often encounter the student ; he may be unable, in the first instance, to refer his specimen to its genus, and must go through the species of several allied genera in order to determine its position. A similar difficulty meets the systematist, who can only assign a provisional place to those forms the reproductive phase of which has not been observed*. In one or two cases I have ventured to locate such forms conjecturally; but most of them are ranged for the time under Campanularia, with which, so far as the trophosome is concerned, they agree, and must be referred to their proper place in the system as their reproductive history is known. The number of such species is but small. Much more numerous probably are the reproductive zooids that have not yet been traced to the Hydroid stock. The Campanulariida are very widely distributed over the globe. Many of the British forms have been obtained on the Atlantic coast of North America, as well as a con- siderable number of species belonging to the genera Clytia and ObeHa which have not been found in our seas. One or two fine species of Campanularia are described by A. Agassiz from the Pacific side — one of them, of gigantic size, ranging from San Francisco to Behring's Straits. * These remarks apply to many other families. 140 CAMPANULARIIDJE. The Campanularia volubilis (Linn.) has been observed at the following points: — the coast of Massachusetts, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Iceland, the North Cape, and Shet- land. Obelia yeniculata has been tracked along much the same course. All the Norwegian species have, I believe, been obtained in Great Britain. Of the Mediterranean species, which are not numerous so far as known to us, a large proportion occur on our own coasts. In Australia and New Zealand the family seems to be well represented by forms which differ from the European. I have described a remarkable species from Melbourne (Hincksia, Agassiz), which has very curious decumbent gonothecae ; and I possess a second from Australia, which exhibits the same peculiarity. Nowhere perhaps is Campanularian life to be met with in greater profusion than on the floating weed of the gulf-stream. I have seen large masses of it netted over by the delicate white fibre of a species allied to Clytia Johnstoni, from which rose thousands of the annulated stalks, surmounted by the prettiest campanulate calycies. Genus CLYTIA, Lamouroux (in part). Der. From Clytie, one of the Oceanides. CAMPAKULARIA (in part), Lamarck, An. s. V. (2nd ed.) ii. 129. CLYTIA, Agassiz, N. H. TJ. S. iv. 354 ; Van Beneden, Faune Litt. de Belg. Polypes, 165. TROCUOPYXIS, Agassiz, N. H. U. S. iii. 46 ; iv. 354. PLATYPYXIS, Agassiz, N. H. U. S. iv. 306, 354. EUCOPE (in part), Gegenbaur, " Versuch eines Sjst. der Medus.," Zeitscb. f iir wissenschaft. Zool. viii. 241 (the free zooid). CAMPANULARIA, Allman, Ann. N. H. for May 1864. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stem simple or slightly branched, CLYTIA. 141 rooted by a creeping stolon ; hydrotlieca bell-shaped, with- out operculum ; polypites with a large trumpet-shaped pro- boscis ; gonothecce borne on the stolon and on the stems, and producing free medusiform zooids. Gonozooid : Umbrella (at the time of liberation) almost globular; manubrium short, ^-lipped; radiating canals 4 / marginal tentacles 4, with bulbous bases, ivhich are not ocellated ; lithocysts 8, two in each interradial space, borne on the free margin of the umbrella. The number of tentacles and of lithocysts increases with age, and the shape of the umbrella undergoes considerable change. I FOLLOW Agassiz and Van Beneden in adopting Lamou- roux's name of Clytia for the present section of the Lainarckian genus Campanularia, which must be broken up into several distinct groups. It is distinguished by its somewhat deep-belled gonozooid Avith a comparatively small number of arms, and with the lithocysts between the tentacles and not upon them. The species that produce free sexual zooids with a depressed umbrella and numer- ous reentrant arms, and the lithocysts placed on the base of the tentacles, must bear the name Obelia, which was introduced by Peron and Lesueur in 1809. To the species that are destitute of a medusiform zooid, Lamarck's old and well-established designation, which was applied ori- ginally to simple and branched forms alike, may be assigned. The Laomedea of Lamouroux and Johnston was formed to include the branched and tree-like as distinguished from the simple and creeping species — a division that does not represent the natural affinities and cannot be main- tained. In choosing between the various names that have a claim to be retained for the new groups, I have thought 142 CAMPANULARIED^E. it better not to apply the one which immediately suggests to the mind this false distinction, and has become identi- fied with the branching forms, to genera composed either wholly or in part of simple species. I have therefore retained Clytia, which was assigned by its author to such species, for the first section, and Cam- panularia for the third*. Besides the groups just referred to, Lamarck's Cam- panularia would embrace within its ample bounds the Gonothyraa of Allman, while in C. syringa it includes the type of yet another genus. The present genus affords a striking illustration of the changes which the sexual zooid may pass through as it advances towards maturity. According to the observa- tions of A. Agassizf, that of C. bicophora (which seems to be our C. Johnstoni with an American title) loses after a time its globular outline, and assumes the appearance repre- sented in the accompanying figure (woodcut, fig. 15). The lower portion of the bell bulges out, the tentacles are doubled in number, and the rudiments of eight more are traceable on the margin. The ovaries have also increased in size. In its adult stage the zooid is hemispherical in form, and measures a quarter of an inch in diameter ; it is fur- * Allman has apportioned these names somewhat differently. He has dis- carded Clytia on the ground that it has been less generally used by authors, and gives Laomedea to the third group. To me, I confess, a less familiar name seems preferable to one with which inconvenient associations are con- nected ; and it must not be forgotten that Clytia finds a place in the two latest works of any magnitude on the Hydroida, those of Agassiz and Van Beneden. t North American Acalepha5, p. 78, figs. 108-110. CLTTIA. 113 nished with sixteen long tentacles ; and additional litho- cysts are also developed, one on each side of the four primary tentacles (woodcut, fig. 16). The ovaries are "brownish purse-like glands, extending towards the base of the proboscis." I have never witnessed these changes in C. Johnstoni ; but I have found the sporosacs present before the escape of the gonozooid, and laden with ova shortly after; so that the reproductive functions are discharged in the earliest as well as in the later stages of its existence. Wright has made similar observations, and has seen the ova developed into young Campanularians in about a week after the escape of the zooid from the capsule. Agassiz is of opinion that three of Gegenbaur's species of Eucope (E. campanulata, E> thaumantoides , and E. affinis) are only different ages of Clytla bicophora ; and I have little doubt that the opinion is correct. C. JOHNSTONI, Alder. SKRTULARIA VOLUBILIS, Ellis Sf Soland. Zoopb. 51, pi. iv. figs, e, f, E, F. CAMPANULARIA VOLUBILIS, Johnst. B. Z. 107-108, woodcut, fig. 18; Coucli, Corn. Faun. pt. 3. 40, t. xi. fig. 1 ; Hincks, " on Keproclue- tion of Campanulariadoe," Ann. N. H. for July 1852, pi. iii. fig. 5. „ JOHNSTONI, Alder, North. &Durh. Cat. in Trans. Tynes. F. C. v. 126, pi. iv. fig. 8 ; T. S. Wright, Ed. New Phil. Journ. (N. S.) for April 1858 ; Allman, Proc. Boy. Soc. Ed. for Dec. G, 1858. EUCOPE CAMPANULATA, E. THAUMANTOIDES, E. AFFINIS (the free zooid), Gegen- baur, Syst. d. Medus., Zeitsch. f. wissench. Zool. viii. 243, 244, pi. ix. figs. 8, 9, 10, 12, and 13. CLYTIA BICOPHORA, Agassiz, N. H. U. S. iv. 304, pi. xxvii. figs. 8, 9 ; pi. xxir. figs. 0-9. Plate XXIY. fig. 1. STEMS long, transparent, simple or slightly branched, 14 i CAMPANULARIID.E. ringed at the base and at the top, the intermediate por- tion generally smooth ; HYDROTHECJE deeply campanulate, and rather large, expanding slightly above, with 10-12 strong triangular teeth round the rim ; GONOTHEC^E borne on the creeping stolon, and occasionally on the stem, ovate, strongly ringed transversely — the segments more or less carinated — truncate at the top and shortly pe- dunculate. GONOZOOID. — UMBRELLA (at the time of liberation) globose, perfectly transparent, with numerous thread-cells im- bedded in its substance, and a very wide velum ; MANU- BRIUM short, somewhat swollen towards the base, with a 4-lipped mouth ; MARGINAL TENTACLES very extensile, muricated, halfway between each pair a small tubercle (rudimentary tentacle) with a lithocyst on each side of it. C. JOHNSTONI is one of the commonest of our British Cam- panulariidse. The calycles are generally large and the pedicels of great length : but there is considerable varia- tion in these points ; on the same specimen the calycles are often of the most various sizes. The denticulation of the margin is strongly marked. The stems for the most part have the middle portion smooth ; but there is some- times a little ringing even here, and I have met with a variety (which I do not venture to separate from C, John- stoni) in which they are closely ringed throughout. The capsule is more or less produced, and the rings upon it are much more clearly denned in some specimens than in others. The polypite is large and handsome, with between 20 and 30 long, muricated tentacles. C. Johnstoni is occasionally branched, and bears the capsules on the stem. I have not seen more than one or two branches in any case (exact copies of the original shoot), on which a small and imperfectly formed capsule CLYTIA JOHNSTONI. 145 was usually present. Sometimes, however, as I learn from Dr. Strethill Wright, two or three branches spring from a little below the polypite, and " these secondary stems in like manner give off tertiary stems/' the capsules in such specimens being often axillary. The free zooid seems to have been first noticed by Van Beneden, who has figured it in a paper entitled " Un mot sur le Mode de Reproduction des Animaux Inferieurs/' published in 184-7. It is a most exquisite organism, about •£$ of an inch in height at the time of liberation, of graceful form and the purest transparency; its presence is indicated to the naked eye by five opake-white dots, marking the four arms and the manubrium. The perfectly translucent umbrella can only be detected by the aid of a lens. The arms during motion are curled up in several spiral coils, but are capable of great extension. The reproductive sacs are borne on the radiating canals as minute globular enlargements. Each of the lithocysts on the free margin of the umbrella contains a single spherule of carbonate of lime, which is highly refractile. These charming little floating polypites are cast off in immense numbers by the fixed colonies of the Clytia, each freighted with the seed of new ge- nerations; so that we may not wonder at the profuse distribution of the species. M. Lacaze-Duthiers, writing from the neighbourhood of St. Malo, says that he could not take up any water from the sea without meeting with some of them. He was able to observe the ciliated em- bryo, which he describes as resembling a Paramecium in form, and about half a millimetre long. The Campanularia Gegenbaurii of Sars (Middelhavet's Litt. Faun. p. 48 ; Gegenbaur, ' Generationswechsel/ pi. i. figs. 1, 2) is perhaps a mere variety of the present species. Hob. Extremely common from between tide-marks to L 146 CAMPANULAUIID^E. deep water. Like other Campannlarians it shows a pre- dilection for the red weeds. The ribbon-like leaves of Zostera marina are also frequently profusely covered with it ; indeed it is generally distributed and adorns with its crystal cups and ringed pedicels the most various marine substances. [Belgium ; Brittany ; Norway (Van Ben.) : coast of France generally (Lacaze-Duthiers) : "from Grand Ma- nan Island, at the extreme eastern coast of Maine, all along the New England coast to Vineyard Sound, south of Cape Cod " (Agassiz).] Genus OBELIA, Peron fy Lesueur*. LAOMEDEA, Larnouroux, Bulletin Philomatique, 1812. CAMPANULARIA (in part), Lamarck, An. s. V. (2nd ed.) ii. 129. MONOPYXIS, Ehrenberg, Corall. roth. Meer. 73. THAUMANTIAS (in part), Forbes, Brit. Naked-eyed Medusae, 41. EUCOPE (in part), Gegenbaur, " Syst. d. Medus.," Zeitschr. f. wissenschaft. Zool. Tiii. 241 (the free zooid); Agassiz, N. H. U. S. iv. 351. OBELIA, M'Crady, Gymnoph. Charleston Harb. ; Agassiz, N. II. U. S. iv. 351 ; Allman, Ann. N. H. for May 1864. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stem branching, plant-like, rooted by a creeping stolon ; hydrothecce campamilate, without operculum ; gonothec& borne on the stems and branches ; reproduction by free medusiform zooids. Gonozooid : Umbrella (at the time of liberation] depressed and disk-like ; manubrium short and quadrate ; radiating canals 4 ; 'marginal tentacles numerous (increasing in num- ber with age) , prolonged at the base and projecting inwards ; lithocysts 8, two in each interradial space, borne on the in- ner side of eight of the tentacles near the base. M'CRADYf was the first to restore the name Obelia, con- * "Histoire gen6rale des Meduses," Ann. du Museum, xiv. 43, 1809. t Gymnophthalmata of Charleston Harbour, p. 94. OBELIA. 14-7 ferred by Peron and Lesuenr at a very early date on a supposed Medusa, which we now know to be the repro- ductive element of a Campanularian zoophyte. Agassiz has adopted it for one section of the species, producing gonozooids with a shallow, disk-like umbrella; and All- man has extended it to the whole group. In this, I have no doubt, he is right. The character employed by Agasssiz to distinguish his genera Eucope and Obelia (the number of arms which the sexual zooid possesses at the time of liberation) is barely of specific value. The younger Agassiz insists upon the presence or ab- sence of sporosacs at the time of liberation as an important character, and goes so far as to separate the 0. yemculata of Wright from that of Gosse because they differ in this respect. To the former, which he identifies with the Eucope diaphana of his father's great work, he assigns the name of alternata. I feel convinced that this is a mistaken view ; and unfortunately it is one which intro- duces confusion and difficulty into the science by enlarging the list of synonyms. The fact is, that the gonozooids contained in the same capsule leave it in very various stages of development ; this is proved by the differences in size and the condition of the marginal tentacles at the time of liberation*. And I have no doubt that the earlier or later appearance of the ovaries is to be explained in the same way : it is a variation in the degree of development, and not a specific difference. On the free zooids of Clytia Johnstoni Wright and myself have found ovaries with ova directly after their escape ; Allman, on the contrary, met with none on his specimens. A. Agassiz found them in * Wright also mentions another diversity amongst the gonozooids of 0. geniculata. In some the ovaries were close to the manubrium, in others midway between the base of it and the marginal canal ("Observat. on Brif. Zoophytes," Ed. N. P. Journ. for .Tnn. 1*.">9). 148 CAMPANULARIID^E. the young zooid, "hardly visible, as very short narrow lines on both sides of part of the upper half of the radia- ting tubes "*. These observations point to variations in the time of development, and prove that the period at which the sporosacs appear is not a point of any special significance. In the present work the Eucope and Obelia of Agassiz, embracing respectively the species with 24-armed and 1(3- armed gonozooids, are blended in the single genus Obelia ; and the E. alternata (A. Agassiz) is ranked as a synonym of the well-known and widely distributed 0. geniculata (Linnseus) . It appears from the observations of A. Agassiz that, in this genus, " with advancing age the Medusae lose the habit of swimming with the proboscis uppermost, and gradually assume the usual mode of swimming of jelly- fishes." The arms increase greatly and, it would seem, rapidly in number, and the sporosacs become larger and change their form with age, differing somewhat in shape in the two sexes. In the Thaumantias of Forbes's Monograph several members of this genus are included; and some of his species are only various stages of one and the same Obelia. The earliest figure of the medusiform zooid with which I am acquainted is found in Easter's ' Opuscula Subseciva' (1762)t- He gives a very fair representa- tion of it, and describes it as a polyp which had fallen from the coralline " ob vehementiorem aqua infusionem." He observed a considerable number of these detached polyps swimming freely in the water, and fancied that in some cases they fixed themselves again on the branches * North American Acalepha?, p. 78. t Vol. i. p? 27, pi. v. fig. D. O13ELIA GENICULATA. 119 from which they had dropped. His inference was, that the polypites and the coralline were distinct organisms, and had no essential connexion with one another. 1. O. GENICULATA, Linnseus. " KNOTTED-THREAD CORALLINE," Ellis, Corall. 22, pi. xii. b, B. SERTULARIA GENICULATA, Linn. Syst. 1312; Pallas, Elench. 117; Lamk. An. s. Vert. (2nd ed.) ii. 149. LAOMEDEA GENICULATA, Lamx. Cor. flex. 208 ; Johnst. B. Z. 103, pi. xxv. figs. 1, 2; Gossc, Devon. Coast, 84, pi. iv. (the free zooid). CAMPAXULARIA GENICULATA, Flem. Brit. An. 548. MONOPYXIS GENICULATA, Ehrenbcrg, Corall. roth. Meer. 73. EUCOPE DIAPHANA, Agassis, N. H. U. S. iv. 322, pi. xxxiv. figs. 1-9*. OBELIA GENICULATA, Allman, Ann. N. H. for May 1864. EUCOPE ALTERNATA, A. Agassi?, North Am. Acaleph. 86. Plate XXV. fig. 1. STEM zigzag, sometimes sparingly branched, jointed at each of the flexures, and thickened immediately below them, so as to form a series of projections or rests, from which the pedicels rise; HYDROTHEC^E somewhat ob- conical, rather short, the length slightly exceeding the width, with a plain margin, borne on short, annulated stalks (rings 4-6), which are suberect and taper slightly upwards ; GONOTHEO/E axillary, urn-shaped, attached by a short ringed stalk (3-4 rings). GONOZOOID. — UMBRELLA (at the time of liberation) very shallow, discoid, colourless, presenting a reticulated ap- pearance ; MARGINAL TENTACLES 24 ; SPOROSACS OVal. THIS species is distinguished from all its British congeners by the peculiar structure of the stem. It is divided by simple joints into a number of short and rather stout in- * The Thaumantias diaphana described by Agassiz in the Mem. Am. Acad. iv. p. 300, is, according to A. Agassiz, the sexual zooid of another species, and was wrongly referred by him to the present species in the ' Contributions to the Nat, Hist, of the United States.' 150 ternodes, which are elbowed above on alternate sides, so that a kind of bracket is formed for the support of the calycles. The capsules are of a most elegant form, resem- bling, as Dr. Johnston has remarked, a Greek vase or urn ; they are elongate, and taper off gradually from the flat- tened top to the base, becoming very slender below. From the summit rises a short tubular orifice. They very gene- rally project at right angles to the plane in which the calycles lie*; at times, however, they seem to be ap- pressed to the stem. They contain a large number of gonophores. The gonozooids are beautiful objects, and very lively in their movements; they are liberated in great numbers, and are excluded in very various stages of development : — some small, with the arms stunted ; others much larger, with the arms of considerable length. The shallow swimming-bell is often reverted, the mauu- brium hanging below the convex surface, and the tentacles drooping in graceful curves from, the margin. In this state they might serve as the model for a vase. The lithocysts contain a refractile spherule, and stand out prominently on the basal portion of the tentacle. I have noticed a little orange-colour at the base of the manubrium. There are two marked forms of this species : — one deli- cate, of a pure whiteness and rather humble growth ; the other much larger and coarser in habit, and less strongly zigzagged. I have seen specimens in which the scale of all the parts was much smaller than in the common form. A dense forest of this variety covers a broad frond of sea- weed in my collection, bearing the elegant capsules in great profusion; they are developed 011 the creeping * Agassiz has pointed this out in his account of the American Eucope (liaphana, a species which I cannot hesitate to identify with the present (3i.II. U. S. v,,l. iv. p. 324). OBELIA GELATINOSA. 151 stolon, as well as ill the axils, and are in some cases borne on rather long peduncles. The number of gono- zooids liberated from a colony of this kind, in which the capsules, each containing perhaps a dozen of them, cover a large proportion of the shoots, and are crowded in clus- ters on the creeping fibre, must be enormous ; and it must be remembered, in estimating the produce, that each of the zooids bears the seed of many colonies. Specimens are often coloured red, the colour being due to a very minute alga, which covers the surface with a network of chain-like vegetation. O. geniculata is a phosphorescent species ; and the sudden illumination of a forest of it on some sombre Laniinariaii frond is a truly beautiful spec- tacle. If it is agitated in the dark, a bluish light runs along each stem, flashing fitfully from point to point as each polypite lights up its little lamp. Hab. On seaweed, and especially the fronds of Lami- naria digit ata, near low-water mark; very common and generally distributed. [Massachusetts, U. S. (Agassiz) : Hamilton Inlet, La- brador, in 15 fath. (T. H.): North Cape and neighbouring coasts (Sars).] 2. O. GELATINOSA, Pallas. SEIITULARIA GELATINOSA, Pallas, Elench. 116; Fleming, Edinb. Phil. Journ. ii. 84. LAOMEDEA GELATIXOSA, Lamx. Corall. flex. 92 ; var. (3, Johnst. B. Z. 104, pi. xxvii. fig. 1 ; Hincks, Devon. Cat., Ann. N. H. (3rd eer.) viii. 259. CAMPA.VULARIA GELATINOSA, Lamk. An. e. V. (2nd ed.) 134. Plate XXYI. fig. 1. SHOOTS clustered, rising from a fibrous and spongy mass ; STEM compound, made up of numerous delicate tubes, closely bound together, tapering upwards, straight 152 CAMPANULARIID^E. or very slightly sinuous, of a dark brown colourj thickly branched; branches given off at short intervals in pairs, which are placed alternately on opposite aspects of the stem, so as to present a subverticillate arrangement, com- pound for some distance above the point of origin, the upper portion consisting of a single tube and very hyaline, divided and subdivided into very numerous alternate ramules, and annulated above the divisions ; HYDiioTHEC^E very small, of the thinnest texture, cam- panulate, supported on rather long ringed and tapering pedicels, the margin cut into denticles of a castellated form, slightly hollowed out at the top; GONOTHEC^E axillary, ovate, somewhat flattened at the top, with a raised aperture. GONOZOOID with 16 arms at the time of liberation. PALLAS'S description of this species is admirable, and it is the only one we possess that is not positively incorrect. Fleming took the rim of the calycles to be plain, and conjectures that Pallas may have Fig. 17. seen the tips of the tentacles showing above the edge and mistaken them for crcnations ! Johnston adopted Fleming's opinion on this point, and has besides confounded the true O. gelatinosa with a very different form, the Campanularia flexuosa (Hincks) . Many sub- sequent authors have accepted his view ; and much con- fusion lias been the result. Milne-Edwards, supposing Fleming's even-rimmed Campanularia to be distinct from Pallas's Sertularia gelatinosa, has made it a species and given it the name of Laomedea Flemingii; but there is no doubt that Fleming had the same form before him as the Russian naturalist*, the crenature having escaped his notice owing to the extreme tenuity of the margin. •;' I have been informed by the late Mr. Alder that he had examined speci- OBELIA GELATINOSA. 153 0. gelatinosa is a well-marked species ; it attains a height of 8 or 10 inches. A fine specimen procured at Ex mouth was about 6 inches high, and consisted of an exquisite cluster of as many as 10 shoots. The branches, which are divided into a multitude of extremely delicate ramules, are of a tender, pellucid white- ness, with the exception of the basal portion, and contrast with the thick and dark-coloured composite stem ; they occur in pairs, which originate close together on the stem, but immediately diverge ("furcts in modum ") and spread out on each side. They are long in the lower portion and middle of the stem, drooping slightly, and diminish in size above, giving a very elegant form to the shoots. A single calycle commonly springs from the fork formed by the dichotomous division of the branchlets. The pedi- cels of the terminal calycles are of unusual length, ringed at the top and bottom and smooth between. Hob. Between tide-marks ; not common. Exmouth (T. H.) : Cornwall (C. W. P.) : " very abundant on some points of the Solway at low- water mark on a stony bottom JJ (Sir W. Jardine) : the Tay, towards Flisk beach, in brack- ish water (Fleming) : Shetland (Dr. Cohlstream) : Liverpool mens of 0. gelatinosa received from Fleming, and had assured himself that they were really identical with Pallas's zoophyte. Kirchenpauer, in his interesting work entitled ' Die Seetonnen der Elbmimdung ' suggests that Fleming may have had before him the form which I have named L.flcxuosa, and that Milne-Edwards should have the credit of first perceiving its claim to specific rank. In this case his name (Flemingii) would supersede flcxuosa. But Fleming's description could not apply to the latter form ; so that, even if we had not Alder's unimpeachable testimony, the supposition would be untenable. The Campanularia gelatinosa of Van Beneden's Memoire has no right to its name. It is quite distinct from the present species, and is probably the S. longissima of Pallas. Amongst American authors, Leidy, Stimpson, and Gould have applied the name to species which differ, I believe, from the one to which it properly belongs. 154 CAMPANULARIID^. (Dr. Collingwood). Dr. Collingwood writes, "The most common and characteristic zoophyte (next to Tubularia indivisa, perhaps) of our shores. It is interesting as being a favourite feeding-ground for some minute forms of Nudibranchiata (e. g. Eolis despecta, E. exigua, E. con- cinna)." It is in the greatest profusion in the tide-pools of the Dingle Rocks, where it attains a large size. Also abundant at Egremont, Hilbre Island, and other places. [" Mare Belgium alluens," Pallas.] 3. O. LONGISSIMA, Pallas. SERTULARIA LONGISSIMA, Pall. Elencb. 119. MONOPYXIS LONGISSIMA, Ehrenb. Corall. roth. Meer. 73. LAOMEDEA DICIIOTOMA, Tar. /3, Juhnst. B. Z. 102. LAOMEUEA LONGISSIMA, Alder, North. & Durh. Cat. in Trans. Tynes. F. C. iii. 121 ; Suppl. Trans. Tynes. F. C. v. 237 ; Hincks, Devon. & Cornw. Cat,, Ann. N. H. (3rd ser.) viii. 259. CAMFANULARIA GELATINOSA, Van Beneden, Meui. sur les Campanul. 33, pi. i. & ii. Plate XXVII. STEM filiform, flexuous, giving off much-ramified branches at short intervals and ringed above their origins, of a dark horn-colour, sometimes black, and of great length ; branches alternate, long and spreading, the principal stem flexuous, with pinna springing from each bend, which are themselves more or less branched, amiulated above every division ; HYDROTHEC.E campanulate, rather large and deep, of very delicate texture, the margin cut into blunt and shallow teeth, borne on rather long ringed pedicels, which taper upwards ; GONOTHECJE axillary, ovate, smooth, with a raised central aperture. GONOZOOID (at the time of liberation) with 20-24 tentacles. O. LONGISSIMA attains a height of a foot or upwards, and is of very graceful habit. Its form is somewhat pyramidal, as OBELIA LONGISSIMA. 155 the branches gradually decrease in length towards the apex. The stem is distinctly flexuose and of a very deep horn- colour, becoming black in older specimens. The branches, which towards their extremities are very delicate and light- coloured"^, are placed at no great distance from one another, and are in most respects copies in miniature of the parent stock. Their pinnee, which diminish in size towards the top of the branch, are alternate, and are sub- divided into numerous branchlets ; the axils of these braiichlets are commonly occupied by a calycle or a small shoot. The calycles are frail and deciduous, and it is dif- ficult to obtain specimens on wrhich they are present. The C. yelatinosa of Van Beneden is clearly identical with the present species, although he tells us that the rim of its hydrothecse is plain. The very shallow dentation of the hyaline and attenuated margin may easily have escaped his observation. He has figured the sexual zooid with well-developed, spherical ovaries. In masses of zoophyte cast ashore after strong winds this species is often very abundant, and is at once recognized by its long, dark, thread-like stems. Hab. Rather deep water, common : Northumberland, frequent (J. A.) : Peterhead and Wick, dcepish water ; Gorran Haven, Cornwall, plentiful (C. W. P.): Eiley, York- shire; Devon, abundant in the trawl refuse (T. H.): Port- marnock. Though I am only able to give a few localities for this species, I have no doubt that it is very generally distributed. Till lately it had been confounded with O. dic/totoma f. [Coasts of Belgium, most abundant (Pallas): Mouth of the Elbe (Kirchenpauer).] * " * * snbstantia * * albida, moth'*, fenera," Pallas. t We owe its restoration to specific rank to the sagacity of Mr. Aider. .-;t. *T * - i5 ^^» >x 156 .CAMPANTJLAlirUXE. 4. O. DICHOTOMA, Linnaeus. " SEA-THREAD CORALLINE," Ellis, Corall. 21, pi. xii. figs. «, A. SERTULARIA DICHOTOMA, Linn. Syst. 1312 ; Ellis $• Soland. Zooph. 48. LAOMEDEA DICHOTOMA, var. a, Johnston, B. Z. 102, pi. xxvi. figs. 1, 2; Alder, North, and Durh. Cat, Trans. Tynes. F. C. iii. 121. Plate XXVIII. fig. 1. STEM filiform, slender, nearly straight, irregularly branched, ringed above the origin of the branches, of a deep horn- colour ; branches suberect, often very long, and more or less ramified, ringed at intervals, a single calycle in the axils ; HYDROTHEC^E alternate, broadly campanulate and deep, polyhedral above, each side corresponding with a very slight sinuation of the margin, borne on ringed ped- icels, which vary in length from 4 or 5 to as many as 16 rings; GONOTHEC.E axillary, slender, smooth, widen- ing from the base upwards, and terminating above in a raised, somewhat conical aperture. GONOZOOID. — UMBRELLA very shallow, without thread-cells; MANUBRIUM trumpet-shaped ; MARGINAL TENTACLES (at the time of liberation) 16. IT is difficult to settle the synonymy of this species, as the descriptions of the older authors are wanting in minute- ness and precision, and several kindred forms have been confounded under the Linnean name dichotoma. I have retained it for the present form, which^ seems to corre- spond best with the Ellisian and Linnean species, and have only given such synonyms as are undoubted. 0. dichotoma is of comparatively humble size, and has none of the subverticillate mode of growth which gives so much beauty to its near ally 0. flabellata. The stems and branches are almost straight ; the latter are irregularly dis- tributed, often very long and straggling, and more or less branched. They are intermingled, on the main shoots, with simple ringed pedicels bearing a single calycle. The OBELIA FLABELLATA. 157 hydrotheca is large, and both broad and deep. The rim has usually been described as perfectly plain ; but on close investigation it is found to be very slightly sinuated, and the depressions answer to a number of sides or faces, which give a polyhedral figure to the upper portion of the cup. This structure can only be detected by careful examination with the microscope. The differences between the gonozooids of the different species of Obelia are very slight, at least in their earliest stage. The multiplication of the tentacles is carried to a great extent as the zooid advances towards maturity ; Gegenbaur describes his Eucope pohjstyla, which he had traced to a Campanularian stock, as possessing one hun- dred and twenty of them. Hab. Common : often parasitical on other zoophytes. 5. O. FLABELLATA, HillclvS. ? SERTULARIA DICHOTOMA, Dalydl, Eem. An. Scotl. 212, pi. xli. CAMPANULARIA FLABELLATA, Hincks, Ann. N. H. (3rd ser.) xviii. 297. Plate XXIX. STEM filiform, somewhat zigzag, branched, strongly annu- lated above the origins of the branches, of a dark horn- colour; branches alternate, flexuous, given off at each bend of the stem, rather short and fan-shaped, divided and subdivided dichotomously , and ringed above each division, generally forked immediately above the point of origin, the arms of the fork tending in opposite directions, and giving a subverticillate appearance to the ramifica- tion-, HYDROTHECA alternate, short and subtriangular, with a wide aperture and an entire margin, borne on ringed and tapering pedicels of variable length ; GONO- THEC.E axillary, ovate, somewhat flattened at the top, with a short tubular orifice, attached by a ringed stalk. GONOZOOID ? 158 CAMPANULARIIDyE. THIS species seems to have passed, like 0. lonyissima, as a variety of 0. dichotoma ; it is of much larger size, rising to a height of 8 or 10 inches, or perhaps more. The ra- mification is perfectly regular, the branches short, spring- ing alternately from the stem, and forking immediately above the base into two principal shoots, each of which is divided and subdivided dichotomously. The arms of the fork tending in opposite directions give the branch its somewhat flabellate form, and to the whole zoophyte its verticillate appearance. The decidedly flexuous character of both stems and branches offers another point of contrast with 0. dicho- toma. The calycles, too, are formed on another pattern, being shorter and subtriangular. If I am right in identifying this species with the C. dichotoma of Dalyell (and his description and figure agree better with it than with 0. longissima, the only other allied species), the gonozooid has about 23 (probably 24) tentacles, forming a " pendent marginal fringe." He gives it the name of Tintinnabulum, from its resemblance to a hand-bell. O. flabellata is separated from the preceding species by a group of distinctive characters — the subverticillate habit, the flabelliform branches, the flexuous stems, the short subtriangular calycle, and the much larger size. Hab. Tenby, on rocks in tide-pools (J. A.) : Scotland (Sir J. Dalyell). OBELIA PLICATA. 159 Referred provisionally to this genus. 6. O. PLICATA. Plate XXX. fig. 1. SHOOTS clustered; MAIN STEMS composed of a large number of very slender, flexuous tubules bound together, thick below and tapering upwards, sending off a multitude of branches ; BRANCHES, some compound, and some simple and very delicate, of great length and much ramified, annulated above the origin of the branchlets ; HYDRO- THEC/E alternate, broadly campanulate, even-rimmed, and borne on ringed pedicels. GONOTHEC^E unknown. Height between 3 and 4 inches. THE only other British Obelia which has a thick compound stem, the O.gelatinosa, differs widely from O.plicata in its habit of growth and in the character of its hydrothecae. The latter species forms large clusters of shoots, which are remarkable for their luxuriant ramification. The main stem is a bundle of delicate tubes closely adherent to one another, and gives off branches at short intervals; those on the lower portion are thick and compound, those above becoming gradually more slender, until towards the ex- tremity of the shoot they are perfectly simple. The stem itself, of course, diminishes proportionately as bundle after bundle of the tubular strands that compose it is given off, and tapers away towards the top. The branches are very long, and clothe the stems densely to the summit ; they are generally much ramified, so that the habit of the species is eminently shrubby and luxuriant. The calycle very much resembles in form that of O. dichotoma. Hab. Shetland (J.G.Jeffreys). 160 CAMPANULARIIDJE. Genus CAMPANUL ARIA, Lamarck (in part) . Der. Campanula, a bell. LAOMEDEA, Lamouroux (in part). ? SILICULARIA, Meyen, Nov. Acta &c. xvi. 183-1*. ORTHOPYXIS, Agassiz (for some of the species), N. H. U. S. iv. 355. LAOMEDEA, Agassiz, N. H. U. S. iv. 352 ; Allman, Ann. N. II. for May 1864. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stems simple or branched, rooted by a filiform stolon ; hydrotheca bell-shaped and hyaline, without operculum ; polypites ivith a large, cup-shaped pro- boscis ; gonotliecce borne on the stems or on the creeping stolon ; yonophores containing fixed sporosacs, which mature their products within the capsule. THE genus Campanularia as now restricted includes no form that would not come under the Lamarckian definition of it ; it embraces, however, certain portions of Lamouroux's Laomedea. Agassiz has formed the genus Orthopyxis for one or two species in which the sporosac is furnished with branching gastrovascular canals; the modification, how- ever, is too trivial to stand as the sole criterion of a genus. There is no important difference between the sporosac with these canals and the sporosac without them, so long as they are not subservient to the purposes of free existence. Section a. "With simple and unbranched stems. 1. C. VOLUBILIS, Linnaeus. SERTULAKIA VOLUBILIS, Linn. Syst. (12th ed.) 1311. " SMALL CLIMBING CORALLINE WITH BELL-SHAPED CUPS," El 'Us, Corall.24,pl. xiv. fig. a, A. CAMPANULARIA VOLUBILIS, Alder, North, and Durli. Cat. in Trans. Tynes. R C. iii. 125, pi. iv. fig. 7. Plate XXIV. fig. 2. STEMS rising at intervals from the stolon, which is some- * This genus is founded on two Campanularian species of simple habit, bearing a general resemblance to Clytia John&toni or Campanularia volubilis. CAMPANULARIA VOLUBILIS. 101 times plain, sometimes spirally twisted, and which often sends off free shoots, rather long, spirally twisted, with a single spherical ring below each catycle*; HYDROTHECTE rather narrow and deep, of equal width throughout, till within a very short distance of the base, when they sud- denly contract, with about ten shallow, blunt denticles round the margin ; GONOTHEC.E ON short stalks (2 whorls), flask-shaped, smooth, with a long narrow neck. Mr. ALDER was the first to point out that the Sertularia volubilis of Linnaeus is a distinct species from the Cam- panularia volubilis of Johnston f. In his ' Northumber- land Catalogue ' he has defined the characteristics of the two forms with his accustomed accuracy both of pen and pencil, and restored to its proper rank one of the prettiest of its tribe. The C. volubilis is a small species, and may be readily known by its spirally twisted (not ringed) stems and the solitary spherule beneath the calycles. The latter, too, are much more cylindrical than those of the allied species, and the denticulation is comparatively minute. The creeping stem has a fashion of detaching itself and casting forth long, delicate, and transparent spiral shoots ; when attached it is sometimes smooth. The neck of the prettily shaped capsules varies con- siderably in length. They are generally produced but sparingly, and scattered singly along the creeping stem; but I have seen them crowded together in numbers, and forming a dense mass about the base of the calycles. Hub. On zoophytes from deep water; widely distributed. [Norway (Sars) : off Reikiavik, Iceland, in 100 fathoms, * " At the bottom of each [cup], where they join the stalk, the microscope discovers to us a very minute spherule or little ball, as in some drinking glasses." — Ellis. f The (.'I i/ tiu JuJiiiK/uiii of the present work M 162 CAMPANULARIID^. amongst icebergs, on Sertularia (T. H.) : Mingaii Islands; Henley Harbour (20-30 fath.), Gulf of St. Lawrence (A. S. Packard, jun.) : Massachusetts (Agassiz).] 2. C. HINCKSII, Alder. CAMPANULARIA VOLUBILIS, var., Hincks, Ann. N. H. (2nd scr.) xi. 180. „ HINCKSII, Alder, North. & Durh. Cat. in Trans. Tynes. F. C- iii. 127, pi. iv. fig. 9. Plate XXIV. fig. 3. STEM generally long, with two or three rings at the top (one of which is included in the cup) and one or two slight tivists at the base, the intermediate portion smooth j HYDROTHEC^E deep and very large, with parallel sides, lined at regular intervals longitudinally, the margin cas- tellated, or cut into square-topped denticles, which are slightly hollowed out above; GONOTHEC.E of a much elon- gated ovate form, becoming narrower towards the upper extremity, which is truncate, divided by transverse rings into numerous (10-12) rounded and not very prominent segments, and attached by a short, smooth stalk. C. HINCKSII is remarkable for its large, lineated calycles, with a castellated rim which is ornamented with as many as fourteen square-topped denticles. The pedicels vary in size, but are commonly of considerable length. The reproductive capsules are beautiful objects, very long and slender, almost cylindrical in form, and usually ringed throughout (Woodcut, fig. 18). The spaces between the rings are very slightly convex and are not carinated. In some cases, however, the annulation is almost obliter- ated, and the capsule is in great measure smooth. The ova are numerous, and piled up like balls, forming an elongated central mass. CAMPANULARIA INTEGRA. 1G3 Hab. On zoophytes &c., from moderate depths (10-20 fathoms) to deep water ; rather rare. Fig. 18. Torbay, in about 8 fathoms ; Oban, in about 15 fathoms (T. H.) : Northumberland and Durham, on shells and zoophytes from deep water, rather rare (J. A.) : Hebrides (A. M. N.) : Wick (C. W.P.) : Shetland (J. G. J.): north of Ireland, in deep water, common (Prof. W. Thomson). 3. C. INTEGRA, Macgillivray. CAMPANULARIA INTEGRA, Macgillivray, Ann. N. H. ix. 465 ; Johnston, B. Z. 109, pi. xxviii. fig. 2. Plate XXXI. fig. 1. STEMS long, slender, twisted, with two or three spherical rings immediately below the caiycle; CREEPING STOLON smooth ; HYDROTHEC^E campanulate, wide above, tapering very gradually towards the base, with a plain rim ; GONO- much elongated, spirally twisted, the volutions M 2 164 CAMPANULARIID^E. sharply carinated, truncate above, with a plain circular orifice, below somewhat abruptly attenuated, and attached by a short, smooth stalk. I HESITATE to identify the C. l.£. The C. breviscyphia of Sars seems to have been founded on examples of C. caliculata with more elongated stems and somewhat shorter calycles than those from which the original description was taken. I have little hesitation in identifying it with the present species. Sars has ob- tained specimens of C. caliculata near Bergen on which the pedicels had more than 30 rings — or, rather, " slight waves/7 as Agassiz more accurately styles them. As in other species, there seems to be much variability in this portion of the structure. The newly formed calycle is covered by a convex cap, shaped like a watch-glass, which the polypite pushes off when fully developed. The calycles are very tremulous, owing to the deep con- striction of the stem to form the spherule on which they rest, and are soon detached after the death of the polypite. The reproductive capsules (female) contain two sporo- sacs, a large one above and a smaller one below — or some- times only one, which occupies, when its contents are matured, the greater portion of the cavity. Four branched gastrovascular canals spring from the base of it, amongst the ramifications of which the ova are placed (Plate XXXI. fig. 2 d\ The capsule was first described by Sars (' Medi- terranean Littoral Fauna/ p. 50) ; and its structure and the development of its contents have been thoroughly investi- gated by Allman and Agassiz*. The latter has frequently seen a portion of the contained mass of planules forced out of the capsule, still enclosed in the sac, and remaining attached externally. The planule is ovate, and clothed with vibratile cilia. * In Agassiz'.s great work on the Natural History of the United States, this species is described and figured as Clyfia poteriinn. It is to be regretted that this distinguished author did not pay more attention to the European forms before naming his American Hydroids, many of which, I believe, are identical with British species. CAMPANULARIA VERTICILLATA. 1G7 I am indebted for my first knowledge of this species to Mr. R. S. Boswell, who many years ago showed me speci- mens of it exquisitely mounted, according to a method of his own, so as to display the polypites. Hub. On the red algoe chiefly (Delesseria sanguined &c.), near low-water mark and in moderate depths ; not common. Pegwell Bay, near Ramsgate (R. S. Boswell) : Old Head of Kinsalc, co. Cork (R. Allniau) : Ilfracombe; Swauage, Dorset (T.H.): Courtniasherry Harbour, co. Cork (Gr. J. A.): Jersey (A.M. N.). [Messina (var. breviscyphia, Sars); Bergen (Sars): Ha- milton Inlet, Labrador, 15 fathoms, on red weed (T. H.) : Massachusetts, " almost invariably attached to seaweeds, or to the stem of other hydroids " (Agassiz) : Nova Scotia (teste A. Agassiz.)] Section b. Branched and with compound stem. 5. C. VERTICILLATA, Linnaeus. " HOUSE-TAIL CORALLINE WITH BELL-SHAPED CUPS," Ellis, Coiiill. '23, pi. xiii. figs, a, A. SEKTULARIA VERTICILLATA, Linn. Syst. 131U; Palais Elench. 115. CLYTIA VERTICILLATA, Lamx. Cor. flex. 202. HALECIUM VEKTICILLATUM, Okcit, Lchrb. Nat. 92. CAMPAXULARIA VERTICILLATA, Lanik. An. s. V. (2nd ed.) ii. 131 ; Juhnst. B. Z. 112, pi. xxvi. figs. 3, 4. CAPSULAKIA VEUTICILLATA, Gray, B. M. Radiata, 87. Plate XXXII. fig. 1. STEMS erect, composed of many parallel tubes, irregularly branched, obtuse at the top ; branches compound, cylin- drical; HYDROTHEC.E bell-shaped, rather large and deep, expanding slightly and very gradually upwards, with about 12 pointed denticulations on the margin, borne ] 68 CAMPANULAllIIU.E. on pedicles, which are more or less annulated at the top and bottom,, patent, and arranged in whorls at regular intervals ; GONOTHECVE flask-shaped, smooth, with a narrow neck, and very shortly stalked. THE term " equisetiform" which Ellis has applied to this species, gives an admirable idea of the mode in which the pedicels are disposed on the stem and branches. They form equidistant whorls, and " give the whole very much the appearance of the plant called Horsetail or Equisetum." There are about 5 to each whorl. The calycles are of a thin and delicate texture. C. verticillata sometimes attains a luxuriant growth, and is much and variously branched. Hub. In the coralline zone, on shells &c.; common. It is taken up in immense quantities by the trawlers on the south-west coast. [Tromso, rare; North Cape, common in 30-50 fath. (Sars) : Henley Harbour, Labrador, in 20 fath. on a pebbly bottom (A. S. Packard, jun.) : coast of La Charente-infe- rieure, Bay of Biscay (Beltremieux).] Section c. With branching stems [Laomedea, Lanix.J 6. C. FLEXUOSA, Hincks. LAOMEDEA GELATINOSA, var. a, Johnston, B. Z. 105, pi. xxv. figs. 3, 4 ; Couch, Corn. Faun. 39, pi. x. fig. 2. LAOMEDEA FLEXUOSA, Hincks, Devon and Cornw. Cat., Ann. N. H. (3rd ser.) viii.260; Attman, Ann. N. H. for May 1864. Plate XXXIII. STEM filiform, flexuous, simply pinnate or irregularly branched, of a light horn-colour, ringed at the base and above the origins of the branches; HYDROTHEC^E alternate, large,<:up-shaped,ivide above, the sides sloping off somewhat abruptly towards the base, with a plain rim, and borne on rather long, ringed pedicels (0-7 rings or more), which are given oft' at each bend of the stem ; GONOTHECA: (female) CAMPANTJLARIA FLEXUOSA. 169 axillary, very large, elongate, oval, smooth, rather wide and truncate at the top, attached by a short, ringed stalk (3-4 rings), and containing numerous sporosacs; male smaller; POLYPITES with the tentacles slightly webbed. C. FLEXUOSA, which was included under Obelia gelatinosa by Johnston, is one of the commonest of our littoral zoophytes. In amazing profusion it spreads over a con- siderable portion of the littoral zone, now half buried in the mud beneath the loose stones, now covering with its delicate forests the sides of the tidal pools filled with the most pellucid of water. It forms also a dense undergrowth on the surface of the larger rocks, beneath the pendent weed, where it is left flattened down and half dried on the recession of the sea. A beautiful sight it is to see the prostrate forests revive, and waving to and fro with the flux and reflux of the incoming tide. We cease to be sur- prised at its abundance when we examine the reproductive capsules (female)*, which are of enormous size, as compared with the calycles, and often crowded on the shoots, each one containing a large number of planules. They are also occasionally met with on the creeping stolon . The tentacles of the polypite are united towards the base by a membrane of extreme tenuity, similar to that which exists in Campanulina acuminata. The species is subject to but slight variation. In some situations the shoots have a tendency to run out above into tendril-like fibres. The pedicels which support the hydrothecae also vary considerably in length, and the ramification is more or less luxuriant; but the flexuous habit, the broad, obconic, and even-rimmed calycle, and the gigantic capsule are constant and striking features. * The male capsule is much smaller than the female (vide Plate XXXII I. fig. f>), and somewhat different in shape. 170 CAMPANULARIID^. C. flexuosa attains a height of about an inch. Hab. Confined to the littoral region, and extremely common on all parts of our coast. Shetland, Jersey, Cornwall, Isle of Man, Ireland, &c. 7. C. ANGULATA, Hincks. "Catalogue of Devon and Cornw. Zooph.," Ann. N. H. (3rd ser.) viii. 26], pi. viii. Plate XXXIV. tig. 1, and Woodcut, fig. 14. STEM slender, simply pinnate or very slightly branched, zig- zag, the spaces between the bends very long, ringed at the base and above the origin of the pedicels, often produced at the extremity into long, tendril-like claspers ; HYDKO- THEC,E alternate, canipanulate, rather deep, tapering gradually downwards, even-rimmed, borne on very long ringed pedicels, which are given .off at each flexure, and are slightly attenuated above; GOISOTHECJE irregularly ovate, with a feio obscure wrinkles, and occasionally one or two projecting points, terminating above in a short, broad neck, ivhich is somewhat truncate at the top, deve- loped on the creeping stem and attached by a short, ringed stalk (3-4 rings) ; POLYPITE with about 24 remarkably long and slender tentacles. Height from | to f inch. THIS species may be known by the great length of the internodes, which bend from side to side and form a series of obtuse angles, and of the tapering pedicels that support the calycles. They have commonly from 9-12 rings, and sometimes nearly 20 ; occasionally there is a smooth por- tion about the middle of the pedicel. The tendril-like prolongation of the stem is also a striking feature ; it is often of great length, much thickened above, and strongly annulated towards the lower end. Specimens occur in CAMPANTJLAftlA NEGLECTA. 171 which the stem is only about -J of an inch in height, with two or three calyclcs, while the tendril is fully \ an inch long. The capsules, so far as I have seen, are never borne on the stem ; they are somewhat variable in shape. All the specimens that I have hitherto examined are on the Zoster a. The creeping stem runs along the leaf, giving off erect shoots at short intervals, and between them the capsules are ranged ; they commonly spring from the side of the stolon and are therefore recumbent on the surface of the leaf. Hub. On Zostcra marina. Ramsay, Isle of Man ; Tor- bay (T. H.) : Jersey (abundant on Zoster a) (A. M. N.) : Youghal (Miss Ball) : North of Ireland (Prof. W. Thomson) . 8. C. NEGLECTA, Alder. LAOMEDEA NEGLECTA, Alder, Northumb. & Durli. C'at. iu Trans. Tynes. F. C. iii. 123, pi. v. figs. 1, 2 ; Hincks, Devon & Cormv. Cat., Ann. N. II. (3rd. ser.) viii. Plate XXX. fig. 2. ZOOPHYTE delicate and of very humble growth; STEM fili- form, subfleosuose, simply pinnate, annulated (4-7 rings) above the origin of each pedicel, and sometimes slightly ringed below ; HYDROTHEC^E alternate, narrow and deep, borne on ringed pedicels, with about 8 bimucronated denticles round the margin ; GONOTHEC^E pyriform, axil- lary or borne on the pedicels, with a short, ringed stalk, — ova matured in an external marsupium ; POLYPITE with 15-16 slender tentacles. IN its usual condition this is a very minute species, at- taining a height of about j~j of an inch, very sparingly branched or perfectly simple, each stem bearing a single 172 CAMPANULARIID.E. calycle. In Devonshire, however, I have found it of much larger size (about | of an inch high), more decidedly branched, and bearing the reproductive capsules in abun- dance. They are produced in the axils; and sometimes one is present a little above them on the pedicel that supports the hydrotheca. They contain one sporosac, which buds from the side of the upper part of the axial column, and ultimately becomes terminal. It bears two or three ova, and is at last carried up and pushed through the orifice of the capsule, becoming invested with a thick gelatinous covering, and forming a nest in which the eggs are hatched into planuloid embryos. The margin of the calycle in C. neglecta is of extreme tenuity, and it is a matter of no slight difficulty to define the subturreted crenulations. Hub. On the underside of stones, between tide-marks, and on other zoophytes &c., from inshore to the coralline region; common. 9. C. EXIGUA, Sars. CAMPANUI/ARIA, Gegenbaur, Generationswechscl bei Medus. u. Pol. 35 (note), pi. i. figs. 5, 6. LAOMEDEA EXIGUA, Sars, Midclellmvet's Litt. Faun. 50. Plate XXVIII. fig. 2. STEM very delicate, slightly flexuous, giving off at each bend simple pedicels, ringed at the base and upper extremity (the intermediate space being smooth), which support the calycles; HYDROTHECA very small, regu- larly funnel-shaped, xoith an even rim ; GONOTHEC.E axil- lary, elongate, smooth, somewhat fusiform. Height about \ inch. Tins very minute species was first described and figured by CAMPANULARIA DECIPIENS. 173 Gegenbaur, who also investigated its reproductive history, but did not name it. The calycles are almost trian- gular, with perfectly straight sides (" ohiie Ausbuchtung"). The pedicels are described by Gegenbaur as only annulated at the top and bottom, the central portion being plain ; but this is probably not a constant character. The stem is ringed at the base and above each branch. The capsules are elongate, tapering off towards the base, and narrowed for a short distance below the truncate extremity; they are filled with numerous sporosacs. Hub. On zoophytes, Swanage, Dorset (T. H.). [Messina (Gegenbaur and Sars): Belgium, where it attains a rather large size (Van Beneden).] 10. C. DECIPIENS, T. Strethill Wright. " Observat. on Brit. Zooph.," Journ. of Micr. Sci. (N.S.) iii. 49, pi. v. fig. y. ZOOPHYTE minute ; STEM filiform, flexuous, annulated with about 5 rings above the origin of the pedicels which support the hydrothecse; HYDROTHEOE widening rapidly towards the top, ivith even, double rims, borne on ringed pedicels ; POLYPITES with about 16 tentacles. " THIS pretty little Laomedea resembles much the L. ney- lecta of Alder, except that the margin of the cell is even and has the appearance of being double for about half its length from the rim, though, from the extreme delicacy of the cell, this character is only made out with difficulty." (Wright.} The reproduction is described as exactly similar to that oWjjercularella lacerata, except that the marsupium of C. decipiens contains only three ova, while that of 0. lacerata contains six or eight. A more minute diagnosis is much to be desired. So 174 CAMPANTJLARinXE. slight a description, unaccompanied by any figure but one of a single calycle, is not sufficient for the purpose of identification. Hub. Firth of Forth (T. S. W.). Species referred provisionally to this genus. C. (?) GIGANTEA, " On new British Hydroida,'' Ann. N. II. for October 1866 (3rd ser.) xviii. 297. Plate XXXV. fig. 1. STEMS delicate, of a very light horn-colour and papyraceous texture, annulated at the base and below the calycle, irregularly and sparingly branched; branches erect, copies of the primary shoot, sometimes themselves branched ; HYDROTHEC^E of enormous si~e, deeply cam- panulate, very wide at the top and for some way below it, and then tapering off gradually, length about double the greatest width, the rim cut into broad and blunt teeth ; GONOTHEC^E unknown. Height about an inch. THIS well-marked form may be at once recognized by the extraordinary size of its calycles, which arc very much larger than those of any other known species. They vary somewhat in breadth, but their dimensions are always gigantic for the tribe. The general habit of growth resembles that of Gono- thyrtea gracilis (Sars). The primary shoot sends off one or more branches, generally at a considerable height above the base, each of which is a pretty exact copy of itself. These branches are somewhat constricted at their origin, and closely ringed for some distance above it ; they ter- CAMPANULARIA FRAGILIS. 175 minate in a single calyclc. Occasionally the branching is carried further ; but in all the specimens which I have seen it is simple and scanty. Below the calycle there are several well-marked, somewhat compressed rings. The stems are singularly tender and transparent. I am indebted to Prof. Wyville Thomson for the speci- men from which this description is taken. Unfortunately he was unable to study the reproduction, so that the species can only be provisionally placed. Hob. Lamlash Bay, Arran, 011 shells (Prof. Wyville Thomson) . C.? FRAGILIS, Hincks. LAOMEDEA FRAGILIS, HincJcs, Ann. N. H. for January 18(53, xi. (3rd. ser) 40, pi. ix. fig. 3. ? CAMPANULARIA ELONGATA, Van Bcnedcn, Fauno Litt. cle Belgique, Polypes, 1G4 & 150, fig. 6. Plate XXXII. fig. 3. ZOOPHYTE very minute and delicate ; STEM flexuose, giving off alternately, at each flexure, ringed and tapering pe- dicels, which support the culycles, annulated above the origin of each pedicel; HYDROTHEC.E much elongated and very narrow, attenuated below, -with an even rim. Re- production unknown. Height about \ inch. THIS species is smaller and more delicate even than the C. neglecta (Alder), and it is as graceful in form as it is fairy-like in size. The stem is decidedly flexuous, and the calycles are remarkable for a combination of (com- paratively) great length and narrowness. When the poly- pite is extended, only the proboscis and the wreath of ten- tacles are beyond the orifice. I suspect that the C. elongata of Van Bcnedcn is iden- 176 CAMPANULARIID^E. tical with the present species. He has figured a single hydrotheca, which corresponds exactly with that of C. fra- gilis ; and his description,, in all important points, agrees with the one just given. He has noticed especially the very minute size*. Hob. In pools on the lower ledges of the Capstone, Ilfracombe, forming miniature groves oil the underside of stones (T. H.). [(C. elongata] Coast of Belgium (Van Beneden).] C. ? RARIDENTATA, Alder. Suppl. North, and Curb. Cat. in Trans. Tynes. F. C. v. 238, pi. x. fig. ."-. Plate XXVI. fig. 2. STEM short, simple, rising from a slight bulbous expansion of the stolon, ringed above and below, and bearing a single calycle ; HYDROTHEC^: rather long and narrow, tapering a little towards the base, and with 5 or 6 deep, pointed crenulations round the margin; GONOTHEC^: unknown. Height ^Q inch. A MINUTE species, with a slender calycle and a very small number of marginal denticles. Dr. Strethill Wright has succeeded in rearing a Cam- pannlarian from the planules of Thaumantias inconspicua (Forbes) which bears a close resemblance to the present species f. It is not improbable that C. raridentata may prove to belong to the same genus. Hob. On other zoophytes from deep water, Cullercoats, * " Cette espece est tellement petite qu'avec une bonne loupe ordinaire on la distingue a peine ; elle nous avait lungtemps ecbappe." — Polypes (1SGG), p. 164. t Journ. oi' Microscop. Science for October 1862, pp. 221 & 308. LOV^NELLA CLAUSA. 177 occasionally (J. A.) : on coralline &c. between tide-marks, Torquay ; on zoophytes, amongst the Brixham trawl-re- fuse, not uncommon ; Swanage Bay, Dorset, common in 5-7 fathoms (T. H.). Genus LOVENELLA, Hincks. Der. Named after the distinguished Swedish naturalist, Loven. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stems simple or slightly branch- ing, rooted by a thread-like stolon ; hydrotheca turbinate, elongate, crowned with a distinct, conical operculum, com- posed of many convergent segments ; polijpites with a large and prominent proboscis. Reproduction unknown. THIS genus is distinguished from its allies by its long (but not tubular) operculated calycles. Its polypite is of the same type as that of Campamdaria. L. CLAUSA, Loven. CAMPANULARIA CLAUSA, Loven, Bidrag till Kannedomen af Slagtena Campan. och Syncoryna, 3 (note). Plate XXXII. fig. 2. STEMS simple or very sparingly branched, with a few rings at the top and bottom, the intermediate portion crenated or wavy ; branches short, simple, erect, supporting a single calycle; HYDROTHEC^E hyaline, very long and slender, tapering off gradually below, the rim cut into shallow crenations, which correspond with the segments of a turret-shaped operculum, composed of about 8 pieces that converge and meet in a point ; POLYPITE with about 15 tentacles; GONOTHEC.E unknown. THIS beautiful species was characterized by Loven inci- dentally in a note to his famous paper on Campanularia and Syncoryna. It had not, I believe, attracted the notice of any subsequent author; and supposing it to be new to N 178 CAMPANULARIID2E. science, I described it at the meeting of the British Associ- ation in 1864 from Devonshire specimens, and gave it the very name which the Swedish naturalist had already be- stowed upon it. -. ) The species is at once known by its remark- ably long, slender, and graceful calycles, with their turret-like opercula. The habit is compa- ratively simple, the primary shoots occasionally bearing a single short branch. The hydrothecse are much produced and attenuated below, and the space between the diaphragm on which the polypite rests and the base is unusually great (Woodcut, fig. 19). Hab. On stones, dredged off the Oar Stone, at the entrance to Torbay, in about 10 fathoms (T. II.). [On Fuel from stony ground, off the coast of Sweden (Loven) .] Genus THAUMANTIAS, Eschscholtz* . TIIAUMANTIAS, Forbes (in part), Erit. Naked-eyed Medusae, 41 ; Gegenbaur, Versuch. einer Syst. d. Medus., Zeitsch. fur wissenschaft. Zool. viii. 237. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stem simple (or branched!}, rooted by a thread-like stolon; hydrotheca campanulate; polypites with a prominent funnel-shaped proboscis ; repro- duction by free medusiform zooids. Gonozooid : Umbrella hemispheric; manubrium flipped ; radiating canals 4; marginal tentacles numerous; spoi'osacs in the course of the radiating canals ; lithocysts wanting. THE Thaumantias of Eschscholtz was founded on the Medusa hemisphterica of Grouovius, a species which is * Syst. dcr Acaleph. p. 103. THAUMANTIAS IXCONSPICUA. 179 destitute of lithocysts. Forbes has adopted it, and made it include a number of forms, generically distinct, of which some are referable to Obelia and Clytia. Gegenbaur has properly retained the name for the section that agrees Avith the type species in not having lithocysts. Only the reproductive phase was known until Dr. Wright succeeded in rearing from the egg the polypites of T. in- conspicua, and thus determining the position of the genus. I see no reason for withdrawing Thaumantias from the family of the Campanulariidfe. T. INCONSPICUA, Forbes. Monograph of the Erit. Naked-eyed Medusae, 52, pi. viii. fig. 3; T. S. Wright, Journ. of Micr. Science (N. S.), ii. 221 & 308. Woodcut, fig. 20. STEM simple, ringed at the base and immediately below the calycle, or sometimes through- out; HYDROTHEC.E with from Fig. 20. seven to nine deuticulatioiis on the margin ; GONOTHEC.E un- known. GONOZOOID. — UMBRELLA smooth and colourless, measuring about |- inch across ; MANU- BRIUM narrow, quadrangular, and of a yellow colour, with lanceolate lips; MARGINAL TEN- TACLES increasing in number with age (16-40), springing from small pale-yellow bulbs, with a faint tawny spot ; SPOROSACS long and linear, and of a faint lilac or greenish hue, with a central fulvous line. DR. WRIGHT describes the trophosome as closely resembling that of Campanularia raridentata (Alder) . The annulation x 1 180 CAMPANTJLARIID.E. of the stem varied amongst the specimens which he suc- ceeded in rearing ; in some cases it extended throughout, in others it was confined to the top and bottom. In some of the young zoophytes the ringing at the base ' ' was pre- ceded by a slight dilatation ; " the denticulations on the margin of the calycle were usually seven in number. The mature trophosome has yet to be observed. Forbes gives the number of tentacles on the free zooid .at from 16 to 20; but he adds that between each pair there is a rudimentary marginal tubercle, which would no doubt be developed into a perfect tentacle. There may, perhaps, be a still further increase in number. Hub. Hebrides, common (Forbes) : Firth of Forth (T. S. W.). Genus GONOTHYILEA, Allman. Der. y6vos, offspring, and Svpalos, outside the door. LAOMEDEA, Lamouroux (in part). GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stem erect and branched, rooted by a thread-like stolon ; hydrothecte campanulate and hya- line ; pohjpiteft ivith a prominent contractile proboscis ; re- production by fixed medusiform sporosacs, which are fur- nished with a circle of filiform tentacles, and, when mature, become extracapsular, and are borne on the summit of the gonotheca. THERE is nothing to distinguish this genus from Cam. panularia or Obelia but the structure and history of the sexual zooids, which exhibit some very interesting pecu- liarities. They are medusiform, but never become free : the generative products are developed as in an ordinary sporosac; but before their liberation the gonophore is GONOTKYR^EA LOVENI. 181 carried upwards by the growth of the axial column, and at length is pushed beyond the orifice of the capsule, and remains attached externally until the contents are matured and discharged, when it withers away. The gonozooid in this genus combines to some extent the characters of the free and fixed forms; it links the one to the other, and shows the impossibility of separating them structurally by any hard line of demarcation. 1. G. LOVENI, Allman. " SEA-THREAD CORALLINE," Ellis, Corall. pi. xii. C, and xxxviii. B. CAMPANULARIA DICHOTOMA, Lister, Phil. Trans. 1834; Van Beneden, Faune Litt. de Belg. Polypes, 156, pi. xv. figs. 1-4. ,, GENICULATA, Lovhi, Wiegmann's Arcbiv, 1837; Schultzc, Muller's Archiv, 1851 ; Van Beneden, Mem. sur les Cam- pan. 34, pi. iii. figs. 1 & 6V LAOMEDEA DICHOTOMA, T. Strethitt Wright, Edinb. New Phil. Journ. (N. S.) for Jan. 1859. ., LOVENI, Allman, Ann. N. H. for August 1859. GONOTHYK.EA LOVENI, Allman, Ann. N. H. for May 1864. Plate XXV. fig. 2. STEM erect, flexuous, irregularly branched, annulated above the origin of the branches and polypiferous rarnuli; HY- DROTHECjE alternate, deeply campanulate, narrow, the margin with 10 small and blunt denticles, borne on short ramuli, which are ringed throughout; GONOTHEC^E broad and truncate at the top, tapering off to the base (obconic], supported on short annulated stalks, axillary, carrying on the summit, when mature, from 2 to 5 of the extra- capsular sporosacs. THE history of this species is interesting. Its peculiar mode of reproduction was noticed by Ellis, who has' given an excellent figure of it, but identifies it with his Sea- thread Coralline. Lister, in his well-known paper in the 'Philosophical Transactions' (1834), described the male 182 CAMPANULARIID^E. organs, but left the question of specific distinctness un- touched. In 1836, Loven. published an account of the female, accompanied by admirable figures, which is of the highest value ; but he wrongly referred it to the Campanu- laria geniculata. Schultze, in turn, investigated its his- tory, adopting LoveVs name for it. At a later period, Dr. Strethill Wright recognized its claims to specific rank, and gave a detailed account of its reproduction, but re- tained for it the name of Laomedea dichotoma, which be- longs to another well-marked form. Alder suggested its separation from Laomedea flexuosa, with which Allman had at first identified it ; and the latter subsequently raised it to specific and then to generic rank, and completed the interpretation of its history. Few species have been pri- vileged to receive the special attention of so many distin- guished naturalists. G. Lovetii ordinarily grows in tree-like tufts, much and irregularly branched, and attains a height of about half an inch. Prof. Allman, however, mentions a large variety which is three or four inches high, and forms " long, lax tufts." In the absence of the capsule, the best distinctive mark is to be found in the shape of the calycle, which is rather deep and slender, contrasting strongly in this respect with that of Campanularia flexuosa, perhaps its nearest ally, and has in addition a denticulated rim. The teeth are small and blunt, and very readily escape observation. The tentacles on the female sporosacs are well-developed and vary in number; on the male they are smaller and less numerous. Hab. On the fronds of the larger seaweeds at low- water mark, and occasionally on stones, in tide-pools. Brighton (Lister) : Dartmouth and Torquay, on Fucus ; near Dunolly Castle, Oban, in profusion on weed and GONOTHYll^EA GRACILIS. 183 stones (T. H.) : on stones between tide-marks, at Culler- coats (J. A.) : Cramoncl Island, Firth of Forth, on Fucus vesiculosus (G. J. A.) : Shetland (A. M. N.): Carrickfergus, on weed and wood close to low-water mark ; Moukstown, near Cork, on the pier (Wy ville Thomson) . [Coast of Belgium (Van Beneden) : Sweden (Loven).] 2. G. GRACILIS, Sars. LAOMEDEA GRACILIS, Sars, Beretning om en Zoolog.-Eeise i Lofoteii og Fiu- marken, 18; Middelhavet's Littoral-Faun. 51, pi. ii. figs. 1-4. GONOTIIYK.EA GRACius, Allman, Ann. N. H. for May 18(34. Plate XXXVI. fig. 1. STEM very slender, straight, giving off branches sparingly and at irregular intervals, ringed at the top and bottom and above the origin of the branches, which resemble the primary stock, and are frequently in their turn branched; HYDROTHEC.E much elongated, campanulate, slender, the margin with about 12 long, pointed denticles ; GONOTHEC/E subcylindricttl, smooth, the upper extremity truncate, tapering off below, attached by a ringed peduncle (5 or 6 rings) , and borne on the stems and creeping stolon. THE branching of this species is peculiar. In the speci- mens that I have examined, the primary stem bears a single shoot, which has the appearance of growing upon it rather than out of it, and this in its turn bears another precisely similar to itself. The branching is carried much further in well-grown examples, as may be seen in Sars's figure. Sometimes the branches are separated by consider- able intervals; sometimes two spring from opposite points on the stem. There are two rings immediately below the calycle, and at the base of both main stem and branches ; and above the origin of the latter there is an animlatcd space. 184 CAMPANULARIID^E. The calycles are of a most elegant form, deep and nar- row, tapering off gradually towards the base, but having the sides parallel for the upper two-thirds of their length. The capsules are borne on the creeping fibre as well as on the stem, and not exclusively on the latter as stated by Sars ; they are longer than the calycles, but slenderer, somewhat narrowed towards the truncate top, of a pro- duced oval shape below, tapering off towards the base. Sars has described the female gonozooids. The sporo- sacs, when attached to the top of the capsule, are furnished with a circle of short tentacles, and contain two ova. Hab. On the tests of Ascidians, sponge, and zoophyte ; dredged in Birterbuy Bay, Conuemara (G. S. Brady). [Bergen, attached to Laminaria saccharina, not rare (Sars). The same naturalist describes a form found at Messina, which he regards as a variety of the above. It differs from it in having somewhat shorter and broader calycles, with smaller denticles on the margin.] Referred provisionally to this genus. G. ? HYALINA, Hincks. '• On now British Hydroida," Ann. N. H. xviii. (3rd ser.) 297. Plate XXXV. fig. 2. SHOOTS densely clustered on the creeping stolon, tall and much branched; MAIN STEMS very slightly flexuous, of a deep horn-colour below, becoming white and very delicate towards the upper extremity, giving off branches at each bend, strongly annulated at the base and above each division ; branches erect, flexuous, very tender and hya- line, sometimes of great length and much ramified — a single calycle or a branch springing from each axil; HYDRO- THEC.E alternate, much elongated, slender, of very thin GONOTHYR^EA HYALINA. 185 texture, with nearly parallel sides for two-thirds of their length, and then tapering off to the base, borne on ringed pedicels, the rim cut into numerous shallow denticles of castellated form, slightly indented at the top ; GONO- THEC.E axillary, irregularly ovate, flattened at the top, and supported on a ringed stalk. Height about 2 inches. I PLACE this fine species provisionally in the genus Gono- thyraea. The reproduction has not been traced ; but, from the structure of the capsule, I have little doubt that this will prove to be its right position. It is difficult to give a concise, and at the same time accurate, description of the form of the gonotheca; it is long, truncate above and tapering below, straight on one side and curved outwards on the other. The ramification is irregular and luxuriant ; branches are given off at each of the slight flexures of the stem, but they vary much in length and complexity ; their growth is erect, so that the shoots are comparatively narrow and slender. A very striking feature of the species is the remarkably tender and hyaline character of the branches and of the extremities of the main shoots, which are of a most delicate whiteness. There is very great variation in the length of the pedi- cels supporting the hydrothecffi, the number of rings ranging from 4 or 6 to nearly 20. The calycles are large and very graceful in their proportions. Hab. Profusely investing Tubularia, Halecium halecinum, &c. from Shetland, and, I believe, from deep water. I am indebted for my specimens to Mr. Jeffreys, who has so energetically and thoroughly explored the Shetland seas with the dredge, and who has not forgotten his brother naturalists while attending to his own special department of the science. 186 CAMPANUHNIDJ-:. Family II. — Campaimlhiidse. HYDROTHEC.E ovato-conic, pedicellate ; POLYPITES cylindri- cal, ivith a small conical proboscis. IN this family the campanulate calycle disappears, and the polypite is of the long, slender, cylindrical type, taking its origin at the very base of the hydrotheca and termi- nating above in a short, conical proboscis, instead of the large trumpet-shaped organ which belongs to the true Campanulariidce. Genus CAMPANULINA, Van Beneden. Der. From Campanula, a bell. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stem simple or branched, rooted by a thread-Hike stolon ; hydrothecce produced and pointed above ; polypites cylindrical, with ivebbed tentacles ; repro- duction by free medusiform zooids, a single one of which is contained in each capsule. Gonozooid: Umbrella (at the time of liberation] deep bell-shaped; manubrium short and ^-lipped; radiating canals 4 ; marginal tentacles 2 or 4, with bulbous bases ; lithocysts 8, borne on the margin of the umbrella, one on each side of the primary tentacles. THE medusiform zooid in its earliest stage bears a gene- ral resemblance to that of Clytia, and subsequently passes through much the same course of development. The tentacles and lithocysts increase in number ; and the um- brella, which is at first deep bell-shaped, becomes more and more depressed, and finally assumes the shape of a flattened segment of a sphere. These changes have been observed by A. Agassiz in the Oceania languida, which is no doubt the reproductive zooid of a member of the present genus. The tentacles in this species increase from two to about forty. CAMPANULINA ACUMINATA. 187 1. C. ACUMINATA, Alder. CAMPANTJLINA TEXUIS, Van Bencden, Un mot sin- le mode cle Reproduct. dcs An. infer., Bullet, de 1'Acad. Roy. de Belgique, xiv. no. 5, fig. 6; Faune Litt. de Belg. Polypes, 174, pi. xiii. LAOMEDEA ACUJIIXATA, Alder, North. & Durh. Cat. in Trans. Tynes. F. C. iii. 124, pi. v. figs. 5-8 ; T. Sfrefhill Wright, Edin. N. Phil. Journ. for Jan. 1858, 108, pis. i. and ii. WIUGHTIA ACUMINATA, Affassi^, N. II. U. S. iv. 354. Plate XXXVII. STEM slender, more or less branched, annulated, the annu- lations strongest at the base and becoming fainter or disappearing towards the calycle ; branches given off a little below the calycles, and copies of the primary shoot ; HYDROTHECJE thin, membranous, finely striated longitu- dinally, elongate pod-shaped, squared below and tapering to a fine point above; GONOTHEC.E very large, cylin- drical, smooth, supported on long peduncles, developed on the steins, generally near the base, or on the stolon ; POLYPITES very extensile, with about 20 muricated ten- tacles, united for about ^ of their length by a mem- branous web. GONOZOOIDS pale-emerald green*; UMBRELLA subhemi- sphericai, becoming mitrate during contraction, covered with large thread-cells, more especially about the middle and upper parts ; MANUBRIUM quadrangular ; TENTA- CULAR BULBS ringed with deep-blue, destitute of ocelli. VAN BENEDEN was the first to examine and figure this interesting form, so long ago as 1847. He named it Cam- panulina tenuis, constituting a new genus for its reception, and taking the web which unites the basal portion of the tentacles as the principal distinctive character. He gives, however, no detailed description, and his figure does not enable us to recognize the species which he had in view. Mr. Alder has determined its identity with his OAvn Lao- medea acuminata from an examination of specimens trans- * "Aussi belles de couleur quelcs plus belles emeraudi's." -— Vu» 188 CAMPANTJLINID^. mitted by Van Beneden. While the Belgian naturalist's genus is retained, there can be no doubt that Alder's spe- cific name is entitled to precedence, as he has given us the first full diagnosis and an admirable figure. Dr. Strethill Wright's valuable observations on the reproductive zooid complete the history of this species. Mr. Alder remarks that the polypite, ' ' when extended, stretches far beyond the cell, the latter adhering closely to it and becoming cylindrical;^ it frequently changes form. The tentacles are alternately elevated and de- pressed, so as to form two circles. The beautiful web which unites their bases is "studded with thread -cells of very large size, ranged along each side of the tentacles 'J (Wright). (Woodcut, fig. 21.) The stem is sometimes Fig. 21. simple, bearing a single polypite only; but in other cases it is repeatedly branched, and "is transformed into a more or less bushy shrub, covered with polypites, and rarely bearing a large Medusa-bud, which is generally developed from the first stem" (Wright}. The hydro- theca is extremely membranaceous and yielding, becoming CAMPANULINA REPENS. 189 still more delicate towards the top, where it collapses and is folded together and creased so as to form a conical apex, which serves the purpose of an opei'culum. Mr. Alder describes the margin as slightly crenulated. I believe, however, that there is no true crenulation, but that the appearance is due to the points formed by the folds of the membrane. The capsules make their appearance, according to Van Beueden, in the month of June. I have only seen C. acu- minata alive in an aquarium, where it covered profusely a deserted univalve shell ; and I have seldom witnessed a more remarkable display of Hydroid beauty. Hob. On an old shell of Fusus antiquus from deep water, Cullercoats (J. A.): on an old oyster-shell from the Firth of Forth (T. S. W.). [Coast of Belgium, on shells, stones, and wreed (Van Beneden) .] 2. C. REPENS, Airman. " Notes on the Hydroida," Ann. N. H. for July 1864. Plate XXXVIII. fig. 1. STEM simple or branched, distinctly annulated, branches alternate; HYDROTHEC.E conical, closed by a membra- nous operculum, formed of deep and acute convergent segments ; GONOTHEC^E large, obconic, slightly gibbous at one side near the base, with a short ringed stalk, borne on the creeping stolon and occasionally on the stem; POLYPITES very extensile, with about 16 tentacles alternately elevated and depressed, and united at the base by a very shalloio web. GONOZOOID (at the time of liberation) with four very ex- tensile tentacles, which are nodulated by clusters of thread-cells. THIS species differs from the last in the following parti- 190 CAMPANULINID^E. culars : — Its calycle is " crowned by long converging seg- ments, which on the retreat of the polypite form a true operculum," while in C. acuminata it is merely " continued by a delicate, collapsile, and undivided membrane ; " the web that unites the bases of the tentacles is much more slightly developed ; and the gonozooid has four tentacles, instead of two, at the time of its escape from the capsule. Hob. Investing the surface of Sertularian Hydroids from about 5 fathoms in the Firth of Forth (G. J. A.). 3. C. TURRITA. Plate XXXVI. fig. 2. STEM distinctly ringed throughout, somewhat zigzagged, bearing short, annulated ramules in groups of two or three at every bend, each of them supporting a polypite ; HYDROTHEC^E tall and slender, widening gradually up- wards from the base, with an operculum composed of short, convergent segments ; GONOTHEC JE broad and sub- truncate above, bulging slightly at one side, tapering downwards, shortly stalked, and borne on the stem. GONOZOOID closely resembling that of C. acuminata. I AM only able to give an imperfect account of this very pretty species, as I have not had the opportunity of ex- amining specimens. It differs notably from C. repens in the shape of the calycles. The segments composing the operculum are very much shorter in proportion to the length of the hydrotheca than in the latter species. In C. repens they are deep and form a tall, acuminate covering, which is about a third as long as the calycle ; in C. turrit a the striking feature is the disproportion between the latter and the shallow operculum. The general habit and the grouping of the ramules also differ in the two forms. ZYGODACTYLA. 191 The gonozooid of C. turrita, as I learn from Professor Wyville Thomson, who has kindly supplied me with the drawing on which this description is founded, resembles that of C. acuminata so closely that it is difficult to distin- guish the one from the other. It is slightly broader in its proportions and perfectly colourless. The umbrella is dotted over with large thread-cells. Hab. Very abundant on Zostera (along with Campanu- laria angulata], Holy wood, Belfast Lough (Prof. W. Thomson) . Genus ZYGODACTYLA, Brandt. JEQroEEA, Peron and Lesueur (in part). RHACOSTOMA, Agassiz. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stem simple or branching, rooted by a filiform stolon ; hydrothecce with an operculum formed of many convergent and acuminate segments; polypites cylindrical, with the tentacles ivebbed below. Reproduction by free medusiform zooids. Gonozooid : Umbrella (in the adult] more or less hemi- spherical ; manubrium short, ivith many fimbriated lips ; radiating canals very numerous; marginal tentacles very numerous, with bulbous bases ; lithocysts borne on the margin of the umbrella. THE medusiform sexual zooids of several Zygodactyla; are known, but in one case only has the polypite been ob- served. The gonozooids are remarkable for their size; those of Z. Grcenlandica (A. Agass) sometimes measure as much as fifteen inches in diameter ; those of Z. crassa, of the same author, are nearly as large. The number of radiating canals in the adult is very great (about 100) ; they are progressively developed; and in very young specimens, according to the observations of A. 192 CAMPANULINLD^E. Agassiz, only four are present. They are developed from the digestive cavity, and gradually extend downwards, opening at last into the circular vessel. Sometimes two or three rudimentary tubes of various lengths are met with between each of the perfect canals. The fimbriated mouth of the manubrium is a striking feature; indeed the whole structure is complex, and there is an extra- ordinary multiplication of parts. It is curious that the only one of these comparatively gigantic organisms that has been traced to its stock should prove to be the repro- ductive phase of one of the smallest of the Hydroida. Though there is so much superficial difference between the adult gonosomes of Campanulina and Zygodactyla, there can be little doubt that these genera should be ranked in the same family. The trophosomes are identical ; and in their earliest condition there seems to be no essen- tial difference between the gonozooids. Those of Zygo- dactyla have probably only four radiating canals at the time of liberation, the number increasing, like that of the tentacles, as they advance to maturity. In Campanulina the arms multiply, but the canals seem never to exceed four. Z. VITRINA, Gosse. ^EQUOREA VITRINA, Gosse, Devonsh. Coast, 340, pl.xxiii. ; T. S. Wright, Journ. of Micr. Science, iii. (N. S.) 45, pi. iv. figs. 1-6. ZYGODACTYLA VITRINA, Agassis, N. H. U. S. iv. 361. Plate XXXVIII. fig. 2. STEM simple (or branched?); HYDROTHEC/E squared below, and above terminating in many convergent segments; POLYPITES with 12 alternating tentacles, united for about a third of their length by a web ; GONOTHEC.E unknown. GONOZOOID. — UMBRELLA hemispheric or subconic, perfectly colourless ; MANUBRIUM wide, traversed by opake white lines, and with very numerous, narrow, pointed, furbe- OPERCULARELLA. 193 lowed and reflexed lips,, reaching almost to the margin of the umbrella ; RADIATING CANALS 80-90 ; MARGINAL TENTACLES white, attenuated, with small bulbs at the base, extremely numerous (as many as 400 iiithe adult); LITHOCYSTS with from two to five refractile spherules. THE polypites have only been observed in their earliest stages of growth, and we are ignorant what the perfect form may be. Dr. Wright, having procured specimens of the sexual zooid (the JEquorea vitrina, Gosse), succeeded in hatching the ova, and tracing the development of the planules into extremely minute polypites, which he could not distinguish from the hydroid phase of Campanulina acuminata. They were quite invisible, however, to the naked eye, and in too immature a state to allow of satis- factory examination. The goiiozooid attains a very large size, being sometimes as much as about six inches and a half in diameter. Mr. Gosse's specimens were much smaller, and only partially developed. The oral lobes and the marginal tentacles, with their attendant lithocysts, in the examples which came under his notice, were much less numerous than in the adult. The latter numbered more than 200, and the former about 20 ; while in the older individuals examined by Wright there were no less than 400 tentacles and 40 lobes. The umbrella is perfectly translucent, and the radiating canals are described as resembling "bands of frosted or ground glass upon a body of clear glass." Hub. Ilfracombe (Gosse) : Scotland (T. S. W.). Genus OPERCULARELLA, Hincks. Der. A diminutive form of Opercularia, from Operculum, a lid. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stem simple or branching, rooted by a thread-like stolon ; hydrothecce ovato- conic, with a cleft border, the segments of which conrcrt/e to form , each terminating in a bulb without ocellus, bearing a cluster of two or three tentacles ; a single marginal ten- tacle with a bulbous base in each interradial space ; litho- cysts wanting. THE gonozooid of this remarkable genus is identical with the Lizzia of Forbes ; the trophosome is that of the Campanulinida. Now the genus Lizzia is one that pro- duces the generative elements in the walls of the manu- brium, a situation in which they never occur amongst the Thecaphora, except in this single instance. If Allman is right in referring to his Leptoscyphus the medusiform zooids which he found free in the phial containing it, the present genus stands alone in the suborder. Claparede has found a Lizzia in the development of LEPTOSCYPHUS TENUIS. 197 which the fixed-poly pite element is wanting, and the ova give origin directly to the medusa or natatory polypite ; and Allman proposes to retain Forbes' s name for this type. The tentacles of the free zooid of Leptoscyphus probably increase in number with age, until each of the eight mar- ginal bulbs bears a cluster of them (Woodcut, fig. 22) *. Fig. 22. Uzzia grata (A.. Agass.) In the Lizzies observed by Sars and Forbes, gemmation took place from the walls of the manubrium. Leptoscyphus is placed in a distinct family on account of the remarkable peculiarities of its gonosome. L. TENUIS, Allman. LAOMEDEA TENUIS, Allman, Ann. N. H. for Nov. 1859. LEPTOSCYPHUS TENUIS, Allman, On the construction and limitation of Genera among the Hydroida, Ann. N. H. for May 1864. Plate XXXIV. fig. 2. ZOOPHYTE minute ; STEM geniculate, distinctly annulated ; HYDROTHEC^: with a deeply cleft margin, borne on ringed * The woodcut represents an adult Lizzia : the interradial clusters are smaller than those at the extremity of the radiating canals. 198 LAFOEID^. pedicels having the same diameter as the stem, and spring- ing alternately from the bends ; GONOTHEC^: large, cylin- drical, with the lower end conical, and the upper broad and truncated, containing a single zooid. POLYPITES very extensile, with 16 or 18 tentacula. GONOZOOID. See the description under the generic cha- racter. THE tentacles of the gonozooid have the thread-cells uni- formly distributed over the surface, showing no tendency to an arrangement in distinct groups. Hub. On the fronds of Laminaria digitata, from about 3 fathoms water, off the town of Stromness (G. J. A.). Family IV. — Lafoeidae. HYDROTHEOE tubular ; POLYPITES cylindrical, with a coni- cal proboscis. Genus LAFOEA, Lamouroux. Der. Named after M. de Lafoye, a botanist and Professor of Matheinaties in the College of Aler^on. CALICELLA, Hincks (in part). GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stem a simple, creeping, tubular fibre, or erect and composed of many tubes aggregated to- gether, rooted by a filiform stolon; hydrothecae tubular, sessile or with a short pedicel, without an operculum, more or less regularly disposed on the stem and branches ; poly- plies cylindrical, with a conical proboscis. Reproduction unknown. THE section of Johnston's Campanularia including the smaller species with tubular and somewhat densely cor- LAFOEA. 199 neous calycles, which are slightly, if at all, pedunculate, differs widely from the forms with which he associated it. To Lamouroux belongs the credit of having first recognized as distinct the type of structure which it exhibits. His Lafoea was founded (in 1812) 011 an American species (L. cornuta} which closely resembles the well-known L. dumosa, and may be identical with it. The genus, how- ever, was lost sight of until, in 1862, it was restored by Sars. In the meantime I had constituted the genus Calicella for the Campanula/rice with tubular calycles, in- cluding under it both the operculated and inoperculated forms. This name, of course, must give way to Lafoea, so far as one section of the group is concerned ; but as I have decided to form the species with an operculum into a sepa- rate genus, I retain it for them. It is a remarkable fact that as yet no observations have been made that throw any light on the reproductive history of the present genus. This is the more extraordinary as the species are profusely developed, and L. dumosa is one of the commonest and most widely distributed of the Hydroida. Amongst some thousands of specimens, examined from time to time, I have never met with any trace of repro- ductive bodies. Sars records a similar experience*. Agassiz, indeed, has referred a medusiform zooid observed by his son to the Lafoea cornuta of Lamouroux ; but we learn from A. Agassiz, in his ' Catalogue of North Ameri- can Acalephse/ that this is a mistaken identification. Of course, the present definition of the genus Lafoea can only be regarded as provisional. It is quite possible that more than one type may exist amongst the species that are ranged under it. * " Beuiaerkninger over firenorske Hydroida," Videnskab. Porhandlinger, 1862. 200 LAFOEID.E. 1. L. DUMOSA, Fleming. SERTULARIA VOLUBILIS/?, Pallas, Elench. 123. „ DUMOSA, Fleming, Edinb. Phil. Journ. ii. 83. TUBULARIA TUBIFERA, Johnst. Edinb. Phil. Journ. xiii. 222, pi. iii. figs. 2, 3. ? LAFOEA CORNUTA, Lamx. Expos. Meth. 5, pi. Ixv. figs. 12, 14. CAMPANULARIA DUMOSA, F/em. Brit. An. 548; Johnst. B. Z. 113, pi. xxvii. figs. 2, 5. CORNULARIA DUMOSA, Couch, Zooph. Cornw. 39. ,, RUGOSA, Gray, Ann. N. H. i. 238. CAPSULARIA DUMOSA, Gray, Cat. B. M. Radiata, 88. CALICELLA DUMOSA, Hincks, Cat. Dev. & Cornw. Zooph. 23 ; Ann. N. H. (3rd ser.) viii. 293. LAFOEA DUMOSA, Sars, Videnskab. Forhandl. 1862; Allman, Ann. N. H. for May 1864. Plate XLI. fig. 1. STEM simple and creeping, or erect and irregularly branched, both stem and branches being composed of several parallel tubes; HYDROTHEC.E long, stout, nar- rowed towards the base, sessile, with a plain aperture, springing from all sides of the stem and branches; GO- NOTHEC^E unknown; POLYPITES of a sulphur-yellow colour. Var. a. robust a (Sars). More robust, thickly branched, with more numerous calycles, which are densely crowded together. Var. /3. With smaller calycles and a simple stem, which is attached at intervals only to other zoophytes, hanging from them in a festooned fashion. (Alder.} Height of erect form from 2 to 4 inches. L. DUMOSA is subject to many variations in habit, in the size of the calycles, in the thickness of the compound stem, the amount of branching, &c. In its humbler or dwarf condition it is met with in immense profusion, covering the stems of other zoophytes, running over the surface of sea- weeds, or investing shells and stones with its delicate net- work and tinv tubes. LAFOEA DTJMOSA. 201 Fig. 23. The erect form rises into bushy tufts. The calycles are of stout, firm material, and retain their shape when dried ; they are sometimes distant, sometimes crowded together on the upright stem and branches. The variety robusta (Woodcut, fig. 23) was at one time regarded by Sars as a species ; but he subsequently changed his opinion, on finding a form intermediate between it and the normal dumosa. The stems are composed of more numerous tubes than in the common form, and the calycles are somewhat shorter and thicker. I have obtained this very striking variety, which was dredged by Sars near the North Cape in 30-50 fathoms, from the Coast of Cornwall. It has a very distinctive habit of growth. The whole of the ccenosarc in L. dumosa, as well as the polypite, is of a delicate sulphur-colour. Hab. On various marine bodies from the littoral region to very deep water : very common and generally distri- buted. Dredged by Capt. Beechey, off the Mull of Gallo- way, in 145 fathoms, and the only hydroid found at this depth. [Coasts of Norway (Christiania, Bergen, &c.)(Sars): (var. robusta) North Cape, 30-50 fath. (Sars): Labrador, Cateau Harbour, Long Island, not common (A. S. Packard, jun.) : Nova Scotia (teste A. Agassiz) : Massachusetts Bay (A. Agassiz) .] 202 LAFOEID^E. 2. L. FRUTICOSA, Sars. CAMPANULAUIA FRUTICOSA, Sars, Eeise i Lofoten og Finmarken, 18 ; Nyt Ma- gaz. f. Naturvid. 1850, 6 B. 138. „ GKACILLIMA, Alder, North, and Durh. Cat. in Trans. Tynes. F. C. iii. 129, pi. vi. figs. 5, <>. CALICELLA FRUTICOSA, Hincks, Devon and Cornw. Cat., Ann. N. H. (ser. 3) viii. 293. LAFOE.V FRUTICOSA, Sars, Benuerkn. over fire norske Hydroid., Videnskab. Forhandl. 1862. Plate XLI. fig. 2. STEM erect,, compound, irregularly and often subunila- terally branched; HYDROTHEC.E very slender, long, with an entire aperture, of a thin and fragile material, borne on short pedicels, ivith 3 or 4 rings, or loosely twisted and with two whorls; GONOTHECJE unknown. Height (when finely grown) about 3 inches. As compared with L. dumosa this species is eminently delicate and fragile. It grows in shrubby tufts, and, when living, is of a light yellow or citron-colour. The calycles are distinctly stalked ; they are much narrowed below, and a little above the base curve outwards on one side, and are slightly concave at the opposite point : this gives them a somewhat crooked appearance. The calycles of L. dumosa are much straighter and stouter ; they are also of denser texture and sessile. The present species is made of much more delicate material than its sturdy ally, and, when dried, sorely disappoints the collector, the calycles shrivelling up and the specimen losing its beauty. I have identified the L. fruticosa (Sars) and the L. gra- cillima (Alder), though not without some doubt. They differ chiefly in the character of the pedicel, which in the former is distinctly ringed, and from one-third to half the length of the calycle, while in the latter it is loosely twisted, " making about two turns " and not more than one-fourth the length of the calycle. The hydrothecre also are LAFOEA PARVULA. 203 commonly longer and thinner in the British than in the northern form. Sars describes the polypite of his fmti- cosa as " white or ash-coloured; " but that of gracillima, as observed on beautiful specimens procured at Oban, where the species occurs in great luxuriance, is citron-coloured. If these differences should prove to be constant, it may be necessary to separate the northern from the British form, and to retain the two names. Authority is pretty well balanced on the point. Sars is inclined to regard them as distinct ; Alder considered them identical. Hub. On shells, zoophytes, &c. Northumberland and Durham (from deep water) occasionally (J. A.): Oban Bay (in 15-20 fathoms), very fine and abundant (T. H.): Shet- land (A. M. N.): South Devon (J. A.). [Common near Bergen in 30-50 fath., especially where there is a strong current ; Tromso, rarer ; North Cape, extremely abundant (40-50 fathoms) in a strong current, on rocky ground (Sars): coast of Iceland, in 100 fathoms (the northern form) (T. H.).] I have examined the Lafoea from Bass's Straits in Mr. Busk's collection, referred to by Alder (North. & Durh. Cat.), and have little doubt that it is identical with the pre- sent species. 3. L. PARVULA, Hincks. " Further notes on British Zoophytes," Ann. N. H. for March 1853, (ser. 2) xi. 178, pi. v. A. Plate XL. fig. 1. STEM creeping; HYDROTHEC.E very minute, cylindrical, broad (width considerably more than half the lengtli], rounded off below, with an entire aperture, borne on short, ringed stalks (4 rings]; GONOTHEC^E unknown. THE creeping stem is of great delicacy, and forms a rude 204 LAFOEID.E. Fig. 24. kind of network. The calycles are exceedingly minute, and of equal width throughout, till within a short distance of the base, when they are abruptly rounded off; they are of a somewhat dense corneous texture, and preserve their shape well when dried (Woodcut, fig. 24). Had. On Nitophyllum from the north of Ireland (Professor Hincks, University College, Toronto). 4. L. POCILLUM. Plate XL. fig. 2. STEM creeping; HYDROTHEC^E minute, tumid beloiv, with the sides curved inwards above, and expanding again slightly towards the top, aperture entire, borne on rather long, ringed pedicels ; GONOTHECLE unknown. THE very graceful outline of the calycle distinguishes this species from all the other British members of its genus, amongst which the prevalent form is cylindrical or simply tubular. It resembles a very elegant little goblet mounted on a twisted stem. In the hydrotheca of L. pocillum the lower half is the widest portion ; above it the sides are incurved, but they expand again towards the aperture. The length of the pedicel varies ; it usually consists of 6 or 7 rings, but is occasionally longer. Hab. Oban Bay, creeping over a seaweed (T. H.). [Hamilton Inlet, Labrador (15 fathoms), on weed (teste T. H.).] CALYCELLA. 205 5. L. FYGMjEA, Alder, MS. Plate XL. fig. 3. STEM creeping; HYDROTHEC.E very minute, cylindrical, elongate and narrow, of a yellowish horn-colour, borne on very short, ringed pedicels (2 or 3 rings}; GONOTHEC^E unknown. THIS form was discovered by the late Mr. Alder, and named by him in manuscript, but never published. It is extremely minute ; the calycle is a narrow cylinder rounded off below and borne on a very short pedicel. In some of Mr. Alder's figures there are traces of a slight and shallow operculum ; but I have not been able to distinguish one in the speci- mens which I have examined, and must leave it to other observers to decide the point. If it be an operculated species, it must be transferred to the following genus. Hab. Tynemouth (J. A.): Gouliot Caves, Sark, in pro- fusion (A. M. N.). Genus CALYCELLA, Hincks (in part). Der. A diminutive formed from K«\JI£, a cup. CAMPANULARIA, Lamark (in part). GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stem a creeping tubular fibre, or erect, compound, and branched, rooted by a filiform stolon ; hydrothec. 212 LAFOEID^E. definite plan, and form regular, longitudinal rows. In Lafoea they are free throughout their entire length, and patent ; in Salacia they are in great part adnate. Sars has pointed out that in the present genus the hy- drothecae are not separated from the stem by any constric- tion, and that the polypites when contracted can withdraw themselves wholly from them into the tube of the stem. S. ABIETINA, Sars. CAMPANULARIA ABIETINA, Sars, Eeise i Lofoten og Finm., Nyt Magaz. f. Naturvid. 1850, 139. GRAMMARIA ROBUSTA (young), Stimpson, Marine Invert, of Grand Manan, 9, tab. i. fig. 3. ,, RAMOSA, Alder, Cat. of North, and Durh. Zooph. in Trans. Tynes. F. C. iii. 130, pi. iv. figs. 1-4 ; v. 239, 240. „ ABIETINA, Sars, Bemrcrkn. over fire .Norske Hydroider, Viden- skabs. Forhandl. 1862. Plate XLI. fig. 3. STEM stout, horn-coloured, irregularly branched, the bran- ches constricted at the base; HYDROTHEC/E disposed in four (or five) longitudinal rows, those of the adjacent rows alternating, those of the opposite on a line with each other, free above, and bending outwards to a dis- tance nearly equalling the width of the stem, with an even margin; GONOTHEC^E unknown; POLYPITES of a sulphur-colour, with 18-20 tentacles. Height, in fine specimens, nearly 4 inches. THIS species has been fully investigated by Sars, who has obtained it abundantly on the Norwegian coasts, and has had ample opportunity of studying it in a living state. He has given a detailed account of the polypites, which are of the same type as those of Lafoea dumosa. " They are cylindrical, very slender and tall, so that when ex- tended they only occupy a third of the diameter of the SALACIA ABIETINA. 213 calycle, and project fully a calycle's length beyond the opening. The body is slightly thicker at the upper ex- tremity, where the mouth is placed on the top of a conical proboscis, which rises from the centre of the tentacular wreath." The tentacles are held alternately erect and standing out straight from the body. The colour of the polypites is light sulphur or greenish yellow. " They are very shy, seldom protrude themselves, and only when they are in perfectly fresh sea-water. At the slightest touch or shaking of the vessel in which they are kept, they draw themselves back with extreme rapidity and with a jerk, like the Polyzoa, not only into their calycles, but, as the latter are not furnished with a transverse partition, even out of them, and within the tube of the compound stems and branches, so that the calycle is left quite empty." " The whole polypary is strong, rigid, of a light brownish- yellow colour ; the calycles are transparent, with a slight yellowish tinge"*. Sars has never found any trace of the reproductive bodies. The Grammaria robusta (Stimpson) is founded on young and unbranched specimens of the present species. Hab. From the deep-water fishing-boats, Northumber- land, rather rare; Coquet and Berwick Bay (J. A.) : Shet- land, not rare in deep water (A. M. N.) . [Near Bergen, in 30-40 fathoms, on stony ground, not rare ; North Cape, of larger size and more luxuriantly branched (Sars) : Grand Manan, Bay of l\moly, Lami- narian zone (Stimpsou). Salacia abietina is confined to the north, and, accord- ing to Sars, is a truly Arctic form. The north appears to be the headquarters of the Lafoeidce generally.] * Beimvrkuinger over IhvXorsko H\ ih-oitkT, p. l.'J. 214 LAFOEIDJE. Genus FILELLUM, Hincks. Der. Dimin. offilum, a tliread. KETICTLARIA, Wyvillo Thomson. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stem creeping, filiform, reticulate, immersed in a chitinous crust ; hydrothecce tubular, decum- bent, adherent, without operculum, irregularly disposed along the stem, to which they are attached at the base or by a short stalk ; gonotheca unknown. THIS genus was constituted by Prof. Wyville Thomson under the name of Reticularia, which unfortunately had been previously assigned to a group of Fungi, and there- fore cannot be retained. I have not been able to satisfy myself as to the presence of a crust involving the creeping stem, and have included this character in the definition of the genus on the authority of Prof. Thomson. F. SERPENS, Hassall. CAMPANULARIA SERFENS, Hassall, Zoologist, No. 69, 2223; Transact. Micr. Soc. iii. (1852) 163, pi. xxi. fig. 4. CAPSULARIA SERPENS, Gray, Brit. Mus. Badiata, 151. EETICULAUIA IMMEKSA, Wyville Thomson, Ann. N. H. (2nd ser.) xi. 443, pi. xvi. figs. 2, 3. „ SERPENS, Hincks, Ann. N. H. (2nd ser.) xviii. 469 (1856). Plate XLI. fig. 4. STEM extremely delicate, forming an irregular network ; HYDROTHEC^E oblong, with an even patulous rim, at- tached for about two-thirds of their length, free and curved upwards towards the aperture, sessile or with a very short stalk, sometimes laid alongside the stem, and sometimes forming an angle with it; GONOTHEC^: un- known ; POLYPITES very minute, of a greenish colour. THIS is the common parasite of some of the larger Sertu- TRICHYDRID^E. 215 lariiclse, and especially of Sertularia abietina. The calycles very generally overspread the stem of this zoophyte, and are often so densely and confusedly massed together that it is difficult to distinguish their shape ; in such specimens they form a crust, bristling with the free tubular orifices. On a broader surface, where there is space for more regu- lar development, the species assumes a very different and a much simpler appearance ; the hydrothecse are sparingly distributed, and their character is recognized at once. Specimens of this kind are found occasionally on shells. The calycles sometimes occur in pairs, one on each side of the stem, sometimes singly, and sometimes in companies. Hab. On Sertularia abietina, Hydrallmania falcata, and other zoophytes, and on shells occasionally; very common. [Off Reikiavik, Iceland, in 100 fathoms (T. H.).] Family V. — Trichydridze. HYDROTHEC.E merely rudimentary, tubular ; POLYPITES cy- lindrical, very extensile, with a small conical 'proboscis. Genus TRICHYDRA, T. S. Wright. Der. From 9pi£ (rpi%6s), hair, and Hydra, a polypite. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Stem creeping, branched ; hydro- thecae rudimentary, consisting of very short tubular pro- cesses, given off at intervals from the creeping stem ; poly- pites cylindrical, very slender and extensile, with a short conical proboscis. Reproduction unknown. I FEEL very doubtful as to the true position of this ob- scure genus. Wright would place it amongst the Corynida> of Johnston, on account of the progressive development of 216 TRICHYDBJD^E. the tentacles. He also states that the polypites show no disposition to hold the tentacles in a double row ; but Van Beneden's testimony is to the opposite effect*. He ranks the species under Eudendrium, with which genus, as now defined, it has little in common. Allman includes Tricky dr a amongst the Campanulariidts; but it has no affinity with the typical forms of this family. Any position assigned to it at present can only be regarded as provisional. The polypites in many points resemble those of the Lafoeidce and Campanulinidce, and are wholly retractile within the tubular thecae. The latter, though remarkable for their minuteness, exhibit the simple cylindrical form which is met with in some of the Lafoeidte. In the absence of all trustworthy information f respecting the gonosome, I shall make Trichydra the type of an allied family. T. PUDICA, T. S. Wright. TRICHYDKA PUDICA, Wright, Edinb. New Phil. Journ. (N. S.) for Jan. 1858, 6, pi. iii. fig. 1. ?EuDENDRit'M PUDICUM, Van Bcneden, Faune Litt. de Belg. Polypes, 116, pi. viii. figs. 1, 2. Woodcut, fig. 26. CffiNOSARc enclosed in a transparent, membranous poly- pary; HYDROTHEC^E cylindrical, even-rimmed, of un- * It may perhaps be doubtful whether Van Beneden's zoophyte is iden- tical with the present form, since he represents the polypary as a delicate and transparent covering, which extends over a great part of the body of the polypite, rising much higher than in Wright's figures. In other points it agrees with it. t Wright figures a meclusoid (Micr. Journ. iii. 50, pi. vi.) which he found in the vessel containing Trichydra, and fancied might be its sexual zooid ; but he could detect no trace of gonophores on the zoophyte, and we must therefore wait for further evidence. TRICHYDRA PUDICA. 217 equal length, but all very short ; POLYPITES about £ inch in length, exceedingly attenuated during extension, Fig. 26. transparent, with the exception of the proboscis, which is of a dense silvery white; TENTACLES 4-12, long and waving. "Tnis interesting little zoophyte is remarkable for the laxity of its habit and the extensibility and transparency of its polyps." When at rest they " extend their bodies and tentacles to their utmost length ; but a sudden glare of light or shaking of the vessel in which they are confined causes the modest hair-polyp to contract itself, or to bend the buccal cavity and tentacles loosely downwards, like a flower drooping on its stalk. It seldom entirely with- draws itself into its cell unless irritated." (Wright.} Hab. The "Fluke Hole," Firth of Forth, covering a 218 small shell ; " shells and stones, which have been kept quiet in an aquarium for some time, are occasionally covered with it " (T. S. W.). Family VI.- — Coppiniidae. united by an encrusting, cellular mass. Genus COPPINIA, Hassall. Der. Named after Mr. Coppin. GENERIC CHARACTER. — Zoophyte consisting of a number of long tubular hydrothecce crowded closely together and united by an adherent cellular mass, which involves the lower portion of them, the upper portion remaining free ; ova developed in the cavities of the cellular mass, and es- caping as planul