O rn o M. B. L. LIBRARY- WOODS HOLE, MASS. • - RITISH FISHES. VOL. II. LONDON : PRINTED BY SAMUEL BENTLEY, Bangor House, Shoe Lane. * •-• HISTOEY RITISH FISHES BY WILLIAM YARRELL, F.L.S. V.P.Z.S. ILLUSTRATED BY 500 WOOD-ENGRAV IN TWO VOLUMES.— VOL. II. SECOND EDITION. LONDON: JOHN VAN VOORST, PATERNOSTER ROW. M.DCCC.XLI. M.B.L LIBRAE -WvGiS HOLE, MASS. BRITISH FISHES. ABDOMINAL MALACOPTERYGII. SALMON IDA.* THE SALMON. SMOLT, young. GRILSE, Jlrst return from sea. Sulmo salar, LINN.EUS. ,, ,, BLOCH, pt. i. pi. 20, female. » >• » pt. iii. pi. 98, male in breeding season. ,, ,, Salmon, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 382. .. M » FLEM. Brit. An. p. 179, sp. 40. ». ,, ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 421. .. ,. Grilse, JARDINE'S Illust. Scot. Salm. pi. 8. » » » » i> >, ., ,, 1 & 2. ,, ,, Salmon, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 7, old male, breeding- state. SALMO. Generic Characters- — Head smooth ; body covered with scales ; two dorsal fins, the first supported by rays, the second fleshy, without rays ; teeth on the vomer, both palatine bones, and all the maxillary bones ; branchi- ostegous rays varying in number, generally from ten to twelve, but sometimes unequal on the two sides of the head of the same fish. THE SALMON is so well known for its quality as an arti- cle of food, as well as for the immense quantities in which The family of the Salmon and Trout. VOL. II. SALMONIDE. it is taken, that it requires no other claims to recommend it strongly to our notice ; and probably, in no country of the world, in proportion to its size, are the fisheries so extensive, or so valuable, as in the United Kingdom. The history of the Salmon, and of the species of the genus Salmo., in this work, Avill extend to a considerable length ; and some doubts existing as to the extent of their identity with the species of the iSalmonidte generally which are taken in the rivers or lakes of other countries of Europe, from the want of specimens with which to make actual comparative examination, the account of the species here inserted will be confined more particularly to a detail of what is known of them in this country only. Of the species existing in this country, the characters and specific distinctions admit of considerable detail : too much reliance has been placed upon colour, without resorting sufficiently to those external indications, founded on organic structure, which may with greater certainty be depended upon. In the scale of the relative value of parts affording cha- racters for distinction, the organs of digestion, respiration, and motion are admitted by systematic authors to hold high rank ; and in the hope to induce sportsmen to become zoologists — so far at least as to enable them to determine the various species they may meet with by a reference to those external characters which are the most important, — the specific distinctions in the genus Salmo will be illus- trated by referring to the number and situation of the teeth, the form of the different parts of the gill-covers, and the size, form, and relative situation of the fins. • The outlines here introduced represent a front view of the mouth, and a side view of the head, of a common Trout. Of the first figure on the left hand, No. 1 marks SALMON. 3 the situation of the row of teeth that are fixed on the cen- tral bone of the roof of the mouth, called the vomer : Nos. 2, 2, refer to the teeth on the right and left palatine bones ; and the row of teeth outside each palatine bone on the upper jaw are those of the superior maxillary bones : No. 3, refers to the row of hooked teeth on each side of the tongue, outside of which are those of the lower jaw-bones. The Trout is chosen as showing the most complete series of teeth among the SalmonideE ; and the value of the arrangement, as instruments for seizure and prehension, arises from the interposition of the different rows, the four lines of teeth on the lower surface alternating when the mouth is closed with the five rows on the upper surface, those on the vomer shutting in between the two rows on the tongue, &c. The second figure represents, in outline, a side view of the head, of which No. 1 is the preoperculuin ; No. 2, the pperculum ; No. 3, the suboperculum ; No. 4, the interoperculum ; No. 5, the branchiostegous rays : the four SALMON1D.E. last parts together forming the moveable gill-cover. The different fins are sufficiently indicated by being coupled, when referred to, with the name of the part of the body of the fish to which they are attached. The external appearance of the adult Salmon during the summer months, when it is caught in the estuaries of our large rivers, is too well known to require much description. The upper part of the head and back is dark bluish black ; the sides lighter ; the belly silvery white ; the dorsal, pectoral, and caudal fins dusky black ; the ventral fins white on the outer side, tinged more or less with dusky on the inner surface ; the anal fin white ; the small, soft, fleshy fin on the back, without rays, called the adipose, fat fin, or the second dorsal fin, is of the same colour nearly as the part of the back from which it emanates. There are mostly a few dark spots dispersed over that part of the body which is above the lateral line, and the females usually exhibit a greater number of these spots than the males. These colours, differing but little, are, however, in a great degree common at the same period of the year to the three species that are the most numerous, as well as the most valuable ; namely, the true Salmon, the Grey Trout, and the Salmon Trout ; which are also further dis- tinguished from the other species of the genus Salmo by their seasonal habit of moving from the pure fresh water to the brackish water, and thence to the sea, and back to the fresh water again, at particular periods of the year. Further specific distinctions are therefore necessary ; and those that will be pointed out as existing constantly in these species will, it is hoped, enable observers to identify not only each of these, but also the other species of the genus, at any age or season. SALMON. The vignette above represents the form of the different parts of the gill-cover in the three species just named ; of which the figure on the left hand is that of the Salmon, the middle one is the gill-cover of the Grey Trout, and that on the right hand is the gill-cover of the Salmon Trout : the differences are immediately apparent when thus brought into comparison. In the Salmon, the posterior free edge of the gill-cover, as shown in the left-hand figure, forms part of a circle ; the lower margin of the subopercukmi is a line directed obliquely upwards and backwards : the line of the union of the suboperculum with the operculum is also oblique, and parallel with the lower margin of the suboperculum ; the interoperculum is narrow vertically, and its union with the operculum is considerably above the line of the junc- tion between the suboperculum and the operculum. The teeth of the Salmon are short, stout, pointed, and re- curved : as stated in the generic characters, they occupy five situations at the top of the mouth ; that is, a line of teeth on each side of the upper jaw, a line on each palatine 6 SALMON ID.E. bone, with one line on the vomer between the palatine bones when young, but the Salmon loses a portion of the vomerine teeth during the first visit to salt water. I have observed that some specimens of the migratory or Sea Trout carry their vomerine teeth longer than the Salmon ; and those Trout which do not migrate appear to carry their vomerine teeth longrer than those Trout which do migrate. The teeth O ° on the vomer of the Salmon, when the fish is old, seldom exceed two or three in number, sometimes only one, and that placed on the most anterior part. The Salmon has besides these, two rows of teeth upon the tongue, and one row along the outer upper edge of each lower jaw-bone. The inner surface of the pectoral fin is in part dusky : the tail very much forked when young ; the central caudal rays growing up, the tail is much less forked the third year, and by the fifth year it is become nearly or quite square at the end. The descriptions of the gill-covers of the other species will be given in the account of the fish to which they belong ; but it may be remarked here, that looking at the form of the three gill-covers, it will be obvious that a line drawn from the front teeth of the upper jaw to the long- est backward projecting portion of the gill-cover, in either species, will occupy a different situation in respect to the eye ; that the line will fall nearest the centre of the eye in the first, that of the Salmon, and farthest below it in the second, that of the Grey Trout. As further specific distinctions in the Salmon, I may add that, according to Dr. Richardson, the csecal appendages are in number from sixty-three to sixty-eight ; and several ob- servers have stated the number of vertebrae to be sixty, which I have repeatedly found to be correct. Commencing, then, with the true Salmon, which ascend the rivers, in the state as to colour before mentioned, sooner SALMON. 7 or later in the spring or summer months, it is observed that some rivers are much earlier than others, the fish in them coming into breeding condition and beginning to spawn at an earlier period. Rivers issuing from large lakes afford early Salmon, the waters having been purified by deposition in the lakes : on the other hand, rivers swollen by melting snows in the spring months are later in their season of producing fish, and yield their supply when the lake rivers are beginning to fail. " The causes influencing this," says Sir William Jardine, to whom I am indebted for much valuable information on the Salmonidec, as well as many specimens, " seem yet unde- cided ; and where the time varies much in the neighbouring rivers of the same district, they are of less easy solution. The Northern rivers, with little exception, are, however, the earliest, — a fact well known in the London markets ; and going still farther north, the range of the season and of spawning may be influenced by the latitude.'1 Artedi says, " in Sweden the Salmon spawn in the middle of summer." " It has been suggested that this variation in the season depended on the warmth of the waters ; and that those Highland rivers which arose from large lochs were all early, owing to the great mass and warmer temperature of their sources, — that the spawn there was sooner hatched. There are two rivers in Sutherlandshire which show this late and early running under peculiar circumstances. One, the Oikel, borders the county, and springs from a small alpine lake, perhaps about half a mile in breadth ; the other, the Shin, is a tributary to the Oikel, joins it about five miles from the mouth, but takes its rise from Loch Shin, a large and deep extent of water, and connected to a chain of other deep lochs. Early in the spring, all the Salmon entering the common mouth diverge at the junction, turn up the Shin, and return as it were to their own and warmer 8 SALMONID.E. stream, while very few keep the main course of the Oikel until a much later period." Dr. Heysham, in his Catalogue of Cumberland Animals, has supplied similar evidence. " The Salmon," it is there observed, " is plentiful in most of our rivers, in all of which they spawn ; but they evidently prefer, during the winter and spring, the Eden to the Esk, the Caldew, or the Peteril. Although the Esk and the Eden pour out their waters into the same estuary, and are only separated at the mouths by a sharp point of land, yet there is scarcely an instance of a new Salmon ever entering the former until the middle of April or beginning of May. The fishermen account for this curious fact from the different temperature of these two rivers ; the waters of the Eden, they allege, being considerably warmer than the water of the Esk ; which is not altogether improbable, for the bed of the Esk is not only more stony and rocky than the Eden, but is likewise broader, and the stream more shallow ; consequently its waters must be somewhat colder in the winter season. It is an undoubted fact, that snow water prevents the Salmon from running up even the Eden : it is probable this cir- cumstance may have considerable effect in preventing them from entering the Esk till the beginning of summer, when the temperature of the two rivers will be nearly the same. The Peteril joins the Eden a little above, and the Caldew at Carlisle ; yet up these rivers the Salmon never run unless in the spawning season, and even then in no great num- bers." The number of fish obtained in the spring in a proper state for food is small compared with the quantity procured as the summer advances. During the early part of the season, the Salmon ascend the river, advancing with the flood, and generally retiring Avith the ebb, if their progress be not stopped by any of the various means employed to catch SALMON. .0 them, which will be explained hereafter. It is observed that the female fish appear before the males ; and the young fish on their first return from the sea, called Grilse till they have spawned once, ascend earlier than those of more adult age. As the season advances, the Salmon ascend higher up the river beyond the influence of the tide : they are observed to be getting full of roe, and are more or less out of condi- tion according to their forward state as breeding fish. Their progress forwards is not easily stopped ; they shoot up rapids with the velocity of arrows, and make wonderful efforts to surmount cascades and other impediments by leaping, fre- quently clearing an elevation of eight or ten feet, and gaining the water above, pursue their course. If they fail in their attempt and fall back into the stream, it is only to remain a short time quiescent, and thus recruit their strength to enable them to make new efforts. These feats of the Salmon are frequently 'watched with all the curiosity such proceedings are likely to excite. Mr. Mudie, in the British Naturalist, describes from personal observation some of the situations from which these extra- ordinary efforts can be witnessed. Of the fall of Kilmorac, on the Beauly, in Invernesshire, it is said, " The pool below that fall is very large ; and as it is the head of the run in one of the finest Salmon rivers in the North, and only a few miles distant from the sea, it is literally thronged with Salmon, which are continually attempting to pass the fall, but without success, as the limit of their perpendicular spring does not appear to exceed twelve or fourteen feet : at least, if they leap higher than that they are aimless and exhausted, and the force of the current dashes them down again before they have recovered their energy. They often kill them- selves by the violence of their exertions to ascend ; and sometimes they fall upon the rocks and are captured. It is indeed said that one of the wonders which the Frascrs of 10 SALMONID/E. Lovat, who are lords of the manor, used to show their guests, was a voluntarily cooked Salmon at the falls of Kilmorac. For this purpose a kettle was placed upon the flat rock on the south side of the fall, close by the edge of the water, and kept full and boiling. There is a considerable extent of the rock where tents were erected, and the whole was under a canopy of overshadowing trees. There the company are said to have waited until a Salmon fell into the kettle and was boiled in their presence. We have seen as many as eighty taken in a pool lower down the river at one haul of the seine, and one of the number weighed more than sixty pounds." At the meeting of the British Association, held at Glas- gow in September 1840, Mr. Smith, of Deanston in the Carse of Stirling, exhibited a model, which is thus noticed in the Report of the Proceedings of the Natural History Sec- tion in the Literary Gazette. " Mr. Smith gave an interest- ing account of a stair which he had invented, whereby Salmon might be enabled to ascend streams, notwithstanding the existence of natural or artificial obstructions, and so con- structed as not to diminish the power of the water, or lessen the supply to mills ; it being understood that the disputes between the owners of mills and of salmon-fisheries had hitherto led to much disagreement and inconveniency. He illustrated his observations by the model of an experimental erection which he had constructed on the Teith, near Doune, the result of which had been so successful, that numerous applications had been made from various quarters for erections of the same kind. Mr. Smith mentioned that, in connexion with this invention, he had in contemplation the construction of an apparatus, or index, whereby the exact number of fish that passed up the stream by the stair might be accurately ascertained, together with the time of their so passing up, and the size and thickness of the fish. It is difficult to give SALMON. 11 a perfect idea of tliis ingenious contrivance without a model. It consists of one side of the river, under a weir or ' cauld,"1 being separated from the main stream, and intersected by transverse pieces of wood, or stone, from each side, crossing, perhaps, two- thirds of the width, and with considerable inter- vals between the opposite intersections. The fish, it seems, both from the experience on the Teith, and at another dam at Blantyre, on the Clyde, immediately adopt this staircase in ascending the rivers, and, finding- resting-places between the intersecting materials, abandon the other parts of the stream for this contingency. Some amusing remarks were made on this communication, which is one of infinite value to local mill and fishing interests." The fish having at length gained the upper and shallow pools of the river, preparatory to the important operation of depositing the spawn in the gravelly beds, its colour will be found to have undergone considerable alteration during the residence in fresh water. The male becomes marked on the cheeks with orange-coloured stripes, which give it the SALMONID.E. appearance of the check of a Labrus ; the lower jaw elon- gates, and a cartilaginous projection turns upwards from the point, which, when the jaws are closed, occupies a deep cavity between the intermaxillary bones of the upper jaw ; the body partakes of the golden orange tinge, and the Salmon in this state is called a red-fish. The females are dark in colour, and are as commonly called black-fish ; and by these terms both are designated in those local and precautionary regulations intended for the protection and preservation of the breeding fish. The process of spawning has been described by various observers. " A pair of fish are seen to make a furrow, by working up the gravel "with their noses, rather against the stream, as a Salmon cannot work with his head down stream, for the water then going into his gills the wrong way, drowns him. When the furrow is made, the male and female retire to a little distance, one to the one side and the other to the other side of the furrow : they then throw themselves on their sides, again come together, and rubbing against each other, both shed their spawn into the furrow at the same time. This process is not completed at once ; it requires from eight to twelve days for them to lay all their spawn, and when they have done they betake themselves to the pools to recruit themselves. Three pairs have been seen on the spawning-bed at one time, and were closely watched while making the furrow and laying the spawn." * The following extracts are made from a paper by Dr. Knox, published in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. " November &. — Salmon are observed to be spawning in the various tributary streams of the Tweed which join that river from the north, and a pair are watched. The ova * Ellis on the Natural History of the Salmon. SALMON. I.! observed to be deposited near the sources of the stream on the 2nd of November, and covered up with gravel in the usual way." " February 25, or a hundred and sixteen days after being deposited, the ova, on being dug up, are found to be unchanged. If removed at this time, and preserved in bottles filled with water, the developement of the egg may be hastened almost immediately by being put into warm rooms : it is not necessary to change the water. The fry so hatched, i. e. artificially, cannot be preserved alive in bottles longer than ten days ; they eat nothing during their con- finement." " March 23. — The ova now changing ; the outer shell cast ; the fry are lying imbedded in the gravel, as fishes somewhat less than an inch in length, being now twenty weeks from the period of their deposition." " April 1 . — On reopening the spawning-bed, most of the fry had quitted it by ascending through the gravel. During a former series of observations I have found the ova imbedded in the gravel unchanged on the 10th of April, and as fry or fishes, but still imbedded in the gravel, on the 17th : they were taken that year, with fly, as Smolts, on the 22nd of April, about the size of the little finger." Some specimens of Salmon fry now before me, with a. portion of the ovum still attached to the abdomen of each fish, measure one inch in length : the head and eyes are large ; the colour of the body pale brown, with nine or ten dusky grey marks across the sides. These dusky patches, longer vertically than wide, are common, I have reason to believe, to the young of all the species of the genus Salmo. I have seen them in the young of the Salmon, Grey Trout, Sea Trout, Common Trout, and Charr. In a specimen of the young of the Salmon six inches long, these transverse marks are still observable when the fish is 14 SAI.MONID.E. viewed in a particular position in reference to the light : and if the scales are removed, the marks are much more obvious. They are also very distinct in the Common Trout and in the Charr for a considerable time. There are striking examples in other animals of this similarity in the markings, or family likeness, in the young of the various species of the same genus, however different may be the colours of the parent animals. The young of the lion and the puma are as much marked for a time as the young of the tiger and leopard, or, indeed, of any of the other cats, whether striped or spotted ; and the young of all deer are said, and many are known, to be spotted, though it is also known that the greater number of the adult animals are perfectly plain. I am now enabled, through the kindness of Thomas Lister Parker, Esq., to offer some remarks on the growth of the young Salmon in fresh water, and in order to prevent any misconception of the terms employed, I shall speak of the young Salmon of the first year as a Pink ; in its se- cond year, till it goes to sea, as a Smolt ; in the autumn of the second year as Salmon Peal, or Grilse, and afterwards as adult Salmon. In the autumn of the year 1835, Thomas Upton, Esq. of Ingmire Hall, situated between Sedbergh and Kendal, be- gan to enlarge a lake on his property, and in the spring of 1836, some Pinks from the Lune, a Salmon river which runs through a valley not far from the lake, were put into it. This lake, called Lillymere, has no communication with the sea, nor any outlet by which fish from other waters can get in, or by which those put in can get out. The Pinks when put into Lillymere did not certainly exceed three inches and a half in length. Sixteen months afterwards, — that is, in the month of August 1837, Thomas L. Parker, Esq. then visiting his friend, fished Lillymere, desirous of ascertaining SALMON. 15 the growth of the Pinks, and with a red palmer fly caught two Salmon Peal in excellent condition, silvery bright in colour, measuring fourteen inches in length, and weighing fourteen ounces. One was cooked and eaten, the flesh pink in colour, but not so red as those of the river ; well flavoured and like that of a Peal. The other was sent to me in spirit of wine, and a drawing of it immediately taken. In the month of July 1838, eleven months after, another small Salmon was caught, equal to the first in condition and colour, about two inches longer and three ounces heavier. No doubt was entertained that these were two of the Pinks transferred to the lake in the spring of 1836, the first of which had been retained sixteen months, and the other twenty-seven months, in this fresh-water lake. Desirous of ascertaining the appearance of the young- Salmon at periods intermediate between the states as Pinks and Salmon Peal, other experiments were tried. Pinks in the river Hodder in the month of April are rather more than three inches long, and are considered to be the fry of that year : at this time, Smolts of six inches and a half are also taken. The Smolts are considered as the fry of the pre- vious year, and are distinguished by the blue colour on the upper half of their body, the silvery tint of the lower half, and the darker hue of the fins generally 'as compared with those of the Pink. In this state as to colour, the Smolts are said to have assumed their migratory dress and go down to the sea in May. In June the young Pink in the Hodder measures about four inches ; in July it measures five inches, and no Smolts are then found in the river. To be further convinced of this change, and the length of time required to produce it, a Pink put into a well at Whitewell in the forest of Bowland in November 1837, was taken out in the state of a Smolt of six inches and a quarter in July 183S. In another instance more Pinks by Mr. Upton's 16 SALMONID.E. directions were put into Lillymere in September 1837, and Mr. Parker caught five or six in the state of Smolts of seven and a half inches in August 1838. In referring to the par- ticular size of the Pinks in the river Hodder at stated periods, it may be necessary to remark that the Pinks of different rivers, and even in the same river, will be found to vary in size, depending on the time at which the spawn was deposited, the temperature of the season, and other causes. I may here observe that I am indebted to the kindness and liberality of Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. for a variety of specimens, as well as for the requisite information concerning them. Of the various fishes, when received, accurate drawings were immediately made, and coloured representations of the natural size of six examples at different ages, in illustration of this subject, were published.* A knowledge of the growth of young Salmon in a fresh- water lake, as here described, and the experiment has suc- ceeded elsewhere, may be useful to those gentlemen who possess lakes near Salmon rivers from which they can supply them with Pinks : whether the Salmon thus prevented going to salt water will still retain sufficient constitutional power to mature their roe, and by depositing it in the usual manner, as far as circumstances permit, produce their species, would be a subject worthy of further investigation. That the rate of growth in young Salmon has some reference to the size of the place to which they are restricted, receives further confir- mation in these river, lake, and well specimens. The Smolt taken from the well in July 1838, where it had been con- fined for eight months, was rather smaller in size at that time than the Smolts in the Hodder in the preceding April, though both were Pinks of the same year, namely 1837. The Smolt taken from the lake in August 1838, which then * On the growth of the Salmon in Fresh-water. — John Van Voorst: London, 1839. SALMON. 17 measured seven inches and a half, had also grown more rapid- ly than that in the well, but had not acquired the size it would have gained had it been allowed to go to sea. Further, it may be observed, that the Salmon Peal from the lake in August 1887, then eighteen months old, though per- fect in colour, is small for its age; while that of July 1838, or twenty-nine months old, is comparatively still more defi- cient in growth, supposing both fish to have resulted from Pinks of the year 1836, and been put into the lake at the same time ; of which there was no doubt, since the lake, the formation of which, though commenced in the autumn of 1835, was not finished till February 1836, soon after which the first Pinks were put in. In another experiment, a large landed proprietor in Scot- land, whose name I do not know that I am at liberty to mention, wrote as follows : — " In answer to your inquiry about the Salmon fry I have put into my newly-formed pond, I must tell you, the water was first let in about the latter end of 1830, and some months afterwards, in April 1831, I put in a dozen or two of small Salmon fry, three or four inches long, taken out of a river here, thinking it would be curious to see whether they would grow without the possibility of their getting to the sea or salt water. As the pond, between three and four acres in extent, had been newly stocked with Trout, I did not allow any fishing till the summer of 1833, when we caught with the fly several of these Salmon, from two to three pounds' weight, perfectly well shaped, and filled up, of the best Salmon colour outside, the flesh well-flavoured and well-coloured, though a little paler than that of new- run fish."" I have purposely adverted to the growth of the fry of the Salmon in fresh water, as stated by Dr. Knox, Mr. Parker, and others, in order to introduce the important experimental observations of Mr. John Shaw on the development and VOL. II. C 18 SALMONID.E. growth of Salmon fry, from the exclusion of the ova to the age of two years ; and that I may do justice to so interesting a subject, I include a large portion of Mr. Shaw's paper as it appeared in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edin- burgh. " That the facts which I communicate regarding the natu- ral history of the Salmon in its earlier stages, may not appear altogether undeserving of consideration, I may premise that my remarks have not proceeded from hasty or imperfect ob- servation, but from the experience of many years sedulously devoted to the subject, the whole of my life, with the excep- tion of a few seasons, having been spent on the banks of streams where Salmon are in the habit of depositing their spawn, and where of course the Parr is likewise abundant. My opportunities of observation have thus been as ample, as my efforts have been unremitting and laborious, to discover the true history of this invaluable species. I shall here pre- sent a brief abstract of my earlier proceedings in relation to the subject. " I had long been of opinion, in opposition to the senti- ments entertained by the majority of authors, that the fish commonly called Parr, was the natural produce of the Sal- mon, and that all recorded attempts to trace the history of the latter fish were fanciful in their nature, and delusive in their results. To enable me to watch the progressive growth of Parr, I caught seven of these small fishes on the llth of July 1833, and placed them in a pond supplied by a stream of wholesome water. There they continued to thrive remark- ably well, and were seen catching flies and other insects, and sporting on the surface in perfect health. In the month of April following (1834), they began to assume a different aspect from that which they exhibited when first put into the pond, and this change was evident enough even while they continued swimming at large in the water ; but wishing to SALMON. 19 examine them more particularly, and at the same time to convince others of the fact of their having changed their external character, I caught them with a casting-net on the 17th May, 1834, and satisfied every individual present that they had assumed the usual appearance of what are called Salmon smalts or fry. They were now of a fine deep blue upon the back, with a delicate silvery appearance on the sides, and the abdomen white ; these silvery scales came easily off upon the hand. A circumstance occurred about the first week of May, which it may be proper to mention, as illustrating in some manner what may be deemed the migra- tory instinct of these fishes. They seemed to me at this time to be decreasing in numbers, and I found, on examina- tion, that some had leapt altogether out of the pond, and were lying dead at a short distance from its edge. " In March 1835, I again took twelve Parrs from the river of a larger size, that is, about six inches long ; they then bore the perpendicular bars, and other usual characters of that fish. These I also transferred to a pond prepared for the purpose, and, by the end of April, they too assumed the characters of the Salmon-fry, — the bars becoming overlayed by the new silvery scales, which Parrs of two years old in- variably assume before departing towards the sea. From these experiments I had no doubt that the larger Parrs ob- servable in rivers in autumn, winter, and early spring, were in reality the actual Salmon-fry advancing to the conclu- sion of their second year, and that the smaller summer Parrs (called in Dumfriesshire May Parrs), were the same species, but younger as individuals, and only entering upon their second year. This, then, I conceived to be the detec- tion of the main error of preceding observers, who had uni- formly alleged that salmon-fry attain a size of six or eight inches in as many weeks, and after the lapse of this brief period take their departure to the sea. It is the rapidity 20 SALMONID.E. with which the two year old Parr assumes the aspect of the salmon-fry that has led to this false conclusion, and super- ficial or hasty observers, taking cognizance, 1st, of the hatch- ing of the ova in early spring, and, 2dly, of the sea-ward migration of Smolts soon afterwards, have imagined these two facts to take place in immediate or speedy succession. I may now mention what actually becomes of these young fishes for some weeks after they are hatched. " That the fish in question should not be found in the river in an earlier state than that in which it is named the May or summer Parr, had long appeared to me to be an extraordinary and perplexing circumstance. I therefore made a minute examination of the streams where the old Salmon had spawned the preceding winter, and I there found in vast numbers a very small but active fish, which I concluded to be the young Parr or Samlet of the season. To prove the fact, I scooped up with a gauze-net two or three dozen of them, on the 15th of May, 1834. They measured about an inch in length ; their heads were large in proportion to their bodies, and the latter tapered off towards the tail, in the form of a wedge. The small transverse bars, characteristic of the Parr, were already distinctly marked. I placed them in two ponds, each provided with a run of water, where they throve well. In the course of the succeeding May (1835), that is, when they were more than a year old, and had been twelve months in my possession, I took a few of them from the pond for the purpose of examination. They had increased to the length of three and a half inches, on an average, and it is important to remark, that they correspond in every respect with the Parr of the same age which occurred in the river ; but neither as yet indicated any approach to the silvery aspect of the Smolt. Being satisfied, however, from the result of my former experiments on the Parr, that they would ultimately assume that silvery aspect, I continued to detain SALMON. 21 them in the pond, and, accordingly, in May 1836, they were transmuted into Smolts or Salmon-fry, commonly so called. At this time they measured six and a half inches in length, their colour on the back a beautiful deep blue, the sides bright and silvery, the dorsal, caudal, and especially the pec- toral fins, tipped with black, the abdomen, ventral, and anal fins white. The undoubted Smolts of the river were at this time descending sea-wards, and the most careful comparison of these with those in my possession did not elicit the slight- est difference between the two. Mine had completed their second year, and is it likely that those in the river which so identically resembled them, were only a few weeks old ? " The minute but active fish above alluded to, is at that early period to be no where found except in those streams (or their immediate vicinity) in which the old Salmon had deposited their spawn during the preceding winter. Early in April 1835, I discovered them in one of these streams, but so young and weak, owing to their very recent emergence from the spawning-bed, as to be unable to struggle with the current where it flowed with any strength or rapidity. They therefore betook themselves to the gentler eddies, and fre- quently into the small hollows produced in the shingle by the hoofs of horses which had passed the ford. In these comparatively quiet places, and covered by a slight current of a few inches in depth, they continued with their little tails in constant motion, till such time as my near approach was perceived, when they immediately darted beneath the stones. They remain with these habits, and in the situations just mentioned, during the months of April, May, and even June ; but as they increase in size and strength, they scatter themselves all over the shallower parts of the river, especially wherever the bottom is composed of fine gravel. They con- tinue, in truth, comparatively unobserved throughout the whole of the first summer, being seldom taken by the angler SALMONID.E. during that season. But when the two-year-olds have dis- appeared (as Smolts) in spring, these smaller fishes, now entering their second year, become bolder and more apparent, and now constitute the May and summer Parr of anglers. But their timid habits during the first few months of their existence, and their consequent concealment in the shingle, greatly screen them from observation during that period, and have led to the erroneous belief, that the silvery Smolts were the actual produce of the season, and were only a few weeks old. It certainly seems singular that it should never have occurred to any intelligent angler to inquire what had become of the older generation of Parr, that is of the comparatively large individuals which he might have captured late in au- tumn and in earliest spring, but none of which he can detect after the departure of the so-called Smolts. If the two are not identical, how does it happen that the one so constantly disappears simultaneously with the other ? Yet no one alleges that he has ever seen Parr, as such, performing their migration towards the sea. They cannot do so, because they have been previously converted into Smolts. " I shall here allude briefly to three different occasions on which I have had an opportunity of witnessing the first mi- gration of Smolts or converted Parr, that is, their descent in small shoals towards the sea. The first of these was in the first week of May, 1831. I was able deliberately to inspect them as the several shoals arrived behind the sluices of a salmon-cruive, and while they yet remained in the water, and were swimming in a particular direction, indistinct transverse lateral bars might still be seen, but as they changed their position, these became as it were lost in the silvery lustre. I also examined many of them in the hand, and could there also, by holding them at a certain angle in relation to the eye, produce the barred appearance, but when the fish were held with their broad side directly opposed to view, the cha- SALMON. racter alluded to could not be seen. Its actual existence, however, could be easily proved by removing the deciduous silvery scales, when the barred markings became apparent, and, of course, continued so to whatever light exposed. My next opportunity occurred on the 3rd of May, 1833. The appearance was exactly the same as that which I have just described. They passed down the river in small family groups or shoals of from forty to sixty and upwards, their rate of progression being about two miles an hour. The caution which they exercised in descending the several rapids they met with in the course of their journey was very amus- ing. They no sooner came within the influence of any rapid current than they in an instant turned their heads up the stream, and would again and again permit themselves to be carried to the very brink, and as often retreat upwards, till at length one or two, bolder than the others, permitted them- selves to be carried over the current, when the entire flock, one by one, disappeared, and then, so soon as they had reached comparatively still water, they again turned their heads towards the sea, and resumed their journey. The third opportunity to which I shall here refer occurred in May 1836, at which time, as I have stated, I compared a few of the descending Smolts with those which (having been two years in my possession as Parr) had, in the confinement of the Pond, assumed the corresponding silvery aspect of the Salmon-fry. The river during this month being remarkably low, I was thus enabled to ascertain more accurately the time during which they continued to migrate, which I found to be nearly throughout the whole of the month, but more especially in the course of the second week, in which the shoals were both larger, and more frequent in their successive arrivals. Their external aspect was the same as that of the former shoals, and the average length, as usual, from six to seven inches. SALMONID^E. " Having thus traced the progress of the Parr from an inch in length, through its several stages up to the period of migration, I shall now detail my various experiments on the ova of the Salmon, undertaken with a view to prove the identity of these two fish. On the 10th of January, 1836, I observed a female Salmon of considerable size (about six- teen pounds), and two males, of at least twenty-five pounds, engaged in depositing their spawn. The spot which they had selected for that purpose was a little apart from some other Salmon which were engaged in the same process, and rather nearer the side, although still in pretty deep water. The two males kept up an incessant conflict during the whole of the day, for possession of the female, and, in the course of their struggles, frequently drove each other almost ashore, and were repeatedly on the surface displaying their dorsal fins, and lashing the water with their tails. Being satisfied that these were real Salmon, there being at least ten brace of that fish engaged in the same process on the stream at the time, I took the opportunity of securing as much of the ova as I could possibly obtain. This I did three days after it was deposited, the males and female still occasionally frequenting the bed. The method by which I obtained the eggs was by using a thin canvass bag, stitched on a slight frame formed of small rod iron, in fashion of a large square landing-net, one person holding this bag a few inches farther down the stream than where the ova were deposited, and another with a spade digging up the gravel, the current carrying the eggs into the bag, while the greater portion of the gravel was left behind. Having thus obtained a suffi- cient quantity of the ova for my purpose, I placed them in gravel under a stream of water where I could have a con- venient opportunity of watching their progress. The stream was pure spring water. On the 26th of February, — that is, forty-eight days after being deposited, I found on close in- SALMON. 25 spection that they had some appearance of animation, from a very minute streak of blood which appeared to traverse for a short distance the interior of the egg, originating near two small dark spots, not larger at that time than the point of a pin. These two dark spots, however, ultimately turned out to be the eyes of the embryo fish, which was distinctly seen resting against the interior surface of the egg a few days pre- vious to its exclusion. On the 8th of April, which makes ninety days imbedded in the gravel, I found on examination that they were excluded from the egg, which was not the case a day or two previous. The temperature of the water at the time was 43°, the temperature of the water in the river 45°, and the temperature of the atmosphere 39°. On its first exclusion, the little fish has a very singular appear- ance. The head is large in proportion to the body, which is exceedingly small, and measures abovii jive-eighths of an inch in length, of a pale blue or peach-blossom colour. But the most singular part of the fish is the conical bag-like appen- dage which adheres by its base to the abdomen. This bag is about two-eighths of an inch in length, of a beautiful trans- parent red, very much resembling a light red currant, and in consequence of its colour, may be seen at the bottom of the water when the fish itself can with difficulty be perceived. The body also presents another singular appearance, namely, 26 SALMONID^E. a fin or fringe, resembling that of the tail of the tadpole, which runs from the dorsal and anal fins to the termination of the tail, and is slightly indented. This little fish does not leave the gravel immediately after its exclusion from the egg, but remains for several weeks beneath it with the bag at- tached, and containing a supply of nourishment, on the same principle, no doubt, as the umbilical vessel is known to nourish other embryo animals. By the end of fifty days, or the 30th of May, the bag contracted and disappeared. The fin or tadpole-like fringe also disappeared by dividing itself into the dorsal, adipose, and anal fins, all of which then became perfectly developed. The little transverse bars, which for a period of two years (as I have already shown) characterize it as the Parr, also made their appearance. Thus, from the 10th of January till the end of May, a period of upwards of one hundred and forty days was required to perfect this little fish, which even then measured little more than one inch in length, and corresponded in all re- spects with those on which I had formerly experimented, as well as with such as existed at that same time in great num- bers in the natural streams. " Although I was myself satisfied by the preceding facts that Parr and Salmon fry were thus identical in kind, and differed only in respect to age, I was informed that my in- ferences were objected to, in as far as there was not suffi- cient evidence that the spawn experimented on was actually that of Salmon, seeing that the same streams were accessible to other species of the genus. I therefore felt it incumbent on me to supply this desired link in the chain of evidence, and I accordingly repeated my experiments on ova which I saw excluded, which, in fact, I forced the Salmon to exclude, in the manner after mentioned, preserving at the same time the skins of the parent fish, for the satisfaction of the curious or sceptical. SALMON. 27 " Before proceeding to make additional experiments, it was necessary to lay my experimental basins dry, not only for the purpose of removing the young Salmon of the preceding season's produce, but also to enable me to fit them up on such a principle as would exclude any possibility of confusion either from the overflowing of the ponds themselves, or from the flooding of the river Nith, on the banks of which they are situate. Every precaution was used not only to exclude error, but to place the young fry in circumstances as nearly resembling the state of nature as was consistent with their preservation. " The ponds, which are three in number, are two feet deep, and thickly embedded with gravel, while they are at the same time supplied with a small stream of spring water ^ in which the larvse of insects abound. Pond No. 1 is twenty-five feet in length by eighteen in breadth, and is fed by the stream, which debouches into it at the fall. Pond No. 2 is twenty-two feet in length by eighteen in breadth, and is fed from pond No. 1, where the communication is carefully grated with wire. Pond No. 3 is fifty feet in length by thirty in breadth, and is fed by the stream, having no communication with either of the other ponds. The waste water from pond No. 1 is conducted into pond No. 2, through a square wooden pipe covered at the mouth with a wire grating, the bars of which are about one-eighth of an inch apart. The waste water from pond No. 2 is con- veyed under ground to the distance of twenty feet in a square wooden pipe, grated in the same manner as the former. The waste water from pond No. 3 passes down a square wooden pipe two feet deep, covered at the top with wire- gauze, and is conveyed under ground in a small covered drain to the distance of twenty feet from the pond. The water of the whole is then left to find its way to the river. 28 SALMON [D,E. " To prevent any communication arising from an acciden- tal overflow of the ponds themselves, I raised embankments upon the intersecting walks of two feet in height, so that the several families of fish which the ponds contain can have no access, direct or indirect, to each other. Where the rivulet is divided for the purpose of supplying the several ponds, I have formed an artificial fall in each stream, of a construction to prevent the fish from ascending one stream and descending another. Finally, where the water discharges itself from the ponds, the channels are so secured by wire-grating that it is as impossible for the young fish to escape as for any other fish to have access to them. The whole occupies an area of nearly eighty feet square. " My experimental basins being thus prepared, my next object was to secure the fish, the progeny of which were to form the subject of experiment. With the view, there- fore, of securing two Salmon, male and female, while in the very act of continuing their kind, I provided myself with an iron hoop five feet in diameter, on which I fixed a net of a pretty large mesh, so constructed as to form a bag nine feet in length by five feet in width. I then attached the hoop and net to the end of a pole nine feet long, thus forming a landing net on a large scale. The weight of the net with its iron hoop being upwards of seven pounds, it in- stantly sank to the bottom on being thrown into the water. " Being thus prepared with all the means of carrying my experiment into practice, I proceeded to the river Nith on the 4th January 1837, and readily discovered a pair of adult Salmon engaged in depositing their spawn. They were in a situation easily accessible, the water being of such a depth as to admit of my net being employed with certain success. Before proceeding to take the fish, I formed a small trench in the shingle by the edge of the stream, through which I SALMON. 29 directed a small stream of water from the river two inches deep. At the end of this trench, I placed an earthenware basin of considerable size, for the purpose of ultimately re- ceiving the ova. I then, at one and the same instant, en- closed both the fish in the hoop, allowing them to find their way into the bag of the net by the aid of the stream. In capturing these fish, I considered myself fortunate in secur- ing them by one cast of the net, for, in conducting the expe- riment of artificial impregnation, it appeared to me to be very desirable that the male should be taken, with the female of his own selection, at the very moment when they were mu- tually engaged in the continuance of their species. To take a female from one part of the stream and a male from an- other, might not have given the same chance of a successful issue to the experiment. Having drawn the fish ashore, I placed the female, while still alive, in the trench, and pressed from her body a quantity of ova. I then placed the male in the same situation, pressing from his body a quantity of milt, which, passing down the stream, thoroughly impregnated the ova. I then transferred the spawn to the basin, and deposited it in a stream connected with a pond previously formed for its reception. The temperature of this stream was 39°, of the river from which the Salmon were taken 33°, and of the atmosphere 3b'°. The skins of the parent Salmon are now in my possession. " On examining the ova on the 23rd of February (fifty days after impregnation), I found the embryo fish distinctly visible to the naked eye, and even exhibiting some sym- ptoms of vitality by moving feebly in the egg. The tempera- ture of the stream was at this time 36°, and of the atmo- sphere 38°. On the 28th of April (one hundred and four- teen days after impregnation), I found the young Salmon excluded from the egg, which was not the case when I visited 30 SALMONID.E. them on the previous day. The temperature of the stream was then 44°. The ova, which for some time previous to being hatched, had been almost daily in my hand for inspec- tion, did not appear to suffer at all from being handled. When I had occasion to inspect the ovum, I placed it in the hollow of my hand, covered with a few drops of water, where it frequently remained a considerable time without suffering any apparent injury. The embryo, however, while in this situation, showed an increased degree of activity by repeat- edly turning itself in the egg, an action probably produced by the increase of temperature arising from the warmth of the hand. " On the 24th of May (twenty-seven days after being hatched), the young fish had consumed the yolk, but in a few days afterwards the whole of this family, with the excep- tion of one individual, were found dead at the bottom of the pond, a circumstance which has occurred more than once in the course of my experiments, arising, I apprehend, from a deposition of mud, the same result having previously taken place, when the pond had not been sufficiently imbedded with gravel. " To show the effects of increased temperature in hasten- ing the development of the infant fish, I may relate an ex- periment which I made upon a few of the same ova, from which this family proceeded. On the 20th of April (one hundred and six days after impregnation), finding the ova alluded to unhatched, and the temperature of the stream being 41°, I took four of them and placed them in a tumbler of water, covering the bottom with fine gravel, in which I imbedded the ova. I then suspended the tumbler from the top of my bed-room window, above which I placed a large earthenware jar, with a small spigot inserted in its side, from which I easily directed a stream of pure spring water into the tumbler. The waste water was carried out at the SALMON. 31 window along a wooden channel fitted up for the purpose. As there was no fire in the bed-room, and the window facing the north, the temperature did not range very high, 47° being the average, while the average temperature of the water in the tumbler was 45°. During the night, however, the temperature would be very considerably increased, and the consequence was, the young fish in the tumbler were hatched in thirty-six hours, while those remaining in the stream did not hatch till the 28th of April, a difference of nearly seven days. At this stage the little fish are so very transparent, that their vital organs are distinctly visible, and, when placed immediately under the eye of the observer, they present a very interesting appearance. The pectoral fin is continually in rapid motion, even when the fish itself is otherwise in a state of perfect repose. They also begin to manifest an in- creasing desire to escape observation, a principle wisely im- planted for their better security, during so feeble and helpless a condition. On the 24th of May (thirty-nine days after their birth), the fish in the tumbler were completely divested of the yolk, and the characteristic bars of the Parr had be- come visible. At this time they measured nearly one inch in length, and appeared to be in perfect health ; but fearing that after the yolk was consumed, I should be unable to supply them with appropriate food, I returned them to the pond from which I had taken them on the 20th of April, where they perished with the rest of the family. " This last experiment proves, that by placing the ova under a temporary stream of water in the house, the develop- ment of the young may be materially accelerated, while it also shows that they may be kept alive for a considerable time afterwards ; at all events, until the yolk, which I pre- sume to be their sole support at this period, is totally con- sumed. " The next experiment, the circumstances of which I have 32 SALMONID.E. to relate, has been attended with more success than those which I had previously made. The process of taking the adult fish, and all the circumstances of attending the im- pregnation, were entirely similar in this case to that already narrated. " That the pedigree of the young fish may not be called in question, I have preserved the skins of the parents. The weight of the male when taken was sixteen pounds, and of the female eight pounds. " The spawn was impregnated and deposited in the stream immediately below the fall, pond No. 1, on the 27th of January, 1837 ; the temperature of the water in the stream being 40°, and that of the water in the river 36°. On the 21st of March (fifty-four days after impregnation), the em- bryo fish were visible to the naked eye. On the 7th of May (one hundred and one days after impregnation), they had burst the envelope, and were to be found amongst the shingle of the stream. The temperature of the water was at this time 43°, and of the atmosphere 45°. It is this brood which I now had an opportunity of watching continuously for a length of time, that is, for more than the entire period which was required to elapse from their exclusion from the egg, until their assumption of those characters which distin- guish the undoubted Salmon-fry. I therefore desire, even at the risk of repetition, to describe their progressive growth during these important and usually misconceived stages of existence. But before doing so, I beg to be indulged in a few miscellaneous remarks. "It is indeed in no way surprising that any body of sci- entific men, before whom a portion of these observations on the growth of the Salmon in fresh water may have been previously laid, should have been slow to express a decided opinion on the subject, more especially when the result of my experiments goes to prove facts so opposed to what has been SALMON. 33 the received opinion botli of scientific and practical observers, ever since the natural history of the Salmon became a subject of inquiry. I have no wish to attempt removing these opinions by the substitution of others which may be equally destitute of a correct foundation, but by the statement of facts resulting from the most careful and repeatedly verified experiments — experiments which, I believe, have been made by no other individual on the same principle for a similar purpose ; for had they been so, I am persuaded the real history and economy of this valuable and interesting fish would long ere now have been more correctly understood by the community. However, should similar observations have been made, the results of which tend to support any material facts contradictory of those here stated, it would be most desirable that the scientific public should be immediately apprised of them. " It has been asserted, with some appearance of truth, in support of the old school theory, that owing to the com- paratively limited range of my experimental ponds, that the young Salmon reared in them have not had a ' sup- ply of food sufficiently varied, or in sufficient quantity, to insure an equally rapid growth to those in the open river.1 This objection, I must repeat, is by no means tenable, as the streams and ponds in which they have existed from their birth abound with every species of insect food peculiar to the river, and, at the same time, the fishes themselves (which are certainly the best test), are in the highest possible health and condition, and correspond in every respect Avith those in the river. I have already stated that the young of the Salmon remain in the river for the first two years after their birth, being then known under the various local denominations of Parrs, Pinks, Fingerlings, &c. However, in order to pre- vent any misconception of the terms employed in the course of these details, I shall adhere to the name Parr, as being VOL. II. D 84t SALMONID7 The Trout varies considerably in appearance in different localities ; so much so, as to have induced the belief that several species exist. It is, indeed, probable that more than one species of River Trout may exist in this country ; but when we consider geologically the various strata tra- versed by rivers in their course, the effect these variations of soil must produce upon the water, and the influence which the constant operation of the water is likely to pro- duce upon the fish that inhabit it ; — when we reflect also on the great variety and quality of the food afforded by different rivers, depending also on soil and situation, and the additional effect which these combined causes in their various degrees are likely to produce ; — we shall not be much sur- prised at the variations both in size and colour which are found to occur. That two Trout of very different appearance and quality should be found within a limited locality in the same lake or river, is not so easily explained ; and close examination of the various parts which afford the most permanent characters should be resorted to, with a view to determine whether the subject ought to be con- sidered only as a variety, or entitled to rank as a species. In these examinations the character of the internal organs also, and the number of the bones forming the vertebral column, should be ascertained. The normal number of ver- tebra? in Salmo fario, our Common Trout, I believe to be fifty-six. The remarks of Lord Home on the Common Trout are as follows : — " I am much inclined to think there is but one kind of River Trout ; the large Lake Trout may be different, but of that I can be no judge, having never caught or seen them ; but to the variation in size, colour, and appearance of the River Trout I can speak. It has often happened to me, when fishing in the height of the season for Trout in Tweed, that, out of two or three dozen I have caught, there should be VOL. II. H 98 SALMONID/E. five or six differing not only from the common Tweed Trout, but from each other. The reason of this difference in my opinion is easily explained. These Trout come down into the Tweed during the winter and spring floods from its dif- ferent feeders, viz. the Ettrick, Yarrow, Jed, Kale, Eden, Leet, &c. ; all differing completely from each other. These Trout retain enough of their original appearance to distin- guish them from Tweed Trout, which, with the exception of the Whitadder Trout, are the leanest and worst-flavoured of any in this part of the country ; but, after a few months'" stay, these Trout from the small burns gradually lose their original marks and excellence of flavour, and become like the common Tweed Trout in every respect. There can be no doubt that the nature of the soil through which the different streams flow is the cause of the difference of appearance, not only as to colour and size, but also particularly in the supe- rior excellence of their flesh to that of the Tweed and Whit- adder Trout. For example, the Eden and Leet, flowing through a rich loamy and often marly soil, afford Trout of very superior size and quality ; their bodies beautifully marked with bright red spots, their fins orange-coloured, as well as their sides, and their flesh fully a deeper red than that of the Salmon, and almost as high-flavoured, particularly the Leet Trout, which I have killed weighing seven pounds. The largest Tweed Trout I ever saw was one I caught with a salmon-fly : it weighed just five pounds. " There are two considerable streams in this county which take their rise at no great distance from each other, the Whitadder and the Blackadder, the latter tributary to the former. The Whitadder from head to foot flowing along a very rocky and gravelly bed ; while the Blackadder (Blackwater) rises in the deep mosses near Wedderlea and the Dorrington laws (High hills), and flows for about half its course through mosses ; the rest of its course through a rich and highly cul- COMMON TROUT. 99 tivated district. The Trout of Whitadder (Whitewater) are a beautiful silvery fish, but good for nothing ; those of the other, dark, almost black, with bright orange fins, and their flesh excellent. Nothing can be more different than the appearance of the Trout of these two rivers ; and surely no- thing can be more easy than at once to see the cause of this difference. The Trout in neither of these streams are of a great size. In the Blackadder they would attain a large size, — say three or four pounds ; but the river is over- fished, and poached to perfection. " I have ascertained that the Tweed Trout, after haying been a month or two in the Leet, change their colour, and soon assume the appearance of those of the Leet : while, again, not only the Leet Trout, but those of the other small burns, soon lose their beauty and other good qualities after they have been any time in the Tweed. I may mention that the food in the two little rivers Leet and Eden afforded the Trout, is the principal cause, in my opinion, of their superior size and excellence. This food consists of small shells, cadis bait, &c. and clouds of flies produced by the marl on the sides of the brooks and the woods on their banks. " Once, while fishing in the Tweed for Trout with minnow, a Trout rose and missed. I threw the minnow over him at least twenty times ; each time the fish rose eagerly, and made the most unfishlike (if I may use the expression) attempts to seize the minnow ; at last a tail-hook took hold of him, and I got him out. It proved to be a Trout with the upper jaw formed exactly, or very nearly, like that described in the 59th page of vol. ii. ; and resembling as near as possible the vignette at the bottom of that page.* This Trout was lank and thin, but weighed a pound and a half. Unluckily I did not preserve it." Sir William Jardine, Bart, in a paper on the * See page 108 of the present volume. H 100 SALMONID.E. published in the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal for January 1835, has described at considerable length the variations observed in the Trout of some of the lochs of Sutherlandshire. Other lochs abound with Trout which are reddish, dark, or silvery, according to the clearness of the water. Mr. Neill, in his Tour, has noticed the black- moss Trout of Loch Knitching, and Loch Katrine is said to abound also with small black Trout ; an effect considered to be produced in some waters by receiving the drainings of boggy moors. In streams that flow rapidly over gravelly or rocky bottoms, the Trout are generally remarkable for the brilliancy and beauty of their spots and colours. Trout are finest in appearance and flavour from the end of May till towards the end of September ; an effect produced by the greater quantity and variety of nutritious food obtained during that period. Two specimens of the Common Trout taken early in January were unusually fine in colour for that season of the year ; their stomachs on examination were distended with ova of large size, which, from circum- stances attending the capture of the Trout, were known to be the roe of the Bull Trout. The albuminous nature of this sort of food, which the Trout availed themselves of, was believed to be the cause of their colour ; since other Trout, procured at the same time from localities where no such food could be obtained, were of the usual dark colour of that season of the year. The author of Wild Sports in the West of Ireland refers particularly to the differences observed in the Trout of that country in this 35th letter : — " The fishing party had been successful, and returned late in the evening with two baskets of Trout, which, although of small size, were remarkable for beautiful shape and excellent flavour. " It is a curious fact, that the loughs where the party angled, though situate in the same valley, and divided only by a strip of moorland not above fifty yards across, united by COMMON TROUT. 101 tlic same rivulet, and in depth and soil at bottom to all appearance, precisely similar, should produce fish as different from each other as it is possible for those of the same species to be. In the centre lake, the Trout are dull, ill-shapen, and dark-coloured ; the head large, the body lank, and though of double the size, compared to their neighbours, are killed with much less opposition. In the adjacent loughs, their hue is golden and pellucid, tinted with spots of a brilliant vermilion. The scales are bright, the head small, the shoulder thick, and, from their compact shape, they prove themselves, when hooked, both active and vigorous. At table they are red and firm, and their flavour is particularly fine ; while the dark Trout are white and flaccid, and have the same insipidity of flavour which distinguishes a spent from a healthy Salmon. The red Trout seldom exceed a herring-size ; and in looking through the contents of the baskets, which amounted to at least twelve dozen, I could only find two fish which weighed above a pound. " The dark Trout, however, from their superior size, are more sought after by the mountain fishermen. They rarely are taken of a smaller weight than a pound, and sometimes have been killed, and particularly with a worm, or on a night- line, of a size little inferior to that of a moderate Salmon. " I never observed the effect of bottom soil upon the quality of fish so strongly marked as in the Trout taken in a small lake in the county of Monaghan. The water is a long irregular sheet of no great depth ; one shore bounded by a bog, the other by a dry and gravelly surface. On the bog 1 side, the Trout are of the dark and shapeless species peculiar to moory loughs ; while the other affords the beautiful and sprightly variety, generally inhabiting rapid and sandy streams. Narrow as the lake is, the fish appear to confine themselves to their respective limits ; the red Trout being never found upon the bog moiety of the lake, nor the black where the under surface is hard case ; and, from recent observation, there is now reason to believe that the Pollan of Ireland is distinct from the two species of Coregonus found in Great Britain. The Gwyniad of Wales was formerly very numerous in Llyn Tegid (Fair Lake), at Bala, until the year 1803, when Pike were put into the lake, which have very much reduced their numbers. Pennant considered the Gwyniad as the same with the C.fera of the Lake of Geneva, following in this the opinion of Willughby ; and in the manuscript notes of a fishing tour in Wales, by two excellent fishermen, who had also pursued their amusement abroad, an opinion is given to the same effect. Our Gwyniad bears a close resemblance to the figure of C. fera in the illustrations to M. Jurine's Memoir on the Fishes of Lake Leman : his description I have not seen. The British fish accords also with the short description of the C. fera in Professor Nilsson's Prodromus of the Fishes of Scandinavia. The Gwyniad is very numerous in Ulswater and other large lakes of Cumberland, where, on account of its large scales, it is called the Schelly. Dr. Heysham, the natural historian of Cumberland, and Pennant also, in his British Zoology, have recorded that many hundreds are sometimes taken at a single draught of the net. They are gregarious, and approach the shore in vast shoals in spring and summer. Pennant says, they die very soon after they are taken out of the water, are insipid in taste, and must be eaten soon, for they will not keep long. The poorer classes, who consider, and even call them the Fresh-water Herring, preserve them with salt. The fish is not unlike a Herring in appearance, and the Welsh term Gwyniad has reference to their silvery white colour. They spawn towards the end of the year, and the most usual length of the adult fish is from ten to twelve inches. The length of the head is about one-fifth of the whole SALMONID.E. length of the fish ; the depth of the body rather exceeding the length of the head : the dorsal fin commences about half- way between the point of the nose and the end of the fleshy portion of the tail ; its longest ray one-third longer than the base of the fin, and equal to three-fourths of the depth of the body : the adipose fin rather nearer the end of the tail than the posterior edge of the dorsal fin ; the pectoral fins narrow, pointed, and a little shorter than the head, inserted low down on the body : the ventral fins arising in a line under the middle of the dorsal fin ; the ventral axillary scale one- third the length of the fin : the anal fin commences half-way be- tween the origin of the ventral fin and the end of the short middle rays of the tail, and ends on the same plane with the adipose fin ; the longest anterior ray about equal to the length of the base of the fin ; the other rays diminishing gradually : the tail forked. The fin-rays in number are — D. 13 : P. 17 : V. 11 : A. 16 : C. 19. The head is triangular ; the snout rather truncated ; the jaws nearly equal, the lower just shutting within the upper; a very few minute teeth on the tongue only ; the eyes large, the breadth more than one-fourth of the length of the head ; the form of the body very like that of a Herring ; the dorsal and abdominal lines but moderately convex ; the scales large ; the lateral line very near the middle of the side. The irides silvery, the pupils dark blue ; the upper part of the head and back dusky blue, becoming lighter down the sides, with a tinge of yellow ; cheeks, gill-covers, lower part of the sides and belly silvery white ; all the fins more or less tinged with dusky blue, particularly towards the edges. According to Mr. Thompson of Belfast,* the Pollan, or Lough Neagh Coregomis, differs from the Gwyniad of Bala * Reports of Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London for 1835, p. 77. GWYNIAD. 145 in the following particulars : in the snout not being produced; in the dorsal fin being nearer the head ; in having fewer rays in the anal fin, and in its position being rather more distant from the tail ; in the dorsal, anal, and caudal fins being of less dimensions ; in the third ray of the pectoral fin being the longest, the first being of the greatest length in the Gwyniad ; and in the ventral axillary scale being longer. The vignette represents the bones of the head in the genus Coregonus. VOL. II. 146 SALMON ID.E. ABDOMINAL MALACOPTERYGII. SALMONID^E. THE VENDACE, OR VENDIS. Cvregonus Willughbii, Vendace, JARDINE, Illust. Scot. Salm. pi. 6. ,, ,, Vangis and Juvangis, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 420. ,, ,, Vendace, KNOX, Trans. R. S. E. vol. xii. p. 503. ,, Martenula, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 432. BUT little is known of this delicate fish beyond what has been published by Sir William Jardine, Bart, in the third volume of the Edinburgh Journal of Natural and Geographi- cal Science, and by Dr. Knox, in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Sir William Jardine, in his original communication, considered this species very closely allied to the Salmo albula of Linnceus ; but the difficulty of fixing synonymes satisfactorily from the short descriptions of the older authors has since led to a request from him that the name of our distinguished British naturalist should be attached to it, and I with pleasure adopt the suggestion. I believe, however, that our Vendace is the C. Martenula and C. albula of Continental authors. In Scotland the Vendace is only known in the lochs in the neighbourhood of Lochmaben, in Dumfries-shire ; and in this district some traditions and curious opinions exist regarding it. VENDACE. 147 " The Vendace is well known," says Sir William Jardinc, " to almost every person in the neighbourhood ; and if, among the lower classes, fish should at any time form the subject of conversation, the Vendace is immediately men- tioned, and the loch regarded with pride as possessing some- thing of great curiosity to visiters, and which is thought not elsewhere to exist. The story that it was introduced into these lochs by the unfortunate Mary Queen of Scots, as mentioned by Pennant in his description of the Gwyniad, — and it is likely that his information was derived from this vicinity, — is still in circulation. That the fish was intro- duced from some Continental lake, I have little doubt ; but would rather attribute the circumstance to some of the reli- gious establishments which at one time prevailed in the neighbourhood, and which were well known to pay considera- ble attention both to the table and the cellar. Mary would scarcely prefer a lake so far from even her temporary residence for the preservation of a luxury of troublesome introduction, and leave her other fish-ponds destitute of such a delicacy." " An idea prevails that this fish, if once taken from the water, will die, and that an immediate return will be of no avail ; and it is also believed that it will not exist in any other water except that of the castle loch. These are of course opinions which have gradually, from different circum- stances, gained weight, and have at last been received as facts. The fish is of extreme delicacy ; a circumstance which may have given rise to the first notion ; and the introduction of it must have taken place by means of the spawn : the fish themselves, I am confident, could not be transported alive even a few miles. As to the second opinion, they are not confined to the castle loch, but are found in several others, some of which have no communication with that where they are thought to be peculiar." " In general habits the Vendace nearly resemble the SALMONID.E. Gwyniad, and indeed most of the allied species of the genus. They swim in large shoals ; and during warm and clear wea- ther retire to the depth of the lakes, apparently sensible of the increased temperature. They are only taken with nets, a proper bait not being yet discovered ; and the fact that little excrement is found in their intestines has given rise to another tradition, that they are able to subsist without food. They are most successfully taken during a dull day and sharp breeze, approaching near to the edges of the loch, and swimming in a direction contrary to the wind. They spawn about the commencement of November, and at this time congregate in large shoals, frequently rising to the surface of ihe water, in the manner of the common Herring, and making a similar noise by their rise and fall to and from the surface. The sound may be distinctly heard, and the direc- tion of the shoal perceived, during a calm and clear evening. They are very productive. The lochs abound with Pike, of which they are a favourite food ; but their quantity seems in no degree to be diminished, notwithstanding that immense numbers must be destroyed. They are considered a great delicacy, resembling the Smelt a good deal in flavour ; and, though certainly very palatable, the relish may be somewhat heightened by the difficulty of always procuring a supply. During the summer, fishing-parties are frequent, introducing some stranger friend to this Lochmaben Whitebait ; and a club, consisting of between twenty and thirty of the neigh- bouring gentry, possessing a private net, &c. meet annually in July, to enjoy the sport of fishing, and feasting upon this luxury." While enjoying the hospitality of Sir William Jardine in the autumn of 1840, I had the gratification of seeing some Vendace caught in the morning, and afterwards partaking of them at dinner. I considered the fish quite entitled to all their character for excellence. VENDACE. 149 The circumstance that this fish is never caught by anglers made a knowledge of its food a matter of interest in several points of view. Dr. Knox ascertained that this consists principally of very minute entomostracous animals, not exceed- ing seven-twelfths of a line in size. I have been favoured with specimens of the Vendace by Sir William Jardine and T. S. Bushnan, Esq. which have afforded me several oppor- tunities of examining the contents of the stomach and intes- tines. The contained mass, which is frequently in considera- ble quantity, has a brownish yellow colour, appearing slightly granulated to the unassisted eye. A very small portion being placed on a slip of glass, and agitated gently in conjunction with a drop of water, which separates the particles, on placing the slip of glass under a good microscope, two species in various states of perfection are almost constantly found. The vignette at the end of the description of this fish represents these two forms. The first and second figure on the left hand are a back and side view of a species of the genus Lynceus of Mliller and others ; the third and fourth figures are a back and side view of a species of Cyclops of Miiller. On one occasion, I found a very small coleopterous insect, the tough skin of a red worm not much thicker than fine thread, and what appeared to be a portion of the wing of a dipterous insect. Dr. Knox found that the females of the Vendace were more numerous as well as larger than the males, frequently exceeding eight inches in length; the males not measuring more than seven inches, which was the length of the specimen here described. They are seldom seen of larger size. The length of the head compared to that of the body only was as two to seven ; the depth of the body at the com- mencement of the dorsal fin not quite equal to one-fourth of the length of the body without the caudal rays : the body elegantly shaped ; the convexity of the dorsal and abdominal 150 SALMONID.E. lines about equal ; the lateral line passes straight along the middle of the side, with six rows of scales in an oblique line between the dorsal fin and the lateral line, and the same num- ber between the line and the ventral axillary scale : the dorsal fin commences half-way between the nose and the origin of the upper caudal rays ; the longest ray double the length of the base of the fin : the adipose fin very near the tail ; pec- toral fin not quite equal to the length of the head ; the ventral fin commences in a line under the first ray of the dorsal fin ; the ventral axillary scale one-third the length of the fin ; the anal fin commences half-way between the origin of the ventral fin and the end of the fleshy portion of the tail ; the longest ray about equal to the base of the fin : the tail deeply forked ; all the fins large. The fin-rays in number are — U. 11 : P. 16 : V. 11 : A. 15 : C. 19. Vertebrae 52. In form the under jaw is the longest ; the mouth small, the opening square ; a few very minute teeth on the tongue only : the breadth of the eye one-third of the whole head, the posterior part of the iris the broadest ; the colour silvery tinged with yellow, the pupil blue : the upper parts of the body of a delicate greenish brown, shading gradually towards the belly into a clear silver ; the dorsal fin a greenish brown ; the lower fins are all bluish white. POWAN. 151 ABDOMINAL MALACOPTERYGII. SALMONID.Z. THE POWAN. Coregonus La Cepedei, The Powan, PARNELL, Annals of Nat. Hist. vol. i. p. 161. ,, clupeoides, The Herring-like Coregonus, LACEPEDE, Hist. Nat. des Poiss. 8vo. edit. torn. x. p. 386. DR. PARNELL, whose Ichthyological investigations in Scotland have not been confined to the " Fishes of the Forth " only, has described in the first volume of the Annals of Natural History a species of Coregonus, to which he has attached the name of La Cepedei ; this species having been first noticed, or perhaps distinguished, by this celebrated French naturalist. This fish is found in Loch Lomond, one of the largest and most picturesque lakes in the west of Scotland. It is not unlikely that some of the species of Coregoni found in the northern lakes of England, Scotland, and Ireland, may exist in the lakes of Scandinavia; M. Nilsson, Professor of Natural History at Lund, describing in his Prodromus Ich- thyologia Scandinavicee no less than eight species as belong- ing to that country : but from a certain general agreement in 152 SALMONID.E. the characters of the Coregoni, it is difficult to refer our species with certainty in the absence of foreign specimens with which to make actual comparison. It appears, on reference to his Natural History of Fishes, that Lacepede became aware of the existence of this Coregonus in Loch Lomond by the communication of M. Noel, who visited Scotland in August 1802. Although some little differences appear in the descriptions of this fish, as given by Lacepede and Dr. Parnell, there is little doubt that both authors had the same species under consideration. This fish bears, as observed by Dr. Parnell, considerable resemblance in appearance, and also in the number of its fin-rays, to the Salmo Wartmanni of Bloch, part 3, tab. 105, a species of Coregonus, named after a learned physician, who first de- scribed it. It is found in some of the lakes of Switzerland, and also in lake Constance; but Lacepede, to whom the Wartmanni was known, considered the Loch Lomond Core- gonus distinct. It is thus described by Dr. Parnell, from a specimen fourteen inches in length. " Head long and narrow, of an oval form, about one-fifth the length of the whole fish, caudal fin included ; depth of the body between the dorsal and ventral fins less than the length of the head. Colour of the back and sides dusky blue, with the margin of each scale well defined by a number of minute dark specks ; belly dirty white ; the lower portion of the dorsal, pectoral, ventral, and anal fins dark bluish grey; iricles silvery, pupils blue. First ray of the dorsal fin com- mencing half-way between the point of the snout and the base of the short lateral caudal rays ; the first ray simple, the rest branched; the second and third the longest, equalling the length of the pectorals ; the seventh ray as long as the base of the fin ; the last ray one-third the length of the fourth ; adipose fin large and thin, situate midway between the base of the fourth dorsal fin-ray and the tip of the long POWAN. 153 upper ray of the caudal fin ; anal fin commencing half-way between the origin of the ventral fin and the base of the middle caudal ray ; the first ray simple, the rest branched ; the second rather the longest ; the third as long as the base of the fin ; the last ray half the length of the fifth ; ventral fins commencing under the middle of the dorsal ; the third ray the longest, equalling the length of the same ray of the dorsal ; pectorals long and pointed, one-sixth the length of the whole fish, caudal fin included ; the first ray simple ; the second and third the longest, the last short, not one-fourth the length of the first ; tail deeply forked, with the long rays of the upper portion curving slightly downwards, giving the fin a peculiar form. Gill-cover produced behind ; the basal line of union between the operculum and suboperculum oblique ; the free margin of the latter slightly rounded ; pre- operculum angular ; snout prominent, somewhat of a conical form, extending beyond the upper lip ; jaws of unequal length, the lower one the shortest. The maxillary bone broad, the free extremity extending back to beneath the an- terior margin of the orbit. Teeth in the upper jaw long and slender, about six in number ; those on the tongue shorter and more numerous. Eyes large, extending below the mid- dle of the cheeks ; lateral line commencing at the upper part of the operculum, and running down the middle of the sides to the base of the middle caudal ray. Scales large and de- ciduous, eighty-four forming the lateral line, eight between the dorsal fin and lateral line, and the same number between the lateral line and the base of the vcntrals." The numbers of the fin-rays, including the two short rays at the com- mencement of the dorsal and anal fins, are D. 14 : P. 16 : V. 12 : A. 13 : C. 20. Caeca 120. " This fish grows occasionally to the length of sixteen inches. In the stomach of one of the specimens examined 154 SALMONID.E. were found several species of Entomostraca., larvae of insects, a few Coleoptera, a number of small tough red worms, little more than half an inch in length, and about the thickness of a coarse thread, besides a quantity of gravel, which the fish had probably accumulated when in search of the larvse." " These fish are found in Loch Lomond in great numbers, where they are called Powans or Freshwater Herrings. They #re caught from the month of March until September with large drag-nets, and occasional instances have occurred in which a few have been taken with a small artificial fly : a minnow or bait they have never been known to touch. Early in the morning and late in the evening large shoals of them are observed approaching the shores in search of food, and rippling the surface of the water with their fins as they pro- ceed. In this respect they resemble in their habits the Ven- dace of Lochmaben and the saltwater herring. They are never seen under any circumstances in the middle of the day. From the estimation these fish are held in by the neighbour- ing inhabitants, they are seldom sent far before they meet with a ready sale, and are entirely unknown in the markets of Glasgow. In the months of August and September they are in best condition for the table, when they are con- sidered well flavoured, wholesome and delicate food. They shed their spawn in October to December, and remain out of condition until March." Although agreeing in the number of fin-rays with the Pollan of Ireland, this Loch Lomond fish is at once dis- tinguished from it by the peculiar form of its mouth, a repre- sentation of which, in two points of view, inserted as a vig- nette, and contrasted with the same parts in the Pollan, both of the natural size, will, better than description, convey the appearance in proof of distinction. The Loch Lomond fish being remarkable for the depth of the upper lip, and the large size of the lateral free portions of the superior maxillary bones. POWAN. 155 Dr. Parncll lias described a second species of Coregonus found in Locli Lomond, which differs from the first in having a smaller head, yet agreeing exactly in the number of all the fin-rays ; but as I learn by communication with Dr. Parncll that since the publication of his paper he has obtained many specimens from Loch Lomond, the characters of which are intermediate in reference to the two fishes described, and appear to connect them, I have not figured it as a distinct species. 156 SALMON1D,E. ABDOMINAL MALACOPTERYG11. SALMON 'ID &. THE POLLAN. Coregonus Pultun, The Pollan, THOMPSON, Proceedings Zool. Soc. for 1835, p. 77 ; and Magazine of Zool. and Bot. vol. i. p. 247. A SHORT notice of the Pollan of Ireland, as made known by Mr. Thompson of Belfast in 1835, was inserted in the History of British Fishes, vol. ii. p. 88 ; and that gentleman having most zealously followed up his zoological investiga- tions in that country, I am now enabled to add from his re- searches various further particulars. " The earliest notice of the species that I have seen," says Mr. Thompson, " is in Harris's History of the County of Down, published in the year 1744, where, as well as in the statistical surveys of the counties of Armagh and Antrim, it has subsequently been introduced as one of the fishes of Lough Neagh, under the name of Pollan : but, as may be expected in works of this nature, little more than its mere existence is mentioned." " The habits of this fish do not, with the exception of its having been in some instances taken with the artificial fly, POLLAN. 157 differ in any marked respect from those of the Vendace of Scotland or the Gwyniad of Wales, and are in accordance with such species of Continental Europe as are confined to inland waters, and of whose history we have been so fully in- formed by Bloch. The Pollan approaches the shore in large shoals, not only during spring and summer, but when the au- tumn is far advanced. The usual time of fishing for it is in the afternoon, the boats returning the same evening. On the days of the 23rd, 24th, and 25th of September 1834, which I spent in visiting the fishing stations at Lough Neagh, it was along with the Common and Great Lake Trout, Salmofario and Salmoferox, caught plentifully in sweep-nets, cast at a very short distance from the shore. About a fortnight before this time, or in the first week in September, the greatest take of the Pollan ever recollected occurred at the bar-mouth, where the river Six-milc-water enters the lake. At either three or four draughts of the net, one hundred and forty hundreds, — one hundred and twenty-three fish to the hun- dred,*— or 17,220 fish were taken ; at one draught more were captured than the boat could with safety hold, and they had consequently to be emptied on the neighbouring pier. They altogether filled five one-horse carts, and were sold on the spot at the rate of 3s. 4rf. a hundred, producing 23/. 6s. 8d. From 8s. 4rf. to 4s. a hundred has been the ordinary price at the lake side, or directly from the fishermen ; some years ago it was so low as Is. 8d. the hundred, but at that time the regular system of carriage to a distance, as now adopted, did not exist. At the former rates they are purchased by carriers, who convey them for sale to the more populous parts of the neighbouring country, and to the towns within a limited distance of the lake. They are brought in quantities to Belfast ; and when the supply is good, the cry of ' fresh Pollan1 prevails even to a greater cx- * The English long hundred is six score, or one hundred and twenty. 158 SALMONID.E. tent than that of ' fresh Herring,1 though both fishes are in season at the same period of the year. In the month of June 1834, fifty hundreds — six thousand one hundred and fifty individuals — of Pollan, and one hundred and twenty-five pounds weight of Trout, were taken at one draught of a net, at another part of the lake near Ram's Island, which was the most successful capture made there for twenty-four years. In 1834 this fish was more abundant than ever before known. Like the Gwyniad and Vendace, the Pollan dies very soon after being taken from the water, and likewise keeps for a very short time. It is not in general estimation for the table, but is, I think, a very good and well-flavoured fish."" " Though permanently resident, the Pollan is very far from being generally diffused throughout Lough Neagh. It rarely occurs between the river Mayola and Toone ; while from the Six-mile-water to Shane's Castle is so favourite a resort, that a few houses that formerly stood near the latter locality, were dignified with the name of Pollan 's Town." " In the months of November and December this fish de- posits its spawn where the lake presents a hard or rocky bot- tom. On the 4th of December 1835, a quantity of the largest Pollans I have seen were brought to Belfast market. Several were thirteen inches in length, and all on dissection proved to be females just ready to deposit their roe. On the llth of the same month several male specimens of full size that I procured, and which contained milt most promi- nently developed, measured but eleven inches and a half, — thus showing that in maturity the female fish exceeds the male in length in the proportion of thirteen to eleven and a half. Its average weight when in season is about six ounces. One specimen, mentioned to me as the largest taken within the last ten years, weighed two pounds and a half. The only food that I have, without resorting to the microscope, detected in the stomach of the Pollan, was a full-grown speci- POLLAN. 159 men of the bivalve shell Pisidium pulchellum. A pebble of equal size was also found with it." In the stomach of a specimen given me by Mr. Thompson I found a species of Gammarus. Mr. Thompson, in some more recent examina- tions, lias found mature individuals of Gammarus aqualicus, and the larvte of various aquatic insects ; some shells of the genus Pisidium., one of the fry of the three-spined stickleback, and a few fragments of stone. Others were found to contain minute Entomostraca^ two Pisidia, and a Limneus pereger ; this last was three lines in length. Besides inhabiting Lough Neagh, the Pollan has also been found in Lough Derg, an expansion of the Shan- non ; and Lord Cole, who has most condescendingly in- terested himself in the History of British Fishes, had the kindness to send me a jar full of Pollan from Lough Erne in the county of Fermanagh, from one of which specimens our figure was taken. The Pollan of Lough Erne are rather deeper for their length than those of Lough Neagh. His lordship has also sent me numerous Charr from Ireland ; some from Lough Eask very much like the Charr of the Cumberland Lakes, while those from Lough Melvyn are short and deep fish with large fins exactly resembling the Charr found in two or three lakes in Wales, the particulars of which have been already described. To return to the Pollan of Ireland, Mr. Thompson's de- scription is as follows : " The relative length of the head to that of the body is about as one to three and a half; the depth of the body equal to the length of the head ; the jaws equal in length, both occasionally furnished with a few delicate teeth ; the tongue with many teeth ; the lateral line sloping downwards for a short way from the operculum, and thence passing straight to the tail. Nine rows of scales from the dorsal fin to the lateral line, and the same number thence to the ventral fin, the row of scales on the back and that of the 160 SALMONID.E. lateral line not included. The third ray of the pectoral fin the longest. The fin-ray formula is as follows — B. 9 : D. 14 : P. 16 : V. 12 : A. 13 : C. 19. Vertebra: 59. Of these, the first two rays of the dorsal fin, and the first two rays also of the anal fin are short. " The colour to the lateral line dark blue, thence to the belly silvery ; dorsal, anal, and caudal fins, towards the ex- tremity, tinged with black ; pectoral and ventral fins of crys- talline transparency, excepting at their extremities, which are faintly dotted with black. Irides silvery, pupil black." In a number of these Pollan from Lough Erne as well as Lough Neagh, the base of the last ray of the dorsal fin is exactly half-way between the point of the nose and the ex- treme end of the longest upper caudal ray. Nine rows of scales from the base of the first ray of the dorsal fin to the lateral line, and the same number from the lateral line to the origin of the ventral fin, with eighty-eight scales forming the lateral line. The fin-rays in number on several specimens exactly as stated by Mr. Thompson. ARGENTINE. 161 ABDOMINAL MALACOPTERYGII. SALMONJD&. THE ARGENTINE. Scopetus Humboldtii, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 315. ,, borealis, NILSSON, Prod. p. 20. Serpes Humboldtii, Risso, Ich. p. 358, tab. X. f. 38. Scopelus ,, ,, Hist. t. iii. p. 467 . Argentina sphyrana, Argentine, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 432, pi. 76. ,, ,, ,, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 182. „ Humboldti, ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 433. SCOPELUS. Generic Characters. — Body long, slender ; the principal dorsal fin over the interval between the ventral and anal fins ; a second dorsal fin, so small as to be scarcely perceptible : the head short ; the mouth and gill-aperture large ; small teeth on both jaws ; palate and tongue smooth. Ax the time of publishing the first edition of this work, Pennant, and the Rev. Mr. Low of Orkney, appeared to be the only British observers who had met with, on our coast, examples of this brilliant little fish, which Cuvier considers to belong to the genus Scopelus, as here stated ; and other references are here added, to assist in determining the species. The Scopelus Humboldtii, if identical with Pennant's Ar- gentine, is taken to the north of our island, and also in the Mediterranean, as the remarks of Professor Nilsson and M. Risso imply ; and the latter naturalist enumerates three VOL. II. M 162 SALMONIDE. species of the genus, of which he says S. Humboldtii is the best known, but that little is ascertained of their habits. Pennant's specimen was taken in the sea near Downing in Flintshire : Mr. Low's fish was brought to him by a boy, who said he found it at the edge of the water among sea- weed. The receipt of an additional portion of MS. recently confided to me by William Walcott, Esq. furnishes a notice, written by his late father, of a third instance of the occur- rence of the Argentine, which was found stranded on the shore near Exmouth : length two inches and a half. Pennant's description is, " Length two inches and a quarter ; the eyes large, the irides silvery ; the lower jaw sloped much ; the teeth small ; the body compressed, and of an equal depth almost to the anal fin ; the tail forked : the back was of a dusky green ; the sides and covers of the gills as if plated with silver ; the lateral line was in the middle, and quite straight : on each side of the belly was a row of circular punctures ; above them another, which ceased near the vent." The formula of the fin-rays appears to be — D. 9 : P. 17 : V. 8 : A. 15 : C. 19. The figure of this fish referred to in M. Risso's work represents the anal fin as containing many more rays than are apparent in the figure by Pennant, from which the represen- tation at the head of this article is copied. In the volume of the Magazine of Natural History for the year 1838, Dr. W. B. Clarke, who had found a specimen of the Argentine at Portobello, near Edinburgh, has published a notice of his fish, from which the following is an abstract. " I beg leave to transmit, for insertion in the Magazine of Natural History, a sketch and description of a species of Argentine, which I obtained upon the shore of the Frith of Forth, at Portobello, in April 1838. " I discovered this highly elegant little fish, whilst looking ARGENTINE. 163 amongst the various bodies cast up by the water, and ob- served it lying entangled in some sea-weed, which had been accumulated in masses, and left by the retiring tide. The fish was dead; but from its freshness could not long have been so. " In the Animal Kingdom of Cuvier, translated by Grif- fith, we have the following description of the genus : — " Scopelus, Cuv. Serpes of Risso. " ' Mouth and gills extremely cleft ; the two jaws fur- nished with very small teeth ; the edge of the upper entirely formed by the intermaxillaries ; the tongue and palate smooth. — Their muzzle is very short and obtuse : there are nine or ten rays to the gills ; and besides the usual dorsal, which corresponds to the interval of the ventrals, and the anal, there is another very small one behind, in which the vestiges of rays are perceptible.' " ' These fishes are caught in the Mediterranean, inter- mingled with the Anchovies, and they are there called Me- lettes, as are other small fishes. One of them, the Serpes Humboldtii, Risso, pi. x. fig. 38, is remarkable for the bril- liancy of the silvery points which are distributed along the body and tail.' " Then in a note we have, ' I believe this fish to be the pretended Argentina sphyrana of Pennant's Brit. Zool. No. 156 ; therefore it should be found in our part of the Atlantic.' " Besides the Scopelus Humboldtii, which probably is identical with the species under description, there are two other species, viz. Serpes (Scopelus) crocodile, Risso, p. 357, and Serpes (Scopelus) balbo, Id. Ac. des Sc. de Turin, tome xxv. pi. x. fig. 3. " Pennant's description agrees, in many respects, with my fish ; but as the figure contained in Mr. Yarrell's work, M 2 164 SALMONID.E. (which was taken from Pennant's,) differs very materially about the head and tail, although it resembles it in the form of the body, I have sent an exact figure of my own specimen, to show the precise form of the bones of the opercula and sides of the head, together with a full description ; which may assist future observers in determining whether more than one species visits our shores. If Pennants figure be an exact representation, the fish it was taken from was certainly a different species to the one under description. " My specimen would correspond with Pennants descrip- tion except in the following particulars : viz. length one inch if : the back of a dense blue black, presenting, in cer- tain lights, a brownish tinge ; lateral line central and straight, but inclining upwards, at about its anterior sixth, towards the upper angle of the operculum. " The number and arrangement of the guttas in the speci- men under consideration, are as follow : viz. on each side, upper series between os hyoides and origin of pectoral fin, five ; upper abdominal series between base of pectoral and a spot perpendicularly over the ventral, nine ; lower abdominal series, from a spot perpendicularly beneath the posterior mar- gin of orbit, to base of ventral, twelve ; between base of ven- tral and commencement of anal, six ; the two anterior directed downwards and backwards ; the four posterior forming an arch ARGENTJNE. 165 from a little above the second gutta to the commencement of the anal fin : one large gutta, in a line with the upper abdo- minal series, is placed slightly anterior, but above the com- mencement of the anal fin : between the anterior commence- ment of anal and base of caudal, twenty-four ; but between the eighth and ninth from the caudal fin, there is a space where a spot appears to have been obliterated. " About midway between the anterior commencement of the dorsal and base of caudal, but rather nearer the latter, there is a slight elevation, where, apparently, the fleshy fin has its origin ; but in the specimen under description it is scarcely perceptible, being, even with the aid of a lens, only like a slight membranous ridge. " The formula of the fin-rays appears to be — D. 9 : P. 17 : V. 8 : A. 20 : C. 18. Mr. Yarrell remarks, ' the figure of this fish, referred to in Risso's work, represents the anal fin as containing many more rays than are represented in the figure by Pennant.' The fish obtained by me possesses more anal rays than Pennant's would appear to have had, judging from the figure which he has published. " Length of head compared with whole length of fish, as one to four : diameter of eye to length of head, as one to three : first dorsal fin commences midway between end of nose and tail : depth of body to whole length of fish, as one to five and a half: nostrils double, situated in a depression midway between the eye and centre of intermaxillary bone. The operculum is extremely large, and appears to be deve- loped at the expense of the pre-operculum, which is very small, and joins the former by a straight moveable suture, running in a line perpendicularly downwards, from the poste- rior margin of the orbit ; it forms an obtuse-angled triangle, with the obtuse angle pointing downwards and backwards : 166 SALMONID.E. the sub-orbital bone occupies nearly the anterior inferior half of the orbit, and is of a beautiful argenteous lustre, like the operculum. There are five oval spots, forming a fan-shaped figure, occupying the space between the anterior edge of the superior maxillary bone, and the anterior inferior angle of the pre-operculum, beneath the sub-orbital bone, and distinctly seen through the transparent intermaxillary bone, which is very large. There is one gutta upon the pre-operculum, at its anterior inferior angle, and the appearance of another at the anterior inferior angle of the sub-operculum : there is no appearance of branchiostegous rays whilst the opercula are closed. " The sides of this elegant little fish are of the most re- splendent argenteous lustre ; the guttse are of a dense opaque white, and round their margin, especially along the sub- caudal series, there is a steel-blue tinge, giving that part of the body a very beautiful appearance. The upper abdominal series have an arched appearance, from this tinge not being continued round the inferior margin of the guttcG. The back of the specimen under description, which has been in spirits ever since its capture, is of a dense blue black, presenting, in certain lights, a brownish tinge. " From specimens of this fish having been found in the above localities, viz. — in the sea near Flintshire, on the shore in Orkney, in Devonshire, and, lastly, in Edinburghshire, we may infer that it is generally, although sparingly, diffused through the British seas. Probably, ere long, we may hear of other examples of its occurrence upon our shores, or in our seas." So recently as March last, 1841, and while the preceding part of the present volume was going through the press, I received a letter from the Rev. J. Newsam, of Redcar, on the Yorkshire coast, informing me that a specimen of the Argentine had been found by one of his children amongst ARGENTINE. 1 (>7 sea-weed on the shore, about high-water mark, the colours of which were most brilliant, and both rows of spots very dis- tinct. This gentleman also sent me word that one or two other specimens had been obtained, at different times, in the same vicinity, near Redcar. The specimen preserved was given to me by Mr. Newsam, and I beg to record my thanks for his kindness in sending me the first example of the fish I ever saw. From this specimen the representation here in- serted was carefully drawn and engraved, exactly of the natu- ral size. In May last I received a letter from the Rev. T. S. Rudd, also of Redcar, stating that he had found a brilliant specimen of the Argentine, of which a fisherman, when it was shown to him, observed, that he had seen several like it cast up on the shore. This example, which Mr. Rudd sent for my inspec- tion, with a request that I would keep it if of any use to me, exactly agreed with the specimen already in my possession. Prince Canino, during his recent visit to this country, said, on seeing my example of this fish, that he had not found this species in the Mediterranean, most of which are figured and described in the 27th part of the Fauna Italica. Both the specimens from Redcar having suffered some slight mutilation, I was unable to decide the number of rays in the dorsal, ventral, or anal fins ; which would have assisted in determining the species. In the character of the fins, the Yorkshire specimens most resemble Pennant's figure at 168 SALMONIBvE. the head of this article ; in the number and situation of the spots, and in colour, they resemble Dr. Clarke's fish ; and there is a general resemblance in all three, except in size. By endeavouring to represent the steel-blue appearance along the lower edge of the fish, the silvery spots are rendered more apparent. Other examples, I have no doubt, will hereafter occur to decide the question, whether only one, or more spe- cies, inhabit our shores. PILCHARD. 169 ABDOMINAL MALACOPTERYGIL CLUPEWIE* THE PILCHARD. GIPSEY HERRING. Scotland. Clupea pitchardus, BLOCH, pt. xii. pi. 406. „ ,, WILLUGHBY, p. 223, tab. P. 1. fig. 1. ,, ,, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 319. ,, ,, Pilcliard, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 453, pi. 79. ,, ,, ,, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 69. ,, pilcardus, ,, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 183, sp. 52. ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 436. CLUPEA. Generic Characters. — Body compressed ; scales large, thin, and deciduous ; head compressed ; teeth minute, or wanting ; a single dorsal fin ; abdominal line forming a sharp keel-like edge, which in some species is ser- rated ; branchiostegous rays 8. THE following account of the Pilchard is derived from the MS. of Mr. Couch, from whose various scientific acquire- ments, habits of observation and locality, it may be fairly inferred that no better authority could be quoted. The older naturalists considered the Pilchard, like the Herring, as a visitor from a distant region ; and they as- * The family of the Herrings. 170 CLUPEID.E. signed to it also the same place of resort as that fish, with which indeed the Pilchard has been sometimes confounded. To this it will be a sufficient reply, that the Pilchard is never seen in the Northern Ocean, and the few that some- times wander through the Straits of Dover, or the Bristol Channel, have evidently suffered from passing so far out of their accustomed limits. They frequent the French coasts, and are seen on those of Spain ; but on neither in consi- derable numbers, or with much regularity ; so that few fishes confine themselves within such narrow bounds. On the coast of Cornwall they are found through all the seasons of the year, and even there their habits vary in the different months. In January, they keep near the bottom, and are chiefly seen in the stomachs of ravenous fishes ; in March, they sometimes assemble in schulls, and thousands of hogs- heads have in some years been taken in scans : but this union is only partial, and not permanent ; and it is not until July that they regularly and permanently congregate so as to be sought after by the fishermen. The sean-fishery commences in August, and continues until the shortened days and stormy weather of the equinox render its further prosecution impracticable ; but the fish continue to appear, sometimes in great numbers, until the conclusion of the year. The season and situation for spawn- ing, and the choice of food, are the chief causes which influence the motions of the great bodies of these fish ; and it is probable that a thorough knowledge of these would explain all the variations which have been noticed in the actions of the Pilchard, in the numerous unsuccessful seasons of the fishery. In some years, at least, a considerable body of Pilchards shed spawn in the month of May — perhaps in the middle of the Channel, where I have known them taken, heavy with roe, in drift-nets shot for Mackerel ; yet it seems certain that they do not breed twice in the year, and that PILCHARD. 171 the larger body do not perform this function until October, and then at no great distance from the shore. I have known an equally great variation to occur in other fishes, which have in consequence visited us, and been in season, at a time not expected by the fishermen. They feed with voracity on small crustaceous animals ; and I have found their stomachs crammed each with thou- sands of a minute species of shrimp, not larger than a flea. It is probably when they are in search of something like this, that fishermen report they have seen them lying in myriads quietly at the bottom, examining with their mouths the sand or small stones in shallow water. The abundance of this food must be enormous, if, as there can be no doubt was the case, all the schulls on the coast were as well fed as the individuals I examined. The Pilchard has been known to swallow a hook baited with a worm ; and it is probable that they devour the roe of fish ; for a gentleman who re- sided on the shores of the Bay of Biscay informed me that it is the custom of the French fishermen to throw large quantities of the salted pea-roe of fish about their nets, to attract Pilchards, and that he has seen much of this spawn in the stomachs of Pilchards so taken. Large quantities of the roe offish are imported into France for this purpose from northern nations. When near the coast, the assemblage of Pilchards as- sumes the arrangement of a mighty army, with its wings stretching parallel to the land ; and the whole is composed of numberless smaller bodies, which are perpetually joining together, shifting their position, and separating again. There are three stations assumed by this great body, that have tkeir separate influence on the success of the fishery. One is to the eastward of the Lizard, the most eastern extremity reaching to the Start Point in Devonshire, beyond which no fishery is carried on, except that rarely it extends to 172 CLUPEIDE. Dartmouth ; a second station is included between the Lizard and Land's End ; and the third is on the north coast of the county, the chief station being about St. Ives. It is com- mon for one of these districts to be full of fish, while in neither of the others is a schull to be seen ; but towards the end of the season they often move from one station to another, or perhaps traverse in succession all the shores of the county. The subordinate motions of the schulls are much regulated by the tide, against the current of which they are rarely known to go ; and the whole will sometimes remain parallel to the coast for several weeks, at the distance of a few leagues, and then, as if by general consent, will advance close to the shore, sometimes without beinof dis- O covered till they have reached it. This usually happens when the tides are strongest, and is the period when the principal opportunity is afforded for the prosecution of the sean-fishery. The fishery for Pilchards is carried on by drift or driving nets, and with scans. The outfit of the former, which somewhat resembles that already described for Mackerel, consists of a number of nets, great in proportion to the wealth of the proprietor and the size of the boat, but commonly about twenty, each from eighteen to twenty fathoms long, and seven fathoms deep ; so that a string of driving nets will sometimes reach three-quarters of a mile. These nets are fastened to each other in length, and to a head-line, appro- priated to each, along which runs a row of corks ; another line runs loosely along the middle of the nets to afford additional strength, but no lead is used at the bottom. The nets are carried in common fishing-boats, some of which, as at Mount's Bay, are luggers, and most of the others have spritsails : the crews consist each of four men and a boy. The fishery begins a little before sunset, and the nets are drawn in about two hours, to be again shot as morning PILCHARD. 173 approaches ; for Pilchards enter the nets better at these sea- sons. A rope from one end of the string is fastened over the quarter of the boat, and the nets are left to float with the tide, no sails being set, except rarely in very calm weather, to prevent the nets being folded together. Within a few years an improvement has been made, derived, it would appear, from the practice of the herring-fishers, by which more fish have been taken, and much of the hazard obviated to which the nets were exposed by ships passing over them. It consists in diminishing the number and size of the corks along the head-line, and in fixing cords at proper distances, each of which has attached to it a stout buoy. These cords are from two to two and a half fathoms long, and conse- quently allow the upper edge of the nets to sink to that depth below the surface ; but even now it is found that the fish are principally caught in the lower part of the net. The number of fish taken by a drift-boat in a night's fishing varies exceedingly : from five to ten thousand is con- sidered moderate ; it often amounts to twenty thousand. For the season's fishing, about one hundred and fifty thou- sand fish would be deemed favourable. For the sean-fishing, three boats are provided, of which two are about forty feet long, and ten wide at the beam, with flat timbers and a sharp bow. The first is termed the sean-boat, and is furnished with a sean two hundred and twenty fathoms in length, and twelve fathoms deep, which is buoyed along the head-rope with corks, and weighed down with leads. The second boat is called the volyer, a term supposed to be a corruption of the word, follower. This boat has a sean from one hundred to one hundred and twenty fathoms in length, and eighteen fathoms deep at its deepest part, and is termed the tuck-sean : it differs from the former, called the stop-scan, as well in shape as in dimensions, the middle being formed into a hollow or bunt. 174 CLUPEID.E. A third boat, called a lurker, is less than the others, and has no scan. The crew attending a scan consists of eighteen men and one or two boys. Seven of these are assigned to each of the larger boats, and the remaining four, including the master seaner, to the lurker. This fishery commences in August, three weeks or a month after the drivers, whose success, or the want of it, has much influence. The three boats proceed in the afternoon to some sandy bay, and cast anchor, keeping a good look-out for the appearance of fish, which are discovered either by the rippling of the water, by the stoiting or leaping of the fish, or by the colour they impart to the sea. In these respects, as marks of the dif- ference between the habits of the Herring and the Pilchard, fishermen observe that the former rarely springs from the water, or stoits, as it is called, except when alarmed or driven : but the Pilchard does this often, and apparently from wantonness. When alarmed, both these fish will rush along the distance of five or six feet, as marked by the briming;* but the Pilchard does this with more celerity than the Herring. When the presence of fish is discovered, the lurker pro- ceeds to the place to ascertain the magnitude of the schull, and the direction in which it is moving. The depth of water, clearness of ground from rocks and other obstructions, and the force and direction of the tide, enter also into the calculation of the master before he makes the signal for preparation. All the proceedings are directed by signs, for the fish are alarmed at noise, and when everything is favour- able, a warp from the end of the scan is handed to the volyer, whose place it is to keep all taut ; the lurker continuing on the fish to watch their motions, and to point to the sean- boat what is to be enclosed. The sean-boat is rowed by 6 The flash of light seen in the sea when disturbed in the night, and sup- posed to proceed from minute molluscous or crustaceous animals. PILCHARD. 175 four men, the other three being employed in throwing the net ; and such is the vigour exerted on this occasion, that this great body of net, rope, corks, and lead is thrown into the sea in less than five minutes. The sean at first forms a curved line across the course of the fish ; and while the two larger boats are employed in warping the ends together, the lurker's station is in the opening, where, by dashing the water, the fish are kept away from the only place of escape. When the sean is closed and the ends are laced together, if the body of the fish be great and the sea or tide strong, the net is secured by heavy grapnels, which are attached to the head-ropes by hawsers. It will appear from this account that it is not more difficult to take a thousand hogsheads of fish than a single hogshead ; the only difference being, that with the greater quantity the sean is regularly moored, which with the smaller is unnecessary : it may even be said that the capture of the larger body is most easily effected ; for, as its motion is slow, its course is not so speedily altered. When the evening has closed in, and the tide is low, they proceed to take up the fish. For this purpose, leaving the stop-scan as before, the volyer passes within it, and lays the tuck-sean round it on the inner side : it is then drawn together so as gradually to contract the limits of the fish, and raise them from the bottom. When disturbed, they become exceedingly agitated ; and so great is the force derived from their numbers and fear, that the utmost caution is used lest the net should either sink or be burst. When the tuck-sean is thus gradually contracting and the boats surround it, stones suspended from ropes, called minriies, are repeatedly plunged into the water at that part where escape alone is practicable, until the fish then to be taken up are supported in the hollow or bunt of the sean. When brought to the surface, the voices of the men are lost in the noise made by the fish as they beat the water. 176 CLUPEID.E. The seaners fix themselves in pairs on the gunwales of the boats, with flaskets to lade the fish on board. When the quantity enclosed in the stop-scan is large, the tuck-sean is made to enclose no more than the boats can carry, of which a master seaner commonly forms a correct judgment by the extent of the briming in his sean, as the fish move in it ; and many advantages result from taking up only a portion at one time, for the whole can thus be salted in proper condition, without fatigue or extraordinary expense : thus a week may possibly elapse before the whole of the capture is secured, part being taken up every night. The description here given of the manner in which the Pilchard fishery is conducted applies to the greater part of the coast, but some variation occurs in particular districts. In Mount's Bay the men and boats employed to take the fish are not the same that convey it to land ; a mode of pro- ceeding rendered necessary by the distance from shore at which it is taken. The fishery at St. Ives is regulated by a particular act of parliament, and huers* are employed there and elsewhere to assist the fishermen. The sean-fishery, as practised formerly, resembled that carried on at St. Ives ; and in one of Norden^s maps is a representation of the taking of Pilchards by means of a sweep-net, of which one end con- tinues near the shore, as then employed in St. Austle's Bay. The capture was drawn on shore in the mode now used with ground-scans for other fish, and consequently none could be taken unless they approached near to an open beach ; and one end of a sean is now termed the pole end, from the pole shod with lead then used to elevate and spread the part to which the warp was attached. Old and experienced fishermen have stated as the result * Huers are men posted on elevated situations near the sea, who by various concerted signals, made with a bunch of furze in each hand, direct the fishermen how best to surround a schull offish. PILCHARD. 177 of long observation, that, besides the well-known fact of the fish being most abundantly taken within a feAv days after the spring-tides, the direction of the tide has great effect on the motions of the scliull. Its progress is always towards the same point, and in drift-nets all the heads of the fish point in one way, unless the tide has turned while the nets were afloat. In a bay where the tide comes round a headland and circles the bay, the fish take the same route, and a man aware of this may know in what direction to watch, and whither the schull is proceeding ; and as, espe- cially when the tide is rapid, he must be careful that the scan is not carried on the back of the schull, the net must be so shot as to have the benefit of the tide, and yet be laid across the front of the fish. A schull will not turn back di- rectly contrary to its former course, although, when alarmed, its direction may be considerably changed. In the open sea, drift-nets are commonly cast in the direction of the tide, because the nets are most easily kept in that course ; but when near land, or the entrance of a bay, a favourite position is parallel to it, by which the fish are intercepted in their advance or retreat. I have seen drift-boats shoot their nets in the midst of a multitude of fish, one in the direction in which they were going, and another across their course, and in less than two hours the second had taken nine thousand, the other not a fish ; and yet the boats frequently prefer the first plan. The most successful time for the drift-net fishery is during hazy nights, with some motion of the wave, for the fish then enter the nets freely, whereas in clear moonlight they are shy ; and in very dark nights such is the brightness of the briming, that the nets look like a wall of fire, and deter the fish. As an object of adventure, the Pilchard fishery is popular in Cornwall, and beyond a doubt the community is greatly VOL. II. N 178 CLUPEID^E. benefited by it ; yet it frequently happens that the success is partial, and the price low ; and it may be questioned whe- ther in any year the greater part of the scans obtain more than their expenses : but when there is a profit, it is com- monly considerable, and in this lottery every one is led by the hope of being among the fortunate. The following is a statement, perhaps nearly approaching to the truth where absolute certainty is unattainable, of the amount of property engaged in the Pilchard fishery in the year 1827, when the bounty began to be withdrawn : — Num- ber of scans employed, 186 ; not employed, 130 ; total num- ber of scans, 816 : number of drift-boats, 368 : men employed on board drift-boats, 1600; number of men employed on scans at sea, 2672 ; number of persons on shore to whom the fishery affords direct employment, 6350 ; total number of persons employed in the fishery, 10,521: cost of scans, boats, &c. used in the fishery, 209,840/.; cost of drift-boats and nets, 61,400/ ; cost of cellars for curing, and other es- tablishments on shore for carrying on the fishery, 169,175/.; total capital invested directly in the Pilchard fishery, 441, 215/. The outfit of a scan amounts to about 800/.; a string of drift-nets will cost about 6/. the net ; and the boat from 100/. to ISO/.; but this is used throughout the year for the other purposes of fishing. The nets are sup- posed to last about six years, and ought, of course, to pro- duce their own value within that time, together with an adequate profit ; but it is the complaint of the fishermen that this is not the case. The profit of the men depends on the share of the fish, which is divided into eight parts, of which the boat has one-eighth part, the nets three, and the men four : a boy that accompanies them is rewarded with the fish that may fall into the sea as the nets are drawn, to secure which he is furnished with a bag-net at the end of a rod, termed a keep-net. PILCHARD. II!) The quantity of Pilchards taken is sometimes incredibly large. A fisherman now alive was present once at the taking of two thousand two hundred hogsheads of Pilchards in one scan ; but the greatest number heard of as taken at one time is stated by Borlase at three thousand hogsheads ; in reference to which Pennant has made an astounding error, in reckoning by mistake thirty -five thousand fish to a hogs- head, instead of three thousand five hundred. The number since allowed has been three thousand, and is now two thousand five hundred fine fish ; but it is scarcely necessary to say that they are not counted. An instance has been known where ten thousand hogsheads have been taken in one port in a single day, thus providing the enormous multitude of twenty-five millions of living creatures drawn at once from the ocean for human sustenance. The different modes of curing the fresh fish are detailed elsewhere. The various ports on the northern shore of the Mediterranean are the principal places to which the preserved fish are exported. Our term Pilchard is said to be derived from Pdtzer, a name by which this fish was known to some early North- ern Continental authors. A few Pilchards make their ap- pearance occasionally in the Forth about October, generally preceding the Herrings ; but the great shoals appear to belong almost exclusively to our south-western shores. They are seldom seen east of Devonshire ; but in August 188-i a shoal of Pilchards were observed in Poole Harbour, and so many fish were taken that they were sold in the market at a penny a dozen. In May 1838 I obtained one Pilchard in the Thames. Smith's History of the County of Cork contains a full and interesting account of the Pilchard fishery in Ban try Bay. They have been noticed also on the coast of the N 2 180 CLUPEID.E. county of Cork, and taken at Dublin and Belfast. On our eastern coast, a few are taken every year at Yarmouth with the Herrings. They were more than usually abundant there in the years 1780, 1790, and 1799. Specimens of the Pilchard sometimes measure eleven inches in length ; the fish described measured nine inches. It much resembles the Herring, but is smaller and thicker. The length of the head is to the whole length as one to O O five ; the depth of the body equal to the length of the head ; the transverse thickness of the body equal to half its depth : the form of the head triangular, the upper surface flat ; the dorsal and abdominal lines slightly and equally con- vex ; no perceptible lateral line ; the body across the back obtusely rounded ; the line of the abdomen smooth ; the edges of the scales of the two sides leaving a longitudinal groove from the branchiostegous rays to the vent, along which groove extends a row of scales of a peculiar shape, of which the woodcut here placed is a representation ; the two long narrow lateral arms extending up each side under the scales, the shortest projection pointing back- ward : the scales of the body are very large, deciduous, and ciliated at the free edge. The distance from the point of the nose to the base of the last ray of the dorsal fin, and from thence half- way along the caudal rays, nearly equal : the commence- ment of the dorsal fin is therefore anterior to the middle of the fish by the whole length of the base of the fin ; the first and second rays shorter than the third, which is equal to the length of the base of the fin ; these first three rays articulated, but simple ; all the other rays branched : pec- PILCHARD. 181 toral and ventral fins small, the latter commencing in a line under the middle of the dorsal fin ; the axillary scales very long : the anal fin commencing half-way between the origin of the ventral fins and the end of the fleshy portion of the tail ; the first ray short, the second and the last two rays the longest: the tail deeply forked; the scales at the end of the fleshy portion of the body extending far over the bases of the caudal rays, particularly two elongated scales above and below the middle line. The fin-rays in number are — D. 18 : P. 16 : V. 8 : A. 18 : C. 19. Vertebra 55. The mouth is small, without teeth, the under jaw the longest : the breadth of the eye one-fourth of the length of the head, and placed at rather more than its own breadth from the point of the nose ; the irides yellowish white : the cheeks and all the parts of the gill-covers tinged with golden yellow, and marked with various radiating strise : the pos- terior edge of the operculum nearly vertical and straight : the upper part of the body bluish green ; the sides and belly silvery white ; the dorsal fin and tail dusky. Mr. Couch says the Pilchard is sometimes found with a row of spots on the side, like the Shad ; which seems the result of disease, these fish being small, soft, and unfit for curing. As an appropriate conclusion to this account of the Pil- chard fishery of Cornwall, derived principally from the MS. of Mr. Couch, the vignette at the bottom of the next page is a representation of the harbour of Polperro, near which Mr. Couch has long resided : and I take this opportunity of re- cording my obligations to that gentleman, not only for his great liberality in allowing me the unlimited use of his volu- minous MS. of the Natural History of the Fishes which have been found on the coasts and in the rivers of Cornwall, with 182 CLUPBID.E. an extensive series of characteristic drawings, but also for the warm interest and substantial support afforded to this work during its progress. While this sheet was going through the press, the London newspapers noticed the appearance of numerous large shoals of Pilchards on the south coast of Ireland, which the poor fishermen were unable to take advantage of from the want of proper nets and salt. HERRING. lS:i ABDOMINAL MALACOPTERYCH. CLUPEID&. THE HERRING. Clupea harengus, LINN/F.US. BLOCH, pt. i. pi. 29. WIIXUGHBY, p. 219, pi. P. 1, fig. 2. ,, ,, Herring, RAY, Syn.p. 103. ,, ,, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 317. ,, ,, Herring, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 444, pi. 79. ,, „ ,, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 182, sp. 51. „ ,, ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 434. ANDERSON and Pennant were certainly mistaken in sup- posing that the great winter rendezvous of the Herring is within the Arctic Circle : " there they continue,"" says Pen- nant, " for many months, in order to recruit themselves after the fatigue of spawning ; the sea within that space swarming with insect food, in a degree far greater than in our warmer latitudes."" " This mighty army begins to put itself in motion in the spring. We distinguish this vast body by that name ; for the word Herring is derived from the German Heer — an army, to express their numbers. They begin to appear off the Shetland Islands in April and May.* This is the first check * In another part of his account, Pennant says the Herrings continue on the Welsh coast till February. (P. 447.) 184 CLUPEID.E. tliis army meets with in its march southward. Here it is divided into two parts : one wing of those destined to visit our coasts takes to the east, the other to the western shores of Great Britain, and fill every bay and creek with their numbers ; others proceed towards Yarmouth, the great and ancient mart of Herrings ; they then pass through the British Channel, and after that in a manner disappear. Those which take to the west, after offering themselves to the Hebrides, where the great stationary fishery is, proceed towards the north of Ireland, where they meet with a second interruption, and are obliged to make a second division : the one takes to the western side, and is scarcely perceived, being soon lost in the immensity of the Atlantic ; but the other, which passes into the Irish Sea, rejoices and feeds the inhabitants of most of the coasts that border on it. These brigades, as we may call them, which are thus separated from the greater columns, are often capricious in their mo- tions, and do not show an invariable attachment to their haunts." This is Pennant's account as it regards our own islands. To show that this supposed migration to and from high northern latitudes does not exist, it is only necessary to state, that the Herring has never been noticed, that I am aware, as abounding in the Arctic Ocean : it has not been observed in any number in the proper icy seas ; nor have our whale- fishers or arctic voyagers taken any particular notice of them. There is no fishery for them of any consequence either in Greenland or Iceland. On the southern coast of Greenland the Herring is a rare fish ; and only a small variety of it, according to Crantz, is found on the northern shore. This small variety or species was found by Sir John Franklyn, on the shore of the Polar basin, on his second journey. " That the Herring is, to a certain degree, a migratory HERRING. 185 fish," says Dr. M'Cullocli,* " may be true ; but even a much more limited migration is far from demonstrable. It is at any rate perfectly certain that there is no sucli progress along the east and west coasts from a central point." There can be no doubt that the Herring inhabits the deep water all round our coast, and only approaches the shores for the pur- pose of depositing its spawn within the immediate influence of the two principal agents in vivification — increased tempera- ture and oxygen ; and as soon as that essential operation is effected, the shoals that haunt our coast disappear : but individuals arc to be found and many are caught throughout the year. So far are they from being migratory to us from the North only, that Herrings visit the west coast of the county of Cork in August, which is earlier than those which come down the Irish Channel arrive, and long before they make their appearance at other places much farther north. " In former times, the fishery of the east coast did not com- mence till that on the west had terminated. It is remarkable also that the eastern fishery has become so abundant as quite to have obscured the western." And Dr. M'Culloch, from other examples, confirms a statement previously made, that the fishery has commenced soonest on the southern part of the shore ; and, what is also remarkable, that for some years past it has become later every year. The Herring is in truth a most capricious fish, seldom remaining long in one place ; and there is scarcely a fishing station round the British Islands that has not experienced in the visits of this fish the greatest variations both as to time and quantity, without any accountable reason. " Ordinary philosophy is never satisfied," adds Dr. M'Culloch, " unless it can find a solution for everything ; * See an excellent paper on the Herring in the 3'2nd number of the Journal of the Royal Institution, for January 1824. 186 CLUPEIDE. and is satisfied, for this reason, with imaginary ones. Thus, in Long Island, one of the Hebrides, it was asserted that the fish had been driven away by the manufactory of kelp ; some imaginary coincidence having been found between their disappearance and the establishment of that business. But the kelp fires did not drive them away from other shores, which they frequent and abandon indifferently without regard to this work. It has been a still more favourite and popular fancy, that they were driven away by the firing of guns ; and hence this is not allowed during the fishing season. A gun has scarcely been fired in the Western Islands, or on the west coast, since the days of Cromwell ; yet they have changed their places many times in that interval. In a similar man- ner, and with equal truth, it was said that they had been driven from the Baltic by the battle of Copenhagen. It is amusing to see how old theories are revived. This is a very ancient Highland hypothesis, with the necessary modification. Before the days of guns and gunpowder, the Highlanders held that they quitted coasts where blood had been shed : and thus ancient philosophy is renovated. Steam-boats are now supposed to be the culprits, since a reason must be found : to prove their effect, Loch Fyne, visited by a steam-boat daily, is now their favourite haunt, and they have deserted other lochs where steam-boats have never yet smoked." A Member of the House of Commons, during the sessions of 1835, in a debate on a tithe bill, stated, that a clergyman having obtained a living on the coast of Ire- land, signified his intention of taking the tithe of fish ; which was, however, considered to be so utterly repugnant to their privileges and feelings, that not a single Herring had ever since visited that part of the shore ! Our common Herring spawns towards the end of October or the beginning of November ; and it is for two or three months previous to this, when they assemble in immense HERRING. 187 numbers, that the fishing is carried on, which is of such great and national importance. " And here," Mr. Couch observes, " we cannot but admire the economy of Divine Providence, by which this and several other species of fish are brought to the shores, within reach of man, at the time when they are in their highest perfection, and best fitted to be his food." The mode of fishing for Herrings is by drift-nets, very similar to those employed for taking Mackerel and Pilchard, with a slight difference in the size of the mesh. The net is suspended by its upper edge from the drift-rope by various shorter and smaller ropes, called buoy-ropes ; and consider- able practical skill is required in the arrangement, that the net may hang with the meshes square, smooth, and even, in the water, and at the proper depth ; for, according to the wind, tide, situation of their food, and other causes, the Herrings swim at various distances below the surface. The size of the boat used depends on the distance from shore at which the fishery is carried on ; but, whether in deep or in shallow water, the nets are only in actual use during the night. It is found that the fish strike the nets in much greater numbers when it is dark than while it is light : the darkest nights, therefore, and those in which the surface of the water is ruffled by a breeze, are considered the most favourable. It is supposed that nets stretched in the day- time alarm the fish, and cause them to quit the places where that practice is followed ; it is therefore strictly forbidden. A visit to the Herring-fishers on the west coast of Ire- land is thus described by the author of " Wild Sports in the West." — " Having lighted our pipes, and procured our boat-cloaks, we left the pier-head in the four-oared galley. The night was unusually dark and warm ; not a breath of wind was on the water ; the noise of the oars, springing in the coppered rullocks, was heard for a mile off, and the whistle of sandpipers and curlews, as they took wing from 188 CLUPEID.E. the beach we skirted, appeared unusually shrill. Other noises gradually broke the stillness of the night. The varied hum of numerous voices chanting the melancholy songs which are the especial favourites of the Irish, began to be heard dis- tinctly, and we soon bore down upon the midnight fishers, directed by sound, not sight. " To approach the fleet was a task of some difficulty. The nets, extended in interminable lines, were so frequent, that much skill was necessary to penetrate this hempen laby- rinth, without fouling the back ropes. Warning cries di- rected our course, and with some delay we threaded the crowded surface, and guided by buoys found ourselves in the very centre of the flotilla. " It was an interesting scene. Momently the boats glided along the back ropes, which were supported at short intervals by corks, and at a greater by inflated dog-skins, and, raising the curtain of net-work which these suspended, the Herrings were removed from the meshes, and deposited in the boats. Some of the nets were particularly fortunate, obliging their proprietors to frequently relieve them of the fish ; while others, though apparently stretched within a few yards, and consequently in the immediate run of the Herrings, were favoured but with a few stragglers ; and the unemployed fisherman had to occupy himself with a sorrowful ditty, or in moody silence watched the dark sea like some dull ghost waiting on Styx for waftage. " Our visit appeared highly satisfactory ; every boat tossed us Herrings on board, until we were obliged to refuse fur- ther largess ; and these many ' trifles of fish ' accumulated so rapidly, that we eventually declined receiving other compli- ments, or we might have loaded the gig gunnel-deep. " The darkness of the night increased the scaly brilliancy which the phosphoric properties of these beautiful fish pro- duce. The bottom of the boat, now covered with Herrings, HERRING. 189 glowed with a living light, which the imagination could not create, and the pencil never imitate. The shades of gold and silvery gems were rich beyond description ; and, much as I had heard of phosphoric splendour before, every idea I had formed fell infinitely short of its reality. " The same care with which we entered disembarrassed us of the midnight fishing ; every boat we passed pressed hard to throw in a cast of skuddawns (Herrings) for the strange gentleman ; and such was the kindness of these hospitable creatures, that, had I been a very Behemoth, I should have this night feasted to satiety on their bounty. " The wind, which had been asleep, began now to sigh over the surface, and before we had cleared the outer back ropes, the sea-breeze came curling the midnight wave. The tide was flowing fast, and having stepped the mast, we spread our large lug, and the light galley slipped speedily ashore." In his Prize Essay on the Fishes of the Forth, Dr. Par- nell says, " Herrings enter the Frith of Forth about the end of December, or the beginning of January, and remain two or three weeks at the mouth of the estuary before they attempt to ascend. This delay seems greatly to depend on the state of the weather ; for in some seasons, when it is mild and fine, they have been observed to swarm in the Frith off Mussel- burgh in the early part of January ; whilst, in the rough and stormy seasons, they do not make their appearance on that part of the coast before the middle of February ; and always disappear before the end of March. They seem to visit the Frith regularly every winter ; and a season very seldom passes without a few being captured, and sent to the Edinburgh market. Some years they appear in much larger shoals than in others, the reason of which is not accounted for. In the year 1816, Pilchards were taken in the Frith of Forth in great abundance, when not a dozen Herrings were seen dur- ing the whole winter. Since that time, not a single Pilchard 190 CLUPEID.E. has been known to enter the estuary." In June, July, and August, Herrings are taken off the Dunbar and Berwick o * o coasts in considerable number, from whence the Edinburgh market is abundantly supplied, when scarcely a single Her- ring is to be seen higher in the Frith of a size worth the O o notice of the fishermen. The Herring having spawned, retires to deep water, and the fishing ends for that season. While inhabiting the depths of the ocean, its food is said by Dr. Knox to consist principally of minute entomostracous animals ; but it is cer- tainly less choice in its selection when near the shore. Dr. Neill found five young Herrings in the stomach of a large female Herring ; he has also known them to be taken by the fishermen on their lines, the hooks of which were baited with limpets ; and they have been repeatedly caught by anglers with an artificial fly. They are known to feed upon minute Crustacea, small medusse, and the spawn and fry of fishes. The Rev. Robert Holds worth wrote me word that in Janu- ary 1823s he took a small Bass three inches long from the stomach of a Herring, caught at Kingswear, in the river Dart. The young abound in the shallow water all round our shores during the summer months. I have seen them taken off Brighton in the small-meshed nets which are there used to draw for Atherine ; and they are caught by boys while angling from piers and rocks at various places along the southern coast. They are very abundant on the Yorkshire coast, where they are called Herring-sile ; and they swarm among the Orkney and Shetland Islands during the whole of the summer. They remain at the mouth of the Thames dur- ing their first autumn and winter : many are caught on the coasts of Essex and Kent in the nets used for taking Sprats. From repeated examinations, I am induced to believe these young fish do not mature any roe during their first year. A few are occasionally caught by the net in Dagcnham Breach, HERRING. 191 seldom exceeding eight or nine inches in length, and arc re- markably mild in flavour. The length of the head compared to the length of the body alone, without the head or caudal rays, is as one to four ; the depth of the body compared to the whole length of the fish, as one to five ; the commencement of the dorsal fin half-way between the point of the upper jaw and the end of the fleshy portion of the tail : the longest ray nearly as long as the base of the fin : the pectoral fin rather large compared to the size of the other fins. The ventral fin arises consider- ably behind the line of the commencement of the dorsal fin : this fin is small, with elongated axillary scales ; its origin half-way between the point of the lower jaw and the end of the short central caudal rays. The anal fin begins half-way between the origin of the ventral and the end of the fleshy portion of the tail, and extends over half the distance be- tween its origin and the end of the fleshy portion, thus occupying the third quarter division of the distance between the origin of the ventral fin and the end of the fleshy portion of the tail ; the rays very short. The tail considerably fork- ed ; the outer rays as long again as those of the middle. The fin-rays in number are — D. 17 : P. 15 : V. 9 : A. 14 : C. 20. Vertebras 56; varying in some specimens to D. 19 : P. 17 : V. 9 : A. 16 : C. 18. The lower jaw is by much the longer, with five or six small teeth extending in a line backwards on each side from O the anterior point ; four rows of small teeth on the central upper surface of the tongue ; a few small teeth on the central portion of the upper jaw, and the inferior edges below the gape finely serrated : the eye large ; its diameter compared to the length of the head as two to seven, and placed at the 192 CLUPEID.E. distance of its own breadth from the end of the nose : the dorsal and abdominal lines of the body slightly convex ; the belly carinated, but not serrated ; the scales moderate in size, oval, and thin. The upper part of the fish a fine blue, with green and other reflections when viewed in different lights ; the lower part of the side and belly silvery white ; cheeks and gill-covers silvery, exhibiting the appearance of extrava- sation when the fish has been dead twenty- four hours. Dor- sal and caudal fins dusky ; the fins on the lower parts of the body almost white. LEACH'S HERRIING. 193 ABDOMINAL MALACOPTFAIYGIL CLUI'EID.E. LEACH'S HERRING. Clupea Leachii, YARRELL, Zoological Journal, vol. v. p. 277, pi. 12. ,, ,, Leach's Herring, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 434. THE examination of considerable quantities of the various sorts of fish caught at the mouth of the Thames during winter by fishermen engaged in taking Sprats, has enabled me to select what I believe to be a second species of British Herring. The common Herring, when it visits our coast in autumn, is taken heavy with roe, which it deposits towards the end of October. It is certain that the fishing for them is aban- doned about that time, as no purchasers could be found for the " shotten Herring;" and it is also well known that the Herrings, having cast their roe, retire from the shore to deep water. Numbers of the young of the common Herring are taken with the Sprats. These are called Yawlings by some fishermen, — a term probably derived from yearling. But these young Herrings differ materially from the Herring which I believe to be new. The yearling fish have the elongated VOL. II. O 194- CLUPEID.E. form of the adult common Herring : if seven inches long, which is about their average length, they are only one inch and three-eighths in depth, and are without roe. Having examined them repeatedly during the winter months, I am induced to believe they do not mature any roe during their first year ; and the fact of their remaining in large shoals at the mouth of the Thames after the Herrings that have recently spawned have left the shore, may be taken in cor- roboration ; for had they matured and deposited any roe, they would, like the more adult fish of their own species, have experienced the same necessity for retiring to deep water. The Herring, however, which I now refer to, is found heavy with roe at the end of January, which it does not deposit till the middle of February. Its length is not more than seven inches and a half, and its depth near two inches. It is known that Dr. Leach had often stated that our coast produced a second species of Herring ; but I am not aware that any notice of it has ever appeared in print. In order, however, to identify the name of that distinguished naturalist with a fish of which he was probably the first observer, I proposed for it the name of Clupea Leachii. Dr. Leach's observations on the Herring were made during his visit to the extended line of our southern coast in the year 1808 ; and Mr. Jesse, in his " Gleanings in Natural History," has noticed the superiority and consequent partia- lity that is said to exist in favour of the Herrings of Car- digan Bay over those that are taken at Swansea. Of the existence of a second species of Herring on our shores further proof may be adduced in the following ex- tracts. " In former times," says Dr. M'Culloch, " the fishery of the east coast of Scotland did not commence till that on the west had terminated. It was then supposed, and LEACH'S HERRING. 195 not very unreasonably, that the fish had changed their ground, and that these Avere the western Herrings. Yet it ought to have been plain that this was not the case, as the eastern fish were entirely different in quality from the western, and very inferior. At the same time, they were in that condition as to spawning which proved that they could not have been the same fish. The fact of their being entirely different fish is now at least fully proved, because on both shores the period of the fishery has been the same." — Journal of the Royal Institution, No. 32, for January, 1824, p. 217. " A smaller but superior species of Herring is found oc- casionally in Loch Eriboll ; but it is chiefly used for home consumption." — Scotch Statistics, Durness, There are three species of Herring said to visit the Baltic, and three seasons of roe and spawning. The Strom- ling, or small Spring Herring, spawns when the ice begins to melt ; then a larger Summer Herring ; and lastly, towards the middle of September, the Autumn Herring makes its appearance, and deposits its spawn. The length of the head compared to that of the body alone, without the head or caudal rays, is as one to three ; the depth of the body greater than the length of the head, and compared to the length of the head and body together is as one to three and a half; it is therefore much deeper in proportion to its length than our common Herring, and has both the dorsal and abdominal lines much more con- vex : the under jaw longer than the upper, and provided with three or four prominent teeth just within the angle formed by the symphysis ; the superior maxillary bones have their edges slightly crenated : the eye is large, in breadth full one-fourth of the length of the whole head ; irides pale yellow : the dorsal fin is placed behind the centre of gravity, but not so much so as in the common Herring ; o 2 196 the scales arc smaller ; the sides without any distinct lateral line : the edge of the belly carinated, but not serrated ; the fins small. The fin-rays in number are — D. 18 : P. 17 : V. 9 : A. 16 : C. 20. Vertebra 54. The back and upper part of the sides are deep blue, with green reflections, passing into silvery white beneath. The flesh of this species differs from that of the common Herring in flavour, and is much more mild. Intending to make the fishing-boats of several countries the subjects of some of the vignettes, that at page 192, repre- sents a Dutch boat : the vignette below is a representation of a French fishing-boat. SPRAT. 197 ABDOMINAL MALACOPTERYGIL CLUPEIDJE. THE SPRAT. OARVIE HERRING AND GARVIE. Scotland. Clupeu sprattus, LINNKUS. BLOCH, pt. i. pi. 29, fig. 2. ,, ,, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 318. ,, ,, Sprat, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 457. ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 435. WILLUGHBY and Ray, deceived apparently by the mis- application of the name by the fishermen of Cornwall, with which the latter became acquainted during his journey in that country, considered that the word Sprat was only a name for the young of the Herring and of the Pilchard, and others have been misled by their authority : but so well is this fish distinguished from both by the strongly serrated edge of the abdomen, that there is not a fisherman round those parts of our coast where the Sprat is taken that cannot immediately distinguish it from either, even in the midst of the darkest night. Its characters being now sufficiently appreciated, it is by some, and ought to be by all, admitted as a good and distinct species. Though a much less valuable fish than the Herring, it is still a very useful one. Coming into the market in im- 1.08 CLUPEID.E. mense quantities and at a very moderate price immediately after the Herring season is over, it supplies during all the winter months of the year a cheap and agreeable food. Large quantities are eaten ; and, from their rich quality and flavour, the consumption is not solely confined to the lower classes. They are generally cooked while fresh, but are also preserved in various ways. The Sprat is included by Linnseus in his Fauna Suecica, and by Professors Nilsson and Reinhardt in their publica- tions on the Fishes of Scandinavia. Dr. Neill says the Sprat is sold in Edinburgh market by the dozen ; and I have received specimens that were taken in the Forth, where they are called Garvie Herrings and Garvies. Dr. George Johnston, in his list of the Fishes of Berwickshire, says the Sprat is common there, and is a favourite food of the Salmon tribe. Farther south, they are most plentiful on the Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, and Kentish coasts. I have taken them on the Dorsetshire coast in June, and they were then in roe. They inhabit the deep water round our south- ern coast during the summer months, and may be found in the stomachs of many of our voracious fishes every month in the year. I have taken three Sprats from the stomach of a Whiting, and have caught young Sprats off Ramsgate, Has- tings, and Weymouth, in the months of August and Sep- tember. Like the other species of the genus Clupea, they are wanderers : the shoals are capricious in their movements, and exceedingly variable in their numbers. " Upwards of a ton weight of Sprats was sold in our market last Saturday." — (Taunton Courier, January 1832.) " It is nearly fifty years since this useful fish visited the neighbouring coast, and they now appear in exhaustless shoals close in shore on the south coast of Devon." The Sprat is occasionally taken in Cornwall ; and in Ire- land, on the coasts of Cork, Dublin, and Belfast. SPRAT. 199 In Cornwall the true Sprat is, however, very rare ; and the name is appropriated, as it was by the old fishermen whom Ray consulted one hundred and fifty-six years ago, to the fry of the Herring and of the Pilchard. An analo- gous misapplication of a name exists on the eastern coast, where the true Pilchard rarely occurs, and where the name of Pilchard is given to the fry of the Shad and the half- grown Herring. The fishing season begins early in November, continuing through the winter months ; and the largest quantities are taken when the nights are dark and foggy. A few, and those of the best description, are taken in the same manner as the Mackerel, the Pilchard, and the Herring, by drift- nets of fine twine and suitable small mesh ; a mode of fishing peculiarly adapted for the capture of those species which rove in shoals through the water. But the most destructive plan pursued against Sprats is by a mode called stow-boat fishing. The stow-boat net goes with two horizontal beams : the lower one, twenty-two feet long, is suspended a fathom above the ground ; the upper one, a foot shorter in length, is suspended about six fathoms above the lower one. To these two beams, or balks, as they are called, a large bag-net is fixed, towards the end of which, called the hose, the mesh is fine enough to stop very small fry. The mouth of the net, twenty-two feet wide and thirty-six feet high, is kept square by hanging it to a cable and heavy anchor at the four ends of the beams. The net is set under the boat's bottom ; and a rope from each end of the upper beam, brought up over each bow of the boat, raises and sustains the beam, and keeps the mouth of the net always open, and so moored that the tide carries everything into it. A strong rope, which runs through an iron ring at the middle of the upper beam, and is made fast to the middle of the lower beam, brings both beams together parallel, thus closing the mouth 200 CLUPEID.E. of the net when it is required to be raised. In this way an enormous quantity of Sprats, with the fry of many other species, are taken, which are principally sold by measure to manure land near the coast. From four to five hundred boats are thus employed during the winter. Many thousand tons in some seasons are taken and sold at sixpence and eight-pence the bushel, depending on the supply and demand, to fanners, who distribute about forty bushels of Sprats over an acre of land, and sometimes manure twenty acres at the cost of twenty shillings an acre. In the winter of 1829-30, Sprats were particularly abundant : barge-loads, containing from one thousand to fifteen hun- dred bushels, bought at sixpence a bushel, were sent up the Medway as far as Maidstone to manure the hop-grounds. The coasts of Kent, Essex, and Suffolk are the most produc- tive. So great is the supply thence obtained, that notwith- standing the immense quantity consumed by the million and a half inhabitants of London and its neighbourhood, there is yet occasionally a surplus to be disposed of at so low a price as to induce the farmers even so near the metropolis as Dart- ford to use them for manure. A full-sized Sprat measures six inches in length, and rather more than one inch and one-eighth in depth. The length of the head compared to that of the body alone is as one to four ; compared to the whole length of the fish, as one to six : the depth of the body is to the whole length as one to five. The dorsal fin commences exactly half-way between the point of the lower jaw and the end of the caudal rays : the ventral fins arise in a vertical line under the first dorsal fin-ray, and have no axillary scales ; the ventral fins in the Pilchard and Herrings begin under the middle of the dorsal fin, and both have axillary scales, — these are two other external distinctions : the under jaw is the longest ; the dia- meter of the eye less than one-fourth of the whole head : con- SPRAT. 201 sklerable convexity of the dorsal and abdominal lines ; the latter serrated before the ventral fins, and still more strongly so behind them : the tail deeply forked ; the scales large, round, and deciduous ; the upper part of the head and back dark blue, with green reflections passing into silvery white on the gill-covers, sides, and belly ; the dorsal and caudal fins dusky ; pectoral, ventral, and anal fins white. The fin-rays in number are — D. 17 : P. 15 : V. 7 : A. 18 : C. 19. Vertebra 48. By the kindness of Mr. London, I have received some small fish which came from Riga, where they are called Kil- kies, and are eaten as a whet before dinner. They proved to be our Sprat. At Reval, and other places in the gulf of Finland, young Herrings (Stromling), when about the size of Sprats, are prepared with spices, and sent to Petersburgh, London, and other places, for the use of the table. These are also in some estimation as a relish for lunch, from their peculiar flavour, and are sold in small jars, labelled Kilo Stromelein. CLUPEID^E. ABDOMINAL MALACOPTERYGI1. CLUPEIDJE. THE WHITEBAIT. Clupea alba, YARRELL, Zool. Journ. vol. iv. p. 137 and 465, pi. 10. ,, ,, Whitebait, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 465, pi. 80. ,, alnsa, Young Shad, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 98. ,, alba, Whitebait, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 436. IN the papers on the subject of the Whitebait published in the fourth volume of the Zoological Journal, I endea- voured to prove, historically and anatomically, that this little fish was not, as had been supposed, the young of the Shad, but a distinct species. In its habits it differs mate- rially from all the other British species of Clupea that visit our shores or our rivers. From the beginning of April to the end of September this fish may be caught in the Thames as high up as Woolwich or Blackwall, every flood-tide, in considerable quantity, by a particular mode of fishing to be hereafter described. During the first three months of this period, neither species of the genus Clupea, of any age or size, except occasionally a young Sprat, can be found and taken in the same situation by the same means. The young Shad of the year are not two inches and a half long till WHITEBAIT. 203 November, when the Whitebait season is over; and these young Shad are never without a portion of that spotted ap- pearance behind the edge of the upper part of the operculum, which in one species particularly is so marked a peculiarity in the adult fish. The Whitebait, on the contrary, never exhibits a spot on the side at any age ; but from two inches long up to six inches, which is the length of the largest I have seen, the colour of the sides is uniformly white. About the end of March or early in April, Whitebait begin to make their appearance in the Thames, and are then small, apparently but just changed from the albuminous state of very young fry.* During the fine weather of June, July, and August, immense quantities are consumed by visiters to the different taverns at Greenwich and Black wall. Pennant says, " They are esteemed very delicious when fried with fine flour, and occasion during the season a vast resort of the lower order of epicures to the taverns contiguous to the places where they are taken." What might have been the particular grade of persons who were in the habit of visiting Greenwich to eat Whitebait in the days when Pennant wrote, I am unable to state ; but at present, the fashion of enjoying the excellent course of fish as served up either at Greenwich or Blackwall is sanctioned by the high- est authorities, from the court at St. James's Palace in the West, to the Lord Mayor and his court in the East, includ- ing the Cabinet Ministers-f- and the philosophers of the Royal Society. As might be expected, examples so numerous and influential have corresponding weight ; and accordingly there * The Shad do not deposit their spawn till the end of June or the beginning of July. t In the Morning Post of the clay on which this account of the Whitebait was written, September 10th, 1835, the following paragraph appeared: — " Yesterday the Cabinet Ministers went down the river in the Ordnance barges to Lovegrove's West India Dock Tavern, Blackwall, to partake of their annual fish dinner. Covers were laid for thirty-five gentlemen." 204 CLUPEID.E. are few entertainments more popular or more agreeable than a Whitebait dinner. The fishery is continued frequently as late as September ; and specimens of young fish of the year, four and five inches long, are then not uncommon, but mixed, even at this late period of the season, with others of very small size, as though the roe had continued to be deposited throughout the sum- mer ; yet the parent fish are not caught, and are believed by the fishermen not to come higher up than the estuary, where, at this season of the year, nets sufficiently small in the mesh to stop them are not in much use. The particular mode of fishing for Whitebait, by which a constant supply during the season is obtained, was formerly considered destructive to the fry of fishes generally, and great pains were taken to prevent it by those to whom the conser- vancy of the fishery of the Thames was entrusted ; but since the history and habits of this species have been better under- stood, and it has been ascertained that no other fry of any value swim with them, — which I can aver, — the men have been allowed to continue this part of their occupation with little or no disturbance, though still using an unlawful net. When investigating the subject of the Whitebait, I was occasionally engaged in witnessing the mode by which such numbers were taken. The mouth of the net is by no means large, measuring only about three feet square in extent ; but the mesh of the hose, or bag-end of the net, is very small. The boat is moored in the tide-way, where the water is from twenty to thirty feet deep ; and the net with its wooden frame-work is fixed to the side of the boat, as shown in the vignette at page 207. The tail of the hose, swimming loose, is from time to time handed into the boat, the end untied, and its contents shaken out. The wooden frame forming the mouth of the net does not dip more than four feet below the surface of the water ; and, except an occa- WHITEBAIT. 205 sional straggling fish, the only small fry taken with the Whitebait are the various species of Sticklebacks, and the very common Spotted or Freckled Goby, described in vol. i. page 288 ; neither of which are of sufficient value or import- ance to require protection.*" The farther the fishermen go down towards the mouth of the river, the sooner they begin to catch Whitebait after the flood-tide has commenced. When fishing as high as Woolwich, the tide must have flowed from three to four hours, and the water become sen- sibly brackish to the taste, before the Whitebait will be found to make their appearance. They return down the river with the first of the ebb-tide ; and various attempts to preserve them in well-boats in pure fresh water have uniform- ly failed. The Hamble, which runs into the Southampton Water, is the only other southern river from which I have received Whitebait. But this I believe to be owing rather to the want of a particular mode of fishing by which so small a fish can be taken so near the surface, than to the absence of the fish itself ; which, abounding as it does in the Thames, I have very little doubt might be caught in some of the neighbouring- rivers on our south and east coasts. In the vicinity of the Isle of Wight, Whitebait, from their brilliancy and consequent attraction, are used by the fishermen as bait on their lines when fishing for Whitings. The Thames fishermen who live at and below Gravesend know the Whitebait perfectly, and catch them occasionally of considerable size in the small-meshed nets used in the Upper and Lower Hope for taking shrimps, called trinker- * The fifteenth printed rule and order of the Lord Mayor and his court is, that " no person shall take at any time of the year any sort of fish usually called Whitebait, upon pain to forfeit and pay five pounds for every such offence ; it appearing to this court that under pretence of taking Whitebait the small fry of various species of fish are destroyed." — Page 11. 206 CLUPEID.E. nets, which are like Whitebait nets, only larger ; but these nets, working near the bottom, principally arrest the fry of the ground-swimming fishes. The Sprat-fishers take the adult Whitebait frequently on the Kentish and Essex coasts throughout the winter. Dr. Parnell, in his History of the Fishes of the Forth, says, " The Whitebait is not, as it was formerly considered to be, peculiar to the Thames, as I have found it to inhabit the Frith of Forth in considerable numbers during the sum- mer months. From the beginning of July to the end of September they are found in great abundance in the neigh- bourhood of Queensferry, and opposite Hopetown House, where I captured, in one dip of a small net of about a foot and a half square, between two and three hundred fish, the greater part of which were Whitebait of small size, not more than two inches in length ; the remainder were Sprats, young Herrings, and fry of other fishes. " In their habits they appear to be similar to the young of the Herring, always keeping in shoals, and swimming occa- sionally near the surface of the water, where they often fall a prey to aquatic birds." The length of the head compared with that of the body alone is as two to five ; the depth of the body compared to the whole length of the fish, as one to five : the dorsal fin commences half-way between the point of the closed jaws and the ends of the short middle caudal rays ; the longest ray of the dorsal fin as long as the base of the fin ; the ven- tral fin arises behind the line of the commencement of the dorsal, and half-way between the point of the closed jaws and the end of the longest caudal rays ; the tail long and deeply forked. The fin-rays in number are — D. 17 : P. 15 : V. 9 : A. 15 : C. 20. Vertebrae 56. The head is elongated; the dorsal line less convex than WHITEBAIT. 207 that of the abdomen ; the scales deciduous ; the abdominal line strongly serrated from the pectoral fin to the anal aperture. The lower jaw the longest, and smooth ; the upper slightly crenated : the tongue with an elevated central ridge without teeth : the eye large ; the irides silvery : the upper part of the back pale greenish ash ; all the lower part, the cheeks, gill-covers, sides, and belly, silvery white : dorsal and caudal fins coloured like the back ; the latter tipped with dusky : pectoral, ventral, and anal fins, white. The only food I could find in the stomach were the remains of minute crus- tacea. 208 CLUPEID.E. ABDOMINAL MALACOPTERYG1I. CLVPE1DJE. THE TWAITE SHAD. Alosafinta, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 320. ,, ,, WlLLUGHBY, pi. P. 3, fig. 1. ,, ,, IM Feinte, DUHAMEL, sect. iii. pi. 1, fig. 5. Clupea alosa, LINNAEUS. BLOCH, pt. i. pi. 30. ,, ,, Shad, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 460, pi. 80. ,, ,, ,, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 57. ,, ,, „ FLEM. Brit. An. p. 183, sp. 53. ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 437. ALOSA. Generic Characters. — Upper jaw with a deep notch in the centre ; in other respects like Clupea. BARON CUVIEK, in the last edition of the Regne. Animal, has advanced the Shads, of which we have two species, to the rank of a genus, on account of the deep central notch in the upper lip ; and I have followed this example for the addi- tional reason that it will the more easily and effectually afford the means of obtaining a desirable alteration in our nomenclature. According to Cuvier, most modern authors have misap- plied the systematic trivial names of these two species, call- ing the Shad with teeth, and several spots along each side, TU'AITE SHAD. C. alosa ; and the larger Shad without teeth, and with a single spot only behind each gill-cover, or none at all, C. Jinta. The Alosa of Rondeletius is not described or figured as possessing either teeth or spots ; and Cuvier, by his usual research, had probably satisfied himself that the fish to which the term alosa had been originally applied was a toothless Shad, and that the toothed and spotted Shad was the true Jinta. Pennant, in noticing the second British species of Shad taken in the Thames and the Severn, which is without teeth or the row of lateral spots, called it an Allis ; a name which it would be desirable still to retain, in reference to the generic term Alosa. The old name for the Shads was Lachia ; and hence are derived Hallachia, Alachia^ Alosa^ Alose, and Allis or Allice. The differences noticed by Pennant and others in the smaller species of Shad, taken also in the Severn, near Gloucester, called the Twaite, induces the belief that it is our common Thames Shad ; and the note by the editor of the last edition of the British Zoology, at the foot of page 463, (vol. iii.) is particularly deserving of notice. " I suspect," says the note, " that the Shad and Twaite are distinct species, and correspond with the Alose and Feinte of Duhamel." This appears to be precisely the case, as a com- parison of our two Shads with the representations in Du- hamel's work will prove : and Professor Nilsson, in his Pro- dromus of the Fishes of Scandinavia, which has been fre- quently referred to, has correctly designated and described our more common Shad of the Thames as ihe Jinta* of Cuvier. I venture to propose the names of Twaite Shad and Allice Shad for our two species, the better in future to dis- * Page 22. — C. Jinta Cuv. C. maxilla superiore antice profunde incisa ; inferiore vix longiore ; maculls 5 — 6 lateralibus in serie positis ; deutibus utriusque maxilla: distinctis. Longit. circa 15 poll. VOL. II. P 210 CLUPEID.E. tinguish them ; thus combining the generic name Shad with a trivial name by which these two fishes have been hitherto, to some extent at least, locally known. The Twaite Shad then, if I may so call it, is a sea-fish which enters our rivers about May, and in consequence of the time of its annual visit to some of the rivers of the European Continent is called the May-fish. The object of its visit to the fresh water is to deposit its spawn ; and, that accomplished, it returns to sea by the end of July. Twaite Shads appear during these three months in abund- ance in the Thames, from the first point of land below Green- wich, opposite the Isle of Dogs, to the distance of a mile below ; and great numbers are taken every season. These fish produce, however, but a small price to the fishermen, being in little repute as food, their muscles being exceed- ingly full of bones and dry. Formerly great quantities of the Twaite Shad were caught with nets in that part of the Thames opposite the present Penitentiary at Millbank, Westminster. Above Putney Bridge was another favourite spot for them ; but the state of the water, it is believed, prevents the fish ascending the river in the same manner as in former years, and but few comparatively are taken. The ordinary size of the adult fish of this species is from twelve to sixteen inches. Shad are not allowed to be caught in the Thames after the 30th of June, that the remaining fish may cast their spawn without interruption from nets.* The principal spawning-time of the Twaite Shad in the Thames is about the second week in July, when numbers may be seen and heard frisking at or near the surface. In the language of fishermen, the Shad are said to thrash the water with their tails : they appear to disencumber them- selves of the matured roc by violent muscular action ; and * Whitebait are plentiful throughout May and June. TWAITE SHAD. 211 on a calm still evening or night the noise they make may be heard at some distance. I have obtained the young only two inches and a half long in October ; and suspect they grow slowly, finding them only four inches long, and the young of the larger Allice Shad only six inches long, in the following spring. The habits and habitat of the two species of Shads have probably been very frequently confounded. Though both are common in the Severn during a particular season, Mon- tagu has not noticed the appearance of either on the coast of Devon : yet the Rev. Mr. Holdsworth sends me word that Twaite Shad are very common on that coast and in the rivers ; he has taken several at one time when whiffing with a light running line for Mackerel in the mouth of the Dart. The bait was a slice of a Mackerel. Both species have been noticed on the Cornish coast by Mr. Couch, and one has been taken near Dublin. I learn from Mr. Heysham that both species have been taken on the west coast of Cumber- land. On the eastern coast it is common in the Thames ; is occasionally taken off Yarmouth, on the Norfolk coast, with the Herrings, and also in the Tyne. Dr. Parnell says, " On the coast of Scotland, the Twaite Shad receives the name of Rock Herring. We observe this fish enter the Frith of Forth in tolerable abundance towards the end of July, and dozens are then taken in the Salmon-nets, at almost every tide ; but after August we lose sight of them until the fol- lowing season. It appears to have a considerable range to the northward, both Professors Nilsson and Reinhardt in- cluding1 it among the fishes of Scandinavia. The food of the O O Shads is small fish and the softer-skinned Crustacea. The length of the head compared to the whole length of the fish is as one to five ; the depth of the body rather greater than the length of the head ; the distance from the point of the nose to the commencement of the dorsal fin, mea- CLUPEID.E. sured again from thence backwards, falls far short of the end of the fleshy portion of the tail ; the base of the last dorsal fin-ray is half-way between the point of the nose and the end of the caudal rays ; the longest ray of the dorsal fin is as long as the base of the fin ; the ventral fins, without axillary scales, are placed a little behind the line of the commencement of the dorsal fin ; the base of the anal fin, occupying about two-fifths of the space between the ventral fin and the end of the fleshy portion of the tail, is shorter than the anal fin in the Allice Shad, and has five rays less, beginning also more forward : the tail deeply forked ; the caudal rays with two thin membranous appendages on each side, parallel to the seventh and thirteenth caudal rays, about an inch in length by three-eighths deep ; all four membranes opening from the centre, being attached by the outer edge only. The scales of the body rather larger in proportion than those of the Allice ; the lateral line, as in most of the Clupeidte, scarcely perceptible. The abdomen strongly serrated. The lower jaw the longest, with a few teeth anteriorly ; the upper jaw with a deep central notch, and a row of small teeth on the edge down each side. The breadth of the eye equal to one-fourth of the length of the head ; the mucous vessels on the surface of the gill-covers beautifully arbores- cent ; the top of the head and back dusky blue, with brown and green reflections in particular points of view ; from the upper edge of the operculum a row of five or six dark spots extend in a line backwards, the last generally the most in- distinct, the number sometimes more than six ; the irides, sides of the head and body, silvery white, with a tinge of copper colour ; dorsal and caudal fins dusky ; pectoral, ven- tral, and anal fins white. This species is immediately dis- tinguished from the Allice Shad by possessing teeth, the lateral spots, and the smaller anal fin. The fin-rays in number are — D. 18 : P. 15 : V. 9 : A. 21 : C. 19. Vertebrae 55. ALLFCE SHAD. 213 ABDOMINAL MALACOPTERYCII. CLUPEW^. THE ALLICE SHAD. Alosa commwiis, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 319. ,, ,, WILLUGHBY, pi. P. 3, fig. 2. ,, ,, Allice, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 463. ,, ,, Alase, DUHAMEL, sect. iii. pi. 1, fig. 1. Clupea alosa, Altis, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 439. THE ALLICE SHAD, by far the larger of the two in size, appears to be much more limited in its localities as a British species. It is represented by Pennant and others as abund- ant in the Severn, but is much less known elsewhere. Dr. Hastings, in his Illustrations of the Natural History of Worcestershire, at page 77 says, " This is another fish which the Severn affords in great perfection. These fish generally appear in May, though sometimes in April. This, however, depends a good deal upon the quality of the water : if it is clear, they ascend early in the spring ; but if there happens to be a flood, they wait till the waters are restored to their former purity ; and if they meet with a flood in their progress upward, they immediately return, and keep below Gloucester. The weight of this Shad (the Allice 214 CLUPEID.E. of Pennant) is seldom less than four pounds ; they continue in the river about two months, and are succeeded by a variety called the Twaite, which is less than the Shad, never weigh- ing more than two pounds, and is but little esteemed. Dr. Fleming says, that the celebrated Whitebait of the Thames, Avhich appears near Blackwall and Greenwich during the month of July, is the fry of this fish ; but as, although the Shad are plentiful in the Severn, we hear nothing of the Whitebait,* further investigation seems to be required on this point." In the Thames, the Allice Shad is of rare occurrence. A specimen was brought to me in 1831, that had been caught above Putney Bridge ; and another was taken in 1833, which is noticed by Mr. Jesse in the third series of his Gleanings in Natural History, page 147. " This fish was taken June 25th, opposite Hampton Court Palace ; and its appearance so high up the river is very unusual. On taking it out of the well of the boat, it was full of spawn, and died immediately ." I have had opportunities of examining very fine specimens from the Severn, sent to me by T. B. L. Baker, Esq. of Hard wick Court. This species is not uncommon on the north-east coast of Ireland. On the north-eastern coast of England, — namely, at Berwick, — Dr. George Johnston says it is frequently taken at the mouth of the Tweed in autumn, and sold in the mar- ket, but held in no estimation. Dr. Parnell says this species is rare in the Forth. The flesh of this fish is said to be of good flavour, and the quality is considered to improve the higher the fish ascends the river. ^Elian says the Shads appear to take pleasure in the sounds of musical instruments ; but if it happens to thunder when they are ascending rivers, they return rapidly to the sea. : This, it may be remembered, was adduced as one of the proofs that the Whitebait were not the young of the Shad. ALLICE SHAD. 215 Both species of Shads have great resemblance, except in size, to Herrings, and have been frequently called the mother of Herrings, and king and queen of the Herrings. The large Herrings of two feet in length, so called by Anderson and others, and said to occur in the Northern Seas, and among our Northern Islands, are no doubt to be considered as refer- ring to our Shads. The specimen described measured two feet in length ; the body deep and compressed ; the thickness rather less than one-third of the depth. The length of the head com- pared to that of the whole fish is as one to six ; the depth compared to the whole length, as one to four and a half. The length of the base of the dorsal fin three inches ; the fourth ray, which is the longest, is one-third shorter than the whole length of the base of the fin ; the first and second rays shorter than the third ; these three rays simple, all the others branched : the first ray half-way between the point of the nose and the last ray of the anal fin ; the last ray exactly half-way between the point of the nose and the end of the tail. Pectoral fin small ; the upper ray the longest, strong, and simple ; the others branched : ventral fin also small ; the first ray arising in a vertical line under the first ray of the dorsal fin ; axillary scales long, narrow, and pointed : anal fin commencing half-way between the ventral fin and the origin of the lower caudal rays, nearly one-fourth longer in the base than the dorsal fin ; the first three rays shorter than the fourth, which is the longest, and only one-third the length of the base of the fin : the tail long and slender, deeply forked ; the rays of the middle only one-fourth of the length of the longest external rays ; the seventh and thir- teenth caudal rays furnished with membranous appendages on each side similar to those observed in the Twaite Shad. The fin-rays in number are — D. 19 : P. 15 : V. 9 : A. 26 : C. 20. 216 CLUPEIDE. The lower jaw the longest and smooth ; the upper jaw with a central notch ; the lateral edges crenated : the breadth of the eye rather less than one-fifth of the length of the head, and placed one diameter and a half from the end of the nose : mucous vessels of the gill-covers beautifully dis- tributed ; the nape and shoulders rise suddenly ; the greatest depth of the body just before the ventral fin ; scales of the body rather large, nearly circular, and thin ; no distinct lateral line ; abdominal edge strongly serrated, particularly behind the ventral fins. The colours very similar to those of the Twaite Shad, with a single dusky patch behind the operculum, sometimes scarcely visible. Figure 1 of plate III. in Dr. Fleming's Philosophy of Zoology is a representation of the Allice Shad. ANCHOVY. 217 ABDOMINAL MALACOPTERYGIL CLUPEID&. THE ANCHOVY. Engraulis encrasicolus, Anchovy, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 183, sp. 54. ,, vulgaris, CUVIER, Regne An. t. il. p. 322. ,, „ WILI.UGHBY, p. 225, P. 2, fig. 2, App. 27. Clitpea encrasicolus, LINNAEUS. BLOCH, pt. i. pi. 30, fig. 2. ,, ,, Anchovy, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 459, pi. 78. ,, ,, ,, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 50. Engraulis eitcrasicholus, ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 439. ENGRAULIS. Generic Characters. — Distinguished from the Herrings in hav- ing the head pointed ; the upper jaw the longest ; the mouth deeply divided ; the opening extending backwards behind the line of the eyes ; the gape and bran- chial apertures very large ; the ventral fins in advance of the line of the com- mencement of the dorsal ; the abdomen smooth ; branchiostegous rays 12. I HAVE followed Dr. Fleming in preserving to the An- chovy the old name by which it was formerly known. It was called Lycostomus from the form of its mouth ; and Encrasicholus Engraulis, because from its bitterness it was supposed to carry its gall in its head. For this reason the head as well as the entrails are removed when the fish is pickled. The Anchovy is a common fish in the Mediterranean from Greece to Gibraltar ; and was well known to the Greeks and Romans, by whom the liquor prepared from it, called 218 CLUPEID.E. Garum, was in great estimation. Its eastern range is ex- tended into the Black Sea. The fishing for them is carried on during the night, and lights are used with the nets. The Anchovy is common on the coasts of Portugal, Spain, and France ; it occurs, I have no doubt, at the Channel Islands, and has been taken on the Hampshire coast. The Rev. Robert Holdsworth wrote me word that An- chovies had been taken in a Herring seine-net during autumn in the river Dart ; and Mr. Couch, in his Cornish Fauna, says that " this fish abounds towards the end of summer, and if attention were paid to the fishery, enough might be caught to supply the consumption of the British islands. Bloch informs us that the fishery in the Mediterranean is carried on from May to July, at which period this fish enters that sea for the purpose of shedding its spawn ; and that when this function is performed it returns to the Atlantic. I have not found them upon our coast until the autumnal equinox ; and the fishery would be chiefly followed in October and Novem- ber, when the fish are in fine condition ; but some are met with through the winter, and until the month of March." The Anchovy is taken in the Bristol Channel. In the Ap- pendix to Willughbys work, it is mentioned as having been taken on the coast of Wales ; Mr. Bicheno has very recently obtained several on the coast of Glamorganshire ; and Mr. Dillwyn, in his contributions towards a History of Swansea, says, " the late Charles Collins, Esq. showed me six pounds of Anchovies which he had purchased in Swansea market for a shilling ; and I have since ascertained, if a net with proper meshes was used, that in some summers a vast quantity of these fish might be taken in our bay." Pennant obtained it near his own residence at Downing in Flintshire ; and it is said to be sold frequently in Liverpool market. It has not, that I am aware, been recognised on the coast of Ireland. ANCHOVY. 21.0 The Anchovy is reported to be at this time an inhabitant of the large piece of water below Blackwall, called Dagenham Breach ; and in May 1838 I received one that was caught in the Thames, where, however, this species is so little known, that the specimen referred to was sent to me with a request to know what fish it was. In a series of notes on the occurrence of rare fish at Yar- mouth and its vicinity, with which I have been favoured by Dawscn Turner, Esq. there is mention of a specimen of the Anchovy, taken on the beach, Avhich measured six inches and a half in length. Mr. Couch says he has seen it in the Corn- ish seas of the length of seven inches and a half : additional proofs of the large size acquired by this fish on our shores. Dr. George Johnston does not mention this species as occur- ring' on the coast of Berwickshire, nor does Dr. Parnell O include it in his Fishes of the Forth : yet its range to the North is extensive, as it is occasionally taken on the coast of Norway and in the Baltic ; but is not included by Linnaeus in his Fauna Suecica. The Anchovy is immediately recognised among the spe- cies of the family to which it belongs, by its sharp-pointed head, with the upper jaw considerably the longest. The length of the head compared with the length of the body alone is as one to three ; the depth of the body but two- thirds of the length of the head, and compared to the length of the whole fish is as one to seven : the first ray of the dor- sal fin arises half-way between the point of the nose and the end of the fleshy portion of the tail ; the third ray of the dorsal fin, which is the longest, is of the same length as the base of the fin : the pectoral fin small ; the ventral fins arise, in a vertical line, in advance of the commencement of the dorsal fin, which is over the space betAveen the ventral and anal fins : the base of the anal fin is as long as the distance from its commencement to the origin of the ventral fins ; the 220 CLUPEID.E. rays short : the tail deeply forked. The fin-rays in number are — D. 14 : P. 15 : V. 7 : A. 18 : C. 19. The breadth of the eye is one-fifth of the length of the whole head ; the peculiarity in the comparative length of the jaws has been previously noticed ; the gill-covers are elon- gated ; the scales of the body large and deciduous : the colour of the top of the head and back blue, with a tinge of green ; irides, gill-covers, sides, and belly, silvery white ; the fins delicate in structure, and greenish white ; the membranes connecting the rays almost transparent. COMMON COD. 221 SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTEtlYGII. G/1D/D/E'.* THE COMMON COD. THE KEELING. Morrhua vulgaris, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 331. ,, ,, Cod, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 191, sp. 76. ,, ,, Codfish, Keeling, WILLUGHBY, p. 165, L. l,fig. 4. „ ,, LINN*US. BLOCK, pt. ii. pi. 64. ,, ,, Common Codjish, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 231. ,, „ Codjish, DON. Brit. Fish.pl. 106. Common Cod, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 440. Gadus morrhua, GADUS. Generic Characters. — Body elongated, smooth, compressed towards the tail ; back furnished with three dorsal fins ; ventral fins pointed ; abdominal line with two fins behind the anal aperture ; the lower jaw with one barbule at the chin ; branchiostegous rays 7. BARON CUVIER'S first division of his second order of fishes, those with flexible fin-rays, and with the ventral fins attached to the abdomen, being concluded, the soft-firmed fishes of the second division, or those forming his third order, succeed. These are recognised by having the ventral * The family of the Codfish. 222 GADID^E. fins placed very near the pectorals ; the bones supporting the former being attached to the bones of the shoulder support- ing the latter : and this disposition of the ventral fins has been conveniently referred to by the single term subbra- chial. This division includes some of the species most valuable to man as articles of food and commerce : among which may be particularly noticed some of those belonging to the first family, which includes the Common Cod, Haddock, Whit- ing, and many others to be hereafter referred to, all more or less remarkable for the excellence of their flesh, which is white, firm, separates readily into flakes, is agreeable to the taste, wholesome, and cheap. The old genus Gadus of Linnseus included fishes with one, two, or three dorsal fins, one or two anal fins, with or without barbules or cirri about the mouth, and of very different forms of body. These have been separated by Cuvier, whose first genus includes only those with three dorsal fins, two anal fins, and one barbule at the chin, as the generic characters determine. The Common Cod is not only one of those species most universally known, but is also one of the greatest intrinsic value, whether we consider the quality of the fish itself, the enormous numbers in which it is taken, or the extensive rano-e over which it exists. In the seas with which Eu- O ropeans are best acquainted, this fish is found universally from Iceland very nearly as far south as Gibraltar ; but it does not exist in the Mediterranean : it is also found and taken in abundance as far west as the shores of Newfound- land. In this country it appears to be taken all round the coast : among the islands to the north and west of Scotland it is abundant : most extensive fisheries are carried on : and it may be traced as occurring also on the shore of almost every COMMON COD. 223 county in Ireland. In the United Kingdom alone, this fish, in the catching, the curing, the partial consumption and sale, supplies employment, food, and profit to thousands of the human race. The Codfish is very voracious ; a favourable circumstance for the fishermen, who experience little difficulty in taking them with almost any bait whenever a favourable locality is ascertained. As these fish generally inhabit deep water, from twenty-five to forty and even fifty fathoms, and feed near the ground on various small fish, worms, Crustacea,* and testacea, their capture is only attempted with lines and hooks. Two sorts of lines, adapted for two very different modes of fishing, are in common use. One mode is by deep sea-lines, called bulters, on the Cornish coast : these are long lines, with hooks fastened at regular distances along their whole length by shorter and smaller cords called snoods ; the snoods are six feet long each, and placed on the long line twelve feet from each other, to prevent the hooks becoming entangled. Near the hooks these shorter lines, or snoods, are formed of separate threads loosely fastened together, to guard against the teeth of the fish. Some variations occur at different parts of the coast, as to the number of hooks attached to the line, as well as in the length of the snood ; but the distance on the long line between two snoods is always double the length of the snood itself. Buoys, buoy-ropes, and anchors or grapples, are fixed one to each end of the long line ; the hooks are baited with sandlaunce, limpet, whelk, &c. : the lines are always laid, or, as it is termed, shot, across the tide ; for if the tide runs upon the end of the line, it will force the hooks together, by which the whole tide's fishing is irrecoverably lost : they are deposited generally about the time of slack water, be- tween each ebb and flow, and are taken up or hauled for * Mr. Couch has taken thirty-five crubs, none less than the size of a half- crown piece, from the stomach of one Cod. GADID.E. examination after being left about six hours, or one flood or ebb. An improvement upon this more common plan was some years ago suggested by Mr. Cobb, who was sent to the Shetlands by the Commissioners appointed for the improve- ment of the fisheries. He fixed a small piece of cork within a certain distance of the hook, about twelve inches, which suspended and floated the bait so as to prevent its falling on the ground ; by which method the bait was more freely shown to the fish, by the constant and variable motion produced upon it by the tide. In the old way, the bait was frequently hid from the fish by being covered with seaweed, or was consumed by some of the numerous star-fish and crabs that infest the ground. The fishermen, when not engaged in shooting, hauling, or rebaiting the long lines, fish with hand-lines, armed with two hooks kept apart by a strong piece of wire : each fisherman manages two lines, holding one line in each hand ; a heavy weight is attached to the lower end of the line not far from the hooks, to keep the bait down near the ground, where the fish principally feed. These two modes of line-fishing are practised to a great extent nearly all round the coast ; and enormous quantities of Cod, Haddock, Whiting, Coalfish, Pollack, Hake, Ling, Torsk, and all the various flat-fish, usually called by the general name of whitefish, are taken. Of Codfish alone, the number taken in one day is very con- siderable ; from four hundred to five hundred and fifty fish have been caught on the banks of Newfoundland in ten or eleven hours by one man ; and a master of fishing- vessels trading for the London market told me that eight men, fishing under his orders off the Dogger Bank, in twenty-five fathoms' water, have taken eighty score of Codfish in one day. These are brought to Gravesend in stout cutter-rigged ves- sels of eighty or one hundred tons' burthern, called storeboats, COMMON COD. built for this traffic, with a large well in which the fish are preserved alive ; and of these a portion is sent up to Bil- lingsgate market by each night-tide. Well-boats for preserving alive the fish taken at sea, came into use in this country early in the last century. They are said to have been first built at Harwich about 1712. The storeboats remain as low down as Gravesend, because the water there is sufficiently mixed to keep the fish alive : if they were to come higher up, it would kill them. A change has lately taken place from the Cod having shifted their ground. Formerly the Gravesend and Barking fishermen obtained few Cod nearer than the Orkneys or the Dogger Bank ; but for the last two or three years the supply for the London market has been obtained by going no far- ther than the Lincolnshire and Norfolk coasts, and even between that and London, where previously very few fish could be obtained. Cod have been kept in salt-water ponds in different parts of Scotland, and found to maintain their condition unim- paired. Of these ponds there are three ; one in Galloway, another in Fife, and a third in Orkney. That in Galloway is at Logan, the seat of Colonel M'Dowall : it is a basin of thirty feet in depth, and one hundred and sixty in circum- ference, hewn out from the solid rock, and communicating with the sea by one of those fissures that are common to bold and precipitous coasts. A fisherman is attached to this preserve, whose duty it is constantly to supply the fish with the necessary quantity of food, which several species soon learn to take eagerly from the hand. In the course of the fishing for this daily supply, such fish as are not too much injured are placed in the reservoir ; the others are cut in pieces for food for the prisoners. The whelks, limpets, and other tcstacea, arc boiled to free them from the shells ; VOL. II. Q GADID.E. and no sooner does the keeper or his son appear with the well-known basket of prepared food, than a hundred months are sirnultaneonsly opened to greet the arrival. The Cod- fish are the most numerous in this preserve ; one of which has lived twelve years in confinement, and attained a large size. Dr. Parnell mentions that Cod are observed to thrive better while under confinement than most of the species of the same family, and in some instances they are found im- proved by the change. Elias Cathcart, Esq. of St. Marga- ret's, near North Queensferry, has kept for some time a number of marine fishes in a salt-water pond of about two hundred feet in length, and five fathoms deep, in which the tide flows and ebbs twice in the day. The principal fishes preserved are Cod, Haddock, Whiting, Flounders., and Skate, which are retained prisoners by means of an iron grating, placed at that part of the pond which communicates with the Frith. They are fed by the keeper with sprats, young herrings, and other small fishes, besides, occasionally, with the intestines of sheep, which the Cod are observed to devour with avidity. All the fish appear to thrive well, especially the Cod, which are found to be firmer in the flesh and thicker across the shoulders than those obtained from the Frith of Forth, whence the Edinburgh market is supplied. The Cod is abundant in the Orkney and other Scottish Islands. In a natural state the Cod spawns about February ; and nine millions of ova have been found in the roe of one fe- male. The Cod is in the greatest perfection as food from the end of October to Christmas. It may, in fact, be said of the whole of the family of Gadidtc, that they are in the best condition for the table during the cold months of the year. The young of the Cod, about six inches long, abound COMMON COD. '„'.',; 7 at the mouth of the Thames and Medway throughout the summer : as autumn advances, they gain size and strength, and are caught from twelve to sixteen inches in length by lines near the various sandbanks in the Channel. When of Whiting size, they are called Codlings and Skinners ; and, when larger, Tumbling or Tamlin Cod. On the coast of Durham and Northumberland, and at the Isle of Man, the Cod acquire a dark red or reddish brown colour ; and are called Rock Cod, Red Cod, Ware Cod, and Red Ware Cod, when of this particular colour. I saw a considerable quantity in this state in Berwick market, and have had others sent to me by Dr. Johnston. Both the varieties of our Common Cod — for there appears to be two well-marked varieties — were equally red. This colour is con- sidered to be the consequence of particular food obtained while lying among weedy rocks. At a short distance only from the situations named, the Codfish are of the usual ash-green colour. The largest Codfish I have a record of weighed sixty pounds, was caught in the Bristol Channel, and produced five shillings : it was considered cheap there at one penny the pound. Pennant, however, states that a Codfish of seventy-eight pounds' weight was caught at Scarborough, and sold for one shilling. There appears to be two well-marked varieties of the Common Cod ; one with a sharp nose, elongated before the eye, and the body of a very dark brown colour, which is usually called the Dogger Bank Cod. This variety prevails also along our southern coast. The other variety has a round blunt nose, short and wide before the eyes, and the body of light yellowish ash-green colour, and is frequently called the Scotch Cod. Both sorts have the lateral line white. I believe the distinction of more southern and northern Cod S28 GADID.E. to be tenable, and that the blunt-headed lighter-coloured fish docs not range so far south as the sharper-nosed dark fish. Our fishermen now finding plenty of Codfish near home, the London shops for the last year or two have only now and then exhibited specimens of the short-nosed northern Cod : both varieties are equally good in quality, and both are frequently taken on the same ground. The length of the specimen described was three feet, and the weight about twelve pounds. The length of the head compared to the length of the body alone, without the cau- dal rays, is as one to two and a half; the depth of the body equal to the length of the head : the first dorsal fin com- mences in a vertical line just behind the origin of the pecto- rals ; the second dorsal commences in a line over the anal aperture, and ends on the same plane as the first anal fin ; the third dorsal fin and the second anal fin begin and finish on the same plane : the tail nearly square ; all the rays of the fins covered with an extension of the skin of the body. The fin-rays in number are — D. 10. 20. 18. : P. 20 : V. 6 : A. 20. 16. : C. 26. Vertebrae 50. The head is large ; the belly tumid and soft ; the body tapering gradually throughout the latter half; the cavity of the abdomen extended internally behind the anal aperture, the intestine being recurved : the upper part of the head, cheeks, back, and sides, mottled and spotted with greenish ash ; the belly white ; the lateral line white, broadest along the posterior half; all the fins dusky, the first and second dorsal being rather lighter in colour than the rest : a broad band of short teeth on the upper jaw, which is the longest, and on the anterior part of the vomer ; a narrower band on the lower jaw, with one elongated barbule at the chin : the irides silvery, the pupil blue ; the breadth of the orbit one- sixth of the length of the head. COMMON COD. 229 Sonic yccirs since, I obtained from a fisherman at the mouth of the Thames a fresh-caught example of a species of morrhua, with the middle dorsal and the first anal fins short ; the body as deep for its length as the luscus ; the length of the head compared to the whole length of the fish as one to three. Among the fishermen it was by some considered to be an accidental deformity, with injury of the spine, and their name for it was Lord-fish ; others said it was a fish which they met with occasionally, and believed it distinct from any other. A coloured drawing was made at the time, from which the representation here given was taken, but the fish was not preserved. The fin-rays were as stated ; and it will be observed, on comparing the numbers, that they do not differ very widely from those of the Common Cod. D. 14. 19. 18. : P. 14 : V. 6 : A. 17. 11. : C. 24. The figure above is taken from the drawing referred to, but carefully reduced : upper part of the head, back, and fins, mottled with two shades of brown ; the sides of the body lighter ; the belly white ; the lateral line white, arching high over the pectoral fins : the irides reddish orange. 230 ftADID.E. It is probable that this is only an accidental deformity, some injury to the spine having prevented the usual growth. There is reason to believe that the Speckled Cod of Dr. Turton, represented in his British Fauna as frequently taken in the weirs at Swansea, is only the young of the Com- mon Cod. The vignette below represents the bones of the head in the Codfish. DORSE. 231 SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYGII. GADID/E. THE DORSE, OR VARIABLE COD. Morrkua callaiias, CUVIER, Hegne An. t. ii. p. 332. ., ,, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 191. ,, ,, WlLLUGHBY, p. 172, L. 1, fig. 1. Gadus ,, LINNAEUS. BLOCH, pt. ii. pi. 63. » ,i BERKENHOUT, Syn. edit. 1795, p. 67, sp. 2. ,, ,, Variable Cod, PENN. Brit. Zoo!, vol. iii. p. 239. ,, ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 441. THE authority upon which this species was originally introduced into the catalogue of British Fishes seems now to be questionable. Neither Berkenhout nor the naturalists who have followed him, in including the name of it, appear to have seen any British example ; and Dr. Fleming, who from his northern locality was the most likely to have seen speci- mens, mentions it only on the authority of others, and does not number it in his series of species. Since the publication of the first edition of this work, Mr. Thompson of Belfast has recorded in the Annals of Natural History the occurrence of this species both in the North and South of Ireland, — namely, the counties of Antrim and Cork. It appears to be a fish well known in the Baltic, and fre- 232 GADID.E. quently called the Baltic Cod. It is included by Professor Nilsson in his Fishes of Scandinavia, and seems to be fully entitled to one of its names, that of Variable Cod, four northern varieties appearing to be well known, which are each distinguished there by a particular term referring to peculiarities in the colouring. It spawns in March and April. Fabricius describes this species as being very numerous in many parts of Greenland ; and Captain James C. Ross, in his Natural History, Appendix to the last Arctic Voyage, says, c' our having found it on the north coast of the American continent, along the shores of the inlet to the west of the peninsula of Boothia, is an interesting feature in its history. At the same time, the fact that the only four species of fish which were found by us in that inlet, being also common to Davis's Strait and Baffin's Bay, may be considered an addi- tional proof, if any still be wanting, of a water communication between these two seas. It is also worthy of remark, that only two of these four species inhabit the sea on the east side of the isthmus of Boothia." The last published description of this species that I am acquainted with, and most likely to have been taken from the fish itself, is that by M. Nilsson, before referred to ; and it is here given rather than multiply in print any well-known description of older date. I have never seen a specimen of the fish. " Body elongated, subventricose ; head, back, and sides, more or less spotted ; lateral line white, bent ; tail square ; upper jaw much the longer ; snout prominent, sharp; under jaw only half as long as the head, and ending on a line half- way between the nose and the eye." The fin-rays in number are — D. 15. 18. 20. : P. 20 : V. 6 : A. 19. 18. : C. 24. Length from twelve to twenty-four inches. HADDOCK. 233 SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYGIL GADIDft. . THE HADDOCK. Morrhua aglefiniis, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 331. ,, ,, Haddock, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 191, sp. 77. ,, ,, Hadock, WILLVGHBY, p. 170, L. 2. Gadus ,, LiNNjEus. BLOCH, pt. ii. pi. 62. ,, ,, Hadock, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 241. ,, ,, Haddock, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 59. ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 441. THE HADDOCK is almost as well known as the Common Cod ; and from the quantity taken at numerous localities round the coast, and the facility with which the flesh can be preserved, it is a fish of considerable value. Besides frequenting the coast of Great Britain, from the extreme north to the Land^s End, the Haddock may be traced nearly all round the shores of Ireland ; and the largest examples have been taken in Dublin Bay and off the Nymph Bank. Though ranging over a considerable space both north and south of the geographical situation of this country, the Had- dock does not exist either in the Baltic or in the Medi- terranean. GADIDE. Haddocks swim in immense shoals, but are uncertain as to their appearance in places that had been formerly visited, and they are prone to change their ground after having arrived. The enormous consumption of food even in a short space of time, when the number of mouths is considered, may be one powerful reason for seeking new localities. They arc probably more abundant along our eastern coast, from Yarmouth to the Tyne, than elsewhere. There they are caught with long-lines and hand-lines, and the most attractive baits are pieces cut from the Herring or Sand- launce. Along our southern shore, where the trawl-net is constantly in use, the Haddock, feeding near the bottom, is frequently taken in the trawl. The most common weight of a Haddock is from two to four pounds. I have seen Haddocks of ten pounds1 weight in the London market ; the Brixham trawling-ground has produced Haddock of fourteen pounds ; but the largest seen for some years past weighed sixteen pounds, and was taken in Dublin Bay. Haddocks spawn in February and March, and the young- are six inches long by the beginning of September. When kept in confinement in the salt-water preserve referred to in the account of the Common Cod, the Haddocks were found to be the tamest fishes in the pond, and took limpets one after another from the hand. Their food is small fish, Crus- tacea, and almost any of the inferior animals of the deep, even the spiny Aphrodita. They are in the best condition for the table during the last three months of the year. The French fishermen call the Haddock, Hadot, whence probably our name was derived. Pennant says, " Our countryman Turner suggested that the Haddock was the Onos or Asinus of the ancients. Dif- ferent reasons have been assigned for giving this name to the species, some imagining it to be from the colour of the fish, others because it used to be carried on the backs of asses to HADDOCK. 235 market." A different reason appears to me more likely to have suggested the name : the dark mark on the shoulder of the Haddock very frequently extends over the back and unites with the patch of the shoulder on the other side, for- cibly reminding the observer of the dark stripe over the withers of the ass ; and the superstition that assigns the mark in the Haddock to the impression St. Peter left with his finger and thumb when he took the tribute-money out of a fish of this species, which has been continued to the whole race of Haddocks ever since the miracle, may possibly have had reference, or even its origin, in the obvious similarity of this mark on the same part of the body of the Haddock and of the humble animal which had borne the Christian Saviour. That the reference to St. Peter is gratuitous, is shown by the fact that the Haddock does not exist in the sea of the coun- try where the miracle was performed. The length of the specimen described was twenty inches. The length of the head compared to the length of the body, without including the caudal rays, is as one to two and a half; the depth of the body less than the length of the head : the first dorsal fin commences in a line over the origin of the pectorals ; the second dorsal fin begins in a line over the anal aperture, and ends nearly on the same plane with the first anal fin ; the third dorsal fin, and the second anal fin, commence nearly on the same plane, but the base of the first is longer than that of the second : the caudal rays rather long, and the tail slightly forked. The fin-rays in number are — D. 15. 21. 19. : P. 18 : V. 6 : A. 24. 18. : C. 25. Vertebra 54. The head slopes suddenly from the crown to the point of the nose ; the upper jaw much longer than the lower ; the nose projecting beyond the opening of the mouth, which is small ; a broad band of short teeth on the superior maxillary 236 GADID.E. bones, and a patch of teeth also, of the same character on the most anterior part of the vomer ; lower jaw furnished with a narrow band of teeth : the barbule at the chin small : the eye large ; the diameter of the orbit more than one-fourth of the whole length of the head ; the iricles silvery ; the pupil large, somewhat angular in form, and blue : the head, cheeks, back, and upper part of the sides, dull greyish white ; lower part of the sides and belly almost white, slightly mot- tled with grey ; the body covered with small scales ; the la- teral line strongly marked and black ; under the middle of the first dorsal fin, but below the lateral line, a black patch, which in many specimens extends over the back and unites with the mark on the other side ; the dorsal fins and tail dusky bluish grey ; pectoral, ventral, and anal fins lighter. Dr. D. H. Storer of Boston, in his valuable Report on the Ichthyology of Massachusetts, of which he very kindly sent me a copy, says that immense shoals of the Haddock are found on that coast in the spring, and continue through the season until autumn. — Page 125. The vignette represents a Scheveling fish-cart. \ BIB, POUT, AND WHITING POUT. 237 SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYG1L GADIDJE. THE BIB, POUT, AND WHITING POUT. SMELTIE, Zetland. — KLEG, Scarborough. — BLENS and BLINDS, Devonshire and Cornwall. Marrhua lusca, Bib, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 191, sp. 78. ,, barbata, Pout, ,, ,, ,, ,, sp. 79. Asellus luscus, Bih : A. 31. 20. : C. 30. Vertebra; 55. The body of the Whiting, like the bodies of those be- longing to this division, is longer for its depth than that of the Codfish ; the scales small, oval, and deciduous ; the lateral line dark and straight posteriorly, but rising gradually throughout the anterior half; the head elongated ; the mouth and gape large ; the tongue white and smooth ; the upper jaw decidedly the longest, with one row of large and sharp- pointed teeth on the outer edge, and several rows of smaller ones within ; the vomer with a few teeth arranged in a semi- circular line on the anterior part ; the lower jaw with various mucous orifices along the under surface, and a single row of sharp teeth along the upper outer edge, which, when the mouth is closed, range within the outer row of teeth on the upper jaw : the eye in breadth less than one-fourth of the head, and placed more than its breadth from the end of the nose ; the irides silvery ; the pupils blue. The upper part of the head and the back above the lateral line pale reddish ash brown ; sides and belly silvery white ; pectoral, caudal, and dorsal fins, pale brown ; ventral and anal fins almost white ; the pectoral fins each with a decided dark patch at the base. COUCH S WHITING. 247 SUBBRACH1AL MALACOPTERYG11. GADW/E. COUCH'S WHITING. Merlangus albus. Gadus albus, Risso, Ichth. p. 1 15. Merlangus poutassou, ,, Hist. vol. iii. p. 227. IN the month of May 1840 I received a communication from Mr. Couch of Polperro to the following effect : — " On the 5th of this month I had the good fortune to procure a new species of the Gadidee, — new at least to Britain : it is the species described by M. Risso in his Ichthyology of Nice, page 115, and suspected by him not to be the Whiting of the Northern ocean, from which it differs in several decisive particulars." M. Risso makes but few observations upon this fish either in his single volume on the Ichthyology of Nice, published in 1810, or in his Natural History of the Productions of the Environs of Nice, published in five volumes in 1826. He says it inhabits the sea of Nice, and is taken at all seasons ; that it spawns in the spring, and that its flesh is rather soft. This quality of the flesh of the Whiting of the Mediterra- nean was mentioned to me by Dr. Lush, the superintendent 248 GADID.E. of the Botanic Garden at Bombay, on his recent visit to this country. M. Risso, in his Ichthyology, refers for an illustra- tion of his fish to BloclVs plate 65, which is that of our well- known and common Whiting ; but a glance at the two figures here given, will show the distinctions, which M. Risso was aware of, as he adds, " this fish appears to me to be a new species : I invite naturalists to compare it with those of the Northern seas." The fin-rays, as given by M. Risso in the two works already quoted, are as follows : — D. 12. 12. 22. : P. 18 : V. 7 : A. 28. 20. : C. 38. Hist. D. 12. 10. 20. : P. 20 : V. 6 : A. 34. 22. : C. 36. Ichlh. The fin-rays as given by Mr. Couch are — D. 13. 12. 22. : P. 20 : V. 6 : A. 35. 25. Vertebrae 53. Mr. Couch's description is as follows : — " Length fifteen inches ; the depth in a straight line, two inches and a half: from the base of the first dorsal fin to the vent, along the curve, three inches ; from the mouth to the edge of the gill-covers, three inches ; from the same to the anterior edge of the eye, one inch ; the eye large, the form a perpendicular oval ; under jaw the longest ; the upper maxil- lary bone terminal, the snout receding from it backward, con- trary to the form of the Whiting, in which the upper jaw is under a projection ; the general form of the body resembles that of a Whiting, but rather more slender ; the back round- ed, as if the specimen was plump, thus showing its slender form not to be the result of emaciation ; teeth in the jaws as in the Whiting ; on the roof of the mouth a pair of pro- minent, sharp, incurved teeth ; lateral line straight, and pass- ing near the back ; another line along the middle of the body formed by the meeting of the muscles ; the body ending- arrow-shaped at the caudal fin ; the first dorsal fin begins over COUCH'S WHITING. 249 the posterior third of the pectoral ; the second dorsal fin like the first in form and elevation, both being triangular; be- tween them a space about equal to their separate breadth ; nearly twice this breadth between the second and the third dorsal fins ; the beginning of the third dorsal fin is slightly anterior to that of the second anal fin ; caudal fin shaped as in the Whiting, but less wide ; the pectoral fin ends opposite the middle of the first dorsal fin ; ventral fins small and slen- der, placed rather high on the side, and much like those of the Whiting Pollack (Merlangus Pollachius); the longest fibre measures seven-eighths of an inch ; from the point of the under jaw to the vent, four inches and one quarter ; from the centre of the vent to the commencement of the first anal fin, one quarter of an inch ; first anal fin long, widest in the mid- dle ; the second anal longer than the third dorsal, both end close to the caudal fin : colour brown ; belly white ; a dark spot at the upper margin of the pectoral fin ; along the base of the anal fins a broad white band ; no such band at their margin. The distinctions between this fish and the Whiting are obvious, in the jaws, fins, lateral line, colour, and ver- tebrse. The brilliant white along the base of the anal fins remained unaltered, after the brilliancy of all beside had considerably changed. The muscular substance of the fish was more pulpy than that of the Whiting. It was taken with an ordinary bait, at a few miles from land." The figure given at the head of this subject was carefully reduced from the drawing sent me by Mr. Couch ; and I beg here to record my sincere acknowledgement and thanks to him for his obliging communication. 250 GAD1D.E. SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYG1I. GAD1D&, THE COALFISH. Merlaiigus curbonurius, COVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 332. ,, ,, Coaljish, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 195, sp. 93. ,, ,, Colefiih, WILLUGHBY, p. 168, L. 3. Gadus ,, ,, LINN^US. BLOCH, pt. ii. pi. 66. ,, ,, Coaljish, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 250. ,, ,, ,, DON. Brit. Fish.pl. 13. Merlangus ,, Coal-Fish, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 446. THE COALFISH is most decidedly a northern fish, but, being a hardy species, is not without considerable range to the southward. It was the only fish found by Lord Mulgrave on the shores of Spitzbergen ; and the fry, only four or five inches in length, were caught with the trawl- net on the west coast of Davis's Straits, during the first voyage of Captain Sir Edward Parry. It is found on the coast of the United States. It abounds in all the northern seas and in the Baltic, and may be said to swarm in the Orkneys, where the fry all the months of summer and autumn are the great support of the poor. Dr. Neill, in his tour of the islands of Orkney and Shetland, saw an old man, and perhaps one or two boys, seated upon almost every projecting rock, holding in each hand a COAL FISH. 251 wand or fishing-rod, and catching young Coalfisli as fast as they coidd bait their hooks. As an article of food, it is more prized when small than when of large size. The flesh of specimens weighing from fifteen to thirty pounds is usually preserved, either salted or dried. This fish has more provincial names than any other spe- cies, some of which only refer to it when of a particular size. Among the Scotch islands the Coalfish is called Sillock, Piltock, Cooth or Kuth, Harbin, Cudden, Sethe, Sey, and Grey-Lord. In Edinburgh and about the Forth the young are called Podleys ; at Newcastle the fry are called Coalsey ; and, when twelve inches long, Poodlers. Many are caught along shore ; and frequently, also, from a boat rowed gently, the angler using a rod in each hand, and trailing a fly from each line. Mr. Couch says, " It is in the highest condition from October to December, at which season it prowls after prey in large companies ; so that when met with they prove a valuable capture to the fishermen : for though but coarse food, yet being wholesome, substantial, and cheap, they are eagerly purchased by the poor either fresh or salted. They swim at no great depth, and with great rapidity ; but when attracted by bait, will keep near a boat until all are taken ; and I have known four men with two boats, two men in each boat, take twenty-four hundred-weight with lines in a very few hours. The season for spawning is early in spring; immediately after which this fish becomes so lank as to be worthless, in which state it continues through the summer." In the Orkneys, according to Mr. Low, the young appear about May ; in the Tyne, about June ; and on the Cornish coast in July. The adult fish are called Rauning Pollacks by the Cornish fishermen : vanning being the ancient and GAD1D.E. even the popular modern pronunciation of ravening, used in reference to voracity. The Coalfish may be traced on the Irish coast from Wa- terford along the eastern shore to Belfast, under the various names of Black Pollack, Blockin, and Grey-Lord. When detained and well fed in a salt-water pond, Coal- fish acquire large size. " They were bold and familiar ; floating about slowly and majestically, till some food was thrown to them ; this they seized voraciously, whether it consisted of shell-fish or ship-biscuit. They would also occasionally approach the margin and take food from the hand." — Jesse's Gleanings. From the point of the lower jaw to the end of the oper- culum the length is to that of the body and tail as one to three and a half ; the depth of the body about equal to the length of the head : the first dorsal fin begins behind the line of the origin of the pectoral fin and before the line of the vent ; the second dorsal and the first anal fins end together nearly on the same plane ; the third dorsal and second anal fins nearly parallel : the fleshy portion of the tail elongated ; the rays forked : the ventral fins small ; and the rays of the pectoral fin only extending as far as the line of the vent. The fin-rays are — D. 11. 20. 20. : P. 19 : V. 6 : A. 24. 19. : C. 32. The head and body elegantly shaped ; the scales small and oblong ; the lateral line silvery white and nearly straight ; the upper part of the head and the back above the lateral line almost black ; much lighter in colour below the line, becoming greyish white with golden reflections on the sides and belly ; pectoral, caudal, and dorsal fins, bluish black ; ventral and anal fins greyish white : the upper jaw rather the shortest ; the lips tinged with purple red ; the mouth black ; the teeth very small ; the irides silvery white ; the pupil blue. POM.AI N . 253 SUBBRACHJAL MALACOPTERYGII. GADID&. THE POLLACK. WHITING POLLACK. LYTHE, Scotland. Merlangus pollachius, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 333. ,, ,, Pollack, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 195, sp. 92. ,, ,, Whiting Pollack, WILLUGHBY, p. 167. Gadus ,, LINNJEUS. BLOCK, pt. ii. pi. 68. ,, ,, Pollack, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. in. p. 254. „ ,, Whiting Pollack, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 7. Merlangus ,, Pollack, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 446. THE POLLACK is much less abundant on some parts of the coast than the Coalfish ; but, like that species, is an in- habitant of the seas all round our shores. Mr. Low, in his " Natural History of the Orkneys," says, " They are fre- quently caught close in with the shore, almost among the sea-ware, and in deep holes among the rocks. They seem to be a very frolicsome fish ; and I have been several times fishing for them when they would keep a constant plashing in the water. They bite keenly, scarce allowing the hook to be in the water before one or other jumps at it. They are better eating than the Coalfish ; but I do not know whether they are ever dried or preserved otherwise, as the quantity caught is scarce worth curing." Hand-line fishing for Pollacks, Mackerel, &c. is called whiffing. 25-i OADID.F.. This fisli is called Lythe in Scotland, as already quoted ; l)ut whether this term is intended to refer to its supple, pliant activity, or is derived from lithos, a stone, from its living among rocks, I have not seen stated. Fine speci- mens of the Pollack are taken about the rocky coast of Scarborough, where they are called Leets. The Pollack is caught at Hastings and Weymouth. Colonel Montagu says it is frequently taken in Devonshire, where it is bought by the inexperienced as Whiting. When only twelve or fourteen inches long, the flesh possesses a considerable portion of the pearly appearance and delicacy of that fish. Mr. Couch says, " The Pollack is at all seasons one of our most common fishes, but it is not gregarious except in pursuit of prey ; and it rarely wanders far from its usual haunts, which are along the edges of rocks, where, with the head directed towards the coming tide, it is ready for any prey that approaches. The smaller ones, which occupy such a station covered with oreweed, have their colours very bright, and the belly of a saffron yellow ; while on clean ground they are less brilliant. In summer evenings, they are often seen eager in pursuit of the sandlaunce, frequently spring from their element, and are often taken by anglers from the rocks and piers. The Pollack spawns in winter near the land ; and the young abound near the edge of the tide in rocky ground at the beginning of summer." In Ireland, the Pollack may be traced as occurring on the coast of the counties of Cork, Waterford, Dublin, An- • trim, Londonderry, and Donegal, under the names of Pol- lack, Laith, and Lythe. The length of the head compared to that of the body is as one to three and a half; the depth of the body is to the whole length of the fish as one to four and a half: the first dorsal fin begins, as in the Coalfish, behind the line of the POLLACK. 255 origin of the pectoral fin, and before the line of the situation of the vent ; the second dorsal fin and the first anal fin end on the same line ; the third dorsal fin and the second anal fin begin and end very nearly on the same plane ; the first ray of each of the dorsal fins the longest ; the ventral fin very small ; the anal aperture in a line under the middle of the first dorsal fin ; the fleshy portion of the tail long and slender ; the end of the rays concave. The fin-rays in num- ber are — D. 12. 19. 15. : P. 19 : V. 6 : A. 24. 16. : C. 31. The lower jaw is much the longest ; the mouth and lips red, with various mucous orifices about them ; the hides sil- very ; the sclerotic coat cartilaginous ; the upper angle of the operculum produced ; the body elongated ; the upper part of the head and the back above the lateral line olive brown ; the sides dull silvery white mottled with yellow, and in young fish spotted with dull red ; the lateral line dusky, curved over the length of the pectoral fin, then descending and passing in a straight line to the tail ; the dorsal fins and tail brown ; the pectoral and anal fins brown edged and tinged with reddish orange. In December 1839, my kind friend, Robert Ball, Esq. of Dublin, sent me notice of a curious monstrosity observed in a Pollack caught during the previous spring, remarkable for the great elongation of the rays of the first dorsal fin, which had grown to more than three times their usual length. 256 OADIDE. SUBBRACHTAL MALACOPTERYGII. GADID/V. THE GREEN COD. Merlangus virens, CUVIEU, Regne An. t. ii. p. 33. ,, ,, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 195, sp. 94. Gadus ,, LINN/EUS. ,, ,, Green Cod, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 253. Merlangus „ ,, ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 447. THE GREEN COD was first added to the catalogue of British Fishes by Pennant, on the authority of Sir Robert Cullum, Bart.; and if a distinct species, which some have doubted, it is not only abundant, but has an extensive range. It is mentioned as an inhabitant of the northern seas by Linnseus and others, and is included in the recently pub- lished works of Professors Nilsson and Rei.nb.ardt, who have devoted particular attention to the fishes of Scandinavia. Dr. Neill says it is taken in the Frith of Forth during summer ; and Mr. Couch obtains it on the Cornish coast of eight or ten inches in length. Mr. Forbes and Mr. Wal- lace tell me it is abundant at the Isle of Man. This fish is by some considered as the young of the Coal- fish, and by others as the young of the Pollack. It appears, GREEN COD. 257 however, to be decidedly distinct from the Pollack, in hav- ing its jaws nearly equal in length : in the Pollack the under jaw is by much the longest ; the lateral line in the Green Cod is straight, in the Pollack the lateral line is curved over the whole length of the pectoral fin. Mr. Couch in his MS. considers the Green Cod as the young of the Coalfish, with which it certainly agrees in both the par- ticulars in which it differs from the Pollack, but differs also decidedly in colour from the Coalfish. It seems to combine in itself the colouring of the Pollack with some of the pecu- liarities of the Coalfish, but appears also to be deeper for its length than either ; though if the young of a large species, judging by analogy, that would not be the case. Following the example of the Northern naturalists, who have opportunities of making constant comparison between this fish and the Coalfish from the abundance of both, and who have hitherto considered them distinct, the Green Cod is here allowed a separate place. The figure is from a draw- ing by Mr. Couch, whose opinion is entitled to attention ; and the subject invites the investigation of those who are so located as to be able to obtain examples of both. Not possessing a specimen, the description here given is derived from the Prodromus of M. Nilsson. The under jaw scarcely longer than the upper ; the tail deeply forked ; the lateral line straight, white ; the colour of the back dark green, passing by degrees into silvery grey on the sides. From six to twelve inches is the usual size allowed to the Green Cod ; M. Nilsson gives it a length from two to three feet, and adds that it spawns in winter. The number of fin-rays as stated by Linnseus : — D. 13. 20. 19. : P. 17 : V. 6 : A. 24. 20. : C. 40. Dr. Fleming adds, " Teeth in the upper jaw, numerous, strong." VOL. II. S 258 GADID.E. SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYGIL GA THE HAKE. Merlucius vulgaris, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 333. M ,, Common Hake, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 195, sp. 95. „ The Hake, WILLUGHBY, p. 174. Gadus merlucius, LINN/EUS. BLOCH, pt. v. pi. 164. ,, Hake, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 257. „ ,, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 28. Merlucius vulgaris, Common Hake, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 447. MERLUCIUS. Generic Characters. — The head flattened ; the body elongated ; the back furnished with two dorsal fins ; the first short, the second long ; but one anal fin, also very long ; no barbule at the chin. THE HAKE is another of the species belonging to this large and valuable family of fishes, which has an extensive range, being found in the seas of the North of Europe, and also in the Mediterranean. Though inhabiting the seas of the western coast of Nor- way, and included by Linnaeus in his Fauna Suecica, Dr. Fleming says it is rare in Scotland ; and it appears to be most abundant along the southern coast of England. Ports- mouth market receives an abundant supply, which is brought by fishing-boats from the Devonshire coast ; and Montagu says there is also an abundance in the market of Plymouth. According to Mr. Couch, " The Hake is a roving fish HAKE. on the Cornish coast, without much regularity in its move- ments. From January to April, which is its season for spawning, it keeps near the bottom, and loses the great voracity by which it is characterised at other times, so that multitudes of them are caught in trawls, and but few with a line ; but, when Pilchards approach the shores, it follows them, continuing in incalculable numbers through the winter. It rarely happens that Pilchards are taken in a scan without many Hakes being enclosed with them ; and thus, when the net remains in the water for several days, they have an opportunity of glutting themselves to their heart's desire, which is to such an extent as to render them helpless, and 1 have seen seventeen Pilchards taken from the stomach of a Hake of ordinary size. Their digestion, however, is quick, so that they speedily get rid of their load ; and fishermen observe that, when hooked, the Hake presently evacuates the contents of the stomach to facilitate its escape ; so that when hundreds are taken with a line, in the midst of prey, not one will have anything in its stomach : when near the surface, however, this rejection does not take place until after they are dragged on board." The Hake may be traced nearly all round the coast of Ireland ; and is so abundant in the Bay of Galway, that, according to a recent writer, this bay is named in some ancient maps the Bay of Hakes. On that part of the Nymph Bank off the coast of Waterford, this fish is also so plentiful, that one thousand have been taken by six men with lines in one night. It is a voracious fish, as its sys- tematic name of merlucius, Seapike, implies. It is a coarse fish, not admitted to the tables of the wealthy; but large quantities are annually preserved both by salting and drying, part of which is exported to Spain. The Hake is very common on the northern shore of the Mediterranean, and considerable traffic is carried on with 260 GADID.E. tins fisli ; they are packed with aromatic plants, and sent to the towns removed from the coast. The Hake is de- scribed and figured by Rondeletius, and was known to the older naturalists before him. A Hake of three feet eight inches long in the shop of a London fishmonger, in May 1835, supplied the means of obtaining the following particulars. The length of the head, compared to the length of the body alone, as one to three ; the depth of the body not so great as the length of the head : the ventral fins are placed in advance of the pectorals ; the rays not unequally elongated : the pectoral fins commence in a line under the posterior angle of the operculum ; the rays ending with the end of the first dorsal fin : the first dorsal fin itself short and triangular in shape ; the second dorsal fin commences in a line over the vent ; the anal fin begins immediately behind the vent ; both the second dorsal fin and the anal fin terminate on the same plane, near the tail ; the rays of both, towards the end, elon- gated ; the caudal rays about three inches long, and nearly even. The fin-rays in number are — D. 10. 29. : P. 11 : V. 7 : A. 21 : C. 19. The head is depressed : the inside of the mouth and gill-covers black ; lower jaw the longest ; teeth slender and sharp, in a single row in each jaw : the irides yellow with a dark cuter circle. The lateral line of the body straight throughout the posterior half, then gradually rising to the upper edge of the operculum ; the appearance of the lateral line is that of one white line between two dark ones : the scales large ; colour of the body dusky brown above, lighter beneath ; dorsal and caudal fins dark ; ventral and anal fins pale brown. I have inserted a new figure of our Hake at the com- mencement of this subject ; the figure used in the former HAKE. 261 edition, and which now, for comparison, is inserted as a tail-piece, does not sufficiently exhibit the elongation of the rays at the posterior part of the second dorsal and anal fin, the rays being represented as rather adpressed, and ap- pearing shorter than they were intended to be. This has, I fear, led to some misconception, as the following extracts seem to show. In a communication from the Rev. R. T. Lowe, M.A. printed in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society for the year 1840, page 36, describing certain new species of Ma- deiran Fishes, and containing additional information relating to those already described, Mr. Lowe observes, " The Ma- deiran Hake, or Pescada, Merlucius vulgaris of my Syn- opsis, page 189, proves, upon better acquaintance, distinct from the common British Hake, Cuvier, Yarrell, he. Gadus merlucius, Linn. Instead of being even, the dorsal and anal fins are each produced at their hinder end into a rounded lobe ; the jaws are nearly equal in length ; the teeth are large and numerous ; the scales small. I do not name it, for I believe it has already been called by Mr. Swainson M. sinu- atus ; and I am doubtful whether it may not also be the M. escidentus of Risso, vol. iii. p. 220, though in his syno- nyms he has confounded it with the true Northern Hake. I believe it to be the fish imperfectly figured long ago by Salvianus, p. 73, copied by Willughby, t. L. membr. 2, n. 1, which has usually been referred to also as the Northern Hake." Mr. Swainson's remarks in his Natural History and Clas- sification of Monocardian Animals, more especially Fishes, vol. i. p. 319, are as follow : — " To the first of these (the Merluciruz), named by Rafinesque Merlucius, after the Gadus merlucius of Linnaeus, belongs the common Hake, peculiar to the Northern seas, with which the Mediterranean Hake (M. sinuatus, Sw. fig. 73), now for the first time GADID.F.. described, has hitherto been confounded by all writers : we presume this is the species, which, under the belief that it was the common one, Cuvicr says is abundant in the Me- diterranean." It is to be regretted that Mr. Swainson has not mentioned the characters upon which he founds his distinction between the Mediterranean and the Northern Hake ; the name and the figure given, which is here copied, are the only guides. If the specific term sinuatus is intended to refer to the form of the dorsal and anal fins as a distinguishing character, it may be desirable to state that the figures of the common Hake, as given by Dull am el and Bloch, present the same peculiarities, particularly in reference to the elongation of some of the posterior rays of the dorsal and anal fins. Pen- nant, in describing our British Hake, says of the second dorsal fin, " of which the last rays are the highest." Mr. Couch, who lives on a part of our coast which abounds with Hakes occasionally, sends me word, in answer to my inquiry, that the new figure here employed at the commencement of this subject is a good representation of the general form of our Hake, but that the degree of extension of the fin-rays and the character of the waved line formed by the margin of the fins are varied in different specimens of the fish. Dr. Parnell, in his minute description of the Hake found in the Frith of Forth, says of the second dorsal fin, " the first twenty-two rays of equal length, as long as the sixth ray of the first dorsal, the twenty-third to the twenty-seventh rapid- HAKE. 263 ly increasing : the remaining rays gradually diminishing, the last very short." Of the anal fin, Dr. Parnell says, " the first, second, and third rays gradually increasing in length, the following eighteen about equal height ; the twenty- seventh considerably the longest, the rest gradually diminish- ing, the last very short." Lastly, I may add, that the repre- sentation of the Northern Hake in the work now in progress of the Fishes of Scandinavia by MM. Fries and Ekstrom ex- actly accords with the new figure here engraved. I have no reason to suspect that I made any mistake either in the counting or the printing the number of the various fin- rays in the specimen I examined ; but there are considerable differences when compared with the enumeration by Pennant and Dr. Parnell : thus the numbers are according to Pen- nant— D. 9. 40. : P. 12 : V. 7 : A. 39. According to Dr. Parnell — D. 10. 39. : P. 14 : V. 7 : A. 37 : C. 20. The Hake, according to Dr. Mitchell and Dr. Storcr, appears to be taken both at New York and at Boston. The fin-rays as given by Dr. Mitchell : — D. 12. 38. : P. 13 : V. 7 : A. 41 : C. 27. Dr. Storer : — D. 12. 38. : P. 13 : V. 7 : A. 39. 264 GADID.E. SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYGII. GADJD/E. THE LING. Lota molua, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 333. Asellus longus, Gadus inotva, Motva vulgaris, Lota molva, WILLUGHBY, p. 175, L. 2. LINN^US. BLOCII, pt. ii. pi. 69. Ling, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 262. ,, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 102. Common Ling, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 192, sp. 82. Ling, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 448. LOTA. Generic Characters. — In addition to the elongated body, with two dorsal fins and one anal fin, possessed by the species of Merlncius last described, may be added, chin with one or more barbules. THE LING is a very valuable species, scarcely less so than the Coalfish or the Cod. Large quantities are taken among the Western Islands, in the Orkneys, and on the Yorkshire coast ; in Cornwall, and the Scilly Islands ; and may be traced nearly all round the Irish coast. The fishing for them is by hand-lines and long-lines ; and besides a portion that is consumed fresh, the fish are split from head to tail, cleaned, salted in brine, washed, and dried : but the demand generally falls short of the quantity cured, and the hardy fishermen are but poorly requited. The ports of Spain are the markets supplied ; and so valuable an article of commerce was Ling considered formerly, that an act for regulating the price of LING. 265 Ling, Cod, &c. was passed as early as the reign of Edward the Third. The air-bladders, popularly called Sounds, are prepared separately, and, with those of the Codfish, are sold pickled. The roes, which are of large size, are also used as food, or, preserved in brine, are sold to be employed to attract fish. Another produce of the Ling is the oil extracted from the liver, which is used by the poor to supply the cottage lamp ; and as a medicine, Mr. Couch says, which those who have been able to overcome the repugnance arising from its nau- seous smell and taste, have found effectual in severe cases of rheumatism, when taken in small beer in doses of from half an ounce to an ounce and a half. Formerly from fifty to sixty gallons of this oil, and that from the liver of the Codfish, were dispensed in one large establishment for this purpose, and it was found to act best when the perspiration was increased. The exudation from the skin of those to whom it was ad- ministered always became strongly tainted with it.* In Zetland, the principal fishing for Ling is from May to August. On the Yorkshire coast the young are called Drizzles. In Cornwall they are caught in January and February, and their favourite haunts are about the margins of the rocky valleys of the ocean. The Ling is exceedingly prolific, and of most voracious appetite, feeding on young fish, not sparing anything that has life, and the prey is swallowed whole, so that no great art is required to catch it. It is tenacious of life, and survives great injury. " I once," says Mr. Couch, " saw a Ling that had swallowed the usual large hook, shaft foremost, of which the point had fixed in the stomach, and as the line drew it, it turned round, en- tered the opposite side of the stomach, and fastened the organ together in complicated folds ; yet having escaped by * Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, vol. iii.; and Dr. Bardsley's Medical Reports, 8vo. 1807, p. 18. 266 GADID.E. breaking the line, it survived to swallow another hook and be taken several days after." The most usual length of the Ling is from three to four feet ; Pennant mentions having heard of one which mea- sured seven feet ; and Mr. Couch has known them weigh seventy pounds. Not having an opportunity of describing from a specimen, I copy, by permission, the description of the Rev. Mr. Jenyns, as given in his Manual of the British Vertebrata, page 458, species 133. " Body slender, more elongated than that of the Hake ; roundish : head flat : gape large : lower jaw shorter than the upper, with a single barbule at its extremity : teeth in the upper jaw small, and very numerous ; those in the lower jaw longer and larger, forming but a single row : lateral line straight : scales small, firmly adhering to the skin : two dorsal fins of equal height ; the first short, commencing near the head, not pointed as in the Hake, but with most of the rays even ; second long, immediately behind the first, reaching nearly to the caudal ; the posterior portion the most elevated : vent in a line with the eighth or ninth ray of the second dorsal fin : anal fin immediately behind it, long, resembling the second dorsal fin, and terminating on the same line with it : caudal rounded at the extremity. " The fin-rays are — D. 15. 65. : P. 15 : V. 6 : A. 97 : C. 39. " The back and sides grey, inclining to olive ; sometimes cinereous, without the olivaceous tinge ; belly silvery : ven- trals white ; dorsal and anal edged with white ; caudal marked near the end with a transverse black bar ; the extreme tip white." BURBOT. £67 SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYGII. GAD1DJE. THE BURBOT. EELPOUT. BURBOLT. Lota vulgaris, Burbot, JENVNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 448, sp. 134. ,, ,, CUVIEH, Regne An. t. ii. p. 334. ,, ,, WILLUGHBY, 125. Gadus lota, LINN/EUS. BLOCK, pt. ii. pi. 70. „ „ Burbot, PENN. Brit. Zool. p. 265. „ DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 92. Moloa ,, ,, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 192, sp. 83. THE BURBOT is the only British species of this numerous family of fishes that lives permanently in fresh water, and prefers in this country slow running rivers ; but is neither so generally known, nor so much esteemed and encouraged, as from the goodness of its flesh it deserves. It is said to be found in various parts of the North of Europe, Siberia, Asia, and India. In this country it is rather local. It occurs in the Cam, and in some of the rivers of Norfolk and Lin- colnshire. The Trent produces it, and Nottingham market is occasionally supplied with examples for sale. The Tame is said to contain the Burbot, and so also do several rivers in the counties of Yorkshire and Durham ; as the Ouse, the 268 GADIDE. Esk, the Skcrn, near Mainsforth, which afterwards runs into the Tees near Croft Bridge, and the Derwent. The Burbot is not unlike the Eel in some of its habits, concealing itself under stones, waiting and watching for its prey, consisting of aquatic insects and young fish, under arches and near eddies, into which such small and weak animals are likely to be brought by the current of the water. It feeds principally during the night ; and, like the Eel, is most frequently caught by trimmers and night-lines. The Burbot is sometimes called Coney-fish, from its habit of lurking and hiding itself in holes like a rabbit. It spawns in February or March ; is very tenacious of life, and is said to have lived a considerable time in a damp and cold situation, fed on small fishes and raw meat. In this country it has been known to attain the weight of four pounds and a half; but a more common size is about two pounds'1 weight. Pennant mentions one taken in the Trent which weighed eight pounds. In the Lake of Geneva, into which it is stated the Burbot was introduced from Neufchatel, it has been taken of seven pounds1 weight. The flesh is white, firm, and of good flavour, by some con- sidered superior to that of the Eel ; and as the Burbot is in its nature extremely hardy, few difficulties present them- selves in the way of their increase in quantity, while the value of the fish would amply repay the trouble or the cost of the experiment. It would probably thrive well and mul- tiply in large lakes. Length from one to two feet : the head depressed, smooth ; jaws equal ; chin with one barbule ; the gape large, with small teeth above and below ; eyes of moderate size ; gill- opening large : the length of the head compared to that of the body as one to four : the form of the body cylindrical, compressed posteriorly. The first dorsal fin is small and rounded ; the second elongated, reaching nearly to the tail ; BURBOT. 269 both dorsal fins nearly uniform in height : ventral fins placed very forward, narrow, and pointed ; the pectoral fins large and rounded ; the anal fin begins on a line behind the commencement of the second dorsal fin, but ends very nearly on the same plane : the tail oval, and slightly pointed. The fin-rays in number are — D. 14. 68. : P. 20 : V. 6 : A. 67 : C. 36. The colour of the body yellowish brown, clouded and spotted with darker brown, and covered with a mucous secre- tion ; the under parts lighter : the lateral line indistinct and straight ; scales small ; the fins partaking of the colour of the part of the body from which they emanate, those of the lower surface being much the lightest. 270 GAD1D.E. SUBBRACHJAL MALACOPTERYGU. GADW.L. THE THREE-BEARDED ROCKLING. SEA LOCHE. WHISTLE-FISH. Motella vulgaris, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 334. ,, tricirrata, NILSSON, p. 48. ,, ,, Three-Bearded EocUing, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 449, sp. 135. ,, ,, WlLLUGHBY, p. 121, II. 4, fig. 4. Mustela marina, Rockling, RAY, Syn. p. 164, sp. 9, fig. 9. Gadus tricirratus, BLOCK, pt. v. pi. 165. ,, mustela, Three- Bearded Cod, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 267, pi. 36. ,, ,, Hackling, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 2. ,, tricirratus, Three-Bearded Gade, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 193, sp. 86. MOTELLA. Generic Characters. — Body elongated, cylindrical, compressed posteriorly ; the first dorsal fin very slightly elevated, delicate in structure, scarcely perceptible ; second dorsal and anal fins long, continued nearly to the base of the tail. THE THREE-BEARDED ROCKLING, included by the Rev. Mr. Jago in his Catalogue of the rarer Fishes of Corn- wall, and published by Ray, with a figure, at the end of his Synopsis, though not uncommon on the Devonshire and Cornish coasts, as noticed by Colonel Montagu and Mr. Couch, is more rare on our shores generally than the Five- THREE-BEARDED ROCKLING. 271 Bearded Rockling, of which by some it has been considered only as a variety. It is also rare on the east coast of Scot- land. It frequents rocky ground that is well furnished with sea-weed, among which it threads its way with great ease and rapidity. Besides the localities mentioned, it has been taken also at Weymouth, in Belfast Bay, and in the vicinity of Carlisle, probably in the Solway Frith. The individual figured by Willughby, whose early representation of this fish is very good, was obtained by him at Chester. Mr. Thompson says it is generally distributed on the coast of Ireland. Of its habits, Mr. Couch says, " It keeps in shallow water, feeds on aquatic insects, and will take a bait ; but it is not commonly used as food, because it smells unpleasantly in the course of a few hours. It is not easy to explain the use of the frinared membrane behind the head and before O the dorsal fin ; it has nothing in common with the fins ; but when the fish is lying perfectly still, and all the fins are at rest, this is often in rapid motion. The barbules on the upper jaw are always extended in front, and probably serve the same purposes as the antennae in insects.1" Bloch says that it spawns in autumn ; but other observers consider that it deposits its spawn in winter, like most of, if not all, those of the same family. Pennant, in his account of the Five-Bearded Rockling, says, " The Cornish fishermen are said to whistle, and make use of the words bod, bod, vean, when they are desirous of taking this fish, as if by that they facilitated the capture, in the same manner as the Sicilian fishermen repeat their Mamassu di pajanu, &c. when they are in pursuit of the Swordfish." But this name of Whistle-fish was, according to Jago's Catalogue, attached to the Rockling with three barbules only, and even among them was but occasionally applied to the larger specimens. Pennant, it will be ob- 272 GADID.E. served, speaks of the cause of the application of the name of Whistle-fish on the authority of others ; and on inquiry, I find that the custom of whistling when fishing is neither practised nor known to the Cornish fishermen of the present day, and, in fact, that this fish is of too little value to be an object of any solicitude. I believe, indeed, that while preserving the sound of the name, the term has been changed, and a very different word substituted, and that for Whistle- fish we ought to read Weasel-fish. Both the Three and the Five Bearded Rocklings were called mustela from the days of Pliny to those of Rondeletius, and thence to the present time. A specimen fourteen inches long, and beautifully spotted, was presented to the Zoological Society in 1832. The finest examples of this species I have seen were two given me in December 1834, by Dr. Thackeray, the Provost of King's College, Cambridge, from the largest of which, mea- suring seventeen inches in length, the wood-engraving was executed, and the following description taken. The length of the head compared to the length of the body alone, without the caudal rays, is as one to four ; the depth of the body equal to the length of the head : the first dorsal fin delicate in structure ; the first ray elongated, the rest hair-like : the second dorsal fin commencing immediately behind the end of the first, and reaching along the back to the tail, but ending a little short of the base of the caudal rays : ventral fins with the first two rays elongated, the second the most so, the two disunited ; the other five rays nearly equal, united, and short : pectoral fins rather large and rounded : the vent half-way between the point of the chin and the end of the fleshy portion of the tail ; the anal fin commences immediately behind it, is one-fourth less in length than the second dorsal, and ends on the same plane with it : the tail moderate in size, and rounded at the end. THREE-BEARDED ROCKLING. 273 The fin-rays in number arc — 2nd D. 55 : P. 20 : V. 7 : A. 49 : C. 18. The head is depressed ; the mouth wide : the jaws nearly equal, but when separated, the lower jaw is the longest, with one barbulc at the chin ; a mixture of small and large teeth in each jaw ; the upper jaw with one barbule on each side the middle, between the lip and the nostril ; inner part of the upper lip crenate : the irides golden yellow ; the anterior portion of the body of the fish cylindrical, or slightly de- pressed ; the tail compressed : the general colour of the body and head is a rich yellow brown, spotted on the top of the head, along the back, the pectoral, dorsal, and caudal fins, with rich chestnut brown ; the lower part of the sides, the ventral and anal fins, pale yellow brown, approaching to white, and without spots. Young fish of this species arc of a uniform brown colour until they have acquired six or seven inches in length ; in this condition they are the Mustela alia of Ray. VOL. II. 274 GAD1DE. SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYGII. GADIDJS. THE FOUR-BEARDED ROCKLING. Motella cimbria, The Four-bearded Rockling, PARNELL, Wern. Mem. vol. vii. p. 449, pi. 44. Gadus cimbrius, LINN^US, Syst. Nat. p. 440, sp. 16. RETZ, Faun. Suec. p. 323. Enchelyopus cimbrtcus, SCHNEIDER, Syst. Ichth. p. 50, sp. 1, tab. 9. Motella cimbrica, NILSSON, Prod. Ichth. Scand. p. 48, sp. 2. THIS species of Motella^ first described by Linnaeus, is included by Dr. Parnell in his description of tlie Fishes of the Forth, a specimen, fourteen inches in length, having been brought to him by a Newhaven fisherman, who had caught it a little to the east of Inchkeith on a Haddock line baited with muscles. It is a species perfectly distinct from the Three or the Five-bearded Rockling, so much more common on various parts of the coast, and may at once be distinguished from either by the greater length of the fila- ment, which is placed in advance of the almost obsolete first dorsal fin. This filament in a fish of nine inches long, measures one inch and seven-eighths ; and in another fish of ten inches and a half in length, measures two inches and a quarter, as I find from portions of two specimens FOUR-BEARDED ROCKLING. 275 sent me by Mr. Euing of Glasgow, to whom I am indebted for the opportunity of making known the new species of Smelt. These two specimens of the Four-bearded Rock- ling were taken near Rothsay, and in reference to them Mr. Euing's letters contain the following remarks: — "I have never met with the Three or the Five-bearded Rock- ling, but small specimens of that with four cirri are fre- quently brought in on the long lines from deep water. It is, indeed, by no means a very rare fish with us, and I have seen it at almost every visit to the coast since 1827, the year in which I first observed it." I have since received two preserved specimens from Dr. Edward Clarke, who obtained several examples from the Frith of Forth while he was residing in Edinburgh ; he is now settled at Hartlepool, and Ichthyology is likely to be greatly assisted by his observation and exertions. This fish is rare in the Baltic, but is not uncommon on the southern coast of Sweden ; it is found also among the islands of the Catigat, on the west coast of Norway, and in the Atlantic. Dr. Parnell says, " on dissecting the specimen, I found the stomach filled with shrimps and small crabs. The csecal appendages were few in number; the roe was large; the ova small and numerous, and apparently in a fit state to be de- posited. It is probable that the habits of this fish are similar to those of the other species, but from its rarity it is diffi- cult to determine.1'1 Description by Dr. Parnell, from a specimen fourteen inches in length : " Form closely resembling that of the Five-bearded Rockling, but the length of the head somewhat greater compared to that of the body. The body elongated, rounded in front, compressed behind, tapering from the vent to the caudal extremity ; greatest depth less than the length of the head. Head one-sixth of the entire length, caudal T 2 276 GADID.E. fin included, slightly depressed ; snout blunt, projecting con- siderably beyond the under jaw ; eye large, of an oval form, placed high up, and about its own length from the point of the nose ; operculum rounded, oblique ; gill-opening large ; gape wide ; maxillary extending in a line with the posterior margin of the orbit ; teeth sharp and fine, forming two rows in the under jaw, and five rows in the upper ; a few are also placed in a cluster on the anterior part of the vomer ; bar- bules four, one a little in front of each nostril, one at the extremity of the upper lip, and one on the chin ; tongue fleshy, smooth, and without teeth. Fins : — the first dorsal fin obsolete, scarcely discernible, commencing over the oper- culum, and terminating a little in front of the second dorsal, composed of a number of short, fine, capillary rays, of which the first is by far the largest ; second dorsal taking its origin in a line over the ends of the pectorals, and termi- nating a little in advance of the caudal ; anal fin commencing in a line under the twelfth ray of the second dorsal, and ending under the last ray but three of the same fin, in form similar to the second dorsal, but the rays scarcely more than one half the length ; the first ray simple, the rest branched ; caudal rounded at the extremity, the length of the middle rays equalling the space between the first and the twelfth rays of the anal, the lateral rays simple ; ventral fins jugular, the second rays the longest, about two-thirds the length of the pectorals ; the pectoral fins rounded at the extremities, equalling the length of the caudal ; the first rays stout and simple, the rest branched. The fin-rays in number are, — IstD. 50 : 2nd D. 50 : P. 16 : V. 5 : A. 43 : C. 20. Vert. 52. " Scales small, smooth, and adherent, covering the head, body, and membranes of the dorsal, caudal, and anal fins ; lateral line formed by a number of oval depressions, placed at intervals from each other, commencing over the opcr- FOUR-BEARDED ROCKLINO. 871 culum, taking a bend under the ninth, tenth, and eleventh rays of the second dorsal fin, from thence running straight to the middle ray of the caudal. Colours : — Back and sides of a greyish brown ; belly dirty white ; second dorsal fin lighter in colour at the edge ; pectorals, caudal, and lower part of the dorsal, dark brown, approaching to black ; anal and ven- trals dusky."" 278 GAD1D.E. SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYG1L GAD1D.X. THE FIVE-BEARDED ROCKLING. Motella qutnquecirrata, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 334, note. ,, mustela, Five-Bearded Rochling, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 450, sp. 136. Mustela vulgaris, WILLUGHBV, p. 121. Gadus mustela, LINNSUS. ,, ,, Five-Bearded Cod, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 268, pi. 36. ,, „ ,, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 14. ,, ,, ,, Gade, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 193, sp. 85. I HAVE found the Five-Bearded Rockling, when of small size, a very common fish on the Kentish coast in autumn, left by the retiring tide, in small pools among the rocks, and generally lying concealed under the tufts of sea-weed that hang over the edges of the stones into the water. I have observed this fish as far to the westward as Portland Island. Colonel Montagu considered it more rare in Devonshire than the species with three barbules at the mouth, just described : Mr. Couch observes it on the Cornish shore : it is generally distributed in Ireland ; and Mr. Low says it is common in Orkney, where it is found under stones among sea-weed, but seldom exceeding nine or ten inches in length. Pennant FIVE-BEARDED ROCKLING. 279 says it attains the length of eighteen or nineteen inches. It spawns in the winter, and feeds principally on small thin- shelled crustacea and young fishes. Mr. Low says, " They are reckoned pretty good eating, but are never got in any quantity ; never caught at a hook : the only method of getting them is by shifting the stones at low water, when they are to be found with the Blennies." Dr. Johnston says it is not uncommon at Berwick, and Dr. Parnell finds it in the Forth : the young are about two inches long in July. In its habits it closely resembles the Three-Bearded Rock- ling, and several naturalists consider them only as varieties of the same species. Professor Nilsson regards them as dis- tinct, and follows Linnseus in considering a fish with four barbules also as a distinct species. The length of the head compared to the length of the body alone, is as one to four ; the depth of the body less than the length of the head : the shape of the body less cy- lindrical than that of the Three- Bearded, and the nose more pointed ; the position and elevation of the fins similar to those of the fishes last described, but the first ray of the first dorsal fin is longer and more conspicuous, and the vent is nearer the head than in those species, being less than half the distance from the nose to the end of the fleshy portion of the tail. The fin-rays in number are — 2nd D. 52 : P. 14 : V. 6 : A. 40 : C. 20. The body compressed ; the head depressed ; the mouth rather small, with a band of small teeth in each jaw, and a patch of similar teeth at the anterior part of the roof of the mouth ; the under jaw the shortest, with a single barbule at the chin ; the upper lip plain, without crenation, with two small barbules near the point of the nose, and two others, as long again, about as much before and within the nostrils as 280 GADID.E. the nostrils are before and within the eyes. The eyes small, and placed near the nose. The colour of the upper part of the head, back, and sides, uniform dark brown ; lower part of the sides lighter brown ; under surface of the lower jaw, the ventral fins, and the belly to the vent, white ; the other fins dusky brown : the course of the lateral line distinctly marked by a series of short, slender white streaks, as shown in the wood engraving. I have been favoured by Dr. Richardson with the follow- ing description of the appearance of a fine example of this species : — General colour of the body pale bronze, approach- ing to that of jeweller's gold, with streaks of purer gold co- lour above the lateral line in the direction of the ribs. The upper parts of the head and the gill-covers yellowish brown, blended on the cheeks with the bronze. The fins are also of a brownish orange or bronze colour, but without the metallic lustre, and their margins are blood red ; the red tinge is more general on the pectorals ; the irides silvery, the pupils bluish black. The three species last described have been called mustela by different authors. Linnaeus attached this term to the species with five barbules : Cuvier, in the Regnc Animal, identifies the Three-Bearded Rockling with this same word. As the number of barbules appear to be constant in each, a reference to the number in the specific name is, perhaps, the least objectionable. Linnaeus, and other authors to the present time, continue, as before stated, to consider the northern species with four barbules as distinct from both, and there is no doubt that they are all three good species. MACKEREL MIDGE. SUBBRACU1AL MALACOPTERY011. GADID.E. THE MACKEREL MIDGE. Motella glauca, Mackerel Midge, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 451, sp. 137. Ciliata ,, ,, ,, COUCH, Zool. Journ. vol. i. p. 132. ,, ,, ,, „ ,, Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. v. p. 15 and 16> fig. 2, and p. 741. MB. COUCH'S MS. account of tins beautiful little fish is as follows : — " It is about one inch and a quarter in length, moderately elongated ; head obtuse, compressed : upper jaw the longest, with four straight barbules ; the under jaw with one barbule ; teeth in both jaws : gill membrane with seven rays ; eyes large and bright ; a fringed membrane in a depres- sion behind the head ; pectoral and ventral fins rather large for the size of the fish ; dorsal and anal fins single, and reach- ing near to the tail ; scales deciduous ; colour on the back bluish green ; belly and fins silvery. This seems to be one of the species spoken of by the older naturalists under the name of apua ; and which, from their minute size, and the multitudes in which they sometimes appeared, they judged to be produced by spontaneous generation from the froth of the sea, or the putrefaction of marine substances. The name I have assigned to it is that in use among our fishermen, and is descriptive of its colour and very minute size, for it is the smallest fish with which I am acquainted. " 282 GADID/E. " This fish is gregarious and migratory, never making its appearance before May, after which it is abundant from the edge of the shore to every part of the Channel. Its winter station is probably deep in the water ; but in summer it keeps near the surface, and seeks the shelter of everything it finds floating; — a circumstance that often leads to its destruc- tion, for it is frequently hauled on board boats among the corks of nets, or with the line, or floating weeds ; and in a storm they are often thrown into boats through the breaking of the sea, — a circumstance which shows that at such seasons they must be on the crest of the wave.1'1 " This fish dies instantly on being taken out of the water." Part of a letter received from Mr. Couch in May 1840 is to the following effect : — " I yesterday had an opportunity of observing the actions of a little company of Mackerel Midges that had been left by the tide in a large pool. Sometimes they gamboled about, keeping the body permanently bent at nearly a right angle, and moving the tail with great rapidity ; at other times they kept under the shelter of a piece of sea- weed, or other floating substance, and, passing across it re- peatedly, seemed to delight in rubbing their backs against it." This small fish, with much the appearance of being the young of a larger species, and closely allied in form to the Five-Bearded Rockling, presents in its economy some of the attributes of a species. Unlike the fish last described, which is very tenacious of life, this little fish, it is said, dies in- stantly on being taken out of the water : it does not appear every summer, as might be expected if it was the young of so common and local a species as the Five-Bearded Rock- ling ; and although present, as it is frequently said to be, during the greater part of the summer, when fry grow most rapidly, no increase is observed in its size. SILVERY OADE. SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYGII. GADIDJE. THE SILVERY GADE. Molella argenteola, YARRELL. Gadus urgenteolus, Silvery Gade, MONTAGU, Mem. Wern. Soc. vol. ii. pt. '2, p. 449. THE following is Colonel Montagu's account of this small fish : — " There is a small species of Gadus, which is occa- sionally found on the western coast, that is nearly allied to the Three-Bearded Cod (Rockling) in most particulars ; but the shape of the head and the colour are essentially different. It has very much the appearance of the fry of some larger species, and might have been suspected to be the young of the Ling, had it not been for a little difference in the first dorsal fin, and the two cirri which this has before the nostrils. If a fourth cirrus could have been discovered, suspicions would have arisen whether it might not have been the cim- brius of Gmelin. Its essential characters may stand thus : — " With two dorsal fins, the anterior very obscure, except the first ray, which is much the longest : cirri three, two be- fore the nostrils, and one on the chin : upper jaw longest ; back bluish green ; sides and belly silvery. " The head is obtuse ; eyes lateral, irides silvery : all the fins are of a pale colour, and the whole fish is of a silvery resplendence, except the back, which is blue, changeable to dark green : the pectoral fin is rounded with sixteen or eighteen rays ; ventral, six or seven, the middle ray consider- ably the longest, and placed much before the pectoral : first 284 GADID.E. dorsal fin commences above the gills, and the rays are very minute and obscure, the first excepted, but more than thirty have been counted ; the second dorsal commences close to the other, in a line with the end of the pectoral, and termi- nates close to the caudal ; the rays are innumerable : the anal fin begins immediately behind the vent, and terminates even Avith the dorsal ; the caudal fin is nearly even at the end. Length about two inches. " I first noticed many of these fishes thrown upon the shore in the south of Devonshire, in the summer of 1808, and have taken two or three since. The fishermen called it Whitebait, but I afterwards found they had mistaken it for the fry of Herring and Pilchard, which indiscriminately go by that name, and are sold together in some places under the name of Herring-Sprat. " The Three-Bearded Cod (Rockling) is a very common species on the western coast, and which I have taken of all sizes, from the most minute to its full growth of sixteen or seventeen inches, and never observed it to vary in colour, except as it grows large it becomes more rufous and throws out spots, which is never observed till it exceeds six or seven inches, but is invariably rufous brown in its infant state." It is worthy of remark, that this little fish, representing in miniature the Three-Bearded Rockling, offers an instance perfectly analogous to the representation in an equally dimi- nutive size of the five-bearded species, by Mr. Couch's recent discovery of the Mackerel Midge. TORSK, OR TUSK. 285 SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYGLl. GAD1DJE. ^^^^^^^^^l^v ^Krr^ •'\.*"-~-=*'' •^p '***&•*&*'.•'.•.•.. .:,:::yy^" <••••<..•• ... , .,. . .. > THE TORSK, OR TUSK. Brosmius vulgaris, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 334. Erasmus ,, Common Tusk, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 194, sp. 90. ,, ,, Torsk, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 452. Gadus brosme, ,, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 269, pi. 37. ,, ,, Scotch Torsk, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 70. ,, ,, NILSSON, Prod. p. 47, sp. 14. BROSMIUS. Generic Characters. — Body elongated ; a single dorsal fin, ex- tending the whole length of the back ; one barbule at the chin ; ventral fins fleshy. THE TORSK, OR TUSK, is a northern species, which is only occasionally caught in the Forth, and is then brought to the Edinburgh market. It is found more frequently in the Orkney Islands, and swarms among those of Shetland, where it makes a very considerable article in their fish trade. It is caught with lines and hooks when fishing for Ling and Cod, and is salted and dried in the same manner. When eaten fresh, it is very firm and rather tough ; which makes most people prefer it dry. It is one of the best fishes when cured, swells much in boiling, and parts into very thick flakes. I observed three examples of this fish, each about 286 GADID.E. sixteen inches in length, in the London market, during the month of January 1831. These were brought from the North in the lobster-boats. The length assigned to this species by M. Nilsson is from eighteen inches to two feet, rarely three feet. Mr. Low says the largest he had heard of was three feet and a half. Mr. Donovan's specimen, which was brought alive to London in the well of a fishing-boat, measured twenty-five inches. But little being known in the South of the habits of this fish, an abridgment of Faber's account of it may be interesting. " A northern fish, scarcely occurring below 60° or above 73° ; not migrating regularly, and therefore rarely seen by the ichthyologists of the South. Plentiful on the coasts of Norway as far as Finmark, of the Faroe Islands, and the west and south coasts of Iceland ; rare on the north and east coasts of Iceland. It must be uncommon in Greenland, as Fabricius only knew it from the report of the natives. Just touches the most northern point of Denmark, at Skagen in Jutland, where it is sometimes taken ; not at all in the south. Approaches the land early in the year in shoals, that of Iceland in January ; remains there in company with the Five-Bearded, and goes away again late in summer. Lives in deep water, and is therefore seldom taken, even when it is most abundant. Prefers a rocky bottom, on which sea- weeds grow. Never found anything in its stomach ; and this has probably given rise to the saying, that it lives on the juice of sea-weeds. Spawns in April and May among the fuci along the coast. Is rarely taken with the Cod hooks, more frequently at the smaller lines. Sometimes taken by the Norwegian fishermen among the Holibuts. It must have less power of resisting the violence of the sea than its congeners, as it is thrown up dead in incredible numbers on the coasts of the Faroe Islands and the south coast of Iceland TORSK, OR TUSK. 287 after a storm. Its flesh is hard, but well flavoured. In Ice- land seldom dried, but eaten fresh. Jan Olsen says that the fresh flesh is badly tasted, but when dried it is the best food. In Norway it is treated like the Stockfish, but forms no branch of merchandise. The hard roe, according to Pontop- piclan, has a good flavour. Its enemies are the larger species of Cod. It is much infested by a worm which forms a nidus in its skin, and produces rounded swellings. Dr. Storer says that a fish which he believes to be the same as our Torsk is not uncommonly seen in the Boston market in spring, but that in winter it is more rare. It is taken with the hook when fishing for deep-water Cod. The description of this fish by Mr. Low is here adopted, with slight modification. The measurements of the specimen from which this description was taken were the following : — " The whole length twenty inches and a half: the greatest breadth four and a half, which was taken at the end of the pectoral fin ; at the vent four inches ; something more than half-way from the vent to the tail, two inches ; at the tail, one inch and a quarter : the length of the head four inches ; from the point of the nose to the commencement of the dorsal fin, six inches ; length of the dorsal fin thirteen inches ; from the point of the lower jaw to the vent, eleven inches ; length of the anal fin, eight inches ; tail something more than two inches." " The head small in proportion to the fish, with a single barbule under the chin : the upper jaw very little longer than the lower ; in the jaws there are great numbers of very small teeth, and in the roof of the mouth a rough or toothed bone, much in the shape of a horse-shoe ; a pretty broad furrow runs from the nape to the commencement of the dorsal fin, which runs the whole length of the back to within about an inch of the tail ; the tail is rounded ; the anal fin begins at the vent and ends at the tail, but is not joined with it ; the 288 G ABIDE. rays of the dorsal and anal fins are numerous, but the soft- ness of these and the thickness of the investing skin hinder them from being counted with exactness : the edges of the dorsal, anal fin, and tail, are white ; the rest dusky: the pec- toral fins are rounded, broad, and of a brown colour; the ventrals small, thick, and fleshy, ending in points ; the body to the vent is roundish ; the belly from the throat growing suddenly very prominent, continuing so to the vent, where it becomes smaller to the tail ; behind the vent the body is pretty much compressed : the colour of the head is dusky ; the back and sides yellow, which becoming lighter by degrees, is lost in the white of the belly ; the lateral line is scarcely discernible, but runs nearer the back than the belly, till to- wards the middle of the fish, in its passage backwards, it curves a little downwards, and runs straight to the tail." The fin-rays, according to Mr. Donovan, are — D. 49 : P. 21 : V. 5 : A. 37 : C. 35. The vignette represents a fishing-boat of Cadiz Bay. GREAT FORKED BEARD. 289 SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYGIL GADIDJE, THE GREAT FORKED BEARD. FORKED HAKE. MAKERS DAME, Cornwall. Phycisfurcatus, Common Fork Beard, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 193, sp. 84. ,, ,, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 335. Barbus major, Great Forked Beard, RAY, Syn. p. 163, fig. 7. Blennius physis, Forked Hake, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 259, pi. 35. Phycisfurcatus, Common Fork Beard, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 452. PHYCIS. Generic Characters. — Body elongated ; two dorsal fins, the first short, the second long; ventral fins with a single ray only at the base, after- wards divided ; chin with one harbule. THE GREAT FORKED BEARD was first discovered on the Cornish coast by Mr. Jago, and inserted by Ray, with a figure, in his Synopsis, as referred to. Pennant's fish was taken on the coast of Flintshire. A specimen appeared in Carlisle market in December 1833, which was caught near Bowness ; communicated to me by T. C. Heysham, Esq. : and this fish has also occurred at St. Andrews in Scotland, as noticed in the sixth volume of the Memoirs of the Wer- nerian Natural History Society, page 569. It is obtained VOL. II. u 290 GADID.E. occasionally in Cornwall ; Mr. Dillwyn lias published a notice of one, measuring two feet in length, which was cast ashore in Oxwich Bay, and weighed four pounds ; and Mr. William Thompson has noticed the occurrence of this fish in Ireland. The figure here given is taken from a drawing by Mr. Couch, whose MS. contains the following notice of this species : — " The head flat on the top, compressed at the sides, small in proportion to the body : eyes large ; nostrils in a depression before them : mouth wide : under jaw short- est ; teeth in both fine ; some larger teeth on the palate : a barb at the lower jaw: body compressed, slender towards the tail, which is small in proportion ; belly tumid ; lateral line elevated at first, afterwards low ; body and head with scales : two dorsal fins, the first elevated and pointed ; second dorsal and anal fins long, expanded, bound down towards the tail ; the ventral fins simple rays, very long, divided or forked, one of the divisions longer than the other; a few spines before the anal fin ; tail rounded, all the rays soft. Colour of the sides and back dusky brown ; on the gill- covers sometimes greenish ; fins dusky purple, except the ventrals ; belly whitish. " This fish grows to the length of two feet : in a specimen of this size the longest portion of the ventral ray was eight inches, the shortest five inches and a half. " Hake's Dame is the name by which alone this fish is known to our fishermen. It is not uncommon in Cornwall ; but I have never seen it except in winter, when it seems to come into shallow water to spawn. It takes a bait, and is used as food, but is not much esteemed.1' The number of fin-rays are — 1st D. 9 : 2nd D. 58 : P. 16 : V. 1 : A. 51 : C. 18. It is desirable to notice the specific characters of this fish, in order to distinguish between it and a Mediterranean GREAT FORKED BEARD. 291 species of the same genus, which, according to Cuvier, is the true Blennius phycis of Linnaeus, and not the British fish, as supposed by Pennant and others. The British fish has the first dorsal fin triangular, much higher than the second, the anterior rays produced ; the ventral rays twice as long as the head. The Mediterranean fish, of which I possess a specimen, has the first dorsal fin low and rounded, very similar in character to that of the Burbot, as figured at page 267 of this volume, with the ventral rays much shorter. A description and figure of this fish is given by Willughby, page 205, pi. N. 12, fig. 3. At the time of the publication of the first edition of this work, I had not seen a specimen of this fish. Since then I have received a very fine example sent me by T. C. Heysham, Esq. of Carlisle, from the west coast, where it has occurred lately in two or three instances : one was taken on the coast of the Solway Frith, near Whitehaven. Mr. Couch has very kindly sent me two examples of this species, one an adult specimen, the other a young fish only three inches long, which was fished up in the shell of a large pinna, from a depth of fifty fathoms, in July 1837. u 2 292 OADIDK. SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYGU. GADJD/E. THE LESSER FORKED BEARD. TRIFURCATED HAKE. TADPOLE FISH. Raniceps trifurcatus, Trifurcated Hake, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 194, sp. 88. ,, Jago, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 89. ,, ,, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 336. Barbus minor, Lesser Forked Beard, RAY, Syn. p. 164, sp. 8, fig. 8. ,, ,, Forked Hake, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 261. Batrachoides trifurcatus, Trifurcated Tadpole Fish, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 272, pi. 38. Raniceps trifurcatus, Tadpole Fish, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 453. RANICEPS. Generic Characters. — Head depressed, body compressed ; two dorsal fins, the first very small ; the second dorsal and the anal fins elongated ; ventral fins small, the first two rays lengthened and separated. DR. GEORGE JOHNSTON, of Berwick, in his address to the members of the Berwickshire Naturalist's Club, read at the first anniversary meeting in September 1832,* when referring to the various species of fishes which had occurred to him during the previous twelvemonths, remarks at page 7 : " Of the Tadpole Fish, which is one of the rarest British * See also Mr. Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. vi. page 11. LESSER FORKED BEARD. 293 species, and previously known only as an inhabitant of the shores of Cornwall, I had the pleasure of exhibiting to you a living specimen, which had been captured in Berwick Bay. When alive, and when recently dead, the body appeared everywhere smooth and even ; but after having lain three days on a plate and become a little shrivelled, there ap- peared an obscure row of tubercles, running backwards from the pectoral fins, — and these pea-like tubercles could be more readily distinguished by drawing the finger over the skin. I would call attention to this fact, because the only good distinction between the Raniceps trifurcatus and R. Jago of Dr. Fleming is derived from the presence of these tuber- cles ; in the former, the lateral line is said to be tubercu- lated above the pectoral fins, in the latter it is said to be smooth : but here we have a specimen which when alive exhibits the character of Jago, — when dead, that of the tri- furcatus ; and hence I am induced to think that both are the same animal, having the tubercles more or less promi- nent and obvious according to the leanness or other condi- tions of the body." The difficulty of deciding the point without possessing a specimen, which the rarity of the fish rendered almost hopeless, probably induced Dr. Fleming to follow Pennant in giving both names a place in his History of British Animals. The description of Mr. Couch is quoted by Dr. Fleming as belonging to the Cornish fish and the Lesser Forked Beard of Jago ; and Cuvier, in a note at the foot of page 336 of the second volume of the Regne Animal, quotes the Gadus trifurcatus of Pennant as belonging to his genus Raniceps. The advantages of equal communication and assistance on this point from Mr. Couch and Dr. Johnston enable me to carry the comparison of the two fishes still further. Mr. Couch has favoured me with a drawing and a dcscrip- 294 OADID.E. tion of a specimen taken in Cornwall. The description is already given by Dr. Fleming. Dr. Johnston has also fur- nished me with a coloured drawing, a penciled sketch, and a description. These compared together, these again compared with the double representations in the last two octavo editions of Pennant's British Zoology, and each with the figure of Jago's fish in Ray's Synopsis, will, I think, leave little doubt that all are intended to represent the same fish. Sir William Jardine has reminded me that a tolerable figure of this fish occurs in M tiller's Zoologia Danica, under the name of Bhnnius raninus. The figure here given is from Dr. ParnelFs engraving in his History of the Fishes of the Frith of Forth. Dr. Johnston's description is as follows : — " The comparison implied in the name Tadpole Fish is very expressive of its general form and colour ; for when alive it was entirely black, and the anterior parts are large and tumid, while the hinder are much compressed. The extreme length of our Berwickshire specimen was eleven inches ; and its greatest circumference, which is immediately before the pectoral fins, was seven inches, whence it tapered rapidly to the tail. The head is very large, obtuse, and flattened on the crown, where there is a slight depression between the eyes, which arc an inch distant from each other, lateral, prominent, round, and black. The mouth is wide ; and under the chin there is a small conical barb or feeler : the lips are rounded and white ; the inferior jaw armed with two close rows of sharp teeth, and the upper, which is move- able, with similar teeth, but more numerous, and not dis- tinctly rowed. On the palate, behind the jaw, there is a semilunar cartilaginous prominence or tubercle roughened with small teeth ; and the wide entrance into the oesophagus is guarded with four similar tubercles, but of a roundish figure, two above, and two smaller below. The branchial LESSER FORKED BEARD. 295 rays are few in number, and on the inner side of each of them there are two rows of minutely spinous tufts. The first dorsal fin is very minute, but is terminated by a rather long ray : the second dorsal fin commences just behind it, or one-third of the whole length from the head, and extends nearly to the tail ; it is half an inch broad, equal throughout, the rays ending in free single points. The anal fin is like the dorsal : the pectorals are oblong wedge-shaped, one inch and a half long : the ventral fins are small, and their two anterior rays are very long, white, and detached ; the fore- most one-half the length of the second, which measures little less than two inches. Tail wedge-shaped. The scales are small, and lie close to the body : they have an oblong square form, marked with parallel lines or striae, which on the exposed part of each scale run in a transverse, and on the covered parts in a longitudinal direction." The numbers of the different fin-rays, according to Pen- nant are — 1st D. 3 : 2nd D.62 : P. 23 : V. 6 : A. 59 : C. 36. Mr. Couch says this fish is too rare for us to be much acquainted with its history. The only specimen he ever saw was taken with a line in rocky ground, in the month of April ; at which time its roe was small. The remains of an echinus were in its intestines. Other examples have since occurred ; it has been taken on the east and west coasts of Scotland, and once in Ireland off Donaghadee Harbour, as recorded by Mr. William Thompson. Dr. Parnell says it spawns in April, and feeds on small insects. The following note appears at the end of Mr. Couch's account of this fish : — " Mr. Jago, whose name occurs at the head of a list of fishes at the end of Rny^s Synopsis Piscium, was a native of Cornwall, and a minister of the Church of England. 296 GADID.E. When Bishop Trelawney, so well known as one of the six bishops committed to the Tower by James the Second, endowed the Chapel of Ease at East Looe, and thereby ob- tained the consent of the Rector of St. Martin to name the curate, he appointed his friend Mr. Jago to the curacy ; and the latter embraced the favourable opportunity thus placed within his reach to make collections for an intended History of Cornish Fishes, which, however, he never perfected. Never having been married, his MS. and drawings at his decease came into the possession of his friend Mr. Dyer, by whom they were delivered to Dr. Borlase, the author of the History of Cornwall. PLAICE. 297 SUBBEACH1AL MALACOPTERYGll. PLEURONECTW&* THE PLAICE. Platessa vulgar it, Plaise, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 198, sp. 103. ,, ,, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 338. ,, ,, Pluise, WILLUGHBY, p. 96, F. 4. Pleuronectes plutessa, LINN.EUS. BLOCK, pt. ii. pi. 42. ,, ,, Plaise, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 304. ,, ,, ,, DON. Brit. Fish.pl. 6. Platessa vulgaris, Common Plaice, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 454. PLATESSA. Generic Characters. — Body rhomboidal, depressed; both eyes on the right side of the head, one above the other ; a row of teeth in each jaw, with others on the pharyngeal bones; dorsal fin commencing over the upper eye, that fin and the anal fin extending nearly the whole length of the body, but neither of them joined to the tail ; branchiostegous rays 6. THE character and appearance of the various species of Pleuronectidte, or Flatfish, as they are popularly called, arc so peculiar and so unique among vertebratcd animals as to claim particular notice. The want of symmetry in the form of the head ; both eyes placed on the same side, one higher than the other, * The family of the Flounders, popularly called Flatfish. 298 PLEURONECT1D/E. frequently not in the same vertical line, and often unequal in size ; the position of the mouth ; the inequality of the two sides of the head, and the frequent want of uniformity in those fins that are in pairs, the pectoral and ventral fins of the under or white side being in some species smaller than those of the upper ; and the whole of the colour of the fish confined to one side, while the other side remains per- fectly white, — produce a grotesque appearance : yet a little consideration will prove that these various and seemingly obvious anomalies are perfectly in harmony with that station in nature which an animal bearing these attributes is ap- pointed to fill. As birds are seen to occupy very different situations, some obtaining their food on the ground, others on trees, and not a few at various degrees of elevation in the air, so are fishes destined to reside in different situations in the water : the Flatfishes and the various species of Skate are, by their de- pressed form of body, admirably adapted to inhabit the lowest position, and where they occupy the least space, among their kindred fishes. Preferring sandy or muddy shores, and unprovided with swimming-bladders, their place is close to the ground, where, hiding their bodies horizontally in the loose soil at the bot- tom, with the head only slightly elevated, an eye on the under side of the head would be useless ; but both eyes placed on the upper surface affords them an extensive range of view in those various directions in which they may either endeavour to find suitable food, or avoid dangerous enemies. Light, one great cause of colour, strikes on the upper surface only ; the under surface, like that of most other fishes, re- mains perfectly colourless. Having little or no means of defence, had their colour been placed only above the lateral line on each side, in whatever position they moved, their piebald appearance would have rendered them conspicuous PLAICE. 299 objects to all their enemies. When near the ground, they swim slowly, maintaining their horizontal position ; and the smaller pectoral and ventral fins on the under side are advan- tageous where there is so much less room for their action, than with the larger fins that are above. When suddenly disturbed, they sometimes make a rapid shoot, changing their position from horizontal to vertical : if the observer happens to be opposite the white side, they may be seen to pass with the rapidity and flash of a meteor ; but they soon sink down, resuming their previous motionless, horizontal position, and are then distinguished with difficulty, owing to their great similarity in colour to the surface on which they rest. Though the appearance and situation of the eyes and mouth seem to indicate a degree of deformity, yet the head contains modifications of all the bones that are found in a symmetrically-formed head. The vent is situated very far forward between the ventral fins and the commencement of the anal fin ; but the abdominal cavity, though circum- scribed, extends backwards to a considerable distance, the intestine returning by a convolution. Most of the Flatfishes are deservedly in great request as articles of food. The number of species diminishes as the degrees of northern latitude increase. In this country we have sixteen species ; at the parallel of Jutland, Denmark, and the islands at the mouth of the Baltic, there are thir- teen ; on the coast of Norway they are reduced to ten spe- cies ; at Iceland the number is but five, and at Greenland only three. The Plaice is described and figured by Rondeletius, and was known to the older naturalists long before his time. It inhabits sandy banks and muddy grounds in the sea ; and among the Orkney islands is caught by lines and hooks ; but as it is not of large size there, it is not much sought after : it is common, however, in the Edinburgh market, where JJOO PLEURONECTID.E. the small ones are called Fleuks. On the English coast the Plaice is taken in abundance generally wherever either lines or trawl-nets can be used ; and in Ireland, this fish is re- corded to be taken from the shores of the county of Cork on the south, round by the eastern coast to the county of Done- gal on the north-west. The Plaice spawns in February or March, and is consi- dered to be in the finest condition for the table at the end of May. Diamond Plaice is a name attached to those which are caught at a particular fishing-station off the Sussex coast, which is called the Diamond ground. The fish are remark- able for the purity of the brown colour and the brilliancy of the spots. Plaice feed on the soft-bodied animals generally, with young fish and small Crustacea, and have been known to attain the weight of fifteen pounds ; but one of seven or eight pounds' weight is considered a Plaice of large size. It is taken sometimes in almost incredible numbers. So great a glut of Plaice occurred once in Billingsgate market, that, although crowded with dealers, hundreds of bushels remained unsold. Great quantities of Plaice, averaging three pounds' weight each, were sold at one penny per dozen. One sales- man, having in vain endeavoured to sell a hundred bushels at the rate of fifty Plaice for four-pence, left them with Mr. Goldham, the clerk of the market, requesting him to sell them for anything he could get. Unable to dispose of them otherwise, Mr. Goldham, by direction of the Lord Mayor, divided them among the poor. In some parts of the North of Europe, where from the rocky nature of the soil the sea is remarkably transparent, Plaice and some other Flatfish of large size are taken by dropping down upon them, from a boat, a doubly-barbed short spear, heavily leaded to carry it with velocity to the bottom, PLAICE. .')01 •with a line attached to it, by which the fish when transfixed is hauled up. In East Fricsland the Plaice has been transferred to fresh- water ponds, where it is established and thrives well. Like other ground-fish, all the Pleiironectidte are very tenacious of life. The length of the head compared to the whole length of the head, body, and tail, is as two to nine ; the depth of the solid part of the body, without including the dorsal or anal fins, rather more than one-third of the whole length ; the form subrhomboidal ; the mouth and teeth rather small ; the upper eye the largest, and placed rather more backward than the lower eye, with a strong and prominent bony ridge between the orbits, and several tubercles forming a curved line from the posterior part of the ridge to the commence- ment of the lateral line : the preopcrculurn is in a vertical line over the origin of the ventral fin ; the operculum ter- minates in an angle upon the base of the pectoral fin ; the lateral line prominent, commencing at the upper margin of the operculum, arched over the pectoral fin, then straight along the middle of the fleshy portion of the tail, and ex- tending over the membrane connecting the central caudal rays. The dorsal fin commences over the upper eye ; the longest rays rather behind the middle of its whole length : O •/ the anal fin, preceded by a spine, begins in a line under the origin of the pectoral fin ; the longest rays rather before the middle : both dorsal and anal fins end on the same plane, and short of the end of the fleshy portion of the tail, which, as well as the caudal rays, is narrow and elongated ; the tail rounded. The fin-rays in number are — D. 73 : P. 11 : V. 6 : A. 55 : C. 16. The body is smooth on both sides, the scales small ; the 302 PLEUEONECTID.E. colour of the upper or right side a rich brown, with a row of bright orange red spots along the dorsal and anal fins, and other spots of the same colour dispersed over the body ; the under side entirely white. Young Plaice have frequently a dark spot in the centre of the red one. The fishes of this first division of the Pleuronectidpaglossus vulgar is, Pleuranectes h ippoglossus, THE HOLIBUT. Halibut, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 199, sp. 108. ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 460. Fletan, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 340. ,, WILLUGHBY, p. 99, F. 6. ,, LINNJEUS. BLOCH, pt. ii. pi. 47. Halibut, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 302. ,, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 75. HIPPOGLOSSUS. Generic Characters. — With both eyes and the colour on the right side in the British specimen of this genus, and with fins similar to those of the species of the genus Platessa — the jaws and the pharynx are armed with teeth that are sharper and stronger, and the form of the body is more elongated. THE HOLIBUT is one of the largest species of the Pleu- ronectida, but its capture is principally confined to the Northern fisheries : it is noticed by Pennant in his Arctic Zoology, and is well known on the coasts of Norway, Ice- land, and Greenland. It is usually caught with lines and hooks. The Greenlanders eat the flesh of this fish both fresh and dried, for which latter purpose it is cut into long slips and exposed to the air. They arc fished for success- VOL. II. Y PLEUBONECTIDE. fully by the natives of the Orkneys, who ply their lines in the slack water and various eddies produced by the different islands, out of the race of the tides ; these quiet places being more particularly the haunts of the Holibut and Flatfish generally. A large quantity of oil is obtained from them. The Holibut is not found in the Baltic, but it is taken on the west coast of Norway, and, according to Lacepede, at Iceland. It appears by the Appendix of Captain James C. Ross, that several were taken off the west coast of Greenland in July 1829, and Dr. Storer mentions that large quantities are brought to Boston market. In our Northern seas, Holibuts weighing near five hundred pounds are said to have been obtained ; and examples of large size have occasionally occurred nearer home. In April 1828, a Holibut seven feet six inches in length, three feet six inches in breadth, and weighing three hundred and twenty pounds, was taken off the Isle of Man, and sent to Edinburgh market. It was said to have been the largest specimen ever exhibited there. Mr. William Thompson mentions that the Holibut is com- mon around the coast of Ireland ; and Mr. Couch says it is not uncommon in Cornwall. In London this fish is occa- sionally seen in the months of March and April : here, from its large size, it is sold in slices at a low price by the pound weight. The flesh, though white and firm, is dry, the mus- cular fibre coarse, with but little flavour : the head and fins are said to be the best parts. Specimens only two feet long are occasionally seen in summer, but in general the examples are much larger. The Holibut feeds close to the ground, on the smaller species of Flatfish and various Crustacea. It spawns in spring ; the roe is of a pale red colour, and the ova in the female very numerous. A specimen five feet two inches long, HOLIBUT. 323 in the shop of a London fishmonger, supplied the means of obtaining the following description : — The length of the head compared to the whole length of the fish without the caudal rays, is as one to four ; the great- est breadth one third of the whole length, dorsal, anal, and caudal fin-rays all excluded : the "head small, but the mouth large ; teeth in two rows in each jaw, small for the size of the fish, conical, pointed, and separated ; the irides yellow, the pupils black ; the pectoral fin on the coloured or dextral side one-fourth larger than that on the white or under side ; the dorsal fin commences in a line over the eye, the rays longest over the widest part of the body ; the anal fin of similar cha- racter : both dorsal and anal fins terminate on the same plane, and distinct from the caudal fin, the posterior margin of which is concave ; the ventral fins are small, the white ventral fin of the under side the smaller of the two : immediately in advance of the commencement of the anal fin are two aper- tures ; the anterior opening large, and evidently connected with the intestines ; the posterior opening smaller, and appa- rently the outlet from the urinary bladder and sexual organs. The fin-rays in number were — D. 104 : P. 16 : V. 6 : A. 81 : C. 16. The form of the body elongated ; the surface smooth, covered with small oval-shaped soft scales ; the lateral line arched over the pectoral fin ; the colour composed of different shades varying from light brown to dusky brown ; the surface of the under side perfectly smooth and white. 324 PLEURONECTID.E. SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYGII. FLEURONECTIDsE. THE TURBOT. KAWN FLEUK, AND BANNOCK FLEUK, Scotland. Rhombus maiimus, Le Turbot, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 340. ,, ,, Turbot, WILLUGHBY, p. 94, F. 2. Pteuronectes ,, LINNTEUS. BLOCK, pt. ii. pi. 49. ,, ,, Turbot, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 315, pi. 49. „ „ ,, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 46. „ ,, ,, FLF.M. Brit. An. p. 196, sp. 96. ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 461. RHOMBUS. Generic Characters. — Colour and eyes on the left side ; teeth in the jaws and pharynx ; dorsal fin commencing anterior to the upper eye ; dorsal and anal fins extending very nearly to the tail. THE TURBOT, so well known, so highly and so justly esteemed, is considered the best, as it is also one of the largest, of our Flatfishes ; and, like the Salmon, notwith- standing its great excellence, and the immense numbers that TURBOT. 325 arc caught in various ways, it is still in great abundance, but not equally so on all parts of the coast. According to Mr. Low, it is rare in Orkney ; but the numbers taken increase on coming southward ; and in the market of Edinburgh, according to Dr. Neill, it is commonly denominated Rawn Fleuk, from its being thought best for the table when in rawn,* or roe ; it is sometimes also called Bannock-j- Fleuk, on account of its circular shape. On the coasts of Berwick, Northumberland, Durham, and Yorkshire, a considerable fishery for Turbot is carried on by the fishermen with long lines, the mode of using which was described when speaking of the common Codfish. A large proportion of the Turbot produced in the English market is taken on or near the various sandbanks between the long line of our eastern shore and the coast of Holland. The writer of the article " Fisheries," in the edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, now in course of publication, says, " The only fishery, perhaps, which neither the Scotch nor the English follow up with the same success as the Dutch, is that of the Turbot ; the finest of which are supposed to be taken upon the Flemish banks. The Turbot fishery begins about the end of March, when the Dutch fishermen assemble a few leagues to the south of Scheveling. As the warm weather approaches, the fish gradually advance to the northward, and during the months of April and May they are found in great shoals on the banks called the Broad Forties. Early in June they have proceeded to the banks which surround the small island of Heligoland, off the mouth of the Elbe, where the fishery continues to the middle of August, when it terminates for the year. The mode of taking Turbot is as follows : — At the beginning of the season the trawl-net is used ; which * In the West of England a different meaning is attached to this word : see the bottom of page 251. t Bannock, A round flat cake. 326 PLEURONECTID.E. being drawn along the banks, brings up various kinds of Flatfish, as Soles, Plaice, Thornbacks, and Turbots; but when the warm weather has driven the fish into deeper water, and upon banks of a rougher surface, where trawling is no longer practicable, the fishermen have then recourse to their many-hooked lines. The hooks are baited with the common Smelt, and a small fish resembling an Eel, called the Gore- bill.* Though very considerable quantities of this fish are now taken on various parts of our own coasts, from the Ork- neys to the Land's End, yet a preference is given in the London market to those caught by the Dutch, who are sup- posed to have drawn not less than 80,000/. a year for the supply of this market alone ; and the Danes from 12,000/. to 15, GOO/, a year for sauce to this luxury of the table, extracted from one million of lobsters, taken on the rocky shores of Norway, — though our own shores are in many parts plenti- fully supplied with this marine insect, equal in goodness to those of Norway." About one-fourth of the whole supply of Turbot to the London market is furnished by Dutch fishermen, who pay a duty of 6/. per boat, each boat bringing from one hundred to one hundred and fifty Turbot. A very considerable quantity is also purchased of the Dutch fishermen at sea on the fishing stations near their own shore by English fisher- men, and is brought by them to our market in their own boats, paying no duty. Along our southern coast many Turbot are caught by the trawling vessels, and long-line fishing at particular seasons on the Varne and on the Ridge, — two extensive banks of sand, the first about seven miles, and the second about twelve miles, from Dover, towards the French coast. On these banks French fishermen also lay their long-lines ; and when they do not succeed in selling their Turbot at sea, which * Vol. i. page 44'2. TURROT. 327 suits them best, they freight one or more of their own boats with them, and send them into Dover harbour for sale, pay- ing the usual duty. They are not, however, allowed to sell any fish but Turbot, except under particular circumstances. If in Avant of provision, or their boat has suffered damage from bad weather, they are then permitted, by certificate from a magistrate, to sell as much fish as will procure them food, or pay the cost of repairs. Along the Devonshire coast, Avhere trawling on an exten- sive scale is practised, a portion of the Turbot and Dory is forwarded during the season to Bath and Exeter ; the re- mainder is sent to the London market by land-carriage. It is observed that the Turbot of the northern part of our own coast, and those bought of or brought by the Dutch fisher- men, are darker in colour than those from the south-Avcstern shores of England. Mr. Couch says, " The Turbot keeps in sandy ground, and is a great Avanderer, usually in companies ; and though" its proper habitation is close to the bottom, it sometimes mounts aloft, and I have known it upon the surface over a depth of thirty fathoms : I have been informed also of its pursuing to the surface a companion that Avas draAvn up by the line, Avhen both Avere taken together.1" The Turbot, though a voracious fish, is particular as to the quality of its food : the bait used for him should be very fresh ; if it happens to be in the least degree tainted, the Turbot Avill not touch it. The most enticing baits to use are those small fishes which are either very bright in colour or very tenacious of life ; the Atherine, and the two common species of the genus Coitus, the Sea-Scorpion and Father- Lasher, are most frequently used : the first attracts by its shining silvery appearance, and the others by living a long time on the hook, and showing themselves in their struggles to get free. The River Lampern was formerly used in large 328 PLEURONECTID.E. quantities by the Dutch, and was a great favourite with them as baits for Turbot, on account of the facility with which they could be kept alive while the boats were at sea, and com- bining bright silvery colour with great power of resisting the usual effect of mutilation. The principal food of the Turbot is small fish, Crustacea, and mollusca. It spawns about Au- gust, but rapidly recovers its condition and firmness. Turbot are recorded as having been taken on the south coast of Ireland ; I have seen one that was caught on the coast of Londonderry in the north : and this valuable species occurs also at many intermediate localities. " The Turbot was known to the Athenians, and has been ever since a worthy object of gastronomical worship." The most common size varies from five to ten pounds'1 weight ; occasionally this fish attains to twenty pounds, and some- times thirty pounds. Mr. Couch notices, in his MS. a record of one taken in the year 1730, at Cawsand, near Plymouth, which weighed seventy pounds. Rondeletius states that he had seen a Turbot five cubits in length, four in breadth, and a foot in thickness. The Turbot is considered to have been the Rhombus of the ancient Romans, of which a specimen of enormous size is said to have been taken in the reign of Do- mitian, who ordained a Senalus Consultum to devise the best mode of bringing it to table. — Juven. Sat. IV. " No vessel they find fit to hold such a fish, And the senate 's convoked to decree a new dish." Sir Thomas Browne seems to have been quite aware of the good qualities of Turbot and Brill as compared to Plaice, Flounders, and Dabs ; he says — " Of wry-mouthed fish, give me the left side black ; Except the Sole, which hath the daintiest smack." Yet a Plaice, scored and fried, is a good fish, and much better than when boiled. TURBOT. 329 Quin, of epicurean notoriety, is said to have given it as his opinion that the flesh on the dark-coloured side of the Turbot was the best meat ; and as examples occasionally occur that arc dark-coloured on both sides, some London fishmongers, from experience in their good qualities, recom- mend such fish as deserving particular attention. Reversed Turbots, as they are called, — that is, Turbots having the eyes and dark colour on the right side instead of the left, — are also occasionally brought to market : I have seen two or three such ; but they have exhibited a slight degree of malforma- tion in the form of a notch or depression on the top of the head. The Pleuronectes cyc.lops of Mr. Donovan, plate 90, I believe to be an example of the young fry of the Turbot, the head of which is not perfectly formed. The number of Turbot brought to Billingsgate market within twelve months, up to a recent period, was 87,958 ; and the number of lobsters within the same period 1,904,000. The form of the Turbot, exclusive of the caudal rays, is nearly round : the length of the head compared to the length of the head and body alone is as one to three ; the depth of the body, including both dorsal and anal fins, is equal to the length from the nose to the end of the fleshy portion of the tail : the mouth is large, the direction of the opening ob- liquely upwards : the teeth small and numerous in both jaws ; the eyes in a vertical line one directly over the other ; the whole surface of the cheeks, and all the parts of the gill-cover on the upper or coloured side, studded with numerous tuber- cles ; the operculum ending in an angle directed backwards and over the base of the pectoral fin ; the gill-openings large ; the pectoral fin small ; the dorsal fin, commencing by short rays immediately over the nostril and anterior to the upper eye, extends very nearly to the end of the fleshy portion of the tail, where the rays are again short, the longest rays being over the middle of the body ; the ventral fins broad, 330 PLEURONECTID/E. placed very far forward, appearing like the commencement of the anal fin, and only separated from it by a narrow space ; the anal fin ending by short rays near the tail, and on the same vertical plane as the dorsal ; the caudal rays moderately long, and slightly rounded. The fin-rays in number are — D. 64 : P. 12 : V. 6 : A. 48 : C. 15. Vertebrae 30. The whole of the upper or coloured side of the body studded with hard roundish tubercles, the surface otherwise smooth ; the scales small, the prevailing colour varying shades of brown, the fins a little lighter ; the lateral line arched high over the pectoral fin, then straight to the tail ; the under sur- face of the body is smooth, and generally perfectly white. The vignette represents a Dutch boat. HRILL. SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYG1L PLEURONECT1DX. -Tr— - THE BRILL. PEARL, KITE, BRETT, BONNET-FLEUK. Rhombus vulgaris, La Barbue, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 341. ,, non aculeatus, WILI.UGHBY, p. 95, tab. F. 1. Pleuronectes rhombus, LINN/EUS. BLOCH, pt. ii. pi. 43. ,, „ Pearl, PENN. Brit Zool. p. 321, pi. 50. Brill, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 97. ,, ,, ,, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 196, sp. 97. ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 462. THE BRILL is a well-known fish, brought in abundance to the London market, and procured from the same localities and by the same modes as the Turbot ; but is not held in equal estimation, being considered by some as inferior to the Sole, but very superior to the Plaice. Dr. Neill says it is found in Aberlady Bay, where it is called Bonnct-Fleuk ; it is taken also at Yarmouth, and other places along our eastern coast. It i.s abundant on our 332 PLEURONECT1D.E. southern coast, inhabiting sandy bays as well as deep water, from whence the principal part of the supply for the London market is derived. It is taken also in Ireland. Its food, as well as its season of spawning, are similar to the Turbot, but it does not usually appear so large, seldom exceeding eight pounds in weight. It should be borne in mind, that the Kite of the Devonshire and Cornish coasts is the same as the Brill ; but that the Kit of Jago is the Smooth or Small- headed Dab, figured and described in this volume at page 309. Another name quoted among those in use for the Brill, namely, the Brett, is said to be derived from the Cornish word " brit ;" that is, speckled or spotted. The writer of the supplementary part to the Class Fishes, in Mr. Griffith's edition of Cuvier's Animal Kingdom, says that the enormous fish presented to the Roman Emperor Domitian was a Brill, Rhombus vulgaris of Cuvier, and not the Turbot ; but the authority or the reasons for this opinion are not given. Bloch, in his account of the Brill, makes a similar statement. The length of the head from the point of the lower jaw to the edge of the operculum is, when compared to the length of the body alone without the head or caudal rays, as one to two ; the breadth of the body, dorsal and anal fins excluded, equal to half the whole length of the entire fish ; the whole breadth, dorsal and anal fins included, is to the whole length as two to three : the form of the body rhomboidal ; the sur- face perfectly smooth ; the position and extent of the fins very similar to those of the Turbot last described ; a few of the most anterior rays of the dorsal fin extend beyond the connecting membrane ; the tail rounded. The fin-rays in number are — D. 76 : P. 10 : V. 6 : A. 59 : C. 16. Vertebra 35. The mouth is large, deeply cleft ; under jaw the longest ; BRILL. teeth numerous, small, pointed, and sharp : the upper eye behind the lower one in a vertical line : irides yellow : cheek and operculum smooth, without tubercles ; basal and ascend- ing marginal lines of the preoperculum forming nearly a right angle ; lateral line arched over the pectoral fin, then straight to the end of the tail : the scales are nearly round, small, and smooth ; the colours of the body a reddish sandy brown, varied with darker brown, and sprinkled over with white pearl-like specks, whence, probably, another of the names be- stowed on this fish has originated : the under surface is smooth and white. The young are of a pale reddish brown, marked with very dark brown or black spots. The vignette represents the outline of the anterior part of a Brill with a malformed head. For the fish from which this sketch was taken, I am indebted to the kindness of Mrs. Nelson of Devonport. It was taken in that vicinity in June 1835, and was brought on shore alive. 334 PLEURONECTID.E. SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYGH. PLEURONECTWM. MULLER'S TOPKNOT. Rhombus hirtus, Mullens Topknot, YARRELL. Pleuronectes hirtus, MULLER, Zool. Dan. vol. iii. p. 36, pi. 103. ,, pitnctatus, Topknot, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 322, pi. 51, and edit. 1776, pi. 41, but named by mistake Smear Dab. Le Gros Plie ou Targeur, DUHAMEL, sect. ix. pi. 5, fig. 4. Pleuronectes hirtus, Midler's Topknot, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 463, sp. 151. SEVERAL modern authors have confounded the present fish with the species next to be described ; and Cuvier,* as well as Professor Nilsson,-f* have brought together the Pleu- ronectes hirtus of Muller, and the PI. punctatus of Bloch, apparently considering them as the same fish. Muller doubted whether the punctatus of Bloch was the same as his fish, and notices the points in which they differ. The opportunity of examining some specimens very recently, * Regne An. t. ii. p. 341. t Prod. Ichth. Scand. p. 59, sp. 11. MULLER S TOPKNOT. confirms the existence of two distinct species on our shores. Though somewhat similar in the form of the body, the colouring, and the spots, there are still the following well- marked distinguishing specific characters. The hirtus of Muller, and those included in the syno- nymcs here given, have the eye or coloured side only of the body rough ; the under side smooth ; the eyes and mouth small : the first ray of the dorsal fin not longer than the succeeding rays ; the ventral and anal fins united ; the dorsal and anal fins also connected to the tail by a membrane ; the tail short and rounded ; the scales of the body when detached higher than wide. The punctatus of Bloch, and the fishes included under the synonymes given with the next species, have both sides of the body rough ; the eyes large and prominent ; the mouth larger than in hirtus, and not placed so obliquely ; the first ray of the dorsal fin elongated; the ventral and anal fins separated ; the tail rather long ; the scales of the body when detached wider than high. The hirtus of Muller appears to be the most common species of the two ; but neither occur very frequently. Dr. Parnell has obtained it in the Forth, where it is occasionally caught in the crab-cages. I have received a specimen from Dr. George Johnston, which was taken near Berwick Bay ; and I am indebted to Professor Henslow of Cambridge for a drawing of one taken in the Medway. Dr. John Harwood, of St. Leonard's, possesses a specimen taken on the Sussex coast ; and both Colonel Montagu and Mr. Hamner obtained specimens in Devonshire. Mr. Couch considers it not an uncommon fish in the West of England, and has furnished me with two examples, from one of which the figure was taken. It appears to keep among rocks, where it is not readily distinguished, on account of the similarity in its colour to the sea-weed ; and it is chiefly taken 336 PLEURONECTID.E. in the nets which are set for Red Mullet. In winter the boys find small ones, not larger than a half-crown piece, in the pools left by the tide. This species of Flatfish does not probably attain any great size ; the largest examples I have seen not exceeding seven or eight inches in length. It is said to feed on mollusca and small star-fishes. Mr. Baker, of Bridgewater, sent me a specimen, beautifully preserved, that had been taken in the Bristol Channel : and I have a record of one that was caught on the coast of the county of Down in Ireland. The whole length of the specimen described is five inches and one quarter; the length of the head compared to that of the body, without the caudal rays, is as one to two and a half; the breadth of the body, not including the dorsal and anal fins, half of the whole length : the form of the body, including both these fins, is rhomboid : the dorsal fin com- mences immediately over the upper lip, the rays lengthening by degrees, and being longest over the posterior third part of the body ; the pectoral fin small : the ventral fins placed in a vertical line under the middle of the head, and attached to the commencement of the anal fin by a membrane : this latter-named fin commences under the line of the ascending posterior margin of the preoperculum ; both dorsal and anal fin end on the same plane, and are connected to the fleshy portion of the tail by a membrane ; the tail small and round- ed. The fin-rays in number are — D. 90 : P. 11 : V. 6 : A. 70 : C. 14. Vertebra 33. The mouth is small, the position almost vertical ; the teeth distinct, small, conical, and sharp : the diameter of the eye equal to one-fourth of the length of the head ; the upper eye placed behind the line of the lower to the distance of nearly one-half its width : the basal and ascending marginal lines of the preoperculum form an obtuse angle ; the cheeks, MUL LEU'S TOPKNOT. 337 operculum and body, covered with denticulated scales, which in shape, when detached, are longest in their vertical diameter. The colour of the body is a reddish brown, mottled and spotted with very dark brown or black ; a large, conspicuous dark spot behind, but above the ends of the pectoral fin-rays ; the lateral line curved over the pectoral fin, then descending and intersecting the lower portion of the large dark spot, afterwards passing straight to the tail ; the fins paler brown than the body ; all the rays of the dorsal and anal fins with a line or row of denticulated scales along their upper surface ; the under side of the body smooth and white. The vignette represents a fishwoman at Scheveling. VOL. II. 338 PLEURONECTID.E. SUBBRACHIAL MALACOl'TERYGll. PLEURONECTIDsE. BLOCK'S TOPKNOT. Rhombus punctatus, Pieuronectes ,, La petite Limande, Pieuronectes punctatus, Rliombus unimaculatus, Pieuronectes punctatus, Block's Topknot, YARRELL. BI.OCH, pt. vi. pi. 189. DUHAMEL, sect. ix. pi. 6, fig. 5. FLEM. Wern. Mem. vol. ii. p. 241. „ Phil. Zool. pi. 3, fig. 2. ,, Brit. An. p. 196, sp. 99. Risso, Hist. torn. iii. p. 252, fig. 35. Block's Topknot, JEN\NS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 462, sp. 150. THE Pieuronectes punctatus of Bloch, or, as it is here called to preserve the appropriation, Bloch's Topknot, is much more rare than the Topknot of Muller ; but appears, like it, to have an extended range. Professor Nilsson in- cludes but one species in his Fishes of Scandinavia, and brings together the trivial names of the hirtus of Muller and the punctatus of Bloch. By a paper published in the Swedish language by M. B. F. Fries of Stockholm in 1839, and of which a translation in B LOCH'S TOPKNOT. 339 German is given in M. Wiegmann's Archives for 1840, it appears that the Swedish Ichthyologist had obtained an exam- ple of the P. punctatus of Bloch, which fish had not been recognised as a distinct Scandinavian species. The examina- tion of this specimen had satisfied M. Fries that the views of Mr. Jcnyns and myself were correct as to the distinctions be- tween the P. hirtus of Muller and the P. punctatus of Bloch. Dr. Fleming procured the true punctatus in Zetland, where, according to the testimony of the fishermen, it is not uncommon. Professor Henslow obtained at Weymouth the specimen from which Mr. Jenyns' description and the figure here inserted were taken. A third example has been caught on the coast of the North of Ireland, as recorded by Mr. William Thompson of Belfast. A comparison of the figures and descriptions referred to under the present fish with those of the Rhombus unimaculatus of M. Risso, in his Histoire Naturelle, will convince the observer that they are intended for the same fish. Bloch, if he has correctly figured his species, was, I think, mistaken in supposing his fish to be the same as Le Gros Plie ou Targeur of Duhamel ; as the separation between the ventral and the anal fins, and the want of con- nexion between the ends of both dorsal and anal fins with the tail, will demonstrate on comparing the two figures ; but the character and disposition of the spots are something like those of Muller's fish. The figure by Dr. Fleming, in his Philosophy of Zoology, Avants only the greater elongation of the first ray of the dorsal fin, perhaps a sexual distinction, to render it identical with the figure here given, and that by M. Risso. I avail myself, by permission, of the very full description of this fish given by Mr. Jenyns in his Manual, taken from the specimen in the collection of the Philosophical Society of Cambridge. 340 PLEURONECTID.E. " Length five inches and a half. Form roundish oval ; the dorsal and ventral lines equally convex : greatest breadth, fins excluded, just half the length : head a little less than one-third of the same : profile notched immediately before the eyes : mouth of moderate size, very protractile ; jaws nearly equal ; the lower one a very little the longest, and ascending obliquely at an angle of rather more than forty- five degrees : teeth so fine as to be scarcely visible : eyes large, remarkably full and prominent ; their diameter about one-fourth the length of the head ; placed on the left side ; approximating ; the lower one rather more advanced than the upper; between them a projecting ridge; basal and posterior margins of the preopercle meeting at a very obtuse angle, the former rising obliquely to meet the latter ; lateral line commencing at the upper part of the opercle, at first very much arched, but afterwards straight : both sides of the body, but more especially the upper, extremely rough : scales minute ; those on the upper side having their free margins set with from four to six denticles ; those beneath having the denticles finer and more numerous : dorsal fin commencing immediately in advance of the upper eye, and extending very nearly to the caudal, at the same time pass- ing underneath the tail, where the rays become very delicate ; greatest elevation of the fin near its retral extremity ; first ray very much produced, nearly three times the length of those Avhich follow ; most of the rays divided at their tips ; some of the last in the fin branched from the bottom : anal fin commencing in a line Avith the posterior angle of the pre- opercle, answering to the dorsal, and terminating in the same manner beneath the tail ; greatest elevation corresponding : caudal oblong, the extremity rounded : pectorals inserted behind the posterior lobe of the opercle, a little below the middle ; the first ray very short, the next three or four longest, the succeeding ones nearly as long ; pectoral on the BLOCK S TOPKNOT. 341 eye side rather larger than that on the side opposite : ventral fins immediately before the anal, and appearing like a con- tinuation of that fin, but not connected with it, as in the other species : vent situated between the two last pairs of rays : the rays of all the fins covered with rough scales nearly to their tips. The numbers of the fin-rays are — D. 87 : P. left side 12 : right side 11 : V. 6 : A. 68 : C. 16. " The colour above brown, or reddish brown, mottled and spotted with black ; a large round spot, more conspicuous than the others, in the middle of the side towards the pos- terior part of the body ; fins spotted : under side plain white." 34-2 PLEURONECTID.E. SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYG1I. PLEURONECTIDX. THE WHIFF. THE CARTER, CornWO.ll. Rhombus megastoma, Passer Cornubiensis, Pleuronectes p&eudopalus, ,, megastoma, Whiff, YARRELL. La Cardine, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 341. Whiff, RAY, Syn. p. 163, fig. 2. PENN.Brit. Zool.vol.iii. p. 324, pi 52. ,, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 51. FLEM. Brit. An. p. 196, sp. 98. „ JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 464. THE WHIFF appears to have been first described and figured by Ray from Mr. Jago^s Catalogue of Cornish Fishes, which is introduced, with short notices and representations, in Ray's Synopsis. This fish seems to occur more frequently in Devonshire and Cornwall than on any other part of our coast. Mr. Couch says, " This species is well known to the Cornish fishermen, who apply the name of Carter to it. It keeps on sandy ground, at no great distance from land, and takes a bait, so that it is caught as often as any of the salt-water Flatfishes ; but it is not highly esteemed for the table, chiefly from being so thin." From this cause it is sometimes called WHIFF. 343 Lantern-fish, in reference to its semi-transparency when held up between the eye and the light ; but from experience I can say that the flesh is excellent when fried, almost as good as that of the Sole. Mr. Donovan found it in Wales ; it is not unfrequent in Ireland. Mr. Jenyns has described it in his valuable Manual of the British Vertebrate Animals, from a specimen obtained by Professor Hcnslow at Wcymouth. Most of the speci- mens recorded measured from eighteen to twenty-one inches in length. Dr. Johnston says it is rare at Berwick, and Dr. Parncll does not include it among his Fishes of the Forth. But few particulars are known of this fish. It appears but seldom in the London market : I obtained one in June 1834 which measured seventeen inches in length, from which a representation and the following description are taken. The length of the head from the point of the upper jaw to the posterior edge of the operculum, compared to the length of the body alone, without the head or caudal rays, is as one to three ; the breadth of the body, dorsal and anal fins ex- cluded, is to the whole length of the fish rather less than one third : the dorsal fin commences half-way between the point of the nose and the anterior edge of the upper orbit, and ex- tends to within three-quarters of an inch of the end of the fleshy portion of the tail and the base of the caudal rays ; the pectoral fin on the under or white side is considerably smaller in size, and contains two rays less, than that on the upper side ; the ventral fins are of some extent at the base, as in the preceding species of the genus Rhombus ; the anal fin commences in a line under the origin of the pectoral fin, extends along the whole length of the abdominal line, and ends near the tail on the same plane as the dorsal fin ; the fleshy portion of the tail is narrow ; the caudal rays three inches long, and slightly rounded. 344 PLEURONECTID.E. The fin-rays in number are — D. 89 : P. 11 : V. 6 : A. 71 : C. 13. Vertebrae 41. The mouth is large ; the lower jaw the longest, with a rounded projection under the symphysis ; the teeth on both jaws numerous, pointed, and sharp : the eyes large ; the upper one the most so, and placed farther back than the lower ; the orbits separated by a prominent bony ridge : the lateral line conspicuous, elevated, and double over the pec- toral fin, one portion being a continuation of the prominent straight line along the body, the other taking a high curve over the pectoral fin ; both lines ultimately approaching each other again at the upper angle of the operculum, as shown in the woodcut : the form of the body is an elongated oval ; the surface rough ; the scales rather large ; the colour a uniform yellow brown ; the fins rather lighter ; the under side smooth and white. A specimen in the British Museum exhibits faint indications of various spots, as shown in Mr. Donovan's coloured plate, and in the figure by Ray in his Synopsis, but this is not uniformly the case. >'•---> £^teliMfc SCALDFISH. 345 SUBBRACH'IAL MALACOPTERYGIL PLEURONECT1D&. THE SCALDFISH. MEGRIM, Cornwall. SMOOTH SOLE. Rhombus Arnoglossus, Scaldfish, YARHELL. „ „ ,, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 342. Arnoglossus lavis, ,, WILI.UGHBY, p. 102, F. 8, fig. 7. Pleuronectes casurus, ,, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 325, pi. 53. ,, Arnoglossus, ,, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 197, sp. 100. ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 465. Rhombus nudus, ,, Risso, Hist. t. iii. p. 251, sp. 141. THE SCALDFISH, or MEGRIM, as it is called in Cornwall, appears, like the species last described, to be in this country, as far as we yet know, exclusively confined to the southern coast, and is only at present recorded as having been taken between Weymouth and the Land's End. Mr. Couch says, " he has never known it take a bait, and its diminutive size prevents its being an object of attention to fishermen ; but they say it is much preyed upon by Congers and other large fishes, in the stomachs of which they often find it : it follows from this that it keeps in deep water." It seldom exceeds four or five inches in length ; but Mr. Couch has seen one that measured six inches and a half. M. Risso says the females arc very prolific. 346 PLEURONECTID.E. The length of the head is to that of the body as one to three, caudal rays excluded ; the depth of the body, without the dorsal or anal fins, equal to one -third of the whole length; the dorsal fin commences over the upper eye, and reaches very nearly to the end of the fleshy portion of the tail ; the pectoral fin long and narrow, but shorter and smaller on the under side ; ventral fins under the gill-cover ; the anal fin commencing in a line under the pectoral, and ending near the tail on the same plane as the dorsal fin ; caudal rays of moderate length, and slightly rounded ; but the rays of all the fins in both the specimens before me, from which the de- scription is taken, extend considerably beyond the connecting membranes of each, as shown in the woodcut. The fin-rays in number are — D. 87 : P. 6 : V. 10 : A. 60 : C. 18. The mouth is large, with small teeth in both jaws ; lower jaw the longest when separated: eyes rather large; pupils blue ; irides yellow ; orbits separated by a bony ridge ; upper eye larger than the lower, and placed more backward in a vertical line : body in shape an elongated oval, narrowed towards the tail ; the scales large, round, thin, and trans- parent, almost all wanting, so easily are they removed on the slightest touch ; the body of the fish appears naked. I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Couch for a Cornish speci- men: I also possess one from the Mediterranean, which enables me to say that our fish is the Rhombus nudus of M. Risso, as quoted. The lateral line after its commence- ment at the posterior edge of the operculum rises over the pectoral fin rather higher than the representation indicates ; then descending gradually, deviates but little from a straight line throughout the remainder of its course to the tail. The colour of both specimens is alike, a uniform pale yellow brown. SOLE. 347 SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYCH. PLEURONECTIDJE. THE SOLE. Solea vulgaris, La Sole, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 342, ,, ,, A Sole, MF.RUETT, Pinax, p. 187. Buglossus sen Solea, Sole, WILLUGHBY, p. 100, F. 7. Pteuronectes Solea, „ LINNJEUS. BLOCH, pt. ii. pi. 45. ,, ,, ,, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 311. ,, ,, Common Sole, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 62. Solea vulgar is, Sole, FI.EM. Brit. An. p. 197, sp. 101. ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 466. SOLEA. Generic Characters. — Both eyes and colour on the right side ; the mouth distorted on the side opposite the eyes ; small teeth in both jaws, but con- fined to the under side only, none on the same side as the eyes ; form of the body oblong ; dorsal and anal fins extend to the tail. THE common Sole is so universally known as to reqnire only a particular notice of those points in its economy that are the least obvious. It inhabits the sandy shore all round our coast, where it keeps close to the bottom, feeding on the smaller testaceous animals, and the spawn and fry of other fishes. It is taken among the Orkneys, and along the north- east coast ; but it is of small comparative size : the Soles of the south and west arc much larger, and considered otherwise superior to those of the north and cast. 348 1'L.EURONECTID.E. The Sole is found northward as far as the Baltic and the seas, of Scandinavia ; and southward, along the shores of Spain, Portugal, and the Mediterranean. It was first de- scribed by Bellon. Soles — and of these an enormous quantity — are caught almost entirely by trawling ; they seldom take any bait. It is usual to send them to market in baskets, within which the Soles of small size, called Slips, are arranged nearest the wicker-work forming the outside of the basket : the larger Soles, being more valuable, arc packed in the middle. Eighty-six thousand bushels of Soles have been received at Billingsgate market only within twelvemonths. The Sole is found full of roe at the latter end of February. They are then for a few weeks soft and watery ; but they soon recover, and throughout a great portion of the year are de- servedly in high estimation : the flesh is white, firm, and of excellent flavour ; those in deep water are the finest in quality. The principal trawling-ground in England is along the south coast from Sussex to Devonshire : the Sole has also been taken on the shores of various counties in Ireland, viz. Cork, Watcrford, Antrim, Londonderry, and Donegal. On the Devonshire coast the great fishing station is at Brixham in Torbay ; the boats from which, using large trawling-nets from thirty to thirty-six feet in beam, produce a continual supply. Soles of very large size are occasionally taken. I have a record of one pair taken in Torbay which measured twenty- three inches in length each, and weighed together ten pounds ; but for the particulars of the largest I have heard of, I am indebted to the kindness of the Rev. W. F. Cor- nish, of Totness. This specimen, a remarkably fine-grown fish, and very thick, was twenty-six inches long, eleven inches and a half wide, and weighed nine pounds. — Totness market, June 21st, 1826. SOLE. 349 Soles appear to thrive well in fresh water. Dr. M'Cul- loch, in his papers on " Changing the Residence of certain Fishes from salt water to fresh,"* says, he was informed that a Sole had been kept in a fresh-water pond in a garden for many years ; and adds, that in Mr. Arnold's pond at Guern- sey, which has been before referred to, the Sole becomes twice as thick as a fish of the same length from the sea. A letter from a gentleman residing on the banks of the Arun contains the following statement : — " I succeeded yesterday in seeing the person who caught the Soles about which you inquire, and who has been in the constant habit of trawling for them with a ten-feet beam trawl in this river for the last forty years. The season for taking them is from May till November. They breed in the river (Arun), frequenting it from the mouth five miles upwards, "f* which is nearly to the town of Arundel, and remain in it the whole year, bury- ing themselves in the sand during the cold months. The fisherman has occasionally taken them of large size, two pounds'" weight each, but frequently of one pound ; and they are thicker in proportion than the Soles usually caught at sea : in other respects, precisely the same ; and it is evident they breed in great numbers in the river from the quantity of small ones about two inches long that are constantly brought on shore when drawing the net for Grey Mullet." Reversed Soles — that is, having the eyes and the brown colour on the left side instead of the right — are not uncom- mon : and I possess a specimen that is of the usual dark colour, with rough ciliated scales on both sides. The length of the head is to the whole length of the entire fish as one to six ; the breadth of the body, dorsal and anal fins excluded, compared to the whole length, as one to three : * Royal Institution Quarterly Journal, No. xxxiv. July 1824, and No. xxxviii. July 1825. t For a view of this part of the Arun, see vol. i. page 244. 350 PLEURONECT1DE. the nose is rounded and produced, projecting beyond the mouth : the upper jaw the longest; both jaws furnished with minute teeth on the under or white side of the fish only ; the eyes small ; the lower eye over the angle of the mouth ; the upper eye placed more forward in a vertical line ; the irides yellow ; the pupils blue ; the space between the eyes, the cheek, and operculum, flat, and covered with small rough ciliated scales : the pectoral and ventral fins small ; the dorsal fin begins at the point of the nose, the anal fin under the line of the edge of the gill-cover ; both extend the whole length of the body, ending on the same plane, near the base of the caudal rays ; and both these fins have a series of small, rough, ciliated scales, extending along the line of each ray : the tail rather long, and slightly rounded. The fin-rays in number are — D. 84 : P. 7 : V. 5 : A. 67 : C. 17. Vertebrae 47. The form of the body is a long oval, widest at a short distance behind the head, becoming narrower and rather pointed towards the tail ; the colour on the upper side almost a uniform dark brown ; the scales small, each ciliated at the edge, and rough to the touch ; the lateral line running straight from the tail forward to the operculum, then rising and ending on a line with the superior edge of the upper orbit; the pectoral fin tipped with black. On the under side the colour is white : about the nostril and mouth are numerous soft papillae. LEMON SOLE 351 SUBBRACHTAL MALACOPTERYGII. PLEURONECTID&. THE LEMON SOLE. THE FRENCH SOLE, SuSSCX COdSt. Solea pegusa, Lemon Sole, YARRELL, Zool. Journ. vol. iv. p. 467, pi. 16. ,, ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 467, sp. 155. DURING a short visit to Brighton in the last week of February 1829, I obtained a single example of this species of Sole, which appeared to have been previously unnoticed as occurring on our shores. Since it was described in the Zoological Journal, as above quoted, I have obtained, but at considerable intervals, two or three other specimens of this fish in the London market, and have now deposited examples in the British Museum and the collection of the Zoological Society. This species is occasionally taken with the common Sole when trawling over a clear bottom of soft sand, about sixteen miles from Brighton in a direction towards the coast of France ; from which circumstance this fish is known to some of our fishermen by the name of French Sole ; others call it 352 PLEURONECTID.E. by that of Lemon Sole, in reference to its prevailing yellow- ish colour, and on the Devonshire coast it is called the Sand Sole. This species has since been taken in Belfast Bay, as recorded by Mr. William Thompson. In shape the Lemon Sole is wider in proportion to its whole length than the common Sole, and it is also somewhat thicker; the head is smaller, being in proportion to the whole length of the fish rather less than as one to seven ; the breadth of the body, dorsal and anal fins included, exactly half the whole length : the arrangement of the fins is nearly the same as in the common Sole ; but the fin-rays and the number of vertebrae differ. D. 81 : P. 8 : V. 5 : A. 69 : C. 17. Vertebrae 43. The prevailing colour is a mixture of orange and light brown, freckled over with numerous small round spots of dark nutmeg brown, giving a mottled appearance to the whole upper surface. The scales differ in character ; the lateral line is straight, but not so prominent or strongly marked; the tail is narrower than in the common Sole, though containing the same number of rays ; the end of the pectoral fin spotted with black. On the under side the ap- pearance is still more characteristic of the distinction of the species. The under surface of the head is almost smooth, without any of the papillary eminences so numerous and remarkable in the common Sole, and the nostril is pierced in a prominent tubular projection, which is wanting in the other : the under surface is white with the appearance of the scales more strongly marked than upon the upper. VARIEGATED SOLE. 353 SUBBRACH1AL MALACOPTERYG1I. PLEURONECTIDJE. THE VARIEGATED SOLE. Pole panachee, DUHAMEL, sect. ix. pi. 2, fig. 3. Pleuronectes tinguta, Itedbacked Flounder, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 313, pi. 49. ,, variegatus, Variegated Sole, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 117. Solea variegata, „ ,, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 197, sp. 102. Monochirus variegatus, THOMPSON, Ann. Nat. Hist. vol. ii. p. 404. MONOCHIRUS. Generic Characters. — The pectoral fin on the upper or eye side small; that on the under side minute, almost imperceptible, or entirely wanting: in other respects like Solea. THE VARIEGATED SOLE appears, like the Lemon Sole last described, to be a rare species, and but few specimens are to be found in collections, though it seems to have a wide range. According to Professor Reinhardt, it is found on the shores of Scandinavia. In the Magazine of Natural History, conducted by Mr. London, a notice appears, vol. vi. page 530, that it has been taken at Rothsay. Mr. Donovan obtained one seven inches long in the London market. Colonel Montagu mentions that Dr. Leach bought three in VOL. II. 2 A 354 PLEURONECTID.E. Plymouth market in August 1808, and gave him one of them, measuring nine inches in length, from which his notes of the species were recorded in his MS. ; and Mr. Couch has observed it in Cornwall, very kindly sending me a specimen, from which the woodcut was executed. But little is known of the habits of this species ; but it is stated in Pennant that it appears about Plymouth in the spring. It has since been found by Mr. William Thompson in Belfast Bay. It is immediately distinguished from either of the Soles previously described here, by its variegated colour ; by its scales, which are larger ; by its pectoral fins, which are much smaller, that on the under side being very minute ; and by the dorsal and anal fins, as shown in the cut, ending consi- derably short of the tail. The whole length of the specimen described was five inches; the breadth without the fins, one inch and three- eighths; the length of the head compared to that of the body alone, as one to four : the dorsal and anal fins ending on the same plane, but not reaching the base of the caudal rays, and both having the numerous rays projecting beyond the edges of the connecting membranes, as shown in the cut ; the right pectoral fin small, that on the under side consisting only of two unequal, slender, and short rays. The fin-rays in number are — D. 67 : P. right side 4 : left side 2 : V. 5 : A. 52 : C. 16. The body is thicker in proportion than either of the Soles previously described ; the scales larger, the divisions strongly marked, the edges ciliated, rough to the touch ; the lateral line straight : the colour of the upper side reddish brown, clouded both on the body and fins with darker brown ; the under surface white ; scales also ciliated and harsh to the touch. SOLENETTE. 355 SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYGI1. PLEURONECTW&. &*: '^xKfftft Monochirus linguatulus, Solea parva sive lingula, La petite Sole, Sulea parva sive lingula Pleuronectes lingula, Solenette, Solea lingula, Monochirus minutus, ,, linguatulus, THE SOLENETTE, OR LITTLE SOLE. CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 343. RONDELETIUS, p. 324. „ French Edit. Lyons, p. 260. Pondeletii, WILLUGHBY, p. 102, F. 8, fig. 1. LINN. Syst. Nat. p. 457, sp. 10. DUHAM. sect. ix. pi. 2, fig. 1 & 2. Red-backed Sole, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 468. PARNELL, Mag. Zool. and Bot. vol. i. p. 527. THOMPSON, Ann. Nat. Hist. vol. ii. p. 405. AT the time of writing the description of the Variegated Sole for the first edition of the British Fishes, vol. ii. p. 262, I had not seen a specimen of the true Solea parva sive lin- gula of Rondeletius, and I find that I then included two dis- tinct species in the synonym es employed to designate the Variegated Sole. The Rev. L. Jcnyns, in his Manual of British Vertebrate Animals, appears to have suspected that there was a fourth species of Sole on our coast, since, at the conclusion of the description of his third species, he has ob- served, " further observation is necessary in order to decide whether, in this instance, I have confounded two nearly allied species." 2 A 2 356 TLEURONECTIDK. In tlic published proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh for January 1837, Dr. Parnell has figured and briefly described, under the name of Monochirus minutus, a small species of Sole obtained by him at Brixham on the Devonshire coast, which appears to be the true Solea parva sive lingula of Rondcletius. This small fish is at once dis- tinguished from the Variegated Sole of Donovan, and other English authors, by the tapering of the body towards the tail, and more particularly by the dorsal and caudal fins being united to the base of the tail, which is not the case in the Variegated Sole. This union of the two fins with the tail is shown in the figure given by Rondeletius, and again by Willughby, as referred to. Dr. Parnell has obtained several examples of this interest- ing little species, which is not unfrequently taken in the trawl-nets by the fishermen of Brixham, but on account of its diminutive size it is seldom brought on shore. It has evidently been confounded with the Variegated Sole ; but, independently of other distinctions, the Variegated Sole has the tail separated from the dorsal and caudal fins by a consi- derable interval. The Variegated Sole of Donovan and of Montagu's MS. the Red-backed Flounder of Pennant's Zoology, and the Variegated Sole of Dr. Fleming, are so many specimens of the truly Variegated Sole, and are each of them quite dis- tinct from the true lingula. Duhamel appears to have dis- tinguished and figured both species. Mr. Thompson has obtained both species on the coast of the North of Ireland, and by his kindness I have now his specimens before me for comparative examination. Dr. Parnell has given me two examples of his Monochirus minutus, which, as before ob- served, I believe to be the true Solea parva sive lingula of Rondeletius; and I have also two specimens of the true Variegated Sole ; one of these, from which the figure in the SOLENETTE. 357 British Fishes was drawn, has the dark clouded variation in colour extending, as in Donovan's figure, over the back as well as the fins : in a specimen belonging to Mr. Thompson, in one of my own, and in Montagu's specimen, as described in his MS. the dark variations in colour are confined to patches on the fins, as in Pennant's figure ; but without refer- ence to colour, this species is immediately known by the space Avhich occurs between the two elongated fins and the tail, which Montagu says Avas equal to half an inch in his specimen, which measured nine inches. Both these species belong to the genus Monochirus of Cuvier, distinguished from those of the genus Solea by the very small size of the upper pectoral fin, and the very rudi- mentary state of the pectoral fin on the under side, which is, indeed, sometimes entirely wanting. Of our two British species of Monochirus, the M. lingiiatulus of Cuvier has the smaller upper pectoral fin of the two, as observed by Mr. Thompson, who has, in the second volume of the Annals of Natural History, published some interesting details on the two British species of the genus Monochirus. From the numbers of these small Soles which are taken in the trawl-nets off Brixham throughout the whole year, says Dr. Parnell, and from their never appearing to attain a large size, there can be but little doubt but that they are arrived at their full growth. The fishermen, who appear perfectly familiar with their appearance, call them Red Soles ; and scarcely a trawl-boat leaves Brixham Harbour that does not capture a dozen or more of these fish daily ; but, from their diminutive size, they are either thrown overboard, or left to decay at the bottom of the vessels. Description : — " Length five inches ; the width at the upper third nearly two inches : the colour of the back light reddish brown, the under surface pale white ; every sixth or seventh ray of the dorsal and anal fin black. In shape this 358 PLEURONECTIDE. fish is similar to the common Sole, but is of a more wedge- shaped form, becoming narrow at the caudal extremity. The head is small, one-sixth of the whole length ; the mouth is crooked ; each jaw is furnished with a number of minute teeth, placed close together, and extending but half way round the mouth ; the eyes are small ; the upper, or left eye, a little in advance. The dorsal fin commences immediately over the upper lip, and runs down the back, to be connected with the caudal rays ; the anal fin begins under the posterior margin of the operculum, and continues to the tail. The number of the fin-rays are, — D. 73 : P. 4 : V. 4 : A. 54 : C. 14. The scales are small, with from twelve to fifteen denticles at their free extremity, rendering the whole surface of the fish rough to the touch when the finger is passed along from the tail to the head. The pectoral fin, on the eye-side, is small, with the lower half black, while the fin on the opposite side is very minute, and of a pale white ; the lateral line is straight throughout ; the tail is rounded at the end, and mottled with brown." CORNISH SUCKER. 359 SUBBKACHIAL MALACOPTERYG1I. CYCLOPTERIDJE* THE CORNISH SUCKER. Lepidogaster Cornubiensis, Cornish Sucker, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 189, sp. 71. Cyclopterus Lepidogaster, Jura Sucker, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 181, Pl. 25. ,, ocellatus, Ocellated Sucker, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 76. Lepidogaster biciliatus, ,, ,, Risso, Hist. torn. iii. p. 272, sp. 163. ,, Cornubiensis, Cornish Sucker, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 469, sp. 157. LEPIDOGASTER. Generic Characters. — Body smooth, without scales ; dorsal and anal fins opposite, and near the tail ; pectoral fins large, descending to the inferior surface of the body, and by an extension of the membrane surrounding an oval disk ; ventral fins united by a membrane which extends circularly under the belly, forming a second concave disk. BARON CUVIER has called the third family of the Sub- brachial Malacopterygii, Discoboles, on account of the disk formed by the union of the ventral fins. The term CYCLOP- TERID.E, derived from an original Linnsean generic name, is here adopted in order to preserve uniformity in the names of * The family of the Sucking-fishes. 360 CYCLOPTEHID.E. the families. The pectoral fins in these fishes are large, descending to the inferior surface of the body, where they are joined by four strong rays, and, united by a membrane to a similar structure on the opposite side, form the boundary of an adhesive disk. In the species of the first genus, a second disk is formed by the union of the ventral fins. The few species belonging to this small family are very remarkable for the power they possess of attaching themselves to stones, rocks, or other substances, by means of the adhesive apparatus on the under surface of their bodies, apparently deriving some degree of protection and support from the contact. The two British species belonging to the first genus are small, defenceless, their bodies smooth, without scales ; and the power of attaching themselves to stones, &c. which they are seen to exercise, may be useful by enabling them to resist the action of strong currents or dashing waves, and is perhaps applicable with them to other uses, with which naturalists are not yet acquainted. The first prettily-marked species of Sucking-fish was dis- covered by Dr. Borlase, who found it on the coast of Corn- wall, and described it under the name of the Lesser Sucking- fish, in his Natural History of that county. Pennant after- wards found it at Jura, in the Hebrides, and called it in consequence the Jura Sucker ; but if any name indicative of a peculiar geographical locality is admissible, it ought to have been that only in which it was first discovered ; and I have therefore followed Dr. Fleming and Mr. Jenyns in calling it the Cornish Sucker, although this name is not entirely free from objection, two other species of fishes, provided with suckers, being found in Cornwall. Mr. Couch says, however, that this fish is there called pre-eminently the Sucking-fish by fishermen, from the readiness with which it adheres to any substance, and even to the hand that seizes it, — a circum- CORNISH SUCKER. 361 stance which has also been noticed by Colonel Montagu. " It is sluggish in its habits ; but seems to wander, since it is sometimes abundant, and at others rare. Its usual haunts are about low-water mark, where it is often left by the tide, concealed beneath a stone. I find it," says Mr. Couch, " large with spawn in March. Its food is crustaceous animals and marine insects, which it swallows entire." This species has also been found on the coasts of Antrim and Clare in Ireland. The whole length of the specimen described was two inches and a half; the distance from the point of the nose to the end of the gill-cover was equal to one-third of the whole length of the fish : the head depressed ; mouth pro- duced ; very much flattened ; narrower than the head ; has been aptly called spatula-like ; gape elongated : numerous small teeth in both jaws, forming a band in each : under surface of the head very flat ; the first disk before the line of the opening of the gill-cover ; the second disk behind it : upper surface of the head smooth ; before the inner corner of each eye a small flattened filament, about equal in length to the diameter of the eye itself; behind this a second, but much shorter : both of a bright carmine colour ; behind the eyes, which are widely separated, are two distinct, red, eye- like spots : the dorsal fin commences about half-way between the eyes and the end of the tail ; the anal fin begins still nearer the tail, and both are joined to it by a membrane ; the tail rounded ; the posterior part of the body compressed. The pectoral fin large, with an extension underneath of four stronger rays, which with the connecting membrane form the sides of the most anterior disk of the two ; an extension of the membrane only, without rays, being continued along the front. Immediately behind the broad swimming portion of the pectoral fin on each side, a membrane arises in the same vertical position, which joining the united ventral fins forms 362 CYCLOPTERID.E. the free edge of the second disk, the rays of the two ventrals occupying the posterior portion, and the continuation of the connecting membrane making the circle entire. The fin-rays in number are — D. 18 : P. 19 : A. 10 : C. 18. The general tint a pale flesh colour with spots and patches of carmine about the upper and under surface of the jaws, around the eyes, on the top of the head, sides of the body and abdomen. The description was taken from the largest of five specimens, on three of which the spots behind the eyes were conspicuous, but wanting in the other two. The appearance of the surface of the disk is shown in the woodcuts of some of the more closely allied species, to assist in determining specific distinction. The vignette below represents a man fishing for prawns on a rocky coast. The fisherman deposits around him eight or ten hoop-nets, each baited with a piece of stale fish : a large bung by way of a buoy is attached to each hoop. The man, with a long forked stick raises the nets in succession, by putting the fork of the stick under the bung, and deposits them again after examination. BIMACULATED SUCKER. SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYCH. CYCLOPTERWX. THE BIMACULATED SUCKER. Lepidogaster bimacnlatus, Bimaculated Sucker, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 190, sp. 72. Cyctopterus Lepidogaster PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 182, pi. 25. DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 78. MONTAGU, Linn. Trans, vol. vii. p. 293. JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 470, sp. 158. THIS very distinct species was first described by Pennant from a specimen sent him by the Duchess of Portland, which was taken at Weymouth. It has since been taken by Mr. Donovan on the coast of Kent ; by Professor Henslow at Weymouth ; by Colonel Montagu in Devonshire, and at two different localities in Cornwall, Polperro and Penzance. It has also been taken by Mr. William Thompson of Belfast, when dredging in deep water for shells on the eastern and western coasts of Ireland. Colonel Montagu obtained it by deep dredging at Torcross, adhering to stones and old shells, and kept some specimens alive for a day or two in a glass of sea-water. 3Gi CYCLOPTERIDE. " In this situation they always adhered to the sides of the glass by the apparatus termed the sucker, and frequently remained fixed till they died ; and even after death the power of adhesion continues ; the wet finger being applied to the part, the fish becomes suspended : when alive they instantly attach themselves to the hand if taken out of the water." Mr. Couch says it keeps in deeper water than the prece- ding species ; but is occasionally found under stones at low- water mark. In this species, of which I possess several examples, varying in length from three-quarters of an inch to one inch and three- quarters in length, the head is depressed ; the posterior por- tion of the body compressed ; the head is shorter, compared to the whole length, than in the preceding species : the mouth wider, but the jaws not so much produced ; the teeth similar ; no filaments before the eyes ; the irides pink and gold ; the pupils blue : the additional rays at the inferior part of the pectoral fin, and the connecting membrane on each side, making up the lateral portions of the anterior disk, are much longer : the ventral fins form the sides of the second or posterior disk, and are also elongated ; the dorsal and anal fins of equal size, opposite, short, placed far back ; com- mencing and ending on the same planes : not connected with the tail, between which and the two fins just named there is a considerable space : tail rather elongated. The fin-rays in number are — D. 6 : P. 19 : A. 6 : C. 10. The general colour carmine red ; pale flesh-colour under- neath, with a light-coloured patch between the eyes, and otherwise liable to some variation in the markings : the two spots on the sides not always very obvious ; young specimens are without these lateral markings. LUMP SUCKER. 3G5 SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYG1I. CYCLOPTERIDJE. THE LUMP SUCKER. SEA-OWL, and COCK PADDLE. Cyclopterus lumpus, LINN«US. BLOCH, pt. iii. pi. 90. „ ,, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 346. Lumpus Anglorum, WILLUGHBY, p. 208, N. 11. Cyclopterus lumpus, Lump Sucker, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 176, pi. 24. „ ,, ,, „ DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 10. lt ,, Lump-fish, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 190, sp. 75. ,, ,, Common Lump- Fish, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 471. CYCLOPTERUS. Generic Characters. — Head and body deep, thick, and short ; back with an elevated ridge, the investing skin enclosing simple rays ; pectoral fins uniting under the throat, and with the ventrals forming a single disk. THE LUMP SUCKER is remarkable for its very grotesque form, while from the large size of its body, both as to depth and thickness in reference to its length, and the compara- tively small size of its fins, it appears calculated to make but slow progress through the water. 366 CYCLOPTERID^. It is more plentiful northward than on our southern coast, and beyond this country has a most extensive range. Pen- nant includes it in his Arctic Zoology. It is caught on the coast of Greenland, where it is eaten ; and the Lump Sucker of the North American shores is apparently identical with our own. Professors Nilsson and Reinhardt include it among the fishes of Scandinavia ; and Mr. Low considers it common in the Orkneys. Dr. Neill says that in the spring months it is caught on the sands of Portobello, and sent for sale to the Edinburgh market, where it is purchased for table, and the male fish considered superior to the female. " If," says Dr. Richardson, " the authority of Sir Walter Scott is to pass cur- rent in gastronomy, the Lump, or Cock-paidle, as it is named in Scotland, is a fish of good quality, for he makes Mr. Oldbuck give the same price for one that he does for the Bannock- fluke, or Turbot. The epithet of Cock-paidle seems to have originated in the appearance of the elevated dorsal ridge, which is enveloped, like the rest of the fish, in a thick, tuberculated skin, with some resemblance to the comb of a domestic cock." Along our eastern and southern coasts it is also taken more exclusively during spring, when it approaches the shore for the purpose of depositing its spaAvn, which hap- pens in April or the beginning of May. This species has also been taken in various parts of Ireland. Some of our fishermen consider that we have on our coast two species of Lump-fish, which they distinguish by the names of Red-Lump and Blue-Lump, considering the first only as eatable ; but the difference in colour, and also in the quality of the flesh, is only the effect of season ; the fine ex- ternal colour, as well as the firmness of the flesh, being lost to the fish for a time by the exhausting process of spawning ; it is then by them considered as the worthless Blue-Lump. The ova forming the hard roe are of large size, and of a fine reddish-orange colour. LUMP SUCKER. 367 " Fabricius describes the Lump-fish as approaching the rocky bays on the Greenland coast in the months of April and May for the purpose of spawning. The female precedes, and deposits her roe among the larger algee, and in fis- sures of the rocks ; the male shortly follows, and fructifies the eggs, adhering so closely to the mass of roe, that the im- pression is left upon the hollow surface of the shield formed by the ventrals ; after which he keeps watch over the sacred deposit, and guards it from every foe with the utmost courage. If driven from the spot by man, he does not go far, but is continually looking back, and in a short time returns. Even the well-armed Wolf-fish hazards his life if he approaches the Lump's nest ; for this creature, notwithstanding the smallness of its teeth, is capable of attaching itself to its adversary's neck, and inflicting thereon a mortal wound.1'' This account by Fabricius has been doubted by Lacepede, but in part receives confirmation from the observations of others. Dr. George Johnston, in his list of the fishes of Berwickshire, says, " The Cock and Hen Paidle spawn toward the end of March and in April. At that season the Hen approaches the shore and deposits her spawn among the rocks and sea- weed within low water mark, and immediately afterwards returns to deeper water. The male then covers the spawn, and, according to the testimony of our fishermen, remains co- tvering it, or near it, until the ova are hatched. The young- soon after birth fix themselves to the sides and on the back of their male parent, who sails, thus loaded, to deeper and more safe retreats. He is only half the size of the Hen ; and at the breeding season his belly becomes of a reddish colour. The spawn of a single female will fill a large basin, and is of a beautiful pink colour : the eggs globular, and about the size of swan shot. Not in use as food, but the Cock especially is reported to be excellent when fried or baked." The young are four inches and a half long, and three 368 CYCLOPTERID.E. inches in height by the end of November. Shaw's specimen, of six inches in length, to which he attached the specific name of Pavonina, is only a young fish of our common species, which for want of sufficient age had not attained its perfect colour. The bony rays supporting the dorsal crest frequently pierce through the skin, and giving the appearance of two dorsal fins, have suggested the notion of another species ; the young have also, from differences depending upon their age and condition as fry, been considered specifically distinct, and thus the terms pyramidalis, minutus, and two or three other names have arisen. As the Lump-fish is retentive of life, its power of adhesion is sometimes made the subject of expe- riment. Pennant says, " That on placing a fish of this spe- cies, just caught, into a pail of water, it fixed itself so firmly to the bottom, that on taking it by the tail, the whole pail by that means was lifted, though it held some gallons, and that without removing the fish from its hold.'"' The Lump-Sucker feeds principally on young fish, of which it devours a large quantity. Mr. Couch says that it sometimes takes a bait, and he has found in its stomach various onisci. In the month of March the colours of the Lump-fish are in the highest perfection, combining various shades of blue, purple, and rich orange ; it is then frequently to be seen in the shops of London fishmongers, suspended by the middle of the back, attracting attention from the combination of singu- lar form and brilliant colours, A specimen sixteen inches long is usually about eight inches deep, and four inches wide : the length of the head is about one-fourth of the whole length of the fish ; the descend- ing line of the profile of the head is abrupt ; the back highly arched and somewhat compressed, forming a ridge, with a row of tubercles along the upper edge ; on cutting through the integument, the ridge is found to be supported by several LUMP SUCKER. 369 rays, Avhich sometimes from abrasion of the hard skin appear externally, and have been considered as bearing some resem- blance to an anterior dorsal fin. Behind this central ridge, and over the last third portion of the curve of the dorsal line, is the true dorsal fin, the length of the base of which is about equal to the length of the longest of its rays ; the pectoral fins descend low on the sides, and passing forwards enclose the adhesive apparatus which extends anteriorly to the edge of the membrane connecting the branchiostegous rays, and backwards as far in a vertical line as the posterior angle of the operculum : the union of the ventral fins complete the single disk of the only species of this genus that inhabits our seas. The anal fin is under or opposed to the dorsal, and of nearly the same size and shape ; the tail moderate. The fin-ravs in number are — tt D. 11 : P. 20 : A. 9 : C. 10. Each of the rays with a row of hard tubercles along a con- siderable portion of their length. The whole surface of the head and body is covered with small bony tubercles, most of which are more or less stellated in form. Along several parts of the body are rows of larger and more prominent tubercles, with surfaces minutely granulated ; one row occupies the cen- tral ridge of a portion of the back ; two or three tubercles are placed on each side just in advance of the dorsal fin ; one long row extends from the upper angle of the operculum in a straight line to the upper part of the end of the fleshy por- tion of the tail ; a second long row reaches from the space above the pectoral fin to the lower part of the fleshy portion of the tail ; another row of large size extends along the ab- domen on each side as far as the commencement of the anal fin. The mouth is wide ; the lips fleshy ; the lower jaw the longest : a band of short and small teeth in each jaw : a VOL. II. 2 B 370 CYCLOPTERID.E. small patch of rounded teeth on the root of the tongue, with others at the pharynx : the irides a fine red ; the colour of the sides of the head and body, and all the upper parts, varying shades of dark blue, lighter blue, and purple ; the lips, under surface of the head and body, fine rich orange; all the fins tinged with the same colour. After the season of spawning is over, much of the brilliant colouring is lost for a time. UNCTUOUS SUCKER. 371 SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTELIYG1I. CYCLOPTERIDA;. • '* -^X^V*' ^ v^v '-'* THE UNCTUOUS SUCKER, OR, SEA-SNAIL. Liparis vulgaris, Sea Snail, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 190, sp. 73. ,, ,, CUVIEU, Regne An. t. ii. p. 346. ,, nostras, Sea Snail, WILLUGI-IBY, App. p. 17, H. 6, fig. 1. Cyclopterus liparis, LINN/EUS. BLOCK, pt. iv. pi. 123, fig. 3. ,, ,, Unctuous Sucker, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. Hi. p. 179, pi. 24. ,, ,, ,, ,, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 47. ,, „ Common Sea Snail, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 473. LIPARIS. Generic Characters. — Body without scales, smooth, elongated, compressed posteriorly ; a single dorsal fin rather lengthened : ventral fins united to the pectorals, and surrounding a single disk. THE UNCTUOUS SUCKER, or SEA-SNAIL, so called from the soft and slimy surface of its body, appears to be much more common in the northern parts of the British Islands than in the southern. Mr. Scoresby, and other observers, have even found it as far north as Nova Zembla and Green- land ; and specimens of it were taken in the trawl-net on the west coast of Davis's Straits during the first Arctic voyage of Captain Sir Edward Parry. This species is found on the Berwickshire coast ; and Dr. Parnell has obtained specimens in the Frith of Forth. 2 B 2 372 CYCLOPTERID.E. Mr. Low says, " The Sea-Snail is found under stones at many places in Orkney ; but in no place more frequently than that at the point of the Ness of Stromness, where they may be picked up by dozens." Yet it does not appear to be men- tioned by Professor Nilsson or Reinhardt in their accounts of the fishes of the Scandinavian shores ; nor is it included by Linnaeus in his Fauna Suecica. Mr. Donovan obtained a specimen from among a parcel of Sprats at Billingsgate fish-market : and those who recollect the wholesale mode of fishing for Sprats practised by the Stow-boatmen, as described at page 199, will not be sur- prised that many rare and curious fishes of small size are caught with the Sprats. It is also obtained on the southern coast, under stones, and in small pools of water left by the ebbing tide. Dr. Mac Culloch says this species ascends rivers from the sea to deposit its spawn, and it is frequently found near the mouths of rivers. Pennant says it is full of spawn in January, and the matured ova are said to be very large. It feeds on aquatic insects, testaceous animals, and very small fishes. The whole length of the specimen described was four inches, which is the common size of the adult of this species ; but it is said to grow much larger in the Northern Seas : the head is about one-fourth of the whole length of the fish ; the eyes widely separated, the space between them depressed ; the nose blunt ; the lips thick and fleshy ; the mouth wide, but not deeply divided. Mr. Low says it has no teeth ; but this is an oversight ; the teeth are very numerous, and small, with minutely recurved points, forming a broad rasp-like band in each jaw ; the tongue also broad, covered with pro- minent papillae ; the lower jaw rather the longest ; the gill- opening placed high up ; the form from the shoulder is compressed, and tapering all the way to the tail ; the body invested with a thin semi-transparent membrane, which en- UNCTUOUS SUCKER. 373 closes it like a bag, the fixed points being the lines of the dorsal and anal fins ; the pectoral fins are large, and the lower portions descending the side are attached to additional rays like ventral fins, which extending far forward are situ- ated exterior to the sides of the adhesive disk ; the belly tumid ; the dorsal fin begins much nearer the head than the anal fin, and both end close to the tail ; the caudal rays rather long and narrow. The fin-rays in number are — D. 36 : P. & V. 32 : A. 26 : C. 12. The colour of the body is a pale brown, irregularly striped with lines of a darker colour, which take different directions, and give a variegated appearance to the head, back, and sides ; these lines are confined to the outer thin skin, and do not appear upon the more solid surface underneath ; in this state some authors have called this species lineatus ; but these markings are not constant, and many examples are without any streaks or lines, the edges of the dorsal and anal fins only being edged with a darker colour ; the tail, and sometimes the pectoral fins, slightly barred and spotted. When kept in diluted spirit of wine, the coloured lines and characters of the species may be easily preserved ; but this fish loses both markings and size if allowed to become dry. CYCLOPTERID/E. SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYG1I. CYCLOPTERIDJE. MONTAGU'S SUCKING-FISH. DIMINUTIVE SUCKER. Liparis Montagui, Montagu's Sucker, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 190, sp. 74. ,, ,, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 346, note 2. Cyclfipterus Montagui, Diminutive Sucker, MONTAGU, Wern. Mem. vol. i. p. 91, pi. 5. ,, >, ,, ,, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 68. ,, ,, Montagu's Sucker, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 183. ,, ,, Sea Snail, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 473. THIS species of Sucking-fish, smaller in size than the one last described, was first discovered by Colonel Montagu. A drawing of it was sent by that excellent observer to Mr. Donovan, who was then publishing his Natural History of British Fishes, and with whom the specific name, referring to Colonel Montagu, originated. The first specimen obtained was of very diminutive size. Subsequently Colonel Montagu having acquired various other larger and adult specimens, published a description and figure of this species himself in the Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society, as already quoted. MONTAGU'S SUCKING-FISH. 375 This fish has since that period been found on various parts of the coast. Dr. George Johnston has obtained it in Ber- wick Bay ; Mr. Thompson has taken it on the south-western coast of Scotland, and in Belfast Bay ; it has also been taken in the south of Ireland, and it is not uncommon in Cornwall, as well as on the Devonshire coast. Colonel Montagu says this species inhabits only the rocky parts of the coast, and of course is ,rarely taken with the dredge. Those obtained by its discoverer were found at exceedingly low tides among the rocks at Milton, on the south coast of Devon. When it is adhering to a rock the posterior part of the body is frequently turned to one side, nearly parallel with the anterior part, the tail being brought close to the head. This habit of curving its body has been observed by all those who have found this species. Mr. Couch's notice of it in his MS. is as follows : — " This is a common species in the West of England, where, how- ever, it seems to wander, since at certain times it is much more rare than at others. It possesses considerable activity ; and when the tide has ebbed it is often found concealed beneath a stone, where when at rest it usually throws the tail forwards towards the head. I have never seen it adhere to any fixed substance. The young come to life in September." Montagu's Sucker, in the adult state, is from two inches and a half to three inches long : the body is rounded as far as the vent; the posterior end somewhat compressed; head broad, a little depressed, and inflated about the gills ; mouth moderately large ; both jaws armed with several rows of mi- nute teeth : eyes small, and placed high ; iricles golden ; pupils dark blue, with a single blue line descending from the eye to the angle of the mouth : the operculum angular ; the branchiostegous membrane transparent ; the pectoral and ventral fins unite ; the first is rounded ; in the last, four or five, ravs on each side invest the adhesive disk, which is sin- j ' 376 CYCLOPTERIDE. gle, small, and circular : an enlarged representation of the Sucker is here added to assist in affording the means of determining the species : the belly is very tumid ; the vent far removed behind the sucker. The dorsal fin commences farther from the head than in- the last species ; the most an- terior rays short, but gradually increasing in length form a broad fin towards the tail, where it is rounded : the anal fin shorter than the dorsal. The fin-rays in number are — D. 26 : P. & V. 29 : A. 24 : C. 12. This description is partly obtained from Montagu's paper. The prevailing colour is a dull orange, varied with occa- sional bluish tints ; the fins brighter orange red ; the lateral line perceptible by a lighter-coloured streak ; the under parts of the body, and about the throat and sucker, white, tinged with flesh colour. • COMMON REMORA. 377 SUBBRACHIAL MALACOPTERYG1I. ECHENEWsE. THE COMMON REMORA. Echeneis remora, Sucking-jish , TURTON, Brit. Faun. p. 94, sp. 38. ,, ,, Le Remora, BLOCK, pt. v. pi. 172. ,, ,, ,, CUVIEH, Regne An. t. ii. p. 347. ,, ,, Mediterranean Remora, PENN. Brit. Zool.vol. iii. App. p. 5'24. „ Common ,, JENYNS, Man. Bril. Vert. p. 473, sp. 162. ECHENEIS. Generic Characters. — Body elongated, covered with very small scales ; a single dorsal fin placed opposite the anal ; the head very flat, covered with an oval disk formed by numerous transverse cartilaginous plates, the edges of which are directed backward ; the mouth wide, with numerous small recurved teeth on both jaws, the tongue, and the vomer. DR. TURTON in his British Fauna includes this species of Sucking-fish, having taken a specimen himself at Swansea from the back of a Codfish in the summer of 1806. The species of this singular family are not numerous : Cuvier enumerates but four that are as yet made known, and another large West Indian one has been more recently 378 ECHENEID.E. described. They are immediately recognized by the flatten- ed, oval, adhesive disk, on the top of the head, by means of which they are able to attach themselves firmly to the sur- face of other fishes, or the bottoms of vessels ; but whether for protection or conveyance, or both, is a question which has not been satisfactorily ascertained. The Greeks and Romans were well acquainted with the Mediterranean species, which is the fish under present con- sideration. The length of the head, from the end of the upper jaw, which is much the shortest, to the end of the operculmn, is nearly one-fifth of the whole length of the fish ; the depth of the body about one-seventh of the whole length : the form of the head is flattened, very much depressed ; the body about the middle nearly round in form, the posterior half compressed ; the mouth is wide ; the opening nearly horizontal, with two bands of minute teeth in the elongated lower jaw, a single band on the upper jaw, with others on the tongue and vomer, all curving inwards : the eye placed about half-way between the point of the upper jaw and the rounded end of the operculum ; the gill-aperture very large ; the adhesive disk in this species contains seventeen or eighteen transverse laminae, divided by a longitudinal mesial ridge ; the disk commences just behind and above the upper lip, and extends nearly as far back as the line of the ends of the pectoral fin-rays : all the fins are covered with a dense membrane, which imparts to them the consistence of leather ; the pectoral fins are rather small and rounded ; the ventrals narrow, very close together, the inner ray of each attached to the central line of the belly by a membrane ; the dorsal and anal fins are both placed behind the mid-length of the fish, beginning and ending on the same plane ; the end of the caudal rays crescent-shaped. COMMON REMORA. 379 The fin-rays in number are — D. 21 : P. 22 : V. 4 : A. 20 : C. 20. The colour is dusky brown ; the under part of the body rather lighter than the back ; the fins darker in colour than the body. The disk of the adhesive apparatus in the specimen now described with seventeen transverse laminse was one-third of the whole length of the fish, not including the caudal rays ; the breadth one inch and one quarter. The figure on the left side of the vignette represents the outer surface of the anterior half of the disk : the margin is free, flexible, and of considerable breadth, to secure perfect contact with the surface to which it is opposed ; the parallel laminse are represented as only slightly elevated ; the degree of adhesion is in proportion to the power used to raise the inner surface of the disk in a direction perpendicular to the plane of con- tact. The figure on the right side of the vignette represents the inner surface of the posterior half of the disk. The ver- tical direction of the moveable laminse is effected by sets of muscles going off obliquely right and left from two elon- gated bony processes, one on each half of each of these move- able divisions. The contraction of these muscles, acting upon these levers, raises the external edges of the parallel divisions, increasing the area of the vacuum ; and it will be observed that the points of the moveable transverse divisions to which the muscles are attached are nearer the middle line than the outer edge, by which the chance of interfering with the perfect continuity of the free margin, and thereby de- stroying the vacuum, is diminished. All the bony laminse, the outer edges of which are furnished Avith rows of minute tooth-like projections, are moved simultaneously, like the thin vertical divisions of our common wooden window-blinds 380 CYCLOPTERID/E. by means of the mechanical contrivance on the frame-work. The longer muscles placed nearer the outer oval edge are probably instrumental in preserving the contact of the more flexible margin, and the serrated external edges of the parallel laminae help to preserve the degree of elevation ob- tained : the adhesive power, as before observed, is in propor- tion to the area of the vacuum. ^HARP-NOSED EEL. 381 APODAL MALACOl'TERYGII. MURJENID&. SHARP-NOSED EEL. Angitilla acutirostris, Sharp-nosed Eel, YARRELL, Proceed. Zool. Soc. 1831, pp. 133 and 159. Zool. Journ. vol. iv. p. 469. ,, omnium autorum, WILLUGHBY, p. 109, G. 5. „ acutirostris, Sharp-nosed Eel, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 474, sp. 163. L'Anguille, O * Common Eel, Mnrtena anguilla, » ii Anguilla vulgar is, Long-bee, Common Eel, LINN/F.US. BLOCK, pt. iii. pi. 73. PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 191. FLEM. Brit. An. p. 199, sp. 109. CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 349. BOWDICH, Brit. Fr. Wat. Fish. No. 7. ANGUILLA. Generic Characters. — Body cylindrical, elongated, covered with a thick and smooth skin ; the scales very small ; lubricated with copious mucous secretion ; mouth with a row of teeth in each jaw, and a few on the anterior part of the vomer ; pectoral fins close to a small branchial aperture ; no ventral fins ; dorsal fin, anal fin, and caudal fin united. BARON CUVIER, in this family of the Mureenid^ or Eel- shaped Fishes, which includes several genera forming his fourth order, has brought together those fishes with soft fins which have an elongated form of body : they are also destitute of ventral fins, and are in consequence called Apo- dal. The genus Anguilla, including our common Eels, is the first of this order. 382 IMUR,ENID,E. The general appearance of the Eel is so well known, and so unlike that of most other fishes, as to require but a slight description ; yet it was not till a period of very modern date that naturalists became acquainted with the fact that the fresh waters of several countries produce three or four dis- tinct species which had previously been confounded together. Thus the first edition of the Regne Animal, published in 1817, included but one species of common fresh-water Eel as well known : the second edition, published in 1829, con- tains a short notice of four different species ; three of which, if not all four, are found in this country. The form of the Eel, resembling that of the serpent, has long excited a prejudice against it, which exists in some coun- tries even to the present time ; and its similarity to snakes has even been repeated by those, who, from the advantages of education, and their acquirements in natural history, might have been supposed capable of drawing more accurate con- clusions. There is but little similarity in the snake and the Eel except in the external form of the body : the important internal organs of the two animals, and the character of the skeleton, are most decidedly different. Eels are in reality a valuable description of fish : their flesh is excellent as food ; they are very numerous, very prolific, and are found in almost every part of the world. The various species are hardy, tenacious of life, and very easily preserved. In this country they inhabit almost all our rivers, lakes, and ponds ; they are in great esteem for the table, and the con- sumption in our large cities is very considerable. The Lon- don market is principally supplied from Holland by Dutch fishermen. There are two companies in Holland, having five vessels each : their vessels are built with a capacious well, in which large quantities of Eels are preserved alive till wanted. One or more of these vessels may be constantly seen lying off Billingsgate ; the others go to Holland for SHARP-NOSED EEL. fresh supplies, each bringing a cargo of 15,000 to 20,000 pounds'' weight of live Eels, for which the Dutch merchant pays a duty of 13/. per cargo for his permission to sell. Eels and Salmon are the only fish sold by the pound weight in the London market. Eels are not only numerous, but they are also in great request, in many other countries. Ellis, in his Polynesian Researches, vol. ii. page 286, says, " In Otaheite, Eels are great favourites, and are tamed and fed until they attain an enormous size. These pets are kept in large holes, two or three feet deep, partially filled with water. On the sides of these pits they generally remained, excepting when called by the person who fed them. I have been several times with the young chief, when he has sat down by the side of the hole, and, by giving a shrill sort of whistle, has brought out an enormous Eel, which has moved about the surface of the water, and eaten with confidence out of its master's hand." At a meeting of the Wernerian Natural History Society of Edinburgh, held in January last, Professor Jameson, P. in the chair. Mr. Walter C. Trevelyan read an account of the habits of some tame Eels. In a small pond in a walled gar- den at Craigo, the seat of David Carnegie, Esq. near Mon- trosc, these Eels have been kept for nine or ten years. They lie torpid during the whole winter, except the sun be shining- bright, when they will occasionally come out from their hiding-place under some loose stones, and sprawl about the bottom of the pond, but refuse to take any food. The 26th of April was the first day in 1840 that they rose for worms ; but they eat sparingly until the warm weather begins, when they become quite insatiable : one of them will then swallow twenty-seven large worms one after the other. When they were first put into the pond, and had no food given to them, they devoured one another. They generally lie quietly at the bottom of the pond, except when any of the family go 38-t MURENID.E. and look into it, when they invariably rise to the surface, sometimes for food, and at others merely to play with the hand, or take the fingers into their mouths. About the month of August they become very restless, and take every opportunity of the pond overflowing from rain to get out ; when sought for in the garden, on these occasions, they are invariably found travelling eastwards (the direction of the sea, which is about four miles from Craigo). Towards the end of August, or beginning of September, they retire to their winter retreat under the stones. Whether they breed in this pond or not is uncertain ; but on clearing it out last summer a few very small Eels were discovered, and how else they could have found their way there is not easy to conjec- ture, as there is a fine rose on the mouth of the pipe by which the water enters. From their rapacity, shown in de- vouring their companions, — some Goldfish, — it is possible they may eat the greater part of their own small fry. — Edin. New. Phil. Journ.for April 1841, p. 439. " Most of the writers on the habits of the Eel have de- scribed them as making two migrations in each year : one in the autumn to the sea ; the other in. spring, or at the begin- ning of summer, from the sea. The autumn migration is performed by adult Eels, and is believed to be for the pur- pose of depositing their spawn ; it is also said that these parent fish never return up the rivers. The spring migration is commonly supposed to be confined to very small Eels, not more than three inches in length, and in reference to the fry alone, it is too well known, and too often recorded, to be matter of doubt. The passage of countless hundreds of young Eels has been seen and described as occurring in the Thames,* the Severn, the Parrett, the Dee, and the Ban. * See an excellent account by Dr. William Roots, of Kingston, published in the second series of Gleanings in Natural History, by Edward Jesse, Esq. p. -50. SHARP-NOSED EEL. 385 I am, however, of opinion, that the passage of adult Eels to the sea, or rather to the brackish water of the estuary, is an exercise of choice, and not a matter of necessity ; and that the parent Eels return up the river as well as the fry." " All authors agree that Eels are extremely averse to cold. There are no Eels in the arctic regions, — none in the rivers of Siberia, the Wolga, nor even in some of the tributaries of the Danube ; yet the rivers of the southern parts of Europe produce four species. There is no doubt that fishes in general, and Eels in particular, are able to appreciate even minute alterations in the temperature of the water they inhabit. The mixed water they seek to remain in during the colder months of the year is of a higher temperature than the pure fresh water of the river, or that of the sea. It is a well- known law in chemistry, that when two fluids of different densities come in contact, the temperature of the mixture is elevated for a time in proportion to the difference in the density of the two fluids, from the mutual penetration and condensation. Such a mixture is constantly taking place at the mouths of rivers that run into the sea, and the mixed water maintains a temperature two degrees warmer than that of the river or the sea. This elevation in the temperature of the water of estuaries and the mouths of rivers is, I have no doubt, one reason why they in general abound in young fish." In a tideway river the descent of the Eels towards the brackish water takes place during the autumn, and various devices are employed in different streams to intercept them in their progress. The figure given on the next page repre- sents the form of an apparatus used in various parts of the Thames, called an Eelbuck, consisting of a framework of wood supporting various wicker-baskets of a particular form. The large open end of each basket is opposed to the stream, and by the peculiar structure of the inside, any fish once within the body of the basket cannot escape. VOL. n. 2 c 386 MUR.ENID.E. During the cold months of the year Eels remain imbedded in mud ; and large quantities are frequently taken by Eel- spears in the soft soils of harbours and banks of rivers, from which the tide recedes, and leaves the surface exposed for several hours every day. The Eels bury themselves twelve or sixteen inches deep, near the edge of the navigable chan- nel, and generally near some of the many land-drains, the water of which continues to run in its course over the mud into the channel during the whole time the tide is out. In Somersetshire the people know how to find the holes in the banks of rivers in which Eels are laid up, by the hoar-frost not lying over them as it does elsewhere, and dig them out in heaps. The practice of searching for Eels in mud in cold weather is not con- fined to this country ; Dr. Mitchell, in his paper on the Fishes of New York, published in the Transactions of the Li- terary and Philosophical Society of that city, says, " In the winter Eels lie con- cealed in the mud, and are taken in great numbers by spears." Thus imbedded in SHARP-NOSED EEL. 387 mud, in a state of torpidity, the Eel indicates a low degree of respiration. Dr. Marshall Hall has shown that the quan- tity of respiration is inversely as the degree of irritability. With a high degree of irritability and a low respiration, co- exist— 1st. The power of sustaining the privation of air and of food ; 2nd. A low animal temperature ; 3rd. Little acti- vity ; 4th. Great tenacity of life. All these peculiarities Eels are well known to possess. The high degree of irri- tability of the muscular fibre explains the restless motions of Eels during thunder-storms, and helps to account for the enormous captures made in some rivers by the use of gratings, boxes, and eel-pots or baskets, which imprison all that enter. The power of enduring the effects of a low temperature is shown by the fact, that Eels exposed on the ground till frozen, then buried in snow, and at the end of four days put into water, and so thawed slowly, discovered gradually signs of life, and soon perfectly recovered. The mode by which young Eels are produced appears to have long been a subject of inquiry, and the notions of the ancients as well as of some of the moderns were numerous and fanciful. Aristotle believed that they sprang from the mud ; Pliny, from fragments which were separated from their bodies by rubbing against rocks ; others supposed that they proceeded from the carcasses of animals ; Helmont believed that they came from May-dew, and might be obtained by the following process : — " Cut up two turfs covered with May- dew, and lay one upon the other, the grassy sides inwards, and thus expose them to the heat of the sun ; in a few hours there will spring from them an infinite quantity of Eels." Horse-hair from the tail of a stallion, when deposited in water, was formerly believed to be a never-failing source of a supply of young Eels. It was long considered certain that they were viviparous : this belief had its origin probably in the numerous worms that are frequently to be found in various 2 c 2 388 MUR/ENID^E. parts of the bodies of Eels, sometimes in the serous cavities, at others in the intestinal canal. Rudolphi has enumerated eight different species of entozoa common to fresh-water Eels. The enormous number of young known to be produced by Eels is a good negative proof that they are oviparous ; vivi- parous fishes producing, on the contrary, but few young at a time, and these too of considerable size when first excluded. Having devoted time and attention to the close examination of numbers of Eels for many months in succession, the fur- ther details of which will be found in Mr. Jesse's second series of Gleanings in Natural History, I need only here repeat my belief that Eels are oviparous, producing their young like other true bony fishes. " The sexual organ consists of two long narrow sacs ex- tending one on each side of the air-bladder throughout the whole length of the abdominal cavity, and continued for two inches posterior to the vent. The membranes forming this tubular sac, secreting on the inner surface the milt of the male, and affording attachment for the ova in the female, are puckered or gathered along the line of junction to the peri- toneal covering of the spine, and the free or loose floating edo-e is therefore thrown into creases or plaits like a frill. It O * is probably from this folded or convoluted appearance the sexual organs of the Eel have frequently been called fringes. By the kindness of my friends Mr. Clift and Mr. Owen, of the Royal College of Surgeons, I have had the pleasure of seeing some drawings belonging to the collection of John Hunter, in which these peculiarities of the sexual organs in the Eel are beautifully exhibited in various magnified repre- sentations." These representations are now published. Dr. Mitchell of New York, whose paper on Fishes has been already referred to, says, " the roes or ovaria of Eels may be seen by those Avho will look for them in the proper season, like those of other fishes." SHARP-NOSED EEL. 389 Eels that have lain in brackish water all the winter under the constant influence of the higher temperature of that locality, probably deposit their spawn earlier in the spring than those which have passed the winter in places from which there existed for them no possible egress. In the Mole, the Wey, the Longford river, and in some large ponds, the Eels in the spring of 1883 did not deposit their spawn till near the end of April ; but in two Eels from Sheerness received and examined on the 18th of May, the internal appearances induced me to believe that the roes had been passed some time. How long the ova remain deposited before the young Eel is produced, is, I believe, unknown. The duration of this interval is very variable in different fishes. The roe of the Herring, deposited at the end of October or the beginning of November, is said to become living fry within three weeks : the ova of Eels, the produce of which is very small, do not probably require a longer period. Both the parent Eels and the fry occupying the brackish water appear to have the power of going either to the salt water or to the fresh without inconvenience, from the previous preparation which the respiratory organs have undergone, and many of both are found in pure sea water : the great bulk of the young, however, certainly ascend the stream of the river, and their annual appearance in certain places is looked for with some interest. The passage of young Eels up the Thames at Kingston in the year 1832 commenced on the 30th of April, and lasted till the 4th of May ; but I believe I am correct in stating that few young Eels were observed to pass up the Thames either in the year 1834 or 1835. Some notion may be formed of the quantity of young Eels, each about three inches long, that pass up the Thames in the spring, and in other rivers at the beginning of summer, from the circumstance that it was calculated by two observers of the progress of the young Eels at Kingston 390 MUB.ENID.E. in 1832, that from sixteen to eighteen hundred passed a given point in the space of one minute of time. This pas- sage of young Eels is called Ed-fare on the banks of the Thames, — the Saxon word signifying to go, to pass, to tra- vel ;* and I have very little doubt that the term Elver, in common use on the banks of the Severn for a young Eel, is a modification or corruption of Eel-fare. " When the Elvers appear in the Severn, they are taken in great quantities with sieves of hair cloth, or even with a common basket, and, after being scoured and boiled, are offered for sale. They are either fried in cakes or stewed, and are accounted very delicious." There is no doubt that Eels occasionally quit the water, and when grass meadows are wet from dew, or other causes, travel during the night over the moist surface in search of frogs and other suitable food, or to change their situation. Some ponds continually produce Eels, though the owners of these ponds are most desirous of keeping the water free from Eels, from a knowledge of their destructive habits to- wards the spawn and fry of other fishes. Other ponds into which Eels have been constantly introduced are obnoxious to them from some quality in the water ; and they are known to leave such places during the night, and have been found on their passage to other retreats. Dr. Hastings, in his Illus- trations of the Natural History of Worcestershire, says at page 134 : " I will here mention a curious confirmation of the opinion in favour of the overland migration of Eels. A relative of the late Mr. Perrott was out in his park with his keeper near a large piece of water, on a very beautiful even- ing, when the keeper drew his attention to a fine Eel quietly ascending the bank of the pool, and with an undulating * A pedestrian on the road is called " a way-faring man ;" and hence, also, the price for travelling by a conveyance is called " the fare." We have also " thoroughfare," &c. SHARP-NOSED EEL. 39? motion making its way through the long grass : on further observation he perceived a considerable number of Eels qui- etly proceeding to a range of stews, nearly the distance of a quarter of a mile from the large piece of water from whence they started. The stews were supplied by a rapid brook, and in all probability the instinct of the fish led them in that direction as a means of finding their way to some large river from whence their ultimate destination, the sea, might be obtained. This circumstance took place at Sandford Park, near Enstone." That Eels breed also in the fresh water of inland rivers and lakes from which they are unable to visit the sea, is, I believe, certain. A constant supply for the table is obtained throughout the winter in these localities, as well as at other seasons, by gamekeepers and fishermen, who have charge of waters thus situated ; and no doubt exists in their minds that these Eels are bred in the places from which they are ob- tained, and of which the great variation that occurs in the size is an additional proof. The Eel is a voracious feeder during certain months of the year. In winter the stomachs of those which I examined were empty ; by the middle of March I found the stomachs of others distended with the larvse of various insects, and the bones of small fishes. They are known to consume a large quantity of spawn, and will attack large Carp, seizing them by the fins, though without the power of doing them further injury. Occasionally they eat vegetable substances, and have been seen swimming about the surface of water, cropping the leaves of small aquatic plants. By means of a long and capacious air-bladder, Eels rise to various elevations in the water with great ease, and sometimes swim very high even in deep water. When Whitebait-fishing in the Thames, I once caught an Eel in the net in twenty-six feet depth of 392 MUB/ENID.E. water, though the Whitebait-net does not clip more than about three feet below the surface. Eels appear to be slow of growth, not attaining greater length than twelve inches during the first year, and do not mature roe till the second or third year. The sharp-nosed species, however, acquires a large size. I saw at Cambridge the preserved skins of two which weighed together fifty pounds ; the heaviest twenty-seven pounds, the second twen- ty-three pounds. They were taken on draining a fen-dyke at Wisbeach. No other fish of any sort was found in that dyke. Ely is said to have been so named from rents being for- merly paid in Eels : the lords of manors in the isle were annually entitled to more than 100,000 Eels. A stich or stick of Eels was twenty-five ; and the practice of stringing Eels on tough slender willow-twigs, put in at the gill-aperture and out at the mouth, still prevails in Dorsetshire among those who carry Eels about for sale from house to house one, two, or three pounds1 weight being thus strung on a stick, to suit different customers. El more on the Severn obtained its name from the immense number of Eels which are taken there. In a Sharp-nosed Eel of twenty-two inches in length, three distances taken from the point of the lower jaw arc to SHARP-NOSED EEL. 393 the whole length of the Eel as follows : — to the upper part of the base of the pectoral fin, as two to seventeen ; to the com- mencement of the dorsal fin, as two to seven ; and to the com- mencement of the anal fin, as nine to twenty-two. In a Sharp-nosed Eel of twenty inches in length, the pectoral fin will be almost one inch, and the vent more than an inch, nearer the head than the same parts in a Broad-nosed Eel of the same length. The head is compressed, the top convex, depressed as it slopes forward : the eye small, placed immediately over the angles of the mouth ; irides reddish yellow : the jaws very narrow, slightly rounded at the end ; the lower jaw the long- est : nostrils with two openings on each side, one tubular, the other a simple orifice ; both jaws furnished with a narrow band of small teeth ; gape small ; various mucous pores about the mouth and other parts of the head ; gill-open- ing a small aperture immediately before and rather below the origin of the pectoral fin ; the scales on the body rather small : dorsal fin extending over more than two-thirds of the whole length of the fish ; anal fin occupying more than half of the whole length ; both united at the end, forming a tail ; the number of rays in the fins not easily ascertained, from the thickness of the skin ; the lateral line exhibits a long series of mucous orifices; vertebrae 113. The vent includes four distinct openings, the most anterior of which leads upwards to the intestine, the posterior to the urinary bladder in a direction backwards, and one elongated lateral opening on each side communicating with the cavity of the abdomen, as in other bony fishes. The cranium on the right hand of the three, figured at page 401, is that of the Sharp-nosed Eel. The prevailing colour of all the upper surface is a dark olivaceous green ; the sides lighter ; the belly white. When the fish arc obtained from pure streams, the colours arc clear 394- MUR.ENIDE. and bright, and it is called a Silver Eel ; when taken from water over a muddy bottom, the colours are brown and dusky. Dr. Marshall Hall, in 1831, while pursuing some physiolo- gical investigations on the circulation of the blood in various reptiles and fishes, observed a pulsating sac near the tail of the Eel. The form, action, and connexions of this sac are best seen under the microscope. A young Eel of six or seven inches in length, if rolled up in a strip of linen cloth, leaving out a small portion only of the tail, will remain quiet when placed on a long slip of glass, or may be tied to it with thread. The pulsation observed in this sac is entirely inde- pendent of the action or influence of the heart, and the num- ber of beats more than double in the same period of time ; thev also continue after the heart has been removed. Some •/ Continental physiologists have ascertained that these pulsating sacs, which are found in the frog, the toad, the salamander, and the green lizard,* contain lymph, and direct its motion, and they have accordingly called them lymphatic hearts. They are only observed in connexion with veins. " Such is," says Dr. Miiller, " the pulsating organ discovered by Dr. Marshall Hall at the end of the vena caudalis of the Eel, where that organ receives the venous branches of the extremity of the tail, and conducts its blood into the vena caudalis. But organs of pulsation in the lymphatic system have hitherto been altogether unknown ; it is not probable that they should exist only in amphibia, and important dis- coveries of a similar nature in the higher animals, such as birds and mammalia, may be expected ; my researches, as regards these, have however been hitherto unsuccessful.1' In another part of his paper, Dr. Miiller observes, " I have never discovered a trace of motion in the cysterna chyli and ductus thoracicus of mammalia." * See a paper in the Philosophical Transactions for 1833, by Dr. John MUllev, Professor of Physiology in the University of Bonn. SHARP-NOSED EEL. 395 In a conversation with Mr. Owen on this subject, he sug- gested, that as the valves of the lymphatic vessels are very few and imperfect in reptiles and fishes, especially in the latter, these pulsating sacs would seem to be superadded as a com- pensating power in the absence of that mechanism which impresses a definite direction and an unintermitting flow upon the currents of the lymph in the higher vertebrata, especially mammalia. I am indebted to the kindness of Dr. Marshall Hall for permission to copy the excellent illustration of this structure in the tail of the Eel, from his very interesting critical and experimental essay on the circulation of the blood. In the vignette the arrow-heads indicate the direction of the currents. 396 MUR.ENID.E. APODAL MALACOPTERYGJI. MURJENIDJE, THE BROAD-NOSED EEL. Anguilla latirostris, Broad-nosed Eel, YARRELL, ProceeJ. Zool. Soc. 1831. pp. 133 and 159. Zool. Journ. vol. iv. p. 469. ,, ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 476, sp. 164. CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 349. BOWDICH, Brit. Fr.Wat. Fish, No. 22. A. pimperneanr, Glut Eel, THE BROAD-NOSED EEL is almost as common a species as the Sharp-nosed Eel, but is immediately distinguished from it by the much greater comparative breadth of the head ; the representation at the top of the page is therefore confined to that part of the fish which exhibits the best distinctions; and the vignette to the Snig Eel, page 401, represents in the left-hand figure of the three heads the cra- nium of the Broad-nosed Eel, to show this character as it exists in the bone. This Eel is the Grig or Glut Eel of Pennant, who says, " They have a larger head, blunter nose, and thicker skin than the common sort." It is, probably, also the Frog-mouthed Eel of the Severn, referred to by Dr. Hastings, in his Natural History of Worcestershire, BROAD-NOSED EEL. 397 page 135, and so called by the fishermen from the extraordi- nary width of the mouth. In its habits the Broad-nosed Eel has not been distin- guished by any peculiarity that I am aware of from the other common Eel ; but it does not appear to attain so large a size, the largest I have seen not exceeding five pounds in weight. It exists in many of the waters which produce the Sharp- nosed Eel, is much thicker in the body in proportion to its length, and fishermen can distinguish this species readily when fishing in the dark by its more soft and unctuous feel in the hand. The term Grig is, however, in and about London, ap- plied to a particular Eel of small size, of which the figure here introduced represents the head. This Eel is the An- guille plat-bee of Cuvier, Regne Animal, torn. ii. p. 349, who considers it a distinct species. It is the Grig Eel also of Mrs. Bowdiclis British Fresh Water Fishes, No. 28, in which work the three Eels already spoken of here are well figured ; and the species were considered by Cuvier as iden- tical with those of the Regne Animal. The name Grig is also applied by Thames fishermen to any small-sized Eel of any species when not longer than eight or nine inches, and of which eight or ten are required to make up a pound weight. In a Broad-nosed Eel of twenty-two inches in length, three distances taken from the point of the lower jaw are to the whole length as follows : — to the upper part of the base 398 MUR.£NID,E. of the pectoral fin, as two to thirteen ; to the commencement of the dorsal fin, as one to three ; and to the commencement of the anal fin, as ten to twenty-two. The Broad-nosed Eel has the head rounded at the back part, and flattened from the eyes forward ; both jaws broad and blunt ; the lower jaw the widest, and longer than the upper : nostrils double, one tubular, the other a plain orifice ; the gape large ; lips fleshy : teeth more numerous than in either of the other British fresh-water species, larger, strong- er, and forming a much broader band in each jaw : the eyes large, placed before the line of the gape ; irides golden yel- low : the gill-openings, pectoral fins, the commencement of the dorsal fin, and the vent, placed farther back than in the Sharp-nosed Eel ; dorsal and anal fins also much deeper and thicker ; the tail broad and rounded ; the body of the fish thicker for the same length than in other Eels : the number ofvertebrse 115. The colour of the upper surface of the body is a dark- greenish brown, subject to some variation, depending on lo- cality, soil, and the quality of the water. SNIG. APODAL MALACOPTERYGII. MUR&NID1E. THE SNIG. Anguilla mediurostris, Snig Eel, YARRELL. Jesse, Glean. Nat. Hist. 2nd Series, pp. 75 and 76. ,, ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 477, sp. 165. I AM indebted to the kindness of Mr. Jesse, and his friend, Francis Mills, Esq. for the first specimens of this Eel I have seen ; and from some differences in its exter- nal characters, in its habits, and also in the comparative size of the head, as well as some peculiarity in the five cervical ver- tebra that are nearest the head, I believe it to be a different species from either of those previously described in this work. The specimens I have had were from the Avon in Hamp- shire, where this Eel, rather remarkable for its yellow colour, is called the Snig, and is considered distinct from the other well-known and more common Eels. Dr. Hastings, in the Appendix to his Illustrations of the Natural History of Worcestershire, page 135, says, that besides an Eel called the Frog-mouthed Eel by the fisher- men, from the extraordinary width of the mouth, — identical, probably, with the Broad-nosed Eel of this work, — " there are two distinct kinds of Eels in the Worcestershire Avon, the Silver and Yellow Eel,"" which last may be similar to the Snig of the Avon of Hampshire. 400 MUR.ENID.K. The term Snig, it should however be stated, is in some counties a general name for any sort of Eel ; and a particular mode of fishing for Eels, which is described in most of the works on Angling, is called Sniggling. The Hampshire Snig differs from our other Eels in its habit of roving and feeding during the day, which other Eels do not. It is considered excellent as an article of food, and of a superior flavour to other Eels : it does not however attain a large size, seldom exceeding half a pound in weight. The fishermen make a certain difference in the mode of placing their eel-pots when they are desirous of catching Snigs ; finding by long experience that the Snigs get into those pots the mouths of which are set in the opposite direc- tion, in reference to the stream, to others in which the com- mon Eels are taken. In the comparative breadth of the nose, the Snig is inter- mediate in reference to the Sharp and Broad-nosed Eels, but rather more resembles that with the sharp nose ; it has a slight but elongated depression extending from the anterior edge of the upper jaw to the upper and back part of the head ; the tubular openings of the nostrils are longer, and the mucous pores about the lips larger and more conspicuous ; both jaws rounded at their extremities, the lower one the longest ; teeth longer and stronger than in the common sharp- nosed species ; gape large ; the angle and the posterior edge of the eye on the same vertical line ; the pectoral fins, the commencement of the dorsal fin, and the vent, are each placed nearer the head than in either of our fresh-water Eels. The general colour olive green above, passing by a lighter green to yellowish white below. Desirous of obtaining internal characters of distinction among our fresh- water Eels, I prepared skeletons of each species, selecting three examples that measured exactly the SNIG. 401 same length, in order to afford a more just comparison. The vignette at the bottom of the page represents correctly the relative size and power of bone in each species. The cra- nium on the left is that of the Broad-nosed Eel ; that in the middle is from the Snig ; the head on the right hand is from the Sharp-nosed Eel. It is obvious that each is able to overcome a larger and more powerful victim as food than the other. It will also be seen, that independent of some difference in the length and form of some of the bones, as well as in the size of the head in the middle, belonging to the Snig, as compared with that on either side, there is a cha- racteristic distinction in the form of the bones of the verte- bral column. The first five cervical vertebrae are smooth and round, entirely destitute of superior or lateral spinous processes, both of which are possessed by the other two, of a size corresponding to the character of the vertebral bone it- self to which it belongs. With this exception, the skeleton of the Snig most resembles that of the Sharp-nosed Eel ; but is somewhat stronger, and particularly so in the processes of the other vertcbrse generally. 402 MUR/ENID.E. APODAL MALACOPTERYGIl. MURJENIDA. THE CONGER. Conger vulgaris, Le Congre, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 350. Conger, WILLUGHBY, p. Ill, G. 6. Murtzna Conger, ,, LINNJEUS. BLOCH, pt. v. pi. 155. ,, ,, Conger Eel, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 196. ,, ,, ,, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 119. ,, ,, ,, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 200, sp. 110. Anguilla ,, ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 478. CONGEH. Generic Characters. — The dorsal fin commences much nearer the head than in the fresh-water Eels ; the upper jaw the longest ; in other respects resembling the genus Anguilla. THE CONGER EEL is a marine species well known on all the rocky parts of the coast of the British Islands, but nowhere more abundant than on the coast of Cornwall. Mr. Low says, " It is found very frequently round the Orkney Islands : some are caught at the fishermen's lines ; but the otter is by far the most successful in killing Congers. He brings them ashore, and eats but a very small part, leaving the rest for the next comer ; and where his haunts are known, the country people are very careful every morning to search for the remains of the night, and are seldom disap- rONuER. 403 pointed, but find Cod, Ling sometimes, but especially Con- gers, which are oftener seen amongst the deep hollows of the rocks than farther to sea." Dr. Neill and Dr. Parncll say this species is taken in the Forth, and finds a ready sale in Edinburgh market. The Conger is frequently caught at various rocky parts of our eastern coast, and I have known specimens of large size taken in winter about the mouth of the Thames. Congers are caught by bulters, or long-lines, and hand-lines — modes of fishing already described, and the most esteemed bait is the sandlauncc. " So well assured," says Colonel Montagu, " are the French fishermen of the advantage derived from the use of this little fish, that the fishing-boats in times of peace run over from the coast about Dieppe to Slapton Bay, on the south coast of Devon, on purpose to purchase launcc ; and for that purpose 'alone do some of our fishermen keep fine nets for the purpose of supplying bait to these foreigners, for which they obtain about twenty-pence the bushel. Some principal Conger banks lie off the French coast, from which a prodigious quantity are taken to feed the poorer classes on maigre days. The principal fishery for Congers in this country is on the Cornish coast ; where, according to Mr. Couch, it is not uncommon for a boat with three men to bring on shore from five hundred weight to two tons, the fishing being performed during the night ; for this fish will not readily take a bait by day, and even on moonlight nights it is more shy than when in the dark, except in deep water. The most usual bait with the Cornish fishermen is a Pilchard. The Congers that keep among rocks hide themselves in crevices, where they are not unfrequently left by the retiring tide ; but in situations free from rocks, Congers hide themselves by bur- rowing in the ground. The flesh is not in much estimation, but meets a ready sale at a low price among the lower classes. Formerly a 2 D 2 4()i MUR.ENID.E. very considerable quantity was prepared by drying in a par- ticular manner, and exported to Spain : Bayonne also re- ceived a part. When thus dried, the flesh was ground or grated to powder, and in this state was used to thicken soup. Congers spawn in December or January ; and the dis- tinction of the sexes is obvious on the examination of the roe during the cold months. Small ones, about the size of a man's finger, are found among rocks, close to land, during the summer. The small Eels which ascend the Severn in such numbers in the spring, and were considered by Wil- lughby and Pennant as the young of the Conger, are in reality the young of fresh-water Eels. The adult fish is most voracious, not sparing even those of its own species. From the stomach of a specimen weigh- ing twenty-five pounds, I took three common Dabs, and a young Conger of three feet in length. The power of the jaws in this fish is very great : in the stomach of small spe- cimens examined on the coast, I have found the strong tes- taceous coverings of our shell-fish comminuted to fragments. They are often tempted by the Crustacea entrapped in the lobster-pots to enter those decoys in order to feed on them, and are thus frequently captured. Congers acquire a very large size. Specimens weighing eighty-six pounds, one hundred and four pounds, and even one hundred and thirty-pounds, have been recorded, some of them measuring more than ten feet long, and eighteen inches in circumference. They possess great strength, and often prove very formidable antagonists if assailed among rocks, or when drawn into a boat on a line. Three measurements taken from the point of the nose, as in the fresh-water species, give the following proportions in reference to the whole length : — the distance to the origin of the pectoral fin is as two to thirteen ; to the commencement of the dorsal fin, as one to five ; and to the vent, as two to five. The head is long and depressed : the upper jaw the long- CONGER. est ; both jaws furnished with strong teeth, forming a broad band in each : the lips fleshy : the nostrils double ; the most anterior near the edge of the lip, and tubular ; the other a simple orifice : numerous mucous pores about the parts of the mouth and head : the mouth deeply divided, making the gape long ; the angle forming a tangent with the posterior edge of the pupil : the eyes large ; body nearly cylindrical ; dorsal fin commencing immediately behind the pectorals, ex- tending along four-fifths of the whole length of the body ; anal fin commencing immediately behind the vent, and ex- tending along three-fifths of the whole, and joining the dor- sal fin, forms a pointed tail. The colour of the upper surface of the body is a uniform pale brown, becoming lighter on the lower part of the sides, and passing into dull white underneath ; the dorsal and anal fins whitish, edged with black ; lateral line almost white ; but the colour varies, depending on the situation from which the Conger has been taken. The notion entertained by some, that river Eels on going to the sea remain there and become Congers, scarcely requires a serious remark. No one who looks for specific distinctions can fail to observe them when comparing either of our fresh- water Eels with the Conger. These differences, which extend to colour, form of body, and situation of fins, receive further confirmation on examining their internal structure : indepen- dent of comparative difference of relative position in some of the most important of the viscera, the greatest number of vertebra) found in our fresh- water Eels is 116, those of the Conger amount to 156. In the beginning of February of the present year, 1841, large quantities of the Sharp-nosed Eel were killed by frost in the river Logan at Belfast, in the Bay at Dundalk, and also in the Lee below Cork : the last were Conger Eels. A similar occurrence took place in January 181-1. — Sec Annals of Nat. Hist. vol. vii. pp. 75 and 236. MURKNID.F. APODAL MALACOPTERYG11. MVR2EMDJE. THE MUR^ENA. Murana Helena, LINNJEUS. BLOCH, pt. v. pi. 152. ,, La Mure/ig, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. j>. 352. ,, ,, The MurM APODAL MALACOPTERYG1L MURXNIDJE. - *.-r. •--•••- *-~ ~m~/3r • •-•••• •••••• I .- ; . - -. _• THE ANGLESEY MORRIS. Leptocephalus Morrisii, Anglesey Munis, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. hi. p. 212, pi. 28. ,, ,, ,, ,, MONTAGU, Wern. Mem. vol. ii. p. 436, pi. 22, f. 1. FI.EM. Brit. An. p. 200, sp. 111. ,, ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 480. ,, ,, Le Leptocephale, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 358. LEPTOCEPHALUS. Generic Characters. — Head small and short; teeth numer- ous ; pectoral fins and gill-opening very small ; body compressed and very thin, tape-like ; dorsal and anal fins small, united at the tail, forming a point. THIS species was discovered in the sea near Holyhcad by Mr. William Morris, who sent the specimen to Pennant, by whom it was named after his friend. Pennant subsequently sent the same specimen to Gronovius, who described it under the generic name of Leptocephalus^ in reference to the small size of the head. Any doubts which might formerly have been raised as to the real existence of such a species, to which Colonel Montagu has alluded, must have ceased to exist, as this fish has now been taken and recognised in various localities. Pennant, in his first description, perhaps from the state of his specimen, was not aware of all the characters this delicate fish possesses ; but Colonel Montagu has well described and given a figure 410 JIUR.ENID.E. of it in the Werncrian Memoirs, as quoted. More than twenty specimens have within a few years been taken at dif- ferent parts of the coast of England, Wales, and Ireland. By the kindness of Mr. Couch, I possess three examples that were taken in Cornwall ; and from Mr. William Thompson, of Belfast, we learn that five or six specimens have been ob- tained by him and his collecting friends. There is also an interesting account of this fish, with a good figure, in the sixth volume of Mr. London's Magazine of Natural History, page 830, by H. V. Deere, Esq. who states that his specimen, to all appearance dead, was brought to him by a Devonshire fisherman, who had carried it in his pocket, wrapped in brown paper, for three hours. After this gentleman had held the fish in his hand for about a minute, examining it, symptoms of life appeared, and then the little animal was placed in a tumbler of salt and water, where it survived its incarceration in brown paper for several hours. Its appearance is described as most pleasing, from its semitransparent and silvery hue, its prominent eye, and graceful motions. It is usually found among seaweed. I carefully dissected off the whole of one side from one of the three specimens sent me by Mr. Couch, laying bare the vertebral column and the intestinal canal. The bones form- ing the vertebrae have no spinous processes whatever, either superior or inferior ; the angles of the ascending and de- scending oblique indented striae, visible on the external sur- face of the skin, mark the points of union of the different vertebrae ; the oblique muscles' between the strice are attached to the bodies of the bones forming the column ; the margin all round each vertebral bone is opaque, but the centre or body of each is transparent. The intestine is a single straight canal of small calibre, reaching from the head to the vent; after passing from the posterior part of the head, it descends to the abdominal line, ANGLESEY MORRIS. M 1 wliich it traverses without convolution to the vent. This canal may be distinctly seen in the perfect fish when placed flat on a slip of glass, and looked at against a good light, particularly the descending portion from the head to the level of the abdominal line. The head is small, short, and rather blunt : the eyes large ; hides silvery, the pupil dark : the lower jaw slender ; teeth in both jaws, numerous and minute ; gill-openings and pec- toral fins very small ; the body behind the head becomes deeper, very much compressed, as thin as tape, and when rendered opaque by the effect of a mixture of spirit of wine and water, which is the best mode of preserving them, this fish very much resembles a piece of a tape worm. The dorsal fin commences rather before the middle of the whole length of the fish ; the anal fin rather behind it ; and both extend to the tail, where they are united, and end in a point. These fin-like appendages have the appearance of an extension of the skin, and are so delicate that it is not always easy to decide where they do begin, or may be called fin ; the dorsal and abdominal margins, as well as the lateral line, exhibit a series of small black specks : the obliquely striated appearance of the sides has been already referred to. The general colour is most like that of opal. I have had opportunities of examining specimens from the Mediterranean which were identical with those from Cornwall, as well as those described and figured in the English works already referred to. M. Risso includes but one species in his fishes of Southern Europe and the Environs of Nice, which he has named Leptocephalus Spallanzani, torn. iii. p. 205 ; but the description so exactly accords with English specimens, that I have no doubt it is the fish I have seen, and the same as that on our own shores. 4J2 MUIUSN1D.E. APODAL MALACOPTERYC1L AW1Lhidium imberbe, LINN/EUS. ,, ,, Beardless Ophidium, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 208, pi. 29. ,, ,, ,, ,, MONTAGU, Wern. Mem. vol. i. p. 95, pi. 4, f. 2. FLEM. Brit. An. p. 201, sp. 112. ,, ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 481. OPHIDIUM. Generic Characters. — Head smooth; body elongated, com- pressed ; teeth in both jaws, the palate, and pharynx : gill-aperture rather large ; dorsal, anal, and caudal fin united. THE BEARDLESS OPMIDIUM was first added to the cata- logue of British Fishes by Pennant, to whom it was commu- nicated by the Duchess of Portland : the specimen was found near Weymouth. Pennant gave a figure of his fish in the Appendix to the fourth volume of the British Zoology, edi- tion of 1777, but no description. Colonel Montagu after- wards obtained a specimen on the south coast of Devon, which is figured and described in the first volume of the Wernerian Memoirs, as quoted. The editor of the edition of Pennant's British Zoology, published in 1812, left out the figure of the Beardless Ophidium, given in the previous edition, but copied the figure and description of Colonel Montagu. HEARDLESS OPHIIMI'M. 413 Never having seen a specimen of this fish, Colonel Mon- tagu's figure and description are here given, with some addi- tions to be hereafter explained. " Length about three inches ; depth about a quarter of an inch. The head is very obtuse, and rounded in front : eyes large, placed forward and lateral ; irides dark, with a circle of silver round the pupil : mouth, when closed, inclines oblique- ly upwards ; the lips are marginated : the gill-membranes inflated beneath. The body is en si form, considerably com- pressed towards the tail, and in shape is not unlike that of Cepola rubescens, vol. i. page S24, of this work ; the lateral line is nearly in the middle, originating at the angle of the operculum to the gills, but rather obscure : vent nearly in the middle : the pectoral fin is rounded ; the dorsal fin com- mences immediately above the base of the pectoral, and is at first not so broad, and usually not so erect, as the other part : the anal fin commences at the vent, and, together with the dorsal, unites with the caudal fin, which is cuneiform, but obtusely pointed. The colour is purplish brown, disposed in minute speckles ; and along the base of the anal fin are about ten small bluish white spots regularly placed, but scarcely discernible without a lens, and possibly peculiar to younger fishes : all the fins are like the body in colour, ex- cept the pectoral and caudal ; the first is pale, the last is yellowish." The fin-rays in number are — D. 77 : P. 11 : A. 44 : C. 18 or 20. " This fish," Colonel Montagu observes, " does not ap- pear to be very tenacious of life, like some of the Blennies, as it was placed in a tin box with the Crested and Smooth Blcnny, covered with wet sea-weed, and although these were lively, the Ophidium was dead before it could be got to his house. It died with its mouth shut, the pectoral fins thrown forward, and the body curved a little near the vent, throwing the head upwards." 414 MUR.ENID.E. " Little can be said of the natural habits of this fish ; but as it so rarely occurs, it is most probably an inhabitant of the rocky parts ; in such a situation, at low-water, the specimen here described was taken." But little being known either of Montagu's or Pennant's Ophidium, the figure at the head of this subject is taken from Montagu's figure, and the outline at the foot of this page is taken from Pennant's first figure, which Schneider appears to have adopted as the representative of the genus Ophidium in his Ichthyological work. Never having seen either of these species, for they seem to be distinct, any information of their appearance on our coast is respectfully solicited by the author. ••' ;i BEARDED OPHIDIUM. 1. 1 APODAL MALACOPTERYGIL MURJENID&. THE BEARDED OPHIDIUM. Ophidium barbatum, LINN. BLOCH, Ichth. pi. 159, fig. 1. ,, ,, Bearded Ophidium, BEHKEN. Syn. vol. i. p. 66. ,, ,, ,, ,, TURTON, Brit. Faun. p. 88. ,, ,, „ ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 481. ,, ,, Donzelle commune, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 359. THE BEARDED OPHIDIUM, a well known Mediterranean species, has also been included by Berkenhout in his Cata- logue of British Fishes ; but whether on the personal autho- rity of that author, or on what part of the British coast it was observed, or taken, no mention is made. This fish was the subject of a paper by Dr. Broussonet, communicated by Sir Joseph Banks, read at the Royal Society, July 5th, 1781, and printed in the Transactions. The author traces this species from Pliny to Bel on, Ronde- let, Willughby, Artedi, Klein, Linnseus, Gouan, and Brun- nich. The form of the body is seen by the figure. The direction of the mouth is ascending; both maxillary bones are furnished with teeth ; the barbule on the chin is single at its origin, is soon divided once, forming two, each of these are afterwards 41 G MUR.ENID.E. divided again, thus together producing the appearance of four barbules ; the dorsal fin commences on a line nearly even with the end of the pectoral fin : the anal fin begins a little further backward ; the scales are oval : the fish of a silvery flesh colour, appearing occasionally slightly mottled or spotted." "• This fish commonly grows to the size of eight or nine inches. It is found in most parts of the Mediterranean sea, and in great plenty in the Adriatic. It is taken by nets in Pro- vence and Languedoc, together with many other small species which are not esteemed, — that is, what they call Ravailla. In Languedoc the Ophidium is culled Donzella, and this is the most common name for it on the coasts of the Mediter- ranean. In summer the Ophidium is common ; its flesh is not of a good taste, rather coarse, as that of all the species of fishes which, having no ventral fins, are obliged to make great efforts in swimming, and have consequently the muscles harder. The want of ventral fins induces me to believe that it is not a migratory species. It feeds upon small crabs and fishes." The vignette was copied from a sketch of a fishing party made by T. Stothard, R.A. about the year 1780. DRUMMOND IS E( HIODON. 417 APODAL MALACOPTERYCll. DRUMMOND'S ECHIODON. Echiodon Drummondii, THOMPSON, Proceedings Zool. Soc. 1837, page 55. ,, ,, ,, Transactions ,, ,, vol. ii. part iii. p. 207, plate 38. ECHIODON. Generic Characters. — Head oval; jaws furnished with large cylindrical teeth in front, other smaller teeth on the palatal bones and on the vomer. Gill-apertures large : branchiostegous membrane with seven rays. Body smooth, without scales, elongated, compressed. Dorsal and anal fins nearly as long as the body ; all the rays soft ; no ventral fins ; anal aperture near the head. A DEAD specimen of the fish figured above was found by Dr. J. L. Drummond on the beach at Carnclough, near Glenarm in the county of Antrim, in the month of June 1836, and from its appearance when found it was conjectured that it had been cast ashore by the tide of the preceding night, when a strong easterly wind prevailed. The specimen was given by Dr. Drummond to his friend Mr. W. Thomp- son of Belfast ; and being new in form, was made by the latter gentleman the subject of a communication to the Zoological Society, which appeared in the Proceedings and Transactions of that Society as here quoted. VOL. II. 2 E 418 MUR.ENID.E. This specimen, Mr. Thompson observes, "being, so far as known to me, unique, I have been unwilling to injure its appearance by dissection. In external characters it is ex- cluded from the Ophidta proper in consequence of not having the barbules ; and though agreeing with the Fierasfers in the negative character of wanting these appendages, yet, by having the dorsal fin strongly developed and elevated, it ranges not with them." " Its want of the very obvious character of the Ophidia, renders all comparison with them unnecessary ; but of two species belonging to the Fierasfers, and which approach the present specimen most nearly, I may state that it possesses many of the characters of the Ophidium Jierasfer of Risso, but differs from that species in the teeth, (both jaws are de- scribed as armed with three rows of sharp and hooked teeth,) number of fin-rays, and some minor characters ; besides, there is nothing said of the remarkable teeth terminating both jaws, as exhibited in my specimen. In the Regne Animal we again find an Ophidium dentatum described as having in each jaw ' deux dents en crochets,' but no further details are given. In this only character, however, the Ophidium dentatum dif- fers from my fish, which has four large hooked teeth in the upper and two in the under jaw." " Although when this fish first came into my possession, I saw that it might be classed under the Malacopterygii Apodes, and be placed near Ophidium, I considered that in a natural arrangement it would best constitute a new genus of the family Taenioidea (Riband-shaped). In being apodal it was not excluded from this family, as two genera belonging to it are destitute of ventral fins. I did not hesitate to place it under the Acanthopterygii, as some genera which are in- cluded in this order are, like it, strictly Malacopterygian, their natural connexion with genera having fins with spinous rays being considered — and in my opinion most philoso- DRUMMOND'S ECHIODON. 419 pliically — to outweigh this character; and further, I felt less reluctance in thus placing it, in consequence of Cepola rubes- cens, which it assimilates in some respects, having but one spinous ray, and that in the ventral fin. At the suggestion of John Edward Gray, Esq. F.R.S. I have, however, recon- sidered the subject, and have come to the conclusion here advanced." As a difference of opinion may still exist with regard to the position of this genus, I think it due to Mr. Thompson to subjoin the observations originally made. " Like certain other genera which are comprehended under Acanthopterygii, the first order of the osseous fishes, its fins are altogether destitute of spinous rays ; but, like those alluded to, such as Zoarcus, &c. its other characters seem to point out the T&nioides as the family to which it belongs. Of the eight genera of Tanioides already known, viz. Lepi- dopus, Trichiurus, Gymnetrus, Stylephorus, Cepola, Lopho- tes, Trac.kypterus, and Alepisaurus, the specimen under consideration agrees with Trichiurus and Stylephorus in being apodal, or wanting ventral fins, but in this character only is there any generic accordance. Though considerably more elongated, from the head posteriorly it approaches most nearly to Cepola rubescens in the form of the body, and in the forward commencement of the anal fin, which, with the dorsal, is prolonged until it joins the caudal ; but it is only in the continuity of these fins until this junction is effected that the resemblance holds, as in my specimen, the dorsal rays, the five foremost of which are very short, increase in length posteriorly, and near the caudal fin are about three times as long as the depth of the body beneath them ; in the anal fin, which is throughout much deeper than the dor- sal, the rays likewise increase posteriorly ; and near the caudal are in length four times greater than the depth of the body at the same place. The length of the posterior rays of these 420 MUR.ENID.E. fins causes the dorsal, anal, and caudal, to appear as one; whilst, though they do join in Cepola rubescens, the last ray of the dorsal and anal being much shorter than the outer rays of the caudal, may at the same time be said to mark distinctly the termination of each fin. In my specimen the anal fin originates two lines in advance of the dorsal fin." In the form of the head, and in dentition, it differs so remarkably from all the other genera as to render a compa- rison with them unnecessary. Its absolute characters must suffice for distinction. Description. — " Total length eleven inches ; greatest depth at one inch four lines from the snout, six lines, thence pos- teriorly gradually narrowing ; greatest breadth of body an- teriorly three lines ; at the middle of the entire length one line, and thence to the tail becoming gradually more com- pressed. Head one inch two lines long, or rather more than one-ninth of the entire length ; profile sloping forward equally on both sides to the snout, which is truncated, and projects one line beyond the lower jaw ; narrow, increasing in breadth very gradually from the snout, its breadth compared to its length as one to three and a half; height half its length, com- pressed at the sides, and rather flat above from the eyes back- ward ; from the eyes forward a central bony ridge : snout viewed from above somewhat bifid, in consequence of the for- ward position of the large teeth on each side. A few large punctures extend from the snout below the eye, and are con- tinued just behind it ; a series of small ones closely arranged extend from the upper portion of the eye in a curved form posteriorly to near the edge of the preopercle, and thence a double row extends downwards. Nostrils very large, placed just in advance of, and before the centre of, the eye, and in form a somewhat oval transverse aperture. Eye large, occu- pying the entire half of the depth of the head ; its width greater than its height ; in the length of the head occupying DRUMMONDS ECHIODON. the place of one in four and a half; its distance from the snout three lines, or equal to its diameter, consequently two and a half of its diameters are contained between it and the edge of the operculum. Operculum rounded at the base, terminating in a minute point directed backwards, strongly radiated, strife distant ; preoperculum ascending vertically ; cheeks smooth and soft. Mouth rather obliquely cleft. Teeth, two large strong ones, placed close together, and curving inwards at each side the extremity of the upper jaw, the two inner one-sixteenth of an inch apart. In the lower jaw one slender rounded tooth, nearly one line long on each side, curving outwards at the base, and inwards at the point. Entire upper and under jaw and vomer densely studded with small bluntish teeth, somewhat uniform in size ; vomer ex- tending far forward, and very much developed, forming a cavity in the lower jaw, and in advance of the tongue when the mouth is closed ; a series of rows of teeth similar to those last described on the palatal bones : all the teeth of the upper jaw exposed to view when the mouth is closed. Tongue short, not reaching within two lines and a half of the ex- tremity of the lower jaw, and apparently toothless. On the dorsal ridge, one inch from the snout, or two lines and a half behind the cranium, is a short, stout, bony spine, not very conspicuous, and, excepting at its extreme point, covered with skin : it is six lines in advance of the first ray of the dor- sal fin. Scales none, but it may have been divested of them during its short exposure on the beach. Lateral line incon- spicuous, being a slight depression extending in a straight line along the middle of the sides posteriorly, or throughout the greater portion of its length, but anteriorly nearer to the dorsal than the ventral profile. Vent one inch three lines from the extremity of the lower jaw. Branchiostegous mem- brane opens forward rather before the extremity of the gape. Dorsal fin commencing one inch six lines from the snout, low MURENID.E. at its origin, but gradually increasing in height to near the caudal fin, which it joins, the two or three anterior rays, which are very short, flexible and simple, the remainder articulated. Anal fin originates just behind the vent, or at one inch three lines from the point of the lower jaw, joins the caudal fin, near to which it increases in depth posteriorly from its origin, deeper than the dorsal fin throughout ; at about one inch and a half from the caudal fin the rays are in length four times greater than the depth of the body at the same place, the rays of the dorsal fin opposite being three times the depth of the body ; the first and second anterior rays flexible and simple, the remainder articulated. Pectoral fins originate one line behind the head, and are equal to half its length, central rays longest, all very flexible, placed below the middle of the sides. Caudal fin, central rays longest. Articula- tions very long on the rays of all the fins ; no branched rays in any one of them. -B. 7 : D. 180 : P. 16 : A. 180 : C. 12. The number of the fin-rays were reckoned with the greatest care; but without injury to the specimen they could not be ascertained with certainty to a single ray. The vertebrae, which distinctly seen through the skin can be reckoned with accuracy, ninety-eight. Colours, anterior half a dull flesh colour, similar to specimens of Cepola rubescens preserved in spirits, hence it is presumed to have been originally red ; behind this portion reddish-brown markings appear on the body at the base of the dorsal and anal fins, and suddenly increase in number, until from an inch behind the middle, the whole sides are closely marked and spotted over; the entire top and the sides of the head before the hinder line of the eye are similarly spotted ; just behind the cranium a few spots also appear ; the posterior rays of the dorsal and anal, and the entire caudal fin, blackish. Irides, operculum, and under surface, a short way beyond the vent, bright silver." DRUMMOND S ECHIODON. 423 " The two large teeth, resembling serpent's fangs, which terminate the upper jaw on each side, have suggested the generic appellation of Echiodon ; and the specific name of Drummondii is proposed in honour of its discoverer." The figures below represent a side view of the head, the mouth open to show the form and situation of the teeth, en- larged ; and a front view of the anterior terminal teeth, also enlarged. The illustrations here used are derived from Mr. Thompson's paper in the Transactions of the Zoological Society already quoted ; and I with pleasure avail myself of the opportunity in this instance afforded me of recording my obligations to Mr. Thompson for his kind and zealous co- operation in zoology, and particularly for the loan of this rare specimen, and many other Irish fishes, for examination. MUR.ENIDE. APODAL MALACOPTERYGII. MURJENIDsE. THE SAND-EEL. HORNELS, (HORNEELS ?) Edinburgh. TManits, Lc Lanrott, CUVIKR, Regne An. t. ii. p. 300. ,, LINN/EDS. BLOCH, pt. iii. pi. 75, fig. 2. Angloncm verus, True Sand-Eel, JAGO. RAY, Syn. p. 165, pi. 2, fig. 12. Tobianus, Wide-mouthed l.aunce, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 482, sp. 170. Sand-Eel, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 33? AMMODYTF.S. Generic Characters. — Head and body elongated ; gill-openings large ; dorsal fin extending nearly the whole length of the back ; anal fin of con- siderable length ; dorsal and anal fins separated from the caudal fin. WE arc indebted, says Baron Cuvier, to M. Lesauvage, of Caen, for pointing out the true distinctions in the two species of Ammodytes belonging to the shores of the Channel, A. Tobianus and A. Lancea, the first of which is rare, but the second very caramon. Oar excellent naturalist and countryman Ray, has given us, in his Synopsis, from Jago^s Catalogue of Cornish Fishes, a good figure of the true Tobianus ; but it was not, I bclicve; SAND-EEL. 425 till the recent publication of Mr. Jenyns' valuable Manual of British Vertebrate Animals, that any English Zoologist had admitted two species among British Fishes. Shaw, in his General Zoology, vol. iv. p. 81, plate 9, has figured both species, but with only one name, and but one description.* Ray, in his short notice from Jago's Catalogue, calls his Ammodytes Anglorum verus the true Sand-Eel ; and his figure leaves no doubt that his fish is the same as the To- bianus of Linnceus, Bloch, and others. In the late Colonel Montagu's copy of Berkenhout's Synopsis of the Natural History of Great Britain, there is a note in Montagu's writing, which states, " That at Teignmouth a distinction is made between the Sand-Eel and Sand-Launce, by the size and superior length of the head and gills in the one ; it is also said to be much more rare." The rarity and greater length of the head are both on the side of the Tobianus, the Sand-Eel, which, as far as my own observation goes, is much more scarce than the smaller-sized species with the shorter head ; I am therefore desirous of preserving the dis- tinctive appellation of Sand-Eel to the longer fish, A. To- bianus, and continuing that of Sand-Launce to the smaller species, bearing among naturalists the specific name of Lancea. M. Lesauvage gave the name of lanceolatus to the species which had been previously called Tobianus, his trivial name will therefore only be used as a synonym. Willughby's figure, G. 8, f. I, appears to have been co- pied from Salvianus. and represents an Ammodytes with two small dorsal fins ; I have not, therefore, referred it to cither of our fishes. The Sand-Eel is immediately to be distinguished from the Sand-Launce by its greater size, specimens now before me measuring twelve inches in length ; Ray's fish was fifteen " Doth specimens arc also figured by Klein. 3IUR/ENID.E. inches and a half long : it is further distinguished by the greater length of the head, and particularly of the lower jaw ; by the commencement of the dorsal fin being on a line with the end of the pectoral fin-rays : the dorsal fin of the Sand-Launce beginning in a line with the middle of the pec- toral fin, and the head smaller and shorter, as shown in the two representations here given. The Sand-Eel is browner in colour and less transparent in appearance, when in hand, than the Sand-Launce. The habits of the two species are in many respects very similar, and will be more particularly referred to under Sand- Launce, which being exceedingly common on all our sandy shores, has afforded greater opportunities for observation. Both species of Ammodytes are included by Professor Nilsson among the fishes of Scandinavia ; both species also occur in the Forth. Dr. Neill, in his account of the fishes of that locality, says, the Edinburgh fishermen call the large ones Hornels — probably an abbreviation of Horneels — in re- ference to the greater length of body and the horn-like elongation of the lower jaw, by means of which they are enabled to bury themselves in the wet sands of the sea-shore, from which they are scratched out with iron hooks for bait or sale. Stephen Oliver the younger, in his agreeable Rambles in Northumberland and on the Scottish Border, when describing the fishing in the Tyne, says, Sand-Eels follow the young fry of the Coalfish into the harbour, and are frequently caught with the same bait as the Poodlers (young Coalfish), which is used in a manner similar to flv-fishinsr for Trout. * o The common length of the Sand-Eel in the Tyne is from twelve to fourteen inches ; and their jaws, by a peculiar con- formation, admit of great expansion. They swim rapidly, and dash at a shoal of fry with the voracity and swiftness of a Pike. Mr. Couch says that a large specimen caught on SAND-EEL. 427 a line by a Cornish fisherman had a small fish of its own species in its stomach. Both species occur on the sandy parts of the coast of Sussex, Hampshire, Dorsetshire, and Devonshire. Mr. Thompson has recorded the Sand-Eel as taken in the North of Ireland. A species of Ammodj/tes is taken at Newfoundland and at New York, but what species it is remains uncertain ; Dr. Storer has, however, obtained the Sand-Eel, A. Tobianus, in two localities near Boston. From the extreme point of the lower jaw to the posterior end of the gill-cover is to the whole length of the fish as one to four and a half; the depth of the body rather less than one-third of the length of the head ; the lower jaw very much elongated, with a strong, indurated projection at the extreme tip ; the upper jaw much shorter than the lower, with a strong forked tooth of two points descending from the vomer ; the nostrils double ; both open on each side on a line, one before the other, about half-way between the eye and the point of the nose : the eyes rather small ; the posterior margin exactly half-way between the point of the under jaw and the posterior angle of the gill-cover : the shape of the body very nearly round ; covered with small scales : the pectoral fin arises under the posterior angle of the gill- cover, its length one-third that of the length of the head ; the dorsal fin placed in a groove, with a prominent line extending along each side ; the rays commence in a vertical line over the end of the pectoral fin-rays, and end near the tail ; the lateral line indented and straight ; the abdomen with three indented parallel lines extending to the anal aperture, which has an- other orifice behind it ; along the whole line of the lower part of each side extends a narrow and slender membrane attached by one edge ; the anal fin is about one-third of the whole length of the fish, ending short of the caudal fin, and nearly on the same plane as the dorsal fin ; the tail forked. 428 MUR/ENID.E. The fin-rays in number are — D. 55 : P. 15 : A. 29 : C. 17. The iridcs, cheeks, gill-covers, lower part of the sides, and the abdomen, bright silvery; upper part of the head, back, and sides, light brown, reflecting tints of blue and green when held in different positions. The vignette below represents the form of rake used to obtain Sand-Eels and Sand-Launce on some parts of the coast. A piece of strong iron wire, bent into the form of a sickle is, however, the more common instrument used. SAND LAUNl'E. 42.9 APODAL MALACOPTERYCII. M.UR&NID2E. THE SAND-LAUNCE. THE HIGGLE, SuSSCX COdSt. Ammodytes Lancea, L'Equille, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 360. ,, ,, Small-mouthed Launce, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 483, sp. 171. ,, Tobianus, Sand-Launce, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 206, pi. 28. ,, ,, Common Launce, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 201, sp. 113. THE SAND-LAUNCE, as previously stated, is very abun- dant on many parts of the shore of the British Islands. On account of its silvery brightness, it is in great estimation and constant use with fishermen as bait for the hooks of their sea and hand lines ; and the habit peculiar to the species of burying themselves in the wet sand as the tide recedes affords easy means of capture. The generic term Ammodytes refers to this power of digging in sand. With the projecting portion of the under jaw, aided by the muscular power of the fish, and its slender form, it is enabled to bury itself with rapidity five or six inches deep in the soft sand as the ebbing sea retires, and releases itself again on the approach of the ensuing flood-tide, apparently uninjured, though deprived of 430 MUR.ENID.E. water for several hours : another instance of a low degree of respiration and great tenacity of life in a genus of fishes having very large gill-apertures. In Orkney, Mr. Low says it is constantly used as a bait for other fish, and though of good flavour, is very seldom eaten. On the sands at Portobcllo, near Edinburgh, as well as at other localities in that vicinity, people of all ages may be seen, when the tide is out, diligently searching for the Sand-Launce, and raking them out with iron hooks. Some are used as bait ; but many are prepared for table, and considered delicate food. Colonel Montagu mentions the Sand-Launce as being extremely plentiful at Slap ton Sands, on the south coast of Devonshire, where the fishermen employ a small seine with a fine mesh, and are frequently so successful, that six or seven bushels are taken at one haul : these are usually sold to Dieppe fishermen for twenty-pence the bushel. Montagu adds, that on the part of the Devonshire coast here referred to, even the poorest people would not eat the Sand-Launce, while at Teignmouth it was in great request as food, and was counted out for sale by the score. " It is only of late," says Mr. Couch, " that naturalists have learned to recognise two species, though it has been done long since by fishermen, who have been accustomed to observe that a small species, which keeps in larger bodies, and seldom goes far from land, is more followed by Mackerel than the others, and that its presence is a better sign of good fishing. On a calm evening it is an interesting sight to see the surface of the water broken by the repeated plunges of voracious fishes as they burst upon the little schull of Launces from beneath. Their only certain place of refuge from these pursuers is the sand." I have obtained the fry of the Sand-Launce four inches long in the month of April, and considered them to be the SAND-LAUNCE. 431 young of the preceding year. May, August, and December, have each been named as the month in which the adult fish deposit their spawn ; but the habits and economy of the two species have been greatly confounded hitherto, under the supposition that they were but examples of the same fish, differing only in size. The Sancl-Launee has been noticed on the coasts of the counties of Londonderry, Antrim, Dublin, and Cork ; I learn also from F. C. Lukis, Esq. that both species are found at Guernsey; but that Lancea is the most common. The search for them in the sand prevails there, but it is usually made on moonlight nights. Dr. Richardson includes this species in his Fauna-Boreal i- Americana, and I have seen a specimen that was brought from Iceland by Mr. Proctor. The food of the Sand-Launce is marine worms and very small fishes. The usual length of this species is from five to seven inches : the length of the head compared to the length of the fish is less than as one to five : the lower jaw shorter in proportion than in the other species ; the protractile portion of the upper jaw much more free to move, and when the lower jaw is pressed down, this moveable part comes forward and downward : the posterior margin of the eye is less than half-way between the point of the lower jaw and the posterior projecting angle of the gill-cover, being placed nearer the nose than in Tobianus ; the dorsal fin commencing in a line over the middle of the pectoral fin. The fin-rays in number are — D. 51 : P. 13 : A. 25 : C. 15. 432 SYNGNATHID.E. LOPHOBRANCHH. SYNGNATHID2E* THE GREAT PIPE-FISH. Syngnalhus Acus, LINN.CUS. BLOCH, pt. iii. pi. 91, fig. 1, young ; fig. 2, adult. ,, „ Longer Pipe-fsh, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 184, pi. 26. Two figures ; upper, female ; lower, male. „ Pipe-fish, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 175, sp. 34. „ Great Pipe-fish, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 484, sp. 172. SYNGNATHUS. Generic Characters. — Body elongated, slender, covered with a series of indurated plates arranged in parallel lines ; head long ; both jaws produced, united, tubular ; no ventral fins. In the species of the first division, an elongated pouch under the tail in the males only, closed by two folding membranes. IN the species belonging to this family the jaws are united, forming a tube more or less cylindrical. The gills, instead of having the pectinated appearance so well known to exist in the fishes previously described, are separated into small rounded tufts, which are arranged along the branchial arches, and the fishes of this family arc therefore called Lophobranchii. * The family of the Pipe-fishes. GREAT PIPE-FISH. 433 The figure on the left hand of the vignette at the bottom of the page, represents one side of the pectinated gills of a Pike ; that in the centre is drawn from the head of a spe- cimen of S. acus, to show the gills in small tufts, the oper- culum being removed : the right hand figure exhibits the head of the river Lampern, part of the skin on the side of the neck being removed to show another form of branchial apparatus, in which portions of the gills occupy different cells. The fish will be described hereafter, and this structure referred to. These delicate tufts in the Pipe-fishes are defended ex- ternally by a large and hard operculum, having an aperture in the connecting membrane at its upper and posterior part. The fishes of this limited family are further remarkable for the extreme tenuity of their bodies, as well as for the number and arrangement of the indurated and sculptured plates by which their lengthened bodies are defended. They are frequently called Needle-fish. The six species of British Syngnathi require to be ar- VOL. II. 434 SYNGNATHID;E. ranged in two divisions; the first of which includes two marsupial Pipe-fish, S. acus and S. typhle, having true caudal fins : four ophidial Pipe-fish, which may be again divided into two sections, the first of which contains two species, S. aquoreus and S. anguineus, having each a rudi- mentary caudal fin ; the second section, also containing two species, S. ophidian and *$*. lumbriciformis, in which there is no rudimentary caudal fin, the round tail ending in a fine point. The natural history of the Syngnathi appears not to have been so well understood, nor the species so clearly defined by the older authors as those of many other genera. By giving, in this work, figures taken from the specimens, and adding besides, as vignettes, enlarged representations of those parts which assist in determining specific distinction, six species, it is hoped, will be made out ; and only those actually obtained on the British coast, and of which specimens are preserved, will be included. They are all marine. Syngnathus acus, or the Great Pipe-fish, is one of the most common species, and is found on many parts of the coast, sometimes at low- water among seaweed, at other times in deep water. It is believed that the habit of proceeding to deep water at two different periods of the season has re- ference to important and interesting changes connected with the production of the young. In a MS. History of British Fishes, written by the late John Walcott, Esq.* during his residence at Teignmouth in the years 1784 and 85, and which has been most kindly lent to me by his son, William Walcott, Esq. with liberty to make any use of it in the present work, I found a state- ment in reference to the sexes of S. acus, which has since been confirmed by four Continental naturalists, and which * Author of various published woiks on Natural History. GREAT PIPE-FISH. 435 I have verified by repeated examinations. Mr. Walcotfs observation is as follows : — " The male differs from the female in the belly from the vent to the tail fin being much broader, and in having for about two-thirds of its length two soft flaps, which fold to- gether, and form a false belly (or pouch). They breed in the summer ; the females casting their roe into the false belly of the male. This I have asserted from having examined many, and having constantly found, early in the summer, roe in those without a false belly, but never any in those with ; and on opening them later in the summer, there has been no roe in those which I have termed the female, but only in the false belly of the male." On dissecting males and females the proof of the correct- ness of this new view was obvious. The anal or sub-caudal pouch is peculiar to the males only, and is closed by two elongated lateral flaps. On separating these flaps, and expos- ing the inside, the ova, large and yellow, were seen lining the pouch in some specimens, while in others the hemispheric depressions from which the ova had been but recently removed were very visible. In each of these the opened abdomen exhibited true male organs. The females examined had no anal pouch, and the opened abdomen exposed two lobes of ova of large size. In a specimen of a male of S. acus, obtained at Dover on the 20th of July 1835, and for which I am indebted to W. Christy, Esq. the opened abdomen exhibited the preparatory organs of the male ; and the dis- played sub-caudal pouch showed many eggs contained in it, the young of which were fully developed, and ready to escape from the capsules, while from others the young had actually escaped. They were rather more than one inch in length, and slightly barred with brown. In the plate devoted to Syngnathi, in the last two octavo editions of Pennant's British Zoology, the upper figure 2 F 2 436 SYNGNATHID.E. represents the female, and the second figure the male of S. acus. The enlargement on the under surface of the second figure, looking like an elongated fin, marks the situation of the distended pouch of a male. Pennants third figure is the *S*. anguineus, and the fourth the S. lumbriciformis of this work. Neither S. typhle nor S. tequoreus are figured in the British Zoology. At what time or in what manner the ova are transferred from the abdomen of the female to the sub-caudal pouch of the male is, I believe, unknown. Mr. Walcott also adds, in his MS. that S. acus begins to breed when only four or five inches long. This I have also obtained proof of; and although examples of this species not uncommonly occur of eighteen inches long, and Bloch attri- butes to it a length of two to three feet, I have a specimen, four inches long only, a young fish apparently of the pre- ceding year, in the opened abdomen of which the ova, in two small lobes, are full grown. M. Risso notices the great attachment of the adult Pipe- fish to their young, and this pouch probably serves as a place of shelter to which the young ones retreat in case of danger. I have been assured by fishermen that if the young were shaken out of the pouch into the water over the side of the boat, they did not swim away, but when the parent fish was held in the water in a favourable position, the young would again enter the pouch. The figures of S. acus and typhle are correctly represented by Rondeletius, and the characteristic difference in the form and size of the tubular mouth in each is well preserved. Below the figure, in that work, of the species now under consideration here, several of the young are represented as swimming near the abdomen of the parent fish. This figure of Rondeletius is copied in Willughby, plate I. 25, fig. 6. Mr. Couch says, " This species may be seen slowly moving GREAT PIPE-FISH. 437 about in a singular manner, horizontally or perpendicularly, with the head downwards or upwards, and in every attitude of contortion, in search of food, which chiefly seems to be water insects." From the great similarity in the form and size of the mouth in all the species, it is probable that their food is also similar. Worms, small mollusca, young and minute thin- skinned Crustacea, and the ova of other fishes, are among the substances taken ; and these Syngnathi are supposed to be able, by dilating their throat at pleasure, to draw their food up their cylindrical beak-like mouth, as water is drawn up the pipe of a syringe. From the point of the tubular mouth to the posterior edge of the indurated portion of the operculum, the length is, when compared to the whole length of the fish, as one to eight ; if measured to the edge of the shoulder, it is as one to seven and a half, and this proportion exists in specimens of various ages or lengths, from six inches to eighteen ; from the mouth to a projecting point at the anterior edge of the eye, and thence to the origin of the pectoral fin, the distances are equal : the jaws united, tubular, slightly compressed ; in depth but one-third that of the head at its deepest part, which is in a vertical line with the centre of the operculum : the mouth small, placed at the extremity of the tube, opening obliquely upwards ; the lower jaw the longest : eyes rather large, bony orbits prominent : operculum covered with radia- ting striae : the head between the eyes flattened ; behind the eyes, rising into a keel-like crest, which reaches to the neck : from the pectoral fin to the anal aperture the body is deepest and heptangular, with three ridges along each side, and one along the abdomen, which ends at the vent ; the surface defended by a series of nineteen plates ; throughout the short extent of the dorsal fin the body is hexangular, the ridge of the abdomen being discontinued ; thence to the end of the 438 SYNGNATHID.E. tail, tapering, slender, and quadrangular, with a series of forty-four plates ; the pectoral fins are small ; the dorsal fin commences at two-fifths of the whole length of the fish, and in a vertical line rather before the anal aperture ; the longest rays not equal in height to the depth of the body ; the anal fin very small ; the tail rounded and fan-shaped. The fin-rays in number are — D. 40 : P. 12 : A. 4 : C. 10. The prevailing colour is pale brown, transversely barred with darker brown. The vignette below represents the head and tail of the Great Pipe-fish from a larger specimen than that which is figured entire. This species appears to be common on the shores of the British Islands generally. DEEP-NOSED PIPE-FISH. 439 LOPHOBRAKCHU. SYNGNATHID&. THE DEEP-NOSED PIPE-FISH. Syngnathus Typhle, LINNAEUS. Acus Aristotelis, Typhle Antiquorum, WILLUGHBY, p. 158, 1.25, fig. 1. Syngnathus Typhle, Shorter Pipe-jish, DON. Brit. Fish.pl. 56. ,, ,, ,, ,, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 175, sp. 35. ,, ,, Lesser Pipe-fish, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 485, sp. 173. THE DEEP-NOSED PIPE-FISH is immediately distinguished from the preceding species by the more compressed form of the jaws, which are also so deep that the upper and lower edges are nearly parallel with the lines of the upper and under surface of the head. From the two large-sized Pipe- fish of the next division this species is easily known by the presence of pectoral, anal, and caudal fins. The figures in the works of Willughby and Mr. Donovan are good repre- sentations ; but I believe the figure in Bloch, part. iii. plate 91, f. 1, which has usually been considered and referred to as Syngnathus typhle, to be only a representation of the young of S. acus. S. typhle has also been well figured by M. Laroche, in the Ann. de Mus. t. xiii. under the name of S, Rondektii. 440 SYNGNATHID.E. It is the S. viridis of M. Risso,* a term that seems liable to objection, even if a name were wanting, inasmuch as several other species are more or less green. The Deep-nosed Pipe-fish does not differ materially in its habits, that I am aware of, from the species last described. The ova are transferred from the abdomen of the female to the sub-caudal pouch of the male, and there hatched in the same manner. When fishing in ten or twelve feet water over a soft surface covered with weeds, using the small net described and figured in vol. i. page 248, I have taken both sorts together, finding the deep-nosed species abundant on the Dorsetshire coast. Dr. Parnell has obtained this species in the Forth ; Mr. Couch includes it in his Cornish Fauna, and Mr. Thompson has found it in two localities on the coast of Ireland. The whole length of the largest specimens I have seen was thirteen inches ; from the point of the closed jaws to the posterior end of the indurated portion of the gill-cover, the distance is, compared to the whole length of the fish, as one to six ; the head larger than in S. acus, and without the elevated ridge on the top of it ; the distance from the point of the upper jaw to the projecting tubercle in front of the eye, and thence to the end of the pectoral fin, equal ; the united jaws are very much compressed, and nearly as deep as the head, only slightly inclining to a slope before the eyes ; the body hexangular ; the middle lateral angle on each side becoming the upper angles of the quadrangular tail at the end of the dorsal fin. This fin commences farther back than in S. acus, the middle of the dorsal fin being very nearly the middle of the whole length of the fish ; the series of indu- rated plates between the shoulder and the vent includes eighteen, thence to the end of the tail about thirty-seven ; * Figured by M. Guerin, in illustration of the genera of the Jit-gne Animal, Paissont) pi. 65, fig. 1. DEEP-NOSED PIPE-FISH. 441 but both series are liable to a little variation in the number of these sculptured plates : the abdomen is almost rounded ; the anal fin minute ; the caudal fin pointed ; the two central rays the longest ; the others graduated. The fin-rays in number are — D. 39 : P. 15 : A. 3 : C. 10. The prevailing colour is olive green, mottled and spotted with yellow brown and yellowish white. As mentioned in the account of the Great Pipe-fish, last described, the Deep-nosed Pipe-fish, S. typhle, is well figured in the work of Rondeletius. The vignette below represents the head and tail of this species of larger size than the block of the whole fish would admit. 442 SYNGNATHIDE, LOPHOBRANCH1I. SYNGNATHIDE. y%5~. w.o^vili:j!?i,^ii.Jriv,M.,1i\.v.iU-y,Ji,v,i',-.'/',iv.. • • f /^^ /V^jMJiV >!,'<;> (i"<>^ $.Ji.$.jO S\®''!(\,-t.'?-la-^" ' '- v-' ' ^-'- THE ^QUOREAL PIPE-FISH. Syngnathus EDE, t. i. p. 257, 4to. etlit. t. v. p. 443, 8vo. edit. ,, ,, Risso, Icht. p. 34. Zygcena malleus, ,, Hist. p. 125. ,, ,, VAL. Mem. du Mus. t. ix. p. 222. ZYGOSNA. Generic Characters. — Head depressed, more or less truncated in front, the sides extended horizontally to a considerable length, with the eyes at the external lateral extremity. Teeth of the same shape in the upper and lower jaw, viz. the points directed towards the corner of the mouth, with a smooth edge when young, hut distinctly serrated in adult specimens. Branchial open- ings five. Two dorsal fins, the first in a line close behind the pectorals: the second over the anal fin. IN the sketch of the Natural History of Yarmouth and its Vicinity, by C. J. and James Pagct, which I have fre- HAMMER-HEADED SHARK. 505 quently had the pleasure to refer to in the History of the British Birds, and also in the British Fishes, it is stated at page 17 that a specimen of the St/ualus zygcena, or Hammer- headed Shark, was taken there in October 1829, and deposited in the Norwich Museum ; and by the kindness and influence of J. H. Gurney, Esq. of Norwich, I have had the loan of drawings that were made from this Shark sent to London for my use in this work. In August 1839 another example of this species of Ham- mer-headed Shark was taken in a herring-net off the Monk- stone rocks, about two miles to the west of Tenby. Of the capture of this fish I was favoured with notices from the Rev. T. Salwey of Tenby, Dr. John Ford Davis of Bath, and J. Dillwyn Llewelyn, Esq. of Penllergare. The latter gentle- man has published an account, with measurements of the fish and other particulars, in a paper communicated to the Royal Institution of South Wales ; and Mr. Salwey's obliging letter contained an excellent outline of the form, with various mea- surements. The whole length of the fish, when fresh, was ten feet three inches ; the circumference of the body six feet, and it was supposed to weigh between six and seven hundred pounds : the teeth were in six rows, flat, pointed, curved and sharp ; the back of a dark greenish lead colour, and reddish yellow on the belly. When opened on the third day after capture, the body contained thirty-nine young ones, perfectly formed, and each about nineteen inches in length. Among the numerous species included in the genus Squalus of Linnseus, — and I might say, indeed, in the whole class of Fishes, — there is no form more extraordinary than that of the Hammer-headed Sharks, four species of Avhich are noticed in the memoir by M. Valenciennes here quoted, where they are considered as a sub-genus, under the name of Zygacna. The Hammer-headed Shark taken on the coast of Norfolk 506 SQUALID;E. and at Tenby, being also a native of the Mediterranean Sea, has been long known, and is figured in the works of Belon, Rondelet, and Salviamis, as already quoted. The figure at the head of this article is taken from the Fauna Italica of the Prince of Canino. Its greatest singularity consists in the extraordinary form of the head ; but its habits, as far as they are known, afford no physiological illustration of this very remarkable structure. In other respects it is very like the Sharks in general. This species is said to be ferocious, to frequent deep water, and measures from seven to eight feet in length. Baron Cuvier states that it has been known to attain the length of twelve feet. The female produces many young- ones, which are of considerable size at the end of autumn. In some countries the flesh of several species of Sharks is eaten, but that of the Hammer-headed Shark is said to be not only hard, but very unpleasant both in smell and flavour. The head of this Shark, — representations of the upper and under surface of which, on a small scale, are given below, — measured from one eye to the other, is very large and wide ; the eyes are furnished with eye-lids, which arise from the internal part of the orbits, the iricles are golden yellow, the HAMMER-HEADED SHARK. 507 pupils black ; the nostrils are elongated, and open immedi- ately underneath the depression, or notch, in the anterior margin of the laterally expanded portions of the head ; the mouth semicircular, and furnished with three, four, or five rows of teeth, depending upon the age of the specimen ; these teeth are large, sharp, somewhat triangular and curved, with smooth cutting edges when the Shark is young, but serrated afterwards ; the teeth in the upper jaw having their points directed towards the angle of the mouth ; those of the lower jaw have the same direction, but they are narrower. The body is elongated, covered with a skin slightly gra- nulated ; the colour greyish brown above, nearly white be- neath : branchial openings five, all before the base of the pectoral fin ; the pectoral fins nearly triangular ; the first dorsal fin large ; the second small, and placed just in advance of the commencement of the tail ; the inferior lobe of the tail small, the superior portion as long as the head of the fish is wide ; the anal fin is under the second dorsal. This species is found in the Mediterranean, on the shores of the various countries of Europe, in the Ocean, and on the coast of Brazil. To make this subject as complete as my means will allow, and afford an opportunity of identifying any other species of Zygoena that might wander to our shores, I here add, as a vignette, representations of the heads of the other known species, of which No. 1 is Zygcena tudes, Val. the synonymes being, according to M. Valenciennes, Le Squale pantouflier of Lacepede, t. i. p. 260, pi. VII. fig. 3. Duhamel, sect. IX. pt. ii. pi. XXI. fig. 4 to 7. Koma Sora Russel, pi. XII. This species has been found in the Mediterranean, on the coast of Coromandel, and at Cayenne, S. America. No. 2. Zygoena Tiburo, Val. syn. Squalus Tiburo, Linn. torn. i. p. 899, sp. 6. Tiburonis species minor, Marcg. 181. Willughby, tab. B. 9, fig. 3. Klein Misc. 508 SQUALID/E. Pise. III. p. 13, tab. II. figs. 3, 4. This species has only as yet been met with on the coast of Brazil. No. 3. Zygoena Blocln'i, Cuv. Regne An. t. ii. Bloch, pi. 117. The locality from which this species was obtained is unknown, but specimens are still preserved. No. 4. Zygoena laticeps, Cantor. This is a new species lately described and figured by Dr. Theodore Cantor, who obtained it in the Bay of Bengal, and in which the head is still wider than in either of the other known species ; a straight line drawn from the one eye to the other is equal to about one half of the total length of the fish. In shape the fins are like those of the four species already known ; the only difference I have observed, says Dr. Cantor, is the situation of the anal fin, which in the present species is somewhat anterior to the second dorsal, while these fins in the others are opposite. COMMON TOPE. 509 CHONDEOPTERYGIl. SQUALIDM. THE COMMON TOPE. PENNY DOG, Hastings. — MILLER'S DOG, Cornwall. Galeus vulgaris, Le Milandre, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 389. Canis galeus Rondeletii, WILLUGHBY, p. 51, B. 6, fig. 1. Squalus galeus, LINNAEUS. BLOCFI, pt. iv. pi. 1 18. ,• ,, Tope Shark, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 146, pi. 18. Galeus vulgaris, Common Tope, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 165, sp. 6. Squalus galeus, ,, ,, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 501, sp. 191. ,, ,, NILS. Prod. p. 115. ,, ,, Le Milandre, BLAINV. Faun. Franf. p. 85. Galeus canis, BON A p. Faun. Ital. fasc. viii. GALEUS. Generic Characters. — Fins in number and position as in the last described genus. Head flat and rather long ; temporal orifices present ; teeth pointed, concave, and serrated on the outer edge in both jaws. THE TOPE is a common species along the southern coast, where it is known by the names of Penny Dog and Miller's Dog ; it has also been noticed by Pennant in Flintshire ; and by others in different parts of the coast of Ireland. It is not, however, considered so plentiful in the north, but has been taken about Berwick Bay, and its occurrence recorded by Dr. Johnston in his address to the Members of the Berwickshire Natural History Club for the year 1832. It has also been taken in the Frith of Forth, as recorded by Dr. Parnell. 510 SQUAL1DE. On the Cornish coast this is a common and rapacious species ; but it is not so destructive as the Blue Shark. The larger specimens, which are about six feet long, abound chiefly in summer ; and the young, to the number of thirty or more, according to Mr. Couch, are excluded all at once from the female in May and June. They do not reach the full size until the second year, and continue with us through the first winter, while those of larger size retire into deep water. No use is made of this species beyond melting the liver for oil. When caught on a fisherman's line, this fish sometimes has recourse to the same attempt at deliverance as the Blue Shark, by twisting the line throughout the whole length round its body. Body fusiform : the skin almost smooth ; lateral line straight ; the first and second dorsal fins rather small, tri- angular, very slightly convex on their posterior edges, both ending in points directed backwards; the first dorsal fin placed over the interval between the pectoral and ventral fins ; the second immediately over the anal fin, and a little larger than it in size : the head is rather large ; the muzzle elongated and depressed ; nostrils pierced very near the mouth, in part closed by a membrane ; the eyes moderate, and over the mouth ; temporal orifices small ; the jaws semi- circular ; teeth small, in several rows, and very nearly alike both above and below, triangular and denticulated on the outer side ; the branchial apertures are small, placed near together, the four first nearly equal in size, the fifth the COMMON TOPE. 511 smallest, and placed over the anterior edge of tlic pectoral fins ; the pectoral fins are of moderate size, and triangular in shape ; the ventral fins small, near the middle of the whole length, and under the space between the first and second dor- sal ; the tail rather less than half the length of the body, with a bi-lobed fin ; the upper lobe terminal, oblique, and trun- cated ; the inferior lobe with one deep triangular elongation, and a smaller one near the end. All the upper part of the body and sides are of a uniform slate grey, the under surface lighter in colour, inclining to greyish white. The vignette represents the head of a Shark. 512 SQUALID E. CHONDROl'TERYGH. SQUALID^. THE SMOOTH HOUND. SKATE-TOOTHED SHARK. RAY-MOUTHED DOG, Cornwall. Mustelus Ifcvis, L'Emissole, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 389. Squalus mustelus, LINNJEUS. WILLUGHBY, p. 60, B. 5, f. 2. ,, ,, Smooth Shark, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 151. Mustelus lavis, Smooth Hound, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 166, sp. 4. Sqitalus mustelus, ,, ,, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 502, sp. 192. ,, ,, Itevis, BLAINV. Faun. Franc, p. 84. Mustelus Plebejus, BONAV. Faun. Ital. fasc. viii. MUSTELUS. Generic Characters. — The same as in the last genus, Galetis, except the pointed teeth, which in this are flat, like those of the Skate. THIS Shark is rather a common species round our coast. It is occasionally taken in the Frith of Forth ; and Dr. Flem- ing says the flesh of it is used as food in the Hebrides, and is esteemed a delicate dish. I have received this Shark from Dr. Johnston of Berwick, and have seen it at various places on the coasts of Kent and Sussex. It is called Smooth Hound, from the comparative softness of its skin in reference to British Sharks in general ; and it is also called Ray- mouthed Dog in Cornwall, from the form of its teeth, which are flat and without prominent points, like those of the fe- male or young male of the Thornback. The vignette repre- sents an inside and an outside view of one half of the mouth SMOOTH HOUND. 513 and teeth of this Shark, which are so different from those of any other British Shark as to serve the purpose of a distin- guishing character. The peculiarity in the form and arrange- ment of these teeth, so closely resembling those of the Skate, is seen by comparing the vignette before referred to with that representing the teeth of the Thornback, which is given here- after, when describing the first species of true Skate. The young of the Smooth Hound frequently have nume- rous small white spots above the lateral line ; but the teeth and other characters agree so closely with the spotless grey examples of larger size, that I am induced to consider these spots only as marks of youth, which may also be observed in other species, particularly in the Picked Dog-fish, Spinax Acanthias, Cuvicr : and in this view I am further confirmed by the opinions of Mr. Couch and Dr. Johnston. Mr. Couch says of this species, in reference to its habits, that it is common, but not abundant, and keeps close to the bottom on clean ground, where it feeds on crustaceous ani- mals, which it crushes previous to swallowing, and for which its flat pavement-like teeth are well adapted : it also takes a bait, but is less rapacious than most of the tribe. The young- are produced alive in November, the whole coming to perfec- tion at once ; but they are few in number, not perhaps ex- ceeding a dozen, and soon after birth they all go into deep water, from which they do not emerge until the following May. This species has been taken on the coasts of the counties of Antrim and Londonderry. The specimen described measured eighteen inches in length ; the top of the head flat and rather broad ; the begin- ning of the back elevated and rather rounded ; the eye large, lateral, elongated horizontally ; temporal orifices rather small, and placed immediately behind the posterior angle : first dor- sal fin considerably larger than the second ; both of the same VOL. II. 2 L 514 SQUALID.F.. shape, with an elongated free point at the base projecting backward, the centre of the first dorsal at the distance of six inches, and that of the second at twelve inches, from the point of the nose. Under surface of the head flat ; nostrils semilunar in shape, with a central free cutaneous valve : the mouth half the width of the whole under surface, rather an- gular in shape than semicircular ; upper lip on each outside ending in a free elongation of the membrane ; the teeth small, flat, like those of a young Skate ; pectoral fins large, com- mencing at three inches and a half from the point of the nose ; ventral fins under the space between the two dorsals ; the anal fin begins in a line under the middle of the second dorsal fin, but being only half its size, ends but a little behind it : the upper part of the caudal fin is a long narrow horizon- tal slip ; the free part of the under portion is made up of two triangular portions, the first of which is long, the second and last short. The surface of the body smoother than that of Sharks in general : the colour of the upper part of the head, body, and fins, pearl grey ; under parts greyish yellow white : lateral line prominent ; above it the body along its whole length is marked with numerous small circular white spots, which, as before stated, are most conspicuous while this fish is young. PORBKAOLK. 515 CHONDROPTERYG1I. SQUALWX. THE PORBEAGLE, OR BEAUMARIS SHARK. Lamna Cornubica, Le Squale Nez, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 389. ,, ,, Porbeagle, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 168, sp. 15. Squalus Cflrnnbicus, ,, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 152 & 254, pi. 20. Shark, DON. Brit. Fish.pl. 108. „ ,, ,, GOODENOUGH, Linn. Trans, vol. iii. p. 80, tab. 15. „ ,, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 500 & 501. ,, ,, NILSS. Prod. p. 116. Lamna Cornubica, BONAP. Faun. Ital. fasc. xiii. LAMNA. Generic Characters. — Two dorsal fins, the first but little behind the line of the pectoral fin ; the second dorsal fin over the anal. Skin smooth. Head pointed ; nose pyramidal ; nasal valves small. Temporal orifices, or spiracles, very small, at a distance behind the eye. Teeth flat, triangular, smooth, sharp, cutting, with a small denticle at the base on each side in adults. Branchial openings large. IN the former edition of tins work, I had, with others, considered the Beaumaris Shark distinct from the Porbeagle, but opportunities of examining four specimens which have been taken on different parts of our coast since 1837 induce 2 L 2 516 SQUALID.E. me to believe that tlic differences observed arc only the effects of greater age, and I have therefore now brought them together, believing them to form but one species. The Porbeagle occurs occasionally on the northern and on the southern coasts of this country, and is mentioned as having been taken at Belfast. The specimen described and figured by Dr. Goodenough in the Transactions of the Linncan Society, as quoted, was taken at Hastings ; Mr. Couch has seen it occasionally in Cornwall, and it was figured by Dr. Borlase in his history of that coast. Mr. Couch states of this species, " That it associates in small companies in pursuit of prey, from which circumstance, and a distant resemblance to the Porpus, they derive their name. I have found the remains of cartilaginous fishes and Cuttles in their stomachs, and in one instance three full-grown Hakes. This species attains a large size at an early age, so that I have found it cutting its second row of teeth when nearly full-grown." On the northern and north-east coast it occurs most fre- quently during autumn, and, not to multiply descriptions already in print, I shall here insert one furnished by Dr. George Johnston of Berwick, who examined two specimens in the autumn of 1884, both of which were taken in Ber- wick Bay, and who also very kindly sent me, Avith his de- scription, a portion of a jaw, from which the teeth here in- serted were drawn. Of these teeth there were three rows, the third or inner row beins1 much smaller than O the teeth of the two preceding rows, and perhaps only recently ex- posed. Body fusiform, very narrow at the tail, and strongly keeled there on each side ; skin smooth when stroked backwards, of a uniform greyish black colour, the belly white ; snout PORBEAGLE. 517 obtusely pointed, with a band of punctures on each side of the forehead terminating above the eyes, a few similar punc- tures behind the eyes, and a triangular patch of them before the nostrils ; they are the apertures of canals filled with a transparent jelly : eyes round, dark blue ; branchial slits five, cut across the neck, the posterior oblique and close to the pectoral fin ; back rounded ; dorsal fin triangular, with a free pointed pale-coloured process behind ; posterior dorsal fin also pointed posteriorly ; pectorals somewhat triangular, obliquely sinuate on the posterior edge, black ; ventral fins rhomboidal, meeting at the mesial line, on which are the anal and generative apertures ; anal fin small, pointed be- hind ; tail lunate, with unequal lobes, the superior and larg- est with a projecting outline near the tip ; above the tail there is a flat space bounded by a short transverse ridge, and a similar one opposite on the ventral side : lateral line straight ; the keel on the body runs forward on the tail, and there is a small keel beneath this confined to the tail itself. The length along the lateral line, five feet eight inches and a half; circumference in front of the dorsal fin, two feet eight inches and a half ; from the snout to the eye four inches and three-quarters ; diameter of the eye, one inch and one-tenth : breadth between the eyes, five inches and one-quarter ; from the snout to the margin of the upper lip, four inches and a half, thence to the angle of the mouth also four inches and a half; breadth of the mouth from angle to angle, eight inches and one-quarter ; snout to dorsal fin, two feet one inch and three-quarters ; height of dorsal fin, nine inches and three- quarters ; length of dorsal fin, ten inches and one-quarter ; length of the free portion of it, three inches ; space between the first and second dorsal fins, one foot eight inches ; length from the snout to the anal aperture, three feet eight inches ; extreme breadth of the tail, one foot eight inches ; length of the tail in the mesial line, six inches and one quarter. 518 SQUALID,*: CHONDROPTERYGH. SQUALID JE. THE BASKING SHARK. THE SUN-FISH, and SAIL-FISH. Selachns matimtis, Le Pelerin, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 390. SljlittluS ,, LiNN/EUS 1 ,, ,, Basking Shark, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 134, pi. 16. ,, ,, Common Snil-Jish, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 164, sp. 5. ,, ,, Basking Shark, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 503, sp. 193. ,, ,, NILSS. Prod. p. 114. SELACHUS. Generic Characters. — Two dorsal fins, the first placed but little behind the line of the pectorals, the second over the interval between the ven- tral and anal fins. The skin rough. Snout short and blunt. Temporal orifices very small. Teeth very small, numerous, conical, edges smooth, no lateral denticles. Branchial openings large, nearly encircling the neck. THE BASKING SHARK, so called from its habit of remain- ing occasionally at the surface of the water almost motionless, as if enjoying the influence of the sun's rays, whence it is also on some parts of the Irish and Welsh coasts called Sun- fish, is one of the largest of the true fishes, and has been known to measure thirty-six feet in length. It has been seen generally from the month of June to the commencement of BASKING SHARK. 519 winter. When northerly winds prevail, it is most frequent on the west coast of Scotland. It has also been seen on the north and on the west coasts of Ireland. If westerly winds prevail, it is not unusual to see them along the whole line of the southern coast. It has been taken on the coasts of Waterford, Wales, Cornwall, Devonshire, Dorsetshire, and several times at different places on the coast of Sussex. The specimen described and figured by Sir E. Home, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1809, was taken off Hastings ; and the largest specimen I have seen, which measured thirty- six feet in length, was caught some years since off Brighton. From our southern coast it frequently wanders as far to the eastward and south as the coast of France ; and the fish de- scribed and figured by M. de Blainville in the eighteenth volume of the Annales du Museum, I have very little doubt was of the same species as that described by Sir E. Home, which has been already referred to. The difficulty of obtaining a perfect view of this unwieldy fish, either when floating in water, or when from its great weight it lies partly imbedded in the soft soil of the sea- shore, has led to the differences which appear in the repre- sentations of it which have been published by different na- turalists. The Basking Shark is said to exhibit but little of the ferocious character of the Sharks in general, and is so indif- ferent to the approach of a boat as to suffer it even to touch its body when listlessly sunning itself at the surface. From its habit of swimming slowly along with its dorsal fin, and sometimes part of its back, out of water, it has obtained in the North the name of Sail-fish. In Orkney it is called Hoe-mother, and by contraction Homer, — that is, the mo- ther of the Picked Dog-fish, which is there called the Hoe. If deeply struck with a harpoon, the Basking Shark plunges suddenly down, and swims away with such rapidity and vio- 520 SQUALID/E. lence as to become a difficult as well as a dangerous capture. This species has the smallest teeth in proportion to its size of any of the Sharks. No remains of fish have been found in its stomach. One examined by Mr. Low contained a red pulpy mass, like bruised crabs, or the roe of Echini. Mr. Low adds, that this Shark's appearance, manners, and wea- pons do not indicate it to be a ravenous fish. Linnseus says that its food is Medusa, and Pennant considered that it sub- sisted on marine plants. The body is thickest about the middle, and diminishes towards both extremities ; when afloat the form is nearly cy- lindrical ; the skin thick and rough, of a brownish black colour, with tints of blue. The head conical, the muzzle short, rather blunt, smooth, and pierced with numerous circu- lar pores ; eyes near the snout, small, oval, the elongation horizontal, the irides brown ; half-way between the eye and the first branchial opening is the temporal orifice, oblique and small ; branchial openings five on each side, of great vertical length, each set including the whole side of the neck, and leaving only a small space above and below ; nostrils oval, small, placed rather laterally, and opening on the edge of the upper lip, pectoral fins of moderate size for so large a fish, — perhaps, as before stated, the largest of the true fishes, — the form somewhat triangular, placed close to the last bran- chial orifice, convex anteriorly and thick, slightly concave and much thinner behind ; the ventral fins also of moderate size, rather elongated at the base, placed behind the middle of the whole length of the fish, convex in front, concave be- hind, the inner and posterior half free, exhibiting in the figure chosen the cylindrical appendages peculiar to the male. The first dorsal fin, placed before the middle of the whole length of the fish, is much the larger of the two, forming an elevated triangle ; anterior edge but slightly convex, posterior edge concave, with an elongated point at the base directed BASKING SHARK. 521 backwards : the second dorsal fin much smaller than the first ; rounded above, attached throughout half its base only, and placed at two-thirds of the distance from the first dorsal to the caudal fin ; the anal fin is still smaller than the second dorsal, but of the same shape. From the line of the anal fin to the base of the tail there is a strong and prominent keel-like edge on each side, and just in advance of the base of the caudal fin, both above and below, is a groove, — that underneath rather smaller than that above. The caudal fin divided into two lobes, the upper one larger than the lower ; the posterior edge of the caudal fin appears to become notch- ed and abraded by age and use, and is frequently found un- equal at its margin, and variable in shape. The vignette below represents the Argulus foliaceus of J urine ; another species of parasitic animal occasionally found attached to fresh-water fishes. I have specimens that were taken from the Pike and the Trout. The figure on the left- hand represents the upper surface of a male : by the powers of the microscope some of the vessels of the body are ren- dered visible through the external tunic. The figure on the right-hand represents the under surface of a female : the ova are very conspicuous. The small figure between the two is of the natural size. SQUALIU.K. CHONDROPTERYGH. SQUALID A:, THE FOX SHARK. SEA-FOX. THRESHER. SEA-APE. Carcharias vulpes, La Faux, ou Reiiard, CUVIER, Regne An. t.ii. p. 388. Thresher, FI.F.M. Brit. An. p. 167, sp. 14. Vulpes marina, Squalus vulpes, Aln/iias WILLUGHBY, p. 54, B. 6, fig. 2. Long-tailed Shark, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 145. Sea-Fox, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 498. Le Squale Renard, BLAINV. Faun. Franc, p. 94. BONAP. Faun. Ital. fasc. xiii. ALOPIAS. Generic Characters. — Head, dorsal and anal fins, and spiracles, as in the genus Lamna ; upper lobe of the tail very long, with a depression at the base. Teeth triangular, flat, with smooth cutting edges in both jaws, curv- ing outwards on each side from the centre. Branchial openings small, the last over the pectoral fin. THIS species is occasionally met with on the British coast : Pennant examined one that measured thirteen feet in length ; and specimens have been seen of fifteen feet long. It is called the Sea-Fox from the length and size of its tail ; and, according to Dr. Borlase, has received the name of Thresher from its habit of attacking other animals, or defending itself, by blows of the tail.* It is an inhabitant of the Mediterra- nean as well as other seas ; and a specimen has been taken near Belfast. * See vol. i. p. 165. FOX SHARK. The extreme length of ;i Fox-Shark examined by Mr. J Couch, " was in a straight line ten feet ten inches, and along the curve eleven feet eight inches ; three feet four inches round where thickest ; solid at the chest ; conical from the snout to the pectoral fins, and thick even to the tail, which organ from the root was five feet and a half long, and conse- quently more than half the length of the body ; eye promi- nent, round, hard, four inches from the snout ; iris blue, pupil green : the nostrils small, and not lobed ; mouth five inches wide, shaped like a horse-shoe ; teeth flat, triangular, in two or three rows, not numerous ; spiracles five ; pectoral fins wide at the base, pointed, eighteen inches and a half long. Measured along the curve, from the snout to the first dorsal fin, was two feet five inches, the fin triangular ; from the first dorsal to the second, fourteen inches and a half; this and the anal fin small ; ventral fins also rather small, triansm- O lar ; above and below at the base of the tail a deep depres- sion ; skin smooth ; lateral line central and straight ; breadth of the tail, including both lobes, thirteen inches ; the upper lobe narrow throughout its great length, and on the lower margin, at four inches from the extremity, is a triangular process. Colour of the body and fins dark blue, mottled with white over the belly." Mr. Couch says it is not uncommon for a Thresher to approach a herd of Dolphins (Delphini) that may be sport- ing in unsuspicious security, and by one splash of its tail on the water put them all to flight like so many hares before a hound. " The specimen here described was taken at the entrance of the harbour of Looe in Cornwall, in October 1826, hav- ing become entangled in a net set for Salmon. The stomach was filled with voiing Hcrrinsjs.'" SQUALID.E. CHONDROPTERYGII. SQUALID THE PICKED DOG-FISH. BONE-DOG, Sussex. — HOE, Orkney. Acanthiitsvutgaris, Spinax acanthias, Galeus ,, Squaliis ,, Risso, Hist. vol. iii. p. 131. L'aiguillat, CUVTER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 391. she spinux, WJLLUGHBY, p. 56, B. 5, f. 1. LINN/EUS. BLOCII, pt. iii. pi. 85; the young, pt. iii. pi. 75, fig. 1. ,, spinax, Picked Shark, PF.NN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 133. ,, acaiithins, ,, ,, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 82. Spinax ,, Common Dog-Jish, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 166, sp. 10. Squaltts ,, Picked Dog-fsh, JENVNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 505, sp. 194. „ „ Nn.ss. Prod. p. 117. ,, ,, BLAINV. Faun. Franf. p. 57. Spinax acanthias, BONAP. Faun. Ital. fasc. viii. ACANTIIIAS. Generic Characters. — Two dorsal fins, with a spine before each ; first dorsal behind the line of the pectorals ; the second dorsal over the space between the ventral and caudal fins; no anal fin. Skin rough in one direction ; the scales heart-shaped, with a central spine directed backwards. Temporal spiracles large. Several rows of teeth in both jaws, cutting and sharp, the points directed outwards and backwards. THE PICKED Doo-FisH is a very common species, at once distinguished from the other British Sharks by the sin- gle spine placed in advance of each of its two dorsal fins, — a weapon from which it derives its specific appellation, pick TICKED DOG-FISH. being synonymous with pike or spike. Among the Scotch islands, where it is called the Hoe, it appears most nume- rous at the full and change of the moon, on account of the then greater quantity of water, and consequent increased strength or race of the tide in some of the narrow straits. Being gregarious, they frequently make their appearance in such shoals that the fishermen load their boats to the water's edge with them ; and, acccording to Mr. Low, they prove a valuable capture. The flesh is dried and eaten : the livers yield a large quantity of oil, while their intestines and other refuse parts are strewed over the land as manure. Dr. Neill and Dr. Parnell say this species is very common in the Forth during the Herring season, where numbers are caught ; but their flesh is not eaten in that neighbourhood. The Dog-fish is common also at Berwick, and on the north-eastern coast generally. The Picked Dog-fish is found in numbers at most of the fishing stations along the south-eastern coast, round to Kent and Sussex, where it is almost universally called the Bone Dog. According to Montagu's MS. it is very numerous in Devonshire and in Cornwall. Mr. Couch says, " It is the most abundant of the Sharks, and is sometimes found in incalcu- lable numbers, to the no small annoyance of the fishermen, whose hooks they cut from the lines in rapid succession. I have heard of twenty thousand taken in a sean at one time ; and such is the strength of instinct, that little creatures not exceeding six inches in length may be found, in company with the larger and stronger, following schulls of fish, on which at that time it is impossible they should be able to prey. The Picked Dog bends itself into the form of a bow for the purpose of using its spines, and by a sudden motion causes them to spring asunder in opposite directions : and so accurately is this intention effected, that if a finger be placed on its head, it will strike it without piercing its own skin. 526 SQUALID.E. This fish is subject, like many others, to occasional mon- strosity. A friend of mine was in possession of a Picked Dog-fish with two heads, the separation continuing so far back as behind the pectoral fins. The fishermen who found it informed me that there was only one egg attached to it, and that it must have been dropped from the mother after she was taken. The young are produced at various periods from June to November. This species is common on various parts of the coast of Ireland. The whole length of the specimen described was eighteen inches ; the top of the head flat ; the temporal orifices large, and seen from above : first dorsal fin commencing at one- third of the whole length ; rather small in size ; front edge convex, concave behind ; the point of the spine preceding the fin half as high as the fin : the second dorsal fin half-way be- tween the first and the end of the tail ; small in size, with a spine as high as the fin : the nose rather pointed ; the eyes lateral, elongated horizontally; temporal orifices behind, large, but above the line of the eye ; nostrils small, with a minute valve ; mouth semicircular, when quite open nearly round ; the teeth from the centre of both jaws with points projecting outward on each side, the edges sharp ; pectoral fins large, commencing half-way between the snout and the first dorsal ; ventral fins small, placed intermediate, in a vertical line, be- tween the first and second dorsal ; no anal fin ; tail powerful, upper membrane broad, the lower anterior part triangular, ending in a slip prolonged backward. The upper part of the head, body, and fins, slate grey ; under parts yellowish white ; young specimens generally exhibit a few white spots. Skin moderately rough on passing the finger upwards towards the head ; in the contrary direction quite smooth. GREENLAND SHARK. CriONDUOPTERYGH. S QUA I.I DM. THE GREENLAND SHARK. Scymnns borcalis, Greenland Shark, FLERI. Brit. An. p. 166, sp. 11. Sqnalus ,, ,, ,, SCORESBY, Arctic Regions, vol. i. p. 538, pi. 15, figs. 3, 4. ,, glacialis, Faber, NILSSON, Prod. Icht. Scand. p. 116, sp 7. ,, borealis, Greenland Shark, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 506, sp. 195. ,, Norwegianus, BLAINV. Faun. Franc, p. 61. SCYMNUS. Generic Characters. — All the fins small : two dorsal fins, the first but little before, and the second but little behind, the line of the ventrals ; no anal fin. Skin rough. Temporal orifices, or spiracles, large, placed rather high up on the head, above as well as behind the eyes. Teeth in the lower jaw crooked at the point, equilateral at the base ; in the upper jaw lancet-shaped, but little curved ; the points in both jaws diverging from the centre. Gill-open- ings small. THIS species of Shark, which is a native of the Northern Seas, has been twice noticed in Scotland. According to Dr. Fleming, one was caught in the Pentland Frith in 1803 ; and another, measuring thirteen feet and a half long, found dead at Burra Frith, Unst, was seen by Mr. Edmonston. 528 SQUAL1D.E. I am indebted to J. Hutcliinson, Esq. of Durham, for the knowledge of the occurrence of an example of this species on the coast of Durham in April 1840, and this specimen has been preserved for the Durham University Museum. Mr. Hutchinson's very obliging communication contained various interesting particulars, with a penciled sketch of the fish, the fins, the teeth, and the spinous asperities on the skin, to be hereafter noticed in the description. This Shark appears to be well known to several Northern zoologists ; and the following account is derived from the va- luable work on the Arctic Regions by Captain W. Scoresby. " The Squalus borealis is twelve or fourteen feet in length, sometimes more, and six or eight feet in circumfer- ence. The opening of the mouth, which extends nearly across the lower part of the head, is from twenty-one to twen- ty-four inches in width. The teeth are serrated in one jaw, and lancet-shaped and denticulated in the other. It is with- out the anal fin, but has the temporal opening ; the spiracles on the neck are five in number on each side. The colour is cinereous grey. The irides are blue, the pupil emerald green." " This Shark is one of the foes of the Whale. It bites it and annoys it while living, and feeds on it when dead. It scoops hemispherical pieces out of its body, nearly as big as a person's head ; and continues scooping and gorging lump after lump, until the whole cavity of its belly is filled. It is so insensible of pain, that though it has been run through the body with a knife and escaped, yet, after a while, I have seen it return to banquet again on the Whale, at the very spot where it received its wounds. The heart is very small ; it performs six or eight pulsations in a minute, and continues its beating for some hours after being taken out of the body. The body, also, though separated into any number of parts, gives evidence of life for a similar length of time. It is GREENLAND SHARK. 529 therefore extremely difficult to kill. It is actually unsafe to trust the hand in its mouth, though the head be separated from the body. Though the Whale-fishers frequently slip into the water where Sharks abound, there has been no in- stance, that I have heard of, of their ever having been at- tacked by the Shark." " Besides dead Whales, the Sharks feed on small fishes and crabs. A fish, in size and form resembling a Whiting, was found in the stomach of one that I killed ; but the pro- cess of digestion had gone so far, that its species could not be satisfactorily discovered. In swimming, the tail only is used : the rest of its fins being spread out to balance it, are never observed in motion but when some change of direction is required. " To the posterior edge of the pupil of the eye is attached a white vermiform substance, one or two inches in length. Each extremity of it consists of two filaments, but the cen- tral part is single. The sailors imagine this Shark is blind, because it pays not the least attention to the presence of a man ; and is, indeed, so apparently stupid, that it never draws back when a blow is aimed at it with a knife or lance." The eyes of this Greenland Shark, with the appendages, were brought home by Captain W. Scoresby, preserved in spirits, and submitted to Sir David Brewster, who gave one specimen to Dr. Grant. The appendage proved to be a new species of parasitic animal, which Dr. Grant named Lerntea elongata, and described it, adding a figure of it, in the seventh volume of the Edinburgh Journal of Science. The imperfection of the vision of the fish was probably produced by the various perforations made in the cornea by the tenta- cula of this new species of Lerntea ; as it is by those organs that these parasitic animals retain their hold and live upon the fluids extracted from the part to which they adhere, VOL. II. 2 M 530 SQUALID.E. This species of Lernaca is perhaps the largest known : it mea- sured three inches in length. A Shark of this species is the subject of a memoir by M. Valenciennes in the first volume of the " Nouvelles An- nales clu Museum,1'' where, on account of the very small size of its fins, it is called Scymnus micropterus. This example was found stranded on the sand in the large bay at the mouth of the Seine, about the end of March or the begin- ning of April 1832. It was bought, and afterwards exhi- bited at Havre, and was finally sent to Paris, very well preserved, considering its bulk, in a large wooden box sa- turated with pyroligneous acid. The whole length was thirteen feet. The head and body compressed ; numerous mucous pores, arranged in lines, about the head and neck ; the body deepest in the region of the pectoral fin ; the first dorsal fin smaller than the pectoral fin, and preceded by an elongated ridge or keel on the back of the fish, formed by a fold or duplicature of the skin ; the second dorsal fin preceded also but by a shorter keel : the fish was a male ; the ventral fins and sexual appendages, or claspcrs, very small ; no anal fin ; the colour dark brown on the back, grey on the belly. No doubt exists that this species lives in the northern seas, agreeing in dentition with preserved parts of a large Shark brought from North Cape, and also Avith the fish described and figured by Gunner in the second volume of the Natural History Memoirs of Drontheim, p. 330, plates X. and XI. under the name of Squalus Carcharias. M. Blainville, as seen by the synonymes at the head of this sub- ject, calls this species in the " Faun. Franc.11 Norwegianus. Mr. Hutchinson, in his letter to me referring to the Durham specimen, particularly mentions, and shows in his drawing, the small size of the fins, which accounts for the sluggish movements of the fish as described by Captain Scoresby. GREENLAND SHARK. Mr. Hutchinson says the colour of the fish when fresh was brown, deeply shaded with blue ; the blue soon faded, and it became dark brown ; when quite dry it was cinereous brown. The rows of teeth vary in number from two to six, probably depending upon the age of the fish ; I have only figured the outer row in each jaw, that the form might be clearly defined, those on the left being from the lower jaw. The points in all the rows of each jaw diverge from the centre as figured in the single row of each here given under the fish. The vignette represents the form of row-boat in use on the west coast of Norway, derived from Barrow's visit to Iceland. 2 M 2 532 SQUALID.E. CHONDROPTERYGII. SQUALID&. Squalits spinosus, THE SPINOUS SHARK. Echinorhinus spiiwsus, BLAINVILLE, Faun. Franc. Poiss. p. 66, sp. 6. ,, ,, BONAP. Faun. Ital. fasc. xiii. ,, obesus, Dr. A. SMITH, Zool. South Afr. No. 1. GMELIN, Syst. Nat. I. p. 1500, sp. 27. LACEPEDE, Hist. Nat. Poiss. 4to. t. i. p. 30, tab. 3, fig. 2 ; 8vo. t. v. p. 354, pi. 22. SCHNEIDER, p. 136, sp. 31. Risso, Ichth. p. 42, sp. 18. Hist. t. iii. p. 136, sp. 21. CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. 1829, p. 393. AOASSIZ, Recherches tur les Poiss. Foss. Scymnus Goiioidits Generic Characters. Echinorhimts, Blainville. Gonuidus, Agassiz. — The first dorsal fin opposite to the abdominal ones. Teeth in both jaws, broad and low, the edge nearly horizontal ; the lateral edges have one or two transverse denticles. (1 species.)* SOON after the publication of that part of the British Fishes which contained the Sharks, I received a communica- tion from Mr. John Hey, then Honorary Curator to the Leeds Philosophical Society, with a coloured drawing of the well known Spinous Shark of authors, a specimen of which * Miiller and Henle. Generic characters of Cartilaginous Fishes. Mag. Nat. Hist, for 1838, p. 89, and Syst. Besch. Plag. 96. SPINOUS SHARK. 533 had been taken in Filcy Bay, on the Yorkshire coast, in the summer of 1830, and therefore entitled to a place among British Fishes ; but the whole of the then remaining portion of the work being at that time printed for publication on the 1st of August, 1836, I was unable to avail myself of this interesting information, which came to my hands on the 7th of July. On the 30th of the same month I was favoured with a letter from Dr. H. S. Boase of Penzance, containing an account of the capture of a Spinous Shark on the 23rd of that month, near the Land's End ; and Dr. Boase also very kindly sent me in his letter pen-and-ink sketches of two views of this Shark, made to a scale of one inch to a foot, with representations and specimens of the teeth and spines. In November 1837, the Rev. Robert Holdsworth sent me notice by letter of the capture of a Spinous Shark, taken in a trawl-net off Brixham, with pen-and-ink sketches of the form of the body, with a small portion of its spine-studded skin, and some of its teeth. At the meeting of the British Association at Newcastle- upon-Tyne, in August 1828, Arthur Strickland, Esq. of Bridlington, exhibited in the section devoted to Natural History a drawing, and read a short description, of a Spinous Shark, which had been recently found on the Yorkshire coast, and was evidently of this species, Mr. Gray referring to the figure of it lately published by Dr. Andrew Smith in the first number of his " Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa," which the drawing exhibited by Mr. Strick- land very closely resembled. Lastly, I may add that on the 9th of November 1838, the Rev. Robert Holdsworth sent me word that another speci- men of the Spinous Shark had been caught on a fisherman's line off Berry Head on the previous Tuesday. I soon af- terwards received a notice of this last capture from my 534 SQUALID.E. D friend Mr. Couch, of Polperro, and also from Mr. Heggerty, of Torquay, to which place, as I understood, this last speci- men had been brought for preservation. Four examples of this Shark are therefore known to have been obtained on our coasts within the last three years, and one in the summer of 1830. This very remarkable Shark was first described by Brous- sonnet under the name of Le chten de mer boucle, in the " Memoires de P Academic des Sciences pour 1780," and, as may be seen by the numerous synonymes at the head of this subject, is a species that is exceedingly well known, having a wide geographical range, extending from the North Sea to the Cape of Good Hope in one direction, and from the shores of Italy into the Atlantic in another. The specimen described by Broussonnet measured only about four feet in length ; but it has been taken upwards of seven feet long on the Cornish coast ; and M. Risso mentions that one of four hundred pounds' weight, and therefore pro- bably still longer than the Cornish specimen, was caught by the Mandrague, or Tonnaro fishermen of Nice, in the hori- zontal nets set up by them to catch Tunnies. Some differences will be observed in the comparative length and thickness of the figures here given, the first of SPINOUS SHARK. 535 which is taken from the drawing sent me by Mr. John Hey of the Filey Bay specimen ; the second representing, on the other side, a more bulky fish, is taken from Dr. A. Smith's illustrations. The figures given by Lacepede and the Prince of Musignano are rather long and slender, and were probably taken from specimens of small comparative size ; the figure sent me by Dr. Boase from a fish more than seven feet long, and the drawing exhibited by Mr. Strickland at Newcastle, more resembled the figure by Dr. Smith. Some specimens are described as being intermediate, and all these differences in the same species may be referred to age or sex, or both, a young male and an old female presenting the greatest con- trast. The decided similarity in the teeth, which are very peculiar, and which only differ in size, with the particular character of the skin and its spines, with their radiated bases, leave no room to doubt that these various examples belong to one and the same species. We become a little acquainted with some of the habits of this Shark by noticing the circumstances under which it has been captured. Of the first Cornish specimen, Dr. Boase says, this Shark was caught on the 23rd of July, 1836, west of the Long Slips, Land's End. Just before the moon set the fishermen had been very successful, but all at once lost their sport, or as they expressed it, " the Congers suddenly sheered off to a man." When hooked, it was not more troublesome than a Conger ; but when brought to the water's edge, it gave battle, and was secured with great difficulty. The first specimen noticed by the Rev. Robert Holdsworth as caught in a trawl-net off Brixham, had a portion of a Gurnard in its stomach. Of the third specimen, caught on the southern coast, near Berry Head, Mr. Holdsworth says, this Shark was taken near the bottom on a hook baited with cuttle. The men were fishing for Conger Eel, and other large fish, when this Shark was hooked. They describe his 536 SQUAL1D.E. action in the water as most powerful, and were obliged to let him run with the line four times to the bottom before they could hamper him with a sliding noose let down over the line to his tail. These lines and the trawl-net only do their work at the bottom, and we may, therefore, conclude that this species is a Ground Shark. As such Cuvier had arranged it in his genus Scymnus, and Dr. Andrew Smith, who from his extensive acquaintance with this division of the cartilaginous fishes is an admitted authority, confirms this opinion. Of this Spinous Shark, Dr. Smith says, " This species is comparatively rare at the Cape of Good Hope. It is described by the fishermen as sluggish and unwieldy in its movements, and but seldom to be observed towards the sur- face of the water. When they obtain specimens, it is gene- rally at a time when they are fishing in deep water, and when the bait with which the hooks are armed is near to the bot- tom. In this respect it resembles the Scyllia, or Ground Sharks ; and, if we were to regard only its internal organisa- tion, we should be disposed to consider it as closely allied to that genus." Never having seen a specimen of this Shark, the following- description of its colour and form is derived from Dr. Smithes work. Colour : — The head and back, as far as the first dorsal fin, dark leaden grey ; the rest of the back, the sides, and the belly, pale coppery yellow, clouded with purple and brownish tints ; and the belly besides is marked with blotches of light vermilion red ; the fins towards their bases reddish brown, tinged with dull grey, towards their extremities a lighter shade of the same colour; chin, sides of muzzle, and some- times a spot behind the eye, dull white ; eyes coppery green. Form, &c. — Body very thick in proportion to its length, with only a slight diminution in size towards the tail ; the back in front of the first dorsal fin nearly straight ; the head SriNOUS SHARK. 537 flat above, and slightly sloping to the muzzle, which is rounded ; nostrils transverse, and each partially divided by a narrow membranous lobule, which projects backwards from its anterior margin ; their position is nearly over the most pro- jecting, or central portion of the upper jaw, considerably nearer to the eyes than the tip of the snout, and about half way between the latter, and the angle of the mouth. Eyes rather nearer to a line raised from the angle of the mouth than to the nostrils ; pupil circular and small ; postocular spiracle scarcely visible. Gape wide and arched, having at each corner a triangular fold of skin formed by the union of the upper and lower lips. Teeth regularly placed upon each jaw, only one row in use at a time, the rest reclined ; they are large, compressed, and somewhat quadrangular, the cut- ting edges nearly horizontal, and both of their sides are generally bicuspidatc, as will be seen by the figures here in- serted, representing from young and old specimens the teeth of both jaws as opposed to each other. Branchial openings all in front of pectoral fins ; the first not more than half the length of the fifth. Pectoral fins rather small, the hinder edges nearly square ; the dorsal fins are small, the first narrower at its base than at its extremity, which is slightly rounded ; the second nearly throughout of equal breadth, the hinder edge almost square ; the ventral fins short, broader behind than at their bases, and their pos- terior edges slightly undulated ; the caudal fin entire, some- 538 SQUALID.E. what triangular, and slightly falciform ; the upper portion high above the line of the back, the lower scarcely below the line of the body immediately in front of it. Lateral line distinct, commencing above the branchial openings, and ex- tending nearly without curve or undulation to the commence- ment of the caudal fin, from thence it ascends the latter, and extends along it, nearer to its anterior than posterior edge, until it reaches its upper extremity ; at its origin this line is nearer to the middle of the back than the base of the pectoral fin ; to the touch it feels slightly rough, which arises from its being beset with a number of minute prickles, which are most distinctly seen in preserved specimens. The surface of the skin both on the body and fins is more or less sprinkled with strong bony-looking spines, with large circular and flat- tened bases, which are striated from the centre towards the circumference. These spines vary in size as well as form, some being hooked, others quite straight ; in some places they are disposed in clusters, in others they are solitary, and on the extremity of the muzzle are nearly wanting. The appendages to the ventral fins in the male seldom extend much beyond their posterior margins. According to M. Risso, the females of this species have a smaller number of these spines than the males. ANGEL-FISH. 589 CHONDROPTERYCJ1. SQUALW.%. THE ANGEL FISH. MONK-FISH, SHARK-BAY, and KINGSTON. Squatina angelus, DUMERIL. CUVIED, Regne An. t. ii. p. 394. ,, Monk, or Angel-Jish, WILLUGHBY, p. 79, D. 3. Squaius squatina, LINNAEUS. BLOCH, pt. iv. pi. 116. ,, ,, Angel Shark, PENN. Brit. Zoo], vol. iii. p. 130, pi. 15, male. ,, ,, ,, ,, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 17. Sqnatina vulguris, Monh-Jish, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 169, sp. 16. ,, Angelus, Angel-Jish, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 507, sp. 197. ,, vulgaris, Risso, Ichth. p. 45. SQUATINA. Generic Characters. — Body very much depressed; head flat, rounded anteriorly ; both eyes on the upper surface ; temporal orifices large, be- hind the eyes ; mouth at the end of the snout ; pectoral fins large, attached an- teriorly to the head, the posterior edge free ; two dorsal fins, both behind the ventrals ; no anal fin. THIS fish, certainly more remarkable for the singularity of its form than for its beauty, is called Angel-fish in England, France, and Italy, and is said to have acquired that name from the extended pectoral fins having the appearance of it is also called Monk-fish, because its rounded head wings 540 SQUALID.E. looks as if enveloped in a monk's hood. Mr. Donovan says the form of its body has obtained for it in some places the name of Fiddle-fish ; and it is also called Shark-Ray, from its partaking of the characters of both Shark and Ray, though in some respects distinct from either. It is, however,- by no means so truly osculant between those families as the exotic genus Rhinobatus. It is most numerous on the southern coast of our island ; but is occasionally taken in the Forth, and some other parts of the east coast, particularly about Cromer and Yarmouth. It is common on the coasts of Kent and Sussex, where it is called a Kingston, — a name for it that occurs in Merretfs Pinax. It is also taken in Cornwall ; and is recorded as oc- curring in Ireland on the coasts of Kerry, Waterford, Dub- lin, and Belfast. This fish is very voracious, and feeds on the smaller flat- fishes, which, like itself, swim close to the bottom ; occasion- ally, like them also, hiding itself in the loose, soft soil that floats over it. The Angel-fish sometimes attains a large size. Cuvier, Pennant, and others, mention having seen specimens that would have weighed one hundred pounds. The flesh is now considered indifferent and seldom eaten, but is said to have been formerly held in high estimation. The skin is rather rough, and is used for polishing, and other works in the arts : Mr. Donovan also says that the Turks at the present time make shagreen of it. A second species of this genus has been supposed to occur on our coast ; but the Angel-fish is probably liable to some variation in colour, depending on the nature of the ground in the locality in which it is found : the sexes also exhibit some differences. The females produce their young alive in June. This species is said to attain the length of seven or eight feet ; the specimen described measured but fourteen inches ; ANGEL-FISH. the breadth of the head in the line of the temporal orifices three inches, whole breadth across the pectoral fins from angle to angle seven inches and a half, breadth across the ventral fins four inches and one quarter ; head depressed, rounded at the anterior margin ; eyes on the upper surface, distance between them one inch and one quarter ; temporal orifices very large, one inch and a half apart, elongated transversely, about as far behind the eyes as these are from the anterior margin of the head : pectoral fins large, lateral, pointed in front, triangular on the outer edge, and rounded posteriorly ; sides of the body of the fish parallel behind their free edges ; ventral fins elongated, slightly rounded, con- tracted in breadth behind ; commencement of first dorsal fin even with the posterior edge of the ventrals ; the second dor- sal fin begins at the half of the distance between the com- mencement of the first dorsal and the caudal fin ; tail with an equal-sized triangular lobe above and below. The mouth is very wide, opening on the anterior margin of the head ; the angles of the mouth under the external angles of each tem- poral orifice : teeth long and pointed ; branchial apertures elongated ; the parallelism of the sides of the fish most con- spicuous from below ; anal orifice rather before the middle of the whole length ; the colour of all the under parts dirty white ; the surface smooth ; all the upper surface granulated, rough, of a dark mottled chocolate brown ; a row of short spines, directed backwards, are ranged along the central line of the back between the ventral fins. RAIID.E. CHONDROPTERYG1I. U All DA* THE OLD BRITISH TORPEDO. COMMON CRAMP-FISH. NUMB-FISH, WeymOllth. ELECTRIC RAY. CRAMP-RAY, Cornwall. Torpedo CUVIEU, Regne An. t. ii. p. 369. ,, Cramp-fish, WILLUGHBY, p. 81, D. 4. Raia Torpedo, LINN/EUS. BLOCK, pt. iv. pi. 122. Torpille, UUHAMEL, Sect. ix. pi. 13. Torpedo, WALSH, Phil. Trans. 1772, vol. Ixiii. Raia Torpedo, Electric Ray, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 118, pi. 12. „ „ ,, ,, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 53. Torpedo vulgaris, Common Cramp-fish, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 169, sp. 17. Torpedo marmorata, Risso, Ichth. p. 20. ,, ,, MULIER & HENLE, p. 128. TORPEDO. Generic Characters. — The disk of the body nearly circular ; pec- toral fins large ; two dorsal fins placed so far back as to be on the tail ; surface of the body smooth ; tail short, and rather thick ; teeth small and sharp. The family of the Rays or Skate. OLD BRITISH TORPEDO. 543 THE earliest notices of this fish on our coasts by English writers were made by Smith in his History of Waterford, and afterwards by Pennant and Walsh ; but as, according to Baron Cuvier, several species have been included under the name of the Raia Torpedo of Linnseus, the true name of one British species is still doubtful, and it remains therefore for some naturalist who is fortunate enough to obtain British specimens to determine the particular species of our coast. Colonel Montagu, in his MS. notes, mentions having met with two examples of the Torpedo ; but no description of either of them is given. The first was of small size, and was taken at Torcross, where it was so rare as to be unknown to the oldest of the fishermen of that place. Of the second, the notice is as follows : — " I observed a very large specimen that was taken on a turbot-hook off the coast of Tenby, in Wales. It was dead when disengaged from the hook, or the fisherman would certainly have had a shock that would have made him remember the species again. It appeared, how- ever, so rare an occurrence here, that no one knew the fish, which was exhibited as an extraordinary creature. Its weight was about one hundred pounds." The figure at the head of this subject was taken from a small specimen which appears to be of the same species as that figured by Pennant in the British Zoology ; but Pen- nant's plate, which exhibits in the two outside figures the under and upper surface of a female, the third and middle figure being that of a male of smaller size, appears to have been copied from a larger print representing specimens taken on the sea-shore in the neighbourhood of La Rochelle. Mr. Donovan's figure differs from that of Pennant in exhibiting a marbled appearance on its upper surface, with five distinct dark spots : it differs also in its form and proportions. The electrical powers of the Torpedo are so well under- stood by the different names that have been applied to it, as ;">44 RAIIDE. well as by the various and voluminous accounts that have been published, that it is unnecessary to repeat here what has already appeared so often in print elsewhere. The situa- tion of the apparatus or structure from which these species derive their extraordinary power is indicated by the two ele- vations, one of which is placed on each outside of the eyes and temporal orifices, and extending to the lateral external rounded edges. The apparatus occupies the whole of the space between the upper and under surface of the body, and is composed, as shown by the figures of Walsh and Pennant, of a great number of tubes arranged perpendicular to the plane of the upper and under surfaces, which when exposed by a transverse section have very much the appearance of a portion of honeycomb. The tubes contain a mucous secre- tion, and the structure is largely provided with nerves deriv- ed from the eighth pair. It is said that when the shock is given, the convex part of the upper surface is gradually de- pressed, the sensation is then felt, and the convexity sud- denly returns. The whole use of the electrical apparatus and power to the fish can only be conjectured. That it serves as a means of defence, is very probable ; that it also enables a slow, inact- ive fish to arrest and obtain as food some of the more active inhabitants of the deep, is also probable. Mr. Couch thinks other powers may be derived from it, and his opinion is thus expressed : — " One well-known effect of the electric shock is to deprive animals killed by it of their organic irritability,* and consequently to render them more readily disposed to pass into a state of decomposition, in which condition the di- gestive powers more speedily and effectually act upon them. If any creature more than others might seem to require such a preparation of its food, it is the Cramp-Ray, the whole * The bodies of animals killed by lightning do not become stiff, and decom- position goes on rapidly. OLD BRITISH TORPEDO. 545 canal of whose intestine is not more than half as long as the stomach." " So long ago as the time of Dioscorides, the physician of Anthony and Cleopatra, the shock of this fish was recom- mended for medical purposes, and especially for pains of the head ; and this may be considered as the earliest record of the application of electricity to medicine. In later times, it was applied to the cure of gout ; the patient being directed to keep his foot on the fish until the numbness extended to the knees. Baron Humboldt remarks, that the will of the fish directs the effect to whatever part it feels most strongly irri- tated, but only under the influence of the brain and heart. When a fish was cut through the middle, the fore part of the body alone gave shocks." But little of its habits are known : it is said to prefer soft and muddy ground, where its actions are slow and inert. It is rare on the British coast ; but two or three species inhabit the Mediterranean, and there is reason to believe that two species inhabit our seas. Walsh obtained specimens in Torbay ; and the figure of his fish in the Transactions of our Royal Society exhibits the temporal orifices, or spiracles, round and stellated, or having notched or fringed edges. Pennant's figures appear to have been copied from those of Walsh ; but Pennant was too good a naturalist to have adopted a figure that did not agree with his specimens ; moreover, in his description are the words, "Behind each (eye) was a round spiracle, with six small cutaneous rags on their inner surface." Mr. Donovan's figure exhibits spiracles with fringed edges. The colour was a pale mottled brown. I have assumed, therefore, for distinction's sake, that it may be the marmorata of MiAller and Henle. The species next to be described has the spiracles oval, with perfectly smooth edges, and has been taken on various parts of our coast. VOL. II. 2 N 546 RAIID/E. CHONDROPTERYGII. RA11DA-.. THE NEW BRITISH TORPEDO. BONAP. Faun. Ital. fasc. xii. 1835. THOMPSON, Ann. Nat. Hist. vol. v. p. 292. ,, ,, Fauna of Ireland, div. Vertebrata. emarginata, M'Cov, Ann. Nat. Hist. vol. vi. p. 407 ? Torpedo nobiliana ,, Walshii, IN the month of September 1808, H. Hunt, Esq. of Dartmouth, did me the favour to send me two examples of a Torpedo taken on the coast of Devonshire, and these are the only British caught specimens I ever possessed. One of them was very large, and was taken in a trawl-net ; this fish I presented in Mr. Hunt's name to the Museum of the Zoo- logical Society, and it is now in the collection : the second specimen being smaller and more manageable, I preserved it for myself, and from it the figure here given was drawn. NEW BRITISH TORPEDO. ~>47 This species differs from the one represented by Walsh, Pennant, Hunter, Shaw, and Donovan, and also that figured by myself in the last engraving, page 542, in having tem- poral spiracles with perfectly smooth edges : it agrees, more- over, with the Torpedo caught in July 1840 in one of the weirs at Swansea, so minutely described by L. W. Dill- wyn, Esq. in his " Contributions towards a History of Swan- sea." It agrees also with the Torpedo Walshii of William Thompson, Esq. who has seen my specimen, and considers it identical with those which have been taken on different parts of the coast of Ireland, most of which are particularly referred to by Mr. Thompson in his paper in the fifth volume of the Annals of Natural History, as already quoted among the synonymes. My specimen is, I believe, identical also with the Torpedo emarginata of Mr. M'Coy, as described and figured in the sixth volume of the Annals of Natural History, pages 407 and 408. When looking over my collection of British Rays with C. L. Bonaparte, Prince of Canino, during his visit to Lon- don in May last, that distinguished naturalist, on seeing the Torpedo, immediately said, " that is the nobiliana of my Fauna Italica," and I have accordingly placed that name at the head of the synonymes. There is, I think, little doubt that this Mediterranean fish is identical with our new British Torpedo ; the figure in the Fauna Italica exhibits the double emargination on the anterior edge at the junction of the pec- toral fins with the head, as shown and described by Mr. M'Coy, in his communication to the Annals of Natural His- tory, before referred to ; but it does not exhibit the anterior dorsal fin entirely behind the ventrals. In other particulars it agrees with the New British Torpedo, our second species. Several specimens of Torpedo, besides those already men- tioned, have been taken at various times on different parts of our coast, particularly in Devonshire, Cornwall, South Wales, 2 N 2 548 RAIID.E. and the south of Ireland ; but their peculiarities were either unnoticed or unrecorded, and it is therefore doubtful to which of our species they belonged. Some naturalists may still consider that we have but one species, and that the present fish is identical with that of Walsh and Pennant. Montagu, unfortunately, did not describe or particularise either of the two specimens he saw, but I think it may be con- cluded that he would have done so had either of his examples differed from the figure and description given by Pennant. The New British Torpedo appears to vary in its colour from a reddish brown to a dark greenish or bluish black ; it remains to be shown whether the smooth uninterrupted margin of the spiracles may be depended upon as a permanent specific character. Excellent descriptions of the new Torpedo have been given by Mr. Dillwyn and Mr. Thompson in the volumes quoted, and a single specimen may decide the question. The whole length of the fish from which the figure was taken is twenty-six inches ; the greatest breadth fifteen inches and a quarter ; the length to the posterior free margin of the pectoral fins thirteen inches and a half; the base of the first dorsal fin occupies the central line of the lower third portion of the ventral fins ; the second dorsal fin is placed half-way between the posterior edge of the first dorsal fin and the commencement of the upper lobe of the tail ; the second dorsal fin is of the same shape, but only half as large as the first dorsal fin ; the upper and under lobes of the tail, form- ing together the caudal fin, are nearly equal in size, and somewhat triangular in shape ; the posterior free margin but slightly concave in the centre ; the eyes small ; the spiracles perfectly smooth at the edge, not in the least serrated, and rather oval in shape than circular, but this form may have been produced while the skin was drying ; teeth small, nu- merous, and pointed, calculated for holding rather than for NEW BRITISH TORPEDO. cutting, the form being that of a sharp incurved spine issuing from a broad base ; the mouth wide ; the colour on the upper surface of the body and fins a uniform dark chocolate brown tinged with dark bluish black ; the under surface white, which, while the fish is fresh, is said by observers to have over it a blush of red. The specimen was a female. The males have long cylindrical appendages to the inner edge of the ventral fins, which in the Rays, or Skate, are called claspers. The vignette represents a boat of the Lake of Geneva. 550 RAIID/E. CHONDROPTERYG11. n AH DA:. LONG-NOSED SKATE. Raia mucronata, ,, rostrata, Ltfviruja oxyrhynchus, Raia vomer, Long-nosed Skate, COUCH'S MS. BLAINV. Faun. Franc, p. 30. BONAP. Faun. Ital. fasc. xxv. FRIES, Ichth. Scand. RAIA. Generic Characters. — Form of the body rhomboidal, very much de- pressed; tail long and slender, generally armed on the upper surface with one or more rows of sharp spines ; two small fins near the end of the tail, and some- times a small terminal or caudal fin ; the eyes and temporal orifices on the upper surface of the head ; nostrils, mouth, and branchial apertures, beneath ; teeth flattened, lozenge-shaped, the inner angle elongated in old males. THE RAYS, or Skate, as they are popularly called, are remarkable for the rhomboidal form and consequent breadth of their bodies, contrasted with their long narrow tails, frc- LONG-NOSED SKATE. .">">1 quently furnished with two and sometimes three small fins, and mostly armed with one or more rows of sharp spines along the whole length. The whole body is very much de- pressed ; the great breadth of it is produced by the expansion of what are considered as the pectoral fins, the base of each of which is equal to the whole length of the side of the fish. The Skate may almost be considered as having no true head or neck, the sides of both being included and thus protected by the expanded anterior margin of each pectoral fin. The nostrils, mouth, branchial and anal apertures, are on the under surface ; the eyes and temporal orifices on the upper surface. The texture of the skin of the body varies consi- derably, and will be referred to when describing the different species. From the peculiar form of the body, admirably adapted to exist at the bottom of the water, the Skate may with more propriety be called a Flatfish than any species of the Pleuronectidte. Their mode of progression is not very easily described : it is, when they are not alarmed, performed with a slight undulating motion of the pectoral fins, some- thing between flying and swimming. I once heard a North- country fisherman call it sluddering. When a Skate makes the best of its way either to gain a prize in the matter of food, or to escape an enemy, great muscular exertion is evi- dent. The mode of defending itself, as described by Mr. Couch, is very effectual : the point of the nose and the base of the tail are bent upwards toward each other ; the upper surface of the body being then concave, the tail is lashed about in all directions over it, and the rows of sharp spines frequently inflict severe wounds. Some sexual peculiarities require particular notice. The woodcut introduced overleaf represents in the left-hand por- tion an inside view of one-half of the mouth of an adult male ; that on the right, an inside view of one-half of the mouth of an equally adult female of the Thornback Ray. While both 552 RAIIDE. are young, the teeth in both sexes arc alike broad and flat ; but as the male acquires age and sexual power, the teeth that are nearest the centre begin to alter in form and become pointed, as will be seen on close examination, by an elonga- tion of the internal angle ; all the points being directed back- wards or towards the throat. Some exceptions to this appa- rent rule will be pointed out. Another sexual peculiarity in which the Skate resemble the Sharks is the cylindrical appendage to each ventral fin in the males. The figure at the head of this subject is taken from the under surface of a female, in which no appendages exist ; the second figure of the Sharp-nosed Skate, the next in succession, is from the upper surface of an old male, and appendages lying on each side close to the tail may be seen ; even in very young specimens, not more than three inches in breadth, the sexes may be determined by the constant exist- ence of these appendages in the males. The fourth figure is taken from the under surface of a vouno1 male, and exhibits v O these appendages of smaller size : their use may be inferred from the name they bear — they are commonly called claspers. The second figure of the Sharp-nosed Ray exhibits also other peculiarities common to males : these are the clusters of spines outside the eye and temporal orifice on each side, and the regular rows of spines towards the upper outer surface of the pectoral fins. The elongation of the central teeth, the devc- LONG-NOSED SKATE. lopmcnt of the cylindrical appendages, and the appearance and growth of the clusters and rows of spines on the upper surface at the parts pointed out, may be considered analogous to those sexual distinctions which exist in many species of birds and mammals, and which, have been called by John Hunter and others, secondary sexual characters. These spines on the upper surface of the males occur in the different species of Skate with smooth skins, as well as in the others, and are entirely independent of those spinous productions of the cuticle which distinguish two British species, and will be more particularly noticed hereafter. It may here be stated generally, that the Skate are very voracious : their food con- sists of any sort of fish that they can catch, with mollusca, testaceous or naked, and Crustacea. So powerful are their muscles and jaws, that they are able to crush the strong shell of a crab with ease. As in the Sharks, the females are larger than the males. The under surface of the Skate at the head of this subject presents two central circular cavities. The upper one just below the transverse mouth is bounded laterally by the five branchial apertures on each outside ; within this cavity the gills are placed. The circular cavity below is the abdomen, and contains the stomach, intestines, and other viscera. The heart is placed immediately in the centre between the two cavities, and is protected by a broad and strong transverse cartilaginous arch, the situation of which is indicated. The young are produced towards the latter part of spring, or during summer. They are deposited by the parent fish in thin horny cases, like those of some of the Sharks already described ; but they are more square in form, as the representation here inserted will evince. These horny cases of the Rays, like those of the Sharks, are also called purses ; and on the coast of Cumberland bear the name of Skate-barrows, from the resemblance in shape to 554 RAIID/E. a four-hand eel machine by which two men carry goods. As the young Skate increases in size, the angular parts of the body curve over for a time, till the fish ultimately escapes to provide for itself in a much wider but more dangerous region. The eleven species of true Rays which are found on the coasts of this country will be arranged here in two divisions ; the first of which contains seven species, having the skin per- fectly smooth ; the second division contains two species with rough skins, and two which are furnished with numerous short sharp spines on various parts of the surface of the body ; these lead to three other genera, the species of which are still more powerfully armed with a long spine. The Skate, as food, are held in very different degrees of estimation in different places. In London, particularly, large quantities are consumed, and the flesh is considered delicate and well-flavoured ; but on some parts of the coast, though caught in considerable numbers, both by lines and LONG-NOSED SKATE. ~~.1 nets, the flesh is seldom devoted to any purpose beyond that of baiting pots for catching crabs and lobsters. Skate arc in the best condition for the table during autumn and winter. In spring, and in the early part of summer, they are usually maturing eggs or young, and their flesh is then soft and woolly. The Long-nosed Skate is immediately distinguished from any other Skate found on the British coast, not only by'thc great length of the nose, but also by the distance between its most extreme point and the transverse line of the mouth ; characters particularly observable in comparison with the spe- cies next in order, with which it most assimilates in colour. The snout is very much produced, narrow and sharp, slender as far as the eyes, from whence the body dilates gradually to its greatest breadth, which is behind the centre ; the whole length of the body and tail one-third longer than the width. On the upper surface the body is of a light lead colour ; the tail with a row of crooked spines ; the small fins on the tail not far removed from each other, the second about its own length from the end. The under surface is a dirty greyish white, marked with numerous mucous pores which look like dusky specks ; the body is thin in substance ; the nostrils are lobed ; the mouth narrow ; the teeth in old males sharp : on the snout two rows of minute tubercular spines ; towards the outer upper edge of the pectoral fins on each side are the usual rows of sharp hooked spines, and close to the tail the long pendent claspers. The figure here given repre- sents the under surface of a female. According to Mr. Couch, this species frequents deep water, and is not caught through the winter : fishermen say that it is exceedingly violent when hooked. I may here state gene- rally, that the greater part of the Skate brought to market arc taken in trawl-nets. 556 RAIID.K. CHONDIWPTER.YG1I. RA11D&. THE SHARP-NOSED RAY. WHITE SKATE, Scotland. — BURTON SKATE, Cornwall. Raia ariirJiynchus, Sharp-nosed 11 ait) MONTAGU, Wern. Mem. vol. ii. p. 423. ,, ,, ,, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 113. ,, ,, ,, ,, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 171, sp. 21. ,, ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 511, sp. 20. ,, ,, Burton Skate, COUCH'S MS. ,, lintea, FRIES, Ichth. Scand. THIS species, says Mr. Couch, from whose drawing the figure is taken, " may be easily recognised by its sharp snout, by the waved line of the margin of the body from the snout to the extremity of the expansion, and by its pure white colour on the lower surface. It is the largest of the British Rays ; for though in length and breadth it may not SHARP-NOSED RAY. ">">7 exceed the common Skate, its superior thickness rentiers it heavier." Colonel Montagu, in the Wcrnerian Memoirs already quoted, says, by way of further distinction, the snout in this species is slender, the lateral margins in a moderately-sized fish running nearly parallel to each other for three or four inches at the extremity. The skin is smooth, with the ex- ception of the spines on the upper surface, peculiar to the males, as shown in the figure ; the colour a plain brown with- out spots or lines, and never so dark as the Skate last de- scribed, with which it is sometimes confounded. The teeth of the males, according to a specimen of the mouth very kindly sent to me by Mr. Couch, are longer, more pointed, and sharper than those of any other species I have had an opportunity of examining. The tail is armed with three rows of spines. Mr. Couch states that the smaller-sized specimens are taken throughout the year ; but those which are larger keep in deep water, and are only taken in summer and autumn. The French are great consumers of Skate, and this species is their favourite fish : their boats come to Plymouth during Lent to purchase Skate, which they preserve fresh and moist during the run back to their own coast by keeping them covered with wet sand. This species is the White Skate of the Orkneys, and of Scotland generally. Dr. George Johnston says it is not un- common at Berwick, and attains a very large size : this gen- tleman had measured one Avhich was seven feet nine inches in length, and eight feet three inches in breadth. It is said to have been taken on the south-east coast of Ireland. Two examples of this species have been obtained at Madeira by the Rev. R. T. Lowe, as recorded in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society for 1889, p. 92. 558 CHOXDROPTEU YOU. RAiii'i:. RAUDX. THE FLAPPER SKATE. Raia intermedia. Parncll. Hula intermediti. Flapper Skate, PARNELL, R. S. E. Proceedings, 17 April, 1837, p. 166. Trans. R. S. E. vol. xiv.pl. 6. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. vii. p. 429, pi. XL. ,, ,, ,, ,, MULLER & HENLE, Flag. p. 147. " THIS fish," says Dr. Parnell, " which was obtained in the Frith of Forth in the month of May, seems to be a new species of Skate, since I am not aware of its having been previously described. It appears to be the connecting link between Raia batis and Raia oxyrhynchus, to both of which it is closely allied, and it is from this circumstance that I suggest the specific name of intermedia.'''1 FLAITKR SKATE. 559 " It is distinguished from Raia ball's, in the upper sur- face of the body being perfectly smooth, without granulations, and of a dark olive colour spotted with white ; in the ante- rior part of each orbit being furnished with a strong spine pointing backwards ; in the dorsal fins being more remote from each other, and in the anterior margins of the pectorals being rather more concave, giving the snout a sharper appear- ance ; whereas, in Raia batis, the upper surface of the body is rough to the touch, of a uniform dusky grey without spots ; the orbits without spines ; the dorsal fins nearly approximate, and the anterior margins of the pectorals nearly straight." " It is likewise removed from Raia oxyrhynchus, in the snout being conic ; the under surface of the body dark grey ; a spine in front of each orbit, and the back of a dark olive- green, spotted with white ; whereas in the Raia oxyrhynchus, the snout is sharp and long, with the lateral margins parallel near the tip ; the under surface of the body pure white, and the back of a plain brown without spots." This species is not uncommon in the Frith of Forth, and " I have met," observes Dr. Parnell, " with two examples of a variety of this fish which were taken in the salmon-nets at Queensfcrry. They were both of small size, about eighteen inches in length. The back was of a uniform dark olive green without spots of any description, covered with a thick mucus ; under surface of a dark grey ; body very thin ; snout sharp, conical ; pectorals at their anterior margin rather sinuous, passing off somewhat suddenly at that part, in a line with the temporal orifices, giving the outline of the anterior part quite a different appearance to that observed in Raia intermedia ; the anterior part of each orbit is furnished with a spine ; back perfectly smooth ; tail with one row of spines on the dorsal ridge ; fins, and in all other respects, similar to Raia intermedia.'''' A female specimen of this fish, about two feet in length, 5GO RA1ID.E. tail included, is thus described by Dr. Parnell : — " Body rhomboidal, the transverse diameter equalling the distance between the point of the snout and the last tubercle but three on the central ridge of the tail ; from the point of the snout to the temporal orifice, rather more than one-third the length as far as the end of the anal fin, and one-fourth the length as far as the termination of the first dorsal. Body very thin ; snout pointed, conical ; pectorals large, somewhat of a triangular form, uniting in front at the snout, and ter- minating at the base of the ventrals ; the anterior margin rather concave, the posterior margin rounded ; ventrals about three times the length of their breadth ; anals commencing close behind the ventrals, and terminating in a free point ; rounded at the outer margins. Tail short and firm, being no longer than the distance from the base of the anal fin to the anterior margin of the orbit ; along the mesial line is a line of tubercles with sharp points directed downwards, about eighteen in number, commencing at the base of the anal, and terminating at the commence- ment of the first dorsal fin ; no lateral spines visible. First dorsal fin small, rounded at the free extremity; situated about one-third of the length of the tail from the tip ; the base of the fin about equalling the length ; second dorsal rather smaller than the first, and about the same form, placed about half-way between the termination of the first and the tip of the tail ; caudal fin rudimentary. Colour of the upper surface of the body of a dark olive green, with numerous white spots ; on the under surface dark grey, with minute specks of a deeper colour. Eyes rather small, flattened above, placed in front of the temporal orifices ; skin both above and below perfectly smooth ; a strong, sharp, bent spine in front of each orbit; ho spine or tubercles of any description on the back. Mouth large, placed beneath ; teeth small, not so large or so sharp as those in Raia batis. CHONDROPTERYGII. SKATE. 561 RA1ID&. THE SKATE. BLUE SKATE, and GREY SKATE, Scotland. TINKER, Lyme Regis. Raia batis, LINNAEUS. BLOCH, pt. iii. pi. 79, female. ,, ,, La Raie cendr&e, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 398. ,, Icevis sen cinerea, WILLUGHBY, p. 69, C. 5, male. „ batis, The Skate, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 11 1. ,, ,, ,, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 171, sp. 24. „ ,, „ JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 510, sp. 199. ,, ,, ,, COUCH'S MS. ,, ,, NILSS. and FRIES Ichth. Scand. ,, ,, BLAINV. Faun. Franf. p. 13. ,, alba ,, ,, ,, p. 14. ,, batis BONAP. Faun. Ital. fasc. 29. THIS species, which is frequently called the True Skate, VOL. II. 2 O 562 RAIID.E. to distinguish it from the Thornback and Homelyn, which are also popularly called Skate, is not so/ commonly taken as either, but is still better than either as an article of food. It appears to be found among the Orkneys, in the Forth, and on the coast of Scotland, where it is called Blue Skate and Grey Skate. From thence southward as far as Kent, and again westward to Cornwall, it is found along the whole line of coast. In Ireland, the Skate is taken from Cork up the east coast to Antrim, and from thence northward and westward to Londonderry and Donegal. At Lyme Regis, on account of its dusky grey colour, it is called the Tinker. Dr. Storer includes this species in his Report on the Fishes of Massachusetts. In this species both sexes when adult have sharp teeth, the points beginning to elongate by the time the body of the fish has attained the breadth of twelve or fourteen inches. The females are generally called Maids ; and fishermen dis- tinguish the females of the three species of most frequent occurrence by the names of Skate Maid, Thornback Maid, and Homelyn Maid, — frequently calling the old male of the Skate with his two long appendages the Three-tailed Skate. In each of these species the females are observed to be much more numerous as well as larger than the males. Pennant mentions having seen a Skate that weighed two hundred pounds : it is very voracious, and Mr. Couch has known five different species of fish, besides Crustacea, taken from the stomach of a single individual. There is reason to believe that the true Skate produces its young later in the season than either the Thornback or the Homelyn. The breadth of the body is to its length nearly as four to three ; the form of the nose conical : the lines from the nose to the extreme lateral angle of each pectoral fin slightly con- cave ; from thence to the ventral fins, the posterior free mar- gins are rather convex ; the eyes are slightly elevated above SKATE. 563 the line of the upper surface of the body, with a short, hard tubercle in the front of each, and a second on the inner side of each ; the irides yellow ; the temporal orifices valvular, and placed close behind : the dorsal ridge of the body with- out spines till near the origin of the ventral fins ; then com- mence a single row on the centre, reaching along the tail as far as the first of the two small fins, all the points of the spines directed backwards ; one spine between the two small dorsal fins. On the sides of the tail of a female of small size there were no lateral spines ; but in a young male of the same size, there were several lateral spines on each side, the points of which were directed forwards, and are in that respect characteristic of this species. The colour of the upper sur- face of the body and tail greyish-brown : the margins anterior to the angles of the pectoral fins tinged with reddish-brown ; those behind the angles brownish-black, darker than the body : the colour on the under surface is sooty white, with dark lines in various directions, and numerous mucous pores looking like blue specks with small sharp points disposed among them over the surface. The nostrils are valvular, half the width of the mouth in advance of each of its angles ; the mouth rather wide ; the teeth in this species are sharp in both sexes when adult, the inner angles of the central teeth beginning to elongate in specimens when they are about twelve inches in breadth across the body. I may here add that the true Skate, the subject of the pre- sent article, the Long-nosed Skate, the Sharp-nosed Skate, and the Flapper Skate, which precede it, are, in some lo- calities, included under the general term of Skate, from their similarity in colour. 56-t KAIID.E. CHONDROPTERYGI1. RA UD/E. THE BORDERED RAY. Raia marginata LACEPEDE. ,, ,, Bordered Ray, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 172, sp. 27. ,, ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 512, sp. 201. ,, ,, BLAINV. Faun. Franf. p. 19. ,, ,, BONAP. ,, Ital. fasc. vi. THE BORDERED RAY, as it is called from the broad dark marginal edge of its pectoral fins, has been taken at Liverpool, Brighton, and Weymouth ; it has also been taken at Dieppe, and noticed by M. Noel and Lacepede. It is a well-known species in the Mediterranean, described by M. de Blainville, by the Prince of Musignano, and M. Risso. But little is known of its habits, and it does not attain a large size. M. Risso states that the flesh is con- sidered pretty good. BORDERED RAY. 565 I avail myself, by permission, of Mr. Jenyns1 description of this species, taken from a specimen obtained at Wey- moutli by Professor Henslow. " Total length fifteen inches six lines : length of the head from the end of the snout to the spiracles behind the eyes, three inches six lines ; of the tail from the vent to its extremity, seven inches nine lines : greatest breadth across the pectorals, eleven inches three lines. The total length of M. de Blainville's specimen was two feet. The form rhomboidal ; the transverse diameter rather more than one- third greater than the length from the end of the snout to the vent : snout elongated, projecting considerably from between the pectorals, terminating in a sharp point, with the lateral margins nearly parallel for the last quarter of their length : mouth moderately wide ; jaws transverse ; teeth numerous, closely set, in several rows, roundish or somewhat quadrilateral at the base, each terminating in a sharp point : nostrils in a line with the corners of the mouth, and rather more than half-way between them and the upper margins of the pectorals ; a channel from the nostrils to the mouth, covered by a membranous flap : eyes and spiracles both large : skin perfectly smooth above ; and beneath also, excepting along the anterior margins of the pectorals and the surface of the snout, which are set with very minute spines and denticles : one large spine above each eye, in- clining backwards, and another smaller one behind each eye : no spines on any part of the back, but three rows on the tail, one occupying the middle ridge, the two others the sides ; the spines on these rows strong and sharp, and mostly inclining backwards : tail scarcely longer than the body, depressed, rather stout, with two moderately-sized finlets of equal form, nearly contiguous ; scarcely the rudiment of a caudal : pectorals broad, with the anterior margins hol- lowed out, and not prolonged beyond the basal half of the 566 RAIID.E. snout ; ventrals moderate, deeply notched or bilobated. Ge- neral colour of the upper part reddish-brown, somewhat paler on the pectorals, with a faint indication of round whitish spots ; beneath white, with a broad border all round, es- pecially beneath the angles of the pectorals, of dark reddish- brown, approaching to dusky : tail entirely black."" Since the preceding portion of this article was printed, I have received a specimen of the Bordered Ray from Lyme Regis, for which I .am indebted to the kindness of Lord Cole. The vignette below represents a view taken near Hunger- ford market. SMALL-EYED RAY. CHONDROPTERGYIL 567 RAIID^E. THE SMALL-EYED RAY, OR PAINTED RAY. Raia microcellata, Small-eyed Ray, MONTAGU, Wern. Mem. vol. ii. p. 430. FLEM. Brit. An. p. 171, sp. 23. „ ,, „ „ JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 515, sp. 204. „ ,, Painted Ray, COUCH'S MS. COLONEL MONTAGU and Mr. Couch appear to be the only British naturalists who have obtained this species ; and it must be considered a rare one, since the first of these gentlemen saw but two examples, and the latter has only seen one. The very small size of the eye is stated by both to be a remarkable and striking distinction. The length of the specimen obtained by Mr. Couch was thirty-three inches and a half, of which the tail measured 568 RAIID.E. thirteen inches ; breadth across the fins twenty-four inches ; the eyes three inches apart, and five inches and a half from the snout. The outline of the body much resembles that of the Thornback, R. clavata ; snout a little prominent, the margin waved to the extremity of the expansion, behind rounded ; the eyes very small ; temporal orifices large : the body covered with rough granulations, but altogether with- out spines, either on its surface or about the eyes, except a row that runs along two-thirds of the back, and down the middle of the tail to the fins ; an irregular row of similar hooked spines extends along each side of the tail ; along the tail is a border on each side, like a membranous fin ; two rounded fins towards the end of the tail, somewhat separated, the hindmost one inch from the end, with which it is con- tinuous by means of an elevated ridge. In the distribution of its colours this is the most beautiful of the British Rays. The upper surface is a light grey, with a lighter line running along the back and middle of the tail, enclosing the central row of spines. The disk is beautifully and regularly quar- tered, first by three white lines enclosing each other, and passing from near the eye circularly to near the extremity of the expansion, the convexity of the arch inwards, and consequently the shorter line nearer the margin ; on the hinder edge of the disk, formed by the pectorals, are two other lines passing from behind the expansion circularly to the neighbourhood of the abdominal fins, the convexity of the arch inwards ; on the more central part of the disk are a few whitish spots, those of both sides answering to each other ; the extreme edge of the disk posterior to its greatest expansion, and also the abdominals, as well as the fin-like margin of the tail, are edged with white. The nostrils have a prominent expanded membrane ; width of the mouth three inches ; teeth flat, like those of the Thornback ; mucous orifices on the under surface numerous, and as if punctured with a pin ; the colour of the skin a pure white. SMALL-EYED RAY. 561) Such is the description Mr. Couch gives of his specimen, which was a female, and which was taken by a line on the 28th of January 1835. In it numerous eggs were found, some of which had attained their full growth ; — a circumstance which fixes the period for the production of the young in this species. Mr. Couch writes me word that he has since ob- tained a second specimen, and Mr. M'Coy has described one in the 6th volume of the Annals of Natural History, that was taken in Dublin Bay, p. 407. Montagu says both his examples were females, resembling his R. maculata in form ; Mr. Couch refers to the Thornback for shape : the figure here given is taken from Mr. Couch's drawing, and it will be observed that all three have consi- derable similarity of outline. A few extracts from Monta- gu's description will exhibit further resemblance. The pro- portions by measurement are very nearly alike ; the upper surface pale brown, with a few scattered spots and lines of a lighter colour on the margins of the wings ; the skin covered with minute spines, which make it feel rough : the eyes remarkably small, at once pointing out a material distinction ; those of the specimen described did not exceed half an inch in diameter from the opposite angles of the eyelids ; whereas the R. maculata, and most others of similar size, have eyes nearly double that diameter : one row of small hooked spines on the tail, continuing along the dorsal ridge to the head. Colonel Montagu's specimens being younger than that ob- tained and described by Mr. Couch, had not acquired the lateral marginal rows of spines on the tail ; the under part smooth and white ; the teeth obtusely cuneiform, with a broad edge that felt rough to the finger as it was withdrawn from the mouth. 570 RAIID.E. CHONDROPTERYGIL RAIID&. THE HOMELYN RAY. THE HOME, SAND RAY, AND SPOTTED RAY. Paia miraletus, LINNAEUS. ,,' maculata, Sand Ray, MONTAGU, Wern. Mem. vol. ii. p. 426. ,, miraletus, Mirror Ray, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 103. ,, rubus, Rough Ray, ,, ,, ,, pi. 20. ,, oculata, Mirror Ray, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 172, sp. 26. ,, maculata, Spotted Ray, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 514, sp. 203. ,, ,, BLAINV. Faun. Franf. p. 15. ,, aster ias, ,, ,, ,, p. 25. ,, miraletus, ,, ,, ,, p. 27. ,, ,, BONAP. Faun. Ital. fasc. iii. THIS smooth-skinned spotted Ray, called Raia lams and Homelyn so long ago as the time of Merrett,* and one of our most common species along the line of our southern * Pinax Rerum Naturalium Britannicarum. London, 1667, p. 185. HOMELYN RAY. 571 coast, has not been so well distinguished or so clearly defined by some authors as its obvious characters admit and require. The males, though they have, like the females, a perfectly smooth skin, have also spines about the eyes, rows of small hooks on the upper surface of the pectoral fins, one row of spines along the dorsal ridge, with one on each side a little below the commencement of the dorsal series, and when full- grown, with three rows of strong spines on the tail. Thus extensively armed, the male has been called rubus : but those authors who quote as a synonyme the R. rubus of Bloch, part iii. pi. 84, have been misled by the German ichthyolo- gist, whose figure proves his fish to have been a male of the Thornback, of which his plate 83 is the female. The Homelyn of our coast has been best made out and described by Mr. Donovan, Colonel Montagu, and more recently by the Rev. Mr. Jenyns, under the different names here quoted. This species is liable to some occasional variation in the manner in which the upper surface of the body is spotted ; the spots are sometimes numerous, at others sparingly distri- buted : I have seen it quite free from spots, and have also seen it with only one eye-like spot on each side, not far re- moved from the line of the back. I have mentioned that the skin, independent of the accessory organs, is quite smooth. These variations have given rise to the different trivial names miraletus, oculata, Itevis, and maculata, which have been applied to it by different authors, from the appear- ance of the particular specimens examined. Colonel Montagu, referring to the miraletus and rubus of Mr. Donovan, had no doubt that they were both identical with his own maculata, since, being a common species on the Devonshire coast, he had ample opportunities of seeing it under its different appearances. Mr. Donovan has given correct figures both of the Mirror 572 RAIID.E. Ray and of tlie Homelyn, as quoted, the latter under the trivial term rub us ; but he believed with Montagu, that they were not distinct species. Mr. Donovan had noticed two similar eye-like spots on several small examples of the true Skate (batis) ; and I possess young specimens of the Thorn- back (clavata) with the same sort of ocellated lateral spots, and have seen many others of the three most common species. Mr. Donovan's remark accords so closely with my own view, that I insert it here in his own words : — " Although we present this as the Raia miraletus of Lin- nseus with perfect confidence, it is not without some hesita- tion at least that we can offer it as a distinct species. In every respect, except the ocellar spot on the wings, it perfect- ly agrees with the Homerling Ray, and may possibly prove, on further examination of other specimens, to be only a lusus, or remarkable variety of that fish." The figure given at the head of this subject exhibits the eye-like lateral spots, from the possession of which it has been called miraletus and oculata : the smoothness of the surface of the skin, and its numerous smaller spots, sufficiently warrant the terms leevis and maculata. The words oculata and laevis were combined by some of the older authors, and probably referred to this species. The Homelyn and the Thornback, which are not very dis- similar in shape, though otherwise perfectly distinct, are the two species most common in the London market : a large proportion of both are taken in the trawl-nets. This species is not common on the east coast of Scotland. In Ireland it has been taken at Belfast, Dublin, and Youghal. The form is rhomboidal ; the diameter of the body about one-fourth greater than the length : the nose short and blunt, its projection beyond the outline of the pectorals but small : in a young male specimen of twelve inches in breadth the se- condary sexual characters begin to appear ; there are numc- HOMELYN RAY. 57-- rous small spines about the nose, and some extending along part of the anterior edge of the pectoral fins ; two or three prominent spines before and behind each eye, with rough granulations on the surface of the skin before and between them : the more conspicuous characters that distinguish the males have been already noticed. The eyes and temporal orifices are large : the central row of dorsal spines commence above the middle of the body, with one strong spine on each side of it about the middle of the body and in the line of its greatest diameter : the series of spines on the dorsal ridge extend along the centre of the tail, with a row along each side of it in adult specimens ; in young examples the series on each side is not complete. On the tail are two small fins, with two spines between ; the points of all the spines on the central line and on the tail directed backwards. The colour of the upper surface is a pale yellowish or reddish brown, with spots of darker brown, subject to the variations that have been already pointed out ; the colour of the under surface plain white ; the skin smooth ; nostrils and mouth near the end of the nose ; the mouth transverse, rather small. Montagu says, both sexes of the maculata have sharp teeth ; but this refers to examples that are perfectly adult : young males of small size, and females when larger, have the teeth blunt; in old males, and very probably also in old females, from the operation of those laws which influence the secondary sexual characters, the teeth become pointed. The term Sand Ray is in some localities applied to the males of this Skate, but that name belongs to the next spe- cies. 574 RAIID.E. CHONDROPTERYGII. THE SANDY RAY. Raia spinosa, RONDELETIUS, p. 355. „ radula, DELAR. M6m. Poiss. Ivic. in An. Must. Hist. Nat. t. xiii. p. 321. ,, ,, Raie rape. Risso, Hist. t. iii. p. 151, sp. 38. ,, ,, ,, ratissoire, BLAINV. Faun. Franf . p. 25. ,, circularis, The Sandy Ray, COUCH, Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. xi. p. 71. ,, ,, ,, Cornish Fauna, p. 53. ,, fulsavela, BONAP. Faun. Ital. fasc. xxvi. IN the second volume of the New Series of the Magazine of Natural History, and the eleventh volume of the whole SANDY RAY. 575 work, Mr. Couch has given a figure and description of a species of Ray, which he hopes will be sufficient to prove that it cannot be confounded with any other Ray recognised as British ; " but whether," says Mr. Couch, " it can be re- ferred to any species described by other authors, I am not able to specify, except that I have with some degree of hesitation, supposed it to be possibly the Raia asterias of Ray, Syn. Pise. p. 27. " I cannot, however, persuade myself but that this species has been described by some authors, to whose writings I have no opportunity of obtaining access ; I therefore refrain from assigning to it a trivial name, that I may be in no danger of adding to science a useless synonym e. Its English name of Sandy Ray will be sufficient as a provisional de- signation." The close accordance of the figure and description of this fish given by Mr. Couch, to the figure and descriptions of the Raia radula of the authors here quoted, leaves little room to doubt but that they refer to the same species, and I include the fish, therefore, as here given, on Mr. Couch's authority. The figure in the Fauna Italica represents a female of our Sandy Ray, with the cluster of central dorsal spines, and the particular form of the ventral or pelvic fins, with other cha- racteristics. " It bears but a distant resemblance to the Raia maculata, or Homelyn," Mr. Couch observes, " either in appearance or value ; for while the Homelyn is esteemed as food, either fresh or salted, this is thought worthy only to bait the crab- pot, or, just as frequently, to be thrown aside for manure. It is of frequent occurrence in moderately deep water, from spring to the end of autumn. In winter, however, it is not often seen, chiefly, perhaps, because at that season the boats do not venture quite so far from land ; but, perhaps, also, from the fish having changed its quarters. It seems to be 576 R A TIDE. an indiscriminate feeder, living on small fishes, and different kinds of Crustacea." " The specimen described, which was of the ordinary size, measured three feet eight inches in length, of which the tail was nineteen inches ; the breadth two feet four inches and a half. The snout projected three-quarters of an inch, pro- minent and elevated ; the mouth three inches and a half wide, six inches from the snout. Under jaw peaked in the middle ; the teeth slender, sharp, in rows not very closely placed. The body passes off circularly from the snout, the greatest breadth opposite the centre of the disk, and of a rounded form. From the snout the ridge is elevated to the eyes, a distance of five inches and three-quarters ; eyes two inches asunder ; temporal orifices large. Body thickest pos- teriorly ; the tail stout at its origin, rounded above, tapering ; a groove along the body and tail ; two fins on the latter close together. A few spines near the end of the snout ; a semicircle of them behind each eye ; four short parallel rows on the centre of the back, and a middle one continued along the groove to the tail, which is covered with stout hooks, scarcely in regular order. The remainder of the body smooth. Colour above a uniform dusky brown, white below. On the back a variable number of ocellated spots, the size of the section of a large pea ; the centre pale yellow, the margin a deeper impression, of the colour of the skin. I have counted from eight to sixteen of these spots in different specimens, and believe they have no determinate number ; but they are always placed, on each side, with corresponding regularity. " Besides this description and figure, which I hope will enable^, those who visit our fishing vessels to ascertain this species, I will further observe, as marks of distinction from the other British species of this genus, that in addition to the form of the teeth, which are crooked and slender, resem- SANDY RAY. 577 bling a bird's claw in miniature, but which still are less long, slender, sharp, or crooked, than in young specimens of the Raia oxj/rhj/nchus, it may be distinguished by a great ten- dency to circularity in the disk, formed chiefly by a rounding off of the pectoral fins, by a flatness of the anterior portion, by the uniformity of its colour, the regularity of the spots, and the comparatively short and tapering tail. Since the publication of the Supplement to the British Fishes, in which a considerable portion of the previous ac- count appeared, I have been favoured by Captain Portlock, of the Ordnance Survey, with excellent drawings of a male and female of this species, which were caught in the North of Ireland, and from the drawing of the female the representation at the head of this subject was engraved. I am also indebted to Captain Portlock for many other interesting communica- tions on the Natural History of Ireland. The Sandy Ray has also been taken in Dublin Bay. The detailed descrip- tion by Mr. M'Coy of a Ray without a name, in his paper on some rare fish from the coast of Ireland, printed in the sixth volume of the Annals of Natural History, p. 405, to which I have before had the pleasure to refer, appears to belong to this species. i I"-'" . - - - " - ' • = :' - , • in '•?, --,-• - _: - ' • ''" ''- " • 578 RAIID.E. CHONDROPTERYG1I. l\ All DIE. m- m THE SHAGREEN RAY. Paia fullon icfl, LINN/F.US. ,, chagrined, Shagreen Kay, MONTAGU, Wern. Mem. vol. ii. p. 420, pi. 21. ,, ,, ,, ,, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 117. ,, aspera, „ ,, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 172. ,, chagrined, ,, ,, JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 513. ,, ,, ,, ,, PARNELL, Wern. Mem. vol. vii. p. 431, pi. 41. IN the first edition of the History of British Fishes, I made the mistake, from the want of specimens, of confound- ing the Shagreen Ray of Montagu with the Long-nosed Skate of Mr. Couch. Dr. Parnell very kindly set me right, and sent me, from Edinburgh, for my use, an example of the Shagreen Ray, which appears to be a rare species here in the SHAGREEN RAY. 57!.) south ; at least I have not as yet been fortunate enough to obtain one. According to the late M. Fries of Stockholm, the Shagreen Ray of English authors, so called from the rough shark-like texture of the skin, is the Raia fullonica of Linnaeus, and is probably, though this is not allowed by some writers, the same species as that called fullonica by Rondeletius, p. 856 of the Latin edition of 1554, and p. 283 of the French edition, printed at Lyons in 1558, illustrated by figures from the same wood-blocks. This species is also probably the R. fullonica of the Danish naturalist, M. Muller. In the Frith of Forth, according to Dr. Parnell, " The Shagreen Ray is occasionally taken in the stake-nets set in deep water, more especially in the months of May and June, when a few may be seen in the Edinburgh market along with Grey Skate and Thornbacks. It is known to the fishermen under the name of Rough Flapper, and its flesh is considered inferior as food to that of the other species of Skates, it being soft and dry. It feeds on small starfish, and crustaceous ani- mals in general."" Pennant met with a specimen at Scarborough, where he says it is called the French Ray, and that it is caught on hooks baited with sand-eels or sand-launce. Montagu has noticed it on the Devonshire coast, and men- tions having seen several of both sexes, but none larger than that which he has described. He adds, that it is known to some of the west country fishermen by the name of Dun Cow. The Shagreen Ray has been taken on the north-east coast of Ireland, by the collectors under the directions of the Ord- nance Survey ; and Mr. Thompson has included this species in his Report to the British Association on the Vertebrata of Ireland, which is published in the volume for the year 1840. This species appears to be the Raia aspera of the Fishes of the Fauna Fran9aise by M. Blainville, p. 22. 2 P 2 580 RAIID.E. Dr. Parnell's specific characters, ami description, from the fish, while fresh, which I hope, on that account, to be excused for making use of, are as follows : — " Body on the upper surface very rough ; on the under surface of a pure white ; a row of spines round the inner edge of each orbit ; two rows of large bent spines on the tail." " A female specimen, three feet two inches in length, tail included. Body of a rhomboidal form ; the transverse dia- meter rather greater than the distance between the tip of the snout and the end of the anal rays ; from the point of the snout to the tip of the pectoral, and from thence to the base of the ventral fin on the opposite side equal ; the length of the tail equal to the distance from its base to the posterior margin of the orbit ; from the tip of the snout to the middle of the eye, one-seventh of the whole length, catulal included ; the transverse cartilage is situated mid-way between the extremity of the nose and the termination of the base of the anal fin. Snout sharp, conate ; the anterior margins of the pectorals slightly sinuous ; the posterior margins rounded ; ventrals nar- row, being three or four times longer than their breadth, placed between the termination of the large broad pectorals and the commencement of the anals, composed of five rays, of which the second is the longest. Anals rounded at their outer margins, and terminating free below, about five times the breadth of the ventrals, each furnished with about twenty- one rays. Dorsals approximate, small and thin, situated nearly at the extremity of the tail, both of equal size, round- ed at their posterior free margins ; each fin furnished with eight rays, which appear to branch off from one large ray situated horizontally. Caudal fin rudimentary, about half the length of the base of the second dorsal. Colour of the upper surface of the body of a uniform yellowish brown ; under sur- face pure white. Eyes large ; a temporal orifice situated at the posterior part, and a little on the outer side of each orbit ; SHAGREEN RAY. 581 mouth large, placed beneath ; teeth strong and sharp-pointed, arranged in each jaw in many rows. Skin on the upper sur- face very rough, having a granulated feel when the hand is passed over the pectorals ; at the base of the ventral and anal fins the skin is perfectly smooth. About six large bent spines, with broad bases situated on the upper part of the snout ; round the inner margin of each orbit are from ten to twelve of these spines, arranged in the form of a crescent ; on the dorsal ridge, from the nape to the transverse cartilage, is a row of six spines ; about a little more than half-way down the back commence two rows of spines, which run down the tail as far as the first dorsal fin ; the first ten or twelve spines are very small, the rest gradually increase in size as they pro- ceed ; no spines on the central ridge of the tail ; each spine has its broad base more or less grooved, and its point directed backwards ; on each side of the base of the tail are a number of small hooked spines, placed in two or three irregular rows." Montagu's figure, in the Memoirs of the Wernerian So- ciety, was taken from an old male ; the figure here given is that of a female, carefully reduced from Dr. Parnell's fish. RAHD.E. CHONDROPTERYG1L RAUDJE. THE THORNBACK. Raia cluvtita, RONDELETIUS. ,i ,, Thnrnback, WILLUGHBY, p. 74. ,, ,, LINN.EUS. CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 398. ,, ,, Thornback, BLOCH, pt. iii. pi. 83, female. ,, rubvs, Rough, Ray, ,, ,, pi. 84, old male. ,, clavata, Thornback, MONTAGU, Wern. Mem. vol. ii. p. 416. ,, ,, ,, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 122, pi. 14, female. ,, ,, „ DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 26, female. ,, ,, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 170, sp. 19. ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 516, sp. 205. ,, ,, ,, COUCH'S MS. ,, ,, FIUES, Scand. ,, ,, et rubus, BLAINV. Faun. Franf. 33 & 21. Dusybatis clnvata, BONAP. Faun. Ital. fasc. xxix. THE THORNBACK exhibits very marked distinguishing characters, and being also a very common fish, is one of the THORNBACK. 583 best known of the species of Rays, — a term which Mr. Couch considers to be derived from the Anglo-Saxon ' Reoh,1 which means ' rough,1 and is particularly appropriate to the Thorn- back, which, on the Cornish coast, is pre-eminently distin- guished as the Ray. The Thornback is also taken com- monly both on the coast of Scotland and Ireland. From the good quality of the flesh of this fish, and the immense quan- tity taken every year, the Thornback, and its female, the Maid, is one of the most valuable of the species. Mr. Couch says that the flesh takes salt well, and in this preserved state affords the poor fishermen and their families many wholesome meals when stormy weather prevents them obtaining fresh supplies. The Thornback is taken in the greatest abundance during spring and summer, because the fish then frequent sandy bottoms in shallower water and nearer the shore than usual, for the purpose of depositing their eggs ; but the flesh of the Thornback at this season is not, as before noticed, so firm as in autumn and winter. It is in the best condition for table about November. Their food is various other fish, par- ticularly flatfish, testaceous mollusca, and Crustacea. Blocli's figure, plate 83, represents the female of this spe- cies, under the name of R. clavata ; and the fish next in suc- cession in that work, plate 84, is an old male of the same species, but is called R. rubus, although most of the syno- nymes quoted are those of clavata. The figure here given was taken from a young male mea- suring fourteen inches in breadth. The point of the nose is but little produced : the anterior margins of the pectorals are undulated ; the outline behind each lateral angle of the pec- torals nearly straight, or slightly rounded : the eyes and tem- poral orifices rather large, with two or three strong hooked spines both before and behind them. The whole upper sur- face of the body rough with small points, which when examin- ed with a lens have stellated bases. Besides these, there are 584 BAIIIXE. distributed over this upper surface numerous nail-like tuber- cular spines, each of which has an oval osseous base ; the margin of the base entire, with a central projecting crooked shank or spine directed backward. Two of these broadly- based spines occupy the central ridge of the nose ; others, to the number of thirteen or fourteen, are distributed over each side with some regularity, and similarly disposed on the two sides. The dorsal ridge of unequally-sized spines begins a short distance between and behind the temporal orifices, one or two small spines occurring between each of the larger ones : this single line of spines extends to the origin of the tail, where three rows of spines begin and are continued along it, forming a series of powerful weapons. The tail is furnished with two membranous fins on the upper central ridge, and ends with a small dilatation. The prevailing colour of the upper part is brown, with numerous lighter-coloured spots, and sometimes, as has been noticed already, with one larger rounded spot on each pectoral. Young males and females have fewer spines on the body than old males, and both sexes attain some size before they put forth any ; they have frequently also but one row of spines along the tail. The colour of the under side is pure white, with a few spines only on each side. The teeth of the adult male in this species are decidedly different from those of the female, as shown in the woodcut at the top of page 552 ; those represented on the left hand being from a male fish, and those on the right from a female fish of the same size, and representing one-half of the inside of the mouth of each as seen from behind. STARRY RAY. 585 CHONDROPTERYG1I. RA1ID&. THE STARRY RAY. Raia rudiata, Starry Ray, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 114, female. ,, ,, ,, ,, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 170, sp. 20. ,, ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 517, sp. 206. ,, ,, FRIES, Scand. THIS very beautiful and well-marked species was made known by Mr. Donovan in his History of British Fishes, and a very good coloured representation of it is added in that work, which will prevent its being confounded with any other. Whether this species was really known to other authors their descriptions do not afford unequivocal proof, and I have therefore only quoted those synonymes which I know to refer to this fish. Mr. Donovan's specimen, which was RA1ID.E. not more than four inches across and seven inches in length, O was caught on the north coast of Britain, and was commu- nicated to him by Mr. Stuchbury. Dr. Fleming, in his History of British Animals, quotes as a synonyme to radiata the R.fullonica of the Fauna of Greenland, by Fabricius ; and it is probably a Northern species, the only three examples of it I have seen having been received, one from Berwick Bay, and two from the Frith of Forth. The first was a female, for which I am indebted to the kindness of Dr. George Johnston, and from this example the figure here given was derived. In 1835, Dr. Parnell sent me from Edinburgh two examples, a male and a female, which had been obtained in the Forth, and obligingly permitted me to retain the male for my own col- lection, which came marked accordingly. On comparing these three examples with Mr. Donovan^ figure, no doubt remained that they were of the same species. The habits of this fish are but little known, and the figure here given being that of a female, I shall closely describe the male, which was nineteen inches long from the point of the nose to the end of the tail, and fourteen inches in breadth ; the snout but little produced, almost falling in with the line of the anterior margin ; the lateral expansion of the pectorals and their posterior margins rounded ; the pelvic fins rather large : the central ridge of the nose, and a great portion of the pectoral fins or wings, are covered with asperities of different sizes, the forms of which are all alike, being a single spine bent backwards, arising from a stellated base of many radii ; these appear to be nearly sym- metrical, and about equal in number on the two sides : the eyes are blue and rather large, placed about half-way be- tween the central transverse cartilaginous arch of the body and the end of the snout ; before each eye one large spine, and two large spines behind, with several smaller ones along STARRY RAY. 587 the inner edge of each eye ; temporal orifices rather large ; one large spine above the line of the transverse cartilaginous arch, one upon the centre of it in the line of the dorsal ridge, and two spines at each lateral extremity of the transverse arch : below this cross-bar commences a series of equally large spines on the dorsal ridge, which extends to the first fin on the tail ; between these large spines arc a few smaller ones, and on each side the central row of large spines is another row of spines about half the size of the large ones, but more numerous, forming three distinct rows down the back and tail ; but all of them, though differing in size, have the same character in respect to the beautifully radiated form of the base from which the ascending spine arises : the upper surface of the body independently of this arming is perfectly smooth ; the colour pale brown, with a tinge of orange brown. On the under surface the colour is uniformly white ; the skin soft and smooth ; the nostrils large, defended by a cuta- neous valve ; the mouth rather small ; the teeth in the male with the internal angle elongated and sharp, and in a second specimen, a female of ten inches only in length, the teeth are becoming pointed. The sexual appendages in the male here described are half as long as the tail ; and as these, as well as the other sexual distinctions, are well marked in this fish, which only measures fourteen inches in breadth, I am induced to believe, from the early acquisition of these characters, that this species does not attain a very large size. This species is probably the Raia asteria aspera Rondelctii of Willughby, p. 73, pi. D, o, f. 4, and the Raia aspera of M. de Blainville, in the Faun. Fran$. ; but I have not included these names among the synonymes at the head of the subject, for the want of that additional certainty which good figures would have supplied. 588 RAIID.E. CHONDROPTERYGIL RAI1DJE. THE STING RAY. COMMON TRYGON. FIRE FLAIRE. Trygon pastinaca, La Pastinaque, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 399. ,, ,, Common Trygon, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 170, sp. 18. Pastinaca marina, Rondeletii, WILLUGHBY, p. 67, C. 3. Raia pastinaca, LINN.EUS. BLOCK, pt. iii. pi. 82. ,, ,, Sting Ray, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 125. ,, ,, ,, ,, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 99. ,, ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 518, sp. 207. ,, ,, NILSS. Ichth. Scand. p. 120. ,, ,, BLAINV. Faun. Franf. p. 35. Trygon pastinaca, BONAP. ,, Ital. fasc. 6. TRYGON. Generic Characters. — Head enclosed laterally by the pectorals ; posterior portion of the disk of the body somewhat rounded ; tail armed near its origin with a long and sharp flattened spine, serrated on both edges : the rest of the tail slender, without fins, and ending in a point ; teeth small. FROM the Rays whose bodies are more or less covered and protected with sharp spines supported on broad bases, and STING RAY. 589 which spines, continued along the upper surface of the tail, are defensively or offensively used, the transition to those species of Rays which are still more powerfully armed is easy and natural. The Sting Ray was well known to the ancients, who en- tertained many curious notions of the power and venom of its spine ; and this fish is also noticed as an inhabitant of the shores of this country so long ago as the days of Merrett and Sibbald. Dr. Parnell has obtained one in the Forth. At present it is more frequently taken on the southern coast than elsewhere, from Sussex even as far west as the county of Cork in Ireland. It appears, however, otherwise, to oc- cupy an extensive range, being found in the Mediterranean, and from thence to a high degree of north latitude on the coast of Norway. Colonel Montagu, in his notes, mentions obtaining a spe- cimen, taken at Hastings, which was presented to him by the Rev. Mr. Whitear. " At the base of the bony process in the tail of this fish, was a smaller one ready to replace the original if by accident it should be lost ; or possibly this weapon may be deciduous and occasionally discharged." I have lately obtained two in the London market. Mr. Couch in his MS. says, " This species keeps on sandy ground at no great distance from land, and in summer wanders into shallow water, where it is often entangled in the fishermen's nets, — the only way in which it is usually caught, for it rarely swallows a bait. The manner in which this fish defends itself, shows its consciousness of the formid- able weapon it carries on its tail. When seized or terrified, its habit is to twist its long, slender, and flexible tail round the object of attack, and with the serrated spine tear the surface, lacerating it in a manner calculated to produce vio- lent inflammation." Other authors state that it is capable of striking its weapon with the swiftness of an arrow into its 590 RAIID.E. prey or its enemy, when with its winding tail it secures its capture. These spines, as may be supposed, possess no really venomous quality : when lacerated wounds happen to men of a bad habit of body, the symptoms are frequently very severe. In some countries, serrated fish spines, admitting of easy application by tying, are used to point arrows and spears, which when thus mounted become very formidable weapons. A specimen examined and described by Pennant was two feet nine inches long from the tip of the nose to the end of the tail ; to the origin of the tail, one foot three inches : the breadth, one foot eight inches. The body is quite smooth, except, according to M. de Blainville, a few small tubercles along the central line of the back and tail, as well as on the upper and posterior part of the pectoral fins — probably a male fish ; the shape almost round, and of a much greater thick- ness and more elevated form in the middle than any other of the Rays, but grows very thin towards the edges ; the nose is very sharp-pointed, but short ; the irides are of a gold co- lour ; behind each eye the temporal orifice is very large : the colour of the upper surface of the body is a dirty yellow ; the middle part, of an obscure blue : Mr. Donovan says the young are spotted with brown. The tail and spine are dusky ; the former very thick at the beginning : the spine, placed at about one-third of the length of the tail from the body, is about five inches long, flat on the top and bottom, very hard, sharp-pointed, the two side edges thin, and closely and sharply serrated the whole way ; the tail extends four inches beyond the end of this spine, and becomes very slender at the extremity. The under surface is white ; the nasal lobes very large ; mouth and teeth small. The flesh is said to be rank and disagreeable, and when laid bare by skinning or cutting into, is very red, — a circumstance which may account for the old name of Fire Flaire. EAGLE RAY 591 CHONDTtOPTERYGlI. UAIIDA:. THE EAGLE RAY. THE WHIP RAY. MILLER. Myliobatis aquila, Aigle de mer, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 401. Aquila Pellonii, WILLUGHBY, p. 64, C. 2. Ruia aquila, LINN;EUS. BLOCK, pt. iii. pi. 81. ,, ,, Whip Kay, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 128. ,, ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 519. ,, ,, BLAINV. Faun. Franc, p. 38. Myliobatis aquila BONAP. ,, Ital. fasc. 2. MYLIOBATIS. Generic Characters. — Head partly disengaged from the pec- toral fins; teeth flat; the central plates much larger than those which are lateral ; pectoral fins wing-like ; the tail armed with one fin upon the root, behind that a serrated spine, as in the last genus Trygon. PENNANT, in his British Zoology, states that Mr. Tra- vis, surgeon at Scarborough, had the tail of a Ray brought to him by a fisherman of that town : he had taken it in 592 RAI1D.E. the sea off that coast, but threw away the body. It was above three feet long, entirely covered with hard obtuse tubercles, extremely slender and taper, and destitute of a fin at the end. The tail of a fish received from Sicily, and believed to have been taken from a specimen of the Eagle Ray, which is not uncommon in some parts of the Mediterranean, cor- responded with the description given by Mr. Travis. On this authority the Eagle Ray was admitted into the first edition of the History of British Fishes, in the hope that observers on the coast would be induced to record any new occurrence that might come under their notice. Aware of this, says Dr. George Johnston, in the Proceedings of the Berwickshire Naturalists1 Club, for September 1839, " it was, with no ordinary delight, that I received a perfect spe- cimen of the Raia aquila on Wednesday last, September llth, which had been found that morning on the shore of our bay (Berwick) near Spittal. It was quite fresh, and in fine preservation ; and proves, as I think, that the conjecture of Mr. Travis's fish being the aquila is perfectly correct. There is, at all events, now no doubt that this species is a native of our seas." The following is Dr. Johnston's description of his spe- cimen. " Body rhomboidal, expanded laterally, flat, thick - ish, and raised in the middle, which gradually passes into the thin sides or fins, of a uniform dusky olive green colour, smooth and even. Head depressed, with a square vertex, or we may compare it to the figure of a horse's hoof, having an oblong space in the centre that represents the hollow part of the hoof ; the front suddenly lowered, round and entire. Eyes lateral, wide apart, roundish, dark grey, overhung by a bony ridge. Behind them there is a large elliptical hole leading to the gills. There is a series of punctures on each side of the head, becoming most distinct and visible on the occiput. Each fin forms a wide triangle, with entire plain margins. EAGLE RAY. 593 Posterior fins square, and very small proportionally. Tail once and a half as long- as the body, flagelliform, tapering to a point, quadrangular, smooth, furnished with a small fin within two inches of its root, and immediately under this fin the aculeus, or sting, is protruded, which is upwards of three inches in length, linear-lanceolate, long, serrated on both sides, the serratures reflected. Ventral surface whitish, duskier at the sides, smooth. Teeth transverse, linear-oblong, with a small open space between the end of every pair on each side." " Extreme breadth twenty-one inches. From the snout to the insertion of the tail thirteen inches. Length of the tail twenty-one inches and a half." I should be most ungrateful if I did not here record my sincere thanks to Dr. Johnston, whose extreme liberality in- duced him to present this interesting and unique British specimen to me, and it is now preserved in my collection, containing most of our British Rays. This fish is called Eagle Ray from the wing-like form of the pectoral fins ; and Whip Ray, from the long, slender, and flexible character of its tail. The outline near the figure of the fish represents the teeth of the upper and under jaw ; each jaw forms part of a circle ; and from a particular rolling motion, added to the crushing power of these teeth, the fish has acquired the additional name of the Miller, in this and in some other countries. The Eagle Ray inhabits the European seas, the Mediter- ranean, and has been found as far south as the Cape. Bloch says he obtained one from Hamburgh, but it appears to be much more common in the Mediterranean. Risso, in his Ichthyology and Natural History of the environs of Nice, says, that this species is taken throughout the year on the shores of Nice, and is exposed for sale in the markets of Sardinia and Rome : at the former place the spine of the VOL. II. 2 q 594 RAIID.E. tail is always cut off under a local regulation. The wounds produced by these caudal spines are considered so dangerous that the fishermen cut them off as soon as they get the fish out of the water ; Risso, however, says that the common notion that these spines possess venomous qualities is a mis- take. Spallanzani and many other observers had satisfied themselves that these serrated spines, when driven with force, penetrating and tearing at the same time, though producing painful wounds, leave no trace of the least poison. Risso further mentions that the Eagle Ray swims rapidly without much action of the pectoral fins ; that the flesh is not in great estimation, but that the oil from the liver is considered useful in paralytic affections. I find this species, the one last described, the Sting Ray, a Torpedo, and four other species of Rays, included in a catalogue of one hundred and thirty-seven different kinds of fish, of Malta and Gozo, with their Maltese, Latin, Italian, English, and French names, as well as their season, by Gaetano Trapani, first clerk in the Office of the Magistrate for the markets, printed at the Government Press, Malta, 1838. For a copy of this very useful little book I am indebted to the kindness of Mrs. Sarah Austin, a sister of Richard Taylor, Esq. HORNED RAY. 59-3 CHONDROPTERYGIL RAUD/E. THE HORNED RAY. Cephalojitera Giorna, Risso, Ichth. p. 14. ,, ,, ,, Hist. p. 163. ,, ,, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 401. Raia mobidar, BLAINV. Faun. Fran9- p. 41. Ceplialoptera Giorna, THOMPSON, Report Brit. Assoc. 1840, p. 399 & 409. CEPHALOPTERA. Generic Characters. — Body depressed ; head truncated in front ; on each side of the head a membrane rolled upon itself, extended, in form like a pointed horn : eyes large, lateral ; mouth transverse ; teeth small, like a file ; the other characters as in the genus Tri/gon. To William Thompson, Esq. of Belfast, one of the Vice- Presidents of the Natural History Society of that town, I am indebted for many valuable and interesting notices of the fishes of the Irish lakes and coast which are distributed in various parts of this work. In 1835, Mr. Thompson made the following communication to the Zoological Society of London, which is published in the Proceedings for that year, at page 78. 2 Q 2 596 RAIID.E. " Cephaloptcra, Dumeril. — A fish of this singular genus, taken about five years ago on the southern coast of Ireland, and thence sent to the Royal Society of Dublin, is at pre- sent preserved in their museum. In breadth it is about forty-five inches. The specimen being imperfect, and the characters of some of the species being ill-defined, I hesitate applying to it a specific name. It somewhat resembles the Cephaloptera giorna as figured by M. Risso." It is most probable that it is this fish, since the C. giorna is the only species of the genus as yet known to exist in the European seas. I am aware that M. Risso considers that he has found a second species in the vicinity of Nice ; but several good authorities believe that his examples of Cepha- loptera Massena are only old and large specimens of Cepha- loptera giorna. The Horned Ray, differing greatly in size, appears to have come often under the observation of M. Risso at Nice ; and the following remarks, in reference to its Natural History, are derived from his published works. This fish approaches the shore, and is most frequently taken in the month of July. From their horned appearance, small ones are called vachetta, — young cow ; the larger ones vacha. When found in pairs, the males appear to have a strong attachment to the females. M. Risso relates that a O female was taken in one of the divisions or chambers of a net arranged to catch Tunnies : the male constantly remained in the vicinity for two days, from time to time approaching and wandering round the net, as if in search of the female. Two days afterwards he was found dead in the same division of the net which had proved the fatal prison of his companion. The young come forth in September, having been previously deposited by the mother in long yellowish eggs. Their food consists principally of cephalapods and fishes. Their liver is large, and produces abundance of oil ; their stomach and in- HORNED RAY. 597 testines exhibit numerous plicae. Contrary to that which is observed in cartilaginous fishes generally, which are remarka- bly tenacious of life, the Horned Ray dies immediately on being taken out of the water, and even if confined by a rope tied over the pectoral fins, though allowed to remain in the sea, it dies in a few hours. The flesh is red, dense, hard, difficult of digestion, and not in esteem as food, but is eaten by the poorer classes. Females are larger and darker in colour than males. They grow to an almost incredible size. M. Risso saw a male that weighed eight hundred pounds, and a female that weighed twelve hundred pounds. In the Arcana of Science and Art for the year 1834, page 224, is a description and a figure representing this fish, copied from M. Le Vaillant. He saw three in lat. 10° 15' N. ; longitude 335° W. ; he prevailed upon the crew to attempt the capture of one of them, which they effected, and took the smallest, which measured twenty-eight feet in width, and twenty-one feet in length, and was supposed to weigh a ton (twenty hun- dred weight) ; the mouth like a Ray's mouth, but wide enough to swallow a man. The name was applied to it by Lacepede in compliment to the late Professor Giorna, of the Academy of Turin. The description of M. Risso is as follows : " The body is thick, and slightly rounded, transversely elliptical, smooth, of an indigo-blue colour above, dingy white underneath ; the mouth is of great size ; the jaws large ; the eyes globular, the irides bluish silver ; the spiracles elon- gated ; the branchial openings slightly crescentic ; the dorsal fin small, triangular, dark blue, varied with white at the edge ; the ventrals short, with a small appendage ; the tail is long, thin, and slender, smooth for one-fourth of its length, then tuberculated, and armed at its base with a long and sharp flattened spine, serrated on both edges. 5.98 PETROMYZ1D/E. CHONDROPTEUYGIL PETROMYZWsE,* THE LAMPREY. Petromyzon marinus, LINNSUS. BLOCH, pt. iii. pi. 77. ,, ,, La Grande Lamproye, CUVIEE, Regne An. t. ii. p. 404. Lampelra Rondeletii, WILLUGHBY, p. 105, G. 2, f. 2. Petromyzon marimif, Sea Lamprey, PENS-. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 102, pi. 10. ,, ,, Spotted Lamprey, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 81. ,, ,, Lamprey, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 163, sp. 1. ,, ,, Sea Lamprey, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 520, sp. 209. PETROMYZON. Generic Characters. — Body smooth, elongated, cylindrical, like that of an Eel ; the head rounded ; the mouth circular, armed with hard tooth-like processes ; the lip forming a continuous circle round the mouth ; seven apertures on each side of the neck, leading to seven branchial cells ; no pectoral or ventral fins ; the skin towards the tail extending in a fold from the body both above and below, forms dorsal, anal, and caudal fins. THE last family of the cartilaginous or chonclropterygian fishes contains the Lampreys, and some cylindrical fishes very closely allied to them. These fishes are, in reference to their skeleton, and in some other respects, the lowest in the scale of organization among vertebrated animals. The form and peculiarities of the mouth will be best understood * The family of the Lampreys. LAMPREY. 599 by a reference to the vignette ; the figure on the left hand of which shows the flexible lip concealing the mouth ; the figure on the right hand represents the rounded mouth, the small and numerous tubercular teeth, and the central aperture lead- ing by the throat to the stomach. The situation of the branchial cells, and the gills or branchiae within these cells as they exist in the common River Lamprey, or Lampern, as it is also called, are shown in the right-hand figure at the bottom of page 433 : and the water obtains access and egress by seven small apertures on each side of the neck, by the mouth of the fish, or by an aperture through the upper part of the head which communicates with the pharynx, and which communication is distinctly seen in a divided head. The Lampreys, like the Sharks and Rays, have no swim- ming-bladder ; and being also without pectoral fins are usually seen near the bottom. To save themselves from the constant muscular exertion which would be necessary to prevent them being carried along by the current of the water, they attach themselves by the mouth to stones or rocks, and were in consequence called Petromyzon, or Stone-sucker ; while the circular form of the mouth induced the name of Cyclostomes, or Round-mouthed Fishes, which was bestowed upon them by M. Dumeril. In reference to the respiratory apparatus in the species of this genus, Mr. Owen has remarked,* that " when the Lamprey is firmly attached, as is commonly the case, to foreign bodies by means of its suctorial mouth, it is obvious that no water can pass by that aperture from the pharynx to the gills ; it is therefore alternately received and expelled by the external apertures. If a Lamprey, while so attached to * Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue of the Physiological Series of Com- parative Anatomy contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, vol. ii. page 80. 600 PETROMYZ1D.E. the side of a vessel, be held with one series of apertures out of the water, the respiratory currents are seen to enter by the submerged orifices, and, after traversing the corresponding sacs and the pharynx, to pass through the opposite branchiae, and to be forcibly ejected therefrom by the exposed orifices. The same mode of respiration must take place in the Mix- ine," (a species of this family to be described hereafter,) " while its head is buried in the flesh of its prey. The cyclostomous fishes thus present an obvious affinity to the Cephalopoda, inasmuch as the branchial currents are inde- pendent of the actions of the parts concerned in deglutition." The intestinal canal is small, and extends in a straight line along the abdomen to the anal aperture without any convolu- tion. The Lampreys are oviparous, spawning late in the spring ; the roe escaping, in both sexes, by a small membra- nous sheath, which has internally at its base five apertures, one leading upward to the intestine, one to each kidney, and one to each lateral cavity of the abdomen. The Marine Lamprey, which from its mottled appearance was called P. maculosus by Artedi, has a very extensive geo- graphical range. It is found in the Mediterranean, and from thence northwards in most of the rivers of Europe as far as Scandinavia, during the spring. Professor Reinhardt in- cludes it among the fishes of Iceland, and our countryman Pennant gives it a place in his Arctic Zoology. From a description and figure in the Natural History of the Fishes of Massachusets, by Dr. Smith of Boston, this fish appears to be common in the rivers of North America, attaining a large size in those of the more southern states, but not ex- ceeding seventeen or twenty inches in length in a high northern latitude. Dr. Mitchell also includes this species among his fishes of New York. Dr. Storer of Boston, how- ever, considers this fish distinct from the European Lamprey, and calls it the P. Americanus of Le Sueur. Our fish is LAMPREY. G01 rather common during spring- and summer in some of the rivers on the southern coast of England, particularly the Severn, and is found in smaller numbers in several of the rivers of Scotland and Ireland about the same period of the year. I have received specimens of large size from the Severn in April and May, during which months it ascends that river to a great distance from the sea for the purpose of depositing its spawn. At this time it is considered in perfection as food, and considerable quantities are prepared in various ways for the table : the potted Lampreys and Lamperns of Wor- cester are in high estimation. A few are caught in the Thames almost every year, up which river it travels notwith- standing all the numerous and various obstacles which the port of London presents. I am indebted to my friend Mr. Broderip for a note of one taken in June 1834, and another in the same month of 1835, as high up the Thames as Sunbury Weir. A fisherman saw the Lamprey, and struck at it with his punt pole, and supposed he hit it, as the fish rose to the surface and was taken as it was swimming along. The haunt of this Marine Lamprey at Sunbury is a little above the church, and nearly opposite the vicarage, in a place called the Church Deep. In Scotland, the appearance of the Lamprey in the fresh water is rather later in the year than in the rivers of the south. Sir William Jardine says, " They ascend our rivers to breed about the end of June, and remain until the begin- ning of August. They are not furnished with any elonga- tion of the jaw, afforded to most of our fresh-water fish, to form the receiving furrows at this important season ; but the want is supplied by their sucker-like mouth, by which they individually remove each stone. Their power is immense. Stones of a very large size arc transported, and a large furrow is soon formed. The P. mar inns remain in pairs, two PETROMYZID.E. on each spawning place ; and while there employed, retain themselves affixed by the mouth to a large stone." After the spawning season is over, the flesh of the Lam- prey, like that of other fish, loses for a time its firmness and other good qualities, and the weakened fish makes its way back to the sea, to recruit its wasted condition. The food of the Lamprey consists generally of any soft animal matter ; and in the sea it is known to attack other fishes even of large size, by fastening upon them, and with its numerous small rasp-like teeth eating away the soft parts down to the bone. It is not very often caught while it remains at sea. This species usually measures from twenty to twenty-eight inches in length ; the head is rounded ; the form of the body long and cylindrical, slightly compressed towards the tail ; on the top of the head, rather before and between the eyes, is an external aperture, which if examined with a blunt probe is found to pass downward and backward, opening into a tube on a line with the internal orifice of the first branchial sac : along each outside of the neck are seven rounded apertures, leading to as many branchial cells lined with a membrane constructed like that of the gills in fishes ; each of these cells has an internal opening into a tube which is closed by a car- tilaginous pericardium at the bottom, but communicates up- wards with the mouth : the lips surrounding the mouth, and the numerous small teeth within, have been already referred to : on the lower third portion of the body are two distinct membranous dorsal fins, the second of which is the most elevated, the edges of both convex ; a continuation of this membrane round the extreme fleshy portion of the tail forms a caudal fin, and a narrow slip passing upwards on the under side forms an anal fin. The skin is perfectly smooth ; the colour of the body olive brown, mottled and spotted on the back and sides with LAMPREY. 603 darker green and dark brown ; the margins of the fins in- clining to reddish-brown ; the irides golden yellow. In slowly-running water, the Lamprey swims with a lateral undulating motion of the body, assisted by its dorsal and caudal fins : where the current is rapid, it makes successive plunges forward, attaching itself quickly to any fixed sub- stance that offers to secure the advantage gained. The figure of the fish at the head of this subject was taken from an excellent drawing made by Mrs. Ley. Dr. Parnell says that in the Forth, above Alloa, when the fishermen take the Lamprey in their nets, they invariably return them again to the water, having a prejudice against them. They are consequently never, under any circum- stances, seen in the Edinburgh markets. Pennant states that it has been an old custom for the city of Gloucester annually to present the Sovereign of the realm with a Lamprey pie, covered with a large raised crust. Of this species in Cornwall, Mr. Couch, in his Fauna, says, " Common, but rarely used as food." 60-4 VETROJMY/ID.*:. CHONDROPTERYGII. PETROMYZIDX: THE LAMPERN, OR RIVER LAMPREY. Petromyzon fluviatilis, LINNAUS. BLOCII, pt. iii. pi. 78, fig. 1. ,, ,, CuviEn, Regne An. t. ii. p. 404. ,, ,, Lesser Lamprey, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 106, pi. 10. ,, ,, Lampern, DON. Brit. Fish. pi. 80. ,, ,, River Lamprey, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 163, sp. 2. ,, ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 521, sp. 210. THE RIVER LAMPREY, or Lampern, as it is called by fishermen for distinction, is a well-known species which abounds in many rivers of England, particularly the Thames, the Severn, and the Dee : it is also said to be abundant in the Tweed., in several rivers of Scotland, and on the north, the east, and the south in Ireland. Some authors state that this species, like that last described, visits our rivers in spring, and returns to the sea after spawn- ing ; but the recorded opinions of others, and my own obser- vations, induce me to believe that it generally remains all the year in the fresh water. In the Thames I am certain it is to be obtained every month in the year ; but is considered LAMPERN. 605 in the best condition for the table from October to March, during which time it is permitted to be caught, according to the rules adopted for the conservation of the fishery. Formerly the Lampern was considered a fish of consider- able importance. It was taken in great quantities in the Thames from Battersea Reach to Taplow Mills, and was sold to the Dutch as bait for the Turbot, Cod, and other fisheries. Four hundred thousand have been sold in one sea- son for this purpose, at the rate of forty shillings per thousand. From five pounds to eight pounds the thousand have been given ; but a comparative scarcity of late years, and conse- quent increase in price, has obliged the line fishermen to adopt other substances for bait. Formerly the Thames alone supplied from one million to twelve hundred thousand Lam- perns annually. They are very tenacious of life, and the Dutch fishermen managed to keep them alive at sea for many weeks. If this species, which is very easily obtained, be examined in the months of March or April, the distinction of the sexes will be immediately evident on opening them. The female may generally be known externally by the larger size of the abdomen, and the male by his lips being more tumid and the mouth larger than that of the female. The season of spawn- ing is May, and the process has been described by several observers. This sometimes takes place in pairs only, and at others by many of both sexes occupying one general spawning bed. The food of this species, according to Bloch, is insects, worms, small fish, and the flesh of dead fish. The adult fish is usually from twelve to fifteen inches in length ; the body rather slender, cylindrical for two-thirds of its length, then compressed to the end of the tail ; the head rounded, with a single aperture on the crown, leading to the tube between the cells, as in the other species : the eye 606 PETROMYZID.E. rather large ; the seven lateral openings ranged in a line behind, but a little obliquely and below it, on each side : the lip surrounding the mouth has a continuous row of small points on its margin ; the mouth and teeth as represented near the figure of the fish : the back furnished with two rather elongated dorsal fins, with a separation between them ; the tail furnished with an extension of the membrane above and below. The skin is quite smooth, of a blue colour on the back and sides, passing into silvery white underneath. In " The Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle," attri- buted to Dame Juliana Berners, and first printed by Wyn- kyn de Worde, in his edition of the Book of St. Albans, in 1496, the learned lady, after recommending a minnow and a worm as proper baits for the Trout in the month of March, adds, " In Aprill take the same baytes : and also Juneba, other wyse named VII. eyes."" Seven eyes and nine eyes, in reference to the apertures about the head, are common names for the Lamprey in this and some other countries ; but a derivation for the term Juneba is a desideratum. Linnseus, in his Tour in Lapland, particularly notices this species, vol. ii. p. 196, as found in West Bothnia, and de- scribes the modes by which they are caught, — namely, hollow cylinders of wood, and elongated wicker-baskets, like those in use in this country for catching Eels. These, he says, " are laid at the depth of two ells in the river, and kept down with stones, the opening being turned to meet the current." This species is also said to be found at Moscow, and in the Black and the Caspian Seas. FRINGED-LIPPED LAMPERN. GOT CHONDROPTERYG11. PETROMYZIDJE. THE FRINGED-LIPPED LAMPERN. PLANER S LAMPREY. Petromyzon Planer i, Planer's Lamprey, BLOCH, pt. iii. pi. 78, fig. 3. f> ,, La Petite Lamproye, CUVIEH, Regne An. t. ii. p. 404. ,, Planer's Lamprey, JENYNS, Man. Br. Vert. p. 522, sp.21 1. THIS species, when adult, is easily distinguished from the Lampern last described, by its being much shorter in length, and yet equally thick in substance : it may also be recog- nised at all ages, on comparison with it, by its having the whole broad edge of the circular lip furnished with numerous papilla forming a thickly-set fringe, and by the depth and close connexion of the two dorsal fins. Dr. Parnell says, this species is found in the Forth, the Teeth, the Allan, and several other rivers in Scotland. I am indebted to the kindness of Sir William Jardine for two specimens of the young of this species, which were sent from the Tweed. Dr. Johnston has been told that it is not uncommon at Melrose. I have received some from Surrey, and Mr. Linwood mentions having found some in Sussex. Mr. Couch has obtained specimens from a branch of the Looc, in Cornwall. I have received some specimens G08 PETROIMYZID.E. from Lancashire, the males of which measured eight inches in length, and the females nine inches. Mr. William Thompson, in his Fauna, records this species as having been taken in the north, east, and south of Ireland. This species was named by Bloch after his friend Planer, a professor at Erfort, who sent him specimens ; but if Blocks species be the same as our British fish, his figure is excep- tionable. This Lampern appears to be well known to M. Nilsson, who includes it in his Prodromus of the Fishes of Scandinavia, and says it is an inhabitant of almost all the brooks and rivers of Sweden, and that it spawns in April or May. M. Nilsson gives to this fish the length of six inches only : it appears therefore that this species, like P. marinus and P. fluviatilis, does not acquire in high northern regions the size of our specimens in this country. When compared with P.Jluviatilis, Planer's Lampern has the orifice on the forehead, the eye, and the first of the bran- chial apertures, much nearer the anterior edge of the lip than in the other species ; the lip broad and fringed, and the dis- position of the teeth as shown in the additional figure of the mouth only : the first dorsal fin begins about the middle of the whole length of the fish, and is in close contact with the second dorsal fin, which in its base is as long again as the first : the tail is furnished with an extension of membrane above and below, forming a caudal fin ; and a narrow slip passing forwards towards the anal sheath, forms a rudimentary anal fin. In its colours this species agrees with the common Lam- pern, being dusky blue on the back and sides, passing into silvery white on the belly, the fins having a brown tint. In its habits, Planer's Lampern so closely resembles the common Lampern, as frequently, no doubt, to have been mistaken for it. Both may go to the salt or brackish water from that part of a river within the influence of the tide. PRIDE. CHONDROPTERYCII. PETROMYZIDJE. THE PRIDE, AND SANDPRIDE. SANDPREY, AND MUD LAMPREY. Ammoccctes branchialis, Lamprillon, CUVIEH, Regne An. t. ii. p. 406. ,, ,, Pride, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 164, sp. 3. ,, ,, ,, JENYNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 522, sp. 212. Petromyzon CCECUS, LINNAEUS. BLOCH, pt. iii. pi. 78, fig. 2. Pride, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 107, pi. 10. Mud Lamprey, COUCH, Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. v. p. 23, figs. 9 & 10. AMMOCCEFES. Generic Characters. — Form of the body, the branchial aper- tures and fins, like those of the Lampreys; upper lip semicircular, with a straight, transverse under lip ; mouth without teeth, but furnished with nume- rous short membranous cirri. THIS small fish is very similar in its general appearance to the young of the Lampreys found in fresh water ; but its prominent lip is in the form of a horse-shoe, and the circle not being complete, it has not the power of adhering to stones and other substances like the true Lampreys, but generally hides itself in the mud or loose sandy bottoms of rivers and brooks in this country, in most of which it will be found, but requires close search to detect it. It is of little value, seldom exceeding six or seven inches in length, and is about as thick as a large quill. VOL. II. 2 R GH) PETROMYZID.E. It was formerly considered to be a Lamprey, and was called Petromyzon cacns by Ray, on account of its very small eyes : it afterwards had the trivial name of branchialis bestowed upon it by Linnseus, from a notion that it attached itself to the gills of fishes. It is said to be common about Oxford, and was called by Dr. Plot, in his History of Ox- fordshire, the Pride of the Isis ; Prid being an ancient dimi- nutive for Lamprey. It is very common in the Thames about Hampton, where it is called Sandpride. Mr. Jesse says the Eel is one of its greatest enemies, and feeds greedily upon it. I have received it from Hertfordshire, and some other inland counties. It spawns at the end of April or the begin- ning of May, and feeds upon worms, insects, and dead or even putrid animal matter. Dr. Parnell and Dr. George Johnston have noticed this species as found in the Forth and in the Tweed. Mr. Couch says, " I find this species frequents our smaller streams in Cornwall, living in the muddy bottom, from which it rarely, if ever, willingly emerges. I have kept it for months in stagnant water, with mud at the bottom, without injury to- its health or activity. The only apparent use of its fins is to enable it to regain its station, when forced from it by violent torrents. When kept in clear water it seems to sleep much. I have never found this species to attach itself to any object by the mouth ; but the lips are capable of extensive and complicated motions. Our fishermen collect them to use as bait for their hooks when whiffing for Pol- lacks." All the British Lampreys are found in the waters of Ire- land, and this diminutive species has been taken in the north, the east, and the south. The upper lip and the mouth in this species, as shown in the enlarged representation of the lower surface of the head under the figure of the whole fish, is in the form of a horse- PRIDE. Gil shoe ; the inner part furnished with numerous short and slender membranous cirri ; " the lingual and palatine plates somewhat harder than the other portion, but no true teeth :" on the top of the forehead is a small orifice and canal, which leads to the internal tube between and connected with each lateral set of branchial cells, as in the Lampreys ; the eye is very small, so much so as to have been occasionally over- looked, and it is situated at the bottom of a small and deep depression : the branchial apertures are seven on each side, arranged along a kind of lateral groove : the body of the fish at this part is rather tumid ; behind this the form of the body is nearly round, the portion beyond the anal opening com- pressed : there are two dorsal fins, the first short and low, the second longer and higher, with a distinct diminution between it and the first dorsal fin, and also with the dilated membrane forming the caudal fin, which is somewhat round- ed, the fleshy portion of the tail being pointed ; a narrow slip of membrane forms an anal fin. Some variations occur in specimens of this fish from differ- ent localities, and there is even reason to suppose that two species may exist. The most frequent colour is yellowish brown, approaching to blackish brown on the top of the head and upper part of the back, much lighter underneath and on the fins. 2 R 2 I'ETROMYZIPE. CHONDROPTERYGII. PETROMYZID&. THE MYXINE. GLUTINOUS HAG, AND BORER, Gastrobranchus ctrcus, Blindjisli, BLOCH, pt. xii. pi. 413. ,, ,, CUVIER, Regne An. t. ii. p. 406. ,, ,, Glutinous Hag, PENN. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 109. Miiine glutinrsa, LiNN.tus. ,, ,, Glutinous Hag, FI.EM. Brit. An. p. 164, sp. 4. ,, ,, ,, ,, JENVNS, Man. Brit. Vert. p. 523, sp.213. GASTROBRANCHUS. Generic diameters. — Body elongated, cylindrical, smooth; dorsal fin very low, continued round the tail to the vent ; a single spiracle on the head communicating with the interior ; lips surrounded with eight barbules or cirri ; mouth with one hook-like tooth ; tongue with two rows of teeth on each side; branchial apertures two, placed under the commencement of the belly. THE worm-like form of the fish figured above induced several systematic authors, including Linnseus, to class it with the Worms ; and it was not till after dissections and published descriptions that its true relations with the Lam- preys were acknowledged. Of these memoirs, that furnished to the French Institute in 1797 by Bloch, the ichthyologist MYXINK. C13 of Berlin, will be read with interest ; and the substance of it will be found in the twelfth part of his valuable work on Fishes, in which the internal structure is rendered obvious by various coloured illustrations. In the family of fishes now under consideration, the last of vertebrate animals, the spinal column is in a rudimentary condition. In the Lampreys it is but indistinctly divided into rounded portions. In the Myxine, in place of a series of bones composing the vertebral column, there is merely a soft and flexible cartilaginous tube ;* while in the diminutive fish next to be described, which is the last of the British species, this support is reduced to a small and slender semi- transparent column, extending throughout and connecting the whole length of the body like the flexible horny pen in some species of Cephalopods, and to which class other rela- tions of structure both in the Myxine and in this small fish Avill be pointed out. As a British fish, the Myxine occurs most frequently on the eastern coast. " It enters," says Pennant, " the mouths of other fish when on the hooks attached to the lines which remain a tide under water, and totally devours the whole except the skin and bones. The Scarborough fishermen often take it in the robbed Jish on drawing up their lines." On this part of our coast it is called Hag, and also Borer, because, as others say, it first pierces a small aperture in the skin, and afterwards buries its head in the abdomen or body. It is most usually found in the body of the Cod, or some other equally rapacious fish. For the only specimens of the Myxine I ever possessed, I am indebted to the unremitting kindness of Dr. George Johnston of Berwick, who has assisted me most materially by sending me examples of many interesting species which * If a section be made, a probe passes readily in either direction. PETROMYZIDE. have been referred to throughout this work. The Myxine is not uncommon at Berwick ; but it is only to be obtained at a particular season of the year in one or two particular localities, when during fine weather, at the end of spring or the beginning of summer, the fishermen lay their long lines on a bank with a soft mud bottom near that coast when fishing for Cod and Haddock. It is considered by some that the Myxine, which is without eyes, obtains access to the interior of the body of the fish by passing in at the anal aperture ; others endeavour to account for its being found in the belly of a voracious fish by supposing it had been swallowed ; while many experienced fishermen still repeat their belief that the Myxine enters the mouth of the Codfish while it is hanging on the line. It is conjectured that the Myxine does not fasten upon any fish unless it be either dead or entangled on a hook : but how a fish that is blind is able to find its way to a particular aperture, is a matter not easily explained. The eight barbules or cirri about the mouth of the Myxine are, there is no doubt, delicate organs of touch, by which it obtains cognizance of the nature and quality of the substances with which they are in contact ; and its single hooked tooth upon the palate en- ables it to retain its hold till the double rows of lingual teeth are brought into action to aid the desire to obtain food. The high northern geographical range of this singular fish is shown by M. Nilsson including it among the fishes of the shores of Scandinavia, where, he adds, four and even six examples have been found within the body of one Had- dock, the flesh of which was entirely consumed. Gunner includes it, with a figure, in the Natural History Memoirs of Drontheim, as taken on the west coast of Norway. Mr. Thompson records it as found at Belfast ; and Mr. Couch names it as occurring, though rarely, on the coast of Cornwall. The Myxine is oviparous, and the ova are of the same colour, D1YXINE. 615 size, and form as those of the Lampcrn, — that is, small, round, and yellow. Along the whole length of the under surface of the body, from head to tail, there are two rows of mucous pores, from which a large quantity of a gelatinous secretion is expressed occasionally at the will of the animal, and by which, either in reference to its quality or quantity, or both, this fish is said to escape its enemies. So copious and so thick in its consistence is this jelly-like secretion, that some of the older naturalists believed this fish had the power of converting water into glue, and it obtained in consequence the name of the Glutinous Hag. The body is elongated, eel-like in form, cylindrical throughout the greater part of its length, tapering and com- pressed towards the tail ; the whole length from twelve to fifteen inches ; the skin perfectly smooth and unctuous ; the head obtusely pointed, with a single spiracle connected with the interior of the mouth and branchise ; eyes wanting ; eight tentacula, cirri, or feelers, as they are called, are placed about the lips, four near the front, and two on each side : lips soft, extensible, inclining to a circle in their figure ; one single hooked tooth on the palate ; the tongue fur- nished with four rows of small pointed teeth, two rows on each side : at the division between the thoracic and abdo- minal cavities are two external apertures, each of which is connected by a membranous tube with the six branchiae on its own side ; hence Bloch's name of Gastrobranchus. The anal aperture is an elongated fissure situated about two inches before the end of the tail ; along the whole under surface of the body are ranged two rows of pores, which afford egress to the secretion of the numerous glands within ; the dorsal fin is low and rudimentary, except towards the tail, \shere the membrane is dilated, and being continued round the end of the tail, and thence upwards to the anal 616 PETROMYZID.E. aperture, forms in addition a caudal and an anal fin, which no doubt materially assist this fish in swimming. In colour the Myxine is dark brown along the back, lighter chestnut brown on the sides, and yellowish Avhite underneath. The vignette here added is from a drawing by Mr. Clift, engraved for the Philosophical Transactions for the year 1815, where it illustrates a paper by Sir E. Home on the organs of respiration in the Lamprey and Myxine. The upper angle of the figure exhibits the single spiracle, about it the eight tentacula, on the centre of the palate the single hooked tooth ; to the right and left are the double rows of lingual teeth : an inch below, on each side, are the six branchial cells, with their internal communications Avith the central canal ; on the outside each cell communicates with a tube that is common to the six cells on that side, which, passing downward, ends at the external aperture below. Beneath this is the stomach and intestinal canal, which, as in the Lamprey, is straight ; the rounded marks along the margin on both sides from end to end show the numerous mucous glands that have already been referred to. It is impossible to dissect a Myxine, and attend to the structure and substance of its investing skin, without being forcibly reminded of its great resemblance to the investing mantle of the Cephalopods. The relations of structure in the Myxine to the Lampreys on the one hand, and the first class of mollusca, the Cepha- lopods, on the other, appear to prove that the situation claimed for this fish by Bloch, and systematic authors since his time, is the natural one. The relation to the Lampreys is shown in the elongated, cylindrical form of the body ; the single spiracle on the head ; the general similarity in the parts of the mouth ; the character of the branchial cells, and the viscera. The relation to the Cephalopods i.s apparent in the eight MYXINE. (517 tentacula or feelers about the head, the horny but flexible nature of the columnar support of the body, the character of its external covering, and by the power of ejecting a copious secretion whenever it considers itself in danger. I'KTROMYZID.E. CHONDROPTERYG1L I'ETROMYZW.E. THE LANCELET. • Amphioxus lanceolatus, YAK HELL. ,, ,, COUCH, Mag. Nat. Hist. 1838, and Corn. Fauna, p. 54. Limax „ PALI.AS, Spic. Zool. X. p. 19, t, i. fig. 1 1. AMPHIOXUS. Generic Characters. — Body compressed, the surface without scales, both ends pointed ; a single dorsal fin extending the whole length of the back ; no pectoral or ventral fins ; mouth on the under part of the head, narrow, elongated, each lateral margin furnished with a row of slender filaments. THE singular little animal here figured of the natural size, although one of the smallest, as well as the last, among British fishes, is by no means deficient in interest. The specimen, the only one I ever saw, and which is probably also the only one that has been taken for many years, was sent to me by Mr. Couch, who found it himself on the shore near Polperro. A portion of the tail of this little fish was sticking out from underneath a stone in a small pool left by the tide. Mr. Couch perceiving it, took it up with some water in the hollow of his hands. It was alive, very active, and so transparent that the viscera were perceiv- LANCELET. able through the external covcrino-. It was taken home by o o Mr. Couch, who made a drawing of its appearance under a microscope. The only notice of this little animal on record that I have become acquainted with, which was pointed out to me by my friend Mr. I. E. Gray, is that by Pallas, in his Spicilegia Zoologica, already quoted ; and I insert at the foot of the page, as a note, the Latin description by Pallas,* believing that the reader will then have before him all that has been published of this very rare little animal, of which, at least as far as I am aware, possibly no other specimen has been found or noticed since that to which Pallas refers, and which, it is not a little singular, was also obtained from Cornwall. Of the specimen in his possession Pallas says, " Quod nunquam vivum vidi, sed liquore servatum e mari Cornubiam adluente accepi olim, quoclque prima facie refert piscem Leptoccphalum Gronovii." At first sight this little fish has somewhat the appearance of a Leptocephalus, a British fish first sent to Gronovius by our countryman and zoologist Pennant ; it more par- ticularly resembles it in the arrangement of the strise on the flattened sides : but Leptocephalus, as will appear by a reference to the figure of it in this volume at page 409, has a perfect head, though a small one, with jaws, teeth, eyes, and gill-covers ; while the fish under consideration has neither eyes nor gill-covers, nor any fins except one along the back, which forms an anal fin by passing round the tail. * " Limax lanceolatus. Corpus anceps, planum, linear! lanceolatum, utrin- que acutissimum. Margo undique limbo membranaceo auctus ; subtus vero ad duas tertias longitudinis margo bilabiatus est, sulcatusque, ut sit quasi pes liraacinus angustissimus. Tentacula plane nulla. Latera striis obsoletis, antrorsum obliquatis prope dorsura angulo recurvatis, ut quasi latus pisciculi desquamatum refeiant." PETROMYZID.E. Supported by the opinion of Mr. Gray, and two or three other zoological friends, I have placed this little animal in this family, near the cyclostomous fishes, believing it to be, as far as at present known, the lowest in organization among this class ; and although I am unwilling to mutilate entirely by my rough dissection the only specimen probably I shall ever possess, and which is perhaps unique, I shall yet be able to show, by the figures given and some further description, that this animal is entitled to a place at the end of the pre- sent family. The form of the fish is compressed ; the head pointed, without any trace of eyes ; the nose rather produced : the mouth on the under edge, in shape an elongated fissure, the sides of which are flexible ; from the inner margin ex- tend various slender filaments, regularly disposed, which cross and intermingle with those of the opposite side. Along the sides of the body the muscles are arranged in regular order, diverging from a central line, one series passing ob- liquely upward and backward, the other series as obliquely downward and backward : the anal aperture is situated one- fourth of the whole length of the fish, in advance of the end of the tail ; the tail itself pointed : from the nose to the end of the tail a delicate membranous dorsal fin extends the whole length of the back, supported by very numerous and minute soft rays ; the surface of the body smooth. The body is strengthened and supported internally throughout its length by a flexible cartilaginous column, from which the numerous muscles diverge ; the cavity of the abdomen is comparatively large ; the intestine a canal of considerable calibre, without convolution ; above it a double row of flattened globular bodies, which have all the appear- ance of ova. The figure at the top of the illustration re- presents this fish of the natural size. The right-hand figure in the middle line is an enlarged representation of the LANCELET. mouth as seen from below, with the filaments from cacli side stretching across the opening ; the outline on the left of the middle is a magnified view of the two portions of the hyoid or lingual bone, to which the filaments are attached, one branch of which bone is divided, and the cut portions turned up and down to expose the other perfect side ; the figure at the base is a magnified view of the appearance of the whole fish. Several relations in structure to the Lampreys and Myx- ine are observable, — namely, the fringed mouth, the armed lingual bone, the absence of eyes, the want of pectoral and ventral fins, the investing tunic, and the tough, but flexible, internal dorsal column. Of its habits, that which has been stated is known : it is extremely active when in water, and its food is probably some of the most minute among the thin- skinned Crustacea, or decomposing animal matter. It may perhaps be expected that I should state on what grounds I have ventured to differ from such a naturalist as Pallas in considering this animal a fish, and not a Limax, It is distinguished from the Limaces by the absence of the ventral muscular disk for locomotion ; and from every other molluscous genus, in the position of the anal aperture, which is unconnected with the respiratory cavity. On the other hand, the dorsal fin, and regular oblique strata of muscular fibres clothing the sides of the body and having their points of origin attached to a firm dorsal internal axis, — with the existence of a lengthened internal vertebral column, although in a soft cartilaginous state, as in the Myxine, — are sufficient to determine the primary division of animals to which the Amphioxus belongs. The publicity given to this little animal, which appeared not to have fallen under observation since the time of Pallas, and the situation claimed for it, in the first edition of the History of British Fishes, have led to many satisfac- PETROMYZID.E. tory results. My friend, Mr. Edward Forbes, told me that he had obtained two specimens. These were dredged up by himself from a sandbank in deep water on the east coast of the Isle of Man ; they were extremely active, and on super- ficial examination resembled small Sand-eels. With his cha- racteristic liberality, he placed these two specimens in the hands of Mr. John Goodsir, Conservator of the Museums of the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh, with a re- quest that he would employ them for the purpose of drawing up a detailed account of the animal. This account, forming an elaborate anatomical paper, is published in the fifteenth. volume of the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edin- burgh, to be hereafter referred to. Finding that I had originally misunderstood some of the circumstances connected with the capture of the first fish by Mr. Couch, I here insert with pleasure Mr. Couch's own statement, as now published in his Fauna of Cornwall, p. 54. " When alive, this fish had a very evident, though diapho- nous fin, extending from near the snout, round the extre- mity of the tail, which it encircled in the manner of the same organ in the Eel, and terminating at the vent ; and the ap- pearance in the engraving is probably owing to the influence of the preserving liquor, which has caused the membrane to contract. The rays of this fin are arched transversely, in a very singular manner. The specimen was not found in a pool, but lay buried in a small quantity of sand, at about fifty feet from the receding tide ; and on turning over a small flat stone that was on the sand, the tail of the fish appeared exposed. When moved it exhibited signs of great activity, so that the head could not readily be distinguished from the tail ; and as there can be no doubt that the fish had sought the shelter of the sand in which it was found, there is little question that such is its usual habitation : a circum- stance still more probable by its want of eyes. It was LANCELET. 623 discovered on tlic 21st of December 1831, after a heavy storm that had torn it from its native situation, which, from its rarity, we may suppose to be in deep water. In February 1838, I obtained two other specimens, which had been thrown up by a tempest. The largest measured two indies and three-tenths in length, which enabled me to discern still more of the internal structure of this fish." The Zoological Society have since received two specimens of the Lancelet, which were forwarded in a small bottle, with several examples of Leptocephalus Morrissii,* from the Me- diterranean, by the late Dr. Leach, but no particular locality was named with them. I had the pleasure of receiving a visit from Professor Miiller when he was in London in 1837, and placed before him for his examination the opened specimen of the Lancelet from which I had taken my description. Professor Miiller has since received two examples, and the result of his dissec- tions, embodying also observations by Professors Retzius and Sundevall of Sweden, will be found in the Proceedings of the Academy of Berlin for 1839, page 197. The Lancelet has now been taken on the coasts of Norway and Sweden. I overlooked the membranous folds of the abdomen and the anal fin. Mr. Couch anticipated, and very kindly stated the true cause of the omission, — the contraction delicate membranes undergo from long immersion in spirits. The fish was caught in December 1831, and was examined by me in the summer of 1836. These parts are thus described by Mr. Goodsir : — " The folds commence, minute, on each side of the hyoid apparatus, pass back on the sides of the abdo- men, increasing in breadth till they are as broad as one-fifth of the depth of the animal ; they then diminish and terminate at the point where the muscles approach on each side of the * Brit. Fish. vol. ii. p. 409. 624 PETROMYZ1D.E. intestine, — that is, at the junction of the middle and posterior thirds of the animal." " The anal fin is a fold of integument, which, commencing at the point where the abdominal folds terminate, is continued to the anus, where it is interrupted, but reappearing behind it, and becoming broader, passes on to be continuous with the dorsal fin at the extremity of the tail. The existence of a median fin in front of the anus is, as has been observed by Miiller, very remarkable ; but it is in exact accordance with a fact mentioned to me by Professor Agassiz, that in certain fresh-water fishes, — the developement of which he had watch- ed,— a fin of this kind, with rays, exists for a short period of their embryonic existence, and then disappears." The minute anatomical details of Professor Mliller and Mr. Goodsir are unsuited to popular pages ; the conclusion appears to be that the zoological position of Amphioxus is the lowest place in the Class of Fishes, and the discovery of a second species in the Mediterranean by my friend Mr. Wilde, which possesses a circular mouth, and some observed habits in the original species, both having been found at Algiers, seem to confirm the connexion of these fishes with the Myxine and Lampreys. Extract from a Narrative of a Voyage to Madeira, Tencriffe, and along the shores of the Mediterranean, by W. R. Wilde, M.R.I.A. " As I obtained several of the Lancelets during our stay at Algiers, I may be permitted to offer some observations on them. There were two descriptions ; the first, and most common, about an inch and a half long, the Amphioxus lan- ceolatus of Yarrell and the Limax of Pallas, who first noticed it. The body is diaphonous, and enclosed in a thin flexible envelope, not circular, but preserving a five, and, in some LANCELET. 625 instances, a seven sided figure. This in every respect resem- bles the calamus or pen of some of the Mollusca, especially that in the common cuttle-fish. These little animals had a power of attaching themselves to each other in a remarkable manner, sometimes clustering together, and at others forming a string six or eight inches long ; the whole mass seemed to swim in unison, and with great rapidity, going round the vessel in a snake-like form and motion. They adhered to one another by their flat sides ; when in line, the head of one coming up about one-third on the body of the one before it ; no doubt those sides are of use in forming this attachment. The other variety was thinner, and from two and a half to three inches long, having a large dorsal fin, which moved continually in an extraordinary manner, describing a circle by rotating upon its narrow base. The mouth was a circular disk, surrounded by cilise that continued in constant motion. When put into a tumbler of water it moved round the glass, and although no eyes were perceptible, it carefully avoided the finger, or any substance put in its way, stopping sud- denly, or turning aside from it. Both these animals when taken out of the water kept up a strong pulsatory motion for some time. The small one, the Amphioxus lanceolatits, by this means pumped out of its interior a quantity of air and water ; and they could be seen coming to the surface to inhale, and a globule of air was observed floating through the internal cavity. In the larger species the internal tube was perfectly distinct, and of a blue colour. When put into spirits and water it died almost immediately, and turned opaque. A number of circular bands also appeared on it. Mr. Yarrell, in his beautiful work on British Fishes, has placed this singular little animal among the finny tribe. With all due deference to him, I would suggest the following reasons for it belonging to the Mollusca: the absence of VOL. II. 2 S 626 PETROMYZIDE. vertebral column, the transparency, and the thin flexible skeleton of the animal being external." At the time of writing this Mr. Wilde was not aware of the dissections and consequent conclusions of others. Searching BeckwitlVs enlarged edition of Blount's Tenures, o s I found those that here follow ; which, as they refer to fishes or fishing, may be considered entitled to a place in this work. " In the simplicity of older times, when gold and silver were scarce, the household of the king was supported by provisions furnished from his demesnes. By degrees the servants here employed obtained a fixed tenure of the es- tates, rendering certain services, and supplying certain provi- sions. Many lands were from time to time granted on con- dition of yielding such supplies ; but these reservations were small, and many of them only to be rendered when the king travelled into the country where the land lay. In some, special care was taken that he should not make this service burthensome by coming too often. " Ayhsbury. — William, son of William of Alesbury, holds three yard-lands of our lord the king in Alesbury, in the county of Bucks, by the serjeanty of paying three Eels to our lord the king, when he should come to Alesbury in winter. " Conway Castle — Is now held of the crown by Owen Holland, Esq. at the annual rent of six shillings and eight pence, and a dish of fish to Lord Hertford as often as he passes through the town. " Degemue and Eglosderi, county of Cornwall. — Wil- liam Trevelle holds one Cornish acre of land in Degemue and Eglosderi, by the serjeanty of finding one boat and nets for LANCELET. fishing in Hellestonc Lake, whensoever our lord the king should come to Hellestone, and so long as he should stay there. " Gloucester. — Pennant states that it has been an old custom for the city of Gloucester annually to present the sovereign with a Lamprey pie, covered with a large raised crust. " Rodeley, county of Gloucester. — Certain tenants of the manor of Rodeley pay to this day. to the lord thereof, a rent called Pridgavel, in duty and acknowledgment to him for their liberty and privilege of fishing for Lampreys in the river Severn. Pridgavel : Prid, for brevity, being the latter sylla- ble of Lamprid, as this fish was anciently called ; and gavel, a rent or tribute. " Stafford. — Ralph de Waymer held of the king in fee and inheritance the stew or fish-pond without the eastern gate of the town of Stafford, in this manner, that when the king should please to fish, he was to have the Pikes and Breams ; and the said Ralph and his heirs were to have all the other fishes with the Eels coming to the hooks, rendering therefore to the king half a mark at the feast of St. Michael. " Yarmouth. — The town of Yarmouth in Norfolk is bound to send to the sheriffs of Norwich a hundred Herrings, which are to be baked in twenty-four pies or pasties, and thence delivered to the lord of the manor of East Carlton, who is to convey them to the king. They are still sent to the clerk of the kitchen's office at St. James's. In 1778, the sheriffs of Norwich attended with them in person, and claimed the following allowance in return, viz. — ' Six white loaves, six dishes of meat (out of the king's kitchen) ; one flaggon of wine ; one flaggon of beer ; one truss of hay ; one bushell of oats ; one pricket of wax ; six tallow candles.1 But no precedent appearing of these things having been de- 628 PETROMYZID.K. livered, they were refused. — Records of the Board of Green cloth r The vignette closing this second volume of the second edition of the History of British Fishes, represents the New Hall and the Barge of the Company of Fishmongers of London. The final vignette to the first volume represents the Old Hall of the Company, and the arms on the title-page of the first volume are also those of the Company. LONDON : PRINTED BY SAMUEL BENTLEY, Bangor House, Shoe Lane. OTHER WORKS BY MR. YARRELL, AND TO BE HAD OF THE PUBLISHER OF THESE VOLUMES, A HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. Of uniform size and general character with the Fishes. A PAPER ON THE GROWTH OF THE SALMON IN FRESH WATER. With Six Coloured Illustrations of the Fish of the natural size, exhibit- ing its character and exact appearance at various stages during the first two years. Oblong folio, 12s. AND, A SUPPLEMENT TO THE FIRST EDITION OF THE HISTORY OF BRITISH FISHES. Containing Figures and Descriptions of about Thirty Species not included in that Edition. See next page. WORKS OF UNIFORM SIZE WITH MR. YARRELL'S BIRDS AND FISHES. PROFESSOR BELL'S HISTORY OF BRITISH QUADRUPEDS AND CETACEA. With 200 Illustrations. M. 8s. Royal 8vo. 11. 16s. Im- perial 8vo. 4£. 4s. 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