I HISTORY OF THE U FOUBTEENTH REGIMENT MM Wl. i h WITH A ^1; i LIST OF TEE NAMES OF EVERY MAS THAT EVER EELOXUED TO THE BEGIJIEST. BY M. B. HURST, CHIEF MUSICIAN 14TH EEGIMKNT ALABAMA VOLUNTEERS. f ^t'. ♦ 1 RICHMOND: 1S63. '4-'-> >'-^¥^ ^~ >^^ *k^ / George Washington Flowers Memorial Collection DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ESTABLISHED BY THE FAMILY OF COLONEL FLOWERS yi/t^f /r A n C iMUoDirnoN. I am about to recount to the people of AIal)auia and to the world; the principal events of the war, connected with the service of the 1 1th Regiment Alabama A^olun- teers. Perhaps some one may think I attempt a task beyond my strength; but no man so well knows him- self as not to attempt too much. Yc| I shall not have tu reproacli myself with having omitted any commendable act; or to record any deed unworthy of the State ^^x Government they have so failli fully served. Wliatever I may say, I aim to speak the truth; and if I should men- tion anything not conformable to the general interest o( the country, it will be an error of the head and not of ih"© heart, and I declare in advance that I disavow it. It is pleasant to read a good history, but it is not so easy fo write one. A large portion of this work I am aware, will disagree with impressions madejnpon the minds of the people of Alabama and elsewhere^ by the stories of unjust and prejudiced minds. I a^k only one favor of the reader, and that is, question the officer^f the Regi ment, who have a right to know, before he disputes any net of the Regiment I herein relate. M-. IJ. IIURST. II Al.J\J5AM-\ ItEGiMEM 111 i.ieTeuting this work to the public, 1 dctui it imnecessarj to at- icmpt an explanation of the causes of the war. Suffice it to say, tiiat »he thunder concealed in the cloud which, for over fifty years, dark- ♦nied our political liorizon, burst forth on Fort Sumter, on the 11th day of April, ISGl. This victory tfi the rebels hastened preparations in all the seceded States to meet the Union army on the border. AVhcn the first demand was made for volunteers, (so eager was the South to •t Lieutenant J. J. Haris, Qd Lieutenat N. M. Smith, 2d Jr. Lieutenant Robt. Floyd.. Company B. ::?Ioore CiuarcU, l^o^^udeis Coiiitis', Alabama. Captain J. S. Williamson, 1st Lieutenant D. V. Hines, *:>d laeutcnant S. G. Perry, ^d Jr. Lieut. G. T. Verdrcj. Company C. , Captain D. II. McGoy, 1st Lieutenant B. J. Foster, 'M Lie.tt. M. L. Barber, -M Jr. Lieut. G. J. Banksto.,. Company I). Captain J. A. Broome, 3st Lieut. J. T. Greenwood, •M Licnt. T. A. .T. Robinson, 2d Jr. Licur. B. H. Pearson. Company E. Captain W. C. Allen, 1st Lieutenant H. F. Dunson, 2d Lieut. J. S. E. Davis, M Jr. Lieut. R. C. Stevens. Company F. Captain M. P. FerrcU, 1st Lieutenant C. Johnston, 2d Lieut. J. C. Strickland, 2d Jr. Lieut. W. T. Smith. Company Gr. • Ililliby BUfe«^, Talafioosa COtiiHy, AialKiitiFa. Captain W. H. Brooks, - Jst Lieutenant J. L. Craig, 2d Lieut. R. A. McCord, 2d Jr. Lieut. J. W. M, Bell. Company H. ^ .fack^ou Aveugei**, Talapooi^a lYnialy, Ala. Captain W. W. Selman, 1st Lieutenant A. J. Tyus, 2d Lieut. H. A. Wood, 2d Jr. Lfeut. VV. B. Ol^rieri. Company I. lliliiby Kifle«i, Taladega etf£iia Ouai*d[«, Randolpti Cotinty, Ala%»)fil|ia. Captain A. C. Woeia, 1st Lieut. G. W. Taylor, 2d Lieut. T. S. Stephens, 2d Jr. Lieut. R. Richards. IIJSTOJIT OF Ti!K IHH AL\BXMi\ KKU' On the Tth ol Augn-t, l>fJi , lijis RogiinciU was mustered into service, ''J -^lajor Calhoun, C. S. A. For some reason unkno-.vn to the author, the Regiment did not move immediately to the scat of war. They re- mained in camp at Auburn, Alabama, and were partially initiated into the hardships of a soldier's life. On th» eth of October. 1861, they left for Huntsville, Alabama, at which place they arrived Oct. Stli. They remained at Huntsville until November 4th. The llcgiment wa? ordered to report at Richmond, Vo. This mo-vc was very injurious to the health of the men composing the f^egiment, a majority of whom were just recovering from measles. They arrived at Kichmond Nov. .th, and camped on the Old Fair ground, west of the cilv. Here the llegiment first received pay from the Government. On the 14th of .."Sovchiber, the Regiment Mas ordered to Evansport, Va. They ar- rived there on the 17th. Here the men began to experience in truth the hardships of a soldier's life; having been raised in Alabama, and the other Cotton States, the exposure which necessarily attends a sol- lier s life, on the bleak shore of the Potomac, was more than many of them could stand. Hundreds were sick, a great many of whom died. So fatal was their sickness, that by the 1st of January, 1863, a little over a month, not quite tv.o hundred w^re reported for duly. Colonel .fudge, then in command, asked to be moved; but his petition was un- noticed by the commanding General, T. Holmes. The Colonel then applied and got leave to visit Richmond; and by his own exertions and mfluence, had the Regiment ordered l»y the Secretary of War to Rich- mond. The Regim.ent arrived at Richmond, .January 3d, ]^G.3, an'T was quartered at the Barracks, west of the city, known as Camj. Wmder. Evc4-y effort was made by the Commanders of the Regiment to restore the health of the men. Here it remained in garrison life until the :27th of March, when the enemy were threatening Yorktowu from Fortress Monroe. The health of the Regiment wos partially re- stored. We were ordered to Yorktown; we landed there on the eve- nmg oi the 27th of March. The next morning we marched out some four miles west of the town, and camped near Winn's Mill. Nothing here disturbed the regular routine of camp dulv, save an occasiona"} rumor that the Yankees Merc advancing. On the 5th day of .^pril, early in the morning, couriers Mere riding rspidly in every direction, from w-hom m e learned that it Mas supposed that the enemy M-ere ad- vancing in force on Dam No. 1, situated about thrcc-rdurths of a raiJe below our camp. The long roll mss beaten, the Regiment formed and marched down to the dam above named; we Mere draMn up in line of battle, and marched forM'ard to the water's edge, and here we remained four days and nights. It m as Mnile the Regiment was at this place, that four men, beiongiiig to Company G, viz: Allen, Allen, Allen, and Lindsey. were posted across the river to M-atch and give intimation of the advance of the enemy; but not beiQg properly instructed, and by their negilence, they were captured. The morning of the 9th of April, we were marched back to our oM romp; the Mhole Re^oment Mas put to M-crk Huldirg brea^t-Mork.^ !.. 6 fall view of and in range of the enemy's guns — the men v/orked night and day. It was raining almost all the time. At night the enemy amused and interested our men with their rockets; in day time the^r shells kept a continued whiz, whiz, whiz, over our heads. A few men however, were wounded by the explosion of shells, and one or two killed by the sharp-shooters of the enemy. General J. E. Johnston, ut that time in command of the Army of the Peninsula, ordered a rv- fleat; consequently, on the 3d day of May, we had to leave our forti- fied position, which had cost us so much labor, amidst danger. We took the road for Williamsburg, leaving all of our tents, cooking utensils, to- gether with a great many rations we had on hand. The road to Williamsburg Mas almost impassable for artillery and baggage wagons. The men, who were nearly exhausted from exposure, want of sleep, and having been at work night and day for over two weeks, marched slowly; and many, who attempted to try to save their clothing and blankets, by packing them, were soon exhausted; consequently, thou- sands of blankets, overcoats, shirts, drawers and pants were thrown away. We arrived at Williamsburg in the evening; the next day the enemy's cavalry were pursuing us closely. We marched through the town of Williamsburg, and halted about two miles north of the town. Late in the evening, the roar of musketry, about three miles below Williamsburg, gave us information that the advance guard of. the enemy had attacked our rear. Soon we v.ere in line, and marched back through the town, and was posted in a redoubt, near Fort Ma- r^ruder. Every man lay down that night with his musket by his side, expecting that the coming day would bring with it a fight. Late at night the rain began falling in torrents, much to the discomfiture oi boys without tents. Every one seemed to care only for his gun and ammunition, as he expected to have use for it the next day. At length the grey streak in the eastern horizon gave warning that day was ap- proaching. Every man was up and ready for any emergency. The clouds hung heavily, casting a gloom over the place. The redoubt in which we were posted Avas dusty when we entered it Sunday night. Monday morning it was ankle deep in mud. At ten minutes after S o'clock, the batteries of the enemy, on the night and left, opened on Fort Magruder. Our artillery replied slowly, as ammunition was scarce. This artillery duel lasted until near 11 o'clock. General Longstreet sent forward a Brigade, in a skirt of woods, lying to our right. Soon the skirmishers of the enemy and our own were engaged, each side falling back to its reserve. The two armies advanced. At SO minutes after '2 o'clock, in the evening, they opened fire; from this time until near 11 o'clock at night, the roar of cannon, and the rattle of musketry was unceasing. The rain was pouring down. Three companies of the 14th Alabama Regiment being posted in a re- doubt near the one in which the other seven companies were, to sup- port a battery; they were in command of Major O. H. K. McLemore. A portion of Pryor's Brigade, to which we belonged, being already engaged, the three companies, under Major McLemore, viz: Com- pany B, Captain J. S. Williamson, Company G, Lieut. W. M. Bell, Company K, Captain A. C. Wood, were ordered forward. Fearlessly they rushed forward through the drenching rain and deep mud, to succor their suffering comrades, the gallant little Major, the pride of the Regiment, leading them. Soon the rattle of musketry began at the point they entered the woods. At the first fire from the enemy, jNTaior McLemoro's horse was killed from under him. He dismounted i.om Ihfc already fallen ;iriiii:i«l, iud with a smile, as if nothing had happened, waved his sword, and ordered the men to follow him. The woods v/crc very thick;- the enerny weie lying down, waiting for us to u^vance. What a mistaken ich a they had of the courage of our men. The Major was coolly giving orders to the boyr^, when two Yankee^ took a fair crack at him. ' Thf eagle eye of Corporal G. W. Court- ney, in his eagerness for the fight, raised his gun and shot one of theni dead. The Major turned to the gallant Corporal and said, vcr} well, George, loud ai-d try another. Durincr the balance of the da}. the three cof.ipanics, under Major McLemore, were engaged in that desperate battle, the result of which is too well known to be men- tioned here. I was sent on the field late in the day, to assist in bring- ing a wounded soldier off; and while looking for the wounded and suf- fering soldier, had a chance of viewing the whole of the battle-ground, except that part cu which the two armies were then engaged. The icene beggars description. Sword», guns, pistols, bowie-knives, cartridge boxes, knapsack';, haversacks and blankets were scattered in every direction. Captain J. S. Williamson, of Comfiany B, Goptain A. C. Wood, of Company K, and Lieutenant W. M. Kell, of Coffcpany G,all behaved them>-clvc-. lionorably. At ] o'clock at night, we took the road for Richmond. The cause of our retreat, after so signal a victory, was, [ suppose, that ammunition v.as so scarce, that we would be unable to continiic the figtit the next day. The roads were awful; the mud so deep, and the whole earth was so rotten, that 1 saw stout men, who ventured to go throu^ it, rather than pick their way through the bushes, get mired, and were unaljle to extricate themselves without assistance from llicir fellow soldiers. Many of the men were sick; some entirely unable 1o travel. Many were seni forward to the differ- ent Hospitals at Petersburg, where they died. ' Others, who were un- able to keep up with the Regin)cnt until transportation could be fur- nished, sank by the road side, exhausted. Every efibrt was made by the Surgeon in charge, and om noble Quartermaster, D. W. Hinklc, to furnish transportation to the sick, who were imable to travel. The principal .Surgeon of the Regiment, J. B. Gaston, was left at Williams- burg lo care for the wounded. Captain Fcrrie Henshaw, ( f the Com- missary Departjnent, and hi'« assistant, J. S. p]arle, were untiring in their efforts to procure rations for the men: but the many thousands of soldiers who were ahead of us, stripped the cor.ntry ofeverything eatable. We arrived at Richmond on the 2-2d day -of May. camped east of the city, near the Fair Field Race Paths, and were partially recovered from our severe march; having been in line of battle evcrv day since we left Williamsburg. On the .31st day of May, every man was ordered to liave forty rounds of cartridge. The roar of cannon was alreadv heard in the direction of Williamsburg. Lieut. Colonel D. W. Baine! at that time was in the hospital, and bearing that the Regiment was ordered to be in readi- ness, hurried to it. The Regiment being in line of battle, marched to the battle ground of Seven Pines; the weather was very warm. In the evening it began raining. We arrived at the spot where the enemv had first been attacked by our troops, and driven from their camps', leaving their tents standing with kettles full of beef, peas and coffee, ready for eating and drinking. The mangled dead and wounded were still lying on the field, many of whom had fallen in water sufficientlv deep to cover them while lying. 1 saw -everal, Mhero the Hth Alabama charged on theii., lying dead, with the bayonets oi" Alabamians and jbf the enemy run through each other. Just at dark we halted for a few minutes, and the Regiment was ordered to assist in removing these noble men to the nearest house, where they could be attended by the surgeons. Late in the night, the rain still pouring down, the Regi- ment was ordered to take position in front. The men sank down in the mud to rest, expecting that the coming day they would be called upon to perform the severest task for which they volunteered. As day was dawning the next morning, the enemy opened fire on us while our men were eating a snack. As quick as thought every man was at hi^ %\xn and in line; skirmishers were sent forward, the pickets of the enemy falling back. Soon the Regiment was ordered forward, and the battle which followed, though not as hotly contested as others have been since, was suflBcient to try the nerves of the officers and men. Lieutenant G. .T. Bankston and Corporal E. W. Ray, of Company C, privates W. Dozier and S. A. Brewster, of Company D, and others of the Regiment were conspicuous for their daring. The enemy having been defeated, the heavy rain which had fallen made the swamp of the Chickahominy inaccessible. Our forces fell back to our camp ne2>,r Richmond— nothing unusual transpiring until the SGth of .lune. Lieut. Colonel Baine made a short speech to thf companies.of the Regiment, informing them of the expected battle, ask- ing them to remember the State they had the honor to represent. The Regiment was formed, and taking the road from Richmond to Me- chanicsville, the morning of the 27th of June, we were in line of bat- tle near the battle ground of Gaines' Mill — Lieutenant Colonel Baine commanding. Major A. C. Wood, formerly Captain of Company K, was also present. The firing had already began in front. The 14t]» Alabama was ordered forward to support the 14th Louisiana in i« charge on the strong position of the enemy, for some reason unknown to the author, the charge was not made. We were suffered to lie in an open field, exposed to the murderous fire of the enemy, and were not suffered to fire a gim. We lost several gallant men, and several wounded. A deep ditch was in front; the Louisianians succeeded in ■throwing a bridge across it, and began crossing; the enemy ceased firing and began retreating; our men push forward; a pursuit of some six miles, and we again came upon the pickets of the enemy. Lieut. J. T. Greenwood, of Company D, was in command of a party of skir- mishers from our Regiment; he succeeded in driving their pickets back lo their reserve. Our wh.ole Brigade, which was composed of the 14th Alabama, 14ih Louisiana, 3d Virginia, and St.' Paul's Battalion, wo;^ thrown fonvard in an open field, in order, I suppose, to draw their forces out; but instead of drawing out their forces, we only drew the fire from their batteries; one shell falling in Company A, killing one or two, and wounding several. We fell "back from this position some twenty yards, and sent forward another party of skirmishers. A few minutes after 2 o'clock, we received orders from Gen'l R. A. Pryor, to advance. We advanced some three-fourths of a mile, and halted for a moment — being near the enemy. A few hasty orders were given to the men, when the command was given to forward, and in an advance of a hundred yards we were in full view and. range of the enemy's mus- ketry. They opened fire on us with terrible effect; but still our col- umns advanced to within fifty yards of their nearest b^;^stwork; we 'halted for a moment, and a few rounds from our boys dislodged them. Our men rushed forward veiling, which, with the rattle of musketry, r'-^FiPt iechoe«i among ttit hill-; loi* miles around; tliey attempted to retreat in order, but wc pressed them too closely. Many instances of dafing might here be nierttioned. General Ptyor was everywhere where'the •firing Was hottest. Lieutenant Colonel Baine's daring excelled that of any man I crer baW, amidst the hail-storm of bullets. He was cool, and apparently ti3 self-possessed as if he was in' his tent a« osunp. The company officers did their duty nobly; among whom 1 noticed, wasLicut. N. JVI. Smith aiid C. M. Snced, of Company A; Company F, I.ieut. J. C. Strickland; of Company D, Lieut. .T. T. Greonwood— he had been conspicious for his daring throughout the day, and fell mortally woundetl soon afterwards; of Company L Captain J. T. Bell, Lieut. JG.Tolk, and Lieut. .T. P. Shaffer — Captain Bell fell mortallv woundeu soon afterwards, and expired on the field: of Company C, Lieut, now Captain M. L. Barber; of Company IL l-ieut. now Captain W. E. Q'BFien and Lieut. C. IL Lamberth; of E. Captain W. F. Dunson and Lieut. J. T. McLain; of K, Captain fi. W. Taylor; of G,Capt. K. A. McCord, and Lieut. G. T. Verdrey. "l^Many of the officers of the Regiment were si< k. Lieut, now Cap;. .1. A. Terrell, of Company G, not having recovered from hK wound** received at Williamsburg. Among the non-commissioned officers anii privates, deeds of daring were so numerous, that I may say the whole llegiment did its duty. Wc pressed them closely for threc-fourtlis of a mile. Our men were falling fast from the grape and canister they were poiiring Into us at every step. Our men baited for a mo- ment; a short consultation among the remnant of oflficei-!" and private^, composing our Brigade: they quickly decided to take that battery — Alabamians, Virginians and C^uisianians. Many of the Louisianian-, who were not so fleet as the Alabamians and Virginians, threw down their guns and empty carfridge-boxes, and rushed forv/ard with their Imyotiets in hand. Soon the artillerists left their guns, When Corp '1 •Tamtes Giles, color guard, and at this time bearing the colors, planted fhem on the guns in the battery. The shouts of our boys echoed among the hills for miles around. The battle is ended for the day; night, eoming on, the Colonel could find only twelve men of his Regiment: the balance of the men lay on the battle field all nigh't. Early nex': morning they were rallying around their commander, and t'hougn much fatigued by the day '^ labor previous, yet ready to obey any coL> mand that was given. By 8 o'clock in the morning, ^ley were agair on the battle field. Late in the day our Generals discovered that n was the intention of the enemy to retreat to James river, and tafre ihelter Under their gun boats. On Sunday morning, Pryor's Brigade, With the balance of Loft^- street's Division, were ordered to assist General Huger in preventing their escape; but the exhausted condition of Longstreet's troops, and the distance they had to march, was the reason why they did not ar- rive in time. The reason why General Huger did not prevent it, has been told by those who know more about it than I do. Monday morn- ing found the enemy strongly posted on Frazier's Farm, The enemy ha:d chosen this position to check the pursuing rebels. The battle ground was a plain, covered with pine bushes. General Longst reel being called oft\ the command of his division fell upon General A. P. riill. The enemy had a battery in position on our right, -fituated on z slightly elevated position. Already tlie roar of «iusketry and cannor was deafening in front. Several brigades had tricf^ tc 'take the bat- 10 tery on our right. General Fryor as:ked Coloiici Buine il" 2iis Reg'- ment could take that battery. The gallant Colonel replied: *• My boys will take it if I tell them." .:8oon the Regiment was called on to ex- ecute the command. After we crossed a swamp, lying about half a mile i)i front of the battery, and formed a line, the brave Col- onel ordered a charge. Every man rushed forward, yelling; nor did they halt until the battery was but a few yards distant, when the Colonel fell mortally wounded, and expired almost immediately on the field. Major A. C. Wood was severely wounded; Lieuts. N. M. Smith and C M. Sneed were killed of Company A; Lieut. J. C. Strickland, of Company F, v/ounded; of Company D, Serg't A. II. McCarny, now iid Lieutenant commanding, was wounded; Lieut. J. E. Mayo wa*^ killed, of C; Lieut, now Captain M. L, Barber, of C, wounded; of E, Captain H. F. Dunson was wounded; of K, Captain G. W. Taylor was wounded. But two Captains of the Regiment had escaped, viz: Capt. J. S. Williamson, of Co. B, and Capt. R. A. McCord, of Co. G. Some one ordered a retreat, and the men not knowing from whom the command came, fell back reluctantly, denying every inch of ground. Fearless Adjutant L. Pinkard succeeded in rallying the scattered regi- ment, v/hich, comiiKinded by Captain J. S. Williamson, of Company B, assisted by Captam R, A. McCord, of Co. G, made another charge*. Success crowned their elfort this time, though the brave old Captain fell dead in the charge. Captain McCord and the.Adjutant held the battery with only a hand- ful of men. They were soon reinforced by another brigade. Night put an end to the contest. The regiment did not participate in the battle of Tuesday, but was near the battle ground. It remained on duty near the battle ground until the loth of July, when il was ordered back to its old camp, near Richmond, where it remained until the 11th of August. It was ordered to Gordonsville; from there it was ordered forward — the enemy being in front. A march of three days, and we reached the Rapidan river, at Raccoon ford. From this time until the 30th of August, after marching and counter-marching on half rations, undergoing hardships and privations unheard of before in the annals o^ war, we reached the classic plains of Manassas.. Commanded by Colonel A.C. Wood, formerly Major, the Regiment was engaged in another severe battle. Corp'l E. W. Ray, of Co. C, was again conspicuous for his daring. He bore the colors until se- verely wounded, and was borne from the field. As he fell, private J. A. Neil, of Company I, took the colors, and was gallantly advancing, when he fell severely wounded. Hardly had the colors fell, when pri- vate J. M. Finley, of Company C, unfurled the flag again to the breeze, and gallantly bore them until the battle was ended. He was permittee by the Colonel to carry them afterwards. On the 1st day of September, the well known song of Maryland. My Maryland, greeted the ear at every camp. Soon the road from Manassas to Leesburg was swarming with rebel soldiers. On the 5th of September, the Regiment crossed the Potomac, under the following commanders: 2d Corporal T. C. Meadow, commanding Co. A; Co. B, Captain S. G. Perry; Company C, Lieutenant T. A. Strahan; Company D, 2d Corporal W. T. Daniel; Company E, Lieut. •J. T. McLain; Company F, Lieut. J. S. McLane; Company G, Capt. R. A. McCord; Company H, Lieut. C. H. Lamberth; Company I. Serg't J. L. Haynes; Company K, Serg't W. S. Hooper. We reachec Frederick, Maryland, on the 7th. We remained there three day*, and 11 destroyed the custly railroad brKlge, uear that city, and taking the road for Harper's Ferry, on the UUh, we arrived there on the 13th, hungry and tired. Often we lay all day in open fields, waiting the ap- proach of the enemy. The weather was excessively warm. On the 15th of September, the enemy surrendered 11,500 strong to General Stonewall .Tackson. We recrossed tlie Potomac again into A'irginia, on the morning of tlio 16th, and marched towards Sheppardstown, Va. We marclied all day and all night, and reached Sheppardstown early the next morniilg, and recrossed the Potomac again into Mary- land. A march of three miles, and we were in front of the enemy at Antietam, near the village of Sharpsburg. The road from Harper's Ferrj through Sheppardstown, on to the battle ground of Antietam, was crowded with sick and straggling sol- diers. Hundreds, yes, thousands Mere bare-footed; many were ex- hausted from their many hasty marches; and I might here state that two-thirds of the subsistence our men got in iMaryland, was roasting- ears. The scene, after we crossed the river, and on the field of An- tietam, is difficult f6 desorilte. It was often difficult to tell which wa« the worst off, many of the broken down soldiers, or the wounded. The name of stragglers is a scandal to these men; for these noble men, when they arrived, went forward in mass almost without a commander, and drove tlie enemy before them. I saw one of thes^ regiments, in which I think every State in the Confederacy was represented. Be- tore we reached the battle_ field, the groans of'the wounded that passed us in ambulances, and the roar of c'annon and the rattle of musketry ahead, for the first time informed many of the men that we were oli the eve of another battle. A march of a mile forward, and we halted to drop our knapsacks. Tlic elements seemed crowded with shell, as they passed harmlessly over our heads, with now and then a stray ball from the long range rifles of the enemy. We descended the hill in front; and as v. e reached the top of the "hill in front, the musketry of the enemy seemed as if it had just began. From this time until night every thing in front was obscured from view by the dense smoke; and the sound that greeted the ear can't be compared to anything but a --evere hail storm, accompanied by thunder and lightning. Often when our boys were ready, and only v.'aiting the smoke to clear away, the vivid flash from the cannon of the enemy informed our men of the whereabouts of the enemy. A volley of muf^ketry followed, again obscuring everything from' view — for a moment everything seemed to be in confusion. Colonel A. C. Wood being in command of Prj'or's Brigade; Captain G. W. Taylor, of C-ornpany K, was in command of the Ivcgiment. He ordered a charge: our weary and almost exhausted boys rushed forward, but the overwhelming forces of the enemy drove our men back. SloAvly and reluctantly we retreated, denying every inch of ground: night coming on the firing gradually ceased, and our men, exhausted, sank down to rest where thev stood, every one ex- pecting that the coming day would bring with it another fight. Early tlie next morning* our pickets and those of the enemy began firing;. but both sides seemed to have done enough already. Later in the day, a flag of truce was seen approaching our lines. 1 never have been able to get a correct verbage of their message— suflfice it to say, no terms were agreed on. Both sides were in line of battle, and this time was employed by our litter-bearers in bringing in the wounded that had fallen in exposed places. Night coming on. our men, hungry «nd weary for want of sleep, sank dov.n to rest where thfev had lain the rj'ght previm:s; hut about 10 o'clock at nicrht, wo received order= vl. lo fail i>a<-k. By > o'el(..fk iiexl niorriing,oui- wl.oJe army was ou tKe the Virginia «ide of the Potorifac. Early on the mornipg of the 19th, we were drawiv up in line of battle on the Virginia side of the Foto- niac. We remained here until late in tlie evening, when we. received orders to fall back to Martinsburg, Va. We marched all night and camped next morning only six miles from Sheppardstov/n; the road "though tiiTn, was very rough. We remained here all day. and at oight look up the march again; the night was very dark, and it appeared to me that all the rocks in that county might have been on the road wc traveled over that night. We camped near Martinsburg the mornin^i of the 21st of September. We remained here several days, while the Generals were employed in reorganizing the army. 'While here, Ad- jutant L. Pinkard was appointed Lieut. Colonel. On the 27th we again took the road for Winchester; a»distance of" thirty miles. We marched twenty-seven miles, and halted for the night; early the next morning we moved to a more suitable campinji ground. It was while we were encamped at this place that tJie snaall pox broke out in our regiment; but the men who fell victims to this. loathsome disease, were sent ofl' as soon as discovered. We left thj^ camp, September 30th; marched through Winci)ester,t.ook the road to Front Royal, marched f27 miles, and halted for the nigut. Early in the morning of 1st of November, cold, and many of the men bare- footed, we took the road for Culpeper C. H., waded both branches of the Shenandoah, passed through Front Royal, Flint Hill and Gaines' Cross Roads, v/aded both branches of the Rappahannock, and arrived at Culpeper C. H. Nov. 3d; camped north of the C H. one mile; Nov, 7th the first snow of the season fell. This was a sleepless night to our tentless brigade; Ave left this camp on the 19th of Nov., and arrived at Fredericksburg the 23d; camped west of the town tliree miles, and north of the plank road leading to Gordonsville one mile. On the 5th of December it snowed to the depth of six or sevejt inches. About 5 o'clock in the morning of the 11th of December, 1 was avi^akened by the firing of cannon. Soon the oiider came for the men to be in readiness. The grey streak in the eastern horizoH in- formed us that day was breaking. *^The enemy had began shelling the city of Fredericksburg. The scene from the hill near our camp wa.n beautiful, A quotation from Campbell, in his description of the battle, of W^arsaw, best describes it. /.Earth shook, red meteors flashed aloag the sky," the light of which tinged the elements with a bright- red color. Our Regiment was not engaged in the bloody battle at this place, but«va- in position on the extreme left of our army. Capt. Ferrie Henshaw, of the Commissary Department, having resigned on the 23d of Dec, left the Regiment. He had filled his position with credit to him- self, and gave general satisfaction to the entire Regiment. His loss was keenly felt. His position is now filled by Capt. H. F. Dunson, of Companv E. I have thus given the j^rincipal events connected with the service of the 14th Alabama Regiment to this time, and which 1 Slope will not be uninteresting to those w^ho read it. March, 1863. THE AUTHOR. OFFICEES Ai\D PRIVATES 3r THE 14.TH ALABAMA I^EG^'T. Oiiifiiial luist of Company A. CUSSETA GREYS. Captain W D Harrington, resigned. Ibt Lieutenant J J Havis, now Assistant Quartermaster. 2(1 Lieutenant N M Smith, killed 30th June. 2d Jr Lieut Rob't Floyd, severely wounded June 1st; resigned. Orderly Sergeant C M Snced, appointed Lieutenant, killed 30th June. 2d Serg't Wm Corr, die'd at Dumfries, Va. 3d Sergeant S Hodge, severely shocked, now 1st Lieutenant. 4th Serg't W H Mathews, reduced to rank by order QoL Pinkard. ISth Sergeant L B Whitchorn, discharged. 1st Corp'l J F Wallace, wounded twice; now Captain. 2d Corporal T C Meadows, now 2d Lieutenant. 3d Corporal W Foster, died at Richmond. 4th «' .R M Tucker. Musician, C G Washburn. Privates. Alridge, N M died Dumfries, Va. Aldridge, L G died Richmond, Va. Aldridge, J K discharged. Allen, G W Allen, J J B wounded Sept ITth, Sharpsburg, Md. Allen, W S v.. now Orderly Sergeant. Avery, C C died Fredericksburg. Autrey, W J wounded June 27, Gaines' mill, Va. Autrey, J J Autrey, J C Autrey, John J wounded June 30, Frazier's farm, Va. Adams, J T do. do. do. ' do. Baker, J S...T Bozeman, D T wounded Sept. 17lh; discharged. Baskin.WE do. August 30th. Betts, W H do. do. do. Brooks, N J » . Butler, C B Burdett, R W Burdett, WH Barnett, J T Transferred. Brown, Wm died Auburn, Alabama. Bohannon,WW discharged. Bidden, B F 2 14 Carter, W J wounded August 30th . Carter, J T do. 1st June. Campbell, H A Cooper, J R Chambers, T J Caldwell, S died Richmond, Va. Crier, W H Culbreth, J M died Ddhnfries, Va. Cullen,WJ do. Richmond, Va. Crosby, J do. do. do. Cleland,WJ do. Dumfries, do. Cleland, R C do. Lynchburg, Va Dawson, J W Davis, R ' discharged. Harrington, J T. .i died Richmond, do. Hoyle,JC Harris, J S - killed June 27th. Hodge, CC Haynes, J R died-Yorktown, do. Hathaway, W H wounded June 30th. Hammond, W R Hammock, T G... wounded June 1st. Hammock, J H.... Griggs, R D now 2d Lieutenant . Goggin, J H.\ .".. discharged. Goode, J C died Lynchburg, Va. Floyd, J W ^ Floyd, E H Freeman, L M Jeter, W L Kaufman, A L wounap.d 27th June. Leek, D G Leek, W J died Richmond, Va. Lancaster, A A do. do. * ' do Lancaster, T D. ....... Lockiiart,B F Lawrence, B F. do. do. *do. IVIangram,WA Mitchell, WD Meadows, W F wounded 27th June. Meadows, G W Mimms, L C Morris, L G . Mann, M ; . . . died Winchester, Va. Mann, J ■ do. Richmond, do. McCurdy, J F ^ transferred. McGinty, J " McGinty, P H Morgan , J M killed 27th June. Morgan, J D.. do. do. Morris, T L. died Dumfries, Va. Norris , E. killed 27th June . Norwood, G W wounded 27th June. Ollive, P G do. 30th do. Prater, G F Prater.J " '^^0^ Prater, W A Prater, W died Richmond, V&. Piper, J M Pittman, M L D discharged. Reese^ H Reese, J M died Petersburg, Va. Reese, WDB killed 30th June. Ross, J M Reeves, R W died Richmond. Simms, J L Slaughter, J B.^ wounded June. Stevenson, J H Smith, WC Shank, GF Sturkie, W O *. wounded September 17th. Simpson, J R killed 27lh June. Simpson, T J discharged. Tucker, J F Thomas, W F Todd, J C Tee), J.: Thompson, H P. Thompson , C Worthy, J E wounded 27lh June. Williamson, J E do. do. do now Serg't Maj. Wise, W H died Richmond. Williams, EM...; tmnsferred. Welch, HM Wontftii, J A killed 27lh June. Weaver, J G wounded do. , Yarbouj^h, F P Recapitvlation. Killed 8 Wounded 23 Died 25 Transferred 4 Deserted Officers resigned 2 Discharged 8 Total 125 47 Present strength 79 Or i spinal I^ist of CoHipaity B. MOORE GUARDS. Captain J S Williamson, kil'ed 30th June. 1st Lieutenant D V Hiifes, killed 27th June. 16 2d Lieutenant S G Perry, wounded 30th August; now Captain, 2d Jr Lieut G T Verdrey, wounded 27th June; now 1st Lieut. Orderly Serg't J C Fontville, discharged. 2d Serg't F G Fontville, wounded 5th May; now 2d Lieutenant. 3d Sergeant W F Armstrong, killed 5th May. 4th Sergeant John Armstrong, reduced to rank. 5th Sergeant P W Robertson, killed 30th June. Ist Corporal G W Pouncy. 2d " W W Fennel, killed 27th June. 3d *« J C Cbesire. 4th " E J Harris, wounded 27th June jyid 17th Sept.; now Orderly Sergeant. Musician, J N Addison. " J J Huckaby, died; place unknown. Privates. Armstrong, H H.. . . . . . died Dumfries, Va. 1 Addison, W B wounded 5th May. Addison, H J died Richmond, Va. Eaine, S P wounded 27th June; now 2d Lieut. | Bailey, John .' do. 17th Sept; now 5th Serg't. j Bennett, F M do. do. Bonam, N S Bonam, J J do. 5th May. . j Bozeman, JT.. died Richmond, Va. Bozeman, Samuel. BuUard , Jason killed 5th May. Bullard, R W died Richmond. Va. Bradley,- Eli killed 27th June. Baine, J R died Richmond, Va. Baine, D C do. do. do. Cauthen, O B wounded 30th June. Cauthen, WW do. 27th do. Cauthen, W B do. 5th May and 30th August Cauthen, J C. Champion, A.. Colvin, Doct W J died Richmond, Va. Chambers, GO wounded 30th August, Collier, J J killed 27th June. Collier, WM Courtney, G W wounded 27th June; now 4th Corp'l Cross, W H 2d Corporal. Cross, R H wounded 27th June. Courtney, A L died Richmond, Va. Croxton, A L. . , do. Fredericksburg, Va. Croxton, C. wounded 27th June. Crenshaw, F died Fredericksburg, Va. Davis, N J wounded 5th May. Dudley, F do. 30th August. Dillard,HC killed 30th June. Ellison, R Ellison, L Earle, J H.. Commissary Sergeant, transferred.! Ferrell, A died Dumfries. Furr, F killed 5th Mav. n Keonell, N D. died Wilmington, N C Ga^irdw" wounded 30.L«;e. f?eti^;;;R^i::;::;::: ^l^dlft'^r.^— ^' «-«'• PrL'^'^'w^ died Richmond. Cxnshatn, W B. . . Guy, H S "*** Guy, W J '.*; Sj' J ^ • • * • killed 27th June. Hazzard; O?'. '.'. V.'.: [ [ ! '^'"^ "' ^°™" °" '"^^^^^g*^- Harwell, P T Sfcks^'f"^^ ""^^ Richmond, Va Hurt, 'w'i.V." '...'.".*;"* Ingram, J M killed 5th May. Jackson , W S wounded 5th Slay and 30th June Jackson, J M killed 27th June. Jackson J W do. 30th June. JuJien, E deserted. Keele, J K^^l^!'^' J? " ' difid Yorktown, Va. Knight, II L MaTsh'an. J.'.*.' " ^'°""^^d 15th April, Yorktown. Va. Measles, H . . . wounded 27th June. McRee, C P now 4th Sergeant. Moore, E A Mounded 27th June. ^^Jorgan, J D died Fredericksburg, Va. Motes, SW killed 30th June. Mosely, A H Parker, A died Dumfries, Va. • Petrey, J E wounded 5lh May and 30th Jui>e. Petrey, W H do. do. Polk, W n Polk, P M Pouncey, \V J killed 27th June. Pruitt, MB..; wounded 30th August. Pruitt, B H do. 27th June. Richardson, D D do. 17th Sept; 3d Sergeant Scofieid, C A ^ died at Dumfries, Va. Skinner, J S Sharp, W n do. do. Sharp, J F do. Richmond, Va. Sharp, H taken pris'r and died at Ft Delaware Sharp, RT killed 27th June. Sumlin, A J killed 5th May. Taylor, R J Taylor, W H Taylor, W A Thrower, TW Thrower, J N died Richmond, Va. Thrower, W T died Fredericksburg, Va Tucker, W H - 2d Sergeant. 18 Tucker, R A, died Richmond, Va. Trotter, D H died Dumfries, V a. Warner, B S ^^ .,, ^, , Warner, John died Huntsville, Alabama. Warner, J W died Fredericksburg, Va. Williams, B died Dumfries, Va. Wadkins, L C killed 27th June. Weatherford, T W , wounded 30th August: Williamson, W A discharged. Ward, A x\ Recapitulation. Killed ^0 Wounded 29 Died 28 Transferred 1 Deserted 1 Discharged - Officers resigned Missing in action Total rank and file 119 Present strength • • G7 * TOM WATT'S GREYS. Captain D H McCoy, resigned. , Isf Lieutenant B J Foster, resigned. 2d Lieut. M L Barber, wounded 30th June; now Captain. 2d Jr Lieutenant G J Bankston. Orderly Sergeant John Manly; now 2d Lieutenant. 2d Sergeant A H Morton, killed 30th June. • 3d Sergeant M S Kir by, discharged. 4th Sergeant W C Stiit, died Fredericksburg, Va. 5th Sergeant L N Morris, wounded 30th June. 1st Corporal J H Robinson, discharged. 2d " • J W Gilhuly, wounded 27th June. 3d " T J Hill, died Dumfries, Va. 4th " J W Walker, wounded 30th June. Musician B F Finley, kettle drummer. M B Hurst, wounded 27th June; Principal Musician. H H Finley, Principal Musiciaji. Privates. Andrews, J G now 2d Sergeant. Askew, R L Atkins, J M killed 30th June. Brooks, OM,,,, died HuntsyJJIc, Alabama. 19 Brooks, J M died Dutnfries, Va. Blair, Robert died Fredericksburg, Va. Burnett, W A wounded 17th September. Burnelt, Thonia> Brazell, J M Brdzell, N G wounded 30th August. Brown, J H dischargjed. Barber, J N died Richmond, Va. Barber, J C .' killed .30th June. Bankston. M L wounded 27th June. Berry, D II Blackburn, D F 30th June mls«ing in action. Blackburn, G W kilJfd 30th June. Crouder, H C wounded 27th June. Crook, K A Crook, IJ S Cox,.W A wounded 30th June; discharged, Culberson. J O , Chivers, JM.. disch!»rged. Clemens, W C wounded 17th Scpttmber. Crane, John Calahan, G I' died Richmond, Va. Dixon, A J tU). do. Dixon, J J ^ do. do. Dcnham, R A Dean, Samuel died Fredericksburg, Va. Finley, J M wounded 17th September. Fowler, R killecl 27th June. Guthrie, G W wounded 27lh June: now 1st Corp 'J. Gilhuly. M wounded 17lh September. . Gunn, J T now Hospital Steward. Grimes, C C Gordon, J R died Richmond, Va. Hunt, D<>cU{ 11 J kille I .30ih June. Heath, VVB died l^umfrics. Vo. Heath, J S killed 30lh June. Hammond , G D Hammond, J A wounded 27th June. Hammond, Tl H killed do. do, Hammond, N G died Dumfries. Harris, J D 3d Sergeant; now 2d Lieutenant. Humphrey, J L Humphries, A dled-Frrderickshurg, Va. Ivy, BR oOth June missina; in action. Johnston, J S died Dumfries, Va. Johnston , A V died Richmond, Va . .Jenkins, W C Kelly, Wm Kelly, R W Lee, JS wounded 30lh June. Lindsy, W H died R chmond, Va. Mauldin, W H wounded 27ih June. McCoy, J T McCoy, W discharged. McCafferty, A B McGill. J M 20 McDaniel, J *. . died Richmond, Va. Martin, Y died Frederioksbv.rg, Va. Norman, B L died Dumfries, Va. Nolan, J W wounded 17th September. Ogletree, W died Richmond, Va. Page, R H Patten, J do. -do. Partain, J W do. do. Rutland, W R killed 27th .Tune. Robinson, J M Rampy, W H killed 30th August; 3d Corporal. Ray, E W. Smartt, S F.. . . Smith, J T Smith, AW.... Swint, J G..... Smith, Col Wm. Smith, V^ T Simenton , J F . . Sisson, R Strahan, T A... Tucker, S T Turner, W A Thompson, T J. . . Wheelis.'A B Willingham, TD.. Ward, L C Williams, WY..., Willis, J M WiUingham, W T. Whitten, G Wright. E wounded 1st June and 30th August;, now Orderly Sergeant. . 17th Sept. missing in action. ^ wounded 30th June. " discharged. , died Dumfries, killed 27th June, wounded 17th September. 4th Serg't, wounded ITth Sept., 2d Lieutenant; resigned, now 3d Corporal, discharged, died Fredericksburg. v,^oiinded 17th September, wounded 30th June. killed 30th Jane, wounded 30th Aug. died Lynchburg, Vi discharged. now 4th Seg't. Recapitulation. Killed 12 Wounded 25 Died 27 Deserted .... * ; Discharged 9 Transferred >. Officers resigned . » 3 Missing in action 3 Total rank and file 108 54 Present strength 54 Ori^isial liist of CoMipaaay 1>. YANCEY GREYS. Captain J A Broom, wounded 27th June; now Lieut. Colonel 2J 1st Lieutenant J T Greenwood, killed 'i'tih Jun«. 2d Lieutenant TAJ Robinson; resigned. 9d Jr Lieutenant B H Pearson; now Captain. Orderly Serg't J H Hardy, now 2d Jr Lieutenant, '?d Sergeant T B Fargason; now 1st Lieutenant. 3d Sei^'t L Thompson; reduced to ranks by order of Col. JiHge. 4th Sergeant J Greil; now Commissary Sergeant. .5th Sergeant A H McCamy, wounded SOlli .lune. Ist Corporal B J Moon, killed 27th June. 2d •' M Briskey, died Richmond, Va. 3d " J D Andrews; reduced to rank bv order. 4th '•• John Greer, killed 30th June. Musician T J Barron. " J R Hall. Privatei. Amos, A wounded 30th June Amos, James wounded 27th June; now Ord N;rg r Andrews, W. wounded do. Adkins, M discharged. Barker, T Barron, G C now 4th Corporal. Barns, W %. died Fredericksburg, N'-. Barns, John died Richmond, Va. Briskey, J wounded 27th June. Briskey, .Tasper do. do. Briskey, GW Briskey, H died Winchester, Va. Brewster, R wounded 27th Junt. Brewster, W Brf w^ter, E now 2<1 Sergeant . Brewster, S A wounded 30th June. Burns, H W now .3d Sergeant. Bosworth, y\ C do. 4th do. Carter, ST Cartlidge, J discharged. Chappell, J 17th Sept., missing in antioH. Colly, -M B wounded 27th June> Conner, H M died Dumfries, Va. Cotney, D died Richmond, Va. Cotney, J Cotney, W died Huutsville, Ala. Culberson , J J d icd Richmond , Va . Clifton, L Clifton, R wounded 27th June; discharge*-. Clifton, E died Dumfries, Va Daniel, J 27th June; missing in action. Daniel, J W wounded 1st Jane and 27th June: now 1st Corporal. Daniel, \VT wounded 17th September ; now 2^1 Corporal. Davis, J W died Richmond, Va. Dozier, W.. wounded 27th June; now 2d Lie..!. Duke, H wounded 30th June. Dunson, G died Richmond, Va. 22 DuDson, W W died Fredericksburg, Va. Eider, J died Richmond, Va. Edge, J died Frederickj-burg, Va. Fant, Joe. died Dumfries, Va. ^''ant, J wounded 30th August. Finley, R J Fant, D Fuiler, W L Foster, W S died Richmond, Va. Foster, J W killed 27th June. Foster, J C v/ounded 27ih June. Grice, J died Dumfries, Va. Gillam, H W Hall, J W wounded 27th June. Hall, Jas died Richmond, Va, llamby, T J Harris, J D Harris, W T wounded 30th June. Harris, C C .- - wounded 27ih June. Harralson , J B. do. do. Holdridge, John ,do. -SOlh June Hardy, J L do do. Jacks, John died Richmond, Va. Jackson, A discharged. Johnston, H C died at home on furlough Kelly, W King, E, • dischargred. Kennedy, John.. killed 27th June. Kennedy, VV C do. do. Kitchens, John wounded do. taken prisoner. Lane, .Tas Lane, VV L Hth'September; missing in action Lee, L died Dumfries, Va. Lewis, B F killed 271 h June. Leveretl, T M died Auburn, Ala. Miles, S E wounded 27th JunS. Miles, J disch^rgerl. Meadows, NW wounded 30th August. May, JP May, JL do. do. McCamy, A L killed 27th June. Moncrief, P P Morris, W wounded 17th September. Moon, P R wounded 30th June. Nix, J Norris, M discharged. Orr, Wm killed 27th June. Pace, R wounded do. Patterson, R killed 27th June. Patterson, Jasper.. .... . discharged. Pinckard, H Pinckard, J P j . . . . wounded 27th June. Pearson, J W died Fredericksburg, Va. Pearson, W FI PI died; place unknown. Phillips, J M wounded 27th June; now 3d Corp'i. 23 Phillip-i, J W PhilJips, Z killed ^Oth June. Pounds, Wm killed 27th June. Parker, D F •. wounded 30th June . Robinson, J G killed Is-t June. Royston,C B Strother, J wounded Ti\h June. Strother, W ^ died Dumfries, Va. Smith, F M .''. wounded 30th August. Smith, N now 5lh Sergeant. Smith, J wounded 30th June- Thompson, J died Auburn, Ala. Thompson, G died Richmond, .Va. Triplclt, VV L VVallace, VV died at home on furlouirh Wallace, S D died Richmond, Va. Willoughby, J Willoughhy, J T killed Slth June. Wallace, James Wallace, D Yafcs. W RneAi'iTrLATiov. Killed i:; Wounded .% Died \!f< Discharged Deserted Transferred Ofiicers resigned 1 Missing in action 3 Total 128 54 Present strength 74 Orig^iiial Lh June. McLeroy, VV a^ McCotineil, J * wour^W 1st June. McPliersnn. Wn Nichols, V wounded 30(h AusU't. Newton, J S died F'ldeiickshuig, V^a, O'Neal, J Mounded i.7lh Jul. e. O'Neal, 2 O'Neal, F M O'Neal, Fi h O'Neat, N Parker, J -* ,. died Dumfri ?, Va. Pounds, J W .* wuuii'U 11 *<;4ii> Jiiiie. Phillies, A VV died RicLuiund, Va. Ray, VV B Ray. R V Stewart, W 1) Strickland, HA Smith, H killed 1st June. Smith, B J wounned it7lh Jun^. ♦ Sloan, J T Smtdlev. O died Dumfries, Va. Sweet. W VV Sherman, K I voundtd 17th Srj tea.bcr Sherman, J C '. She man, Doci H b.... Shurbett, J VV died Richnr or d. Va. Stephens, Jolm died K ctimtmd, Va. . Usry, T F 1st Corporal. Usry, J B died Richmond, Va. Wilder, Oi....... do. do. Ware, J S now Orderly Sergeatfl. Windam, H Woodruff, A J *killed 27th June. Recapitulation. Killed 12 Wounded ^ 23 Died 33 Discharged. Transferred Missing in action 1 Deserted .' ...*... Officers resigned 3 Total 117 49 Present strength ^ . 68 Original Jon, H ded Y- rktown, Va Nails, N i: , wounded 30th August Osbuin, AS . Osbuin. W I wounded 30th June Patridfie. Ja« Pope, B de-l Petersburg, Va Pickett, J. B died DunitVies. Va Phillips, J M.i now Isi Lieutenant Patterson, This ReynohN. A J Rains, A G Chaplain Shadix, T D Shadix,J Shadix, Johr wounded 27th June Shadix, Sain'i discharged Suiith, D .Smith, J K Smith, Sr, G W ... Smith, Jr.GW ' Smith, J W wounded 07th Juae Smith, T P discharged Shaw, J W... Shaw, C p. wounded 27th June Shaw,WL Simpson, D G do do Sc.lt,BF Sor.e I, N K.. Saltsman, F L.. %voundcd 30th June Stephens. J C. dit-d KirhmonH Saffold, I) ' wuiidt d 5' h \^ay: di<* 'barged SafFold, Will 17th September, mi.sinj in action Thompson WJ Thi>mas, Wm.. Thi»mp8on. P died Yorklown Thoniae, P A died Ki(*hmond, Va Veas^y. H r now 2d I^im'ei ant Vardeman, W F Killed 5th May Wright, Roht dis^ha^tr^d . Ward,W died hichmo' d, V^a Wolf, J N do do Wolf. Jqfoh H dr» Ho Wolf, T S killed 27th June 31 Wolf, A A wounded C7ih June WoIf.W (i dud D.imtrie.>, Va Young, J C died P.'te*rshnrg, Va Yalea, ML.... kil'ed 3Uili June Yates, Jas died Peiersburg, Va Recapitulation. Killed l.S Woi^ded .14 Died 54 Di-JcliHPAed 7 TranLferied Missinjr in action..; '. 1 J)p«»ried Officeis resigned ^.... 1 Total • 151 58 • Present strength 83 Original L.i*»t of Company H. ■ JACKSON AVENGERS. Captain W W Selman. resigned ]3t Lieutenant A J T\u«, rf'^iiinf-d 2d4vieutenanf U A Wood, p sicn' d 2d Jr Lieut W H 0'Bri«n, wounded 27'h June* Jinw Captain Orderly Serj^eant T M Rnesell: now 2rf I^ieutenanl 2d Sergeant J H 'Yoiuig. woiinded 3()tfi Aug; now Orderly SergH 3d " • G BB:.l!ard di^eKarged 4lh " J F Rhssp-I, died YnrUtown. V^a 6th '* W H B Se'man, wounded JOth June; reduced to rank by order of Colonel Judge * 1^ 1st Corporal J J Selman, wounded 30lh June 2d " A R Smith 3d " C H L tniherth, wounded 27ih June; now 1st Lieut 4th ♦' W H Grilhn, died Riihinond, Va Musician, H C Thomas S Z Howard, killed 30lh June Privates. Allen, CL Allen, V Y wounded i;;7ih J"pe Allen, VV F died Yotkiown, Va Benson, J E wounded 17«h Sept'br Brewer, R K wounded 2Hih Afril Black, J A d ed Dntpfrps, Va Black, T L wounded 26th April Ballard, W J Ballard. Joe died Anhnrn. A'a Browning, M W died Richmond, Va 32 Brown, J C » killed at Richmond by Musician^S Z Howard Bandy, W L died Danville, Va Barnett, R. Buys, Doct W L died Fredericksburg, Va Bagget, A », di-charged Beakley, W died Dumfries Clements, N W Conine, G W died Danville, Va Conine, A... 'died Richmond, Va Chounce, H Chounce; L C 4..» wounded 30th August CofFman,.J A , discharged Cason , D wounded 30th August Cannon, G W killed 27th June Carter, RM... do do Davis, G W. ...•,,.;.., , died Huntsville, Alabama Dodso, E R ..... .'. died Richmond , Va Fuller, J B Edon, CM wounded ^7th June; now 5th Sergi Farrow, S.,.,. Farrow, Jas Farrow, Thomas Floyd, J A killed April Garner, G Graham, John e died Richmond, Va Graham, WG... do do Gunn, J W. do do Gibson, VD do do , Gibson, J A ,§ Gala'way, J M.. Greer, G W died Richmond, Va . Giles, W C D. now 4th Corpora! Hays, M R wounded 17th September Henderson, D F wounded 27th June Howard. W Hardy, N P T^ounded 30th August Hughs, R died Lynchburg, Va Hughs, W M , . died Dumfries, Va Head, H died Richmond, Va Harris, J M... do do ' . Izell,JT Jackson, J £ Johnson, J C Johnston, W wounded 27th June Johnston, J W do do Johnston , F discharged Jarrell, J M King, LA c Kirkland.WW Knight, J B Knowles, T J Lee, J A killed 27th June Lovejoy , R E wounded 30th June Lamberth,WS Lewis, W M... Lindaey, J J .. . . •' died Richmond, Va McManus, J E McManus, P M wowKled 17th Soptetnber McManus, JR killed 27th June Mc Mister, W M died Fredericksburg, \ a Moore, F E died Richmond , Va Nolan, R do do Norton, A J ^ ^ , Ngrris, R H wounded 17th Sept; now 4th Serg t Norris, J S died Richmond, Va Ozbond , B C killed 1 7lh September Obrien, J T died Richmond, Va Pitchford, D W do do Phillips, G W discharged Pogue, E T wounded 30th August Pogue, T J Pembleton, VV F Peters, M W wounded 30th June; nrddii. resigned. Urderlv Serjeant E Folk, wouudtd 20th April and 30th June; now Captain. 2d Sergeai.f J K Jenkins, wounded 30th June. 3d Serjeant J P Shaffer, "Aound^d 30ih June; now 1st Lieut. 4th Serg't J H Whue, wounded SOih Jiuie; now 2d Jr Lieut 5ih Serjeant 8 tlohbs, died Krederickshurg, Va. 1st Corporal J •< Havnes; n >w 2d Lieutenant. 2d Corporal A P Di do 27th do Green, G W died Rithuiond, Va Green, J R Hatlj, S dischprcpd Hammel, K M killtd 27lh June Hicks, H M Hardy, W R wou» ded 27th Jure Horlon, J 11 do do Harris, D C Hingson, N li died Richmond, Va Holdri.ige, H F Jones,'" killed £7».h June Jones, A Jones, S F died Richmond Jones, VV R Jone>, Jas Johnson, J W killed 07ih June Johnson, O >■ wou* dew*. « . . discnargea Taylor, O C .^ wounded SOth June Wicker, J W. . . . T wounded 27th June; 3d Corporal Wilkins,S R do do Walker, EC killed do "^^'^ ~ Walker, A J wounded 27»h June; now 2d Corp*l Wilev, 3 K P 17th Sept, missing m action WCOdt A F«f t(t.eia«BC 37 Woods, SH Whitlock, Z... wouiided ITih September "White, J R wounded 30th June White, C J died Richmond, Va W^hitfield, W J "kiJled 30ih June Whitfield, J A wounded 19th April and 17th Sept; now 4th Corporal VVebb, W \V died Fredericksburg, Va Webb, J W do do Webb, T J do do Uecapitblatiok. ' Killed 27 Wounded 40 Died 32 Missing in action 2 Transferred Deserted Discharged 15 Oilic^rs resigned 2 Total 149 78 Present strength 71 Ori{£Eiial lAst of Company K. LOUINA GUARDS. Capt A C Wood, wounded .30th June; Major at the time, resigned Ist Lieutenant G W Taylor, wounded .SCith June; now Captain. 2d Lieutenant T S Stepliens, died Dumfries, Va. 2d Junior Lieutenant K Richards, resigned. Orderly Sergeant W S Hooper, wounded 27th June. 2d Sergeant W H Seymour, killed 30lh June. 3d gergeant F M D Danielly. 4th Sergeant W A J Swan; now Ist Lieutenant. 5th Sergeant W A James, killed 30lh August. Ist Corporal J L Giles, wounded 27th June. 2d Corporal J B Pearson, died at home. 3d Corporal S M Adam»on, discharged. Musicians, VV. A Roberts; now 2d Sergeant. D J Blackburn, died at home. Privates. Archer, F M Archer, G died Dumfries, V a Ameson, T J . discharged AdamwBjNT killed 5th May Anderson, D.. died Richmond, Va BurreM, D H Barbw, R A 4 B«roee, D 4 38 'Banoii , J 1' 4th C;orpora ! Bibby, DoctF P Susby, WAC wounded S7th Jiaic Browning, W R Browning, L N wounded 27th June Browning, J J died Dumfries, Va Baker, J M ^. wounded 30th August Bonner, V T. . . .'. discharged Bradahaw, J W do Co wart, B F wounded 30th June Culpej)per, W L died Dumfries, Va Cummings, J died Richmond, Va Corley, MVB Carter, J T Clifton, VS^ N Cox, H M ■ now Sd Lieutenant Chalk, B P died Fredericksburg, Xa Crowley, H M discharged Dean, L G wounded 17th" Sept; 4th Sergeaii Dickson, J R died Richmond, Va Davis, Wm Elliott, B H died Pluntsville, Alabam-n Ellard , T J wounded 27th June Giles, W J killed 27th June Giles, A Green,' D M wounded 97th Jun^ Groen, J M wounded 5th May Hays, J M..... . killed 27th Junr Hays, T M <,..... discharged Hambleton, R T do Hodnett, J A Hodnett, H discharged Holman, H T wounded 27th Jun<- Hearn.TJ Kidd.R A Kirk, W J Key, JB Key, GW killed 27th June Key, H J died Richmond, Vji Lundy, I G «... wounded 30th June Lisles, J R wounded 30th August Lisles, Wm discharged Lisles, J died Dumfries, Va Lynch, R Melton, V^ T. Motley, R H killed 30th June McCuilough, J J., - wounded 1st Jud« Morris, H McDowell, M C killeil 5th May McDowell, J V M^Cullock, M L wounded 27th June McCrary,IH Miller, J J McMurray,ZP Koel, J r M killeii 5th M^y Koei, JR...»» ^ killed 3§th Jua» 39 Xel30D, J T woundr.d 30th June Nelson, G died Richmond, Va Ogletree, T J Ogletrc^, W D Perry, Robt... Perry, Richard,. wounded liTlh June Pate, B I do do Pariah , B F wounded 30th August Phillips, J J wounded 27th June Parker, J B Phillips, L wounded 17th Septemb«?r Pugh, IJ Rav, J W died Dumfries, Va Robinson , W discharged Stuart, J VV Jrftuart, W T died Dumfries, Va Stuart, P A died Richmond, Va Stuart, W L Smith, J D Smith , A J substituted by McNiver. Smith, W discharged Steadam, B H wounded 27th June Sherley, J M killed 30th June Taylor, G F died Dumfries, Va Thomaston,TJ Phornton, T H wounded 27th June Thompson, J W died Auburn, Ala Thornton , R B Wilson, G T wounded 5th May Williams, W S wounded 27th June Wilkerson, B discharged Ward,TP died Dumfries . Weaver, G F now 2d Lif utenant Weaver, S D Walls, W L Wilder, M W killed 5th May ^ard , J M N wounded 5th Ma v Waidrup, J R died Richmond, \ d Tfarbrough, J H wounded 30th August Young, A F wounded 5th May Voung, J T died Dumfries, Va RECAriTULATIOV. , Killed 12 Wounded 30 Died 29 Deserted Missing in action Discharged 12 Transferred . . . , Officers resigned. . ., 2 Total leO 58 Present strength 62 40 COMPANIES. . 22 M e3 1^' O.2. 20 12 13 12 12 15 8 27 12 23 29 25 36 14 23 34 32 40 30 25 8 139 286 28 27 29 26 33 34 37 32 22 293 74 13 125 119 108 128 91 117 141 135 149 120 18^ J. 1,233 543 Present strength . . . . T 690 A List of (he Original Officers of t/ic 1 ith Regiment Alabama Vokmteers. RANK. Names of Officers. Bate of Com- KEMABKS. ^ mission. Colonel T. J. Judge July 19,1801, Resigned July 10, 1862. Lieut. Colonel. D. W. Baine Killed SOth June, 1862, Major......... 0. H. K. McLemore Resigned May, 1862; elected Lt. Col. 4th Ala. Reg't. May, '62. Adjutant ■. L.Pinkard Sept. 7, 1861, Prom'd t?ept. 23d, Lieut. Col.,. Oct'br 3d, Colonel, A.Q.M D. W. Hinkle July 19, 1S61, Prom'd ]May, 1S62, Bri. A. Q. ^? Fryor's staff, May, 1862. A.C.P F. Ilensliaw Oct. 22, 1S61, Resigned -Dec. 10, 1862. Surgeon J. B: Gaston July 15, 1S6I, Ass 't Surgeon. G-. F. Taylor July 15, 1S61, Resigned March, 1862. Captain A W. D. Harrington.. May 8, 1861, Resigned August 2d, 1S62. ii ■B J. S. Williamson. . . May 11, 1S61, Silled 80th June, 1862. c D. 11. McCoy July 11. 1S61, Resigned May 23d, 1862. D Jas. A. Broom Julyl,lSCl, Major 23d Sep't, 1862; 3d Oct., 1862, Lieut- Colonel. Died. E W. C.Allen July 2S, 1861, Resigned April 5, 1862. P M. P. Terrell July 18, 186', Resigned Dec. 2, 1862. ii H. W. Brooks July 12, 1861, March 22, 1862. H W.W. Selman July 15, 1861, July 27, 1861, •' June 22, 1862. T J.T.Bell Killed June 27th, 1862. ■^ A. 0. Wood Julv 22, 1861, xMaj. 12th Mav, '61, Col, AugUHt 1, 18G2; resierned Oct. 3, 1862. 41 RANK. Date of Com- mission. RKMiLRKS im Lieutenant. A J. J. Havis '^"'^1^^?^^ B Dix. V. Hines >May 11,1361, 0 B. J. Foster July 11, 1S61 , D J. T. Greenwood.. . ■ July 1, 1^61, ■ iH. F. Dunson I July 2S, 1S61, 'f C. F. Johnston 'july T9, 1561, G J. L. Craig jJuly 12, 1S61, ! H A. J. Tvus July 15, 1S61 , 1 1 E. R.Wood .|July27, ISGl, K G. W. Taylor iJnly 2vJ, 1861, 2.i Lieutenants A N. M. Smith July 19, 1S61, 'b S. G. Perry May 11, 1S61, IC M. L. Barber July H, 1S61, JD T. A. J. Robinson .. 'July 1, 1S61, IE J. B. E. Davis 'July 2S, 1>61, P J. C. Strickland . . .'July IS ^''Sl, G R. A. McCord .July J2. 1S61, |H H. a. Wood ' July l.'S, 1^1, I J. E. Ma vs ' Jtily 27, 1S61 , K T. S. gtepheus July 22, 1S61, •Jm Jun. Li.juta. AiRobt. Floyd 'July 1»,1S61, B ]G. T. Verdrey jJnnelR, 1S61, C G. .1. finnkstou. . . . .Tuly 11, 1 SCI, U jB. H. Pearson July I, 1361, E jR. C. Stephens 'July 25, 15C1, if'w. T. Smith !.Tuly !«, 1561, jG J. W. M. BeU .July 12, 1861, II W. B. O'Brien 'jaly l'\ 1S61, I J. D. Jordan .July 27, 1861, K R. 8. Richardsi Julv 22,1861, 'Pro. Mav, 186-2, Capt. A-t}. M. Died of wounds received 24 th i June, 1562. iPro'm Mav 23. 15C2,Oapt; res d September 9, 1562. lKilled2Tth June, 1562. I Pro. April b, '6?, Capt.; Jan. 4t I '6-3, A. C. S.; on staff. ■Resigned October 25, 1561. IProm.Mar. 22, '62, Capt.; died ( May Ist, 1862. Resigned June 24. 1562. I " October 24, 1S61. iPro. Mav 12, 1562, Captain. Prom Mav 9. 1562, let Lieut.; i killed 3Uth June, 1562, IPro. .Tune 30, I'^fV^, to CapUin. Prom'd May 2.<,1^. Lieutenant J A Hardy, wounded. Sergeant N Smith, wounded; since died. Sergeant A C Bos worth, wounded. Sergeant H M Burns, missing. Corporal S T Carter, wounded. Corporal J W Daniel, wounded. Corporal G C Barron, wounded. Privates. Brewster, MJ killed 3d May, 1863 May, J P., wounded ; since died Amos, A vf ounded Andrews, W A do Brewster, S A do Colley, MB do Finley, R J do Hamby,TJ do by accident May 4th, 1803. Wallace, James do Smith, Jasper do Parker, B F discharged of wounds received 30tb June, 1862. Company E. 1st Lieutenant J T McLain, wounded 3d May, 1863. Sergeant T D Cray ton, " •' " Sergeant W R Etchison, . '« «« a Corporal W M Heath, " *'' *♦ Privates. Adams, W M wounded 3d May, 1863 Ennis, B T do do do Causby, H C do do do Dabbs, A L do do do ^mith, MA Gardener, J L killed Williams, W B, Corp'l. . missing Richards, J H do Woody, Wm. . .^ died of disease, Richmond, \u Parish, Thomas discharged Gardener, B F do Company F. 1st Lieutenant J C Strickland, wounded 3d of May, 1863. Sergeant T F Usrey, ♦• •* " Corporal J W Bales, Privates. Adamson, GM killed 3d of May, 1863 47 IJuike, J A wounded 3d^of May, IBoH lloladay, J L do do do Hill, Wra. . . * do do do Ray, R Y do do do Sweet, J T do do do Strickland, H A do do do Cochran, John R do do do Greer, G D, Serg't missing Buckalew, A M do Bennett, O F do Clyatt, JC do Ilaynes, G W died of disease McLcrry, W W....:... do do Brandon, T J do do O'Neal, FM do do Nichols, Virgil died of wound*- received Aug 30, *C^ Guantt, J L discharged ConiiKiiiy O. ^'ergeant II W Brooks, wounded ; thigii rnupn(.»Jf -i. Sergeant G W Blair, wounded. Musician John H Holdridge, wounded. Adair. W M wounded Allen, Owen do Hawk, J M do King, W W do i«^g amputated Osborn, A S do Patterson, WT do E'atridge, J M do Shadix, T D do Smith, J E do Saltsman,FL do Terrell, J A, Capt missinj; Andrews, J W do Baker, Jas do Jarvis, N M H ^ King, A L do Smith, GW do Company H. Captain W B O'Brien, wounded. Sergeant R H Norris, killed 3d of May, 1883. Corporal A B Smith, wounded. Pritates. AllcD, C Xi wounded Farrow, T do Hetwieraon, D F... do MeManus, J £ do McManus, P M do Norton , A J do Pluck»tt,JW do Roif, J L....« «... <^<> ^ 48 Towns, W O wounded Whitten, H do Smith, JJ do Johnston, F discharged from disease Smith, W T. ' transferred CoiHpaiiy I. 1st Lieutenant J P Shaffer, resigned. Sergeant T M Feazle, wounded 3d May, 1863 Corporal J W Wicker, «' •' " Corporal A J Walker, missing, Priyates. tVeal.JA.. w^ounded 3d May, 1863 Rasco, CJ.... do do do Kerley, J J do do do Whitlock, Z do do do James, H A do do do Carter, P missing Harris, D C died of disease Sparks, C N discharged from wounds' Stephens, F H do do Powell, M L do . do Cosiipaiiy M. 2d Lieutenant H M Cox, killed May 3d, 1862. Sergeant F McD Danielly, killed May 3d, 1862. Sergeant W A Roberts, wounded. Corporal J T Barron, wounded. Privates. Browning, W R killed May 3d, 1862 Holman, H D do do " Cannady , G wounded Thomaston, T J do 7 Parker, J B do Pate, B J * do Miller, J J do Morris, H do Wilson, G D do Stewart, W L do Ogletree, T J do Barber, R A missing Barnes, D < do Cauley, M V B do Parish, FM db Phillips, L do Hearn,TJ do Stewart, J W d© Thornton, R B do McCuUough, J J, do Mc Murray, Z P do Steadaw, B H. , died of disease, Richmend, Vt W 1