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lBti)tv Crarts*




V. I


Hijlory of the Dividing Line





Hiftorical Documents


>Y*w *^

to iSommton.

No. II.

" Gather up the Fragments that remain."

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Entered according Co Act of Congrefs in the Year 1866,


in the Clerk's Office of the Diftrict Court of the United States

for the K:;ftcrn Diilrift of Virginia.


^6^?<r5^?lLLIAM Byrd, the firft of that CA ($)/¥)) J@) Name who holds a confpicuous \\J/V$f^Ju\ Place in the Annals of Virginia,

X/AxfA™*!? was an active, intelligent and v\/i)\/vS\ fuccefsful Man of Bufinefs, and ^^(C^^^_Z^vCcP exerted a confiderable Influence in the Affairs of the Colony during the latter Part of the Seventeenth Century. On the 24th of December, 1687, he was appointed Receiver General of the royal Revenues, the Duties of which Office he continued to difcharge until his Death, which occurred on the 4th of December, 1704; and among the Documents printed in this Volume is a Report from the Prefident and feveral others of the Council concerning the final Settlement of his Accounts in that Capacity.1

1 See Vol. ii, P. 203, of this Reprint. In Maxwell's Virginia Hifiorkai RegijJcr, Vol. iii, Pp. 181-188, will be found further Information with

x IntroduSiion*

His Son, William Byrd, born on the 28th of March, 1674, filled yet more important Pofitions, and attained a far greater Diftinetion. He died in his feventy-firft Year on the 26th Auguft, 1744. In the Language of the Epitaph upon his Tomb at Weftover, his Seat in Charles City County,

Reference to thefe Accounts; and in earlier Portions of the fame Work, Vol. i, 60-66, 114-119, Vol. ii, Pp. 78-83, 205-209, fome additional Fafts, chiefly in the Form ot a Selection from his own Letters, concerning this William Byrd, who was not, as Mr. Maxwell ftates, "a Burgefs from Henrico, attending the Grand Aflembly at Jameftown in that Charac- ter for feveral Years," within the Period of his publifhed Letters from 1683 to 16S5 inolufive, but, a Member of the Council which formed the Upper Houfe of the Grand Affembly; and this as early as 1682. (This Statement is made, erroneoufly of courfe, concerning his Son frima facie., in an Article in the New American Cyclopedia, Vol. iv, P. 167; which Article confounds the two Perfons, making Father and Son one and the fame, "born about 1650," which was a little before the Time of the Father's Birth ; died in I 743, which was nearly forty Years after the Time of his Death, and a little before that of his Son.) It appears even from his Letters, to which Mr. Maxwell alludes, that in 16S2 he was a Member of the Council, and, as fach, of the General Court. In Hcning's Statutes at Large, Vol. iii, P. 557, he is mentioned in the latter Capacity. 25 April, 1683, by the Style and Title of "Col. William Bird." This exprefs Mention in an authentic Document would feem to cftablifh conclufively that Campbell was in error in calling his Son " the firft Colonel William Byrd" {Iiifi, Virg., 2d Edit., 174/com- pare with Pp. 435-436); and that Mr. Maxwell was right in designating the Latter as " Colonel William Byrd, the Second of the Name and Title" {Fa. Hift. Reg., Vol. iv, P. 75). Though for the moll Part he fpc.iks of the Father as "Captain William Byrd," as he is called in feveral of our public Papers; of courfe, before he was Colonel. See further, Campbell's Hiftory of Virginia, 2d Edition, Pp. 420, 421.

'Introduction. xi

" being born to one of the am pled fortunes in this country,

he was fent early to England for his education, where, under the care and direction of Sir Robert Southwell,

and ever favoured with his particular instructions,

he made a happy proficiency in polite and various learning.

By the means of the fame noble friend,

he was introduced to the acquaintance of many of the firft perfons of the age

for knowledge, wit, virtue, birth, or high ftation,

and particularly contracted a moil intimate and bofom friendfhip

with the learned and illuftrious Charles Boyle, Earl of Orrery.

He was called to the bar in the Middle Temple,

ftudied for fome time in the Low Countries,

vifited the Court of France,

and was chofen Fellow of the Royal Society.

Thus eminently fitted for the fervice and ornament of his country,

he was made Receiver General of his majefty's revenues here,

was thrice appointed public agent to the court and miniftry of England,

and, being thirty fnven years a member,

at laft became President, of the Council of this Colony.

To all this were added a great elegance of taite and life,

the well-bred gentleman and polite companion,

the fplendid cconomift and prudent father of a family,

with the conftant enemy of all exorbitant power,

and hearty friend to the liberties of his councry."l

This Inscription is given with two verbal Variations of little Confequcnce, in Campbell's Hijlory of Vir- giniri) 2d Edit., P. 436, and with only one, the lei's Material of the two, in the nrft Edition of that Work, Pp. 113, 114. He feems to have been the immediate Succefibr to his Father as Receiver General (fee Vol. ii, P. 202 of this Reprint) ; and therefore it would have been more accurate to fay, " he was made Receiver Gen- eral of her Majefty's Revenues here," Oueen Anne being at that Time on the Throne ; but it is poflible he continued fuch Receiver under his Majefty George the

1 Weftover Manufcripts, Edition of 1841, P. iv.

xii IntrodtiEttmt

Firfl, and likewife under his Majefty George the Second. From Records of the Council, ftill preferved, it appears that he became a Member of it and Pre- sident.

This monumental Tribute is, indeed, a cordial Ex- preflion of the Merits of the Man ; but, fo far from being open to the Charge of Flattery, it falls fhort of the Panegyric employed by raoft of thofe who have written of Virginia Affairs during his Time. Rev. William Stith, a Contemporary, in the Preface to his unfinifhed hiflorica] Work, which abruptly breaks oftat the Year 1624, thus fpeaks of the fecond William Byrd:

cc I muft confefs myfelf moit endebted, in this Part of my Hiitory, to a very full and fair Manufcript of the London [Virginia] Company's Records, which was communicated to me by the late worthy Prefident of our Council, the Honourable William Byrd, Efq. Neither could I excufe myfelf if I did not likewife acknowledge with what Humanity and Politenefs that well-bred Gentleman and Scholar not only communi- cated thofe Manufcripts to me, but alio threw open his Library (the bell and moil copious Collection of Books in our Part of America), and was himfelf ever fludious and lolicitous to fearch out and eive me whatever might be ufeful to my Undertaking."1

1 Stith's Hi/lory of Virginia, Page v of Preface, dated " Varina, Dec. 10, 1746."

Of the Weftover Library, founded by this Colonel Byrd, and aug- mented probably by bis Son, the Third of the fame " Name and Title/'

Introdii&ion. xiii

But the heft Exposition of his Character, and the mod enduring Monument to his Memory, will be found in his own Writings, which, fo far as is now- known, with the fingle Exception of a curious Paper concerning a Negro Boy, dappled with white Spots, contributed to the Philofophical 'Traiifafiious in 1607,1

fomc Account may be feen in Maxwell's Virg. Jlifl. Reg., Vol. iv, Pp. 87-90.

Refpecling the MSS. here mentioned by Stith, it has been commonly faid of late that they were purchafed in London by the Col. Byrd here fpoken of, Son of the Firit, and Father of the Laft that have now been noticed. It is itated in a Letter of Mr. Jefferfon (Works, Edit. iS>6. Vol. vii, P. 312), that they were bought at the Sale of the Earl of Southampton's Library, " by Doctor Byrd, of Weitover." But the molt truitworthy Account feems to be that given by Stith, in his Preface above quoted. " As thefe Records," fays he, " are a very curious and valuable Piece of the Antiquities of our Country, I fliall give the Reader an Account of them I received, many Years ago, in Converfatiou. wkh Col. Byrd and Sir John Randolph. I had then no thoughts of Writing the Hiitory of Virginia, and therefore took lefs Notice than I othcrwife mould have done. However, as I am perhaps the only Perfon now living anything acquainted with their Hiitory, it will not be improper to give it to the Reader, as I judge it highly worthy of his Knowledge." He then gives a Relation of the Manner in which they were made, and authenticated and fubfequently preferred till the Death of an Earl (mif- called by him Duke) of Southampton, " which happened in the Year 1667," when, he fays, "the late Col. Byrd's Father, being then in England, purchafed them of his (Lord Southampton's) Executors for fixty Guineas." See further on this Subject an Article headed " Stith's Hiitory of Virginia,'' Southern Literary Mejenger, September, 1S63,

PP- 554-565-

1 New American Cyclopedia, Vol. iv, P. 167; Allibone's Difthnary of Authors, Edition of 1859, Vol. i, P. 3] 8.

xiv Iiitrodu&ion.

are all comprifed in the prefent Volume. Of thefe Writings, T'he Uiftory of the Dividing Line, A Journey to the Land of Eden, and A Vrogrefs to the Mines , were publimed in the Year 1841, in a Volume entitled The fFeJlover Manufcripts, although they were not quite fo fully prcfented therein as might have been defired. From the Preface to that Volume the following Paflao-e is extracted :

"The Manufcripts of Col. William Byrd, of Weft- over, the Father of the laft Proprietor of the fame Name, of different Dates from 1728 to 1736, are contained in a large folio Volume, bound in Parch- ment, which has been carefully preferved in his Family, until recently placed in the Hands of the Editor. The Whole is in the Hand-writing of a Copyifl, but written evidently under the immediate Direction of its Author, as there are numerous Corrections, Inter- lineations, and more confiderabie Additions, in his own Hand-writing. The Book was doubtlefs copied from the Author's earlieft Draught on loofe Sheets, which were afterwards deftroyed, as ufelefs. At any Rate, this old Volume is the only Copy in Existence.1 The

1 This Statement feems incorrect as to Part of the Contents of the Volume. Ten Years after the Date of the Publication from the Preface, to which the above PalTage is taken, Mr. Lyman C. Draper, in a Letter to Mr. Charles Campbell, giving an Account of the Welrover Library, the Catalogue whereof, " a three Ouire quarto Volume, Gilt-edged, and gilt red Morocco Binding," was then, certainly, and probably is ftill, extant, fays : " In the Catalogue I ice no Mention of the MS. Journal of Running the Dividing Line between Virginia and North Carolina in

hitrodu&io'n. xv

Hiftorical Society of Virginia obtained the Confcnt of the Proprietor of the Manufcripts to have them copied, with a View to Publication. But the Opera- tions of that Society ceafed before the Publication had been commenced, and when only one of the feveral Manufcripts had been copied.1 It was one of the lateft Acls of the laft Proprietor, George E. Harrifon. Eiq., of Brandon, to place at our Difpofal this highly

1728 Copies of which I have heretofore informed you, are in the Library of the American Philofophical Society ; one, judging from the Title, the fatae as that publifhed among the ' Weftover Manufcripts ' at Peterfburg, in 1841; the other, the 'Secret Hiitory of the Dividing Line.' Neither of thefe have I yet found the right Time to call and examine, and the only Knowledge that I have of them is from the Cata- logue of the Society which pofiefles them." Maxwell's Virg. Hi ft. Rt'g., Vol. iv, P. SS. Without further Information on the Subjeft, it is im- poffibk even to form a reafonable Conjecture whether thefe two Papers are "Conies" of one and the fame Original, differing in nothing but the Title, or of fubftantially different Compofnions ; or whether indeed they are Copies at all, and not the very Originals, which, inftead oi being written on loofe Sheets and deftroyed, as the Editor fuppofes, may have- been given by the Widow of the laft Colonel Byrd, who was a Philadel- phia Lady, to the Society named, which had its Seat in that City. The Statement quoted in the Text had Reference, doubtlefs, only to Colonel Byrd's own Writings; elfe it would have been inaccurate as to yet another Part of the Contents of " this old Volume." as will preiently be fecn. lThis relates to the firft Affbciation, known as the Virginia Historical Society. Several Years afterwards another, under the fame Name, or the fame under another Organization, fprang into a&ive Exiftence, ar.d continued to flouriih until the breaking out of the late Civil War. It: "Operations" were then fufpended ; but we may hope that the Society did not itfelf become extinct.

x vi In l roduEtion .

valued Work of this diflinguifhed and talented An- ceftor, with Pcrmiilion to publifh any Portion, or the Whole of the Contents, provided the manufcript Volume itfelf mould be preferved uninjured, and afterwards reftored to the Owner. The better to fecure the latter Objeft, the Copy of the Part made for the Ufe of the Hiftorical Society, has alfo been placed in our Hands by the Directors."

To this fubilantially correcl: Account of the Parch- ment-bound Folio, (the Contents of which, however, arc not fully, nor as to their Dates quite accurately no- ticed in it) we fubjoin a Statement made at our requeft by the cftimable and accomplifhed Widow of Mr. Harrifon. Thefe are her written Words :

"This Manufcript was the Production of the fecond Colonel Byrd, of Wefiover, who for his rare Wit, Learning and Wifdorn was ftyled the 'Black Swan' of the Family. It defcended to his Son, the laft Colonel William Byrd, who married Mifs Mary Wil- ling, of Philadelphia. She prefented this Book to George Evelyn Harrifon, the Son of her Daughter, Evelyn Byrd, who had married Mr. Benjamin Har- rifon, of Brandon."

As already intimated, the Volume contains Articles not hitherto Printed, partly compofed, partly colleded only, by Col. Byrd; and all its Contents were tranf- cribed by his Copyilt without Regard to chronological Order, Connection of Subjects, or Method of any

Int?"oduEiion. xvii

Kind. Neverthelefs, his accidental and chaotic Ar- rangement, or rather Want of all Arrangement, has been fcrupuloufly followed in this Reprint ; the Aim of which has been to give, as far as it was practicable with Types, fac-fimile Copies of his Tranfcript ; and with this View numerous Exprcflions are here "faithfully prefented," which, probably becaufe they were thought too free, were either altered or entirely fuppreffed in the partial Publication of 1841. It may be that the Editor of that Volume, following the Copy made for the Hiftorical Society, was led unknowingly into thefe Alterations and Omimons, which pombly had been therein introduced, or they may have been the Refult of his own Tafte and Judgment. Whatever the Fact, this Reprint has reverted to the original Manufcript, and the Whole is here given with perfect Fidelity.

A few Words defcriptive of the "Parchment-bound Folio" itfelf will conclude this Introduction.

The Cover, which is of white Vellum, meafures fourteen and a half Inches in Length, ten and a quar- ter Inches in Breadth, and a quarter of an Inch in Thicknefs.

The Leaves are fourteen Inches Long, and nine and three quarter Inches wide.

The Volume is lettered on the Back, the Lettering beginning at one Inch from the Top, thus Hiflory of the Line and Other Tracts.



On the Infide of the Cover is a Copy of the Book- plate, which is to be found in all the Books which be- longed to Col. Byrd ; containing his Arms (including feVefd Ouarterings), his Name "William Byrd of Wefiover in Virginia Efqr '" and the Motto, "NULLA PALLESCERE CULPA." Two blank fly Leaves, plain, with Water Mark "T. Gilpin & Co Brandy wine," and one Leaf, with Water Mark like the Reft of the Book, i. e., Shield with

fleur-de-lis and the Monogram yyx, are between the Cover and the Commencement of the Manuicript. On the Top of the nrit Page of this latter Leaf, one Inch from the Top, is written,

"To Mts Evelyn Taylor Harnfon

from her arYedtionate

Mother Mary Byrd" and below this, "For

Mafter George Evelyn Harnfon

of Brandon Weftover May 12th 1809." On the oppofite Side of this Leaf, which is dis- coloured and badly torn, all that can be read is,

Contents, male Creed. iftory of the line

Sec. &c. &c.



There are 2>&& written Pages, including Contents and prefentation Page, 8 blank Leaves between the Proceedings of the CommiiTioners appointed to lay- out the Bounds of the Northern Neck and the Eflay on Bulk Tobacco, ci blank Leaves at the End of the MS., and then two fly Leaves exactly fimilar to thofe in the firft Part. Every Page is ruled in red Lines, enclofing the written Context, an Inch and a half from the outer and three quarters of an Inch from the inner Edge. Of written Leaves, there are i8j, blank Leaves 59, Contents 1, flv Leaves 4 ; Total 246. To the Courtefy of Mrs. Harrifon, of Upper Bran- don, the Widow of the late George E. Harrifon, Efq., mentioned in the Extract from the Preface to the Volume publifhed in 1841, we are indebted for the Opportunity to fpread the Pages of this interefting and valuable Contribution to the colonial Hiftory of Our State before the Students of American Civiliza- tion.

T. H. W.

Richmond, Va., Nov., 1866.





Run in the Year 1728.

EFORE I enter upon the Journal of the Line ^i^tlW^^ between Virginia and North Carolina, it will be ^V^i'^^tl/.. Decenary to clear the way to it, by fhewine how ,-'. ' - -^if tnc other Britifli Colonies on the Main have, one v *v after another, been carved out of Virginia, by

y Grants from his Majefty's Royal Predeceflbrs. All that part of the Northern American Continent now &fy under the Dominion of the King of Great Britain, and Stretching quite as far as the Cape of Florida, went at firfl Under the General Name of Virginia. The only Diftin&ion, in thofe early Days, was, that all the Coaft to the Southward of Chefapeake Bay was called South Virginia, and all to the Northward of it, North Virginia.

The full Settlement of this fine Country was owing to that great Ornament of the Britifh Nation, Sir Walter Raleigh, who obtained a Grant thereof from Queen Elizabeth of ever-glorious Memory, by Letters Patent, dated March the 25th, 1584.

1 Written as late as 1736. See pofl. Unlefs that palf.ige was an interpolation after the work was written.


2 The Il'iflory of the

But whether that Gentleman ever made a Voyage thither himfelf is uncertain ; becauie thofe who have favour' d the Public with an Account of His Life mention nothing of it. However, thus much may be depended on, that Sir Walter invited fundry perfons of Dillinclion to Share in his Charter, and join their Purfes with his in the Laudable project of fitting out a Colony to Virginia.

Accordingly, 2 Ships were Sent away that very Year, under the Command of his good Friends Amidas and Barlow, to take poiTcflion of the Country in the Name of his Roial Miftrefs, the Queen of England.

Thefe worthy Commanders, for the advantage of the Trade Winds, ihapcd their Courfe fir ft to the Charibbe Iflands, thence ftretching away by the Gulph of Florida, dropt Anchor not far from Roanoak Inlet. They ventured amoar near that place upon an I Hand now called Colleton ifland, where they fet up the Arms of England, and Claimed the Adjacent Country in Right of their Sovereign Lady, the Queen ; and this Ceremony being duly performed, they kindly invited the neighbouring Indians to traffick with them.

Thefe poor people at firft approacht the Engliih with great Caution, having heard much of the Treachery of the Spaniards, and not knowing but thefe Strangers might be as treacherous as they. But, at length, difcovering a kind of good nature in their looks, they ventured to draw near, and barter their Skins and Furs, for the Bawbles and Trinkets of the Englifh.

Thefe firft Adventurers made a very profitable Voyage, railing at leaft aThotifand percent, upon their Cargo. Amongft other Indian Commodities, they brought over Some of that bewitching Vegetable, Tobacco. And this being the firft that ever came to England, Sir Walter thought he could do no lefs than make a prefent of Some of the brighieir of it to His Roial Miftrefs, for her own Smoaking.

Dividing Line.


The Queen gracioufly accepted of it, but finding her Stomach fickcn after two or three Whiffs, it was prefently wbifpered by the earl of Leiccftcr's Faction, that Sir Walter had certainly Poifon'd Her. But Her Majefty foon recovering her Diforder, obliged the Countefs of Nottingham and all her Maids to Smoak a whole Pipe out amongft them.

As it happen'd ibme Ages before to be the fafhion to Santer to the Holy Land, and go upon other Ouixot Adventures, to it was now grown the Humour to take a Trip to America. The Spaniards had lately diicoveied Rich Mines in their Part of the Weft Indies, which made their Maritime Neighbours eager to do k too. This Modifh Frenzy being ftill more Inflam'd by the Charming Account given of Virginia, by the iirft Adven- turers, made many fond of removeing to fuch a Paradiie.

Happy was he, and ftill happier She, that cou'd get them- felves traniported, fondly expecting their Coarfeft Utenfils, in that happy place, would be of Many Silver.

This made it eafy for the Company to procure as many Vo- lunteers as they wanted for their new Colony ; but, like moft other Undertakers who have no Afilftance from the Public, they Starved the Defign by too much Frugality ; for, unwilling to Launch out at firft into too much Expenfe, they Ship't off but few People at a Time, and Thofe but Scantily provided. The Adventurers were, befides, Idle and extravagant, and expeaed they might live without work in fo plentiful a Country.

Thefe Wretches were fet Afhoar not far from Roanoak Inlet, but by fome fatal difagreement, or Lazinefs, were cither Starved or cut to Pieces by the Indians.

Several repeated Mifadventures of this kind did, for fome time, allay the Itch of Sailing to this New World ; but the Diftcmpcr broke out again about the Year 1606. Then it happened that the Karl of Southampton and ievcral other Pcrfons, eminent tor their Quality and Eftates, were invited into the Company, who

4 The Hijfory of the

1729 apply'd themfclves once more to People the then almoft aban-

April c]on'(i Colony. For this purpofe they emharkt about an Hun-

"^ dred men, moll of them Riprobates of good Familys, and related

to fome of the company, who were men of Quality and Fortune.

The Ships that carried them made a Shift to find a more

direct way to Virginia, and ventured thro the Capes into the

Bay of Chefapeak. The fame Night they came to an Anchor

at the Mouth of Powatan, the fame as James River, where they

built a Small Fort at a Place call'd Point Comfort.

This Settlement Hood its ground from that time forward in fpite of all the Blunders and Difagrecment of the fir ft Adven- turers, and the many Calamitys that befei the Colony afterwards. The fix gentlemen who were fir ft named of the company by the crown, and who were empowered to choofe an annual Pre- fident from among themfclves, were always engaged in Factions and Quarrels, while the reft dctefted Work more than Famine. At this rate the Colony mull have come to nothing, had it not been for the vigilance and Bravery of Capt. Smith, who ftruck a Terrour into all the Indians round about. This Gentleman took fome pains to perfwade the men to plant Indian corn, but they lookt upon all Labour as a Curie. They chofe rather to depend upon the Mufty Provifions that were font from England : and when they fail'd they were forcl: to take more pains to Seek for Wild Fruits in the Woods, than they woud have taken in tilling the Ground. Belides, this Expofd them to be knockt on the head by the Indians, and gave them Fluxes into the Bargain, which thind the Plantation very much. To Supply this mor- tality, they were rcinforct the year following with a greater number of People, amongft which were fewer Gentlemen and more Labourers, who, however, took care not to kill themfelves with Work.2

-This paragraph is in the form of a note in the manufcript, but the reader will per- ceive that it is a portion of the text. Er>.

Dividing Line. 5

Thcfe found the Firfl Adventurers in a very ftarving condi- tion, but relieve! their wants with the frefh Supply they brought with them. From Kiquotan they extended themfelves as far as James-Town, where like true Englifhrnen, they built a Church that coft no more than Fifty Pounds, and a Tavern that coft Five hundred.

They had now made peace with the Indians, but there was one thing wanting to make that peace Lifting. The Natives coud, by no means, perfwade themfelves that the Englifii were heartily their Friends, (o long as they difdained to intermarry with them. And, in earneft, had the Englifii confulted their own Security and the good of the Colony Had they intended either to Civilize or Convert thefe Gentiles, they would have brought their Stomachs to embrace this prudent Alliance.

The Indians are generally tall and well-proportion'd, which may make full Amends for the Darknefs of their Complexions. Add to this, that they are healthy & Strong, with Conftitutions untainted by Lewdnefs, and not enfeebled by Luxury. Befulcs, Morals and all confidered, I cant think the Indians were much greater Heathens than the firft Adventurers, who, had they been good Chriftians, would have had the Charity to take this only method of converting the Natives to Chriflianity. For, alter all that can be faid, a fprightly Lover is the moft prevailing Miffionary that can be fent amongft thefe, or any other Infidels.

Befides, the poor Indians would have had lefs reafon to Com- plain that the Englifii took away their Land, if they had received it by way of Portion with their Daughters. Had fuch Affinities been contracted in the Beginning, how much Bloodfhed had been prevented, and how populous would the Country have been, and, confequently, how confiderable ? Nor wou'd the Shade of the Skin have been any reproach at this day ; for if a Moor may be wafht white in 3 Generations, Surely an Indian might have been blancht in two.

6 The IJifiory of the

The French, for their Parts, have not been To Squeamifh in Canada, who upon Trial find abundance of Attraction in the Indians. Their late Grand Monarch thought it not below even the Dignitv of a Frenchman to become one flefh with this People, and therefore Ordered ioo Livres for any of his Sub- jects, Man or Woman, that woud intermarry with a Native,

By this piece of Policy we find the French Intereft very much Strengthn'd amongft the Savages, and their Religion, fiich as it is, propagated juft as far as their Love. And I heartily with this well-concerted Scheme don't hereafter give the French an Advantage over his Majefty's good Subjects on the Northern Continent of America.

About the fame time New England was pared off" from Vir- ginia by Letters Patent, bearing date April the ioth, 1608. Several Gentlemen of the Town and Neighborhood of Plymouth obtain'd this Grant, with the Ld Chief Juilice Popham at their Head.

Their Bounds were Specified to Extend from 38 to 45 De- grees of Northern Latitude, with a Breadth of one Hundred Miles from the Sea Shore. The firft 14 Years, this Companv encounter'd many Difficulties, and loft many men, tho' far from being difcouraged, they font over Numerous Recruits of Prefby- terians, every year, who for all that, had much ado to ftand their Ground, with all their Fighting and Praying.

But about the year 1620, a Large Swarm of DiiTenters fled thither from the Severities of their Stepmother, The Church. Thefe Saints conceiving the fame Avcrfion to the Copper Com- plexion of the Natives, with that of the firft Adventurers to Virginia, would, on no Terms, contract Alliances with them, afraid perhaps, like the Jews of Old, left they might be drawn into Idolatry bv thofe Strange Women.

Whatever difgufted them I cant fay, but this fa lie delicacy creating in the Indians a Jealoufy that the Englifh were ill

Dividing Line. y

affectd towards them, was the Caufe that many of them were cut ofF, and the reft Expofed to various Diiheffes.

This Reinforcement was landed not far from Cape Codd, where, for their greater Security they built a Fort, and near it a Small Town, which in Honour of the Proprietors, was call'd New Plymouth. But they Still had many discouragements to Struggle with, tho' by being well Supported from Home, they by Degrees Triumph't over them all.

Their Brethren, after this, flockt over fo faff, that in a few Years they extended the Settlement one hundred Miles along the Coalr, including Rhode Ifland and Martha's Vineyard.

Thus the Colony throve apace, and was throng'd with large Detachments of Independents and Prefbyterians, who thought themfelves perfecuted at home.

Tho' thefe People may be ridiculd for fome Pharifaical Par- ticularitys in their Worfhip and Behaviour, yet they were very ufeful Subjects, as being Frugal and Induflrious, giving no Scandal or bad Example, at lead by any Open and Public Vices. By which excellent Qualities the}- had much the Advantage of the Southern Colony, who thought their being Members of the Eftablifh't Church fufficient to Sanclifle very loofe and Profligate Morals. For this Reafon New England improved much falter than Virginia, and in Seven or Eight Years New Plimouth, like Switzerland, feemd too Narrow a Territory for its Inhabitants.

For this Reafon, feveral Gentlemen of Fortune purchaf d of the Company that Canton of New England now calld Mafla- chufet colonv. And King James conhrm'd the Purchafc by his Royal Charter, dated March the 4th, 1628. In lefs than 2 years after, above 1 000 of the Puritanical Sect removed thither with confiderable Effects, and thefe were followed by fuch Crowds, that a Proclamation was iffued in England, forbidding any more of his Alajefty's Subjects to be Shipt off. But tins had the ufual Effect of things forbidden, and ferv'd only to make

8 The Hi/lory of the

the Wilful Independents flock over the fafter. And about this time it was that Me firs. Hampden and Pym, and (fome fay) Oliver Cromwell, to (hew how little they valued the King's Authority, took a Trip to New England.

In the Year 1630, the famous City of Bofton was built, in a Commodious Situation for Trade and Navigation, the fame be- ing on a Pcninfula at the Bottom of Maffachufet Bay.

This Town is now the mod confiderable of any on the Britifh Continent, containing at leaft 8,000 houfes and 40,000 Inhabit- ants. The Trade it drives, is very great to Europe, and to every Part of the Weft Indies, having near 1,000 Ships and lefler Veflels belonging to it.

Altho the Extent of the Maffachufet Colony reach't near one

Hundred and Ten Miles in Length, and half as much in Breadth,

yet many of its Inhabitants, thinking they wanted Elbow-room,

quitted their Old Seats in the Year 1636, and formed 2 New

Colonies : that of Connecticut and New Haven. Thefe Kino-


Charles the 2d erected into one Government in 1664, and gave them many Valuable P.riviledges, and among the reft, that of chufing their own Governors. The Extent of thefe united Colonies may be about Seventy Miles long and fifty broad.

Befides thefe feveral Settlements, there Sprang up ftill another, a little more Northerly, called New Hampfhire. But that con- fiding of no more than two Counties, and not being; in condi-

D ) fc>

tion to Support the Charge of a Diftindt Government, was glad to be incorporated with that of Mailachufet, but upon Condition, however, of being Named in all Public Acts, for fear of being quite loft and forgot in the Coalition.

In like manner New Plymouth joyn'd itfelf to Maffachufet, except only Rhode Ifland, which, tho' of fmall Extent, got itfelf erected into a Separate government by a Charter from Kino- Charles the 2d, foon after die Reiteration, and continues fo to this day.

Dfoidhig Li?ie. 9

Thcfe Governments all continued in PofTeflion of their Re- fpec~Vtvc Rights and Priviledges till the Year 1683, when that of Maffachulct was made Void in England by a Quo Warranto.

In Confequence of which the King was pleafed to name Sir Edmund Andros PI is firfl Governor of that Colony. This Gentleman, it feems, ruled them with a Rod of Iron till the Revolution, when they laid unhallowed Hands upon Plim, and fent him Prifoner to England.

This undutiful proceeding met with an eafy forgivenefs at tliat happy Juncture. King William and his Royal Contort were not only pleafd to overlook this Indignity offered to their Gov- ernor, but being made fenfible how unfairly their Charter had been taken away, moft gracioufly granted them a new one.

By this fome new Franchifes were given them, as an Equiva- lent for thofe of Coining Money and Electing a sjovernour, which were taken away. Plowever, the other Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Illand had the luck to remain in Pofleflion of their Original Charters, which to this Day have never been calld in Cjueflion.

The next Country difmemberd from Virginia was New Scot- land, claimd by the Crown of England in Virtue of the firfl: Diicovery by Sebaftian Cabot. By Colour of this Title, King James the firfl: granted it to Sir William Alexander by Patent, dated September the icth, 1621.

But this Patentee never fending any Colony thither, and the French believing it very Convenient for them, obtaind a Surren- der of it from their good Friend and Ally, king Charles the 2d, by the Treaty of Breda. And, to fhow their gratitude, they ftirred up the Indians foon after to annoy their Neighbours of New England. Murders happend continually to his Majeftv's Subjects by their Means, till Sr William Phipps took their Town of Port Royal, in the year 1690. But as the Englilh are better at taking than keeping Strong Places, the Fiench retook it foon, B

I o The Hiftory of the

and remaind Matters of it till 1710, when General Nichclfon wretted it, once more, out of their Hands.

Afterwards the Queen of Great Britain's Right to it was re- cognizd and confirmed by the treaty of Utrecht.

Another Limb lopt off from Virginia was New York, which the Dutch fcized very unfairly, on pretence of having Purchafd it from Captain Hudfon, the firtt Difcoverer. Nor was their way of taking Polleihon of it a whit more juttifiable than their pretended Title.

Their Weft India Company tamperd with fomc worthy Enov lifh Skippers (who had contracted with a Swarm of Englifh Diflcnters to tranfport them to Hudfon river) by no means to land them there, but to carry 'em fome leagues more northerly.

This Dutch Finefle took Exactly, and gave the Company time foon after to feize the Hudfon River for themfelves. But Sr Samuel Argall, then governor of Virginia, understanding how the King's Subjects had been abufed by thefe Republicans, marcht thither with a good Force, and obligd them to renounce all prcteniions to that Country. The worit of it was, the Knight depended on their Parole to Ship themfelves to Brafiie, but took no meafures to make this Slippery People as good as their Word.

No fooner was the good Governor retired, but the honeft Dutch began to build Forts and ttrengthen themfelves in their ill-gotten PolTeflions ; nor did any of the King's Liege People take the trouble to drive thefe Intruders thence. The Civil War in England, And the Confuflons it brought forth, allowed no Leifure for fuch diftant Confiderations. Tho tis Irranee that the Protector, who neglected no Occafion to mortify the Dutch did not afterwards call them to Account for this breach of Faith. However, after the Rcttoraiion, the King fent a Squadron of his Ships of War, under the Command of fir Robert Carr, and re- duced that Province to his Obedience.

Some time after, His Majcfly was Pleafd to grant that Coun-

Dividing Line. i j

try to his Royal Highnefs, the Duke of York, by Letters Patent, dated March the 12th, 1664. But to ftiew the Modefty of the Dutch to the Life, tho they had no Shaddow of Right to New York, yet they demanded Surinam, a more valuable Country, as an Equivalent for it, and our able Miniiters at that time had the Generofity to give it them.

But what wounded Virginia deepeft was the cutting off Mary- land from it, by Charter from King Charles the ill, to fir George Calvert, afterwards Ld Baltimore, bearing Date the 20th of June, 1632. The Truth of it is, it begat much Speculation in thofe days, how it came about: that a good Prote(lant King mould beftow fo bountiful a Grant upon a Zealous Roman catholic. But 'tis probable it was one fatal Jnibmce amonaft many other of his Majefly's complaifance to the Queen.

However that happened, 'tis certain this Province afterwards provd a Commodious Retreat for Peifons of that Communion. The Memory of the Gun-Powder-Treafon-Plot was Still frefh in every body's mind, and made England too hot for Papifb to live in, without danger of being burnt with the Pope, every 5th of November; for which reafon Legions of them transplanted them- fclvcs to xMaryland in Order to be Safe, as well from the Info- lence of the Populace as the Rigour of the Government.

Not only the Gun-Powder-Treafon, but every other Plot, both pretended and real, that has been trump't up in England ever Since, has helpt to People his Lordfhip's Propriety.

But what has provd moft Serviceable to it was the Grand Rebellion againir. King Charles the iff, when every thing that bore the lean: tokens of Popery was fure to be demolifht, and every man that Profeft it was in Jeopardy of Suffering the fame kind of Martyrdom the Romifh Priefts do in Sweden.

Soon after the Reduaion of New York, the Duke was pleafd to grant out of it all that Tra£t of Land included between Hud- fon and Delaware Rivers, to the Lord Berkley and Sir George

1 2 T/je Hiftory of the

Carteret, by Deed dated June the 24th, 1664. And when thefe Grantees came to make Partition of this Territory, His Lordp's Moiety was calid Weft Jerfey, and that to Sir George, Eaft Jerfey.

But before the Date of this Grant, the Swedes began to gain Footing in part of that Country ; tho, after they faw the Fate of New York, they were glad to Submit to the King of England, on the eafy Terms of remaining in their Poiieflions, and render- ing a Moderate Quit-rent. Their Poftcrity continue there to this Day, and think their Lot cafl in a much fairer Land than Dalicarlia.

The Proprietors of New Jerfey, finding more Trouble than Profit in their new Dominions, made over their Right to feveral other Perfons, who obtaind a frefli Grant from his Royal High- nefs, dated March the 14th, 1682.

Several of the Grantees, being Quakers and Anabaptifts, faild not to encourage many of their own Perfwafion to remove to this Peaceful Region. Amongft them were a Swarm of Scots Quakers, who were not tolerated to exercife the Gifts of the Spirit in their own Country.

Befides the hopes of being Safe from Perfecution in this Re- treat, the New Proprietors inveigled many over by this tempting Account of the Country : that it was a Place free from thofe 3 great Scourges of Mankind, Prieifs, Lawyers, and Phyficians. Nor did they tell a Word of a Lye, for the People were yet too poor to maintain thefe Learned Gentlemen, who, every where, love to be paid well for what they do ; and, like the Jews, cant breathe in a Climate where nothing is to be got.

The Jerfeys continued under the Government of thefe Pro- prietors till the Year 1702, when the)- made a formal Surrender of the Dominion to the .Queen, referving however the Property' of the Soil to thcmfclvcs. So foon as the Bounds of New Jer- fey came to be diltinctly laid off, it appeared that there was ftill

Dividing Line. j^

a Narrow Sllpe of Land, lying betwixt that Colony and Mary- land. Of this, William Penn, a Alan of much Worldly Wifdom, and fome Eminence among the Quakers, got early Notice, and by the Credit he had with the Duke of York, obtaind a Patent for it, Dated March the 4th, 1680.

It was a little Surprifing to fome People how a Quaker fhoud be fo much in the good Graces of a Popifh Prince ; tho, after all, it may be pretty well Accounted for. This Ingenious Pcr- fon had not been bred a Quaker ; but, in his Earlier days, had been a Man of Pleafure about the Town. He had a beautiful form and very taking Addrefs, which made him Succefsful with the Ladies, and particularly with a Miftrefs of the Duke of Monmouth. By this Gentlewoman he had a Daughter, who had Beauty enough to raife her to be a Dutchefs, and continued to be a Toavt full 30 Years.

But this Amour had like to have brought our Fine Gentleman in Danger of a Duell, had he not difcreetly iheltcrd himfelf under this peaceable Perfwafion. Befides, his Pother having been a Elag-Omcer in the Navy, while the Duke of York was Lord High Admiral, might recommend the Son to his Favour. This piece of Secret Hiftory I thought proper to mention, to wipe off the Sufpicion of his having been Popifhly inclind.

This Gentleman's nrft Grant confind Him within pretty Narrow Bounds, giving him only that Portion of Land which contains Buckingham, Philadelphia and Chefter Counties. But to get thefc Bounds a little extended, He puflu His Intereft frill further with His Royal Highnefs, and obtaind a frefh Grant of the three Lower Counties, called New-Caille, Kent and Suflcx, which (till remaind within the New York Patent, and had been luckily left out of the Grant of New Jcrfey.

The Six Counties being thus incorporated, the Proprietor dignifyd the whole with the Name of Penlilvania.

The Quakers flockt over to this Country in Shoals, being

14 The Hiftory of the

averfe to go to Heaven the fame way with the Bifhops. Amongft them were not a few of good Subftanee, who went Vigorously upon every kind of Improvement; and thus much I may truly lay in their Praife, that by Diligence and Frugality, For which this Harmlcfs Sect is remarkable, and by haveing no Vices but fuch as are Private, they have in a few Years made Penfilvania a very fine Country.

The Truth is, they have obferved exact Juflice with all the Natives that border upon them ; they have purchafd all their Lands from the Indians ; and tho they, paid but a Triffie for them, it has procured them the Credit of being more righteous than their Neighbours. They have likewife had the Prudence to treat them kindly upon all Occafions, which has favd them from many Wars and Maffacres wherein the other Colonies have been indifcreetly involved. The truth of it is, a People whole Principles forbid them to draw the Carnal Sword, were in the Right to give no Provocation.

Both the French and Spaniards had, in the Name of their Refpective Monarchs, long ago taken PofleJiion of that Part of the Northern Continent that now goes by the Name of Caro- lina ; but finding it Produced neither Gold nor Silver, as they greedily expected, and meeting fuch returns from the Indians as their own Cruelty and Treachery deferved, they totally aban- dond it. In this deferted Condition that country lay for the Space of 90 Years, till King Charles the 2d, finding it a dere- lict, granted it away to the Earl of Clarendon and others, by His Royal Charter, dated March the 24th, 1663. The Bound- ary of that Grant towards Virginia was a due Weft Line from Luck-Ifland, (the fame as Colleton Ifiand,) lying in 36 degrees N. Latitude, quite to the South Sea.

But afterwards Sir William Berkeley, who was one of the Grantees and at that time Governour of Virginia, finding a Terri- tory of 3 1 Miles in Breadth between the Inhabited Part of Virginia

Dividing Line. 1 5

and the above-mentioned Boundary of Carolina, advifd the Lord Clarendon of it. And His Lordp had Intereft enough with the King to obtain a Second Patent to include it, dated June the 30th, 1665.

This laft Grant defcribes the Bounds between Virginia and Carolina in thefe Words : " To run from the North End of Corotuck-Inlet, due Weft to Weyanoke Creek, lying within or about the Degree of Thirty-Six and Thirty Minutes of North- ern Latitude, and from thence Weil, in a direct Line, as far as the South-Sea." Without queilion, this Boundary was well known at the time the Charter was Granted, but in a long Courfe of years Weynoke Creek loft its name, fo that it became a Controvert where it lay. Some Ancient Perfons in Virginia affirmd it was the fame with Wicocon, and others again in Caro- lina were as Pofitive it was Nottoway River.

In the mean time, the People on the Frontiers Enterd for Land, & took out Patents by Guefs, either from the King or the Lords Proprietors. But the Crown was like to be the Infer by this Incertainty, becaufe the Terms both of taking up and feating Land were eafier much in Carolina. The Yearly Taxes to the Public were likewife there lefs burthenfome, which laid Virginia under a Plain difadvantage.

This Confideration put that Government upon entering into Meafures with North Carolina, to terminate the Difpute, and fettle a Certain Boundary between the two colonies. All the Difficulty- was, to find out which was truly Weyanoke Creek. The Difference was too Confiderable to be given up by either fide, there being a Territory of 15 Miles betwixt the two Streams in controverfy.

However, till that Matter could be adjufted, it was agreed on both fides, that no Lands at all Should be granted within the difputed Bounds. Virginia obferved this Agreement punctually, but I am ibrry I cant fay the Same of North-Carolina. The

1 6 Yhe Hifiory of the

great Officers of that Province were loath to lofe the Fees ac- crueing from the Grants of Land, and fo private Intereft got the better of Public Spirit ; and I wifli that were the only Place in the World where fuch politicks are fafhionable.

All the Steps that were taken afterwards in that Affair, will beft appear by the Report of the Virginia-Commifiioners, recited in the Order of Council given at St. James's, March the ift, 1 7 io, fet down in the Appendix.

It mult be owned, the Report of thofe Gentlemen was Severe upon the then commifiioners of North-Carolina, and particularly upon Mr. Mofeley. I wont take upon me to fay with how much Juftice they faid fo many hard things, tho it had been fairer Play to have given the Parties accufd a Copy of fuch Reprefentation, that they might have anfwerd what they could for themfelves.

But fince that was not done, I muft beg leave to fay thus much in behalf of Mr. Mofeley, that he was not much in the Wrong to find fault with the Quadrant produced by the Sur- veyors of Virginia, becaufe that Inftrument plact the Mouth of Notoway River in the Latitude of 37 Degrees ; whereas, by an Accurate Obftrvation made Since, it appears to lie in 36° 30' i', fo that there was an Error of near 30 minutes, either in the In- ftrument or in thofc who made ufe of it.

Befides, it is evident the Mouth of Notoway River agrees much better with the Latitude, wherein the Carolina Charter fuppofed Wyanoak Creek, (namely, in or about 36 Degrees and 30 minutes,) than it does with Wicocon Creek, which is about 15 Miles more Southerly.

This being manifeft, the Intention of the King's Grant will be pretty exactly anfwerd, by a due Weft Line drawn from Corotuck Inlet to the Mouth of Notaway River, for which reafon tis probable that was formerly calld Wyanoak-Creek, and might change its Name when the Nottoway Indians came to

Dividing Line. 17


live upon it, which was fince the Date of the laft Carolina


The Lievt Governor of Virginia, at that time Colo Spotf- wood, teaching into the Bottom of this Affair, made very Equitable Propofals to Mr. Eden, at that time Govemour of North Carolina, in Order to put an End to this Controverfy.. % Thefe, being formd into Preliminaries, were Signd by both Governours, and tranfmitted to England, where they had the Honour to be ratifyed by his late Majefty and AiTcntcd to by the Lords Proprietors of Carolina.

Accordingly an Order was fent by the late King to Air. Gooch, afterwards Lievt Governor of Virginia, to purfue thofe Preliminarys exadly. In Obedience thereunto, he was pleafed to appoint Three of the Council of that colony to be Commif- fioners on the Part of Virginia, who, in Conjunction with others to be named by the Governor of North Carolina, were to fettle the Boundary between the 2 Governments, upon the Plan of the above-mentiond Articles.

Two Experienct Surveyors were at the fame time directed to wait upon the Commiflioners, Mr. Mayo, who made the Accu- rate Mapp of Barbadoes, and Mr. Irvin, the Mathematick ProfeiTor of William and Mary Colledge. And becaufe a good Number of Men were to go upon this Expedition, a Chaplain was appointed to attend them, and the rather becaufe the People on the Frontiers of North-Carolina, who have no Miniiler near them, might have an Opportunity to get themfelves and their Children baptizd.

Of thefe proceedings on our Part, immediate Notice was fent 172S to Sir Richard Everard, Governor of North Carolina, who was Fcbmar dcfircd to Name Commiflioners for that Province, to meet thofe of Virginia at Crotuck-Inlet the Spring following. Accordingly lie appointed Four Members of the Council of that Province to take Care of the Interefts of the Lds Proprietors. ' Of thefe, C

1 8 The IJiflory of the

1728 Mr. Mofeley was to fervc in a Double Capacity, both as Com-

February miffi0ncr ancj Surveyor. For that reafbn there was but one

other Surveyor from thence, Mr. Swan. All the Perfons being

thus agreed upon, they fettled the time of Meeting to be at Co-

rotuck, March the 5th, 1728.

In the Mean time, the requifite Preparations were made for fo long and tirefome a Journey ; and becauie there was much work to be done and fome Danger from the Indians, in the uninhabited Part of the Country, it was ncceflary to provide a Competent Number of Men. Accordingly, Seventeen able Hands were lifted on the Part of Virginia, who were moll of them Indian Traders and expert Woodfmen.

27 Thefc good men were ordered to come armed with a Mufquet and a Tomahack, or large Hatchet, and provided with a Suffi- cient Quantity of Ammunition.

They likewife brought Provifions of their own for ten days after which time they were to be furnifht by the Government. Their March was appointed to be on the 27th of February on which day one of the Commiilioners met them at their Rendez- vous, and proceeded with them as far as Colo Allen's. This Gentleman is a great ceconomift, and Skilld in all the Arts of living well at an cafy expenfe.

2g They proceeded in good Order through Surry County, as far as the Widdow Allen's who had copied Solomon's complete houfewife exactly. At this Gentlewoman's Houfe, the other two Commiilioners had appointed to join them, but were de- taind by fome Accident at Williamfburg, longer than their ap- pointment.

2q They purfued their march thro the Ifle of Wight and obfervd a molt dreadful Havock made by a late Hurricane, which hap- pend in Auguft, 1726. The Violence of it had not reachd above a Quarter of a Mile in Breadth, but within that Compafs had levelkl'all before it. Both Trees and Houfes were laid flat

Dividing Line. 1 9

on the Ground, and feveral things hurld to an incredible diftance. 1728

Tis happy fuch violent Gulls are confind to fo narrow a Chan- February

nel, becaufe they carry defolation wherever they go. In the v

Evening they reacht Mr. Godwin's, on the South Branch of

Nanfemond River, where they were treated with abundance of

Primitive Hofpitality.

March 1. This Gentleman was fo kind as to morten their w ,

March Journey, by fetting thorn over the river. They coaflcd the

N E Side of the Difmal for feveral miles together, and found all the Grounds bordering upon it very full of Sloughs. The Trees that grew near it lookt very Reverend, with the long Mofs that hung dangling from their Branches. Both cattle and Horfes cat this Mofs greedily in Winter when other Provender is Scarce, tho it is apt to fcowr them at firft. In that moifl Soil too grew abundance of that kind of Myrtle which bears the Candle- Berries. There was likewife, here and there, a Gall-bufh, which is a beautiful Evergreen, and may be cut into any Shape. It derives its name from its Berries turning Water black, like the Galls of an oak.

When this Shrub is tranfplanted into Gardens, it will not thrive without frequent watering.

The two other commimoners came up with them jufl: at their Journey's end, and that evening they arrivd all together at Mr. Craford's, who lives on the South Branch of Elizabeth-River, over againfl: Norfolk. Here the CommifTioners left the Men with all the Horfes and heavy Baggage, and croflt the River with their Servants only, for fear of making a Famine in the Town.

Norfolk has moft the ayr of a Town of any in Virginia. There were then near 20 Brigantlnes and Sloops riding at the Wharves, and oftentimes they have more. It has all the advantages of Situation requiiite for Trad^ and Navigation. There is a Secure Harbour for a good Number of Ships of any Burthen. Their

20 ¥he Hi/lory of the

I-23 River divides itfelf into 3 Several Branches, which are all March Navigable. The Town is fo near the fea, that its Veffels may

v <^ Sail in and out in a few Hours. Their Trade is Chiefly to the

Weft-Indies, whither they export abundance of Beef, Pork, Flour and Lumber. The worft of it is, they contribute much towards debauching the Country by importing abundance of Rum, which, like Ginn in Great Britain, breaks the Conftitu- tion, Vitiates the Morals, and ruins the Induftry of moft of the Poor people of this Country.

This Place is the Mart for moft of the Commodities producd in the Adjacent Parts of North Carolina. They have a pretty deal of Lumber from the Borderers on the Difmal, who make bold with the King's Land there abouts, without the lead Cere- mony. They not only maintain their Stocks upon it, but get Boards, Shingles and other Lumber out of it in great Abundance. The Town is built on a level Spot of Ground upon Elizabeth River, the Banks whereof are neither fo high as to make the landing of Goods troublefome, or fo low as to be in Danger of overflowing. The Streets are Straight, and adornd with feveral Good Iloufes, which Encreafe every Day. It is not a Town of Ordinarys and Publick Houfes, like moft others in this Coun- try, but the Inhabitants confifl of Merchants, Ship-Carpenters and other ufeful Artifans, with Sailors enough to manage their Navigation. With all thefe Conveniences, it lies under the two great difadvantages that moft of the Towns in Holland do, by having neither good Air nor good Water. The two Cardinal Vermes that make a Place thrive, Induftry and Frugality, are feen here in Perfection ; and fo long as they can baniih Luxury and Idleneis, the Town will remain in a happy and flourifhing Condition.

The Method of building Wharfrs here is after the following Manner. They lay down long Pine Logs, that reach from the Shore to the Edge of the Channel. Thefe are bound fail to-

Dividing Line. 2 1

getlier by Crofl-Pieces notcht into them, according to the Archi- 1728 te&ure of the Log-Houfes in North Carolina. A vvharfF built March thus will ft and Several Years, in fpight of the Worm, which ~~v~* bites here very much, but may be foon repaird in a Place where fo many Pines grow in the Neighbourhood.

The Commillioners endeavourd, in this Town, to lift Three more men to ferve as Guides in that dirty Part of the Country, but found that thefe People knew juft enough of that frightful Place to avoid it.

They had been told that thofe Netherlands were full of Bogs, of Marfhes and Swamps, not fit for Human Creatures to engage in, and this was Reafon enough for them not to hazard their Perfons. So they told us, flat and plain, that we might een dag- gle thro the mire by Our-Selves for them.

The worft of it was, we coud not learn from any body in this Town, what Rout to take to Coratuck Inlet ; till at laft we had the fortune to meet with a Borderer upon North Carolina, who made a rough Sketch of that Part of the Country. Thus, upon feeing how the Land lay, we determind to march directly to Prefcot Landing upon N W River, and proceed from thence by Water to the Place where our Line was to begin.

In Purfuance of this Refolution we crofit the River this Morn- 4th ing to Powder-Point, where we all took Horfe ; and the Grandees of the Town, with great Courtefy, conducted us Ten Miles on our way, as far as the long Bridge built over the S Branch of the River. The Parfon of the Parifli, Mr. Marfton, a painful Apoftle from the Society, made one in this Ceremonious Caval- cade.

At the Bridge, thefe Gentlemen, wifhing us a good Deliver- ance, returnd, and then a Troop of Light Horfe efcorted us as far as Prefcot-Landing, upon N W river. Care had been taken beforehand to provide 2 Pcriaugas to lie ready at that Place to tranfport us to Coratuck Inlet. Our Zeal was fo great to get

22 The Hijhry of the

1728 thither at the time time appointed, that we hardly allowd our- March felves leifure to eat, which in truth we had the lefs Stomach to,

°~~v'~~^ by rcafon the dinner was ferved up by the Landlord, whofe Nofe flood on fiich ticklifh Terms, that it was in Danper of falling into the Difh. We therefore made our Repaft very fhort, and then embarkt with only the Surveyors and Nine chofen Men,

leaving the reft at Mr. W n's to take Care of the Horfes

and Baggage. There we alfo left our Chaplain, with the Char- itable Intent, that the Gentiles round about might have time and Opportunity, if they pleafd, of getting themfelvcs and their children baptizd.

We rowd down N W River about 18 miles, as far as the Mouth of it, where it empties itfelf into Albermarle Sound. It was a really Delightful Sight, all the way, to fee the Banks of the River adornd with Myrtle, Laurel and Bay Trees, which prefervc their Verdure the Year round, tho it muft be ovvnd that thefe beautiful Plants, Sacred to Venus and Apollo, grow commonly in a very dirty Soil. The PJver is, in moft Places, fifty or Sixty Yards wide, without fpreading much wider at the Mouth. Tis remarkable it was never known to Ebb and flow till the year 17 13, when a Violent Storm opend a new In- let, about 5 Miles South of the old one ; fince which Convulfion, the Old Inlet is almoft choakd up by the Shifting of the Sand, and grows both Narrower and Shoaller every day.

It was dark before we could reach the Mouth of the River, where our wayward Stars directed us to a Miferable Cottage. The Landlord was lately removed, Bag and Baegao-e, from Maryland, thro a Strong Antipathy he had to work and paying his Debts. For want of our Tent, we were obligd to Shelter our Selves in this wretched Hovel, where we were almoft de- vourd by Vermin of Various kinds. However, we were above complaining, being all Philofophers enough to improve fuch Slender DiilrcrTes into Mirth and good Humour.

Dividing Line. 23

<$. The Day being now come, on which we had agreed to 1728 meet the Commiilioners of North Carolina, we embarkd very March early, which we coud the eaiier do, having no Temptation to sr~~^ ftay where we were. We Shapt our Courfe along the South End of Knot's Ifland, there being no Pafiage opeji on the North.

Farther Still to the Southward of us, we difcoverd two Smaller Iflands, that go by the names of Bell's and Churche's Ifles. We alfo faw a fmall New England Sloop riding in the Sound, a little to the South of our Courfe. She had come in at the New- Inlet, as all other Veffels have done fince the opening of it. This Navigation is a little difficult, and fit only for Veffels that draw no more than ten feet Water,

The Trade hither is engroflt by the Saints of New England, who carry off a great deal of Tobacco, without troubling them- felves with paying that Impertinent Duty of a Penny a Pound.

It was juft Noon before we arrivd at Coratuck Inlet, which is now fo mallow that the Breakers fly over it with a horrible Sound, and at the fame time afford a very wild Profpect. On the North fide of the Inlet, che High Land terminated in a Bluff Point, from which a Spit of Sand extended itfelf towards tht South-Eaft, full half a Mile. The Inlet lies between that Spit and another on the South of it, leaving an Opening of not quite a Mile, which at this day is not practicable for any Veflel what- foever. And as fhallow as it now is, it continues to fill up more and more, both the Wind and Waves rolling in the Sands from the Ealtern Shoals.

About two a Clock in the Afternoon we v/erc joind by two of the Carolina Commiilioners, attended by Mr. S n, their Surveyor. The other two were not quite fo punctual, which was the more unlucky for us, becaufe there could be no fport till they came. Thefe Gentlemen, it Ceems, had the Carolina- Commifiion in their keeping, notwithstanding which they coud

24 The HiJIory of the

1728 not forbear paying too much regard to a Proverb fafhionable March jn tner Country, not to make more haft than good Speed.

However, that we who were punctual might not fpend our precious time unprofitably, we took the Several bearings of the Coait. We alfo furveyd part of the Adjacent High Land, which had fcarccly any Trees growing upon it, but Cedars. Among the Shrubs, we were fhewed here and there a Bufh of Carolina- Tea calld Japon, which is one Species of the Phylarrea. This is an Evergreen, the Leavs whereof have fome refemblance to Tea, but differ very widely both in Taft and Flavour.

We alfo found fome few Plants of the Spired Leaf Silk grafs, which is likewife an Evergreen, bearing on a lofty Stemm a large Clufter of Flowers of a Pale Yellow. Of the Leaves of this Plant the People thereabouts twift very ftrong Cordage.

A vertuofo might divert himfelf here very well, in picking up Shells of various Hue and Figure, and amongft the reft, that Species of Conque Shell which the Indian Peak is made of. The Extremities of thefe Shells are Blue and the reft white, fo that Peak of both thefe Colours are drilld out of one and the fame Shell, Serving the Natives both for Ornament and Money, and are efteemd by them far beyond Gold and Silver.

The Cedars were of Singular ufe to us in the Abfence of our Tent, which we had left with the reft of the Baggage for fear of overloading the Periaugas. We made a Circular Hedge of the Branches of this Tree, Wrought (o clofe together as to fence us againft the Cold Winds. We then kindled a roufeino- fire in the Center of it, and lay round it, like fo many Itnights Templars. But, as comfortable as this Lodging was, the Sur- veyors turnd out about 2 in the Morning to try the Variation bv a Meridian taken from the North Star, and found it to be fome- what lefs than three degrees Weft.

The Commiflioners of the Neighbouring Colony came better provided for the Belly than the Builnefs. Thev brought not

■Dividing Line. 25

above two men along with them that would put their Hands to 1728 any thing but the Kettle and the Frymg-Pan. Thefe fpent fo ^_^J, much of their Induftry that way, that they had as little Spirit as Inclination for Work.

At N oon, having a Perfect Obfervation, we found the Lati- 6 tude of Coratuck Inlet to be 36 Degrees and 31 Minutes.

Whilft we were bufied about thefe Necefiary Matters, our Skipper row'd to an Oyfter Bank juft by, and loaded his Periauga with Oyftcrs as Savoury and weli-tafted as thofe from Colchef- ter or Walfteet, and had the advantage of them, too, by being much larger and fatter.

About 3 in the Afternoon the two lagg Commiflloners arriv'd, and after a few decent excufes for making us waic, told us they were ready to enter upon Bufinefs as foon as we pleal'd. The firft Step was to produce our reipeclive Powers, and the Commiflion from each Governor was diftin&ly read, and Copies of them interchangeably deliver'd.

It was obferv'd by our Carolina Friends, that the Latter Part of the Virginia Commiflion had fomething in it a little too lordly and Pofitive. In anfwer to which we told them twas neceilary to make it thus peremptory, left the prefent Commifiloners might go upon as fruitleis an Errand as their Predeceflbrs. The former Commifiloners were ty'd down to Act in Exact Con- junction with thofe of Carolina, and fo could not advance one Step farther, or one Jot fafter, than they were pleaf'd to permit


The Memory of that difappointment, therefore, indue'd the Government of Virginia to give fuller Powers to the prefent Commiflloners, bv Authorizing them to go on with the Work by Themfelves, in Cafe thofe of Corolina fhould prove unrea- fonablc, and refufe to join with them in carrying the bufinefs to Execution. And all this was done left His Majefty's gracious Intention flioud be fruftrated a Second time. D

26 Tbi Hi/lory of the

1728 After both Commiflions were confiderd, the fir ft Oueftion March waS) where the Dividing Line was to begin. This begat a v""~~"'' ' Warm debate \ the Virginia Commiflioners contending, with a great deal of Reafon, to begin at the End of the Spitt of Sand, which was undoubtedly the North Shore of Coratuck Inlet. But thofe of Carolina infifted Strenuouly, that the Point of High Land ought rather to be the Place of Beginning, becaufe that was hxt and certain, whereas the Spitt of Sand was ever Shift- ing, and did actually run out farther now than formerly. The Conteft lafted fomc Hours, with great Vehemence, neither Party receding from their Opinion that Night. But next Morning,

Mr. M , to convince us he was not that Obflinate

Perfon he had been reprefented, yielded to our Reafons, and found Means to bring over his Collegues.

Here we began already to reap the Benefit of thofe Peremptory Words in our Commiflion, which in truth added fome Weight to our Reafons. Nevertheless, becaufe pofitive proof was made by the Oaths of two Credible Witneffes, that the Spitt of Sand had advancd 2CO Yards towards the Inlet fince the Controvert)- firft began, we were willing for Peace-fake to make them that allowance. Accordingly we fixed our Beginning about that Diftance North of the Inlet, and there Ordered a Cedar-Poft to be driven deep into the Sand for our beginning. While we continued here, we were told that on the South Shore, not far .from the Inlet, dwelt a Marooner, that Modeitly call'd himfelfa Hermit, tho' he forfeited that Name by Suffering a wanton Female to cohabit with Him.

His Habitation was a Bower, cover' d with Bark after the Indian Fafhion, which in that mild Situation protected him pretty well from the Weather. Like the Ravens, he neither plow'd nor fow'd, but Subfifted chiefly upon Oyfters, which his Handmaid made a Shift to gather from the Adjacent Rocks. Sometimes, too, for Change of Dyet, he fent her to drive up the Neighbour's

Dividing Line. 27

Cows, to moiften their Mouths with a little Milk. But as for 1728

AT .1

raiment, he depended moftly upon his Length of Beard, and iVlarcl- She upon her Length of Hair, part of which fhe brought de- cently forward, and the reft dangled behind quite down to her Rump, like one of Herodotus's Eaft Indian Pigmies.

Thus did thefe Wretches live in a dirty State of Nature, and were mere Adamites, Innocence only excepted.

This Morning the Surveyors began to run the Dividing line 7 from the Cedar-Poft we' had driven into the Sand, allowing near 3 Degrees for the Variation. Without making this Juft allow- ance, we fhould not have obeyd his Majefty's order in running a Due Weft Line. It feems the former Commiffioners had not been fo exact, which gave our Friends of Carolina but too juft an Exception to their Proceedings.

The Line cut Dofier's Ifland, confifting only of a Flat Sand, with here and there an humble Shrub growing upon it. From thence it croft over a narrow Arm of the Sound into Knot's Ifland, and there Split a Plantation belonging to William Hard- ing.

The Day being far fpent, we encampt in this Man's Pafture, tho' it lay very low, and the Seafon now inclin'd People to Aguilh Diftempers. He fufferd us to cut Cedar-Branches for our En- clofure, and other Wood for Firing, to correct the moift Air and drive away the Damps. Our Landlady, in the Days of her Youth, it feems, had been a Laundrefs in the Temple, and talkt over her Adventures in that Station, with as much pleafure as an Old Soldier talks over his Battles and Diftempers, and I be- lieve with as many Additions to the Truth.

The Soil is good in many Places of this Ifland, and the Ex- tent of it pretty large. It lyes in the form of a Wedge : the South End of it is Several Miles over, but towards the North it Sharpens into a Point. It is a Plentiful Place for Stock, by reafon of the wide Marfhes adjacent to it, and becaufe of its

28 The Hiftory of the

1728 v/arm Situation. But the Inhabitants pay a little dear for this March Convenience, by lofing as much Blood in the Summer Seafon v— by the infinite Number of Mofquetas, as all their Beef and Pork can recruit in the Winter.

The Sheep are as large as in Lincolnfhire, becaufe they are never pincht by cold or Hunger. The whole Ifland was hitherto reckon'd to lye in Virginia, but now our Line has given the greater Part of it to Carolina. The Principal Freeholder here is Mr. White, who keeps open Houfe for all Travellers, that either Debt or Shipwreck happens to call in his way. 8 By break of Day we fent away our Largeft Periauga, with the Baggage, round the South end of Knot's Ifland, with Orders to the Men to wait for us in the Mouth of North River. Soon after, we embarkt ourfelves on board the fmaller Veflfel, with Intent, if poffible, to find a Paflage round the North End of the Ifland.

We found this Navigation very difficult, by reafon of the Continued Shoals, and often ftuck faft aground ; for tho' the Sound fprcads many miles, yet it is in mo ft places extremely Shallow, and requires a Skilful Pilot to Steer even a Canoe fafe over it. It was almoft as hard to keep our Temper as to keep the Channel, in this provoking Situation. But the moft impa- tient amongft us ftrokt down their Ch'oler and fwallow'd their curfes, left, if they fuffer'd them to break out, they might found like Complaining, which was expreffly forbid, as the firft Step to Sedition.

At a diftance we defcry'd Several Iflands to the Northward of us, the largeft of which goes by the Name of Cedar Ifland. Our periauga ftuck fo often that we had a fair chance to be be- nighted in this wide Water, which muft certainly have been our Fate, had we not luckily fpied a Canoe that was giving a Fortune- teller a caft from Princefs Anne County over to North Carolina. But, as conjurers are Sometimes miftaken, the Man miftrufted

Dividing Line. 29

we were Officers of Juftice in purfuit of a Young Wench he 1728 had earry'd off along with him. We gave the Canoe Chafe March for more than an Flour and when we came up with her, threat- end to make them all prilbners unlefs they would dired us into the right Channel.

By the Pilotage of thefe People we row'd up an Arm of the Sound, call'd the Back-Bay, till we came to the Head of it. There we were ftoppt by a miry Pocofon full half a Mile in Breadth, thro' which we were oblig'd to daggle on foot, plunge- ing now and then, tho' we pickt our Way, up to the Knees in Mud. At the End of this Charming walk we gain'd the Terra Fiima of Princefs Anne County. In that Dirty Condition we were afterwards oblig'd to foot it two Miles, as far as John Heath's Plantation, where we expected to meet the Surveyors h the men who waited upon them.

While we were performing this tedious Voyage, they had carried the Line thro' the firm Land of Knot's Ifland, where it was no more than half a Mile wide. After that they traverf'd a large Marfh, that was exceeding Miry, and extended to an Arm of the Back Bay. They crollt that water in a Canoe, which we had order'd round for that Purpofe, and then waded over another Marfh, that reacht quite to the High Land of of Princefs Anne. Both thefe Marfhes together make a breadth of five Miles, in which the Men frequently funk up to the Middle without muttering the leaft complaint. On the con- trary, they turn'd all thefe Difaflers into Merriment.

It was difcover'd, by this day's Work, that Knot's Ifland was improperlv fo call'd, being in Truth no more than a Peninfula. The N W Side of it is only divided from the Main by the great Marfh above-mentioned, which is feldom totally overflow'd. Inftcad of that, it might, by the Labour of a k\v Trenches, be drain' d into firm Meadow, capable of grazing as many cattle as Job, in his beft Eflatc, was matter of. In the Miry Condition

30 The Ilijlory of the

1728 it now lies, it feeds great Numbers in the Winter, tho', when March tJje Weather grows warm, they are driven from thence by the Mighty Armies of Mofquetas, which are the Plague of the lower Part of Carolina, as much as the Flies were formerly of E^ypt, and fome Rabbis think thofe Flies were no other than Muf- quetas.

All the People in the Neighbourhood flockt to John Heath's, to behold fuch Rarities as they fancied us to be. The Men left their bclov'd Chimney Corners, the good women their Spinning Wheels, and fome, of more Curiofity than Ordinary, rofe out of their fick Beds, to come and flare at us. They lookt upon us as a Troop of Knight Errants, who were running this °reat Rifque of our Lives, as they imagin'd, for the Publick Weal 5 and fome of the graved 01 them queftion'd much whether we were not all Criminals, condemned to this dirty work for Offences againft the State.

What puzzled them moft was, what cou'd make our men fo very Light-hearted under fuch intolerable Drudgery. " Ye have little reafon to be merry, My Matters," laid one of them, with a very folemn Face, " I fancy the Pocofon you muft Struggle with to-morrow will make you change your Note, and try what Metal you are made of. Ye are, to be fure, the firft of Human Race that ever had the Boldnefs to attempt it, and I dare fay will be the laft. If, therefore, you have any Worldly Goods to difpofe of, My Advice is that you make your Wills this very Night, for fear you die Inteftate to-Morrow." But, alas! thefe frightfull Tales were fo far from difheartening the men, that they ferv'd only to whet their Refolution. g The Surveyors enter'd Early upon their Bufinefs this Morn- ing, and ran the Line thro' Mr. Eyland's Plantation, as far as the Banks of North River. They paflt over it in the Periauga and landed in Gibbs' Marfh, which was a mile in Breadth and tolerably firm. They trudg'd thro' this Marfh without much

Dividing Line. 31

difficulty as far as the High Land, which promif'd more Fer- 1728 tility than any thev had feen in thefe lower Parts. But this firm larcn Land lafted not long before they came upon the dreadful Poco- fon they had been threaten'd with. Nor did they find it one Jot better than it had been painted to them. The Beavers and Otters had render'd it quite impafiable for any Creature but themfelves.

Our poor Fellows had much ado to drag their Legs after them in this Quagmire, but difdaining to be baulkt, they cou'd hardly be perfuaded from prefiing forward bv the Surveyors, who found it abfolutely Necefiarv to make a Traverfe in the Deepeft Place, to prevent their Sticking fart in the Mire, and becoming a Certain Prey to the Turkey-Buzzards.

This Horrible Day's Work Ended two Miles to the North- ward of Air. Merchant's Plantation, divided from NW River by a Narrow Swamp, which is caufeway'd over. We took up our Quarters in the open Field, not far from the Houfe, cor- correcTting, by a Fire as large as a Roman-Funeral-Pile, the Aguifli Exhalations arifing from the Sunken Grounds that Sur- rounded us.

The Neck of Land included betwixt N River and N-Weft River, with the adjacent Marfli, belong'd formerly to Governor Gibbs, but fince his Deceafe to Colonel Bladen, in right of his fir ft Lady, who was Mr, Gibbs' Daughter. It would be a Valuable Tract, of Land in any Country but North Carolina, where, for want of Navigation and Commerce, the beft Eftate affords little more than a coarfe Subfiftence.

The Sabbath happen'd very opportunely to give fome eafe to 10 our jaded People, who refted religioufly from every work, but that of cooking the Kettle. We obferved very few corn-fields in our Walks, and thofe very fmall, which feem'd the Stranger to us, becaufe we could fee no other Tokens of Hufbandrv or Improvement. But, upon further Inquiry, we were given to

32 The Hiflory of the

"1728 underftand People only made Corn for themfelves and not for March their Stocks, which know very well how to get their own ^~~>r~~^ Living.

Both Cattle and Hogs ramble in the Neighbouring Marfhes and Swamps, where they maintain themfelves the whole Winter long, and are not fetch'd home till the Spring. Thus thefe Indolent Wretches, during one half of the Year, lofe the Ad- vantage of the Milk of their cattle, as well as their Dung, and many of the poor Creatures perim in the Mire, into the Bar- gain, by this ill Management.

Some, who pique themfelves more upon Indufcry than their Neighbours, will, now and then, in compliment to their Cattle, cut down a Tree whofe Limbs are loaden with the Mofs afore- mention'd. The trouble wou'd be too great to Climb the Tree in order to gather this Provender, but the Shorteft way (which in this Countrv is always counted the beftj is to fell it, juft like the Lazy Indians, who do the fame by fuch Trees as bear fruit, and fo make one Harveft for all. By this bad Huf- bandry Milk is fo Scarce, in the Winter Seafon, that were a Big-bclly'd Woman to long for it, She would lofe her Longing. And, in truth, I believe this is often the Cafe, and at the fame time a very good reafon why fo many People in this Province are markt with a Cuftard Complexion.

The only Bufinefs here is raifing of Hogs, which is manag'd with the leaf!; Trouble, and affords the Diet they are moft fond of. The Truth of it is, the Inhabitants of N Carolina devour fo much Swine's flefli, that it fills them full of grofs Humours. For want too of a conftant Supply of Salt, they are commonly obliged to eat it Freih, and that begets the higheif. taint of Scurvy. Thus, whenever a Severe Cold happens to Conftitu- tions thus Vitiated, tis apt to improve into the Yaws, called there very juflly the country-Diftemper. This has all the Symptoms of the Pox, with this Aggravation, that no Prepara-

Dividing Line. oo

tion of Mercury will touch it. Firft it feizes the Throat, next 1728 the Palate, and tartly (hews its fpite to the poor Nofe, of which March tis apt in a fmall time treacheroufly to undermine the Founda- v-~><^' tion.

This Calamity is fo common and familiar here, that it ceafes to be a Scandal, and in the difputes that happen about Beauty, the Nofes have in lb me Companies much ado to carry it. Nay, tis faid that once, after three good Pork years, a Motion had like to have been made in the Houfe of Burgefles, that a Man with a Nofe fhou'd be incapable of holding any Place of Profit in the Province ; which Extraordinary Motion could never have been intended without Some Hopes of a Majority.

Thus, conlidering the foul and pernicious Effects of Eating Swine's Flefh in a hot Country, it was wifely forbidden and made an Abomination to the Jews, who liv'd much in the fame Latitude with Carolina.

We ordered the Surveyors early to their Bufinefs, who were 1 j bleflt with pretty dry Grounds for three Miles together. But they paid dear for it in the next two, confdting of one continued frightfull Pocofon, which no Creatures but thofe of the amphi- bious kind ever had ventur'd into before.

This filthy Quagmire did in earned put the Men's Courage to a Tryal, and tho' I can't fay it made them lofe their Patience, yet they loft their Humour for Joking. They kept their Gravity like fo many Spaniards, Co that a Alan might then have taken his Opportunity to plunge up to the Chin, without Danger of being laught at. However, this unufual compofure of coun- tenance could not fairly be call'd complaining.

Their Day's- Work ended at the Mouth of Northern's Creek, which empties itfclf into N W River ; tho' we chofe to Quarter a little higher up the River, near Molly Point. This we did for the Convenience of an Old houfe to Shelter our Perfons and Baggage from the rain, which threatcn'd us hard. We judg'd E

34 The Hifiory of the

1728 the thing right, for there fell an heavy mower in the Night, that March drove tne rnofr narcly 0f us fnto tr)C Houfe. Tho' indeed, our cafe was not much mended by retreating thither, becaufe that Tenement having not long before been uf 'd as a Pork-Store, the Moifture of the Air diiTblv'd the Salt that lay Scatter'd on the Floor, and made it as wet within Doors as without. However, the Swamps and Marines we were lately accuftom'd to had made fuch Beavers and Otters of us that Nobody caught the leaft cold.

We had encampt fo carlv, that we found time in the Evening to walk near half a Mile into the Woods. There we came upon a Family of Mulattoes, that call'd themfelves free, tho' by the Shynefs of the Matter of the Houfe, who took care to keep lealt in Sight, their Freedom feem'd a little Doubtful. It is cer- tain many Slaves Shelter themfelves in this Obfcure Part of the World, nor will any of their righteous Neighbours difcover them. On the Contrary, they find their Account in Settling fuch Fugitives on fome out-of-the-way-corner of their Land, to raife Stocks for a mean and inconfiderable Share, well knowing their Condition makes it NeceiTary for them to Submit to any Terms.

Nor were thefe worthy Borderers content to Shelter Runaway Slaves, but Debtors and Criminals have often met with the like Indulgence. But if the Government of North Carolina has encourag'd this unneighbourly Policy in order to increafe their People, it is no more than what Ancient Rome did before them, which was made a City of Refuge for all Debtors and Fugitives, and from that wretched Beginning grew up in time to be A'lif- trefs of a great Part of the World. And, confidering how Fortune delights in bringing great things out of Small, who knows but Carolina may, one time or Other, come to be the Seat of fome other great Empire ? 12 Every thing had been fo foakt with the Rain, that we were

Dividing Line. 3 5

oblis'd to lie by a good Part of the Morning and dry them. 1728 However, that time was not loft, becaufe it gave the Surveyors March an opportunity of Platting off their Work, and taking the Courfe of the River. It likewife helpt to recruit the Spirits of the Men, who had been a little harafPd with Yefterday's March. Not- withftanding all this, we croiTt the River before Noon, and ad- vanced our Line 3 Miles. It was not poilible to make more of it, by reafon good Part of the way was either Marin, or Pocofon. The Line cut two or three Plantations, leaving Part of them in Virginia, and part of them in Carolina. This was a Cafe that happen'd frequently, to the great Inconvenience of the Owners, who were therefore oblig'd to take out two Patents and Pay for a new Survey in each Government. Xboj.XU t

In the Evening we took up our Quarters in Mr. Ballance's Pafture, a little above the Bridge built over N W River. There we difcharg'd the two Periaugas, which in truth had been very Servicable in tranfporting us over the Many Waters in that Dirty and Difficult Part of our Bufinefs.

Our Landlord had a tolerable good Houfe and Clean Furni- ture, and yet we cou'd not be tempted to lodge in it. We chofe rather to lve in the open Field, for fear of growing too tender. A clear Sky, fpangled with Stars, was our Canopy, which being the la ft thing we faw before we fell afleep, gave us Magnificent Dreams. The Truth of it is, we took fo much pleafure in that natural kind of Lodging, that I think at the foot of the Account Mankind are great Lofers by the Luxury of Feather-Beds and warm apartments.

The curiofitv of beholding fo new and withal fo Sweet a Method of Encamping, brought one of the Senators of N Caro- lina to make us a Midnight Vifit. But he was fo very Clamor- ous in his Commendations of it, that the Centincl, not feeing his Quality, either thro' his habit or Behaviour, had like to have treated him roughly.

36 The Hiflory of the

1*728 After excufing the Unfeafonablenefs of his Vifit, and letting

March us know he was a Parliament Man, he fwore he was fo taken

v with our Lodging, that he would fet Fire to his Houfe as foon

as he got Home, and teach his Wife and Children to lie, like us,

in the open field.

Early this Morning our Chaplain repair'd to us with the Men we had left at Mr. Wilfon's. We had fent for them the Eve- ning before to relieve thofe who had the Labour-Oar from Corotuck-Inlet. But to our great furprife, they pctition'd not to be reliev'd, hoping to gain immortal Reputation by being the firft of Mankind that Ventur'd thro' the great Difmal. But the reft being equally Ambitious of the fame Honour, it was but fair to decide their Pretentions by Let. After Fortune had dc- clar'd herfelf, thofe which fhe had excluded ofFer'd Money to the Happy Perfons to go in their Stead. But Hercules would have as foon fold the Glory of cleanfing the Augean Stables, which was pretty near the fame Sort of Work.

No fooner was the Controverfy at an end, but we fent them unfortunate Fellows back to their Quarters, whom Chance had Condemn'd to remain upon Firm Land and Sleep in a whole Skin. In the mean while the Surveyors carry'd the Line 3 Miles, which was no Contemptible day's work, confidering how cruelly they were entangled with. Bryars and Gall Bufhes. The Leaf of this laft Shrub beipcaks it to be of the Alaternus Family.

Our Work ended within a Quarter of a Mile of the Difmal above-mention'd, where the Ground began to be already full of Sunken Floles and Slafhes, which had, here and there, fome few Reeds growing in them.

Tis hardly credible how little the Bordering inhabitants were acquainted with this mighty Swamp, notwithftanding they had liv'd their whole lives within Smell of it. Yet, as great Stran- gers as they were to it, they pretended to be very exact in then- Account of its Demenfions, and were pofitive it could not be

Dividing Line. 37

above 7 or 8 Miles wide, but knew no more of the Matter than 172S Star-gazers know of the Diftance of the Fixt Stars. At the Same March time, they were Simple enough to amufe our Men with Idle N^*° Stories of the Lyons, Panthers and Alligators, they were like to encounter it that dreadful Place.

In fliort, we faw plainly there was no Intelligence of this Terra Incognita to be got, but from our own Experience. For that Reafon it was refolv'd to make the requifite Difpofitions to enter it next Morning. We allotted every one of the Surveyors for this painful Enterprife, with 12 Men to attend them. Fewer than that cou'd not be employ'd in clearing the way, carrying the Chain, marking the Trees, and bearing the neceffary Bed- ding and Provifions. Nor wou'd the Commimoners themfelves have Spared their Perfons on this Occafion, but for fear of add- ing to the poor men's Burthen, while they were certain they cou'd add nothing to their Refolution.

We quarter'd with our Friend and Fellow Traveller, William Wilkins, who had been our faithful Pilot to Coratuck, and liv'd about a mile from the Place where the Line ended. Every thing lookt fo very clean, and the Furniture fo neat, that we were tempted to Lodge within Doors. But the Novelty of being fhut up fo clofe quite fpoil'd our reft, nor did we breathe fo free by abundance, as when we lay in the open Air.

Before nine of the Clock this Morning, the Provifions, Bed- ja ding and other Neceffaries, were made up into Packs for the Men to carry on their Shoulders into the Difmal. They were vi&uall'd for 8 days at full Allowance, Nobody doubting but that wou'd be abundantly Sufficient to carry them thro' that In- hofpitable Place ; nor Indeed was it poffible for the Poor Fellows to Stagger under more. As it was, their Loads weigh'd from 60 to 70 Pounds, in juffc Proportion to the Strength of thofe who were to bear them.

Twou'd have been unconfcionable to have Saddled them with

38 The Hi/lory of the

1728 Burthens heavier than that, when they were to lugg them thro' March a filthy Bogg, which was hardly pradicable with no Burthen

V"~v at all.

Befidcs this Luggage at their Backs, they were oblig'd to meafure the diftance, mark the Trees, and clear the way for the Surveyors every Step they went. It was really a Fleafure to fee v with how much Cheerfulncfs they undertook, and with how much Spirit they went thro' all this Drudgery. For their Greater Safety, the Commiflioners took care to furnifh them with Peruvian-Bark, Rhubarb and Hipocoacanah, in cafe they might happen, in that wet Journey, to be taken with fevers or Fluxes.

Altho' there was no need of Example to inflame Perfons already fo cheerful, yet to enter the People with the better grace,' the Author and two more of the Commiflioners accompanied them half a Mile into the Difmal. The Skirts of it were thinly Planted with Dwarf Reeds and Gall-Bufh.es, but when we got into the Difmal itfelf, we found the Reeds grew there much taller and clofer, and, to mend the matter was fo interlac'd with bamboe-briars, that there was no fcuffling thro' them without the help of Pioneers. At the fame time, we found the Ground moift and trembling under our feet like a Quagmire, infomuch that it was an eafy Matter to run a Ten-Foot-Pole up to the Head in it, without exerting any uncommon Strength to do it.

Two of the Men, whole Burthens were the leaft cumberfome, had orders to march before, with their Tomahawks, and clear the way, in order to make an Opening for the Surveyors. By their AfTiftance we made a Shift to pufh the Line half a Mile in 3 Hours, and then reacht a fmall piece of firm Land, about roo Yards wide, Standing up above the reft like an Ifland. Here the people were glad to lay down their Loads and take a little refrefhment, while the happy man, whofe lot it was to carry the

Dividing Line. 39

Jugg of Rum, began already, like /Lfop's Bread-Carriers, to find 1728 it grow a good deal lighter. March

After repofingahout an Flour, the Commi/Koners recommended v~~ Vigour and Constancy to their Fellow-Travellers, by whom they were anfwer'd with 3 Cheerful Huzzas, in Token of Obe- dience. This Ceremony was no (boner over but they took up their Burthens and attended the Motion of the Surveyors, who, tho' they workt with all their might, could reach but one Mile farther, the fame obftacles ftill attending them which they had met with in the Morning.

However fmall this diftance may feem to fuch as are uf'd to travel at their Eafe, yet our Poor Men, who were oblig'd to work with an unwieldv Load at their Backs, had reafon to think it a long way ; Especially in a Bogg where they had no firm Footing, but every Step made a deep ImprelTion, which was in- ftantly fill'd with Water. At the fame time, they were labour- ing with their Hands to cut down the Reeds, which were Ten- feet high, their Legs were hampered with the Bryars. Bclides, the Weather happen'd to be warm, and the tallnefs of the Reeds kept off every Friendly Breeze from coming to refrefh them. And, indeed, it was a litt'e provoking to hear the Wind whitt- ling among the Branches of the White Cedars, which grew here and there amongft the Reeds, and at the fame time not have the Comfort to feel the leaft Breath of it.

In the mean time the 3 Commifiioners return'd out of the Difmal the fame way they went in, and, having join'd their Brethren, proceeded that Night as far as Mr. Wilfon's.

This worthy Perfon lives within light of the Difmal, in the Skirts whereof his Stocks range and Maintain themfelves all the Winter, and yet he knew as little of it as he did of Terra Auf- tralis Incognita. He told us a Canterbury Tale of a North Briton, whofe Curiofity Spurr'd him a long way into this great Defart, as he call'd it, near 20 Years ago, but he having no

40 The Hi/lory of the

1728 Compafs, nor feeing the Sun for feveral Days Together, wan- March der'd about till he was almoft famifht ; but at laft he bethought "~v>'""~ himlelt of a Secret his Countrymen make ufe of to Pilot thcm- felves in a Dark day.

He took a fat Loufe out of his Collar, and expof'd it to the open day on a Piece of White Paper, which he brought along with hirn for his Journal. The poor InfecT: having no Eye-lids, turn'd himfelf about till he found the Darkeft Part of the Heavens, and fo made the beft of his way towards the North. By this Direction he Steer' d himfelf Safe out, and gave fuch a frightful account of the Monfters he faw, and the Diftrefles he underwent, that no mortall Since has been hardy enough to go upon the like dangerous Difcovery. jr The Surveyors purfued their work with all Diligence, but Still found the Soil of the Difmal fo Spongy that the Water ouzed up into every footftep they took. To their Sorrow, too, they found the Reeds and Bryars more firmly interwoven than than they did the day before. But the greater! Grievance was from large Cyprefles, which the Wind had blown down and heap'd upon one another. On the Limbs of moit of them grew Sharp Snags, Pointing every way like fo many Pikes, that re- quir'd much Pains and Caution to avoid.

Thefe Trees being Evergreens, and Shooting their Large Tops Very high, are eafilv overfet by every Gufl of Wind, be- caufe there is no firm Earth to Steddy their Roots. Thus many of them were laid proftrate to the great Encumbrance of the way. Such Variety of Difficulties made the Bufmefs go on heavily, infomuch that, from Morning till Night, the Line could advance no farther than I mile and 31 Poles. Never was Rum, that cordial of Life, found more necefTary than it was in this Dirty Place. It did not only recruit the People's Spirits, now almoft Jaded with Fatigue, but lerv'd to correct the Badnefs of the Water, and at the fame time to refill the Malignity of the

Dividing Line. 41

Air. Whenever the Men wanted to drink, which was very 172S often, they had nothing more to do but to make a Hole, and March the Water bubbled up in a Moment. But it was far from be- v~" ing either clear or well tailed, and had befides a Ph) Ileal Effect, from the Tincture it receiv'd from the Roots of the Shrubbs and Trees that grew in the Neighbourhood.

While the Surveyors were thus painfully employ'd, the Com- mifhoncrs difcharged the long Score they had with Mr. Wilfun, for the Men and Horfes which had been quarter'd upon him during our Expedition to Coratuck. From thence we march'd in good Order along the Eaft Side of the Difmal, and paflt the long Bridge that lies over the South Branch of Elizabeth River. At the End of 18 Miles we reacht Timothy Ivy's Plantation, where we pitcht our Tent for the fir ft Time, and were furnifht with every thing the Place afforded.

We perceiv'd the happy Effects of Induftry in this Family, in which every one lookt tidy and clean, and carri'd in their coun- tenances the chearful Marks of Plenty. We faw no Drones there, which are but too Common, alas, in that Part of the World. Tho', in truth, the Diilemper of Lazinefs feizes the Men oftener much than the Women. Thefe laft Spin, weave and knit, all with their own Hands, while their Hufbands, de- pending on the Bounty of the Climate, are Sloathfull in every thing but getting of Children, and in that only Inftance make themfelves ufeful Members of an Infant-Colony.

There is but little Wool in that Province, tho' Cotton grows very kindly, and, fo far South, is Seldom nippt by the Froir.. The Good Women mix this with their Wool for their outer Garments ; tho', for want of Fulling, that kind of Manufacture is Open and Sleazy. Flax likewife thrives there extreamly, being perhaps as fine as any in the World, and I queftion not might, with a little care, and pains, be brought to rival that of F

42 The Hiftory of the

1728 Egypt ; and yet the Men are here fo intolerable Lazy, they fel- March d0m take the trouble to propagate it. "~V~V The Line was this day carry'd one Mile and half and 16 Poles. The Soil continued Toft and Miry, but fuller of Trees, efpecially White cedars. Many of thefe too were thrown down and piled in Heaps, high enough for a good Mufcovite Fortification. The worft of it was, the Poor Fellows began now to be troubled with Fluxes, occafion'd by bad Water and moift Lodging : but chew- ing of Rhubarb kept that Malady within Bounds.

In the mean time the Commifiioners decampt early in the Morning, and made a March of 25 Miles, as far as Air. Andrew Mead's, who lives upon Nanfimand River. They were no fooner got under the Shelter of that Hofpitable Roof, but it be- gan to rain hard, and continued fo to do great part of the Nio;ht. This gave them much Pain for their Friends in the Difmal, whofe fufferings fpoilt their Taft for the good Chear, wherewith they were entertain'd themfelves.

However, late that Evening, thefe poor Men had the Fortune to come upon another Terra-firma, which was the Luckyer for them, becaufe the Lower ground, by the rain that fell, was made a fitter Lodging for Tadpoles than men.

In our Journey we remarkt that the North Side of this great Swamp lies higher than either the Eaft or the Weft, nor were the approaches to it fo full of Sunken Grounds. We pafft by no lefs than two Quaker Meeting Houfes, one of which had an Awkward Ornament on the Weft End of it, that feem'd to Ape a Steeple. I mull own I expected no fuch Piece of Foppery from a Sect of fo much outiide Simplicity.

That perfuafion prevails much in the lower end of Nanfirnond county, for want of Miniiters to Pilot the People a decenter wav to Heaven.

The ill Reputation of Tobacco planted in thofe lower Parifhes makes the Clergy unwilling to accept of them, unlefs it be fuch

Dividing Line. 43

whofe abilities are as mean as their Pay. Thus, whether the 1728 Churches be quite void or but indifferently filled, the Quakers March will have an Opportunity of gaining Profelytes. Tis a wonder *""" no Popifh MiiEonaries are fent from Maryland to labour in this Neglected Vineyard, who we know have Zeal enough to tra- verfe Sea and Land on the Meritorious Errand of making con- verts.

Nor is it lefs Strange that fome Wolf in Sheep's cloathing arrives not from New England to lead a ft ray a Flock that has no fhepherd. People uninftrucled in any Religion are ready to embrace the firft that offers. Tis natural for helplefs man to adore his Maker in Some Form or other, and were there any exception to this Rule, I mould fuipecl it to be among the Hot- tentots of the Cape of Good-Hope and of North Carolina.

There fell a great deal of Rain in the Night, accompany'd with a Strong Wind. The fellow-feeling we had for the poor Difmalites, on Account of this unkind Weather, render'd the Down we laid upon uneafy. We fancy'd them half-drown'd in their Wet Lodging, with the Trees blowing down about their Ears. Thefe Were the Gloomy Images our Fears Suggefted ; tho' twas fo much uncafinefs clear gain. They happen'd to come of much better, by being luckily encampt on the dry piece of Ground afore-mention'd.

They were, however, forct. to keep the Sabbath in Spite of 1 7 their Teeth, contrary to the Difpenfation our good Chaplain had given them. Indeed, their Short allowance of Provilion would have juftifv'd their making the bell: of their way, without Dif- tinction of days. Twas certainly a Work both of Neceffity and Self-prefervation, to lave themfelves from Starving. Never- thclefs, the hard Rain had made every thing fo thoroughly wet, that it was quite impoilible to do any Bufmefs. They therefore made a vertue of what they could not help, and contentedly refted in their dry Situation.

44 *£be Hiftery of the

1728 Since the Surveyors had enfer'd the DTmal, they had laid March Eyes on no living Creature : neither Bird nor Beaft, Infect nor Reptile came in View. Doubtlefs, the Eternal Shade that broods over this mighty Bog, and hinders the fun-beams from bleffing the Ground, makes it an uncomfortable Habitation for any thing that has life. Not fo much as a Zealand Frog cou'd endure (o Aguifh a Situation.

It had one Beauty, however, that delighted the Eye, tho' at the Expenfe of all the other Senfes : the Moifture of the Soil preferves a continual Verdure, and makes every Plant an Ever- green, but at the fame time the foul Damps afcend without ceaf- ing, corrupt the Air, and render it unfit for Refpiration. Not even a Turkey-Buzzard will venture to fly over it, no more than the Italian Vultures will over the filthy Lake Avernus, or the Birds in the Holy-Land over the Salt Sea, where Sodom and Gomorrah formerly flood.

In thefe fad Circumftances, the kindeft thing we cou'd do for our Suffering Friends was to give them a place in the Litany. Our Chaplain, for his Part, did his Office, and rubb'd us up with a Seafonable Sermon. This was quite a new thing to our Brethren of North Carolina, who live in a climate where no clergyman can Breathe, any more than Spiders in Ireland.

For want of men in Holy Orders, both the Members of the Council and Juftices of the Peace are empower'd by the Laws of that Country to marry all thofe who will not take One another's Word ; but for the ceremony of Chriltening their children, they truft that to chance. If a Parfon come in their way, they will crave a Caft of his office, as they call it, elfe they are content their Offspring fhould remain as Arrant Pagans as themfelves. They account it among their greateft advantages that they are not Prieft-ridden, not remembering that the Clergy is rarely guilty of Beitriding fuch as have the misfortune to be poor.

One thing may be faid for the Inhabitants of that Province,

Dividing Line. 45

that they are not troubled with any Religious Fumes, and have r728 the leaft Superftition of any People living. They do not know March Sunday from any other day, any more than Robin fon Crufo did, v~~N-'~ which would give them a great Advantage were they given to be induftrious. But they keep fo many Sabbaths every week, that their difregard of the Seventh Day has no manner of cruelty in it, either to Servants or Cattle.

It was with fome difficulty we cou'd make our People quit the good chear they met with at this Houfe, fo it was late before we took our Departure; but to make us amends, our Landlord was fo good as to conduct us Ten Miles on our Way, as far as the Cyprefs Swamp, which drains itfclf into the Difmal, Eight Miles beyond that we forded the Waters of Coropeak, which tend the feme way as do many others on that fide. In Six Miles more we reacht the Plantation of Mr. Thomas Spight, a Grandee of N Carolina, We found the good Man upon his Crutches, being crippled with the Gout in both his Knees. Here we flatter'd ourfelves we mould by this time meet with good Tydings of the Surveyors, but had reckon'd, alas ! without our Hoft: on the Contrary, we were told the Difmal was at leaft Thirty Miles wide in that Place. However, as nobody could fay this on his own Knowledge, we Order'd Guns to be fired and a Drum to be beaten, but receiv'd no Anfwer, unlefs it was from that prating Nymph Echo, who, like a loquacious Wife, will always have the laft Word, and Sometimes return three for one.

It was indeed no Wonder our Signal was not heard at that 18 time, by the People in the Difmal, becaufe, in Truth, they had not then penetrated one Third of their way. They had that Morning fallen to work with great Vigour; and, finding the Ground better than Ordinary, drove on the Line 2 Miles and 38 poles. This was reckon'd an Herculean day's Work, and yet they would not have Stopp'd there, had not an impenetrable

46 The Hifiory of the

1728 cedar Thicket checkt their Jnduftry. Our Landlord had feated March Himfelf on the Borders of this Dii'mal, for the Advantage of the ~^~~~^ Green Food His Cattle find there all Winter, and for the Root- ing that Supports His Hogs. This, I own, is fome convenience to his Purfe, for which his whole Family pay dear in their Per- fons, for thev are devoured by mufketas all the Summer, and have Agues every Spring and Fall, which Corrupt all the Juices of their Bodies, give them a cadaverous complexion, and befides a lazy, creeping Habit, which they never get rid of. !o We Ordered Several Men to Patrole on the Edge of the Difrnal, both towards the North and towards the South, and to fire Guns at proper Diftances. This they perform'd very punctually, but cou'd hear nothing in return, nor gain any Sort of Intelligence. In the mean time whole Flocks of Women and Children flew hither to Stare at us, with as much curiofity as if we had lately Landed from Bantam or Morocco.

Some Borderers, too, had a great Mind to know where the Line wou'd come out, being for the moft part Apprehenfive left their Lands Should be taken into Virginia. In that cafe they muft have fubmitted to fome Sort of Order and Government ; whereas, in N Carolina, every One does what feems beft in his own Eyes. There were fome good Women that brought their children to be Baptiz'd, but brought no Capons along with them to make the folemnity cheerful. In the mean time it was Strange that none came to be marry'd in fuch a Multitude, it it had only been for the Novelty of having their Hands Joyn'd by one in Holy Orders. Yet fo it was, that tho' our chaplain Chriften'd above an Hundred, he did not marry fo much as one Couple duieing the whole Expedition. But marriage is reckon'd a Lay contract in Carolina, as I faid before, and a Country Juftice can tie the fatal Knot there, as fa ft as an Arch-Bifhop.

None of our Vifiters could, however, tell us any News of the

Dividi?ig Line, 47

Surveyors, nor Indeed was it poihble any of them fhou'd at that 1728 time, They being ftill laboring in the Midft of the Difmal. March

It feems they were able to carry the Line this Day no further than one mile and 61 Poles, and that whole diftance was thro' a Miry cedar Bogg, where the ground trembled under their Feet moil: frightfully. In many places too their Paflagc was retarded by a great number of fallen Trees, that lay Ilorfing upon one Another.

Tho' many circumftances concurr'd to make this an un- wholefome Situation, yet the Poor men had no time to be lick, nor can one conceive a more Calamitous Cafe than it would have been to be laid up in that uncomfortable Quagmire. Never were Patients more tractable, or willing to take Phyfick, than thefe honeil Fellows ; but it was from a Dread of laying their Bones in a Bogg that wou'd foon fpew them up again. That Confideration alio put them upon more caution about their Lodging.

They firft cover'd the Ground with Square Pieces of Cyprcfs bark, which now, in the Spring, they cou'd eafily Slip oh1 the Tree for that purpofe. On this they Spread their Bedding •, but unhappily the Weight and Warmth of their Bodies made the Water rife up betwixt the Joints of the Bark, to their great In- convenience. Thus they lay not only moift, but alfo exceed- ingly cold, becaufe their Fires were continually going out. I or no fooner was the Tram upon the Surface burnt away, but im- mediately the Fire was extinguifnt by the Moifture of the Soil, Infomuch that it was great part of the Centinel's Bufinefs to re- kindle it again in a Frefh Place, every Quarter of an Hour. Nor cou'd they indeed do their duty better, becaufe Cold was theonly Enemy they had to Guard againft in a miierable Morafs, where nothing can inhabit.

We could get no Tidings yet of our Brave Adventurers, not- 20 withftanding we defpatcht men to the likelieft Stations to en-

48 The Hijlory of the

1728 quire after them. They were ftill Scuffleing in the Mire, and March coul(l not Poflibly forward the Line this whole day more than S""~"v~*~'/ one Mile and 64 Chains. Every Step of this Day's Work was thro' a cedar Bog, where the Trees were fomewhat Smaller and grew more into a Thicket. It was now a great Misfortune to the Men to find their Provifions grow lefs as their Labour grew greater ; They were all forct to come to fhort Allowance, and confequently to work hard without filling their Bellies. Tho' this was very fevere upon Englifh Stomachs, yet the People were Co far from being difcomfked at it, that they ftill kept up their good Humour, and merrily told a young Fellow in the Company, who lookt very Plump and Wholefome, that he rauft expeel to go fir ft to Pot, if matters fhou'd come to Extremity.

This was only faid by way of Jeft, yet it made Him thought- ful in earned:. However, for the Prefent he return'd them a very civil anfwer, letting them know that, dead or alive, he fhou'd be glad to be ufeful to fuch worthy good PViends. But, after all, this Humorous Saying had one very good Effect, for that younker, who before was a little enclin'd by his Conftitu- tion to be lazy, grew on a Sudden Extreamly Induftrious, that fo there might be lefs Occafion to carbonade him for the good of his Fellow-Travellers.

While our Friends were thus embarraflt in the Difmal, the Commiflioners began to ly under great uneafinefs for them. They knew very well their Provifions muft by this time begin to fall Short, nor cou'd they conceive any likely means of a Supply. At this time of the Year both the Cattle and Hoggs had forfaken the Skirts of the Difmal, invited by the Springing Grafs on the firm Land. All our hopes were that Providence wou'd caufe fome Wild Game to fall in their way, or elfe direct them to a wholefome Vegetable for Subfiftcnce. In Short they were haunted with fo many Frights on this Occafion, that they

Dividing Line. 49

were in truth more uneafy than the Perfons whofe Cafe they 1728

, . 1 March


We had feveral Vifiters from Edenton, in the Afternoon, that v~^'~" came with Mr. Gale, who had prudently left us at Corotuck, to Scuffle thro' that dirty Country by our Selves. Thcfe Gentle- men, having good Nofes, had finch out, at 30 Miles' Diftancc, the Precious Liquor, with which the Liberality of our good "Friend Mr. Mead had juft before Supply'd us. That generous Perfon had judg'd very right, that we were now got out of the Latitude of Drink proper for men in AfRiaion, and therefore was fa good as to fend his Cart loaden with all forts of refrefh- ments, for which the Commifnoners return'd Him their Thanks, and the Chaplain His Blefling.

The Surveyors and their Attendants began now in good 21 Earned to be alarm'd with Apprehenlions of Famine, nor could they forbear looking with Some Sort of Appetite upon a dog that had been the faithful Companion of their Travels.

Their Provifions were now near exhaufted. They had this Morning made the laft Difiribution, that fo each might Hufband his fmall Pittance as he pleaf'd. Now it was that the frefh Colour'd Young Man began to tremble every Joint of Him, having dreamed, the Night before, that the Indians were about to Barbacue him over live coals.

The Profpec"t of Famine determin'd the People, at laft, with one confent, to abandon the Line for the PrefenL, which ad- vanced but (lowly, and make the beft of their way to firm Land. Accordingly they fat off very early, and, by the help of the Compafs which they carried along with them, Steer'd a direcl Weftwardly Courfe. They marcht from Morning till Night, and Computed their Journey to amount to about 4 Miles, which was a great way, confidering the difficulties of the Ground. It was all along a Cedar-Swamp, fo dirty and perplcxt, that if they G

50 1 be Hiftory of the

1728 ^^ not travell'd for their Lives, they cou'd not have reacht fo March far.

""~v~~ On their way they efpied a Turkey-Buzzard, that flew pro- digioufly high to get above the Noifome Exhalations that afcend from that fihhy place.1 This they were willing to underftand as a good Omen, according to the Superltition of the Ancients, who had great Faith in the Flight of Vultures. However, after all this tedious Journey, they could yet difcover no End of their toil, which made them very penfive, efpecially after they had eat the lad Morfel of their Provifions. But to their unfpeakable com- fort, when all was huflit in the Evening, they heard the Cattle low, and the Dogs bark, very diftinclly, which, to Men in that dif- trefs, was more delightful Mufic than Fauftina or Farinelli cou'd have made. In the mean time the Commiflioners could get no News of them from any of their Vifiters, who Afiembled from every Point of the Compafs.

But the good Landlord had Vifiters of another kind while we were there, that is to fay, fome induftrious Mailers of Ships, that lay in Nanfimond River. Thefe worthy Commanders came to befpeak Tobacco from thefe Paits to make up their Loadings, in Contempt of the Virginia Law, which Pofitively forbad their taking in any made in North Carolina. Nor was this Reirraint at all unreafonable ; becaufe they have no Law in Carolina, either to mend the Ounlity or lelien the quantity of Tobacco, or fo much as to prevent the turning out of Seconds, all which cafes have been provided againft by the Laws of Virginia. - Wherefore, there can be no reafon why the Inhabitants of chat Province Shou'd have the fame Advantage of Shipping their Tobacco in our Parts, when they will by no means fubmit to the fame Rcftriclions that we do. 22 Our Patrole happen'd not to go far enough to the Northward

1 Buzzards cannot fmcll.

2 See Jones's Virginia, 1 7 24, and liening's Statutes.

Dividing Lifie. 5 1

this Morning, if they had, the People in the Difmal might have 1-28 heard the Report of their Guns. For this Reafon they rcturn'd March without any Tydings, which threw us into a great tho' unnecef- r~" fary Perplexity. This was now the Ninth day fince they en- ter'd into that inhofpitable Swamp, and confequently we had reafon to believe their Provifions were quite Spent.

We knew they workt hard, and therefore would eat heartily, fo long as they had wherewithal to recruit their Spirits, not im- agining the Swamp fo wide as they found it. Had we been able to guefs where the Line wou'd come out, we wou'd have feat men to meet them with a frefh Supply ; but as we cou'd know nothing of that, and as we had neither Compafs nor Surveyor to guide a Meil'enger on fuch an Errand, we were unwilling to ex- pcfe him to no Purpofe ; Therefore, all we were able to do for them, in fo great an Extremity, was to recommend them to a Merciful Providence.

However long we might think the time, yet we were cautious of Shewing our uneafinefs, for fear of Mortifying our Landlord. He had Done his bell for us, and therefore we were unwilling he mould think us diffatisfy'd with our Entertainment. In the midft of our concern, we were molt agreeably furpriz'd, juft after Dinner, with the News that the Difmalites were all Safe. Thefe blefied Tidings were brought to us by Mr. Swan, the Carolina- Surveyor, who came to us in a very tatter'd condition.

After very Short Salutations, we got about Him as if He had been a Hottentot, and began to Inquire into his Adventures. He gave us a Detail of their uncomfortable Voyage thro' the Difmal, and told us, particularly, they had purfucd their Journey early that Morning, encouraged by the good Omen of feeing the Crows fly over their Heads ; that, after an Hour's march over very Rotten Ground, they, on a Sudden, began to find them- felves among tall Pines, that grew in the Water, which in many Places was Kncc-deep. This Pine Swamp, into which that o(

52 The Hijiory of the

1728 Coropeak drain'd itfelf, extended near a Mile in Breadth ; and

March tho' it was exceedingly wet, yet it was much harder at Bottom

V*~v"~/ than the reft of the Swamp ; that about Ten in the Morning,

they recovered firm Land, which they embraced with as much

Pleafure as Shipwreckt Wretches do the flioar.

After thefe honeft adventurers had congratulated each other's Deliverance, their firft Inquiry was for a good Houfe, where they might Satisfy the Importunity of their Stomachs. Their good Genius directed them to Mr. Brinkley's, who dwells a little to the Southward of the Line. This Man began immediately to be very inquifitive, but they declar'd they had no Spirits to anfwer Oueftions till after Dinner.

" But pray, Gentlemen," faid he, " anfwer me One Oueftion at leaft : what fhall we get for your Dinner?" To which they replied, "No Matter what, provided it be but Enough." He kindly fupply'd their Wants as foon as poffible, and by the Strength of that Refrcfhmcnt they made a Shift to come to us in the Eve- ning, to tell their own Story. They all lookt very thin, and as ragged as the Gibeonite AmbafTadors did in the davs of Yore. Our Surveyors told us they had meafur'd Ten Miles in the Difmal, and Computed the Diftance they had Marcht fmce to amount to about five more, So they made the whole Breadth to be 15 Miles in all. 22 It was vei'Y rcafonable that the Surveyors, and the men who had been Sharers in their Fatigue, mould now have a little Reft. They were all, except one, in good Health and good heart, blefTed be God ! notwithstanding the dreadful Hardfnips they had gone through. It was really a Pleafure to fee the Chearful- nefs wherewith they receiv'd the Order to prepare to re-enter the Difmal on the Monday following, in order to continue the Line from the place where they had left off meafuring, that fo we might have the P^xac"t Breadth of that Dirty Place. There were no more than two of them that cou'd be perfwaded to be

Dividing Line. 53

reliev'd on this Occafion, or Suffer the other men to Share the 1728 Credi . of that bold Undertaking, Neither wou'd thefe have March SufFer'd it had not one of them been very lame, and the Other * much Indifpof'd.

By the Defcription the Surveyors gave of the Difmal, we were eonvine'd that nothing but the Exceeding dry Seafon we had been bleiPd with cou'd have made the pa/Iing of it practica- ble. It is the Source of no lefs than five Several Rivers which difcharge themfelves Southward into Albermarle Sound, and of two that run northerly into Virginia. From thence tis eafy to imagine that the Soil mull be thoroughly Soakt with Water, or elfe there mull be plentiful Stores of it under Ground ; to fupply fo many Rivers; efpecially iince there is no Lake, or any con- fidcrable Body of that Element to be feen on the Surface.1 The Rivers that Head in it from Virginia are the South Branch of Nanfimond, and the Weft Branch of Elizabeth ; and thole from Carolina are North-weft River, North River, Pafquetank, Little River, and Pequimons.

There is one remarkable part of the Difmal, lying to the fouth of the Line, that has few or no Trees growing on it, but con- tains a large Tra£t. of tall Reeds. Thefe being green all the Year round, and waveing with every Wind, have procur'd it the Name of the Green Sea.

We are not yet acquainted with the precife Extent of the Difmal, the whole haveing never been Survey'd ; but it may be Computed at a Medium to be about 30 Miles long and 10 Miles broad, tho' where the line croft it, twas compleatly 1 5 Miles wide. But it feems to grow Narrower towards the North, or at leaft does fo in many Places. The Exhalations that continually rife from this vaft Body of mire and Naftinefs infe£t the Air for many Miles round, and render it very unwholcfome for the

1 Laks Drummond.

54 *Ebe Hijiory of the

j»y28 Bordering Inhabitants. It makes them liable to Agues, Pleuri- March ftes, and many other Diftempers, that kill abundance of People, y and make the reft look no better than Ghofts. It wou'd re- quire a great Sum of Money to drain it, but the Publick Trea- lure cou'd not be better beftow'd, than to preferve the Lives of his Majefty's Liege People, and at the fame time render fo great a Trait, of fwamp very Profitable, bcfides the advantage of making a Channel to tranfport by water-carriage goods from Albermarle Sound into Nanfimond and Elizabeth Rivers, in Virginia. 24 This being Sunday, we had a Numerous congregation, which fiockt to our Quarters from all the adjacent Country. The News that our Surveyors were come out of the Difrnal, increaf'd the Number very much, becaufe it wou'd give them an Oppor- tunity of gueiling, at leaft, whereabouts the Line wou'd cut, whereby they might form Some Judgment whether they be- long'd to Virginia or Carolina. Thofe who had taken up Land within the Difputed Bounds were in great pain left it fhould be found to ly in Virginia ; becaufe this being done contrary to an Exprefs Order of that government, the Patentees had great reafon to fear they fhould in that cafe have loft their land. But their Apprehenfions were now at an end, when they underftood that all the Territory which had been controverted was like to be left in Carolina.

In the afternoon, thofe who were to re-enter the Difmal were furnifht with the Neceflary Provifions, and Order'd to repair the Over-Night to their Landlord, Peter Brinkley's, that they might be ready to begin their Buiinefs carlv en Monday Morn- ing. Mr. Irvin was excuf'd from the Fatigue, in complement to his Lungs ; but Mr. Mayo and Mr. Swan were Robuft enough to return upon that painful Service, and, to do them Juf- tice, they went with great Alacrity. The Truth was, they now

Dividing Line. 55

knew the worft of it ; and cou'd guefs pretty near at the time 179.0 »

when they might hope to return to Land afain. March

The Air was chill'd this Morning with a Smart North-weft ^~^^~^

25 Wind, which favour'd the Difmalites in their Dirty March.

They return'd by the Path they had made in coming out, and

with great Induftry arriv'd in the Evening at the Spot where

the Line had been discontinued.

After fo long and laborious a Journey, they were glad to re- pofe themfelves on their couches of Cyprefs-bark, where their fleep was as fweet as it wou'd have been on a Bed of Finland Down.

In the mean time, we who ftay'd behind had nothing to do, but to make the beft obfervations we cou'd upon that Part of the Country. The Soil of our Landlord's Plantation, tho' none of the beft, feem'd .more fertile than any thereabouts, where the Ground is near as Sandy as the Defarts of Affrica, and confequently barren. The Road leading from thence to Edenton, being in diflance about 27 Miles, lies upon a Ridge call'd Sandy-Riuge, which is fo wretchedly Poor that it will not bring Potatoes.

The Pines in this Part of the country are of a difFerent Spe- cies from thofe that grow in Virginia: their bearded Leaves are much longer and their Cones much larger.2 Each Cell contains a Seed of the Size and Figure of a black-ev'd Pea, which, Shed- ding in November, is very good Maft for Hogs, and fattens them in a Short time.

The Smaller!: of thefe Pines are full of Cones, which are 8 or 9 Inches long, and each affords commonly 60 or 70 Seeds. This Kind of Maft has the Advantage of all other, by being more conftant, and lefs liable to be nipp't by the Froft, or Eaten

1 1729 in manufcript. 8 See Ccnes.

$6 The ffijtory of the

1729 by the Caterpillars. The Trees alio abound more with Tur- March pontine, and confequently yield more Tarr, than either the Yellow or the White Pine ; And for the fame reafon make more durable Timber for building. The Inhabitants hereabouts pick up Knots of Lightwood in Abundance, which they burn into tar, and then carry it to Norfolk or Nanfimond for a Market. The Tar made in this method is the lefs Valuable, becaufe it is fai-d to burn the Cordage, tho' it is full as good fur all other ufes, as that made in Sweden and Mufcovy.

Surely there is no place in the World where the Inhabitants live with lefs Labour than in N Carolina. It approaches nearer to the Defcription of Lubberland than any other, by the great felicity of the Climate, the eaimefs of railing Provifions, and the Sloth fulnefs of the People.

Indian Corn is of fo great increafe, that a little Pains will Subfift a very large Family with Bread, and then they may have meat without any pains at all, by the Help of the Low Grounds, and the great Variety of Maft that grows on the High-land. The Men, for their Parts, juft like the Indians, impofe all the Work upon the poor Women. They make their Wives rife out of their Beds early in the Morning, at the fame time that they lye and Snore, till the Sun has run one third of his courfe, and difperft all the unwholefome Damps. Then, after Stretch- ing and Yawning tor half an Hour, they light their Pipes, and, under the Protection oi a cloud of Smoak, venture out into the open Air ; tho', if it happens to be never fo little cold, they quickly return Shivering into the Chimney corner. When the Weather is mild, they ftand leaning with both their arms upon the corn-field fence, and gravely confider whether they had beft go and take a Small Heat at the Hough : but generally find reafons to put it oil" till another time.

Thus they loiter away their Lives, like Solomon's Sluggard,

Dividing Line. $7

with their Arms acrofs, and at the Winding up of the Year 1729 Scarcely have Bread to Eat. March

To fpeak the Truth, tis a thorough Averfion to Labor that makes People file off to N Carolina, where Plenty and a Warm Sun confirm them in their Difpofition to Lazinefs for their whole Lives.

Since we were like to be confin'd to this place, till the People 26 return'd out of the Difmal, twas agreed that our Chaplain might Safely take a turn to Edenton, to preach the Gofpel to the Infidels there, and Chrifrcn their Children. He was accompanv'd thither by Mr. Little, One of the Carolina Commilhoners, who, to {hew his regard for the Church, ofFer'd to treat Him on the Road with a FricaiYee of Rum. They fry'd half a Dozen Rafhers of very fat Bacon in a Pint of Rum, both which being difht up together, ferv'd the Company at once both for meat and Drink.

Moil of the Rum they get in this Country comes from New England, and is fo bad and unwholefome, that it is not impro- perly calPd " Kill-Devil. " It is diflill'd there from forreign molofles,1 which, if Skilfully manag'd, yields near Gallon for Gallon. Their mololles comes from the fame country, and has the name of " Long Sugar " in Carolina, I fuppofe from the Ropinefs of it, and Serves all the purpofes of Sugar, both in their Eating and Drinking.

When they entertain their Friends bountifullv, they fail not to fet before them a Capacious Bowl of Bombo, fo call'd from the Admiral of that name. This is a Compound of Rum and Water in F,qual Parts, made palatable with the faid long Sugar. As good Humour begins to flow, and the Bowl to Ebb, they take Care to replenifh it with Shear Rum, of which there always is a Referve under the Table. But fuch Generous doings

1The fpelling of the time. Jones.


58 The Hifiory of the

1729 naPPcn only when that Balfam of life is plenty; for they have

March often fiich Melancholy times, that neither Land-graves nor

""""""* ' Cailicks can procure one drop for their Wives, when they ly in,

or aie troubled with the Colick or Vapours. Very few in this

Country have the Induftry to plant Orchards, which, in a

Dearth of Rum, might fupply them with much better Liquor.

The Truth is, there is one Inconvenience that eafily difcour- ages lazy People from making This improvement : very often, in Autumn, when the Apples begin to ripen, they are vifited with Numerous Flights of paraqueets, that bite all the Fruit to Pieces in a moment, for the fake of the Kernels. The Havock they make is Sometimes fo great, that whole Orchards are laid wafte in Spite of all the Noifes that can be made, or Mawkins that can be dreflt up, to fright 'em away. Thefe Ravenous Birds vifit North Carolina only during the warm Seafon, and fo foon as the Cold begins to come on, retire back towards the Sun. They rarely Venture fo far North as Virginia, except in a very hot Summer, when they vifit the mod Southern Parts of it. They are very Beautiful ; but like forne ether pretty Crea- tures, are apt to be loud and mifchievous. 27 Betwixt this and Edenton there are many thuckleberry Slafhes, which afford a convenient Harbour for Wolves and Foxes. The firit. of thefe wild Beads is not fo large and fierce as they are in other countries more Northerly. Pie will not attack a Man in the keeneft of his Hunger, but run away from him, as from an Animal more mifchievous than himfelf.

The Foxes are much bolder, and will Sometimes not onlv make a Stand, but likewife aiiault any one that would balk them of their Prey. The Inhabitants hereabouts take the trouble to dig abundance of Wolf-Pits, fo deep and perpendicular, that when a Wolf is once tempted into them, he can no more Scram- ble out again, than a Hufband who has taken the Leap can Scramble out of Matrimony.

Dividing Line. $g

Moft of the Houfes in this Part of the Country arc Lop- t—>o houfes, covered with Pine or Cyprefs Shingles, 3 feet long, and March one broad. They are hung upon Laths with Peggs, and their y doors too turn upon Wooden Hinges, and have wooden Locks to Secure them, fo that the Building is finifht without Nails or other Iron- Work. They alfo fet up their Pales without any Nails at all, and indeed more Securely than thofe that are naiPd. There are 3 Rails mortifed into the Ports, the loweft of which ferves as a Sill with a Groove in the Middle, big enough to re- ceive the End of the Pales : the middle Part of the Pale reus againft the lnfide of the Next Rail, and the Top of it is brought forward to the outfide of the uppermoft. Such Wreathing of the Pales in and out makes them ftand firm, and much harder to unfix than when nail'd in the Ordinary way.

Within 3 or 4 Miles of Edenton, the Soil appears to be a little more fertile, tho' it is much cut with Slafhes, which feem all to have a tendency towards the Difmal.

This Town is Situate on the North fide of Albermarle Sound, which. is there about 5 miles over. A Dirty Slafh runs all along the Back of it, which in the Summer is a foul annoy- ance, and furnifhes abundance of that Carolina plague, mufquetas. There may be 40 or 50 Houfes, moft of them Small, and built without Expenfe. A Citizen here is counted Extravagant, it he has Ambition enough to afpire to a Brick-chimney. Juflice herfelf is but indifferently Lodged, the Court-Houfe having much the Air of a Common Tobacco-Houfe. I believe this is the only Metropolis in the Chriftian or Mahometan World, where there is neither Church, Chappel, Mofque, Synagogue, or any other Place of Publick Worfhip of any Sect or Religion whatfoever.

What little Devotion there may happen to be is much more private than their vices. The People feem eafy without a Minifter, as long as they are exempted from paying Him. Some-

60 The Hljlory of the

V]2() times the Society for propagating the Gofpel has had the Charity March t0 fentj ovcr Miffionaries to this Country ; but unfortunately the Prieil has been too Lewd for the people, or, which oftcner hap- pens, they too lewd for the Prieft. For thefe Reafons thefe Reverend Gentlemen have always left their Flocks as arrant Heathen as they found them. Thus much however may be faid for the Inhabitants of Edcnton, that not a Soul has the leaft taint of Hypocrify, or Superftition, acting very Frankly and above-board in all their Excefles.

Provifions here are extremely cheap, and extremely good, fo that People may live plentifully at a triffleing expenfe. Nothing is dear but Law, Phyfick, and Strong Drink, which are all bad in their Kind, and the laft they get with fo much Difficulty, that they are never guilty of the Sin of Suffering it to Sour upon their Hands. Their Vanity generally lies not fo much in having a handfome Dining-Room, as a Handfome Houfe* of Office : in this Kind of Structure they are really extravagant.

They are rarely guilty of Flattering or making any Court to their governors, but treat them with all the ExcefTes of Freedom and Familiarity. They are of Opinion their rulers wou'd be apt to grow infolent, if they grew Rich, and for that reafon take care to keep them poorer, and more dependent, if poflible, than the Saints in New England ufed to do their Governors. They have very little coin, fo they are forced to carry on their Home-Traflick with Paper-Money. This is the only Cafh that will tarry in the Country, and for that reafon the Difcount goes on increafing between that and real Money, and will do io to the End of the Chapter. 28 Our Time paiTt heavily in our Quarters, where we were quite cloy'd with the Carolina Felicity of having nothing to do. It was leally more infupportable than the great eft Fatigue, and made us even envy the Drudgery of our Friends in the Difmal. Befides, tho' the Men we had with us weie kept in Exact Dif-

Dividing Line* 6 1

cipline, and behav'c! without Reproach, yet our Landlord began 1729 to be tired of them, fearing they would breed a Famine in his March Family.

Indeed, fo many keen Stomachs made great Havock amongft the Beef and Bacon, which he had laid in for his Summer Pro- vifion, nor cou'd he eafily purchafe More at that time of the Year, with the Money we paid him, becaufe the People having no certain Market feldom provide any more of thefe Commodi- ties than will barely fupply their own Occauons. Befides the Weather was now grown too warm to lay in a frefh Stock fo late in the Spring;. Thefe Confiderations abated fomevvhat of that chearfulnefs with which he bidd us Welcome in the Begin- ning, and made him think the time quite as long as we did till the Surveyors return'd.

While we were thus all Hands uneafy, we were comforted with the News that this Afternoon the Line was finifht through the Difmal. The Meffcnger told us it had been the hard work of three days to meafurc the Length of only 5 Miles, and mark the Trees as they paft along, and by the moft exact Survey they found the Breadth of the Difmal in this Place to be com- pletely 15 Miles.

How wide it may be in other Parts, we can give no Account, but believe it grows narrower towards the North ; poilibly towards Albermarle Sound it may be fomething broader, where fo many Rivers ilTue out of it. All we know for certain is, that from the Place where the Line enter'd the Difmal, to where it came out, we found the Road round that Portion of it which belongs to Virginia to be about 65 Miles. How great the Dif- tance may be from Each of thofc Points, round that Part that falls within the Bounds of Carolina, we had no certain Informa- tion : tho' tis conjeclur'd it cannot be fo little as 30 Miles. At which rate the whole Circuit mult be about an Hundred. What a Mafs of Mud and Dirt is trcafur'd up within this filthy cir-

62 The Hifiory of the

1728 cumference, and what a Quantity of Water muft perpetually March drain into it from the rifeing ground that Surrounds it on every v-*-^~~' Side ?

Without taking the Exact level of the Difmal, we may be fure that it declines towards the Places where the Several Rivers take their Rife, in order to carrying ofF the conftant Supplies of Water. Were it not for fuch Difcharges, the whole Swamp would long Since have been converted into a Lake. On the other Side this Declenfion muft be very gentle, elfe it would be laid perfectly dry by fo many continual drains ; Whereas, on the contrary, the Ground feems every where to be thoroughly drencht even in the dry eft Seafon of the Year.

The Surveyors concluded this day's Work with running 25 chains up into the Firm Land, where they waited farther Orders from the Commimoners. 2Q This day the Surveyors proceeded with the Line no more than 1 Mile and 15 Chains, being Interrupted by a Mill Swamp, thro' which they made no difficulty of wading, in order to make their work more exact.

Thus, like Norway-Mice, thefe worthy Gentlemen went right forward, without Suffering themfelves to be turned out of the way by any Obftacle whatever.

We are told by fome Travellers, that thofe Mice march in mighty Armies, deftroying all the fruits of the Earth as they 2.0 along. But Something Peculiar to thofe obftinate little Animals is, that nothing ftops them in their career, and if a Houfe hap- pen to ftand in their way, difdaining to go an Inch about, they crawl up one fide of it, and down the other : or if they meet with any River, or other Body of Water, they are fo determin'd, that they fwim directly over it, without varying one Point from their courfe for the Sake of any Safety or Convenience.

The Surveyors were alfo hinder' d fome Time by Settin* up

'Dividing Line. 63

Pods in the great Road, to (hew the Bounds between the two 1729 Colonies. March

Our Chaplain return'd to us in the Evening from Edenton, "~v""" in Company with the Carolina Commiflioners. He had pieacht there in the Court-Houfe, for want of a confecrated Place, and made no lefs than 19 of Father Hennepin's Chriftians.

By the permiflion of the Carolina Commiflioners, Mr. Swan was allow'd to go home, as foon as the Survey of the Difmal was finifht ; He met with this Indulgence for a Reafbn that might very well have excufl: his coming at all ; Namely, that he was lately marrv'd.

What remain'd of the Drudgery for this Seafon was left to Mr. Mofely, who had hitherto acted only in the capacity of a Commiflioner. They offer'd to employ Mr. Jofeph Mayo as their Surveyor in Mr. Swan's ftead, but He thought it not proper to accept of it, becaufe he had hitherto Acted as a Volunteer in behalf of Virginia, and did not care to change Sides, tho' it might have been to his Advantage.

The line was advanc'd this day 6 Miles and 35 chains, the -50 Woods being pretty clear, and interrupted with no Swamp, or other wet Ground. The Land hereabout had all the Marks of Poverty, being for the moft Part Sandy and full of Pines. This kind of Ground, tho' unfit for Ordinary Tillage, will however bring Cotton and Potatoes in Plenty, and Confequently Food and Raiment to fuch as are eafily contented, and, like the Wild Irifh, find more Pleafure in Lazinefs than Luxury.

It alfo makes a Shift to produce Indian-corn, rather by the Felicity of the climate than by the Fertility of the Soil. They who are more Induftrious than their Neighbours may make what Quantity of tar they pleafe, tho' indeed they are not always fure of a Market for it.

The Method of burning Tar in Sweden and Mufcovy Succeeds not well in this Warmer Part of the World. It fcems they kill

64 The Hijhry of the

1729 the Pine-Trees, by barkhig them quite round at a certain Height,

March which in thofe cold countreys brings down the Turpentine into

""^ the Stump in a Year's time. But experience has taught us that

in warm Climates the Turpentine will not fo eafily defcend, but

is either fixt in the upper parts of the Tree, or fryed out by the

intenfc Heat of the Sun.

Care was taken to Erect a Poft in Every Road that our Line ran thro', with Virginia carv'd on the North-Side of it, and Carolina on the South, that the Bounds might every where ap- pear. In the Evening the Surveyors took up their Quarters at the Houfe of one Mr. Parker, who, by the Advantage of a better Spot of Land than Ordinary, and a more induftrious Wife, lives comfortably, and has a very neat plantation. ^j It rain'd a little this Morning, but this, happening again upon a Sunday, did not interrupt our Bufinefs. However the Surveyors made no Scruple of protracting and platting off their work upon that good day, becaufe it was rather an Amufement than a Drudgery.

Here the Men feafted on the fat of the Land, and believing the dirtied part of their work was over, had a more than Ordi- nary Gaiety of Heart. We chriften'd two of our Landlord's children, which might have remained Infidels all their lives, had not we carry'd Chriitianity home to his own Door.

The Truth of it is, our Neighbours of North Carolina are not fo zealous as to go much out of their way to procure this benefit for their children : Otherwife, being fo near Virginia, they might, without exceeding much Trouble, make a Journey to the next Clergyman, upon i'o good an Errand.

And indeed fhould the Neighbouring Minifters, once in two or three years, vouchfafe to take a turn among thefe Gentiles, to baptize them and their children, twould look a little Apoilolical, and they might hope to be requited for it hereafter, if that be not thought too long to tarry for their Reward.

Dividing Line. 65

The Surveyors getting now upon better Ground, quite dif- r-20 engag'd from Underwoods, pufht on the Line almofr. 12 Miles. April 1 They left Sommerton Chappcl near 2 Miles to the Northward, * *"~ fo that there was now no Place of Publick Worihip left in the whole Province of North Carolina.

The high Land of North Carolina was barren, and cover'd with a deep Sand ; and the Low Grounds were wet and boggy, infomuch that feveral of our Horfes were mir'd, and gave us frequent Opportunitvs to fhew our Horfemanfhip.

The Line cut William Spight's Plantation in two, leaving little more than his dwelling Houfe and Orchard in Virginia* Sundry other Plantations were Split in the fame unlucky Manner, which made the Owners accountable to both Governments. Wherever we palled we conftantly found the Borderers laid it to Heart if their Land was taken into Virginia : They chofe much rather to belong to Carolina, where they pay no Tribute, either to God or to Ctefar.

Another reafon was, that the Government there is fo Loofe, and the Laws fo feebly executed, that, like thofe in the Neigh- bourhood of Sydon formerly, every one docs juft what feems good in his own Eyes. If the Governor's hands have been weak in that Province, under the Authority of the Lord Pro- prietors, much weaker then were the hands of the Magiftrate, who, tho' he might have had Virtue enough to endeavour to punifh OfFendors, which very rarely happen'd, yet that vertuc had been quite Impotent, for want of Ability to put it in execu- tion.

. Befides, their might have been fomc Danger, perhaps, in ven- turing to be fo rigorous, for fear of undergoing the Fate of an hone ft Juftice in Corotuck Precinct. This bold Magiftrate, it feems, taking upon him to order a fellow to the Stocks, for be- ing disorderly in his Drink, was, for his intemperate Zeal, cany'd 1

66 The Bijhry of the

1729 thither himfelf, and narrowly cfcap'd being whippt b) the Rabble -A-Pr^ into the Bargain.

'"""""v'~"~ This eafy day's work carried the Line to the Banks of Somer- ton-Creek, that runs out of Chowan River, a little below the Mouth of Nottoway. 2 In lefs than a Mile from Somerton creek the Line was carry 'd to Black-water, which is the Name of the upper Part of Chowan, running fome Miles above the Mouth of Nottoway. It muft be obferv'd that Chowan, after taking a compafs round the moft beautiful part of North Carolina, empties itfelf into Albermarle Sound, a few Miles above Edenton. The Tide flows 7 or 8 miles higher than where the River changes its Name, and is Navigable thus high for any fmall veffel. Our Line interfered it exactly half a Mile to the northward of the mouth of Notto- way. However, in Obedience to his Majefty's Command, we directed the Surveyors to come down the River as far as the Mouth of Nottoway, in order to continue our true Weft Line from thence.

Thus we found the Mouth of Nottoway to lye no more than half a Minute farther to the Northward than Mr. Lawfon1 bad formerly done. That Gentleman's Obfervation, it feems, placed it in 360 30', and our Working made it out to be 360 30V a very inconiiderable Variance.

The Surveyors croft the River over againft the Middle of the Mouth of Nottaway, where it was about 80 yards wide. From thence they ran the Line about half a Mile through a dirty Pocofon, as far as an Indian Field. Here we took up our Lodging in a moift Situation, having the Pocofon above meil- tion'd on one Side of us, and a Swamp on the other.

In this Camp 3 of the Mcherin Indians made us a Vilit. They told us that tne Small Remains of their Nation had deferted

1 Lawfon's Hiftory tf Ncrtf; Carolina^ in the fame.

Dividing Line. 67

their Ancient Town, fituated near the Mouth cf Mehe.'in River, 17 ?q for fear of the Catauhas, who had kill'd 14 of their People April the Year before ; and the few that Survived that Calamity, had taken refuge amongft the Englifh, on the Eaft fide of Chowan. Tho', if the complaint of thefe Indians were true, they are hardly ufed by our Carolina Friends. But they are the lefs to be pitied, becaufe they have ever been reputed the moft falfe and treacherous to the Engliih of all the Indians in the Neighbour- hood.

Nor far from the Place where we lay, I obferv'd a large Oak which had been blown up by the Roots, the Body of which was Shiver'd into perfect Strings, and was, in truth, the moft Violent Effects of Lightning I ever faw.

But the moft curious Inirance of that dreadful meteor hap- pen'd at York, where a man was kill'd near a Pine Tree in which the Lightening made a Hole before it Struck the Man, and left an exact Figure of the Tree upon his Brcaft, with all its Branches, to the wonder of all that beheld it, in which I fhall be more particular hereafter.

We made another tryal of the Variation in this place, and found it fome Minutes lefs than we had done at Coratuck-Inlet ; but fo fmall a Difference might eafily happen thro' fome defect in one or other of the Obfervations, and, therefore, we alter'd not our compafs for the Matter.

By the advantage of clear woods, the Line was extended 12 o miles and three Quarters, as far as the Banks of Mehcrin. Tho' the Mouth of this River lye 15 miles below the Mouth of Nottawav, yet it winds fo much to the Northward, that we came upon it, after running this Small. Diftance. During the flrft 7 Miles, wc obferved the Soil to be poor and Sandy ; but as we approacht Mcherin it grew better, tho' there it was cut to pieces by Sundry Miry Branches, which difcharge themfelves

68 The Hijtory of the

I72Q into that River, Several of our Horfes plunged up to the Saddle- April Skirts, and were not difengaged without Difficulty. ^~~^ The latter Part of our Day's work was pretty laborious, be- caufe of the unevennefs of the wav, and becaufs the low Ground of the River was full of Cyprefs-Snags, as Sharp and Dangerous to our Horfes as fo many chevaux-de-frize. We found the whole diftance from the Mouth of Nottaway to Meherin River, where our Line interfered it, thirteen Miles and a Quarter. '

It was hardly poilible to find a level large enough on the Banks of the River whereupon to pitch our Tent. But tho' the Situation was, on that Account, not very convenient for us, yet it was for our poor Horfes, by reafon of the Plenty of Small Reeds on which they fed voracioufly.

Thefe Reeds are green here all the Year round, and will keep cattle in tolerable good Plight during the Winter. But when- ever the Hogs come where they are, they deftroy them in a Short time, by ploughing up their Roots, of which, unluckily, they are very fond.

The River was in this place about as wide as the River Jor- dan, that is,' 40 Yards, and wou'd be Navigable very high for flat Bottom-Boats and Canoes, if it were not choakt up with large Trees, brought down by every Frefh. Tho' the Banks were full 20 feet high from the Surface of the Water, yet we faw certain Marks of their having been Overflow'd.

Thefe Narrow Rivers that run high up into the Country are Subject to frequent Inundations, when the Waters are roll'd down with fuch Violence as to carry all before them. The Logs that are then floated, are very fatal to the bridges built over thefe rivers, Which can hardly be contriv'd Strong enough to ftand againft fo much Weight and Violence join'd together.

The Ifle of Wight County begins about 3 Miles to the Eaft

Dividing Line. 69

of Mchcrin River, being divided from that of Nanfimond only 1720 by a Line of Markt trees. April

The River was here hardly fordable, tho' the Scafon had been "• "~~ very dry. The Banks too were fo Steep that our Horfes were forced to climb like Mules to get up them. Neverthelefs we had the Luck to recover the Oppofite Shore without Damage.

We halted for half an hour at Charles Anderfon's, who lives on the Weftern Banks of the River, in order to chriften one of his children. In the mean time, the Survevors extended the Line 2 Miles and 39 chains, in which iinall Diftancc Mchcrin River was fo ferpentine, that they croft it 3 times.

Then we went on to Mr. Kinchin's, a Man of Figure and Authority in N Carolina, who lives about a Mile to the South- ward of the Piace where the Surveyors left off. By the Benefit of a little pains, and good Management, this worthy Magiftrate lives in much Affluence.

Amongft other Infiances of his Induftry, he had planted a good Orchard, which is not common in that Indolent climate ; nor is it at all Strange, that fuch improvident People, who take- no thought for the Morrow, fliou'd fave themfelves the Trouble to make Improvements that will not pay them for feveral \ ears to come. Tho' if they cou'd trull futurity for any thing, they certainly wou'd for Cyder, which they are fo fond of, that they generally drink it before it has done working, left the fermenta- tion might unluckily turn it Sovvr.

It is an Obfervation, which rarely fails of being true, both in Virginia and Carolina, that thofe who take care to plant good Orchards are, in their General characters, Induitrious People. This held good in our Landlord, who had many Houfes built on this Plantation, and every One kept in decent Repair. His Wife, too, was tidy, his Furniture clean, his Pewter bright, and nothing feem'd to be wanting to make his Home comfortable.

Mr. Kinchin made us the Compliment of his Houfe, but be-

jo The Hijhry of the

1 729 caufc we were willing to be as little troublefome as poflible, we April ordcr'd the Tent to be pitch'd in his Orchard, where the Blof- ~~v~^ ibms of the Apple Trees contributed not a little to the fweet- nefs of our Lodging.

Becaufe the Spring was now pretty forward, and the'Rattle- Snakes began to crawl out of their Winter-Quarters, and might grow dangerous, both to the Aden and their Horfes, it was de- termin'd to proceed no farther with the Line till the Fall. Be- fides, the Uncommon Fatigue the People had undergone for near 6 Weeks together, and the Inclination they all had to vifit their RefpccTive Family's, made a Recefs highly reasonable.

The Surveyors were employ'd great part of the Day, in form- ing a Correct, and Elegant Map of the Line, from Corotuck- Inlet to the Place where they left ofF. On carting up the ac- count in the molt accurate manner, they found the whole dis- tance we had run to amount to 73 Miles and 13 chains. Of the Map they made two fair copies, which agreeing exaclly, were fubferib'd by the Commimoners of both colonies, and one of them was delivered to thofe on the Part of Virginia, and the other to thofe on the Part of North Carolina. 6 7 hus we finifh'd our Spring Campaign, and having taken leave of our Carolina-Friends, and agreed to meet them again the Tenth of September following, at the fame Mr. Kinchin's, in order to continue the Line, we croflt Meherin River near a Quarter of a Mile from the Houfe. About ten Miles from that we halted at Mr. Kindred's Plantation, where we Chriften'd two Children.

It happen'd that fonic of I lie cf Wight militia Were exerciling in the Adjoining Pafture, and there were Females enough at- tending that Martial Appearance to form a more invincible corps.

Ten miles farther wc palled- Nottoway River at Bolton's Ferry, and took up our Lodgings about three Miles from thence, at the Houfe of Richard Parker, an honert Planter, whole Labours

Dividhig Line. y\

were rewarded with Plenty,' which, in this country is the Con- i~-,(. ftant Portion of the Induftrious. April

The Next day being Sunday, we order'd Notice to be fent to *" '■ all the Neighbourhood that there wou'd be a Sermon at this Place, and an Opportunity of Chriilcning their Children. Bui the Likelihood of Rain got the better of their Devotion, and what perhaps, Alight Still be a Stronger motive of their Curiofity. In the Morning we defpatcht a runner to the Nottoway Town, to let the Indians know we intended them a Vifit that Evening, and our honeft Landlord was fo kind as to be our Pilot thither, being about 4 Miles from his Houfe.

Accordingly in the Afternoon we marcht in good Order to the Town, where the Female Scouts, llation'd on an Eminence for that purpofe, had no fooner fpy'd us, but they gave Notice of our Approach to their Fellow-Citizens by continual Whoops and Cries, which cou'd not pofiibly have been more difrnal at the Sight of their mofl implacable Enemvs.

This Signal AlTembled all their Great Men, who receiv'd us in a Body, and conducted us into the Fort. This Fort was a Square Piece of Ground, inclof'd with Subflantial Puncheons, or Strong Palifades, about ten feet high, and leaning a little out- wards, to make a Scalade more difficult.

Each fide of the Square might be about 100 Yards long, with Loop-holes at proper Diftances, through which they may fire upon the Enemy.

Within this Inclofure we found Bark Cabanes Sufficient to lodge all their people, in Cafe they fhould be obliged to retire thither. Thefe Cabanes are no other but Clofe Arbours made of Saplings, arched at the top, and cover'd (o well with Bark as to be proof againft all Weather. The fire is made in the Mid- dle, according to the Hibernian Fafhion, the Srrroak whereof finds no other Vent but at the Door, and fo keeps the whole family Warm, at the Expenfe both of their Eyes and Complexion.

72 The Hiftory of the

1729 The Indians have no {landing Furniture in their Cabanes but

Apnl Hurdles to repofe their Perfons upon, which they cover with

w~^f^"^ Mats or Deer-fkins.. We were conducted to the befb Appart-

ments in the Fort, which juft before had been made ready for

our Reception, and adorn'd with new Mats, that were fweet and


The Young Men had Painted themfelves in a Hideous A4an- ner, not fo much for Ornament as Terror. In that frightful Equipage they cntertain'd us with Sundry War-Dances, wherein they endeavour'd to look as formidable as poflible. The Inftru- ment they danct to was an Indian-drum, that is, a large Gourd with a Skin bra£t tort over the Mouth of it. The Dancers all Sang to this Mufick, keeping exact Time with their feet, while their Heads and Arms were fcrew'd into a thoufand Menacing Poftures.

Upon this occafion the Ladies had array'd themfelves in all their hnery. They were Wrapt in their Red and Blue Match- Coats, thrown fo Negligcnly about them, that their Mehogony Skins appear'd in Several Parts, like the Lacedaemonian Damfels of Old. Their Hair was breeded with white and Blue Peak, and hung gracefully in a large Roll upon their Shoulders.

This peak Coniifls of Small Cylinders cut out of a Conque- Shell, drillM through and Strung like Beads. It ferves them both for Money and Jewels, the Blue being of much greater Value than the White, for the fame reafon that Ethiopian Mif- trefles in France are dearer than French, becaufe they are more Scarce. The Women wear Necklaces and Bracelets of thefe precious Materials, when they have a mind to appear lovely. Tho' their complexions be a little Sad-Colour'd, yet their Shapes are very Strait and well proportion'd. Their Faces are Seldom handfome, yet they have an Air of Innocence and Bamfulnefs, that with a little lefs dirt wou'd not fail to make them defirable. Such Charms might have had their full Effect upon Men who

Dividing Line. 73

liar] been fo long deprived of female conversation, but that the 1720 whole Winter's Soil was fo crufled on the Skins of thofe dark April Angels, that it requir'd a very Strong Appetite to approach them. ^ The Bear's oylj with which they anoint their Perfons all over, makes their Skins Soft, and at the Same time protects them from every Species of Vermin that ufe to be troubleiomc to other un- cleanly People.

We were unluckily fo many, that they cou'd not well make us the Complement of Bed-fellows, according to the Indian Rules of Hofpitality, tho' a grave Matron whifper'd one of the Commiflioners very civilly in the Ear, that if her Daughter had been but one year Older, fhe fhould have been at his Devotion.

It is by no means a lofs of Reputation among the Indians, for Damfels that are Single to have Intrigues with the Men ; on the contrary, they account it an Argument of Superior Merit to be liked by a great Number of Gallants. However, like the Ladys that Game they are a little Mercenary in their Amours, and feldom beftow their Favours out of Stark Love and Kindnefs. But after thefe Women have once appropriated their Charms by Marriage, they are from thenceforth faithful to their Vows, and will hardly ever be tempted by an Agreeable Gallant, or be provokt by a Brutal or even by a fumbling Huiband to go aftray.

The little Work that is done among the Indians is done by the poor Women, while the men are quite Idle, or at mod employ'd only in the Gentlemanly Diveriions of Hunting and Fifhing.

In this, as well as in their Wars, they now ufe nothing but Fire-Arms, which they purchafe of the EngliOl for Skins. Bows and Arrows are grown into difufe, except only amongir. their Boys. Nor is it ill Policy, but on the contrary very prudent, thus to furnifh the Indians with Fire-Arms, becaufe it makes them depend entirely upon the Englifh, not only for their Trade, but even for their fubfiitence, Belides, they were really able to K

74 %be Hijiory of the

1729 do more mifchief, while they made ufe of Arrows, of which they

April wou'd let Silently fly Several in a Minute with Wonderful Dex-

""~~>" terity, whereas now they hardly ever difcharge their Fire-locks

more than once, which they infidioufly do from behind a Tree,

and then retire as nimbly as the Dutch Horfe Uf'd to do now

and then formerly in Flanders.

We put the Indians to no expenfe, but only of a little Corn for our Horfcs, for which in Gratitude we cheer'd their hearts with what Rum we had left, which they love better than they do their Wives and Children.

Tho' thefe Indians dwell among the Englifh, and fee in what Plenty a little Induftry enables them to live, yet they chufe to continue in their Stupid Idlenefs, and to Suffer all the Inconven- iences of Dirt, Cold, and "Want, rather than to difturb their heads With care, or defile their Hands with labour.

The whole Number of People belonging to the Notoway Town, if you include Women and Children, amount to about 200. Thefe are the only Indians of any confequence now re- maining within the Limits of Virginia. The reft are either removed, or dwindled to a very inconfiderable Number, either by deftroying one another, or elfe by the Small-Pox and other Difeafes. Tho' nothing has been {o fatal to them as their un- governable Paflion for Rum, with which, I am forry to fay it, they have been but too liberally fupply'd by the Englifh that live near them.

And here I mufr lament the bad Succefs Mr. Boyle's Charity has hitherto had towards converting any of thefe poor Flealhens to Chriftianity. Many children of our Neighbouring Indians have been brought up in the * College of William and Mai y. They have been taught to read and write, and have been care- fully Inftructed in the Principles of the Chriftian Religion, till they came to be men. Yet after they return'd home, inftcad

Dividing Line. 75

of civilizcing and converting the reft, they have immediately i'>2q Relapt into Infidelity and Barbarifm themfelv.es. April

And fome of them too have made the worff. ufe of the Know- """*" ledge they acquir'd among the Englifh, by employing it againfr. their Benefactors. Befides, as they unhappily forget all the good they learn, and remember the 111, they are apt to be more vicious and diforderly than the refl of their Countrymen.

I ought not to quit this Subject without doing Juftice to the great Prudence of Colo Spotfvvood in this Affair. That Gen- tleman was lieut Governor of Virginia when Carolina was en- gaged in a Bloody War with the Indians. At that critical Time it was thought expedient to keep a Watchful Eye upon our Tributary Savages, who we knew had nothing to keep them to their Duty but their Fears.

Then it was that he demanded of each Nation a Competent Number of their great Men's Children to be fent to the College, where they ferv'd as fo many Hoflages for the good Behaviour of the Reft, and at the fame time were themfelves principled in the Chriftian Religion. He alio Plac'd a School-Maftcr among the Saponi Indians, at the falary of Fifty Pounds P Annum, to inftrucl: their Children. The Perfon that undertook that Char- itable work was Mr. Charles Griffin, a Alan of a good Family, who by the Innocence of his Life, and the Sweetnefs of his Temper, was perfectly well quaiify'd for that pious undertaking. Befides, he had fo much the Secret of mixing Pleafure with in- ftruction, that he had not a Scholar, who did not love him affec- tionatelv.

Such Talents muft needs have been bleft with a Proportion- able Succefs, had he not been unluckily remov'd to the College, by which he left the good work he had begun unfinifht. In fhort, all the Pains he had taken among the Infidels had no other Effect but to make them fomething cleanlier than other Indians are.

j 6 The Hi/lory of the

1J2() The Care Colo Spotfwood took to tincture the Indian Child- April ren vv;th Christianity produe'd the following Epigram, which "~^ was not publifht during his Administration, for fear it might then have lookt like flattery.

Long has the Furious Prieft affay'd in Vain, With Sword and Faggot, Infidels to gain, But now the Milder Soldier wifely tryes By Gentler Methods to unveil their Eyes. Wonders apart, he knew 'twere vain t'engagc The fix'd Preventions of Mif^uided Age. With fairer Hopes he forms the Indian Youth To early Manners, Probity and Truth. The Lyon's whelp thus on the Lybian Shore Is tam'd and Gentled by the Artful Moor, Not the Grim Sire, inured to Blood before.

I am forry I can't give a Better Account of the State of the Poor Indians with refpect to Chriftianity, altho' a great deal of Pains has been and ftill continues to be taken with them. For my Part, I mull: be of Opinion, as I hinted before, that there is but one way of Converting thefe poor Infidels, and reclaiming them from Barbarity, and that is, Charitably to intermarry with them, according to the Modern Policy of the moll ChrifUan King in Canada and Louifiana.

Had the Englifh done this at the firft Settlement of the Colony, the Infidelity of the Indians had been worn out at this Day, with their Dark Complexions, and the Country had fwarm'd with People more than it does with Infecfts.

It was certainly an unreafonable Nicety, that prevented their entering into fo good-Natur'd an Alliance. All Nations of men have the fame Natural Dignity, and we all know that verv bright Talents may be lodg'd under a very dark Skin. The principal Difference between one People and another proceeds only from the Different Opportunities of Improvement.

The Indians by no means want understanding, and are in

Dividing Line. yy

their Figure tall and well-proporiion'd. Even their Copper- 1728 colour'd Complexion wou'd admit of Blanching, if not in the April firfr, at the fart heft in the Second Generation. ~^r—

I may fafely venture to fay, the Indian Women would have made altogether as Honeft Wives for the firft Planters, as the Damfels they uPd to purchafe from aboard the Ships. It is Strange, therefore, that any good Chriftian Shou'd have refufed a wholefome, Straight Bed-fellow, when he might have had lo fair a Portion with her, as the Merit of faving her Soul.

We reited on our clean Mats very comfortably, tho' alone, and the next Aiorning went to the Toilet of fome of the Indian Ladys, where, what with the Charms of their Perfons and the Smoak of their Apartments, we were almoft blinded. They offer'd to give us Silk-Grafs Bafkets of their own making, which we Modeftly refufed, knowing that an Indian prefent, like that of a Nun, is a Liberality put out to Intereft, and a Bribe plac'd to the greateft Advantage.

Our Chaplain obferv'd with concern, that the Ruffles of Some of our Fellow Travellers were a little difcolour'd with pochoon, wherev.'ith the good Man had been told thofe Ladies uf 'd to improve their invifible charms.

About 10 a Clock we marched out of Town in good order, & the War Captains faluted us with a Volley of Small-Arms. From thence we proceeded over Black-water Bridge to colo* Henry Harrifons, where we congratulated each other upon our Return into Chriitendom.

Thus ended our Progrefs for this Seafon, which we may juftly fay was attended with al! the Succefs that could be ex- pected. Befides the Punctual Performance of what was Com- mitted to us, we had the Plcafure to- bring back every one ot our Company in perfect Health. And this we mud acknow- ledge to be a Singular Blefflncr, confidering the Difficulties and Dangers to which thev had been cxpof'd.

78 The Hijlory of the

1729 We had reafon to fear the many Waters and Sunken Grounds,

bept. thro' which We were obliged to wade, might have thrown the

men into Sundry Acute diftempers ; efpecially the Difmal,

where the Soil was fo full of Water, and the Air fo full of

Damps, that nothing but a Dutchman cou'd live in them.

Indeed the Foundation of all our Succefs was the Exceeding dry Seafon. It rain'd during the whole Journey but rarely, and then, as when Herod built his Temple, only in the Night or upon the Sabbath, when it was no hinderance at all to our progrefs.

The tenth of September being thought a little too foon for the Commiflioners to meet, in order to proceed on the Line, on account of Snakes, t'was agreed to put it oft" to the twentieth of the fame Month, of which due Notice was fent to the Caro- lina-Commifli oners. 19 We, on the part of Virginia, that we might be fure to be punctual, arriv'd at Mr. Kinchin's, the place appointed, on the 19th, after a Journey of three days, in which nothing Remark- able happen'd.

We found three of the Carolina-Commiflioners had taken Poflefllon of the Houfe, having come thither by water from Edenton. By the Great Quantity of Provifions thefe Gentle- men brought, and the few men they had to eat them, we were afraid they intended to carry the Line to the South fea.

They had 50010s of bacon and dry'd Beef, and 50olbs of Bifket, and not above three or four men. The misfortune was, they forgot to provide Horfes to carry their good things, or clle trufted to the Incertainty of hireing them here, which, confidering the Place, was leaving too'7 much to that Jilt, Hazard.

On our part we had taken better Care, being completely furnifht with every thing ncccflary for tranfporting our Baggage


Dividing Line. 79

and Provifions. Indeed we brought no other Provifions out with us but iooolbs of Bread, and had Faith enough to depend Sept. on Providence for our Meat, being deiirous to hufband the "N"~"' publick Money as much as pofftble.

We had no lefs than 20 men, befides the Chaplain, the Sur- veyors and all the Servants, to be Subfifled upon this Bread. However, that it might hold out the better, our men had been Order'd to provide themfelves at Home with Provifion for Ten days, in which time we judg'd we mould get beyond the Inhabitants, where Foreft-Game of all forts was like to be plenty at that time of the Year.

This being the day appointed for our Rendezvous, great part of it was Spent in the careful fixing our Baggage and AfTem- bling our Men, who were order'd to meet us here. We took care to examine their Arms, and made proof of the Powder provided for the Expedition.

Our Provifion-Horfes had been hinder'd by the rain from coming up exactly at the Day ; but this Delay was the lefs Difappointment, by reafon of the ten days' Subfiftence the men had been directed to provide for themfelves.

Mr. Mofeley did not join us till the afternoon, nor Mr. Swan till Several Days after.

Mr. Kinchin had unadvifedly fold the Men a little Brandy ot his own making, which produced much diforder, caufing feme to be too cholerick, and others too loving ; Infomuch that a Damfel, who aflifted in the Kitchen, had certainly Suffcr'd what the Nuns call Martyrdom, had (he not capitulated a little too foon.

This outrage would have call'd for fome fevere Difcipline, had fte not bafhfullv withdrawn herfelf early in the Morning, & fo carry'd off the Evidence.

We delpatcht away the Surveyors without Lofs of Time, who, with all their diligence, could carry the Line no farther

7 r

8o Tfa Hi/lory of the

IJ2Q t'ian 3 Miles and 176 Poles, by reafon the Low-Ground was

Sept. one entire Thicket. In that diilance they croft Mcherin River

" v the 4th time. In the mean while the Virginia-Commiffioners

thought proper to conduct their Baggage a farther way about,

for the Convenience of a clearer Road.

The Carolina-Gentlemen did at length, more by Fortune than forecaft, hire a clumfy Vehicle, fomcthing like a cart, to transport their Effects as far as Roanoak. This wretched Ma- chine, at fir ft Setting out, met with a very rude choque, that broke a Cafe-Bottle of Cherry Brandy in fo unlucky a Manner that not one precious Drop was faved. This Melancholy Be- ginning foreboded an unprofperous Journey, and too quick a Return, to the Perfons moft immediately concern'd.

In our way we croflt Fountains Creek, wl ich runs into Mc- herin River, fo call'd from the difafter of an unfortunate Indian Trader who had formerly been drowned in it, and, like Icarus, left his Name to that fatal ftream. We took up our Ouarters on the Plantation of John Hill, where we pitcht our Tent, with defign to tarry till fuch time as the Surveyors cou'd work their way to us. 22 This being Sunday, we had an Opportunity of refting from our Labours. The expectation of fuch a Novelty as a Sermon in thefe Parts brought together a Numerous Congregation. When the Sermon was over, our Chaplain did his part towards making Eleven of them Chriftians.

Several of our men had Intermitting feavers, but were foon reftor'd to their Health again by proper Remedies. Our chief Medicine was Dogwood Bark, which we ufed, initead of that of Peru, with good Succefs. Indeed, it was given in lareer Quantity, but then, to make the Patients amends, they fwaL lowed much fewer Dofes.

In the afternoon our Provision- Horfes arrived Safe in the Camp. They had met with very heavy Rains, but, thank God, not a Single Bifket receiv'd the leaft Damage therebv.

Dividing Line. 8 1

We were furnifht by the Neighbours with very lean Chccfe 1729 and very fat Mutton, upon which occafion twill not be improper Sept. to draw one conclufion, from the Evidence of North Carolina, that Sheep would thrive much better in the Woods than in Paf- ture Land, provided a careful Shepherd were employed to keep them from Straying, and, by the help of Dogs, to proteil them alfo from the wolves.

The Surveyors came to us at Night, tho' they had not brought 23 the Line fo far as our Camp, for which reafon we thought it needlefs to go forward till they came up with us. They cou'd run no more than 4 Miles and 5 Poles, becaufe the Ground was every where grown up with thick Bufb.es.

The Soil here appear'd to be very good, tho' much broken betwixt Fountain creek and Roanoak River. The Line croft Meherin the 5th and lafl time, nor were our People forry to part with a Stream the Meanders of which had given them fo much Trouble.

Our Hunters brought us four wild Turkeys, which at that Seafon began to be fat and very delicious, efpecially the Hens.

Thefe Birds feem to be of the Bullard kind, and fly heavily. Some of them are exceedingly large, and weigh upwards ot 40 Pounds; Nay, fome bold Hiftorians venture to fay, upwards of 50. They run very faft, ftretching forth their Wings all the time, like the Oftrich, by way of Sails to quicken their Speed.

They rooft commonly upon very high Trees, Standing near fome River or Creek, and are fo ftupify'd at the Sight of Fire, that if you make a Blaze in the Night near the Place where they rooft, you may fire upon them Several times fucceflively, before they will dare to fly away.

Their Spurs are fo Sharp and Strong that the Indians ufed formerly to point their Arrows with them, tho' now they point them with a Sharp white Stone. In the Spring the Turkcy- L

82 The Hijiory of the

I?29 Cocks begin to gobble, which is the Language wherein they Sept. make Love.

;-~*~' . It rain'd very hard in the Night, with a violent Storm of Thunder and Lightening, which oblig'd us to trench in our Tent all round, to carry off the Water that fell upon it.

So foon as the men could dry their Blankets, we fent out the 24 Survevors, who now meeting with more favourable Grounds, advane'd 'the line 7 Miles and 82 Poles. However, the Com- mimoneis did not think proper to decamp that day, believing ' they might eafily overtake the Surveyors the next. In the mean time the}- lent out fome of their moft expert Gunners, who brought in four more wild Turkeys,

This part of the Country being very proper for raifmg Cattle and Hogs, we obferv'd the Inhabitants lived in great plenty with- out killing themfelves with Labour.

I found near our Camp fome Plants of that kind of Rattle- Snake Root, called Star-grafs. The Leaves moot out circularly, and grow Horifontally and near the Ground. The Root is in Shape not unlike the Rattle of that Serpent, and is a Strong Antidote againft the Bite of it. It is very bitter, and where it meets with any Poifon, works by Violent Sweats, but where it meets with none, has no Senfible Operation but that of putting the Spirits into a great Hurry, and fo of promoting Perfpiration. The Rattle-make has an utter Antipathy to this Plant, info- much that if you Smear vour hands with the Juice of it, you may handle the Viper Safely. Thus much I can fay on my own Experience, that once in July, when thefe Snakes are in their seated Vigour, I befmear'd a Dog's Nofe with the Pow- der of this Root, and made him trample on a large Snake Several times, which, however, was fo far from biting him, that it per- fectly Sicken'd at the Dog's Approach, and turn'd its Head from him with the Utmoft Averfion.

Dividing Line. 83

Our Chaplain, to Shew his Zeal, made an Excurfion of 6 1729 Miles to chriften 2 children, but without the leaft regard to the Sept. good Chear at thefe Solemnities.

The Surveyors taking the Advantage of clear Woods, puflit 25 on the Line 7 Miles and 40 Poles. In the mean time the Commiffioners marcht with the Baggage about 1 2 miles, and took up their Quarters near the Banks of the Beaver Pond, (which is one Branch of Fountain's creek,) juft by the place where the Surveyors were to finifh their day's work.

In our march one of the men kill'd a Small Rattle-Snake, which had no more than two Rattles. Thole Vipers remain in Vigour generally till towards the End of September, or Some- times later, if the Weather continue a little warm. On this consideration we had provided three Several Sorts of Rattle- Snake-Root, made up into proper Dofes, and ready for imme- diate ufe, in cafe any one of the Men or their Horfes had been


We crofit Fountain's Creek once more in our Journey this day, and found the Grounds very Rich, notwithstanding they were broken and Stony.

Near the place where we encampt the county of Brunfwick is divided from the Me of Wight. Thefe Counties run quite on the back of Surry and Prince George, and are laid out in very irregular Figures.

As a Proof the Land mended hereabouts, we found the Planta- tions began to grow thicker by much than we had found them lower down.

We hurry'd away the Surveyors without Lofs of time, who 26 extended the Line 10 Miles and 160 Poles, the Grounds prov- ing dry and free from Under-woods. By the way the chain- carriers kill'd two more Rattle-Snakes, which I own was a little ungrateful, becaufe two or three of the Men had Strided over them without receiving any Hurt; tho' one of thefe Vipers had

84 The Hipry of the

1729 made bold to Strike at one of the Baggage Horfes, as he went

Sept. along, but by good Luck his Teeth only grazed on the hoof,

""v"— ' without doing him any Damage. However, thefe Accidents

were, I think, ib many Arguments that we had very good Reafon

to defer our coming out till the 20th of September.

We obferv'd Abundance of St. Andrew's Crofs in all the Woods we pa fled thro', which is the common Remedy ufed by the Indian traders to cure their horfes when they are bitten by Rattle-Snakes.

It grows on a Strait Stem, about 18 Inches high, and bears a Yellow Flower on the Top, that has an Eye of Black in the Middle, with Several Pairs of Narrow Leaves Shooting out at right Angles from the Stalk over Sgainfl: one another.

This Antidote grows Providentially all over the Woods, and upon all Sorts of Soil, that it may be every where at hand in Cafe a Difaiter mould Happen, and may be had all the hot Months while the Snakes are dangerous.

About four a'clock in the Afternoon we took up our Quarters upon Caban Branch, which alfo difcharges itfelf into Fountain Creek. On our way we obierved Several Meadows cloth'd with very rank-Grafs, and Branches full of tall Reeds, in which Cattle keep themfelves fat good part of the Winter. But Hogs are as injurious to both as Goats are faid to be to Vines, and for that Reafon it was not lawful to Sacrifice them to Bacchus. We halted by the way to Chriften two Children at a Spring, where their Mothers waylaid us for that good Purpofe. 27 It was ten of the clock before the Surveyors got to work, be- caufe fome of the Horfes had flraggled to a great Diftance from the Camp. Nevcrthelefs, meeting with Practicable Woods, they advanct the Line 9 Miles and 104 Poles. We croflt over Pea-Creek about four Miles from our Quarters, and, three Miles farther, Lizard-Creek, both which empty their Waters into Roanoak River.

Dividing Line. 85

Between thefc two Creeks a poor Man waited for us with five i*\>q Children to be baptiz'd, and we halted till the Ceremonv was Sept. ended. The Land feem'd to be very good, by the largenefs of Y~~ the Trees, tho' very Stony. We proceeded as far as Pidgeon- Rooft-Creek, which alfo runs into Roanoak, and there Quar- ter'd.

We had not the pleafure of the Company of any of the Caro- lina-CommiiTioners in this day's March, except Mr. Mofelev's, the reft tarrying behind to wait the coming up of their Baggage- Cart, which they had now not feen nor heard (though the Wheels made a Difmal Noife) for feveral days paft.

Indeed it was a very difficult Undertaking to conduct a Cart thro' fuch pathlefs and perplext Woods, and no wonder if its Motion was a little Planetary. We would have payd them the Complement of waiting for them, cou'd we have done it at any other Expenfe but that of the Publick.

In the Stony Grounds we rode over we found great Quantity of the true Ipocoacanna, which in this part of the World is call'd Indian-Phyfick. This has Several Stalks growing up from the Same Root about a Foot high, bearing a Leaf refcmbling that of a Straw-Berry. It is not fo ftrong as that from Brazil, but has the fame happy Effects, If taken in Somewhat a larger Dole. It is an Excellent Vomit, and generally cures intermitting Fevers and Bloody Fluxes at once or twice taking. There is abund- ance of it in the upper part of the Country, where it delights moft in a Stony Soil intermixt with black Mold.

Our Surveyors got early to work, yet cou'd forward the Line 2S but 6 miles and 121 Poles, becaufe of the uneven Grounds in the Neighbourhood of Roanoak, which they croilt in this Day's work.

In that Place the River is 49 Poles wide, and rolls down a cryftal Stream of very Sweet water, Infomuch that when then* comes to be a great Monarch in this Part of the World, he will

86 The Jiifiory of the

j^2Q caufe all the Water for his own Table to be brought from Sept. Roanoak, as the great Kings of Perfia did theirs from the Nile /-—'and Choafpis, becaufe the Waters of thofe Rivers were light, and not apt to corrupt.*

The great Falls of Roanoak lie about 20 Miles lower, to which a Sloop of Moderate Burthen may come up. There are, befides thefe, many Smaller Falls above, tho' none that entirely intercept the Paflage of the River, as the great Ones do, by a Chain of Rocks for 8 Miles together.

The River forks about 36 Miles higher, and both Branches are pretty equal in Breadth where they divide, tho' the Southern, now call'd the Dan, runs up the fartheft. That to the North runs away near North-weft, and is call'd the Staunton, and heads not far from the Source of Appamatuck River, while the Dan ftretches away pretty near Weft & runs clear thro' the great Mountains.

We did not follow the Surveyors till towards Noon, being detain'd in our camp to Chriften Several more Children. We were conducted a nearer way, by a famous Woodfman, call'd Epaphroditus Sainton. This Forefter Spends all his time in ranging the Woods, and is faid to make great Havock among the Deer, and other Inhabitants of the Foreft, not much wilder than Himfelf.

We proceeded to the Canoe-Landing on Roanoak, where we paflt the River with the Baggage. But the Horfes were directed to a Ford about a Mile higher, call'd by the Indians Moni-feep, which fignifies, in their Jargon, Shallow Water. This is the Ford where the Indian-Traders ufed to crofs with their Horfes, in their way to the Catauba Nation.

1The fame Humour prevails at this day in the Kings of Denmark, who order all the Eaft India Ships of that nation to call at the Cape of Good Hope, and take in a But cf Water from a Spring on the Tabic Hill, and bring it to Copenhagen, for Their

Majefty's own Drinking.

Dividing Line. 87

There are many Rocks in the River thereabouts, on which 1*720 grows a kind of Water-Grafs, which the wild Geefe are fond of, Sept. and refort to it in great Numbers. ~v "

We landed on the South Side of Roanoak at a Plantation of Colo. Mumford's, where, by that Gentleman's Special Direc- tions, we met with Sundry Refrefhments. Here we pitcht our Tent, for the benefit of the Profpecl, upon an Eminence that overlookt a broad Piece of Low Ground, very rich, tho' liable to be overflow'd. '■ •.'

By the way, one of our Men kill'd another Rattle-Snake, with II Rattles, having a large Gray Squirrel in his Maw, the head of which was already digefted, while the Body remain'd Stil entire.

The way thefe Snakes catch their Prey is thus : They Ogle the poor little animal, till by force of the Charm he falls down Stupify'd and Senfelefs on the Ground. In that condition the Snake approaches, and moiftens firft one Ear and then the Other with his Spawl, and after that the other Parts of the Head, to make all Slippery. When that is done, he draws this Member into his Mouth, and after it, by Slow Degrees, all the reft of the Body.

This being Sunday, we had Divine Service and a Sermon, at 29 which Several of the Borderers afTifted, and we concluded the Duties of the Day in the Chriftening five Children. Our De- votion beins perform'd in the Open Field, like that of Mr. Whitfield's Flocks, an unfortunate Shower of Rain had almoft difperft our Congregation. About four in the Afternoon the Carolina-CommiiTioners made a Shift to come up with us, whom we had left at Pidgeon-Rooft Creek the Fryday before, waiting for their Provifions. When their Cart came up they prudently difcharg'd it, and rather chofe to hire two Men to carry fome part of their Baggage. The Reft they had been Obliged to

88 fhe Hiftory of the

1 729 leave behind, in the Crotch of an Old Tree, for want of proper Sept. Conveniences to tranfport it any farther.

w->',~" We found in the low Ground Several Plants of the Fern Root, which is faid to be much the Stronger!: Antidote yet dif- covcr'd againft the Poifon of the Rattle-Snake. The Leaves of it refemble thofe of Fern, from whence it obtain'd its Name. Several Stalks moot from the fame Root, about 6 Inches long, that ly moftly on the Ground. It grows in a very Rich Soil, under the Protection of Some tall Tree, that Shades it from the Meridian Beams of the Sun. The Root has a faint Spicy taft, and is prcferr'd by the Southern Indians to all other Counter- poifons in this Country.

But there is another Sort preferr'd by the Northern Indians, that they call Seneca Rattle-Snake-Root, to which wonderful Vertues are afcrib'd in the Cure of Pleurifys, Feavers, Rhuma- tifms, and Dropfys ; befides it being a powerfull Antidote againft the Venom of the Rattle-Snake.

In the Evening the MefTenger we had fent to Chriftanna return'd with five Saponi Indians. We cou'd not entirely rely on the Dexterity of our own Men, which induced us to fend for fome of the Indians. We agreed with two of the moft expert of them, upon reafonable Terms, to hunt for us the remaining Part of our Expedition. But one of them falling Sick foon after, we were content to take only the other, whofe Hunting Name was Bear-fkin.

This Indian, either by his Skill or good Luck, Supply'd us plentifully all the way with Meat, Seldom difcharging his piece in vain.

By his Afli fiance, therefore, we were able to keep our men

to their Bufinefs, without Suffering them to Straggle about the

Woods, on pretence of furnifhing us with Nccefiary Food.

?o It had rain'd all night, and made every thing fo wet, that our

Surveyors cou'd not get to their Work before Noon. They

Dividing Line. 89

cou'd therefore meafure no more than four Miles and 220 Poles, 1720 which, according to the befl information we cou'd get, was near Sept. as high as the uppcrmoft Inhabitant at that time. ~^

We croll the Indian Trading path above-mention'd about a Mile from our Camp, and a Mile beyond that forded Haw- Tree-Creek:. The Woods we palled thro' had all the Tokens of Sterility, except a fmall Poifon'd Field, on which grew no Tree bigger than a Slender Sapling. The larger Trees had been defrroyed, either by Fire or Caterpillars, which is often the Cafe in the upland Woods, and the places where fuch Defla- tion happens are call'd Poifon'd Fields.

We took up our Quarters upon a Branch of Great Creek, where there was tolerable good Grafs for the poor Horfes. Thefe poor Animals having now got beyond the Latitude of Corn, were obliged to Shift as well as they cou'd for them- felves.

On our way the men rouf'd a Bear, which being the firft we had feen fince we came out, the poor Bean: had many purfuers. Several Perfons contended for the Credit of killing Him : tho' he was fo poor he was not worth the Powder. This was fome Difappointment to our Woodfmcn, who commonly prefer the Flefh of Bears to every kind of Venifon. There is Something indeed peculiar to this Animal, namely, that its fat is very firm, and may be eaten plentifully without rifing in the Stomach. The Paw (which, when ftript of the hair, looks like a Human Foot,) is accounted a delicious A4orfel by all who are not Shockt at the ungracious Refemblance it bears to a Human Foot.

There was a white Frofr. this morning on the Ground, occa- Ocl. fion'd by a North-Weil: Wind, which flood our Friend in difperfing all Aguifli Damps, and making the Air wholfome at the Same time that it made it cold. Encourag'd therefore by M

90 The Hijlory of the

1 729 the Weather, Our Surveyors got to work early, and by the Oct. Benefit of Clear Woods, and Level Ground, drove the Line 12 """"^""""^ Miles and 12 Poles.

At a Small Diftance from our Camp we croft Great Creek, and about 7 Miles farther Nut-bufh Creek, fo call'd from the many Kazle-Trees growing upon it. By good Luck Many Branches of thcfe Creeks were full of Reeds, to the great com- fort of our Horfes. Near five Miles from thence we encampt on a Branch that runs into Nut-Bufh Creek, where thofe Reeds flourifht more than Ordinary. The Land we marcht over was for the mod part broken and Stony, and in fome places cover'd over with Thickets almoft impenetrable.

At Night the Surveyors, taking Advantage of a very clear Sky, made a third Tryal of the Variation, and found it Still fomething lefs than 3 Degrees, fo that it did not diminifh by advancing towards the Weft, or by approaching the Mountains, nor yet by encreafing our diftance from the Sea ; but remain' d much the Same we had found it at Corotuck-Inlet.

One of our Indians kill'd a large Fawn, which was verv wel- come, tho', like Hudibras's Horfe, it had hardly fleih Enough to cover its Bones.

In the low Grounds the Carolina Gentlemen fhew'd us another Plant, which they laid was uied in their country to cure the Bite of the Rattle-Snake. It put forth Several Leaves in figure like a Heart, and was clouded fo like the common AiTa- rabacca, that I conceived it to be of that Family. 2 So Soon as the Horfes cou'd be found, we hurry'd away the Surveyors, who advancl the line 9 Miles and 254 Poles. About 3 Aliles from the Camp they crolTt a large Creek, which the Indians call'd Mafiamoni, Signifying, in their Language, Paint- Creek, becaufe of the great Quantity of Red ochre found in its banks. This in every Frefh tinges the Water juft as the fame Mineral did formerly, and to this day continues to tinge, the

Dividing Line. 9 1

famous River Adonis, in Phoenicia, by which there hangs a celc- 1729 brated Fable. °a-

Three Miles beyond that we paft another Water with diffi- **~ culty, call'd Yaypatfco, or Bever Creek. Thofe induftrious Animals had damm'd up the water fo high, that we had much ado to get over. Tis hardly credible how much work of this kind they will do in the Space of one Night. They bite young Saplings into proper Lengths with their Fore-teeth, which are exceeding Strong and Sharp, and afterwards drag them to the Place where they intend to Stop the Water.

Then they know how to join Timber and Earth together with fo much Skill, that their Work is able to refill the moil violent Flood that can happen. In this they are qualify'd to inftrucl their Betters, it being certain their damms will (land firm when the Strongeft that are made by men will be carry'd down the Stream.

We obferved very broad low Grounds upon this Creek, with a growth of large Trees, and all the other Signs of Fertility, but feem'd fubjecr. to be every where overflow'd in a frefh.

The certain way to catch thefe Sagacious Animals is thus: Squeeze all the Juice out of the large Pride of the Beaver, and 6 Drops out of the fmall Pride. Powder the inward Bark of Safl'afras, and mix it with this Juice, then bait therewith a Steel Trap, and they will eagerly come to it, and be taken.

About three Miles and an half farther we came to the Banks of another creek, call'd, in the Saponi Language, Ohimpa-moni, Signifying Jumping Creek, from the frequent Jumping of 1 ifh during the Spring Seafon.

Here we encampt, and by the time the Horfes were hobbled, our Hunters brought us no lefs than a Brace and a half of Deer, which made great Plenty, and confequently great content in our Quarters.

Some of our People had Shot a great Wild Cat, which was

92 The Hijiory of the

1 7 2Q that f"atal nioment making a comfortable Meal upon a Fox- Odl. Squirrel, and an Ambitious Sportfman of our Company claim'd "°'^r~"'^ the merit of killing this monfter after it was dead.

The Wild-cat is as big again as any Houfehold-Cat, and much the fiercer!. Inhabitant of the Woods. Whenever 'tis difabled, it will tear its own Flefh for rnadnefs. Akho' a Panther will run away from a Man, a Wild-cat will only make a Surly Re- treat, now and then facing about, if he be too clofely purfued ; and will even purfue in his turn, if he obferve the leaft Sign of Fear or even of caution in thofe that pretend to follow Him.

The Flefh of this beaft, as well as of the Panther, is as white as veal, and altogether as fweet and delicious. 3 We got to work early this Morning, and carry'd the line 8 Miles and a 160 Poles. We forded Several Runs of Excellent Water, and afterwards traverft a large levil of high land full of lofty Walnut, Poplar, and WThite Oak Trees, which are certain Proofs of a fruitful Soil. This levil was near two Miles in length, and of an unknown breadth, quite out of Danger of being overflow'd, which is a misfortune moil of the Low Grounds are liable to in thofe Parts. As we marcht along we faw many BufFalo-Tracks, and abundance of their Dung very Frefh, but could not have the pleafure of feeing them. They either Smelt us out, having that fenfe very Quick, or elfe were alarm'd at the Noife that fo many People mull: neceiTarily make in marching along. At the Sight of a Man they will Snort and Grunt, cock up their ridiculous Short Tails, and tear up the Ground with a Sort of Timorous Fury.

Thefe wild Cattle hardly ever range alone, but herd together like thofe that are tame. They are Seldom feen fo far North as 400 of latitude, delighting much in canes and Reeds, which grow generally more Southerly.

We quarter'd on the Banks of a Creek that the Inhabitants call Tewahominy, or Tufkarooda creek, becaufe one of that

Dividing Line. 93

Nation had been kill'd thereabouts, and his Body thrown into 1729 the Creek. 0&.

Our people had the Fortune to kill a Brace of does, one of ^~~v~"" which we prefented to the Carolina-Gentlemen, who were glad to partake of the Bounty of Providence, at the fame time that they fncer'd at us for depending upon it.

We hurry'd away the Surveyors about 9 this Morning, who 4 extended the Line 7 Miles and 160 Poles, notwithstanding the Ground was exceedingly uneaven. At the Diftance of five Miles we forded a Stream to which we gave the Name of Slew- ing creek, becaufe of the great Number of thofe Fowls that then frequented it.

About 7.\ Miles beyond that, we came upon Sugar-Tree-Creek, fo call'd from the many Trees of that kind that grow upon it. By tapping this Tree, in the fir ft Warm weather in February, One may get from 20 to 40 Gallons of Liquor, very fweet to the taft and agreeable to the Stomach. This may be boil'd into molofles firft, and afterwards into very good Sugar, allowing about 10 Gallons of the Liquor to make a Pound. There's no doubt, too, that a very fine Spirit may be diftill'd from the mo- lofles, at leaft as good as Rum. The Sugar Tree delights only in Rich Ground, where it grows very tall, and by the Softnefs and Spunginefs of the Wood fhou'd be a quick Grower.

Near this Creek we difcovered likewife Several Spice-Trees, the Leaves of which are fragrant, and the Berries they bear are black when dry, and of a hot taft, not much unlike Pepper.

The low Grounds upon the creek are very wide, fometimcson one Side, Sometimes on the Other ; tho' moil commonly upon the Oppoiite Shore the high-land advances clofe to the Bank, only on the North-Side of the Line it fpreads itfelf into a great Breadth of rich low Ground on both fides the Creek for four Miles together, as far as this Stream runs into Kico-River, whereof I fhall prefently make mention.

94 *£b£ llifiory of the

1 729 One of our Men Spy'd three Buffaloes, but his Piece being

vJct. loaded only with Goofc-fhot, he was able to make no effectual

Impremon on their thick hides ; however, this Difappointment

was made up by a Brace of Bucks, and as many Wild Turkeys,

kill'd by the reft of the company.

Thus Providence was very Bountiful to our Endeavours, never disappointing thofe that faithfully rely upon it, and pray heartily for their Daily Bread. c This day we met with fuch uneven Grounds, and thick Un- derwoods, that with all our Induftry we were able to advance the Line but 4 Miles and 312 Poles. In this fmall Diflance it intcrfected a large ftream four times, which our Indian at firft miftook for the South Branch of Roanoke River ; but, difcover- ing his Error foon after, he allured us 'twas a River called Hicootomony, or Turkey-Buzzard River, from the great Num- ber of thofe unfavoury Birds that rooft on the tall Trees grow- ing near its banks.

Early in the Afternoon, to our very great furprize, the Com- mimoners of Carolina acquainted us with their Refolution to return Home. This Declaration of theirs feem'd the more abrupt, becaufe they had not been fo kind as to prepare us, by the leaft Hint, of their Intention to defert us.

We therefore let them underftand they Appear'd to us to aban- don the Bufinefs they came about with too much Precipitation, this being but the 15th day fince we came out the laft time. But, altho' we were to be fo unhappy as to lofe the AfTiftance of their great Abilities, yet we, who were concern'd for Virginia, deter- min'd by the Grace of God, not to do our Work by Plalves, but, all deferted as we were like to be, fhou'd think it our duty to pufh the Line quite to the Mountains j and if their Govern- ment mould refufe to be bound by fo much of the Line as was run without their Commiflioncrs, yet at leaft it would bind Vir-

T)ividt7ig Line. 95

ginia, and Stand as a Direction hew far his Majefty's Lands 1729 extend to the Southward.

In fhort, thefe Gentlemen were pofitive, and the moft we could agree upon was to Subfcribe plats of our work as far as we had Afted together ; tho' at the. fame time we infifted thefe Plats fliould be got ready by Monday Noon at fartheft, when we on the Part of Virginia intended, if we were alive, to move forward without farther lofs of Time, the Seafon being then too far advance to admit of any unnecefiary or complaifant delays.

We lay frill this -day, being Sunday, on the Bank of Hico 6 River, and had only Prayers, our Chaplain not having Spirits enough to preach. The Gentlemen of Carolina amfted not at our Publick Devotions, becaufe they were taken up all the Morning in making a formidable Proteft againft our Proceeding on the Line without them.

When the Divine Service was over, the Surveyors fat about making the Plats of fo much of the Line as we had run this laft Campaign. Our pious Friends of Carolina affiftcd in this work with fome Seeming Scruple, pretending it was a Violation of the Sabbath, which we were the more Surpriz'd at, becaufe it hap- pened to be the firft Qualm of Confcience they had ever been troubled with dureing the whole journey. They had made no Bones of Staying from Prayers to hammer out an unneceffary Proteft, tho' Divine Service was no Sooner over, but an unulual Fit of Godlinefs made them fancy that finishing the plats, which was now matter of necefTity, was a prophanation of the Day. However, the Expediency of lofing no time, for us who thought it our duty to finifh what we had undertaken, made fuch a Labour pardonnable.

In the Afternoon, Mr. Fitz William, one of the Commiffion- ers for Virginia, acquainted his Collegues it was his Opinion, that by his Majcfty's Order they could not proceed farther on the Line, but in Conjunction with the Commiflioners of Carolina ;

96 The II ifl or y of the

1729 for which reafon he intended to retire, the Next Morning, with {Jtx. thofe Gentlemen.

This lookt a little odd in our Brother Commiffioner ; tho', in Juftice to Him, as well as to our Carolina Friends, they ftuck by us as long as our good Liquor lafted, and were fo kind to us as to drink our good Journey to the Mountains in the laft Bottle we had left. 7 The Duplicates of the plats cou'd not be drawn fair this day before Noon, when they were counterfign'd by the Commiflion- ers of Each Government. Then thofe of Carolina deliver'd their Proteft, which was by this time lickt into form, and fign'd by them all. And we have been fo juft to them as to fet it down at full length in the Appendix, that their Reafons for leaving us may appear in their full Strength.

After having thus adjufted all our Affairs with the Carolina Commifli oners, and kindly fupply'd them with Bread to carry them back, which they hardly deferv'd at our hands, we took leave both of them and our colleague, Mr. Fitzwilliam.

This Gentleman had ftil a Stronger Reafon for hurrying him back to Williamfburg, which was, that neither the General Court might lofe an able Judge, nor himfelf a double Salary, not defpairing in the lead but he fhou'd have the whole pay of Commiffioner into the Bargain, tho' he did not half the Work. This, to be fure, was relying more on the Intereft of his Friends than on the Juftice of his caufe ; in which, however, he had the misfortune to mifcarry, when it came to be fairly confidered.

It was two a clock in the Afternoon before thefe arduous Affairs could be defpatcht, and then, all forfaken as we were, we held on our courfe towards the Weft. But it was our misfor- tune to meet with fo many Thickets in this Afternoon's Work, that we cou'd advance no further than 2 Miles and 260 Poles. In this fmall Diftance we crcflt the Hico the fifth time, and

Dividing Live. gj

Quarter'd near Buffalo-Creek, Co nam'd from the frequent To- ]~2q kens we difcover'd of that American Behemoth. Oct.

Here the Bufhes were fo intolerably thick, that we were Vw~">"~"" oblig'd to cover the Bread Baggs with our Deer Skins, other- wife the Joke of one of the Indians muft have happen'd to us in good Earneft, that in a few days We muft cut up our Houfe to make Bags for the Bread, and {o be forct to expofe our Backs in compliment to our Bellys.

We computed we had then Bifquet enough left to lad us, with good Management. Seven Weeks longer ; And this being our chief Dependence, it imported us to be very careful both in the Carriage and the Diftribution of it.

We had no other Drink but what Adam drank in Paradife, tho' to our comfort we found the Water excellent, bv the Help of which we perceiv'd our Appetites to Mend, our Slumbers to Sweeten, the Stream of Life to run cool and peaceably in our Veins, and if ever we dreamt of Women, they were kind.

Our men kill'd a very fat Buck and Several Turkeys. Thefe two kinds of Meat boil'd together, with the Addition of a little Rice or French Bailey, made excellent Soupe, and, what hap- pens rarely in Other good things, it never clov'd, no more than an Engaging Wife wou'd do, by being a Conflant Difh.

Our Indian was very Superftitious in this Matter, and told us, with a face full of concern, that if we continued to boil Venifon and Turkey together, we Shou'd for the future kill nothing, becaufe the Spirit that presided over the Woods would drive all the Game out of our Sight. But we had the Happinefs to find this an Idle Superftition, and tho' his Argument could not con- vince us, yet our repeated Experience at laft, with much ado, convine'd Him.

We obferv'd abundance of Colt's foot and Maiden-hair in many Places, and no where a larger Quantity than here. They N

98 The Hi/lory of the

1729 are both Excellent Pectoral Plants, and feem to have greater

Ol.1. Vertues much in this part of the World than in more Northern

""^"""■^ climates ; and I believe it may pais for a Rule in Botanicks, that

where any Vegetable is planted by the hand of Nature, it has

more Vertue than in Places whereto it is tranfplanted by the

Curiofity of Man.

8 Notwithstanding we hurry'd away the Surveyors very early,

yet the Underwoods embarrafPd them fo much that they cou'd

with Difficulty advance the Line 4 A'Jilcs and 20 Poles.

Our Cloaths Sufrer'd extreamely by the Bufhes, and it was really as much as both our hands could do to preferve our Eves in our Heads. Our poor Horfes, too, could hardlv drag their Loads thro' the Saplings, which flood fo clofe together that it was neceflary for them to draw and carry at the fame time.

We quarter'd near a Spring of very fine Water, Soft as oyl and as cold as Ice, to make us amends for the want of Wine. And our Indian knockt down a very fat Doe, juft time enough to hinder us from going Supperlefs to Bed.

£.\ The heavy Baggage cou'd not come up with us, becaufe of the ExcefTive badriefs of the Ways. This gave us no Small uneafinefs, but it went worfc with the poor men that guarded it. They had nothing in the World with them but dry Bread, nor durft they eat any of that, for fear of inflaming their Thirft, in a Place where they could find no Water to epiench it.

This was, however, the better to be endured, becaufe it was the firft Fair any one had kept dureing the whole Journey, and then, Thanks to the gracious Guardian of the Woods ! there was no more than a Single Meal loll to a few of the Companv. We were entertain'd this Night with the Yell of a whole Family of Wolves, in which we cou'd diftinguifh the Treble, Tenor and Bafs, very clearly. Thefe Bcafls of Prey kept pretty much upon our Track, being tempted by the Garbage of

Dividing Line. 99

the Creatures we kill'd every day ; for which we were Serenaded i"20 with their Shrill Pipes almoft every Night. This Beaft is not Ocl. fo untameablc as the Panther, but the Indians know how to ' v gentle their Whelps, and ufc them about their cabans inflead of Dogs.

The Thickets were hereabouts fo impenetrable, that we were 9 obliged, at fir ft fetting off this Morning, to order four Pioneers to clear the way before the Surveyors. But after about 2 Miles of thefe rough-woods, we had the Pleafure to meet with Open Grounds and not very uneven, by the help of which we were enabled to pufh the Line about 6 Miles.

The Baggage that lay Short of our camp laft Night came up about Noon, and the Men made heavy Complaints, that thev had been half Starv'd, like Tantalus, in the midft of plentv, for the Reafon above mention'd.

The Soil we paft over this Day was generally very good, being cloath'd with large Trees, of Poplar, Hiccory, and Oak. But another certain Token of its Fertility was, that wild Angelica grew plentifully upon it.

The Root of this Plant, being very warm and Aromatick, is coveted by Woodfmen extremely as a dry Dram, that is, when Rum, that cordial for all Diftrefles, is wanting.

Several Deer came into our View as we marcht alono-, but none into the Pot, which made it neceflary for us to fup on the Fragments we had been fo provident as to carry along with us. This being but a temperate Repaft, made fome of our hungry Fellows call the Place we lodg'd at that Night, Bread and Water Camp.

A great Flock of Cranes flew over our Quarters, that were exceeding Clamorous in their Flight. They feem to fteer their Courfe towards the South (being Birds of Paflage) in Queft of Warmer Weather. They only took this Country in their way,



i oo The Hiflory of the

1729 being as rarely met with, in this part of the World, as a High- 0£t. way man or a Beggar.

Thefe Birds travel generally in Flocks, and when they rooft they place Sentinels upon foine of the higheft Trees, which conftantly ftand upon one leg to keep themfelves waking.1

Our Indian kill'd nothing all day but a Mountain Patridge, which a little refembled the common Partridge in the Plumage, but was near as large as a Dunghill Hen. Thefe are very fre- quent towards the Mountains, tho' we had the fortune to meet with very few. They are apt to be Shy, and confcquently the Noife of fo great a Number of People might eafily Scare them away from our Sight.

We found what we conceiv'd to be Good Limeftone in feveral Places, and a great Quantity of Blue Slate.

The day began very fortunately by killing a Fat Doe, and Two Brace of Wild Turkeys 5 fo the Plenty of the Morning made amends for the Short Commons over Night. One of the new men we brought out with us the laft time was unfortu- nately heard to wifli himfelf at Home, and for that Shew of Impatience was publickly reprimanded at the Head of the men, who were all drawn up to witnefs his Difgrace.

He was afkt how he came fo foon to be tired of the Company of fo many brave Fellows, and whether it was the Danger or

1 Nor are thefe Birds the only Animals that appoint Scouts to keep the main Body from being fu.-priz'd. For the Baboons, whenever they go upon any mifchievous Ex- pedition, fuch as robbing an Orchard, they place centinels to loch out towards every Point of the Compaft, and give notice of any danger. Then ranking themlelves in one File, that reaches from the mountain where they harbour, to the Orchard they intend to rob, f >me of them tols the Fruits from the Trees to thofe that ftand neareft, thefe throw them to the next, and fo from one to tothcr, til the fruit is all fecured in a few Minutes out of Harm's way. In the mean time, if any of the Scouts ihculd be care'efs at their Foil; & Suffer any Surprize, they are torn to pieces without Mercy. In cafe of danger thefe centinels Set up a fearful cry, upon which the reft take the alarm, and Scour away to the Mountains aa fall as they can.

'Dividing Line. i o i

the Fatigue of the Journey that difliearten'd Him ? This pub- j-tq lick Reproof from thenceforward put an effectual Stop to all Oct. complaints, and not a man amongft us after that pretended lb "• much as to wifh himfelf in Paradife.

A Small Diflance from our Camp we crorTt a pleafant Stream of Water call'd Cocquade Creek, and fomething more than a Alile from thence our Line interacted the South Branch of Roanoak River the firft time, which we call'd the Dan. It was about 200 Yards wide where we forded it, and when we came over to the Weft Side, we found the Banks lin'd with a Foreii of Tall canes, that grew more than a furlong in depth. So that it coft us abundance of time and Labour to cut a Paflage thro' them wide enough for our Baggage.

In the mean time we had leizure to take a full view of this charming River. The Stream, which was perfectly clear, ran down about two Knots, or two Miles, an Hour, when the water was at the loweft. The Bottom was covcr'd with a coarfs Gravel, Spangled very thick with a Shining Subftance, that almoft dazzled the eye, and the Sand upon either Shore Sparkled with the fame Splendid Particles.

At firfi Sight, the Sun-Beams giving a Yellow caft to thefc Spangles made us fancy them to be Gold-Dull, and confequently that all our Fortunes were made. Such Hopes as thefe were the lefs extravagant, becaufe feveral Rivers lying much about the Same Latitude with this have formerly abounded with Frag- ments of that tempting Metal. Witnefs the Tagus in Portugal, the Heber in Thrace, and the Pactolus in Letter Afia ; Not to mention the Rivers on the Gold Coaft in Africa, which ly in a more Southern Climate.

But we foon found our Selves miftaken, and our Gold Duft dwindled into fmall Flakes of ifingglafs. However, tho* this did not make the River fo rich as we eou'd wifh, yet it made it ex- ceedingly Beautiful.

I 02 The Hijhry of the

1729 We marcht about two Miles and a half beyond this River, as Oct. far as Cane Creek, fo call'd from a Prodigious Quantity of tall Y~~ canes that fring'd the Banks of it.

On the Weft fide of this Creek we markt out our Quarters, and were glad to find our Horfes fond of the canes, tho' they Scowred them fmnrtly at firft, and difcolor'd their Dung. This beautiful Vegetable grows commonly from 12 to 16 feet High, and forne of them as thick as a Man's wrift.

Tho' thefe appear'd large to us, yet they are no more than Spires of Grafs, if compar'd to thofe which fome curious Travel- lers tell us grow in the Eaft Indies, one Joint of which will make a Brace of Canoes, if faw'd in two in the Middle. Ours continue green thro' all the Seafons during the Space of Six Years, and the Seventh fried their Seed, wither away and Die. The Spring following they begin to Shoot again, and reach their former Stature the Second or third Year after.

They grow fo thick, and their Roots lace together fo firmly, that they are the beft Guard that can be of the River-Bank, which wou'd otherwife be wamt away by the frequent Inunda- tions that happen in this part of the World.

They would alio ferve excellently well to plant on the Bor- ders of Fifh-Ponds and Canals, to fecure their fides from fall- ing in ; tho' I fear the}- would nut grow kindly in a cold Country, being feldom feen here fo Northerly as 38 Degrees of Latitude. 11 At the Diftance of 4 Aliles and 60 Poles from the Place where we encampt, we came upon the River Dan a Second time j tho' It was not fo wide in this Place as where we croflt it firft, being not above a 150 yards over.

The Weft Shore continued to be covcr'd with the Canes above mention'd, but not to fo great a Breadth as before, and 'tis Remarkable that thefe canes are much more frequent on the Weft Side of the River than on the Eaft, where they grow generally very fcattering.

Dividing Line. 103

It was Still a beautiful Stream, rolling down its limpid and 1720 murmuring waters among the Rocks, which lay fcatter'd here Oct. and there, to make up the variety of the Profpect. y

It was about two Miles from this River to the End of our Day's Work, which led us moftly over Broken Grounds and troubleibme Underwoods. Hereabout, from one of the Hio-heft hills, we made the firft Difcovery of the Mountains, on the North-weft of our courfe. They feem'd to lye off at a vaft Diftance, and lookt like Ranges of Blue clouds riling one above another.

We encampt about two Allies beyond the River, where we made good chear upon a very fat Buck, that luckily fell in our way. The Indian likewife Shot a Wild Turkey, but confefft he wou'd not bring it us, left we fhou'd continue to provoke the Guardian of the Forreft, by cooking the Beafts of the Field and the Birds of the Air together in one veffel.

This Inftance of Indian Superftition, I confefs, is counte- nanced in fome meafure by the Levitical Law, which forbad the mixing of things of a Different Nature together in the Same field, or in the Same Garment, and why not then in the fame Kettle ?

But, after all, if the Jumbleing of two Sorts of Flefh together be a Sin, how intolerable an Offence muft it be to make a Spanifh Ole, that is, a Hotchpotch of every kind of thing that is eatable ? And the good People of England wou'd have a great deal to anfwer for, for beating up fo many different Ingredients into a Pudding.

We were fo cruelly intangled with Bufhes and Grape- Vines 12 all day, that we could advance the Line no farther than 5 Miles and 28 Poles.

The Vines giow very thick in thefe Woods, twineing lovingly round the Trees almoft every where, especially to the Saplings. This makes it evident how Natural both the Soil and Climate

104 The Ilijlory of the

1729 of this Country are to Vines, tho' I believe mofl to our own Oa. VincS.

The Grapes we commonly met with were black, tho' there be two or three kinds of White Grapes that grow wild- The Black arc very Sweet, but Small, becaufe the Strength of the Vine fpends itfelf in Wood ; tho' without Oueftion a proper Culture would make the fame Grapes both larger and Sweeter. Eut, with all thefe Difadvantages, I have Drunk tolerable good Wine preft from them, tho' made without Skill. There is then good Reafon to believe it might Admit of great Improvement, if rightly managed.

Our Indian kill'd a Bear, of two years old, that was feafting on thefe Grapes. He was very fat, as they generally are in that feafon of the year. In the fall, the Flefh of this Animal has a high Rclifh, different from that of other Creatures, tho' inclining neareft to that of Pork, or rather of Wild Boar.

A true Woodfman prefers this Sort of meat to that of the fatted Venifon, not only for the Haut-gouty but alfo becaufe the Fat of it is well talced, and never riles in the ftomach. Another proof of the goodnefs of this meat is, that it is lefs apt to corrupt than any other we are acquainted with. As agreeable as fuch rich Diet was to the men, yet we who were not accuftom'd to it, tafced it at firft with fome fort of Squeamimnefs, that Animal being of the Dog-kind ; tho' a little Ufe foon reconcil'd us to this American Venifon. And that its beimr of the Dog kind might give us the lefs difgufl, we had the Example of that An- cient and polite People, the Chinefe, who reckon Dog's Flefh too good for any under the Quality of a mandarin.

This Beaft is in truth a very clean Feeder, living, while the Seafon lafts, upon Acorns, Chefnuts and Chinkapins, Wild- Flony and Wild-Grapes. They arc naturally not carnivcrous, unlefs Hunger conlhain them to it, after the Mall is all o0ne, and the Producls of the Woods quite exhauited.

Dividing Line. 105

They are not p'ovident enough to lay up any Hoard, like the 1729 Squirrels, nor can they, after all, live very long upon licking Oct. their Paws, as Sr John Mandevil and fome Travellers tell us, ^~^~ but are forct in the Winter Months to quit the Mountains, and vifit the Inhabitants.

Their Errand is then to Surprife a poor Hog at a Pinch to keep them from Starving. And to mew that they are not Flefh- Eaters by Trade, they devour their Prey very awkwardly.

They don't kill it right out, and feaft upon its Blood and Entrails, like other ravenous Beafts, but having, after a fair pur- fuit, feiz'd it with their Paws, they begin firft upon the Rump, and fo devour one collop after another, till they come to the Vitals, the poor Animal crying all the while, for feveral Minutes together. However, in fo doing, Bruin acts a little imprudently, becaufe,the difmal outcry of the Hog alarms the Neighbour- hood, and 'tis odds but he pays the forfeit with his Life, before he can Secure his Retreat.

But Bears foon grow weary of this unnatural Diet, and about January, when there is nothing to be got in the Woods, they retire into fome cave or hollow Tree, where they Sleep away two or three Months very comfortably. But then they quit their Holes in March, when the Fiih begin to run up the Rivers, on which they are forcl to keep Lent, till fome Fruit or Berry comes in Seafon.

But Bears are fondeft of chefnuts, which grow plentifully towards the Mountains, upon very large Trees, where the Soil happens to be rich. We were curious to know how it happen'd that many of the outward Branches of thofe Trees came to be brok off in that Solitary Place, and were inform'd that the Bears are fo difcreet as not to truft their unwieldy Bodies on the Smaller Linibs of the Tree, that would not bear their weight ; but after venturing as far as is fafe, which they can judge to an Inch, they bite off the End of the Branch, which falling down, they are O

1 06 The Hi/lory of the

i"}2() content to finifh their Repair upon the Ground. In the fame Vtt. Cautious Manner they feeure the Acorns that grow on the weaker Limbs of the Oak. And it muft be allow'd that, in thefe Inftances, a Bear carries Inftinct a great way, and Acts more reasonably than many of his Betters, who indifcreetly Venture upon frail Projects that wont bear them. 13 This being Sunday, we retted from our Fatigue, and had leifure to reflect on the fignal Mercies of Providence.

The great Plentv of Meat wherewith Bearfkin furnifht us in thefe lonely Woods made us once more Shorten the men's allow- ance of Bread, from 5 to 4 Pounds of biiket a week. This was the more neceflary, becaufe we knew not yet how long our Bufmefs might require us to be out.

In the Afternoon our Hunters went forth, and return'd tri- umphantly with three brace of wild Turkeys. They told us they cou'd fee the Mountains distinctly from every Eminence, tho' the Atmofphere was fo thick with Smoak that they ap- pear'd at a greater Diftance than they really were.

In the Evening we examin'd our Friend Bearfkin, concerning the Religion of his Country, and he explain'd it to us, without any of that Referve to which his Nation is Subject.

He told us he believ'd there was one Supreme God, who had Several Subaltern Deities under Him. And that this Mafter- God made the World a long time ago. That he told the Sun, the Moon, and Stars, their Bulinefs in the Beginning, which they, with good looking after, have faithfully perform'd ever Since.

That the fame Power that made all things at fir ft has taken care to keep them in the fame Method and Motion ever fincc.

He believ'd God had form'd many Worlds before he form'd this, but that thofe Worlds either grew old and ruinous, or were deftroyed for the Diihoncfty of the Inhabitants.

. Dividing Line. 107

That God is very juft and very good ever well pleaPd 1^29 with thofe men who poflcfs thofe God-like Qualities. That he 0&^ takes good People into his fate Protection, makes them very rich, fills their Bellies plentifully, preferves them from ficknefs, and from being furpriz'd or Overcome by their Enemies.

But all fuch as tell Lies, and Cheat thofe they have Dealings with, he never fails to punifh with Sicknefs, Poverty and Hun- ger, and, after all that, Suffers them to be knockt on the Head and fcalpt by thofe that tight againft them.

He believ'd that after Death both good and bad People arc conducted by a ftrong Guard into a great Road, in which de- parted Souls travel together for fome time, till at a certain Diftance this Road forks into two Paths, the one extremely Levil, and the other Stony and Mountainous.

Here the good are parted from the Bad by a flam of Lighten- ing, the nrft being hurry'd away to the Right, the other to the Left. The Right hand Road leads to a charming warm Country, where the Spring is everlafling, and every Month is May ; and as the year is always in its Youth, fo are the People, and' particularly the Women are bright as Stars, and never


That in this happy Climate there are Deer, Turkeys, Elks, and Buffaloes innumerable, perpetually fat and gentle, while the Trees are loaded with delicious Fruit quite throughout the

four Seafons.

That the Soil brings forth Corn Spontaneoufly, without the Curfe of Labour, and fo very wholefome, that None who have the happinefs to eat of it are ever Sick, grow old, or dy.

Near the Entrance into this Blefled Land Sits a Venerable Old Man on a Mat richly woven, who examins Strictly all that are brought before Him, and if they have bchav'd well, the Guards Ire order'd to open the Cryftal Gate, and let them enter into the Land of Delights.

io8 The Hijiory of the

1729 The left Hand Path is very rugged and uneaven, leading to a Oct, dark and barren Country, where it is always Winter. The "~~v~~ Ground is the whole year; round cover'd with Snow, and nothing is to be feen upon the Trees but Icicles.

All the People are hungry, yet have not a Morfel of any thing to eat, except a bitter kind of Potato, that gives them the Dry- Gripes, and fills their whole Body with loathfome Ulcers, that Stink, and arc iniupportably painfull.

Here all the Women are old and ugly, having Claws like a Panther, with which they fly upon the Men that Slight their Pafhon. For it feems thefe haggard old Furies are intolerably fond, and expect a vaft deal of Cherifhing. They talk much, and exceedingly Shrill, giving exquifite Pain to the Drum of the Ear, which in that Place of the Torment is fo tender, that every Sharp Note wounds it to the Ouick.

At the End of this Path fits a dreadful Old Woman on a monftrous Toad-Stool, whofe head is cover'd with Rattle-Snakes inftead of TrelTes, with glaring white Eyes, that ftrike a Terror unfpeakable into all that behold her.

This Hag pronounces Sentence of Woe upon all the mifera- ble Wretches that hold up their hands at her Tribunal. After this they are deliver'd over to huge Turkey-Buzzards, like harpys, that fly away with them to the Place above men- tioned.

Here, after they have been tormented a certain Number of years, according to their feveral Degrees of Guilt, they are ao-ain driven back into this World, to try if thev will mend their Manners, and merit a place the next time in the Regions of Blifs.

ThisVas the Subftancc "of Bearfkin's Religion, and was as much to the'purpofe as cou'd be expected from a mcer State of Nature, without one Glimps of Revelation or Philofophy.

Dividing Line. 109

It contain'd, however, the three Great Articles of Natural 1729 Religion : The Belief of a God ; The Moral Diitinction betwixt OtX. Good and Evil ; and the Expectation of Rewards and Punifh- ^~> merits in Another World.

Indeed, the Indian Notion of a Future Happinefs is a little Grofs and Senfual, like Mahomet's Paradife. But how can it be otherwife, in a People that are contented with Nature as they find Her, and have no other Lights but what they receive from purblind Tradition?

There having been great Signs of Rain yeflerday Evening, 14 we had taken our Precautions in Securing the Bread, and trench- ing in our Tent.

The men had alfo Stretcht their Blankets upon Poles, Pent- houfe fafhion, againft the Weather, fo that nobody was taken unprepar'd.

It began to fall heavily about three a'clock in the Morning, and held not up till near Noon. Everything was fo thoroughly Soakt, that we laid afide all thoughts of decamping that Day.

This gave leizure to the mod expert of our Gunners to <jo and try their Fortunes, and they fucceeded fo well, that they return'd about Noon with three fat Deer, and 4 wild Tur- keys. Thus Providence took care of us, and however fhort the Men might be in their Bread, 'tis certain they had Meat at full Allowance.

The Cookery went on merrily all Night long, to keep the Damps from entering our Pores ; and in truth the Impreflions of the Air are much more powerfull upon empty Stomachs.

In fuch a Glut of Provifions, a true Woouiman, when he has nothing elfe to do, like our honcft countrymen the Indians, keeps eating on, to avoid the imputation of ldlcncfs ; Though, in a Scarcity, the Indian will faft with a much better Grace than they. They can Subliil Several days upon a little Rockahominv, which is parent Indian Corn redue'd to powder. This they

no The Hijlory of the

in2Q moiiten in the hollow of their Hands with a little water, and 'tis 0&- hardly credible how finall a Quantity of it will Support them. * Tis true they grow a little lank upon it, but .to make themfelves feel full, they gird up their Loins very tight with a Belt, taking up a Hole every day. With this Slender Subiiilence they are able to travel very long Journeys ; but then, to make themfelves Amends, when they do meet with better Chear, they eat with- out ceafing, till they have raven'd themfelves into another Famine.

This was the firft time we had ever been detain'd a whole day in our camp by the Rain, and therefore had Reafon to bear it with the more patience.

As I fat in the Tent I overheard a learn'd convcrfation be- tween one of our men and the Indian. He aik't the Englifhman what it was that made that rumbling noife when it thunder'd ?

The man told him merrily, that the God of the Englifh was firing his great Guns upon the God of the Indians, which made all the roaring in the clouds, and that the Lightening was only the Flafh of thofe Guns.

The Indian carrying on the Humour reply'd very gravely, He believed that might be the cafe indeed, and that the Rain which follow'd upon the Thunder rnuft be occafion'd by the Indian God's being {o fcar'd he could not hold his Water.

The few good Hufbands amongft us took fome thought of their Backs as well as their Bellies, and made ufe of this Oppor- tunitv to put their Habiliments in repair, which had Sufler'd wofully by the Bufhes.

The Horfes got fome reft, by reafon of the bad weather, but very little Food, the chief of their Forage being a little wild Rofcmary, which refembles the Garden Rofemary pretty much in Figure, but not at all in tafte or fmell. This Plant grows in fmall Tufts here and there on the Barren Land in thefe upper

Dividing Line. 1 1 1

Parts, and the Horfes liked it well, but the misfortune was, they .--_

/ 29 cou'd not get enough of it to fill their Bellies. Oct.

After the Clouds brake away in the Morning, the People v v dryed their Blankets with all diligence. Neverthelefs, it was 5 Noon before we were in condition to move forward, and then were fo puzzled with paffing the river twice in a Small Diftance, that we could advance the Line in all no farther than One Single Mile and 300 Poles.

The firft time we paft the Dan this day was 240 Poles from the Place where we lay, and the Second time was one Mile and Seven Poles beyond that. This was now the fourth time we forded that fine River, which ftill tended wefterlv, with manv Short and returning Reaches.

The Surveyors had much Difficulty in getting over the River, finding it deeper than formerly. The Breadth of it here did not exceed fifty Yards. The Banks were about 20 feet high from the Water, and beautifully befet with canes.

Our Baggage Horfes croft not the River here at all, but, fetching a compafs, went round the Bent of it. On our Way we forded Sable-Creek, fo call'd from the Dark Colour of the Water, which happcn'd, I fuppofe, by its being Shaded on both Sides with canes.

In the Evening we quarter'd in a Charming Situation near the angle of the River, from whence our Eyes were carried down both Reaches, which kept a Straight Courfe for a great way together.

This Profpccl: was fo beautiful, that we were perpetually climbing up to a Neighbouring eminence, that we might enjoy it in more Perfection,

Now the Weather grew cool, the Wild Gecfe began to direct their Flight this way from Hudfon's Bnyy and the Lakes that lay North-weft of us.

They are very lean at their firft coming, but fatten foon upon

112 %he Hi/lory of the

1 720 a Sort of Grafs that grows on the Shores and Rocks of this O6V River.

^~~/ The Indians call this Fowl Cohunks, from the hoarfe Note it has, and begin the year from the Coming of the Cohunks, which happens in the Beginning of October.

Thefe Wild Geefe are guarded from cold by a Down, that is exquifitely foft and fine, which makes them much more valuable for their Feathers than for their Flefh, which is dark and coarfe. The Men chad a Bear into the River that got fafe over, not- withstanding the continual fire from the Shore upon Him. He Seem'd to Swim but heavily, considering it was for his Life.

Where the Water is Shallow, 'tis no Uncommon thing to fee a Bear fitting, in the Summer time, on a heap of Gravel in the Middle of the River, not only to cool himfelf, but likewife for the Advantage of Fifhing, particularly for a fmall Shell-fiih, that is brought down with the Stream.

In the upper part of James River I have obferved this Several times, and wonder'd very much, at fir ft, how fo many heaps of fmall Stones came to be piled up in the Water, till at lafl we fpy'd a Bear Sitting upon one of them, looking with great attention on the Stream, and rakeing up Something with his Paw, which I take to be the Shell-fifh above mention'd. j (3 It was Ten a'clock this Morning before the Horfes cou'd be found, having hidden themfelves among the canes, whereof there was great plentv jult at hand. Not far from our camp we went over a Brook, whofe Banks were edg'd on both Sides with theie canes. But three Miles further we forded a larger Stream, which we call'd Low Land Creek, by reafon of the great Breadth of Low Grounds inclof'd between that and the River.

The high Land we travell'd over was very good, and the low Grounds promif'd the greatcft Fertility of any I had ever fcen.

At the End of 4 Miles and 31 1 Poles from where we lay, the Line interfered the Dan the fifth time. We had day enough

Dividing Line. i j g

. to carry it farther, but the Surveyors cou'd find no Safe ford 1720 over the River. Oct.

This obliged us to ride two Miles up the River in queft of a ' v~~ Ford, and by the way we traverft Several Small Indian Fields, where we conjeclur'd the SAWRO'S had been ufed to plant Corn, the Town where they had liv'd lying Seven or Eio-ht Miles more Southerly, upon the Eaftern Side of the River.

Thefe Indian Fields produe'd a Sweet kind of Grafs, Almoft knee-high, which v/as excellent Forage for the Horfes.

It muft be obferv'd, by the way, that Indian Towns, like Religious Houfes, are remarkabler for a fruitful Situation ; for being by Nature not very Induftrious, they choofe fuch a Situa- tion as will Subfifl them with the leaft Labour.

The Trees grew Surprifeingly large in this low-Ground, and amongfr. the reft we obferv'd a tall kind of hiccory, peculiar to the Upper Parts of the Country. It is cover'd with a very rough Bark, and produces a Nut with a thick Shell that is eafily broken. The Kernel is not fo rank as that of the Common Hiccory, but altogether as oily.

And now I am upon the Subject of thefe Nuts, it may not be improper to remark, that a very great benefit might be made of Nut-Oyl in this Colony. The Walnuts, the Hiccory-Nuts, and Pig-nuts, contain a vaft deal of Oyl, that might be preff'd out in great abundance with proper Machines.

The Trees grow very kindlv, and may be eafily propagated. , They bear plenty of Nuts every year, that are now of no other ufe in the World but to feed Hogs. 'Tis certain there is a large Confumption of this Oyl in Several of our Manufactures, and in fome parts of France, as well as in other Countries, it is eaten inftead of Oyl-Olive, being tolerably Sweet and wholcfome.

The Indian Kill'd a fat Buck, and the men brought in four Bears and a Brace of wild Turkeys, fo that this v/as truly a Land of Plenty, both for man and Beaft. P

1 1 4 The Hiflory of the

1729 We detaeht a Party of men this morning early in Search of

Oct. a Ford, who after all cou'd find None that was fafe ; tho' dan-

v"~" serous as it was. we dctermin'd to make ufe of it, to avoid all

further delay. Accordingly we rode over a Narrow Ledge of

Rocks, Some of which lay below the Surface of the Water, and

fome above it.

Thofe that lay under the Water were as Slippery as Ice ; and the Current glided over them fo fwiftly, that tho' it was only Water, it made us perfectly drunk. Yet we were all fo fortu- nate as to get fafe over to the Weft Shore, with no other Damage- than the Sopping fome of our Bread by the flounceing of the Horfes.

The tedious time Spent in finding out this Ford, and in get- ting all the Horfes over it, prevented our carrying the Line more than 2 Miles and 250 Poles.

This was the laft time we croft the Dan with our Line, which now began to run away more Southerly, with a very flufli and plcntifull Stream, the Dcfcription whereof muft be left to future Difcoveries, tho' we are well allured by the Indians that it runs thro' the Mountains.

We conducted the Baggage a roundabout way for the Benefit of evcner Grounds, and this carry'd us over a broad Levil of exceeding rich Land, full of large Trees, with Vines marry'd to them, if I may be allow'd to fpeak fo Poetically.

We untreed a young Cub in our March, that made a brave Stand againft one of the beft of our Dogs. This and a Fawn were all the Game that came in our way.

In this day's Journey, as in many others before, we faw beau- tiful Marble of Several Colours, and particularly that of the Purple kind with white Streaks, and in fome places we came acrofs large p;eces of pure Alabafter.

We markt out our Quarters on the Banks of a purling Stream, which we call'd Cafquade Creek, by reafon of the Mul

Dividing Line. 1 1 5

titude of Water-Falls that arc in it. But, different from all 1729 other Falls that ever I met with, the Rocks over which the Oct. water roll'd were Soft, and would Split eafily into broad Flakes, very proper for Pavement ; and fome Fragments of it feem'd foft enough for Hones,' and the Grain fine enough.

Near our Camp we found a prickly Shrub, rifeing about a foot from the Ground, fomething like that which bears the Barberry, tho' much Smaller. The Leaves had a frefh, agreeable Smell, and I am perfwaded the Ladies would be apt to fancy a Tea made of them, provided thev were told how far it came, and at the Same time were obliged to buy it very dear.

About a Mile to the South-weft of our Camp rofe a regular Mount, that commanded a full Profpect of the Mountains, and an Extenfive View of the Flat Country. But being, with refpe£t to the high Mountains, no more than a Pimple, we call'd it by that Name.

Prefently after Sunfet we difcovered a great Light towards the Weft, too bright for a fire, and more refembling the Aurora Borealis. This, all our Woodfmen told us, was a Common Appearance in the High Lands, and generally foreboded bad Weather. Their Explanation happen'd to be exactly true, for in the Night we had a Violent Gale of Wind, accompany'd with Smart Hail, that rattled frightfully amongft the Trees, tho' it was not large enough to do us any Harm.

We croft Cafquade Creek over a Ledge of Smooth Rocks, and then Scuffled thro' a mighty Thicket, at leaft three Miles long. The whole was one continued Tradt of rich high Land, the woods whereof had been burnt not long before. It was then overgrown with Saplings of Oak, Hiccory and Locuft, interlac'd with Grape Vines. In [this fine Land, however, we met with no Water, till at the End of three Miles we luckily came upon a Chryftal Stream, which, like fome Lovers of Con-

1 1 6 T'he Mijhry of the

1729 verfation, difcover'd every thing committed to its faithlefs °a- Bofom.

Then we came upon a piece of Rich Low Ground, covered with large Trees, of the extent of half a Mile, which made us fancy ourfelves not far from the River ; tho' after that we afcendcd gently to higher Land, with no other Trees growing upon it except Butter-wood, which is one Species of White Maple.

This being a dead Levil, without the leaft Declivity to carry off the Water, was moift in many Places, and produc'd abun- dance of Grafs. All our Woodfmen call thefe flat Grounds High-Land-Ponds, and in their Trading Journeys are glad to halt at fuch Places for Several davs together, to recruit their Jaded Horfes, efpecially in the Winter Months, when there is little or no Grafs to be found in other Places.

This High-Land-Pond extended above two Miles, our Pal- fry's Snatching greedily at the Tufts of Grafs, as they went along. After we got over this Level, we defcended fome Stonv Hills for about half a Mile, and then came upon a large Branch of the River, which we chriften'd the Irvin, in honour of our learned ProfeiTbr. This River we forded with much Difficulty and fome Danger, by reafon of the Hollow-Spaces betwixt the Rocks, into which our Horfes plunged almoft every Step.

The Irvin runs into the Dan about four miles to the South- ward of the Line, and feem'd to roll down its Waters from the N.N.W. in a very full and Limpid ftream, and the Murmur it made, in tumbling over the Rocks, cauf'd the Situation to appear very Romantick, and had almoft made fome of the Company Poetical, tho' they drank nothing but Water.

We encampt on a pleafant Hill, overlooking the River, which feem'd to be deep every where except juft where we forded. In the mean time, neither that Chain of Rocks, nor any

'Dividing Line. \ 1 7

other that wecou'd obierve in this Stream, was fo uninterrupted, 1729 but that there were Several Breaks where a Canoe, or even a Oct. Moderate Flat-bottom'd Boat, might Shear clear. Nor have '"" we rcafon to believe there are any other Falls (except the great ones, thirty Miles below Monifeep-Foi d) that reach quite acrofs, fo as to interrupt the Navigation for Small Craft. And I have been inform'd that, even at thofe Great Falls, the Blowing up a few Rocks wou'd open a Paflage at leait for canoes, which cer- tainly wou'd be an unfpeakable Convenience to the Inhabitants of all that beautiful Part of the Country.

The Indian kill'd a very fat Doe, and came acrofs a Bear, which had been put to Death and was half devour'd by a Pan- ther. The laft of thefe Brutes reigns abfolute Monarch of the Woods, and in the keennefs of his hunger will venture to attack a Bear ; tho' then 'tis ever by furprize, as all Beads of the cat kind ufe to come upon their Prey.

Their Play is to take the poor Bears napping, they being very drowfy Animals, and tho' they be exceedingly Strong, yet their Strength is heavy, while the Panthers are too Nimble and cunning to truft themfelves within their Hugg.

As formidable as this Beaft is to his Fellow Brutes, he never has the confidence to venture upon a Alan, but retires from him with great refpect, if there be a way open for his Efcape. How- ever, it mull be confeflt, his Voice is a little contemptible for a Monarch of the Forreft, being not a great deal louder nor more awful than the Mewing of a Houfehold Cat.1

In South Carolina they call this Beaft a Tygcr, tho' impro-

1 Some Authors, who have given an Account or' the Southern Continent oi America, wou'd make the World beiieve there are Lyons ; but in all likelihood they were miftaken, imagining thefe Panthers to be Lyons. What makes this probable is, that the Northern and Southern' Parts of America being joirr!d by the Ifthmus of Darien, if there were Lyons in cither they would rind their way into the other, the Latitudes of each being equally proper for that generous an'mal.

1 1 8 T/je Bijiory of the

1729 pcrly, and Co they do in fome parts of the Spanifh Weft Indies. Oct. Some of their Authors, a little more properly, complement it with the Name of a Leopard. But none of thefe are the Growth of America, that we know of.

The whole Diftance the Surveyors advane'd the Line this day amounted to 6 Miles and 30 Poles, which was no fmall Journey, confidcring the Grounds we had traverft were exceed- ingly rough . and uneven, and in many Places intolerably entangled with Bufhes. All the Hills we afcended were en- ' cumber'd with Stones, many of which feem'd to contain a Aletallick Subflance, and the Vallies we croft were interrupted with Miry Branches. From the Top of every Hill we cou'd difcern diftinclly, at a great Diftance to the Northward, three or four Ledges of .Mountains, rifing one above another; and on the higheft of all rofe a Single Mountain, very much refemblino- a Woman's Breaft. 19 About four Miles beyond the River Irvin, we forded Matri- mony Creek, call'd fo by an unfortunate marry'd man, becaufe it was exceedingly noify and impetuous. However, tho' the Stream was Clamorous, yet, like thofe Women who make . themfelves plaineft heard, it was likewife perfectly clear and unfully'd.

Still half a Mile further we faw a Small Mountain, about five Miles to the North-weft of us, which we call'd the Wart, becaufe it appcar'd no bigger than a Wart, in Compari- fon of the great Mountains which hid their haughty Heads in the Clouds.

We were not able to extend the Line farther than 5 Miles and 135 Poles, notwithstanding we began our Alarch Early in the Morning, and did not encamp till it was almoft dark.

We made it the later by endeavouring to Quarter in fome convenient Situation, either for Grafs or Canes. But Ni^ht

Dividing Line. I j 9

Surpriiing us, we were oblig'd to Lodge at laft upon High and 1720 uneven Ground, which was lb overgrown with Shrubs and Sap- Oct. lings, that we cou'd hardly fee ten yards around us. r

The moft melancholy part of the Story was, that our Horfes had Short Commons. The poor Creatures were now grown fo weak that they Stagger'd when we mounted them. Nor wou'd our own Fare have been at all more plentiful, had we not been fo provident as to carry a Load of Meat along with us. Indeed, the Woods were too thick to fhew us any fort of Game but one Wild Turkey, which help'd to enrich our Soup.

To make us amends, we found abundance of very Sweet Grapes, which, with the help of Bread, might have furnifh'd out a good Italian Repair., in the Abfence of more Savoury Food.

The men's Mouths water'd at the Sight of a Prodigious Flight of Wild Pigeons, which flew high over our Heads to the South- ward.

The Flocks of thefe Birds of Paflage are fo amazingly great, Sometimes, that they darken the Sky ; nor is it uncommon for them to light in fuch Numbers on the Larger Limbs of Mul- berry-Trees and Oaks as to break them down.

In their Travels they make vaft Havock amongft the Acorns and Berries of all Sorts, that they wall whole Forrefts in a fnort time, and leave a Famine behind them for moft other Creatures ; and under Some Trees where they light, it is no Strange thing to find the ground cover'd three Inches thick with their Dung. Thefe Wild Pigeons commonly breed in the uninhabited parts of Canada, and as the Cold approaches aflemblc their Armies and bend their Courfe Southerly, Shifting their Quarters, like many of the Winged kind, according to the Seafon. But the moft remarkable thing in their Flight, as we are told, is that they never have been obferv'd to return to the Northern Coun- tries the fame way they came from thence, but take quite an- other Rout, I fuppofe for their better Subfiftence.

i2o The Hijiory of the

jy2Q ^n thefe long Flights they are very lean, and their Flefh is 061. far from being white or tender, tho' good enough upon a March, * ' when Hunger is the fauce, and makes it go down better than Truffles and Morels wou'd do. 20 It was now Sunday, which we had like to have fpent in Fad- ing as well as Prayer ; for our Men, taking no Care for the Morrow, like good Chriflians, but bad Travellers, had improvi- dently Devour'd all their Meat for Supper.

They were order'd in the Morning to drive up their Horfes, left they fhou'd ftray too far from the Camp and be loft, in cafe they were let alone all day. At their Return they had the very great Comfort to behold a monftrous fat Bear, which the Indian had kill'd very Seafonably for their Breakfaft.

We thought it ftill neceiTary to make another Reduction of our Bread, from four to three Pounds a Week to every man, computing that we had ftill enough in that Proportion to laft us Three weeks longer.

The Atmofphere was fo fmoaky all round us, that the Moun- tains were again grown invifible. This happen'd not from the Hazynefs of the Sky, but from the fireing of the Woods bv the Indians, for we were now near the Route the Northern Savages take when they go out to War againft the Cataubas and other Southern Nations.

On their way the Fires they make in their camps are left burning, which, catching the dry Leaves that ly near, foon put the adiacent Woods into a flame.

Some of our men in Search of their Horfes difcovered one of thofe Indian camps, where not leng before they had been Fur- ring and dreiTing their Skins.

And now I mention the Northern Indians, it may not be im- proper to take Notice of their implacable Hatred to thofe of the South. Their Wars are everlafting, without any Peace, Enmity being the only Inheritance among them that defcends from Fa-

Dividing Line. 121

ther to Son, and either Party will march a thoufand Miles to 1720 take their Revenge upon fuch Hereditary Enemies. Oct.

Thefe long Expeditions are commonly carry'd on in the follow- v~ ing Manner ; Some Indian, remarkable for his Prowefs, that has raif'd himfelf to the Reputation of a War-Captain, declares his Intention of paying a Vifit to fome fouthern Nation ; Hereupon as many of the Young Fellows as have either a Strong Third: of Blood or Glory, lift themfelves under his command.

With thefe Volunteers he goes from One Confederate Town to another, lilting all the Rabble he can, til he has gather'd to- gether a competent Number for Mifchief.

Their Arms are a Gun and Tomahawk, and all the Provi- fions they carry from Home is a Pouch of Rockahominy. Thus provided and accoutr'd, they march towards their Enemy's Country, not in a Bodv, or by a certain Path, but Straggling in Small Numbers, for the greater convenience of Hunting and paffing along undifcover'd.

So foon as they approach the Grounds on which the Enemy is ufed to hunt, they never kindle any Fire themfelves, for fear of being found out by the fmoak, nor will they Shoot at any- kind of Game, tho' they fhou'd be half Famifht, left they might alarm their Foes, and put them upon their Guard.

Sometimes indeed, while they are ftill at fome diftance, they roaft either Venifon or Bear, till it is very dry, and then having Strung it on their Belts, wear it round their Middle, eating very Sparingly of it, becaufe they know not when they ftiall meet with a frefh Supply. But coming nearer, they begin to look all round the Hemifphere, to watch if any Smoke afccnds, and liftcn continually for the Report of Guns, in order to make fome happy Difcovery for their own advantage.

It is amazing to fee their Sagacity in difcerning the Track of a Human Foot, even amongft dry leaves, which to our Shorter Sight is quite undifcoverable.


122 The Hijiory of the

1729 If by one or more of thofe Signs they be able to find out the {jti. Camp of any Southern Indians, they Squat down in fome Thicket, and keep themfelves hum and Snug till it is dark ; Then creep- ing up Softly, they approach near enough to obferve all the Motions of the Enemy. And about two a Clock in the Morn- ing, when they conceive them to be in a Profound Sleep, for they never keep Watch and Ward, pour in a Volley upon them, each Singling out his Man. The Moment they have difcharg'd their Pieces, they rum in with their Tomahawks, and make lure work of all that arc difabled.

Sometimes, when they find the Enemy Afleep around their little Fire, they firft Pelt them with little Stones to wake them, and when they get up, fire in upon them, being in that pofture a better Mark than when proftrate on the Ground.

Thofe that are kill'd of the Enemy, or difabled, they Scalp, that is, they cut the Skin all round the Head juft below the hair, and then clapping their Feet to the poor Mortal's Shoulders, pull the Scalp off clean, and carry it home in Triumph, being as proud of thofe Trophies, as the Jews ufed to be of the Forefkins of the Philiftines.

This way of Scalping was praclifed by the Ancient Scythians, who uf'd thefe hairy Scalps as Towels at Home, and Trappings for their Horfes when they went abroad.*

They alio made Cups of their Enemies' Skulls, in which they drank Profperity to their country, and Confufion to all their Foes.

The Pri'foncrs they happen to take alive in thefe expeditions generally pafs their time very Scurvily. They put them to all the Tortures that ingenious Malice and cruelty can invent. And (what {hews the bafenefs of the Indian Temper in Perfection) they never fail to treat thofe with the greateft Inhumanity that have diftinguifh'd themfelves moll: by their Braverv ; and, if he be a War-Captain, they do him the Honour to roaft him alive, and

Dividing Line. 123

diifribute a Collop to all that had a Share in Stealing the Vic- 17-20 tory.1 Oct.

They are very cunning in finding out new ways to torment v~~' their unhappy Captives, tho', like thofe of Hell, their ufual Method is by Fire. Sometimes they Barbacue them over live- Coals, taking them off every now and then, to prolong their Mifery ; at other times they will Stick Sharp Pieces of Light- wood all over their Body's, and fetting them afire, let them burn down into the Flefh to the very Bone. And when they take a Stout Fellow, that they believe able to endure a great deal, they will tear all the Flefh off his Bones with red hot Pincers.

While thefe and iiich like Barbarities are practifing, the Vic- tors are fo far from being touch'd with Tendernefs and Com- paflion, that they dance and Sing round thefe wretched Mortals, fhewing all the Marks of Pleaiure and Jollity. And if fuch cruelties happen to be executed in their Towns, they employ their Children in tormenting the Prifoners, in order to extinguifh. in them betimes all Sentiments of Humanity.

In the mean time, while thefe poor Wretches are uuder the Anguiih of all this inhuman Treatment, they difdain fo much as to groan, Sigh, or fhew the leaft Sign of Difmay or concern, fo much as in their Looks ; on the Contrary, they make it a Point of Honour all the time to Soften their Features, and look as pleaf'd as if they were in the Actual Enjoyment of Some De- light ; and if they never fang before in their Lives, they will be fure to be Melodious on this fad and Difmal Occafion.

xTho' who can reproach the poor Indians for this, when Homer makes his cele- brated Hero, Achilles, drag the Body of Hector at the Tail of his chariot, for having fought gallantly in defence of his Country. Nor was Alexander the Great, with all his Fam'd Gcnerofity, lefs inhuman to the brave Tyrians, icoo of whom he order'd to be crucify M in cold Blood, For no other fault but for having defended their City moil courageously againft Him, dureing a Siege of Seven Months. And what was ftill

more brutal, he dragg'd 2livc at the Tail of bis Chariot, thro' all the Streets, for

defending the Town with fo much Vigour.

1 24 The Hiftory of the

1729 So prodigious a Degree of Paflive Valour in the Indians is the

0&- more to be worieter'd at, becaufe in all Articles of Danger they

""^"^are apt to behave like Cowards. And what is frill more Sur-

prizeing, the very Women difcover, on fuch Occafions, as great

Fortitude and Contempt, both of Pain and Death, as the Gal-

lanteft of their Men can do.

21 The Apprehenfions we had of lofing the Horfes in thefe Copfc

Woods were too well founded, nor were the Precautions we

ufd Ycfterday of driveing them up Sufficient to prevent their

Straying away afterwards, notwithstanding they were fecurely


We therefore Order'd the men out early this Morning to look diligently for them, but it was late before any cou'd be found. It feems they had draggled in quefr. of Forrage, and, befides ail that, the Bufhes grew thick enough to conceal them from being Seen at the Smalleft Diftance. One of the People was fo be- wilder'd in fearch of his Horfe, that he loll Himfelf, being no great Forefter.

However, becaufe we wrere willing to fave time, we left two of our molt expert Woodfmen behind to beat all the Adjacent Woods in Quell of Him.

In the mean while the Surveyors proceeded vigouroufly on their Bufmefs, but were fo perplext with Thickets at their fir ft fetting off, that their Progrefs was much retarded.

They were no fooner over that Difficulty, but they were oblig'd to encounter another. The reft of their day's-Work lay over very Sharp Hills, where the dry leaves were fo Slippery that there was hardly any hold for their Feet. Such Rubbs as thefe prevented them from Meafuring more than 4 Miles and 270 Poles.

Upon the Sides of thefe Hills the Soil was rich, tho' full of Stones, and the Trees rcafonably large.

The Smoak continued flill to Veil the Mountains from our

Dividing Line. 125

Sight, which made us long for Rain, or a briik Gale of Wind, i^2q to difperfe it. Nor was the lofs of this wild Profpedt all our Oft. concern, but we were apprehenfive left the Woods fhou'd be ' '"""*" burnt in the Courfe of our Line before us, or happen to take fire behind us, either of which wou'd effectually have Starv'd the Horfes, and made us all Foot Soldiers. But we were fo happy, thank God ! as to efcape this Misfortune in every Part of our Progrefs.

We were exceedingly uneafy about our loft man, knowing he had taken no Provifion of any kind, nor was it much Advantage towards his Support, that he had taken his Gun along with him, becaufe he had rarely been guilty of putting any thing to Death.

He had unluckily wander'd from the Camp Several ivlilcs, and after Steering Sundry unfuccefsfull Courfes, in order to re- turn, either to us or to the Line, was at length fo tired he could go no Farther. In this Diftrefs he fat himfelf down under a Tree, to recruit his jaded Spirits, and at the fame time indulge a few Melancholy Reflections.

Famine was the hrft Phantom that appear'd to him, and was the more frightfull, becaufe he fancy'd himfelf not quite Bear enough to Subfift long upon licking his Paws.

In the mean time the two Perfons we had fent after him hunted diligently great part of the day without coming upon his Track. They fir'd their Pieces towards every Point of the Compafs, but cou'd perceive no fireing in return. However, advancing a little farther, at laft they made a lucky Shot, that our Strag-ojer had the good Fortune to hear, and he returning the Salute, they foon found each other with no Small Satisfaction. But tho' they lighted of the man, the}' cou'd by no means light of his Horfe, and therefore he was oblig'd to be a Foot Soldier all the reft of the Journey.

Our Indian fhot a Bear fo prodigioufly fat, that there was no way to kill Him but by fireing in at his Ear.

126 The Hijlory of the

1729 The fore part of the Skull of that Animal being guarded by a (Jet. double Bone, is hardly penetrable, and when it is very fat, a v"~" Bullet aim'd at his Body is apt to lofe its force, before it reaches the Vitals.

This Animal is of the Dog kind, and our Indians, as well as Woodfmen, are as fond of its Fleih as the Chinefe can be of that of the Common Hound. 22 Early in the Morning we fent back two men to make further Search for the horfe that was Stray'd away. We were unwil- ling the Poor man fhou'd Suftain fuch a Damage as wou'd eat out a large Part of his Pay, or that the Publick fhou'd be at the Expenfe of rcemburfing Him for it.

. Thefe forefters hunted all over the Neighbouring Woods, and took as much pains as if the Horfe had been their own Property, but all their Diligence was to no purpofe.

The Surveyors, in the mean time, being fearful of leaving thefe men too far behind, advane'd the Line no farther than One Mile and 230 Poles.

As we rode along we found no lefs than three Bears and a fat Doe, that our Indian, who went out before us, had thrown in our Courfe, and we were very glad to pick them up.

About a Mile from the Camp we croft Miry Creek, So call'd becaufe Several of the Horfes were mired in its Branches. About 230 Poles beyond that, the Line interfected another River, that feem'd to be a Branch of the Irvin, to.which we gave the Name of the Mayo, in complement to the other of our Surveyors. It was about 50 Yards wide where we forded it, being juft below a Ledge of Rocks, which reacht acrofs the River, and made a natural cafquade.

Our Horfes cou'd hardly keep their feet over thefe Slippery Rocks, which gave Some of their Riders no fmall Palpitation.

This River forks about a Quarter of a Mile below the Ford, and has Some Scattering Canes growing near the Mouth of it.

Dividhig Li?ie. 127

We pitcht our Tent on the Weftern Banks of the Mayo, for i~2o the Pleafure of being lull'd to Sleep by the Cafquade. Here our Oct. Hunters had leifure to go out and try their Fortunes, and return'd v~~v loaden with Spoil. They brought in no lefs than Six Bears, exceedingly fat, fo that the frying pan had no reft all Night. We had now the Opportunity of trying the fpeed of thefe lump- ifti Animals by a fair Courfe it had with the Nimbleft of our Surveyors.

A Cubb of a year Old will run very fail, becaufe, being upon his growth, he is never encumber'd with too much fat ; but the Old ones are more Sluggifh and unwieldy, efpecially when Mad is Plenty. Then their Nimbleft Gait is only a heavy Gallop, and their Motion is ftill Slower down hill, where they are oblig'd to Sidle very awkwardly, to keep their Lights from rifeing up into their Throat.

Thefe Beafts always endeavour to avoid a man, except when they are wounded, or happen to be engaged in the Protection of their Cubbs.

By the force of thefe Inftincls and that of Self-Prefervation, they will now and then throw oft' all Reverence for their Maker's Image.- For that Reafon, excefs of hunger will provoke them to the fame Defperate Attack, for the fupport of their Being.

A A'lemorable Inftance of the laft Cafe is laid to have hap- pen'd not long ago in New England, where a Bear alTaulted a Man juft by his own Door, and rearing himfelf upon his Haunches, ofTer'd to take him lovingly into his Hug. But the Man's Wife obferving the Danger her Hufband was in, had the courage to run behind the Bear, and thruft her two Thumbs into his Eyes. This made Bruin quit the Man, and turn fhort upon the Woman to take his Revenge, but She had the Prefence of mind to fpring back with more than Female Agility, and fo both their Lives were prefcrv'd.

At the Diftance of 62 Poles from where we lay, we croft the 23

128 The Hiflory of the

1729 South Branch of what we took for the Irvin, nor was it without Uct. DifHculty we got over, tho' it happen'd to be without Damage.

Great part of the way after that was Mountainous, fo that we were no lboner got down one Hill, but we were oblig'd to climb up another. Only for the laft Mile of our Stage, we encoun- ter'd a Locuft Thicket that was level, but interlac'd terribly with Bryars and Grape Vines.

Wc forded a large creek, no lefs than five times, the Banks of which were fo ftecp that we were fore'd to cut them down with a Hough.

We gave it the Name of Crooked creek, becaufe of its fre- quent Meanders. The Sides of it were planted with Shrub- Canes, extremely inviting to the Horfes, which were now quite jaded with clambering up fo many Precipices, and tugging thro? fo many difmal Thickets, notwithstanding which we pufht the Line this day Four Miles and 69 Poles. The men were fo un- thrifty this Morning as to bring but a Small Portion of their Abundance along with them. This was the more unlucky, be- caufe we cou'd difcover no Sort of Game the whole livelong Day. Woodfmen are certainly good Chriftians in one refpect, at leaft, that they always leave the Morrow to care for itfelf; tho' for that very reafon they ought to pray more fervently for their Dayly Bread than mo ft of them remember to do.

The Mountains were ftill conceal'd from our Eyes by a cloud of Smoak. As we went along we were alarmed at the Sio-ht of a great Fire, which fhewed itfelf to the Northward. This made our fmall Corps march in clofer Order than we uf'd to do, left perchance we might be waylaid by Indians. It made us look out Sharp to fee if we cou'd difcover any Track or other Token of thefe infidious Forrefters, but found none. In the mean time we came often upon the Track of Bears, which can't without fome Skill be diftinguifht from that of Human Creatures, made with Naked Feet. And Indeed a Youne Woodfinan wou'd be

Dividing hive. 1 29

puzzled to find out the Difference, which confifts principally in 1-29 a Bear's Paws being fomething Smaller than a Man's foot, and O&. in its leaving fometimes the Mark of its Claws in the Impreflion ' Y made upon the Ground.

The Soil where the Locuft Thicket grew, was exceedingly rich, as it conftantly is, where that kind of Tree is Naturally and largely produe'd.

But the Defolation made there lately, either by Fire or Cater- pillars, had been fo general, that we could not fee a Tree of any Bignefs {landing within our Profpecl. And the Reafon why a Fire makes fuch a Havock in thefc lonely Parts is this.

The Woods are not there burnt every year, as they generally are amongft the Inhabitants. But the dead Leaves and Tram of many years are heapt up together, which being at length kindled by the Indians that happen to pafs that way, furnifn fewel for a conflagration that carries all before it.

There is a beautiful Range of Hills, as levil as a Terrafs- Walk, that overlooks the Valley through which Crooked Creek conveys its Spiral Stream.

This Terrafs runs pre'.ty near Eaft and Weft, about two Miles South of the Line, and is almoft Parallel with it.

The Horfes had been too much harafT'd to permit us to ride at all out of our way, for the pleafure of any Profpe£t, or the gratification of any Curiofity. This confin'd us to the Narrow Sphere of our Bufinefs, and is at the fame time a juft Excufe for not animating our Story with greater Variety.

The Surveyors went out the fooner this Morning, by reafon 24 the men loft very little time in Cooking their Breakfaft. They had made but a Spare Meal over Night, leaving nothing but the Hide of a Bear for the Morrow. Some of the keeneft of them got up at Midnight to Cook that nice Morfcl after the Indian Manner,


130 %be IUJhry of the

I72Q They fir ft Singed the Hair clean off", that none of it might

0£fc. Stick in their Throats; then they boil'd the Pelt into Soup,

-*-v— -^ which had a Stratum of Greafe Swimming upon it full half an

Inch Thick. However, they commended this Difh extremely ;

tho' I believe the Praifes they gave it were more owing to their

good Stomach than to their good Taft.

The Line was extended 6 Miles and 300 Poles, and in that Diflance crofft Crooked Creek at leaft eight times more.

We were forcT: to fcuffle through a Thicket about two Miles in breadth, planted with Locufts and hiccory Sapplings, as clofe as they cou'd {land together. Amongft thefe there was hardly a Tree of Tolerable Growth within View. It was a dead Plane of Several Miles Extent, and very fertile Soil. Beyond that the Woods were open for about three Miles, but Mountainous. All the reft of our Day's Journey was pefter'd with Bufhes and Grape Vines, in the thickeft of which we were obliged to take up our Quarters, near one of the Branches of Crooked creek.

This Night it was the Men's good fortune to fare very fump- tuoufly. The Indian had kill'd two large Bears, the fateft of which he had taken napping. One of the People too Shot a Raccoon, which is alio of tho Dog-kind, and as big as a fmall Fox, tho' its Legs are Shorter, and when fat has much a higher relifh than either Mutton or Kid. 'Tis naturally not Carniver- ous, but very fond of Indian corn and Parfimons.

The fat of this Animal is reckon'd very good to affwage Swellings and Inflammations. Some old Maids are at the Trouble of breeding them up tame, for the pleafure of feeing them play over as many Humorous Tricks as a Munkey. It climbs up fmall Trees, like a Bear, by embraceing the Bodies of them.

Till this Night we had accuftom'd ourfelves to go to Bed in our Night-Gowns, believing we fhou'd thereby be better fecur'd

Dividing Line. i 3 1

from the cold : but upon tryal found we lay much warmer by i~2C) Stripping to our Shirts, and Spreading our Gowns over us. Oil.

A True Woodfman, if he have no more than a Single Blanket ^""^ conftantly pulls all off, and, lying on one part of it, draws the other over him, believing it much more refrefhing to ly fo, than in his cloaths ; and if he find himfelf not warm enough, Shifts his Lodging to Leeward of the Fire, in which Situation the fmoak will drive over him, and effectually correct the cold Dews that wou'd otherwife defcend upon his Perfon, perhaps to his great damage.

The Air clearing up this Morning, we were again agreeably 25 furprized with a full ProfpecT: of the Mountains. They difcover'd themfelves both to the North and South of us, on either fide, not diftant above ten Miles, according to our beft Computation.

We cou'd now fee thofe to the North rife in four dlftinfl: Ledges, one above another, but thofe to the South form'd only a Single Ledge, and that broken and interrupted in many Places ; or rather they were only tingle Mountains detacht from each other.

One of the Southern Mountains was fo vaftly high, it feem'd to hide its head in the Clouds, and the Weft End of it terminated in a horrible Precipice, that we call'd the Defpairing Lover's Leap. The Next to it, towards the Eaft, was lower, except at one End, where it heav'd itfelf up in the form of a vaft Stack of Chimnys.

The Courfe of the Northern Mountains feem'd to tend Weft- South-Weft, and thofe to the Southward very near Weft. We cou'd defcry other Mountains ahead of us, exactly in the Courfe of the Line, tho' at a much greater diftancc. In this Point of View, the Ledges on the right and Left both feem'd to clofe, and form a Natural Amphi-Theater.

Thus 'twas our Fortune to be vvedg'd in betwixt thefe two Ranges of Mountains, infomuch that if our Line had run ten

132 The llijiory of the

1720 Miles on cither Side, it had butted before this day either upon OcL one or the other, both of them now Stretching away plainly to ^~~^ the Ea ft ward of us.

It had rain'd a little in the Night, which difperft the fmoak and open'd this Romantick Scene to us all at once, tho' it was again hid from our Eyes as we mov'd forwards, by the rough Woods we had the Misfortune to be engag'd with. The Bufhes were fo thick for near four Miles together, that they tore the Deer-Skins to Pieces, that guarded the Bread-Bags. Tho', as rough as the Woods were, the Soil was extremely good all the way, being wafht down from the Neighbouring Hills into the Plane Country. Notwithstanding all thefe Difficulties, the Sur- veyors drove on the line 4 Miles and 205 Poles.

In the mean time we were fo unlucky as to meet with no Sort of Game the whole day, fo that the men were oblig'd to make a frugal diftribution of what little they left in the Morning.

We encampt upon a fmall Rill, where the Horfes came off as temperatly as their Matters. They were by this time grown fo thin, by hard Travel and Spare Feeding, that henceforth, in pure Companion, we chofe to perform the greater Part of the Journey on foot. And as our Baggage was by this time grown much lighter, we divided it, after the be ft Manner, that every Horfe's Load might be proportion'd to the Strength he had left. Tho', after all the prudent Meafures we cou'd take, we perceiv'd the Hills began to rife upon us fo faft in our Front, that it wou'd be impoffible for us to proceed much farther.

We faw very few Squirrels in the upper parts, becaufe the Wild Cats devour them unmercifully. Of thefe there are four kinds : The Fox Squirrel, the Gray, the Flying, and the Ground- Squirrel.

Thefe laft refemble a Rat in every thing but the Tail, and the black and RufTet Streaks that run down the Length of their little Bodies.

Dividing Line. I 3 3

We found our way grow ftill more Mountainous, after ex- 1729

tending the Line 300 Poles farther. We came then to a Rivulet Odt.

that ran with a Swift Current towards the South. This we V^~*

20 fancy'd to he another Branch of the Irvin, tho' fome of thefe

men, who had been Indian Traders, judg'd it rather to be the

head of Deep River, that difcharges its Stream into that of Pee

Dee ; but this feem'd a wild Conjecture.

The Hills beyond that River were exceedingly lofty, and not> to be attempted by our Jaded Palfreys, which could now hardly drag their Legs after them upon level Ground. Befides, the Bread began to grow Scanty, and the Winter Seafon to advance apace upon us.

We had likevvife reafon to apprehend the Confequcnces of being intercepted by deep Snows, and the Swelling of the many Waters between us and Home. The firft of thefe Misfortunes would ftarve all our Horfes, and the Other ourfelves, by cutting off our Retreat, and obliging us to Winter in thofe Defolate Woods. Thefe confiderations determin'd us to Stop fhort here, and pufh our Adventures no farther. The lair. Tree we markt was a Red Oak, growing on the Bank of the River; and to make the Place more remarkable, we blaz'd all the Trees around it.

We found the whole Diftance from Corotuck Inlet to the Rivulet where we left off, to be, in a Strait Line, Two Hundred and Forty-one Miles and Two Hundred and Thirty Poles. And from the Place where the Carolina CommiiTioners defertcd us, 72 Miles and 302 Poles. This lafl part of the Journey was generally very hilly, or elfe grown up with troublefome Thickets and underwoods, all which our Carolina Friends had the Difcre- tion to avoid.

We encampi in a dirty Valley near the Rivulet above-rnen- tion'd, for the advantage of the Canes, and fo facrificed our own Convenience for that of our Horfes.

134 F/je Tiiftory of the

1729 There was a Small Mountain half a Mile to the Northward Oct. oi" us, which we had the Curiofity to Climb up in the Afternoon, "~~v in Order to enlarge our Profpccl:. From thence we were able to difcover where the two Ledges of Mountains cloPd, as near as we cou'd gucfs, about 30 Miles to the Weft of us, and lamented that our prefent circumflances wou'd not permit us to advance the Line to that Place, which the Hand of Nature had made fo very remarkable.

Not far from our Quarters one of the men pickt up a pair of Elk's Horns, not very large, and difcover'd the Track of the Elk that had Shed them. It was rare to find any Tokens of thole Animals fo far to the South, becaufe they keep commonly to the Northward of 37 degrees, as the Buffaloes, for the mo ft part, confine themfelves to the Southward of that Latitude.

The Elk is full as big as a Horfe, and of the Deer kind. The Stags only have Horns, and thofe exceedingly large wnd Spreading. Their Colour is Something lighter than that of the Red Deer, and their Flefh tougher. Their fwifteft Speed is a large trot, and in that Motion they turn their Horns back upon their Necks, and Cock their Nofes aloft in the Air. Nature has taught them this Attitude to fave their Antlers from being entangled in the Thickets, which they always retire to. They are very fhy, and have the Senfe of Smelling fo exquifite that they wind a man at a great diftance. For this reafon they are Seldom Seen but when the Air is moift, in which Cafe their fmell is not fo Nice.

They commonly herd together, and the Indians fav, if one of the Drove happen by lbme Wound to be difabled from makino- his Efcape, the reft will forfake their fears to defend their Friend, which they will do with great obftinacy, till they are kill'd upon the Spot. Tho', otherwife, they are fo alarm'd at the Sight of a man, that 1.0 avoid him they will Sometimes throw themfelves down very high Precipices into the River.

Dividing Line. 135

A mifadventure happcn'd here, which gave us no Small per- i~2Q plexity. One of the CommiOi oners was fo unlucky as to bruifc Oct. his Foot againft a Stump, which brought on a formal Fit of the y~~ Gout.

It muft bcown'd there cou'd not be a more unfeafonable time, nor a more improper Situation, for any one to be attackt bv that cruel DiiTemper. The Joint was fo inflam'd that he cou'd neither draw Shoe nor Boot upon it ; and to ride without either wou'd have expof'd him to fo many rude knocks and Bruifes, in thofe rough Woods, as to be intolerable even to a Stoick.

It was happy, indeed, that we were to reft here the next day, being Sunday, that there might be leifure for trying fome Speedy Remedy. Accordingly he was perfuadcd to bathe his Foot in Cold Water, in Order to repel the Humour and allwage the Inflammation. This made it lefs painful, and gave us hopes, too, of reducing the Swelling in a Short time.

Our men had the fortune to kill a Brace of Bears, a fat Buck, and a Wild Turkey, all which paid them with Intereft for Yef- terday's Abftinence. This conltant and Seafonable Supply of all our daily Wants made us reflect thankfully on the Bounty of Providence.

And that we might not be unmindful of being all along fed by Heaven in this great and Solitary Wildernefs, we agreed to Wear in our Hats the Maofti, which is, in Indian, the Beard of a Wild Turkey-Cock, and on our Breafts the Figure of that Fowl with its Wings extended, and holding in its Claws a fcrowl, with this Motto, " VICE COTURNICUM," mean- ing that we had been Supported by them in the Wildernefs in the room of Ouails.

This being Sunday we were not wanting in our Thanks to 27 Heaven for the Conftant Support and Protection we had been favour'd with. Nor did our Chaplain fail to put us in mind ot Our Duty by a Sermon proper for the Occafion,

136 The Hijiory of the

1729 We ordcr'd a Stri£t Inquiry to he made into the Quantity of

Oct. Bread we had left, and found no more than wou'd Subfift us a

"^ Fortnight at Short Allowance. We made a fair Difrribution of

our whole Stock, and at the Same time recommended to the

Men to manage this, their laft Stake, to the beft advantage, not

knowing how long they would be oblig'd to live upon it.

We likewife directed them to keep a Watchfull eye upon their Horfes, that none of them might be miffing the next Morn- ing, to hinder our Return.

There fell fome Rain before Noon, which made our Camp more a Bogg than it was before. This moift Situation began to infect, fome of the men with Fevers, and fome with Fluxes, which however we foon remov'd with Peruvian Bark and Ipo- coacanah.

In the Afternoon we marcht up again to the top of the Hill to entertain our Eyes a Second time with the View of the Mountains, but a perverfe Fog arofe that hid them from our Sight.

In the Evening we deliberated which way it might be moft proper to return. We had at iirft intended to crofs over at the foot of the Mountains to the head of James River, that we might be able to defcribe that Natural Boundary fo far. But, on Second Thoughts, we found many good Reafons againft that laudable Defign, Such as the Weakneis of our Horfes, the Scan- tinefs of our Bread, and the near approach of Winter. We had Caufe to believe the way might be full of Hills, and the farther we went towards the North, the more danger there wou'd be of Snow. Such confiderations as thefc detcrmin'd us at laft to make the beft of our way back upon the Line, which was the Straiteft, and Confequently the fhorteft way to the Inhabitants. We knew tne worft of that Courfe, and were fure of a beaten Path all the way, while we were totally ignorant what Difficul- ties and Dangers the other Courfe might be attended with. So

Dividing Line. 137

Prudence got the better for once of Curiofity, and the Itch for 1729 new Dit'coveries gave Place to Self-prefervation.

Our Inclination was the Stronger to crofs over according to the Courfe of the Mountains, that we might find out whether James River and Appamattock River head there, or run quite thro' them. 'Tis Certain that Potomec pafles in a large Stream thro' the Main Ledge, and then divides itfelf into two confidera- ble Rivers. That which Stretches away to the Northward is call'd Cohungaroota,1 and that which flows to the South-weft, hath the Name of Sharantow.

The Courfe of this laft Stream is near parallel to the Blue Ridge of Mountains, at the diftance only of about three or four Miles. Tho' how far it may continue that Courfe has not yet been fufficiently difcover'd, but fome Woodfmen pretend to fay it runs as far as the fource of Roanoak ; Nay, they are fo very particular as to tell us that Roanoak, Sharantow, and another Wide Branch of Miflaflippi, all head in one and the Same Mountain.

What dependence there may be upon this Conjectural Geo- graphy, I wont pretend to fay, tho' 'tis certain that Sharantow keeps clofe to the Mountains, as far as we are acquainted with its Tendency. We are likewife aflur'd that the South Branch of James River, within lefs than 20 Miles Eaft of the Main Ledge, makes an Elbow, and runs due South-weft, which is parallel with the Mountains on this Side. But how far it Stretches that way, before it returns, is not yet certainly known, no more than where it takes its Rile.

In the mean time it is Strange that our Woodfmen have not had Curiofity enough to inform themfelves more exactly of thefe

1 Which by a Late Survey has been found to extend above aoo Miles before it reaches its Source, in a Mountain, from whence Allegany, one of the Branches & Milfalliippi, takes its Rife, and runs South- Weft, as this River dos South-Eat!.

138 The Hiftory of the

JJ2g particulars, and it is Stranger Still that the Government has Oct. never thought it worth the Expenfe of making an accurate Sur- vey of the Mountains, that we might be Matters of jhat Natural Fortification before the French, who in fome Places have Settle- ments not very diftant from it.

It therefore concerns his Majefty's Service very nearly, and the Safety of His Subjects in this part of the World, to take PofTeflion of fo important a Barrier in time, left our good Friends, the French, and the Indians, thro' their Means, prove a per- petual Annoyance to thcfe Colonies.

Another Reafon to invite us to Secure this oreat Ledge of Mountains is, the Probability that very Valuable Alines may be difcover'd there. Nor wou'd it be at all extravagant to hope for Silver Mines, among the reft, becaufe Part of thefe Mountains ly exactly In the fame Parallel, as well as upon the Same Con- tinent with New Mexico, and the Mines of St. Barb. 28 We had given Orders for the Horfes to be brought up early, but the likelyhood of more Rain prevented our being over-haftv in decamping. Nor were we out in our conjectures, for about ten a'clock it began to fall very plentifully.

Our Commiflioner's Pain began now to abate, as the Swelling encreaf'd. He made an excellent Figure for a Mountaineer, with one boot of Leather and the other of Flannel. Thus ac- cowtur'd, he intended to mount, if the Rain had not happen'd opportunely to prevent him.

Tho', in Truth, it was hardly poflible for Him to ride with fo Slender a Defenfe, without expofeing his Foot to be bruiPd and tormented by the Saplings, that itood thick on either fide of the Path. It was therefore a moft Seafonable Rain for Him, as it gave more time for his Diiiemper to abate.

Tho' it may be very difficult to find a certain Cure for the Gout, yet it is not improbable but fome things may eafe the Pain, and Shorten the Fits of it. And thofe Medicines are moft

Dividifig Li?ie. 139

likely to do this, that Supple the Parts, and clear the Paffage 1729 Through the Narrow Veffels, that are the Seat of this cruel Oct. Difeafe. Nothing will do this more Suddenly than Rattie-fnake s v Oyl, which will even penetrate the Pores of Glafs when warm'd in the fun.

, It was unfortunate, therefore, that we had not taken out the Fat of thofe Snakes we had kill'd forne time before, for the Benefit of ^o ufeful an Experiment, as well as for the Relief of our Fellow-Traveller.

But lately the Seneca Rattle-Snake Root has been difcover'd in this Country, which being infuf'd in Wine, and drank Morn- ing and Evening, has in Several Inftances had a very happy Effect upon the Gout, and enabled Cripples to throw away their Crutches and walk feveral Miles, and, what is Stranger Still, it takes away the Pain in half an hour.

Nor was the Gout the only Difeafe amongft us that was hard to cure. We had a man in our Company who had too Vora- cious a Stomach for a Woodfman. He ate as much as any other two, but all he Swallow'd ftuck by him till it was carry'd off by Strong Purge. Without this Afliffance, often repeated, his Belly and Bowels wou'd fwell to fo enormous a Bulk that he could hardly breathe, efpecially when he lay down, juft as if he had had an Afthma; tho', notwithftanding this oddnefs of confti- tution, he was a very Strong, lively Fellow, and uf'd abundance of Violent Exercife, by which 'twas wonderfull the Periffaltick Motion was not more Vigorously promoted.

We gave this poor Man Several Purges, which only eaf'd Him for the prcfent, and the next day he wou'd grow as burly as ever. At laft we gave Him a Moderate Dofe of ippocoacanah, in Broth made very Salt, which turn'd all its Operation down- wards. This had fo happy an EffecT: that, from that day forward to the End of our Journey, all his Complaint ccaf'd, and the paflages continued unobftrucled.

140 The Rijiory of the

1729 The Rain continued moft of the Day and Some part of the

Oct. Night, which incommoded us much in our Dirty Camp, and

~^~^^ made the men think of Nothing but Eating, even at the time

when nobody cou'd Stir out to make provifion for it.

29 Tho' we were flattered in the morning with the ufual Tokens

of a fair Day, yet they all blew over, and it rain'd hard before

we cou'd make ready for our Departure.

This was ftill in favour of our Podagrous Friend, whofe Lamenefs was now grown better, and the Inflammation fallen. Nor did it leem to need above one day more to reduce it to its Natural Proportion, and make it fit for the Boot; And effect- ually The Rain procur'd this Benefit for him, and gave him particular Reafon to believe his Stars propitious.

Notwithstanding the falling Weather, our Hunters fally'd out in the afternoon, and drove the Woods in a Ring, which was thus performed. From the circumference of a large Circle they all march't inwards and drove the Game towards the center. By this means they (hot a Brace of fat Bears, which came very feafonablv, becaufe we had made clean Work in the Mornino- and were in Danger of dining with St. Anthony, or his Grace Duke Humphry.

But in this Expedition the unhappy man who had loft himfelf once before, Straggled again fo far in Purfuit of a Deer, that he was hurry'd a fecond time quite out of his knowledge. And Night coming on before he cou'd recover the Camp, he was obliged to lie down, without any of the Comforts of Fire, Food or covering ; Nor would his Fears fuffer him to Sleep very Sound, becaufe, to his great diftuibance, the Wolves howl'd all that Night, and the Pantheis fcream'd moft frightfully.

In the Evening a brifk North-Wcfter fwept all the Clouds from the Sk) , and expof 'd the mountains as well as the Stars to our Profpect.

That which was the moft lofty to the Southward, and which

Dividing Line. 141

we call'd the Lover's Leap, fome of our Indian Traders fondly i-?g fancy'd was the Kiawan mountain, which they had formerly Oft. ' feen from the country of the Cherokees. v,^v

They were the more pofitive by reafon of the prodigious Pre- cipice that remarkably diftinguifhed the Weft End of it.

We feem'd however not to be far enough South for that, tho' 'tis not improbable but a few miles farther the Courfe of our Line might carry us to the mod Northerly Towns of the Che- rokees.

What makes this the more credible, is the North Weft Courfe, that our Traders take from the Catawbas for fome hundred miles together, when they cany Goods that round-about way to " the Cherokees.

It was a great Pity that the want of Bread, and the Weaknefs of our Horfes, hinder'd us from making the Difcovery. Tho' the great Service of fuch an Excurfion might have been to the Country wou'd certainly have made the attempt not only pardon- able, but much to be commended.

Our Traders are now at the vafr. Charge and Fatigue of tra- veiling above five hundred miles for the Benefit of that traflique which hardly quits coil. Wou'd it not then be worth the AfTembly's while to be at fome charge to find a Shorter cut to carry on fo profitable a Trade, with more advantage, and lefs hazard and Trouble, than they do at prefent ? For I am pcr- fuaded it will not then be half the Diftance that our Traders make it now, nor half fo far as Georgia lies from the Northern Clans of that Nation.

Such a Difcovery would certainly prove an unfpeakable Ad- vantage to this Colony, by facilitating a Trade with fo confider- able a nation of Indians, which have 62 Towns, and more than 4000 Fighting Men. Our Traders at that rate would be able to underfell thofe fent from the other Colonies fo much, that tho Indians mult have reafon to deal with them preferable to all other*.

142 The Hi/tory of the

I72Q Of latc tiie ncw colon>r of Georgia has made an a£t obliging us Ocl:. to 0-0 4.00 miles to take out a Licenfc to traffick with thefe

to »

""""V™""' Cherokces, tho' many of their Towns ly out of their Bounds, and we had carry'd on this Trade 80 years before that Colony was thought of. ->o In the Morning early the man who had gone aftray the day before found his way to the Camp, by the Sound of the Bells that were upon the Horfes' Necks.

At nine a'clock we began our March back towards the rifing Sun ; for tho' we had finifht the Line, yet we had not yet near finifht our Fatigue. We had after all 200 good miles at leafl to our feveral Habitations, and the Horfes were brought fo low, that we were oblig'd to travel on foot great part of the way, and that in our Boots, too, to fave our Legs from being torn to pieces by the Bufhes and Briars. Had we not done this, we muft have left all our Horfes behind, which cou'd now hardly drag their Legs after them, and with all the favour we cou'd fhow the poor Animals, we were forc'd to fet Seven of them free, not far from the foot of the Mountains.

Four men were defpatcht early to clear the Road, that our Lame Commillioner's leg might be in lefs danger of being bruif'd, and that the Baggage Horfes might travel with lefs difficulty and more expedition.

As we pan; along, by favour of a Serene Sky, we had {till, from every Eminence, a perfect view of the Mountains, as well to the North as to the South. We could not forbear now and then facing about to furvey them, as if unwilling to part with a Profpect, which at the fame time, like fome Rake's, was very wild and very Agreeable.

We encourag'd the Horfes to exert the little Strength they had, and being light, they made a fhift to jog on about Eleven Miles. We Encampt on Crooked Creek, near a Thicket of Canes. In the front of our Camp rofe a very beautiful Hill,

Dividing Line. 143

that bounded our View at about a Mile's Diftance, and all the 1729 Intermediate (pace was cover'd with green canes. Tho', to our Oct. Sorrow, Fire-wood was Scarce, which was now the harder upon N"~~ us, becaufe a north-wefter blew very cold from the Mountains.

The Indian kill'd a {lately, fat Buck, & we pickt his Bones as clean as a fcorc of Turky-Buzzards cou'd have clone.

By the advantage of a clear night, we made tryal once more of the Variation, and found it much the fame as formerly.

This being his Majefty's Birth-Day, we drank all the Loyal Healths in excellent Water, not for the fake of the drink, (like many of our fellow fubjecls,) but purely for the Sake of the Toaft. And becaufe all Public Mirth fhou'd be a little noify, we fir'd feveral volleys of Canes, inftead of Guns, which gave a loud report.

We threw them into the Fire, where the Air cnclofcd be- twixt the Joints of the Canes, being expanded by the violent Heat, burft its narrow Bounds with a confiderable explofion !

In the Evening one of the men knockt down an Opoflum, which is a harmlefs little Beaft, that will feldom go out of your way, and if you take hold of it, it will only grin, and hardly ever bite. The Flefh was well tailed and Tender, approaching near- eft to Pig, which it alio refembles in Bignefs. The colour of its Fur was a Goofe Gray, with a Swine's Snout, and a Tail like a Rat, but at leaft a foot long. By twifting this Tail about the arm of a 'Free, it will hang with all its weight, and fwing to an)' thing it wants to take hold of.

It has five Claws on the fore Feet of equal length, but the hinder feet have only Four claws, and a fort of Thumb Hand- ing offat a proper Diftance.

Their Feet being thus form'd, qualify them for climbing up Trees to catch little Birds, which they are very fond of.

But the greateft Particularity of this creature, and which dif- tinguifhes it from moft others that we are acquainted with, is

144 *Ebe Hiflory of the

1720 the False Belly of the Female, into which her Young re- 061. treat in time of Danger. She can draw the Slit, which is the """^ Inlet into this Pouch, fo clofe, that you muft look narrowly to find it, efpecially if fbc happen to be a Virgin.

Within the Falfe Belly may be ken feven or eight Teats, on which the voting Ones vq;row from their fir ft Formation till thev are big enough to fall off, like ripe Fruit from a "Free. This is fo odd a method of Generation, that I mould net have believed it without the Tcftimony of mine own Eyes. Befides a know- in? and credible Peifon has affur'd me he has more than once obferv'd the Embryo Poffums growing to the Teat before they were complcatly Shaped, and afterwards watcht their daily growth till they were big enough for Birth. And all this he could the more eafiiv pry into, becaufe the Damm was fo per- fectly gentle and harmlcfs, that he could handle her juft as he pleaf'd.

I cou'd hardly pcrfuade myfelf to publiih a thing fo contrary to the Courfe that Nature takes in the Production of other Animals, unlcfs it were a Matter Commonly believ'd in all Countries where that Creature is produe'd, and has been otten obferved by Perfons of undoubted credit and underftanding.

They fay that the Leather-winged Bats produce their Young in the fame uncommon Manner. And that young Sharks at Sea, and Young Vipers afhoar, run down the Throats of their Damms when the)- are clofely purfued.

The frequent croihng of Crooked Creek, and mounting the Steep Banks of it, gave the finifhing ftroke to the foundering of our Horfes : and no lefs than than two of them made a full ftop here, and would not advance a foot farther, either by fair means or foul.

We had a Dreamer of Dreams amongft us, who warned rac in the Morning to take care of myfelf, or I fhou'd infallibly fall into the Creek ; I thank'd him kindly, and ufed what Caution I

Dividing Line. 145

cou'd, but was not able it feems to avoid my Deftiny, for my 1720 Horfe made a falfe ftep and laid me down at my full Length in Oct. the water. Y~^~

This was enough to bring dreaming into credit, and I think it much for the Honour of our expedition, that it was grac'd not only with Priest but alfo with a Prophet.

We were fo perplext with this Serpentine Creek, as well as in Pafling the Branches of the Irvin, (which were fwell'd fince we faw them before,) that we could reach but 5 miles this whole day. In the Evening We pitched our Tent near Miry creek, (tho' an uncomfortable place to lodge in) purely for the advan- tage of the Canes.

Our Hunters killed a large Doe and two Bears, which made all other misfortunes eafy. Certainly no Tartar ever lov'd Horfe-ilem, or Hottentot Guts and Garbage, better than Woodf- men do Bear. The truth of it is, it may be proper food perhaps for fuch as Work or Ride it off, but, with our Chaplain's Leave, who lov'd it much, ] think it not a very proper dyet for faints, becaufe 'tis apt to make them a little too rampant.

And now, for the good of mankind, and for the better Peopling an Infant colony, which has no want but that of Inhabitants, I will venture to publifh a Secret of Importance, which our Indian difclof'd to me. I alkt him the reafon why few or none of his Countrywomen were barren ? To which curious Oueftion he anfwered, with a Broad grin upon his Face, they had an infalli- ble Secret for that. Upon my being importunate to know what the fecret might be, he informed me that, if any Indian woman did not prove with child at a decent time atter Marriage, the Huiband, to fave his Reputation with the women, forthwith entered into a Bear-dyet for Six Weeks, which in that time makes him fo vigorous that he grows exceedingly impertinent to his poor wife and 'tis great odds but he makes her a mother in

Nine Months.


1 46 The Hifiory of the

1729 And thus much I am able to fay, befides, for the Reputation Oct. of the Bear Dyct, that all the Marryed men of our Company ""^ woe joyful lathers within forty weeks after they got Home, and moll; of the Single men had children fworn to them within the fame time, our chaplain always excepted, who, with much ado, made a Ihift to caft out that importunate kind of Devil, by- Dint of Failing and Prayer. Nov. 1 By the negligence of one of the Men in not hobbling his Horfe, he ftraggled fo far that he could not be found. This ftopt us all the Morning long; Yet, becaufe our Time fhouid not be entirely loft, we endeavoured to obferve the Latitude at twelve a clock. Though our Obfervation was not perfect, by reafon the Wind blew a little too frefh, however, by Such a One as we cou'd make, we found ourfclves in 360 20' only.

Notwithftanding our being thus delay'd, and the unevenefs of the Ground, over which we were oblig'd to walk, (for mofi of us ferv'd now in the Infantry,) we travell'd no lefs than 6 miles, Tho' as merciiul as we were to our poor Beafts, another of 'em tired by the way, ec was left behind for the Wolves Sc Panthers to feail upon.

As we marcht along, we had the fortune to kill a Brace of Bucks, as many Bears, and one wild Turkey. But this was carrying our Sport to wantonnefs, becaufe we butchered more than we were able to tranlport. We ordered the Deer to be quarter'd and divided among the Horfes for the lighter Carriage, and recommended the Bears to our dayly attendants, the Turkey- Buzzards.

We always chofe to carry Venifon along with us rather than Bear, not only becaufe it was lefs cumberfome, but likewile be- caufe the People cou'd cat it without Bread, which was now almoft fpent. Whereas the other, being richer food, lay too heavy upon the ftomach, [unlcfs it were lightened by fomethino- farinaceous. This is what I thought proper to remarque, for the

Dividing Line. 147

fcrvice of all thofe whofe Bufinefs or Diverfion (hall oblige them 172.Q to live any time in the Woods. Nov.

And becaufc I am perfuaded that very ufefull Matters may be ^* v found out by Searching this great Wildcrnefs, efpecially the upper parts of it about the Mountains, I conceive it will help to engage able men in that good work, if I recommend a whole- fome kind of Food, of very (mail Weight and very great Nour- iihment, that will fecure them from Starving, in cafe they fhou'd be fo unlucky as to meet with no Game. The Chief difcour- agement at prefeut from penetrating far into the Woods is the trouble of carrying a Load of Provifions. I rauft own Famine is a frightful Monfler, and for that reafon to be guarded againft as well as we can. But the common precautions againft it, arc fo burthenfome, that People can't tarrv long out, and go far enough from home, to make anv effectual Difcovery.

The Portable Provifions I would furnifh our Forefters withal are Glue-Broth and rockahomini : one contains the EfTence of Bread, the other of Meat.

The beir way of making Glue-Broth is after the following method : Take a Leg of Beef, Veal, Venifon, or anv other Young Meat, becaufe Old Meat will not fo eafily Jelly. Pare off all the fat, in which there is no Nutriment, and of the Lean make a very ftrong Broth, after the ufual Manner, by boiling the meat to Rags till all the Goodnefs be-out. After Skimming off what fat remains, pour the Broth into a wide Stew-Pan, well tinn'd, £c let it fimmer over a gentle, even Fire, till it come to a thick Jelly. Then take it off and fet it over Boiling Water, which is an Evener Heat, and not fo apt to burn the Broth to the Veffel. Over that let it evaporate, ftirring it very often till it be redue'd, when cold, into a Solid Subitance like Glue. Then cut it into fmall Pieces, laying them Single in the Cold, that they may dry the Sooner. When the Pieces are perfectly

148 The Hifwry of the

1729 clry, put them into a Cannifter, and they will be good, if kept Dry, Nov. a whole Eaft India Voyage.

' Y This Glue is To Strong, that two or three Drams, difTolv'd in

boiling Water with a little Salt, will make half a pint of good Broth, & if you fhou'd be faint with falling or Fatigue, let a fmall piece of this Glue melt in your Mouth, and you will find yourfelf furprifingly refrefhed.

One Pound of this cookery wou'd keep a man in good heart above a Month, and is not only Nourifhing, but likewife very wholcfome. Particularly it is good againfl Fluxes, which Woodf- men are very liable to, by lying too near the moift ground, and guzzling too much cold Water. But as it will be only uPd now and then, in times of Scarcity, when Game is wanting, two Pounds of it will be enough for a Journey of Six Months.

But this Broth will be ftill more heartening, if you thicken every mefs with half a Spoonful of Rockahominy, which is no- thing but Indian Corn parched without burning, and reduced to Powder. The Fire drives out all the Watery Parts of the Corn, leaving the Strength of it behind, and this being very dry, be- comes much lighter for carriage and lefs liable to be Spoilt by the Moift Air.

Thus half a Dozen Pounds of this Sprightful Bread will fuf- tain a Man for as many Months, provided he hufband it well, and always Sparc it when he meets with Venifon, which, as I faid before, may be very Safely eaten without any Bread at all.

By what I have faid, a Man needs not encumber himfelf with more than 8 or 10 Pounds of Provifions, tho' he continue half a year in the Woods.

Thefe and his Gun will fupport him very well during that time, without the lcaft danger of keeping one Single Faft. And tho' fome of his days may be what the French call Jours maigres^ yet there will happen no more of thofe than will be neceilary for his health, and to carry off the Exceffes of the Days of Plenty,

Dividing Line. 149

when our Travellers will be apt to indulge their Lawlefs Appe- 17.20 tites too much. Nov.

The Heavens fiowned this Morning;, and threaten'd abund- ^""^

2 ance of Rain, but our Zeal for returning made us defy the

Weather, and decamp a little before Noon. Yet we had not advanct two Miles, before a Soaking Shower made us glad to pitch our Tent as faft as we could. We chofe for that purpofe a rifing Ground, half a mile to the Eaft of Matrimony Creek. This was the fir ft and only time we were caught in the Rain, during the whole Expedition. It uf'd before to be {~o civil as to fall in the night, after we were fafe in our Quarters, and had trencht ourfelves in ; or elfe it came upon us on Sun- days, when it was no Interruption to our Progrefs, nor any In- convenience to our Perfons.

We had, however, been fo lucky in this Particular before, that we had abundant Reafon to take our prefent foaking patientlv, 'and the Misfortune was the lefs, becaufe we had taken the Pre- caution to keep all our Baggage and Bedding perfectly dry.

This Rain was enliven'd'with very loud Thunder, which was echo'd back by the Hills in the Neighbourhood in a frightful Manner. There is fomething in the Woods that makes the Sound of this Aieteor more awfull, and the Violence of the Lightening more Vifible. The Trees are frequently Shiver'd quite down to the Root, and fometimes perfectly twifted. But of all the Effects of Lightening that ever I heard of, the moft amazing happen'd in this country, in the Year 1736.1

In the Summer of that year a Surgeon of a Ship, whofe Name was Davis, came afhoar at York to vifit a Patient. He was no fooner got into the Houfe, but it began to rain with many terri- ble Claps of Thunder. When it was almoft dark there came a dreadful Flafh of Lightning, which Struck the Surgeon dead as

*See Note, ar.:e, Page x.

150 The Hijiory of the

1 720 he was walking about the Room, but hurt no other Perfon, tho' Nov. feveral were near him. At the fame time it made a large Hole """^ ' in the Trunk of a Pine Tree, which grew about Ten Feet from the Window. But what was mo ft furprifing in this Difafter was, that on the Breaft of the unfortunate man that was kill'd was the Figure of a Pine Tree, as exactly delineated as any Limner in the World could draw it, nay, the Refemblance went fo far as to rcprcfent the coulour of the Pine, as well as the Figure. The Lightning muft probably have paffed thro' the the Tree fir ft before it ft ruck the Man, and by that means have printed the Icon of it on his breaft.

But whatever may have been the caufe, the Effect was cer- tain and can be attefted by a Cloud of Witnefles who had the curiofity to go and fee this Wonderful Phenomenon.

The worft of it was, we were forced to Encamp in a barren place, where there was hardly a blade of Grafs to be feen, Even the wild Rofcmary failed us here, which gave us but too juft apprehenfions that we ihould not only be oblig'd to trudge all the way home on foot, but alfo to lug our Baggage at our Backs into the Bargain.

Thus we learnt by our own Experience, that Horfes are very improper animals to ufe in a long Ramble into the Woods, and the better they have been ufed to be fed, they are ftill the worfe. Such will fall away a great deal fafter, and fail much fooner, than thofe which are wont to be at their own keeping. Befides, Horfes that have been accuftom'd to a Plane and Champaign Country will founder prefently, when they come to clamber up Hills, and batter their Hoofs againft continal Rocks.

We need Welfti Runts, and Highland Galloways to climb our Mountains withal ; they are uf'd to Precipices, and will bite as clofe as Banftead Down Sheep. But I ihould much rather recommend Mules, if we had them, for thefe long and painful Expeditions ; tho' till they can be bred, certainly Afies are the

Dividing Line. i c \

fitteft Beaifs of Burthen for the Mountains. The are fure- footed, patient under the heavieft Fatigue, and will fubfift upon Nov. Mofs, or Browfing on Shrubs all the Winter. One of them "— -v— will carry the NeceiTary Luggage of four Men, without any Dif- ficulty, and upon a Pinch will take a Quarter of Bear or Veniibn upon their Backs into the Bargain.

Thus, when the Men are light and difengaged from every thing but their Guns, they may go the whole Journey on foot with pleafure. And tho' my Dear Countrymen have lb Treat a Paffion for riding, that they will often walk two miles to catch a Horfe, in Order to ride One, yet, if they'll pleafe to take my Word for't, when they go into the Woods upon Difcoverv, I would advife them by all Means to march a-foot, for they will then be deliver 'd from the great Care and Concern for their Horfes, which takes up too large a portion of their time.

Over Night we are now at the trouble of hobbling them out, and often of leading them a mile or two to a convenient place for Forrage, and then in the morning we are fome Hours in finding them again, becaufe they are apt to ftray a great way from the place where they were turn'd out. Now and then, too, they are loft for a whole day together, and are frequently fo weak and jaded, that the Company muft ly ftill Several days, near fome Meadow, or High-land Pond, to recruit them. All thefe delays retard their Progrefs intolerably ; whereas, if they had onlv a few AlTes, they wou'd abide clofe to the Camp, and find Suffi- cient food every where, and in all Seafons of the Year. Men wou'd then be able to travel Safely over Hills and Dales, nor wou'd the Steepeft Mountains obftrucl their Prosrefs.

They might alio fearch more narrowly for Alines and other Productions of Nature, without being confin'd to level grounds, in Compliment to the jades they ride on. And one may fore- tell, without the Spirit of Divination, that fo long as Woodfmen continue to range on Horfe-back, we fhall be Strangers to our

1 52 The Bipryofthe

1729 own Country, and a few or no valuable Difcoveries will ever be

Nov. made.

* ' The French Couriers de fiois, who have run from one one End of the Continent to the other, have performed it all on foot, or elfe in all probability muft have continued as ignorant as we are.

Our Country has now been inhabited more than 130 years by the Englifh, and ftill we hardly know any thing of the Appala- chian Mountains, that are no where above 250 miles from the fea. Whereas the French, who ate later comers, have rang'd from Quebec Southward as far as the Mouth of Miffiffippi, in the bay of Mexico, and to the Weft almoft as far as California, which is either way above 2000 miles. 3 A North-weft Wind having clear'd the Sky, we were now tempted to travel on a Sunday, for the firft time, for want of more plentiful Forage, though forne of the more Scrupulous amongft us we unwilling to do Evil, that good might come of it, and make our Cattle work a Good part of the Day in order to fill their Bellies at Night. However, the Chaplain put on his cafuiftical Face, and offer'd to take the fin upon Himfelf. We therefore confcnted to move a Sabbath Day's Journey of 3 or 4 Miles, it appearing to be a Matter of forne neceflky.

On the way our unmerciful Indian kill'd no lefs than two Brace of Deer and a large Bear. We only prim'd the Deer, beincr unwilling to be encumbered with their whole Carcafi.es. The reft we confign'd to the Wolves, which in Return feranaded us great part of the Night. They are very clamorous in their Banquets, which we know is the way forne other Brutes have, in the extravagance of their Jollity and Sprightlinefs, of exprefT- ing their thanks to Providence.

We came to our Old camp, in Sight of the River Irvin, whofe Stream was Swell'd now near four feet with the Rain that fell the Day before. This made it impracticable for us to ford

Dividing Line. 153

it, nor could we guefs when the water wou'd fall enough to let 1729 us go over. Nov.

This put our Mathematical ProfelTbr, who fhou'd have fet a sr~~ better Example, into the Vapours, fearing he fhou'd be oblig'd to take up his Winter Quarters in that doleful Wildernefs. But the reft were not affe£ted with his want of Faith, but pre- ferv'd a Firmnefs of Mind Superior to fuch little Adverfe Acci- dents. They trufted that the fame good Providence which had moft remarkably profper'd them hitherto, would continue his gdodnefs and conduct them fafe to the End of their Journey.

However, we found plainly that travelling on the Sunday, contrary to our conftant Rule, had not thriven with us in the leaft. We were not gainers of any diftance bvr it, becaufe the river made us pay two days for Violating one.

Neverthelefs, by making this Reflection, I would not be thought fo rigid an obferver of the Sabbath as to allow of no Work at all to be done, or Journeys to be taken upon it. I fhould not care to ly ftill and be knockt on the head, as the Jews wTere heretofore by Antiochus, becaufe I believ'd it unlaw- ful to ftand upon my Defenfe on this good day. Nor would I care, like a certain New England Magiftrate, to order a Man to the Whipping Poft, for daring to ride for a Midwife on the Lord's Day.

On the contrary, I am for doing all acts of Neceffity, Charity, and Self-Prefervation, upon a Sunday as well as other days of the Week. But, as I think our prefent March cou'd not Strictly be juftify'd by any of thefe Rules, it was but juft we fhould fuffcr a little for it.

I never could learn that the Indians fet apart any day of the Week or the Year for the Service of God. They prav, as Philofophers eat, only when they have. a ftomach, without having any fet time for it. Indeed thefe Idle People have very little occafion for a fabbath to refrefli themfelves after hard Labour, U

!£4 The Illjlory of the

j72g becaufe very few of them ever Labour at all. Like the wild Nov. Irifh, they would rather want than Work, and are all men of ~~v~v Plcafure, to whom every clay is a day of reft.

Indeed, in their Hunting, they will take a little Pains ; but this being only a Diverfion, their fpirits are rather raif'd than de- prelT'd by it, and therefore need at moft but a Night's Sleep to

recruit them. 4 By fome Stakes we had driven into the River yefrerday, we perceiv'd the Water began to fall, but fell fo Slowly that we found we muff have patience a day or two longer. And be- caufe we were unwilling to ly altogether Idle, we fent back fome of the men to bring up the two Hones that tir'd the Saturday before. They were found near the place where we had left them, but fecmed too fenhble of their Liberty to come to us. They were found Standing indeed, but as Motionlefs as the Equeftrian ftatue at Charing-Cross.

We had great reafon to apprehend more Rain by the clouds that drove over our Heads. The boldeft amongft us were not without fome Pangs of uneafinefs at fo very Sullen a Proipea. However, God be praif'd ! it all blew over in a few Hours.

If much Rain had fallen, we refolv'd to make a Raft and bind it together with Grape Vines, to Ferry ourfelves and Baggage over the River. Tho\ in that Cafe, we expefted the Swiftnefs of the Stream wou'd have carry'd down our Raft a long way before we cou'd have tugg'd it to the oppofite {hoar.

One of the Young Fellows we had fent to bring up the tired Horfes entertained us in the Evening with a remarkable adven- ture he had met with that day.

He had ftraggled, it feems, from his Company in a mift, and made a cub of a year old betake itfelf to a Tree. While he was new-priming his piece, with intent to fetch it down, the Old Gentlewoman appeared, and perceiving her Heir apparent in Diftrefs, advane'd open-mouth'd to his relief.

Dividing Line. 155

The man was fo intent upon his Game, that (lie had approacht j -20 very near him before he perceived her. But finding his Danger, Nov. he faced about upon the Enemy, which immediately rear'd upon 'r~~ her poileriors, & put herfelf in Battle Array.

The Man, admiring at the Bear's aiTurance, endeavour'd to fire upon Her, but bv the Dampnefs of the Priming, his Gun did not go off. He cockt it a fecond time, and had the fame mif- fortune. After miffing Fire twice, he had the folly to punch the Beaft with the muzzle of his Piece ; but mother Bruin, be- ing upon her Guard, feized the Weapon with her Paws, and by main ilrength wrenched it out of the Fellow's Plands.

The Man being thus fairly difarm'd, thought himfelf no longer a Match for the Enemy, and therefore retreated as fa ft as his Legs could carry him.

The brute naturally grew bolder upon the flight of her Ad- verfary, and purfued him with all her heavy fpeed. For fome time it was doubtful whether fear made one run fafter, or Fury the other. But after an even courfe of about 50 yards, the Man had the Milhap to Stumble over a Stump, and fell down at his full Length. He now wou'd have fold his Life a Penny-worth; but the Bear, apprehending there might be fome Trick in the Fall, inftantly halted, and lookt with much attention on her Proftrate Foe.

In the mean while, the Man had with great prefence of Mind refolved to make the Bear believe he was dead, by lying Breath- lefs on the Ground, in Hopes that the Beaft would be too generous to kill him over again. To carry on the Farce, he acted the Corpfe for fome time without dareing to raife his head, to fee how near the Monfter was to him. But in about two Minutes, to his unfpcakable Comfort, he was raif'd from the Dead by the Barking of a Dog, belonging to one of his com- panions, who came Scafonably to his Refcue, and drove the Bear

156 The Hijiory of the

1729 from purfuing the Man to take care of her Cub, which (he fear'd Nov. mio-ht now fall into a fecond DiPcrefs.

*""~> ' We Judo-'d the Waters were afluag'd this morning to make the River fordable. Therefore about Ten we try'd the Experi- ment, and every Body got over Safe, except one man, whofe Horfe Slipt from a Rock as he forded over, and threw him into the River. But being able to fwirn, he was not Carry'd down the Stream very far before he recover'd the North Shore.

At the Diflance of about 6 miles we pafft Cascade Creek., and 3 Miles farther we came upon the Banks of the Dan, which we croft with much Difficulty, by reafon the Water was rifen much higher than when we forded it before.

Here the fame unlucky Perfon happen'd to be duckt a Second time, and was a Second time Sav'd by Swimming. My own Horfe too plunged in fuch a Manner that his Head was more than once under Water, but with much ado recover'd his Feet, tho' he made fo low an obeifance, that the water ran fairly over my Saddle.

We continued our march as far as Lowland Creek, where we took up our Lodging, for the benefit of the Canes and Winter Grafs that grew upon the rich Grounds thereabouts. On our way thither we had the Misfortune to drop another Horfe, though he carry'd nothing the whole day but his Saddle. We fhowed the fame favour to moft of our Horfes, for fear, if we did not do it, we mould in a little time be turned into Beafts of Burthen ourfclves.

Cuftom had now made travelling on foot fo familiar, that we were able to walk ten Miles with Pleafure. This we cou'd do in our Boots, notwithstanding our way lay over rough Woods and uneven Grounds.

Our learning to walk in heavy Boots was the fame advantage to us that learning to Dance High Dances in Wooden Shoes is

Dividing Li?ie. 157

to the French, it made us moir. exceedingly Nimble without 1729 them. Nov-

The Indians, who have no way of travelling but on the Hoof, make nothing of going 25 miles a day, and carrying their little NecerTaries at their backs, and Sometimes a Stout Pack of Skins into the Bargain. And very often they laugh at the Englifh, who can't Stir to Next Neighbour without a Horfe, and fay that 2 Legs are too much for fuch lazy people, who cannot vifit their next neighbour without fix.

For their Parts, they were utter Strangers to all our Beafts of Burthen or Carriage, before the Slothful Europeans came amongft them. They had on no part of the American Continent, or in any of the Iflands, either Horfes or Afles, Camels, Dromedaries or Elephants, to eafe the Legs of the Original Inhabitants, or to lighten their Labour.

Indeed, in South America, and particularly in Chili, they have a ufeful animal call'd "paco." This creature refembles a Sheep pretty much ; only in the Length of the Neck, and figure of the Head, it is more like a Camel. It is very near as high as the afs, and the Indians there make ufe of it for carrying moderate Burthens.

The Fleece that grows upon it is very Valuable for the fine- nefs, length and Glomnefs of the Wool. It has one remarka- ble Singularity, that the Hoofs of its fore-feet have three Clefts, and thofe behind no more than one. The Flefh of this Animal is fomething drier than our Mutton, but altogether as well tailed. When it is Angrv, it has no way of refenting its wrongs, but by fpitting in the Face of thofe that provoke it : and if the Spawl happen to light on the bare Skin of any Perlbn, it firft creates an Itching, and afterwards a Scab, if no Remedy be applied. The way to manage thefe paces, and make them tradable, is, to bore a hole in their ears, through which they put a Rope, and then guide them juft as they pleafe.

158 The Hi/lory of the

I720 In Chili-, they wear a beautiful kind of Stuff, with thread made Nov. of this Creature's Wool, which has a Glofs Superior to any ~"~^ ' Camlet, and is fold very dear in that country.

6 The Difficulty of finding the Horfes among the tall Canes made it late before we decampt. We traverfed very hilly Grounds, but to make amends it was pretty clear of Underwood. We avoided crofling the Dan twice by taking a Compafs round the bent of it. There was no pafling by the angle of the River without halting a moment to entertain our Eyes again with that Charming Profpeit. When that pleafure was over we proceeded to Sable Creek, and encamped a little to the Eaft of it.

The River thereabouts had a charming effect, its Banks being adorn'd with green canes, fixtecn feet high, which make a Spring all the year, as well as plenty of Forage all the Winter.

One of the Men wounded an Old Buck, that was gray with years, and feem'd by the Reverend Marks he bore upon him, to confirm the current Opinion of that animal's Longevity. The Smart of his Wounds made him not only turn upon the Dogs, but likewife purfue them to fome Diftance with great Fury.

However he got away at lail, though by the blood that iflued from his Wound he could not run far before he fell, and without doubt made a comfortable repaft for the wolves. However the Indian had better Fortune, and fupply'd us with a fat Doe, and a young Bear two years old. At that Age they are in their Prime, and, if they be fat withal, they are a Morfel for a Car- dinal.

All the Land we Travell'd over this day, and the day before, that is to fay from the river Irvin to Sable Creek, is exceedingly rich, both on the Virginia Side of the Line, and that of Carolina. Befides whole Forefts of Canes, that adorn the Banks of the River and Creeks thereabouts, the fertility of the Soil throws out fuch a Quantity of Winter Grafs, that Horfes and Cattle might keep themfelves in Heart all the cold Seafon without the

Dividi?ig Line. i ^

help of any Fodder. Nor have the low Grounds only this ad- 7720 vantage, but likewife the Higher Land, and particularly that Nov. which we call the Highland Pond, which is two miles broad, and ' v of a length unknown.

I queftion not but there are 30,000 Acres at leaf!, lying Alto- gether, as fertile as the Lands were laid to be about Babylon, which yielded, if Herodotus tells us right, an Increafe of no lefs than 2 or 300 for one. But this hath the Advantage of being a higher, and confequently a much healthier, Situation than that. So that a Colony of 1000 families might, with the help o( Mode- rate Induftry, pafs their time very happily there.

Befides grazing and Tillage, which would abundantly com- penfate their Labour, they might plant Vineyards upon the Hills, in which Situation the richer! Wines are always produe'd.

They might alfo propagate white Mulberry Trees, which thrive exceedingly in this climate, in order to the feeding of filk- worms, and making of Raw Silk.

They might too produce Hemp, Flax and Cotton, in what quantity they pleaf'd, not only for their own ufc, but likewife ten- Sale. Then they might raife very plentiful Orchards, of both Peaches and Apples, which contribute as much as any Fruit to the Luxury of Life. There is no Soil or Climate will yield better Rice than this, which is a Grain of prodigious Increafe, and of very wholefome Nourifhment. In fhort every thing will grow plentifully here to fupply either the Wants or Wantonnefs of Man.

Nor can I fo much as wilh that the more tender Vegetables might grow here, fuch as Orange, Lemon, and Olive Trees, becaufe then we fhou'd lofe the much greater benefit of the brifk North-Wei! Winds, which purge the Air, and fweep away all the Malignair Fevers, which hover over countries that are always warm.

The Soil wou'd alfo want the advantages of Froft, and Snow,

160 The Hi/lory of the

1729 which by their Nitrous Particles contribute not a little to its

Nov. Fertility. Bcfides the Inhabitants wou'd be depriv'd of the

Variety and Sweet Viciflitude of the Seafon, which is much

more delightful than one dull and Conftant Succeffion of Warm

Weather, diverfify'd only by Rain and Sun Shine.

There is alfo another convenience, that happens to this coun- try by cold weather it defhoys a great Number of Snakes, and other Venomous Reptiles, and troublefome Infedts, or at leaft lays them to Sleep for Several Months, which otherwife would annoy us the whole year round, & multiply beyond all Enduring.

Though Oranges and Lemons are defirable Fruits, and Ufe- full enough in many Cafes, yet, when the Want of them is Supply'd by others more ufeful, we have no caufe to complain.

There is no climate that produces every thing, fince the De- luge Wrencht the Poles of the World out of their Place, nor is it fit it fhou'd be fo, becaufe it is the Mutual Supply one countrv receives from another, which creates a mutual Traffic and Inter- courfe amongft men. And in Truth, were it not for the corre- fpondence, in order to make up each other's Wants, the Wars betwixt Bordering Nations, like thofe of the Indians and other barbarous People, wou'd be perpetual and irreconcileable.

As to Olive Trees, I know by Experience they will never ftand the Sharpnels of our Winters, but their Place may be Supply'd by the Plant call'd Seflamun, which yields an infinite quantity of large Seed, from whence a Sweet Oyl is preft, that is very wholefome and in ufc amongft the People of Lcller Afia. Likewife it is uf'd in Egypt, preferably to oyl olive, being not fo apt to make thofe that cat it Conftantly break out into Scabs as they do in many parts of Italy. This would grow very kindly here, and has already been planted with good Succefs in North Carolina, by way of Experiment. 7 After croffing the Dan, we made a march of 8 miles, over

Dividing Line. 1 6 1

Hills and Dales as far as the next Ford of that River. And now 1720. we were bv Practice become fuch very able Footmen, that we Nov. eafily outwalk* our Horfes, and cou'd have marcht much farther, v v' had it not been in pity to their Weaknefs. Befides here was plenty of Canes, which was reafon enough to make us Shorten our Journey. Our Gunners did great Execution as they went along, killing no lets than two Brace of Deer, and as many Wild Turkeys.

Though Practice will foon make a man of tolerable Vigour an able Footman, yet, as a Help to bear Fatigue I uf'd to chew a Root of Ginfeng as I Walk't along. This kept up my Spirits, and made me trip away as nimbly in my half Jack-Boots as younger men cou'd in their Shoes. This Plant is in high Efteem in China, where it fells for its Weight in Silver. Indeed it does not grow there, but in the Mountains of Tartary, to which Place the emperor of China Sends 10,000 Men every Year on purpofe to gather it. But it grows fo fcattering there, that even fo many hands can bring home "no great Quantity. Indeed it is a Vegetable of fo many vertues, that Providence has planted it very thin in every Country that has the happinefs to produce it. Nor indeed is Mankind worthy of fo great a Bleffing, fince Health and long Life are commonly Abuf'd to ill Purpofes. This noble Plant grows likevvife at the Cape of Good Hope, where it is Call'd kanna, and is in wonderful Efteem among the Hottentots. It grows alfo on the northern continent of America, near the Mountains, but as Sparingly as Truth & Public Spirit. It anfwers exactly both to the Figure and vertues of that which grows in Tartary, fo that there can be no doubt of its being the Same.

Its vertues are, that it gives an uncommon Warmth and

Vigour to the Blood, and frifks the Spirits, beyond any other

Cordial. It cheats the Heart even of a Man that has a bad

Wife, and makes him look down with great Compofure on the


1 62 The Hiftory of the

I72Q cr°ft~es °^ trie world. It promotes infenfible Perfpiration, dif- Nov. folves all Phlegmatick and Vifcous Humours, that arc apt to ~v— ' obftruct the Narrow channels of the Nerves. It helps the Memory, and would quicken even Helvetian dulnefs. 'Tis friendly to the Lungs, much more than Scolding itfelf. It com- forts the Stomach, and Strengthens the Bowels, preventing all Colicks and Fluxes. In one Word, it will make a Man live a great while, and very well while he does live. And what is more, it will even make Old Age amiable, by rendering it lively, chearful, and good-humour'd. However 'tis of little vSe in the Feats of Love, as a great prince once found, who hearing of its invigorating Quality, fent as far as China for fome of it, though his ladys could not boaft of any Advantage thereby.

We gave the Indian the Skins of all the Deer that he Shot himfelf, and the Men the Skins of what they Kill'd. And even- Evening after the Fires were made, they ftretcht them very tight upon Sticks, and dry'd them. This, by a Nocturnal Fire, ap- pear'd at fir ft a very odd Speclacle, every thing being dark and gloomy round about. After they are Dry'd in this manner they may be folded up without Damage, till they come to be drelT'd according to Art.

The Indians drefs them with Deer's Brains, and fo do the Englifh here by their example. For Expedition's Sake they often Stretch their Skins over Smoak in order to dry them, which makes them fmell fo difagreeably that a Rat muft have a good Stomach to gnaw them in that condition ; nay, 'tis (aid, while that Perfume continues in a Pair of Leather Breeches, the Perfon that wears them will be in no Danger of that Villainous little infect, the French call Morpion. And now I am upon the fubjedt of Infects, it may not be improper to mention fomc few Remedies againft thofe that are moft Vexatious in this Climate. There are two Sorts without Doors, that are great Nuiiances the Tikes, and the Horl'e Flies. The Tikes are either Deer-

Dividing Line. 163

tikes, or thofe that annoy the Cattle. The firft kind are long, j^q and take a very Strong Gripe, being moft in remote Woods, Nov. above the Inhabitants. v— "^

The other are round, and more gently infinuate themfelves into the Flefh, being in all places where Cattle are frequent. Both thefe Sorts are apt to be troublefome during the Warm Seafon, but have fuch an Averfion to Penny Royal, that they will attaque no Part that is rubb'd with the Juice of that fra- grant Vegetable. And a Strong Decoction of this is likewife the moft effectual Remedy againft Seed-tikes, which bury them- felves in your Legs, when they are fo fmall you can hardly dif- cern them without a Microscope.

The Plorfe Flies are not only a great Grievance to Horfes, but likewife to thofe that ride them. Thefe little Vixons con- fine themfelves chiefly to the Woods, and are moft in moift Places. Tho' this Infect be no bigger than an Ordinary Fly, it bites very Smartly, darting its little Probofcis into the Skin the inftant it lights upon it. Thefe are offeniive only in the hot months, and in the Day time, when they are a great Nuifance to Travellers ; infomuch that it is no Wonder they were for- merly employed for one of the Plagues of Egypt. But Dittany, which is to be had in the Woods all the while thofe Infedts re- main in Vigor, is a Sure Defenfe againft them. - For this pur- pofe, if you ftick a Bunch of it on the Head-Stall of your Bridle, they will be fure to keep a refpcclful Diftance.

Thus, in what part of the Woods foever any thing mifchiev- ous or troublefome is found, kind Providence is fure to provide a Remedy. And 'tis probably one great Reafon why God was pleaf'd to create thefe, and many other Vexatious Animals, that Men fho'd exercife their Wits and Induftry, to guard themfelves againft them.

Bears' Oyl is ufed by the Indians as a General Defence, againft every Species of Vermin. Among the reft, they fay it

1 64 The Iliftory of the

1729 keeps both Bugs and Mufquetas from afTaulting their Perfons,

Nov. which wou'd otherwifc devour Such uncleanly People. Yet

* ' ' Bears' Greafe has no ftrong Smell, as that Plant had which the

Egyptians formerly uf'd again ft mufquetas, refembling our palma

Chrilti, the Juice of which fmelled fo difagreeably, that the

Remedy was worfe than the Difeafe.

Againft mufquetas, in Egypt, the Richer Sort uf'd to build lofty Towers, with Bed-chambers in the Tops of them, that they might reft undifturbed. 'Tis certain that thefe Infects are no High Fliers, becaufe their Wings are weak and their Bodies fo light, that if they mount never fo little, the wind blows them quite away from their Courfe, and they become an eafy prey to the Martins, Eaft India Bats, and other Birds that fly about in continual Oueft of them. 8 As we had twice more to crofs the Dan over two fords, that lay no more than 7 miles from each other, we judg'd the Dis- tance wou'd not be much greater to go round the Bent of it. Accordingly we fent the Indian and two white Men that way, who came up with us in the Evening, after fetching a compafs of about 12 Miles.

They told us that, about a mile from our laft Camp, they patted a creek fortify'd with Steep Cliffs, which therefore gain'd the name of Cliff Creek. Near 3 miles beyond that thev forded a Second Creek, on the Margin of which grew abundance of Tall canes and this was call'd Hix's creek, from one of the Difcoverers. Between thefe two creeks lies a level of exceed- ing rich Land, full of large Trees, and cover'd with black Mould, as fruitful, if we believe them, as that which is yearly overflow'd by the Nile.

We who marched the nearcft way upon the Line found the Ground rifing and falling between the two Fords of the Dan, which almoft broke our own Wind, and the Hearts of our Jaded Palfreys. When we had palled the laft Ford, it was a Senfible

Dividing Line. 165

Joy to find ourfelves Safe over all the Waters that might cut off j72Q our Retreat. And we had the greater Reafon to be Thankful], Now becaufe fo late in the Year it was very unufual to find the rivers v *"— ' fo fordable.

We catcht a large Tarapin in the River, which is one kind of Turtle. The fleih of it is wholefome, and good for Confump- tive People. It lays a great Number of Eggs, not larger but rounder than thofe of Pigeons. Thefe are Soft, but withal fo tough that 'tis difficult to break them, yet are very Sweet and invigorating, fo that fome Wives recommend them earneftly to their Hufbands.

One of the Men, by an Overftrain, had unhappily got a Run- ning of the Reins, for which I gave him every Morning a Little Sweet Gumm diffolv'd in Water, with good fuccefs. This gumm diftils from a large Tree, cali'd the Sweet-Gum Tree, very Common in Virginia, and is as healing in its Virtue as Balm of Gilead, or the Balfams of Tolu and of Peru. It is likewife a mo ft Agreeable parfume, very little inferior to Am- bergris.

And now I have mention'd Ambergris, I hope it will not be thought an unprofitable digreffion, to give a faithful Account how it is produced, in Order to reconcile the various Opinions concerning it. It is now certainly found to be the Dung of the Sper Maceti Whale, which is at firft very black and unfavoury. But after having been wafht for fome Months in the Sea, and blanch'd in the Sun, it comes at length to be of a Gray colour, and from a moft offenfive Smell, contracts the fineft fragrancy in the World.

Befidcs the Fragrancy of this Animal Subftance, 'tis a very rich and innocent Cordial, which raifes the fpirits without Stupi- fying them afterwards, like Opium, or intoxicating them like Wine. The Animal Spirits are amazingly refrefhed by this Cordial, without the Danger of any ill confequence, and if Huf-

1 66 The Ilijlory of the

jy7q bands were now and then to difiblve a little of it in their Broth, Nov. their Conforts might be the better for it, as well as themfelves. ~v— ^ In the Bahama iflands (where a great Quantity is found, by reafon the Sperma Ceti Whales refort thither continually,) it is uf'd as an Antidote again ft the Venomous Fifh which abound thereabouts, wherewith the People are apt to Poifon them- felves.

We are not only oblig'd to that Whale for this rich parfume, but alfo for the Sper Maceti itfelf, which is the Fat of that Fifh's Head boil'd and purg'd from all its impuritys. What remains is of a balfamick and deterfive Quality, very friendly to the Lungs, and ufefull in many other Cafes.

The Indian had kill'd a fat Doe in the compafs he took round the Elbow of the River, but was content to Prime it only, by reafon it was too far off to lug the whole Carcafs upon his Back. This, and a Brace of Wild Turkeys which our Men had Shot, made up all our Bill of Fare this Evening, but could only afford a Philofophical Meal to fo many craving Stomachs.

The Horfes were now fo lean that any thing would gall thofe that carry 'd the leaft Burthen ; no wonder then if Several of them had fore Backs, efpecially now the Pads of the Saddles and Packs were prefT'd flat with long and conftant Ufe. This would have been another Misfortune, had we not been provided with an eafy Remedy for it.

One of the Commit]! oners, believing that Such Accidents might happen in a far Journey, had furnifht himfelf with Plafters of Strong Glue fpread pretty thick. We laid on thefe, after making them running hot, which, Sticking faft, never fell off till the Sore was perfectly heal'd. In the mean time it defended the part fo well, that the Saddle might bear upon it without Danger of further Injury. g We reckon'd our Selves now pretty well out of the Latitude of Bears, to the great Grief of moil of the company. There

Dividing Line. 167

was Still Mart enoueh left in the Woods to keep the Bears from

,, *729

drawing fo near to the Inhabitants. They like not the neigh- Nov.

bourhood of Mcrcilefs Man, till Famine compels them to it. v -v-— They are all Black in this part of the World, and fo is their Dung, but it will make Linnen white, being tolerably good Soap, without any Preparation but only drying.

Thefe Bears are of a Moderate Size, whereas within the Polar Circles they are white, and much larger. Thofe of the South- ern Parts of Mufcovy are of a Ruflet Colour, but among the Samoeids, as well as in Greenland and Nova Zembla, they are as white as the mow they converfe with, and by fome Ac- counts are as large as a Moderate Ox.

The Exceflive Cold of that Climate, fets their Appetites fo Sharp, that they will Attack a Man without Ceremony, and even climb up a Ship's Side to come at him. They range about and are very Mifchievous all the time the Sun is above the Horizon, which is fomething more than Five Months ; but after the Sun is Set for the reft of the Year, they retire into Holes, or bury themfelves under the Snow, and Sleep away the Dark Seafon without any Suftenance at all. 'Tis pitty our Beggars and Pickpockets Cou'd not do the Same.

Our Journey this day was above 12 Miles, and more than half the way terribly hamper'd with Bufhes. We tir'd another Horfe, which we were oblig'd to leave two miles fhort of where we Encampt, and indeed Several others were upon the Careen almoft every Step. Now we wanted one of thofe celebrated Muficians of Antiquity, who, they tell us, among many other Wonders of their Art, cou'd play an air which, by its Animateing Brifknefs wou'd make a Jaded Horfe caper and curvet much better than any Whip, Spur, or even than Swearing. Tho' I fear our poor Beafts were fo harafr that it wou'd have been be- yond the Skill of Orpheus himfelf fo much as to make them prick up their ears.

1 68 The Hiftory of the

1729 F°r Proof of the Marvellous Power of Mufic among the Nov. Ancients, fome Historians fay, that one of thofe Skilful Mailers * ' took upon him to make the great Alexander flart up from his Seat, and handie his Javelin, whether he would or not, by the force of a fprightly Tune, which he knew how to play to Him. The King ordered the man to bring his Instrument, and then fixing himfelf firmly in his chair, and determining not to Stir, he bade him to Strike up as foon as he pleaf'd. The Mufician obey'd, and prefently rouf'd the Hero's Spirits with fuch War- like Note?, that he was conftrain'd, in Spite of all his Refolution, to fpring up and fly to his Javelin with great martial Fury.

We can the eafier credit thefe Prophanc Stories by what we find recorded in the Oracles of Truth, where we are told the Wonders David performed by Sweetly touching his Harp. He made nothing of driving the Evil Spirit out of Saul, tho' a certain rabbi allures us he could not do fo much by his Wife, A'Iichal, when flie happen'd to be in her Ayrs.

The greateft Inftance we have of the Power of Modern Mufic is that which cures thofe who in Italy are bitten by the little Spider called the Tarantula. The whole method of which is perform'd in the following manner.

In Apulia it is a common Misfortune for People to be bitten by the Tarantula, and moil about Taranto and Gallipoli. This is a gray fpider, not very large, with a narrow Streak of white along the Back. It is no wonder there are many of thefe Vil- lainous Infec-ts, becaufe, by a Ridiculous Superitition 'tis ac- counted great Inhumanity to kill them. They believe, it feems, that if the Spider come to a Violent Death, all thofe who had been bitten by it will certainly have a Return of their Frenzy every Year as long as they live. But if it dye a Natural Death, the Patient will have a chance to recover in two or three Years.

The Bite of the tarantula gives no more pain than the Bite of a mufqueta, and makes little or no inflammation on the Part,

Dividing Line. 169

efpecially when the Difafter happens in April or May; but, its 17->r Venom encreafmg with the Heat of the Seafon, has more fatal Nov. Confequences in July and Auguft. The Perfons who are fo v~~>— - - unhappy as to be bitten in thofe Warm Months, fall down on the Place in a few Minutes, and lye fenfelefs for a confiderable time, and when they come to themfelvcs feel horrible Pains, are very Sick at their Stomachs, and in a Short time break out into foul Sores; but thofc who are bitten in the Milder Months have much gentler Symptoms. They are longer before the Diftemper Shows itfelf, and then they have a fmall Diforder in their Senfes, are a little lick, and perhaps have fome Moderate Breakings-out. However, in both cafes, the Patient keeps upon the lied, not caring to itir, till he is rouf'd by a Tune, proper for his particu- lar cafe. Therefore, as foon as the Symptoms difcover them- felves, a Tarantula Doctor is fent for, who, after viewing care- fully the condition of the Perfon, firft tries one Tune and then another, until he is fo fortunate as to hit the Phrenetic turn of the Patient. No fooner does this happen but he begins to Wag a finger, then a Hand, and afterwards a Foot, till at laft he fprings up and dances Round the Room, with a Surprifing Agility, rolling his Eyes and looking wild the whole time. This dancing- Fit lafts commonly about 25 minutes, by which time he will be all in a Lather. Then he fits down, falls a laughing, and re- turns to his Senfes. So Plentiful a Perfpi ration difcharges fo much of the Venom as will keep off the Return of the Diftem- per for a whole Year. Then it will Vifit Him again, and muft be remov'd in the Same Merry Manner. But three dancing Bouts will do the Bufinefs, unlefs, peradventure, the Spider, ac- cording to the Vulgar Notion, has been put to a Violent Death. The Tunes play'd to expell this Whimncall Diforder, are of the Jigg-kind, and exceed not 15 in number. The Apulians are frequently dancing off the Effects of this Poifon, and no Remedy is more commonly apply'd to any other Diftemper elfe- W

170 The Hijfory of the

I72Q where, than thofe Sprightly Tunes are to the Bite of the Tarantula Nov. in that part of Italy.

-v—~ ^ It is remarkable that thefe Spiders have a greater Spight to the Natives of the Place than they have to Strangers, and Women are oftener bitten than Men. Tho' there may be a Reafon for the lait, beeaufe Women are more confin'd to the Houfe, where thefe Spyders keep, and their coats make them liable to Attacks unfeen, whereas the Men can more eafily difcover, and brufh them off their Legs. Nevcrthelefs, both Sexes are cur'd the Same way, and thereby Show the Wonderful Effects of Mufic.

Considering how far we had walkt, and confequently how hungry we were, we found but Short commons when we came to our Quarters. One Brace of Turkeys was all the Game we cou'd meet with, which almoir. needed a Miracle to enable them to Suffice fo many Voracious Appetites. However, they juft made a Shift to keep Famine, and confequently Mutiny, out of the Camp. At Night we lodg'd upon the Banks of Buffalo Creek, where none of us cou'd complain of lofs of Reft, for having eaten too heavy and Luxurious a Supper. 10 In a Dearth of Provisions our Chaplain pronoune'd it lawful to make bold with the Sabbath, and fend a Party out a-Hunting. They fired the Dry Leaves in a Ring of five Miles' circumfe- rence, which, burning inwards, drove all the Game to the Centre, where they were ealily killed.

It is really a pitiful Sight to fee the extreme Diftrefs the poor deer are in, when they find themfelves Surrounded with this Circle of Fire ; they weep and Groan like a Human Creature, yet can't move the compalfion of thofe hard-hearted People, who are about to murder them. This unmerciful Sport is called Fire Hunting, and is much practie'd by the Indians and Fron- tier Inhabitants, who fometimes, in the Eagernefs of their Diver- sion, are Punifh't for their cruelty, and are hurt by one another when they Shoot acrofs at the Deer which are in the Middle.

Dividing Line. 171

What the Indians do now by a Circle of Fire, the ancient Perfinns performed formerly by a circle of Men : and the fame Nov. is pra&ifd at this day in Germany upon extraordinary Occa- v *~ fions, when any of the Princes of the Empire have a Mind to make a General Hunt, as they call it. At fuch times they order a vaft Number of People to Surround a whole Territory. Then Marching inwards in clofe Order, they at laft force all the Wild Beafts into a Narrow Compafs, that the Prince and his Company may have the Diverfion of Slaughtering as many as they pleafe with their own hands.

Our Hunters mauacred two Brace of Deer after this unfair way, of which they brought us one Brace whole, and only the Primings of the reft. So many were abfent on this Occafion, that we who remained excufd the Chaplain from the Trouble of fpending his Spirits by Preaching to fo thin a Congregation. One of the men, who had been an old Indian Trader, brought me a Stem of Silk Grafs, which was about as big as my little Finger. But, being fo late in the Year that the Leaf was fallen off, I am not able to defcribe the Plant.

The Indians uie it in all their little Manufactures, twitting a Thread of it that is prodigioufly Strong. Of this they make their Bafkets and the Aprons which their Women wear about their Middles, for Decency's Sake. Tliefe are long enough to wrap quite round them and reach down to their Knees, with a Fringe on the under part by way of Ornament.

They put on this modeft covering with fo much art, that the moft impertinent curiofity can't in the Negligenteft of their Mo- tions or Poftures make the lead difcovery. As this fpecies of Silk Grafs is much Stronger than Hemp, I make no doubt but Sail Cloth and Cordage might be made of it with confiderable Improvement.

We had all been fo refrefht by oui day of reft, that we dc- fJ camp'd earlier than Ordinary, and pafied the Several Fords of

172 The Hiftory of the

1729 Hico River. The Woods were thick great Part of this Day's Nov. Journey, fo that we were forced to fcuffle hard to advance 7 ""~Y miles, being equal in fatigue to double that difbnce of Clear and Open Grounds.

We took up our Quarters upon Sugar-tree Creek, in the fame camp we had lain in when we came up, and happen'd to be en- tertained at Supper with a Rarity we had never had the fortune to meet with before, during the whole Expedition.

A little wide of this creek, one of the men had the Luck to meet with a Young Buffalo of two Years Old. It was a Bull, which, notwithstanding he v/as no older, was as big as an ordi- nary Ox. His Legs are very thick and very Short, and his Hoofs exceeding broad. His Back rofe into a kind of Bunch a little above the Shoulders, which I believe contributes not a little to that creature's enormous Strength. His Body is vaftly deep from the moulders to the Briiket, fometimes 6 feet in thofe that that are full grown. The portly figure of this Animal is dif- grae'd by a Shabby little Tail, not above 12 Inches long. This he cocks up on end whenever he's in a Paflion, and, inftead of low- ing or bellowing, grunts with no better grace than a Hog.

The Hair growing on his Head and Neck is long and Shagged, and fo Soft that it will Spin into Thread not unlike Mohair, which might be wove into a Sort of Camlet. Some People have Stockings knit of it, that would have ferv'd an Ifraelite during his forty Years' march thro' the Wildernefs.

Its horns are fhort and Strong, of which the Indians make large Spoons, which they fay will Split and fall to Pieces when- ever Poifon is put into them. Its Colour is a dirty Brown, and its hide fo thick that it is Scarce penetrable. However, it makes very Spongy Sole Leather by the ordinary method of Tanning, tho' this fault might by good Contrivance be mended.

As thick as this poor Beaft's Hide was, a Bullet made Shift

Dividing Line. 173

to enter it and fetch him down. It was found all alone, tho' Buf- j„?Q faloes Seldom are. They ufually range about in Herds, like other Nov. cattle, and, tho' they differ fomething in figure, are certainly of "*"" "*v ' the Same Species. There are two Reafons for this Opinion : the Flefh of both has exactly the fame tafte, and the mixed Breed betwixt both, they fay, will generate. All the Difference I could perceive between the Flefh of Buffalo and Common Beef was, that the Flefh of the fir ft was much Yellower than that of the other, and the Lean fomething tougher.

The Men were (o delighted with this new dyct, that the Gridiron and Frying-Pan had no more reft all night, than a poor Hufband Subject to Curtain Lectures. Buffaloes may be eafily tamed when they are taken Young. The beft way to catch them is to carry a Milch Mare into the Woods, and when you find a Cow and Calf, to kill the Cow, and then having catch'd the Calf, to Suckle it upon the Alare. After once or twice Sucking Her, it will follow her Home, and become as gentle as another calf.

If we cou'd get into a breed of them, they might be made very ufefull, not only for the Dairy, by giving an Ocean of Milk, but alio for drawing vaft and cumberfome Weights by their prodigious Strength. Thefe, with the other Advantages I mention'd before, wou'd make this fort of Cattle more profitable to the owner, than any other we are acquainted with, though they would need a world of Provender.

Before we marcht this Morning, every man took care to pack 12 up fome Buffalo Steaks in his Wallet, befides what he crammed into his Belly. When Provifions were Plenty, we always found it Difficult to get out early, being too much Embarraft with a long-winded Breakfaft.

However, by the Strength of our Beef, we made a fhift to walk about 12 Miles, croffing Blewing and Tewaw-homini Creeks.

1 74 The Hijiory of the

lj2q And becaufe this laft Stream receiv'd its Appellation from the Nov. Difafter of a Tufcarora Indian, it will not be Straggling much v— ^ out of the way to fay fomething of that Particular Nation.

Thefe Indians were heretofore very numerous and powerful, making, within time of Memory, at leaft a Thoufand Fighting Men. Their Habitation, before the War with Carolina, was on the North Branch of Neufe River, commonly call'd Con- necla Creek, in a pleafant and fruitful Country. But now the few that are left of that Nation live on the North Side of Mo- ratuck, which is all that Part of Roanok below the great Falls, towards Albemarle Sound.

Formerly there were Seven Towns of thefe Savages, lying not far from each other, but now their Number is greatly redue'd.

The Trade they have had the Misfortune to drive with the Englifh has furnifht them conftantly with Rum, which they have ufed fo immoderately, that, what with the Diftempers, and what with the Quarrels it begat amongft them, it has proved a double DeftrucStion.

But the greateft Confumption of thefe favages happen'd by the war about Twenty-Five years ago, on Account of fome In- juftice the Inhabitants of that Province had done them about their Lands.

It was on that Provocation they refented their wrongs a little too feverely upon Mr. Lawfon, who, under Colour of being Surveyor gen'l, had encroacht too much upon their Territories, at which they were fo enrag'd, that they waylaid him, and cut his Throat from Ear to Ear, but at the fame time releaf'd the Baron de Graffcnried, whom they had Seized for Company, be- caufe it appear'd plainly he had done them no Wrong.

This Blow was followed by fome other Bloody Actions on the Part of the Indians, which brought on the War, wherein many of them were but off, and many were oblig'd to flee for Refuge to the Senecas, fo that now there remain fo few, that

Dividing Line. ijc

they are in Danger of bing quite exterminated by the Catawbas, »-?Q their mortal Enemies. Nov.

Thefe Indians have a very odd Tradition amongft them, that v > ' many years ago, their Nation was grown fo dimoneft, that no man cou'd keep any Goods, or fo much as his loving Wife to himfelf. That, however, their God, being unwilling to root them out for their crimes, did them the honour to fend a Mef- fenger from Heaven to inilrucl: them, and fet Them a perfect Example of Integrity and kind Behavior towards one another.

But this holy Perfon, with all his Eloquence and Sanctity of Life, was able to make very little Reformation among!! them. Some few Old Men did liften a little to his Wholefomc Advice, but all the Young fellows were quite incorrigible. They not only Neglected his Precepts, but derided and Evil Entreated his Perfon. At lail, taking upon Him to reprove fome Young Rakes of the Conechta Clan very fharply for their impiety, they were fo provok'd at the Freedom of his Rebukes, that they tied him to a Tree, and mot him with Arrows through the Heart. But their God took inflant Vengeance on all who had a hand in that rYJonftrous A<5t, by Lightning from Heaven, & has ever fince vifited their Nation with a continued Train of Calamities, nor will he ever leave off punifhing, and wafting their People, till he (hall have blotted every living Soul of them out of the World.

Our Hunters fhot nothing this whole day but a ftraggling Bear, which happen'd to fall by the Hand of the very Perfon who had been lately dilarm'd and put to flight, for which he dc- clar'd War again!!: the whole Species.

We purfued our Journey with all Diligence, and forded 13 Ohimpamony Creek about Noon, and from thence proceeded to Yatapfco, which we cou'd not crofs without difficulty. The Beavers had dammed up the Water much higher than we found

176 The Hijhry of the

iy2g it at our going up, fo that we were ohlig'd to lay a Bridge over a Nov. part that was fhallower than the reft, to facilitate our pafiage, *— v~^ Beavers have more of Inftina, that Half-Brother of Reafon, than any other Animal, efpecially in matters of Self-Prefervation. In their Houfes they always contrive a Sally-Port, both towards the Land and towards the Water, that fo they may efcape by One, if their Retreat fhou'd happen to be cut off at the other,

They perform all their Works in the Dead of Night, to avoid Difcovery, and are kept diligently to it by the Mafter Beaver, which by his age or ffrerigth has gain'd to himfelf an Authority over the reft. If any of the Gang happen to be lazy, or will not exert himfelf to the utmoft in felling of Trees, or dragging them the place where they are made ufe of, this Superintendent will not fail to chaftife him with the Flat of the Tail wherewith he is able to give unmerciful ftrokes.

They lie Snug in their Houfes all day, unlefs fome unneigh- bourly Miller chance to difturb their repofe, by demolifhing their Dams for fupplving his Mill with Water.

It is rare to fee one of them, and the Indians for that Reafon have hardly any way to take them, but by laying Snares near the place where they dam up the Water. But the Englifh Hunters have found out a more effectual Method, by ufing the following receipt. Take the Large Pride of the Beaver, Squeeze all the Juice out of it, then take the fmall Pride, and Squeeze out about 5 or 6 Drops. Take the infide of Saffafras Bark, Powder it, and mix it with the Liquor, and place this Bait conveniently for

your Steel Trap.

The Story of their biting off their Tefticles to compound for their Lives, when they are purfued, is a ftory taken upon truft by Pliny like many others. Nor is it the Beavers' Tefticles that carry the Perfume, but they have a Pair of Glands juft within the Fundament, as Sweet as Mufk, that perfume their Dung,

Dividing Line. \nn

and communicate a ftrono; fcent to their Tefticles, by bein^ plac'cl near them. Nov

It is true Several creatures have Strange inftincls for their v— v— - Prefervation, as the Egyptian Frog, we are told by Elian, will carry a whole Joint of a Reed acrofs its Mouth, that it may not be fwallow'd by the ibis.

And this Long-neckt fowl will give itfelf a clyfter with its Beak, whenever it finds itfelf too coftive or feverifh. The Dogs of that Country Jap the Water of the Nile in a full Trot, that they may not be Snapped by the Crocodiles. Both Beavers and Wolves, we know, when one of their Legs is caught in a Steel Trap, will bite it off", that they may efcape with the reft. The Flefh of the Beavers is tough and dry, all but the Tail, which, like the Parrot's Tongue, was one of the far-fetched Rarities with which Heliogabalus ufed to furnifh his Luxurious Table.

The Fur of thefe creatures is very valuable, efpecially in the more Northern Countries, where it is longer and finer. This the Dutch have lately contriv'd to mix with their Wool, and Weave into a Sort of Drugget, that is not only warm, but won- derfully light and Soft. They alfo make Gloves and Stockings of it, that keep out the Cold almoft as well as the Fur itfelf, and do not look quite fo Savage.

There is a deal of Rich low Ground on Yapatfco Creek, but I believe liable to be overflow'd in a frefh. Plowever, it might be proper enough for Rice, which receives but little Injury from Water.

We encampt on the Banks of Maflamony Creek, 2fter a Journey of more than u Miles. By the way we Shot a fat Doe and a wild Turkey, which fed us all plentifully. And we have reafon to fay, by our own happy Experience, that no man need to defpair of his daily Bread in the Woods, whofe faith is but half fo large as his Stomach. X

1 78 The Hiftory of the

Being at length happily arriv'd within 20 Miles of the upper-

Nov. m°ft Inhabitants, we defpacht two Men who had the ableft

■— v -' Horfes, to go before, and get a Beef kill'd and fome Bread bak'd

J4 to refrefh their Fellow Travellers, upon their arrival. They

had likewife Orders to hire an exprefs to carry a Letter to the

Governor, giving an Account that we were all returned in Safety.

This was the more neceflary, becaufe we had been fo long ab-

fent that many now began to fear we were, by this time, Scalpt

and barbacu'd by the Indians.

We decampt with the reft of the People about ten a clock, and marched near 12 Miles. In our way we Crofl Nutbufh Creek, and 4 Miles farther we came upon a beautiful Branch of Great Creek, where we took up our Quarters. The Tent was pitched upon an Eminence, which overlookt a wide Piece of low Grounds, cover'd with Reeds and watered by a Crvftal Stream, gliding thro' the Middle of it. On the Other Side cf this delightful Valley, which was about half a Mile wide, rofe a Hill that terminated the View, and in the figure of a Semicircle clofed in upon the oppofite Side of the Valley. This had a moft agreeable Effecl: upon the Eye, and wanted nothing but Cattle grazing in the Meadow, and Sheep and Goats feeding on the Hill, to make it a Compleat Rural Landscape.

The Indian kill'd a Fawn, which, being upon its growth, was not fat, but made fome amends by being tender. He alfo Shot an Otter, but our People were now better fed than to eat fuch Coarfe Food. The truth of it is, the Flefh of this Creature has a rank Fifhy tafle, and for that reafon might be a proper Regale for the Samoeids, who drink the Czar of Muscovy's health and toaft their MifhefTes in a Bumper of Train Oil.

The Carthufians, to favc their Vow of eating no Flefh, pro- nounce this Amphibious Animal to be a Fifh, and feed upon it as fuch, without Wounding their Confciences.

The Skin of the Otter is very Soft, and the Swedes make

Dividing Line. 179

Caps and Socks of it, not only for Warmth, but alfo becaufe j-72q they fancy it Strengthens the Nerves, and is good againft all Nov. Diftempers of the Brain. ^~>

The otter is a great Devourer of Fifh, which arc its Natural Food, and whenever it betakes itfelf to a Vegetable Dyet, it is as fome high-Spirited Wives obey their Hufbands, by pure Neceflity. They dive after their Prey, tho' they can't continue lon^ under Water, but thruft their Nofes up to the Surface now and then for Breath. They are great Enemies to Weirs Set up in the Rivers to catch Fifh, devouring or biting to pieces all they find there. Nor is it either eafy to fright them from this kind of Robbery, or to deftroy them. The beft way I cou'd ever find was to float an Old Wheel juft by the Weir, and i'o foon as the Otter has taken a large Fifh., he will get upon the Wheel to eat it more at his eafe, which may give you an Oppor- tunity of firing upon him from the Shoar.

One of our People Shot a large Gray Squirrel with a very Buihy Tail, a fingular ufe of which our merry Indian difcovcrd to us. He faid whenever this little Animal has occafion to crofs a run of Water, he launches a Chip or Piece of Bark into the Water, on which he embarks, and, holding up his Tail to the wind, he Sails over very Safely. If This be true, it is probable men learnt at firft the ufe of Sails from thefe ingenious little Animals, as the Hottentots learnt the Phyfical ufe of molt of their Plants from the Baboons.

About three Miles from our Camp we paffed Great Creek, 15 and then, after travcrfing very barren grounds for 5 Miles to- gether, we croft the Tradeing Path, and foon after had the pleafure of reaching the uppermoft Inhabitant. This was a Plantation belonging to colonel Mumford, where our Men almofr. buift themfelves with Potatoes and Milk. Yet as great a Curiofity as a Houfe was to us Forcfters, ftill we chofe to lie in the Tent, as being much the cleaner and fvvcetei Lodging.

180 The Hijlory of the

I7?q The Tradeing Path above-mention'd receives its Name from

Nov. being the Route the Traders take with their Caravans, when

""v"—' they go to traflick with the Catawbas and other Southern Indians.

The Catawbas live about 250 Miles beyond Roanoke River, and

yet our Traders find their Account in transporting Goods from

Virginia to trade with them at their own Towne.

The Common Method of carrying on this Indian Commerce is as follows : Gentlemen fend for Goods proper for fuch a Trade from England, and then either Venture them out at their own Rifle to the Indian Towns, or clfe credit fome Traders with them of Subftance and Reputation, to be paid in Skins at a cer- tain Price agreed betwixt them.

The Goods for the Indian Trade confift chiefly in Guns, Powder, Shot, Hatchets, (which the Indians call Tomahawks,) Kettles, red & blue Planes, Duffields, Stroudwater blankets, and fome Cutlary Wares, Brafs Rings and other Trinkets.

Thefe Wares are made up into Packs and Carry'd upon Horfes, each Load being from 150 to 200 Pounds, with which they are able to travel about 20 Miles a day, if Forage happen to be plentiful.

Formerly a Hundred Plorfes have been employ'd in one of thefe Indian Caravans, under the Conduct of 15 or 16 Perfons only, but now the Trade is much impair'd, infomuch that they feldom go with half that Number.

The Courfe from Roanoke to the Catawbas is laid down neareft South-weft, and lies thro' a fine Country, that is Water'd by Several beautiful Rivers.

Thofe of the greatefr. Note are, firft, Tar river, which is the uppear Part of Parnptico, Flat river, Little river and Eno river, all three Branches of Neufe.

Between Eno and Saxapahaw rivers are the Haw old fields, which have the Reputation of containing the moft fertile highland in this part of the World, lying in a Body of about 50,000 acres.

Dividing Line. 181

This Saxapahaw is the upper Part of Cape Fair River, the i~2o falls of which lye many Miles below the Trading Path. Nor.

Some iMountains overlook this Rich Spot of Land, from ~y~— whence all the Soil wafhes down into the Plane, and is the Caufc of its exceeding Fertility. Not far from thence the Path erodes Aramanchy River, a branch of Saxapahaw, and about 40 Miles beyond that, Deep River, which is the N Branch of Pedee. Then 40 miles bevond that, the Path interfecls the Yadkin, which is there half a Mile over, and is fuppofed to be the South Branch of the fame Pedee.

The Soil is exceedingly rich on both fides the Yadkin, abound- ing in rank Grafs and prodigioufly large Trees ; and for plenty of Fim, Fowl and Venifon, is inferior to No Part of the North- ern Continent. There the Traders commonly lie Still for fume days, to recruit their Horfes' Flefh as well as to recover their own Spirits. Six Miles further is Crane Creek, fo nam'd from its being the Rendezvous of great Armies of Cranes, which wage a more cruel War at this day, with the Frogs and the Fifh, than they uf'd to do with the Pigmies in the Days of Homer.

About three-fcore Miles more bring you to the fir ft Town of the Catawbas, call'd Nauvafa, fituated on the banks of Santee river. Befides this Town there are five Others belonging to the fame Nation, lying all on the fame Stream, within the Difbnce of 20 Miles.

Thefe Indians were all call'd formerly by the general Name of the Ufherees, and were a very Numerous and Powerful People. But the frequent Slaughters made upon them by the Northern Indians, and, what has been ftill more deftruclive by far, the Intemperance and Foul Diflcmpers introdue'd amongft them by the Carolina Traders, have now redue'd their Numbers to little More than 400 Fighting Men, befides Women & Chil- dren. It is a charming Place where they live, the Air very Wholefome, the Soil fertile, and the Winters ever mild and Serene.

1 82 The Ilijlory of the

j»2q In Saritee river, as In Several others of Carolina, a Small Kind Nov. of allegator is frequently feen, which perfumes the Water with •«~~v~~-' a Mufky Smell. They Seldom exceed Eight Feet in Length in thefe parts, whereas, near the Equinoctial, they come up to twelve or Fourteen. And the heat of the Climate don't only make them bigger, but more Fierce and Voracious. They watch the Cattle there when they come to drink and Cool themfelves in the River j and becaufe they are not able to drag them into the Deep Water, they make up by Stratagem what they want in Force. They Swallow great Stones, the Weight of which be- ing'added to their Strength, enables them to tug a Adoderate Cow under Water, and as foon as they have drown'd her, they dis- charge the Stones out of their Maw and then feaft upon the Carcafs. However, as Fierce and as Strong as thefe Mon iters are, the Indians will Surprife them Napping as they float upon the Surface, get aftride upon their Necks, then whip a fhort piece of wood like a Truncheon into their Jaws, & holding the Ends with their two hands, hinder them from diving by keeping their mouths open, and when they are almoft Spent, they will make to the fhoar, where their Riders knock them on the Head and Eat them. This Amphibious Animal is a Smaller kind of Crocodile, having the Same Shape exactly, only the Crocodile of the Nile is twice as long, being when full grown from 20 to Thirty Feet. This Enormous Length is the more to be won- der'd at, becaufe the Crocodile is hatcht from an Eog very little larger than that of a Goofe. It has a long Head, which it can open very wide, with very Sharp & Strong teeth. Their Eyes are Small, their Legs Short, with Claws upon their Feet. Their Tail makes half the Length of their Body, and the whole is guarded wvith hard impenetrable Scales, except the Belly, which is much Softer and Smoother. They keep much upon the Land in the day time, but towards the Evening retire into the Water to avoid the Cold Dews of the Night. They run pretty

Dividing Line. 183

faft right forward, but are very awkward and Slow in turning t~™ by reafon of their unwieldy Length. It is an Error that they Nov. have no Tongue, without which they cou'd hardly Swallow ^""^ their Food ; but in eating they move the upper Jaw only, Con- trary to all other Animals. The way of catching them in Egypt is, with a Strong Hook fixt to the End of a chain and baited with a joynt of Pork, which they are very fond of. But a live Hog is generally tyed near, the Cry of which allures them to the Hook. This Account of the Crocodile will agree in moll particulars with the Alligator, only the Bignefs of the lad can- not entitle it to the Name of "Leviathan," which Job gave formerly to the crocodile, and not to the Whale, as fome Inter- preters wou'd make us believe.

So Soon as the Catawba Indians are inform'd of the Approach of the Virginia Caravans, they fend a Detachment of their Warriors to bid them Welcome, and efcort them Safe to their Town, where they are receiv'd with great Marks of Diftin£Hon. And their Courtefys to the Virginia Traders, I dare fey, are very Sincere, becaufe they fell them better Goods and better Pennyworths than the Traders of Carolina. They commonly refide among the Indians till they have barter'd their Goods away for Skins, with which they load their Horfcs and come- back by the Same Path they went.

There are generally fome Carolina Traders that constantly live among the Catawbas, and pretend to Exercife a dictatorial Authority over them. Thefe petty Rulers don't only teach the honefter Savages all forts of Debauchery, but are unfair in their dealings, and ufe them with all kinds of Oppreilion. Nor has their Behaviour been at all better to the red of the Indian Na- tions, among whom they refide, by abuftng their Women and Evil-entreating their Men ; and, by the way, this was the true Reafon of the fatal War which the Nations roundabout made upon Carolina in the year 17 13.

184 *£he Hiflory of the

I7?Q Then it was that all the Neighbouring Indians, grown weary

Nov. of the Tyranny and Injuftice with which they had been abuf'd

*—-' for many Years, refolv'd to endure their bondage no longer,

but enter'd into General Confederacy againft their OpprefTors of


The Indians open'd the War by knocking moft of thofe little Tyrants on the Head that dwelt amongft them, under pretence of regulating their Commerce, and from thence Carry'd their Refentment fo far as to endanger both North and South Carolina. 16 We gave Orders that the Horfes fliou'd pafs Rcanoak River at Monifep Ford, while moft of the Baggage was tranfported in a Canoe.

We landed at the Plantation of Cornelius Keith, where I be- held the wretchedeft Scene of Poverty I had ever met with in this happy Part of the World. The Man, his Wife and Six Small Children, liv'd in a Penn, like fo many Cattle, without any Roof over their Pleads but that of Heaven. And this was their airy Refidence in the Day time, but then there was a Fod- der Stack not far from this Inclofure, in which the whole Family fhelter'd themfelves a night's and in bad weather.

However, 'twas alrnoft worth while to be as poor as this Man was, to be as perfectly contented. All his Wants proceeded from Indolence, and not from Misfortune. He had good Land, as well as good Health and good Limbs to work it, and, befides, had a Trade very ufeful to all the Inhabitants round about. He cou'd make and fet up Quern Stones very well, and had proper Materials for that purpofe juft at Hand, if he cou'd have taken the pains to fetch them.

There is no other kind of Mills in thofe remote parts, and,

- therefore, if the Man wou'd have Workt at his Trade, he micrht

have liv'd very comfortably. The poor woman had a little

Dividing Line. 185

more Induftry, and Spun Cotton enough to make a thin cover- j^q ing for her own and her children's Nakednefs. Nov.

I am forry to fay it, but Idlenefs is the general character of the ^"--v— Men in the Southern Parts of this Colony as well as in North Carolina. The Air is fo mild, and the foil fo fruitful, that very little Labour is requir'd to fill their Bellies, efpecially where the Woods afford fuch Plenty of Game. Thefe advantages dis- charge the Men from the Neeemty of killing themfelvcs with Work, and then for the other Article of Raiment, a very little of that will fuffice in fo temperate a Climate. But fo much as is abfolutely NecelTary falls to the good women's Share to pro- vide. They all Spin, weave and knit, whereby they make a good Shift to cloath the whole Family ; and to their credit be it recorded, many of them do it very completely, and thereby re- proach their Hufbands' Lazinefs in the moft inofVenfive way, that is to fay, by difcovering a better Spirit of Induftry in them- felvcs.

From thence we mov'd forward to Colo Mum ford's other Plantation, under the Care of Miles Riley, where, by that Gen- tleman's Directions, we were again Supply'd with many good things. Here it was we difcharg'd our Worthy Friend and Fel- low Travellaur, Mr. Bearfkin, who had fo plentifully Supplved us with Provifions during our long Expedition. We rewarded Him to his Heart's content, fo that he return'd to his Town Joaden, both with Riches and the Reputation of haveing been a great Difcoverer.

This being Sunday, we were Seafonably put in mind how 1 7 much we were oblig'd to be thankfull for our happy return to the Inhabitants. Indeed, we had great reafon to reflet with Gratitude on the Signal Mercies we had receiv'd. Firft, that we had, day by day, been fed by the Bountifull hand of Provi- dence in the defolate Wildernefs, lnfomuch that if any of our Y

1 86 The liiftory of the

1729 People wanted one Single Meal during the whole Expedition, it Nov. was intirely owing to their own imprudent Management. ■""v""1 Secondly, that not one Man of our whole Company, had any Violent Diltemper or bad Accident Befall him, from One End of the Line to the other. The very word that happen'd was, that One of them gave himfelf a Smart cut on the Pan of his knee with a Tomahawk, which we had the good Fortune to cure in a Short time, without the help of a Surgeon.

As for the Mifadventures of Sticking in the Mire and falling into Rivers and Creeks, they were rather Subjects of Mirth than complaint, and ferv'd only to diverfify our Travels with a little farcicall Variety. And, laftly, that many uncommon Incidents have concurr'd to profper our Undertaking. We had not only a dry Spring before we went out, but the preceding Winter, and even a Year or two before, had been much dryer than Ordinary. This made not only the Difmal, but likewife moft of the Sunken Grounds near the Sea-Side, juft hard enough to bear us, which otherwife had been quite unpaflible.

And the whole [time we were upon the Bufinefs, which was in all about Sixteen Weeks, we were never catch't in the Rain except once, Nor was our Progrefs Interrupted by bad Weather above 3 or 4 days at mod. Befides all this, we were Surpriz'd by no Indian Enemy, but all of us brought our Scalps back Safe upon our Heads.

This cruel Method of Scalping of Enemies is prac"lif'd by all the Savages in America, and perhaps is not the leaft proof of their Original from the Northern Inhabitants of Afia. Among the Ancient Scythians it was conftantly uf'd, who carry'd about thefe hairy Scalps as Trophies of Victory. They ferv'd them too as Towels at home, and Trappings for their Horfes abroad. But thefe were not content with the Skin of their Enemies' Heads, but alfo made vft of their Sculls for cups to drink out of

~Divldi?ig Line. 187

upon high Feftival days, & made greater Orientation of them than if they had been made of Gold or the purefr. cryftal. jJ ,

Befidcs the Duties of the Day, we chriften'd one of our Men *•—- ^~ who had been bred a Quaker. The Man delir'd this of his own mere Motion, without being tamper'd with by the Parfon, who was willing every one fhou'd go to Heaven his own way. But whether he did it by the Conviction of his Own Reafon, or to get rid of fome Troublefome Forms and Rcftraints, to which the Saints of that Perfwafion are Subject, I can't Pofitively fay.

We proceeded over a Levil Road i?. Miles, as far as George 18 Hixe's Plantation, on the South Side Meherrin River, Our Courfe being for the moft part North-Eaft. By the way we hired a Cart to tranfport our Baggage, that we might the better befriend our Jaded Horfes.

Within 2 Miles of our Journey's End this day, we met the Exprefs We had fent the Saturday before to give Notice of our Arrival. He had been almoft as Expeditious as a carrier Pigeon, rideing in 2 Days no lefs than 200 Miles.

All the Grandees of the Sappony Nation did us the Honour to repair hither to meet us, and our worthy Friend and P'ellow Traveller, Bearfkin, appear'd among the graveft of them in his Robes of ceremony. Four Young Ladies of the firft Quality came with them, who had more the Air of cleanlinefs than any copper-Colour'd Beauties I had ever feen ; Yet we refilled all their Charms, Notwithftanding the long Faft we had kept from the Sex, and the Bear Dyet we had been fo long engag'd in. Nor can I fay the Price they fat upon their Charms was at all Exorbitant. A Princcfs for a Pair of Red Stockings can't> furely, be thought buying Repentance much too dear.

The Men had fomething great and Venerable in their coun- tenances, beyond the common Mien of Savages ; and indeed they ever had the Reputation of being the Honefleft, as well as the braveft Indians we have ever been acquainted with.

1 88 The Hiftory of the

I72Q This People is now made up of the Remnant of Several other

Nov. Nations, of which the moft confiderable are the Sapponys, the

^~~v-~* Occaneches, and Steukenhocks, who not finding themfelves

Separately Numerous enough for their Defence, have agreed to

unite into one Body, and all of them now go under the Name

of the Sapponys.

Each of thefe was formerly a diftincT: Nation, or rather a Several clan or Canton of the Same Nation, Speaking the Same Language, and ufing the fame Cuftoms. But their perpetual Wars againft all other Indians, in time, redue'd them fo low as as to make it NecefTary to join their Forces together.

They dwelt formerly not far below the Mountains, upon Yadkin River, about 200 Miles Weft and by South from the Falls of Roanoak. But about 25 Years ago they took Refuge in Virginia, being no longer in condition to make Head not only againft the Northern Indians, who are their Implacable enemies, but alfo againft moft of thofe to the South. All the Nations round about, bearing in mind the Havock thefe Indians uf'd formerly to make among their Anceftors in the Infolence of their Power, did at length avenge it Home upon them, and made them glad to apply to this Government for protection.

Colo Spotfwood, our then lieut. governor, havino- a eood Opinion of their Fidelity & Courage, Settled them at Chriftanna, ten Miles north of Roanoak, upon the belief that they wou'd be a good Barrier on that Side of the Country, againft the Incur- fion of all Foreign Indians. And in Earneft they wou'd have Serv'd well enough for that Purpofe, if the White People in the Neighbourhood had not debauch't their Morals, and ruin'd their Health with Rum, which was the Caufe of many diforders, and ended at laft in a barbarous Murder committed by one of thefe Indians when he was drunk, for which the poor Wretch was executed when he was fober.

It was matter of great Concern to them, however, that one of

Dividing Line 189

their Grandees mould be put to fo ignominious a Death. All r~?c. Indians have as great an Averfion to hanging as the Mufcovitcs, Nov. tho' perhaps not for the fame cleanly reafon : Thefe lafl bcliev- ■*"""" ing that the Soul of one that dies in this manner, being fore'd to Sally out of the Body at the Poftern, muft needs be denied. The Sapponys took this Execution fo much to Heart, that they foon after quitted their Settlement and remov'd in a Body to the Cataubas.

The Daughter of the Tetero king went away with the Sapponys, but being the laft of her Nation, and fearing me Shou'd not be treated according to her Rank, poifon'd herfelf, like an Old Roman, with the Root of the Trumpet-Plant. Her Father dy'd 2 Years before, who was the moil intrepid Indian we have been acquainted with. He had made himfelf terrible to all other Indians by His Exploits, and had efcaped fo many Dangers that he was efteem'd invulnerable. But at laft he dy'd of a Pleurify, the laft Man of his Race and Nation, leaving only that unhappy Daughter behind him, who would not long furvive Him.

The mod uncommon Circumftance in this Indian vint Was, that they all came on Horfe-back, which was certainly intended for a Piece of State, becaufe the Diftance was but 3 Miles, and 'tis likely they had walk't a foot twice as far to catch their Horfes. The Men rode more awkwardly than any Dutch Sailor, and the Ladies beftrode their Palfreys a la mode de France, but were fo bafhful about it, that there was no perfuading them to Mount till they were quite out of our Sight.

The French Women uie to ride a-ftraddle, not fo much to make thern fit firmer in the Saddle, as from the hopes the fame thing might peradventure befall them that once happen'd to the Nun of Orleans, who efcaping out of a Nunnery, took Poft en Cavalier, and in ten Miles' hard rideing had the good For- tune to have all the Tokens of a Man break out upon her.

190 The Hi/lory of the

__20 This Piece of Hiftory ought to be the more credible, becaufe Nov. it leans upon much the fame Degree of Proof as the Tale of """v" ""' Bifhop Burnet's Two Italian Nuns, who, according to his Lord- fhip's Account, underwent the Same happy Metarnorphofis, probably by fome other Violent Exercife. 19 From hence we defpatch't the Cart with our Baggage under a Guard, and crofTt A'Ieherrin River, which was not 30 Yards wide in that Place. By the help of Frefh Horfes that had been fent us, we now began to mend our Pace, which was alfo quick- ened by the Strong Inclinations we had to get Home.

In the Diftance of 5 Miles we forded Meherrin creek, which was very near as broad as the River. About 8 Miles farther we came to SruRGEON-Creek, fo call'd from the Dexte- rity an Occaanechy Indian fhewed there in Catching one of thofe Royal Fifh, which was perform'd after the following Manner.

In the Summer time 'tis no unufual thing for Sturgeons to Sleep on the Surface of the Water, and one of them having wander'd up into this Creek in the Spring, was floating in that drowfy condition.

The Indian, above mention'd, ran up to the Neck into the Creek a little below the Place where he difcover'd the Fifh, ex- pecting the Stream wou'd foon bring his Game down to Him. He judg'd the Matter right, and as Soon as it came within his Reach, he whip't a running Noofe over his Jole. This waked the Sturgeon, which being Strong in its own Element darted im- mediately under Water and dragg'd the Indian after Him. The Man made it a Point of Honour to keep his Hold, which he did to the Apparent Danger of being drown'd. Sometimes both the Indian and the Fifh difappear'd for a Quarter of a Minute, 8c then rofc at fome Diftance from where they dived. At this rate they continued flouncing about, Sometimes above and fomctimes

Dividing Line. igi

under Water, for a conficierable time, till at laft. the Hero T~., Suffocated his Adverfary, and haled his Body afhoar in Triumph. Nov.

About Six Miles beyond that, we pafTed over Wicco-quoi s— -v-*-' creek, Named fo from the Multitude of Rocks over which the Water tumbles in a Frem, with a bellowing Noife. Not far from where we went over, is a Rock much higher than the reft, that Strikes the Eye with agreeable Horror, and near it a very Talkative Eccho, that, like a fluent Help-meet, will return her good Man Seven Words for one, & after all, be Sure to have the Laft. It fpeaks not only the Language of Men, but alio of Birds & Beafts, and often a Single Wild Goofe is cheated into the Belief that Some of his Company are not far off, by hearing his own cry multiply'd ; & 'tis pleafant to fee in what a flutter the Poor Bird is, when he finds himfelf difappointed.

On the Banks of this creek are very broad low-Grounds in many Places, and abundance of good high-Land, tho' a little Subjeci to Floods.

We had but two Miles more to Capt. Embry's, where we found the Houfekeeping much better than the Houfe. Our Bountifull Landlady had fet her Oven and all her Spits, Pots, Gridirons and Saucepans to work, to diverfify our Entertain- ment, tho' after all it prov'd but a Mahommetan Feaft, there being Nothing to drink but Water. The worft of it was, we had unluckily outrid the Baggage, and for that Reafon were oblig'd to Lodge very Sociably in the Same Apartment with the Family, where, reckoning Women and Children, we mufter'd in all no lefs than Nine Perfons, who all pigg'd loveingly to- gether.

In the Morning colo Boiling, who had been Surveying in the 2o Neighbourhood, and Mr. Walker, who dwelt not far off, came to vifit us ; And the laft of thefe Worthy Gentlemen, fearing that our drinking fo much Water might incline us to Pleurifys, brought us a kind Supply both of Wine and cyder.

192 The Hiflory of the

I72Q ^ was Noon before we cou'd difengage Ourfelves from the

Nov. Courtefies of this Place, and then the two Gentlemen above-

*— ^r~~/ mention'd were fo good as to accompany us that day's Journey,

tho' they cou'd by no means approve of our Lithuanian

Fafhion or Difmounting now and then, in order to walk part of

the way on foot.

We croft Nottoway River not far from our Landlord's Houfe, where it feem'd to be about 25 Yards over. This River divides the County of Prince George from that of Brunswick. We had not gone 8 Miles farther before our Eyes were blelT'd with the Sight of Sapponi chappel, which was the firft Houfe of Prayer we had feen for more than two calendar Months.

About 3 Miles beyond that, we palled over Stony Creek, where One of thofe that Guarded the Baggage kill'd a Pol cat, upon which he made a Comfortable Repaft. Thofe of his company were fo Squeamish they cou'd not be perfuaded at firft to taft, as they faid, of fo unfavoury an Animal ; but feeing the Man Smack his Lips with more pleafure than ufual, they ventur'd at la ft to be of his Mefs, and inftead of finding the Flefh rank and high-tafted, they ovvn'd it to be the Sweeteft Morfel they had ever eat in their Lives.

The ill Savour of this little Beaft lys altogether in its Urine, which Nature has made fo deteftably ill-fcented on purpofe to furnifh a helplefs Creature with Something to defend itfelf. For as fome Brutes have Horns and Hoofs, and others are arm'd with Claws, Teeth and Tufhes for their Defence ; and as Some Spit a Sort of Poifon at their Adverfaries, like the Paco ; and others dart Quills at their Purfuers, like the Porcupine ; and as fome have no Weapons to help thcmfelves but their Tongue, and others none but their Tails ; fo the poor Polcat's fafety lies altogether in the irreiiitible Stench of its Water ; infomuch that when it finds itfelf in Danger from an Enemy, it Moiftens its bufhy Tail plentifully with this Liquid Ammunition, and, then

Dividing Line. 193

with great fury, Sprinkles it like a Shower of Rain full into the J72 Eyes of its AfTailant, by which it gains time to make its Efcape. Nov.

Nor is the Polcat the only Animal that defends itfelf by a v v-~ Stink. At the Cape of Good Hope is a little Bead, call'd a Stinker, as big as a Fox, and Shap't like a Ferret, which being purfued has no way to fave himfelf but by farting and Scatter- ing. And then such a Stench enfues that None of its Purfuers can Poflibly stand it.

At the End of 30 good Miles, we arriv'd in the Evening at colo Boiling's, where firfl, from a Primitive Courfe of Life, we began to relapfe into Luxury. This Gentleman lives within Hearing of the Falls of Appamatuck River, which are very Noify whenever a Flood happens to roll a greater ftream than ordinary over the Rocks.

The River is Navigable for Small Craft as high as the Falls, and at Some diftance from thence fetches a compafs, and runs nearly parallel with James River almoft as high as the Moun- tains.

While the commiflioners fared Sumptuoufly here, the poor Chaplain and two Surveyors, ftoppt Ten Miles Short at a puor Planter's Houfe, in Pity to their Horfes, made a Saint Antho- ny's Meal, that is, they Supp't upon the Pickings of what Stuck in their Teeth ever fince Brcakfalt. But to make them amends, the good Man laid them in his own Bed, where they all three neftled together in one cotton Sheet and one of Brown Ozna- brugs, made Still Something Browner by two Months' Copious Perlpiration.

But thofe worthy Gentlemen were fo alert in the Morning 21 after their light Supper, that they came up with us before Break- faft, & honcllly paid their Stomachs all they ow'd them.

We made no more than a Sabbath day's Journey from this to the next Hofpitable Houfe, namely, that of our great Benefactor, Colo Mumford. We had already been much befriended by this Z

194 %b& Hijfory of the

Gentleman, who, befidcs fending Orders to his Overfecrs at Roanoak to let us want for nothing, had, in the Beginning of our Bufmefs, been fo kind as to recommend moft of the Aden to us who were the faithfull Partners of our Fatigue.

Altho' in moft other Atchievements thofe who command are apt to take all the Honour, to themfelves of what perhaps was more owing to the Vigour of those who were under them, Yet 1 muil be more juft, and allow thefe brave Fellows their full Share of credit for the Service we perform'd, & muft de- clare, that it was in a great Meafure owing to their Spirit and indefatigable Induftry that we overcame many Obftacles in the Courfe of our Line, which till then had been efteem'd unfur- mountable.

Nor mufi: I at the Same time omit to do Juftice to the Sur- veyors, and particularly to Air. A4ayo, who, befides an eminent degree of Skill, encounter'd the fame Hardfhips and underwent the Same Fatigue that the forwarder! of the Men did, and that with as much Chearfulnefs as if Pain had been his Pleafure, and Difficulty his real Diversion.

Here we difcharg'd the few Alen we had left, who were all as Ragged as the Gibeonite Ambassadors, tho', at the Same time, their Rags were very honourable, by the Service they had fo Vigoroufty performed in making them fo. 22 A little before Noon we all took leave and difperf't to our Several Habitations, where we were fo happy as to find all our Familys well. This crown'd all our other Bleffings, and made our Journey as profperous as it had been painfull.

Thus ended our Second Expedition, in which we extended the Line within the Shadow of the Chariky Alountains, where we wer.c oblig'd to Set up our Pillars, like Hercules, and return Home.

We had now, upon the whole, been out Sixteen Weeks, including going and returning, and had travell'd at leaft Six

Dividing Line. 195

Hundred Miles, and no Small part of that Diftance on foot. Below, towards the Sea Side, our Courfe lay through Marshes, Swamps, and great Waters ; and above, over Steep Hills, Craggy Rocks, and Thickets, hardly penetrable. Notwith- standing this variety of Hardfhips, we may fay, without Vanity, that we faithfully obey'd the King's Orders, and pcrform'd the Bufinefs effectually, in which we had the Honour to be em- ploy'd.

Nor can we by any Means reproach Ourfelves of having put the Crown to any exorbitant Expenfe in this difficult affair, the whole Charge, from Beginning to End, amounting to no more that One Thoufand Pounds. But let no one concern'd in this painful Expedition complain of the Scantinefs of his Pav, lb long as His Majefty has been Gracioufly pleaf'd to add to our Reward the Honour of his Royal approbation, and to declare, not with (landing the Dcfertion of the Carolina Commission- ers, that the Line by us run (hall hereafter Stand as the true Boundary betwixt the Governments of Virginia and North Carolina.





To the Foregoing Journal, containing the second Charter to the Proprietors of Carolina, confirming and enlarging the firft, and alfo feveral other a£ts to which it refers. Theft* are plac'd by themfelves at the End of the Book, that they may not interrupt the Thread of the Story, and the Reader will be more at liberty whether he will pleafe to read them or not, being fomething dry and unpleafant.

The Second Charter granted by King Charles id to the Proprietors of Carolina.

Charles, by the Grace of God, &c. : Whereas, by our Letters Patent, bearing date the four and twentieth day of march, in the fifteenth year of our Reign, we were graciouflv pleaf'd to grant unto our right trufty and right well beloved coufin and councellor, Edward, Earl of Clarendon, our high Chancellor of England, Our right trufty and right intirely be- loved Coufin and Counsellor, George, Duke of Albemarle, Mafter of our Horfe, our right truftvand well beloved William, now Earl of Craven, our Right trufty and well beloved Coun- fellor, Anthony, Lord Afhley, Chancellor of our Exchequer, our right trufty and well beloved Counsellor, Sir George Car- terett, Knight and Baronet, vice Chamberlain of our houfehuld, our right trufty and well beloved, Sir John Colleton, Knight and Baronet, and Sir William Berkley, Knight, all that Province, Territory, or Tra£v. of Ground, called Carolina, Situate, lying and being; within our Dominions of America, extending from the North End of the Uland called Luke Ifland, which lys in the Southern Virginia Seas, and within Six and thirty Degrees of the Northern Latitude ; and to the Weft as Far as the South Seas ; & fo refpectively as far as the River of Mathias, which

198 The Hijiory of the

bordereth upon the Coaft of Florida, & within one and thirty Decrees of the Northern Latitude, and fo weft in a direct Line as far as the South Seas aforefaid. Now know ye, that, at the humbleft requeft of the laid Grantees in the aforefaid Letters Patent named, and as a further mark of our efpecial favour towards them, we are gracioufly pleaf'd to enlarge our (aid Grant unto them according to the Bounds & limits hereafter Specify *d h in favour to the pious and noble purpofe of the laid Edward, Earl of Clarendon, George, Duke of Albemarle, William, Earl of Craven, John, Lord Berkley, Anthony, Lord Afhley, Sir George Carterett, Sir John Colleton and Sir William Berkley, we do give and grant to them, their Heirs and Affigns, all that Province, Territory, or tract of Ground, Situate, lying and being within our Dominions of America aforefaid, extending North and Eaihvard as far as the North end of Carahtuke River or Inlet, upon a Streight wefterly line to Wyonoake Creek, which lys within or about the Degrees of thirty-fix and thirty Minutes Northern Latitude, and fo Weft in a Direct line as far as the South Seas ; & fouth and weftward as far as the Degrees of twenty-nine inclufive Northern Latitude, & fo weft in a direct line as far as the South feas ; together with all and Sin- gular ports, harbours, Bays, rivers & inlets belonging unto the Province or Territory aforefaid. And alfo, all the Soil, lands, fields, Woods, Mountains, terms, Lakes, Rivers, Bays and Inlets, fituate, or being within the Bounds or limits lait before mention'd : with the timing of ail Sorts of fifh, Whales, Stur- geons, and all other Royal fifties in the Sea, Bays, Inlets, and Rivers, within the Premifes, and the fifth therein taken ; together with the royalty of the Sea, upon the Coaft within the limits aforefaid. And Moreover, all Veins, Mines and Quarries, as well difcover'd as not difcover'd, of Gold, Silver, Gems & pre- cious Stones, and all other whatfoever ; be it of Stones, Metals or any other thing found or to be found within the Province, Territory, Inlets and limits aforefaid. And furthermore, the Patronage & Avowfons of all the Churches & Chappels, which as the Chriftian Religion (hall encreafe within the Pro- vince Territory Ifles and limits aforefaid, Shall happen hereafter to be erected ; together with Licence and. Power to build & found Churches & Chappels & Oratories in fit and convenient places, within the faid Bound's and Limits ; and to Caufe them to be dedicated and Confecratcd, according to the Ecclefiaftical Laws of our Kingdom of England ; together with all and

Dividing Line 199

Singular the like, and as ample Rights, Iurifdi&ions. Privileges ; Prerogatives, Royalties, Liberties, Immunities and Francbifes of what kind Soever, within the Territory. Ifle's Inlets Sz Limits aforefaid. To have, hold, ufc. exereife & enjoy the Same as amply, fully and in as ample, a Manner, as any Bimop of Dur- ham in our Kingdom of England, ever heretofore had. held. ufed. or enjoy'd, or. of right, ought, or could have, ufe. or enjoy ; and then the Said Edward Earl of Clarendon : George. Duke of. Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord. Berkley, Anthony Lord. Afhley, Sir. George Carterett, Sir John Colleton and Sir William Berkley, their? Heirs and Aifigns ; We do by thefe Prefents ; for us. our Heirs and. Succellor's, make, create, and conititute the true and abfolute. Lords and Proprietors of the Said Province, or Territory, and of all other, the Premifes, faveing alway's the Faith, Allegiance and Sove- reign. Dominion, due to us, our Heirs, and Succeflbrs. for the fame ; to have, hold ; poflefs and enjoy, the faid Province, Ter- ritory, Inlets and all. and lingular, other the Premifes ; to them the faid Edward. Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albe- marle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berklev. Anthony Lord Afhley Sir. George. Carteret. Sir John Colleton & Sir William Berkley, their Heirs and Afligns for ever, to be holden of Us. Our Heirs & Sueceflbr's as of. Our Manner of Eaft. Greenwich in Kent in free & common Soccage Sz not in Capite or by Knights. Service yeelding and paying yearly to us. Our. Heirs. & Succeftbrs for the Same, the fourth part of all. Gold. & Silver. Oar which within the Limits hereby granted (hall, from time to time happen to be found over and befides the yearly. Rent of twenty Marks and the fourth part of the. Gold Sz Silver. Oar. in and by the faid recited Letters. Patents referv'd and Payable.

And that the Province or Territory hereby granted and de- fcribed may be dignify'd with as large Titles and, Priviledges 3S any other Parts of our Dominions and Territories, in that Region. Know, ye that we of our further Grace certain know- ledge & mere Motion have thought nt to annex the fame Tract of Ground and Territory unto the fame Province of Carolina and out. of the fulnefs of our. Royal Power <5c Prerogative. We do. for Us. Our. Heirs And Succellor's annex & unite the Same to the (aid Province of Carolina And for as much as we have made and ordain'd the aforefaid Edward Earl of Clar- endon George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven.

2oo The TliJIory of the

John Lord Berkley. Anthony Lord Afhley. Sir George Car- teret. Sir John Colleton & Sir William Berkley their Heirs and AffrVns the true. Lord's and Proprietors of all the Province or. Territory aforefaid Know, ye therefore moreover the we. re- pofino; efpecial truft <5c confidence in. their fidelity Wifdom. Juf- tice and Provident. Circumfpecticn for Us Our Heirs and Suc- ceflbr's do grant full and absolute Power by Vertue of thefc Prefents to them the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon. George Duke of Albemarle. William Earl of Craven. John Lord Berkley Anthony Lord Afhly Sir George. Carteret. Sir John. Colleton and Sir William Berkley and their Heir's & Afligns for the good & happy Government of the faid whole Province or Territory full Power and Authority to erect, conftitute & make feveral Counties. Baronies. & Colonies of & within the faid Provinces. Territories. Land's and Hereditaments in and by laid recited Letters Patents. & thefe Prefents granted or. men- tion'd to be granted as aforefaid with feveral and diftinct Juris- dictions Power's. Liberties and Priviledges. And alfo to Ordain, make and enact and under their Seals, to Publim any Law's and Conftitutions whatfoever. either appertaining to the Publick State of the faid whole Provinee or Territory, or of any diftinct or. Particular County, Barony, and. Colony of or within the Same, or to the Private utility of Particular Perfons. according to their beft difcretion, by & with the advice. Aflent & Approba- tion of the Freemen of the Said Province or Territory or of the Freemen of County. Barony or Colony, for which fuch Law or Conftitution mail be made or the greater Part of them or of their Delegates or Deputies, whom for the enacting of the faid Law's when as often as need fhall require We will that the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon. George. Duke of Albemarle William Earl of Craven John Lord. Berkley Anthony Lord Afhley Sir George Carterett, Sir John. Colleton k Sir William Berkley, their Heirs or Afligns. Shall from time to time, aflem- ble in Such Manner and form as to them fhall feem beft, and the fame Law's duly to Execute upon all People within the faid Provinces or. Territory. County Colony, or. Barony the Limits thereof for the time being, which fhall be Conftituted under the Power Sc Government of them, or any of them, either Sailing towards the faid Province or Territory of Carolina, or returning from thence towards. England, or any other of Our, or foreign Dominions, by Impofition of Penalties, Imprifonmcnt, or any other Punilhmcnt : Yea. if it fhall. be necdfull, and the Quality

* Dividing Line. 201

of the offence require it. by takeing away Member & Life, either by them the Said Edward. Earl of Ciarendon, George Duke of Albemarle. William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkley. An- thony Lord Afhley Sir George Carterett. Sir John Colleton Sz Sir William Berkley, and their Heirs or by them or their Depu- ties Lieutenants. Judges. Juftices. Magiftrates. or. Officers whatfoever as within the Said Province as at Sea, in fuch. Man- ner & form as unto the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon. George Duke of Albemarle. William Earl of Craven, John. Lord Berkley. Anthony Lord Afhley, Sir George Carteret, Sir John Colleton, & Sir William Berkley, and their Heirs, fnall feem moil, convenient, Alfo, to remit, releafc, pardon and abolifh, whether before Judgement, or after, all Crimes and offences whatfoever. Againfl: the faid Law's ; and to do all and every other thing and things, which unto the Compleat eftablifhmcnt of Juftice, unto Courts, Sefiions & forms of Judicature and Manners of proceedings therein, do belong altho in thefe Pre- fents, exprefs mention is not. made thereof. & by Judges to him or them delegated to award procefs. hold pleas. & determine in all the faid Courts, & places of Judicature, all Actions, Suits, and Caufes whatfoever, as well Criminal as. Civil, real, mix't perfonal. or of any other kind or. Nature whatfoever, which Law's So as aforefaid to, be publifh'd, Our. Pleafure is & we do enjoyn, require and. Command, {hall, be abfolutcly firm & availa- ble in Law ; and that all the leige People of Us. our Heirs and SuccefTors, within the faid Provinee or Territory, do obferve ec keep the fame inviolably in thcfe Parts. So far as they concern them, under the Pains & Penalties therein exprefPd or to be exprefT'd provided neverthelefs, that the faid Law's be confonant to Reafon, and as near as may be conveniently, agreeable to the Law's Sz Cuftoms of this our Realm of England.

And. becaufe fuch Aflemblies of freeholder's cannot be fo fuddenly call'd as there may be Occafion to require the Same. we do therefore by thefe Prefents, give & Grant unto the laid Edward Earl of Clarendon George. Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord Afhley, Sir George. Carterett. Sir John Colleton, and Sir William Berkley, their Heirs k Afligns, by themfelves or their Magif- trates. in that Behalf, lawfully Authorized, full Power and Au- thority from time to time, to make 5: ordain fit and wholefome Orders & Ordinances, within the Province or. Territory afore- faid or any County, Barony or. Province of or within the lame, Aa

202 The Hi/lory of the

to be kep't and obferv'd, as well for the keeping of the Peace as for the better Government of the People there abiding, & to publifh the fame to all to whom it may concern, which ordi- nances we do, by thefe Prefents. ftreightly charge and command to be inviolably obferv'd within the fame Province. Counties Territory's, Barony's &z Provinces under the Penalties therein exprefPd : So as Such Ordinances be reafonable Sz not repug- nant or contrary, but as near as may be agreeable to the Laws & Statutes of this our Kingdom, of England; and fo as the fame Ordinances do not extend to the binding, charging or taking away of the right or Intereft of any Perfon or. Perions in their freehold, Goods or. Chattels whatfoever,

And to the end the faid Province or Territory, may be more happily encreaf'd by the Multitude of People referring thither & may likevvife be the more Strongly defended from the Incur- fions of Savages and other Enemies, Pirates Sz Robbers, There- fore, We for Us, Our Heirs and SuccelTor's, do give and grant, by thefe Prefents, Power. Licence and Liberty unto all the LeiVe People of Us, Our Heirs and Succeflbr's in our Kingdom of England Sz elfewhere, Within any other our Dominions, Wands, Colonies or. Plantations, (excepting thofe who (hall be efpecially forbidden) to tranfport themfelves & Families into the faid Province or Territory, with Convenient. Shipping Sz fitting Provifions & there to Settle themfelves, dwell and Inhabit, any Law, Act. Statute, Ordinance, or other thing to the con- trary, in any wife notwithstanding.

And we will alio, and of our efpecial Grace, for us, Our Heirs, Sz Succeflbr's, do Streightly enjoyn, ordain constitute and command, that the Said Province or Territory, fliall be of our Allegiance ; & that all And Singular, the Subjects and. Leige Peo- ple of Us. Our. Heirs & Succeflbr's, tranfported or to be trans- ported, into the faid Province, Sz the Children of them, and fueh as mail decend from them, there born, or hereafter to be born, be, and mail be, Denizens Sz Leige People, of Us. our Heirs, and, Succeflbr's. of this our Kingdom of England, & be in all things, held, treated, and reputed as the Leige faithful 1 People, of Us, our Heirs and Succelfors. born within this our Said Kingdom, or any other of our Dominions, and may inherit, or otherwife pur- chafe & receive, take, hold, buy, & po fiefs, any Land's, Land's, Tenements, or Hereditaments, within the Said Places, 5c them may occupy, & enjoy, fell, alien, and bequeath, as likewife all Liberties, Franchifes & Priviledges of this our Kingdom, and of

Dividing Line. 203

other our Dominions aforefaid, may freely and quietly have, PofTefs, and enjoy as our Leige People born within the Same, wirhout the Moleftation, vexation, grievance or. Trouble, of Us. our Heirs and Succeflbrs, any A£\. Statute, Ordinance or Provifion to the contrary notwithstanding.

And furthermore, that our Subjects of this our faid Kingdom of England, £ other our Dominions, may be the rather en- couraged to undertake this Expedition, with ready & cheerfull Means. Know, Ye, that We, of our cfpecial Grace, certain Knowledge, & mere Motion, do give & Grant by Vertue of the Prefents. as well to the faid. Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord Afhley, Sir George Carteret, Sir John Colleton & Sir William Berkley and their Heirs, as unto all others as (hall, from time to time, repair unto the faid Province or, Territory, with a purpofe to inhabit, there or to trade with the Native^ thereof, Fuli Liberty and Licence to trade & Freight in every Part whatsoever of Us, our. Heirs & Succef- for's, and into the faid Province of Carolina, by them, their Servants & Afligns, to tranfport all & Singular, their good's, Wares, and Merchandizes, as likewife all Sort of Grain what- foever, & any other thing whatfoever, necefTary for their food & cloathing, not prohibited by the Law's and Statutes of our Kingdom & Dominions, to be carried out of the fame, without any let or Moleftation of Us our Heirs, & Succeiiors, or of any other our Officers or Ministers whatfoever, Saving alio to Us, our Heirs, and SuccefTor's, the Cuftoms & other Duties & Pay- ments due for the faid Wares k Merchandizes, according to the feveral Rates of the Places from whence the fame fliall be tranfported.

We will alfo & by thefe Prefents for. Us. our Heirs Succef- fors, do give and grant Licence by this our Charter, unto the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle William Earl of Craven. John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord. Afhley, Sir George Carteret Sir John Colleton and Sir William Berkley, their Heirs & Afligns, and to all the Inhabitants & Dwellers in the Province or Territory aforefaid, both Prefent and to come, full Power & abfolute Authority to import or unlade, by tlumfelves or their Servants. Factors or Afligns all Merchandizes & Goods whatfoever, that iliall arrife of the Fruits & Commodities of the faid Province, or Territory, either by Land or Sea, into any of the Parts of us, our Heirs & Sue-

204 The llijlory of the

ceffor's, in our Kingdom of England, Scotland, or Ireland, or otherwife, to difpofe of the faid goods, in the faid Parts, and if need be, within one year next after the unlading, to lade the faid Merchandizes k Good's again into the fame, or other Ships & to export the fame into any other Country's, either of our Dominions or. forreign, being in Amity with Us, our Heirs k Succcflbrs, fo as the reft of the Cuftomes, Subfidies & other Duties for the fame to Us, our Heirs & Succeflbrs, as the reft of Our Subjects, of this our Kingdom for the time being, fliall be bound to pay, Beyond which we will not that the Inhabitants of the faid Province or Territory, fhall be any way Chareed, Provided, Nevcrthelefs, and Our' Will k Pleafure is, and We have further, for the Confiderations aforefaid, of our efpecial Grace, certain Knowledge & Mere. Motion, given k Granted, & by thefe Prefents, for Us. our Heirs and SuccefTor's, do give & grant, unto the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord. Berk- ley, Anthony Lord Alliley, Sir George Carteret, Sir John Colleton, & Sir William Berkley, their Heirs & Affigns, full & free Licence, Liberty, Power, & Authority, at any time or times from k after the feaft. of St. Micheal the Arch. Angel, which fliall be in the Year of our Lord Chrift, one Thoufand Six Hundred,- Jixty & Seven.; as well to import and bring into any our Dominions from the faid Province of Carolina, or any part thereof, thefeveral goods & Commodities herein after mention'd ; that is to fay, Silks ; Wines, Currants, Rayfons, Capers, Wax, Almonds, Oyl and Olives without paying or anfwering to us our Heirs & SucceiTbrs, any Cuftom, Irnpoft or other Duty, for, or in refpecl thereof, for and during the time and fpace of'feven Years, to Commence & be accompted from, and after the fir ft importation of four Tons of any the faid Goods in any one Bottom Ship or Veflel, from the (aid Province or Territory, into any of our Dominions, as alfo to export and carry out of any of our Dominions into the faid Province or Territory, Cuftom free, all . Sorts of Tools, which be ufeful or neceflary For the Planters there, in the Accommodation k Improvement ot the Premiies, anything before in thefe Prefents, contain'd, or any Law, A<3:, Statute, Prohibition, or any other Matter or Thing, heretofore had, made, enacted or provided in any, wife notwithftanding.

^ And. furthermore of our mere ample & efpecial Grace, certain Knowledge and mere motion, We do for Us, our Heirs, and Sue-

Dividing Line. 205

ceffors, grant unto the fold Edward Ear! of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berk- lev, Anthony Lord Afhley, Sir George Carteret, Sir John Colleton, & Sir William Berkley, their Heirs & Afiigns, full & abfolute Power and Authority to make erecSt and Conftitute within the Said Province or Territory, k the liles k Inlets aforefaid, Such & fo Many Sea Parts, Harbours, Creeks and other Places, for difcharge and unladeing of Goods & Merchan- dizes out of Ships, Boats and other Veffels, and for lading of them in fuch and fo many places & with fucli Jurifdictions, Pri- viledses & Franchifes, unto the Said Ports belonging, as to them mall feem mo ft expedient ; k that ail and Singular, the Ships, Boats, & other Veffels, which iriall come for Merchandizes and Trade into the faid Province or Territory, or mall depart out of the fame, (hall be laden and unladen at Such Ports only, as fhall be erected & conftituted by the laid Edward. Earl of Clar- endon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkley, Anthony, Lord Afhley, Sir George. Car- teret. Sir John Colleton & Sir William Berkley, their Heirs & Affigns & not elfcwherc, any ufe, Cuftom, or anything to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding,

And we do furthermore will Appoint & Ordain, & by thefe Prefents, for Us, our Heirs and Succeffors, do grant unto the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord Afhley, Sir George Carteret, Sir John Colleton k Sir William Berkley their Heirs k Afiigns, that they the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord Afhley, Sir George Carteret, Sir John Colleton & Sir William Berkley, their Heirs & Ailigns, may from time to time forever, have and enjoy the Cuftoms and Subfidies in the Ports, Harbours, Creeks & other places within the Province aforefaid, payable for the Goods, Merchandizes, & Wares there Laded, or to be Laded or unla- ded, the faid Cuftoms to be reafonably Afleff'd to upon any Occalion by themfelves & by & with the confent of the free people, or the greater part of them, as aforefaid ; to whom we give Power by thefe Prefents, for Us, our Heirs & Succeffors, upon juft cause k in due proportion to affefs Sc impofe the fame.

And further, of our efpecial Grace certain Knowledge & mere Motion, we have given, granted & confirm'd & by thefe Prefents for Us, our Heirs & Succeffors, do give, Grant & con-

206 The Hijiory of the

firm unto the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon. George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven John Lord. Berkley, Anthony Lord Afhlev, Sir George. Carteret, Sir John Colleton k Sir William Berkley, their Heirs and Affigns, full & abfolute Licence, Power & Authority, that they the faid Edward. Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord Afhley, Sir George. Carteret, Sir John Colleton, & Sir William Berkley, their Heirs fe Affigns, from time to time, hereafter for ever, at his and their Will k pleafure, may Affign, alien, grant demife or en- feoff, the Premifes or any part or Parcell thereof to him or them, that {hall be willing to purchafe the fame ; and to Such perfon or perfons as they fhall think fit, to have and to hold to them the faid Perfon or Perfons, their Heirs & Affigns in Fee Simple or in fee Sayle or for the Term of Life or Lives, or Years to be held of them the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord Afhley, Sir George Carterett, Sir John Colleton, k Sir William Berkley, their Heirs & Af figns, by fuch rents, fe Services, and Cuiroms as mall feern fit to them the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord, Berkley, Anthony Lord Afhley, Sir George Carteret Sir John Colleton k Sir William Berkley, their Heirs & Affigns & not of Us, our Heirs h SucceiTbr's ; and to the fame Perfon and Perfons, k to all & every one of them, We do give & grant, by thefe prefents, for Us our Heirs and Succeffiors, Licence, Authority, & Power that fuch Perfon or Perfons may have and take the Premifes, or any Parcell thereof, of the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Cra- ven, John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord Afhley, Sir George Carterett, Sir John Colleton k Sir William Berkley, their Heirs and Affigns, & the fame to hold to themfelves their Heirs or Affigns, in what Eftate of Inheritance foever, in Fee Simple, or in Fee Sayle or otherwife, as to them the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord Afhley, Sir George, Carteret. Sir John Colleton & Sir William Berkley, their Heirs k Affigns, mail feem expedient. The Statute in the Parlia- ment of Edward, Son of King Henry, heretofore King of. England, our Prcdcceflbr, commonly call'd the Statute of Quia Emtores Terrar ; or any other Statute, Act, Ordinance, Ufe,

Dividi?ig Line. 207

Law, Cuftom, or any other Matter, Caufe or thing heretofore publifhcd or provided to the contrary in any wife notwith- standing

And becaufe many perfons born & Inhabiting in the faid Province, for their Dcferts & Services may expect, k be capa- ble, of Marks of Honour & Favour, which in refpect of the great Diftance cannot conveniently be conferred by us, our Will & Pleafure therefore is k We do by thefe Prefents, give and grant unto the faid, Edward, Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord Afliley, Sir George. Carterctt, Sir John Colleton. &: Sir William Berkley, their Meiis & Affigns, full Power & Authority to give k Confer unto k upon fuch of the Inhabitants of the faid Province or Territory, as they fhall think, do or fhall merit the fame fuch Marks of Favour, & Titles of Honour, as they mall think fit, fo as their Titles or Honours be not the fame as are enjoy'd by, or conferr'd upon any of the Subjects of this our Kingdom of England.

And further alfo, we do by thefe prefents, for us, our Heirs & Succeffors, give and grant, Licence to them the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord Afhley, Sir George Carteret, Sir John Colleton, & Sir William Berkley, their Heirs & Affigns, full Power & Authority, Libert)- and Licence to erecL raife & Build within the (aid Province or Places aforefaid or any Part or Parts thereof, fuch <fe fo many P'orts, Fortrefles, Catties, Cities, Burroughs, Towns, Villages, or any other Fortifications whatfoever ; k the fame or any of them to fortify & furnifh with Ordnance Powder, Shott, Ar- mour, k all other Weapons, Ammunition k Habiliments of War, both defenfive & Offenfive, as fhall be thought fit and convenient for the fafety & Welfare of the faid Province, & Places, or any part, thereof, and the fame, or any of them, from time to time, as occafion mall require, to Difmantle, Disfurnifh, Demolifh & pull down ; And alfo to Place. Confiitute & Ap- point in, or over all, or any of the faid Caftles, forts, fortifica- tions, Cities Towns, & Places aforefaid, Governors, Deputy Governors, Magiltrates, Sheriffs, & other Officers, Civil and Military as to them fhall feem meet : and to the faid Cities, Burroughs, Towns, Villages, or any other place or places within the laid Province or Territory, to grant Letters, or Charters of Incorporations with all Liberties. Franchifes k Pri-

208 The Hi/lory of ihe

vileges requifite, or ufual, or to, or within this our Kingdom of England granted, or belonging : And in the fame Cities, Bur- roughs, Towns <fc other Places, to conftitute, erecl: & Appoint, Such & So many Markets, Marts, & Fairs, as fhall in that behalf be thought fit and neceiTary ; and further alfo, to Erecl & make in the Province or Territory aforefaid ; or any part thereof, So many Mannors with fuch Signories as to them {hall Seem Meet, & Convenient, & in every of the faid Mannors to have k to hold a Court-Baron with all things whatfoever, which to a Court-Baron do belong, & to have & to hold views of franck pledge, & Courts-Leet, for the confervation of the Peace, and better Government of thofe Parts, with fuch Limits, Jurifdiction dc Precincls, as by the faid Edward Earl of Claren- don. George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord Afhley, Sir George Car- terett, Sir John Colleton, & Sir William Berkley, or their Heirs, mall be appointed for that purpofe, with all things whatfoever, which to a Court-leet or view of Franck Pledge : do belong the fame Courts to be holden by Stewards, to be deputed, & authorized by the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon. George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord. Berkley, Anthony Lord Afhley, Sir George Carterett, Sir John Colleton & Sir \Villiam Berkley, or their Heirs, by the Lords of the Mannors & leets, for the time being, when the fame fhall be Ereaed,

And becaufe that in fo remote a Country & fcituate amon^fl fo many barbarous Nations, the Invaiions as well of Salvages, as other Enemies. Pirates & Robbers may probably be fear'd ; Therefore we have given & for Us, our Heirs & Succeflbrs do give power by thefe prefers, unto the Said Edward. Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Cra- ven John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord. Afhley, Sir George. Carterett, Sir John Colleton & Sir William Berkley, their Heirs or Afligns, by themfelves, or their Captains, or other Officers to Levy, Muiter, & Train up all Sorts of Men, of what Con- dition foever, or wherefoever born, whether in the faid Province, or elfewhere, for the time being, And to make War & purfue the Enemies aforefaid, as well by Sea, as by Land ; Yea even without the Limits of the faid Province, and by God's Affift- ance, to Vanquish, and take them & being taken, to put them to Death by the Law of War, <fc to fave them at their pleafure ; and to do all & every other thing which to the Charge & Office

Dividing Line. 209

of a Captain General of an Army do belong, or hath accuf- tom'd to belong, as fully & freely as any Captain General of an Army hath had the fame.

Alfo our Will & pleafure is, & by this our Charter, We do give & grant unto the faid. Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, "William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord Afhley, Sir George Carterett, Sir John Colleton, & Sir William Berkley, their Heirs and Aifigns, full power & Liberty & Authority in cafe of Rebellion ; Tumult, or -Sedition (if any fhould happen which God forbid) either upon the Land within the Province aforefaid, or upon the main Sea, in makeing a Voyage thither, or returning from thence, by him & themfelves, their Captains, Deputies, or Officers, to be Authorized under his or their Seals for that purpofc, To whom alfo for Us, our Heirs & Succelfors, we do give & grant by thefe prefents, full power & Authority to exercife Martial Law, againfr. Mutinous & Seditious perfons of thofe parts, Such as fhall refufe to fubmit themfelves to their Government-, or lhail refufe to fcrve in the Wars, or fhall fly to the Enemy, or for- fake their Colours or Enligns or be Loytercrs or Stragglers, or otherwife howfoever offending againfr. law, Cuftom, or Military Difcipline, as freely & in as ample Manner & form as anv Cap- tain General of an Army, by Vertue of his Office, might, or hath accuitorn'd to uk the fame.

And our further pleafure is & by thefe prefents, for Us, our Heirs & Succeflbrs, We do grant unto the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon. George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Cra- ven, John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord Afhley." Sir George Carteret. Sir John Colleton & Sir William Berkley, their Heirs & Afligns, & to the Tenants & Inhabitants of the Said Province, or Territory, both prefent & to come & to every of them, that the Said Province or Territory, & the Tenants, & Inhabitants thereof, mail not from henceforth, be held or reputed any member or part of any Colony Whatfoevcr, in America or elfewhcre ; Now tranfported or made ; nor (hall be depending on or Subject to their Government in any thing, but be abfo- lutely feperated & divided from the fame. And our pleafure is, by thefe prefents, that they be Seperated, and that they be Sub- ject immediately to our Crown of England, as depending thereof for ever, And that the Inhabitants of the faid Province or Territory, nor any of them, fhall at any time hereafter be, Compell'd or compellable, or be any way's Subject, or liable to Bb

2 1 o The Ilijlcry of the

appear or anfvver to any Matter, fuit, caufe, or Plaint whatfo- ever, out of the Province or Territory aforcfaid, in any other of our Iflands Collony's or Dominions, in America, or elfe- where other than in our Realm of England and Dominion of Wales. And becaufe it may happen, that fome of the People and Inhabitants of the faid Province, cannot in their private opinions conform to the publick exercife of Religion according to the Liturgy, Forms & Ceremonies of the Church of Eng- land, or Subfcribe the Oaths & Articles, made & eftablifhcd in that behalf, and for that the fame, by reafon of the remote dif- tances of thofe Places will as we hope, be no Breach of the unity and conformity, eitablifhhed in tins nation. Our Will & Pleafure therefore is, & we do by thefe prefents for us, our Heirs & SucceiTbrs, give & grant unto the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George. Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Cra- ven, John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord Afhley, Sir Gcoige, Carterett, Sir John. Colleton & Sir William Berkley, their Heirs & Afligns, full & free Licence, Liberty, & Authority, by fuch ways & Means as they fhall think fit, to give and grant unto fuch Perfon and Pcrfons, Inhabiting, & being within the faid Province or Territory, hereby or by the faid recited Letters Patents, mention'd to be granted as aforcfaid, or any Part thereof, fuch Indigencies & Difpenfations in that behalf, for & during fuch time & times, & with fuch Limitations and Reftric- tions as they the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord, Afhley, Sir George Carterett Sir John Colleton & Sir William Berkley, their Heirs & Afligns, fliall in their difcretion think fit & reafonable, And that no Perfon or Peribns, unto whom fuch Liberty fhall be given, fliall be any way molened, puniftied, difquieted, or called in queftion for any differences in Opinion or Practice, in Matters of Religious Concernment, who do not actually difturh the civil Peace of the Province, County or Colonv, that they fliall make their abode in. But all & every fuch Perfon k Peribns, may from time to time, k at all times, freely & Quietly have & enjoy his & their Judgments, & Confidences in Matters of Religion throughout all the laid Province, or Colony, they behaveing themlelvcs peaceably, & not ufeing this Liberty to Licentioufnefs, nor to the Civil Injury, or outward difturbance of others, any Law, Statute, or Claufe contain'd, or to be con-

Dividing Line. 2 1 1

tain'd, Ufage or Cuftcms of our Realm of England to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithstanding

And in cafe it fhall happen, that any doubts or queftions fhou'd arife concerning the true fence & understanding of any word, claufe, or Sentence, contain'd in this our Prefent, Char- ter, We will, Ordain, and command, that at all times, & in all things fuch Interpretations be made thereof, & allow'd in all k ever) of our Courts whatfoever, as lawfully may be adjudged molt advantageous & favourable to the faid Edward, Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Cra- ven John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord Afhley, Sir George Carterett, Sir John Colleton & Sir William Berkley, their Heirs & Affigns, although Exprefs. mention &c

Witnefs our felf at Weftminfter, the thirtieth day of June, in the Seventeenth Year of our Reign

Per. ipfum Regem

At the Court of St. James s the \fi day of Marcb> 1 7 1 o. Prefent^ 'The Queen s moft Excellent Majefty in Council.

Upon reading this day at the Board a Reprefentation from the Rt Honble the Lords Commiflioners for trade & Plantations; in the Words following : In purfuance of your Majefty's Pleafiire, Commiffioners have been appointed on the Part of your Majef- ty's Colony of Virginia, as likewife on the Part of the Province of Carolina, for the fettling the Bounds between thofe Govern- ments ; And they have met feveral times for that puipofe, but have not agreed upon any one Point thereof, by reafon of the trifleing delays of the Carolina Commiflioners, <fc of the many difficulties by them raif'd in relation to the proper Obfervations & furvey they were to make. However, the Commiflioners for Virginia have deliver'd to your Majelty's Lieut Governor of that Colony an Account of their proceedings, which Account has been under the Confideration of your Majefty's Council of Virginia, «ic they have made a Report thereon to the laid Lieut Governor, who haveing lately tranfmitted unto us a Copy of that Report, we take leave humbly to lay the Subltance thereof before your Majefty, which is as follows :

That the Commiili oners of Carolina are both of them Per- fons engag'd in lnterelt to obitriuSt the Settling the Boundarys between that Province and the Colony of Virginia j for one of

2 1 2 The Hijlory of the

them has for fcveral Years been Surveyor General of Carolina has acquired to himfelf great Profit by furveying Lands within the controverted Bounds, & has taken up feveral Traces of Land in his own Name, & fold the fame to others, for which he ftands {till oblig'd obtain Patents from the Government of Carolina. The other of them is at this time Surveyor General, & hath the fame Profpect of advantage by making future furvevs within the faid Bounds. That the Behavior of the Carolina 'Commifii on- ers has tended viiibly to no other End than to protract and defeat the Settling this Affair : and particularly Mr. Mofeley has uf'd fo many Shifts & Excufes to difappoint all Conferences with the Commiffioners of Virginia, as plainly fhew his Averiion to proceed in a Bufineis that tends fo manifeftly to his difadvan- tage. His prevaricating on this occaiion has been fo undifcreet and fo unguarded, as to be difcover'd in the prefence of the Lieut Governor of Virginia. He ftarted fo many objections to the Powers granted to the Commiffioners of that Colony, with defign to render their conferences ineffectual, that his Joint Commiffioner cou'd hardly find an excufe for him. And when the Lieut Governor had with much adoe prevail'd with the faid Mr. Mofeley to appoint a time for meeting the Commiffioners of Virginia, & for bringing the neceifary Inftruments to take the Latitude of the Bounds in difpute, which Inftruments he owned were ready in Carolina, he not only fail'd to comply with his own appointment, but after the Commiffioners of Vir- ginia had made a Journey to his Houfe, and had attended him to the Places proper for obferving the Latitude, he wou'd not take the trouble of carrying his own Inftrumcnt, but contented himfelf to find fault with the Quadrant produc'd by the Virginia Commiffioners, tho that Inftrument had been approv'd by the bell: Mathematicians, and is of univerfal Ufe. From all which it is evident how little hopes there are of Settling the Boundarys above-mention'd, in concert with the prefent Commiffioners for Carolina. That tho the Bounds of the Carolina Charter are in exprefs words limitted to Weyanoak Creek, lyintg in or about 360 30' of Northern Latitude, yet the Commiffioners for Caro- lina have not by any of their Evidences pretended to prove any fuch Place as Weyanoak Creek, the amount of their Evidence reaching no further than to prove which is Weyanoak River, & even that is contradicted by affidavit taken on the part of Vir giuia ; by which affidavits it appears that, before the Date of the Carolina Charter to this day, the place they pretend to be

Dividing Line. 213

Weyanoak River was, & is ftill, called Nottoway River. But fuppofing the fame had been called Weyanoak River, it can be nothing to their purpofe, there being a great difference between a River & a Creek. Befides, in that Country there are divers Rivers & Creeks of the fame Name, as Potomeck River & Po- tomeck Creek, Rappahannock River, & Rappahannock Creek, & Several others, tho there arc many Miles' diftance between the mouths of thefe Rivers and the mouths of thefe Creeks. It is alfo obfervable, that the Witneffes on the Part of Carolina are all very Ignorant perfons, & mofl of them of ill fame & Reputation, on which Account they had been forced to remove from Virginia to Carolina. Further, there appeared to be many contradictions in their Teilirnonys, whereas, on the other hand, the witneffes to prove that the Right to thole Lands is in the Government of Virginia are Perfons of good Credit, their knowledge of the Lands in queftion is more ancient than any of the Witneffes for Carolina, & their Evidence fully corroborated by the concurrent Teltimony of the Tributary Indians. And that right is farther confirm' d by the Obfervations lately taken of the Latitude in thofe parts, by which tis plain, that the Creek proved to be Weyanoak Creek by the Virginia Evidences, & fometimes call'd Wicocon, anfwers beft to the Latitude de- fcribed in the Carolina Charter, for it lys in 360 40', which is ten Minutes to the Northward of the Limits defcribed in the Carolina grant, Whereas Nottoway River, lys exactly in the Latitude of 37°, and can by no conftruction be fuppof'd to be the Boundary defcribed in their Charter ; So that upon the whole Matter, if the Commiflioners of Carolina had no other view than to clear the juft right of the Proprietors, fuch unde- niable Dcmonftrations wou'd be Sufficient to convince them ; but the faid Commiflioners gave too much Caufe to fufpect that they mix their own private Intereft. with the Claim of the Pro- prietors, Sc for that reafon endeavor to gain time in order to obtain Grants for the Land already taken up, and alfo to fecure the reft on this occailon, we take notice, that they proceed to furvey the Land in difpute, notwithstanding the affurance given by the Government of Carolina to the Contrary by their letter of the 17th of June, 1707, to the Government of Virginia, by which letter they promifed that no lands fhou'd be taken up within the controverted bounds till the fame were fettled.

Whereupon we humbly propofe, that the Lords Proprietors be acquainted with the foregoing Complaint of the trifleing

214 The Hijlory of the

delays of their Commiflioners, which delays tis reasonable tu believe have proceeded from the felf-Intereft of thofe Commif- fioners, and that therefore your Majefty's pleafure be fignify'd to the faid Lords Proprietors, that by the firft Opportunity they fend Orders to their Governour or Commander in Chief of Carolina for the time being, to ifiiie forth a new Commiffion, to the purport of that lately iilucd, thereby conftituting two other Perfons, not having any perfonal Intereft in, or claim to, any of the Land lying within the Boundary's in the room of Edward Mofeley & John Lawfon. The Carolina Commiflioners to be appointed being ftrictly required to finiih their Survey, & to make a return thereof in conjunction with the Virginia Commif- fioners, within fix months, to be computed from the time, that due notice fhall be given by your Majefty's Lieut Governor of Vir- ginia to the Governor or Commander in Chief of Carolina, of the time & place, which your Majefty's faid Lieut Governor mall ap- point for the firft meeting of the Commiflioners on one part & the other. In order whereunto we humbly offer, that directions be fent to the faid Lieut Governor, to give fuch Notice accordingly ; & if after Notice fo given, the Carolina Commiflioners fhall refufe or neglect to Join with thofe on the part of Virginia, in making fuch furvey, as likewife a Return thereof within the time before mention'd ; that then and in fuch Cafe the Com- miflioners on the part of Virginia be directed to draw up an Account of the proper obfervations and Survey which they fhall have made for afcertaining the Bounds between Virginia & Carolina, and to deliver the fame in Writing under their Hands and Seals to the Lieut Governor and Council of Virginia, to the end the fame may be laid before your Majefty, for your Majefty's final Determination therein, within, with regard to the Settling of thofe Boundarys ; the Lords Proprietors haveing, by an Inftrument under their Hands, fubmitted the fame to Your Majefty's royal determination, which inftrument, dated in March, 1708, is lying in this Office.

And laftly, we humbly propofc, that your Majefty's further pleafure be fignifyd to the faid Lords Proprietors, and in like manner to the Lieut Governor of Virginia, that no Grants be palPd by either of thofe Governments of any of the Lands lying within the controverted Bounds, until fuch Bounds fhall be afcertain'd and fettled as aforefaid, whereby it may appear whether thofe Lands do of Right belong to your Majefty, or to the Lords Proprietors of Carolina.

Dividing Line. 215

Her Majcfty in Council, approveing of the faicl Reprefeuta- tion, is pleaf'd to order, as it is hereby ordered, that the Rt Honble the Lords Com mifii oners for Trade & Plantations Do fignifye her Majefty's pleafure herein to her Majefty's Lieut Governor or Commander in Chief of Virginia for the time being, and to all Perfons to whom it may belong, as is propof'd by their Lordfhips in the faid Reprefentation, and the Rt Honble the Lords Proprietors of Carolina are to do what on their part does appertain.

Edw Southwell.

Proposals for determining the Controverfy relating to the Bounds let-ween the Governments of Virginia and North Carolina, rnojl humbly offered for his Majefty s Royal Approbation, and for the Confent of the Rt Honble the Lords Proprietors of Carolina.

Forafmuch as the difpute between the faid two Governments about their true Limits continues ftill, notwithstanding the feveral meetings of the CommilHoners, and all the proceedings of many Years pad, in order to adjuft that affair, h feeing no fpecdy De- termination is likelv to enfue, unlefs fome Medium be found out, in which both Partys may incline to acquiefce, wherefore both the underwritten Governors having met, and coniider'd the pre- judice both to the King & the Lords Proprietors' Intereft, by the continuance of this conteft, and truly endeavouring a De- cifion, which they Judge comes neareft the Intention of Royal Charter granted to the Lords Proprietors, do, with the advice Sz confent of their refpeclive Councils, propofe as follows.

That from the mouth of Corotuck River or Inlet, h fetting the Compafs on the North Shoar, thereof a due Weft Line be run & fairly mark'd, h if it happen to cut Chowan River, be- tween the mouths of Nottoway River and Wicocon Creek, then fhall the fame direct Courfe be continued towards the Mountains, and be ever deem'd the Sole divideing line between Virginia & Carolina.

That if the faid Weft Line cuts Chowan River to the South- ward of Wicocon Creek, then from point of Interfection the Bounds fhall be allow'd to continue up the middle of the faid

21 6 The Hiftory of the

Chowan River to the middle of the Enterance into the faid Wicocon Creek, and from thence a due Weft Line (hall divide the faid two Governments.

That if a due Weft Line fliall be found to pafs through Iflands or to cut out fmall Slips of Land, which might much more conveniently be included in one Province or the other by Natural Water Bounds, In fiich Cafes the Pcrfons appointed for runing the Line fliall have power to fettle Natural Bounds, provided the Commiflioners of both Sides agree thereto, and that all fuch Variations from the Weft Line, be particularly Noted in the Maps or Plats, which they fhall return, to be put upon the Records of both Governments, all which is Humbly fubmitted by

Chales Eden. A. Spots wood.

Order of the King and Council upon the foregoing Pro- pofals y At the Court of St. James's the i%th day of March, 1729. Prsfent, the King's m oft Excellent Ma- jefty in Council.

Whereas it has been reprefentcd to his Majefty at the Board, that for adjufting the difputes, which have Subiifted for many Years paft, between the Colonys of Virginia and North Caro- lina, concerning fheir true Boundarys, the late Governors of the faid colonvs did iume time fince agree upon certain Propofals for regulating the faid Boundarys for the future, to which Pro- pofals the Lords Proprietors of Carolina have given their alfent ; And whereas the faid Propofals were this day prefented to his Majefty as proper for his Royal Approbation,

His Majefty is thereupon pleaPd, with the Advice of his Privy Council, to approve oi the faid Propofals, a copy whereof is hereunto annex't, and to order, as it is hereby order'd, that the Governor or Commander in Chief of the Colony of Vir- ginia, do fettle the faid Boundarys, in conjunction with the Governor of North Carolina, agreeable to the faid Propofals.

Edward Southwell.

Dividing Line. 217

The Lieut Governor of Virginia s Commtflion in obedience to His Majeftys Order.

George the fecond, by the Grace of God, of great Britain, France and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, to our trufty and well beloved William Byrd, Richard Fitz-William, and William Dandridge, Efqrs., members of our council of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, Greeting : Whereas our late Royal' Father of Blefled memory was gracioufly pleaPd, by Order in his Privy Council, bearing date the 28 day of March 1727, to approve of certain Propofals agreed upon by Alexander Spotfwood, Efqr. late Lieut Governor of Virginia, on the one part, and Charles Eden Efqr. late Governoor of the Province of North Carolina, for determining the Controverfy relating to the Bounds between the laid two^ Governments, and was farther pleafed to dire£t and Order, that the laid Boundarys fhoud be laid out & fettled agreeable to the (aid Propofals. Know ye, therefore, that repofing fpecial truit and confidence in your Ability 5c Provident circumfpection, have aflign'd, conrtituted & appointed, & by thefe prefents do aflign, confiutute Sz appoint you & every of you jointly & feverally, our Commiflioners for & on behalf of our Colony & Dominion of Virginia, to meet the commiilioners appointed or to be appointed on the part of the Province of North Carolina, and in conjunction with them to caufe a Line or Lines of Divifion to be run and markt, to divide the faid two Governments according to the propofals above-mention'd, h the order of our late Royal Father, Copies of both which you will herewith receive, and we do further give and grant unto you, and in cafe of the Death or abfence of any of you, fuch of Vou as (hall be prefent, full power and Au- thority to treat h agree with the faid Commiilioners of the Province of North Carolina on fuch rules and Methods as you fhall Judge molt expedient for the adjufting and finally deter- mining all difputes or controverfies which may arife, touching any 1 (lands or other fmall Slips of Land which may happen to be interfered or cut off" by the dividing Line aforeiaid, and which may with more conveniency be included in the One Province or the other by natural water bounds, agreeable to the propofals aforcmeniiou'd, and generally to do and perform all matters and things requifite for the final determination and Set- tlement of the laid Boundarys, according to the faid Propofals. Cc

2 1 8 ^he Bifiory of the

And to the end our Service herein may not be reappointed through the refufal or delay of the Commiflioners for the Pro- vince of North Carolina, to a& in Conjunction with you in fettling the Boundarys aforefaid, we do hereby give & grant unto you, or fuch of you as mail be prcfent at the time and place appointed for running the dividing Line aforefaid, full power and Authority to caufe the faid Line to be run and mark'd out, conformable to the faid propofals, having due regard to the doing equal Juftice to Us, and to the Lords Proprietors of Caro- lina, any refufal, difegreement, or oppofition of the faid Com- miifioners of North ^Carolina notwithftanding. And in that cafe we do herebv require you to make a true report of your proceedings to our Lieut Governor, or Commander in Chier of Virginia, in order to be laid before us for our approbation, and final determination herein. And in cafe any Perfon or Per- fons whatfoever fhall prefume to difturb, Moleft or refill you, or any of the Officers or Perfcns by your direaion, in running the faid Line, and executing the Powers herein given yon, we do by thefe prefents Give and Grant unto you, or fuch of you as fhall be attending the fervice aforefaid, full power & Authority by Warrant under your or any of your hands and Seals, to order and command all and every the Militia Officers in our counties of Princefs Anne, Norfolk, Nanfemond, h Ifle of Wiffbt or other the adjacent Counties, together with the Sheriff of each of the laid Counties, or either of them, to raife the Militia & pofle of the faid Several Counties, for the removing all force and oppofition, which fhall or may be made to you in the due Execution of this our Commifiion, & we do hereby will and require, as well the Officers of the faid militia, as all other our Officers cX loving Subjects within the laid Counties, & all others whom it may concern, to be obedient, aiding & affifting unto you in all v<: Singular the Premifes. And we do in like manner command & .require you, to caufe fair Maps & defcriptions of the faid Dividing Line, and the remarkable places through which it fhall pals, to be made and return' d to our Lieut Governor or Commander in Chief of our faid Colony for the time being, in order to be entered on Record in the proper Offices within our (aid Colony. Provided that you do not, by colour of this our Commifiion, take upon you or determine any Private man's property, in or to the Lands which {hall by the faid dividing Line be included within the Limits of Virginia, nor of any other matter or thing that doth not relate

Dividing Line. 219

immediately to the adjusting, fettling h final Determination of the Boundary aforefaid, conformable to the Propofals hereinbe- fore mentioned, and not otherwife. In Witnefs whereof- we have caufed thefe prefents to be made. Witnefs our trufty and well beloved William Gooch, Efqr. our Lieut Governor & Commander in Chief of our Colony & Dominion of Virginia, under the feal of our laid Colony, at Williamfburgh the 14th day of December, 1727, in the firft Year of our Reign.

William Gooch.

The Governour of N. Carolina s Commijjion in Obedience to His Majefty s Order.

Sir Richard PJverard, Baronet, Governor, Captain General, Admiral, and Commander in Chief of the faid Province: To Chriftopher Gale Efqr. Chief Juftice, John Lovick, Efqr., Se- cretary, Edward Mofeley, Efqr., Surveyor General & William Little, Efqr., Attorney General, Greeting : Whereas many dif- putes & differences have formerly been between the Inhabitants of this province and thofe of his Majefty's Colony of Virginia, concerning the Boundary's and Limits between the faid two Governments, which having been duly confidcred by Charles Eden, Efqr., late Governor of this Province, and Alexander Spotfwood, Efqr., late Governor of Virginia, they agreed to certain propofals for determining the faid controversy, & humbly ofler'd the fame for his Majefty's Roval Approbation, and the confent of the true & abfolute Lords Proprietors of Carolina, and his Majefty having been pleaf'd to signify his Royal approba- tion of thofe propofals (confent'd unto by the true and abfolute Lords Proprietors of Carolina) and given directions for adjusting & fettling the Boundarys as near as may be to the faid Pro- pofals :

J, therefore, repofing efpecial truft and confidence in you, the faid Chriftopher Gale, John Lovick, Edward Mofeley and William Little, to be CommiffionefS, on the part of the true and abfolute Lords Proprietors, and that you in conjunction with fuch Commiffioners as (hall be nominated for Virginia, ufe your utmoft Endeavours, and take all neceflary care in adjusting and fettling the faid boundarys, by drawing fuch a (lifting Line or Lines of Divifion between the faid two Provinces, as near

220 The Hi/lory of the

as reafonable you can to the Prdpofkls made by the two former Governours, and the InftrucTions herewith given you. Given at the Council Chamber in Edenton, under my hand, and the Seal of the Colony, the 21ft day of February, anno Dom 1727, and in the firfl year of the Reign of our fovereign Lord, King George the Second.

Richard Everard.

The ¥ rot eft of the Carolina CommiJJi 'oners, againft our' Proceeding on the Line without them.

We the Underwritten CommiiTioners for the Government of N. Carolina, in conjunction with the Commiflioners on the part of Virginia, having run the Line for the divifion of the two Colonys from Corotuck Inlet, to the South Branch 01 Roanoak River \ being in the whole about 170 Miles, and near 50 Aliles without the Inhabitants, being of Opinion we had run the Line as far as would be requiiite for a long time, Judged the carrying it farther would be a needlefs charge and trouble. And the Grand Debate which had fo long Subfifted between the two Governments, about Wyanoke River or Creek, being fettled at our former meeting in the Spring, when we were ready on our parts to have gone with the Line to the utmoft Inhabitants, which if it had been done, the Line at any time after might have been continued at an eafy expenfe by a Sur- veyor on each fide ; and it at any time hereafter there mou'd be occafion to carry the Line on further than we have now run it, which we think will not be in an Age or two, it may be done in the fame ealy manner, without the great Expence that now attends it. And on a Conference of all the CommiiTioners, we have communicated our fentiments thereon, and declar'd our Opinion, that we had gone as far as the Service required, and thought proper to proceed no farther ; to which it was anfwered by the CommiiTioners for Virginia, that they Should not regard what we did, but if we debited, they wou'd proceed without us. But we, conceiving by his Majefty's Order in Council they were directed to Act in conjun&ion with the CommiiTion- ers appointed for Carolina, & having accordingly run the Line jointly lo far, and Exchanged Plans, thought they cou'd not carry on the Bounds fingly ; but that their proceedings without

Dividing Line. 221

us wou'd be irregular & invalid, and that it wou'd he no Bound- ary, and thought proper to enter our Diflent thereto. Where- fore, for the reafons aforefaid, in the name of His Excellency the Lord Palatine, and the reft- of the true and abfolute Lords proprietors of Carolina, we do hereby diflent and Difallow of any farther proceedings with the Bounds without our Concur- rence, and purfuant to our Inftru£tions do give this our Dissent in Writing.

Edward Mosely.

Will Little.

C. Gale. OSiober ytk9 1728. J. Lovick.

The Anjwer of the Virginia Co?nmiffwners to the. foregoing


Whereas, on the 7th of October laft, a paper was deliver'd to us by the Cornmiffioners of N. Carolina, in the Stile of a Proteft, againft our carrying any farther, without them, the dividing Line between the 2 Governments, we, the underwritten Cornmiffioners on the part of Virginia, having maturely con- fidered the reafons offer'd in the faid Protest, why thofe Gentlemen retir'd fo foon from that Service, beg leave to return the following anft ver :

They are pleaf'd in the firft place to alledge, by way of Rjsa- fon, that having run the Line near 50 Miles beyond the Inhabit- ants, it was Sufficient for a long time, in their Opinion for an Age or two. To this we anfwer that, by breaking off fo foon, they did but imperfectly obey his Majefty's Order, aflented to by the Lords Proprietors. The plain meaning of that Order was, to afcertain the Bounds betwixt the two Governments as far towards the Mountains as we cou'd, that neither the King's Grants may hereafter encroach on the Lords Proprietors', nor theirs on the Right of his Majefty. And tho the diftance towards the great Mountains be not precifely determin'd, yet furely the Weft line fhou'd be carry'd as near them as may be, that both the King's Lands and thofe of their Lordfhips, may be taken up the falter, and that his Majefty's Subjects may as foon as poffible extend themfelves to that Natural Barrier. This they will certainly do in a few Years, when they know diftinctly in which Government they, may enter for the Land, as they

222 The Hijlory of the

have already done in the more northern Parts of Virginia. So that 'tis Strange the Carolina Commifti oners fliould aifirm, that the diftancc only of 50 miles above the Inhabitants wou'd be fuflicient to cauy the Line for an Age or two, efpeeiallv con- fidcring that, two or three days before the date of their Proteft, Mr. Mayo had enter'd with them for 2000 Acres of Land, within 5 Miles of the Place where they left off. Befides, if we refle£t on the richnefs of the Soil in thofe parts, & the conveni- ence for Stock, wc may foretell, without the Spirit of Divina- tion, that there' will be many Settlements higher than thofe Gentlemen went, in lefs than ten Years, and Perhaps in half that time.

Another reafon mentipn'd in the Proteft for their retiring lb foon from the Service is, that their going farther wou'd be a needlefs charge and Trouble. And they alledge that the reft may be done by one Surveyor on a fide, in an eafy manner, whenever it (hall be thought necellary.

To this we anfwer, that Frugality for the Public is a rare virtue, but when the public Service muft Suffer by it, it degene- rates into a Vice. And this will ever be the Cafe when Gen- tlemen Execute the orders of their Superiors by halves, but had the Carolina CommiiTtoners been fincerely frugal for their Government, why did they carry out Provifions Sufficient to fupport them and their Men for ten Weeks, when they intended not to tarry half that time? This they muft own to be true, fince they brought icoo lbs. of Provifions along with them. Now, after Co great an Expence in their preparations, it had been no mighty Addition to their Charge, had they endured the Fatigue 5 or 6 Weeks longer. It wou'd at moft have been no more than they muft be at, whenever they fmiih their Work, even tho they ihou'd fancy it proper to truft a matter of that confequence to the Management of one Surveyor. Such a one muft have a Number of Men along with him, both for his affiftance and Defenfe, and thofe Men muft have Provifions to Support them.

Thefe are all the reafons thefe Gentlemen think fit to mention in their proteft, tho they had in truth a more Powerful argument for retiring fo ' abruptlv, which, becaufe they forgot, it will be neighbourly to help them out. The provifions they intended to bring along with them, for want of Horfes to carry them, were partly droppt by the way, & what they cou'd bring was huf- banded [0 ill, that after 18 days, (which was the whole time we

'Dividing Line. 223

had them in our Company,) they had no more left, by their own confeilion, than two Pounds of Bifcuit for each Man, to carry them home. However, tho this was an unanfwerable Reafoii for Gentlemen for leaving the Bufinefs unfinifht, it was none at all for us, who had at that time Bread Sufficient for 7 Weeks longer. Therefore, left their want of Management might put a flop to his Majefty's Service, & fruftrate his Royal intentions, we judg'd it our Duty to proceed without them, and have ex- tended the Dividing Line fo far Weft as to leave the great Mountains on each hand to the Eaftward of us. And this we have done with the fame fidelity & exaclnefs as if the Gentle- men had continued with us. Our furveyors (whofe Integrity I am pcrfwaded they will not call in Oueftion) continued to Act under the fame Oath, which they had done from the beginning. Yet, notwithstanding all this, if the Government of N. Carolina fhou'd not hold itfelf bound by that part of the Line which we made without the Alii fiance of the Comrnijfioners, yet we fhall have this benefit in it at leaft, that his Majefty will know how far his Lands reach towards the South, & confequcntly where his Subjects may take it up, & how far they may be granted without Injuftice to the Lords Proprietors. To this we may alfo add, that having the Authority of our Commiilion, to act without the Commiffioners of Carolina, in Cafe of their difa- greement or refufal, we thought ourfelvcs bound upon their Retreat to finim the Line without them, left his Majefty's Ser- vice might Sutler by any honour or neglect on their part.

William Dandridge. W. Byrd.

The Names of the Commiffioners to direff the running of the Line between Virginia and North Carolina.

William Byrd, )

Rich'd Fitz-william, [ -, .„ - xr. . .

Wr, <tam DAND«m« C Commiffioners for \ irgin.a.


William Dandridge, f

Christopher Gale, \

John Lovewick. /

Edward Moseley, > Commiffioners fur Carolina.

W'm Little, V

Efqrs, /


Alex'r Irvin, William Mayo,

The Hijiory of the

Surveyors for Virginia.

Edw'd Moseley, ? Surveyors for N. Carolina.

Sam ll Swan, \ J

The Rev'd Peter Fountain, Chaplain.

Na7nes of the Men employ' d on the betiveen that Colony


1. Peter Jones,

2. Thomas Jones,

3. Thomas Short,

4. Robert Hix,

5. John Evans,

6. Stephen Evans,

7. John Ellis,

8. John Ellis, Jr.

9. Thomas Wilfon,

10. George Tilman,

11. Charles Kimbal,

12. George Hamilton,

13. Robert Allen,

14. Thomas Jones, Junr

15. James Petillo,

16. Richard Smith,

17. John Rice.

part of Virginia to ran the Line and N. Carolina.


Peter Jones, Thomas Jones, Thomas Short, Robert Hix, John Evans, Stephen Evans, John Ellis, John Ellis, Jr. Thomas Wilfon, George Tilman, Charles Kimbal, George Hamilton, Thomas Jones, Junr James Petillo, Rich'd Smith, Abraham Jones, Edward Powell, William Pool, William Calvert, James Whitlock, Thomas Pae;e.

Account oj the Expence of running the Line between Virginia and N. Carolina.

To the Men's Wages in Currant Money - To Sundry Difburfmcnts for Provifions, &c. To Paid the Men for 7 Horfes loft -

227 10 o

174 01 6


o o

£495 1 1 6

Dividing Line.

The Sum of .£495 116 Current Money rcduc't at

15 p cent. Sterling amounts to To paid to colo Byrd - To paid to colo Dandridge - -

To paid Mr. Fitz- William - To paid to the Chaplain, Mr. Fountain To paid to Mr. William Mayo - To paid to Mr. Alex Irvin -

To paid for a Tent and Marquis -



























Xiooo o o

This Summ was difcharg'd by a Warrant out of His Ma efty's Quitrents from the Lands in Virginia.





E X .

A DVENTURERS' Vifit, Ame- "^7 rica, 3.

Albemarle, Duke of, 197-211 Albemarle Sound, 54, 59. Alexander, Sir William, 9. Allen, Col., 18. Allen, Robert, 224. Allen, Widow, 18. Alligators, 182. Ambergris, 165. Amidas, fails for Virginia, 2. Anderfon, Charles, 69. Andros, Sir Edmond, 9. Angelica Plant, 99. Anfwer to Proteft of Carolina Com-

miihonen, 221. Antidotes to Poifon, 82, 84, 89, 90. Appalachian Mountain, 152. Appamattoek River, 86, 137-193. Appendix, 197. Aprons, Indian, 171. Aramanchy River, 181. Argall, Samuel, 10. Arms of England, erected in Vir- ginia, 92. Arrows, Obfolete, 73. Aftiley, Lord, 197-211.


ABOONS, Mode of Robbing

Orchards, 1 00. Back Bay, 29. Badges adopted, 1 3 5. Bainton, Epaohroditus, 86. Balhnce, Mr!, 35. Baltimore, Lord, Grant to, II. Barlow, fails for Virginia, 2.

Bears, 89,98, 113, 117, 120, 125, 126,127,128,130,135,140,145, 158, 167, 175; Description of, 167; Fiftring by, 112; Meat, EfFefts of, 145, 187; Oil, 163; Story, 127-155; Tracks, 128.

Beads of Burden, unknown to In- dians, 157.

Bearfkin, 185-187 ; Theology of, 106.

Beaver Creek, 91 ; Dams, 91 ; Mode of taking, 91.

Beavers, 175-177; how taken, 176.

Beaver Pond, 83.

Bell's Ifland, 23.

Berkley, Lord, Grant to, PI.

Berkley, Sir William, 14, 197-211.

Birth Day of His Majeily, 143.

Bladen, Colonel, 31.

Blowing Creek, 93, 173.

Boiling, Colonel, 191, 193.

Bolton's Ferry, 70.

Eombo, a Drink, defcribed, 57.

Bolton founded, 8. -

Boundaries of Carolina, 15.

Boundary Commiffion formed, 17; aflemble, 23 ; Survey began, 25, 27 ; Curiofity occasioned by, 30, 46; Difmal Swamp paiTcd, 61; adjourn till Autumn, 70 ; Sur- vey refumed, 78 ; abandoned by Carolina Commifiioners, 95 ; continued by Virginia Commif- fioncrs, 96 ; Survey fufpcndeJ, 133; returns to Settlement, 1 £6 ; concluding Remarks, 194; royal



Approbation of, 211 ; Appoint- ment of, 217; Names of, 223.

Boyle, Mr., 74.

Brandy, Effects of, 79; loft, 80.

Brinkley, Peter, 52, 54.

Brunfwick County, 83.

Buckingham County, 13.

Buffalo Creek, gy, 170.

Buffalo, 172; how tamed, 173; feek, 94, 172; Tracks, 92.

Byrd, William, 217, 223.

pABINS, Indian, 71. -* Cabin Branch, 84. Cabot, Sebaftian, 9. Calvert, William, 224. Canal propofed, 54. Candleberry, Myrtle, 19. Canes, Manner of Growth, 102. Cane Creek, 102. Canoe Landing, 86. Cape Fear River, 18 1. Carolina Charter, 197 j granted,

14, 15. Carolina Tea, 24. Carr, Sir Robert, 10. Cart for Provifions, 80, 85, 87. Carterett, Sir George, 197-21 1. Cafquade Creek, 114., 115, 156. Catawbas, 67, 120, 141, 175, 180,

1 Si, 183, 1S8. Cattle, how kept, 32, 46. Cedar Ifland, 28. Cenfare of Carolina Commiflion-

ers, 211. Chaplain to Boundary Commiffion,

17, 22, 30, 43, 44, 49, 57, 63,

77> 79> So, S3, 95, 135, 145,

146, 152, 170, 171, 193; Name

of, 224. Charil.be Iflands, Route by Way

of, 4. Charity Mountains, 194. Charming of Serpents, 87. Charter of Carolina, 197. Chaility, Indian, 187. Cherokees, 141.

Chefter County, 13.

Chefapeak Bay, entered by Colo-

nifts, 4. Chowan River, 66, 215, 216. Chrifterungs, 44, 46, 57, 63, 64,

69, 70, 71, 80, 83, 87, i83. Church firft creeled, 5 ; none in

North Carolina, 65 ; none at

Edenton, 59. Churches' Ifland, 23. Cider, Fondnefs for, 69. Clarendon, Earl of, 197-21 1. Cliff Creek, 164. Climate, Remarks on, 159, 160, Cocquade Creek, 10 1. Cohungaroota, 137. Cohunks, 1 1 2. Cold, Benefits of, 160. Colleton, Sir John, 197-211. Colleton Ifland, 2, 14. Colonization of Virginia began, 2. Colt's-foot, Plant, 97. Commiflion of Lieut. Governor

of Virginia, 217 ; Governor of

North Carolina, 219. Confirmation of Boundary, 211. Connecla Creek, 174. Connecticut fettled, 8. Confidences troubled, 95. Corn railed, 63. Corope:ik, 45, 52. Corotuck Inlet, I S, 21, 23, 25, 26,

36, 67; Magiftrate, 65; River,

215, 220. Cotton, 41-63. Couriers de Bois, 152. Crane Creek, 181. Cranes, Flight of, 69. Craford, Mr., 19. Craven, Ear] of, 197-21 1. Crocodile, 182. Cromwell, Oliver, 8. Crooked Creek, 128, 129, 130.

144. Cub, Adventure with, 154. Cuftard Complexion explained, 32. Cyprefs Swamp, 45.



T^ALICARLIA, 12. *~^ Dances, Indian, 72. Dandridge, William, 217, 223. Dan River, 86,_ 101, III, 112,

114, 116, 156, 160, 164. Deep River, 1S1. Deer, 91, 93, 97, 9S> xl3> IJ7. 126, 143, 145' H6» J52' !58' 161, 166, 177 ; hunting, 109, 170; Skins, 162. Defpaif ing Lover's Leap, 131. Diimal Swamp, 19, 37> 38> '4I_ 45> 47 > 53; Line trough, fin- iihed, 61. Dittany, a Remedy, 163. Dividing Line, Beginning of, 26, 27. Dogwood Bark as a Medicine, 80. Dofier's Ifiand, 27. Dreams, 144.

Duke of York, Grant to, 11. Dutch fettle New York, 10.

ECHO, remarkable, 45, 191. Eden, Charles, 17, 216,217. Edenton, N. C, 57-6°> 63. Elizabeth, Queen, grants Vir- ginia, 1. Elizabeth River, 19, 20, 41, 53. Elk, 134. Ellis, John, 224. Ellis, John, Jr., 224. Embry, Captain, 191. Emigration began, 3. Eno River, iSo. Epigram, 76. Evans, John, 224. Evans, Stephen, 224. Everard, Sir Richard, 17, 219,22c. Expenfes of Survey, 224. Eyland, Mr., 30.

"PECUNDITY, Secret of, 145. " Fences, how made, 59. Fern Root, an Antidote to Rattle- fnake Bite, 88.

Fires, 1-0, 128, 129.

Fire hunting, 170.

Fire-arms among Indians, 73, 74.

Fifh, poifonous, 166.

Fitzwilliam, Richard, 95, 96, 217,

223. Flat River, 180. Flax, 41.

Foxes, 58.

Fort, •Indian, 71.

Fountain, Rev. Peter, 224.

Fountain's Creek, 80, 81, 83, 84.

French in Canada, 6; fettle Nova Scotia, 9; Territory of the, 138.

Frog, Egyptian, 177.

Froft, 89.

Fugitive Slaves, 34.

Future Life, Indian Belief of, ic6.

/^«ALE, Chriitopher, 49, 219,

^J 221, 223.

Gall-buih, 19, 36.

Gccfe, wild, 87, ill, 112.

Georgia, Trade with, 142.

Gibbs, Governor, 31.

Ginfeng, 161.

Glue Broth, 147.

Gluttony, 139.

Godwin, Mr., 19.

Gooch, William, 17, 219.

Goofe, ^cheated by an Echo, 191.

Gout, Treatment of, 13$, 138.

Graftcnried, Baron de, 174.

Grapes, 98.

Great Creek, 89, 90, 178, 179.

Great Spirit, 97, 1 06.

Gram Sea, 53.

Griffin, Charies, 75.

Gunpowder Plot, 11.

TTAMILTON, George, 224. ■*■■*• Hampden vifits New Eng

land, 8. Harding, William, 27. Harrifon, Henry, 77.



Haw old Fields, 180. Haw Tree Creek, 89. Heath, John, 29, 30. Hennepin, Father, Allufion to,

Hermit, Refidcnce of, 26. Hickory Trees, 113. Hicootomony River, 94. Hico River, 93, 94., 96, 172. Highland Ponds, 116, 159. Hill, John, So.

Hix, Robert, 224.

Hix's Creek, 164.

Hixc, George, 187.

Horfcs for Wood Service, 150; Sores on, 166; left or loft, 125, 126, 142, 149, 154, 156, 167.

Horfe Flies, 163.

Hofpitality, Indian, 73.

Hoftages, Indian, 75.

Hudfon, Henry, 10.

Hunter hired, 88.

Hunting in a Ring, 140, 171.

Hurricane, Effects of, 1 8.

TB1S, Egyptian, 177.

A Indian Chaftity, 73 ; Religion,

106; Superftiuon, 103; Trade, 2,

141, 180, 183; Wars, izo, 184.

Indians as Horfemen, 188; Fail- ure to civilize, 74, 76; have no Sabbath, 153; Marches of, 157; met, 66; Nottoway, 71; Sapo- ni, 88.

Indolence of Settlers, 56, 184, 185.

Infects, 162.

Inilruclions of Surveyors, 25.

Inundations, 68.

Ipocoacanna, 85.

Irvin, Mr., 54, 158.

Irvin River, 116, 118, 126, 128, 135, 145, 152.

Irwin, Alexander, 17, 145, 224.

Ifle of Wight County, 68.

Ives, Timothy, 41.

AMES River, 136, 137, 193. Jameitown, 5. Japou, a Plant, 24. Jones, Abraham, 224. Jones, Peter, 224. Jones, Thomas, 224. Jones, Thomas, Jr., 224. Jumping Creek, 91. Juflice in Corrotuck Precinct, 65,

"IZ"EITH, Cornelius, 184/ ■"■ Kent County, 13. Kiawan Mountain, 140. Kimbal, Charles, 224. Kinchin, Mr., 6q, 70, 78, 79. Kindred, Mr., 70. Kinquotan, 5. Knot's Ifland, 23, 27, 28, 29.

T ATITUDES obferved, 25,

146. Lawfon, John, 66, 174, 214. Licences to Traders, 142. Light, Meteoric, 1 1 5. Lightning, Effects of, 67, 149, 15c;

Philofophy of, 1 10. Liquors, Scent of, 49; fpent, 96. Little, William, 57, 219, 221, 223. Little River, 53, 180. Lizzard's Creek, 84. Locuft Thicket, 129. Log Houfes, 59. Loufe, to pilot North, 40. Lovers' Leap, 140. Lovick, John, 219, 221, 223. Lowland" Creek, 112, 156. Lubberland, 56. Luke Ifland, 197.

fAGNETIC Variation, 21,

TV * 27, 67, 90, 143.

Maiuenhair, Plant, 97. Man loft, 124, 140, 142. Mandcviiic, Sir John, 105. Maps of Boundary, 70, 95, g6. Marble, 114.



Marriages, 44, 46; with Indians,

76, 11. Marfton, Mr., 21. Martha's Vineyard fettled, 7. Martyrdom of Nuns, 79. Maryland taken from Virginia,

1 1. Maffamony Creek, 7, 177. MalTachufetts Charter, 9; Colo- ny, 7- / Mathias, River of, 197. Matrimony Creek, 149. Mayo, Joiepli, 63. Mayo, William, 17, 54, 222, 224. Mayo River, 126, 127. Mead, Andrew, 42, 49. Medicines furrflihed Surveyors, 38. Meherin Indians, 66. Meherin River, 67, 70, 80, 81,

187, 190. Men employed on Survey, Names,

224. Merchant, Mr., 31. Militia Training, 70. Milk, Scarcity of, 32. Mines, Profpect of finding, 138. Miry Creek, 126. Miffionaries, 60. Moni-feep Ford, 86. Moratuck River, 174. Mofeley, Edward, 16, iS, 63, 79,

85, 212, ZI4, 219, 223, 224. Mountains, 103, 128, 131, 136,

140; as a Barrier, 138. Mules, 150. Mumford, Colonel, 87, 179, 185,

J93- Mufic, Power of, 167, 168. Mufoeetos, 28, 30, 46, 59, 164.

]SjANSEMOND River, 19, 42,

5°> 53> 54, 69. Nauvafa, 181. Neufe River, 174. Newcaftle Country, 13. New England, fet apart from Vir-

ginia, 6; Preachers, chance for,

43; Traders, 23. New Hampfhire fettled, 8. New Haven fettled, 8. New Inlet, 23. New Scotland, 9. New Jerfey fettled, 12. New Plymouth fettled, 7. New York fettled, 10. Nicholfon, General, 10. Norfolk, 19. North Carolina, Settlement of

Boundaries of, 15; in Reference

for, 65 ; no Churches in, 65 ;

lawlefs, 65, Northern's Creek, 33. North River, 28, 30, 53. North Weft River, 21, 22, 31, 33,


Norway Mice, 62.

Nofes arretted by Difeafe, 33. Nottoway River, 16, 66, 67, 70,

192, 213, 215. Nottoway Town, 71. Nuns, Story of, 1S9, 190. Nut-Bum Creek, 90, 17S. Nut Oil, 1 13.


^'^ 190.

Ohimpamony Creek, 91, 175.

Olive Trees, 160.

Qpoflum, 143.

Orchards, 58, 69.

Order of King and Council upon

Propofals, 216. Otters, 178.

DACO, a Eeaft of Burthen, 157.

Page, Thomas, 224. Paint-Creek, 90. Pamptico River, 180. Panthers, 1 1 7. Paradifc, Notions of, 106. Paraquets injure Orchards, 58. Parker, Richard, 64, 70.



Partridge, Mountain, ioo.

Pafquetunk, 53.

Pea Creek, 84.

Peak, [Peague,] 72.

Pedee River, 18 1.

Penn, William, 1 3.

Pennsylvania granted, 1 3.

Penny Royal, a Remedy, 163.

Pequimons, 53.

Petillo, James, 224.

Philadelphia, 13.

PhippSj Sir William, 9.

Phylarrea, 24.

Pigeons, 119.

Pidgeon-Rooil Creek, 85, 87.

Pines, 55.

Plymouth Grant, 6.

Pocofon, 30, 31, 33, 35, 66.

Pochoon, 77.

Point Comfort, 4.

Poifoned Fields, 89.

Polecats, 192.

Pool, William, 224.

Pork, Effects of, 32, 33.

Port Royal taken, 9.

Polls to mark Boundary, 63, 64.

Potomac River, 137, 213.

Poverty-, wretched Scene of, 184.

Powhatan River, 4.

Prefcot Landing, 21.

Prefents from Indians, jj.

Prifoners taken by Indians, 122.

Propofals for determining Contro- versy, 215.

Proteft of Carolina Commiflioners, 96, 220.

Provifions, Amount of, 78, 79.

Pym viiits New England, 8.

QUAKERS, 12, 13; Quaker C^ Meeting-houfo, 42. Quern Stones, 184.

T> ACCOON, 130. ■LV Raft, 154. Rappahannock, 213.

Rattle-makes; 70, 82-84, 87! Mode of catching Prey, 87 ; Oil, 139.

Rattle-make Root, 82, 83, 90.

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 1, 2, 3.

Religion of Indians, 106.

Rhode Ifland fettled, 7.

Rice, John, 224.

Riley, Miles, 185.

Roanoke River, 81, 84-87, 94, 101, 137, 184, 18S, 194, 220.

Roanoke Inlet, 2, 3.

Rockahomitiv, 109, 121, 146, 148.

Rofemary, wild, 110.

Rum, known as "Kill Devil,'5 57; Indians fond of, 74.

CABBATH-Breaking, 153, 170.

° Sable Creek, III, 158.

St. Andrew's Crofs, 84.

Santee River, 1S1, 182.

Sapponi Indians, 75, 8*8* 187, 188.

Sapponi Chapped, 192.

Savvros, 113.

Saxapahaw River, 180, 181.

Scalping, 1 22, 186.

Senecas, 174.

Seneca Rattle-fnake Root, 88, 139.

Sharantow River, 137.

Sheep, railing of, 81.

Shells, 24.

Short, Thomas, 224.

Silk Grafs, 171.

Sleeping, Manner of, 131.

Smith, Capt. John, 4.

Smith, Richard, 224.

Smoking introduced at Court, 3.

Snakes, 160.

Somerton Creek, 66.

Sommerton Chapel, 65.

South Virginia, how defined, 1.

Southwell, Edw., 215, 216.

Spermaceti, 166.

Spice Trees, 93.

Spired Leaf Silk Grafs, 24.

Spight, Thomas, 45.

Spight, William, 65.



Spotfwood, Col. A., 17, 75, 76>

188, 216, 217, «y.

Squirrels, 132, 179. Star Grafs, 82. Sraunton River, 86. Steukenhocks, 188. Stinker, 193. Stony Creek, 192. Sturgeon Creek, 190. Sturgeon Fiihery, 190. Sugar from Trees, 92. Sugar-Tree Creek, 93, 172. Sundays difregarded, 45. SuperAition, Indian, 97, 103. Surveyors appointed, 17; Names

of, 224. Suilex County, 13. Swan, Samuel, 18, 23, 51, 54, 63,

79, 224. Swedes, Settlement of, 12. Sweet Gum Tree, 165.

'"TAR, 56> 63- ■*■ Tarantula Bites, how cured, 168, 169.

Tarapin caught, 165.

Tar River, 180.

Temperate Climate, 1 59.

Tetero, King, 188.

Tewahominy Creek, 92.

Tewawhomini Creek, 173.

Thankfgiving, 185, 186.

Tike, 162.

Tilman, George, 224.

Tobacco, Purchafe of, 50; intro- duced, 2.

Tortures, 122.

Tradeing Path, 179-181.

Traditions, Indian, 175.

Turkeys, wild, 81, 94, 97, 103, 106, 113; T l9> l3S> H^j 161, 166, 176, 177.

Turkey Buzzards, 50, 94, 146.

Turpentine, 56.

Turtle's Eggs, 165.

Tufcarora Indians, 174.

Tufkarooda Creek, 92.



TTIRGINIA, how defined, 1.

WALKER, Mr., 191. War Parties, how formed,


Water, Clearnefs of, 86. Weft Jerfey Grant. 12. Wharves, Mode of building, 20. Weyanoke Creek, 15, 16, 212,

213, 220. Whales, 165, 166. White, Mr., 28. Whitlock, William, 224. Wicocon Creek, 16, 213, 215. Wicro-quoi Creek, 191. Wild-cat, 91,92. Wilkins, William, 37. William and Mary's College, 74,

75- Wilfons, Thomas, 39, 41, 224.

Wolves, 58, 98, 99, 177-

Wool, 41.

YADKIN River, 181, 188. Yatapfco, 9 1. *75> l7h Yaws, defcribed, 32, 33.






