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Author of

"Under the Cottonwoods," "Winning or Losing?" "Land of the Laurel," "The Story of Daniel Boone," "A Practical History of Music," "His- tory of Preston County, W. Va.," "History tory of Pendleton County, W. Va.," "History of Highland County, Va.," "Pioneer Annals of Bath County, Va."

Staunton, Va.

Published by The McClure Company, Inc.


Copyright, 1916 By Oren F. Morton All Rights Reserved.


HE archives in the capitol of Virginia and the public rec- ords of the parent counties of Monroe have contributed a very important share of the material out of which this volume is compiled. Several books touching more or less closely on this region have likewise been consulted, although it has not seemed necessary to consume space in enumerating their titles. Ac- knowledgment is freely and gladly extended to the writers of these oooks, as well as to all persons whomsoever who have extended their courteous aid to the author during his field work. Throughout his tour- ing of Monroe he was treated with unfailing kindness and hospitality. His contact with the county and its people has been such as to render the preparation of this work a pleasure and not a task.

There are those to whom special mention is due. Had it not been for the liberality of Rufus K. Smith and his warm feeling for his native county, it is not probable that the author would have come to Monroe. He regrets that he never met Dr. Smith and that that gentleman did not live to see the completed volume. Even greater credit must be given to Albert Sidney Johnston for the un- selfish public spirit and boundless energy that carried forward to success the initial effort of Dr. Smith and steadfastly furthered the enterprise to the end. Judge A. N. Campbell and his daughter, Miss Nannie, have rendered very extensive and valuable assistance, par- ticularly in biographic matters. Isaac N. Ballard has taken a most lively and efficient interest in supplying information from the Green- ville region. John W. Boon has written up with much care and detail the history of Methodism in this county and a statement of the families of Springfield district. This is the more praiseworthy because a merchant has constant demands upon his time. Robert F. Fleshman has been particularly helpful in furnishing prehistoric data. The contributions of Cornelius S. Scott have been of much service with respect to the physical geography of Monroe and its


pomological interests. John H. Cook has contributed most freely of his long acquaintance with the' Sweet Springs valley. And last, but by no means least, generous credit must be given to Hubert P. Tracy and Ashby A. Hlodge for their financial assistance.

No two persons are ever precisely alike and writers on local history employ differing methods. It is now in order to call atten- tion to the plan on which this history of Monroe is constructed.

The book that is classified as a local history is often a bulky vol- ume in an ornate binding and is sold at a very high price. There is a brief, sketchy outline of the general history of the county. The distinguishing feature is the biographical department, and it greatly overshadows the other. It is true enough that John Doe values the book for little else than the elaborate write-up for which he has paid a good price and which appeals to his pride and complacency. This sketch, which portrays John Doe as he wishes the world to view him and at the same time arouses the amusement and perhaps also the caustic comment of his neighbors, is in the nature of current biography and its permanent value is small- The book is primarily a money-maker and is written in response to an artificial demand.

The present writer is not in sympathy with the method just pointed out. He holds that if every well-informed American should know his country's history, he should also know his county's history. Patriotism begins at home, after the same principle that geography is best taught by beginning with the school district. If this view is correct, local history should be presented with a fullness comparable to that of national history. It will throw a light upon the latter and receive a light in return. It explains when, how, and why the county was settled and traces the various phases in its development. It enables the residents of today to comprehend the share in this development which has been taken by the preceding generations. And by better understanding the past of the county, they may become more of a force in contributing their share to its further uplift. The true purpose of local history is educational. This purpose is largely defeated if the price is beyond the reach of the average man, and if the book is designed and used as a parlor ornament. But if the price is to be reasonable the book cannot be large. It cannot be sold


at so low a price as the books that circulate heavily in all the forty- eight states of the Union.

The views set forth in the above paragraph have governed the preparation of this volume. A large portion of the book is therefore devoted to the general history of the county. This feature interprets family history as well as local events, and it often presents facts relating to particular families. It is the one section of the book which is certain to convey a message to every inhabitant.

At the outset a volume of about 350 pages was contemplated. To present within this compass the annals of an area that has been occupied by white men a century and a half, and to give fundamental genealogic facts for a population of 13,000, it was necessary to be concise in statement and to omit details of small general importance. Elaborate biographic sketches were out of the question and they could not be inserted gratuitously. Biographic mention is given where it is plainly called for, but it does not usually attempt to go beyond statements of fact. What is known as complimentary mention is sparingly used.

There was found an unexpected wealth of material relating to the general history of the county and also a singularly large number of family names, both living and extinct. The number of pages has been increased. Even then it was found necessary to leave out a few chapters and also a few sections of several others. Although this was done with reluctance, these omitted portions will be pub- lished in the Monroe Watchman. Again, the very unusual diversity in family names and the comparative absence of very large family groups with a common surname have made it too inconvenient to follow the intended plan in arranging genealogic data.

To the individual reader what is related of his own kindred is esteemed as of peculiar importance. He is liable to feel aggrieved if the account is not written with the minuteness of an article in the local newspaper. Yet a little thought should make it clear that in a volume of limited size, and with a great deal of ground to cover, it is quite impossible to write some family sketches in great detail without crowding out many others whose claims to similar attention may be fully as good.


This volume does not assume to be a business and professional directory of Monroe county in 1916- The place for such an un- dertaking is a booklet or a newspaper supplement. A directory may be expected to vary from the actual fact even before it can come from the press. Within a few years the discrepancies are very noticeable. In ten or twenty years it reads almost like ancient history.

The reader of local history likes to familiarize himself with lines of ancestral descent. Such research is in the main commendable. A Greek historian well remarks that "both justice and decency require that we bestow upon our forefathers an honorable remembrance." In using the chapters of this book that contain genealogic material, the reader should give close heed to the explanatory notes which will be found in them.

Information as to genealogic and biographic facts and items of interest in other phases of local history were solicited during the progress of the work and much material along these lines was sent in. In nearly all instances it was of great help. The purpose of the author was not to publish it as original matter but to use it in such manner and to such extent as she might think best. As a rule this view seems to have been taken by the senders. Several of the sketches were written with great fullness and it was with regret that only a minor part could be used under the heading where it would nat- urally belong. But some portions of these sketches are interwoven with other chapters. As to the use that has been made of genealogic data, the reader is asked to read attentively the introductory para- graphs of Chapter XXXIV.

To recapitulate, the author has sought to produce a book for use rather than display, and with the highest attainable degree of permanent value. He has followed a topical method, so that the reader will not have to look through the whole book to find what properly belongs under a single caption. No general index of names could be appended, but the genealogical and biographic chapters are arranged in systematic order so as to facilitate use. The author has also endeavored to be equitable in the space apportioned among the various family groups. Some of these would have been given more space had there been more material to work with. A stranger is


at some disadvantage in writing a local history, because the field is new to him and he cannot become thoroughly acquainted with it during the progress of his work. But on the other hand, he goes entirely out of his way if he allies himself with some particular local interest or social group.

The writer of local history is aware that so long as he remains at work new and more correct material is coming to light. But unless he is engaged in a labor of love, he cannot stand the expense of keeping at work indefinitely. And if he consumes very much time the interest of his patrons will wane.

No person this side of the millennium can write a local history that will please all its readers. It is usual for criticism to be quick and sharp as to any and all shortcomings. But the person who writes the book knows that the chance for error or deficiency to creep in is continually and persistently present. No amount of care will keep it entirely out. The real question, as to any book of this kind, is not whether some other craftsman would have done better. The real question is whether in the long run he would have done as well. Where an error is noticed the correction should be written legibly on the margin of the page. Posterity will thank the reader for do- ing so, and the later historian will be glad to have access to such an- notated copies.

Oren F. Morton.

Sweet Springs, W. Va., March 16, 1916.



Position Size Boundaries Mountains Altitudes Surface Streams Geology Soils Climate Animals and Plants Political Di- visions— Natural Advantages.

HE county discussed in this volume is one of the sixteen named in honor of the fifth president of the United States. The others lie in Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illi- nois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. The Monroe of West Virginia lies so far south in its own state that it lacks only 10 miles of reaching as far in that direction as McDow- ell, which is the southernmost county. The parallel of 37 degrees 30 minutes and the meridian of 80 degrees 30 minutes intersect about one mile eastward from Zenith. More than one-half of the United States lies in a more northern latitude.

The longest dimension of Monroe, from the northeast corner of Sweet Springs precinct to the southwest corner of Red Sulphur district, is 39 miles. The greatest breadth, measured from the north- west corner of Wolf Creek district to the east side of Potts Creek precinct is 25 miles. The area is given as 464 square miles, or 296,960 acres, and the population in 1910 was 13,055. The dis- tance around the county is about 116 miles. For about 60 miles of the way the boundaries are formed by watercourses and mountain ridges. By transportation lines the distances form the county seat to the capitals of West Virginia and Virginia are respectively 138 and 255 miles. Washington, the Federal capital, lies 266 miles northeast. New York and Chicago, the first and second cities of America, are 433 and 484 miles distant by airline.

The bordering counties are Greenbrier, Summers, Mercer, Alle- ghany, Craig, and Giles. The first three lie in West Virginia and the last three in Virginia.


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No other county in the state sends its waters partly toward the Atlantic and partly toward the Gulf of Mexico. It is within our bor- ders that the watershed between these two drainage areas leaves the Alleghany Front and passes from mountain to mountain by a succession of saddle-ridges until it joins the eastern arm of the Blue Ridge in Floyd county. It is because Monroe lies astride the Alleghany Front that the valleys and ridges of its eastern portion display the symmetry which is so characteristic of the main Alle- ghany and all the mountain ranges farther east. But the contour of the western portion shows the irregularity which is almost univer- sal throughout that part of West Virginia that drains into the Ohio.

The Alleghany Front enters Monroe as a group of six ridges run- ning very close to one another. The three on the west terminate on Second Creek. The next perseveres a few miles farther and touches the great bend in that stream. As close neighbors the other two keep on to the New River, but lessen in height as they approach it and they are much interrupted by watergaps. A little farther east, Peters Mountain, one of the handsomest and most uniform of the Appalachian uplifts, pursues its unbroken course from a gorge below Covington to the Narrows of New River. Beyond the former it continues as Warm Springs Mountain and beyond the latter as East River Mountain. South of the sources of Dunlap Creek Peters Mountain takes the place left vacant by the breaking down of the Alleghany Front. Still farther eastward, and forming for some distance the county boundary, is the almost equally massive Potts Mountain. The saddle joining it with Peters Mountain practitcally forms the southern line of Potts Creek precinct.

In the west of the county are the short, irregular ridges known as Swope's Knobs, Flat Top, and Wolf Creek Mountain.

The general slope of the county is toward the west. The lowest altitude is the bank of the Greenbrier at the mouth of Wolf. At Alderson, a few miles above, the figures are 1372 feet above sea level. Scarcely higher is the angle where the county line touches New River. It is this low elevation toward the west that lends to Wolf Creek Mountain a rather pretentious effect. Its highest point, Whetstone Knob, a mile and a half south of the mouth of Wolf Creek, is 2810


feet high. Patrick's Peak is 2600 feet high. Bickett's Knob, the cul- minating point of Swope's Knobs, has an elevation of 3327 feet and Flat Top of 3375. In the central belt of the county the ridges appear lower than in the east or the west. Yet Eads Ridge, an outlier of the Alleghany, is 2,850 feet high, little exceeding the heights south of Union and beyond Turkey Creek. In Cove Mountain is a point 3,426 feet in elevation. But near Peterstown the Little Mountain range sinks to about 2,200 feet. Peters Mountain varies so little in its apparent altitude that local names have not become very firmly fastened to the more prominent points. Just south of Symm's Gap there is a height of 3,438 feet. Nearly opposite the head of Sweet Springs Run is a point 3,886 feet high. Near the source of Drop- ping Lick is Peters Knob with an altitude of 3,958 feet. But within three miles to the southward are three prominences that pass slightly above the line of 4,000 feet and are the loftiest in the county. Ar- nold's Knob in Potts Mountain is 3,929 feet high.

As to the plateau which extends through the middle of the county, very little of it has an altitude of less than 2,000 feet. The floor of the Potts Creek valley is about 1,800 feet high, and that of Wolf Creek a little less. Union, Sinks Grove, Sweet Springs, and Cash- mere all vary little from a height of 2,100 feet. Peterstown in its valley is 1,743 feet above sea and Greenville slightly less. Thus the mountain peaks lose somewhat of the imposing effect which the al- titude figures might seem to indicate. In fact the mean elevation of the county is scarcely less than half a mile above the sea. In the cen- tral tableland the general surface is not so very uneven. Its water- courses lie in deep narrow valleys. Bottom lands occur on all the con- siderable streams, but they are not continuous and the aggregate amount is quite small.

Since the great divide runs through Monroe, there are no large streams wholly within its limits. New River borders the county only one mile and the Greenbrier only three miles. Potts Creek precinct is drained by the upper course of Potts Creek, a tributary of Jackson's River. North of the series of saddles running westward from Peters Mlountain are Cove and Back creeks and Sweet Springs Run, all which unite to form Dunlop Creek, another tributary of


the same river. That part of the long valley between Peters and Little mountains, and south of the great divide, is cross-sectioned into several drainage areas, each with its watergap toward the west The northernmost of these is the Gap Valley, drained by the three runs that unite to form Second Creek. The united stream then pen- etrates Gap and Middle mountains by passes only a mile from one another, and turning northwardly through the glades of the Lewis place, it soon becomes hemmed in by river-hills. For several miles it skirts the county boundary and then leaves it to flow into the Greenbrier. Within or above the passes in Little Mountain beyond Second Creek are the springs which form the sources of Indian, Turkey, Dropping Lick, Rock Camp, Hans, and Rich creeks. The first of these is the largest of the srteams belonging wholly or mainly to Monroe, and until 1871 it was entirely within the county. Where it finally crosses into Summers, a little way below Red Sulphur Springs, it is quite river-like in breadth and depth. Turkey, Drop- ping Lick, and Hans creeks are its more important tributaries. Rich Creek, and its affluent Brush Creek, drain the extreme south of the county. Scott's Run, another tributary, forms near Peterstown a part of the interstate boundary. Wolf Creek waters the basin west of Swope's Knobs.

In the deep valleys are some very bold springs. These mark the reappearance of the waters that fall on the limestone belts. The surface drainage sinks into the underground channels with which the limestone strata are honeycombed. Several of the streams of the central plateau lose themselves in the ground and reappear some dis- tance away. But in places a creek bed will be dry except in wet weather, although there may be running waters above as well as below. Small springs are not frequent except where limestone rocks do not prevail.

The geology of Monroe is very ancient, being of the later pre- carboniferous age. True coal does not occur except in the extreme west, and then only in a very thin seam. There is indeed a vein of black shale so closely resembling coal in color and appearance as to be spoken of as such. Yet it does not take fire and it requires fuel to make it hot. And as coal is practically absent, natural gas need


not be looked for. The existence of oil pools is very doubtful, owing to the age of the rocks and their crumpled condition. A thick for- mation of blue, massive limestone covers very much of the county, as may be observed from the frequent outcrops and the very numer- our sinkholes. Elsewhere the rock formation is usually of a sand- stone nature. From the rockbars in Scott's Run may be gathered a dozen varieties of stones differing greatly in color and texture.

The mineral resources of Monroe are not diversified. There is an abundance of rock for lime, for building purposes, and for the piking of highways. Some of the limestone is of so fine a grain as to resemble marble. Even the existence of lithographic stone has been reported. The mountains in the east contain much iron ore and some manganese. But to quote the words of the state geologist, "those who seek silver, copper, tin, or lead should waste no time in West Virginia."

The extensive limestone areas are covered with a clay loam emi- nently suitable for grass and for the usual field crops. But here and there the ledges rise to the surface to such an extent as to render it quite untillable. Paralleling some of the streams and valleys are slaty hillsides, where the thin covering of dry, rotten shale is of very slight agricultural importance. A blending of lime and slate results in a very fair soil. In the limited pockets of creek bottom is a darker, deeper, and better soil. The high uplands on Brush Creek have a yellowish, sandy covering, such as is observable southward of New River. , , ,

Exact weather records covering a long term of years do not seem to have been kept in Monroe. The elevation gives a cooler climate than is found in the same latitude on the seaboard or in the lowlands on the Mississippi. The yearly fall of rain and melted snow ap- pears to be about 45 inches. The mean temperature of the average elevations is not far from 52 degrees, varying from 32 degrees in winter to 71 in summer. The winter cold is seldom severe, and the summer heats are rarely oppressive. Extremes of 100 degrees above zero or 20 below are almost unprecedented, although a tem- perature of 102 was observed in Union in 1887. The first appear- ance of apple bloom varies from April 8 to May 10. The winter


is least cloudy east of the great divide. The warmer months are particularly pleasant, and the air is pure and invigorating. High winds are infrequent, but the valley on the west side of Peters Moun- tain is subject to local winds of considerable force. Hfealth condi- tions are naturally very good, longevity is frequent, and among sum- mer tourists the climate has long been held in deservedly high repute. The limestone areas are rather subject to typhoid fever, the under- ground drainage appearing to scatter the germs of the disease, which, however, is largely a preventable ailment. Certain localities, partic- ularly one in the vicinity of Bickett's Knob, were once subject to the malignant fever known as milk sickness, which attacks the do- mestic animals as well as man, and is thought to be induced by some poisonous herb.

Animal life is less varied and still less numerous than when the county was a wilderness. The last elk was shot by John Lewis of Sweet Springs, probably more than a century ago, and no buffalo has been seen in West Virginia since 1825. The deer, once very numerous, have all but vanished. The puma and the gray wolf were once great pests and have not long been extinct. The wildcat and an occasional black bear still haunt the mountains. Among other mammals are raccoons, otters, gray foxes, mink, weasels, skunks, opossums, beavers, woodchucks, cottontailed rabbits, muskrats, moles and bats. There are also fox, gray, ground, and flying squirrels, and the ferrydiddle, and wood and field mice. The gray rat and the house mouse are imported nuisances. The venomous serpents are the rattlesnake and the copperhead. The hog-nosed snake, or blowing viper, has the outward appearance of a poisonous snake, yet is entirely harmless and cannot be coaxed into using its miniature teeth. Its suspicious appearance and its hissing are some of the protective de- vices that nature often employs. Other serpents are two kinds each of blacksnakes and watersnakes, the gartersnake, the greensnake, the groundsnake, and the so-called housesnake. Other reptiles are the dry land terrapin, the mud turtle, the swift, the newt, land and tree toads, the bullfrog, and frogs of two smaller species. The principal fishes are blue and mud cats, trout, suckers, eels, chubs, sawfish and minnows.


As to birds the list is more numerous. Of those that nest here the birds of prey are the buzzard, the squirrel hawk, the blue chicken hawk, the striped chicken hawk, the bird hawk, the hoot owl, and the barn owl. Of others the larger species are the turkey, the duck, the dove, the pheasant, the bobwhite, the rain crow, and the carrion crow. Of smaller birds are the following kinds: whipporwill, flax- bird, catbird, bluebird, white-winged woodpecker, chimney-bird, woodsparrow, groundsparrow, blue warbler, common blackbird, red- winged blackbird, hummingbird, indigo bird, kingbird, swampbird, bobolink, yellowhammer, bullfinch, goldfinch, sapsucker, meadow- lark, brown thrush, bluejay, robin, wren, tomtit, swallow, snipe, mar- tin, and peewee. The monarch of the air is the gray eagle. In 1901 an eagle was killed in this county that measured 36 inches from the tip of the beak to the end of the tail, and the spread of the wings was seven feet.

The rainfall is well distributed and the soils take naturally to a forest covering. When the woodland is cleared away, especially from the limestone belts, there comes in a carpet of grass, the foun- dation of Monroe's importance as a grazing county.

The following is a list of native forest trees: white pine, spruce pine, yew pine, arbor vitae, black walnut, white walnut, sugar maple ; hard maple, cutleaf maple, white poplar, yellow poplar, Spanish oak, black oak, ash, black gum, white linn, yellow linn, yellow locust, yel- low willow, weeping willow, horse chestnut, sassafras, sourwood, red cedar, birch, holly, and dogwood. Fruit and nut trees other than those mentioned are the chestnut, mulberry, cherry, crabapple, plum, persimmon, and pawpaw. Qf shrubs there are the rhododendron, the hazelbush, the redbud, the Hercules club, the chinkapin, the buf- falo nut, the black haw, the service berry, and the witchhazel. Still more humble plants are the trailing arbutis, which is to America what the heather is to Scotland, and the goldenrod, the floral emblem of several states. The wild grapes are the fox grape, the parent of the Concord and most of the other domestic American grapes ; the pigeon, or bunch grape, the parent stock of Norton's Virginia and other va- rieties; and the chicken, or frost grape. Other wild fruit occuring in more or less natural abundance are strawberries, common and



mountain raspberries, prickly gooseberries, dewberries, blackberries, elderberries, ground cherries, buckberries, juniper berries, the su- mach, the wintergreen, or mountain tea, and four varieties of huckle- berries. Non-edible berries are the white cherry, the cedar berry, the hackberry, the white and black thorn, the pokeberry, the black gum, and the spiceberry. Poisonous kinds are the fishberry, the greenbrier, and the deadly nightshade. Herbs, wild flowers, and weeds of both native and imported stocks are of course present in much variety. j , . j ,J jjj

For the following list of native medicinal plants and for much of his data on the animal and vegetable life of Monroe the author is indebted to the kindness of Cornelius S. Scott.

White oak

black oak

red oak

white pine

pitch or black pine

spruce pine or hemlock

red cedar

yellow poplar

yellow locust

wild cherry


white walnut

white ash

shellbark hickory

slippery elm


black haw


white dogwood

prickly ash


witch hazel

wild grape root

ground ivy







wild ginger



yellow barbary




deadly sumach




jimson weed




Indian turnip

May apple or mandrake




red percoon


red pennyroyal




black snakeroot

Seneca snakeroot

Solomon seal


The following have been used as teas for table use:

chestnut soft maple sourwood leaves

black oak shellbark hickory

chestnut oak black walnut

Appalachian America is a highly favored part of the Western Continent, and in beauty of scenery as well as in several other char-


acteristics, Monroe is one of its most attractive counties. The first of the following opinions of Appalachia is by the late Nathaniel S. Shaler, a very eminent authority on the natural sciences. The sec- ond is by William D. Kelly, a jurist of Pennsylvania.

We find a climate resembling in its range of temperature those which characterize the most favored regions of the world, and it is there, perhaps, we may look for the preservation of our race's best characteristics.

It has a finer climate, better water, and a higher condition of health than any other region of which I have any knowledge, and is, withal, one of the most beautiful regions of the world.

The political divisions of Monroe are the magisterial districts of Red Sulphur, Second Creek, Springfield, Sweet Springs, Wolf Creek, and Union. Union lies in the center, Red Sulphur is in the extreme south, and Springfield is between. Second Creek lies in the middle north, Sweet Springs in the east, and Wolf Creek in the northwest. Red sulphur is subdivided into the precincts of Lindside, Peterstown, Cashmere, and Red Sulphur; Second Creek into Rocky Point and Highland Green ; Springfield into Greenville, Lillydale, Milton Htall, and Rock Camp ; Sweet Springs into Sweet Springs, Gap Mills, and Potts Creek; Wolf Creek into Alderson, Pleasant Valley, and Johnson's Crossroads; and Union into One and Two.

The names applied to the natural features of the county have undergone very few changes indeed since the day of the pathfinder. An exception is that of Quaking Asp, or White Aspen, which has unfortunately given way to Stinking Lick, merely because an animal mired in the run and tainted the air a few weeks.



A Vacant Land A Remarkable Relic The Wood Expedition The Loyal and the Greenbrier Land Companies Walker's Visit.

HEN the country beyond the Alleghanies became known

to the English-speaking whites of the seacoast, there

were probably fewer than a half dozen small villages

of Indians in what is now West Virginia. And yet it

does not follow that this had always been a vacant land.

The great number of arrowheads, hatchets, scrapers, and other tools of stone which have casually yet frequently been picked up in Monroe are not sufficiently accounted for by assuming that they have been dropped by visiting hunters. Arrowheads are tedious to manu- acture. The quraries from which the raw material was taken were of so great consequence in the eyes of the red man that they were sometimes neutral ground, even in the case of tribes that were at war. Thus it will be seen that the arrowheads could not have been used wastefully. Again, the mound containing sekletons does not by any means signify that it is only a sepulcher of warriors slain in some battle. Indian warfare was of the guerrilla type and the losses were small. Such a mound is usually a village burial ground, the heap growing in size as interments were added. The village might leave only faint signs of its existence, because the huts were of per- ishable materials.

Village sites have been found within and near the borders of Monroe, and usually on rich bottom land. Near Shanklin's Ferry is one of these. Between that point and the Narrows are two more. The choice of the left bank is seemingly on account of the westerly winds. We are not justified in assuming that all these villages were occupied by only one and the same tribe. Between the oldest and youngest of the village sites in and around this county several and


perhaps many centuries may have elapsed, and tribe may have suc- ceeded tribe.

A relic picked up on Scott's Branch tends to prove the antiquity of man in North America. On a piece of white sandstone, about the size and shape of a one-penny match box, some prehistoric savage drew a picture of a tree. The work was done with a sharp pointed tool, and in that crude yet strong and well-defined manner which is characteristic of no one but the savage or the child. While this etching was still clear and distinct, the stone was tossed aside and became encrusted with three successive layers of hard dark ironstone, the whole forming a spherical nodule, like those so often seen in shale formations. Lumps of this character often contain rock crystals in the center, or else a fragment of rock different from the shell and carrying the fossil imprint of a leaf. But for one of these nodules to contain an unmistakable specimen of human workmanship is rather startling. It is just possible that a few centuries would account for the gradual incrustation around the white stone. And yet the ex- pert might not like to deny that the drawing may be one of those which are known as palaeolithic. If so, it was executed by one of those early people who carved on tusks very recognizable pictures of mastodons and other animals that have been extinct for ages. The stone in question may be 10,000 years old or more. At all events, the finding of the relic was under such circumstances as to preclude its being a fake.

In many localities in Monroe arrowheads and stone implements are numerously found. There was a flint quarry at the mouth of Stinking Lick and another a few miles east of Peterstown. On the Dunlap farm near the mouth of Hans Creek was once a burial mound. It was about 60 feet across and contained many relics. Among these were sheets of mica that seem to have been used to cover the faces of the dead. They must have been obtained from the mountains of North Carolina. An excavation in Union in 1889 for the foundation of the new Methodist church revealed 14 skulls and at least one complete skeleton. With the bones were found such relics as the Indians were accustomed to deposit in their graves. Many isolated graves have been observed and some of these have been dug


into. The Shawnee grave was customarily lined with flat stones and covered with the same. Above it was fashioned a mound of earth and stone. i i

Monroe is the first transalleghany county of West Virginia to be trodden by the feet of European explorers. This statement is not open to serious controversy. The visit took place only 64 years after the founding of Jamestown and at least 70 years before any white person attempted to make his home here. There were not then 40,000 people in all Virginia, and probably not three times as many in all the colonies. Even Philadelphia, for many years the largest city in the country, had not yet been established. Where now stands the city of Petersburg was Fort Henry, one of the fron- tier posts which effectually prevented another massacre like that of 1644. The person in command was Major Abraham Wood, who had come to Virginia in 1620, when only ten years old. He was a man of energy and enterprise, and it was a part of his duty to carry out the wishes of the House of Burgesses in the matter of pro- moting trade with the natives. The merchants of England were so- licitous in this matter, and traders from Wood's post had already traveled 400 miles toward the southwest on what was known as the Occoneechee path.

But it seems that even 30 years earlier the New River had been found. This was accomplished by an exploring party of four men, one of whom bore the familiar name of Johnson. The stream was given its name because it seemed very significant that so large a river should be flowing in a direction contrary to those of Tidewater Vir- ginia.

In 1671 Major Wood commissioned Thomas Batt, Robert Ful- lam, and Thomas Wood to find out about "the ebbing and flowing of the waters on the other side the mountains, in order to the dis- covery of the South Sea. There were added to the party Jack Neasom, a servant of Major Wood, and Perecute, an Appomattox Indian. A few days later the explorers were joined by seven more of the same tride to serve as guides and scouts.

The start from Fort Henry was made September 1, and in six days the Blue Ridge was sighted. This circumstance is one of the


facts which disproves the current opinion that under Indian occu- pancy the Atlantic states were an unbroken forest. A map of 1719 shows a "large savannah" lying a little east of the Blue Ridge and parallel with it. By a savannah was meant a prairie, the latter word not yet having come into the English language. Five years later Colonel William Byrd, in speaking of the Roanoke valley says, "there is scarce a shrub in view to intercept your prospect, but grass as high as a man on horseback." The Roanoke valley was followed by the party under Batt.

New River was first touched about three and one-half miles north of Radford. Maintaining a northerly course, Peters Moun- tain was crossed, and doubtless by one of the Indian paths. The journal kept by the party now speaks of valleys tending westwardly, and adds that "it was a pleasing though dreadful sight to see the mountains and hills as if piled upon one another." An easy descent of three miles brought them about noon to two trees, on one of which were marked with a coal the letters Ml A N. The other was cut in with the letters M A and several other "scrabblements." These trees were close by a run coursing sometimes westerly, some- times northerly, with "curious meadows" on each side. Pressing forward, the party found stony hills but rich soil, and meadows with grass above a man's height. They also found "many streams run- ning northwest, and several from the mountains looking south- erly, all running northerly into the great river. In seven miles they came to a steep descent with a great run in it," their course by the path being west southwest. They turned west, and again meeting the river they made quarters for the night. The farther they went that day the richer they found the soil. It was "stony, but full of brave meadows and old fields." The encampment near the site of Union was September 13, Old Style, equivalent to September 24, New Style. The change in the calendar did not take place until 1752.

Where the explorers now were is not difficult to guess by any person familiar with the geography of Monroe. This guess would be confirmed by a close study of the entire journal. The run near the marked trees can scarcely be anything else than Second Creek


near Gap Malls. It is equally clear that the mountains "looking southerly were Swope's Knobs, and that the "great run" was Indian Creek. The "curious" and "brave" meadows and the old fields are clear evidence that much of the landscape they looked upon was bare of timber. This was due to burning the open spots, and at the close of every hunting season in order to attract the buffalo, elk, and deer. Reckless as has been the white man in destroying the na- tive timber, the red man was even more so. Hu Maxwell says that in five more centuries he would have made all Virginia either a mea- dow or a desert. The mention of trees marked with recognizable letters is rather startling. It goes to illustrate the fact that much of the exploration of the earth has been done in a very unobtrusive way. Many pathfinders have lived unknown to the world in gen- eral. It is those who are paraded, as it were, with the blare of a megaphone that receive public notice.

After again reaching New River, the explorers kept down the stream and found cornstalks in the bottoms. They were told the Mohegans had once lived here. More marked trees were found. From the upland they went down to the river over ground where the natives had onaje lived, and the old fields were found so encum- bered with weeds and locusts that they could hardly get through. When they came to a quiet pool they imagined they were at the head of tide. From a river-hill they thought they saw a tidal estuary in the distance. They were now far below Hinton, and in reality were viewing a fog in the river canyon. The runlight glimmering upon the fog gave it the appearance of an inlet from the sea. When the party had been out sixteen days the Indians said bad weather would soon be coming on and they wished to return. Grapes, haws, and gooseberries were found, but their provisions were used up and not only was the game scarce but it was hard to get at.

The Wood expedition was absent from Fort Henry just one month. As an exploit it is undoubtedly genuine, and it was much relied upon by the British government in its controversy with France as to the ownership of the Mississippi valley. Notwithstanding the energy of the French explorers the actual priority of claim is on the side of the English. But the idea of the explorers that they were


almost within sight of the Pacific shows a strange ignorance of Amer- ican geography, even for that day and age. They seem to have been unaware of the extensive travels of De Soto, Coronado, and other Spanish explorers in the preceding century.

The enterprise shown in the Wood expedition was not promptly followed up. The accomplishment of 1671 seems to have become half forgotten, although, when prospectors were examining the val- ley of the New, some 70 years later, the stream was commonly known as Wood's River. It was not until 1716 that Governor Spottswood undertook his celebrated junketing trip to the South Fork of the Shenandoah. Even yet the dwellers in Tidewater had hazy and very unfavorable ideas of the country beyond the Blue Ridge. But the veil was now permanently lifted and exploration became active.

In 1732 John Lewis and his followers began the settlement of Augusta county. So rapid was this immigration from Ulster that the new county, authorized in 1738, was definitely organized in 1745. By this time venturesome landseekers were building cabins on New River near where Radford stands, more than 100 miles be- yond the mother settlement by Lewis. Others, by occupying the valley of Jackson's River, had pressed forward to the base of the Alleghany Front.

It is in 1749 that we find a definite beginning of settlement on the lower course of the Greenbrier. Virginia had a headright law, permitting each adult male immigrant who had paid his way to Virginia to take up 50 acres of the public domain. This was a wise policy, and it was similar to the present homestead law of the federal government. It tended to fill the colony with a class of thrifty immigrants and at no more than a reasonable speed. But the operation of the headright law was largely neutralized by what is known as the order in council. So far as this other method was followed, the public lands were parceled out in immense blocks to associations of influential men who stood in with the government. In theory these companies were immigration agencies. They were supposed to solicit bona-fide settlers and bring them to the land in question. The company was supposed to see that its lands were set-


tied within some definite limit of time. But the colonial gov- ernment was very lenient in enforcing its conditions against its own favorites. The practical working of this system was to enable a syndicate to corner the desirable land over a very large area, and to extort a price from the settler which was seemingly low yet rela- tively high. The settler therefore had to pay this price or move farther on. Oftentimes he did move on. One result was to push forward too rapidly a thin fringe of settlement and expose it unduly to raids by hostile Indians. By giving little service in return, the members of these syndicates were permitted to line their pockets at the expense of the public.

In pursuance of this policy of favoritism the Greenbrier Land Company was organized in 1749. Its president was John Robinson, Treasurer of Virginia and Speaker of the Hkmse of Burgesses. The other members were William Beverly, Beverly Robinson, John Rob- inson, Jr., Henry Weatherburne, Thomas Nelson, Jr., John Craig, John Wilson, and four Lewises: Robert, John, William, and Charles. Of these, all but Wilson and John, William, and Charles Lewis were planters from Tidewater. They were little else than silent partners, whose names were supposed to lend dignity and prestige to the enterprise. The active partners were John Lewis and his sons, Thomas and Andrew, both of whom were surveyors. By order of council the company was granted 100,000 acres, lying in the present counties of Pocahontas, (Greenbrier, and Monroe. It was allowed four years in which to make surveys and pay for set- tlement rights. The grant was not in one solid block, the company being allowed to pick out the choice parcels and leave the adjacent cull lands to take care of themselves.

It is very plain that the Greenbrier grant was based upon a pre- vious exploration, but of this we have little precise knowledge. We are told that French explorers visited this valley and gave its river the name of Ronceverte. But in the French language "ronceverte" means a green brier. The tradition that General Andrew Lewis named the river fron the greenbrier thickets that caused him trouble in his surveying cannot be correct. The river had been visited by previous explorers, English as well as French, and was already


known by its present name. One of these was John Howard, who was commissioned by Governor Gooch to "make discoveries to the westward." With five companions he went down New River in a boat the frame of which was covered with buffalo hide. From near Hinton they proceeded overland to Point Pleasant, and then boated 800 miles down the Ohio and into the Mississippi. They were there captured by a party of French and Indians, but at length released.

By 1755, when the Indian war put an end to his work, Andrew Lewis had surveyed one-half of the grant and had sold a number of parcels, the Virginia government holding out inducements to attract landseekers west of the Alleghanies.

In 1749 another syndicate, known as the Loyal Land Company was granted 800,000 acres extending from the Greenbrier to the line of North Carolina. The surveying was to be done within four year, but in 1753 this time limit was renewed. Settlers were to gain title on paying the surveyor his fee and to the company three pounds ($10) for each 100 acres. After the war of 1754-59, the privileges of the company were suspended. Soldiers of the French and Indian war who were entitled to public land under the king's proclamation of 1763, began to settle on the grant. This led to a petition by the agents and settlers who had located under the com- pany to hold title accordingly. In 1773 permission to this effect was given by the Colonial Council. By a court decree of 1783, the title of the Loyal Company to surveys made before 1776 was affirmed.

Settlers on Wolf and Second creeks made survey under the Green- brier Company. Those in the remainder of the monroe area *made survey under the Loyal Company.

In 1750, Doctor Thomas Walker, manager of the Loyal Com- pany, went with five companions as far as Cumberland Gap on the present Tennessee line. His return was on the west side of the

*As used in this book the expression, "Monroe area" applies to the territory contained within the present boundaries. By "Old Monroe" is meant the territory within the boundaries which were in force from 1802 to 1806. The county was then larger than either before or since.


Alleghany, and he reached the mouth of the Greenbrier June 28. We make the following extract from his diary for July:

6th. We left the river (Greenbrier). The low grounds on it are of very little value, but on the branches, they are very good and there is a great deal of it, and the highlands is very good in many places. We go; to a large creek, which affords a great deal of very good land c.nd it is chiefly bought. We went up the creek four miles and camped This creek took its name from an Indian named John Anthony that frequently hunts in these woods. There are some inhabitants on the branches of Greenbrier, but we missed their plantation.

In 1751, Christopher Gist, agent and surveyor for the Ohio Land Company, crossed New River on a raft, May 7, eight miles above the mouth of Bluestone. That day he went 13 miles east- ward, killed a bear, and lodged in an Indian camp. He was now in Springfield district.

According to tradition, Andrew and William Lewis and from 10 to 15 other men came up Dunlap Creek in the fall of 1754 and examined the lands over a large territory. In the party was Colonel James Patton, the most energetic of the founders of Augusta county. Other members were a Stuart, a McClung, a Campbell, and a Mc- Neer, the latter being the ancestor of the McNeers of Monroe. They were piloted by Peter Wright, who lived where Covington now stands. However, this could not have been the first time that the Lewises were in Sweet Springs and Second creek valleys.



The Ulstermen Earliest Comers to Monroe Resettlement Pioneers of 1774 Monroe Under Botetourt.

F THE Ulstermen who "peeled and scattered" from their old home in the north of Ireland, between the years 1725 and 1775, a large share came into the middle and upper sections of the Valley of Virginia. The nucleus of their colonization in this quarter was the settle- ment near Staunton by John Lewis and his companions in 1732- Within a dozen years the Valley was occupied from the old line between Augusta and Frederick* to the New River, a distance of 140 miles. It was but another step to push over the mountain rampart west of the Shenandoah Valley, and occupy, one by one, the narrow but fertile valleys beyond.

Thus the early settlers of Monroe were very largely the people from Ulster. Usually there was first a sojourn east of the Alle- ghany, and often it was the children of the immigrant families who were the first to move beyond the mountain barrier.

But not all these early homehunters were Scotch-Irish. Among them were Germans from the families who did so much to occupy the lower part of the Shenandoah and the South Branch of the Po- tomac. As the years roll on the German names become more fre- quent. Restlessness was a trait of the Ulstermen, and in pressing eagerly forward to newer and yet newer places of settlement, they made room for the less nomadic and more persistent German.

To find the name of the very first white settler in Monroe seems hopeless. In 1748 there were seen at the mouth of East River the ruins of a cabin and at the head of a grave the following inscription :

* The north line of Rockingham on the western side of the county is a part of the old Fairfax Line.


"Mary Porter was killed by the Indians, May 28, 1742." This spot is just outside the boundary of Old Monroe. Yet it shows that a venturesome landseeker reared his humble cabin 115 miles by air- line distance from the house which John Lewis had built near Staun- ton only ten years earlier. We are thus given a very broad hint as to the speed with which the Ulstermen were spying out the wilder- ness. The bottom-lands of the New were found very attractive, and we have no assurance that some other pioneer did not at nearly the same time attempt a settlement on the Monroe side of the river. Very soon after 1745 the Eckerlin brothers founded their colony of Mahanaim near Radford. They were captured by the Indians and taken to Canada, probably across Monroe soil. These Eckerlins gave name to the Dunkard Bottom on New River.

Doctor Walker, as we have seen, speaks in 1750 of people on the "branches of Greenbrier," although he did not come upon their im- provements. These settlers had located on the grant to the Green- brier Company. Whether any of them except Baughman and Swope were in any portion of the Monroe area outside of Wolf Creek dis- trict, we have no positive knowledge. We do know that in 1751 Thomas Lewis located on Second Creek two surveys of 1000 and 400 acres. At least one of these was the nucleus of the well-known "Lewis place." But for some thirty years after this date no mem- ber of that Lewis family was an actual resident of Monroe.

Although the Greenbrier grant dates from 1749, it does not fol- low that none of the settlers came any earlier. It was a common thing in the early years of Augusta county for a family to locate in advance of the actual visit of the surveyor. This was often with the consent of the holders of the grant. However, it is scarcely prob- able that any of the first influx to the Greenbrier came more than one or two years prior to 1749. The war of 1754 compelled such of them as were not killed or captured to return east of the Alle- ghany.

On that side of the great divide, the original settler on Monroe soil appears to have been James Moss. We are told that in 1760 he built a cabin at Sweet Springs.

In the same year, according to McElheny's narrative, there


was a second attempt to occupy the transalleghany country. In the Greenbrier area, important settlements arose near Lewisburg and on Muddy Creek. James Byrnside came to the sinks of Monroe, and his son John was born near Union in April, 1763. He could not have been the only settler here.

In July, 1763, a fierce and very unexpected attack by the Shaw- nees wiped out this second immigration to the Greenbrier. Seeing his cabin in flames, Byrnside fled to his old home on the Bullpasture River and remained there several years. For six years the country west of the mountains was a solitude.

In 1769 there was a third and permanent occupation of the Great Levels around Lewisburg. The resettlement of Monroe must have taken place quite as early. The repeated depopulations of the land beyond the Alleghany had thrown a cloud over the claims of the Loyal and Greenbrier land companies, and it was not until 1773 that the Virginia Council enabled settlers to again take claims under the Loyal Company. As a result of the new rule, the surveyor of Bote- tourt came in the spring of 1774, and made 54 surveys in Monroe. The Estills were already here, having come in 1773. Frobably some others of the men in whose name these surveys were made had arrived still earlier. Byrnside may have returned in 1769 or 1770. Of the 54 tracts just alluded to, 30 are described as on Indian and Hans creeks, nine on Wolf, five on New River, four each on Second Creek and Greenbrier River, and two on Brush Creek. There is no mention as yet of surveys in the fertile tableland of the Sinks. It was the bottoms and the coves with running water that always had the strongest appeal to the immigrants.

The surveys along Indian Creek extend from the mouth nearly to the source. The preference given to this locality was not acci- dental. From Covington all the way to the mouth of this stream was an Indian trail, as good as the bridlepaths by which the settlers came to the mouth of Dunlap. Another circumstance was that Byrnside had spread the news of this promised land among his friends on the Cowpasture and Bullpasture- Among the settlers from that quarter were the Estills, Bensons, Kincaids, Blantons, Laffertys, Meeks, and Raneys. His own survey near the site of Union was


bordered by those of Henry Kountz, James Alexander, John Cantly, William Hawkins, James Handley, Robert Noel, Nimrod Tackett, Thomas Stuart, Thomas Johnson, and Erwin Benson.

The outbreak of the Dunmore war in the summer of 1774 found a chain of settlement all the way from Sweet Springs to Gap Mills and the head of Indian, and thence down Indian to its mouth. Other settlers were on Wolf Creek and on the bottoms along the New and Greenbrier in that portion of Old Monroe that became a part of Summers. By this time there must have been people in the south of the county and in the Sinks, but our positive knowledge of them is meager.

Until just after the resettlement in 1769, Old Monroe was a part of Augusta county. When this political division was created, it was defined as including all Virginia west of the Blue Ridge and south of a line drawn from the northwest corner of what is now Greene county to the Fairfax stone, which was set up in 1736 at the southern end of the westernmost line of Maryland.

The first county taken from Augusta was Botetourt, which be- came effective January 31, 1770. The dividing line ran from the Blue Ridge to the source of Kerr's Creek, and was thence a straight course running north 55 degrees west to the Ohio. It crossed the Greenbrier a few miles south of Marlinton and touched the Ohio a little below Parkersburg. But west of the Alleghany the courts of Augusta and Botetourt do not seem to have taken steps to put this line into effect.

Within three years Fincastle county was carved out of Botetourt. The line between the two ran all the way from the mouth of the Great Kanawha to the Blue Ridge- It came up New River to the mouth of Culbertson Creek, and then took a direct course to where the Catawba road crossed the divide between New River and the north fork of Roanoke. This left a corner of Monroe in the new county. William Woods, of Rich Creek, writing his will in April, 1775, speaks of himself as a resident of Fincastle county.

But Fincastle had only a brief existence- In 1776 it was blotted out by being divided into Montgomery, Washington, and Kentucky,


For 30 years it was Montgomery county that the New River sep- arated from Old Monroe.

In the court proceedings under Botetourt and Fincastle there is very slight mention of settlers who can be identified as belonging in Monroe. Yet by 1775 there were 2552 tithables in Botetourt, in- dicating a population of at least 10,000. The levy was $1870.73. The rates which tavern-keepers might not exceed were these: Warm "diet" 16 2-3 cents; cold diet, I0y2 ; grain, per gallon, SZA; pasture or hay for 24 hours, 10%; lodging, with good bed and clean sheets, 8 1-3; the same, two or more in the bed, 5Vz; whiskey or continental rum, per gallon, $1.00; West India rum, $1.67; good cider, bottled, 66 2-3 cents; the same, unbottled, 41 cents.

The first mention of a county road is in June, 1774, when the court of Botetourt directed Thomas Lewis, James Mayes, and John Robeson to view a way from Warm Springs to Sweet Springs. At the same time, John Archer, Matthew Bracken (Bratton?), and

Thomas Mc were directed to view a way from Captain John

Stuart's to Second Creek gap, and James Estill, William Hutchin- son, and David Frazer were to view from the head of Hans to Pine Spring.

The first positive mention of a constable is May 13, 1773, when William Blanton was appointed to succeed Archibald Handley. The same day John Vanbibber was appointed to take the list of tithables for the "Western Waters." Philip Love had a part of his precinct, seemingly the portion south of New River. One year later Boude Estill was chosen to return a list of the tithables on the "sinkhole lands on Greenbrier, Second Creek, Indian, Wolf and Hans creeks, and their branches, from the mouth of Muddy to the mouth of Greenbrier, New River to the mouth of Indian, and their waters."



French and Indian War Pontiac War The Clendennin Massacre— The Point Pleasant Campaign Local Incidents.

NDIAN disturbances checkered the history of this region for a third of a century. Those which took place prior to the Revolution are mentioned in the present chap- ter.

Until the breaking out of the French and Indian war in 1754, the Augusta settlements had not been seriously disturbed by the red men. The latter continued to follow their trails through the white settlements- This was either to hunt the wild game or to pass through to attack some distant hostile tribe. It was an established custom among themselves for any hungry Indian to receive as ample entertainment as possible in the hut of any other Indian. They thought the same rule should be in force among the white men, and so they visited the cabins of the settlers to get something to eat. But the pioneers did not take kindly to this usage. From their point of view, the redskin was an uninvited and quite unwelcome guest, whom nevertheless, it was good policy to treat well. Doctor Walker, when he visited Jackson's River in 1750, says the settlers would prosper much better but for the amount of foodstuffs consumed by the In- dians, "much to their prejudice."

That the red men would nearly eat the paleface out of house and home was not all. The roving bands considered that all ani- mals running at large were wild, and therefore common property. So they helped themselves to the horses, cattle, and hogs found on the range. The two races not liking one another, and differing rad- ically in the way they looked upon various matters, the relations between them could not be cordial. Neither paleface nor redskin was always discreet. Occasionally there was a worse depredation


than the plundering of the livestock on the range, and several mur- ders had been committed. It is significant that while the Indians became sufficiently familiar with common English words to make themselves understood, their acquaintance with the white man's "cuss words" and his terms of insult and abuse was quite extensive. And this was in spite of the fact that the Indian languages were des- titute of profanity.

For more than twenty years the settlements spread rapidly and with little let or hindrance. But in 1754 they began to suffer in consequence of the rivalry between England and France for posses- sion of the transalleghany country. The French displayed much the more tact in their dealings with the native, and they generally won him to their side. The easy victory of these allies over the army under Braddock left the whole inland frontier of the colonies open to the raids of the tribesmen. There were no adequate meas- ures for defense on the part of England and her colonies. The fron- tiersmen had to look out for themselves as best they could. The service rendered by the militia companies was very undependable.

The disgraceful rout of the army under Braddock took place in July, 1754. The Indians immediately undertook to push back the encroaching settlements. During this year and the next the Green- brier was visited by the storm. In a letter to Andrew Lewis, Gov- ernor Dinwiddie says he is "sorry for the death of 13 of our subjects at Greenbrier, victims of the barbarous Indians." Writing twelve days later to Lieutenant John McNeill, a resident of the Greenbrier valley, he is surprised that the "59 people in Fort Greenbrier at time of Indian attack did not resist." He thinks they could not have been properly armed.

The first of these letters seems to refer to the massacre at the fort of Henry Baughman, which stood on the south bank of the Greenbrier, between Alderson and the mouth of Wolf. According to what is known as the Preston register, this tragedy took place August 12, 1755- The document enumerates the following victims: Henry Baughman, John Couse and his father-in-law, Walter Fish- paugh, George White, old Christopher, M'rs. Consler, and an old man, his wife, and a schoolmaster. Scarcely any particulars of the


event have been preserved. A vestige of tradition relates that all the people in the fort were killed except one small girl, whose name was lost and who married a man living in what is now Summers county. And yet we have documentary evidence that the killing of Baughman was witnessed by Valentine and Mathias Yoakum, Naph- thalim Gregory, Robert Allen, and William Elliott. The Yoak- ums find mention again in the Clendennin massacre, eight years later. The other men were settlers on Jackson's River, and appear to have been at the fort in the capacity of militia. The invoicing of the Baughman estate was witnessed by John Gay, John Warwick, Hugh Young and wife, John Meek, a settler, and Lawrence Henseman (Hinchman?). Fishpaugh's name appears to survive in Fishbock's Hill, just above the mouth of Wolf. The site of the stockade could be easily traced eighty years later, and seems to be the same spot which was described to the writer by the venerable George Alder- son. It is now overgrown with timber. It is worthy of remark that in all the annals of Old Monroe there is no mention of a more serious affair than the capture and destruction of Baughman's fort. The Indians rarely undertook an open assault on any stockade, and the most probable explanation of their success here is either a strate- gem on their part or carelessness on the part of the inmates- The heedlessness often displayed by the frontiersmen in time of peril is almost unaccountable.

The raid into the Greenbrier was a thorough piece of work. The infant settlements west of the Alleghany Front were utterly wiped out and the wilderness resumed its reign.

One of the very earliest settlers of Monroe was Joseph Swope, who visited this region about 1751. Instead of following the Indian trail down Indian Creek, he turned to the right and studied the landscape from the knobs which have since borne his name. In the valley of Wolf Creek he was observed by Indians, and being sus- picious of their intentions he concealed himself in a hollow poplar. This tree stood until 1860. The inroads of decay having rendered it unsafe it was cut down. A year or two after this visit, Swope returned with his wife and infant son, and built a cabin not far from the tree. Here his second son Michael was born, September 29,


1753. It is claimed for him that he was the first white male to be a native of Monroe, but that a girl was born somewhat earlier. This other birth was probably at the Baughman fort.

Young Joseph was stolen by the Shawnees in 1756, adopted by a squaw said to be the mother of Cornstalk, and held in the tribe nine years- An Indian boy played a practical joke on the captive by scenting him with skunk perfume. The young Indian was too large for Joseph to overcome in a fight, and by way of revenge young Swope put several grains of powder into some kindling which the other boy was blowing into a flame. The eyes of the Indian were put out. The captive was sentenced to die, but the interces- sion of his foster mother saved his life. Long after his return, and probably in time of peace, six braves came into his house, and with- out a word made a clean sweep of all the eatables on the table. They then grunted their thanks and went away, but soon brought back a large buck by way of recompense.

We have given the Swope narrative according to the form in which it was published some years ago. It presents some difficul- ties. There were settlers on the Greenbrier for at least two years previous to 1751, and they were living at peace with the natives. The valley was already blanketed with a huge land grant which cov- ered such spots as were most inviting to the settler. We find no record until 1774 of any survey in Swope's name, although he could have been living on his land for five years prior to that date. The statement that the original house of the pioneer Swope is yet stand- ing is quite incredible. It is too substantial a dwelling for that early time- Burning the round-log cabins of the detested paleface was a feature of the Indian raids, and it was carried out with all the thoroughness possible. Not only was the Greenbrier valley de- serted for several years before the Clendennin massacre took place, but we are assured by so good an authority as Colonel Stuart that it was also deserted from 1763 to 1769. After the Baughman mas- sacre Swope must have refugeed east of the Alleghany Front and lived there until the permanent resettlement. The house referred to cannot be of earlier date than the time of the Revolution.

In 1759 there was a collapse of the French power in America,


and at first the Indians were inclined to accept the situation. In 1760, or perhaps a year or two later, about 20 families had settled on the Great Levels and on Muddy Creek and a few others within the Monroe area.

But the Indians soon became greatly incensed at the arrogant and untactful behavior of the British officials with whom they came in touch. Under Pontiac, one of the ablest men the red race has pro- duced, several of the tribes confederated and planned a desperate blow with their 9000 warriors. To Cornstalk, a Shawnee leader, was assigned the destruction of the new settlements on the Green- brier. The story of this raid belongs properly to the county of Greenbrier, and yet it has some bearing on the history of Monroe.

It must be admitted that the Indians had a certain measure of excuse. By a treaty of 1758 the country west of the Alleghanies was set apart to them for a perpetual hunting ground. The settlers who had now come were trespassers, even in the light of their own laws. By a proclamation of the colonial governor the country be- yond the Alleghany was declared not open to settlement. But the American has seldom been scrupulous in observing the treaties be- tween him and the redskin, whenever the latter held possession of desirable land.

Cornstalk suddenly appeared in July, 1763, and with his 60 war- riors blotted out at a single blow the settlement near the mouth of Muddy. Leaving a few of his braves to watch the prisoners, the rest of his band lost no time in proceeding to the house of Archibald Clendennin, Jr., 15 miles away in the direction of Lewisburg. Clen- dennin, who was a constable and leading man in the settlement, had moved here from the lower Cowpasture. He had just brought home three elk. The great animals, together with the novelty of a visit by Indians who were believed to be friendly, soon drew all the neighbors to Clendennin's house. The treacherous guests were given a feast, but at a signal agreed upon they began a massacre. While Mrs. Clendennin was gone to the meat kettle for a fresh supply of food, a woman asked an Indian if he could cure a sore with which she was ailing. He said he could and at once gave a fatal blow with his tomahawk. Clendennin might have saved his own life


had he not taken his baby while the wife went to the kettle- He was killed while mounting a fence to get into a field of tall corn, and sank to the earth with the groan, "Lord have mercy on me." The only man of the settlement who escaped was Conrad Yoakum. His suspicions were aroused in time and he made his way to Jack- son's River, where he told his story to incredulous hearers.

Among the people carried away was Mrs. Clendennin, who spat in a brave's face to provoke him to kill her. But while the squad in charge of the prisoners was crossing Muddy Creek Mountain, the captives occupying the center of the column, she gave her child to another woman, slipped out from the line of march, hid under a rock, and remained there until the sound of the cowbells had grown dim. The screams of her murdered infant failed to bring her from her hiding place. Something moved amid the bushes. She at first believed it an Indian on the watch for her, but it turned out to be a bear and it scampered away. When she got back to the ashes of her home her disordered imagination saw shapes all around her, and after covering the corpse of her husband she concealed herself in a cornfield. jShe had nothing to eat and almost nothing but an Indian blanket to wear. On Howard Creek she met a party of whites. These had heard all the settlers were dead, and had come to drive away any cattle they might find and collect such personal property as might have escaped the Indians- One of the men was the heir- at-law of the Clendennin property and he was much displased at her escape. Others of the party, less covetous and more humane, gave her some eatables. It took her nine days to get back to her old home near Fort Dickenson, although the airline distance is scarcely above 40 miles. Four of her children were already slain. A son and a daughter were among the prisoners. The former was put to death after the arrival at the Indian town, but though the girl was restored after seven years, she was not at first acknowledged by her mother. A mark on her person established the identity, yet it was long before the parent showed any affection for the daughter.

The double massacre seems to be one of the many instances of pioneer carelessness. It had been only a few days since Mrs. Den- nis, a woman taken from Jackson's River several years before, had


been entertained by the Clendennins. After her escape from the Indian village, she crossed the Ohio on a log, and by the time she reached the Levels she was too weak to travel farther. She had been on her way three weeks, traveling by night. In fact, she passed the Clendennin house unawares, but was found by four men and taken there. After recovering some strength she was escorted to Fort Young on the site of Covington. It would seem as though Mrs. Dennis must have conveyed some intimation as to the feelings of the Indians.

Joseph Swope was much embittered on account of the captivity of his boy. While trapping on New River with Samuel Pack and one Pitman, they found a division in the fresh trail of a large band of Indians, one party going toward Jackson's River, the other to- ward Catawba Creek. To give warning, Pitman set out in the for- mer direction, and the other men in the latter. But the hostiles had too great a start. The party going to Jackson's River committed some depredations in that valley, but were pursued by Captain Paul and his company. They met Pitman on Indian Creek, almost ex- hausted with running, but he joined the pursuers. Paul followed the Indians to the Ohio, but was not in time to intercept them on the east bank. On his return he suddenly came upon the other band in camp on the New, opposite an island at the mouth of In- dian Creek. A volley killed three of the foe and wounded several. One of the latter jumped into the river to save his scalp by drown- ing. This company was also pursued by Captains Ingles and Har- man.

We are told that the above incidents took place in the October following the tragedy at Clendennin's. It is far more probable that the advance of the Indian party was almost simultaneous with the attack at the Levels in July. At the later date the three whites would have taken a greater risk in trapping where they were. Corn- stalk would have made his foray comprehensive as well as sudden. He would wish to wipe out the infant settlement in the Monroe Sinks. So it is highly probable that the firing of Byrnside's cabin was by the division going toward Jackson's River.

The Pontiac war lasted little more than a year. It was brought


to an end by Colonel Bouquet, who compelled the Indians to sign a treaty in October, 1764. The Indians were given 12 days to give up their captives, and many were returned. But means were found for holding back those to whom the red men were particularly attached. The treaty of Fort Stanwix in 1765 permitted settle- ment west of the mountains. But as we have seen, it was not until 1769 that there was a third attempt to settle the Greenbrier.

During the next five years there was a precarious peace. In the spring of 1774 an outbreak was at hand. Groups of irreconcilables, especially renegades from the tribes, were molesting the frontier. On the other hand, the hasty and thoughtless behavior of certain lawless frontiersmen was making equal trouble. It was arranged between Governor Dunmore and Colonel Andrew Lewis that each should ]ead a force to the Ohio, there join forces and compel a peace. The column under Lewis, about 1200 strong, was made up almost wholly of the militia from the counties of Augusta, Botetourt and Fincastle. The various commands effected a partial concentration at Camp Union, on the site of Lewisburg. It was a picturesque assemblage of men in coonskin caps, white, yellow, red, or brown hunting shirts and leggings that came halfway up the thigh- The officers carried rifles as well as the privates. The army was of material naturally excellent. Many of the officers won renown in the war for Amer- ican independence. In physique the rank and file have perhaps never been surpassed- Not one of the 60 men under George Math- ews was under six feet in height, and many measured six feet and two inches.

The battle of Point Pleasant was fought in Botetourt county, of which Monroe was then a part. The pioneers of this section had much at stake, and they helped to fill the ranks of the two Green- brier companies. Certain of the incidents of Indian warfare which are associated with the history of Monroe may belong to the summer of this year. Raiding parties then penetrated as far east as the Cowpasture. It was probably at this time that the blockhouse of Wallace Estill on Indian Creek was beseiged. The settlers around gathered into the refuge and beat off the foe. One of the redskins


was killed and his body was left unburied as food for the wolves. The killing of John Cook may have occurred the same season.

Nineteen days were consumed by the army under Lewis in open- ing a road to the Great Kanawha. The attractive situation at the mouth of the stream suggested the name of Point Pleasant. The pilot in this difficult advance was Matthew Arbuckle, who had gone down New River ten years earlier with a load of furs. Settlement had not progressed farther than 12 miles below Kanawha Falls- While Lewis was preparing to cross the Ohio to join the other wing under Dunmore, he was attacked before daybreak on the morn- ing of October 10. The assailants, perhaps 800 strong, were un- der the command of Cornstalk. The Virginians narrowly escaped a surprise. Several men in violation of orders had gone out of camp to hunt game. Two of these stumbled upon the stealthily ad- vancing redskins and gave the alarm. There was in fact little dis- cipline in the camp. It was not the custom of the American mil- itiaman of that century to obey orders except when it suited him to do so.

The battle lasted all day, the lines being only six to twenty yards apart, and the woods resounded with the yells, taunts, and curses of white man and red. There was an aggregate of individ- ual fights rather than a conflict under military rules. Every man availed himself of any cover which the trees, whether standing or fallen, might supply. In the afternoon a flank attack on the rear of the left wing of the Indians made them think it was by the Fin- castle regiment, although that command was still several miles in the rear. The Indians now fell back, but the whites had been pun- ished too severely to pursue them. After nightfall Cornstalk made an unmolested retreat across the Ohio- The loss of the Virginians was never officially reported, and was probably not less than 200. Many of the wounded soon died for want of adequate attention. Several valuable officers were among the slain. One of these was Colonel Charles Lewis, brother to the commander-in-chief. Another was Captain McClenahan, commanding one of the Greenbrier com- panies. The loss of the Indians was never accurately known, but seems to have been scarcely half as great. Not one of their chiefs


was killed except the father of the celebrated Tecumseh. They quit the fight only because of their habitual disinclination to sustain heavy loss. In this respect the borderer had the advantage, and he was a rather better shot. But he was entirely too lax in avoiding sur- prise, too negligent in taking cover in time, and so little amenable to discipline- that his usefulness as a soldier was much impaired.

The following letter by Colonel Christian of the Fincastle regi- ment was written on the battleground:

From what I can gather here I cannot describe the bravery of the enemy in the battle. It exceeded every man's expectations. They had men planted on each river to kill our men as they would swim over, making no doubt I think of gaining a complete victory. Those over the Ohio in the time of battle called to the men to "drive the white dogs in." Their Chief ran continually along the line exhorting the men to "lye close" and "shoot well," "fight and be strong." At first our men retreated a good ways and until new forces were sent out on which the enemy beat back slowly and killed and wounded our men at every advance. Our people at last formed a line, so did the enemy, they made many attempts to break our lines, at length our men made a stand, on which the enemy challenged them to come up and began to shoot. Our men could have forced them away precipitately, but not without great loss, and so concluded to main- tain their ground all along the line. Which they did until Sundown, when the enemy were supposed to be all gone. Our people then moved backward scalping the enemy, and bringing in the dead and wounded.

The enemy came over on rafts about six miles up Ohio & set at the same place. They encamped within two miles of this place the night before the battle and killed some of our beeves. They damd our men often for Sons of Bitches, said "Don't you whistle now" (making sport of the fife) and made very merry about a treaty

The battle of Point Pleasant is one of the memorable events in American history. It decided the campaign of 1774, and within three weeks the Indians had agreed to terms of peace. The Ohio was designated as the boundary of the Indian country. East of this river they were not to hunt without special permission. Had Corn- stalk won the victory, as he came so near doing, it is probable that the Greenbrier would have been deserted the third time. It is prob-


able that the Alleghany range would have been recognized as the boundary of the Indian country. The British Board of Trade sought to curb the Americans by hampering their progress into the interior of the continent. It also wished to preserve the fur trade with the Indians. But the defeat of the red men had an important bearing on the war for independence. It not only advanced the westward frontier to the Ohio, but it led, almost as a matter of course, to the conquest of the Illinois country by George Rogers Clark in 1778, and therefore to the advance of the colonies to the Mississippi.



The Fincastle Declaration— Local Incidents— Forts— Toryism.

HE Declaration of Independence is sometimes miscon- strued. It went beyond asserting the independence of the Thirteen Colonies as an object to strive for. It announced a state of things that already exist- ed. Hostilities had been in progress more than a year. The authority of the British crown was everywhere a dead letter. All the colonies were exercising self-government outside of the few lo- calities overawed by foreign bayonets.

The Ulstermen came to America with hot resentment against the British crown because of the economic and religious persecution from which they had suffered. It was for relief from this that they sought new homes in the Western world. To show the feeling of the time in Monroe and its vicinity, we quote the resolutions adopted by the freeholders of Botetourt, January 20, 1775. These were in- structions to Colonel Andrew Lewis and John Bowyer, their repre- sentatives to the House of Burgesses.

We require you to represent us with hearts replete with the grateful and loyal veneration for the race of Brunswick, for they have been truly our fathers; and at the same time the most dutiful affection for our sov- ereign, of whose honest heart we cannot entertain any diffidence, but sorry we are to add, that in his councils we can no longer confide. A set of miscreants, unworthy to administer the laws of Britain's empire, have been permitted impiously to sway. How unjustly, cruelly, and tyrannically they have invaded our rights we need not now put you in mind.

We only say, and we assert it with pride, that the subjects of Britain are one, and when the honest man of Boston, who has broken no law, has his property wrested from him, the hunter of the Alleghanies must take the alarm, and as a freeman of America, he will fly to the representatives and thus instruct them: "Gentlemen, my gun, my tomahawk, my life, I de- sire you to tender to the honor of my king and country; but my liberty to


range these woods upon the same terms (as) my father has done is not mine to give up. It was not purchased by me and purchased it was. It is entailed upon my son, and the tenure is sacred. Watch over it, gen- tlemen, for to him it must descend inviolate, if my arm can defend it, but if not, if wicked power is permitted to prevail against me, the original purchase was blood, and mine shall seal the surrender."

That our countrymen, and the world, may know our disposition, we choose that this be published. And we have one request to add, that is, that the sons of worth and freedom, who appeared for us at Philadelphia, will accept our most ardent, grateful acknowledgments. And we ear- nestly plight them our faith, that we will religiously observe their reso- lutions and obey their instructions, in contempt of power and temporary interest; and should the measures they have wisely calculated for our re- lief fail, we will stand prepared for every contingency.

The people of Virginia were not sensible of any sweeping change in the working of their governmental machinery. They had not put on, so to speak, a brand new suit. The old coat was dusted and put on again. They now lived under a governor of their own choosing, instead of accepting a parasitic governor from England, as a local representative of the crown. The name of the governor was substituted for that of king in public proclamations- But the colon- ial laws remained in force. Burgesses, magistrates, sheriffs, and all other state and county officials were chosen as before.

With respect to Virginia, the war for independence presents three phases : first, the campaign against Dunmore, ending with the expulsion of the tory governor early in 1776; second, a war with the Indians, beginning about two years after the battle of Point Pleas- ant and not ending until several years after the treaty with Britain; third, a campaign east of the Blue Ridge, beginning near the close of 1780 and terminating with the capture of Cornwallis in October, 1781.

The inhabitants of Monroe and Greenbrier saw little of the war except the trouble with the Indians, which was the result of British emissaries. Their settlements included little more than 2000 people. It was nearly as much as they could do to stand off the In- dians. And yet they bore a very honorable part in the conquest of the Illinois country by Colonel Clark. But for this achievement, the treaty of peace would not have recognized the Mississippi as the


Avestern confine of the United States. It might not have been pos- sible to secure the Ohio as a part of that boundary- The Greenbrier settlements might have found themselves adjacent to territory still British.

In 1781 the governor ordered that 137 of the Greenbrier men serve through the summer under Clark. The county court ordered a draft of 146 men. But as there were scarcely 550 militia in all Greenbrier, and as there was next a call for 34 men to join the continental service, the court concluded to ask an extension of time until the militia who had joined Clark could have time to get home. Andrew Donally, writing the governor March 27, 1781, says the militia ordered to join Clark had "gone with much alacrity." But in the following year, Samuel Brown would not permit a draft for the Continental regiments.

Associated with the early annals of Monroe are several incidents relating to Indian raids. Not always are we able to point out the year in which they occurred. There was one in 1778, at the time of the attack on Donally's fort- In 1781 there was a foray on the settlers of Indian Creek. Next February Samuel Brown asked the governor for a garrison of 20 men at the mouth of Elk, saying that some of the people driven from there would return. The succeed- ing April the red men raided the settlements on New River. A petition of August, 1786, says the people on Bluestone had suffered so much that the settlements had weakened and prompt aid had be- come very necessary. Even so late as 1788 there was fear that the transalleghany settlements would once more be extinguished. So the governor directed the county lieutenant to have ready a company of rangers in case of another invasion. William Clendennin was its captain. No Indians are known to have penetrated the county, ex- cept one, who in company with a white renegade killed Thomas Griffith near Lewisburg. They were pursued and the renegade killed.

The only actual forts within the present limits of Monroe were Woods' fort on Rich Creek and Cook's fort on Indian. But while such defenses were very serviceable against the Indians, they were not regarded as government posts. On Crump's bottom was Cul-


bertson's fort, and near the mouth of Wolf was Jarrett's fort. We hear also of forts that were no more than fortified houses. One of these stood near the present concrete bridge over Second Creek. An- other was on Pickaway Plains. Still others were on Indian Creek or in the south of the county.

In building a palisade a trench was dug to a depth of some four feet and in it was planted a double row of logs, set in a vertical po- sition and projecting about ten feet above the general level of the ground- The row was double, so as to leave no crevices for bullets to pass through. The Cook stockade is said to have inclosed an oblong space of an acre and a half. Three hundred people found refuge here in 1778. The inclosure at Woods' was probably much smaller. Within the stockades were cabins, the palisade forming one of the walls, and the cabin roof serving as a parapet to shoot from. The people who assembled in these forts for protection ren- dered them crowded, uncomfortable, and insanitary. They would sometimes take too great risks, in order to escape for a time the stuf- finess of their quarters. Yet it required a great deal of hard labor to inclose even an acre. For this reason the stockade was much less common than the uninclosed blockhouse. The latter was a dwell- ing built so as to make the wall ball-proof. The door was very thick, sometimes studded with broad-headed nails, and was so firmly secured as to withstand a shock by a log used as a battering ram. The windows were too narrow for a person to crawl through. Where there was an upper story, it sometimes projected over the lower to enable the defenders to shoot an enemy coming close to the lower wall- These fortified houses could sometimes hold out against a formidable attack. The greatest danger was a blazing arrow di- rected at the roof. Hence it was important that the foe should not find cover within arrow-shot.

Cook's fort stood about midway in the Indian Creek bottom, on the south side of the stream and perhaps 200 yards west of the road crossing at the ford just below Greenville. The swale close by may then have furnished water. The position was such as to com- mand the trail from Ellison's Ridge that crossed Indian near by and ran up Indian Draft. The statement in several books that it


stood three miles above the mouth of Indian is very incorrect. The first marriage in the stockade is said to have been that of Philip Hammond to Christiana, a daughter of Valentine Cook. In 1778 Hammond distinguished himself as one of the two messengers sent from Fort Randolph at Point Pleasant to warn the settlers around Donally's fort. They outstripped the Indian army by several hours. Both men had been disguised to look like Indians by an Indian woman who had come with her cattle to take refuge at the fort. It is be- lieved that she was a sister to Cornstalk. By the whites she was known as the Grenadier Squaw, on account of her commanding stature.

Woods' fort, built in 1773 by Captain Matthew Woods, almost certainly stood on the small promontory that makes into Rich Creek bottom at the house of John H. Karnes, some four miles above Pe- terstown. At the outbreak of the Dunmore war Woods furnished Colonel William Preston a roll of the men of the neighborhood who were fit for duty. Just three weeks before the battle at Point Pleasant, Colonel Christian, commanding the Fincastle regiment of the army under Lewis, camped a few miles away and sent 800 pounds of flour to the fort. With 14 men Woods joined the regiment and marched to Point Pleasant. Some of his men were ready to join the Illinois regiment under Clark at the time the Indians raided Indian Creek in the spring of 1781. It was a detachment from his company that pursued the hostiles and recovered the prisoners.

The raid of 1778 was inspired by the murder of Cornstalk at Point Pleasant in the preceding November. Fort Randolph had been built on the battlefield and was noAV garrisoned by Captain Matthew Arbuckle. A large force of militia had arrived to join General Hand in an expedition against the Indian towns on the Scioto. A few of the Rockbridge men went across the Kanawha to hunt turkeys, and one of them, named Gilmer, was killed by some lurking Indian. Shortly before this event, Cornstalk came to the fort to warn Arbuckle against the hostile feeling of his tribe. The chief was joined by his son and two other comrades- Arbuckle thought it best to detain them as hostages. There is nothing to show that they were concerned in the killing of Gilmer. Cornstalk


was on a peaceful errand and must have been aware that he was running a risk. He had been a redoubtable foe, and had carried havoc as far as Kerr's Creek in Rockbridge. JBut according to the Indian standard he was an honorable enemy.

In a fit of blind and senseless fury, the companions of Gilmer at once rushed to the fort, and in spite of Arbuckle's efforts to prevent their purpose they shot down all four of the unarmed Indians in cold blood. Governor Patrick Henry was indignant at the dark blot on the name of his state, and made an earnest effort to punish the murderers. Next April Captain James Hall and Hugh Gal- braith were summoned before the Rockbridge court on a charge of felony, but as no witnesses would appear against them, both men were acquitted. Public opinion in Rockbridge therefore upheld the cowardly murder.

Cornstalk was about forty years old and was born on the Ka- nawha. He was large in stature, commanding, intellectual, and an orator. Since the battle at Point Pleasant he had kept the peace, and he sought to live on friendly terms with the whites. On several occasions he brought to Fort Randolph horses that had been stolen from the settlers- Roosevelt speaks of his assassination as "one of the darkest stains on the checkered pages of frontier history." Point Pleasant did not prosper for many years and there was a belief that the town lay under a curse.

Next season the Shawnees sought to avenge the death of their chief. Xhey besieged Fort Randolph a week, though without much effect, and then sent one war party against Donally's fort, eight miles from Lewisburg, and another against Indian Creek. Of the latter raid we have scarcely any accurate knowledge. It seems to have been by a small band and without serious result.

The fight at Donally's fort was the most considerable combat of the Revolution within the original limits of Greenbrier. The fort was a large double log house of two stories and was surrounded by a stockade. Couriers from Fort Randolph arrived in advance of the Indians and found only five men in the blockhouse. Word was at once sent over the settlement and about 20 men collected to- gether with their families. Next morning before daylight a ser-


vant of Doaally's went out for wood, left the gate open, and was shot dead. The Shawnees then attempted to break down the door of the house. Only two men were on guard, Philip Hammond and a slave bearing the name of Dick Pointer- When the second plank of the door was beaten off, the negro fired a gun plentifully loaded with buckshot, nails, and old iron. The recoil knocked him down, but the effect of the discharge was deadly. Three of the assailants were killed, several were wounded, and the others fell back. By this time the other men in the fort were awake. An attempt to fire the house from under the floor resulted in the death of several more Indians. While the battle was going on, the women were moulding bullets. A relief party of 66 men from Lewisburg arrived about four o'clock, escaped ambush by coming in from the rear, and by crawling through a field of rye, they reached the fort without any casualties. The Indians kept up the fight until dark and were pur- sued next day by Captain Andrew Hamilton with 70 men. Four of the whites and 17 of the Indians were killed in the battle at the fort. The latter were buried by Pointer in a sinkhole. Bullet scars in the logs were still to be seen a half century later. Pointer and his wife were abandoned by Donally when the latter moved to Kanawha. But he was given his freedom, a cabin was built for him, and he lived to an old age that was tarnished by intemperance- He was buried at Lewisburg with military honors.

Owing to a partial paralysis of commerce, a lack of good money, and an absence of good roads across the Alleghany, the people on the Greenbrier had to undergo great hardships during the Revolu- tion. The Continental paper money depreciated until it became al- most entirely worthless. A claim of James Handley against Chris- topher Bryan of the Monroe Sinks was scaled down from 10,000 pounds to exactly two-thirds of one percent of the face value. But- ter, deerskins, hemp, and ginseng were leading articles of barter.

An Act of Assembly requiring an oath of allegiance to be ad- ministered to the free whites, the court of Botetourt appointed James Henderson to act in this capacity in his own militia precinct and those of Captains Gillespie, Vanbibber, and John Henderson. This was in August, 1777.


The Ulstermen came to America to get rid of grevious oppres- sion. In most of these Appalachian counties they were the domi- nant element. It is stated in some histories that the mountain peo- ple were patriots almost to a man. But this does not accord with the facts. In some of the mountain counties of Virginia the tories were numerous and troublesome. One of the more conspicuous of those in Greenbrier was one William Hinton, a miller, who boasted that he could raise 500 men in the county to fight for the king. There were scarcely more than 500 militia in all Greenbrier, and many of them were in the army. And yet the boast indicates that disaffec- tion existed. Hinton was tried before Colonel Sampson Mathews, and sentenced to a fine of 400 pounds and imprisonment for four years.

Another tory brought before Colonel Mathews was Alexander Miller, a college graduate and Presbyterian minister. He was ar- rested on Indian Creek at the house of William Hutchinson, who was holding him as prisoner. The witnesses were William Ewing, Silas Hart, Mary Erwin, James Montgomery, William Givens, Robert McFarland, Thomas Smith, and James Hill. At least some of these persons belonged east of the Alleghany. The sheriff of Augusta was allowed 20 shillings for attending court and summon- ing a jury. The two guards were allowed fourpence a mile each for taking Miller to Staunton, the distance being estimated at 120 miles. Each guard therefore received twice as much as the sheriff.

A letter by Miller was the cause of his arrest. In it he argues that property is by divine appointment; that "independency" de- prives Britain of her property, and therefore is unlawful and un- just, to say nothing of stopping trade, increasing taxes, and expos- ing the Americans to the vengeance of Great Britain; that claiming "independency" will subject the Americans to divine displeasure. The writer thus concludes: "To treat with Lord Howe for peace and safety is the best plan you can fall upon to save the lives and estates of your constituents-" In the light of our day such argu- ments look silly. They must have seemed alomst beneath contempt to the stern patriots of the Alleghanies. They stamp the cringing tory parson as standing for peace at any price and for the material


comfort and even tenor of the business world. Civil liberty was perhaps beyond his comprehension.

We now relate such incidents of Indian warfare as took place within or on the border of Monroe, and a knowledge of which has come down to us. T;his knowledge is usually by tradition, and the accounts by different persons have become indistinct or do not agree as to details. Yet it is well worth while to preserve them from further loss.

John Miller once thought he could see a plumed head peering from an elevation at a distance. Picking up his rifle he walked off in the opposite direction, and by taking a long circuit he came up behind the Indian and killed him.

Of two men who were on the Indian Creek bottom a mile be- low Red Sulphur, one was killed and one was captured. One of these was a Lewis.

In 1780, Steel Lafferty, living at the mouth of Indian, was killed and so was a wife of a Bradshaw. On this or another oc- casion, one of the Laffertys heard what seemed to be a turkey, but found the noise came from an Indian peering from behind a tree that is yet standing. Lafferty shot the Indian and trailed him by his blood to a deep pool in Indian Creek. William Meek, who lived near by, saw the Indians, mounted a horse, and rode to a neighbor's house. No people were there except two women. They opened the door for him, and he fired on two Indians crossing a cornfield, wounding one of them. On the third day of the following March, eight of the Indians and two of the Canadian French burned Meek's house and corn, killed the parents and infant child, and carried away the other two children. Some hunters brought the news next morn- ing to Jacob Mann. He at once set out in pursuit with Adam Mann, Jacob Miller, and three other men of Woods' company. After going 50 miles, they overtook the foe, killed one, wounded several, and recovered the children and "plunder." The pursuers were "extremely scarce of lead," a common handicap during the Revolution. The account we have given is from the official report. A tradition in the Miller family has it that the six whites pursued the foe to the bank of the Ohio, arriving there at dusk and waiting


till dawn to attack. Their six shots laid low six of the seven In- dians. The seventh took the river, but one of the assailants swam after him and inflicted a fatal knife wound- While taking cattle to the Muskingum, John Ellison was shot from ambush. Burns, his companion, escaped with his dog. A Shockley was killed on the hill still known as Shockley's, which stands below Crump's bottom. His companions, James Ellison and Matt Farley, ran to the river to consult, and hid in a thicket. Down the river was the sound of some person blowing into a charger. The sound drew nearer. Ellison went to reconnoiter and from a distance of 80 yards shot an Indian who was stealthily approaching from one tree to another. At the same, or more probably another time, Elli- son was wounded in the shoulder while cribbing corn on Crump's bottom. Farley swam the river. Ellison, who was a good runner, ran up stream, but was captured by the seven Indians. New moc- casins were put on his feet, and he understood from this that tor- ture was coming. He made his escape while his hands were bound, but sawed the thong in two on a sharp stone.

An Ellis was killed beyond New River. The Indians took his boy Enos over Keeney's Knob to near Green Sulphur, and hid him in a laurel thicket, where he was sorely tormented by buffalo gnats. He was warned to keep still and a relief party passed by without seeing him, but on their return he was rescued. Ten Indians were counted as they were wading the New at its lowest ford and climb- ing a naked bluff. Nine scalps were taken from one family in the Graham settlement.

In 1778 James Graham had been forting a few days in conse- quence of an alarm. He determined to go home with his family if some men would go with him. Not feeling well, he slept that night on a bench set against the door. Before daylight he was aroused by an attempt to force the door by a person who declared he was no Indian, but the door not being opened he fired through it, killing a man who was reaching for his gun above the entrance. Then an attack was made on the kitchen-house, in which were a young negro and a son and daughter of Graham. The negro was killed while trying to climb the chimney. By shooting up through


the floor, the assailants wounded young John Graham in the knee. Finding him too badly hurt to stand, an Indian tomahawked him. Meanwhile Graham fired several shots from a porthole in the upper story, probably hitting one or more. At any rate, an Indian skele- ton was found in the neighborhood not long after.

Elizabeth, the daughter of Graham, was a prisoner eight years. She was given up to her father at Maysville, Kentucky. It was only after much search and effort that this was accomplished. Ac- cording to tradition, the ransom of saddles, beads, and trinkets in- cluded the release of an Indian prisoner and the payment of $300 in silver. Elizabeth had become much attached to the Indians and was loved by her foster mother. For several years Graham had to watch his daughter to keep her from returning to the red men. On one occasion her sister Jane was told by her mother to pretend to accompany Elizabeth. They crossed the Greenbrier in a canoe. Jane asked her sister what they could eat. The Indianized girl pulled up some bulbous roots and said they could find plenty of these to live upon. But Jane declared she would starve on such diet and persuaded the sister to return home with her. The wild nature grad- ually wore off, but to the end of her long life Mrs. Elizabeth Stodg- hill always stood up for the Indians whenever she heard them de- nounced.

When in 1778 the settlers on Indian were beleaguered in Cook's fort, Jacob Mann volunteered to go out after food. He shot a buck in the Flatwoods, but being seen by the Indians on his return, he threw his game into a cavern at the bottom of a sinkhole, and then went in with his dog. He pulled weeds over the entrance and held the dog's mouth. After nightfall he regained the fort with his venison. It is related that on another occasion he was chased while he had three deerskins strapped to his back. There was no time to get them loose, but he succeeded in reaching the fort. He had just shot a bear and the savages had observed the circumstance.

Perhaps the last visit of the redskins to Indian Creek took place


about 1785, and it did not have a tragic result. While Valentine Cook was clearing ground near his fort he became aware that his horse and gun had been appropriated by seven Indians. Cook was made to accompany his visitors up Indian Draft to the Elijah Vass farm. They then gave him an old mare and a broken gun in ex- change for his own property, and motioned him to return. Cook hesitated, thinking he would be killed if he moved away. One of the braves then pointed toward the fort and gave him a kick from behind. The pioneer understood this hint and acted upon it.



Revolutionary Pensions Monroe Pensioners of 1832.

HE most interesting of the laws relating to Revolutionary pensions are those of 1820 and 1832. A statement by an applicant under the earlier law is brief, except that it includes a schedule of the property of the vet- eran and thus gives an insight into the economic life of the period. Declarations under the other law are more lengthy and important. The applicant was required to state his age, his place of birth, and his present residence. He was also to give detailed information as to each item of his military service; the names of his company and regimental officers, and the general officers under whom he served; and some particulars as to his experiences in the army. His declaration was given before the county court, or in case of serious infirmity, before some magistrate appointed by the court. Interest- ing sidelights crop out in these declarations- But as more than half a century had elapsed since the war, an impaired memory is some- times disclosed in the hesitating and uncertain statements.

Incidental facts of interest also appear. Perhaps the veteran cannot write or is in doubt as to his age, sometimes through the de- struction of the family record. He has perhaps lost his discharge, he knows very few persons who can indorse his statements, and has to rely on what is the common belief concerning him in the opin- ion of reputable citizens of his neighborhood.

If the applicant served in a continental or state regiment, he usually saw considerable service and was in one or more battles. Not infrequently he had been wounded or had been a prisoner of war. But if he was in the militia, the reader is struck with the ridicul- ously short "tours of duty" usually of one to three months and sometimes even less and of the very frequent statement that the


applicant "was in no battle." As a matter of fact, the militia of the Revolution were comparatively inefficient and their behavior in a fight was notoriously uncertain. Occasionally, as at Bunker Hill, King's Mountain, and the Cowpens, they fought well and to good purpose. But in more numerous instances their propensity to take to their heels at the first clash made them an object of contempt to the continental troops and aroused the profanity of the general of- ficers. Yet it would be very unjust to assume that the militiaman was necessarily ineffective. The trouble was not in himself, but in the lack of system with which the Revolution was carried on. The militia were inclined to obey their home officers only so far as they pleased- It was utterly impossible for the officers, even when they possessed enough technical knowledge, to turn this raw material into effective soldiers in a few weeks time. Consequently the militia could not cope on even terms with well-trained regulars. But when the Americans were thoroughly drilled by professional soldiers like General Steuben, the redcoats found foemen entirely worthy of their steel. The Revolution would not have dragged through seven years had it been less under the management of men like Jefferson, who with respect to military matters were visionary and incapable. The lesson of those days does not seem to be sufficiently remembered now.

United States pensioners were exempted in 1830 from all county and parish levies.

Below are the declarations on record in the Monroe archives. Matters of little general importance are omitted.

Samuel Allen, born 1744, served in 1780-81 under Colonel Buford of the Sixth Virginia Regiment of Continentals. Term of service 18 months. In the battles of Guilford, Ninety-Six, Augusta, and Eutaw. Discharged for disability in fall of 1781, occasioned by a worm getting into his ear while ill and lying on the ground. Declaration, 1829.

Jacob Argabrite, born 1760 in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, came to Rockingham in boyhood. Volunteered May, 1778, for six months in the militia company of Captain Craven and served at the forts in Tygart's Valley. Re-enlisted and served in same company three months longer. Marched to Fort Pitt and Tuscarawas River, serving under General Mc- intosh and helping to build Fort Lawrence in Ohio. Between Fort Mc- intosh and Fort Lawrence he saw the corpse of Lieutenant Parks, who had


been killed by the Indians. In retaliation, Colonel Crawford wished to kill nine or ten Indians who had come for a peace parley, but was pre- vented by other officers. About September, 1780, he enlisted for 12 months in the cavalry company of Captain Sullivan of Berkeley county. Cam- paigned in the Carolinas and was in the battle of the Cowpens. His term expired at Bowling Green, Virginia. Then joined a rifle company under Captain Coker, and was present at the surrender of Cornwallis. Was discharged for illness late in October, while convoying the British prison- ers from Yorktown. Came to Monroe some years after the war. Declara- tion, 1832. Proof of alleged facts required by Pension Office.

Henry Arnot, born 1762 in Orange county, New York, enlisted in Sussex county, New Jersey under Colonel Nichols and served five months on Hudson River. In 1777-81 served three other short terms. In no en- gagement except a skirmish at Morristown, 1776. Declaration, 1832. Af- fidavit by James Christie and Samuel Clark. Came to Monroe about 1800.

John Boone, born in York county, Pennsylvania, 1755, enlisted 1778 in the Continental service in same county under Captain Spangler. Served three years in a term of five. Marched South with the Maryland and Delaware troops under DeKalb. Was in the defeat near Camden, known among the soldiers as "Gate's Folly." Among the last to retreat, saving himself by flight through an unknown country. In 1775 went to Kentucky with his uncle, Daniel Boone. Declaration, 1833.

Patrick Boyd, born 1759, enlisted 1777 in the Centinental line for three years in Colonel Gunb^s regiment. At Valley Forge, West Point, and Bound Brook. Sick in camp at time of Battle of Monmouth, 1779. Health failing after 19 months, hired a substitute for 100 pounds, though offered a lieutenancy if he would stay. Volunteered 1781 under Colonel Moffett and was in the battle of Guilford. Reached home in April, and in Sep- tember served under Colonel Bowyer to keep the British east of the Blue Ridge. The enemy burned Charlottesville as they retreated and were pressed so closely that they were seen leaving Richmond as the Americans entered. Discharged about October 1, 1781. Declaration, 1832.

John Canterbury, born in Fairfax county about 1760, volunteered in Montgomery county against the Indians and served on Clinch River. A second tour of one month on the Bluestone. Later he went to live in Wash- ington county and went out for three months as substitute for Samuel Douglass, serving at Logan's Station, Kentucky. Still later, he joined an expedition to the French Broad. There were several skirmishes with the Cherokees, but no general engagement, the Indians abandoning their towns. Later yet he went out for three months as substitute, and marched under Colonel Campbell, joining the army under Marion. A scouting party of which he was a member took about 80 prisoners. After living four years


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in Franklin county he came to Monroe about 1786. Affidavits by Johnson Keaton and John Roach. Declaration, 1839.

Samuel Clark, born in Augusta, 1764, went out in September, 1780, as substitute for Thomas Means and served under Captain Samuel Mc- Cutchen. This and four other Augusta companies were stationed three months below Richmond but not in contact with the enemy. Drafted next January for three months and marched to within 20 miles of Portsmouth to join General Muhlenberg. While here there was a skirmish. Next May, he substituted for John McCutchen, a relative, who from the situa- tion of his family could not safely leave home. He now marched under Colonel McCreery to join Wayne. In the battle of Green Spring, near Jamestown, he received a sword cut on the head and was discharged from a hospital on the Pamunkey. In September he was drafted for three months and was present at the surrender of Cornwallis. In April, 1782, he volunteered for three months against the Indians on the Ohio, and marched under Captain John McKittrick to Tygart's Valley. He lost his father in infancy. Came to Monroe, 1780. Declaration, 1832.

John Foster, born about 1759, enlisted for three years in the Tenth Vir- ginia Continentals, Steuben's brigade. At siege of Yorktown and in sev- eral skirmishes near Savannah. Discharged at Charleston, South Caro- lina, 1783. His schedule of property shows a valuation of $300, inclusive of 100 acres of land. Declaration, 1829.

Nathaniel Garten, born 1759, Orange county, removed with his father to Rockingham in 1768. Indian scout in 1777 under Captain Robert Cra- ven. Three months at Warwick's fort on Greenbrier to protect the inhab- itants from the Indians. No attack by them, but he was all the while watching paths. With several others he pursued them several days at the rate of 40 miles a day. A year later he served another three months in Tygart's Valley. Served three months, 1780, at Nutter's fort on the west fork of the Monongahela. Came to Monroe, 1780. In spring of 1781, when the family of John Meeks were taken prisoners he spent three weeks at Lafferty's fort at the mouth of Indian, reconnoitering the country below,^ so as to protect the farmers while they were planting corn, but for this service received no pay. Griffith Garten was a brother. Declara- tion, 1834.

William Hutchinson, born 1757 in Augusta, volunteered, May, 1776, one year under Captain John Henderson. From his post at Cook's fort he ranged the country west of New River. Volunteered, 1777, under Cap- tain Archibald Wood to serve as long as the Indians were troublesome. In the fall of this year Captain Wood marched to near the head of Blue- stone to protect the people gathering their fodder. In this service he re- mained four years, except one year that himself, Nicholas Woodfin, and Philip Cavendar were ordered by Captain Wood to scout. During all this


period he was almost constantly ranging from Cook's fort to Woods' fort, and under almost every privation and difficulty. Often he could hear near him in the night the yell, the shrill whistle, or the wary tread of the Indian. If any orders were to be sent express he was generally the man selected. When lying out at night with no covering but his blanket, and no shelter but the forest, it was frequently the scream of the panther or the yell of the Indian that reminded him of his duty to his country. After four years Captain Gray of Rockbridge took the place of Wood, and he served one year under him. In the spring of 1782 he left the service, all signs of the enemy having disappeared. When called into service he lived in Greenbrier, but after the war he lived with his father on Rich Creek. In the fall of 1781, when he with 30 others were ordered by Gray to go to the head of Bluestone and they had marched 20 miles, no one else would go any farther. An old man named McGuire wished to go to the head of the settlement and David Clay undertook to show the way. After a short distance they found themselves pursued by some Indians, appar- ently 10 or 12. Sometimes they were in water to their necks, but going 40 miles that day they came to their destination. Affidavit by Jacob Cook, a boy in 1776. Declaration, 1836. Claim suspended on the ground that the declaration was at variance with all historical facts touching the fron- tier service in Virginia. The Pension Office set forth that at the time in question all the settlers forted, and while a part worked their lands the others were scouting, in order to give the alarm in case of the approach of the Indians. Such service was not considered military, then or since. It usually began in the spring and ended in the fall. Neither Wood nor Henderson was in the regular service. Woods' and Cook's forts were blockhouses only, and were built for the protection of their owners and neighbors and had no connection with the military operations of the coun- try. (It will be observed that Hutchinson was too much inclined to ro- mance. A mountain stream neck-deep is too much water to wade.)

Christopher Hand, born in Ireland about 1758, was drafted from Augusta early in 1781, and marched to Norfolk and thence to Guilford, taking part in the battle there. Was orderly sergeant. Came to Amer- ica a little before the war and to Monroe several years after. Declara- tion, 1833, when too infirm to go to the courthouse. Neighbors, Jacob and William Ellis, Jacob and William Johnson, and James Tincher.

Field Jarvis, born in Westmoreland, 1756, vlounteered from Bedford for three months in 1776, serving at the lead mines of Wythe to keep the Indians and tories from seizing them. Served three months at Yorktown, 1777. Settled in Bedford, 1773, in Monroe, 1781, in that year serving 10 days at New London as guard to the prisoners taken at the Cowpens. Declaration, 1833. Affidavit by R. S. Shanklin and John Holsapple.

James Jones, born 1761, enlisted 1777 in Second Regiment of Artillery,


provincial service, being then a resident of Fauquier. Served full time of three years but in no battle. Campaigned in North Carolina, 1780. Dec- laration, 1832.

Conrad Keller, born 1750, enlisted from Shenandoah in 1777, serv- ing three years in the militia under Muhlenberg. In 1781 or 1782 drafted two months, serving at Fort Frederick, Maryland. Declaration, 1834.

Godrell Lively, born about 1763, drafted in Albemarle fall of 1780. Marched to Cabin Point, where it was expected Arnold would attempt to land. Company discharged at Petersburg after two months. Next May or June drafted one month and served around Richmond. Soon after the surrender of Cornwallis, enlisted three years in the cavalry under Ar- mand and served 22 months till the declaration of peace. Regiment sta- tioned at Charlottesville, Staunton, Winchester, and also at York, Penn- sylvania. Declaration, 1832. Affidavit by John Hutchinson who had known Lively more than 40 years.

Benjamin Morgan, born in Philadelphia 1761, came to Berkeley county in boyhood. In 1778 or 1779 he was drafted three months, serving at Fort Lawrence in Ohio. Volunteered three months, May, 1781, but the command was turned back before reaching the North Carolina line. While scouting near Yorktown wounded by a sword cut. Later in 1781 he was drafted three months and was at the siege of Yorktown. He was one of the guards that convoyed the prisoners to Frederick, Maryland. Soon after the war he came to Monroe. Declaration, 1832. Died, 1836. Mar- ried, 1784, to Anne , at Hagerstown. She was born 1766 and ap- plied for a widow's pension in 1842.

Samuel Martin, born 1761 in Kent county, Maryland, enlisted from said county 1777, serving 27 months in Fourth Maryland Regiment. In the battles of Brandywine and Monmouth. Declaration, 1834.

Richard Neil, born about 1756, enlisted three years at Williamsburg in 1778. Was slightly wounded at Gates' defeat in 1780. Schedule $170.50. New application of 1823 rejected.

Isaac Nickell, born 1752, served three months in the Point Pleasant campaign under Captain John Lewis. Lieutenant John Henderson was in same company. In 1777 drafted from Greenbrier three months against the Indians. Drafted same time, 1780 or 1781, but owing to the situation of his family hired Thomas Burchinal as substitute, giving him a mare worth $50. Declaration, 1833. Affidavit, Robert Coalter.

Jonathan Roach, born in Rockingham 1761, enlisted from Orange in 1779, serving nearly 28 months at Charlottesville and Winchester as guard to the prisoners taken with Burgoyne. Went out, 1781, as substitute for John Craig of Rockingham and served two months on the Yorktown pen- insula. Came to Monroe, 1785. Declaration, 1832. Affidavit by Chris-


tian Peters, Jacob Meadows, and Matthew Meadows, comrades with Roach while guarding prisoners.

Christian Peters, born 1761, drafted from Rockingham, June 1779, served against the Indians on North Fork, Pendleton county. While there, Robert Craven, his captain, received a commission from the governor of South Carolina to raise a company to serve in that state, 1000 pounds of tobacco* being offered each volunteer. Peters was made corporal. The company joined General Greene at Cheraw, January 1, 1781. Was one of a party sent to surprise a band of tories in the Black Swamp, and 14 were captured. A part of the command took 28 prisoners and some sup- plies at Georgetown and joined General Morgan the day before the battle of the Cowpens. In that battle was with the riflemen on the right flank. They had the pleasure of taking 600 prisoners. His company a part of the detail to take the prisoners to Virginia. The British pursuit was so close that at the Yadkin the baggage wagon of the company was captured, but owing to rising water the enemy could not at once get across. At Pittsyl- vania Courthouse the prisoners were delivered to the militia of the said county and Craven proceeded home where his men were discharged in April. Peters' bounty went in part payment on a horse, and he gave up his certificate and discharge to the man to whom he sold the bounty. Next June volunteered as sergeant and was in the battles of Hot Water and Green Spring,! the former lasting two hours and ending in the retreat of the Americans before the re-enforcements sent to the relief of the British. At Green Spring one man of the company was killed and 14 were wounded. The last tour occupied four months, making a total of 13 months, during which time he carried his own rifle, tomahawk, and butcher knife. Dec- laration, 1832. Affidavit by John Peters.

John Dunn in his affidavit in behalf of Peters states that he served with him in the campaign on the Peninsula in 1781.

John Robinson, born 1749, was drafted in Greenbrier and served six months under Major Andrew Hamilton against the Indians. The inten- tion was to march against Detroit, but the command went via Cumberland Gap to McAfee Station, Kentucky, where the men were discharged, 28 returning with Robinson. Through being away from home, he sustained a loss of $1600 in the depreciation of the paper money he held. Declara- tion, 1832.

Samuel Sams, born 1758, served six months in 1780 as substitute for

*Tobacco was once a form of currency in Virginia. At this period 100 pounds of the weed equaled one pound in coin and 5 pounds equaled one shilling. One pound of tobacco was therefore the equivalent of 3 1-3 cents.

tThese battles took place near Jamestown in the summer of 17S1.


William Dickey, being then a resident of Augusta. Was at Cowpens. Un- der Colonel William Washington he helped to capture 100 tories at Ruge- ly's mills. June, 1781, drafted three months and in battle of Green Spring and siege of Yorktown. Was guarding prisoners to Winchester when discharged. In 1782 served three months at Clover Lick as substitute. Declaration, 1832.

Thomas Steel, born 1752, drafted in Chester county, Pennsylvania, and served nearly six months under General Putnam. About two years later drafted from Lancaster county, same state, but order for service counter- manded. Can prove by Hannah Dunbar that he started in this service. About 1779 his wagon and team being impressed in Lancaster, he got himself appointed wagoner and during about seven weeks was hauling flour to Easton. Served again as wagoner in 1780. Never in any battle. Came to Monroe, 1790. Declaration, 1836 and 1838.

Hemy Winckleblack known in the army as Henry Squire born 1755, went into the army as substitute, and was stationed nine months at Forts Pitt, Mcintosh, and Lawrence. Then substituted another nine months. From Fort Mcintosh went on a scout with 15 or 20 others and they killed several Indians in a fight. From Fort Pitt he went with another party that defeated some Indians and killed 10. Came to Monroe before the Revo- lution and was employed by James Byrnside to pack merchandise to Fort Lawrence. It was in one of these trips that he entered service as a sub- stitute. Declaration, 1832.

Thomas Walker, born 1764, was drafted in Rockingham for three months, four days before he was 16, and joined Muhlenberg's army near Jamestown. His own portion of his regiment proceeded to Great Bridge near Norfolk, where there was some skirmishing. July 1781, again drafted from same county. Discharged for disability at Yorktown three days before the surrender. Declaration, 1832.

Joseph Wiseman, born 1759, drafted from Berks county, Pennsylva- nia, 1776, and served three months on the Hudson. Moved to Rowan coun- ty, North Carolina, 1777, and next year volunteered under General Ruth- erford. Joined General Ashe just after the latter's defeat near the Sa- vannah River, and in time to cover the retreat. Next year went out as substitute, but discharged in Mecklenberg to await orders which never came. Returned to Pennsylvania, but settled in Washington county, Mary- land, where a call was made for one in every nine of the militia. Him- self and eight neighbors hired a substitute for 45 pounds. Came to Mon- roe, 1794. Declaration, 1832.

Abraham DeHart served in the Third Pennsylvania, James Larkin and Francis Meadows in the Twelfth Virginia, and Samuel Hunt in the Second Virginia. John Rank, who came from Rockingham, served in the Tenth Virginia.



The State of Franklin Formation of Greenbrier End of Eighteenth Century.

FACT in American history which receives little notice is the attempt, just after the Revolution, to create a new state on the waters of the Holston. To the people in that valley a strong local government was peculiarly necessary, because of their remoteness from the old settlements east of the Blue Ridge. The effort was temporarily successful, and for a few years the state of Franklin, with its capital at Greenville, un- dertook to maintain a career of its own.

It is usually assumed that the territorial limits claimed for Frank- lin were the same as those of Tennessee. But this is not the case- The Franklin memorial of 1785, presented by Colonel Arthur Camp- bell and seventeen other men, asked for statehood because of geo- graphical position. It petitioned that the new commonwealth be

Bounded by a meridian that will touch the mouth of Little River near Ingles' Ferry, thence down the Kanawha to the Ronceverte, or Greenbrier River, then southwest to latitude thirty-seven, then along latitude thirty- seven to the meridian of the rapids of the Ohio, thence along this merid- ian to the Tennessee, or Cherokee, River to the part nearest of latitude thirty-four south; eastward on that parallel to top of Appalachian Moun- tains, and along the highest part of the same (the divide between Eastern and Wastern waters).

A little map study will show that the proposed limits include nearly all of that corner of Virginia sometimes known as Little Tennessee; a part of Summers and Mercer counties, in West Vir- ginia; a narrow strip of Kentucky; rather less than half of Tennes- see; a very slight portion of Alabama and Georgia; and that nar- row belt of North Carolina which lies west of the Blue Ridge. A more natural boundary could have been found on the north and west, but the idea in the minds of Campbell and his colleagues was a


sound one. The new state would have been wholly a mountain state. It would have been homogeneous in geography, population, social usages, and political feeling. It would have understood and looked after its own peculiar needs, and would have obviated very much of the illiteracy and other phases of backwardness which ob- tain in some localities of this area. Had the new state become a reality, Old Monroe would have been on its border. This curious circumstance is our reason for calling attention to the state that failed to materialize.

Another state that likewise failed to come into full existence would have had Monroe on or near its border. In 1771 it was proposed to create the inland colony of Vandalia with its capital at Point Pleasant. The plan was favored by Franklin and other in- fluential Americans on the ground of convenience in local self-gov- ernment. It was favored by the British government, which desired a colony more amenable to arbitrary control than were those of the seaboard-

Botetourt, even after the erection of Fincastle county, ran from the Blue Ridge to the Ohio, and had an average breadth of about 50 miles. The increase in population, and the inconvenience to many people of attending its court made subdivision inevitable. Two new counties were carved out of it at the same time. Rockbridge was formed out of a portion of the territory east of the Alleghany, while all the portion west was made into the county of Greenbrier.

An Act of Assembly of October, 1777, is of this import:

Whereas, it is represented to this present session of Assembly, by the inhabitants of Augusta and Botetourt counties that they labor under many inconveniences by reason of the great extent of the said counties and par- ishes.

And be it further enacted, That from and after the first day of March the said county and parish of Botetourt shall be divided by a line begin- ning on the top of the ridge that divides the eastern from the western waters, where the line between Augusta and Botetourt crosses the same, and running thence the same course continued north fifty-five degrees west to the Ohio; thence beginning at the said ridge, at the said lines of Bote- tourt and Augusta, running along the top of the said ridge, passing the Sweet Springs, to the top of Peters Mountain, thence along the said moun-


tain to the line of Montgomery county, thence along the same mountain to the Kenhawa, or New river, thence down the said river to the Ohio. And all the part of the said county and parish of Botetourt between and to the westward of the said lines shall be one distinct county and parish, and be called and known by the name of Greenbrier.

And for the administration of justice, a court. .. .shall be held.... for the county of Greenbrier on the third Tuesday in every month, the first court for the said county of Greenbrier to be held at John Stuart's. And the justices for the said court.... or a major part of them being present, and having taken the oaths required by law, and administered the oaths of office to the sheriff. . . .the said court shall fix on a place for holding court in (its) county, at or as near the center as the situation and convenience will ad- mit of, and shall thenceforth proceed to erect the necessary publick build- ings at such place, and shall also appoint such places for holding courts in the meantime, until such buildings shall be completed, as they shall think fit, and shall have power to adjourn themselves to such place as it shall appoint; and after the publick buildings shall be completed, the court for the said county shall then be held at such place.

We have omitted the few words that pertain exclusively to the counties of Rockbridge and Rockingham, which were created by the same act. Other provisions are the dissolution of the vestry of Augusta parish ; the requirement that the people of Greenbrier shall elect, before the first day of the next May, "twelve able and discreet persons," to be a vestry for the parish of Greenbrier; and certain provisions as to suits and petitions pending in the parent county. The clerk of Botetourt is instructed to make out a docket of such, and deliver the same to the clerk of the new county, together with all papers filed and a copy of all costs, and to take the clerk's receipt. No appointments of clerks of the peace or of places for holding courts were to be made unless a majority of the justices were pres- ent The collectors of Botetourt were empowered to collect and distrain for dues remaining unpaid by the inhabitants of the new county.

It is very unfortunate that no record-books of Greenbrier, an- terior to November 21, 1780, seem to be in existence. The miss- ing records therefore include the details as to the organization of the county, and much other information that would throw consid-


erable light on the annals of Monroe during the middle Revolu- tionary period.

Although the courthouse of Greenbrier has always occupied the lot on which the present building stands, it was not until October, 1782, that the town of Lewisburg was recognized by legislative en- actment. Until then, the locality was variously known as Camp Union, Fort Savannah, and Lewis's Springs-

Kanawha county was set off from Greenbrier in 1788. An Act of 1795 aims to correct the alleged vagueness of the line between the old county and the new by making the west line of Greenbrier run with Gauley River from its mouth to the point where it crosses the line between Greenbrier and Randolph.

In 1788 Greenbrier voted for the Federal Constitution. Ten years later it refused its assent to the disunion tendencies of the Virginia Resolutions of that date.

The latter half of the period during which Monroe was a part of Greenbrier is a time of complete exemption from Indian raids. Population was increasing, new roads were being opened, and new farms were being cleared. Better dwelling houses were taking the place of the primitive cabin. By the time Monroe became a dis- tinct county, thirty years had elapsed since the permanent resettle- ment. Many of its younger inhabitants had been born here. The period of settling was giving way to a period of settling down. The pioneer period proper had come to an end.

In Monroe, as in other American communities that have passed through a frontier phase of existence, the pioneer epoch is pictur- esque and full of life and color. It stands for the heroic age in American history. The people then in the forefront deserve great credit for their share of the work in transforming the wilderness into an abode of civilization. But theirs was no golden age of vir- tue and contentment, outshining the alleged degeneracy of our own time. It is well to remember that

'Tis distance lends enchantment to the view, And robes the mountains in their azure hue.

A book containing a scrappy outline of the history of this and other counties, has these words for the pioneer:


He was a soldier and true bravery and valor were displayed every- where and at all times by him. No timid shrieks escaped them; no maid- enly fears caused them to shrink from their self-imposed and onerous task. There was no feudal system to divide the grand estate among those who had borne arms in its defense.

The historian of a certain county of West Virginia, while paus- ing to extol the "good old times," tells us that "personal liberty had not been curtailed"; that there was "a real Utopian dream of equal- ity and liberty"; that "laws were to be obeyed, not evaded."

Such loose statements as these do positive harm to the general reader. They ask him to believe in a past that never did exist, ex- cept in the fervid imagination of the author and his impulse to give high sounding rhetoric in place of hard historical facts. Men of sterling worth, firm purpose, and generous impulse lived in the pio- neer era just as such persons live in our own time. But to allege that the entire pioneer population was of superhuman mould is laughable. In those days of empire-building there were shirks, cow- ards, and scoundrels; there were skulkers even at Point Pleasant; there was panic-stricken flight at the rumor of an Indian foray; the land claimant was often ousted by fraud or violence; magistrates were insulted while sitting on the bench; the fights between man and man were brutal in the extreme; might or privilege was often victorious over common justice; lawbreaking, drunkenness, gambling, profanity, stealing, and licentiousness disported themselves on every hand. The writer of this volume could support the above state- ments by filling page after page from the documentary history of Au- gusta and the counties formed out of it. Such authority is well- nigh incontestible. The age in which we live contains much that may very justly be deplored; yet, on the whole, the march of civi- lization is forward and not backward.

That there was "no feudal system to divide the grand estate among those who had borne arms in its defense" is a very "irides- cent dream." Despite the arrogance and ostentation of plutocrats and the near-rich in our own time, the colonial age was still less democratic. It is true that this fact was less in evidence along the inland frontier than in the aristocratically organized society of the


seacoast. Yet even in the mountains the feudal pretentions of wealth and privilege made themselves obnoxious. Something has been said in a former chapter on the monopolistic tendencies of the order in council. The growth of the Greenbrier country was hampered by the greed of the Loyal and Greenbrier companies, particularly the latter. The feeling of the settlers is thus voiced in a Botetourt petition of 1777:

We have settled it (the country) in the west and defended it for years against the savage, in consequence of which we hoped to have obtained a just and equitable title to our possessions, without being obliged to con- tribute large sums of money to the separate emolument of inidviduals.

William Blanton of the Sinks of Monroe bought the right and improvements of a man who offered to make declaration that he and others had applied to Andrew Lewis, spokesman of the Greenbrier Company, offering to pay any reasonable price for their "settle- ments," but that the offer had been refused.



Extracts from Record-books and Petitions.

N THIS chapter the record-books of Greenbrier and the

petitions from the said county to the General Assembly

tell their own story. Such extracts are given as are of

most general interest and deal more particularly with

that portion of Greenbrier that became Monroe.


Justices present: Samuel Brown, John Anderson, William Hutchinson, John Henderson, William Poage.

John Archer resigns as clerk. John Stuart elected. Andrew Donally qualifies as sheriff to succeed James Henderson, his deputies being John Rodgers, Adam Caperton, and James Thompson, and his sureties, John Henderson and James Thompson.

Grand Jury: William Frogg, John Humphreys, Matthew Gwinn, Andrew Willson, John Wiley, Thomas Hamilton, John Benson, Charles O'Hara, John Miller, Sr., John Akins, John Riley, George Davidson, John McCan- lis, Martin Smith, Sampson Archer, William Hedding, Archibald McDowell,

View ordered from for a road from Second Creek to Camp Union.

Christopher Bryan given license to keep an ordinary.

Three presentments for unlawful retailing of liquor.

John Stuart was advanced $400 in paper for iron to be used in jail and transportation of the same; also $1,000 to buy necessary books. (Note: This paper was depreciated Continental money.)

Ordinary rates authorized: breakfast, $15; lodging, $3; stablage and hay, per night, $14; corn, per gallon, $14; oats, per gallon, $6; whiskey, per gallon, $80; rum per gallon, $320.

764 tithables, each assessed at 14 pounds of tobacco (47 cents), total levy being $356.53.

James Warwick made constable in Captain Hugh Miller's company, Samuel Kincaid in Captain Thompson's, John Dixon in Captain Ander- son's, and John Carlisle (vice Michael Shirley, resigned) in Captain John Hendersons

Clerk to certify to Auditor of Public Accounts a claim of $2,000 for


a horse taken from John Henderson to take a witness to Richmond. James Byrnside allowed 200 pounds ($666.67) for damage to horse in taking a criminal to "gaol."

Bond of Andrew Donally as sheriff. 100,000 pounds. John Hender- son and James Thompson sureties.

Bond of Andrew Donally to collect, account for, and pay all taxes due in this county, per Act of Assembly, 10,000 pounds. James Byrn- side, Archibald Wood, sureties.

DECEMBER, 1780 Called court to examine James Stuart on suspicion of murdering John Estill. Adjudged guilty. Philip Hammond, Mary Faught, and William Bradshaw bound in 100 pounds each to appear at Richmond as witnesses.


William Ward, a justice, authorized to buy a "compleat Wagon and Team" for use of sheriff, and procure a driver for the same. The sher- iff to collect 20,000 pounds to pay for it.

MARCH, 1781

Mary Trimble, servant to William Shanks, having run away and been taken back, agrees to serve one year over and above her time to repay him for the expense of recovery.

Mary Ann, wife of Stephen Robinson, a soldier, in service, and her two children are recommended for legal relief from indigency.

William Tincher to survey a road from James Byrnside's to Christo- pher Bryan's, vice Archibald Handley, discharged.

Order, per Act of Assembly, for the viewing and marking of a road from the courthouse to Warm Springs, and the mouth of the Cowpasture.

Ordinary rates: dinner, $25; breakfast, $20; corn per gallon, $10.

Order for the refitting of the house which the court uses.

John Hutchinson qualifies as deputy sheriff.

APRIL, 1781

John Day ordered bound in 10,000 pounds to answer charge of try- ing to incite an insurrection among the militia.

Sheriff to let to lowest bidder a contract, payable in hemp, for a good wagon road to Warm Springs.

MAY, 1781 Grand jury: Anthony Bowen, William Crawford, James Thompson, Thomas Grattan, John Davis, Samuel Kincaid, George Blackburn, Arch- ibald Handley, James Lockhart, James Hanna, William Davison, Thomas Hamilton, George Gray, James Houston, Moses Hall, Joseph McClung, Archibald McDowell.


Christopher Bryan, David Jarrett, James Graham, and James Byrn- side to view a road from Peter Vanbibber's to the mill in Second Creek


Matthew Arbuckle and William Hunter Cavendish appointed com- missioners of the grain tax for the ensuing year.

AUGUST, 1781

Sheriff to let contract, payable in not over 50 tons hemp, for a wagon road from the courthouse to Warm Springs. The road to be 12 feet wide in deep places, 15 feet elsewhere, and to be finished by October 1, 1782. Contractor to give bond in 5,000 pounds.

Ordinary rates: dinner, $50; breakfast, $40; corn per gallon, $50; hay or fodder per night, $50.


John Henderson to take list of tithables in Captain Wood's and his own companies, and James Henderson in the companies of Glass and Wright.

Archibald Wood resigns as captain.

APRIL, 1782

Edward Keenan made constable vice William Robinson.

Archibald Handley, Edward Keenan, Samuel Glass, and James Alex- ander to view a road from the widow Miller's to Conrad's mill on Indian Creek. Next month James Thompson made overseer of road.

Ordinary rates: corn or oats, 8 cents per gallon; lodging, 8 cents.

James Byrnside and Archibald Wood qualify as collectors of the tax. Bond, 10,000 pounds.

MAY, 1782

Samuel Gwinn, James Miller, and John Hall to view from the widow Miller's to the top of Swope's Knobs to join the road to Second Creek.

Attachment for $40 specie by James Gwinn against the estate of James McAfee, "who hath privately removed himself." Return by John Hutchinson. Executed in hand of Israel Meadows 200 pounds saltpeter and in hands of John Thompson a bond of about 500 pounds paper. Sale of same ordered to satisfy a sum of $23.77.

William Estill, constable, allowed pay for a laboring man for 23 days at 50 cents a day; for two horses for two days at 33 cents a day; also provisions for man and horses, the work being the construction of a "grainery" for tax grain.

One adultery case and eight bastardy cases.

George Thornton presented for breaking the Sabbath by drinking to excess and saying he borrowed that day and would pay it again.


Robert Armstrong to pay John Vawter, a witness, 370 pounds of to- bacco ($12.33) for two days attendance and 80 miles travel.

William Dunn and Thomas Downey, presented for unlawful gaming, and not appearing in court, they are each to forfeit to the poor of the parish $20 in current money and costs.

Agnes M , for bastardy, is to forfeit to the churchwardens of

Botetourt parish 50 shillings to the poor and costs. Same judgment pro- nounced against three other women.

Jacob Lockhart, for retailing liquors contrary to law and not coming to court, is to forfeit to the use of the commonwealth 10 pounds specie and 50 pounds paper and costs.

Patrick Murphy fined five shillings for swearing in court.

Thomas Ellis, whose sons were killed in the service of the United States, allowed $32 for one year.

Colonel James Henderson, sheriff in 1779-1780, in arrears for $1768.08. Ordered that he pay the depreciation on the same.

Order for levy of 50 shillings to buy a book for the surveyor.

811 tithables. Head tax, 80 cents. Levy, $648.80.

For taking a criminal to Richmond $2 allowed. $80 allowed for viewing road to Warm Springs. For handcuffs, five shillings allowed.

JUNE, 1782

This was a court of claims for provisions or other services rendered in behalf of the United States in the war with Britain. Numerous claims presented and allowed.

William Estill made constable in Captain John Henderson's company.

AUGUST, 1782

William Myers, overseer of road from James Byrnside's to Patrick Boyd's.

James Byrnside allowed $42.58 for damages done him by a party of Greenbrier militia on their way to Kentucky.

NOVEMBER, 1782 Order for the laying off of a road from the courthouse to Ugly's Creek.


Reverend John McCue qualifies as competent to perform the marriage ceremony.

JANUARY, 1783 John Crain given 25 lashes for hog stealing.

MARCH, 1783 Summoned to attend surveyor in adjusting land dispute between Wil-


iiam West and Martin Turpin in Second Creek: Archibald Handley, James Handley, John Handley, Matthew Patterson, James McNutt, John McNutt, Moses Higgenbotham, Samuel Ewing, William Robinson, James Allen, Thomas Wright; or any 12 of them.

APRIL, 1783 Hugh Caperton appointed lieutenant in Woods' company, Daniel Shu- mate, ensign. James Knox and Andrew Woods qualify as captains. 915 tithables. Levy, $915.

AUGUST, 1783 Ordinary rates: "hott diet," 21 cents; cold diet, 17 cents; lodging, 8 cents; corn or oats per gallon, or pasturage one night, 8 cents; oats per sheaf, 6 cents; "tody made of Rum with Loaf Shugar," per quart, 25 cents; the same with brown sugar, 17 cents; whiskey per gallon, $1.33; apple brandy, 83 cents; peach brandy, $1.67.

NOVEMBER, 1783 James Bradshaw and William Lafferty to divide the tithables under them to work the road from the mouth of Indian to Jacob Mann's.

JUNE, 1784 Caesar, slave of William Hamilton, to hang after 10 days for trying to kill John Leval with knife and gun and robbing him of hat and gun.

AUGUST, 1784 Per Act of Assembty, $200 levied to cut a road from courthouse to Warm Springs.


Sheriff ordered to summon all gentlemen now in the commission of the peace to show cause why they do not attend to execute their duties as such.

Sheriff to give notice to the surveyors of Augusta, Monongalia, and Harrison counties to attend him in extending the line between this and the said counties from between Samuel and John Vance on Back Creek to Ohio River.

Road surveyors appointed:

James Williams, from ferry on New River on William Hutchinson's to John Thompson's on Rich Creek.

Moses Bostick, from Soward's on Dropping Lick to Conrad's mill on Indian.

George Hutchinson, from James Henderson's to Soward's.

William Hutchinson, from James Henderson's to Thompson's, and


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the tithables on Rich Creek to Thompson's and on Hans to Roger Kil- patrick's to work under him

Valentine Cook, from Jacob Mann's to where road joins William Laf- ferty's part of same. The tithables up Indian and those up Hans to Boude Estill's to work under him.


Road order from William Scarborough's mill to John Kincaid's place on head of Indian.

MARCH, 1785 Allowance to sheriff, $40; to clerk, $40; to states attorney, $53.33. Levy for building courthouse, $800; bounty on 69 wolf-heads, $10 each.

JULY, 1785

John Smith declared he weighed 69 pounds ginseng due John Brown of Augusta.

MARCH, 1786

Order for electing three overseers of the poor on third Tuesday of April. First district to begin from courthouse and follow up the main road to the head of the Levels, thence down on the road that leads from courthouse to Andrew Donally's. Second to begin at courthouse and run down the main road that leads past Colonel John Stuart's mill, then extending down the Greenbrier River, including all inhabitants between the river and the road that leads from courthouse to Donally's. Third district to begin at courthouse and include all the rest of county. Cap- tain Renick to supervise election in first district, William Feamster in second, John Anderson in third.

Ordinary rates: warm diet, 41 cents; cold diet, 33 cents; lodging, 10 cents; good cider per gallon, 67 cents; country-made beer, 10 cents; good "Shampaign," $4.

NOVEMBER, 1786 61 persons presented for failing to give a list of taxable property, and 12 for selling liquor without a license.

FEBRUARY, 1787 Appropriation of $210.80 for running the line between Greenbrier and Harrison.

MARCH, 1787 George Clendennin, county lieutenant, gives bond in 1000 pounds as one of the commissioners to open a road from the Falls of the Kanawha to Lexington, Fafayette county (Kentucky).


APRIL, 1787

Thirty-nine road surveyors, appointed:

John Kincaid's precinct; from his house to Robert Knox's.

John McNutt's; Kincaid's to James Henderson's.

Patrick Boyd's; George King's to James Byrnside's.

James Murdock's; his house to Benjamin Lewis'.

Valentine Cook's; Jacob Mann's to where said road joins William Lafferty's part.

John Hutchinson's ; John Thompson's to James Henderson's.

George Hutchinson's; Soward's to Dropping Lick.

Moses Bostick's; Soward's to Conrad's mill.

James Williams'; ferry on New to John Thompson's on Rich.

Matthew Patterson's ; Conrad's mill to forks of road leading from John Handley's.

Samuel Ewing's; Scarborough's mill to John Kincaid on head Indian.

James (?) Murdock's; Patrick Boyd's to nighest fork on Wolf.

Joseph Swope's ; from said fork to John Alderson's.

Charles Friend's; from Mitchell's old place to John Handley's.

James Graham's; from John Vanbibber's to Wolf.

Thomas Wright's; Conrad's mill to forks of road between John Hand- ley and James Dempsey.

John Stodghill's ; Colonel Henderson's to Timothy Sullivan's.

John Miller's; Wallace Estill's to John Caperton's.

William Ward qualified as sheriff.

Sheriff to send notice to the justices of Botetourt that the road to the county line on the turn of the waters on Howard is complete.

MAY, 1787 Order for a prison not to cost over 100 pounds.

DECEMBER, 1789 Servant's diet, 11 cents; lodging, 8 cents.

APRIL, 1790

James Kannaday given 39 lashes for breaking into James Handley's and stealing $4.

OCTOBER, 1792 Joseph D. Keyser made report on opening the wounds of Jacob Price and Abraham Nettles, disabled Revolutionary soldiers.

JANUARY, 1793 Ordinary rates: sleeping in feather bed, 8 cents; in chaff bed, 5 cents. Tithables, 1177. Levy, $313.87.


OCTOBER, 1793 Sheriff allowed $20 for building a sufficient pair of stocks.

NOVEMBER, 1793 Henry Miller allowed $5.45 for repairing courthouse.

FEBRUARY, 1794 Tithables, 1203. Head tax, 55 cents.

AUGUST, 1795

Processioners of land and their districts:

William Maddy and Robert Chambers; in Isaac Estill's company. John Handley and John Byrnside; in John Handley's company. James Graham and Thomas Alder son; in Elijah Garten's company. Roger Kilpatrick and James McDonald ; in John Hutchinson's com- pany.

James Handley and Daniel Perry; in James Ewing's company.

SEPTEMBER, 1795 Ordinary rates: warm dinner, 25 cents; warm breakfast or cold din- ner, 21 cents; cold breakfast, 17 cents; corn, per quart, 3 cents.

NOVEMBER, 1795 Five men presented for breach of the peace and profane swearing; a white woman for having a mulatto child.

DECEMBER, 1795 William Scarborough given leave to emancipate a negro man on be- ing responsible for any illegal conduct of the said York, and the eman- cipation is carried out.

FEBRUARY, 1796 The second of the two overseer of the poor districts comprises all within the bounds of second battalion. Polling place at John Byrnside's.

JANUARY, 1797 James Alexander given ordinary license. John Arbuckle qualifies as deputy sheriff under Samuel McClung.

MARCH, 1797 William Frogg fined $2.50 for insolence in court

SEPTEMBER, 1797 John Hutchinson qualifies as assessor. 1896 tithables. Levy, $549.84.


NOVEMBER, 1797 John Erwin given ordinary license.

From the Petitions to General Assembly

1780: For collecting from the tithables 20 tons of hemp to pay for making a road from the courthouse to Richmond. 171 signers.

1780: Asking higher pay for the spies on the frontier, they being the best safeguard against the Indians. The appropriation for the purpose insufficient, owing to depreciated money.

1781: Complains of heavy tax to open wagon road from Camp Union to Warm Springs, about 48 miles by measure A "hard measure to build" at our expense through other counties (Augusta and Botetourt) "more especially in this distressing time of war and carnage." A for- mer petition for road was signed unadvisedly. County frontier runs 100 miles north and south and settlements extend 20 miles westward. Every year the settlers suffer more or less from the Indians, who are a peril to road workers. The inhabitants cannot spare crop or stock to the value of one-half the expense of road, estimated at 40 to 50 tons of hemp. Pe- tition asks repeal of law. A road directly across Greenbrier cannot be useful to the settlers far to either side The people have enough to do to supply their families with bread. Signers from north of Greenbrier River.

1781: On same subject, but by people south of Greenbrier River. Road will cost 2000 to 3000 pounds specie. The people cannot raise crops ow- ing to the time spent in service.

1782: "Whereas your petitioners have settled upon lands under the faith of the terms of sale proposed by the grantors, and have made large improvements, and there being doubts whether we could even, obtain titles for our land before the opening of the land office. Your petitioners humbly conceive from the Act of Assembly entitled, 'An Act for settling and adjusting the titles of claims to unpatented lands under the present and former government previous to the establishment of the Common- wealth's land office,' wherein it is enacted that all persons having settled upon unpatented lands, they shall either settle with the grantees or their agent, or lay their claims before the Court of Commissioners to be ap- pointed by virtue of this Act, who are to oblige the grantor or agent to make title to the claimants, which claimants are to pay the composition money in six months', or the land to revert to the grantor; which from the scarcity of money it is evident the lands will revert. We therefore pray that an act may pass to repeal that clause of the law which says that the land shall revert, the people giving bond and sufficient security for the composition money, and itnerest to be paid in six months. Signed by Andrew Donally and 31 others.


1782: Mentions no result from a first petition for a road, and mentions a counter-petition by "prejudiced men." A road indispensable to enable the people, "at present excluded from almost any kind of trade," to sup- port their proportion of the expense of government. Soil very well adapted to hemp. To meet objections, it is proposed that the part of the road common to all the inhabitants of the county (Warm Springs to Ugly Creek) be cleared at the expense of the whole county; the portion to the savannah at the expense of the people on the north side of Green- brier River.

1783: Recites compliance with the law for adjusting claims to unpaid lands. Expresses surprise at decree by Court of Appeals that no grant issue until grantor is paid $10 per 100 acres with interest. Some of the people when they came here were given patent by General Andrew Lewis, agent of Greenbrier Company in 1773, asking them to hold under the said company to preserve it from the claims of the officers and soldiers who then threatened it. Of two evils the people chose the least. No land office was then open, nor was there any other promising method on any terms. "What handle hath since been made of this patent we cannot tell. Nothing but the danger which threatened us could have induced us to take such measure." 281 signers.

1783: Recites decree of Court of Appeals that surveys prior to 1776 fall under grants (to Greenbrier Company, etc.) No person entitled to patent without paying composition money and interest from time of set- tlement, and land will revert unless the same is paid by December. An Act of 1799 declared void all grants under order of council wherein the terms were not complied with. The commissioners under said law granted us certificates, holding as void all surveys under orders of coun- cil not in force. Now after paying considerable sums to commissioners, clerks, surveyors, and sheriffs, who were sent among us unasked, we considered these certificates good and sufficient title. According to law there was no appeal from the commissioners, yet the court has set aside al! the commissioners did. Our all is in jeopardy. We have settled and improved a country which otherwise would have been a lurking place for savage barbarism "Quietly and tamely to leave our homes and habita- tions, so dearly purchased, to men who have hazarded little or nothing to procure them, would be acting the dastard, and is unbecoming to citizens who have arrived at the dignity of free, sovereign, and indepen- dent states." If the law is misconstrued, "for Heaven's sake let us not be the unhappy victims. All we ever desired or expected was barely justice."

1784: Andrew Donnally declares that as sheriff he could not collect taxes. Sales of delinquent property were proposed, but not an article would be sold by reason of the great scarcity of specie. Sheriffs in other


counties could discharge one-half the taxes in commutables. He was pre- cluded, because of the want of a road and had to pay in specie. There was delinquent tax of $1000.

1785: Declares the people unable to pay taxes due. The Indians con- tinued their war after the peace with England, killing people, driving off stock, and by keeping us in forts we could not improve our lands or raise enough bread. The Court of Appeals obliged us to pay for our lands. We are also compelled ot pay into the Treasury $2.22 per 100 acres, besides $1.77 register's fee. Had the money thus extorted from us been applied to the discharge of our national debt, we would have parted with it cheerfully But the greater part went into the pockets of those who perhaps never rendered as mnay services as ourselves. The magistrates have for two years totally neglected to rule the sheriff to bail for the collection of the tax. The debt is beyond our power to pay in any one year. We ask that a road be opened and that we pay our arrears in work on the same.

1794: Against the claims of the Greenbrier Land Company. No re- gard to the same in the warrants issued in the King's name to officers and soldiers. The company applied to the governor and council to keep out these officers and soldiers from locating. Governor and council rec- ognized their claim no farther than to prohibit from locating on such lands where there were legal surveys or actual settlement. Option given to hold under the company or under the rule for officers and soldiers. Believed that the Council would not have done this had it regarded the company's claim as valid. Because of this indulgence, the company sur- veyed most of the lands where your petitioners are, took fees for sur- veying, but made no title to us. We had to survey under the certificate granted by the Act of 1779, which act held the company entitled to no lands, but those they surveyed prior to 1763. We do not excite pity by reciting our hardships, but affirm the company's lack of title.

For the road from Lewisburg to Kanawha Falls 5000 pounds was voted. The distance of 70 miles uninhabited. We hold that its main- tenance is a matter of national concern, and that it should neither go to decay nor be kept up exclusively by its makers.



Under Augusta, Botetourt, and Greenbrier.

|HiE laws of colonial Virginia were modeled after those of England. And since British law followed the Ro- man code, it held that the crown is a personification of the state. Therefore, by virtue of a legal fiction, all public lands were held to be the property of the king, and patents for them were made out in his name and signed by the royal gov- ernor as the king's deputy. The Revolution swept away this rub- bish and recognized the public domain as belonging to the state. For many years after that event, however, the governor of Virginia signed all land patents, just as the royal governor had been doing. The colonial system was in force when the settlement of Mon- roe began. But as the Loyal and the Greenbrier land companies had cornered the public domain in this county, a deed by one or an- other of these companies, rather than a patent by the state, was is- sued in some instances.

The landseeker, armed with a warrant from the state treasury, perhaps the result of military service, applied to the county surveyor and had a tract set off. This survey was the basis on which a pat- ent was issued after a lapse of one or two, or perhaps more than a dozen years. The survey might be assigned to another man, and several assignments might precede the patent. There was much trading in land warrants, and some money was made in these trans- actions.

Much of the public land in Monroe was undoubtedly taken up by men entitled to it by service in the French and Indian war. Dur- ing the Revolution the county courts of Virginia were often called upon to certify such claims. In this county we are sometimes told of "corn rights," "brush rights," and "tomahawk rights," whereby


the homeseeker inclosed a clearing with a brush fence, planted it in corn, and laid claim to the land because of such improvement. In the newer portions of the transalleghany region this informal method was often resorted to, and sometimes it held, although it had no standing in law. But where, as in the case of Monroe, a county was blanketed with one or more land grants by order of council, the corn right was scarcely more than a form of caveat, to hold until the surveyor came around. The tomahawk right was most likely to be respected if it did not call for too much land.

Regularity in surveying was seldom observed. The first comer ran his lines in any fashion that would secure him a maximum of good land and a minimum of cull land- The strips of cull land would often have complex and inconvenient outlines. A blueprint map of a county in the Virginias is suggestive of a crazy quilt. The lines run by different persons would often interfere with each other. This utter lack of system has therefore been a fruitful source of confusion and consequently of land suits.

In this chapter we give the few known surveys under Augusta which fall within the M'onroe limits. The Indian wars and the opposition to the pretensions of the Loyal and Greenbrier companies explain why no surveys are on record during a period of about 20 years. Next is given a list of the surveys under Botetourt in 1774. These cover more than 16,000 acres of the best land, or the equiva- lent of a tract more than five miles square. Finally, we present a list of the patents under Greenbrier between 1780 and 1795.

The name of the surveyee or patentee is followed in regular order by the number of acres, an abbreviated description of the lo- cality, the company under which the survey was taken, and the date of survey. The details respecting patents are given in like order. The spelling of the proper names that are well known is according to the usage of the present day.

L stands for Loyal Company, G for Greenbrier Company, n for near, adj. for adjoining, hd for head of.

SURVEYS UNDER AUGUSTA Henry Baughman— 780— mouth of Wolf— G— April 22, 1751. Thomas Lewis 1000 Second Cr. at great meadows 1751.


Thomas Lewis 4-00 hd Indian 1752

John Madison 750 Greenbrier River opposite McMullen's crabtree bottom 1751

John Madison 4-50 Sinks 1752

SURVEYS UNDER BOTETOURT IN 1774 Bailey, John— 123— Indian— L— Mar. 30 Baughman, Henry 287 Indian L Mar. 23 Bradshaw, William 230 Indian L Mar. 17 Bradshaw, Hugh 37 Indian L Mar. 24 Burns, Isaac 300 Second Cr. L? April. 2 Burnside, James 237 ? G ? Caldwell, Samuel 265 Indian L Mar. 28 Campbell, James 280 Indian L Mar. 17 Cantley, John 500 Indian L Mar. 29 Cook, Valentine 650 Indian L Mar. 16 Cook, Stephen 150 Brush Creek of New ? Apr. 9 Dickson, Patrick— 65— Wolf— G— Mar. 11 Ellison, James 82 New River L Mar. 21

Estill, John— 800— New River, corner Boude Estill— L— Mar. 15 Estill, John— 125— New River— L— ? Estill, Boude— 363— Hans— L— ? Evans, John— 170— Wolf— G—M|ar. 11 Fitzpatrick, James 187 Indian L Mar. 17 Graham, James 175 Greenbrier G 'Mar. 8 Gwinn, James 270 G Mar. 9 Hall, Moses— 290— G Mar. 11 Ham, William 90 Second Creek ? Apr. 1 Handley, Archibald 550— Indian L Mar. 28 Handley, John 284 Indian L Mar. 29 Henderson, James 413 Indian L Apr. 7 Hutchinson, William 500 Indian L Apr. 8 Jarrett, David— 270— Wolf— G Mar. 7 Kincaid, John 168 Indian L Mar. 28 Kessinger, Mathias 100 Greenbrier River L Mar. 21 Lafferty, William— 244 Indian— L Mar. 18 Lafferty, Steel 567 Indian L Mar. 17 Mayes, Joseph 230 Indian L Mar. 28 McChesney, Samuel 317 Indian L Mar. 25 McGuier, Cornelius 310 Indian L Mar. 24 McGuier, William 53 Indian L Mar. 24 McGuier, William 58 Indian L Mar. 24 McGuier, James 100 forks New River G Mar. 21 Meek, William— 395— Indian— L— Mar. 17


Meek, James— 176— Little Wolf— G— Mar. 22 Miller, James— 286— Wolf— G— Mar. 12 Parsons, Edward 170 Indian L Mar. 29 Patterson, John 128 Indian L Mar. 29 Pepper, Elisha— 115— Brush Cr ?— Apr. 9 Raney, Michael 120 Indian L Mar. 24 Shirley, Michael 527 Indian L Mar. 14 Simpson, Jenny 316 Indian L Mar. 29 Skaggs, Thomas— 270— Wolf— G Mar. 12 Sullivan, Timothy 171 Indian ? Apr. 1 Swope, Joseph— 200— Wolf— G Mar. 11 Swope, Michael— 167— Wolf— G Mar. 12 Turpin, Solomon 367 Second Cr. G Apr. 1 West, Samuel— 215— Second Cr.— G— April 1 Wiley, John— 89— Wolf— G— Mar. 11 Wright, James 232 Hans G Apr. 7 Wyatt, Edward 141 New River L Mar. 19


Alderson, John— 214— Wolf— 1787

Alexander, James 80 foot Swope's Knobs 1795

Allen, James— 300— Turkey, adj. Samuel West— 1787

Bickett,, Thomas 400— Swope's Knobs and Wolf— 1787

Black, Samuel 300 adj. William Blanton, John King, James Cham- bers—1787

Bland, Jesse hd Second Cr. adj. Peter Kinder, Moleston Pettyjohn 1792

Bland, Robert Sr.— 100— hd Second— 1794

Blanton, William 400 adj. Thomas Stewart, Archibald Handley 1783

Boden, John— 124— Wolf, adj. Col. Samuel Lewis— 1793

Bostick, Moses— 100— Turkey, adj. William West— 1790

Bougher, Daniel— 200— Rich, adj. John Hutchinson— 1787

Bowyer, Adam— 283— Second, adj. William West— 1783

Bowyer, Adam— Second, adj. Isaac Burns, Thomas Gulley— 1784

Bowyer, Adam 15 Second 1793

Bowyer, Adam 143 hd Second 1795

Boyd, Patrick— 679— Sinks, adj. John Wallace, Christopher Bryan— 1787

Brown, William— 230— Bradshaw's Run— 1789

Brown, William— 100— n. hd Second— 1793

Byrnside, James 1000 Indian 1780

Byrnside, James 1180 Indian, adj. Samuel and Lewis Caldwell— 1786

Byrnside, James— 150— Brush— 1787

Byrnside, James 340 Bradshaw's Run 1787

Caldwell, Samuel— 353— Indian— 1794


Callaway, Isaiah 98 Rich 1793

Cantley, John 400 Indian, adj. James Byrnside 1786

Caperton, Hugh 200 Indian 1788

Caperton, Hugh 554 Indian, n. Lewis Booton 1790

Caperton, Hugh 400 Indian, adj. Wallace Estill, James Meek 1791

Caperton, Hugh 62 Rich, adj. Robert Thompson, Henry Banks— 1793

Carlisle, John 251 Indian, adj. Boude Estill, William Kenny— 1787

Carlisle, John 325 Indian, adj. William Kenny 1789

Carlisle, John— 165— Indian— 1792

Carpenter, John 100 hd Hans, adj. Timothy Sullivan 1787

Cash, James 318 Quaking Asp Run (Stinking Lick), adj. Henry

Banks' 999 tract— 1795

Chambers, Robert— 116— Wolf— 1787 Chambers, Robert 120 Dropping Lick 1793 Chambers, Robert— 90— Wolf— 1793

Christy, James 296 Indian, adj. John Handley 1787 Clark, Alexander 330 Indian 1785 Clark, James 168 Quaking Asp Run 1793 Conrad, George 1000 Second Creek gap 1792 Cook, Valentine 116 Indian 1793

Cooper, William 380 Turkey, adj. James Trotter 1787 Cooper, Philip 165 Indian, adj. Daniel Scarborough 1793 Cooper, Philip 175 Fork Survey of Indian 1793 Cornwell, Edmund 100 Second, adj. Thomas Lewis 1783 Cornwell, Edmund— 100— Second— 1787

Cornwell, Edmund 500 adj. Daniel McMullen, Samuel Ewing 1787 Cornwell, Edmund— 375— Second— 1787 Cornwell, Edmund 245 Samuel Black's Run, adj. Yates and Dempsey


Cornwell, Edmund 472 Second, adj. Robert Reed 1795

Cornwell, Edmund 300 Big Devil Cr. at Cornwell's meadows 1795

Crawford, Samuel 317 Swope's Knobs 1787

Creed, Matthew 170 mouth Hans 1791

Curry, John— 100 foot Swope Knobs and on Wolf— 1787

Curry, Robert— 280— Second, adj. Robert Knox— 1791

Dempsey, James 295 Second, adj. Edmund Cornwell 1787

Dick, David— 112— Indian— 1793

Dickson, John— 116— Kelly's C4.— 1787

Dickson, Patrick— 200— Wolf, adj. John Swope— 1787

Dickson, Richard Second 1787

Doran, Jacob— 445— Wolf— 1787

Edgar, Thomas 400— Rich, adj. John Wood— 1785

Edgar, Thomas— 270— Rich, adj. Robert Thompson— 1785

Elcan, Marcus, Henry Willey, David Nisbitt 2530 Brush, adj. Francis

Keatley, Andrew Wilson 1787


Ellis, Owen— 290— Wolf— 1794

Ellison, James, Sr. 511 Hans, n. John Estill— 1790

Ellison, James— 600— Indian— 1792

Ellison, Eli 270 Second, adj. James Knox 1791

Ellison, Asa 62 Fitzpatrick's Run of Indian 1792

Estill, Boude 383 adj. John Carlisle, Joseph Ray 1786

Estill, Wallace— 220— hd Dropping Lick, adj. John Miller— 1786

Estill, Wallace 280 Indian, adj. Lewis Booton 1786

Estill, Zachariah— 154 Hans— 1794

Estill, Boude as heir of John 400 Hans, adj. William Young 1794

Evans, Major 200 Laurel of Indian, adj. Timothy Sullivan 1788

Ewing, Samuel 350 Indian, adj. William Shanks, Alexander Clark


Ewing, James, Sr. and Francis McNutt 380 Indian 1787

Ewing, William and Joseph 170 east side Swope's Knobs 1795

Farley, Francis 80 New, about 3 miles below mouth Indian 1786

Farley, Matthew 157 East side New, adj. William Lafferty 1786

Fitzpatrick, James 187 Indian 1785

Fleathers, Edward 155 adj. Patrick Keenan, James Parsons 1787

Friend, Charles— 100— Turkey— 1787

Friend, Charles 160 Turkey, adj. Samuel Lewis, Nimrod Tackett 1792

Garten, William 39 Swope's Knobs, adj. homestead 1793

Garten, William 150 Lick Run of Hans 1793

Garten, Griffith 226 top Swope's Knobs and branch of Laurel 1795

Garten, Nathaniel 74 south of Swope's Knobs 1795

Gillett (Gullett?), W— 200— Second Creek, adj. Matthew Green, Thomas

Kincaid— 1787

Given, James 400 Little Wolf, adj. James Dickson 1787

Gold, Priscilla— 200— Hans— 1794

Gromer, Frederick 218 Second, adj. Joseph Curry's survev 1793

Gullett, William— 460— Sinks, adj. William Craig— 1787

Hall, Moses— 150— hd Wolf, adj. John Hall— 1787

Hall, John— 314— hd Wolf— 1787

Halstead, John 96 Quaking Asp Run 1793

Hamilton, Andrew 400 adj. John O'Neal, Christopher Bryan 1787

Handley, John 150 Turkey, adj. John Cantley 1787

Handley, John 366 Indian 1787

Handley, John— 300— Indian— 1787

Hanna, Nicholas— 1050— Brushy of Second Cr. 8 miles from Sweet Springs


Harriman, S— 542— Indian 1787

llaynes, William 200 Second, adj. Littleton West 1793 Henderson, James 380 Dropping Lick 1785 Henderson, James 220 Dropping Lick 1786


Henderson, James 100 Rich, adj. Adam Clendennin, John Thompson


Henderson, James 116 Turkey, adj. James Trotter 1787

Henderson, James 350 Turkey, adj. John Bailey 1787

Higgenbotham, Joseph 220 Big Devil and Little Devil 1793

Higgenbotham, Moses 500 Second, adj. Thomas Lewis 1786

Higgenbotham, Moses 4-00 Big Devil and Little Devil 1793

Higgenbotham, Moses 194 Second and Laurel 1793

Higgenbotham, Moses 228 Big Devil 1793

Higgenbotham, Moses 236 Big Devil 1793

Higgenbotham, Moses 192 Laurel 1793

Higgenbotham, Moses 330 Second 1793

Higgenbotham, Moses 4-00 Second 1793

Hillman, Thomas 143 Bradshaw's Run 1794

Hinchman, William 175 Wolf, adj. James Gwinn 1794

Hogshead, John 400 Second, adj. John Reaburn 1785

Holsapple, Philip 600 Carpenter's Run 1793

Hozack, Alexander 400 Second, adj. Edmund Cornwell, etc. 1786

Hutchinson, Alexander 400 Elk Lick of Hans 1791

Hutchinson, Alexander 190 Valley Spring, between Little and Peters

■1795 Hutchinson, John 400 Brush 1788 Hutchinson, John— 50— Brush— 1792 Hutchinson, William— 890— Hans, adj. his 500—1788 Johnson, David— 349— Second 1787 Johnson, Barnabas 150 Wolf, adj. Moses Hall 1787 Jones, John 1000 hd Turkey, adj. William Shannon, James Allen 1793 Keatley, Francis 300— Brush— 1787

Keenan, Edward 316 adj. Thomas Stewart, James Byrnside 1793 Keenan, Patrick 316 Indian, adj. Daniel McMillion 1786 Kincaid, Thomas 120 Turkey, adj. William Poage, etc. 1784 Kincaid, Thomas 88 adj. Matthew McGIamery 1788 Kinder, Peter— 194 hd Second, adj. Robert Bland— 1787 Kinder, Peter 50 Second, adj. Joshua West 1795 Knox, Robert 300 Second, adj. Archibald McDowell 1793 Lacey, Mlark— 357— Rich— 1788

Larkin, James 100 hd Plank Cabin Draft, adj. John Reaburn 1795 Lafferty, William 200 mouth Indian 1788 Lafferty, William— 145— Little Wolf— 1789 Lafferty, William 244 New and Indian 1789

Lafferty, William 103 New and Indian, adj. Matthew Farley 1793 Lewis, Andrew 1200 Sinks above hd Indian 1780 Lewis, Andrew 400 hd Indian and Greenbrier waters 1780


Lively, Cottrell 292 Brush, adj. John Blankenship on Butchers' Run


Long, Francis— 397 Scott's Run, adj. Martha Gatliff— 1787

Longanacre, Jacob +80 Second, adj. Ann Morehead's survey 1791.

Loudeback, Jacob— 150— Second, adj. Thomas Gully (Gullett?)— 1787

Lowe, Nehemiah— 74 Indian— 1793

Lowe, Toddoch 220 Swope's Knobs n. John Kincaid 1788

Maddy, William 385— Indian, adj. Joseph Mayes— 1786

Maddy, William— 321— Indian— 1786

Maddy, William— 421— Laurel of Indian— 1791

Maddy, William— 58— Indian— 1793

Mann, Adam— 300— Indian, adj. Wallace Estill— 1788

Mann, Adam— 51— Indian— 1791

Mann, Jacob Jr.— 100— Indian, foot Wolf Cr. Mtn— 1788

Mann, Jacob Jr. 300 Indian, adj. Jacob Mann, Sr. 1788

Mann, Jacob— 80— Indian, adj. Robert Ritchie— 1788

McClure, John— 1516— hd Dropping Lick— 1793

McDonald, James 133 Brush, n. James Williams 1787

McDowell, Archibald— 380— Second, adj. Robert Knox— 1791

McGlamery, Mathias 300 hd Dropping Lick, adj. William Shannon


McGlamery, Mathias 75 Dropping Lick 1787

McGlamery, Mathias 200 Dropping Lick, adj. Isaac Soward, Sr.


McMullen, James 133 Second, adj. Aaron Turpin 1785

McNutt, James 250— Indian— 1787

McNutt, Francis 250 Indian, adj. Samuel Ewing 1785

Meadows, Isreal 190 Turkey, adj. Charles Friend, John Tackett 1787

Miller, Jacob 400 Rich, adj. John Hutchinson 1784

Miller, Jacob 184 Rich, Dry Fork, adj. John Hutchinson 1784

Miller, Jacob 200 Rich, adj. William Henderson, including part of

William English survey 1787 Miller, Jacob— 150— Rich— 1792 Miller, Jacob 140 between Peters and Little, hd Pointer Run of Rich


Miller, Joseph 150 adj. John Walter, Brice Miller 1785

Miller, James— 95— north side Wolf Cr. Mtn at Rich Birch— 1786

Miller, James^78— Wolf— 1787

Miller, James 337 Indian, adj. Paul Long 1787

Miller, James 105 Indian Draft ?

Miller, James 10 Indian 1790

Miller, James Jr. 297 Wolf, adj. James Miller, Sr.— 1785

Miller, John 97 Indian, adj. Edward Keenan 1786

Miller, John— 397— Indian, adj. Wallace Estill— 1788


Miller, John— 193— Indian— 1793

Miller, West 142 Indian, adj. John Miller— 1791

Murdock, David 200 adj. James Thompson, Richard Humphreys, etc.


Murdock, James 355 Lickholes, adj. James Scott 1787

Nickell, Thomas 500 Second, adj. Frederick Cromer 1788

Nickell, Robert 200 Sinks, adj. Thomas Charlton, Henry Douglas


Pendouse (?), Michael— SOS— Second— 1794

Peters, Christian— 385— Rich— 1793

Pollard, Benjamin 1390 hd Bradshaw's Run and Little Wolf 1787

Pollard, Benjamin 1125 Johnnycake Fork of Bradshaw's Run 1787

Pollard, Benjamin 2500 William Bradshaw's on Bradshaw's Run 1788

Rawlings, Robert 1036 hd Brushy of Second, on road to Lewisburg, 8

miles from Sweet Springs 1787

Reaburn, John 4-00— Second 1787

Reaburn, John 100 Indian, adj, Thomas Stewart 1787

Reaburn, John— 145— Plank Cabin Draft— 1794

Reed, Benjamin 200 Second, adj. Edmund Cornwell, etc. 1786

Rice, William— 78— Dropping Lick— 1793

Ritchie, Robert 320 Indian, adj. Valentine Cook 1786

Robinson, William 190 Indian, adj. William Mann (deceased) etc.


Robinson, John 235 Indian, adj. James and John McNutt 1784

Ruth, Joseph— 172— Turkey— 1787

Ruth, Joseph 70 hd Turkey, adj. land bought of Thomas Soward 1788

Sawyers, John 200 Indian 1789

Sawyers, Joseph 225— Indian 1792

Scarborough, William— 300— Turkey, adj. John Kelly— 1786

Scarborough, William 300 Turkey, adj. James Scarborough 1787

Scarborough, David 140 Indian, adj. Philip Cooper 1786

Scarborough, James 149 Turkey, adj. John Handley 1787

Shanks, William +00 Indian, adj. James Burnside, James Ewing 1787

Shannon, William 395 Turkey, adj. James Allen 1787

Shumate, Daniel 300 mouth of Rich, adj. James Williams 1787

Skaggs, John— 668— Wolf, adj. John Hall— 1795

Soward, Isaac, Sr. 159 Dropping Lick 1787

Soward, Thomas 137 branch of Dropping Lick, 2 miles below Mathias

McGlamery's 1787

Soward, Thomas— 360— hd Rich— 1793 Stiff, John 75 adj. John Gray, John King, etc. 1786 Stodghill, John 4-00 Hans, adj. William Hutchinson 1787 Stokely, Jacob 192 Butcher's Run of Brush 1793 Sullivan, Timothy— 373— hd Hans— 1789


Sullivan, Timothy— 150— Laurel— 1790

Swope, Joseph 600 Wolf, adj. Robert Johnson 1786

Swope, Joseph 120 Wolf, adj. David Jarrett 1792

Swope, Joseph— 400— Wolf— 1793

Swope, Adam— 350, 260, and 238 on Laurel of Wolf— 1793

Swope, Adam— 780— Laurel of Wolf— 1793

Swope, John— 371— hd Wolf, adj. James Miller— 1787

Swope, Michael— 445— hd Hans— 1787

Swope, Michael 65 Hans, adj. John Stoghill 1787

Tackett, Nimrod— 275— Turkey— 1787

Tate, David 90 Second, on road to Swope 1789

Thompson, Robert 200 Rich, between John Wood and John Thompson


Thompson, Robert 384 Sinks, adj. John Madison, James Jones 1787 Thompson, Robert 340 Rich, including place widow Woods once lived

on— 1787

Thompson, Robert 225 adj. Robert Nickell and Solomon White survey


Thompson, James 200 adj. William Davidson, James Warren 1787

Thompson, James 215 adj. Robert Thompson 1787

Thompson, James 100 Rich, adj. homestead 1795

Trotter, James 300 Turkey, adj. James Simpson 1786

Turpin, Solomon 400 hd Second, adj. David Johnson 1787

Wallace, John— 190— adj. Patrick Boyd, etc.— 1785

Walton, John 400— Indian— 1795

Wiley, John— 377 on the Knobs— 1787

Wiley, John 400 Swope's Knobs, adj. hd Wolf and Laurel 1787.

Willis, Henry Rich, adj. homestead 1789

Wilson, Andrew 200 Brush, adj. John Hutchinson 1787

Wright, Thomas 385 Indian, adj. Samuel Ewing 1787

Wyatt, Thomas— 260— Little Wolf, adj. William Lafferty— 1793

Yates, Ralph and James Dempsey 180 Second 1793

Young, William 100 adj. Patrick Keenan and Edmund Cornwell 1787



Mostly Under Greenbrier.

N this chapter are lists of some of the earlier land con- veyances that concern Old Monroe. It is not to be understood that in every instance the tract is actually inside the limits of the old county. The descriptions are sometimes too vague to determine this point without special knowledge.

In describing each conveyance, there are given first the name of the grantee and next the name of the grantor. If either party is known to be of another state, or of another county of the Virginias, such fact is mentioned. The Christian name of a wife is given in brackets.

Next, provided the particulars are known, there are given, (1) the number of acres; (2) the price; (3) the locality where the land lies; (4) date of survey and for whom surveyed; (5) date of patent and for whom patented; (6) date of deed. A c following a date means the approximate year.

In many instances only a nominal consideration is named in the deed- This is usually five shillings, written 5s, the value of which is 83 cents. When the consideration is expressed in pounds, the let- ter p is written after the number of pounds. To reduce Virginia pounds to dollars, annex one cipher and divide by three. For in- stance, the sum of 3 pounds is equal to $10.

We sometimes hear of a parcel of land being traded for a pair of boots or a pair of buckskin breeches. But ready money was not al- ways at command, and the article was a consideration to hold the deed. It is not to be supposed that the buckskin breeches would ac- tually pay for the land.

An index of grantor names is given at the end of the chapter. Grantee names are given in alphabetical order in the list of deeds.

P means patent. Other abbreviations as in Chapter IX.


Abbott, John of Francis Keatley N. side New, adj. Matt Farley 1810

Abell, Jeremiah of Edward (Nancy) Keenan 203 5s S. side Green- brier, adj. Thomas Stewart's heirs 1792

Adair, John of Henry (Martha) McCart Ss Indian, adj. Matthew Patterson and Thomas Stewart 1796

Alexander, James of Samuel Lewis 386 5s hd Indian 1792

Alexander, James of Nimrod (Ann) Tackett Indian, adj. John Byrn- side and John Swope 1810

Alexander, James of Moses (Hannah) Hall 150 lOOp hd Wolf, adj. James Hall and Barnabas Johnson 1796

Alford, Thomas of Joseph (Margaret) Skaggs Wolf part of survey of 668 acres, 1787 P. to John Skaggs, 1795 conveyed to Joseph Skaggs, 1802—1809

Allen, Samuel of William (Elizabeth) Maddy 4 acres of 365 5s Indian Draft— 1795

Allen, Samuel of James (Margaret) Miller 85 of 105 5s Indian Draft on road from Valentine Cook to hd Wolf 1796

Anderson, John of John and Charles Rodgers 450 200p adj. James Johnston and James Humphreys 1795

Anderson, James of Levin (Jenny) Benson ? 320p adj. James Kenny —1795c

Arnot, John of Aaron Turpin 115 5s Second Creek 1792

Arnot, John of Michael (Caterina) Penturff 74 of 308 5s Second 1795

Askin, Michael of Samuel Lewis 516 2s Indian 1792

Barrett, Edward of James Byrnside, Sr. 380 5s Wm Shanks a neigh- bor—1787

Barry, James of Baltimore, Md.— of Robert Patton— 3215— $3215— 1798

Beamer, Philip of James Larkin 100 5s adj. John Reaburn 1796

Benson, Levin of Joseph (Jenny) McClintock 160 $5.83 n. Charles Lewis (deceased) 1788

Benson, Babel of Boude Estill 200 5s Hans, adj. John Carlile, Rob- ert Young— 1792

Benson, Erwin of William (Sarah) Shanks 100 200p Indian, adj. Bradley Meridy (Meredith)— 1797

Bickett, John and Michael of Garrett (Elizabeth) Green 103 5s Sinks, adj. George and William King 1797

Black, James of Joseph (Agnes) Dickson 104 5:s: Howard 1789

Blanton, William of Matthew (Catharine) Gwinn 350 5s Sinks of Second Cr.— 1795

Boggs, Francis of Archibald (Elizabeth) Hutchinson of Kanawha Hans P. by William Hutchinson 1806

Booton, Lewis of Stephen Conrad of Rockingham 400 150p Indian, where William Meek formerly lived 1788


Booton, Wiilliam— of Joseph (Elizabeth) Sawyers 95 5:s Indian, adj. Nicholas Null— 1791

Bowyer, Adam, Jr. of John (Magdalena) Wolf 90 46p Potts, adj. Michael Arrett— 1798

Boyd, Patrick and Darrel Fear of Davis (Susanna) Jarrett 220 $783.33— adj. Owen Ellis, Joseph Swope— 1796

Brown, George of Hugh (Margaret) Alexander 196 of 300 Ss O. by Richard Mathers 1795

Buckland, Thomas of Solomon (Sophia) Soward divide between Hans and Indian, adj. John Rorebaugh, Bruton Smith, Matthew Creed 1809

Burdette, Willis of Joseph (Catharine) Swope Wolf survey, 1788 1S11

Burns, Thomas of Matthew (Anne) Lynn 100 of 295 5s survey by James Dempsey, Second Cr. 1797

Byrnside, James of James Ewing 1000 50p— Wolf Alexander grant —1786

Byrnside, James of John (Priscilla) Miller 4-50 5s adj. William Gul- lett survey by John Madison, 1752 1792 (Miller married the wife of Richard Madison of Botetourt)

Byrnside, James, Jr. of James Byrnside, Sr. 610 of 1180 5s Indian 1788

Byrnside, James, Jr. of James (Isabella) Byrnside, Sr. 4-50 of 750 5s survey, 1751, by John Madison 1793

Byrnside, James Jr. James (Isabella) Byrnside Sr. 1000 5s Wolf McClenahan land— 1793

Byrnside, John of James (Isabella) Byrnside, Sr. 610 of 1180 5s Indian— 1788

Byrnside, John of James (Anne) Byrnside, Jr. 190 5s Sinks, adj. Barnabas Johnston, James Alexander (formerly Samuel Caldwell's land) —1791

Byrnside, John of James (Isabella) Alexander 190 of 1180 5s given Alexander by deed of mortgage and foreclosed 1793

Cabell, John of Amherst of Sarah, relict James Henderson 350 plus 190 Turkey land Shannon now lives on 1795

Campbell, John of Israel (Barbara) Meadows 186 of 190 5s Tur- key, adj. John Tackett, Charles Friend, Samuel Lewis, James Henderson, John White— 1792

Campbell, John of Andrew (Margaret) Young 95 5s Turkey 1796

Campbell, John of William (Rebecca) Elliott of Woodford county, Ky. —187— $1250— adj. Christopher Walkup— 1798

Campbell, William of Philip Cooper 100 of 165 5s Indian, adj. Da- vid Scarborough 1794

Campbell, Samuel of James (Jemima) Kilpatrick Indian 1807


Campbell, Robert of Uriah (Elizabeth) Warren Back and Big Devil Higgenbotham land 1809

Campbell, Robert— of Henry (Elizabeth) Winkleblack— 50— $140— Sinks —1798

Cate, John of James Byrnside of Montgomery county 340 lOOp Bradshaw's Run 1796

Chambers, Robert of W. H. Cavandish, executor James Henderson 100 of 220— 5s— Dropping Lick— 1793

Chambers, Robert— of Andrew Shower (?)— 56 of 297— 5s— Wolf— 1796

Chapman, Henley of Giles county of William Brown (deceased) per John Brown east of Swope's Knobs 1808

Clark, Samuel of John (Anna) Kincaid 90 of 1000 5s James Byrn- side survey, 1774 adj. John Cantly 1794

Clark, Samuel of John (Mary) Handley Sr. 35 5s Fork Survey Run of Indian— 1796

Clay, Nicholas of Lincoln county, N. C. of Martin (Catrina) Grider —180 of 385— 5s— William Maddy survey— 1793

Clemm, Joseph of William— of C. Wiseman— 2000— 5s— 1793

Cochran, Dennis of James Byrnside of Montgomery 150 $500 Brush —1797

Cook, Daniel of David (Barbara) Garvin Slaty Run of Hans 1806

Cornwell, John of David (Margaret) Murdock 200 5s adj. Richard Humphreys 1788

Cornwell, John of John (Polly) Curry 100 5s Swope's Knobs and Wolf— 1796

Counts, Henry of Barnabas (Jane) Johnson 223 of 353 5s sold to Johnson by Samuel Caldwell Indian, adj. James Byrnside 1794.

Counts, Henry of Barnabas (Jane) Johnson 130 of 353 5s Indian —1795

Crawford, Robert of Joseph Conrad 1000 800p Second Creek Gap, adj. Solomon Turpin (deceased) 1794

Crawford, Robert of Botetourt of John (Anna) Kincaid 100 5s hd Indian— 1794

Crosier, Andrew of Botetourt of Luke (Elender) Matheny 77 5s Turkey— 1797

Ewing, Samuel of Andrew Lewis of Montgomery 400 50p hd Indian —(survey, 1752— P. 1780—1798

Crutchfield, Robert of Monroe of Benjamin (Sarah) Burns of Ky. by John Smith 50 lip Potts P by Benjamin Meazings, 1796 1803

Crosier, William of Thomas (Margaret) Steele 100 $363— hd Sec- ond— survey by Robert Bland Sr. (deceased), 1786 1809

Cummins, Robert of Curtis (Esther) Ballard of Franklin county, O. Hans— survey, 1796—1810


Curry, John of Andrew Showers, assignee James Miller 130 of 297 5s— hd Wolf— 1796

Dew, Samuel of William (Mary) Scott Potts 1789

Dikes, James of James (Ellen) Gregory 51 5s adj. Henry Holsapple —1799

Douglas, Henry of Sampson (Polly) Mathews 176 $5 Reaburns Mtn —1797

Dubois, John of Conrad (Jean) Dubois Wolf, adj. John Curry, Joseph Parker, Jacob Wickline, David Graham, John Dubois 1809

Dubois, Conrad of Robert Gwinn 1810

Dunbar, Robert of Owen (Isabella) Neel and William (Mary) Neel —Second 1800c

Dunbar, Matthew of William (Jean) Gullet 4-60 150p Well survey adj. William Craig, John Wallace 1793

Dunn, John— of Thomas (Ann) Edgar— 270— lOOp— Rich— 1793

Early, Samuel of Augusta of Gibson (Molly) Legg 1808

Ellis, Jacob— of Owen (Christina) Ellis, Sr.— Wolf— 1812

Ellison, John of Isaac Haynes 80 of 511 50p Hanis 1794

Ellison, James of John (Isabella) Cail 6162? 5s Bradshaw's Run includes George Kager's improvement 1798

Ewing, Samuel— of Robert Crawford— 100 of 390— lOOp— hd Indian— Kincaid land trust deed 1795

Ewing, James of Abraham Henderson per William Blanton 50 $1 Sinks, adj. Blanton and Robert Wylie 1798

Farley, Matt of Nathan (Sarah) Robinett of Madison Co. "Caintucky" 131— lOOp— New— 1798

Fife, Thomas of Botetourt of Aaron (Jean) Turpin 42 5s Second —1792

Fisher, Isaac of Daniel (Chloe) Shepherd 147 of 170 5s Indian Indian Draft, adj. Samuel Dubois 1797

Fisher, Isaac of Susanna, widow Valentine Cook 50 of 1050 5s In- dian—1798

Fisk, John of Alexander Lewis 48 one pair boots Dunlap, adj. Wil- liam Lewis, Jr. and John Lewis 1797

Fitzpatrick, James of John (Susanna) Carlisle 165 of 325 5s 1798

Fletcher, William of George (Mary) Wikle and Philip (Ann) Wikle Indian deeded by Michael and Mathias Kessinger to George Wikle, 1803 and 1804 1809

Foster, John— of Patrick (Anne) Boyd— 116— 5s— 1789

Foster, Nathaniel of Isaac Foster (father) 209 plus farm animals and household furniture deed of gift $1 top Swope's Knobs 1797

Francis, William of Augusta of Abraham Hanna 150 $100 Swope's Knobs— 1798

Friend, Charles— of John (Jean) Campbell— 8 of 95 5s 1795


Gabbert, George of George (Elizabeth) Eagle and George (Mary)

Hanger— 200— lOOp— Second' P, 1787, William Gullett— 1797 Galahan, Edward— of James (Sidney) McNutt— 55— 5s— 1798 Gallaway, John of Solomon (Mary) Turpin 90 of 400 5s hd Sec- ond, adj. David Johnson and Martin Turpin 1789

Garrard, David of Joseph (Charlotte) Pierson 95 $1 Kelly's Cr.

n. James Gwinn, Conrad Keller, Richard Skaggs 1798

George, Thomas of James (Jane) Ritchie 155 of 400 5s 1796 Gillespie, Simon of Field (Sarah) Jarvis 144 Potts 1795 Glenn, James of Henry (Nancy) Douglas 44 25p Second 1797 Graham, William of Richard (Susanna) Skaggs 153 $1 Kelly's Cr.

adj. John Milstead (deceased) and including John Stephens' survey of


Gray, John of James (Rebecca) Thompson 215 5s adj. Robert

Thompson, John Madison, David Murdock 1788

Gray, John— of Henry (Margaret) Reaburn— 146— 5s— P of 100, 1785

and P of 46, 1793—1797

Gray, Richard of Matthew Dunbar 36 $285.48 Well survey, adj.

John Wallace— 1795

Green, Jesse of John (Rosanna) Carlisle— 210 of 325— $1— Indian— 1798 Grider, Martin of William (Elizabeth) Maddy 185 5s Indian, adj.

Joseph Mayes 1791

Griffith, Abel of Catharine Doran and Robert Chambers, executors Ja- cob Doran deceased 200 of 445 1796

Griffith, Evan of Barnabas (Jane) Johnson 150 5s Wolf, adj. Moses

Hall, Joseph Swope 1794

Griffith, Patterson— of Thomas (Mary) Johnson— 21— 5s— Turkey— 1798 Gwinn, Samuel of John (Elizabeth) Osborne 244 5s Lick Cr. of

New— 1799

Hall, John— of Philip (Elizabeth) Cooper— 85 of 370— 5s— 1798 Halstead, James of Joseph (Elizabeth) Sawyers 74 -5s Indian 1791 Handley, John, Jr. of John (Mary) Handley, Sr. 150 5s Turkey,

adj. John Cantley 1796

Handley, Archibald of Andrew (Elizabeth) Crosier Luke Matheny

land Turkey, adj. widow Kincaid, Isaac Kilburn, James Christy 1809 Handley, Archibald of Mary, widow Thomas Kincaid P, 1784 1815 Hank, William of Rockingham of William (Martha) Cooper 267 5s

Turkey, adj. James Trotter 1789

Hargo, Elijah of Michael (Mary) Swope hd Hans and Rich 1810 Harper, John of James (Mary) Fleming of Madison county, Ky 225

of 236 (10 taken off for James Wilse)— Plank Cabin Draft— 5s— 1797 Harrison, Reuben of Rockingham of Moses (Mary) Higgenbotham 500

"achers" 5s Second 1792


Harvey, Nicholas of Thomas (Ann) Edgar 4-00 5s Rich, adj. land formerly John Woods' 1792

Harvey, Benjamin and John Mann of Lively McGee Peters Mtn 1810

Hawkins, John (Elizabeth) of Robert (Mary) Carlisle adj. John Gray, William Black— P, 1787, Robert (Agnes) Thompson— 1809

Haynes, William of Martin (Agnes) Turpin— 147 of 400 hd Second 5s— 1797

Haynes, William of David (Sarah) Johnson of Botetourt 349 5s 1794

Haynes, Joseph, Sr. of Miles (Mary) Foster Kelly's Cr. bought 1807 —1812

Hefner, Henry of Peter (Sarah) Gabbert Wolf formerly Barnabas Johnson's— 1809

Henderson, Abraham of William (Tissy) Blanton 100 of 400 5s adj. James Black 1791

Henderson, James of Israel (Barbara) Meadows 4 of 190 5s Tur- key—1792

Henderson, James of George (Sarah) Sparr n. Second Creek Gap, adj. David Henderson, William Haynes, John Arnot 1808

Henderson, David of Augusta of John (Agatha) Stuart of Augusta 1000 Second Creek Gap, adj. Solomon Turpin (deceased), David John- ston, Thomas Smith, James Dempsey 1808

Henderson, Sarah, heir of James of William (Catharine) Shannon 195 of 395— 5s— hd Turkey— 1794

Hines, Charles of Abel (Magdalena) Griffith and Jacob Doran 100 of 445— 5s— Wolf— 1796

Hines, Charles of John (Dorkys) Dixon 29 of 116 5s Kelly's Cr. —1795

Hinton, Thomas of William Maddy and wife 145 5s $1 Indian Creek and Indian Draft 1795

Hogshead, Charles and John of James Hogshead 400 $1 Second, adj. Reaburn 1799

Honaker, Frederick of Edward (Nancy) Keenan 243 5s 1798

Humphreys, James of Robert Ellison of Bourbon county, Ky 270 SOp Second, n. James Knox 1793

Humphreys, Richard of James (Jane) Kitchen 150 of 400 5s 1796

Hutchinson, Archibald of William Hutchinson 340 of 890 lOOp Hans— 1793

Hutchinson, John of Jacob (Margaret) Miller 117 of 184 lOOp hd Rich— 1793

Hutchinson, Samuel of William Hutchinson 200 of 890 lOOp 1793

Irons, Thomas of Joseph (Janet) Parker P, 1800 1809

Johnson, Robert of Jacob (Catharine) Doran 245 200p Wolf, adj. William Maddy— 1789


Johnson, Robert of Jacob (Catharine) Doran 300 of 445 one-half the annual increase during life and one-third to widow if she outlives Jacob and lives with Robert (son-in-law) Wolf 1786

Johnson, Robert of Abel (Magdalen) Griffith of Augusta 100 of 445 —5s— 1796

Johnson, Barnabas of Samuel (Anna) Caldwell 353 5s Indian, adj. John Kincaid and James Byrnside 1789

Johnson, Barnabas of Michael (Cateria) Penturff 234 of 308 5s Sec- ond Cr. where Penturff used to live 1795

Johnson, Barnabas of Peter (Levinah) Kinder 194 plus 50 5s hd Second— 1794

Johnston, Thomas of William (Mahala) Scarborough 300 400p adj. James Scarborough 1797

Johnston Thomas of John (Ann) Kincaid— 195— $1000— Indian— 1797

Keenan, Edward of Patrick (Grizal) Keenan 315 5s 1795

Keenan, Edward of Edward (Clara) Fleather— 152— 5s— 1797

Keller (Hellor), Coonrod— of John (Chloe) Vanbibber— 345— 400p— Greenbrier, adj. Samuel and James Gwinn, John Milstead, John See 1792

Kelly, Henry, late of Augusta of Joseph (Mary) Higgenbotham Devil —survey, 1796—1805

Kepler, Lewis of Henry (Elizabeth) McKinster, assignee Robert Craw- ford— 317— 5s— Swop e's1 Knobs^l796

Kerr, John of James (Elizabeth) Murdock 135 5s adj. James Scott —1797

Keys, Humphrey of Botetourt of Samuel Lewis 182 of 1200 5s Sinks and Swope's Knobs 1797

Kilburn, Amos of Charles (Martha) Neal Turkey 1811

Kilburn, Isaac of Philip (Elizabeth) Cooper 116 of 175 5s Turkey, adj. Edward Galahan, Luke Metheny, William Robinson, Thomas Kincaid —1795

King, Robert of George (Isabella) King 50 of 210 Greenbrier, adj. William Blanton, Andrew Wylie 1794

Kincaid, John of James (Isabella) Byrnside 390 70p Indian 1783

Kitchen, Margaret of Botetourt of Joseph Ruth 233 5s Second, adj. Edward Wyatt— 1797

Kitchen, Margaret of David (Keziah) Louderback 150 215p Second —1797

Knox, Robert— of Robert (Sarah) Curry— 280— 200p— Second— 1793

Kouns, Henry of Barnabas (Jean) Johnson 130 of 353 5s Indian 1795

Kounts, John of Nimrod (Anne) Tackett 60 of 237 5s Survey Run —1794

Larew, Peter of Thomas (Priscilla) Ray of Augusta 200 considera- tion a swap Hans 1798


Larkin, James of John (Elizabeth) Reaburn 88 of 400 Ss Plank Cabin— 1795

Lawrence, William of Nimrod (Anne) Tackett 67 of 150 $1 In- dian, adj. Charles Friend 1798

Lewis, George of John (Nancy) Walton 4-00 5s Indian and Roar- ing—1797

Lewis, Charles of William Lewis, Sr. south fork of Dunlap 1809.

Lewis, John of William (Ann) Lewis (parents) 154 (patented 1771) and 115 $2 Sweet Springs, adj. William Hughart 1796

Lewis, John of William (Ann) Lewis 100 $1 gap of Peters Mtn. n. Sweet Springs— 1789— 1801

Longacre, Jacob of Nathanial Foster 209 $1 assignee, Isaac Foster, assignee, Reuben Foster 1798

Loudebaugh, James of Botetourt of David (Comfort) Tate of Botetourt —90— $200— north branch of Second— 1790

Lynn, Matthew of Botetourt of James (Rosanna) Dempsey 100 5s Second, adj. Ralph Yates 1796

Maddy, William— of Robert (Martha) Ritchie— 196 of 320— 250p— 1797

Magart, David of John (Francina) McMullen 133 Second, adj. Aaron Turpin, David Johnston, David Louderback 1790

Magnet, Henry of Conrad (Jean) Dubois Knobs, adj. James Collins, Robert Campbell, and Hinchminger (formerly Best) previously owned by (1) John Wylie, (2) Ralph Yates, (3) Henry Mannax— 1809

Magart, Henry, Sr. of John (Ann) Kincaid 10 of 390 5s hd Indian, adj. Thomas Stewart, Dennis Cochran 1794

Magart, Henry, Sr. of Edward (Agnes) Heanon (Keenan?) 85 of 316 5s hd Indian, adj. Thomas Stewart (deceased) 1795

Magart (McGart), David of David Johnston of Botetourt 146 of 349 5s Second, adj. Turpin 1794

Mahan, John of James (Rebecca) Scarborough 226 5s Lick Run, adj. Michael Kounnse and others 1797

Malcolm, Alexander of Joseph (Dorothy) Malcolm, Sr. Sinks P, by Robert Thompson, Sr. 1810

Mann, James of James Henderson, heir of James Henderson (deceased) —84 of 380— Dropping Lick— 1797

Mannax, Mary of Ralph (Jean) Yates, heirs at law of John Wiley 400— 5s— Swope's Knobs— 1796

Martin, John of John (Catrina) Noiseman 215 of 250 5s n. Francis McNutt— 1797

Matheny, Luke— of Philip Cooper 59 of 175— 5s Turkey 1794

Maxwell, Audley of Wythe of James (Isabella) Alexander 150 $1 —Wolf, adj. William A.lford, Joseph Swope 1798

McClintic, James of Thomas (Jane) Irons Knobs, hd Laurel and Rain- bow Run survey, 1794 1810


McCulloch, Robert of Staunton of Thomas McCulloch of the Western Territory 4-00 150p adj. Matthew Gwinn, Daniel Perry, Henry Douglas, Richard Humphreys 1792

McCue, David of Hugh (Margaret) Alexander 100 of 300 Ss P by Richard Mathews 1795

McDaniel, John of Francis Long 397 50p Scotts Run, adj. Martha Gatliff— 1789

McDougall, John of Patterson Griffith 41 5s Turkey James Scar- borough—1798

McDougall, John of Augusta of Thomas Wright per Isaac Estill 385 5s Indian 1797

McDougall, John of James (Rachel) Scarborough and James (Sarah) Christy— 152— 5s— 1798

McDowell, Henson of Joseph (Elizabeth) Sawyers 360 $1 Little Wolf, adj. William Lafferty— 1799

McGee, Lively of John Arbuckle N side Peters Mtn 1809

McNutt, Francis and John of James Byrnside 300 70p Indian 1783

Miller, Jacob— of Jacob, Jr.— 133 of 380— $200— 1797

Miller, Valentine of William Stephenson of Cabell hd Wolf 1810

Miller, Henry— of E. (S.) Griffith— 92 of 150— 5s— 1796

Morris, Robert of John Beckley, both of Philadelphia 19 tracts of 20,555 A. No. 2 of 1422 Brushy, adj. Andrew Hamilton on Second Cr. No. 7 of 1150— Second and Brushy. No. 8— 1330— Brushy of Second— 1796?

Neal, Walter— of William (Catrina) Shannon— 200 of 395— 5s— 1795

Neal, Daniel— of Philip (Elizabeth) Cooper— 192 of 370— 5s— Dropping Lick— 1798

Neel, William of Christopher (Margaret) Hand hd Second, adj. Rob- ert Dunbar 1811

Neel, William of William (Katharine) Adair— hd Second P by Mich- ael Penturff sold to Barnabas Johnson 1812

Neel, John of William (Jane) Cornwell Second Moses Higgenbot- ham land— 1809

Neel, Owen (Isabella) of James McDowell of Rockbridge $500 Potts, 1 mile from Sweet Springs— 1796 (1790?)

Neel, Owen of John (Rachel) Gallaway 95 of Solomon Turpin survey hd Second— 1792

Nelson, James— of Joseph (Elizabeth) Nickell— 165— $400— Second— 1788

Nelson, William H.— of George Daughtery— 200— lOOp— Carpenter's Run, adj. Philip Holsapple 1793

Nicholas, John— of Samuel (Christina) Carroll— 150 pf 315— 5s— Wolf Hollow, Second Cr.— 1797

Nickell, Andrew of Robert (Jean) Patton and William (Martha) Pat- ton, now of Russell 1810

Nosman, John— of Francis McNutt— 216— 5s— adj. Thomas Wright— 1789


Patterson, Matthew of James (Isabella) Byrnside 300 70p Indian 1783

Patton, Robert,, Jr. of Robert (Margaret) Knox 280 200p adj. James Humphreys 1794

Patton, John of Christopher Hand Second, adj. William Cornwell of Moses Higgenbotham P of 500 A, 1783—1809

Patton, Thomas and Robert of Frederick (Mary) Gromer 218 $1500 Second, adj Isaac Nickell 1797

Patton, Robert, Jr. of Alexandria city of James Welch 3215 $3215 Big and Little Devil, adj. 1271 survey of Alyn Thruston, prior claims in- cluded: 326 plus 690 to Edward Cornwell; 100 entry by Moses Higgen- botham; 328 survey to same; part of 30 A survey to Joseph Higgenbotham 1798

Patton, Robert, Jr. of James Welch 1096 $1096 Second, adj. survey by Thruston— 1798

Pearson, Joseph of Robert (Hannah) Chambers 90 5s Wolf, adj. Joseph Swope 1795

Perry, Daniel of Alexander Hosick +00 200p Second, adj. Edmund Cornwell— 1794

Plymel, John of Mathias (Elizabeth) McGlamery 75 55p Dropping Lick— 1798

Pritt, William of John (Susanna) Cart Second 1811

Ramsay, Richard of Botetourt of Philip (Elizabeth) Cooper 192 of 370— 5s— Dropping Lick— 1798

Reaburn, John and John Blanton of Isaac (Ann) Poulton 82 5s Samuel Black land— 1797

Reaburn, Henry of James (Elizabeth) Murdock 100 5s 1789

Richie, David of Robert (Martha) Ritchie 320 5s Indian 1792

Robertson, John of Joel (Elizabeth) Wood of Pendleton Clin's Run of Rich, adj. Robert Langford survey by William Rice, 1802 1809

Robinet, Nathan of James (Isabella) Burnside, Sr. 131 50p E side New— 1794

Rodgers, Michael of Samuel (Christina) Carroll 123 of 315 $100 1797

Rodgers, John of James (Elenaor) Gregory 100 of 265 5s adj. Henry Holsapple 1798

Rorebaugh, John of John (Rosanna) Carlisle 250 5s adj. Babel Benson— 1798

Ruble, John of Thomas (Elizabeth) Garvin 112, including 110 of Nimrod Tackett land 5s Turkey 1797

Ruth, Joseph of James (Isabelle) Alexander- 400 5s Warren place Potts— 1798

Scarborough, David of Jacob Pope 80 of 800 5s Warren place 1796


Scarborough, David of Henry (Elizabeth) Pope 10 5s Weaver's Knobs— 1798

Scothorn, Lewis of Joseph (Mary) Higgenbotham 220 5s Little Devil, adj. Reuben Harris 1797

Scott, William and James, Jr. of James Scott, Sr. Board Run of Wolf 1810

Shanklin, William of James (Elizabeth) Henderson and William (Nan- cy) Shanklin $1 Indian 1810

Shelman, Lewis of Joseph (Ann) Dickson 53 of 70 5s 1795

Shumate, Daniel— of Henry Willis— 186— 5s— Rich— 1795

Slater, Joseph of Baltimore of Robert Crawford 100 800p Second, lately Joseph Conrad's 1794

Smith, Jacob— of William (Ann) Royall— 200— $200— Potts— 1811

Sprowl, William of Thomas (Esther) Soward 139 50p branch of Dropping Lick 1793

Steele, Thomas of Barnabas (Jane) Johnson 244 5s foot Peters, adj. Robert Bland (deceased) 1795

Stuart, John and John Mathews of William (Mary) Richmond 180 (adj. William Craig and David Dick) plus 100 adj. William McKinster and John Burdette $5 Swope's Knobs 1797

Stuart, John of Joseph (Sally) Slater 100 Second Creek Gap made over as per court decree 1799

Swearingen, Van (Mary) of Isaac (Mary) Wiseman Dropping Lick —1810

Swope, George of Henry (Sarah) Miller part of 150 5s Wolf formerly Barnabas Johnson's 1797

Swope, Joseph— of Evan (Susanna) Griffith— 58 of 150— 5s— Wolf— 1796

Symms, John of Thomas (Jean) Stuart 165 Indian P by John Car- lisle—1808

Tackett, Nimrod of John (Margaret) Swope 60 5s Indian 1793

Thompson, Adam of William Craig of Bourbon county, Ky by John Byrnside— 391— 5s— 1793

Tincher, Thomas of Thomas (Hannah) Kincaid 143 5s adj. Mar- tin Phillips including survey of Samuel Sollard, 1774 1794

Turpin, Martin of Solomon Turpin 147 of 400— 5s— 1789

Turpin, Aaron of Solomon Turpin 115 plus 42 of 400 5s 1789

Vass, John of William Vass Second Cr. adj. Charles Lewis and Ed- ward Cornwell P, 1783, by James Dempsey and Ralph Yates 1809

Vawter, William of Andrew (Sabina) Hutchinson Brush and Elk Run —1810

Vawter, William of Daniel (Rysanna) Cook Slaty Run of Hans, adj. William Young survey by John Kincaid, 1798 1810

Watkins, Joseph of Goochland of James (Phoebe) Moss 272 $204 Dunlap— P, 1789—1797


White, John of William and Martha Cooper— 100 5s 1789

White, William of Thomas Keener 100 5p Carpenter's Run, adj. Henry Winkleblack— 1797

Wyatt, Thomas of James Byrnside, Sr. 331 5s New at and above mouth Greenbrier 1787

Wiatt, Thomas of Joseph (Elizabeth) Sawyers 360 $1 Little Wolf, adj. William Lafferty— 1799

Wickline, Jacob of William (Euphemia) Linton 295 $1 hd Dunlap —1799 ^

Wiley, Robert of Samuel (Mary) Black 218 5s Sinks, adj. James Chambers, John King, William Blanton, Isaac Polston 1792

Wiley, Robert of Moses Higgenbotham 194 5s between Second and Laurel Run— 1796

Wilson, Andrew of John (Sarah) Lewis 200 200p Indian, adj. Wal- lace Estill— 1793

Wiseman, Isaac of William (Elizabeth) Rice 78 Dropping Lick, n. John Hutchinson, Robert Chambers 1797

Wiseman, Abner— of Daniel (Sarah) Neal— 93— 5s— 1798

Wiseman, John of Edward (Nancy) Keenan 84 of 400 5s Lick Run —1798

Wolf, Jacob— of John Wolf— 108— 20p— Potts— 1798

Woodson, George of James (Phoebe) Moss 272 $204 Dunlap P, 1789—1797

Yates, Ralph of James (Rosa) Dempsey 375 5s Second, adj Thomas Lewis— includes P of 180 by Yates, and 195 of P of 295 by Dempsey— 1795

Young, Andrew of John (Jean) Campbell 95 5s Turkey 1792

Young, Robert— of Boude (Jean) Estill— 183 of 383— 70p— Hans— 1793

Young, William of Thomas (Priscilla) Ray quit claim to 150 Hans 1809. Priscilla Ray was formerly Priscilla Gold and legatee of John Es- till.

Young, Robert— of Robert Nickell— 60— 5s— 1793

Young, James of Samuel (Christianna) Carroll 150 of 315 Wolf Hol- low, Second Cr— 1797

Young, James— of Edward (Clara) Fleather— 73 5s 1797

Young, James— of G. (E.) Eagle— 132 of 200— $450— Second— 1797

Zickafoos, George of James (Elizabeth) Henderson and William (Nancy) Henderson hd Wolf, adj. James Miller, Patrick Dixon, Jacob Doran (now Robert Johnson) 1809

INDEX TO GRANTOR NAMES Abell Ballard Blanton

Adair Beckley Boyd

Alexander Benson Burns

Arbuckle Black Byrnside












































































































































Petitions to Divide Greenbrier Act of 1796 Act of 1799 Organization of County Attempt to Disestablish Monroe.

T is not often that a county is divided for the simple reason that it is large. Local politics, factional feel- ing, and the logrolling of ambitious men will seek the division of a county that is not large. And whether the county be large or small, the seceding element may have a pro- longed and bitter struggle before it accomplishes its purpose.

In view of the long continued good feeling between the counties of Greenbrier and Mlonroe, it may come as a surprise to many persons to learn that the separation was effected only after more than ten years of persistent work, and that even after the establishment of Monroe there was a determined effort to disannul the new county-

Kanawha county was set off from Greenbrier in 1788. But even then, Greenbrier ran about 70 miles along the Alleghany chain and about 35 miles westward. A separation of what was left, nearly on the line of the lower course of the Greenbrier River, was a foregone conclusion. But there was still a thin population, and this consider- ation was not lightly to be overcome. And yet it was in 1790, before the harrassments of the red man were definitely known to be a thing of the past, that we find the first recorded attempt to divide the county.

A numerously signed petition of that year, voicing the people of the sinks of Monroe, asks for a new county because of the natural barrier of the Greenbrier River. It recites that the courthouse is 40 miles from any point on New River. It asserts an inconsistency in Bath county being permitted to extend up the valley of Dunlap Creek. The boundary asked for the new county begins at the mouth of the Greenbrier, runs up New River to the Greenbrier line at the


end of Peters Mountain, which is then followed to the dividing ridge between Potts and Stony creeks. Then the line follows the crest of Potts Mountain so as to cross Jackson's River at the Island Ford at the mouth of Simpson's Creek. The river is crossed again at Red Bank, where Thomas McCallister then lived, and the line follows a divide so as to include all the valley of Dunlap Creek to the top of Little Mountain. This is followed to the divide between How- ard's and Second Creeks, which in turn is followed to the mouth of Laurel, where Second Creek is crossed. The line then goes straight to the mouth of Muddy, and thence to the point of beginning.

For five years the movement for separation does not seem to have been pressed with energy. Meanwhile the Indian warcloud had van- ished, and improving times favored a renewal of the attempt. In 1795 a petition to divide Greenbrier received 542 signatures. In the same year was a vigorous counter-petition by the people of the Great Levels. The latter document sets forth that the public tax for this year was only $601.05; that the tithables numbered only 1591, including 184 negroes and 250 delinquents, leaving but 1157 white tithables of permanent residence within the county. It alleges that of the signers to another petition, presumably the one above named, several hundred have no existence. It further declares that the said petition exaggerates the extent of the county. It states that the mass of the population is confirmed to an area extending 20 miles north and 20 miles south from the courthouse, and reaching west only from three miles to six or seven miles, the remaining people be- ing scattered thinly along the creeks and branches. The paper goes on to say that emigration westward will be large and constant, and that any increase in the local population will hardly be noticed for many years. It claims that no county could be more compact; that as to the fords in the Greenbrier, no river can have better fords, and they can always be used except in time of high water, when there are boats for such emergency-

A petition of 1796, signed by people on Jackson's River and Potts and Dunlap creeks, asks for a new county with lines as already men- tioned. It claims that the Greenbrier docket is habitually so full as


to cause much delay, while because of the high mountains, the acting sheriff makes his visit only at rare intervals.

A counter-petition of the following year is numerously signed. It affirms that "petitions of a similar nature (to the one just presented) have for some years past been presented and rejected, so that it seems the petitioners hope to obtain by importunity what has so often been justly denied to the merits of the case." In December of this year an affirmative petition repeats the request made in 1795, and insists it is true that many persons drown in the surges of the Greenbrier. This paper is well fortified with signatures, and is indorsed as "rea- sonable" by the committee of the Assembly to which it was referred. A similar petition of 1798 asks for a redress of "grievances so often complained of." It was not until this year that a bill was drawn for the creation of Monroe.

The leader in this movement was John Hutchinson, who had been a delegate to the Assembly for the session of 1796-7. He was stiffly opposed, and for a while successfully, by Colonel John Stuart, William H. Cavendish, John Matthews, and others. They were able to defeat him for re-election- But Hutchinson was astute and resourceful. He undertook a flank movement on what, were he liv- ing in our own time, he would style the "courthouse ring." As a political general of the twentieth century West Virginia, Hutchinson would have been in his element.

An Act of Assembly of November, 1796, states that great quan- tities of land in Greenbrier, Kanawha, and Randolph remain unas- sessed. It provides that in each county three men be appointed by the governor and council to assess all lands therein. Two copies of the lists were to be made, one going to the sheriff and one to the state auditor. This bill was put through the Assembly by Hut- chinson. It enabled him to win, as we shall presently see.

In the session of 1798-9, Hutchinson was present at Richmond as a lobbyist. As a result of his wire-pulling, the legislature passed, January 14, 1799, the act creating the county of Monroe. It reads as follows:

Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That all that part


of the county of Greenbrier, lying within the following bounds, beginning where the ridge dividing the eastern and western waters joins Peters moun- tain, and with the said ridge to the ridge that divides Howards and Sec- ond Creek, thence with the said ridge westwardly, including the waters of Second Creek, to the waggon road at Robert Knox's ; thence with the said creek to Thomas Nichol's spring branch, thence a straight line to Alder- son's ferry landing on Greenbrier river, thence down the said river to the mouth of Muddy Creek, thence crossing the same to the ridge that divides tie waters of Muddy Creek and Griffith's run, and with the said ridge to Keeny's Knobs, and with the said knobs, including the waters flowing into Greenbrier river to New river, and up the same to where it breaks through Peters mountain, thence with the said mountain an easterly course to the beginning, shall form one distinct county, and be called and known by the name of Monroe.

Section II. A court for the said county of Monroe shall be held by the justices thereof on the third Tuesday in every month, after the same shall take place.

Section III. The justices to be named in the commission of the peace for the said county of Monroe shall meet at the house of George King, in the said county, upon the first court day after the said county shall take place and having taken the oath prescribed by law, and administered the oaths of office to and taken bond of the sheriff, according to law, proceed to appoint and qualify a clerk, and fix upon a place for holding courts in the said county, at or as near the center thereof as the situation and convenience will admit, and thenceforth the said county shall proceed to erect the nec- essary public buildings at such place, and until such public buildings be completed, to appoint any place for holding courts as they shall think prop- er: Provided always, that the appointment of a place for holding courts, and of a clerk, shall not be made unless a majority of the justices of the said county be present; where such majority shall have been prevented from attending by bad weather, or their being at the time out of the county, in such case the appointment shall be postponed until some court day when a majority shall be present.

Section IV. It shall be lawful for the sheriff of the county of Green- brier to collect and make distress for any public dues and officers' fees re- maining unpaid by the inhabitants thereof at the time the county of Monroe takes place, and shall be accountable for the same, in like manner as if this act had not been made.

Section V. The court of the said county of Greenbrier shall have ju- risdiction of all actions and suits depending before them when the said county of Monroe takes place, and shall try and determine the same and award execution thereon.

Section VI. The Governor, with the advice of Council, shall appoint a person to be sheriff of the said county of Monroe, who shall continue in


office during the term and upon the same conditions as are by law pre- scribed for other sheriffs.

Section VII. In all future elections of a Senator, Elector, and a Rep- resentative in Congress, the said county of Monroe shall be of the same Dis- trict as the county of Greenbrier. The said county of Monroe shall be of the same district with the county of Greenbrier for which districts are holden at the Sweet Springs, and also be of the same brigade district.

This act shall commence and be in force from and after the first day of May next.

It does not appear who was instrumental in giving the new county the name of Monroe. Hutchinson does not seem to have favored it, because Monroe was not of the Federalist party, which was the po- litical organization dominant in both Monroe and Greenbrier. James Monroe was at this time forty- two years of age. He was a well known planter and public man of Virginia, but had scarcely yet ac- quired a national reputation. He did not become president of the United States until eighteen years later. It was Monroe's good for- tune to fill this position while the national sky was unusually serene. His administration was uneventful. Party feeling was at so low an ebb at the close of his first term that he was re-elected with only one opposition vote in the electoral college. Monroe was neither brilliant nor great and was the least able of the four presidents form- ing what is sometimes styled the "Virginian dynasty." It is signifi- cant that no county has been named for him in any of the states ad- mitted since 1848. His death took place on Independence Day, 1831. During his lifetime he made several visits to Red Sulphur Springs, passing through Union.

Hutchinson also lobbied through the Assembly a bill to establish the town of Union, and another to relieve the people of Monroe from the Greenbrier taxes of 1799, assessed before Monroe was organized. But before coming to the last act in the drama, wherein he and Stuart were the leading characters, we must pause to narrate the organization of the new county.

The house of George King, where the justices were required to meet, lay a mile and a half east of Union and not far from old Reho- both church. The log houses of that day were not generally com-


modious and the august court adjourned to the barn. The first or- der-book opens with the following significant entry:

Be it remembered that at the House of George King in the new County of Monroe on Tuesday the twenty-first Day of May in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seventeen Hundred and Ninety Nine and of the Com- monwealth of Virginia the Twenty Third A Commission of the Peace for the said County directed to William Hutchinson, James Alexander, Isaac Estill, William Haynes, John Hutchinson, John Gray, John Byrnside, Wil- liam Graham, James Hanley, and William Vawter, Gentlemen was pro- duced and read and thereupon the said William Hutchinson took the oath appointed by Act of Assembly for giving Assurance of Fidelity to the Com- monwealth and the Oath for supporting the Constitution of the United States, also the Oaths of a Justice of the Peace and of a Justice of the County Court in Chancery which were administered to him by the said James Alexander and William Haynes and then the said William Hutchin- son administered the said Oaths to the said James Alexander, Isaac Es- till, William Haynes, John Hutchinson, John Gray, John Byrnside, William Graham, James Hanley, and William Vawter.

The court was now ready to enter upon its duties. Isaac Estill qualified as sheriff, giving two bonds, with William Haynes and John Byrnside as sureties, for the execution of his regular official duties and the collection and payment of the public taxes. John Arbuckle qual- ified as under sheriff, John Hutchinson as clerk, and John Woodward as prosecuting attorney. John Byrnside was nominated as county surveyor. James Alexander and John Wallace were granted license to keep ordinaries.

Next day, the court still sitting at King's, the site for a court- house was selected on the land of James Alexander. James Graham was nominated as coroner. The constables chosen were Thomas Lowe, Robert Dunbar, John Cottell, William Dickson, George Fos- ter, Isaac Cole, Enos Halstead, and Joshua Lewis, these men to serve, in the order of their mention, in the militia companies of Cap- tains Byrnside, Clark, Nickell, Graham, Jones, McDaniel, Farley, and Estill. Twenty-seven men were nominated as officers of the militia.

Following a usage of the time, the following minute schedule of prices was prescribed for the observance of tavern-keepers:


Warm dinner, 2 shillings $.33 1-3

Cold dinner or warm breakfast 25

Cold breakfast 21

Lodging on feather bed 12^2

Lodging on chaff bed 08

Corn, per gallon 12^2

Oats, per gallon 10^

Pasturage for 24 hours 08

Stabling, and hay for 24 hours 16 2-3

Spirits, per gallon 5.33

Teneriffe and Lisbon wine, per gallon 4.00

Other wines, per gallon 3.33

Madeira, per gallon 6.00

Common rum 3.33

Peach brandy 2.00

Whiskey 1.33

"Sider" .50

Beer .33

As seems always the case in the pioneer period, the new sheriff objected to the "insufficiency of the jail," by taking exception as to the consequences should any prisoners be committed to his custody. The first county boarding house on the frontier was always a very small affair and doubtfully secure.

And thus the May session of the court came to an end and the new county of Monroe was launched upon its independent career. The first civil suit came at the second term, when John Hinchman appeared against Levi Lowe to recover some money. The judgment of $12.83 and costs was in favor of the plaintiff. The first marriage bond was that in favor of Henry Miller, and Rhoda Brooking.

But Stuart and his followers sought to undo what had been ac- complished. And within Monroe itself there was complaint as to the choice of courthouse site. During this same year a petition was sent up to the legislature objecting to the Alexander land as "far from the center," and the justices being "appointed and commissioned without the recommendation of the court of Greenbrier or the knowl- edge of the citizens of Monroe." The petitioners believed these do- ings to be the work of John Hutchinson. They said the court was already preparing to erect the public buildings. And since the Act


creating Monroe said the courthouse should be "as near the center as conveniency would permit," they asked the appointment of com- missioners who should ascertain the center, etc

In December, 1799, another petition asks a consolidation of Mon- roe with Greenbrier. The people of Monroe regarded this scheme as originating with the clerk of Greenbrier, aided, perhaps, "by a few disappointed persons." Greenbrier was denounced as "an un- natural stepmother, who still wishes to hold over us the scorpion chas- tisement, whips and fetters."

Stuart and his friends replied that Hutchinson introduced a pe- tition to divide Greenbrier on a line running "near its courthouse, thereby leaving scarcely the shadow of a county either on the one side or the other." They insisted that a proper announcement of the petition was not made. They now asked a repeal of the act creating Monroe, and the formation of a new county out of Green- brier, Monroe, and Montgomery, agreeable to a petition from Green- brier and Montgomery given to William H. Cavendish, but never presented, although notice of the same was published in the news- paper at Staunton. The boundaries asked for the proposed county were these: beginning at James Allen's on Turkey Creek, passing thence to John Byrnside's on the head of Indian, and crossing the Greenbrier at James Graham's; touching the Kanawha line where the state road touched Gauley river, then following said line to the line of Wythe county, and running with the latter to the top of Walker's Mountain, which it followed to Shannon's Gap. The next point was the mouth of Sinking Creek, whence a direct line passing the end of Salt Pond Mountain, ran to the Botetourt line; then with the same to the top of Peters Mountain, and thence to the beginning. It was pointed out that such county would be 100 miles long and 40 wide, its circumference nowhere passing within 20 miles of any established courthouse. Its own courthouse could be 40 miles from neighboring courthouses and from Sweet Springs, and on a leading road from the latter place to Kentucky. A favorable answer to such petition was asked on these specific grounds: that Hutchinson presented his own petition without the knowledge or


consent of the Greenbrier people; that if any division were neces- sary, it was on the side of the Greenbrier people, some of whom were farther from the courthouse; that the law dividing the county failed to point out a mode for nominating the first magistrates of Monroe; that Hutchinson had the address, by "obscure means," of having such members nominated as would secure him the Monroe clerkship; that the said members had the privilege of locating the courthouse, and "contrary to law and all propriety" have located it far from the center; that Monroe being of too small area, the county government will prove a burden; that the limits of the new county now prayed for are ample, and its abundant "backlands" will per- mit a large increase in population ; that every exertion was made by the interested members of the court of Monroe to place its court- house on their chosen spot, lest on petition of the people a special law should direct otherwise; and finally, that the law to divide Greenbrier was obtained surreptitiously and by corrupt means.

Another petition of the same year, asking that the Greenbrier- Monroe line be moved to a distance of 15 miles from Lewisburg re- ceived many signers.

A general meeting of citizens was held at the courthouse of Greenbrier, August 29, 1799. William Bourland was its clerk. It decided to present a petition to the legislature; to print 150 copies of the resolutions adopted by the meeting, and also the assessment law. It asserted that any report that the citizens of Greenbrier were divided in political sentiment was not only groundless but was calculated to promote some private end.

The petition drawn up as a result of the meeting shows the na- ture of the resolutions adopted. It also throws light on Hutchin- son's assessment law and its bearing on the division of Greenbrier. Our synopsis of the petition is as follows:

Tihe lands of Greenbrier were duly and properly assessed under the equalizing law of 1782, and taxes have since been paid. The law of 1796, affecting only Greenbrier, Kanawha, and Randolph, had the effect of making all lands average according to the law of 1782. Men of the Eastern states have in wild speculation taken


millions of acres of mountain land in Greenbrier, regardless of qual- ity or situation. These are to be assessed as our own lands, which do not cover 200,000 acres, so as to put all lands on the footing of the law of 1782- We are therefore taxed much above other citi- zens of this state. Hutchinson was the principal mover of this law, which was to his own emolument. He did not hesitate to accept an appointment as one of the three assessors, and he performed his work in an unrighteous and improper manner, pretending to show a great increase in revenue. Reassessing our lands with ten times their quantity of barren mountain is not uniform with the tax to other citizens of the state, and is grievous oppression. The reas- sessment was improperly performed, generally after the expiration of the law, and without going on the lands or consulting the county assessors. One commissioner was a delegate to the General As- sembly. Another, John Rodgers, was a deputy sheriff who had not closed his accounts. The third, William McClung, was concerned in land speculation to the extent of 100,000 acres. The county be- ing without sufficient revenue, the general interest of the people is infringed upon. Greenbrier is one of the smallest and poorest coun- ties, and the mountain barrier which shuts it off from others is ruin- ous to its society. It therefore becomes our peculiar interest to en- courage a good school, good artisans and manufacturers, all which efforts are confounded by dividing the people, thereby preventing the development of our little village, which would soon become a mart to our citizens and a center that would promote a spirit of in- dustry and emulation among the inhabitants around. We had a county as commodious and convenient as any in the state, but it is now divided close to the courthouse, causing discord and uneasi- ness- The majority of the Greenbrier people were opposed to a division. (Here is quoted Article VII of the Bill of Rights.) The man who presented the petition to divide our county was privately interested. There are fewer tithables by 300 than when the county was formed. We ask an "adjunction" of our two counties, to be called and known by the name of Union county, with the same mag-


istrates and other officers that were in commission when the division took place.

The court of Greenbrier ordered that subpoenas be served on 20 of the most reputable of the citizens of Monroe and Greenbrier, these men to testify as to the charges against the commissioners. The 20 men were to be equally divided between the counties, and none of those from Greenbrier were to be members of the county court. The men summoned from Monroe were Colonel James Graham, Major John Hlandley, and Captains Isaac Estill, John Byrnside. William Maddy and Matt Farley; also William Haynes, Christian Peters, John Arbuckle, and John Henderson, the last named being ex-commissioner of the public tax. The Greenbrier men were Col- onel Samuel Brown, Captain Joseph Hanna, Captain Alexander Welch, William H. Cavendish, James Hanna (commissioner of the public tax), Linah Mims, Joseph Mays, Samuel Kincaid, Andrew McClung, sheriff, and James Reid, late prosecuting attorney.

When the commissioners appeared, August Woodward entered a recognisance for them and presented a bill of nine particulars. These denied the jurisdiction of the court, pronounced the charges libelous as to legislature, governor, and commissioners, and affirmed that the commissioners were at all times ready to answer in a proper and legal manner, and to show that the charges were untrue- The court entered a replication to each article, after which the witnesses were examined.

Graham estimated the inhabited lands at 150,000 acres and the uninhabited at 1,000,000 acres. He understood that the law of 1796 caused the tax in Greenbrier to be forty per cent more than to other citizens in the same class. He valued the speculator land at one pound ($3.33) per 100 acres, hardly any of which was held by residents. About 1787 he heard the division of the county thought desirable. He was not himself friendly to Hutchinson, and thought the commissioners did not do their duty. He claimed that Hutchin- son lost $200 at Richmond in playing pedro.

Handley said there was an attempt to divide the county before 1787.


Peters said it was a matter of common remark that Hutchinson sold his county for a clerkship.

Byrnside expressed himself as a determined advocate for the division of Greenbrier. A lack of revenue had been an obstacle.

Arbuckle said persons were charged with land who had no right in Monroe or Greenbrier- Hutchinson claimed that the law did not require the commissioners to visit every tract.

Estill said he would not give one cent an acre for mountain land unless he were sure of a market.

Kincaid pointed out that the lands in Kanawha and Randolph were not assessed under the law of 1796.

Brown said the reassessment was in the summer of 1798. He considered an acre of the best land worth 100,000 of the poorest.

Cavendish said Hutchinson asked him as a delegate to move that the name Monroe be changed to Wayne, because he objected to the politics of James Monroe and feared his political belief would be objectionable to other people. The request was withdrawn.

It must be conceded that a consensus of the testimony, quite ir- respective of whether a given witness were of Monroe or Green- brier, is to the effect that the law of 1796 worked hardship to the people of the two counties; that the reassessment was a fraud on the people and a political move to carry Hutchinson's point; that the commissioners made only a pretense of going upon the lands and were not deserving of their fee of $500 ; that the petition to cre- ate Monroe was not advertised; that the division of the county was not at once beneficial to a majority of the people; that Hutchinson was not clean-handed, either in the reassessment or the division of the county, and that he held back the share of the fee that belonged to one of his associates.

One other petition we now give in full. It not merely speaks for itself, but it throws an important light on the feelings of the pioneer settlers of Monroe.

That the inhabitants of the said county, having in early times pene- trated into these territories, of which now under a free and happy gov- ernment they are the lords and proprietors; having encountered the dan-


gers and the obstacles presented by a race of men wild and uncivilized, possessed of no other title to the soil than that of their hunting over it might be conceived to bestow, a right which your petitioners conceive, by the law of nature and of nature's God, must in the train and providence of human affairs succumb to the superior claim derived from occupancy and appropriation; having in obedience to the laws of their country, for- tified by every legal prescription the fruits of their enterprise; and hav- ing borne for a succession of years the inconveniences incident to an in- cipient settlement, and particularly that of a remote seat for the adminis- tration of domestic justice; began at length to proffer to the legislators of their state an application for redress, by the erection of their limits into a distinct and independent county.

United heretofore in the bonds of civil brotherhood with the inhabitants of Greenbrier, from causes as inexplicable as their effects were astonish- ing, this application excited in the breasts of their fellow-citizens of that county an animosity, which time as little promises to extinguish as a sense of justice and of acquiescence in the laws of their country dispose to alle- viate. In the pendency of the application of your petitioners, arbitrary and oppressive measures, the suggestions of individual haughtiness and rapacity, were interposed to deter and discourage the attempt. The first of these was an expensive and grievous levy for the erection of a superb prison. A small majority having postponed an acquiescence, with the re- quest of your petitioners, for one year, the burthen was met by them with a fortitude which eventually enabled them to comply with an exaction as much repugnant to natural rights, as the motive of its organization was an outrage on that sensibility of honor which is justly deemed the pride of civilized man.

A renewal of the attempt for a division was but an invitation to a repetition of oppression. The former levy was succeeded by another, still more grievous, for the erection of a courthouse. The benevolent inter-, position of the legislature served not to palliate the passions of those who had been hostile to the reasonable wishes of your petitioners. After the passage of the Act of Assembly constituting the separate county of Mon- roe, a respectful application to the court of the county of Greenbrier to exempt from the operation of the latter levy so many of the inhabitants as would, on the first day of May, fall within the limits of the new county, was regarded with indignant contempt. Presuming that the county of Greenbrier wished to signalize its justice in a separate capacity, the pa- tience of your petitioners, long habituated to the insolent exercise of power, and to receive as matter of favor what was their strictest right, still pre- sented a distant hope of relief. But when the applications to that court, aided by the firm approbation of their proper county, shared a similar fate, the point was reduced to demonstration, that every hope of relief, grounded on the honor or justice of the court of Greenbrier, would prove fallacious and deceptive.


Thus depressed, as it were into despair, the freeholders of Monroe cast around an anxious look to discover an authority competent to their relief. Not apprised of the limits which the construction of the judges might as- sign to the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, they presented themselves before them, as the victims not only of an unjust, but also of an illegal exercise of power. The detail of this application will appear in a docu- ment annexed, to which your petitioners refer. The inclination to afford relief was far from being absent; but the power was disclaimed. The organs of the tribunal of justice have unfolded to your petitioners, that whatever may be the doubts, whether the imposition of this tax by a county court, it (is beyond) the exercise of the legislative or of an execu- tive power, they can by no construction define it to be judiciary, and how- ever glaringly unjust, or deviating from express law, they cannot assume the right to control the discretion by which it was rejected.

The committee appointed by the freeholders of Monroe to lay the matter before the district court were William Haynes, James Alexander, John Hutchinson, John Byrnside, John Gray, William Graham, James Graham, William Vawter, James Handley, John Handley, Jacob Cook, Henry McDaniel, Tristram Patton, Joseph Alderson, Robert Nickell, and Joshua Leach. The signers to the petition numbered 426- An Act of Assembly, bearing date, Janu- ary 11, 1800, exempts from the levy referred to in petition such tithables as are in Monroe. It further provides that if any citizen of Monroe has paid in on said levy, it shall be refunded to him. But William Hamilton, sheriff of Greenbrier, was also in hot water. He stated that he employed a young man more than one year at 100 pounds a year, to collect this levy, and that the law did not give him any commission. The commissioner in charge of building the courthouse sued him on his bond for the collection of the public levy, and got a judgment of $1000. He therefore petitioned the legis- lature for relief.

It was through the lobbying of John Hutchinson that the As- sembly passed the bill just mentioned, which relieved the people of Monroe from helping to build Greenbrier's courthouse. The con- tract price of the same was 800 pounds ($2666.67).

Whatever may have been the purity of Hutchinson's methods in securing home government for the people of Monroe and a clerkship


for himself, he outgeneralled such redoubtable antagonists as Stuart and Cavendish. Time has vindicated the division. But Stuart did net take his defeat gracefully. He set up in Monroe on the road to Sweet Springs a board bearing in large letters the following leg- end: "Union County; Greenbrier and Monroe united." In the fragment of local history he wrote on the fly-leaves of a deed-book, he does not forget to excoriate Hutchinson for his attitude toward a road across the Alleghany.



As Seen in a Personal Visit.

E shall now try to describe a home and neighborhood in Monroe in the closing year of the eighteenth cen- tury.* This date is much beyond the personal knowl- edge of any living eye-witness. But since the changes between the year 1800 and the time of the earliest recollections of our very oldest people were comparatively small, it is possible to picture the life and times of the year in question with a high degree of accuracy.

Ever since 1850 the conditions of life throughout the United States have changed enormously. In a very large degree, the men and women who founded Monroe lived in a different world from ours. Their opportunities were not what we possess, but they were not our inferiors in their capacity to accomplish things. It is well worth while to gain an intelligent idea of the circumstances under which they lived-

The "John Bee" of this chapter is only nominally a fictitious man. He is a type of the men living here at the close of the pioneer period. Therefore his house does not stand in some particular spot. But to localize "John Bee," we will assume that he lives near Sec- ond Creek gap.

Since his neighbors speak of him as John, and never think of calling him mister, we must do the same. He is forty-five years old and was born in a fort on Cowpasture River. A little before he had become his own man, his father decided to move to the only West which was then open to settlement. He was in debt, he had

*The nineteenth century did not begin until the year 1801. And so with all other centuries.

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a growing family, and the rose-colored tales he had heard of the boundless transalleghany country were irresistible. So the elder Bee loaded the meager stock of household goods on packsaddles and trekked to the new land of promise. There was no wagon, and even if he had had one he could not have used it on the old Indian road up Dunlap Creek. The five horses carried the freight and the female members of the household. The masculines, large and small, had to walk and to have an eye to the cattle and sheep.

For nearly fifteen years after the migration there was Indian alarm after Indian alarm, and there were several hasty flights to the nearest blockhouse. John has himself taken shots at hostile red- skins and can tell some hair-raising stories about them. But for a half dozen years there has been a growing belief that never again will the red man carry the torch and tomahawk even so far east as the bank of the Ohio.

The name of John's wife is Euphemia, but she is called Feemy for short. She was reared on Catawba Creek. The couple have ten children, three of whom are grown. The others are of assorted sizes. The two oldest have left home. Two girls will soon fol- low, because they have beaux, and courtship in this community is followed by early marriage.

The highway on Second Creek is broad enough to admit a wagon, and once in a while a wagon does pass along. But the bridle-track is far more conspicuous than the wheel ruts. The whole breadth is much infested with rocks, stumps, and mu dholes- We barely suc- ceed in getting over a branch dry-footed. The stream carries more water than is habitually the case at present. This is because the hills and mountains around are as thickly covered with wood as they were when the first white settler arrived. We turn into what seems a cross between a path and a wagon road, and following it half a mile through the woodland we come into the clearing around Bee's house.

The dwelling is ten years old. The logs built into the house are broad, and the narrow crevices are carefully chinked. The roof is of riven clapboards held in place with weightpoles. The one


door is thick and heavy, and is strongly secured. The few windows are narrow and the panes of glass are only nine by ten inches. When John put up this house he was moved by prudential considerations, for he had his doubts whether the last Indian raid had yet taken place. At one end of the house is an enormous outside chimney of unhewn stone. Underneath the floor is a pen into which lambs are driven at night to safeguard them from the wolves- Our atten- tion is struck by the almost total absence of millsawed boards, either in the house itself or its furniture. Sawmills are yet rare and they use only the up and down saw. Most boards are turned out by the whipsaw, and if too thick are made thinner with the adze. Even the benches in the house are puncheon slabs held up by pegs driven into augur holes.

Passing through the open door, we find one apartment of mod- erate size with two smaller ones opening into it. The first of the three is a general purpose room. At one side is a cavernous fireplace broad enough to take in a nine foot log. In one corner is a squarish, massive bedstead. The feather ticks are supported by a network of creaking hemp rope, and on top is a figured coverlet of home man- ufacture. On a row of pegs are articles of masculine wearing ap- parel. On a mantle are two horn combs with some of the teeth missing, two or three badly used books, a cracked looking glass, and a few bottles stoppered with cobs or rags. The long table was built by a carpenter who lives in the same valley- He was not sparing of timber, and the strong piece of furniture will stand hard usage. The more comfortable of the two chairs has a sheepskin lying over its back. Seating capacity for the household and its frequent guests is eked out by the benches we have spoken of. A pair of deer ant- lers attached to the wall support the family arsenal, which consists of two muskets of the Revolutionary period and a rifle with a bar- rel forty-eight inches long. All these weapons are flintlocks. The prongs of the antlers hold up some powder horns and bullet-pouches. In one corner is a broom fashioned out of a block of green hickory. Above are short shelves on which are displayed some blue-bordered table ware, several wooden utensils, and some dishes and spoons of


Commander 26th Va. Battalion of Infantry,

C. S. A.

A FARM HOME IN 1800 121

pewter. There are no curtains to the windows and neither rug nor carpet on the floor.

It being summer time, there is no roaring volcano in the fire- place. But there is a blaze, since dinner is in progress. Propped up on the firelogs is a pot containing bacon and vegetables- Near it over a bed of coals is a second pot in which something is bubbling. The dinner preparations are watched by John's widowed mother, who holds possession of the easy chair. In her nearly toothless mouth is a cob pipe actively at work. We accept a very sincere invitation to share the bountiful repast of cornbread, potatoes, garden beans, bacon, stewed apples, rye coffee, and milk. The only sugar is maple sugar, and the entire bill of fare is made up of the products of Bee's farm. Had our visit come in the cold season we would have found venison, wild turkey, or bear steak. The only fruit at that time of the year would be stewed apples or berries, the process of airtight canning being unknown. White bread is only an occasional article of diet.

The head of the family wears in cool weather a hunting shirt, to which the modern sweater coat is a first cousin. It is of wool dyed with butternut. It has no buttons and is secured at the waist by a belt fastened behind and secured in front with a buckle. Fall- ing over the shoulders is a cape attached to the neck- The hem of the garment is fringed. Jeans trowsers and buckskin moccasins complete the visible part of the man's costume. His shirt is of linen. In winter he wears a foxskin cap and in summer a straw hat. His hair is worn long, but once or twice a month he shaves his face with a clumsy razor.

The wife wears a dress of striped plaid. When out of doors she may be seen in summer in a coarse linen sunbonnet and in win- ter in a woolen hood. The older children are attired somewhat like their parents. The young girls have plaid dresses of rather pretty colors, and the "least child" has a flannel wrap that comes to its ankles. At the time of our visit John is the only member of the family with any covering for his feet.

As we leave the room we catch sight of a skillet lid. When


there are no live coals to start a fire with, John places on the lid a piece of maple punk, a piece of tow, and a few grains of gunpowder- Holding his rifle in his left hand, he kneels over the lid and strikes several sharp blows on the gunflint with his pocket knife. Several sparks fall into and ignite the powder, and thus a flame is commu- nicated to the punk and tow. The men of the settlement who are slaves to tobacco sometimes light their pipes with a burning glass, provided the sun is visible and no fire convenient. But the more expert among them can accomplish the desired result with flint and steel.

Behind the dwelling house is a smaller and somewhat decrepit structure. It was built by the senior Bee the year of his arrival. It is now called the loom house, but aside from the bulky loom we might find here a huge bear trap and a smaller trap to use against the detested wolf. Near the open door is a home-made basket. From a fresh, free-bodied hickory log a section of the bark was slipped off, the outer surface shaved down, and into one end was fitted a thin piece of wood. JSfo hooping is needed for a utensil like this.

The barn consists of two pen-like inclosures of logs, a partially open space separating the two- In the hollow above the house is a spring of pure cold water, and near it, suspended from a tree, is a gourd drinking cup. There is little leather in the "gears" that John flings upon the backs of his bay team. The horse collars are of straw, bound together with hickory bark, and the lines are of the same material also. The bridle, the hames, and the back and side bands comprise the other parts of the harness. The doubletrees are hooked to the plow or harrow with a hickory withe, and the con- venient hickory bark is used to mend a sudden break. The saddle girth is a rope or buckskin thong- The plow is a crude and bulky contrivance with a wooden mouldboard. It runs shoal and hard and is liable to "ball up." There is a wooden-toothed harrow to cover a sowing of grain. The hand tools are of wood alone, so far as this one article will serve the purpose. The hayfork is simply a piece taken from a crotched sapling.

The farming is done in a simple and wasteful way- The farm

A FARM HOME IN 1800 123

contains 200 acres, but only a foruth part is cleared. This open ground is mostly meadow and pasture. But the pasture is supple- mented by letting the cattle and hogs roam the woods. There is no thought of maintaining fertility. A newly cleared field is con- sidered good for some certain number of crops, after which another strip of ground is subjected to soil pillage. If at length the whole farm should become too poor to grow anything but mullein, John considers that there is plenty more virgin soil farther west. The very small acreage of grain is reaped with the sickle, three "hands" making a sheaf, and thirty to forty dozen of the latter a day's work. The expert reaper brings his narrow crescent blade close to the fin- gers that are gripping a hand of straw, and the left hand carries the scars of more than one miscalculation. All threshing is with the flail, and John can pound out some fifteen bushels a day, not counting the time spent in winnowing out the chaff. Potatoes do not mature until near the close of summer. The little inclosure near the house yields a smaller variety of vegetables than is the case today. We look in vain for tomatoes or lettuce-

The acre of flax is no less essential than the little fields of corn and grain. There are no great cotton and woolen factories in the seaboard states, and the price of cloth imported from England is almost prohibitive to the lean purses of such men as John. But in the loom house the wool and the flax fiber produced on the place are woven into the cloth from which the family clothing, the bedding, and the grain sacks are made. Euphemia can weave in one day three yards of jeans or linsey, but as John has longer arms he can accomplish an output of four yards.

There is considerable labor in growing the flax and converting it into tow. The first harvesting process is pulling the stalks. This is done while the stalks are yet greenish although the heads show yellow. When the threshing takes place all the heads are laid one and the same way. After this process, the stalks are spread out for some four weeks. Exposure to rain and dew renders them soft as well as ill-smelling. They are now broken by blows with a wooden knife- The tow is then separated from the splintered bark


by passing it through sets of steel blades in the hackling boards. The swingling, as well as the breaking, is dusty work. By this time the fiber is very nearly free of woody particles, and it is now boiled in lye to soften it. The next step is to bleach it and this is done on the grass. Finally the tow is spun on the spinning wheel and it is then ready for the loom. The spinner is expected to know the number of threads to the inch, there being eight hundred in the finest linen. Counting them is done through a magnifying glass. Linen clothes are worn in hot weather, but the warmer combina- tion of wool and linen known as linsey is used for winter gar- ments. The immigrants from Ulster were proficient in weaving, but when the war of 1861 broke out, domestic weaving went into disuse in consequence of the competition with the cheap cloth of the great industrial cities.

The homespun cloth is dyed brown with a cold solution of wal- nut hulls. By boiling this liquor a black color is produced. Mad- der gives a red color, maple a green, and hickory a yellow. If a blue shade is wanted the imported indigo is used.

Hemp is almost as generally grown as flax. Like the latter it gives off a bad odor when handled. A small portion of the fiber is used with wool to make a coarse and almost indestructible fabric. This cloth is greenish at first, but gradually turns white. The greater portion of the hemp is sent to the seacoast cities where it is in good demand. In the colonial period Virginia paid a bounty on winter-rotted hemp, and the richer soils in the mountains are well suited to this exhausting crop- John has an apple orchard, and like many of the well-to-do set- tlers, he has a still, where most of the fruit is turned into brandy. The Ulster-Americans of that day were a very thirsty lot, and their whiskey displaced West India rum as the leading tipple in Virginia. There is no federal tax, and therefore John is not a moonshiner. Neither has he become so enlightened as to mix deadly chemicals with his firewater. Liquor in his day was in almost universal use by both sexes, and the amount consumed was very large. And as

A FARM HOME IN 1800 125

alcohol is alcohol, the world over, drunkenness was very prevalent, in spite of the popular delusion to the contrary.

John Bee is one of the "best-to-do" in his community, although he never has much cash in his possession. He lives as much as pos- sible within his own resources. In his dealings with other people, he resorts to barter as much as he can. There is no cash market for the minor products of the farm. The chief source of ready money is in horses and cattle, but $25 will buy a good horse and $10 a good cow.

Money is reckoned in pounds, shillings, and pence, the pound being $3.33, the shilling 16 2-3 cents, and the penny a little more than a cent and a third. Such terms as threepence, sixpence, and nine- pence are in everybody's mouth- Silver coins from Spanish America circulate alongside those of our own mintage. And yet the currency in use is not so miscellaneous as before the Revolution, when also English, French, and Portuguese coins of both gold and silver passed from hand to hand, and it was necessary to compute their value by weight. A pair of money scales was then as necessary as a purse. But the Mexican dollar is the same as the Federal and is equal to six shillings. Eight reals make a dollar, and therefore the real is equivalent to the ninepence, or 12/^ cents. The half-real is accord- ingly worth 6/4 cents. Thus we are the better able to understand why such values as 6TA, \2lA, and 18M cents are so often mentioned in the account books of the first half of the nineteenth century.

One of Bee's neighbors lives in a stone house and owns two slaves. But all follow the simple life. This is not from any dis- inclination to luxury, but because the remoteness of towns and mar- kets does not permit it. Some of the people in the settlement are poor and unambitious, and much dependent on the large landowners. Such families live in small, roundlog cabins, and as morality does not thrive in the one-roomed house, bastardy is not uncommon among them.

Several miles away is a log church, a description of which we leave for another chapter. Considerably nearer is the little log school- house, where the rudiments of an English education are imparted


to the boys and girls, especially the former, of such parents as are able and willing to pay for the service. The free school is far in the future.

Writing paper is coarse and unruled, and a hog or a sheep will pay for only two quires. So when John Bee scrawls with quill pen his consent for sixteen-year-old Elizabeth to become the better half of Timothy Hay, he does not use a whole sheet or even a half sheet. He tears off a strip two inches wide, writes with ink made of nut- galls and copperas, and blots with ashes or dry dust. Finally he folds the slip into a small compass, as though he were a doctor put- ting up a dose of calomel. There is only one postoffice in the county, and the mails are few and exceedingly light. Envelopes being un- known, the fourth page of a sheet is left vacant, so that the letter may be folded in a special way, and the tuck secured with a wafer of sealing wax, provided any wax is at hand. Postage is paid by the person who receives the letter, and less than a ninepence will carry the letter only a short distance. The postage stamp is as un- known as the envelope. John receives two or three letters in the course of a year and writes as few. But he takes the weekly news- paper published in Staunton. This is about as large as one of our four page Sunday school papers, and as the editor has neither rail- road nor telegraph service, his weekly is very different in makeup from those of our own time.

Scattered over the county are 4000 people, and yet there is no town. The county seat is only a hamlet. Lewisburg is only a small village. Staunton, a hundred miles away, is the metropolis of this mountain land, but contains only about 500 people. Ameri- can life is not yet dominated by the cities and towns. Many of the leaders of opinion live in country homes.

The gristmill, the blacksmith shop, and the still-house are where the men congregate. The mill is a primitive affair and is run by an overshot wheel- At least one of these is to be found on every stream that is large enough to turn a wheel. The blacksmith is even more necessary than he is now. He makes farm implements, edged tools, all the nails that are in use, and he is even a manufacturer of cow-

A FARM HOME IN 1800 127

bells. Stores are few, small, and far between, but to some extent their place is supplied by the peddler. The store that John occas- ionally visits is a little dark room without showcases. The merchant brings his goods from Philadelphia and hauls sixty to eighty hun- dredweight at a time. He pays for them in deerskins, hams, gin- seng, and such other country produce as it will pay to wagon nearly 400 miles. A year ago, the merchant sent for some coffee, but it was months before there was any call for it. Then a man took home a pound, but complained on his next visit that "the old woman biled them split beans half a day and then they didn't get soft enough to eat."

All labor is hand labor, and although families are large, neigh- borly help is often in demand, especially when there is a house-rais- ing or a corn husking. After the work has been attended to, there is a square meal followed by dancing or other diversions. The purely social party is scarcely known, except the wedding occasion, winch is always a notable event- The Monroe girl of this period thinks little of mounting a horse scarcely yet broken, and galloping a dozen miles with no companions save those of her own sex.

Doctors are few and unskilful, and being without the light of modern science, their methods would seem to us a suggestion of the dark ages. The quack doctor is more common than the honest one. There are quack remedies galore- But the "granny woman" is no quack, and with her very serviceable knowledge of herb* she is a fair substitute for the regular practitioner. These remedies she gathers from the garden, the woods, and the fields. Among them are slippery elm, white walnut bark, snakeroot, and mandrake.

The world, so far as known and understood, is very narrow. It means little more than an expanse of frontier wilderness, inter- spersed with settlements more or less new. Only a few of the men and none of the women get so far away as Philadelphia or Richmond.

*Some of these (not all of which are indigenous to this locality) are balm of Gilead, catnip, elecampane, garlic, horehound, horseradish, Je- rusalem oak, jimson weed, mullein, peppermint, spearmint, tansy, yarrow, and yellow dock.


The ancestral home across the Atlantic has almost lapsed into a thing of tradition. As for the country beyond the Mississippi, it is less known than Central Africa is to us. The knowledge of the great Pacific is nearly as meager as our present knowledge of the Antarctic.

The times are not those of sloth, ease, and gayety. They are crude, coarse, rough, and laborious. The restraints of law, religion, and morality are indifferently observed. Men are addicted to liquor, fighting, and lawsuits. Such contentment as is found is the con- tentment due to an ignorance of anything better. People expect to do things very much as their fathers have been doing them. With but a faint foretaste of the industrial appliances with which we are so familiar, they experience little of our social unrest.


MONROE FROM 1799 TO 1861

Civil Government in Virginia Boundary Changes in Monroe Progress

During the Period Contention Between Eastern and Western

Districts Mrs. Royall's Visit.

URING the colonial period, and until 1852, civil gov- ernment in Virginia was quite different from what it was afterward. Prior to the war for American inde- pendence, the legislature was styled the House of Bur- gesses. The Governor's Council of eight members acted in a meas- ure as an upper house and also as a supreme court. Men charged with felony or treason by the county courts were sent to the capital to be tried before the Council

The administration of local affairs was mainly in the hands of the county court, as is the case at present- But when a new county was to be organized, the governor commissioned certain of its citi- zens to act as "worshipful justices." When vacancies occurred, or when the court wished to increase its membership, one or more men were nominated by the court and confirmed by the governor. The justices held office indefinitely, except that the governor might re- move them for cause. Thus the county court was self-perpetuating. It was not responsible to the people of the county, and it levied taxes at its own pleasure. It was in its power to favor its own members and to be arbitrary and tyrannical. The justices belonged to the leading families, and it often happened that several of them would be closely related. But in practice, the system worked fairly well. The justices felt the responsibility of their position and they lived in close touch with the mass of the people.

The powers of the county court were very broad. The mem- bers of it were magistrates, and a quorum acted as a board of county


commissioners. They tried chancery cases and breaches of the peace, and could sentence a slave to capital punishment.

At frequent intervals the court sent to the governor the names of one to three of the senior members, one of whom was commis- sioned by him as sheriff. But the sheriff sold out the office to the highest bidder, so that the actual work was done by his deputies. The court nominated the coroner, whose office was more important than now, since the incumbent was a conservator of the peace. It also elected the county clerk, the prosecuting attorney, the surveyor, the constables, and the overseers of the public roads. Commissioned officers of the militia were nominated by the court and confirmed by the governor.

Each county had a county lieutenant, who in theory was a dep- uty governor. He had charge of the local militia, and in the field he ranked as a colonel.

A minor share of the local government was attended to by the vestry, which was a parish board. A county contained from one to three parishes. The members of the first vestry were chosen by the people, but since the vestry rilled its own vacancies, it became a close corporation like the county court. Its executive officers were the two churchwardens. It was their duty to look after the morals of the parish, to build chapels and rectories for the established church, and to levy taxes for the support of that church. They also bound out orphans and bastards, so that their duties were civil as well as ecclesiastical.

In 1776 Virginia asserted its independence of England, and adopted a constitution which remained the law of the state until that of 1829 went into effect. But as both these instruments continued things very nearly as they found them, the people of Virginia lived until 1852 under almost the same machinery of local government as existed under British rule. The most striking changes under inde- pendence were the disestablishment of the Church of England and the abolishing of the vestry, so far as it had to do with civil gov- ernment.

During this period there was much restriction on the suffrage.

MONROE FROM 1799 TO 1861 131

In 1800 there were only three polling places in all Monroe. In 1804 one of the presidential candidates received 60 votes at Union and the other received but 27.

So late as 1829 two-fifths of the adult white males in Virginia were unable to vote. Even then the people could elect no state offi- cials except the members of the legislature, and no local officials whatever, except the overseers of the poor. Even the governor was chosen by the legislature and not by popular vote. It was only in a very limited sense that the government of the state could be termed republican.

But with the constitution that came into effect in 1852 there was a sweeping change. State and county officers were now elected by the people, and so was the county court of four members to each district. Until this time, the justices, of whom there was until 1830 no fixed number, served without pay.

Until imprisonment for debt was done away with, the jail was mainly used as a boarding house for delinquent debtors. The court- house yard was supposed to be provided with pillory, stocks, and whipping-post. The whipping-post at Union stood just outside the jail garden. The hands of the culprit went around it and were fastened with a clasp. The number of lashes administered to a culprit was seldom in excess of thirty-nine. The essential feature of the pillory was a pair of short planks coming together at the edge, but with an opening to close around a man's neck. The stocks confined the ankles instead of the neck. Neither punishment could have been enjoyable in fly time, or when jeers, pebbles, or even eggs of uncertain quality were flung at the prisoner, as was done in some localities. But before the middle of the nineteenth century the criminal code of Virginia became more humane. The pillory and the whipping-post and burning in the hand were abolished.

After three years the county of Monroe was enlarged. But since then the boundaries have repeaterly been nibbled into. Appalachian Virginia is a land of mountains, valleys, and streams, and so it is comparatively easy for a neighborhood to convince itself that it is an intolerable hardship to go to the county seat. A mountain ridge


becomes a frightful barrier. An intervening river has none but the most terrible fords. Political influence is called in to back up the petitions which are hurled again and again at the legislature.

An Act of Assembly of January 2, 1802, taking effect from date of passage added to Monroe that portion of Botetourt within the line described in the next paragraph.

Beginning at the top of the Middle Mountain, on the east side of Potts Creek, at the point where the Montgomery line intersects said mountain ; thence down the top of said mountain as far as that point thereof which is opposite the lower end of David Edgar's plantation on the said creek; and thence with a straight line northwest on such bearing as will include Samuel Logue's plantation on Dunlap's Creek, and so continued on to the line of Grenbrier County.*

The above annexation moved the boundary much east of the divide between Eastern and Western waters and added about 150 square miles of territory. But four years later the process of sub- traction began. Giles county, which became effective May 1, 1806, was formed from Montgomery, Monroe, and Tazewell, and was at the outset very much larger than at present. The original boundary on the northeast is defined as starting from the end of Gauley Moun- tain on New River at the intersection of the Greenbrier-Kanawha line, and running up New River with the Kanawha line to the in- tersection of the Monroe line. The line between Monroe and Mont- gomery is then followed to the upper end of Pyne's plantation, whence a straight line runs to the mouth of Rich Creek leaving the plantation of Hugh Caperton to the right, and then follows the Monroe-Montgomery line to the Botetourt line.

The next paring away was in 1822, when Alleghany county was formed out of Bath, Botetourt, and Monroe. The line between Monroe and the new county is described as starting from "the top of the middle of Potts Mountain, where the Fincastle and Sweet Springs toad crosses; then with the Sweet Springs road to the top of Peters Mountain; thence a straight course to the Greenbrier line

*The line on our map which shows this boundary is approximate and not exact.

MONROE FROM 1799 TO 1861 133

on the top of the Alleghany, passing between Sweet Springs and Red Spring."

A curious circumstance attending the formation of Alleghany was that David Kean and Peter Wright, the sheriffs of Monroe and Botetourt respectively, were citizens of the new county. But by a special law Kean remained sheriff of Monroe for two years.

In January, 1827, the court of Monroe was directed to have its survey or mark that portion of the Monroe-Giles line beginning at Wray's path on the top of Peters Mountain opposite Andrew Al- len's, and then running eastward, following the divide between Eastern and Western waters to Samuel Hutchinson's on the top of Middle, or Price's Mountain, and with the same to the Botetourt line.

A third trimming was authorized by the legislature in February, 1829. Giles was enlarged at the expense of Monroe by a line starting on New River at the mouth of Ford Hollow Branch and running direct to Rich Creek at the bend adjoining Elias Hale's. Thence the line ran up Rich Creek to the mouth of Scott's Branch, and up the latter to the top of Peters M'ountain.

A petition of 1805 voices opposition to the creation of Giles. Two years later there was a petition by 146 men asking annexation to that county. But a counter-petition affirms that the courthouse of Giles is on the wrong side of New River. In 1809 there was a petition by 27 citizens, mostly Shumates and Fleshmans, asking annexation to Giles on the ground that bridle-paths were rare over Peters Moun- tain, and that it was more convenient to themselves to attend court at the county seat of Giles- Another petition of the same year has 42 signatures. A third, with 25 names, concedes that eight per- sons are violently opposed to a change, while 16 others are condi- tionally opposed.

Because the Greenbrier River made it troublesome to the people on Muddy Creek to attend muster at the courthouse, that portion of Monroe within the following lines went back to Greenbrier iu 1827: From the mouth of Muddy down the Greenbrier to the mouth of Falling Branch; thence northwestwardly, leaving Thomas Grif-


fith on the north and touching his land, to top of Keeney's Knob, where the proposed line intersects the previous county line. In 1811 an alteration here had been asked by Joseph Alderson, who was then sheriff.

In 1835 there were 78 petitioners asking for a new county, to be taken from Monroe, Giles, and Fayette, but mostly from Mon- roe. The movement did not succeed, but in 1843 the whittling down of this county was resumed. In that year there was added to Alleghany all of Monroe outside of a boundary described as fol- lows: Starting from the top of Peters, or Sweet Springs, Mountain and running to that point on the county line where Price's Moun- tain turnpike ceases to be the county line; thence a direct course, crossing Potts Creek, to a sugartree in James Wiley's yard; thence a direct course to where such line will strike Price's Mountain turn- pike at the first ford of the run below Andrew Wilson's.

Craig has nibbled into Monroe in 1853 and 1856. The first an- nexation was that part of Monroe east of a line beginning on the boundary of Craig at the top of Little Mountain and running with said line to a point opposite William A. Rowan's; thence crossing Potts Creek to the top of Peters Mountain opposite the said Ro- wan's, and with the top of said mountain to the corner of Monroe. Three years later there was added to Craig a strip outside of a line beginning on Potts Creek where the Monroe-Craig line crosses (near William A. Rowan's) ; thence up the creek to past George H. Car- penter's, and then to the Craig line near Jarvis's.

The last of the subtractions from the county is mentioned in a later chapter.

The counties of Greenbrier, Monroe, Kanawha, Cabell, Mason, and Bath were made into a chancery district in 1814. A superior court was to be held in June and November by the judges of the Staunton and Wythe chancery districts.

Taxes, even until the close of the period, seem very light in comparison with what they are now, but in reality they were high enough. The United States was by no means a rich country until

MONROE FROM 1799 TO 1861 135

the discovery of gold in 1848. In 1832 William Arnot paid $3 head tax for three polls and 82 cents on his land and four horses. In 1821 Monroe was allowed two commissioners of the revenue, one for each battalion district. Red Sulphur Springs was made the voting place for the lower battalion. In 1856 three commissioners were allowed. In the preceding year, a petition from the fourth district asks for a better voting place than the barn that was being used for the purpose- In 1824 processioning was suspended twelve years in this and other mountain counties. We are not aware that the practice was ever revived. It consisted in remarking the boundaries of tracts of land, and was done by men appointed for the purpose by- the county court. But the intent of the law was not so much the pres- ervation of boundary marks as it was to prevent trespass, especially in hunting.

In general the period of threescore years prior to the war of 1861 was quiet and uneventful. A slow net increase in the popula- tion a little more than counterbalanced the large outflow to the newer communities of the West and South. There was a gradual gain in the things that make for material comfort. At the close of the peri- od the county seat had become quite as populous as it is now, and relatively to other places around it was of more importance. Peters- town was a thriving village. There was much activity in the cause of good roads, so as to put the county within easier commercial touch with centers of population, east and west, and also to better accom- modate the throngs that visited the summer resorts. It was in the middle of the century that these roads witnessed their palmiest days. There was also a very practical interest in favor of better schools and a stringent control of the liquor traffic

But the distribution of wealth was very unequal. A few fam- ilies had gradually come into possession of very large areas of the best farming and grazing lands. A numerous element of the popu- lation was thus squeezed into a condition of tenantry, and the influ- ence on the ambition and enterprise of such people was depressing. Some of the homes of the county were attractive rural manors


and the abodes of education and refinement. But the log house, sometimes weather-boarded, was still the usual type- Perhaps the back door was fastened with a wooden button, and the front door with a wooden latch moved by a string which in daytime dangled outside. Locks were not always thought necessary, but the door was sometimes secured with a wooden bolt fastened with a bent wire. The amount of woodland, largely of the primeval sort, was still very large. Improved farm machinery, even at the close of the period, was little known, because it first came into use in those localities where the land is most easily tilled. The chaff-piler, a crude form of threshing machine, did not appear until 1840, and the separator not until 1850. Cyrus McCormick, a young man of Rockbridge, demonstrated the first practical reaper in 1831, but had to go West in order to make his invention a commercial success. Almost as late as 1860 the sewing machine was still a novelty, and the flint- lock gun was not entirely discarded- Flax was still grown and homespun clothes were very often worn. In short, the impress of the pioneer period was much in evidence until the great war. Could an industrial and social leader of 1800 come back to Monroe in 1860, he would probably have said that the sum total of economic change during this interval was no more than he would have ex- pected. But a visit in 1916 would quickly cause him to rub his eyes in amazement and incredulity.

The social customs of the period included some very pleasant features. There was little of the hurry of our modern era. People took time to inquire after the health and welfare of their neighbors. All-day visiting was a custom. Despite the differences in wealth, there was little of what would now be termed luxury, and in prac- tice, even if not in theory, there was a near approach to social equal- ity among the white population. The well to do were not gener- ally inclined to assume repellant airs. It was a forceful and cap- able type of manhood and womanhood that was nurtured in the ante-bellum years of America. M'rs. Elizabeth Burdette Miller, born in 1826, spun and wove most of the family clothing until after the war, besides helping to pull and scutch the flax out of which tow

MONROE FROM 1799 TO 1861 137

trowsers, table linen, towels, and other articles were made. Into her coverlets she could weave any leaf, vine, or other figure. She made straw hats for her daughters and trimmed them- Sarah Pyne Bos- tick lived to be a centenarian with mental faculties clear until the end and without having taken any medicine from a doctor. It is not without reason that the midcentury is thus idealized by a native of Monroe:

Fifty years ago, life was a gleam in the sunlight, a lily, a pearl, and a rose. It was then that we shared with our playmates their toy-blocks, drums, and horns. In our childish imaginations, we sailed on invisible waters; we tunneled for silver and gold in dream mountains and fought in imaginary wars. In old field ponds we launched little ships of Colum- bus and voyaged upon the crests of perilous waves. In our imaginary voyages we discovered regions of wonder and islands of Crusoe.

However, that period had a pugilistic atmosphere. The fist fight was an "affair of honor," a form of duel, and was often the climax to an insult, real or fancied, or to a difference of opinion. At the husking bees and other frolics were trials of strength or endur- ance, after the day's work was done. At one of these a budding doc- tor pulled off his shoes, stuffed the ends of his pantaloons into his socks, tied a red handkerchief round his head, and screamed that he could outrun the field. John Houchins, the beneficiary of the bee, was then a man of about 55. He told the incipient M. D. to cut a six foot withe and he would follow from the length of the withe, and whale him with the same as soon as he could get within busi- ness distance. The challenge was accepted, but the middle-aged man in his hunting shirt and rawhide boots soon overtook the young man and used his weapon so frequently that the junior was very willing to admit defeat.

Until the war of 1861 Virginia recognized two grand divisions of the state. These were known as the Eastern District and the Western District, and they were separated by the Blue Ridge- The division was recognized in census, industrial, and other reports. The Eastern District was settled almost wholly by an English element, and its social ideals were aristocratic. Plantation owners were so- cially and politically dominant. Slaves were very numerous, and


free labor was at a disadvantage. The Western District was set- tled by what we may term the American Highlander. He believed in free labor, owned few slaves, and did not like slavery. But the East was settled first. It made the laws of Virginia and deter- mined the nature of its institutions. It thought the West was peas- ant-minded. It had a love of political control and did not propose to permit its own section of the state to be submerged by the other. So the people of the Eastern Division were bent on keeping the po- litical center of gravity safely east of the Blue Ridge. But the peo- ple of the Western Division were not meek- Thus there was an "irrepressible conflict" within the Old Dominion, and it was bound to be settled in one of three ways. The West would either come into political control or separate, or else one district would drift into the same type of civilization as the other.

Among the records of the period are several which indicate the feeling of the people of Monroe in this quarrel within the state. A petition of 1842, with many signers, condemns the inequality in leg- islative representation under which the Western District was la- boring, and it asks for a constitutional convention, wherein the mem- bers shall represent equal numbers of qualified voters. The agita- tion that inspired this petition had already been long continued, yet little was accomplished until 1851. As early as 1816 delegates from 24 of the western counties met in Staunton, and issued a demand for a constitutional convention. One was called together in 1829, but it was dominated by the East, because that section had a major- ity of the state senatorial districts and consequently a majority in the convention. The constitution adopted was of such a standpat nature that only one of the delegates from the West voted for it. There was even talk of bolting to a new convention. The consti- tution carried in the popular vote, although the western counties gave an adverse majority of almost 7000 in a total vote of 9748. The West had asked for a loaf, and since it received a stone, its dis- content was greater than ever.

The constitution of 1851 was much more liberal, although some of its provisions were not to be voted upon until 1865-

MONROE FROM 1799 TO 1861 139

In 1824 Mrs. Royall revisited this region and in her first book she gives a rather extended account of Monroe and Greenbrier. This visit falls toward the middle of the period sketched in this chapter. It also precedes the recollection of any person now living. As Mrs. Royall was a close and generally accurate observer, her mention of the county supplies a vacancy which otherwise could hardly be filled. She found the people moral and inoffensive, unsuspicious, very hos- pitable to strangers, and opposed to accepting rewards for entertain- ing them. The women were very domestic. [The crime record was found excellent, only two instances of murder coming within her knowledge. The leading exports, in the order in which they are enumerated by her, were fine horses, cattle, sheep, whiskey, bacon, sugar, tobacco, ginseng, cheese, wool, beeswax, feathers, tallow, poul- try, and hemp.

The influence of the summer resorts calls out a word of sharp criticism. Mrs. Royall says the sight of well dressed visitors gives rise to an irresistible tendency among the resident people to ape their fashions to the limit; to put on airs and lie back from work and smoke cigars, not realizing that the mere possession of good clothes does not imply the possession of culture. She prophesies that the taste the people have acquired for dress, foreign manners, and such luxuries as coffee and tea will prove their ruin. She says that thirty years earlier sickness was almost wholly unknown, homemade cloth being a better protection against cold than "the present frip- pery." As a result tuberculosis had become prevalent.

What would Mrs. Royall say as to our automobiles, moving pic- tures, and ice-cream counters?



Abstracts from the County Record-Books.

Order-Book, Sweet Springs District Court

ECORDS begin at Greenbrier Courthouse, May 18. Henry Tazewell and Edmund Winston, judges.

Samuel Dew of Hampshire appointed clerk. George Hancock, Francis Peyton, James Breckenridge, and Christopher Clark qualify as attorneys. Grand jury: William Royall (foreman), William Frogg, Robert Clen- dennin, William McCoy, William Johnson, William Ward, Jr., William Griffith, John Viney, Simon Shoemaker, John Miller, John Wallace, Will- iam Cooper, Richard McMullen, Samuel Taylor.

Grand jury, December term at Fincastle: William Watts (foreman), George Skillern, Thomas Rowland, James Barnet, John Wood, William Davison, John Henderson, James Roberts, Henry Bowyer, William Roy- all, Alexander Smith, Jacob Cooper, Joseph Kile, James Simpson, Joseph Cloyd, Hugh Caperton, John Hutchinson, Samuel McClung, William Ritchie, James Robinson, William Wilson.

1795 Sheriff of Botetourt allowed $4 a day for attendance. John Carson of Ireland naturalizes. Samuel Blackburn qualifies as attorney.

1799 Ralph Elliott to hang for stealing a horse in Botetourt. Jacob Hunt, free negro, burnt in the hand for felony. Abraham Sovian, jailer, allowed $2 a day for attendance.


William Graham, Sheriff of Monroe, allowed $5 a day for attendance.

Trespass, assault and battery, burglary, and horse stealing are the principal crimes.

Five men presented for gaming at the faro-bank of Samuel Brown at Sweet Springs. Benjamin Shacklet presented for keeping another bank at same place. The gamesters fined $20 each, and bound in $50 to $500 for recognizance.


1804 Sheriff of Monroe to convey to Richmond a laborer sentenced three years for horse stealing. One-eighth of this time he is to be alone in a cell and on low and coarse diet.

Monroe Order-Books

June, 1799

James Alexander enters into a bond to convey one acre for a courthouse and 25 acres adjacent for a townsite.

Sheriff to let out a contract for a log courthouse and stone jail.

The first overseer-of-the poor district to cover all the county west of the top of Swope's Knobs ; the second, from Swope's Knobs opposite to mouth of Turkey to said point, thence by direct course to top of Peters Mountain, thence to New River ; the third, to cover all the rest of county. Elections to be held at John Perry's, George King's, and the widow Kil- patrick's.

July, 1799 James McCulloch to pay witness) fee to Peter Grass of 53 cents for one day at court, besides 4 cents a mile for 78 miles travel, coming and returning.

August, 1799

Court at James Alexander's.

First grand jury: Ervin Benson (foreman), William Gullett, James Boyd, Francis Best, James Rawlins, William Campbell, John Carr, Thomas Harvey, Henry McDaniel, John Blanton, James Byrnside, John Foster, Joel Stodghill, Lively McGhee, John Arnot, John Dunn.

J M summoned for retailing liquor without license.

Samuel Dew, clerk of District Court, qualifies as assistant clerk to John Hutchinson at such times as the latter might need to attend said court.

John Byrnside qualifies as surveyor and James Graham as coroner.

William Vawter, commissioner of the revenue under Greenbrier, or- dered to deliver such of his returns as are within the limits of Monroe.

William White presented for assaulting and "battering" Richard Wil- liams, and Matthew, a negro man.

1800 Thomas Burns to build gristmill on Second Creek.

Patrick Boyd given ordinary license at Union; also peddler's license. Mill of Tristram and Robert Patton ordered established. Isaac Estill sworn in as sheriff for two years from date of last com- mission.

Sheriff to have stocks and pillory built.


For outrageous drunkenness, abusing the court, cursing in their pres- ence, and threatening mischief, Dennis Cochran is fined $28 and sent to jail until quiet and ready to confess his fault.

William Hatfield presented for assault and battery.

Charles Blythe, poor orphan, bound to James Gregory.

Annulling of contract with Joseph McNutt to build courthouse.

John Wallace and James Alexander given ordinary license and James Graham ferry license- Mention of Thompson's racepath.

County expenditures: sheriff, $41.50; coroner, $4.98; surveyor, $17.23; deputy attorney, $67; use of Alexander house for court, $10; underpinning of courthouse, $37.50; work on jail by Joseph Alderson, $55; wolf boun- ties ($2 and $1), $20; "depositum," $522.76.

Levy, $917: rate, one dollar per tithable.

Thomas Fife and Robert Rowe to judge work on courthouse. If they do not agree, Alexander Dunlap to act as umpire, his decision being final.


Jail accepted. Joseph Alderson, contractor.

Christian Peters and Henry Willis petition for leave to build gristmills.

In the cases against Muntz and Hunt, 50 cents a day allowed for guard, 17 cents a day for prison board, and 10 cents a mile for conveying pris- oner. Dr. John linger turns in a bill of $45.91, Hunt having been shot through leg with rifle ball when caught in a meat house.

James Davenport to purchase a county seal, the same to show a spread eagle surrounded by the words, "Monroe County."

October, court at Humphrey Keyes.' November court in new court- house.

Levy, $722.27; rate, 75 cents.


Adam Kline qualifies as jailor.

Materials for courthouse cost $731.95.

"Staunton Phoenix" mentioned.

Grand jury returns four bills for assault and battery and one for breach of Sabbath; the largest number yet.

Sheriff to let the plastering and papering of courthouse.

Joseph Ruth acquitted of murdering his daughter with laudanum.

William Johnson has mill on Wolf.

Henry Douty fined $5 for insulting a witness while drunk.

Notice posted that any person playing at fives or ball against the court- house, or any other dismeanor to or at the same, is to be dealt with as law directs.

Levy, $703.12; rate, 62^ cents.

Christian Peters given ordinary license.



Order for clerk's office; to be 14 by 16 feet in the clear, built of stone and fireproof. Plans to be made by Alexander Dunlap and John Hutchin- son.

Sheriff protests at insufficiency of jail.

Certified that Alexander S. Walker is a man of honesty, probity, and good demeanor, and has resided in county over one year.

Richard Johnson has a mill.

William Frogg fined $5 for an affray in door of courthouse.

Levy, $878.40; rate, 80 cents.


William Patton a licensed peddler.

Edward Legg indicted for murder of Elijah Cornwell, and Thomas Washburn as accomplice thereto.

William Taylor indicted for housebreaking and for stealing $70 out of a chest.

Levy, $586; rate, 50 cents.

1805 Hugh Tiffany licensed peddler.

James Higgenbotham held for district court on charge of murdering Joseph Dixon. Andrew Higgenbotham held as accomplice.

1811 (Records lost from June 18, 1805, to March 29, 1811.) Betsy, wife of John Carr, sues for separate maintenance and the same

is allowed.

Simeon Jarrell jailed 48 hours for attempting to rescue a prisoner from



Eleven true bills in one court for breaches of peace.

Seven wolf bounties this year.

Levy, $677.50; rate, 50 cents.

Materials of old jail to be sold and proceeds applied to inclosing public square. The alley between courthouse and A. and G. Beirne's store, and leading to Budd's, to be inclosed by fence.

Bounty on any wolf, $8.

Two women sue for alimony. One claim allowed.

True bill against John Young and Andrew McLaughlin for fighting duel.

Rates at Pack's ferry 6^4 cents for man, horse, or mule, and V/i cent for each hog or sheep.


1813 Road surveyor presented for not keeping an index in forks at Samuel Ewing's.

Levy, $446.49; rate, 33 cents.

Samuel Pack has ordinary license.

Thomas Reynolds to build gristmill on Second Creek.

Christopher Shaffer has gristmill.

Isaac Cook has gristmill license on Laurel.


Ordinary rates:

Warm dinner or breakfast $ .33

Cold dinner 25

Cold breakfast 21

Feather bed 12J4

Chaff bed 08

Corn or oats per gallon 123^

Pasturage, 24 hours 12^4

Stablage and hay, 24 hours 37^4

Whiskey, per half pint 12^4

Peach brandy, per half pint 25

Apple brandy, per half pint 12^2

Cider, per gallon 33

French brandy, per gallon 6.33

Port wine, per gallon 6.00

Jane Tygart, indicted for killing John, her husband.

Levy, $528.08; rate, 37^ cents.

1815 Levy, $411.51; rate, 29 cents.

1816 Allowed for patrolling, $16.15; for sign posts, $10. Mention of legislation on the banknotes of other states to decide which ones are current.

In August court 16 presentments, 9 being for breaches of the peace. Levy, $504.57; rate, 33 cents.

1817 Levy, $761 ; rate, 50 cents.

1818 William Clark has ordinary license. Levy, $2180.75; rate, $1.37*4 Allowed to sheriff, $167; to contractor for new courthouse, $1586.


Stephen Hensley indicted for passing counterfeit banknotes, knowing them to be bad, and escapes from prison.


Rates at Alderson's ferry raised to 12/4 cents for man or horse.

Allowed for courthouse, $2000.

Levy, $2712.85; rate, $1.67 2-3.

Ordinary rates: warm dinner, 37^2 cents; warm supper or breakfast, 33 1-3 cents; lodging, 12^2 cents; common cider, per gallon, 25 cents; boiled cider, 50 cents.

For keeping livestock taken on execution, 9 cents per head for cattle, 17 cents for one horse or 5 sheep.

Alexander Kitchen given ordinary license.

Samuel Hilton married in Grayson county, moved away, and "by the instigation of the devil did feloniously and (in) wickedness marry again."

Magistrates divided into foiir classes: one for March, May, and July; one for January, September, and November; one for February, August, and October; one for April, June, and December.

1820 Levy, $3224; rate, $2.

Sheriff allowed 40 cents a day for boarding a prisoner. John Martin has contract for building courthouse.


Quite a number of licenses about this time, especially of store and house goods.

Levy, $622.12; rate, 37^ cents.

Courthouse formally accepted in August.

Stephen Hensley sent to state prison for five years and six months. His counterfeit notes to the sum of $5175 filed with county clerk, and burned in presence of court, except one note on each of the banks, which was filed with the prosecution papers. One note of $20 supposed to be good.

Stove for courthouse ordered.

1822 For working on roads, 50 cents a day allowed; for putting up a guide board, 50 cents; for blasting rocks, one dollar a day. Levy, $829.48; rate, 50 cents. John Peters given ordinary license.

1823 William Clark has ordinary license. Levy, 989.35; rate, 52 cents. Old office of county clerk to be rented out.


1824 John Hank allowed to teach singing school in grand jury room. Road surveyors get 25 cents a day. Levy, $1041.60; rate, 60 cents.


Andrew Summers given ordinary license.

Levy, $937.70; rate, 52 cents.

William Connell, jailor.

Appropriated for roads (including $50 for a bridge), $606.01; accounts allowed, $76.30; state's attorney, $75; jailor, $80; sheriff, $60; firewood for courthouse, $10; patrolling, $25.39.

1826 Levy, $892; rate, 50 cents.

Order for bridge over Indian at William Vass's. Rather frequent felonies, especially breaking into barns.

1827 Levy, $743.77; rate, 50 cents.


Levy, $1917.77; rate, $1.02J4.

For poorhouse, $600 appropriated; total cost not to exceed $2000.

1829 Levy, $1600; rate, 85 cents. John W. Kelly recommended as escheator.

1830 Ordinary license, $18.

James Dunlap ordered to build porch to courthouse. Robert Williamson charged with stabbing William Derieux. Levy, $2296.80; rate, $1.20.

1831 Levy, $1166; rate, 62^2 cents.

1832 Madison McDaniel given ordinary license. Levy, $1306.25; rate, 68^4 cents.

1833 Charles Houchins, John Peters, and Joel Stodghill keep houses for private entertainment. James Handley, Nathaniel B. Kelly, and Philip Rodgers given ordinary license.


254 men delinquent in tax. Levy, 656.48; rate, 31 cents.

1834 Robert Coalter, William Nelson, and Henry Kelly keep houses of pri- vate entertainment.

Several persons pass counterfeit money. Levy, $1353; rate, 62^2 cents.

1835 James Trucks given ordinary license. John and Conrad Peters keep houses of private entertainment, the former at Peterstown. Levy, $998.35; rate, 46^ cents.

1836 Randolph Stalnaker given ordinary licensee. George W. Shawver and Andrew Miller have houses of private entertainment.

1837 Levy, $2493; rate, $1.12H-

1838 Levy, $1333.88; rate, 76^ cents.

1839 Voting places are the courthouse, Jacob Wickline's, Andrew Gwinn's, and Red Sulphur.

Religious services to be allowed in courthouse. John Hinton to open a ferry. Levy, $1456.57; rate, IZYt. cents.


Courthouse to be painted.

Several fights and forgeries.

Levy, $1939.29; rate, \iy2 cents.

County expenditures embrace 178 items, the largest number yet. Fox bounties are $86, the rates being $1.50 and 75 cents. State's attorney is paid $100, the county clerk, $100, the sheriff, $75, the jailor, $50, the janitor of courthouse, $30.

Allowed for surveying roads, 50 cents a day: for putting up a sign- board, $1.25.


Levy, $1612.50; rate, 50 cents. Elliott Vawter has ordinary license.


1842 Alexander Humphreys and Jacob C. Humphreys keep houses of private entertainment.

Levy, $1055.01; rate, 62J/2 cents.

1843 Levy, $1173.76.

William Bolinger and Franklin F. Neel keep houses of private enter- tainment, the license being $3.

1844 Moses Mann has a mill on Indian. Levy, $1163.59; rate, 50 cents.

1845 John Dickson has ordinary license. Eleven constables appointed. William Hole has sawmill on Laurel. Levy, $1408.98; rate, 62^ cents.

1846 Levy, $1369.71; rate, 57 cents.

1847 William Hinchman, Robert Gwinn, Jacob Wickline, and Daniel Wick- line keep houses of private entertainment. Clock peddlers's license is $50. Samuel C. Humphreys has ordinary license.

1849 Smallpox at James S. Ballard's causes county expense of $57.62.


J. and J. Zoll and George Alstadt have ordinary license, and Robert Shanklin, William Early, John Dickson, George Moss, Henry Gilmer, and William Hinchman keep private entertainment.

Only one wolf bounty.


James and George A. Mann keep private entertainment, and Edward White and Company have ordinary license.

1852 John A. Hull keeps private entertainment. The justices under the new constitution meet and organize, July 19.


1853 Floyd Crawford has ordinary license at $27.50. Lewis A. Shanklin and James Keatly keep private entertainment.


State election, Thursday, May 25. Voting places: courthouse, Dickson's, Miller's store, Haynes', Rollinsburg, Red Sulphur, Centerville, Mrs. Peck's.

Tax delinquents in First District 123 ; in Second, 175.

Grand jurors allowed one dollar each.

Rates at Pack's ferry: 6%. centsi per person, horse, ox, wagon, or wheel (of light vehicle) ; 12^2 cents per 20 sheep or hogs; 25 cents' per 20 cattle.

1855 D. Watts and Brother (merchants) remove from Pickaway to Salt Sulphur.

1856 Smallpox prevalent and regulations ordered.

1857 Private entertainment by John L. McCorkle and Thomas Johnson. Wolf bounties are $8 and $4. Fox bounties are reduced to $1 and 50 cents.

1858 Edward White has ordinary license; John Symms, Rufus Pack, Good- all Garten, and Lewis A. Shanklin keep private entertainment.

1859 John P. Ross, Samuel C. Humphreys keep private entertainment. Levy, $2730.37; rate, $1.25.


Over 200 persons subject to jury service.

Levy, $2588.73. Itemized expenditures cover eight large pages. Roads cost $635.78, fox bounties, $59, wolf bounty, $8.

Thomas Johnson, A. M. Hawkins, Samuel Kincaid, James Vawter, An- derson Brown, G. C. Landcraft, James Keatly keep private entertainment.

Henry Steele has sawmill.

William Connell still jailor.



Early Events Local Occurrences Disruption of Virginia Reconstruction Period.

HE war of 1861 is the most striking event in Ameri- can history. Both the contending parties were entirely honest and sincere, even if they could not see alike. The points of view between North and South were very unlike, and the time has not yet come for a history of that con- flict which will meet with as general approval in the one section as in the other. Hundreds of volumes have been written upon the subject, and it is among these that the general reader must look. The topic is much too large to be treated briefly and at the same time comprehensively.

Virginia was rent in two as an effect of the war, and this county is on the dividing line- Such facts are of peculiar interest to a county situated like Monroe. Yet our space does not permit us to go much outside of those events which were of local importance.

Although Southern in position and sentiment, the mass of the Virginians were reluctant to take sides with the cotton states that seceded just after the November election of 1860. [The statesmen of the Old Dominion tried hard to secure a peaceful settlement of the matters in dispute, but the times "were full of passion and rash- ness." The governor called an extra session of the legislature to determine "calmly and wisely what ought to be done." That body met January 7, 1861, and as it decided to call a state convention, an election of delegates to the same took place February 4. Vir- ginia had never yet had a convention not authorized by popular vote, and by a vote of more than two to one she now reserved the right to pass upon the doings of the present one. The convention met February 13. Little more than one-fifth of the delegates came


to Richmond as avowed secessionists. But the popular excitement was intense and the secession element was very aggressive. The line was finally drawn when President Lincoln called for troops to put down the secession of the cotton states. A majority of the Virginia people were unwilling to indorse coercion, and an ordi- nance of secession was finally adopted by a vote of 88 to 55- Allen T. Caperton and John Echols, the delegates from Monroe, voted with the majority.

An election set for May 23 was to approve or disapprove the adoption of the ordinance. But neither secessionists nor anti-seces- sionists waited for this. The state government entered into an ar- rangement with the Confederacy April 24, and was formally ad- mitted May 7. By this time the northwestern counties were or- ganizing in opposition to this step.

The people of Monroe very generally upheld the Confederate cause, sent their young men into its armies, and made great sacri- fices in its behalf. Excepting the few occasions when the county was occupied by Federal armies it lay within the Confederate lines.

There were, however, a number of people who at heart were unsympathetic toward the Southern cause. But sometimes this feel- ing appeared to take the form of opposition to military service on either side.

While there were thirteen battles and skirmishes in Greenbrier, there is chronicled for Monroe only the very insignificant affair at Wolf Creek, May 15, 1862, and the slight skirmish at Second Creek bridge the succeeding May. Yet certain events in the adjoining counties are closely associated with the war history of Monroe-

The first of these occurred very early in June, 1861. The war was yet a new and strange thing, and it was a time of tense excite- ment. The superstitious saw battle-flags in the heavens. They would have it that fowls were laying strange eggs with signs and letters on them, and that the locusts had a W on their wings. On the third day of the month, a greatly excited courier dashed up to J. W. Johnson's store on Wolf Creek, and reported that 3000 Fed- erals were on their way from Nicholas Courthouse to Meadow Bluff, and that they were killing men, women, and children, burning


houses, and committing all manner of depredation. The news spread like wildfire. The crazy raid of John Brown at Harper's Ferry was called to mind, and it intensified the excitement. Men left their work and women cried. John G. Stevens mounted a horse and rode away to learn the truth- Near Blue Sulphur a friend told him that the enemy, 1500 strong, would reach Meadow Bluff that night, that one column would then proceed to Lewisburg and another to Union, and burn both towns. He was also told that citizens were felling trees across the road.

Stevens returned and was that night ordered by General A. A. Chapman to muster his company at Union. It was understood that Lewisburg had sent for aid. So in the morning Stevens used his own discretion and marched his company toward Alderson's Ferry. On the hill just south of the present town he was met by Colonel Ellis and his men. It was now learned that no Federals were be- lieved to be nearer than the Ohio River. The men were ordered into a hollow square, and were complimented for their promptness by "Uncle" James Miller. On their return to their homes, the men under Stevens encountered a host streaming northward. These people were armed with flintlock muskets, squirrel rifles, shotguns, rusty horse pistols, pitchforks, and corncutters- Among the crowd was the militia company of Captain Green Lively. All were as intent on giving the supposed invader a hot reception as were the farmers of Massachusetts who came so near annihilating Pitcairn's redcoats 86 years earlier. Chapman had said he would put his men in Monroe Draft, occupy both sides of the road, and wipe out the enemy. He was not taking into account the probability that the foe would send his scouts in advance. It is said, however, that one Monroe man, when he was told that invaders were coming, picked out a hollow tree, but when he got to it another man had crawled inside.

The next approach of war was in May, 1862. Early that month Lewisburg was occupied by the Greenbrier Riflemen under Captain Eakle, and by Company E of Edgar's Battalion under Cap- tain Hefner. On the 12th, the town was entered and held by 300 Federals under Colonel Elliott of Crook's Brigade. Other troops

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GENERAL JOHN ECHOLS Major General in the Confederate Army


of the brigade soon arrived and went into camp on the hill just west of town. General Heth with a column of Confederates re- ported by Crook as 2500 strong advanced from the Narrows of New River. He entered the town from the east and gave battle at 5:15 on the morning of the 22d- The Federals were nearly taken by surprise but behaved well. 'So did the Confederates until flanked and enfiladed, when they fell back to the hill east of town and then recrossed the swollen Greenbrier, burning the bridge behind them. The action had lasted about an hour and was fought mostly in the streets. General Crook states that he had 2500 men and six guns. He reported his loss as 11 killed, 55 wounded, and 7 missing, a total of 72 men. He claims that his foe left 38 dead and 66 wound- ed on the field, and that 100 prisoners and four guns were taken. General Heth gives his own strength as 2000 infantry, 100 cavalry, and three batteries. He supposed he had not more than 1500 in- fantry and 150 cavalry to fight, and complains that a senseless panic seized his men when victory was in sight. But he was blamed for unskilful conduct, particularly in ordering the artillery to join in the charge. When the battery that lost the four guns was about to have them replaced, they asked that the cannon be provided with bayonets. The Confederate dead were buried in one trench about fifty feet long. Crook states that while some of his wounded were going to the rear they were fired on from the houses and one of them killed- He threatened to hang the snipers in the open street and to burn their houses.

Near this time there were some very minor operations along New River, below the Narrows. One of these was by Colonel Wharton, who with 900 Confederates and two guns marched by night from Peterstown, and at sunrise, August 6th, shelled Colonel Scammon's brigade at Pack's Ferry. Each side claimed the ad- vantage.

In August, 1863, General Averill with his Federal cavalry started from Winchester and raided up Dunlap Creek as far as Callaghan's. All the saltpeter works within reach were destroyed. He reconnoitered toward Sweet Springs, but at 4 A. M., the morn- ing of the 26th, he moved toward White Sulphur, intending to


seize the law library belonging to the Court of Appeals at Lewis- burg, so that it might be used in the river counties of the state. When 12 miles out, he met the Confederates in force at Dry Creek, or Rocky Gap, and fought them ten hours with varying result. Scam- mon not coming up with reinforcements, Averill fell back next morning, fighting and felling trees to cover his retreat. One of his cannon burst from being struck in the muzzle by a ball- He says he did not have 1300 men in the battle, and gives his loss during the whole raid as 218. General Patton, commanding the Confed- erates at Dry Creek, says he himself had about 1900 men and Chap- man's Battery of four guns. He gives his loss as 20 killed, 129 wounded, and 13 missing, a total of 162, and reports taking 117 wounded and unwounded prisoners. Chapman, who is compli- mented in Patton's report, says his enemy fired rapidly and accur- ately, disabling one of his guns.

The battle of Droop Mountain was fought November 6, 1863, near the line between Greenbrier and Pocahontas. There were seven organizations on each side, General Echols commanding the Confederate column of 1700 men and six guns. After an engage- ment of six hours the Confederates were flanked on both wings and pursued to Lewisburg. They lost 275 men, one gun, and one flag. General Averill, in command of the Federals, reported a loss of 119. Duffle advanced from Meadow Bluff to his support, and finding his enemy had passed through Lewisburg, pursued him to the burning bridge over Second Creek, where he lost three men in a skirmish and took a few prisoners. He also took 110 cattle dur- ing his pursuit. Echols fell back to Sinking Creek in Giles county, and in his first report General Jones considered the defeat a serious matter. But it was later claimed that to the Federals there was little material advantage.

Echols soon reoccupied Lewisburg. A few weeks later he made a hurried march by way of Sweet Springs to the top of Peters Mountain to intercept Averill on his return from a raid into South- west Virginia. Other troops were hemming the Federals on the other flank, but they escaped the trap set for them. While at New-


castle, Averill sent for a physician named Wylie, shrewdly knowing that a country doctor could not fail to be well acquainted with the roads in his territory. Wylie at first refused to pilot the Federals to Covington, but yielded to the threat of being shot, and led Aver- ill 's troops to the desired point. Wylie was given a reward for the very unwilling service, and was regarded by his own people as a traitor. The smoke of the burning bridge over Jackson's River at Covington apprised Echols that his prey had eluded him.

Near the middle of January, 1864, General Crook with a large force entered Monroe and lay a while at Union. An incident of this occupation was when Nelson Nickell and a few daredevil com- panions dashed into the south end of the village, captured the picket at Chapman's corner, and made their escape amid a shower of bul- lets.

Later in the same year, General Hunter marched through the Blue Ridge to capture Lynchburg, but found it too strongly de- fended, General Lee having sent a large force under Early to its relief. Hunter fell back to Salem, and was so vigorously pursued that he fled through the mountains to the Ohio River, leaving the way open for General Early to pursue his famous campaign in the lower Shenandoah Valley. Hunter passed through Sweet Springs, Union, and Lewisburg, resting two days at the last named place. Being cut off from his supply train, he had to subsist his army off a thinly peopled mountain region. Provisions and forage were scarce and his men nearly starved.

The final skirmish in this region took place a few days after the surrender of Lee. It was at Big Rock, seven miles east of Hinton, and Thurmond's Rangers were the Confederate force. No one was hurt on either side.

During the four years of war, farming and other home indus- tries and the public business were kept going, but only after a fash- ion. Nearly all the able-bodied men were absent in military service. Some of the slaves had fled or were kidnapped, and others had been sent away. Only one span of horses was allowed to each farm, any surplus being impressed. The roads were almost wholly neg- lected- The markets being cut off or demoralized, there was no


free movement into the county of the commodities it had been cus- tomary to purchase abroad. The armies, whether of friend or foe, made heavy drafts on the limited amount of the foodstuffs and forage produced. During one of the four years the wheat crop was almost a failure. Rye and corn had to make good the shortage after a manner. Real coffee was displaced by parched rye and chestnuts; real tea by a drink made of birch or raspberry. Cotton became worth $60 a pound in Confederate money. There was nec- essarily much privation and hardship. But fortunately there was no widespread depredation, such as took place in the zones marched over by the great armies. Yet an undated petition by A. T. Caper- ton and 17 others complains "that many of the citizens as well as soldiers have become so lawless that it is almost impossible to pro- tect our growing crops or any inclosure upon our lands."

With the three Wheeling conventions in West Virginia and the war constitution of 1863, Monroe county had nothing to do. For a while it was not the intention of the Wheeling government to in- clude in the new state the counties of Pocahontas, Greenbrier, and Monroe. The boundary as finally determined took in several coun- ties which did not support the new state movement, nor did they sympathize in any large degree with the Federal cause. It would look as though this arbitrary action should subsequently have been passed upon by a popular vote in the communities thus affected.

Thus the close of hostilities found this county in West Virginia without having had any voice in the matter. For a while there was a chaotic condition of civil authority. During more than half a year there was no local government. The last session of the county court under Virginia was held May 15, 1865. Not until the last day but one of the following November was a board of supervisors organized, in accordance with the West Virginia prac- tice. Even then the county government was not truly representa- tive of the people. A large majority of the citizens were disfran- chised in consequence of the test oaths exacted by the Wheeling gov- ernment. That there was some impatience and resentment is not to be wondered at.


Narrow, bitter prejudices and a lack of constructive statesman- ship were in the saddle in those days and were not confined to either faction. The registration laws and the test oaths enabled the gov- ernor to say who should and who should not vote. In the ex-Con- federate counties a large majority of the men of voting age had been "rebels." As a matter of course they represented the greater share of the wealth and intelligence of their communities, and yet they were disqualified as being unworthy of trust. Without their aid it was practically impossible to reorganize competent local govern- ments. For illibejrality in this trying time West Virginia was conspicuous among the states.

In 1868 it was alleged that the registration boards were intim- idated in this county. The presence of the Ku Klux Klan was sus- pected, and national troops stood guard at the polls. In the elec- tion of that year only 326 men voted. 1511 were debarred. In 1870 the troops were present again, and the Democratic and Re- publican votes were respectively 454 and 303, thus indicating that only about two men out of five were able to cast ballots.

Relief came through a constitutional amendment offered by W. H. H. Flick, the representative from Pendleton. Flick was a na- tive of Ohio, and had been a Federal soldier. He was a statesman and enjoyed the respect and esteem of the men he had fought. He was one of the party in power who believed the proscription laws were neither necessary nor wise. In Monroe this amendment was indorsed by the Democrats and denounced by the Republicans. The county adopted it by a vote of 618 to 101 ; the state, by 23,546 votes against 6,323- It is alleged that owing sometimes to laxity in en- forcing the registration, and sometimes to intimidation, many of the disfranchised voted for the amendment, and thus legalized their own right to vote. The Flick amendment was proclaimed as a law of the state in April, 1871, and it ended the reconstruction era in West Virginia. Another result was to transfer the control of the state from the Republican party to the Democratic. A third result was the state constitution of 1872.

The war constitution of 1863 was very largely patterned by the


men of the Northern Panhandle. They used an Ohio model, and is was too radical to suit a majority of the West Virginia people. The county court was abolished and a township system of local gov- ernment was substituted. The township chose annually a supervisor, a clerk, an overseer of the poor, and surveyors of the roads; one or more constables to serve two years, and one or more justices to serve four years. The county officers were the recorder, the sheriff, the county surveyor, the prosecuting attorney, and one or more as- sessors, all for terms of two years.

In the constitutional convention of 1872 the opposite element was overwhelmingly in control. Provisions of the war constitution were reversed, not because they were good or bad in themselves, but because they were "Yankee innovations." The old county court was restored, and the name supervisor was spitefully cast out, although retained by Virginia as one of the innovations of her own reconstruc- tion constitution.

To add to the unhappy situation of Monroe at this time, it was afflicted with a most corrupt judge. Nathaniel Harrison, a scion of the family that has given two presidents to the United States, came to Monroe in early life, married here, and entered upon the practice of law. He was a man of fine personal presence and much legal ability. At the close of the war he connected himself with the party in power, and was made judge of the Ninth District. Under the forms of law he outraged decency and oppressed and plundered the people, almost after the manner of an Oriental satrap. During several years complaints were useless because they were from "rebel" sources. But at length Harrison resigned under fire and spent his last days in Colorado- It is said he received threatening letters while judge. Almost the only good act related of him in his official capacity was his sentencing a deserter for five years and in this way abating the trouble from horse thieves.



Quotations from the County Order-Books.

N this chapter the order-books relate their own version of the events of the war period. Extracts on the more important matters are given for the interval be- tween the beginning of 1861 and the end of Virginia's authority in this county.


John Chewning licensed to keep a house of private entertainment.

G. C. Landcraft succeeds William Connell as jailor, the latter having had a long term of service.

Special court, April 29. "for the purpose of putting the county in a proper state of defense in the present crisis." Voted unanimously that $10,000 be appropriated to put the county in defense, equipping volunteers, and paying for the support of destitute families. James M. Byrnside ap- pointed agent to get a loan of $10,000. Ordered that volunteers, including musicians, be allowed $1.50 a day for 10 days, the same to be paid out of this loan. George W. Hutchinson to disburse the said fund on draft from commanding officer.

Captains Samuel C. Waite, Irvin B. Hull, Hugh A. Lynch, and George N. Brown, with five men each, assigned, May 20, to patrol duty. On this day, Edward Hennessy and John Greeves were naturalized as citizens of the United States.

Byrnside to pay one dollar to each member of Beirne's Volunteer Com- pany for each day of drill, not exceeding 10 days, Date of organization of company, May 20.

Thomas F. Parke's hotel license is $73.33.

Captains John H. Nickell and L. C. Thruston assigned to patrol duty.

It appearing, June 17, that there are four companies of volunteers or- ganized in this county, and that perhaps another will be formed in a short time, all members of which will have to be drilled before they are mustered into the service of the state, ordered that each member be paid $1.25 a day for 10 days.

Byrnside reported on loan and was allowed to pay Robert L. Shanklin $120.72 for boarding the Centerville Rifle Company while drilling.


Captain Waite authorized to buy a drum.

Thomas E. Dickson, George W. Hutchinson, A. M. Hawkins, James W. Johnson, William Adair, Richard V. Shanklin, and James K. Scott are commissioners to furnish necessary supplies to such families of volunteers as are proper subjects of relief.

Levy, $6348.27. Rate per capita, $2.75.

Of the levy, $3600 to be a "depositum" to meet payment of $3000 on county bonds. But this order was annulled July 15, when $1.20 per tithe was set aside for the purpose, and 60 cents per $100 on personalty and land to meet principal and interest on loan of $10,000 was ordered.

Lewis Ballard and William Smith indicted for instigating others to establish a usurped government, etc. Lewis and Jeremiah Ballard plead not guilty and give recognizance in bond. Justices present, July 15:

John E. Alexander James W. Johnson

Robert C. Brown Jesse Jones

Michael Beamer William L. Lewis

E. M. Brown William Lynch

James Carpenter John Maddy

William Ellis Abner Neel

Jehu Hank * Archibald Pack

Samuel Hamilton Rufus Peck

John H. Hansbarger William L. Peck

A. R. Humphreys William Scott

John H. Vawter The justices took an oath of fidelity to the Commonwealth and appointed a regular police force, any member of the same being authorized to take before a justice any person he has cause to suspect has violated any state law, such as tampering with slaves, or aiding and abetting the government of the United States, or any officer or agent thereof in any invasion of this commonwealth, or any of its citizens acting under the proper authori- ties thereof, or any person who shall by letter or otherwise communicate to the United States government, or any officer or agent thereof, directly or indirectly, any information touching the action of the commonwealth or its authorities.

Captains assigned to patrol duty, November 18, with three or four men each:

John E. Alexander John A. Nickell

Henry Ballard James M. Nickell

Thomas Biggs Caperton Right

Washington Brown William S. Ruddell

James H. Burdette Richard Watts

Wilson Watts Lewis A. Shanklin became justice, December 15, vice Fleshman.



John Echols appointed agent for Monroe to sell, assign, or transfer bond, number 13, C. S. A. to Monroe county, $1500 of same being redeem- able January 1, 1867, with interest at eight per cent. Date of bond, De- cember 17, 1861.

One Taylor, a slave, for burning the barn and washhouse of Moses Arnold, the property being worth $200 and the slave $500, was ordered transported out of Confederate territory.

An unusual number of deaths lately and no one to act as administrator.

Eight indictments for the illegal retailing of liquor March 18.

Monroe and Greenbrier being declared under martial law, A. T. Ca- perton recommended for provost marshal, upon request by General Heth.

John Echols to deal as aforesaid with bond 104 for $2200, dated March 18, 1862, and redeemable after January 1, 1864.

May 19: Ordered that Monroe issue notes to the amount of $10,000, in denominations of 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, and 100 cents, said notes to read:

''The county of Monroe will pay the bearer cents, redeemable in

current funds at the clerk's office of the said county," pursuant to the pro- visions of an Act of the General Assembly passed March 29, 1862, entitled, "An Act to provide a currency of notes of less denomination than five dollars." George W. Hutchinson to sign and number these notes.

Pursuant to Act of Assembly for 10,000 bushels of salt, John M. Rowan appointed agent to arrange with Stuart, Buchanan and Company for the purchase, the salt to be delivered at Union and James Swinney's. Rowan gave bond in $2000 and was to be allowed his necessary expenses. Dis- tribution of salt to be at the rate of 20 pounds per inhabitant for the year, and the price to allow for waste to be 25 per cent above cost.

Levy, $2092.43. County expenses cover three pages of items. Appro- priated for roads, $79; for patrolling, $173.84. No fox bounties.

August 21: County notes issued to the amount of $9374.

November 17: "An alarming scarcity of the necessaries of life resulting from the withdrawal of a large amount of the labor of the county, an un- precedented drouth, and the presence among us for a considerable period of time of the army of this department, and fearing that there will be great want and distress upon the part of families of soldiers now in the service," an appropriation in small notes to the extent of $15,000 ordered. A. A. Chapman, A. T. Caperton, and G. W. Hutchinson ordered to com- municate with the Confederate States for whatever supplies the said gov- ernment can furnish, and to address the commanding general of this de- partment, asking him if possible not to impress any further supplies. Com- mittee appointed to purchase and distribute supplies, and to make diligent examination into the condition and necessities of the families of the county as well as the prospects and resources of supplies. Said committee thus constituted :


First District: James Carpenter, Abner Neel.

Second District: John A. Nickell, Wilson Watts.

Third District: John W. Reaburn, A. M. Hawkins.

Fourth District: Z. A. Woodson, Oliver Skaggs.

Fifth District: James K. Scott, Green Riles.

Sixth District: William Adair, Archibald Pack.

Seventh District: James Swinney, Riley B. Cook.

November, 17: Rowan, salt agent, to be paid $1000 out of the sale of small notes.

Salt distributors not to sell to anyone who has provided himself with Kanawha salt.

December, 15: Five free male negroes chosen to work as laborers in Army of Southwestern Virginia, per order of Quartermaster General of said Department. Sheriff to notify them to report to Major Thomas P. Lewis at Salt Sulphur by January 5, 1863.

Order for assessment of damages to Richard and Joseph Dickson by state troops under Colonel Swan.


A. A. Chapman provost marshal.

Committee appointed last November to buy at once supplies for those unable to procure them and in need. Committee now to draw upon the clerk for funds and to buy upon the best termsi possible. Supplies also furnished to those without them but able to pay.

February 16: Leave given the Confederate government to take the saltpeter from under the floor of courthouse. William Connell to super- vise this work.

March 16: Certain citizens of North Carolina offering to supply cotton yarns to persons not Speculators, this county being unable to get such yarns except at extortionate prices, and John McCreery being willing to purchase from said factories without fee or reward, he was therefore appointed.

April 20: Surveyor and his deputy both absent.

Committee being unable to obtain the necessary supplies for needy fam- ilies, impressment of the same is ordered.

Thomas E. Dickson qualified a justice, having been commissioned in place of John E. Morgan.

May 18: G. W. Hutchinson, clerk, reported $2000 spent for cotton pur- chased by McCreery, and $4500 spent for salt; also that $25,000 had been issued in notes of 10 centsl to one dollar, face value.

Levy, $5500. Tithables, about 2423. Spent on roads, $6.

William Adair and James Ml Nickell appointed to go to the factories of North Carolina and purchase 2500 bunches of spun cotton and 5000 yards of cotton cloth; or as much thereof as they can, and on the best termsi they can secure, and distribute in such quantity as will meet the


absolute necessities of each family, and for such price as the county shall pay for same. The clerk is to turn over to them his unappropriated funds, and they are also to borrow from the Bank of Virginia, now at Christians- burg. The court to pay off this) loan in 120 days.

The board of prisoners fixed at $1.25 a day.

Amos A. Hansbarger granted tavern license at Union for $159, the liquor retailed to be drunk only on premises.

June 15: 40 road overseers appointed.

The order for cotton reaffirmed as to Nickell, he to buy 9000 yards of cotton goods, or as much thereof as he can, and in paying for the same, he is authorized to borrow for 90 days on the credit of the county; also au- thorized to buy cotton yarn and 200 sacks of salt.

Many attachments issue about this time.

July 20: Harrison Woodram appointed salt depositary and agent.

Cotton order again affirmed. Citizens unable to supply themselves with cotton to have enough to meet actual needs.

September 21: Salt depot ordered at Rollinsburg, with Daniel H. Kes- ler agent.

Of the cotton and yarn purchased, one-half to be delivered at Union and one-half at Salt Sulphur, and to be distributed at a price that will cover costs. One bale yarn allowed each family for its exclusive use. Of cloth, two yards allowed each person over five years old: one yard to each one under five.

Felonies somewhat frequent.

Salt depot at Jesse Jones's.

December 21 : The following committee appointed to purchase food, clothing, etc., as per "Act for the relief of indigent soldiers and their fam- ilies":

First District: Thomas E. Dickson and Thomas ML Crosier.

Second District: George Kouns and John A. Nickell.

Third District: George W, Reaburn and A. M. Hawkins.

Fourth District: J. W. Johnson and Z. A. Woodson.

Fifth District: Henry Milburn and James K. Scott.

Sixth District: Joseph Ellis and Lewis E. Symms.

Seventh District: Riley B. Cook and James Swinney.

J. M. Byrnside agent to redeem the small notes issued by the county.

G. W. Hutchinson allowed $42 for removing county records.

Prison board raised to $2.


March 22: Committee of seven to enroll all the able-bodied free male negroes between the ages of 18 and 50 in the Confederate service as per Act of Assembly.

April 18: J. M. Byrnside to buy raw cotton, cloths, and yarn, and cotton and wool cards for the people, the amount of such not to exceed $75,000 at any one time. Bond of $100,000 executed.


"It being represented to the court that there is at this time general suffering on the part of poor families in this county, and that there are persons within the county having a supply of provisions but who withhold the same, it is therefore ordered that the commissioners for the respective districts make diligent inquiry, and upon ascertaining that there are pro- visions which can be spared, they are to represent such cases to the. sheriff, whose duty it shall be to seize and impress the same, if a purchase cannot be made." Further ordered that John McCreery be appointed a commis- sioner for the purchase of supplies anywhere, either within the limits of the state or without, for the poor families of the county, and that if money cannot be furnished for that purpose, he is authorized to borrow upon the credit of the county, executing the obligation of the county for such case or cases, and the said McCreery is further authorized and directed to make diligent inquiry for any provisions which may be withheld, and upon ascertaining where there are such, he shall call upon the sheriff, whose duty it shall be to take possession of the same, upon the power to impress, if they cannot be procured upon other terms. Further ordered that Gen- eral Chapman be appointed to open a correspondence with the commanding federate Secretary of War is requested to permit the supplies! to be thus families of soldiers in the county who are in a suffering condition.

June 20: Sheriff allowed 10 per cent in the collection of levy.

A bushel and a half of salt to each individual ordered.

Levy, $1801. Expenditures mainly to keep the county government go- ing. Appropriated for roads, $1 ; for foxes, $7.50.

July 19: All civil business continued to next court.

Charges authorized at Lewis E. Shanklin's ferry: man and horse, 50 cents; wagon and two horses, $2; wagon and four horses, $3.

In collecting taxes, sheriff may give credit for negreos taken by the enemy or lost to owner since last June court.

J. M. Rowan to buy 3000 bushels salt and pay for same on credit of county.

In compliance with circular letter from the recorder of the Virginia forces, order for a committee of one from each county "to make a record of the wrongs committed within their respective districts by our vandal Yan- kee foe, and tories and traitors, preparing narratives carefully, sustaining each item by proper and sufficient evidence, and putting it into such shape that it can be readily referred to."

October 17: Indigent agents to receive or take from all persons detailed for farming purposes one-half the supplies they have promised in their petitions for detail and receipt therefor. If this is refused, impressment may follow.

November 21 : Ordered certified that at least one-half the supplies as per paragraph above will be necessary to indigent families. The Con-


federate Secretary of War is requested to permit the supplies to be thus used.

Salt distributors allowed $1 per sack for their services.

Rowan to buy 214 more sacks of salt.

Secretary of War replies that the commissioners are entitled to pur- chase from detailed men one-half their product. The commissioners con- strue this to mean one-half the surplus after deducting for the support of the families of the detailed men from the whole product stated in his bond. This causes nothing to be received from such persons in this county. The commissioners think the intention is one-half the product less support, and Secretary of War is to be written to accordingly. Indigent families can- not otherwise be supported. Secretary is asked to accept one-third the tithe of supplies due the government.


January 16: Commissioners of supplies to purchase potatoes, turnips, cabbages, and beans, in addition to supplies heretofore authorized.

March 20: Order to impress wagons to convoy county cotton from rail- road depot to this place.

April 30: Smallpox in county.

May IS: Last session under Virginia. Parker, Nickell, Kouns> and Neel present. Four business settlements attended to. Families of George Foster and Jane Bland to be furnished bread and meat till further order of court.



URING the war of 1861 the Reverend S. R. Houston was living at Union in the house now occupied by A. S. Johnston. Doctor Houston was an observant, schol- arly man who had traveled abroad. His diary relates day by day the occurrences at home and the thoughts of the people. It mentions their hopes and their fears. It gives the rumors, some- times grossly incorrect, which floated in from a distance- It men- tions the tidings, often distorted, which were read in the newspapers. A very important feature of the diary is that it is calm and judicial in tone and does not display the rancor which is so often seen in wartime utterances, both North and South. This circumstance much enhances the historical value. Only the matters of more gen- eral interest are given in the quotations below.

1860 November

7 Bell and Everett majority in this county, 176; in Greenbrier, 495.

16 The affairs of the South yet more threatening; the people crazy with excitement. "Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad." I fear this will be exemplified in the precipitance of our Southern brethren.

19 Some speeches from A. T. Caperton, John Echols, and Tristram Patton on the present state of the Union and in reference to what action Western Virginia should take at the present time. Some advised inaction, others thought it best to condemn the precipitance of the South. No reso- lutions submitted.

30 Newspapers full of accounts about the excitement in the cotton states. A dissolution of the Union seems to be inevitable! Then what?


3 Demons at the North and South seem bent on our ruin as a nation. I have not yet entirely despaired of the Republic. Some great good is to come out of this terrible convulsion, I think.

15 Dined with Major Echols1, A. T. Caperton, and Dr. Waddell. Talked a great deal about the unhappy state of our country. Civil war


and perhaps servile war seemed to us all extremely probable. Trade is paralyzed. Thousands thrown out of employment threaten to plunder in the cities for bread.

25 Can't do much these Christmas times. Heard that the captain of our patrol had received letters warning him of an intended insurrection on the part of the negroes.

30— The forts at Charleston have been seized by the people. The gov- ernment, it is thought, will now be obliged to assert its claims by the sword.

1861 January

1 Our beloved country is in fearful peril. There is every appear- ance of a rapidly approaching civil war, and all unite in the belief that it will be awfully desolating if it occurs; that there will be a perfect disintegration of the nation and our glory as a people will perish. Every- body seems oppressed with sadness. Many devout prayers are being daily offered up.

4 The day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer recommended by the President we have tried to observe.

5 There seems to be such a preparation for civil war everywhere. 7 Lincoln's inauguration may be resisted.

19 Some little hope that our national difficulties may yet be adjusted and that no fratricidal blood shall flow.

20 Four speeches by lawyers today to a great crowd of people in the courthouse on the unhappy state of the country. It is distressing to think that a civil war may be the result of the present tremendous agitation. The people in this community seem ready to fight if the rights of the South be denied.


4 Caperton and Echols elected without opposition. Flour $8.

13 Political affairs more hopeful. Peace conference progressing har- moniously, it is said.

18 There will in all probability be a Southern Confederacy estab- lished.


1 Oh, that a kind God would interfere to calm the political caldron which for so long has been casting up mire and dirt.

4 Mr. A. Lincoln has this day been inaugurated president of the once United States. We are anxious to know the spirit of his inaugural.

6 It has come to us today. It breathes a warlike spirit. He de- clares his determination to collect the revenue and hold the forts in the seceded states. I fear consequences of a most fearful character must come.


What our convention will now do we are anxious to see. They will prob- ably pass an ordinance of secession at once, and then unite with the already Confederated States.

11 Newspapers contain the same unhappy intelligence disunion!

18 Major Echols gave the people a full account of the proceedings in our Legislature and Convention. No secession ordinance to be passed. This is as it should be. The border states are to determine in convention what they as a body will do. The major was a good deal interrupted by J. H , who evidently had more feeling than knowledge.


7 Our political troubles engage the attention of the people too much.

17 Fort Sumter taken without the loss on either side of a single man! What a kind providence ! Is not this a token for good ?

18 The Presidents, Lincoln and Davis, have both issued their proc- lamations, calling out the forces of their respective confederacies. Our convention has passed an ordinance of secession. The other border states will doubtless follow. Then there will be a united South against a united North. And I trust that as the folly of undertaking to subjugate fifteen states is patent, the war cannot last more than a few months at most. Very great excitement extending among the people.

21 People too much excited by war news to think on. spiritual subjects.

22 Several secession flags raised here today, one by the high school students, and some speeches made. There was far too much noise for my taste. Profound seriousness should mark our conduct.

24 The sound of war is rousing all around us. A letter from William at Washington College says that three companies have left Lexington.

25 Superior court met today. Several exciting speeches delivered on the war. All are unanimous in the belief that the North must be resisted to the last extremity. Many rumors afloat. It is said a New York regi- ment has been cut to pieces between Annapolis and Washington and 600 killed needs confirmation. A letter from Rutherford says a company of volunteers formed of seminary students is drilled every day.

26 The excitement today is great. A Home Guard is being formed in which I have enlisted. Special prayers for George Edgar, the son of one of our number, who was before Fort Pickens.

27 Rumored that Fort Pickens is taken by the South with a loss of 1000 men. It is thought that the South has already made an assault on Washington. An insurrection among the negroes on the Kanawha is ap- prehended. In other places free negroes are enlisting in the Southern army.

28 Two confederacies will now undoubtedly be formed, and after the war has terminated it will be long before the great questions of strife can be settled.

29 Our 25 magistrates met today. Companies of about 100 infantry




C (3















and 75 cavalry have been formed. Much enthusiasm. The ladies meet daily to make uniforms, caps, etc., etc. Last Saturday a Home Guard was formed of men over 45. About 35 have already enlisted. It is expected that a guard of some 50 or 60 men will be formed in each magisterial dis- trict. Great excitement. Much going to and fro. We feel that we have justice and righteousness and truth on our side.

30 The demands on either side cannot be easily or readily acceded to. Our Home Guard to drill every Saturday. No uniform but a scarf. Rifles if we have them. About 70,000 volunteers have offered their ser- vices to Governor Letcher.


2 The cloud over our unhappy land is evidently gathering blackness. New York Tribune advises the driving off of the people of Virginia and Maryland and the distribution of their lands and other property among the invading forces ! ! ! )

3 We don't hear much about what the South is planning to do. Every- thing is kept secret.

6 Glad to hear that it is the policy of our government to act strictly on the defensive. Great enthusiasm prevails in this county. The people are wild with excitement throughout the state.

7 The state rapidly being put into a posture of defense. The sense of security will then be a comfort to all our families.

8 The people of the North think our design is to overthrow this government, and that our efforts if successful must necessarily bring about anarchy or a military despotism. Hence all are united in effort and prayer to subjugate the South.

9 The volunteer company ordered into camp at Staunton. A com- pany of 58 mounted riflemen has been raised in the lower end of the county under Captain Fleshman. The cavalry company has failed to make up its number. Great activity in town fitting out the volunteers to leave on Monday.

11 How sad the countenances of mothers, wives, and sisters. 27 3roung men leave our little village. 100 in all leave our community.

13 The saddest day in all my life. Our 108 volunteers left for the perils of war. Address by General Chapman. Reply by Colonel Echols. Then I commended them to the gracious protection of Almighty God. Al- most all wept.

14 Sensational rumors constantly afloat.

15 The stage driver brought intelligence that a disturbance among the negroes in Lewisburg has just occurred, and that the leader of the re- volt with many others has been put in jail. It has produced something of a panic among us. Patrol walks the streets till midnight. Our two guns and a large horseman's pistol have been loaded.


16 A meeting of citizens to form a more efficient police. Never did I see so gloomy a time.

17 General muster. About 400 men on parade.

18 We have heard that some of the negroes of Monroe are impli- cated in the disturbance at Lewisburg. Their real designs we cannot tell. Under such circumstances most persons always fear the worst. Floating reports of discontent among the negroes are producing a great deal of un- easiness in neighboring counties, but no organized bands have been dis- covered.

19 Had little sleep last night. Our home dangers more feared by some than by the invading North.

20 Court day but no business done. War rules everything in the land. Almost all our schools and colleges are broken up.

21 Another company being formed, but its character does not promise much.

22 Our volunteer companies highly commended for their good order and discipline. Have heard that the negroes express a strong dis- like for the sermon I lately preached, proving that the war on our side, being defensive, is a just one.

23 Only two votes against secession in this precinct. The Panhandle and some of the northwestern counties will probably go the whole length with the North. Perhaps this is best for Virginia. Currently reported and believed at the North that some one placed an image of a negro on the statue of Washington at Richmond as a symbol of the Southern Con- federacy.

27 Our papers tell us Alexandria was occupied on the 24th. Virginia is now invaded. All the South may now rush as one man to the conflict.

28 Rumor of battle near Fortress Monroe, in which the Federals were repulsed losing 700 and the Confederates 500. Much exaggeration prob- ably. Our crops all look well. Coffee rising rapidly. Flour $8. Some things cheaper than formerly.

31 Vote against secession in northwestern counties much greater than anticipated.


1 The postal arrangements of the new Confederacy go into operation 5 cents to 500 miles, 10 cents to 1000.

3 A man from Blue Sulphur calls for men to go immediately to Lewisburg to meet a large invading cavalry company, said to be advancing from Braxton or Nicholas. An attack expected this evening or tomorrow. The volunteer company collecting ordered to march. We begin to think of removing the women and children to the retired places in the county.

4 No sleep at all last night. Volunteers were coming in from all quarters, some of them shouting and alarming the ladies. Noon: alarm


false. Originated thus: at a Methodist meeting in Nicholas some one re- ported he had heard 1100 Federal cavalry had suddenly entered Braxton and laid Sutton in ashes. Scouts sent out returned saying enemy only IS miles off and marching on Nicholas C. H. A courier rode full haste 50 miles to Lewisburg arousing the people. Our companies reached Lewis- burg during the night and found town illuminated bright as day. Battle expected seven miles out. Enemy reported 3000 to 5000. About 3000 rifle- men collected at Lewisburg.

5 Hundreds upon hundreds of men have been on their way from

Giles, Mercer, Craig, Alleghany, Pocahontas, etc. Not one seemed to have

any other feeling than that of defending his country to the most deadly

extremity. What a delightful calm has succeeded this tremendous turmoil !

8 Apprehension of servile insurrection, etc., etc.

12 Beirne Sharpshooters left 10:30 A. M. I presented a flag by the ladies. Response by J. Summers. Company under a wreath of flowers suspended by rope across street near our house. The scene impressive. The men are stalwart laborers or hardy farmers and look very determined.

13 Day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer recommended by Davis observed. Church fuller than ever before on such an occasion.

14 Some ladies from Richmond recently arrive seeking a refuge from the storm hovering around our eastern front.

17 Our ladies asked to help make 400 tents.

22 At Centerville 50 or 60 ladies making uniforms.

25 Centerville volunteers arrived here and were apportioned among the citizens. We received five into our house.

27 Report of heavy cannonading heard in Bath.

29 Negro leader at Lewisburg hung yesterday.


20 A good deal of excitement at the rumored intention of McClellan to occupy Lewisburg.

23 The advance regiment of Floyd's brigade passing through this county to join Lee at Monterey.

24 News of the Confederate victory at Manassas. The victory will I fear greatly exasperate the foe and cause them to redouble their efforts. Captain Tiffany and five others of the Monroe Guards are killed and 11 wounded, most of them slightly.

29 Much uneasiness at the report that Wise has been ordered back to Covington to protect the Virginia Railroad. The people talking of taking their families away. August

5 Started with my family for Rockbridge, arriving at Lexington four days later.

14 I return to Union. Put up tomatoes, etc.


26 Committee of five to solicit contributions for the sick soldiers in hospital at Lewisburg.


8 How this dreadful civil war has broken up our congregation in Union.

10 Three prisoners taken near Hawksnest brought into town.

15 300 sick at Lewisburg, 400 at Huntersville; more at all the houses along turnpike between Lewisburg and Hawksnest. Three to five die every day at Huntersville.

17 Typhoid fever doing sad work among our soldiers at all the camps.


4 Six Union men brought to town last evening. Many articles of food and raiment are becoming very scarce.

9 200 sick at Meadow Bluff. Some are without anyone to attend to them.

18 Brought family back.

31 Potatoes in this region have nearly all rotted in the ground. Very difficult to procure suitable clothing. Common jeans $1 per yard and but little to be obtained.


1 Six rifled six pounders under the care of Colonel Jackson of Floyd's

Brigade passed through on its way to Floyd in Raleigh. Colonel Jackson

spoke harshly of Lee and Loring for falling back from Sewell Mountain.

5 Married a couple today; only the third thus far this year.

9 About 100 wagons of supplies for Floyd have passed through the

last few days.

10 1500 sick at White Sulphur hospital and about five deaths daily.

12 Profanity, intemperance, gambling, Sabbath-breaking, and fighting seem to be awfully prevalent.

20 Some 70 or 80 soldiers, lately discharged from hospital, stopped here for the night. They occupy the courthouse. They generally appear in good spirits.

23 We hear that Floyd's forces are going into winter quarters; some at Red Sulphur Springs, others at Princeton, Meadow Bluff, Greenbrier bridge, etc.

26 Willie's mess consists of six soldiers occupying a cabin they have built; 12 feet square, puncheon floor, clapboard roof, large "kitchen chimney."


31 Several negroes have left their homes in this neighborhood and


made their way, it is thought, to the Federal army. They will never find as comfortable and happy homes as they have left.

1862 January

2 Some 80 or 100 cavalry gone to drive off a marauding party in the neighborhood of Pack's Ferry.

3 The enemy in force at Fayette C. H.

6 A prominent citizen named Landcraft on New River apprehended for harboring the Yankees and giving them counsel. He is to be tried at Red Sulphur Springs today.

9 B sent off today under a strong guard.

20 Court day. Colonel Echols addressed the people. 25 Five militiamen from Potts Creek imprisoned for refusing to come out when notified by their officers. Many a day there is no mail.

29 Early this morning our town thrown into great excitement by a dispatch stating that 250 Yankee cavalry were only 22 miles from Lewis- burg night before last.

31 Another similar report.


17 Court day. Speeches by Caperton and Chapman urging to a vig- orous defense of the country. 100,000 Federals against 60,000 Confed- erates at Fort Donelson.

25 A letter from General Heth to A. T. Caperton states that this county is in extreme danger from the inroads of the enemy and that im- mediate efforts ought to be made for a determined resistance.

27 Many making arrangements to remove as soon as the roads get better to some place less likely to be overrun by the enemy.

28 A day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer appointed by the pres- ident observed.


17 A great meeting on court day to petition the government for more aid to defend our region. Stirring addresses by Chapman, Caperton, Price and General Heth to the dense crowd in the courthouse. The petition nu- merously signed.

24 The militia of the county assembled here to make arrangements to join General Heth at Lewisburg.

25 Our western border of Monroe has been given up to the enemy and fortifications are being prepared at the Narrows.

26 Almost impossible to get fuel hauled.

31 Sherwood, a militiaman who refused to go into the service and tried to make his escape was shot through the knee today. We hear that the Union men have hung a secessionist in this county.



10 Wheat $2, corn $1.25, bacon 20 cents, sugar 30, salt 10, molasses $1.75, coarse shoes $4.00, soldier's boots $10 to $14. No coffee.

23 Received $5 to buy tracts for the soldiers in the west, and $5 a few days ago to purchase Testaments for themu

30 A Union man was brought to town yesterday and will probably be sent to Richmond for imprisonment. He has given the people much trouble in his neighborhood.


5 Some Union men stole three horses from farmers within nine miles of this village last Saturday. A suspected accomplice was brought to town yesterday. Eight men, 20 wagons full of provisions, and 90 horses taken near Wytheville (?) a few days ago.

8 An advance guard of 200 men passed up New River and entered Pearisburg yesterday.

9 The Moccasin Rangers (Confederate) here from Greenbrier. Their captain (Hammond) from Marion.

10 I have no vindictive feelings toward even the worst enemies of my country.

11 About 100 at Meadow Bluff banded together for mutual defense against both parties, who want to keep out of all fighting and will prob- ably become a band of outlaws. There is said to be another body of such men in Peters Mountain not far from this place. Skirmish at the Nar- rows today.

13 Enemy in full possession of Greenbrier county and guarding the fords. They have demanded bacon, but have committed no enormities that we have heard of. They are said to be treating the people of Lewisburg with much kindness.

15 30 of the enemy's cavalry came within six or seven miles of this place today and drove off some 60 or 70 head of cattle belonging to Gen- eral Davis of Greenbrier.

18 We expected to have our communion today, but almost all our male members being absent, the community much excited, and the enemy on two sides of us, we thought it best to defer until a more favorable time. We learn that the militia have been called out.

21 Heth at Narrows, Humphrey Marshall at Mercer C. H. Sent off yesterday for meal, so we may have a good supply on hand in case of a siege. Soon after 4 P. M., Heth's advance entered Union. Quartered in courthouse, one of the churches, academy, etc. Many of the soldiers appear much run down. Generally rather raw and undisciplined.

22 Heth's forces all passed through toward Lewisburg. Some 30 or 40 sick and exhausted left behind without supplies of any kind. Before evening we had about 18 comfortably accommodated in the high school.


23 Heth repulsed at Lewisburg. His whole army arrived here about 4 P. M. much fatigued, hungry, and somewhat demoralized. They unite in the belief that Heth did not manage matters right, and that it was imprudent to attack. Some of the men behaved in a very cowardly man- ner. Battle lasted one-half hour. Major Edgar reported killed. Heth burned Greenbrier bridge. Our town filled with extreme sadness.

24 I have given 100 men our church. Nine supped with us last night and five lodged. Army left at 10, except two batteries and an infantry company, to Salt Sulphur. River too high for enemy to cross.

26—36 Confederate dead taken into Lewisburg Presbyterian church. Six wounded have died and 10 more probably will. Union dead said to be about 85.

27 Yesterday pickets driven in from Greenbrier river. Heth put his forces in battle array near north end of village. Removed my family to Mr. Hutchinson's, three-fourths mile out.


7 Returned to Union after taking family to Rockbridge.

12 Two deserters whipped in presence of whole regiment. Eight or ten others punished less severely. Some 400 cavalry arrived.

13 All our infantry on the move. About 500 cavalry are left. The convicts have been moved away. Orders given for the removal of the cattle from this region. All the people are sad.

18 J. M. Nickell's tannery burned last night.

20 The soldiers are abusing the town in a variety of ways. The pas- tures are becoming commons. No one drunk.

22 1600 Federals reported crossing at Alderson.

23 Village in great commotion. Cavalry ready for action at a mo- ment's warning. Army to retire to Narrows.

30 The enemy 1200 to 1500 infantry stayed in Union but three hours. Burned a mill at Centerville. Carried off 22 negroes, 80 cattle. Many negroes refused to go, though offered $10 to $20 per month.


1 Firing at Richmond heard distinctly.

22 Great difficulty in getting my horse shod. Coalbanks within en- emy's lines and no iron brought into the county. My pasture appropriated by government.

24 Took the teeth out of my harrow lest they should some day be missing. Many of my potato hills robbed by soldiers.

25 Forty-fifth Regiment and Edgar's Battalion returned to this place.

26 Grand review by Loring in a field near town; 35 companies of four regiments, one battalion, three artillery companies, five or six cav- alry companies. Line over a mile long. A very large number of the citi- zens present.


28 Large body of prisoners taken at Nicholas C. H. brought in.

29 Prisoners sent on to Lynchburg, all but Dr. Rucker, who has been ironed and will be tried in a day or two.

30 We in some danger crossing Sweet Springs Mountain. Deserters very numerous there. While the police officers were bringing to the hotel three of them yesterday, they were fired on by 16 others, and one deserter was killed by mistake.


4 The Federals are everywhere becoming more cruel. 29 Army left here this morning and encamped at Centerville.


17 Our forces in possession of the Kanawha salt-works. Farmers in great numbers going there for the salt in the captured wagons. One mil- lion pounds for disposal at 35 cents the bushel. We have been paying $5. The county has been purchasing wheat at $3.50.


9 Brought family back. No supplies scarcely. Hard to obtain any- thing. Prices are two, three, or four times higher than formerly.

17 28 prisoners arrived here captured at Gauley Bridge ; a rusty look- ing set.

21 Preparing wood for winter. We can get no help.

28 Bryan's artillery lodged in town last night six cannon, bound for the Kanawha valley. Few of the enemy now on this side of the Ohio River.


1 Some hundreds of wagons on their way for salt turned back on account of the entrance of the enemy into the (Kanawha) valley.

12 Enemy's cavalry invaded Greenbrier and burned 600 bushels wheat in wagons.

16 General Echols has returned on sick furlough. Speaks discour- agingly of the state of our country. A larger number of deaths from disease during the past year than in any year previous.

19 The Confederate soldiers very bold in taking whatever they want.

22 It is thought a famine is threatening us.

29 Two regiments, a battery, and a battalion arrived today. It is thought the provisions will all be swept off and much suffering ensue.


8 A store (Riggs) opened in town. Great rush of the people to get goods; sold very high.

23 The force in this vicinity has moved toward Lewisburg.


25 Ladies had a "tableau vivant" for the benefit of the soldiers and raised over $100. Repeated two days later and $60 more raised.

1863 January

5 Jeans $2, linsey $2, flannel $3. The dresses of my little girls cost $18 to $25 apiece, and the servant girl's living dress about $15.

12 A boy hunting on the Knobs saw seven Yankee cavalry one and one-half mile from town. They asked for General Echols, laid up with a broken arm. But the report turned out false.


9 Sugar selling at $1. Have let out over 200 trees for one-third their yield. Direct tax of one per cent on every man with above $1000 prop- erty.


26 The regiment in this vicinity,, finds it difficult to get supplies.


30 No fresh beef or mutton for a long time. Have bacon and occa- sionally a chicken.


17 Hard to get laborers. $5 a day offered.


25 Dispatch from General Jones advising the people to remove their effects out of the way, as a raid may be expected at any moment.

27 Our village greatly relieved at the result of Dry Creek battle.

29 56 prisoners passed through.


4 Paid $16 for just putting single soles on two pairs of gaiters for Mary and Helen. Vile extortion practiced all over our land.

5 Wharton's Brigade passed through on their way to the Red Sul- phur; 700 men.

6 Many of the principal persons seldom or never attend church, and all now seem to have their minds absorbed by the war and worldly things.


6 Echols retreated from Droop Mountain to Union 45 miles with- out stopping. 21 killed, 130 wounded. Much disorganized and demoral- ized. Passed through today and encamped near Salt Sulphur. Great ex- citement. Farmers driving off stock.


9 Jackson's 600 cavalry in battle array in our very midst, having heard enemy advancing in force. Excitement of the people now intense.


11 Enemy approach Lewisburg in two columns. Our troops fell back to this place. Enemy got around our men at the Sweet Springs and pro- ceeded to Salem.

19 Echols sent a dispatch stating the enemy would probably cross the mountain on their return from Salem and be in the midst of us immediately.

24 Echols again near Lewisburg. Damage at Salem $1,500,000.

1864 January

10 No services at night. Extremely difficult to get tallow and lard, and oil cannot be obtained at all.


2— Woods alive with sugar-makers. Everything now selling at enor- mous prices. My taxes this year probably $500.

21 Court day. Addresses by Chapman, Price, Caperton and General Breckenridge, the latter making an effective speech of some 15 minutes.


9 900 of Echol's Brigade here.


7 Almost all our troops have gone to join Lee.

14 Enemy took possession of village, and sent out pickets and foraging parties in every direction. They fired on our provost guard and swept through the town in the most terrific manner. They fired on a man near my house, but gave no trouble, and soon encamped in a field quite near. Mr. H. and I went to Colonel Phillips and asked guards for our homes and many others. They were sent and as long as they remained we felt comparatively safe. But they did not stay all the time, and we were vis- ited by squad after squad of hungry soldiers, sometimes civilly asking for food and at others demanding it most rudely. We were obliged to give them all the cooked food we had and also flour, meal, meat, etc. My grain, meat, etc., were hidden and not found by them.

15 8.30 main army entered and did not get through for six and one- half hours. 10,000 men, 200 wagons, 35 ambulances, 213 prisoners, over 100 negroes. Encamped all about the north side of the village, extending three or four miles into the country. They desolated the farm of Oliver Beirne, killed sheep and cattle, and occupied his fine house as a hospital. A. T. Caperton's, house was entered by 50 at the front door and almost ruined. For five long days 21 to 26 the town and country for 10 miles


around were preyed upon by the hungry troops. They had lost their ra- tions to some extent, and hence were more destructive than would other- wise have been the case.


8 Our cavalry left here to intercept the enemy toward Staunton. 16 We are cut off from all communication with Lynchburg and Rich- mond.


2 No papers for over 20 days.

? Between Salem and Charleston 171 miles Hunter's men ate birch bark, bran, potato roots, and cornstalks. No rations for almost the whole way except a small quantity of beef picked up. People stripped of every thing, but two-thirds the way nothing but barren mountains.

No entries from August 18 to April 1.

1865 April—

13 News of surrender of Lee.

15 Soldiers returning and some horses disappearing. Thieves pretend to be impressing them for the war. A great deal of excitement, appre- hending evils from the Yankees and the disbanded soldiers, who are far from home without current money and without provisions. Our condition is at present truly lamentable.

20 A letter from A. T. Caperton produced quite an excitement this evening. The legislature and other public men are requested to meet in Richmond and agree with our conquerers upon terms of peace. Very liberal terms are offered by President Lincoln ; no further confiscation of property, state governments as heretofore under United States constitu- tion, a general amnesty, etc. A conference to be held at Staunton.

25 Mr. Caperton returned from Staunton. Nothing accomplished. President Lincoln's death arrested their discussion.


8 Opened the high school with 23 scholars, eight of them my own, Dr. Waddell assisting me. Two departments for the present. A band of Yankee soldiers now in the county collecting government horses and armsi.


FROM 1872 TO 1916

Progress in the Period Formation of Summers County Notable Gather- ings— Annals

URING the seven years of reconstruction there was a harsh feeling between the faction in power and the fac- tion under civil disability. This necessarily worked against the best welfare of the county. But with the removal of the source of irritation and the return of material pros- perity, a kindlier feeling came in. The! animosities engendered in wartime are now effectually buried. The ultra partisan of the one side is on the most friendly terms with the ultra partisan of the other.

The record of the county since the great war is one of steady and substantial progress. The increase in population has indeed been very moderate, because of the rural nature of Monroe and also because of the continued outward drift. This drift is no longer exclusively to the West and South. Railroads have come near, but they have been chary of creeping inside our limits. The summer resorts are of less importance than during the turnpike period, but on the other hand there has been a growth in the cleared acreage and in the rewards of agriculture. The farmhouse of modern type has become frequent, and there is a high degree of intelligence, pros- perity, and comfort- In 1871 came the last of the several curtailments of Old Mon- roe. A new county was carved out of Greenbrier, Monroe, and Mercer, and named for George W. Summers. The part taken from this county comprises the districts of Talcott and Forest Hill.

A boundary dispute between Monroe and Summers was not settled until near the end of the century. There was a difference of opinion as to just where the straight line should pass that was

FROM 1872 TO 1916 181

run between the two counties. To settle the question John H inch- man was appointed by Monroe and William Haynes by Summers. These commissioners elected James Mann of Greenbrier as umpire. A question was raised as to the legality of this commission, but the line as determined by them remains in force.

In 1894 Summers directed its surveyor to run the line between Summers and Greenbrier. The result impressed the court of Sum- mers with the idea that the Monroe-Summers line should go farther to the east. The prosecuting attorney was directed to take action toward having the boundary line determined in a more conclusive manner. The attorney became convinced that neither the line de- fined by act of legislature nor the line determined by the commis- sion had ever been surveyed. Summers county held that it was entitled to Alderson and North Alderson and some additional ter- ritory. Both Monroe and Greenbrier entered vigorous protest, be- cause the loss of the strip would cause a considerable shrinkage in their taxable valuations. The people living within the strip were divided in sentiment. Some were animated by a patriotic feeling toward the old counties and were not in favor of changing their allegiance. Others were influenced by the fact that Hinton was within easier reach than Lewisburg or Union.

The commissioners now appointed by Monroe were Cornelius Leach and J. R. McPherson, the latter being county surveyor. Sum- mers chose Matthew Gwinn, J. B. Lavender, and S. K. Boude. Mr. Boude died and M1. A. Manning was chosen to the vacancy. Judge A. N. Campbell of the circuit court declined to sit on the case, on the ground that he was a citizen of Monroe, one of the interested counties. His place was taken by A. F. Guthrie, judge of the Ka- nawha circuit. The petitions in behalf of Monroe and Greenbrier were dismissed, but were upheld by the Supreme Court. Ex-Gov- ernor A. B. Fleming was chosen umpire, but being unable to act, George E. Price of Charleston appeared in his stead. The trial, which lasted several days, was held at Alderson in April, 1897. The attorneys appearing for Monroe were John Osborne and A. G. Pat- ton. The decision as to the Greenbrier-Summers line being in favor of the older county, there was a decision in favor of Mbn-


roe almost as a natural consequence. The court held that Sum- mers was too tardy in presenting its claim, and since the older counties had been in undisturbed possession more than twenty years, the new county could not equitably gain title. The adjudication was therefore on very much the same grounds as in the case of the long-drawn-out boundary contest between Maryland and West Vir- ginia. There may have been an intent in the act of legislature to give Summers a broader confine than the one it actually has; but if so, the intent was thwarted by fogginess in the phraseology. Tax- able property to the amount of $400,000 was saved to Monroe.

There was no urgent call for the creation of Summers county. Monroe was not so large as several other counties, even before its last curtailment. The area of Summers does not come to the limit of 400 square miles which is the statutory minimum. The surface is of inferior agricultural capability. The existence of the county is justified only because it is traversed by a trunkline railroad and con- tains a small city which has been called into being by that road.

During the last twenty years there have been some notable gath- erings in Mionroe. At the Confederate reunion of August 31, 1895, the orator of the day was General John B. Gordon of Georgia. Two years later the oration was by Senator John W. Daniel of Virginia. 4000 people then assembled in the Patton grove, just north of Union. The centennial of Monroe county was held at the county seat, Au- gust 10, 1899, and despite some adverse circumstances, about 3000 people collected. An able and appropriate address was given by Virgil A. Lewis, state historian. In 1901 there was an unveiling at Union of a monument in honor of the soldiers sent by Monroe to the Confederate army. The cornerstone had been laid September 6, 1900, under Masonic rites, and with an oration by John W. Ar- buckle. A still more memorable occasion was the homecoming of August 26, 1909, held also in the Patton grove. It was attended by an immense throng of people of the county, as well as by many persons who had gone out from Monroe to make homes elsewhere. The address was by Colonel J. H. Crosier, and the response was by the Reverend B. P. Pennington. A poem entitled "Our Home

FROM^1872 TO 1916 183

Coming," was written for the event by Mrs. Ellen F. Craig, and another, "In Old Monroe," was furnished by Mrs. Rose O. Sell.

About 1904, in response to a general appeal by the Fresh Air Society of Baltimore, 116 children were sent in a special car to Fort Spring, and thence delivered by vehicles to the summer homes that had been secured for them. Next year about 50 children came. On each occasion they spent two weeks in Monroe.

In 1872 Monroe land was assessed at an average of $7.25 an acre, yielding a total of $2,063,582, as against $2,482,264.18 for the much larger county of Greenbrier. During the next fifteen years the assessable value rose a little more than fifty per cent. In 1889 a new courthouse was built at the cost of $15,000.

For some time Monroe has been free from the licensed barroom, notwithstanding the adverse influence of the summer resorts. The prohibition amendment of 1888 was defeated in this county by a majority of 334 in a total vote of 1760. But that of 1912 carried by a vote of 2064 against 552.

In a political sense, Monroe seems never to have been a one- sided county. During the long antebellum period it was in the main an adherent to the Democratic faith, although the Whig party had a strong leadership and a strong following. The complexion of the county since 1882 will appear in the following tabular statement:

1882:— C. P. Snyder for Congress, Democrat— 693 ; J. H. Brown, Re- publican— 624.

1884:— Cleveland for President— 1176; Blaine— 973

1888:— Cleveland— 1338; Harrison 1222

1890: Democratic majority in every district for the first time since the war

1892:— Cleveland— 1373 ; Harrison— 1141

1896:— Bryan— 1577; McKinley— 1325

1900:— Bryan— 1533; McKinley— 1557

1904:— Parker— 1504; Roosevelt— 1486

1908:— Bryan— 1525; Taft— 1523

1912:— Wilson— 1570; Taft— 798 ; Roosevelt— 742 ; Debs— 17

1912: Thompson for Governor, Democrat 1684; Hatfield, Republi- can—1418

We close the chapter with selections from the county order-


books, beginning with the first session of the county court as restored by the constitution of 1872-1873.

First session, February 10. Members present: John W. Gray, presi- dent, John Wickline, J. M. Shanklin, James S. Harvey, Archibald Miller, George W. Nickell, S. I. Warren, Napoleon Patton.

April session: Two justices assigned for each term. April and August terms to be devoted to police and fiscal concerns. Grand jury terms to be in June and December.

June session : Liquor licenses given to Oliver Beirne at Sweet Springs and Thomas J. Peyton at Red Sulphur (August). Tavern licenses with- out liquor given to A. E. Scruggs and Lewis F. Clark.

October session : James G. Vaughn given tavern and liquor license at Alderson.

1874 Road precincts: 22 in Sweet Springs, 18 in Wolf Creek, 26 in Union, 21 in Springfield, 23 in Second Creek, 20 in Red Sulphur.

1877 Voting places: Sweet Springs; Watts' store and Napoleon Patton's; Wolf Creek; Wolf Creek, Alderson, and Jones' store; other districts have each one voting place.


Court organized March 21 under the commissioner system. Hinchman drew the six year term, Neel the four year term, and Symms the two year term. Court to meet in April, July, and November.

Justices!: Springfield: James S. Harvey and Granville Houchins; Sec- ond Creek; J. W. McDowell and B. S. Cook; Wolf Creek, A. A. Carden and George Alderson; Union, Archibald Miller and S. I. Warren; Red Sulphur, Luther C. Hale and E. P. Williams; Sweet Springs, Robert A. Hall.

Bounties: wolf and bear, $3; wildcat and catamount, $1.50; red or gray fox, grown animal, $1 ; cub, 50 cents.

Chesapeake and Ohio stock sold for $10,488.



African Slavery Slavery Times in Monroe The Race Today.

HE school histories tell us that slavery began in the United States with the landing of twenty "negars" at Jamestown in 1619. This is not correct. Slavery was not sanctioned by Virginia until 1661. Until then the very few negroes in the colony were servants and not slaves. -Until then and for some years afterward, the white servants were more numerous than the black ones. The former were brought from Europe, of- ten against their will, and were sold into servitude for a term of years. The one distinguishing mark of slavery, as contrasted with servitude, was not the absence of freedom, but the fact that the ab- sence was permanent. The white servant had somewhat greater privileges under the law than was the case under slavery, and when his term of indenture was over he became as free as other white people.

The black man appeared in Monroe almost as soon as the white. In the early pioneer period the larger landholders had their slaves. Even among the victims of the massacre at Baughman's fort was "old Christopher."

The mountain belt of Virginia was not suited to an extensive development of the plantation system. Neither was the institution of slavery ever popular in this region. Consequently, the negro pop- ulation was never large in Monroe at any time. It was only the large and wealthy landholders who were likely to possess field hands, In general, the negroes were kindly and indulgently treated- They fared better than where the slaves were so very numerous as to render a sternly repressive control a matter of public safety. The field hand worked by the side of his master, and toiled only when he did and only so long as he did. The servants in the "big house"


looked down on the field hands, but both house and field servants looked down on the poor class of whites. Except so far as the slaves were quartered in the "big house," they lived in huts and suffered somewhat in cold weather. Mrs. Royall, writing in 1824 and her- self the wife of a slaveholder, states that the winter season was hard on the negroes.

The appearance of the negro in Virginia was promptly followed by the appearance of the mulatto. The latter was defined by stat- ute law as a person not more than one-fourth white. If his mother was a slave, he was a slave also.

The practice of manumission was encouraged by a state law of 1784. In Monroe the freeing of slaves, especially by will, was rath- er common. Perhaps the first local instance of emancipation was in 1795, when William Scarborough of Turkey Creek was given leave to free his man York, on being responsible for any illegal conduct on his part.

In 1832 the Virginia Assembly came within one vote of passing a resolution declaring it expedient to abolish slavery. This reso- lution had the support of all the delegates from the counties along the Alleghany chain. These mountain counties upheld the view that slavery was "ruinous to the white, retards improvements, roots out our industrious population, and banishes the yeomanry." Gov- ernor Letcher was one of many who proposed that the institution be eventually excluded from the section of the state west of the Blue Ridge.

Slavery led to a code of laws and regulations in its own interest, and to an administration of justice somewhat unlike that which ap- plied to the white population. For example, the county court could sentence a slave to death but not a white person. Again, no negro or mulatto might be a witness except in casej of the state against a negro.

Local records throw many interesting sidelights on the working of the slavery regime. Those of early Greenbrier mention an order that Frank be given "fifteen lashes on the bare back, well laid on," for stealing sheep and hogs and breaking into a dairy. For making "seditious speeches and seducing a negro woman out of the service


of John Stuart," Peter, a mulatto, was in 1796 given thirty-nine lashes and sent to jail until ironed with a ring and chain and a twenty pound weight, which ornaments he was to drag around until the next term of court.

William Haynes chastised a man and his wife for some petty stealing. Because of their racial belief that after death one passes to some other land and lives more happily, they thought to go to Africa by suicide- Accordingly, they committed suicide in a cave and they were buried there-

Cuffy, slave of Margaret Kitchen of Gap Valley, was made levy-free in 1799. jThis fact indicates that he was old and no longer able to do much work.

Harry, alias Harry Wilson, brought suit against James Glenn for false imprisonment and presented an affidavit from James Ward. The jury decided that Wilson was a free man, and that he should not only recover his freedom but damages to the amount of 40 shill- ings.

In 1801, Jack Hunt, a free negro, was shot in the leg while steal- ing from a milkhouse, and died of his wound in the jail at Sweet Springs.

In 1802, negro Will, for stealing and selling 100 pounds of to- bacco, was branded with an O in his right hand and then discharged.

Moses, a slave of Samuel Ewing, murdered Will, a slave of Oliver Ewing, in 1811. Will was stabbed in a kitchen while Moses was drunk and quarrelsome. The murderer threw his knife into a chimney corner and fled. The witnesses were chiefly negroes. Moses was sentenced to hang near Union, March 29. His owner was paid $275, it being a provision of the slavery laws that a master should be indemnified for the loss of a slave by capital punishment. This was the first hanging in Monroe and the spot became known as "Mose Hollow." Beck, the negro woman who murdered a little girl of Robert Coalter, was hanged on the road leading to the Alex- ander farm.

In 1812, Peter, slave of Andrew Beirne, stole a sheet and some brown sugar from the wagon of Jacob Haynes. The value of the goods was $26.04. It was ordered that an R be branded in the


palm of his left hand until the mark should fully show, and that he be given six lashes well laid on. About this time, Lymus, slave of John Gray, was punished with ten lashes and an R for stealing from the store of Shanklin and Caperton 24 yards of orange colored bom- bazet worth $30. Jim, another slave of Andrew Beirne, stole hose, saddle, bridle, and a pair of boots. The articles were recovered, but it was ordered that a T, an inch and a fourth in diameter, be burned into his hand and that fifty lashes be administered.

In 1824, Billy Ligging, supposed to be a runaway slave, stabbed George Moss and resisted arrest. It was ordered that he be given thirty lashes on the bare back, well laid on, and that he be trans- ported from the United States- His value was fixed at $400. In another instance, a committee to whom the value of a runaway was referred, reported him too crippled to be worth anything.

Misdemeanors, especially stealing, were at times rather fre- quently brought before the county court, but the negro was some- times cleared.

The following is the form of manumission used by Colonel Royall: j

Know all men by these presents that I, William Royall of the County of Monroe and State of Virginia, do emancipate a certain negro Boy of the name of Richard, who is now my property and the grandson of a cer- tain free negro man of the name of Edward, for sundry and divers causes and on the following condition, to wit: that he, the said Richard, shall remain as fully my Slave until he arrives* at the age of twenty-one years, as if this Deed had never been made. In Witness whereof I have here- unto set my hand and seal this 15th Day of May, 1805.

Even after the negro was freed, the former master was answer- able for his support, in case he were liable to become a charge on the county. And when the institution of slavery was most flourishing, there was a reluctance to allow the freedman to remain in the state. He might not remain in the county except by and during the per- mission of the county court. In such a case a description of his person was filed in the office of the county clerk.

As early as 1806 we find mention of the following free negroes:

Jinny Hargrove housekeeper Rich Creek


Elijah Hargrove farmer husband of the above

Betsy Corder at Jacob Miller's on Rock Creek

Susannah wife of Jacob Buckland Indian Creek

Henry Wilson Farmer at William Gullett's

Sharlot Hunt has two daughters, Sally and Katy

Yock Nelson and wife farmer near Adam Bowyer's, Gap Valley

Ned on John Larew's land

Ben Montgomery Peter's Creek

Harry Gluesberry jobber Sinks

Daniel and wife surname not known Sweet Springs

Nan and Susannah

Jeremiah, freed by William Vawter and unwilling to leave Vir- ginia, where his friends and relatives were, asked permission to remain in Monroe. This was in 1827. In 1850, the petition of Edmund Briggs was signed by 51 persons. He asked leave to remain on the ground that he was 69 years old, had been in the county 22 years, and could not think of separating from his old wife, who was a slave. The petition of Emily Covins in the same year reads much like that of Briggs-

In 1829, the sheriff was ordered to sell into slavery eight free negroes for their failure to pay taxes. Three years later, several freedmen were charged with felony and larceny. In 1843 a de- scription is recorded of the six negroes emancipated by Griffith Gar- ten and the two by Adam Thomas. They were allowed to remain in the county. About 1845 quite a number of free negroes were registered.

It is significant that in 1858 John T. Wilson, of the hotel at Sweet Springs, was prohibited from selling liquor to any negro, slave or free.

One of the last punishments under the reign of slavery was in February, 1862, when negro Taylor was ordered transported out of the Confederacy for burning the barn and washhouse of Moses Arnold. The property was valued at $200. The indemnification of the master was fixed at $500.

One feature of the slavery system was the patrol. This was a semi-military device for keeping all slaves under close inspection. In Monroe the patrol company was divided into five squads for tours


of one week each- In 1822 the captain of a squad was allowed one dollar for twelve hours' service, and the privates had seventy-five cents.

The present negro element of Monroe is partly derived from other communities. It is largely concentrated in two suburbs of Union, only a few small settlements occurring elsewhere. In most country neighborhoods a colored person is almost as infrequently seen as in the North or West. Since he attained his freedom, the negro is commonly a town dweller in the counties where he is least numerous.

Slavery taught the negro to work after the manner of the white man, but racial traits stood in the way of his developing into a hus- tler. Yet those of the race who show themselves to be industrious and law-abiding are well thought of by the dominant color.

A particularly useful citizen was the Reverend Charles L. Camp- bell, who was born a slave near Pickaway on the plantation of Rob- ert Campbell. After the close of the war he spent three years in Ohio, working by day at his trade of blacksmithing and going to school at night. Returning to Union he became active in the im- provement of his people. He taught several years and was ordained as an elder by a board of white preachers. In 1870 he organized the colored Baptist congregation at Union, was its pastor several years, and was instrumental in the purchase of its house of worship from his former master, who was a trustee of the church when used by the white Baptists. His life of usefulness came to a close in 1912 at the age of 72. He was then the oldest minister in the Val- ley Baptist Association (colored).


TOWNS AND VILLAGES Union Alderson Other Places.

HEN Monroe county was organized it had nearly 4000 inhabitants and not even a village. It would now be difficult to find in the whole Union an organized county of that size without a town of at least 400 people.

About a mile from the courthouse to the south James Byrnside had made a home about 1762. In 1774, James Alexander, then a young man of twenty-two, built a cabin a little north of the town. He soon sold a part of his land to Michael Erskine. But so late as 1799 there does not appear to have been any dwelling within the present town limits except that of Alexander himself.

That the farm became a town was solely because it was chosen for the seat of government of the new county. On the second day of the first term of the Monroe court, Alexander entered into a bond to convey one acre as a courthouse lot and ten acres adjoining as a town site. The bond was made out in favor of William Haynes, John Gray, John Byrnside, James Handley, and James Alexander, acting as town trustees. The sheriff was then ordered to let out the building of a log courthouse and a stone jail.

At a session held August 21, 1799, the trustees resolved that "the size of buildings on each lot must be one square log house, of the same size of 16 by 18 feet from out to out; two stories high of a common height, roof of shingles, and chimney of brick or stone; to be floored and finished in the inside in a workmanlike manner."

There was a prompt remonstrance against the choice of county seat. A petition with many signers condemns it as being far from the center, thus disregarding the act creating Monroe, and also as illegal, on the ground that the justices of the new county were ap- pointed and commissioned without the consent of the court of Green-


brier or the knowledge of the citizens of Monroe. The petitioners laid the blame on John Hutchinson. Another grievance was that the court was already preparing to erect the public buildings. The paper concludes by asking for a commission to determine the center of the county.

Nevertheless, the Virginia Assembly passed the necessary bill, January 6, 1800. The other towns included in the same act were Springfield in Loudoun county, Elkton in Fauquier, Madison in Madison county, New Port at the mouth of the Little Kanawha, Rocky Mills in Hanover, Kernstown in Frederick, and Monroe (for- merly Neal's Spring) on the Little Kanawha. The sections relat- ing particularly to Union read thus:

Section Four: That twenty-five acres of land, the property of James Alexander, at the courthouse in the county of Monroe, as the same have been laid off into lots and streets, shall be established a town by the name of Union; and that William Haynes, John Gray, John Byrnside, James Hanley, Michael Erskine, John Hutchinson, and Isaac Estill, gentlemen, shall be and they are hereby constituted trustees thereof.

Section Nine: The trustees of the said towns respectively, or a majority of them, are impowered to make such rules and orders for the regular building of houses therein, as to them shall seem best, and to settle and determine all disputes concerning the bounds of the lots. So soon as the purchaser of any lot, in either of the said towns shall have built a dwell- ing house therein equal to twelve feet square with a brick or stone chim- ney, such purchaser shall enjoy the s'ame privileges as the freeholders and inhabitants of other towns, not incorporated, hold and enjoy. Vacancies by death or otherwise, of any one or more of the trustees of the said towns, respectively, shall be supplied by the remaining trustees, or a majority of them; and the person so elected shall have the same power as if they had been named in this act.

The earliest lot purchasers on record are the following, the lot numbers being bracketed: 1804, Michael Alexander (64), Andrew Beirne (35, Joseph Burk (61), Henry Chapman (14), Adam Cline (52), Lewis Forlander (44), Benjamin Hall, (23, 24), James Handley, Sr. (34), Richard Shanklin (51); 1806, Thomas Beirne (53), Henry Stever (54), George Beamer, Joseph Alderson, Will- iam Blanton. All but Beamer and Blanton bought directly from Alexander. The only purchase price named in the deeds is $51 in


the case of lot 44. In 1806 James Alexander deeded one acre for a courthouse lot and 25 acres for a town site, so long as the ground should be used for such purposes.

Richard Shanklin is said to have been the first merchant, open- ing his store the year after the town was founded. In 1802 Henry Alexander and Hugh Caperton formed the partnership of Alexan- der and Company. Soon afterward came! Andrew and George Beirne, known as the firm of A. and G. Beirne. Andrew Beirne, Jr., later entered the firm. Benjamin F. Steele and Madison Mc- Daniel formed the partnership of Steele and McDaniel. A post- office was opened in 1800.

In the election, April 1, 1802, for overseer of the poor, the) fol- lowing men voted: James Alexander, Matthew Alexander, John Byrnside, Joseph Burk, Jonathan Dunbar, Alexander Dunlap, Lewis Forlander, Benjamin Hall, Reuben Leach, Matthew Ralston, Rich- ard Shanklin, George Spickert, and Henry Stever.

There were Methodist and Presbyterian churches within two miles, but after the town was established there was worship in the courthouse, and in pleasant weather in a maple grove.

By a statute, of 1804 the lot owners of "Union Town" were al- lowed seven more years in which to make their improvements, this period to begin with the last day of 1803. But in 1816 there was a further extension of seven years.

A statute of 1820 made it unlawful for the people of Union to allow sheep or hogs to run at large. For the first offense the penalty was half a dollar; for the second, it was one dollar; for thq third, it was the sale of the animal, the proceeds going to the improvement of the streets. In 1827 there was a petition for the repeal of this law on the ground that Union was a small place.

In 1826 the free white housekeepers and freeholders of Union were empowered to elect seven of themselves as trustees each first Monday of April. The sheriff was to supervise such elections. This board was to appoint a clerk on such salary as might be deemed rea- sonable; to levy a tax of not more than $100 a year; and to make by-laws, rules, and regulations. Vacancies for a remainder of a year could be filled by the board-


Mrs. Royall has this to say of Union at the end of its first quar- ter-century :

Union is a poor little village, remarkable for nothing but a very ele- gant brick courthouse and the residence of the renowned Andrew Beirne and his famous rival Caperton, both of whom have amassed great wealth as merchants and speculators. Both began poor and have succeeded with- out a parallel, taking into view the nature of the country. They used to call Beirne the "greasy peddler." He began with ginseng, taking it from people's doors instead of their taking it to Staunton. He covered several counties, bringing his goods from Philadelphia, and doing a barter busi- ness. The country teeming with ginseng, cattle, and poultry, he wrested the trade from the merchants in the lower country.

But while Mrs. Royall pays a graceful tribute to the more pleas- ing qualities of the two rival merchants, she is very severe on their business methods. She says they were fleecing the people and reduc- ing them to insolvency and vassalage. The people had to take what the merchants were offering them. She adds that the inclination of the people for dress, foreign manners, and table luxuries was caus- ing them to play into the hands of the merchants.

Early in 1838 the town limits were extended on the north so as to take in some land belonging to the heirs of Matthew Alexander. This addition was to be laid off in quarter-acre lots which were to sell at not less than $25 each.

In 1839 the trustees were authorized to make such alterations in the lots and alleys as they might think best, but none without the consent of Hugh Caperton, guardian of the heirs of Matthew Alex- ander.

In 1849 the Monroe Savings Bank was incorporated with a cap- ital of not over $50,000, its negotiable notes to be on the same foot- ing with those of the Bank of Virginia. Its incorporators were James H. Alexander, Andrew Allen, Richard F. Allen, Charles Baldwin, Andrew Beirne, Matthew Campbell, Robert Campbell, Augustus A. Chapman, George W. Curry, John Echols, Samuel Hamilton, Samuel R. Houston, George W. Hutchinson, Madison M. McDaniel, Benjamin F. Steele, Andrew Summers, Jeremiah Tracy, and Jacob Zoll.


Yet the very next year there was a numerously signed petition for a bank with a capital of $100,000. It stated that there was no bank within 70 miles to the east or 100 miles to the north or south. The trade in cattle and horses in this and the contiguous counties was represented as about $500,000 a year. It was remarked that there were heavy losses through the bank paper from abroad.

In 1853 permission was given to the Bank of Virginia, the Farm- ers' Bank of Virginia, the Bank of the Valley, or the Exchange Bank of Virginia to establish at Union an office of discount and deposit- In March, 1861, the town charter was amended. The trustees were to appoint a sergeant, who was to give bond in the sum of $3000.

Union was incorporated August 14, 1868. Under this act the first mayor was Alfred Phillips, and the first sergeant was D. C. Callaway. The councilmen were George W. Davis, William Mon- roe, Andrew Prentice, A. G. Tibbetts, and John R. Wiseman.

The first tavern license was granted to Patrick Boyd in 1800. He was followed about 1801 by Zachariah Decamp; by Charles Friend in 1803, Henry Stever in 1804, Henry and Matthew Alexander in 1813, and Robert and James Dunlap in 1824. Keepers of the Un- ion hotel in antebellum days were Samuel ML Wallace, 1844, Zoll and Shanklin, 1852, Madison McDaniel, 1853, Snead and Com- pany, 1855, Zoll and Dunsmore, 1858, and Zoll and Campbell, 1859. Keepers of the Bell Tavern were John W. Lanius, 1844, William McCreery, 1846, Walter Douglas, 1847, and Joseph Zoll, 1855. The following year, Zoll kept the Virginia Hotel.

Mrs. Sarah A. Osborne was born in Union in 1823. Among the residents she remembers as a girl are the following: Dr. Bald- win, Andrew P. Beirne, a merchant, Undrell Budd, a tanner and harness maker, Thomas Burns, a brewer who kept a bowling alley, Hugh Caperton, George Chapman, a lawyer, William Clark, a tailor, William Crebs, a wagonmaker, William Derieux, a tailor ( ?) , John Dickson, a tailor, Henry Francis, a carpenter, one Harris, a hotel keeper, Dr. Nelson Haynes, James Hundley, tavern keeper, John Wiseman, blacksmith, and Jacob Zoll, a saddler. Mrs. Os-


borne remarks that the first geraniums and fuchsias ever seen in Union were brought there by Mrs. Henry Alexander. Tomatoes appeared about 1830, and were grown for display, not being thought fit to eat.

A gazetteer of 1835 states that Union then had two hotels, two tan-yards, two saddlers, one school, two churches, one attorney, two doctors, 45 dwellings, and 400 people. Unless the population was overestimated, as was probably the case, the county seat had as many people 80 years ago as it has now. But until nearly 40 years later, the iron horse had not yet crossed the Alleghany and travel still followed the wagon roads. In a commercial sense Union was a more important place than now, since it held sway over a wider radius. In this particular it is like other county seat towns that railway development has left to one side. In the middle decades of the last century the town was the home of men of statewide repute and there were special facilities for secondary education.

Facing the north end of the main street, but unfortunately not reached by any open thoroughfare whatever, is a monument to the Confederate soldiers who went from Monroe- It is of white marble, is almost 20 feet high, and stands on a limestone pedestal. The un- veiling took place in 1901, on which occasion some 12,000 people were present, including about 250 veterans. The latter marched under Colonel Charles S. Peyton, who delivered the address of wel- come. The battleflag of the 27th Virginia Infantry was carried by R. S. McCartney. The unveiling was by 15 young ladies. There was a sponsor, as well as seven maids of honor, for each of the 11 states of the Confederacy. The marshals were L. E. Campbell, C E. Lynch, and J. L. Rowan. The first speaker was Edward Echols and the second was Colonel W. W. Arnett of Wheeling.

Beyond the monument and in plain view is Walnut Grove, once the home of Andrew Beirne, Sr. Here President Van Buren was entertained a week by Colonel Beirne. A crowd of people assem- bled to hear the president speak at the barbacue given in his honor.

The town cemetery, known as Green Hill, occupies a sightly position on the summit of a knob. Its white monuments are visible


from some distance. The first interment was that of Jane Ingle, a maid of 17.

The high school building, erected in 1876 at a cost of $4700, stands rather out of town on the road to Salt Sulphur Springs.

The present business and professional interests of the county seat include two banks, two general stores, two hotels, one grocery, one drugstore, two flour mills, one garage, one planing mill, one printing office, two telephone centrals, three attorneys, two physicians, one dentist, two blacksmiths, one saddler, one barber, one shoemaker, and one milliner.

The town of Alderson is built on the homestead of John Alder- son, who settled here in 1777. The site remained farm land almost a century. But it was not long until a public ferry was authorized. The mouths of Wolf and Muddy are near by, and it very early be- came an important place of crossing. One of the reasons for this importance was the location on the north bank of Old Greenbrier church.

When the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad came along in 1872, a station at this point was a business necessity. The town thus oc- casioned has become the largest one between Ronceverte and Hinton. But since it lies in a corner of Monroe, much the greater share of its tributary region lies in Greenbrier and Summers. As a railroad out- let the usefulness of the town to this county is thereby much lessened. And of "Greater Alderson," only the business section lies in Mon- roe. A large residential suburb lies across the river in Greenbrier, as a result of good building ground being more plentiful on that side- As a tri-county town, Alderson soon grew into a brisk commercial and educational center. In June, 1872, there were already three gen- eral stores, two steam sawmills, two shoe stores, one doctor, one blacksmith, and a carpenter shop. Near by was a woolen factory. A Confederate reunion in 1883 drew a crowd of from 500 to 1000 persons and led to a permanent organization.

The number of business concerns has now risen to 36. These include a wholesale grocery house doing a business of half a million


dollars annually; two department stores, a milling company, a national bank, a power company, three general merchandise houses, two hardware stores, one furniture store, one drug store, an automo- bile agency, a cable office, a theater, two hotels, and three restau- rants. There are also two jewelers, two clothes cleaning establish- ments, a confectioner, a meat shop, a shoestore, a barber shop, and a dealer in ice and coal.

The higher educational interests are looked after by the Alleghany Collegiate Institute, a school under the care of the Meth- odists. In North Alderson is the Alderson Baptist Academy.

Within the past year a new concrete bridge has been put across the Greenbrier at this point.

Peterstown began its official existence in 1803 as the result of a petition by Christian Peters, in which it is stated that an area of 18rA acres had been laid off in lots and streets. The earlier home of Peters was on Trigger Run, two miles above, but after the town was started he came here to live. He also built a flouring mill. The earliest purchaser of a lot of whom we have any definite knowl- edge was Isaac Dawson in 1807. The size of the parcel was 48 rods. The place grew and prospered, the fine waterpower on Rich Creek being an important factor. In 1835 there were 20 houses, three tanyards, one sawmill, one gristmill, one store, one wheelwright, one blacksmith, one tailor, one saddler, and a school. The Virginia P.ailroad is only two miles away and the Norfolk and Western but little farther, these lines running on opposite sides of New River. This nearness has enabled the place to more than hold its own and to rank third among the population centers of Monroe. It has now a population of about 350, and the following business houses: One bank, six general stores, three mills, and one electric light plant. There are Methodist and Baptist churches, one doctor, one dentist, three fraternities, and a graded school with five teachers and a library.

Sinks Grove was formerly Rocky Point, and is very often spoken of by the old name, which it should have retained. The location is in a hollow fronting the great depression between Swope's Knobs


and Middle Mountain. Looking down upon it is the truncated cone of Bickett's Knob. In size Sinks Grove ranks fourth among the towns of Monroe, and without prejudice to any of the others it may be remarked that it is surpassed by none of them in the generally modern look of its houses and its trimness of appearance. Yet the town is not so new as it looks, since there was already something of a village in the days of the great war. The first house erected here was the Burwell Hotel, built by Alexander Leach about 1839. Six highways branch out like the spokes of a wheel, and the well set- tled vicinity gives it a high degree of business importance. Fort Spring, the nearest railway point, is six miles away. The village contains a creamery, two general stores, one blacksmith, and one barber. There are Presbyterian and Baptist churches, a two-roomed school, two fraternities, two doctors, and one resident minister. The population is 100.

Greenville was formerly called Centerville. It lies at the con- fluence of Indian and Laurel Creeks, 11 miles from the county seat and about the same from Lowell, its railroad outlet. The village came into being partly from the fine water power just above the mouth of Laurel, and partly through the influence of Cook's fort, which in its day was a rallying point for the settlers over a consid- erable distance around. The almost forgotten site of the stockade is about a quarter of a mile below the footbridge over Indian and in the midst of the bottom on the south side of the creek. As a river village the situation of Greenville is somewhat unusual. A high peninsula thrusts itself upon Indian Creek from the north and for a brief distance confines the stream to a gorge, leaving broad pockets of bottom above and below. It is on this shoulder that Greenville is built. About 1870 it stood some chance of winning the courthouse, and its failure to do so was instrumental in creating the county of Summers. The possibility of separating itself from the county seat led the Union interest to consent to a division of the county. The population is about 75. There are Methodist and Presbyterian churches, a bank, a grist and saw mill, a hotel, two general stores, a furniture store, and an undertaking establishment.


Lindside, 14 miles from Union and 10 from Peterstown, may be styled the youngest of the population groups of this county- Its growth has been almost wholly since 1872, It commands a large country trade, in which it is helped by its position at the mouth of an important gap in Little Mountain. This gives it ready access to Peters Mountain valley. The village has about 50 inhabitants. There are two general stores, three hotels and boarding houses, a furniture and undertaking establishment, one livery stable, a tele- phone exchange, one electrician, two resident physicians, and sev- eral mechanics and teamsters. There is no church within three- quarters of a mile. There are three fraternities. The public school library has 75 volumes.

A cluster of population can hardly be called a village unless it includes within a very limited distance one or more churches, a schoolhouse of not less than two rooms, a hotel, two or more gen- eral stores, probably a flouring mill and a few other business con- cerns, and a resident physician. A center which falls conspicuously below the above minimum is a hamlet rather than a village. Of such Monroe contains, in addition to its summer resorts, Waiteville, Laurel Branch, Gap Mills, Willow Bend, Rock Camp, Cashmere, Ballard, Hunter's Mills, Pickaway, Hillsdale, and Hollywood.












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Sweet Springs Salt Sulphur Springs Red Sulphur Springs Minor Resorts.

WEET SPRINGS is the oldest, most permanent, and most interesting of the watering places of Monroe. James Moss, said to have been the first settler on the up- per course of Dunlap, reared his cabin about 1760 near the mineral spring. He did not acquire title and disposed of his interest to William Lewis. Patent was issued in 1774. Like his more famous brothers, William Lewis was an indefatigable land pros- pector and secured choice tracts in several localities- But Sweet Springs was the spot he selected for a home. The Lewis brothers often conducted their land operations in partnership. So Thomas Lewis deeded to William in 1786 his interest in 1220 acres on "Sweet Springs Branch," the consideration being 1000 pounds, or $3333.33. The conveyance recites that a division had been agreed upon in the lifetime of Andrew Lewis, in whose hands had rested the deed of partition. The consideration in this instance was $200. This pa- per was not found among Andrew's effects, and an acknowledgment could not be made because of the suspension of courts of justice upon the dissolution of British authority in Virginia. The deed by Thomas affected all the Lewis land above the falls in Dunlap Creek.

After the restoration of peace, William Lewis began to develop Sweet Springs as a health resort. As a related step in his own in- terest, he offered to provide a home for the court of the circuit that embraced the counties of Botetourt, Greenbrier, Kanawha, and Montgomery. The inducements included a courthouse and a jail. Until these quarters should be built, which was done in 1795, the sessions of the court were to be held alternately at Fincastle and Lewisburg. A view of the buildings was ordered to take place by May 1, 1796.


The plans of Lewis did not stop short of the creation of a town. Section Three of an Act of Assembly of December 16, 1790, thus reads :

That thirty acres of land on the southeast side of the Sweet Springs in the county of Botetourt, the property of William Lewis, shall be and they are hereby vested in James Breckenridge, Martin McFerran, Henry Bowyer, Matthew Harvey, John Beal, John Wood, John Smith, Robert Harvey, John Hawkins, Thomas Madison, and Sampson Sawyers, gentle- men trustees, to be by them, or a majority of them, laid off into lots of one-half acre each, with convenient streets, and establish a town by the name of Fontville.

As soon as laid off, the lots were to be advertised two months in the Virginia Gazette, and sold at public auction at the best price to be had. The title was to be conveyed in fee, and the money paid to the proprietor. Purchasers were to build within five years from the day of sale houses at least 16 feet square with chimneys of stone. The trustees were empowered to make rules for the building of houses, and it was left to them to pass upon boundary disputes. The Act contains these further provisions:

Section Eleven: And be it further enacted, that three acres of ground to include the said Sweet Springs, shall be and they are hereby vested in the trustees of the town at the said place, and their successors forever; in trust to and for the use of all such persons as may from time to time at- tend the same for the recovery of their health.

Section Twelve: No person shall hold more than two lots at the Sweet Springs, nor shall the trustees convey more than that number to any person. Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to au- thorize the trustees of the town at the Sweet Springs to sell the land whereon the courthouse of the said county and the tavern of the said William Lewis are built.

But Fontville did not spring into actual existence. Whether the movement were premature, or whether the public lacked the in- clination to make it succeed, we have at this late day no certain knowledge. William Lewis has been styled the "civilizer of the frontier." He wished to establish a town that would be thoroughly attractive to seekers after health. No tannery, distillery, or butcher


shop was to be permitted within its limits. Lewis was far-sighted, yet he met with much opposition.

Sweet Springs was the seat of the District Court only eleven years, and it was a period of discord. An Act of Assembly decreed the removal to Lewisburg by February 1, 1807. The proprietor of Sweet Springs and the county court of Greenbrier were each to ap- point three commissioners to value the jail and other buildings erected by the proprietor for the use of the district court. When the amount of such valuation, collected by voluntary subscription or otherwise, should be paid to the clerk of Greenbrier for the use of the proprie- tor, or his legal representative, the clerk of Greenbrier was to cer- tify the same to the next court at Sweet Springs, which court at the end of its term should adjourn to Lewisburg.

This removal was a result of an agitation that seems to have arisen at a very early date. The paragraph below is our digest of the report of a committee to examine into the title to the courthouse at Sweet Springs. The committee consisted of Samuel Blackburn, George Hancock, Augustus Woodward, Allen Taylor, Thomas Rowland, William H. Cavendish, and John Hutchinson. The dic- tion of the paper is excellent and the, criticism of Lewis seems re- luctant. It was recorded October 21, 1799.

It is so usual to have the seats of superior courts at county seats, that in the few exceptions ample provision does not seem to have been made. This is peculiarly the case here. The court was to alternate between Fin- castle and Lewisburg until the proprietor of Sweet Springs) should at his own expense build courthouse and prison. This inconvenient way lasted several years. The records were twice every year taken horseback over several mountains and dangerous watercourses. By later Acts, the "ad- vention" of the court to Sweet Springs was hastened, but there was no provision to vest in the commonwealth the title to necessary grounds or buildings. The proprietor now has the freehold. The commonwealth has no other claim than merely the provision that the courthouse be here. The buildings were erected with the verbal consent of the proprietor. Between the last and present terms of court, the tenant now at Sweet Springs has with the consent of the proprietor commanded the jailor to leave, and has molested him in his use of the tenement. The clerk has avoided such treatment by keeping his papers at his house six miles away over a diffi- cult mountain, but has exposed them thereby to dangers, and this is incon-


venient to suitors. The courthouse is used in vacation as a boarding house for hotel guests, is never in the custody of the jailor, and is now in ill repair. The jail is totally insufficient, and several escapes have occurred. It is recommended that a town be created to destroy a monopoly preju- dicial to the public and oppressive to individuals. The committee was of unanimous opinion that the present seat was by no means adapted to per- manency, and that therefore there was embarrassment to the public and probably injustice to private individuals. The proprietor has a slender claim on the commonwealth, because the building put up as courthouse will answer his private purposes. To make the prison secure necessitates an expense equal to the original cost. If indemnity to the proprietor is in order, it will be small. The interest of the public may be subjected to a dangerous association with the interest of a private citizen."

John Lewis, son of William and present proprietor, made reply a few days later than he understood the buildings were vested ab- solutely in the commonwealth so long as the court might sit here. In case of doubt he was willing to convey the necessary land under the condition that when the commonwealth should vacate, its right to it should cease- He was also willing to grant land under like regulations for clerk and jail.

A petition of 1800 asks that the court be moved to Union on the ground that the proprietor's tavern is given a monopoly "under the most inconvenient charges and regulations." It asserts that the expense to a witness is equal to the fine for his absence. The jail is alleged to be so weak and undesirable that prisoners often escape. It says the peculiar circumstances of the place lead to a "lamentable train of continuances. The records are kept in no certain place and are therefore unsafe." Union is represented as in "the heart of a compact and plentiful settlement rapidly progressing." The court- house is large and commodious, and the jail is strong. The signa- tures to this paper are numerous.

A counter petition by Lewis, backed by 42 signers, says there are two houses of entertainment at Sweet Springs, other than the proprietor's, and still another at Red Springs, less than a mile away. Within three to five miles are other houses where the cheapest liv- ing may be had. Altogether, Sweet Springs can shelter 200 guests and Union only 50- The charges by the tenant of the proprietor are


the same as at the public houses in Union, and his house alone can receive all the people who come to court. It says the delays com- plained of are chargeable to the lawyers, who have a long way to come. The clerk's office is "one of six rooms in a log house, and but for the grasping individuals who try for removal," a better of- fice would be put up. Sweet Springs is central to its district and convenient to reach.

In a petition of 1802, the proprietor of Sweet Springs argues that his courthouse is of stone, much larger than the one at Union, and- has walls two feet thick. The jail has two rooms, whereas the jail at Union has a single room 18 feet square. Only two felons have escaped from his jail. He adds that Union and Lewisburg are not agreed, each wanting the district court.

The petition for removal which we have described is only the first of several- The persons in favor of such step seem to have been a large majority of the people interested. The movement was gaining headway. Yet in 1804 there were 419 petitioners asking that the court remain at Sweet Springs for the reason that its court- house was more commodious than those at Fincastle and Lewisburg-

Since the removal of the court the history of Sweet Springs has been that of a well known summer resort and very small social and commercial center. Next to Berkeley Springs and the resorts of Warm Springs valley, it is the oldest watering place in the Virginias.

The waters of the mineral spring, which undoubtedly became known to the whites through the Indians, are mildly alterative and cathartic, and are serviceable in ailments of the digestive organs and in debility. They are thermal, having a temperature of 73 degrees, or some 20 degrees above the mean atmospheric temperature of the locality. Their properties are similar to those of the famous hot wells of Bristol in England.

The Lewises came to Sweet Springs to live in 1782. The first building at the mineral waters is said to have been a log hut known as the "wigwam." It probably antedates the arrival of Lewis. The hotel, about which there was so much controversy in the papers we have quoted, was built in 1792. Before the close of the century


Sweet Springs had numerous visitors. Washington was a guest in 1797. The biographer of Ann Royall states that during the sum- mer season and the sessions of the district court, the house of Col- onel Royall, which stood about one mile away, was filled with guests. Mrs. Royall herself says in 1824 that "people from nearly every state go to the springs." She remarks that the Northern peo- ple are reserved, the Virginians frank and sociable, and the South Carolinians still more so.

Several of the presidents, including Pierce and Fillmore, were guests at Old Sweet Springs. Henry A. Wise was a frequent vis- itor. It is said to be the spot where Jerome Bonaparte wooed and won Elizabeth Patterson, the American wife whom his despotic brother forced him to put away.

Of the original buildings little or nothing appears to exist. The present main building dates from 1830-33. A second large building and five cottages were erected in 1857.

The original Sweet Springs Company was incorporated January 16, 1836, by John B. Lewis and associates. The capital stock au- thorized was 1000 shares of $100 each, three-fifths of which amount was to be held bona fide by other persons than the proprietors. The stock was to be taken within three years and the water was to be analyzed. Incorporation of the Red Springs Company took place the same year, but that of the White Sulphur Springs Company did not take place until 1845.

In 1852 the property passed out of the hands of the Lewises, and a new company was incorporated by Oliver and Christopher J. Beirne, Allen T. Caperton, and John Echols. The capital stock was not to exceed $500,000. The company might build saw and other mills, but might not acquire more than 4000 acres of land. In 1856 the license paid by the company was $225.

In 1902 the property passed into the hands of Charles C. Lewis and J. D. Logan, the former gentleman representing another branch of the descendants of Colonel John Lewis, the founder of Augusta county.

Though not so numerously frequented as in the palmy days of


the management under Oliver Beirne, there is still a very fair amount of patronage. The buildings can not be termed modern, but present a good appearance. The great lawn, well shaded and grass- ed, is an inviting spot. Water for general purposes is brought from a mountain spring and distributed from a reservoir. The scenic surroundings are very beautiful in the summer, and the climate of this sheltered valley is very tonic and healthful. >

A short mile down Sweet Springs Run, and beyond the interstate boundary, is the sister resort of Sweet Chalybeate Springs. Less than half a mile up the valley, and in full view except as screened by the fine oak grove, is the manor-house of Lynnside. On this spot lived William Lewis, son of the founder of Augusta county, and he has been succeeded by four generations of his posterity. The present brick mansion was built about 1845. Here was kept in 1884 a private boarding school.

Among the tavern-keepers who have dispensed entertainment at Sweet Springs, the earliest names we find in the local records are those of Robert Douthat in 1802 and Jesse Munter in 1803. In 1848 James Shanks paid a license of $60.12. In 1851 Christopher J. Beirne and Thomas J. Johnston paid $70.25, in addition to $10 for their ten-pin alley. In 1857 a tax of $22.22 was levied on each of the three billiard tables.

On Indian Creek where it is yet a small stream, and three miles from the county seat is Salt Sulphur Springs. The fine lawn of eleven acres is a cross-section of the narrow creek bottom, and it lies between lofty bluffs. On this lawn are the two mineral springs, the waters being chalybeate and sweetly sulphurous and containing iodine. The land was once held by a Benson family, and two daughters thereof married William Erskine and Isaac Caruthers. As the firm of Erskine and Caruthers, these men were conducting a summer hostelry in 1823 and they continued many years later. Their li- censes in 1857 amounted to $219-17.

The largest building is of stone, 45 by 206 feet in size, contains 72 rooms, and cost $30,000. It overlooks the lawn, the other build- ings standing along the brink of the stream. For several decades


prior to the war of 1861 Salt Sulphur Springs was a famous water- ing place, and was numerously frequented by people from the lower South, especially South Carolina. Many Virginians from the tide- water counties also came here. The high water mark was in 1860.

The old time patronage was interrupted by the war, and has never been recovered. Since then the guests are mainly from the lower Kanawha valley and from Ohio. During recent years the attend- ance has been quite small. Extensive repairs, however, were made in 1880. Shortly afterward, the resort became the property of Gen- eral John W. M. Appleton, a native of Boston and a Federal sol- dier. He acted as host until his tragic death by a horse in 1913.

Around the year 1873 Salt Sulphur Springs was a camp meeting resort.

Among the South Carolina visitors of August, 1844, was the famous John C. Calhoun. The circumstance is well remembered by the venerable Baldwin Ballard. Calhoun was accompanied by his wife and an invalid daughter. While the hostlers were mak- ing a change of horses at the Arnot place, the apostle of nullifica- tion asked for a drink of water. Robert Cummings, one of the hostlers, gave him a drink from the horse trough after the manner in which he was accustomed to quench his own thirst. In relating the incident Mr. Ballard speaks of Cummings as inexcusably care- less or lazy. He could have offered the best of water by going to the spring house 70 yards above the trough.

Another reminiscence is related by John B. Cook of Centennial- When a small boy he rode on the Salt Sulphur pike in the same carriage with Henry Clay. The bluegrass statesman was a ready mixer. He took the boy on his knee and amused him by winking his ears and telling stories.

Red Sulphur Springs lies in a deep hollow, near the mouth of a small tributary of Indian Creek and 12 miles from Lowell, its principal though not its nearest railroad point. The elevation is 1600 feet. The waters, which have a temperature of 54 degrees, derive their name from a peculiar sulphur compound which is held on solution. It is separated in the form of a jelly by atmospheric


air and also by acids. Mixed with a small quantity of common water and raised to a temperature of 80 degrees, this compound de- composes and gives off a powerful odor. But the spring water itself is colorless and transparent.

These waters have long been known to have a quieting effect on the circulatory and nervous systems, reducing the pulse and pro- moting sleep. In catarrh, diabetes, chronic diarrhea, and other af- fections of the secretory organs, and in functional derangements of the heart and liver, they have been used with great success. But their greatest repute is in the treatment of pulmonary consumption. The water appears to combat the "great white plague" by building up the system and enabling nature to rid itself of the germ that causes the disease.

As a resort Red Sulphur Springs was opened in 1832 by a Har- vey. In the spring of 1837, a company was incorporated, with Wil- liam Burk as proprietor. Next year the Assembly authorized it to increase its capital stock by $50,000. In 1844 the license paid was $35, showing that the patronage was not so large as at Sweet Springs or Salt Sulphur. During the war the buildings were used as a military hospital. The property was finally purchased by Levi P. Morton, of New York, who is still in possession. Mr. Morton paid $10,000 and spent $40,000 in improvements. His representative at the resort was Dr. G. O. Glavis.

During the administration of Governor Dawson, the legislature of West Virginia appropriated $95,000 for a sanatorium for con- sumptive patients. Mr. Morton offered as a free gift to the state the mineral spring and ten acres surrounding it. A committee went through the form of inspecting the offer. The members came in bad winter weather, took a casual look at the place, and went back to make an adverse report. It would look as though such a report was predetermined. Mr. Morton was not even thanked for his proposition. A site was chosen at Terra Alta in Mr. Dawson's home county, and this meant a purchase instead of a gift. The un- savory nature of West Virginia politics lends a suspicious air to the performance.


The report of the committee was a mixture of prejudice and misrepresentation. Red Sulphur Springs is surrounded by a well peopled farming community, and there is a large extent of bottom land on Indian Creek. As a source of country produce it would be as promising as that around Terra Alta. It is true that the spring is in a deep hollow, but the open plateau above, 400 feet higher in elevation, affords a more suitable site for consumptive patients than exists at the other point. On the whole, Terra Alta possesses no advantage over Red Sulphur, except that it is on a trunkline rail- road. As a practical question, Red Sulphur is not too remote, and a small outlay would vastly improve the ease of reaching it. And finally, it possesses that in which Terra Alta is totally deficient; a mineral spring with an indubitable record of its healing power in tuberculosis.

Red Sulphur Springs is practically a closed resort. Since the contagious nature of consumption has become generally understood, the public has grown suspicious of buildings that have had every opportunity of becoming infested with the bacillus that causes the disease. But the water is there, and some way should be found to make this hygienic resource available.

Perhaps it should become the property of the national govern- ment, as in the case of the Hot Springs of Arkansas.

Just outside the springs property William Adair conducted a hostelry before the war and it was largely attended. Another of the same period was that of T- S. and Dunlap Campbell.

Not one of the three historic resorts of Monroe lies even close to a railroad. One is no longer open, another is almost in suspended animation, and the third has but a fraction of its old-time patronage.

A few other mineral springs occur in the county. Gray Sul- phur, a mile east of Peterstown, has not been open for a long while. About midway between it and Sweet Springs is Crimson Spring, which has never developed into a watering place. On Hans Creek is the Larew spring the sulphur waters of which attract summer guests.



Indian Paths Early Roads Overseers and Precincts of 1799 The Turnpike Era The Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad.

HE entire Alleghany region was threaded by Indian trials. Some of these were through lines of travel. Y Others were only of local importance. In some and perhaps many instances these paths were doubtless first opened by the herds of buffalo, as these animals journeyed from one feeding ground to another. When the white man came on the scene he found it very convenient to use the Indian trail as a bridle-path. Here and there it was accepted as a public highway and given into the care of road overseers. Such converted thoroughfares were termed Indian roads. Elsewhere the trail lapsed into disuse, and after a century of tillage it is only now and then, especially in th'e woods, that it can be recognized.

In Monroe as in other mountain counties, the Indian paths were the ones first used by the early settlers. That the Gap Mills valley and the basin of Indian Creek were favored points of settlement was largely because of the trail that came up Dunlap and down Second and Indian creeks to New River. Near Gap Mills it was joined by a path crossing Peters Mountain. The trail then took the gen- eral direction of Indian Creek to its mouth, passing south of Thorny Hollow and intersecting the present road from Union to Willow Bend near the Alexander farm. From Ellison's Ridge a side-path crossed Indian below Greenville and went up Indian Draft, reach- ing the Greenbrier near Lowell. From the mouth of Indian an- other path came up Stinking Lick to the vicinity of Ballard, and then ran eastward, crossing Peters Mountain at Symms Gap. Near Ballard this path has been traced a considerable distance, while on


Little Mountain a section of the Dunlap path is still perfectly ob- servable. The last named path was used by the many immigrants from the Cowpasture, Calfpasture, and Bullpasture valleys. Other settlers came direct from the upper James, the Roanoke, and the New by means of the trails crossing Peters Mountain or penetrat- ing the Narrows of New River. Thus in large degree the Monroe area was settled independently of that now covered by Greenbrier, and the two localities came to have divergent views in local mat- ters.

It was not until 1782 that Lewisburg secured a wagon road across the Alleghany to Warm Springs. This road must have been quite good, since loads of 2500 pounds were being hauled over it in 1785. iBut because of the Greenbrier River it was not of great service to Monroe except in the north.

Some mention of the very earliest roads is given in preceding chapters. The first road orders under the Monroe court were in August, 1799. Alexander* Montgomery, Owen Neel, and John Louderback were to view a way "from the county line at the turn of the waters" to Ralph Yates'- James Alexander, James Handley, Edward Keenan, Ralph Yates, and William Blanton were to view from Yates' to the courthouse, and Felix Williams, Henry McDan- iel, Jr., and Alexander Hutchinson were to view from the county line at the end of Peters Mountain on New River to Indian Creek. But since nothing was done, Daniel Shumate, Jacob Cook, and James Henderson were added to the committee and Williams was re- moved. James Alexander, John Byrnside and Isaac Estill were to view a route from the courthouse to join the last named road. Michael Erskine, James Gray, Robert Nickell, James Glenn, and James Young were to view from the courthouse to Second Creek on the most direct course to the Saint Lawrence ford on Greenbrier. Wil- liam Graham, Robert Johnson, and James Gwinn, Sr., were to view from the Greenbrier opposite James Graham's to the top of Swope's Knobs, and James Alexander, Zadoc Lowe, and Francis Best from the Knobs to the courthouse. Joseph and George Swope, L. Lowe, John Alford, and Thomas Alderson were to view from Alderson's


ferry to the dividing waters at Lewis Castle's in a direct course to the courthouse. Matt Farley, Daniel Jarrett, and James Ellison were to view from the mouth of Indian to Jesse Green's. From Green's to Isaac Estill's, the viewers were Jesse Green, James Fitz- patrick, and William Maddy. John Handley, Samuel Clark, and Nimrod Tackett were the viewers from the courthouse to the wagon ford on Second Creek at Robert Knox's.

It will thus appear that the establishing of a county seat, where previously there had not been even a hamlet, made necessary a new network of roads radiating from the courthouse.

The overseers of roads and their precincts, as defined in the sum- mer of 1799, were as follows:

Joseph Swope: from his house to Lewis Cottle'si All male laboring tithables, including those of Moses Hall, down Wolf Creek to Swope's and on both sides of the road to the top of Swope's Knobs were to turn out.

William Brown: from Cottle's to Patrick Boyd's field. All tithables to turn out within three miles on each side of the road from Reuben Leach's to Joseph Miller's.

Matthew Alexander: from Boyd's field to Elkin's mill. All tithables on each side of the road from John Sparr's to Erskine's.

Ralph Gates: from his house to the lower end of Edward Keenan's field.

Michael Counts: from Keenan's field to the courthouse.

Robert Johnson: from the top of Swope's Knobs to Abraham Dixon's place. Tithables from Isaac Skagg's to Hall's old place, including the waters of Wolf, Gartner (Garten?), and Edwards.

William Hinchman, Jr.: from Abraham Dixon's to the Greenbrier ford opposite James Graham's. Tithables from William Johnson's to the mouth of Greenbrier, including the Ballengees, Meadows, Masseys, Esom Leech, William Dixon, and others.

James Roach; from George Dixon's to join the other road opposite James Graham's.

Frederick Lowe: from courthouse to the top of Swope's Knobs.

James Gray: from his house to courthouse, crossing the race tracks, and to intersect the old road to Robert Knox's near Robert Thompson's,

John Byrnside: from opposite his house to the mouth of Turkey.

Alexander Montgomery: from the turn of the waters to Ralph Gates.

Curtis Ballard: of road to be opened from Estill's to Hans Creek.

Lively McGee: from William Vawter, Sr., to Hans Creek.

Henry McDaniel: from Vawter's to Brush Creek.


Daniel Shumate: from Brush Creek to Henderson's ferry.

Alexander Montgomery (?): from county line above Adam Bowyer's to Joseph Slater's house.

Owen Neel: from Slater's to Ralph Gates.

In 1800, James Gray, Thomas Garvin, and William Young were di- rected to view from the "fork of old road to Patrick Boyd's near William Leech to where road leads through Boyd's field."

There seems to have been a public ferry at Alderson's at least ten years prior to the organization of Monroe. In the year the county was formed Alexander Stuart petitioned for a public ferry, on the ground that he was living on a road from Union to the Bluestone, and that it there joined a road to Kentucky. He had a fdrry boat to use when he wished to visit his lands on the Mont- gomery side.

In 1800 James Graham was licensed to keep a ferry.

Out of the county revenue for 1813, $300 was applied to the completion of the road then being opened down the Greenbrier to New River. The commissioners were Joseph Alderson, David Gra* ham, and William Hinchman.

In 1812 a road authorized from Lynchburg to Sweet Springs by way of Fincastle asked for a connecting road through Union to the mouth of Bluestone, whence a newly built road ran on to the "lower loop" in the Kanawha. Five years before this date certain arrearages of tax in Botetourt were applied toward the portion of the road between Fincastle and Sweet Springs.

By an act of 1819, Alexander Kitchen, near the head of Sec- ond Creek, was authorized to put up a tollgate and collect tolls for six years, in order to reimburse himself for the $550 he had paid out of his own funds in building the road. After having maintained the road in what he termed excellent order, but without fully re- couping the sum named, he was granted an extension of time until 1830, but the tolls were reduced one-half. Until the latter date, people journeying between Sweet Springs and Gap Mills were levied upon as follows:

For 20 cattle $ -30

For 20 sheep or hogs IS


One horse .06

Vehicle with two wheels 20

Wagon with four wheels SO

For each wheel of a cart and for each animal attached

to the vehicle 06^4

During the first half of the last century the question of good roads was a very live one in the Appalachian counties. Until after 1850, the lines of railroad were few and short and nearly confined to the lowlands of the Atlantic slope. In 1811 the Virginia As- sembly passed the following resolution:

Whereas, it is a matter of the greatest importance, not only to the good people of this state, but to our brethren of the Western States, that a better and more direct communication should be opened betwixt the eastern and western waters, resolved that Wilson C. Nicholas, James Breckenridge, William Caruthers, Andrew Donally, Jr., and William J. Lewis be ap- pointed commissioners to mark out the most practicable way, if any, from the mouth of Dunlap's Creek for a canal to the Greenbrier River; and to view that river to its mouth, as well as New River to the Great Falls of the Kanawha, and to take the difference of altitude of the mouth of Dun- lap's Creek and that point on the Greenbrier contemplated in this resolu- tion.

It bespeaks a crude idea of civil engineering to assume that it was possible, even at that early day, to build a canal across the Al- leghanies on the route pointed out. The project was futile, yet it shows a determination to secure a better commercial thorough- fare. A more practical plan was the incorporation in 1817 of a turnpike company to build a road from the mouth of Dunlap to the Great Falls of the Kanawha. The citizens of Monroe author- ized to open subscription books were Hugh Caperton, Henry Alex- ander, Andrew Beirne, Alexander Dunlap, John Gray, and Adam Thomas. Mrs. Royall has this to say in criticism of the scheme:

Virginia proposes to take merchandise from Covington to Kanawha Falls by pike and transfer it to steamers. In my opinion it will be long before she furnishes the West as low as the North does. It is the universal practice of West Virginia and Tennessee merchants to buy at Philadelphia, despite the extra distance. Virginia lacks not genius or public spirit, but does lack the genius for commerce.

In 1826 it was ordered that $10,000 be raised by a lottery to


make and improve a road from the courthouses of Monroe and Logan to the forks of the Big Sandy. At that day funds for church purposes were sometimes raised by the vicious and demoralizing method of the lottery. This fact is one of those which show there is a good deal of humbug in the imagined high standard of hon- esty and virtue in the "good old days."

In 1829 the Jackson's River Turnpike Company was incorpor- ated with an authorized capital of $20,000. This road was to run from Warm Springs to the Kanawha Turnpike at Callahan's. Sub- scription books were to be opened at Union. Two years later com- missioners were appointed to raise by lottery not over $40,000 for the building of a turnpike from Covington to Red Sulphur by way of Sweet Springs and Salt Sulphur. Two years later still a road was authorized from the Monroe line to the crossing of the Guyan- dotte below Isaac Adkins in Logan. The road was to be 25 feet wide with a driveway 12 feet wide.

The White Sulphur and; Salt Sulphur Turnpike was incor- porated in 1834. The road was to be 18 feet broad, with grades not to exceed 3% degrees. The commissioners appointed at Salt Sul- phur were William Erskine, Isaac Caruthers, and Alexander Calder ; at Union, Hugh Caperton, Andrew Beirne, Sr., and James Hand- ley. The very same day witnessed the incorporation of the Salt Sulphur and Red Sulphur Springs Turnpike, also with a capital of $10,000, and with the same conditions. The above named commis- sioners at Salt Sulphur were to act for this company as well. The Commissioners for Red Sulphur were William, Burke, William Vass, and John Vawtet. The state was to take 80 shares in each enterprise.

The Newburn and Red Sulphur Turnpike was incorporated in 1836, not required to sand or gravel its roadbed, and was permitted a grade of five degrees. In 1840 it was revived and given two more years. The incorporation of the Red Sulphur and Blue Sulphur Turnpike came also in 1836. The capital was $12,500 in 250 shares. The commissioners for Red Sulphur were James A. Dun- lap, James Harvey, John H. Vawter, William Adair, Jr., and

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Thomas Fowler, or any three of them. Another enterprise of the same date was the Sweet Springs and Price's Mountain Turnpike with a capital of $7,000 and permission to keep only one tollgate.

With the same capital the Indian Draft Turnpike was incorporated in 1838 to run from Salt Sulphur to an intersection with the Blue Sulphur and Red Sulphur Turnpike. It was permitted to cross the Greenbrier by a ferry instead of a bridge. Another incorporation of 1838 was the Sweet Springs and Blue Sulphur Turnpike with a capital of $18,000. The road was to go by Alderson's ferry or the mouth of Wolf. The incorporators at Sweet Springs were John B. Lewis, Philip Rogers, John Shawver, John Hull, and Jacob Wickline; at Union, James B. Shanklin, Benjamin F. Steele, An- drew P. Beirne, John McCarty, and Andrew Miller; at Joseph Hill's, John Alderson, Joseph Alderson, Andrew Miller, William Ellis, James Hill, and Joseph Hill. In 1840 the company was granted an extension of two years in which to build the road. In the latter year the Sweet Springs and Salt Sulphur Turnpike was incorporated with a capital of $10,000 in 100 shares. The minimum and maximum widths of road were to be 18 and 30 feet, and the grades not to exceed four degrees. Under the same conditions the Gap Mills and Price's Mountain Turnpike was incorporated in 1841 to connect Salt Sulphur at some point in Giles with the Cum- berland Gap and Price's Mountain Turnpike. The capital was fixed at $12,000. The Gap Mills and New River and Salt Sul- phur Turnpike was incorporated the same year with a capital of $10,000, widths of 15 and 25 feet, and maximum grades of four degrees. Still another incorporation of the same year, and under the same conditions was the Peters Mountain Turnpike to build a road from Red Sulphur into Giles. The capital was $12,000.

In 1842 came the Jackson's River and Sweet Springs Turnpike to build from Shirkey's mill in Botetourt to an intersection with the Sweet Springs and White Sulphur pike in Alleghany. The follow- ing year a relocation of the last named pike was ordered. In 1849 the Sweet Springs and Salt Sulphur Turnpike was chartered to run from Sweet Springs to the mouth of Indian Draft with a width of 18 feet and a grade of not over three and one-half degrees. In


1851 the Red Sulphur and Blue Sulphur Company was allowed $1400 for bridging Indian Creek and for other purposes-

In 1856 a new road law was voted for Monroe and Green- brier. It provided for one commissioner in each magisterial dis- trict. He could draw two dollars a day when in actual service, and the county board was authorized to elect president and secretary. Roads were to be 30 feet wide,unless a narrower width were or- dered, but roads adjoining a town might be 60 feet wide. There was to be a signboard at every fork and a foot-bridge over eVe!ry stream. Wagon bridges were to be 12 feet wide. An overseer for each precinct was to be appointed by the county court. The cost of working the roads might be met by taxation, but only when so ordered by a three-fifths vote of the people. Such taxation was not to exceed two dollars per tithable, nor more than ten cents per $100 of taxable property.

The Lewisburg and Union Turnpike Company was incorporated in 1860 with a capital stock of $25,000 in 500 shares. Toll-gates were not to be less than eight miles apart.

It will thus appear that for a long while before the iron horse had reached the Virginian Alleghanies there was an active demand for better roads than the crude pioneer thoroughfares- But not all the roads authorized by statute were actually built. There were paper turnpikes, just as at a later day there were paper railroads. It was not always easy, while the United States was still relatively poor, to raise the capital stock required, even though the sums men- tioned in the acts of incorporation seem utterly inadequate, when measured by the purchasing power of the dollar in our own time. The pikes of the middle of the nineteenth century were not always better than the public roads of today. The cost of building a "good road," according to the modern conception of that term, was en- tirely prohibitive. But if the antebellum turnpike was in reality only a passable road, we may imagine that the wagon of the pioneer period was a sorry apology.

In 1850 it usually took 13 days to make the round trip with a four-horse wagon to Lynchburg or to the salt works on the Ka-


nawha. About that time a journey to Philadelphia, if speed were an object, was by stage to Lynchburg, canal boat to Richmond, steamer to Baltimore, and railroad the rest of the way.

The Louisa Railroad, begun in the middle 30's, was the first movement of the iron path in this direction. It crept forward very slowly. A petition of 1846 asks that it be extended to the Ohio. Some persons wished it to stop at Buchanan, and then have a good macadam built to the Tennessee line. The petitioners are willing for the macadam, but think a part canal route to the Ohio will be too slow. Early in 1850 the railroad was named the Virginia Central, and was authorized to extend its line to Covington from the Blue Ridge. But in 1857 it had come only as far as Jackson's River near Low- moor. At this time it was permitted to charge its passengers six cents a mile. The stress of civil war caused a suspension of work until 1872, when under the name of the Chesapeake and Ohio, it was pushed rapidly forward and opened to the Ohio River in 1873. The town of Alderson now arose, and the whole north of the county was placed within fairly easy touch with the iron rails.

To a person familiar with the topography of Monroe, it seems rather strange that the Chesapeake and Ohio should have chosen the difficult route between Callaghan and Ronceverte, requiring long tunnels and heavy cuts and fills. From Covington to Peters- town there is one continuous valley. The watergaps through which Second Creek escapes from its upper basin look as if specially de- signed for a railroad to use. It involves no very difficult work to follow Dunlap to one of its sources, then pass through the Second Creek gaps, and down Indian to New River.

Had this course been followed, the economic consequences to this county would have been striking. Sweet Springs, Salt Sulphur and Red Sulphur would have been on or very close to the line of railroad, and would not be now in their rather moribund condition. At least one town of quite respectable size would have arisen some- where within the county limits- The Greenbrier division would start from Hiinton instead of Ronceverte. White Sulphur would indeed be off the road, but only at a dstance of about seven miles, whether from the east or the west.


The route in question was surveyed. Why the plain hints of physical geography were disregarded is an illustration of how large moneyed interests can induce a public service corporation to see a "great light" and act accordingly. The influence of White Sul- phur and Lewisburg was the double magnet that drew the Chesa- peake and Ohio into its difficult course. It is true that Greenbrier would not be quite so well off as it is, but if Greenbrier's loss would have been Monroe's gain, so under existing circumstances, Green- brier's gain is Monroe's loss.

In 1889 there was an agitation that the Chesapeake and Ohio build a line on the Monroe survey, so as virtually to give it a double track, just as it has double lines between Clifton Forge and Richmond. It was urged that the Big Bend tunnel could not ad- mit a second track. A paper railroad, the Monroe Central, came into notice in 1904. But at the present date there is no early like- lihood that a steam railway will be constructed through Monroe.

In 1850 this county voted $50,000 in aid of what is now the Chesapeake and Ohio, but in 1881 this stock was sold for $10,488- The people of Monroe have since been somewhat suspicious of rail- road performances. To the same corporation the sum of $200,000 was voted in 1868. It was not paid, but $35,000 was spent in se- curing relief from the obligation. In 1905 the county voted down by a majority of 860 votes a subscription of $50,000, Union being the only district to support the measure.

The Atlantic, Mississippi, and Ohio, which later became the Norfolk and Western, was built from Norfolk to Bristol in the 50's. In the later 80's it became a very prosperous road, especi- ally as a coal carrier. One of its extensions is the Potts Creek Rail- road, finished in September, 1909. This branch leaves the main line on New River, climbs the divide between Stony and Potts creeks, and follows the latter stream to Paint Bank. The stations in Potts Creek precinct are Waiteville and Laurel Branch. Only mixed trains are in service, anl timber products form the chief item of freight. Even before the war of 1861, Newburn and Dublin, on the old line to Bristol, were supply points for the south of Monroe.



John Alderson Old Greenbrier Church Indian Creek Church Other Organizations.

HE Baptist Church appears to have a priority over others in establishing a definite local organization with- in the confines of Old Monroe. This fact and also the strong foothold of the denomination in this county are the direct result of the missionary labors of John Alderson.

From his home on Linville Creek in Rockingham county, where he was pastor of a Baptist congregation, John Alderson began mak- ing trips to the Greenbrier River in 1775. In one of these he bap- tised John Griffith, Mrs. Keeney, and one other person. He soon concluded to make his home here, and did so in October, 1777. It was the dearth of pastoral work in this frontier region that moved him more than anything else. The times were wild and lawless, and there was a crying need of missionary effort. In going from point to point he was often attended by an armed escort. Some of the rough frontiersmen would declare they would keep him out of their stockades and blockhouses, but such threats were never car- ried into effect.

In 1781 he organized the Old Greenbrier Church, the first Baptist organization west of the Alleghanies. The first members5 including himself, numbered twelve. The others were Mary and Thomas Alderson, John, Joseph, Katharine, and Lucy Skaggs, Bai- ley, Ann, and James Wood, John Kippers, and John Sheppard. Two years later, a chrch building was decided upon, and it was built on an acre lot granted by William Morris. The church, 17 by 25 feet in size, was finished in 1784, but was decrepit in 1793, It is now represented by the present edifice in North Alderson. At first the new congregation considered itself a branch of the


Linnville church, but in 1782 it connected itself with the Ke- tokton Association. Later it joined the Greenbrier Association, which was organized about 1801.

Some of the members of this early church lived 30 miles away, and yet the records say they attended regularly. In 1785 the con- gregation decided by a unanimous vote that frolicking is not right. Next year it thus expressed itself on the slavery question: "Our church having but few (slaves), we hope our brethren will not think it hard if we lie neuter in this matter." Until 1856 there was rigid discipline. In 1848 it was voted an inconsistancy to save sap or make sugar on Sunday. Until 1820, the title "reverend" was not used. The minister was called the "laboring brother." So late as from 1854 to 1859 his salary was but $125, and it was paid in trade. When Sarah Alderson put a quarter of a dollar into the fund in 1805 it was considered a very large contribution. Yet in 1814 an ebb in religious interest was observed, and in 1830 the membership was only 29. The benevolences in 1848 were $22. During the twenty years previous to the close of the Ameri- can war, it is recorded that there was great worldliness; that there was scarcely a meeting when some member was not under discip- line. The vices most complained of were dancing, gambling, swear- ing, drunkenness, and immorality. In 1856 the church condemned checkers, violin playing, backgammon, shooting matches, and "rowdy and burlesque serenading." It had already in 1850 discounten- anced the use of liquor as a beverage. In 1867 there is mention of "45 cents and some tallow collected" for lights. But with an easier financial condition the minister's salary was raised to $500 in 1885. i V"]

John Alderson remained pastor until 1804. He was followed, consecutively, by James Ellison, James O. Alderson, Lewis Aider- son, James Remley, John P. Corron, William Margrave, Martin B. Bibb, Silas Livermore, Matthew Ellison, William Fisher, Theo- dore Given, Baylus Cade, Martin Bibb, B. H. Phillips, W. H. Adams, C. T. Kistner, P. G. Meath, Harvey McLaughlin, M. A- Kelly, J. C. Killian, George E. Davis, J. W, Morgan.


We have not succeeded in securing full and complete data con- cerning the various church organizations of Monroe, whether of the Baptist or other denominations. In the absence of more than partial information we cannot give a comprehensive account of any. But so far as our knowledge goes the following congregations have sprung from the parent church at Alderson: Indian Creek, Red Sulphur, Sinks Grove, Peterstown, Broad Run, Rock Camp, Sweet Springs Valley, Oak Grove, and Pine Grove. In addition to these are the colored Baptist churches at Union and Ballard, and a few more church buildings are shared with other denominations.

The Indian Creek Primitive Baptist church is the first offshoot in Monroe of the parent organization, and is the oldest within the present limits of the county. It dates from 1792. The original building was a plain log structure with no chimney and with an earth floor. In wintry weather the fires were made of bark in the middle of the floor. In time of Indian alarm sentries were stationed outside. And yet the worshippers often came long distances to the monthly meetings. One of the rules of the congregation was that "no member shall have liberty of laughing or whispering in the time of a public speech." There is sometimes mention of disorderly conduct of brethren in divine "sarvis." The brethren were oc- casionally "sighted" for "neglect to hear the church," or for join- ing some other communion. The second building was also of logs, but had a gallery and a puncheon floor. The third and present is a frame structure and stands in a bend of the creek a mile above Greenville. The first pastor was John Alderson, who was often assisted by Josiah Osborne of the Big Levels. He was succeeded after a short interval by James Ellison. In the early history of the church the male members were assessed 25 cents each for the benefit of the poor of the congregation. Any member failing to be in his seat three times in succession was made a subject of discipline. The wash- ing of feet was discussed but never practiced. The communion serv- ice is held on the first Sunday in June. Thousands of people then gather under the broad roof or under the spreading trees. They begin to assemble early, and they come in almost every possible man-


ner. Many of them bring dinner and horse feed, although services are held only in the morning and usually close before all have as- sembled.

Red Sulphur Baptist church was organized in May, 1815, at the house of Benjamin Halstead and was at first called Union Bap- tist church. The first house of worship stood at the east end of the present iron bridge over Indian Creek. There was a stone chimney in the middle with a fireplace on each side. To avoid con- fusion the name was changed in 1845. The present church is a handsome white structure near Ballard.

The second Baptist church on Indian was built about 1848 on the land of Samuel Phillips. Three years earlier a church was built in Union. It is now the property of a colored congregation. The church at Sinks Grove was also organized in 1845. Matthew Scott gave the land on which the church was built, and as it con- tained a beautiful grove he named the spot Sinks Grove. This name has since attached itself to the village near by. That at Peters- town followed in 1846.

Broad Run church on Wolf Creek was the result of a petition for the establishing of a branch of Old Greenbrier church. The first building was log, and the first pastor, the Reverend M. F. Bibb, took charge in November, 1853. The present brick church was dedicated May 6, 1855. In 1908 the total membership had risen from 56 to 148, although in 1871 it was 283. Picnics and festivals are not permitted within the inclosure.

Rock Camp, Sweet Springs Valley, and Pine Grove were or- ganized in 1855, 1859, and 1870, respectively.

The division between the Missionary and Primitive branches of the Baptist Church in Monroe took place about 1842.



Good Hope Presbyterian Ministers Daughter Churches New Lebanon.

HE Ulstermen, who were dominant among the pioneers of Monroe, were staunch Presbyterians, and they could not fail to bring their church here with them. That the valley of Indian Creek was visited by their minis- ters as early as the dawn of the Revolution is more than probable, although we have no very certain information. The first local church was Good Hope, organized by John McCue in 1783. The little log structure stood a mile southeast of Union near the brink of the tableland overlooking Indian Creek. The spot is yet known and should be marked. The little building was about 25 feet square, of round logs, and was shaded by a grove of tall oaks. "The pioneer church had clapboard roof, and floor of hewn slabs. Large fires were built outside in cold weather."

Mr. McCue had a hard struggle to secure his bachelor's de- gree from Liberty Hall Academy, now Washington and Lee Uni- versity. His father could help only by letting him retain whatever wages he could earn. The youth would cross the Blue Ridge from his home near Afton, work all day in the fields on South River, and return at night. He was licensed at Timber Ridge in 1782, the record stating that "Mr. McCue is appointed to supply two sabbaths in the forks of Holstine, two at the Knobs, four on Hol- stein and Chucky, four in Greenbrier county, and the rest of the time discretionary till our next meeting." He continued to preach in the Greenbrier settlements until 1791. Mr. McCue is said to have studed theology under James Waddell, the famous blind preacher. He was self-denying and faithful. He withdrew from the Masonic order, not because he found anything in it that was inconsistent with his religious views, but because he found his mem- bership a stone of offense to some of his congregation.


Mr. McCue was followed by Mr. Grigsby, and he in 1808 by John McElheny. Meanwhile the establishing of Union caused the congregation at Mount Hope to beign worshiping at the county seat about 1802- There are no records of the McCue and Grigsby period, and when McElheny arrived, Presbyterianism in Greenbrier was in a decline. Its first church building in Unoin stood in the southeast corner of the corporate limits. The session house was also a schoolhouse. A brick church was built about 1840, but the wall proving defective, a new one was dedicated in the north of the town on land donated by Allen T. Caperton. It is the one which is still in use.

The earliest elders of the Union church of whom we have record were William and Robert Shanklin, Owen Neel, William Haynes, Robert Dunbar, John Hogshead, and George and Robert Walker.

Mr. McElheny preached his first sermon in Monroe at the house of William Haynes at Gap Mills and his second in the courthouse. His home was at Lewisburg, but until 1842 he al- ternated between that place and Union. Mr. McElheny was de- voted to his ministerial duties and was never sparing of the time he gave to them. It was customary with him to preach two ser- mons with a half hour interval between. On communion days the double service was sometimes four hours long. For many years after he came there was no fellow minister of his denomination nearer than Lexington. His semi-centennial sermon, preached at Lewisburg, in 1858, is of special interest, because it gives a bird's-eye view of religious progress during the fifty years since his arrival, and in other denominations as well as his own. Among his hearers that day was a man who was to have been baptised on the day the news came to Lewisburg of the attack on Donnaly's fort, eighty years before.

In McCue's time Good Hope, afterward known as Concord, was one of only three Presbyterian churches in the whole Green- brier valley. All were of unhewn logs and had slab floors. When Mr. McElheny came in 1808 there were only 40 to 50 Presby- terians in this region, and none of them were young persons. In Greenbrier and Monroe were 169 Baptists, and within the Green-


brier Circuit were 504 Methodists- There were a few Menno- nites in the valley, and a Lutheran church was visited occasionally, The five churches in Monroe were two of the Methodists, and one each of the Baptists, the Presbyterians, and the Associated Re- formed Church. All these were of the most ordinary construction and could seat but few people. Much of the preaching was in school rooms, groves, barn floors, and private houses. At Union Mr. McElheny always preached in a grove in fair weather. During these fifty years he had himself preached 7800 sermons, but not altogether in the two counties. He had conducted 1000 funerals, baptised 1300 persons, and married 1500 couples. At the end of the century he could report that there were in Monroe five or six each of Methodist and Baptist churches, five of his own denomi- nation, and one of the Associate Reformed Church. The half a hundred Presbyterians had become 910, the 169 Baptists had in- creased to 880, the membership of the Associated Reformed con- gregation was 120, and in the Greenbrier Circuit were 1410 Metho- dists, besides some Southern Methodists in both counties. The rapidity of Methodist growth he attributed to the itinerant system, which he thought was better adapted to a mountain frontier than the settled pastorate. But since that date the number of Presby- terian churches in Monroe has about doubled-

McElheny was followed in 1842 by Samuel R. Houston, whose pastorate lasted until 1885. He was to preach at Union and Mount Pleasant once each Sunday, at Carmel, Indian Creek, and "Corner," or Bethany, on week days. He was also to give a lecture every Wednesday evening and act as superintendent of the Sunday School at Union. Neighboring preachers came to his aid at times, and at length he was released from all his appointments except Union and Carmel.

The first congregation to branch off from the parent church at Union is that of Carmel at Gap Mills. Its first home was a hewed log house built on land given by Colonel Andrew Summers. It stood a few yards to the rear of the present church, which was erected in 1858. The organization was by the Rev. D. C. Pharr. The first elders were Owen Neel, Abner Neel, William H. Neel, and John Dunbar. Of the 36 signers of the petition asking, for a sep-


arate church at Gap Mills, all but two were the descendants of four sisters who wedded four pioneer settlers.

The next church to set up for itself was Mount Pleasant at Sinks Grove, which was organized in 1854. Its membership the fol- lowing year was 172. The first .elders were James Curry, John H. Remley, James Young, and William G. Young. The first dea- cons were Robert Curry, James Hogshead, Joseph Parker, and James M. Nickell.

The next offshoot is Centerville, also organized in 1854. But long before this time, McElheny had preached at Robert Shanklin's.

Among the early settlers of Monroe were many members of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. These worshipped with the Presbyterians at Good Hope and Union until they had a minister of their own. They built New Lebanon Church, a log structure standing a mile from its brick successor, which was put up about 1819, and torn down fifty years later. The present New Lebanon was built on the same site and dedicated in 1870. The first elders were three Scotch immigrants, Andrew Ballantyne, and Andrew and James Miller. The first resident minister was William Adair, who came in 1807. He was a man of learning and pastoral efficiency, but his hatred of the British government was so intense that it colored his sermons and was aired in the church yard. It was because of this that he was compelled to flee from Ireland. His proneness to inject foreign politics into his pastoral work led to his deposition. Adair was followed by John Wallace, also a native of Ireland. Beginning with him the succeeding pas- torates are as follows:

John Wallace 1824-1832 J. H. Moffett 1891-1895

James Dickson 1835-1837 E. E. Patterson 1896-1897

J. G. McLaughlin 1844-1856 W. H. Hunter 1898-1907

J. H. Simpson 1867-1891 T. B. Stuart 1907-

The Rev. T. B. Stuart is a native of South Carolina, where he married his first wife, Anne Latham. In 1909 he wedded Virginia E. Williams, of Monroe.

It is worthy of note that New Labanon is the only church of its own denomination in West Virginia.



Origin of the Rehoboth Society The Church Building Its History and


T WOULD seem fitting to devote a chapter of this book to an account of the oldest house of worship in all that portion of the Virginias lying west of the Shen- andoah Valley. It occupies an inconspicuous site, is in a decrepit condition, and is anything but imposing in size. But associated with this humble structure is a history of great interest. By way of further introduction, it may be remarked that Metho- dism was introduced into America only eighteen years previous to the building of Rehoboth church, and into Virginia only fourteen years previous. The Methodists had been an independent church only two years. Until 1784 they constituted a society within the Church of England. The established church of that day had grown cold and formal, and the object of the society was to promote per- sonal religion. At the outbreak of the war for independence the Methodists in all America were so few as to be almost insignificant with respect to number. Many of them, especially their preachers, were of British birth and fell under suspicion because of their con- nection with a church whose ministers were so generally British born and of British sympathy. John Wesley, the founder of Metho- dism, went so far as a loyal son of England to use his great influ- ence toward keeping his followers in America loyal also. But this was a matter beyond his control. The success of the Revolution made it impossible for the American Methodists to remain a society within a foreign church. In 1784 they accordingly organized them- selves into a wholly independent church, although Francis Asbury, their first bishop, was sent from England by Wesley and spent the rest of his laborious life in this country. The simple mode of wor- ship of the Methodists, the flexibility of their itinerant system, and


its suitability to pioneer conditons caused the new church to grow with remarkable rapidity, and to have its principal following among the most American of the Americans-

Among the people who were living in the Sinks at the close of the Revolution were several Methodist families. Among these were the Blantons, the Christys, the Johnsons, and the Warrens. They held religious meetings at their homes, and as their member- ship was growing, they organized a regular society late in the sum- mer of 1784. This date, it will be observed, is also that of the in- dependence of the Methodist Church. Their meetings were often at a schoolhouse near where their church was afterward built. Among their local preachers were John Wiseman and James Chris- ty. The numbers who attended, many of them coming on foot from a long distance, made it necessary to have a regular preacher. Early in 1785 Edward Keenan wrote to Bishop Asbury to send them one. In response to this call, a young man named Wil- liam Phoebus was sent. He was a favorite with Asbury and is often mentioned by him.

Although an interested attendant at the meetings, Keenan was not at this time a member of the society. The parents, both of himself and his wife, were Catholics, and his wife was Catholic also- When the preachers came to his house to hold prayers, his wife and her mother would continue their carding and spinning. But while on his return with Phoebus and several other men from attending a meeting on Potts Creek, and while crossing Peters Mountain, a conversation arose which lapsed into singing. Keenan was then and there converted, and he remained a Methodist to the day of his death in 1826. He became a steward and clas's- leader, for which duties he was highly qualified. His wife and mother-in-law also joined the church.

The log cabins of the frontier were so small, and the school- houses so very few as well as small, that a special house of worship became urgent. Keenan executed the following bond:

Know all men by these presents, that I, Edward Keenan, of the county of Greenbrier and state of Virginia, am held and truly bound unto William Scarborough, James Scarborough, Daniel McMullen, James Chris- ty, and Alexander House, or such trustees as shall be appointed by the


preachers of the Methodist church, in the just sum of fifty pounds of good and lawful money of the state aforesaid, to the which payment well and truly to be made, I bind myself, executors, administrators, and assigns, jointly and severally, and each of them. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this ninth day of February in the year of our Lord 1787. The condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound Edward Keenan shall make or cause to be made a lawful right and title to a tract of land containing four acres, whereupon the preaching house stands, then this obligation to be void, or else to remain in full force and effect and in virtue of law. Whereunto I have set my hand and seal the day and date above written.

Edward Keenan. (Seal) Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of teste: Jacob Cook, Abra- ham Friend.

The actual deed calls for five acres, but the county book in which it was recorded is now missing.

The church building was completed in June, 1786. Only logs of medium size were used and it could have taken but a very few days to fell the trees and put the timbers into place. Samuel Clark, a veteran of the Revolution, was one of the men who placed the wall-logs in their positions. The little building, whose floor space is not quite twenty-one feet by twenty-nine, was set up near the bottom of a circular depression in the limestone tableland. From this circumstance it can scarcely be seen from a distance of more than a hundred yards in any direction. The choice of ground was doubtless because it was not yet felt that the danger of Indian raids was entirely over. The red men could not have come within rifle-shot unseen. It had sometimes been necessary for the settlers around to shelter themselves in Byrnside's fort about two miles away. On one occasion the Keenans ran to the fort in the darkness. Their baby Margaret was wrapped in a white sheet, so that her mother could better see the way.

There is a tradition, unconfirmed by Asbury's journal, that the bishop preached the sermon of dedication while standing in the doorw7ay, a large crowd being gathered outside. If the tradition is correct, and there seems no good reason to doubt it, the ceremony took place in July, 1788, when the bishop speaks of preaching "with some satisfaction to a large congregation at Rehoboth." The entries in his journal are usually very concise, and he may not have


deemed it necessary to say that he was dedicating a humble frontier chapel. In one striking respect he had an advantage over the modern preacher. He did not need to importune his listeners to raise a debt of several thousand dollars.

Here at Rehoboth Asbury held sessions of the Greenbrier Con- ference in the month of May, and in the years 1792, 1793, and 1796. He speaks kindly of "friend Scarborough," who lived on Turkey Creek- Just before reaching Rehoboth on his last visit he makes this observation: "If I could have regular food and sleep, I could stand the fatigue I have to go through much better, but this is impossible under some circumstances. To sleep four hours and ride forty miles without food or fire is hard ; but we had Water enough in the rivers and creeks. Ah! If I were young again." The difficulties of journeying are "known only to God and our- selves." The "fat of the land" was little in evidence in those days. The bishop did not drive about in a comfortable buggy to be entertained in cozy parlors and then pampered at the dinner table with pie, cake, and fried chicken. Yet we are told that the same girl, who when an infant had been hurried to the fort wrapped in a sheet, once gave the bishop and his attendant a dinner of chicken and dumplings. Keenan himself was away from home and his wife had gone to take a dinner to some men at work. The bishop traveled with two horses. On one he carried his bed- ding and teapot. Like the thoroughbred Englishman, Asbury was fond of his cup of tea and always carried the requisites for it with him.

There was a previous conference in 1785 at the house of Keenan- Asbury was not present. Because of a drouth there was no feed for the numerous horses of his guests, but without hesitation the good Methodist turned the horses into his field of rye, and during the session it was cropped close to the ground. Nevertheless there was a better crop of grain in this field than in those of his neighbors.

Among the other early giants of Methodism whose voices were heard at Rehoboth were Jesse Lee, William McKendree, Freeborn Garretson, John Tunnell, and Francis Poythress. Lee rode in this section on a skittish horse and used a blind bridle. It was Lee who introduced Methodism into New England. His first sermon


in Boston was preached under an elm, none of the churches of the city being hospitable enough to make such a proceeding unneces- sary.

In the report of a church committee of 1831, Rehoboth is spoken of as "in such a condition as to reflect no credit upon us as Metho- dism." The floor had settled in some places and pushed up in others. The sills were rotten, one being cut away to permit the door to open. The glass was nearly all gone. There was "the name of a stove, but not the benefit of one." The pulpit was falling from the wall. The paling around the burial ground was in tolerably good repair though somewhat rotten. It was stated that the popu- lation of the vicinity was far from dense and that little interest was shown in the matter.

Dr. Lafferty, writing in 1877, thus speaks of Rehoboth:

"It is of hewn logs, with a gallery around the interior, save over the pulpit. It is broad enough to seat nearly as many as the room below, and strong enough to bear the weight of twenty times the people that could be squeezed into it It may be that the builders were more concerned to keep out Indian bullets than to let in air. The pulpit still remains. The old book-board is gone; a rousing preacher a Dutch- man— split it with his fist. A new church stands in the same inclosure. No service is held in the old edifice. The communion table is used in the new church. That piece of furniture shows the joiner's art in a rude way; it looks odd indeed, in the tasteful chancel, but carved mahogany could not replace this clumsy, battered poplar stand. The men of stature of the ancient times had knelt by it. The sacred elements consecrated by Asbury had been served from it."

In 1886 the gallery posts, 41 inches in circumference, and in perfect preservation, were still in place, but they have since been removed. The pulpit, of poplar and walnut, was two and one- half feet above the floor and roomy. The sounding-board, a fea- ture of early churches, is also gone.

The centennial of the old church was observed July 20, 1884. Morning and afternoon sermons were preached by Collins Denny and David Bush, P. E., to a gathering of 1500 people, and a his- torical sketch, written by the Rev. J. L. Kibler, was published. There was a centennial offering of $425, Senator Hereford lead- ing with $100.


The roof of the historic church at length fell in and the floor decayed, but through the exertions of W. L. Lynch and others, a re- storation was effected several years ago. A shingled roof was put on, the floor was replaced, and the building made level by insert- ing sawed sills under each side. In its renovated form the building may perhaps witness a second centennial. There are indications of hasty work in the original construction. Not one of the logs is a foot in diameter. The larger ones are placed nearest the ground. There was no hewing of the logs except on the inner side of the wall. They are diamonded at the ends, for a distance of eighteen inches, and then cut into to receive the log above. Thus the logs project at the corners of the building. The door, which is near the center of the south side, is broad but only five and a half feet high. In the east end, above the pulpit, is a window two by two and one- half feet. High up in the north side is one more window, which is just three feet square. A man of six feet could scarcely have stood erect under the gallery, and the preacher could have viewed his au- ditors above quite as well as those below. There was no provision for warming the room. About 80 yards away is a small, white, four-windowed chapel, in which services are occasionally held. The interments in the churchyard are numerous, and few of the older graves are marked. Among them are those of Edward Keenan and his wife. The road from Union to Gap Mills passes within a few moments' walk, but neither building is in sight.

Among the many revivals at Rehoboth perhaps the most me- morable was that of 1842, when there were more than 100 con- versions. It has been well said that "through this entire country and in distant parts may be found many who can trace back their spiritual pedigree to a revival at Rehoboth." Some of them would doubtless indorse these lines by an aged Methodist:

I know the world's a-moving on,

As Galileo said; For now I rent a cushioned pew

To hear an essay read, But when through stained-glass windows

The sun throws blue and gold, I cannot help a-thinkin' how

The glory shone of old.



RANCIS ASBURY, a native of England, was converted to the Christian faith through the influence of a de- voted mother. At the age of seventeen he began hold- ?) ing meetings, and four years later he became an itiner- ant minister of the Methodist society. In the pulpit he was solemn and dignified. His voice was sonorous and commanding, and his eye was one that looked deep into the hearts of men. It is to his inflexible purpose, untiring zeal, and capacity for leadership that American Methodism is indebted for its itinerant system and its marvelous growth. In 1778 he was left sole leader of the society in America, and in 1784 he became its first bishop.

His first visit west of the Alleghanies was in 1781, and Meth- odism in the Greenbrier dates from about this time. Jacob and Valentine Cook, sons of Valentine Cook of Indian Creek, were the first Methodist preachers belonging in Monroe. Jacob was a local preacher and traveled a great deal. Valentine, Jr., born in Penn- sylvania, had few advantages in early life and yet managed to ac- quire the rudiments of an English and German education at Cokes- bury College, the first Methodist school in America. "He was an instance of the triumph of intellect and goodness over singular phys- ical defects. But when he began to preach these peculiearties were forgotten as attention was arrested by the tones of his voice and his words." He moved to Kentucky, where he became principal of Bethel Academy, the second Methodist school.

The first Methodist society in Monroe was formed in a school- house near Greenville. This was two years before the building of Rehoboth church in 1786. From the journal of Stith Mead we quote this extract:

Monday, May 21, 1792. We rode over Peters Mountain by the Sweet


Springs to Brother Edward Keenan at Rehoboth Chapel, where I was glad to meet with the bishop, Rev. Francis Asbury. Hope Hull, Philip Cox, Jeremiah Abel, elders; Salathiel Weeks, John Lindsey, Bennett Maxey, and John Metcalf, deacons. John Kobler, remaining on trial, was received into connection and ordained deacon. Jeremiah Abel located. James Ward and Stith Mead admitted on trial as probationers. Rev. Samuel Mitchell, local preacher, ordained deacon. The above named preachers were all that composed and had business with the present annual conference. God manifested Himself in His Spirit's power, the doors were opened, sinners came in, and there was a great shaking among the dry bones. Such a time, I presume, was never seen and experienced at this place before. Ten souls were converted and many sinners were cut to the heart. The lively exercises continued until nearly sundown."

Alleghany Circuit of the Rockingham District covered this ter- ritory, and was formed in 1783. It was served in that year by Francis Poythress and Benjamin Roberts, Philip Bruce being their presiding elder. John Tunnell after thirteen years in ministerial work died at Sweet Springs in 1790. At this time the yearly allow- ance to a preacher was $64, in addition to such traveling expenses as ferriage, horseshoeing, and provisions for preacher and horse when riding a long distance. This allowance was increased to $84, and in 1816 to $100.

Lorenzo Dow, whose eccentricities prevented his admission into full connection, labored in Maryland and Virginia as an independ- ent evangelist and preached in this region. One of his favorite and emphatic expressions in preaching was, "a double L spells all." Dow was here about 1800, and so was Peter Cartwright, who made use of muscular Christianity when ruffians attempted to break up his meetings.

Solomon Harris and Edward Wayman were on Alleghany Cir- cuit in 1802- Next year Greenbrier District was formed, with James Ward as its presiding elder, and Monroe was added to it in 1805. However, this county was again a part of Rockingham Dis- trict until the formation of Lewisburg District about 1849. During this period the presiding elders were Samuel Bryson (1838-1842), N. J. B. Morgan (1842-46), B. N. Brown (1846-49). Rehoboth was set apart from Greenbrier Circuit in 1804, at which time it had 290 white and 15 colored members.


This county was at length divided into the four charges of Un- ion, Greenville, Peterstovvn, and Alderson. Union Circuit was formed in 1853.

Notable campmeetings were held at and near Greenville in the closing years of the eighteenth and the early years of the nineteenth century; as also in the latter years of the last century at Marvin Grove, near Greenville, and at Salt Sulphur Springs- At Marvin Grove as many as 4000 people have been in attendance in a single day.

On the last day of 1831 a committee's report was presented at a quarterly conference held at Peniel meeting house. It stated that of the six churches in Monroe Circuit, five were in Monroe county, and that all were out of repair, there being "great apathy among our friends respecting them." One of the buildings was of brick, all the others being of log. The brick church at Union was not plas- tered, much of the glass was gone from the windows, the gallery floor was not laid, and there was no stove. At Dropping Lick there was "a poor, old, small house, if indeed it be proper to call it house," but there was the probability of a new one within a year. Mount Peniel in Wolf Creek valley was unfinished and out of repair. Bethel on Indian Creek was ill constructed, dark, and unfinished. The report says, "the people in this neighborhood are very careless about furnishing themselves with a comfortable house in which to worship the Lord." The unfinished meeting house at Big Farms was on land for which no title had been given and none could be obtained. But except in one instance there was no church debt. The contrast between conditions then and now is worthy of more than a passing thought.

Services are now held weekly at Union and bi-monthly at the out- lying appointments of Marvin, Pickaway, Gap Mills, and Central. At Rehoboth there are services on special occasions only. The mem- bership of 1915 was 413, and the four Sunday schools had an en- rollment of 248. The church property is valued at $16,100 and the Sunday school collections were $486. There was paid for min- isterial support $985 and for benevolences and incidentals $1900.

Greenville Circuit has the outlying appointments of Lillydale,


Mount Alexander, Bethel, Rfverview, Trinity, and Johnson's Cross- roads. The present membership is 507, the church property is val- ued at $9900, and there was paid $684 for ministerial support and $646 for benevolences and incidentals. The six Sunday schools have 311 members enrolled and the money raised in 1915 was $363.

Peterstown Circuit has these nine appointments: Peterstown, Coalter's Chapel, Red Sulphur Springs, Cashmere, Chestnut Hill, Thompson's Chapel, Green Valley, Pine Grove, and Rich Creek. The membership is 267 and the Sunday school enrollment is 165. The parsonage and three churches are valued at $5500. There was paid for ministerial support $542, for benevolences and incidentals $188, and the collections of the three Sunday schools were $40-

Alderson class was organized in 1874 and its present house of worship was built in 1880. Alderson became a station in 1908. Connected with it are two small mission fields, Griffith's Creek and Flat Mountain. The membership is 338 and the Sunday school enrollment is 327. The parsonage and two charges are valued at $8000 and other church property at $2750. There was spent for ministerial support $1091 ; for benevolences and incidentals $1419. Sunday school collections were $483.

There has thus been a growth to a membership of 1525, in ad- dition to the 14 Sunday schools with an enrollment of 1061 and collections of $1362. The 18 churches, four parsonages, and other church property are valued at $42,250. The cost of ministerial sup- port in 1914 was $3302, and the benevolences and incidentals were $3983.

Among those who have been faithful in local and itinerant work, and have lived in Monroe, or have been natives of the county, the following names may be noted: Ballengee, Goodall, Hank, McNeer, Miller, Neel, Parker, Shanklin, Shires, Talbert, and Weikel.

Not nearly so old as Rehoboth, and yet dating from the first third of the last century is the Pack church, yet standing. The principal factor in its erection was Loammi Pack, a zealous Meth- odist.

The trustees in 1842 of the old log meeting house at Johnson's


Crossroads were William, Caleb, Barnabas, and Jacob Johnson, John Ross, and Charles Hines.

As an instance of customs in "ye olden time," Mrs. Elizabeth Mann has related that in attending the old Centerville Methodist church, she would wear her old shoes while going through the woods and over the rough ground, but when she came to a certain hollow log near the church she would put on her new ones and wear them until the return home. Such care was enforced by considerations of economy.

The old church building at Union, now used by a colored con- gregation, was built about 1857. There is another colored church at Ballard.

When in 1844 the Methodist Episcopal Church South was or- ganized, the Baltimore Conference, whose territory included Mon- roe, voted to remain with the old church. In 1861 a majority of the conference voted to withdraw on account of a law passed by the General Conference of 1860. It remained independent until February 8, 1866, yet without formally abandoning its connection with the Methodist Episcopal Church. The Baltimore Conference then invited Bishop Early of the Church South to preside over its session, and since that time it has constituted a part of that denom- ination. In 1869 the Virginia Conference of the Methodist Epis- copal Church was organized, and since that year it has had a circuit in this county known as the Monroe Circuit. More particular in- formation respecting the same has not been furnished us.



The Church of England Sundry Denominations in Monroe A List of Ministers The Fraternities.

T may come as a surprise to the person who is not well read in American history to learn that there was an established church in every one of the Thirteen Colo- nies excepting Rhode Island and Pennsylvania. In Virginia it was the Church of England, and the disabilities imposed on other denominations were not entirely removed until 1784.

Colonial Virginia was divided into parishes, one to three in each county, and every parish was supposed to have one clergyman. The state, through the instrumentality of the vestry and the church- wardens, built the chapel in which he officiated and paid his salary. It also furnished him a glebe, which was the name given to the farm of 250 acres on which he lived, and it built him a rectory. Persons of other sects or of no sect at all were nevertheless compelled to pay taxes in support of the state church. According to the laws then in force, they were expected to attend its services a certain number of times each year. Until a late day marriages were not legal in the eye of the law unless solemnized by a clergyman of the state church. One effect of the Revolution was to disestablish the state church and put all denominations upon an equality- Another effect was to rid the established church of the things that had been its re- proach. Under Bishop Mead it entered upon a new and vigorous life and has since enjoyed a career of great usefulness. Since the period of the Revolution it has been known to us as the Episcopalian Church.

In a very large sense the sections of Virginia lying on the two sides of the Blue Ridge were settled by distinct populations. To the people on the west side the established church seemed an alien


church, and it gained only a slight foothold among them. The Ul- stermen were Presbyterians, and as they were most numerous among the settlers of Monroe, they brought their religious preference with them and it has ever since been strongly represented. The sects chiefly in favor among the German immigrants to the Valley of Virginia were the Lutheran and Reformed churches. That neither of these appears to have effected an organization within the Mon- roe area is doubtless because the German settlers were not suffici- ently numerous and compact. The Presbyterian is a kindred church, and to a considerable degree they identified themselves with it.

Next to the Presbyterians and the German churches, the Bap- tists were once the most numerous among the dissenting sects in Virginia. The strong foothold they acquired in Monroe has al- ready been explained. That the Methodist bodies, taken collec- tively, have distanced all other denominations in this county is be- cause they have been eminently a missionary church in their organ- ization and methods. Because of its very nature the Alleghany fron- tier was a missionary field, and the larger results came to those de- nominations whose methods were most adaptable to frontier con- ditions.

Thus it becomes clear why the Presbyterians, Baptists, and Meth- odists are far in the lead among the religious organizations of Mon- roe. Their special history has been sketched in preceding chapters. It remains for us to mention the other churches represented.

The Christians or Disciples, commonly known as Campbellites, would seem to have the first claim to attention, inasmuch as they appear to lead in the number of their congregations. Theirs is an American church, and peculiarly a church of the Great West. Alex- ander Campbell, its founder, was born in 1788, and spent his long life of activity almost within sight of the Ohio river. Since the Alleghanies are the eastern fringe of the real West, it is not at all strange that this county should have been responsive to the efforts of a church of such character. No full historical account of the Disciples in Monroe has been furnished to us. They appear to be represented in all the districts except Wolf Creek. The pioneer


resident preacher was trie Reverend Powhatan B. Baber, who came to the south of the county in 1830 and lived here the remaining 70 years of his life. The church at Sinks Grove was organized in 1885. Characteristically enough, the prime movers were two young men who had returned to Monroe from a sojourn in the West, dur- ing which time they joined that denomination.

We have pointed out that the Episcopal was in the nature of a foreign church to the early settlers of the west side of Virginia- Its appearance in this section has in many instances been of com- paratively recent date. In no small degree this has been due to the influence of summer guests, among whom this church is held in much favor. All Saints parish of this county dates from 1875. The church at Union was completed in 1878 and consecrated by Bishop Whittle. A rectory was purchased at the same time. At Salt Sulphur Springs is St. Michael's, a tasteful stone edifice. The church is Alderson was built in 1888. Bishop Meade and others officiated at Union from time to time, even long before the organi- zation of the parish. The longest pastorate has been that of the Reverend Richard H. Mason (1875-1889), but he had been com- ing here from White Sulphur Springs prior to 1868.

Some of the early settlers of Monroe were not only Irish but Roman Catholics. Yet there was no church of their faith until the brick chapel at Sweet Springs was built in 1853. This was due to the circumstance that several of the more prominent families of that locality are Catholics, and that others were attracted by the demand for labor at the summer resort.

The Church of the Brethren, known also as the Dunkard, is also represented in Monroe by a single congregation. The first baptisms took place in 1830. Some years later an organization of 15 members arose with Samuel Hutchinson as the first elder. In 1876-7 the Spencer Run church was built near Lindside through the efforts of Elijah P. and Andrew L. Fleshman, who put up a mill and sawed the lumber themselves. The membership had then in- creased to 60. The building is 40 by 50 feet and contains a church kitchen.


Our information respecting the fraternities occurring in Monroe is but fragmentary. Of the secret orders in America the Masonic is not only the oldest, but it has shown the greatest vitality. Next in long standing is that of the Odd Fellows. In quite recent years there has arisen a large number of secret fraternities, usually with insurance features. In the 70's came the Grange, followed by other agricultural organizations. Still older in origin, but usually lack- ing in permanency, are the various temperance societies, which are social as well as reformatory. Local associations of all these classes exist or have existed in this county. But the absence of large min- ing or manufacturing interests is accompanied by an absence of labor organizations.

Monroe Lodge, A. F. and A. M., began work in 1845 and was chartered four years later as Union Lodge, No. 12. In 1879 it was rechartered by the Grand Lodge of West Virginia as Monroe Lodge, No. 77. Conspicuous among the earlier members were William W. Spencer, Jacob Zoll, Charles Baldwin, Andrew H. Johnston, Michael A. Steele, and Henry S. Shanklin.

Alderson Lodge, No. 70, A. F. and A. M., was chartered in 1875 with 12 original members, J. P. Mayo being the first Worthy Master.

Dove Chapter, No. 37, Royal Arch Masons, was instituted in 1852 and suspended in 1874.

Rocky Point Lodge, A. F. and A. M., was chartered 1873.

Dove Lodge, A. F. and A. M., was organized at Gray Sulphur Springs, 1868, and chartered next year at Peterstown.

In 1886 Divisions of the Sons of Temperance appeared at Pe- terstown and Union with 21 and 18 charter members, respectively.

In 1891 there were organizations of the Farmers' Alliance at Alderson, Cashmere, Double Gates, Gap Mills, Indian Creek, Lind- side, Milton Hall, Peterstown, Pickaway, Red Sulphur, Rock Camp, and Sinks Grove.

At the present time, lodges of various secret orders, particularly of those of recent date, occur in the towns and villages of Monroe.



The Field School Period— Districts of 1850— The Free School Era- Academies.

N COLONIAL VIRGINIA it was held that education should be a private interest. The constitution of 1776 had nothing to say on the subject of schools and until 1796 there was no state school law which in any way affected the western counties. This view of education was a heritage from England and it was a characteristic of the planter South. It was not shared by the Ulstermen who settled west of the Blue Ridge. As a consequence of their Calvinistic faith, they held that every person should be able to read and write. Schoolmasters and school houses came with them, and we even find that one of the vic- tims of the massacre at Baughman's fort in 1755 was a teacher. He may have been a German, but the German settlers of the Valley of Virginia set as much store on schooling as the Ulstermen them- selves- In the few petitions and other documents that have come down to us from the early days of Greenbrier, we often find an easy and accurate use of language, good spelling, and an observance of proper punctuation.

But with no encouragement from the state, and with the priva- tions of the frontier to engage their main attention, the people of this region could not at first do much to educate their children. For a while, the school interest languished and illiteracy became more common.

In 1809 the Literary Fund was called into existence by Act of Assembly. Certain designated moneys accruing to the state were turned into this fund, which was to be used for the schooling of poor children. A law of 1811 authorized a school or schools in any county as soon as funds were provided. A state board was au-


thorized to raise each year for seven years, and by means of a lot- tery, the sum of $30,000. This board could appoint county agents to look after the Literary Fund. In 1822-3 the amount thus dis- bursed in Monroe was $429.25. This was paid out to teachers at the rate of four cents a day for each indigent pupil attending school. The intent of the law was of course to diffuse education, but the aid thus given worked against the self-respect of parents who felt too poor to pay tuition.

For several years prior to 1832 there had been ample funds for the education of the poor of this county, yet within a year or two there was a debt of $150. In 1836, James A. Dunlap, school com- missioner, was directed by special law to pay over all moneys re- ceived since March 7, 1826, for the purpose of rebuilding the acad- emy. The other commissioners appointed by law in 1833 were Robert Campbell, James Alexander, William Hinchman, James M. Haynes, John Hutchinson, Joel Stodghill, and William Mc- Daniel. Campbell was president of the board.

By a law of 1853 the entire capitation tax was applied to the primary and free schools. Yet until after the war of 1861 only a very few counties in Virginia had any system of free schools. The "old field school" was the medium through which the mass of the people of the state received a common educational training.

From an account of one of these field schools that stood three- fourths of a mile west of Sweet Springs, the* following description is presented to the reader. Our informant is an elderly citizen who attended the school in 1851.

The schoolroom was dimly lighted, much of the illumination sifting in through a row of blocks of greased paper set in one of the log walls- The sheets of paper were about eight by ten inches in size, sticks being used to hold them in place. Below this narrow, horizontal window was a sloping board held up by pegs. This was the writing board. The benches were puncheon slabs, the legs of which were pegs set into auger holes. The only back to the bench was a narrow rail-board. The girls swept the room and the boys got the wood. School hours were the same as now, but there was


no recess except the noon hour. The discipline was good, thanks to a very free use of the hickory switch. At the entrance was a paddle with an "in" written on one side of it and an "out" on the other. The instruction was largely individual. The pupils had to work and there were few drones. The shirk was punished by being seated on the dunce block- The books in use were the New Tes- tament, Pike's Arithmetic, the English Reader, the Elementary Speller, Murray's Geography, and Murray's Grammar. Spelling was for headmarks. The sexes played apart. The games were "cat and ball," "bandy," "shoot the buck," and "seesaw." A time-hon- ored custom was to put the teacher out if it could be done in or- der to make him give a holiday.

The first board of school commissioners was appointed in 1820, in accordance with a law of the preceding year. It consisted of An- drew Beirne, Robert Campbell, William Herbert, James M. Hay- nes, Richard Johnson, Jacob Peck, William Shanklin, John Hinch- man, and William Graham. In 1826 James A. Dunlap, as treas- urer of the board, held in his custody $2571.10 in school funds.

George W- Hutchinson, the first man in Monroe to hold the title of Superintendent of Schools, gave bond in 1851 in the sum of $2000. He held office until the county ceased to be a part of Vir- ginia.

In pursuance of a law of 1846, which was permissory and not mandatory, Monroe was divided into school districts numbered One to Ten. The trustees for these districts were, in the order of num- ber, James M. Byrnside, John H. Vawter, Robert L. Shanklin, Richard V. Shanklin, Charles R. Hines, Isaac Campbell, John Hols- apple, Abner Neel, James Clark, and George W. Hutchinson. The boundaries of the districts were described by the county court as follows:

First: From the mouth of Indian up to the mouth of Stinking Lick; thence by straight line to White Tree Hill, including Stinking Lick neigh- borhood, to Wilson Lively's; thence with the road to the top of the moun- tain near John Symms, and with the county line to the beginning.

Second: From the mouth of Greenbrier to mouth Stony Creek; thence with the road to Indian Creek at John Baker's, and up Indian to the mouth


of Hans; thence up Hans to John H. Vawter's old place; thence "with the ridge road to Wilson lovely's ; thence with the line of Number One to mouth Indian and down New River to the point of beginning.

Three: Running from Wilson Lively's with the road by the Hans Creek meeting house to Indian Creek near Moses Mann's ; down Indian to mouth of Bradshaw's Creek, and up the same to the regimental line ; with said line to Knox's road, and with the latter up Hines's store to Isaac Carden's; thence to the mouth of Stony, and with the line of Two to the beginning.

Four: Beginning on the top of Peters Mountain near John Symms; running with the mountain to the regimental line, and with said line to Number Three; with Three to Wilson Lively's, and with One to begin- ning.

Five: With regimental line on road leading across Knobs, and with regimental line to county line road; with said road to mouth Greenbrier, and with Two to mouth of Stony, thence with Stony to beginning.

Six: Beginning at regimental line on the road where it crosses the Knobs from Union to Hines' store, and with the road to the top of the Knobs ; thence with the top of the Knobs to James Bickett's ; thence by George W. Nickell's to William Adair's and John Lynch's ; thence by William Eads' to Henry Hoke's; thence up Laurel to county line; with said line to regimental line, and with the same to the start.

Seven: Beginning at John Lynch's and running with the main road to the main road to the Union road; thence with said road to Second Creek ford at Moss's; thence to William Count's; thence down Back Creek; thence to county line, with the same to Number Six, and with the latter to the start.

Eight: From ford of Second Creek at Moss's corner to Seven; with the latter to county line near Red Springs; thence with county line to top of Price's Mountain, and with county line, including Potts Creek settlement, to top of Peters opposite to A. Boggess' ; thence with top of mountain to where road crosses from Beckner's; thence with said road to John Dun- bar's and thence to the start.

Nine: From forks of road at Hall's place; down Thorny Hollow to head of Indian; with Indian to Salt Sulphur; with Red Sulphur road to regimental line, and with county line to top of Peters Mountain; thence with county line to corner of Eight at the road on said mountain, and with Eight to beginning.

Ten: That portion of the One Hundred and Eighth regimental district not included in the other school districts.

In 1851 District Eleven was taken from Five and Andrew Gwinn became its trustee.

The present free school system came with the entry of Monroe into West Virginia- It was some years before it was in good work-


ing order. During the reconstruction period the superintendent re- quired a test oath from the teacher. For several years the examina- tions were oral and the certificates were not graded. But in gen- eral the old schoolhouses were replaced with new ones. As a means of enabling the reader to compare the conditions now with those obtaining in 1876, a digest of the report of J. D. Beckett, county su- perintendent, will be of interest.

Mr. Beckett visited 70 white and 6 colored schools and exam- ined 3449 pupils. The schools were thus distributed: Union Dis- trict, 11; Sweet Springs, 15; Second Creek, 9; Wolf Creek, 10; Springfield, 16; Red Sulphur, 16. The average number of pupils to a school varied from 29 in Sweet Springs to 45 in Wolf Creek. The boards of education were found earnest and willing, but very often the houses were found very indifferent as to light, seating ar- rangements, and general equipment In Red Sulphur the school- houses were generally log, and nearly all the chimneys smoked. Yet the superintendent could report that no. district had a better corps of teachers. He could also report that as a class the teachers were of much better quality than they were six years before, and as a rule were doing very good work. In a majority of the schools Mr. Beckett found "good order, neatness, prompt obedience, hard study, and good recitations. A few of the schools, however, were "in a very bad condition, with filthy floors, no order, and very little dis- cipline." The colored schools were found to compare very favor- ably with the white.

Even yet, the schoolhouses of the county suffer in comparison with farm homes and the rural churches. But such a condition as this is widely prevalent in the United States. Nevertheless, the last report of the state superintendent gives Monroe a percentage of illiteracy of only 5.5, against 7.7 in Greenbrier, and 8-3 in the state at large. Many teachers from this county are serving else- where in schools of higher grade and better salary. Until about 1910, a majority of the teachers were males.

In 1912 there were granted in Monroe 5 certificates of the first grade, 51 of the second, and 63 of the third. There were 2736 volumes in 71 school libraries.

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ALBERT SIDNEY JOHNSTON Editor of "The Monroe Watchman'


In the present year there are 3256 white and 219 colored pu- pils in Monroe. The 120 schoolhouses are supplied by 136 teach- ers, 6 of them presiding over the colored schools. The white high school pupils are 122, taught by 5 teachers. There are 36 school libraries with 1478 volumes.

In 1885 the proposition to lengthen the school year to six months carried in four of the six districts of Monroe.

When he retired from educational work in 1903, Granville Houchins enjoyed, with one exception so far as known, the distinc- tion of having taught a longer period than any other person in West Virginia. His term of service, which was a highly useful one, had continued 48 years. The one exception was A. B. Phipps, of Mer- cer county, who in 1904 had been teaching 50 years and was still in the harness despite his age of 74.

Until about 1898 the debating society was a rather frequent ad- junct of the rural school. It is unfortunate that the fevered at- mosphere of the present decade has permitted it to drop into disuse.

Union Academy was incorporated January 27, 1820. Citizens of Union had bought for this purpose lots 19 and 20 and put up a building. The trustees named in the Act of Assembly, and who had power to fill vacancies in their board, were Hugh Caperton, Alexander Dunlap, Andrew Beirne, George Beirne, Richard Shank- lin, Michael Alexander, Henry Alexander, Matthew Alexander, Jr., William Clark, Robert Coalter, William Vass, and Michael Erskine. By a law of 1840 a portion of the school quota of the county was set aside for the academy, now a flourishing school un- der the Rev. L. A. Alderson. The school commissioners were hold- ing an unexpended balance of $600. Among later teachers were Rev. S. R. Houston, William Vawter, Dr. Waddell, Rev. G. Gray, Delilah Byrnside, Dr. R. R. Houston, G. M. Edgar, Mrs. Ann Randolph, Joseph Alderson. The history of the academy covered about half a century.

As another instance of the local interest in intermediate educa- tion, may be mentioned a petition of 1852 asking an appropriation of $400 to $500 for a schoolhouse on Hans Creek. The cost of

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building one was falling on a few citizens, since some were unable and others were indifferent. The help asked would enable chem- ical and philosophical apparatus to be provided. The petitioners thought there was no better school in Western Virginia than the one which was being taught there by the Rev. John Pinkerton, a grad- uate of Washington College.

In 1872 the "West Virginia Female Seminary" was chartered, and was opened that year at Union- It was owned by a stock com- pany, which raised a fund of $3000. J. P. Marshall, A. M., was the first principal. A lack of sufficient support caused it to be sold in 1876 to Caleb E. Johnson. Mr. Johnson had been one of the stockholders and now became sole proprietor. He renamed the school the "Johnson Female College,' 'and conducted it eight years with much success. Mr. Johnson was not himself a teacher in the school. The instructors employed were ladies and gentle- men of refinement, culture, and superior education. The first prin- cipal was the Rev. J. M. Follansbee, A. Ml., M. D., ex-president of Soule University, Texas. Miss M, R. Cabell, of Greenbrier was head of the music department. This academy provided a higher educational training to many who would otherwise have been de- prived of it. Many of the students became teachers in their turn.

In 1855-6, William Adair had a boarding school at Red Sulphur Springs- Nearly forty students were in attendance, some coming from as far as Bedford county. Several of these attained promi- nence.

Alleghany Collegiate Institute, an educational enterprise of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and situated at Alderson, was opened in 1888, and is still in successful operation.



Newspapers Monroe Authors Literary Specimens.

OURNALISM in Monroe dates back to 1850, when

S. P. Windle started the "Union Democrat." It was

discontinued after two years, the patronage being too

little. A rival enterprise of this period was the "Whig

Banner" by A. A. Banks.

The "Farmer's Friend and Fireside Companion" made its bow in April, 1852. The first proprietor was Charles Ml. Johnston, who sold the paper next year to William Hinton. Mr. Hinton re- named it the "Mountain Orator," and in 1854 sold it to a joint stock company, of which A. A. Chapman and C. J. Beirne were members. They changed the name to "Union Democrat," and employed Stew- art I. Warren as editor. After a year Warren founded the "Lewis- burg Chronicle." He was succeeded at Union by George W. Clark, who was soon followed by Samuel W- Wendel. With the out- break of war in 1861 the paper was suspended. The office material came into the hands of John McCreery, whose son Thomas, a deaf mute, began in 1867 the "Monroe Register." Two years later, Rich- ard Burke bought a half interest in the "Register" and soon became sole owner. He made it a Republican paper. In 1887 he moved it to Hinton, where he continued it as the "Hinton Republican."

The "Monroe Republican" was founded in 1867 by Alexander Humphreys, but was suspended three years later, Mr. Burk pur- chasing the office material. The editors were Cyrus Newlon and William A. Monroe.

The "Border Watchman" issued its opening number, February 2, 1872. In the same year, the "Greenbrier Independent" gives it this friendly mention: "It is neatly printed, its editorials show tal- ent, and its locals and selections are interesting and in good taste."


The first proprietor was Elbert Fowler, who sold out to A. C. Houston. He in turn was succeeded in 1874 by Charles M. John- ston, who had been in Monroe before as owner and editor of the "Farmers' Friend and Fireside Companion." Mr. Johnston died in 1880, and was succeeded by his son, Albert Sidney Johnston, who is still editor and proprietor. The latter has almost literally grown up with the paper, having been connected with it since the age of seventeen.

Two newspapers can scarcely exist in the same town without training their artillery on each other, and the resulting fireworks are sometimes amusing to the spectator. The "Union Democrat" and the "Whig Banner" were printed from the same press in the west end of the Bell Tavern, a building that dates from about 1838, its predecessor on the same lot having been the brewery of Thomas Burns. Party spirit ran so high in those days that a Whig would almost be read out of his party for lodging at a Democratic tavern and eating Democratic pone and bacon. If the case were reversed the result would be the same. Yet the editors got along as rival editors always do. In this instance both men were much addicted to a stronger beverage than picnic lemonade. When intoxicated, either of these knights of the quill would write a redhot editorial for the other paper and then tear it to shreds in his own. A jour- nalistic feature of the 70's were the frequent tilts between the "Reg- ister" and the "Border Watchman." Mr. Burke of the former paper was a bright-minded, scholarly man, who came from Ireland and had been educated for the Roman Catholic priesthood. He fought a duel with Elbert Fowler of the "Watchman."

For nearly thirty years the "Watchman" has had the field to it- self. After a few years the style was changed to "Monroe Watch- man," in which it still appears. Under its alert and energetic man- agement, the "Monroe Watchman" is an eight page newspaper, en- joys a very large circulation, and not only presents the local hap- penings of the county in a comprehensive manner, but its treatment of state and national news renders it much more serviceable as a household journal than the generality of local papers. The local


newspaper fills a niche that can be supplied by no other, and when it delves below the surface in matters which are or should be of interest and value to its readers it is doing them an inestimable service.

The "Alderson Enterprise" was started in 1879 by John M. Ferguson of Virginia. In 1882, J. A. D. Turner became proprie- tor and changed its name to "Alderson Statesman." Next winter C. L. Peck bought a half interest. In 1883 Ferguson bought out Turner, and it continued with Peck as publisher and Ferguson editor.

About 1900 Hubert F. Houston published at Alderson a news- paper bearing the unique title of "The Man." Its sketches on the families of Monroe were a meritorious feature. James F. Houchins, another native of Monroe, issued from Greenville the semi-weekly "Greenville Times." The first number bore the date, August 3, 1900, and was a bright, newsy sheet of six small pages. It was announced as "Devoted to America's Cause, Rights of Women, Purity of Homes, and Sanctity of Religion."

In 1900 the "Union Union" was launched at the county seat as a Republican opponent to the "Watchman." C. M. Honaker soon be- came sole owner. It merged with the "Greenville Times," and was edited by J. F. Houchins, who changed its name after the November election to "Monroe Record," and continued publication until the temporary reappearance after a few months of the "Union Union."

Madison Ballantyne, as editor of the "Milton Enterprise" of this state, is an instance of Monroe journalism laboring in other fields.

"Literary Monroe" is not so brief a tale as in many instances- Yet very few of the nearly 3000 counties of the Union can individ- ually shine forth as luminaries of the first magnitude. And as is very often the case in a rural county, those of its sons and daugh- ters who have won most repute in the literary line have done so in other homes than here. A mountain environment is conducive to poetic inspiration, and there is scarcely a county of the Mountain State that is without its local bards. Serious effort in the prose line is not often attempted by natives of West Virginia, although there is no lack of material on this direction.


It would be strange indeed if the beautiful and interesting Ap- palachian country did not move the visiting pen as well as the local pen.

"Ben Bolt" is a very well known and popular song. Its author, Thomas Dunn England, often visited this section of the Virginias about 1850, and is said to have been a guest of Allen T. Caperton and other citizens. Local tradition insists that the grave of the "Sweet Alice" named in the song is in Monroe county.

Ann Royall, who passed her wedded life at Sweet Springs and read everything within reach, afterward wrote eleven books, mostly on travel and observation in the United States. For over twenty years she conducted a newspaper at Washington, D. C.

"The Gospel Self-Supporting," by the Rev. Alexander L. Hogs- head, is a small book of 258 pages, and was published at Abingdon, Va., in 1873. The purpose of the book, as stated out by the au- thor, is to point out a "serious defect in the prevailing modes of pro- viding for the support of the ministry and the support of the Gospel."

George B. Foster, a native of this county, became a minister of the Baptist denomination and a member of the faculty of the Uni- versity of Chicago. The latest of his writings are the books en- titled "The Finality of the Christian Religion," and "The Function of Religion." 'Neither is in line with the orthodox standards in theology.

Major Andrew S. Rowan is with Prof. M. M. Ramsay the author of the instructive book, "The Island of Cuba," published by Henry Holt of the city of New York. But in conveying at immi- nent peril to himself a message from our government to the leader of the Cuban insurgents, near the breaking out of the war with Spain, Major Rowan inspired Elbert Hubbard to write his little booklet, "A Message to Garcia," which had a phenominal sale and riveted the attention of the whole country.

A. C. Houston is the author of "Hugh Harrison, a Mfulatto," which is spoken of by the "Greenbrier Independent" as "an exquisite little love story, beautifully written, and into which the author has skillfully interwoven a discussion of the race problem in the South."


Another work by the same writer is "An Incestuous Alliance; or the State and the Individual," published in 1890.

"Of Such is the Kingdom of Heaven," was written by Clara P. Vawter and beautifully illustrated by her brother, John W.

Janet Houston was in 1883 the authoress of "A Summer Idyl."

"Nonie, a Novel," dated 1893, is the work of Lena L. Johnston.

A contribution to the literature of the civil war period is "Cap- tain Beirne Chapman and Chapman's Battery," by Albert Sidney Johnston.

"Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Allen T. Caperton," is a brochure of 1877.

"Brief Biographic Accounts of Many Members of the Houston Family" was written in 1883 by the Reverend S. R. Houston.

In press as we write is an important contribution to the contro- versial history of the war period. It is by Judge A. N. Campbell and deals with the campaign in the Shenandoah Valley by General Jubal A. Early. The position taken by the author is ably fortified by a wealth of documentary evidence.

The following couplets, extracted from the file of the "Monroe Watchman," are full of human interest and are well calculated to awake a responsive chord in any person who is on or past the merid- ian of life.

But the patient stars, and the friendly sun, and the birds keep on in tune,

As they did on a day, in the far-away, of an unforgotten June.

The haunts I knew in life's fresh dew, and the friends and the sweetheart

girls, Are gone with the gray and the soft decay of time on the golden curls.

For the Monroe Home Coming in 1909 poems for the occasion were written by Mrs. Ellen F. Craig and Mrs. Rose O. Sell.

We end the present chapter with a poem on "The Girls of Old Monroe," by Roland E. Ballard, and "A Fairy Dell," by Alcyona Johnson.


The Girls of Old Monroe

There's a garden 'mid the mountains Where the brightest flowers bloom,

Where the balmy southern zephyr

Fills the air with sweet perfume;

But the fairest of the flowers Where the balmy breezes blow

Are earth's rarest, fairest maidens The girls of old Monroe.

France may claim with pride her lilies,

England boast her queenly rose, Travelers tell of tropic splendor

Where the fragrant orchid blows; But the rugged Alleghanies

Where the gentlest breezes blow Hold the brightest and the fairest

The girls of old Monroe.

You may see the bright stars gleaming

On a balmy summer night But a sudden misty shadow

Seems to dim their brilliant light. When bright eyes are turned upon you,

Lit by beauty's radiant glow, Given alone in matchless splendor

To the girls of old Monroe.

There are dreams of rarest beauty

Hidden in the artist's mind, That for ways to give expression

He may search but may not find. If he would fulfill his dreaming,

Of that rare and radiant glow, He may find that matchless beauty

'Mong the girls of old Monroe.

A Fairy Dell

Mountain-sheltered lies the dell, Zephyrs know it, love it well,

There their softest wooing voices you may hear: Flashing with a silver gleam, Through it flows a narrow stream,

With a murmur ever soothing, sweet and clear.

Charming with their radiant glow, Cardinal flowers in splendor grow;

Mossy carpets here were meant for fairies' feet; Scent of blossom, shade of tree, Song of wild bird, hum of bee,

With their magic make this fairy dell complete.




The Grazing Interest Tillage Crops Fruits Iudustrial Matters.

HE cool upland climate of Monroe is comfortable to domestic animals and does not favor an excessive num- ber of pestiferous insects. The extensive limestone belts are the natural home of bluegrass- The great centers of seaboard population are not far away. In consequence this county is peculiarly adapted to grazing. The raising of cattle for market has always been the leading farm interest of Monroe. Horses for export are raised in very much smaller numbers. Sheep, both for wool and mutton, are an important adjunct. Hogs are kept on every farm, but mainly for domestic use. From the Baldwin Ballard farm of 1200 acres about 100 export cattle are marketed each year.

Until a recent day the wolf was a most vexatious enemy to the stockman, and the large bounties offered for his head show that the depredations of the bear and the panther have not been near so serious. Thanks to the relentless warfare against him, the wolf is now extinct in this county and so is the panther. The bear is so very infrequent as to be of little consequence. The predatory beasts and birds which remain are those which confine their atten- tion to poultry.

The great improvement in the breeds of cattle has had two important results. The beef animals of the Revolutionary period were of only 400 to 800 pounds weight, whereas steers of even more than 2000 pounds are now seen. Such an animal is worth $150 on the spot. But the scrawny beeves of a century ago were worth only $8 to $12. A sheep was worth only $1.25 and a hog only about a dollar. It is true that the purchasing power of the dollar was greater then than now, but it was far from being enough


greater to equalize the values. The bayonet-nosed razorback of the earlier day is not to be mentioned in the same breath with the broad- backed swine of the present century. While this book was in prep- aration W. A. Wallace raised a hog of 990 pounds weight. Such a porker would outbalance five or six of those of the year 1800 and be worth many more times as much.

Turkeys, geese, ducks, guineas, common poultry, and a few peafowls represent the feathered population of the Monroe farmyards. In the aggregate they are an important resource, both for home use and for market.

The tillage crops of the county make a very respectable show- ing. The limestone belts are occasionally too much obstructed by ledges to admit of plowing, but the clay loam is strong and retentive, even if it burns in time of drouth. Yet there are many large smooth fields of very easy contour. The freestone belts have lighter and sandier soils, and these are easier to work. The creek bot- toms have a good alluvial soil, but scarcely cover one per cent of the county's area. They are so well suited to corn that this crop has been grown on them almost continuously for 40 years at a time. In the more hilly districts cultivation is pushed into the steepest slopes, and a fair crop of corn will be seen on an incline of thirty degrees. Yet such instances of tilted farming are less likely to be seen among the natives of Monroe than among the recent immigrants from the ragged counties farther south.

Corn, grain, and timothy hay are the leading tillage crops. Considerable of the corn is now made into ensilage. The yields per acre by the best farmers will compare very favorably with those secured in the great agricultural districts- 116 bushels to the acre has been grown by James Beckett, of the Sinks. F. L. Beckneir has grown 46 ears weighing 70 pounds. Single stalks have been found with six well developed ears. In 1915 the ensilage corn of C. L. Dickson on Second Creek was of most unusual lux- uriance. Stalks bearing four ears were not uncommon. Some stalks were more than fifteen feet high.

Wheat is the leading small grain. In 1895 there were produced


121,509 bushels of wheat as against 30,887 bushels of the other cereals. The production per capita being about 10 bushels, Monroe is independent of the wheat growing states and is on a better foot- ing than the average county of West Virginia. In 1897 the sep- arator of Groves and Shires threshed 16,129 bushels of wheat and 2340 of oats. The yield per acre usually runs about 15 bushels, but sometimes passes 30 bushels. Oats do not thrive so well as wheat in the limestone soil and are a less important crop than in most farming communities. But J. D. Lemon grew a stalk six feet four inches high. A small amount of rye is grown and there is a larger production of buckwheat. Timothy is the leading hay crop. Stalks five feet tall, carrying heads 13 inches long, have been reported.

The Lewis place, which is the "bonanza farm" of Monroe, pro- duced in 1895 1649 bushels of wheat, 6504 of oats, 29 of rye, 50 of buckwheat, and 125 of timothy seed.

In 1902 the acreage in meadow, corn, and the cereals totaled 26,847 acres, or about one-eleventh of the entire area. The corn crop was 294,871 bushels, being a yield of 36 bushels to the acre. 10,199 acres of meadow returned 13,975 tons of hay, being one and three-eighths tons to the acre. The value of farm products was returned as $413,705, and the value of fruits as $58,762. The horses and mules numbered 4,202, the cattle, 13,840, the sheep, 21,309, and the swine, 4,811.

Among the miscellaneous products are the pumpkins, which numerously dot the cornfields in the autumn; the sorghum, grown in small patches for home use; and maple sugar and sirup, a con- siderable quantity of which is made every season. A sugar maple needs not less than four square rods of space, yet it is possible in good seasons to make 100 gallons of sirup from the trees which would cover one acre. In recent years the sirup sells at a dollar a gallon.

As in any cool climate, potatoes do well- F. L. Beckner grew 151 bushels from three bushels of seed. Six of the tubers weighed


eight pounds. W. R. Wiseman raised 15 tomatoes, perfect in form and color, that averaged more than 17 ounces. There are also on record a potato of 25 H ounces and a turnip of seven pounds.

Flax and hemp were once staple crops, but have not been grown since the war of 1861.

Monroe is well suited to fruits, both large and small. In fav- orable years the apple crop is abundant, and even in the off years there is likely to be an ample amount for home use. Just over the county line, at Sweet Chalybeate, a pippin grew in 1910 to a girth of 15 inches and a weight of 24 ounces. On one of the Scott farms northwest of Sinks Grove is an apple tree that was set out on that spot in 1790. The tree is 40 feet in height, 10 in girth, and the diameter of its spread of branches is 50 feet. It is still vigorous and produces about 40 bushels of a white summer apple. Cor- nelius S. Scott enumerates 173 varieties of apples that have been grown in this locality, these including about all the well known varieties. His own extensive and finely kept orchard shows what may be done in this county by employing methods that are up to date. Mr. Scott also names 20 varieties of pears, 21 of plums, and 35 of peaches that have been successfully grown in Monroe.

Pears, peaches, plums, and quinces are grown to a less extent than apples. Grapes are quite well adapted to the county, as is apparent from the size and vigor of the wild vines. Arbors of the domesticated varieties are not infrequent. A few persons give special attention to growing small fruits for market, but there is a large supply of wild blackberries and huckleberries. In 1897 J. A. Dowdy picked 153 gallons of blackberries.

Farming methods have undergone a great change during the last 75, and especially the last 50 years. Much better implements are in use and they are more economical of muscular effort. The maintenance of fertility is better understood and practiced. So long as there seemed to be a limitless supply of good virgin soil in the West, the people of the older communities treated their own lands with very scant consderation. But good soil at a low price is no


longer to be had in any of the states. The advance in harvesting methods which began with the successful test of the McCormick reaper in 1831 advanced civilization in this country by half a cen- tury. If the grain crops were harvested as they were at the time of the American war, the labor required would be as much as could be furnished in two weeks by the entire population of military age.

The importance of advanced farming methods is given practi- cal recognition in this county. Use is made of the Farmers' Insti- tute, and the leading farm journals are well patronized by progres- sive agriculturists. The first corn show in the county was in 1909, when 104 boys entered the contest and 67 presented the best ears they had grown. The first prize on yellow corn went to Frank Gwinn, of Wolf Creek, the first on white corn to Paul Scott of Sec- ond Creek, and the; first prize on bread to Iva D. Walker of Sweet Springs. Since then the corn show has become a fixture in Monroe. At the corn show of 1911 there were exhibited six white potatoes weighing 11 pounds; one sweet potato weighing W2 pounds; one beet weighing 20 pounds, and a cabbage of the same weight. In the contest of 1913 there is a record of 118 bushels of corn to the acre.

With respect to mining and manufactures, the industrial side of Monroe's history is a brief tale. The circumstance that no im- portant line of railroad penetrates this county except in the north- west corner and in the extreme east is enough in these days of steam transit to bar out any other industrial operations than those of saw and grist mills. Because of the lack of coal and probably of gas, Monroe has not experienced any industrial transformation, such as has taken place in the adjoining counties of Mercer and Fayette. There are iron ores, but these are not yet in demand.

During the now extinct reign of small local industries there was a different story. Pottery was made at several points; at Lindside so late as 1880. Near Crimson Spring was once a rude furnace for the smelting of iron ore. In the time of Andrew Summers, Gap Mills was an industrial center of consequence. He operated a wool-


en mill, an oil mill, a distillery, a wagon factory, a tanyard, and a trip hammer forge. Along the course of Second Creek there is or has been an average of one mill to the mile for the 18 miles be- low this hamlet. With the exception of Hollywood, where flan- nels, cassimere, and hosiery are woven, the surviving mills now con- fine themselves to grinding and sawing. But gunpowder was once manufactured on Indian as well as Second Creek, and from the days of the Revolution to those of the war of 1861 saltpeter was leached from the nitrous earth found in the limestone caverns.



OLONIAL Virginia had a militia system, and it was continued under independence. The state was divided into five division districts and nineteen brigade dis- tricts, each of the former being under the supervision of a major general and each of the latter under a brigadier general. Each county furnished at least one regiment.

To each division were attached one regiment of cavalry and one of artillery. The regiment, consisting of at least 400 men and commanded by a colonel, was divided into two battalions, one com- manded by the lieutenant colonel and one by the major. Each bat- talion had a stand of colors. In each company were one captain, two first lieutenants, two second lieutenants, five sergeants, and six corporals. The ensign, a commissioned officer having charge of the colors and ranking below a lieutenant, was dispensed with after the war of 1812. On the staff of the colonel were one quartermaster, one paymaster, one surgeon, one surgeon's mate, one adjutant with the rank of captain, one sergeant major, one quartermaster sergeant, two principal musicians, and drum and fife majors. To each com- pany was one drum and there was also a fife or a bugle-

Officers were commissioned by the governor upon the recommen- dation of the county court. It was the men of the most social prominence who were appointed. A position in the militia was con- sidered very honorable and as a stepping stone to something higher up. Yet, as in this county, the men nominated would sometimes decline.

Company musters took place in April and October, battalion musters in October or November, and regimental musters in April or May. Non-attendance involved a fine, usually of 75 cents, and this was turned over to the sheriff for collection. Fines we're num-


erous, whether or not they were generally collected. Excuses for cause were granted by a court-martial.

Universal militia service ended with the war of 1861. For some years previous the records of this county contain little mention of officers. During these later years of the system, musters were less frequent, the men went through the evolutions without arms, and the practical value of the drill, as measured by the modern standard, would be very little.

The first regimental organization of Monroe was the One Hun- dred and Eighth. It was called out in the so-called Whiskey War of 1794. Some years later we find mention of the One Hundred and Sixty-Sixth. In 1800 John Handley petitioned without suc- cess for the $26.50 advanced by him for the colors of the former regiment and not paid back by the sheriff.

The captains and lieutenants of the Monroe militia wore the old Continental hats with white and red feathers, and had a red sash around the waist. At the April muster there appeared 1200 men in all imaginable garbs and colors, and with canes and umbrel- las for arms. They marched to the Royal Oak field, south of Un- ion, fife and drums in front, and every man walking his own step. The field officers on their spirited horses took the whole road in front. The animals were excited by the music and progressed side- wise, their rearing and plunging lending a certain zest to the occas- ion. After reaching the field, outsiders were kept ten feet from the fence by a guard. Colored "aunties" were present with their pies, cakes, and molasses beer. The muster was one of the great events of the year and took the place in the popular interest that is now given to the circus-

In the official records, regimental company and battalion precincts are often spoken of as civil divisions of a county. There does not seem to have been any fear of militarism in those days.

The list of militia officers given below is gleaned from the rec- ords of Greenbrier and Monroe. As in the case of county books generally during the antebellum regime, they were not kept with sufficient method and exactness. With respect to the officers of the

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militia, not all who served are mentioned as having qualified. In not a few instances, our only knowledge of their names is due to incidental mention.

The year given is that in which we first find mention of the officer while holding the rank in question. In numerous instances it is the date of his qualification as such.

A man holding a given rank, as that of captain, usually implies that he has come up from the lower grades and that some other man has been advanced to the rank he has vacated.

Abbreviations: Lt lieutenant ; En. ensign; v in place of; Batt. battalion; Cav cavalry; Art. artillery; res. resigned.

Alderson, Joseph— 2d Lt Cav.— 1799

Alderson, John Capt. v D. Graham 1815

Alexander, James Lt Cav. 1798

Alexander, Michael Capt. v Nimrod Tackett 1803

Alexander, Andrew Capt. v M. Alexander 1815 res. 1818

Alford, Robert— En. under Hull— 1823

Allen, James— Lt— 1801

Arbuckle, John— Capt. 1803— res. 1804

Atkeson, William D. En. v Michael Howard 1818

Bailey, Edward B— Capt— 1824

Ballard, Willis— Lt. under John Campbell— 1822

Ballard, Ryland En. under John Campbell 1822

Beamer, Joseph En. v John Dolan 1817

Beirne, Andrew— Col.— 1818

Beirne, Patrick— JEn. 1818

Benson, Ervin Cornet 1799

Black, Williamr— 2d Lt. Cav.— res. 1817

Booten, Reuben En. under Farley 1788

Brown, William— En.— 1834

Broyles, Solomon Lt. under Harden Shumate 1817

Bryan, Christopher Lt. 1786

Bryson, Edmund En. v Isaac Milburn 1811

Burdette, Archibald En. under Nickell v Robert Taylor 1818

Burk, Andrew En. v Robert Dunbar 1801

Butcher, Joshua Lt. v W. McDaniel 1816

Byrnside, James, Jr. En. under Jones 1799

Byrnside, John Maj. 1801

Byrnside, Isaac Maj. 2d Batt. v John Campbell 1828

Caddell, James G.— En. v John Ellis— 1828


Callaway, Charles— Maj.— 1846 (166th)

Campbell, John— Maj. 1828

Campbell, Archibald— Capt.— 1823

Campbell, Matthew En. 1830

Caperton, Hugh Capt. v Andrew Wood 1787

Carden, Isaac En. under Johnson Riffe 1818

Carnifax, William Lt. under Campbell 1815

Christy, Robert Capt. v John Handley 1815

Clark, Samuel Maj. res. 1814

Clark, John— En. v Francis Nickell— 1814

Clark, James— En. v R. Wyatt— 1818

Clark, Alexander Lt. v Wm. Carnifax 1817 res. 1819

Coalter, Robert 2d Lt. Cav. v James Woodville 1817

Cook, Joseph En. under John Hutchinson 1787

Cook, Jacob En. under John Hutchinson 1787

Cook, John— En. Rifle company, 2d Batt— 1822

Crow, John Capt. v Herbert 1st Batt 1814

Dickson, Joseph 2d Lt. v Archibald Handley 1805

Dolen, John Lt. v J. Holsapple 1817

Dunbar, Robert— Lt— 1799

Dunbar, John— En. (Lt.)— v John Nickell— 1815

Dunlap, Alexander En. under J. Byrnside 1799

Dunn, James En. v E. Williams 1823

Dunn, John— Lt.— 1824

Dunn, William— En.— 1824

Dunn, William T— Capt.— 1824

Elliott, James— Lt. v Swope— 1801— res. 1815

Ellis, William Lt. v Andrew Gwinn under John Alderson 1818

Ellis, Thomas— En. v J. G. Keadle— 1830

Ellis, John— En.— 1828

Erskine, Henry Lt. res. 1815

Erskine, Michael Capt v James Meadows 1824

Erwin, William— Lt— 1793

Estill, Isaac— Maj.— 1801

Evans, William En. under Herbert 1812

Ewing, William Lt. under Robert Nickell 1787

Ewing, Oliver En. v A. Alexander under Christy 1816

Ewing, Joseph Lt. v Christy 1818.

Ewing, Robert, Jr. Cornet v Alex. Kitchen 1818

Farley, Matt— Capt— 1788— res. 1800

Fleshman, Fielding Capt. in 166th 1846

Foster, Robert En. v A. Nickell, Jr. under John Nickell 1815

Foster, John En. under Jones 1798

Garten, Richard— En.— 1799


Garten, Elijah— Lt. of Rifles v John Hinton— 1822 Glass, Samuel— Capt— 1782 Graham, James— Col.— 1799 Graham, Lancelot Lt. res. 1815 Graham, David— Lt. 1797 Graham, Samuel— LU 180S Graham, William— Maj. 2d Batt.— res. 1811

Graham, James En. v Michael Howard under Alderson 1822 Gray, James— Lt.— 1799 Gwinn, James En. under Graham 1799 Gwinn, Andrew— Lt— 1815— res. 1818 Gwinn, Robert— En.— 1794 Hall, Benjamin En. v M. Alexander 1801 Hall, John— Lt. v John Arbuckle— 1802 Handley, John— Maj.— 1799 Handley, John, Jr. Capt. res. 1815 Handley, Archibald 1st Lt. v Robert Patton 1805 Handley, James— Capt. Cav. in 108th v C. M. Lewis— 1817— res. 1820 Handley, James, Jr. Lt. v M. Alexander 1803 Handley, George— En. 1811

Handley, Isaac Capt. Flying Art. in 108th (19th brigade) v W. Vass -1815 Hansbarger, Peter Capt. 1824 died about this time Harvey, James En. 1799

Harvey, John— Capt. v Wyatt— 1801— res. 1803 Harvey, Nicholas En. under Caperton 1787 Harvey, William Lt. v Tolison Shumate— 1801— res. 1803 Hawkins, John— 1st Lt. v W. Clark— 1820 Hawkins, Thomas N. 1st Lt. under Bailey 1824 Haynes, James M. Lt Flying Art. v J. Ewing 1818 Haynes, Thomas N. 1st Lt. under Bailey 1824 Hays, Thomas N. 1st Lt.— under Bailey— 1824 Hays, Isaac Cornet v R. Coalter 1820 Henderson, John Capt. 1782-7 Henderson, James Lt. Col. 1778

Herbert, Capt.— 1814

Hill, Joseph Lt. v John Newman 1828

Hills, Joseph R.— Col. 166th— 1846

Hinchman, William En. v John Hinton 1817

Hines, Charles R.— Capt. 166th— 1846

Hinton, Evan 1st Lt. under Larew 1811

Hinton, John Capt. of Rifles, 2d Batt. v J. Johnson 1822

Holsapple, John Maj. 1822

Holsapple, Henry Lt. under W. Humphreys 1822


Howard, Michael En. v A. Gwinn 1815

Hull, John— Capt— v H. W. Moss— 1823

Humphreys, William Capt. v J. Holsapple 1822

Hunter, John En. 1816

Hutchinson, John Col. 1801

Hutchinson, Archibald Lt. 2d rifle company under John Byrnside 1893

Hutchinson, Isaac Lt. v James Handley 1805

Hutchinson, Alexander En. 1783

Jarvis, John En. under Crow 1816 res. 1818

Johnson, Jacob— Capt. 1817— res. 1822

Jones, James Capt. 1799

Jones, John— Cornet under W. Clark 1822

Keadle, James G— Lt under Hill— 1830

Keenan, Charles— En. under Clark— 1799

Kelly, Nathaniel B— Capt. v John Byrnside— 1828

Keys, Humphrey— En. v B. Hall— 1803

Kilpatrick, James Lt. 1811

Kincaid, George Capt. v Andrew Nickell 1822

King, Robert— Lt.— 1798

Kitchen, Alexander 1st Lt v J. Handley 1817

Kitchen, Henry— Lt. under Hull— 1823

Kitchen, Henry C. En. v A. Lewellin 1830

Knox, James Capt. 1782-4

Kountz, George En. v John Jarvis under Crow 1818

Lafferty, William— Lt. under Farley^l788

Larew, Peter— Capt. Light Inf., 2d Batt— 1805

Leach, Joshua— Capt. Cav.— 1799— res. 1805

Leach, John Lt. under Jones 1797

Leach, Isom Lt v Robert King under Jones 1798

Lewellin, Anderson Capt. 1830

Lewis, Charles M.— Capt. Cav. in 108th— 1811— res. 1817

Linton, John B.— En.— 1811

Lynch, George En. under W. Humphreys 1822

Maddy, William Lt. under John Hutchinson 1787

Magart, Adam En. 1814

Mann, James En. 1815

Mann, Jacob Lt. v John Halstead 1805

Mathews, David— Lt. Col. of 166th— 1846

McCarty, John Capt. v Andrew Nickell 1821

McDaniel, William Capt. v John Pack 1816

McDaniel, Henry Capt. 1811

McDaniel En. under Pack 1812

McDowell, James Capt. v Thomas Reynolds 1814

McNeer, Richard— Lt. v Adam Miller— 1811


Meador, John Lt. v L. Graham 1815

Meadows, James Capt. 1824

Milburn, Isaac En. res. 1811

Miller, Jamesr— En. under Estill— 1799

Miller, Andrew En. v Jacob Mann 1805

Miller, Adam— Lt. res. 1811

Miller, Thomas En under Kincaid 1822

Morgan, Moses En v E. B. Bailey 1825

Moss, George En under Hull 1822

Moss, Henry W.— Capt.— 1823

Newman, John— Lt.— 1828

Nickell, Andrew Capt. v John Nickell 1818

Nickel I, Francis En res. 1814

Nickell, Robert— Capt.— 1787— res. 1801

Nickell, John— Capt. v A. Nickell— 1815

Nickell, John, Jr.— En. v A. Nickell— 1802

Nickell, Andrew, Jr. Lt. v J. Steele under John Nickell 1815

Nickell, George En. v J. Holsapple 1814

Pack, John— Capt. v John Harvey— 1803— res. 1816

Pack, Samuel, Jr.— Lt. v John Pack— 1803

Pack, Benjamin Lt. v Larew 1805

Parker, Joseph En under Humphreys1 1823

Patterson, Matthew En under Wright 1787

Patton, Robert— 1st Lt. of Cav— 1799

Patton, William— Lt.— 1803

Peters, Conrad Lt. Col. v A. Beirne 1818

Peters, John Capt. v H. McDaniel 1811

Phillips, Zachariah— En— 1805

Pole, Mordecai Capt. v P. Hansbarger 1824

Prentice, Moses Cornet under Leach 1800

Reaburn, Capt.— 1785

Reaburn, John En. 1797

Reaburn, Charles En. res. 1811

Reynolds, Thomas Capt. res. 1814

Rice, James En. 1816

Robertson, Edwin En. v Elliott under Vass 1816

Scarborough, James En 1793

Scott, Thomas Lt. v Reuben Wyatt 1821

Shanklin, Richard 2d Lt. under Bailey 1824

Shanklin, Richard Lt. Col. 1818

Shanklin, William— Capt— 1811

Shannon, Henry Capt. v Estill 1801

Shannon, John Lt. v H. Shannon 1801


Shelton, John Lt v H. Shannon 1801

Shelton, Thomas— Capt.— 1783

Shumate, Daniel— Lt— 1784

Shumate, Tolison Lt. under McDaniel 1799 res. 1801

Shumate, Harden Lt. v D. Thompson under Peters 1815

Smith, William En. v A. Clark under Herbert 1820

Sparr, Samuel— 2d Lt. v J. Hawkins— 1820

Steele, John Lt. res. 1815

Stodghill, William G.— Lt. v R. McNeer— 1815

Swope, George Capt. v R. Nickell res. 1802

Swope, George Lt. 1823

Swope, Jonathan Lt. v A. Nickell 1818

Symms, John Lt. v J. Kilpatrick 1811

Tackett, Nimrod Capt. res. 1803

Tackett, John W.— Lt. v N. B. Kelly— 1828

Tackett, James Lt. of Cav. 1830

Taylor, Robert— En.— 1818

Thomas, John En. under J. Ewing 1818

Thomas, Thomas En. under J. Ewing 1818

Thomas, Richard Lt. under Richard Campbell 1820

Thompson, James Capt. res. 1784, when about to leave

Thompson, William Lt. under Caperton 1787

Thompson, David Lt. v C. Peters res. 1815

Tresler, John En. v J. Peters res. 1812

Vass, William— Maj. v C. Peters— 1818

Vass, Elliott— En. v J. Handley— 1815

Walker, Harper— En.— 1817

Whitcomb, George— En. v J. W. Tackett— 1828

Williams, Samuel Capt. v Knox 1784

Williams, Edward Lt. v J. Meadows 1823

Woods, Anthony Capt. v Thomas Shelton 1783

Woods, Andrew Capt. 1783 gone, 1787

Woods, John— En.— 1811

Woods, Archibald En. under Joseph Ewing 1825

Woodville, James— 2d Lt. of Cav. v W. Black— 1817

Wright, Thomas— Capt.— 1787

Wyatt, Thomas— Capt. of 108th— 1801

Wyatt, Reuben Lt. v Joshua Butcher under W. McDaniel 1818

Wylie, Thomasl— Capt. v A. Alexander 1818

Wylie, Edward En. under Crow 1818

Young, James En. v John Reaburn under R. Nickell 1797 res. 1S01

Young, Robert Lt. under Kincaid 1822



N TAKING the reader on a tour of Monroe we can re- late some odds and ends with more freedom than in other chapters. Since the trip is imaginary and not real, we will select a clear day in June and begin at Green Hill, immediately east of Union. Looking toward the sunset, we peer into a valley that seems narrower than it is. In the foreground are the scattered houses of the county seat interspersed with shade trees. In the opposite direction is Peters Mountain, lofty, regular, and for- est-covered. Only partially obscuring it is the much lower ridge of Little Mountain, interrupted here and there by watergaps and les- sening in height toward the south. We cannot look squarely into any of the passes, since they appear to lie at an oblique angle from us- In the southwest quarter are low but rugged eminences beyond Turkey Creek.

Looking northwest we see the short, lofty, and broken range known in the early record-books as Swope's Knobs, but now simply as the Knobs. The slope lying toward us presents a rapid alterna- tion of swells and gorges. The former are generally open, but the older people can tell us when these heights were an almost solid ex- panse of woodland. Just behind one of the houses that nestle on the mountain side is the wooded, cone-shaped projection known as Cald- er's Peak. Volcanic cones, hoary with age, even in a geologic sense, occur in the Alleghanies, and this may be one of them. But the hill is of more interest in another way.

The peak and the home below were once the property of Alex- ander Calder, a planter of the Palmetto State, who liked the scen- ery and the cool air of the Monroe hills so well as to live here a part of the time. On the summit of the peak he built in 1842 an observatory 100 feet high and 40 feet in diameter at the base. It


is related of Calder that he wished to see into his home state of South Carolina. But only if Mount Everest with its 29,142 feet of alti- tude occupied the place of Calder's Peak would it be possible to see so far away. In the spring of 1861 the woodwork had become in- secure, and the occupant of the farm saw fit to burn it down the night after Fort Sumter was fired upon.

A tale which links into the story of Calder's Peak has to do with William Willis, whose grave is in the Green Hill cemetery. Willis was a native of New Bedford, Massachusetts, a soldier of the Rev- olution, and after that event he experienced great vicissitudes of for- tune. It is said he lived a while in Spain, filling a diplomatic post, and there wedded the beautiful daughter of a Spanish don. During an absence from Madrid, a jealous rival poisoned the mind of the father-in-law, and caused the latter to leave Spain, taking his daugh- ter with him, and going in such secrecy that Willis never again met his bride. It is further said, however, that after many years he learned that she died in New Orleans, true to him to the last. The child of this union he never saw. In his old age Willis was be- friended by Calder, who took him to his home at the foot of the knob. Calder died in South Carolina in 1849, and as the nephew who inherited his property failed to make any provision for the old veteran, the latter became a public charge. He was placed in the private home of Simeon Jennings in Union and there tenderly cared for until his death in 1853, at the great age of ninety-nine years. Wil- lis was cultured and refined, and had a commanding presence. While in Calder's homei it is believed that he wrote the story of his blighted life, but changed his mind and gave the manuscript to the flames.

In the fairly level fields just south of Union stood an immense tree known as the Royal Oak. It was here that the musters of the militia used to take place. An event of the war period was a re- view by General Loring of the Confederate troops under his com- mand. The oak was felled because of large dead limbs and a hol- low trunk. Accounts vary as to when this was done, the latest date we learn of being 1859. Some 15 years later the stump was re- moved. There have been exaggerated statements respecting the


size of this monarch of the forest. One citizen claims it was 33 feet in girth; another says 500 rails were split out of it. Judge Campbell, to whom the tree used to be a familiar object, says the stump, projecting some three feet above the ground, was about six feet across. A good poem on the Royal Oak was written a few years ago by Miss Anna B. Gwinn.

The road by Calder's Peak brings us to Johnson's Crossroads, near the head of Wolf Creek- We find the Knobs to consist of two parallel ridges, the western face of the second being even more ir- regular than the view from Green Hill. There are patches of corn on hillsides so abrupt that the tillage has to be done with the hoe.

Sometimes an Appalachian valley is most expansive at the head. This is the case with Wolf and Potts creeks. The Crossroads was a choice spot to the early landseekers, and was not long in coming into possession of the family to which it owes its name. But with the exception of one household the Johnsons are no longer here, and as the people of the immediate vicinity are mainly tenant farmers, one is impressed with the feeling that this attractive basin has known palmier days.

Looking northward, quite a vista opens out between the Knobs and Patrick's Peak, a projection of Wolf Creek Mountain. On the right is a belt of tableland, settled at a very early day by the Swope, Skaggs, and other pioneer families. The view is finally cut off by Flat Mountain, which turns Wolf Creek to the west and compels it to meet the Greenbrier two miles south of Alderson in- stead of two miles east. The valley of the Wolf is pleasant to look upon and is rather numerously peopled. A sassafras about 50 feet high and nearly 12 feet in girth would indicate that the soil is of some account.

John Skaggs was aiming his rifle at a deer when he perceived what seemed a flash of lightning between him and the animal. A puma had sprung upon the deer. Skaggs shot the beast of prey. At an- other time, he found a missing hog with a litter of pigs and a fine bed of leaves. To rear her family she had appropriated a crevice in a


cliff. The hunter was just in time to kill a bear that was climbing up the cliff in search of fresh pork. His daughter Sarah went one evening to hunt the cows, and not finding them was on her way back. When she came to a branch she found a puma was on her trail. Having heard that this animal is very averse to wetting its feet, a trait which it shares with the feline race in general, she crossed and recrossed until she reached home and thus thwarted the efforts of the puma to get at her by making use of a tree that had fallen across. Hardy's Run, a tributary of Wolf, is named for a pioneer who outran some Indians who were pursuing him- Pottery used to be made one mile above the mouth of the stream. A little distance away is a house much more than a century old and still in a very usable condition. It was the home of the pioneer Swope, who was laid to rest in the burial ground at the end of a steep hogback that juts into the valley. The headstone bears this inscription:

Joseph Swope departed this life 2d March 1819 in his 68th Year. He was one of the first Setlers of this County after having been 9 Years a Prisoner with the Shawnee Nation.

Fishbock Hill at the mouth of Wolf keeps alive the name of an otherwise forgotten pioneer. Looking down on the narrow Green- brier bottom, we are shown where the Monroe line twice crosses the stream, leaving the tip of a peninsula to the east. The road brings us to a hollow, down which the road rapidly winds to the town of Alderson at the foot of a heavy river bluff. We turn into the Flat Mountain road, which is sandy, thinly peopled, and has little to de- tain our attention. Scarcely any county in the state seems to be without several Laurel Creeks or Laurel Runs. Monroe has sev- eral. We crossed one of them in the high basin between the two arms of Swope's Knobs. It there flows placidly, but soon it begins a long and tumultuous plunge on its way to join Indian Creek. We shall meet it again- The other Laurel attempts to join the Green- brier where Wolf would meet it if it kept its course. Yet it turns away from an almost insignificant saddle-ridge, curves westward and then southward, and finally ends its crooked career by joining the Wolf.


Our road brings us to Sinks Grove through the broad depres- sion between the Knobs and Middle Mountain. The former come to an end in Bickett's Knob, a height that dominates the landscape toward the east. If it had the form of Calder's Peak it would be a very imposing object. But a nearly level field occupies the broad summit, which falls abruptly away on every side to a shoulder of encircling tableland. In August of 1890 five noises were heard on this mountain at intervals of fifteen to twenty minutes, an upward force breaking a large limestone rock into small pieces. The cause of the explosion is unknown.

Because of the important highways that radiate from Sinks Grove, it is almost a wonder that it was not one of the battlefields of the American war. Northward, eastward, and southward from the village is a broad limestone plateau, reaching north to the bluffs on Greenbrier and Second Creek, east to the foot of Little Mountain, and south to Turkey Creek. We are in the "Sinks" of the pioneer settlers, a continuation of the "Big Levels" around Lewisburg. The surface nearly preserves a general level, and although there are deep hollows, the contour is not so broken as in the Hill Region which covers the greater part of West Virginia- Many of the fields would be counted as of very respectable size, even in the agricultural states of the Middle West.

The attention of the visitor is drawn to the sinkholes, large and small, which are scattered numerously about. In some instances the funnel-shaped depression has an ugly looking hole at the bottom. One of these is mentioned in a deed of 1802 as "the devil's hole." More often there is a round pool of muddy water, useful to the livestock. Sometimes a round spot of rich soil tells of a pool that has ceased to exist. The sinkhole is not always a complete obstacle to the plow. In many instances it sustains its share of waving grain or hills of corn. This limestone expanse is honeycombed with cav- erns. These receive the surface drainage through the many sink- holes, and discharge it by means of the strong springs found in the deep valleys. Where the almost vertical seams of the blue mas- sive limestone come to the surface, they show water-worn outlines


and sometimes present a wormeaten appearance. Whether or not these ledges were once below the present surface, their shapes are due to the very long continued action of streams that are now ex- tinct- Places may be seen where cascades once tumbled over the rocks.

In this favored district is an air of agricultural prosperity. Farm- houses of a superior type are common, and the silo is not an infre- quent adjunct of the farmyard. Good homes are a natural conse- quence of good soil. Here is the garden spot of Monroe, and the patches of woodland, especially the sugar groves, are convincing as to the strength of the clay loam. The sugar maples remind us that for many years white cane sugar was a rarity in this region. Dur- ing the civil war the sugar orchards came once more into their own. It was now that sorghum began to be cultivated so as to eke out the capacity of the trees for sweetening the wartime cookery. As to the stickiness of the soil in open winter weather, a short excursion on any of the roads will speak for itself.

In this plateau is a tract of 770 acres known more than a cen- tury ago as the "plowed savannah." The last named word has all but passed out of use in favor of "prairie," which was unknown to the English language at that time- Four miles from Sinks Grove is Pickaway, a crossroads named for the Pickaway Plains of Ohio, where a treaty was made with the Shawnee Indians soon after the battle of Point Pleasant. As some of the Monroe Pioneers served in that campaign, they became fa- miliar with the name of Pickaway. We pass New Lebanon church and come to where the plateau gradually breaks down to make room for the immediate valley of Second Creek, a little river that for a few miles is wholly or approximately the boundary between Monroe and Greenbrier. One of the eighteen mills that stand or have stood on this creek was a powder mill built about 1788 by Frederick Gromer. A colored woman and boy were sent to the mill on an errand. They went in with a lighted candle, and in a few moments the building was among the things that were. The boy was killed and a few days later the woman died. Robert Patton, who sue-


ceeded Gromer, lost his own life about 1808 in another explosion. Like the early steamboats on the Mississippi, the pioneer powder mill had the disagreeable habit of blowing up and killing or hurting somebody. But gunpowder was a vital necessity in those days, and it was costly. People kept it in gourds as well as in their powder- horns. As for the gristmill of that period it would grind but not bolt about 20 bushels of corn or wheat in a day- The mill with the up and down saw turned out 400 to 500 feet of lumber sawed to an uneven thickness.

We leave the Sinks and move eastward nearly parallel with the northern line of the county. There is now a rapid alternation of mountain and valley. We are where the axis of the Alleghany sys- tem loses itself in a succession of ridges that abut on Second Creek. Population is sparse and we are almost in a wilderness. There is a sharp contrast between this locality and the Sinks. At length we come into the Cove, a long narrow valley cross-sectioned into farms. We are shown the spot where there was once a stone house built by John Lewis in the early years of white occupation. The house was of good size, but the wall was weak, since the inner and outer lay- ers of stone were not properly bound together. It stood, however, until about 1880. The yawning fireplace was broad enough to take an eleven foot log. The Lewises used to come here to hunt- After the place came into the possession of the Wylies, aunt Peggy Hig- genbotham, a woman not afraid of the dark and suspected by the superstitious of being a witch, used to visit here from her home on Laurel. While plying her knitting needles she would tell hair- raising stories to the young members of the household.

In this portion of Monroe we are solemnly told of mysterious lead mines, known to the Indians and the early whites, and from which the latter secured great chunks of bullet material. The same legend exists in every county of the Alleghanies, all the way from the line of Pennsylvania to New River. It retains its vitality in spite of the fact that these mountains have been settled a century and a half, and have been searched by skilled as well as unskilled ob- servers. Veins of iron and coal have been explored, but the lead


defies rediscovery after the manner of the mythical treasures of Cap- tain Kidd. The "mines" are not found because they never had any existence. In an early stage of pioneer society, when the frontier is full of romance and the dark, gloomy forest prolific of ghosts and mysterious shadows, the human mind seizes with avidity and with- out reflection upon things which are out of the ordinary. The In- dians had no knowledge of mining or smelting metals, and could have found almost no use for a soft material like lead. They had only just begun to use firearms when the whites were settling these mountain valleys. And more than this, the ores in which lead is found do not give up the metal over an open fire- High authority on the geology of West Virginia tells us that no one should waste time in hunting for lead within the boundaries of the commonwealth.

Passing a now silent mill, we follow Cove and Back creeks, pass over a low ridge, and come into Sweet Springs valley at Lynn- side, the manor home of the Lewis family.

A number of the homesteads of Monroe bear distinctive names. In the old Virginia east of the Blue Ridge the usage is a common one. But the American Highlander had. too little sentiment in his makeup to name his home. He was a restless person and did not generally look forward to spending the rest of his life on the spot where he first settled. Yet some of his later representatives have fallen in with this English custom.

Looking between the fine oaks in front of the brick mansion of Lynnside, we see a little distance down the valley the hamlet of Sweet Springs. The collection of buildings is suggestive of more than a hamlet, yet less than a dozen are permanently occupied. Sweet Springs without its hotel interest would be like the play of Hamlet with Hamlet left out. A short mile farther down the valley is Sweet Chalybeate Springs, the line separating the Virginias passing midway between the resorts.

Another short mile, but in the rear of the big hotel and at the foot of Peters Mountain, will bring us to the spot where lived the eccentric Colonel Royall and his indomitable wife. Royall was a wealthy planter who just after the Revolution turned his back on


Tuckahoe Virginia and came to Sweet Springs valley. During the second quarter of the last century his widow was a journalist of the city of Washington and the best known woman in America. Her book on "Life, Manners, and Customs in America" was very help- ful in the compilation of this volume.

Three years ago a son of Monroe, now in California, formulated a plan that the Daughters of the United Confederate Veterans pur- chase Old Sweet Springs and make it a center of learning. For such a purpose it has many things in its favor.

We turn southward. The cleared portion of the valley is some- times more than a mile broad, and yet nearly every house stands very near the road we are following. In five miles we are on a section of the divide between Atlantic and Mississippi waters. Yet the space between the mountain ramparts looks as valley-like as ever. Our gradual up grade merely changes to a gradual down grade as we follow the waters of Second Creek and come in another five miles to the hamlet of Gap Mills. Here is a mill pond and at its mouth is a narrow break in the rocky stratum that forms the core of Gap Mountain. It is almost an ideal spot for a mill dam. The basin of Second Creek above the gorge was a very favored point of early settlement. It was well populated even at the close of the Revolution, but the earliest names are nearly or quite un- known to the present inhabitants. The comfortable homes around us are suggestive of those we saw in the Sinks. Near the pond stood until about 1888 the first brick house to be erected west of the Alleghany. It was the large two-roomed dwelling of Andrew Summers.

As we go southward, the space between Peters and Little moun- tains becomes more restricted and more uneven. It is a belt rather than a valley, because it is partitioned into pocket-shaped basins, each with its watergap toward the west, as in the instance at Gap Mills. In these passes, or a little above, are the bold springs which start Indian and Rich creeks and their feeders. If we ascend to the pastures on the flank of the higher mountain, we can look over Little


Mountain and catch interesting glimpses of the still lower country beyond.

For forty miles we have on our left the massive and regular up- lift of Peters Mountain. It is sometimes claimed that it derives its name from Christian Peters, the founder of Peterstown. This is impossible. The mountain was already well known by its present name when Peters was only a boy of sixteen and living in Rocking- ham county. The name comes from Peter Wright, who in 1746 settled immediately below the site of Covington and built a mill- He was a well known personage in his day, and also gave name for a while to Dunlap Creek, which we find spoken of as Peter's Creek in 1753. Wright's valley at Bluefield also gets its name from the same man. It is related of Wright that he was once snowbound in a cave on the side of the mountain, and that the spot became known as Peter's cave. It is, however, a natural consequence that as Chris- tian Peters was a leading citizen near the south end of the moun- tain, his name grew to be associated with it. Thus the opinion arose that the mountain was named for him. The range is a noble one and merits the following tribute written by James Pyne after he had made a trip around the world :

It was under the shadow of Peters Mountain that I first saw the light of day. It was there that I heard the wolf's howl, the catamount's scream, the thunder's peal, and the tempest's rage. There I learned to wonder at the beauties of nature; the unfolding buds, the blooming, fragrant flowers, the hum of bees, the song of birds. It was there my restless soul was composed, my anguish set at rest on a gentle, loving mother's breast. It was in the cool shades by the gushing springs of living waters at the foot of Peters Mountain I heard the still, small voice of God, and learned to know his love. There I saw the "clear, cool night stars" and the glorious awakening of the morning, "the seed time and the harvest time," and the great white gown of autumn pulled down over the crest of the mountain to the dark-colored leaves. It was under the sheltering care of old Peters Mountain that my first sweetheart lived. How innocent, how divine is child love. Can a man ever forget the little girl who first talked to him about love? No, never. It was in Peters Mountain that I learned to know the love of father and mother, brother and sister, friends and home. It was there, too, that my thoughts flew upward to love of country and

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the love of our Creator. There childhood's happy days joyously sped, ten- derly, sweetly, but all too quickly.

We double back on our course until we reach Gap Mills, and then make a detour to the one precinct of Monroe that lies beyond Peters Mountain. Our road takes us to the summit by a circuitous course in order to overcome the grade. From the summit we may see Keeney's Mountain on the western line of Old Monroe. East- ward in the near distance is Potts Mountain, while beyond are glimpses of those ranges that make Craig a miniature Switzerland. Our descent is rapid. The floor of the valley of Potts Creek is narrow, and there is not the limestone formation that covers so much of Monroe county. So late as 1840 this upper portion of the valley is said to have been well-nigh a wilderness- And yet Colonel Will- iam Preston of Point Pleasant fame saw enough promise in the val- ley to locate several surveys before the Revolution.

We come to the creek at Laurel Branch, a railroad station yet scarcely a hamlet. To Waiteville, the one other station in the pre- cinct, it is five miles. The head of the valley spreads out like a fan and covers a quite large and smooth area. Waiteville may count as a rudimentary village. On the mountain side, which does not seem to rise far above this elevated plain, we observe the loops by which the railroad lightens the ascent to the divide between Potts and Stony creeks. We return to Gap Mills by a shorter course, and find a better soil on the western slope of Peters Mountain than on the eastern. There are numerous huckleberry bushes. But rat- tlesnakes infest the huckleberry patches, as well as the mountain slopes in general. Now and then the county hears of a bite by a rattlesnake or a copperhead. Wolf Creek has furnished a "rattler" four feet six inches long and sixteen and one-half inches in girth. A resident of the valley we are now in slew 94 of the deadly rep- tiles in 1894.

From the mill dam in the Second Creek gorge a little valley rap- idly widens out, but in a mile it sharply contracts. There is a sec- ond and last ridge through which the creek has to make its way. Why is this stream called Second Creek, when there is neither a


First Creek nor a Third Creek? It was bearing this name in 1751. To the explorer leaving Jackson's River at the mouth of Dunlap, and following the red man's trail to the mouth of Indian, it was the second stream he would encounter. In returning, it would like- wise be the second stream. This circumstance may have suggested the name.

Emerging from this second gap, we have before us the plateau of the Sinks and in the distance is Bickett's Knob. In the foreground is the nearest approach to a glade to be found in the county. It is the nucleus of the great estate known as the Lewis place. This be- gan in 1751 with a survey of 1000 acres made by Andrew Lewis. Financial embarrassment finally threw it into other hands, yet it re- mains one undivided whole, and the most conspicuous instance of landlordism in Monroe. It would be better for the community if it were broken into small farms and carried on by their owners-

The glade we have mentioned is traversed by Second Creek. In the north are the ridges over which we passed on our way to the Cove. We can peer into the mouth of the valley drained by Big Devil Creek and its affluent, Little Devil Creek. Why these names came into being no one seems able to tell. They appear to be quite as old as that of Second Creek itself. There is a local song that runs somewhat as follows:

I lost my dog last Saturday night,

And where do you reckon I found him? Way down on Little Devil Creek,

With all the devils round him.

An uncanny tradition of the Lewis place tells of the grave of a man buried in a vertical position. The first burial near Lindside is said to have been that of an Estill girl, 13 years old, who was killed by the falling of a tree. Eads Mountain in the foreground recalls an incident. While Cornelius Vanstavern was walking across the ridge he met a wolf devouring a lamb, and killed the beast of prey with his heavy walking stick. On another occasion his dogs started a deer. He ran to the house for his rifle but could not find it. Presently he heard the report of the weapon followed by the voice of his mother telling him to fetch the deer she had shot.


The road to Union and thence to Willow Bend on Turkey Creek presents about the same features as the stretch from Sinks Grove to Pickaway. But beyond, the surface is more uneven. Our road parallels Little Mountain and follows a succession of streams, some minor elevations rising on our right. We pass through the hamlet of Rock Camp and the village of Lindside, make several fordings, and come in sight of where Peters Mountain suddenly breaks down to give passage to New River. When we come to the little stream known as Scott's Branch we are on the Virginia line. The strip between it and the river was once a part of Monroe and should not have been taken away. In the creek hollow below our road is Gray Sulphur Spring, once a summer resort but now only a mem- ory.

Trigger Run, the tributary of Scott's Branch that we have been following, was the home of Christian Peters, a local magnate of the early years of this county. The stream was named from a pioneer who tried to shoot an Indian, but the trigger of his gun would not work. This may have been of the nature of "buck ague." Near the head of the little run are traces of one of the several racetracks that were formerly in use.

From Peterstown it is five miles to the hamlet of Cashmere, formerly Brush Creek- Three miles beyond is the group of houses known as Ballard. We are now on the high plateau between New River and Hans Creek and can look far away in every direction. The sandy soil gives this upland an appearance quite different from the Sinks. It is a curious fact that as the New River is closely ap- proached the Appalachian region undergoes a change in its geology and consequently in its soils. One feels that he is coming into a different country. South of the river is greater mineral wealth, in- cluding some metals scarcely found to the north. This Quaking Asp tableland is thickly peopled and schoolhouses are not far apart.

Mr. Adair of this neighborhood has a unique but very efficient cistern. It is on a ridge, at a higher elevation than the house, and is fed by a concreted drainage area of 28 by 66 feet. Gravity con- ducts the abundant supply to the house, and the rain does not have to seep through birds' nests in eave gutters.


We are passing near the spot where occurred the only duel with a fatal ending that is known to local tradition- It took place about a century ago. While a resident of this county was visiting North Carolina, he was accused of being there to steal slaves. This led to a challenge and a duel and a North Carolina man was killed. Some time later his brother learned the whereabouts of the slayer and sent a challenge by a messenger. The Virginian said he did not wish to fight, but the message was peremptory and a meeting was arranged. It took place in a road on the line between Monroe and Summers, about seven miles from Peterstown and three from New River. The fight was to be with pistols and on horseback. During the interval between the challenge and the duel, the Virginian practiced with his own weapon until he could cut a rope dangling from a tree. The meeting was at sunrise. The North Carolina man arrived with a coffin carried in a wagon. The challenged man asked that the duel he called off. He said he would be sure to kill his adversary, and he did not wish to do so- The North Carolinian refused. He insisted on the fight and said the coffin was for the use of whichever man should be killed. The Virginian replied that his antagonist was the one who would need it. At the first fire the stranger fell dead, his own ball missing. Some thirty years later, the Virginian's principal, then advanced in years, consented to relate the incident to a young man, but exacted a promise that the latter should tell no one else during his lifetime. The man who was then young grew old and is no longer living. The name of the Monroe duelist is forgotten.

A little beyond Ballard the road takes a very decided drop to Red Sulphur Springs, but brings us back to the upland, and our next descent is to Hans Creek. In Revolutionary days the stream was called Hand's Creek, from one John Hand, a squatter and hunter who lived on its lower course. However, it is probable that his name was Hance, rather than Hand. An Adam Hance was a con- stable on New River in 1773. At the mouth of the stream is Grave- yard Hill, which rises island-like from an extent of bottom land- It is now three miles to Greenville. The bottoms on Indian are not


continuous, the high, slaty river-hills sometimes crowding very near to one another. In fact the lower valley of Indian Creek is the most broken part of the county.

Both the Indian and the Laurel, which unite at Greenville, are freakish in their behavior. When little over a mile from the vil- lage, Laurel runs squarely against a hill. The law of gravitation not permitting it to flow over the hill, it enters a cavern and comes out on the other side. But after a very short distance it resumes its subterranean career and does not again show itself until very close to its mouth. In the bottom above Greenville, Indian sends a por- tion of its waters into a hole on its south brink. As has been proved by experiments, these waters follow a transverse channel under the creek bed, join those of Laurel a little above the mouth of the lat- ter, and thus get back where they properly belong.

A mile from Greenville is Singing Cave, which has quite a little history. It is long and tortuous, is no longer traversed by a stream, and has two entrances. Saltpeter was made here from the time of the Revolution until nearly the close of the war of 1861- There may still be seen the rotting timbers of which the leaching vats were made; also mounds of leached earth and the perfectly distinct im- prints of horseshoes, horses having been used to haul out the salt- peter lye. The cavern is dry, and comes by its name from the sing- ing parties that have made its walls echo and re-echo. One instance of this kind was when a large band of Confederate troops entered the cave and sang their martial airs.

Saltpeter suggests gunpowder. Valentine Cook had a new pow- der mill in 1797. Another early maker of the article was Jacob Mann, whose mill stood near where the Thomas mill now is. He opened up a trade with the North Carolina people, who supplied him with lead brought from the mines in Wythe. This Carolina trade was large enough to give name to a road that passed by Sing- ing Cave. Mann's boys would sprinkle powder along an old race, fire it at one end, and then see who could first hit the other end of the trail. The father used for his blacksmith shop a cavern 150 yards below the mill at Hunter's Springs.


Panther Hollow on Indian derives its name from this circum- stance: John Miller heard a piece of bark fall from a tree, and looking up saw a puma known to the pioneers as panther or "painter" about to spring upon him. He immediately fired and killed the animal.

Adam Miller of the same clan was crossing Cumberland Moun- tain to visit a relative. He and his fellow traveler lodged for the night with a German family. One of the two grown daughters, ad- dressing her sister in her mother tongue, remarked that "the one with legs like a turkey gobbler is my fellow. You can have him. The other one with a nose like a turkey gobbler's snout is your fellow." Miller at once replied in the same language: "You have both done well. I congratulate you." Two bundles of feminine apparel made an abrupt dash through the door and were not again seen by the young men.

From Greenville there is a choice of roads to our starting point. One takes the valley of the Laurel, while the other attempts to fol- low the crooked course of Indian Creek, crossing the stream about as often as possible. On this road is the oldest Baptist house of worship within the present limits of Monroe. A little beyond is the hamlet of Hunter's Mill- Not far above is the stone house built by the first sheriff of this county. It dates from a few years before or a few years after the beginning of the nineteenth century. The walls are so sound and true that they look capable of standing for centuries yet to come. To this spot migrated Wallace Estill in 1773, coming a hundred miles from his earlier settlement on Bull- pasture River. He was then a man of seventy-five, yet there were left to him nearly twenty years in which to "grow up with the country," a consideration doubtless of less weight to himself than the fact of his numerous boys and girls, the youngest of whom were mere chil- dren. We are told of ghosts that have appeared on the farm, per- haps the "harnts" of those of Estill's slaves that lie buried near the bank of the creek. Or they may be the wraiths of some of the vanished red men. No portion of the county is richer in Indian legend than the valley of Indian Creek.


Midway on the road from Salt Sulphur to Union are many acres solidly covered with a tall, dense growth of stickweed. Even ninety years ago the pest was in evidence. It is described by Mrs. Royall as "pipestem," on account of the stiff stalks being then used as stems for tobacco pipes.

We are within sight of Green Hill, where we began our im- aginary tour. We close our chapter with the following words by a native of the county:

To those of us who are away from our native heath, it seems that the sun shines a little brighter, the grass grows a little greener, and the birds sing a little sweeter in Old Monroe. No mountains look half so grand and majestic as those that rear their heads over the beautiful valleys and look down upon the homes of a happy and contented people, such as are found in God's own country.



National Derivation of the Monroe Families Lists of Surnames The Recent Influx A Forward Look.

PPALACHIAN AMERICA is today the most American part of the United States, and yet the Americans are a a composite people. Their language and their institu- tions are derived from England, although more than half of the American stock is non-English.

A great share of the province of Ulster in the north of Ireland was confiscated by the English government and colonized with a new population. This was mainly from the southwest of Scotland. The newcomers were joined by many families from the north of Eng- land and the Highlands of Scotland, and by a few Welch and Hu- guenots. Not a few of the native Irish accepted the Presbyterian creed of the immigrants and blended with them. The general fusion is commonly but not very correctly called the Scotch-Irish people. It was these people from Ulster who took the lead in settling the Appalachian country. They were joined by many of the English- Americans from the coast and by much of the German immigration, which, like that from Ulster, was very large between 1725 and 1775- Among them were also a few Hollanders from New York. The French names occurring in America before the Revolution be- long either to the Norman-French families that had been in the British Isles for centuries, or to the Huguenot families, who as Protestants had been driven from their native land by religious per- secution. After the Revolution some of the French soldiers who had served in that war preferred to stay in America. About 7000 of the Hessian mercenaries who had served in the British army also remained.


It is extremely difficult to apportion the Monroe surnames among the various nationalities represented. The Scottish Lowland is an English-speaking region, and some surnames are found on both sides of the boundary. Our list of Scotch names should doubtless be somewhat increased at the expense of the English. The names from Ireland, Wales, and Holland are more readily distinguished, because each country has its own language. As to the German names, some have taken on a thoroughly English form. Instances are Baker, Friend, Haynes, Hull, Mann, Peck, and Stephenson. In fact there are Manns in Mfonroe of English origin as well as German, and there are Millers of Scotch as well as German origin.

Our list of Scotch names is as follows: Alexander, An- derson, Archey, Arnot, Ballantyne, Bickett, Black, Blanton, Bow- yer, Burns, Byrnside, Callaway, Campbell, Cantley, Carden, Carlisle, Chambers, Charlton, Christy, Clark, Connor, Crosier, Curry, Dicken- son, Dickson, Dunbar, Duncan, Dunlap, Dunn, Dunsmore, Erskine, Farmbrough, Flint, Forlander, Gilchrist, Given, Graham, Hamilton, Hand, Handley, Henderson, Higgenbotham, Hogshead, Honaker, Houston, Humphreys, Irons, Jamieson, Jarrell, Johnson, Johnston, Karnes, Keaton, Kitchen, Longanacre, Malcom, McCartney, MJc- Claugherty, M,cCoy, McCreery, McDonald, McDowell, McGhee, McGlamery, MeMann, McNeer, McNutt, McPherson, Milburn, Neal, Neel, Nelson, Nettles, Nickell, Parker, Patton, Pritt, Pyles, Rainey, Reaburn, Reed, Rowan, Scott, Soward, Steele, Stever, Stodg- hill, Tackett, Thompson, Tomlinson, Wilson, Wylie.

As English names we list these: Abbott, Alderson, Alford, Ap- pling, Baber, Barnett, Beard, Benson, Biggs, Bland, Blank- enship, Boggess, Boon, Bostick, Bradley, Brooking, Brown, Budd, Caruthers, Coalter, Cook, Copeland, Cornwell, Correll, Cummings, Dransfield, Early, Echols, Edgar, Ellis, Ellison, Ewing, Foster, Gray, Green, Groves, Gullett, Hale, Halstead, Hancock, Harvey, Hawkins, Hereford, Hill, Hjnes, Hodge, Houchins, Hunter, Hutchinson, Jen- nings, Keadle, Keatley, Keyes, Lanius, Lawrence, Leach, Lee, Legg, Linton, Lively, Lobban, Maddeson, Maddox, Massy, Osborne, Pack,


Prentice, Riner, Roach, Robinson, Rolston, Rushbrook, Sawyers, Scarborough, Shanklin, Shires, Smith, Smithson, Symms, Tapscott, Taylor, Tracy, Turpin, Waite, Walker, Warren, Willey, Willis, Wiseman, Woods, Woodson, Woodville, Wright, Young-

As German names we count Baker, Bare, Beamer, Beckner, Bit- tenger, Broyles, Carnifax, Comer, Conrad, Counts, Crebs, Ensmin- ger, Fleshman, Hansbarger, Haynes, Hedrick, Holsapple, Hoylman, Hull, Keister, Keller, Kessinger, Maddy, Mann, Miller, Moss, Peck, Pence, Peters, Pitzer, Riffe, Ruddle, Skaggs, Spade, Stephen- son, Wanstaff, Wickline, Weikel, Winebrenner, Zoll. Other names which would seem to belong here are Best, Costler, Friend, Gatliff, Harper, Hinchman, Magnet, Ruth, Tincher.

As Irish names we have Beirne, Boyd, Bryan, Cochran, Dillon, Doran, Dowdy, Eagan, Farley, Kean, Keenan, Kilpatrick, Lafferty, Lynch, Murphy, Parke, Pharr, Ryan, Shanton, Sullivan, Swinney.

The French names, including those thoroughly naturalized in the British Isles, are Adair, Burdette, Caperton, DeHart, Dubois, Es- till, Fitzpatrick, Larew, Lewis, Mitchell, Morton, Pyne, Shumate, So- vain, Tiffany, Wallace.

Welch names are Ballard, Evans, Gwinn, Hank, Jones, Rodgers, Thomas, Vawter, Williams.

Holland appears to contribute only Summers and Vanstavern.

From distant Poland comes the name Crotshin.

Many names, both British and non-British, have undergone change in spelling. Some of these instances are as follows, the old forms being shown in brackets.

Baker (Becker) Holsapple (Holzapfel "Wood-

Beamer (Boehmer)* apple")

Bostick (Bostwick) Hull (Hohl)

Broyles (Bruehl) Larew (La Rue)

Cochran (Corcoran) Mitchell (Michel)

♦In the German language oe and ue appear as dotted o and dotted u. Boehmer is therefore spelled with six letters instead of seven.



Counts (Kuntz) Estill (d'Estelle) Fleshman (Fleischmann) Hansbarger (Hensperger) Haynes (Heyn)

Miller (Mueller) Neel (Neill) Nickell (Nichol) Swope (Schwab) Wickline (Wicklein) Zoll (von Zoll) Some of the Monroe surnames often appear in the old papers in a different orthographic guise than at present. Such differences are of another nature than those just mentioned, which relate to their derivation. The more conspicuous of the old spellings are these :


Nale (for Neel)



Syers (for Sawyers)




Sturgeon (for Stodghill)


Burdit (also Burdet)


Deboy (also Deboie)



Grimes (for Graham)





Kountz (also Kouns)

The distintinction between Johnyon and Johnston was seldom observed, the second form being generally used- Willey, Wiley, and Wylie were also used interchangeably. But perhaps no name had more liberties taken with it than Swope. Such forms as Swobe, Soab, and even Soap and Soaps are more generally seen.

Ever since the formation of Monroe there has been a steady and considerable movement into the county from the eastward. But very few of these immigrants have been of European birth. Since the present century began there has been quite an influx from Floyd and neighboring counties and from the nearby coal districts to the southwest. This new element has become quite conspicuous in sev- eral neighborhoods.


On the other hand there has been from the first years of settle- ment a large and constant outflow. At the outset this movement helped to settle the newer counties of West Virginia, the valley of East Tennessee, and the Bluegrass region of Kentucky. It has kept step with the westward march of the American nation, so that people of Monroe birth or ancestry are scattered throughout the Missis- sippi basin, the Gulf States, and the Pacific Slope. In recent years the tide has turned eastward also, and families from this county are finding new homes in the Valley of Virginia and east of the Blue Ridge.

Under the economic conditions which thus far obtain in the United States, the strictly rural county never becomes thickly peo- pled- One of its functions is to serve as a nursery ground for the filling up of newer localities and the commercial and industrial cen- ters.

In 1800 the population of the present Monroe area was prob- ably about 3300. In 1910 the number was 13,055. Thus, in spite of the very heavy emigration from the county, and the absence, with one relatively small exception, of any commercial town, the pop- ulation has doubled every 55 years. The natural increase has been large, although a lessening in the rate is now observable. This cir- cumstance, together with the increasing loudness of the call of the city and the attractiveness of other agricultural fields, has caused the very slight decrease between 1900 and 1910. In no previous de- cade has any falling off occurred.

The outflow from this county represents a population probably not less than five times greater than that of the county itself. The broader opportunities outside have enabled many of the sons and daughters of Monroe to win fame or fortune, or both. It would be inspiring as well as interesting to make a far-reaching search for these instances, and thus construct a Monroe "hall of fame." But only some of the more conspicuous of these examples could be men- tioned. Our space did not permit us to make much excursion beyond the county limits-

We may expect Monroe to remain one of the most American of


American counties. Tine lack of great mineral wealth tends to keep at a distance the demoralization observable in the coal and oil dis- tricts. The grazing interest will remain dominant, and yet the growing need of more intensive farming throughout our country will at length arrest the stationary tendency of the population of Mon- roe. Scientifically constructed highways, to obviate the mud block- ade of the winter season, will gradually appear. A further increase in the steam railroad mileage is less probable than the building of a trolley line through the longer dimension of the county. This would afford a very practical outlet and would give the now almost dor- mant resorts a new lease of life. The rural school in America suf- fers from a lack of sympathetic interest because it is lagging behind its opportunities. Its best friends will eventually succeed in bring- ing it into harmony with the times and to the great advantage of the rural neighborhoods. The Monroe of the present is a decided advance upon the Monroe of the pioneer. The Monroe of the fu- ture will record still further progress.



HE history of Old Monroe goes back a century and a half. All this while there has been much coming in and there has been very much going out. Because of this great outward drift few family groups have become numerous. Not a few of the old families have become extinct on Monroe soil or nearly so. These facts are called up to account for the very large number of family names.

We have sought to carry the lines of family descent far enough down to enable the growing generation to perceive easily its own relationship with those that to all intents and purposes have passed off the stage of action. Behind this limit the genealogic facts are scarcely subject to any further change. In front of this limit they are all the while undergoing further change, because births, marri- ages, and changes of residence are still taking place. These two classes of genealogic facts we may distinguish as historic and cur- rent. We know of the historic data by records and tradition. But records are liable to sudden and irreparable destruction, and tradi- tion fades in amount and trustworthiness with every passing year. On the other hand, the current facts are a matter of everyday knowl- edge on the part of the community, and so for a while they are able to take care of themselves.

It would have been a satisfaction to carry the lines of family descent forward to the year of publication, provided full and ac- curate results we're obtainable. Such an effort would include full particulars as to dates of all kinds and facts relating to residence and occupation. In a book, booklet, or newspaper article confined to some one family such fullness is aimed at, and the narrative is usu- ally given in what is called the loose form. This is an excellent style, since it is the way in which a story it naturally told. But


it eats up space. Had the family sketches in this book been written in such a manner, there would be no room for anything else at all.

It was necessary to do one of two things; to leave a large ma- jority of the families without any special mention whatever, or to use a compact, tabular form of narrative and not go much outside of what we have called the historic class of data. We chose the latter alternative. Yet the question of space was not the only con- sideration. This volume is put out at the lowest living price, even if some persons who know nothing of the cost of getting up a book appear to think otherwise. Consequently the work had to be done with- in a definite time and the size of the book had to be kept within a certain limit. To collect and arrange family history on a thorough- going scale was beyond the power of any man in a single year. To give another year to the task and to double the pages in this his- tory would treble the cost of the book because the increase in price would curtail the number of purchasers. The course we pursued was the only one open to us.

It may appear to some persons that we have shown favoritism by tracing some family lines farther than others- We wished to construe our own rule in a liberal manner and include some current data with the historic. In some instances we could not do this and purely for the reason that sufficient information was not at hand. In some cases the information was very deficient.

While going through record-books, newspaper files, and other sources, all the genealogic facts that seemed to relate to Monroe families were transferred to our card system. Sometimes much was gleaned and sometimes very little, but no partiality was practiced. To supplement what could thus be gathered, letters of information were repeatedly and urgently asked for through the columns of the "Monroe Watchman." We did not make a general solicitation by means of personal letters, because we did not wish to appear too inquisitive or persistent. We preferred to leave the matter to the self-interest of the people, so that they might feel free to send such material as they preferred. The responses were numerous and gen- erally excellent, but there were not enough of them. Shortages will


now and then appear in the sketches themselves, and in case of some old families there is no special mention. There are persons in or out of the county who could have done very much to supply these deficiences- Through procrastination or indifference much help has been withheld. Some readers of this book will be chagrined at their own remissness, or at the remissness of kindred better informed than themselves. The author is not a mind reader and could not put down what he did not find or what had not been furnished to him.

It is exceedingly easy for error to creep into dates and proper names. Therefore we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the details found in this chapter. We have, however, done the very best we knew how with the material secured. Furthermore, it is to be re- membered that two sources of information are not likely to agree throughout, and that errors exist in the public records themselves.

This history of Monroe does not by any means assume to contain an account of all the famliies that are or have been identified with the county. In a genealogical way it is a source-book designed to be of service to persons who desire to trace family lines more thor- oughly than has been possible to us. In the author's notes are many facts which do not admit of easy classification, and they have not been put into the book. For a nominal charge such material will be furnished to persons desiring it.

The attention of the reader is also called to the general intro- duction to this volume-

The tabular form of narrative that we use makes necessary cer- tain abbreviations and fixed forms of expression. To illustrate these, a fictitious family history is now given. The explanation will be found immediately below.

DOE: John (b. 1750) (Celia— d. 1800) C: James (1775-1850) (

Smith) Jane (s) Adam ( PMary Poe) Henry (Nancy Poe, 1810, Sarah Bee, 1820)— Thomas (dy)— William— Catharine?

C. of James: Joseph (k. '62), Philip (k. '61), Dr. Richard (away) George (d. 1820) (app. $100)— bro. to John C: Moses (m. Ky)— Seth (unc) Nimrod (Mary Beck Smith).

Explanation: John Doe, a pioneer of Monroe, was born in 1750.


The given name of his wife was Celia, and she died in 1800. Their children, so far as known, were James, Jane, Adam, Henry, Thomas, and William. It is probable that there was also a Catharine. James was born 1775, died 1850, and married a Smith, her given name be- ing unknown. Jane lived single. A certain Adam Doe married Mary Poe, but the question mark shows that it may have been an- other Adam Doe A question mark after Poe would mean that Adam may have married Mary Poe, although we have no assurance that he ever married at all. Henry was twice married; to Nancy Poe in 1810 and to Sarah Bee in 1820- Thomas died in early manhood. Names of persons dying in childhood are not included in our lists. Of William nothing is known. He may not have grown up.

Joseph, son of James, was killed in the war of 1861 and in the year 1862. Philip was killed in the same war, the exact year being unknown. Richard is a physician and lives out of the county.

George was a brother to John the pioneer. He died in 1820 and his personalty was appraised at $100. His sons were Moses, Seth, and Nimrod. Moses married in Kentucky, Seth is unaccount- ed for, and Nimrod married a widow, whose maiden name Was Mary Beck.

In the sketches a county name is not followed by the name of the state when the county is in either of the Virginias. The name of a well known local stream is not generally followed by the word river or stream. Names of children are given in order of age when- ever our information permits- Nicknames or pet names are avoided except in case of uncertainty. Polly is not usually given for Mary, because in the early time there might be a Mary and a Polly in the same family. A date standing without special explanation means we find mention in said year. Thus, "John Smith Indian, 1800," means that John Smith was living on Indian Creek in 1800. Abbre- viations not already pointed out are these: adj. adjacent to; m married; w wife, c (following a date) means that the date is an approximation.

******** ABBOTT

Joseph (d. 1852) (Jemima ) : C— St. Clair— Wilson— John (Esther


Farley, 1807) Lucinda Joseph Sophia (George W. Hutchinson, 1830) Esther (John Roberts, 1829).


The progenitor of the Adairs followed William the Conqueror to Eng- land in 1066. A descendant moved from the southwest of Scotland to county Antrim, Ireland, and thence William, a Presbyterian minister, who had been educated at Glasgow College, came to Philadelphia. As an Irish patriot and obnoxious to the British government he had to flee his native country hidden in a barrel and he never ceased to be bitterly hos- tile to England. He was sent as a missionary to Monroe, Greenbrier, and Pocahontas. Both he and his wife Ellen often prayed that the death angel would call for them at the same time. Their petition was answered and they were buried at New Lebanon in 1848.

James, a brother, arrived later and settled near William. His sons, William and James, Jr., located at Red Sulphur Springs, where they were prominent and prosperous citizens and conducted a large mercantile es- tablishment many years. William was for a long time owner and man- ager of Red Sulphur Springs resort, was a man of large influence and re- peatedly represented Monroe county in the Virginia Legislature. C. of James, Sr., (1761-1809) (Mary Wallace): William (1804-1887) (Sarah Harvey) James (1807-1868) (Jane R. Smart Robert Mary Jane

C. of William. James H., Robert C, John R, Walter S., L. C.

C. of James: Asa R., Robert W. (b. 1848) (Julia Bane), Hugh T, John A., Mary J., James A., Maniliu's C. Robert W. settled near Cash- mere in 1874. C: Willie, Nancy B., Asa., Hugh H.

In 1812 one William (Catharine) was living on the Penturff patent at the head of Second. An older William died in Augusta in 1763 leaving a library of religious and medical books. He was one of the earliest set- tlers.


John (1738-1821), the pioneer of this family in Monroe, wa's a son of John (1719-1781) who was a native of England and a son of John, a clergyman of the Church of England. The second John was about to take a matrimonial choice which his father disapproved. With the view of breaking the attachment, the parent gave the son a horse and some pocket money as a means of traveling around his native country. After he had used up his money, including that derived from the sale of the horse, he came to America as a redemptioner and was bought by a Mr. Curtis of New Jersey After his release from service, the young man married his master's daughter and became a Baptist preacher. A letter to his father brought a kind response and two volumes on theology, which books have been passed along from generation to generation. This sec-


ond John came to Rockingham in 1755, but died in Botetourt, where he was a merchant. Other sons were Curtis, James, and Thomas. The last named also lived here a while but left no posterity in this region.

The third John (Mary Carroll, 1759) was preaching for the Baptist congregation on Linville Creek in 1775. After two missionary trips to the Greenbrier he came permanently in 1777, and built his house where now stands the Alderson Hotel in the town of Alderson. His patent overlap- ping that of Samuel Lewis just below, he extended his boundary into the hills south of the river. His brother-in-law, William Morris, had also a patent of 1200 acres and it lay across the river. As pastor of Old Green- brier Church, and founder of the Baptist Church in the Greenbrier valley, the Rev. John Alderson is spoken of in Chapter XXIII. C: George (1762-

1811c) ( Osborne of Jo'siah)— Joseph (b. 1771) (Mary Newman, 1789)

—Margaret (1778-1869) (Thomas Smithson)— Jane (b. 1780) (William McClung)— John (1783-1853) (Jane Walker, 1805, Nancy Robinson Mays)

George moved to Kanawha, where he was a justice. George's Creek was named for him. John, Jr., lived on the homestead, and Joseph a mile south.

C. of George: John (Frances Alderson, 1815) Levi (Clementina Al- derson)— James O. (Abigail McClung) Polly ( McClung). J. O.

was the father of Rev. James G. and Margaret.

C. of Joseph: George (b. 1789) ( McCreery, Davis)

Sarah (Thomas Smithson) Mary (b. 1793) ( Lewis) Martha

(s) Margaret (William Feamster) Newman (s) Joseph K. (s) Lewis A. (1812-1880) (Lucy B. Miles, Eliza Coleman). George was a Colonel in Fayette and the father of 23 children. The Rev. L. A., who took the master's degree at the University of Ohio in 1832 and was ordained the next year, was the first native Baptist preacher in Virginia who was a college graduate. He was principal of the Monroe Academy, 1834-6 and 1840-43, meanwhile preaching in the vicinity. In 1858 he went to Kansas, where he was offered the presidency of several colleges. It has been said of him that "the world might soon become converted if there were more such noble-hearted, self-sacrificing Christian men."

C. of John: Malinda (b. 1805) (James Callison, 1840)— Albert (b. 1807) (Matilda Hines) Louisa (Aaron Newman, 1829) Evaline (Thomas D. Crews, 1834)— John (b. 1812) (Harriet E. Johnson, 1839)— Mary (An- drew Ellis, 1834) ; by 2d w— Jane (b. 1824) (Joseph A. Huffman, 1847) Amanda (Samuel Carraway, 1847) Catharine (A. Jackson Smith, 1843) —Elizabeth (William Gray)— Lucy (1831-1899) (Joseph P. Hines) George (b. 1833) (Mary J. Hines, Virginia M. Stevens Boyd).

C. of George of John: Charles O. (dy) Emma C. Ida N. By 2d w. —I. Cary— Bernard C. (1870-1905)— George (1875-1907)— Virginia S. (Charles B. Rowe, 1907). Both George and George, Jr., have represented


Monroe in the legislature. I. Cary was graduated from Hampden-Sidney College and in law from the University of Virginia. He practiced at Logan and was president of the Guyan Valley Bank. Bernard C. was a graduate of West Virginia and Chicago universities, and for two years instructor in Latin and Greek at the former. In 1900 he and Emma C. organized the Alderson Baptist Academy, in which the latter is still a teacher.

C. of Albert of John: Joseph K. (m. in Tex.) Mary A. (

Higgens) Catharine (James Bobbitt) Margaret ( Foster)

Frances ( Keaton) John W. ( Garstang) Henry C.

(dy) Amanda (dy) Susan (Jackson Bledsoe). Most of the above went to Texas. J. W. returned, built the Alderson Hotel, and it is still car- ried on by the widow.

C. of John of John: Elizabeth J. (DeWitt Smith) Sophronia (Chris- topher Ballard) William David Ellen Harriet. John and the four younger of his family went to Missouri before 1860.


This family was the first to settle where the county seat was estab- lished. Owing also to its intermarriages with other leading families of Monroe, the Alexander connection has been very prominent in local an- nals. James, Sr., who lived in Beverly Manor, is mentioned there as early as 1746 and was a captain in the Old French war. James, Jr., (1750- 1814) visited this region before his settlement in 1773. He located on land which he understood was to be conveyed by a man from Pennsylvania, but that personage failed to appear. His first house was built on the hill just east of Union. The second year he started for the Valley, and from the summit of a knob the couple saw their cabin in flames. It was the year of the Dunmore war. The second house was built on what be- came the main street of Union, and th third, "Old Hundred," was low down on the western slope of Green Hill. It was afterward the home of Matthew Alexander, and was burned several years ago. The ceme- tery at the top of the knob is on land granted by the pioneer. He was a member of the Greenbrier court in 1784 and was sheriff in 1793. Two years before Union was founded he took out a tavern license. His wife was Isabella Erskine. C: Andrew (b. 1773) (Phoebe Bracken, 1805) Jane (b. 1775) (Alexander Dunlap)— Catharine (b. 1776) (Richard Shank- ing—Matthew (1777-1825) (Elizabeth J. Marshall)— Michael (1779-1857) (Mary Benson, 1801)— Henry (1782-1866) (Elizabeth Cathron, Frances P. Burrell) Elizabeth (John Byrnside) Mary (Henley Chapman)

Jane, Catharine, Henry, and Michael had each a James, and by will each of these grandsons had a legacy of $50.

C. of Andrew: Mary A. (Hugh McClaugherry, 1828)— Rebecca B. (b. 1811) (Samuel Kean, 1837)— Isabella (Michael Cotton, 1835)— Cath-


arine (Stephen Wright) Jane (W. G. Henderson) Malvina (William Byrnside, Saunders).

C. of Matthew: James (d. 1854) (Ingabo ) Matthew John

Catharine (Joseph Porter, 1807)— Mary (Robert B. Wallace, 1808)— An- drew— daughter (Robert Ross) daughter (George W. Curry).

C. of Michael: John E. (Jane Miller) Mary M. James A. Cath- arine A. (William H. Shanklin, 1831) Jabin B. Isabella E. (Benjamin F. Steele)— Delilah (George Beirne, 1827, Hugh Caperton).

C. of Henry (by 1st w.) : Charles C. (s)— Isabella (Rev. John Pink- erton)— James H. (1810-1866) (s)— Elizabeth (Newton E. Keenan, 1834) Frances C. (Lewis E. Caperton) Harriet B. (William G. Caperton)

C. of J. E. of Michael: James R. (Elizabeth Baldwin, 1855)— Mary J. (John Ross)— Michael C. (Sarah McFadden)— Jabin B. (s)— Delilah C. (John Miller)— John M. (Annie E. Zoll, 1872)— Margaret E. (Fred- erick D. Wheelwright, 1869)— Madison S. (Isabella Zoll).

C. of Michael C. of J. E.— William M., Elizabeth, Libbie, Kyle.

Rev. William M. Alexander, D. D. was born in Union in 1861. He was graduated from the Washington and Lee University in 1884 and from Union Theological Seminary in 1887. He was chosen moderator of the 55th General Association of the Southern Presbyterian Church and is well qualified for such a position.


John (Jane) came from Rockingham during or just after the Revolu- tion. C: Thomas (1771-1853) (Phoebe Cummins)— John (1773-1853) (Mar- garet ) James Margaret Sarah (James Ellis) Jane.

C. of Joseph (d. 1830c) (Jane) : James, John, Nancy, Lois, Robert, Polly, Joseph.

ANDERSON C. of John A. (Susan McMann) : Ednonia (Robert Ralston), Ada, Ar- thur C, Susan, James (Birdie Hoylman), Homer (Minnie Parker), Mamie

(Otey Bland), Ella ( Wickline), Cora (William Hoylman,

Boone), John (Ida Nicely).

APPLING David (1802-1884), was a native of Amherst. C— R. C. and W. T.


Charles S. (1809c-1901) (Francena Shirey, Isabel Neal Poole) came from Virginia in his youth.


Henry (1761-1847) when 18 years old ran away from his home in New Jersey to join the army of the Revolution. With his wife, Elizabeth Trues-


dale, he came here in 1793 and settled on Swope's Knobs, about 3 miles west of Union. C: Elizabeth (b. 1781) (Matthew Wood, 1799)— Martha (b. 1786) (Charles Neal, 1802)— Deborah (b. 1787) (Walter Neal, 1804) —William T. (b. 1789-1863) (Mary Garten, 1812, Lucinda Handley, 1817) —Henry (b. 1791) (Mary Phillips, 1815)— Sarah (b. 1795) (Joseph Baker, 1834)— Almeda (b. 1799) Levi Canterbury, 1816. The couple were de- vout Methodists and as long as they were able would walk long distances to attend religious meetings.

C. of William T.— Jesse (1812-1896) (Mary E. Hanley)— Jacob (Re- becca Thomas)— Anderson (1816-1892) (Mary J. Hill). By 2d w.— Mary (1819-1908) (John Maddy, Jr.)— Elizabeth (1820-1907) (John Mc- Neer)— Margaret (1824-1908) (Charles Maddy)— James W. (1826-1894) (Derinda Ross)— Elisha T. (1829-1910) (Ruth A. Miller, 1853)— Martha A. (John P. Maddy)— William H. (1833-1910) (Martha Coalter)— Re- becca (1837-1910) (Isaac F. Ballard).

C. of Elisha T. (m. 1853): Estill M. (s)— Lycurgus B. (Mary E. Cummins) J. William (Rose V. Lively) Ella M. (Dewey E. Pence) Charles (Mabel E. Johnson) S. Pemberton (Stella M Varner).

Another Arnot was John, who came from Sussex Co., N. J., and pur- chased land in Gap Valley in 1792. Some of his children married into neighboring families.

Jesse Arnot built with very limited resources the first stone building at Salt Sulphur Springs. In 1834 he went to Glasgow, Mo., and estab- lished himself in the stage business, which he pursued with great success, carrying the mails over a wide area. In 1848 he removed to St. Louis and for nearly 50 years conducted the livery business on a large scale in that city. His name is connected with many of the enterprises which are associated with the growth of St. Louis, yet he never purshed himself to the front except in his private business. He was a Freemason and Odd Fellow, a member of the Merchants' Exchange, and a lifelong Methodist. He was very charitable, especially toward orphans and the aged and friendless. It was through his exertions that the Methodist Orphan's Home of St. Louis was established in 1883, and he was a heavy subscriber to the fund for its maintenance. On Mr. Arnot was conferred the honor of burying President Lincoln at Springfield, 111.

Charles, son of Elisha T, went to Nebraska in 1887, where he has been very prominent as an educator. During eight years he was county superintendent of Dodge county. For the same length of time he was in charge of the schools of Schuyler, where he won very high commendation. Recently he has gone into the banking business.


Powhatan (1824-1900) (Caroline Tuggle)— came from Bedford in 1830


Disciples minister of Red Sulphur Dist. C: George Rev. Granville Charles A. (Jennie Miller of W. F.).

C. of Granville: Mattie (E. L. Dunn)— Emma V. (J. P. Williams) Frances (Charles Caldwell)— Ella N. (Charles M. Via).


About 1787 Jacob came with the Lewis family from the Valley of Vir- ginia and was the first professional baker employed at Sweet and Sweet Chalybeate Springs. Later he settled on the Faudree farm four miles west of Sweet Springs. He married Christina C. Goliday (1761c-1851) who never learned to speak English. Their son Jacob (Polly Hull, 1811) was born here in 1788 and died 1860. C: John (Nancy Calwell) George

W. (Mary Carter) David (Rachel Tigert) Henry ( Argabrite)

Lewis (Catharine Worsham) Anderson (Mary Griffith) Chapman (Ann Griffith) Mary (Peter Carter) Elizabeth (Conrad Piles) Catharine (Adam Piles) .

C. of John: W. A. (Catharine Lugar)— C. O. (Caroline Kelly)

George (Mattie Lugar) David O. ( Jones) Joseph B. (Nicatia

Baker, Amanda Wickline) J H. (Mary E. Eggleston) Julia A. (John H. Cook)— Mary E. (Daniel S. Wickline)— Amanda C. (F. L. Beckner) Eliza J. (John E. Wickline, Jr.) .

Another Baker was David (d. 1840) C: Jacob, Catharine (

Ragland), Anne, Madison, Sarah. Still another was Frederick, naturalized 1811, d. 1830 (Elizabeth)— C: John— Frederick (Nancy Rains)— Joseph- Sarah (Jacob Pyles, 1818)— Elizabeth ( Given).


Andrew and his wife, Agnes Smart, and their four children came from Dundee, Scotland, to Norfolk in 1801, and thence to the Sinks of Monroe. Their friends, Andrew Miller, May Broady, and others, came by the same ship and others had preceded them. Ballantyne was a skilled weaver. And like a true Scotchman of his time he was a great reader and student, es- pecially of the Bible. For many years he taught in an old schoolhouse that stood close to his home near Hillsdale. He and Andrew and James Miller would regularly walk to one another's homes on Sunday, a circuit of 10 miles, for the purpose of religious worship. They were elders of the first session after the Lebanon brick church was completed. The three daughters were as fond of reading as their parent. In order that a bor- rowed book might be promptly returned, they would read at night what their father had read by day. Their books, heavy both in binding and subject matter, are still in possession of their descendants. They also de- lighted in feats of memory. One of these was committing the 119th psalm, the Shorter and Longer Catechisms, and much of the Presbyterian Con- fession of Faith. C: Jean (Michael Beamer, 1824)— Elspeth (b. 1796)


(Philip Beamer, Jr.) Catharine (Robert Boyd) Robert (Mary Harper) Marjorie (born at sea 1801) (John Crawford).

C. of Robert: Isabel, Jeanetta, Elizabeth, Calvin, Andrew, James, Mad- ison, John. Andrew was a Methodist local preacher. Madison lost a leg at Cedar Creek and later became editor of the "Milton Star" at Milton, W. Va. His parents removed to the West.


William (1732-1799) (Elizabeth Step, d. 1830) was one of the 10 child- ren of William, Sr., who came from Scotland to the vicinity of where after- ward arose the city of Washington. With several of his brothers he served in the American Army of the Revolution. Shortly after that event he left his home on the Rapidan and after a short stay in Albemarle he jour- neyed to Indian Creek with two horses, one cow, and a few household goods, arriving at Benjamin Harvey's on Christmas night, 1793. He ac- quired no realty. The years in which he was born and died were precisely the same as in the case of the Father of his Country. C: Johnson (Ky.) Jeremiah (1777-1867) (Jaley Thompson) Lucy (John Stodghill, John Good- all)— Millie (Jacob Mann, 1804)— William (1784-1880) (Mollie Snow) Nancy (William Farrell)— Mollie (Mathias Kessinger, 1803)— Willis (1791- 1880) (Isabel Thompson, 1813)— James (Jennie Keaton, 1804).

C. of Jeremiah: Elizabeth (Andrew Campbell) Margaret (Anderson Keaton, 1831, Robert D. Shanklin)— John (b. 1818) (Jane Dennis)— Bald- win (b. 1821) (Emily Mann, 1847) (Leah Mann, 1850)— Riley (1823-1915) (Amanda Cummings) Lewis (d. 1906) (Malinda J. Spangler, 1854) Mary (1830-1914) (John Hecht)— Frank (1833-1915) (Lizzie Chapman, 1866).

C. of Baldwin: Allen T. by 2d w. Simpson S. (s) Marion C. (Kate Humphreys, 1878) Henry (Jennie McNeer, 1885) Jeremiah (Amanda Burdett, 1883, Mamie Hinkle, 1913) Margaret (Charles Lingo) Wallace (Cornelia Humphreys) Isaac N. (Kate M. Walkup, 1893) Emma A. (Henderson Reed) Charles S. (Ida Borden, Nancy Buchanan).

C. of Frank: India W., Don B., Cora, Eva L., Roland E.

Willis and Jeremiah purchased in 1817 of the heirs of Daniel Jarrell, 280 acres for $350. This property still remains in the Willis branch. *

C. of Willis: Thompson (b. 1814) (Anna Miller, 1841)— Elizabeth (Henly Mann, 1833)— George (1819-1879) (Delilah Mann, 1838)— Wil- liam (1821-1914) (Elizabeth Riner, 1914)— Harrison (Huldah Mann, 1847) —Susan (1826-1914) (Samuel Miller)— Sylvester (Lucinda Riner, 1848) Nancy (1830-1904) (Eli Mann, 1850)— Hugh (b. 1836) (Rachel Mann, 1866). All these sons except Hugh, who had the homestead, opened new farms on Stinking Lick.

C. of Thompson: Overton (d. '63), Willia, (d. '62), Isabella (b. 1844) (Lewis Campbell), John T. (b. 1845), Ellen (Dayton Humphreys), Mil-


lard F. (Lydia Keatly), James K. (Mary Campbell), Agnes (Henry Wills), Sarah A. (James McClaugherty).

C. of George: Polly (1839-1861) (Garland Hurt), Isabella (Henry Humphreys), James (Mary Wills), Clayton (Ellen Spangler), Jarrett (Mary Spangler), Gaston (Catharine Spangler, Molly Thompson)

C. of William: Marinda (b. 1849) (Lewis Ellison), Amanda (Hen- derson Barton) Molly (John Spangler), Juretta (William Keatly), Mar- tha (John Keatly).

C. of Harrison: Maston (b. 1848) ( Barton, Ruth Smith),

Mary (Wilson Davis), Isabella (Benjamin Tinsley), Delilah (Lewis Mea- dows), Nelson (Elizabeth Hanks), Grant (Lidia Bonham), Sylvester (


C. of Sylvester: George (Margaret Thompson).

C. of Hugh: Oliver (Kate Broyles), Molly (F. G. Lilly), Annie L. (Sylvester A. Miller).

The Ballards are remarkable for longevity and they constitute a nu- merous connection. The five brothers of William, Jr., came to Monroe before he did, but we have little knowledge of them. Curtis (Esther) moved from Hans Creek to Ohio in 1810. His daughter Sarah married Isaac Hutchinson in 1801.

Baldwin Ballard, 95 years of age as we go to press, is of striking per- sonality and has had an eventful career. A white swelling in his ankle made him a cripple at the age of 12. A few years later he removed a splintered bone by the free use of a razor and kept on hoeing corn to the close of the day. He learned to sew and to weave and followed the tail- oring trade more than 20 years, doing much of his work at the homes of his patrons. He thus traveled much territory on the east of the lower course of the Greenbrier. In partnership with his brother John he pur- chased in 1845 the farm on which he now lives. Previous to the war he carried on for a while a mercantile career in connection with his tailor- ing business. The latter came to an end with the appearance of ready- made clothing in the stores. Mr. Ballard was one of the three men at Greenville who voted against secession. His lameness rendered him ex- empt from military service but his opposition to the Confederate cause was uncompromising. His unconcealed sympathy with the North made his po- sition a trying one, yet he did not discriminate in the matter of hospitality. Many a time Confederate soldiers ate at his table while at the same time Union soldiers or runaways were concealed in the loft. On one occasion he was brought into Greenville under arrest and for a while it looked as though he would be hanged, but the intercession of neighbors who nev- ertheless were of Confederate feeling caused him to be let off with a lec- ture and a warning. At another time he was fired upon and his horse wounded. During the reconstruction period he was six years a justice of the peace and it has been his boast that not one of his decisions was ever


reversed by a higher court. Mr. Ballard has been very successful as a business man and is one of the wealthiest stockgrowers of Monroe. He is quick at repartee, as is well known to those acquainted with him. His iron will and inflexible convictions have in political discussion made him able to give as well as take blow for blow. Yet he is a personage of kindly nature, and now that the tempestuous period of the 60's and 70's has receded almost half a century into the background, his relations with his neighbors are entirely cordial. With his second wife he lived happily for the remarkable span of 65 years.

Others of the connection also espoused the Federal cause. Frank, son of Jerry, became a captain of West Virginia state troops, and his was the first Federal command to enter Monroe county. He was at Cloyd's Mountain and in other engagements. (During the reconstruction period he served as county superintendent, twice as delegate to the legislature, and once as prosecuting attorney. He secured the passage of a law permitting a landholder to pass through the land of another to reach a public road.

Lewis Ballard sat in the West Virginia legislature in 1863, and was the first sheriff of Monroe after the war. His property had been confis- cated in 1863, but he made his escape from the military prison at Salis- bury, N. C.


Samuel (1796-1874) came from Staunton about 1824 and settled on In- dian Draft. He was a son of Jacob (Eve) of Germany and could speak no English until seven years old. He was a captain of militia. His wife, Mary P. Smith (1808-1884) was of this county. C: Jacob W. (1827-1909) (Elizabeth P. Chambers, 1844, Amanda B. Baker)— Isaac E. (1831-1912) (Sarah F. Lynch, Margaret Surber) Paulina (Joseph A. H. Ellison, 1853) —Virginia F. (William. F. Nelson, 1861)— John H. C. (b. 1844) (Mary S. Thompson, Mary P. Kershner) .

C. of Jacob W. by 1st w.— Mary E. (b. 1848), Newton J., Margaret A., Samuel F., Elizabeth V., Georgia A., C. S.

C. of J. H. C— Sarah E. S., Ellen ML, Carol C, Frances M'., Jennie A., E. G., Sarah C.


William A. (Lydia A. Boyd, 1865), a native of Harrison, and a mem- ber of the 19th Virginia Cavalry, came here during the war and settled on the Knobs. C: Eliza (Gordon Taylor), Harvey (Jessie Kuhn), Annie

(Floyd Flack), Laura ( Flack), Mary (James DeHart), Jessie

( Bowyer), Porterfield (Mrs. Spencer), Archelaus, William.


Philip (1763-1838 (Elizabeth , d. 1840) left Reading, Penn., to


go to Tenn., but not finding a suitable location the family came about 1799 to the Plank Cabin Draft near Hillsdale. The journey was made in a large four-horse wagon. On the land purchased were a hunter's cabin and an acre of clearing. Here the parents and two or three children lived two years until better quarters could be provided. C: Elizabeth

(Conrad Cart, 1808)— Joseph (b. 1796) ( Bayley)— John (1798-

1868) (Susan Cart, Harriet Stayley Fleshman) Philip (Elspeth Ballan- tyne)— Michael (1801-1882) (Jean Ballantyne, 1824)— George (1805-1877) (Louise Byrd) Henry (Oregon) Benjamin (O.) Sarah (James Crosier, 1820)— Mary (s) Harriet ( Milholland) .

C. of John: Amanda (Nicholas Vanstavern) Mary (Benjamin Vans- tavern) Thomas Calvin (Virginia Parker) PCatharine S. (Thomas Brown, 1845).

C. of Philip: Andrew, Jean, Eliza, Mary C. (1833-1915) (George R. Williams, 1857), Franklin, Louise.

C. of Michael: Rev. Augustus B. (1826-1903) (Romanza Miller)— Eliza S. (s)— Robert M. (b. 1831) (Mary S. Young, 1853)— Benjamin (1832-1909) (Caroline Parker).

C. of R. M. Isabel, Erastus (Elizabeth Baker), Byrd (Minnie Speil- man), Serena C. (George Anderson), William M., Hugh (Virginia Haw- kins), Laura (William Hawkins), Walter (Bessie Lynch), Edna L., Elsie L., Asa, Roy (Sarah Moore).

C. of Benjamin of Michael: Alphonso, Ida, Virginia (William Wim- mer), Simpson, Joseph, Leslie, Dona, Mary.

C. of George: Clementina ( Handley), Mary (William T.

Patton), Elizabeth (Charles Sydenstricker), Byrd (k. '64).

According to the mortuary records of Monroe, John was born in Ger- many in 1798. Yet the deed-book records the purchase of the Larkin place in 1796 instead of three years later.


John D. of David and Felicia was b. 1833, came from Augusta 1867, and acquired several good grazing farms, particularly at Johnson's Cross- roads. He was one of the oldest Masons in Monroe. (Mary M. Johnson, 1867, Mahala E. Dunn, Ella Campbell) C: Charles O., Rufus J. D., Hugh D., Robert E., and (by 2d w.) Richard P.


About 1785 three Becketts, said to be of a collateral branch of the fam- ily to which the celebrated Robert A. Beckett belonged, came from Eng- land, one settling in Connecticut, one in Maryland, and one in Virginia. Of the eight children of Daniel (Lydia Wade) of Blacksburg, William H. H. (Catharine D. Callaway, 1841, Margaret Tracy) came to Monroe before his first marriage. C: Amanda M. (A. C. Lynch) Margaret


(Rice Cart, Rev. P. S. Chandler)— Wilber F. (Jennie Devers)— James D. (A E. Peck, 1879)— George H. (Sarah M. Michie, Mrs. Eliza- beth A. Hodge)— Henry C. (Mary W. Crews)— A. W. (m. in Wood) Elizabeth E. (George Kountz) Erastus (Margaret Still) ; by 2d m. Ballard P. (Elizabeth Harvey) Samuel F. (Nannie Spangler) Robert D. (Julia Robertson) Catharine B. (William Martin) Dora B. (Walter Dent) Arthur T. Willie H. (Charles Stromer). All but the first of the older family are yet living and none is under the age of 58. W. F. and J. D. were in the Confederate army, the former being present in 17 bat- tles. J. D. has spent much time in school work and has served three terms as county superintendent and two as circuit clerk; is now President of Monroe county court. Dr. H. C. studied at Holbrook and Vanderbilt universities and graduated in medicine at the University of Nashville. He has been a practitioner at Scottsburg, Va., since 1885, ranks high in his profession, and is author of several papers on medical topics. Samuel ( Eddy), brother to W. H. H., married in Mon- roe. C. of J. D.: Ray P. (Lorna Miller) Mamie (R. M. Steele) and Emile.


Daniel (Elizabeth Evans) came from Botetourt to Sinks Grove about 1820. His children by this marriage were John (dy) and Lewis (1824- 1864)

C. of Lewis (Catharine Wickline of Daniel, 1849) : Napoleon L. (d) Ferdinand L. (Amanda C. Baker, 1875) Julian H. Josephine M. E. (d)— Alfred A.— D. Powell, 1893— Spurgeon M.— Lewis F.

From 1873 to 1907, F. L. was concerned in the management of Sweet Springs, beginning under Oliver Beirne. J. H., now of Florida, was asso- ciated with Beirne and Burnside in the management of a sugar plantation. A. A., now of Baton Rouge, managed a Burnside sugar plantation 27 years. D. P. like A. A., managed the Lewis Place a while, was then transferred to Burnside, La., and at length returned to become manager of Sweet Springs. He was murdered by one John F. Wiley. S. M. is at Easton, Md. L. F., manager of Lewis Place 24 years, is now in Texas.

C. of F. L.— Currie L.— Nelson A.— Minnie B.— Mabel R.— Alfred C. (d)— Tilghman— Robert E— Fitzhugh L.— John L.— Fred H.— Bessie M. Lake S. T. and F. L. are foremen of the Myron Stratton Home Farm in Colorado. Their father is one of the most successful farmers of Sweet Springs valley.

The Beckners are of Lancaster county, Pa. Daniel was murdered by rangers in Nicholas.


Andrew Beirne and his wife, Plunkett, had three sons who

built themselves largely into the history of Monroe. He was himself of


the Irish gentry and of classical education and comfortable circumstances. Andrew, Jr., decided after coming to manhood that he would leave the old home in county Roscommon and come to America. He saw a better future for himself in the land that had just gained its independence than by remaining in his native Ireland which was so grievously oppressed by the British government. At the age of 22 he arrived at Philadelphia with about $150 in money. This sum he handed to a man who agreed to take him in a while so that he might have opportunity to gain a practical knowledge of the new country. The tradesman soon failed and the money was a total loss. Nevertheless the young man decided on a mercantile career, and a worthy countryman named Flanagan became his security for a few hundred dollars worth of goods. This supply he soon sold out and the same Quaker merchant, having faith in the young Irishman, furnished a larger stock. After about two years of very successful exertion Beirne found his way to this county and opened a small store on the farm of Edward Keenan, whose daughter, Ellen G., he married. As soon as Mon- roe and the town of Union were established, Mr. Beirne moved his store into the village, and his brother George arriving in 1800, the firm of A- and G. Beirne was formed and it continued many years. In 1824 Mrs. Royall speaks of its success as "without a parallel, taking into view the nature of the country."

Andrew Beirne soon became a great landholder. He acquired an estate of 2200 acres just north of the county seat, the half lying near the village being unsurpassed even in the famed bluegrass belt of Kentucky. There is running water in every field and the land is worth from $125 to $150 an acre. Near the Beirne mill, which is yet standing, he built a house which he painted red, and from this circumstance it was known as the "Red House." It has since disappeared. Later he built midway to Union a large brick dwelling which he painted white, and thus it became known as the "White House." As captain of a rifle company he led his command to Norfolk in 1814, all the more willingly because of his resentment at the injustice of England toward Ireland. But the news of peace came before there was any need for his further service. At the disbanding at Norfolk he very generously offered the homebound expenses of any member of his company who might need such help, regardless of whether it were repaid or not. Afterward he became colonel of the Monroe militia. His politi- cal creed was Democratic and he was repeatedly honored with office. In 1807 he was a member of the Virginia Assembly. He was afterward a state senator, a member of the constitutional convention of 1829, and in 1836 a Presidential elector. He was also sent to Congress.

Colonel Beirne was not only a great financier but was of pleasing man- ners and high education. He took great interest in the affairs of his state and county. He died in 1845, aged 74, while on a visit to Hunts- ville, Ala. His possessions were then worth about $1,000,000. Beirne was


of kindly impulses and much usefulness. Yet it must be added that this fortune, amassed while America was still a poor country, was not built up without recourse to grinding business methods. Such practices as his tended to deepen the inequality of wealth and to reduce the mass of the people to a condition little better than vassalage.

Of the ten children of Colonel and Mrs. Beirne the following attained maturity: Christopher (s) Edward (s) Mary D. (Biele Steenberger) Susan (Charles H. Patton, 1833)— Nancy (William McFarland)— Oliver

(1811-1888) (Margaret M. Caperton)— Ellen ( Turner)— George T.

(Eliza Gray)— Andrew (d. 1872) (Mary A. Alexander, Ellen Gray). Steenberger was once the owner of the celebrated Mimm's Bottoms in Shenandoah county. He was a financier after the order of Jay Gould and others of New York fame. On one occasion he borrowed $600,000 from the United States Bank with Col. Beirne and others as security. He failed but his indorsers won in a suit for relief from their obligation. He cor- nered the beef market in St. Louis and the flour market in San Francisco, where he sold flour at $50 a barrel. And yet he died at St. Louis a poor man. Patton was a distinguished physician of Alabama, and McFarland an eminent lawyer of Richmond. Turner was of Connecticut. George T. became a brilliant attorney of Huntsville, Ala. Oliver and Andrew were the only married sons who remained in Monroe.

The latter, known as "young colonel," lived on the Lewis place, where he was very successful as a grower of blooded livestock. He was not only a large slaveholder but an extensive employer of hired labor. But the war of 1861 was disastrous to him in a financial way. Andrew J. Beirne was over six feet tall, dressed like a planter, with brown slouch hat, highly polished boots, and large flaps to the pockets of his riding coat. He was known as the most superb horseback rider in the county. Mounted on "Honest John," he would lope in a single hour the eight miles between his house and Union, and to the schoolboys who envied his equestrianship it seemed as though horse and rider were one. His colored attendant, "Black Joe," riding "Peacock," could with difficulty keep up with him. His children were Mary G., Rosalie, Ellen, and Andrew. The one son died in a Federal prison in 1865. The first daughter married Thomas J. Mid- dleton, of South Carolina, the second married Col. Garrett Andrews, an eminent lawyer of Mississippi, and the third married Adolphus Blair of Richmond, whose son, Andrew B., is a prominent business man of that city.

Oliver had a college education and was a graduate in medicine, al- though he never practiced. On one of his return trips from school he met John Burnside at Fincastle, and this casual acquaintance led to the em- ployment of the latter by the colonel. At length Oliver Beirne formed a partnership with Burnside for buying and selling sugar, Burnside taking the New Orleans end of the business and Oliver the New York end. After


making a great deal of money they closed out in 1847, Burnside then be- coming a sugar planter. Oliver enlarged the "White House" and lived there until the war, when he moved to Sweet Springs, where he was the owner of the hotel. To this property he gave the great benefit of his ca- pacity for business organization. Oliver Beirne was at length not only the proprietor of the family homestead and of Sweet Springs, but also of the Lewis place, the Burnside estate, and large holdings in Texas, the whole being worth some $6,000,000, and making him at that time the wealthiest man in the Virginias. All this property except Sweet Springs still belongs to his heirs. Mr. Beirne was a person of warm attachments as well as strong prejudices. He was large-hearted toward his friends, but could tolerate no petty meanness. In his later years he was known as an erect, well-groomed gentleman of somewhat more than average size and he wore a long, white, patriarchal beard. His children were John, Jane E., Bettie, Andrew, Susan, Nancy, and Alice. Bettie married Will- iam P. Miles, of South Carolina, a scholarly gentleman and a great book lover. He served in Congress and was one of the organizers of the Con- federate government at Montgomery. He was one of the near counselors of Jefferson Davis. Susan married Major Henry Robinson, and Nancy married Samuel B. Parkman, who was killed at Antietam. In 1869 she married Emil von Ahlefeldt, a German, and spent thirteen years in Eu- rope. The only living grandchildren are those of Mrs. Miles, two of whom spend their summers at the White House.

George Beirne (1780-1832) married Polly Johnson in 1805. His child- ren were Andrew P., Jackson, Christopher, George, Susan, and Mary R. Andrew P. (1808-1842) married a Miss Smith, of the Shenandoah Valley. Jackson, a surgeon in the Confederate army, settled in St. Louis. George, who died at an early age, married Delilah Alexander in 1827. Christo- pher, a bachelor, and the owner for a while of a fine estate immediately south of Union, moved to St. Louis. Susan and Mary R. married re- spectively Manilius and Augustus A. Chapman. Andrew P. had a son and a daughter, the latter marrying a Kinney, of Staunton. The former, who married Elizabeth Caperton, was born in 1842, was educated at the United States Military Academy, and served in the Confederate navy. In the year of his marriage 1867 he came to Monroe as a farmer and attorney, but at length moved to Ronceverte. The children of George were Michael A. J., Oliver F., and Christopher J.

Oliver (1785-1845), a brother to Colonel Beirne, lived unmarried.

None of the Beirnes in the male line are now residents of Monroe.


Erwin (d. 1818) (Mary Black, d. 1852) owned Salt Sulphur. C: Eliza- beth (?John Hawkins, 1808)— Mary (Michael Alexander, 1801)— Nelly (William Clark, 1808)— Jane (Isaac Caruthers, 1816)— Margaret (Will-


iam Erskine, 1810) Mathias (d. before 1818). C. of Mathias: Ervin William (minor, 1796) son of Levin. The Bensons came from the Cowpasture.


Francis (Isabella) was living in the Sinks, 1800, adj. James Wylie, William Young, Joseph Alford. He came from Va. Mary (b. 1766) mar- ried John Lynch.


Michael (Elizabeth Erskine), who lived on the flat-topped mountain which bears the family name, was probably a son of an older Michael, who died in this county in 1814. Thomas (Mary) and John (Margaret), who also lived in this neighborhood between 1800 and 1810, seem to have been other sons. Michael, Jr., was found in a dying condition in his field early in May, 1858. C: James H. (b. 1798)— William— Catharine (Joseph Perry) Henry John L. Jean Benjamin L. (b. 1814). These births took place between 1798 and 1814. James H. (Polly Tapscott) lived on the home- stead but had no family.

C. of William (Nancy Boyd): Catharine (1836-1857) (s)— Elizabeth (Joshua Leach, Matthew Walkup) Michael (1831-1888) (s)— James D. (s).

Thus by failure in the male line the surname has become extinct. Mi- chael, son of William, died an hour before his mother and both are buried in one grave.


A C. (Lydia Broyles, Delilah Ballard) was born in Giles in 1830.


Rev. M. H. (1826-1913) (Martha R. Moffett, 1858) was born at George- town, D. C, and was a descendant of Adam, an immigrant from Alsace to Pa. His grandfather, a captain in the Revolution, was captured at Fort Washington and suffered great hardships. M. H. came to Greenville in 1855, after being a missionary in Giles two years. He was graduated from Nassau Hall, Princeton, N. J., 1849, was licensed as a Presbyterian minister, 1852, and became pastor emeritus 1902. He preached also at other points than Greenville, and was a teacher and county superintend- ent. "Few men in Monroe were more widely known and perhaps no one was more highly esteemed."


Samuel (d. 1845c) was probably of a Scotch-Irish family that first set- tled on the Cowpasture. He was neighbor to James Handley.




























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Robert (d. 1795c) seems to have been the father of Robert (Anna) of Peters Mountain valley, whose own son Robert was born here 1784. C. : Robert (1784-1857)— Esther E. (James T. McKinney, 1813)— James (India Daw- son of Isaac, 1813) Joshua (Polly Shires, 1807) Joshua, probably a brother, had Robert (Elizabeth Hand, 1808).


Richard bought land of James Ellison on Stinking Lick in 1800.


William came from the Cowpasture at a very early day. He settled on the Gaston Caperton place, was constable, 1773, and was a prominent member of the Rehoboth congregation. The family went to Kentucky. John was a son and Isabel (Abner Wiseman, 1800) a daughter or granddaughter.


Thomas (d. 1831) (Mary) C: Abraham (Elizabeth)— Seth— Mary A. —Bury— Phoebe (James Pinnell, 1806)— Judith ( Life).


Mark (1824-1896) was a native of Appledore, Kent county, England, and came to America with his parents in 1828. His wife was Annie Chap- lin, also a native of England, who came in 1844 at the age of 17. Mr. Boon came from Warm Springs to Monroe in 1860 to engage in the mercan- tile business at Greenville ; but the war demoralizing commercial opera- tions, he engaged in hospital and field service. In the spring that the war closed he set up as a tailor at Greenville and was also a partner with his brother Daniel in a store. They dissolved partnership in 1878, and after merchandising four years at Hunter's Springs he purchased the Swinny farm near Lindside. In connection with his farm he conducted a store which he opened in that village in 1880. C: Sarah A. (David Watts of Wilson, 1874)— Lydia V. (Thomas Shider)— John W. (Margaret J. Thompson, 1879) Cary L., (Annie E. Swope) Wilber F. (Nora Brown, 1893). Five other children did not reach maturity and neither of the daugh- ters is now living. The sons all engaged in the mercantile business, but W. F. forsook it to follow railroad and carpenter work. J. W. has been a merchant at Greenville since 1880. Of his children, Arthur, Charles, and Kate are associated with him in his store. The others are Ethel J. (Robert E. Riner) and Frederick M. (Bertha Gilman). The last named is an insurance agent at Huntington, W. Va.

Daniel, brother to Mark, (Martha E. Hughart of Ervin), served four years in the Confederate army and was later a farmer and merchant of Greenville and vicinity. He died in 1915. C: George E. (Zora E. Hill)


James A. (Nannie Pence). The former is a traveling salesman, the latter a physician in N. Y.


John (1755-1835) (Elizabeth) was a nephew to the celebrated Daniel Boone. C: Nancy (Willis Burdette, 1807).


Moses (d. 1799) (appraised at $281.41) and John (levy-free, 1815) seem to have been brothers. It was probably a younger John who lived near Crimson Spring and had Ruth (Bayles Glover), Eleanor (Robert Fury, 1817), Margaret (s), William (Anne Shaver), John, Thomas, Jon- athan (s), Reuben (Polly Parker).

Thomas (Elizabeth Bland) was first cousin and neighbor to the fore- going. C: Robert (Nancy Foster), Calvin (1811-1904) (Charlotte Hall, 1S41), James L. (Mary A. Carlisle, 1847), Thomas (Elizabeth Griffith of Hannah, 1845), Caperton (Jennie Sams), Charlotte (s), Sarah (s), Esther (Charles Foster, 1838), Mary (Thomas Shaver).

Others: Alexander (Sarah Pyne) (1794-1869); Madison (Elizabeth McMann).


Adam (d. 1800) (Christina) lived at the head of Second. C: Jacob (Mary), Reuben (Mary A. Bird, 1803), Isaac, Adam, David, Barbara

( King), Susan ( Arnot), Margaret (James Anderson,

1802), William, Sarah (William Crosier, 1808).

Christina (d. 1828) C: Jacob, Mary (David Baker), Elizabeth (An- derson Lewellin 1824), Catharine, Abraham, Susanna, Jacob, Isaac, John.

Christina was guardian of Sarah, 1803.


Patrick (1759-1835) an orphan, was in 1772 bound to John Crawford, a blacksmith. Four years later he came before the Augusta court to com- plain of ill treatment by his master. By 1783 he was living on the place now occupied by his grandson, Edward Boyd, and had a shop where he pursued the trade of blacksmith and bell-maker. He acquired much prop- erty and left his children well provided for. It is thought that his father's name was Robert and that his mother was a Porterfield. He seems to have had a sister Esther, born 1750. Her father Robert died before 1765. His marriage to Ann McDowell is said to have taken place at Donally's fort. C: Robert (Catharine Ballantyne) (d. 1879)— P. Porterfield (d. 1881) (Eliza H. Gray, 1839)— Esther (George Drummond, 1812, James Foster)— Jane (1788-1858) (James Hawkins, 1808)— Margaret (1797) (Martin Hill, 1819, James Leach)— Nelly— Nancy (1795-1888) (William Bickett, 1825).


C. of Robert: Andrew B. (Catharine Gray, 1847) Agnes A. (Andrew Wylie, 1845) Ann (James Jarrett) James Margaret (s) Rachel (s) Cassandra (s) William (Elizabeth Lemons) Matthew (s) Robert (Jennie Stevens) (d. '62) (Rachel Nickell, 1830c).

C. of A. B. of Robert: Robert A. (Elizabeth Lynch).

C. of William of Robert: Lomax (Howard Kennedy).

C. of P. Porterfield: William L. (1831-1853) (Mary A. Miller) George A. (1835-1909) (Caroline Leach, Mary A. Still) ; by 2d w.— Har- vey H. (Minerva ) Patrick A. (1842-1905) (Amanda J. Leach)

Lydia A. (William Barnett) John H. (Emma White) James A. (Sa- rah Persinger) Robert P. (Anna Rittenhouse) Grier M. Archelaus R. Thomas J. (Emma Hawkins).

C. of William L.— Mary A. (C. B. Selvy)— Robert P. (Sarah Con- nor)— William L. (Mary Connor) Virginia M. (William Still) Dora B. (A. L. Withrow)— Newton A. ( Tigret)— Rachel S.— Otho C.

Another Boyd was James (1769-1846) (Florence). C: Thomas, John, Jane (James McDaniel, 1819), Nathan.


George of Giles Co. married Catharine Shires of Monroe. Of his 10 sons and 4 daughters, the following located near Lindside: Sylvester (d. '62) (Elizabeth Crosier, 1855), Alexander (Adaline Holland), Cornelius (Jane Mitchell), Tyrannus (Susan Wickline, Mrs. Sarah Shaver), George W. (Magdalen Fleshman), W. Green (Linnie Fleshman), Pembroke (Han- nah Bradley, Emma Bowers). G. W. is a minister of the Church of the Brethren. Dr. C. P. is the only surviving child of Sylvester.

James (Isabel N. Dunbar) had William, Thomas M., Calvin, John.


Charles (Ann) came from Albemarle to Humphrey's Run. C: Rhoda (Henry Miller, 1799), Mary (James Curry, 1803), Susanna (John Law- rence, 1803), Nancy (William Lawrence, 1803).


A county without the names of Brown, Mjller, Smith, and Jones would be sadly incomplete, and Monroe has never lacked for any of these. Yet we are able to set in order only a few items of our data. A list of the persons present at the Samuel Brown sale in 1794, the schedule totaling $426.24, will be of some interest, since the names are chiefly of Second Creek district. Matthew Alexander, John Akin, William Arbuckle, Thomas Best, William Brown, Samuel Brown, John Cantly, James Corbit, John Cornwall, Elijah Cornwall, James Dempsey, Hugh Douling, Jonathan Dunbar, William Dunbar, Thomas Flowers, Nimrod Foster, Nathaniel Foster, Isaac Foster, John Foster, John Gray, Senr., John Gray, Peter Grass


(Glass?), James Glenn, Jesse Green, Joseph Ham, Senr., Joseph Ham, Junr., David Jarrat, Robert King, William Leach, John Leg, Nicholas Leak, Jacob Longingacre, Moses Massy, Henry McCart, Nancy McKensy, Will- iam McKinster, Daniel McMullin, Samuel Miller, James Murdock, David Nelson, John Perry, Daniel Perry, James Smith, Matthew Wealch, Andrew Young.

William (Jane) (d. 1806) lived in the Sinks. C: John, Alexander, Mary, Jane, William, Sarah, Margaret, Rosa. Alexander of this family (Polly Foster, 1805) (d. 1822) had Polly, John, Samuel. An older family was composed of Samuel (Mary), John, Margaret, Sarah, Martha, Doro- thy, William, Mary (James Nelson). Several of the above groups ap- pear to have married into other families of the Sinks. John of Potts Creek moved to Kentucky about 1808.

J. W. A., a son of Reuben, (Nannie Thompson, Allie Garvin, Mrs. Mary E. Smith) came from Franklin to Orchard. C: William H. (Elsie Mead), C. Reuben (Amelia Ferguson), Nora (Wilber F. Boon), (Minta

(Eli Weaver), Sudie (Harry Zink), Willie ( Alexander). Henry

C. (Ann Pack) is a brother to T. W. A.

Edwin M. came from Lynchbur, Va., m. Caroline, Va. ; Marshall (Fredericksburg, Va.). C: Emma (Chas. Maddy), Frank (Mary Mont- gomery), Ferdinand, Carrie (J. W. McNeer), H. M. (Mary Rudd), Lizzie (J. W. Bell).


Peter the pioneer is thought to have come from Rockbridge. He pur- chased the W. S. Broyles place of the widow Henderson. C: Zachariah (Susan E. Riner) Ephraim (Elizabeth Harvey, 1805) Aaron (d. 1837)

(Lydia Spradling, 1830)— Jacob (Ann Riner, 1833) ( Pack)

Absalom (Lucy Riner, 1814) boy (drowned) Elizabeth (Robert Rains, 1807)— Margaret ( Campbell).

Ann, a daughter of Zachariah, was born here in 1800. Lovel (Sarah) was born 1803, died 1865.

Solomon settled on Lick Run in 1808. He divided a large body of land among his sons. C: Nancy, Andrew J. (1822-1910) (Sarah McGhee, 1834), Thompson, Green, Margaret, Elizabeth (Jesse Copeland, 1840), William, Augustus.

C. of Andrew J. John (d. '61), Thompson (d. '61), James, Allen; 4 others.

C. of Andrew J. (another?): William L. (Lessie V. Davis), G. C. (Julia Chambers), John A. (Etta McDaniel).

C. of Augustus: Edward L. (Cora Raines), Charles W. (Viola Raines), John D. (Sarah Booth).

C. of Simeon (Cynthia Smith of Wm) : W. S. (Elizabeth Broyles of Thompson) Lewis H. (Mrs. Riner Broyles).



Christopher (Catharine), a prominent settler of the Sinks Grove vicin- ity, went to Kentucky about 1793.


Undrel (1780-1845) (Mary Keenan, 1807) came from N. Y. and lived in Union. Of his large family Christopher died in Mexico as a soldier in 1848. Sarah m. Jacob Osborne, Charles m. (1) Mary E. McCartney (2) Marietta McCartney, Harriet m. John Mann.


William (d. 1836) was a son of James of Culpeper county. He set- tled on Flat Top about 1800, as a neighbor to Andrew Miller, with whom he was on close terms of friendship. After his second marriage he moved to Wolf Creek. He was resourceful and ingenious. He m. (1) Sarah

Cornwell of Edward, (2) Scott. C: Ishami (Nancy Shumate,

1805)— Elizabeth (Tolison Shumate)— Margaret (William Walker, 1808)

—Miles ( Legg)— Willis (Nancy Boon of John, 1807)— Rachel

( Aymick) William (Clay Co.) Archibald (Rhoda Shumate)

John ( Swope) Alexander (Mary L. Hill) Ruth (John Rob-

ersen, 1816c) Eliza; by 2d w. Harvey (dy) Lewis ( Hedrick)

Clarkson ( Burns).

The wife of Isham, while working as a girl in the sugar orchard, car- ried a bucket of sap in each hand and another on her head. The first of her 12 children were twins, and when the third was a baby she would ride to her father's home, 35 miles away, carrying the baby in front and the twins behind her. The return would be made the next day. She lived to the age of 98, at which time there were 89 descendants of her children.

C. of Isham: Sarah, Mary, Abner (Tex.), Granville, Nancy J., Julia A., James H., Andrew J., Elizabeth S., Joseph H., Lewis A.

C. of Alexander: Lucy J. (Samuel Gwinn), Elizabeth A. (James E. Miller), Sarah (James Y. Miller). Emmeline (Harry Shanklin), Eliza, James, William, Lee, Powell. William was a Confederate scout who did not think he could get lost in West Virginia. His captain said he fired the first shot in the war in West Virginia and the last in Virginia.

A number of the above connection entered the ministry.

Another early Burdette was Giles (d. before 1829) (Sarah Dunbar) . C: John (1795-1882) (Lydia Curry, 1816) . C. of John: Sarah A. (1817- 1895) (James M. Nickell, 1833)— Mary (1824-1894) (James Crawford, 1840)— Elizabeth J. (Andrew F. Young, 1855)— Rebecca M. (E. F. Pat- ton)— Lydia S. (A. F. Wickline, 1864)— Robert C. (1819-1893) (Eliza- beth B. Curry)— James H. (1821-1890) (Rachel M. Christian, 1847) John C. (Mary C. Lynch, 1851)— Calvin H. (Barbara A. Curry, 1849) Franklin C. (b. 1832) (Elizabeth A. Ford, 1858, Arlie Smithwick, 1870)


C. of Archibald (Margaret) (d. 1834) : Archibald, James, Polly, Mar- garet, Elizabeth ( Holmes), Samuel (has James and Archibald).


Thomas (d. 1849) (Martha Miller, b. 1769, d. 1844) was a resident of Union, where he had a brewery. There was a contemporary Thomas.


John Burnside came from the north of Ireland in his boyhood and found employment in a store at Fincastle. It was here that Oliver Beirne met him casually, and being very favorably impressed, the young man entered the Beirne store as a clerk. After a few years he bcame a partner. Finding this business field too narrow for the powers of which he felt himself capable, he and Andrew Beirne, Jr., established at New Orleans the large dry goods house of Beirne and Burnside. Andrew Beirne was succeeded as partner by his brother Oliver. Burnside had an ambition to become the greatest sugar planter in the world, and a few years before the war he paid one million dollars cash for the Preston plantation in Louisiana. To this he added nine other estates, so that if he did not quite realize his ambition, he became the largest sugar planter in the United States, his holdings being valued at $6,000,000 and producing 7500 hogs- heads yearly of sugar and about 14,000 barrels of molasses. He was un- married and at his death at White Sulphur in 1881, he left his estate to Oliver Beirne. Though a man of remarkable business qualifications, John Burnside seemed to be without human sympathy or public spirit. It was said of him that he professed to be a British subject and used this claim to avoid confiscation of his goods during the regime of General Butler. Yet he took out naturalization papers in 1830. He was morose and re- served, and it was one of his peculiarities that he would tell his age and place of birth to no one.


Esther, the mother of James, married for her second husband Archi- bald Clendennin, who died on the Cowpasture in 1749, and whose son Archibald by a former wife was murdered in 1763 at the massacre at the Great Levels. The name of Esther's first husband was probably Rob- ert. She had also a daughter by him whose name was Rachel. The two children lived with their stepfather, who provided for them in his will, leaving James 300 acres on the Bullpasture. In the colonial time the fam- ily name was spelled Burnsides. Another of the same name was John, who was living at the Stone Meeting House in Augusta in 1765. He had an only daughter, and a nephew John died on the upper Greenbrier in 1809.

James moved here from the Bullpasture soon after 1760, his second child John being by his own statement born near Union April 15, 1763. There


is a family tradition that he dreamed his cabin was on fire and waking to find the dream correct he returned to his former home. At all events his settlement was marked for destruction in the Pontiac war of 1763. About 1770 he returned and built a blockhouse a little south of Union. But for a while he was living on the farther side of New River in what was then Montgomery County. He was an alert land prospector, active in business, and his name often occurs in the record-books of Augusta and Greenbrier. His latter years appear to have been clouded by reverses. He died at Union in 1812. His wife's name was Isabella. C: Esther (Will- iam Shanks, 1782)— John (1763-1816) (Elizabeth Alexander, 1797)— James (Anne)— Rachel— Sarah— Martha ( PJoseph Carlisle, 1809)— Mary. The above are mentioned in the will of James, Sr., and in the order of age. But we are told of another, William (Malvina Alexander). He moved to Texas, James, Jr., to Boone.

John lived on the large plantation immediately south of Union which was deeded him by his father. He became a deputy surveyor in 1785 and was the first county surveyor of Monroe. For his time he was a very wealthy citizen, his estate including seven slaves and personalty to the amount of $5037.19. C: Isaac (b. 1798) (Mary Vanstavern), Jane, (b. 1799) (Andrew Alexander)— Eliza (b. 1802) (Thomas Edgar, 1821)— Juli- ana (b. 1804) (Absalom S. Bolinger)— John (s)— James M. (1814-1873) (Eliza Peters, 1833). The latter was a business man of Peterstown and mem- ber of the constitutional convention of 1872. C: Elizabeth J. (b. 1834) (Wil- liam T. Akers, 1852, Henry S. Shanklin, 1868)— Cynthia (Matthew H. Walkup, 1856)— Margaret J. (s)— Cynthia A. (Lewis F. Clark, 1855) Henry C. (b. 1843) (Jennie Wiseman, 1866).


Zachariah (d. 1816) (Ellender) had a blockhouse on Trigger Run near Peterstown. C: Andrew, Margaret, Nancy, Patty, Polly ( PJames Ellison, 1796c), Sarah, Joshua (Rebecca Campbell, 1808, PNancy Roads, 1813), James, Priscilla (Delaney Swinney, 1806), Elizabeth (Ephraim Sim- mons, 1802), Charles (Ellen Garten, 1812). Richard may have been in this locality in 1775. He was a resident of Fincastle, which then included the southern extremity of Monroe.


Robert (1760-1847) was born at Armagh, county Antrim, Ireland, his parents, Archibald and his wife Jean Meathers, being of Scottish blood. In 1781 he came to Philadelphia, and thence by way of Fincastle to Pick- away, where he at length owned 1500 acres of the best land in that local- ity and from 30 to 40 slaves. Owing to an unpleasant experience in his early life he never afterward incurred a debt. He was a heavy owner of livestock and a great lender of money. He was a hard trader yet


charitable. He was a justice and otherwise prominent in the social and political life of the county. In religion he was a Presbyterian and in poli- tics a Democrat. Since there was no local bank in his time he kept large sums of money in his home. In November, 1846, he had $13,000 in his possession, a heavy payment having been made a few days before a visit by five robbers. One of them broke into his sleeping room, tore the money drawer from the table and tossed it through the window to his compan- ions. The aged man grappled with the robber, and two others came through the window to his relief. But his son Andrew Campbell, a very large, powerful man, heard the noise, rushed into the room, pitched two of the would-be thieves out of the entrance they had used, and pursued the third. The negro men came to the rescue and the robbers fled, nothing more being heard of them. They secured no booty, the moneys being in another room. During the affray the old gentleman was severely cut on the head with a club and the son received several slight bruises. The wife of Robert was Lydia Jeffries, a native of Wales, whom he was mar- ried to in 1791. C: Archibald (Susan Jones)— Robert (1801-1880) (Sarah McDowell, 1830) Matthew (Virginia Brown) Andrew (Ann Hawkins) Isaac (Mary A. Jenness, 1831) Lewis (Mary Brown) Caperton (Re- becca Jennings) Sarah (John Skaggs, 1817) Jean (John Holsapple) Mary (William Patron).

C. of Archibald: Robert, Dr. William, John, Allen, Wentworth, Mar- garet, Mary. All these left the county.

C. of Robert: James (d. 1899)— Mary J. (Clark Johnson)— Ann (Cal- vin Young)— John (d. 1903) (Alcesta Black)— Dr. Robert (d. 1862) Margaret S. (Kenneth Williams) Isabella (Thomas Williams)— Alcesta —Sarah C. (Henry Dunn)— Burnett— Thompson (d. 1906)— Zerilda E. (Joseph Brown) Dr. Clark R. Everett L.

C. of John of Robert: Edwin ( Frap) Gertrude Burnett

Catharine (James B. Mason).

C. of Matthew: Elizabeth, Jane, Amanda ( Smith) f Nannie,

Henry, William.

C. of Andrew: Mary J. (N. H. Roberts) Frances A. (William Boyd) Archibald Andrew N. (Eliza J. Leach) James P. (Fannie Crews) Lewis E. Isaac N. (Mrs. Elizabeth Parker) Nathaniel B. (Bettie Davis).

C. of Andrew N. Nannie E., Nettie G., Andrew A., Kenna C, Wal- ter R., Crete H.

C. of James P. Gertrude, Nannie M., Hattie, James, Carey.

C. of Isaac N. Georgia.

C. of Nathaniel B. Frank, Annie ( Shanklin).

C. of Isaac: Dr. Christopher C, John E., William H. H., Virginia J. (Robert Humphreys, 1841).

C. of Lewis: Charles R., Henry B., Isaac, Andrew L., John, Mary A.

C. of Caperton: Elizabeth (James Parker), Ella D., John H., Lewis C.

HON. ANDREW N. CAMPBELL Judge of Tenth Judicial Circuit, 1888-1896


0* C

U) c


Andrew N. Campbell served throughout the war of 1861 and was grad- uated from the law school of Washington College during the presidency of General Robert E. Lee, with whom he was personally acquainted. By reason of the test oath restriction he was not admitted to the bar until 1870. As an attorney he acquired a statewide reputation. He has repre- sented his county in the state legislature and has been a member of the Board of Regents of the West Virginia University. In 1888-1896 he was judge of the Tenth Judicial Circuit, and was unanimously renominated by his party. In 1912 he retired from the active practice of his profession. Judge Campbell enjoys the esteem and respect of those who know him by reason of his kindly social qualities and his abundant store of anecdote and reminiscence.

Of the 29 grandsons of Robert Campbell all but one were in the Con- federate army. The sole exception was a resident of Illinois and a South- ern sympathizer. Two great grandsons, David Skaggs and Cephalus Black were also in the same service.

Samuel (Margaret) died, 1814. C: Sarah (George Steele, 1800)— Sam- uel (Elizabeth M. Steele, 1805)— Mary A. (Matthew Ellison, 1806)— Jane

(Michael Smith, 1808)— William— Rebecca— Isaac (1786-1860) (M )


The above John was the father of Jesse (1813-1909) and Anderson;

Isaac, of Clement, Calvin, Emily ( Vass), Elizabeth (Robert

Humphreys, 1841).

Samuel (Elizabeth M. Steele) lived on Indian a mile and a half above Red Sulphur. C: Robert D. (b. 1818) (Mary K. Johnson, 1850) Isaac—

( Vass) Thomas William Eliza (Wilson Shumate, 1841)

Agnes ( Wheeler) Polly ( Dunbar) Amanda (Morgan

Barger, 1847) Adaline (Christopher Handley). Thomas and Isaac were proprietors of Red Sulphur Springs. They died before the war, William in 1879.

C. of Robert D. Elizabeth M. (J. Oscar Neel) Margaret E. (John D. Beard— Charles W. (Jennie E. Ratliff of Wayne Co.)— George C. (Susan Wylie, Eliza VanBuren) Ann R. (Clark O. Neel) Lewis M. Robert E. (Annie McClaugherty) Eldridge H. (Elizabeth Spessard) Walter (Mary Bowner) Roxie (James Miller). L. M. and E. H. are physicians. W. M., an attorney, lives in Cal. and G. C. in Arizona. Charles W., an attorney of Huntington, is a circuit judge. C: Nannie M., Ruth R., Rolla D., Jennie E., Charles W.

C. of R. E. Catharine K., Robert M., Walter M., Mary E., Agnes M., William L.

C. of E. H.— Eldridge H., Elizabeth.

C. of Isaac: James A. (Margaret Rutherford) William (k. '61) Thomas Henry Lewis Robert Erastus (O.) Mary ( Bajlard).

C. of William of Samuel: Walter I., Edgar H., William, Emma.


Still another Campbell was William (d. 1827). C: James (Sarah Young, 1806) William Thomas Sarah (Alexander Hutchinson, 1807)

Polly ( Caldwell)— Mattie E. (William Chanley, 1811)— Rebecca

(Joshua Callaway, 1808).


John, Jr., (Sarah) was in 1800 living on the north side of Swope's Knobs. In 1802 he purchased the place of John, Sr., on Indian.


The Capertons are derived from a French ancestor who went from the south of France to the British Isles. The progenitor of the Monroe connection was John who crossed the Atlantic about 1725 and at length found his way from Philadelphia to the Valley of Virginia. His wife was Mary Thompson, whom he met on the ship that conveyed him to America. In 1759 we find mention on Christian Creek of John Caperton, a yeoman, whose wife was Mary. The following year John "Capbritton" is spoken of as in the vicinity of Peaked Mountain. His final location was on the east side of New River, below the mouth of Rich Creek and very near the line of Summers county. His children were Hugh, William, Adam, and Elizabeth. Hugh and Adam were in the Dunmore war and the Revolu- tion. The former, whose wife was Rhoda, lived on the homestead. His children were Hugh, John, Thompson H., Elizabeth, Polly, Augustus W. J., Green, Washington and Overton. Some of their descendants are to be found in Mercer county. William, who married Lucy Woods in 1790, went to Kentucky. Elizabeth married James Gibson and went with him to Tennessee. Gibson county of that state is named for John H., one of their sons. Adam was a deputy sheriff of Greenbrier in 1780. His wife, who was of German parentage, was Elizabeth, a daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Fudge) Miller. He went to Kentucky, where he was killed in 1782 in the battle with the Indians known as Estill's defeat. His widow married a minister named Smith. The children of Adam were Mary, Elizabeth, John, George, and Hugh. Mary, who married George Swope, went to Louisiana. Elizabeth and John went with their consorts to Ten- nessee, and George to Alabama. Soon after the death of his father Hugh returned to his uncle's home on New River, but after the organization of this county he established himself at Union. As a merchant, even in the face of the formidable competition of the Beirnes, he was very successful, and became wealthy in land, slaves, and other forms of property. In physique he was large, and he is spoken of by Mrs Royall as handsome. He built "Elmwood," near Union, and bequeathed it to his son Allen T. It was here that he is said to have entertained Henry Clay about 1845. Mr. Caperton died in 1847 at the age of 66 years. His first wife was Jane Erskine, to whom he was married in 1806. The second, married in


1834, was Delilah Alexander, widow of George Beirne. His child- ren, and their consorts in marriage, were as follows: Elizabeth, mar- ried (1) William Steenbergen, (2) Anders R Rude; Lewis E., married Frances C. Alexander; Allen T., married Harriette Echols; Margaret M., married Oliver Beirne; William G., married Harriette B. Alexander in 1843, John A. married Mary E. Coke Guthrie; Hugh, married Eliza J. Mosher; Mary J., married John Echols; Sarah A., married James F. Preston; George H., married Mary E. Henderson.

The children of Lewis E. are Hugh, Elizabeth, Bettie, Henry, and Lewis. Hugh married Catharine A. King, Bettie, Andrew P. Beirne, and Lewis, Mary W. Carr. The children of Allen T. are Eliza J., Mary, wife of Tomlin Braxton, Harriette E., wife of William A. Gordon, Me- linda, wife of James Patron, and later of E. F. Bingham, Allen, who mar- ried Elizabeth V. Rowan, Ella, and Lelia, wife of Robert Stiles. William G. had John, Alice B., wife of Frank Hereford, Jane E., James A., Will- iam G., who married Rosa A. Stiles Christian, and Isabel, wife of John B. Hereford, brother to Frank. John A.'s children are John H., Mary E., Sarah J., and Hugh S., the first of whom wedded Virginia Standiford. Hugh had James M., Jane, Hugh, Imogen, and Mary. Of these, James married Emma S. Ratcliffe and Hugh married Mattie Booth Kyle. The children of George H. are Eliza H., Walter, Allen T, George H. (mar- ried Anna P. Chambliss), Jane E. (wife of William M. Warrick), Sarah P. (wife of Isaac P. Wailes), Florence, and William G. (married Mary A. Austin).

At an earlier day the Capertons were very wealthy and possessed great social and political prestige. Among their best known rural seats are Elmwood, Walnut Grove, and Idlewilde.

Allen Taylor Caperton was born at Elmwood Nov. 21, 1810, and died at Washington, D. C, July 26, 1877. When a boy of fourteen he rode horseback to Huntsville, Ala., to attend school. In 1832 he was grad- uated from Yale College, standing seventh in a class of fifty-three. He studied law at Staunton and took up the practice of that profession in his native county. In 1841 and again in 1859-1861 he represented Monroe in the Virginia Assembly. In 1844-8 he was state senator, and in 1850 he was a member of the constitutional convention, representing Monroe, Giles, Mercer, and Tazewell. In the controversy which divided that body he stood with the western counties in advocating the white basis of repre- sensation. In the secession convention of 1861 he was present as a delegate. When the crisis came he voted for secession. At the close of hostilities he counseled his constituents that it was the part of wisdom and patriotism to accept the logic of events. In 1876 he was elected to the Federal Senate, thus enjoying the unique distinction of sitting in both the Federal and


Confederate senates as the choice of two different state governments. His term of service at Washington was brief, a sudden illness cutting short his career. In person Mr. Caperton was of rather more than medium size and he wore a long beard without a mustache. He was well groomed and was regarded as handsome. He delighted in horseback riding and in natural scenery, and was fond of agricultural pursuits. Socially he was aristocratic and exclusive, yet was courteous and affable. He was a close student of political science, a good talker, a ready debater, and a promi- nent lawyer. Like his father before him he was a Whig, adhering to that creed until political lines were modified by the war. After that event he adhered to the Democratic party.


Joseph (d. 1818) (Mary) had Isaac, John, Rachel.


Robert (Polly) came from Bullpasture river and was of the group- family to which John G. of Kentucky belonged. He died in 1823, an old

man. C: John, Jane ( Graham), Joseph, Elizabeth (

Ham), Samuel, Nancy ( Glenn), Mary ( Mims?), Mar- garet ( Alford), James.

In 1782 Joseph and David had military claims on Indian. The latter was appraised, 1786, by John Hutchinson, Hugh Caperton, Roger Kil- patrick, Valentine Cook.

William (1815-1895) was a native of New York City and came here in 1835.


William (d. 1836) (Elizabeth Miller) was a prominent citizen in his day.


Isaac (1772-1854) (Jane Benson, 1816) was a native of Rockbridge, and partner with his brother-in-law William Erskine in Salt Sulphur Springs.


Colonel William F. (1798-1858) (Perlexana) was a resident of Peters- town.


Henly married Mary Alexander. Their children were: Augustus A. (1803-1876) (Mary B. Beirne, 1830)— Manilius (Susan Beirne)— Mrs. French— Mrs. Albert G. Pendleton— Mrs. P. Cecil. C. of A. A.— Henley C— William C— George B.— Christopher J. (Ark.)— Ann (Col. John J.


Wade)— Frances F. (Michael A. Steele, Mo.)— Susan (s)— Ella J. (


Augustus A. Chapman was a gentleman of fine presence, cultivated manners, and ripe scholarship. He was an able lawyer, a finished orator, and almost invincible in courts or in political debates. His memory is held in great respect, largely because of the fact that in criminal cases he was always the defender and never the prosecutor. He served his county in the Virginia Assembly and his state in the 28th Congress (1843- 45). At the outbreak of the American war he was a brigadier general of militia. As such he took the field with his command in 1861 and per- formed good service during the campaign of that season in the Kanawha valley. He died of apoplexy on his way to Charleston to nominate for the governorship his friend, H. B. Mathews. His oldest son died in 1858 just after his graduation. The second died in boyhood. The third, best known as Beirne, was a young man of great promise, a natural orator, and looking forward to the profession of law. At the opening of hostilities he quit his studies to become first lieutenant of Lowry's Battery. After some months he resigned in order to organize the artillery company ever since known as Chapman's Battery. This command did gallant service un- til almost annihilated and its beloved captain mortally wounded at Win- chester, Sept. 19, 1864.


The Charltons crossed the ocean to Philadelphia about 1750. One of them was Thomas, who died in that city in 1791, leaving to his cousin Thomas 30 pounds and all his wearing apparel. His benevolence is illus- trated by his legacy of 60 pounds to the poor among the communicants of his church. The second Thomas (1741-1819) (Alice Perry, 1763) came here about 1792 and settled on a large tract between Hillsdale and New Lebanon. It is said he was the first pioneer to arrive in a wagon. It was a four-horse conveyance with a canoe-shaped bed, and it held himself and wife, their eight children, and their household goods He is also credited with bringing the eglantine to Monroe. The two roomed log house he built stood by the spring near the home of S. R. H. Irons. The only one of his children with descendants in the county was his youngest son, Joseph (b. 1784, m. Janet Ewing, 1807) C: Frances Oliver Thomas Jennie Lettie Joseph P. E. James E. iLike three of the sisters of their father, the three daughters of Thomas, Sr., never married, but lived most of their lives in a home of their own. The door of John's house was made like a slat curtain or a stave hammock, and in the day time was rolled up and fastened by pins above the door.


This family came from Pennsylvania about 1783, but we cannot trace


the line of descent with assurance. James (d. 1840) had Isabel (

Bealy), James (Kate Dubois, 1806), Robert, Elizabeth (1785-1856) (An- drew Allen). Elizabeth (James Carpenter, 1846) was a daughter of Robert.

C. of James M. (Cynthia P. Clark, 1839): Damaria K. (William S. Hobbs)— Margaret E.— Newton J. (d. '65)— Harvey C— Richison C. (Eliz- abeth P. White)— Thomas H. R. (Rosa Hunt)— Lewis F. (Linnie A. Lemon) M. W. (Osella R. McKenzie) Samuel M. (Emma C. Bur- dette). Harvey C, a professional musician, was 10 years at the head of Christy's Music and Business College of Tennessee and 16 years editor- in-chief of the music department of the Standard Publishing Co. of Cin- cinnati.


Benjamin, born in King and Queen, 1730, settled in Augusta. He was a son of Jonathan and his wife Elizabeth Wilson, the father being the fourth in descent from John, who came from England to the James River about 1635. The wife of Benjamin was Elizabeth Lee. Their son Samuel (1764-1857) settled near Union in 1783. He was a veteran of the Rev- olution, later an officer in the militia, and carried a somewhat prominent part in the public affairs of the county. He married Margaret Handley. C: James H. (1792-1864) (Cinderella Davis)— William (Nelly Benson, 1808)— Alexander (Elizabeth Dickey, 1819)— John (Mary E. Johnson, 1814) Cynthia (John Peters, 1813).

C. of James H. Samuel (Anna Lewis) Lewis F. (Cynthia A. Byrn- side) George W. (Mary C. Johnston, Mary M. Wickline).

C. of William: Jackson ( Walter) Cynthia A. (Samuel A.

Wallace)— Paulina (John A. Wallace)— Mary J. (s)— Ellen (William O. Johnson) Grace (Dr. Walter Douglas).

C. of Samuel of J. H. James H., George W., Walter D., Samuel W., Rella F., Verdie, Alice.

C. of Lewis F. James H. ( Spangler), Lydia B. (Dr. Kelley),

Julia, Rosel, Annie R., Luther H., Minnie, Nora (L. E. Tierney), Bertha.

C. of George W. James, Cinderella, Charles L. By 2d w. Elizabeth A., Robert L., George H., Rose E., Walter D., John D., Alexander H., Anne S., James F., Daisy J., Edward M.

C. of John: Thomas J. (1818-1885) (Mary Johnson)— Samuel M. (Mar- tha Ballard)— Cynthia P. (1821-1900) (James M. Christy, 1839)— Mary R. (David Pence)— Caroline A. (1829-1900) (Granville Smith)— Marga- ret (Thomas Eddy).

C. of T. J.— Maria C. (E. L. Shanklin), Ella C. (Augustus M. Shank- lin), Susan (Augustus M. Shanklin), Preston (Julia Ballard).

C. of S. M. Araminta C. (D. C. Elmore), Shelton (Johnetta Mor-


gan) Edgar (Susan Brawford), Etta (C. E. Lynch), Annie S. (John P. Parker) .

But Clark is by no means a rare name and there have been others in Monroe. Alexander (Sarah), mentioned as an old man, seems to have lived on Indian. He helped to appraise the Estill estate in 1792 and died in 1794. Samuel Clark was a testator to his will. In 1809 the widow owned five slaves and personalty valued at $1389.03. C: James, Re- becca ( Cantly), William, Ralph, Martha (John Campbell, 1804),

Alexander, John, Samuel. James died 1801, leaving Sarah ( Laf-

ferty), Alexander, John. Ralph (Isabella) died 1828, leaving Owen,

Elizabeth ( Neel), Julia, John, Joseph, William H., Clara (John

Patton), Margaret (John Johnson), Thomas, Abner.


Robert (Mary A. Erskine) was a wheelwright at Union. C: Madison (Nancy Ross), John (Celia Tuggle), Robert (West), Agnes, Mary (George Walker), Isabella K. (Larkin Tuggle), Caroline (Andrew J. Keadle), Martha (William Arnott), Eliza (murdered by negress).


Dennis (Nancy) was living on the top of Jarrett's Mountain in 1800.


Augustus, of German parentage, was born on the Rapidan river and was an artilleryman in Washington's army. One night while the Ameri- cans were in camp on Assanpink creek, at Trenton, N. J., Comer was placed on guard duty with orders to hail any strange person three times and then to fire unless answered. An officer who thought he would have some fun with Comer and stampede him got down to the brink of the creek and threw up firebrands. The sentinel was alarmed but obeyed his orders and fired, wounding the officer. Comer was placed under arrest, but ex- onerated by Washington, who complimented him for his faithfulness. After the war he married Catharine Rush and located at St. Lawrence ford on the Greenbrier, where his son Frederick was born in 1787. Some 10 years lafcer he started for Tennessee, but while lodging with Isaac Miller on Indian, this same boy was accidentally hurt and the journey was termi- nated. He became very corpulent in his later years and spent much of his time in an armchair that was made for him. D. 1822. C: Elizabeth (Dan- iel Miller, 1801)— Frederick (1787-1848) (Polly Mitchell, 1814)— Jacob (Anna Meadows ( Michael (Lucy Willis) John (Mary J. Mitchell, 1824) Catharine (Joseph Ball, 1812) Barbara (s) Augustus (Sarah Fore) Sarah (John Peters).

Frederick with no resources except his wife, their two pairs of willing hands, and the 60 acres given them by the father-in-law, at once built a


cabin, added at length 281 acres to his possessions, reared 12 children who grew to maturity, and died without owing a penny. He was methodical as well as industrious, and whenever he was done with his tools he put them under cover. He was one of the most hospitable of men, and liked to have his neighbors serenade him before daybreak on Christmas morn- ing, after which the visitors shared his breakfast. All his children were taught to work. The daughters could hoe corn and pile and burn brush as well as spin and weave. C: Mitchell (1815-1892) (Ann Cummings, 1837)— Sarah— Catharine ( PJacob W. Harvey, 1838)— Elizabeth (Isaac M. Harvey, 1838) Ann— William (dy) Delilah Martha (Adam Mil- ler, 1845) Jane Amanda Mary J. Amanda Samuel (b. 1835) (Mary Hutchinson, 1857) Rachel Rebecca. The example of Frederick Comer is offered in contrast to those persons of the present time who think they must begin where their parents leave off, and also think they cannot afford to have families even then.

The experience of his son Samuel is also of interest. He was left an orphan at 13 along with four sisters. They and their mother had a hard time to get on. It took two good calves to pay the tax of $9 on the large farm. Early in his married life the war came, in which he served four years and was in several heavy battles. When he returned from the mili- tary prison at Elmira he found his mother, wife, and two little girls all well. He went to work at once to put the farm in order, and at length added merchandising and sawmilling to his agricultural interests. His children are three sons and four daughters.


John, Sr. (b. 1764) (Mary Carraway) built on an extensive farm near Blue Sulphur Springs a large brick house of six rooms. This was about 1789. The walls are two feet thick, and the interior, including doors, floors, and paneling, is in solid black walnut. The house is yet standing, the walls both inside and out being in perfect condition, and it is occupied by Henry George, a great-grandson of the builder. To John and Mary were born 11 children, one of whom was William (b. 1792c) (Mary Rader of Anthony). While still a young man he was sent by his father by way of Cincinnati to sell some slaves, and as nothing was ever seen of him after he had received his money, there is strong suspicion of foul play. The oldest of his five children was Perry, Sr. (1810-1877) (Evaline Jar- rett, Sarah Ellis of Joseph). Henry and Margaret, the children of the first wife, are not now living. After the second marriage, Perry settled on Wolf Creek. C: James A. (Emma Ellis)— Fletcher (s)— Evaline (C. Lon Johnson) Elizabeth (s) Amanda (Dr. O. S. Baker) Martha (Allen Bowles, John H. Burgess) Perry E. (Mae Woodson) Luella (Dr. C. E. Copeland) .




George (Katharine Miller) had mill on Indian. App. 1784 by Edward Keenan, William West, James Alexander. Settlement by Isaac Estill and John Hutchinson recorded, 1793, at $1540 including 5 slaves. Names men- tioned in settlement:

John Aldstatt Henry Armentrout Edward Barrett Robert Bland Adam Bowyer Enoch Bush Felix Gilbert Toseph Haynes Thomas Hughes James Handley Gasper Haynes Jacob Hermans John Herlener Moses Hickenbottom John Jeffries Peter Kinders Edward Keenan Peter Kisling

Zepheniah Lee Thomas Lewis Felty Bloss Isaac Barnes Adam Byers Nickles Conrad Edward Cornwell Mathias Cash William Carnifax William Mady William McFarlin Elizabeth Morrison James McNutt Andrew Moore John McMulen Moliston Pettijohn James Pettijohn Augustine Price

Peter Runkle Lawrence Rains Levin Reinhart Adam Sellers Michael Shuler Catharine Conrad Henry Cook James Dempsey Thomas Edgar John Futch (Fudge) Thomas Gulley Martin Grider Sebastine Shaver John Tygert William West Jacob Warren S. Williams Layton Yancey

Ralph Yath (Yates or Gates)


We find mention of Valentine Cook as Felty Koch, which is indicative of German birth or ancestry, but we are told that he and Jacob were sons of John Hamilton Cook, of London, cousin to the celebrated Cap- tain Cook. They came about 1770 to the J. R. Johnson place just be- low Greenville and built Cook's fort. His wife was Rachel Bofman (Baughman?) and he died in 1797. The widow went with her sons, Henry and David, to Kentucky. Valentine, Jr., and Jacob were both ministers, and the latter died on the family homestead in 1844. His sis- ter, Christiana, married Philip Hammond, the scout. Valentine, Sr., had several adventures with the Indians, and was several times taken by them. Rev. Valentine Cook, Jr., who settled in Kentucky, is mentioned in Chapter XXXII. C. of Jacob (Rachel): Riley* B.— Ward— Jacob A. Lewis G. Caroline Sarah John H. Lorenzo D. (Ann Vawter, 1831). The family has long been extinct here in the male line.

One William Cook, several of whose children married into the Dubois family, of Wolf Creek, died about 1825. An Isaac had a license to build a gristmill on Laurel in 1813.


William G. (1800-1888) was a son of John and his wife Lucy Gray Cook, of Prince Edward. He graduated from) Hampden-Sidney Col- lege and in 1833 from the Baltimore School of Medicine. After practicing his profession in Clarkesville and in Chesterfield county, he came to Union in 1840, but some 11 years later he moved to Sweet Springs. In 1836 he married Mary E., daughter of Jesse Wherry, of Manchester. She died in 1863, aged 55. Of the 10 children of Dr. and Mrs. Cook, 8 lived to adult age, their names being as follows: Anna H. (s)— John H. (b. 1838) (Julia, A. Baker, 1864)— Mary E. (Robert E. Jordan, of Fluvanna Co.) Alfred W. (Martha E. Carter, 1866)— Harriet G. (Andrew A. Kean, 1868)— William F. (Alfaretta Wick- line, Blanche Carter) James R. (Clarissa B. Settle, 1872) Margaretta C. (John P. Wickline, 1874).

C. of John H.— Walter J. (Ella Dransfield, 1894)— Randolph G. (Anna F. Dransfield, 1892)— William E. (Sue M. Kingsberry, 1906)— John F. Florence G. (Lee Walker, 1893). John H. has been a veteran teacher and served a term as county superintendent W. J. is deputy sheriff, W. F. a physician, and J. F. a graduate of Roanoke College and Crozier Theological Seminary, is a minister of the Baptist church.


John, son of an English immigrant, came from Albemarle in his youth. A son was William M. (1835-1901) (Margaret Hines). C: William H. (1862-1915) (Hallie V. Kershner— Charles E. (Luella Connor). C. E. graduated from Shenandoah Normal College, 1889, and from the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Baltimore, 1893. He established himself at Charleston, 1899, where he has a large, successful practice, but delights in long visits to his native county. W. H., law graduate of the University of Virginia, was prosecuting attorney of Monroe at the time of his death.


Edward (or Edmund) was a large landholder on Second Creek after the Revolution. His wife, Frances, is said to have been a niece to General Wolfe, of Quebec fame. John (Margaret), who sold land to John Gray in 1803, seems to have been a son.


William L. (b. 1839) (Sarah C. Johnson, 1867, Eliza S. Burdette), came from Greenbrier in 1869. He was a magistrate and member of Monroe County Court. C: John F., Anna L., Caroline H., Willia L., Henry F., Charles M., James L., Marietta, Maud (J. P. Foster), Ethel (F. C. Jones).



Lewis (Catharine) sold land in 1799 to John Lemons and in 1805 to Patrick Donally.


George (1777-1865) seems to have been a son of John (Keziah), who was living here when the county was formed. He came from Penn- sylvania and married Margaret Keenan. C: Sylvester (s) Kate (s) John M. m. in Tenn.) Michael (Margaret Reed) Philander (Sarah Thomas) Eleanor (John Johnson) Mary (George Mitchell)— George (s) Andrew (s). Sylvester went to Arkansas and John to Tennessee.

C. of Michael: Newton B. (s) John W. (Florence Sharp) James (Etta Harless) Jennie (Caperton C. Campbell) Mary E. (John Trout) Margaret (Edward Trout) Nannie (John Campbell).

C. of Philander: George (Ilene Beckett) William (Leone Wickline, Sarah Elmore) John (s) Melissa (s) Ellen (John Kessinger) Kate (Jessie Arnot) Robert L. ( McNeer) .

There are other connections with the spellings Counts, Kounts, and Koontz. Henry (Susan) moved from Indian to Kanawha about 1806. Several of his family married here. William Counts, of Devil's Creek, mar- ried Delilah Dransfield. He had a brother Charles (Rebecca Tigert, 1833), and a sister, Mary D. (Josiah Dransfield, 1845).


Conrad (b. 1760) (Lucy Brunen, 1784) was a native of Hesse Cas- sel, and came to America as a soldier under Burgoyne. He settled at Winchester, where he had been a prisoner of war. His wife, whom he married at Frederick, Md., was a descendant of Sir Walter Raleigh, and also a relative of the mother of George Washington. William B. (b. 1808) (Mary Ragan, 1832), fourth son of Conrad, was drawn to Mon- roe through a love of adventure and settled here after his marriage. C: Virginia L. (James Claiborne) Lewis A. (Mahala Shanklin) Wil- liam C. (b. 1837) (Mattie Tooke)— Harriet— Otho H.— Fannie— R. J. (1847- 1912) Ella G. Floy (Ernest Rochefort). Claiborne, whose daughters are Mrs. George DeVere and Bettie, was a descendant of the famous William Claiborne, of Kent Island, Md. L. A., W> C, and O. H. saw much service in the Confederate army. L. A., captured at Gettysburg, made an unsuccessful attempt to escape from the military prison at Fort Delaware. He was one of the guard that escorted the remains of General Stonewall Jackson to Richmond. W. C. was one of the men that boarded and captured the ship "Harriet Lane" This was one of the most memor- able exploits in the annals of war. W. C, O. H., and the Rocheforts settled in Texas. R. J., a resident of Union, had for two consecutive


nights a most vivid dream of buried treasure on Calder's Peak. Ella G. has been 33 years a teacher.


Andrew married Elizabeth Maxwell in Pennsylvania and settled a mile south of Gap Mills somewhat later than 1784. C: William (1784- 1855) (Sarah Bowyer, 1808)— James (d. 1860) (Sarah Beamer)— John (Tenn.) Thomas (Tenn.) Margaret (Robert Christy, 1804) Hannah ( Milhollen).

C. of William: William H.— Adam B. (1810-1888) (Elizabeth Nickell,

1839) John M. ( Champ) George Thoma,s Andrew (Alleghany)

Susan (Thomas Hepler) Elizabeth H. (John Motteshead, 1841) Mar- garet A. (John Sumpter, 1844) Nancy (John Dodd).

C. of James: John R.— Andrew M. (1821-1904) (Martha Hively) Philip B. (1823-1883)— William A.— Elizabeth (1824-1890) ( Brad- ley)—Margaret S.— James M. (1835-1907).

John M. was born Mar. 1, 1811, and lived until Mar. 27, 1912. He was a blacksmith and not only made his own pocket knives but even his farm- ing tools and his sawmill. For 80 years he was a member of Carmel church and was a regular attendant from his home at Waiteville. When the railroad came to Potts Creek, he asked only that his spring be let alone and the wish was respected. The rough men who appeared during the railroad construction never molested him and used no profanity in his presence. When remonstrated with for living alone in his old age, he drew his well thumbed Bible from his shoebench and exclaimed : "Here's my protector, here's my shield, and here's my weapon. With this as my protector, I fear no evil, I fear no robber, I fear no murderer."


Wolf Crotshin, a refugee from Poland, became a merchant of Peters- town and died in this county in 1907, at the age of about 90. His first wife was Amanda J. Hobbs, of Giles Co. C: Thomas L., county sur- veyor— Alma (Frank Hale).


M. Homer Cummings was born near Pickaway, August 23, 1890, and was graduated from Trevecca College, Nashville, Tennessee, in 1909. After spending a year in the University of Chattanooga, he entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1911. Since then he has written more than sixty hymns, the more popular being these: "My Lord and King," "There is a Gladness," "What Will You Do with Jesus?" "Come Where the Blessings Fall," The Gospel According to You," "Jesus Is the One You Need." Others appear in "Echoes from Beulah," pub- lished by the author at Ripley, W. Va. Mr. Cummings has also writ-


ten "You Are My Sweetheart," a secular song that has been well received by the music public. His parents are H. M. Cummings and wife, Pick- away.


Robert (Ann Curry), of the Isle of Man, came to Augusta in 1755, where each of the couple lived to the age of 84 years. Of their 9 chil- dren, William, James, Alexander, Samuel, Isaiah, Robert, Molly, Marga- ret, and Ann, three came to this county. These were Molly ( Erwin),

Margaret (Isaac Nickell), and James (Mary Francis). The latter moved to Highland in 1812. His children were: Ann (Samuel Ralston), Robert (Susan Nickell), Polly (Edward Erwin), James (Elizabeth Nickell, Ruth A. Newton), Josiah (Sarah Nickell), William (Rachel A. Malcom), Ben- jamin A. (Rebecca G. Bell), George W. (Isabella Alexander* Martha George). Of the Currys of a later period we have no coherent account. There seem to have been others of the name in Monroe.


Thomas, Isaac, Abraham, were French soldiers who served under La- Fayette. Thomas (Christina) was a sergeant, who in his army life knew what it is to sleep warm under a blanket of snow and on another oc- casion to wake up with his long hair frozen to the earth. He was a weaver by occupation. C: Sarah (David Magnett), Christina (Brice Miller), Kate (John Strickler), Ann (Michael Spade), Mary (Asher Bur- dette), Elizabeth (Sink Burdette), Samuel (1807-1882) (Sophia Spade), Isaac (Nancy ).

C. of Samuel: Isaac (1830-1911) (M. Susan Skaggs)— William C. (1832- 1912) (Elizabeth M. Skaggs) M. Catharine (George H. Thompson) George J. (b. 1835) (Mary E. Cooper, Sarah F. Skaggs, 1860, Sarah C. Corey, 1888)— John (1837-1912) (Rebecca J. Nelson, 1862)— Cornelius (1838-1912)— Michael A. (b. 1840) (Sarah A. Smith, 1866, Araminta C. C. Brown, 1909)— James R. (b. 1843) (Mary L. Broyles, 1873, Mary E. Dixon, 1881)— Mary S. (Henry Vass, 1867).

W. C. and J. R. were military prisoners at Point Lookout, and there suffered severely for want of food, the former never quite recovering from the effects and the latter having to stop to recuperate on his way home. The families of Isaac and W. C. are West. Geo. J., New Mexico.

C. of Michael: Ella A. (Edgar Ellis), Mary M., Lydia J (Patrick Mur- ray), Sophia (Renick Bowyer), Bettie E. (Luther Taylor), Ora D. (


C. of J. R. : Herman K. (Mary Spade), John L. (Daisy Taylor), Cor- nelius L. (Corda Weikel) ; by 2d w. Lucy A. (Crosby C. Kershner, Na- omi R., Elizabeth.



Levi (d. 1834c) C: Samuel, Charles, Jacob (Delinda Soward, 1807),

Reuben, Mary (James Stodghill, 1811), Margaret ( Thompson).

John (d. 1840): C.:— Jesse— S others. Thomas (d. 1815c)— app. $125.35.


Richard (d. 1814) (Isabella Humphreys) was the first of this line on Second Creek. His brothers, Joseph and Robert, settled about White Sul- phur Springs. C. of Richard: Elizabeth (1771-1838)— Esther (b. 1773) —Susanna (1775-1848) (James Young)— Joseph (1780-k. by accident, 1805) —Polly (b. 1782) (John McDowell, 1800)— Margaret (1784-1862) (James McDowell, 1805)— Nancy (1789-1849) (James Knox, 1805)— Richard (1792- 1866) (Susanna Ewing, 1814, Elizabeth Curry, 1828)— John (b. 1795).

Either Esther or Elizabeth, probably the former, married Joseph Black and went to Kentucky. The other married a Sullivan. John ran away to the war with Tripoli in 1805. Knox became a rich man at South Bend, Indiana.

C. of Richard, Jr.: (by first w.)— Joseph (1813-1877) (Molly Eakle) —Polly (1817-1889) (David Erwin)— Hamilton (1820-1849) (Jane Wy- lie, 1844)— Margaret! (1823-1850) (William] White): by second w. Hendron (1835-1853) (s)— Newton (1831-1905) (Mary H. Hamilton, Bar- bara A. Farnsworth) Virginia (1841-1899) (Robert Saunders).

Of Joseph's two children, Lelia married a Hope, of Virginia, and later a Johnson, of North Carolina. Elmer died in youth. Of Hamilton's three, Milton H. and Margaret lived single and Elizabeth married R. A. Hall. Of Newton's, only Elliot H. was by the first wife. He died single in 1889 at the age of 32. The rest of the family are as follows:

Edwin F. (dy)— Clarence F. (b. 1864) (Eliza R. Renick, 1889)— Rich- ard H. (b. 1867) (Algernon D. Smith, 1894)— Lula (b. 1869) (William H. McCue, 1890).

C. of C. F,— James N., Edgar F., Christian A. (dy), Richard R. C. of R. H.— Stanley S.

Newton Dickson, who lived on the ancestral homestead, was a man of education and broad intelligence. It was the rule of his life never to give nedless pain to any living creature, yet he had the courage of his very clearly defined convictions and was an exemplar of honor and truth. He kept the law of kindness and was given to hospitality. Often he was besought to stand for public office, but as often refused, preferring the free and quiet career of the private citizen. A loyal member of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, his life was rich in good influences to its farthest borders.

"Spring Valley Farm," the family homestead, is the fine creek bottom farm


originally owned by James Knox. The ample mid-century farmhouse was a hostelry in the turnpike era. During the early years of the county, the family name was most usually spelled Dixon. One John Dixon, said to have been of the Greenbrier branch, owned for some years a patent on Wolf Creek. George (Veronica) Dixon lived on Greenbrier River, but moved to Kanawha county before 1808.


Henry is a grandson of Asa, who came from Franklin county late in life. The wife of Asa was a cousin to Henry Clay and when that statesman was a guest at Red Sulphur he invited the couple to spend a week with him. Gen. J. A. Early was also a cousin and used to hunt with his hounds on the Dillon place in Franklin. Henry Dillon was born in a humble home near Red Sulphur, and becoming an orphan early in life, he was, as the oldest in a large family, his mother's principal sup- port. Owing to this circumstance his early education was limited, but he has prospered and is known as one of Monroe's best citizens. As a minister of the Baptist Church he has charge of the congregations at Cash- mere, Forest Hill, Pine Grove, and Indian Mills. His first wife was a Witt; his second is Margaret Hogshead Given. C: C. D., J. Clyde, Dr. W. L., Mrs. Garten, Mrs. C. C. Saunders, Mrs. Ida Keatly, H. E. Mrs. Keatly lives at "Glencoe," the Dillon home near Ballard.


Jacob (Catharine) came to Johnson's Crossroads in 1786. C: Cath- arine (1771-1853) (Robert Johnson). Jacob was guardian of Euly and James Young.


Edward Dowdy, son of a large tobacco grower living near Bedford, Va., located near Salt Sulphur Springs about 1825. He married Elizabeth Clark, granddaughter of Ralph Clark, a very early settler on Indian Creek. John H., son of Edward, is the present owner of the old stone house on Indian built by Isaac Estill. His wife is a great granddaughter of Joshua Mitchell. Her parents are J. R. and Nancy (Smith) Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Dowdy have four sons, George, Glen, Lee, and Hedley.


Josiah (Mary D Counts, 1845) was a weaver, who came from Lan- caster, Pa., and settled in Sweet Springs valley. His sister, Delilah, married William Counts.


Robert (Hannah Maxwell) came from Pennsylvania to Gap valley about 1790. C: John M. (Isabella Steele, Margaret Gilchrist) Thomas


(1795-1854) (Mary Campbell)— Robert (Elizabeth Steele)— William (Nancy Jarvis) Hannah (James Donally) Elizabeth (Samuel Fenton) Margaret (George Bugg) Amanda (Timothy Huffman, Stephen Wise- man).

C. of John M. : Isabel N. (James Bradley); by 2d w. Alexander

( Groves) George ( Bell) Wallace Abner ( Fitzwater)

Harvey Hannah (Henry Lane) Jane ( Kelly).

C. of Thomas: John, Samuel, Irvin, Mary, Matilda; these removed to Kanawha.

C. of Robert: William M. (Mary Crosier) John (Elizabeth Carman) Sylvester (Nancy A. Huffman, Cynthia McCormick) James (s) Mad- ison ( Jones).

C. of William: Robert (Ann Cartmill)— Hannah— William T. (Re- becca Brown) Asenath (M. H. Talbot) Adeline (Jacob Miller) N. Augustus (Sarah Shelton, Ann Duncan) Mary Jacob Miller) Margaret A. (Archibald Bean) John A. (Hannah Steele, Elizabeth Ramsay).

Another Dunbar was Matthew, who lived near Sinks Grove and died there in 1797. Jonathan (Iscah) lived on the south side of Swope's Knobs. His sister, Sarah, married Giles Burdette. William was a brother.


John (d. 1825c) (Elizabeth) came to Wolf before the Revolution. C: Conrad (1776-1853) (Jean)— Mary (John Cox). Mary M. (William Cook, 1808).


John H. (Josephine McNeer) came from Raleigh to near Lindside. He is an active trader and business man.


Alexander (1764-1841) was a son of Robert (Martha Graham, 1763), who was killed in the battle of Guilford, 1781. His grandfather, Cap- tain Alexander Dunlap, was the son of a soldier in the siege of London- derry. He came from Ireland with his sister, Elizabeth, and settled on the Calfpasture River as a very well-to-do pioneer. He died there in 1744. The grandson came here from Rockbridge and was in his day a very conspicuous citizen.

Alexander (Jane Alexander, 1795)— C: Robert A. (1796-1823) (Re- becca Pack, 1823)— Isabella (1798-1862) (James M. Haynes, 1821)— James A. (1799-1840) (Frances McElheny, 1831)— Addison (1801-1870) (Eliza- beth Johnson, 1831, Clara Petree, 1834)— Benjamin G. (1806-1884) (Re- becca Larew, 1845)— Adaline (1808-1828) (John Vawter)— Alexander


(1812-1853) (Mary A. Shanklin, 1838)— Mary P. (1816-1882) (Rev. Mitch- ell G. Dunlap, 1843).

C. of Robert: John R— Mary J. (Jacob Zoll)— Isabella E. (Joseph Zoll).

C. of Addison: Richard (by 1st w.) James (Mary Shanklin) Charles H. (1839-1904) (Martha S. Bates, 1862)— Addison (Julia Blair, 1874) (Tex.) Jane Harriet (J. Z. Ellison).

C. of Benjamin G. : Dr. John L. (Mary J. Spessard, 1878) James A. (Mary E. Johnson, 1882, Virginia W. S. Early, 1890).

C. of Alexander: William (Kas.) Robert Henry (Pulaski Co.).

C. of Charles H.: Dr. Charles— Prof. William— Robert S. (Elizabeth ) Edward (Harriet Pence) Elsie.

In the public life of Monroe and in professional and business careers the members of this connection have been conspicuous.


The Dunns are a numerous connection in the south of the county, but we lack a systematic account of their relationships.

Thomas (Mary) d. 1837 C: Madison (Cynthia Shumate) John H. ( Pack) James (s) Joseph A. (Elizabeth Dillion, 1847) Alexan- der (1825-1911)— Wesley L. (Louisa Smith)— Harrison B. (Martha B Dunn, Emma Callaway) Polly (David Frazer) Elizabeth (Nehemiah Phillips, 1826) Nancy ( Karnes) Louisa J. (John A. Spangler).

John (Isabella Thompson, 1802)— d. 1822— C: William, Hamilton, Harrison, Elizabeth, Susan, Anna, Polly, Nancy.

Reuben (Polly Pennington) C: Patterson John Ballard Julia Wil- liam (Eliza A. Spangler, 1854). C. of William: Charles L.— Walter- James Elizabeth P. Kate Charles.

John ( Peters) C: James C. (1800-1882c) (Nancy Robinson).

C. of J. C: L. B. (Isabel J. Mann)— G. L.— Henry C ( Camp- bell, Margaret Ballard) James P. (k. '61) Louisa (s) (Allen

Spangler) (Joseph Spangler) (Daniel Spangler).


Dunsmore, also spelled Dunmore and Dinsmore, is a Scotch name and means "hill by a heath." John, the ancestor of the American branch, ran away to Ireland in 1667 in consequence of some treatment he considered humiliating. He attained the age of 99. James (Elizabeth) came to the vicinity of Sinks Grove between 1770 and 1776, his son Joseph being born in the last named year. C: James (Sarah Murdock, 1811, Margaret Reed, 1813)— William (Molly Wanstaff)— Joseph (1776-1856).

C. of James, Jr. Elizabeth John (Frances Murdock, 1847) Mar- garet (Lewis Erskine, 1843) 'Hannah George W. (Amanda M. Crews') Andrew L. (J. Martha Evans) Mary A.


C. of John: Columbus M. (Virginia C. Marshall, 1877)— Mary M. H. (James L. Lemons).

C. of G. W— James G. (b. 1848) (Sarah E. Nickell, 1884, Mrs. Mary J. McClung)— Mary M. (James W. Ellis).

C. of A. L. Emma (James M. Rodgers) Leona (Yancey H. Lemons).

The Dunsmores have shown a strong attachment to agriculture. All the sons and daughters of James, Jr., became farmers or the wives of farmers. Columbus M. lives on the homestead, which is one of the best farms in the garden spot of Monroe.

Before and just after the war James G. Dunsmore studied at the Rocky Point Academy, and in 1867 became assistant to Prof. A. A. Nickell. The next year he became a teacher, but did not discontinue his studies. He decided to make teaching his life work in the fullest sense of the term. He took a very sympathetic interest in the educational needs of farmer boys, having been one himself. It occurred to him that a commercial edu- cation would equip young men in less time and at less expense than any other kind of scholastic training. But such schools were then rare except in the large cities. To prepare himself the better for this field of usefulness he took a course at the Eastman Business College at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in 1871 which gave him the degree of master of accounts. February 22, 1872, he opened at Sinks Grove the Dunsmore Business College, which he successfully conducted eight years in connection with the public school. In 1880 he removed to Staunton and for two years conducted his work in co- operation with the Hoover School for Boys. Two years later he severed his connection with this and founded a purely commercial school which was soon afterward incorporated. It has been the medium of a business education for hundreds of young men and women.


John (d. 1816) (Elizabeth) C: Polly (Henry Stuart), Eleanor (John Ellis), (Elizabeth (Owen Ellis).


Samuel of Augusta bought of Gilson (Molly) Legg in 1808.


John Echols was a son of Joseph (1789-1824) and Eliza F. (Lambeth) Echols, of Halifax county, and was born at Lynchburg, Virginia, March 20, 1823. In 1843 he finished a course at the Virginia Military Institute and the following year was married to Mary J., a sister to Allen T. Caperton, whose wife was his sister. In 1845 he came to Union, which re- mained his home twenty years. By 1860 he had won distinction as law- yer, orator, and statesman. He was a giant in stature, standing six feet four inches tall and weighing two hundred and sixty pounds. This com-


manding figure, re-enforced by an impressive bearing, gave him great power as a public speaker and made his hearers feel that he was thor- oughly in earnest. A more public spirited man was not to be found in this section of the Virginias. He was a firm believer in the higher edu- cation and backed up his belief by his deeds. While in Monroe he was deeply interested in good schools for both sexes. He was very active in the establishment of a female seminary, and did much to secure the best teachers possible and thus make the institution a success. He was the prime mover in a high school for boys at Union and freely gave of his time, money, and ability. Some students he took into his own house and gave them their board and tuition. To others he advanced money which they were to return whenever they might be able. This high school was very successful until the outbreak of war gave it a fatal blow. In 1851-3 he was a Delegate to the Virginia Assembly, and in 1861 he was a mem- ber of the convention that passed the ordinance of secession.

Before the war began he organized the Monroe Guards, of which or- ganization he was the first captain. He entered the Confederate army as Lieutenant Colonel of the 27th Virginia Infantry of the famous Stonewall Brigade. After the first battle of Kernstown, in which he commanded his regiment and was wounded, he was promoted to the rank of brigadier general and served under General Loring in the Kanawha valley. In the fall of 1862 he succeeded Loring and was put in command of the De- partment of Southwest Virginia. In 1863 he was placed on the court of inquiry as to the fall of Vicksburg. Later in the same year he took the field again and was in command at the battle of Droop Mountain. At New Market he led the right wing of the army under Breckenridge, and joining General Lee he took part in the fighting before Richmond. In the fall of 1864 he was again transferred to Southwest Virginia, and next spring with the rank of major general he succeeded Early in command of the Army of the Valley and Southwest Virginia. Eight days after the surrender of Lee he disbanded his army at Christiansburg, escorted the Confederate president to Goldsboro, N. C, and was paroled with the army under Johnston.

In the fall of 1865 General Echols made his home at Staunton and lived there until his death, May 24, 1896. A plan in which he was greatly interested was the building of a railroad to the Ohio river. He induced C. P. Huntington, the railway magnate, to ride horseback with him over the proposed route so as to convince him of its practicability. He did more than any other man to cause Huntington to build the Chesapeake and Ohio. That millionaire called him "my strong man Echols," and secured his ser- vices in extending the line from Jackson's River to Cincinnati and Louis- ville. Echols was an excellent financier as well as organizer and accu- mulated a large fortune. He was mainly instrumental in organizing the National Valley Bank of Staunton, and was its president.


General Echols was generous, benevolent, and highly successful. The people of Monroe, with whom he had spent the earlier part of his active career, held him in warm respect and confidence, and he was an elder in the Presbyterian Church. Toward the close of his life he was recognized as one of the greatest men in Virginia.

His children who grew to maturity were Edward, Harriet, who became the wife of M. Erskine Miller, and Percy, who died when about 21 years of age. Edward attained great prominence in business and political life, and served a term as lieutenant governor of Virginia. He had a cordial feeling for the county where he had spent his boyhood, and was by far the heaviest subscriber to to the fund for the Confederate monument at Union.


Thomas Edgar owned for many years a large tract of river land which included the site of Ronceverte. He moved there from Rockbridge before 1780, was county surveyor, and his wife was of the Mathews family of Greenbrier. His sons were Thomas and Archer. A daughter married a Withrow. Thomas married Eliza Byrnside in 1821. His children were Thomas, George M., Ann E., and Kate. The elder daughter was a mis- sionary to China.

George M. Edgar (1837-1913) was graduated from the Virginia Mili- tary Institute in 1856, standing sixth in a class of thirty-three, ten of whom were killed in battle. He began at once to teach and a year later was an assistant professor in his alma mater. When the war of '61 broke out he was professor of natural sciences in the Florida State Seminary. He then became drillmaster of the First Florida Regiment. After the seces- sion of Virginia, he helped to raise a company in Monroe, and as first lieutenant of the same he campaigned under General Wise in the Kanawha valley. He rose in rank until he became lieutenant colonel of the Twenty- Sixth Virginia Infantry, known as Edgar's Battalion. As its commander he served three years and distinguished himself on many a battlefield, not- ably on Tuckwiller's Hill, where he defeated a large Federal force, at Dry Creek, New Market, Totopotomoy, Cold Harbor, and Winchester. For his victory at Tuckwiller's he was presented a sword by the ladies of Lewisburg. At Cold Harbor and Winchester his command suffered very severely. At Lewisburg he was shot through the side and left on the field. In Early's Valley campaign he was captured and confined in Fort Delaware. After his exchange he rejoined his old command and at the close of the war was serving under General Echols. In the fall of 1865 he engaged in close study of the natural sciences at the University of Virginia. At the end of the session he became professor of mathematics in Oakland College, Mississippi. From 1884 to 1887 he succeeded General D. H. Hill as president of Arkansas University, and then became presi- dent of the very institution where he was when the war broke out. Later


he was a professor in the University of Alabama and in other institutions. In 1886 the degree of LL. D. was conferred upon him. He ranked high as educator as well as soldier. His lecture on Stonewall Jackson won high commendation. Colonel Edgar married in 1867 Rebecca Fry, of Lew- isburg, and was the father of six children.


The pioneer seems to have been Owen (Christina) who came from Augusta about the close of the Revolution and died on Wolf in 1812. C: Jacob (1778-1856) (Margaret )— John (d. 1823) PElizabeth (Jo- seph McClung, 1800)— PNancy (Amos Halstead, 1799) PEnos (d. 1852) (Virginia Wilson) . Enos had an exciting adventure among the Indians in his childhood. He grew up to be a great hunter, and trapper.

C. of Enos: John, Nancy (s), Cynthia (David Keller), Elizabeth (Chris- topher Flint), daughter (Madison Keller), Sabina (Thomas Reynolds). John, who lived to be 87, was likewise a great hunter. In a single trip he killed 60 deer missing but two shots. Nancy is said to have attained the age of 105.


James (d. 1791) (Ann) came from New York a little before the Revo- lution and settled on New River. C: James Joseph Asa (Elizabeth Pen- nington)— John (d. 1845) (Frances Paul) Ann ( Haynes) Ruth

( Jameson?) Mary (Isaac Paul). The family had several ex- periences with the Indians. At least one son fought at Point Pleasant. Another was waylaid and killed while taking cattle to market. John took a place on Hans that included a small clearing. Once while coming from Cook's fort to look after his corn he saw in a spring basin the tracks of seven Indians and he postponed his hoeing. The Rev. James Ellison, whose father was captured and carried 15 miles by the red men, was born in Farley's fort in 1778. He was ordained a Baptist minister in 1808. His wife was Mary Callaway. Four of their sons were also Baptist minis- ters, and one of these, Matthew, who was 65 years a preacher, was of boundless energy.

C. of John: Joseph (1788-1853) (Jane Garvin) John (Frances Cum- mings) James (Susan Mitchell) Ruth (James McClintock, 1808) Elea- nor (Michael Swope) Elizabeth (Jesse Stodghill) Nancy (James Fos- ter)—Hannah (George Wickline, 1829)— Jaley (William Shanklin, 1829) —Jesse (1814-1878) (Alpha Broyles) .

C. of Joseph: Samuel (Susan A. Mann, 1845) Eli (West) Joseph A. H. (b. 1832) (Paulina Bare, 1853)— Wesley (West)— Phoebe (m. in Iowa) Nancy (David Swope) Mahala (m. in Iowa).

C. of John: Isaac (Emily Lively) Woodson (Sarah Maddy) John J.


(Catharine Riner, Eliza Brown) Delpha ( Turner,

Phillips) daughter (away) Nancy (James Foster).

C. of Jesse: Susan (b. 1837) (Austin Mann of Adam) James Z. (b. 1840) (Harriet Dunlap, 1879).

C. of J. Z.— Clarence P. (Stella Knight)— Addison D. (Emma Kyle) Charles A. (Frances Waters) Elizabeth C. (Dr. Henry Messmore) .


Philip (d. 1807) (Catharine) lived on Swope's Knobs. His personalty

was $71.98. C: Susanna ( Miller), Catharine ( Piatt),

Elizabeth ( Hunter), Mary M. ( Vance), Andrew, Joshua,

Henry, Anthony (Kate Dubois).


Henry (Jean Thompson) came from Cecil county, Maryland. A son was Michael, a near neighbor to James Alexander, and he purchased a part of his land. He married Margaret, widow of Captain James Paulee, after her return from a captivity among the Indians. Her maiden name was Handley. He died in 1812. C. Henry (Agatha) William (Mar- garet Benson, 1810) Alexander Michael Jane (Hugh Caperton, 1806) .

Henry lived at Lewisburg, where he died in 1847. Alexander went to Alabama and Michael to Texas. William lived at Salt Sulphur, where in partnership with Isaac Caruthers he carried on that summer resort for many years.

The marriage records of the county disclose at least one other early family of Erskines, but we have not been supplied with any particulars of its members. One was Elizabeth (b. 1776) (Michael Bickett) .


Wallace (1698-1792) was a native of New Jersey, an uncle to his father John having been the first white child born in that state. About 1745 he came with his wife, Marcia Boude, and five children to the Bull- pasture valley at Fort George. Here he lived until 1773. He was of fine intelligence and considerable means, and was high sheriff of Augusta. A sixth child was born at Fort George, and by another wife, Mary A. Campbell, he had nine more, the youngest being but five years old at the time of the migration to Indian Creek. Boude and John, sons of his first wife, settled on Hans. The former went to Kentucky. The latter was murdered by James Stewart in 1780, but we know nothing of the circum- stances. His widow married Zachariah F. Estill, whose relationship to Wallace is not certainly known. Another Estill, William, was tax col- lector in 1782. The children of Wallace by the second marriage were Sarah (James Henderson) James (Rachel Wright) Samuel (Jane Teas) Wallace (Jennie Wright) William (Mattie Wright) Abigail (James


Wood)— Isaac (b. 1766) (Elizabeth C. Frogg, 1788)— Ruth (Travis Boot- on, William Kavanaugh). Sarah, James, and Samuel went to Kentucky, Wallace, William, and Abigail to Tennessee. Isaac, a man of prominence, was twice sheriff of Monroe and was in the Assembly. He sold to Moses Pence in 1818 and went to Tennessee, but at length returned to Lewisburg. His wife was a granddaughter to Thomas Lewis and stepdaughter to Col- onel John Stuart. Of his twelve children, two remained in Greenbrier. These were Agatha (Henry Erskine) and Floyd (Susan B. Kincaid, 1847) . Estill county, Kentucky, is named for a son, and Estillville, Va., for a grandson of Wallace, Sr.


James (Catharine Foster) came from Rockbridge to Peters Mountain valley. C: Mattie, Thomas (Ellen Rains), James (Rebecca Swinney), Edward, William, James A. (Malinda J. Thompson, Rowena Epperly) . All went away but Rev. J. A.


James (F. )— captain, 1762)— C: Oliver (d. 1823)— Samuel (d.

1815c) (app. $1392.17)— Williarri (d. 1816)— James— Jean (

Patterson) (d. 1830) Joseph.

C. of Joseph: Robert, William, Joseph, Oliver (d. 1847), John, James, Sidney (? McNutt), Frances.

C. of Samuel of James: Oliver, Sidney.


C. of Matthew of New River: Mary (b. 1763) (Samuel Pack) Eliz- abeth (Lemuel Jarrell, 1804) Esther (John Abbott, 1807)— Sarah (James Gore, 1807).

C. of Francis (Nancy): Adam (Catharine Boyd, 1807).


James (d. 1816) . William, a brother. John and James mentioned in will of first James.


James (Mary) were living in 1804 on Indian on the John Carlisle place.


The cousins, Peter, Michael, and Elijah, of German birth or parentage, came from Madison about 1804. But Elijah moved to Greenbrier, where there are many of his descendants. It is related that Peter, Sr., eloped to Madison with the daughter of a wealthy and aristocratic Englishman named Hoadly. The children of Peter, Jr., who died in 1814, were John (Nancy Dunn, 1812), Benjamin, and Elizabeth. John died in 1845 on the


Christian Peters homestead, to which he succeeded as owner in 1807. C. Fielden (1813-1861) (s)— James (1815-1876) (Sarah A. Young, 1864) Emily, b. 1818 (John Tuggle)— Allen (1820-1909) (Jureta Riner)— Polly (1823-1902) (Floyd Spangler)— William (1825-1856) (s)— John (1828- 1896) (s) Lucinda, b. 1831 (Russell Barley) . Fielden was a captain and died in the Confederate service. The only child of James is Robert F. (Sarah C. Peck, 1907) who lives on the old Peters homestead.

Michael (Mary) died 1826 c: Thomas John Elijah (Margaret Hut- chinson, 1811)— Mary (John Floyd, 1813)— Sarah (Jesse Cooper, 1807) Jemima (Ephraim Cook) Abraham (1794-1859) (Rebecca Peters). Polly and Jemima went to Ohio in 1843.

C. of Abraham: Elijah P. (1819-1907) (Romanza Harry)— Andrew L. 1821-1913) (Eliza McDaniel, Mary Nelson).

C. of Thomas: Michael (Elizabeth Smith), Jacob H. (Rebecca Thomp- son), Jonathan, Clarinda, Ruth.


Of three brothers, James, Nathaniel, and Christopher (Mary J. Dean), the two former went to Ohio about 1817. C. of Christopher: Samuel, John (d. 1898c) (Polly Hedrick), Benjamin (Polly Armstrong), Jeremiah (Mrs Lucinda Altair), Christopher (Elizabeth Ellis of Enos), Thomas, Nathan- iel, Stephen, Ezekiel, Joseph, Sarah, Elizabeth, Ruth. Jeremiah was a most industrious man. He would work all day on his land and work his sawmill at night with the help of a pine torch. He lived on Wolf and Griffith.


Lewis (Susanna) lived near Sweet Springs in 1823.


In the early days of settlement, Addison Foster came from Culpeper and settled on Wolf. We are not explicitly told of any son but John, yet in the opening decade of the last century we find in this county Nimrod, John, George, Isaac, Grigsby, Enoch, and Bedford, the last two of whom are mentioned as living on Wolf. There is nothing to show that the others were not.

John (Polly Skaggs) had these sons: Milton (d. '61), Ellison, Addison, Andrew, and Oliver H. (Ann Bobbitt, Mary Barton), only the last named remaining here till his death in 1910. C. of Oliver H. by first w. George B. Floyd F. Emma: by second, Winnie (W. S. Skaggs) J. Elbert

( Burdett) James P. (Maud Correll) Carrie (Lake Burdette)

Olive ( Hoover) . Of the above, George B. became highly ed- ucated, studying three years in Germany. Since then he has been a col- lege professor in New York and Canada, and finally in the University of


Chicago. His books, which have aroused considerable comment, are allu- ded to in Chapter XXIX. Floyd F. is a farmer and cattle dealer of Kan- sas. Emma, who wedded John Coalter, lives in New Mexico. Industry, frugality, an independent spirit, and social good will are characteristic of the Fosters. They are attached to the Baptist faith. John and his family were accustomed to walk all the way to Old Greenbrier church, crossing the river in a canoe.


Charles (Agnes) was a neighbor to William Lawrence on Indian when Union was established. Very soon afterward he became a tavern keeper in the county seat.


Martha (d. 1799) had Charles, Hannah ( Neely), Leah (

Torrey), Mary ( Pyne), Happy ( Willey), Abigail (

Tremble) . Her legacies amounted to $306.


George and his wife, Jean McClaggan, came from Scotland in 1800 and after living over 10 years in Rockingham moved to Gap Mills, and lived in a house that stood on the creek near Mrs. D. C. Pharr's gate. C: Isa- bella (1800-1876)— David (unc)— M'artha (James S. Crosier, 1840) Thomas B. (1810-1888) (Elizabeth Neel)— Alexander (1812-1876) (Vir- ginia Powell, (1867) George (Isabel J. Neel) Margaret (John Dunbar, 1849) .

C. of T. B.— Marion (1853-1912).

C. of Alexander: George A. (Annie Hedrick) Thomas L. (b. 1869) (Essie V. Nickell) Maude V. (John Littlepage) .

George went to Ohio. The brothers, G. A. and T. L., became physi- cians, the former settling at Asbury, in Greenbrier, the latter at Pickaway, where he is still a practitioner. He has five children. Marion was a noted example of the self-educated man. Not being able to attend any- thing better than the public schools of his youth, he studied the higher branches at his home. He was a self-taught lawyer, served one term as prosecuting attorney, and for more than 25 years was one of the county's very best teachers. His beautiful devotion to his mother "will be told as a memorial" of him. After her death he went to live with his cousin, T. L.

Eliza, another member of the connection, m. Preston McCormick, 1847.

GIVEN Adam, son of David G. and Katharine (Bowyer) Given, was born at Gap Mills in 1838 and died in Virginia in 1908. At the outset of the


war he organized the second company raised in Alleghany and became its captain. It was incorporated in the 60th Virginia Infantry. He was married first to Elizabeth Kyle Mann and second to Margaret Hogshead. The issue by the latter marriage is Katharine T. (James C. Turner) of Winchester, Ky.


James (1741-1813) (Florence Graham, 1762) was probably a native of Donegal, Ireland. Of two brothers, David (Jane Armstrong) settled in Bath and Robert (Mary Craig) at Fort Chiswell. His wife was a daughter of John, an uncle who lived on the Calfpasture. He was him- self a pushing, energetic man of much executive ability, and his posses- sions extended 10 miles along the Greenbrier in addition to holdings lower down the Kanawha and in Kentucky. He came to the Greenbrier in April, 1774, and his house is still in good condition. He left a legacy of 5 pounds to each grandchild named James or Florence. There were 4 of the latter. C: William (1765-1836) (Katharine Johnson) John (k. 1778)— Elizabeth (1770-1838) (Joel Stodghill)— David (1772-1819c) (Polly Stodghill, 1800)— Jane (b. 1774) (David Jarrett)— James (d. 1815) (Leah J. Jarrett, 1800)— Samuel (1780-1819) (Sarah Jarrett)— Lancelot (1783- 1839) (Elizabeth Stodghill, 1814)— Rebecca (William Taylor, 1808) Florence (1789-1879) (Joseph Graham, 1803).

C. of William: Florence (1805-1869) (John Nowlan, 1835)— Lancelot (Sabina Ellis)— John (1809-1893) (Mary J. Crews)— Jane (s)— James (Rebecca A. Vass) Elizabeth (Archibald Ballengee) Ann (s) David (b. 1814) (Sarah Alderson) Rebecca (John R. Ballengee).

C. of David: Sarah, David, William H., Polly F.

C. of James: Elizabeth (John Hefner), Cynthia,, Hiram, Irza, Jehu, Florence, Cyrus, Nancy.

C. of Samuel: James M., David, Nancy, Elizabeth, Susanna.


John (Jennett) came from Pennsylvania and settled a little to the northwest of Pickaway. C: John (Mary Reaburn) Jean (William Gul-

lett) Mlargaret (Robert Nickell) Elizabeth ( King) Martha

( Leach) Mary ( Hoxie) James (Mary Nickell). James

a soldier of 1812, went to Rush Co., Ind.

John, Jr., (d. 1821) was many terms in the Virginia Assembly, going to and returning from Richmond horseback. C: Alexander (1793-1870) (Lydia Wylie) James Margaret (John Wylie, 1813) Jane Henry Archibald (d. 1830) (Sarah Brown, 1812)— Elizabeth— Mary— John— Re- becca.

C. of Alexander: William (Elizabeth Alderson)— John W. (1822-1911) (Adella Hawkins) Andrew ( Patton) Mary (George Lynch)


(1819-1899)— Eliza H. (Porterfield Boyd, 1839)— Catharine (Andrew B. Boyd, 1847) Annie (A. M. Hawkins) .

C. of John W.— James A. (m. in Mo.)— Lydia J. (John T. Nickels- William A. (Marjorie E. Lynch)— Robert A. ( Elliott)— Joseph.

C. of William A.— Czerny B. (Nola Early)— Robert B. (Lucy Leach) W. Aubrey Gladys (dy) .

In each generation except the present only one male member has re- mained, so that the connection has never long been well represented. James A. went to Missouri and Robert A. to North Carolina. Robert R. is an educator and Presbyterian minister.


Jesse (Clara Bigbee) came from the mouth of the Rappahannock in 1788 and shortly after settled at the mouth of Hans. Only one of his sons remained here although all married in the county. C. George Daniel

Whitson Benjamin (1787- ) (Margaret Larew) Thomas ( Garten

of Griffith Elijah Nancy (Tolison Shumate) Peny (William Campbell) Elizabeth (Jacob Larew) Clara (Dickson Garten).

C. of Benjamin: (Elizabeth, b. 1815)— Allen (b. 1817) (Margaret A. Campbell) Peter (dy) Julia A. (Squire Mann) William (Elizabeth Canterbury) Whitson (Elizabeth Miller) John (k. '61) Mary J. (Henry Sutphin) Jesse (Elizabeth Masters) Emily (John A. Wilson) Clara R. (Samuel Chapman) Benjamin W. (Marha Deeds) Preston (b. 1840) (Elizabeth Walker).

C. of Allen: Sarah E. (William Riner) Amanda J. (Lewis Thomas)

Mildred A. (Steward Mann) Clemens ( Arnot, Riner)

—Lewis M. (s)— Margaret E. (Charles E. Skaggs)— Robert (b. 1858) (Maud Campbell, Mary L. Pack) James A. (s) John H. (Eliza Skaggs).


Lewis P. Groves is the second son of A. H. Groves and his wife, Sarah Bobbitt. After teaching six years he equipped himself for the Baptist min- istry at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and was licensed in 1897. His first pastorate, at Orleans, Ind., was before his graduation, and his active service began there in 1901. Three years later he accepted a call at Beckley. He is now pastor of the Baptist church at Alderson. Mir. Groves is popular, energetic, and able, and has served his several fields with great usefulness and success. He is a first cousin ot Dr. George B. Foster, of Chicago, and bears a close resemblance in physique and in per- sonal qualities. His wife was Lena A. Shires and six children have been born to the couple.


William (d. 1805) (Jean), a blacksmith, was here in 1780 and owned


three slaves. C: William) (Frances Nickell, 1808), George, Margaret, Polly ( Leach), Jennie (Reuben Leach), Elizabeth (Reuben Whar- ton, 1800).

John is mentioned in 1780.


Gwinn, also spelled in America Gwin and Gwynn, is a Welch name with a very honorable place in the history of that little country. The form in the Welch language is Gwyn (Goo-in), from which is perhaps derived the Christian name Gawen, which has been borne by various men in Rockingham, Bath, and perhaps other counties. The word means "white" or "candid," and the Gwinn coat of arms bears the legend, "vim vi pellere licet" "It is permissible to oppose force with force." One David Gwinn was the ruler of one of the subdivisions of Wales, and Sir Rowland Gwynn was the author of the compact to stand by William of Orange when he was invited to become king of England in 1688.

One Robert Gwin settled on the Calfpasture river about 1745, coming from North Carolina, although he was probably of foreign birth. His sons were David, James, Robert, Simon, Samuel, and Joseph. David and Joseph died in Highland where they were substantial citizens. Robert (Jane) and Simon moved finally to Kentucky. James and Samuel came about 1770 to the Greenbrier at the mouth of Kelly's Creek. A house built by Sam- uel is still in good preservation. Many of his descendants are in the West. Among them, was the late Senator William Gwin of California.

C. of Samuel: Samuel (Elizabeth Taylor, 1803) Moses (Mary Ser- gent) Andrew (Mary Newsome) John (Sarah George of Thomas) Ephraim (Rachel Keller) Ruth (James Jarret) Elizabeth (Robert New- some) Ivvy (Thomas Busby) Jane (David Withrow) Alexander (Mary Given) Salathiel (Margaret Black of Samuel) Robert (Nancy Ellison) Thompson (Rachel Harra, 1841) Margaret (Nathan Viney) James (Jane Pyne) Elizabeth (W. C. Riner, 1845). C. of Andrew of Samuel: Thomas, Samuel, William, Andrew, Junius, Robert B. (Rebecca Maddy), Marion. R. B. (b. 1837) is the father of Eliza J. (George W. Vawter) and Bessie.

C. of James: Robert, James, Joseph (Polly Taylor, 1805), Samuel.

C. of Joseph of James: Sylvester (Elizabeth Williams) James (Vir- ginia Johnson) Joseph (Elizabeth Taylor) Augustus (Elizabeth Calla- way)— Nancy (James Meadows) Martha (James Graham) Miriam (Jeremiah W. P. Stevens) Sarah (Samuel Gwinn) Billescent (Simeon K. Hoffman, 1845)— Mary (George Keller, 1843)— Paulina (Levi Jar- rett, 1847).

The thrift of Samuel, Sr., may be seen in the circumstance that in the course of his long life, although living in a poor frontier community, he


became able to divide $12,000 in specie among his sons, Andrew and Sam- uel, Jr., taking each a half-bushel of coin and carrying it by packsaddle to their homes beyond Keeney's Knob. James, Jr., is said to have been the first white child born in Monroe after the Clendennin massacre. Two sons of Robert were colonels in the United States army. In general the Gwinns have been good, industrious, and intelligent citizens.


Luther C, son of Isaiah and Sarah B. Hale of Giles, was a resident of Brush Creek from 1866 till his death in 1899 at the age of 59. He was a justice of the peace and a man of great usefulness. His wife was Laura J. Peck. C: Clarence C, Anne L. (C. A. Hines), Carrie A. (C. J. Hansbarger), Mary B., Asa A.


John (Elizabeth) lived on Stinking Lick in 1802.


Samuel came from Rockbridge in 1833 and after merchandising a while at Union he carried on a store at Nickell's Mills in partnership with J. Madison Nickell. In 1846 he sold his interest to Mr. Nickell and moved to a farm seven miles north of Union. In 1856 he built the Hamilton mill on Second Creek. In a building near by he and Benjamin Vanstavern kept a store several years. In 1843 he was elected to the legislature as a Dem- ocrat and served three consecutive terms. His first wife, Sarah Wilson, came here with him. She died in 1850, and in 1859 he married Mrs. Sarah Wharton. C: Robert W. (k. 1st Manassas) Mary H. (Newton Dickson, 1855)— William A. (d. 1862)— Samuel P. (d. 1912) (Mattie Staley) Augustus H. (b. 1842) (Mary McChesney) . All the sons were in the Confederate army, but on account of defective eyesight, S. P. was dis- charged from the service and detailed as miller in his father's mill. Later he became one of Monroe's best farmers and was six years on the county court. He died near Staunton in 1912. W. A. died of erysipelas, which proved fatal also to his father who was attending him. A. H. studied for the ministry after the war and followed that calling faithfully for 40 years, during 38 of which he was pastor at Midway.

C. of S. P.— Dr. Hubert L.— Clarence S.— Lillian— May— William A.

C. of A. H. Sarah (John McCormick) Alexander M. Rev. Harry W.


William J., a member of an old Louisa family, was born in 1833 and came to Alderson in 1873 as a railroad and express agent.


Christopher (Margaret) came to Gap Valley soon after the Revolu-


tion. He sold out to the Pattons and Neels. C: Margaret (John Shires, 1806), Mary (Thomas Shires, 1804), Elizabeth (Robert Bland, 1808), Cath- arine (?), Sarah (?), George (?).


This family was once very prominent but is now extinct in Monroe.

John (Mary) (d. 1811) (estate $2765.38). C: William (1769-1840) John (Pensie) Margaret (Samuel Clark) Sarah (Humphrey Keyes, 1803) —Nancy (Thomas Akins, 1804)— James (1767-1844)— Alexander— Eliza- beth— Walker Archibald Samuel Isaac.

C. of William (Margaret Henderson) : Zenas (Emeline R. Karnes, 1841) Lucinda Rebecca Polly (John Gill) Ruth (Jacob Barger) John Samuel (Isabel Barger)— Lucinda (1796-1866) (William T. Arnott)— Lo- gan— Lindy ( Weikel) Louise (s) (Jean Arnott) Hen- derson— Constantine Jabez ( Charlotte) .

Archibald (d. 1796) (Jean) was neighbor to James Alexander. His

personalty was $593.10. C: Sarah ( Shands), Griselda, Ann, Jean,

Mercy, James (Mary, b. 1767, d. 1884). The last named, a nephew to another James, had half the homestead.


William came to Monroe between 1790 and 1800. Jehu (1801-1890) (Susan Berger), a son of William, lived near Willow Bend. C: J. D. (Methodist minister), Susan A., Malvina D., David, Leonidas, Rev. W. F., Mrs. C. A. Joyce. Jehu was a Methodist minister and sweet singer.


This is an old name in the Valley of Virginia, where there is mention of Stephen as early as 1752. John lived on Nelson's Creek of the upper James in 1775, and Jacob was a resident of Alleghany in 1824. John H. came to Monroe about 1857 and bought 1130 acres of land on Rich Creek. He was twice married first wife Barbara Hodge; C: Robert (d.), Renick (in Okla.) and J. Echols (Julia Clara), living on Rich Creek; 2d wife, Susan Neel; C. Wm. H. (Lily Lively, d. ; Anna Peery), on Rich Creek, Thos. (d.), Fannie (d.), Rose, Chas. J. (Carrie Hale), Bluemont, Va. Amos Harns- barger lived for years near Union; his son Hugh is now in Staunton, Va.


John and Hamilton are mentioned in 1805. James (Hannah) died about 1820, leaving Polly and Elizabeth, minors. Children of a Harper who married a Crosier were Mary (Robert Ballantyne), Elizabeth (Arch- ibald Burdette). The Harpers lived in the vicinity of Plank Cabin.


Four children of John (Margaret) of Orange settled in the southwest


of Monroe about the close of the Revolution. These were Benjamin, (1751- 1826) (Susan Ballard of William)— Nicholas (Sarah )— John (Eliz- abeth )— Elizabeth (1768-1824) (John Stodghill). A James (Mary

Snidow) and a Joseph are also spoken of.

C. of Benjamin: William, John, Thomas, Millie (John Mann, 1801), Mollie (James Houchins), Nancy (Adam Mann), Elizabeth (Robert Creed, 1804) .

C. of John: Dicea (Bartley Pack, 1811), Elizabeth (Ephraim Broyles, 1805). Nancy (Thomas Paul, 1815), Polly (Edmund Dunn, 1805).

Other very early marriages among the Harveys were these: Elizabeth (Mark P. Duncan, 1803), Jacob (Hannah Swope, 1802), Joshua (Sarah Swope, 1808), Frances (James Swope, 1807), Barbara (Andrew Nickell, 1802).

Nicholas, or according to another account, James, built several log cabins at Red Sulphur Springs and was thus the first person to open the resort to the public. A daughter married William Adair. A grandson of Joseph was governor of Kansas.


William, born in Philadelphia in 1743, was a son of James and his wife, Hannah Harper, who came to that place from England with the Quaker immigration that began about 1683. The son, who had received a good schooling and learned the hatter's trade, went to the Shenandoah Valley, where he married Frances Erwin of the Long Glade. For a while the couple lived on the Bullpasture, but at length came to the Sinks of Monroe, where Hawkins continued to teach school and make hats. C: Mary, Hannah (b. 1776) (Joshua Leach, 1798), James (1778-1862) (Jen- nie Boyd, 1808)— Elizabeth (Henry Hull, 1821)— John (b. 1783) (Eliza- beth Benson, 1808), Martha, William (b. 1788), Jane (Joshua Phipps), Benjamin, Francis. Either Mary or Martha married a Clark. John went West. William was in the war of 1812 but nothing is known of him since. The Phippses went to Tennessee, whence a son was sent to Con- gress.

C. of James: Archibald M. (1809-1876) (Anna W. Gray, 1833, Isa- bella Miller, 1856),— Frances E. (David Hanger)— Ann M. (b. 1813) (An- drew Campbell, 1830)— Joseph C. (Julia Patton)— William H— Adelia J. (John W. Gray, 1845)— James S. (1824-1891) (Nancy N. Nickell, Su- sanna J. Parker, 1854)— Patrick H. (1826-1902) (Sarah C. Wills, 184r Robert A. P. H. went to Missouri, and R. A. to Texas.

C. of A. M. Addison (Delilah Lemons), Isaac N. ( Dirkie),

Eliza A. ( Wiggins), Mary J. (Addison Leach), Lydia C. (W.

W. Jones), Thomas J. (Rebecca J. Erwin); by 2d w. Hiram H. (Ruth M. Potts, 1893), Andrew J .(Jennie Thacker), Virginia A. (Hugh A.


Beamer), Emma M. (Thomas J. Boyd), James A. (Mattie C. Brannon). Nearly all these went to Nebraska, Illinois, and Texas.

C. of James S. (by 2d w.) : Joseph M. (Grace A. Dodds, Sarah A. Kincaid)— William A. (Laura J. Beamer, 1881)— James N. (Sarah V. Irons, 1882) Robert P. (Sarah B. Simpson) Carrie A. (mission teacher) Erastus B. (Frances L. Daniel, 1895). It is only this last branch of the Hawkins connection that is represented in Monroe in the male line.


This connection is noted for longevity and powerful physique and for the proverbial German fondness for limestone soil and bluegrass. Joseph (1751-1847) (Mary J.) came to a patent on Wolf Creek about 1772. Their one son Henry (1774-1849) (Barbara Huffman of Joseph, 1805). C: Eva- line Nancy Joseph Henry Barbara (William Hines, 1814) George W. —John. All but George W. (1813-1892) (Patsy Hines, 1833) left their native county. He was a veteran horse dealer.

C. of G. W.— Lewis C. (drowned 1853)— Thomas L. (1837-1892) (Mrs. Virginia Wood, 1865)— Isabel C. (J. M. Willis, 1856)— Joseph N. (1840-1913) (Emma McLaughlin, 1868)— Mary J. (dy)— Martha E. (J. Cary Woodson, 1868— Wallace P. (b. 1846) (Lenora W. Gooding, 1876) George L. (Virginia Beckner, 1874) James A. (Mary Cole, 1873) Cor- nelius E. (Nannie Dunn, 1880) . Of the above, only Isabel C. and Wal- lace P. have remained in this county, the latter living on the family home- stead. The other branches of the connection are dispersed through other counties and other States.

C. of J. N.: (Arthur Hank), J. W., H. G.

C. of W. P.— Lola— Roy.

C. of T. L.— C. O.— F. N.— Mrs. Walter Skaggs.

Seemingly related to the foregoing Joseph was William (1763-1819) (Catharine Shanklin, 1793, Magdalen Kelly, 1812). He was a son of Isaac, a German, and his brothers Benjamin and Joseph lived on Jack- son's River. The latter married Barbara Riffe in 1782. Another, Charles, married Mary Dixon of Greenbrier, in 1781. About 1793 William came as a merchant to Sweet Springs, but in 1795 removed to Gap Mills, where he carried on a mercantile business with William Shanklin. He was a very prominent citizen in his time. C: James M. (1794-1858) (Isabella Dunlap, 1821)— Agnes D. (b. 1797) (Michael Erskine)— Andrew S. (s) William P. Thomas N. W. P. and T. N. both graduated in medicine and died'in the South. J. M. removed to Summers in 1840.

C. of J. M.— William (Amanda E. Harvey, 1850)— Alexander D. (Jane Shanklin) Robert P. (Elizabeth Swope of George, 1858) James (Susan Shanklin, 1861) Catharine (s) Jane A. (Norman C. Gwinn, Wil- liam Carraway) .

William was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1872 and


a state senator in 1892. A. D. was a delegate to the Virginia Assembly in 1856-7. James graduated from Washington College and Union Theo- logical Seminary, was a chaplain in the Confederate army, and after the war was a Presbyterian minister.


Frederick ( Tuckwiller) lived in Rich Hollow, Greenbrier. A

son was Moses, father of S. Taylor, James J., and John.


The brothers John, James, and Samuel, supposed to be sons of William, came to Augusta about 1740. Colonel John, a justice of Greenbrier, mar- ried Ann Given, sister to the wife of General Andrew Lewis. He died in 1787, leaving four minor children, Samuel, John, James, and William. Two wealthy and prominent pioneers of Monroe were the captains, John and James, who took the state census in 1782. The former, who appears to have lived in the valley of Rich, died in 1787, and his estate was ap- praised by residents of that section. James married Sarah Estill, a daugh- ter of Wallace Estill, but died about 1793, leaving only one child, and the widow remarried. The wife of John was Elizabeth Harvey. Other Hendersons, male and female, are mentioned in the records. William, brother to the above James, had Nancy, James, Alexander.


Frank Hereford was born in Fauquier county, July 4, 1825. In earlj youth he removed to the West, not pausing until he reached California. In the new country his honesty and faithfulness gave him success. Com- ing to Monroe shortly after the war of 1861 he engaged in the practice of law, and in this field he exhibited a conscientious duty toward his clients. At the same time he took a strong position in the political affairs of West Virginia. He served four years in the House of Representatives, and four years in the United States Senate, completing the term left va- cant by the death of Allen T. Caperton. Mr. Hereford was popular and public spirited, and firm and true to his convictions of right. For many years he was a most loyal member of the Methodist church, but his lib- erality in his support of Christian work was by no means confined to his own denomination. The severe labor and exposure which he went through in his earlier years showed their effects in middle age, and toward the end his health was considerably impaired. He died February 21, 1891. Mr. Hereford was married to Alice B. Caperton, who survived him pre- cisely ten years. Their children are Francis G., Alexander (

Morton), Harriet (J. J. F. Shaw) and Katharine ( Stoddert).



Thomas had Moses (d. 1805), Catharine ( Surgeon), Margaret

( Higgenbotham) .

C. of Moses (app. $473.56) (Polly Bowyer) : Andrew, Mary, Mar- garet.

Henry (d. 1816) calls himself very old. C: James and others. Mary (Leonard Fisher, 1804), daughter of Joseph.


C. of Martin (Margaret Boyd): Spencer (Margaret Patton), William (Barbara Nickell), Nancy (James Curry), Malvina (William Nickell). Spencer and William built the first houses in Sinks Grove.


William (d. 1815) (Elizabeth) is said to have built the first shingled house in Wolf Creek. His home was on Kelly Creek near Creamery. The only children we learn of were William, John, and Elizabeth. The first, as we are told, had only 24 children by his second wife. Of all this host the only names we have are John (1828-1896), Hannah, Eliza (Andrew A. Miller, 1845), Minerva (Thomas Johnson, 1844). The children of John of William, Sr., (w. Virginia Nickell, 1853) are Wellington, Annie E., A. Luther, Allen T., John. John of William, Sr. had William, Polly. The same or another contemporary John had Cynthia, Joseph, James, John, Andrew, Nancy (d. before 1842), Malinda. Other early Hinchmans were Margaret, born 1758, and Thomas, levy-free, in 1816. William, Sr., had a daughter who married a Dickson and had a daughter Elizabeth.


Charles (Margaret) settled on Wolf where he died in 1804. His children were William (Jean Alford, 1806, Margaret Haynes) Charles (s)— Henry— Felicity, or Fidelity, (Loyd Ellis, 1819)— Iba (s)— Mary (Jo- seph Swope, Jr., 1800) Nancy (James Alford, 1806). Henry was a sad- dler at Union and lived to an old age. Many are the stories told of his waggishness. Of the children of William, two were by the first wife.

C. of William: Charles R. (Cynthia Connor) Matilda (Albert Alder- son) Catharine) (David Longnecker) Martha (Beniah, B. Hutchinson, 1846) Eliza (Ephraim Honaker, 1845) Margaret (William Copeland) Virginia (s) Emeline (drowned crossing a footlog) Madison (Eliza- beth Jameson) Joseph P. (Lucy Alderson) . Of the children of Charles R. two were by a second wife, Sarah R. Beard. C. of C. R. Mary I. (George Alderson) James W. Lorenzo N. Mattie C. (Henry Butt) John W. (111.)— Jesse L. ( Winn)— Charles B.

Of the above, Charles R. kept store several years at Johnson's Cross- roads but died at Pence Springs. James W., a physician and surgeon,


was a graduate of Emory and Henry College and had practice in the Con- federate army. Butt was his professional partner. Jesse L. is a fruit grower of Albemarle and Charles B., a pharmacist, was president of the county court of Summers at the time of the contention over the boundary line.

Joseph P., of Dropping Lick, had 10 boys: Jesse E., Charles A., and Robert L., thrifty farmers of Monroe; George R., John P., and Thomas H., farmers in Missouri; William E. and Cary C, attorneys at Sutton; James E., an agent, and Samuel O., deceased. This is a good record.

Another Hines was Joseph (Margaret) whose daughter Catharine mar- ried Jacob Haynes, 1804. ,


John S. (1827-1906), a very worthy son of Rockbridge County, came in 1871 and purchased the Andrew Campbell farm near Pickaway. He married Sarah Ramsay in 1851. C: Luella T. (James G. Leach, 1875), Lelia S. (C. L. Morris, 1888), Thomas S. (Hattie Hammitt, 1889), Ashby A. (druggist), William H., Anna R. (B. C. Young, 1895). John S. would appear to be a descendant of Samuel (Elizabeth) who settled on the Calfpasture river about 1745, and died there some 30 years later, leav- ing these children: Eleanor, John, James, Sarah ( McDonald),

Agnes ( Martin, Margaret ( McElvain), Catharine (

Kelly), Elizabeth ( McCutchen).


John (1744-1781) (Ann Kilpatrick, 1764) was the oldest son of James (Elizabeth Davis) of Moffett's Branch, and he in turn was a son of John (Nancy Wallace), who came from Ireland with his wife and settled on Elk Run in Augusta about 1740. The grandson lost his life in Indian war- fare. C: James (1767-1854) (Johanna Wilson, 1803)— Charles (1769- 1843) (Jane McGlamery, 1801)— John (1773-1819) (Mary Smith, 1799c) —Margaret (Alexander Malcom) William (Ann Kilpatrick, 1798). Wil- liam married and lived in Anderson county, Tenn. Margaret lived in Highland.

C. of James (Johanna) : Ann (John McNair, 1825) John W. (Jane R. Huggins) Polly (James Hogshead, 1829) James H. (m. in Mich.) . The McNairs went to Iroquois Co., 111., and James H. to Schoolcraft, Mich. The four children were born in Augusta between 1804 and 1809.

C of Charles (Jane): Humphrey (s)— Isabella (1803-1886) (John B. Hogshead, 1828)— John (1806-1857) (Polly Hogshead, 1829)— Sarah A. (James H. Hogshead, 1839). This family came to Monroe in 1822.

C. of John (Mary): Eliza E. (1800-1878) (Tristram Patton, 1827) John B. (b. 1802) (Isabella Hogshead)— James H. (b. 1804) (Sarah A. Hogshead) Benjamin G. (s) Ann M. (John Remley) Charles P. (m.


in Tenn.), Calvin P. (m. in O.) William H. (m. in Va.) Alexander L. (m. in Rockbridge) . This family were born in Monroe, the parents being married here. C. P. went to Miss., Calvin P., a Presbyterian min- ister, to Ohio, W. H. to N. C, and A. L. to Washington Co.

C. of James (1808-1886) (Polly Hogshead) : Hugh H. (b. 1830) (Nancy Robeson, 1852) Joanna J. (Calvin C. Remley) Elizabeth M. (James Jackson, 1851) John W. (Rebecca A. Poage) Charles F. (Virginia C. Vanstavern, 1860, Mary E. Buster) Mary E. (Charles Hedrick) Isa- bella B. (Francis M. Hoylman, 1866)— Sarah A. (b. 1845) (John W. McDowell, 1867).

C. of John B. (1802-1847) (Isabella): Newton H. (b. 1829) (Adaline S. Erskine, 1853)— Benjamin F. (Rebecca A. Price, 1853)— Hiram M. (Mary G. Miller, 1854)— Washington M. (b. 1833-1865).

C. of Benj. F. (1831-1913) and Rebecca Anna Price (1831-1909): Mary Isabel (H. W. Sanford) (Phila.), H. A. (Etta Porterfield), Margaret J. (A. Given Henry Dillon), Sarah M. (S. W. Anderson), Paulina W. (S. C. Peters), John C. (d. '84), Jas. L. (Edith King) (Boston), Rhoda E. (Thos. L. Payne).


Philip (Elizabeth Carnifax) came from Pennsylvania at least as early as 1793 and settled on the line of the pike between Union and Gap Mills, on land now owned by the heirs of Oliver Beirne. C: Philip Henry John (Jean Campbell) Polly (Henry Shock, 1806) Susanna (James Fos- ter, 1821). Henry lived near the Burdette Spring and died a few years after the war. John lived at Hollywood, where he operated a grist and saw mill. He served on the county court. The holster pistols which he wore in the war of 1812 are now in the possession of a grandson.

C. of Henry: John W. Samuel Jerry Mary A. (Charles Reed, 1846) (Gershom Keys).

C. of John: Lewis ( Higgenbotham) Caperton (Ann Reed)

Mary A. (Andrew E. Reed, 1845) Virginia (Parke Goodall) .

Of the above grandsons all but Caperton moved away, Lewis moving to Missouri about 1852. The sons of Caperton are living in Kansas.

C. of Caperton: Isaac John Virginia S. (Joseph Tomlinson) Mary (John Tomlinson) .


Frederick (d. 1825) C: John, Isaac, Magdalene (George Cantly, 1808), Mary (James Davis, 1803), Jacob, Margaret (Alexander Campbell, 1823), Rachel, Sarah (Thomas Reynolds, 1825), Anna, Letty, Elizabeth (William Saunders, 1822), Frederick S.


Edward Houchins, an Englishman of pure Saxon origin, came to Vir-






























ginia a little earlier than 1750. Of his two sons, Bennett and James, the latter (b. 1776) came to Monroe in 1795 and upon his marriage, 179S, with Mollie Harvey he built a house on Buzzard's Run near Greenville and within a mile of his father-in-law. In 1810 he moved to the west side of New River at Crump's Bottom, and thus it was outside this county that his children grew to maturity and married. But in his later years, when a widower, he returned to the vicinity of his old home and lived with his married children. C: John (1799-1855) (Celia S. Mann, 1824), Ben- jamin, William, Elizabeth, Polly, Charles (Katharine Hobbs, 1831), James, Thomas H. (Elizabeth Ellison, 1838), Nancy. John was a carpenter and millwright and built most of the earlier houses in Greenville. He was a person of great ingenuity and practical insight and when the waters of Red Sulphur Springs temporarily lost the peculiarity which gives them their distinctive name, in consequence of some digging and blasting near by, he was able to divine the trouble and effect a remedy.

C: Caroline (b. 1825) (Richard D. Shanklin, James Cooper) Mary A. (John Ryan, 1845)— Allen D. (b. 1827) (Delilah Keaton)— Rufus (1829- 1903) (Margaret E. Bibb, 1858)— William (Louisa Gumm)— Amanda (Dr. George Thompson)— Granville (b. 1835) (Mollie Ballard, 1870c)— Syrena (Henry P. Cummings) Clayton M. (b. 1839) (Martha J. Harvey) Elizabeth (Rev. Woodson R. Cummings) Thompson (Lizzie McCreery) (d. 1914). All but one of 12 children grew to adult age and had fam- ilies. In 1880, Mrs. Celia Houchins at the age of 75 could say she had 11 children living, 85 grandchildren, and 17 great-grandchildren.

C. of Rufus: Laura B. (R. M. Ryan), William M., Mary S. (Manser Harvey), Nellie (Leiton Miller), Emma (Luther M. Garvin), Edward M. (Jennie Mann), Ida (William E. Houchins), Charles T. (Mary Lilly),

Ryan (Ella Mann), Clinton T. ( Allen), Omer R., Lucy (Estelle

Copeland) .

C. of William: Ettie (John W. Mann), John G, Lizzie (Cyrus Mil- ler), Luther, Elbert, Caroline ( French).

C. of Granville: Gilmer, Maud (D. B. Daugherty).

C. of Clayton M— James F. (b. 1866) (Carrie S. Beach), Mary C. (George W. Peck), Celia F. (Henry F. Mann), William E. (Ida Houch- ins), Virgil C, Lewis T. (Mintie Canterberry) , Henry B. (Minnie Biggs).

C. of Thompson: Ellen, John, Robert, Otis, Mary, Ethel, Harriet, Carl.

In 1899, on the anniversary of the birth of John Houchins, a family reunion was held by the descendants, then numbering, living and dead, 225. Of these but 33 had died, all from natural causes except John Shanklin, who was run over by a wagon. So far as could be ascertained, not one of the connection had ever been arrested, no one had become a vagrant or filled a drunkard's grave, nor had a case of bastardy ever occurred. Among them were a number in professional life and in com- mercial or corporate employment. John, the ancestor, was very athletic,


and could leap after a run a distance of 42 feet, the world's record being a little over 44 feet. Several of his grandsons are also of great muscular power, one of them holding at arm's length a weight of 51 pounds. A considerable number are or have been school teachers.

"The Houchins Cornet Band" was organized 1896-7, by nine young men, sons of the brothers, Reuben and Clayton Ml. Later on a grandson joined. James F. was leader. Some concerts were given in the spring of 1898 that went more than half way toward paying for the instruments. A snare drum and a fife were added to the equipment. After several of the members had fallen victims to matrimony the organization passed out of existence.

James F. is a newspaper man, a writer of pungency and force, a close student of politics, and a firm advocate of woman's suffrage. He edited the only journal that has appeared in the Indian Creek valley. His in- terest in the preparation of this volume has been most exemplary.


Samuel R. Houston, a son of the Rev. Samuel Houston, was born in Rockbridge Miarch 12, 1806. He studied in his father's classical school until he was 16, was graduated from Dickenson College in 1825, contin- ued his studies at Princeton College and Union Theological Seminary, and became a minister of the Presbyterian Church in 1834. He sailed that year to Scio, where he labored as a missionary and had to face much op- position from the Greek Catholic Church. A chieftain of Laconia invited him to his province, where he established a mission school. Ill health in his family sent him to Athens and thence to Cairo, where his wife died. He returned to Greece, and his only living child falling dangerously ill, he returned to America in 1841. Next year he became pastor at Union and held the place until 1886 when he resigned. Mr. Houston's later years were spent on a farm near Pickaway. His first wife was Mary E. Row- land, Rev. R. R., Botetourt Co., Va. His second was Margaret P. Pax- ton, by whom he was the parent of nine children: Wm. P., Lexington, Va. ; A. C. (d.), a prosecuting attorney of Monroe; S. A. (d.), who represented the county in the W. Va. legislature; Dr. J. B. (d.), H. T., Mary (d.), Helen, Bessie, and Janet, a missionary to the West Indies.


The Hoylman family of Monroe begins with James, who married Mary M. Vanstavern, born 1820.


From the Valley of Virginia has issued a host of the progeny of Peter Hull and his kinsmen. John (1788-1861) (Sophia Derieux) came from Augusta to a place near Centennial purchased in 1801 of John (Eve) Loude-


back. He came with his father Henry (Emily Derieux White), other child- ren of whom were Elizabeth, (1800-1857) (Lewis A. Holmes), Polly (Jacob Baker, 1811), ? Henry (Abigail Massy, 1802). A son of John was Henry D. (b. 1819) (Mary A. Taylor).

C. of H. D.: Annaliza, George W., Frances J., John W., Ellen B., James H., William L., Robert P., Charles N., Andrew J., Walter L.

Anderson? (Elizabeth Hawkins, b. 1781) lived near Red Sulphur. C:

Anderson ( Nettle), Frances ( Wills), Malvina (

Meadows) .


Samuel came with his parents to Monroe in 1799, located on Buzzard Run in the valley of Indian, and lived to be 85. His mother was a Vance and all three were of Irish birth. His own wife Sarah or Mary Jarvis (1778-1854) came from North Carolina. Samuel, Sr., was one of three brothers of whom Robert remained on Anthony Creek.

C. of Samuel Jr. St. Clair (Barbara Miller) John (m. in Ind.) Nancy W. (James Mann, Jr.) Jennie (Thomas Blanton) Jacob C. (Sarah J. Woodson, 1839) (k. by accident)— Robert D. (Ellen J. Campbell, 1841) Elizabeth (Jack Mann) Samuel C. (Margaret I. Cook) Olive I. (John Smith) Alexander J. (Elizabeth A. Jones).

C. of St. Clair: Allen ( Pyne)— Samuel (s)— Henry ( Bal- lard)— Ward ( Broyles of Andrew) Dayton C. (Ellen Ballard of

Thompson) Margaret (William Suttle) Amanda (Adam Mann) Isabel (Jesse Thompson) Mary A. (John A. McDaniel) Amanda (Addison Mann) Isabel (Jesse W. Thompson).

C. of Robert D.— Mary J. (L. G. Cheuvront)— Emily (S. L. Slaven) Sarah (John W. Pyne) Ollie (James Brown) Ellen (John W. McNeer) —Kate (M. C. Ballard)— Cornelia (Wallace Ballard).

C. of Samuel C. Thomas B. (Margaret H. Rice, Nora E. Ballard) Elizabeth C. (dy)— Annie L. (Walter Fuller)— Alvah H. (Sidney Wheeler) Chapman (Rosa Terry) Jennie B. (William Welder) others (dy).

C. of Alexander J.— Columbia J. (Peter T. Henshaw)— Robert E. L. (Rosa Mann) Madeline ( Douglas) Milton (m. in San Francisco).

The connection in the north of the county is more a Greenbrier than a Monroe family.

Robert (Elizabeth) died 1809. C: James— John— Robert— Rebecca

( Wilson) Elizabeth ( Vineyard) Jane ( Underwood) Nancy

( Fenton) Margaret (James Reynolds, 1805). John died 1809. C:

John James William Richard Robert Isabel Elizabeth Margaret.

James (Isabella Charlton, 1800)— d. 1832c— C: Polly (Edward Foster, 1819)— Margaret (William Wilson, 1806)— Thomas— James— Washington Joseph Jane (Henry Roberts) .


Robert (1788-1849) (Jean Wylie)— son of Samuel (Griselda)— C: An- drew C— Robert W. (1811-1857) (Angelina Beard)— Alexander— Samuel John James Caroline J. Malinda Sarah F.

Andrew of Gap Mills is a grandson of Robert. James (Sophronia Vanstavern), cousin to Andrew, lived on Second Creek. C: Benjamin F., William, Mary E., Agnes, Emma.

Samuel F. (Ann Bachman), son of Rev. James N. and Elizabeth Humph- reys, was from 1884 till his death in 1904 a leading merchant of this county, doing a very large business at Red Sulphur Springs and being for several years proprietor of the hotel at that place.


James (d. 1850) (Mary E.) C: Mary ( Carter), Philip E.

William, Elizabeth ( Francis), Julia ( Skaggs), Sarah

( Skaggs), Catharine ( Nelson), Joseph.

Mary was a landholder in 1799.


This name, once so numerous and influential in Monroe, has now all but vanished. William (d. 1778) came to Augusta in 1746 and lived on Catawba Creek. John, Sr., was a miller near Tinkling Spring, also in 1746. From one or both of these the Hutchinsons of this county appear to be derived. John, the first clerk of Monroe, was born 1755 and died 1843. He was a deputy sheriff in 1781. The name of his wife is un- known. His children, so far as we possess their names, were Jane (1780-

1856) (John Pack, 1801)— Isaac (1781-1850) (Margaret , b. 1785,

d. 1870)— John (1797-1872) (s)— Anderson (Miss.). George W. (1816- 1S94) (Sarah Crow, Georgia Watt) was a son of Isaac. C: by 1st w.

Ann (Sam'l A. Sterrett), Henry ( Abernathy), Minnie, d., Amanda

(Jas. E. Mann). Among other early Hutchinsons were John (d. 1796) (app. $392.75), Samuel, who died on Hans in 1807; Archibald, who moved from the same valley to Kanawha in 1806; William, who sold to Archi- bald in 1793; and Alexander (d. 1834) (Sarah Campbell, 1807), some of whose children were Thomas J., James A. (Mary J. Woodson, 1844)," Benaiah B. (Martha Hines, 1845), Isaac N.


Andrew (b. 1786c), a native of Scotland, settled near Hillsdale about 1808. His children by his first wife (Elizabeth J. Parker of Joseph, 1804)

were John (1813-1901), Elizabeth ( Nickell, Adam B. Crosier)

Sarah (David Robinson), and a daughter who married a Young. By a

second wife (Mrs. Crosier Harper) there was Andrew (1822-1904)

(Elizabeth Young, 1846c). John lived on Wolf Creek.

C. of John (Susanna Young of James, 1839): William Y. (Mary E.

O 15 X O


Knapp, 1872) Benjamin F. (Sarah A. Johnson) Sarah E. (A. Y. Leach) Estaline (Jeremiah J. H. Tracy)— John C. (Mary L. Suitor, 1883) Robert H. (Elma Barlow) Letcher (m. twice in III.)- B. F., J. C, and Letcher became physicians. All the sons had families: W. Y. 4 sons and 1 daughter; B. F. 3 sons and 3 daughters; J. C. also 3 of each, R. H. 2 daughters, and L. 3 sons and 6 daughters.

C. of Andrew: Samuel R. H. (Amanda E. Hinton, 1881) James Y. (s)— Susan E. (B. F. Humphreys, 1879)— Sarah V. (J. N. Hawkins, 1882)— Andrew G. (Belle V. Allen of Ala.)— William E. (Margaret John- son, 1896). A. G. is a minister and lives in Georgia.


James, a hatter, was born in Greenbrier in 1797 and was in the war of 1812. He married Mary Duncan, 1820, Rebecca Hess, 1832. The child- dren of these marriages were 4 and 7, respectively.


Daniel (Mary) (d. 1804) lived on Indian and owned four slaves. C: Gibson and others.


Simeon (d. 1854) (Rachel T. Jordan, of Pendleton county) settled in Union 1838 and built the Elmwood mansion. C: Eliza, Rhoda J., Benja- min F., Emily, William H. (Isabel Shanklin), Mary, Kate, Petrie (k. '61).


The brothers, Barnabas (Jane), Charles, and Robert (1767-1820) (Cath- arine Doran) were natives of Scotland and lived a while in Augusta be- fore coming to Monroe, where Barnabas owned several tracts of land. He and Charles went at length to Kentucky. Robert lived at Johnson's Crossroads. C: Magdalen (1786-1866) (Samuel Gwinn, 1804)— William (1788-1871) (Annie Taylor, 1810)— Catharine (1790-1851) (William Gra- ham, 1809)— Jane (1792-1864) (William— John?— Mann, 1813)— Jacob (1794-1877) (Jennie Morris)— Barnabas (1796-1880) (Sarah Thomas)

Robert (1798-1890) ( Gwinn)— Polly (1801-1880) (Thomas Alford)

—Elizabeth (1803-1884) (William Anderson)— James W. (b. 1805) (Sarah Allen, 1830)— Samuel (1807-1884) (Martha Walker)— Sarah (1810-1869) (s) Caleb (b. 1813) (Louisa J. Beard, 1839). Robert went to Indiana about 1854. Samuel went to Illinois in 1854 and Caleb in 1857. William built the first brick house in Wolf Creek.

C. of William: Jane (b. 1811) (Samuel Parker)— Robert (Emily Gwinn) John (Sarah? Hinchman) Jacob (dy) James (Susan Argabrite) Mary (Thomas L. Alford, 1844) Catharine (Alexander Anderson) William


T. (b. 1825) (Elizabeth Argabrite)— Sarah (Andrew Coffman)— Caleb E. (b. 1832) (Mary M. Argabrite, Mary J. Maddy) . Robert, John, and Sarah went to Ind. and 111.

C. of James of Wm: Mary (John G. Stevens), Mattie (J. Calvin Young) .

C. of William T. of Wm: John F., Fletcher M., Leslie A. (Delia Ellis), May B. (J. W. McClung).

C. of Caleb E. of Wm: McKendree D. (EEe L. Harrah), Luther P. By 2d w. Jane E. (Lewis E. Johnson), Salome E., Josephine, James C. (Blanche Shrewsbury) .

C. of Barnabas: Thomas (Minerva Hinchman, 1844), Rebecca (John P. Ross, 1840), Catharine (Armistead Ross, 1843), Louisa (John C. Bal- lard), Emily (George Young), William B. (1829-1883) (Agnes R. Hinch- man, 1853), Mary (John D. Beard), James M. (Ella Vawter), Belle (s) .

C. of Thomas of B. Wellington, Cornelia, Amanda, Cary, John W., Emerson, Mary.

C. of William B. Manilius W., Marshall A., L. Edgar, James A., Robert L., Frank P., C. Alice, Mary E., Ida S.

C. of James M. of B. Ashby, Eugenia, Elliott, Julia, Stella, Emily.

C. of Jacob: William, Clark, Kellar (Ira Jarrett, 1840), Eveline, Min- erva (David Riffe, 1847), Eliza, Belle.

C. of James W. James M. (Cynthia A. Lucas, 1870), Caleb L. (Mary E. Connor, 1877). 5 others did not reach maturity. C. of J. M. Charles L., Minnie A. C. of C. L. Sarah G, Mamie A., Lula M., James H., Constance E.

C. of Caleb: Pembroke, Rebecca, Edmonia, Wallace, John A., Louisa.

The descendants of Robert Johnson are a well-to-do and prominent connection and have included a number of staunch Methodists. * * * * * * * * * * *

Thomas (1754-1821) was one of the nine children of George, a sea captain of Philadelphia. Four of these were in the Revolution and one

was killed. Thomas married Mary in Augusta and settled on

Turkey. C: Richard (Polly Dickey)— Mary (1786-1826) (George Beirne) John (Rhoda Rolston, Margaret Neel) James (m. in O.) Thomas (Margaret Black)— Nancy (1780-1854) (George Johnston, 1800)— Rachel (John Johnston, 1800)— Elizabeth (1790-1857) (John Clark, 1814)— Mar- garet (John Wyatt) . The Johnstons were brothers from Rockingham and went to Ross Co., O., because of their dislike for slavery. George had 1500 acres of Scioto bottom, and although the first man of his commu- nity to refuse liquor in harvest time he never lacked for help. James Johnson also went West. Johnsonville, Ind., is named for him, and he gave an endowment to Wabash College at Crawfordsville. Only Richard and John remained here.


C. of Richard: Elizabeth (Addison Dunlap, 1831)— Thomas (Caroline Stodghill)— John (Nellie Kountz)— Mary (1817c-1857c) (James Stodghill) Isabella (John E. Morgan) Agnes (Henry Walker) George (k. by ball) Margaret (Frank Ralston) Charles (s) Andrew J. (Susan Rapp).

C. of A. J.: George (Lizzie Vaughan), Mollie (Jas. A. Dunlap), Ju- lia ( Shirkey), Ella (A. J. Peck), Sam'l, Minnie (John P. Patton),

Willie (Chas. N. Hull), Chas. B., Margaret (W. E. Irons), Hessie (R. C. Miller), Nora (G. B. Givens), Walter W. (Califo) .

C. of John: John, Samuel, Thomas (Matilda Swope) ; by 2d w. Rich- ard L. (Eliza Dobson), William O. (Sarah E. Clark, Mary E. Riffe), Mary R. (Robert D. Campbell), Ann (William H. Barger), Malinda E. (John Barger) .

C. of R. L.: John W. (Susan Ralston), James R., Dr. Samuel W., Harvey A. C. of Wm. O., by 1st wife. Mollie (J. M. Johnson, M. F. Pence), Rella, (d.); by 2d wife: John R. (Georgia Young), Thomas L. (Anna L. Campbell), Ada N. (Charles N. Bobbitt), Frances F. (J. E. Poff), Daisy D. (Walter N. Hank), Glenna P. (Henly B. Givens). John R. has served his county as sheriff.


Charles M. was the youngest child and only son of John M., a native of Connecticut, who in early life settled in the lower Shenandoah Valley and there married Mary Smith, a granddaughter of Sir Sidney Smith, of England, whose son, settling in Richmond county, was the founder of a line of Virginia Smiths. John M. Johnston was a Presbyterian minister of Scotch lineage. Charles M. came to Union in the 50's and edited a newspaper. Several years after the war, in which he served in Brooke's Battery of the Confederate army, he returned, and until his death in 1880 was owner and editor of the "Monroe Watchman." His wife was Vir- ginia L. McCormick, whose grandfather, Stephen McCormick, was the first man to devise a plow with a moveable metal point. Albert Sidney Johnston, son of Charles M., succeeded his father at once and has ever since been owner and editor of the "Watchman." He has twice represented his county in the lower house of the state legislature. He married Izzie McNeer and the children of the couple are Albert S., James M., Marion S., Charles M., Caroline V., Duncan M., Elizabeth, Dorothy, and Izzie. The other children of Charles M. are Robert E. (Elizabeth Billups) of Miss., and Agnes, wife of Rev. G. P. Sommerville, of N. Y.

Andrew H. (1820-1887) (Mary J. McDaniel) b. Giles Co., Va., son of Andrew (Jane Henderson) settled at Union 1853, merchant, cashier of Bank of Va. branch, after civil war organized Bk. of Union and was its first cashier. C: Jennie (Thos. H. Dennis), Walter McD. (Anna L. Hayes) .



James (1760-1849) (Mary , b. 1781, d. 1852) lived near Hills- dale. His wife was a native of Fauquier. C: William (b. 1782), Sam- uel (b. 1784) (Jean ), John, Eli, Mary (b. 1891) (Edward Fife,

1815), Uriah, Elizabeth (1795-1832) (Susanna (b. 1797) (Archibald Camp- bell), James, Francis (b. 1802) (Mrs. Nancy Ellis), Nancy.

C. of Francis: Mary, Jane, Amanda.

The second wife of another John was Elizabeth Lake (m. 1804). C: Edward (Agnes Eads of Wm.), Valentine (111.), Polly (John McMann), Jane (Archibald McDowell, 1840), Elizabeth (William Cart). John and his sons, Edward and Valentine, went West about 1850.

Dan'l Jones, bro. of James, came from Fauquier, m. Mary Rector. C. : Jesse (Margaret Miller, Martha Maddy, nee Arnott), last marriage 1888.

C. of Jesse (d. 1897): Jos. Wash. ( Hawkins), J. M. (Fannie

V. Pence, d. 1916), Mary Ann (Jacob Hall, G. P. Willis), W. W. (Lydia Catherine Hawkins), Matilda (G. W. Hill), A. J. (Lou Morris), L. A. (Mary Lucy Anderson). Jesse Jones was long a Justice of the Peace, postmaster at Wolf Creek for many years, and member of County Court.


John (1791-1873) (Elizabeth Gilliland) came to Rich 1823. John, Jr., (1823-1900) (Maria Karnes) was the youngest of his six children.


James G., a son of an English immigrant and Welch mother, came here early in his married life. He was a good farmer and was an over- seer of the Beirne estate. His wife was Lucy Eads, a daughter of Peter and an aunt to Capt. James Eads, the famous civil engineer. C: George W. (dy) Abraham L. (Virginia Whaite, 1848, Amelia Tuggle) Andrew J. (1829-1906) (Mary J. Turpin, Caroline Coalter, 1866)— Christopher B.

(Frances Shanklin) James ( Kessinger) Henry B. (Virginia Mc-

Creery) Martha A. (William Smith) Sarah (Rice Vass) Eliza (John Carey) Susan (Hugh Bare) Malinda (David Foster) Jeannette (b. 1839) (James Surber) Margaret (Lindsie Carter) Isabella (Jacob Sto- ver) .

Abraham L., born at Union 1826, and still living as we go to press, has been a lifelong farmer and attributes his long life and good health to outdoor exercise. He is a very well informed man, reads without glasses, and is not slow to defend his religious and political faiths, which are the Disciples Church and the Democratic party, respectively. C: William F., James E. By 2d w. Mary (Joel Ballard), Amanda (S. Washing- ton Motteshead), Virginia (J. Nelson Shumate), Larkin D. (Cora B. Hornbarger, Mrs. Virginia E. Musser), Charles A. (Minnie Peck), Wil-


liam F. (Virginia Bare), James E. (Minnie E. Barton a 2d w. is a cousin of precisely the same name) .


Samuel (Rebecca Alexander). C: Catharine (Andrew J. Keyser), Elizabeth D. (John W. Vawter, 1866), Andrew (Harriet Cook), David (Mary B. Shanklin), Alfred, Lewis (d. '63), Mary (J. R. Shanklin), William.


Not later than 1780 Edward Keenan came from Tinkling Springs with his wife and oldest child, his wife's mother, the widow Griselda Donally, and his father, Patrick, probably then a widower, and Charles. As early as 1781 we find him a constable and the administrator on the estate of James O'Bryan. For at least twenty years longer his name occurs often in the record books of Greenbrier, showing him to be a man of force, practical judgment, and executive ability. iHis very prom- inent share in the establishment of the first Miethodist church building west of the Alleghanies is elsewhere related. The same sketch also affords an insight into his kindly nature and wide influence. He was born in 1742 and died in 1826. Himself, his wife, and his father were buried at Re- hoboth.

C. of Edward (Nancy Donally, b. 1755, d. 1810): Phoebus (d. in in- fancy)— Margaret (George Counts, 1799) Charles (Anna Alford) Elea- nor (Andrew Beirne) John ( McComas) Mary (Undrel Budd,

1807)— Nancy (John Kelly, 1816)— Michael (Anne Kelly— or Hamilton?) Patrick H. ( McComas) Samuel (s).

John went to Kentucky and Patrick H. to Kanawha county. A son of the latter was Newton E. (Elizabeth Alexander) whose children by her

were Elizabeth ( Sprague) John E. Virginia L. (Dr. William

Baldwin) . Another was Andrew, whose daughter Margaret became the wife of the well known millionaire, Charles Broadway Rouss.

C. of Charles of Edward: Elizabeth (George Whitcomb) John (s) —Michael D. (Julia Evans) (1811-188+)— Nancy (s)— Martin— Andrew B. (s) Jennie R. (James Burdette, 1839) Leona (s).

C. of Michael of above Charles: Patrick H. (s) Charles A. (s) Eliza- beth A. (Clark Folden) Mary (Luther Beckner) .

Charles, brother to Edward, appears to have died before 1813. A son was Andrew B. (1807-1891). Samuel B. (1797-1881) may have been an- other. In his minority he was a ward of Michael.


James (d. 1809) .

Henry (bro. to James) C: James, Robert.


Francis (d. 1825) C. Ann, Kate, James, Hannah, Thomas, William, Elizabeth, Polly. One daughter married a Roach.

James. C: John, Joseph, Wilson, Henry, Henrietta ( Right),

Nancy ( Saunders), Emily ( Halstead), Adaline B., Mary A.


James (b. 1745) (Ankey Ballard of William, 1767) came from Orange to Indian Creek in 1790. C: Johnson (d. 1851) (Elizabeth Mann, 1809) —William (Polly Mann, 1806)— Lucy (James Mann, 1808)— Elizabeth (James Alderson, 1808) ; 7 others.

C. of Rev. Johnson, minister of the Primitive Baptist Church and Mod- erator of the Indian Creek Association, 1837-1851: Anderson (d. 1837) (Margaret Ballard) Thompson (Polly Houchins) George Chloe Hal- stead) Susan (Moses Miller, 1833) Mary (Jonathan Harvey, 1835) Ankey (Asa. M. Ellison, 1839, Andrew Hutchinson)— Jane (1821-1888) (William Mann, 1840)— Ann (George W. St. Clair, 1841)— James (s) Cynthia (John Mann) Coleman (1834-1901) Milom (Mary Halstead, 1857).


Philip (1823-1915) came from Rockbridge to Potts Creek and settled close to the state line. He was a son of John, Sr., and his wife, Sarah Martin, and was a grandson of Philip, an immigrant from Germany. His wife was Ellen Gordon, of Rockbridge, and the children of the couple are Charles W. (Sue Wylie), Lucy J. (Albert W. Williams), Annie B. (James H. Parton), and Lola.


Conrad (d. 1836). C: John, Philip (Ind. 1840c), Abraham, Henry (d. 1827c), David, Catharine (Archibald Long, 1813), Sarah (John Maggart), Susanna (Frederick Hanger), Rachel (Ephraim Gwinn of Samuel, Sr.), Elizabeth (John Farrell).


Of this old family we have been given no comprehensive account. Mathias died about 1795, leaving personalty of $840.69 and these heirs:

Andrew (Soveny ) (Montgomery Co.) Mathias (Nutty Ballard,

1803) Mary (Jacob Mann) Jacob (Sarah ) Susanna (Thomas

Fulton) Michael (Mary ) Elizabeth (Ezekiel Parsons) Anne

(James Maddy) . ,

KEYES Humphrey (b. 1763) purchased land in the Sinks, 1799. He came from Botetourt, but was born at Keyes Ferry, Jefferson Co.



Roger's personalty was appraised, 1798, at $183.67.

KIRKPATRICK James and Thomas, heirs of Robert, bought the John Estill land on Hans, 1805.


Alexander (Margaret) lived in Gap Valley. C: Joseph, Alexander. Widow died suddenly 1822.

Joseph W. W. (d. 1829?), Henry C. were sons of Agnes.


John was living at the head of Indian, 1784.

Thomas (Mary) (d. 1795) (app. $349.79) lived near Peters Mtn. C: Mary, James, Susanna, Andrew (had half of homestead). Widow of Thomas was living in 1838 at the reputed age of 101.


Peter of Gap Valley was a son of Peter, who died in Augusta 1749c.


William and Steel were sons of Ralph, of Millboro Springs, and settled at mouth of Indian. C. of William (d. 1818): William, John, Steel, James, Alexander, Robert, Nancy, Clara, Mattie, Polly, Elizabeth, Jant, Ralph, Rebecca (Alexander Massy, 1818). Nine were minors, 1818.


A Huguenot named La Rue fled from France to Holland, married there, but died on his voyage to America. On landing in Rhode Island, the captain demanded passage money a second time and attempted to sell the children, as was then a custom. The widow used a handspike and rescued her two boys but lost her daughter. Abraham, a grandson of one of these boys, died in Augusta in 1801. His chlidren were Jacob, Mary, Anna

( Drake), Reuben, Peter (Ann Shields, 1795), Abraham, Sarah

( Feltz), Elizabeth ( Bodine) .

Peter (1774-1840) traded land in the Valley of Virginia for the place on Hans now occupied by his grandson of the same name. He came in 1798, the roads being so poor that at times his wagon had to take the bed of Indian Creek. This vehicle was so strong and well built that it was in use until about 1875. The wagon bed was long, strong, and heavy. Four horses, and sometimes six, were required to pull the load it could carry.

C. of Peter: Margaret, Jacob, Polly F., Nancy, Sarah, Wilson, Eliza-


beth, Rebecca, Ann (1813-1852), John M. (b. 1816) (Sarah S. Peters, 1845) Martha J. Jacob went to Missouri about 1825. The present Larews of Monroe are derived from the youngest son. They are Lewis (Roberta Larew), Peter (s) served on Monroe County Court and Maggie (W. W. McClaugherty). C. of Lewis: Sadie, Maud, Genevieve, Anna (L. S. Tully), Edgar (Willa Christie), Robert, Cyrus, d.

LAUNIUS John W. (Agatha D. Shanklin) came from Rockbridge, 1828.


William (Elizabeth) (d. 1834). C: Mercy ( Patterson), John,

William, Nancy ( Hutchinson), Elizabeth ( Clark), James.


William, a stonemason, came from Prince Edward at the close of the Revolution with his wife, Susanna Hughes. He was accompanied by Leach Mann, a relative, and by the Gullett, Egner, and Fuller families. His settlement was on the Washington Nickell place in the Sinks, some of his close neighbors being James Gregory and John and William Brown. He owned slaves and left personalty valued at $274.67. After his death in 1805 the widow and most of her children went to Kentucky, Joshua, Mary, and Elizabeth remaining in the Sinks. Esom was living on Rich, William, Jr., on Kelly's, and Reuben, already married, had been deeded a part of the homestead. About 1815 some of the family came back as far as Charleston with a stone to mark the father's grave, but learning there that the spot could not be identified they returned to Kentucky and have been lost sight of. C: Reuben (Jean) John James Mary (James Jones, 1781)— Matthew— Joshua (1773-1858) (Hannah Hawkins, 1798) Edward Esom (Jean) William (Jean) Elizabeth (Harden Shumate, 1806).

Two sisters came with William, Sr., to Monroe. Susan married Isaac Foster and Nancy married Alexander Clark.

C. of Joshua: Nathaniel (b. 1799) (Arianna Kerr)— James (1801-1869) (Ann Davis Prentiss, Margaret Boyd Hill) Alexander (1803-1860) (Isa- bel Neel, 1830, Nancy Martin, 1845)— William (Mary Young)— Edmund (1809-1863) (Ann P. Drummond)— Robert W.— Amanda M. (1815-1897) Andrew (b. 1819) (Mary Drummond) . Nathaniel's descendants are about Dayton, O.

C. of James: George A. (d. 1892): by 2d w.— James H. (Florence Johnson) .

C. of James H.— William G. (Rose Tubby)— Samuel B. (Mary Bob- bin)—Margaret D. (A. Price Wylie)— Arthur J.— Cora B.— Ashby G. (Mary Wallace) Clarence G. Everet P. (Mamie Nicholas).

C. of Alexander: (all by 1st w.) Indiana (Allen Campbell)— Abner


(Frances Hull)— Edmund K. (d. 1905) (Mary J. Lemons)— Eliza J. (An- drew N. Campbell)— Ballard P. (Mrs. Elizabeth Parke).

C. of Abner of Alex.— Clara (Kent Keadle)— Eliza (Robert Arritt) Alice (Walter Winall)— Nannie C. ( Wright)— Roy.

C. of Edmund K.— Ballard P. (Nannie Selvy)— Emirena (Nixon Hed- r;ck) Yancy (Edward Morton) Susan (Samuel Duncan) Lucy (Charles Thurmond)— Oliver (Bertha Bostick)— Adger (Lilly Chambers) .

C. of Edmund: Amanda J. (Patrick A. Boyd)— Joshua B. (Maggie Hanna, Mary Beard) James W. William H. (Ellen Hanna) Robert H. (Nannie Hinkle, Sabina Nickell, Mrs. Belle Campbell McNutt)— Chap- man.

C. of Joshua B. Lucy (Robert R. Gray) Bessie (Ashby Lee); by 2d w. Margaret (Stewart Brinkley) Ella.

C. of William H.— Mamie— Ann (Harry Miller)— Albert (k. by fall)

Ernest N. ( Wilson) Samuel Drummond (Maude Hawley)

Irene Belle (E. M. Reynolds) Goldie Mary.

C. of William of Joshua: Susan (John McCoy) Hannah Cornelius (Amanda Swope) Andrew Y. (Sarah Irons).

C. of Andrew Y. Minnington (s) Osie (Joseph Burdette) Ida (James Perry) Omer (Elizabeth Coalter) Eda (Thomas Conner) Clyde (Ger- trude Sheers) .

C. of Cornelius: Elizabeth S. Elmer (Nannie Aikin) Irene (Cary Black)— Ada (Dr. Deveber)— Arthur (Mabel Tracy).

C. of Andrew of Joshua: Angeline (William Still) Eliza S. (Lloyd Upton) (Mary Young) (Mary Dunsmore) (Sarah Young, sister to

Mary) . Sarah C. ( Vass) John (Martha Jamieson) William

(Lena Weaver) Mary J. (Robert Harris).

C. of Robert W. of Joshua: Joshua (k. '62) (Elizabeth Bickett)— Addi- son (Mary J. Hawkins) Amanda (David Smith) Elizabeth S. (John Mc- Clung) Joseph N. (Lucy Renick) Martha A. (William Bobbitt) Vir- ginia (Pendleton Bobbitt) Caroline (George A. Boyd).

C. of Addison of R. W— Joseph P. (Viola A. Parker)— Bernard J. (Florence Parker) Virginia F. (Oren L. Thrasher) Harold H. (Pres. minister) Frank (Carrie Stevens) Mary E. (D. F. Louffer) Tilden d.

C. of Joshua of R. W. James A. (Ada Nickell, Lelia Black).


Permit (Jean) lived at the head of Second. He had a son of the same name. J. W. m. Sarah Rebecca Nickell. C: Ernest N. (Josephine Hale), Mattie (O. L. Baker), Sarah Ann (J. J. Townley), Laura Ger- trude (J. J. Townley), Wm. Gordon (Ghaski Jeffries), J. Ashby (Bessie A. Leach), L. L. (Eva Baker).


Thomas (Elizabeth) (d. 1838) was a son of Thomas, whose sale in 1812 brought $848.12. The younger Thomas was a slaveholder.



In the early settlement of this county and in the development of Old Sweet Springs the family of John Lewis stands conspicuous. Colonel John Lewis fled from Ireland to America as a refugee from English injustice, and in the summer of 1792 he settled two miles east of Staunton near the hills, Betsy Bell and Mary Gray, which were named for hills in county Tyrone very similar to them. He was the first permanent settler in that locality and the senior founder of the county of Augusta. His sons, Thomas, Andrew, William, and Charles, were tall, powerful men, influ- ential, masterful, and thrifty. All became wealthy and extensive land- holders. Thomas, who lived near Port Republic in Rockingham, was the first surveyor of Augusta. Andrew, whose home was at Salem, is best known in American history as fighting the Indians in several wars and winning the battle of Point Pleasant. Charles, the youngest, lived on Cowpasture river. He too was a fighter of the red men, and was killed at Point Pleasant. He was loved by those who knew him, and had he lived longer would undoubtedly have attained high rank and distinction in the Revolution. Andrew himself was considered by Washington as the best fitted to command the American armies in the struggle with England.

The career of William (1724-1813) was less striking than in the case of his brothers, yet he too was a man of talent and ability. In person he was tall, handsome, and robust. About 1783 he removed to the Sweet Springs valley and remained here the rest of his life. He had already known the spot for at least thirty years. His first home was a large two- story log house very near the mill at the Sweet Chalybeate Springs. It stood until after the middle of the last century. Subsequently he built a stone house immediately to the rear of the site occupied by the present mansion of Lynnside. Notwithstanding his controversies with the people around him, it seems clear that he sought to establish a model residential town, which should likewise be a center of culture and education, as well as trade, and during several years it was the seat of a district court.

The wife of William was Anne Montgomery. Their children were John (Mary Preston, 1795) Charles Alexander (d. before 1813) Thomas Margaret— Agatha (Oliver Towles, 1793) Elizabeth.

John, whose wife was a daughter of Colonel William Preston, was five feet ten inches tall and considered the most muscular man in Virginia. He was manly, cheerful, and brave, and also kind, gentle, and frank. He fought at Point Pleasant, and entering the Revolution as a lieutenant he served with such distinction in Washington's army that at the battle of Monmouth he won the rank of major. During the ten years following that war he was much on the frontier. He succeeded his father at Sweet Springs and died here in 1823. He was an elder in the Presbyterian church. Andrew Jackson, who had known him, is reported as saying that


"if he had a man like John Lewis to second him he would go to South Carolina, hang Calhoun, and end nullification within a month." The wife of John Lewis was vivacious and accomplished and of great personal charm. The children of the couple were William L. (Ann Stuart, Letitia P. Floyd, 1837) Margaret L. (John Cochran) Anne M. (John H. Pey- ton, 1821) Sarah (John Lewis) Polydora (John Gosse) John B. (Mary B. )— Thomas P.

William L., whose second wife was the oldest daughter of Gov. John Floyd, spent several years in South Carolina, but returned in 1848 as the proprietor of Lynnside. He was of commanding stature and posed for the statue of Andrew Lewis at Richmond. He was generous, kind, cul- tured, interesting, agreeable, and hospitable. During the pose he wore a hunting shirt as emblematic of the old frontier, and this circumstance has led to some criticism of the statue, since General Lewis, and probably all his brothers also, are known to have been particular in the manner of dress. John H. Peyton was one of the legal luminaries of Virginia. John B. Lewis became a cadet at West Point in 1826.

The children of William L. by his first wife were Dr. James S. (Mary Owens) Mrs. William Colcoch Mrs. Goddart Bailey; by the second: Mary S. (James L. Woodville)— Letiita— William L. (1844-1908) (Flor- ence C. Dooley, 1868) John F. (Emma Hawthorne) Charles P. (s) (1850-1914). The youngest son was a skilled surveyor and draughtsman and of inventive talent.

C. of William L., Jr.: Sarah (Gary B. Woodville)— Lavalette (Prof. Jarvis Keeley)— Mary H. (d. 1915)— Coralie C.


William (Euphemia) settled on Potts. In 1803 he swapped 274 acres, valued at $2833.33, for 1666 acres on Stone Lick Fork of Miami River, O., held by Simon (Hannah) Gillespie on a military warrant. C. of William: John B., James N.


C. of Cottrell (d. 1838): Cottrell (b. 1773) (Sarah Maddy)— Benja- min (d. 1840) (Ruth Bostick, 1803)— Joseph (Frances )— Mark- Judith Martha ( Burris) .

C. of Cottrell, Jr.— Jane (Loammi Pack, 1811), William (O.), Judith (Peter McGhee), John (Polly Parker), Thomas (Polly Riner, 1828), Mad- ison (drowned), Mary (John Smith, 1840), Sarah (Anderson Smith, 1833), Wilson (1815-1865) (Rebecca Swinney, Jane Coalter, 1839, Eliza Gwinn, 1844).

Wilson, who lived on the homestead near Cashmere, was a sheriff, a member of the Virginia Assembly, and died suddenly at Farmville about the very close of the war. A son was William W. (Mary Lively) . C:


Ellen E. (Austin McGhee), Leonidas M. (Lillie P. Hoke), Wilson W. (Ettie Lewis), Joseph D. (Laura M Lively), Virginia (John J. Hoyl- man), Josephine (Jefferson D. Thomas), Selia (Jehu Hoke), Robert B. (Ettie Watrous), Laura M (Robert Bennett).

C. of Benjamin: Loyd A„ Mary J., Joseph, William M. (Mary A. Lively), Frances, Nancy A., Sarah, Benjamin M.

C. of Joseph (1773-1858): Henry (1803-1869) (Eliza J. Stone, 1840) —Levi (Adaline Stodghill, 1847).

T. C, son of Henry, m. Ellen Pence. C: Bessie.

The pioneer came from Albemarle subsequent to the Revolution.


John G., a native of Nelson and a Confederate soldier, came to Alder- son in 1876 and engaged in the mercantile business. He served a term in the State senate He married Sarah A. Alderson in 1863. C: F. G., Clara (John Riley), Lena (John Ensign), John (Blanche Hill), Carring- ton.


David (1808-1891) (Katharine Sines, 1834) was a native of Monroe. Jacob (Sybella) was living on Second, 1790.


Irish history affirms that this name is derived from Linz, a city of Austria on the river Danube; that a descendant of a family from that region was a prominent follower of William the Conqueror; and that the first to settle in Ireland was one Andrew, to whom Henry II gave large possessions. The armorial bearings of the family, said to date back to the city of Linz, show a trefoil on a field azure for the arms, the lynx for the crest, and the words "semper fidelis" (ever faithful) for the motto.

John (1750-1821), as immigrant from Ulster, settled in the vicinity of Hillsdale during or soon after the Revolution. His wife's name is thought to be Jean. C: John (b. 1770) (Mary Best, 1795)— Hugh (Penn.)— Mat- thew (Md.) Robert (West?) George (West?) Elizabeth (Moses Pren- tice, 1803)— Rachel 1781-1870) (Thomas Willey, 1801)— Jane (unc)— Wil- liam (b. 1786) (Rachel Dolan, 1808)— Catharine (Alexander C. Robin- son, 1812)— Rebecca (John Robinson, 1806), Samuel (b. 1790). John Jr., a tailor, was the only son to remain here. William and Samuel went to Greenbrier. William, Catharine, and Rebecca were triplets.

C. of John, Jr.— James B. (1796-1870) (Margery Wylie)— William (1798-1869) (Catharine Wylie,. 1823, Mary C. Kelly)— George (1800-1876) (Margaret A. Gray, 1836)— Hugh— Jane (b. 1805) (William Young, 1833) —Margaret (Samuel Black, 1830)— Isabel (b. 1809) (s).

C. of J. B. Andrew (Jane A. Wylie) James R. (Jane Crawford) Mary A. (John C. Burdette, 1851).


C. of Andrew of J. B. James W. (Ellen Reed) Margaret (

White) .

C. of J. W. of J. B.— Samuel, Lucy, Edward, Bessie, Charles (Etta Vanstavern), Lydia (Arthur Leach) .

C. of J. R. of J. B— Marjorie E. (William A. Gray), Lula (William E. Mines), Herbert 0. (Ollie Rodgers), E. Russell (Ada Bruffy) .

C. of William: Martha A. (b. 1823) (Feamster Nickell)— John R. (Tex.) James A. (s) Margaret C. (b. 1834) (William H. Dunsmore) —Hugh L. (Tex.)— George T. (1840-1912) (Georgianna Archey)— Au- gustus C. (b. 1843-1912) (Amanda Beckett, Isabel Crosier) William H. (Susan V. Kelly).

C. of G. T. Bessie (Walter Beamer), Catharine (Anderson Young), Annie, Texas (Alta Young), Pearl, Lois,, George.

C. of A. C— William B., Henry O. By 2d w.— Edna L.

C. of W. H.— Charles E. (Etta Clark), James W., George W., New- ton K. (Grace Meador), Samuel A., Nancy C. (Newton N. Pritt), Mary E. (Samuel H. C. Burdette) .

C. of George: Hugh A. (b. 1837) (Catharine Reed) John A. (Lizzie Gibson) William L. (Martha J. Parker) Isabel C. (Fenton Reynolds) Margaret A. (s) Robert C. Mary J. (Brown Archey) Andrew R. (s) Virginia Eliza A. (b. 1860). This family is mainly in Texas. W. L. is a minister of the M. E. C. S.

C. E. Lynch, ex-sheriff, bank president, and deputy county clerk, is the present chief of the clan Lynch. C: Nellie C, Susan G. (Dr. John C. Anderson), James W., banker, is the first resident of Monroe to own an auto.

George, a cabinet maker, came from Rockbridge to Union about 1835.

Wife, Matilda Jamieson. C: Emory ( Meek), Sarah (Isaac Bare),

Jane A. (Cochran Wylie), Alice (Lindsay Carter), James L. (Ellen Har- ris), Asbury (d. '61).

John L., brother to above George, married (1) Anne Wylie, (2)

Neal. C: (by 1st): John C. (Delilah Shirey, Cora Patton), Thomas, Rella (Tanihill Shires), Catharine.


Thomas (d. 1802) (Susanna). C: Agatha (Henry Bowyer), John, Mar- garet, Thomas, Patrick H. Thomas was heir to Richard Mathews. The name appears identical with Madison.


John (Frances) was living on Back Cr. in 1801, adj. Bradley Dalton, Bradley Meredith, Isaac Scarborough, William Campbell.



The genealogy of this family appears to lie in some confusion. Robert Morris of Philadelphia, known in American history as the financier of the Revolution, was impoverished by his patriotism, and by way of amends was granted large bodies of land in the Kanawha valley. His surveys were partly in this county, but mainly in Raleigh, Mercer, McDowell, Wy- ming, and Summers. We are told that his sister Ann married a Revo- lutionary soldier named John Maddy, who was accidentally drowned in Shenandoah river soon after the war. The widow came here with her child and married a Parsons, She rode back to the Shenandoah to settle up the affairs of her late husband, and on her return lodged with a mountaineer who assured himself that she had considerable money on her person. In the morning he told her of a short cut through the mountains and offered to show her the way. Believing him honest she accepted the offer and was conducted into a wild cove where there was a very high precipice and no habitation within sight. The villian now told the woman that he must have her money and would then pitch her over the cliff. She asked him for the sake of modesty to turn his back while she extracted the money from her garments. He complied and was himself thrown over the cliff and killed. "Granny" Parsons lived with her son by Maddy, at- taining the age, so we are told, of 104 years. No doubt the tradition is principally correct, but there is room for doubt whether she was a sis- ter of the great nabob. The Morris name is rather common and there could easily have been several Roberts during the Revolution. Identity of name is often taken for granted as being equivalent to identity of person. Furthermore, the statement that all the Maddys of Monroe are descend- ants of her son John cannot be correct, if the latter were the only son. There was a William (Elizabeth), a neighbor to John, in 1799, who was living in Tennessee in 1808. Another neighbor was James (Ann), who died here in 1824. Still another was Jacob (Margaret Sullivan, 1778). One more is Matthew, who came from the Shenandoah about 1797 and dis- covered and purchased the White Amelia Spring on Big Stony. The above settled in the same locality near Greenville and appear to be members of one family, said to be of German origin.

John (1764-1840) married Ann B. Miller, 1785. C: Nancy (b. 1786) —Elizabeth (Richard McNeer)— James (b. 1791) (Elizabeth Lowry, 1812) —Eleanor (John Hinton, 1813)— Sarah— William (1800-1844)— .Jacob- John (1804-1887)— Ann B.— Charles M. (1809-1854). Mary J. (1814- 1906) (Caleb E. Johnson) was a daughter of James, who went to Ohio.

C. of James (Ann): Thomas, Susanna ( Luster?), Polly (Wil- liam Garten, 1815), Jane, Jude, Hiney, Andrew, Wilson, James.

C. of Matthew: Nancy, John, William, Lucinda, Alexander, Absalom (1806-1866) (Elizabeth Flint, 1841), Elias, Joseph, Rebecca, Gabriel


(drowned), Eber. The children of Alexander (m. 1837) were Wilson, William, Henderson, Rebecca.

C. of Alexander: Wilson (1838c-1915), William, Henderson, Rebecca.

C. of Absalom: Joseph (k. '64), Eber (k. '64), Nancy, Christopher (Caroline Thompson), Emma (L. J. Davis), Matthew, Lucinda, John H. (Mary Lively, Elma Hedrick), Henry, Caroline (G. F. Kesler), William T. (Emma Leftwich) .


Henry (Sarah) sold on Wolf, 1808 to Elizabeth, Catharine, Ulie, heirs of Christian Dubois.


Joseph (Mary) came from the Bullpasture and bought the "plowed savannah" in 1801. Joseph (Dorothy) Sr., sold to Alexander a Robert Thompson patent in Sinks, 1810. Samuel was another of the connection.


The brothers Jacob and Adam were natives of Germany and came to Indian Creek near Greenville soon after 1770. They helped to build Cook's fort and had some narrow escapes during the days of conflict with the red men. Jacob married Mary Kessinger, and Adam married (1) Polly Maddy and (2) Polly Flinn.

C. of Jacob: John (b. 1770) (Millie Harvey, 1801)— Adam (b. 1771) (Elizabeth Young, 1808, Nancy Harvey, 1812)— Jacob (Millie Ballard,

1804)— James (1785-1855) (Lucy Keaton, 1808, Parthena )— Isaac

(Lucy Stephenson, 1825) Moses (2d w. Sarah Swinney) Michael (b. 1793) (Cynthia Walker)— Susan (John C. Maddy, 1828). The children of John and Michael went West.

C. of John: Alexander (Polly Miller, Isabella Stephenson) William (b. 1805) (Sarah Halstead)— Polly (Adam Mann)— Bluford (b. 1809) (Elizabeth Mann).

C. of Adam of Jacob: Susan (Samuel G. Ellison, 1845) Jacob (Sarah Dunbar) Archibald (Elizabeth Stephenson, 1838) Jack Lucy (John Mil- ler, 1844) Millie (John Cummings) Marinda (Michael Hale) Sarah (Lorenzo Harvey) Cynthia (George Miller) Austin (Susan Ellison) Letha (Henry Smith).

C. of Jacob, Jr.— Celia (b. 1805) (John Houchins)— Annie (b. 1811) (William Wiseman)— Elizabeth (s)— Rhoda (s)— Susan (b. 1819) (James Ballard) Morris (Jane Stephenson) George A. (b. 1823) (Emily A. Halstead, 1845, Lizzie Criner)— Eliza (Ervin Miller).

C. of James: Cynthia (b. 1809) (Jackson Maddy)— Hendley (b. 1810) (Elizabeth Ballard) William (Jane Keaton, 1840) Mary (Jackson Mann) —Squire (b. 1816) (Polly Mann)— Floyd (Elizabeth Wiseman, 1843)


Emily (Thomas H. Alderson, 1840)— Eli (1822-1895) (Nancy Ballard) Michael (1824-1864c) (Catharine Rifle, 1845)— Andrew (1826-1899) (Rhoda Halstead)— Woodson (b. 1833) (Nancy Mitchell, Mary Raines).

C. of Isaac: Ward (invalid)— John (1833-1904) (Cynthia Keaton) Mary A. (1836-1887) (James Mohler)— Leah (1837-1915) (Baldwin Bal- lard)—Rachel (1841-1879) (Hugh Ballard)— Henry G. (Sarah Harvey) —Benjamin F. (Belle Tolbert) .

C. of Moses: Elias (Harriette Ballard) Malinda (Henry Harvey) Martha (Wilson Gibson, 1845)— Mary J. (Adam Gibson) Delilah (John McCorkle).

C. of Adam: Elizabeth (John Halstead, 1799)— William; by 2d w.— Sarah (William Cummings, 1811) Henry (Malinda Swinney, 1829)

James (d. 1835) (Nancy W. Humphreys) Jane ( Harvey) Joseph

_Chloe ( Gibson)— Adam (Polly Mann, Elizabeth Barton, 1845)


C. of James of Adam: Elizabeth, Polly, Clara, Mahala, Clementina, Julia A., Lewis, Albert, Granville.

C. of Henry of Adam: Christopher, Mary A.

C. of Adam, Jr. John, Samson, Ricie, Renie; by 2d w. Overton. Amanda, Eliza J.

In Second Creek there has been represented a distinct line of Manns, probably of British origin and seemingly derived from the brothers who settled on Jackson's River long before the Revolution. William T. (Mar- garet Alexander) was a son of Thomas and lived near Fort Spring. C: Alexander (2d w. Mrs. Snider), Thomas (Elizabeth Fruling), Matthew (Elizabeth Curry, 1845), James (Elizabeth Nixon), Elizabeth (Calvin Warren), John (Harriet Budd). The wife of Thomas, Sr., appears to have an Armstrong, that family being neighbors to the Manns on Jack- son's River.

William (Margaret Clark) came from Va. about 1840. C: John A. (Rebecca Zoll, 1871), Samuel C, Elizabeth.

MASSY Jacob (Sarah) owned land in the Sinks, 1801, adj. Andrew Burns (Beirne?), Michael Erskine, Thomas Wylie, John Gray, William Griffith, William Leach, Matthew Alexander.


This name is of interest in Monroe from the circumstance that four sisters of this name Margaret, Isabella, Elizabeth, and Hannah married respectively Thomas Steele, Owen Neel, Andrew Crosier, and Robert Dun- bar, and came to Gap valley about 1790 to live as neighbors. The four sisters and also their husbands, except Andrew Crosier, are buried in the graveyard on Harvey Neel's farm. Crosier was on a visit in Greene

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REV. L. P. GROVES A Minister of the Baptist Church


county, Tenn., at the time of his death. Tradition avers that the sisters were red-haired, but this trait does not generally appear among the very numerous progeny of the later generations. Their father sold his land near Lancaster, Penn., for Continental paper money, and this was nearly equivalent to giving it away. The heirs lost in a suit with the city of Lancaster, as we are informed. They were married in Pennsylvania, but whether the Maxwell family came to Gap valley is both affirmed and de- nied. At all events we find no titles in the M'axwell name. There was, however, an Audley (Ann) Maxwell owning land on Wolf in 1807. A relationship with the Maxwells of Hardy county is claimed. One of the latter connection is Hu, one of the authors of a school history of this state.


James H. married Isabella E. Shanklin. C: Alexander (m. Ga.), Wil- liam (d. '62), Agnes, Robert S., John D. (Harriet D. Zoll), Jennie L. (Alexander Sydnor) .


Hugh (Mary A. Alexander, 1828) came from Giles. C: James (111.), Sarah (George Walker), Mary, Matthew (Mary Jennings), Rebecca (James Shorter), Albert (d. '61).

William (1817-1898) (Elizabeth Kyle): C, Jas. C. (Mary V. Peck, Zula Calloway), W. W. (Maggie Larew), Sue, d. and Annie (R. E. J. Campbell), J. K. (Mittie Williamson), John (d. in West), Jas. C. was county clerk 18 years.


C. of John (Susan J. Leach): Mary (Walter Stroman), Jennie (Dr. George W. Reaburn), Laura (Edwin Alford), Andrew E. (Harriet Bob- bitt), Thomas W., Harriet.


William (1821-1894) (Damarias Francis) came from Ireland, 1830. John (d. 1888) (Matilda Harris, 1840).


Gabriel, a native of Campbell and graduate of Randolph-Macon and Jefferson Medical Colleges, came to Monroe after having been a Division Surgeon under Gen. Breckenridge of the Confederate army. For 18 years he was a resident of Union and had a very large medical practice in this and adjacent counties. He was a member of the Board of Health for W. Va. and of several medical societies. He also represented this county in the legislature, and was greatly respected by the people of his adopted Monroe. His death took place in the line of duty, while he was driving in his buggy to visit a patient. He was aware that he had organic dis-


ease of the heart and that it was liable to snap the vital cord at any moment. His age was 67. His wife was Clara B. McAllister, of Cov- ington, and his children are May (S. W. Anderson) and Clara (T. E. Buck) .

John (Susanna) was on Brush, 1801, and seems to have been the father of John (Sarah Riner) (d. 1852) who lived near Rich Creek mill. C: Harriet (John Thompson), Eliza (Andrew L. Fleshman), Lydia (Alex- ander Hutchinson), Matilda (Isaac Smith), William (Susanna Beckner Garman), Ann (s), Mary M.


Archibald (Catharine) came to Second Creek before 1780 and oper- ated a saw and grist mill on the site of the present Beamer mill. He died in 1813, leaving personalty appraised at $1192.75. Wife, Catharine Davis. C: John— William— James (1781-1851) (Margaret Dickson, 1805) Walter (d. 1850) (Patsy Pritt) Ann (Patrick Boyd) Jane (James Crawford) Margaret (George Gullett, 1812) Frances (Thomas Stuart, 1803) Hannah (Mason Mathews) Rachel Malvina Catharine. The three daughters last named married a Thomas Reynolds, a Rodgers, and a Young. It is thought there was still another daughter, who married a Leach. Hannah and Frances had each an Archibald when their father died.

C. of James: Isabel (b. 1806c) (Thomas Nickell, 1821)— Catharine (b. 1807) (Robert Nickell, 1824)— Polly (b. 1809) (James Humphreys, 1828) —Jane— Sarah (b. 1814) (Robert Campbell, 1830)— Archibald (1816-1897) (Jane Jones, 1839)— Richard D. (1818-1864) (Mary A. Hoke, 1846) Eliza (Washington Humphreys, 1837) Susannah (b. 1825) (James Sul- livan, 1842)— James W. (1827-1862) (Irene Vance, 1852).

C. of Archibald: James W. (d. 1915) (Susan Robinson, 1863)— J.

William (b. 1852) (Sarah A. Hogshead, 1862)— Richard D. ( Er-

win, Wilson) Robert W. (Virginia S. Vanstavern, 1884,

Carnifax) Newton B. (Mary C. Vanstavern, 1875).

C. of James W. William L., Edward, Bernard, Eliza (Hunter Mil- ler).

C. of J. William: John W. (Vernie Boone), George W. (Kate White), Amos W. (Erne Fink, Lillian G. Morgan), N. Hays (Viola Bostic), Charles G. (Hattie Miller).

C. of R. D. (by 1st): Clarice, James:

C. of R. W.: Arthur, Clyde (Bertha Hall), Ela. (Elmer Humphreys), May.

C. of N. B.: Ira (drowned), Relda (Rev. Fitzgerald), Ada,

C. of Richard: Robert L. ( Ganode), Richard ( Champ),

Margaret (Isaac N. Reed).


C. of James W. of James: William W. (Harriet Bostick), J. Ivison (Margaret Young), daughter ( Fury).

C. of Walter: James (drowned), William (s), Archibald (Mary Burns, 1843), Washington (Martha Massie), Richard, daughter, (Lewis Burns), daughter ( Rodgers), Thomas.

J. William was a captain of militia during the first year of the war of 1861. He entered the regular volunteer service as drum major in Ed- gar's Battalion and was wounded at Cedar Creek. He has served six terms as president board of education and two as justice of the peace.

A few other McDowells do not appear to be of the above connection. Henson died 1805, leaving a daughter Mary who married Shared Ad- kins, 1803. John (1787-1859) was born in Ireland.


Our information as to this family is fragmentary in the extreme. Cot- rell died 1844. Caperton and Harvey were brothers. The earliest mar- riage in our notes is that of Polly (James Vass, 1822). There is mention of Lively in 1810. Catharine (Harry Thompson), Polly (Andrew J. Broyles), Elizabeth (John C. Ballard) were the mothers of 15, 13, and 13 children, respectively. C. of James (Cynthia Peck) : John L. (Alpha S. Broyles, Elizabeth Canterbury), Lorenzo D. (Margaret Brown). Peter married Judith Lively.


Mathais (d. 1817) (Lydia) had Bathsheba, Sarah (John Ray) . John (Isabel) came after 1786. C: Elizabeth (1786-1854), Jane (1782-1857) (Charles Hogshead, 1801).


It is not known when James McMann came here. His widow, who was Susanna Lake, married Henry Wintleblack in 1803 and moved to Indiana. She had a son John by McMann and, as is supposed, a Spaulding who went to Noble Co., Indiana.

C. of John (Polly Jones) : William ( Scott, Sarah F. Winebren-

ner) Edward (Lucinda Teays) James (s) Elizabeth (Madison Bos- tick)— Susan (John A. Anderson) Nancy (s) .

C. of William by 1st w. Mary J. (Richard Vaughan) Margaret (G. E. Reed) Josephine (John Ridgway) John. By 2d w. Emma L. (James W. Pritt)— William (Bertha Vandergrif, Ella Ridgway)— Lelia (J. Wf Reed)— Effie (J. C. Vanstavern)— Elsie D. (O. A. Carlisle)— Robert (Min- nie Dougherty) Lizzie (Vincent Dougherty) .

C. of Edward (dentist) : Estill (d) Skippie Adolphus ( Mc-


William was sheriff of Monroe, 1870-72, and in his official capacity


hanged the negro Buck Johnson who had murdered an Anderson of Green- brier. He was accidentally killed at Fort Spring by a fragment of rock thrown out by a blast.


The most usual spelling of this name is McNair. James (Elizabeth Busby) came either from Rockingham or the south side of the Potomac near Washington. This was not later than about 1785, since his son Richard was born here. His settlement was in the vicinity of Greenville. C: Richard (1786-1853) (Elizabeth Maddy, 1810)— Valentine— Kiser— Kate

(C. Harper Walker) Lucy ( Smith) Margaret (Bartlett Powell)

Andrew (b. 1800) ( Roach). None but Richard remained here, the

others going generally to Indiana. Richard lived on Hans and Indian.

C. of Richard: Anderson A. (1811-1885) (Evelyn Ellis, 1833, Cynthia Hinchman, 1844, Mary A. Miller, 1846, Mrs. Mary Dotson) Mary (Rev. George Ryan)— James (b. 1805) (Virginia Ellis)— John (1808-1897) (Eliza- beth Arnot)— William B. (b. 1820) (Mragaret Miller, 1843)— Augustus B. (b. 1822) (Sarah Arnot)— Richard T. (1825-1891) (Amanda J. Pence, Mrs. Hannah Beard, 1882)— Sarah B. (William E. Miller, 1849)— Caper- ton (b. 1829) (Rebecca Stodghill)— Jacob E. (s).

C. of A. A. Richard E. (k. '64) John (Methodist minister) Sarah (John Shrader) ; by 3d w. James W. (Carrie Brown) Anderson A. (Lida Sipps) Eliza J. (O. F. Burgess) ; by 4th w. Marvin.

C. of James: Richard, Charles (k. '64), Jehu, James, Sarah, Mary, Elizabeth, Evelyn.

C. of R. T.— Henry P. (1850-1889) (Ellen E. Hunter, 1871)— Ellen V. (John P. Shanklin) Lewis C. (s) Virginia C. (Dr. Charles W. Spang- ler, 1885)— Harriet M. (Theodore Delany, 1895)— Dr. Hedley V. (1863- 1903) (Nannie M. Gaver)— Robert E. L. (1866-1900)— Florence M. (Dr. G. A. Flournoy, 1891, Z. M. Jennings)— Richard L. (b. 1871) (Erne Barnett) . H. V. and R. L. became physicians. R. E. L., a lawyer, served in Cuba in the Spanish war. There were two daughters by the second marriage, both now dead.

C. of Caperton: Josephine (John Duncan), Harriet (S. Y. Symms), William S. (Ellen Alderson Ballard).

C. of John: John W. (Mattie Ellis, Ella Humphreys), Wm. R. (Laura Anderson), A. M. (Emma Smith), L. E. (O.) (Lillie Morgan), T. A. (Okla.) (Ada Broyles), James, d., Mary B., d.


Robert (1802-1875) (Rebecca Hutchinson) died at Union. An older McNutt lived near Centennial.


James R., a son of Adam (Susan Ross) came from Craig in 1878. He


has served many years as a surveyor in both counties, and at this writing is the only survivor in Monroe of Pickett's memorable charge at Gettys- burg. He was wounded in that battle and also in another. He married Eliza A. Price in 1869.

MEEK In 1802 James was living on Indian adj. Estill and Nathan Milburn.


Nathan (d. 1836) was the father of Rebecca. Isaac (d. 1851) (Nancy) lived at the mouth of Wolf. C: Henry, Matthew, Isaac, Sabina.


Jacob came from Germany to Philadelphia in 1715, when a boy of 13, and settled in Rockingham where his sons Christian and Henry remained. His wife was also a Miller, but one spoke High German and the other Low German. Other C: Jacob (b. 1726) (Elizabeth Fudge, 1748c, Marga- ret Sullivan) George (Ky.) John (Barbara Mauzy) Barbara (Jacob Mann) Katharine (George Conrad) Jacob, Jr., settled near Lindside in

1775. C: Jacob ( Estill) Charles (s) Mary (Augustine Price)

Elizabeth (Hugh Caperton)— Katharine ( Walker)— Anna B. (1767-

1852) (Rev. John Maddy)— John (Mary Handley, 1803)— George (

Swope) (1770-1855). Jacob, Katharine, and John went respectively to Ky, Tex., and Ind. The 13 children of George went chiefly or wholly to Iowa. By 2d w. Peter (Sarah Simmons, 1803) Margaret (b. 1788) (Jo- seph Swope, 1806)— Sarah (b. 1790) (Joab Simmons, 1808)— Joseph (d.

1856) ( Walker)— George— Rhoda (b. 1796) (Thomas Maddy, 1819).

The children of Peter and Sarah went to Ind. Joseph Miller had five children.

C. of John (Barbara): Elizabeth (1767-1835c) (William Carnifax) John (b. 1768)— Michael (b. 1770)— Jacob— Henry (1774-1862)— Daniel —Adam (1778-1844) ( PLetha)— George— Moses (b. 1785) ( PRuth Canter- bury, 1812) . John went to Boone, Jacob Daniel, and George went West.

C. of Henry of John: Barbara (Sinclair Humphreys, 1832), Anne (Thompson Ballard, 1841), Rhoda (Samuel Lewis), Elizabeth (Jacob Hal- stead), Polly (Alexander Mann), Charles (Mary Peters), Moses (Susan Keaton), Henry (b. 1820) (Delilah J. Biggs of Thomas, 1840).

C. of Moses of Henry: E. P. (b. 1849), L. A., Amanda (Marshall Mann), Caroline (J. H. Copeland), Rhoda (Henry Young).

The descendants of Jacob, Sr., are an industrious, law-abiding people and have intermarried with the best families around them. They are numerous in Monroe and still more so in other communities. All the ma-


ture members of the 17 children of Jacob, Jr., were Methodists, and the father joined that church under the pastorate of Robert Chambers. ***********

Andrew (Isabella Yeman, b. 1778, d. 1853) came from Scotland with the Ballantynes and settled on Flat Mountain. He was a soldier in 1812. C: Margaret (Gipson Jarrell)— Thomas (1799-1863) (Margaret A. Neel) —John (Salena Neel)— James Y. (d. 1862c) (Sarah Burdette) .

C. of Thomas: William T. (1832c-1907) (Pauline Scott)— Mary A. (b. 1835) (Robert A. Patton)— James O. (1842-1909) (Sidney J. Nickell) Josephine (Alexander Lemons) Margaret A. (b. 1848) (Robert A. Ross) .

C. of J. O.: Ora L. (Harvey T. Neel, 1889), George E. (Lelia Ro- wan), Frank E., Homer N., James E. (Mamie Neel).

James, a brother to Andrew and a weaver by trade, came from Scot- land after a very long voyage. He left 3000 acres to his children. B. 1784, d. 1870: m. Ann Mills, 1814. C: Margaret (b. 1814) (Jesse Jones, 1838)— Robert (b. at sea, 1817) (Susan J. Nickell, 1845)— Alice (s)— An- drew (m. Tex.)— James E. (1826-1876) (Elizabeth A. Burdette)— Ruth A. (Elisha P. Arnott, 1853)— Mary J. (1833-1900) (Hiram M. Hogsett) .

J. E. was a prosperous merchant and farmer of fine mathematical skill and mechanical ingenuity. C: Dr. R. W. (m. Minn.), Margaret J. (L. C. Lemons), A. Lewis (Henrietta A. Young), Dr. J. H. A. (Allie Tim-

berlake), Mary E. (W. P. Hinton), Dr. W. L. ( Welch), Eliza

A. (J. W. Longanacre) .

C. of J. Y.: Mary, Yeman, Andrew A. (Alice Longanacre), Wil- liam G.


The Millers of Monroe are of several distinct families. Our notes specify numerous marriages and sundry other facts, but we are able to classify only a minor part of these. Among still others Millers are the following:

Adam (Lethe) : C. Samuel, John, William, Adam, Mary J., Elizabeth (d. 1844).

Brice lived at the head of Wolf in 1800. He seems to be the man of that name who set out with the Paulees in their attempted trip to Ken- tucky in 1779. C: Brice (Christina DeHart), Nancy (George McGuire, 1801), (Elizabeth).

Thomas (Sarah) had a son John (1793-1855) born here.

Valentine (Jane) (d. 1852) had a son Isaac.

Valentine (S ) had a son Peter (Jean) born in Augusta, 1789.

Michael (d. 1834) (Dolly): C— Polly (John Bailey, 1819),

(Daniel Leake) (Abraham Toler), Jane, David, Elizabeth, Hannah, Ra- chel, Margaret ( Shanklin), Andrew.


The Millers who married into the family of Richard McNeer were grandchildren of Patrick, who lived on the Cowpasture before moving to the Greenbrier.

J. Burnett Miller, son of Andrew A., was a genius in both vocal and instrumental music. His voice was baritone and few persons could cover so much of the scale. With a sister he sang in some of the leading cities of West Virginia. The instruments he played were the organ, piano, vio- lin, and guitar. But he had also a strong literary inclination. Even the compositions of his early boyhood were excellent in thought and diction. At a later age he wrote several stories. He spent three years at Shelton College and was an untiring student. But his ambition outran his physical strength, and this gifted youth of pure and high character was called away in 1903 at the early age of nineteen.


Joshua (1757-1843) was a native of the city of Paris, and becoming an orphan while yet a child he grew up with very meager advantages. In 1781 he was serving under Lafayette in Virginia as a French soldier. When his command was about to return to France after the capture of Cornwallis he ran away to the Blue Ridge. While famished for want of food he was accused of being a deserter by a woman at whose house he called for a meal. She insisted that his military buttons were proof enough in her eyes, and on her promise that she would not betray him he clipped off the buttons and gave them to her. Between 1790 and 1794 he found his way to Monroe and finally settled in 1803 on a tract of 950 acres on Brier Run. Nearly all this land is yet in the family. There now stand on it two schoolhcuses and ten dwelling houses, in addition to nine dwellings now on the retired list. Mitchell was poor, but honest and upright. One of his cares after coming to Brier Run was to put a substantial hedge fence around a burial plot. This living wall still re- mains in good condition. His eight day clock is in the posssesion of a

great-grandson. He married (1) Nancy , (2) Elizabeth Stig-

gard. C: Thomas (d. 1847) (Margaret Mathews) Nancy (Abraham Cox, 1807) ; by 2d w.— James (Sarah Miller, 1819)— Polly (Frederick Co- mer, 1834)— Elizabeth ( Miller)— Kate ("Forked" John Miller, 1819)

Jane (John Comer, 1824) Margaret ( Cox) Lucy (John Phipps,

1824)— Susanna (James Ellison, 1822)— Joseph (Sarah Comer, 1829)

Patterson, Nancy Harvey) .

C. of Thomas: Lewis George M. (Mary C. Vass, 1847) Jonathan

Baldwin James Henry Albert T. Riley ( Smith). Lewis bought

out the other heirs and remained on the homestead, George and Jonathan going to California and James and Henry to Braxton. Baldwin was killed in the war of 1861. While George was in Missouri he owned land now a part of the city of St. Joseph.



William B., a highly successful farmer and business man, lived at Johnson's Crossroads and at Union from 1893 to 1911, and then removed to Graham of which he is the founder. He still has interests in Monroe.


It is said that James (Phoebe) Moss was the first settler at Sweet Springs and sold his claim to the Lewises for a pair of buckskin breeches; and that he moved from Lynnside to the George Sayers farm. This has long been known as the "Moss place." C: Nancy (Andrew Higgenbotham, 1800) Jane (James Higgenbotham, 1803) George Henry. George is probably identical with the George (1788-1870) who married Lydia Benson in 1808. She was living in the family of Charles Lewis. But unless record dates can be depended upon and very often they cannot there was an- other George (1784-1860), a son of Jacob and Polly and born in Penn- sylvania. Of the later Mosses we have no connected account.


C. of John (Julia A. Weikel) : Michael (Ella MtNeer), William, John, Connie, Sarah, Ellen, May, Mack.


Walter (d. 1801) (Winifred) was a cooper and lived at the head of Turkey. (App. $621.58). C: Charles (Martha Arnot, 1802), Rachel (Thomas Wray, 1802), Walter (Deborah Arnot), Agnes (John Wiseman, 1812).


The Scottish orthography of this name is Neill. Owen (d. 1828) (Isabella Maxwell, 1778) came from Pennsylvania with his father Owen (John?), then a widower, whose other children were John, Joseph, Wil- liam, Adam, and two daughters. One of the sons was killed at Point Pleasant. The first settlement was on Potts Creek in 1780, whence about 10 years later there was a removal to Gap valley.

C. of Owen, Jr.: John (1780-1856) (Mary Kelly, 1820)— Josephus (1782-1832) (Rebecca Campbell)— Elsie (b. 1784) (John Patton, 1802) William H. (1787-1862) (Mary A. Jarvis, great niece of President John Adams)— Margaret (b. 1791) (John Johnston)— Thomas (1793-1825) (Mary Ross)— Isabella (1796-1844)) (Alexander Leach)— Owen (1798- 1876) (Mary Patton)— Abner (1800-1874) (Catharine Osborne of George and Polly)— Julia (1805-1879) (Madison Smith).

C. of John: John K. (Cassandra Stevens)— Mary F. (William Neel) Elizabeth (Ephraim Neel) Malinda (Chapman Vanstavern, James Neel)— Virginia (William Blankenship) Margaret (Peter Osborne) Isa- bella ( Pugh)— Oscar (Cornelia Hughart)— Martha (John McCor-


mick)— Indiana (b. 1844) ( Kesler) . The families of John K.

(b. 1821) and Oscar are in Colorado and California respectively.

C. of Josephus: John O. (b. 1810) (Mary Kelly)— Isabel J. (1813-1849) (George Gilchrist)— Selina (1817-1896) (John Miller)— Joseph E. (West) —Susan M. (s)— Caroline (b. 1824) (Joseph M. Nickell, 1845)— Abner

H. (b. 1826) (Martha Stevens)— Thomas M. ( Champ)— Malvina

( Dempsey) Margaret J. ( Pugh) . J. E. and T. M. went


C. of Abner H. Clark (Rose Campbell), Estaline (John Rowan).

C. of Clark of A. H.— Ella P., Robert W., William H., Grace C.

C. of Thomas: Harvey J. (b. 1826)— Henry O. (b. 1828) (Mrs. Rob- erta Eubank Owen)— William F. (b. 1830) (Margaret E. Stodghill) Susan (John H. Hansbarger) .

C. of H. O. John, Thomas, Lucian (Rebecca McGuire), Caroline (Frank Grove) .

C. of W. F.— Harvey T. (Ora Miller), Sudie (Richard Appling), Harriet (Thomas Appling) .

C. of Owen: Austen A. (d. '61x) (Mary E. Bucktrout) graduate of William and Mary College.

C. of Abner: Ann (Stephen Ruddle)— Lewis C. (b. 1830) (Sophia Miller)— Allen G. (b. 1833) (Susan Patton)— Cyrus F. (b. 1837) (Nancy M. Ross)— Harvey A. (b. 1840) (Josephine Ross)— Mary E. C. (Samuel Simms) .

L. C, a physician, removed to Mo., and married there.

C. of A. G.— Harlan (Nellie Pollock)— Cora (Robert Johnson)— Zella —Ethel (John B. Harper)— Wade H.

C. of C. F. of Abner: Ada— Dr. Hugh W.

C. of Harvey A.— Guy (Pearl Neel)— Lake (Julia Biddle, Tenn.) Baxter L. Hallie Nellie.

C. of William H— Margaret A. (b. 1809) (Thomas Miller, Moses Car- roll)—Fielden F. (b. 1810) (Sabina Stuart Williams)— Owen (

Hayford) William (s) Isabella M. ( Poole, Charles Archey)

Nancy ( Flanagan) Mary A. (s) .

C. of F. F. Mary J. (Lewis A. Pence) Margaret A. (Robert B. Wallace) Abner A. P. (Alice Anderson, Ida Payne) .

C. of A. A. P.— Edith, Charles, Wilber, Beulah (Samuel Johnson), Alice; by 2d w. Abner A. F., Samuel R., Fielden F., Eunice, Sabina B., Laura. A. A. P., S. R., F. F. are Methodist ministers.

C. of Cyrus F. Ada Dr. Hugh W. Fay (Harry Baylor) Bessie.

The present members of the Neel connection largely remain around the original settlement in Gap valley and possess several of its best farms and farmhouses.



James (d. 1825) (Mary Brown) lived near New Lebanon and seems to have been a son of William (d. 1794) (app. $148.23), who was also in same locality.

C. of James: William (Sidney Ewing), Elizabeth (s), Nancy (s), Jean (1784-1860) (Tristram Patton), Margaret (George Nickell), ?James (Polly Fink, 1804). William had no children and divided his estate of $35,000, a very large one for that time, among seven nephews.

NETTLES Abraham^ a disabled veteran of the Revolution, lived on Scott's Branch. He had a considerable family. ,


In the colonial period this name was spelled Nichol and Nicholas. Four brothers came here as early, it is claimed, as about 1751 and fought at Point Pleasant. They were Thomas (d. 1807) (Jane King) Robert (Margaret Gray) Isaac (d. 1839) (Margaret Curry) Andrew. Thomas married here. Robert had no family.

C. of Thomas: Margaret Barbara ( Erwin) Thomas Robert

Jean (James Wheeler, 1806) Elizabeth John (Polly Nickell) George

(b. 1776) (Margaret Nelson) Mary ( Erwin) Andrew (b. 1780)

(Barbara Nickell) James. Thomas and Robert went to Ky, John to O.

C. of George of Thos. : Jennie (b. 1800) ( Kippers) Mary

(James Gray) Elizabeth (Mo.) Nancy (James Hinchman) Robert (b. 1805) (Eliza Nickell) Margaret (John Hinchman, 1824) James (Jane Gullett)— George W. (1809-1899) (Anna M. Nickell)— Amanda (b. 1811)

( Keys)— John A. (1813-1898) (Mary J. Patton)— Rachel (b. 1815)

(R. Porterfield Boyd)— William N. (Malvina Hill, 1839)— Sidney (James Drummond)— Delilah (b. 1822) (George W. Campbell, 1840). In 1889 the average age of 8 of this large family was 76 years. 10 of them mar- ried and had families. G. W. and J. A. remained in Monroe, the latter on the homestead.

C. of Andrew of Thomas: Thomas, Hiram, Caperton, Andrew, Hen- derson (Martha Patton), daughter ( Erwin).

C. of G. W. of Geo.: Margaret A. (b. 1835) (Joseph Cook, 1850) Charles P. (Caroline Lemons, 1859)— Andrew A. (Flora Bear, 1862) George T. (Ingabo Patton, 1862)— Sidney J. (b. 1847) (James O. Miller, 1867)— Priscilla C. (Harvey Young, 1870)— Greer M. (Norma Crawford).

C. of J. A. of Geo.: Rev. William N. (Susan Wickline)— Ingabo C. (J. T. Black)— John T. (Lydia J. Gray)— Virginia M. (Wm. T. Pat- ton)—Cary P. (Elizabeth Campbell).

C. of Isaac: Polly (John Nickell)— Anne (James Corbett)— Elizabeth (Robert Craig, 1803)— Barbara (James Nickell)— Nancy (Joseph Cottle,


1799) Rebecca (John Cottle) Susanna (Thomas Erwin, 1807) Sarah (Richard McCallister, 1814)— John (d. by 1835) (Anne Curry). All but Polly, Barbara, and John left the county.

C. of John of Isaac: Isaac Sarah (James McLaughlin) Rebecca (Wil- liam Lemons) Lydia (Henry Campbell) John N. (Elizabeth Irons) Nancy (Joseph Young, 1835) Margaret A. Elizabeth Mary.

C. of Andrew of Thomas: Thomas, Caperton, Henderson, Andrew, Wil- liam, Edward, Ellen, Eliza, Washington, Christopher, Malinda, Hiram.

C. of James of Thomas: Ruth, Thomas, Elizabeth, Sarah, James M., Pallie, Ann, Alexander.

C. of Jas. M. (Sally Ann Burdette). Marrietta (C. W. Hutcheson), Angelina (J. H. D. Johnson), Jas. M. (Mo.) (Lizzie Ford), Barbara (Dr. Wm. Campbell), J. Hunter (Sally Chapman), Sarah Rebecca (J. W. Lee), Harvey (Ark.) L. A. (Cora Clark), C. C. (Rosebud Mann, Annie Hinchman). The family home at Nickells Mills is one of the old- est in the county. L. A. was circuit clerk 12 years and very popular.

Andrew (Elizabeth Erwin) is said to have been a half-brother to An- drew, one of the four pioneers. C: "Gap" John (Nancy Nickell) "Stil- ler" Andrew (Mary A. Patton)— Frank (West)— "Long Bob" (d. 1850) (Delia Feamster) Barbara Frances Jennie Mary Susan Elizabeth.

C. of "Gap" John: "Ham" John Sarah Elizabeth Margaret Ann.

C. of "Stiller" Andrew: Robert P. ("Sewell Bob") (Kate McDowell) —Anna M. (1812-1887)— Eliza (Robert Nickell)— Jane (s)— Priscilla (H. B. Gaston) Lena (Alexander C. Nickell) Martha M. (James Ross).

C. of "Long Bob": Feamster (Martha Lynch) Elizabeth M. (1820- 1903) (George W. Reaburn, 1838)— Sarah A. (Edward J. Nickell, 1846) Rebecca Mary Emily (Robert A. Patton) Susan J. (Robert Miller, 1845)— Caroline (Dr. G. H. K. Nickell).

C. of John of Thos: Ruth (Benjamin Herring) Thomas Isaac (Mar- garet Patton) Elizabeth (James Curry, 1827) Sarah (Josiah Curry) Polly A. (Edward Farnsworth) John M. (Sarah A. Burdette) Alexan- der C. (Lena Nickell).


George (1782-1846) (Mary Lohr, 1808) was a son of Josiah (Margaret Alderson) and he in turn was seemingly of the Osborne family that set- tled on the South Branch in Hardy before 1748. Several families from that region are known to have come at an early day to the Greenbrier. C: Catharine (Abner Neel) Cyrus (m. Greenbrier) Jenny (m. Green- brier)— Peter L. (Margaret Neel) (West) John Jacob (Sarah A. Budd, 1847)— William— Susan A. (b. 1826) (John Carpenter).

C. of P. L.— Mary, Jefferson D.

C. of Jacob: George C. (Mattie Poage), John (Lettie P. Frederick, 1891), Mary K. (M. S. Alexander, 1891), Rose (W. D. Sell).



In England this name is historic. One of the Packs was in the Long Parliament. Another was one of Wellington's generals. Samuel wan- dered into this region from Tidewater Virginia, and in 1763 was trapping with Swope and Pitman on New River. A son was Samuel, Jr. (1760- 1833) (Mary Farley), who settled on that stream. The Packs were large slaveholders and owned much New River bottom from the mouth of the Greenbrier up to and around the mouth of Bluestone. C. of Samuel, Jr. —John (d. 1830c) (Elizabeth Lively, 1812)— Matthew— Samuel (Sarah Wyatt, 1802)— Bartley (d. 1834) (Dicea Harvey)— Loammi (1791-1858) (Jane Lively, 1811) William Anderson (Rebecca Peters) Elizabeth (Jacob Dickenson) Polly (Joseph Lively, 1812) Jennie (Jonah Morris). Anderson and Loammi owned a large body of land on Brush in the vicin- ity of Cashmere. The latter was a zealous Methodist, and built and did very much to maintain the Pack church. The wife of President Hayes was a daughter of Jennie Pack Morris. While Hayes was in this region as a general in the Fedral army he recognized Captain John A. Pack as a relative and gave him the freedom of his camp at Raleigh C. H. After the death of Anderson, his sons moved to Kansas and Oklahoma. Since then the name is locally extinct in the line of Loammi.

C. of Anderson: Conrad B., Samuel B., John A., Allen C, Loammi C, Charles H., Virginia (Dr. Charles G. Manser), Clara (E. B. Meador), Kate (Capt. Robert Saunders) .

C. of Loammi: Cynthia (1812-1882) (James McGue, 1839)— Lucinda (Archibald Swinney, 1833)— Sarah (1818-1885) (Lorenzo D. Martin, 1849) —Bartley (Hester E. Carper, 1844)— Polly (Vincent Callaway, 1863) Eliza J. (Andrew J. Carper, 1849)— Samuel C. (1829-1903)— Lorenzo D. (Mary J. Douthat, 1858)— John L. (1833-1895) (Elizabeth J. Ellison, 1867).

C. of L. D. Annie M. (Henry Brown), Jennie L. (C. A. Brown), Henry W., James J., Charles B., Mary L. (Robert Green), Lucy P., Thomas R.

C. of J. L.: Walter J. (Lida Ralston, 1901), Charles H. (Nora Miller), Luther J. (Eva Broyles) . These sons began life as teachers, secured academic or collegiate education, and became ministers of the Baptist Church.


Thomas F. (Elizabeth McDermott) came to Monroe from County Ros- common, Ireland, in 1851. Their marriage took place the following year. The parents and also the children, except one, are buried in the Catholic cemetery at Sweet Springs. C: Francis J., Mollie A., Thomas A., Eliza- beth, John R., Maggie. Francis J. was married in 1903 to Myrtle Hovv- lett, of Wisconsin. Their children are Ruth, Martha, and Mary. Mr.


Parke is Law Examiner in the Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C.


Joseph was a Scotch-Irish immigrant who married a Rector. C : Joseph (Elizabeth), David, Andrew, Eliza J. (Andrew Irons), William. (1815- 1902) (Lydia Sullivan, Sarah J. Upton, 1846c).

C. of William: daughter (A. J. Daugherty), Joseph N. (1847-1906), Lydia W. (James T. Allen), Andrew L. (Sarah Allen), George W. (Car- oline A. Brown), J. Harvey (Mary Wetzel), Samuel A. (Leola Kincaid), William H., Mary I. (Thomas M. Broyles), S. A. (d.) and W. H., min- isters, the former a Methodist, the latter a Baptist.

C. of Joseph (Elizabeth Young) : Susanna J. (James S. Hawkins), Alex'r Karnes (Miary Ann Wylie), Caroline (Benj. Beaman), Virginia (John Calvin Beamer), Preston (Nettie Hedrick), Wm. H. (Estaline Shirley, Nettie McClung), Robert Y. (Martha Campbell).

C. of Alex'r K. : J. Elliot (Mary Hammond), Laura (s), John P., (Annie Clark), Alice (Rev. J. W. Holt), Florence (B. J. Leach), Lelia (John Withrow), Annie Wylie (Coleman Heywood), Arthur K. (Lucy Gordon).

Preston lived and died at Asbury, Greenbrier Co.

C. of Wm. H.: by 1st w., Newton A., Presby. minister, (Leonard Dickinson) (Monterey, Va.), Viola (J. Plumer Leach, (Pa.); by 2d w., Lonnie ( Jarrett) (111.) d., Thos. B., d. 1904.

C. of Robert Y.. Ashby, Wade Oren, Robert, Carl and Glenna.


Tristram (1758-1843) (Jean Nelson, 1808) was a native of county Ty- rone, crossed the Atlantic about 1777, and is said to have served on Wash- ington's body guard in the Revolution. After the war he taught school in Philadelphia, moving to Second Creek not later than 1795. Seeing a prom- ising future in this new country, he sent for his younger brother Robert. They became large landholders and operated mills. Tristram's grist and saw mill stood a mile below the concrete bridge. Robert's powder mill was two miles below. Its owner and a slave man were killed by an ex- plosion in the powder mill in 1808. Tristram, a member of the New Lebanon church, was quiet, unobtrusive, well educated, and was much in request among his neighbors as a writer of legal documents. All his numerous children attained their majority and 12 passed the age of 70. Columbus M., who at this writing is the only survivor, bears the remark- able distinction of being the son of a Revolutionary veteran. That war seems very remote to us of today.

C. of Tristram: William M. (1809-1878) (Elizabeth K. Reaburn) Mary B. (Owen Neel)— James N. (s)— Elizabeth S. (William Ellis)


Robert M. (1814-1891) (Margaret Level, 1840)— John J. (Margaret Rob- inson, Mrs. Hannah Early)— Louisa A. (Matthew Humphreys)— Nancy M. (George V. Perry, 1845)— Thomas B. (b. 1822) (Eliza Alderson, 1845) Washington L. (Elizabeth Rodgers)— Edwin F. (Rebecca M. Burdette, 1853)— Margaret J. (Spencer R. Hill, 1848)— Columbus M., twin to M. J. (b. 1828) (Mary A. Dunsmore, 1852)— Sidney E. (b. 1830) (Lewis E. Swope, 1854).

While James N., as a constable, was collecting taxes, he knew what it was to have boiling water thrown at him. On one occasion a widow barred her door, but it was an easy matter to mount the low roof of the cabin and go down the capacious wooden chimney, using the crane as a step. The tax money was then forthcoming.

C. of W. M.: Caroline J. (1834-1893) (Nathan Perry, 1852)— Malinda (John M. Alderson).

C. of R. M. : Nancy J., Mary S . (Allen Neel), James M., D. L., Wil- liam N., Owen N., Elizabeth M., John P., Sarah R.

C. of J. J. by 1st w.: Joanna ( Rodgers).

C. of T. B.: John W., Granville Ml, Preston B., Alderson M., Wal- ter W.

C. of W. L. : Virginia, Effie, William, Douglas, Edwin.

C. of E. F. : Samuel R. (Nannie Ford, Sophoronia Figgatt).

C. of C. M.: Mary A., Marelda, Austin N., Margaret E., Nelson F., Annie L., Franklin W.

Robert (d. 1808) (Eleanor Gray, 1797), bro. to Tristram. C: Wil- liam M. (1798-1879) (Mary V. Campbell, 1825)— Robert (m. in Ky.) . The widow of Robert, Sr., went to Kentucky with her children. W. M. returned, but migrated to Ritchie in 1843. At the outbreak of the war all the sons except the one who was too small came back to Monroe and entered the Confederate service.

C. of W. M.: William M. (Catharine Radcliff, 1856), Louisa, Martha (Isaiah Wills), John C. (1832-1913) (Rebecca Stuart, 1868), Andrew J., Sarah J., Albert D. (Cordelia F. Morton, 1872), Mary V., Benjamin F., Ann, Lydia (b. 1847) (Pressley W. Morris).

William, the eldest brother to Tristram and Robert, inherited the family estate in Ireland according to the British rule of primogeniture, but in default of heirs of his own the property would have gone to those of Tristram. They took no action in the matter and the estate reverted to the British crown.

Another Robert, said to be a cousin, came to Second Creek from county

Donegal, Ireland, about 1805 and died 1823. His wife was Jean .

C: Margaret (John Cottle)— Tristram (1793-1885) (Eliza E. Hogshead, 1827)— Robert— Jean (William Cornwell, 1804)— John (Elsie Neel, 1802) William Mark (s) Mary A. (Andrew Nickell, 1802).

The Cottles had no family. Tristram was left 200 pounds sterling by


James Ramsay, of Waterford, Ireland. Robert, Jr., died before his father. William settled in Alabama.

C. of Tristram: Robert A. (Emily Nickell, Mrs. Mary Ann Boyd) Mary J. R. (Andrew W. Gray)— Dr. John B. (k. '61)— William T. (Mollie J. Beamer, Virginia M. Nickell).

C. of W. T.: Eliza E. (W. G. Campbell), Ada J. (R. B. Nickell), John N. (Bessie F. Parker), Clyde T. (Glenna R. Pharr), Bessie (C. N. Gray (Ind.).

C. of John: Ingabo (Abraham Thomas) Mary J. (John A. Nickell) Margaret (Isaac Nickell) William (Litha Hall) John M. (Ga.) Wash- ington (Ga.) Martha (Henderson Nickell) Isabel M. ( Lokey)

Julia (Joseph Hawkins).

C. of Robert A.: by 1st w., McElwee (West), Ellen (Simeon Mil- ler) ; by 2d w., John (Mo.), T. J. (d.), Tristram A., (Myrtle Humphreys), Robert O. (Mo.), B. S. (Mo.), Jas. A. (Wash.), Margaret Belle Clifton (Mo.).

Robert M. Patton (1808-1885) went with his father William to Hunts- ville, Ala., in 1812. He was a merchant and planter and was many times in the legislature previous to the war. He was a member of the Char- leston convention of 1860, and was not at first in favor of secession. Three sons were in the Confederate army. He was governor of Alabama, 1865- 69. Governor Patton was a Christian gentleman and of charitable na- ture. He was interested in railroads and other industrial enterprises. As the first governor during the reconstruction his position was a difficult one.

The eldest daughter of William T, now of Oklahoma, is an artist and is skilled in ceramics.


We have been given no sketch of this family, which, nevertheless, goes back to the early days of Monroe, and for all we know to the contrary, may claim as its ancestor Jacob, a native of Germany, who came to Au- gusta in 1744. His wife was Elizabeth Borden.

C. of Elisha G. (Margaret C. Peters, 1841): William H. (d. '61),

John P. ( Peck), Jacob H. (s), Benjamin L., Allen T. (Josephine

Spangler), Hugh A. ( McCormick).


Jacob and Valentine, two German immigrants, came to Rockingham about 1747. A son of one of these was Jacob (d. 1819c), who after liv- ing a while on the Cowpasture and on Dunlap, purchased the Estill place in 1818. His wife, Elizabeth Tresler, a German girl (1778-1865), came to America when seven years old. C: David (Mary R. Clark) Henry (1800-1867) (Nancy Stodghill, 1829)— Catharine (Jesse Dickenson, 1820)


—Juliana (John Shultz) Moses (Delilah Smith) Elizabeth (

Goodall) Agnes (Lewis Smith) Peter G. W. (s) . Henry built about 1831 a brick house that is still in the family. He saw the wish become fact that he might live to see the end of the great American war.

C. of Henry: Amanda J. (1830-1879) (Richard T. McNeer, 1848), Lewis A. (Mary J. Neel), John H. (Virginia Campbell), William W. (Sarah J. Shanklin), Andrew P. (Sarah A. Lewis), Harriet E. (A. J. Farris). C. of L. A.: Horatia G., Dewey E. (Ella M. Arnot), Mary V., Sabina N, Nannie J. (Dr. J. A. Boon). C. of W. W. : Jas. R.

( Thomas), Kate (A. W. Johnson) (Wash.), Harriet (Edw.

Dunlap), Alice (H. N. Ballard).

C. of David: William H. (Mrs. Margaret Smith), Margaret (John W. Canterbury), George W. (Susan A. Clark), Frances, Elizabeth K. (Preston Lowe), Hugh (Virginia A. Harvey), John W., Ellen (J. E. Murdock), Augustus A. (Hugh A. McNeer).


Christian Peters (1760-1837) was a native of Rockingham and settled on the R. H. Fleshman place near Peterstown about 1789. He was a sub- stantial and prominent citizen and the founder of Peterstown, to which place he removed after the village took its rise. C: Conrad (d. 1850) (Clara Snidow— John (1788-1868) (Cynthia Clark, 1813)— Rhoda (b. 1798) (Chas. Spangler) Sarah (George Spangler, 1822) Rebecca (Samuel A. Pack) —Jane (1796-1868) ( Spangler).

Conrad C. of Nancy H. (James Karnes) Catharine R. (Rufus Pack) Delia C. (Preston H. Spangler) Mary B. (M. Alderson) Ange- line E. (Rand Withrow) Rhoda J. (Alexander Walker) Sarah S. (John

Larew, 1845) Cynthia (Daniel Shumate, 1846)— Christian S. (

Karnes) Conrad L. John H. (dy) .

C. of John: Eliza (James M. Byrnside, 1833) Margaret C. (Elisha G. Peck, 1841)— John A. (Rebecca Peck).

C. of John A.: Samuel C, (Bina Hogsett), J. Henry (Alice Pack),

Rebecca ( Tate Blacker) (Mo.), Ann (B. M. Shumate),

Martha (E. L. Shumate, Eliza C. (C. W. Walker).

John was a skilled wagonmaker at Peterstown. John, a brother to Christian, married in Madison Co. and came with him, locating on New River above the Narrows.

PHARR Dr. Dion C. (Kate E. Ruddell, 1882) came to Gap Mills as a prac- tioner in 1879. His father, Rev. Dion C, was at one time pastor of the Carmel Presbyterian church.


James (1806c-1868) came from Fincastle to Lillydale about 1820. He

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was of German descent and by trade a tailor. His wife was Damaris Paget of Lynchburg. C: Frances (Jaben Shanklin) Cornelia (Hugh Al- len)— Virginia (Robert Lemons) Emma (Charles Allen) Susan (George Murdock) Ettie (John Humphreys) Josie (P. J. Foster) Gary (Mar- tha Ellis, Martha J. Flint, Sarah Fleshman) William A. (Nancy Flint) Rufus F. (Ann Murdock) Jehu (Virginia Tolbert) Granville P. (Martha Murdock) Louie (Elizabeth Shields).

The "Pitzer boys" grew up as good farmers, good marksmen and hun- ters, industrious, and true to their word. Their father died at an early age, but they at once assumed the responsibility of men and held the fam- ily together. The connection is now represented meagerly in the male line, but numerously in the female.


Moses (Elizabeth Lynch, 1803) came to Union from Ky. C: Ann (James

Leach) James (Rhoda Jennings) John (dy) Jane ( MeCorkle)

Elizabeth ( Handley) Margaret E.— Andrew James L.

C. of James: Ellen, Elizabeth, Laura.


William came from Ireland near the close of the eighteenth century and settled in Second Creek, probably in the Burdette Springs neighbor- hood. His wife is thought to have been a daughter of Edward Cornwell,

C: Thomas (Elizabeth Smith) James ( Jones) Mary (s) Patsy

(Walter McDowell).

C. of James: J. Madison Samuel (d) John Alexander Thomas Harvey Ellen Margaret William (Margaret A. Bostick) . All these excepting William settled in Kanawha. William lived near Hillsdale and was an exemplary citizen.

C. of William (1833-1901): Newton N. (Nancy C. Lynch)— James W. (Emma McMann) . C. of N. N.: Ruby O. (Ellis Givens), William H., Carl G., Harold L., Nannie G. C. of J. W. : Zettie G., Mary C, Elva L., James E., Margaret, Clyde.


Among the Confederate soldiers who never came home was George I. Pyles, who was captured at Winchester, Sept. 19, 1864, and died at Point Lookout, Jan. 18, 1865. Shortly after the war a fire destroyed all the headboards in the prison burial ground, thus making it impossible to iden- tify grave 820. A few years later the state of Maryland had the remains of the prisoners of war reinterred in one common grave a mile distant. This mound and the monument thereon were transferred to the care of the United States.

Jacob (Sarah Baker, 1818) lived between Salt Sulphur and Lillydale.


His wife was a sister to Joseph, John, and Frederick Baker. His brother Conrad lived and died in Sweet Springs valley, where it is thought their father, whose father is supposed to have borne the name Jacob, made set- tlement.

C. of Jacob, Jr.: George I. (Elizabeth Arnot) John Allen— Polly (George McCoy) Elizabeth (Lewis Spangler) Ellen (Henry W. Arnot). John and Allen died soon after their return from the army.

C. of George I. : Henry M. (Margaret Wikle) Sarah E. Addison A. (Ellen Belts, 1877)— John W. (Fannie Diddle of M. P.)— Mary A. (A. M. Hutchinson) Margaret J. (Richard McNeer) George W. (Mary Wikle)— Martha E. (J. P. Fisher)— Emma (R. W. Hill, 1888). A. A., G. W., and Emma, and the widow went to Kansas. There are now 5+ grandchildren, and they are to be found in Monroe, Summers, Greenbrier, and Logan, and in Brown county, Kans.

There are descendants of Conrad in Sweet Springs valley and in Hinton.


This surname came into England with the Norman-French conquerors and for many centuries has held an honored place in the annals of the British gentry. Robert (1755-1847) was the son of a British army officer who was killed in battle, and was reared by an uncle, a wealthy ship- master of Dublin. He accompanied the uncle in a voyage to New York in 1768, and then ran away, hiding himself in a wagon belonging to two brothers of the name of McGuire, and who seem to have lived in Pennsylvania. Thus the boy forfeited an inheritance that would have made him rich. The McGuires were kind-hearted, and he spent the time with them until he was of age, alternating a year at a time, between the brothers. He then received horse, saddle, and bridle. He accompanied them to the Greenbrier about 1780, and made himself a home near Cen- tennial. He was a strict Methodist and impatient of misbehavior in time of worship. His first wife was a Stevenson, the second being Nancy Mc- Guire of the family of his benefactors. C: Sarah (1791-1897) (Archibald Bostick) ; by 2d w. James M. (Elizabeth Mahan) William John Eliz- abeth (John Keyes) Robert (s). William went to Wisconsin before 1860. John was killed by a raft on Coal River, and Robert, a teacher, never recovered from an injury to his head caused while using a flail. The children of James M., who went to Ohio, were John W., Mary A., Louis G., James P., Nancy J., William T., and Ruthie F. James M. and his sons J. M. and W. T. served under General Custer in the Second West Virginia Cavalry, U. S. A., and were present at the surrender of Lee. L. G. was in the Confederate service. The brothers were in the battle of Lewisburg and afterward had a friendly talk under a flag of truce. L. G. was killed in the battle of Lynchburg.


A Pyne not known to be related to the foregoing was James, who died in 1799, leaving personalty worth $486.17. Still another was Absalom.

Madison M. (1817-1902) weighed over 200 pounds and was considered the most muscular man in Monroe. In 1844 he acquired 176 acres at the head of Dropping Lick and added to it from time to time until he was the owner of 1000 acres, the estate being known as "Pyne's Eyrie." He married in 1836 Mahala Smith. He had a brother William who went to Minnesota, and three sisters, Julia, Martha, and Isabel, who married, re- spectively, Joseph Ramsay, Richard Ramsay and Robert McCleary.

C. of M. M.: James A. (b. 1837) (Virginia H. Shanklin, 1861, Mar- tha C. Ramsay, 1884) Eleanor F. (Josephus Shepherd) Mary A. (Eph- raim S. Honaker) Lewis S. (Mary Neighbors) Louisa (Christopher Neighbors)— John W. (b. 1855) (Sarah M. Humphreys)— Jacob W. (Ro- setta Smith). Of the sons only J. A. and J. W. remain in Monroe.

C. of J. A.: Walter H. (b. 1862) (Magdalen C. Wallace)— Catharine A. (R. Fletcher Miller)— James M. (b. 1869) (Eleanor E. Reaburn, 1908) —William H. (Elizabeth Stafford)— Skipwith R. (Martin B. Miller) Quilly M. (Irene C. Crosier); by 2d w.— Rev. Otis H. (Mary M. Wal- lace)— Everett W. (Anne C. Echols) Homer R. The sons are chiefly West, particularly in Cal. J. W. lives on a part of the homestead and has four children.

James M. Pyne, attorney in California, served in the Philippines as a member of the 36th Regiment, U. S. Vol. Inf. He traveled around the world by way of Japan, Australia, South Africa and Europe and was sergeant in the Jefferson Guards at the St. Louis Exposition of 1904.


Michael (Mary) came from Cowpasture to Indian. D. 1784. Cath- arine Sullivan, a sister, and probably wife of Timothy Sullivan, was to have farm after decease of widow.


The Reaburns are said to be derived from five brothers. John (d. 1824) (Elizabeth Kilpatrick, 1778) came from Augusta to Plank Cabin Draft before 1787. C: John (1779-1859) (s)— Ann (s)— Charles (1784- 1861) (Mary Hamilton, 1805)— Margaret (1787-1852) (Jeremiah Tracy) —Henry (b. 1789) (Jane Blair)— Isaac (1795-1833) (Susan Thomas). Ann died in 1822 just before her marriage to Humphrey Keys was to have taken place. Henry went to Ohio in 1854, but died in Arkansas. Isaac was six feet four inches tall and the scholar of the family. He went to Kanawha.

C. of Charles: Elizabeth K. (b. 1806) (William Patton)— Sabina C. (b. 1808) (Thomas Nickell)— Anna H. (Robert Morehead, 1816)— George


W. (1814-1883) (Elizabeth M. Nickell, 1838)— Elvira H. (b. 1818) (George Swope) .

C. of Henry: John C. Alexander R. Charles A. Isaac A. Hugh B.— Milton T— Henry L.

C. of Isaac: Elizabeth, Lucretia, Leander, Dr. John J. (1832-1907).

C. of George W. of Charles: William H. (b. 1839) (Isabella Hogs- head)—Robert A. (1841-1897) (Mary J. Shumate)— Mary S. (1844-1913) (William H. Hogshead, 1867)— John H. (b. 1847) (Mary E. Crist) Elizabeth C. (b. 1852) (Nickell Hardy)— Emily E. (b. 1854) (J. A. Cook, 1875)— Charles F. (s)— Laura A. (1859-1902) (Henry Burrows, 1887, Frank Beaumont, 1890, M. Coryell)— Dr. George W. (1861-1904) (Jennie Y. McCoy)— Lora B. (b. 1864) (William H. Altaffer, 1890).

The surname has now disappeared from Monroe.


Andrew E. (Mary A. Holsapple, 1845)— C: John (Molly McCleary)

Isaac ( McDowell) Henderson ( Ballard) Ellen (J. W.

Lynch) Isabel (George Dransfield) Mary F. (Stuart Vandergrift) Lydia (John Hinton) .

The descendants of A. E. Reed are good and thrifty citizens.

William (Elizabeth) (d. 1851) was living on Hans as early as 1802 and adj. John Stodghill, John Miller, Benjamin Harvey, Curtis Ballard.

C: John, James, William, Robert, Catharine ( Foster), Sarah (

Sprowl) .


This family, of German origin, was one of the earliest to settle on the lower Greenbrier. The pioneer seems to have been Jacob, Sr., who was made levy-free in 1781. The following appear to be children of his: Barbara (Joseph Haynes, 1782) Jacob David (Catharine), who was father of Rachel (1794-1856). Jacob, Jr., was in 1781 road surveyor from John Dixon's to the turn of the waters of Anthony. We have no definite information whether he is identical with the Jacob who had an oil mill on Rock Camp, where he died about 1844. The sons of the latter were John (Rebecca Clark), Joel (Susan Summers).

C. of John: Elizabeth (Caleb Jones) Elizabeth (Alexander Donaldson, 1843) Catharine (Michael Mann, 1845) Jane (Joseph Hutchinson) William (Harriet Boggess) Lewis A. (Sarah A. Clark) John (k. '611 —Samuel C. (Matilda Chambers, Ellen Z. Taylor) .

Stewart, a son of Joel and a worthy citizen of the above locality, has lived with his wife 58 years. All their 11 children are living. All but two are in this county and within easy call.


About 1818 the following came from Virginia to Rich with their wid-


owed mother: Simeon (Mary Thompson, 1819, Jane Brown, 1847) Susan (Zachariah Broyles) Annie (Jacob Broyles) Lucy (Absalom Broyles) Sarah (John McDaniel) Polly (Thomas Lively) Phoebe (Peter Raines) Elizabeth (John Thompson).

C. of Simeon: John T. (d. 1915) (Mary Pyne, Ann Keatley) Lewis (Margaret Broyles)— James A. (Sarah McGhee)— William C. (b. 1820) (Mary E. Gwinn, 1845, Sarah Green) Eunice (Henry Brown) Jurida (Allen Fleshman) Catharine (Jackson Ellison) Emeline (Thompson Broyles, Lewis H. Broyles) Elizabeth (William T. Ballard) Lucinda (Sylvester Ballard, Lev, is Lilly) Eliza (James Williams; by 2d w. Henry B. (Sarah Duncan) Preston H. (Nannie Shires) Mary S. (Ander- son Dunbar).


Jeremiah (Elizabeth) was settled on the Greenbrier at the mouth of Blue Lick before 1800.


William (d. 1797) (app. $492.50) lived on Indian.


John (d. 1798) (app. $283.33, by Samuel and Andrew Kincaid and Samuel Humphreys) .


Andrew (app. 1782) .

James (d. 1849) (Mary). C: James, Matthew F.

James (Sarah) Indian, 1803.


In the days of Pitt or Burke four or five brothers of this name were advocates of home rule for Ireland, and one of them was tried for treason against the English government. Being successfully defended by one of the above eminent statesmen, he was acquitted. One settled in Maryland, one in North Carolina, one in Tennssee, one in Kentucky. Counties in North Carolina and Kentucky are named for them. The Rowan who settled in Craig was the parent of Sebastian (Frances Given), William A., and Stuart.

John M. Rowan, a son of Sebastian, was born in Craig, May 17, 1829, and about 1844 came to Gap Mills as a clerk for Andrew Summers. Five years later he joined in the rush to the gold fields of California. In partnership with several other persons he purchased a ship at Richmond, provisioned it for two years, and sailed around Cape Horn to El Dorado. He was fairly successful in getting a share of the golden wealth of the


new state and returned to Gap Mills, where he married about 1855 Vir- ginia, a daughter of Andrew Summers. A little later he bought a farm four miles east of Union and lived on it until 1871, when he moved to the county seat. He was elected to the Virginia Assembly in 1860 and 1862. 'When not attending the sessions of the legislature he acted as colonel of the 108th regiment of the state militia. In 1876 and in 1886 he was elected to the lower house of the legislature of West Virginia, and during his second term he presided over that body as Speaker. In 1892-6 he was State Treasurer. It is related of him that he attended to his du- ties with faithfulness and exactitude. In 1904 Colonel Rowan was a mem- ber of the Democratic National Convention. During his career he met many public men and had many reminiscences to relate. He had an ex- traordinary fund of information and a keen, discriminating judgment.

His children by his first wife were Andrew L., Virginia (Allen Caper- ton) and John L. By his second wife, Sue M. Tiffany, there are Wil- liam M., of Garden City, Kansas; Percy G, of California, and Robbie S., of California.

John L., born 1862, was educated at the Augusta Military Academy and Washington and Lee University, graduating from the latter in 1883. He was admitted to the practice of law at Nevada, Missouri, and after serv- ing a while as commonwealth's attorney of Washington county, Va., re- turned to Union in 1890, where he has continued in his profession. He was chosen prosecuting attorney in 1894.

Andrew S. Rowan was born in 1858 and entered the Naval Academy at Annapolis about 1874. After three years he resigned and through Sen- ator Hereford he secured an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point. Graduating in 1881 he was commissioned Second Lieutenant in the Fifteenth U. S. Infantry. During several years he was in service on the Western frontier. He was then detailed to survey duty in Ceneral America, where he acquired a fluent knowledge of Spanish. It was this familiarity with that language, his sagacity, and his skill in map drawing that led to his selection by the Bureau of Military Information to carry a message from our government to General Garcia, leader of the Cuban insurgents. The errand was perilous as well as important. The war with Spain was breaking out. He first went to Kingston, Jamaica, crossed that island to its north shore, slipped across 120 miles of the Carib- bean sea in a sailing boat, landed on the Cuban coast between Santiago and Guantanamo, and found Garcia at Manzanillo. He passed sometimes as a Cuban, sometimes as a Spaniard. His return was from the north coast of Cuba to New Providence in the Bahamas, and thence by schooner to Key West. The exploit aroused great enthusiasm and admiration. It is thus spoken of in Leslie's Weekly of July 7, 1898: "Lt. Col. Andrew S. Rowan, the first man of the United States army to receive and success-


fully execute a war assignment since the outbreak of the present hostili- ties, is a modest unassuming officer who knows how to perform his duty. His mission demanded pluck, courage, good judgment, and sand, and of all these qualifications he showed himself possessed. At the bidding of the war department he landed alone on the Cuban shore and made his way for miles through a hostile country until he penetrated to the near- est camp of insurgents, where he arranged with General Garcia for the present co-operation of the Cuban forces with our army of invasion. Hav- ing succeeded in this undertaking, Rowan had to perform the equally per- ilous task of returning to the American lines with his Cuban maps and dispatches, a feat he accomplished in an open sailboat that reached Nassau at the very time Sampson's fleet was steaming eastward to meet the Span- ish fleet destined for Santiago." The "New York Post" added this com- ment: "He is every inch a soldier and was quite aware that if he had been captured he would have been hanged like Nathan Hale." Rowan was promoted to a captaincy and served in the Philippines. He resigned from the army in 1909 because of his health, his rank at the time being that of Lieutenant Colonel of Volunteer Infantry. He now resides at San Francisco. Rowan's daring feat inspired Elbert Hubbard to write his famous "Message to Garcia," which appeared in the "Philistine" of March, 1899. The edition was exhausted in three days. The demand was im- mense in both hemispheres and put $25,000 into Hubbard's pocket. The point brought out in the "Message" is that in a great majority of instances the employee will shirk or else perform in a dilatory and slipshod man- ner the task assigned to him.

C. of Wm. A. (Susan Carpenter) : John W. (Estaline Neel), Jas. W. (Ollie Campbell), Sue (J. A. Lugar), M. S. (Alice Wilson), N. F. (Edna Whitelaw), E. J. and A. C. C. of John W. : B. C, Frank, R. C. Amanda and Mattie. C. of Jas. W. : O. C, Bettie, Lelia, Luna and Daisy. C. of M. S.: Luther, Bessie, Mattie, Beulah, Alta, Lucile, Watson.


Stephen (d. 1895) (Ann Neel) lived near Gap Mills. C: John (Lilly Peck), Lewis B. ( Rowan), Kate E. (Dion C. Pharr).


James A. Rushbrook was a native of England and a pharmacist by occupation. He married Eliza C. Burleigh in India in 1843 and in 1869 came to Monroe, where the youngest of his children was born. Some years after his arrival he was joined by the older members of his family. After coming here Mr. Rushbrook was a teacher. He died 1885. C: Emily (Thomas Higgens), James (Jane Pegram), Caroline E. (Charles Miller), William, Joseph (Alaminta Hancock), Arthur, Henry (Kate Chambers),


Albert E. (Scioto M. A. Chambers), Annie W. (John Moses), Alice M. M. (George W. McDonald).


Joseph (d. 1825) lived on the south fork of Dunlap and had a son William.

RYAN John (1841-1881) (Mary A. Houchins, 1846), a native of county Tip- perary, Ireland, came here in 1830 and settled near Red Sulphur. C: William F. (b. 1847) (Lizzie F. Mann, 1874)— John R. (b. 1851) (Mar- tha E. Mann, 1876)— Rufus M. (b. 1852) (Laura B. Houchins, 1877). Dr. D. M., the second of the 10 children of W. F., graduated at Rich- mond, 1906, and is a practitioner at Talcott. J. R. and R. M. have 6 and 7 children respectively. Nearly all those of J. R. teach or have taught.


Joseph (Elizabeth) lived on the Gibson Farrell place on Indian in 1799.


Robert was levy-free in 1783. William, David, Isaac (Mary), and John (Eleanor Harper, 1805) appear to have been sons. William had a mill in 1794.


James (Mbllie Kincaid) was born at sea about 1750. His parents set- tled in Rockbridge, whence James moved to Sinks Grove and died in that vicinity in 1828 on the S. T. Hedrick place. His second wife was Mar- garet . C: William (b. 1775) (s)— James (1777)— Polly (b. 1779)

—Jane (b. 1779) (Samuel Malen-Malcolm?-1804)— John (1782-1857) Mary (b. 1784) (Miles Foster, 1804)— Agnes (1787-1855)— Sarah J. (b. 1787) (Abraham Longanacre, 1806)— David (b. 1789)— Elizabeth (b. 1792) Matthew (1794-1884) (Sarah Shriner)— Williams (b. 1797). In the will of James, Polly, Agnes, and William are called Jane, Nancy, and Burdette. David went to Kentucky. William, John, Elizabeth, and Nancy were sin- gle. The wife of Matthew was an adopted neice of Adam Thomas.

C. of Matthew: Thomas (dy)— Elizabeth A. (b. 1823) (Allen Ellis, 1844) Harrison (b. 1825) (Sarah L. Perry) Susan (Jackson Burdette) Paulina (William F. Miller) George W. (Rebecca Watson) Mary (Edgar Eads)— James H. (b. 1837) (Anne A. Rutledge)— Isaac J. (b. 1840) (s).

C. of Harrison: Cornelius S. (Elizabeth A. Carraway) William H. (Martha E. Carraway) Isaac P. (Alice Honaker).


C. of George W.: Semma R. (Lewis A. Burdette) Harvey A. Mat- thew G. Robert C. Newton P. Thomas W. M. G. died in Oklahoma. The other sons live near Sinks Grove.

C. of Cornelius S.: Grace C— Pearl P.— Bertha B.— Charles C— Ash- by A. Harry H. Jay P.


The Shanklins are said to have come from the village of that name in the Isle of Wight, England. Three brothers crossed the sea about 1750, William settling a while in Rockingham, one remaining in Pennsylvania, and one going into the southwest of Virginia. The third was probably the Robert of whom there is mention in Rockingham during the Revolutionary period. He was a lieutenant of militia there in 1779. The father was probably the Captain Robert, who died in the same county in 1769. Wil- liam married a sister to the Rev. William Davidson. Thomas (Eleanor), probably a brother to Robert, Sr., was settled on the North Fork of the Shenandoah in 1760. His brother John was clerk and reader for the church services held at Capt. Thomas Harrison's in 1761. Another John came from Ireland in 1769 and 15 years later settled three miles west of Lewisburg.

C. of Wm: Catharine (1771-1812) (William Haynes, 1793c)— Richard (d. 1841) (Catharine Alexander, 1799)— Elizabeth (s)— William (b. 1775) (Rachel Shirkey, 1804)— Robert (b. 1777) (Polly Shirkey, 1802)— Andrew (s) (Agnes ( Kitchen) John.

Colonel Richard came to Monroe about 1796 and soon after his mar- riage built the double log house which forms a part of the Central Hotel. He was the second if not the first merchant in Union and was a citizen of sound judgment and extensive information. In the war of 1812 he led his regiment to the coast, but news of peace came shortly after the arrival at Norfolk. His latter years were spent on his farm immediately east of Union, his home then being the house afterward occupied by J. W. Lan- ius. His brother William came in 1810 from Botetourt, bought a farm at Greenville of William and John Henderson, taught over 20 years. He was a Presbyterian elder. Robert, another brother, came with four chil- dren in 1808 and settled a mile below Greenville. He was also an elder.

C. of Richard: Richard T. (1800-1881) (Sarah Brooks, 1838)— James A. (1801-1881) (Sarah A. Lownes)— Amanda F. (John Crow, 1822)— Isa- bella E. (b. 1805) (James H. McCartney)— William H. (b. 1807) (Eliz- abeth Francis)— Agatha D. (1810-1889) (John W. Lanius)— Matthew A.

(m. Ind.)— Elizabeth C. (Edward Riffe, 1832)— Andrew M. (

Douglas) .

C. of R. T: Andrew M. (k. '63).

C. of J. A.: Charles A. (1834-1911) (s)— Edwin L. (Maria Clark)


Ellen N. (Daniel Devine) Augustus M. (Elvira Clark)— John A. Frances D. (s) .

C. of E. L.— James T., Stella L., Edwin H., Charles A., John D.

C. of A. M. Anne E., Charles B., Augustus C, Richard B., Florence P., James C, Eunice B.

C. of Ellen: Annie (E. L. Holmes), Mary (C. O. Echols), C. R. and J. T. (d.).

C. of W. H. of Richard: Isabel, Henry S., William F., Henry S.

C. of A. M. of Richard: Andrew M. (Mahala Bare).

In 1865 when the test oath deprived him of his office, James A. had been postmaster at Union 44 years, and in point of service was then the oldest postmaster in the United States. He was also merchant and tavern- keeper. Mrs. Lanius was 49 years a rheumatic cripple.

C. of William (bro. to Richard) : Andrew (Jane Vawter, 1826) George (m. Ind.) William H. (Catharine Alexander of Michael) (d. 1848)

John D. (Evelyn Sullivan) Lewis A. ( McClaugherty, Mc-

Claugherty, Shipman) Robert L. (Ellen Lybrook) Mary J. (Col. J. R

Hill)— J. M. H. ( Miller)— Patrick H. ( Burdette, Morrison,

Burdette) Elizabeth (George Kirkpatrick). Andrew and George

went to Indiana, and the former was in the legislature from Anderson Co. R. L. went to Illinois in 1869.

C. of W. H. of Wm.: Mary B. (A. D. Smith), Delilah (S. A. Bare), Virginia (James A. Pyne), A. Davidson (k. '61), Michael A. (Flora Raines), William H. ( Long), Jabez (Frances Pitzer).

C. of Robert: Agnes D. (b. 1803) (Andrew Young)— Elizabeth P. (William Pack)— Richard V. (1805-1881) (Mary Pack, 1830)— James S. (s)— Sarah (John Thomas, 1841)— John S. (1810-1888) (Sarah Young) Andrew D. (1812-1885) (Rebecca Thomas, 1841)— Nicholas (la.)— Wil- liam F. (1816-1889) (Mary McClaugherty)— Mary A. (1819-1882) (Alex- ander Dunlap, Jr.). J. S. went to Indiana, W. F. to Texas.

C. of R. V.: Agnes D., Elizabeth P., Richard V., James S., Sarah, John P. (Ellen V. McNeer), Andrew D., Nicholas, William F., Mary D.

C. oi J. P.-. Richard V., James R., Ellen M.


Raymond (d. 1799). John and William Champ were grandsons. Becham Shanton, Naly Legg, and John and Mary Reed are mentioned in will.

SHIRES Richard (d. 1808) had Thomas, John, Polly, Blair. Martin (d. 1837)

(Mary) had Eve ( Kips), Elizabeth ( Hoover), John, Polly,


SHUMATE Daniel (d. 1826) (Milly) came from Fauquier to New River near the


mouth of Rich about 1780. C: Silas (PSarah Cornwell of Elijah, 1802) Daniel (Elizabeth Ellison, 1802)— John (PSarah Milburn, 1807)— Nancy Margaret (John Caperton, 1813) Rhoda Malinda Rachel Elizabeth

(Jacob Peters, 1800)— Tollison ( Lilly, Nancy Green, 1813)— Polly

(John McDaniel, 1812)— Harden (Elizabeth Leach, 1806?). John went to Ohio, 1825, and Daniel, Jr., went to Missouri.


Thomas took a survey on Wolf in 1774, but by 1800 we find there sev- eral others, among whom were John (Catharine), Richard, Joseph (Mar- garet), and Isaac (d. 1803) (Nancy). We have no light as to the rela- tionships among these.

C. of John: John (b. 1795) (Sarah Campbell)— David (111.)— James

M. ( Callaway)— Oliver ( Ellis)— Molly (John Foster, 1817)

Sarah (Joshua Ellis) Jennie (Peter Miller, 1813) Lucretia (

Wood)— Kate (s) .

C. of John, Jr.: Andrew A. (b. 1818) (Martha A. Maddy, 1843) Robert C. (b. 1820) (Sarah Hinton, 1844)— John M. (Sarah A. Young, 1851)— James A. (Rebecca Lively, 1844)— Eliza J. (Peter Hinton, 1845) —Mary C. (James Minner, 1853) Louisa E. (b. 1838) (George Duns- more) .

C. of Andrew A.: James P. (m. in O.), Frank E. (m. in Mercer), Vir- ginia (A. A. Carden).

C. of Robert C. : William S. (Eliza S. Reed), Sarah A. (S. B. Rader), Charles E. (Margaret E. Green), Eliza J. (James H. Green).


It would be most extraordinary if this name did not occur in our an- nals. Like the Browns, Millers, and Joneses, the Smiths have been present since the early pioneer days. Our data include many marriages and other facts, yet disclose very little as to kinships. It is altogether probable that several Smith families, more or less unrelated, have been represented in Monroe. One James was driven out by the Indians but was so thoughtful as to return with 12 children to assist him in holding his ground. He may be the James (Cassandra) who was on the head of Wolf in 1805, and the Mary who wedded James Hogshead in 1779 may have been one of the dozen. One John (Catharine) died here in 1809, whose children were Christopher, Charles, Margaret, Samuel, James, George, William, Joseph. Christian (Elizabeth) (d. 1816) was advanced in years since he was made levy-free in 1811. C: William, George, John, Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, Barbara.

Three brothers, two of whom were Jacob and Henry, came from Rock- ingham in their youth and settled on Indian and Back creeks. Gran- ville, a son of one of these, married Caroline A. Clark in 1844, and lived


near Salt Sulphur. C: Rimonia W. (—^2— Ballard) Rebecca P. (

Webb)— Rufus K. (Frances E. Bilby, 1889)— Villinia R. ( Meador)

—Wilson R. (Kas.)— Rosetta R. (Jacob W. Pyne)— Elizabeth A. (

French) John J. ( ) Alwiddie G. ( Kessinger) Marga- ret ( Eddy).

Dr. Rufus K. Smith was born Dec. 6, 1851, and until the close of the war was deprived of all school advantages. But at length he taught sev- eral winter terms, attending the Greenville and East River high schools in the summer season. In 1877 he was graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Baltimore. Locating at Craig, Mo., he was very soon enjoying an extensive and profitable practice. During this period he several times attended post graduate courses in New York and he vis- ited the hospitals of Europe. He was at one time president of the Missouri State Medical Society. In 1889 he removed to Seattle and was soon ap- pointed chief surgeon of the Great Northern Railway. Nine years later he retired from the profession and with his family made a long visit to Europe. Since then he has spent his winters in Southern Europe and Southern California. Favorable investments; in timber lands and city property in the young and growing Northwest made Dr. Smith a very wealthy man. He was interested in banking institutions, flouring mills, and the Alaska Steamship Co. But during his absence of nearly forty years he never ceased to cherish a warm feeling for his native county. He died Feb. 16, 1916, leaving one daughter, Mrs. Margaret B. Davis.

Dr. John J. Smith graduated in medicine in 1891 and then located like his brother in the state of Washington. He soon became very active and influential in the politics of that state, serving one term in the lower house of the legislature and two in the upper. For one year he was Pres- ident of the Washington Senate. In 1904 it was in his power to become nominated as governor, and nomination would have been equivalent to election. But he withdrew in order that the western part of the state might have a United States senator. He died in 1910, aged only 41 years, leaving two children, Bernice C. and Rufus H.


Thomas (d. 1832) (Sarah) was brother-in-law to John Alderson and came to the same neighborhood in 1779. Thomas (1773-1854) (Margaret Alderson).


Abraham (d. 1805) (Lydia). C: Nancy, Lydia, Henry, Polly (

Wade), Kate ( Spickard), Elizabeth ( Smith), Susannah

( Cooper).

SOWARD Isaac (d. 1803) (app. $218.47) calls himself an old man. C: Isaac,


Thomas, Ruth, Mileston, Griffin, Rebecca, Nelly. Thomas, probably the same as the preceding, went from Dropping Lick to Sullivan Co., Tenn., in 1793. Solomon was living in 1809 on the divide between Hans and Indian.


John was a native of Nuremburg, Germany, and came to America as a Hessian soldier. His wife, Mary Schaefer (1773-1857), was born in Swit- zerland, but he married her in Loudoun. C: Juda (Zephaniah Lowe), Catharine (William Lowe), Sophia (1807-1892) (Samuel DeHart), George (d. 1835) (s), Michael (Ann DeHart). The Lowes went to Illinois.


Charles (Rhoda Peters, 1816), George (Sarah Peters, 1822), and John (1780-1845) were brothers who came in early life from Fincastle to Pe-

terstown. Charles died 1878. John's wife was Jane , b. 1796, d.

1868. We are also told of Floyd and Christopher who came from Penn- sylvania by way of Floyd Co.

C. of Charles: Christian L. (b. 1817), John A., Gordon G., Elizabeth J., Conrad M., Eliza A., Martha K., William H., Joseph H., Clara A. (b. 1842).

C. of George: C. P., James E., Patrick, John (Virginia Thompson); 2 other sons, 5 daughters.

The Spanglers trace their lineage to Wurzburg, a city of Bavaria. The first of note was George Spengerll, cup-bearer to the chancellor in the reign of Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. Both chancellor and cup- bearer fell victims to the plague and were buried at Antioch during one of the crusades. Caspar, Henry, Ballzer, and George settled in York county, Pa., the first named arriving 1729. Their descendants are very numerous, and a number have attained eminence in both civil and mili- tary careers. They are generally attached to one or another of the Protestant churches, often in the capacity of pastor.

John, Charles, and George, sons of Philip C, a descendant of Caspar, became orphans in their boyhood. The first was apprenticed to a black- smith and his boys generally followed the same trade. The others were apprenticed to Jacob Peck, a tanner, ther being at the time seven tanneries in and about Peterstown, where the brothers arrived about 1800 from Fincastle. John (1780-1845) married Jane Thompson, b. 1798, d. 1868. Charles (d. 1878) married Rhoda Peters, 1816. George married Sarah Peters, 1822. The posterity of these brothers is very numerous in the south of this county.


Randolph (1808-1888) (Caroline E. Zoll) came from Randolph Co.


and lived about 10 years in Union. Of his large family there were born in Union Dr. J. W., Sarah J., Daniel E.


Thomas (d. 1846) came from Pennsylvania about 1790 and settled in Gap valley. His wife was Margaret Maxwell. C: Robert H. (Letitia Champ of John, 1801)— Jane M. (1785-1842) (Isaac Campbell, 1810) Elizabeth (178Sc-1853) (Samuel Campbell, 1805)— John (Jane Francis, 1815)— George (1780-1853) (Sarah Campbell, 1800)— Samuel (Edith Wiseman). John went to Ohio in 1850. George was a physician. It is thought there were three other children. These may have been Isabella, Margaret, and Mary H.

C. of Robert H.: John M. (b. 1803) (Letitia Motteshead, 1830)— Eliz- abeth P. (Robert Dunbar) Sarah A. Susanna M. Isabel N. (James Bradley) Jane M. (Washington Jarvis) Julia H. (1819) (John A. Dun- bar, 1844).

C. of John M.: Thomas B. (d. '61).

C. of George: Agnes (Butler Wiseman) Margaret (Joseph Bland) Rebecca (Moses Bland) Sarah (Jonathan Bland, 1847) Elizabeth Sam- uel (Lettie Wiseman, Sarah Bush) Campbell (Elizabeth Wiseman) .

C. of Samuel: Clementina (Abner Jarvis) Janet (Rev. William Huff- man)— Garrison (West) Waldron ( Knapp) Nelson (Helen Hut- chinson) .

Thomas B., son of John M., d. of fever during the war.

A distinct family was that of James (1775-1857), a native of North Carolina, who settled in Second Creek. His wife was Elizabeth Armstrong Mann (1774-1857), who was born in Bath. C: Matilda (John V. Perry, 1841)— Eliza (s)— John (111.)— Benjamin F. (Isabella Alexander). John was a physician, B. F. a sheriff and merchant and captain of militia.

C. of B. F. (1800-1872): Michael A. (Frances Chapman)— William (Annie B. McFarland) . C. of Wm. : L. C. (Pa.), and Mary.

C. of Michael A.: EfHe, Gussie, Wentworth, Daisy, Paul, Beirne, Cora, Herbert, Frank.


It is alleged that George Stephenson was a German, notwithstanding the very English appearance of his name, and that he came to America about 1770. Tradition also has it that his wife was Hannah Hoadley, a daughter of an aristocratic Englishman, and that as the parental consent was not forthcoming, she eloped with him to come to America. But the same name and circumstance are related of Peter Fleshman, and with more probability. Another statement says Stephenson met his wife-to-be on board the ship that brought him to this country. It is further claimed that he slew an Indian eight feet tall. But many a reader will be like


the proverbial man from Missouri; he would like to be shown the meas- urements. Stephenson settled on Indian Creek, where Indians of all sizes were wont to roam, and he built into his house a clock which stood there until about ten years ago. He was a teamster. The only children we are told of are Samuel (s) and George (Mary Canterbury). The latter was born in the east of Virginia in 1781 and died 1858. He was blessed with 11 daughters, as the following list will show: Nancy (Bennett Hou- chins) Lucinda (Isaac Mann, 1829) Samuel (Polly Ramsay) Ruth (Da- vid Cook) Jane (John M. Mann, 1843) Isabel (Alexander Mann, 1834) Lepha (Sylvester Upton) Adaline (Landon Smith) Martha (George Kendall)— Mary (Thomas R. Wiseman, 1845)— Elizabeth (Archibald Mann, 1838) Hannah (James Smith, 1838). Samuel moved to Augusta, causing the name to become extinct in Monroe.

Another Stephenson was James (Anne), who died in 1802, leaving four sons, Samuel, William, Thomas, and Joseph, and four daughters. It was perhaps this Samuel who married Jane Swope in 1802.


Henry, one of the earliest inhabitants of Union, died there in 1813.


This name is now extinct in Monroe. John (Elizabeth Harvey) pat- ented 400 acres at the head of Hans near Lindside. C: Joel (Elizabeth Graham, 1792)— Nancy (John Arbuckle, 1799)— Polly (David Graham, 1800)— Elizabeth (1776-1846) (John Henderson, 1792)— Rhoda (2d w. Hugh Caperton) Sarah (John Barrett, 1809) William? (Rebecca Dins- more, 1799) Millie ( Bratton) James ( Dickenson).

During the later years of Indian alarm Joel was a scont on the Green- brier as far west as Keeny's Knobs. A companion was Samuel Graham, and thus he became acquainted with the woman he married. He was a great hunter and is said to have shot 150 deer in a single season. He lived on his father's homestead, adjoining Coalter, Swope, Peck, Thrasher and others. C: William G. (b. 1793) (Harriet Walker)— Rhoda S. (1795-

1878) (William Mann, 1812)— John (s)— Florence (1801-1878) (

Dunn)— James (1803-1836) ( Johnston)— Samuel (s)— Nancy S.

(1808-1880) (Henry Pence, 1829)— Elizabeth— Joel (b. 1812) (


C. of William G. : Clarinda (Thomas Johnson) Nancy (John Mann) Adaline (Levi Lively, 1847) Rebecca (Caperton McNeer) Christopher ( Swope) .


Timothy (d. 1801) lived on Hans or Indian. His wife seems to have been a sister to Michael Rainey. C: Catharine (1756c-1822) (Joseph Swope) Margaret (Jacob Miller).



About 1816 Andrew Summers, Sr.( the grandson of an immigrant from Holland, came from the vicinity of Harrisonburg and settled at Gap Mills. Here he built a brick house said to have been the first one west of the Alleghanies. It was a large two-story structure that stood until about 1888, when the walls being unsound it was demolished. He was accom- panied by Andrew, Jr. (Olivia W. Hawkins) and between 1832 and 1836 they built a woolen mill, an oil mill, a distillery, a wagon factory, a tanyard, and triphammer forge. Andrew, Jr., was born 1806. His wife's mother was Elizabeth Carlile, of Bath. His son, Andrew J., went to Mis- souri 1870. His daughter Virginia married John M. Rowan.


James (Susanna) died 1836 leaving these children: Vinson, Mary, Ann, Rachel, Delilah (John Neely, 1808), Elizabeth (James Dunn, 1812), Su- sanna (Henry Gore, 1808), Delany (Priscilla Callaway, 1806), William, Charles, Martin.

Delany was wealthy, owning 21 slaves and a heavy acreage extending southward from Lindside. C: James (Elizabeth A. Peck, 1845) Archi- bald ( Pack)— Ella— David (Elizabeth Cummins of Charles, 1841)

Malinda (Henry Mann, 1829)— Celia? (Moses Mann, 1836).


Joseph (b. 1707) is elsewhere spoken of. C: Joseph (1751-1819) (Cath- arine Sullivan, 1774) Michael (b. 1753). There must have been at least three other sons, George, John, and Adam, mention of whom is found be- tween 1782 and 1793.

C. of Joseph: George (b. 1776) (Nancy ) Margaret (Joseph

Swope, 1805)— Ruth ( Baker)— Joseph (Molly Hines, 1800)— Jona- than (1783-1872) (Frances Legg, 1803, Susanna Siders Roach, 1850) Catharine (Henry Rifle, 1805)— Eleanor (John Burdette, 1805)— Adam (m. in Ky.) Mary (b. 1793) (Thomas Casebolt). Only Jonathan re- mained here. George went to Kentucky, Joseph and Adam to Indiana.

The widow of Joseph, Jr. (1756c-1822), gave four beads to each of the grandchildren named for her.

C. of Jonathan: George W. Lewis C. (Ind.) Elizabeth (Isaac Arga-

brite, 1829)— Matilda ( Johnston)— Catharine (Griffith Ellis)

Mary J. (Henry Miller, Chesteen C. McGann) ; by 2d w. Joseph J. (b. 1854) (Lucy J. Burdette, 1873, Nettie Diddle, 1883).

C. of Michael: Mary (b. 1775) ( Thompson) Margaret (Joseph

Skaggs, 1808)— Elizabeth ( PGeorge Miller)— Joseph (b. 1781) (Marga- ret Miller, 1806) James (Frances Harvey, 1807) Hannah (Jacob Har- vey, 1802) Arthur Sarah Jane (Samuel Stephenson, 1802) Rachel


Anna (Samuel Wiseman, 1816c) Susanna Nancy ( Wilson)

John (b. 1797) (Nancy Riffe)— Michael— Leah (b. 1802) ( Paul).

C. of John of Michael: Rachel (b. 1819) (Christopher Stodghill, 1840), Rebecca P., Anna L., Virginia C, Michael D., David R., Adaline (Rob- ert Cummins), John, Martha J. (s), Anna V., Mary M. ( Shu- mate), William L. (b. 1842) (Rebecca W. Alderson, 1866).


Samuel came from county Cork, Ireland, 1790 and settled on Rich

Creek. C: John, b. 1784 (Elizabeth Peters, 1814)— Agnes ( Young)

—William (1795-1826)— Susanna (b. 1797) ( Thomas)— Mary, b.

1798 ( Hinchman)— Elizabeth, b. 1801 (William Hinchman, 1817) .

C. of John: Catharine (J. M. Lucas) George W. (went to Mo. 1846c) Margaret (Kenly Shumate, 1844) Louis C. (Isabel Nelson, 1865) William (Louise Kent) Andrew B. (Elizabeth Tiffany) Joseph A. (Kate Shanks, 1868)— Samuel Y. (Mary E. Neel, Harriet McNeer). William went to Kansas. Samuel Y., of Rich Creek, is the only surviving brother.

C, Clarence. Father and son have both served in the Legislature.


Nimrod (Anna) lived on Turkey opposite John Campbell's mill. C: James N., Rachel, Nancy, Rebecca, John W., Ignatius, Rhoda (Thomas

Wylie, 1812), Elizabeth ( Fleet), Ruth (Joshua Mahan), Sarah

(David Hank, 1815).


John (d. 1807) (Susanna) (app. $8047.48). C: Robert, Albion, James W. L., Louisa, Reuben, Newton, Caroline, Chichester.


Notliff lived on Greenbrier River. C: Anna (William Johnson), Nancy (Isaac Milburn), William (Florence Graham), Elizabeth (Samuel Gwinn, Jr.), Mary (Joseph Gwinn of James).

Another pioneer Taylor married a Vass. Both are buried at Johnson's Crossroads.

THOMAS Adam owned a large farm near Sinks Grove now occupied by J. Harvey Scott. He was for many years a justice of the peace, and because of his general intelligence and his good penmanship wrote many deeds and other legal documents for people of both Monroe and Greenbrier. Mr. Thomas was a prominent and useful citizen of his community and represented his county in the Virginia Assembly in 1816-17. He came from Virginia be- fore 1797 and died in 1843.


Thomas (1752-1836) (Rebecca Maston, 1790) was an early resident of Indian Creek. C: John (1791-1852)— Thomas (b. 1792)— Richard (b.

1795)_Rebecca (b. 1797) ( Hinchman)— Sarah (b. 1799) (

Johnson). Sarah (John Maddy, 1846) was a daughter of Richard.


Thomas (d. 1795) (app. $249.92)— present at sale: Zachariah Calla- way, Anthony Clark, Richard Full, Christopher Hand, William Hank, John Peters, William Rice, John Thompson, William Thompson.

Joseph (1782).

Isabella (1791-1855) (Willis Ballard)— born here— daughter of Wil- liam (Elizabeth).

Robert (Nancj )— Rich, 1787.

Robert (Agnes) of Christion Co. Ky., sold on Reaburn's Mtn, 1808, to John (Sophia) .

Jesse (Margaret Harry) came from Augusta about 1829. C: Samuel (Summers Co.), John (Harriet McDaniel).

Harry (b. 1815c) (Catharine McGhee) also came from Augusta. C: John B., Jesse W-, William A., Sylvester P. (Cora Broyles), Leroy H., James A., Hugh D., Julia A., Margaret J., Mary E., Eliza M., Isabel R., Amanda C.

Mary (Simeon Riner) and her two sisters had each 12 children.


Hugh (Mxs. Anna Ashcord, 1785) lived on Indian. Hugh, Jr., of Rock- bridge, bought on Swope's Knobs, 1803. Hugh (Margaret) was neighbor to Isaac Wiseman, 1806. Hugh (Susan McDaniel) was killed at first Manassas. C: Hugh, Charles, Mary A., James, John.


Francis (Isabella) owned a part of the "plowed savannah" in 1801.


David (Sarah Dodd) came from Amherst in 1830 and lived on a farm near Pickaway, where he died in 1857, aged about 60. C: James (s)— David (1819-1897) (Catharine Dunsmore, 1843)— Joseph (d. '65) Mary (George W. Foster, 1844) Lucy (John Humphreys) Paulina (dy) Emily (William Dunsmore) Sarah (s) Columbus (Alice Dykes) An- drew (Louisa Plunkett) Elizabeth (s) .

C. of David: Marietta James A. (Mary McCleary) William H. H. (s) John A. (Mary E. Holsapple) Joseph H. (Virginia Holsapple) Sarah A. (s) Martha J. (s) Josephine (Henry W. Wickline) Susan C. (John H. Holsapple)— Cora B. (Henry M. Peck).

C. of James A.: May L. John K. Margaret M. Clifford Mary M. (Rosser N. Miller) Madge C. (Robert Loudermilk) James O. David


ML John K. is the inventor of a widely used lightning arrestor for tele- phones.

C. of John A.: Isaac H. (Catharine Drake) Rose E. (Harvey L. Alford) Virginia Minnie Ethel (Asa Linton) Harry.

C. of Joseph: Clarance S. (Virgie Hogsett) Czerny G. (Lilly Miller) —James R. (Cora Bobbitt) Beulah (William L. Jarvis)— Annie C.


Jeremiah (1791-1871) (Susanna Reaburn) was a native of Fauquier and came to Peterstown in 1820, where he carried on a mercantile busi- ness 18 years. He moved to Rich, then to Hans, and finally to Wolf Creek. Mr. Tracy was a graduate of William and Mary College, an excellent Greek scholar, and taught a while in Union Academy. He accumulated considerable property, but became impoverished through his investments in Confederate bonds. C: Elizabeth (Samuel Ludington, of Greenbrier) Jeremiah J. H. (1827-1902) (Estaline Irons).

C. of J. J. H.— Bessie E.— Hubert P.— Addie C. (J. S. Hall) Lillian E.— Clarence E.— Cecil V.— Mabel S. (Arthur Leach). The brothers took up business careers, the eldest being cashier of the Bank of Union.


Solomon (d. 1778c) lived in Gap Valley. The appraisement was by James West, William Craig, Isaac Burns. Moses, James (d. 1791), Sol- omon, Jr., Martin, and Aaron were probably his sons. Martin and Aaron sold out 1789.


Nicholas, grandson of Cornelius, an immigrant from Holland, was born in Delaware, 1756, and died in Sweet Springs valley, 1831. He was a millwright and in 1816 he built a mill on Dunlap Cr. His wife was Kate Howard, whom he married in 1783. C: Elizabeth (Thomas Patton, 1808)— William (Matilda Walton, 1822)— Cornelius (1793-1863) (Agnes Haynes, 1820) Benjamin (s) Mary (Isaac Byrnside, 1822) Katharine N. (Joseph Carson, 1822).

Cornelius, also a wright, came to Gap Mills about 1830, and built or repaired several mills on Second Cr. and elsewhere. He finally settled near Hollywood. He was born in Amherst. C: Mary M- (b. 1820) (James Hoylman) Nicholas (b. 1822) (Amanda Beamer) Benjamin (1823-1897) (Mary Beamer, 1845, Mary E. Daugherty, 1888)— Sophronia (James Humphreys, 1845) Elizabeth (Joseph P. Beamer) William C. (d. '61) (Malinda G. Neel, 1855) Addison (Mary Charlton) Andrew P. (b. 1836) (Jane Charlton, 1863)— Hudson (Marian R. Robertson) Virginia C. (1841-1885) (Charles F. Hogshead, 1860).


Nicholas went to Mo. C: William (Bertie Thompson), Cornelius (Mar- garet Hogshead), John H., Mary C. (N. B. McDowell), Virginia S. (R. W. McDowell), Margaret, Catharine. \

C. of Benjamin: Martha (Joseph Morgan, 1872)— Delilah (18S0-1912) (C. P. Erwin)— Mary (Price Coffman, 1871)— Hamilton (dy)— John B. (Mo.)— Cornelius (Mo..— Joseph C. (b. 1862) (Laura C. Hanna, 1885, Effie R. McM'ann, 1898)— Eliza A. (W. L. Amonet)— Carrie E. (A. C. Burdette). By 2d w. Gertrude, Bertha, Virginia, Cora B.

C. of Joseph C: L. Pearl (J. Edgar Atkins), Robert B. (U. S. A.)

C. of William C: J. F. (Sarah Dunbar), William C, Mary A. (Wil- liam Wylie) .

C. of Addison.: Elizabeth (Isaac N. Foster), Thomas C. (Sarah E. Hogshead, Jane M. Hogshead, T. Mattie Wickline).

C. of Andrew P.: Emma J. (Charles M. Wimmer), George W., (Ella A. Givens, 1889), Isabel C.

C. of Hudson: Minnie S. (dy). Virdie J. (dy), Luther H. (Ada F. Howard), Mamie E.

Joseph C, of Pickaway, is a very successful maker of and dealer in all kinds of vehicles and vehicle belongings. He has a 100-pound tilt hammer that was operated by waterpower about 1850 by John Beamer. Thomas C, a teacher of vocal music, is the chief owner of the Hollywood woolen mill. Benjamin not only carried on the ancestral trade of milling on Second Cr. at various points, but was also a merchant in partnership with Samuel Hamilton. On one occasion he mortally wounded a negro that was breaking into his store.

Erastus, a grandson of Nicholas and Kate, came from Blacksburg. A son was shot by a policeman of Hinton in 1895 under circumstances point- ing to a misuse of authority.


Jas. G. (Elizabeth Gooding), b. Orange Co., Va., lived at Johnson's Cross Roads since civil war; C. : Wm. (Fannie Ralsten), Ida, Etta, Lizzie (Geo. Johnson), Lena (R. L. Martin).


This name, we are told, is of Welch origin and it probably comes to us in a modified form. In Botetourt just after the Revolution we come upon Isaac and Ann Votaine and John Votaw. The pioneer in Monroe was William (1735-1815), whose wife was Anne Ballard. The only son of whom we have any record was William (1765-1822) who married Mar- garet Henderson in 1795. He was a rather conspicuous citizen of his day and was assessor under Greenbrier as well as Monroe. Until 1810 he lived on the Wood homestead on Rich Creek. He then moved to Slaty Run, where George W. now lives.


C. of William, Jr.: Elizabeth (b. 1798) (Robert Young, 1821)— John H. (1800-1877) (Adaline Dunlap, 1828, Clara S. Peck, 1833)— Anna (b. 1802) (Lorenzo D. Cook, 1831)— Jean (b 1805) (Andrew Shanklin, 1826) —Mary (b. 1808) (Moses D. Kerr, 1840)— Elliott (1812-1874) (Julia Pack, 1839)— James (1814-1888) (Eliza J. Peck, 1845, Elizabeth Lybreck 1878).

The only son to remain in Monroe was John H., a civil engineer, county surveyor, and delegate to the Virginia Assembly. In the Confederate ser- vice he was a captain on the staff of General Echols.

C. of John H.: John W. (b. 1834) (captain Co. D, 27th Va.) (Eliza- beth D. Kean, 1866)— Elizabeth M., Margaret A. (s)— Lewis A. (1838- 1900) (Mary Adair, 1862, Emily M. Dameron, 1867)— James E. (1840- 1862)— Charles E. (b. 1841)— Allen H. (s)— Matilda E. (William Far- rier, 1873— Sarah J. (Frank P. Sweeny, 1867)— Joseph S. (dy)— Clara V. (Lewis Peck)— Henry A. (Nettie Baber, 1885)— George W. (b. 1855) (Eliza J. Gwinn, 1855).

Of the above J. W., J. E., C. E. and L. A. were in the Confederate army. All were captains. J. E. was killed at Seven Pines and J. W. was wounded at the Wilderness. J. W. became a professor, L. A., a physician, and H. A. a business man of Indianapolis. Only G. W. has remained in the county. His children are Josephine (Otey A. Hines) and Robert G.

C. of John W.: John A. (s)— Nelson C. (Sarah E. Paxton)— Clara M. (William Alfred)— William A. (Mabel C. Shorter)— Charles K.— Andrew E. (s) James S. (Mary S. Pyle) Henry A.

C. of Lewis A. (by 1st w.) : Mary S. (s) John W. (illustrator for J. W. Riley and others) Clara P. (s) Charles E. (graduate of Emory and Henry, 1866 president of Miller Training School, Va.


Among the best loved and most useful citizens Monroe has known were the brothers, James Y. and Anderson M. Waite, natives of Fau- quier, who studied medicine at Baltimore. In 1846 James Y. came to "Walnutta" near Pickaway, but soon moved to Rocky Point. It was at this time that his brother came to assist him in his large practice. These two men lived strenuous lives, ministering perhaps to two-thirds of the population of the county, for in their time doctors were few and far between, and there were no automobiles, trained nurses, or antiseptics, and the nearest hospital was at Richmond. They are remembered with love and gratitude by a host of old and middleaged people. The elder brother spent his declining years with a daughter at Glenville, and the younger moved to Texas about 1787.

C. of James Y. (Elizabeth Correll, 1835): Samuel C. (s) (k. Leetown,


'64)— James W. (s) (k. '62)— Elizabeth A. (George W. Silcott, 1868) (b. 1810, d. 1891).

C. of Anderson M., b. 1817 (Susan M. McClung, 1845): William M. (Margaret Bare) John M. (Lucy Rock, Lizzie Shepperd) Eliza S. (John W. Patton) Joseph D. (Martha Branch, Arrna Mulky) James B. (Eunice Moore).


Andrew of Botetourt in 1806 bought the Matthew (Elizabeth) Creed place at mouth of Hans. Robert (d. 1852) lived on Turkey.


Peter, an immigrant from Scotland, settled in Rockbridge in 1738 and had several sons in the Revolution. A descendant was James (b. 1775c) (Elizabeth Huffman), an uncle to "Big Foot" Wallace, a famous Texas pioneer and Major William Wallace, killed in that state at the Fannin massacre during the Texan war for independence. Samuel, a son of James, came from Rockbridge in 1850, and in 1854 permanently located three miles south of Union. He was a well known citizen, staunch and resolute, and a tanner and farmer.

C. of James: Tolliver, William, Samuel (Elizabeth Smith), Eliza, Mag- dalene, Mary, Sarah.

C. of Samuel: John J. (Mo.)— Preston G. (Wise Co.)— Clinton (Mo.) David H. (Monroe) Samuel C. (Monroe) Sarah E. (Jesse Cooper) Mary J. (William Burdett) Ann A. (George Smith) Paulina (R. E. Smith) Magdalene (Walter H. Pyne).


Lewis (Mary Fisher) died in Pendleton, 1801. Widow married, 1803, Christopher Shaver of Greenbrier. C. of Lewis: Jacob (b. 1793) (Potts Cr.) Mollie (William. Dunsmore) Catharine (James Rose Ross?).


Uriah (1777-1855) (Elizabeth Stevens, 1800) came from Rockingham and lived near Rehoboth. He was probably a grandson of an older Uriah, who as a victim of a shipwreck, was landed at Plymouth, Mass., by a Dutch ship. But there seems to have been an earlier Warren family on Rich Creek, perhaps derived from Jacob (Ann), a yeoman who died in Augusta about 1769.

Stuart I. (1833-1890), a son of Thornton (Delilah Jarrett) of Rich Creek, was born in Greenbrier and became a forceful and pungent jour- nalist. He came to Union about 1854, purchased the Farmer's Friend and renamed it the Union Democrat. After five years he returned to Green- brier, but the war soon came on and after his term of service therein he abandoned journalism, much to the regret of his friends. He returned


to Monroe and became a farmer. He had a terse and quaint literary style and was quick to see the ridiculous. His wife was Mary C. Johnson, whom he married in 1858, and his children were Eleanor T. (Jacob A. Riffe), Dr. Otey Y. (m. in Mont.), and George "W., (Rose Harlow), a lawyer, journalist, and banker.

WICKLINE Jacob (1750-1821) came to Sweet Springs valley about 1792. He may have been a descendant of a Wicklein who came from Saxony to Philadel- phia about 1696. Jacob's wife was Catharine Sparr (1754-1820). C: George (1775-1864) (Mary Miller)— Jacob (1777-1863) (Susanna Magart of Adam, 1805)— Rachel (1780-1861) (Thomas Lowe, 1800)— Margaret (b. 1783c) (Thomas Buckland, 1806)— Susanna (1789-1854) (John Tyger, 1809)— John (1791-1851) (Elizabeth Patten of Penn.)— Elizabeth (1793- 1871)— Daniel (1795-1869) (Elizabeth)— Elijah (1799-1879) (Elizabeth Lewis, 1821).


George was born in Augusta about 1776 and came to Monroe about 1797, or perhaps not until 1803, at which date he purchased two pieces of land. He was accompanied by his brothers Philip (Anna) and John (Catharine), both of whom bought land but moved farther west and have no posterity in this county. George's house stood close to the present resi- dence of Michael Murphy, a mile west of Salt Sulphur. It was also a place of worship, for he was a zealous pioneer Methodist and esteemed his duty to the church of his choice to be of prime importance. He was a person of plain, unassuming manners and sterling honesty. His children were by his first wife, Magdalena Michael, who came with him from Augusta. About 1825 he married Elizabeth Ramsay. He lived to old age. His ancestry was Holland-German. C: Jacob (b. 1798) (Sarah Raines) William (1800-1892) (Jane Crawford, Nancy Arnott) Henry

( Rose, Wiseman) Alexander (Eliza M. Wiseman of Owen.

1844) Eli George ( Smith, Milburn) Jackson (Smith) Mary

( Williams) Elizabeth ( Hutchinson) Nancy (Henry Wise- man) — Margaret (Robert Wiseman, 1838). The posterity in Monroe are from Jacob, William, Alexander, Jackson, and George, Jr. The others went West, usually to Ohio.

C. of Jacob: George (Agnes Clark) James Elizabeth (John Taylor) Caroline (Joseph Sherwood) Mary (Patrick Cavanaugh) Letitia (Elisha Raines) Julia A. (John Murphy).

C. of George of Jacob: Charles ( Magnet, Annie Ballard) Robert

(Lizzie Brown) Agnes ( Crosier) Margaret (William Broyles) .

C. of James of Jacob: Michael ( Williams) William A. (

Williams) Jacob ( Allen) Cass (Newton Allen).


C. of William: Hutchinson (Nancy Wiseman) George ( Don- aldson, Mahala Brown) Mary (George Miller) Lewis (Margaret Ar- not Butts) Samuel G. (Jane Baker) Virginia (Alexander Ellison) Charles F. (Rebecca Baker) Margaret (Henry M. Pyles) Hamilton by 2d w.— Addison M. (s)— Emma R. (s), William F. (b. 1864) (Cora Ballard) . W. F. has been a county superintendent.

C. of Alexander: Owen (Malinda Harvey) Sylvester (Amanda Ar- not) Michael (Josie Hutchinson) G. Washington (Agnes Harvey)

Robert (Caroline Baker) Fletcher M. (Mollie Parker) Morris (

Wickline) Jane (Jesse Baker) Mary (G. W. Pyles) .

C. of Jackson: William ( Ballard) Caperton (Nancy Ballard)

John ( Payne).

C. of George, Jr.: Henry (Eunice Ballard) Lewis.

The resemblance of Henry Weikel to Abraham Lincoln caused his friends to lay a wager that he could chop, split, and lay up 300 rails in one day.


Abijah was a native of England who fought in the Revolution and the war of 1812 and married Susan Grant, related to General Grant. C:

Eber (b. in Vt. 1797, d. 1870) ( M'addy, 1821, Juda Symms, 1844)

Henry Margaret (Frances Nickell, 1802).


William Williams of Welch descent settled at a very early day near Alderson. His son Richard purchased a large tract near Lewisburg and lived there until his death. Elijah, a son of Richard, moved to Ohio, but came back and located in Monroe in 1851. George R. (1835-1912) mar- ried Mary C. Beamer and lived on his father's place near Monitor. C: Emma (S. R. Rodgers), Elliott (Elizabeth Westbrook), A. Newton (Car- oline Bean), Edwin L. (Minnie Irons), Homer L. (Roberta Crawford), Er- nest M. (Josephine Madden), Rebecca C. (Rev. R. C. Davidson), Virginia E. (Rev. T. B. Stewart), Minnie E., Mary E., J. Franklin (Mary E. Bearden).

J. F. and E. L. are physicians. Mary E. graduated with high honors in the Lewisburg Female Seminary and after teaching very successfully in select schools in Monroe and in Virginia and South Carolina, attended in 1896 the Moody Institute at Chicago. While there she was selected to take charge of an important girls' school of the M. P. Church and located at Yokohama, Japan. She sailed for this post of duty the following year and was its principal until 1911. She threw her whole soul into the work, and had the satisfaction of seeing in a short while that more modern buildings were put up and a kindergarten department added. She came home on furlough to attend her parents in their last days, but on the last day in 1915 returned to Nagoya, Japan, to engage in training Bible women.


There was another early family of this name on Glenn's Run of Rich, the head of which was Felix (1766-1856), a native of Orange. He had a mill on Rich. He had a daughter Polly and seemingly other children. One daughter married a Hutchinson. Still another Williams was Moses, whose children were Samuel (d. 1781c), David, Alexander, John, Mar- garet, Ann.

Geo. Williams lived in Potts Valley since civil war. C. : Henry, J.

K. (Va.), A. W. ( Keister), F. M. (1st w., , 2d w.,

Miss Hall).


The name Willis appears very early among the people on Indian Creek, but we have no connected knowledge of the older members. Henry, whose wife was Elizabeth, died in 1812 leaving personalty of $157.11. He had a daughter Tabitha.

James M. (1834c-1899) lived on Wolf Creek, where he was in high repute as an impartial justice of the peace. During his three terms none of his decisions was ever appealed. He married Caroline, daughter of

George W. Haynes. His children are L. C. ( Burdette), George

P. (Mrs. Jones Hall), Edgar (dy), Ella (W. C. Campbell), Sarah

(David Patton), Delia ( Tyree), Rena ( Black), Nannie,

and Rose.


John (d. 1781c) (Elizabeth) appraisment by John Hutchinson, Thomas Shelton, Adam Caperton, James Allen.

Andrew (Mary Pettigrew) came to Monroe from Craig Co., 1821.

C: John ( Green), Nat (Mary Neel), Elkanah (Elizabeth

Wiseman). C. of Elkanah. Mary and Jennie. Elkanah Wilson was assessor several terms.


Philip (Mary McTheglan), a blacksmith, lived near Pickaway, his shop standing near the present pond in the field of Mrs. Irons. He was a native of Germany and removed to Ohio about 1847. C: Michael (Mary A. Foster of James) James ( Stone) Calvin (s).

C. of Michael: Sarah F. (William McMann)— William (Delia Stin- son) Lewis (Mary Cooper) Samuel Thomas (Edwina Coleman) Rob- ert ( Cooper) Eliza (Josiah Unrue) Mary J. ( Carver)

Margaret (Thompson James).

C. of James: Laura ( Reed) Mary ( Douglas).

C. of William: May (William Bailey) Rosa ( Vaughan)

Sarah Ruth.



Isaac (Elizabeth) came from Bucks Co., Perm., soon after the Revolu- tion, and settled not far from Rehoboth. C: Joseph (b. 1759) (Elizabeth) John (1760-1842) (Sarah Green) Sarah Isaac Jacob Rachel Sam- uel— Abner (Isabel Blanton, 1800) Elizabeth Margaret (Bartholemew Ramsay, 1799) William (Mary Ramsay, 1801). John, Isaac, and Sam- uel went to Ohio. One daughter married a Blanton and they went with Abner to Kentucky. The latter lived while here on Dropping Lick. John, a Methodist minister ordained by Bishop Asbury, removed to Perry Co., O., in 1818.

C. of John: Elizabeth Mary Margaret (Aaron Morgan) Ann James G.— John R. (1796-1879) (Mary Bostick, 1825)— Isaac (Sarah Hull) Sarah (Thomas (Bratton, 1815) 4- others. Mrs. Jennie Byrnside is a daughter of J. R.

We are told that the Wiseman connection still represented in the county are a related branch, but we are without definite information.


The will of William (Shusanna) is dated 1775 and was recorded 1782. Executors, Dr. Thomas Walker and William Woods of Albemarle and Michael Woods of Fincastle, the county in which the home on Rich was situated. The lands in Albemarle to be sold to pay debts; the older chil- dren— Michael, William, Adam, Archibald, Mary to have no share in stock and household furniture, but to have slaves and outlying debts; the younger ones were John, Andrew, Elizabeth, Hannah, Sarah, Peter; Peter the youngest, to have homestead and one year's schooling; wife to have slave Fanny; Mary to have slave Hannah; still not to be sold, but all the children to have an equal right to "her;" George Swope a witness to will.


In the year 1832 the Baptist State Board at Richmond appointed Edwin W. Woodson to go to Monroe county as a missionary; there to spread the gospel and establish the Baptist faith. The young man unflinching in his duty took his widowed mother with her family and settled near the pres- ent site of Forest Hill, now Summers county. His younger brother, Zach- ariah, later settled on Greenbrier river where the town of Talcott now stands. Edwin traveled over a large territory now comprising the coun- ties of Monroe, Summers, Raleigh, Mercer and Giles, faithfully fulfilling the arduous duties of a pioneer minister. He organized a number of Baptist churches the nuclei of a great many of the present organizations. He married Adaline B. Landcraft, of Nelson county, both being of Eng- lish ancestry. He was cut down in the prime of his usefulness in 1851. From these two brothers sprang the present Woodson families of Monroe and adjoining counties.



James Lewis Woodville was the grandson of John Woodville, an Eng- lish clergyman, and his wife, Sarah Stevenson, whose brother Andrew \„as ambassador to England during the administration of President Jackson. His father was James Littlepage Woodville, a lawyer of ability who prac- ticed in the courts of Monroe and Greenbrier. He married Mary Sophia, sister to William L. Lewis, Sr., of Sweet Springs. James L., whose only brother died in infancy, was born January 8, 1820, studied at Kenyon Col- lege, Ohio, and the University of Virginia, winning a handsome gold medal for proficiency in Greek. He then studied medicine in Richmond and Philadelphia, being connected several years with Blakeley Hospital. He then practiced as a physician at Fincastle and later at Sweet Springs until shortly before his death, Aug. 14, 1904. He was a resident physician at the latter place forty years and was a surgeon in the Confederate army. In 1852 he married Mary A., daughter of Cary and Emma (Gilmer) Breckenridge. His home, "Glencove," is now the home of his son, Cary B.


Stephen was a native of England. C: Kate ( Gillespie,

Brown), William (Ellen Hamilton), Taylor (Caroline Cochran), Juliet (J. Stephenson), Joseph, Nettie (T. George).

George (Agnes) was living on Greenbrier River in 1813.


This name, more usually in the form Wiley, appeared in Augusta be- fore 1749. Members of the connection settled in the Sinks of Monroe, and on Anthony's and Potts creeks, at Newcastle, and at the Narrows. John (d. 1810) (Lydia) was settled in the Sinks as early at least as 1781.

C: Martha (Henry ), Fisk, John, Margaret, Jane, Robert, James,

Sarah (cripple).

Thomas (Jane Cochran, 1807) was, as we understand, the parent of Cochran (1815-1899) and Andrew (1818-1900) (Agnes A. Boyd, 1845, Louisa Gwinn) . The last named settled in Cove valley in 1836, at which time it was almost a wilderness.

Robert (d. 1799) (Sarah) left $64 for the use of a daughter of Wil- liam Little of county Armaugh, Ireland, and other legacies totaling $491.- 36. C: John, Thomas, Robert, William. One son married Happy Gat- liff. Henry (Mary) Willey, of Brush Cr. would seem to be another mem- ber, as he was a brother to Robert, William, Abigail. The styles Wylie, Wiley, and Willey were for a while much confused.


The forefather of the Youngs of this county crossed the Atlantic to Pennsylvania about 1750. The following brothers and sisters came to


the Andrew Irons place in the Sinks about 1788: James (d. 1822) (Susan Dickson)— Robert (d. 1815) (Sarah Glenn, 1792)— William (Susanna Clark, 1788c)— Margaret (1796-1862) (James Glenn, 1818). Of Andrew, Sarah, and Lydia no record is known. James Young and James Glenn were Presbyterian elders. The father of the family may have been William (Jean), who died in 1802. His will mentions James, Sarah, Elizabeth, Jean ( Cook), and Nancy ( Kincaid) .

C. of James: Nancy N. (1790-1865) (Thomas M. Gibson, 1845) James (1792-1854) (Virginia Irons) Robert (Jane Curry) Margaret (1796-1862) (James Young-Sullivan?, 1810?) Joseph (Nancy Rodgers) —Elizabeth (Joseph Parker, 1824)— Lydia (Jesse Parker)— Polly D. (Wil- liam Leach) Susanna (Robert Leach) Sarah ( ?James Campbell, 1806). Robert went to Harrison county, Joseph to Mo.

C. of James: Sarah A. (Dr. J. M. Skaggs).

C. of Robert: James (1793-1854) (Margaret Young, 1810)— Robert (1795- 1870) (Elizabeth Vawter, 1821)— George G— William— Andrew.

C. of William: Margaret (1796-1862) (James Young of Robert, 1810) —Robert (s)— Susanna (1800-1881)— William (b. 1802) (Jean Lynch, 1833).

C. of James of Robert: Sarah G. (1819-1899)— Susanna (b. 1821) (John Irons) Nancy (Thomas Gibson, 1846) Elizabeth (Andrew Irons) George G. (1829-1909) (Emily Johnson, 1874 William— James G. (1833- 1904) (Margaret Young, 1856).

Nancy and Elizabeth were wedded the same day, one by a Methodist minister and the other by a Presbyterian.

C. of James G. : Robert (Mary Miller) Etta (Lewis A. Miller) Anderson (Catharine Lynch) William A. (Cora Baker) Adgar (s)

Anna (Beirne Dransfield) Emma ( Lowry) Margaret A. (Hugh

Smiley, 1854).

C. of Robert of Robert: Amanda, Addison Price, 1843) Mary J. (1823-1895) (Andrew Y. Windell, 1843)— William V.— Sarah A. (1828- 1904) (Joseph Fleshman, 1866)— Adeline D.— James G. (1832-1892) (Man- dana S. Thrasher, 1867)— Elizabeth E. (James P. Peck, 1880)— George P. (1837-1908) (Nancy Peck, 1872).

C. of James G. of Robert, Jr.: William; R., Eva S. (James P. Peck,

1880), James E., William R. (Estella Price), Eva S. ( Mace),

Maggie G. ( Huling).

C. of George P. of Robert, Jr.: Georgia (John R. Johnson), Charles E., Mary F.

C. of William, Jr.: John C. (1835-1912) (Ann E. Campbell, Mattie A. Johnson)— Mary S. (b. 1836) (Robert M. Beamer, 1853)— William P. (1838-1913) (Lee B. Gibson)— Isabel (John Campbell).

C. of John C: Beirne C. (Roberta Hodge) Annie (J. Everett Nick-


ell); by 2d w.— Alta J. (Texas Lynch)— J. Glenn (Floy Reynolds)— Ray (Edith Nickell)— J. Elmer— Dwight— Clyde— Frank. The last four are merchants of Fairbury, Neb. J. G. is a physician in Wisconsin.

C. of B. C: Elaine.

C. of Annie (Nickell): Kenneth (Mary Duncan), Gladys, Ralph and Calvin.

C. of William P.: Landon C, Earl S., Alma, and Mrs. S. M. Baylor.

The county records mention many other Youngs, seemingly not of the above connection.


William von Zoll of Saxony came to Pennsylvania about 1774, and at Germantown in that state he married Margaret Righter. Soon after 1800 his sons, William, Jacob, and Joseph, settled in Virginia.

C. of William (1783-1857) (Jane E. Smith, 1808): Caroline (1810- 1855) (Randolph Stalnaker, Sr., 1830)— Jacob (1812-1894) (Mary J. Dun- lap, 1840)— Elizabeth (dy)— William (Sarah M. Alderson, 1848)— Re- becca (Henry Stowers, 1841)— Joseph (b. 1820) (Isabella E. Dunlap, 1847) —Jane (Robert Stowers, Sr., 1841)— Henry A. (s)— James (1827-1908) (Elizabeth Montgomery, 1859) Julia (Thomas Thixton) Martha (John Hall, 1866)— Harriette (b. 1833) (Henry Rigg, 1852).

Joseph and William went to Mo. Jacob was a very prominent citizen of Union during the war period. C: Harriette D. (1841-1877) (Capt. J. D. McCartney) Rebecca J. (John Mann) Annie E. (John M. Alex- ander)— Isabel (M. S.' Alexander) Caroline (C. S. McKenzie) Lucy B. (C. L. Clark)— Charles L. (Sarah McQuen)— Grace D. (William Rapp).



American Wars Military Organizations of 1861 Soldiers of 1861.

OME one has said with a good deal of truth that no one would read history if war were left out of it. The recent writers and teachers of history lay increased em- phasis on the economic phases of the subject. This is wise and practical, although it has been giving aid to the idea that great wars had become impossible. The more civilized of the world's nations were running too much to fat instead of muscle when rudely awakened in the summer of 1914. Militarism is a fearful evil, and yet a sturdy patriotism does not work in the same harness with a smug and unreasoning pacificism.

The early settlers of this region were nurtured in the hard school of Indian warfare. Every man and every boy might with only a moment's warning have to become a fighter. Women and girls, while forting in the stockades, moulded bullets for their pro- tectors to shoot at the stealthy redskin. The settlers of Monroe fought at Point Pleasant and in the border skirmishes of the Rev- olution. Among the immigrants after that war were men who had campaigned under Washington, Green, and Lafayette.

When our first president called out 15,000 men to put down the Whiskey Insurrection of 1794, the One Hundred and Eighth Regiment of the Virginia militia was one of the organizations that made response. There was no fighting, for resistance was seen to be folly.

In the war of 1812 soldiers from Monroe marched to the de- fense of Norfolk and suffered from illness due to the change of climate.


The war with Mexico called out only a small number of vol- unteers. Among these were several from Monroe.

The great war of 1861 called out almost the entire military population, both North and South. The Americans of that day had not grown soft. They had not yet fully emerged from the at- mosphere of the pioneer period. Legends of the Indian wars were household words to them. They were a husky stock, rather war- like in temperament, and they made as good soldiers as the world has known.

The men of this county who took a hand in that war were almost wholly in the Confederate service. At the close of this chapter we give as complete a list as it has been possible to secure. Some of the commands were not wholly composed of Monroe men.

The Monroe Guards were organized in the winter of 1859-60. John Echols was their first commander. May 13, 1861, they marched from Union, 104 strong, and became a part of the Twenty- Seventh Virginia Infantry, which served in Stonewall Jackson's famous "foot cavalry." It was this regiment that helped to break the Federal center at the second battle of Manassas.

Lowry's Battery left Greenville then Centerville in June, 1861. The day was notable, a large crowd being present. The company was attached to the Thirteenth Battalion of Light Artil- lery. When it disbanded at Christiansburg, a few days after the surrender of Lee, the men were eulogized by General Echols for their bravery and faithfulness, and told to be good and obedient citizens after their return home. The first officers were William M. Lowry, captain; Beirne Chapman, first lieutenant; W. V. Young, second lieutenant; Charles H. Dunlap, third lieutenant; John H. Pence, orderly sergeant; A. J. Keadle, first sergeant; J. P. Shank- lin, second sergeant; J. C. Woodson, third sergeant.

W. M. Lowry came from Bedford a few years before the war to engage in the practice of medicine at Centerville. He was gen- tle and magnetic, handsome and commanding. To his men he was considerate, and by them he was beloved. Whenever he could, he


sent his disabled men home, or to a private family, instead of to a hospital. This had much to do with the few fatalities among them.

Another of the first companies to go to the front was that of the Monroe Sharpshooters, who were attached to the Sixtieth Vir- ginia Infantry, of the brigade that was first commanded by General McCausland and afterward by Colonel Thomas Smith, and con- stituted a part of the division under Breckenridge. When the sharp- shooters left Union, they were presented by the ladies of that town with a silk flag. Beirne Chapman made the presentation address in a speech of inspiring eloquence.

Vawter's company was organized for the artillery service, but was converted into two companies of the Thirtieth Virginia Bat- talion of Wharton's brigade.

Burdette's Company belonged to Edgar's Battalion, the Twenty- Sixth Infantry, which was included in Echols' Brigade of Breck- enridge's Division. In Wharton's Brigade of the same division served Fleshman's Company, included in Clark's Battalion, the Thirtieth Virginia Sharpshooters.

Thurmond's Rangers were an independent partisan command and took orders directly from the head of the military department.

A large majority of the men in Bryan's Battery were from this county.

The Rocky Point Grays marched from Sinks Grove, June 27, 1861, and proceeded to Charleston. They were mustered into the Twenty-Second Virginia Infantry under Colonel Tompkins of Wise's brigade. In July and August of that year the men were in the engagements at Scary, Cross Lanes, and Carnifax. They win- tered at White Sulphur Springs and were afterward put into Echols' brigade. They were present in 1862 at the battles of Pearisburg, Lewisburg, Fayetteville, and Elk River Bridge. In 1863 they fought at Dry Creek and Droop Mountain, and in 1864 at New Market, Cold Harbor, and Lynchburg. In the fall of that year they had a share in Early's Valley campaign. The disbanding was at Chris- tiansburg, April 15, 1865.


Still another command was Company B of Edgar's Battalion.

Beirne Chapman resigned from Lowry's Battery to organize an- other, of which he was captain. It was sworn into service at Lewis- burg at the close of April, 1862. The company was about 150 strong, about one-half of the men being from Monroe, and it was equipped with five guns. Its first engagements were Pearisburg and East River. A detachment with the 24-pound gun took part in the battle of Lewisburg, May 23. In the fall of 1862 the battery saw service on the lower Kanawha, after which it went into winter quar- ters at the Narrows. At Dry Creek the battery distinguished itself and suffered severely. At Droop Mountain it lost one of its guns. In May, 1864, it fought at New Market. Shortly afterward it was transferred to Lee's army in front of Richmond, and remained with it until sent to Lynchburg as a part of the force under General Early. After the battle in front of Lynchburg, the battery ex- changed its old guns for 12-pounder Napoleons captured from Hun- ter's army. In Early's Valley campaign it suffered its heaviest losses. At Winchester it lost two guns and only 28 men answered roll call next morning, although stragglers came in afterward. At the disastrous battle of Cedar Creek all but one of the remaining guns were captured. Nevertheless, the command pulled itself to- gether, was supplied with new guns, and served under Echols un- til the disbandment in April, 1865.

At Winchester Captain Chapman was mortally wounded. He was a born soldier, a good officer and disciplinarian, and was much lamented by his men. His age was only 24.

The Confederate commands in which the Monroe men were represented saw much hard service, particularly with the Army of Northern Virginia under General Lee, and in the campaigns in the Shenandoah Valley in 1862 and 1864, under Jackson, Breckenridge, and Early. Many of the men were in numerous engagements, in- cluding some of the heaviest of that great war. One of our infor- mants tells us that the brigade under Echols was reduced in five months from 2150 men to 275.




Roster of Company of Captain John Lewis (son of General Andrew Lewis.)

Lieutenant John Henderson. Ensign Robert Elliot.

Sergeants Samuel Glass, William Bryan, Peter Huff, William Wilson, Samuel Estill.


John Arthur

Thomas Allsbury (drummer)

Samuel Barton

William Boniface

John Bowman

Jacob Bowman

Henry Bowyer

Robert Bowles

Robert Boyd

Samuel Burcks

Thomas Burns

James Burtchfield

James Byrnside

Thomas Canada

Adam Caperton

Hugh Caperton

James Carlton

Martin Carney

Jeremiah Carpenter

Solomon Carpenter

John Carpenter

Thomas Carpenter (w'd)

William Clifton

David Cook

Adam Cornwell

James Crawley

Matthew Creed (Creel?)

Samuel Croley

Robert Davis

John Deniston

John Donally (fifer)

James Dulin

Edward Eagin

Peter Ellinburg

James Ellison

Nathan Farmer Isaac Fisher Philip Hammond John Handley Peter Hendricks Walter Holwill Henry Howard Samuel Huff Leonard Huff Thomas Huff (w'd) William Isam Matthew Jewitt William Jones Alexander Kelley Mathias Kessinger Andrew Kessinger Joseph Love William Mann James McNutt Isaac Nickell Dennis Neel Richard Packwood Molastine Peregrine Matthew Polug John Reyburn William Robinson John Savage Gabriel Smithers James Stuart John Swope Isaac Taylor Christopher Welch Solomon White Edward Wilson




Lieutenant Name gone.

Sergeants James Donally, Charles O'Hara, Skidmore Harriman.


John Burke Joseph Campbell James Clarke William Clendennin George Clendennin Spencer Cooper John CrTin Joseph Currence Joseph Day John Doherty William Dyer William Ewing Thomas Ferguson (w'd) Andrew Gardiner Thomas Gillespie John Harris William Hogan

Charles Hennison (w'd) Henry Lawrence Jacob Lockhart Quavy Lockhart John McCandless Archibald McDowell John McNeal Robert O'Hara William O'Hara John Paulee James Paulee Edward Smith Samuel Sullivan Daniel Taylor Samuel Williams Daniel Workman



Lieutenant William McCoy.

Ensign Matthew Bracken (killed).

Sergeants Thomas Williams (killed), William Craig, Samuel Clark.

Drummer William Jones.


Charles Howard

William Hutchinson

Jamee Kincaid

George Kincaid

William McCaslin (McCausland)

James Morrow, Sr.

James Morrow, Jr.

John Patton

William Stewart

Edward Thomas

John Vaughn

John Williams

Richard Williams

Edward Barrett Francis Boggs James Burrens Patrick Constantine Thomas Cooper John Cunningham William Custer David Cutlip Thomas Ellis Patrick Evans James Gilkeson James Guffey John Harmon Lewis Holmes



Matthew Blain died at Norfolk, 1815 under Captain Nickell wife, Mary Children: Benjamin and I .

William Brooks died in service in Fourth Virginia Militia wife, Mary.

John Carr enlisted in 1813 died 1818 son of John unmarried.

Robert Chambers orderly sergeant in Eighth Virginia under Captain Robert Higgens taken prisoner at Charleston, 1780, and held 14 months applied for pension, 1818.

Thomas Alderson in Revolution.

Henry Daugherty drafted in place of John Hinchman under Lieut. William McDaniel died near Norfolk, 1814.

John Hank four years in Eighth Virginia under Capt. David Stephen- son— captured at Charleston, 1780 held prisoner at Jamaica 11 months and remained three years applied for pension in 1818.

Henry Hull in Fifth Regiment as substitute for Jacob Baker died, 1813.

Andrew Hutchinson died near Norfolk about 1814.

James Jones born in Fauquier died 1849 wife Mary born, 1781.

Jesse Kidd died in service in 1812 war wife, Mary Miller, a widow.

John Spade in Revolution (British service).

Philip Woolwine in Revolution wife, Elizabeth.

William Burdette, James Gray, and John Holsapple were in the War of 1812. Andrew Beirne was a captain in the same service.

PENSIONERS OF THE UNITED STATES (Resident in Monroe, 1833)

Ingabo B. Alexander survivor, 1812 Union.

Jane Carlisle widow, 1812 Union.

Jonathan Carter survivor, 1812 Wolf Creek.

Mildred Craig widow, 1812 Peterstown.

Lucy B. Edwards widow, 1812 Sinks Grove.

Jane Halfpenny widow, 1812 Alderson.

Anna Honaker widow, 1812 Union.

Jane Huffman widow, 1812 Alderson.

Field A. Jarvis deponent of father Laurel Branch.

David Magnet survivor, 1812 Union.

Sarah Miller widow, 1812 Union.

Alexander Nichols wounded in left arm Union.

William Phillips survivor, 1812 Peterstown.

Emeline Worsham widow, 1812 Sweet Springs. -

(The monthly rate in each instance was eight dollars.)


Among the natives of Monroe in this service were Archibald Bostick and Christopher Budd.



A. T. Ballard Co. B., Seventh West Virginia Cavalry, organized in 1861 honorably discharged at Charleston, W. Va., 1865.

William A. Ballard private in Co. B, One Hundred Thirty-Ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry under Captain Archibald Walker.

W. T. Mann— in Federal Army, 1862-5.

Lewis Ballard was a captain of West Virginia state troops.

In addition to the foregoing were Federal soldiers among the men who had moved from the county before the war. Of this number were three of the Pyne family. A similar remark is of course true of the Con- federate service and in much larger measure.


After fifty years have gone by it is a matter of difficulty to present a record of the Confederate soldiers from Monroe. Not always could full information be readily found. The commands represented in the follow- ing list were not wholly made up in all instances of men from this county, including the part which is now in Summers. But whenever it could be done the names not properly belonging to Monroe have been left out. The names of deserters have also been omitted.

The name of each soldier is followed so far as our information per- mits— by the command to which he belonged, his rank, his casualty (if any), and his present residence, if living. Where no rank is mentioned the soldier was a private.

"1 Lt" means First Lieutenant; and so with other similar expressions. "Prison" means a Federal military prison, and the name of the prison is sometimes mentioned. When possible, the place and year are given where a soldier is named as killed, wounded, or captured.

Explanation of abbreviations: B Bryan's Battery Cp captain

BB Burdette's Company Lt lieutenant

C Chapman's Battery Sg sergeant

E Edgar's Battalion O Sg orderly sergeant

F Fleshman's Company Cor corporal

FF Company F, 26th Cavalry d died of disease during war

G Monroe Guards D died since war

L Lowry's Battery k killed

M Monroe Sharpshooters w wounded

R Rocky Point GreyS mw mortally wounded

T Thurmond's Rangers c taken prisoner

V Vawter's Company unc unaccounted for

Abbott, John M

Adair, John V— 1 Lt— w Fayetteville, '62 D


Adair, William— V— 4 Lt— c Winchester, '64 D

Adair, C— T— D

Adkins, William T

Alderson, C. H.— E— D

Alderson, E. D. L Summers Co.

Alderson, J. W.— C

Alderson, J. T

Alexander, J. L Pulaski Co.

Alexander, Henry B D

Alexander, John C D

Alexander, John M. G

Alexander, M. B Penn.

Alexander, M. I. B Pulaski, Va.

Alford, Marion E D

Alford, M. V.— E— D

Allen, Burman— V— d '62

Allen, George M— k '62

Allen, G. W.— B— D

Allen, Hugh— B— D

Allen, John— V

Allen, J. T.— T

Allen, Isaac— V—w Cedar Creek, '64

Allen, Marion Mi d '62

Allen, Marion M D

Allen, N. R.— B— Monroe Co.

Allen, William— V—d '62

Allen, William H.— T— D

Altair, Davis B Monroe Co.

Altair, Mason E Ind.

Alvis, James E

Andrews, Charles C

Andrews, H. M. C

Andrews, William C

Archer, William— C—D

Archey, Charles G

Argabrite, J. L. C

Armstrong, David M.—C— Roanoke, Va.

Armstrong, Hugh M d

Armstrong, Matthew M- d '62

A mot, Jesse R. C D

Arthur, C. T

Arthur, S.— 2 Cp— T

Ayers, Christopher J. R unc


Ayers, James M. R D Ayers, Lewis A. R unc Ayers, Newton M. R unc

Ayers, L unc

Ayers, Joseph T., 37th Va. Cavalry.

Baber, W. H. S.— V— Sg

Baker, John M. E Monroe Co.

Ball, James V

Ball, John— V

Ballard, Hugh L Greenville

Ballard, John— E— D

Ballard, Madison V

Ballengee, J. M L— D

Ballengee, E. T D

Ballentine, Andrew C D

Ballentine, C. R.— C— D

Ballentine, John C D

Ballentine, M. M.— C— 2 Sg— D

Banks, Clem C

Bare, Benson E

Barnett, J. W.— C

Barton, Andrew C D

Beamer, Byrd C k Winchester, '64

B*eamer, John C. C D

Beamer, Mat C Monroe Co.

Beamer, William C c at close of war

Beamer, William B. G

Bean, William M.— R— D

Beckett, James D. R Pickaway

Beckett, James FF

Beckett, William F. R Mercer Co.

Beckner, John G

Beirne, Christopher M Cp D

Belcher, Charles M

Bell, A. N.— B

Bennett, John BB

Bennett, R.— T

Bickett, Michael— B D

Bickett, James G c May 12, '64 d Fort Delaware

Biggs, Chapman V Lindside

Biggs, Miles— C—D

Biggs, William— V—d '62


Biggs, Wilson V

Black, Cephaulus— C— O Sg— D

Bland, Alexander B D

Bland, Jack— M

Bland, Jackson V

Bland, Robert— M—D

Bland, Thomas M k

Blankenship, Robert F k accidentally

Blankenship, William T M— D

Blankenship, V k Smithfield

Bobbitt, L. H.— T— D

Bobbitt, Newton M d Richmond, '62

Boden, John M

Boden, William— M

Boley, James M D

Bonham, Pembrook V Neponset, W. Va.

Boon, Mark L D

Booth, William— M—D

Bostick, David M k Richmond

Bostick, Henry I. M Monroe Co.

Bostick, James M d prison

Bostick, James C D

Bostick, P. B BB— D

Bostick, William ("Turkey Bill")— M—D

Boude, S. K.— E— D

Bowden, Cape R D

Bowden, James M Greenbrier Co.

Bowden, Samuel A. R unc

Bowles, Charles ? D

Bowles, J. H.— E

Bowley, Newton L unc

Bowyer, John M' k accidentally

Bowyer, Madison M Monroe Co.

Bowyer, Shack M k

Bowyer, William Mi k accidentally

Boyd, Harvey H.— G

Boyd, G. A.— B— D

Boyd, James T

Boyd, J. W.— E

Boyd, Mat— R— D

Boyd, Matthew— C

Boyd, P. A.— B— D

Boyd, R. A.— FF— Monroe Co.

Boyd, Robert R mw Dry Creek '63


Boyd, W. M.— BB— D

Boyd, William R Monroe Co.

Bradley, Alexander M

Bradley, George C Monroe Co.

Bradley, James M D

Bradley, Sylvester— C—D

Bradley, Tyranus T Monroe Co.

Bragg, Harvey T

Bragg, Ira T

Brand, Robert C— k Winchester '64

Branham, George W. B 4 Sg D

Branham, John H. B D

Brewer, Edward V w Lewisburg '62

Brewer, E. L.— B— West

Bridgett, Jacob C

Britts, George M

Britts, William— M—D

Brown, C. C— R

Brown, Ferdinand H. G D

Brown, Henry M

Brown, John W. A. M D

Brown, J. A.— T

Brown, William— BB

Brown, Benjamin G D

Broyles, Christopher V w New Market Lindside, W. Va.

Broyles, G. W— L— k Cedar Creek '64

Broyles, Henry M mw

Broyles, Katy L Monroe Co.

Broyles, Solomon FF

Broyles, Thompson FF

Bruffey, M. F. E Virginia

Bryan, Thomas A.— B— Cp— D

Buce, John— FF

Buckland, F.— T

Buckland, John V

Buckland, L.— R

Buckle, C. L.— E

Buckner, John G

Bugg, George B D

Burdette, James C Greenbrier Co.

Burdette, James L. R d '61

Burdette, J. P.— E— D

Burdette, John K. B Monroe Co.


Burdette, William A.— B— 3 Cp— D

Burdette, George W. R Fayette Co.

Burke, William— C

Burns, James E D

Burns, Mat— C— D

Burns, Thomas U. T D

Burwell, A. J._ R— D

Bush, Harvey B

Bush rod, I. G L

Bushrod, M. L Tenn.

Butts, A. H. B surgeon D

Byrnside, Henry C. M Greenville, W. Va.

Cady, Michael— B—D

Cales, L. G— T

Calfee, G. A.— B

Callaway, Preston F D

Camp, Robert G k Cedar Creek

Campbell, Andrew FF

Campbell, A. Nelson B w Lewisburg '62 Union, W. Va.

Campbell, Archibald M. G k First Manassas

Campbell, Daniel B Monroe Co.

Campbell, H C— B— D— 5 Cp

Campbell, I. N. L Monroe Co.

Campbell, James 17th Va. Cav. D

Campbell, James R D

Campbell, John E.— B— D

Campbell, John H.— R— Mo.

Campbell, John P.— B—D

Campbell, John— C— 4 Lt— D

Campbell, John R Cp Bloomington, 111.

Campbell, Levi M d Fort Delaware

Campbell, Robert— C 3 Lt d

Campbell, William R doctor D

Campbell, W. P.— B— doctor— d 1862

Campbell, W. H. H.— B— D

Canterbury, Granville T— D

Canterbury, Z.— B— D

Caperton, Hugh G O Sg— D

Caperton, Lewis V

Carden, I. G— L— Hinton, W. Va.

Garden, A. A.— L— Hinton, W. Va.

Carden, J. M.—L— Hinton, W. Va.


Carper, William G

Carraway, Joseph A

Carroll, James B D

Cart, John A. C— R— D

Carter, William A.— B— D

Carter, William A., Jr.— B

Cecil, John C— L unc

Chambers, Garrett— V—D

Chapman, Beirne C Cp mw Winchester '64

Chapman, Samuel G w

Charlton, G. W.— FF— D

Charlton, G. W.— C— D

Charlton, J. J.— FF— D

Chatting, George T D

Chewning, Stephen B D

Childress, Clark L.— FF

Childress, George G— FF— k

Christie, Allen C

Clark, James F— B— D

Clark, Preston B

Clark, Samuel A.— G— D

Clark, Henry— V—d '63

Clingman, Addison E

Coben, L

Coiner, John C

Collins, Edward— B—D

Commack, J. T

Commack, R. T

Comer, John V

Comer, A. B.— E

Comer, Wilson V

Comer, Madison S. B D

Connell, M. S.,— B.

Connor, John G k First Manassas

Cook, A. W.— M

Cook, John H. M Monroe Co.

Cook, Lewis G D

Cook, L. G.— T

Copeland, Jesse FF

Copeland, Solomon FF

Copeland, W. H.— ?— ?— c '64

Counts, Charles M

Counts, George M D


Counts, John ("Christmas") M D

Cox, J. D.— T

Coyner, John T

Craft, James T

Craft, W. H.— L— West

Crawford, J. A.— L— D

Crawley, William L Lynchburg

Crebs, Lewis G D

Crebs, Otho— B— 7 Sg— D

Cregler, Zachariah F R— D

Crews, Archibald V D

Crews, J. B.— L

Crews, John J. V 3 Lt— Mo.

Criner, Ballard— G D

Criner, Louis B. G k Frazier Farm '62

Cronan, Timothy B D

Crookshank, M. F.— E

Crosier, G. W.-^E

Crosier, James L. B k Cloyd Mountain

Crosier, James M. B D

Crosier, Thomas M Virginia

Crosier, T. B.— B

Crosier, W. G.— B

Crostick, Thomas M k Cold Harbor

Crotty, C. P.— E

Crowder, L. V. B Monroe Co.

Cullighan, Thomas B

Cummings, Robert C D

Cummings, V k Fayetteville '62

Curry, Alpheus BB Curry, Anderson BB Curry, Samuel L

Darnell, John— BB

Davidson, Bell— C— 3 Sg

Davidson, Ferdinand C

Daugherty, John C

Daugherty, William C k Winchester '64

Davis, C. M— B— D

Davis, Irwin T

Davis, J. M.— E

Davis, J. A.— E

Davis, Allen E— D

Davis, Samuel T Lynchburg, Va.


Deffert, Michael G

DeHart, Charles M

DeHart, George J. G w'd, First Manassas Mcintosh, N. M.

DeHart, John B raw Cloyd's Farm

DeHart, James R. B c Winchester '64 Monroe Co.

DeHart, M. A.— B— Monroe Co.

DeHart, William C— B— c Winchester '64 D

Dempsey, W. H. E D

Dennis, Lewis V

Derieux, Lewis M c at Fort Delaware D

Devine, Daniel B D

Dickason, Charles C D

Dickson, Robert C

Diddle, John M.— T— D

Diddle, M. P.— G— D

Dillion, Asa F musician

Dillion, Quincy F musician

Dillion, Thomas V

Dillion, V

Dillon, John— M— D

Dillon, J. R.— E

Dodd, Floyd— M—D

Dodd, Williams— M

Dolan, Andrew B k New River Bridge

Dolan, Mark— B— D

Donally, W. A. E teamster D

Dooley, W. H.— L— West

Dooley, James A. B D

Doswell, R. M.— B

Dressier, Harrison C

Dudley, B unc

Dunbar, C. W.— B

Dunbar, M. A. B Greenbrier Co.

Dunbar, R. S.— B— D

Dunbar, T. M.— B

Duncan, Cephas V Sg

Duncan, Joseph T

Duncan, John C

Duncan, J. H.— T

Duncan, J. L.— T

Duncan, N. A.— T— 3 Lt

Dungan, Robert C

Dunlap, Addison T D

Dunlap, Charles H— T— 2 Sg— D


Dunlap, Henry B Pulaski Co.

Dunlap, R. A.— B— Red Sulphur, W. Va.

Dunlap, W. A.— B— D

Dunn, Harvey V D

Dunn, R. P.— B

Dunn, James E

Dunn, L. Ballard— F—D

Dunn, Lewis R D

Dunn, J. Patrick E Princeton, W. Va.

Dunn, Rufus K.— R— West

Dunn, W. L.— R— O Sg— D

Dunn, William A. R d Point Lookout

Dunsmore, Harvey B G D

Dunsmore, J. A. B D

Dunsmore, William H. B D

Eads, G. W.— E— D

Eads, Henry BB

Eads, Joshua T D

Eagan, John G D

Early, A. J.— C— D

Early, George W.— 7 Cor— D

Echols, John major general D

Eggleston, James M

Eggleston, R. C— M

Ellis, Alexander— C—D

Ellis, Allen— M—D

Ellis, E. L.— E— D

Ellis, Henry— C—D

Ellis, Newton L West

Ellis, S. J.— E— D

Ellis, W. B.— C

Ellis, W. P.— L— West

Ellison, Alexander V

Ellison, Charles— C—D

Ellison, C. L.— L— D

Ellison, Joseph V

Ellison, J. Z. L Monroe Co.

Erskine, Madison B D

Erwin, James R. BB

Erwin, John F. BB

Evans, William— T


Fanning, Martin M D

Farley, Williarn T

Fenton, John E D

Fenton, W. E.— E— D

Ferguson, Eli F

Filbern, Martin M D

Fink, J. A.— R— D

Fink, William— R

Fisher, A. L.— L— D

Fisher, James P. B D

Fisher, John I.— B— D

Fitzwater, James T

Fitzwater, Peter T

Flanagan, George BB

Fleshman, Fielding— F—Cp—d '61

Fleshman, B. F— E

Fleshman, J. M. E

Fleshman, W. A.— E

Fleshman, William— BB

Flint, E.— T

Fluke, George A.— L— D

Fluke, W. C— L— k Fisher's Hill '64

Folden, George E D

Foot, Samuel L Pulaski Co.

Ford, James C D

Ford, J. A.— L— D

Ford, William— L—D

Forren, John R Greenbrier Co.

Forren, William E

Foster, B. A.— T

Foster, D. W.— B— D

Foster, J.— T

Foster, Jacob C

Foster, John F Bedford, Va.

Foster, Michael G w D

Foster, William M c Waynesboro '65 Red Sulphur, W. Va.

Foster, George W.— G D

Fowler, Allen L Lt Salt Lake City, Utah

Fowler, Elbert— L—D

Fowlkes, Giles A.— B— 1 Lt— D

Fox, B. F.— T

Fox, C. R.— T

Fox, I. L.— R— D

Fox, Warren— T— 4 Sg


Francis, J. S. E

Francis, John A. B D

Francis, William A.— B— O Sg— D

Frazier, George L D

Frazier, Isaac F West

Frazier, Thomas F Neponset, W. Va.

Freeman, Frederick G

Fretwell, C. H.— L— unc

Frisk, Abraham. G Baltimore, Md.

Frisk, Thomas— G D

Fry, Edwin L Giles Co.

Fry, John— G

Fry, Matthew— BB

Fullen, John E Monroe Co.

Fullen, William H.— B— D

Fuller, George M

Fuller, L.— M

Ganoe, Isaac V

Garrett, J. H.— T— O Sg

Garten, Henderson T

Garten, Richard L D

Garten, William L w Cedar Creek '64

George, Harvey E

George, James A. E

Gibson, E.— L— D

Gleeson, William D.— M— D

Glover, A. J.— M— D

Glover, Jack— M— D

Glover, John H.— R

Glover, John A- B

Glover, Samuel M D

Glover, William P.— B— D

Goodall, Alexander FF

Goodall, James— FF—Cp—D

Graves, John W. B Ronceverte, W. Va.

Grawgogel, Frederick V

Green, Allen E.— G— D

Griffen, Michael R

Grose, Michael V

Guthridge, William G D

Gwinn, Augustus T D

Gwinn, A. R.— T

Gwinn, Clark T D


Gwinn, H. C— L— D Gwinn, J. H. L Monroe Co. Gwinn, O. W.— R— D Gwinn, William A.— R— D

Hale, M.— T

Hall, George W.— G— Lt— k Chancellorsville '63

Hall, John— M

Hall, Lewis C— G— D

Hall, Robert A. G c Spottsylvania '64 D

Hall, Robert B Monroe Co.

Hall, S. F.— G

Halstead, H. H.— L

Halstead, Lorenzo V

Hamilton, Robert G k First Manassas '61

Hanahan, Larry R D

Hancock, John M

Hancock, William V w Kernstown '64 Keyser, W. Va.

Handley, James G D

Handley, James H. B D

Harless, Matthew— FF

Harness, Erastus BB

Harris, Andrew M c

Harris, James M

Harris, William H.— R

Harvey, Allen V D

Harvey, George M

Harvey, John M

Harvey, James V Lt D

Harvey, Jones V

Harvey, Rufus V

Harvey, William— T

Hasten, J. N. L. Huntington, W. Va.

Hawkins, C. Patrick E D

Haynes, Joseph T D

Haynes, Pen T Monroe Co.

Haynes, Robert— BB

Haynes, Thomas— T—D

Haynes T. L.— E— D

Hedrick, J.— T

Hedrick, Matthew L Summers Co.

Hedrick, W. C. L Summers Co.

Henderson, P. H.— L— D

Hendricks, Peter V d '64


Hennessy, Harry R D

Heptonstall, George M D

Hess, James H. R D

Higgenbotham, John M k Richmond

Higgenbotham, Moses M mw

Higgenbotham, William M k Piedmont '64

Hill, G. W.— T

Hill, John J.— R— k Dry Creek '63

Hill, W. H.— L— D

Hinchman, John L D

Hines, Charles W. T

Hines, G. W.— E— 1 Lt— D

Hines, James T

Hines, J. P. E teamster D

Hinton, Evi— T— D

Hinton, J. B. L West

Hinton, John L Monroe Co.

Hinton, "Rockingham" John L D

Hinton, Joseph T

Hinton, Peter R D

Hinton, William— G D

Hinton, William— T—D

Hinton, David L

Hite, Andrew T

Hite, P. H.— T

Hobbs, Ferdinand V

Hobbs, William^M

Hogshead, C. A.— E— D

Hogshead, C. F.— E— D

Holcomb, William— T

Holden, John L West

Holden, Riley L West

Holyant, William T Monroe Co.

Honaker, E. S.— B

Honaker, Jas. BB

Honaker, M. A. L Putnam Co.

Hook, Peachy F.— R

Hopkins, F. B.— T

Houchins, Allen V

Houchins, C. N. L Monroe Co.

Houchins, Granville L Huntington, W. Va.

Houchins, J.— T

Houchins, James L West

Houchins, Thompson L Alderson, W. Va.


Houchins, William L Athens, W. Va.

Houston, A. C. L D

Houston, S. A. L D

Houston, W. P. L Lt Lexington, Va.

Howard, Moses M. R Pittsburgh, Pa.

Howell, Judson— B— 2 Cor— B

Hudson, J. C.— T

Hudson, Resse BB

Huffman, Alfred— M—D

Huffman, A. J. L k

Huffman, Edward T

Huffman, Giles T.— V— 3 Sg

Huffman, C. S.— B

Huffman, J. N.— T— 3 Sg

Huffman, R.— T

Huffman, Samuel L Summers Co.

Huffman, T. L.— B

Huffman, Washington T

Hughart, Jordan ? 3 Cor k

Hugins, R. T

Humphreys, Allen V

Humphreys, Christopher E

Humphreys, C. A. B D

Humphreys, Henry V

Humphreys, John M. B

Humphreys, Robert BB

Humphreys, Samuel V

Humphreys, Ward V

Hutchinson, A. M.—L— Forest Hill, W. Va.

Hutchinson, B. B. L D

Hutchinson, E. L D

Hutchinson, Jacob BB

Hutchinson, J. A. L D

Ingles, George A. R d Fort Delaware '64

Ingles, John B D

Irons, B. F.— B— 1 Cor— D

Irons, W. Y. B Ronceverte, W. Va.

James, William H. H.— B Jennings, William B 3 Lt D Jennings, William H. S Jennings, Petrie B k Kernstown '64 Johnson, A. J.— E— 4 Cor— D


Johnson, B. L. E D Johnson, C. B.— E— D Johnson, Collins J. R Johnson, G. B. T Johnson, W. O.— E— D Johnson, William R— R— D Jones, Boyce T Jones, E. F.— T Jones, James BB Jones, James W. R Monroe Co- Jones, J. M. E 2 Cor Monroe Co. Jones, John M D Jones, Levi E D Jones, P. P.— M?— D Jones, William A. G Jones, W. W.— E— D Joyce, John R

Kavanaugh, Patrick J. G D

Keadle, A. J.— L— Sg— D

Keadle, James V D

Keadle, Junior FF

Keatley, Joseph FF

Keatley, Wilson FF Lt

Keaton, C. L

Keeny, Charles C 6 Sg

Keffer, George M mw

Keffer, Andrew ? d

Keller, G.— T

Keller, H.— T

Keller, Wm.— T

Kelly, Dennis B k Cloyd's Farm '64

Kelly, James L Greenville, Ind.

Kenna, James BB

Kershner, Goodall M D

Kershner, Jas. H. B D

Kershner, Nicholas G West

Kershner, M. M.— B— 111.

Kessler, A. C— T

Kessler, D. B. L Green Sulphur, W. Va.

Kessler, G. W. L Pocahontas Co.

Kessler, Joseph L West

Kessler, M. J.— FF

Kevey, Joseph BB


Keyser, Charles L Charleston, W. Va.

Kibler, L unc

Kimpetion, V

Kincaid, James BB

Kincrit, J. F.— T

King, William T

King, William A. B unc

Kirby, Edmund C

Kirby, John— C

Kirby, John E

Kirby, Lewis E

Kirby, Minor— FF

Kiser, Beale C

Knightstep, William C. B Jaskson Co.

Kounce, G. T. T

Kounce, Samuel B D

Kyle, James— ?—k Malvern Hill '62

Kyle, Moss— ?— D

Kyle, Robert M regimental Sg k Piedmont '64

Landers, Jack M

Larew, Peter T Monroe Co.

Law, George BB

Lawhorn, Joseph B k Cedar Creek '64

Layton, Frank C

Leach, Addison— G c '62— D

Leach, A. Y.— B— D

Leach, A. U. G.— B— D

Leach, Cornelius B D

Leach, E. K.— R— D

Leach, Joshua B k Lewisburg '62

Leach, J. Harvey R Monroe Co.

Leach, Preston G w First Manassas '61 D

Leach, William R. 8 Cor Texas B

Lee, Mason C

Leftwich, David V

Lemons, Frank C

Lemons, James C

Lemons, John R k Lynchburg '64

Lemons, John A. R Monroe Co.

Lemons, Jackson E

Lemons, James S. E Monroe Co.

Lemons, Lewis H. R Russell Co.

Lemons, Robert E teamster D


Lemons, William H. R Monroe Co.

Lemons, W. F. E k Winchester '64

Lewis, John E. B D

Lewis, John F. B unc

Lewis, Mack T

Lewis, Thomas ?

Lilley, S.— T

Lively, Vincent L Kanawha Co.

Long, George M

Long, N. B.— B— D

Long, Patrick M D

Long, William M D

Loudermilk, James E. C D

Lowe, A. C— FF— Alderson, W. Va.

Lowe, Alexander FF

Lowe, Granville L D

Lowe, John C

Lowry, Charles M k Cloyd's Farm '64

Lowry, George Mi D

Lowry, Thomas M D

Lowry, William M. L Cp D

Lowry, Young L w Bedford Co.

Lucker, F. B.— T

Lynch, George T. G w Chancellorsville '63 D

Lynch, Hugh— C— D

Lynch, John C. G w First Manassas '61 D

Lynch, James L. M D

Lynch, William L. G Lt w Chancellorsville '63 D

Lynch, W. H.— C— D

Maddy, Elias— FF— D

Maddy, H.— T

Maddy, Henderson L D

Maddy, J. P.— L— D

Maddy, William— T—D

Maddy, W. L.— L— D

Magann, James G

Magann, M. W. G Richmond, Va.

Magann, Merritt G D

Mahan, John M. M

Mahan, Lewis A. M

Mann, Adam FF

Mann, Allen— C

Mann, B. F. L Monroe Co.


Mann, Clark— C

Mann, Davidson L

Mann, Griffith— V

Mann, Henry L Monroe Co.

Mann, Hutchinson FF

Mann, John A. C w Lewisburg c Fredericksburg D

Mann, John C. C Summers Co.

Mann, John V

Mann, Kenley C D

Mann, Lewis L Monroe Co.

Mann, Marshall C D

Mann, Marshall L Monroe Co.

Mann, Michael V d '63

Mann, Newton C D

Mann, Richard M w Winchester '64

Mann, Samuel L West

Mann, Thomas C

Mann, Thomas E

Mann, V. S. L Summers Co.

Mann, Woodson V

Marshall, J. ?

Marshall, James V Sg

Marshall, William A.— G— D

Martin, Algernon S. B Sg D

Martin, A. J.— T

Martin, James C

Martin, James V

Martin, J. A.— T

Martin, L. D.— T— 5 Sg

Martin, N. A.— T

Martin, Thomas E. B Va.

Martin, William V

Martin, V k Leetown '64

Massy, Andrew E

Massy, Reuben E

Matheny, George C

Matheny, Peach C

Mays, Dallas L Giles Co.

Mays, Joseph M. T Kanawha Co.

Mays, Robert C

McCall, Robert V— c Waynesboro '65— D

McCall, William V c Waynesboro

McCallister, A. A. B 6 Sg— Covington, Va.

McCartney, John D. B— 6 Cor C Kernstown '62 Union, W. Va


McCartney, R. S. G w Chancellorsville '63 and Cold Harbor '64

Union, W. Va. McCartney, William M d McClaugherty, George E. B McClearn, Alexander B D McCorkle, William— V McCorkle, William H. R Summers Co. McCormick, J. P.— M— D McCormick, John FF Summers Co. McCormick, Preston Ml D McCoy, John M McCray, William— C

McDaniel, G

McDowell, Alexander V

McDowell, Andrew C

McDowell, Overton C

McDowell, R. D.— B— D

McGee, Joseph T

McGee, John C. C Monroe Co.

McGhee, Lorenzo D. T

McGhan, Mack C Richmond, Va.

McGuire, Charles M

McMahan, Andrew B D

McNeer, Caperton T D

McNeer, J. W.— T— 4 Cor

McNeer, Richard L Summers Co.

McNeer, Richard E.— V— 2 Lt— k Winchester '64

McNeer, W. R.— C

McNutt, James M k Richmond

McNutt, Wm. N. G Boise, Ida

Meade, M. L Monroe Co.

Meade, William V

Meador, A. H.— T

Meador, S.— T

Meadows, E. B.— B— D

Meadows, Edward F D

Meadows, Dude F Summers Co.

Meadows, James L unc

Meadows, John L Symthe Co.

Meeks, A. J. L West

Meredith, James R D

Meredith, Junius M.— R— d '61

Meredith, Evan A. R mw Cedar Creek '64

Mericks, B.— L— Pulaski Co.


Mericks, L. L Pulaski Co.

Midkiff, Moses F Monroe Co.

Miller, A. J.— M

Miller, Andrew G

Miller, A. O.— E— Penn.

Miller, A. P.— T

Miller, Eli— FF

Miller, C. E.— B— d

Miller, George L Monroe Co.

Miller, A.— T— 1 Cor

Miller, James M k Richmond

Miller, James O.— R— D

Miller, John L.— L— D

Miller, L. C— L— D

Miller, T. J.— B— Monroe Co.

Miller, William— BB

Miller, W. F.— E— 2 Sg— D

Miller, W. G.—B— Monroe Co.

Mintz, Adam M k Richmond '62

Mintz, Joseph M D

Mitchell, Alfred— M— O Sg— d '61

Mitchell, Baldwin M k Piedmont '64

Mitchell, Henry F.— G— Cp— D

Mitchell, James V D

Mitchell, Riley M Monroe Co.

Moles, J. R. ? Monroe Co.

Montgomery, W. H. E

Moorehead, Montgomery L Pulaski Co.

Morgan, Thomas A. B

Morgan, M k Richmond

Moss, Allen M D

Mullins, James L Pulaski Co.

Murdock, Jas. L. B D

Murphy, John E D

Murphy, Patrick E

Murray, James M D

Murrell, C. H.— B— St. Albans, W. Va.

Murrell T. S.— B— Va.

Neal, Oscar E

Neel, Allen G.— G— w Cold Harbor '62— D

Neel, A. A. P.— L— D

Neel, Ephraim M D

Neel, Harvey A.— G D


Neel, John K. M d Fort Delaware

Neel, Wirt— L

Neel, William E teamster Parkersburg, W. Va.

Neely, A.— T

Nelson, F.— T

Nelson, James E D

Nelson, James M. R D

Nelson, John F.— B— Ky.

Newman, Hunn M

Newman, Jonathan R 111.

Nicholas, John B D

Nickell, C. P.— E— 3 Lt— D

Nickell, George W. H.— R— D

Nickell, George W.— B— D

Nickell, J. M.— G— Hannibal, Mo.

Nickell, R. M.— R

Nickell, Thompson G D

Nickell, William N.— G— Mo.

Noble, John— V

Oberchain, Cephas V Sg Oberchain, Cephas E. B D Oliver, John L unc Osborne, Jacob M 1 Lt

Pack, Coon M D

Pack, J.— R

Pack, J. L.— L— D

Pack, James R.— L D

Pack, Samuel— M—O Sg

Pack, W. P.— T

Parke, Thomas F.— G— D

Parker, D. R. P.— B— D

Parker, J. N.— T

Parker, Jesse W. G D

Parker, R. Y.— B— D

Parker, Matthew— G k Chancellorsville '63

Parker, W. H. H.— B— D

Parker, William— FF

Patterson, Thomas— T

Patterson, ? unc

Patton, A. J.— B— 3 Sg— D

Patron, John A.— G— k

Patton, John B.— ? asst surgeon


Patton, John C— B— D

Patton, John J. B D

Patton, James F.— E— 2 Lt— D

Patton, William T. G w First Manassas B., Sg. Monroe Co.

Patton, William T.— C 1 Sg— Monroe Co.

Patton, A. D. B Ritchie Co.

Patton, Napoleon B Monroe Co.

Patton, Wallace B d

Paxton, Robert BB

Pearis, George BB k Cloyd's Farm

Peck, A. J.— T

Peck, B. F.— T

Peck, C. A.— FF— Va.

Peck, Erastus F surgeon D

Peck, E. H.— L— Lt— Hinton, Va.

Peck, James F D

Peck, W. H. H.— F— O Sg— D

Peck, Andrew L Monroe Co.

Pebbles, James V

Pence, A. P.— L— D

Pence, Christian V w Kernstown '64

Pence, George W. L w Kernstown D

Pence, Gustavus L D

Pence, Isaac V w Cold Harbor '64

Pence, John— FF

Pence, J. H.— L— Lt— D

Pence, L. A. L D

Pence Stewart V

Pence, W. W.— L— D

Perdum, V k Smithfield

Perry, C. M.— R— N. C.

Perry, George W.— R— D

Persinger, William G D

Pew, John T.— R— k Dry Creek '63

Pitzer, Jasper Ml D

Pritt, William— M^D

Proctor, R. G.—T

Proctor, J. E.— T

Pugh, John— FF

Pulliam, John— BB

Pyne, James A. E Monroe Co.

Pyne, Lewis E West

Rader, James V D


Rains, Floyd— FF

Rains, John V

Rains, Nicholas L D

Rains, Talbert V w Leetown '64

Ramsay, John E D

Ramsay, James W. B D

Ramsay, W. C— E

Rayhill, William L.— M

Raymond, E. F. C surgeon D

Reaburn, Hugh F musician

Reaburn, William— B—D

Reaburn, R. A.— B—D

Read, E. S.— E— Cp— Tenn .

Read, John— FF

Reed, Joseph C k New Market '64

Reiser, Charles V

Reiser, V

Reynolds, Enos E

Keynolds, Henry M

Reynolds, William— T— 3 Cor

Rice, George V

Riddle, James— T

Rider, George M

Riffe, John— V

Riffe, William— V—w Cold Harbor '64

Right, J. K.— T

Riner, James A. F c Cold Harbor Mo.

Riner, James O. F Monroe Co.

Riner, John V Monroe Co.

Riner, Lewis V Monroe Co.

Roach Reuben L Summers Co.

Roach, A. J.— ?— West

Roberts, J. A. L D

Roberts, J. M. L musician D

Robbins, Daniel M

Robertson, F. D.— B— D

Robinson, Frank BB

Roles, H.— T

Roles, James T

Rolston, M. F. E

Ross, C. B.— L— Parkersburg, W. Va.

Ross, R.— T

Ross N. B.— L— West

Rowan, Dock M' D


Rowan, Harvey M D

Rowan, William J.— M— major of 60th Virginia Infantry— D

Ruby, E. L.— E— 3 Lt

Runion, C. L unc

Rusk, M. M.— B— D

Rusk, John C. S Lincoln Co.

Rutledge, Green G D

Ryan, E. L.— E— 3 Lt

Ryan, George W. L D

Ryan, John— FF— Lt

Ryan, Williamr-FF

Samples, J. W. E

Sams, Robert G

Saunders, James V 2 Sg

Saunders, John V d '62

Saunders, Lewis V 4 Sg w Winchester '64

Saunders, Robert G

Saunders, R. B. T

Saunders, William S. G D

Saunders, W. H. L Tenn.

Scott, Andrew G D

Scott, George W.— G— D

Scott, I. J.— E— D

Scott, J. H.—E— Monroe Co.

Scott, Moses— L D

Scott, Robert C— E— D

Scott, William— B—D

Scott, Young— L—Va.

Scott, G

Scudder, Fulton E

Selvey, William— C

Shanklin, A. M. G Monroe Co.

Shanklin, Charles A. Ci w First Manassas D

Shanklin, Davidson G mw, First Manassas

Shanklin, Edward L.— G— D

Shanklin Henry L Va.

Shanklin, Henry S.— G— 2 Lt— Big Stone Gap, Va.

Shanklin, James R. L D

Shanklin J. M. H.— L— D

Shanklin, John P. L Alderson, W. Va.

Shanklin, Madison M k Leetown '64

Shanklin, A. Matthew G k in Tenn.

Shanklin, Philip— L— West


Shanklin, R. C— L— D

Shanklin, W. H.— L— D

Shanklin, Nelson— M— 3 Lt— D

Shaver, Thomas L. FF c at Winchester and Richmond Monroe Co.

Shaver, William C. C Monroe Co.

Shepperd, Beverly K. E D

Shepperd, John T.— R— D

Shepperd, Joel G.— B— D

Shields, John J.— E— D

Shields, William H.— B— D

Shires, A. V.— M

Shires, Dock M

Shires, Jacob M

Shires, Tanahill— M— D

Shirey, D. O.—L— Raleigh Co.

Shirey, J. L. E

Shirey, William— G—D

Shrader, John H. L D

Shuffelberger, Lewis M d in prison

Shultz, John— V

Shumate, Bal M— R— D

Shumate, Bal P. R Summers Co.

Shumate, Harry C

Shumate, John V w New Market '64

Shumate, James H. R w Lewisburg D

Shumate, Kenley V Cor D

Shumate, L.— T

Shumate, Lewis A. T Summers Co.

Shumate, Rufus A. B Mercer Co.

Shumate, Toll— M

Shumate, E. T

Shumate, William C

Simms, John T D

Simms, John T. T quartermaster D

Simpson, Jacob C

Siveley, Charles

Siveley, Charles C

Skaggs, Andrew FF D

Skaggs, David FF D

Skaggs, James T D

Skaggs, Lewis V

Skaggs, Peter FF

Slonaker, William— T— D

Smith, Alexander B D


Smith, George W.— L— Alderson, W. Va.

Smith, Granville— M—D

Smith, Ham M

Smith, Henry J.— L— D

Smith, "Little" Henry L Monroe Co.

Smith, H.— T

Smith, John L w Fayetteville '62 Smythe Co.

Smith, Joseph C 3 Lt

Smith, Josiah C

Smith, J. W.— L— D

Smith, H.— C

Smith, Lorenzo F. C D

Smith, Patrick— B— D

Smith, Ralph V mw New Market '64

Smith, R. B.— T

Smith, Richard L. M

Smith, Thomas— M

Smith, T. A.— E

Smith, William E teamster

Smith, W. O.— E

Smith, R. B.— T

Smith, Salta—L— Smythe Co.

Smith, Thomas M

Smith, Joseph R discharged

Smithson, J. W.— E

Spade, B. M.— B— D

Spangler, John C

St. Clair, William— V

Stack, Thomas— B—D

Steele, De Witt— C

Steele, Waldron M.— T— Mo.

Steele, William— G— 2 Lt— B.

Stevens, J. G.— C— Sgt.

Stewart, William H.— R

Stone, Rufus C

Strickler, John— C

Stull, Daniel— C

Stull, George— C

Stull, James C

Stuart, James C

Summers, A. J. M

Summers, John C— M (Lt Col, 60th Virginia Infantry)— Va.

Summers, Lewis M 3 Lt D

Sutphin, Henson V k Lewisburg '62


Swope William L.— C— D

Sydenstricker, J. H. BB

Symms, J. A. Sg Kas. L

Symms, S. Y. L Monroe Co.

Symms, W. P.— L— Kas.

Sydnor, W. H. Co. B 26th Battalion Virginia Volunteers Union

Tabler, M.— B— 3 Lt— D

Taylor, J. C— T

Taylor, Andrew G

Taylor, J. E— T

Taylor, John W.— R— k Lewisburg '62

Taylor, R.— T

Taylor, S. L.— T

Taylor, W. P.— T

Taylor, G

Teays, Thomas C D Teays, William— C Terry, James T Terry, John V

Terry, V

Thomas, D. R. B Lewisburg, W. Va.

Thomas, George W. B D

Thomas, John L w d in prison

Thomas, J. R. L Huntington, W. Va.

Thompson, Calvin L— D

Thompson, Elias FF D

Thompson, George H. B

Thompson, Henry L Kanawha Co.

Thompson, Jacob V w Winchester '64

Thompson, Jesse V

Thompson, J. W. E

Thompson, Preston L Monroe Co.

Thompson, William G k First Manassas '61

Thompson, W. A. Mi c Waynesboro '65 Monroe Co.

Thrasher, Fred C— C— 1 Lt— D

Thurmond, Elias T

Thurmond, J. D.— T— 2 Lt

Thurmond, P. J.— T— Cp— k Winleld '64

Tigert, James V w Winchester '64

Tigert, L unc

Tiffany, Charles G w First Manassas D Tiffany, Hupp S. G Cp k First Manassas '61 Tiffany, John G w First Manassas D


Tiffany, Joseph G D Tiffany, William G unc Tiffany, W. C— L— D

Tiller, L— unc

Tinsley, John Mi D Tinsley, Thomas V Tincher, A. G.— T Tincher, Charles— M—D Tincher, John M D Tincher, J. L.— T— 1 Lt Tincher, W. C— L— D

Tolbert, Mr— D

Tomlinson, A. N.— B— D Tomlinson, Andrew J. R Putnam Tomlinson, James A. B Monroe Co. Tomlinson, Joseph BB d in prison Tomlinson, W. C— B— D Townsley, Thomas V 4- Lt Tracy, J.J. H.— C— D Tritt, Isaac T Tucker, W. H.— E

Underwood, John T Upton, George V Upton, J. H.— C Upton, W. C— L— D

Vance, Adam C D

Vance, Caperton C k Cedar Creek '64

Vance, David— C—D

Vance, Henry C

Vance, John C

Vance, Keyser M D

Vance, Rice C

Vance, William C

Vandle, Thomas— FF

Vanstavern, Hudson C Monroe Co.

Vass, Charles— B—D

Vass, Pembrook— V— d '62

Vass, Philip L D

Vass, R. C— L— D

Vass, William M

Vaught, David— L Giles Co.

Vaught, Miles— L— Giles Co.


Vaught, Miles C

Vawter, Charles G Cp D

Vawter, Lewis G & V Cp C Winchester '64

Vawter, William G D

Vickers, 1 unc

Vine, George C

Vines, James L Summers Co.

Waite, Samuel C. R 4 Sg k Charlestown '64

Waite, A. M. T doctor D

Walker, Charles M

Walker, Charles C

Walker, C. W.— B— D

Walker, Newton C

Wallace, John J. B Mo.

Wallace, John A. B Monroe Co.

Wallace, Preston E

Wallace William A. B Monroe Co.

Walters, Joseph L D

Walters, J. W.— C

Watson, Jack ?

Watts, L. F.— R— Cp— D

Weaver, Aylett B D

Weikel, C. M.— T

Weikel, George V

Weikel, Green— V

Weikel, Letcher V

Weikel, Owen J. E

Weikel, S. M.— E

Weikel, Sylvester FF

Weikel, William— E

Welch, Bud— BB

Welch, Samuel— BB— Alderson, W. Va.

Wetzel, George W. B musician D

Whanger, David— BB

Whanger Joseph BB

Whitaker, John V

Whitaker, Montgomery V

Whitcomb, William J.— G— D

Whitcomb, Kernan L

Whitten, K.— L

Whitten, William J.— G

Whitten, Gustavis M. L


Whitten, L— unc

White, J. H.— E

Wickline, A. J.— M

Wickline, D. S— B— D

Wickline, J. A.— B

Wiley, A.— T

Wiley, Fisk P.— M

Wiley, John M

Williams, George W.— B— D

Williams, Harrison V

Williams, Lewis M

Williams, Landon V

Williams, Rufus— F— Sg— d Elmira '64-

Williams, William P.— B

Willis, J. M.— E

Wills John— FF

Wills, Lee— V— Cor

Wilson, E.— L— D

Wilson, Frank C. G Cp Louisville, Ky.

Wilson, John— G— D

Windell, Samuel— G—D

Windell, Samuel Co. B, 26th Virginia Cavalry.

Windell, William— BB

Winfield, Wylie G k First Manassas

Wiseman, Boston FF

Wiseman, Jarrett C

Wiseman, John A. B D

Wiseman, John L. B West

Wiseman, Samuel V

Wiseman, C

Withrow, M. A.— T

Woltz, John— L— Wise Co.

Workman, Claiborne G w Lewisburg '62

Wood Nicholas L West

Woodram, B.— T

Woodram^ William T

Woods, Chap— FF

Woodson, A. A. B D

Woodson, Edward FF

Woodson, E. C— L— D

Woodson, J. Carey L O Sg Alderson, W Va.

Woodson, J. M. B. L commissary D

Woodson, W. M— L— D


Woolwine, Pack B k Cedar Creek '64

Wright, Wilson V

Wyant, E. M— T

Wylie, Perry— B—D

Wylie, Robert J.— R— D

Wylie, Robert— Co. B, 26th Virginia Cavalry— Tex.

Wylie, Joseph Lt G.

Young, George M

Young, George C. C D

Young, George P. L D

Young, John C— C— D

Young, William A. G D

Young, William P. G & Ml 2 Lt c Spottsylvania '64 D

Young, William V.— L— Lt— D

Young, W. M

Young, William G

Young, William C

Young, Jas. G., 27th Va. Inf.

Zoll, Joseph— Lt—G




1800 4188

1810 5444

1820 6620

1830 7798

1840 8422

1850 10204














In 1790 the population of all Greenbrier, including Kanawha, was 6015.

In 1820 Monroe had 6 foreigners not naturalized, 501 slaves, and 110 freedmen.

In 1850 there were 177 persons between the ages of 70 and 90, and 11 above that age. The white males and females were respectively 4583 and 4477. There were 86 deaths among both races and 317 births. The fam- ilies were 1576 and the number of dwellings the same. Other statistical facts for 1850 are as follows: '

Improved land, acres Unimproved land, acres..

Value of farms

Value of farm implements

Value of livestock


Cows and oxen

Other cattle



Hay, tons

94,311 Wheat, bushels 51,436

174,890 Rye, bushels 6,581

2,039,101 Oats, bushels 97,460

61,233 Buckwheat, bushels 6,131

387,030 Corn, bushels 250,456

3,354 White potatoes, bushels 7,564

4,238 Sweet potatoes, bushels 2,098

9,943 Wool, pounds 44,282

21,789 Butter, pounds 175,254

14,307 Cheese, pounds 8,602

6,073 Tobacco, pounds 4,917



1780-1781 Archer Mathews and Tames Reid 1781-1782 Archer Mathews and George Clendennin


1782 James Ried

1782-1786 Andrew Donally and George Clendennin 1786-1787 James Henderson and George Clendennin 1787-1788 Henry Banks and George Clendennin

1789 Hugh Caperton and George Clendennin

1790 Thomas Edgar and William H. Cavendish 1791-1792 Hugh Caperton and William H. Cavendish 1793-1798 John Hutchinson and William H. Cavendish 1798-1800— John Mathews and William H. Cavendish


1800-1801— William Haynes and John Gray

1801-1802— John Underwood and John Gray

1802-1803— John Monroe and John Gray

1803-1805— David Graham and John Gray

1805-1806— John Woodward and John Gray

1806-1809— Andrew Beirne and Isaac Estill

1809-1810— John Gray and William Graham

1810-1813 John Gray and Hugh Caperton

1813-1815— John Gray and Adam Thomas

1815-1816 John Gray and Conrad Peters

1816-1817— John Gray and Adam Thomas

1817-1818— Isaac Estill and Conrad Peters

1818-1819— William Vass and William Vawter

1819-1820— William Vass and Michael Erskine

1820-1823— William Vass and John Gray

1823-1826— William Vass and Alexander Dunlap

1826-1827 Hugh Caperton and Alexander Dunlap

1827-1830— Hugh Caperton and William Vass

1830-1831— John H. Vawter

1831-1832 John H. Vawter, vice John W. Kelly, declared unduly

elected 1832-1835— Henry Alexander 1835-1838 Augustus A. Chapman 1838-1839— James A. Dunlap 1839-1841 Augustus A. Chapman 1841-1842— Allen T. Caperton 1842-1843— William Adair 1843-1845— Samuel Hamilton 1845-1846— Elisha Callison 1846-1847— Christopher J. Beirne 1847-1848— John H. Vawter 1848-1851— Christopher J. Beirne 1851-1853 Christopher J. Beirne and John Echols


1853-1854 John Tiffany and Andrew Beirne 1855-1856 Alexander Clark and Alexander D. Haynes 1857-1858— Allen T. Caperton and A. A. Chapman 1861-1864 Wilson Lively and John M. Rowan


1863— Lewis Ballard

1866— John C. Ballard

1867— Fielden F. Neel

1S68 Cyrus Newlin (born in Pennsylvania)

1869 James Carpenter and A. W. Mann (also representing Green- brier)

1870 Benjamin F. Ballard: Rufus A. Chambers and George T. Car- penter represented both Monroe and Greenbrier

1871 Benjamin F. Ballard and Hamilton P. Brown (also representing Greenbrier)

1872— A. Nelson Campbell

1873 John Hinchman

1875 Samuel A. Houston

1877— John M. Rowan

1879— Richard T. McNeer

1881 Benjamin F. Irons

1883— James H. Adair

1885 George Alderson

1887 John M. Rowan speaker of the House of Delegates

1889— John P. Shanklin

1891-1893— Albert Sidney Johnston

1895-1897— Marcellus J. Kester

1899— J. D. Logan

1901— Charles M. Via

1903-1905— George Alderson, Jr.

1907— Elbert L. Ballard

1909— S. Y. Symms

1911 Clarence Symms

1913— Dr. C. P. Nash

1915— John T. Ballard

STATE SENATORS 1830-1836— Andrew Beirne 1844-1848— Allen T. Caperton 1868-1871— Alexander R. Humphreys 1873— Elliott Vawter 1883-1885— John G. Lobban 1902— W. A. Ballard


James N. Byrnside



Allen T. Caperton elected, 1875; died in office, 1876. Frank Hereford— 1877-1 S81


Hugh Caperton— 1813-1815 Andrew Beirne— 1837-1841 Augustus A. Chapman 1843-1847 Frank Hereford— 1871-1877


John M. Rowan— 1893-1897


James French Patton— 1881-1882


A Nelson Campbell— 1889-1897




Alexander, James 1783 Henderson, James 1780

Caperton, Hugh— 1786 Hutchinson, William— 1780

Estill, Isaac— 1790 Hutchinson, William^-1780

Graham, William— 1799 Hutchinson, John 1791

Gray, John— 1793 Johnston, William— 1791

Haynes, William— 1790 Williams, Samuel— 1783

Henderson, John 1780


Until 1852 the justices of the County Court were appointed by the Governor. As in the list above the dates are those in which we first find them sitting on the Court. The recordsl do not always show the time of qualification.

Alexander, James 1799 Caperton, Lewis E. 1847

Alexander, Michael— 1807 Clark, Samuel— 1816

Alexander, Henry 1823 Coalter, Robert— 1814

Alexander, James H. 1845 Dickson, Richard 1845

Beirne, Andrew— 1811 Dunlap, Robert— 1828

Byrnside, John 1799 Dunlap, James A. 1840

Byrnside, James H.— 1845 Ellis, William— 1845

Campbell, Robert— 1845 Erskine, William— 1845

Campbell, Isaac— 1848 Estill, Isaac— 1799

Caperton, Hugh— 1817 Fowler, Thomas— 1845



Graham, William— 1799 Graham, James 1845 Gray, John— 1799 Handley, James 1799 Haynes, William— 1799 Haynes, James M. 1823 Hinchman, John 1814 Hinchman, William 1845 Hinton, John— 1819 Hogshead, John B.— 1845 Holsapple, John 1845 Humphreys, William 1823 Hutchinson, William 1799 Hutchinson, John 1799 Johnson, Richard 1814 Johnson, Jacob 1825 Johnson, Thomas R.— 1849 Lanius, John W.— 1845 McDaniel, William— 1807 McDaniel, Madison F.— 1845

Moss, Henry W.— 1845 Neel. Abner— 1845 Neel, Franklin F.— 1845 Pack, John— 1817 Pack, Rufus— 1850 Patton, Tristram— 1799 Peck, Jacob— 1816 Perry, Addison— 1852 Peters, Conrad— 1807 Peters, John— 1845 Shanklin, Richard— 1817 Shanklin, Richard V.— 1845 Stodghill, Joel— 1814 Thomas, Adam— 1807 Vass, William— 1819 VTawter, John H. 1845 Vawter, William— 1799 Walker, George— 1810 Zoll, Jacob— 1847 Zoll, Joseph— 1850


First District: Nimrod Boggess, George W. Caperton, Floyd Chrisman,

Joseph P. Wickline Second District: Andrew Campbell, Lewis E. Caperton, Alexander Clark,

Madison McDaniel Third District: Isaac Campbell, Samuel Hamilton, Josiah Hoke, John

Holsapple Fourth District: William Ellis, William Haynes, Jesse Jones, Sylvester

Upton Fifth District: Andrew Gwinn, William Hinchman, Peter Hinton, John

Woodram Sixth District: William Adair, Joseph Ellis, Fielding Fleshman, John

Hunter Seventh District: Samuel C. Humphreys, Henry Pence, Joel Riffe, James


JUSTICES ELECTED 1856 Samuel Allen, Benjamin F. Ballard, Michael Beamer, James Boyd, Lewis Campbell, Isaac Campbell, Andrew Campbell, James M. Christy, Alexander Clark, Riley B. Cook, Perry Connor, John Dunn, Fielding Fleshman, Andrew Gwinn (president), Alexander D. Haynes, Peter Hin- ton, Jesse Jones, James M. Nickell, Jacob Osborne, William Patton, John Skaggs, Robert C. Skaggs, Michael Smith, George W. Swope, George A. Thompson, Anderson M. W'aite, Samuel M. Wallace.


JUSTICES ELECTED 1860 The stars indicate the members present, April 29, 1861. William Adair* (president), Alexander Clark*, Newton Dickson*, Field- ing Fleshman*, James Gwinn*, Archibald M. Hawkins, Washington Jar- vis*, James Johnson*, Daniel H. Kesler*, Gershom Keys, George Kouns, Jr.*, Anderson McNeer*, John E. Morgan*, James M. Nickell*, John A. Nickell*, William Patton*, David Pence*, James K. Scott*, Robert C. Skaggs*, Oliver Skaggs*, Michael Smith*, George W. Swope*, Richard Watts*, Fielding Windle*, John Woodram*, Zachariah Woodson.


William Adair, Riley B. Cook, Thomas E. Dickson, Newton Dickson, Joseph Ellis, James Gwinn, Charles W. Hutchinson, Washington Jarvis, Jesse Jones, James Keatley, D. H. Kesler, George Kouns, John W. Lanius, Richard T. McNeer, Abner H. Neel, John A. Nickell, Joseph Parker, Na- thaniel H. Roberts, James K. Scott, Robert L. Shanklin, Lewis A. Shanklin, Oliver Skaggs, Michael Smith, George W. Swope.


John W,. Gray, Jesse Jones, John Hinchman, Samuel M. Clark, Samuel Y. Symms, S. P. Hamilton, Cornelius Leach, Peter Larew, C. L. Johnson, C. A. Brown, J. D. Beckett.


John Hutchinson 1799-1808 A. G. Tebbetts 1871-1873

Isaac Hutchinson 1808-1833 James Campbell 1873-1878

John Hutchinson, Jr 1833-1852 Allen A. Nickell 1878-1890

George W. Hutchinson ..1852-1865 James C. McClaugherty .1890-1908

James E. Howell 1865-1867 E. S. McNeer 1908-

Lewis Callaway 1867-1871

Howell, Callaway, and Tebbetts were Recorders under the Wheeling Constitution. G. W. Hutchinson was the first clerk to be elected.


M. J. Kester 1872-1884 James D. Beckett 1896-1908

L. A. Nickell 1884-1896 Robert P. Boyd 1908-


Until 1852 the office was appointive and the actual work was done by deputies indicated in list by D. The following names are only such as we could find in the records.

1799 Isaac Estill: D. John Arbuckle, Robert Dew

1801 William Graham: D. John Arbuckle, Samuel Graham

1803 James Handley

1805 William Vawter: D. Hugh Caperton, Jr.


1811 Joseph Alderson: D. John Alderson, Henry Alexander

1813 Isaac Estill: D. Henry Alexander, Matthew Alexander

1815 William Haynes: D. Michael Erskine

1817 John Gray: D. Michael Erskine, Samuel P. Parris

1818 Alexander Dunlap: D. Robert Dunlap, James Dunlap, John Arbuckle

1820 David Kean: D. Michael Erskine, Robert Dunlap

1823 William Graham: D. Robert Dunlap, James Dunlap

1825 Conrad Peters: D. Hugh P. Caperton, Thomas Edgar, Michael Erskine

1827 William McDaniel: D. Lewis E. Caperton

1828— Adam Thomas

1831 George Walker: D. Oliver Beirne, Jr., Newton E. Keenan, Wil- liam Adair

1833 Tristram Patton: D. Newton E. Keenan, David Hall, Jr., George W. Hutchinson, Jesse Ellis

1835 James Handley: D. Addison Dunlap, Charles C. Alexander

1837 John Hinchman: D. Alexander Dunlap Jr., Elliott Vawter

1838— John Dickson

1839 Richard Johnson: D. James McCIaugherty, William McClaugh- erty

1841 Joel Stodghill: D. Benjamin F. Steele, Addison Dunlap, Alex- ander Dunlap

1844 Robert Coalter: D. William Haynes, B. F. Steele, Addison Dun- lap, Alexander Dunlap

1845— Samuel Clark: D.— Addison Dunlap, B. F. Steele

1848 Michael Alexander: D. John E. Alexander, B. F. Steele, Samuel W. Windle

1849 William Vass: D. John W. Lanius, John M. Alderson, William Connell, Samuel M. Wallace, John E. Alexander

1851 John Hinton: D. J. W. Lanius, Wilson Lively, William Con- nell, John D Clark


1854— John W. Lanius 1869-1873— William Adair

1857— John Hinton 1877-1881— W. W. Pence

1858— Henry J. Kelly 1881-1885— Richard T. McNeer

1863— Samuel A. Clark 1885-1889— J. M. Johnson

1865-1867— Lewis Ballard 1889-1893— Allen G. Neel

1867-1869— Samuel A. Clark 1893-1897— J. E. Hansbarger

1897-1901— C. E. Lynch 1909-1913— J. R. Johnson

1901-1905— J M. Vance 1913- C. T. Sibold 1905-1909— N. W. Loudermilk




1866 W. Bennett 1867-1869— Frank Ballard 1869-1871— John A. McMann 1871-1873 Augustus B. Beamer 1873-1875— M. H. Bittenger 1875-1877— James D. Beckett 1877-1881— J. P. Campbell 1881-1885— James D. Beckett 1885-1887— C. M. Honaker 1887-1889— W. E. Hines

1889-1891— James E. Keadle 1891-1893— T. J. Wickline 1893-1895— William F. Weikle 1895-1897— John H. Cook 1897-1901— J. R. Hoylman 1901-1905— B. F. Hoylman 1905-1909— Charles A. Keadle 1909-1913— W. R. Fullen 1913- —Walter W. Baker


PRICES IN VARIOUS YEARS Captain William Herbert's Appraisement, 1775 (Botetourt County)

Humes' History, 8 volumes . 8.33

sun dial $0.41

white stone pitcher 50

silver teatongs 2.50

framed slate 33

geography 1.33

small microscope and 12 views $20.00

Appraisement of Michael Keeney, 1791 Greenbrier

six hides tanned leather ....$7.00 flannel, per yard ...

old iron, per pound 04

Adam Bowyer's Appraisement Gap Valley, 1800

Bailey's Dictionary 2.50

hussar's greatcoat 10.00

large walnut table, double

leaf 4.17

large sea chest, iron clamps

and painted 4.17


pewter plate $ -25

goose 24

beehive 1.67

cowhide 2.50

lockchain 1.27

mare 70.00

hog 70

iron, per pound 08

mould for pewter spoons . . 1.00

sheep 1.68

spinning wheel 2.00

spoons, one dozen 1.00

Walter Neal's Appraisement Turkey Creek, 1801

still and vessels $26.33 calfskin

loom and tackling 6.00

kettle, 17 gallons 5.00

man's saddle 1.00

dogirons, one pair 3.00

stationary clock 25.00

split basket 17

Dutch stove 8.00

flax hackle 2.00

stud horse 100.00

negro boy 200.00

crout tub 50

cattle, per head 5.35



Raymond Stanton's Appraisement 1801

ram $2.00 corn, per bushel 58

plank, per 100 feet 80 pork, per pound 04

Benjamin Thomas's Appraisement Indian Creek, 1801

silver watch $16.67 "bare" skin 21

surcingle 50 small deerskin 80

Matthew Patterson's Appraisement 1802

man $300.00 packsaddle 25

woman 200.00 cups and saucers, one-half

boy 130.00 dozen 58

girl 100.00 worsted stockings, one pair .58

child 30.00 churn 75

feather bed and covering... 23.67 baking tray .33

loom 12.00 hammer .25

pair silver kneebuckles with axe .88

stock 2.67 barrel with lid 92

steelyards 1.25

Charles Hines' Appraisement Greenbrier River, 1804

harness $8.33 Bible 75

corn, per acre 1.33 "dixionary" 83

wheat, per dozen 20 glass bottle 12

oats, per dozen 21 candlestick and snuffers 50

Henson McDowell's Appraisement 1804

blanket $1.33

George Parson's Appraisement 1804

fiddle $0.67 cotton shirt 1.83

grindstone 67

William Young's Appraisement 1802

rocking cradle $0.61 rye, per dozen 29

Appraisement of Thomas Lewis 1804

whipsaw $6.00 broken flax, per dozen 12

garden spade 1.00

Charles Garten's Appraisement 1807 whiskey, per gallon $0.37

Thomas Nickell's Appraisement 1808 plow $2.79 corn, per bushel 53


Robert Patton's Appraisement Second Creek, 1808

looking glass $1.00 cotton, per pound 37

teakettle 1.59 flatiron 67

silver-mounted sword 5.00 rye, per bushel 51

Joseph Dickson's Appraisement Second Creek, 1805

shirt (700 threads to inch) $0.50 lantern 83

green overalls (hemp) 1.50 yellow "casmire" breeches .. 2.00

inkstand 25 hunting shirt 1.00

tin cup, one-half pint 06 saltpeter, per pound, crude . . .21

bandanna handkerchief 50 saltpeter, per pound, refined . .25

John Handley's Appraisement 1811

white hat $5.00 half bushel 75

poplar cupboard 3.00 flaxseed per bushel 41

walnut chest 92

Thomas Nickell's Appraisement 1811

tumbler $0.41 flint bottle 62

Thomas Legg's Appraisement 1812

bacon, per pound $0.08

Archibald McDowell Second Creek, 1813

windmill $14.00 wheat riddle 41

white poplar plank, per 100 oak plank, per 100 feet 1.25

feet 85

Henry Stever's Appraisement 1813

"counter pin" $5.00 coverlet 6.00

one rose blanket 2.00 linen bedsheet 2.00

cotton bedsheet 2.75 spicemill 1.00

tin pan 25 iron wedge 33

checkerbox 1.00

Michael Bickett's Appraisement 1814

log chain $ 3.00 coffee mill 75

"beauroe" 12.00 flax wheel 2.00

Jacob Mann's Appraisement Indian Creek, 1815

scythe $0.65 grindstone 2.00

sifter 75 chair 62

Store Prices at Lewisburg 1813

putty $025 iron, per pound 12

bolt 37 one vial ink 75


47 i

door latch 35

screws, per dozen 1.67

Daybook Belonging to J. P. Patton Gap Valley, 1844

one quire paper 42

blasting powder 75

eggs $0.08

potatoes 25

salt .04

pork 03

corn 50

wool 30

buckwheat 50

Sundry Prices

timothy seed, per bushel ..$ 4.00

potatoes, per bushel .33

me dozen oats 20

umbrella .50

sheep 1.50

cow 8.00

hog 2.00

windmill 6.00

copper teakettle 25

mousetrap .50

bureau 4.00

brass clock 5.00

man's saddle 4.00

churn 65

harrow 2.50

rifle 7.00

feathers, per pound 40

iron wedge .25

beehive 1.00

broadaxe .50

calf 2.00

21 chairs 16.50

glass tumbler 12

dining table 4.00

pan 25

4 sadirons 1.50

churn 1.25

meal sieve 37

adze 75

f row .50

fine quilt 5.00

feather bed 13.60

meal, per bushel 1.00

flour 03

coffee i 25

oats 25

beef 02

hay, per load 3.50

1856 to 1858



jeans, per yard

flax hackle


corn, per bushel

brier scythe

one set candlemoulds

molasses, per gallon

four-prong fork

coffee mill

32 shocks corn


wagon and bed

board ?.nd washing at

academy per month

cookstove and vessels

cow and calf

fine bay mare

fine red cow


scythe and cradle

large table

bed, bedding, and bedstead

21 geese

two year old cattle, per



table cloth


250 bushels wheat

large map

.56 .13 .41












.$ 8.00



. 84.00















bed blanket 1.50

bed sheet 75

bedstead 5.00

silver watch 15.00

safe 8.00

haystack 4.00

grain cradle 2.50

wheat fan 15.00



Below we give the names of the qualified voters in the presidential election of November 3, 1800. For the Democratic electors 155 votes were cast, and for the Federalist electors, 42 votes. The election was held by Alexander Stuart, James Alexander, and John Byrnside. The names are swelled as in the original document.

The list is of interest because the suffrage at that time was very much restricted. The voter was a person of some property and consequence.

John Alderson James Alexander Matthew Alexander Joseph Algour James Allen Samuel Allen John Arnot William Arnot Philip Beamer Ervin Benson Francis Best Michael Bickett Thomas Bickett John Bickett William Blanton James Boyd Charles Brooking William Brown Isaac Bumby John Burnsides James Burnsides Jr. William Campbell John Campbell Robert Campbell John Cantly Sr. Hugh Caperton James Chambers Robert Chambers Thomas Charl on

James Christy- Anthony Clark Ralph Clark Samuel Clark James Collins Jacob Cook Edmund Cornwall Lewis Costler Matthew Creel Andrew Crozier Samuel Daily John Daugherty Coonrod Deboy John Deboy John Dickenson Richard Dixon John Dixon Hugh Doolan Henry Douglass Jonathan Dunbar Robert Dunbar James Dunsmore John Eagan Owen Ellis James Ellison Sr. Michael Erskin Isaac Estill William Ewin Joseph Ewin

William Fletcher Enoch Foster John Foster Grigsby Foster James Foster Frederick Fraily Charles Friend George Gabbard Richard Gartin Thomas Garvin Samuel Garvin Ralph Gates James Glenn James Graham Sr. William Graham John Gray Sr. James Gregory Robert Guinn James Gwinn Sr. James Halstead Christopher Hand John Handley Sr. John Handley Jr. James Handley William Hanly John Harper James Harper William Hawkins William Hayns



James Henderson William Hinchman William Hinchman Jr. John Hinchman Thomas Hinton John Hogshead Frederick Honaker Jacob Howard William Hoxie Robert Humphreys James Humphreys Sr. James Humphreys John Humphreys Jr. Archibald Hutchison Alexander Hutchison David Hutchison John Hutchison Robert Johnson James Jones William Jones Coonrod Keller John Kerr Humphrey Keys Isaac Kilbon John Kincead Robert King George King Andrew King Henry Kountz (Gap) Henry Kountz (Sinks) Michael Kountz John Kountz William Leach Michael Leake Samuel Lee Purmest Lee John Lemons

Benjamin Lively Sr Zadock Lowe Nehemiah Lowe John Loudeback William Maddy John Mahan Adam Mann Jeptha Massy Archibald McDowell Mathias McGlamry John McNutt Nathan Milburn Brice Miller John Miller John Miller (2) John Miller Jr. Michael Miller Joseph Miller Alexander Montgomery James Murdock Walter Neal Owen Neel James Nelson Andrew Nickle Isaac Nickell Robert Nickell Thomas Parsons Matthew Patterson Robert Patton Sr. Robert Patton Jr. Joseph Pearson Daniel Perry Zachariah Philips Richard Ramsey John Reaburn Benjamin Reid William Rice

John Robinson James Rolann Isaac Scarbrough James Scott Daniel Shumate John Sparr George Spickhard Thomas Steel John Stodghill Alexander Stuart Michael Swoope George Swoope John Swoope Nimrod Tackett William Tennis Thomas Thomas Adam Thomas John Thompson Sr. John Thompson Jr. Robert Thompson William Vawter Stephen Vineyard John Wallace Joseph Wiseman Abner Wiseman Isaac Wiseman John Wiseman James Wylie Robert Wylie Andrew Wylie William Young William Young Jr. Robert Young Robert Young Jr. James Young


A starred date refers to a declaration of intention to become natural- ized, the record-books containing no mention of the final step.

Bailey, Quinton, H. of Ireland 1812 came here 1795 Baker, Frederick of Germany 1812


Ballentine, Andrew of Scotland 1815

Burnside, John of Ireland 1830

Carson, Patrick of Ireland 1855

Collins, Philip of Ireland— 1829

Collins, Edward of Ireland— 1853

Collins, Owen of Ireland 1856

Ford, George F. of England— 1857

Fougeres, Louis of France 1843

Greeve, John of Ireland 1861

Hanshaw, Lawrence of Ireland 1859

Harisah, Hugh of Ireland 1812 came here 1795

Henessy, Edward of Ireland 1861

Hocht, John of Germany 1855

Hogg, William of Ireland— 1812

Irons, Thomas of Scotland 1815

Johnston, Thomas J. 1847

Jones, Hugh of Great Britain 1853

Kadyd, Michael of Ireland 1859

Knox, William of Ireland 1812 came here 1795

Lorentz, Julius G. of Saxony 1860

McCreery, John of Ireland 1846

McCreery, William of Ireland 1846

McDonnell, William of Ireland 1831

Miller, Andrew of Scotland 1816

Mitchell, Joshua of France— 1812

Robinson, John of Scotland 1853

Ryan, John of Ireland 1847

Sherwood, Daniel of Ireland 1859

Simpson, Patrick of Ireland 1859

Stack, John J. of Ireland— 1847

Surgeon, William of Ireland 1852*

Task, Henry of Great Britain— 1812

Task, John of Great Britain 1812

Wade, John of Ireland— 1852*

Wallace, John of Ireland— 1824

Wilson, James of Ireland 1812 born, 1785 Methodist minister


In 1782 there were seven militia districts in Greenbrier. Those of James and John Henderson quite nearly covered the present limits of Mon- roe west of the Potts and Dunlap valleys. The lists of personal prop- erty holders for that year served as a state census.


The given names following the surnames are spelled as by the assessor and are the names of the householders. Where the number of tithables in one household exceeds one, the number is given followed by T for tithable. Where the spelling of surnames differs from the present usage it is given in brackets. The amount of tax in the depreciated currency then in use is mentioned whenever it exceeds five dollars. Slaves are indicated by the letter S prefixed by the number of slaves. The number of horses and cattle owned by the larger stockholders is also given, h standing for horses and c for cattle.

james Henderson's company Acres: Simon Alexander: James Allen: Sam'l Alumback: Peter Bailey: John Barns: Jane Barrett: Edw Black: Samuel Bland (Blann) : Robert Blanton: William— $5.04 Boon: Isaac Bostick: Moses Bowyer: Adam Boyd: Robert

Bratton (Braten) : Abigail Bryan: Christopher (4S— lie— $10.75) Burns: Isaac

Byrnside: James (13h— 23c— $6.96) Calwell : Saml

Cantly: John (lOh— 23c— $5.96) Chambers: James Charlton: Thomas Christie (Christy) : James Cornwell: Edmd Craig: Wm Curry: John Jos Jas Davis: John John Nathaniel Dean: Robert

Dickson: Richd (13c— $4.87) Douglas: Henry Dempsey (Dymsey) : James Ellison: Eliz'a (lie)

Erwin: James— Samuel— Wm. (4T—12h— 16c— $10.83)— Andw— Robert Wm.


Ewing: James— Samuel— Wm (4T—12h— 16c— $10.83) Fleming: Wm Friend: Abrm Gardner: John Garrett: Barclay Glass: John Sam! William Gray: John (13h— 19c— $6.79) Green: Garret Gromer (Gromon): Fred Gullett: Wm Gulley: Thomas Gwinn: Mathew Hall: John

Handley: Archbl (2T— 13c— $6.88)— James (15c— $4.96)— John (lOh— 18c— $7.41)

Harriman: Shad (IS— 13h— $7.79)

Henderson: James (3S—33h— 22c— $18.58)

Higgenbotham (Hickenbottom) : Moses (13 131c $7.29)

Hosick (Hosiack) : Alexr

Howard: James Robert

Hughes: Thos Wm

Humphreys (Humphress) : John (12h 18c $6.41)

Erwin (Irwin) : John William

Jameson: David

Jefferies (Jeffres) : John

Johnston: William

Keenan: Edw Patrick

Kidney: Danl

Kincaid: John (3S— $9.04)— John— Jno Junr— Thomas— Th (IS— $5.90)

Kinder: Peter

Knox: James Robt

Larkin (Larkins) : James

Leach: Wm

Lewis: Benjm (12c— $4.17)

Logan: Samuel Willm

Loudeback: David

Massy: Jeptha Jacob (17c $5.73)

Meadows: Israel

McCalmes: David

McGlamery: Mathias

McLaughlin: John

McMullen: Danl John

McNutt: James— Francis (12h— 30c— $7.92)

Miller: Brice David Joseph


Minns: Wra (IS— $5.37)

Nickell (Nicholas) : And (3S— 10c— $8.41) Isaac— Jos— Robert— Thomas (20c— $5.17)

Patterson (Paterson) : Mathw (2S— 18c— $8.41)

Patton: Isaac

Perry: Daniel Swift

Petijohn: Moleston

Phillips: Robt

Ralston (Raulston) : David Eliz'a James John

Reaburn (Reburn) : Henry John

Rickett (Bickett?) : Tho

Riffe: Jacob Senr (IS)

Robertson: John Wm

Rodgers: David

Ross: Charles

Ryan: Joseph

Scarborough (Scarborow) : Wm

Scott: James

Sewell: Jas

Shannon: William

Stuart: William ($6.12)

Thompsion: James Robert (lOh 17c $5.37)

Tincher: Frans Sam William

Turpin (Turpain) : Mirami Moses

Wade: Dawson

Wallace: John

Warren: Jacob

West: Littleton— Sam— William (2S— $7.38)

Wiley: John

Williams: Joseph (12c— $5.50)— Saml ($5.29)

Wilson: Alexr Jno Wm

Wright: Thomas (4h— lie— $11.96)

Wyatt: Edw (IS— $5.37)


Adams: George

Blankenship: Ludovick

Blows: Val

Borden: Christr

Bradshaw: James (IS— 16h— 14c— $10.92)

Campbell: Samuel

Caperton: Hugh Jno

Carlisle (Carlile) : David— Esther— John

Clark: Alexr (10c— $5.50)


Cook: Valentine (2S— 10c— $8.08)

Creed: Mathw

Ellison (Elison) : Joseph

Ellison: James Senr (13c) James Junr

Estill (Estille): Wallace (2S—2T—9h— lie— $13.46)— Boud (2S— lib —19c— $6.12)

Farly (Farley) : Fran (10c)— Math

Ferrel: John

Frazer: David George (10c) John (14c)

Friend: George

Fulton: Thomas

Gatliff: Martha— Leah

Goff: John

Griffen: Gordon

Hammond (Hammern) : Phil

Hamilton: James John

Henderson: John (4S—12h— 14c— $12.92)

Hughs (Hughs) : Absolum

Hutchinson (Hutchison) : George John Senr (13c) John Junr Wil- liam (IS— 15c— $6.29)— William Junr

Jameson: John

Kelly: James

Kenefix (Carnifax) : William

Keatly (Kettly) : Frans (14c)

Kilpatrick: Rodger (IS— 22c— $6.08)

Kessinger (Kisinger) : Mathw (lie)

Lafferty (Laverty) : Wm (llh— 23c— $6.39)

Leary: Mark— William (19c— $5.08)

Littral: Danl

Machee (McGhee) : Wm (13c)

Mann: Adam Jacob Jacob

McDonald: Henry (5S— $11.67)— James— Joh

Meeks: James (16c— $5.00)

Miller: Jacob (13c)— John (13c)

Mitchell (Mitchel): Robert

Nicholas: Danl

Null: George

Pack: Samuel (He)

Pyne (Pine) : Eas

Read: Alex

Raney (Rheny) : Michael

Scarborough (Scarbrough) : James Robert

Shanks: William (2S— 10c— $5.38)

Shelton: Tho (IS— $5.33)


Shumate: Danl

Smith: Thomas (S?)

Sullivan (Sulivan) : Timothy

Swope (Swobe) : George

Tackett (Tacket) : John

Thacker (Thaker) : Davd

Thompson: John

Tony: Wm

Trimble: Davd

Trotter: James (13c)

Welton: John

West: Luke

Williams: James ($5.12)

Wilson : Andrew James Wm

Woods: Adam (llh— 23c— $11.29)— Andw (IS— 14c— $5.58)— Archble (3S—14h— 14c— $11.92)— Peter (IS— lOh— 20c— $7.50)— Michael (IS— 12h— 13c— $7.88)

Wylie (Wiley): Robt (3T— 13c— $6.88)


William Vawter was the first tax commissioner for Monroe, and his list of personal property owners, given herewith, is the earliest list of citizens of which we have any knowledge. Following each surname at the left margin are the given names of the various heads of families bearing that family name. When a figure, inclosed in brackets, follows a given name, it indicates the number of tithables in the household. In other in- stances there is but one tithable. The letter S in brackets indicates slaves. It will be noticed that there were two men named Thomas Burns. The assessor marks one of these as living in Second Creek gap. Similar distinction is made in several other instances.

Given names are spelled as in the tax list itself. Surnames are spelled according to the present custom, and when the assessor used a different style, the same is given in brackets. But when the name appears to be ex- tinct, his own spelling is followed.

It is to be remembered that in 1799 Monroe did not extend into the val- leys of Potts and Dunlap creeks.

A comparison of this list with that of 1782 shows a much larger number of given names. The pioneers of 1782 were usually young men, and the multiplication of the given names is largely a natural increase.

Acort (Eckart?) : John Adair: John Robert Agen (Eagan?): John


Alderson: John Joseph Thomas (3)

Alexander: Andrew James (3)(2S) Matthew (IS)

Alford : George Jean James John Joseph Thomas

Allen : Charles James Saml Wm

Arnot: Henry Wlm

Askins: Michael Senr (2S) Michael Junr

Atkins: Jacob Senr Jacob Junr Parker Sherrod

Bailes: John

Baker: Henry

Beckett (Bickett?): Michael

Baldwin: Lucas

Ballard: Curtis— Elijah (3)— John— Larkin— Thos (IS)— William Senr William Junr

Ballengee: Jean (2)

Beamer (Bemer) : Philip

Beard: Wm

Benson: Erwin (3S) Bable

Berry: Benjamin John Wm

Best: Francis

Bickett: Henry John Thomas

Blake (Blaik) : Joseph

Bland: John— Robert (2)

Blankenship (Blankingship) : Beverly Hilry Richard

Blanton: John Thos Wm

Blythe (Blith) : William

Boden: John

Bostick: John Mary Margaret

Bower: Adam Senr (2) (IS) Adam Junr

Boyd: Jamesi John Patrick (2S) Philip

Bradshaw (Bratche) : Moses

Brison: Alex

Brooking (Brookin) : Chas (2)

Brown: John Senr— John Junr— Wm (2)— Wm (2) (BR)— Wm (Sinks)

Buckland: John (2)

Burdie: Jiles

Burdette (Burdit) : Asher Charles Elizabeth Wm

Burns: Andrew Magneas Thomas Th (gap)

Burk: David

Busby (Busbe) : Isaac

Caile: John

Callaway: Isaiah (2) Zachariah

Campbell: John Robert Saml Wm

Canaday: Saml


Canterbury: John Saml

Cantly: James John Senr John Junr— Saml

Cantor: John Truman

Caperton: Hugh (2) (2S)

Carr: John

Cart: Adam— David

Chambers: James Robert (2)

Charlton: John— Thos Senr— Thos Junr

Christy (Christa) : James

Clark: Anthony— James— Ralph— Sarah (2) (IS)— Saml— Wm

Coalter: John

Cobb: Wm

Cole (Coal) : Isaac

Collins: Jamesl

Connor : Augustine Henry John Michael

Cook: Jacob Wm

Cooper: Chas

Cornwell: Edward (23) John Senr John Junr

Cosier (Kessler?): Lewis

Cottle: Jacob John

Counts: John

Crawford: James

Creed: Matthew

Crother: Andrew

Crump : George

Cummins: Robert

Curry: James John

Dailey (Dayley) : James Saml

Dalton (Dolton) : Bradley Wm Wm Junr

Daugherty: John

Davenport (Devenport) : Joel

Davis: John Joseph (2) Peter Richard Saml Wm

Decamp: Zachariah

Dick: Wm

Dickenson: Jacob (3) John (2)

Dickson (Dixon) : Henry John Joseph Richard Wm

Donally (Donely) : Patrick (IS)

Douglas: Henry

Dowlen: Hugh

Down (Doun) : Cathren

Dubois (Deboy) : Conrad Crisley (Christian) John

Dunbar: Jonathan Joseph Robert

Dunlap: Alexander (IS)

Dunn: John— Thos— Wm (2)


Dunsmore (Dunsmer) : James Dwire (Dwyer?): James

Eads (Eadis) : Burwell Calton Jacob ¥&

Eastrig: W'iatt Edwards: Arthur (2) Elliot (Ellet): James Ellis: Jacob Owin

Ellison (Elleson) : Asa James Senr James Junr John Estill: Isaac (4S) Evans (Evins) : Morgen Ewing: Jane Joseph Saml (IS) Wm Falkner: Henry

Farley: Drewry Edward Francis Gideon John Matt Fee: Thos Fink:Daniel (2) Fitzpatrick: James (2) Flowers: Thos Ford: Lewis

Foster : Bedford Enock George Grigsbe James John Nimrod Fraley: Fredrick Francis: John Friend: Chas Fulton: Thos Galbert: George (2)

Garten (Gartner): Griffey Richard Nathaniel (IS) Wm Garvin: John— Thos>— (2) George : Reuben Glenn: James (IS)

Galahan (Golihan) : Edward (2) (3) Gore: Joseph Graham: James (4) (2S) Gray: James (2) (IS)— John (2S) Green: Barnabas Jesse Gregory: James Griffith: Wm

Gullett (Gullet): Wm (IS) Gunnor: John

Gwinn (Guinn) : James Senr (2) James Junr Moses Robert Saml Senr Saml Junr

Hall: Benjamin (IS) John Senr John Saml

Halstead (Halted): John

Ham (Hamm) : Saml

Hand: Christopher George

Handley: James Jean John Senr (3) (IS) John Junr


Hanger: George

Hank: Wm

Harman: Henry

Harper: John (2)

Harrison: Joseph Reuben Thomas

Hart: Patrick

Harvey: Benjamin— John (RC) (3) (IS)— John (HC)— John (IC) Nicholas (2)

Hatch: Jane (IS)

Hawkins: James John Wm

Haynes: John (2)— Wm (3S)

Henderson: James Sarah (3S)

Hewitt: John

Higgenbotham (Hickingboton) : Thos

Higgens: Martin

Hill: Jeremiah

Hinchman (Henchman) : John William Senr William Junr

Hines (Hinds) : Chas

Hinton: Thos

Hoke: Henry

Holdaway: Chas (2)

Hollen: Francis

Hollerain: William

Holsapple (Holsople) : Philip

Honaker (Honecor) : Fredrick

Houchins (Howchens) : Edw James

Hughes (Hues) : Jobe

Humphreys: James Senr John Senr (2) John Junr Saml

Hutchinson (Hutcheson) : Alxr Andrew David Isaaic James John (2) Samuel Wm Junr

Hutson: Peter

James: Wm

Jarrell (Jerrel) : Daniel (3) (IS) Elijah Gibson John Simeon

Jarrett: David

Johnson : Benj amin Benj amin ( Sinks) George Richard Robert Wm, —Thos (2)

Jones: Francis James Peter Wm

Kean (Keain) : Aaron Israel (2) John Josiah (2)

Keatly: Francis

Keaton: James

Keenan: Chas Edw

Keller: Adam Conrad (3)

Kelly (Kelley): John

Kilburn: Isaac


Kilpatrick: James Thos (IS) Kincaid (Kinkead) : John (2) John Junr Mary King: Andrew George (2) Robert Kessinger (Kissinger) : Mathias Michael Kitchen: Margret (8S) Knox: Robert (IS) Lafferty (Laferty) : William (IS) Laing: Martha Lake: Nicholas Langton : Robert Lawrence: Wrn

Leach: Edw Esom Absalom Joshua Senr Matthew Wm Wm Jnr (IS)

Lee: Permit Saml

Legg: John

Leggett: Thos (2) (2S)

Lemon (Lemmon) : John

Lewis: John Colo Samuel Saml Senr (2) Saml Junr Zebulon

Lively: Benjamin Cotrol Joseph

Long: Philip

Lowdeback: John

Lowe: Levi Nehemiah Saml Thos Zadock (2) Zachariah

Lynch (Linch) : John

Maddox (Mattox) : John Michael Wm

Maddy (Mady) : Henry James John (2S) Matthew Wm (5S)

Maggert: David (2) Henry

Mahew: Matthew

Mann: Adam (IS) Jacob (3) (IS) James

Mannox: John

Mahan : John

Massv: Henry Henry Junr Jacob James Jephtha

Matheny: Robert

McCulloch (McCuller) : James

McDaniel: Henry Senr (2) (3S)— Henry Junr— (2S)— James— Thos

McDougall: John

McDowell (McDowel): Archibald (3) (IS)— John

McGhee: John Lively

McGlamery: Mathias

Mclntire (Mclntere) : Hugh

McKenzie (McKinsey) : Agnes

McLaughlin (McLaughland) : Henry

McMahan: Wm

McMullen: Saml

McNeer: Jame9


McNutt (McNut) : John

Meadows: Abner Edmond Elijah Israel Jeremiah Mathias Will- iam Senr (2) William Junr

Meek: Charles

Meredith : Bradley Fredrick John Saml

Milburn: Nathan

Miller: George Jacob Senr (2) Jacob Junr Thos John (gap) David John Senr John Junr John (WC) Henry Michael Boyd Jo- seph— Brice John (RC) James Senr (2) (IS)

Mitchell (Mitchel) : Joshua

Montgomery: Abraham

Morgan (Morgen) : Benjamin

Morning: Barnet (2) Henson

Morris: Absolem Joseph

Murdock: James

Murphy (Murphe) : James

Nealy: James

Neal: Walter

Neel: Obadiah Owen (2) Wm

Nelson: David (2) John Thomas

Nickell (Nickle) : Andrew George Isaac (IS) Jane John Robert —Robert (2S)— Thos

Nossman (Nosman) : John

Nutter: David

O'Neal: Richard

Oyler: Henry

Pack: Saml (2) George John

Parker: George

Parsons: Davis George Thos Thos Senr (2)

Patterson (Paterson) : Matthew (2) (5S)

Patton (Patrons) : Tristram R. (2)

Paul : Daniel George Hugh Isaac John

Pearson: Joseph

Pennington: Wheler Wm

Perry: Daniel John Senr John Junr

Peters: Christian (3) (IS)

Phillips: David Zachariah

Plimoth: John

Porterfield: Joel

Powers: Patrick

Prentice (Prentis) : Moses

Pritchett: John Wm ,

Pritt: John

Pyne (Pine) : James


Rains: John Richard

Ralston: John John Matthew

Ramsay: Bartholo'm John Richard

Rath: Wm

Ray: John

Reaburn (Reburn) : John (2) (IS)

Reed (Ried) : Benjamin John

Rice: Wm

Riech: Robert (2)

Riffe: Abraham (2) Jacob

Riston: Reason

Ritchie (Ritche) : Robert

Roach: David Jeremiah Jonathan

Robertson: John Mary

Rowland (Rolin) : James

Ruble (Rhuble) : John

Rucker: Claburn

Ruth: Wm

Ryan (Rians) : Edw

Sammierd?: Wm

Samples: Robert

Sawyer (Syers) : Isaac Jame9i James, Jr.

Scarborough (Scarboro): Isaac Robert

Scothron: Lewis

Scott: James (3) John

Shanklin: Richard Wm

Shannon: Henry

Shanter: Reamon

Shaver: Chas David i

Shoemaker : Paul

Shumate: Daniel (3) Tolerson

Simmons: Ephraim Joel

Skaggs: Isaac John Joseph Richard Thos

Slater: Joseph

Smith: Ann (IS) James James (Sinks) James (2?) John Wm

Smithson (Smitson) : Thos

Some (Symms?): Saml

Soward: Isaac Senr Isaac Junr 'Solomon

Sparr (Spar) : John

Spiggert: George (2)

Steele (Steel): Thomas

Stodghill: John Senr John Junr Joel

Stroud: James

Stuart: Alexander


Swinney (Swiney) : James (2)

Swope: George John Joseph (2) (IS) Michael (2)

Tackett: John Nimrod

Taylor: John— Notliff

Tenner: Wm

Thackwell : Joshua

Thomas: Adam Benjamin Thomas

Thompson (Thomson) : David John Senr John Junr John (Sinks) James Robert Saml

Tims: Bartholomew

Tincher: Saml

Upton: Loyd

Vance: Adam

Vawter: Wm. (2) (IS)

Vincent: Joseph Senr Joseph Junr

Walker: John Senr John Junr John James Thos

Wallace (Wallas) : Aaron

Waller: John

Watson: Thos

Webb: Stephen

West: George

Wharton: Reuben

White: Charles William

Wickline (Wickland) : John

Wilier (Miller?): Henry (2) (IS)

Williams: Felix (3S) Francis

Wilson: James (2)

Wiseman: Abner Isaac Senr Isaac Junr John Joseph

Withers: William

Wood: Bailey (4) Benjamin John William

Woodson: Archibald Richard

Wright (Write) : George Saml

Wyatt (Wiatt) : Thos

Yates: Ralph

Young (Yong) : Andrew James Robert (HC) Robert (Sinks) Will- iam (HC)— William (Sinks)— William (SC).

TithableS 812 Studs 7

Slaves ( 97 Personal tax $30

Horses 1398



The petition signed by the 413 persons whose names appear herewith was addressed to the legislature of Virginia. It asked that no license be


granted contrary to the will of a majority of the citizens affected ; that a vote on license be taken in any county or corporation when 25 voters so ask; and that no sales be made to minors, negroes, or notorious drunkards. About this time there were other petitions of similar tenor, but none with so many signatures.

The names appear as written.

Alderson: John, Jr. Alexander: James R. M. C. Alford: Thomas L.

Allen: Marvel Samuel William, Jr. Archer: William C. S. Arnot: William— Elisha T.— H. W. Ashworth: John S. Athy: Lorenzo Ball: Reuben Ballard: Beverly Patrick Ballentine: James H. Banks: N. H.

Beamer: George Joseph John Andrew W. Michael R. M. Thom- as— C. Andrew B.

Bean: Joseph F. Will M. James F.

Bickett: William Michael

Boggess : Abraham William Nimrod James

Bostick: A.

Bowyer: Washington

Boyd: James Andrew Edward Charles B. Anderson Wm M.

Brooks: William^-H. H.

Brown: Thomas E. M.

Broyles: Lovel G. W.

Bruffey: G. W.

Burditt: John, Sr. John C. Jr.

Burditt: Franklin Calvin H.

Burns: Thomas N. George

Butt: Shannon

Callaway: George W.

Campbell: John B.— William— C. C.

Carpenter: James

Carson: Joseph Alexander

Chambers: W.

Childress: A. W.— N. W.

Chrisman: Floyd

Christy: R.— T. M.— Thomas M.

Clark: George Thomas

Cochran: Wylie


Coffman: A. JV

Cole: Chapman J.

Collins: James Edward Merit

Connell: William

Connor: Perry

Cook: William G.

Counts: George

Crawford: Jeremiah C. F.

Crews: Ledley D.

Crotley: J. T.

Crotspin. Wolf

Crosier: Adam B. Andrew D.

Curry: G. W. Robert C. Robert Jesse A.

Dardall: William T.

Daugherty: Andrew T. Philip

Davis: Madison

Dickson : Newton Hendron Richard Joseph

Dockerty: George N.

Dolan: John

Donally: Nicholas

Dorman: John

Drummond : John P.

Dunbar: John H.— John A.— William T.— John A., Jr.— Robert H.

Dunlap: Benjamin G.

Dunn: William James Jr. John F.

Dunsmore: William H. James A. Andrew L.

Eads: Esom B. William

Edgar: James F.

Ellis: Allen J. J. Joseph

Ervin: William James

Fisher: John Isaac

Fleshman: F.

Folden: George W.

Ford: Frederick Allison

Foster: Esley M. James Andrew G. W.

Francis: Joseph E. J. W.

Garrnan: Adam

Gibson: Thomas M

Gilmer: H.

Gray: John W.

Groves: Jacob

Hall: William

Hank: Jehu

Harris: Frederick


Harvey: James M.

Hawkins: James S. Anderson A. M. P. H. James

Haynes: Alexander D. William

Hill: William M.— Spencer R.

Hinchman: John

Hogshead: Newton H. Hiram M. B. F. James M.

Holsapple: A. C.

Honaker: Ephraim

Houston: Samuel R.

Huffman: A. William Gay

Humphreys: Samuel

Hunter: John Philip E.

Hutchinson: John J. S. John M. James A. Thomas G. John W. Lorenzo D. Isaac N. James A. Jr. Richard A. Charles W. George W.—W.— William C.

Irons: John Andrew

Jackson: Alexander

Jamison : Enoch G. Evans James

Jarvis: Washington

Jennings: William

Johnson: James W. Jacob William Barnabas Morris William T. James Thomas William B.

Johnston: Charles M.

Jones: Isaac M. Jesse

Keenan: N. B.

Kelly: Henry J.

Kissinger: W.

Kindall: G. W.

Lanius: John W.

Leach: Andrew William James Robert Alexander Edward Joshua

Legg: Jesse

Lemon: William

Lively: William M.

Long: John M.

Looney: John

Lowe: Alexander

Luck: R.

Lydick: William H.— William Hu— C. J.

Lynch: George James L. J. C.

McCorkle: Samuel

McLaughlin: J. G.

McMahan: William— John— John A.— Edward A.

McNeer: Anderson


McNutt: John H.

Meadows: Nathan Madison Robert Henry Fielding

Middleton: James E.

Miller: James E. Andrew P. Peter, Sr. Jackson Thomas J. Will- iam— John M. Lewis Robert James Y. Andrew Jonathan, Jr.

Minor: Goodlow

Mongold: W. H.

Morgan : B.

Motteshead: Samuel B. John W.

Neel and Neal: Abner Henry Daniel Walter Jacob William R. Thomas 'Henry O. William F.

Nelson: John W.— I. L.— Allen E.— Oliver P.— William M.— G. K.

Nickell: James M. Allen T. Thomas F.

Parker: B. H. Joseph

Patton: Tristram Robert A. William

Peck : J. H. James P. George H.

Perkins: John

Perry: George Addison

Persinger: James

Peters: John A.

Phillips: James

Pinkerton: John

Prentice: Andrew

Price: A. H.

Pugh: James F.

Rable: R.

Rains: C.

Ramsay: Joseph

Reaburn: H. L.— G. W.— John

Reamer: Michael Thomas C.

Reed: Andrew E. Benjamin, Sr. Charles

Remley: J. H.

Reynolds: William Francis

Rice: J.

Riffe: David M.

Rittenhouse: J. Robert

Roach: Thomas

Robinson: Allen

Ross: John P. Robison

Rowles: Green


Rush: James

Sampson: J. W.

Saunders: Fleming Jackson I.


Scott: Matthew Harrison Matthew

Sevort?: W. H.

Shanklin: Charles A. James A. J. D. A. D. R. L. James M.H.

Shepherd: John T.

Shires: J. T.— William— G. W.

Shirey: William

Shultz: Jacob P.

Shumate: Kendley

Skaggs: John Jesse

Smith: Samuel L. James

Snapp: Joseph J. W.

Spade: George L.

Spangler: Charles D.

Sparr: .

Steele: Samuel— T. R.— Garrison W.

Swope: George W.

Talbott: William

Taylor : William James Ganet Edward

Terry: William B.

Thomas: Richard

Tincher: Samuel Isaac N.

Tracy: J. J. H.

Tucker: C. J.

Turner: Frederick

Upton: Sylvester

Vance: Daniel Adam

Vass: Boswell Rice C. Madison James Isaac William T.

Vanstavern : N. B.

Waite: A.

Walker: H. A.— R. W.

Wallace: Samuel T— W. W.

Watson: John A.

Weaver: Ellet

Webb: James

Whitcomb: G— William J.

Wickline: Joseph P.

Wikle: Robert H. George George C.

Wiley: Joseph G.

Wills: Joel B.

Windle: F.

Witt: Jesse

Woodram: John Armstrong Richard John, Jr.

Woodson: Edwin

Woolwine: William. Philip James A. James


Wylie: Cochran

Young: William G. James I. G. James G. George G.



Oren Frederic Morton, author of this book, is a native of Maine, but in early boyhood he accompanied his parents to Iowa. Thence in the fall of 1868 the family journeyed to Nebraska in a covered wagon and lived on a homestead. In 1879 he was graduated from the University of Nebraska with the degree of Bachelor of Letters. For the next few years and occasionally afterward he taught in public and private schools. For a while he pursued a woodworking business in Virginia, but a severe hurt compelled him to quit. Since 1894 he has lived among the Alleghanies, and since 1899 he has been engaged in literary and journalistic work. A list of his books may be found on the title page. His grandmothers were of Virginia ancestry. His mother was a first cousin to Paris Gibson, a United States senator from Montana. Her father was ordained to the Methodist ministry by Biship Asbury. He himself is a third cousin to Levi P. Morton. William E„ Russell, three times a Democratic governor of Massachusetts, was another third cousin. His three brothers and his brother-in-law, all much older than himself, saw very active service in the Army of the Potomac, and one brother was wounded in the cannonade which preceded Pickett's charge at Gettysburg. Since beginning this his- tory of Monroe, Mr. Morton has been married to Miss Helen L. Moody, of Indiana.



James H. Adair, and not John, was a Delegate to the Legislature.

John M. Rowan was State Treasurer and not Secretary of State.

Frank Hereford was a Representative in Congress before he became U. S. Senator. After filling the vacancy occasioned by the death of Sen- ator Caperton, he was elected to succeed himself.

The Monroe Home Coming was held in the Caperton grove, one and one-half miles east of Union.

The first Confederate Reunion, in some respects a more memorable gathering than any that followed, was held in the summer of 1894, and was addressed by General Echols.



(Prepared by a Friend of the Family and Inserted in this Book by Special


The first history we have of the Swaben family dates back to Julius Caesar sixty years B. C. When Caesar overran the Gauls he came in contact with the Swabens under their chief Ehrfurst. This chief had been called in to settle a dispute between two tribes of the Gauls and settled it by conquering both. Later he was defeated by Caesar with his Roman legions. At the time Caesar was so struck with their bravery that he coaxed many of their young men to join his army. Here he made a mistake as he drilled these hardy warriors in the Roman arms and methods of warfare.

In the year nine B. C, Drusus, the step son of Augustus, was sent over to conquer these people, when one woman of the tribe of immense stature appeared before him. and said, "You greedy robber, whither woulds't thou go? The end of thy misdeeds and life is at hand." The Romans turned back and in thirty days Drusus was assassinated. Later, Augustus sent over three legions under Varus to hold them in subjection. These soldiers had recently returned from Egypt where, as Macaulay puts it, "Honor in man and virtue in woman had for years been unknown." It was not long until these soldiers began to insult these German women. This the Ger- mans would not stand for. The chiefs after holding secret conferences, decoyed the Romans into a trap where every Roman soldier but one was killed and Varus committed suicide. When Augustus heard of it he was driven almost insane and would bump his head against the wall and cry out, "Varus, Varus. Give me back my legions, Varus."

But little more is known of the Swabians, except their petty quarrels until the crusades. They were with Conradin as is proven by the crest in their coat of arms, as no German who cannot trace his lineage back to the crusades is allowed to wear red on his coat of arms.

This fact of the coat of arms was established by Rev. Dr. Swope, of New York, who went to Germany and traced back the family to about 1050, A. D.

The Swopes, like their Swabian ancestors, seem to have the same mi- gratory disposition. They are scattered from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from Maine to Florida. They have no disposition to settle together in neighborhoods and communities like many other families, hence the great trouble in trying to keep track of them.

The following history of the family (except Michael Swope's family) was written by Judge Jas. H. Miller and published in his history of Sum- mers county with the correction of a few typographical errors, additional facts and changes since his history was written.

The Swope family is a German family (Schwab or Swab being the


original German name for what is now known as Svvope). The Swope* were the first settlers in Monroe county, Joseph Ulrich or John Ulrich Swope being the ancient and original settler and ancestor of the family in this region of the country. He was the second son of Yost (Joseph) and was born in the town of Leiman, in the Duchy of Baden, in 1707. His grandfather was the mayor or burgomaster of that town. His father, Yost Swope, was born in the same town, on the 22d day of February, 1678, and owing to the persecutions of the Lutheran Church, of which he was an active member, he emigrated across the seas and settled in Upper Lea- cock Township of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Here he raised a family of five children, all of whom located there except John Ulrich, or Joseph, as he will hereafter be called. We are not positive as to his first name, whether it is John or Joseph. The family records show that frequently these Dutch people gave two of their children the same name, and tradition is that he dropped the name of John, the name of his older brother, and assumed and adopted his father's name of Joseph. The original ancestor wrote his name Swab, and it was Americanized into Swope. This Joseph Ulrich left Pennsylvania and emigrated with the German colony into the Valley of Virginia, locating in Augusta, near the site of the present Swope Depot on the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway. It was here that his son Joseph was born, on the 7th day of August, 1751. He was of a venturesome disposition, and began explorations in the country to the west. In 1750, 1751 or 1752, with his trusty flintlock gun, he followed the Indian trail up Jackson's River to the mouth of Dunlap's Creek, thence up that creek, crossing the tablelands into the country where Union is built. There, instead of following the trail down the waters of Indian Creek, he took a due west course and landed on top of those knobs which bear his name to this day Swope's Knobs and from there he viewed the country. He descended from this mountain into the Wolf Creek Valley, and was detected by a party of marauding Indians, who followed him, but whom he discovered in time to make preparations for his escape. He headed for a large hollow poplar tree which stood about a third of a mile west of the present site of the Wolf Creek post-office, near the Broad Run church. He managed to crawl into the hollow of this tree and climbed up the hollow, bracing himself against the sides, and there remained until the Indians gave up the search. He could hear them talking and walking around the tree, but they evidently decided it was impossible for a man to be inside of it. This tree remained standing until 1860, when it became dangerous from de- cay and was cut down. After the departure of the Indians he came out of his hiding place, and there located a claim to the land round about, and cut his name in a beech tree near the spring on the farm now owned by Mrs. Cornelius Leach, entered his tomahawk or corn title and cut a brush heap at the same place. He then left, and returned in a year or


two, and brought his wife and son Joseph, and built his house a few yards north at what is known as the Conner Spring. In this house he lived and his son, Michael, was born there on the 29th of September, 1753. This child was the first white male child born in the territory of Monroe County, if not within the present territorial limits of Southern West Virginia. There is a tradition that there had been a girl born before this date within that territory, but if so, all history thereof is lost. This house, built by this pioneer, still remains in splendid condition, and it was from this house that his son, Joseph, was stolen by the Shawnee Indians in 1756, at the age of five years, and kept a prisoner with them near Chillicothe, Ohio, for nine years. After formally settling his family in this new home, Joseph, the settler, decided to visit his people in Pennsyl- vania and look after his interest in his father's estate. On this trip his horse threw him, fractured his leg where it had once been fractured by an Indian bullet, and from this wound he died, and where his place of burial is no one knows.

He was a traveler and hunter, and it was Swope, Pack, and Pitman, who were hunting down New River near the mouth of Bluestone, and discovered the Indians, who were making for the Jackson River and the Catawba settlements for the purpose of attacking and destroying them. These hunters separated, one going to one settlement and one to another to warn them of the danger, and it was this band of Indians that Cap- tain Paul followed. An account of his fight with them at the mouth of Indian is given elsewhere in this book. The theft of Swope's boy by the Indians embittered him towards that people to such an extent that he never let any opportunity pass to harrass them or to secure a scalp. This son, Joseph, who was taken to the Indian village, was adopted by the queen of the tribe, who was said to have been Cornstalk's mother. He was treated with royalty and saved from death and many hardships. An Indian boy one day located a skunk near the camp, and induced his white comrade into making an investigation for game, the result being that he was thoroughly fumigated. Bent on revenge, and not large enough to whip the Indian, he waited his opportunity, and when the Indian boy started to kindle a fire with steel and flint, Swope placed some powder where the fire would ignite it, and when he got down to blow the smoke into a blaze, the powder ignited and blew out both eyes of the Indian. The Indian tribe took up the matter, and Swope was sentenced to death, and it was here the good offices of the old queen came in. She was a silent spectator to his sentence of death; then she quietly exercised her authority, took charge of her adopted boy, and told the Indians they had taught him nothing but revenge, and that this boy had a right to resent the treatment of the Indian; so saying, she led him to her wigwam, and the sentence was set aside and his life saved. The boy was returned to his parents by reason of the treaty following the battle of Point Pleasant.


He was exchanged and returned to civilization, recognized by his mother, and became the ancestor of many people now living. This boy took to civilized life after his return, learned to write, and became a prosperous man. On April 3, 1774, he married Catharine Sullivan, a full-blooded Irish woman. She was a woman of strong character, and led an eventful life, many of the details of which would be interesting to her descendants. She was a fearless pioneer, capable of defensive as well as offensive warfare for the protection of her family against the wild beasts as well as the savage men. On one occasion six Indians came into her house without saying a word, and sat down at the table and ate all she had prepared. With a grunt of thanks they walked over to the woods in the direction of her people. In a few moments she heard the crack of a rifle, and directly the Indians returned, and one was carrying a large buck which they had killed, and delivered it to her. They laid it down by the door, and indicated by signs and grunts that it was to pay for the dinner. On one occasion she decided to go hunting at night. So getting the trusty old flintlock rifle and calling her dogs she went entirely by herself. She had not gone far when the dogs "treed" and as it was too dark to see she staid with her dogs until daylight when she found four panthers up the tree. She shot and killed three and the fourth got away. She was the doctor for miles around and many tales used to be told of her success in physics and surgery.

Porterfield Boyd, when a very old man, once related to the writer one of his experiences with her. As a boy he was started for her a distance of eight miles. The night was dark and the road dangerous. Finally he got there and called for her and told his business. She called for her horse, a dashing, dangerous looking stallion. A man's saddle was placed on him. Although nearly sixty years old she mounted astride and started in a gallop and up hollows and hills she kept that gait until she got to her patient.

This Joseph, Sr., and his wife, Catharine, raised a family of nine children. George, the oldest, was born August IS, 1776; Margaret, Oc- tober 20, 1777; Ruth, December, 1778; Joseph, June 20, 1781; Jonathan, January 5, 1783; Catharine, February 12, 1785; Eleanor, January 3, 1788; Adam, April 23, 1791; and Mary, March 17, 1793. He settled in the Wolf Creek Valley and secured a patent to 600 acres of land where his father entered his tomahawk right, and there raised his family in the house built by his father. Of this large family of early settlers and their descendents, but few remain in the country of their nativity. George moved to Kentucky; Eleanor married a Burdette and moved to Kentucky. Her son, Joseph Thornton Burdette, was the originator of the race track of Kentucky. Mary married Thomas Casebolt and settled on Locust Creek, Pocahontas County. She was the mother of Henry Casebolt, who went to California with the forty-niners and who was the inventor of the


cable car. Joseph Swope, Sr., died March 3, 1819; Catharine, his wife, died March 12, 1820. Joseph, his son, married a Miss Hines, a great aunt of Dr. and the late W. H. Copeland. He went with the frontiersmen and finally settled at Elizaville, Boone County, Ind., where he died at the ripe old age of 93 years. The writer never knew but one of his children, Ebenezer Swope, who lived in the same village with his father, Ebenezer Swope raised three sons, Jonathan, Joseph and Jesse, and three daughters. The two older boys were soldiers in the Federal army during the entire civil war. Joe was noted for bravery. On one occasion his command was holding an advanced position on which the Confederates were making a vicious assault, when the word was passed along the line that the ammunition was about exhausted and the supply some distance back in the rear. To go after it looked like certain death, in the rain of shot and shell. The commanding officer asked for two volunteers to go. Joe rose up and said, "I for one, sir" ; another by his side also stated he was ready to go with him. On their return a ball took off the head of his comrade, but Joe tugged on and delivered the ammunition and saved the day.

Adam Swope married a lady in Kentucky and settled in Greenfield, Indiana. He raised four sons, Joseph, James, Harvey, and Henry Alex- ander, and several daughters. His son, Joseph, died during a scourge of typhoid while aiding his neighbors. He left one daughter. Henry was a lawyer of ability and one of the best liked men in his county. He left two sons, Elmer and Horace, who still live in Greenfield. Several of the descendants of Adam Swope live in Indianapolis, one of whom is Mrs. Lida Randall. Jonathan Swope, the third son of Joseph and Catharine, first married Frances Legg, on the 4th day of January, 1803. They settled on a part of the 600-acre patent. He was a prominent and useful citizen, inheriting the sturdy German traits of his father, with active determination and push of his mother. The children of Jonathan Swope by his first marriage were George W., Lewis C, Elizabeth, Ma- tilda, Catharine, and Mary Jane. Lewis C. Swope settled in Madison County, Indiana; Eliabeth married an Argabright and settled at Spen- cer, in Roane County, West Virginia; Matilda married a Johnston and settled in Iowa; Catharine married Griffith Ellis and died near Bluefield. Mary Jane was twice married, her first husband being Henry Miller and her second husband, Chesteen C. McGann. They moved to Green- field, Indiana, where she died a few years ago. Her second daughter married James Craig, of Nicholas County, and was a literary lady of pronounced ability, she having published a book of poems. She died a few years since. By her second husband Mrs. McGann has one living son, Merritt M. McGann, who lives at Catlettsburg, Kentucky. George W. Swope married and settled near his father at the site where his great-grandfather cut his name on the beech tree at the Swope Springs.


He raised three children, one son and two daughters. His son, Caper- ton Swope, settled in Boone County, Indiana. His daughter, Lizzie, first married Robert Haynes, by whomi she had one daughter. Haynes was a brave soldier in the Confederate army, and was captured and killed with a large number of prisoners in a railroad wreck while being transported to prison. She afterwards married James Alderson, by whom she had one daughter, Abbie. Her husband, James G. Alderson, now lives at Alderson. Elizabeth Alderson died in 1910 and her daughter, Abbie, in 1915. Her daughter, Mattie Haynes, married Charles K. Thomp- son and lived at Alderson until death. Amanda Swope married Cor- nelius Leach, settled on the homestead of her father, where she died in 1914, and to them were born two boys and three girls. Elmer, the oldest son, after graduating at the University of West Virginia, taught one session as associate principal with William H. Sawyers in the Hinton High School. He is now engaged as a draughtsman with one of the large steel bridge concerns near Pittsburgh. Arthur, the second son, mar- ried a daughter of J. J. H. Tracy, and is living on the farm since the death of his father. Ada married Dr. DeVober; Irene married a Mr. Black, and they both live in Monroe County; Lizzie is unmarried. Cor- nelius Leach was a prominent citizen of Monroe County, a Confederate soldier who fought through the war, and active Republican politician. He died in 1906. He was a prosperous and enterprising citizen; four years deputy sheriff under R. T. McNeer, and was six years a member of the county court. He was the first man to insist and agitate a revision of the tax system of this State, contending that all species of propery should be assessed at its true and actual value. George W. Swope bore the distinction of being the best scribe in his county, and one of the best edu- cated men of his day and time. For several years a justice of the peace, was a careful farmer, and it was said that he was able to walk out in the night-time and lay his hand on any tool used on his farm.

On January 3, 1850, Jonathan Swope married as his second wife, Susanna Roach, her maiden name having, been Susanna Siders. To this union was born on December 28, 1854, one son, Joseph Jonathan Swope, whose father at the time of his birth was seventy-one years old and his mother in her forty-sixth year. This Joseph Jonathan Swope received such rudiments of an education as was afforded by the public schools of the neighborhood until he was seventeen years of age, when his father died on April 5, 1872, aged eighty-eight years and three months, leaving him in charge of the farm and the care of his aged mother. He gave up the attempt of securing an education, except what he could secure from study at home on the farm. On the 28th day of May, 1873, he married Lucy J., daughter of L. J. and Susan (Scott) Bur- dette. To this union four children were born: Ida S., wife of Jacob H. Hoover, of Hinton; Mary E., wife of John W. Cook, of Charles-



ton; Elsie W., wife of Z. A. Dickinson, of Talcott, and Locksie L, wife of Ethelbert Baber, of Hinton. Mrs. Swope died in 1883, and on Sep- tember 23, 1883, he married Nettie Diddle, daughter of M. P. Diddle, of near Union, in Monroe County.

Nettie Diddle Swope, second wife of J. J. Swope, was the third daugh- ter of M1Chael P. and Ann Bolinger Diddle. She was born near Union September 6, 1850. She is a granddaughter of William Bolinger a sol- dier in the war of 1812. He danced a jig in the town of Union at the age of 102, while Peter Eades played the fiddle at the age of 98. Peter Eades was the grandfather of N. J. Keadle, of Williamson, W. Va.

M. P. Diddle was quartermaster for Stonewall Jackson until Jackson was killed at the battle of Chancelorsville. Mr. Diddle served one term as deputy sheriff under William Pence and was perhaps the most loved man by the people in the county.

Mrs. Swope began her career as a teacher in tn the public schools of the county in the year 1873 and taught every year but one until her marriage in 1883. After her marriage she taught a session or two in Hinton, and three years, from 1909 to 1912, in the High School in Pine- ville, covering a period of 39 years.

To them four children were born: Nina L., who married C. B. Stewart, and is now residing at Charleston; Nellie H. married Frank A. Bane and resides at Narrows, Va. ; Joseph Buell Swope, after grad- uating at the Hinton High School, took a course at the Capital City Commercial College in Charleston and served for a short time as a deputy under W. JR. Mathews, clerk of the Supreme Court, when he gave up the job and entered the law class at the Valparaiso University. After spending a year, he decided the law was not to his liking and came to Welch as assistant editor and manager with his father,, of the "McDowell Recorder." On May 27, 1914, he married Elsie Harvey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Harvey, of Sun Hill, in Wyoming County. Their son, Joseph B., Jr., was born May 3, 1915. Stella J., the youngest daughter, now resides with her parents in Welch. Susannah Swope, wife of Jonathan Swope, was born November 8, 1908, and died September 2, 1874.

The history of the Michael Swope branch of the family is very meager, as it is back so far and the records so brief, and all the older inhabitants dead. As shown before in this work, Michael Swope was born on Wolf Creek on September 29, 1753, and was the first white child born in the county, if not in the southern part of West Virginia. His older brother kept the territory entered by their father and Michael went across to the head of Han's Creek and entered himself 640 acres of land. Why he went there to locate at that early date is merely a surmise, but the most likely reason was that it was an excellent hunting ground.

Whom and when he married is now not known. His old family Bible


is now in the possession of Bernard O. Swope, cashier of the First National Bank of Welch, and has this notation on a fly-leaf in front:

"Michael Swope, his book, Date 1816, March. This book is transferred to John Swope at the death of Michael Swope, to John Swope and from John Swope, 1876, to Wm. L. Swope, youngest son of John Swope, and desires to go down to his youngest son living at his death, should one sur- vive." Bernard being the youngest son inherited the Bible.

The record in this old book only shows the following: Michael Swope was born September 29, 1753. Mary Swope, who seems to be his oldest child, born September 21, 1775; Margaret, born 1777; Elizabeth, born 1778; Joseph, born 1781; James, born 1783; Hannah, born 1785; Arthur, born 1786; Sarah, born 1787; Jane, born 1788; Rachel, born 1790; Anna, born 1791; Susannah, born 1793; Nancy, horn 1795; John, born 1797; Michael, born 1799; Leah, born 1802.

Unfortunately, of this large family there is but little history at com- mand of whom they married or where they settled. One of the daugh- ters married a Harvey and settled in Monroe, where they raised a family. Another daughter, Anne, married a man by the name of Wise- man. From the records in the Wiseman family, which the writer got through the courtesy of Mr. L. A. Wiseman, a grandson, it would seem they were married in the year 1814 or 1816, as their first child was born in 1817. They moved to Gallia County, Ohio, in the year 1830. They raised a large family. From Ohio they moved to Nodaway County, Mis- souri, in 1836, and died of smallpox about the year 1861. Their eldest son, Allen, married and settled in Lawrence County, Ohio, also their son, Lewis F., who married Mary Carter, and they raised a family of eight children. Although he only got to school eight months he was a great historian and could spell and define nearly any word in the English lan- guage. He spent three years as a soldier in the Federal army in the civil war and was noted for his bravery. His son, L. A., of Sherritts, Ohio, writes: "My father must have had much of the Swope traits, as I have heard him say if the devil came to his house hungry he would feed him."

Wilbur W., another son, also settled in Lawrence county. He was for 18 years county commissioner and also served one term in the Ohio legislature.

L. A., son of Lewis F. Wiseman, married Julia Stewart in the year 1882. They have four children. Their daughter, Dovie, married a Mr. Phillips and lives in Gallipolis, Ohio. Anna is a teacher in Ironton, Ohio, Orlyn, their son, is a M. D., located at Arabia, Ohio, and Flo, the youngest, is with her parents.

John, his son, located on his father's homestead, where he lived to the ripe old age of 79. He was a splendid citizen, beloved by his neighbors


and all who knew him. He was one of the prominent farmers of his time in the county. A sketch of his family will follow:

John Swope, son of Michael Swope, married Nancy Riffe (date of marriage not given) and to this union twelve children were born Rachel, born 1819; Rebecca P., 1821; Anna L., 1822; Virginia C, 1824; Michel D., 1825; David R., 1827; Adaline, 1829; John, 1831; Martha J., 1833, Anna Virginia B., 1835; Mary M., 1838, and Wm. L,, 1842.

The record of this family is very meager. David R. moved to Iowa and died there. John went to Iowa and married a Miss Elvira Myers in that state. Mary M. married a Shumate and they moved to Kansas. Rachel married a man by the name of Sturgill. Adaline married Robert Cummons. She had three sons. She died August 22, 1870. True to the inherent traits of the family, they followed the frontier until stopped by the Pacific Ocean.

Wm. L. Swope, youngest son of John and Nancy Swope, married Re- becca W. Alderson, March 22, 1866. She was the youngest daughter of Col. George Alderson, of Fayette county, and was one of a family of twenty-eight children, he having been married twice and had a family of fourteen children by each wife. Col. Alderson was a mian of great prominence in his day. While serving in the Virginia legislature and with the aid and co-operation of General Beckley, the county of Raleigfr was cut off from Fayette. Beckley named the county Raleigh, after Lore" Raleigh, and the county seat after himself or his father. Mrs. Swop* was also the aunt of the late John D. Alderson, who represented the Third district in Congress for two or more terms. Mrs. Swope was a womar of most amiable disposition and great force of character. She died at theil home on Han's Creek, November 8, 1890.

The family of Wm. L. and Rebecca Swope are as follows:

Anne E., born May 23, 1867. She married C. L. Boone, of Monro? County, and they now reside at Davy, in McDowell County

John M., born February 2, 1870; married Myrtie O. Wilson, of Bote- tourt, Va. ; they now reside at Lexington, Va.

Charles C, born August 9, 1871, and died in infancy.

Mary A., born April 1, 1873; married G. H. Arnott, of Monroe; they reside in Tacoma, Washington.

L. Walter Swope, born August 29, 1874; he married Miss Florence Miller, of Louisville, Ky. He is an eminent minister of the Missionary Baptist Church and is now located at Shelby, N. C.

George A., born February 9, 1876, and married Miss Sue D. Rector, of Lynchburg, Va., June 24, 1908. They have two children, Sue D., and George A., Jr. They live in Welch, McDowell County, where they have a beautiful residence. He is a traveling salesman for the Graham Gro- cery Company.

Otho, born November 6, 1877; died in infancy.


Marcella, born June 24, 1880; married W. S. Wray, of Martinsville, Va. They live in Northfork, McDowell county, and he is at present postmaster there.

Opie W., born April 19, 1881; married Miss Emma Kleikamp, of St. Louis, Mo. He is a medical doctor and is located at Wichita, Kansas.

Eugene D., born August 6, 1883 ; married Miss Carrie Jones, daughter of A. J. Jones, of Alderson. He is a dentist and is now located in Hunt- ington, W. Va.

Bernard O., born December 3, 1886. He married Miss Imo McClaren, daughter of Col. W. J. McClaren, of Welch. They have one baby son Wm. Bernard. Bernard O. is cashier of the First National Bank of Welch, a position he has held for years and is very popular with the people.

William L. Swope bought out the interests of his brothers and sis- ters, and being the youngest son, became the owner of the large estate settled by his grandfather. He was a remarkably active business man and one of the large farmers and grazers of the county, and always noted for his strict and stern integrity and square dealing. He was also noted as the man who talked louder and whose voice could be heard farther than any other man in the county. About the year 1894 he mar- ried as his second wife Mrs. Mattie Koontz, of Sommerville, Nicholas County, but to this union no children were born. He died February 9, 1897, in his 55th year. His sister, Martha J., the last of the large family of John Swope, died unmarried at the old home place, March 21, 1914.

She was a full-blooded German woman, her father and mother speak- ing only the German language until their death. She was well skilled in materia medica and knew the medical properties of all the weeds and herbs that grew in her vicinity and compounded them into medicines. During the civil war when nearly every able-bodied man was in the army, she ministered to the wants of the families for miles around. Fully fifty baby girls were named for her, many of whom are still living. At her home hundreds of hungry soldiers were fed. One time when General Crook's army was returning from a raid and almost famished, they were held up on the south side of the river at Alderson on account of a flood in the river. His soldiers were so nearly starved they ate the setting hens and eggs under them. Two of them taking their guns took around the mountain through the woods until they spied a farm house in the valley below. They ventured down and found her alone. The sight of the two bluejackets excited her for a moment, when they assured her that they were starving and only wanted something to eat that she could get quickly. One suggested, if she had it, he would like to have one more mess of ham and scrambled eggs such as he used to get at home. These were soon prepared and one stood guard while the other ate. When through they offered to pay in greenbacks but she declined. They then told her that if she or any of hers ever came over into yankeedom


they would gladly repay and thanking her most heartily, they slipped back to the mountain and to camp.

Nellie, the daughter of Jacob and Ida S. Hoover, married Robert R. Keller, son of R. A. Keller, cashier of the Citizens National Bank of Pineville. To this union was born in the fall of 1915, R. R., Jr., who is the first great-grandchild of J. J. Swope. Robert R. and his wife re- side in Hinton, where he has charge as manager of the Hiinton Water and Light Company.

Ollie J. Hoover, the son of Jacob H. and Ida Hoover, is also mar- ried and is a machinist in the employ of the C. & O. railway, and also resides in Hinton.

Mr. J. J. Swope is the most prominent of the present generation of the long line of the Swope ancestry now residing in this section of the country. After thirty years of life on the farm of his father in the Wolf Creek Valley, he abandoned it and went into the timber business. In 1887 he built a portable steam sawmill at Ronceverte, on which was placed one of his own inventions, a variable friction with only one wheel to use in either feeding and gigging the carriage. In 1888, he moved his family and located in Hinton, where he continued until 1889, when his mill and entire property was destroyed by fire, after which he recuperated and again embarked in the mill business with Robert H. Maxwell for a short time, but the business proving unsuccessful, it was abandoned. He then entered the law office of Judge James H. Miller, and while firing the engine for the Hinton Water Company, began the study of law, and after six months of close application was admitted to the bar in 1892. He is a gentleman of great mental activity. In 1894, through his advice and efforts and in his office, a company was organized which established the "Hinton Republican," now the "Hinton Leader." He was for three years local attorney for the C. O. Railway. In 1902 a fight grew up over the leadership of the Republican party in Summers County, and during that campaign he published and distributed the "Yellow Jacket" newspaper, which was intended only as a campaign publication. It was independent of the Republican organization and opposed the ring rule of the bosses. In 1903, he abandoned Summers County for more attractive opportunities, and located at Oceana, in Wyoming County. He and his son, J. B., constructed the first telephone line in that territory, which was from his office to the county clerk's office. On September 1, 1903, he took charge of the "Wyoming Herald," under lease, which he published until Feb- ruary, 1905, when he founded the "Wyoming Mountaineer," a Republican newspaper, of which he took entire charge as manager and editor, and which was a successful county paper, its circulation having arisen to 1,400 copies each week. In the contest over the removal of the county


seat from Oceana to Pineville, which was voted on at the election of 1904, he espoused the side of Pineville with his paper, and that town won by a majority of fifty votes over the necessary three-fifths required by law for the removal of a county seat. This election was declared void for technical irregularities on the part of commissioners holding the elec- tion. A second election was called in 1905, Mr. Swope again espousing the cause of Pineville, and again that town won over Oceana, and the courthouse was removed to the latter place in the year 1907. He re- moved his newspaper office to Pineville, and his first issue from that town was March 6, 1906. He brought the first cylinder press and the first gasoline engine into that county. In 1911, Mr. Swope sold out the "Mountaineer" in Pineville and moved to Welch and with Governor H. D. Hatfield, Judge I. C. Herndon, Judge Jas. F. Strother, Senator Jas. A. Strother, Senator W. W. Whyte, Col. W. J. McClaren, R. B. Bernheim, then clerk of the county court, W. Burbridge Payne, clerk of the circuit court, Sam G. Walker, a prominent business man of the town, and Mrs. Swope, organized the Welch Publishing Company, which pub- lishes the "McDowell Recorder," and does a general printing business. In 1915, he was unanimously elected president of the West Virginia Publishers' Association, of which nearly every newspaper of the state is a member.

Mr. Swope still practices law, but his law is secondary to his interests and energies devoted to his newspaper. During his residence in Summers county, he was an active Republican politician, and had much to do with the policies and management of that party. It was through his efforts that a city charter for the city of Hinton was passed by the legislature in 1897, consolidating the two towns of Hinton and Upper Hinton under one administration. He prepared in his own handwriting that legislative act. That consolidation not proving satisfactory, he prepared a bill and aided in securing its passage, known as the "Divorce Bill," by which the two towns were separated and again became two separate municipalities. His practice of law extended to the adjoining counties and in the Supreme Court of Appeals.

He is a gentleman of intelligence and of enterprise, and his energies are always for the interest of his community at large. He exercised all of his influnce towards the securing of the construction of a new courthouse and fireproof clerks' offices and modern jail for Wyoming County.

There are few of the Swope descendants now residing within our territory. Jacob H. Hoover, the tinner of Avis, married his daughter, and they reside in Hinton. Another daughter, Mrs. Baber, and her husband live in the same town. Another daughter, Mrs. Dickinson, and her hus- band reside at Talcott. They are intelligent, law-abiding people.

There are a few things of which the Swope family may justly feel



proud. They are descendants of the original pioneers who first settled in this county. From 1678 to 1916 there is no record of any of the Swope generation who was ever in prison except as prisoners of war. Not one has ever been tried or convicted of a felony in all the long line. Not one, so far as I have ever known or heard of, has signed his name with a mark, and no hungry person has ever gone unfed from their doors. The old house built by the original settler on Wolf Creek still stands, well preserved. The site on which the hollow poplar tree stood in which Joseph Swope hid from the Indians is still marked and preserved. A large tombstone stands on a flat top circular knoll near the Board Run Bap- tist church, where Joseph Swope, Sr., laid out a cemetery or graveyard over a hundred years ago, and there lie side by side his body and that of his wife, and on his tombstone is the following inscription: "Joseph Swope departed this life March 2, 1819, in his sixty-eighth year. He was one of the first settlers of this country, after having been nine years a prisoner with the Shawnee Indians."



Abbott 297

Adair 298

Alderson 298

Alexander 300

Alford 301

Anderson 301

Appling 301

Archey 301

Arnot 301

Baber 302

Baker 303

Ballantyne 303

Ballard 304

Bare 306

Barnett 306

Beamer 306

Beard 307

Beckett 307

Beckner 308

Beirne 308

Benson 311

Best 312

Bickett 312

Biggs 312

Bittenger 312

Black 312

Bland 313

Blankenship 313

Blanton 313

Boggess 313

Boon 313

Boone 314

Bostick 314

Bowyer 314

Bradley 315

Brooking 315

Brown r 315

Broyles 316

Bryan 317

Budd 317

Burdett 317

Burns 318

Burnside 318

Byrnside 318

Callaway 319

Campbell 319



Cantley 322

Caperton 322

Carden ;324

Carlisle 324

Carnif ax 324

Caruthers 324

Chambers 324

Chapman 324

Charlton 325

Christy 325

Clark 326

Coalter 327

Cochran 327

Comer 327

Connor 328

Conrad 329

Cook ...329

Copeland 330

Cornwell 330

Correll 330

Costler 331

Counts 331

Crebs 331

Crosier 332

Crotshin 332

Cummings 332

Curry 333

DeHart 333

Dickenson 334

Dickson 334

Dillon 335

Doran ..335

Dowdy 335

Dransfield 335

Dunbar ..335

Dubois 336

Duncan 336

Dunlap 336

Dunn 337

Dunsmore 337

Eagen 338

Early 338

Echols 338

Edgar 340

Ellis 341

Ellison 341

Ensminger 342

Erskine 342

Estill .342

Evans 343

Ewing 343

Farley 343

Farmbrough 343

Fitzpatrick 343

Fleshman 343

Flint 344

Forlander 344

Foster 344

Friend 345

Gatliff 345

Gilchrist 345

Given 345

Graham 346

Gray 346

Green 347

Groves 347

Gullett 347

Gwinn 348

Hale 349

Halstead 349

Hamilton 349

Hancock 349

Hand 349

Handley 350

Hank 350

Harnsbarger 350

Harper 350

Harvey 350

Hawkins 351

Haynes 352

Hedrick 353

Henderson 353

Hereford 353



Higgenbotham 354

Hill 354

Hinchman , 354

Hines 354

Hodge 355

Hogshead 355

Holsapple 356

Honaker 356

Houchins 356

Houston 358

Hoylman 358

Hull 358

Humphreys 359

Hunter ..360

Hutchinson 360

Irons 360

Jamieson 361

Jarrell 361

Jennings 361

Johnson 361

Johnston 363

Jones 3 64

Karnes 364

Keadle 364

Kean 365

Keenan 365

Keatley 365

Keaton 366

Keister 366

Keller 366

Kessinger 366

Keyes 366

Kilpatrick 367

Kincaid 367

Kinder 367

Kirkpatrick 367

Kitchen 367

Lafferty 367

Larew 367

Launius 368

Lawrence 368

Leach 368

Lee 369

Legg 369

Lewis 370

Linton 371

Lively 371

Lobban 372

Longanacre 372

Lynch ....372

Maddeson 373

Maddox 373

Mjaddy 374

Magnet 375

Malcom 375

Mann 375

Massy 376

Maxwell 376

McCartney 377

McClaugherty 377

McCoy 377

McCreery 377

McDonald 377

McDowell 378

McGhee 379

McGlamery 379

McMann 379

McNeer 380

McNutt 380

McPherson 380

Meek 381

Milburn 381

Miller 381

Mitchell 383

Morton 384

Moss 384

Murphy 384

Neal 384

Neel 384

Nelson 386

Nettles 386

Nickell 386



Osborne 387

Pack 388

Parke 388

Parker 389

Patton 389

Peck 391

Pence 391

Peters 392

Pharr 392

Pitzer 392

Prentice 393

Pritt , 393

Pyles 393

Pyne 394

Rainey ...395

Reaburn 395

Reed 396

Riffe 396

Riner 396

Roach 397

Robinson ,. . . 397

Rodgers 397

Ralston 397

Rowan 397

Ruddle 399

Rushbrook 399

Ruth 400

Ryan 400

Sawyers 400

Scarborough 400

Scott 400

Shanklin 401

Shanton 402

Shires 402

Shumate ...402

Skaggs 403

Smith 403

Smithson 404

Sovain 404

Soward 404

Spade 405

Spangler 405

Stalnaker 405

Steele 406

Stephenson 406

Stever 407

Stodghill 407

Sullivan 407

Summers 408

Swinney 408

Swope 408

Symms 409

Tackett 409

Tapscott 409

Taylor 409

Thomas 409

Thompson 410

Tiffany 410

Tincher 410

Tomlinson 410

Tracy 411

Turpin , 411

Vanstavern 411

Vaughan 412

Vawter 412

Waite 413

Walker 414

Wallace 414

Wanstaff 414

Warren 414

Wickline 415

Weikel 415

Willey 415

Williams 416

Willis 417

Wilson 417

Winebrenner 417

Wiseman 418

Woods 418

Woodson 418

Woodville 419

Wright 419

Wylie 419

Young 419

Zoll 421


Chapter page

I Local Geography g

II Discovery and Exploration 17

III Early Settlements 26

IV Three Wars with the Indians 31

V Monroe in the Revolution 42

VI Pensioners of the Revolution 54

VII Monroe under Greenbrier 62

VIII Records of Twenty Years 68

IX Surveys and Patents 79

X Early Land Conveyances 89

XI Formation of Monroe 103

XII A Farm Home in 1800 118

XIII Monroe from 1799 to 1861 129

XIV Records of Seventy Years 140

XV War and Reconstruction ISO

XVI Annals of the War of 1861 159

XVII A War Diary 166

XVIII From 1872 to 1916 180

XIX The Colored Element 185

XX Towns and Villages 191

XXI Summer Resorts 201

XXII Highways and Railways 211

XXIII The Baptist Church in Monroe 221

XXIV The Presbyterians in Monroe 225

XXV Rehoboth 229

XXVI Methodism in Monroe 235

XXVII Other Churches and the Fraternities 240

XXVIII The Schools of Monroe 244

XXIX Journalism and Literature 251

XXX Farming and Other Industries 257

XXXI The Militia System and Officers 263

XXXII Monroe as Seen in a Tour 271

XXXIII Family Names 288

XXXIV Genealogic and Biographic Notes 294

XXXV The Soldiers of Monroe 422


A Census Figures 461

B Monroe Legislators 461

C Some County Officials 464

D Prices in Various Years 468

E Voters in 1800 472

F Naturalizations 473

G Residents of 1782 474

H Residents of 1799 479

T A Petition of 1852 487

T Sketch of the Author 493

K Corrections *93

L The Swope Family +9+

M Index to Family Sketches 506

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