EUROPEAN THOUGHT IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY TotovTOs ovv fiOi 6 (rvyypa(fiev<; earw, . . . $€VOe rlue furnished by the phenomena on which it depends, 47 ; Sir 0. St<>ki>«, 47 ; (iustav KirchhofF, 48 ; Explanation of fluorescence, 52 ; View of (he ether as an "elastic solid," 54 ; Lord Kelvin's rcseiux-lies, 55 ; Tyndull'* ' Heat,' 57 ; Lord Kelvin's vortex theory of rnalltT, 57 ; Heiuiholi*'* investigations, 58 ; Earlier researches on vortex motion, (51 ; IufluoiKX» of Helmholtz's investigations in England, 62 ; Difl^icultjos of liio vort<«x ring theory, 64 ; Modern view of electrical plienomcna : KanuUy, 6«3 ; Vlll CONTENTS. " Lines of force," 68 ; Development of the conception by Lord Kelvin, 71 ; Clerk-Maxwell, 76 ; His series of works on the theory of electricity, 78; His conception of "tubes of force," 80; " Electrotonic state" of matter, 81 ; Correspondence between velocities of light and electricity, 84 ; " Elastic disturbances " of the same medium, 85 ; Consequences on the lines of the theory of Energy, 87 ; Destructive effect of the new theories on the astronomical view, 89 ; Lord Kelvin on the vibrations of the ether, 91 ; Indefiniteness of the electro-magnetic theory, 93. CHAPTER VII. ON THE PHYSICAL VIEW OF NATDRE. Recapitulation, 95 ; Insufficiency of the astronomical, atomic, and kinetic views, 96 ; The conception of energy, 96 ; The term first used by Young, 98 ; Watt introduces the term " power," 99 ; Poncelet introduces the term "mechanical work," 101 ; Black, Rumford, and Davy, 102; Cor- relation of forces, 105 ; Liebig, 105 ; Johannes Miiller, 106 ; F. Mohr, 107 ; Mayer, 108 ; Joule, 110 ; Helmholtz, 112 ; "Work" and "energy" introduced by Clausius and Thomson, 115; Sadi Carnot, 117; Carnot introduces the idea of "availability," 119 ; Thomson introduces the idea of "dissipation," 119; Fourier, 120; His influence on Carnot, 122; Clapeyron's graphical method, 123 ; Perpetual motion impossible, 124 ; Application by William and James Thomson, 126 ; The two laws of thermodynamics, 128 ; Summary statement of Thomson (Lord Kelvin), 132 ; Rankine, Zeuuer, and Hirn, 133 ; Revolutions brought about by idea of energy, 137; Helmholtz on "tension," 138; "Potential" and "actual" energy, 139 ; The Scotch school, 141 ; Thomson and Tait, 144; Clerk - Maxwell, 145 ; Faraday, 146 ; Helmholtz on electro-dynamics, 149; Ostwald's physical chemistry, 153; The factor of "cost" in industry, 155 ; Berthelot and Ostwald, 157 ; Arrhenius, 159 ; Graham and Andrews, 161 ; Dissociation, 163 ; Hittorf and Kohlrausch, 164 ; Victor Meyer on change of chemical views, 165 ; Ostwald's journal, 166 ; Willard Gibbs, 167 ; Entropy, 169 ; Horstmann, 170 ; Helmholtz's "free energy," 173 ; Kelvin's "available energy," 174 ; Ostwald's ' Allgemeine Chemie,' 176 ; " Kinetics" and "energetics," 180 ; Criticism of mechani- cal view, 183 ; The outcome, 187 ; Recent triumphs of atomic view, 188 ; Modern electrical researches, 189; The term "electron," 193; Diffi- culties of Clerk-Maxwell's theory, 194 ; What are electric charges 1 195 ; Dr Larmor's position, 195 ; Objections raised by atomists, 198 ; Artificial character of modern dynamical explanations, 199; The phil- osophic problem raised, 199. CONTENTS. ix CHAPTEE VIII. ON THE MORPHOLOGICAL VIEW OK NATURE. The abstract sciences, 200 ; Convenience and usefulness of the process of abstraction, "201 ; Interest opposed to the spirit of abstraction, '202 ; Tlie descriptive sciences, 203 ; The breaking down of old landmarks, 204 ; The spirit of exploration, 206 ; The medical interest, 207 ; Physical science applied to medicine, 208 ; Schwann, 209 ; Darwin, 209 ; Herbert Spencer, 210 LJ^Hiewell's divisions abandoned. 210 ; Divisions of natural history, 211 ; Morphology and genetics, 213; Other aspects, 215; Life and mind, 216 ; Vitalistic and psycho-physical aspects, 218 ; Morphology defined, 219 ; Artificial and natural systems, 220 ; Linnaeus and liuffon, 221 ; Morphology of crystals, 222 ; Morphology on a large scale, 224 ; Humboldt, 225 ; Morphology on a minute scale, 227 ; Its improvement, 230 ; Morphology and classification, 231 ; Study of separate organs, 233 ; Outdoor studies, 234 ; Jussieu, 235 ; Problem of organisation, 236 ; Cuvier, 237; "Types," 238; De Candolle, 239; Regularity and sym- metry, 241 ; Goethe's metamorphosis, 243; The ideal type, 245; Paltcon- tology, 247 ; Cuvier's catastrophism, 250 ; Study of analogies, 250 ; Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 253 ; Cuvier and Geoffroy, 255 ; Richard Owen, 257 ; Study of homology, 258 ; The cellular theory, 260 ; Hugo von Mohl, 262 ; Schleiden and Schwann, 263 ; Transition to tlie study of development, 264 ; Affinity, 267 ; Insufficiency of the morphological view, 270; Herbert Spencer's "physiological units," 272; Change of scientific interests, 273 ; The morphological period, 274. CHAPTER IX. ON THE GENETIC VIEW OP NATURE. Statics and dynamics of living forms, 276; "Evolution," 278; "Genesis," 279 ; Leibniz's ' Protogaa,' 280 ; Kant's nebular theory, 282 ; Laplace, 284; "Cyclical" view, 286; Supplanted by genetic view, 290; Geology, 290 ; Hutton, 292 ; Lyell, 293 ; Embryology, 296 ; Epigenesis and evolu- tion, 298; C. F. Wolff, 298; Pander and K. E. von Baer, 299; Von Baer's comprehensive views, 302 ; Von Baer's views in modern terms, 306 ; Phylotaxy and phylogenesis, 308 ; Lamarck, 309 ; The term "Biology," 312 ; "Environment," 314 ; The "Natur-philosophie," 315 ; Lamarck and Von Baer, 816; The 'Vestiges,' 318; Popular influence, 320 ; Genetic view in Germany and France, 321 ; Apologetic literature in England, 324 ; Mansel and Darwin, 326 ; Triumph of the genetic view, 328; Humboldt's 'Kosmos' and the 'Origin of Species,' 329; CONTENTS. "Variation," 331 ; Malthus, 332 ; "Struggle for existence," 333 ; Out- door studies, 334; "Natural selection" and "sexual selection," 336; Meaning of natural classification, 336 ; Fertilisation of plants and "Mimicry," 338; The judicial method, 339; Darwin and Newton compared, 341 ; Unsolved problems, 343 ; Genetic view on a large scale, 345 ; Phi1nsophica1 theories, 346 ; Herbert Spencer, 346 ; Haeckel, 347 ; CombinesTTarwin and Lamarck, 350 ; Philosophical problems, 352 ; Problem of life, 352 ; Genetic view strengthened by physics and chem- istry, 355 ; The heat of the sun, 357 ; Spectrum Analysis, 359 ; Genesis of the cosmos — Faye and Lockyer, 360 ; Palseontology and geophysics, 363 ; Dissipation of energy, 364 ; Mystery of the actual processes of Nature, 366. ' "^ CHAPTER X. ON THE VITALISTIC VIEW OF NATURE. The cosmical and the terrestrial views, 369 ; Vagueness of biological theories, 370 ; Impossibility of prediction, 372 ; Oscillation of biological thought, 374 ; The unknown factor, 375 ; The purely scientific aspect, 377 ; In- fluence of medicine, 379 ; Practice urges the question : What is life ? 381 ; Bichat, 381 ; His Vitalism, 383 ; His definition of life, 383 ; Vital- ism and Darwinism, 386 ; The extreme vitalism, 388 ; Attack from the side of chemi.stry, 389 ; Change in organic chemistry, 393 ; Influence of Liebig, 394 ; " Stoflwechsel" and "Kreislauf des Lebens," 395 ; "Auto- nomy of the Cell," 395; "Division of Physiological Labour," 396; Johannes Miiller, 397 ; Influence of doctrine of energy, 399 ; Mechanism, 399 ; Lotze and Du Bois-Reymond, 401 ; Liebig's vitalism, 405 ; Darwin, 406 ; Lotze and Claude Bernard, 409 ; Darwinism and final causes, 411 ; "Natural result" against "purpose," 413; Organisation and individua- tion, 415 ; Biology and economics, 415 ; The cellular theory, 417 ; Schwann, 419; Circulation of matter and energy, 420; "Metabolism," 422 ; Structural analysis of morphological elements, 423 ; Synthesis of organic substances, 425; The "physical" method, 428; Properties of the living substance, 429 ; Environment, 430 ; The "internal medium," 432; Natural selection within the organism, 435 ; Mobility of living matter, 438 ; Anabolism and Catabolism, 442 ; Reproduction, 443 ; The protoplasmic theory, 444 ; Spencers law of limit of growth, 445 ; Fusion of two elements, 446 ; New problems, 448 ; Weismann on heredity, 450 ; Biogenesis, 451 ; The ubiquity of life, 452 ; The continuity of living forms, 453 ; " Pangenesis," 454 ; Germ-substance and body-substance, 457 ; Germ-plasma and body-plasma, 458 ; DiSerentiation of germ- plasma, 459 ; Weismann v. Lamarck, 460 ; Two aspects of the problem of life, 462 ; Transition to psycho-physics, 464. C'UN TENTS. Xi CHAPTER XI. ON THE rSYCHO-PHYSICAL VIEW OF NATURE. Abstract and concrete sciences, 405 ; Their different niethecific ener>uni- tiou to statistics, 546. CHAPTER XII. ON THE STATISTICAL VIEW OF NATURE. Life and Mind as limiting conceptions, 548 ; Results of abstract science, 550 ; . Uncertainty in the concrete, 552 ; Scientific spirit in businetw, 553 ; The science of large numbers, 555 ; Belief in general order, 556j Rju-onj«_ " Method of In.stances," 557j General idea underlying enumci-ation, 561 ; Doctrine of averages, 561 ;~ Statistics in France, Germany, anry of congruences, 723 ; Generalised conception of number, 726 ; Process of inversion, 727 ; Rummer's ideal numbers, 728 ; Modern algebra, 730 ; Algebraical and transcendental numbers, 730 ; Counting and measuring, 732 ; Georg Cantor's theory of the transfinite, 735 ; Corresix)ndence, 736 ; Arithmetising tendency in mathematics, 738. RETROSPECT AND PROSPECT. Order and Unity, 742 ; Philosophical problems, 743 ; Individuality, 746 ; Practical interests attaching to Order and Unity, 748 ; The geographical centre of philosophic thought, 750. Index ......... 753 ERRATA. p. Y Read Miller instead of Millar. 47 ; text, 1. 4 from below 48 ; 2nd col. of notes, 1. 8 from below 100 ; 2nd col. of notes, 1. 10 from below \ „ , ^, , • . , /■ r.. i > Read Chasles instead of Charles. 101 ; 2nd col. of notes, 1. 2 from below J 361 ; 1st col. of notes, 1. 5 from above . Read Secchi instead o/Seechi. f Read C. Hauptmann instead of 407 ; 2nd col. of notes, last word . | Kaufmann. 572 ; text, 1. 5 from above . . . .Read Stirling instead o/ Sterling. CHAPTER VI. ON THE KINETIC OR MECHANICAL VIEW OF NATURE. It was a favourite idea witli the philosophers of antiquity i- that every thing is in motion, that rest is to be found '""tionin nowhere in nature, and that the entire process of life and i''"'''*op'^>- sensation in particular is Ijrought about by the communi- cation and transference of minute movements of a purely mechanical kind. Out of the deep conviction that every- thing around us and in us is in a perpetual flux — a doc- trme which is usually fathered upon Heraclitus of Ephe- sus ^ — two distinct problems resulted, and occupied the thinkers of antiquity : the problem of explaining the apparent rest and permanency of many observable pheno- ^ Tlie doctrine of Heraclitus (b.c. 500; is placed by Zeller (' Philo- sophie der Griechen,' vol. i.) in direct o])po.sition to that of the Eleatic School (Parmenides, Zeno) and of Pythagorais. The Eleatics argued from the unity of all exist- ence to the impossibility of the mul- tiplieity and the change of things. Heraclitus sets out from the concep- tion that everything is in continual motion and flow {Ki.vii(T%ai, iv Kivr\aii tlvai). Our knowledge of Herac- litus is derived mainly from refer- ences in tlie writings of Plato and Ari8teharren will." 4 SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT. mena and properties of natural objects, and the higher ethical problem of fixing upon that which is lastingly real and important in the continuous change of sensation and opinion. The latter formed the central interest of that course of reasoning which began with Socrates and culminated in Plato and Aristotle ; the former was the problem of natural philosophy of which Epicurus and Lucretius stand out as the great representatives. In a well-known passage of the second book of his great poem, Lucretius explains the apparent rest of natural things by the simile of a flock of lustily dancing sheep, which at a distance looks like a white spot on a green hillside/ This tendency of philosophic reasoning to see motion where common-sense only sees rest, to reduce theoretically the apparently permanent properties of things to a play of intricate but imperceptible modes of motion, has governed still more markedly modern scientific thought. I shall comprise all efforts to give more definite " expression to this general idea under 1 ' De Natura Rerum,' ii. 308— Omnia qute nobis longe eonfusa videntur Et velut in viridi candor oonsistere "Illud in his rebus non est mirabile, colli." quare, Omnia cuni rerum primordiasint inmotu, o rpj^j^ ^^^^^ definite expression is Sumnia tamen summa videatur stare ; ... . . ', quigtg ! entn-ely a que.stion or niatneniatics. Prseterquam siquid proprio dat corpora ; It is interesting to note how Le ™ot"s. , . ^ ., ^aEre, in his ' Lucrece Neutonien ' Omms^^en.m longe nostris ab seHsibus ^ ^g^^^.^ ^^^^ ^-gg^^ ..^^.g^^^ ^j^^^ Primorum natura jacet ; quapropter, ubi [ if Epicurus bad had but a part of the geometrical knowledge of his contemporary Euclid, and concep- tions of cosmography the same as those of many then living, he might ipsa Cernere jam nequeas, motus quoque sur- pere debent ; Prsesertim cum, qu» possimus cernere, celent ^ ^. ^ Ssepe tamen motus spatio diducta lo- ; Y^^ye discovCTed the laws of imi- Nan?sa"i"'in colli toiidentes pabula l»ta ; versal gravity, and not only _ the Lanigerse reptant pecudes quo quamque laws, but, what was the despair of vncantes Newton, its mechanical " Invitai.t herb* pemraantes rore recenti, /'ATinirn ' T.noretiu* ' vol ii n 13.5^ Et satiati agni ludunt blaudeque coru«- (Munro i^ucretius ^ol u p. i60). cant; I Lionardo da Vinci (1452-1519) says : KINETIC OK MECHANICAL VIEW OF NATURE. 5 the name of the kinetic ^ theory or view oi uaiuie. It has frequently been phiced in opposition to the atomic theory, and the history of the natural philosophy of the earlier ages, down to Newton, has in recent years been written from this point of view.^ If everything is motion, there must still be something that moves, and the question arises, What is it that moves ? The system of Epicurus, and the great poem in which it has found a classical expression, are really more occupied with describing the final elements of matter — the so-called nature of things — than with studying the different modes of their motion. In the atomic theory, in the conception of an infinite number of moving particles, the kinetic tendency of thought repeatedly found botli in auricnt " There is no certainty in science ■where some mathematics are not appHcable "' (quoted by Lasswitz, ' Geschichte der Atomistik,' 1890, vol. ii. p. 11) ; and Leibniz, in a letter to Foucher dated 1693, con- demns his earlier tract entitled ' Hypothesis Physica ' as a ''juvenile attempt of one who had not yet fathomed mathematics " (Ger- hardt's edition of Leibniz's ' Philo- so])hische Schriften,' vol. i. p. 415). 1 The word " kinetic " seems to have been introduced into scientific- literature Ijy Ampere, who uses the term " cin(5mati([ue " to denote that portion of mechanics where ' ' les mouvements sont considores en eux- memes, tels que nous les observons dans les corps qui nous environ - nent, et sjiecialement dans les appareils appek's machines " ( ' Essai sur la Philosojihie des Sciences,' 1834). In English text-books the term kinematics, following Thom- son and Tait ( ' Natural Philnsophy,' Preface), is used to dcuDte what PVench writers call " cincmatique pure," formerly called "phoro- nomie," the doctrine of the purely geometrical properties of motion, without reference to the cause of motion ; the consideration of the latter being the special study of "kinetics," which, together with " statics," is comprised in the term "dynamics." The acceptance of the word " kinetic " to denote the view that motion is at the bottom of all natural jirocesses dates prob- ably from the writings of Thomson (Lord Kelvin), Tait, and Clerk Maxwell, who, under the influence of Newton and the great French school of Lagrange, Ampere, Poin- sot, Poncelet, and others, have re- formed English, and subse