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Willi Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens an. Genealogical Records ol Many of the Old Fa.nil.cs


1915 1! F. BOW EN K COMPANY, In W. /C'l Indianapolis. Indi



To the dear, departed ones, whose bnsv hands changed the giant for- ests into fertile fields ; whose love of home established the hearthstones, the tender ties ol which vet bind together the heartstrings ol (be native born; whose patriotism gave the best of their lives and substance for the defense of their country; whose graves make sacred the soil their feet so often trod.

.. -


: j


In writing the history of a county, the local historian is confined to a relative! \ small unit and is not expected to go outside oi die limits of the count \ onh in so far as to make explanatory the relation ol the county to contiguous counties or to the state at large. The historian is also handi- capped I'v all the tradition which is handed down through succeeding genera- tions, traditions with little or no historical hackground and hunlering mi the romantic. While tradition is often connected with history, it does not often carrv with it the siihstratum of fact which should characterize real historical narrative. I'ersoiial feelings and (ptixolic whims lind ex])ression in the tales of our forbears and are repeated so mien dial lliev are finally accepted as the truth. The purpose of the author of thi.s histon is to separate fiction from fact; i" present in a simple and succinct manner those facts which will show the place of Putnam county among its dster counties in the state; to preserve for future generations the story of ilie privations and hardships which con- fronted our good forelathers four score years ago.

The writer, main years ago, had collected a lot of mis-information as to the eai'K events of this part of the state, and especially to that part now comprehended within I'ulnam county. Tins supposed historical material was submitted to a pioneer "I the county, a man who was in every wa_\ quali- fied to pas. on its truthfulness. To my -real surprise, lie informed the writer that in most instances the supposed facts were nothing more than romantic tales, interesting, hut with no basis of truth. Thus the author ol this history was deprived of what he had considered a large am. ami of valu- able historical data, but he is to be congratulated in discovering the difficulty of getimg exact historical information. This history is an attempt to pre- sent the real truth about the growth of the county, and every event which would not stand the historical test lias been discarded. Thus, many tales of romance are necessarilv omitted: many supposed facts have been found to be without the semblance of truth, and hence lind no place in this volume.

This history seeks to give such a review of the origin and development ,,l |lu. counts as will make il possible for our children and our children's children to appreciate tin lives and labors of those who have made this county

what u is todav. We are proud of our towns, our broad, cultivated fields, iiur schools and cliurclies, our beautiful homes, We lake a pardonable pride in living in .1 counts' « here peace and harnioii) dwell, where the people enjoy those blessings vouclisafed to them b\ the laws ol an indulgent nation.

In order thai the present generation may breathe the same spirit which animated the pioneers ol this county, il is necessary to go back to the lime when the Indian roamed this pail ol the state; when the beaver plied his trade, unmolested b\ ihe while man; when the uncut forest and undraincd swamps presented more terrors than the wild inhabitants thereol. Ii will he neces- sarv l" tell "I the tune when France had control ol ibis territory and ul the time when Kngland drove the hreiich lroin this country. Ihe Revolutionary War is a part of the history of I'utnam count) and il comes in lor a share ol attention ; ihe War i >i iNu is still closer allied with the hist* iry ol the count) and it is briellv in it iced.

We have tried to recite these facts so that our coming generations may become familiar with them and thereby have a clearer understanding ol the sterling men and women who have preceded them. Ma) this presentation imbue Us with a greater love for our county, our state and our nation, and may we highlv resolve that we will strive to do our share toward making I'utnain county the best count)1 in the state. With this introduction, we submit that which follow s.



All life and achievement is evolution; present wisdom conies from past experience, and present commercial prosperit\ has come onh from past exer- tion and suffering'. The deeds and motives of the men who have gone before have been inslrumental in shaping llie desiinies ol later communities and state. The development ol a new counlr\ was at nine a task and a privi- lege. It ret | u i red great courage, sacrifice and privation. * ompare the pres- ent conditions of the people ol I'ninam countv, Ohio, with what they were one hundred years ago. Krom a trackless wilderness and virgin land, it has come to In' a center ol prosperity and civilization, with millions <>i wealth, svstenis of railways, p,raud educational institutions, splendid indus- tries and immense agricultural and mineral productions, ("an any think- person he insensible to the fascination id the study winch discloses the aspirations and efforts oi the earh pioneers who so strongh laid the founda- tion upon which has been reared the magnificent prosperity oi later days? 'In perpetuate the sttir\ of these people and to trace and record the social, polit- ical and industrial progress of the community from its first inception is the function of the local historian. A sincere purpose to preserve facts and per- sonal memoirs that are deserving of perpetuation, and which unite the pres- ent to the past, is ihe motive for the present publication. A specially valuable and interesting department is that one devoted to the sketches ol representa- tive citizens of this count v whose records deserve preservation because of their worth, effort and accomplishment. The publishers desire to extend their thanks to the gentlemen who have so faith inllv labored to this v\\A. Thanhs are also due to the citizens of I'utuam county for llie uniform kind- n< xiih which thev have regarded this undertaking, and lor then mail} services rendered m the gaining ol necessary information

In placing the ''llislon of Putnam County, Ohio," before the citizens, the publishers can conscientiously claim that (hey have carried out the plan as outlined in the prospectus Keen biographical sketch in the work has been submitted to the partv interested, for correction, and therefore am error iif fail, if there be any, is solely due to the person for whom the sketch was prepared Confident that our effort In please will fully meet the ap- pp 'I ial ion ni the public, w e are,


I I IK I'l ' I '. I . I S M I k'S.



First White Men in Northwest Territory Fnglish and French Claims Three Successive Sovereign Flags Over Present Ohio Territory Passing of tile Indians— Battle of Fallen Timbers— Northwest Territory Ohio, the First Northwest State- Karly Settlements Activities <>i the Traders French and Indian War I'ontiac's Conspiracy Northwest Territory and Oucbce Act— Kcvolulioiiary Period George Rogers Clark and Mis Cam- paign First Surveys ami Karl} Settlers Ordinance of 1787 First Stage of Government Under the Ordinance- Second Stage— Organization of the Northwest Territorj Representative Stage of Government— First Terri- torial Legislation— Division of 18(10— Census of 18<l(>— Symnies Purchase and Cither Karly Settlements County Organization Indian Wars Formation of a New Slate -Date of Ohio's Admission to the Union— Capitals of North- west Territory and of Ohio -Coiisl ilutional llislorj of Ohio M ilitary Rec- ord—Land Grants— Military Land- Refugee Tract Road Land.-,— Canal Grants— /.ane Sections Ministerial Lands— School Sections— Ohio Politics Lioundary Lines— Organization of Counties and Karly Events.


Surface Features of the Land Soil Formation Moraines— Streams of the County Mineral Resources of the County Tests for Oil and Gas.


Indian Mounds -Theii Contents Theories as in Their Origin— Artifacts and Relic. -First Ownership of the Land and Occupancy by the Indians The Ottawa Reservation— Deportation of the Indians Pe-lon-i-(piet— The Tauwas Indian Village -Treatment by the Government— Ancient Burial Places in Putnam Count} -Fl. Jennings \ l!il ol Squaw Justice— A Tough i ili/.en The "Light I louse"— Indian Sugar ('amps.


First While Family— Settlers Dunne, Hie Years 1825-3-1 -The German-Swiss

Settlement Hardships of the P vers Pioiieei Honeymoons The Mcii-

Iti illilcs.

("HAITI R \ COUNTY ORGANIZATION .. .. .. ... - 10.1

hull. in Cess > Compi ising Pulnaiii Connly I < i i 1 1 . . i \ Legislative Ail

( lealing ill.- Count} In .(ruction of Karly C Hy Records ( )i gauizal imi

ol the County Local I Count} Seal Fn-i ('..nil lloiisi and l.nl


I haugcs in County Area Township I )i gani/alion County Officials i lerks \uditors Recorders lu.i,in«i Sheriffs Coroners Surveyors Prosecuting Vllorncys Probate Judges County Commissioners Repre- sentatives in Congress Representatives in Slate Legislature Male Sen- ators County Infirmary Tax Commissioners.


Ulaiichanl Township- Gilboa -Mel ullouglnillc -- Livingston Grcensburg Township J ackson Township -Jennings fownship— Ft. Jennings Rush- more— Liberty Township West Leipsie— Monroe Township Hartsburg— W'islcrman Monterey Township Ottoville— Ottawa Township Ottawa - Uandorf liriekner - I'almer fownship— Miller City— Kieferville -North Creek Hector I'erry Township- Francouia— Dupont Cascade Cloverdale -I'leasanl Township— Columbus Grove— Riley Township Pandora W'cb- ster- Sugar Creek Township Yaughnsvillc Rimer Jones City Cnion Township Kalida - VanPurcn l",,wnship - Leipsie— lleliiiorc— Pitzer— Ward.


Larly Navigation of llie Streams Marketing Facilities- Completion of the Wlvenl of the Railroads— Railroad Mileage and Valuation— Tele- phone Statistics.


Methodist Fpiscopal Churches— Presbyterian Churches Congregational Church— United brethren Churches —Christian Churches Ml Zion 1 luirch

Lutheran 1 luirch— 1 luirch oi the Rrcthrcn ( I )unkard 1— Town-hip ( hurehes

- Catholic I lunches.

CHAPTLR IX- XKWSPAPFRS OF PUTXA.M COUNTY .. -. .. - - 196 Hul Few Daily Papers Before the War Difficulties of Karly Publishers an ' 1 Character of the Papers Uric f M enl ion of the Various Newspaper* W hi, h Have Kxist, ,1 111 lb, 1 1 111 5


li ;,i Ottawa Continental, liel , Leipsie, Columbus (.rove. Kalida.

Pandora, Ottoville lluilding and Loan and Insurauci Companies

CHAPTFR XI SFCRF.T SOCIKTI l-'.S. FRATFR N ITI FS \XDCLUP.S -212 Free and \ocpUd Masons, ami lis Wixiliary Organizations I lulcpendctil 1 n,| r ,,i 1 i,l,| |.\lb,ws Knight.. .-1 the Mai eahei - National I nioii Knights ..1 Columbus Catholic knights of ( Hiio The Research Club Kappa Phi I lelta I'ulnaiii 1 'Inb Catholic I adi, sol 1 oluiubia I he Ceil lennial Club— The Study Club- federation of Clubs Woman's Christian

II \|> I |,k Ml I II I M !• DIC \l. I'kuFFSSH i\ 221

I 1, v ol Ih, I .iih I'ln 11 i.hi lb, 11 I '1 lilies 011.I II., 1, Chip-. I 11

,,l 1I1, Ho, tors W I... II. im and \re Now IV,. n, 111 in Putnam 1 ounlj


0>N I IN IS.


First 'l\i in of Court in Putnam Count} First Appointees— Tavern Licenses First i.i.ii!.] Jury First ( asc in County Court- Attorneys of the County —Associates Judges Common Pleas Indies Circuit Court Judges.


A Marked ChaiiKC in the System of Kdueation in I'utnam County The Old and I'resent Systems Directory of Present Supervision Districts Colum- bus Grove Schools— Vaughnsville High School Crawl'is College Leipsic High School- Pandora High School— Ottawa lliirh School— County Spelling C< ntest,


i ivil-war I nlistments from the Various fownships Putnam County Ol'li- cers in the Civil War- Den. Americus V. Rice— Thrifty Soldiers Soldier Relief— A Civil-war Flection— Voters of 1847— Militia Days— Ohio National Guard— Grand Army of the Republic— Soldiers' Monument— Soldiers of the Revolution and of the War of 1812.


Business and Professional Interests of Putnam County in 1870— The Story of Johnny Applcsced— Karly Taverns -An Marly Distillery— County Mx- pctiscs in 184" Kaliila Market in 1847— Cholera at Gilboa in 1852 Marly Liquor Violations— An Marly Postmaster ol Gilboa— A Kalida Rat-trap— The Wolf-scalp Industry The First School on the Reservation Selecting Postmasters in 1845 Iron Bridges of Putnam County Marly Debating Societies— A Wonderful Rail Fence— Colored People in I'ntnain Counfy - The First Deed Recorded in the Count} Saloons in Putnam County— The Greatest Flood of Ottawa I',, Inn. J History of Putnam County Dewey Celebration Population Statist ii i - Highway Statistii -



A Blanehard Township—

First live-ills 116

i 'in, crs. First 115

Officers, Present 116

Organization of .. 106, 115

Copulation 277

Records, Karly, Destroyed 115

Settlers, First __ 115

Soldiers 2-17

Boundary Lines, State 50

Brickncr .. .... 142. 19.3

Bridges of 1'iiiiiani County 271

Brown County __ ... 62

Building and Loan Association 210

Burial Places, Ancienl 91

Business Interests, 1870 262

Butler County 62

Whims County 01

Admission of Oliio as a Slate 46

Mien County 61

\luiiim of I lltawa High Si hool 241

\ ii. i. lit Burial I'laces— .. 91

\ppleseed, Johnny 2(.5

\rea of County, Changes in 105

Armory 257

Mtifacts and Relics, Indian 87

Ashland County 61

Ashtabula County 61

Associate Judges 229

Athens County - <>1

Utorneys 22S, 2.5(1

Auditors, County 107

Auglaize County 61

Avis 119

Old Banking ..

.. 204

( anal. (. onipletion of

. 168


("anal Grants



if Fallen Timbers...

54, 44

Capitals of Northwest




and of Ohio .


.. 62


Carroll Comity ..



C'lSC nlc

14M 180

Catholic Churches



ess Interests, 1870 ition _. . ...

2b2 2.1.3

Catholic Knights of ( Ihio Catholic Ladies of Colun



hia 218

( iffici

i -.. First .. _ ...

_ ___ hid

Census of 18(K) .


< lllici

rs, Present


Centennial Club ... ...



Center Point Agricultura

Society.. 159


lie of _- -



ation .. ___..._.


( holna Kpidiinic _.


I'.lani h.

id ...

I8.i, 21.1

i In i nan i hlirches . ..

... ... LSI]

1 ll.m. Ii.

I'll Kiwi

ril Township -

Ill's .. __ ..

. 82

106, 115 185

( Inn, h of iIh- Brethren Churches ..



. 172


Churches in the Townslii t 'iii-uil Curl liidges ..

is 184

I Inn.


1 due;

1 1. ,n In ...

2.1.1, 2.1(i

C i\ il War. 1 In lion _. .


1 "It-. 1

oil, I'll ,1 .. ..


Civil War K 1

. 216


Claims lo Territory _.

lark County

lerks ni Court .. ..

I. -in i County

linioii County ... ...

lovcrdalc -



Incorporation oi __

Industries, Karly ...

( ll'liccrs, First

( Iflh t-rs, Present ...


[Matting of


Settlers, First

Clubs .. - ... Col,, re, I IV, pie - .. Columbiana County ... ( 'olunibus < Irove -

Attorneys '-">. ."''


Buildings, First ...

Business Directory 151

Business Interests, 187') 262

Churches ....172, 177, 17''

F.ilucation __ ... ------ 234

i I ontinclital—

Banks 205

Business Knlcrprisc ]2(>

' bun lies 174, )7'>, 185

Kducation __ .. ___ >M

lmpro\ eiuenls l_'n

Incorporation ol l.'i.

Industries .. . 120

Xaming of 126

Newspaper .. . 202

Officers, First 12o

Officers, I'resent . 127

I'hysicians .. ... 227->

Platted 13,

Population .. 278

Coroners 109

Coshocton County 63

( 'ounties i >rga ii I/,'. I Before 1799 -40

County Commissioners 110

County Kxpcnscs. 1849 2(>7

County Infirmary 113

206, 209, 211 County t uncials 106

150 County Organizations 45

County Organization 103

County Seat Located 104

Count} Seat Removal 104

County Spelling Contest 245

.. . 107



.174, 194

__ - 2i3










Industries. First 150 Coiintv, Karly Sessions

213. 215

___ 201


( Ifficcrs, First __ ... - 150

Officers, Present .. . ... ... 151

Physician? _. 225

Population ... -

Si tilers, Karly - - 151

Shipments .. - --- 152

Soldier-' Mo, mm nil ... 261

Survey of - 150

Commissioners, County 1 in

C .mmoii Pleas [udgi s— 22<i

.104. 136, lid

Court, First Case in.. Court House History.

Courts -- ... -- 226

Crawlis College .. 236

Crawford County 64

Creation of Putnam County 103

Croswell - 120

Cuba - ... 120

Cnvahoga County - 63


ompany \l, National (iuard.

iingregalioilal I Inn , Ii

ongress Lands


onneel ictil Rcserv c -

msl ,i tit i> mal t "onvcnl ions _.

,nst inn ioiial I listory


Addition to .. . \ 1 1 or u ey s - -

257 Darke County ... 64

178 Date of Ohio's Admission 46

Debating Societies, Karly 272

Deed. First R< , onled in County 273

Deli. one Comity 64

I Mawarc County ... ... 64

1 ), portal Ion of the Indians 04

Dcstm. mm of Com, iv K, cords 103

Di-wcj ' 'elebralioii ... 277


-. _ _-_ 126

2 '.') 2 in I >isl ilb i v. F.ai l.v


Dim. i. .n of 1800..

Dnhnnan's (Irani .

Di .niiii'-;!. >n _

I lunUard Church --

Dttpoiit - Churches I i. , liiw

E.lm .ii... u

Growth of

Industries -



( i I'li < its. Present



-11 120

1 1

Francnia ... ... ... .... .147, 225

Franklin I '..iiniy .. . _ ... _ dS

l-'iaw mi., I History . . ... ... ... 2\2

183 Pice anil Accepted Masons 212

French and Indian War 35

French (Irani .. ... ... 52

French Settlement ... . __ ... 34

147 147 214 147


Early Debating: Societies 2/2

..: . Settlers of Putnam County.. 98

I arlj Taverns 226, 2nd

Educational History 231

l.lm Center 124

English Claims 34

Enlistments from Putnam County— 246 Erie County 64

Eayette County 65

Kederation of Clubs 22}

First Northwest Territorial Legis-

lature ... .__ ._ 41)

First Territorial Surveys 37

El I, Great, at Ottawa 274

Ft. Jennings

Business Interests, 1870 2(>.>,

Churches . 191

Education 222>

Improvements 123

Incorporation 122

Ol'liccrs 123

I'liysicians 225

Platting .- 122

Population 277

Settlement - 122

l''i, Jennings Stockade .. ... 94

I'iiiii ill of |uly I 'elebraliiiii 277

French Traders Fulton County .



148 Gallia County ...

225 Gas an. I ( HI, Tests for

278 Geauga County

German-Swiss Settlement


Business Interests, 1870

272 Business Interests, Present- Cholera Epidemic




Paid .,nt


_. 263

.. 118 ,8, 117

Fairfield County 65

Fallen Timbers, Battle of 34, 44 Glandorf

t H'ricers, Present ... .

Physicians 225

Population 277

Postmaster, An Early 268

Taverns, Early 266

Building ami Loan Association... 210

Business Interests 142

Business Interests, 1X7(1 263

Churches 192

Education 233

Founder of 141

Incorporation 142

Industries, Early 141

Insurant e Association 208

Laying < Hit of __ ... 141

Ol'licers, First .. 142

( H'licers, Present .. ... 142

Physicians ... 225

Pioneers of 141

Population 278

Survey of 142

Governors of Ohio 58

Grand Army of the Republic 258

Grand Fury. First ... 227

ill- li iM< AI IXH1 X.

1 ii am s, Land

fircone County

i Irooiisliurfj Tc .wnship Area

Churches __ .

Kdueation ..

Farms ..

l Mh. ,-i -, __

I In;. mi/. it inn of -- Population _


Soil ... ...

Soldi, i ■, __

Gr, em ill.'. 'I reaiy of Cm in-, v i . unty

.106, 11'' 185 2.3.1


____ 120

.___ 11)0

iniiltoii Count} __.

ir.lin i"..uiii} ._

ir.lships ol Pioneers, irinar, Gen. Joseph., oi isuii County _.


1 !


rill V

I .milt} _





1 1 ir r


.. ... ,v'


111 . .11


County - _

. . _ 0,

1 >

n.lepen.leiil I >n]cr of I i.ld Fellows. 21.)

ndiail liuryiiiK Cr ids (J\

n.lian Mounds __ ... _ 85

ndian Oceupanc} .. __ 88

"•" i.. .i Relies __ ... _" 87

ndian 'I'm aties .. ... 88

"■li«» Wars ._ _._ ... 44

ndians in I'utnam County 85

ii lii inary, ( oiinty __ .. I I i

nsiiranc. \ cialions 208

lacks. >n Township—

\m.i 1,)0 |20

1 linrches - 186

Kdueation 23.)

Location __ 120

< ll'liccrs, Present .. ... ___ ... 120

' ' ai ali hi of _ l()6

Population 277

Ki '>rds Destroyed 120

Settlement .. ... .. . 120

ll'J Jail History 104, I .in

119 JelTersou County 68

-C J. in - I own-hip -

b x";l 106,121

66 Churches __ ... |85

L<UK'ati..n ._ ... ... 2.).')

Distillery ... 207

' M'licials. Present __ 122

''" ' >i". mi/. in, ,11 ,,1 . .__ ... !()(,, 121

<" Population ._. ._ .__ ___ __ 277

S. illcinenl ... ... 121

1<JI) Soldiers ... ... 248

■W Tav, mm. Farly .. . 227

"hnny \pplesecd __ 2o5

"»i-s City ._ ___. ... 15s

ud.u'i-s, Associate _. ... ... 22')

u.Ikcs of Circuit Court _'."'

uiltfcs of ( .111111. > 1 1 Pleas ('...in 22')

initios of Prohate Court 110

my, Grand, the First 227

K. il.. I.i -

Attorneys 228, 230

"iai'ks ■- - J.M

P.usin.'.ss Interests ... . p,|

liusiiicss Interests, 1870 _'.,.(

1 Inn, he, _. .... ... ___ .,75i m

Count} Scat ... ... loo

Court II,, use ... |f)|

Court, Sessions of .. ... ... 227

K.lucalion .. ... ... .... .... 2,i.j

1'ires .. _ p.,

l'"ir.st I' Mills .. ._ |i,()

In, orporation of __ ... ... .. Jo]

Li ai ion .. ... 104

Market in 1847.. ... .. 207

X. w ,pap, , . .. ... |08

( llli.'.'l .. I'm , 1,1 p,|

ISTlMH \1. I MH \


n... i,


lou ii;

144 2K5 2 1 fj 09

; i


_ -




_'i * . : 2i ,3

; .- .-■

1 0.1 103 lo4

214 201 ll 1

l.il.erl} Township


Swamp, .. ...


. 248 1 >.\

I'..M..I iii 1845.

l.i.l-.iiiL- County


I . i 1 1 1 House " tlie

1 av. ins, Karlv __


Linn stone 1 )i posits .'_ ...


kappa I'Iii 1 >. Ita Ki. f, iv ill. -

I.i.l \ iolali.ms

1 ,i\ illusion

2i .s 118

Knights of Colunihu

1 oeatii in of C. .unly Seal

. 104

uf ih. Mac,







Lake ( ounty -

1 .iitlicran Church ..... .


Laiul • Irants oi I Hi

lie Mel ulloiujhville

, ,o

u i Wt Cri




_ 118

tire, First X,


i \v e

5t Terri-

M Mad, sou County ...




Mahomnj. County

Stave Co

Mari. r , iij

1 >6



173, 170, 234,

M ai i. ui i . .may .


Markel [Vices, 1847....

Kducal i.in .


Marketing Facilities, Karl Masonic < o.l.i

. 168

21 '

In.-. >rpo ration ._ _

Mauniee Road Lands

Imliisii ies Karlv -



1 M

.Medical l'rofes.sion

Medina County


S'l a >papcrs


Mennonites ..

Mereer County . _ ...

. 102


10.1 104

100 184 12

2.1 '• 12.1 124

1 2 '• .',,

! M

I'l.pulalion .

M. ilc .1.-1 Kpis, opal Churc

1 1. s

. 17'

I'ai ly

1 , Motor (',,

Mileage of Railroads

. 170



M ilitary « ilTi, . i s from

('.unity ... ...

Military Record of County Military Record, Stale ...


ii >5 '

' huri lies _.


i ;, .. .


1 ,lu, ,ii ion

Militia Havs .. ...

Miller City—

Cliurehes .


KleCli HI. [MISt

rs, ['resent


' >!:■., Ill/all. ,11 of ' lalinll

SrllKlll.nl .


k. Inc. ,ti. m ..

In, ., r(i, .rati. .n of .. ...

Industries . ... .

... .


. 144 111


Miller i 1 1 % i H'lieei s. Present


Physi, ians




Soil Fertility


Mineral Kcsourecs

Ministerial Lands

Missioiiai its, 1 arly

Minimi' County



Monroe Township - Area


Churches -------- -


1 '5

1 »s

1 ll :\11U/ath.!l of -

H if ,

I'opulation -


Settlement - - --

Soldiers -

1 '5 '4')

M i mil ri y Tow nsliip Area -






Flection, First

1 '7

I M'lieers. First -


( Mliccrs, I'rescnt -. i Irganizalion of _. . .. Copulation

1 !H



Settlement - -

1 '7

Soldiers ..


Montgomery County __



Moraines ... ..

Morav ian ( Irani




Mt /ion Church


1 '1


National Guard 257

National L'nion 216

New Cleveland 142, 19.1

Newspapers of Putnam County 1%

Nnl.le County .. .__. 71

North Creek _ -.. Ml. I'M

Northwest Territorial Legislature,

First 4l)

Northwest Territory 33, 30


dd Fellows -. 21.1

hio Admin, ,1 ,,, ., Slate— 46

hio Land Company I'urehase 52

In. i National Guard 257

hio, Natural F, alures oil

hio Politics 57

hio. Situation of 60

hio. Streams and Lakes 60

il and Gas Tests 84

rdiuanee of 1787 37

i ganizalion of Counties ol

rganization of the County 103, 104

rigin of Indian Mounds— 86


Armory _ 257

Attorneys 228, 230

Banks !04, 207

Beet Sugar Factory 138

Business Interests, 1870 264

Business Interests, Present 137

Churches 135, 175, 186

Clubs .

Com t Mouse .-

Dewey Celebration _


Finances, City - ...

Fire Department

First Settlers

M Is

Fourth of July, 1876—

Growth, Early

High School Alumni. Indian Occupancy --




.135, -'34, 240



1 !.1

_ .'74




Industries __ 137

Lodges 212, 216, 258

Merchants, First 134

National Guard 257

N, wspapers

( Mliccrs, Present

t H'liccrs, Salaries nf


Population -.


2()() 140

I ll 224 278

! 10 I il

ii i> niuu'.M. imii.x.

Iluildniy-. ..


1 3a

Additions to


Kducalioii __ ... ..



... 154

Taverns l-larly _.







. 154

( )tta\va Kl'mti at ii 'ii

i Iverall Factory

Physii ians



-.- - "5


.. 278

\r. a

Railroad. Advent of.

Tavei n. Karly .. ... auldmn County - - emlleton .. ... ...


11 ".m

...132. 233 1 131 1


_ 74

.. 204

_ __. 132 1 Kid, 131 1 278


. 74

' n nani/.atioii of

erry Township


Churches .

... 106


Solilit rs

. 24' )




. 132

|.'n si Settlers . - ..


( Uii>\ ill;

Improvements . ._



_ _._ . 145

1 50

. ... 14o

liusiness Interests



( (dicers, First .. ...


Cluirclu -


i (ll'u ers, Present







. i2(;

'i i

Population ._ __-


! Pow. r i

Si tilers. I'm si _- ... Soldiers ...

... 145

>5 '

_2n_' 1

128 1

129 1

e Ion i-miel - 89

i Uliccrs, 1 •" i r s t -



ike I .iiinly

. 75


1 28 1

ioneer 1 lonevin is

ionecrs. 1 fardsliips of leasant Township Area .. ... .__ __

- Kil

'78 1




P Palmer Township- Area

Churches ..


First Invents

150, 186


-__ 149

Creation of _


Industries, I'.arly ..


1 ..ii



1 n.surancc Company Natural Features - i Mlioers, Fil si I Uliccrs, Present ..

-- -



_. ... 143

I Irtranization of .. Population ... —-.

Settlei s, l'"ii si

Soldi, rs __ __--

\ titci First

Polili, al History .. olilii s in < 'In.. .... ...

106. 14')


___ 149

__ ..... 250

i liKani/.ation of _.




__ 278

Soldiers ..

. 250 1



Pontiac's Conspiracy

I'. i|. ill; III. .11 III ISIII)

I'm tagc I nunlj --

Postmastei -. Sclc i ting in 1X45 271

I'oimhitiiiii Statistics 277

Preble Ci.unty 75

Prentiss -. - - - 125

Presbyterian Clmrclies 175

Press, the 1%

Probate .Indies 111)

Professional Interests, 1N70 2o2

Prosecuting Attorneys 111' J

I'nl. he Schools of Putnam County— 231

Putnam Club 218

Putnam County, Changes in Area.- 105

30 Rimer .. ... 15

•12 Kiv its of Puma i nunlj H

74 Roads, Karly .. 10

71 koads ..! Today.. 27

77 Ro.-o i 1 1 1 r 1 1 > ... 7

75 kuyal and Select Masters 21

25 Royal Arch Mumiiis 21

75 Kuslimore .. ... 125, 22^. 25

i i

Quebec Ai t ..


kail Pence, A Wonderful 272

kailroads, Advent of 109

Railroads, Mileage and Valuation.. 170 Rat-trap [mention 26'J

Ret "i ilei -. County __ 107

Records, < mill) , Burning of..

Ri fugee Tract

Related Stair History


St. Clair, Cen Arthur 44, lol

Sal is uf Putnam County 274

Salt Sections .. 56

Sandusky County In

School Districts ._ .255

Scl I, Pirst of the Reservation 271

School Sections .. 57

Scl I Superintendents __ 233

S.I I> 251

Scioto County 11

Secret Societies 212

Senators, State 112

Seneca County .. ... - 77

Si lilement by Prench ... 54

103 Shelby ( utility - 76

54 SherilTs

55 Sidelights un Putnam History.

172 Soil uf the County.

al mils .. Removal of County Scat Kcpre.seiitati\ e i im cinincnl

Repi eseutatives

Research ( lull ..

kevultitit.iuiry Period

kevolulionary Soldiers

Rice, Gen. Americus V

il l '.iiiiiiy

Riley Township- Area

Churches . .. 18

Kducalion 23

I I ii. First 153 Study Clul

First Kvents 153 Sugar Cam

(ierman Immigration 152

Officers, Present 153

Organization of 106, 152

Populatit.il ... 275

Sclllcrs, Firs' .. .. .. .. I..2

Soldiers .. ... ... 252

Soldier Relief ..

.... 5'J Soldiers' Monumenl

___ 112 Spelling Contest. County—

217 Sipiau Justice ..

3d Mark I "utility ..

2ol Stale Boundary Lines

... 2S2-, Si. Hi- History, Related

... 7n State Military Record

Slate Politics

106, 152 State Senators ...

Statistics, Population

Sti ranis ,,!' Pill nam I ininly.


Si _' ;:


Sugar (/reck Township- Area - .--


I .In. atioii .......

( lllicei s, k ii I

i illicers, Pi.--, in -


I- 1

2.v<, 157 I 7


■,.,, L'n-i-U I ownship

nl __ I'opulation .. - Si-i i Ji-im. -in

Sur\ i- j ul

157 1 =

Summit I ninny

Slip! 1 1"! CHllcUtS. School --

Supcrv isimi I )ir.t riots

Sin \ r\ nrs. ( .unity

Slirv eys, Imi-sI I'i nil. .rial

Swiss Sit 1 1 inu-iu

Svmims Purchase

III , yy

'I an was Indian \ ilia; Tavern I. urn-,.- ___.

Tawa Village

l"ax i .1 issioncrs -

Telephone Lines



. 17n 170

Tci ritory N'orthwcst (if tin- I »li i*» .5-1 Topography

Township l liurchcs

Tnwiisliip t Ij ionization TiiWIl-llip Population

'I'i .in -|" 'i lalinii, ICarly

Tica-urcis. Count> .

Trcalics willi hi.lians

1'i.alj "I Crccinillc -

I i-iimliiill i .unity

Turnpike Lands __ I ii , ,,:.i ,va- i . .mil V -

I iiion ' i nun y

1 nioh Township

Area - .-

I' ilm a I i. 'ii

Imi . . h.arly t H'liccrs, First ..



1i.ii ..15') i 'i ionization of 100. 15'J

I'n, ml. .lion .. .. - - 278

School Disli ids 'loo

Settlers, h'irst -- -- -- 15'J

I 'nited lircthrcn Churches

I nileil States Military Lands.

\ aluatiou ..I Railroads \ an liuren Township


(. hurehes


I Miner,, hirst

I ip.Mi.iMlnill ul" I'opulalion __

Settlers, Kirst

Soldiers .. ._ ..


\ .-,Ui;llllM. ,11,

liusiiiess Interests, 1870.



I'hysi. ians ___ 225

1 'I .i . r 1 1 , ol 158

I'reseni Conditions 158

\ .hi W.ii County 78


... li.J

... ioo

. . _ 278

... 102

... 102

... 2(.4

178, 180

1S4 Village I'opulalion 277

105 Vinton Count) 78

Virginia Military District 54

ll,8 Volunteer Soldier-, from the Vari-

108 mis r.iwnships .. 247

SS \'oiers ol 1847 ... . !5o


5o w

78 W ai ni 1812, Soldiers of

Ward ._ __ _


. .. lo7

Warren I ounty 70

Washington (.'ounty 78

Wayne, < ien. Anthony * _ __ . . 44

Wayne i ouiHj . 7')

W ehstei __- .. .. .. 156

West Leipsie

litisini -- Inter, sis. In st. 124

I neorpoi ,n ion ._ 124

OMicials, l-'irsi 124

Physicians 223

I'latu .1 .. 124

I'opulalion 124, 277

Settle .it . 124


\\ illi.nn- ("..Hilly . 7''

WiMcrinan Ml,, \7'i

Wolf Scalp Industry _V)

\\ oman's < In isl i.m Tempo ancc

I'm. .11 22.3

\V 1 Coiinly ...

\\ ) alldol I 'ollllly

Zanc Sections



\j.ikt. James M.„ . -1054

Mkirc. Unities P. - 531

All,. i. Daniel M. - 1-41

Mu-nlntrgcr, George P 1 Uj3

Wn-tui.-, Peter A. 52X

\.im-rr, Francis X. '.'51

\„l in.-.. M.raltam P. 1110


llaoh. George ! I. - 36X

Haclilall. Augustus - - -- X09

Hailey, J.»lin P. - H>23

l!aki r, Squire J. - - ---- 1423

Haker, Thomas J. - 546

Hall.auglt, Frank I). _. ..1151

Hall, George _ _ - 11%

Hall, John - -1058

Kail. Martin .. 1141

Hall, \\ illiam - -Hl'5

liarl.cr, \1plia II.. I). I). S... 916

Harm s. Isaae II. - - -1454

Mr-, I rah ... W)

r. Levi - 39S

>. W illiam .. - 124S

I',, liarles W. :'"1

!i l.ihn ""

ii, Henry ... -10'»

la-.u- William II., M. I).- 394

Hell, William A. 472

Helming, Henry J. .. 12X2

Keiistuan, l-'rank G. -- '"4

la-:. Amos W. 41S

Hest. George I.

I!, niler, i liri.siian '>72

Heiiller. William A. .. ,|:''

liix.-l, Peler I).. M I). 313

Hl.mvell, ' liarles k. 501

Hlue, Lawrence V. Uln

H,,eeker, Joseph "''S

limarl. Isaac I-:. . .


la, .,.,,,. lolin . ...


Hoi-Kelt, Merman II.


Howell, Joseph, Jr.


Uor Ii William .


Honnan I'harlcs C. - .


Hr.u-y, Miner !•'.. ...

. 450

lira, v. Isaae .. ... - . -. -

. 4<W

1 Irani |ohn lacoli


liridenl.aii-^li, John 1). .


Hrinknian, Harry 1-1. .... -

- 605

Hrinkman, Malliias -



Huckland, l-'.lali Marts . -

. 999

Hue sell i r lulin It


Hurirtss, Hostwick 1".


Hurill, F.rnest . ... ---


liiirill llenry - -


Hurkharl, Ml. en


Hurkhart, I larenee A.

-. 813

Hurkhart. F.nnnclt 1.

__ 454

Hnrkhart, llenrj


liurkhol.lcr, George A.

. 1464

Hums, I'lwiiiH V'., D 1). S.



Calvelagc. Henry


I inli r lolm M . .-

... 1120

i arr, Davi.l II. _._ -

.. 470

I'-irvcr lohn 1' ... _ .—

.__ 46X

i ass Gharles i '. -

1 ( L'l 1

i asleel, F.l.cnczer


i 1 irk I'llioll


i oil, i mj k. ...




Conrad, lohn G.


( ore, l>a\ ill


lore George W.


1 orlman |o-,cph


Ill(ii;u.\|-Il It'AI. INDKX.

'uiiiiiuliuiii. .[..In. \\ . 156

rawfonl. J.ilm M. - 957

Vjivvfcnl, \\ lis, ,11 M. ...... 41)7

nlchcl. I'ranU E. ... . .. 358

nrtis. W illiani X. . 554

Dangler. Mcn

Dangler, < olnmbm I-:. Darling, J.hijii han .1. D:i\i-, I'hrktian

Davis. I'icrec

I lay, II t \i. . -

Dc.-c.-k, r.il.nar - DeiiVnl.an^li. John I".. 1 >.-l-..rcl. IV. >i. S. I-". I, u-rs, I'hcotlorc .. ..

I icVore. hi l

') i k, Siclm-j ' Dibble, William E. _. I id .M, . William \V.. Dickey. Samuel M, .

I lii-'ni r, Juli n

I tiller. \ni-.is i . . Dohnieyer, Michael I- Doepker, I rank II. . Doepker, l-'rank \V. Donaldson. John !)..!-. i harles W. DouniiiL-. kobcrl W. Draper, I barb s \V. . I Irapcr. Warren ' '. Drerup. John II. .. Droll, I'rank I-'. Dunlaii, I ..-- i.-r _ _

■\k. Keniamin I-'.

".tlelhrock, I'enjaniin - :,U-ll,n.rk. I'rank ... ■dclbrock, Join, li. . Mclhrock. \\ illiam A, Cclclbrock, William II.

clward.s John ■'.dwards. John \V. . ■dwarcls, Joseph Ik .. ■..Iwanls, Joseph II. . ■".dwards, \\ illiam W.

Il,,l,r,„k. l-rcd II.

604 1026.

50i i . 524 ..1319 .. 324 ._14i.l . 1389 .. 4(IS _ 341

7i ,,s' .1032 .. 400

3l li i

633 . .1287 .. 421 . 1106 . . 1 3' AS .. 7H3

1370 725 037 966 1184 1036 1314

968 719 7(i-4


64 l

li. rbroi k, John |.\ .. 129.1

ll.rl,i,„k. John W 338

man-., Daniel .. .. 1356

rliari, I'rank 729

rust. Henry ..1174

rust, John W. 622

.tu-r. \\ illiam T. ._. 1204

rails, David S. ... . 706

airehild, W illiani II. 1003

aw, ell. I Inn, ellinan, liarn errall, Charles \ is, libai k. John isher, John Ik

letcher, I lytic M. .

ogle, i harles \\ D. V. S

raker. Jacob J.

rani/. W illiani I'. .. . .

rani/, William W.

rencli, W illiam M.

uerst. Mathias I.





. 59 )



. 864

14IO 396

111 512

.-- 319

W. M


:bhartlt, Martin 1028

•leer, Llewellyn ... 33o

•orgc, John I.. M. I). 130"






. 1 2X1 i 560


... SI1

... 879

enk-man, Mathias .

erdeniann, Carl M.

erdiiiK, Hubert (.'.

erwert, l\ev. Henry 815

iesken. l-'rank 892

iesken. l-'rank .1. 841

ill, en. kufus E. . . 618

illiotte, George I'. . 987

meiner, l-'rank ... . 330

ores, George 1152

rani, l-'ranklin . ;'",

ris.nore, Henry . 384

r, ,11". David II. ... . 616

in ney, ' Irren I!. 800

r.loilk.U'll ll'AI. l\l>l.\.

alk, i. (In alki-r, lli-i alker. Joh anulen. c;

: . ett,

aiuly. \\ i arris. Shel



■!.-, 1344

in-v -- 1303

11 \V. . .


i-i.rm- D. rank K

K77 3.W

11, .Mil II.

1 ,M IS

in. si 1.


illll II. 'Mil

... 14 14

111 1



aselman, T auyliu. J. .In .I M.

i-i-knian, Tin-. .(lore

I. nK]i. Ju.Ikc a.m.. .. i isi-Iiinan. J.-sm \'.. I i. V. S. . i-iiK,. I i-nlin ml i-lmk:imi>. 1 rank \Y. . .

i-nry, I harles I'.

nry, I i-vi I'.

. nsi-l, Sanin. ID. .

i riiiL.liau-. Ilernard II.

4m 1 lul "i.l

i.". ■■;•

.11 ISO l)7(i

. (.54

, rmilli-r, l-'re.l A. .. i-ruiilliT, lli-nry J. - > .in ill. r. I. ..ins ...

I.k.-y. Hn-M- I''. . .

i. key. \\ . D., M. I). i. key. \\ . II., M. I), illy, I'.enjaiiiiii II. ilty. l-:.Kvanl . illy. Henry illy, U.i.ir

i|. kills, I'll .,. i

. :.. I. .1.11 \Y. ...

in-lin, \in..ii ... . ..inn. in. Daniel

nffiiiaii, Frank

ol'l'niaii, Marry I.. ..in, ...,i John II. ohenbrink. Jnlin \V.

..111,., Ml!, II,, ,,;.,,,

olt/.liatR-r, Charles I ,,1-sliiian, Theodore iil'fiiian, < liark-s II.

i Davi.l

in .,n, II, .war. I C.

mi, i. I.i-\i . -

S1 >i i 1 13d . " 1 2 . 4N4

3-t" . 3-ld




1321 1150

i, | /i i


1 21 IN I.WI



Humphreys, Howard I ln> mil in. Aaron . . I luysnian, Allen lluysinan, ( '., melius

Irw Irw Irw

. "2.1 .121(i _ 1 1 Sri


1 27 1 .122" . 1 25 1



I'rof. Harry M s, Charles II. .. s, ( harles I I. ..

v I . ,

.In. K


147-. 111'. 11.-1

Ka-y. St. phen A. . .. K ihle, Aumist .. Kahle, l-'rank, Sr. ... kahle, Ignatius - Kahle, I I, ,n. Ignatius 11. Kahle, Joseph II. ... . Kappauf. John i, Kaiifmann, Henry Kelires, J.ilin

I... ii. i. I I ,-r II.

K.irns. S.uiiiu-1 II.

I .ii

__ 717



... 704

. N53


I liiJ



S1 1 1 135S

! erner, Kdwar.l . .. N52

Kerner, Joseph _ ....... 7lJo

Ki-rner, Mathias J. 7S1

Kernor, Theodore J. .1403

KerstiiiK, Joseph . . 875

Ketner, Henry S. .. . . 50M

Killen, kalpli I'., I). I) S. "54

K i in ii i. i I. . J.,hn I-. . S32

Kinder. Ceorec I). 712

Kii-kendall, llenjainin _ 7C0

Kirkendall, kalph S. . 1 I"!

Kissell. kol.ei-l \V. 1007

kl.niMii,.. John I4ul

KlatiMiu:, Joseph I. 'si

Kleiiian, John I I. I (UN

Klmr. William 4"0

Kncllcr. (,i-i.rKi \\ . 1071

kncppcr, Jacob (J. . 811,

knucven. Ili-nrj . . 1127

Kuhli. II'. .. . 4dl)

Kohls, John, Jr. 104(i

Kohls, \\ illiam . . 13K3

Koiisl. Louis . ._ SOJ

Koiist, Mathias S(,3

Is. .in ■ill, n.ck, Harney .. UN1'

in nbro, !.. I leitrj .._. 1273

Krai; . Koberl M . . .1421

KAI'II IC'AL 1 N'DliX. McCinnis

■IT, ( Mill


n rj

Samuel I'. n, Anion . lacol, M. I ouis W.

I.aibc. K.linimd I..

I anniii rs, II, rnanl I. .

I amiiKTS, II. my J. _.

l.ayport, k, v. l-dw.ird, I), I). 1 ayton, Robert 15. __ . .

i 111, r, Daniel M. I.chiiiilcn. Louis V. ._. . . I ,in-, ii. r, David \.





l.ciiilcy, Dr. Krncsl I' Leopold, llcrnard ..

J cpold, Joseph .

Li wis. John \. . . I i. brechl, Joseph

■.I leiiry I'". . I. ml,. Henry W. ],,-.,„. Ii-.,nk

Joseph - - Lowe. William II. . Lovcry, James W. I nml.ilil. I'.ler I'. _

1 300 1452 1203

.llliS S.S4 14 If,

.1407 111'. 2 (.15 I till

i,24 1 l.v

4; 4


Mai I ),,ii. ,1,1. J. ones ..

Mel lish, Ciilbert

M, i ..ii, . Kdward I .

M, •!. . Merman

M. I lowi II. ' >n ill.-






I I i

1 _'<M (i«M

u-ney 11.


In. T.

-. 1112

epl, 1. I,



__._ 11 In

loin, 1 I,,,,

1'eler 1.


arrj Ii.


illiam 1 .


loin, r.

7 J.1.

hard II. . !•),,>

inian l\ 1-417


M Ma-.it,', IS

M.I..C. Jo

Ma i,, I,, .Madden, M. in How, Mall., ban. Man, mis, Mapel. II Mi],, I. \\ ill Mall

Mei-schmaii, lohn Mers, nan. lleoiec II. Alersnia.i. Iu.1l;,' Joseph Meyer, Hen., id J. Meyer, I harks II. Mey,

Meyer, Herman Meyer, John II. Meyer, lohn II. Meyer, John \\. -Michel, bred, Jr. Mill.r. David II. Miller. i,,o,im \\ Miller. James II Miller. Join, |-\ . Miller. John J. Miller, John J Miller. John W. Messier, I'eiei A. Mo.Iimmii. Jacob Moenin,.. Henry Moenin- John Tl Morman. I- r.,,,1, II. Monnan, Herman W. Muelie. Ivev. I alher M Mull.i. \\ illi.-un C. Mullell. Ceoi-He Myei ,. Jacob S. Myers, John \ Myers, Samuel

Xailk.i. \ukusI Winker. Henry I!. \', ill, loseph W.

. (.72 _ 312

. 432 . I 25.S

1 3'if,





1 1 71

1 2 1 N

.1 175




. 1 1 IS4

. 3(,.',

. 42i,

1 12')


_ S51



<>1 I 1072

IIIOCU.M'll ICAL l.\Hi:\.

Neiswander, Hurry A., M. D... 31 IS

\nn nschwunder, I'hilip .-..__._.. 933 Newman, Rudolph I lllj

Nichols. Amos

' i, iiIktk, J is. |>li . 37ll

'.:- . Ii, Ki x. I ram-is [Nil

loin it, i , I, si i.i ii. Jr. 1 1 l.iO

\nirol Theodore __ .. S5(.

N'r.irot. Victor __ 1,31

Norman, Mm li.

( icknly. John I'.. M. 1).— . .1323

i Ijjan, JiuIrc Julius S. ... 2XS

1 Ut. . I krhanl II. . .1 177

l lucns, David I'. 977

hi Krank .IKo

ilnu-r, ( arlcton I'. 520

,rrctt, Harry C. . 57(,

lillips, J. C. 500

erman, I'harlcs ' I. 1052

.Tin. iu. Homer \V. .. . ._ _ 1042

.11. ml, Arthur I ... I). V. S. S(.l

itchard, Martin I.. ... ... (.7d

Ah. u/.,

( ,XS 387 413 942 143h 487 5S-I

;,ini|,c, William

kunpe, William _

kuth. II. 1'.

;,,y. i harks J.. M. I).

k-am, Henry I).

keker, ! rank

Jed, I.adis 1183

vr.l.l, AllRllSt 1352

k-cd, W arrcti I"., M. 1). .._. ._ 33)

{coder, Henry K. I29S

k-cse, Albert 1228

k-cse, Josirus K. .. . .. 123')

I. iK, r, W illiam I-:. 758

\c Kill. John I'".. . 373

{cinliiljjcr, William I'. 11'. 1

k-nsliuw, David II, 57 '

v'ryiiohls. Davi.l S. . 1212

;l,..,ks. i |, ark- "N(,

Rhodes, William I I.

u i.ar.l. i saac X

p I. II. .Ill', (Jfl)l-KL'

ieman, Andrew J.

'ieman. I rank. Jr. ieman, I rank, s i l- 1 1 1 a 1 1 . I LMiai ins liner, i I <■ 1 1 1 « ail I . inter, I'rancis M. .s-. i. Daniel K. isscr, I i.mil

:isser, fulitis I

789 . 521 .lln4

. 702 . (,48

773 . 549



<i>scr. William M. (oherts, Hiram A. {ohinsnn, lames C. k.ose. J. 4m !•. .. Josenhatier, |,.hn

477 r,40 S4S 3 ill i,13


. 1 2S5

k.uer, William I I.

iowlands, David _.

Niicn, Frank W.

kihe, Ikrnard A.

{uhe, Henry Ii.

kihe, Henry W.

<uhc, 'I he. ..I. .re II.

<llhl. Henry (.'., M. I). . 304








. 830

Sakemilier, Christian -. Sukeniiller, W illiam ... Sandles, I I. .n. Alfred I' Sehafer, I'.eiijaniin I'. . Sehafer, I harks I'. ... Schafer, I Unix I'. Sehafer, John S. ....


. 1122


. . 1 (X 18


. 11 88

Sehafer, William W. 82rt

Scharf, I'eter A . . .1350

Schey, John 11. 1095

Schey, I'eter lOiift

Schey, I'hilip, Jr. HK,4

Schey, I'hilip, Sr. 10(,9

Schimmoller, John II. . __ X4.1

Sch1anhauni, W illiam 1040

Schmenk, Herman I',. 938

Schmilt. I'eter 1328

Schram. Ck-or^c I. - . - 1410

i, der, M, derh I W . '.35

S. 111.... lei. Malllnas 107(1

Si hula n. Ill in, an 592

;i; .\i'ii if \i. i.\i>k.\.

Schumacher, Kcv. \lbcrt . .

. ' >i )-l

Schumai her, ( hrislian, Jr. _.

tj it)

Sclutmach, r, N'oah


S( lllllllHI 1 IT, |..Sl-|ll]

1 S24

Sehumaker, loseph 1 .


Scluilz. MI.LTI


Scluitz lolm A. _ ___

. . 784


Sehlhorst. Henry -

Seinu-t, fohii



Pi il I'cttT

1 M.i

Sliafer fohn I-'

1 1 INN

Shatter, 1 ;irl .1. Shank David (". .

X70 37i,

Ml. Illk !..M'|'I' M


Shcrrar.l, \\ illiam ( '.


Sliirl. v, X. nli. in ( '.


. _ .1137

Sun, .ii. |,,lm \.

_ 1157

Simon, Lewis

__ 7(1'.

Sim,, mis. L.I.I. 1!. __


SUi\er, Merrick - - .

i. 'ii

iKli, \rehie A. _-


Smiili, Anthony


Sniilh, I'harlcs R.

_ 74 1

Smith, 1 ..ml, |. ....

. 744

Smith, Ceorj-c 1'. 1". -


Sii'iih. Ilnlierl -. ._

Smith. I. \iiLMi-t


Smith, 1. \\.


Smiili. Iiihn M


Smith, 1 . laeol.


Smith, Saiifi.nl

i ,i IS

Smith \\ illiam

Smith. \\ illiam \\ . .


Speak, i. ,'imro.l .


Starkuf.uli.-i-. Ml'reil A. .

1 3 1 2

Starling. William 1). . _ .


Stall iTcr. 1 l( ,,,:•,- \. ._ .


Sle.'hseliitlte, August .. .


Suvhscliiiltc, I'.enianl 1.

1 1 1')

Mechs, Imlle, K.lward 1'..


Si.4l.-ii. Chrisl

1 Mn

I. iner, 1 Li. i.l ( '.

5 4 J

Sleiner, (,nl,,,i, i '.


Sleinei I'.i.-i 1'.


Si, iii,r. I'liirh S.

51 L'

Slepll, ii-. |, ,hll Ii


Sleerii W illei S


Sloepfel, ll,,riai Si„l,,-r. I.ndwi;: Smniners, llir.n Sinn Jacob A. Syfert, Cieorue


fate, Ashford I.. __.

I .■,■-...,, James II

Tec^ar.lin, Th as M

Thomas, James < ,. Thomas, John I . __ 1 In.iilkill. \lliert II. I mid, . Irville \ . Towns, nil, I Irren I- . Trask. William V. Triitch, A, I. ,ni Tn.lor, William -.-

L'nterhrink, Henry J. Unterbrink, William J. L'nverferth. licrnard A. Liiverfi nli. Joseph A. I 4,n. I, .if. I'.ernar.l k. I'temlorf, John II. -_


.. 0S7

. 1(178



. 1253

. 490 . 738 .1240

1234 . 754

1090 970 3C.4

1413 _ 57S



... 603 . _ 440 .. 573 .. . I 3o4



,-, Mis lean


. NN.X

\ .11

i Meier, I ,ul

\ -11

u.-i. Asa .. iter, t harles





1,11. Willi. UN


NN !

V, i

holV. \ii;:usi

( ,

_ S.V)

\ el

hol'f, It. ink Ii. .11 . l-i.uik



715 037


hol'f, 1 I, in \

ek W.



\ ,-r

In, IT, lohn 4

. v'.s

\ ei



Im.II. losepll

( '

. 058

V, i

In. II. Malhia;



\ ,i

ln.ir, Thiixl.,


..... 584

\ ,-,

In, II. W Illiam




i 1,1, unl.n. 1





I rank W. I, ,l,n \

1 .11 1 1 O.'.l



v. l W.i \\ ;i ■\V;i

W .. W i



\\ 1.




\\ il

W ,!

V. i


inennu-her, Ik-no' .... 117''

num.,, her, J.ilm II. ... 1 1 S6

mcmacher, Jos. |>ll I .1024

.1, linn \ . lilXl

ucckc, Joseph 660

mil Krimcis M. 1001

terson, Dr. I'.thelhcrt ... . 570

linger. August II. 144.1

ly, \ldine J. .'l">

ty, I lias _ 752

i.lrll. Harry I", 334

in r, W illiam I.., M. D 294

le, John II. .. 1093

lu, i harlcs li 560

:ins, Sherman A. 130

.ip,-,. Ik-nrj K. __ 794

mis, John l>. 749

itins. Michael 11K1

anis, I'etcr ... .. —1143

ams, I liomas S. 777

.mi-.. Walter I.. . 775

Win,;. Henry .. S35

Winkclnian, George - - 1019

W inkier, John W 375

Wischincycr, William .1. 1266

W'islernian, David . 626

Wollaiii, William I.. 1236

W („„1, Moslon 747

Wynkoop, l.anw M. 6K0

Venner, John G., Jr. . Young, Anderson J. .

Young', Isaac X.

Young, William 1'. S.

1209 402


Zahrcnd, Mrs. Addie I.. ( Hall)— 328

Zimmcrly. Christian 510

/ink. Jos, ph 1268

Zucrchcr, Isaac 451




The first white men to set foot upon the Northwest Territory were French traders and missionaries under the leadership of La Salle. This was about the year 1(170 and subsequent discoveries and explorations in this region by the French gave that nation practically undisputed possession of all the territory organized in 1787 as the Northwest Territory. Jt is true that the English colonies of Virginia, Connecticut and Massachusetts claimed that their charters extended their grants westward to the Mississippi river. However, France claimed this territory and successfully maintained posses- sion of it until the close of the French and Indian War in 1703. At that time the treaty of Paris transferred all of the French claims east of the Mississippi river to England, as well as all claims of France to territory cm the mainland of North America. Eor the next twenty years the Northwest Territory was under the undisputed control of England, but became a part of the United States by the treaty which terminated the Revolutionary War in [783. Thus the Mags of three nations have floated over the territory now comprehended within the present state of Ohio the tri-color of France, the union jack of England and the stars and stripes of the United State-.

History will record the fact that there was another nation, however, which claimed possession of this territory and, while the Indians can hardly be called a nation, yet they made a gallant fight to retain their hunting grounds. The real owners of this territory struggled against heavy odds to maintain their supremacy and it was not until the battle of Tippecanoe, in the fall of 1811, that the Indians gave up the unequal struggle. Tecumseh, the Washington of Ins race, fought fiercely to save this territory for his people, but the while man finally overwhelmed him, and "Lo, the poor Indian" was pushed westward aero-, the Mississippi. The history of the Northwest

3 l

I'lTXAM inrxiV. 'HI

Territory is Hill of the bitter lights which the Indian waged in trying to drive the while man out, and the deteal which the Indian- indicted on General Si. (lair on November 4, 170,2, will go down 111 the annals of American history .1- the worst deleat which an .American arms' ever suffered at tin. band-, ol" the Indian-. I he greatest battle which has ever been fought in the Cnilcd Slates againsl the Indian-, occurred in the stale of Ohio. This was the battle ol fallen 'limbers and occurred August ju, 1704, the scene ol the battle being within the present count) ol Defiance. After the close ol the Revolutionary War the Indian-., urged on b\ the lain-li, caused the settlers in the Northwest ferritorv continual trouble and defeated every de- tachment senl against them previous to their defeat by (.en. Anthony W'avne at the battle of fallen limber- in 1704. Although there was some trouble with tbi- Indian- alter tin- time, they never offered serious resistance alter this memorable defeat until the fall of iSm, when (leu. William llenry Har- rison completely routed them at the bailie of Tippecanoe

rKKWTOKY NOKTUWKST ol- 1 1 1 I-: OHIO ( I ( iji )- I 754 ) .

Uhiu was the first stale created out of the old Northwest ferritory, although Indiana had been previously organized a- a territory. When the land comprehended within the Northwest ferritorv was discovered In the french under I. a Salle about 1O70, H was a battle ground of various Indian tribes, although the fries, who were located along the shore* of fake fric, were the only ones with a more or less definite territory. from 1(170 lo 17')^, the close oi the f reiich and Indian War. the f rench w ere in possessii 111 ol this territory and established their claims 111 a positive manner by exten- sive exploration and scattered settlements. The chief centers of frcn b settlement were at Detroit, V'inccuncs, Ka-l.,i-kia. ( ahokia, fori Crevecour and at several missionary stations around the shores of the great kike- 'I he I ■rench did not succeed 111 doing this without incurring die hostility of the Iroipiois Indian-, a hitler eninils which was brought about chielly because the freiirh helped the Shawnees, WAandols and Miami- to drive the Iroimnis out of the territory west of the Muskingum river in Ohio.

li must not be forgotten that the fnglish also laid claim to the North- west Territory, basing their claim on the discoveries of the Cain Us and the subsequent charter- of Virginia, Massachusetts and Connecticut. These charters extended the limits of these three colonies westward to the Pacific ocean, although, as a mailer of fact, none of the three colonies made a setlle- """I west of ibe Mlcghauies until after the Revolutionary War. New- York

IT I \ AM i nl NTY, nlll

souidil in strengthen her claim lu territory west ol the Allcjjluinies in 1701, li\ <>cltin^ from the Iroquois, the hitler enemies of the French, a i;rant {•> the m ire 111 which [lie French .iihl their Indian allies hail previously ex- pclled them. Although this jjrant was renewed in I 7_'0 and a^ain confirmed 111 1744. it i;a\e New York niih a nominal claim and one wliicli was never recognized liy the French 111 any way.

h.n^lish traders from Pennsylvania and Virginia heijan in 1 7^0 to pay more attention to the claims of their country west of ilu- Allei'hanies and north iif 1 he 1 )hio river. When l heir activities read in 1 the ears 1 if the I' reuch the governor ol French (.'anada sent 1 elcron de Ihcnvillc up and down tile ( )hio and die rivers and streams running into 11 from the nortli and took formal possession of the territory hy planting lead plates a! the mouth .if even river and stream ol anv importance. This peculiar method of the French in seeking to estahlish their claims occurred 111 the yeai 1 7 |o and opened the eyes o| I •airland to the uecessil v > <\ taking some immediate action dcr^e II. the kin^ of Finland a! the time, at once granted a charter for the firs 1 Ohio Company 1 there w ere two 1 ilhers hv the same name later 1 ir^anizeil 1 . coni]iose<l ..I I. .'iid. in merchants and enterprising Virginians, and ilu- com- pain .11 1. me procee<led to lormulate plans to secure possession of the territory north of tin- Ohio and ui>i of the Mississippi. Christopher (list was sent down the 1 Hum river in 1750 to explore the country .1- far west as the mouth of the Scioto river, and made several treaties with the Indians. Things were now rapidly approaching a crisis and it wa- soon evident that there wmild he a strnijyle 'if arm- heUvcen Filmland and France fur the disputed region. In 1754 the Fnjjlisli started to huild a fort at tin- confluence of the Moiiunijahela and Allegheny rivers, mi ilu- site of ilu- present city of Pitts- huri^h, hut lie fore tin- fori wa- completed the French appeared on the scene, drove tin; Fnelish away and linished ihe fori which had heen heinin

l-l \ 1 II \Nl! I MM AN W \'i ( 1 7 -" ! ' ' ; I


The crisis had linallv come. Ilu- struck' wliicli followed hetween the iwo nations ultimatelv resulted in the expulsion ol ilu- French from the mainland of \merica as well as from tin- immediate territory in dispute. 'flu- war is known in America as the French and Indian War and in the hislorv of ilu- world a- ilu- Seven Years' War. ilu- laller designation hcinq din- lo [he fail dial il lasted that length of lime. 'Ilu- simple developed iiit'i a world-wide eonlliet and ilu- two nations loiudii over three conlineiils, America, Furope and Asia. It is not within tin- province of this resume of



I'l'TiNAJI I'Ol NTV. nil In.

the history of Oliiu to go into tin- details of this memorable simple. Ii is sufficient for the purpose at hand to stale that llie. treaty of L'aris, which terminated the war in 1763, left LYance without any of her former posses- sions on the mainland of America.


Willi the English in control of America east of the Mississippi river and the French regime forever ended, the Indians next command the attention of the historian who deals with the Northwest Territory. The French were undoubtedly responsible for stirring up their former Indian allies and Pontiac's conspiracy must be credited to the influence of that nation. This formidable uprising was successfully overthrown by Henry Bouquet, who led an expedition in 1764 into the present .state of Ohio and compelled the Wyandots, Delawares and Shawnees to sue for peace.


From [764 tn 1774, no events of particular importance occurred within the territory north of the Ohio river, but in the latter year (June _>_\ 1774 ), England, then at the breaking point with the colonies, passed the ( Hiebec act, which attached this territory to the province of Quebec for administra- tive purposes. This intensified the feeling of resentment which the colonies bore against their mother country and is given specific mention in their list of grievances which they enumerated in their Declaration of Independence. The Revolutionary War came on at once and this act, of course, was never put into execution.


During the War for Independence (1775-1783), the various stales with claims to western lands agreed with the Continental Congress to surrender their claims to the national government. In fact, the Articles of Confedera- tion were not signed until all of the states had agreed to do this and Mary- land withheld her assent to the articles until March 1, 1780, on this account. In accordance witli this agreement New York ceded her claim to the United States in 17X0, Virginia in 1784, Massachusetts in 17X5 and Connecticut in 1786, although the latter stale excepted a one hundrcd-and-l weniv-milc strip of three million five hundred thousand ?icres bordering on Lake Fric. This

I'l'l NAM COl'.VJ \w, oil 10.


strip was formally relinquished in [800, with the understanding that the

United States would guarantee the titles already issued by that state. Vir- ginia was also allowed a reservation, known as the Virginia Military Dis- trict, which lay between the Little Miami and Scioto rivers, the same being for distribution among her Revolutionary veterans. There is one other fact which should be mentioned in connection with the territory north of the Ohio in the Revolutionary period. 'Phis was the memorable conquest of the territory by Gen. George Rogers (lark. During the years 1778 and 1779, this redoubtable leader raptured Kaskaskia, Cahokia and Vinccnnes and thereby drove the English out of the Northwest Territory. It is probable that this notable campaign seemed this territory fur the Americans and that without it we would not have had it included in our possessions in the treats' which closed the Revolutionary War.


The next period in the history of the territory north of the Ohio begins with the passage of a congressional act 1 May 20, 1785 I, which provided for the present system of land surveys into townships six miles square. As soon as this was put into operation, settlers and most Revolutionary soldiers began to pour into the newly surveyed territory. A second Ohio Company was organized in the spring oi 1786, made up chiefly oi Revolutionary officers and soldiers from New England, and this company proposed to estab- lish a state somewhere between Lake Erie and the Ohio River. At this junc- ture Congress realized that definite steps should be made at once for some kind of government over this extensive territory, a territory which now in- cludes the present states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and about a third of Minnesota. Various plans were proposed in Congress and most of the sessions ol 1 7>"'< > and the first halt ol 1787 were consumed in trying to formulate a suitable form of government for the extensive terri- tory. The result of all these deliberations resulted in the famous Ordinance of 17S7, which was finally passed on July [3, 1787.

oimtxAxt !•: or 1 787.

There have been mane volumes written about this instrument of gov- ernment and tn this day there is a difference of opinion as to who was its author. The present article can do no more than merely sketch its outline and il forth the main provisions ll was intended to provide oulv a lent-


IT I' NAM nil'X'I'Y, Oil li

porary ^ovcrnmcnl and In serve until sucli a lime as the population of ihe lerrilon would warrant ilu- creation uf Uales with the -anie rights ami |.ri\ ilexes whirl) the thirteen "ri-mal stales enjoyed. It >l ipulatcil that imt less than three nor more than live stales should ever he created mu uf the whole territon and the maximum number was linallv organized, although it was not until 1S4S that the last stale, Wisconsin, w.as admitted to the I '11 inn.

"I he third article, "Religion, morality and knowledge bcin^ necessary to e, 1

; ivernmenl ami the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of educa- tion shall forever be encouraged," has s^iven these live states the basis for their excellent system of public schools, stale normals, colleges and uni versities. Probably the most widely discussed article was tin- sixth, which pro- vided that slavery and involuntary servitude should never be permitted within the territory and by the use ol I lie word "forever" made the territon free for all time, h is interesting to note in thi.s connection thai both Indiana and Illinois before their admission to the I'nion sought to have this pro- vision set aside, but every petition from the two states wa- refused b\ 1 011- »-ress in accordance with the provision of the 1 h'dinance.

1 11;- 1 - 1 \i.i mi i;o\ 1 i;\ m ixt I'M a n 1 ll 1: mm . 1 1

The ordinance coiitem])lated two grades of territorial e,ovcrniuciU During the operation of the lirsl tirade of ^ovcrnmcnl the governor, his seen tary and the three judges pro\'ided by the ordinance were to be appointed b\ Congress and the governor 111 turn was to appoint "such uia^isl rales and other civil fliccrs in each count\ and township as he diall deem necessarv for the preservation of ihe peace and ^ood will of the same." After 1 lu- federal l" -\ et uinetit was organized a siatulor\' provision look the ap])oinl 1 1 1' -lit of these officers mil of the hand-, of Congress and placet I it in the hands of the I'residenl of the L'nited Slates. All executive ;iuthoril\ was ^iven to the governor, all judicial authority to the three judges, while the governor and judges, in joint sosimi, constituted the legislative body. This means that during lite- lirsl stage of territorial government the people had absoluteh no \'oice in the affairs , ,f government and tin's slate of affairs lasted until 1 ~> |i 1, a peril id of twelve years.

SKcoxn st \<;i " 01 c,o\ 1 nx \i 1 x 1 cxui-.k Tin: nuni.v.wci-:.

I he second Mage of goveriuneiil in the Icrrilop wa- to begin whenever tin vernoi was -an lied dial llieie were a I least live thousand lie.- male

'I "IN AM 'Hi \TY, i HI I'


inlialiilauls nf tin- age nf tsvenly-onc and above. The main difference be- tween tlie first and second stages of territorial government lay in llie fael that llie legislative functions were taken from the governor and judges and given to a "general assembly or legislature." The ordinance provided for the election of one representative fur each live hundred free male inhabitants, the tenure of the oflicc to be two years. While the members of the lower house were to be elected In the qualified voters of the territory, tin- upper house, to o'iM-i of five members, were to 1»- appointed by Congress in a >ome\vhat complicated manner. The house 'ii representatives were to select leu men and these ten names were to lie sent 1 » Congress and mil ill this number live were to be selected l>\ Congress. This provision, like the ap- pointment of the governor, was later changed so as to make the upper house the a p| ii lintees of the I 'resident of die I 'in ted Slates. I he lee men s, selected i , all o mill ill n"s ami held 1 1 lice for li\ e \ ears

ii.'O \ \ 1/ \ i lo\ oh mm. \i n; i il w I - i l l i;im 1 1 >i:\

The first governor of the ncssls organized territory uas fien \rthur St. i lair, a gallant soldier of die Revolution, w ho was appointed mi < Ictober i. I 7N7, and ordered to re|iort for duty mi the first of the following 1'ebruary. Id the oi'li ■<.■ until N'osetnber j_\ iSoj, when he wa- dismissed by ['resi- dent leflersoii "for the disorganizing spirit, and lendencv o| even example, violating the rule- of conduct enjoined by hi- public station, .1- displayed in hi- addie-- to the convention." I he governor's duties were per funned by la- -ecrelarv, ( harles \\ I'.ynl, until March 1. iXnj;, when the slate officials look ilieir office llie In l judges appointed were Samuel I I olden Parsins, lames Mitchell Varnuni and John Armstrong, lie fore the tune came for the judges to <|ualifv, Armstrong resigned and John Cleves Symmes wa- ap- pointed m hi- place. llie first secretary was W'inthrop Sargent, who held the position mini he was appointed governor of Mississippi Territory by the President on May _'. 1 70S. Sargent was succeeded by William Henry Har- rison, who wa- appointed by the President on June 26, 1 70S. and confirmed by the Senate two days later, Harrison was later elected a- the first dele- gale of the organized N'orthwest Territory to Congress, and die President then appointed Charles Willing I'.ynl a- secretary of die Territory, P.yrd's appoint men I being confirmed lis the Senate on I )eceiuber 3 1 , 1 /*)<).



'J he Northwest Territory remained under the government of the first stage until September 16, 1799, when it formally advanced to the second or representative stage. In the summer of 1 798 Governor St. Clair hail ascer- tained that the territory had a population of at least five thousand free male inhabitants and, in accordance with the provisions of the ( Irdinance of 1 7<S7, was ready to make the change in its form of government. ( hi < >ctober 29, 179S, the governor issued a proclamation to the qualified voters of the terri- tory directing them to choose members for the lower house of the Territorial Legislature at an election to be held on the third Monday of the following December. The twenty-two members so elected met on January (6, 1799, and, pursuant to the provisions nf the ordinance, selected the ten men from whom the President of the United States later chose five for the Legislative Council. They then adjourned to meet on September 16, 1799, but since there was not a quorum on that day they held adjourned sessions until the 23rd, at which time a quorum was present.

At the time the change in the form of government went into effect there were only nine counties in the whole territory. These counties had been organized cither by the governor or his secretary. The following table gives the nine counties organized before 1799, with the dales of their organization and the number of legislators proportioned to each by the governor :

Date of ( '< iimty. 1 irganizatii >n.

Washington July 27, 178S __.

Hamilton January 4, 171)0.

St. Clair \pril 27, 1700 .

Knox June 20, 1 700 _.

Randolph October 5, 1705

Wayne \ugust o, 171)6 _

Adams July to, 1707 --

Jellerson July 29, 1707 __

Ross August 20, 170N

Number of representative!


The I went \-t w 1 1 representatives and live councilors were the first rep- resentative body to nuel in the Northwest Territory and lliey represented a


constituency scattered over a territory of more than two hundred and sixty- live thousand square miles, an area greater llian (iermany or brance, or even Austria-Hungary. It would he interesting to tell something of the delibera- tions of these twenty-seven sterling pioneers, 1ml the limits of the present article forbid. It is necessary, however, to make mention of one important thing which they did in view of the fact that it throws much light on the subsequent history of the Northwest Territory.


The Legislature was authorized to elect a dele-ate to Congress and two candidates for the honor presented their name-, to the Legislature, William Henry Harrison and Arthur St. Clair, Jr.. the son of the governor. ['lie Legislature, by a joint ballot on < >ctober 3, 171)1;, elected Harrison by a vote of eleven to ten. The defeat of his son undoubtedly had considerable to do with the subsequent estrangement which arose between the governor and his legislature and incidentally hastened the division oi the Northwest Terri- tory. Within two years from the time the territory had advanced to the second stage oi government the division had taken place. On May 7, 1S00, Congress passed an act dividing the Northwest Territory by a line drawn from the mouth of the Kentucky river to Kort Recovery, in Mercer county, Ohio, and thence due north In the boundary line between the United Stales and Canada. (lovcrnoi St, ('laii favored ihe division because he thought il would delay the organization of a state and thus give him a longer lease on his position, but he did not favor the division as finally determined. Me was constantly growing in disfavor with the people on account of his overbearing manner and he felt that lie would get rid of some of Ids bitterest enemies if the western inhabitants were set oil into a new territory. However, the niosl ol the credit for the division must be given to I [arrison, who, as a dele- gate to Congress, was in a position to have the most influence. Harrison also was satisfied that in case a new territory should be formed he would be appointed its first governor and lie was not disappointed. The territory west ol the line above mentioned was immediately organized and designated as Indiana Territory, while the eastern portion retained the existing government and the old name Northwest Territory. Il is frequently overlooked that the Northwest Territory existed in fact and in name up until March 1, 1803.


ru I'NAJI COUK I V. nil K

CENSfS 01 N'OU I I! \\ l> I I liUKl'l i >K'i I X I Si i. ..

The division of iNou left the Xorthwcst Territory with nnly about one- t 111 i"tl of its original area. The census of the tcrrilorv taken by the United Stales government in iKoo showed it to have a total population of forty-live thousand three hundred and sixty-live, which fell short by about fifteen thou- sand of being' sufficient lor the creation "I a state as provided by the Ordi- nance ol 1 7N7, which fixed the minimum population at sixty thousand. The counties left in the Xortliwest Territory, with their respective population, are sel forth in the appended table, all ol which were within the presenl slate of ( Hiiu, cm epi \\ a\ ne :

Adams 3,4^

I lainiltoii 14,1 1 -, _■

Jefferson N.70O

Ross S,54o

Trumbull 'iji'>-

Washinglon 5, \2j

Wayne j.jod


The population as 1 lassilied bv the census villi res])eci to age and sex i- intcrcsting and parlicularh so 111 showing that considerably more than one- lliird of the total population uei'e children under tell vears ol ,1 ;c

Whiles up to len years of age o

Whiles from ten to sixteen 3

Whiles: from sixteen to twenty-six _j

Whites from twenty-six to forty-live _j

Whiles forty-live ami upward 1

Males. Females

.-;'•-• s.(M|

(-\7 3.35.?

67,1] 3,,sr,i

055 1 ..s' »5

Total -'-1.43.1 -'>■?<>?

Total of both sexes .

T< ilal of 1 ither persi >n-, iv >\ Indians

(band fol;


I'l I'.N'A.M i i )l \'TV, i ill h


A dif;re.sMon is net I':--.. M \ al lllis point 111 older I" I lace ilk' ^1'owlll ol Scllli nielli ill the leiiilory in »\\ within I lie picscill Mate ill ()lliu lip In iNo^,

\\ I ii 1 1 ii was admitted in the Union as a slate. Marietta, founded in July, I 7SS, liy the Ohio Company, 1- ihe oldest permanent settlement m ihe state. .\ nuniher of New Jer.sc\ settlers were organized by |ohn t leves Svinuies, and Symmes succeeded in securing a ^rant of land from Congress 1 1 7N~- 1 j<)j 1 containing two hundred fort\-cii;lu thou.sand live hundred and fort\ a 1 res, located lietw ceil the Great Miami ami Little Miami rivers. I In l;tuiii ni land is know in Ohio history as the Svmmes purchase and contained the settlements ol Columbia 1 1 7NN 1 and ( incinnati 1 17^01, although the latter place was first christened Losantiville. The man who devised litis name exercised no small amount ol ingenuity in 11- manufacture. Ihe proposed seltlemenl happened to he located al the mouth of the Licking river and this circumstance, with a little knowledge ol Latin and a vivid imagination, was responsihle for this hybrid word. Ihe Latin wonl for lown is "villa," which 1- Anglicized into "ville;" the Latin foi opposite is "ami" and for mouth "os." Ihere three Latin words account for the" completed word, wnh the exception of the "L." and this letter is the initial letter of Licking I u make the word clear it must he read backward, syllable at a lime thus I .-1 ; anli- villc, which bcinj; iulerpreled means ihe town onpnsitc the tnniilh of ihe Licking.

I In1 Virginia Military IhMrict, to winch reference has keen made, was sealed largely by people from thai slate. The < onnecticut Reserve, almi^

Lake I' in-, attracted many -dtlers fi'om thai state, ai - whom should be

mentioned Moses I Icavcland, who, in 170(1, founded the cil\ which hears his i 1 c The northern pan of the slate did nol bet; in to fill up rapidlv iinlil after lo.i-'. when ihe Ohio-F.rie canal was opened for Iraflic. 'Mine have keen estimates running from hitern lo twentv thousand as to ihe number of people who lloated down the ( )hio river within a year after the ( inlinanee of 17X7 went into effect.

< "I \ I V oi;i, \ \|/A I ION ( I 7SS- 1S10 |..

It has already keen stated thai there were nine comities within the N'orlhwesl Territory in 1700. when it advanced lo the second sla.sjc ol lerri t'Tial .^overnmeul. According to the provisions of the ordinance, the crea- tion o| new counties was in the hand, of ihe governor, although after the leilcral coiisliluliou went into elf eel ihe secrclar\ w .1 al o ;o\ 1 11 ihe same power, Kilos and Way unties were Marled l>\ Secrclar\ Winl hrop Sai -

1 1


gent according to this provision. The state of Ohio is now divided into eighty-eight counties, ten of which were created before the state was admitted to the Union on March i, 1803. The enmities organized by Governor St. Clair, or his secretary, from 1788, when Washington county was organized, up to 1803, when the state was admitted to tire Union, are ten in nuinbci : Washington, Hamilton, Wayne, Adams, Jefferson, Ross, Trumbull, Cler- mont, Fairfield and Belmont. The dates of the creation of the first six have already Iteen given. Trumbull county was organized on lulv 10, [800; Clermont and Fairfield, December 9, 1800; Belmont, September 7, 1801. Between the years 1803 and 1810, when Fayette county was organized, there were no less than twenty-four counties organized within the state of Ohio. The first session of the General Assembly of the state organized eight ci unities, as follows: Franklin, Gallia, Greene, Scioto, Warren, Butler, Montgomery and Columbiana. Muskingum started its independent existence on the first day of March, 1804. In 1805 there were four counties created, Champaign, Athens. Geauga and Highland. The session of 1807 added four mure to the rapidly growing state, .Miami, Ashtabula, Cuyahoga and Portage. The following year saw six new counties opened for entrv, Delaware, Stark, 1 uscarawas, Preble, Knox and Licking. One county, Huron, was created in 1809. The live counties organized in 1810 included Fayette, Pickaway, Guern- sey, * lint' in and Madison, 'litis makes a total of thirty-nine counties up to and including the year 1810. In this war ( ineinnati, the largest city of the state. In ..a -ted of a population of two thousand three hundred and t went v.

INDIAN WARS ( I 787- 1803 ).

The period from 1787 to 1S03 in the Northwest Territory was marked by several hitter conflicts with the Indians. Just as at the close of the French and Indian War had the French stirred up the Indians against the Americans, so at the close of the Revolutionary War did the English do the same thing. This inciting of the Indians by the British was one of the causes of the War of 181 2, a struggle which has eery appropriate!) been called the second War for Independence. The various uprisings of the Indians up to [794 retarded the influx of settlers and was a constant menace to those who did venture into the territory. Three distinct campaigns were waged against the Indians during this period before they were finally subdued. The first campaign was under the command of Gen. Josiah Mannar, 1700, and re- sulted in a decisive defeat for the whiles. The second expedition was under the leadership of Gen Arthur St. Clair, the governor of the Territory, and


was marked b) one of the worst defeats ever suffered h\ an American army at ilit- hands of the Indians. A lack of knowledge of Indian methods of warfare, combined with reckless mismanagement, sullicicnth accounts for I" 'th disasters. It remained for Gen. Anthony Wayne, the "Mad Anthony" of Revolutionary fame, to bring the Indians to terms. The battle which closed his campaign against the Indians is known as the battle oi Fallen Timbers and was fought on August 20, i~>)4. The scene oi the battle lies along the IMauniee river within the limits of the present county oi Defiance. ddiis crushing defeat of the Indians, a rout in which they had lust twelve out of thirteen chiefs, was so complete that the Indians were glad to sue for peace. On June 10. 1795, delegates from the various Indian tribes, headed by their chiefs, met at Greenville, Ohio, to formulate a treaty. The United States government appointed General Wayne as commissioner plenipotentiary to draft the treaty ami. aider nearly two months of bickering, a treaty was draw n up on August 3, 1 705. It was signed by General Wayne on behali oi the United States and by ninety chiefs and the delegates oi twelve interested tribes, ddie treat}' was faithfully kept by the Indians and ever afterwards Little Turtle, the real leader of the Indians, was a true friend of the whites. It may be said that this battle of fallen Timbers was the most important battle fought in America between the close of the War for Independence and the battle of Tippecanoe in the fall of 181 r. To General Anthony Wayne will remain the honor of opening the way for permanent settlement of the North- west Territory.


The three years intervening between the creation of Indiana Territory i May 7, 1800) and the admission of Ohio to the Union (March i, 1803), are marked by an acrimonious struggle during which Governor St. Clair was constantly growing in disfavor with his Legislature and the great mass of the people of the territory. The Legislature wanted a state formed as soon as possible and succeeded in getting Congress to pass an act, April 30, [802, authorizing the calling of a constitutional convention. This act established the limits of the proposed new state as follows: "That part of the North- west Territory bounded cast by Pennsylvania, south by the Ohio river, west by a line drawn from the mouth of the [Jig Miami nvcr due north to an east and west line passing through the south extremity of Lake Michigan, and by this line and the Canada line through Lake Erie to the west line' of Penn- sylvania." Since these boundaries omitted the eastern half of the present


l'l'TXAM t'il XTY,

stale of Michigan w huh had been left .1 pari of the Northwest ferriton the division hi Ma\ 7, 1S00, 11 was denounced a.s a fraud l>\ the I'ederalisls in the ' unitied territory. Ilowevcr, it is very plain that Congress carried out tlie lutein hi" the Ordinance of 17S7 liy their act and the charge of political trieken fails ol substantiation in the light of the specific provisions therein set forth regarding the creation of states out of the Northwest Tcrriton The enabling act provided for an election of delegates to the constitutional convention to he held in September of the same year 1 1 So 1 , the degelates to meet al Chillicothe on the firs! Monday of the following November. Idle lliirt v-livc delegates mel .it the appointed time and hv a vote of thirtv-fom to one, 1 lie negativ e vote being ca-l In f '.phi ,11111 Cutler, decided to proceed a I once to the organization o| a stale government and the formation of .1 consti- tution. The convention was in session until November joih. al which nine n had completed the firs! constitution for the state and the our which lasted until 1 S3 1 , w luii a second constitution was adopted.

WIN'. WAS Oil IO \ I 1 M I I II h |o I'll I I ' MO.\ ?

It is interesting to note the difficulty which Ohio historians have had in trying to fix upon the date which marks the formal admission of the suite to the I nil m.

I he natal day ol 1 )hio lias given rise to more dispute than the natal day of an\ other slate in the Union. This is undouhtedh due to the fact that Congress never passeu an act lonnally admitting it to the Union. There have been no less than live dates assigned by as many different authorities and each group oi historians substantiate their claim by the citation of fads, flu 1 ii'.i dates are a- follows: April \n, iNoj; November 20, i.Soj; Lebru ary 10. 1 S^ ; March 1, 1 No 3 ; March 3, 1S03.

I In' first dale (April 30, iSoj) lias for its chief sponsor the editor of the "limed Slates Statutes at Large." This dale is imi tenable at all, since the territorial judges were in olhce for several months after this dale and were, b_\ the congressional act of February _m. iSod, paid their full salaries up in March 1, 1N03. The second date ( Novembei jo. iNo_») is advanced h\ llicke) in his vohnue, "The Constitution," on the ground thai the con- stitution was adopted nn thai day. The third dale I Lchruarv 19, 1N03) has been held by several good authorities, notably. ( 'aleb Al water, in bis "Political Manual;" < 1. \V. Pascal, in bis "Annotated Constitution," and the late presi- dent of Marietta College. I. \V. \ndrews. Ii was upon this dale thai Con- passed an act to "provide lor the due execution of Ihe laws of the

CI TX \M COl'.XTY, oil in. ,|7

l.nited Slates within the stale of Uhio." This would seem to indicate thai Congress recoil li/.ed Kchrtiary in, iSd.v as the dak' of ihe admission of ( Ihio in i lie Union, hut when ii is recalled ih;ii Congress had no| yel appointed the nc'i i isai v judicial i ifliccrs il must he concluded thai ill is is not ihe proper d.'ite.

I'he fourth date (.March i. iXo.O is now recognized officially as ihe actual day on which Ohio fonuallv entered the I'nion, although u was an act of Congress passed nearh three years lalei which dclinileh settled this fact.

I'he i|iicslioii arose in 1S116 in t'on^ress re^ardinq the payment nl the lerri- lorial oflicers and the act of Kehruary 21st of thai year ordered that the gov- ernor and judges he paid for ih.eir -er\ ices up to March 1, 1X03. There can he ii'' (|iiestioii hut that ( on^rcss placed its official ;i])proval on this dale as liein- the first day of Ohio's existence as a separate stale. file fifth and last dale 1 March 3, iSo%} 1 was advanced as the real dale of the admission .1 the slate, for the reason that on this date Congress i^avc ns ap|)i'o\'al i" certain changes in the constitution ''I the -laic which had heen adopted "ii N'oveiuher -'o. 1S0J. These changes related to the disposition of certain school lands within the stale and were of minor importance and in no seiisr advocated anv radical changes in the constitution nl ihe stale. However, "ii March ,}. 1^03, the stale had heen in hill operation for a spare of three davs and exercising all the rights and privileges of a stale; the governor had heen installed; the Legislature was in session and the various s|.it,- officials were dischai'LriiiL;' their duties in accordance with the constitution. Thus it must lir concluded from all availahlc evidence that < >hio was .admitted to the I'nion en March 1 . 1S0.V

CAI'ITAI.s nl' M IN I II W I I' 'II- !TI I ol; V \NI) OHIO

I'he capital of the N'orthwest ferritory was located within the prcsenl limit -s of nlii'. iluriiii; the whole existence of the ferritin hoth hefori and after the division of the Tcrrilon 111 iSoo When the Ordinance of 1 7N7 w.i- formally put into operation, on | uly 17. 1 7M, the capual was estahlished at Marietta, the name heiu^ eh' 'sen hv ihe directors, nf the < Ihiu Companv on Julv _'. 1 78S The name nl Marietta was selected in honor of ihe hrench Oueen Mane Anloinelte, coiiipoundeil hv a curious couihinatiou of the lirst aii' 1 lasl s\ llahles 1 if her name

The capital remained at Marietta until 1X00, when it was moved hv the congressional act of May 7th of that year to (.'hillicothe and hv the cmisti- tuiioii adopted in iSoj the capital was to remain there at least until 1S0S. The I cjLjisIalure of iSoij moved the Capital to Zanesville until such lime as a


im r.\.\M ( 'iii'M v

permanent >iu- should lie selected I'he Legislature ;ii tlie same time that it moved the capital to Zanesvillc appointed commissioners to report at the fol- lowing sessions "the most eligible and central spot for permanently establish- ing" it." The approaching War of 1812 made it necessary to take the capital back to Chillicothe, where there was less danger from attack by the Indians and Uritish. The commissioners appointed by the Legislature of [809 se- lected a small village by the name of Dublin, on the Scioto, about fourteen miles north of Columbus, but the Legislature refused to abide by their choice. The capital was permanently located at Columbus by the legislative act e>l February 14. [812, although no less than nine dilferent sites were under consideration before the final decision was made. The act selecting the site did not choose a name for the proposed city and this honor belongs to |oseph Foos, the senator from Franklin county, who had been largely instrumental in the selection of the Legislature. At that time there was a solitary log cabin on the site and the whole tract was covered with a dense forest. The act of February 17. 1816, formally designated Columbus as the capital "from and after the second Tuesday of October, 1S16." During the War of 1 S 1 _> , and until the buildings were ready at Columbus, the capital remained at Chillicothe.


The slate of Ohio has had four constitutional conventions : 1X02, 1850-51, 1S73-74 and HM-'. The constitution of 1802, it is interesting to note, was never submitted to the people for ratification, Uctween the adoption of the first and second constitutions there was an effort to hold a constitutional convention. A resolution, passed December 25, 1818, authorized a vote on the question of holding a constitutional convention, but at the election which was subsequently held it was decided adversely by a vote of 29,31 5 to 6,987.

The main farts concerning the second constitutional convention inav be bricfh summed up as follows: The Legislature on October 9, 1849, author- ized a vote on the question of holding a convention and the voters of the state east a majority of 94,531 in favor of the constitutional convention. The vote stood 145,698 for and 51,167 against the convention. On April 1, 1850, the one hundred and eight delegates were elected and on the 6th of the following May they met at Columbus. The convention was in continuous session until July cj. 1850, and then, not having \et completed their delibera- tions, adjourned to meet again on December _\ 1850. The second session continued lo hold daily meeting's until March 10, 1851, when it I'malK con- cluded its labors after ha\ in.i; spent a total of one bundled and sixty three

I'll NAM ( Ol'X IV, (HI [0.


days. The constitution was submitted to the people of the state on June 17, 1851, and adopted by a vote of 125,564 to 109,276.

An attempt to adopt a new constitution was made in 1S74, but failed. On .March 30, [87 r , the Legislature provided for a vote on the question of holding a constitutional convention and at an election held October to, 1871, it was decided, by a vote of 267,61s to 104,231, to hold such a convention. (Mi April 6, 1873, the one hundred and live delegates to the convention were elected and on the 13th of the following month they met and organized. Tin- convention continued in session hum dial date until August 8th, and, alter a recess, met < > 1 1 December _'<l and remained in continuous session until M;iv 15th of the following year. The convention held daily sessions for one hundred and eighty clays, one of the longest constitutional conventions ever held in the United States. With all this deliberation it would seem that a satisfaclor\ constitution could have been trained, but the voters of the state, 011 August 18, 1S74. rejected it by a vote of 250,169 to 102,885. This e\- e attempt to make a new constitution was sufficient lo thwart all efforts alon» tin- line for several vears. However, the changes in economic, social and industrial conditions became more pronounced year bv vear, and on March 9, [909. the Legislature submitted the question of holding a constitu- tional convention. At an election held on N'oveinher 8, [910, it was decided, by a vote of 693,203 to 07,718, to select delegates lo a constitutional con- vention. The convention met on the second Tuesday of fanuarv, 1912, and rei lained in session until June 8, 1912, when it finally concluded its labors. This convention submitted forty-two changes in the existing constitution and on September 3d of the same year the qualified voters of the state accepted all but eight ''i the proposed amendments. The eight amendments lost are as follows: Suffrage, good roads, advertising, injunctions, capital punishment, voting machines, eligibility of women and elimination of word "white" front the constitution. The amendments which carried by various majorities con- cerned the following subjects: Jury system, depositions, suits, wrongful death, initiative and referendum, investigations, limiting veto, mechanics' lien, welfare, compensations, conservation of natural resources, eight-hour day. removal of officials, expert testimony, land titles, prison contracts, extra sessions, reform of the judiciary, county judges, justices, school boards, school commissioners, insurance abolishing of board of public work's, taxa- tion, corporations, double liability, stale printing, civil service, submission of amendments, home rule for cities, schedule and license. The liglil was the most hitter on woman's suffrage and the inilialive and referend The




vote on the first proposition was 249,420 to 330,875, and was defeated largely on account of tlie activity of the liquor interests. The initiative and referen- dum carried by a vote of 312,592 to 231,312, despite the fact that every ruse and trick known to professional politicians was used to compass its defeat.

On November 3, 1914, there were four constitutional amendments sub- mitted to the voters of the stale and the two which caused the most discussion, viz., woman's suffrage and prohibition, were defeated. The oilier two amend- ments related to home rule for cities and the regulatii m of the liquor traffic.


The state of Ohio has had its citizens in four wars in which the United '■ has engaged since 1803; the War of 1X12, the Mexican War. the Civil War and the Spanish-American War. It is very unfortunate that the public records oi < Hum contain no list of the soldiers of the slate who fought in the War of [812, although large numbers of the citizens served in tin- field under various commanders. The records as regards the Mexican War are fairly complete and show that a total ol 5,536 men were sent Jo the from by the stale. When the call was first issued for troops, Ohio was called upon to furnish three thousand men and within a short tune forty companies reported at Camp Washington, near Cincinnati. Thiriv companies were formed into three regiments, commanded bv Cols. Alexander M. Mitchell, ( ieor»e W. Morgan and Samuel l\. Curtis, flicsc troops \\ ere sent down the Ohio in July, 1.S40, and joined Oeneral Taylor on the KioCrande. In 1S47 additional troops were sent from Ohio, hut none of them saw am active service. The regiment under the command of Mitchell was the cinlv one to lake part in a battle, and 11 distinguished itself in the storming of Monlerev. I he state of Ohio suffered a severe loss in the death of [!rig.-(j'en. Thomas L. Hammer, one of the most prominent men of the slate at that lime. I le was a member of Congress at the time of the opening of the war, bin left Con- gress, en I i si rd as a private and soon alter received a commission as brigadier- general, lie was in the operations around Monterey and shorth afterward was stricken with a fatal disease and died on December 30, 1846.

'I he part w Inch ( >hio played in the Civil War can be only briefly noticed in this resume of the history of the stale. Thai ( lino did her full ilutv as a loyal member of the Union is a fact which is known to everyone. Within twenty-four hour- from the lime the ['resident issue. 1 his lirsl call fm hoop-, on April 10, 1S60, tin I ei;islalurc had passed a hill appropriating one million dollars for military purposes. I'wo days later (April 101I1) two regiments



of Ohio troops left by rail for Washington. The ease and quickness with which this was accomplished is an indication of the intense loyalty of the state. It is a glowing tribute to the state of < »hio that although there were only thirteen regiments assigned to the state under the first call, enough men pre- sented themselves to make more than seventy regiments. This outburst of loyalty was such that the Legislature authorized the governor to accept ten more regiments, and the state itself equipped and paid these additional men and enrolled them for the defense of the state. By October i, [862, the state had enrolled militia to the number of 425.147 and die state sent mil for duty outside of its own limits 319,659 men, although their quota was only V >t >.-;-'-'. This gives the state the honor of furnishing more than one-tenth of the total enlistment of men in the Northern army. In number of troops furnished. Ohio was third among all the states and in losses was second. The soldiers were a part ol every army, participated in every- campaign, fought in every important battle from 1 1 1 1 1 1 Run to Benlonville, from Sabine Cross Roads to Gettysburg. Mo less than forty-three Ohio regiments of infantrv were present at the sanguinary engagement at Missionary Ridge and they were in like proportion at the other battles. Twelve thousand brave < >hio men were billed or mortally wounded and al least forty thousand received wounds of some kind. I'liii'tecn thousand died of disease in the service and twcnt\ thou- sand were discharged lor disability arising from wounds or disease. These figures give some idea of the prominent part which the soldiers of ( >hio played in the great struggle.

It is pertinent to say something of the activity of the anti-war part)- in the slate dming the time the struggle was going on. In the summer of [863 the Democrats of the state nominated Vallaudigham for governor, a man who was very outspoken in bis denunciation of the war. but |ohn Brough, a stanch Union man, had no difficulty in defeating him for the governorship. The part which Vallandigham subsequently played in the history of bis state is sufficient proof that it was for the best interests of the state that he was


The Spanish-American War of 1898 has been the last one in which troops from Ohio have taken any part, hallowing the call of President McKinley for seventy-five thousand volunteers, Ohio had no difficulty in filling their quota. This war opened officially "it April 2 5 lb. and formally came to an cn<\ by the signing of a protocol on August uth. The battles of Manila Bay, Santiago, bl Cauc\ and San Juan flill were the only engage- ments of importance. According lo the I reals of Paris, which was signed December 12, iSij.S, Spam relinquished her sovereignU over Cuba, ceded to


'U 1 NAM COU N'l V, I'll |i

llie United Stales I'orlo km, and lu-r oilier W'eM India possessions and the Island ol (jiiam, and transferred her rights in I lie Philippines I'ui a sum ol twenty milliuii dollars paid lo her lur pnlilic works and improvements which belonged to the Spanish government.

THE I.A.N'li GRANTS 01' oil In.

( Ihio was the fust state organized out of the territory north of the ( Hun riser and east of the Mississippi river and was divided into several grants, reservations and militarv districts ol one kind and another. These various divisions have led to an endless amount ol contusion in the surveying oi lands in the state and in main cases in expensive litigation. A brief sum- mary of each one of these divisions is here presented.


This company was organized March ,i. 17K6, at Hoston and on October -'"• ' 7,s7' bought from the government 1.500,000 acres and received, outside of the portions reserved by Congress, 1,004, 2N5 acres. Congress set aside the sixteenth section ol each township for school purposes, the tweiitv-ninth section lor religious purposes and the eighth, eleventh and twenty-sixth for such purposes as Congress might determine in the future. This tract in- cluded what was known as the "Donation Pracl" of 100,000 acres, the same now being the northern part ol Washington count)-. For this immense tract the Ohio Company paid the government sixty-six and two-thirds rents an ai 1 c

I 111 I I'l \i II GRANT.

The secretary of the United Hoard of Treasury, William Ducr, was in- strumental in helping the Ohio Company to secure from Congress the option mi ^.00. i.i 11 11 1 acres lying west and north of the original purchase of this com- pany. The title to this tract remained in the government and out of this peculiar arrangement arose the Scioto Company, which was organized in France. Hundreds ol deluded Frenchmen invested their money in this tracl and received cloudy titles which caused no little trouble in later years. A large number of these French settlers lauded on the banks of the Ohio on October 20, 1700, on the site of the present city of Gallipolis, which thev founded and named. The Scioto Company was incompctcntlv managed, be- came ins. .Kent and the land on which the 1111 fortunate Frenchmen had settled

I'L'TN \M t ' '1 X I'V, nil li


reverted to tlie LTnite<l States government. While the most of them remained, thru- were many ol them who went on farther west and located where other ITench settlers had previously eslahlished themselves. The United States treated Ihe remaining I'Tcnch selllcrs in a vci\ generous manner and l>\ the act of .Mail h 3, 1 795, granted them 24,000 acres on the 1 >hio river within the present limits of Scioto county.

1111; -■, \i m i-:s l'i'Kc 11 asi:.

In 1 7N8 j.ilm Cleves Svmmes and other men ol New Jersey organized the Miami Company and bought from the United Stales 1 ,000,000 acres, for which the company agreed to pay sixty-six and two-thirds run- an acre As in the case of the purchase of the Ohio Company, the government made reservations uf school and church sections, as well as three additional sections fur general purposes. The Miami Company later found out that they had contracted for more than they could pay and the records show thai they received and paid for only 31 i,6Xj acres in the southern part of the tract. It is interesting to note that the present site of Cincinnati was sold h\ the com pany to one Matthias I Vniuan for the sum ol live hundred dollars. 'I he city of Cincinnati was founded the following year and the monument 111 thai city on Thud street, between liroadway and Ludlow streets, marks the loca- tion of Kort Washington, which was erected to protect the infant city from the Indians.


Iii the year 1786 the state of Connecticut relinquished all her claims to lands in the Northwest Territory with the exception of a strip of 3,500,000 acres bordering Lake Lric. This immense tract became an integral part of Ohio as the result ol two separate acts on the pari of Connecticut. The stale grained 500,000 acres 111 the western part "i the reserve in 1 70J to those citizens of Connecticut whose homes had been burned 1>\ the British during the Revolulionan War The (owns of Morwalk, Crecnwich, ['"airfield, New Haven and New Loudon furnished the greater part of the eighteen hundred who look advantage of the generous offer of their statu The laud was sur- veyed mtn townships "i live miles square and divided among the settlers in proportion to their losses. In 1795 the Connecticut Land Company purchased the rest iii the reserve, amounting to 3,000,000 acres, and on April 28, 1800, the United States government passed an act which paved the way for the final absorption of the trad by the stale of Ohm. In May, 1800, the Con-



ii.cii.ni Legislature accepted llic offer of the United Stales and formally renounced all claims lo tin.- territory in favor of tin- state ol < Hiio.

'I'll E \ IKi.lMA M 11.1 1'ARY DISTRICT.

The reservation was retained by Virginia when the state relinquished her claim to Congress in 1784, being retained by the state for the use oi the Revolutionary soldiers who bad enlisted from Virginia. It comprised the territory between the Little Miami and Scioto rivers, but was not to be used unless the lauds claimed by Virginia south of the Ohio river proved insuf- ficient to pay all of the bounties promised by Virginia to her soldiers. By the year 1790 it was .seen that Virginia would not have enough territory south of the Ohio to satisfy all of her needs and accordingly, in August of that year, Congress passed an act allowing the stale to use the optional territory north of the Ohio river. Owing to the fact that the territory was not sur- veyed according to any definite plan, the various allotments assigned to the Virginia soldiers frequently overlapped and in many instances confusion and litigation resulted.


The Continental Congress (lining the Revolutionary War offered bounties of Western lands in order to increase enlistments, and soldiers so secured were given land warrants which they later presented to Congress and ex- changed for land. On June 1, 1796, Congress passed an act which called upon the surveyor-general of the United States to locate a tract in the North- west Territory for the purpose of enabling the government to have land to take up the land warrants which it bad issued during the late war. The limits ol this particular tract began "at the northwest corner of the Seven Ranges, thence south fifty miles, thence west to the Scioto river and along that river 1m the Greenville treaty line, thence along that line and east to the place of beginning." These lands were surveyed into townships five miles square and each owner received a patent for his land signed by the President of the United States.


This tract was set aside by the Continental Congress in .April, 1783, for the benefit of such people as lift Canada and Nova Scotia to help the American colonics in Iheir fight against Kngland dining (he Revolution. The subsequent emigre- i •!].[] act of 1 70K confirmed (he acl of (he Continental



Congress ami on February iS, 1S01, Congress definitely selected "those frac- tional townships of the sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twen- tieth, twenty-first and twenty-second ranges of townships joining the southern boundary line of the military lands." This tract of four and a half miles in width, and extending forty-two miles east of the Scioto river, contained more than twice as much as was needed to satisfy the claims of the refugees. The part unclaimed by those for whom it was set aside was attached to the ' ihillicothe land district and sold as Congress lands. It so happened that the future capital of the state, Columbus, is in the extreme western side of this tract.


Some of the tracts of land already described were Congress lands, viz., the French Grant, the Seven Ranges and the Refugee Tract. Congress re- tained and si ild all lands not specifically relinquished to land companies and established land offices for the purpose at different times at Marietta, Cin- cinnati, Steubenville, Chillicothe, Zanesville, Canton, Wooster, Piqua, Dela- ware, W'apakoneta, Lima and Upper Sandusky.


The congressional grant to the Ohio Company in 1787 reserved ten thousand acres in what is now Tuscarawas county for the use of the Mora- vians and Christian Indians who had previously settled there, the title being vested in the Moravian Brethren at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. A few years later two thousand acres were added to the original grant and in 1823 the territory reverted to the United States, with the exception of the cemeteries, church yards and a few special leases.


Congress granted all of township 13, range 7, in Tuscarawas count}' to one Henry Dohrman, a Portuguese citizen, who rendered valuable services tn the colonies during the Revolutionary War.


In [823 Congress granted to the slate of < >hio aboul sixty thousand aen for the purpose of constructing a road from the lower rapids oi the Maunu river to the western limits of the Western Reserve of Connecticut.




lii iSj- C.'i ingress granted to the stale of Ohio forty-nine sections of land in Seneca, Craw Turd and Marion counties, for the construction of a road from Columbus to Sandusky.

c \\ \i GRANTS.

Lletween 18.25 and 1845 Congress at different times made special -rani-- "1 land to the slate ol Ohio for canal purposes, and a total of about one million acres were thus secured by the slate. Ily the vear 184J the state had completed six hundred and liftv-cight miles of canals, at the staggering cost to the state of $14, 6SS, 066.97, although before they were all completed the railroads were in operation 111 the stale.


lii the early history oi the Northwest Territory salt was a commodity hard to secure and neeessarih high 111 price. Congress reserved ever)' place where it was thought salt could be obtained and 111 this way helped the settlers to get salt at least expense. In Ohio an entire township within the present county of Jackson was reserved, as well as about four thousand acres in Delaware count}-. In 1 s _> 4 Congress relinquished its claim in favor of ( )hio.

nil: / \.X'K SUCTIONS.

Kbene/er /aue, one of the most prominent of the men in the early his- tory ul the state, was granted three sections by Congress in 170'' in return for his services 111 opening a road from Wheeling to Maysville. These three sections were located at Zanesville, Chillicothe and Lancaster. Isaac Xanc was granted three sections in Champaign county by Congress for valuable service to the colonies during the Revolution. Isaac Zane had been cap- tured hv the Indians when a small boy and spent the major portion of Ins life with them, and his influence with the Indians was such that he proved to he oi ureal assistance to the colonies in handling them.

I II li M IMS I I KIA1. I. \NI)S.

These lands have been previously mentioned and were reserved only in two grants, tlr.se of the Ohio Land Company and the Symmes Purchase.



I he grants to I >• > 1 1 1 set aside section Uvciity-ninc ol each township tor religious purposes.

SCHOOL si-:< noes

Provisions for public schools were made in all stales created 1>\ the l*i li tod States after the adoption of the constitution. The Ordinance of 17N7 had made specific mention id 1 1 u value ol schools and a wise Congress -u aside section sixteen of every township, which was surveyed into town- ships six miles square. I'he United States military lands were surveyed into townships, live miles square, hut Congress reserved one thirty-sixth of the whole area for school purposes. There are no reservations in the Lonnceti cut Reserve and Virginia Military District for school purposes, hut Congress made up for this by setting aside an amount ei|uivalent to one thiriv-sixth of the area in each tract from other lands hclon^in^ to the I '11: led Slates. As a malt. a of fact, one thirty-sixth of the whole state »;h reserved for school pui es a well as three townshi]is lor nnivorsiiies

o|| lo POLITICS.

1 he politics of Uhio presents many interesting features, hut tin-, hriei summary can do little more than indicate the more important landmarks in the political history of the stale The first governor of the Northwest Terri- tory, Arthur St. (lair, was an ardent federalist and undoubtedly his pro- nounced political views had something lo do with his removal from the office on November _'_', 1K0J. from that time until 1836 the Democratic party, or tin- Republican or Democratic-Republican, as u was at first called, controlled the slate, and it was not until William 1 I cm v Harrison, a "favorite son," became a candidate for the presidency, that the W hiys were able to break the strength of the Democratic party of the state, hi 1830, 1840 and lN_i_| the Whites carried the state for the President, 'flic panic of I 837, the popularity oi Harrison and the Texas question were largely determining factor-, in the success of the W'hi^s. The Democrats regained sufficient power in 1S48 to carry the stale airain, and repeated their victory in 185J. 1 11 1856 |ohn (.". h'rcmonl carried the state for the newlv organized Re|)iiblican party and since that war there has been only one Democratic electoral vote in the si ate of ' )hio. In i8<;j (hover 1 'Icvcland received one of ( )hio's I went v- thrce electoral votes, but with 1I11- exception the stale has cast a solid Republican vote lor President every vear '-11111' iS^o. ( )hio has furnished live Presidents of the I 'uiled Slates: William I lenrv I larrisoii, Rutherford I'. Haves, lames \. („,ilield. William Mckinlev and William II Tall

\\ lull.' tin.- state ha- been rcgisleri it has li.nl eight Democratic govcrnoi large majorities. A complete list ui years of their tenure and their politics,

Governor. Edward Tiffin

Thomas Kirker (acting)

Samuel Huntington

Return Jonathan .Meigs

Othniel Looker (acting)

Thomas Worthington

Ethan Allen Brown

.Mien Trimble (actingj

leremiah Morrow

Allen Trimble

Duncan McArthur

Robert Lucas

[oseph Vance

Wilson Shannon

Thomas Corwin

Wilson Shannon

Thomas \Y. Bartley (acting)

Mordecai Hartley

William Bebb

Seabury Eord

Reuben Wood

William Medill (acting, 1S53)

Salmon P. Chase

William Dennison, Jr.

David Tod

fohn Bmugh

t'harles Anderson fading)

Jacob I). C,v

Rutherford B. Naves

Edward E. NToyes -

William Allen

Rutherford B. Naves

Thomas I.. Ynuner

Republican votes fur the President, and has frequently elected them by the governors of the state, with the s given at this point for reference:

fenure. Politics

803-07 Democratic-Rep.

807-09 Democratic- Rep.

8oy-i 1 i )emocratic-Rcy.

8i 1-14 Democratic-Rei:

814- 1 5 1 >emocratic-Rep.

81 5-19 I )cmocratic-Rep.

819-2 2 Democratic-Rep.

S22-23 1 )emocratic-Rcp.

823-27 Democrat

N27-31 I )enn icrat

831-33 National Republican

833-37 Demi icrat

X.IJ-.V) Whig

839-4) 1 )emocrat

841-43 Whig

843-44 1 )emocrat

844-45 Democrat

S45-47 Whig

847-49 Whig

849-51 Whig

851-53 Democrat

853-56 1 )emocrat

856-60 Republican

860-62 Republican

862-64 Republican

864-65 Republican



866-68 Republican

'V| |,SA-' Republican

■A" -'"7 I Republican

N74-76 Democrat

876-77 .Republican

^77~7'J' Republican


< iovernor. Tenure. I '< ilitics.

Richard M. Bishop 1878-80 Democrat

Charles Foster [880-84 Republican

limi-r Iloadley 1884-86 Democrat

loseph Benson Foraker 1880-0,0 Repnl)lican

fames 1'-. Campbell i8<)0-c;_> Democrat

William Mckinley 1892-96 Republican

Asa S. Bushnell 1896-00 Republican

George l\. NTasli 1900-04 Republican

Myron T. Merrick 1904-06 Republican

John M. Patterson (died in office) [906 Democrat

Andrew l.itner Harris 1906-09 Republican

Judson Harmon .1909-13 Democrat

James M. Cox 1913-15 Democrat

Frank B. Willis 1915 Republican

The political history of Ohio can not be dismissed without reference to the amendments incorporated in the new constitution in 1912 which have made the constitution practically a new instrument of government, The general tendency of the thirty-three amendments is to make a freer expression ol democracy through the medium of the initiative and referendum, direct pri- maries and home rule for cities. A workmen's compensation law was enacted which provides for compulsory contributions to an insurance fund by the employers of the state. Many changes were made in providing for improve- ments in social and industrial conditions. Ohio now has a constitution which is sufficiently flexible to allow changes to be made by amendment with- out the trouble of a constitutional convention.


The stale boundaries of Ohio have been the cause fur most animated discussions, not only in regard to state limits but county and township lines as well. In 1817, and again in [834, a severe controversy arose over the boundary between Ohio and Michigan which was settled only after violent demonstrations and government interference.

In primitive times the geographical position, extent and surface diversi- ties were but mcagerly comprehended. In truth, it may be asserted they could not have been more at variance with actual facts had they been laid out "haphazard." The Ordinance of 1787 represented Lake Michigan far north


pi its real position, and even as late as uSu its size ami location hail not been definitely ascertained. During lint year Anios Spaliord addressed a clear, comprehensive letter to the governor of Ohio relali\i to the boundary hue.-, between Michigan and Ohio. Several lines oi survey were laid uut a-- die first course, but either Michigan or i dim expressed disapproval in ever) case. L'his dispute came to a climax in 1S35 when the parly beginning a "perma- nent" survey began at the northwest corner o I the state and was attacked l>v a force of Michigan settlers who sent tliein away badh routed and beaten. \o ell. mi was made to return in the work until the state and various parlies had weighed the subject, and linall) the interposition of the government became necessary. \ settlement resulted in the establishment of the present boundary line between the two states, Michigan being pacified with die 141.1111 of a large trn 1 in die n< irthet 11 | leninsula.

Ohio is situated between the 3S J5' and 4J north latitude, and

': <' and S| ^0' west longitude from (ireenwich, or 3 30' and 7 30' west from Washington. I-'nuii north to south 11 extends over two hundred and ten miles, and from east 1,1 west two hundred and twenty miles -com- prising thirty-nine thousand nine hundred and sixty-four square miles.

I he slate is gencralh higher than the Ohio river In the southern counties the surface is greatly diversified by the inequalities produced by the excavating power of the ( )hio river and its tributaries. I lie greater por- tion of the state was originally covered with timber, although 111 the central and northwestern sections some prairies were found. The crest or watershed between the waters 'if 1 .ak'e I'.rie ami those of the ( >hio is less elevated than in Xew York or Pennsylvania. Sailing upon the Ohio the country appears to be mountainous, bluffs rising lu the height of two hundred and fifty to six hundred feet above the bed of the river. Ascending the tributaries of the Ohio, these precipitous hills gradually lessen until they are resolved into gentle undulations and toward the sources ol dies,- streams the land becomes I p\v and level.

Although Ohio has no inland lakes of importance, it possesses a favor- able river system which gives the stale a convenient water transportation, flu lake mi the northern boundary, and the Ohio river on the south afford convenient outlets by water to important points. The means of communica- tion and transportation are superior 111 every respect, and are constantly being" increased bv railroad and electric lines.

l'l TN \M C'lH'N'l Y. Olllo

.\.\ 1/ \llo.\ III- (OIW'TIKS AM) I. \\'i.\ I'.YI S"l

\ilanis county was named in honor of [ohn Adams, i Ik- second Presi- dent of the United States, (iovernor St. Clair proclaimed it a county on lulv id. 1707. The Virginia Military Tract included this section, and the first settlement made within its boundaries was 111 this count}' in 1790-91, hetween the Scioto and Little Miami, at Manchester, by Gen. Nathaniel Massie. In this town was held the first court of the county. West Union, the present county seat, was laid out bv the Honorable Thomas Kirker. It

ies the summit of a high ridge. The surface of this counts is hilly and broken, and the eastern part is not fertile. It produces corn, wheat and oats. It- hills are composed of aluminous shale.

Ashland count}', one of the finest agricultural sections, was formed Lcbruarv jo, 1N40. Wheat, oats, corn, potatoes, grass and fruit are raised. Ashland is its county seal and was laid out b\ William Montgomery in 1S16, It was called Unionlown for several years. Daniel Carter raised the first cabin w ilhin the o unity hunts in 1 S 1 1 .

Auglaize county was formed in February, |S_|N, from Mien and .Mercer counties Wapakoneta is its count}- seal. Auglaize is a great agricultural county, producing all the kinds ol grain raised in < lliio.

Allen county was lurnied from the Indian icrrilon April 1. iSjn. Lima is its county seat. In Allen count} are some of the greatest gas and oil fields in the United State-, and the section 1- also cer\ rich in agriculture

Ashtabula county was created June 7, 1S07, and was organized fanuary jj. [Sri. The surface is level near the lake, while the remainder is undu- lating, fhe soil is mostly claw This was the first countv settled on the Western Reserve and also the earliest in northern Ohio. ( >n the- aih of Jul}-, 171)0, the first surveying part}' arrived at the mouth of Conneaul creek Judge James Kingsbury was ihe first who wintered there with bis family. lie was the Inst man to use a sit l<le in the first wheal field iii the Western Re- serve. Their child was the first bun Ihe Western Reserve and was

starved to death. The first regular settlement was at I larperslield in 1700. Jefferson is the county seat. Ashtabula is pleasanllv situated 011 the river, with a line harbor two and a half miles from the village. The first church on the Western Reserve was founded at Austinburg 111 1S01.

Alliens county was formed front Washington March 1. [805. It pro- duces wheat, corn, oats ami tobacco. The surface is hilly and broken, with rich foil on 1 lands bet wren, Coal, ir e and sail add materially lo it- c -


mcrcial value. Athens, in county seal, is situated on the Hocking river. Ohio University, the first college founded in the state, is located here.

Brown county was formed March* I, 1818, from Adams and Clermont. Ii produces wheat, corn, rye and oats. The southern pari is prolific in -ram, while the northern is adapted to grazing purposes. The surface is undulating, with the exception of the Ohio river hills. Over this county fecumseh once held swav. (ieorgelown, the county scat, was laid out in 1S19. Ripley is the largest husiness town iu the county.

lielnionl count\' was created hy Governor St. Clair Septemher 7. tSoi. It produces large crops of wheat, oats, corn and tobacco. It is a picturesque tract of country, and was one of the pioneers in the early settled portions. In 17.10 Kurt Dillie was erected on the west side of the Ohio, liaker's Korl was a null- below the mouth of the Captina. Main des|)cr;tte Indian bailies were fought within llie limits ol this cotinlv, and the famous Indian scout, Lewis Wetzel, roamed over the region. Saint Clairsville is the county scat, situated on the elevatii 11 of land, in a fertile district. Captain Kirk wood and K.liza- lieili Zane, of historic fame, were early pioneers here.

I'utler county was formed in 180,? from Hamilton. It is within the blue limestone formation, and one of the most fertile sections of ( )hio. Ham- ilton, the county seat, 1- situated on the (ireat Miami. Its hydraulic works furnish superior water power. Rossville, on the opposite side of the Miami, is a large mercantile town. St. Clair passed through Ibis county on his Indian campaigns in 170,1, building Korl Hamilton on the Miami.

1 li.unpaii'.n ci iimi \ was formed March 1, 1805, from Greene and Krank- lin. Ii is drained by Mad river and its tributaries. The soil is fertile, and produces wheat, corn, barley, haw while beef and wool add to lite general weal lb. I '1 liana, the county seal, was laid out in 1805, by Col. William Ward lie was the chief owner of die land and donated many lots to the county under condition thai their proi ceds be devoted to public improvements. Joseph Vance and George Kithian were the first settlers. The Methodists built the first church in 1807. The main army of 1 I nil concentrated at this point before setting out for Detroit. Mam Indian councils were called here and fecumseh was lucated for a time near Deer < reek.

Carroll count}' was formed from Columbiana in 1832-33. It produces wheat, oats and coin, and valuable coal and iron. The surface is hilly. Car- n illn hi is its ci unit y seat.

Clark county was lormed March 1, 1817, from Champaign, Madison and Green. Its second settlement was at Krcb's Station in 170'' It is highly cultivated, well watered and very fertile, 'fecumseh, the Mil Indian

I'UTNAM ( ( UN 1 V. (HI 1


warrior, was I H .in ;it tin- ancient Indian village ol l'ii|ua, on the Mad rivci' on the site i'f New Boston. 1 * n 1 1 1 ; 1 was destroyed by Gen. George Rogers Clark. Skeletons, beads, gun barrels, tomahawks, kettles, etc., have been found in the vicinity. Springfield, the county seat, is situated on the national road. It lias convenient transportation facilities, is handsomely laid out, and is imted for its cultured citizens. It is near Mad river and Buck creek runs through it.

Clinton county was formed in 1810. Its surface is undulating, in some parts hilly, and the soil fertile. The count) was settled in 1 798-og. Wil- mington is the county seat, and was laid out in 1K10. The first log house was built by William Holism. Clinton county is rich in agriculture and is noted for its macadamized n iads.

Clermont county was the eighth formed in the Northwest Territory by proclamation of Governor Si. Clair, December o. iSon. The soil is exceed- ing! \ rich, and I he surface is broken and. near the Ohio, hill v. Wheat, corn, oats, hav, potatoes, tobacco, barley, buckwheat and rye form the main crops. Batavia, its county seat, is situated on the Little Miami river and was laid out in 1 Xji ) by I !ei >rge Kly.

Columbiana county was formed March -S, 1N03, from |elferson and Washington. Its soil is very fertile, producing wheal, corn, oats and potatoes. It is wealthy in mineral deposits, coal, iron ore, lime and freestone being abundant. Its water-lime stone is ol superior <piality. It was settled in 1797. Lisbon is the county seat. The first paper mill in Ohio was erected in this county, on Little Beaver creek, by John Coulter and |olm liever.

Coshocton county was organized \pril 1, 1S11. [Jills and valleys alter- nate along the Muskingum river. Coal and iron ore add to its general im- portance. Coshocton, the count)- seat, is built on four wide, natural terraces, at the junction of the Tuscarawas and W'alhonding.

Cuyahoga county was formed June 7, 1X07, from Geauga county. .War the lake the soil is sandy, while a clayey loam may be found elsewhere. As early as 1775 there was a French settlement within the boundaries of Cuva- boga. In [7X6 a Moravian missionary came to the present site of Cleve- land and settled in an abandoned village of the Ollawas. Circumstances pre- vented a permanent settlement, and the British tacitly look possession, even remaining upon the lake shores after tin- Revolution. The first permanent settlement was made at 1 leveland in 170'' lob V. Sliles and family and I'M ward I'aiue passed ihe first winter there, their log cabin standing where the Commercial I'.ank is now located. Kodolphits Kdwards and \a th.niiel Doane settled here. In 1 S 1 3 Ihe town was a depot of supplies and a


1'L'TNAM C'Ol' NT V, nil

rendezvous for troops engaged in 1 1 u- war. Cleveland, the county seat, is situated al I lie northern termination of the ( >ld ( >hio eanal on tile lake shore. In iN'-l n was incorporated as a village, anil in 1S36 as a city. Its elevation is al* 'in a hundred feet above the lake. ( )!n'o ( 'it) is another important tow 11 nearly opposite Cleveland on the Cuyahoga. It was incorporated in 1N5O.

( raw ford count) was formed April 1, uS_>o, from the "Id Indian Terri- tory. The entire county is adapted to grazing. The soil is generally com- posed oi rich vegetable loam and in some parts the subsoil is day mixed with lime. Rich bed- of shell marl have been discovered, Ihtcyrus, the countv seat, was laid .ml bebruary 11, iNjj, by Samuel Norton and lames Kil- bourn, original owners of the land. 'I he first settler in the town proper was Samuel X'orton. Crawford's sulphur springs are located nine miles from liucyrus. The water is impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen and deposits a reddish-purple sediment. In its nature the water is a cathartic, and is diuretic and diaphoretic in its effect. The Annapolis Sulphur Springs is clear and has gained considerable fame by its curative qualities. Opposite Bucyrus is a chalybeate spring of tonic qualities.

Darke county was organized 111 March, 1S17, from .Miami county. In this county occurred the lamentable defeat of St. Clair, and the Ireatv of Creenville. Crccnvillc, the county seat, was laid out August 10, iNoN, hv Robert Cray and John Dover. In December, 170^. Waym built hurt Creen- ville on this spot, which covered about the same extent as the present town.

Delaware county was formed l'ebruar\ 10, [SoS, from franklin. Dela- ware, the count)- seat, was laid out in the spring of iNoX, |.\ Moses liyxbe. Hecause ol its rich soil, Delaware is an important agricultural county. The historic streams, the Scioto and Olentangy rivers, run through the count)- a long distance.

Defiance county was rivaled March 4, 1N45, from Williams, Henry and I'aulding. The Mauniee. Tiffin and Auglaize How through it. The county is now one of the largest producers of sugar beets in Ohio. Defiance, the county seat, is situated on the Mauniee. It was laid out 111 iSjj |,v 1',. bevel and II. Phillips. A large Indian settlement occupied its site in very early tunes. Wayne arrived here August S, [794, captured the place, finding about ..ne thousand acres of corn, peach and apple orchards and vegetables ..f all varieties. Mere he built boil Defiance.

f.rie cunt) was formed in 1 S^S from Huron and Sandusky. Tin- soil is alluvial and yields large crops of wheat, coin, oats and potatoes. It pos- sesses inexhaustible quarries of linieslciie and freestone. The I'.rie tribe is said to have once occupied the land an. I were extirpated by the Iroquois ,\^

PUTNAM i (UN IV, nil in.


early as 1754, the French had built settlements here, hi 17(14 (lie county was overrun by Pontiac, who came here with warlike demonstrations, but made peace with the whites. I •'. r i e was included in the "Fire lands" of the Western Reserve. Sandusky City is the county seat and was laid out in 1S17, then termed Portland. At that time it contained two log huts. The town is finely situated and is based upon an inexhaustible quarry of the finest limestone. In the "patriot war" with the Canadians, this city was the rendezvous for the "patriots."

I iaiil:lin county was formed April 30, 1803, from Ross. It was in early times occupied by the Wyandot Indians, its first white settlement was made in 1707 by Robert Armstrong and others. Franklinton was laid out in 1797 by Lucas Sullivant. Worthington was settled by the Scioto Company in 1801. Colonel Kilbourn, who was interested in the work, constructed the first map of Ohio during his exploration by uniting sectional diagrams. Columbus, the capital ol the state, is also the county seat of Franklin county. In 1810 the sessions of the Legislature were held at Chillicothe, in 1811 and 1812 at Xanesville, removing again to Chillicothe, and in i8r6, hem-- located at Columbus. The town was laid out during the spring of [812. A penitentiary was erected in 1813 and the slate house was built in 1S14. It was incorpor- ated as "the borough of Columbus" February 10, 1816. The city charier was granted .March 3, 1834. It is beautifully located on the east hank of the Scioto. The Ohio Lunatic Asylum, the Ohio Institution for the Education of the Blind and the Ohio Institution for the Education of the Leaf and Dumb are located at Columbus.

Fairfield county was formed by proclamation of Governor St. Clair, December 0, 1S00. The soil is varied, being in some parts exceedingly rich, and in others very sterile. Lancaster, the county seat, was laid out by Ebenezer Zane in r8oo. In 171)7 he opened the road known as "Zane's '1 race." from Wheeling to Limestone now Maysville. ft passed through Lancaster at a fording about three hundred yards below ihe present turnpike bridge.

Fayette county was formed from Ross and Highland in 1810. Wash- ington, lis county seal, was laid out in 1S10. Colonel Stewart was active in the interests ol this section and his memory is sacredly revered. |esse Milli- kau was prominent in early public affairs. Fayette is one of the richest agri- cultural counties in the slate and is especially noted for the raising of line

Fulton county, bordering on Michigan, was organized in 18^0. Ii is


I' I I'.NA.M (DI'.VTV, nil It

drained In Dean nvck and other small abluents id the Wauinee river. The surface is nearl) K\ 1 1 and the mm] fertile. Waiisc<>u i- the lount) -cat.

( iueruse) count) was organized in March, 1S10, h produces wheat, corn and oats. Cambridge is tlie count)1 seat and was laid out in |uue, iSoo. Mr. Graham was the first settler on the site of the town and his was the oiil)' dwelling between Lancaster and Wheeling. The first cannel coal found in tlu' count) was discovered near Mill's creek.

Greene count)' was formed May 1. 1803, from Hamilton and Ross, li produces wheat, corn, rye. grass seed, oat*, barley, •-her]) and swine. The Shawnee town was on the Little Miami and was visited h\ (..'apt. Thomas [jiillitl in 1 /7,v Winn Daniel I Sonne was captured in 177N, he was brought to this town and escaped the tollowing scar. (ieneral Clark invaded ibis county and the Indians reduced the town to ashes. Xcnia, die county -ml. was laid oil in the forest in 1S03 by Joseph 1 . Vance Ilu- lirsl cabin was en led in April. 1S04, by John Mar-ball. I'he Rev. James bowler built the fust hcwed-log cabin. David. A. Sanders, buili the first frame house. Nine miles north ol the town on the Little Miami river are the Yellow Springs, which arc impregnated with sulphur.

Geauga count) was lormed in iNn" from Trumbull It is situated at the bead of Chargrine, Cuyahoga and a pari of (irand river*, on high ground and is subjected to snow storms more frequently than ail) other part of the reserve. Its first settlement was made in 1 708 at liurton. ( hardon is four- teen miles from Lake Krie and is sis hundred feet above it. It was laid out as the ci nini v seat in 181 >N.

1 ialha county was lormed April 30, 1S03, from Washington. The sur- face is generall) broken. Its nisi settlement was made in 170,1 by a l-Tench colony at (iallipolis. This colon) was sent out under die auspices of the Scioto Company. This town is now the county seal.

Hamilton count) was the second established in the Northwest Terri- tory by proclamation 01 Govcrnoi St. Clair, lanuarv _\ 1700 Its surface is generally rolling. It produces the ordinary farm products and a great variety ol fruits and vegetables for the Cincinnati market. This county was the settled in Ohio and the first within the Svnimcs Purchase. Settlers arrived at the spot now occupied by Cincinnati and three or four log cabur, were erected. Ceil. Arthur St. i lair arrived here m lanuarv, 17110. The army of Wayne encamped here later, at fort Washington. Mr. Maxwell established, in 170.1. the Sentinel oj the Narlhwslern Territory, the lirsl newspaper printed north of the Ohio river. In 1700 Kdward freeman be- came its proprietor and changed ihe name lo l:reciihin'.\ .l<>iinnil lanuarv



11 . A ' |. lew keel- boats -ai UmI fn.in Cincinnati lu I * i 1 1 , 1 . 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 , making regu- !■" 'I M1- ''■•'■' } four weeks In iSmi the first sea vessel built al Mat n 1 l;i . aim- down the i 'In". Cinciiiii.'iti, the county scat, was incorporated lanuarv -'. |N"-'- ll was chartered as a eil\ in i8h;. I'he eit\ is beautifully laid out and delight fulh situated. Ii- public buildings arc elegant and substantial, includ- ing die court house and many literary and charitable institutions-.

( inciunati is a large manufacturing city and possesses line water-power facilities h communicates with the world by means of the Ohio river, rail- ways and electric lines. Xorlh l!end is another proiuincnl town in this county, having heen the resideno ol Cen William II Harrison and the site ol his hurial place. The town was oi considerable importance in the early settlement of the state. About thirty yards from llarri>on"s tomb is the gra\ e ol Judge Svmmcs.

Hancock county was formed April i, iS.io. The surface is level and its s"'l '• fertile lilanchard's l-'ork waters the central and southern pan of the county, h'indlay. the county seat, was laid out by cx-Covernor |oscph \'ance and Klnathan Corn in 1821. It was relaid in tSjij. William Vance settled there in the fall of iNji. Hancock county lias extensive gas and oil fields.

Hardin county was formed April i. 1820, from the old Indian Terri-

l' "\ . A port if the surface is level and the remainder undulating, h'orl

McArlhiu was ],mh ,„, the Scioto run- but proved a weak stockade. Kenton is the county seat, situated on the Scioto river.

Harrison county was formed from Jefferson and Tuscarawas, January i. 1814. The surface is hilly, abounding in coal and limestone. It- soil is clayey. In April, 1700. Alexander Henderson and family settled in this county, and at the same time Daniel Peterson and his family resided at the t()i'k-s ol Short creek. The carh settlers were much annoyed by Indians and wild beasts. Cadiz is the county seat and was laid out in 1803 and 180^ b\ .Messrs. Drills and I'eatty.

Henry county was formed from the old Indian Territory April 1. 1820. Indian com. oats, potatoes and maple sugar constitute the main products. Hie county is well supplied with running streams and the soil is unusually rich. The soil is superior for grain. I'm it thrives and all varieties of vege- tables are produced in large i|uanlilies. Simon Cirtv, notorious for his wicked career, resided in this county. Girty led the attack on port Henr\ in September, 1777. lie demanded the surrender of the fort, and menaced its inmates with an Indian massacre 111 case of refusal. The action began, hut the foil gained the -mi, a v. II.- led a ferocious band ol Indians and c -


l'l L'NAM COUNTV, Olllt

mitted the most fiendish atrocities. Napoleon, the county scat, is situated on

the .Maui nee river.

Highland county was formed in May, 1805, from Ross, Adams and Clermont. It is a wealthy, productive county. It-- first settlement began in 1801, at New Market by Oliver Ross, Robert Keeston, George \V. Barrere, Bernard Weyer and others. Simon Kenton made a trace through this county in early times. Hillsboro is the county seat and was laid out in 1S07 by David Hays on the land oi Benjamin Fllicott. li is situated on the dividing ridge between the Miami and Scioto. The Hillsboro Academy was founded in 1827.

Hocking county was formed March 1, 1818, from Ross, .Athens and Fairfield. Its surface is broken and hilly, but is level and fertile be ide the streams. The Wyandots once occupied this tract and built a large town herein. In [798 a few white families ventured to settle. Logan is its county seat and is situated on the Hocking river.

Holmes county was formed from Coshocton, Tuscarawas and Wayne January 20, 1824. The southwestern portion is broken. Thomas Butler was the first settler in 1810. Millershurg is the county seat and was laid out in 1S30. This is an excellent agricultural county.

Huron county was organized in 1815. Norwalk is the county seat.

Jackson county was organized March, 1N10. The country is rich in minerals and abounds in coal and iron ore. Jackson, the county seal, was laid out in 1817. The old Scioto salt works were among the first worked in Ohio by the whites. Prior to this period the Indians came some distance to this sccti'iu to make salt. When Daniel Boone was a prisoner he spent some time at these work's.

Jellerson county was proclaimed by Governor St. Clair July 29, 1707, and was the fifth county established in Ohio, lis resources in coal are also extensive. The surface is hilly and the soil fertile, producing wheat, corn and oats. The old "Mingo" town was on the present farms of Jeremiah Hallock and Daniel Potter. The troops of Colonel Williamson ren- dezvoused at this point when they set out in their cruel Moravian campaign and also the troops of Colonel Crawford, when they started on the campaign against the Sandusky Indians. Here Logan, the powerful and manly chief of the Mingo nation, once resided, lie took no active part in the old French war, which closed in 1760, except that ol a peacemaker, lie was a stanch friend of ihc whites until the abominable and unprovoked murder of his father, brother and sister, which occurred in 1774 near the Yellow creek-, lie then raised tin- battle cry and soueht revenue.

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However, Logan was remarkably magnanimous toward prisoners who fell into his hands. The yeai 1793 was the last spent in Indian warfare in Jefferson count)'. lrort Steuben was erected on the present site of Stcuben- ville, the county scat, in 1789. It was constructed of block-houses, with palisade fences and was dismantled during' Wayne's campaign. Bezalecl Wells and Hon. James Ross laid the town out in 1798. It was incorporated February 14, 1805. It was situated upon an elevated plain. In 1N14 Messrs. Wells and Dickerson built a woolen manufactory and introduced Merino sheep ti 1 the 0 unity.

Knox county was funned March 1, 1808, from Fairfield. It is drained by the Vernon river. Mount Vernon was laid out in [805. 'flic early settlers found twai wells on the Vernon river built of hammered stone, neatly laid, and near by was a salt-lick". ["heir direct origin remains a mystery. Gilman r.rvant, 111 1S07, opened the first store in Mount Vernon. The Indian-- came to Mount Vernon in large numbers for the purpose ol trading in furs and cranberries. Fach Saturday the settlers worked on the streets, extracting slumps and improving the highway. The first settler north ol the place was X. M. Young, wlm built his cabin in 1803. Mount Vernon is now the county seat, beautifully situated on Vernon river. Kenyon College is located at (.iambier. This institution was established under the auspices ol l-iishop Chase in fuly, 1X26, in the center ol a four-thousand-acrc tract belonging to Kenyon 1 '1 liege. It was chartered as a theological seminary.

Lucas county is ol comparatively recent origin. I his county is situated in the Maumee valley, which was the great arena ol historical events. The frightful battle of \\a\ ne's campaign, where the fndians found the Uritish to be traitors, was foughl near Fort Miami in this count)'. Maumee City was laid out in 1817 by Major William Oliver and others. It is situated on the Maumee at the head ol navigation. The surlace 1-- one hundred feet above the water level. This town, with I'crrysburg, its neighbor, is exceedingly picturesque and was in earl) times frequented by the Indians. The French bad a trading post at this point in 1OX0, and in 1704 the llritish Fori Miami was built. Toledo, the county seat, is on the left bank ol the Maumee and the site of a stockade fort, known as Fori Industry, creeled 111 1800. An Indian treaty was concluded here July 4. 1S05, by which the Indians re- linquished all rights lo the "lire land-.." In 1832 Capl. Samuel Allen gave an impetus tn the place and Major Sliekney also became interested in ils ad- vancement. Speculation in lots began in 183.1, The Wabash i\ F.rie canal inieie 1 an 1 c 111 1X3(1. Mr. .Mason and F.dward P.isscl added (hcii energies in assi 1 ihi growth o] ihe town It was incorporated as a cilv in 1X3(1 li

I ' I I \ \ \ I i i 1 1 \ I \ , i > I I I

was the center of the military operations in the "Ohio ami Michigan war," km iwn as the "I" mndary ri mllicl."

I.nrain county was formed from lluron, Cuyahoga ami Medina mi I )ecenihcr -'0, 1822. The soil is generally fertile and the surface level. A curious relic has been found in this count)', hearing' the date ol 1533. I'.lvria is the county seat and was laid out in 1817. L'he lirst settler was lleman l'd\-. Oherlin is situated about eight miles southwest of Llyria. Oberlin College has attained a wide reputation.

Logan county was formed March 1, 1S17. The surface is broken and hilly near the Alad river, but is generally level. 'I lie Shawnee Indian-- were destroyed in 1786 by a body oi Kciiluckians under Gen. Benjamin Logan. The while?- surprised the towns. However, they returned alter the work of destruction had been completed and for many years frequented the section. 1 in the site of Zaneslield was a \\ yandot village. By the treatv of September _•«), 1S17, the Seiieeas ami Shawuees held a reservation around Lewistown. April (). 1832, ihev vacated tin-, right and removed west. Isaac Zane was born about the year 1 753 and was, while a boy, captured and afterward adopted by the Wyandots. Attaining the age of manhood, he had no desire to return to his people. He married a Wyandot woman, who was half Ireiulr Alter the treaty of Greenville he bought one thousand eight hun- dred acres on the site of Zaneslield, where he lived until the year 1816, when he died, lamented by all his friends. Logan county was settled about the year [806. htiring the War of 1 X 1 j it was a rendezvous for friendly Indians. Bellefontaine, the county seal, was laid out March iS, 1820, on laud owned by John Tulles and William Powell. Joseph Gordon built a cabin and \n thoiiy Mallard erected the first frame dwelling. Gen. Simon Kenton is buried at the head oi Mad river, five miles from Bellefontaine. lie died April 29, 1836, aged eighty-one years and twenty-six daws. This remarkable man came west to Kentucky i" 1771- fie probably encountered more thrilling escapes than any other man oi his lime. In 1778 he was captured and suf- fered extreme cruelties and was ransomed by the I'.riiish. lie soon recovered his robust health and escaped from Detroit the following spring, lie settled in I'rhana in 1S02. lie was commissioned brigadier-general of the militia and in the War of 1X12 joined General Harrison's army. In the year iSjo he removed to Mad river. General Vance and Judge Burnet secured him a pension of twenty dollars a month.

Licking count)- was formed from Fairfield March t. [80S. The surface is generally level, diversified by slight hills in the eastern portion. Goal and iron ore of good quality add to the wealth of the county. Newark 1 the

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county scat, ami is situated al (.he coiillueiice (if the three principal branches of the Licking. In 1801 it was laid out by Gen. William C. Sehenk, George W. Unmet and Inlin M. ( umining.s, who owned this military section ol four thousand acres. In iNoj Samuel Kllioll ami Samuel Parr huilt hewed-log Inniscs. The |)ictiircsi|iie "Narrows of the Licking" are in the eastern pail vi the omuls. Within the county aie ancient fortifications, the most noted in ilu- stale <•!" Ohio, containing about three hundred acres. The engineering is mi' the best rind the works have frequently been visited by European scieuiists Tin- breastworks are lined with old trees and the trenches are now great canals.

I .aw nana' countv was organized March 1, iSif>.. There are many high and abrupt hills in this section, which abound in sand and freestone. It is rah in minerals and the most important section of Ohio for iron manufac- ture. Coal is abundant and white r!a\ exists in the western part suitable for pottery purposes. The county was settled in 1707 by the Dutch and Irish. The iron region extends through the west part of this county, [ronton is the county scat.

Lake county was formed from Geauga and Cuyahoga March 6, 1840. The soil i- good and the surface rolling. \s early as 1700 a settlement was formed at Mentor. Gainesville, the count) seat, is situated on Grand river in a beautiful valley. Painesville was laid out by Henry Champion 111 1805. At Pairport the first warehouse in tins section and probably the first on the lake, was built hv Abraham Skinner in 1R03. This town lias a line harbor and has a lighldiousc and beacon. Kirtlaud, southwest Mom Painesville, was, in iNi|, the headquarters of the Mormons. At that time lhe\ numbered about three thousand. The old Mormon temple is of rough stone, plastered over, colored blue, and marked to imitate regular courses ol masonry.

Madison countv was organized in March. 1S10. The surface is gener- ally level. Jonathan Alder was much interested in the settlement oi the countv. Captured when a child, he had lived with the Indians main- years and had formed a lasting aflection for them, and he married a squaw, lie became dissatisfied with his Indian wife and this caused him to look up his own family, lie succeeded through the assistance of John Moore. lie left hi- I ndian v. i fe and \< lined his | ic< >ple.

This countv was lirst settled in 1705. Men jainin Springer made a clear- ing and built a cabin. Joshua b.wing brought four sheep to this place and the Indians exhibited great astonishment over these strange animals. \\ hen the hostilities of \K\2 began, the Prilish offered inducements to the Indians to join 1 hem and the\ consulted \ldei regarding the best policy to adopt, lie advised them to prescr\e 1 ii-ul rali 1 \ until a later period, which thev did. and


eventually became firm friends of the Americans. London is the county seat and was laid out in 1810-I] by Patrick McLane.

.Marion county was organized March 1, 1824. The soil is fertile and produces extensive farm crops. The Delaware Indians once held a reserva- tion here and conceded their claims August 3. 1S29, and then removed west of the Mississippi. Marion, the county seat, was laid out in iSj 1 by Eber Baker and Alexander Holmes. General Harrison marched through this sec- tion during his campaign.

Mahoning county was formed in 1846 from Trumbull and Columbiana. The surface is rolling and the soil general!) fertile, Bituminous coal and iron are found in large quantities. Col. James llillman came to the Western Reserve in 17S0. The settlement oi the county went forward. Vouugstown is the count}' seat.

Medina county was formed from the Western Reserve February i_\ 1 S 1 _>. ["lie surface is rolling and [he soil is lerlile, pruduciug line agricul- tural products. The first trail through the count) was made bv George 1'oe, |oseph 11. Larwell and Roswell M. Mason. The first settlement was made by Joseph Harris in 1X11. He was soon joined by the Burr Brothers. .Medina is the county seat.

Meigs county was formed from Gallia and Athens April t. 1N10 The general character of the soil is claye\', producing large quantities of wheat, oats, corn, hay and potatoes. Pomeroy, the county scat, is situated under a lofty hill, surrounded by picturesque scenery. Nathaniel Clark was the lirst settler of the county. He arrived in 1816. The lirst coal mine opened in Pi ineroy was in 1819 by David Bradshaw.

Mercer county was formed from the Indian Territory in 1820. I'be sur- faci is generally flat. St. (lair's battle was fought on the boundary line be- tween this and Darke count)'. Lewis ('ass and Duncan McArlhur made a treaty on St. Mary's with the Wyandots, Shawnees and Otlawas in 1S1S I'lie odious Simon Girty lived at one time at St. Mary's. Wayne built St. Mary's fort on the west bank of the river. John Whistler was the last com- mander of the fort. The largest artificial lake in the world, so it is asserted, is formed by the reservoii supplying the St. Mary's feeder of the Miami Ex- tension ('anal. ll is about nine null's 1 . > 1 1 14 and from two to four broad. Celina is the c< unit y seat.

Miami county was formed January 16, 1S07, from Montgomery. It abounds in excellent limestone and possesses remarkable water-power facili- ties. Its agricultural products rank high in quality and quantity. |ohu Knoop came inio ibis section aboul the year 1707 and its lirsi setllenu'iit



began about iliis lime. Troy, the coiuily seal, is situated upon 1 1 u- (irc.it Miami. I'h|ii.i is ilk- largest city in the county.

Monroe county was formed January 29, j N 1 3 , from Belmont, Wash- ington and Guernsey. A portion of its surface is abrupt and hilly. Large quantities of tobacco arc raised. Iron ore and coal abound. The valleys of the streams arc very narrow, hounded by rough hills. In some places are natural rock grottoes. The first settlement was made in 1799 near the mouth of the Sunfish. At this time wolves were numerous and caused much alarm. \ o]nc\ entered this count) hut was not prepossessed in it-- favor. One town- ship was settled by the Swiss. Woodsfiekl is the count)- scat.

Montgomery county was formed from Ross and Hamilton May 1, 1S03. The soil is fertile and its agricultural" products are most excellent. Quarries of grayish-white limestone are found east oi Lite Miami. Dayton is the counts- scat, situated on the Great Miami at the mouth oi Mad river. \ company was formed in 1 788, but Indian wars prevented settlement. After Wayne's treaty in 1795, a new company was formed. It advanced rapidly between the sears iNi_> and 1820. The beginning oi the Miami canal re- newed its prosperity 111 1827. I he first canal-boat from Cincinnati arrived at Dayton on the 25th ol January, 1829. The first one arrived from Lake i "lie in [tine, 1845 Col. Robert Patterson came to Dayton in i8o_|. At one time he owned Lexington, Kentucky, and about one-third of Cincinnati.

Morgan county was organized in 1818, March 1. The surface is hilly and the soil strong and fertile, producing wheal, corn, oats and tobacco I'oik is a prolific product and considerable salt is made. The first settlement was made in 1700 on the Muskingum. McConnclsville is the count)' seal Mr. Avres made the first attempt to produce salt in 1N17.

Morrow county was organized in iX.|X. It is drained bv the Vernon river, which rises in it, bv the Last IJranch of the Olentangy or Whetstone riser, and bs Walnut creek. The surlace is undulating and the soil fertile. The staple products are corn, wheat, oats, hay, wool and butter. Mount Gilead, the counts- seat, is situated on the blast I 'ranch of the Olentangy riser.

Muskingum counts- was formed from Washington and bairfield. The surface is rolling nr hilly. It produces wheal, corn, oats, potatoes, tobacco, wool and pork. Large (|uanlilics of bituminous coal are found. Sail is madi in large quantities -the line being obtained from a stratum of whitish sandstone. The Wyandots, Delaware's, Senecas and Shawnccs Indians once inhabited this section. An Indian town occupied the site of Duncan's balls \ large Shawnee town was located near Dresden. Zanessille is the countv

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-~i-.it . situated opposite the moulli uf the Licking. Ii was laid out in 1700 by Mr, Zane ami Mr. Mclnliro. This is one of the principal towns in the state.

X'oble county, organized in 1S51, is drained hv Seneca, Duck and Wills creeks. The surface is undulating anil a large pari ol it is covered with for- ests, ["he soil is fertile. Among its mineral resources are limestone, coal and petroleum. Near Caldwell, the count) >eat, are found iron ore, coal and salt.

Ottawa county was funned from Lrie, Sandusky and Lucas March 6, 1S40. It was wry thinly settled before 1N30. Lxlensivc plaster heds exist on the peninsula, which extends into Lake F.ric. It has also large lime- stone (ptarries, which arc extensively worked The very first trial at arms upon the soil of Ohio, during the War of ittu. occurred upon this peninsula. Port 1 hut. in, the count) seat, was laid out in iN_>7

I V.nw county was formed from Washington, Fairfield ami Muskingum March 1. 1N17. Fine tobacco is raised in large i|u;mtities. Wheat, corn, oats, hay. cattle, pork and wool add to the general wealth. This cmintv was first settled 111 iSot. The lirsi settler was Christian llincklev, who built the hrst cabin 111 the count)-, about five miles west of Somerset, near the present county hue. New Lexington is the counlv seat.

Paulding count) was formed from old Indian Territorv August 1, iNjo It is ver\ rich in agriculture and produces corn, wheat, sugar beets and oats Paulding is 1 In- a iiinlv seat.

Pickaway count) was lormed from I'airlield, Puss and Pranklin |annar\ ij. tNio. 'I he county has woodland, barren, plain and prairie. I he barrens were covered by shrub oaks and when cleared are adapted to the raising of corn and oats. The Pickawa) plains are thru- and a half miles west of Cir- cle ville and this tract is said to contain the richest land in Ohio. I I ere. in the olden times, burned the great council lires of the red man. Here the allied tribes met Cencral Lewis, who fought the battle of Point Pleasant. I >un- jnore's campaign was terminated on these plains. It was at the Chillicothe towns, after Dunmore's treat), that Logan delivered his famous speech. Cireleville, the count)- seat, is situated on the Scioto river and the Ohio canal It was laid out in 1 S to by Daniel Dreshach. It is situated on the site of ancient f. irlilicalii ms.

Portage count)- was formed June 7, 1S07, from Trumbull. It is a wealth)-, thriving section. It also produces wheat, corn, oats, barley, buck- wheat, rye, butter and wool. Ravenna is the count)' seal ami was originally settled by the [Jon. P.cnjanim Tappcn in June. 1700 In iSofi an unpleasant difficulty arose between the settlers and a camp of Indians n Decrlield,

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caused by a liorse trade between a white man and an Indian. David Daniels settled mi ilk- site of Palmyra in t/yo.

1 'ike county was organized in 1X13. The surface is generally hilly, which abounds with freestone, which is exported 111 la rye quantities lot build- ing purposes. Rich bottom lauds extend along ihe Scioto ami ils tributaries, [ol 11 Nolan and the three I henowelh brothers settled mi the l'ee Pee prairie aboul 1 71 1' 1. Piketown, the former county seat, was laid mil about 1S14. Wavcrlv. the present countv -cat, 1- situated mi the Scioto river,

I 'rcblc county ssas formed Mao h 1, 1S0S, from Montgomery and I'.ut- ler. The soil is varied. Katon, tin- count)' -cat, was laid out 111 1X00, by William I 'nice, who owned the land. An ovcrllowing well ol -strong sulphur <■. . I er i- near the low n, while directly beside 11 is a limestone quarry. I lolder- n Kin's qua its is al » 11 it two miles distant, from which is obtained a beautifully clouded grav stone. Port St. (lair was built near P.alou 111 the winter of 1791-1)2. (ieneral Harrison was an ensign at the linn- ami commaiHled a guard every other night for three week- during the building. The severe battle of November (>, 1 70J, was fought under its very guns. Little Turtle, a distinguished chiei ol tin- Miami's, roamed over this county for a lime. I le was witty, bra\e ami earnest and, although engaged in several severe con- tests with the whites, he was inclined toward peace lint when his warrior-, 1 1 ied f' 'I" war he led them 1 ira\ el v.

Putnam count) was formed \pril 1, [X._>o, from old Indian Territory. Ihe -''il 1- lei'lile, its principal productions being wheat, corn, potatoes and oats Kalida. mice the countv seat, was laid out in 1N34. Ottawa is the county seat.

Ross count)- was formed \ugust 20, 170X. bv the proclamation of Governor St. Clair and was the ninth county formed in the Northwest Territory. The Scioto river and Paint creek run through it, bordered with fertile lands. It exports cattle and hogs The Rev. Robert \V. Finlev, in 170. |. addressed a letter ol inquiry to Col. Nathaniel Massie, as inanv of bis associates had designed settling in the new stale. This resulted 111 packing their several ellects and setting mil. \ trivial Indian encounter was the only interruption they met with on their was'. \fter W'avne's treats'. Colonel Massie and mans' of these earl)' explorers met again and formed a settle- ment in 1700- at the mouth of Paint creek-. In August of this vear, Chilli- cothe was laid mil by Colonel Massie in a dense forest, lie donated lots to the rails' settlers. A ferry ssas established over the Scioto ami ihe opening of Zane's trace assisted tin- progress of settlement. Chillieolhc, die countv seat, i- situated mi the Scioto. lis site is Hurls' feel abuse ihe riser. In



1800 it was the seat of the Northwest territorial government. It was in- corporated as a city in January, 1802. During the War of 1812, the city was a rendezvous for the United Slates troops. A large number of British were at one time guarded here. Adena is a beautiful place and the seat of Governor Worthinglun's mansion, which was built in [806.

Richland was organized March i, 1813. It was settled about 1809 mi branches of the Mohican. Two block-houses were built in 1S12. Mansfield, the countv seat, is charmingly situated and was hud out in 180S by Jacob Newman, James Hedges and Joseph II. Larwell. The county was at that period a vast wilderness, destitute of roads. From this year the settlement jii'i igressed rapidly.

Sanduskv county was formed April 1. [820, from the old Indian Terri- tory. The soil is fertile and country generally level. Near Lower Sandusky lived a hand of Wyandots, railed the Neutral Nation. They preserved their peacemaking attributes through the Iroquois conllicts Freenmnt, form- erlv called Lower Sanduskv, the countv seat, is situated at the head of navi- gation 011 the Sandusky on the site of the old reservation grant to the Indians, at the Greenville treats- council. Fort Stephenson was elected in August, 1813, and was gallantly defended by Colonel Croghan.

Summit county was formed March 3, 1840, from Medina, Portage and Stark. The soil is fertile and produces excellent fruit, he-ides large crops of corn, wheat, haw oats and potatoes. The firs I settlement made in the county was at Hudson in 1800, The old Indian portage-paths, extending through this county, between the Cuyahoga and Tuscarawas branch o| the Musk- ingum. I his was a pari of the ancient boundarv between the Six Nations and the Western Indians. Akron, the county seal, is situated on the portage sum- mit. Il was laid out in 182-:. In 181 1 Paul \\ illiams and Amos and Minor Spiccr settled in this vicinitv Middlcbun was laid out in 1S1S In Norton and Hart.

Starke county was formed February 13, 180S. it is a rich agricultural county. It has large quantities of mineral coal and iron ore. Limestone and extensive beds of lime-marl exist. Frederick Post, the first Moravian missionary in Ohio, settled here in 1710. (anion is the county seat, situated in the fork's of the Niniishillen, a tributary ol the Muskingum. Ii was laid out in 1806, bv Rezaleel Wells, who owned the land. Massillon was laid out in March, 1826, by John Duncan.

Shelby county was formed in [S19, from Miami. The southern por- tion is undulating, arising in some places to hills. Through the north ii is a Hat table-land. The first point of F.nglish settlement in Ohio was ai the



mouth of Laramie's creek in this county as early as 1752. I "or I Laramie was built in 1794 by Wayne. The lirst white family that Milled in this county was that of James Thatcher in 1X04. Sidney, the county seat, was laid out in 1819 on the farm of Charles Starrett.

Seneca county was formed April 1, 1820, from the old Indian Territory. Fort Seneca was built during the War of 1812, The Senecas owned forty thousand acres oi land on the Sandusky river, mostly in Seneca county. Thirty thousand acres of this land was granted to them in 18+7 at the treaty held at the foot of the Maumee Rapids. The remaining ten thousand was granted the following year. These Indians ceded this tract, however, to the government 111 1831. It was asserted by an old chief that this hand was the remnant of Logan's tribe. Tiffin, the county scat, was laid out by fosiah Hedges in the year 182 1.

Scioto county was formed May 1, [803, It is a good agricultural sec- tion, besides producing iron ore, coal and freestone. It is said that a French fort slo,,d at the mouth of the old Scioto as early as 1740. In 1785 four families settled where Portsmouth now stands. Thomas McDonald built the lirst cabin in the county. The French grant was located in this section a tract comprising twenty-four thousand acres. The grant was made 111 March, 1705. Portsmouth, the county seat, is located upon the Ohio.

Trumbull county was formed in 1800. The original Connecticut West- ern Reserve was within its limits. The counts' is well cultivated and very wealth)-. Coal is found in its northern portion. Warren, the counts' seat, is situated on the Mahoning river. It was laid out by Fphraim Quinby in 1801. Mr. Quinby owned the soil. I lis cabin was built here in 1 700- In August, 1800, while Mr. McMahou was away from home, a pails' of drunken Indians called at the house, abused the family, struck a child a severe blow with a tomahawk and threatened to kill the family. Mrs McMahou could not send tidings which could reach her husband before noon the following day. The following" Sunday morning, fourteen men and two boss, armed themselves and went to the Indian cam]) to settle the difficulty. < hunbv advanced alone, leaving the remainder in concealment, as he was better ac- quainted with these people, to make inquiries and ascertain their intentions. lie did not return at once and the party set out, marched into eamn and found (Juinby arguing with Captain Cieorge, the chief. Captain George snatched bis tomahawk and declared war. rushing forward to kill McMahou. [hit a bullet from the frontiersman's gun killed him instantly, while Storey shol "Spoiled John" a I ihe ame lime. The Indians then lied They joined the council al Sandusky. (Juinby garris -d his house. Fmirleeii days

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thereafter the Indians returned with overtures of peace, which were, thai Mc.Mahoii and Storey be taken to Sandusky, tried In Indian laws, and n found -nili\ punished h\ them. This could nut he done. McAlahon was tried In ( ieiicral St. ( lair and the nuttier wa> settled. The first inissiouar) ■I] the rocrvi was the Re\ Joseph [ladder.

Tuscarawas count) was funned Lcbruary i ;, rSoS, from Muskingum It is well cultivated w ill) abundant supplies oi coal ;nnl iron. I he hrst white settlers were Moravian missioiiai ies, their first visits dating back to 17(11. 'fhe lirst pern!. iiu'iit sellleinent was made in iH(\v .Mary I leckcwelder, the daughter of a missionary, was born in this count) \pril 1(1, 17X1. b'oit Laurens was built during the Revolution. It was the scene of a fearful car- nage li was established 111 the fall of 1 77!-' and placed under the command of Cencral Mcintosh. Xew Philadelphia is the count) seal, situated on the Tuscarawas. It was laid out in 1S04 l>\ film kniscly. \ (ierinan colony settled iii this connlv 111 I S 1 7, driven from their native land by religious persecutions. They called themselves Separatists. fhey are good people. strictly mural and honest.

L'nion county was formed from franklin, Delaware, Logan and Madi- son in iNjo. Lxtcnsive limestone' quarries are also valuable. The ICwini* brothers made the first white settlement in 1 7<jS Col. James Curry, a mem- ber of the Stale Legislature, was the duet instigator in the progress of this section. He located within its limits and remained until his death, which ■• '<'! in 1N34. Marysville is the county seat.

Van Wert county was formed from the old Indian Territor) April 1, iSjo. Van Wert, the Counts seal, was founded b\ lames \\ . Kile)' in l<"\}7 \n Indian town had formerly occupied its site. Captain Riley was the first white man who settled 111 the count)', arriving in iSji. lie founded Will shire in iSjj.

Vinton county was organised in 1S50. It is drained In Raccoon and Salt creeks. The surface is undulating or hilly. I'ituminous coal and iron ore are found. McArlhur is the county seat.

Washington county was formed by proclamation of Coventor St. Clair July 27, 1 7 X S . and was the first county founded within the limits of Ohio 'fhe surface is broken with extensive tracts of level, fertile laud. It was the first county settled in the state under the auspices of the Ohio Company. A detachment of I'nited Slate- troops, under the command of Maine |ohu Doughty, built Korl I (annar in 1 7N5 and it was the first military post estab- lished in Ohio by Americans, with the exception of I'ort Lauren-, which was erected in 1 77S It was occupied by I'nited Slates troops until 1 T<;n,

PI INAM rni'XTY, 0111

win it the\ were ordered In Connecticut. A company under Captain Haskell remained. In l 7S5 tl k- directors ol I he ( )hio Company bewail practical opera- tions ami settlement wciil forward ra|iiilly. ( ainpus Marlins, a stockade furl, was completed in 170J. I'liis formed a stunk stronghold during llie war. I hiring the Indian war l here was 11 inch suffering in the county. Many settlers were killed and captured. Marietta is the omuls seal and llie oldest town in Ohio. Marietta College was ehartered in I'TiT Uernian Blcnner- hasseli, wdiose unfortunate association with Aaron Burr proved lalal to him- self, was a resident of Marietta in 1700.

Warn-n counts was formed May 1, 1 .VU 13 , from Hamilton. I he soil is \er\ fertile and coiisidcrahle water power is lurnished by its streams. Mr. lieilell made the first settlement in 170- Lebanon is the county seal, Henry Tavlnr settled in this vicinity in 1 701 > luion Village is a settlement ol Shakers. I In \ came here ahotit 1S1 15

Wavne couni\ was proclaimed In (iiwernor St. Clair, August 15, 170''. and w as die sixth count \ 111 the N'orihw esl I'crrilnry, The settlement ol this section has already hcen hi icily delineated. W'oosler is the counly seal, h was laid out during the fall of 1S0S, l>\ John I'.eaver, William Henry and |oseph II. Larwcll, owners of the laud Its site is three hundred and thirty- seven feel above Lake Krie I he hist mill was built by Joseph Slibbs in 1S00, mi Apple creek. In iXu a bloek-house was erected in W'oostcr.

W ] ci.unlv was formed from llie old Indian Territory 111 18.20. 1 he

soil 1- rich and larijc crops are prodtice<l. The count)' is situated within the Maumee valley, li was the arena of brilliant military exploits during early times. Howling (irceil is the county seat.

Williams county was formed April 1, iNjo, from the old Indian Terri- torv. Bryan is the county -eat. It was laid out in 1X40

Wyandot county was formed Lebruary 3, 1N45, from Marion, Hardin, Hancock and Crawford. The surface is level and the soil fertile. The Wyandot Indians frequented this set lion. It was die scene of Crawford's defeat in |uue, 1 7NJ, and his fearful death By llie treaty of 1X17, Hon Lewis Cass and lion. Duncan McArlhur, L'nited States commissioners, granted to the Indians a reservation twelve miles sijuare, the central point beintj Fort h'errce. The I )elaware reserve was ceded to llie L'nited Slates in iSjcj. The Wvandots ceded theirs March 1;. iSj_\ 'I he L'nited Slates commissioner was ("ul. folni lolnison, win' thus made die kis| Indian treaty in < )hio bvcrv !•" 4 of this state was fairly purchased by treaties. The Wyanclots were ex- iieiiirj\ brave and scxeral <-i llicir duels were men "i exalted moral

pi iuciples.


'NTV, nil |i

Upper Sandusky is the county seat ami was laid out in 1S43. General Harrison hail 1 m ill herree mi 1 li i -. spot durin» the War of 1812. Governor Meigs, in 1 S 1 3 , encamped near the riser with several thousand of the Ohio militia. The Indian village of Crane Town was originally called Upper Sandusky. The Indians transferred their town, after the death of Tarhe, to Upper Sandusky.



I i : i. topography of the land embraced within the county of Putnam is different in some respects from that oi the other counties in this part of the state. Although it is uniformly llat, its numerous rivers and streams af- furd excellent drainage, while a complex system '>t artificial drainage has brought practically all of the county under cultivation. The rivers and streams are bordered m many eases with high Mulls on one side or the other and these elevations serve to freak the monotony oi the prairies.

Ah'-t of the soil of the count)' is alluvial in formation and is, in many eases, e . 1 1 1 1 1 < > ■> e- 1 1 of muck, which, in some townships, is mixed with sand and, in others, with clay. The soil is generally very prolific ol all hinds of agricultural products peculiar to this section oi Ohio, and in very few instances is it necessary to use lertilizcrs in order to secure excellent crops. In main places in the county the laud was once covered with water and dense agnatic vegetation. Such land has been termed muck land and, after being well drained, makes \er\ productive soil. Early in the history oi the countv much oi the laud was covered with swamps and it was many years before the county was brought to its present high state ol cultivation.

At the present lime about all the land ol the county winch is pot under cultivation is in the feds ol the rivers and streams and m that which makes up the public highways. Most oi the first settlers located along the streams, not oiilv because they afforded an eas\ access to the outside world, but also

•e the land bordering them was easier to cultivate, During the past hall eentun thousands i>i miles ,i ditches have been put into operation within the county and the once impenetrable swamps now comprise as line larming land as mav be found in am part of the United States.

I hi'oiighoni the eounlv. moraines, or ridges ol earth higher than the ad- jacent land, are louud m abundance. I hese moraines are composed ol sand and arc covered with an alluvial soil, which is black in appearance, but fre- quently heavily mixed with clay. These moraines are supposed to have been Iornied during the glacial period l>\ the receding waters of the lake, winch. gc<i]o"isis claim, ewered ihe entire norlhwcMcni nail ol ( )hio. As this

8 2


theory of the formation oi the moraines lias never been questioned, it may be taken as a fact.

The various rivers and creeks throughout the county have a trend toward the north and all drainage oi the county eventually finds its way into the Maumee river. The several streams oi the county may be brielly men- tioned as follows :

The Auglaize river, or All Glaise or Gaud Glaise, is one oi the largest tributaries of the .Maumee river. With its many tributaries, the Auglaize drains the greater part of the county. The name oi the river betrays its [•Tench origin and may be traced hark to the time oi the occupancy by that natii m.

The Ottawa river, familiarly known as Hog creek', was named in honor of the Ottawa Indians who formerly lived within the present limits of this county. The name, Hog creek, seems to have been applied as the result it an interesting incident which happened main' years ago. In the Putnam county history by George Skinner, the author explains the origin of the name Hog creek as follows: "While the English had possession of Fort Miami in the .Maumee river, parties on that river undertook to supply them with pork. In driving a lot of hogs to the fort they were compelled to cross the Ottawa river, which, at that particular time, was unfortunately very high. The men driving the hogs became frightened at the hostile demonstrations ol some Indians whom they encountered along the Ottawa, and, evidently thinking that the Indians were about to attempt to capture some of the hogs, drove part ol the porkers into the river. Some of the hogs reached the other side s.i |Y1\ , others swam hark to the shore from w huh I hey started, while still others were drowned in the river. The owners finally abandoned the hogs to their late, returned home, and from that day forward the Ottawa river has often keen called I log creek."

lilauchard river was formerly known as the North Fork of the Auglaize. It was renamed the lilauchard in honor of a man bv that name who is said to have keen the lirst white man to have traded with the Indians up and down the river, lie bought their furs and other articles which I hey had to dis- pose "i and in return doled out lo lhc savages meager portions ol" powder, heads and such trinkets as were usually handle. I by the earlv trader-.

Sugar creek derives its name front the fact that in its earlv history its hanks were lined with sugar maple trees. The Indians were wont to repair I" lhc hanks of thi> beautiful little stream every spring for the purpose of making maple sugar, and. alter the Indians left, the while men made good u-e nl the main thousands of trees along (be river hank.



Rilev crook was originally called Door crook, from the fact that deer abounded in great numbers along its banks in the early history oi the county. h was a favorite hunting ground for the Indians, who knew it as Deer creek long before the white man ever saw it. The surveyors who worked in this countv in 1820 designated it as Deer creek. The name Riley was applied to the crook in later years, in honor of James Watson Riley, one oi the early survevors of I'utnam county. The story is handed down through the years that Rilev once nearly lost his life in trying to ford the creek and did actually lose his surveying instruments, [lis tripod was never found and it is doubt- less resting quietly in the bottom of the stream to this day.

fennings creek received its name in honor of Colonel Jennings, who, in iNi_\ built a stockade 011 the Auglaize where the prosperous little village of It. lennings now stands. This same sterling old pioneer left his name on the township in which the town oi IT Jennings is situated.

Plum creek, as the name indicates, was so named because of the abun- dance oi plum trees which formerly grew along its hanks, bruit oi any kind was very scarce in the early days and a wild plum was much better than no plum at all. The Indians were fond oi this fruit and even fall visited the creels in order to least on the delicacy.

Loatherwood creek" was named b\ some oi the early surveyors from the fact that it- hanks were lined with this bush, The pioneers had occa- sion to resort to the hanks oi Loatherwood creek frequently for their har- ness equipment. The tough hark of this bush made an excellent substitute for leather and many an acre oi I'utnam county land has been plowed the lifst tune by teams using lealherwood harness.

1 ranherrv creek derived it- name Irom the bush oi that name. The succulent rranberrv once grow in profusion along the hank- oi this creek, but ha- lung -nice disappeared, with the beaver, it- best friend.

M 1 .via; vi. in

I - 1 1 1 MM

I'litn.'iiu omiiiIn 1- pre-euiiiieiith an agricultural countv and finds its greatest wealth in it- ihoii.siiub oi fertile acres, While the greater portion oi the county i- a Mack loam, there are part- of the county where there arc line clav deposits. As a result I here are found main tile and brick factories in the countv and the swampv character of (be county has made lite tile in- du-li v a v erv pn ilitable 1 me.

In many pari- of tin- county limestone deposits occur and a number of


1'1'T.N'AM COL' XT V. mill

quarries have been opened, which luiiii-h excellent macadamizing material, as well as stone for main other purposes.

In Sugar Creek and I'leasant townships there is a small deposit of vcllow elav, but not enough to make ii "l am commercial value Through- iiiu t lie couiilv there are numerous springs ol white sulphur, yellow sulphur and limestone water. The medicinal qualities of some of these springs make them nf undoubted therapeutic value and in the coming years some enter- prising man will find a fortune in this medicine prepared by Dame Nature.

In almost even' township 111 the county wells have been driven for oil and gas, but, while both have been found m limited quantities, the yield has not been sufficient to make the operation of wells a profitable venture.



1X1)1 \ \ \|i iI'M

["lie artificial mounds in I'utnam county arc few in number and much -mailer than those in the counties in the southern part of ihe -late, where 1 mounds are numerous, large in circumterence and much greater in ' , . 1 1 1 1 In fact, Him 1 1 1 1 . ui the norihirn part of the state there are no iii> >i 1 1 1 1 ~ wi great altitude. Ihe reason ol this may lie explained ii\ the tact that the surface ol the ground is level and the purposes for which the mi .11 1 !■ 1 - were (unit did not exist to an extent requiring greater height in their construction While this difference exists between the northern and south- ern parts ol this slate, there are many leaturcs connected with ihem winch are verv similar in the matter ul construction, location and the contents un- earthed bv excavation. In this county only live oi these mounds are known to be in existence and in investigating the contents, obtained bv tunneling and digging to their base, the same features arc demonstrated a-, have char- acterized such investigations oi mam ot the larger and. -mailer mounds in ihe southern half ot the state. Here, as well as in southern Ohio, the mounds were not all constructed oi the same soil as immedialeh surrounds them. Ihe -oil constituting the interior oi these mounds is usually oi an alluvial nature and was in some manner conveyed lo ihe place at which the mound was erected. In some instances ihe soil used was the same as only to be found a thousand feet from the mound. The inside ol these mounds was usualh constructed oi sand and loam, while the outside was covered with cla\ to the depth ol nc.irh iwo feet. Ibis clay was so impervious to frost and water that the elements, for ages, have made but little impression on the cla\ -"if In tunneling these mounds the same features existed in all "I ihem. In the center ol each mound, about eighteen inches deeper than the surrounding suilace o| ihe ground, there was loiind charred wood, frag- ments i'i calcined stone and bones of annual-, all of which had been subject to lire upon being pi. iced there In no instance were human bones found in



the mounds ;ii this depth below what is now the natural surface of the ground surrounding. I'lie mil) perceptible rise ol the ground for several feel from these mounds ma\ be attributed to the natural wash oi rains fol- lowing the frozen and thawing conditions ol the soil. The fact of finding charred wood, animal hones, etc., at such a depth In-low the surrounding surface may also he explained by the accumulation of soil for ages past. I'lie linding oi charred wood, In. no, etc., in the center, may be explained by the supposition thai, before constructed, a sacrifice or burned offering \\a> a part ol a ceremony connected with their building. Another feature connected with these mounds is that in the vicinity where they exist many pieces ol broken pottery, arrow heads, stone axes, etc., have been found, and nearh even year now the earth gives up many such things.

Numerous theories have been advanced in regard to these artificial mounds— who built iheni, for what purposes were they built and as to the period ol time at which they were built, bin these questions yet remain as a scaled book and may never be satisfactorily answered. While it is con- ceded that the race oi people who constructed these mounds were numerous, intelligent and industrious, yet where these people came from and the time of their activities on earth are also unsolved questions.

1 1 these mounds were built in commemoration oi religious events, then their builders were a people who had a religion. It they were built, as some writers claim, for military purposes, then their builders were warriors. If for the latter purpose, then who were the foes they were protecting them- selves against? At what period ol time did ihey occupy this portion of the earth or at what nine the\ disappeared from it, no historian has yet at- tempted to fix. but students who have given the mailer consideration agree that the period of lime was alter the (llacial period or Ice Age. I lie riddle ''I the Sphinx still remains unsolved, so does that of the artificial mounds, winch exist in about every slate ol our Union, and in almost every county ut ( >hio.

While these mounds are commonly designated as "Indian mounds," there is nothing to confirm such designation. It is well known that our American Indians, as a class ol people, were indolent and lazy and would never do manual labor except b\ compulsion, and that they possibly never deviated from their habits in this respect by carrying the dirt from the dis- tance required.

Many writers have expressed opinions about the builders ,,f these mounds, and plausible theories have been advanced, yet these theories are but conjectures and unsuslaincd bv absolute fads. Some writers claim

PUTNAM i OUK l"V, nil 10.


lhat the people who Imilt iheni came from southern countries, and that at one nun' tliev were inliahitant.s of Phoenicia, am! worked their way north- ward. Oilier writers, in trying to explain the disappearance ui these people from this country, stale lhat they were destroyed or driven from here by a race of Asiatic Indians, who came lo this country by the way of Bering Strait. It is also stated by writers on the subject that when this continent was first discovered the Indians were its only inhabitants and lhat these In- dians hail no tradition as lo any other people or any wars with any other race of people. I Int. as we are not an archaeologist, we will not attempt to solve such problems. Yet, in time to come, research by students ol the (mention maw result in something tangible in regard to the matter.

( If the live artificial mounds thai existed in I'utnam counts, but one or two now remain, the oilier-- basing been leveled to the earth by the encroach- ment of agriculture or for the construction of roads ami other purposes for the benefit of mankind today. The artificial mounds of I'utnam county were located as follows: The largest one in Perry township, which was pos- sibh fifteen feet high and fifty feel in diameter, but now only about eight feet high. One mile north of this mound was another, located on the banks of the Auglaize river. Scarcely a irate of this mound now exists, nearly all of it being washed away by the encroachment of the river. The third mound was on the L'lanchard river, in CJreensburg township. Another was on Hog creek, in Union township. Another was located a mile east oi Ot- .: on what is now the Powell farm. This latter mound is now almost obliterated.


Iii ihe vicinity of all these mounds, broken pottery, stone axes, arrow heads, etc., are still to be found. The arrow- heads are of different colors of ihnt and of various sizes, from an inch and a hall to six inches in length and of geometrical proportions. The stone axes are also oi different sizes and of different stone. Wink- nearly all varieties ol stone are in evidence, lhat of limestone does not exist. The shapes of these axes indicate skill in their formation and knowledge of proportion. That the stone was put through a process ol hardening or tempering we have no doubt, as in our boyhood days, in southwestern Ohio, we frequently visited a spot ol ground upon which were a mass of pieces of stone blocked in shapes and sizes, the localiu being no doubt a place where this process was practiced. As lo the arrow heads, the manner oi their construction has iml vet been re-discovered, -■ era I theories have been presented, vet, on Irving lo work them out, they


IT IN \M COUN'I Y, ollio.

have .ill proved a failure. The problem still remain-, to be solved. While all these a\e-< are commonly called "Indian axes," the term is a misnomer, mi far as the masses of those found is concerned. The onl\ kind of an axe that the Indians were ever known to have made is one made out of blue- clay and dried in the air. It is but a crude imitation of the real stone axe and is deficient in proportion and finish and a poor imitation of the real st> me axe.

riUS'l UWNKUStlll' \NI> IH'Cfl'ANlV 11V Nil INDIANS.

I'rior to the year 1763, the Indians had peaceable possession of the lands in this part oi Ohio, under the claims oi France. During the year 170.3, I "ranee ceded all its rights to the llrilish government In 1771. '.real llritain. In its Parliament, passed an act declaring ownership of all the territory as far south a- the Ohio river, and attached the lerriton to the |ii'i 'vincc 1 il Oucbcc.

(ireat ITitam niamtaiued its right to the lerrilon for a period of twent\ years, when, in 17N3, he the treatv of I'aris, 11 surrendered all claims and the lerriton became a pari of the United Slates.

1 11 1 oil \\v \ u 1 -si k\ \ 1 |oN.

Uv a treaty consummated l>\ our ^overnmein on September jo, 1777, at "The Foot of the Rapids of the Mauniee of the Lakes," the Ottawa Reservation was ceiled to the Indian- This treat}' stipulates that "There -hall he reserved for the u-e of Ottawa Indians, km not granted to them, a trad of land on lilanchard's fork, of the < ireat Auglaize riser, to contain live square mile-, the 'enter ol which tract is to In where the old trace crosses the -aid fork." and "one other tract to contain three square miles, on the Little Auglaize, to include Oe-que-iioN'-ie village." The reservation given to ( )c-que-noN-ie was where the village ol ( liarloe 1- now located in I 'auMing county.

The Ottawa Indians were permitted to occupy these reservations until the scar 1N33, when the United States bought them from the Indians. In the year 1N33 our government placed on sale the lands constituting the reservation. The sale was made at W'apakoneta 111 the fall of that year.

Ihus, alter occupying the lands, under the United States government, lor a period o| nineteen years, and possibly for over a hundred vcars pre- viously by right of possession, the last ownership of the lands l>\ the Indians expired.

IT I NAM t'Ol'N'l V, (HI II


During the pending "I l lie treat) granting this reservation there was iiiik'Ii contention .ini'iii^ tin- Indians as to whclhei they would accept tlic terms 'it the treaty, claiming that the live square miles dul niit ciintain enough lam]. The advocates nl accepting ilie treat)' ami tlio.se opposing were about eipiallv divided and iiincli had blood was engendered over the matter.' So bitter bad the strile become thai frei|iieiit mnrders occurred among those favoring and those opposing the treaty. Vet the matter was eventually settled and peace reigned during the after years so long a-- they occupied the reservation. Many ol the chiefs ol the tribes located through- out this part ol the slate were opposed to the provisions oi the treaty and duIv about three hundred ol the great number ol Ottawa Indians attended ilie great meeting at which this and other treaties were made ai thai time. One. ''i the most hitter opponents ol the treatv was Oc-i|ue-nox-ie, vet, as icceeded in getting a 11 -creation ''I his own, lie InialK accepted the o>n- 1 1 it !■ ill-, i > 1 the treaty and peace prevailed afterward.

\ tier the purchase ol the land- b\ our government, in iN^, the In- dian- remained hue until about the vear i!\i5~'>. when ucarlv all of them were deporud to their new reservation in Missouri, now .1 pari o| k.m-a- \ lew stragglers, hi wcver. remained here and in the vicinitv ol fori |en- 1 iiig - la.ii a- [N ,'i. w In n the la-t red man disappeared from I 'tit nam count v.

I hey wen tin lortunate altei leaving their village here. 1)11 their wa\ I" their new reservation, an epidemic of small-pox \1-1md them and a large number 1 if the tribe died from the disease

I he worst eneni) that the Indian- had wink- occupying theii Ottawa i\sei \alion. was the "lire water" furnished them by traders, who were the worsi species of the "boot-legger,"' and who were the cause of most of the crime that prevailed among the red men at thai period. The disease of sinall-po.N was also a great foe among them. It 1- said that every winter 11

'prevailed an » the 111 ami caused a great many deaths; in fact, nearly all the

death- by disease were from this cause.

I he Ottawa Indian- were loath to leave their reservation here. It was an ideal place lor making maple sugar, fish were plenty 111 the river and the territory abounded 111 game. Ten years after their departure a few of the brave- visited this place and remained here for a number of days looking over the land which for so long had been their "happy hunting grounds."

During their occupancy of this reservation, these Indians recognized l'e-ton-i-(|uet a- their chief, yet, m their conversations with the first white settlers, they invariably spoke of him as their "half-chief." On being inter-

1,1 :is '" wbv die, called him their "half-chief," llieir aiiswei was thai

l'l'TXAM ( Ml ,\ I'Y

['e-ton-i-quet had a twin-brother who was a chief, and. as the twin brother li.nl been killed, L'e-ton-i-quet could only be a "half-chief" and not a "full- chief." This was the onh reason given by them for their designation. How- ever, all mention ol L'e-ton-i-quet by the white men who came here from iS;; to iN;n was favorable to bun and all these pioneers agreed upon the fact that be was sober in his habits, honest in his dealings and kind in dispositii Mi.


The original name oi the Indian village located on this reservation was spelled Tauwas, and it so appears in the earliest histories of this part of the state. Ihe name ^t the village was called Tawa by the early settlers. It is now a part of the town ol Ottawa. The village ol the Tauwas is known to have been in existence as far back as the year 175", and was visited by the I reiieh misMonaries and fur trader, from that period as late as iNij, and, 111 fact, until the year 1 <^3— The village was located on the Indian trace from W'apakoueta to the foot ol the biapids on the Maiunec river. This trace crossed the I'.lanchard river at a point where the river bridge, on (he road to Columbus Grove, now stands. The village was supposed to be on this trace and the center oi the reservation ol live miles square. The village, as it existed 111 1830, embraced the territory now north of the Findlay, Ft. Wayne & Western railroad, west of the Chicago, Hamilton & Davton rail- road, north as far as the Defiance pike and west to the river. The most pre- tentious cabin at that time was the council house, constructed of logs and located on what is now Walnut street, on the west side of the street a short distance beyond Tawa run. The trading cabin of Ueardorf & Frecde, fur trader-, was tbe next cabin of large size. It was located on the rear of the lot now occupied by .Mrs. James Ford, and was used by the early French missionaries in winch to bold religious services. .\ crude altar occupied the east part ol the building, and at a window in the east end of which, for years, a lamp was kept burning at all hours. This building was designated as "the light house" by persons traveling the trail from east t,i west. Ihe Indians hail "brushed" about live acre- of land, jn il,e river bottom immedi- ately west of their village, winch they used to raise corn. This cornfield, with another acre, on what is mm the I Well farm, was about all the land ,ll'> cultivated. During the occupano of the village two or three families "' Indians lived on wbal 1- now the I'owell farm and an Indian burving ground was also mi tbe farm.

During the ocnipano of ihe village it was frequent I \ visited by various

1'L I'XAJI CCH'N'l V, ell I'


fur traders, in whom tin- Indians sold their furs for a mure pittance. For year previous in tlieir departure, I'e-lou-i-quct was the only "More-keeper" in llie village. His stock 111 trade consisted of powder, lead, lish-hooks and lines, ic -ether with a stock of heads.

fair tkea 1 m en 1 i;v THE government.

In our examination ol the various treaties made hy our government with the Indians who occupied this pari of Ohio, we are impressed with the truth that our government in every instance acted in good faith with the In- dians. I hey paid them a big price for tlieir lands, under existing circum- stances, and gave them hig annuities in mone\ and large tracts oi land for what the government received. h "Lo the pour Indian" was ever cheated or rohhed, it was hy the individual "pale-lace" and not hy our government.


h'roin nine lo tune during the past forty years many skeletons of In- dians have heen unearthed in various parts oi I'utnam county, in taking gravel and earth from the various moraines which traverse this county. While a majorilv oi iIicm- skeletons are found huried in the usual manner, some dilfer in this respect. In two or three instances, the hodie.s unearthed have heen tound to have heen huried 111 a silting posture, with lace toward the east and with a piece of ancient [lottery placed upon the lop of the head and various trinkets made of stone and copper placed upon the thigh hones of the bodies. The skeletons of the three found showed that they were oi larger proportions than those huried differently. The query presents itsell as to whether these few skeletons were those of Indians or of a race "I people which preceded them. These three skeletons were found near where an artificial mound exists, and where nianv fragments of pottery h.i\ e heen f< mud.

( 'ne fact is evident, namely, that at the time of burial no regular bury- ing ground existed among the race of people lo which ihev belonged.

While the skeletons of Indian- have frequently heen found in the vari- ous moraines, it is evident thai they had no regular burying grounds in this county prior to at least the year 1750. h'roni this date regular burving grounds are known to have been in existence here, the fact being estab- lished by silver ornaments made prior to that date being found in the old I ndian burv ing gn mud in < >l law a.


IT l.\ AM I'Ol' NTY, (ill IO.

Tin- best known and largest burying ground of the Indians in Putnam nuinty, is tlial of the Ottawa*, and especially thai of the tribe which made this their abiding place for possibly a century oi time, or up to the year 1836. The territory embraced in this ancient burying ground 1- located south of what is now known as Second street, between the old armors building and the Cincinnati, Hamilton .\ I Jay ton railroad, and further south to the old bed of the river.

Another burying ground, probably used prior to the one at Ottawa, was on the I'osvell farm, a mile east ol this place, vet the number of Indians buried there is bin small in comparison to those buried at Ottawa, as the Latter was used until the departure oi the Indians from this counts'.

In digging trenches and in the cultivation of ibis latter burying ground

eseral skeletons base been unearthed, and in two instances silver orna-

I and brooches base been h und \ number of sear, ago, in making a

garden, Reverend Miller unearthed a skeleton, on the head of which was a

large and heaulitul silver crown, upon which was artistically engraved a

n ol a deer and bullalo, together svith etchings, showing a high stale of ibi 1 graver's art. Recently a couple ol skeletons were unearthed, and upon as I' und a silver ornament, in the shape of a saucer, ( hi this orna- ment . as engraved a deer, and the figure also showed a high stale of art. \i the same lime a per feci skull of an Indian was found. I 'he skull was sers large, sscll proportioned and typical ol the earls Indian.

file ornaments here mentioned were undoubtedls made in France, dur-

ln French occupancs ol this territory, prior io ihe Indian-French war 1 1 1ir.1t I'.rii.nii m i lie scar 1 7 - < > . Al thai period of time the French and Indian- svere close friends, and quite a number of Frenchmen lived with the Indians, sympathized svith litem and gave them mans' presents. It is stated in history that during the same period the\ were frequentls' visited bv I c -mt missionaries, sent from France to this country, and who did great work in ( hristianizing and civilizing the Indians for sears afterward. In tact, these missionaries and French fur traders svere frequent visitors here up to the nine our government came 111 control of this part of the country.

As the finding oi these silver ornaments svas accidental, these burying grounds no doubt contain a great many more such ornaments, which mas some day be brought to light.

I he last Indian who made his home in Tasva village svas buried here in the scar 1M35. One was buried near Ft. Icnnings, this counts', as late as the scar 1S3S t>.

L'pon the grounds used here for burial purposes, nosv and then a silver

PV IX \M i (H'NTY, nil In. 93

1 .r, m >t 1 1 is found. Dwelling houses luive been creeled and time, In all outside :i|)|:e;ir;mi"es, has oliliterated every vestige showing thai il was once llie burial place ot members of a great nation nl people ol whom I'ontiac was a great chief.

Will the lime ever come when another race oi people can thus write ol the burial place of those who now occupy the territory once an abiding place of the < >tta\\ a Indians?


While the Manmee valley was the scene of many stirring events over a centun ago, and while the many histories of the stale arc prolific in refer- ence to the must imp. ■riant of these events, there are many incidents of lesser importance, pertaining to immediate vicinities, which interest those who now have an abode in the particular vicinity m which the events occurred. This is especially true with the descendants of the early pioneers whose ancestors were familiar with the local events, either by participation in or by tradi- tions obtained from the remnant of a great tribe of red men, who at the time were occupants, if not owners, ol the country now possessed by the while man.

On the 29th dav of September, i S i , our government, through its com- missioners, (ien. Lewis Cass and (Jen. Duncan McArthur. negotiated a treaty with the remnant of the Ottawa tribes in this pari ol llie country. This treatv, in article six, stipulates that "there shall also be reserved for the use of the Ottawa Indians, but noi granted to them, a trad of land on I'.lan- chard's fork of the great Auglaize river, to contain live miles square, ihe center of which tract is to be where the old trail crosses the said fork, and one other tract to contain three miles square on the little Auglaize river, to include ( lekquenoxy's village."

As usual, this seemingly generous gift If) the "noble red man" had a "siring" to it and he could only possess the broad acres for such a time as the government might decree The more intelligent of the Indians, of com e, did not like the treaty, but as they rendered but little or no service i- our governmenl during ihe War of iSu, they were not in position to ask 111. .re, and therefore sullenly acquiesced in ihe treaty.

I'rior to i8u, Tawa village consisted of some twenty-live "shacks" or cabin-, very lew of which possessed ihe dignity of a cabin, llie most being conMnu-led of a few poles -. i in the ground and covered wilh bark. This village was located ..n I1..1I1 banks of Taw. a run and extended from ihe ('in-


IT IX \\1 i Ol'NTY, i>ll lO.

,1111 i.iii. I 1 111 in 1 1 mi \ Dayton railroad I" l h* mouth of the run. These, with a few ".shacks" located near what is now known as "Gypsy Lane," constituted [lie abode of all the ( Htawa Indians in this immediate vicinity.

During the period from iSi_» to 1N17, we cannot furnish the names of (he rind's who headed the tribe, but have been informed that there were sev- eral and that considerable jealousy existed anions them in regard to this matter, and that two of the chiefs were killed by members ol their own tribe on account oi these jealousies.

When Colonel llollister, as commissioner, deported die remnants oi all the tribes, il was difficult lo get them to go to their new home, now in [•"ranklin county, Kansas. Some forty of those located here and on the Auglaize refused to go, among whom were I'e-ton-i-quet, fom Kinzie Mino, I Slack Jonathan and the vagabond, Tom. However, these, with the remain- der of the forlv, were, a war or two afterward, gathered together and taken to their new reservation bevoud the Mississippi, so that in the year iS.|o not a single man of the tribe was to be found within the confines oi this county.

Other Indians of the Ottawa tribe, under the chiefs Xo-wali, Ockque- noxv, t harloe, Ottaca, also disappeared from this part of the state, and this was the "last of the Ottawas" so far as northwestern Ohio is concerned. Among these chiels, Ockquenoxy was possibly the greatest warrior. lie was brave, and as cruel as he was brave, and dissipation 111 the end made hun a very had Indian, lie was hard to conciliate, and it took three miles square hi verv good laud to square him with the government. About the year |8_'7 he killed his son-in-law and grandson, for which crime he was tried by a council of chiefs and sentenced to be beheaded. However, instead of carrying out this sentence, one ol deposition was substituted.

1 01: 1 1 r xxi Mo

In iNij-i 3, during the war of this period, General Harrison erected a fori on the \uglaizc river and named 11 I 1 lennings, in honor of ( olonel I - 1 1 1 1 1 * - file local ion ol 1 his fori is w here 1 he village h I. Jennings now stands II wa- established as a base for supplies and as intermediate be- tween I 1 Recovers and l'"t. Defiance, (olonel Jennings, with three regi- ments oi militia, was stationed for some lime ai the fori awaiting the ar- rival oi troops who were detained by high water, While there, detach- ments from the regiments were sent down the \uglaize and up the I'danch- ard ami Hoy creek, lo ascertain the situation among the Indians, the Otta- was 111 I hciii" regarded as \er\ Iricndlv to our eovernineiil

T I N AM (."DUN TV, i 'II Id.


(in niK' nf these expeditions a detachment oi militia came to Tawa vil- lage and camj)e<l r>n the south hauls of the river, where the ice house ui Mr. Mvers is now located. The militia remained for about a week, and while there, burned the village, the Indians having left, taking with them all the camp equipage thev could conveniently carry, hiding the remainder and burying their grain before leaving. The troops also destroyed the "shacks" east >it' Ottawa, on the Agner farm.

At the close of the war the Indians again made Tawa village their home. They built a number of "shacks" and several cabins. They were here but a short portion of their time, being frequently away on hunting expeditions. I 'or a number of year-- they led a dissolute life and did nothing in particular tn attract more than passing notice.

About the war 1H16-17, they selected Pe-ton-i-quet as their duel'. I'e- (ou-i-quet was not ,t full-blooded Indian, his father being a ['Tenchman and his mother an Ottawa squaw. In intelligence be was far ahead oi bis tribe, the greater part oi which were not a ven high type oi even the red man lie was a man ol integrity, an honest trader and humane in Ins relations with the Indian and white man. both oi whom had confidence in his honesty.

[•Tom iNij" to the tune when the tribes were deported to Kansas, they lived a dissolute life, "hire water" bad been introduced among them to such an extent that dissipation had made them physical wreck's. Tins, with dis- ease, bad grcalh reduced their number, deaths being double that oi births.

\ nn ui' sou.wv jisi in:.

\iuoug the Ottawa Indians ol this reservation was one called Tom. linn was ike most worthless vagabond known to exist among all the tribes "I the ( lllawas. Me was a tine I and an habitual drunkard, too la/ v even to bunt or fish lie bad a wonderful thirst for strong liquor; being drunk was In- normal condition, being sober the exception. Tom, when on an extra big drunk, celebrated the occasion bv whipping his squaw. The squaws, to even up with him. lurnished bun an extra amount of "red liquor." which made bun helplessly drunk While in this condition tbe\ caught bun, look bun down along the river bank and. after divesting him of all his clothing, lied him to a log and left bun all night lo I he mercy of the mosquitoes. It is said thai next morning Tom was scarcely recognizable by am of his com- panions. This let of squaw justice worked to the full satisfaction of the squaws, and ever afterward, ".ben Tom became abusive, all thev bad to do wa- i" "bu//" like a mosuuii and he fully understood their meaning, Tom

ni' PI TXAM ( ol'.vn , nil in.

weiH west with the oilier Indians of his tribe, who were very anxious to leave him behind and tried mam plans to consummate their desire.


Wlnle Tom was a very worthless liulian, lie was a saint m comparison wiili a vagabond linglishman who came to the reservation about the year iNjii llis name was |nhn Race and his wife was a half-breed Indian squaw. Thcv lived in a cabin located on the southeast corner of what is now the county lair grounds. Race was supposed to have been a refugee who sought seclusion among the Indians to avoid punishment for some crime he had committed elsewhere, lie was oi vicious temper and was al- ways scheming to make trouble between the Indians and the early white sutlers who came here some years later lie resorted to the must contempt- ible means in foment discord. An incident is related wherein he almost succeeded in causing serious trouble. Me had a daughter aged about eleven years. One day the daughter was found dead along the river bank near his cabin. She had been shot, the bullet passing through her head. Race said that the girl had been killed by a certain while settler with whom he had had some difficulty. The fact of his having an Indian wife and he being intimate with the Indians, caused a number ol them to believe his statement and lor a short time considerable anxiety existed aminig the earlier settlers. Some vears later, Race severely chastized his wile and she, in retaliation, stated that it was he who bad killed In- own child because the girl refused to .In some trifling thing he had commanded. It was said that the little girl was verv preltv and dial she was white and possessed no marks oi the In- dian, notwithstanding her mother was a sijuaw. The little girl was the first while child buried on the reservation. She was laid to rest a lew rods from where tin- grand stand on the fair grounds now stands. < Mho Crawlis, Sr., and George Aguer, Sr., from whom the writer oi this article obtained ho in i' irmalii m. w ere present at the bin ial.

"'Mil. I.ICIIT llol'Si; ''

Perhaps there may be a difference ol opinion anion- the descendants ol the earh pioneers ol this locality as in where, when and by whom, the hrsl hewed lug house or cabin was built on grounds now a part of Ottawa.

Mir ■,■ i Hi i is a I I coin i i iced thai the lira hewn lug cabin hi nil In a while

in, in on iIm- reservation wa> one built, aboiii ihe \ear I .v' i 7 iS. by h'reneli 1 1 1 1" traders who came here to trade with the Indians I his was a hewed


1 iHU,' IV'iV i ' 1


%:r k I'm :V-".Y,v tf t



|,i- cabin ;ui<l I he 'inly oik- of the kind funnel here in 1833-4, when the first settler* came. This cahin was then 111 such a decayed condition t li.it it was not lit for occupancy. The roof had lumhled in and weeds had grown up inside and outside of it. This cahin was located on the lot now owned and occupied b\ Mrs James Kurd. William (ialbrealh later took the lugs to In* farm along the river. The Indian- called it the "Lighl I louse," possibh from the fact thai the fur traders kept a light hunting in the cahin throughout the night The cahin was also used by the early missionaries, who made it their home while here on their lahors among the Indians. There is a tradition connected with this cahin to the effect that it was 1 milt hy the traders prior in the \ ear iNu, and that when Tawa village was humeri the cahin was m ' listurhed, from the fact that evidence existed that it was used hy the missionaries as a place of worship. However there is no reliahle informa- tion to substantiate this tradition. The only thing confirmatory is the dilapi- dated condition of the cahin at the time when the first settlers came as it was then in ruins, ihe ravages of tune and the elements having produced the de- cay. It may have been built as tradition states. However, when the first settlers came here there was a large cahin still standing. It was sided with slabs cut front logs, and was occupied by a fur trader named Kreriee, who was a frenchman. A man named Dcarrioff, also a Frenchman, occupied the cahin after Kreriee. This cahin was the most pretentious in the village at thai time.


About the only industry, outside of hunting and fishing, indulged in by the Indians of this reservation, was that of making sugar from the sap of the sugar maple tree. That this industry was carried on bv the Ottawa Indian* at a verv earh dale, there is much evidence available. The principal sugar camps in the reservation were located but a short distance easl and west o| lawa village. The one at the easl was the most extensive and was located in the bend oi the river east oi the count)' fair grounds, while that on the west was located south ol the Defiance road on what is known as the (ialhreath farm, where yet remain quite a number ol very old sugar trees. The trees constituting the larger camp, t li.it east of the village, were lapped for sap as late a* ihe vcar I K70 by the owners of the land. In that year the ground was cleared of the trees by David Cox, who owned the land at that tune. In converting the trees into firewood the Indian process ol tapping was plainly to be seen, although the trees had grown to much greater dimensions during nearh the half century which had passed since the Indians had utilized them.




liAUI.Y SKTTI.KKS ()1; I'llXAM COl'NTV, I Sj_j- I X} (.

The first wliile family in I 'ut nam count)' was that of Henry Leaf, who limit a cabin on the south side of the Ulanchard river, mi section to, Greens- burg township, where lie remained some time. lie removed from that point and limit another cabin on the Auglaize river, at the junction of the I'.laiuh- ard wiih the Auglaize, where he was living in 1XJ4. This man could hardly he considered a resident of the county, as he lived with the Indians, moved when lhe\ did, ami when they were removed to the West, he went with them, and ended his days there.

In 18J4, David Murphy, with 1 1 1 -^ family, came down the Blanchard river in a canoe from fort Kindlay, landed at the mouth of the lilanchard, built a cabin of poles, and became the first permanent white settler in the countv. Ilis wile was the first person buried in the cemetery at Kalida, and at her side the remains of her husband were deposited. During the year iN_>4, Silas McClish, Thomas .McClish and Jack McClish settled a mile he- lew Murphy "ii the west side of the Auglaize. William Bo wen settled three miles smith, and William 1'atton fourteen miles south.

1 S_» =, Henry Wing, Daniel Sullivan, William Craig, Daniel Pelke, Se- bastian Snuife and Thaddeus Harris.

i,s,jii -John Ridcnour and his sons. Michael, Daniel and Jacob; Dem- niilt Mackerel, fredcrick and William Stevens, William II. Harris and Samuel Washburne.

18.27 losiah Clawson, Joel Wilcox, William Bishop, William Cochran, Cephas Cary, John Cary, I'hilip Coiner and William Scott.

iXjX William Krasce, David Sroufe, Henry C*omer, A. !•'.. Martin, Robert Martin and Solomon Sprague.

i.Sjcj— S. I.. Norris, Kllison 1 .add and Jonathan Wiland.

1830 William ( levcnger, Nutter and Joshua I'owell. Isaac Owens, loseph, Samuel, |acob and George ( levenger.

iS^i I'eiei Rhodes, Abraham Sarber, ( >. W. Crawlis, Samuel I fill ami John ( iuli'v.

iS^j laeoh Rimer, Abraham llanlin, J. R. Rimer, John Myers, Sr., Abndiain and lames I'ruw, Obed Martin, Samuel llall and If M. Crawlis.

IT I NAM CO I' NTY, Oil in. i)i;

1X33 |. Y. Sackclt, John Sigafoos, Slansbur) Sutton, llinun Sarbcr, Frederick lirower, [olin I!. liogarl, Adam Sarbcr, William Guffy, James Nicholas, Thomas W'atkins, Henry Wcllniaii and C. Raabc.

1S34 William Galbreatb, linoch Wick-. John Crawfis, Moses Lee, Hugh Crawford, Robert and Isaac McCraeken, Sheldon Guthrie and many others. Qflti*-<*\ W«^


Wy U. S. Sicincr.

1 1 is now nearly eighty-two years since the Germans, or rather Swiss and Kreneh. commenced what has become well known as the "German set- tlement" and a short history o! it, and a few incidents oi pioneer life may not be uninteresting. In the spring oi 1838, .Michael Neuenschwander (a native of Alsace, who came to this country in 1X23 and settled in Wayne eoimt\ 1 and his eldest son, John I'. . a young man oi twenty-three, came west to seek a new home. Their object was to iind an unoccupied place, that could be developed into a rich country., where land could be bought cheap Having heard of such a place in I'ntnani county (Richland town- ship was then a pari <>i I'utnam county), they came directly here and, being pleased with it, picked "ill two quarter sections. They then went down to I'iqua, where the government land office was located, and entered the land. 1 Mie of these pieces was cleared up and occupied b\ Daniel Neuenschwander until his death, which occurred on August _', 1893. They then went hack home tn Wayne county, this state, and made preparation to leave for the west -the new huine in the wilderness. They started on the last Friday in August, 1X33, and arrived at their destination 111 eleven days, which was doing well, as 11 took some who came alter them fourteen days. I he fam- ily was composed oi the parents and three sons, |nhn 15., aged twenty-three, Daniel, twenty-one, and .Michael, ten years. They came in a covered wagon, with a team of horse- and a yoke ot oxen before it. It was very dry when they arrived and, as there was no water on their land, they sought another quarter section where water was plentiful and found one. This was after- ward occupied by the family and the youngest son, Michael, until then- deaths, that "I the mother occurring on February 13, 1X40, in her sixty- seventh year; that of the lather on March to, 1854, aged seventy-four years and one day, and that of the son, Michael, 011 July -'-'. 1893. Again the fa- ther and eldest soil went to I'upia to secure that land, and while they were gone the mother and the other two hoys camped on an island in Riley creek,


near Abraham Basinger's, during which time Daniel watched the horses and cattle, and also made a pair of shoes. When the father and sun returned, they moved cm the last-entered land, on which they had a spring and creek", and commenced putting up a cabin and preparing lor winter. That winter was so mild that the ground never froze hard enough to hear up a loaded wagon. Their neighbors were Thomas Gray, on the farm now occupied by Abraham Rixel; John Sigafoose, on the one now occupied by Jacob Lugi- hill; Christopher Miller, west of Roekport, and John Stout, near I'andora, then called Pendleton.

The)- were here a year before others followed, hut in the fall of 1834 there came an addition of four families, that of Christian Suter, afterward minister and bishop of the congregation; Dorse Amstutz; Christian Mueller, who died at the advanced aye of one hundred years, seven months and twenty-two days, and John Moser, who subsequently moved to Lucas county. A good many came here thai year to scenic land and moved on it later. In 185-;, and later on. people (locked 111 from Switzerland, Alsace, and Wayne anil Holmes counties, Ohio, Virginia, etc., among whom were the Sieiners. Schumachers, Basingers, Lugibills, Geigcrs and others.


The hardships of the pioneers can he better imagined than expressed. Think of going to L'itpia without more oi a road than a cow path, or hardly that. The land office was afterward mined to Wapakoneta. The first Hour that Mr. Xeiienschw ander bought was at Sidney, hut they soon commenced to keep it at Lima, and then it was considered so handy to get that Mr. Neuenschwander thought he would lay in a supply, lie needed a good deal, as all who came to look at laud stayed with him, so he bought eleven barrels at one time, at eleven dollars per barrel. I lis son Daniel packed it all home on one horse. lie saiil there was no hour in the nighl that he was not on his way between here and Lima, lie had a big horse, would throw a sack or two on his hack, yet on himself and start for home, it made no difference whether it was day or night, as the horse would keep the path. One evening he started from Luna alter dark, in company with two other men. Alter- nately one rode and the other two walked behind; when about two miles from home the hat of the rider was caught by a limb and dropped, and they had to search about half an hour before they found it, as it was very dark and they had no means n| making a light. Once or twice they went lo Maumee City to null, and when good mills were put up at Delphos and the


canal was built, thai place became a good market, which was considered very liandy. The first year that Mr. Neuenschwander was here the two eldest hoys went Lo Magic Creek, Hancock county, for a load of corn. They started home from there one morning after breakfast, and it took them till noon the next day to get home, during winch time ihey had nothing to eat but raw corn. At another time, when the}' had wheat to sell, the same two started, each with a load uf thirty-two bushels and a double team. They went to Findlay, where the) were offered fifty cents a bushel for their wheat, but refused lo take it, and went on to Sandusky where they got sixty-two cents. It took them thirteen days to make the trip, during which time they had no warm meals and slept in no bed.

Daniel also hauled wheat for neighbors to Tiffin; the wheat was sold for from sixty to seventy cents per bushel, he yetting twenty cents a bushel for hauling. Other settlers had the same experiences, but it seems that they were all able to meet the severest hardships of those times without a murmur of discontent and always looked at the brightest side. But few of the first settlers are still living, John ['. Steiner and Henry Shank, both over ninety years ol aye, Mrs. John S. Siemer, I'eler Uucher and wife. I'eler and Mrs. L'lir. Suler, Barbara Basinger, Barbara Schumacher and probabl) a lew others. B. Lugibill, who was horn in 1836, is the oldest voter horn in Rich- land township.

i'io.\i:i:u honeymoons.

A _\ear after Mr. Xeiicn-chw andcr moved here his two eldest sons, John B. and Daniel, went hack to Wayne county and were both married on August ii, 1834. They soon returned with their young and happy wives. Ihey had one horse and the women might have ridden him alternately, but Dan- iel's wife was not used to riding horseback and preferred to walk; they made the trip, so ihey claimed, iii three days. A year later, September 15, a daughter was horn to John B. and wife, who died several years ago in Kan- sas; and iwo months later a daughter was also horn to Daniel and wife. This one became die wife of ihe writer of this sketch ami never lived over a mile from where she was horn. Now in the eightieth year of her aye she is still hearty, though she had rather more than her -hare of the hardships and privations of that pioneer life. Mrs. I'eler Bixel 1 nee Suler) was the first person horn here who yrew up. I'hese pioneers can trul\ say dial they lirsl beheld the country a wilderness and -aw it changed into a garden; and out oi a comparatively sickly country ( I lie re being malaria al times) made one 0 mdiicivc lo health and loii^ life.

I'l'TNAM ('(UN L*Y, oil 1(1.


The Wyandot Indians were still at Upper Sandusky and often passed through here on their way to Defiance and return, hut the settlers were never molested by them. The "settlement" lias continually widened and its borders almost reach I'.cavcrdam, Rockport, Columbus drove, and (iilboa. fJlulTton and I'andora are about it. The prevailing religion is the Mcnno- nitc, but they are unhappily divided into four denominations; however, the original congregation is keeping the lead and has about nine hundred and fifty members. The preaching is mostly in German language and the schools are still taught in the English and German languages. We said above that the original congregation has nine hundred and fifty members; the American Mciinonites have upward of twenty families; the New Mennonites about twenty, and the Egly congregation is quite small, many of its former adher- ents having joined the Alliance and the Dowie faith.

The people, as a rule, are generous, industrious, economical and pious, and the settlement stands second to no other place, probably in the whole United States, in regard to good roads, good buildings and beautiful farms.

Most of the Mennonites are strong adherents of the creed laid down by their founder and subsequent teachers. A few adhere to a peculiar garb and other antique practices, but in the main they are moving along with the stream of tune, though guarding diligently against all innovations that might he a serious injurs to their good name, their homes and their church. They are greall) apposed to secret societies, and have been very successful so far in keeping their members out of them. The old and the Zion congregation have elected most all their preachers so far by lot and they generally have from two to four: they have even elected their deacons the same way, all for life, whether they prove to be competent or not, but we venture the predic- tion that this practice will soon die out and that they will choose and treat their ministers the same as other churches do. The New Mennonites and the Egly's choose their ministers from their own members and put them on probation. These different churches have live Sunday schools, four young people's societies and two women's sewing circles.



In Chapter i, on related state history, an account is given of the organ- ization of the Northwest Territory and the creation of the state of Ohio. From the day the state was admitted to the Union, March i, [803, down to the present time, comprises a period of one hundred and twelve years. Start- ing niii with less ilian a dozen counties in 1803, the stale now has eightv- eiglil counties, which have been organized from year to year as the territory was bought from the Indians and settled up by the whites.

I he territory now comprised within (he limits of I'ntnam county was originally within two separate Indian cessions, the Ottawa Reserve, of twenty-live miles, and that seemed by the treaty of September 29, 1X17. I his treaty was consumated at the I'oot of the Rapids of Lake Krie and was negotiated by Lewis ('ass and Duncan McArthur, commissioners on the part ot the United States, ami the many different chiefs and sachems, repre- senting the Wyandot, Seneca, Delaware. Shawnee. Pottawattamie, Ottawa and Chippewa tribes of Indians.

The state Legislature of Ohio, by the act of February i_\ [820, organ- ized I'ntnam comity with the following limits: "Towns 1 and _> south, and 1 and j north of ranges 5, 6, 7 and 8, east of the first meridian of Ohio." I'.ach town (or township, as they are now called) contained thirty-six sec- tions, one mile square, the whole county containing five hundred and seventy- six square miles. The count) was cut off from Williams county, but the population was so sparse that it was not until fourteen years later that the county was formally organized and permitted to take iis place as an indepen- dent political district. The scarcity of population is shown by the fact that only one hundred and sixty-three votes were cast ;u tin- first election in 1834.

It is very unfortunate that the early court records of the county are not complete, Awr to the burning of ihe court house at Kalida 111 the fall of 18O4, hut the first sleps m the definite organization of the county have been welt established. In accordance with a legislative act. passed in 1834, the governor of Ihe slate appointed William Cochran; Henry Morris and Silas McCIish as associate judges of the nmii .if common pleas of ihe conn I v. These men


I'UTNAM COt.'XTY, o||l<

wen- intrusted with the duty ol formally organizing the county and, pursuant to the act providing for their appointment, they met mi May <S, 1834, at the house ut Abraham Sarber, 111 Kalida, and took the first >1 1-| i> 111 starting the county. Alter being sworn in as provided by law, they proceeded to complete the organization ol the county by appointing Daniel \\ . Gray as clerk ut the court; Amos lAans, prosecuting attorney; Abraham Sarber, town clerk; Thomas Gray, William Priddy and Samuel Myers, county com- missioners; 1'. C. hitch, surveyor; h>hn Cochran, A. II. .Martin, Isaac Owens, James Nichols and Daniel \V. Gray, school examiners. The judges con- cluded their day's work by ordering an election to he held mi the thirty-first ol the same month for the purpose oi electing a sherifl and coroner. Thus was Putnam county ushered in as an independent county and may n he said to the credit of these first county officials that they performed their several duties in such a manner as to earn the commendation ol their fellow citizens. 'I heir duties were nut onerous, in view oi the fact that the county was very thinly settled, but what the)' did do was done in an efficient and painstaking manner.


l'*or some reason which has not been ascertained, the county seat was definitely located in 1829, live years before the county was organized. The state Legislature, by the act oi February i_\ 1829, appointed a commission to locate and name a county seat, and it is presumed that the site the com- mission finally selected was the center of population of the county. Kalida, the site finally chosen, is located in section 5, township 1 smith, range 6 east. This little village was located near the confluence ot I'liim and Sugar creeks and is now in Union township. Alter the organization oi the county, on May 8, 1834, the county commissioners purchased all oi section 5, which bad not been previously bought, had it laid oil into lots and ordered the town director to sell the lots at the best possible price. The inone\ thus obtained was to be used in the erection of a court house and jail \ frame court house was built and a jail ol heavy timbers was hastily erected to accom- modate the lew offenders who might need incarceration. In 1839. these frame structures were replaced bv substantial brick buildings in Kalida and lhc\ remained in use until December 18, 1864, when the court house was burned down. ( >n October 9, !<S66, an election removed the county seat to Ottawa, where it has since remained The vole to change the county seat was carried by a majority of lour hundred and eighty-live. The citizens ol

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IT I'N'A.M (.'(UN l'\

Ottawa deposited liflccn thousand dollars with the county c missioners to

guarantee the erection ol a court house.


It has been stated that the county of Putnam was organized with an area of live hundred and seventy-six square miles and it retained this area until 1S4N, when Auglaize county was organized by the state Legislature. At this time Richland township, the southeastern township of the county,

was detached and made a part of Allen county. The following separate tract- were also taken from Putnam county at that time and added to Allen count) : the southern tier of sections of Riley township; the entire township ol Monroe (township _■ south, range 7 east) ; three tiers of sections from the south side ol Sugar ( 'reek township; three tiers of sections from the south side ol Jennings township. These deductions from the original area of Putnam count) were partially offset by the addition of the eastern half of township 1 south, range 4 east, now a part of Monterey township, which had been a part of \ anW'ert count)-. By these various changes the county was reduced to an area of four hundred and eighty square miles and tins has remained the area of the county down to the present time. However, 11 should be noted that the territory detached meant a great loss to the county. It included much of the best improved land of the county and contained the thriving villages and towns of Rluffton, Heaver Dam, West Cairo and that part ol Delphos situated east of the Miami and Erie extension canal. In May, 1X5^. ihe county commissioners of Allen and Putnam counties met and agreed upon the stun of three thousand, eight hundred and forty-eight dollars and seventy-six cents, chic Putnam count) from Allen county, as compensa- tion for territory taken from Putnam and added to Allen county.


I here were some townships organized within the present limits of Put- nam count) before it was formally organized in 1 S34. With the many changes in count) limits and the increase in population from year to year, new townships were created and the limits of old townships were changed. I he following table exhibit* ihe organization of the various townships of the county, and the history of ihe townships will he taken up in ihe order of their creation :



Townships. < >rganizcd. x\liles.

Perry 1828 30

Union 1832

Sugar Creek 1S32 30

Jackson 1832 26

Jennings 1833 28

LManchard 1833 36

I'leasant 1834 36

Riley 1834

Greensburg 1834 30

Ottawa 1835 36

Liberty 1837 36

Van lUiren '843 36

Monterey 1850 -'4

Monroe 1852 36

I 'aimer 1854 36

The exact dates of the organization of these various townships lias not been ascertained owing to the absence of the earl) commissioners' and trustees' records, but it is believed that the dates as stated above are correct. 'I hey were given by the late George Skinner in his history oi the count}' in 1880 and he was as good an authorit) on the history of the county as any man then living. Mention has been made of the decrease in the original area oi the county with the detachment of a strip oi varying width which was taken from the count) 111 1848 and added to Allen county. Two whole town-hips were detached at that time Richland and Monroe, being south of Riley and I'leas- ant townships, respectively. One tier ol Lownships was taken from Riley township and added In Kichland and after the kilter was joined lo Allen county it still retained its old name as a part ol Allen county. Sugar 1 reek township was halved b\ the act of 184X and both halves retain the old name. Jennings township was also cut in two, but the part added to Allen became a part oi Marion township 111 the latter county. Monterey township, three by six miles, was organized from territory which was taken fnnu VanWcrl county by the I .egislalure. Main of these townships have had some changes in their limits at \ arii ins times.


The following is a list, as nearly as can be ascertained, ol the officials ol Putnam count) since its organization in 1834:




Daniel \Y. Gray, [834-37; James Taylor, [837-44; Moses Lee, 1844-51; R. W. Thrift. 1851-52; David 1. Brown, [852-58; John Buchanan, 1858-64; R. J. Spelman, 1X04-70; Samuel B. Rice, [870-76; John T. Thrift, [876-79; Jacob I. Zeller, 1879-85; R. J. Spelman, [885-87; II. VV. Schmitschulte, 1887-95; Christ I'.eutler, [R95-1901; A. 1'. Sandles, [901-07; Joseph II. Gosling, 1907-191 1 ; \V. M. George, 101 1 to the present time.

All of these officials have Keen elected by the Democratic party with the exception oi )ohn T. Thrift.

The count) records do not show who the auditor was at the lime the county was organized in 1834. I '"or main years the auditor was elected every two years, hut since the change 111 the constitution he holds for four years. One of the odd things disclosed by the old records was the name of "Sam Weaver," when his name should have been Samuel I'. or S. I'. Weaver, Reed and Jones are the only Republicans ever elected to the office, although it is thought that Creighton, because he served only one term, was a Whig. The list as taken from the records is as follows: W. Risley, 1838-44; ). K. Creighton, 1X44-4!); Xehani Smith. 1846-50; William Hell, [850-54; John Monroe. [854-58; J. II. Smith, 1858-62; l\ II. Rothman, [862-66; Sam Weaver, [866-70 ; John Dcffenbaugh, 1X70-74; Bernard Lelunkuhle, [874-78; Louis l.ehmknhle, 1 X7X-X4 ; William I 'lace, [884-90; W . L\ Reed, [890-93; Aaron Ovcrheck, 1893-96; J. C. Jones, [896-99; 1.. X. Wclde, 1899-1905; Joseph Kersting, 1005-1 1 ; J. K. Roose, mi 1 to the present time.


Moses Lee, l X 34 -4 1 ; J al ie/ S. Spencer, 1841-47; John Dixon, 1X47-49; J.lhe/ S. Spencer, iXp; 53; h. \\'. Schlelloli, 1853 (appointed lo Till the

vacancy caused by llie death of Spencer, and served until the ch.se of the term) ; Joseph Tingle, 1X55-50 ; John Nicewarncr, 1856-59; I'eter |. Bowman, 1X5., 05; James Monroe. 1 865-72 ; W. X. Wetherell, 1872-78; William All, 1878-84; I.. M. Ludwig, 1884-00; Joseph Justice, 1890-96; John Cowan, 1X96-1902; I'rank Gineiner, 1 902-09; II. C. Iluinmoii, H)CH)-H)ij; Theodore I lei knian, 191 2. to [la- present lime.




The first transaction in the treasurer's office oi Putnam count)' reads as follows: "July i, 1834 Received cash ul Vbrahani Sarher, town director of Kalida, if«i .^SS." All ol the treasurers have been Democrats with the exception of VV. S. Lenhart. C. M. Godfrey was [)robably a Democrat at the tune lie was elected, although he later became one ol the pillars of the Republi- can party in this county. The complete lisl of treasurers follows: J. i\l. ( uchran, 1834-37; Muses Lee, 1837-39; ■''• "■ Gillette, 1839-43; C. M. God- Ire)', 1843-47; U. W. Crawlis, Sr., 1847-51; Stansbury Sutton, 1 .S 5 1 - 5 5 ; '/.. K. McClure, 1855-59; V . S. Godfrey, 1859-63; \. II. McCracken, 1863-67; Henry Montooth, 1867-71; William McClure, 1871 -February 11, 1N75; Stansbury Sutton, February 11, t875-September, 1875 ( A lei. lure died 111 office and Sutton was appointed to fill Ins unexpired term; ; X. I I. McCracken, ^75-7'J'' H. '- McDowell, 1879-83; I.. X. I'arker, 1883-87; (.). W. Crawlis, Jr., 18S7-91; W. -s- Lenhart, 1891-93; Joseph Leopold, 1893-97; Ralph G. Spencer. 1897-1901; George I). Kinder, 1901-05; Herman McDougle, 1905- 1909; frank J. Kohls, 1909-13; Charles I'.. Kohls, i<ji3 to the present lime.

Lvcrv sheriff of I'utnant count)1 has been elected by the Democrats and, judging from the majorities which the sheriffs have been receiving, it seems like it will he mam years yet before this unbroken record will he changed. Main of these sheriffs could tell some very interesting stories it they cared to disclose their experiences while in the discharge of their duties. One sheriff, Sherrard, hung a man by the name oi Goodman on the spot where the old jail stood. It is probable that Sherrard had more exciting experiences than any oilier sheriff. The most I anions jail deliver) the county has ever know n c iccurred during his administration, w hen murderer < ioodinan and sev- eral oilier prisoners tried to escape. Sherrard was struck with a brick-bat ill a stocking h) one ol the prisoners, and the desperate criminals seized Ins keys and made a dash for liberty. Korlnnalcly, nearly all were captured within a short nine. The complete list of sheriffs of the county is as follows: William Cochran, Jr., 1834-38; David S. Gibbs, 1838-42; T. R. McClure, 184.2-46; I. II. Vail, [846-4S; K. Don-lass. 1848-52 ; John 13. Lruchev, 1852- 56; James II. Vail, 1856-60; William Craybill, 1860-62; Klin Cunningham, i8ii2-f>(>; W. W. Carlw right-, 1866-70; Louis W. Albright, 1870-74; Henry Sherrard. 1874-78; J osiali Markley, 1878-S2; frank Rothnian; I'eler Wanne-



macher, 1886-90; David C. Williamson, [890-92; Prank K. Treece, 1892-94; I'.. I'". 1'urges.s, 1894-98; Nicholas Miller, [898-1902; I "rank E. Trecce, 1902- 1906; [osc])li /.ink, [906-11; Nicholas L Miller, [911-15; A. 1.. Tate, [915 ti 1 the present time.


The first coroner, William Turner, was appointed by the court in the spring of 1834, and the first man elected to the office was James Taylor, who was elected in the fall of the same year. The coroners do not see to have left definite records, or at least there dues not appear a complete list of these officials in the county records. The following roster is as complete as the records show: William Turner, [834; James Taylor, 1834-38; Henry Blos- ser, 1850-54; Chris Raahe, [866-70; John W. Vaughn, 1870-74; David Waltner, Jr., [874-78; Joseph Fouriner, [878-82; II. J. Rader, 1882-86; Jacob F. l.elller, [S86-90; S. F. Do Ford, [890-94; G. A. Light, 1894-98; E. J. Dech, [898-1900 (re-elected in [900, but resigned and A. F. Sheiblcy was appointed to fill out the term); A. F. Sheibley, 1902-06; E. L. Tupper, 1906-10; A. F. Sheibley, mho to the present time.

F. C. hitch, 1834-37; E. B. Fitch, 1837-40; Benjamin A. Dunning, 1840-43; h.has Everett, 1843-45; L. E. I law ley, [845-49; Jacob Blosser, 1849-52; Samuel I'arker, 1852-58; John Sheaklcy, 1858-62; D. S. Crites, 1862-63; C A. McDowell, 1863-65; II. F. Knowles, 1865-70; Lewis E. Holtz, 1870-70; Aaron Uverbeck, [876-82; h.has \\ . Dimock, 1882-88; Daniel W. Sell/., 1888-94; James D. Huddle, 1894-1900; O. C. Talbot, 1900-06; John I. Maidlow, 1906-n; J. S. Cartwright, [911-15; Ferry ford, 1915 to the present time.

I'K< i.S|-;('i:|'l \i; ATTORNEY.

The first prosecuting attorney of 1'ntnam county, Amos Evans, received the nniinlicieiit salary of fifty dollars a year; the present prosecutor is paid a yearly stipend of seventeen hundred dollars. The term was at first two years, then changed to three, and is now two years. Alan)- of the incumbents of this office in the county have become among the strongest members of the local bar. The complete roster follows: Amos Evans, [834-35; Hamilton Davidson, i^.^s-.^J, Francis II. Gillette, 1837-311; Edson Goit, [839-40; Wil- liam ( i. Bttrge, 1840-41; William L. Rose, 1841-42; A. A. Skinner, 1842-45;


George I.. Iliggins, 1 845-46 ; James McKcnzic, 1846-53; Azariali Budd, 1853-57; J«'l|n<-'s McKcnzic, 1857-1859; Azariali Budd, 1859-61; |amcs C. Gribbcn, [861-62; David I. Brown, 1862-6 3 ; J. [{. Linn, 1863-67; James An- derson, 1867-71; Slansbcrry Sutton, 1871-75; A. V. Watts, 1875-79; James T. Lentzy, 1879-83; William C. G. Krauss, 1883-86; John I'. Bailey, t88'>- 92; Cliarles Prayer, 1895-95; James I'. Leasure, 1895-98; G. XV. kisser, [898-1904; B. A. Cnverferlh, [904-09; J. W. Smith, [909-1913; A, A. Slay- baugh, 1913 to the present time.


I he office of probate judge was created by the constitution of 1 S 5 _• and was again recognized by the constitution oi 1912. It is interesting to note that a majority of the probate judges ol Putnam county have not been lawyers. I lie first man elected to the position, |ohn Dixon, was a lawyer. Taylor was a veteran of die Civil War and a merchant of Kalida. Kuhns was a real estate agent and held the office for twelve years, the longest of any incumbent. Gordon was a contractor and was recorder oi Butler county several terms he lure coming to Putnam county. Bacon was a druggist; Uphaus, a manufacturer; Thomas, a lawyer; Armstrong, a farmer; Powell and Boehmer, lawyers; lleidlebaugh, a school teacher; Mersman, a manu- facturer.

The complete list follows: John Dixon, 1852-55; A. J. Taylor, 1855-61 ; John Kuhns, 1861-73; l"bn IP Gordon, 1873-79; Samuel S. Bacon, 1879-85; John II. l'|ihaiis. 1885-91; A. '/.. Thomas, [891-97 (died in office and the governor appointed David X. Powell to hll the unexpired term. Powell served from Pcbruary 15 to October 15, 1X1)7); |. li. Armstrong, 1897 (^'r. Armstrong was elected to fill the unexpired term of Thomas); Amos Boeh- mer, 1897-1903; A. M. lleidlebaugh, 1903-09; |ose])h Mersman, 1909 lo the present tune.


The first board of county commissioners was appointed May 5. 1834, by (lit' associate judges. Thc\ were Thomas Gray, William Priddy and Samuel Movers. In October ol ihe same year, an election was held for county com- missioners and the following were elected; William Priddy, Benjamin Clevenger and Sheldon Guthrie. The complete list since that time follows:

1835, Isaac Met rachen and Joel Wilcox; 1836, Christian lluher; 1837, William Scott; 1838. Christian lluher; 1839, William Scott; 1840, J. D.

I'l'T.VAM Vol' VI Y, i ill h

W'amslcy ; 18 1 1 , ( hrislian I luher ; 18 | j. James I {el ford ; 1 8-| 3 , W . I'. Thrapp;

1844, Nicholas McConnell; 18.15, W. I',. '1'hrapp; 1X46, Nicholas McConnell;

1 K47, S. Ramsey; 1848, II. I. l!oehmer; 1849, William Kilpatrick; 1850, I. |. IJochincr; 1X51, Samuel I'rela-y; 1X52, I leun KiehelTer; 1X53, Clark I. Rice; 1 S54, William Krause; 1855, Henry KiehelTer; 1X56, Clark II. vice; 1857, Kuhert Stewart; 1858, William Krause; [859, U. W. Crawlis; 8do, |ohu DilTenhaugh; 1861, Conrad Henry; 1862, Simon Maple; 1863, 'ourad llenry; 1864, |ohn DilTenhaugh; 1865, Simon Maple; [866, Herman decker; 1807, Conrad Henry and 15. II. I.ehmkuhle; 1868, Merman Keeker; Noo, Michael Rridcnhaugh ; 1870, 15. II. I.ehmkuhle; i N 7 r . \V. W. I'lace; 872, Michael Rridenhaugh; 1873, Charles Wannemacher ; 1874, \V. \V. 'lace; 1875, William Sehaffer; [876, Charles Wannemacher; [877, C. F. lallahan and Jarvis I'ostlewait (the latter appointed); 1878, William chaffer and lames II. Smith (the latter elected to fill vacancy) ; 1870. I'enl mterhrink; 18X0, Thomas J. Williams; 1881, John II. George ; 1882, herd nieihnnk: 18X3, William l{oehmer; 1884, John 1\ George; [885, John T. lallahan; 1886, William Boehmer; 1887, James II. Smith; [888, John T. lallahan; l88n, G. If I'.rinkman; 1890, James 11. Smith; [891, Amos .iggetl; 1892, (I. 13. linnkman, J. T. Mallahan and William Agner (the wo last named appointed); 1893, William Agner; 1894, J. W. Toast and ). G. I.eiiler ithe latter appointed); 1895, Samuel Cartwright; 1896, 1). G. .elder: 1 807, J. \\. I'oasij 1898, Samuel Cartwright; 1899, Ignatius Stech- eliulte: Kjoo, David Owens; icjoi, I II. Rower; 1 1 ;< >_;. Ignatius Stechschulte; 903, I), k'. Owens; 1004, J. II. Rower; 1905, Ik A. Ruhe; 1906, Jacoh Irighl ; in i<;o6 a lav, was passed changing the tenure of office oi the county ommissioners from oik- eear to two; 1908, Ik A. Ruhe, Jacoh Rrighl and acoh Rest: 1910, |acoh I 'est, |ohn R. horne\ and George Herman; 1912, ■rank' Kracht, |ohn Kurnev and [acoh Rest; K114, Henry W . Little, Frank .ojran and William Sehlasjkaum.


Since the organization of the county, in 1834, it has keen included in several different congressional districts. It is rather difficult to designate all

the men who have represented it. hut the list of those representing this district -nice 1852 have keen taken from the official records and are complete to |<M 5. The counties given are those in which the congressman lived when elected.


tN^'^ i A. I '. F.dgci ti 111, Willi, mis. i )()-()_■ Dennis I >. Donovan, llen-

1X54 07 U u 1 1.1 it 1 Mult. I .iit'as. ry.

18O7-6H I. M. Ashley, Lucas. 1892-9.1 I'ercl C. Lay ton, Auglaize.

1 808-70 William Mungcii, Hancock. 1 894-96— Dennis D. Donovan, llen-

1X70-74— C X. Lamison, Allen. ry.

1874-78— A. V. Rice, Putnam. 1896-98— F. 13. Dewilt, Paulding.

[878-80 Benjamin La Fever, Shelby. [898-02 David Meekison, Henry.

[880-85 William D. Hill. Defiance. 1902-04 John S. Snook, Paulding.

1885-86— George E.- Seney, Seneca. [904-06 \V. W. Campbell, Henry.

1886-88 M. M. Boothman, Will- [906-14 T. T. Ansberry, Defiance.

iams. 10'4 X. E. Matthews, Putnam. [888-90 S. S. Voder, Allen.


Prior td the year 1S47, Putnam county was in the same district with Allen, and, later, was with Henry count}'. Following are the list ol state representatives and their years of service: Nathan S. Landes, [847-48 Charles Ji. Edson, [848-49; Sidney S. Spragtie, 1849-50; William 11. Snook 1850-52; James G. Haley, 1X52-54; James Mckenzie, 1854-56; Henry J Boehmer, 1856-68; W. J. Jackson, 1858-60; David I. Drown, 1860-62 Benjamin A. High, [862-64; H. J. Boehmer, [864-66; S. M. Heller, 1866-69 II. J. Boehmer, 1861,-71; S. M. Heller, 1X71-72; J. J. Moore, [872-74 George W. Light, [876-78; David I. Brown, 187S-82; I. II. Kahle, 1882-86 Amos I'.neliiner, 1886-90; Mil ton I'.. McClure. iS<jo-ij4; William F. Hoffman [894-98; N. l'>. Ross, [898-1902,; O. J. O'Donnell, 1902-06; Joseph Justice 1906-IO; John Cowan, 19IO, still serving. After [870 Putnam county elected its own representative. Before this was made a separate district, in 1870, the following were residents of this county: McKenzie, Brown and Boehmer.


From 1834 Putnam county has had representation in the state Legis- lature and during the eighty-one years which have elapsed since that tune it has been included in several districts. It was first included in a district composed of Allen, Mercer, Darke, Shelby, Wood, Miami, Williams, Lucas, Van Wert, Paulding, Henry and Putnam counties. Gradually the number of counties composing the district was reduced and now consists of the five counties of Wood, Hancock, Henry, Pulton and Putnam. This district

IT I .NAM CO I X I'Y. Oil Hi. I 1 3

lias had two senators in the Legislature. The complete list of senators follows: James Johnson, [833-34; John Hunt. 1835-36; Curtis Bates, 1837-38; John Hum. 1839-40; Jacob (lark. 1841-42; John \V. Walter.-, 1843-44; A. P. Edgerton, 1X45-46; Sabirt Scott, 1847-48; James Cunningham, 1849-51; William Mungern, 1852; Samuel II. Steadman, 1854-56; William S. Luiit, 1S56-58; Joseph X. VVestcott, 1858-60; George Laskey, 1860-62; Charles M. Godfrey, 1862-64; J. C. Hall, 1864-66; .V M. Cory, 1866-72; II. 1'. Page and D. \V. Howard. 1872-74 ; William II. Tressler and K. I >. Potter, 1X74-71,; P. P. lirown and \<~.. I). Potter, 187(1-78; J. II. Steadman and David Joy, 1878-80; John A. Wilkins, 1880-82; J. II. Brigham and J. I). \Torton, 1882- 84; \\ . II. McLvman and O. 13. Ramey, 1884-S6; E. S. Dodd and II. C. Groshner, 1880-88; William I.. Carlin and William Geyser, 1888-90; William W. Sutton and John Ryan, 1890-92; I. II. McConica and John C. Rorick, 1894-1/); I- <- . llarbaugh and John Vogt, 1896-98; William ( ,. Leete and Adam Sehafer, 1898-1900; I. C. Harbaugh and George C. Dunham, 1900-02; Calvin P. Godfrey and George C. Dunham, 1902-04; Calvin 1'. Godfrey and L. II. Austin, 1904-06; R. A. Meattv and Amos Uoehmer, 190(1-08: Amos Hoehmer, 1908-12; I-'.. I'. Weiser, 1912-1914; C. C. Cass, 1 < j 1 4 to the present lime.


in 1805 a vote was taken to build a county infirmary, hut the proposi- tion was deleated. At the April election, 1S66, another vote was taken and carried by eight hundred and six majority, only one hundred and lifty-one votes being cast against the measure.

In 1869, John Kern, Isaac Vail and Presley Corron were appointed and constituted the first hoard of directors. Those succeeding and years of service are as follows: 1869, Jessie Joseph, t" lill vacancy; 1869, Samuel Kline; 1871. Isaac Vail; [872, Jessie Joseph; 1872, Herman Keeker, to till vacancy; 1873, Herman keeker; 1874, Jacob S. Williams; 1875, Lewis X. Crawfis; 187(1 . Eli Slevic; 1877, Jacob S. Williams; 1878. Lewi. X. Crawlis; 1879, Eli Slevic: 18S0, Ileur\ Keeker; 1881, Joseph I'aber; iXNj, Kemp Samsal ; 1883, llenry Keeker; 1884, Joseph laker; 1885, Kemp Samsal; 1880. |oseph Miller; 1887. J. K. Rimer; 18S8, R. E. Gilbert; 1889, Joseph Miller; 1890, J. R. Rimer; i8i)i, R. L. Gilbert; [892, W. E. Sherman; 1893, fames Williams; 1894, J. W. Summers; 1895, W. K. Sherman; i8()i>, lames Will- iam-; i8i)7, J. W . Summers; 1X9X, A. II, Wingale, In fill vacancy; 1808,





A. II. Wingate; 1899, J. B. Lilians; [900, J. M. Shank; 1901, J. W. I Mister; 1902, I. 15. Uphaus; [903, J. M. Shank; [904, J. \\ . I Mister; 1^05, I). W. Light; [906, James II. r-funt, appointed ; [906, James II. limit; [908, James II. Hunt; [908, D. W. Light; [908, Henry J. Lammers; 1 < > i < >. Henry S. Baxter; 1910, W. T. Elter; 1910, Henry J. Lammers. The hoard of in- firmary directors ceased to exist in [910, hy an act of the Legislature passed in that year.


iSr.(>-7 1 . Jacob S. Williams; 1871-75, Samuel McDowell; 1875-85, William R. Slierrard; [885-92, C. A. McDowell; [892-1900, James Ridge; 1900-oj, I < il 111 1'". Ncmirc; [902-15, \V. I'. Krantz.

After ihe hoard ceased to exist, the superintendent was appointed hy the countv commissioners. W. P. kraut/ was the lirst man appointed hy the commissioners and is slill serving in that capacity.


The Legislature of 1912-14 enacted a law creating the office of deputy tax commissioner. Joseph Kersting was ap]>ointed hy the commissioners to till this office for Putnam county, lie served for nearly two years, when he was superseded b\ R. B. Lay ton. The law has been decentralized and the duties of the deputy tax commissioner transferred to the county com- missioners.




I'lancliard township was organized in 1833, the year before Putnam county was organized, and at that time included the territory now in Van Huren, Riley, Manchard and Richland townships. Richland township and the south tier of sections ol Riley township were detached from Putnam count) in iN|X and added to Allen county. When I'lancliard township was organized, in 1833, it was a part of Williams county and the county seat was then located at Fori Defiance. The order creating the township is found in the commissioners' records of Williams county.

\- far as known, there were only eight voters in the township at the time it began its career, although alter the organization of the township the settlers began to come in rapidly. Otho < raw lis and his wife, Sarah Agner, had the honor oi being the first settlers in this extensive township. They were natives oi Pairlield county, Ohio, and settled in Putnam county on October 17. 1831. The year following, came Samuel Hall, Joseph llick- ersoii and II. .M. ( raw lis. In [N33 the population was increased by the fam- ilies o| Abraham Hardin, Llezekiah Bonham, William Prichett, Calvin and Alexander Morehead. The year 1H34 saw a still larger number of fami- lies casting their fortunes with the pioneers of this township. In this year came William Patrick, Henry Pope, Joseph Wade, Samuel Hickerson, Jos- eph I low en. George Shoemaker. Thomas McClure, Andrew McClure and Charles Cuysinger. The following year broughl in the families of George Stewart. George I'acon, Azariali Smith and |ohn Stewart.

L'11 fortunately, the carh records ol LJlanchard township were burned many years ago and definite data on its early historj is hard to obtain. It is known that the first election was held at the home of Otho W. Crawlis, Sr.. ,md that the following officers were elected: Samuel Mall, Abraham Hardin and Otho W. ('raw lis, Sr., trustees; Joseph Hickerson, clerk; Otho \\ . Crawlis, Sr., justice of the peace. HiclCerson was selected by the voters to lake the election returns to Defiance, and, while in the county seal, he

I If)


was sworn in as clerk. Upon his return he swore the oilier officers in and then the new count)' was ready for business.

An interesting story is told ol Crawiis, who had been elected justice of the peace, and the stor\ lias the unusual advantage of being true. When he received his commission as justice ol the peace for Blanchard township, Williams count}', from Defiance, signed by Governor Lucas, he returned it, thinking that he lived in Putnam county. Within a short time the commis- sion was returned to him with the official information that it was correct and that Putnam county had nut yet been formally organized.


Rev. Llam Day, a Methodist, preached the first sermon in the town- ship, at the home of Samuel Hall, in the fall of [832. Martin Llickcrson, born in 1X33, a son of Joseph Hickerson, was the hist white child horn 111 the township. The first death was that ul a Miss Killpatrick, and it oc- curred the same year. The year 1833 also witnessed the first marriage, that of Samuel Myers and Margaret Hardin, the wedding taking place 011 Christmas day. The first road was the Findlay-Defiance road, and was sur- veyed through the township in the earl)' part of the thirties.

Gilboa, the first town, was laid out in [837 by Klisha Stout, who also built the first grist-mill m the township. The first election for township trustees was held in Gilboa, N'ovenibcr 10. 1N5J. Wolves were plentiful in this pari 1 'i (lie county, also deer, wild turkeys and other game o hi Id lie .seen. The lirsl school m ihe township was latighl by James Wade. The school house was limit ul logs, with hewed benches for seats and wide boards nailed against the wall for writing desks. It was heated by a fireplace made ol mortar and siieks. Reading, writing, spelling and arithmetic were the only branches taught. Mr. Wade was followed, in order, by Lliza llmmons, Kineline Hubbard, William Pierman, Mis. Susan McL'lish, Mary ( art- wright, James Agner, l.vdia Shelby, Jane McDowell, l.uella Agner, Laura Higginbothan ami Nettie Diviney.


justice of the peace, A. V. l,ogan, of (iilhoa ; trustees, Hugh Harris and

L. \. Pitney, of Gilboa, and John Crawiis, of Leipsic; clerk, W. II. Tobias, of (iilhoa; treasurer, W. 15. Gierhart, of (iilhoa; constables, Henry Bowman and Richard Met lure, of Gilboa.

l'I'TN A M I'Ol'X'l'V, oil II

Gilhoa, as was stated before, was laid <>ut in 1837. Nelson McCal- lister 1 mil 1 the first frame house in the village, but it was only a short time mm 1 the town began to grow. About the year 1 S v i, a tavern was opened by Benjamin Stewart and Edward Mercer started a general store. Black- smiths, mechanics and men of different trades began to settle here and it became a thriving village.

It is characteristic that Gilhoa had the most rapid growth of any town in (lie countv. from 1S40 to the early fifties it was classed as the most thriving town in the county. At the time the early surveys were made, in 1X5.2, for the Davton & Michigan railroad, the citizens of Gilhoa made an active and persistent contest with b'indlay and Ottawa for the location of tli.it road through their town; they tailed in their efforts, ami this was the lirM lif i\\ w liicli the ti iv\ ll Still ered.

Among the earlier prominent and active citizens of this village were: .Matthew Chambers, Sr., who built the brick hotel; Col. M. C. Ewing, who owned what was then the largest general store in the count}-; Dr. T. E. I'anl, who sealed here in the practice of medicine in 1S.45: William Mc- ( hire, who also kepi a tavern and later became county treasurer; Simon Maple, merchant, who later became countv commissioner; Stansbury Sutton, who kept a general store until he took up the duties oi prosecuting attorney and, later, county treasurer; I )r. Lyman \Y. Moe, who took up the practice of medicine in 1847.

In |N|N an epidemic of cholera almost decimated the village. Early settlers relate the horrible sufferings and deaths of the victims of this de- vastating disease. Eor a time it seemed as though the entire village would be wiped '.111, but its ravages wen- finally checked, although the effects of this dreaded disease were fell for some time.

flic town was incorporated by an act of the Legislature in [848 and has retained its corporate life ever since. The Eindlay, Et. Wayne & Western railroad was 1 .11 i 1 1 through its limits in iNNX, and gave an impetus I" the -row 1I1 ul [he lown and its business, evidenced by the construction of new business buildings and residences.

Situated as it is. in the center of what was the earliest settled, and still among the best agricultural, portions of the county, surrounded by splendid farms, it has always kept a good trade, and even in the darkest years, after its failure in seen re the Dayton \ Michigan mad, and, later, the epidemic

I iS 1'U'J NAM l ol'N'l Y, nil Itl.

oi cholera, it has still retained its progressive air. It has not progressed as rapidly in the past twenty years as formerly, but, owing to its early bear- ing, it has retained its place as an agricultural center.

Its business interests at present consist of an up-to-date hank, drain-tile plant, elevator and business houses which deal in all the necessities which the farmers require. It has a very modern high school building and is one ot the nine educational centers of the county.

The present officers are: Mayor, I'. C. Stateler; clerk', J. G. Knepper; treasurer, 1'. C. Davis; marshal, Frank Wood; councilmen, O. V. Todd, W. B. Gierhart, J. M. Reed, John Moffit, William Clymer and Banner Per- kins. The population ot Gilboa in i < j 1 5 was three hundred anil forty-five.

m'culi ougiiville.

McCulloughville, located on the Findlay, Ft. Wayne & Western rail- road, was platted in 1888 by L. E. 1 foltz, civil engineer, for D. U. xMcCul- lough. This town was the site of CrawTis College and a postofifice was es- tablished here for the convenience of the college and the surrounding coun- try. But this was later served by a mail route and the town has ceased to exist.


Livingston hears the distinction of being one of the few1 "paper towns" ot the comity. It was laid out, Imt never materialized.

I'.lanchard has within its boundaries two institutions which will he dealt with in another chapter, the county infirmary and Crawfis College.


Greensburg township was treated by the county commissioners within a year alter the county was formally organized in 1834. tTcnry Wing, the lirst settler, named the township, although history does not record why he chose the name. Wing built a rude log cabin and located here with his fam- ily as early as [825, hut he had been in the township for several years prior to that dale. lust when he came to the state of Ohio is not known, but he is found at the mouth of the P.lanchard river in 1814 guarding supplies for the army. The War of 1812 was not yet closed and he seems to have taken some pail in that struggle, In 1819 Wing was helping '"apt. James



VV. Kilcy to survey in this pari ol Ohio, ;ind lie continued willi llie survey- or's gang until uS-'_'. Tin's representative old pioneer was killeil in 184 | liy a falling tree, at the time of the opening oi the Ottawa and Defiance road through I'utnam county. In i8jo llenrj Leaf located his family in section 10, on the Blanchard river, and in 18J4 David Murphy, with Ins family, came down the Blanchard river from Fort Fiudlay. I lis was one of the Inst permanent white families in the county and his wife was the first person buried in the cemetery at Kalida.

In 1 JS 3 came Isaac Owens and John Myers, followed, in the succeed- ing year, by Levi Grove, Nutter Powell, Frederick Brower and John !•'. Kahle. The latter was the first foreigner in the county to take out naturali- zation papers. The year 1^4 brought in Abraham ("row, Christian Hear, Nicholas I'rvnnc and Alexander Berryhill. In [835 Joshua Powell, Will- iam Hell, James (Vow, William Phillips and John Neill were added to the slowly-growing population.

That the township was oi slow- growth is shown by the fact that only eight votes were cast at the first election in April, 1835. These eight voters selected the following officials: William Bell, Abraham Crow- and Joshua Powell, trustees; Frederick Brower, clerk' ; Nutter Powell, treasurer; Fred- erick Brower, justice of the peace.

Organized with an area of thirtv-six square miles, the township was de- creased in 1848 by having the south tier of sections detached and added to Union township. In common with most of the townships of the county, the land in Greensburg was very swampy and it was mam' vears after the township was organized before artificial drainage brought much of its area under cultivation. At the present lime no township in the county can boast ot fetter (arms and the hundreds of contented and independent fanners of the township bespeak the prosperity which has come to this section of the county.


Greensburg township has no equal in the county in the way of towns, there being four within her limits, namely: Avis, Cuba, Croswell and Dornington. If any of the four have ever been platted the officials failed to record the plats. Avis is located on the Findlay, Ft. Wayne & Western railroad. With a large stave mill to aid the growth of this village it bid fair to become a thriving town, but the mill being destroyed by lire and newer replaced, the hopes for a larger village were shattered. Its business coin- prises one elevator, a general store and stock- yards. Cuba is situated in

I'l'TiNAM ail'N'I'V, DIM

the northern pari of the township, on the IBlanchard river. Croswell is a railroad stop west of Avis on the same railroad. Dominion is located on the Ohio Plectric and also the Pindlay, It. Wavne & Western railroad.


I Ik- following arc the present officers of Greenslmrg township: fus- tice of the peace. A. I\ Steiner; trustees, C. \V. Beard, A. C. Korte, A. G. Verhoff; clerk, William- Sicbeneck; treasurer. II. C. Schroeder; constable, J. If Fappc.


Jackson township lies between I'erry and Jennings townships, on the iinrtli and south, and Union and Monterey, on the east and west, h was originally laid out six miles square, although it was later decreased to twenty sections. In 1848 its area was increased to twenty-six sections by the ad- dition ol six sections taken from Perry township. The Auglaize river runs through the township from south to north and affords ample natural drainage. Within the past few years extensive systems of artificial drain- age have been put into operation, with the result that now nearly all of the township has been brought under cultivation.

I he records of the township covering the early years of its history were destroyed b\ lire mam years ago and this renders h impossible to write the complete history of the township. The date of the first election and the first officers elected are unknown, but it is certain that the organization of the township dates from the first half of the thirties. The first officers of whom am record has been found are as follows: Thaddens Harris, justice of the peace, and William II. Harris, constable.

Klias W'allen. who settled in the township m iN_>„>, seems to have been die first permanent settler. Riifus Carey and John llarter came with their families the loll,, win- year, entered laud and started to make homes in the wilderness. Owing (o [he extreme swampiness of the township, the settlers came in very slowly for several years. Thaddens Harris ( 1825) and Thomas (aider (1830) were all who came to the township before [833. In the latter year, Phillip, Joseph and George Comer, I'.dward I .add and John lleddrick located along the Auglaize river.

I he following are ihc present officers of Jackson township: Justices

l'll'XAM COUNTY, OHIO. 121

of tin- peace, II. Frank Rower and George \V. Roose; trustees, I'hilip Sinn, | c 1 1 11 1 Kchrcs, ' .. Kinnncrle; clerk, I leury I'licdcnharn ; treasurer, l\ J. Keeker; conslaljle, I'liilip A. Rower.

fackson township, although ranking among the best townships in the count v, docs not have am large towns within iis limits. Muntana is situated mi the (.'loverleal railroad, three miles south of Cloverdale. It was sur- veyed and platted in i SS i by George Skinner, surveyor fcjr George II. Cal- kins, h hears the distinction of being the first town laid out in this town- ship. Iluntstown is another town of about the same strength as .Muntana and situated just two miles north of it. iluntstown was platted and laid out in 1883 by Samuel Starkey and also lies on the Clover Leaf railroad. Douglas is the third town in the township and finishes the list. Tins town was never platted, at hast no record can be found in the plat hook-, and at present is the site for the Odenweller Milling Company. These towns, al- though small, draw from the rich farming community in this count} and in tunc may prove quite important commercial centers.


Jennings township also suffered in the donation of land to Allen county, just as Sugar (reck did. The south halt of the township was cut off and two tiers oi sections were added on the north from Jackson township, hut three sections were cut oil the west side and added to Monterey, thus the township now embraces twenty-eight sections.

Samuel Washljtini was the first settler to purchase land and locate here. Washburn came in i S _• 5 or 1H26 and purchased two farms, which he cleared and >oid to Isaiah Clawson and William Cochran 111 1827 or 1828. About the year iNjS, James Thatcher and William Scott cast their lot with the oilier earl_\- settlers in this township. A few others came in about tins time and settled on the hanks of the Auglaize river.

'I he first white child horn m Jennings township was Thomas Wash- burn, on August o. 1828. John and James Cochran were the next.

In i'v.i- or 1833 the luwnship took on a temporary organization. Will- iam Cochran served as the first justice of the peace. It is difficult to get the true history of the township or the dale of the permanent organization, as the early records were destroyed. In 1833 several families came over from Germany and took up their permanent residence here; among' these were John Disher, Henry Wellman, C. Raabe, Henry Raabe and fohn


Raabe. In the foltowing year H. J. Boehmer, \'. D. Emse, George Calvage, Mrs. Calvage and several others settled here. The returns show that at the fall election in 1X34 there were only seventeen votes cast in the township.

Colonel Jennings was the commandant at the fort, a small stockade built on the west hank of the Auglaize river, which served as a military post in the war of 1812. An incident concerning this post follows: Colonel Jennings sent out a detachment of troops under Capt. William D. Jones on a foraging expedition to the Indian towns of Upper and. Lower Tawa on the Blanchard river. The detachment consisted of the Captain. Knowles Shaw, Aaron Howard, James Howard, Henry and Thomas Montgomery. They came in from the west and crossed the river near the Glandorf bridge. This was in August, 1813 or 1814. They found the towns deserted and, after feasting on roasting ears, chickens and fat hogs for a week, they burned the Indian towns and destroyed the growing crops before they returned to the fort. Colonel Jennings left his name as a monument to the township and also the town.

The Jennings township officials are as follows: Justices of the peace, J. II. Hunt and Cornelius Kortier; trustees. Barney Bruskotter, William Von Sassan and Charles Kicker: clerk, Ferd Heising; treasurer. Charles H. Raabe; constable. Felix Calvelage : ditch supervisor, James Brackman.


Ft. Jennings is one of the oldest settlements in northern Ohio, where the white man made a permanent home in the wilderness. In 1S12 Colonel Jennings erected a stockade, consisting of a line of posts set in the earth on a high and favorable bend of the Auglaize river, and it was from this stockade that the present village received its name. Settled at a time when there was no railroad, no canal, no stores, when by far the greater part of Ohio was one vast wilderness, the present generation can hardly realize the hardships and privations which these early settlers had to undergo.

The earliest industry was the manufacture of corn whiskey, hut the construction of the canal drained the swamps and made this one of the rich- est corn-producing sections in northern Ohio.

The town of Ft. Jennings was platted in 1847 and incorporated in 1881. The Clover Leaf railroad was built through the town in 1876 and this gave the farmers a ready outlet for their products to the chief markets of the country.

In 1852 Christian Raabe founded the first general store and this was


followed soon after by a saw-mill, elevator, a tile mill, a good music store, two hotels and Mures representing all the different lines of merchandise.

The streets of the town are sewered and piked, and. with the industry and thrift of the farmers, she enjoys a proud place among the most progressive towns of the county.

The corporation officers of Ft. Jennings are as follows: Mayor, F. H. Geier; clerk, Ferd Fleising; treasurer, Frank Geier; marshal, A. B. Miehls; councilmen, William Boehmer, Basney Wieging, Louis Brockman, Ferd Bertling, Frank Kohorst, Felix Calvelage.

The population of the town in 1910 was three hundred and thirty-six.


Rushmore is situated on the Northern Ohio railroad and the south- western part of Jennings township. Tt is surrounded by rich farming lands and bids fair to become a thriving little village. It has a church and school building for the convenience of its patrons.


Liberty township was organized in April, 1837. The first settler to locate here was Alexander Montooth, in 1835. Later in the same year, Charles Ilofstetter, Nicholas and J. R. McConnell, Samuel James, James and John Irvin, John Krebbs and O. C. Pomeroy took up their permanent residence in this township. H. S. Ramsey, Jacob Sigler, Henry Knopp, James Woodell and Robert Lowry came a short time later and aided in the early settlement and township organization.

At the first election, Nicholas McConnell was chosen justice of the peace, and J. R. McConnell was elected constable. The early records have been lost and a full list of the first township officers cannot be given.

The land in Liberty township was originally very swampy and this made it unhealthy. The first settlements, for this reason, were made on what was then called the Ridge, which was a slightly elevated strip of land. The growth of this township was very slow at first, as a great part of the land was unfit for cultivation. The swamps and ponds of the township were drained in i860 and the land has been tiled, and in this way brought under cultivation. After the swamps were drained the sickness of this locality was greatly decreased and it became a very desirable habitation.



The first town was laid out in 1845 '')' me ';itc JU('nc Palmer and was called Mcdary. Judge I 'aimer kept the first store in the town and erected a combination grist- and saw-mill, which was quite a curiosity to the early settlers. The building was a frame structure, with the grist-mill above and the saw -mill below. The site of this once thriving village is now covered with fields of waving corn.

The present officers of Liberty township are: Justices of the peace, John barley, of Leipsic; Louis Lammers and Mack Shaffer, of West Leip- sic: trustees, B. I. Stecbscbulte, J. M. Smith and Peter Schey, of West Leipsic; clerk, Joseph Lammers, of West Leipsic; treasurer, P. H. Schey, of West Leipsic; constables, Jefferson Ladd and Herb Dukes, of West Leipsic.


West Leipsic was laid out and platted in [852. In the year 1850 John W. ['eckenpaugh purchased the laud where the village of West Leipsic now stands and had the first survey of twenty lots made, by Samuel Parker, eount\r surveyor. A second and third survey was made in the following years, 1853-54, and completed the platting of all the lands now included in the town lying north of the Nickel Plate railroad.

The first house built in the village was erected by John Shakely in 1850 and was known as the old Shakely house for a number of years. It was lung used as a hotel and drug store.

From 1850 to 1855 the first settlers of the town came in, these in- cluding the following: J. J. Lowry, who kept the first store in the town and. later, was elected the first justice of the peace; John Dehnert was the first blacksmith; Joseph Faber, first wagon maker; George Haskell, first cooper, and Dr. Samuel Emery was the first physician. The first white child bom in the town was Louisa M. Lowry, daughter of J. J. Lowry, born on September 29. 1852. Later, Miss Lowry became the wife of Doctor Emery, one ol the leading physicians of the county.

The town was incorporated in 1882 with the following officials: R. Haskell, mayor; W. J. White, clerk; M. L. Pritchard, marshal; Thomas James, treasurer. The present officers are: Mayor, S. M. Tilbrook; clerk, Karl J. Shaffer; treasurer, M. L. Pritchard; marshal, Joseph E. Miller; councihneii, L M. Bennett, J. I. Smith; W. J. Wooddell, Solomon Close; J. A. Montootb. Mack Shaffer.

The population in 1010 was two hundred and fifty-three.

Elm ("enter is another small hamlet in this township, being but a rail-

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road station on the Nickel Plate road. A similar village is Prentiss, a rail- road station on the Dayton, Toledo & Ironton road.


Monroe is next to the youngest township in the county, being second only to Palmer. Cut off from Perry township in 1852, it has had a slow, but >tead)\ growth since it started on its independent career. Like many other townships, its settlement was retarded on account of the general swampiness of its soil, and it was not until 1849 that its first permanent settler, Adam Perrin, made his appearance here. He seemed to have the whole township to himself for two years, or at least there is no record of ail) others until 1851, when John Grant risked his fortunes in the malaria- ridden district. In the same ami following years appeared John and Eli fickle. Hiram Madden, William Moore, I). D. Barnes, James Parly, Sam- uel Birge, 1). D. Murphy and Solomon McCullough.

At the first election, on April 5, 1852, there were only twelve votes cast and six of these electors were chosen to various offices, as follows: William Moore, John ami P.h fickle, trustees; James Parly, clerk; John Grant, treasurer; Solomon McCullough, supervisor. At that time the town- ship consisted of one road and one school district. The first teacher was George K rites, who taught in a small cabin on section 5.

The following are township officers at the present time: Justices of the peace, P. P. Treece, and P.. P. Hartman; trustees, Frank Hall, J. W. Prnst and P. P. Treece, all of Continental; clerk, P. E. Moore, of Conti- nental: treasurer, R. W. Kissell, of Continental; constables, M. G. Pease and Daniel Noe, of Continental; ditch supervisor, I. L. Carroll, of North Creek.


Continental is the chief town in Monroe township, but its history and grow ih will he dealt with in another chapter. Lying due west of Conti- nental three miles on the Nickel Plate railroad is a small hamlet which needs honorable mention. This aforesaid town is Hartshurg. The date of (he platting ol tins village, if it was ever plaited, cannot he ascertained. At present Hartshurg has one church and a school building. It is a stop on the Nickel Plate railroad.




Wisterraan is also a small hamlet in this township. It was platted in 18S3 by E. W. Dimock, for \V. S. Daly, E. R. Eastman and Jane James, the proprietors. This town failed to materialize to any great extent and at present is merely a stop on the Toledo, St. Louis & Western railroad. Rice was once a postoffice for the convenience of country people, but at present is only an interurban stop.

Continental, first called Marice City, was laid out and platted on March 23, 1888, by George Skinner for Gen. A. V. Rice. It was named in honoi of the General's daughter, Mary Rice. At the time when the Nickel Plate railroad was constructed through Putnam count}- the land in the south- eastern part of Monroe township was cue vast body ol unbroken wilderness and swamp. The Rice road improvements were constructed in 1865 through the present site of Marice City and made tins land productive and. with the intersection of two railroads, a very desirable location for a town. In 1888 the Buckeye Stave Company erected their stave factory on their addition which they had laid out the same year (James Belford, surveyor). In the same year Dr. B. D. Sparling employed A. Overbeck to lay out and plat his first addition. In 1887 I ». YV. Seitz laid out and platted an addition for Gen. A. V. Rice, and the following year the same surveyor platted a second addi- tion for Dr. B. 1). Sparling. Mr. Seitz also platted a second addition for the Buckeye Stave Company, in 1890, and the same year sub-divided outlot No. 1 of Rice's addition, for the district assessor, H. B. Pierce. In 1895 Mr. Seitz also platted a sub-division for YV. II. Miller.

The fust store was opened up in Marice City by James Sullivan. This was followed, soon afterward, by a general store by the Buckeye Stave Com- pany, but was later purchased by II. B. Rose and Alvin Poe. James Bell built his present store room and opened up a general store in :SSy. Others followed soon afterward. The town was incorporated March 22, 1888. with the following officers: folk' Berbage, mayor; C. G. Ballman, clerk; James Bell, treasurer; C. S. Parish, marshal; YV. B. Miller, John Hutchison, Hiram Dellinger, George Ifab.n, Silas Colvin and John Shamberger, councilmen. At the lime when the town was incorporated scweral of the citizens tried to get the name changed to Continental, but this was not accomplished until April 17, 1899, at the February term of court.

Continental has been settled by business men wdio are ever striving for the betterment of the town. Xcw bank buildings and business houses have



been constructed, which give the town its present prosperous anil enterprising air. Its business interests consist oi an elevator and milling company, the Continental and the Farmers bank, the Cloverleaf hotel, the Sanitary grocery, r. Hauck & Company's drug store, general stores, produce dealers, and mer- chants who cater to the wants of the town and country people.

The present population of the town is more than one thousand. The present officers arc: Mayor, 11. C. Parrett ; clerk, S. N. Aller; treasurer. ('. B. Shinabery; marshal, M. G. Tease: councilmen, W. H. Wright, \V. C. \ each, Alonzo Spiller, John Minch, B. A. Manor and D. F. Owens; trustees of public affair:-, I.. 11. Guy, William Saegcrs and L. P. Crawfis.


The year 1848 witnessed some very marked change.-, in the territorial limits of Putnam count}'. In this year .Auglaize couuty was organized by cutting off the southern part of Allen, which joins Putnam on the south. In order to equalize matters, a strip was detached from the southern pari of Putnam and added to Allen -seven tiers of sections being detached from Riley township, six tiers from Pleasant (known as Monroe township), three tiers from Sugar Creek and a similar amount from Jennings. This took one hundred and fourteen sections from Putnam count)', but the kind- hearted Legislature compensated Putnam by adding eighteen sections taken from Van Wert county. This strip, six by three miles, lies immediately west of Jackson township and was organized as Monterey township in 1849. At the same time, five sections were detached from Jackson township and added to Monterey.

This township was settled largely by Germans and is one of the strong- est Catholic township in the count)'. Henry Schroeder and Henry Upland, who came with their families in 1845, were the first permanent settlers. The\- were followed by Joseph Gruver (1846) and John Livingston. Jonas Dash, Conrad Henry and Bernard Esch (1847). Matthias Schroeder came in 1849.

The first election, on January 19, 1850, at the house of Joseph Gruver, resulted in the selection of the following officials: Bernard Esch, Henry Schroeder and Joseph Gruver, trustees; Jonas Dash, clerk. The scarcity of population may be understood when it is known that only eleven votes were cast at this first election. When the hoard of trustees met, on March 7, 1 850, thev proceeded to organize the township into two road and two school districts.


The Monterey township officials at present arc: Justices of the peace, George Altenherger and J. II. Wannemacher; trustees, Frank W. Ruen,

Martin Miller, and James Weber; clerk, Frank Kromer; treasurer, Max W'inkelinan ; constable, Jacob 1'. Studer.


There is only one town in Monterey township, Ottoville. The platting of Ottoville has bad sonic marked and varied changes, as shown by the rec- ords for those acts. In 1845, Elias Everett, county surveyor, platted for John Otto Bredeick a parcel of land in the northeast corner of section 30. This survey was abandoned, however, and the land was again surveyed by Charles Wannemacher in 1S73.

The present site of Ottoville, by way of explanation, is platted in the corner of four sections, namely, sections jj, 25, 19 and 30. The numbering is due to the fact that the township was changed since the original survey.

In 1863 Samuel Parker, county surveyor, laid out that part of the original town plot lying in section 19 for Christ Martin. This survey has been changed somewhat since that time. In 1865 F. J. Lye, with the serv- icer of George Skinner, surveyor, laid out an addition west of the canal in section 30. In 1874 Peter Wannemacher laid out an addition to Ottoville in section 25 and in 1883 Aaron Overbeck, surveyor, at the instance of Richard Gilmour, bishop of Cleveland, Ohio, resurveyed all that part of the town originally laid out in section 19. The same survey platted an ad- dition in section 19 for Max Winkle-man during the year 1892. In 1894 Peter Wannemacher had another addition platted by D. W. Seitz, surveyor.

The town was incorporated in 1890, with Joseph Wannemacher, mayor; J. C. Wannemacher, clerk; John Branderhoff, marshal ' Matt Schu- lien, treasurer; V. II. Otte, Peter Wannemacher, 1!. Wannemacher, J. I!. Mersman, J. J. Miller and William Gasser, councilmen.

This village is the center of a very prosperous farming community; situated on all sides are the well-tilled farms of the sturdy, industrious Catholics who make up this settlement. This is the home of St. Mary's Immaculate Conception church, one of the most beautiful churches in this part oi the stale. I be business interests oi the town have always assisted in every material way for the growth of the town and unison among its early settlers was their strong characteristic.

Ottoville is accommodated with a good bank-, an up-to-date flouring- mill, stores and merchants whose Emods are the very best. The town also


has paved streets and an excellent school system. The population in 1910 was four hundred and seventy-seven, but has increased since that time.

The officers at present are: Mayor, J. C. Wannemacher ; clerk, Frank [■Cromer; treasurer, Joseph P. 1 hirst; marshal, William Grenlich; council- men, George Wannemacher, James Otte, Alph Bertling, W. T. Geier, John Van Oss, Alex Odemveller; trustees of public affairs, George Miehls, Ed Odenweller and J. J. Miller.


In the fall of 1914. the town of Ottoville completed arrangements with the Electric Light and Power Company, of Delphos, Ohio, whereby the latter company agreed to furnish electric current for Ottoville at a definite rate. Delphos brought the current to the corporation line of Ottoville and then the latter wired it to its consumers in the low n. The (own has spent five thousand dollars in wiring, poles, meters, transformers, etc., and, although llie first \ear has not yet passed, Ottoville already has one hundred and one consumers of light service and two consumers of power. The town operates twenty-five incandescent street lights, ranging in power from one hundred to two hundred and fifty kilowatts.

Ottoville guaranteed the Delphos company a minimum of fifty dollars a month for the first six months and since then has been on a rate of one hun- dred dollars a month. The Ottoville consumers have a minimum rate of fifty cents a month and a rate of ten cents a kilowatt. The profits of the town for the first six months enabled it to pay for its street lighting, and as tune goes on the town hopes to make a still greater profit. The service has proven satisfactory in every respect and the example of Ottoville will doubt- less s.mn he followed by other towns in the county. The local management 0! the utility is vested in the hoard of public affairs, consisting of |. |. Miller, George Miehls and Edward Odenweller. The clerk of the board is Frank Kramer, who acts as the manager and has general control of the installation of lights and the making of collections.


Ottoville is fortunately located in regard to a bountiful supply of water, being at the crossing of the Little Auglaize and the canal. With a twenlv- horse-powcr gasoline pumping engine, water can be thrown in two streams




( i\ t-r any ami all buildings in the town from cither the river or the canal. In addition, the town lias a hand-pump which requires thirt) men to operate, hut, since the installation of the gasoline engine, this is necessary only in extreme cases. The town owns fifteen hundred feet of two and a hall inch hose, which is amply sufficient to carry water to any part of the town. It is interesting n* note that in the whole history of the town there has never been mi. re than one building burned down at one time. In fact, there have been mi serious lues in the town for the past five vears. There is a voluntary lire company "t fifteen members, \\h<> receive twenty-five cents tur attendance upon meetings, the number oi meetings being limited to twenty-one a year. The members of the company are exempt from road tax, but receive no extra compensation for attendance at a lire. The present lire chief is Frank Kramer. Joseph 1'. Wurst is secretary and Joseph Vanoss is treasurer of the tire ci impany.


Automobiles Alfred I luvsman. Hank Ottoville Banking Company. Barber I beodore Kramer

Blacksmiths John Vanoss, John Zahn & Albert Schneider. Carpenters John Wurst, Henry Ruen, L. L. HvkI. Cement Contractor I rank ( irubenhoff. Dentist VV. T. Morgan. I Jrayman .Martin I iendele. Druggist VV. T. Remlinger. Elevator— Benjamin Wannemacher & Sons. Flour Manufacturer E. L. Odenweller. Furniture John Lauer.

General Stores— J. J. Miller Company, F. F. Vincke. Hardware Charles Wannemacher's Sons, George Wannemacher & Company.

Hotel— G. E. Otte.

Ice healers Berkling & King.

Jeweler C. B. Wannemacher.

Justice of the Peace George Altenburger.

Livery Bendele & Miller.

Lumber and Building Supplies Schulien & Roth.

Loans and Real Estate Gennre Allenlwrir.

I'l'TNAM COUNTY. oil to.


Meat .Market Berkling & King.

Millinery— Mrs. Prances Dehe, Mrs. Matthew Kramer. Musical Instruments -C. B. Wannemacher, VV. T. Remlinger. I 'hysician J. P. ( Ickuley. Poultry Dealer Griffis Produce Company. I 'hi iti igrapher 1 tarry N'ieclecken.

Painters and Paper Hangers— Pred Bohn, Charles Sellet. Restaurants Albert lane, Rayman Brothers. Saloons— G. 1 1. Olte, Nicholas Bcdink. Stock Buyers Conrad Pecker, Plesher & Brickner. Shoe Cobblers \V. T. Geier, Landing Rieger. Stone Crusher Nicholas Lauer.

Stone, Brick ami Cement Workers— Peter Smith, J. P. Pittner. Telephone— lac'ob Stucler, manager. Tile Manufacturer^George Miller. I inner < iei irge l\ iegcr. \ elerinai'N |< ihn I )iel rich.


Ottawa township wa> organized in March, 1835, with a limited number of people wlin had settled in the township during the previous two years. One of the first white settlers in the township was George Agner, who came here in the vear 1832 and, the following year, settled on a farm east of Ottawa. William Galbreath settled mi the farm adjoining Ottawa in the same year. Mr. Galbreath served in the War of iXi_> and was present at the battle of Port Meigs. William and Jonathan Y. Sacked, Henry C'rawfis, Meridith Parish, Henry Ridenour, James Parish and Christian Huber are numbered with the pioneers of this township.

The Inst election for township officers was held at Michael Row's tavern, April 6, 1835. At this election the following officers were elected: (ieorge Agner, William Galbreath and Joseph Adgate, trustees; Michael Row, treas- urer; William Sackett, clerk; William Bowman, constable; Michael Row and William Galbreath, supervisors ; Meridith Parish and Samuel (.'lark, overseers of the poor; Michael Row and Samuel Runvan, fence viewers. The first justices of the peace were elected on May 5, 1835, John Cox and William Williams being chosen to till this office

These men who were elected at this early date to nil the township


offices were prominent in the affairs of the township and its most substan- tial citizens. It is noteworthy that some of the men filled more than one office, owing to the fact that the township was sparsely settled at this early date.

The first school held in the township was taught by Christian Huber. It was held in a log cabin located northeast of the present waterworks of Ottawa. Mr. Huber was of German birth," well educated and took a promi- nent part in the early political affairs of the county. Jlis pupils were a mixed assemblage of youths, a number of Indian boys being enrolled under him. The Indian hoys, however, were loth to attend school regularly and frequently "played hookey," to hunt and fish.

The first tavern was built o\ hewed logs and was kept by Michael Row. This tavern was well patronized by early travelers and early meetings of the citizens were held here to discuss matters pertaining to the welfare ot the township and the early settlers. The first saw-mill was located on the Blanchard river a short distance west of the Glandorf bridge. It was built by James Adgate and was well patronized by the early settlers, there being few saw-mills in the county at this time and a plentiful supply of timber.

Since this was a famous settlement of the Indians, it need only he mentioned that the forests were full of wild game and the rivers afforded excellent fishing. Bears, deer, wolves, wild turkeys, and all kinds of small game were to he found here in abundance before the Indians gave it tip as their hunting ground.

The town of ( Ittawa was laid out by Aughinbaugh arid Barnett in June, 1834. It was the site of the old Indian town of Lower Tawa, named after the tribe ot Indians who had a reserve of about twenty-eight sections of land in this township. In 1832 the Indians sold this tract of land to the United States, and left for that part of the Indian territory which at present is a part of Kansas. The original town plat consisted of only one hundred and twenty-eight lots. This subject will he taken up more fully in another chapter.

The present township officers are as follows: Justices of the peace, E. F. Wieser and John Cowan: trustees, John hi. Reinman, Joseph Klausing and John Diemer; clerk, J. A. Missler; treasurer, Harry Nienberg; con- stable, Frank Recker.


The site where the village of Ottawa now stands was once a center of the Indian tribes of northeastern Ohio, but before the village proper was laid out, the Indians had bidden adieu to their once-famous abode. At the tune the first settlers came to this part of the state to make permanent settle- ments, which was around 1825-30, there were but few Indians making their home in Tawa village. The Indians had ceded their reservation to the white man and were transferred to their new reservation in Kansas. However, only about two-thirds of them ever reached their new home, as they died ot small- pox contracted on their journey. They were transferred to their new reser- vation under the management of a AJr. Hollister, of Perrysburg, who was the government's agent at that time.

Xo startling events are characterized by the creation of the new hamlet and bui linlc more than ordinal") interest can be aroused by this discussion, outside of the recital ol a lew historical facts. A lew Indians remained here as late as 1836-39, but they were friendly to the white man, and incidents have even been related where the white man stayed with the Indian until suitable quarters could be provided for his family.

In the early part of the year 1833 a lew families came to what had been until that time a reservation of the Ottawa Indians. In June of the fol- lowing year Messrs. Aughenbaugh and Barnett laid out the town as a ham- let. They gave it the name of ( )ttawa in honor of the tribe of red men who had occupied a few "shack's" constituting the Tawa village, located on what is now commonly called the Green. John and David Cox, O T. Pomeroy, William Galbreath, Michael Row, Air. Williams and Samuel Runyarl and their families were about the only settlers here at this time and constituted almost the entire citizenship of the hamlet for several years. Rut slowly the hamlet was gathering in the sturdy and honest settlers who a short time later were going to be the strong force behind this village to make it the center of the county; the Indian tepee was gradually giving way to the log cabin and civilization was beginning to claim this fertile land which was soon to serve a better purpose than being the hunting grounds of the Indian.

In 1834, when Ottawa was laid out, there were only five families in the place, those of John and David Cox, C. T. Pomeroy, William Galbreath and Michael Row, In addition, there were two men by the name of Williams and Runyan. At this late day. it is impossible to trace the growth of ihe


I'll NAM COUNTY, (ill R).

infant village, Iml it was not until the count)' sent was located here in i Noo thai llic village began in assume respectable proportions.

Michael Row built the first cabin mi the site of Ottawa in May, 1834. This rude cabin served as the first tavern and became noted as a public house tn all who had occasion to visit this section of the slate. Many of the most eminent men of < )hio gathered around its festive board and drank the hard cider and ^lill harder whiskey which the genial proprietor served to his guests. Row kept the tavern until his death and the old tavern, built more than four score years ago, is still standing. It was weather-hoarded in 1N77 anil is now occupied b\ halke & Kerner, monument dealers. The first frame house in the town was built by William Williams, a short time after Row- erected his tavern.


'I he first postoffice was established in [837 and was called Buckeye. This was made necessary because there was another postoffice by the name of Ottawa in the slate. Buckeye continued to he the name of the postoffice until rR62, when, through the efforts of Dr. C. M. Godfrey, the name was changed n> Ottawa. Dr. C. M. Godfrey was the first postmaster and Capt. I\ S. God- frey was the village postmaster a few years later. Several years later, Cap- tain Godfrey became treasurer of the county.


Johd Con has the honor of being the Inst merchant in Ottawa ami opened a general store in 1835. Dr. C. I'. Romeroy, the first physician, began to practice here in [835. Dr. C. M. Godfrey came here in [837 and studied under Doctor Romenw. In 1834 Doctor Romero)- laid out the first addi- tion to the town, 'fhe prospect of the building of the Dayton & Michigan railroad caused an increase in population at this time, and the town began to exerience its first boom. Additions were laid out in 0S5S, 1859 and in 1N05, the additions the latter years embracing a large portion of the eastern part of the town.

On Jul\- 4, 1N51), the railroad between Dayton and Toledo was completed and this event was celebrated in a manner befitting the occasion, 'fins year may he taken as the beginning of a new era in the history of Ottawa and from this time the town began to plan to get the county seat unwed from Ralida in lliis place. Seven years were to elapse- before this much-desired change was made ami these seven years saw the rising village take on the

IT IN \M ClirXTV, (III Id. 1,35

airs of a real town. In l-'ehruary, 1N01, it was incorporated and J. B. Inn hey became the lirst mayor.

During the Civil War everything was quiet, but with the moving of the county seat from Kalida, in the fall of 1866, the town began to grow. All of the lawyers and many of the best people of Kalida moved to the new county seat and between i860 and 1870 the population of Ottawa more than doubled. Willi this influx of people, a new energy was developed, and a new- era inaugurated. The frolicsome pig was soon to seek a wallow on some other than the principal business streets and the family geese to find a roost- ing place other than the sidewalk in front of the business houses. In 1X66 a newspaper was launched in the town and many new business enterprises were established. Among these may be mentioned the following: Cobb, I'ierce & Squires, dry goods; Cox, Bressler & Company, dry goods; Godfrey & Row. tavern: C. \\ ormsley, shoe simp; G. \V. Brown, ashery: \V. T. Soper. cabinet shop; David Cox, saw-mill; McCurdy & Allen, saw-mill; George 1!. I'uller, physician; T. J. Logan and J. B. Woodruff, lawyers; Col. J. L H. Long, civil engineer; I. L. Olney, merchant. It may be mentioned in pass- ing, that Mr. Olney is the only one of all of these early merchants who is now living. He is spending bis declining days in the town where he began his career as a merchant three score years ago.


The first church erected in ( Htawa was that of the United Brethren and ibis denomination still uses it as a house of worship. The first school house was a rude log structure erected in 1836. The first school teacher was l'riscilla Compton, who afterwards became the wife of Isaac McCracken, a pioneer citizen of kalida. The only other school in the township before that time was taught by Christian Huber in bis cabin a short distance east oi ()tlawa. As the years went by, belter educational facilities were demanded and toda) Ottawa boasts of three excellent school buildings.


The growth of the town was steady from this time and, unlike some of the towns which spring up and llourish for a short time and then die out, this village was destined to be the leading metropolis in the county. Through the efforts of Doctor I'omeroy is largely due the construction of the Dayton K Michigan railroad through Ottawa. This was completed and trains run in


November, 1859. The Findlay, Ft. Wayne & Western was completed and rlams have run since 1894. The Detroit, Toledo & 1 ronton was constructed in 1896. At present Ottawa lias three railroads and an electric line, which gives her all the transportation facilities required.


The first court house was completed and the first court held was in 1868. However, court was held here the year previous. This was a brick structure and did credit to the times. The present court house is a beautiful and imposing edifice and no county seat in Ohio of the same size can boast of such a modern building. It is a three-story structure with all of the modern conveniences, including elevator, assembly room for public meetings, rest rooms and full)- equipped rooms for all of the different county officials.

'fhe first count}- jail was constructed in 1869 and was replaced by the present structure in 1900. 'fhe present building is located across the street from the court house and is very modern and well equipped for the needs ot the lawless unfortunates.


The Ottawa water works was completed in the year 1904. In 1892 the Legislature adopted the municipal code and created the board of public affairs. The first board appointed in Ottawa consisted of the following enterprising citizens: George D. Hamden, Dr. 11. Huber, and T,eorge D. Kinder, the fitter bcin^ chosen as the president of the board. Doctor Huber served for one year, when be resigned, and W. If I larber was appointed to fill the vacancy. Subsequently Messrs. Kinder, Hamden and Rauh were elected fur two years and have filled the office up to the present time, being re- elected every two years. Through the efforts of these three men the present water works system was installed, 'fhe water works is located in the city park, which is on the east side of the town. This park is a very pretty amusement place fur a village of this size. Numerous cages of animals and birds have been placed here and it is fitted up lor the amusement oi the children.

Ottawa also has an excellent volunteer lire department and is the equal of any volunteer company in this section of the state. They have given good service on many occasions and have even made runs to different towns in the county which were in distress. On one occasion two of the firemen



lost their lives while fighting lire. The equipment at the present is of the best and recently a gasoline lire truck was purchased.

Th opera house furnishes an excellent place ior amusements and social gatherings. The armory is another imposing structure which the citizens of this village may well he proud of.

The industries consist of a tile factory, elevator ami milling company, creamery, lumber yards, two cigar factories and numerous smaller industries.

'I he people of the town are accommodated with four churches, the Meth- odist Fpiscopal, Roman Catholic, United Brethren and Presbyterian. These chinches are well attended and speak well for the religious interests of the community.

The roads leading into Ottawa are macadamized and graveled and there are four iron bridges within the limits of Ottawa spanning the Ulaiichard river.

( Htawa's business is conducted through the Hank of Ottawa Company and the 1'irsl National Bank. The following is a directory of the business houses at the present time:

Hotel Dumont.

Dry Goods— T. C. llipkins & Son, J. \Y. Brown, G. W. Meffley.

Hardware E. L. Frey, O. C. Wilson and Son.

Clothing Wise Clothing Company, Rampe Store Company, D. A. Frick.

Druggists A. R. Robenalt & Son, Gerding & Company, and Blosser.

Pianos Schute & Butler.

Furniture and Undertaking Heringhaus & I 'ope, J. H. Gallagher.

Grocer) C. I. .Moore, (i. D. Hamden, I'. D. Ward and R. A. Alt.

Shoes John ( ). Cartvvright.

Meat Market ('.rise & Grise, Smith & Son, Adam II. Zeherer.

Five and Ten-cent Stores S. Rappaport, Stroup.

Jewelers F. T. Sprague and A. I\ Beckman.

Roofing fohn Hornung and Doepker & Westrick.

Harness William Klausing and Charles Martin.

harm Implements ( ]. II. Knettle.

'I ailors- Joseph Jessing, A. J. Banning and T. F. McFlroy.

Marble Works l-'alke Bros. & Kerner.

Baker I Tome Bakery Company.

Lumber Company Robert Hixon.

Fraternities Free and Accepted Masons (lodge, chapter and council), Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Knights of the Maccahees. Modern Woodmen of America, Reindeers, Royal Arcanum,



I'U I .NAM COU N'l V, mill

Knights ni" Columbus, Catholic Knights of Ohio, National Union, Cram! ,\rni_\ of the Republic.


I he largest factory in I'utnam county is the sugar beet factory in ( Ottawa, a plant which cost mere than a quarter of a million dollars and was operated fur unl) two seasons. The inception of the factory dates back to 191 1, when some men came to the county for the purpose of seeking a location for such a factory. So enthusiastic were they over the possibilities of making a sugar beet factory a profitable undertaking in the county that they were soon able to convince the people of Ottawa and the county thai they should assist in making the establishment of a factory an assured thing.

ISefore the close ol him the citizens ol Ottawa had entered into an agree- ment with the Ottawa Sugar licet Company, in which they agreed to raise for the company eight thousand dollars and guarantee the planting of one thousand acres of beets the first year. The money was expended for land south of the I'.lancliard river, located in the Cover-Matthews- Uice addition. I hirty-four acres were secured and turned over to the company. In turn, the company agreed to erect and equip a plant and operate it for a period ol five years. In case they did not live up to their part of the agreement the property was to revert to the citizens who bad voluntarily subscribed the eight thousand dollars. Although the plant was operated only two years, the company did not turn the plant over, and just who really does own it at the present time is for the court to decide. In the spring of 1915 the plant was advertised for sale to cover delinquent taxes, but no one had the courage to assume the responsibility of taking it on their hands.

A mammoth building was erected in [911-12 and was ready to handle the nil j cn.p of heels. (ieneral Manager .Marline was placed in charge of the plant and during the first season manufactured a million and a half pounds ol sugar. Ibis amount was increased by a third the second year and there- did no! appear any good reason why the plant was not a success in every way. However, strange things will happen.

At the close- ,,1 the second season the plant was closed down and the huge building has remained descried ever since. When it will be opened for business again no one seems to know, nor is there am certainty that it will 1 vcr he operated again. In addition to the manufacture of sugar, a man from Ironton, Ohio, put in a hundred-thousand-dollar equipment For taking care ol I he by-products. lie made a kind of slock food, which found a


1 39

rc;ulv sale in the market and lie was apparently making a success ol his busi- ness at the time the factory closed, lie had to he content with getting out hi the husiness with the experience he gained, since his investment was a com- plete loss "ii his hands when the factory ceased operation,

During the two years the factory was in operation, Ottawa enjoyed a reign of prosperit} which it had newer before known. Many men found employment in the factory and many more secured work in raising the beets. Scores of Belgians came into the county ami found ready employment with farmers. Most of them were unmarried men and traveled from farm to farm in wagons which they had fitted up in such a manner that they could live in them. They contracted with nianv fanners to take entire charge of their crop, from planting to harvesting, lor which they received eighteen dol- lar- an acre. One man could not tend much more than five acres alone and hence it was necessary to secure additional help il the fanner was going to raise anything else except tomatoes, The profit to the farmer varied from llftv to a hundred dollars an acre and probably averaged seventy-five dollars an acre.

Only an unrefined frown sugar was manufactured and, strange to saw the company refused to sell a pound ol the sugar to any one in the county. Most of the sugar was shipped in Cincinnati and distributed from that city. Ihe amount of sugar derived from a ton of beets varied considerably, rang- ing from one hundred to two hundred pound's. Each load of beets was tested for its sugar value and the farmer was paid accordingly to the amount oi sugar which u was supposed bis beets would yield, The farmer received on an average of five dollars a ton for his beets.

\t the same lime that the local factory was in operation mail)' farmers shipped their beets out of the county. Most of them went to factories in Toledo and bindlay. the Toledo company having a buying station at Conti- nental. Many reasons have been advanced m explanation of the shutting" down of the factory, hut no two persons can agree as to what the real facts in the case are. Some have said that the machinery which was installed was second-hand and was not capable ol making the company a reasonable profit. Others -ay that the tariff was to blame and that the Democratic party must shoulder the responsibility: still others maintain that the tariff has nothing to do with the matter that the men in it simply lleeced the people out of their money and leit lor greener pastures. The fact- as thev stand now are very evident: the factory still stands and is ready to operate at anv time, hut no oik- knows whose factory it is. \\ iibin the next vear the court- will estab- lish the siatus of the facU>r\ and the people of Ottawa and I'miiani county


are of the belief that it will soon be in operation. Time solves all mysteries even beet sugar industries.


Due to the fact that there was another Ottawa in Ohio in 1837, l'lc postoffice at Ottawa, Putnam count}', was called Buckeye from the establish- ment of the office in 1837 to 1862. In the latter year C. M. Godfrey suc- ceeded in having the postoffice department at Washington, change it to Ottawa. C. M. Godfrey was appointed postmaster upon its establishment in 1S37, but it has not been possible to get the other postmasters up to i860. The complete list since i860 is as follows: August Schierloh, James R. Clark, James Godwin, Hiram Raff, T. D. Campbell, J. J. Zeller, J. C. Light, II. 1.. McDowell, Allan Graham, and (I. I7. Zeller, the present incumbent.


The last annual report of the financial conditions of the town of Ottawa gives a detailed statement of all receipts and expenditures for the year KJ14. The present officers of the town are as follows: T. C McKlroy, mayor; H. C. Gerding, clerk; |. W. Paden, treasurer; Edward Clausing, marshal; \V. I. Graham, A. T. Cox, George Schulien, Herman McDougle, C. J. Kerner and J. II. VVestrick, councilmen ; (1. 1). Hamden, II. F. Rauh and G. I). Kinder, board ol public a 1 1 airs. Joseph Iversting is clerk of the board of public affairs.

The money derived from fees and taxes is divided into six funds, as follows; general, safety, service, health, sinking and water. The receipts and expenditures of these various funds for the year ending December 31, 1914, are as follows :

fund. Receipts. Expenditures. Balance.

General $ 3,206.8] $ 2,644. So $ 562.01

Safety 5>3x3-47 5.°OI-54 3ir-93

Services 6,316.33 5,932.00 384-33

Health 164.60 134-40 30.20

Sinking 29,773.02 28.S55.5S 9*7-44

Water 7.454.66 6,946.19 488.47

Totals $43,793.68 845,664.51 $-',694.38




The town treasury had a balance of $4,565.21 left over from the previous year, which accounts for tin- balance at the end of 1914. The bonded in- debtedness of the town is divided among five items. to-\vit:

Water works $50,000.00

.Mam street 7,500.00

Defiance street 795-00

East .Main street 360.00

Armory site 3,000.00

l\. K. avenue, ( )ak and Locust streets 10,898.63

Total $72,553.63

The salaries of the main town officials are nominal, the mayor drawing only two hundred dollars a year. The salaries of the other town officers are as follows: Clerk, $260 ; treasurer, $250; solicitor, $150; councilmen, $4_' ; marshal. $480; night watch. $480.


Rev. Mr. Horstmann, a native of Prussia, left the Fatherland in August, 1833, and arrived in New York in November following. Father Horst- mann and his companion, John F. Kahle, left Detroit on November 27 in search of a suitable location on which to found his proposed colony. Border- ing on the banks of the Blanchard river they found excellent timberland and, in January, [834, they determined on purchasing a tract of it from the government. The names ot the pioneers who came in February are: A. Iburg, Christian Strop, J. Wischmann, Ferdinand Bredeick, Matthias Bock- rath and William Gulcher.

The colonists erected log cabins and these were provided with only the barest necessities of life. In laying out the village of Glandorf, the pioneers held very closely to the custom of the Province of Osnahruck, Germany, whence its founders came. There is but one street deserving the name and that extends over a mile north and south. This street is lined on either side with the quaint, durable and homelike houses of the villagers with their spacious and well-kept yards, the street being interspersed here and there with a few stores and shops. The early industries of Glandorf were shoemaking, woolen-mill, wooden-shoe manufactory and saw-mills, and it is well to note that in KS37 Father Horstmann built the first grist-mill in the village of Glandorf for t lie accommodation of the early settlers.



The early records fail to record the date of the first platting, hut, on January 20, 1N77. hy an urder uf the court, it was re-surveyed and the lots were numbered. The village had no municipal form of government until August 7, 1891, when it was incorporated as a town, with William Alte- krnse, mayor; F. \\ . Hoffman, clerk; Joseph Nicnberg, treasurer; hied I ranke, marshal: John Smith, street commissioner; VV. I\ Hoffman, Henry Kemper, Henry Merseman, Dr. A. Borman, B. P. Wortkoetter and Joseph Winkleman, councilmen.

Glandori for many years was a great hoot ami shoe center of the count) and boasts ol the only woolen-mills in the county. The flouring-mill at Glandorf hears the distinction of being the first in the state using the system ol rollers known as the Allfree system, which were put in h\ Mr. Xariker. This little village also boasts ol a large bending work's, operated by h. X. Ellis, and a planing-mill, but on the night of August 2, 1901, fire was discovered in the planing-mill and before assistance could he called it had made such headway thai it was impossible to extinguish. The loss was twenty-live thousand dollars and this was a very severe shock to the town. At present the Americanized German village is well represented in all the different lines of business and does an extensive trade with the surrounding tanners. The population 111 1910 was h\e hundred and fifty-eight.

fhe present officers are: Mayor, I'. A. Missler; clerk, J. A. Missler; treasurer, If A. Nienberg; marshal, herd Gulker; councilmen, G. II. Mers- man, Morilz I barman, J. \V. I bilker. 1,'Ted k'rauke, Aug Xariker and Charles Mallifske.


Xew Cleveland is a small hamlet lying three miles north id' Ottawa. Its postolhce is called Brickner. One store and a lew houses make up the settlement.


Palmer township was the last one organized in the county and dales its independent existence from 1854, previous to which time it had been known as North Grcenshurg. ii was named in honor of Judge Palmer, an eminent jurist who had served on the bench in Putnam county with uni- versal satisfaction to the people ol the county, fhe late organization of this township was t\w to ihe lack of ;i sufficient population Lo justify its creation,



I'y ilk- fall "I 1H54 tlic citizens resident within the proposed township satis- lied llie comniissioiiers that the creation of a new township was necessary, and the commissioners accordingly ordered an election for January 1, 1855. The thirteen voters selected the following corps of officials: |<>hn I/ razee, John Kerns ami John S. Welch, trustees; John Hamilton, treasurer; David Caldwell, clerk; John Kerns, justice of the peace; David Caldwell, con- stable. This combination of Johns and Davids started the township on its independent career, and although si\iv years have come and gone since they were elected, yet many men are still living in the township who can recall these excellent citizens.

Palmer township is situated in what was then known as the "Black Swamp," a descriptive term which fitly explains the reason why the town- ship was so slow- in being settled. The beavers threw hundreds of trees across the sluggish North and South Powell creeks and the water, thus dammed up, spread over a goodly portion of the area of the township. Old residents can still recall how these unique dams had to be torn out before the land could be drained. Main' years elapsed before the streams were cleared ot the obstructions in such a way that artificial drainage could be secured to any advantage. At the present time nearly all of the town- ship has been brought under cultivation and no better land is to be found in the count)- than that which was until a few years ago covered with from one to two feel of water.

The present Palmer township officers are as follows: Justices of the peace, George A. Alt and John S. Schafer; trustees. Martin Gebhardt, Laurence Seimet and James Trover; clerk. William R. Stuber; treasurer, C. ( '. Schafer: constables, John Seimet and William LaFbuntain.


The same year that marked the beginning of the once famous little town of Hector saw the birth of another village in Palmer township. Miller City, although taking a slow growth at first, was destined to a longer life than her sister city. It was laid out and platted by Aaron Overbeck on August _'-\ 1882, and dedicated under the name of St. Nicholas, by Nicholas N'oriot and Nicholas Miller, the proprietors of the two parcels of land upon which the village plat was located.

The country around this village became a veritable garden spot after it had become thoroughly drained of its swamps and was known as the South Prairie. Large and small garden and farm produce was raised in


abundance and .Miller City became the shipping point for these enormous crops, as well as much of the timber and lumber products manufactured in its vicinity. Stores were established under this impetus and the town grew with such rapidity that Mr. Miller deemed it necessary to lay out new additions, which he did in (884 and 1NK7.

Upon petition to the county commissioners, the town was duly incorpo- rated on November 26, 1890. under the name of Miller City, being so named for the original proprietor, Nicholas Miller, to whose energy and business tact the growth and progress of the village was largely due. This city, situated as it is 011 the Nickel Plate railroad, which affords it a ready outlet to eastern markets, is certain to make advances. The Miller City Tile Company is one of the greatest industries at the present time and, with her other business establishments, the town has assurance of the country trade.

The present officers of the town are as follow : Mayor, J. M. Dobneyer; clerk, F. E. Kern: treasurer. William Hohenbrink; marshal. Jacob Warna- mont; councilmen, C. M. Huber, Frank Gasken, John Noon. Joe Snaiger, L. P. Maxwell, Oswell Brown.

The population in i<) 10 was three hundred.


Kieferville was laid out and platted by D. A. Kiefer, the surveying anil platting being the work of ex-County Surveyor Lewis E. Holtz, in 1870. This town was laid out on the old Continental railroad grade, the Nickel Plate railroad having taken over this proposed line a few years later and used it for their main line, and the Defiance pike, which crosses the Nickel Plate at this point. The town has experienced no booms and has struggled along with its existence. A hotel, church and general stores accommodate the inhabitants of this little village. Kieferville bears the distinction of being the first town laid out in Palmer township.


North Creek was the second town laid out in Palmer township. It was platted in 1879, and lies on the Clover Leaf railroad. The first lots were surveyed for William Schafer, who was a man of energy, and the prosperity and growth of North Creek were due to his efforts.



Hector was platted and laid out on December 26, r882. This town was the home of the Hector Stave Company, which was one ol the largest and leading industries of this county until the timber was exhausted. The town was platted by !•'.. \V. Dinimock, county surveyor, and named in honor of 1 lector Havemeyer, one of the members of the company.

The growth of this little village was very rapid anil at the height of its prosperity it was the center id" the mercantile trade of that locality. The Hector store, through its standard methods and square dealings, was known throughout Putnam county. ddie proprietors of Hector were liberal in contributing their efforts and means toward the development of the town. The [lector Creamery and Cheese Company was organized in 1891 and the first creamery in the county was thus started. Churches, school build- ing and a Knights of Pythias lodge hall were limit through the contributions of this company. The history and growth of the company will he taken up in another chapter. With the exhaustion of the timber, the prosperity of the town began to wane and at the present time this once flourishing town and commercial center is nothing more than a railroad stop.


Pert'}' was the first township organized in what is now Putnam count)' and dales from [828. It was named in honor of Commodore Perry and at first included all of the territory now in Putnam county. It has been decreased from time to time, as new townships were organized, until it now has thirty-six square miles. It was given its present limits in [848, when the south tier ot sections was attached to Jackson township. The early history of the township is shrouded in more or less obscurity, (\uv to the fact that the first records have been lost. The first settlers appear to have located near the junction of the Auglaize and Blanchard rivers. The best evidence points to Robert Wallcn. who settled there in [819, as the first actual settler in the township. He was followed in iS.'i by David Murphy, Thomas McClish, Silas .McClish and Sebastian Shroufe, with their respective families. The last-named pioneer is credited with planting the first nursery in the county and it was from this that a large number of the orchards of the county re- ceived their start. Other settlers came in during each succeediii"' vcar until,



by 1828, there were enough to justify the organization of a separate town- ship. F11 [823 came Andrew Craig, Daniel Sullivan, William Bowen and a man hy the name of Cavanaw. William Harrell located in the township m 1825, ami in the following year John kidenour and Dimmit Mackrill east their fortunes with the new settlement in the township. The year 1827 saw William Bishop, Joseph I'Yazcc, Joel Wilcox, Abel Crossley and a few others locating" in the new settlement.

Following the formal organization of the township in [828, an election was ordered held at the house of Sebastian Shroufe. At that time the following officers were elected: William Harrell, Abel Crossley and John kidenour, trustees; Silas McClish, clerk; Joel Wilcox, treasurer; William Bishop, supervisor; Sebastian Shroufe, justice of die peace; Dimmit Mack- rill, constable.

This Dimmit Mackrill was a man of energy and was deeply interested in the welfare oi his township ami county. A story is told of him which goes to show how zealous he was in the discharge of his duties. In [832 he was road supervisor fur his own township, hut lor sonic reason he thought his district took in the whole county. Accordingly, he notified all the men living along the Blanchard river, from the mouth of the river to the Han- cock county line, to appear on a certain day for work on the south side of the .Auglaize river. As might he expected, some of the settlers appeared for work- on the appointed day, while others did not. Whether Mackrill was really in ignorance of the size of his district, history does not record, hut it is safe to say that the stout ..Id pioneers who worked on that clay did valiant service in improving the road in question.

'I he first election in ferry township was held at the house of Sebastian Shroufe in iX_-X, ami al thai lime the following officers were elected : William Harrell, Abel Crossley and John kidenour. trustees; Silas McClish, clerk; Joel Wilcox, treasurer; William Bishop, supervisor; Sebastian Shroufe. justice of the peace; Dimmit Mackrill, constable. The present officers of the township are as follows: Justices of the peace, W. 11. Fensler and Steven Waniiainacher ; trustees, John Carder, W. T. Etter and Gilbert McClish; treasurer. I '. A. Scharf; constables, C. C, Kllcr and I'd Lehmkulc; ditch supervisor, D. II. Null.

Although Perry is the oldest township in the county, it has keen im- proved slower than any other, due to the fact that so much of the land was swampy in character. Within the past quarter of a centurv the town- ship has made rapid strides and now ranks favorably with other townships

PUTNAM CO UN I V, oil lo


in the county along all lines. The population of the township in ujio was one thousand live hundred and eighty-one.


Franconia was the first town laid out in the township. It was laid out by Amos Kendall in 1837 and the first store was kept by Parlee Carlin. A double log cabin, which was featured by Howe as a "Home in the Wilder- ness," was erected by Sebastian Shronlc, and P. 13. Holden later kept a tavern in the same building. While hranconia was a flourishing little center of trade for a number of years, it has long since disappeared and nothing now remains of what was once hoped would be a substantial town. Other towns in this township include Cloverdale (Drucilla), Dupont, Cascade and 1 luntstown.


Dupont was for many years the largest town in the township. It was platted 111 1877 and named in honor of Rear Admiral S. F. Dupont, oi the United States navy, a postofhee of that name having been established in the \ear 1864. The mail route at that time ran from Ottawa to Charloe, twentv-six miles, and was traveled once a week.

In 1877 the Toledo, Delphos \ Indianapolis narrow gauge railroad was built through the village: 111 l8S8 the entire route was changed to a standard gauge and known as the Toledo, St. Louis \ Kansas City railroad.

I iiiponi was incorporated in t8SS and 1'.. VV. Dimock was chosen to serve as the first mayor. This village began to grow and its prosperity seemed assured, but occasionally the healthiest child fails to become the strongest man. In the height of the town's prosperity there were two stave-mills which did an extensive business, two hotels, tile-mill, saw-mills, an axe- handle factory, and five general merchandise stores. The population of the town was about seven hundred. Then came the decline.

The hist blow which Dupont had to endure was the failure of the timber and, in consequence, the removal ol the stave factories, her chief industry. The second blow came with the building of the Nickel Plate railroad across the Clover Leaf at Continental, and the final step was the construction of the I'indlav, IT Wayne & Western through Cloverdale, just two and one- half miles south of the village.

The present population is about three hundred. A tile factory, a general st<>rc, ''I'occiA and hardware store represent her business interests. The



scliiMi] Facilities are very good. The present officials arc: Cleric, T. U. Hart; treasurer, W. T. litter; marshal, Allen Williams; councihnen, C. C. Etter, George later, Thomas McClish, Sol. Wollam, R. C. Brandt and

William Spencer.


Cascade lies on the west bank of the Auglaize river and on the Findlay, Ft. Wayne & Western railroad, a branch of the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton railroad. It was platted in [892 by E. W. Dimmick, for Charles Andrews. Myers' mill, the first in the county, was located here, and its owner, Samuel Myers, was one of the most prominent citizens of the village for many years. In fact, the place was locally known as Myers' Mill for main' years and even to this day it is probably as well known by this name as tluii of Cascade. At the present time nothing is left hut the remains of the old mill, and it ground its last grist many years ago. The site of the former village is picturesque and thousands of people make it a picnic ground every year.


Cloverdale is situated at the junction of the two railroads crossing the township and dates its existence from 189 1. Tt was surveyed and platted by E. W. Dimmick for W. II. and E. M. Mozier, Tunis and Nora Truax anil Austin and Mary Combs, the proprietors. The first postoffice was called Drncilla. Although there hail been a town here since the construction ot the ( liwerleaf railroad in [877, which was known as Evansville, it was never platted, and when the new town was platted the name Cloverdale was given and the former name gradually disappeared. It was incorporated on April 1 1, TQ02.

The first officers were T. J. Ludwig, clerk; Anthony Holguve, treasurer; Peter Harris, marshal; William Struker, J. A. L. Harris, John lied/man and Austin Combs, trustees; Austin Combs was the first squire and William ("inkwell the first constable.

Settlers who located here as early as 1877 were. Pope Burbage, who ran the first saloon; George Price, who kept the first store; Mollis Hanson, who ran the first saw-mill; Nathan Dalton, who had the first wagon and paint shop, and Austin Combs, the first postmaster. The first house was built by Irvin Folk's and the hotel by Joseph Gingrich. In 1891 the Findlay, Ft. Wayne i\; Western railroad was built through the town and it began a sieadv growth. The lile factory, saw and hub-mill, lumber vards, ele-

I'UTNAM CO UN l'\ . (ill K


vator and other smaller industries located here in close succession. A town hall was erected in 1913, at a cost of three thousand dollars, and the place at present lias a population of three hundred.

Two churches, grade and parochial schools, and the present general prosperous air of the town give evidence of the thrift and business ability hi its settlers. It bids fair to become a thriving little village. The town officers are as follows: Mayor, 1'. A. Scharf; clerk, O. li. Andrews; treas- urer. L. 15. Mason; marshal, Edward Lehmkuhle; councilmen, John Blo.sser, fohn Berhude, Theo. Horstman, R. E. Baxter, Ben Andrews, and Fred Kohl.


The first settlements in Pleasant township were made in [832 by William Turner, Eckless Ney, McDonald Osborn, Henry Morns, James Porter and William McComb. Late in November of the following year John Featherin- gill came m with his family. Mr. Featheringill secured lodging in an Indian camp until he could hew logs and erect a cabin. John Bogart purchased a farm in the following year and moved on it in. March. Adam and James Turner were the next to cast 111 their lot in the early settlement.

In 1834 the township took on a permanent organization. There were at this time only seven voters in the township and it was through their efforts that the organization was accomplished. Following are the names of the voters: fohn 15. Bogart, William and Adam Turner, \eliam Smith. John Featheringill, Abe fuller and William Casebolt. There is no record of the first officers, but it is certain that they were divided among these early voters, though just what offices each held can not be ascertained. In 1839 the town- ship contained about one hundred inhabitants and fifteen to twenty voters.

The public road, leading from Wapakoneta to Perrysburg, was laid out about [835, but was not opened for public use until some time later. The first births in the township were twins, Martha and Rebecca, daughters of William Turner, in 1N33. The first death was an infant child of McDonald ('shorn, which died in December, [833, and was the first burial in the grave- yard at Truro church.

The first log school house was erected in 1836, about half a mile north- east of Columbus Grove, and here John Wamsley conducted the first school in the winter of 1836-37. The postoffice was established in 1S44, with Adam Turner as the first postmaster.

The tirst manufacturing interests established here was an ashcrv and a


clay pottery factory, by a Mr. Durfee. A store of supplies was later opened by Sheldon Guthrie. The trade consisted of exchanging furs for goods, as money was very scarce. A good hunting hound was valued at one hundred dollars and the government purchased wolf scalps for three and four dollars, this furnishing the settlers with money to pay their taxes.

The first religious services were held in a log cabin belonging to John Bogart, in 1854. The first sermon was rendered by a young man named Culler, of the Methodist Episcopal faith. In the same year Rev. Mr. Morris, of the Protestant Methodist church, came to this township and held services. Later, Michael Long, who was known as the boy preacher, of the United Brethren church, came to this settlement. In 1836 a Lew Poge (or Page), of the Presbyterian faith, came to this township and organized the first church of that order here. The Baptists held services at the home of James Turner at an earl)' date.

The present township officials are as follow: Justices of the peace, A. Crawford, L. E. Mullin and Henry Buck; trustees, P>. F. Irwin, ( ',. W. Bowess and William Trask; clerk, F. M. Williams; treasurer, Elias Williams; constables, II. L. Irwin and G. W. Luce.


The village of Columbus Grove was laid out and platted in December, 1842, bv Capt. Frederick Fruchey, the proprietor. It was surveyed and plaited for the proprietor b\ Benjamin Dunning. Captain Fruchey and most of ihe early settlers came from Columbus, Franklin county, and the site of this town being a famous Indian sugar grove, hence the name.

The first house built in Columbus Grove was a log dwelling, erected by |olin Mnmea on the lot where the Lenhart block now stands. The first frame dwelling was built by Samuel Sterlin, who also erected the first brick struc- ture in the village. The first manufacturing establishment was an ashcry ami pottery, built and operated by the Durfey brothers. They manufactured blade salts and pearl ash, and, in the pottery, crocks, jugs and other earthen wares. In 1843 Sheldon Guthrie erected a small building on a lot near the Durfevs' establishment and opened a small supply store, exchanging goods for furs, there being but little money in this new" country. Columbus Grove was incorporated in 1N04 by John J. Baker and others. The first officers were David Jones, mayor; S. I'.. Mcllenry, clerk'. The first tavern was built by James Pier. This was a hewed-log structure, three rooms on the ground floor and two on the second. Among the business men of the town in (850,


m addition to the ones previously mentioned were: Leeman Woodruff, J. B. Jones, Pvan R. I >a\ is and I'.. W. Greene.

Theodore Kunneke came to this village in 1^5,5. lie built a saw-mill for Jonathan Brice, and later a mill to grind corn and buckwheat was added. After finishing tins contract, Mr. Kunneke purchased two corner lots at the junction of High and Sycamore streets, upon each of which he erected a two- story frame building for business and dwelling". The Kunneke block now stands on one oi these lots. A. II. Day came to this village 111 i860 and opened up a store, lie has contributed as much in the way of substantial buildings as any of its citizens. The New Grove House and the Opera House block were erected by him. Other settlers who followed a short time later and have been large contributors to the material side of the town are: Simon Maple, David Jones, \\ . W. Williams, Thomas Jones, Robert and J. M. G. Patterson.

The Dayton & Michigan railroad was built through this town in 1859 ami ran the first train on July u of that year. In 18X2 the Pittsburg, Akron & Western was constructed, and iir 1895 the Lima Northern was built. The growth of this village is not surprising with its excellent railroad facil- ities and the enterprising business men at its helm.

The officers of Columbus Grove are as follows: Mayor, W. G. I'oast; clerk, Curtis Magher; treasurer, Jay Hartman; marshal, G. J. Doty; council- men. Benton Martz, W. M. Crawford, R. C. Deffenbaugh, C. M. Doty, Lemuel Bogart, Bert 1 folmes; trustees of public affairs, J. H. Eversole, Henry Light, H. R. Day.

The following is a list of the business and professional interests of Columbus Grove :

Industries The Jones handle factory, Columbus Grove Tile Company, Light Lumber Company, Sarber cement block and tile factory, Kissels Poultry and Ice Company, Faze coal yards and cement block factor)', McAdams Seed Company, Parker Sanitarium, Columbus Grove Grain Company, Annesser Milling Company, People's Elevator, Jones harness factory, Losh laundry, Williams monument factory, Johnson's Poultry Company, Buckeye garage, Slusser garage.

Stores II. R. Day, dry goods and groceries; Dome Industry, dry- goods and groceries; Louis Mapel, clothing; C. L. Magher. grocery; A. K. Sarber. grocery; J. I!. Lhrninan, grocery; R. P. Hartman, grocery; Billingsly & Son, grocery: Bert Holmes, druggist; S. P.. Lewis, druggist; Humphrey & Sterling, undertaking; ICImer P. Morris, jeweler and optician : Luce & Shinna- bcrry, meals and groceries ; Jones & Kidd, shoes; Stan Sakemiller, shoes; A.

I 52 PUTNAM COUNTY, till Id.

A. Starkwelhcr, implements; Mart/ & Jones, implements; M. C. Sterling, clothing; Stephens & Kraus, harness and repairing; Lena Smith, millinery; Frost & Gladfelter, meat; Williams Brothers, hardware; W. E. Pease, hard- ware; Levi Basinger, notion store; II. II. Hollis, pianos; Daniels hook store; Daniel Slusser, teed store.

Other Business— R. P. Killen, dentist; A. II. Hilty, dentist: Wittenburg llotel; L. L. Bogart, restaurant; I laller, restaurant; Charles Murhah, fruit and ice cream; Trice, livery; Bowman, livery; Xorris, harher shop; Strow & Cox, barher shop; Wilbur Saunders, barber simp; George Buck, barber shop; Trask. barber shop; C. M. Doty, billiard and pool; Port Tegarden, billiard and pool; Smith & Tate, sale and teed barn; Eversole, smith and repairing; John Davis, horseshoeing.

Banks Peoples and Exchange.

Doctors— E. A. Balmer, Walter C. Corns, II. II. Sink, G. 11. Wilcox, W. II. Begg, Isaac Fullerton.

Columbus Grove, being situated in a very rich agricultural community and with excellent railway facilities, is able to bear the reputation of being one of the largest shipping centers of live stock in the state. The annual shipments of live stock are, normally, three hundred and twenty-five cars: grain, hay and straw, four hundred and fifty cars; sugar beets, two hundred cars; other shipments, including eggs, dressed poultry, woo], handles, etc., sixty-eiidit cars.


The organization of Riley township dates from [834 and at that time included the present township of Richland (Allen county), in addition to its present area. The first settler, Thomas Gray | 1832), was followed the next year by John Sigafoose, Adam Stout, Moses Rice, Biklad Hubbard and B. P. Dunning. The year 1834 brought in a large number of families, in- cluding those of George Bushong, Thomas Lake, James Bunn, J. D. Wams- Icy, William Hand, John Hand, Jacob Clover, George Farnum, Myron Rice, Isaiah Cook, X. II. Bagley, Peter Rice, William Thfapp, George Black- burn, George Alkire, Stephen Cortrighl and George Wilson. Jesse Hall and a few others located in the township in the following year. All of these early settlers were known as Yankees and were sturdy pioneers, well fitted to cope with the dangers and privations of frontier life such as faced them w hen they settled here.

Before 1N35, however, the German migration to this township began.


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These settlers were natives of Switzerland, although of German descent. Daniel X ieeu aii'ler and Dorse Amstutz settled here in 1833 and were f c < 1 lowed in the succeeding year l>\ Christian Suter, Christian Basinger and Christian Bucher. liucher lived to lie one hundred years and seven months .•1' age, dying in t S7<>. The wife of liucher died in [835, hers being the first death in the German settlement. In 1835 came Christian and John Shoemaker, [ohn and Ulric Basinger, John Vlusser and Christian Steiner. The year 1846 brought in [ohn Diller, Christian Amstutz, Christian Luga- l.ill, John Geiger, John Lugabill and David Stauffer. The German settle- ment kept growing I rum year to year and was soon one of the most pros- perous sections of the county. These were all Mennonites and as soon as the) settled they made provisions for religious services. At first they held services in the homes of the settlers, but by 1N40 they had a substantial hewed-log church. Christian Steiner was the first pastor.

The first election in Riley township was held in April, 1^34, at the home of Thomas Gray, and at that time the following officers were elected: Thomas Gray, Joseph DeFord and John Stout, trustees; William Hand, clerk; Bildad Hubbard, supervisor; Thomas Gray, justice of the peace; George larnum, constable. These appear t<> have been only temporary of- ficers; at least, another election was held in April of the following year, at which the following corps of officials were selected: John Stout, Moses Rice and George Wilson, trustees; X. II. Bagley, clerk; Bildad Hubbard, supervisor; I. D. Wamsley, justice of the peace; George harnum, constable. I he township retained its original area until [847, when the southern tier of seven sections was detached and added to Allen county, leaving the town- ship with thirty square miles.

The first road through the township was what was known as the Will- iamstown road, and this was followed shortly afterward by the Findlay- Van Wert road. William J. Wilson was the lirst pedagogue and taught his first school in the winter of [836-37. Another school house was built the same year, hut history has not preserved the name of its first teacher.

The present officers of Riley township are as follows: Justices of the peace, M. H. Krohn ami Daniel Schumacher; trustees, I'. P. Schumacher, W. M. Kisser and C. IT Van Meter; clerk, I'. A. Amstutz; treasurer, S. P. Krohn; constables, Kdward Basinger ami J. II. (Ail]).

John Stout laid out the town of Columbia, December 1, [836. The previous year he had built a grist-mill 011 Riley creek, one of the first grist-


mills hi the county, which was a great convenience for the early settlers. This town was situated upon the Ridge road, leading from Findlay to Ka- lida and Dclphos, and about hall way between the count}' seats of Hancock and Putnam counties. For man)' years it was the stopping place of the law- yers and judges, while "traveling the circuit" in the early days before 1851. The- tavern was kept by Henry Kilhcffer and travelers on their way from Findlay to Kalida spent the night here. Man)- stories are still told of the jolly times that were had at the old tavern.

Later, the name was changed to Pendleton, and in [850 the first addi- tion was laid out by lirice W. Viers. Henry Kilhcffer owned the only store at this time and in 1852 he laid out Mast Pendleton, which was surveyed by Henry Blosser, county surveyor. It hears the distinction of being the otdy town that was ever platted in Riley township.

In iSXj the narrow gauge railroad, which has since become a standard gauge road and known as the Pittsburg, Akron iK: Western railroad, was proposed and constructed through the town. The same year Kiene and Suter laid out their addition to the town. The name of the town was again changed, this time to Pandora, and evidently the "third time charm" worked, tor it has retained that name to the present time.

Additions were laid out in 1891, by H. M. Day; 1893, by R. N. Mc- Adams; the same year S. P. Krohn laid out his addition and the following year II. M. Day laid out a second addition. It was re-surveyed by an order from the court, April 24, 1892, and incorporated on November 5th of the same year,

Situated as it was. in the center of one of the best-improved sections of the count)', surrounded with rich farm land and magnificent buildings which can hardly be surpassed in any locality of the state, it took a slowr deep-rooted growth, which began to show a few years later. The farms were settled principally by sturdy Mcnnonites, whose faith forbids quarrel- ing and litigation.

The overall factor)' has been one of the greatest agents in making Pan- dora what it is at present. The history of this factory will appear in an- other paragraph. The population in 1910 numbered five hundred and sixty- two. It has paved streets, a modern high school, bank', and stores that rival any in the count)'. The Ohio & Northern railroad gives the people accom- modations east and west. The Pandora Milling Company does quite an ex- tensive business in this locality. The lumber and planing mills also employ a number ol men and carry on a Ia'rgc business in their line. The present town officials are: Mayor, P. A. Anislulz; clerk, G rover Davidson; treas-


urcr, A. S. Ilillv; marshal, John Culp; councihncn, Samuel Haas, P. D. Ainslulz, ( '. ( . Mills', |olm Gerber, |. A. Shut, Adam I'ixlcr.


The Pandora Manufacturing Company, which was formerly called the Pandora Overall Company, was organized in August, 1901, by the following

men. who were not only the founders, but the first officers and directors: John M. Amstutz, president; John Gerber, vice-president; Jacob A. Suter, secretary and treasurer; Albert A. Hurry, Carl Gerber. It was capitalized at ten thousand (.lobars. Five thousand six hundred dollars of the stock was retained by the founders and the rest was sold to outsiders. In the fall of same year the plant was started, with six sewing machines. The minutes of the directors give the first purchase of raw material in ( )ctoher. The first overalls were made in a part of an old woolen mill, where the first six ma- chines were installed.

The success of the business seemed assured from the start and in 1902 the capital stock was increased to twenty-five thousand dollars. A part of this stuck was offered for sale to outsiders. In September of this year \Y. E. Caldwell, of Cincinnati, purchased stock in the company and became its secretary and manager. At this same time four more directors were added, and it is interesting to note that one of these men was Elias Welty, the present manager. The woolen mill burned in September, 1902, before the new stock was offered for sale. 'Ibis incurred a loss, as the factory was only partly insured.

Work on a new building was immediately begun, which is part of the present structure. Owing to an increase ol business, electric cutters were installed in 1903. Mr. Caldwell served as manager until 1905, when he was succeeded by John De Ilaan. who was formerly manager of the Singer Sew- ing .Machine Company, In [905 an addition was built, doubling the capacity iri the factory. In the same year a number of Toledo men became inter- ested in the company and purchased a controlling interest, the capital stock being increased to fifty thousand dollars. In i<jn6 a similar plant was started at Toledo and the main offices moved to that place, but this move proved a failure and the plant was discontinued in j<;oN. The following year Mr. De llaau resigned as manager and Elias Welty, who has been men- tioned previously as a stockholder and director, became manager and secre- tary. To say that Mr. Welty was competent to fill the position would be speaking modestly, as In- had been connected with the factors' for eight years



and served in every capacity and department irmn engineer up. In lyio V I. Wclty became interested and [)iirchased the Toledo slock, thus bringing tlie control hack to the L'andora comimmity.

From this time forward the success of the factory was assured and in the year ioi- more business was dune than 111 any two previous years and more salesmen were added. Orders were coming in so fast that it was im- possible to lill them. It was deemed advisable to add another factor)', which was located at Celina, Ohio. A shirt factory was also added at Zanesville, Ohio, owing to a demand for this commodity. These factories were merely taken over l>v tins company and placed under their competent management.

In 1913 the capital stock was again increased, tins time to one hundred thousand clolla'rs. The following vear the output was two hundred thou- sand dollars. In 1915 the name was changed, due to the fact that it was not an overall factory alone, hut a manufacturing plant. The present direct- ors and officers are: I1. I'. lliltv. president; J. A. Suler, vice-president; A. I. Weltv. secretary; Rlias Welly, manager; \V. 15. Jackson, manager of the Celina plant; A. G. Uruhl, manager of the Zanesville plant; David Lichty, Geo Xeueiischw ander, A. 1'. Sandles, I!. A. I'nverferth and |ohn he I laan.

This is the largest manufacturing plain in Putnam county and the present output amounts to a quarter of a million dollars a year. The stock is always in demand and the company has done a great service to the county in furnish- ing employment for so many men and women. The laborers are all paid by piece work and the management is so liberal in its wages that good salaries can he made bv skilled and even competent labor, and no hardship is worked upi 'ii Us employees.


This was a small country town, hut was never platted. The postoffice lor the town was called Stanley, but this later covered by a rural route and ceased to exist.


Sugar Creek township was surveyed in 1820 by James Riley and orig- inally embraced thirty-six sections of land. In the year 1848, when Au- glaize county was formed, the south half of this township was attached to Allen county and, in order to make Sugar ('reek- township of an average size and also lo compensate for the loss, two tiers of sections were added


SCKN1CS IN I'AXDOUA ( >\ i:i;.\l.l, KVCTOHY.



•i:\t.s i.\ I'AXiioitA < >\ i :i:.\ i .1 . i-'actoky.



on the north from Union township. It then contained thirty sections of land and this was to he its permanent size. It derived its name from Sugar creek, which flows north through the center part of the township. Hog creek also runs through the township about two miles west of Sugar creek and parallel with it. This excellent drainage made it a very desirable town- ship to settle in and, since it was not covered with swamps, as some of the northern townships were, practically the entire acreage was suitable for cultivation.

The first settlement was made on Hog creek, in the southern part, by Robert Martin and Solomon Sprague, in the year 1828. The following year Benjamin Parker and a Mr. McCoy decided to make this their per- manent settlement. In 1830 William Clevenger took up his claim and he was followed, a short time later, by Benjamin, Jacob, Joseph, George and Samuel Clevenger, who made their settlement near the present village of \ aughnsville. The)' built the Clevenger mill in the following year. This mill is thought by main- oi the early settlers who ^ t i 1 1 survive to be the lust grist-mill in the county. The same year saw John Knslev and Peter Rhodes casting 111 their lots with the scattered settlers, and, in [832, Rhodes built the first saw-mill in the county. As there was an abundance of timber at that time, it did a great amount oi business. The next settlers were James Ramsey, Selah Bennum, Obed Martin and Isaac Guffy, who came with their families 111 1832. in [833 there was a further addition of the families of Samuel Ramsey, James Nicholas, Thomas YVatkins, David Roberts, Jack- son Miller. Samuel McMuIlen, John and Joseph Tegarden ami Henry Te- garden. in [834 William Guffy, John VVatkins, llenry Davis, John R. Jones, Richard Richards, David Crabill and Joseph Ford, ami, in 1835, John Deffenbaugh and perhaps a tew others.

The township took 011 a temporary organization in [832 or r833. This organization included what afterwards became the townships of Monroe, Pleasant, Union and Sugar (reek. The first township officers were as fol- lows: Obed Martin, justice oi the peace; James Nicholas, later served as the second justice oi the peace; Samuel Ramsey, constable; George Niell, William Patrick and Jackson Miller, trustees; Benjamin Clevenger, treas- urer, and James Nicholas, clerk.

At the gubernatorial election in October, 1834, Sugar ('reek township polled thirty-four votes, and at the same election in 1879, just forty-five years later, there were two hundred and eighty-on votes cast.

The Sugar ('reek' township officials are: Justices of the peace, R. W. |t UK's and David |.mes; Iruslees, |ohn I. Miller, Morion Wood and Will-


iam Sakemiller; clerk, 1). R. 1 1 inkle; treasurer, B. F. Smith; constables, S. I.. ( Iriffith and Walter Salsbury.


The first town laid out in the township was Monterey, in 1847. This was platted by Eli Clevenger and took in all that part of the town lying south of what is now known as the Vaughnsville and Columbus Grove road.

That part of the town lying north of this road was platted the same year h) D. C. Vaughn, who called it Vaughnsville. Eventually, the name Montere\ was dropped and Vaughnsville now includes both plats. Vaughns- ville has a bank, an elevator, saw -mill, and stores which carry well-selected stocks of goods. The town is beautifully located, lying on the east side of Sugar creek, and is surrounded bv a prosperous and thriving farming com- innnitv. The fanner-, arc well-to-do, lands are under a high slate oi culti- vation and line buildings indicate prosperity. Vaughnsville has never been incorporated, as it is a good trading point for the township and does not mt the need o[ corporate government. A consolidated high school affords excellent educational opportunities for the children of the township. The Northern Ohio railroad gives it a ready outlet to foreign markets.

Rimer was laid out in [88] by James \V. Rimer, for D. i'. Rimer, the proprietor. It is situated on the east bank of the Ottawa river, and on the Northern Ohio railroad. This town was first called Roxburg, but later the name was changed for that of the original owner. The schools of this township were consolidated and ibis necessitated the building oi a fourteen- ihoiisand-dwllar school building, which was located at Rimer. This is a \ cry pn ispen >us little village.


Jones City was platted in 1N00, at the intersection of the Northern rail- road and the < Ihio Electric line. It was laid out for R. \V. and Ella Jones by Evan II. |ones, surveyor, and from whom it derived its name.

PUTNAM (Ol ' NTY, oil in. '5v


The Center Point Agricultural Society was organized in 1905. In the fall of that year the farmers in Sugar Creek township had an enormous crop of clover seed to he hulled. No huller was in the community, and, as winter was coming on, it looked as though the seed was going to waste. Twenty farmers formed a partnership and bought a huller, and in this way saved the erop of clover seed. This was the beginning of the organization, and, sinee it worked to such good siieeess 011 the first experiment, it was tried not only (.11 harvesting the grain, but also on selling it and buying provisions. A con- stitution was formed and by-laws were adopted. It is not an incorporation, neither is it a secret organization, but the members are taken 111 by a vote of the society. Its objects at present .ire to promulgate a helpful, sociable and friendly feeling anion- its members and to promote their financial interests liv buying in large quantities and saving a needless waste. "We do not in- tend to crush the dealer 111 the small town, hut to make life easier for him by buying in large amounts, paying cash and sa\ dug him the needless worry over had debts."


The first settlers in what is now known as Union township were Ahram Sarber and family and Joseph Clevenger and family, in the year 1831. The next year, Joseph and George Clevenger, with their families, settled here. In [833 this little group was swelled by the addition of seven families: Adam Sarber, Jacob Clevenger, Jcnkin Hughes, William Clevenger, Sam- uel Gander and Daniel Rimer. In 1834 there was a further addition to the township of the families..!' Moses Lee, Robert McCracken, William Philips, rsaac McCracken, Sheldon Guthrie, Arthur H. Martin and Joseph Miller.

In to}-' the township took on a temporary organization. The otlicers were appointed by an order from the court, and the township was organ- ized iiitd one road district, with John Guff) as the first supervisor, ddie following were the first officers of the newly organized township: Moses Lee, William Clevenger and A.Iain Sarber as trustees and Ahram Sarber as clerk. They held their meeting on March J, 1835, to issue an order for the division of the township into three road districts, and the electors were noiihed h\ aiKertiseineni by the clerk "of the town meeting" for the elec- tion of township officers "as required by law." A I this same meeting they


issued orders of one dollar and fifty cents to each of the trustees for serv- ices; also an order to Abram Sarber for seventy-five cents for his services as clerk for the past year.

( in April 2, 1835, an election was held at the home of William Philips and the following officers were elected: William Clevenger, Adam Sarber and Richard Lee, trustees; Abram Sarber, clerk; William Clevenger, treas- urer; fohn Guffey, George Clevenger and Johnston Crawford, supervisors; Muses Lee and W'inchton Risky, overseers of the pour; F. C. Fitch and Winchton Risley, fence viewers; William Clevenger and Moses Lee, justices uf the peace; James Lee and Henry Guffey, constables.

The first tax was levied on March 7, 1836, which was one mill on the dollar. The expenditures for the year 1836 were fifteen dollars and forty cents; receipts tor taxes were four dollars and forty cents.

On September 10. [836, the trustees met and divided the township into two school districts. District number one comprised the south part of the township, two and one-half miles wide by six miles long. District number two was the north part and was three and one-half miles wide by six miles

Ixalida. the first town laid out in Union township, was platted in 1834. On June _'4. 1834, Moses Lee purchased the first lot and built the first cabin in the village, llis son, 11. G. Lee, cut the first log. In the same year Sheldon Guthrie built the first frame house. This was sided with clap- In .ants and in later years was quite a relic of the past and a monument to us builder. Sheldon Guthrie established the first store in the same year.

Putnam county was created by an act of Congress passed fanuarv 3, [834. A provision was contained in this same act whereby a town director should be appointed, whose duty it was to select and survey one hundred and sixty acres of land in section 5, township 1 south, range 6 east, in Put- nam count), and, under the direction of the county commissioners, lay out a town, and that the town so laid out should he the county seat.

The town director, with the commissioners, were to sell the lots and from the proceeds, less two hundred dollars, which was to lie paid to the stale, the count) should receive money to pay the expenses of the county.

On May 5, (834, Abram Sarber was appointed by the court of com- mon pleas as town director and Thomas Cray, William I'riddv, Samuel Myers were appointed county commissioners; l\ C. filth, count)- surveyor. The town was laid out and named Kalida t I he I'.eauti lul ) and became the

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seat nf justice of tlie county. I'm' the first year the court of common pleas was held ai the home of Ahram Sarber.

The town was incorporated on February 16, 1830, by an act of the Legislature and the mayor and council were elected. In 1843 corporate powers seem to have been too heavy for the citizens to bear and on March 14 of that year they asked the Legislature to repeal the act of incorporation, retaining the council in office for one year, "to settle the business oi the corporation," and at the expiration of their term of office they were again elected for three years longer, or until 1847. ' 'ie nex* articles of incorpo- ration were not taken out until 1857.

Such prominent men as John Morris, Alonzo Skinner, John McClure, Levi Rice, T. E. Cunningham, William II. Ball, Benjamin F. Metcalf, James McKenzie, attorneys; R. \V. Thrift and C. M. Godfrey, physicians; C. 11. Rice, merchant, settled in Kalida between [843 and 1848. It would be hard tn find an equal number ol men starting together who have made a better feci il'd.

The first court house was built in [835, and a second brick one was completed in 1X40. A lire in the recorder's office about 1862 injured and destroyed many oi the records and in the winter of 1864-65 the court house was entirely destroyed by lire. The old records were destroyed, but the new and transcribed ones were saved.

The town grew slowly until 1S40, when the increase in the number of settlers in the county and the opening of many farms caused a marked in- crease in the population. Its growth was steady until 1866, when the county seat was removed to Ottawa. This was a great reverse for the prosperous little village and for a time it seemed to stagnate, but the Findlay, Ft. Wayne & \\ estern and the Columbus, Lima & Milwaukee railroads were constructed and this later helped to offset the loss of the county seat.

At present Kalida has one of the Odenweller elevators, a bank, news- paper, modern high school and the business houses are modern in every re- spect. Tn ton) the population was seven hundred and seventy. Situated in a good agricultural community, this town is sure to have a steady growth. The present officers are: Mayor, Guy R. Coit ; clerk, Samuel Stevens; treasurer, Louis Kline; marshal, Flomer Davidson; councilmen, L. Vonder Embse, Charles Veach, Ed Rower, A. G. Underwood, J. M. Rimer, Joseph Foltz; trustees of public affairs. Charles Veach and Guy R. Coit.

The township officials are: Justices of the peace, Frank Logan and J. F. Slauffer; trustees. J. G. Crawford. J. J. Gerdeman and Joseph Siefker;

1 1



clerk, William Rambo; treasurer. Charles C. Borman ; constables, Jefferson Row and Stanley Godwin: ditch superintendent, J. Price Jones.


Van Buren township was not organized by the county commissioners til 1843, having been known as North Blanchard for ten years, or from the time Blanchard township was organized. It was slow in being settled, due to the extreme swampiness of much of the land, a fact which i.-^ set Forth in a striking manner in the field notes <'l James Heaton, who surveyed ii in 1821. He says: "While surveying this township, I dug five wells twenty feet deep, for water, the swamp water being unlit for use. At some future day this swamp will probably he drained, as it nwv he in lour or five differ- ent directions. The soil in this township averages as good second rati.: hut at present the land is so wet and miry, and there are such masses oi fallen timbers, that there appears to he nothing inviting to the agriculturist 10 set- tle in it." It this same surveyor could see the broad and well-tilled acres of today, he would doubtless he surprised at the changes which time has wrought. Practically all of the once swampy land lias been reclaimed and now fields of waving grain may be seen, where formerly swamps and morasses reigned supreme.

The year 1S35 saw the first permanent settler locate in the township and Abraham Baughman will go down in Van Buren township as the first man to brave the terrors of the malaria and ague within its limits, lie was followed shortly afterward by Hiram Hull, John Broadswoid, William Kill patrick, Ludwig Hull, James Davis, Elvington Hull and James Reed. These sterling pioneers made several efforts to effect a township organization he- fore 1843, ')Ul failed each time, because they could not mustei a sufficient number of voters. It was not until Abraham Baughman, the first settler, offered his personal bend, guaranteeing the county against any probable loss, that the commissioners granted the request of the petitioners. That the township was very sparsely settled is very evident from the report of the first election, on February 18, 1843. At that time only twelve votes were cast, and, so history records, only nine of these represented actual settlers, the other three being imported for the occasion. There were barely enough voters to fill all the offices and it will he noticed that some men held more than one office. The lirst officers included the following: Abraham Baugh- man, Elvington A. Hull and John Davis, trustees; Marcus Thrapp, clerk-:


Elvington A. Hull, treasurer; Jacob Nfemire and Adam Krites, over eers of the poor; Abraham Baughman and David Tyner, fence viewers; Lemuel Hickerson, constable. At a subsequent election, May 20, 1843, Elvington A. Hull was elected the first justice of the peace.

The trustees were anxious to provide educational facilities for the few children, as is evidenced by their meeting, on March 6, [843, for the purpose of dividing the township into'two school districts, No. 1 being the east half of the township, and No. 2, the west half. At an election held on April 3, 1843, more officers were elected and the two townships divided into two road districts, with Burdett Hull ami John Davis as supervisors. The road <us- tricts coincided with the school districts.

Lcipsic was laid out and platted by James E. Creighton, on January 26, 1857. The first ground platted into lots in the corporate limits of the present town was that lying east of the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton railroad, and both north and south of the Nickel Plate. This village first bore the name of Creighton., in honor of its founder, but it was incorporated under [lie name of Leipsic. On August 29, 1859, Joseph Swartz laid out a plat of land east of the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton and called it Leipsic station. The following \ear Mr. Swart/ laid out an addition to the same plat, these two plats being recorded under the name Leipsic.

The growth of this village began in the year 1S59, when the first tram run over the Dayton & Michigan railroad. The first train passing over this railroad signaled the denizens of an almost impenetrable forest. By the con struction of this railroad, the outlet lor the timber and other products of this country was assured, and settlers began to arrive, thus opening up one of the greatest sections in the state. The growth of tin's section is a. marvel of progress and productiveness. One of the potent factors in the prosperity of this section and the impetus which stirred early settlers was the Buckeye Stave Company and too much praise cannot he given this company for their excellent work in making Leipsic one of the foremost towns of the countv.

The early settlers in this village were J. B. Swart/.. Wellington Hurd, David McClung, C. W. Askam and wife and Al Tingle. In i860 S. and W. P. Young and D. G. Leliler settled here. The following year Mrs. John Foltz, G. 1). Foltz, Jacob Werner and Absalom Foulk risked their fortunes with the progress of the new town. In 1863 A. I\ Eastom and wife. T J. Werner, Samuel Waters and wife, and in [865 J. H. Askam, Andrew C.

l6.| PUTNAM COUNTY, mill).

Askam and L I.cfller, completing I lie list of early sell! its and pioneer resi- dents. These men uf brawn ami courage had placed on the map oi the country a thriving little village with the strength to combat in the held oi commerce.

Chief among the earlv industries which operated in Leipsic are: The Buckeye Slave Company; the Leipsic llouring-mill, which was erected in the year [87J by \V. C. Miller; the Leipsic planing-mill, which was owned and operated by Messrs. O. E Townsend and |ohn Zahrends, and the following companies: Leipsic machine works, A. F. Eastom & Son, the Leipsic brick yard, tile yard, creamery, and two good elevators.

The churches and schools of this village are ranked with the best and have been discussed to a fuller degree in another chapter.

This town has been visited by quite a lew disastrous fires, but the citi- zens were undaunted by these reversals of fortune and immediately set to work replacing them with bettter and larger structures. The town stands as a monument to its owns prosperity and growth.

The different business enterprises at present are: The Lefller Hotel, which was erected at a cost of fifteen thousand dollars and is an emblem of architectural progress and a monument to his memory; the Bank of Leipsic, the Teinco Company, R. T. Terry, tile manufacturer, and many other in- dustries. The stores cater to all the wants of the citizens of the town and also to the country trade.

The present officials are: Mayor, E. V. Burns; clerk, C. J. Erickson; treasurer, Larl Andrews; marshal, Charles McKeen; councilmen, \V. T. Starling, W. D. Hickey, Dallas Kirk, J. B. Weber, L. 1). Wendle, Joseph Faher; trustees of public affairs. \V. A. Bell, J. A. 1'arsons, C. \Y. Fogle.


The Temco Electric Motor Company, an Ohio corporation, with its main factory and office at Leipsic, was organized and chartered in the fall oi 1911. The Temco Company was successor to the American Foundry Company, which had been doing a general foundry business up to that time.

The name, Temco, is derived from the first letters of the name "The Electric Motor Company." This company was organized for the purpose of manufacturing electric portable tools and small motors. The line orig- inally consisted of electric portable drills, grinders, buffers, polishers and small fractional-horse-power motors. Later, automobile accessories, such as shock' absorbers, electric generators, ignitors and starters, were added to



the original line of general machinery. The Temco Company has the dis- tinction (il building the first and original shuck ahsorher for the h'ord cars.

In the beginning, the equipment consisted of six or eight machines, which furnished employment to a similar number of men. Jt covered about twenty-live hundred feet ol lloor space, all on the ground lloor. With the rapid increase 111 the business, as their products became known, more ma- chinery and greater lloor space were added, and the pay-roll was increased, also. At present it covers about thirty-two thousand square feet of lloor space, in a two- and three-story brick plant, using electric motors aggregat- ing al>. (in two hundred and fifty horse power and furnishing employment for .die hundred ami fifty to two hundred men and women.

fhe power and light for the factor}' are furnished by electricity, each machine having an individual motor, with silent chain drive. -\o overhead line-shaft is used in tiny part of the plant. Every requirement of the state- is adhered to in reducing the possibility Of accidents to a minimum, 'fhe plain is steam-healed throughout, from its own boiler, placed in the plant fm that purpose alone. Wash-rooms and coat-rooms are provided on the first and second floors, 'fhe plant has had a steady growth from the begin- ning, and. judging from the success which the sale of its products has met wnh, the Tented f'.lcclric Motor Company will soon he numbered among the leading manufacturing plants of northwestern Ohio. I heir products are shipped to every part of the globe, the principal importing countries for their goods being South America, Kngland, France. Australia, Russia, Asia and Africa.


'fhe Buckeye Stave Compan) was one of the potent factors in the ad- vancement of l.eipsic in a material way. This company has grown from a humble beginning in Lcipsic lo an enormous business, which extends from northern Michigan to the Cult slates and west to the I'acilic coast states, and gives employment to a large force ol men.

This company was organized in 1886, with the following stockholders: John f'.dwards. W. \\\ Kdwards. f .X. Ihishong, J. S. l.enhart and I). L. Critlcn, all of whom were residents of l.eipsic. At the time of its organiza- tion the company controlled twelve factories, located at l.eipsic, Columbus Crove and Continental, and employed one hundred men.

In 1 NXj this compam purchased the llauk of l.eipsic and in 1890 they placed a slave factors in I'leasanl lend; in iN<)i [hey liuill a factory at Ixalida and also at .\\is; in iNi/j the Klin Center slave factory was pur-

r.ioii'sic in if



chased and placed under their control, and the same year a factory was lo- cated at Manccloiia, Michigan, luii this was removed to Gladstone, Michigan, in 1894. The Continental Bank was organized in [891, and at present has responsibilities amounting to one million dollars.

The growth of this company has been very rapid, and in 1895, after only nine years' time, they employed one thousand men, with a yearly pay- roll of one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars and a paid-up capital stock of five hundred and thirty thousand dollars. Their holdings include extensive timber and farm lands in this and other states, and the growth of the business has far exceeded the hopes of the promoters. In I SS8' the in- terests of Lenhart were purchased, and in 1893 Joseph H. Edwards pur- chased a one-fourth interest. The company has grown to be the largest of its kind in the world. It has always been liberal to its employees and fair in its dealings, and has contributed .liberally to public and private improvement and all works for the betterment of the community. The company owns a large amount of farm land at the present time, which it has improved and placed under cultivation, after removing the timber. This company stands today with its many business enterprises in the full confidence of the busi- ness world.


Montgomery ville was laid out and platted in 1862 by Deputy County Surveyor John Shakely, for Wesley G. Montgomery, acting under the power of attorney for Benjamin and Alary Ann Plummer as proprietors. The village is situated in the northern part of Van Buren township, on the Dayton & Michigan railroad. The original plat of seventeen lots was laid on the eastern side of the railroad and the town look its name from the surveyor. About the year 1868 the name was changed to Belmore, as the postoffice had given that name and two names caused quite a little confusion.

Additions to the village were laid by the following proprietors: In 1869, the Dayton & Michigan railroad. Knox and Speaker; in 1S74, John H. George and Alexander Williamson. Other additions followed later. The village was incorporated in [882, with the following officers : < ). f nelson, mayor; P. I.. Baker, clerk; W. Winkler, treasurer; Theodore l.udwig, mar- shal; A. J. Showers, I). Ensminger, J. II. Ensminger, W. Mull. Ximrod Speaker and I. II. Hathaway, councilmen.

Although the town has had no large manufactures or any natural re- sources to aid in its growth. s|j]] j( j, a substantial country town and the stores do a l;< >' ><1 business. 'Die fanners in ibis locality are accommodated


with tlie stores which handle all the different commodities and cater to the farmers' trade.

The present officers are: Mayor, C. IT Blauvelt; clerk, Kenneth l\. Casteel; treasurer, William Glaser; marshal, .Mathias Voglepohl; councjlmen, W. E. Saul, Henry Rader, I.. M. Hickerson, !•'. E. Critchet, I. E. Blauvelt and Lafe Fox.

The population in igio was two hundred and ninety-eight.


The village of Spitzer, located on the Nickel Plate railroad, four miles east oi Leipsic, was platted by Aaron Overbech, count)' surveyor, in [886. The town was laid out for Howard C. Tmkham, but was named in honor of the Spitzer Brothers, of Toledo, Ohio, who were largely interested in lands adjoining the village. Owing to the fact that there was another town of the same name in Ohio, it was changed to Townwood,

Ward was the name given to a little town located on the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton railroad, hut was never platted and at present is only a railroad siding.

The present officials of Van Buren township are: Justices of the peace, Jacob Lel'ller, T. J. Huffman, J. E. Fisher and Nimrod Speaker; trustees, James Robinson, E. B. Limmonds and II. II. Montooth; clerk, Thomas J. Shuly; treasurer, E. C. Kuntz; constables, Joseph Butler and Daniel Butler.



Prior to the year 1820 the territory now embraced in Putnam county was inhabited by but few white people and by a limited number of Indians, a remnant of the Ottawa tribe, who made Tavya village their abode. A reser- vation of five miles square, consisting of nearly all of what is now Ottawa township, had been granted them, but not in perpetuity, as, by a treaty entered into in 1S30, another reservation was given to them in Kansas and they were deported to that territory. However, a few of them remained in this locality and county for several years afterward-., not desiring to go to their new reservation. It was not until the years from 1831 to 1834 that emigration of any large number of people to this county occurred. During these years many settlers located along Blanchard river and other streams through the canity.

In connection with the early navigation of Blanchard river it may he said that in the government surveys the Blanchard is designated as a navigable stream and that it is still so designated on all government charts, but no one has ever come across "the old citizen" who said that he was frequently dis- turbed by the blowing of the whistles of the steamboats passing up and down the river.


The great problem of these early settler- was the method by which they could market their limited amount of farm products and thus secure needed articles necessar) for their welfare. While their surplus products were n t great, they were sufficient for their limited wants. As the roads at that time were but trails along the rivers, which could only he traveled at certain times of the year by teams drawing wagons, the "boy on horseback" was the chief master of transportation of what wheat and corn was taken to the "grinder" to be converted into Hour and meal. When the trails were passable in the summer and fall, trips were made to Lower Sandusky, which at that time was an outlet to the lake, trails to Maumee or Perrysburg not then being- opened.

Upon the completion of the canal in 1845, a new outlet was established


l>v way of the river to Defiance and thence by canal to Toledo. This opened navigation on the lilanchard river and a lively business was transacted by the conveyance of the surplus grain, pork, butter, eggs, etc., to Defiance. For this purpose a small boat, called a pirogue, was used and those who possessed these craii> made the business quite profitable. A number oi these pirougues were forty feet in length and three t<> four feet in breadth ami would carry a great aim unit of grain and other products. I he individuals who owned these small crafts were expert mariners and, notwithstanding the dangers lurking in the river at thai time, winch was Idled with drift and hidden snags, comparatively few mishaps occurred to these earl) mariners oi the Llanchard. However, now and then they "had troubles oi their own," as the following incident shows, which we copy from the Defiance Democrat, oi April, 1852, and which refers lo one oi our most prominent and most worthy former citizens ;

"J. P. Simon, oi I 'utnani county, recovered a judgment ol ten dollars ami costs against lite canal boat "Gold I )igger,' before .Squire IJonton, on Wednes- day, for damages done lo his pirogue, through carelessness or inattention of the hands on the 'Gold Digger.' This settles the question that the lilanchard river boatmen and others with their pirougues, at our river docks, are entitled to some protection and that canal boatmen must be more cautious."


The opening of the .Mad River Railroad, the first in the state, from Dayton to Sandusky City, in iX-pj, and the subsequent construction of a strap-iron railroad from lindlay to Carey to connect with the .Mad River Railroad, gave the people oi the eastern part oi this county another outlet to the lakes, and the public highways being made more passable, diverted trade lo I'mdlav, nearly all surplus products being marketed at that place.

In 1X51,1 ihe Dayton M Michigan Kailroad was completed through the conntx, and a new arten of trade established which furnished an outlet for the greater part of the county and did more than any other thing toward the development and growth oi the county. This road, now known as the Cin- cinnati, Hamilton & Dayton, ran its first train on July 4, 1X50. from Lima to Toledo. The other steam roads commenced operation through the county on the following dates: Xickle Male, July 4, 1 NX 1 ; Clover Leaf, September, i 877, from Delphos to Dupont; Northern Ohio, October, iNNi; I'mdlav, I'ort Wayne & Western, fal-1 of icSSX; Kalida \ Defiance, 1899; I )( iroii, 'Toledo & fronton.


The following is a statement of the mileage and valuation of the steam and electric lines operating in l'utnam county, as well as oi the telegraph and telephone lines :

Railroad. Mileage. Valuation.

Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton (main line) 19. 8 $851,810

Findlay, Ft. Wayne & Western 24.H 408,590

Columbus, Lima & Milwaukee H.23 '49.47°

Detroit, Toledo & Fronton 19.58 206,730

N'ew York Central & St. Louis 24. 6 1,611,840

Ohio Kleetric (Toledo branch) jo. 3

Ohio Electric (Defiance branch) 22.41

Northern Ohio -3-4- 565,850

Toledo, St. Louis & Western 20.24 175,160

Total 185.69 $3,969,450


Western Union miles of wire 1,027.55 $61,560

Ohio Telephone and Telegraph 28.02 2,800

Ohio Postal Telegraph and (able 233:>0 lr.450


There are some thirty local telephone companies in l'utnam county. Some of these are large companies, while a few of them have only a very short stretch oi wire. The billowing is a complete list:

Miles Valu- Name of Company. of Wire, ation. Town or Twp.

Ottawa Farmers Mutual 168 $10,300 Ottawa

Receivers, Central Union 174 10,380 Ottawa

l'utnam Telephone Company '41(1 ^3,710 l'utnam Co.

Miller City Farmers Mutual 117 2,270 Miller City

Glandorf Mutual 70 2,600 Glandorf

Continental Farmers Mutual j,2 7,000 Continental

Pandora Mutual 198 4.650 Pandora

Columbus Grove Mutual 323 8,150 Columbus Grove

Ft. Jennings Farmers Mutual 189 4,800 Ft. Jennings


Miles Valu- Name of Company, of Wire, ation. Town or Twp.

Rimer Mutual 45 2,300 Rimer

Delphos Home Telephone to 310 Jennings Tp.

Elida Mutual 10 410 Jen. & Sugar Cr.

Y'aughnsville 58 2,630 Sugar Creek Tp.

Rushmore Mutual 13 800 Rushmore

Leipsic Farmers Mutual 25 7.500 Leipsic Tp.

Bluffton 36 1.440 Riley Tp.

Xew Bavaria Farmers Mutual 16 370 Liberty & Palmer

Deshler Farmers Mutual 6 150 Van Buren

Gilboa Farmers Mutual 45 3400 Blanchard

Rluffton Farmers .Mutual 16 540 Rilev

Cloverdale 19 3.100 Cloverdale

Kalida Mutual 44 5.720 Kalida

( Htoville Telephone Company 2 1,890 Ottoville

( itizens Exchange Telephone 1 80 Liberty

Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, 10 3.34° Belmore

Farmers Mutual Telephone Company. 57 2,100 North Creek

Farmers Mutual Telephone Company- 11 3,000 Dupont

Total (-,111 $184,120




A Methodist class was organized two miles south of Columbus Grove, at tin- home of Philip [topper, Sr., in October, 183c;. Ills house continued to be a preaching place until 1853, when services were held in a school house, later a public hall, and in the United Brethren and Presbyterian churches 111 the town of Columbus Grove until i860. Then a lot was given by Father Hooper and during the pastorates of Philip Lemasters, Harrison Maltbie and J. ( '. (demons, a frame (hutch was built. The congregation continued to worship in this building until [891, when the present brick church was erected, under the pastorate of the Rev. Alexander llarmount.

Until 18CS Columbus drove was an appointment with the St. |ohii, Flida and Ottawa societies, hut at that date it was made a separate charge. It so remained until 1903, when it was again made a station.

I he hrst class was organized under the joint pastorate of Elmer 1 )a\ and Peter I lollopeter. The following persons were members of the class and, therefore, charier members of the Columbus Grove church, namely: Philip and Rachel Hooper, their children, Mary, Julia, Rachel, John and Klmira; George and Mary Stevenson and their children, Mary, linoch and Rachel; Adam and Loruma Van Meter, and Mrs. I'.. Kliver.

d he record- ol the pastors from [839 to 18G0 is not complete, hut among the preacher- of that period were Jacob Albright, John Kellam, Messrs. llookbriek and Del. isle. Since i860 those who have served the charge are: G. < ). McPherson, Adam C. Parties, P. P. Powell, William Deal, Josiah F. (rook,, Philip Lemasters, Harrison Maltbie, J. C. (lemons, P. |. Hoadley, George Matthews, W. II. Seles, Reuben Ranch, John M. Mills, Peter Biggs, P. O. Cook, A. llarmount. \ . B.C. Love, I >. F. Helms, William Hook, Jacob Baumgardner, M. ('. Howey, VV. J. Green, J. \\. Gibson, Daniel Carter and the present pastor, ('. M. Monosmith.

I- roin a small beginning, seventy-six years ago, this church lias grown until it now has a membership of nearly three hundred. A subscription has


been raised for a church building and the work on this structure will soon begin.


The Leipsic Methodist Episcopal church, one of the strong and aggressive churches in the old Central Ohio conference, was organized abuut the year [870 Most of the members of the newly organized cla>s came from the Methodist church of West Leipsic.

1 arly fifteen years the faithful men and women of this church wor- I in the school house and in the Lutheran and Presbyterian churches of the t'>\\n. For a number of years this church was a part of the Ottawa circuit, and later was attached to the Gilboa circuit. In 18S4, under the pastorate of the Rev. I. S. G. Reeder, the contract was let for a new church by the board of trustees, W. \V. Edwards, J. II. Edwards, S. P. Webber, Lorenzo Iuilk and VV. Galogby, the contract price being three thousand, live hundred ami sixty-five dollars. This was completed and dedicated in 1S85, under the pastorate of the Rev. J. R. Rushbridge.

The society prospered anil grew so rapidly that in ten short years a larger and more commodious building was needed, and in 180,5 the congrega- tion was led in a new church enterprise by the pastor, Rev. A. A. Thomas. In 1896 the present beautiful church, with a seating capacity of nearly one thousand two hundred, was dedicated, at a cost of about twenty thousand dollars.

The following ministers have served the church: Jason Young, O. E. Palmer, J. I'. Davies, James Pong. Jeremiah McCane, Rev. Mr. Maltbie, J. C. Miller. R. M. Culver, W. E. Seumau, Rev. Mr. Reeder, J. R. Rushbridge, George Matthews, A. A. Thomas, George B. Willsie, Daniel Carter. VV. J. Hagerman, Jacob Baumgardner, Edwin P. Davis and C. W. Barnes, the present pastor.

The Leipsic church has grown from a small class until now, at the age of forty-five years, it has a membership of over three hundred and fifty. It has been represented in the general conference three times, once by John Edwards and twice by Mrs. Florence D. Richards. It is characterized by its large missionary and educational contributions ami for its benevolent spirit.


The Methodist Episcopal church in Gilboa was organized in 1833. w'tn the following charter members: Moses William- and wife, Sarah ('ran:-. Lou-


isa Gcnsingcr, II. \V. Montgomery and Samuel McDonald. Ii was connected wiih the MeComb circuit at first, birl was later changed to the Leipsic cir- cuit, and afterwards il Ijecame the la-ad oi the Gilboa circuit, which at first embraced Pleasant Chapel, Shawtown and Pandora. In icni Gilboa was made a station, with the Rev. I'.. II. Snow as pastor. The ministers who have served the church are: Eli Myers, S. R. Colgan, J. \V. Shultz, William J. Green, I'.. S. Keeler, J. II. Gottschall, J. II. tarter, Samuel (liven, L. 11. Smith, M. J. Xash. J. W. .Miller, E. II. Snow and C, E. Bowley.

m i: i 1 1 1 H nsr episcopal church, continental.

The Methodist Episcopal congregation at Continental was organized in 1895. The adherents of this faith at Continental had desired a meeting place of their own for some tune hut were nut able to get the proposition started. The church building was constructed at a cost of three thousand dollars. This is a very pretty frame church structure. The members have also con- structed a parsonage, at a cost of one thousand dollars.

The church is in a very prosperous condition at the present time, with a total membership of one hundred and forty. Rev. J. I). Parker is the present minister and through his efforts is largely iluv the present good standing of the church in this community.


Rev. J. 1). Parker also serves the .Methodist church at North Creek. I he church building at this place consists of a frame structure, which was erected at a cost of one thousand two hundred dollars. The member- ship at present numbers twenty. Although this church congregation is smaller than some of its sister congregations, it is on a firm basis and the membership is increasing.


The Cloverdale Methodist Episcopal church has a congregation at pres- ent of twenty-seven members. The present frame church building was erected at a cost of one thousand two hundred dollars. Rev. J. D. Parker serves this congregation from Continental.



The Methodist Episcopal church at Ottawa was organized in 1855, with Rev. John A. Shannon as pastor. The first church building was a brick structure, built in 1858, the brick for the building being made by M. Galla- wav. I he Ottawa society was organized as a station in [869 by the Rev. L. C. Webster, who was presiding elder. Rev. C. \V. .Miller was pastor in charge. About ten years ago plans were talked oi lor the erection of a new church building and the matter agitated until, on August 8, 1899, the corner stone oi the new edifice was laid. Un July 8, I9OO, the new church was dedicated to the service of Almighty God by Bishop David II. Moore.

The names of the pastors from [869 are as follows: [869-70, < I. \V. Miller; 1870-71, II. M. Shaffer and John Wilson; [871-73, Jason Young; 1873-7.1, II. S Kradlev and S. I.. I'.eiler; 1 874-76, J. \V. Miller; [876-78, II. If. I'ileher; 1878-70, \lbcrt hosier; 1870-80, Joseph Avers; 1880-83, Caleb Mill; 1883-86, R. R. liryan; 1880-88, Joseph Avers; 1888-93, William S. I'lnlpott; [893, Caleb 11 ill; 1893-96, A. S. Watkins; 1896-98, J. Williams; 1898-1901, C. 15. Holding; 1902-03, Charles W. Sullivan; 1908, J. W. I Jon- nan : 1909, C. I!. Cuppett ; 1910, S. Baumgardner ; 1912, l;. If. Higbie; [914. If. I. Webster; 1915, James William Gibson.


The congregation of the Methodist Episcopal church at Dupont is also served as a charge from Continental. Rev. J. I'. Parker serves this church along with the congregations at Cloverdale, North (.'reek, and also Conti- nental, as was previously mentioned. This church has a membership of fifty-eight active workers. The present frame building was erected at a cost of nue thousand five hundred dollars.

Although the town of Dupont is not as prosperous and flourishing as it has been, still this little church has held together its band of followers and the prosperity which the congregation experiences is fully merited In' their untiring efforts and also the efforts of the minister.


The beginning of I 'resbvtcrianism in Kalida dates back about seventy years, the lirst organization appearing in 1845. At that time Oliver Tol- berl. Sr., losenh Tingle, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Rice. Mr. and Mrs. Coulter,

I -(. t'UTN \M COUNTY, Oil [O.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Crawford, Dr. Robert Thrift and wife, Mr. and Mrs. ( liamherlain, Mrs. lane Hughes and Isaac and Robert McCracken met and formally organized a I 'resbyterian church at Kalida. They met in private In, liKs and in the old conn house until a frame building for church pur- poses was erected in 1852. The building erected in 1852 is still standing and has the honor of being the oldest church building now standing within the limit- of Putnam county. The timbers are of oak and walnut and the building bids fair to stand for many years to come. The dedicatory services, in 1852, were in charge of the Rev. Thomas Elcock. The ministers from the beginning down to the present time are as follows: Revs. Elcock, Rrice, F.merson. Redem, Cooper. Fuller, F.cholls, Hyatt. McGee, \dams and Will- iam-. The church now enrolls about eight) members and C one 0! ihe most flourishing Presbyterian churches in the county. A Sabbath school is main- tained, under the superintendenex >>\ \. I . Skinner. The president ol the Christian Endeavor is K. Murray.


The history of the first Presbyterian church in Leipsic dates hack to about 1873. Although this church was organized some years prior to this time, the session records were burned and there is no mention of its early history except in the report oi Lima presbytery in 1873, but it was proba- bly organized by the Mauniee presbytery. The following are charter mem- bers and early members of the church: Mrs. Elizabeth Foltz, Solomon Voting and wife, Charles McDonald and wife, Walter Day and wife, John Sturgeon and wife, William Barton and wife, John Askam and wife and James R. l.alferty and wife.

The present brick church building was erected in 1873 at a cost of three thousand dollars, on a centrally located lot near the present high school building. It is modern and thoroughly equipped in every respect, with steam heat, electric lights and a new piano, which has recently been purchased for the use of the church and Sunday school.

The following ministers have served the church: Rev. Perry C. Bald- win: Rev. Winfielcl Hill, [878-79; Rev. D. W. Cooper. 1880-83; |,iev- '■ N- Thomas, 1886-87; ^ev- Adam Schafer, 1891-92; Rev. J. L Grim, 1894-08; Rev. David Demster, [899-1900; Pew. Harry C. Cunningham, 1901-02; Rev. W. 11. Hyatt. 1905-08; Pew. A. S. Kerr, 1910-II. Rev. E. Layport, D. D., the present minister, began his work on October 1, 1911.

The church saw the greatest years of its prosperity under the lead-


ership "l* Rev. David Demster and Rev. Marry C. Cunningham. During ihcir pastorate the church membership numbered one hundred and forty. The present membership "I the church is sixty-live. The church has main- tained a very prosperous Sunday school throughout its entire existence and at present Charles Henry is at the helm, lie is ably assisted by a faithful and competent corps of officers and teachers. The church has been weak- ened at times bv removals and deaths, yet it has always maintained its har- monious anil prosperous standing in the village. Some of the leading fami- lies of Leipsic have been enrolled under its banners and the church at pres- ent is in a prosperous condition and is doing a splendid work with an ever- increasing membership. The session is composed of Thomas 11. Rower. II. F. Wendell, Orville Young, Charles Henry, Herman Montouth, Hartley .Met lun- and James .McDonald.


The Presbyterian church at Columbus Grove hears the distinction of being the oldest congregation of Presbyterians in Putnam count}'. The first church was organized on September 9, 1836, with the following charter mem- bers: Samuel McComb, Anna McComb, Adam Turner, Joseph Belford, Meanor Belford, Joseph Nichols, Hannah Nichols, Martha Nichols, William McComb, Elizabeth McComb, Job Combs, Jane Combs, Martha Combs and Jane Pier.

A log church building was constructed in order that this loyal band of fifteen advocates of Presbyterianism could have a place in which to worship. I he congregation soon began to grow and flourish, as more settlers came into the county and the country became more prosperous. The log structure was soon found to be inadequate to accommodate the ever-increasing workers, and on January 28, 185T, the contract was let for a new frame building. 'Ilus was dedicated on December 28, 1851, under the pastorate of Rev. Wil- liam K. Bryce. The cornerstone for the present beautiful structure was laid on November 3, [901. This building was dedicated on October s. 1902, under the pastorate of Rev. S. Delmar Conger, at a cost of twelve thousand dollars, ddie parsonage was purchased in 1884, under the pastorate of Rev. Edward Lauport, at a cost of three thousand dollars.

The following ministers have served the church: William McCookin, exact date unknown; James II. Anderson. September t, 1840-April 14, 184^; William K. Bryce, February, 1849-Scptembcr, 1868; Francis Lynn. August,



1870-August, 1872; J. l'>. Strain, January, [873-January, 1076; David Kin- gery, October 1, [876-November 10, 1878; J. Emory Fisher, April 1, 1879- April 1, 1882; R. II. McDunakl, May 1, 1883-May 1, 1884; Edward Lay- port, June 1, 1884-May, 1889; A. .M. Chapin, October 1, iS89-October 1, iS«n; Thonias F. [Joyd, January 1, [892-April 1, 1894; George McKay, Oc- tober 1. iS()4-.\|inl 1, 1898; James K. Argo, October 23, 1898-November 1, [899; S. Delmar Conger, lanuary 1, [900-January 1, 1909; Ralph VV. Kohr, April 1, iiju<), to the present time. Revs. McGookin, Anderson, Brice, Lynn, Strain, Kingery, l'*islier, McDonald, McKay and Argo have served the church as stated supply. The oilier ministers who have served the- congregation were regular pastors.

This congregation is one of the largest in the county and has had a steady growth from the time il was founded. The resident membership num- bers two hundred and fifty-five at the present time, with out-of-town memj hers three hundred and fifteen.


The Congregational church of \ aughnsville, Riley township, was or- ganized m 1889. Ilns church is an offspring nt the Gomer Congregational church nl" Allen county and hears the distinction oi being the only Congrega- tional church in L'ulnam county. Dr. John Gethin Thomas was the founder nl ibis church and under his leadership the beautiful church building was erected, at a cost of live thousand dollars. This church building still serves the congregation and is in excellent condition.

The ministers who followed Reverend Thomas have been as follows: I). A. Evans, exact date unknown; John (I. Evans, 1906-1912; John Mor- gan Williams, lou to February 13, 1915; and the present pastor, David Will- iam Fletcher, who began his duty in .March, [915.

The church parsonage has hut lately been remodeled and is now valued at three thousand dollars. It is a very pretty and commodious structure in which to house the minister. The growth of this church has been steady and 110 divisions or dissensions have ever arisen in its ranks of workers. There are at present .me hundred and forty-two members enrolled under its banner.

I he Sunday school, under the direction of Lloyd Roberts, is very active and has an attendance of one hundred and twenty-eight. The Young Peo- ple's Society of Christian Endeavor has an enrollment oi forty members

it in \ \i (in x n , in i K



I Ik- United Brethren church of Continental, Ohio, was organized in i SSS with twenty-four charter members, comprising thirteen families in Continental. The following ministers have served the church: \Y. |. East- brook, R. A. Bales, F. I-:. Fitzwater, A. F. Light, G. 11. Fisher, F. V. New ell, I-'.. !•'.. Williams, C. \V. Jamison, M. F. Scouten, J. G. Turner, S. S. Wag- ner. R. \\ Wilkis, Bittner, R. \V. Kestcr, G. F. Burrell, Cora Fester and the present incumbent, ( >. M. Martin, who is finishing his third year. The present church building was erected under the pastorate of Rev. A. F. Light, at a cost nt three thousand dollars. Since that time the congregation has built a parsonage, at a cost of one thousand six hundred dollars. The mem- bership at present numbers one hundred ami thirty. The church ha- the following auxiliaries: Sunday school, Young I'eople's Christian Fndeavor, Woman's Missionary Association ami Ladies' Aid Society.


The Wisterman United Brethren church was organized in this strong community with thirty-live charter members. The congregation began to -row and flourish ami about the year 1884 a frame church building was erected, at a cost oi six hundred or seven hundred dollars.

The following ministers have served the church: Swaney Xewell, Frank !■'.. Fitzwater, Williams, Jameson, Wagoner, Keineth, Miss ( ora Tester and ihe minister, ' >. M. Martin, who serves the church from Continental. The

church has an active Sunday scl 1 ami also a Young I'eople's Christian

Fndeavor Society, both of which are well patronized Ijv the younger mem- bers oi the church. The congregation numbers eighteen.


I he congregation of St. John's LTiited Brethren at Columbus Grove was formally organized in 1858. b\ Rev. Daniel Clancy. The church was organ- ized with seven charier members, as follows: Rev. Daniel Glancy ami wife, \mamla Fruchey, Lucy Mount/, Mr, ami Mis. Tracy, |oseph Billhamer. The church was christened St. John's I 'mud Brcthern m Christ. The first church building, which was erected in iSdo, served as a place of worship until 1S7S, when the present beautiful brick structure was erected, al a cost of leu thousand dollars. A parsonage was em-ted in |S<;7, al a nisi of one

I No


thousand dollars; in the spring of 11)14 the parsonage was remodeled at a cost of one thousand four hundred dollars, and now provides the minister with very pretty and commodious quarters.

The ministers who have served the church are as follows: Daniel Glancy, Miller. Essies, Chester Briggs, E. I!. Maurer, Kemer, T. J. Harbaugh, East- man. Cyrus Bevington, S. II. Radabaugh, II. Shaffer, I. I'. Lea. John Hippie, G. L. Lender. John Sergent, U. S. Long, J. < ). Rhodes. T. 1 ). [ngcl, L. I'. Fritz, VV. E. Davis, C. J. Roberts, ( ). I'. Langhbaum, M. E. Gibson, C. N. Crabb, and the Lev. C. M. Eberly, the present pastor, who took charge of the congregation on October 1, [913.

The growtll of this church has been marked by its prosperity and rapid growth and at present four hundred members are enrolled under its banners. The church lias a Woman's Missionary Society, Ladies' Aid Society and the Otlerbin Guild, as auxiliaries of the church. All of these church societies are in a good working condition. The church is thoroughly organized and doing a good active work in all of the different departments.

1 in rrii > uuii I'll i;k.\ ( IIURCII.

The United Brethren church of Cascade, was organized in [885, with eight charter members. The early records of the church have been destroyed and a complete history of the society is not possible. Lev. \Y. Davis served this charge as the first pastor. A frame church building was erected, at a cost of eight hundred dollars, this being made possible by the donations of the members. It was indeed a monumental task in those days to secure proper financial co-operation even 111 so worthy a movement. The original membership numbered eight families and this was all there was to draw on to secure the funds for the erection of the first church. But, with a sublime self-sacrifice, they measured up to the situation and finally enough money was mustered together and soon the first United Brethren church at Cascade be- came a reality. I he present membership embraces twenty-five souls and these are ministered to by the present pastor, L. Eitswatcr.


The Christian church in Vaughnsvillc was organized on June if>. 1S50, by Lev. Michael Marlz, with seven charier members. The first services were held in a lo<j school house near Vauffhnsville. After a short lime a


church building was creeled in the village. Tin- service ol Lhe pioneer pastors and their successors is of sacred memory to the settlers ul this locality.

Rev. Michael Martz's pastorale extended over a period of twenty-one years, from June id, 1850, to September 30, 1X71. The church at that time- had preaching services one Sunday each month. In 1870 began the services of Rev. William Mormon, who became the regular pastor and continued as -iich until September 30, 1X78. The following pastors have served since that time, most ol them beginning thcirdabors in October and concluding their services in September, 111 accordance with the conference pastoral year: Daniel Lepley, [878-79; G 1!. Garner, iN^u-No; Rev. Lepley and Rev. Rimer, alternating, 1880-81; G. 1'.. Garner, 1881-82; II. II. Holverstott, 1882-86; C. I. Hance, 1886-S7; Daniel Lobaugh, 1S87-89; \ievs. Holverstott and Garner, alternating, 1889-90; A. Noffsinger, 1890-93; J. X. Steffauni, 1893-95; ( '■ W. holt/.. 1895-00; O. F. McCleary, 1000-02; A. L. West, 1902-04; <i. 1'.. Ciarner, 1904-06; Ford Bolton, 1906-07; F. F. Rockwell. [908-10; J. M. Miller, 1910-13; Otto Hal faker, 1913-14, and the present pastor, Sanford I icougber.

There have been more than eight hundred names recorded in the roll bonk ol the church since its organization, sixty-live years ago, and at present there are two hundred and seven active members. I 'raver meetings, a Sun- day school. Christian Fndeavor Society, teachers' training and mission study classes, together with other societies, have assisted in the progress and de- veli ipment of the church.

The present church building was dedicated in 1873. Since that time it has been remodeled and enlarged. Many improvements have been made, including a new church parsonage. Throughout its history the church has been the recipient of divine blessings and the future successes of the church are assured


The \ntioch church is located in section 12, Monterey township. It was organized on fune 20, iSS'2, with fourteen charter members. The mem- bers 01 this church built the present frame churcli building in the fall of that year, at a cost of six hundred and twenty-five dollars. Although this band nl workers was not large, this was easily overcome by their liberality and desire i> ir a place of \v< irship.

The first pastor to minister to their spiritual needs was S. F. Smith. The church ha- prospered and at present has a membership of forty-three.


l'l l X \.M rnl'X'l V, oillo

flic present minister is A. \\ . Spares. The young people of this congrega- tion arc also active in the Sunday school work and Voting People's Society.


The Ottawa River Christian church was organized in i8(>o. Through the earnest ei't'orts of W. F. McLane, Elder Enos Foster held a series of meetings at the home of Mr. McLane and, on June 20 of the following year, Rev. Enos Foster and Rev. I). B. Wilson organized a church, to he called the ( Ittawa River Christian church; thus, the real organization did not occur until

1861. The charter memhers were: W. J''. McLane, Elizabeth McLane, Martha Clevenger, Ruth Chandler, Susanah Clevenger, Phoebe A. Guffy, Anna Evans and Jane .Mckinley.

A number ot additions were recorded in February of the following year and FIder hosier was retained as the church pastor. In 1862, with the aid ot the citizens in the neighborhood, a neat little house of worship was erected on a lot donated by John Guffy, on the hanks of the Ottawa river. This building was completed and dedicated to the services of (iod, November 30,

1862, by I'.lders Harvey and Mart/. ( >n December 13, of the same year, church officers were elected. Jesse C. Darbyshire was elected to the office of deacon and served in that capacity until his death, August 14, [894.

In 1863 Elder Martz was chose as minister and served the church for fourteen years. On May 4. 1867, Henry Funk was chosen as assistant deacon and held that office until his death, in 1879. The following ministers have served the church since Elder Martz ceased his labors, up to the year 1895: \V. C. Rimer, John Gelispie, Lewis Gander, G. 15. Garner and A. NToffsinger.

The present beautiful church was erected in (879 and will accomodate four hundred and fifty persons. The membership of the church numbers over two hundred and fifty souls.


The Alt. Zioii church was organized in 1875 with twelve charter mem- bers. This was the first church organized in this township, outside of the town churches of Continental.

The first building, which is still serving the congregation as a place of worship, was completed in 1K7T '' will be seen that the church building was constructed and a place of worship afforded and later the congregation



was formally organized. This building was creeled at a cost "l two thousand dollars ami is in a good state of preservation at the present time.

Rev. Gelispie served the congregation as the first regular minister. The present incumbent, Rev. C. J. Hance, serves the church as a charge from Spencerville.

Tliis church is situated in the northwestern part of Putnam county and lias drawn its members from the country around this section. The present membership numbers forty-live. The church supports a well-attended Sun- day school.


The Lutheran church at Continental was organized on August _', 1896, liv Rev. Frank C. Longaker. The total membership is the beginning num- bered only eighteen.

The corner stone for a church building was laid in August, [897, and in November of the same year the building was completed. This was a brick structure, erected at a cost of two thousand six hundred dollars. It is rather remarkable to note that this little band of eighteen followers were perma- ently located in a year after they were organized.

The ministers who have served this congregation are Rev. Frank C. Longaker, the founder of the congregation and under whose charge the church building was erected; Rev. Schroeder, date not known definitely; Rev. [. X. Barrett, June, 1001-June. 1906; Rev. J. Walter Bressler, June, [908- Februarv, 1910; Rev. G. M. Gran, June, 1910-October, 1914; Rev. Richard Rassmussen, May, mm 5.

The church has passed through many years of prosperous growth and at present has a membership of forty-five. The Ladies' Aid Society is a strong auxiliary to the church.


It is a lamentable fact that the early records of Rlanchard have never been recorded or have been very carelessly destroyed. This makes the church history a matter of memory and not altogether authentic in some of the dates. In 1840 the first Dnnkard ( Brethren) church was located at what is now the Blanchard church, at a point five miles southeast of the town ol Continental.

One of the first Dunkard settlers seems to have been a man whose name was Lrowant. Mr. Prowant was the father of five sons, four of whom later


1 84

l'l T.\ AM COUN'I Y, (111 IO.

I)ecame active ministers in the Dunkard faith. Tliree of these sons spent their entire lues in the Blanchard church.

Meetings were held 111 the homes oi brethren and were conducted by ministers from Allen county until the year 1850. In that year, John Prowant was elected to the ministry of that church, and this must be about the date that the Blanchard church was organized. After the church organization the serv- ices were held in >chool houses and the homes of members until 1886, when the church building, which is located one-half mile west of DuPont, was erected and dedicated. It is a neat, plain house oi worship and was erected at a cost of two thousand five hundred dollars. The following is a list of ministers who have been elected to the ministry from Blanchard church mem- bership: John I'rowant, first elder or bishop; Henry I'rowant, William I'rowant and Daniel I'rowant, all of whom are deceased; Amos Budd, Harry fuller, D. I'. VVellerand I.. II. I'rowant. Reverends Fuller. Weller, Prowant and I'rowant are still actively engaged in the labors of the Blanchard church, with Elder 1). I'. Weller as overseer of the work.

Between the years 1886-90 the Sunday school was organized ami is now in a prosperous condition, with an attendance which rivals any in the county, under the superintendency of Floyd Clevenger. .Many members have been lost by emigration. I he membership at present numbers one hundred and fifty souls.


The complete history of quite a number of the township churches of Putnam county is impossible to get. This is due to the fact that there have been man\ changes. Churches have been organized and lots purchased, and later some of these churches have been disbanded, to unite with other congre- gations. In consequence of these changes, the records of the churches were, in mail) instances, lost or destroyed.

By running the deed records of the county, the denomination of main' oi these churches was ascertained, but other information concerning the church was not obtainable. A list of these follows, which proves rather interesting :

In Liberty township, section id, a lot was purchased, April t), 1888, for two hundred dollars. The Lvangelical church trustees transacted this busi- ness, but other early history of this church was not available.

In Liberty township, section 1 1, a lot was purchased, December 28, 1883, by the trustees of the Bethel church for a consideration of live dollars.

In Sugar Creek township, section 8, there are two deed records for



church property. I he trustees of the Sugar Creek Baptist church purchased a lol for ciiurch purposes, April 21, 1854; also, the trustees of the I'rcdeslin- arian faith purchased a lot. < )n April iy, 1884, the trustees "I the Baptist church sold their lot and in the same year leased it of the new owner for church purposes.

In Sugar Creek township, section 27, there are three records oi land conveyance to trustees of different churches for purposes of worship. These are the Welsh .Methodist Episcopal church, the Welsh Congregational and the Salem Congregational.

In Jennings township, section 2, the trustees of the United Brethren church purchased property for one thousand five hundred dollars. This was on February 23, [8y2. In section 26, the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal chinch purchased a lot for church purposes, May _'-', 1877.

In Van Buren township, section jy, the trustees of the Evangelical church purchased ;i lot for the consideration oi one dollar, on May 18, 1875.

The church lot for the Riley Creek Methodist Protestant church, section 36, Ottawa township, was purchased by the trustees, October 5, 1855, for one dollar. This was one of the oldest churches in the county.

In Greensburg township, section 10, a conveyance was made on January [3, iNijo, to the trustees <>f the Mennonite church for the consideration of ore hundred dollars.

In I'llanchard township, section 13, the trustees of the Church of God purchased a lot for one dollar, May 7, 1887. A rather interesting convey- ance is noted in I'llanchard township, section 8. < )n October 2^, i S 5 r > , the trustees of the United Brethern church purchased a lot for a consideration of one dollar. ( )n April 1 .}, 1875, the trustees of this denomination sold the lot to the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal church.

In I'errv township, section 8, a conveyance was made to the trustees of the German Baptist church, on Ecbruary 5, 1887, for the consideration of thirty dollars.

In section 11, the trustees oj the United Brethren church purchased a lot for one dollar. July 22, [886. Another conveyance in this same section was that of the Methodist Episcopal church trustees. March 14, [874. On October 1, [800, they transferred this lot to the trustees of the United Breth- ern church, who used it for church purposes for a short time and then sold it to the township to be used for a township house.

In Riley township, section 11, a conveyance was made to the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal church, ]\\\)v 27, 1803. On May 12, I90O, (he Citizens Society of Riley township, section ,}. purchased a lol to be used for


church purposes. On November 7, of the following year, lliey transferred their ileecl to this lot to the trustees of the United llrethren church. On June 15, 1888, the trustees of the Mennonite church purchased a lot in Riley town- ship, section 16, for fifty dollars ami erected their beautiful church building. The society is very active at the present time.

( )n September 21, [868, the trustees oi the United Brethern church pur- chased a lot in Pleasant township, section 22, to be used for church purposes.

( )n June 29, i86(, the trustees of the United F3rethern church of Jackson township, section 1 i, purchased a lot 011 which to build a church.

( >u October 5, 1889, the trustees of the Christian church purchased a lot for church purposes in Monterey township, section i_\ In this same section the trustees of the Antioch church purchased a lot, August 10, 11)04. Some of these churches are still active, others are served by a supply minister and a few have been disbanded entirely.


In January, [861, .Matthias Muller, a resident of Ottawa, donated one acre of land as a site tor a church. Although the Catholics residing at Ot- tawa were identified with the parish of St. John's church at Glandorf, they had been petitioning for permission to build a church of their own. This request was granted by Bishop Rappe in 1868 and the Rev. A. Reichert, pastor of Glandorf, was commissioned to solicit subscriptions tor that ob- ject. The cornerstone for the new church was laid on June 14, 1868, but the building was not completed until 1872. It was dedicated on August 15, of that year, by Bishop Gilmour and placed under the patronage of the apos- tles, Ss. Peter and Paul. It is a handsome brick structure, fifty by one hun- dred and thirty feet, and the building alone cost approximately eighteen thousand dollars. The present line organ was purchased in 1882, at a cost uf uiie thousand eight hundred dollars. The children of the parish attended the Catholic district schools until [887, when a brick school and residence for the teachers was erected, at a cost of four thousand five hundred dollars. This is conducted by Sanguinist Sisters. I he present spacious brick pastoral residence was built in [892, under the pastorate of Father Dick, at a cost of nearly three thousand dollars.

The following Sanguinist bathers have had charge of the parish: Revs. A. Reichert and J. Marty, [868-73; Rev. F. Schalk, [873-76; Rev. C. Roess- ner, 1876-78; Rev. R. Abbrederis, 1878-83; Rev. li. Boebner, 1883-91; Rev. A. Dick, 1891-97; Rev. Bernard Russ, [897-1900 (now deceased); Rev. A.

I5KV. Mh'iiAKi. mu:u.i:k.



Dcntinger. irjcxj t<> the present time. rl"lie church property is in excellent

c |u, ,,n and rree from debt. The congregation is composed chieily of

Germans, or their descendants.


Through the untiring efforts and self-sacrificing generosity of Father fohn Otto I'redeick, the spiritual wants of the few early settlers of Ottoville wen- ministered to faithfully until his death in [858. In 1850 Father Brede- ick purchased forty acres of land and laid it out in town lots. The best were

set aside for church purposes and the rest were sold, setting aside the pro- ceeds of their sale for the benefit of the church. In i860 Rev. F. Wester- holtz, who attended Ottoville from Delphos, took up this work left off by Father Bredeick and in the fall of the same year the foundation for a new church was blessed. This was a frame structure, forty by eighty feet, and was dedicated in the spring of 1861. It was assigned to Rev. J. J. Goeb- bels, paster of the Ft. Jennings church, who had charge of it until 1864. Rev. A. T. Abel, the first resident pastor of Ottoville, had charge of it until Inlv, 1865, from which tune until June. 1866, it was attended front Ft. [ennings. The following served as resident pastors: 1866-68, Rev. II. D. Best; Rev. .Michael Muller, to January 27, 1900; Rev. II. Wichmann, to June, 1900; Rev. I. B. Merles, the present pastor, who has the distinction of be- ing the only irremovable priest in the county. The rich land around Otto- ville was a great inducement to many Catholic German farmers to become its owners, with the result that the parish grew very rapidly. Father Mul- ler, seeing the increase in wealth and size of his charge, realized that a larger and more ample church was necessary, and with this object in view, he started a subscription for the erection of a church, his call on their gener- osity being met with a ready response. The plans for a church of pure Gothic design were submitted and approved by Bishop Gilmour. The cor- nerstone was laid on June 7, 1885, by the Very Rev. Administrator Boff, and in the summer of 1888 it was completed. It was dedicated on Septem- ber 23, [888. The church is seventy-eight feet wide by one hundred and seventy feet long, and ninety feet in the transept, with two towers one hun- dred and eighty feet tall. Much taste is shown in the painting and frescoing of the pillars and groined ceiling; in fact, the whole presents a beautiful and striking appearance. It was finished at a cost of sixty thousand dollars. In 1890 a steam plant was installed in the church, at a cost of two thousand one hundred dollars. In lS<)2 a set of stations was placed in position, at a


cost hi two thousand two hundred dollars. In i S< jS the present splendid altar was placed in the church, at a cost oi three thousand dollars. The church is now fully equipped and it is needless to say thai its furnishings arc the best. In 1901 a pastoral residence was built; this is of brick' and highly in keeping with the adjacent church. In [898 an organ was installed at a cost of four thousand dollars.

st. mary's church, lkipsic.

The history oi the congregation at Leipsic dates back to about 1873, when a few Catholics began to settle here and were attended by Rev. Henry Ivaempker, of New Cleveland, from [874-78. The first church, a small frame structure, twenty-five by forty-five feet, was erected, under the di- rection of Rev. Ivaempker, in 18711. at a cost of five hundred dollars. Rev. John Bertemes served Leipsic, from New Cleveland, as a mission from Janu- ary, [889, until February, [891, when he was appointed first resident pas- tor. From [878 to [889 the congregation was attended by Revs. Joseph Rosenberg and Joseph Kyler. During Rev. Rosenberg's administration, two lots were purchased, in May, [887, to serve as a site for the prospective pastoral residence and school. The pastoral residence was built during the tunc of Rev. Kyler, at a cost oi one thousand four hundred dollars. The foundation of the large frame church was blessed on August ,}o. 1891, by the Rt. Rev. Mgr. I". M. 1'iofT, and this structure was completed in 1892, under the pastorate of Rev. Bertemes. It was dedicated on May 14, 1 8< >3 , by Bishop I lorstmann. This church is forty-five feet wide, titty-seven feet in the transept and one hundred and two feet long; the interior height is thirty-four feet and the spire is one hundred and twenty-live feet high. It has a seating capacity of six hundred when the large gallery is used, and was erected at a cost of about twelve thousand dollars. Father Bertemes organized the first parochial school, in October, 1890, and it was in charge of lav teachers until Mav 1, iN<;9, when the building was destroyed by lire. During the summer of the same year a new four-room brick building was constructed, at a cost of five thousand dollars. Three teachers are in charge of the school, which has an attendance of one hundred and five pupils. The ministers who have served the congregation since [900 are: Rev. John Baumgartner, Rev. Stephen Weber, Rev. Car] Alter, Rev. Leon l'lumanns, and the present pastor. Rev. John I!. Wendling.




The Catholics at Kaliila wore identified with St. John's parish at Glan- dorf. but as early as 186] they were desirous of having a church of their own. In the year 186] they put their desires in the form of a request, and the Rev. Joseph J. Goebbels, pastor of the Ft. Jennings congregation, made the preliminary arrangements for its erection. A lot was purchased and active work was begun on the building, hut destiny decreed that the work- ers' desires should not he granted, at least at that time, for in the same year the county seat of Putnam county was transferred from Kalida to Ottawa. This caused a great disturbance in the business interests of Kalida and quite a few of the Catholics removed to other places. In consequence of this, the unfinished structure was abandoned. Sixteen years elapsed before anything more was done towards the erection of a new church. But, in the mean- time, main Catholics had settled in and near Kabila, so that by [877 they numbered seventeen families. In [877, after they bought and paid for a fine lot m September of the previous year, they petitioned the Rev. .Michael Muller, pastor of the Ottoville church, to aid them in erecting the much-desired church, for which they also obtained Bishop Gilmour's con- sent. A subscription to the amount id' four thousand dollars was raised by Father Muller, after which active work was begun on the building, a brick edifice, forty-two by sixty-five feet. Its cornerstone was laid on June id, 1878, and the church was dedicated on December 1st of the same year, to St. Michael. The congregation was attended, alternately, from Ottoville and Ft. Jennings, on every second Sunday, until January, 1888, when the mission was placed in charge of the Sanguinist Fathers, at Glandorf. The first was Rev. Rochus Schuly, who was succeeded, in June, 1894, by the Rev. Chrysostom Hummer, who had the church greatly enlarged in 1895. Its width at present in the transept is fifty-six feet, and its length is one hun- dred and thirteen feel: the present graceful spire was also built during ba- ther Hummer's regime. About seven thousand dollars was expended on tlie enlargement of the church, the frescoing and other improvements. The ren- ovated and practically new church was dedicated on May 17, tSi)6, by Bishop I lorslmann, In September of the same year bather Hummer was succeeded by Rev. Valentine Sclurack, and, being the first resident pastor of the con- gregation. Rev. Sclurack resided at Kalida from May, io<»), until i<)<)^, when he was succeeded by the present pastor, Rev. M. Muehe. bather Schirack succeeded 111 paying off the entire eliiuch debt, besides procuring two church



hells, at a eosl ol one thousand dollars, and in the spring of the following year, iNo1 >, lie raised a subscription ol four lliousand dollars for a pastoral resilience, winch was completed in Maw 1900, at a cost of live thousand dollars. The children attended the so-called Catholic "District Schools" until recently, when a parochial school building, a two-story brick structure, was constructed at a cost of ten thousand dollars. Four Sisters of Divine Provi- dence serve the school, which has an enrollment of one hundred and seventy children. The present parish numbers nine hundred and forty-five souls. I he total value of the entire church property is approximately sixty thou- sand dollars.

st. Nicholas' church, miller city.

The present flourishing parish of Miller City was organized in 1886 by the Rev. Joseph Rosenberg, then pastor of the New Cleveland church. Nichols Noirot presented two lots for the church site and in 1887 active work was begun on a building by Father Rosenberg, which was completed in the following year under the direction of Rev. Joseph Eyler, at a cost of about two thousand dollars. St. John's parish, of Glandorf, donated four hundred dollars to the mission of Miller City and also gave the pews which were formerly used in their church. The church was dedicated on .August _>o, [888, by Mgr. F. M. Boff, V. G.v and placed under the patronage of St. Nicholas.

Before the appointment of the first resident pastor, Rev. Charles Wag- ner, m July, [899, it was attended as a mission from New Cleveland, and later from Leipsic. During the tune Rev. J. Bertemes attended Miller City from Leipsic 1 1889-99), '"-' purchased two acres of land to be used as a ceme- tery. This was blessed on June 11, [893, and, on November 30, 1896, he purchased three lots as a site for a school and pastoral residence. The pres- ent pastoral residence was built in t8yg by Father Wagner. The church was so badly damaged 1>\ lightning on September .1, l8<jK, that preparations were at once made for a new building, The cornerstone for a brick church, lifty-four by one hundred and twenty-four feet, was blessed October 28, 1900, b) lli-hop Horstmann. It is of Gothic architecture and cost twenty-three thousand dollar-. The pastors serving this charge since Father Wagner ( 1899-1903) are as follows: Rev. Widemer, (903-1913; Rev. Henry Ger- wcrt, 1913 to the present time. During the pastorate of Father Widemer a parochial resilience was built, in iw<»». at a cost of live thousand dollar-.




The spiritual wants ol the early settlers of It. Jennings were attended l)v Father Horstmann, of Glan<lorf, for many years before the town was laid i ml, services being held in private houses during that period. In 183S, Rev. T linker, pastor of the Dayton church, attended the mission ol Ft. lennings and two years later the Catholics and Protestants united and built a log house lo serve tor church and school purposes. This very unusual ar- rangement, made with the sanction ol Father Horstmann, remained in effect over fourteen years. Rev. Henry Herzog was appointed the first resident pastor in 1840, but remained less than a year. Father Horstmann then took charge of the mission and attended it until his death in February, 1843. !li> successor at Glandorf, Rev. George Bohne. also attended Ft. Jennings until 1851, when he was appointed resident pastor of the place. Upon his death, September 20, i860, it was attached to Delphos ;i^ a mission and at- tended by Rev. F. Westerholt until March, 1S01, when Rev. Joseph Goeb- lieN was appointed resident pastor; he remained until [864. I lis successors are the following: Few 11. E. llamers, 1864-66; Rev. C. Yiere, 1866-67; attended from Ottoville by M. Muller, 1867-70; L. Zumbuhl, 1870-73; C. Darbier, September, 1873, until his death August 23, [876; J. A. Michen- felder, August [876, to May, [879; G. Peter, 1879-81;). Heidegger, 1881-88; C. Braschler, [888-99; M. Arnoldi, 1899, to November 5, [914; the present incumbent, John \. Christ, became pa-tor of the church on the latter date.

lather I inline was desirous of a new church as sooli as he became resi- dent pastor in 1X51, but he did not get the second of his people until a year later, when the foundation of a brick church, forty by sixty feet, was laid. I wo years later it was completed at a cosl of two thousand dollars and on December 24, 1854, it was dedicated to St. Joseph. Although plain and without am architectural adornment, it served its purpose until the erection of the present beautiful structure. This was begun during the pastorate of lather Heidegger in the fall of 1882, and was dedicated on Ma_\ 4, 1884, h\ Ih'shop Gilmour. It is of Gothic architecture, one hundred and thirty- two feet by lifty-five feet, and the furnishings are all of white oak. It cost about twenty-one thousand dollars. A two-story frame building served as pastoral residence for a number of years. In 1899 the present brick pastoral residence was built at a cost of seven thousand dollars. The congregation at present numbers eight hundred and twent -seven.

to 2



The first Catholic place of worship in Putnam county was erected for lather Horstmann in Glandorf and on faster Sunday, March 30, 1X34, lie celebrated the first mas-, in it. It was a small house, built of hewed logs, and served as a residence for Father Horstmann and also as a chapel. By [836 the little colony of sturdy Germans had increased so that Father Horstmann's chapel would not accommodate them, and this necessitated the building of a new place of worship. The new church, a log structure, twenty-two by forty feet, and covered with split weatherboards, was built and dedicated in [837. St. John the Baptist was chosen as it > patron saint. In the same year a log school house was built and Father Horstmann served as its first teacher. The following year a log pastoral residence was built to replace the one of four years previous. Father Horstmann, whose health had begun to fail, asked Bishop Purcell for an assistant. In 1841 Rev. George Bohne was supplied. Two years later, February 21, 1843, Father Horstmann was called to his reward, bather Bohne soon began the task oi erecting a brick church. The corner stone was laid in 184!) and the en- tire parish .seconded Father Bohne in the undertaking. The building was dedicated on the first Sunday in Advent, 1848, and placed under the patronage of St. John the Baptist by Rev. A. Kunkler. The building was fifty by ninety feel and at that time was considered without an equal in northwestern Ohio. Father Bohne resigned a few months hefore the church was dedi- cated ami was transferred to Ft. Jennings. The Sanguinis! Fathers were then placed in charge oi the parish and 111 the tall ot the same year estab- lished a convent. A list ot the Sanguinist Fathers who have had charge of the Glandorf congregation follows: Revs. A. Kunkler, A. llerbstntt, M. A. Meyer, 1848-50; Rev. M. Homburger, 1850-53; Rev. A. Schelbert, 1853-58; Rev. M. A. Kramer, 1858-61; Rev. A. Reichert, 1861-74; Rev. B. Dickmann, 1874-81: Rev. M. Menk, May to October 1881; Rev. b. Nigsch, 1881-97; Rev. T. Witiiner, 1807 to January, 1914; Rev. L. Schupp, since January, [914.

In 1874, when Father Dickmann took' charge of the church at Glandorf, he realized the pressing needs ot a new church, as the present building was too small to accommodate the entire parish. In 1875 the foundation was laid and on June _'|, 1870. the cornerstone was laid by the Rev, A. Kunkler. Owing to an unforeseen delay, when the completed spire was struck by

life Ullil i#liS,M" "

ST. .lOSKIMI'N rill lirll AND I' \S'l'u|; \ I, IM'SI DKXf'K, PP. .IKNMNH



lightning, the building was nut completed until December, 1878, and was dedicated December 15, by Bishop Gilmour.

Tilt church, of pure Gothic architecture, is built of clear red brick, trimmed with sandstone, It is one hundred and seventy-five feet long and sev- enty feet wide, the width at transept being eighty-six feet; the spire is two hundred ami twenty-five feet high. The interior is very impressive and inspires a feeling oi reverence and awe. The richly-carved oak pulpit, which was ex- hibited at the World's hair at Philadelphia, cost one thousand four hundred dollars. In 1888 altars, pews, stations and statuary were added, at a cost of five thousand three hundred dollars. In 1897 a town clock and four bells were installed by Father Wittmer. The parochial residence was finished in 1904 at a cost of fourteen thousand dollars. Glandorf has an excellent school, and although it is public in name, it is in charge of the church. In 1893 a line house was built for the combined use of the organist and principal of the school. At present one lay teacher and six Sanguinist Sisters conduct the schools.

Although Glandorf parish has been dismembered three times, neverthe- less it has a strong membership of three hundred.


Iii 1861 the Kev. Sebastian Ganther organized a mission at New Cleve- land, while he was pastor of St. John's church at Glandorf. It was attended by the following pastors of Glandorf until 1873: Rev. Ganther, 1861-68; Kev. lingelber! Ruf, 1868-72, and Res'. Jacob Marie, 1872, to April, 1873, from ( ilandorf as a mission.

John W'eis donated a two-acre tract of land in 1861 as a site for a church and pastoral residence. The church was built ill the fall of the same year at a cost of one thousand seven hundred dollars and dedicated to the Holy family. This was enlarged in 1881 and at present the church is fully equipped and its furnishings are very complete. In April, 1873, Rev. Charles Barbier was appointed to take charge ol the congregation and bears the dis- tinction of being the first resident pastor. He served until March, 1874, when he was succeeded by Rev. II. Kaenipker, who served until April, 1878. The following pastors have since served the church: Rev. E. Mipelius, April. [878, to June, [880; Rev. J. Rosenberg, June 1880, to April, 1888; Rev. J. Kyler, April, 1888, to January, 1889; Kev. J. Bertemes, January, 1889, lo 1891; Uev. Aniadciis Dambach, 1891,1905; Albert Cerup, 1905- 13


[914; A. I\. Noltia, H)i4. in present time. Tin- first parochial residence was huilt by Father Barbicr in 1X7,^ at a cost ui one thousand dollars. In 1906 Father Cerup built the present parochial residence at a cost of eight thousand dollars. Three years later a frame parish school was erected on a lot (ppposile the church, and placed in charge ol the Sisters ol St. Francis, who conducted it until 1889. At present the children attend the Catholic district schools.

st. Joseph's mission church, north creek.

The Catholic families of North Creek, prior to the year 1889, were desirous of having a church of their own, as they found it difficult to at- tend mass at New Bavaria, with which parish they were identified. They made their desire known to Bishop Gilmour ami he acceded to their wish in April, [887. Three acres oi land were donated by Ferdinand Ball as a site tor the proposed church. The church buildmg was a frame structure and cost one thousand two hundred dollars. The Ft. Jennings church donated the altar and a supply ot vestments and the Glandorf congregation donated the pews. Hut tor more than a year they were without the services of a priest, owing to a shortage, and the little church was not used for its sacred purpose. The people who had made the sacrifices were obliged, therefore, to continue their affiliations with the parish of New Bavaria. But their desires were soon realized anil in January, [889, the resident pastor of llol- gate was directed to attend the mission. In March, 1890, the llolgate pastor was removed to Toledo and the mission was again without the services of a pastor. Again, in June of the same year, it was attached to Holgate and has been attended monthly from the place since that time.

st. Barbara's church, cloverdale.

'The Cloverdale congregation is an outgrowth of the Ottoville parish and consisted at first of only ten Catholic families. 'The surrounding coun- try is settled largely by prosperous German Catholic farmers, who form the principal membership of the congregation. In order to obviate the neces- sity ol going to Ottoville, seven miles distant, the farmers petitioned Bishop llorstmanu lor permission to erect a church for themselves. 'This permis- sion was granted as soon as they gave evidence of their ability to build and pay lor the desired church. This was done 111 January, 1895, and the Rev. Michael Mueller, pastor ol Ottoville, was commissioned to secure a proper



site in servo for .1 church, school ;ind |);islor;il residence. A thrcc-acrc Iract hi land was bought and in llie siunnier oi iN<)N a frame clinrcli, forty l>y ninety feet in size, was luiilt at a cost oi live thousand dollars. Jt was dedi- cated in August nt the same year to St. Barbara. For two years Cloverdale was attended from Ottoville ever) Sunday as a mission by Father Mueller, assisted liv Rev. Henry Wichmann, Father Wichmann was appointed resi- dent pastor iif Cloverdale in June, igoo, and in the fall of the same year he had a residence built at a cost of about three thousand dollars. The parish numbers about eighty-five families at present. The school children are ac- commodated by the Catholic district schools, a regular parochial school be- ing impracticable, as the children live too far from the church. In 1903-04 lather Wichmann succeeded in erecting a brick school building at a cost of twelve thousand dollars. Four teachers serve the school, which has an at- tendance of one hundred and eighty pupils.



Iii writing' the history of Putnam county it is but meet that its newspa- pers receive specific mention, as they were not only among its first enter- prises, but aided greatly in the development of the county. They have given the general news on almost every subject of a public nature and have been prone to comment in a fearless manner upon public events.

Before the Civil War there were hut few daily papers in existence in this state, and they were nut taken by the people generally, as the mail facilities were such that a daily paper would not reach the people here until at least a week after its publication.

fn the early history of this part of the state a number of newspapers were started, nut only to promote the development of the various counties, but to promulgate political opinions as well. As the counties were formed their political complexion was in doubt and the partisans of both the Demo- cratic and \\ big parties, the leading political organizations of that time, were anxious to obtain the ascendency. The general politics of that time in this part ol the state showed a tendency toward Democracy. Whenever a Demo- cratic paper was started, the Whigs, it" they had the political strength, started a paper in opposition, to advocate their principles.

I'artyisin in those days, as between the Democrats and Whigs, was ver\ intense and political questions were argued with a bitterness of feeling that does nul now exisl among political parties.

Among the county newspapers published in this part of the State before the Civil War were the Kalida Venture, in this county; the Defiance Demo- crat and the Defiance Banner, at Defiance; the Hancock Courier, at Findlay; the Western Umpire, at St. Marys; the Lima Argus and the Lima Reporter, at Lima; the Section 10 Budget and the Delphos Oracle, at Delphos; the l:ulton Democrat, at ( Ulokce, and possibly one or two other papers.

In those days the successful publication of a county paper was a prob- lem difficult of solution. While the subscription price was twice as much as that of the papers of Unlay, the circulation of the papers was very limited and the patronage equally limited in the way of advertising. The art of ad-


vertising was only in its infancy, for what is now known as commercial or business advertising was scarcely Known ami such an advertisement would have been a novelty. The only advertising of the kind was that of patent medicines, the proprietors of which were certainly the pioneers in business advertising. The great revenue and the main support for the newspapers then was what is known as "legal notices," and the great amount of them requiring publication afforded a revenue to the publisher sufficient to keep his newspaper afloat for the entire year. Notices of foreclosure, sheriff's sales, cases in chancery, road notices, etc., were numerous and filled many columns of the newspaper, in those days what is known as the delinquent and forfeited land lists, which required publication, was a great source of revenue to the printer, the list making from three to four pages of the paper and was considered as a bonanza by the papers which published it.

In those days the county newspaper had to cover considerable ground in its make-up. It had to give its readers literary matter, articles on scien- tific subjects, historical matter, natural history and much pertaining to the arts and sciences, as books were scarce and the masses of the people unable to purchase them. The proceedings of Congress and State Legislatures were published at length and the editorials were principally devoted to politics and the discussion of public and party questions. Considerable attention was also given to foreign news upon the arrival of steamships from foreign countries.

This fact no doubt had a bearing upon the subject matter which ap- peared in the county papers of that time, as ihev were compelled to keep their readers informed in regard to matters ot state, and to express the views of the editor upon all issues of a public nature. In this respect the county papers filled the wants of the people, who at the time were greatly interested in such matters. The county paper in those days was certainly ably edited, as much ability was displayed in the articles of its editor. However, if the newspaper of today was each week filled with the same kind of reading mat- ter as then published, its circulation would be very limited. But it was what the people of that day wanted and they were satisfied.

There was scarcely a reference to local events and only things of more than ordinary import were mentioned, and the\' in a very brief manner, ex- cept in a cases of murder or fatal accidents.

The county newspapers ot ante-bellum days were very different in many respects from those ot today. The paper upon which it was printed was made entirely of rags anil was of excellent quality. The type used was much better than that of today, and would last fixt times as long, even if it


was run on a power press. The old hand press did not injure the type by impression like the modern presses, and the type produced a clear and clean impression, even if the appliances for inking it were very crude anil simple. 1 hen, ton, money was a scarce commodity iu ante-bellum days and the newspaper publisher was compelled to take anything he could use in payment on subscriptions or advertising. For this reason, wolf scalps, raccoon skins, corn, pork, chickens, eggs, stove wood, dried apples, ami scores of other mis- cellaneous products were gladly received by the editor.


The first newspaper of I'ulnani county was very appropriately called the Kalida I etiture and it does nut take a vivid imagination to figure out why the editor chose such a name. The venturesome editor was Francis Gil- lette, who at the same lime eked out a livelihood by practicing law in the county seal. From the time of the first issue, February 20, 1841, Putnam county has not been without at least one paper, although the editors have undoubtedly often had a hard time to make both ends meet. The Hies of this Venture have not been preserved and the dates of changes in ownership are difficult to trace. However, the succeeding owners are known and are given in t lie order in which they had charge of the paper.

Gillette was evidently not a success as a newspaper man, tor within a short time he disposed of the paper to Horace Knapp, later the author of the "History of the Maumee Valley." Knapp struggled with the Venture until 1845, when James McKenzie, a prominent lawyer of Kalida, undertook to add editorial duties to his legal practice. This disciple of Blackstone must have been a man of ability, since he continued as owner and editor of the paper until 1854. At that lime lie was succeeded by Luther Wolf, and subse- quently John Dixon became the sole owner and editor and so continued un- til the county seat was moved to Ottawa in 1866. Just when Dixon moved his plant to the new county seat is not known, but it appears to have been In 1865 or the year following. With the change of location went a change of name and the Venture appears in Ottawa as the Citizen. The change of location and name seemed to have been too severe a shock, and the newly- born Citizen soon breathed its last.



In 1865 the Kalida Sentinel was established by Elani Day. As the name indicates, it was a Democratic 'sheet. Just why the name Sentinel was early appropriated by Democratic editors will probably always remain a mystery, but it is safe to say that every paper bearing the name has been of that po- litical persuasion. As in the case of the Venture, the files of the Sentinel are missing and consequently exact dates are not available. Day was succeeded after a short time by Luther Wolf, who, in turn, was succeeded by Levi G. Lee. The paper must have been unprofitable, if frequent changes in owner- ship are any indication of the success of the enterprise. Lee evidently re- mained at the head of the paper only a short time, since it is known that M. G. Gillette was editing the paper during the Civil War.

At the close of the war, presumably at the time the county seat was changed to Ottawa, the Sentinel was moved by Gillette from Kalida to Ot- tawa and rechristened the Putnam County Sentinel, a name which it has now borne for half a century. Upon the removal, there was a change in ownership, Gillette taking in as partners Stephen Godfrey and Leonard Mil- ler. Miller was intrusted with the editorial management and remained in this capacity until some time in [866, when he retired from the newspaper liusiness, Godfrey and Gillette continuing the paper until 1867.

In [une, 1867, George D. Kinder purchased Godfrey's interest in the Sentinel and a year later secured the interest of Gillette, thereby becoming the sole owner. Mr. Kinder continued as editor and proprietor for a period of thirtv-live years and during his long connection with it built up a newspa- per medium which took high rank among the papers of the state. In 1900 Mr. Kinder decided to lav aside the cares of the editorial chair and sold his paper to a si,,ek company. A stock company, with some changes in stock- holders, has Keen in charge of the paper down to the present time, although it has had several changes in the editorial management. In 1913 A. P. San- dles became the managing editor and has since continued to serve in that capacilv. While Mr. Kinder has no financial interest in the Sentinel, he still retains his chair in the office of the paper and has assisted in the pub- lication of practically every issue for the past fifteen years with the excep- ti.m of the four rears he spent in the treasurer's office. The love for his old paper keeps him in close touch with the business and the probability is that the Sentinel will continue to bear the impress of his individuality as long as he lives. hew men in the state have been connected with the newspaper



business longer than Mr. Kinder and still fewer have made as pronounced success in this line of activity.


Der Demokrat was established at Ottawa in 1887 by C. W. Bente. He remained in charge of the paper until September, 1890, when he sold it to Henry Holterman. A year later Mr. Holterman disposed of the paper to Carl Wohlfarth, who was sole owner and editor until .May, 1892, at which time he sold a half interest in the paper to 11. F. Rauh. The new firm was known as the Demokrat Publishing Company and continued in charge of the paper until .March 4, 1893. On that date Mr. Rauh bought the plant at receiver's sale and at once made plans to place the paper on a sound finan- cial basis. lie succeeded beyond bis expectations and within a short time it was enjoying a large circulation and advertising patronage and became one ot the leading German publications of the Northwest. Mr. Rauh has now been in charge of the paper for nearly a quarter of a century and has built up a circulation which extends far beyond the limits of Putnam county.


During the Civil War, in [862 or 1863, John M. McFJroy, now editor of the National Tribune of Washington, D. C, started a paper in Ottawa which he called the Telegram, but, for reasons not known, it was destined to live tor only a short time. McElroy soon disposed of the paper to Jacob S. Poster, who struggled with the wavering sheet a few months and then discontinued it.


The Ottawa. Gazette was founded 111 September. 1881. by C. L'H. Long, who retained his connection with the paper for a few years and then disposed of it to George Bassett. The new proprietor continued in charge but about six months anil then sold it to [loffa & Vale, the new proprietors managing the paper until the spring of 1803. In that year C. P. Godfrey became the owner and ran tile paper until about it)oi. lie was succeeded by J. II. I. etcher and alter struggling for a few years with the sheet he sold it to K. P. Walkup, who continued as owner and editor until 1913. At that time a stock company was organized to take over the paper. This stock company was composed ,if the following persons: J. I'. Leisure, (can 1'.


Vale, G. A. Stauffer, L. E. Eastman, Angela Eastman, A. Graham, D. R. Jenkins, Sr., II. I. ami E. M. Kahle, Samuel Burkholder, William Rimer, Guy K. Coit ami Charles Veach. Jean 1'. Vale was made editor and man- ager and continued in this double capacity until April 26, 1 9 1 5 . She then retired from the paper and the editorial management was assumed by G. A. Stauffer, while li. II. Spider became the business manager. At the same time I.. E. Eastman became the secretary of the hoard of directors.


The Lcipsic Free Press was established on September 13, 1878, by W. W. Smith, who remained the proprietor and editor until his death, on Febru- ary 14. t<)!-'- I'or many years he issued it as a semi-weekly. After his death his son, George I'"., assumed charge of the paper and still continues as editor.


The Leipsic Tribune was founded in 1891 by Pratt Kline. He was succeeded by II. F. Wendle, who retained connection with the paper as pro- prietor and editor for a number of years and then disposed of it to VV. II. Holderman, the present editor.


There have been at least two other papers published at Columbus Grove the Record and the Clipper, hut neither paper had more than an ephemeral existence. The Clipper was founded by F S. Kline in 1893 and lived a more or less precarious existence for about three years.


The Kalida Record was established in the nineties by E. J. Bolerjack, who was succeeded by \Y. N. Curtiss, the present owner and editor. Curtiss- also printed the Ottoznllc Leader, a weekly paper devoted to Ottoville news and advertising, from December, 1912, to .March, 1915.


J. R. Swaney founded the Pandora Times in 1899 and conducted it for two years. In [901 A. J. Stevens purchased the paper, hut a few months-

JOJ l't TXAM llll'NTV, Oil in.

later disposed of it lo I >. I!. Uasingcr, the present owner and editor. Mr. liasinger also issues from his press the Missionary Worker, a semi-monthly publication, ami the Bacschaftcr, a monthly German paper.

C( ) N II N K NT A I. U NIC) N-N E US.

The Continental Union-News was started several years ago and was eventually disposed of to I. II. Hartman, who has been the editor since that time. Since he has the only paper in the town, he has made a financial success.


The files of the / "uictte are in very poor shape and many of the numbers are missing entirely, consequently the early history of the paper is hard to get. The I'idette was founded in i S 7 ^ by \V. t '. Tinge, but just how long he continued to edit the paper cannot he ascertained, nor who became his successor. The following is as complete a list of the editors as could be secured :

Edward 1-. Voit. 1897-1902; Truman W Varcan. 10,03- 11)04; Mrs. Jean P. Vale. September 16, t904-November [8, 1904; II. B. Cartwright, X'ovember 18, 1004-May 12, rgos; A. K. Pversol, May 12, 1905-September 14. 1906; .Mrs. J. P. Vale and Prank p.. Ward. September 14, [906-1907; Prank P. Ward, [907-October 1. 1914; VV. II. Holderman, October 1. 1014. to the present time.


The Ottoiille Tri-County Nexvs was established in 1906 by Mr. Pluhart, a newspaper man who had been conducting a paper at Continental. The first issue lit the paper was printed in Continental, hut all ol his succeeding issues were printed m Ottoville. Pluhart purchased a job printing outht of C. B. Wannemacher, of Ottoville, in [906, which Wannemacher had been operating since March, [904. Fluhart's paper gave special attention to the news of Putnam, Van Wert and Paulding counties, hence the name of Tri-Coitnty A'iTi .v. A few years later, Pluhart sold the paper to Thomas Siebold, who continued it under the old name until about I9IO. In that year he mined the plant to Middlepoint, Ohio, where he is Mill in the newspaper business.




After the Tri-County Nezvs was discontinued, C. B. Wannemacher bought a good newspaper plant and in July, 1910, issued the fir^t number uf the Ottoville Leader. He printed the paper regularly until July 28, 1911, when he issued his last number (Vol. II, No. 53). Shortly afterwards, Wannemacher disposed of his plant to \V. X. Curtiss, who sold the press and part of the equipment, and installed the rest of it in the office of the Kalida Record, of which he was the owner and editor. In December, [912, Curtiss began to issue the Ottoville Leader from the press of the Record in Kalida and continued to do so until the spring of [915, when he discontinued it. At the present time Ottoville is without a paper, although the Kalida Record devotes one page each week to Ottoville news and advertising.




The First National Bank of Ottawa was organized in 1903 with the following officers : 1). X. Powell, president; S. F. DeFord, vice-president; William Annesser, cashier. This is the only national hank in Putnam county.

After twelve years of steadily increasing business, the hank issued the following statement: Capital stock. $25,000; deposits, $250,000; surplus, $4,200. The management of the hank has always been conservative and economical. The present officers are as follows: David N. Powell, presi- dent; S. I-'. DeFord, vice-president; William Annesser, second vice-presi- dent; J. C. Jones, cashier; William Annesser, S. F, DeFord, F. W. Hoffman, J. C. Jones, James A. Maidlow, L. N. Welde, D. X. Powell, directors.


The Rank of Ottawa was originally organized as a private hank by I. IT.

Kahle, Dr. W. F. Reed and W. I!. Harper, Jr., on July 10, 1894, It con- tinued to operate as a private bank until November 26, 1904, when it was incorporated under the laws of the state of Ohio, and has continued to oper- ate as a state hank since that date.

The first officers were; Dr. W. F. Reed, [(resident; I. II. Kahle, vice- president; W. II. Harper, cashier. The present officers are: M. A. Kahle, president; J. W. Smith, vice-president; F, (i. Kahle, cashier; G. W. Kahle, assistant cashier; Albert Kahle, assistant cashier. It has a capital stock of $25,000, with deposits amounting to $550,000 and a surplus of $6,000.

'Ibis is the oldest slate hank in Putnam county ami has the largest de- posits ol any hank, cither stale or national, in the county. This hank has long been recognized as one of the most popular banking institutions in this section of Ohio, This is largely due to [lie conservative methods which the hank has al all limes employed and to the fact that al the same time it has extended to iis customers every courtesy consistent with conservative hanking.




The Continental Bank was organized in [890, with the following of- ficers: J. II. Edwards, president; VV. VV. Edwards, vice-president; I. N. Bushong, cashier. I his hank is unincorporated and at present the lia- bilities amount to $1,000,000.

The first hank building was destroyed by tire on June 8, 1912, and the present beautiful structure was erected the following year. The bank opened up for business in its new, modern, lire- and bnrglar-proof quarters, which were on the south side <>f the railroad tracks, in October, 1913. The present officers are: J. II. Edwards, president; I. N. Bushong, vice-president; C. P. Palmer, cashier.

The Continental Bank has done an extensive real estate, mortgage and loan business and at the present time has more mortgages and loans in Put- nam county than any other banking linn. Every year has shown a marked increase in the business of this hank.


The farmers State and Savings Bank oi Continental was organized in 1913 and opened for business 011 January 31, 1014, with a capital stock of $25,000. The officers are: C. E. Wright, president; A. [. Mullet, vice- president; C. K. Blauvelt, cashier. A new building is in process of con- struction, at a cost ol fifteen thousand dollars, and bids fair In he the best hank building in the county. Seventy-five of the best citizens of the county are stockholders. Its deposits are $125,000, with a surplus of $1,000, and at the end of only fifteen months' business its resources amounted to over $153,000. This promises lo he one of the strong financial institutions of the county.


The Relmore Banking Company, of Behnore, was organized in 1908. I he present officers are: I). Ensininger, president; .\'. Speaker, vice-presi- dent: T. J. Veach, cashier. This banking company has a capital stuck of $12,500 and deposits amounting to $85,000.



in k ii \.\k ()!•' i i.irsir.

The Bank of Leipsic was organized in t888. It is a private bank, with the following stockholders: J. II. Edwards, I. X. Bushong, E. C. Edwards, \V. \V. Edwards' estate, John Edwards' estate, E. I). Rosenberger, Ruth [.esle, Mac E. rainier, Lncile M. Spencer, I -"loss E. Clossun, O. P. Edwards, T. C. Edwards, S. E. Edwards, \V. E. Edwards, Lillian 1). Emery. J. 11. Edwards is president, and I'. 1). Rosenherger, cashier of the hank.


The People's Rank Company of Columbus Grove was organized in iNo_'. This hank is one of the oldest in the county and has been under the same management for twenty-three years. It has an authorized capital stock of $(m, in )o and deposits ot $4.50,000, with surplus and prolits <d $15,000. The present officers are: William Rasinger, president; L. J. Lemley, vice- president: |. \\ . Core, cashier. It has had a steadily-increasing business ever since it was founded, and though there have been tunes when the country finances were not the best, still this hank has come through it all unscathed. The Vaughnsville Ranking Company is a branch of the People's Rank- ing Company of Columbus Grove.


The People's Bank Company o! Kalida was organized in 1899. The present officers are: Joseph Kahle, president; Eclson Seitz, vice-president; Charles A. Borman, cashier. The capital stock at present is $25,000. The deposits aggregate $180,000, with a surplus of $1,250.


The Farmers Rank" Company of Pandora was organized in [900 and has had a steady growth since that tune. The figures of this hank give the hest insight into its history and management: Capital stock, $25,000; deposits. $181 ,<>o< i..|N ; surplus, $0,500; resources, $259,774.91.

The present officers are: David kisser, president; Albert Schnltz, vice- president; I '. A. Amstulz, cashier; VV. M. kisser, secretary; Henry Gris- morc, treasurer.



The Belmore Banking Company was chartered April 1, 1907. The first officers were: (1. G. Dennett, president; J. \Y. Swickard, vice-presi- dent; C. R. Blauvelt, cashier; G. G. Bennett, C. R. Blauvelt, J. W. Swick- ard and Ford II. Lanning, directors. The capital paid in is $12,500. This hanking company, although still young, has had a very nice business. The present officers are: 1). Ensminger, president; X. Speaker, vice-president; T. J. Veitch, cashier; J. V. Knoxe, N. Speaker, R. J. George, D. Ens- minger, C. 11. Stone, Mrs. James Robinson and Mrs. J. VV. VVingate, directors.


The Ottoville Hanking Company was incorporated under the laws of the state of Ohio, October _'4. 1903, with the following incorporators: F.

|. Maehlmann, John J. Miller, J. C. Wannemacher and Alpheus A. Roth. The first officers were C. J. Wannemacher, president; John J. Miller, vice- president; I'. J. Maehlmann, cashier; Andrew Yocklin, Alpheus A Roth, Edward G. Odemveller, J. 11. Wannemacher, John J. Miller, J. C. Wanne- macher and F. J. Maehlmann, directors. The hank was opened for busi- ness, February 1, 1904, with a capital stock and surplus of $40,000. The present officers are: J. C. Wannemacher, president; John J. Miller, vice- president; !•'. J. Maehlmann, cashier; Edith Maehlmann, assistant cashier; Benedict Wannemacher, John II. Wannemacher, John J. Miller, J. C. Wan- nemacher, and F. J. Maehlmann, directors.


The Ottawa Home and Savings .Association was organized on July 28, [888, with an authorized capital of $1,000,000. The purpose of this asso- ciation was the raising of money, to be loaned to its members and others, for the purpose of buying lots and building, making repairs and such other purposes as are authorized by law. Loans are made exclusively on first mortgages on real estate. The secretary and treasurer are under heavy bonds, and all officers are amenable to the state, under the criminal law, to act in good faith. The loans are made in small sums and the most rigid rules are enforced for the protection of all concerned; no loans are made ouisidc the limits of I'uiiiam county. I be first officers were: W. W. kcllv. president; If II I'roekmati, vice-president; Georgy C. Williams,


George D. I lamden, Calvin P. Godfrey, comniittec on securities; O. II. Odell, II. W. Sclunitsclnille; E K. K.aslman, secretary; John E. Cover, Lreasurcr; William C. <i. Krauss, attorney. The present officers are: J. S. Ogan, president; II. W. Schmitschulte, vice-president; L. E. Eastman, sec- retary; E. R. Eastman, attorney; directors, J. S. Ogan, II. W. Schmit- schulte, Dr. Paul P. Sherwood, Herman Wise, George J. Keinath, George II Kinder, George ( '. Williams. Membership is free to any resident of this count)'. At present the assets amount to approximately $245,000, and the depositors receive from five to six per cent annually, contingent upon their earnings.


The Palmer Township Mutual Fire Insurance Association was organ- ized on December 8, 1888, having received from the secretary of state a certificate of incorporation on tins date. On January 12, 1889, the incor- porators held a meeting at school house number 2 in Palmer township, for the purpose of electing officers and adopting the constitution and by-laws for the association, according to law. The following officers were elected: William Schafer, president; John Williams, clerk or secretary; Victor Noi- rot, treasurer; J. N. Frankart, J. P. Ivigg and Henry Ilomire, directors, 'fhe purpose of this association is to insure farm property against loss by lire, lightning and wind storms, 'fhe membership at present numbers one thousand two hundred and the mutual risks in force amount to over $3,250,000. "fhe present officers are: R. R. Oliver, president; Henry P. Schafer, secretary; Michael Williams, treasurer; Victor Noirot, Hanry Stu- ben, C. E. Wight, Ed P. Quaintance and J. (i. Yetter, directors, 'fhe terri- tory comprises fourteen townships: seven in Putnam county, three in Paulding county, two in Defiance county and two in Henry count)-.


'I he German Mutual Insurance Association, of Glandorf, was organized in iJSjiS. It was the first mutual lire insurance association organized in the county, 'fhe purpose of this association was to insure against loss by lire, lightning and storms. There are eight hundred ami ninety policies in force at the present time and the risks at present amount to $2,080,000. 'fhe present officers are: William Gulker, president; J. W. Ilalker, secre- tary; August f'iahcr, treasurer; Joseph Sliclincluilte, P. W. Schwester and Ji iseph ( ierdeman, directors.



The Putnam County German Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company was founded on September 19, 1 S< > 5 . E. B. Mphans served as the first presi- dent: I'.. A. Rulie, secretary; Frank Recker, treasurer; William Kohls, ( ;. 1!. Moening and Henry E. Hermiller, directors. The purpose of this organi- tion was to insure property against loss through lire, lightning and storm; also to insure live stock against fire and lightning. Mutual assessments are made only when losses accrue and an assessment of five cents on the one hun- dred dollars capital paid into the treasury each year is made for current exj icnses and fees of officers. The membership at present numbers two hundred and fifty, with a capital stock of $710,000. The officers at present are: Joseph Hotnire, president; Jodokus Smitz, secretary; Frank I lohenhrink, treasurer: Joseph Brickner, I'.. Utendorf and 1'.. Gerdeman, directors.


The Exchange I'.ank of Columbus Grove was established in 1873 by Simon Mapel and others. Several years afterwards, \V. T. Mapel took possession and continued the business until about [893, when Wilson Martin and |. M. Crawford hought his interests. In a short time .1 partnership was formed by J. M. Crawford, 1'.. F. Seitz, Sr., W. L. Crawford and F. E. rainier, and the officers were: J. M. Crawford, president; P>. F. Seitz, Sr., vice-president; W. L. Crawford, cashier: F. E. Palmer, assistant cashier. This organization continued until W. L. Crawford died, in 1907, when Mr. I'alnier became cashier, and W. M. Crawford, assistant cashier.

In December, 1910, Mr. I'alnier sold his interests to A. M. Heidlcbaugh, who became vice-president, and W. M. Craw ford was elected cashier. After the death of J. M, Crawford, on May -'-'. 191 1. B. F. Seitz, Sr., was elected president.

During lanuarv, 1014, Isaac Campbell, I ). C. Campbell and F. R. Mason purchased the interest formerly owned by W. P. Crawford and this organiza- tion continued until September, 1(114, when (he hank was incorporated, witli the capital increased to thirty thousand dollars, Homer R. Day, Henry Cup]i and James J. Kissell becoming stockholders. Early in the present year, 1015, Dr. W. II. Begg and other stockholders bought the interests of Isaac Campbell and F. R. Mason. The present directors are: Homer R. Day, D. C. Campbell, Henry Cupp, B. F. Seitz, Sr., A. M. Heidlebaugli and W. M.

1 I


Crawford. The officers arc: A. M. I leidlebaugh, president; 11. F. Seitz, Sr., vice-president, and \V. M. Crawford, cashier.


The Glandorf German Building and Loan Company was organized in i8'87 by the following citizens, of Glandorf: J. II. Uphaus, William Alte- kruse, J. W. Halker, Joseph Horstmann, Francis Nigsch, 1. 11. Kahle, Will- iam Rampe, Sr., Joseph Winkelmann, Joseph Nienberg and William F. Hoff- man.

The state of Ohio granted the charter for the incorporation of this company under its laws, September -'4, 1SS7. This was the first building and lean company formed 111 Putnam county. The purpose of this company was the raising of money, which was to he loaned among its members. The prosperity ol this company was assured from the start and the shares of stock were always in demand.

'I his company was first organized with a capital stock of $250,000, which was divided into 1,000 shares of $250 each. These shares were sold to residents of the county only. As evidence of the rapid growth of the company, the capital stock was raised to $1,000,000.

The present officers are: J. W. Halker, president; F. W'. Hoffman, treasurer; li. A. Xienherg, secretary; l!. A. L'nverferth, attorney; |. VV. Halker, If A. Nienberg, Theodore Deters, .Matthias Kerner, F. VV. Hoff- mann, G. 11. L'phous, J. II. Kleinan, !•'. W. Schroeder, Theodore Heckman, I'. A. Misser and John Merschmann, directors.

fhe money for loan was always in such demand tint it was let out at auction and went to the highest bidder, 'fhe records show where this has reached as much as thirty-three cents premium and, in one instance, forty cent- premium on the share of two hundred and fifty dollars and this was paid besides the regular six per cent interest.

The present status of the business is on a linn basis, although with the coming of the banks the rates of interest were cut down, 'fhe first officers were J. II. Uphaus, president; Dr. A. Borman, vice-president; II. F. Rauh, first secretary: William Altekruse, second secretary; [oseph Xienherg, treasurer; William Rampe, Sr., J. W. Halker, Ignatius Kahle. Henry Wort- koetter, Joseph Kersting ami John Smith, directors.

An interesting fact is noted concerning the minutes of the meetings and the early records, 'fhe early rerords were written in German script, hut in 1005 they were changed to Fnglish, as the inspector could not read German.


The minutes of this company arc all in a good state of preservation and show the careful and business-like methods of the organization.


The Farmers Mutual Aid Association of Ottoville was incorporated on February 23, 1904, and commenced business on July 2, of the same year. The first officers of the incorporation were as follows: President, Max

Winkelmaii ; secretary, George Altenburger; treasurer. Anton Hoehn; direct- ors. John H. Wannemacher, A. J. Vocklin, Joseph Miehls, Charles F. Henry and I Iciirv ( liesken.

The company's charter does not limit its territory, although all the policies are held in the counties of Putnam, Van Wert, Paulding and Allen, hire insurance in the company covers all losses by both fire and lightning, whether on farm property, in the shape of dwellings or harns. or on live stock. All losses are covered by assessments, which may he made at the discretion of the directors. The success of the companv has been remarkable from the start. The last annual statement of the secretary, George Altenburger, on December 31, [914, shows that the company has 813 risks in force, with a gross amount of policies totaling $2. IN 1 .4 1 2.00. The total losses in 1014 amounted to $250.13, of which $129 was lire loss and $121.13, '"sS by lightning. From the beginning ol its existence down to the end of 1914, the company has only paid out $17,566.76 for losses, thus demonstrating that insurance in the company has cost the policy-holders less than one per cent on the hundred. This is sufficient reason why the company has met with such success and is proof that its future success is assured.

The present officers are as follows: President. \V. T. Remlinger; secre- tary. George Altenburger; treasurer, Charles Rekart; directors, John II. Wannemacher. Joseph Miehls, William Schlagbaum, William Stretker and D. F. Miller.


The Peoples Bank was organized in 1892 by G. W. (ore. with Chris- tian Kasinger, I., J. Lemley, Lewis Lemley and David Core as partners, ( hristian liasinger being president; I.. J. Lemley. vice-president, and ( i. \V. (ore, cashier. Later David (ore retired from the partnership and the bank was operated as a private hank until iyo6, when a charier was taken out under stale law, with .111 authorized capital of sixty thousand dollars. In 190*9 a branch hank was established ai Vaughnsville. In 1914 Christian liasinger was succeeded as president by his son, William. G. W . (ore, cashier, is the active manager of ihe hank.




Ottawa Lodge No. ^-'5. Free ami .Accepted Masons, was chartered on October i<>, [860, at Ottawa, Ohio. Its charter members were John I'. Simons, Elias Farabee, I.. Swazey, C. Ewing, C. M. Godfrey, J. I.. Olney, George Morehead, C. J. Mann, A. Budd, William Lowry, William Robinson, Isaac Allen. Jacob Lentzy, Mutter Powell, T. I£. Paul, J. S. Conine, 11. V, Watts and George Springer. J. I.. Olney is the only charier member now li\ ing.

The following members have served the lodge as past masters: C. M. Godfrey, II. \. Watts. L, W. Aloe, C. J. Swan, J, L'll. Long, X. E. Mat- thews, II. M. Summers, J, W. Brown, J. J. Zeller, C. E. Row, A. L. Paul, W. II. Loy, E, R. Eastman, A. R. Sandles, S. F. DeFord, J. W. Smith, Her- man Wise, I '. R. Sherwood and F. M. Ackerman.

I he membership at present numbers one hundred and thirty-six. The officers are: W. I\. Deck", worshipful master; L. E. Eastman, senior war- den; Ralph U. Hall, junior warden; Herman Wise, treasurer, and A. Gra- ham, secretary.


Ottawa Chapter No. 115. Royal Arch Masons, was chartered on Octo- ber 10, 1869, w'tn tne following charter members: J. L'll. Long, L. W. Moe, Elias W. Green, Charles Schimpff, C. M. Godfrey, W. F. Reed, C. J. Swan, I). X. McCullough, A. J. Taylor, J. R. Sprague, Alexander Slem- nions, Jacob Werner and Anderson Reeder.

The high priests who have served the chapter up to the present time are: J. L'll. Ron-, ( '. J. Swan, T. 1) Campbell, C. E. Row, Joseph Justice, A. L. Raul, F. M. Ackerman, X. E. Matthews, W. II. Roy, C. II. Rice. S. F. De- Ford, (i. R. Jones, |. W. Smith, V M. Hcidlebaugh, E. V. Burns and C. W. Foglc.

Ilie present membership numbers one hundred and eighty-seven. The



present officers arc: Charles ( '. I "ass, high priest; J. \V. Uruwn, king; Her- nial] McDougle, scribe; Herman Wise, treasurer; A. Graham, secretary.


Putnam Council No. 69, Royal and Select Masters, was chartered on March [3, 1879, with the following charter members: J. L'H. Long, II. N. Gessells, X. K. Matthews. G. D. Kinder, L. W. Moe, \V. F. Reed, A. Reeder, J. B. Sprague and J I. C. Sherrard.

I lie following have served the council as thrice illustrious master: J. L'H. Long, X. E. Matthews. A. L. I'aul, E. L. Prey, Joseph Justice, F. M. Ackennan, \V. 11. Loy, S. F. DeFord, W. S. Zeller, J. W. Brown, W. 11. Handy, J. \V. Smith and E. R, Eastman.

I he present officers are Herman McDougle, thrice illustrious master; I'.. \. Burns, deputy master: ( harles C, lass, principal conductor of work; Herman Wise, treasurer, and A. Graham, recorder. The membership num- bers one hundred and sixty-five.


Rufus Putnam Lodge No. 364, Free and Accepted Masons, at Columbus Grove, was chartered on May 26, [866. The following were charter mem- bers: E. W. Greene, John Sheets, Allen Edmonds, S. Sanders, A. Reeder, \V. L. Ilartly. J. I!. Sprague, II. II. Gessell, William Onem and J. B. Fru- chey. Of these ten charter members, only two survive, II. H. Gessell and Allen Edmunds. Orren Curtis hears the distinction of being the first wor- shipful master.. The membership at present numbers one hundred and thir- ty-two.


April 25, 1907, was the eighty-eighth anniversary of Odd Fellowship. On April 25. 1819, five men met in Baltimore, Maryland, and organized what now numbers a membership of over a million people. This lodge was named the Independent Order of < h\>\ Fellows, and one hundred thousand members ol the order are now connected with the lodges in Ohio alone.

Blanchard Lodge is the oldest lodge in Putnam county, having been in- stituted on June _>, 1855. Up to the annual meeting of the grand lodge, in May, [qo6, this lodge had initiated two hundred and fifty-three members, and over four thousand live hundred dollars had been paid to members as


sick benefits, two hundred and forty-five dollars and fifty-five cents devoted to the relief of widow-, ami orphans and eight hundred and fifty-one dollars and twenty-seven cents expended tor charity. The lodge now has a member- ship of seventy-five and eight other lodges have been organized in the county since Blanchard Lodge was first organized. In July, 1864, the lodge pur- chased the lm upon which its temple now stands, and the elegant structure was erected a tew years ago.


Gilboa Lodge -No. 451), Independent Order of Odd Fellows, was char- tered on August 8, [870. The names of the charter members cannot he given, as the lodge room was destroyed by lire on August 8, 1X75, and all the records were destroyed. A new charter was granted on December 23, 1876. The membership numbered seventy-two on January 1, 1915, of which number forty-four were past grands.

The amount paid out for sick benefits in the last eighteen years has av- eraged only one hundred dollars per year, or one thousand eight hundred in all The amount paid for charity and special relief in the same time has amounted to eight hundred and fifty-eight dollars.

The present officers are Sherman Ketner, noble grand; I'. W. Davis, vice-grand; W. J I. Tobias, recording secretary; 1.. 0. Phillips, financial sec- retary ; J. (i. Knepper, treasurer; Isaac Rracy, II. Harris and M. P. Oren- haugh, trustees.

i.KH'Sic lodge.

Leipsic Lodge No. 536, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, was insti- tuted on May 15, [872, with ten charter members. Two of the charter mem- bers are Mill living, Martin Bowman and I.. II. Casteel. This lodge has paid out live thousand dollars tor sick benefits. The present membership is sixty.

Leipsic luicampment, Patriarchs Militant, was chartered August 9, 1877, with sixteen charter members.


Dupont Lodge was instituted at Dupont, on November 11, 1882, with the follow in»' charter members: ( '. R. Pram, S. M. Peed, \V. R. Castle, Alonzo Pitcher, John Draw \V. P. Wollam, Austin Combs, Samuel Stuckey, S. Barnard, J. Wagner. G. \V. Stuckey, Philip Kessler and David Jenkins. Samuel Stuckey served as the first noble grand.



The present building was erected in 1900, at a cost ol two thousand dol- lars. I his building has furnished the mouthers with spacious lodge rooms in which to conduct their meetings. The following are serving the lodge as officers at the present time: \V. E. Cullen, Frank Reynolds, W. H. Thomas, C. C. Etter, John Meyers, A. B. later, Aldnzo Pitcher and \V. T. Etter. The present membership numbers forty-seven. The sick benefits as provided by tins lodge are three dollars per week.


Townwood Lodge, independent Order of Odd Fellows, was instituted in December, 1902. The names of the charter members are as follows: \V. F. Coakly, Jay Ott, John Coakly, John Bolix, Vinton McAter, R. A. Davenport, George Clemence, George Mulford, Cyrus Payne, I!. 1!. Brundy, F. Gunther, James Robinson, J. B. Fisher, Winnie Wilson, William Wilson, A. I). Reynolds and J. C. Vanhead. J. B. Fisher and J. C. Vanhead served the lodge lirst in the capacity ol noble grand. The chief officers who are now serving the lodge are L. M. Walker and John Trott.

The present beautiful and commodious building was erected in Decem- ber, 1902, at a cost of one thousand five hundred dollars, and has accommo- dated the members since the institution of the lodge. The present member- ship numbers fifty-five,


Columbus Grove Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, was insti- tuted in 1870, with the following charter members: Henry lletnuck, E. G. Ford, W. Breckbill, J. 1 >. Genett, Jacob Sheets, William Chase, John Keller, Frederick Doriat and A. T. Ransom. The present membership numbers eighty-six. The amount paid out for sick benefits up to date is one hundred and twenty-five dollars and twenty-five cents.


I'.lanchard Lodge X'o. 284, Independent Order of Odd bellows, was chartered on June 2, 1855, with the following charter members: [ohn Dixon, Lorenzo barker, David I- Brown, John Monroe, llenry Miles, h'hn I!, bruchev and Jacob Bressler. Jacob Brassier was the lira noble grand.

()n February -'_'. n>oi, a building committee was appointed to draw plans for the erection ol .1 lodge building. Samuel C'arlwright, C. II. Rice



and W. S. Uipkins were chosen to carry out tliis work. On March i of the same year work was begun on the building. < )n December 30, iyoi, permis- sion was received from the grand master of the grand lodge to move the records to the new home. C. O. Penman hears the distinction of being the first man initiated in the new rooms, February 14, 1902.

The membership of the lodge has increased until at the present time it includes eighty-four active members. The present officers are S. O. Kerr. noble grand; W. E. Smith, vice-grand; 1). R. Jenkins, Jr., treasurer; G. M. ( 'artw right, secretary.


Ottawa Chapter No. 160, Knights of the Maccabees, was chartered on August 1, 1893, with sixteen charter members. This was the only chapter of Knights of the .Maccabees ever installed in this county. This chapter has newer been very active in its work and saw the greatest years of its pros- perity while still young. At present this lodge has only five members.


Sheridan Council No. 126, of the National Union, was organized in Ottawa, in August, 1888. There were thirty charter members. The mem- bership reached forty-two at one tune, but lapses, removals and deaths have reduced the live membership until at the present time it consists of only six- teen persons. The National Union has paid every death claim in full, with- out one cent of cost to the beneficiary. It is one of the best and cheapest fraternal insurance companies in existence today.


Ottawa Council No. 1757, Knights of Columbus, was organized in Ot- tawa, in June. 1914, with sixty-live charter members. At present the mem- bership numbers one hundred and seven, The officers are as follow: fos- eph Kersting, grand knight; 11. Edward bleckford, financial secretary. The purpose of this order is purely social and for insurance.


SS. Peter and Paul I '.ranch No. 42, Catholic Knights of Ohio, was or- ganized (.n June |_>, 1803, at Ottawa. Ohio. There uric twenty charter



members. The membership at present is approximately one hundred. It is purely an insurance order.

There are branches of this order in the following towns of Putnam county: Glandorf, Leipsic, Ft. Jennings, .Miller City, Ottoville, Kalida, New

I le\ eland and ( lovcrdale.


The Research Club was founded in igio with the following charter members: Mrs. J. O. Cartwright, Mrs. George Jenkins, Mrs. Charles Mills, Mrs. C. B. Van Clue. Mrs. G. II. Williams, Mrs. I'. I). Ward, Mrs. Frank Wilson, Mrs. G. !•'. Zeller, Miss Florence McClure, Miss Violet Sackett, Miss Grace Ward and Miss I.ulu Walkup. Miss Florence McClure, president; Mrs. J. O. Cartwright, vice-president; Mrs. George Jenkins, secretary, and Mis-, ViukM Sackett, treasurer, served as the first officers of the club.

The pur])ose of this clnh was (o promote interest in the welfare of the community in which its members lived; to study and discuss the important <|uestions of the day, and to familiarize themselves not only with our own country, hut also the leading countries and islands in the Old World. The cluh has already studied rather thoroughly all the countries of the Old World and has taken up many oi the greatest things of the United States. The work laid out for last year was "The World's Islands " For 1915-16, "The World's Islands," continued, and miscellaneous work.

The present members are Mrs. J, ( ). Cartwright, Mrs. Flora Frick, Mrs. ('. I.. Miller. Mrs. C. J. Moore, Mrs. I). N. Powell, Mrs. II. M. Summers, Mrs. (i. II Williams, Mrs. P. I). Ward, Mrs. Frank Wilson, Mrs. G. F. Zcller, Miss May Handy, Miss Florence McClure, Miss Grace Ward and Miss Sadie Wilkins. President. Mrs, II. M. Summers; vice-president, Mrs. I). \. Powell; secretary, Mrs J. ( ). Cartwright; treasurer, Mrs. G. II. Wil- liams.

Is \ I'I'A I'll I M'.l.T \.

The Kappa I'lii Delta Club, at Ottawa, was organized in February, iqio, wiih nine charier members, as follows: Ffiie I.. Arnold, Aha M. Thrapp, Kiilh O Fri-y, I'.essie I. Seii/. Iva \. Gillis, /.elnia McDowell, Ma\ Handy, Mrs. I Idle D Miller and Mrs. Carrie \\ . Hell. Hie first officers included the following: F.ffic I.. Arnold, president ; \ha M Thrapp, vice-president; Ruth < Prey, sccretan ; I Jessie I. Seilz, treasurer. The purpose oi ihe cluh is set


forth iii its motto: "Working, nol wishing; doing, not dreaming; boosting, in >t knocking."

The present membership includes twelve young ladies of Ottawa: Efne L. Arnold, Aha M. Thrapp, Kuth C. Frey, Zelma .McDowell, May Handy, Evelyn Wilson, Mary Wilkins, Arey Claypool, Bertha McDugal, Lucy Ag- ner, Mrs. Carrie Bell and Mrs. Leona Kerr. The officers for 1915 are as follows: Aha M. Thrapp, president; Zelma McDowell, vice-president; Mary Wilkins, secretary; Bessie I. Seitz, treasurer. The club is a member of the Ottawa federation of clubs.


The Putnam Club Company was chartered as an incorporation under the laws of the state of Ohio on April 4, 1904. The founders were Even R. Davis, M. P. Goetschins, A. R. Robenalt, F. G. Kahle and E. L. Frey.

The purpose ol this club was not tor material gain, but it was organized for literary and social culture and mental improvement. The citizens of Ot- tawa had no place to assemble tor sociable gatherings and the founders took this means of providing a suitable place.

This club was capitalized at one thousand dollars, which was divided into forty shares and sold at twenty-five dollars a share, the proceeds of which were used for maintaining club rooms for members of the corpora- tion and their guests and purchasing fixtures. The club rooms are fitted up with every convenience tor the literary and social development of its mem- bers.

This club has had a steady increase in membership, which speaks well for the foresight of its founders, and at present totals sixty-six. The of- ficers are: J. S. Ogin, president; X. E. Matthews, treasurer; J. W. Brown, secretary.

( v 1 1 101.10 1. viiihs ()[•■ com; m in. v.

St. Anne's Council No. 7, Catholic Ladies of Columbia, was chartered on June 4. [897, with the following charter members: Philomena Lehm- kuhle, Lucinda M. Brinkle, Elizabeth Kraft, Mary A. Schmitschulte, Eliza- beth C. Leopold, Catherine Brinkman, Mary Catherine Hansel, Sarah Mc- fJreevy, Mary Clohosev, Catherine Amelia Kracht and Elizabeth M. Schmit- schulte. The present membership numbers forty-two and fifteen additional applications were presented at the monthly meeting held mi the second Tues- day in May.



The present ollicers arc: Mary A. Schinilscliulte, president; Anna Kcrsling, vice-president; Mary Rolhnum, recording secretary; Mary I'rinkle, financial secretary; Elizabetli Kraft, treasurer; I- ranees Kreinbrink, monitor.

The purpose of this organization is purely insurance and sick benefits. There is also a relief department in connection with the insurance, which is optional with the members. Members of the relief department are paid five dollars a week when sick.


On February 26, 1913, Mrs. S. F. DeFord, who is a charter member of the Centennial Club, read before that body a paper which set forth the history of the club from the beginning to that time. It would be useless to try and give the history of this organization in better style than used by Mrs. DeFord, therefore we will print this article, with Mrs. DeFord's consent, as it was written :

"Thirty-seven years ago this month when the frost was on the snow, and the moonlight rays were bending low, and sparkling diamonds from their beds spread radiance o'er many heads, a company of ladies and gentle- men started for a delightful sleigh ride to Kalida to spend the evening. On the way, the conversation, which was in keeping with the frosty air and the beautiful snow, turned upon schools and literary clubs. Literary clubs were a scarce medium of exchange at this time, there being only one in the whole stale of ( ihiu. The ladies particularly talked about literary clubs, and the more they talked and thought about them, the more enthusiastic they became on the subject. Finally, they came to the conclusion that they would start one in ( Htawa for the women of the town who might be interested in a purely literary organization.

"1 was not fortunate enough to be a member of the Kalida party on that eventful night, but the next morning two women, Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Kinder, came to my home to talk over the question with me. Of course, [ was very much interested in the establishment of such an organization as they proposed, and at mice entered into the project with enthusiasm. 1 thought a club of this nature would be a great asset to ladies of Ottawa, although I bad a baby only eighteen months old and could not be expected to give much time to the new undertaking.

"The following week nine of the women of Ottawa met at the home of Mrs. J b. II, Long to talk over the proposed dub. We discussed it from every angle and it was the consensus ol opinion that some organization of


this character was very much needed in this village. Practically all ot the women had been more or less active in literary work, hut to follow a system ami he hound to a constitution and hy-laws was different.

"After clue deliberation and a determined conviction on the part of the ladies that such an undertaking, with the earnest support oi all, could he made a success, a motion was made by Airs. Moore to organize ourselves into a club. This motion was unanimously carried and, since tins was the cen- tennial year of our independence a.i a nation, the club was christened the Ladies Centennial I'ook Club. 1 was chosen as the first president, but I do not recall the ether early officers. We drafted a little constitution and hy- laws, which was to govern our early activities. The charter members of this organization were as follows: .Mrs. Long, Mrs. Paul, Mrs. lowing, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Krause, Mrs. Morehead, Mrs. Kinder and Mrs. I. askew Of this number, onlj three are left as active members of the club. Live have passed over the great divide. There are five living members, al- though two resigned then' membership years ago, Mrs. liwing, who resides in St. Louis, and Mrs Adelia Allen, who still lues in Ottawa, The three remaining active members are Mrs. Kinder, Mrs. 1'aul and myself. There is a strong, mystic chord ol memorv stretching down through the years that have linked these three members together in close ties of friendship. One of the articles in the constitution that was drafted to govern us was that officers should be elected every three months. Another one oi the rules was that the president should appoint a program committee each evening To arrange for a program for the next meeting; they would retire to another room and assign duties for the different members. This was very unsatis- factory inasmuch as it gave only one week to prepare our topics. I was re- elected twice, serving nine months in all.

"We frequently had charades, especially if we were having guests. We also had a 'budget box' and a budget reader was elected to deliver these articles as long as she held office As time passed and we became better informed and in closer touch with parliamentary rules and regulations in club work, we derided to revise our constitution, and this was accomplished hv a committee and adopted in October, 1N77. We have revised the constitu- tion once since that dale and a lew minor changes have been made at differ- ent tunes.

"I he membership fee was fixed at three dollars and yearly dues of one dollar and fifty cents, payable in installments. I do not recall how long this state of al'lairs lasted, hut we alvvavs had plenty ol monev 111 the treasury and practically no expenses \ scheme was now adopted lo purchase hooks, as


there was mi public library in ( )ttawa. A librarian was appointed and each member was alloted a certain number of books to read and if no report was made to the librarian in two weeks they were lined ten cents. At the close of the year a committee was appointed to arrange the books in lots of equal price and quality, in as mam' lots as there were members in the club, each lot being numbered, then slips ol paper being made corresponding to the number ot books. These slips were put into a box and each member drew a slip, thus drawing a lot ol books winch corresponded with the number on the slip. This system worked very well. As the membership of the club increased, we desired to branch out along other literary lines and took for our work the lecture field. ( )ur first venture was with Susan I!. Anthony, who was secured for a certain amount and all arrangements made for her entertainment, when her agent informed us that she had cancelled all her engagements on account of ill-health. ( )nr failure in this venture only spurred us on and we secured .Mary A. Livermore. Tins was a marked success, financially and socially. The lecture was held in the old opera house, now used for a busi- ness college, the admission charge being three dollars. The lecture was at- tended not only by the club members but by a gratifying representation of others in sympathy with our endeavors.

"During the first few years our programs were largely impromptu, but gradually, as the movement grew, greater thought was given to this feature and main- pleasing diversions were created for the entertainment of the mem- bers, especially as the club boasted of several adepts who lent their skill to this end with gratifying success. Several playlets were given, among which were, "The Elevator Boy," a delightful little piece of comedy, and "Fing Wing," a Chinese playlet, with a judicial setting. In the former, Gordon Kinder, then a young lad, played the title role, the playlet being given at the Kinder residence. "King Wing" was given at the residence of Mrs. Krause, Mrs. Cover proving very entertaining in the role of "Fing Wing," with splendid fidelity to the Chinese dialect and mannerisms. This playlet con- sisted of a trial by jury, to which I acted the part of judge and this entailed the preparation of a lon^ and laborious charge at the end of the trial. .All the members took' part in tins playlet and, needless to say, passed a delightful time and one long to be remembered for its happy associations. On these occasions guests were united, consisting, in the main, of husbands of the club members.

"We were all young then, ihirtv-nine years ago, filled with life and eiHTg) and a supreme desire to cultivate (he social atmosphere of this com- munity. It is mi record that Mrs. Paul is the "mother" of the club, for her


only son was the first child horn after our organization. Now wc are grand- mothers and it is gratifying to know that the seed sown thirty-nine years ago has borne fruit and that this work is being carried forward by the younger generation, who have caught the spirit and infused it with the newer and richer life of today.

"As tlie years have passed, new laces have entered our circle of twenty- five, among whom were Airs. Gentry, Mrs. Cover, Mrs. Lent/.)', Mrs. Pomeroy, Mrs. Meiley, Mrs. Matthews, Mrs. Beardsley, Mrs. Sprague, Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Reed, Mrs. C. II. Rice, and the Misses llolt/, Pugh, Sweeney.

"The work of tlljs club has still increased up to the present time and it is the strongest literary club m Ottawa, ll is a member of the local and national federation of clubs and hears the distinction of being the second oldest literary club in the state.

"With the beginning ol each year, a program is arranged,, covering the .entire year and each member can he prepared on their assigned subject. Officers serve for one year and new members are elected by ballot, in case there is an opening."

The present officers of the Centennial Club are as follows: Mrs. C. H. Rice, president; Mrs. S. I-'. DeFord, first vice-president; Mrs. 1). M. Bailey, second vice-president; Mrs. C. ( ). Beardsley, recording secretary; Mrs, A. L. Paul, corresponding secretary; Mrs. J. S. Ogan, treasurer; Mrs. P. P. Sprague, librarian; Cynthia I 'ugh, critic.


'fhe Study Club of Ottawa was organized in 1908 with the following charter members: Mrs. Evan Davis, Mis. Harry Allen, Mrs. M. P. Goet- schius. Mrs. Sigmond Wise, Mis. C. P. Godfrey, Mrs. G. \V. Kisser, Mrs. C P. Madaris, Mrs. A. S. Johnson, Mrs. Charles Morrison, Mrs. Mary Peed, Mrs. K. 1.. Prey, Miss B. K. Krauss and Miss Zoe Kelly, 'fhe purpose of this club is for social and literary advantages, gained through united re- search and mutual assistance.

'fhe present officers are as follows: Mrs. P.. L. Prey, president; Mrs. Sigmond Wise, vice-president; Mrs. P. (i. Kahle, secretary; Mrs. K. \V. La- Baron, treasurer; Mrs. Mary Keed, librarian; Mrs. ( i. |. Keinath, critic, 'fhe present membership includes the following: Mrs. R. A. Alt, Mrs. P. L. Prey, Mrs. ( '. P. Godfrey, Mrs. II. P. Hirn, Mrs. G. J. Keinath, Mrs. P. G. Kahle, Mrs. R. W. LaBaron, Mrs. J. T. Maidlow, Mrs. Mary Keed, Mrs. I.. ( '. Soiinanstine. Mrs. Sigmond Wise, Mis. Herman Wise, Mrs. Roy East-


man, Mrs. I '"rank Donarl, Mrs. M. I'. Goctsehins, Misses Lena Bailey, Flor- ence (iraliam, Stella Kersting and Zoe Light,


The l'"ederation of Clubs of Ottawa was organized on November 21, 1913. The first officers were: Mrs. S. F. DeFord, president; Mrs. Mary Reed, first vice-president; Mrs. J. ( ). Cartwright, second vice-president; Altha Thrapp, third vice-president; Mrs. E. L. Fry, recording secretary; Mrs. Fred Zeller, corresponding secretary; Mrs. I). X. Powell, treasurer. The Federa- tion of Clubs was organized for purely civic purposes and lias been instru- mental in establishing clean-up days in Ottawa. At the time of a terrible mine disaster in the southern part of the state, it sent a box of provisions to the stricken people. It also sent a box on the Christmas ship to Belgium. The Federation includes all the four clubs of the town, although membership in one ol the clubs does not necessarily imply membership in the Federation. In addition, it includes members who are not affiliated with any of the four clubs of the town. .Mrs. Fred Zeller was elected president at the last regular election of officers, but resigned in favor of the vice-president, Mrs. ['"rank P. Spragne. The other officers include the following: Mrs. Elma McDowell, second vice-president; Grace Ward, recording secretary; Zoe Light, corre- sponding secretary; Mrs. Frank Wilson, treasurer.


The Woman's Christian Temperance Union has been in Putnam for several years and has done some notable work in advancing the cause of temperance. The officers of the Union for 1915 are as follows: President, Mr-.. Delia Payport ; vice-president, Mrs. Minnie Harris; corresponding secretary, Mrs, \. M. I leidlebaugh ; recording secretary, Mrs. Francis Peach; treasurer, Amelia Jones; chorister, Mrs. R. T. Fvans; Y, P. 11. secretary, Mis. Bessie Kuntz ; P. T. P. secretary. Mrs. Bessie (Hilar.

There are now seventeen local organizations in the county, as follows: Lcipsic, 125 members; Continental, 1 _' 1 members; Columbus Grove, 80 mem- bers; Gilboa, 51 1 members ; Vaughns ville, .| s members ; Ottawa River. 50 mem- bers; Ottawa, 4" members; I'elmore, 21 members; Pandora, 18 members; Miller City, 10 members; ( lovcrdale, 15 members; Purest Grove, ii mem- bers; Kalida, 13 members; Knshinore, \2 members; North (reek, cj mem- bers; Duponl, N members; Mi. /inn. ^ members.



The present generation little realizes the conditions under which the early physicians of Putnam county had to lahor. There were few roads and for several years these were nearly impassable for a great part uf the year. This fact made it necessary for the doctors to do most of their traveling on horseback and the family physician, with his pill-bags swung over the back .of his horse, was one of the must familiar, and at the same time one of the must welcome, sights to the early pioneers of the county. The swampy con- dition of the county was very conducive to fevers and ague and so common were these kindred complaints that the expression, "fevernague," came to be a household word. With the clearing up of the dense forests and the -draining of the swamps, the dreaded malaria gradually disappeared and more fashionable diseases became prevalent.

I lie early physicians were not trained scientists, but they administered their lew simple remedies in an efficient manner and were doubtless as suc- cessful with the diseases with which they had to cope as the physicians of today. There were lew medical colleges before the (nil War, and very few of the early practitioners had an extensive knowledge of medicine. It was not until several years alter the war that graduates id regular medical colleges located m the county, most of the early physicians receiving their training in the office of some local physician.

An effort has been made to collect a list of all the more important physicians ol the county and in the appended list they have been arranged in the order in which they settled in the various towns of the county. There may be some who have been omitted, hut the list contains those whose la- bors have made them remembered by a grateful people.

Ottawa— Calvin T. Pomeroy, C, M. Godfrey, George B. Fuller, E. K. Allen, J. K. Matthews, Clark, C. E. Bcardsley, C. E Tupper, Truman E Paul, 1.. W. Moe, A. L. Paul. Frank Light, W. F. Reed, A. F. Sheibly, C. ( ). Bcardsley, Eugene Tupper, Stevenson and ( ). J. Owens.

Kalida— Moses Lee, Andrew McClure, R. P. Cole, John T. Thrift, Robert Thrift, \V. F. Peed, J. 1). Watterson, C. F. Douglass, J. I). Siddall, Francis.


Leipsic George Springer, J. C. McClung, Louisa M. Emery, J. E. Newman, \V. II. ilickey, II. C. kuhl, Reed, Burns.

Gilboa Freeman 11. Paul, Alford, L. W. Moe, Luce, Reynolds, A. C. Matthias, J. E. Newman, Ray, Black.

Columbus Grove Turner, M. E. Olds, Frank Morris, Joseph Morris, John T. Thrift, George A. Light, Begg, Breckbill, Balmer, Wilcox, Cone, II. II. Sink.

Dupont Eli Dimmock, Hixon, E. H. Bird, VV. R. Stateler.

Continental B. E. Walterson, B. D. Sparling, S. M. Allen, H. A. Lewis.

Glandorf Herbert Huber, Borman, Northop, Harrod.

Pandora Hiram Day, P. D. Bixell, H. A. Neiswander, Hilty.

Vaughnsville P. L Cole, McKinley, E. P. Limley.

Ottoville— Skinner, O. llully, Wolfe.

Francona Cooper, DeWeise.

West Leipsic Joseph Emery, Samuel Emery.

Ft. Jennings J. F. George, Stephens.

.Miller City— L. E. Deuble.

Cloverdale Stephan.

Belmore Adrian.

Rushmore J. H. Jenkins.




The first term of court ever held in Putnam county convened on the 5th day of May, 1^34. at the house of Abraham Sarber, in the town of Kalida, and the record says :

"Present William Cochran, Henry Morris and Silas McClish, associate judges, who produced their commissions from his Excellency Robert Lucas, the governor of the state, endorsed by 1!. llinksou, secretary of the state. The associate judges were sworn in taking the oath to support the Constitu- tion of the tinted States and State, 'and to do equal justice to the poor and the rich, and to faithfully and impartially discharge their duties.'"

The court then appointed Daniel W . Gray as clerk pro tern., who gave a bond of ten thousand dollars for the faithful discharge of his duties, with Abraham Sarber, Samuel \ . Ramsey and Thomas Gray as bondsmen. Amos Evans, Esq., was appointed prosecuting attorney. Abraham Sarber was ap- pointed director for the town of Kalida. Thomas Gray, William I'riddv and Samuel Myers were appointed couutv commissioners. Ferdinand C. hitch was appointed county surveyor, to fill a vacancy. Samuel Myers, |ohn M. Cochran, Isaac Owens, Arthur E Martin, James Nicholas and Daniel Gray were- appointed as examiners of common schools.

It was ordered by the court that two justices of the peace be allowed lllanchard and Sugar (reek townships and that the first Saturday in June, 1834, be appointed as the day tor the election oi said officers in said townships.

At a special session of the court, held August 18, 1834, convened for the purpose of appointing a sheriff and coroner to fill the vacancies now existing in those offices by reason of the omission to hold the election heretofore ordered by said court, it was ordered that William Cochran, jr.. he appointed sheriff and that William Turner be appointed as coroner.


It was ordered that Arthur E. Martin be granted a license to keep a tavern at his residence on Front street in the town of Kalida until the next




lam uf the court, and at which time Martin was ordered in produce the treasurer's receipt for live dollars, which was the amount to he paid per annum fur keeping a tavern.

It was ordered thai William Cochran lie granted a license to keep a tavern at his resilience in Jennings township when he produced the treasurer's receipt for the payment oi five dollars for the ensuing year.

A special session of the court was held at the house of Sheldon Guthrie in the town of Kalida, March 20, [835. The hond of William Turner, as coroner, was approved, the hondsmen being Adam Turner and McDaniel Osborn.

A regular session of the court was held at the court house in Kalida, in April, 1835. Present, George I!. Holt, president, and William Cochran, Silas McClish and Henry Morris, associate judges.


The following persons were called as grand jurors and entered upon the discharge ol their duties: Joseph Teegarden, John Guffy, James Turner, Peter Buzzard, Henry Davis, James I) Wamsley, William Ramsey, Moses Sutton. Caleb Gaskill, Alexander Cochran, Obed Martin. John Hand. James Nicholas, Jr., McDaniel Osborne and Benjamin Clevenger. All answered to their names, except Joseph Teegarden, Henry Davis, Alex Cochran and James Nicholas, Jr., in whose places the sheriff returned from the bystanders the following: Isaac McCracken, Robert McCracken, John I.isk, and John Ridenour. Benjamin Clevenger was appointed foreman. Court adjourned until the next mi irning.

Mr. Phillips was granted a license to keep a tavern at his residence in Kalida. on producing satisfactory evidence to the court that lawful notice of his intention had been given, and that he sustains a good moral character, that he is a suitable man. and is provided with suitable accommodations.


The first case which came up before the court was that of foshua Wag- gonseller vs. Jacob Dewees, in chancer). It was ordered that a notice in this case he published tor four weeks m the Saturday Evcniny Post, a newspaper published in Philadelphia, and that a copy of this notice he posted on the door of the court house for four months previous to the next term of court.

It was ordered that three justices of the peace be allowed to the newly


organized townships, making the number as follows: Monroe, one; Riley, two; Ottawa, two, and Greensburg, one, and that there he allowed one for Union township, it was further ordered that elections be held uii the lOth day of Alay, for these justices of the peace.

Court again convened in April, 1835. Isaac McHeny, aged seventy-two years, a resident of this county, came into court and made a declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June II, 1832, grant- ing pensions to soldiers of the Revolutionary War, and his declaration was certified to the war department.

ft was ordered that Sheldon Guthrie, James Taylor, F. C. Fitch, Richard Lee and Moses Lee he appointed as school examiners.

The grand jury came into court and presented six indictments. Of the six indictments, four were for selling spirits without license.


There is no official record of the many attorneys who have practiced in Putnam county and it has been difficult to compile a list of the lawyers who have practiced at various times in the county. In the following compilation, they are listed by towns, and an effort has been made to give them in the order in which they settled in the town. Many of them, of course, began practic- ing in one town and later moved to another town, and especially is this true of the early lawyers of Kalida. Practically all of the attorneys of Kalida moved to Ottawa when the count)- seat was moved to the latter place in the latler part of the sixties.

Ottawa J. B. Woodruff, T. J. Logan, D. I. Brown, Richard Lameson, Charles A. Wright, Azariah Budd, Day I'ugh, James R. Linn, James Ander- son, Eli Holmes, Josiah Gallup, C. J. Swan, II. F. Knowles, John Buchanan, Stansbury Sutton, Joseph Foil, J. J. Moore, \V. C. G. Krauss, Christian Barr, R. W. Barton, Alexander Moore, Martin Knupp, A. I. .-Thomas, A. V. Watts, George 1 1. Knupp, J. S. Ogan, W. II. Kinder, James T. Lentzy, Hugh Mc- Clure, 1. M. Sheets, John 1'. Bailey, I >. C. Long, L. F. Holtz, George Fritz, E. R. Eastman, Charles Trover, James Bethard, J. P. Leasure, D. M. Bailey, D. N. Powell, I. II. Straman, ( ;. W. Risser, John E. Todd, W. W. Sutton, W. II. Handy, Guy C. Long. B. A. Lmverferth, C. S. Malone, Hiram Sum- mers, Albert hi. Straman, Rdward F. Weiser, J. W. Smith, Frank Firman, ('. \\r. Fawcett, Ralph ['ugh, Gilson Moore, I'.. I.. Griffith, W. II. Leete, Benjamin Griffith and L. F. Eastman.

Kalida— F. II. Gillette, A. A. Skinner, W. L. Berge, John Norris, J. M.


Palmer, Benjamin Metcalf, James McKenzie, J. J. Ackerman, W. II. Ball, A. Monroe and Charles Veacli. Veaeli is Ihe only attorney now practicing in


Columbus Grove N. W. Ogan, Elam Day, Sidney Sanders, W. C. Tingle, Guy Killen, 11. S. Core, Chester C. Rimer and N. E. Mallahan.

Continental A. J. McClure, Charles Varner, E. 1.. llartnian and I. C. Madden.

Tlie following is a list of the judges of various courts from the organ- ization of the count)-, in 1834, up to the present time:


Previous to j 8 J5 4 , or until the county was organized, this county had no distinctive judges, as the territory was attached to Williams county for judicial purposes.

In 1834 the first associate judges were elected and the bench consisted of the following persons: William Cochran, Henry .Morris and Silas Mc- Clish. These judges served until the year 1845. Silas McClish was elected as presiding judge in 1842.

In 1845, George Skinner and Jonathan Sackett were elected as associate judges and served until 1 8 5 3 , when a new state constitution went into effect.


The court of common pleas was created in 1853 by the enactment of the new constitution. The following have served the county in that capacity: 1853-57, John M. Palmer; (857-58, M. C. Whiteley; 1858-65, Benjamin F. Metcalf (died in office); [865, ( ). W. Rose (served eight months; died in office); [865-1878, James McKenzie; 187X-7Q, Charles Hughes (district changed in this year I ; [879-1885, John J. Moore: 1885-94, W. II. Handy; 1894-99, John M. Sheets; [898-06, Michael Donnelly (resigned to become member of circuit court of the district); 1006, J. 5. Ogin (served eight months to fill vacancy): 1906-20, John P. Bailey.


Ihe circuit courts were created in [884 and Putnam county was placed in (lie third judicial district, comprising sixteen counties. In 1884, the fol- lowing judges were elected: Thomas Bier, of Crawford county, for term of


two years; John J. Moore, of Putnam, for term of four years; Henry VV. Seney, of Hardin county, for term of six years; 1892, James II. Day, of Mercer county, elected for six years; 1894, James L. Price, of Alien county, elected for six years; 1896, Caleb B. Morris, of Marion county, elected for six years; 1896, John C. Royer, of Fulton county, apointed to fill vacancy of Seney; 1904, Silas E. Hurin, of Hancock county, elected for six years; 1906- 15, Michael Donnelly, of Henry county; 190S-20. Walter 11. Kinder, of Hancock county; 1910-16. Phil M. Crow, of Hardin county; 1 9 1 5 , T. T. Ansberry, appointed to succeed Donnelly. In 1913 the circuit court became the appellate conn.


Ottawa D. M. Bailey, E. R. Eastman, Leroy Eastman, George Fritz, C, W. Fawcett, Benjamin Griffiths, W. H. Handy, J. P. Leasure, J. J. Moore, J. S. Ogan, D. N. Powell. II. M. Summers, J. W. Smith. J. H. Straman, Albert Straman, Benjamin Unverferth, A. V. Watts and Edward Weiser.

Leipsic A. A. Slaybaugh and W. S. Stevenson.

Columbus Grove Harry Core and C. C. Rimer.

Continental J. C. Madden. Charles Vainer and E. L. Hartman.

Kalida Charles Veach.



The public schools of Putnam county have gone through a marked

change from the beginning to the present time. The first definite organiza- tion which the schools had was "two mile districts.'1 The townships were surveyed and laid out in two-mile-square districts. These districts were self- governing, independent bodies. The citizens of these districts met at the school house and elected the school board, which consisted of three directors. The directors made their own tax levy, employed their own teachers and were the head of the school systems in the several districts. The directors made their report to die county auditor and were responsible to him alone. They were their own treasurer and dispensed the school funds themselves.

The next change came a short time later. The citizens still elected their ihree directors as before, hut one of these directors was chosen as the presi- dent of the two-mile-square district, while the other two were merely sub- directors. The former became a member of the township hoard of education, which elected die teachers and made the tax levy. The duty invested in the sub-directors was merely to suggest and recommend teachers and other mat- ters, hut having no immediate voice in the business; but the township hoard was the official school body and transacted all of the important business. They made their report to the county auditor as before.

The next change came in 1900, when the township board was elected at large by the voters, regardless of districts, and this board consisled of only five members. This board was the official organ of the school system of the county, electing the teachers, levying the taxes and buying fuel, etc. There was still one sub-director, lie was elected by the local people from each district and could recommend and make suggestions, and also had the care of the building.

Under the old law for twenty years back, township supervision was optional. ]n this system the township board hired their supervisor, but this was entirely optional. Riley township was the only one in the' county having township supervision. Another plan was where a union of townships could be effected if desired. An example of this system in the county was the


union of Liberty and Van Buren townships. The optional supervision law ran up to the present code, when supervision was made mandatory.

The next change came in 1913, which dispensed with the sub-director, taking the school government more and more out of the hands of the people. The effort all through this change of system has been to make the county the strong unit, the desire being to make the county count lor more than the township. The powers which were formerly delegated to the township are now delegated to the county. This strong basic influence, by way of explana- tion, came from the systems in vogue in Virginia and were copied by the law- makers of Ohio from that state.

This latter change, which went into effect May -'-', 1013, provides that the county board of education, which is the chief body, must be elected by the presidents of the existing school boards of the township. In case there are special districts in a township, the presidents of these several school boards meet and decide who shall cast the vote for the township in the county board election. Each township is entitled to only one vote. The county board of education is made up of five members.

The first meeting, which was a special session as provided by this law, was held on the third Saturday of Jul)', 1913. The regular meetings are to be held the third Saturday in .March, at which meeting the regular business is disposed of. Other regular meetings are to be held every two months, although a special meeting can be called between regular meetings.

The members o1 the county board of education are elected regularly for a term of five years, one retiring each year and a new member is elected. These members must be from different districts. At the first election, which was held on June J, 1914, the following were elected to serve on the board of education for Putnam county. In order that the rotating system, whereby one new member was elected each year, could be brought into effect, at the first election the members were elected for a term of from one to five years as follows: B. II. Herringhaus, one vear term, district No. 12; Harry Reese, two year term, district No. 6; Dr. C. F. Douglas, three year term, district No. S; frank Giesken, four vear term, district No. 3; \V. P. Frantz, five vear term, district No. 1.

This board met in regular session on June 1.5, 1914, at which time George J. Keinath was elected as the first county superintendent, for a term of two years. The duties of the superintendent, besides the regular oversight of the schools, are to act as secretary of the county board of education and also act as executive officer ol the hoard, with the privilege of discussion and


making suggestions, but not the power of voting. The superintendent is elected for a term of from one to three years, as the hoard decides.

The county board of education divides the county into supervision dis- tricts. I'ai'li district contains one or more villages or rural districts and no district shall have more than sixty teachers or less than twenty. If there are three or more boards in a district, the presidents of the boards elect the district superintendent. If only two hoards in a district, they all have a vote.

The county hoard of education met on August 4, 1914, and divided Putnam county into twelve supervision districts. Following is a table show- ing the supervision districts, name of the district superintendent, number of teachers in each supervision district and number of teachers in each local district :

District, name of superintendent; local districts and number of teachers in each, and total number of teachers in each supervision district follow:

Xo. i Northeast supervision district. W. W. Dibble, superintendent. Liberty township, 9 teachers; Van Buren township, 7; Blanchard township, 12; Gilboa village. 2; Belmore village, 4; total, 34.

No. 2 Northwest supervision district, J. E. Hathorn, superintendent. I 'aimer township, 8 teachers; Monroe township, 7; Perry township, 8; Miller City village, 3; Hartsburg Special, 2; Dupont village, 3; Cloverdale, vil- lage, 3 ; total, 34.

.\'o. 3 Center supervision district, II. J. Benning, superintendent. Ottawa township, 5 teachers; Greensburg township, 7; Glandorf village, 6; Ottawa and Pleasant special, 1; Hoffman special, 1; "Plum Creek" Center, 1 ; \\ I'ortman special. 1 ; Theodore Portuian special, J ; Liberty special, 1 ; Xew England special, 1 ; total, 25.

No. 4 Southeast district, J. A. Smith, superintendent. Rilev town- ship. 18 teachers; Pleasant township, 9; total, 2J.

No. 5 Southwest supervision district, F. J. Uhrich, superintendent. Monterey township, 2 teachers; Jackson township, 5; Ottoville village, 7; Monterey second special, 2; Jackson special, 1 ; total, 17.

Xo. 6 Sugar Creek district. Perry Ford, superintendent. Sugar Creek township, [3 teachers; total, 13.

Xo. 7 Jennings supervision district, Frank A. Derek, superintendent. Jennings township, 5 teachers; Ft. Jennings village, 3; Rushmorc special. 2; total, to.

\'o. X -Kalida supervision district, II. M. Jay, superintendent. Kalida



village, 6 teachers; Jack Oak special, i ; Mud Ridge special, i ; Union town- ship, i ; total, y.

No. ij Columbus Grove supervision district, W. E, Stevens, superin- tendent. Columbus Grove village, [3 teachers; total, 13.

NT0. 10 Continental, |. II. Voting, superintendent. Continental village, 10 teachers ; total, 10.

No. 11 l.eipsic, A. C. Alleshouse, superintendent. Leipsic village, 11 teachers; total, 1 1.

No. 12 Ottawa, C. J. Holzhauer, superintendent. Ottawa village, 11 teachers ; total, 1 I.

The law has been amended, which will make a change in these districts in the near future.


In 1842 two school districts were created in Pleasant township. The Westerley district, with small portions of other townships became special district Xo. _». Rev. William McGookin was the first teacher. From time to time various sub-districts were formed from territory detached from this district, leaving what is now known as Columbus Grove special district. The first school house, a log structure, was located on the north side of High street, near the site ol the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton railroad. The second, a frame building, was erected on the same location and when the railroad was built h was purchased by the company, moved to their station -rounds and used for a depot. The third building, a two-story frame, erected near the present school grounds, is still standing, being used For a barn. I'he next school building was first erected as a six-room structure and later was enlarged to twelve rooms.

1 he present building was erected in the year tcjOO, and is considered as one of the best equipped for fire protection in the state. It has seventeen rooms, a library, teachers' rest room, and superintendent's office, making it most convenient and commodious for both teachers and pupils and. with the modern equipment, makes it one of the most up-to-date school buildings 111 the county.

The teachers following Reverend McGookin in the fust building were, Joseph l.ippincoi, Dr. II. K. While, Elizabeth Stewart (Mrs. N. II. I'.agk-y), Dr. J. A. Newell, John Cottner, David McCurdy, Phillip Anderson and J. B. Jones. Elizabeth P>egg (Mrs. George Morris), J. B. Sprague and C. A. McDowell taught in the second building. J. W. Powell. David Wisterman,



James Anderson, Mary Begg (.Mrs. F. M. Cheadlc) and E. R. 1 logic taught in tlie third building. J. II. Bowman ami \\ . ( ). lirown taught in the third building, completing the list to 1875.

In 1875 l'lc classes were graded and a course of study was adopted, the first class graduating in 1878. There have been over two hundred and fifty graduates from the high school, and there are fourteen in the present gradu- ating class. At present there are three hundred and fifteen enrolled in the grades and one hundred and seven in the high school. Nine teachers are em- ployed in the grades and four in the high school. Superintendent W. E. Stevens, who is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University, has served the school since 1910 and has been employed for two years longer. The prin- cipal, F. \\ . Sexton, is a graduate pi \\ ouster University.

hollowing are the superintendents since 1875: J. F, Jones, September, 1875-May, [878; W. L, Brothers, September, 1878-May, 1879; E. T. hair- child, September, 1879-May, 1883; F. C, Knoff, September, 1883-May, 1885; E. Ward, September, [885-May, r8c)i ; A. L. Belch, September, 1891-May, 1898; II. I), firindle, September, [898-May, i<)c>4; VV. E, Kershner, Septem- ber, Mj(>-|-.May, 1005; James T. Begg, September, 1905-May, 1910; \V. E. Stevens, September, 10,10, to the present.


I hirly-fivc years ago there were nine school districts in Sugar (reek township, with three school directors to each district. This is the first his- tory ol the schools which can be gathered. I his township supervision, which began in 1902, lasted thirteen years.

Vaughnsville became a first-grade high school in 1911. Although this was not the beginning of the school system there, as they had held school for several years in different buildings in the town, still they had no high school building and were not classed as first grade. The first high school was held 111 the township house.- in [QOI.

The present beautiful and modern building was erected in [908 and marked the real entry ol Vaughnsville into the limelight as an educational center. The building was finished at a cost of fifteen thousand dollars, and the following school hoard deserves some praise for its success: |. M. (iardner, president; M. M. Auclimutey, clerk; I. X. Parker, ('. I\. Smith and I larry Reese, directors.

The following have served as superintendents: folin hunk, E. W. (ircciic. Victor I'errv and I'errv Ford. Forlv-five voting men and women


have been sent out into the world with a finished high school education since it became a first-grade high school, lour years ago. The present enrollment numbers sixty-eight. There are fifteen in the 1915 graduating class.

The present school board consists of the following: Harry Reese, president: O. T. McBride, J. I. Thomas, John Stevens and John Clevenger, directors. The district schools were consolidated this year. The high school students are brought to Yaughnsville and the grade pupils are sent to Rimer. This necessitated the erection of a new school building at Rimer, at a cost of fourteen thousand dollars. An addition is also being built to the Vaughns- ville school building, at a cost of eleven thousand dollars, which doubles the capacity' of the school.


Through the will of John Crawfis, a wealthy and distinguished citizen of Blanchard township, the citizens of Putnam county were afforded a means of instituting a high school with the object of affording an avenue to a higher education by the way of our district schools. Mr. Crawfis died in the year 1880 and bequeathed to Blanchard township the splendid sum of twenty- live thousand dollars to he used in the erection of a college. This proved to be the greatest gift which the citizens of Putnam county could hope for, and was the real start of the splendid school systems in this county.

The work on this handsome structure was begun in the year 1888. The site was in the southeastern portion of section jo, Blanchard township, lo- cated on the bindlav. Fort Wayne & Western railroad. The building was a two-story brick structure, erected at a cost of eleven thousand dollars and christened Crawfis College in honor of the donor of this noble gift, who made its erection possible. The campus is planted in shade trees and pre- sents a very pretty appearance. During the year following, 1889, two dormitories were built, at a cost oi two thousand and eighty-seven dollars, making one of the most complete public schools in the state and furnishing accommodations fur higher education to the students of this community.

The building committee was composed of A. ( '. T lull, N. Conine and P>. (). Isobiiison. The .architect, E. /oil, of bindlav, drew up the plans For the building, .and A. Paelh. of Delphos, Ohio, bad the contract. Prof. 1. P. Harmon served as the first superintendent, from 1KK8 to i8qt ; Prof fob Hill, from iNoi-o-' : Prof. J. T. Pairehild. Prof. P. S. Pafferty, from 1N0-'- o| : Prof. I',. J. Peach, from 1894-97; Prof. W. S. Wallen : Prof. John

ci; uvi'is cou.KCK.


\\ alien ; Prof. John [lathorn, and I'ruf. VV. W. Dibble, who is still head of the school.

The following teachers have assisted: George VV. Kisser, O. C. Wright, commercial department; Florence \!>. McClure, language; Mrs. O. C. Wright, elocution, with Charles llarbaugh, assistant; 13. !•'. !• inkle, mathematics; Mary Banfield, shorthand and typewriting; J. Krider, penmanship; Charlotte Rice, common branches; A. V. Mueller, German; C. C. Miller, assistant in the nor- mal institute; Etta Compton, pianist; Blanche Adams, O. V. Todd and Emma Everett, assistants in the common branches; L. D. Hook, penmanship; G. R. Miller and J. C. Light, common branches; Bessie Ashbaugh, elocution; Flora McCray, pianist; Professor Wisley, telegraphy; N. O. Harmon, vio- lin; Mrs. Lafferty, (Catherine Oren, Captolia Oren, Ida Barto, Phoebe Oren, common branches, and Air. Black, penmanship.

The school has had a flourishing career under the able management ot the above superintendents and competent assistants. The school was changed to a first-grade high school on December <S, 1908, and at present is under district supervision. W. W. Dibble, the present superintendent, deserves much of the praise for the excellent status of the school and the achieve- ments which have been the reward of his efforts.

The girls' dormitory was destroyed by tire, but was soon replaced by a new one, which is very commodious and modern.

The school is on a firm basis, with well-equipped laboratories, a splendid library, including encyclopedias, dictionaries and many works of standard authors The present corps of teachers are George R. Miller, principal; Janet Rower, teacher of languages; T. I. Curtis, teacher of science. The enrollment at present embraces thirty-two pupils. This year's graduating class included four members.


The Leipsic public school was organized in 1867, with Dr. J. C. McCIung

as principal, and had an enrollment of thirty-four pupils. In 1878 a commo- dious school building was erected, which accommodated the children of this \illage.

In 1880 il bad reached the grade entitling il to a position of a high

school. The growth of the scl I was so rapid, along with the increase in

the population of the town, and reached such proportions that the building was inadequate to accommodate all of the students. The former structure was enlarged with an addiin.11, and ibis furnished ample room for the nielli-



hers dI the school until the present structure was built, in 1908, at a cost of thirty-seven thousand dollars, Tins school building is modern and up-to- date in every respect, and, in addition Lo class rooms, superintendent's office, library, etc., it lias an auditorium with a seating capacity of six hundred and twenty, large stage, and a very great asset, not only for the school to be proud of, but also the townspeople.

In 1883 the high school, under Supt. A. II. Spach, sent forth its lirst grad- uate, William II. Burkholder. Up to the present time two hundred and thirty-lour have received certificates of graduation, and the present class numbers twenty-seven. The steady increase in the number of graduates is in marked contrast to the growth of the school. In the thirty-two years of its existence it has grown from a third-grade to a first-grade high school, from a tew students to an enrollment of approximately four hundred at present. A chemistry course was added in 11)14; also a phonograph has been installed for marching music. The school is active in athletics, and especially active along lines of literary societies. The Lmcrsonian and W'ebstcrian societies are rival organizations and each year hold a contest in reading, debating and oratory, for a silver cup.

There are four teachers in the high school and eight in the grades. Following is a list of the superintendents since 1883: A. IS. Spach, 1883-86; 1. L, Harmon. 1886-89; I.. S. Lafferty, 1889-91; C. M. Lewis. 1891-97; C. J. I.uxniore, 1897-98; \V. S. Sackett, (898-1908; II. A. I.ind, i<;o,S-J3; A. C. Alleshouse, 1013 to the present. .Mr. Alleshouse has been re-employed for two years longer. He has Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees from Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio. The principal, I'. ]. Foltz, is a graduate of Defiance Colleee.


The beginning of the school system in Riley township dates hack to 1836-37, when the first school building in the township was erected on the old ( irismore farm. Mr. Wilson hears the distinction of being the first teacher to lead the young pupils in the paths of knowledge. The next school was located mi the old Light farm, in the western part of the township, hut the teachers of this school can not he ascertained.

'fhe early history of the schools of this township cannot be carried out in full, hut the present status and rank of the Pandora high school far offsets this discrepancy. fhe early growth of the schools was rather slow, hut this was to spring forth in ample time and strengthen the school sys-


terns of the present time. Pandora high school has the distinction of being the only township high school in Ohio which is on the accredited list of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. The honor of producing the first rural high school in this state to he so highly ranked belongs to Supt. J. A. Smith, of Pandora.

The first high school binding was erected in 1895, at a cost of fifteen thousand di hilars. This was a very modern structure at that time and served the students of this section for fifteen years, but, owing to the increased size of the enrollment, it was not deemed commodious enough to accommo- date the increase in the school.

I he present beautiful edifice was erected in 1910, at a cost of twenty- live thousand dollars. This building is complete in every detail and affords an excellent avenue for education to the students of this locality. Superin- tendent Smith has not been satisfied to rest 011 the laurels which this building has made possible, but has heen active in installing new and modem devices of learning from tune to time. It has every teaching device known to the profession, from the liahcock milk tester and metronome to Compound mi- croscopes and stereopticon, high school and alumni record systems, teacher- parent report-card system, and. in 1915, manual training and domestic sci- ence were added to the curriculum of the school. On the social side, it has the Adelplnau. [frowning, Philomathean and Schiller literary societies, the John Alden Agricultural Society for the hoys, and the Priscilla Domestic Arts Society for the girls, It has a representative in the Northwestern ora- torical contest, is a member of the Northwestern Athletic Association, and exhibited at both the Putnam county and Ohio state fairs.

The first graduate from the Pandora high school was Alary Davy, in 1898. Since that time it has graduated more than two hundred and seventy- live, and the present graduating class includes thirtv-six members. The corps oi teachers in the grades at present numbers thirteen, with an enroll- ment of four hundred pupils. There are seven teachers in the high school, with an attendance of one hundred and twenty-five.

Prof. J. A. Smith, as was previously mentioned, is the present superin- tendent, with J. R. Schutz as the principal of the high school. Both of these men have had extensive training and many years of successful ex- perience to ipialify them for this high position. At present Superintendent Smith is one of the instructors of the Wooster University Summer School. teaching agriculture. With such men at the helm, it is certain that the schools will continue to make advances in the lines of education.

The superintendents who have served this school from 189; to the


present lime are: \V. S. Sacketl, 1895-98; I*. I). Anistulz, 1898-1907; C. D. Sleiner, 1907-10; J. A. Sinitli, 1910 to the present Lime.


The history of the schools and school system of Ottawa dates back to about 1834. The schools passed through the usual vicissitudes which mark the beginning oi all early institutions ol learning, having for several years only one school. .About the year 1862 two teachers were employed, as the enrollment had become too large for one to manage. In 1868 the West Union school building was erected at a cost of fifteen thousand dollars and this marked tin real beginning of the advanced education in this village. J'art of the credit for the organization and firm basis upon which it was established is due Prof. A. M. Brown. Prof. J. Lee Gamble succeeded Professor Brown as superintendent and served in that capacity lor one year. In the fall of 1X71 S. I\ DeFord was employed as superintendent and four teachers were employed. The course of study was revised and enlarged. The following subjects were added to the curriculum; Chemistry, trigonom- etry, surveying, geology, zoology, mental philosophy and logic. The first graduating class consisted of six members and was graduated in 1873. There was a graduating class each succeeding year except 1875 and 1877. S. F. DeFord served as superintendent from 1X71 to 1886.

In 1878 the school board appointed lion. C. J. Swan and Dr. C. E. Tupper to assist the superintendent in revising the course of study. The report of the committee was unanimously adopted and consisted of the fol- lowing requirements: A grade of eight)- per cent must be made in every branch. The full English branches must be completed ; Latin was made elec- tive and, in addition, honors were conferred. The first honors were given for tlie highest average per cent upon the branches studied and consisted of the valedictory address. The second consisted of the salutatory address. Following are the years and students upon whom the honors were conferred from [873 to 1891, no honors being given after the latter date: 1873 lulia Allen, first; Ralph Pugh, second. 1X74 -Gertie A. Paul, first; Mary F,. IbT/, second. [876— Laura P.. Holt/, first; C. J. Tupper, second. 1878 Xcllia F. fupper, first; Nettie Monroe, second. 1N70 Delia Slump, lir>t ; \Y. \V. Sutton, sec. .lid. 1880— Frank Light, first; Jennie Pugh, second. [881 F. Bruce McGreevy, first; Gal. P. Godfrey, second. 1882 Lettie 'fupper. first; Maurice Goctsehius, second. 1883 Julia Knnwles, first; Charles Schierloh, second. 1 SS j -Leroy A. bibs, first; Anna Haves, second.


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1885 Winnie Light, first; Mary lieckman, second. 1886 \V. [L. Clip- pinger. 1887- Florence Mil lure, first; Mary C'arr, second. 1888 -Bertha Kraus, first; Charlotte Rice, second. 1889- Ulive Nicewaruer, first ; Will A. Kelly, second. 1890 Grace Ward, first; Howard B. Row, second. 1891 Guy I'. Long, first; John II. Lemkuhle, second.

I 'rot. S. I;. DeFord was instrumental in the collection of different ma- terial and equipment lor the use of the school. He collected, classified and laheled over one thousand five hundred mineral specimens, thus making an invaluable aid to the study of mineralogy, and likewise geology, lie also, by the direction ol the school hoard, purchased about one thousand dollars worth of philosophical, physiological, chemical, mathematical and geograph- ical apparatus and charts, thus equipping the school thoroughly for all the ordinary demands of experiment and demonstration.

'I'he magnificent East school building, which serves as the high school at the present time, was erected at a cost of thirty-live thousand dollars and at the time of its completion was one of the best structures for its size in the state. It was a marked example ot the deep and abiding interest which the people of this village have in the cause of education. During the winter of [894-95 Albert M . Austin, the high school teacher, inaugurated ami put into active practical operation a gymnasium, using the entire fourth story of the new building for that purpose. Since that tune Ottawa high school athletes have ranked among the best ol the stale and the athletic teams have always been ranked with the best in ibis pail of the stale.

Superintendents who have served since iNN(> are: C. t '.. Miller, to 1890; J. M. Mall. 1890-91; D. W. Taussig, 1891-93; George E. Nelson, 1893-95. J. 11. Secrest, J. VV. Smith, (i. J. Keinath, and C. F. Holzhauer, the present superintendent, who has had charge of the schools for three vears. Professor llolzhauer is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University, class of 1907, and under his able leadership the advancement of the school has been even more marked than in the past. Professor Holzhauer is assisted by G. D. Swartzel, who is a graduate of Otterbein University.

The schools at present have an able corps of eleven teachers, with an enrollment of three hundred and thirty pupils. The graduating class num- bered fifteen.


The first class graduated from the Ottawa high school in 1873, and since that time there have been graduates every year except two, 1 87 5 and 1877. The complete list of graduates from [873 to 1915 is as follows: if.



1873 Jennie (Long) Brotherton, Emma (McBride) Mann, Zoe (God- frey) Ogle, Ella Swayze, Matlie (Slauson) Tupper, Ella (Brown) Hoover, Julia (Allen) Brownfield, Ralph Pugh.

1S74 Etta Knowles, Gertrude (Paul) Paul, Mary (Rollins) Kinder. Mary ( 1 loltz) Cox.

187G Laura (Holtz) Clark-Daw Charles G. Tupper.

1878— Celia McBride, Clara (McBride) Light, Nettie (Monroe) Weaver, Charles L. II. Long. Alice (Knowles) Wyatt, Helen (Tupper) Kinder.

1879 Tupper Nicewander, Nevada (Shaffer) Gill, Nettie Williams. Delia (Shoup) Tupper. Frances (Gallup) Row, Lizzie (McGreevy) Rampe, \V. VV. Sutton.

1880 Frank Light. W. A. Koher, May Conrady, Lillian (Gallup) Haskell, Ella Clohosey, Jean (Pugh) Yale.

1881 C. P. Godfrey, Mattie (Taylor) Greer, T. L'H. Long, Dora (Ewing) Swift, Bruce McGreevy.

1882 C. O. Beardsley, M. 1'. Goetschius, Mary (Tupper) Scriver.

1883 Charles Schierloh, Julia Knowles, Sarah Knowles.

1884 Anna (Hayes) Flemming, Jean (Gallup) Day, Etta (Millman) Bierry, Emma (Kelly) Godfrey, Leroy A. Ellis, Ed. McCoy, Clark H. Rice.

i,SX^ I',. F. Deniston, VV. S. Zeller, Frank Ewing, I'M. Beardsley, Mary (Beckman) Klotz, Winnie Light, Agnes (Long) Creveling, Lizzie Frey, Laura (Brooks) Hoskinson, Lizzie (DeFord) Haag-Stevens.

1886 Mary F. Stout, Carrie (Light) Ackennan, Emma (Rowe) Pope, Lizzie (Birkmeier) Beardsley, Luella Allen, Ida (Goetschius) Rice, Dora (Mini) Agncr, C. B. Ward, VV. E. Oippengcr, E. C. Tupper.

1887— Mott Ewing, Joel Spiker, C. C. Olney, Chester Galbreath, Lizzie (Brockman) Ingleright, May (Carr) Hahn, Florence McClure.

18H8 Zella D. (Kinder) Spencer, Bertha K. Krauss, Cora (Bennett) Bogart- Drown, Mazie (Planck) Frey, Ella (Hauck) Swink, Charlotte Rice, W. W. Ward, Guy Cod frey.

,889— William A. Kelly, C. F. Place, C. D. Beardsley, Myrtle (Light) Huddle, Iva (Haniden) Cummer, Cora I'.arr, Mary (Galbreath) Hathaway, Mahle (Wert) llihhilts, Maude Mcrkley. Alice Xicewarner. Lida (Powell) Hartshorn, Josephine (Allen) Birkmeier.

iS()o Laura Craig, Nannie (l.udwig) Ewing, Grace Ward, Junie Wright. Kathryn Rice, Fsmc Hathaway, Benjamin Unverferth, Howard Row, Leroy Day.


1891 Lillian (Eastman) Wolf, Bertha Loy, John Lehmkuhle, Gny P. Long, Charles G. Clippengcr.

[892— -John Gosling, John T. DcFord, Marguerite lror<l, Mary Shondel, Nora (Light) Talbot, Harriet Gallup, Carrie (Brown) Altenburg, Marie Zeller, Carrie (Loy) Tupper.

1893 Lucy Bennett, Emma Knupp, Theodore Ludwig, Helen Sherrick, Francis Shaw, Edna Hathaway, Herman Schmitschulte.

1894 Blanche Knupp, Anna Straman, Delia Wightman.

1895 Amy (Light) Van Cleve, Zoe (Kelly) Frederick, Leuore (Rice) Smith, Zoe (Brown) Coffman, Ora (Eastman) Turner, Emma (Brown) Allen, Esther (Hornaday) Davis, .Mice (Hoskinson) Ward.

1896 Clara Meyer, Effa (Barr) Klay, Gertrude (Paul) Wilson, Violet Sackett, Anna VVellens, Emma (Fipp) Preisendorfer.

1 8<j7 Zoe Hoskinson, Meda (Williams) Haskell, Abbie (Sackett) Smith, Grace Pope.

1898 Mary (Reed) Ramey, Mary Gerdeman, Zoe Light, Erma (Leader) Emminegger, Bess Wilson, Clara ( Unkenholtz) Buckwalder, Maude (Eastman) Murbach, Ada (Ernest) Butler, Velma (Fifer) Good- love, Xelle (Overbeck) Secrest, Frona Brinkman, Ethel (McAdow) Hold- ing, Susan (DeFord) Hunter, Iscah Hamden, Charles Justice, Merl Frick, Charles Krieger, Louis Leopold, Russel Howard, Charles Barr.

1899 Florence Graham, C. Guido Spencer, Edward Krauss, Norman Haskell, Nelle Cartwright, Laura Lehmkuhle, Emma Brinkman, Mary (Mc- Clure) Keinath, Laura (Kraft) Ferrall, William Eerrall, Effie Arnold, Harry (ireer, Grace (Cover) Spencer, Mary Fipp, Kate (Matthews) Sher- wood. Leslie (Ogle) Alt, Xora Rampe, Johanna Ruple, Nelle Sheets, Clyde Tupper.

1900 Jane (Rothman) Foote, Clara (Risser) Harman, Ida Miller, Laura | Kracht) Preisendorfer, Lulu Fifer, Lucy Brinkman, Leo Harman, Jackson Ogle, Ray Howard, Murray Haskell.

1901 Ethal (Ackerman) Crawfis, Besse (Bailey) Sherman, Mary Brinkel, Zoe (Burgess) (line, Delia (arr, Edith Cover, Besse (Graham) Justice, Pearl Hansel, Kathryn (Kraft) Miller. Helen McAdow, Zoe Matthews. Lillian Rampe. Nellie \<vqi], Katherine Straman, Etha Sutton, Altha Thrapp. Lena Wilson, Rudolph Alt, Clarence Bailey, Guy Cartwright, Ivan Eastman, Earl Holding, Ernest Leader.

1902 Kate (Frey) Altschul, Eva (Hipkins) Schaefer, Mary Tupper, Zoe Snider. Ethel (Eastman) liixon, Homer Garwood.

[903 Owen Agiur. I lalcie Bailey, Helen (Brown) Sell, Earl Crawfis,


Lizzie Deck, George Frick, Lena Harmon, Lucy Haskell, Rulh Kemmcr, Blanche (Lai be J Ellis, Rhea McGrcevy, Myrtle (OganJ Shaw, Coletta Roth- man, Reid Jenkins.

1904 Frank Agner, Leon (Carr) Kerr, Alex Frey, Marguerite Hip- kins, Florence Mallalian, Lucy (Poast) Agner, Emma Rower, Bessie Seitz, Nellie Stoffer, Sylvan Swink.

1005 Roy Eastman, George Bailey, Allan Harrison Graham, Hazel Pierman, Ede Brinkel, Alary Schmitschulte, Sadie VVilkins, Alice Todd, Delia Carr, Ruth McAdow. '

1906 Karl Combs, Harry 1. Kahle, J. E. Harrington, Frances Kersting, Ola Harris, Pauline Annesser, Margaret Kerner, Florence Lehmkuhle, Lucy Rentier.

1907 Thayer Bailey, Trena Cowan, Marie (Conine) Agner, Arey Claypool, Mark Doepker, Alfred Ducey, Anna Jenkins, Lawrence LaRadie, Bessie Leopold, Charles Mallalian. DeFord Mel'tlev, Ralph Maidlow, Mildred ( ( )gan ) 1 )onart, Neil Ruch, Sadie Reed, Glen Salsbury.

1908 Wava (Ewing) Crawfis, Millie VVinkleman, Grace Heidlebaugh, \V. R. Stuber, Zelma McDowell, Genevieve Ackerman, Ruth C. Frey, Leona Root, Mary VVilkins, Dora Trame, Beatrice J lager.

10,09 Alice Claypool, Leete Brown, Alice Deck', Iva Gillis, Charlotte Kolhoff, Chloe J. Cowan, Albert I. Kahle, Stewart Robenalt, Benjamin Rappaport, Rliss Radabaugh, A. V. Kersting, Mary L. Laibe, Mary L. Miller, Loretta Ducey, Gertrude Harrington.

[qio Marie Brown, Alpbonse Kersting, Rowena Jones, Bessie Seibert, Margaret Light, I'aul Maidlow, Gladys Melrley, Henry Leasure, Raul Yaniell. Zella Overbeck, Verner Summers, Charles E. Ruple, |ulius Roth- man, Blanche Radabaugh, Howard Baker, Herbert Eastman.

1911 Henry Rappaport, Todd Cartwright, Bertha McDowell, Mary Hermiller, Louise LaRadie, Gladys (Summers) Robenalt, Wayne R. Ruch, Julius 1 Igan, Mary Arnold.

H)i_» Mary L. Frey, Lena Shane, Eva J. McDowell, Ruth Cartwright, William Nemire, N. K. Godfrey, R. F. Bailey, Irene Ducey, (lust VVinkle- man, Catherine Dinan, Helen Agner, Mabel Graham.

1913 -Karl Kersting, Loretta Wcldc, Lyle Cummer, Floyd Kvans, Given II \ckcr, Oscar W. Hermiller, Rudolph Beckman, Martha lluber, Angie La- Bad ie, John II. LaRadie, Frances McGreevy, Mary Schierloh, Lola Me- Bride, Marie Williams, Helen Ruch, Rowena Agner, Hiram K. Ackerman, Guy Kersh, Gertie Nemire, Frances Beck.

1914 Hester I'adman, Helen Kerr, Fthel Kitchen. Mary lane /.eller,



\\ illi.iiii Summers, liurdcllc- Jane Culp, Mildred Cass, Lillian Docpkcr, lane I'.cach, Charlotte- Wcslrick, Mai > kappaporl, I lekn Pox, Darwin Powell, Zoe Page, Russell Roose, Grace Piirnell.

[015 Viola Palke, George VV. Me/lley, Jr., Mildred Pierman, Florence Pence, Jessie Stover, Florence Schicrloh, Rozella Westrick, Terese Winkle- man, Cora /.ink, Helen Van Cleve, Mary Louise Light, Walter Rauh, Flor- ence Jones, Edna Wilkins.


I here has been a great revival of interest in spelling in the state of Ohio within the last few years and now there is a state-wide contest which is conducted every spring. Each county lias an elimination contest and the he^t spellers from each county meet at Columbus to decide the finals. There are fifteen townships in Putnam county and each was allowed to enter twenty contestants. The other contestants were divided as follows: Each special school district entered two; each high school, six; each normal school, three; each parochial school. sjx : eacn village graded school, six. This made a total o| nearly four hundred contestants for the final county contest, which was held in M) i 5 at the county seat on .May 15. A list of over eleven hun- dred words was prepared in advance and all contestants had a chance to study them before the final. )^'\'^ John I', liailcy pronounced the words and after a contest, which showed that the boys and girls had prepared them- selves for the ordeal, the winner was finally chosen. It proved to he Nellie Green, of Monroe township, who represented the county in the grand final contest at Columbus on [une 4, [Qi>




The record of Putnam county in the Civil War is one which reflects credit on its patriotic citizens, and it is very lamentable that a great part of the official records pertaining to the county's part in the war have been lost or destroyed. Several years a^o there was a lire under a stairway in the court house where many of the Civil-war records were kept, and as a result some were burned and others thrown out, only to be lost. Only a very few were rescued and preserved and it is from these that this chapter has been compiled. There was one paper, the Kalida I entitrc, published during the war, but, as far as is known, there are no copies of that period in existence. I he few records, together with the reports of the county commissioners, furnish all of the available documentary material on which to base this chap- ter, and these two sources have been largely incorporated in the present discussion.

Just how many men enlisted from this county will probably never be known. \\ hile the most ol the enlistments were made in companies re- cruited in the county, or in companies which were partially filled in the county, there were many who enlisted in other counties and credited to the county in which they enlisted. The records of the county commissioners show the number of persons receiving relief at the hands of the state or county, the maximum number in 1865 totaling nine hundred and ninety-seven. How- ever, since there were many soldiers who had from one to half a do/en or more (lependenl upon (hem, is it not possible from this figure to estimate the number of enlistments. Unfortunately, nearly all of the records of enlist- ments which have been preserved give the volunteers up to and including only 1862. Undoubtedly, the greater number of enlistments occurred after this year. The official lisl of volunteers compiled by the state of Ohio does not "ive the count v From which the men enlisted and this makes an otherwise


valuable report of no value in determining the number of volunteers from each county.

In returning the names of the volunteers from the various townships, those having charge of this duty neglected in most instances to give the regi- ment and company in which the volunteers enlisted. The names of enlist- ments from only twelve of the fifteen townships have been preserved and these arc given below in the order in which they appear on the record. No records were found for Jackson, Union and Sugar Creek townships. The townships are arranged alphabetically.


John Roles, Cyrus Carter, William F. Wimer, Nehemiah Hoskinson, |. M. Stout, George Tooman, W. II. II. Myers, James Meals, Isaac Thrapp, Henry Harris, George Ashen felter, Samuel Ladd, Albert Simpson, Gilbert Radabaugh, Eugene Carter, Levi Claybaugh, William Stateler, B. P. Conn, William Lindsey, Jasper Payne, George Payne, James Clark, Elliott Clark, Moses Woodruff, Louis Woodruff, Jacob Pry, William Patrick, George Franks, Llovd Xicewarner, James Parker, Rudolph Writh, Daniel Grafton, F. M. Harrit, Edson Crowd, John Welch, David Siders, Abram Sites and Scott Strain. This list is signed by George Paeon, assessor, who says at the end of his report that he had missed Richard Henderson and John Crawfis. The list is headed as a "List of Volunteers since the 2nd of July, 1862," but there is nothing to indicate what period of time the enlistments covered. The only other official record of Blanchard township is the militia roster taken by the assessor in May, 1 8G3, at which time ihere were two hundred and thirty-three men of militia age (between the ages of eighteen and forty- live) 111 the township. Evidently this was prepared in view of the draft which was then being contemplated. The names of all the men are given, but it is not stated how many of them had already enlisted, nor has any record been found which discloses how many finally enlisted from the town- ship.


The only record of Greensburg township shows that ten men enlisted between July 2, 1862, and August 22, 1862. This list is siyned by I'". 11. I luster, the assessor of the township. 'Idle list follows: Stephen Grove, I'.lias Larabee, William R. Crow, Ephriam Crow, Seth Ncill, Daniel Troyer, Elmer Hartshorn, Samuel Swc/.y, Stanley Brower and James Wisterman.




Jennings township is credited with fourteen volunteers between July 2, 1862, and August 22, 18O2, as follows: Isaac Riswer, Simon Allen, Joseph Stephan, Nathaniel Harris, Henry Roose, Hampton E. Wade, Henry Hershey, Asbury Riggle, Robert Good, Emanuel Clapper, Thomas Hunt, Henry Hunter, Presley Good and Henry R. Hagemann. This list is signed by Henry Raabe, the assessor of Jennings township.


The assessor oi Liberty township, James Wooddell, returned the names of thirty-six volunteers of bis township who had enlisted between July 2, 1862, and August 22, 1862. Of this number twenty were in the Ninety- ninth Regiment, nine in the Eighty-third Regiment, one in the Twenty-first Regiment and six unassigned. All of these volunteers except the last six enlisted for three years. The record further gives the age and occupation of all the enlistments. All of them, with the exception of ten, were twenty- one or over ami twenty-one oi them were farmers. There were two school teachers, a carpenter, plasterer, cooper, tanner, millwright, teamster, engineer and one who was labeled "selling goods." The following twenty were mem- bers of the Xinelv-niinh Regiment: Albion Clutter, William Henry Har- rison, |r., Henry W'altner, Jonas Baughman, Vincent IS. Johnston, John llickerv, .Melanchton Scott, Hamilton Miller, William T. Dickey, James A. Allen, Rollin Hofsteatter, David L. Strain, Livingston McKinzie, Thomas Crane, Everett Meacbem. David Hofsteatter, Benjamin I). Hall, Abraham Knup, Ezra M. Warren and Isaac Douglas, The following nine members were members of (he Eighty-third Regiment: William C, G. Krauss, Gustave A. Krauss, Edward M. Krauss, Charles W . Kratzer, Joel Swihart, llammet Workman, Eli Swihart, George Swihart and William [<. I'olen. Marion Stockwell is credited to the Twenty-first Regiment. Samuel Leatherman, Samuel bout/, Joseph Landis, Samuel Runyan, William Xicewarncr and Philip Siambaugb were unassigned. Another record oi Liberty township shows thai live men enlisted between August 22, icSdj, jiiul September 16, 1N62. 'I'wo of these, David Jack and John Stainbaugb. enlisted for three years in the Korfy-nintli Regiment; two others, Philip J. Xeigler and Samuel KnltZ, enlisted for three years in the < )lie I lundred and Eighteenth RcgilUCIll ; (akin \llen enlisted for three nionibs in ibe Eiidtly-sevenlli Regiment.




There were eleven volunteers from Monroe township between July -'. and August 23, 1862, as returned by William R. Frantz, the assessor oi the township. The list follows: Samuel Ci. June-,, John Connett, John Yarger. facob Yarger, Calvin Taylor, Joel Taylor, William Taylor, Jackson Hoggans, William I Smith, David Cline and John Emmarling.


Monterev township reported nineteen volunteers enlisting between July 2 and August 22, iSoj, as shown by the official report of the assessor, 1'eter W annemachcr, as follows: A rent Iluysmaii. Walter lluvsman, Moses C. Cowen, Orlando !•'. Damon, Samuel McMillen, T. P. Payne, Hpliraim Tillton. Oscar Curtis, George W . Roush, Nathaniel Harris. Israel (laden, Silas M. Thatcher, John T. rhatcher, Daniel Sullivan, George Good, Jacob Rider. Hiram II. Klder, John W Stoffer and Isaiah Allgyre.


Ottawa township was the most populous township in the county during the war and furnished the most volunteers, although there is no way <>' determining the exact number. The onl\ record preserved oi Ottawa town- ship gives the volunteers enlisting between July 2 and August 22, l8(>2. During this short period of fifty days fifty-six men enrolled in the township, as is shown bv the report of the assessor, I\ W. Deters. The list follows: lohn Shondel, C. \V. Cannon. Daniel Wagner, Charles W. Creighton, John Ward, Cyrus Taylor, George Lutz. Jacob Crow, Abraham Kitchen, W. W. Kitchen, Harry Radabaugh, Worth Watts, John Smith. James McComb, |ohn Kruchey, llenn Kruchey, Prescott Wright, Henry Crum, George Mor- heatl, |ohn llolzer, John Hart, John Walker. James Sackett, ( i. S. Rollans 1 not aeeepted ). Thomas Shvrer. A. A. Kbersole, Joshua T. Cox, < ieorge Riegel, W. II. Andrews. !•'.. K. Allen. J. T. Lenzy, John Winkler. I. Willoughby, George Kurtz, Paul Silvers, David Amlir, I'erel Andrews. Henry Maw Jacob Dominiuo (not aeeepted). John Henry V'ogt, Samuel Wallace. John Wallace, lames McCerrv. J. A I. I I all. Cornelius McCullough, A. Kowler (not accc])led ). !•'.. D. Harris, facob I. 'II. Long, Philip Nottgle, Cyrus Taylor, John A. Leu- bard. W illiam I )icke\ . John M. 1 1 aw key, Winlield S. I lipkins, I lenrv Meisner and John Murphy.



Palmer township furnished eight volunteers between July 2 and August _■_', 1862, as reported by the assessor, Samuel Watters. The list follows: Henry Sigafoose, Elias Sigafoose, William Truitt, Joel Osborn, Joseph Osborn, Joseph Aquila, Wayne Hazelton and George Earnest.


The records of Pleasant township are the most complete of any town- ship in the county. The first record in point of time gives the volunteers enlisting between July 2 and August 22, 1862, during which time forty-two men enlisted from the township, as follows: George Bunn, Samuel R. Det- wiler, Andrew Miller, Titus Hotchkiss, William Starner, i'roctor L. Mounts, John Ward, Peter Edmunds, William Parish, Jacob Sakemiller, Thomas J. Harbaugh, Francis W. Pence, John Bushong, Lafayette Fruchey, John W. Powell. Walter J. Blunden, Webster Frazee, William Lytle, Amos J. Nichol, James R. Smith, David W. Bogart, Andrew K. Sakemiller, William Thomp- son, George Arnold, David Salyard, Jacob Fuller, Harrison Turner, Adam Turner, Miles Barfield, James Critten, Josiah Krouse, Emmett Heckman, Joseph Tingle, Edward Flint, Alexander Burgess, Leonard S. Spach, John F. Ijogart, Benjamin Nicewarner, William P. Smith, John Street and Caleb Sprague.

The only complete record of the soldiers in any township of Putnam count}' is found in the "Enumeration of all the Soldiers & Mariners, who are in the Service of the State or United States, being residents of Pleasant Township, Putnam Co., ()., when entering said service." In May, 1863, the township trustees, John Norton and James Sims, made a complete return of all of the soldiers of Pleasant township and their record shows that the township at that tune had one hundred and four volunteers in ten different regiments. 'I his record furthermore gives the company, the sex and age of the families of the soldiers and indicates whether the families are in need of help. Forty-one of the soldiers had families and all but fourteen are listed as "necessitious." The following regiments had volunteers from Pleasant township: Third, Fourth, Fourteenth, Twenty-first, Twenty-seventh, Forty- ninth, Fifty-seventh. Eighty-first. Ninety-ninth and One Hundred and Eighteenth.

Third Regiment— Jacob E. Fuller, David Smith, fohn W. Wilson.


Fourth Regiment T. L. Byers, Jafvis Postlewait, Robert Lease (dis- charged;, Soloniun Rush.

Fourteenth Regiment Deliverance Parrish, John P. Crawford, John II. Barrett, Dudley Tracey, Stephen Klover, Perry Tate, Isaac C. Connett, Jessie Fruchey, John B. Featherengill, John Ditzler, Thompson Bogan, John Tate, David M. Glancy (deceased), William 11. Glancy, William Belford, Oscar Smith, Byron Salmon, Jacob Carr, Sidney Sanders (discharged), Kmerson Sampson, Elijah \V. Greene (discharged), Orison Buck, Valentine Ilarhaugh, William Ward, George Ward, Israel W. Martin (discharged), George M. Camden (discharged), Daniel Hotchkiss (discharged), Abraham Bogart, Abraham Smith (discharged), Jacob Kohli, Samuel Sterlin, Oliver Oglevie, Louis Oglevie, Hamilton Killin, Abner Killin, Isaac Fruchey (discharged), Andrew J. Fruchey, Noah W. Ogan, Isaac Bogart, Martin Fuller, William Fuller, W. IF II. Dowers, S. S. Bowers, Restore Douglass and Gamaliel Morris. All of the members of the Fourteenth Regiment were in Com- pany K.

Twenty-first Regiment Thomas Runn, William Bunn, John S. Hart, [oseph Bushong, James \\ amslcy, Lewis Price, Ozro D. Byers, William Payne. These eight men were members of Company 1).

Twenty-seventh Regiment Robert II. Turner, William C. Turner, Lucas McCombs (discharged), Joseph Edmonds. These volunteers were in Company I.

Forty-ninth Regiment Simon I '. Strow, John A. Lake. Silas A. Ketner, Uriah [ohnson. These four men were in Company 1.

Fiftv-seventh Regiment James Critten, John Fossett, John Hart, Decatur Tate. All of these men were in Company A with the exception of Mart, who was in Company L.

F.ightv-lirst Regiment William Parrish, David Salyards. William Thompson, fohn F. Bogart, George Baum, John Boston, George Arnold, Andrew Miller, Thomas Harbaugh, Francis W. Pence, Jacob Sake-miller, Andrew Sakemiller, Peter Fdinonds, John Ward. Leonard Spach, William Starner. [ohn Streatt, Joseph F. Bushong, and Amos J. Nichols (discharged). All of these men were members of Company (1.

Ninety-ninth Regiment Joseph Tingle, B. J. Xicewarncr, A. H. Flint. Tingle was a member of Company F and the other two volunteers were in Company k

One Hundred and Eighteenth Regiment John Tl. Good, Harrison Turner. Adam Turner, flood was in Company F and the other two were in Company D.



Perry township furnished tweiUy-lhree \"olunteers between |ulv 2 and August 22, lcSi.ij, according to the report of the assessor, X. Whitney. The 1m follows: I'ayton Lime, lilias \V. Dimmock, Samuel J'. Wollam, Thomas Wagoner, Dihbel Ridenour, John Wheeler, Isaac Wheeler, Leven Corkwell, Moses Dickey, l£Ii .May, Samuel King, William Robart, John T. liny, William Brown, Cyril 11. Bacon, John L. Weiser, Jacob Spitnale, John Rariden, Abraham .Myers, John Hell, John T. Thatcher. Morris Burnett and fohn Smith.


The assessor of Riley township returned to the auditor the names of eight men who had volunteered from Riley township between July 2 and August 22, iNoj. These eight men were as follows: Henry Harris, lames Meals, .Milton Thrap, Orville Thrap, Newton Wilson, Lewis Stakely, Philip Koulin and Klias I )arling.


Solomon Lelller, the assessor of Van Buren township, returned the names of sixteen men who had volunteered from his township between |ulv 2 and August _'-'. icSoj. The list follows: John Carter, John Drushel, Henrv Drushel, Xoah Smith, Moses Stirman, Thomas Wilson, Lewis Crosser, Solomon W. I licks. Jesse Kelly, Alaiisoii Brown, John Leading, Robert Hull, Sylvester Look, John WiLon, Abraham Xewell and William Newell. Be- tween August 22 and September 13, 1 8o2, four more enlisted from Van Buren township: Daniel ( .. Lelller, Daniel Lelller, Martin Van Bowman and Seth Shoemaker.


The complete roster of Putnam county officers in the Civil War is not available, but the following list comprises the most prominent men of the county who attained official ranking: \mericus \. Rice, brigadier-general, Pifty-seventh Regiment; Jacob l.'ll. Long, major. Lightv-sevciith Regi- ment: Thomas Allen, captain: ]•'.. K. Allen, captain, Company C, Eighty- eighth Regiment ; James C. Gribben, captain. Pi fly-seventh Regiment; S. W Drake, captain, Company I, One Hundred Ninety-seventh Regiment; Guv


L'oincroy, lieutenant, Company I), Twenty-lirst Regiment; A. D. McClure, lieutenant, Compam C, Fighly-seventh Regiment; Thomas J. Ilarbaugh, lieutenant, Company I'', Fighty-lirsl Regiment; J. C. Silvers, lieutenant, ( om- pany C, Fighly-seventh Regiment; Joseph MeCrate, lieutenant, Fifty-seventh Regiment; Charles Allen, lieutenant. Twenty-first Regiment; Charles E. Tupper, surgeon, Forty-first Regiment; Joseph Morris, assistant surgeon, One Hundred and Seventy-third Regiment; \V. C. G. Krauss, hospital steward; Daniel M. Foltz, quartermaster, Forty-ninth Regiment; Aaron Overbeck, corporal, Company A, Fifty-seventh Regiment.


Americus V. Rice, who came to Putnam county in 1847, has the honor of attaining a higher military rank 111 the Civil War than any other man from the county. He was horn m Perrysville, Ohio, November t8, 1835, and came to Putnam county with his parents when he was twelve years of age. General Rice graduated from Union College, Schenectady, New York, in 18(H). and at once returned to his home in kalida to begin the study of law.

In the spring of [861 he offered his services under the three-months call of President Lincoln and on April _><;, 1861, was elected second lieutenant of Company H. Twenty-lirst Regiment of Ohio Infantry. On May 10, 1861, he was elected captain of the company and served with this rank in West Virginia under Gen. |. I'. Cox until the company was mustered out in the following August. lie at once returned to his home in Kalida and 111 the following month organized a company for the three-year service and was mustered in as captain of Company A. Fifty-seventh Regiment ol Ohio Volunteer Infantry. On February 8, i8f>2, he was appointed lieutenant- colonel of his regiment upon the unanimous recommendation of all the officers of the regiment. His regiment was present at the battle of Shiloh and was 111 the thickest of that terrible light. ( tue-third of the regiment was missing, which goes to show the conspicuous part it played in the battle. I )urmg the engagement a shell hurst above the head of Colonel Rice, knocking both him and his horse to the ground, hut fortunately did not seriously injure either of them. It is not possible in this brief summary of his career to follow his military career in detail. Suffice it to say. that his conduct on all occasions was such as to commend him to those above him in authority. In March. 1H63, he was placed in command of the First Brigade, First Division, Fifteenth \rinv Corps, and on April rf>, of the same year,



was commissioned colonel of the lrifty-seventh Regiment. Fighting with his regiment in all of the skirmishes around Vicksburg, he won additional honor in the skillful manner in which he handled his regiment. In leading an assault on that stronghold he was struck in the leg by a minie ball and seri- ously injured and kepi out of active service until January, 1864. In recog- nition of his gallant services around Vicksburg, General Grant recommended him for promotion to brigadier-general, and with this rank he served with Sherman in the .Atlanta campaign. At Kenesaw Mountain he was so badly wounded in the leg that it had to he amputated above the knee. For his bravery at Resaca, May 14. iN(>-|. he was again recommended by the general officers for promotion to the rank of brigadier-general, but the appointment was withheld until May, 1865.

On account of the loss of his leg, General Rice was unable to rejoin his command until April, 1805. when he took charge of his regiment at Newburn, North Carolina, lie passed with his command in the Grand Review at Washington, D. C., on May -'4, 1865, and in the following month took them to Louisville, Kentucky. There he was assigned to the command of the Third Brigade, Second Division, Fifteenth Army Corps, which he took to Little Rock, Arkansas, arriving there June 24, 1865. He remained there in command until his command was mustered out in August of the same year, (ieneral Rice was honorably discharged on January 15, 1866.

It is interesting to note that (Ieneral Rice, after the close of the war, at once entered into peaceful pursuits with the same enthusiasm which char- acterized his career in the military life, lie was a war Democrat and was always interested in political matters. Tie was a delegate to the Baltimore convention which nominated Horace Greeley. In 1 S74 he was elected to Congress and was re-elected in 1876. In 1894 he was appointed United States pension agent for Ohio and took possession of his office on May 1 of that year, lie subsequently went to Washington and was connected with the pension department for a number of years. While in office, he died and was buried in the cemetery at Arlington.


Main- of the soldiers of Putnam county saved their money and sent it home from time to tune. Among the few Civil War records found was a package of orders, thirty-three in number, which represented varying sums of monev sent home by the soldiers of this county. In order that future generations may know who these thirty-three thmtv men were, their names


arc here given, with the sums of money which they forwarded to their loved ones on January 15, 1864: Twenty-first Regiment, Thomas Anderson, $700; J. N. Hickerson, $40; Daniel Carr, $50; Edson G. Crowl, $50; Jackson Sylvis, $30; C. F. Jones, $50; J. Harris, $50; Francis Lindsey, $40; Joseph Bushong, $100; James 11. Trask, $100; Daniel Fairchild, $i0o; Aaron Rice, $50; John Hart, $50; Edward H. Clever, $30; R. McBride, $90; Celestin Chochard, $100; Elam D. Fairchild, $50; Jacob D. Vanscorder, $45; Thirty- eighth Regiment, Nicholas Quick, $30; Forty-ninth Regiment, Jacob X. Reed, $30; John A. Leonard, $25; Albert Harris, $30; John M. Cartwright, $40; Francis A. Kiene, $40; Jacob Foltz, $100; William II. Dean, $25 ; John A. Lake, $jo; Sixty-fifth Regiment, William Harris, $do; John Osborn, $25; lacli Lindsey, $50; One Hundred and Eighteenth Regiment, J. Taylor, $40; A. Kitchen. $50; N. Clevenger, $05.


During the progress of the Civil War the families of the soldiers were often reduced to poverty and the counties individually, as well as the state, came to their rescue. Thousands of dollars were expended for relief and before the war had progressed more than a year definite arrangements had been made to provide the necessities of life to every needy soldier's family. The following statistics have been taken from the commissioners' records and show that fifteen thousand nine hundred forty-nine dollars and ninety cents was paid out for relief from June, 1862, until March, 1866, when the last relief was paid. This money was proportioned to the townships according to their enlistments and was distributed by specially-appointed agents. The following table shows the amount of relief year by year: December, 1862, $598.92, 919 receiving relief; June, 1864, $2,415.00, 097 receiving relief; March, 1865, $6,036.29, 007 receiving relief; September, 1865, $3,758.69,. i>nj receiving relief; March, 1866, $3,140.00, number receiving relief not given.


It is not generally known that the soldiers in the field during the Civil War were allowed to vote and although those from Putnam county must have exercised their franchise, there is a record of only one man casting his vote in the field. Among the few Civil War records saved is a certificate of elec- tion showing that Walter lluysman, a resident of Monterey township, a member of the Second Regiment of Engineers, voted in Knox county,



Tennessee, mi the second Tuesday of < lelober, 18(13. ( )n a ticket twenty-eight iiu lu-s long, (he said lliiysmau voted for governor (John I'rough), lieuten- ant-governor (( liarles Anderson), auditor of state (James 11. Godman), treasurer of state iti. Volney Dorsey), judge of the supreme court (Hocking II. Hunter), member of the board of public works (John M. Barriere), state representative (Cyrus Howard), judge of common pleas court (Joseph Plunket), probate judge (J. R. Junes), county clerk (Samuel 1). Avers), sheriff (Nathaniel II. Bagley), county commissioner (Elias W. Dimmock), surveyor (Seneca J. Powell). This ticket was headed "Ohio Union Ticket" ami was, of course, the regular Republican ticket.


Among the ('ivil War records were found the returns of the assessors of Ottawa, Jackson and Richland townships, giving the names of all the white male inhabitants above the aye of twenty-one years in 1S47. Ottawa township was credited with two hundred ami fourteen voters, Jackson with forty-one and Richland with one hundred and thirty-five.


Up to the opening of the Mexican War in 1846 there were local militia companies 111 every county in < >hio and as soon as I'utnam counts' was organ- ized in 1834 steps were taken to organize the citizens of the county into com- panies. The first company in Ottawa township had on its roll practically every citizen; in fact, the law provided that all able-bodied citizens, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, should attend muster day at least twice a year. ('apt. F. S. Godfrey was the head of the company in Ottawa town- ship, winch bore the bellicose title of "Black Hawk Riflemen." This name was doubtless the result of the Black Hawk War which had just closed a \ear or si, before I'utnam county was organized. The uniform of these warriors consisted of a black hunting shirt, jeans trousers and a felt hat decorated with a long black feather. On muster days the whole county turned out to watch the maneuver and these were the biggest days ol the year. .More whiskey was drunk-, more fights staged, more corn bread eaten and more blood spilled on this day than any other in the year. Interest in local militia companies gradually died out before the opening of the Mexican War and when preparations were made to furnish troops tor that struggle, the militia laws were revised and the "corn-stalk militia" became a thing of


the past. It was not until the beginning of the twentieth century that Putnam county had another local militia company and the county scat now boasts of one of the finest armory buildings in the state of Ohio.


On June 20, 1901, Colonel Adams, of Columbus, mustered in Company M of the Ohio national guard at Ottawa. Colonel Adams was assisted in this work by Colonel Ream and Major Vail, of Lima. Prof. J. W. Smith, of the Ottawa public schools, was first appointed to fill the office of captain. The following is a complete list of the men mustered in: Clive Agner, Vinza Agner, Rudolph Alt, Fred Arnold, Benjamin Griffith, Leo Harmon, LeRoy Haskell, frank Ilensel, Carl 1 lusted, David Jenkins, George Jenkins, Carl Knettle, Paul Knettle, Harmon Bassett, Prank Fisher, Ed Ford, Charles fowler, Ed Frey, Theodore Fuerst, frank Fulton, Leonard Gerdeman, Jack- son Ogle, Clarence Bailey, Dalby Crawfis, Earl Crawfis, Frank Cummer, Geary Day. Ed Farthing, Will Farrell, J. W. Row, Leslie Sawtelle, William Vail, Wilson Palmer, Nelson .McDowell, Charles Reed, Herman Reed, Clyde Ridge, Calvin Wagner, Byron Pope, Walter Risser, Allen Robe- nalt, William Robenalt, Ed Shondel, Joe Shondel, J. W. Smith, William Smith, Benjamin Thompson, and Clyde Tupper. All of these members were residents of Ottawa. The following were residents of Leipsic : William Baughman, William Eastman, Joseph Justice, Ed Kuntz, Chester Lowry, Dyke Nutter and Forest Xutter.

The first officers were J. W. Row, first lieutenant; II. M. Reed, second lieutenant; J. 1). Crawfis, first sergeant; F. E. Cummer, second sergeant; L. Haskell, third sergeant; C. A. Prey, fourth sergeant; H. L. Robenalt, fifth sergeant; 1-1. I. Bassett, commissary; F. O. Arnold, L. C. Gerdeman, J. M. Justice, M. G. Haskell. W. P. faihe, A. J. Ogle, and I). R. Jenkins, corporals.

1 ompaii) M was first quartered 111 the building across from the I Hi.Mont hotel. Later the opera house served as temporary quarters until it soon moved to the old armory on Second street. This armory was owned by private individuals and rented to Company M.

A movement was set on foot in 1913 for a new armory. The citizens ni ( Miawa were behind this movement and appropriated five thousand dollars to buy a site for the new structure. The state then made an appropriation of twenty thousand dollars and the efforts of the citizens who had worked for ibis building were soon to he rewarded. A lot was purchased 011 Main >7



street ;md work on the new armory was soon begun. The building was com- pleted in September, 1914, and ibe company moved into tbeir new iiuarters in ( )ctober of the same year.

At present there arc fifty-three members, counting officers, with strong indications of an increase in enrollment. The present officers are (i. M. Cartwright, captain; James ( ). Post, first lieutenant; Fred L. Roose, second lieutenant.


Thomas Allen Post \To. 578, Grand Army of the Republic, was organ- ized at Ottawa on March 3, [886, with twenty-six members, as follows: f. C. Light. I). R. Jenkins, Joseph Allen. J. M. Hawley, J. L"H. Long, A. V. Rice. David Donley, Philip Schweichert, J. R. Smith, II 1!. Dennis. Prescott P. Wright. John J. I -"rey, John Shondel, A. G. Bogardus, T. B. Conn, L. L. I'arker. John Ward, P. I'.. Radabaugh, J. ('. McAdow, D. S. Blakeman, Aaron Overbeck, C. P. Bennett, II. C. Lair, C. A. Layton, F. M. Blakeman and Bernard Kreger. At the time of the application for a charter the petitioners asked that the new post be named Thomas Allen Lost, in honor of a lieu- tenant by that name, a resident of the county, who was killed in Virginia dur- ing the progress of the war.

The local post is not as strong as it has been in the past and each succeed- ing Memorial day sees fewer of the old veterans in line. It cannot he hut a lew years until the last will have answered the final roll call, hut this one day will always he kept in grateful rememberance of those who fought and hied that this country might remain a united nation. The complete list of all members of Thomas Allen Lost, together with their companies and regi- ments, is as follows ;

Louis L. Parker, Company A. Fifty-seventh Regiment.

Jacob 1.1 1 . Long. Fighty-seventh Regiment.

David Blakeman, Company I), Ninety-ninth Regiment.

Aanm Overbeck, Company A. Fifty-seventh Regiment.

A. V. Rice. Company V Fifty-seventh Regiment.

II. II. Lope.

Herman Albright. Company I.

John Ward. Twenty-first Regiment.

Barney Gerding, Company I, Thirty-seventh Regiment.

Bernard Krueger, Company I. Thirty-seventh Regiment.

Andrew Lrhart, Company I, Thirty-seventh Regiment.

John J. Frev, Company I. Thirty-seventh Regiment.

Joshua ( '. Light, Company A, Sixty-sixth Regiment.


I'UTNAM COUNTY, < > 1 1 It J.

= 59

[ohn [. Zeller, Company C, Fighly-seventh Regiment. I)a\id R. Jenkins, Company 15, Ninety-ninth Regiment. C. 1'. Bennett.

|. C. Barr, Fifty-fourth Regiment. David Bridenbaugh, Compan) K, Eighth Regiment. David Donley, Compan) I), Thirty-fourth Regiment. |. M. I law key. Company 1, Ninety-ninth Regiment. I honias Mellman.

|. C. McAdow, Fifteenth Regiment. J. S. Xeal. M. H. Reed. Rhilip Schweichert.

Nicholas Thompson, Company A, One Hundred and Eighteenth Regi- t.

C. II. Taylor. George Stephens. W. C. G. Krauss. I red I nkerholtz. Ilenrv Rosenhauer, Company C, One Hundred and Fifty-second Regi-

C. K. Beardsley.

Henry Thrailkill.

David ( ailett.

John W. Wolfe.

T. T. Wright, Company I. Ninety-ninth Regiment.

11. I'. Fckbaugh, Company D, Twenty-firsl Regiment.

F. I'. .\U Ken/.ie, Companv D, One Hundred and Thirtieth Regiment.

T. H. Conn, Company l'>. < )ih- Hundred and Fiftieth Regiment.

II. W. Sackett, I ompany 15, One Hundred and Fiftieth Regiment.

William Stephens.

Christopher Cry, Company I, Ninety-ninth Regiment.

A. (I. Bogardus.

CI. ('. Williams. Companv K . Fiftieth Regiment.

Thomas Snyder, Companv F, Fighty-hrst Regiment.

F. I. Saiidles, Companv l>. One Hundred and Twentv-lirsl Regiment.

Isaac Thrapp, Company I, Ninety-ninth Regiment.

T. C. Ilipkins, Company K, One Hundred and Fighty-second Regiment.

\\'. II, Handy, Company II. Sisty-seventh Regiment.

I''. M . I'.lakeman. I *• >iii|Kiiiy K, One Hundred and Fighty-second Regi-


Anton Drcup, Company I, Thirty-seventh Regiment.

C. II. I lalhaway, Company I, 1'ifty-scvenlli Regiment.

II. i. . Carr, Company K, One Lluiulred anil Eighty-fifth Regiment.

J. R. Smith, Company I, Ninety-ninth Regiment.

John Russet t, Company (i, One lluiulred and First Regiment.

Alexander. McMonigal, Company C, One [Tundred and Eighty-sixth Regiment.

James \\r. Bailey, Company K. Eighty-first Regiment.

When the new court house was built, a room was set abide for the Grand Army of the Republic. Here they keep their records, hold their regular meetings and gather for a social hour. The room is well equipped with furni- ture and presents an attractive appearance at all times. A few years ago the government presented the post with three cannon, which were placed in the court house yard. One was christened "Old Putnam" and the other "General McPherson." \\ hen the present court house was erected they were all removed. Two are now in the city park and the other is in the fair grounds.

The present officers of the post are as follow: C. M. Hathaway, post commander; E. A. McKenzie, senior vice-commander; Chris Ury, junior vice-commander; David R. Jenkins, adjutant; H. C. Carr, quartermaster sergeant; Aaron Overbeck, surgeon; T. G. Ilipkins, chaplain; Isaac Thrapp, officer of the day; J. J. brev, officer of the guard; \V. II. Handy, patriotic instructor. At the present tune there are no Putnam county veterans in either the soldiers' home at Sandusky or in the one at Dayton, a record of which the county may well be proud. Every living soldier in the county who served ninety days or more is now drawing a pension. The county com- missioners make an annual appropriation of fifteen dollars to each post for Memorial Gay expenses, and allow seventy dollars for the burial expenses of old soldiers.


There have been nine other Grand Army posts in Putnam county, as follows: Columbus Grove, Oglevie, No. 64; Continental, A. V. Rice, No. 718; Continental, Henry Rcenier, No. 214; Bclmore; Kalida, Gibbons, No. Hi}; Vaughnsville, Joe Collar, No. 192; Gilboa, Lindsay, No. 75; Leipsic, Daniel Miller, No. 78; Dttpont, VVeiser, No. 93.

Of these posts, Behnorc and Kalida are discontinued and all of the others have only a few members left. The Henry Beemcr Post at Con-

sul.lp|i:i;s' MO. M'.M 10 XT, ( '( H.I'M 111 S (iKOVK.


tinental was formerly at North Creek, but <>n account of so many of its mem- bers living 111 or near to Continental, the post was transferred to that place.


A beautiful soldiers' monument was dedicated at Columbus Grove on May 20, 1915, and, despite tlie inclement weather, t lie occasion was the means of bringing a large crowd to the town. The Altsteatter, Delphos and Shannon 1 lands furnished excellent music during the day, while Comrade Keirn's drum corps helped to stir up the enthusiasm of the rain-stricken crowd. There was an imposing parade, which wound up in the large tent of the Shannon Show Company, which was showing in the town that week. Mayor I 'oast made an appropriate welcoming address and was followed by Cyrus E. Locher, of Cleveland, who spoke on "The Boys in Blue." M. D. Long gave such a stirring talk that the people generously gave about five hundred dollars which went towards paying tor the monument. The final address was made by Gen. J. Kent Hamilton, commander of the Grand Army of the Republic of Ohio, who closed an eloquent speech with the formal unveiling of the monument.

The monument, which was made possible through the untiring efforts of the Civic League of Columbus Grove, has a total height of sixteen feet and ten inches. It is cut from gray granite and makes a truly imposing appearance. The base and pedestal have a total height of ten feet and four inches, the whole being surmounted by the standing statue of an infantryman, six leet and a half 111 height. The monument stands at one end of the town park, while at the other end of the park is located a beautiful new granite drinking fountain.


We have a record of but two soldiers of the Revolutionary War who are buried in Putnam county. One of these, Israel Hubbard, is buried in the old graveyard on the Mallahan farm in Riley township, while the other, William Jack, is buried on what is known as the Pearman farm, in Ottawa township.


Among those who seised in the War of 1X12 and who came to this county in 1834-35, we have a record ol the following: Frederick Eck, Matthew Chambers, Nathaniel .Met lure, Andrew McClnre and William Galbrcalh, all ol whom died many years ago.





The following li--t oi business and professional interests in Putnam count) is taken from Dun's Report ol 1870 and may prove interesting even alter the lapse of forty-five years:

William E. Caddy, physician; Doctor Drain, physician; G. \V. Ed- wards, general store; 11. Ensminger, general store; John dibble, boots and shoes; ( '. Green, wagon maker; William Knoke, null, etc.; \ . I.. Ovenchain, dry goods and groceries; |olin Pennel, hotel; Speaker brothers, general store; A. \\. Van Doran, drugs, groceries, etc.


William Breckbill, stoves and tinware; Charles Busche, grocery; A. W. (base, grocery and bakery; Thomas ,\. Day, general store; A. 11. Day & Bro., general store; ( ". II. Day & Co., grain; A. Edmonds, wagon maker; Edwards X- Ward, bricklayers: Klkell & Bro., saw-mill; John Creek, gro- cery; bred I humeri, shoes; E. A. Hartley, hardware; E. Henderson & Co., stave factory; David Jones, saddler; facob Kohli, wagon maker; Mclfenry & Gessells, produce; Simon Maple, dry goods, etc.; I. \Y. Martin, Hour-mill; Martin X- Son, general -tore; Joseph Oglevie. carpenter; A. Oglevie, steam null; Henry Oglevie, saw-mill; Mrs. K. I'almer, milliner; \nderson Rceder, saw -mill; Jacob kisser, grocen . |ohn Rollands, saddler; Alexander Slem- nions, blacksmith; J. O. Smith, cooper; J. Ik Sprague, drugs and groceries; Samuel Slirlen, furniture; |oscph Tingle, merchanl tailor; Sim. in Turner, physician; John I). \ iers, cabinet maker; Ward \- \ruolil, groceries.




Louis Boehmer, mills; Funk, silversmith; F. 11. Klakamp, grocery and tavern; Christian Raahe. dry goods and groceries; William Keeker, grocery

Stellman Blodgett, cabinet maker; Jacob Bressler & Co., general store; F'ressley Coron, lumber, stock; John Cunningham, miller; \V. II. Fisher, groceries and drugs; James l-'uld. shoes; J. S. II ill, drugs; G. Kisabeth, .shoes; A. D. McClure, dry goods, etc.; W. McClure, tavern.


Allekruse & Son. general store; Joseph I'akcr, shoes; Frank Brinkman, wagons; John <, Buckhold, hotel; J. \V. ICllerbrock & Co., woolen factory; Henrv Fvers, shoemaker; Anthony Fox, shoemaker; Joseph Gerding, sad- dler; h'erd Herding, harness; Henry Guelker, shoes; William llelker, gro- cerv; I-'. \V. Hoffman, general store; Hubert llnher, physicians; llneve & Nartger, bricklayers; Henry Klassing, blacksmith; Kolhoff & Doepker, saw- mill; I . Landgraber, general store: ( ieorge Loudenbach, tailor; Henry II. Meyers, shoemaker; Moenke & Co., (louring-mill ; William Rampe, shoe- maker; Mrs. F. Ricknier, grocery; John Schmenck, grocery; Henry Shafer, blacksmith; M. Shoemaker, tailor; lllasius Street, furniture; Nicholas Thorn, wagons; Henry Wortcutter, tailor.

S. 0. Avers, grocery; Wilton H. (rain, wagons; Lee & I'm., drugs am dry goods; S. Methenev & Co., general store: John Overbeck, cabinet maker I. L I'arker, dn goods; John I. Thrift, physician.

A, Rail, shoemaker: h'rank Eastman, mill; R. Edgecomb, dry goods and groceries; S. S. Emery, physician; Joseph Faber, carriage; hoik & Son, clothing and grain; ll.uniiiei Si Alt, general store; Daniel I .elder, grocery; ( 'harles Mann, hotel; |o*,epli Opdvke, saw-mill; J I). Timmernian, drugs; |at'ol) Werner, lumber; V. Winkler, shoemaker; A. J. Young, groceries and drugs; Solomon Vming, drugs and dry goods.



Peter Breeling, hotel and grocery; T. Henderson, dry goods and gro- ceries.


II. F. Beach, wagon maker; C. E. Beardsley, physician; John Beck, dry goods, etc.; R. J. Beeney, baker and grocery; J. S. Bowers, furniture; .An- drew Brinkman, blacksmith; Sarah Buahler, milliner; Burkmier & Gosling, saddlers; C. M. Carson, hotel; Carnahan & Ault, builders; Mrs. M. Cover, milliner; M. C. & J. 1'. Ewing, produce; Foltz & Taylor, marble; John Fipp, groceries ; Samuel F. Foltz, livery; Freese & Raff, dry goods; Joseph Ger- ding, harness; F. S. Godfrey, baker and grocery; N. Goetchius, foundry; Mrs. J. Goldsmith, grocery; N. M. Haviland, groceries and provisions; J. S. Hale, furniture; A. J. Hamilton, tinner; Thomas 11. B. Hipkins, groceries and produce; Thomas II. 15. Hipkins ec Sons, dry goods and groceries; Holtz, Goetchius & Co., manufacturers hubs, etc.; Kelly & Hauck, drugs; George D. Kinder, printing; J. C. and H. F, Knowles, insurance; Laskey, Pratt & Campbell, stoves, etc.; Frank Lassance, clothing; Lentzy & Willoughby, merchant tailors; David I.owery, hardware; Mc Bride & llumberger, steam mill; McCoy, Slauson & Co., dry goods and groceries; Miles & Son, builders; A. S. Miller, contractor; Misner & Brockman, boots and shoes; Lyman M. Moe, physician; J. T. Moorehead, books, notions; Newman & Co., dry goods; Freeman F. Paul, physician; E. Pomeroy, groceries and notions; C. H. Rice & Co., bankers; Michael Row, hotel; Charles Schimpff, jeweler; William Schmitschulte, groceries; Mrs. F. Sargent, milliner; Samuel Shoup, drugs; John 1'. Simon, groceries and provisions; Slausson, Ewing & Cox, bankers; Slawson & Ewing, real estate dealers; ]. R. Thompson, photo- grapher and picture; ('. K. Tapper, physician; Eycurgus Willoughby, hotel.


Joseph C. Eorrier, groceries and dry goods; Gelbart Otte, dry goods and groceries; Charles Wannemacher, shoemaker ; Mathia.s Winkleman, dry goods and grocery.


Joe Keinie, dry goods and groceries; John Lacont, grocery; fames Mc- Bride, tailor; J. C. Snyder, dry goods and groceries; Mark Thompson, gen- eral store.



Who has not heard of Johnny Appleseed? He spent his life in the woods, wore cast-oft clothes, tramped the year around in hi- hare feet, had little or no money and died in comparative obscurity and yet did more to promote the raising of apples in the state of Ohio than any other man. The fruit he was responsible for raising woujd fill millions of bushel baskets.

Johnny Appleseed for years wandered through Ohio planting apple seeds, collected at cider mills and carried in a little sack over his shoulder, in practically every cleared tract he could find. Often he would clear pieces of land in the heart oi the wilderness and plant either sprouts or seeds. So- well known did he become that people forgot his real name was John Chap- man and called him by his soubriquet.

Johnny Appleseed was horn in 1775. at Springfield, Massachusetts, the son ot Nathaniel Chapman, and came with his halt brother to Ohio in 1801. Soon afterward a desire to wander and develop apple orchards struck the young man and, abandoning civilization, he set forth. As early as 181 t he had become known all over the -tale and before he left it to^go west, where the ax of the pioneer was not heard, he was probably the best known man in the state. hew communities did not boast of orchards planted by his hands, lie died in Allen county, Ohio, in the summer of 1S47, aged seventy-two years, forty-six of which had been consecrated to his self- . imposed mission.

Johnny .Appleseed was a man of many manias. He abhorred the ex- tinction of all forms of life. One time, when lying before his fire in the woods, he saw that gnats and mosquitoes were flying to their death in the flames. Ife promptly arose, extinguished the fire and permitted himself to- be bitten all night by the pests. At another time he sought shelter from cold and snow in a hollow log. which he found occupied by a bear and her cubs. He quickly withdrew and laid in the snow and cold all night. At an- other time he accidentally killed a rattlesnake which had bitten him. He blamed it on an ungodly passion.

Johnny Appleseed was an apostle of Swedenborg, whose literature he distributed amon^ tin- people he nut Once, when Ins supply had become exhausted, he tore his only remaining book in two ami gave one part to each of the two men with whom he was talking.

Me was twice jilted by young women whom he expected to marry.




While the early settlers found a number of good-sized apple trees on the reservation when they first came here, no one of our pioneer citizens knew of Johnny's visits prior to the year 1833, when he came down the river in a canoe laden with young apple trees, h is stated that wherever he could find a white settler he would, furnish him with trees without regard tu the" settler's ability or disposition to pay for the same. I lis last trip down the Blanchard was in the year 1841. The history of this remarkable man and great philanthropist is so well known throughout Ohio, especially in the northwest portion of the state, that it is not necessary to give it in detail here.

.Main \ears ago the writer of this history interviewed a large number of the pioneer citizens of the count)' 111 regard to events and incidents con- nected with its early history. Among those interviewed was .Mr. Brower, who settled on the hanks of the Blanchard river, in (jreensburg township. Antony ilie incidents Mr. Brower related was one referring to Johnny Appleseeil, who figured as a "tourist" 111 this part of the state from the close of the war of lSu and for some twenty years after. The present generation is no doubt familiar with the eccentricities of this man and the life he led, therefore we well but briefly notice one of his visits to this county, at which time he paid a visit to Mr, Brower, who states that during the visit Johnny exhibited his usual characteristics or eccentricities of habits. While 'in this visit he brought with him a big supply of apple seeds, which were encased in pumice from cider-mills in western Pennsylvania, the source nt his supply, [ohnnj made it a business to plant these seeds on every available spot along the Blanchard river and in a few years afterward the earl)' pioneers gathered main- apples from the trees grown from the seed planted by Johnny, and a number oi the trees bore fruit for many years alter the organization oi the county. When lie planted the seed he usiiallv put some brush around the spot to protect the young trees, yet as the county was cleared up and brush burned, main of the young trees were destroyed.


Prior to 1S50 [here were main taverns in Putnam county, and places for the entertainment oi man and beast were located about every three miles along the roads generally traveled in (hose days. In every small vil- lage two hi' more taverns existed. In (iilbori, in 1S47-1X50, taverns were



kepi by Miillliias Cliaml)crs, William McC'lure, William llipkins and Christ- tan l-Iensy, while in Kalida taverns were kept by Arthur IC. Martin, William Phillips, James II. Vail, T. R. McClure and Mr. F/oss. It was a common custom then to have bars, where liquor was sold at the modest sum of five cents per drink. Then there was only a state tax of five dollars a year for the privilege of dispensing strong drinks, no revenue or county tax being re- quired. Beer and ale were not then a common beverage.


There was one distillery of whisky in the county. It was known as Ash distillery, located in Jennings township, near the canal. It is common report that often, when governmenl revenue officers were expected to call, weights would he put on harrels of liquor which were sunk in the canal, until after Uncle Sam's men had gone. A few years ago a barrel was found in the canal, after being there many years. It is supposed that this one was overlooked and forgotten by the owners. Of course canal whisky is always good.


The count)' commissioners' report for the year ending June 4. 18411, certifies that the amount paid prosecuting attorney, for one year's salary, was $108.33; paid clerk of courts, yearly allowance, $43.33; paid for sta- tionery, during year, $49.50; paid for postage by the county for all officials, $2.83; paid lor wolf scalps, $39; auditor's salary, $499; treasurer's salary, $489-38-

In the year 1849, the three county commissioners received sixty dollars tor per diem allowances. These items show how expenses have increased in sixty-six years.


As published in the failure at that time:

I'or purposes of comparison, the following market quotations are re- produced from the K alula I'cnturc of .March, (847: Wheat, per bushel, J^ cents; corn, per bushel, 25 cents; oats, per bushel, 15 cents; clover seed, per bushel, $3.00; timothy seed, per bushel. $1.00; [lax seed, per bushel, (>_> icnls; beans, per bushel, 75 cents; potatoes, per bushel, 25 cents; pork, pickled, per pound, 4 cents; beef, ircsh, per pound, 4 cents; butter, per pound, i) cents; lard, per pound, d cents; ham, per pound. (> cents; tallow, per pound. 10 cents; maple sugar, per pound. IO cents; eggs, per dozen, 15 cents.



Iii 1852, during the epidemic of cholera, Gilboa was the worst afflicted* village in the county. It had nineteen cases of the dread disease, from which fourteen deaths occurred, only five persons who had the disease recover- ing. A great many of the people tied from the village, and only two doctors remained to administer to the afflicted. One of these two was Dr. T. E. Paul and the other Doctor Thatcher, a Hungarian by birth, who died with the dis- ease at the time.


The contention now in regard to the liquor question is not a new thing, or "hoot-legging" a new species of crime under the laws of this state. Eighty- one years ago ( 1834), at the first term of court ever held in this county, the first grand jury convened brought in six indictments, four of which were "tor selling spirits without a license." The first criminal case in the first court was lor this offense, and the dispenser of the spirits was lined twenty-five dollars and costs. In those days a license to traffic in liquor was required and the amount of the license was five dollars. Upon the adop- tion of the new Constitution in 1851-52 the license law became obsolete and a penalty was prescribed for the sale of liquor and evcrvone selling it laid himscll liable to a line. This condition existed up to the time of the enact- ment of the law requiring dealers to pay a tax. Lip to tins latter date nearly every grand jury indicted from one to a dozen saloon keepers. They were each lined about twenty-five dollars and costs for each offense, which was paid and the dealer proceeded in the business until the next court convened, when in many instances he was again indicted and paid his line. In some cases, a term in the county jail was added to the tine.


In looking over some old documents in our possession we came across the following letter, written by the second assistant postmaster-general to I bin. William Sawyer, notifying Mr. Sawyer of the appointment of Stans- berry Sutton as postmaster at Gilboa, this county, with Air. Sawyer's letter to Mr. Sutton informing him oi his appointment:


"Postoffice Department,

"Appointment * )fficc,

Dec. 10th, 1845. "Sir I have the honor to inform you that the postmaster-general lias appointed Stansberry Sutton postmaster at Gilboa, in the slate of Ohio, in place of I. K. Creighton, resigned. I am respectfully your obedient servant,

"W. 1. Brown. "Second Assistant Postmaster-General. "To the Honorable William Sawyer, House of Representatives."

Mr. Sawyer notifies Mr. Sutton as follows, written at the bottom 01 the same page as the foregoing:

"Dear Sir Your appointment as p. m. at Gilboa is sent to you. The above is a notification of the fact to me.

"With respects, yours,

"William Sawyer."

There are verv few of our older citizens who do not remember Stans- berry Sutton, one of the most highly respected and prominent citizens of Gilboa and Ottawa for many years, and who died in Ottawa in the year 1879, after a long and useful life.


In 1852 a resident of Kalida invented a rat trap which is duly mentioned in the Venture at that time: "The trap consisted of a hollow stick, about seven feet long, closed at one end, and after putting some grain and litter in it he set the trap in bis hay mow and covered it with hay. The next morn- ing he plugged the hole in the trap, and carried it out and killed the rats." The inventor claimed that the trap was a great success.


During the early history of Putnam county, many wolves infested the county as well as the other counties in this part ol the stale. At that time the stale paid a bounty lor the scalps ol wolves, and the early pioneers were industrious in hunting them. The money they received lor the scalps was certainly a blessing to them in those days, as inonc) was very scarce and what was received from this source paid taxes and afforded now and then a better living in several respects. All scalps had to he presented to the



clerk (it the court, who issued an order on the county treasurer for the amount. The order called lor tour dollars and twenty-five cents for each scalp. Persons presenting scalps had to swear that they killed the wolves. The following is a sample of the affidavits required to be made:

"You, George Sweiger, do solemnly swear that the scalps now produced by you are the scalps of wolves taken by you within the county of Putnam, within twenty days last past, and verily believe the same to have been under the age of si.N months, and that you have not spared the life of any she wolf withm your power to kill, with a view to increase the breed.

"George Sweiger. "Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20th day of May, A. 1). 1834. "Daniel W. Gray, Clerk pro tern."

The above certificate was numbered 11, and is the earliest certificate w e I on 1 on tile.

The George Sweiger above mentioned was quite a success as a wolf hunter, as he presented main oi the scalps oi wolves killed at various times. During the period from 1834 to 1836, main' wolves were killed in this county, and about a hundred were killed during the year [834. Many per- sons killed only a single wolf, while others seemed to make it a business.

Among those drawing the most money during the year 1834, for wolf scalps, were the following: George Sweiger, $00: William Kenny, ,f4--75! John Woods, ^j(,j-?; Andrew Clawson, $20; John Klder, $21.25; J"'111 aIi> Gill, $15; Joseph Nichols, $15; Leonard Sweiger, $12.50; John Xeill, $9,25, and George Blessing, $7.50.

The last wuli known to be bred 111 this counts- was killed by a hunter, near liehnore, many years ago.

Miles (row, main years ago a resident of Greenshurg township, was a great hunter and was possibly the last man in the count) to trap or kill wolves, lie was successful in killing more wolves than any other man, after the year 1 8 |<>.

An incident is related of one of Ottawa's first settlers wherein about every male citizen ol that time became very much excited. In March of 1835, a man who lived at the river bank on the west side ol what is now known as Walnut street, had a barn yard where now is located the old wheel works, lie had 111 the yard a flock of sheep. The snow had been deep on the ground for nearly a month. A pack ol wolves came across the river and made a raid mi the sheep. About every man in the village turned out to fight the wolves. In I he light two valuable dogs were killed bv the wolves,



while but a few of the wolves were captured. The owner of the (logs greatly regretted their loss, as in that clay a good hunting dog was valued at a greater price than an entire (lock of sheep.

In waterworks park, in Ottawa, may now he seen one oi the traps used for capturing wolves in the early history of the county.


The first school taught on the Indian reservation was held in a part of a double log cabin owned by Christian Huber. This cabin was located on the farm now owned by Mr. Miller, and situated immediately north of the present waterworks plant. Miss Priscilla Compton taught the first school in the first school house in Ottawa, that being located immediately north oi the residence for a time occupied by Thomas Carnahan. This school house was built of logs, the seats and desks were made of slabs, and the floor was of puncheons.


It is not generally known that the people of the various towns of Put- nam countv helped to select their postmasters seventy years ago. Such, however, appears to have been the case, if the report given in a local paper is to he believed. The following extract from the Kalida J'cnture tells its own story :

"Postoffice Meeting.

"Til pursuance to notice heretofore given the Democratic citizens trans- acting their business through the Postoffice at Kalida met at the office of Ben Metcalf and proceeded to nominate a suitable person to be recommended to the Postmaster General to fill the vacancy in the Postoffice at Kalida to be occasioned by the resignation of M. M. Gillett the present incumbent:

"Which resulted on the fifth ballotting, in the choice of Winchton Risley.

"On motion the meeting adjourned without day, March 22nd, 1845. Stephen White, Chairman. Ben Metcalf, Secretary."

ll;o\ itKllKU'.s OF PUTNAM COUNTY.

There seems to have been considerable discussion m the local newspa- pers concerning the first iron bridge in the county. Prom the best evi- dence obtainable it appears that it was built over the Blanchard at Cuba


in Greensburg township. The Auglaize and Blanchard rivers, with their many tributaries, have necessitated the building; of a large number of ex- pensive- bridges. There are no less than live bridges across the Blanchard at Ottawa, although the county built three of them, the others being erected by the steam and electric roads which come into the town. The county has built fourteen iron bridges over the Blanchard river and eight across the Auglaize; in addition, there are scores of bridges across the many tributaries of the two larger streams of the county. It is not too much to say that the spanning of the rivers and streams of Putnam county has cost nearly half a million dollars within the past half century.


In the early history of Putnam county, debates on public questions were one of the most popular features of entertainment, and debating societies were in vogue in every community where a school house existed. The Ku- liiln I 'cut lire of March 21, [848, contains the following notice: "There will be a meeting- of the Kalida Lyceum held on the evening of March 28. The question for debate will be 'Ought all laws for the collection of debts be repealed.' "


A short time ago, John P. ( 'levenger, of Columbus drove, made an in- teresting discovery while tearing out an old rail fence. Me found no less than thirty-two different kinds of timber represented in the old fence row and the enumeration of this varied assortment of timber throws an inter- esting light upon the character of the early forests of Putnam county. The complete list of trees which were represented in this wonderful rail fence is as follows: Buckeye, native poplar, Lombard}' poplar, Carolina poplar, black locust, honey locust, black ash, white ash, burr oak, red oak, white oak, jack oak, beech, sugar, maple, sycamore, pawpaw, dogwood, ironwood, linden, willow, Cottonwood, black walnut, white walnut, shellbark hickory, smoothhark hickory, white and red elm.


'1 he colored man has never been a welcome resident in Putnam county and at the present tune there are none living in the county. However, there


have been a few colored people here in the past and history records that at least one colored man. by the name of Mines, voted in Blanchard township. This particular son of Africa worked for William Guy.


"United States to Henry Wing.

"Certificate No. 427. The United States of America:

"To All to Whom These Presents Shall Come Greeting:

"Whereas Henry Wing, of Putnam County, Ohio, has deposited in the General Land < )ffice of the United States a Certificate of the Register of The I. and Office at Piqua, Ohio, whereby it appears that Full Payment has been made by the said Henry Wing according to the provisions of the Act of Congress of the 24th of April. 1820 entitled, 'An Act making further pro- visions for the sale of the Public bands for The North traction of the North hall of Section fourteen, 111 township one North of Range six east in the district of lands offered for sale at Piqua, Ohio, containing twenty-one acres and thirtv-hundredths of an acre, according to the office plat of the survey of the said lands returned to the land office by the Surveyor General,' which said tract lias been purchased by the said Henry Wing.

"Now, Know Ye That the United States of America, in consideration ot the promises and in conformity with the several acts of Congress in such case made and provided, I lave Given and Granted, and by these presents Do Give and Grant unto the said Henry Wing and his heirs the said tract described; To have and to Hold the same, together with all the rights and privileges immunities and appertinances, of whatsoever nature Thereunto belonging, unto the said Henry Wing and to bis heirs and assigns forever.

"In Testimony Whereof I, John Quincy Adams, President of the United Stales of America, have caused These letters to be made Patent and the Seal of the General Land < )ffice to be hereunto affixed.

"Given under my band, at the City of Washington, The thirteenth day ot January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty- seven and of the Independence of the United States the fifty-first.

"By the President, J. Q. A.

"G. G. Commissioner of the General Land Office.

"Recorded Vol. 60, page 4_m, Ohio Vol."




When the present liquor law went into effect in the fall of 1913, there were thirty-two saloons 111 Putnam county. Since the number is now re- stricted to one for every thousand inhabitants, there are only nineteen saloons. They are distributed as follows: hive in ( Htawa, two in Continental and one each in the towns of Ottoville, Ft. Jennings, Cloverdale, Gilboa, Kalida, Glandorf, Miller City and West Leipsic. In addition, there is one saloon in Monterey township and one in Jennings township. These two saloons are really in the towns of Ottoville and Ft. Jennings, respectively, but the boards of both towns changed the corporation lines so that the saloons would legally be in the township. There is a saloon in Liberty township, just out- side of the corporate limits of Leipsic, and another in Pleasant township, adjoining the corporation oi Columbus Grove. Leipsic and Columbus are both "dry'' as the result oi local option elections.

Saloon licenses are now granted by a county liquor licensing board appointed by the governor. The lust appointees lor Putnam county were Frank Gmeiner and Walter Stevenson, both of whom received their com- missions on April o, 19 13. .Mr. Stevenson resigned on April 1, 1915, his resignation taking effect on the 15th of the same month. The members receive the nominal sum oi twenty dollars a month tor their servicer. When the law went into effect, in October, 1013, there were thirty-two saloons in the county and fifty applications before the board lor the nineteen saloons which was the limit allowed by the law. bach applicant must [jay live dollars at the time ol application, and, if granted, he must pay a county tax of one thousand dollars and a government tax of twenty-five dollars. A renewal or transfer costs sixty dollars.


In the latter part of March, 1913, Ottawa emerged from the greatest flood oi its history. No loss of life occurred. The hungry waters got no victims. The loss in dollars ran into hundreds of thousands. The town was swept by water many feet deep. Out of the darkness of .Monday night, March 24, 1913, came the rising, rushing, raging Hood, Swift and sure it went high, then higher, then highest in the history of the town. Homes had to be descried, and on Tuesday morning the (own sent out a cry for help. The quid citizen saw |he need of quick and daring action. As the night brings out the stars, so did the flood bring out the good there is in men. No


one- faltered. The man from the common walks of life became t lie real hero. Wind, water, cold ; 1 1 1 « 1 storm were laughed at by men who met the occasion and were equal to the task. All railways were paralyzed. Boats were lacking. Travel was at a standstill. But lightning Hashed a message over the wires, and soon men, boats, food and help were on the way. From Leipsic, Columbus Grove, Lima, Toledo, St. .Marys and other plaees relief came at double quick. That it did, was a blessing, tor Ottawa was in dire distress and sore need. Out of the whole situation came a spirit of human- its', heroism, and helpfulness that was almost sublime. Lives were risked to save other lives, Property was secondary and the welfare of human beings was the first concern.

Farmers came with wagon loads of supplies of food and fuel. This kindly action was ot their own motion. They did not wail to he asked to help. On this Sunday morning, Ottawa has the appearance of a flood-swept town. Wreckage, debris, washouts, and a hundred tokens showed the power of little drops of water when angry and united into torrents and currents.


When Putnam county was organized in 1834, the Democratic and Whig parties were just getting definitely separated. The twenty years preceding this time had seen only one party, the Democratic, and whatever differences existed politically were personal. .Adams, Jackson and Clay ran for Presi- dent on the same ticket, their followers being known as Adams, Jackson or Clay nun.

In the early thirties the old Democratic part)', dominated by the hero of the battle of Xew Orleans, began to disintegrate and by 1S32 it was evident that Jackson's control of the party was fast slipping away from him. Clay, his greatest opponent, was forging to the front as a leader and seriously dis- puting the old warrior's leadership. It was in the midst of this new align- ment ol political parties that Putnam county came onto the scene of action, and both i'i the parties began to lav their plans to capture the township and county offices.

The history ol political control in Putnam county may be very briefly summed up. The Democrats have been in complete control ever since the county was organized with the exception ol a bricl period when the Repub- licans elected three county officials. In 1 852-53 there was a big effort made by the Whigs to gain control and with the aid of the disgruntled Democrats, the\ .ame \<tv near succeeding. A secret organization, political in nature,



known as the Knownolhings, came into existence at this time, which osten- sibly sought to confine all offices to native-born Americans. Several lodges were organized in Putnam county, the largest being in Clilboa, Ulancharch township. In combat this organization, the Democrats organized an equal number of lodges under the name of the "Sag Nichts" or "Say Nothings." Both organizations used all the tricks of seasoned politicians, but the result terminated favorably to the Democrats in the succeeding election.

The decade preceding the C nil War was one of great strife in political matters and scores of anti-slavery Democrats left the old party and allied themselves with the new Republican party. However, the supremacy of the Democrats was never seriously threatened, in Putnam county, although its majorities were cut down. From 1X55 to the opening of the war, the tension in political affairs was often at the breaking point, and it took cool heads to keep matters from degenerating into open encounters at times. Following the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska act. the Whig party went out of existence and m the two following years the Democratic party lost hundreds of thou- sands oi its leaders in the Northern states. In Ohio the new party at first styled itself the Union party, and later hyphenated itself into the Union- Republican party. Although many of the Democrats joined the new party, there wa.- a corresponding shift from the old Whit; party to the Democrats, the defection being due to the slavery question. The net result was that the Democrats were able to maintain their hold on political affairs in the county.

While ante-bellum politics were in such a seething state, there were large political gatherings in every town and village of the county and enthusiasm often outran men's better judgment. The greatest gathering, however, oc- curred the second year alter the close of the war. It was held in Ottawa, on September i>), 1X117, and lion, (lenient L. Vallandigham was the orator of the dav The newspapers oi the day said that there were twenty thousand people present and that the parade was two and a half miles in length. It consisted oi decorated floats, wagons, horsemen, hands, etc., and must have been an imposing spectacle. .Many big meetings have been held since then, hut none to compare with this particular one in magnitude.

lake other counties in the state of Ohio, I 'ul nam has had its Prohibition, Socialist. Progressive, Independent and People's parties, vet they have been hut as "side shows" traveling with the two great parties. As has been said, the Democrats have always been 111 power in the county, with the exception of ash. ul time. Ai onetime (in the early nineties) some Democratic officials became derelict in their duties and three of them were sent to the penitentiary. 'Hie people rose up in [heir might and elected a Republican countv treasurer,


prosecuting attorney and clerk for two years each and a county auditor for two terms of three years each.


The most enthusiastic celebration ever held in Ottawa followed the re- ceipt of the news of Dewey's bloodless victory at Manila bay, May 1, 1898. The celebration occurred the night of May 2, and for hours bells were rung, whistles blown and general pandemonium reigned. Red-fire lighted up the main streets and a happy people gave vent to their heartfelt appreciation of Admiral Dewey and his splendid victory.


The greatest Fourth of [uly celebration ever held in the county occurred in 1876. Ottawa and Columbus Grove both celebrated that year and each town tried to outdo the other and get the largest crowd. For weeks be- fore that day, both towns used every effort to advertise their attractions and a number of unusual features were promised by the committees who had charge oi affairs in the respective towns. As might be expected. Ottawa had the largest crowd, although Columbus Grove was not far behind in point of attendance. The crowd at Ottawa was estimated at from twelve to fifteen thousand people, and such another celebration was newer held be- fore or since. .More noise was made, more popcorn consumed, more lemonade drunk and more powder burned on that day than any other in the history of the town.



Blanchard township, including Gilboa village 1,005 1,778 1,688

Gilboa village 345 340 2O4

Greensburg township 1,07s 1,211 i,o<)S

Jackson township r . I 1 3 1,308, 1.235

Jennings township, including Fort Jennings vil- lage !/>-'<) 1.787 1.741

fort Jennings village __ 330 322 286

l.ihcrtv township, including West l.cipsic village 1/108 --77S -.007

West l.cipsic village __ _ . .. 253 346 502

Monroe township, including Continental village 2,130 -'77$ --'"17


1910 1900 1890

Continental village .__ 1,074 1,104 895

Monterey township,. including Ottoville village 1,652 1,711 i,S07

Otloville village 477 369

Ottawa township, including Glandorf and Ottawa

villages 3,,So5 4,207 3,381

Glandorf village 558 749 571

Ottawa village 2,182 2,;22 1,717

rainier township, including Miller City village 1,012 1,990 1,804

Miller City village 218 1(15

Perry township, including Cloverdale and Dupont

village 1,581 1,736 1,710

Cloverdale village 222

Dupont village 334 370 531

Pleasant township, including Columbus Grove vil- lage 3,194 3,401 3,286

Columbus Grove village 1,802 1,935 I<^>77

Riley township, including Pandora village ',075 1 ,83 i 1,566

Pandora village 562 400

Sugar Creek township 1.337 1 ,4 1 6 1,429

Union township, including Kalida village 1,810 1,619 1.482

Kalida village 770 Cjj 444

\ an I'.iiren township, including Belmore ami Leipsic

villager 3.534 3,6X7 3,444

Belmore village 2<;X 334 414

Leipsic village ^-77?, 1,726 i-3??t

Total .'0,072 32,525 30,188

The population of Putnam county fur the decades prior to [890 was as

follows: 1830, 230; 1840, 5,189; 1850, 7,221; i860, 12,808; 1870, 17,081, 1880, 25.713.


The following highway statistics are taken from the last annual report

of James R. Marker, state highway commissioner of Ohio, issued on March

15, loi.S- The first table exhibits the mileage and type of roads in the county outside of the municipalities.


Total hiler-Co.

Miles Imp. Roads Roads on Roads

January .March January Imp. by

TypeofRoad. i.i^i.v 15, 1915. 11,1915. Stale.

Concrete 0.61

Macadam 4r,7 498 IOI-4 (,°8

Gravel 110 90 15.8 o

Earth 590 o 11. 1 o

Total 1. 167 588 128.3 Cj-69

The .statement of road and bridge expenditures for the four years (1910- 1913) discloses the fact that the county has spent nearly three hundred and fifty thousand dollars in that short time on roads and bridges. The figures for 1913 include all expenditures up to and including August 31, 1914, paid out by the county commissioners and township trustees, exclusive of the money expended by the state.

1910 1911 1Q12 I0I3

Road repairs $ 25,956 $20,058 $ 388 $ 2,387

Road construction ^-^..^V 5°»3°4 I7>127 93>277

Bridge and culvert repairs 1,531 I.7S8 4.202 2>925

Bridge & Culvert construe' n 6,216 3,536 5,849 i4-'°5

Total $116,082 $75,686 $27,566 $112,794





|()1I.\ EDWARDS.

In the golden sayings oi Epictetus there is no nobler utterance than this: "What woulclst thou he found doing when overtaken by Death? If 1 might choose, I would lie found doing some deed oi true humanity, of wide import, beneficent and noble. Hut it I may not he found engaged in aught mi lofty, let me hope at least fur this what mine may hinder, what is surely m my power that I may he found raising up in myself that which had fallen; learning to deal more wisely with the things of sense; working out my own tranquillity, and thus rendering that which is due to every relation of life.

"It death surprise me thus employed, it is enough if I ran stretch forth my hands to Cod and say, 'The faculties which 1 received at Thy hands for apprehending this Thine administration, I have not neglected. As far as in me lay, I have done Thee no dishonor. Behold how 1 have used the senses, the primary Conceptions which Thou.gavest me. Have I ever laid anything to Thy charger Have I ever murmured at aught that tame to pass, or wished it otherwise.'' Have I in anything transgressed the relations of life? [•"or that Thou didst beget me. I thank Thee for that Thou hast given; for the lime during which I have used the things that were Thine, it suffices me. lake them hack and place them wherever Thou will! '['hey were all Thine, and Thou gavcst them me. If a man depart thus minded, is it not enough'' \\ hat life is fairer or more noble, what end happier than his?"

The above impressive thoughts are suggested by a review of the life of the late John Edwards, of this county, whose passing in the year [901 was till- occasion oi such general and sincere mourning throughout this whole region. In making up a history of I'uliiam county it would he impossible to disregard the great part which Mr. Edwards took 111 the industrial and financial development of the commonwealth, a part the value of which to the community the present historian hardly dare estimate, for the service which


Ik- gave was cumulative in its value, its elTccts being still widely apparent and growing in value, even as the enterprises which he promoted in his life are growing in extent. It therefore must be left to the future historian to at- tempt a proper estimate of the service which Mr. Edwards rendered to his community, the present reviewer contenting himseli with the presentation here of those interesting biographical tacts in the career of the late deceased which now have become a part of the common interest of this people.

( )n other pages of this volume, in the biographical sketches relating to his elder brother, William \Y. Edwards, also deceased, and his surviving brother, Joseph 11. Edwards, t lie well-known hanker at Leipsic, the genealogy of the Edwards family in this country is set out at informative length and it therefore will be sufficient to say here that the late John Edwards was horn in Licking county. Ohio, January 27, 1850, a son of Thomas W. and Isabel Edwards, and when but eight years of age moved with his parents to Morrow county, in the same state, the family, in the year icShi, coming to Putnam county, where they settled on a farm in section 27, Van Buren township, and there John Edwards grew- to manhood, receiving the training and acquiring the unusual physical vigor which later and during his life of active service stood him in such good stead.

Mr. Edwards' early manhood was spent on his father's farm, his larger business career not beginning until he was twenty-eight years of age. This was m 1878, in which year he purchased an interest in the stave manufac- turing business of Henry and Jonas l.enhart. In [886, the great possibilities of this business having then become apparent, the company was enlarged and Mr. Edwards, in association with his brother, William \V. Edwards, I. N. Bushong, J. S. l.enhart and D. 1.. Critten, organized the Buckeye Stave Company, of which Joseph II. Edwards soon after became a member. The growth of this business was phenomenal, the energy and far-sighted business sagacity oi the directors thereof soon making it one oi the most extensive enterprises 111 tin-- section of Ohio. Originally the company owned mills only at Leipsic, Continental and Columbus Grove, in this county, but in i8yo a mill was added at Pleasant Bend; m i)S<)i mills were located at Kalida and at Avis; in [892 at Elm tenter fet^f at Mancelona, Michigan, and m iN')4 at Gladstone, Michigan. The business grew by leaps and bounds, until, at the time of Mr. Edwards' death in [yoi, the company owned twenty- three mills in ( )hio ami southern Michigan and was interested in live more in the northern peninsula of Michigan, the company at that time employing more than a thousand men and being recognized as the largest Stave coin-


pany in the world. In addition to its great manufacturing interests, the [Buckeye Stave Company extensively engaged in the banking business. In 1887 the company purchased the hank at Leipsic and in [89] established the hank at Continental, both in this county, the same being operated as private concerns, the stock controlled by the stockholders of the stave company, the Edwards connection later extending its hanking interests to Toledo ami Findlay, Ohm. In all his large and growing business activities Mr. Edwards gave himself unsparingly. From the very inception of this business he displayed an untiring zeal in the extension oi the company's affairs, con- tinually taking a most active and important part in the development of the business. 1 1 1^ untimely death, on September 30, 1901, was a great blow to the company as well as a real shock to the community. Taken at the age of fifty-one, in the very prime of his life, it was difficult for many to reconcile themselves to what they regarded as his untimely departure, and he was sincerely mourned.

To the death of John Edwards the noble Epictetan concept which intro- duces this biography seems peculiarly applicable, lie indeed had been true in all the relations oi life, diligent in business, serving the Lord, and in his passing he left a memory which long shall be honored in the community which knew him so well. Though his life was one of commonplace begin- nings, in its entirety it was far from commonplace. Endowed by nature with an excellent physique and a most gracious and engaging personality, he was a natural leader oi men and his great business success hardly could have been otherwise. Greater, however, than his mere outward endowments were those line traits of character which made him a strong and an upright man. Possessed of exceptional executive ability anil far-sightedness in matters of business policy, together with a native will-power and a habit of constantly striving to do more anil to do it better, he was successful in business far beyond the measure oi the success of the average man. This success was not achieved, however, at the expense of character, but rather because of char- acter. < )| Ins honesty and sincerity much could he said, for they were essen- tial characteristics with him. Mis kindliness of heart and generosity of nature were traits that endeared him to all with whom he came in contact. Ibis generosity found expression, not only in countless private benefactions oi which the public had no information, for Mr. Edwards was not one to let bis right hand know what bis left was doing in such mailers, hut colleges, churches and many worthy institutions found him a liberal giver. Me, in- deed, gave a gnod account "for the lime during which I have used the things

■■* 1

l'UTNA.M Col'NTY, Oil Id.

that were Thine," and il sufficed him. lie regarded himself as a mere steward of the great worldly wealth which was given him and sought ever to govern his giving accordingly. In a quiet way Ik- also was public-spirited and his influence was always exerted in behalf of such measures of public con- cern a^ promised the greatest advancement of the common weal, the weight of his counsels ever being on the side of the right. With quiet reticence, the charming modesty of the truly great, Mr. Edwards avoided all ostenta- tion and, despite the power which his wealth inevitably gave him, was kindly and considerate to all, so that in his passing there was .sincere mourning among all classes. Working out his own tranquillity, he thus had rendered that which is due to every relation of life.

On August _'i. 1873, John Edwards was united in marriage to Mary E. Lenhart, who was born a mile west of Leipsic, in this county, the daughter of Henry S. and Adaline (Braucht) Lenhart, the former of whom was a native of Pennsylvania who moved to Hancock county, Ohio, in his young manhood and there married Adaline Braucht, who was born in that county, a member of one of the pionegr families. In 1854 the l.enharts came to this county and located on a farm west of the town of Leipsic. where Mrs. Len- hart died in 1869. Mr. Lenhart married a second lime, taking as his wife Mrs. Anna (McConnell) Reed, and moved into Leipsic where his death occurred in 1904.

To |obu and Mars1 I'.. (Lenhart) lulwards were born lour sons, Henry Clyde, Thomas Charles, William Karl and Oliver I 'earl, the latter of whom are twins. Henry C. lulwards, who lues on an extensive ranch in Texas, married Bertha I ladsell and has one son. Max lladsell, now sixteen years of age. Thomas C. Edwards, who represents his late father's interest in the bank at Leipsic, married Blanche Patterson, of Manchester, Ohio, to which union were born four children, John Leon, Thomas Robert, Mary Elizabeth and Janet Virginia. William E. lulwards is a teacher in the high school at Leipsic and Oliver I'. Edwards, who is one of the leading directors of the celebrated Temco Electric Motor Company at Leipsic, married [osephine Xiblick, ol Decatur, Indiana, and has one daughter, Harriet.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwards reared their children in the faith of the Meth- odist church and were warmly interested in all the various beneficences ot that organization. Mr. Edwards was one of the church's most zealous sup- porters and took an earnest part in its numerous lines of activity, giving not only liberally of money, but unsparingly of his time and the benefit of his great business ability, and the local congregation fell a sense of real bereave- ment upon bis passage from this life.




Among the worth)' citizens of Columbus Grove, Putnam county, Ohio, whose residence here has contributed in no small degree to the prestige of the county, is Charles 11. Junes, a well-known manufacturer. While laboring for his individual interests, he has not forgotten his obligations to the public, and his support of worthy measures and movements can always be depended upon. Although his life has been a busy one, his private affairs making heavy demand^ upon his time, he has never allowed it to interfere with his obliga- tions as a citizen and a neighbor. Through long years of residence in this lo- cality, he has ever been true to the trusts reposed in him, whether of a public or private nature. Ills reputation, in a business way, is unassailable. Pos- sessing in a marked degree tho.se sterling traits which command uniform con- fidence and regard, he is today honored by all who know him and numbered among the representative men oi Putnam county.

Charles II. Jones was born at Troy, Ohio, May -'4, 1861, lie is a son ol Jeremiah l\ and Manila lane (llari) |nnes. The Joneses were natives oi Wales. John Jones was born in Virginia, and emigrated to Path county, Kentucky, where he married a Miss Greene. To this union were born eleven children. Oliver, Goldsbury, John, Mary Ann, Elizabeth, George, Zechariah, I'.bhu, Arlimesia, Isabella and Salem. George Jones was born in Bath county, Kentucky, June 0, r8o8, and emigrated to Miami county, Ohio, about 1826. lie was married in iSjo to Eleanor (learhart, whose parents were originally natives of Germany. Henry Gerhart was born in Washington county, Mary- land, about 1707, and married Barbara Young. They emigrated to Pock- bridge county, West Virginia, ami were the parents of the following chil- dren. John, William, Anna, Elizabeth, Eleanor, Henry, Pewis and Joseph. Eleanor was born in Rockbridge county, West Virginia, September 5, [810, and emigrated with her parents to Miami county, Ohio, in [816. She was married to George Jones in iNjij. To this union live children were born, Jeremiah Puson, Samantha Isabella, Simeon Gearharl, Anna Tabilha and Mclyn Baker.

Jeremiah luison Jones was born on December 31, 1832. lie married Marlha Jane I Ian, April 10, 1885. The llart family were natives of New Jersey. John llart, one ol ihe signers of die Declaration ol Independence, was one ol die progenitors of the llart family, (bark's llart was born in New Jersey, aboul 1770, and married a Miss Chamberlin. Me emigrated widi Ins family lo Miami county, Ohio, aboul 1806. lie and his wife were ihe parents of four children, Ellen, William Levi, Wilson and Henry.


William I.. Hart was born in New Jersey, in 1810, and emigrated with his parents to Ohio, lie was married to Margaret Julien about 1832, a lady <'l French extraction, oi .Miami county, Ohio. They were the parents of several children, Martha lane, Justin Cyprian, John Lyman Beecher, Charles, Clarence Fdgar and Alice, the last two named being twins.

Martha Jane Hart was horn in Miami county, Ohio, May _'_', 1834, and married Jeremiah Fuson Jones, as stated above. To this union four chil- dren were horn, Ada l.uella, Delia Doris, Charles II. and George Edgar.

Jeremiah h'tison Jones attended the country schools, until he reached the age of eighteen, ami then undertook a course in Linden II ill Academy, at New Carlisle, ( )hio, at that time, under the direction of Prof. Thomas Harrison, a graduate of Oxford University, England. Mr. Jones remained in this school tor two years, and in the fall of 1853, began to teach school in Champaign count), Ohio, alter which he taught one year in the schools of Miami county, Ohio, and continued teaching here until 18G3, when he re- moved to Putnam county, where he was employed as superintendent of the public schools, at Delphos. Professor Jones held this position until 1867, when he moved to Anderson, Indiana, and became principal of the first ward school, of that city. He became superintendent of the Pendleton, Indiana, schools in January, 1868, and alter one year in that place, returned to Del- phos, ( )hio, where he was superintendent of the schools for three years. Mr. Jones became superintendent of the schools at Columbus Grove, Ohio, in 1875, which position he filled for some years. Professor Jones retired from the educational field in 1883, having given thirty years of his life to that work. Before leaving the teaching profession in 1870, Air. Jones had be- come interested in the manufacture of handles, a business in which he was to become associated with his sons, Charles II. and Ceorge E.

The factory at ( olumbus Grove specializes in second-growth hickory handles tor tools and axes. All the handles are shaved and no turned han- dles are produced. The goods from this factory are sold all over the United States, chiefly on the Pacific coast. The linn name is now ]. P. Jones' Sons, and is composed of C |[. Jones and George P.. Jones. Charles II. Jones became a partner in 1884, and George E. Jones came into the firm about ten years later. About twenty years ago. J. P. Jones retired from the active management ol the business and, since that time, has lived in Toledo, Ohio.

( harles II. Jones received his education in the schools at ("olumbus Grove, where he graduated. He has been engaged in the handle business since 1884. He is president of the Northern Ohio Cooperage & Lumber


Company, ol Parkin, Arkansas, and is also engaged in numerous oilier business enterprises.

Charles II. Jones was married on June 23, 1887, to Alice Rebecca VVy- man, who was horn ami reared at Sidney, ( )hio, ami who is a daughter of fudge X. R. and Mary VVyman. Her father's name was Nathan Russell VVyman, he was horn in Vermont, in 1821, and moved to Ohio in 1840. Nathan VVyman was in business in Sidney, Ohio, tor many years, and was prominent as a Democrat, having been probate judge for several terms. He was appointed superintendent of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphan Home at Xenia, Ohio. At the time of his death, August 29, 1886, he was manu- facturing buggy spokes in Sidney.

Her mother was mary Hale VVyman, horn in New York state in 1822, and died in Sidney, Ohio, November 3, 1005, at the advanced age of eighty- three years. To this union two daughters have been born, Edith R. and Jeannette. Edith is a teacher of Latin ami German in the Columbus Grove school-. She attended the Western College for Women, at Oxford, Ohio, ami then attended VVooster University, where she graduated in 1910. She is also a graduate of the music department oi the latter institution. Jeanette is a junior 111 the University of Wisconsin, at Madison, Wisconsin. She is a member of the university orchestra. Previously, she took one year at VVooster.

Charles II. Jones is a Republican, ami served four years as postmaster of Columbus Grove, during President Harrison's administration. He is a prominent Mason, having attained to the thirty-second degree of the Scot- tish Rite, and is also a member of the Mystic Shrine, lie is a member of the Presbyterian church, ami takes an active interest in the work of that denomination, being a trustee of the church at this time, at Columbus Grove.

George Elgar Jones, the third member of the linn of J. F. Jones' Sons, was born March 24, 1872, at Delphos, Ohio. He grew to manhood at Co- lumbus Grove, ami after leaving the public schools, took a business course at Cincinnati, Ohio. He then entered business college, where he spent a short time at Chicago as an electrician. He became a member of the linn of [. I'. I ones' Sons about 1804, anil has devoted his time to this business since that date.

George Edgar Jones was married on May 22, 1894, to Grace Adelaide Dve, who was horn at Columbus Grove, and who is a daughter oi Willis I lance and I'annic Adelaide ( I >anu ) Dye. Her father was a native of

288 I'UTNAM COUNTY, (Ml 10.

Miami county, Ohio, and her mother a native of New Haven, Connecticut. Mrs. Jones' parents moved to Putnam county forty-one years ago, from Sidney, where they had lived one year after their marriage. They lived at Columbus drove until the death of .Mrs. Dye in 1899, after which Mr. Dye moved to Van Wert. Ohio, and engaged in the grocery business. From there he went to Florida, where he is now living, lie was engaged in the grocers- business during all the time he was living in Columbus Grove, ex- cept ten years, which were devoted to the interests of a milling business.

To Mr. and Mrs. George E. Jones three children have been horn, Gran- ville Dye, Robert Edgar and Jeremiah Franklin. Granville is now a junior at the University of Michigan, and prior to going there, was a student at the University of Wooster for one year. George E. Jones and family are ac- me and earnest members of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Jones is a mem- ber of the Free and Accepted Masons, having attained to the thirty-second degree, in that time-honored order. Me is also a member ol the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.

The Jones family is among the best known of Putnam county, they are leaders in the commercial, religious and social life of this section of Putnam county, and are well worthy of representation in the annals of their county.


An attorney of Ottawa, Putnam county, Ohio, and one of the largest landowners of the county, is Judge Julius Sinclair Ogan, who has been a resident of Ottawa since the fall ol iS.Sj. lie was burn and reared in this county, and with the exception of the vears which he spent in college, has lived his whole life within its precincts. Alter graduating from the classical course at Oberlin College, lie graduated from the law department of Michi- gan University, and has been engaged in the active practice of his profession since icX~N. lie has never been an aspirant lor public office, and has never held but one, being appointed judge ol the common pleas court for a period ol eleven months, lie has preferred to give his time and attention to his private practice and to the management ol Ins large landholdings in this county.

Julius S. Ogan, the sou of Noah VV. and Nancy (Custer) Ogan, was burn in Pleasant township, Putnam county, < lliio, |uneo, 1850, I lis father was born in Green county, Ohio, October _■ 1 . i.Xji, a sun of Peter Ogan and


wife. Noah Ogan came to Putnam county about 1834 with his parents and located in Pleasant township and there he spent his youth and young man- hood. After his marriage to Nancy Custer, a daughter of Daniel Custer and wife, Noah VV. Ogan located on the farm next to that of his father, in Pleasant township, and lived there until the latter part of the fifties, when he moved to Columbus drove, where he engaged in the grain and grocery business, remaining then- until the opening of the Civil War. lie enlisted, in September, r86l, and was made captain of Company K, Pourteenth Regi- ment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, lie served for about three years, and was discharged alter the battle of Jonesboro, Georgia, on account of total dis- ability, arising from the loss of his left arm. After the close of the war, Noah Ogan returned to Columbus (drove and engaged in various pursuits, lie was engaged in the internal revenue service for some time, and also owned a farm near the village, lie also practiced law in Columbus Grove, where be spent his declining years, his death occurring there on May 29, 1906. His first wife died about iSocj, and some years later he married Emma Elliott. By his first marriage (here were four children, two of whom died in infancy. The others were, lennie. who became the wife of Daniel Henley, and lived m Cleveland, ' mio, until her death, and Julius S., whose history is here pre- sented. By the second marriage of Noah W. Ogan were horn two children, Servitus Wesley and Silas Jerome.

lulius S. Ogan grew to manhood, at Columbus Grove, and after receiv- ing his elementary education in the schools of that village, he entered Oberlin College, graduating with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, in 1S76. Tie at once entered the university of .Michigan, at Ann Arbor, and graduated from the law course, in the spring of [878, With this excellent training, it is no won- der that he was a successful lawyer, from the beginning. He began prac- ticing at Columbus Grove immediately after his graduation, and he and his father were in partnership in that place, until 1882. In the fall of that year he mo\ed to Ottawa and went in partnership with John M. Sheets, who has since become the attorney-general of Ohio. Mr. Sheets was elected common pleas judge in [894, and at that time "Mr. Ogan went into partnership with William II. [Tandy, who had just retired from the common pleas bench. Mr. Ogan and Mr. Handy continued in partnership until the latter part of I9°5> when Mr. Ogan was appointed judge of the common pleas court. lie held this office for about eleven mouths, and since then has practiced alone.

Mr. Ogan was married on December 25, [882, to Estella Turner, who was horn in Pleasant township, Putnam county, and is the daughter of Will-




iain M. .ind Martha Jane (Kuhn) 'Punier. ITer grandfather was probate judge and died soon after he went out of ulliee. Mr. ( >gan and his wife are the parents uf live children, four of whom are living: William Wesley dying at the age of six. The four children arc Martha Jane, Myrtle, Mildred and Julius S. Myrtle is the wife of Dr. Joseph Shaw, of Coshocton, ( >liu>, while the other two children are still living with their parents. Julius is now attend- ing the Ohio State University at Columbus. Mildred married |. [•". Donart, who is in the real estate and loan business at Ottawa.

Mr. Ogan was appointed a member of the Putnam county Building Com- mittee in 1909, which had general charge of the construction of the new court house. He remained on this committee until the court house was finally completed and contributed his full share to the laborious duties of this com- mittee, lie is president of the Ottawa J I nine and Savings Association and one ot its largest stockholders, lie owns nine hundred and thirty acres of land in Putnam county, from which he derives a very profitable income annually, lie is a member of the Pree and Accepted Masons, being a member of the blue lodge, chapter and council.


A distinguished citizen oi Ottawa, Putnam county, Ohio, a veteran of the Civil War and a former judge of the common pleas court, William Henry Handy is eminently entitled to representation in the history of his county. He enlisted tor service in the Civil War, when he was only sixteen years of age, and served until the fall of 1865. Studying law, after the close of the war, lie was admitted to the bar in iXo.S, and has been in continuous practice since that time. He has been a resident ot Ottawa since the spring of tSi>4, and has taken active part in the life of the count}- seat of Putnam county since that time.

William Henry Handy, an attorney, of Ottawa, was born on January 29, 1X47. in Pike township. Pulton county, Ohio. He is a son of Michael and Mary A. ( Bryan J Handy. .Michael Handy was born at Danby, Tomp- kins county, New York, in December, iNij, and was a son of Michael Handy, Si\, an old resident « > t the same county. The name was originally spelled llendee, and two brothers with that name came from Wales during die seventeenth century, one settling in Vermont and the other in Virginia. William II. I land y is a descendant of the I lenilee who k icalcd in Vermont.


Michael Handy, the father of William Henry, was a school teacher in Canada, hut during the period ol luruiuil in that country was driven out and went to Algonac, Michigan, where he was married on September _'_>, 1836, to Mar)- A. Bryan. She, too, had been a teacher in Canada, and had come to Michigan, and she, likewise, was horn in Tompkins county, .\e\v York, where her husband was horn. Jn the winter of 1839-40, Michael llaudv and wife moved from Michigan to Fulton county, Ohio, and located on a farm. Jle taught school, fanned and also cobbled shoes, lie was a \er_y industrious man and taught school by day and pegged shoes by night, and shook with the ague between times. In addition to his teaching school, shoeinaking and farming, lie also operated a blacksmith shop, did some cabi- net making, and at odd times studied law, and it can be seen that he was a man of great industry and of no inconsiderable intellectual ability. After Putnam count)' was set off as a separate count) 111 1850 Michael Handy moved to Ottokee, the new count)' seat, and followed the practice of law. lie moved to Wauseon, Ohio, in 1871, the new count)' seal of Fulton count)', ami lived there ihe remainder of his life. Jle served as prosecuting attorney ol Fulton count), and also as mayor of Wauseon. He died on March 6, 1885, his wife having passed away on April 1, 1880.

William Henry Hand)' was educated 111 the schools of Fulton count)', Ohio. When he was only sixteen years of age, on June 16, 1803, Mr. Handy enlisted 111 Company 11, Eighty-sixth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and was mustered in for the six months' service After serving in Ken- tuck)', Tennessee ami Virginia, he was discharged on February 10, 18O4. He re-enlisted, April 15, of the same year, in Company 11, Sixty-seventh Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, ami was in continuous service until September 10, 1865, when he was discharged as sergeant. lie served 111 the campaigns against Petersburg and Richmond, and was at Appomattox w hen l.ee surrendered.

Immediately after the close of the war, Mr. Handy returned home and began the study of law with his father, lie was admitted to the practice of law, at Toledo, Ohio, in 18(18, being twenty-one years of age at the time, lie took up the practice of his profession with his father at Ottokee, the county seat ol Fulton county, Ohio, and the father and son practiced to- gether until the first of January, 1875. At that time Mr. I lands and Frank II llurd started the Democratic Expositor, and operated ibis newspaper until in March, 1877, when it was sol, I to J. C. I'.almeier. Mr. Handy at mice returned to the practice of law at Wauseon, lo which place his father had moved, upon the change of ihe count) seal « » 1 Fulton county, lie was


iii the continuous practice of his profession, in Wauseon, until February 10,

18N5, when he assumed the duties of common pleas judge, to which office he had been appointed by Governor Hoadly. lie filled this office by appoint- ment and election, until May 10, iN')4, a period ol more than nine years, during which tune he gave satisfactory service to the citizens of the three counties which composed his jurisdiction. At that time Putnam, Fulton and Henry counties combined in one judicial district. At the expiration of his term of office, in the spring of 1804, Mr. Handy moved to Ottawa, where he has since resided. He resumed the practice of his profession in partner- ship with A. S. Ugan, and the firm continued together until in December, 1899. At that time Mr. Unverferth became the partner of Air. Handy.

Mr. Hand)' was married on October 16, 1869, to Isabelle J. Van Ars- dale, who was born at .Marseilles, Wyandot county, Ohio, and is a daugh- ter of John and Marietta (Norton) Van Arsdale. Her parents moved to Ottokee about 1867, where she was living at the time of her marriage. Mr. Handy and bis wife are the parents of three children, Harry L., Qive C. and May B. Harry married Maude Snyder, and is a locomotive engineer. Clive C. is an attorney in the legal department of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Company, at Cleveland. He married Hernia Orth, of Wauseon, and has one son, William O. May B. is a stenographer, and makes her home in Ottawa with her parents.

Mr. Handy has long been a leading factor in Democratic politics, but he has never held any other position than that of judge of the common pleas court. He is a Free and Accepted Mason and has attained the Royal and Select Masters degree. lie is a genial citizen, fond of a good joke, and well known, not only throughout Putnam county, but throughout this sec- tion 1 if the slate.


A veteran of the Civil War and a business man of Leipsic for a quar- ter ol a century, who was llie postmaster of that city, William T. Cole had been connected with the history of I'ulnain county since lSoy. lie en- listed in the Civil War when be was sixteen years of age, and after Ins en- listment had expired re-enlisted and served until the close of the war. lie came to tins county in [86y and alter farming for three years, located in Leipsic, where he has clerked in van ins stores and engaged in business for Iiimsel.f for more than twenly-live years, lie bad been llie postmaster of Leipsic since 1907.


William T. Cole, the son of Alonzo and Sarah (Caldwell) Cole, was born in what was then called Frankleton, now West Columbus, Franklin county, Ohio, November <;, 1847. 1 1 is father was horn in Vermont and came to Columbus in childhood with his parents. His mother was horn in Franklin county, Ohio, and was a daughter of William Caldwell and wife. His father was a life-long farmer.

Alonzo Cole was a school teacher in early life, and afterward engaged in farming. He moved to Delaware county, Ohio, while William T. was yet a child and remained there until 1S71, when he moved to Putnam county. He bought a farm two miles east of Leipsic and fanned there until his de- clining years, when he retired and moved into Leipsic, where he died. Alonzo Cole and wife were the parents of nine children, Oscar, deceased; Charles, of Leipsic; Malissa, deceased, who was the wife of Justus Butler; Elisa, deceased, who was the wife of Mason Beardsley; Mary, the widow of George Whitman, who now lives with her daughter at Wheeling, West Vir- ginia; William T., of Leipsic, deceased, and three children who died in infancy.

William T. Cole was reared in Delaware count)'. Ohio, and was living there at the lime of the opening of the Civil War. lie was large for his age and, although only sixteen, succeeded in becoming a member of Com- panv 11, One Hundred and Forty-fifth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He served with this company for four months around Washington, D. C, and was then discharged with his company. He returned home and went to school one winter and in the following March enlisted again in Company I',. One Hundred and Ninety-sixth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was sent with his regiment to Winchester, Virginia, where the regiment was divided up and his company sent to Fort Federal Hill, near Baltimore, and he remained there the seven months which elapsed until the close of the war.

After the close of the Civil War. Mr. Cole returned to his home in Delaware county and winked on a farm and in a saw-mill. He married in 1867 and located in Delaware county, hut in [869, he and his brother, Oscar, and two brothers-in-law, lustus Butler and George Whitman, came to Put- nam county where the four of iheni bought a hall section oi land, two miles east of Leipsic. Mr. Cole cleared his share of the land, hut only lived on it lor three vcars. lie then moved n> Leipsic and engaged in business, and until he became postmaster in 1007, he was either clerking in stores in the city, or engaged in business for himself, lie was commissioned postmaster ol Leipsic, December if'" 1007, and was re-appointed in hhj f<»r four more years.



Mr. Cole was married on December 2<>, 1867, to Olive Critchet, who was born in Licking county, Ohio, November 18, 1851, and is a daughter of Benjamin and Susan (Slut/) Critchet. Her father was a farmer and for forty years was a justice of the peace in Licking county. To this union were born four children, two dying in infancy, and two sons, \l\in M. and Charles Ray, who are still surviving. Alvin M, was born on December 23' [874i and is now assistant postmaster of Leipsic. He married Nellie Schroeder. Charles R,, born July 23, [880, is now a clerk in the postoffice. Charles married Nettie Altekruse, of Ottawa, and they have two daughters, Margaret and Thelma.

Mr. Cole and his wife and son, Kay. attended the Disciples church, lie was a member of the Knights of Pythias. lie had Ion- been identified with the Republican party, and has served as township treasurer and town- ship assessor, rendering his fellow citizens faithful and efficient service in both capacities. William T. Cole died on February 27, 1015.


.Although William Lewis Werner, M. 1)., has been a resident of Leipsic, Putnam county, Ohio, since the spring of 190N, he has already built up a large practice in the city and surrounding community. He is a man of exceptional training, along medical lines, as is attested by the number of diplomas from many of the most eminent schools of medicine in the United States. Not only has Doctor Werner met with pronounced success as a physician, but he has also taken an active part in the civic life of his com- munity.

William L. Werner, M. D., the son of Andrew and Catherine ( Roth) Werner, was horn at Eglon, Preston county, West Virginia, November -.'7, 1868. Plis father was horn in Pennsylvania, and for many years engaged in the carpentering and contracting business and, in [888, became the pro- prietor of a summer resort hotel at Eglon, West Virginia, which he managed until his wife's death, in [906. A few years later lie married again, and is now living a retired life at Kingwood, West Virginia, lie ami his wife- are members of the English Lutheran church. Andrew Werner served during the Civil War in the Union army.

Doctor Werner was reared in Preston county, West Virginia, where as a youth he engaged in mercantile pursuits for a short lime. Later, he engaged in the same business, at Gormania, in Grant county, West Virginia,


for a time. Doctor Werner graduated from the Thomas (West Virginia) high school in 1896, and in the following year entered the Eclectic Medical Institute, at Cincinnati, Ohio, graduating from that institution, in April, 1901.

Doctor Werner really began his practice before he completed his college course. At the end of his second year, he became an assistant to Dr. B. Baker, at Thomas, West Virginia, and at the end of his third year, was ad- mitted to the practice of his profession in West Virginia. After he gradu- ated in 1901, he returned to Thomas, where he continued the practice of medicine, until 1907. He built up a good practice in that place and became president of the State Eclectic Medical Association and a member of the pension examining board of his county. He was also physician for the poor in the Fairfax and Davis districts, and president of the county board of health.

Doctor Werner was not satisfied to discontinue his medical studies, in 1901, and since that time has taken many post-graduate courses in various schools throughout the country. He has taken a post-graduate course in the Philadelphia Polyclinic and College for Graduates in Medicine, during which time he pursued a general course for graduate physicians, and later, a special course in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. He also took a special course in abdominal surgery and gynecology. He graduated from the Na- tional College of Electro-Therapeutics, in the subjects of electro-physics and electro-therapeutics. He took- a general post-graduate course at Johns Hop- kins University, in 1906, a school which ranks as the best post-graduate college in America, and it is evident, from Doctor Werner's post-graduate work', that he is eminently litted for his chosen profession.

Doctor Werner permanently located at I.eipsic, Putnam county, Ohio, on May 5, 1908, where he has since continued his practice. It is needless to add that he has been successful from the beginning, and he finds his work constantly increasing. Since locating in I.eipsic, he has taken an active part in the affairs of the community, and at the present time is a member of the school board. He is unusually well-equipped in his office for all kinds of medical work. He has a stock- of drugs and does all of his prescription compounding. He has an oxyolene machine, which cost him nearly a thou- sand dollars; high frequency and X-ray machine, an electric vibrator, a line equipment for optical examinations, a large and varied assortment of surgical instruments, and, in fact, everything which (he twentieth-century physician and surgeon needs in general practice.

H is interesting to note that Doctor Werner was married before he was Iwenlv-livc wars of age, and he attributes no small share of his wonderful


success to the inspiration of his wife. He was married on September 25, 1893, to Lucretia E. Chisholm, who was born in Garrett county, Maryland, in 1876, and is a daughter of Alexander and Emily Chisholm, of Scottish parentage. To this union have been born two children, Myrtle Lucile and William Lewis, Jr. Lucile married Fred C. Smith, of Jersey City, New Jersey.

Doctor Werner and his family are members of the Lutheran church and lie holds his membership in the Knights of Pythias, and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. He has always taken a great interest in the state and national medical associations and makes it a point to keep in close touch with the latest developments in his profession. He has been particu- larly interested in the study of typhoid fever, its causes and treatment. While living in West Virginia, he was appointed, by the governor of the state, as delegate to the American Anti-Tuberculosis League, in 1907. Doctor Werner is still a young man and the success which has attended his efforts, thus far, indicates that he has a long and prosperous career before him.


It is one of the outstanding features of our government that it acknowl- edges no hereditary rank or title, no patent of nobility, save that of nature, leaving every man to fix his own rank and to become the artificer of his own fortune. 1 'laces ol honor, rank and preferment are Ihus happily placed before every individual, high or low, rich or pour, to be striven for by all, hut earned alone by perseverance and sterling worth, and are almost always sure tn he tilled by deserving men, or at least by those possessing the energy and talent essential to success in contest for public position. Aldine J. Welty is a conspicuous example of the successful, self-made American citizen, who is ii"t only eminently deserving of the confidence reposed in him by his fellow citizens, hut who also possesses the necessary energy and talent which lit him t>> discharge worthily the duties oi the responsible place with which he has been charged, lie i-* a man of vigorous mentality and strung mental fiber, and has found these qualities the chic! factors in carving out a career above suspicion and reproach, lie i^ an honor in the county, which In/ is so spleudidh serving.

\ldine J. Welly, the well-known secretary of the Pandora Overall Company, and a youn^ man ol splendid business ability, was born January


27, 1883, in Riley township, Putnam county, Ohio. He is the son of John U. and Catherine (Thut) Welty, the former of whom is a native of Berne, Switzerland, horn February 5, 1840, t lie son of John ami Alary Ann ( ( ierber ) Welty.

Aldine I. Welty grew up on the home farm and attended the old Mul- berry district school until the age of seventeen, and then entered the Pandora high school from which he was graduated at the age of twenty-one, with the class of 11)04. lie worked for a short time at the carpenter'.-, trade and, subsequently, took a trip west, visiting the World's hair, 111 St. Louis, in 1904, Denver, and thence to eastern Washington and other points, lie re- mained in this portion of the west for about nine months and during a part of this time, taught school. Upon his return home, he engaged in teach- ing for rive years and, during vacations, employed his time as a clerk in the store of 1 )avid Lichty at Pandora.

Mr. Welly was married on June -'5, 1907, at the age ol twenty-live, to Mary B, Amstutz, the daughter of Abraham M. and Catherine (llilty) Amstutz, and to this union three children have been horn, Clyde Lawrence, Arthur Laurel, who died at the age of three months, and Leland J.

After his marriage, Mr. Welty continued to teach for one year, when he became affiliated with the Pandora Overall Company, first as a salesman and, later, as secretary and joint manager. He has been very successful in hi- business relations thus far, and is the largest employer of labor in Putnam county. Mr. Welty also has control of two other factories, one at Celina, and the other at Zanesville, Ohio, being engaged in business similar to that at Pandora.

Aldine J. Weltv's grandfather was horn at Berne, Switzerland, in 1804. He was a fanner in Switzerland and was considered well-to-do, for his time. In addition to being a farmer, he was a mechanical genius and an able car- penter. I le c. une to America in 1845, landing at New York City after forty- five days on the water, lie came direct to Ohio and settled shortly after- wards in Riley township. Putnam county, where he entered land from the government. I his farm comprised one hundred and sixty acres, which Mr. Welty proceeded to clear and drain, lie limit a lo^ cabin and other build- ings, ami it was here thai he reared his family. There were twelve children, four ol whom were horn in Switzerland, Fred, who resides in Oklahoma; John I'., the father of Aldine J.; David; Annie, the wife of Rev. Zimmerly; John, who lives in Oregon; Christian; .Abraham, who also lives in Oregon; Fannie, Ihe deceased wife of Abraham Kcusser, ol Kansas; Amos; Peter, who also resides in Oregon; Samuel, and Anna, the wife of Peter K\ flrabcr,



()f Kansas. In addition to rearing this splendid family ol children, all of whom grew lo maturity, and all of whom, except one, married, John Welty, Sr.. reared four orphan children. One of them married Ins youngest son, Samuel. |ohn Welty was a rinse friend and associate of the well-known Rev. |ohn Moser. It is related that so close was their fellow ship, they had hut one pockethook. It is further staled that John Welty never took a man's note for money loaned, depending entirely upon the man's sense oi honor, lie was a man who was strictly religious, and was one oi the founders of the Mennonite church, lie was universally respected and well known as a good man and an upright citizen, lie had. according to a recent counting, one hundred and one grandchildren living. Prom tune to time he added to his holdings until he accumulated eight hundred and forty acres oi laud.

The original Welty homestead was located in the southeastern corner of Putnam county. It was here that John I'. Welty was brought by his par- ents, when five years old. Here he attended the typical log cabin school, and it was here that he grew to manhood. 'This country, at that tune, was heavily timbered, and almost totally under water. lie remained with bis people until he was twenty-seven years old, and at tunes worked tor neigh- boring farmers. It is related that the greatest compensation he received at any time tor his labors, was one hundred and live dollars, and a suit of clothes. At the age oi twenty-seven, he was married to Catherine Thul, who was bom in Wayne county, Ohio, September 18, 184.2, the daughter oi I'eter I. and Klizabelh 1 Ibirkholder ) I hut, also pioneers of Allen county. I he Thul family had come from Switzerland, and comprised a number oi deeply religious people. The ljurkholder family was known for its. thrift and economy,

Alter |obn U. Welty was married, he moved to a farm of his father's, two and one-half miles east of Pandora, which he later purchased of his father. Right acres of this land was cleared and had a log cabin ami barn Upon it. and it was here that he reared his family of six children, all of whom are living, and where he is living at the present time. His children follow: Amos, who married Margaret Suter, has seven children and lives in .Marin- ette. Wisconsin. Menno, who resides in Recdley, California, married Anna Schragg, ami has three sons. I '.lias, who lives in Pandora, married Klizabelh Anistutz, and has six children. Klizabelh. who is the wife of Albert I''.. llilty, of Riley township, lias four children. William, who resides on the home place, married Klla Rracy, and has three children. Aldine J. is the subject of this sketch.

John ('. W'cltv has Keen a very successful man. Me has accumulated

I'll NAM COUNTY, oil h


<i in-.ii K-r.il iK- money and property ;isi<le from his farm holdings, lie suffered a great misfortune, on May iy, moo, when his wile |)assed away. For years she had heen in delicate health. She was a kind and affectionate woman, and throughout her life had been a great sufferer, but bore it all un- complainingly, and was the light and sunshine oi her home.

Aldine J. Welty lias heen prominent in Democratic politics in Putnam county fur many years. lie is at present a central committeeman and was a prominent candidate fur delegate to the national Democratic convention, at Baltimore, in 191.2. In December, of that year, lie was appointed on a committee of ten, from Ohio, to confer at Washington, I). ('., with August Belmont and other Democratic leaders, lie performed efficient service for his party on this committee. Mr. Welty is also one of the organizers of the town and township Democratic Club. In recognition of Mr. Welty's services to the Democratic parte, I 'resident Wilson sent him his autographed photo- graph. During Bryan's campaign, in the fall of [912, Mr. Welty was a member of the entertainment committee in Ins congressional district. For the past seven years Mr. Welty has been secretary of the Grace Mennonite church, ot winch the entire family are members, bur two years he has been superintendent of the Sunday school, lie is secretary oi the lecture board of his own town and also vice-president ot the school board.

Aldine |. Welty is a young man who has traveled extensively, from

ocean t can, and has added to his already good education by both study

and travel, lie is always to be found behind any movement pertaining to the progress or betterment of (be community, lie is a man ol the cleanest character and the verv highest ideals. Possessed of splendid executive ability, as lie is, and with bis natural capacitv for leadership, he is expected to become one of the leading factors of the Democratic party in the stale of Ohio, lie is eminently equipped for work' of this character.


More and more, every year, the public is realizing the importance of maintaining a complete and accurate record of the proceedings ol the county courts. L pon the accuracy and thoroughness ol these local records much depends, as the vital interests of future generations may seriously hinge, some •lime, upon ihe preservation lodav of items of record that maw in them- selves, seem trivial. The importance, therefore, oi bavins; some one in Ihe


office oi the clerk oi the county courts who, by training and inclination, is given to thoroughness and studious attention to even the most minor details oi his office, cannot he over estimated. That Putnam county, in recent years, has been fortunate in securing the valuable services of such a public servant in the office of the clerk of courts, is a matter of general congratu- lation in the county, it being felt that the records of these important courts are sate in the hands of the present incumbent. That the people of the county were satisfied with the selection they had made of such a public servant, was made plainly evident by the flattering re-election of W. M. George, at the last election to the office which, for one term, he had tilled with such eminent satisfaction to the general public, particularly to those whose greater interest it is to know that the records of the county courts are being properly pre- served, and it is a pleasure for the biographer here to present a brief and modest review of the life's history of the gentleman whose name forms the caption 'for this interesting biographical sketch.

\\ . M. ( ieorge. clerk ot the court of Putnam county, Ohio, and per- haps one oi the best-known and most popular county officials that ever held office in the court house, was born on October 16, 1N07, in Van Buret) town- ship, Putnam county, the son of John H. and Alary M. ( French) George, the former oi whom was a native of Germany, born on March 13, 1834, and who died on August _'_>, 1812, and the latter id' whom was born, in ('"airfield county, Ohio, January -'_'. 1834, and is still living at her home, in Behnore, this count v.

John II. George, who, in his day. was one of the best-known farmers and business men, 111 Putnam county, was born in Kreis-I )ill, Germany, the son oi John ami Mary ( Kemper) George, parents of four children, and. in [852, when eighteen years of age, came to .America, lie landed in Xevv York and soon made his way to Ohio, lie had learned wagon-making in his native land and for two years worked at this trade in Crawford county, Ohio, lie went to Hancock county in the spring of 1854, where he worked at his trade, until [862. In the meanwhile, in [855, he was united in marriage to Miss Alary M. French, daughter of (hover French, a farmer of Irish descent, who died in Hancock county, Ohio, in 1857, his widow surviving until March. [884, when sin- died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George at the age of ninety years, drover French and wife were the parents of seven children, fohn, a United Brethren minister; FJizabeth ; Mrs. Lucinda Wiekham, of Belmore; George, a United Brethren minister, at Rcntonville, Ohio; Reuben; Mary M. (Mrs. George) and Sarah. Of these only the mother of the subject of this sketch now survives.


To John H. and Mary M. (French) George were born seven children, Genevre, who married Peter Zeller, a carpenter; Sarah A., who married L. Swaninger, and was the mother of two children: Reuben, a well-known hard- ware merchant, of Belmore, this county; Elizabeth, who married William Cook, a Putnam county farmer; Grover, wlio died at the aye of seventeen; William M., the immediate subject of this biographical sketch, now clerk of the courts of Putnam county, and Ida, who died at the aye ol seventeen. After his marriage, John H. George continued to work at his trade in Han- cock county, as above stated, until the spring of 1802, when he came to Putnam county and bought a tract of eighty acres of land in the woods, on which he built a cabin. He had cleared about twenty acres and hail placed the same under cultivation when he entered the Fifty-fifth Ohio Volunteer In- fantry, m lfciii-j, as a substitute, and was assigned to the Army ot the Tennes- see. He was with General Sherman in his famous march to the sea, was in a number of severe skirmishes, and fought in the last two battles in which his regiment took part as the war was drawing to a close. He was mustered out, at Louisville, Kentucky, and, at Cleveland, Ohio, received his honorable dis- charge.

At the close of the war, Mr. George resumed the pursuits of peace, re-entering, with unimpaired energy and ambition, upon the interrupted task of clearing his little farm, in Putnam county. This same energy marked his course all through his life and he added to his farm holdings from time to time until he, presently, was the possessor of more than four hundred acres of well-improved land. In addition to managing his large agricultural inter- ests in this county, Mr. George found time to engage in various other busi- ness enterprises, though occasionally he met with some reverses, especially in the way of paying off securities, bis well-known generosity several limes having caused him losses in this direction. Running a brewery in Ottawa, also, was an enterprise in which he met with a disastrous loss, by lire. In partnership with Captain Matthias in 1S01, he opened ,1 hardware store in Relmore, in which place he owned considerable residence property.

The elder George always was a Democrat and was active in the local campaigns of his party, his counsels ever having weight with the party man- agers in the county. He served two terms as justice of the peace, six years as county commissionr and, in 1KK0, was laud appraiser. In addition to these public honors, he had filled several minor positions of public trust, lb- was a member of the United Presbyterian church, while his wife was a member of the Evangelical church. John II. George was a man of large influence in his neighborhood and his memory is cherished by inanv in the



community in which he su long and su usefully labored. In these labors he ever found a faithful helpmate in his devoted wife, and his widow, who still survives, is the object of the sincere afleetion of the entire Belmore neigh- borhood, all the people of winch hold her in the very highest esteem.

With two such parents it could hardly have been otherwise with YV. M. George than that he should kiiiu "I1 bulwarked by habits ol stud) and in- dustry. Reared upon the farm, under the careful training ol his lather, he received full instruction in the rudiments of profitable agriculture and, at the same time acquired studious habit, so that the course in the public schools served as a stimulant to further scholastic ambitions. Finishing the course in the local schools, he attended college, at Ada, Ohio, ami, in 1888, began teaching school. For two years he did work in this line in the district schools of Van Buren township, his services in this capacity proving so salis- factory to the school authorities, thai he was elevated to the position of superintendent ol the schools at Belmore. Mere lie served with much satis- faction to the patrons of the school for a period of three years, making an excellent reputation for himself in school circles in the county. lie also, about this time, was interested, with his father, in the management of a store at Belmore. During President Cleveland's second administration, he was postmaster at Belmore, being at the same time engaged in the grocery business there. Shortly after the close of this term of service, Mr. George decided to take up farming as a definite life's work and. following out this design, engaged in active farm work in the Belmore neighborhood, in which be met with marked success. At the same time, his acquaintance over the county was growing and his earnest and useful activities, in local Democratic campaigns, began to gain the recognition of the party managers, who pres- ently found in him one of the most aggressive political forces in the county. It was fitting, therefore, that m the campaign of 1909, Mr. George should receive the nomination of his party for the office of clerk" of the court. His well-recognized qualifications for the proper discharge of the duties of this office, made his election a foregone conclusion, and he took office in [911, The capable manner in which he handled the affairs of this important office insured his re-nomination, to succeed himself, and he was re-elected, in lot-, his term of office being due to expire, in August, 1915.

In September, iKgo, Mr. George was united marriage with Miss l.ida fisher, who was born near Monroeville, Indiana. |une 13, 1X70, the daughter oi Andrew I. and Nancy (Baker-) Fisher. The Fishers had moved from Indiana to Ohio, in t lit* year 187 1. and for many years, thereafter, lived in Belmore, later moving to Paulding counlv, where Mis fisher died. Mr



fisher remarried and now lives in Van Wert, l.ida Fisher grew up at Bel- more and. after finishing her school course, became a teacher in the public schools of her heme town, being also a teacher of music, both vocal and instrumental. In the work of the public schools, she and Mr. George, who was superintendent of the Belmore schools, for some time, were closely as- sociated, and this association developed into a romance which led to the happy marriage.

To William M. and l.ida (Fisher-) George seven children have been born, |ohn II., who married I. aura Feutermacher, and lives on a farm in Van Ruren township, Putnam county; Xanna C. married Julian C. Brown and lives near llamler, in Marion township, Henry county, Ohio; Bernice, Bernard ]., Delia, Xoel and Male are still at home and make merry the fire- side of their devoted parents, the George home, in Belmore, being the center oi many social gaities.

Mr. and Mrs. George are members of the Evangelical church and take a warm interest in the various beneficences ol thai religious organization, as well as being active participants in such local movements as have for their object the advancement oi the best interests of the community at large, and are very properly regarded as among the leaders in all good works in this county. Mr. George is a member of the Independent < )rder of < >dd bel- lows, in the affairs of which he takes considerable interest.


A rapid rise in the educational world has marked the career of Charles Francis Hnltzhauer, who, although a young man in years, is now the super- intendent "i the Ottawa public schools. Graduating from one of the many excellent colleges of Ohio in 1007, he has been teaching 111 high schools of the state since that time, and is now serving his second year as superin- tendent of the schools of ( )ttawa.

harles Francis Holzhauer, the son oi Henry and Clarissa (Wunderly) llolzhauer, was born near Huron, Erie county, Ohio, November 26, i<S<Si. Ills lather was born near Amherst, Lorain county, Ohio, a son of |ohn llolzhauer, who came from I lesse-Cassel, Germany. Clarissa VVunderly, the mother of Mr. llolzhauer, was born in Erie county, Ohio, and her mother was a native ol I lesse-Cassel, Germany. Henry llolzhauer is now living on the farm in Frie county, Ohio, where his son, Charles l\, was born, and has made his home on this farm for inan\ years.



Charles l\ [Jolzli.nucr was reared on his father's farm in Erie county, Ohio, anil received lii.s elementary edncatiuii in tlie country schools. After graduating from the common schools he entered the Huron high school and graduated in the class of 1903. He at once entered Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, Ohio, graduating with the degree of Bachelor of Science, in the spring of 1907. In the fall oi that year he began teaching, as assistant principal of the high school at Cadiz, Ohio, and remained in that school for four years. He came to Ottawa in [911 as principal of the high school and after holding this position for three years, was elected in the summer of i <; 1 4 to the superintendence of the Ottawa schools. This is sufficient indication that his work in the schools oi Ottawa has been satis- factory in every way. It is not only a tribute to his efficiency as an instruc- tor, but also to his high character and sterling worth as a citizen.

Mr. I lol/hauer was married in [908 to Bessie Simmons, who was born at Oceola, Crawford county, Ohio, and is a daughter ol Ira II. and Amanda I. (Doty) Simmons. .Mr. Holzhauer met his wife while they were both students at Delaware. To this union have been born two children, John I Icnrv. w ho is now six years of age, and Mary Elizabeth, who is one year old.

Mr. Holzhauer and his wife are active members of the Methodist Epis- copal church at Ottawa, lie is a member of the Free and Accepted Ma- sons, and is now serving as senior deacon of the Ottawa lodge.


For more than twenty years, Henry Clifton Kuhl, M. I)., has been prac- ticing his profession in Leipsic, Ohio. Horn and reared in Morrow counts, Ohio, he went to Michigan with his lather, in [SSo, and completed his elementary education in thai slate. Later, he became a student at the North- ern Xormal University, at Ada, Ohio, and then entered the teaching profes- sion, lie finally decided to become a physician, and, with this intention, took a medical course of three years, and has been in the active practice of medicine since 1894. He located in Leipsic immediately after his graduation from the medical college, and has met with excellent success in the pursuit o| his life work. lie has been active in the civic life of Leipsic and is a public spirited citizen, who can always be depended upon to support all measures for the general welfare of the community at large.

Ilcun Clifton Kuhl, M. I)., the son of Adam I Icnrv and Louisa

IIKNKY (' lll'lll., M. li


( |acobs) K villi, was born in Morrow county, Ohio, December 4, 1864. His father was born 111 1828, in Berlin, Germany, and came, when a lad, with his parents to Pennsylvania. Adam Henry Ruhl was a son of Jacob LJenry and Kmina Ruhl, and, when about seventeen years of age, came with his parents from Pennsylvania tu Morrow1 county, Ohio, where Jacob 11. Knlil and wife lived the remainder ol their lives, dying at the ages of eightv-three and eighty-seven years, respectively. The Jacobs family also came from Berlin, Germany, and located in Pennsylvania, living at New Freedom, in York county. Louisa Jacobs' father died in that county, lacking ten days of being one hundred years old. His widow was past ninety-four years of age at the time of her death.

Adam Henry Ruhl was twice married. His first wife, Louisa Jacobs, died in 1870, and, in 1873, he married again. He removed with his family to Gratiot county, Michigan, in r88o, and there spent the remainder of his life. He was a millwright by trade, and followed that occupation until his second marriage, after which time he engaged in farming.

Henry C. Ruhl, M, 1)., was sixteen years of age when his father went from .Morrow county, Ohio, to Michigan, and lived in the latter state three- years. He became a student in the Northern Ohio Normal University in 1883, and later, taught in the public schools for three years. In the fall of [891, he entered Pulte Homeopathic Medical College, of Cincinnati, and graduated from that institution in the spring of 1894. On May 4, of that year, he began the practice of his profession, at Leipsic, Putnam county, ( )hio, where he has since made his home. He has built up a large practice, and at the same time has been prominent in the civic affairs of the city.

Doctor Ruhl was married in fuly, 1894, to Anna Moore, who was born near Columbus Grove, Putnam county, and is a daughter of Samuel and Maria ( Kiefer) Moore. Her parents were both natives of Pennsylvania, and were married in Richland county, Ohio. From that county the Moores came to Putnam county, and located on a farm near Columbus Grove, where Mr. Moore died at the age of seventy-six. His widow is now living at the home of Doctor Ruhl, and is past eighty years of age. Doctor Ruhl and his wile have one daughter, Neva J., who is now a college student at Delaware, Ohio.

Doctor Ruhl is active in the Democratic party in his county, and has always taken unusual interest in its public affairs, lie was elected mayor of Leipsic in [898. He was elected to the same office in the fall of iqii. Doctor Ruhl was a member of the school board, of Leipsic, for nine years,


and it was (luring his incumbency the present high school building was creeled. I'lie doctor owns an excellent farm, near l.eipsic, over winch he lias general supervision. The family are stanch members of the Methodist ICpiscopal church, fraternally, he is a member of the order of Free and Accepted Masons and has attained to all the degrees up to and including the Knights Templar. He has been a member of the Knights of Pythias since 1888. Doctor Ruhl is a genial and whole-souled man, and has a large circle nt friends and acquaintances throughout the county.


Prominently identified with the educational interests of the community in which he lived, William W. Dibble has been engaged in public school work in Putnam county, Ohio, for several years. Starting in before reach- ing his majority, as a teacher, he taught in order to secure money to pay his way through college, and for the past quarter of a century has been spend- ing each winter in the school room. lie has taught for several years in his home county, both in the common and the high schools, and since 1914 has been district superintendent of Liberty, Van Uuren and Blanchard i' >\\ nships.

William VV. Dibble, the son of William !•'.. and Martha Jane (Taylor) Dibble, was horn on May 17, 1866, at W'alerville, Lucas county, Ohio. His father's history appears elsewhere in this volume, and the reader is referred to it for information concerning the Dibble family.

William W. Dibble was reared at W alerville, Ohio, until he was six- teen years of age. at which tune his parents moved to the southern part of Henry county, Ohio, where his father bought a tract of timbered land, and young William took his full share in the arduous task of clearing the land and preparing it for cultivation. At that tunc there were many wild tur- keys in the woods and small game was abundant.

William VV. Dibble attended the high schools at Llmore, Ottawa county, Ohio, and Lindsay. Sandusky county, Ohio, when he began to teach. After leaching one term he entered the Northwestern Ohio University at Ada. and lor the next three years interspersed his college education with teaching in the public schools, lie also took a business course in shorthand and book- keeping at the Tri-Statc Business College at Toledo, (lino, and worked in an office for one year, when he returned to leaching, lie taught school for



several years in Henry and I'utnam counties, before beginning teaching in (lie high school at Lcipsic in nj<"). He continued there until the spring of 1913, when he became superintendent oi the schools of Libert}' and Van Buren townships, and, in 1914, Blanchard township was added to his terri- tory, and the title was changed to that of district superintendent of schools, with complete jurisdiction over Liberty, Van I'.ureii and Blanchard town- ships, lie is a practical school man. who understands every phase of public school teaching and is regarded as one oi the best men ol the profession in Putnam county.

Mr. Dibble was married in 1892 to Mare Alice Wise, who was born in 1 1 a no ick count)'. ( )hio, and is a daughter of John l\ and Martha J. ( Schwab ) Wise. Both of her parents were born and reared in Hancock count)', and now live in Leipsic, I'utnam county, Ohio.

Mr. Dibble and his wife are loyal workers in the Methodist Episcopal church, where Mr. Dibble has been the superintendent of the Sunday school for the past live years. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias.


A man oi" marked administrative ability is Peter A. Missler, the pres- ent mayor of Glandorf, I'utnam county, Ohio. Me has held this responsible position since tyo8, and in 0)14 was re-elected for two more years, a fact which speaks well lor his worth as a citizen, and his ability as an executor, lie has been a life-long tanner and has lived at Glandorf since iNijj.

I'eter A. Missler, the son of Joseph and Susannah ( Willman) Missler, was born in Huron count)', < >hio, in icSj6. Ills father was a native of Ger- many, born in 1830, and, when a boy of sixteen, came to America alone, and located 111 Huron count), Ohio, where he worked as a cooper. lie made barrels lor wine and other liquids and built up a business which neces- sitated the employment of eight or ten men. While living in Huron county, he married Susannah Willman, who was a native of Stark count)', Ohio, and died in Huron count) in 1885. In the meantime Joseph Missler had sent lo Germany for Ins parents, Andrew and Khzahcth Missler, they coming t" this country and living the remainder of their lives in Huron county.

Alter the death of bis wife. Joseph Missler moved lo Mercer county, ( 'hi", and lived there with bis son, Joseph, Jr.. until his death 011 August 8, H-H !■ at the age nl ei:;lil\ four years. Me and Ills wile weie the parents



(il eight children, three oi whom are deceased, Clara dying in infancy, [■Catherine dying in 1883, after reaching maturity, and Margaret, who died at the- age nt nineteen. The live living children are as follow: Joseph, of Mercer county, Ohio; Peter A., of Glandorf; John A., of Glandorf; Mary, a teacher m Auglaize county, < )hio, and Elizabeth, a teacher at Sedalia, M issouri.

Peter A. Missler was eight years oi age when his mother -died, and he then wcni with his father to Mercer county, and attended the college at Rensselaer, for two years. Peter A. Missler came to Glandorf in 1897 to engage in fanning and has made this his lite work, lie has a good farm near Glandorf, where he engaged in diversified farming with a result which speaks well tor his efforts.

Mr. Missler is a stanch Democrat, and is now a member ol the Demo- cratic central committee, of Putnam county. lie was elected mayor oi Glandorf in 1908, and has been re-elected every two years since that time. J le is a stockholder and director in the Glandorf German Building & Loan Association.

Peter Missler was married in 1902 to Emma Catherine Ellerbrock. who was born in Glandorf, and is a daughter of lohn William and Jennie (Uten- dorf) Ellerbrock, a sketch oi whose parents may he found elsewhere in this volume. Mr. and Mrs. Missler are the parents of five children living and one deceased, Mary, Joseph, Edward, Otmar, Angeline and Paul, who died on August '). M)i,v at the age of two years. Mr. Missler and his family are loyal members of the Catholic church, and are deeply interested in its welfare.


There is no class to whom greater gratitude is due, from the world at large, than the self-sacrificing, sympathetic, noble-minded men whose life work is the alleviation of suffering and administering comfort to the af- flicted— those men who. in many cases, are responsible for lengthening the span of human existence. There is no standard by which their beneficent influence can he measured. 'I heir helpfulness is limited only by the extent of their knowledge and skill, while their power goes hand in hand with the wonderful laws of nature that spring from the very source of life itself. Some one has aptly said "lie serves God best, who serves humanity most." Among the physicians and surgeons oi Putnam county, who have risen to well-deserved eminence in their chosen field of endeavor, and who are serv-

•I T.NAM I'dl'NTY, (HI


ing humanity with their talents and their training', is Harry Allen Neis- wander, M. I>., ul Pandora, I'ulnani county, Oliiu. Doctor Neiswander is a man who has proved himself to he hroad-minded and conscientious in the sphere to which his life and energies have been devoted. He is possessed iii a profound knowledge oi the science of his profession, which has won for him a leading place among the distinguished medical men of his day and generation in Putnam county.

Marry Allen Neiswander, M. I)., was born on September 26, 1881, in Van Buren township, Hancock county, Ohio, lie is the son of Joshua X. and Susan (Blosser) Neiswander. Joshua N. Neiswander, the son of Mi- chael and b'annv (Geiger) Neiswander, was hum on January 4, 1857, in Richland township, Allen county, Ohio. Richland township was formerly a pari of Putnam county. Michael Neiswander, the son <>t .Michael Neis- wander, Sr., was burn on the Atlantic ocean en route to New York. Michael Neiswander, Sr., whose wife was Anna Ernst, was horn in Berne, Switzerland, and came to America, as one of the early settlers of Allen county, Ohio, at the age oi twenty-two, the year in which Michael Neis- wander, Jr., was horn. Michael Neiswander, Sr., settled first in Tuscarawas counts', Ohio. Subsequently, he followed the Riley creek, looking for a suitable location and homestead, winch he found upon arriving at a spring in what is now Richland township, Allen count)', Ohio. Michael Neiswan- der, Sr., entered land from the government and passed through all of the pioneer experiences common to his day and generation. He was accus- tomed In drive to Sandusky, mure than sixtv miles away, to mill and to buy provisions. A barrel oi Hour cost fifteen dollars in those days. On one occasion his son Daniel was driving home through the timber in a sleigh, when a pack oi wolves got on his trail. Hearing their vicious snarls and howls, he understood they were coming after him. Lashing his horses into a run, he drove fur home at tup speed. Arriving at the barn, he hastily un- hitched his burses, put them into the stable, locked the door and ran fur the house with the wolves almost at bis heels. Once in the house he was safe from harm. When he awoke the next morning, the wolves bad disappeared, but he found the marks of their claws on the door. On one occasion when Michael Neiswander. Sr., had been to mill in Sandusky, he happened to cross a bridge over a stream winch had nearly overflown. As the horses stepped cm the bridge, Michael observed that the planks were floating and, whipping up his horses, hurried them across. So nearly afloat was the bridge thai just as the wheels of bis wagon passed over each plank, it floated away,

Michael Neiswander, Sr., was the father of three sons, Daniel, Michael, Jr. ami John. Daniel located in I'ulnani count\ and became a prosperous


PUTNAM Oil' N TV, (ill [1

fanner, lie was llie father of four daughters and one son. |<ihn moved lo Missouri in an early day, where he reared a large family and prospered. Michael, \\\, grew to manhood on the old homestead and reared a family oi lour sons and three daughters, all of whom are now living except one. At one time lie was very well-to-do, owning two hundred and forty acres of land besides other property. Joshua Neiswander, the father of Dr. Harry A., was the fourth child born to Michael Neiswander, Jr. He was bom on the homestead in Richland township. So far as is known. Michael, ]r., had mi educational advantages, except what he received from his parents. His lather, however, was a well-informed man for his time, judging by the records and diaries he left, and must have been able to give his son some valuable instructions. Joshua Neiswander attended school in the old log school house, and grew to manhood under conditions much better than those which his lather confronted, but still very largely of a primitive na- ture Log cabins at that tune were still the rule, although they had begun to be replaced by more commodious farm dwellings in the older settled o immunities.

Joshua Neiswander remained with his parents until of age, after which, tor about three years, lie worked on a farm and spent a few months iu Canada. Alter his return from Canada, he was married, at the age of twenty-four, to Susan I'losser, the daughter of Christian and Catherine i I hut ) Ulosscr. The I 'dosser family history is to he found in the sketch hi Mrs, Isaac Hilly. Alter his marriage, Joshua Neiswander located on a farm in \ an IJuren township, Hancock county, winch he cleared and on which he built his home, lie has always done general farming and has been \er\ successinl. Lately he has specialized in raising and feeding hogs, cat- tle and horses for the market. Of late years, he has specialized in thorough- bred I Juror hogs, lie is of a mechanical turn of mind and learned the car- penter's trade, which he follows at odd nines. He is a Democrat and for a great many years was township trustee, lie is an ardent supporter of the Reformed Mennonite church. His wile is a member of the American Men- noniie church. Doctor Xeisw ander's mother, Susan Ulosscr, is the daugh- ter of Christian Blosser. lie was a school teacher and met his death iu a peculiar way. On bis way home from school one day, be chanced to meel a yuung woman and slopped to converse with her. It later developed that she had smallpox. ( hrislian IJIosser caught the disease and died, as did also his lather t hrislian I'.losscr was the lather of live children, of whom Doctor Neiswander \s mother was nexi Lo the youngest.

Joshua N. and Susan Neiswander were the parents of eleven children,


three of whom died in infancy, Harry A., llic subject of Lhis sketch; Irvin, who died in infancy; Lois, the wife of Meville Uushong, of Newstark, Ohio, who lias two children, Kllon ami Merl; William, who died in infancy; Leo, a student in the Homeopathical Medical College at Columbus, Ohio, who married Lottie l'"ried and has one daughter, Alice; L.stella, who is a school teacher; ('laud, who is principal of the high school at Arlington, Ohio; Ldgar, Byron, Ralph and Una, all of whom are at home.

Harry A. N'eiswander, M. I)., received his early education in the com- mon schools of Van Buren township, lie attended die summer normal schools and also the normal school at Angola lor one summer. Alter this, he completed his Bachelor of Science work at Ohio Northern University, graduating in 1907. Subsequently he took a position as assistant principal of the Xew Holland (Ohio J high school and 111 a lew months became prin- cipal ot that institution.

Doctor Xeiswander entered the Cleveland I lomeopathical Medical College in [<jo8, which institution later became affiliated with the Ohio State Uni- versity, lie graduated with the class of hjij. In Ins senior year, Doctor Xeiswander was president ot the Hahnemann Medical Society, a student organization. Before graduation, lie saw active work with one of Cleve- land's prominent practitioners. In this way,, he was specially fitted for his chosen profession, lie located at Pandora in the fall ot 191J, where he has since lnult a large and growing practice.

Doctor Xeiswander was married on December 25, i<)07, to Rosella Spacht, oi Van Buren township. She was formerly a student at Adrian College, \drian, Michigan, and also the Ohio X'orthern University at Ada. She is the daughter of Jesse B. and Mary (Stonehill) Spacht, both of whom belong to pioneer families oi Hancock county. Mrs. Neiswander is the eldest of four children, the others are William, who died at the age of twenty-nine; \ erla and Irena, who are at home.

Doctor Xeiswander is a Democrat, lie is health officer of Riley town- ship and Pandora, lie is a member of the leading medical societies, in- cluding the Ohio State Medical Society, the Ohio State Homeopatthic Medi- cal Society and the Putnam County Medical Society. Dr. Xeiswander and wile arc active members of the Methodist Protestant church. They have keen the parent- of two sons, Allen and Harold.

Doctor Xeiswander is a progressive young physician, who has had all oi the advantages oi the latest information in medicine, lie has built up a large practice 111 the community and a practice which he so verv much de- serves because ol his splendid equipment and his natural inclination toward his life profession.



A substantial business man of Glandorf, Putnam County, Ohio, is. George Henry Mersman, who was bom on the farm where his elevator is now located. I lis parents, both of whom were natives oi Germany, were early settlers in this county, and the Mersman family have been active m everything pertaining to the welfare of the community, for man)' years, Mr. Mersman started to work in the woolen-mill in Glandorf, when a young man, and for more than a quarter of a century was interested in this business, while at the same time he carried on general farming, lie has been inter- ested in the elevator business in Glandorf since [892, though he is still devoting some of his attention to farming.

George Henry Mersman, the son of Henry and Mary E. ( Keeker) Mersman, was horn on February 18, 1851, at Glandorf, Putnam county, Ohio. His father was horn in Glandorf, Germany, and came to this county when a young man, where he winked on the Ohio canal, which was being built through this section of the state. Later, he was a partner with Mr. Myers, in the saw-mill business, and still later was engaged in the same business with Mr. Drerup. In addition to operating the saw -mill, he had a grist-mill which was run by steam power, the grinding being clone with an old-fashioned burr stone. Mr. Mersman continued the saw and grist-mill business, in Glandorf, as long as he lived. In addition to his nulls he operated a general store, packed and shipped pork and was a business man, interested in nianv ventures. He and his brother. Harney, were in partner- ship in the pork-packing business. Man K. Recker, the wife of Henry Mers- man. was born in Hanover, Germain, and was a daughter ol Nicholas Henry Recker and wile. The mother died in the old country, and her father married again, When Mary K. Recker was a girl of live years, her father and family came to America and located at b'ort Wayne, Indiana, hut lived there only a short time, when they moved to Glandorf, I'utnam county, Ohio, where her father farmed during the remainder oi his life.

George Henry Mersman lived at home until he was grown. As a young man. he worked in the woolen mills at Glandorf, and continued there for Iwenty-cighl years. He began bis mill work- by operating a carding machine, and later became a spinner. At the same time that he was wofking in the woolen nulls, he was engaged in farming. Mr. Mersman built an elevator at Glandorf, in iNo_\ just alter the railroad was built through the village, and leased it out for one vcar. Since that time be has had active charge ol the-



elevator himself, and has Unit up .1 large and lucrative business in the buying and shipping ul grain.

Mr, Mersman was married on April 21, 1875, to Anna M. Halker, who was born in Glandorf, Putnam county, Ohio, and is the daughter of William and Louise ( V'ogeding) Halker. Her parents were both natives of Germany, came to Glandorf, Ohio, earl) in its history, and located in the midst of a dense forest. Her father was a life-long fanner. Mr. and Mrs. Mersman were the parents of three children, two of whom, Louise and John, died 111 infancy. Anna E. is the wife of Anthony Kohls. Mr. Kohls was horn at Glandorf and reared at New Cleveland, tins county, lie is a son of Tony and Theresa (Klinkhammer) Kohls. Air. and Mrs. Kohls have four chil- dren, Anna. Linus, Clarence and Louisa. Mr. Kohls and Mr. Mersman are operating this business together.

Mr. Mersman has given his hearty support to the Democratic party, and has been a member of the Glandorf council ever since the village was incorporated, with the exception ol two years, lie and his wife are loyal members of St. John's Catholic church, at Glandorf. lie lias a farm of one hundred and twenly acres, twenty-live acres ol which is good timber land, and is m.w doing a general farming business. Since purchasing this tract of farm land. Mr. Mersman has installed many changes and made numerous improvements.


It is not always easy to discover and define the hidden forces that have moved a life of ceaseless activity and large professional success. Kittle more can lie done than to note then' manifestations in the ciiieer ol the person under consideration. The life of the physician and public-spirited man ol affairs, whose name appears above, affords a striking example oi well-delined purpose his ability to make thai purpose subserve, not only his own ends, but the good of his fellow men, as well. Peter D. I'.ixel, M. 1)., has long held prestige in the calling that requires for its basis strong mentality ami intellectual attainments of a high order, supplemented by rigid professional training and a thorough mastery of technical knowledge with the skill to apply the same,, without which one cannot hope to arise above mediocrity. In his chosen field of endeavor Doctor Kixcl has achieved a notable success, which has been duly recognized ami appreciated throughout the section ol the stale in which he ln.es. In addition to his long and creditable career.



in one (M the most useful and exacting professions, lie lias proved an honor- able member oi llie body politic, and in every relation ot life has never fallen below the dignity of true manhood or in any way resorted to the methods which might invite censure.

Peter D. Bixel, M. IX, was born on April _• i , 1865, in Allen county, Ohio. He is the son of Abraham and Magdalene (Schumacher) Bixel. Abraham Bixel was burn on May 14, 1843, in Holmes county, Ohio, and was the sun of Peter and Fannie (Diller) Bixel. Peter Bixel and wife were bulb natives of Berne, Switzerland. Peter Bixel was burn on January 1, iJ'Jt. and came to America. April _•< ;, 1824, arriving Jul\ 21, 1824. lie came, first, to Wayne county, and on August 2, 1824, went to Holmes count)', where he married Fannie Diller. They bad sixteen children, of whom Fannie was the second eldest and the eldest living child. The family came from Holmes to Allen county, near BlulTton, when the eldest child was eighteen or nineteen years oi age.

In Holmes county, Peter Bixel entered land from the government, and here he remained for about fifteen years, selling out, in 1^4'), and coming to Allen county, settling one mile north of Blulifton. lie was a very pro- gressive farmer and a hard worker, lie owned, at one time, nearlv one thousand acres of land, lie was a fine type of the American citizen and very liberal. He had a fine Christian character and was one of the first members of the Mennonite church, in bis community, lie lived all bis life on the old homestead, in Allen county. Fannie Diller-, his wife, was a native of Switzerland and married Peter Bixel, in Wayne county, Ohio.

Abraham Bixel moved, with bis parents, to Mien county when but three years of ai^'e. It was there that he received his early education in the typical log-cabin school house. Although his educational advantages were limited, he became a self-made man. and being a careful reader, greatly ad- vanced himsell by home study. When he was twenty-one wars of age, May 5, 1864, he was married to Magdalene Schumacher, the daughter of Peter and Elizabeth (Suter) Schumacher. After bis marriage, he remained on the old homestead, until [878, when be sold out and moved to the old Peter Schumacher farm, in Richland township, Allen county. Ibis he sold, in [903, and then retired, moving to Pandora, where he now lives. Abra- ham Bixel was one of sixteen children. His wife, Magdalene, was also one of sixteen children, a remarkable coincidence. Abraham Bixel was a very successful farmer and owned more than two bundled acres. He and his wife were the parents of twelve children, Mr. Peter I).; David C. ; Sarah, who died at the age of three; NToah, Elizabeth, [ohn, who is dean of the



Conservatory of Music, at Ottawa, Kansas; Samuel, Mary, Lydia, Adam, Menno and Susan.

Doctor Bixel spent his boyhood days on the old home place, in Allen county. Here he received his early education, completing his course in the common school at the age of twenty-one. He then went to work in a store, at Bluffton, and remained here for six years. When twenty-seven years of age lie and Benjamin Schumacher bought the firm of C. S. Day & Company, dealers in groceries, queensware, where they also became the proprietors oi a bakery. They stayed in this business for two years, when the firm he- came Bixel & Welty. This firm continued for two years longer and then the store was sold.

Peter D. Bixel then took a preparatory course in medicine at the Uni- versity of Cincinnati. The next year he entered the Eclectic Medical College, at Cincinnati, graduating in 1901, where he stood next to the head of his class in surgery. After graduating, he located at Bluffton, Ohio, and went into partnership with Doctor Sutter.

This partnership continued for nine months, when Doctor Bixel moved to Pandora, where he now resides and where he has established a large and growing practice. .In addition to his university preparatory course, he- has pursued his studies and kept up to the demands of the profession by at- tending lectures at Chicago and Cincinnati, Doctor Bixel is a member of the National Eclectic Medical Association and the Ohio State Eclectic Medi- cal Association, the Northwestern Eclectic Medical Association and the .American Medical Association, the Ohio Stale Alopathic Medical Associa- tion and the Northwestern Ohio Alopathic Medical Association, as well as the Putnam County Medical Association.

He is ex-president of the Northwestern Ohio Eclectic Medical Associa- tion and twice secretary of that association. Likewise he is ex-secretary of the Putnam County Medical Association.

Peter I). Bixel, M. D.. was married on December 10. [889, to Elizabeth Steiner, daughter of Christian and Magdalene I.ugibihl Sterner, the family history of whom is to be found in the sketch of Peter Steiner, contained elsewhere in this volume. Mrs. I'.ixcl's parents were pioneers in Putnam county. Mrs. Bixel was horn on November 1, 1867, and reared one mile east ol Pandora. She received her education in the common schools of Riley township.

To Doctor and Mrs. Bixel have keen horn three children, Stella has been a student at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music, and graduated in the class of HJ15. She is a graduate of the Pandora high school. Munson Khs-


sell graduated from Pandora high school and is now a student at BlulTton College. Madeline is a student in high school.

Peter D. liixel, M. 1)., has been a life-long Republican. For six years he was health officer oi Riley- township, lie was also a member of the board of education for eight years, and president of the board for four years. Doctor Bixel and family are members of the Great Mennonite church, of which he is an ardent supporter.

The subject of this sketch is one of Putnam county's most progressive professional men and stands high in the community in a professional and personal way. He is a most careful and conscientious physician and like- wise a public-spirited citi/en. taking an active part in everything that might result in the betterment of the community. Altogether. Doctor Bixel is a very valuable citizen to the county where he has spent practically all his life.


Specific mention is made in the following paragraphs of one of the worthy citizens of Putnam county, Ohio, and one who has figured in the growth and development of the financial and commercial interests of this favored section, whose interests have been identified with its progress, con- tributing, in a definite measure, in his particular spheres ol action to the well-being of the community in winch he resides and to the advancement of its normal and legitimate growth. Earnest purpose of tireless energy, combined with mature judgment and every-day common sense, have been among his most prominent characteristics, lie has merited the respect and esteem which are accorded him b\ all with whom he has had social or busi- ness relations.

Peter 1'. Steiner was horn on December 28, 1845, in Richland town- ship, Allen counts, Ohio, the son oi Peter anil Barbara (Schumacher) Steiner, the former horn in Switzerland, on a farm, October 7, 1811, died in Richland township, \llen county, three miles west of Bluffton, August _'j, 1870, at the age oi fifty-nine years. Peter Steiner, Sr.. was the sou of

< hristian Steiner and wife, the hitler's maiden name being Luginbihl.

< hristian Steiner was horn in 1770, in Switzerland, and died on his farm in Richland township, Allen count)', in lanuarv, 1846. In addition to being a tanner in Switzerland, he was a preacher, and followed this calling alter settling in America in 183(1. Me and his wife had six children when they



came to America, as follow: Christian, John, I'lrieh, Peter, Barbara ami Elizabeth. Christian, the eldest son, had preceded the rest of the family by two scars, lie settled in Wayne county and, like his lather, was a minister. Another brother, Ulrich, also took ni> the ministry, and all were faithful members of the Mennonite church. Christian Steiner, Sr., died ten years alter coming to America.

Peter Steiner was the fourth child of his parents, lie was married at the age oi twenty-five, iust before coming to America, to Barbara Schuh- macher, who was the daughter of Christian and Barbara Sehuhmacher. Both die and her lather were natives of Basel, Switzerland. Her parents and four children came to America at the same time the Steiner family came. The children ol this family were Peter, who was a minister; John, Christian and Barbara, the mother of Peter I'., the subject of this sketch. Peter Steiner, and the remainder of ihe family, settled in what is now Rich- land township, Allen county, which was then a part of Putnam count)'. They entered land I nun the government, lor which they paid one dollar an acre. Ihe Sleincrs had been considered well-to-do in Switzerland, were prosperous farmers and hail lived on the same farm. "The Buchwald," for seven suc- cessive generations. This was a large farm, probably consisting of two or three hundred acres.

Christian Sehuhmacher, the father of Peter 1'. Steiner's mother, was a miller in Switzerland and also a wine merchant. Alter entering his land from the government, built a log cabin and proceeded to clear his land. Tt i> related that he used to haul grain to null at Sandusky, Tiffin and Maumee, fori v or 1'ifly miles awa\ , will) an ox team. Me could only haul about hi teen or twenty bushels at a time, on account of the bad condition of the roads, and it usually look a week. At all times he would have to carry an ax, with which to cut his way through fallen trees. It was on the farm that he established, by dint of energy and push, that Ins eleven children were reared, all ol whom grew to man and womanhood. The children were as follow: Catherine, deceased, wife of Christian Gratz; Christian; Barbara. deceased, wife of Peter I). Miller; Mary Ann, deceased, wife of Chris Ililty; Elizabeth; David, who died at the age of twenty-one; Peter P.; Mattie, who died at the age of twenty; Benjamin died at the age of fifty-five, in 1805: I am he, w ho died single, and Susan, deceased, wile ol Ben jainin I Iilty. They are now all deceased with the exception of Christian, Elizabeth and Peter I'. The mother of these children died about 1SS5. Mis father, at the time of his death, owned lour hundred and Iwcnty-six acres of laud and was known as a good farmer. Me was a Democrat and a very earnest supporter ol ihe Memi' inite church.



It was on the old homestead farm in Richland township, Allen county, that 1'eter I'. Steiner spent his boyhood days. Here lie attended the district schools and, of course, helped his father on the farm, until twenty-two years of aye.

1'eter I'. Steiner was married on March 7, 1867, and remained mi the home place until the following fall, when he moved to Riley township, Putnam county, on a place owned by his father. This larni of one hun- dred and twenty acres, he later purchased from his father. It was in a virgin state and Mr. Steiner, like his father, cleared the laud and built his cabin, lie felled the first tree on the site of his new home on October 28, 1867. lie cleared two acres and on December 13, with his hnde, moved to his new home, lie had previously dug a well. I lis wile was Elizabeth Luginbihll, the daughter of Christian Luginbihll and wife. Mrs. Steiner was a native of Riley township, l'utnam county, and her parents were natives of Switzerland. She died on September jo, 1905. She was a splendid Chris- tian woman, a devoted wile and loving mother. She was the mother id lour children, Helen, the wife of I'. I), \mstutz, the postmaster of I'andora, who have three children, R. .Mendelssohn, Melvina and Hilda W. ; Martha, the twin sister of Helen, who died in infancy; Noah, who married Eliza- beth Luginbihll, and has live children, Melvin, Eulalia, William, Waldo ami Ear] I)., and Mary, who died at the aye of twenty-seven. She attended I'liidlay College and was a teacher of music, She was a line Cliristian youny woman, very popular and highly esteemed in the community.

Aider clearing up his farm, I'eler I'. Steiner continued to farm until [898, when he moved to I'andora. The following spring he entered the milling business, the linn name being Steiner, lliltv & Schuhmacher. The linn name now is Steiner, I lilts & Kempt, Mr. kempt being the bookkeeper. Mr. Steiner has continued in the milling business up to the present time. He was elected president ol the linn and has since continued to hold this office. In addition to his oilier holdings, Mr. Steiner has accumulated considerable town properly. He is a stockholder m the Karmers' Banking Company,

Mr. Steiner is a Democrat. He is one ol the mam supports of the Mennonite church and has been a deacon in that church for the past forty years. He is one oi the most substantial citizens of Riley township and I'andora. He is inlluenl ial and highly respected and is a line type of ihe present-day Christian gentleman. Mr. Steiner deserves great credit for his many accomplishments. He has toiled early and late, hut he has the satisfaction of knowing now thai he has always toiled to good purpose.

putnam county, onro. 310


The Ellerbrock family have been residents of Glandorf, Putnam county, Ohio, since 1830. In that year the grandfather of Fred 11. Ellerbrock came from Germany and located in this county, when practically the entire county was covered with a dense forest. In fact, it was only a few years after the county was organized that the Ellerbrock family became permanent residents. They have taken an active part in the life of this community, from earliest pioneer tunes, and the various members oi this family are highly respected in the community where they live.

Fred II. Ellerbrock, the son of Fred and Lizette (Wischmeyer) Eller- hrock, was horn September 25, 1882, at Glandorf, Putnam county, Ohio I lis father was horn, in Ottawa township, in this county, near Glandorf, and was a son of Herman Ellerbrock, who was born in Hanover, Germany, and came to America, about 1836, where at once located on the farm near Glandorf, in Putnam count}-. There he spent the remainder of his life.

Fred Ellerbrock, Sr., was reared on his father's farm, at Glandorf, and, upon reaching his maturity, married Lizette Wischmeyer. She was born at Hunteberg, Oznabruck, Germany, and was a daughter of Henry Wisch- meyer and wife. She came here in her girlhood days with her sister, while her father later came from the Fatherland and spent his declining years in Glandorf. ['"red Ellerbrock, Sr.. was a life-long farmer, first locating in Pleasant township and later, near Glandorf. lie was twice married, his first wife being Mary Borgelt, who died. leaving two children, William and Mary. To his second marriage were horn six children, three sons and three daughters, Henry; Lucy, the wife of Henry KarkhofF; Fred, of (ilan: dorf; Bernard; Lena Frances, living, and Louis, who died in early childhood. 'I lie lather oi these children died in July, 1913. Ilis widow is now living near Glandorf.

Fred II. Ellerbrock was reared on his Lather's farm near Glandorf, and educated in the public schools of his home neighborhood. He, in partnership with Charles P. Ellerbrook, in Kilo, bought the saloon at Glandorf, which they have since operated in partnership, conducting the business in a clean and orderly manner.

Mr. Ellerbrock was married in May. K)o8, to Dora Kaufman, who was horn, at Xcw Cleveland, Ohio, and is the daughter of William and Catherine ( Schmenk ) Kaufman. Her father was a life-long fanner, at Xcw Cleveland. Mr. Ellerbrock and his wife ate flic parents of three children: Marie, Norhcrt and Alma.


Mr. Ellerbrock and his family are members of the Catholic church, at Glandorf, and lie belongs to the St. John's and 5s. Peter and Paul's Aid societies.


The late Warren F. Reed, M. D., was a resident of Putnam county, Ohio, from the spring oi 1867 until the spring of 1913. For many years he was one of the leading practitioners ot the count\r, and was also inter- ested in the political life of the county as well. During the twenty years preceding his death, he was president of the Bank of Ottawa, although he continued to practice hi* profession until the time of his decease. When a young man he enlisted for service in the Civil War, and made a notable record in that terrible conflict. Doctor Reed was a well-known man, of broad character, and most kindly disposition, lie was unassuming in man- ner, devoted to his profession and faithful in the discharge of every duty which came before him.

The late Warren F. Reed was born near Lima. Ohio, November _>_>, 1839, and died at his home, in Ottawa, March 28, 1013. He was a son 11I Manuel aiul Klizabeth (OTIarr) Reed. Ilis lather was a native ot Trum- bull county, Ohio, ami became a resident of Allen county, Ohio, as early as 1834, purchasing a tract oi one hundred and sixty acres of government land in that year, near Lima, lie married Elizabeth O'llarr, a daughter of Arthur O'llarr, one oi the pioneers of Franklin count)', Ohio. Manuel Uecd was a farmer and carpenter, was a man ot quiet and unostentatious manner and exerted a beneficial influence in the community where he resided. Ilis ancestors were pioneers ot Pennsylvania. The O'llarrs were descended fnnn an old Scottish family, a number of representatives of which settled in Pennsylvania earl)- in the history of that state.

Doctor Reed was educated in the district schools of Allen county and later graduated from the Lima high school. When a young man, he began the stud\ oi medicine, under Doctor I Iarper, ol I. una. and alter returning from the war. he completed his medical education in (he University ol Mich- igan, from which institution be graduated in 18(16. lie then entered the College ol Physicians and Surgeons, ol New York City, and, 111 the spring of 18O7, began the practice of his profession in the town of Kalida, Putnam county, Ohio, where be lived until 180,0. In dial year he moved to Ottawa, having been elected In the office of counts' auditor on the Republican ticket.

I'l I NAM C()U NTY, (ill in. 32I

His election was a striking tribute to his worth, as a citizen, in view of the fact that the county was very strongly Democratic. Doctor liixil was ap- pointed assignee of the Ottawa Exchange Bank in 1894, and in July of that year, 111 partnership with I. II. Kahle, of Glandorf, and VV. II. Harper, Jr., of Lima, lie reorganized the Bank of Ottawa, and was president of that financial institution until his death, in the spring of 1913.

In addition to hi> business and official duties, Doctor Reed continued the practice of medicine during all these years, lie was a member of the Northwestern Medical Society, the Putnam County Medical Society and Ohio State Medical Society. He was a member of the Free and Accepted Masons and had attained to the chapter, council and commandery degrees.

Doctor Reed was married in 1873, to Clyde Gordon, the daughter of Judge John II. and Mrs. Jane C. (Perry) Gordon. To this union four children were horn, Mary, Nellie, Gordon, who died at the age of seventeen, and one child, who died in infancy.

John H. Gordon, the father of Mrs. Reed, was a native of Pennsyl- vania, and was reared to manhood in that state. He was largely a self- educated man, and came to Ohio early in his manhood and settled in Butler county, where he married Mrs. Jane C. Perry. To this union five daughters were born, Ruth, deceased, who was the wife of Edward Dunn, of Indian- apolis, Indiana; Rebecca J., the wife of VV. C. G. Krauss, of Ottawa, Ohio; Zella, the wife of George I). Kinder, of Ottawa; Clyde, (lie wife of Doctor Reed, and Mrs. Minerva llornaday, now the matron of the Soldiers' Home, at Xeuia. Ohio. Mrs. Gordon, by a previous marriage, had one daughter, Mary P., \\ 1 1> > became the wife of James Johnson, of Indianapolis, Indiana.

Mr. Gordon taught school, in Ohio, for several years, alter coming to this slate, and made an excellent record as an instructor. He was especially proficient in mathematics and made this branch of study a specialty. He served three terms as recorder of Butler county, Ohio, and also engaged in tanning and in the livery business at Hamilton. Ohio. In 1856 .Mr. Gordon moved his family to Putnam county, and for some years thereafter was engaged in the manufacture of lumber, but later, turned his attention to con- tracting, building and the making of stone roads. He was elected to the office nt probate judge for two terms, served two terms as mayor of Ottawa, and was a justice of the peace for several years. In this latter office, Mr. Gordon always used a reasonable effort to effect an amicable adjustment of difficulties without bringing the cause in dispute to trial. He had a deep dislike for litigation, on account of the had feelings which were usually




aroused by a trial. A man of strictest morality and integrity, lie enjoyed the confidence ot the community 1m ihe fullest extent, and would often sutler a wrong rather than commit one. While serving as probate judge, lie fre- quently refused to collect fees, feeling that the people were too poor to be taxed for his services. Liberal to a tank, his charities were widely dispensed, and m consequence he never succeeded in accumulating great wealth. Air. Gordon was a stanch Democrat, hut during the Civil War, he was an ardent Union man and did much to induce the young men of his county to volun- teer. By reason ot an accident, in which he lost an arm when a young man, he was rendered ineligible for military duty. I lis life was one of high aims and in his death Putnam count}' lost one of its most prominent and valued citizens.

Doctor Reed was a member of the One Hundred and Fifty-first Regi- ment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and although he had many narrow escapes, he returned home after the close of the war without injur)' or without im- pairment ot his health, lie was a keen business man and an executive of marked ability. lie was president of the building commission, who had charge ol the erection ol the present Putnam county court house, and rendered valuable and efficient service while the seat of justice was being erected. It may he assumed that Doctor \<lx-(\ was a man of unusual attain- ments, by reason of the fact that he took such an active part in the life of his community. His career, extending over nearly half a century, was fraught with great good to his county, and at his death he was sincerely mourned by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.


The Rower family came to Putnam county, Ohio, in 1849, at which time Frederick Rower, the great-grandfather of Thomas Harvey Rower, came to this country from Saxony and located in Franklin count}', at which place he died. For more than sixty years this family has been identified with the history of the count), and has seen it emerge from its primitive state to the prosperous county which it is today. Thomas II. Rower was a school teacher in his younger days, then was cashier of the first National l!anl< of l.eipsic for a time, but since 1907 has been a partner of W. F. Stevenson in general insurance, bonds, loans and real estate.

Thomas Harvey Rower, the son of Lewis A. and .Mary K. (Begg)


Rower, was born January 9, [878, in Jackson township, three and one-half miles west oi Kalida, along the Big Auglaize river. I lis lather, who was the son of John anil Nancy Rower, was horn in 1851, on the same farm. John Rower was the son of Frederick Rower, who was horn in Dresden, Saxony, in 1779, and came to America in (799, and located in Pennsylvania, later crossing the mountains and locating on a farm in Franklin county, Ohio, in 1812, where he died in i8_'(). Ilis wife, Elizabeth (Long) Rower, died in 1846. lie was one of the first pioneer settlers to make his home- coming in 184c) and literally carved and drained a home out of the swampy forests. The pioneer experiences of this sterling German-American citizen would make interesting reading.

Lewis A. Rower was only a child when his father died at the age of thirty-two. His mother later married John Rager, and moved to Franklin county, and there Lewis A. grew to manhood and married .Mary H. Begg, February n, 1875. She was horn in Franklin county, a daughter of John and Mary l'cgg. who came from Cumbernauld, Scotland, in 1^44. and lo- cated in Franklin count)'. The Begg family lived in Franklin county most oi their lives, hut about the time oi the war lived lor two years in Putnam counts-, alter which they returned to Franklin county, and later to Allen and Putnam counties, where they spent the remainder of their days. After Lewis A. Rower was married he moved hack- to the old Rower home in Putnam count), west oi Kalida, and (armed there until his death m 1880. lie died at ihe age ol thirty-live, the same age as Ins father at the lime of the kilter's death. Lewis ,\, Rower left his widow with live children, John, who died in infancy; Thomas II., oi Leipsic; Mary fanet, of Kalida, Ohio; Lewis I'.dson, of Kalida, Ohio; Philip A., of Kalida, Ohio; Mabel A., the wife of Rudolph Raahe, of Ft. Jennings, Ohio, d'he widow remained on the farm until 1913, when she moved into Kalida. where she now makes her home.

Thomas II. Rower was reared on the farm and remained there until he was twenty years of age. lie became a student in the Western Ohio Xormal School at .Middle Point, Ohio, 111 the fall of 1898, and remained there until he graduated in the spring of 1900. Idle following year he taught in the public schools id' Leipsic and for the next four years was the superintendent of the schools at llamlcr, Ohio. After the close id' his last year in llamlcr, in the spring of 1905. he returned to Leipsic and became the cashier of the First National Rank, lie remained with this hank until its voluntary liquidation I wo years later, and then formed a partnership with Walter S. Stevenson 111 the insurance, stocks, bonds, loans and real


estate business. This house has built up an extensive business and is now one of the substantial linns of the city.

Air. Rower was married on June 15, 11704, to Annetta Wynn, who was born in Gennantown, Pennsylvania, and is a daughter of Isaac ami Mar- garet (Wrightly) Wynn. Both Mrs. Rower's parents were members of old and highly-respected Philadelphia families, her father being a cousin of ex-Postmaster-General Robert Wynn. Members of family of Mr. and Mrs. Wynn were, Ernest, deceased; Krvin, a resident of Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania, and Annetta, wife of the subject of this sketch.

Mr. Wynn died when Mrs. Rower was an infant and her mother later married Rev. W. II. Hyatt, a Presbyterian minister, and has since lived in a number of places, as his work took him from one city to another. Mrs. Rower is a fine musician and has taught instrumental music. Mr. and Mrs. Rower are the parents of four children, .Margaret Kloise, Mary Annette, Helen Lucile and Alfred Wynn.

Mr. Rower is independent in politics, and takes an intelligent interest in the current issues of the day. lie has been president of the l.eipsic board of education since the beginning of 1014. lie is a member of the Free and Accepted Masons, and he and his wile are active workers in the Presby- terian church, in which he has been an elder for several years.


One of the most illustrious, as well as one of the oldest, families in America, is the Day family, of which the gentleman whose name is noted above, a popular merchant, at Columbus Grove, Putnam county, Ohio, is an honorable representative of the present generation. To go into all the various ramficalions of the Day family in America, or to set out in detail the most salient points in the lives of the numerous representatives of this family, who have rendered distinguished service to their country, would require a book larger, perhaps, than this volume and the biographer, keeping within the proper limitations prescribed in the compilation of a work of this character, must content himself with a mere side light on the beginnings of the family which will serve as an introduction to the present generation, and then conne himself to a brief biography of the gentleman whose name appears as the caption of this interesting sketch, the ninth in direct line of descent from Robert Day, the first of his name to settle in America,


Those who are interested in the ampler history of the Day family are re- ferred to the 1 >a_v Book, one of the most monumental and painstaking works of genealogical research ever printed in this country and which contains the lineage of the Days far back beyond the time the first of the name in this country readied America, early in the seventeenth century.

The Day Hook trace the present family of Days, in Putnam county, of which Homer R. Day, merchant, at Columbus Grove, is perhaps the best-known local representative, back in the year 1680, in which year Robert Day arrived in Boston, from England, one of a party of earnest colonists, numbering one hundred or more, who came to this country, under the leadership of the Reverend Hooker, to find new homes. This party pene- trated the wilderness and founded the town of Hartford, Connecticut, Robert Day taking no small part in the strenuous labors of these colonists. The majority of the 1 )ays, in the earlier history, were ministers of the Gospel or farmers, ami in whatever relation they served their fellow men. they did their duty as they saw it. The Rev. Jeremiah Day. sixth in line from Robert Day, was president of Vale College, from 1817 to [846, and George Dav, who wrote the Day Book, so well known to all genealogists, was also president of Yale for many years. The late Alfred H. Day, whose name for so many years was literally a household word in the neighborhood of Columbus Grove, by reason of his long connection with the mercantile inter- ests of that city, was the eighth in line from the Robert Day above mentioned; bis father, the venerated Reverend Alvin I lay, second, having been a son of the Reverend Jeremiah Day, referred to above as president of Yale for so long a period. There are many biographies of the Reverend Alvin Day extant, to any one of which the reader, curious for further information, is referred. Sufficient here to say that he was born in Wilberham, Massachu- setts, married Anna Maria Stebbins and died December 3, i8f>o, bis widow surviving, until September 7, 1867.

To the Reverend Alvin and Anna Maria (Stebbins) Day thirteen chil- dren were born, of whom the late Alfred H. Daw lather of Homer R., was the seventh in order of birth, the others being Harrison C, Nelson, Gilford, Lovina, Sandford, George, Olive Maria, Mary Azuhah. Alvira, Jane Eliza, Walter S. and Alvin C.

Alfred H. Dav, who for many years was a merchant, at Columbus Grove, and whose death on March 24, IQTI, was so sincerely mourned thougrhout this whole section, was born at Wilberham, Massachusetts, January 25, [840, the son of the Reverend Alvin and Anna Maria (Stebbins") Day, the former of whom was one of the most distinguished Baptist ministers of his day.


Alfred attended school at Wilberham until lie was sixteen years of age, when he decided to come west. Starting out alone, he proceeded to Rock- port, Illinois, where he lived for a period of two years, attending school during the winter and making his time further serviceable by clerking in a local store where he no doubt laid the foundation for his later mercantile success. He then moved to Lima, Ohio, where he was for some time en- gaged in a clerical capacity in a grain warehouse and, in i86l, came to Putnam count)', locating in Columbus Grove, where for two years he en- gaged in the grain business with such success that, in 1863, he was able to purchase the general merchandise store of J. P. Jones, consisting mostly of groceries, which was located in a frame building on the west side of the street. This was his first start in the dry-goods business, in which he later became so successful. About the year 1872, Mr. Day moved this frame struc- ture and erected in its stead a line brick building, in which he conducted his store with so much success that his business outgrew its quarters and it became necessary to enlarge the store capacity. To this end, in [883, he enlarged the old store and erected the fine building which still stands a monument to his energy, the store which he so long conducted now being under the management of his son. There was a reason for the success which attended the efforts of the elder Day. lie was a good business man, level-headed and cool, possessing excellent judgment and had a rare sense of values. Tn addition to this, he was always on duty, being at the store early and late, and was a master of detail. Mr. Day erected, in [873 in Columbus Grove, one of the finest residences in the town, which is still standing, a home of unusual beauty and good taste. In the same year he built the Grove House, now known as the Witt Hotel, in Columbus Grove, and also for some time held an interest in the grain elevator in his home town. He watched his business grow with pride and, in 1893, he took into the store, as a partner, his son, Homer R. Day, who has since been con- tinuously active in the direction of the business, and who, since his father's retirement, in 1906, has been the sole owner. About live years after his retirement, at the age of seventy-two, Mr. Day passed on to his reward and many there were in this countv who mourned his demise.

Alfred H. Dav was a loveable man, of excellent habits, unassuming and plain-spoken, of sterling character, dependable in all his relations in life and a power in his community, his death being a distinct loss to the town. Not only was he unusually active in the mercantile life of Columbus Grove, but he paid close attention to the community's civic interests and was always interested in any movement which had, as its object, the advancement of the


public welfare. He was a Republican and took a good citizen's part in political affairs, his wise counsel and sound judgment being of much force in the deliberations of the local party managers. For sixteen years he was treasurer of Pleasant township, and for years was also corporation treasurer of Columbus Grove, besides being a member of the town council and the school board, in all these duties giving the same studious attention to the public's business as be gave to his own personal affairs. He was a devoted member of the Presbyterian church, as are all the members of his family, being prompt in his attendance upon the services of the church and a liberal contributor to the various beneficences of the same.

Alfred H. Day was united in marriage, in [865, to Ada L. Pease, who was born in Monson, Massachusetts, and who is now living with her chil- dren. To this union three children were born, Rose E., who married Dr. Frank H. Pugh and lives at Bryan, Ohio; Clyde, who died in infancy, and Homer R., the immediate subject of tins interesting biographical sketch.

Homer R. Daw who was horn at Columbus Grove, April 9, [873, son of Alfred 11. and Ada L. (Tease) Day. received bis youthful education in the schools of his native town and, upon completing the course there, took a supplemental course in the business college, at Poughkeepsie, New York, where he received his business training and from which institution he was graduated with the class of [893, after which he returned home and entered business with bis father, who took him as a partner that year. This mutually pleasant and profitable arrangement continued until the year inu(>, when the elder Day retired, turning all interests over to his son, since which lime the latter has been sole owner and has continued the wise policies of his father with such careful direction that the business is continuing to grow in the most satisfactory fashion. In addition to his commercial interests, Mr. Day finds time to give his share of attention to public affairs, in which he naturally takes a deep interest. He has been a member of the board of public affairs for the past seven years, served for two terms as treasurer of the township and also for two terms as a member of the school board. He is also a direc- tor of the Exchange Bank of Columbus Grove. As was his father, he is a Republican, and bis counsels carry weight with the party managers in Putnam county, by reason of bis sound judgment and excellent executive ability. lie has made himself a most valuable power for good in the com- munity and commands the highest respect of all throughout the entire section of the county where bis name and that of his father, before him, are so well known and so highly regarded. A man of unquestionable honest)-, lie believes in the application of sound principles to the conduct of both


public and private business and is an earnest advocate of all measures which look to the betterment of the social, moral or civic conditions of the com- munity in which he lives.

Homer R. Day was united in marriage on April 25, 1897, t0 Miss Winifred Rice, who was born at Ada, Ohio, the daughter of John F. and Jennie (Hemphill) Rice, members of old families of that section of the state, and to this union four children have l>een born, Aline, born on March 27, 1898; Jeannette, born on January 7, 1900; Mildred, born on March 15, 1902, and Fred R., born on June 3, 1905, and who died on December 15, 1907. The three youngsters, in the pleasant Day home, keep things lively there and are the delight of the lives of their devoted parents. Mr. and Mrs. Day are members of the Presbyterian church and take an active part in the beneficences of that organization, as well as being devoted in their attention to all movements that seek to better mankind.


A well-known woman, of Putnam county, Ohio, who was born and reared in Allen county, is Mrs. Addie Lillian (Hall) Zahrend. Her hus- band was a prominent business man oi this county tor many years, and was engaged in the lumber business, at Leipsic, at the time of his death, in the spring of 1905. He was a man of high character, a thorough Christian gentleman, a leader in all reform movements. Since his death, .Mrs. Zahrend lias been devoting her time and attention to the rearing of the children who were left in her care. She is a woman of refinement and culture, deeply devoted to her domestic life.

Mrs. Addie Lillian (Hall) Zahrend was born at Gilboa, Putnam county, Ohio, December 22, 1861. She is a daughter of John F. and Nancy lane ( lioagland) Hall.

Mrs. Zahrend spent her early childhood at Gilboa and, when live years ot age, moved with her parents to Bluffton, Allen county, Ohio, where she was educated and lived until her marriage. She was married, June 25, [885, to John Carl Zahrend, and to this union six children were born, Martha Marie, Robert Franklin, Fugene Hall, John Carroll, Howard Lewis and Charlotte I. mile. Martha Marie was married, February 15, 1010, to (diaries M. Harris, ol Leipsic. Ohio, and now lives in Gore county, Kansas. Mr. and Mr-. Harris have three sons, Harold, Fugene and Charles. Robert

ioiin c. zaiikknh


Franklin married Margaret Cotter, of Philadelphia, October 16, 1909, and now lives in Wayne, Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia. Eugene Hall was married, December 17, 1913, to Elizabeth Doyle, of Bryn Mawr, Pennsyl- vania, where he now resides. Eugene and his wile have one daughter, Dorothy Elizabeth. The three younger children, John, Howard and Char- lotte, are still living with their mother and attending the public schools of Leipsic.

|ohn Carl Zahrend was horn in Mecklenburg Schwerin, Germany, fnne _'_', 1858, and was the son of Herman and Minnie ( Henning) Zahrend. Herman Zahrend was engaged in farming in Germany and in 1870, came to America and located at Liberty ('enter, Henry county. Upon coming to this country, Herman Zahrend engaged in railroad work and later resumed farming near Napoleon, Henry County, Ohio. A few years later he removed to a farm east of Napoleon and there lived the remainder of his life. lie was a member of the hutch Reformed church and a stanch Republican in politics. Herman Zahrend and wife were the parents of seven children, John, w hi; became the husband of Addie Lillian Hall; Henry, who died at the age ot twenty; a daughter, who died in her childhood; Frederick, of Xapoleon, ( )lno, who married Ella Lahringer, and has two sons. Laid and Frederick; Harmon, a farmer living near Liberty ("enter, Ohio, who mar- ried Clara Hudson, and has two children, Goldie and Ralph; Louise, who died February 26, 1905, the wife of James Fahringer, who left her husband with three sons, Harry, Ora and Arthur; Charles, of Lima, Ohio, who mar- ried Minnie Freeman, and has three daughters, Vera, Mildred and a baby.

John C. Zahrend attended the common schools, of Liberty Center, Ohio, and later took a course in a Detroit business college. He was first employed as a clerk in a general store at BlufFton, Ohio, and later engaged in the grocery business at that place, with (diaries Day. He sold out his interests 111 the grocery store, a short time alter his marriage, and moved to Lima, Ohio, in [886, where he took a position in a shoe store. A few vears later he moved to Leipsic, Ohio, and became a partner of the 0. E. Townsend Company, a company operating a large lumber and planing mill, in Leipsic. ddie linn consisted of John Zahrend, his brother-in-law, O. E. Townsend, and the hitter's father, I. M. Townsend. Mr. Zahrend continued in this business until it was sold to the Robert Hixon Lumber Comany, after which he was retained by the latter company as the manager of the plant. He was also interested in the Peters Lumber Company, of Irwin, Kentucky.

Mr. Zahrend was in active business in Leipsic until his death, March 7, 1005. I le was held In liitjli esteem by his business associates, and thromrhout


the community where he had lived so main- years, lie was a man of strict business integrity, and had a line Christian character. IK' was a loyal mem- ber ol tlie Methodist Fpiscopal church, and was interested in everything which pertained to its welfare, lie was a class leader, and a member of the official board of the Methodist church at Leipsic. lie was especially interested in temperance work.

Since the death of her husband, Mrs. Zahrend makes her home in Leipsic, with her three unmarried children. One of Mrs. Zahrend's uncles, on her mother's side, James Hoagland, died in his early twenties, while living ;it Fort Wayne, Indiana. Before his death, he was elected to the state Senate ot Indiana, hut died before the Legislature convened, lie was said to be the youngest man who had been elected to the Indiana Senate up to that time.


There are citizens of Putnam count}', Ohio, who have come here from nianw states in the Union, as well as many foreign countries. The Austrian empire has contributed some of the best citizens who are now making their homes in this country and among them, Frank Gmeiner, of Ottawa, occupies a prominent place. Coming to this country with his parents when a small boy, he has been a resident ot Putnam comity, since the spring of 1864, and for the past half century has been actively interested in everything pertain- ing to the welfare of die count}'. I lis parents dying shortly after he reached his majority, lelt him with live younger children, to whom he acted as la- ther and mother.

Frank Giueiner, the son of George and Mary (Mat/. I Gmeiner, was born on December 3, 1852, in Vorardelberg, Tyrol, Austria, lie was six years ot age when his parents came to America and located in Sandusky county, Ohio, nine miles northwest of Fremont. In that county his father bought forty acres ot timbered land, 011 which was a log school house, that had just been abandoned. He lived in the school house until such time as be was able to provide a better house. George Gmeiner cleared his land and hail it partly improved when the Civil War broke out. lie enlisted in the Seventy-second Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry and after his en- listment had expired, in the spring of [864, he sold his farm in Sandusky county and moved to Putnam county, where he bought eighty acres of tim- bered land, in Monterey township, four and one-half miles northwest of



Ottoville, Here again the family lived in a school house for a short time, Mr. Gineiner renting it for about two or three months until he could build a log cahin for the family. ( hi this farm George Gmeiner and liis wife lived, until their death, both dying in October, [875, the mother dying on the second day of the month and the father on the sixteenth. It is a singular coincidence that both of them died at half past three, on a Friday morning.

When George Gmeiner and his wife died, in the fall of 1875, they left six children. Frank, with whom this narrative deals, was the eldest, he being about twenty-two years of age at the time. The next eldest child was six years younger than he, his eldest sister being fourteen years of age, at which time she became the housekeeper for the orphan children. The youngest child was only seven years id age. The six children were as fol- lows: [''rank, of Ottawa; Gebhard, of Washington; Mary, the wife of Charles I His all . of Havana. Arkansas; Leonard, who is a tanner of this county, living between Kalida and Cloverdale; Kate, the wife of Joseph Leatherman, a farmer living near Vaughnsville, in this county; and George, a baker at St. Louis, Missouri. Upon the death of his parents, Frank be- came executor ol his lather's will and at his father's request before bis death, took his place as head of the family and took charge of the farm and little flock of fatherless children, who were obedient and were industrious and prospered. A few years later, the paternal estate was divided equally, each of the children going into the world to make a living. All of them have become useful members of society- Frank Gmeiner moved to Ottoville, and he and J. [. Miller and Andrew Kehres started a tile factor}- at that place, lie continued in that business for about six years and then disposed of it and went into partnership with William Gasser in the planing mill in the same place, lie remained in this for about seven years, after which he engaged in the general real estate, loan and insurance business, which he has since followed.

Mr. Gmeiner, very early in hie. began to fill official positions in his township and county. At the age oi twenty-two he was elected justice of the peace and was-re-elected for another term. He has also served as a no- tary public, taking out a commission more as a convenience to the public than tor any remuneration which he might receive from the office. He has been frequently called upon to serve as an executor, administrator, guardian, etc. As a matter of fact, his time was so consumed in this way that in [896, he disposed ol his interest in the planing null and lumber business and de- voted all ol his time to the real estate, loan and insurance business.

Mr. Gmeiner was elected recorder of Putnam county in roo^ and took


charge of the office in September of the same year and held it for three years. At the expiration of his lirst term, he was re-elected and served for another three years. During the second term incumbency, the law was changed as to the term of recorder's office to two years, and he was com- missioned to hold over one year more, so that he held the office continu- ously for seven years, the last term expiring in 1909. Since that time he has continued to reside in Ottawa, and is engaged in various lines of ac- tivity, lie dues a considerable amount of land abstracting, buying and sell- ing real estate, making loans and acting as guardian and administrator for (.■states, lie was appointed by the state hoard in September, 1013, as a mem- ber of the hoard of liquor license commissioners lor I'nlnam county, and is still serving 111 this capacity.

.Mr. Gmeiner was married on June 7, 1893, tn Mary Mallifskey. She was horn at New Washington, Crawford count}', Ohio, and is a daughter ot Martin and Mary (Gorise) Mallifskey. tier parents were natives of German Bohemia, in Austria, and came to Ottoville, Putnam county, in the fall ot iS()j. Her mother died in this county, October 17, 1893, when her lather came to live with Mr. and Mrs. Gmeiner ami remained with them until he dropped dead suddenly in the court house at Ottawa, June -' 1 , 1911.

Mr. and Mrs. Gmeiner are loyal members of the Catholic church. lie is a member of the Knights of Columbus, Catholic Knights of Ohio and also St. Peter's and Paul's Aid Society.


The oldest resident of Belmore, Putnam county, Ohio, is Nitnrod Speaker, who has been engaged in business in that place for twenty-nine years. When he first came to the pleasant village of Belmore, there was only a little board depot and two log cabins. During his long residence in the village he has seen it grow to its present prosperous condition, and has home no inconsiderable part in making it what it is today. A leading business man for more than a quarter of a century, he has been active in promoting the general prosperity of the town, and during a great part of this period, he has held one official position or another, lie is now retired from active work and is spending his declining years in retirement, highly honored and respected by everyone who knows him.

Niniiod Speaker, the son of \11d1cw and Klizabelh (Moreland) Speaker.


was l)orii on March 21, 1841, in Licking county, Ohio. His parents were natives of western Pennsylvania and Virginia, respectively, and came to Licking county with their respective parents. Andrew Speaker was a sun of Charles Speaker. Elizabeth Moreland was a daughter of David More- land, and both the Speaker and Moreland families were early pioneers in Licking county. Andrew Speaker and family moved to Putnam comity, in 1857, and located in Blanchard township, not far east of Leipsic, and there, on a farm, the parents both died within four weeks of each other, in 18C6.

Soon alter the family located in tins county, Nimrod Speaker went to Put-in-Bay Island and worked there for some time. However, his health became impaired and, in 1861, he came to Belmore and worked in the timber, cutting out wood and timber, until 1868. In that year he and his brother, George, bought a general store, at Belmore, and continued in partnership, until 1890. In that year, his brother withdrew from the business, and Mr. Speaker continued it alone, until 1897, when he retired from active work. Mr. Speaker has been a participant in the life of Belmore, since its inception. He is better informed on the history of the town than any other man.

Mr. Speaker was married in 1865 to Hattie Ward, who was a native of Ireland and was two years of age when her parents brought her to America, the youngest of several children. At New York both parents died and the children were left orphans. Relatives came and got them and reared them, these relatives living on a farm next to Mr. Speaker's father's home. He and his wife were schoolmates together, in their childhood days. To this union were born three children, George, who died at the age of twenty; Idward. who died in childhood; [Catherine, who died on [miliary 2, 1013. leaving her husband, Alvin Hook, with three children, two sons and a daughter.

Mr. Speaker married Ellen Bine, in 1883, who was reared in Ashland county. Ohio, and came to Putnam county, with her brother. William, and now lives five miles east of Belmore. To this second union have been burn three children, John Burgan, Harvey and William. John B. is a minister in the Methodist church, and is now stationed in Illinois. I fe married Lola Lonzway, and has three children. Harvey is a painter and decorator and makes bis home in Belmore. William is a farmer at Belmore, who married Gertrude Linkhart. The mother of these three children died, in 1004.

Mr. Speaker has been justice of the peace, for thirteen years, and still has three years more to serve of his present term. He has been clerk of his township for two terms, treasurer for two terms, and has been on (he



school hoard for the past twenty-seven years. IK- holds his membership in the Masonic lodge, at Deshler, and in the Independent Order of Odd Pel- lows, at liclmore. IK- is financially interested in the I'chnorc Ranking Com- pany, and is now the vice-president of that institution.


A substantial business man of Leipsic, ( )hio, is 1 Iarrv l\ Wendell, who has been a resident of the city since 1894. lie was in the newspaper business for the first few years alter coming to this place and then engaged in the mail order business and has been engaged in selling by mail various things ever since that time, lie stalled in by selling memorial cards by mail and still continues this business, although he has since added various other lines, such as mops, lire extinguishers and vacuum washers. Mr. Wendell has taken a very active part in the civic life of Leipsic since becoming a resident of the city, and has been one of the potent factors in advancing reforms of all kinds.

Harry F. Wendell, the son of Daniel and Hannah fSchaub) Wendell, was born in Noble county, Ohio, in [867. Mis father was born in the same count)', a son of Harrison Wendell. Harrison Wendell was a son of Fred- erick Wendell, who was hi^h sheriff of Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, for lifty-lwo years. Harrison Wendell, the grandfather of II. F. Wendell, was burn in Shcnand'iah Valley, in 1N10, and came to Halesville, Ohio, when he was about fourteen years ol age and helped to build a seven-room brick house in that place, lie carried the brick- which went into the building as his lather, Frederick, erected it. It was in this building, Harrison Wen- dell died in 1906, which building was for many years the finest in the ci immunity,

Daniel Wendell was reared in Noble county and spent his whole life there. He enlisted in the Civil War in the Seventieth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and was severely wounded and died from the effects ol the wound in 1870. His wife, Hannah Schaub, was born in Monroe county, ( )hio.

II. F. Wendell was reared at liatcsville, Ohio, until he was sixteen years of age, and then moved lo Cambridge, where he learned the printer's trade, and followed that until the spriti" of 1R94. Me came to Leipsic in thai year and bought the /.<'//>.«"< Tribune, a paper which had been started



two years previously. lie was a practical newspaper man ami built up the paper and operated it successfully for five years. He sold the paper in 1899 ami has since that year been engaged in mail order business, selling me- morials, and he has made an immense success of the venture. lie still continues the business and now ships his cards all over the United States and Canada. This venture proving so successful he stalled the United States Mop Company, another mail order concern, with II. S. Huttinger as partner, and managed this business until the fall of 1910, selling mops all over the United States and foreign countries by mail, lie and Mr. Hut- tinger established another mail order proposition in 1909 and sold chem- ical lire extinguishers under the name of the United .Manufacturing Com- pany, lie disposed of this business in 1910, at the same time when he re- linquished interest in the mop company. lie established the Wendell Vacuum Washer Company 111 the fall of 1913, which he conducts himself, lie has a factory at Leipsic for the manufacture of the washers and employs a large office force to attend to the mail orders. Within a very short time he has built up such a business that he now ships his washers all over the civilized world.

Air. Wendell became one of the incorporators of the First National Rank, oi Leipsic, in 1903, and was made vice-president of the institution. 'I he bank went into voluntary liquidation, two years later, and completed its business by paying all depositors in full. He was secretary of the board of irade and lor a lime vice-president of the Leipsic Industrial Association. He was also president, for a time, of the Law and Order League, an organization which was promoted to improve the moral welfare of the city. This league was very active, after Leipsic went "dry," about ten years ago. .Mr. Wendell was one of the most active men in the league and. while the light was being made to vote the saloons out, he made a canvass of seventeen school districts with petitions signed by the farmers asking the city merch- ants to take the side of the "drys." These petitions taken together made a row of names fifteen feet long, and was a potent factor in subsequently ousting the saloons from Leipsic.

Mr. Wendell has served on the Leipsic council and is now a member oi the school board. He has been asked, repeatedly, to run for mayor, but has steadfastly refused to make the race for the office. lie has also served on the board of health, of his city. In fact, there is probably not a man in the city who has been more active in its general welfare than Mr. Wendell, and in all things he has tried to do thai winch would be the besl lor Ihe ciiv al larve.


.Mr. Wendell was married 111 1892, to Laura Gallogly, who was a na- tive oi Licking county, Ohio, is a daughter of Jacob and Frances (Brown) Gallogly, and to this union has been born one sun, Francis, who is now attending the public schools of Leipsic.

Air. Wendell is a member of the Free and Accepted Masons, and has attained to the thirty-second degree. He also holds his membership in the Knights of Pythias. He and his wife are active workers in the Presbyterian church, and he has performed the duties of treasurer of his church, and for many years, was a member of the board of trustees. At the present time he is an elder in the denomination. In all things, Mr. Wendell has tried to promote the moral welfare of his community, and it is safe to say that he is distinctively one of the representative men of Leipsic.


( )ne of the enterprising and rising young men, who are native born to Putnam county, Ohio, and who are making names and reputations for ihem- seleves in the marts oi trade is Llewellyn Geiger, whose lather was also born in this county. Marked aptitude and diligence characterize the activi- ties of this young man, who is highly esteemed for his many excellent quali- ties and for his quiet, gentlemanly methods oi transacting his business affairs 111 the community where lie is carving out a career for himself.

Llewellyn Geiger was horn in Riley township, Putnam county, Ohio, May 20, 1S83, a son of David G. and .Mary (Hilty) Geiger. David Geiger was horn on November 7, 1852, in Riley township, a son oi John G. and Mary (Lugibihl) Geiger. John < i. Geiger was born in [819, in Berne, Switzerland, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Geiger.

John G. Geiger came to America, with his parents, in [838, when he was nineteen years oi age, and settled in Riley township, Putnam county, < >hio, where he entered government land. lie experienced the usual pioneer hardships, but cleared his land and built a log bouse of two rooms and a log stable. It was 111 that house that David G. Geiger was born, < .ne of a family of three sons and five daughters.

David G. Geiger attended the public school and, during the periods when he was not in school, helped Ins father to clear the land on the farm and to operate the threshing machine which, in those days, was operated by horse- power. At the age of twenty-three, in 18715, he married Mary Hilly, a



daughter of Peler and (Catherine (Neunschwander) Hilly, both of whom were ill pioneer slock.

After Ins marriage, lie settled on a part of his lather's farm, where he still lives. His wife died on April 22, 18X5, when Llewellyn Geiger, the sub- jecl, was nut quite two years of age. Six children were horn to Mr. and Mrs. Geiger. They are Matilda, the wife of David Bucher, who lives in Riley township; Helena, the wife of Amos Hilty, who lues in Allen county; Gideon, who married Elizabeth Steiner and lives in Lima, Ohio; Elizabeth, the wife of Ezra Steiner; Llewellyn, the principal of this sketch, and Tillman, who married Rosa Snter and lues in Riley township.

David Geiger was married a second time, in 1880 or 1887, his second wife being Rosine Gilliam, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gilliam. Six children were born to this union, also, who are, Mary, unmarried, who lives at home; llnlda, the wife of Oswin Gerber, of Pandora, Ohio; Hiram, who married Gecil Starke}-, and lives at Pandora, Ohio; John, Melvina and Wil- liam, w lio live at home.

David Geiger has always done general farming and has been eminently successful. He is a loyal member uf the Swiss Mennonite church and is active in its work.

He is a stanch member of the Democratic party and has always taken an active interest in political matters. For three years he has been a school director, an office which he has (died to the complete satisfaction of the citizens.

Llewellyn Geiger was born in Riley township, Putnam county, Ohio, May J(), 1883. He grew to manhood on the old homestead and attended district school. No. 7, until he was seventeen years of age. He continued to help his father in the operation of the farm until he reached the age of twenty-one, when he began to work as a carpenter, a trade which he followed tor three years, spending a large portion of that time working in a saw-mill.

When he was twenty-lour years of age, September 15, HJ07, Llewellyn Geiger married Pauline Suter, who was born on November 30, 1882, a daughter of David 1). and Elizabeth (Neunschwander) Suter, of Riley township. David D. Suter was born in Riley township on April,I4, 1852, the son ot Christian and Anna (Basinger) Suter. Christian Suter was the son ol Mr. and Mrs. Christian Suter, St., Elizabeth Neunschwander was the daughter ot Isaac and Mary (Steiner) Neunschwander, both of pioneer stock and Sw iss descent.

Alter their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Geiger spent seventeen


months in making a tour to the Pacific coast, spending several months iiv California and Oregon. On their return, Mr. Geigcr engaged in the planing mill business, buying an interest in the firm of I). C. Shank & Company, of which concern he is now vice-president, assistant manager and a director.

Air. and .Mrs. Geiger are both members of the Grace Mennonite church and are active in the church work, lie is a member of the Democratic party, has taken an active interest in the political affairs of his community, and in his party affiliations has served as a precinct committeeman.

Llewellyn Geiger is a clean-cut and progressive young business man, of good character and unquestioned integrity. He is well known and univer- sally respected.


The Ellerbrock family have been residents of Putnam county, Ohio, since 1835, when the parents of John William Ellerbrock came from Han- over, Germany, and settled south of Glandorf. Mr. Ellerbrock grew to maturity in this county and was engaged, for the greater portion of his life, in the manufacture of woolen goods, at Glandorf. In fact, this was the main business of the village of Glandorf for many years. In addition to his woolen manufacturing, he was also engaged in farming, but devoted most of his time and attention to the woolen business. He was a pioneer in the county, and a man who was highly respected by everyone who knew him. He and his good wife reared a large family of children to lives of useful- ness, and they, in turn, married and are rearing families of their own.

The late John William Ellerbrock was born in Hanover, Germany, February id, 1830, and died at his home in Glandorf, Putnam county, Ohio, May 25, 1914. He was a son of William and Mary C. (Kracht) Eller- brock, and came to America, in 1836, with his parents, being only six years of age at the time the family located in this county. He was reared amidst pioneer conditions and, from his earliest boyhood, knew what it was to swing an ax and handle the rifle. He received such education as was afforded by the schools of his home neighborhood and, immediately after bis mar- riage, he and several of bis friends stalled the Glandorf woolen mills, and for the most of his life, was engaged 111 tins particular line of business. Later in life, he invested in farming lands and gave some of his attention to the tilling of the soil, lie was an excellent business man and his integrity was such that it was never questioned.


John \V. Ellerbrock was married on October 22, 1856, to Mary A. Utendorf, who was born on February 9, 1838, south of Glandorf, in this county, and was a daughter of Joseph and Alary A. (Gerdeman) Utendorf. To this union fourteen children were born, ten of whom are still living, Andrew, deceased; a twin brother to Andrew, who died in infancy; Mary, the wife of Matthew Schroeder; Catherine, a nun; Theodore, of Ottawa; Elizabeth, the wife of Henry E. Schweickert, of Peru, Illinois; Philomina, a nun in the same convent with her sister, Catherine; Frank, of Peru, Illinois; Theresa, who is living in Glandorf; Charles B., a business man of Glandorf; Emma, the wife of Peter A. Missler, of Glandorf; Frances, the wife of John Geier, of Gabon, Ohio; Joseph, who died in infancy, and Bennie, a twin brother of Emma, who died in infancy. The mother of these children died on July 23, 1910, and the father, as before mentioned, died on May

25. I9I4-

The Ellerbrock family are all loyal members of the Catholic church, at Glandorf. Theresa and Charles B. are now living in the old family resi- dence, in Glandorf. John W. Ellerbrock was a man who was widely known throughout the county, and, during his career of nearly eighty years in the county, there was never a time when he was not ready and willing to help those less fortunate than himself. lie was charitable to the faults of his neighbors, kind and indulgent to his own family, and a genial and whole- souled citizen, who always stood for the best interests of his community.


Almost any business will give a substantial return if it is properly managed. Proper management involves a careful consideration id' the re- lation between revenue and operating expenses. Frank K. Hammett has prospered and has made a success of the dravage and transfer business at Leipsic, bectuse he has never failed to look after his business carefully. .Mr. Hammett is one of the substantial citizens of Leipsic.

He was born in [861 at Covington, Ohio, the son of James II. ami Elizabeth (Dunning} Hammett. Ilis father came from Bedford county, Pennsylvania, with his parents to London county, Ohio. He grew up in northeastern Ohio and became the driver of a stagecoach along the shore <<i Lake Erie, between Cleveland and Buffalo, lie was employed lo drive a coach, hauling t lie man who had charge of building the Ruck Island rail-



road across Iowa. Ii was all new country. They stopped at Marengo, a little frontier tavern, and there lie met and became much interested in the daughter of the landlord of the little hotel. She was Elizabeth Dunning, the daughter of Theodore Dunning who was a pioneer by nature and in- clination, a genial old man who could play the fiddle.

James 11. llammett returned to Ohio and wrote to the girl occasionally. Again he drove across Iowa, along the hue of the road in course of con- struction, to Council Bluffs. When they reached it alter a long and tedious journey, they found the town consisted of a tent and a party of men who were there to help build the railroad. In later years Mr. llammett saw it as a thriving city.

lie came hack to Ohio but finally returned to Iowa and married the girl, lie came back to Covington, Ohio, and worked in an elevator tor a tune and later bought a farm here, about rS63, where he lived until about [866. Mr. Dunning, his wife's father, moved here during the war and started the old Leipsic hotel in a two^story frame building, on the corner, where the Geltz store is now located. There were only a tew houses then and not over forty inhabitants in the town aside from the railroad construc- tion gang. The did man got the pioneer lexer again about [866, fixed up a pioneer wagon ami he and his wife drove to Nebraska, where lhe\ entered land and spent the rest oi their lives with their mhi> and daughters who also entered land and prospered in the same community.

Some tune after his marriage lames II. llammett moved to Leipsic and took a place in a store. Later he moved to Leipsic and worked in an elevator tor two years, Pinally he and John Alt went into the general mer- chandise business and prospered. They extended the business and built an elevator and did a large business in grain. Thev met with reverses, how- ever, and had to retire. .Mr. Ilaninielt turning his attention to the insur- ance business. Mr later moved to Toledo and look a place in a large agri- cultural implement business, living there tmtil his death. Air. llammett was twice married.

By his first marriage were born three children, l.uella, Prank K.. the subject of this sketch, and William W. Prank K. was about three years old when bis mother died. Ilis father then married Mrs. Ann Elizabeth (Black) Waters, a widow, and to ibis second union live children were born, Lily, who died at the age of three; Kva Xelta, Alva DeLoss, l.ettie Arhna and Edward Early.

Prank K. Hammett grew up at Leipsic and alter working in various lines, in July, 1878, began draying at Leipsic and has followed this business


for thirty-seven years. Most of the time he has had from ten to twelve men employed and many teams. He has prospered exceedingly in this busi- ness. He was agent for the American Express Company for over fifteen years, or until .March, 1913.

Mr. Hammett was married to Mary M. Hayes, in 1883. She was born in Warren county, Ohio. One sun has been born to Mr. ami Mrs. Hammett, December 28, 1884, Harry II. IK- attended the Tri-State Business College at Toledo, Ohio, and has been a stenographer most of the time since. lie has worked mostly in railroad services; has traveled over most of the United States and in fourteen foreign countries. He has been in Cuba, Mexico, Hawaii, the Philippines, fapan, where he spent two years, China, Maud lit" ( mam and most ol the principal P.uropeaii countries. In fact, his chief occupation has been traveling, lie has a vast fund of information first hand. Altogether Harry H. Hammett has traveled not less than one hundred and fifteen thousand miles, undoubtedly, the most widely-traveled man in Putnam counts', Ohio.

Prank K. Hatnmetl is popular in Leipsic and an influential citizen in his community, lie is a member of the Knights ol Pythias. Mr. Hammett remembers Leipsic in its carlv days. He has seen deer between Main street and Leipsic function and wild game in abundance where the town now stands.


A prominent citizen of Glandorf, Putnam county, Ohio, who was horn in this village, before the Civil War, and has spent his entire life in the county, is Theodore Deters. Both of his parents were born in Germany, and they settled in this county in 1841. Since that lime, the Deters family have been residents of Glandorf. Mr. Deters has served as assessor of (Jttawa township, for more than twenty years, and has filled various Other official positions in an efficient and satisfactory manner.

Theodore Deters, the son of Frank William and Mary (Redecker) Deters, was born on May 13, 1858, in Glandorf, near the present location of the tile factory. Ilis father was a native of Oldenburg, Germany, his birth having occurred there on April 14, 1814, coming to America at the age of nine, having previously lost both of his parents. Upon coming to America he became a sailor and. from the age of seventeen until he was twenty-six years of age, he traveled over much of the world in a sailing


vessel, ill-- then left the sea and, for seven years, worked in a pottery fac- tory at Cincinnati. It was while living there lie married Alary Redeeker. His wife was born in Hanover, Germany, and came to America in 1833, with her parents, Henry and Mary Redeeker. The Redeeker family located in Putnam county, Ohio, south of Ottawa, where the father bought a farm and lived the remainder of his days. Frank \V. Deters and his wife moved to Glandorf, in Putnam county, in 1841, where he bought forty acres and settled down to the life of a farmer. Later he bought one hundred and twenty acres north of New Cleveland, but spent all of his life in the village of Glandorf, where he died, in 1887. He served as laud appraiser on two different occasions and for many years was assessor of Ottawa township, filling this office for more than eighteen years, from 1856 to 1874. He and his family were loyal members of the Catholic church. His widow died on August 26, 1910. Ten children were born to Frank W. Deters and wife, only three of whom are now living, Theodore, of Glandorf; Frank,' of Hamler, Henry county, Ohio, and William, a farmer living three miles north of Glandorf.

Theodore Deters received his education in the schools of Glandorf and worked on his father's farm during his boyhood days. He remained at home until his marriage and then began farming for himself, continuing to reside in Glandorf. He served as assessor of Ottawa township, from 1891 until the spring of 1914. He has also been the appraiser of the Glandurl German Uuilding and Loan Association, for six years. lie has taken an active part in the civic life of Glandorf, and has been a member of the council for three years.

Mr. Deters was married in 1882, to Magdalene Wischmeyer, who was a native of Hanover, Germany, and, in 1879, came to America with her lather, llenrv, and her sister, settling in Glandorf, where an elder brother, Herman, had previously located. Her father spent the re<t of his life here with his children.

Mr. Deters and his wife are the parents of six children, Frank, a painter who married Magdalene Lehman, and has two children, Lenora and Fflna : Mary, the wife of Fdward Gerdig, of Ottawa; Magdalene, who is still living with her parents; Frances, who married Charles Ellerbrock, a farmer of Glandorf, and has three children, Carolos, Mildred and Bertha; Joseph, who is now teaching in the public schools at New Cleveland, Ohio; Henry, who is still living at home with his parents.

Mr. Deters and his family arc all members of the St. John's Catholic church, of Glandorf. lie is also president of the St. John's Aid Society.



An enterprising newspaper man, of Leipsic, is George Franklin Polk Smith, who is the able editor of the Free Press, in that place. His father was the editor of this same paper for many years, and Mr. Smith has worked in newspaper offices from his boyhood days. He has had a very interesting career, having spent many years in professional baseball, where he made a record as a player. He received an injury, in 1910, which com- pelled him to leave the profession and since that time he has given all of his time to newspaper work. Since the death of his father, in 1912, has had sole charge of the Free Press.

George F. Smith, the son of William W. and Viola Ann (Baughman) Smith, was born at Leipsic, Ohio, June 14, 1888. His father was connected with the Free Press in Leipsic for many years, and was editor and owner up until the time of his death, February 16, 1912.

Air. Smith spent his boyhood days in Leipsic, and after finishing two years in the high school in this place, entered Lima College, as a student, but did not complete his college course. When he was sixteen years of age, he became a member of the Leipsic Baseball Club, and while with this club had a state-wide reputation. When be was about eighteen years of age, he branched out as a professional baseball player with the Zanesville Irani, 111 Ohio. This team was in the Ohio- Pennsylvania League, and he remained with Zanesville for two years, and then spent one season in Gal- veston, Texas, playing with the team of that city, after which he went to Peoria, Illinois, and joined the Three I League. After spending half a season with this team, be went to Kewanna, Illinois, where he finished the season. The next two seasons were spent in the Ohio State League, and he was in this league when he injured a ligament, in rqio, and had to re- tire from professional baseball. Since that time he lias given all of his at- tention to newspaper work, and upon the death of bis father assumed control of the paper which that parent had so ably edited for many years. During all of the time he was playing baseball, he spent the rest of the year in his father's newspaper office and, when he took over the paper in 1912, he was thoroughly conversant with every detail of newspaper management. Consequently, he was abundantly able to take charge of the paper and he has already demonstrated marked ability in its management. He conducts a first-class paper, all of which is printed in his own plant. lie is con- stantly mi the alert for up-to-date methods, and has added a number of


features which have increased the circulation as well as the usefulness of the paper.

Mr. Smith was married on April 5, iyio, on his father's sixtieth birth- day, to Mary Magdalene Orians, who was horn near Kirby, Ohio, and reared at Upper Sandusky. She is the eldest of ten children horn to Frank J. and Rachel (Cooper) Orians.

Mr. Smith and his wife are the parents of three children, George F., |r.. horn on lanuarv 2<j, lyil, who died livo days later; Robert lames, born on June 19, 1912, and Mary Janet, born on April 21, £914.

Mr. Smith is an ardent supporter of the Democratic party and advo- cates its principles in his paper, lie belongs to the Findlav Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the Ottawa Council. Knights of Columbus, and the Wadras Caravan of the Alhambra, of Toledo. lie also holds his mem- bership in the Leipsic Club, lie and his family are loyal members of the Catholic church.


The career of Jacob A. Snter contains no exciting chapter of tragic events, but is replete with well-defined purpose, which, carried to successful issue, has won for him an influential place in business circles and high per- sonal standing among his fellow citizens. His hie work has been one of unceasing industry and perseverance. The systematic and honorable methods, which he has ever followed, have resulted, not only in winning the confidence of those with whom he has had business dealings, but also in building up a large and profitable business. The Pandora Overall Company, in which Mr. Suter is superintendent, vice-president and a member of the hoard of directors, is one oi Putnam county's leading industrial enterprises. and to Mr. Suter is ilut: a large share oi the credit for its successful career.

facob A. Suter was horn on September 25, 1S74, in Riley township, Putnam county, Ohio, lie is the sun oi Abraham and Elizabeth (Lugibihl) Suter, the former of whom was horn in [824, in Wayne county, Ohio. Abraham Suter was the son of John and Elizabeth Suter. John Suter was a native oi Switzerland.

Jacob A. Suter spent his boyhood days on the old homestead farm where he attended the district schools and helped his father during the summer months.

At the age of twent v-three, on February ro, 1808, Mr. Suter was mar-



riccl in Harbara Amslutz, the daughter oi Abraham M. and Catherine illih\ ) Mnstulz. Ilie family history oi Abraham M. Amslutz will be found in the sketch of I'. A. Amstutz, a brother of Mrs. Suter, and the his- tiii\ of Mrs. Abraham M. Amstutz will lie found in the sketch of Isaac Ihltv, Iter brother. To Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Suter have been burn three children, lilda Loretta, who is a student in the high school; Orlo Lxlison, who is in school, and Royle Kenneth.

After Ins marriage, Mr. Suter took charge ol the old home place, lie lived here for about one year and a half and then removed in Pandora, where lie became interested in the I'andora Manufacturing Company, lb- was niie ut" the organizers <il the enterprise, the other members of the linn heing the Cerber brothers, John Amstutz and \lbcrt Hurry. Mr. Suter took the position of secretary and treasurer of the new company and looked alter the mechanical end of the business. About lour years later, the mill burned, and the company was reorganized under 'the name oi the Pandora Overall Companv. Since the organization oi the new firm, which has an annual production ol over two hundred thousand dollars, Mr. Suter has acted as superintendent and has served in the capacity oi vice-president and a member of the board of directors.

Reverting to Mr. Sitter's family historv, [ohn Suter, his grandfather, came with his wile in \menca in the early days and settled in Wayne county, Ohio, near Orrville. It was here that his family ol twelve children, four si .us and eight daughters, was educated and reared.

Abraham Suter, one of the elder children, was bound nut at the age of eight \eai's t.i learn the shoemaker's trade, lie remained at home until he- was a young man. lie then came to Putnam county, where, for a time, he worked for different fanners in Riley township. Subsequently, he entered a tract of eighty acres of land from the government, one mile east ol Pan- dora. This laud was covered with virgin limber and a great deal oi water. Miraliani Suter first built a log cabin and barn and then proceeded to clear his farm. \ few acres were prepared each year until, finally, the whole farm had been put under cultivation. He fore entering his land from the government, Abraham Suter had been married to IClizabeth Lugibihl. the (laughter oi |ohn l.ugibihl and wife It was shortly alter his marriage, thai he started in to hud a new home ill the wilderness. Abraham Suter and wife passed through the usual pioneer experiences in clearing their land. draining it and getting it ready for the plow. It was on this homestead, the family of twelve children lived. This family consisted of John, Mary, Peter V. Harbara. Catherine, Tannic. Susan. Magdalene, Klizabeth, laeob


A., Sarah and one who died in infancy. Abraham Suter added to his original farm of eighty acres and greatly improved Ins additional farm holding, lie died on the old home place, having been killed by a runaway team, in November, 1^07. About one year later, 111 November, iSyS, his wife passed away. She was a member of the Mennonite church and was a splendid Christian woman, a devoted wife and a loving mother. Abraham Suter was also a member of the Mennonite church. lie was an ardent Democrat and an industrious, hard-working citizen, a man of high ideals and unquestioned integrity.

Jacob A. Suter, like his father, is a man of unquestioned integrity in the community where he lives and where his active business work is carried mi. He is a Democrat, but has never been especially active in the councils of his party, lie is a member of the Grace Mennonite church, as is also his wife. Jacob A. Suter is a clean-cut, progressive young business man and one of the original organizers of one of Putnam county's largest industries. He is recognized as a good citizen and a man of splendid attainments.

\V. H. HICKEY, M. D., and W. D. HICKEY, M. D.

Men who have obtained success in their professional work are always honored and respected by the community in which they have lived and la- bored. Dearly loved are those who always find time to work in the interest of the whole community, inspiring others to industry, public spirit and faithfulness. Such men never fail to raise the standard of life in their community and the biographer is always proud to record the incidents of their lives. A descendant of men who fought bravely for freedom in the Revolutionary War and who, himself, has been a loyal patriot in another wav is William Henry Hickey, M. D., of Leipsic, Putnam county, Ohio.

William I Iriirv Hickey, M. I)., was born in [847, in Licking county, Ohio, the son of Henry and Mary (Wilkins) Hickey. Henry Hickey was born on June _'o, 1820, in Licking county, the son of William and I'hoebe (Shambaugh) Hickey. William Hickey came from Winchester county, Virginia, not far from RaUimorc, Maryland, coming to Ohio in [813, and locating in Licking on a leased farm of forty acres, owned by Congressman Stansbury. William Hickey was the son of Edward Hickey. Edward Hickey was an Irish boy from County Clare. Ireland, who came over with nineteen others under a contract to work for I heir passage after 1 1 icy ar-


rived in America. They were employed building docks, at Baltimore, and the entire twenty, with their employers, enlisted in the Revolutionary army under the command of Ewing, who was with Washington at the crossing of the Delaware. Ewing's force was kept on one side of the river, while Washington went across and won the victory.

William Hickey was a soldier in the War of 1812 and he and his father are buried side by side in Barnes' graveyard, near Wilkins Corner, in Lick- ing county.

Mary Wilkins was born on a farm adjoining the Hickey farm, in Licking county, a daughter of Henry and Magdalena (Smootz) Wilkins. They were from the Shenandoah valley, in Virginia, and from here they came to Ohio. Her parents were of Huguenot ancestry. Her father built the second grist-mill in Licking county, a mill that ran until the close of the Civil War.

Henry Hickey and wife moved to Putnam county, October 6, 1851, bringing with them their two sons, Dr. William H. and Reese F. Henry Hickey located on a farm one mile south of Gilboa ami lived in that com- munity the rest of his life. His wife died on October 17, 1865. She was the mother of William H., Reese, Magdalena, Rolla and Lyman David, the latter dying when two years old. Rolla died at Hammond, Indiana, in 1912. Magdalena is the wife of Charles I'". Stolzenbach, Jr., the well-known baker of Lima. Reese lives south of Gilboa, on a farm.

After the death of his first wife, Henry Hickey married Sarah Harris and to this union was born one son, Edward F., who has been in the em- ploy of the Standard Oil Company, at Woodstock, Canada, for many years. Henry Hickey died on April 21, 1871.

Mr. William H. Hickey grew up on the farm south of Gilboa and attended college at Haysville in Ashland county. He studied medicine with T. E. Paul, M. I)., of Ottawa. He attended the Medical College, in Cin- cinnati, and also the medical department of Western Reserve University, at Cleveland, where he was graduated on April 1, 1K70. He began the prac- tice of medicine, in Lcipsic, April 15, 1870, and here he has practiced medi- cine since that time. Dr. Hickey also has a farm at the north edge of Leipsic.

Dr William II. Hickey was married on February to, 1N70, to Rachel Creighton. She was born in Kalida. and was a daughter of John E. and Mary Elizabeth (Stout) Creighton. Her father was left an orphan and brought to Putnam county by an uncle, William McClure, from Pennsyl- vania, who was county treasurer of Putnam county, during the seventies, and who died while in office. John E. Creighton grow up and served as



county auditor, of Putnam county. Mary K. Stunt was a daughter of Elisha and Abigail Stout. Elisha Stum came from ( oshoclon county, Ohio, during the late twenties and entered land where the town of Gilboa is now lo- cated. In fact, lie laid out the first plat of the town and also built the first grist-mills at Gilboa, one located two miles up the river, while another was built two miles down the river. His was the first water-power mill in the count) and in order to run it he had to go to Columbus to get a permit from the legislature. Coming home, he started in the afternoon and reached (iilboa in the evening of the next day. lie had a wonderful constitution. |obn E. Creighton entered land where Leipsic Junction is now located, and platted the first town lots at Leipsic. It was first called Craton- town. At Leipsic Station, lots were later plated.

William II. Hickey and wife are the parents of four children living and two dead, as follows: Brandon I)., Jennie C, Wiley I)., and 1'iovd. IJrandon was horn in 1N71. and is now yardmaster on the X'ickel Plate railroad at Continental, lie graduated from the Tri-State Normal School, at Angola, and the Lima Business College. He was admitted to the practice of law, m Angola, and practiced there lor three years. IK- mar- ried .Maude M. Nease and has one son, Robert. Jennie ('., who graduated from the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and Oberlon Conservatory oi Music, lives near Limon, Colorado. Wiley I). Hickey, M. I'.. was horn in 1^7.). lie attended the Hiram College, where lie graduated in 189,5. Upon graduation, at Hiram, he entered the medical department of the Uni- versity oi Michigan, at \nn \rbor, in the fall ol i8<)o, graduating 111 1900. lie immediately began practicing, at Leipsic, Ohio, and has practiced with his father since that time. Wiley 1*. Hickey, M. 1)., was married 011 luue 12, i<)Oi, to Eleanor A. Rowland, of Columbus Grove, the daughter of David Rowland and wife. Mrs. W. I). Hickey attended the Oberlin con- servatory of Music. Dr. and Mrs. W. 1 ). Hickey have one daughter, Dorothy Kllen. Floyd 1 ). lives at Pinion, Colorado, on a cattle ranch owned by him, his sister. Jennie, and their father, lie was born in 1882, and grad- uated from the Ann Arbor high school, and at the Eastman Business College, at Poughkeepsie, New York.

Dr. William II Mickey has served as township treasurer for two terms; mayor of Leipsic two terms, and a member of the council and hoard oi education, lie was health officer of Van Buren township for twenty-five consecutive years and is ihc present health officer at Leipsic. Wiley D. 1 lickey, M. I)., has been mayor two terms, health officer of Leipsic two terms, and is at present a membei "I the city council. Brandon was justice of the


peace of Van Buren township for two terms. Brandon and Dr. VV. D. were Ijotli in Company A., Sixth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in the Span- ish-American War. Dr. Wiley I), was for live years assistant surgeon of the Second Regiment, Ohio National Guard, with the rank of first lieutenant, and, at the time of liis resignation, was ranking first lieutenant in the medical department. William H. Hickey, M. D., was a charter member of the Ma- sonic lodge at Leipsic, and his sons are also members of the same local lodge. Brandon is also a member of the Knights of Pythias. Dr. Wiley I), is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. Mrs. William II. Hickey was elected a member of the school board at the first election after the law was passed authorizing the election of women and was treasurer of the board all the time she was a member.

William H. Dickey, M. !>., and Wiley D. Hickey, M. D., are both mem- bers of the Putnam County Medical Society, the Northwestern Ohio Medical Society and the Ohio State Medical Society. William H. Hickey, M. D., was pension examiner under Cleveland's administration. Wiley D. Hickey, M. D., is a member of the Egbert Spanish War Veterans' Association, at Toledo, Ohio.

There are only six or seven people in Leipsic who were here when \V. H. Hickey, ML D., came. He is very well known in tins part of the stale, as an able physician and a public-spirited man. Jle has also given bis children ex- ceptional educational advantages, far beyond the average, at a great per- sonal sacrifice to himself, lie has lived and guided Ins children so that they feel a kind fellowship with him and honor him as dutiful and loving sons and daughters'!


The future of this country lies in the hands of the present generation. Those who contribute most to the welfare of future generations are those who are at this minute keenly interested in progressive movements affecting all lines '>f human endeavor those who are ever active in their business, their trade or profession. These are the men who acquire splendid fortunes, accumulate vast and fertile farms and a lucrative and enviable professional practice. These are the men who serve their fellow men faithfully, whatever may be their chosen profession. One of the well-known citizens of Putnam county, Ohio, and a man who has been foremost in the business affairs of this


county is Benjamin F. Seitz, Sr., vice-president of the Exchange Bank, of ( ( 'I in nl his Grove.

Benjamin F. Seitz, Sr., was born on September 16, 1853, in Union town- ship, I 'nt nam county, Ohio, on a farm. lie first saw the light of day in an old log cabin and has slept many a night under a slab board roof of a log cabin, through which the snow sifted in bis face. His parents were pioneer settlers of Putnam county. He is the son of David and Lydia (Huf- ford J Seitz. David Seitz was born in Fairfield county, Ohio, in 1S19. His parents were David and Catherine Seitz.

The lather of Benjamin F. Seitz, Sr., grew up in Fairfield county, Ohio, and while living there married Lydia Hufford, who was born and reared in Perry county, Ohio, the daughter of Daniel Hufford. David Seitz and wife moved to Putnam county in 1^47. settling in Union township. They pur- chased land for one dollar and seventy-five cents an acre, all of which was wild wood. Until Air. Seitz could build a log cabin, the family lived at the the home of Abram Funk, nearby. Before the family was brought to the cabin, David Seitz had partly furnished it. The first night after the ar- rival of the family, he finished enough floor upon which to place a bed, and the wife cooked the first meal beside a sugar stump. It was in this cabin that Benjamin F. Seitz, Sr., was born and spent his boyhood days. He still remembers seeing a few wild deer and many turkeys during his youth. On this farm his parents lived and died. David Seitz had more than ordinary political influence in his community. He was a justice of the peace, land ap- praiser and township trustee. Benjamin F. Seitz lived on this farm until his marriage.

He was married in 1877 to Sarah J. Funk, the daughter of Henry and Elizabeth ( Clevenger) Funk, a grand-daughter of Abraham Funk, who sheltered them when his father's family first came to Putnam county. Mrs. Seitz was born in Sugar Creek township. Her father and mother both grew up in Putnam county. Abraham Funk came from Fairfield county before the arrival of the Seitz family. Elizabeth Clevenger was the daughter of Samuel Clevenger, who was reared in Putnam county and the son of pioneer parents, coming from Franklin county. They settled where Vaughnsville is now located. Samuel Clevenger's father owned considerable land along Sugar creek.

After Air. and Airs. Benjamin F. Seitz, Sr., were married they settled on a tract oi wooden land in Sugar Creek township. The land was just as il had been lel'l by the Indians, except for a small patch of deadened timber. Mr. Seilz si ill has the sheepskin deed dial was signed by President James K.


Polk. He and his wife went to housekeeping in a log cabin until Mr. Seitz could build a house. He owned eighty acres oi land then and he improved this farm and added an adjoining eighty. Later he added one hundred and fourteen acres across the road in the same township, a total of two hundred and seventy-four acres, lie continued farming there until 1905, when he moved to Columbus Grove, and has lived here since that time, lie still owns this farm, except fifty-seven acres, which he sold.

About twelve years ago Mr. Seitz purchased an interest in the Exchange Bank, and upon the death of Mr. Crawford, who was then president, in 191 1, he became president of the hank and served in that capacity until it was reorganized as a state hank. He decided that the president should be at the hank regularly during business hours and that another should hold the place, so he gave up this office and the present incumbent has served as president, Mr. Seitz serving as vice-president.

To Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Seitz, Sr., seven children have been born, one of whom, Bessie, died at the age of fourteen months. Those living are John D., Maude, I'eler, Benjamin P., Jr., David and Marion. John D., who lives on part of his father's farm, married Nellie Reynolds, and has four children, May, Helen, Lucile and Margery. Maud, who married J. D. Gutty, lives in Shawnee, Oklahoma, and has four children, Roy, Russell, Fay and Yestina. Peter, who lives in Sugar Creek' township, on the old homestead, married Hula Drcsky and has four children, Charles, Clarence (deceased), Blanche ami Myrtle. Benjamin P., Jr., who lives in Columbus Grove, mar- ried Myrtle Reiger and has three children, Emerson, Christine and Mildred. David, who lives in Columbus Grove, married Vida Sakemiller and has one daughter, Donna. Marion F. is now fifteen years old.

Mr. Seitz recalls the early roads id' Putnam county, when it required a whole day to go six miles from the farm to Columbus Grove, and back again. At the time Mr. Seitz was rearing his family it required a day to haul four or live hogs to Columbus Grove.

Mr. Seitz and wife belong to the Christian church and Mr. Seitz is a trustee in this denomination, also being chorister for some time in the church at Columbus Grove. Formerly he was clerk of the Ottawa River church, in Sugar (reek township. Mr. Seitz is a member of the Knights of Pythias. Pew nun in Putnam county are better known than Benjamin 1''. Seitz, Sr., and a few nun are more entitled to the confidence and esteem of the community which he enjoys to the fullest measure, than lie. lie is one of those men of whom it may lie truly said when his last work is finished, "Well done, thou Lfood and laithful servant."




Otic of the oldest pioneer settlors oi I'utnain county, Ohio, is Levi 1 lunmiiin, whose whole career, oi more than seventy-seven years, has been spent within this county. He and his young bride started in with an eighty- acre farm in 1859, where they lived until 1906. Air. Hummon had une hundred and sixty acres of well-improved land when he moved to Leipsic, in the spring of igo6, which is the direct result oi his own work, supplemented In that of his wife and children, lie and his good wife have reared a large iiiniiK of children to lives of usefulness and honor. A greater thing than tin-- can no man do.

Levi Hummon, the son of John and Mary (Winninger) Hummon, was born in Putnam count)', Ohio, December 31, 1837. His father, a sou of Peter and Mary (Carn) Hummon, was born at Kittanning, Pennsylvania, in 1815. I'eter Hummon was a native oi Pennsylvania, a farmer in his early life and. later, a distiller oi whiskey and applejack. Mary Carn was a native of Holland, who came to America alone, when a girl, and located in Kittanning, Pennsylvania, where she met and married I'eter Hummon.

It is interesting to note how the Hummon family came to locate in Ohio. Alter I'eter Hummon and his wife had been married several years, and she had reared six children, she came, alone on horseback, to Wyandot county, t Him, where she entered one hundred and sixty acres of government land. Alter accomplishing this unique feat she returned to Pennsylvania and then, with her husband and six children, together with all of their household effects, came back to Ohio and made their home in the wilderness. They made the overland trip with an ox team and located in Wyandot county, where the) lived the remainder oi their lives. I'eter Hummon and wife were the parents of ten children", eight daughters and two sons, one of whom wa-> John Hummon, the father of Levi.

John Hummon was reared on the farm in Wyandot county, and there experienced all the hardships and thrills of pioneer life. When he was a small boy be was often frightened by the Indians, who, though harmless, enjoyed seeing the lad run. He remained on the homestead until he grew to manh 1, and, about [836, married Mary Winninger, a native of Ger- many, who came Id Ohio with her parents and located in Wyandot county. Immediately after their marriage, I < >1 1 1 1 Hummon and his young bride moved from Wyandot county to Rilev township, I'utnain countv, Ohio, in 1837, where they entered government land. This farm he cleared, developed and

Mil. AM) MKS l.l'.VI IM'.M.MON.

putnam county, oiuo. 353

lived upon the remainder of his life. There were ten children born to John Hummon and wife, live of whom are still living, Levi, Adam, deceased; George, deceased; David, Peter, Minerva, Clara and Ada, deceased. One boy, William, died at the age of thirteen, and a daughter, Mary Ann, died at tlie age of two.

Levi tlummon was born the year after his parents located in Putnam county, consequently he was reared amid pioneer conditions, lie attended the typical log-cabin school house with its slab desks, pine benches and puncheon tloors. lie helped his lather clear the farm and erect the build- ings. The first house on the old place was the ordinary log cabin. This was replaced a few years later by a hewed-log house, which was more pre- tentions, and it was on this farm Levi Hummon remained until his marriage in 1859. After teaching in one of the schools in that township for a year, he and his young wife located on a farm of eighty acres in Van Buren town- ship, which they finally purchased. This farm is situated about three miles east of Leipsic, to which four years later, they added another eighty acres. The farm was gradually brought under cultivation by Mr. Hummon and his growing sons, and it is safe to say there is not a more attractive or better improved farm in the county.

Levi Hummon was married on November 24, 1859, to Amanda C. Bolton, of Hancock county, Ohio. She was a daughter of John anil Mary Bolton and was born in Stark county, Ohio, October 29, 1840, her parents being natives of Pennsylvania. To this union have been born eleven chil- dren, Francis, Mary Matilda, John A., Ella L., Cyrus, Byron D., Irvin P., leuna, Nettie May, Charles E. and Oscar 1'. Francis, born on November 3, i860, was first married to Maggie Sutter, who died; later he married Delia Hopkins, who is also deceased. I lis third wile was Ella Cole, of Taconia, Washington. Two children born to the first marriage, who died in infancy, and to the second marriage six children were born, Merrill, Roy, Carl, bay, Ethel and Orlo. Mary Matilda, born on July 16, 1862, married Marion I. earn, now' deceased, and has two children, Glenn and Maud. She makes her home 111 Detroit, Michigan. John A., born on September 13, 1864, married Flizabeth Phfeister, and now lives in Van Buren township. To this union eight children have been born, Flovd, Esta, Guy, Carrol, Dale, Ona, Ormond and one who died in infancy. Ella B., born on September 20. i860, died at the age ot two. Cyrus, born on January 27, 1869, married I'.lla Dimple, Vernon, Mulligan, and has one daughter, Leota. Byron IV, born on July 20, 1S71, was first married to Mattie Altman, and after her death, to liertha Miuiie. To bis first marriage were born three children,


Derril, Vera and Ina. tie is now living at Carmangay, Alberta, Canada. Irvin l\, burn on July o, 1874, married Linma Simmons, and lias one son, Irvin I'., Jr. Irvin 1\ now lues at Uerwin, Illinois. Jenna, born on October _'(). 1876, died on October 29, 1876. Nettie .May, burn on June 27, 1878, died at tin.- as^c of nineteen. Charles IL., oi Sapulpa, Oklahoma, t >< »rn on June 25, 1S81, was married to Mamie William, and has two daughters, Delilah and Llizabeth. Oscar I'., oi Leipsic, burn on April 18, 1884, mar- ried I'.tliel A. Bush, and has one son, Raymond.

Mr. Ilummon has served as township trustee and as a member of the school board, lie has also been treasurer of his township, lie has always given Ins support to the Democratic party and been active in its affairs. Although he has not joined any religious organization he attends the .Methodist I'.piscopal church, of which his wife is a member. Mr, Ilummon is still hale and hearty, despite his advanced age, and is able to recall many pioneer experiences, through which he passed in his boyhood days.


Success in the mercantile business is founded on strict integrity, good business management and courteous dealings with the public. Such a busi- ness is likewise an evidence of the possession of these qualities, because no man can succeed very well without them. The kunt/ store, at Leipsic, ( )hio, founded by the late Louis VV. Kunt/, is conducted on these principles.

Louis VV. Kuntz was born, in [859, at West Leipsic, Putnam count}', Ohio, the son of Christian and Mary (Dietz) Kuntz. Christian Kuntz and wile were born, reared and married in Germany, and came to the United States about 1850. The) lust lived at Scranlon, Pennsylvania, ami later came to West Leipsic, where they engaged in the saw-mill business. Later, Mr. Kuntz came to Leipsic and took a half interest, with Mr. l-'oltz, in the grist- mill, at the south end ot Leipsic. He sold out his interest there, in the early seventies, and bought a farm at the south edge of the town, living there until July, 1914. Jle died on February (1, 1915, Christian Kuntz was eight', - nine years old and his widow registers an even four score and ten. Thev had been married nearly sixty years.

Louis VV. Kuntz grew up at Leipsic, and, while a young man, worked in a dry goods store until about twenty years old. I le then went into business fur himself. lie and William Cole were in the grocery business log-ether,



but tlnvc years Inter they dissolved the business, when Louis W. and Ins brother went into a partnership, which lusted for about fifteen years. After that, Louis VV. Kuntz continued in business until his death. At the lime he and Mr. Cole were together they also operated a warehouse.

Louis VV. Kuntz was married, in 188.2, lo Kinina Wiueland. She was burn at Van Burcn, Hancock county, Ohio, the daughter of George and Isa- bel (Morehead) Wineland. George Wineland was a native of Pennsylvania. Isabel Morehead was born on a farm in Hancock county, near Findlay. George Wineland and his brother conducted a saw-mill until he went to war. He served in the Civil War, as a soldier, dying in the service, of typhoid fever. .At the time of his death he was still a young man. lie left a widow and two daughters, of whom Mrs. Louis VV. Kuntz was only about a year old at the time of her father's death. The mother later married Joseph Mitchell and lived in Mocomb. She afterward moved to Ottawa. The mother died in 1908 and is buried in Leipsic.

Five children have been born to Louis VV. Kuntz and wife, Charles Ed- ward, Mary, Florence, Hazel and Dorothy.

Mr. Kuntz erected the business block in which the Kuntz store is located, about 1900. This is a substantial two-story brick building. Charles Edward Kuntz, his son, who now operates the store, was bom July 25, [883, in Leipsic, Putnam county. bur ten years he was chief clerk' in the office of the Nickel Plate railroad, at Leipsic Junction, and resigned that place to take charge of the store, at the time of bis father's death. He was married, in August, 1005, to Bessie Sherrard. She was born in Blanchard township, Putnam county, the daughter of Chester and Carrie (Maidlow) Sherrard. Chester Sherrard was born in Blanchard township and a sketch of his life is found elsewhere in this volume.

Louis W. Kuntz was a Republican. At various times he was nominated by bis parly for county treasurer and county clerk and served on the city council several terms, and also on the school board. He was a member of the school board at the time the new building was erected. Mr. Kuntz was a member of the Presbyterian church, a member oi the Masonic fraternity and the Knights of Pythias. Tie was master of finance in the Knights of Pvthias for twenty-five years, holding this office until bis death, and was also secretary of the Masonic lodge, lie died on June 25, tot-'. Mrs. Kuntz owns the store, left by her husband.

Charles Edward Kuntz, the present manager of the store, is a Republican and is now serving as treasurer of Van Buren township, lie belongs to the Masonic lodge and the knights of I'vthias. Mrs. Charles K. Kuntz is a


highly educated woman, and very popular in her community. In fact, the whole Kuntz family are popular throughout the county, where they have occupied a prominent place for so many years.


An enterprising druggist, of Leipsic, Ohio, is William D. Starling, who has been located in this city since 1901. He started to work in a drug store while still a lad in school and has made this his life work. He not only has a practical knowledge gained from long experience behind the prescription counter, hut also has a technical training, which comes from a good col- lege course. As a result, he is a thoroughly competent and efficient phar- macist. lie is now a partner in the drug firm of Starling & Buckley, at Leipsic, and has active charge of the store in this city.

William D. Starling, the son of Erastus B. and Alice (Hamilton) Starling, was born at Middle Point, Van Wert county, Ohio, in 1881. His lather was born near Oil City, Pennsylvania, in 1857. and is a son of Jonathan and Sarah Starling. His mother was born in Middle Point, Van Wrert, Ohio, and is the daughter of John Hamilton and wife. His father is now engaged in the dairy business at Payne, Ohio.

William D. Starling was reared to manhood in Payne, Ohio, and while still in school began to work in a drug store. After leaving school he con- tinued as a drug clerk, but feeling the need of technical training along pharmaceutical lines, became a student in the Northern Normal Univer- sity at Ada, Ohio, where he took the course in pharmacy. After leaving college, he returned to Payne and remained there until 1901. In that year he came to Leipsic and took a position in the drug store of C. S. Buckley, and, 111 1908, became a partner with Mr. Buckley. Mr. Starling now has active charge of the store in Leipsic, Mr. Buckley maintaining his residence at bindlay, < 'bio. Their store is well stocked with a complete line of drugs and a varied assortment of druggists' sundries. He enjoys a well-deserved patronage in Leipsic and the surrounding community, and has one of the be^t and most attractively-arranged drug stores in the county.

Mr. Starling was married in June, [904, to Mary Archer, who was a native of Guernsey county, Ohio, and is a daughter of Wilson and Mar- garet (Troll) Archer, ller parents moved to this county while she was still a child and took- charge of the Central house, at Leipsic, and they

ruTNAM county, ouio. 357

continued in charge of this hotel until their death. Mr. Starling and his wife have two daughters, Helen and Maxine.

William D. Starling is an active Republican and takes an intelligent interest in political affairs. He is now serving his second term on the city council and always gives his support to such measures as he believes will be for the benefit of the city. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, while fraternally, he is a Free and Accepted Mason and has attained to the Temple degree. He also holds his membership in the Knights of Pythias.


A successful business man of Leipsic, Ohio, is Howard C. Hummon, who has spent his whole career of forty-live years in this county. Born and reared on the farm in Liberty township, he has been engaged in the implement business in Leipsic since 1898, and has built up a large business, lie has been active 111 the councils of the Democratic party in his county, and has served with credit as county recorder for two terms. He is an enterprising and public-spirited citizen, deeply alive to the welfare of his community, and in all things stands as a high type of the good American citizen.

Howard C. Hummon, the son of Adam and Nora (Guthrie) Hummon, was horn on November 30, 1870, in Liberty township, Putnam county, Ohio. II is lather was horn in Riley township, this county, in 1839, and was a son ot John Hummon and wife, early settlers in Riley township. John Hum- mon was of Pennsylvania Dutch descent.

Adam Hummon was a life-long farmer and spent practically all his, days in Liberty township. Ills wife, Nora Guthrie, was born in Monroe township, in this county, and died about 1884. Adam Hummon was at one time the nominee of the Democratic party for county treasurer, having previously served as treasurer of Liberty township. He died in iox>2. Three children were born to Adam Hummon and wife: Truman F., de- ceased; Howard ('., of Leipsic, and John F., of Denver, Colorado.

Howard ('. Hummon was reared on his father's farm and received his elementary education in the schools of Liberty township. He then became a student in Crawfis College, and later taught school one term in Liberty township. He then engaged in farming, and, after his marriage in 1803, continued in agricultural pursuits for live years. Mr. Hummon sold his


farm of eighty acres in tin- spring of (898 and engaged in the implement busi- ness at Leipsic, and now deals in all kinds of agricultural implements, buggies and automobiles, lie has built up a wide acquaintance throughout the count)-. L!y treating all of his customers with uniform fairness and consideration, he has built up a large and lucrative trade. He tries to see that every one of his customers is satisfied, and by his uniform courtesy ami honesty in all trans- actions, has succeeded to an admirable degree in building up his trade.

.Mr. llummon was married in iX<j3 to Clara C. Miller, who was a native of Blanchard township, and is a daughter of Joseph II. Miller and wile. Her father was born and reared on a farm in Blanchard township, where he spent all of his life, lie was a director of the county infirmary for two terms, and died 111 November, 1913, his wife having passed away sev- eral years previously.

Mr. llummon is a stanch Democrat ami has always been active in the councils of hi-- party, lie was elected recorder oi Putnam county in 19(38, anil took his office in September oi the following year. His first term was so satisfactory that he was renominated and elected for a second term, hold- ing the office until September, 1913. Since that time he lias devoted all of his attention to his rapidh -increasing business in Leipsic. lie is a member of the Independent Order of Odd bellows and the Knights of Pythias, while he and his wife are both loyal members of the Lutheran church.


The village of Belmore, Putnam county, Ohio, has no more enterpris- ing citizen than Frank F.dgar Critchet, who has been engaged in business in that place for the past quarter of a century. His parents moved to this county in 1 87 J , where he has lived since that time, having followed farming and public school teaching before engaging in a general mercantile busi- ness. In addition to his general store, he is also a funeral director, and has been engaged in the undertaking business at Belmore since lyoo. He has been active in the life of the community and lilled various official posi- tions with credit to himself and satisfaction to bis fellow citizens.

Prank P.. Critchet, the sou of Andrew Jackson and Mary Ann (Mil- burn) Critchet, was born in Picking county, Ohio, Pebruary jy, iK<>i. His father was a life Pug fanner and also operated a threshing outfit during


the summer seasons for a number of years. The family moved to Putnam county hi 1871, ami located in the southern part of Van Buren township, where Andrew |. Critchet bought a farm and lived most of the remainder of his life, lie died at Belmore, March 7, 1911, at the age of eighty-seven. His wife had died in 1898. Andrew J. Critchet was a member of Company C, Seventy-fifth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, during the Civil War, and served with distinction in that conflict.

["rank IC. Critchet was ten years of age when his parents moved from Licking county, < >hio, to Putnam county, and consequently, received his elementary education in those counties. Alter finishing the common schools of Van Buren township, in Putnam county, he became a student at Crawfis College, and then engaged in public school teaching in Henry county, Ohio, for two years. Mr. Critchet started a grocery store in Belmore in 1890, and has been in business here since that tune. He had only one hundred and fifty dollars when he started in the business, but by careful economy and good business judgment, has built up a large and lucrative trade in Belmore and the surrounding country, lie now has a general mercantile establishment and handles a general line of goods, such as is found in stores of this kind. He graduated from the Champion College of Embalm- ing at Springfield, ( )hio, in 1900, and has been engaged in the embalming and undertaking business at Belmore since that year.

I'. H. Critchet is the son of William II., and has charge of the switch- board and lines and is general manager of the banners' Mutual Telephone Company in Belmore.

Mr. Critchet was married on February 23, 1887, to Minnie Miley, a steamstress of Belmore, who was a native of Hocking county, Ohio, and is a daughter of Frederick and Catherine (Lefller) Miley. Her parents moved to Putnam county in 1863, and located two miles south of Belmore, where the parents lived until late in life. They spent their declining years in Belmore. Mrs. Critchet's father was trustee for a number of years. He died in March, 1908, and his wife died in October, 1902. Mr. Critchet and bis wife have one son, William II.

Mr. Critchet has always supported the Democratic ticket, and for many years has been one of bis party's leaders in this county. He served two terms as township assessor and was mayor of Belmore for one term. He helped to organize the annual reunion of former residents of Licking, and has been president of the society for the entire nine years it has existed. These reunions are held annually in Putnam county, and the H)t| meeting


was held on September 10, in a grove one and one-half miles south of Belmore. Mr. Critchet is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows, where he and his wife both belong to the Daughters of Rebekah. He has a number of interesting old relics, including an ancient lantern, an old tlint-lock muzzle-loading pistol, and old-style grease lamp, and a Bible that was printed in Edinburgh in 1782. Mrs. Critchet has been a dress- maker at Belmore for the past twenty-five years. They are most estimable people and are highly esteemed in the community where they have lived so> many years.


Clearly-defined purpose and consecutive effort in the affairs of life will inevitably result in obtaining a large measure of success. In tracing the career of one who has attained tangible results as the consequence of his own efforts, there comes into view the intrinsic individuality which made such accomplishment possible, that there is found an incentive to inspiration and, at the same time, there is inward a feeling of respect and admiration. The qualities which have made William Martin Risser one of the prominent and successful farmers of Putnam county, have also won for him the esteem of his fellow citizens; for his career has been one of well-directed energy, .strong determination, and honorable, straightforward business relations. William Martin Risser is the largest individual cattle feeder in Putnam county and is also a feeder of more hogs every year than any other farmer residing in this county, a distinction of no small consequence in a county that is reputed for its many splendid farms and extensive farmers.

Mr. Risser is well equipped for raising great numbers of cattle and hogs. His main barn is eighty by one hundred and thirty feet, and fifty feet high. His horse stables, feeding room, and cow stables are forty-four by eighty feet; and the cattle feeding space covers an area of eighty-six by eighty feet. All of this is under one roof, to which has been added an ad- joining shed, one hundred and thirty by eight feet. This barn was built 111 1913, at a cost of approximately eight thousand dollars. Here is to be found room for twenty head of horses, and live milch cows, besides one hun- dred head of cattle. Mr. Kisser also has about thirty-five head of hogs in this Lain, and can accommodate a hundred and fifty more. The feed is stored in the upper story, from winch il is dropped through live openings to

,.., ^V;-;;^^;^^^^?^::';^:^-






feed boxes on llie ground floor. Around each of these boxes twenty head ol cattle (.-an feed. The second ham is one hundred and six by sevenly- four feet, and is used exclusively for cattle and lings. In this barn Mr. Kisser can accommodate a hundred head of cattle, and one hundred and fifty head oi hogs. William Martin Kisser also lives in a Large and com- fortable residence, consisting of eighteen rooms, and which is equipped with two baths. It has a laundry and a pipe-water plant moved by the pressure system; also a cistern, which holds three hundred and fifty bar- rels of water. The house is heated by hot water from basement to attic. Mr. kisser's successful operation as a farm manager, and his success dur- ing the past twenty years, has been little short of remarkable.

Mr. kisser was born on March 29, 1871, in Riley township, Putnam county, Ohio. He is a son of David and Margaret (Krohn) Risser. Da- vid kisser was born at Derkheim, Bavaria, Germany, April 5, 1840, and is the son of Abraham and Catherine (Vonvennig) kisser. Mr. kisser's mother, who was Margaret Krohn, before her marriage, is the daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Weaver) Krohn, and was born in Butler county, January 5, 1N44. At the age of three months she was brought by her parents to Riley township, I 'iitnani county, ( )hio.

When a voting man, William Martin kisser attended the Kiene district school until he was eighteen years old. lie averaged about eight weeks- in school each winter, and during the remainder of the time he worked on the farm with his lather. Subsequently, he attended the Pandora high school under the tutelage of his brother, George, who was principal of this school. The first year he was in school for seventy days, ami the second year lie was in school for seventy-two days. Following his work in the Pandora high school, he took a ten-weeks business course at the Ohio Northern University at Ada. On completing this course, he had arrived at the age of twenty-one. Prior to this time, with the exception of the short period he was in school, he had been the mainstay of his father in the management and work on the large farm.

After returning from Ada, he worked for his father for two years without compensation, and then went into partnership with him for the ensuing sixteen years. The first eight years his share of the net profits was ten per cent., and the balance of the sixteen years his share was twenty- per cent.

lie rented two hundred and forty-three acres from his father in 1905, upon which he is now engaged in farming for himself under the arrange-



mait made at llial time. Mr. Kisser attributes his success, as a farmer and stuck raiser, to the instruction he has received in the school of hard work, under the expert guidance of his father.

William Martin kisser was married at the age of twenty-four, on No- vember _7. 1895, to Elizabeth Lemley, the daughter of Jacob 1.. and Sarah lane (Layton) Lemley. Mrs. Kisser was born on August 31, 1^75. in Kilev township, Putnam county, Ohio. Her lather was a native of Mor- gantown, West Virginia, horn on July 10, [837, ami a son oi Asa and Plizabeth (Pvans) Lemley, both of whom were natives of western Pennsyl- vania. Mrs. kisser's mother was horn on July 10, 1838, close to Morgan- town, West Virginia. She is the daughter of Peter A. and Catherine (laming) Lavton, who were natives of West Virginia. Mrs. Risser was one of six children horn to her parents. The others were Alice M., Charles, Mary, Katie and Sarah S. 1 ler father and mother came to Putnam county, Ohio, in 1N71. They had been married ten years previously, on Pebruary 7, 1 Sot.

Mrs. Kisser received her education in the common schools of Pandora, and lived with her parents one-half mile north of the town, until she was married.

William Martin kisser is not only the largest individual cattle feeder in Putnam county, but be is, likewise, the largest feeder of hogs, lie is considered one ol tin- most progressive farmers in the county and his suc- cess has been little short oi phenomenal.

Mr. and Mrs. Kisser have been the parents of live children. Mar- garet lane was horn on December 2, i8y6. Irene Beatrice was horn Sep- iciiihcr 5, t8i;7- Phyllis Prancesca was horn on August -'4, i(X<)(). David Lemley was born on lanuarv 4, 10,01. Lillian Klizahelh was horn on April -7, 1005.

Mr. Kisser is a Democrat. lie is now serving his second term as trustee ami also his second term as a member of the school hoard. Loth hi these offices were conferred upon him with solicitation on his part, which is no small tribute to his career as a citizen, and is evidence of the great esteem in which he is held by his fellow citizens. Mr. Kisser is now the secretary and is a member oi the hoard of directors of the partners Bank- ing ( oiupanv, ol Pandora, and gives lo this business a share ol his per- sonal attention. William Martin Kisser is a man who is highly respected hv his fellow citizens and is honored tor his industry, good business man- agement and sipiare dealing.



Every nation on the earth has contributed its quota to the population of the United States, hut no nation has furnished heller citizens for our country than lias Germany. Thousands of its hest citizens have come to this country and become valuable members of the various communities in winch they have settled. I'litnam county, Ohio, has attracted many of these citizen-, and hundreds of their descendants are now living within its borders. Henry Moening, the son of John Henry and Mary (Keeker) Moening, was horn on January I, [838, on a farm about one and one-half miles south ot Glandorf, Putnam county, Ohio, on section 33. His parents were both horn in Germany, his father being horn 111 Ausnabruk, and his mother in the same locality.

John Henry Moening was reared in Germany and came to America in the early thirties and located at Fort Wayne, Indiana, where he worked for a year on the Wabash and Erie Canal. His wife, Mary Recker, and her two brothers came across the ocean at the same time, when she cooked for the workmen on the canal. One of her brothers, Louis, lived near Glan- dorf, Putnam county, Ohio, and at her brother's home, she and Mr, Moening were married. After their marriage, they moved to the farm where Henry Moening was horn, and there John II. Moening and his wife spent the remainder of their lues. They started with a little farm of forty acres, principally covered with forest trees, and by hard work and good manage- ment, (bey have accumulated a farm of three hundred acres.

Henry Moening had a brother, Herman, and a sister, Mary, both of whom are deceased. lie was reared on the farm where he was horn and lived on this farm continuously for seventy-six years. Rcing the only child, be inherited his father's farm and made it his home until the fall of 1914, when he retired and moved into Glandorf, where he is now living. He has sold his farm in order that he might not have the burden of caring for it and having it on his hands during his declining years.

Henry Moening was married, in (859, to Elizabeth Pdlerbrock. She- was horn at Glandorf, in Hanover, Germany, and when six months of age, came with her parents, Theodore and Katlieiine (Kracht) Ellerbroek, to this county, the family arriving here in [830. The Kllerbroek family are re- sponsible for the name of the village, Glandorf, in this county, that being their native town in < iernianv.

Mr. and Mrs. Moening have reared a family of seven children, folin,


who married Elizabeth Uphaus and has nine children; Herman, of Putnam county, who married Elizabeth Brockman and has lour children living and one deceased; Barney, of Ottawa, who married Theresa Hueve and has five children; Henry, who died at the age of twenty-two; Theodore, who mar- ried .Matilda Brockman and left five children at his death, April 6, 1914; William, who died at the age of eighteen; Mary, who lives in Glandorf with her father. The mother of these children died on September 16, 1907, at the age of seventy-two.

Five of Mr. Moening's children are married and have families of their own. Here are presented the grandchildren of Mr. Moening: The children ol John: Elizabeth, (.aniline, Clara, Lucy, Gertrude, John, Frances, Law- rence and Agnes. The children of Herman: Herman, Romanus, Sylvester, Laura and Catherine, deceased. The children of Barney: Veronica, Harry, Joseph. Alfred, Leo and Philomina, who died in infancy. The children of Theodore: l.avina, Adeline, Amanda, Clarence and Hilarius.

Mr. Moening and his family are loyal members of the Catholic church and deeply interested in its welfare and generous contributors to its main- tenance, lie is a Democrat and, while interested in everything which pertains to good government, has never taken an active part in political affairs. Mr. Moening is one of the grand old pioneers of the county and has always lived a clean and wholesome life, and richly merits the high esteem in which he is held by everyone who knows him.


The character of a community is determined, in a huge measure, by the lives of a comparatively few of its members. If its moral and intellectual status is good; if, in a social way, it is a pleasant place to reside; if its repu- tation, as to the integrity of its citizens, has extended to another locality, it will be found thai the standards set by the leading business men have been high, and their inllneiice tends to mold the character and shape the lives of those with whom they mingle. In placing the late Orren Eugene Townsend in the front ranks oi such men, justice is rendered to a man, universally recognized throughout the locality, long honored by his citizenship as one who stood for all good things. Although a quiet and unassuming man, with no ambition for public position or leadership, he contributed much to the civic and moral advancement ol his community. The admirable qualities of head and heart and the straightforward, upright course of his daily life, won


for him the esteem and confidence of the circle in which he mused. Al- though he is now sleeping the sleep of the just, his influence still lives and his memory is revered, not alone by his widow and children, hut by the circle of men and women who knew him and who loved him for his true worth.

Orren Eugene Townsend was horn on January 8, 1859, at Bluffton, Ohio. He was the son of Ira M. and Catherine M. (Thompson) Townsend.

Orren Eugene Townsend grew up at Bluffton, attending the public schools of that place and the Ohio Northern University, at Ada, where he obtained a splendid education. After leasing college, Mr. Townsend en- gaged in the lumber business in Bluffton, and, with his brother and father, conducted a saw-mill until 1NN7. lie then nmsed to l.eipsic, l'utnam county, in 1887, and operated a planing-mill at that place until two years before his death, first, with his father, and later, in partnership with John Zahrend and a Mr. Kober. These men did business under the firm name of Leipsic Lumber Company. Mr. Townsend moved to Irvine, Kentucky, in the spring of 1899, where his company had opened a saw-mill along the Kentucky riser. Here they were able to get their lumber from the source of supply and to eliminate the middle man. Mr. Townsend died there on May to, 1901.

Mr. Townsend was a public-spirited citizen and, throughout his life- was one of the foremost citizens in the improvement of l.eipsic. He ssras progressive in his work and built one of the handsomest homes in Leipsic. Through his efforts were due the erection oi many excellent business build- ings, among them the Townsend block', one of the best in t lie city. lie was a faithful husband, a kind father, an obliging neighbor, and a zealous Chris- tian, in the practical sense of the word. Mr. Townsend was a devout mem- ber ot 1 lie Methodist church and, throughout his life, was active in the church and Sunday school.

At his death he was survived by a widow and three children, Leila, Harry and Grace, all of whom lis'e at home svith Mrs. Townsend. Harry has a larg'e garage and is in the automobile business.

Mrs. Townsend, before her marriage, was Jennie E. Hall. She married Mr. Townsend, December 16, 1879. She was born at Gilboa, in this county and is the daughter of John F. and Nancy J. (Hoagland) Hall.

John F. TTall was born, at Gilboa, and was the son of Samuel, who svas a prominent pioneer citizen of Putnam county. He came to Blanchard town- ship in iS^2, from Jack-son township, Muskingum counts-, and svas the second settler in that township. The county svas then a wilderness, but here he and the Hickcrson family, who came svith him, lived a sveek in one cabin till each could raise a small cabin for their respective families. Indians



passed every day and night and sometimes came to the cabin in large crowds to trade. All had to be fed liberally when they came, and some oi them would drink' seven or eight cups ol tea or colTee. This story is told, how- ever, in the historical section of this volume. The first sermon preached in this county was preached in Samuel J I all's cabin, two years alter the Malls moved here. Samuel Mall's wife was .Martha Wamsley, the daughter of John and Mary (Robinson) Wamsley. Mary Robinson was the daugh- ter of William Robinson, who, at the time ol the Indian war, was taken prisoner by Chiei Logan and his men and brought to Ohio, where he was kept a prisoner for four months, lie moved his family in iSoo, including ln^ wile and ten children, all ol whom were married and had children ot their own, to a place where he had been imprisoned. The family moved at once from Clarksburg, Harrison county, \ irginia, upon pack horses, entered a large tract of land on the Muskingum river. Samuel Hall was horn in Morgantown, Virginia, in 1803, and at the age of three years, he and Ins parents came to Licking counts, where he was married on April 14, 1824. In the fall of 1831 he selected a farm site 111 the wilderness, in lilaiichard township, comprising one hundred and seventy-live acres, lie moved here in the spring of 1832, and in nearly every direction there were no neighbors for twenty miles. His son, John F. Hall, married Nancy Moagland on May 15, 1857. He died on November 11, [862, leaving three daughters, Mrs. II. L. Hunter, .Mrs. ( ). K. Townsend and Mrs. John Xahrend. Alter Mr. Hall's death, his widow married II. J. Call and spent her last years in Blulflon. She was a faithful and conscientious member of the .Methodist church and active 111 the Woman's ( hristian Temperance Union.

Reverting to Orren K. Townsend's history, it may he said that his father. Ira M . Townsend, was born on November [9, [833, in Franklin couutv. New York and died at BlulTton, Ohio, in January 11. iqii, at the age of seventy-seven. Ira M. Townsend came from an old colonial family of Lnglish Puritan stock'. I lis father, Appleton Townsend, was the son of a Revolutionary soldier, who married Roxie Fields, of Franklin counts-. New York.

When Ira M. Townsend was eight years old he was brought by his parents to Ohio and learned the saddler's trade. In Knox and Hardin coun- ties. He worked at his trade in BlulTton twelve years and located there, in 1852. He was married at Jamestown, New York, October _'<;. 1852, to Catherine Thompson, a native of New York, lie engaged in the milling business in partnership with F. N. Woodford, in 1853, hut for one sear, however, Mr. Townsend ss.is not actively engaged m business, I hiring the sears 1K05 and 1866 he engaged in the milling business, in Michigan, and,



after his return to Blufl'ton, entered the saw-null business again. This time his mill was blown up by a boiler explosion and alter it was rebuilt, hie de- stroyed it in 1SS7. He rebuilt it a second time, in 1896, hut again it was destroyed by fire. His determination was invincible, and he rebuilt again.

He conducted the mill until 1904 and then sold out to the Bluffton Turned Goods Company and continued with this firm, as president of the company, until his death. At the time of his death, Mr. Townsend was the oldest mem- ber of hi> lodge of Independent Order of Odd Fellows, lie was a member of the Methodist church from his youth and was always an upright, sin- cere, Christian man, liberal in his donations and ever willing to help his church and other denominations as well. He was very widely known and a man of sterling character and the qualities of heart which won fur him the deep respect and friendship of all with whom he came in contact.

Burn of such a father, it is not to he wondered that the late Orren Eu°'ene Townsend was a man known and respected among men. Man)' nf his good traits he inherited from his father, hut in preserving these traits lie deserves credit for being the worthy son of a good Father.


tine of the younger lawyers of I'utnam county, Ohio, is Walter S. Stevenson, who has been engaged in the practice of his profession in this county at Leipsic since 1907. Graduating from the law school in 1904 he- was admitted to the bar 111 the same year and practiced at Xorth Baltimore until he came to Leipsic 111 April, 1007. to become a member of the law firm nf Rower \ Stevenson. This firm also deals in insurance, real estate, loans and bonds.

Walter S. Stevenson, the son of Isaiah If and Mary (Epler) Steven- son, was horn in Henry county, Ohio, May _'. i<X,X_'. Ills father was born 111 llenrv county. Ohm, in 1854, and was a sun of Enoch G. and Anna (Under) Stevenson. Enoch G. Stevenson was hum 111 franklin county, Ohio, south of Columbus, in 1820, and during his youth lived near Colum- bus Grove 111 I'utnam county, but was married in llenrv county. The grand- father of Enoch G. Stevenson came form England where he still remembers seeing his grandfather's uniform and sword, family tradition says that this grandfather was a colonel in the British army, but was discharged from the service bv Lord Howe, because lie refused to light the \meriean colonists.

Isaiah I!. Stevenson spent all but the last few years of his lite in


Henry county, Ohio on a farm. During twenty-two winters he taught school in that count\- and thousands of children came under his instruc- tions during that long period, llis wife, Mary Epler, was born in Shelby county, Ohio, and was a daughter of Peter and Rachel (Ward) Epler. Peter Epler was native of Shamokin, Pennsylvania, and Rachel Ward was from Xew Jersey. Her grandfather was in the American Revolution.

Walter S. Stevenson was reared to manhood on his father's farm in Henry count)'. Alter finishing the common and high school courses of his county, he became a student in Defiance College, remaining there for one year, when he went to Ada, Ohio, where he spent four years, completing the scientific and law courses in that excellent institution. lie received the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Raws degrees, completing his law course in the spring of [904. In the same spring he was admitted to the practice of law, and hung out his shingle at North Baltimore, Ohio. Here he remained until [907, when he came to Reipsic to make his permanent home.

Mr. Stevenson was married on April 4, 1905, to Hattie Jaqua, who was horn and reared in Hancock count)', Ohio, and is a daughter of W. Al- fred and Elizabeth (Wilkinson) Jaqua. Her parents have lived near Hain- ler, Henry county, for a number of years. Her father is a farmer, and has always been engaged in agricultural pursuits. Mr. Stevenson and his wife have three sons, 11. Clinton, William A. and Walter K.

Mr. Stevenson is a member of the Free and Accepted Masons and the Royal Arch Masons. He is a young man of great energy and ability, and although he has been in this city but a comparatively short tune, yet he has already forged to the front at the local bar, and the success which has at- tended his efforts thus far promises a bright future for him.


All of the German citizens, who have made Putnam county their home, have been unusually successful in whatever line ol activity they have chosen to engage. George Henry Bach, one ol the many farmers of ibis county who was born in Germany, has accumulated a farm of one hundred and thirty-eight acres in Riley township through bis own bard work and good management. While he has been accumulating a comfortable com- petence for himscll and family, be has also taken an active pari in the civic

Ml:, and mun. <:i:<ii;i;i: n. iiacii.


life ot the community and has held various official positions, with honor to 1 1 1 1 1 1 ><j 1 1 and credit to his fellow citizens.

George Henry Bach, the son of John George and Catherine (Becker) Bach, was horn on January i, 1850, in Bavaria, Germany. His father, who was a son ot John Thomas Bach and wife, was burn in Bavaria on Febru- ary 7, 1821, and came to America in January, 1851.

John George Bach was married in Germany and three of his children, including George Henry, were bom m the Fatherland. He first settled in New Jersey, and two years later moved with Ins family to Hancock county, where he located in Arcadia. There he leased a few acres of land, which he cleared for the rental. He later rented a couple of farms and, after about eight years, moved to Van Buren township, Putnam county, Ohio, where he arrived on April 10, 1861. He bought forty acres of farm land, which he cleared, and later added eighty acres more. John Thomas Bach and wile only lived in Ohio about two or three years, and then returned to New Jersey, where they spent the remainder of their lives. Catherine Bach, the wife of John George, died on July 4, 1868, she and her husband hav- ing reared a family of eight children, Jacob, Mary, George Henry, Thomas, William. Edward, Kva and Daniel II. Jacob died at the age of ten and Edward died at the age of seven. John George Bach was married the sec- ond tune to Predericka Mollenhauer, in i8;_>, a daughter of Philip Mollen- hauer, and to this second uukhi was born one son, Lutlwig Bernard.

George Henry Bach was only one year of age when his parents came from Germany to this country. He received his early education in Han- cock and Putnam counties, and from his earliest boyhood worked on his lather's farm. He remained at his home until he was twenty years of age and then worked for two years in his home neighborhood. He next went to Cleveland and worked for three years in a dairy. He followed this with eight years' work 111 Iowa. In that state he worked out for four years, and then, with his brother, bought one hundred and thirty-four acres, which he tanned for lour years. He then disposed of his interests in the Iowa farm and returned to Putnam counts, Ohm, where he bought fifty-five acres near the old home farm. To this he later added thirty-eight acres adjoining, as well as forty-five acres near the village of Townwood. Mr. Bach has been a very successful fanner, has given particular attention to live stock rais- ing, and has a line herd of Shorthorn and Polled-Durham cattle. This farm is well improved, and under his skillful management, is yielding sat- is factory returns, year after year.



Mr. Bach was married on October 16, 1883, to Sarah Catherine Smith, a daughter "I Henry and Alhertina (Tcgler) Smith. She was born near Fosloria, Hancock county, Ohio, October u>. 1856, Her parent,-, were born in Mecklenburg, Germany, and came to America, about 1854, locating imme- diately in llancock county, where they spent the remainder of their lives. tier lather died there, October 4, 1897, at l'K' aSe °f seventy-four years, and her mother passed away, on January 15, 1896, at the age of sixty-seven years and four months. Mr. and .Mrs. Smith .were the parents of seven children, Sarah Catherine. William Frederick, George Henry, Sophia Lou- isa, John Wilson, Mary Cordelia, and one who died in infancy. Mr. Bach and his wife are the parents of four children, Cordelia Elvira, Tena Al- berta, Viola and Katie L. Tena Alberta, who died on January 16, iou, left her husband, John W. Miller, with one daughter, Florence Edna. The ether three children are single and still living with their parents.

Mr. Bach and his family are loyal members of the Presbyterian church. He has served as trustee of his denomination and is now an elder in the church, lie has given his support to the Democratic party and has served on the school hoard of his township. Mr. Bach is a man of excellent char- acter and is highlv esteemed throughout the community where he has made his home for so main- years.


Since 1858, Joseph Nienberg has been a resident of Putnam county, Ohio, and has spent his whole career, in Glandorf, since locating in the county. He learned the tinner's trade when a young man and followed that vocation until he was about thirty-live years of age. Later he engaged in the hardware business, and as he prospered from year to year, added various other departments to his store, until he now has three separate stores in Glandorf. An interesting feature of the success of Mr. Nienberg is the fact that seven of his eight children are partners in the business.

Joseph Xienberg, the son of B. II. and Angela (Sprehe) Ilerkinhoff- Nienberg, was born in Minster, Auglaize county, Ohio, in 1843. His father was born in Hanover, Germany, and was probably .about twenty years of age when he came to America, and located at Minster, in Auglaize county, Ohio.

B. II. Nienberg started in as a farm hand after locating in Auglaize


county, and, after his marriage, engaged in the mercantile business in con- nection with which he ran a bakery, lie was in business in Minster, Ohio, until his death. The wife of B. II. Nienberg was born in Ausnabruk, Germany, and was married in her native land to H. Herkinoff, and came with him to America and located at Minster, where lie died, leaving her with two sons, Herman and Frank. To her second marriage, to Mr. Nienberg, were horn six children, Mary, Joseph, William, Annie, Agnes and Dine.

Joseph Nienberg was reared, until he was fifteen years of age, in Min- ster, and there received a good common school education. He came to Glan- dorf, Putnam county, Ohio, in 1858 and made his home with his aunt, Mrs. Henry Wedaking. After coming to Glandorf he learned the tinner's trade, and followed it for many vears. He went into the tinner business for himself about 1861, to which he added a stock of stoves. He started a dry goods store about 1870, and has operated it ever since. He and Joseph Thome, his brother-in-law, started a hardware store in 1894. which they continued in partnership until i8<>8, when Mr. Thome died. Mr. Nienberg then continued the business alone until 1909, when he took several of his children into partnership with him. He added a furniture store in 1910, so that the family now have three- separate stores in Glandorf, a hardware store, a dry goods and general merchandise establishment, and a furniture store. These stores do a big business in Glandorf. and the surrounding community, and it is safe to say that Mr. Nienberg does more business than any other man in the village. Joseph Nienberg has been twice married. He was first married, in 1866, to Annie C. Kemper, who was born in Glan- dorf. the daughter of P. H. Kemper and wife. Mr. Kemper was a native of Germany and located in Glandorf about a year after the village was estab- lished. He first took a contract to build a part of the old Ohio canal, and after thai operated a store in Glandorf and fanned. The first wife of Mr. Nienberg died about fifteen years after her marriage, leaving no children.

Mr. Nienberg married Veronica Thome in 1881. She was a native of Glandorf and is a daughter of Nicholas and Agatha (Bockhold) Thome, early settlers in Glandorf. Her father was a wagonmaker and, in the early days, made cradles for cradling wheat. Mr. and Mrs. Thome spent the re- mainder of their lives in Glandorf. To the second marriage of Mr. Nien- berg have been born seven sons and one daughter. Benjamin A., who mar- ried Julia Borman, and has four sons, Carl, Harold, Paul and fohn ; Harry, who first married Frances Smith, and after her death, Dalia Rampe, who is the mother of one son, Walter; Joseph I"., who married Maggie I'mei fcrth, and has one daughter, Frances; F.dward, who married Clara Geier, and has


two sons, George and Raymond, and four children who are single, Oscar, Mary, Frank and William. The last two boys arc twins. All of the chil- dren are now partners with their father in business, except Edward, who

runs the home farm of eighty-three acres, near Glandorf.

The Nienberg family are all loyal members of the Catholic church at Glandorf, and are interested in its welfare and are generous contributors to its support.


For more than two score years, August Nartker has been identified with the history of Putnam county, Ohio, and since 1900, has been in the tile business in Glandorf. Mis lather was a native of Germany and an early settler of Putnam count)-, Ohio, where he came with his parents in the early history of the county. Mr. Nartker spent his early manhood in a newspaper office, and also farmed a few years before engaging in his present business.

August Nartker, the son of Henry ami Thresia ( Vorderlandwehr) Nartker, was horn in Glandorf, Putnam county, Ohio, April 8, 1874. I lis parents reared a family of ten children, four sons and six daughters, Henry, Mrs I Icrnanlinc W'inkelnian, Mrs, Mary VVishmeyer, of Michigan; Mrs. Anna Schroeder, Frank, August, William (deceased in 1912), Mrs. Minnie Tlorstnian (deceased), Mrs. Emma Maas and Mrs. Lena Fortman.

Ilenrv Nartker was horn 111 Glandorf, Hanover, Germany in 1 8^7 and came (o America in his boyhood days! with his parents, Theodore Nart- ker and wile, who located about one and one-half miles west of Glandorf, where he lived the remainder of his life. Thresia Vorderlandwehr, the mother of August Nartker, was born at Glandorf, Putnam county, Ohio, June 14, 1844, a daughter of Herman and 'Thresia Vorderlandwehr, who were horn, reared and married in Germany, and were early settlers in Put- nam county, Ohio. Henry Nartker farmed just west of Glandorf, in this county, all of his life, his death occurring there on March 28, 1909. His widow is still living on the farm at Glandorf, where she has resided ever since her marriage.

August Nartker grew up on his father's farm and at the age of six- teen, began working in newspaper offices. He worked on Per DciHokrat, al Ottawa, from l<S(jo to iKyO. The next lour years were spent on the home farm and in 1000, after his marriage, he went into partnership with


his brother-in-law, \V. l*\ Schroeder, and bought the tile factory of Winkle- man & Ellis, ;u Glanilorf, where they have continued this business clown to the present time, and have built up a large trade throughout the county. Lor about ten years they made brick as well as tile, but now are devoting all ol their lime and attention to the manufacture of tile.

Mr. Nartker was married on October g, 1900, to Verona Horstman, who was born at Glandorf, and is a daughter of Joseph and Mars- ( Deeters) Horstman. To this union have been burn two children, Mary and Alphonse.

Joseph Horstman, the father of Mrs. Nartker, was burn in Glandorf, Germany, and when a young man came to America and located in Cincin- nati, lie came to Glandorf, Putnam county, Ohio, in 187J, and married Alary Deeters. who was burn at Glandorf, in this county, her father being one of the earliest settlers. .Mr. Horstman was a blacksmith at Glandorf, and operated his shop until about seven years ago, when he retired from active life ami now lives with Ins son-in-law, Mr. Nartker.

Mr. Nartker is a Democrat, and has always taken an active interest in the life ol his community in every way. lie has been a councilman of Glandori for the past eight years, and has always given his hearty support to every measure which he fell would be of benefit to his village. He and his family are loyal members of the Catholic church at Glandorf, and also hold membership in the St. I 'aid's and St. John's aid societies.


John E. Reinman is a plain, honest man of affairs who, by correct methods and a strict regard for square dealing, has made bis influence felt in Ottawa, Putnam county, Ohio, lie has won for himself a distinctive prestige in the business circles of this city. Mr. Reinman would be the last man to become the subject of fancy eulogy hut, nevertheless, his life pre- sents much that is interesting and valuable and may be studied with profit by the young men of the rising generation. Mr. Reinman is one of those, whose integrity and strength of character stand out as shining examples for young men at the beginning of their careers. lie commands the respect oi his contemporaries and people know him as one who can be thoroughly depended upon to do just what he promises.

John I.. Reinman was born on July 17, i86_», at Tiffin, Ohio, and is the son oi Lawrence and Caroline ( YoungbloodJ Reinman. Lawrence Reinman was born in liavaria and came to America when aboul twenty-


one years old. lie located at Tiffin, and there learned the carpenter's trade, and followed it until 1873 when lie moved to New Cleveland, in Ottawa township, I'ntn.nn county, Ohio, lie then bought a farm just east of Xew Cleveland and here he lived for about twenty years. At the end of this period he moved to the home of his son, John E., who was then living west of Xew Cleveland. There lie and his wife spent the rest of their lives. lie died on January 17, 1910, at the age of eighty-two. Previous to his death Ins wife died about 1905. Caroline Youngblood was born in Prussia and came to America when eighteen or twenty years old, locating at Tiffin, where she was married. Mr. and Mrs. Reinman were the parents of seven chil- dren, Catherine, deceased; Lawrence, of Tiffin, Ohio; Joseph, of New Cleve- land; John E., of Ottawa; Alary, the wife of Henry Koch, of New Cleve- land; Ruse, deceased, and .Anna, the wife of John Wischmeyer, of Bryan, Ohio.

John E. Reinman lived at home until he grew up and married. When a young man he learned the carpenter trade with his father, but early in his life began farming. He purchased a farm of seventy acres just west of New Cleveland and lived there until October, IQ13, when he purchased a lot and built a residence in Ottawa. Here he has resided since that time. lie still owns his farm, however, but now engages in carpentry ami building.

Mr. Reinman was married to Rose Kihm in 18S8, who was born in Blanchard township and who is the daughter of John and Rose (Lawrence) Kihm. Mrs. Rcinman's lather was horn in Havana, Germany, in 1838, and came to America at the age ol eight years with his parents, John Peter and Mary Kihm. They settled at Xew Washington, Ohio, and came to Putnam county about [856. They were pioneer settlers m Blanchard town- ship and |ohn Kihm was a farmer all ol his life, lie died on the farm in I'lauchard township in tcX<;,S. .Mr. Kihin's wile, Rose Lawrence, was born at Norwalk, Huron county, Ohio, and was the daughter of John and Mary Lawrence. She lived in Huron county until her marriage and is now living at 1 .eipsic, ( )hio.

Mr. and Mrs. Reinman are the parents of two children, Edward J. and Ida Rose. Edward J. married Ida Weot, of Tiffin, Ohio, and lives on his father's farm near New Cleveland and has one boy, Ralph John. Ida Rose is still at home.

For the past seven years, Mr. Reinman has been trustee of Ottawa township. lie was a director on the school board for fifteen years. Mr. Reinman is an ardent Democrat and never misses an election. lie is one of the best workers for the principles ol' the Democratic party and the sue-


cess of its candidates to l>r found in all Putnam county. Mr. Reinman is a natural-born reader of men, and Ins inlluence is keenly felt in Ottawa township where he now lives.

The Reinman family are all members of the Catholic church and de- vout in the faith. As a carpenter and builder, Mr. Reinman is well known and enjoys the confidence of all with whom he has ever had any business dealings.


The whole career of John W. Winkler has been spent in Leipsic, where he was born a half century ago. His father dying when he was about twelve years of age he was thrown upon his own resources, and early in life he be- gan an independent career for himself. When he was twenty-six years of age he started in business in Leipsic and for nearly a quarter of a century has been engaged in the shoe business in that place.

John W. Winkler, the son of John and Mary (Stritt) Winkler, was born in [865, at Wet Leipsic, Ohio. John Winkler, Sr., was born in 1839, in Buerstadt, in Hessen Darmstadt, Germany, and came to America when about fifteen years of age with his brothers and located at Leipsic, Putnam county, Ohio. As a youth he had learned the shoemaker's trade in his native land and on reaching his maturity in this county he continued in that busi- ness, to which he added a general store. At the opening of the Civil War John Winkler, Sr., enlisted in the Ninety-ninth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantrv, and was seriously wounded at the battle of Stone River. He lived nearly twelve years after the war closed with a minnie ball in his left lung. The bullet lay next to his heart and affected it in such a way that his death ultimately resulted in 1X76. It was found out after his death that the lung was rotted away from the effects of the ball and his son, John W., now has the minnie ball as a relic.

John Winkler, Sr., was married in this county to Mary Stritt, a daugh- ter ot Benjamin and Maria Stritt. The Stritt family came from Germany, probably before 1850, and settled on a farm south of Ottawa, where Oliver Weaver is now living. There the Stritt family spent the remainder of their days. The first wife of John Winkler, Sr., died when the son, John W., was about four years of age, leaving her husband with three children, John W., Mrs. Mary Petlit, and one who died in infancy, the mother dying at the time the third child was born. After the death of his lirst wife, John Wink- ler, Sr., married Louisa Stritt. a sister of his lirst wife, and to this second

3/6 l'l' I'N'AM COUNTY, Oil 10.

marriage three children were burn, Charles A., Louis 1\, and Mrs. Celia Ward.

f < 1 1 1 1 \V. Winkler was about thirteen years of age when his father died, and the boy soon began to shift lor himself, lie started in the shoe business in Leipsic about i8yi, and has gradually built up his store and increased his trade in the city and surrounding community. He now carries a large and well-selected stock of boots and shoes, and such sundries as are usually found in shoe stores, lie is a man of excellent business judgment and is now numbered among the prosperous business men of Leipsic.

John W. Winkler was married on February 14, 1893, to Josephine 13. Phipps, who was born near Monroeville, Allen county, Indiana, and is a daughter of William J., and Hannah (Leonard) Phipps. Her father was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, ami her mother in Ross county, Ohio. Her lather was a stave factory man and came to Belmore, Putnam count)-, Ohio, with a Mr. Williamson, about 1871, before the village of Belmore was in existence. Mr. Williamson started a slave factory in that [dace and Mr. Phipps became the foreman and lived at Belmore the remainder of his life. Mrs. Phipps is now living in Leipsic.

Mr. Winkler is a loyal member of the Catholic church, and a generous contributor to its support. He is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. He gives his support to the Democratic part)', but has never taken an active part in its councils, lie is a man interested in everything pertaining to the advancement of his community, and his support for all public welfare measures is always heartily given.


The standing of any community depends, to a great extent, upon the character of the business men who are a part of it. If a community is so for- tunate as t(j entertain keen and progressive business men, of high integrity, wliu are thoroughly alive to every opportunity for legitimate business, that eommunit) is, inevitably, one of prosperity. In this respect, Riley town- ship, Putnam county, Ohio, is fortunate in numbering among its citizens many men oi the must up-to-date type, among whom is the subject of this sketch. David C. Shank, president of the I). C. Shank Company, which operates a saw-mill, planing-mill, lumber yard and electric light plant, and who occupies a high place among the foremost citizens ol his community.

David C. Shank was horn, in Allen county, ()hi<>, December 8, i860.




a son of John am I Nancy (('nip) Shank. John Shank was horn in Ma- honing county, formerly Culumhiana county. Ohio, December 14, 1836, a son of Henry ami Elizabeth [ Bear ) Shank. Henry Shank was born in Rock- ingham count)', Virginia, October 17, 1808, a son of John Shank and wife, whose maiden name was Wcnger. It is said that John Shank once stated that his great-grandfather came from Germany and that the family name was originally Schenk.

John Shank, the subject's great-grandfather, came from Virginia to Ohio, with his family, m 1835. Ilis wile died about fourteen years pre- vious to this time, or when Henry Shank was eleven years of age. John had married a second time, and it was his second wife who migrated to Ohio with him. At the same time there came the subject's grandfather, his brother, Michael, and two sisters, Barbara and Ksthcr. One sister, Annie, had died in Virginia.

David C. Shank's great-grandfather, John, and bis grandfather, Henry, were coopers, by trade, and they also owned and operated a farm while in Virginia. John Shank bought a farm in Mahoning county, where he lived until the time of his death, in about 1850.

In the sprint;- of 1840, Henry Shank- migrated from Mahoning counts' to Richland township, Putnam county, later Allen county, and entered one hundred and twenty acres of government land. The i\LX'i\ to the land was signed by I 'resident Martin Van liuicii, and is yet in the possession of the subject's lather, John Shank. The land remained in the possession of Henry Shank and his son, John, until i<;i,^, when it was sold to David V. liasinger and Kdward Laibe, the only transfer that had been made since the time the original entry was made.

Henry Shank cleared this virgin land, and built upon il a log cabin. I'l'oui \ear to year he succeeded gradually in clearing more of the land, with the help ot his lather. John Shank, who rendered considerable asssistance, as soon as he had reached the age when he could work 111 the woods. It is said that when a young man. |ohn Shank could wield an axe to belter advantage than any other man in the vicinity, Henry Shank lived on his homestead until October _• 1 . 1905, when he died at the ripe old age of mnct v-seven.

John Shank was three years old when he came with his parents to Put- nam county, lie grew to manhood on the home farm and had no chance to go to school until he was eleven vcars of age. At that time he managed lo attend (he district school, for a month or two each winter, lor a lew years. When he was (hirty years of age, he married Nancy ("nip, December 10. 1867,



a daughter of Christian and l£lizabeth (Good) ( Hip. who was born on Janu- ary 14, j 845.

Christian Culp, maternal grandfather of David C. Shank, was born in Virginia un March _m, 1815, and settled 111 Ohio in 1850; lie located first 111 Fairlield county, hut later moved to Allen county. Elizabeth Good was born on June 1, 1813, a daughter of Joseph and Magdalene Good. They were both natives of Virginia and came to Ohio in the early days of this county and settled in Fairfield county. Joseph Good died in Fairfield county on February 7, 1848; his wife then came to Allen county, where she lived until the tune of her death, at the home of her daughter, Flizabeth (Good) Culp.

After his marriage, John Shank continued to operate his father's farm, and lived there until January 17, [913, when the farm was sold. To Mr. and Mrs. John Shank were horn seven children as follow: David C, the sub- ject; Lizzie A., horn on Jul) 20, 1871, the wife of Amos Augsberger; Sophia F., horn on October 15, [873, now the wife of Uufus Basinger; Christian, horn on May 14, 1875, who married Rachel Winner; Emma J., horn on August 24, 1877, tne Ulle "' Feter \V. Amstutz, and who died on January 31, 1904; Mary I'M horn un June 30, 1871;, who is unmarried; Nan- nie A., who was horn on < )ctober 2, 1885, and who died May 0, 1893, at the age oi seven years, two months and four days.

John Shank conducted the home farm, as a general farm, and also did an extensive business in cattle and hogs, lie moved to I'andora, January 17, 1913, after having retired from farming, where he now lives, lie and Mrs. Shank are both members ol ihe Mennonite Zion church.

David C. Shank- was horn on the old homestead, winch had been set- tled h\ his grandfather, and there grew io manhood. As a hoy, he attended the district school, and worked 011 the home farm until he was twenty-one years oi age. lie married Fannie Basinger, April 14, 1892, a daughter of Abraham and Catherine ((ir.it/.) Basinger. To this union were horn three children, ( '1 ira, Eunice and I rma.

Mrs. Shank, wile of David < '. Shank, died on February 28, 10,01. She was a good < hristian character, an affectionate wife, a loving mother, and was an active member oi the Mennonite church.

Mr. Shank married again, November 15, 1003, his second wife hcing Man Schumacher, who was horn on |ulv 24, 18X0, a daughter of |ohn and Barbara iGeigcr) Schumacher, hoih of whom were oi pioneer families and oi Swiss origin. To this union have been horn two children, Olive and Alice.


When lie was twenty-one years of age, Mr. Shank entered upon an inde- pendent business career. His first venture was a saw-mill, in the timber land, a business which he lias continued, practically, ever since, lie is now president oi the 1). C. Shank Company, which conducts a saw-mill, planing- mill. lumber yard and electric light plant, in I'andora, Riley township, Putnam county. He is doing an extensive business and is one of the prominent fig- ures m the business life of his community.

Mr. Shank is nominally a member of the Democratic party, but he has always taken an intelligent interest in political matters and is an independent Miter, following the dictates of his own judgment, rather than part)' desires.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Shank are members of the Grace Mennonite church, and are active in chinch work. Mr. Shank is an energetic and progressive business man of unquestioned integrity, and is highly respected by all who have come in contact with him.


A native of this county and a resident here for more than half a century, August Stechschulte has been prominently identified with the history of Putnam county. Beginning the tailor's trade at the age of seventeen he has made it his life work, and for more than thirty years he has been engaged in the tailoring and clothing business in Leipsic. lie has always taken a. deep interest in the civic life of Ins community and has held several town- ship and city offices, with universal satisfaction, lie has the unique record of being appointed sergeant-at-arms of the General Assembly of Uliiu when he was only twenty-two years of age and it is probable that he is the young- est man who has ever held this position in the state.

August Stechschulte, the son of Henry and Bertha (Kahle) Stech- schulte, was born in Ottawa township, Putnam county, Ohio, in 1S62. His lather was born in Glandorf, Germany, in 1825, and came to America in 1833 with his parents and located in Putnam county, in Ottawa township. He arrived in this count) about two months alter Professor Horslnian had settled with bis colons- oi emigrants from Germany.

Henry Stechschulte was about eight years of age when bis parents came from Germany lo this county, ami consequently received part of his education in bis native land. After completing bis schooling in this county be remained at home until be was grown, lie then went to Cincinnati and learned the cooper'-, trade, and in 1854 was married to Bertha Kahle, who


was born in Grcensburg township, in this county, a (laughter of I. II. fvahle, whose history elsewhere m ibis volume gives the main facts concerning the Kahlc family. .Mr. Kahlc was one uf the pioneers who came to this county with Professor Horstman in 1833, and walked with the party of emigrants from Detroit to this county and helped to found the village of Glandorf. Alter his marriage Henry Stechschulte spent the remainder of his life 011 a farm on the line between I 'ttawa and Greensburg townships. lie died about 1908, his wife having passed away two years earlier. Henry Stechschulte and his wife celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 10.04, at which there were forty-five grandchildren present. Six sons and two daughters were horn to Henry Stechschulte and wife, Ignatius, who was a former commissioner of this count)', and now a resident of Owosso, Michigan; Joseph, a farmer of Union township; Frank, also a farmer living in Union township; August, of Leipsic; Barney, a farmer of Liberty township; Henry A., who is living on the old home farm; Bertha, the widow of William. Hoffman, who lives in 1'leasant township, and Theresia Klausing, who died on April 1 , 1 ijoS.

August Stechschulte remained on the farm until he was seventeen years of age and then began to learn the tailor's trade. When he was only twenty-two years of age in 188.2 he started 111 the tailoring and clothing busi- ness at Leipsic, and has been in the business continuously since that year, lie was sergeant-at-arnis of the sixty-sixth General Assembly of Ohio in 1884 and 1885, and Idled the duties of this arduous position to the entire satisfaction oi all concerned, lie has been a life-long Democrat, and has served as township clerk, township treasurer, corporation treasurer and city councilman, and in all of these positions rendered his fellow citizens faith- ful and efficient service, lie takes a genuine interest in the civic life of the community in winch he has resided so many years and never fails to give his heart) support to all measures of general welfare.

Mr. Stechschulte was married in 1H86 to Anna Kampe, the daughter of William ami Thresia ( KUerbrock) Uauipe, and to this union have been born tour sons and three daughters, Amelia, Adolph, Victor. Clarence, Mary, A^nes and Xorbert. Adolph, who married (iertrude Graney, of Columbus, is a partner with his father in the tailoring and clothing business. All of the other children are still single and living at home. Alt's. Stechschulte'.s lather was born in Glandorf, Germany, and was a pioneer shoemaker in Glandorf, 111 this count), lie built up a large industry for a town of this size, at one tune having from fifteen to twenu men working under him, mak- ing shoes.


Mr. Stechschulte and lus family arc loyal members of the Catholic church. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus, and one of his suns, Victor, is a member of the Society of fesus. Mr. Stechschulte is a wide- awake, genial and courteous man and is one of the best known citizens of the community.


The present auditor of Putnam comity, Ohio, John E. Roose, was horn, reared and has been a lite-long resident ol this county. His father \\a> a pioneer resident and settled here in Jennings township when the land which he entered from the government was covered with a dense growth of timber. Mr. Roose is a man who has been prominently identified with the history of his county for main- years. As a young man he taught schools for five years, and followed this with several years in the drug business. Ten mure years were spent as cashier of the Peoples Bank at Kalida, while since loll he has been the auditor of his county. As a public servant of his fellow citizens, he is now administering the duties of his olficc in a very efficient and painstaking manner.

John F.. Roose, the son of Henry and Elizabeth (Diller) Roose, was horn in lemiings township, Putnam count}', Ohio, September 4, 1869. His father was horn in Mahoning counts', Ohio, and came here from Allen county, this state, where he had married Elizabeth Diller. She was a native of Pennsylvania.

Henry Roose and his wife located in Jennings township when it was an unbroken forest, lie entered land from the government and started in to make a home lor himseli and family. Me cleared away a large enough space on which to build a rude log cabin and with the assistance ol his wife and children as they grew up, he eventually had a farm which provided a comfortable living for the family. Six children were horn to Henry Roose and wile, two of whom died 111 infancy, Barbara, who died in 1912, was the wife of John Lawyer, a fanner of Jennings township; Peter, of Marion, Michigan; George \\'., a fanner of Jackson township, and John E., who is now living m the count)' seal.

[ohn I'.. Roose received his elementary education in the schools of Jennings township, and later attended the Ohio Northern University at Ada, Ohio, for four terms. Me then taught school for live years in Sugar Creek ami Jennings townships, and gave excellent satisfaction as an instructor of


the youth. He then moved to Kalida, in this county, and engaged in the drug business in that place for several years. After disposing of his drug business he clerked for two years in the stores of Kalida, and then became the cashier of the 1'eoples Bank, of that place, holding this position for nearly ten years. His worth as a public citizen and the confidence which the people have in his ability is shown by the fact that he was nominated and elected m the fall of [910 as auditor of Putnam county. He took his office in the spring of 101 1, and bis services were so satisfactory that he was re-elected by his party in the fall of ioij. lie was again a candidate in the fall of 1 1) 1 4 ami was elected to serve another term.

Mr. Roose was married in [892 to Estella C. Conaway. She was born in Putnam county, Ohio, and is a daughter oi Basis ( '. and Rebecca (Moore) Conaway. Her father was a farmer lor many years in this county hut is new living a retired life in hindlav, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Roose are the parents of seven children, Fred 1... Russell, Grace, ' Ralph, Elbert, Zella and Lucile.

Mr. Roose lias always been a Democrat, and has been one of the lead- ers of his party in township and county affairs. He belongs to the Free and Accepted Masons, and also to the council and chapter, lie holds his membership in the Independent Order of ( )i\A Fellows, the Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America and the Home Guards. He and his family are all loyal members of the .Methodist Episcopal church and gen- erous contributors to its support. Mr. Roose is a self-made man and the prosperity which has come to him is the direct result of his own abilities directed along proper lines. He is a man of sterling integrity and no man in the county stands in higher esteem among his fellow citizens.


The Heringhaus family are of German descent, the parents of Bernard II. Heringhaus coming to this country from Germany in iNoj. Four years later his parents located in Putnam county, Ohio, and lived there the re- mainder oi their lives. Mr. Heringhaus has had fifteen years of newspaper experience, but for the past few years, has been engaged in the furniture and undertaking business in ( Ittawa.

Bernard II. Heringhaus, the son of Rudolph and Christina (Richter- ing) Heringhaus, was burn on March 13, 1879, in Ottawa, Putnam county, Ohio. Mis lather was born at Oesede, Hanover, Germany, in 1843, and is



a sun of Henry and Elizabeth (Buddlemeyer) Heringhaus. Rudolph Her- inghaus came to America in [anuary, 1867, and located in Cincinnati, and an October 9, of the same year lie was married in that city to Christina Rich- tering, who was burn m what was Beesten, Hanover, now Kaiserreich, I'russia. She is a daughter of Bernard and Margarite Adelaide (Meerz) Richtering, and was reared in Germany, coming to Cincinnati, Ohio, from her native land in 1866.

Rudolph Heringhaus and wife lived at Cincinnati until 1871, and in that year came to Putnam county, and for three and one-halt years lived in Greensburg township, alter which time they moved to Ottawa, where the)' have since resided. Six children have been born to Air. and Mrs. Rudolph Heringhaus, Anna, Henry, Catherine, .Minnie, Bernard 11. and Alary. Anna is the wife of Andrew Roof and has three children, Adelaide, Edward and Alary. Henry, who is unmarried, makes his home in Ottawa. Catherine is the wife oi George C, l.aibe and lives in Akron, Ohio. Minnie is the wile oi Frank Distel, id Toledo, Ohio, where she died on June _'o, tot-, leaving her husband with two children, Mary and Clara. Mary died at the age oi six weeks. Jle and his family are all loyal members of the Catholic church, while he is a member of the Catholic Knights of Ohio.

Bernard Heringhaus grew to manhood in Ottawa and before reaching his majority began to learn the printer's trade in the office of Der DciHO- krat. For fifteen years he worked at the newspaper business and became a thorough and practical printer. He then became a partner with Samuel (arlw right in the furniture and undertaking business in Ottawa, and has since continued along this line of endeavor. He went to Cincinnati and learned the embalming business and was licensed as an embalmer on June jo. [908. Air. Cartwright remained as his partner less than a year in the business, and was succeeded by F. F. Pope, who, with Air. Heringhaus, siill continues the business.

Mr. Heringhaus has taken a very active part in the civic life of Ottawa. fie has served six years as clerk of Ottawa, and served during the time the waterworks was being built. He afterward served for five years as clerk of the waterworks board. He is now a member of the school board of Ot- lawa, and is also a member oi the Putnam county school hoard, lie and his family are loyal members of the Catholic church, and he is a member of the Knights of Columbus and the ( 'alholic Knights of Ohio.

Mr. Heringhaus was married on October 18, 10,04, lu Mary -V l.aibe, and to ||iis union have been horn three sons, Francis, Cornelius and Robert.

Mrs Heringhaus was born near (lilboa, Putnam county, Ohio, and is


a daughter of Edmund and Magdalene (Prop) Faibc, both of her parents being natives of this county. Her mother died in ioi<>, and her father, who was a life-long fanner, is now living a retired life in Ottawa. Edmund Faibc was horn in Buffalo, New York, Novemher 7, 1855, and was a son •of Mark and Catherine (dtenziger) Laibc. llis parents came from Bel- fort, Alsace, France, and lived in Brooklyn, New York, fur a short time, before locating in Buffalo. .Mark Laibe and his family moved to Putnam county, Ohio, about 1856, and located in Pandora, where lie operated a blacksmith shop until (868. In that year Mark Laibe and his family moved tu a farm two and one-half miles south id" Gilboa, where he lived until Octo- ber, [885, when he moved into Ottawa, where he retired and lived until his death April S, 1X99. His wife died on January 27, 1909. Edmund Laibe grew up on his father's farm and married Mary Magdalene Kroft, a daugh- ter of Joseph and Catherine Kroft, who came from Alsace and settled in Putnam county, Ohio. After Edmund Laibe married he began farming about a mile north of the old home place and lived there until 1889, in which \ear he moved to Ottawa, where he has since resided, lie has a line farm of one hundred and twenty acres in the county. Five children were born to Edmund Laibe and wile, Mary Amelia, the wife of I'.. II. llcr- inghaus; William P., George P., Prank P.. and Blanche V., the wife of 'Cornelius IP Ellis.


The biographies of enterprising men, especially of good men, are in- structive as guides and are incentives to others. The examples they furnish, of patient purpose and steadfast integrity, strongly illustrates what is in the power ol each to accomplish. Some men belong to no exclusive class in life. Apparently insurmountable obstacles have in many instances awakened their dormant faculties and served as a stimulus to carry them to ultimate re- nown. The instances of success in the face id' adversity almost justifies the conclusion that self-reliance, with half a chance, can accomplish any rea- sonable object. The gentleman, whose lite story is here set out, is a man who has lived to good purpose and achieved a splendid success. By a straight- forward and commendable course, he has made his way to a respectable po- sition in the world, winning the hearty admiration id" the people in his com- munity, and earning the reputation of being a progressive man of affairs, winch (be public has not been slow to recognize and appreciate.

Henry Grismorc, the subject of this sketch, was born on October 24.

iii:\i:y <;uis.\k>i:k


1839, in Wayne township, Butler county, Ohio. He is the son of John and Catherine (Weaver) Grismore. John Grismore was born in Burkes county, Pennsylvania, in August, 1812, and was the son of Abraham Grismore and wife.

From all accounts, Abraham Grismore and wife were natives of Penn- sylvania. At cue time, Abraham was considered a well-to-do man, and was the owner of a linseed oil mill. Before his death, however, he was greatly reduced, financially, on account of having secured the debts of other men, and their failures to meet their obligations. John Grismore and Abraham Grismore, Jr., were the only sons. There were seven daughters. John was but twelve years of age when his father died, leaving his mother with nine children and thirty acres of stony land, which was their only means of sup- port. When a boy, his mother bound him out to a tailor to learn the trade, and when he was twenty-two years old, he came to Ohio, down the Ohio river, to Cincinnati, by boat, landing there with twenty-five cents in his pocket. Being the master of a good trade he proceeded to Lebanon, Ohio, where he had a friend who was a tailor. From here he located at Jacksonboro, Butler county, where he established a tailor shop. It was here that he first met Catherine Weaver, the daughter of Henry Weaver and wife, the former of whom was a native of Pennsylvania, and a prosperous farmer of Wayne township, Butler county. A part of the town of Jacksonboro was located on Henry Weaver's land.

When John Grismore was twenty-four years old, he was married to Catherine Weaver. In addition to conducting his tailoring business, in the winter and spring, he devoted the summers to his little farm ol thirty-seven acres, live miles from Jacksonboro. It was here that three of the children were burn. Sarrah died in infancy; Henry is the subject of this sketch, and Mary Ann was the third child. After a residence 111 Jacksonboro ol about ten or eleven years, two years ol which were spent on bis little farm, be sold out and moved to Riley township, Putnam county, January 13, 1845. It was during the preceding spring that he and Mr. Weaver made a trip to Putnam county on horseback to purchase a farm. John bought sixty-eight acre>, two miles south of Pendleton, now Pandora, and Mr. Weaver, a farm north of and adjoining (he town of Pendleton. It was on January 13, 1845, alter a (rip covering live days over muddy roads, a hundred and twenty miles in all, that they arrived at the scene of their new home in three wagons. The last day of the trip they were only able to cover seven miles. There was a hewed log house and round log barn on the place, and probably about live acres of the land cleared. John Grismore worked, clearing his place, during



the summer mouths, while he followed his trade as a tailor during the winter. After several years, he managed to get his first farm, practically all cleared, and thru purchased eighty acres next to his first farm. From lime to time lie added to his holdings until he had accumulated five hundred and forty- eight acres. After moving to Riley township, there were five children horn, making eight in all, six of whom lived to maturity. The last five were, George, Elizabeth, who died at twelve years of age; Harriet, Phoebe and Martin. The last named was killed by a falling tree in the woods when he was thirty-five years old. John Grismore died on December 29, 1899, at the npe old age of eighty-seven years. I lis wife, who was horn in Butler county, in 1810, died in Richland township, Allen counts', in 1880, at the age of sixty-four.

Henry Grismore came with his parents to Putnam county when he was six years old. It was here that he spent his boyhood. His was the life that generally fell to the lot of a pioneer's son. lie was thirteen years old before there were any schools in his neighborhood. However, he had learned to- read and spell from his mother. The balance of his education consisted of an average of twenty-two days a year, for eight years, in school. He re- mained at home until he was twenty-two years old. During the spring, fol- lowing his twenty-second birthday, he went to Ontario and there remained for nearly three years.

It was near Hamburg, Ontario, that Mr. Grismore met and married on January y, 1866, ['"rancisca Gmther, who had been horn in Wurtemherg, Ger- main-. Immediately afterwards he returned to Ohio and settled on a part of his father's place, a farm of one hundred and twenty acres, which farm he later bought from Ins father. Seven years later, in the fall ot 1873, he moved to a place of eighty acres, one mile south of Pandora, which he had bought the previous June, lie has lived on this place ever since. The place had a substantial frame house for those days, in which he lived for twelve years, or until 1885, when he built a large, handsome, brick residence, of twelve rooms.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grismore have had eleven children, seven of whom have lived to maturity. John W. married Magdalene Lehman and lives two miles north of Pandora. They have seven children. Cora is the wife of E. J. Miller, who lives one mile north of Pandora. They have two children. Oscar married Elona Day. They live in Los Angeles, California, and base four children. Emma is the wife of Edward Morelock, of Creditorn, On- tario. They have three children. Levi married Lew ina Towsley, and lives one mile southwest oi Pandora. They have three children. Otto married Martha Wittich, Brilliant, Ohio. They have two daughters. Carl A. mar-

putnam county, omo. 387

ried Leah Tripplchorn, and lives on (lie home place. They have one child, Donald. Mary Ann is the wife of Gu> R. Fromm, of Cincinnati. They have one child. Jessie I 'earl died at the age of two years. Grover C. is unmar- ried. He is an instructor in the law school at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Fred married [ennie Kisaheth. They live in Memphis, Tennessee, and have no children.

In addition to his farming, Mr. Grismore owned a mill and elevator, from \Ht)j to 1900. This mill was located at ['andora, lie operated it dur- ing the period of his ownership. Henry Grismore has been a most successful farmer and. altogether, owned five hundred and fifty-six acres. At one tune he was the largest single taxpayer in Putnam county, having been very suc- cessful with hogs and eattle. Lately, Mr. Grismore has disposed of a part of his holdings, but still retains three hundred and thirty-six acres of the finest land in Putnam county. lie is a director and treasurer in the Farmers Ranking Company, at Pandora, and is known as a successful hanker. Mr. Grismore is a Democrat, lie served as township trustee for six years, as a supervisor, and was member of the School hoard for eighteen years. Re- ligiously, he and his wife and family are members of the Methodist Episco- pal church, and in this church Mr. Grismore has held various offices. Henry 1 irismore is a man of broad experiences and is counted as one of the best farmers in the county, a good citizen and a true friend, lie is a fine type of Christian gentleman, and eminently deserves the esteem and confidence placed in bun bv his neighbors and fellow citizens.


The Rampe family came to Putnam county, Ohio, in 1872, and for the past forty years have been connected with the advancement id this count)' along agricultural, commercial and educational lines. John J. Rampe was fourteen years of age when his parents moved to this county, and for the past thirty-five years he has been engaged in business for himself at Ottawa. Starting to learn the shoe trade, as a shoemaker, when he was twelve years of age, he opened a shoe shop of his own. at the age of twenty- one, and sold shoes, which he himsell made for a lew years. lie then put in stock of factory-made shoes, and gradually added other furnishing goods, until be now has the largest store in Ottawa.

fohn J. Rampe, the son ol ISarnev and Mary (Miller) Rampe, was



born in Covington, Kentucky, September 12, 1859. His father was born in Glandorf, CJermany, ami his mother, in llaagcn, Germany. His parents were married in Covington, Kentucky, and to them were horn eight children, seven sons and one daughter, of whom lour died in infancy. The other four, are as follows: Louis, who died at Edaville, Iowa, about ten years ago; Fred, who learned the shoemaking trade with his brother, John J., and followed it until his death, on March 9, [896, at the age of thirty-three; Lizzie, the wife of Joseph Roof, living at Glandorf, and John J., of Ottawa. Fred, the brother of John J., married Mary Smith, of Glandorf, and was the father of live daughters and one son, who, with his widow, are still living.

Barney Rampe was a contractor and lived in Covington, Kentucky, until about 1875, and laid many of the sidewalks in that city, in that year he moved to Glandorf, Putnam county, Ohio, his son, John J., having pre- ceded the family, coming t" this county, when he was twelve years of age, to learn the shoemaker's trade with his uncle, William Rampe, Sr. William Rampe, Sr., had come here in the early history of the county, and was in the shoe business at Glandorf for about fifty years, or until his death, mi November 28. 1893. Barney Rampe died in Putnam county, December 6, 1893, and his widow died on October 31, 1899. Barney Rampe and his wife lived in Glandorf, Putnam county, after moving here, and he contin- ued making sidewalks.

John J. Rampe lived in Covington, Kentucky, until he was twelve years of age and obtained all of his schooling in thai city, lie then came to Put- nam countv, Ohio, and worked with his uncle, William Rampe, learning the shoemaker's trade, lie remained with his uncle until September 17, 1880, when he started in business in Ottawa for himself. On that day his sun, the first child, was born. He started a shoe shop at Ottawa and sold only shfics at first, which he made in his own shop. As his trade increased, he added a line of factory-made shoes and gradually increased his business. \ few years later he added a stuck- oi clothing, hats and men's furnishing goods of all kinds, and still Inter put in a line of ladies' clothing, millinery

and dry g Is. lie now has a jewelry department, as well as a full line

of groceries. Tn fact, he now sells everything to wear, from head t<> foot, for men. women and children, lie has the two main floors and part of the upstairs in the McCracken block, to which he moved about ten years ago. He bought back the small building in which he first started on the south side of Main street on June 25, 1912, and in this building he has placed a large stock- of carpets, rugs, and linoleums. Tn the main store he has a large number of department-, and among the conveniences for customers he has


a rest room with a sign above the door saying, "Welcome to our rest room. A cup "f coffee free."

The Rampe stores are easily the largest in Ottawa and it is safe to say that he does the largest retail business of any man in the village. He is the only practical shoe man in the business in Ottawa, his training at the trade making him an expert in judging stock. Ik- has killed and .skinned the steer, tanned the hide and made the shoes from the leather. Accord- ingly, he knows the business of shoemaking thoroughly, and this fact has undoubtedly had much to do with his success as a dealer in shoes.

Mr. Rampe was married at the age of twenty to Anna Leopold, the daughter of Barney and Elizabeth Leopold, pioneer settlers of Glandorf, in ilns county. Mr. Leopold came from Glandorf, Germany, in the early history nf the county, and was a storekeeper and stockbuyer at Glandori Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Rampe, Harry B. and Emma L Harry B. has charge of the men's department of his father's store, and Emma has charge of the ladies' department. Harry married Lucile Jennings, ol Carrs, Kentucky. The first wife of Mr. Rampe died. February [6, 1910, an< on January 17. 191 4, he married Martha Kerner, who was born in Ottawa and is the daughter of Philip and Agnes (Maagl Kerner.

Mr. Rampe, with his wife and children, are loyal and devout members of the Catholic church, and are generous contributors to its support. He is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks at Lima, Ohio. Mr. Rampe is a thorough business man, and by industry and unexcelled business judgment has become one of the most substantial men of the county.


It is a well-authenticated fact that success comes as the result of legiti- mate and well-applied energy, unflagging determination and perseverance in a course of action which one has decided upon. Success was never known to smile upon the idler or dreamer. She never courts the loafer and only those men, who have diligently sought her favor, are crowned with her bless- ing. It is apparent that the success of Charles A. Fen all, leading restau- •rant man of Putnam county, located at Ottawa, has been won by unfailing industry, determination and a fixed will. These qualities have also gained for him the high esteem of the people of Ottawa.

Charles A. Fcrrall was horn in Gilboa, Putnam counts', Ohio, September



20, 187}, the s< hi of John and Louise (Devinney) Ferrall. John Fen-all was bom in 1838, and was reared in Bla.nc.hanl township, Putnam county, lie was the eldest sun of James and 1'anhena ( llickcrson) Ferrall, who eanie to this county soon after their marriage and located in Blanchard township. They came from Licking county, Ohio. James Ferrall was the son of John Ferrall, a soldier in the American Revolution.

John I'errall grew up in Blanchard township. Ills father was a shoe- maker at Gilboa and was an expert at this trade. John I'errall married Louise Devinney in [862, who was horn in Lancaster, Fairfield county, Ohio, the daughter of John and Anna (Umwake) Devinney. |ohn Devinney was the son of James Devinney, who was a native of France and a soldier in Lafayette's army in the American Revolution. .Anna Umwake was one of four children, brought by their parents from Pennsylvania to Fairfield county, Ohio. Louise Devinney lived at Lancaster until ten years of age and then came to Ottawa with her sister, Mrs. Ivedd and her husband, who moved here in wagons, in 1848. They located about two miles east id' Ottawa, south of the Blanchard river, where the old Pierman home is now located. Four years later, Louise Devinney went to lice with her half-brother, Jacob Green, who conducted the Defiance Democrat, and was probate judge for mam- years and a man well known in the county. Louise Devinney went to De- fiance in order to take advantage of the better sch. nils at that place and. after three years, began teaching. She taught about lice years south and southeast of Ottawa until her marriage. John I'errall was a soldier in the Ninth Ohio Cavalry. lie enlisted a short time before his marriage and later re-enlisted. Three of his brothers also served in the Union army. John Ferrall was in the service until the close of the war, Mrs. Ferrall mean- while staving with her mother who then lived near Columbus Grove. After the war, John Ferrall spent the rest of his life at Gilboa, where he engaged in various lines of business, lie died in October, 18X5. lie was vvidelv known as a genial-tempered man and was marshal of Gilboa for many years, lie was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. Mr. and Mrs. I'er- rall were the parents of five children, Mary, the wife of George Rennells, of Toledo; Anna, the widow of David Long, who was a lawyer of Ottawa; Charles A., the subject of this sketch; Eliza, the wife of Bert Shondell, a railroader, of Foil Wayne; William, a conductor on the Cincinnati, Hamil- ton & Dayton railroad, of Lima, Ohio. About two years after Mr. I'errall' died, Mrs. Ferrall moved to Ottawa, where she built a home and where she has resided since thai time.

Charles A. Ferrall started a restaurant at his present location just east



of the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton tracks on the south side of Main street, about [903. At that time it was an old frame building. He started in a small way and continued in business with increasing success.

Mr. Ferrall traveled to the Pacific coast to marry in the spring of 1910. He was married at Los Angeles, California, May 5, igro, to Laura Kraft, who was horn on May 5, 1882, at Ottawa, Ohio. She is the daughter of John and Elizabeth (Trame) Kraft.

Joint Kraft was horn on March 25, 1855, a short distance north of Ottawa. He is the son of Joseph and Catherine (Gross) Kraft. Joseph Kraft and wife were natives of Alsace and married there. They came to this country nearly seventy years ago. Joseph Kraft was a farmer and the son of An- drew and Walbruck (Brockmeyer) Kraft, and was horn June 3, 1812, settling in this country in 1851. His wife, whom he married in JIaucknew, France, April 17, 1N42, was also horn in Alsace, July [6, 1822. She was the daughter of Joseph and Catherine (Burger) Gross, who came to tins country in 1851 .

Joseph Kraft and wife settled north of Ottawa and spent the rest of their lives on the farm. John Kraft, their son, married Elizabeth Trame in 1883. Mr. and Mrs. Kraft are the parents of three children living and one dead, Laura Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. Ferrall; Catherine Johanna, the wife of Nicholas Miller, ex-sheriff of Putnam count}'; Mary Dorothy, who died at the age of four years and three months; and Clarence Edwin, who is at home. Elizabeth Trame was horn at Toledo, Ohio, February 25, 1853, the daughter of Christopher and Mary (Brinkman) Trame, both of whom were horn and reared in Hanover, Germany, the former on October 30, 1 8 1 9.

Mrs. Ferrall spent most of her younger life in Ottawa, where she at- tended the parochial schools and also the Ottawa high school, from which latter school she was graduated at the age of seventeen. She then spent several years in the Meffley dry goods store and two years in Toledo in mer- cantile business. She then went to Los Angeles to live with her married sister and it was not long after she went to live in Los Angeles that Mr. Ferrall joined her.

After their marriage, Mr. Ferrall came back' to Ottawa and, the fol- lowing October, sold out, expecting to locate in Los Angeles. In February he returned to Ottawa and opened a restaurant in the second room east of where the Ottawa Banking Company is located. In the December following he moved into his present location where a new building had been erected.


and has been in business here ever since In March, after opening in his new location, lie purchased Ins present home.

Mr. Ferrall is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. For twenty-three years he has been a member of the Ottawa fire department. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrall have two children, Paul Aubrey and Catherine Louise. Mr. Ferrall is a big whole-souled man, fond of hunting, fishing and other clean sports. He is a shrewd and careful buyer and knows how to conduct a good restau- rant. .Mrs. Ferrall is a woman of charming appearance and socially is popular in Ottawa. Their children are bright, healthy youngsters, of whom their parents are very proud.


Ohio was not lacking in loyalty during the dark days of the Civil War when the Ship of State was almost stranded on the rocks of Disunion, but contributed her full (junta of brave men to assist in preserving the integrity of the government, prominent among whom was Anderson James Young, now a well-known druggist of Eeipsic, Ohio. Loyal to his country in its hour oi peril and extremity, as was demonstrated on many hi lv battle- fields, he has ever been its stanch supporter in times of peace, and today there are few veterans in Putnam count}' who are more widely and favor- ably known, and none that can boast oi a more honorable record. The ranks of the noble organization to which he belonged in the days of his youth are- fast being diminished by the one invincible foe and it is fitting in every pub- lication of this nature that special tribute be paid to those who served through the greatest civil war known to history.

Anderson James Young was born on December I, 1841, near Tiffin, Ohio. lie is the sou of Samuel and Isabella (Sutton) Young. Samuel Young was born in Pennsylvania, and came to Seneca county, Ohio, when a young man, settling on a farm, lie was a life-long farmer, near Seneca, ami was married there to Isabella Sutton, who emigrated with her parents to Seneca count) in pioneer days, who were fanners and natives of Pennsyl- vania. Samuel died on the farm of one hundred and sixty acres where he- spent almost his entire lite. When he first acquired possession of the farm, it was a wilderness. Under his directing care and by the consequence of his labors, he saw this farm transformed, by the spade ami the plow, into a vast



garden, lie- amassed quite a fortune and, throughout his life, was a careful, frugal fanner.

Anderson James Young left Seneca county, Ohio, for Putnam county, in 1862, and settled in Van Buren township, lie lived in that township for a time, when he left for Hancock county. His education was obtained mostly in the common schools of Seneca county and in the high school at Tiffin. Alter leaving the high school, he entered the Cincinnati School of Pharmacy, from winch institution he was graduated, lie also attended the Springfield (Ohio) School of Pharmacy, for some time.

Mr. Young enlisted in Company F, Forty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infan- try, as a private, for three years and three months, February 26, [862, at the age of twenty-three. lie was transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, April 10. 1864, by order of the war department, and went to Washington! D. I. He was discharged, after serving three years and three months. He enlisted at Tiffin, Ohio, under Col. William II. Gibson and fought in the bat- llcs .' lllc western campaign, lie was wounded in the hand at Corinth, Mississippi, and again in the knee at Stone's River, lie also fought in the battle of Shiloh.

.Mr. Young was married on February ro, 1866, to Mary Foulk, a native of Putnam county, horn on May 18, 1842, and the daughter of Peter and Sarah (Heck) Foulk. Peter Foulk was a native of Pennsylvania, horn in Starke county and after his marriage to Sarah I leek, came to Hancock county, Ohio, when this county was a vast wilderness. He farmed a short time in Hancock county when he removed to Can Buren township, Putnam county, near Leipsic, where he died on November 21, 1878. lie was born on Febru- ary _>7, 1X1 1, and was sixty-seven years old at the time of his death. He was married, in 1834. Sarah Heck was a native of Tuscarawas county, Ohio. and, shortly after her birth, was taken by her parents to Hancock county. Peter Foulk was a man of stalwart frame, of powerful muscular develop- ment. He was a man of indomitable courage, which qualities enabled him to brave the perils of pioneer life. Peter Foulk's wife .lied, about 1S71. They had ten children, live of whom are now living, Mrs. Julia Young, of Leipsic; Mary, the wife of Mr. Young; Mrs. Luanda Fike and Mrs. h'.mina Raughman, both of Leipsic; and Peter, of Chicago, Illinois.

To Mr. and Mrs. Anderson J. Young, three children have been born, F.mma I'.., born on January 5, 1867, now deceased; Fvcretl }., born on April -'"■ lS<"K :""1 ()'villc P., born on September 7, 1S75. who married Delia Scott, and has three children, Harry P., who attends the Ohio Slate Umver-


sity, [Catherine and Helen, tie is a rural mail carrier and lives in Leipsic, ( Ihio.

Mr. Young has two sisters and one brother living, Mrs. Rachel Haynes, cf Carey, Ohio; Mrs. Mary Jane Noel, of Terre Haute, Indiana, and Wash- ington, of North Baltimore, Ohio.

After his marriage, Mr. Young returned to Leipsic, Ohio, and entered the drug business. He has continued in thi> business practically all the time, and is stdl more or less active. He is a skilled pharmacist, and is widely known. Mr. Young holds the only diploma in the city of Leipsic. He is also a jeweler and learned this trade when a young man. At the present time. Mr. Young holds county and state certificates as a druggist.

Mr. Young is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights ol Pythias, but is not active now. He is a member oi Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, at Leipsic. Ohio, and belongs to the State Jewelers' Association. lie has always been a stanch Republican. Mrs. Young is a member of the Presbyterian church, at Leipsic. Anderson J. Young is a man who is liberal in his views and who believes ill tree speech, lie is a loyal neighbor, has been an excellent business, man, and is honored l>v the people of his community in which he has so long been a factor for gen- eral advancement and improvement.


The parents of William II. Begg, M. D., located in Putnam county, Ohio, in 1857 and lived there the remainder of their days. Doctor Begg was about lour years old when his parents came to tins county, and has since spent all of his career here with the exception of the time he spent in college. In his younger manhood he taught school for a tune, hut since graduating from the medical college in 1881, he has been engaged in the active practice of his profession in Columbus Grove, lie has always taken a very prominent part in the life of his community and has served many years on the school hoard of Columbus Grove, and on the state hoard for the Toledo hospital tor the insane. lie and his wife have reared an in- teresting family of three children.

William II. Begg, M. 1).. the son of William and Jean (Dobbie) Begg, was horn in 1 S 5 3 , in Franklin county, Ohio. I lis parents were both horn and reared in Cunihcrkiutlsliirc, Scotland, and were married at Stirling in


their native country. They came to America in [834, and located at Canal Winchester, Ohio. They had started across the state to reach Cincinnati. but when they reached Canal Winchester, .Mrs. Begg took sick with the malarial fever, and they had to stop on that account. They continued to reside in (anal Winchester until [857, and then moved to Putnam county, where they lived the remainder of their days.

Doctor Begg was four years old on the day his parents finally settled in Putnam county. His father bought property in Columbus Grove and also a farm on the edge of Allen county adjoining Putnam. The family lived about three years in Columbus Grove and then moved to the farm, where Doctor Begg grew to manhood. Early in life lie began to teach school and before reaching manhood became a student in the National Nor- mal University at Lebanon, Ohio, where he had for classmates several men who later achieved national fame. He taught school 111 the country, both before and after attending the university at Lebanon, and was teaching in the high school at Columbus Grove when he decided to pursue a medical course. lie resigned his position as high school teacher and entered the Lhiiversity of Michigan at Ann Arbor, where he began his medical studies. Later he became a student in the Medical College of Ohio at Cincinnati and graduated there in the class of 1881.

Immediately after graduating from college. Doctor Begg located in Columbus Grove for the practice of his profession, and here he has been living since that lime, lie has built up a very large practice and is not only one of the leading practitioners of his county, hut also one of the leaders in his profession in the state, lie was a member of the school hoard for eighteen years and refused to serve longer because of his wide range of medical practice, lie served for twelve years as a member of the state hoard which has charge of the hospital for the insane at Toledo. Ohio. He has always taken an active interest in the life of his community and his support could always be relied upon for all public-spirited enterprises.

Doctor Begg was married on September 8, 18KT, to Martha M. Kohli, a daughter of Peter and Louisa (Eeatheringill) Kohli. Her parents were both born in tins county where they have lived all of their lives. Mr. Kohli lived in Pandora, where his father kept a hotel.

Doctor Begg and his wife have ilnee children living, Ethel Jean. Rus- sell Stuart and Harold Kohli. Ethel is a graduate of the Western College at Oxford, Ohio, and is now the wife of W. M. Crawford, of Columbus Grove, whose history appears elsewhere in this volume. Russell graduated in n;oX from the engineering department of the University ol Michigan, is a


member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity, and is now experimental engineer for the K'tfries Automobile Company, at Kenosha, Wisconsin. He married Lenora Sterling, of Columbus Grove, and has one daughter, Edith Martha. Harold, the youngest child of Doctor and Mrs. Begg, is now in the medical department of Northwestern University at Chicago, and is in his third year, lie is taking the course leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Medicine, and intends to make the practice of medicine his life work. He belongs to Phi Delta Theta and the l'lii Rho Sigma fraternities. Doetor Begg is a member of the Free and Accepted Masons and has at- tained to the chapter degree, lie is a man of genial personality and has those charming characteristics which always mark the genuine Scotchman. Personally, he is tall and commanding in appearance and it is safe to say that no man in his community is held in higher esteem.


The Fuerst family was one of the first to locate in Putnam county, Ohio, the father of Mathias Joseph Fuerst locating in this county several years before the Civil War. Mathias J. Fuerst started out to make his own way in the world when he was fifteen years of age, working for a time for fifty cents a day and paying three dollars and a half for hoard. He worked at the carriagemaker's trade, and for three years worked in the Brown dry goods store in Ottawa. For the past four years he has been engaged in the agricultural implement business, in partnership with Charles J. Kerner. The firm sells all kinds of agricultural implements, cream sepa- rators, gas engines, harness, buggies and various implements and tools used on the farm.

Mathias Joseph Fuerst, the son of Anthony and Otilia (Yerger) Fuerst, was horn in Ottawa, Putnam county, Ohio, January 23, 1864. Anthony Fuerst was born in Monheim, Germany, February 4, [829, coming to Amer- ica when a young man, about 1854. He lived for a short time in Potts- ville, Pennsylvania, and, after marrying in that state, moved to Columbus, Ohio, where, a few years later he located in Putnam county, on a farm, between Ottawa and Glandorf.

Anthony Fuerst, who is still living in this county, in his eighty-seventh year, has had a very interesting history. In Germany, he learned the mason's trade, and, after coining to America, he continued to follow it. He started


in a very humble way, after coming to America, and for a time worked for fifty cents a day, and actually saved money. When he came to Putnam count)-, Ohio, with his wife, he bought a small farm, between Ottawa and Glandorf, where he erected a brick house, which is still standing in a good state of preservation. Afterward, he bought another farm, about three miles north of Ottawa, as well as a small tract, just west of the county seat. All of these farms were covered with timber, when he bought them, lie continued to follow the trade of a mason, in connection with his farming- and other work, and has built most of the large brick buildings in Ottawa, as well as in other towns throughout the county. He built the Catholic church, the old jail, and a huge number of the buildings, in the business part oi Ottawa. Anthony Fuerst married in Pennsylvania, shortly after coming to this count), I )tilia Verger, who died in (876, al the age of forty-four, leaving nine children, all of whom are still living, John, born on Apnl jo, 1X50; .\lar\. horn on December 2X, 1858; Lizzie, born on January 9, i860; Louise, born on April 4, 18G2; Matthew J., born on Janu- ary 23, 1S64; Henry, born on March 13, 1866; Anna, born on January 25, 180S; Regina, born on February 17, 1870, and Frank, born on March 8, 1S72. After the death of his first wife, in [876, Anthony Fuerst married Mrs. Mary Kapcl, the widow of Joseph Kapcl, and to this second union three children were born, Toney, Theodore and Emma. Tones' was killed by a bursting emery wheel, at Lima, Ohio, in 1 < ; 1 j . The mother of these three children died about loot), and after the death of bis second wife, Mr, Fuerst lived with his daughter, Elizabeth, until [913. He is now making his home at Lima, Ohio, with another daughter Mrs. Louise Day.

Mathias J. Fuerst has spent his whole life in Putnam county, lie lived at home until he was fifteen years of age, and then started out to work for himself. With four dollars and a half in his pocket, he went to Van Wert, Ohio, to serine work-. He did nol know a single person in the town of Van Wert, and. after much trouble, finally secured a job in a spoke factorv, at fifty cents a day. In view of the fact that his board cost him three dol- lars and a hall a week', he did not hold this position long, and found em- ployment in a hotel, where he worked as a porter for a short time. lie was not satisfied with this, and one day started out to walk' through the country in order to look- for work- on a farm, lie finally secured a job as a helper to a brick mason, and shortly afterward found a job in the country on a farm, where he winked for two months, lie then came to Ottawa, learned the c.irriagcniakcrV trade and followed this for eight and a half years, lie entered the dry goods store of the Rrown Drv floods Com-


pany in Ottawa, as a clerk, in 1S91, and for twenty consecutive years was an efficient salesman in this store, Ik- started in at one dollar a day and saved his money. Alter becoming an employee oi the store, he resigned his position and spent one year in college. .Mr. h'nerst and H. C. Hummins opened an implement store in Ottawa in 1911. A year later, Mr. Hummins disposed of his interests in the firm to Charles J. Werner, and the firm is now known as Fuerst & Kerner. Although they have been in business but a comparatively short Lime, ihey are alread) building up a large trade through- out the county and bid fair to become well established.

Mr. h'nerst was married in 1896 to Ella McGrevy, the daughter of John and Lizzie McGrevy. Mrs. Fuerst was an employe at Brown's dry goods store until her marriage. Two years after their marriage and live days after the birth of a son. Charles Joseph, Mrs. Fuerst died. This son is now at- tending school in Ottawa. Fifteen years alter the death of his first wife, Mr. Fuerst married Cora Ringenbach, a native of Starke county, Ohio, and a resident of Canton, at the-time of her marriage. Mr. Fuerst and his wife and son are members of the Catholic church.

Mr. Fuerst has always been identified with the Democratic party, and has served as clerk of Ottawa for four years. Mr. h'nerst is essentially a self- made man and is well deserving of the success which lias come to him. lie is a quiet and unassuming man and has a host of friends and acquaintances in Ottawa and throughout the county.


Within the past twenty years, Levi Basinger, the subject of this sketch, who during all of this time has been assistant cashier ol the People's Hank at Columbus Grove, I'ntnam county, Ohio, has arisen to a position of great prominence and power in this section of Putnam county. During this period, Mr. Basinger has not only become well known as one of the im- portant figures in the Peoples Bank, but he has also achieved a remarkable success as a merchant. Likewise, Mr. Basinger, during this period, has acquired a splendid farm oi one hundred and twenty-live acres east of Columbus Grove. In all ol this time, however, he has never lost sight of his large duties because of the added power which his wealth and property have given to him. lie has performed every civic and social dun and in



t lie .spirit of one who has had the experience, knows that the possession of great wealth is useless unless ii is used to good purpose.

Levi Basinger was burn on March >\), 1870, near Columbus Grove, Putnam count). Ohio, lie is the sun of ( hristian and Regina (Lugilbihll) Basinger, whose family history is to be found in the sketch of William Basinger, also a son of Christian and Regina Basinger, and contained elsewhere in this volume.

Levi Basinger worked hard on the home farm of his father and mother until twenty-one years old, when he took a business course at the Ohio Northern University at Ada. He has been connected with the Peoples Hank, of Columbus Grove, continuously since that time, a period of nearly twenty- five years. Mr. Basinger is a stockholder in the hank and has been assistant cashier from the time the bank was organized in 1891. The Peoples Bank is a flourishing institution and certainly not the least of the credit is due to the sagacity and good business judgment and management of Levi Basinger.

.Mr. Basinger also owns a farm east of Columbus Grove, consisting oi one hundred and twenty-live acres. It is a splendid farm and Mr. Basin- ger devotes considerable attention to the details of its operations. Since lo'.v he has owned the controlling interest in the Home Industries store, at Columbus Grove. This store does a good business and Mr. Basinger ac- tively controls its management, lie purchased the live and ten-cent store at Columbus Grove in August, F914. This store carries a complete stock of goods usually found in such stores, and also carries other things at a slightly higher cost than five or ten cents.

Mr. Basinger built his present residence in IQ04, which is a large modern home erected on Main street, about one block from the business part of town. It is generally considered as one of the very finest residences in Columbus Grove. Here Mr. Basinger and his wile and family live.

Levi Basinger was married shortly alter the beginning of his business career, February _>_', 1892, to Elizabeth Amstutz, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Amstutz. Mrs. Basinger comes from an old and highly re- spected family of Putnam county and her marriage to Mr. Basinger has been a most happy one. The)' have had two children. Catherine and Roswell.

Mr. and Mrs. Levi Basinger are active members of the Methodist Episco- pal church, ot Columbus Grove. Levi Basinger is considered a live wire among the younger business men of Columbus Grove. Notwithstanding his busy career, lie is extremely courteous in his business and social relations and is popular throughout this section of Putnam count)'.



The venerable gentleman, whose career is here briefly given, is one of the older residents of Leipsic, Van fJuren township, L'utnam county, Ohio. His lite lias been such as to win the confidence and good will of (he people of his community and to make him well and favorably known throughout l'nt- nam county, of which he has been an honored citizen, for many years. In the highest sense of the term, he is a self-made man and, as such, has met with success. William E. Dibble has a record in life which may he studied with profit by the young men of the rising generation.

William E. Dibble was horn twenty-six miles from Rochester, New York, .March 5, 1836, and is the son of Orville and Mary Ann (DuBois) Dibble. Orville Dibble was a native of the same county, horn on December 17, 1810, the son of Horace Milton Dibble, who, it is said, came from France, and served in the War of iNij.

William E. Dibble was two years old when his father moved to Huron county. Ohio. The family drove through in a wagon and settled in Green- field township. The family consisted of the father and mother and two chil- dren, William E. and a sister, Susan Sayrc, who was two years his senior, fhe family lived on this (arm until William H. was thirteen years old and then moved to Norwalk, the county seat, where Mr. Dibble farmed, a mile east of Xorwalk. When he first moved to Huron county, he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of wild land, one and one-fourth miles, east of where Chicago Junction is now located. \fter three years, at Xorwalk. the family moved between Milan and Monrocville, on the I luron river. Later, Mr. Dib- ble went to Weston, in Wood county I le farmed, about four years, in Wood county and then crossed into Lucas county, opposite Otsego, on the Indian reserve, where he farmed on the old 'foho farm, which was owned by old Chief foho, for about four years. \l the end of this period, he moved to Michigan, where he lived about live miles from Adrian. He later moved to Lenawee county, where he and his wife died.

\\ illiam E. Dibble was married, while the family lived in Lucas county, Ohio, in i860, lie married Martha |auc Taylor, who was horn in Lucas county. To this union lour children were horn, Sidney C, of Leipsic, Ohio; William Wesley, of Leipsic; Grant, who died at the age of six weeks, and Cora, who died at the age of seventeen months.

William L. Dibble remained with his father until past the age of t went v- livc \ears and worked out si\ months before his marriage. After he had



Ikvh married two years, President Lincoln called [or three hundred thou- sand volunteer soldiers and Mr, Dibble enlisted in Company I'', One Hun- dredth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, serving under Uurnside, Sher- man and Schoiield, lie was with Sherman in the memorable Georgia cam- paign and was engaged in the siege of Atlanta. After the siege at Knoxville and Atlanta, the army inarched to Franklin and Nashville, Tennessee, and later to Louisville, Cincinnati, Washington and Alexandria, Virginia; thence, by ship to the North Carolina coast, up the Cape Fear river to the capture of Wilmington, thence to Greensboro, where Mr. Dibble saw the last fighting of the war. He was mustered out at the close of the war. lie was never away from his regiment during the entire war, was newer captured, and was not wounded, although he had many narrow escapes.

After the war, Mr. Dibble worked for three years in the grist-mill, in Lucas count), where he began farming in the Maumee river, district al>o\e Watcrville. lie farmed about eight years and then removed to Ottawa county where he worked in a stave factory for about four years, lie re- moved t<> the si, uih edge of Henry county, one-half mile north of the Put- nam count) line, in Marion township, at the end of this period, and purchased a tract of timber land of sixty acres. Mr. Dibble cleared this land and made

onto) it a g I farm. He remained there until August, ro. 12, when he moved

to Lcipsie, where he still resides. Here Mr. Dibble owns his own home.

Mr. Dibble's first wife died on February (>, 1897; he was married again .hi March 17, 1904, to Mrs. Martha Jane (Dunlap) Dove, who was horn, near Warsaw, in Coshocton county, Ohio, and who is the daughter of David and Sovena (Meredith) Dunlap. Her parents were both natives of Coshoc- ton county, Ohio, and when she was nine years old, they moved to Utica, Licking county, and lived there the remainder of their lives. Mrs. Dibble married Sylvester Milton Dove, in 1868, and lived at Utica. He died on February 20, [899. lie was a stone mason all his life.

Mr. Dove was a soldier in the Sixteenth Indiana Cavalry and was Grant's orderly for si >me time, carrying dispatches for him. He was born near Frederick, Maryland, and was the son of William and Annie (Baker) Dove. Mr. Dove was a member of the Christian church: At his death, he left three children living, Levi Kliner, George Alva and Kdward Guy, One child, born in this union, died in infancy. Levi Khncr, who is a blacksmith, married Medda Shoefeldt, and lives at Argyle, Michigan. They have had seven children, Nellie, Harry, Martha, Frank, Leone, Melville and Lyle, who was a twin brother of Leone, and is now deceased. George Alva, who is a



mason, married Xora Davis and lives at Auburn, Indiana. They have eight children, Bernice, Eunice, Mabel, Paul, Rolland, Morton, George and Arthur. Edward G., who is a painter and decorator, married Ada Davis, and lives at Utica, Ohio. They have three children, Blanche, Earle and Stanley. Ed- ward G. is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Maccabees.

William E. Dibble is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, the American Flag House and the Betsy Ross .Memorial Association. He has always taken an active interest in public affairs and has held several minor offices. He and his wife are members of the Evangelical church. Not only is Mr. Dibble a highly-respected citizen, but he is a man who truly deserves the esteem bestowed upon him by his neighbors and fellow citizens.


Specific mention is made of many of the worthy citizens of Putnam county within the pages of this book, citizens who have figured in the growth and development of this favored locality, and whose interests are identified with its every phase of progress, each contributing in his sphere of action to the well-being" of the community in which he resides, and to the advancement of its moral and legitimate growth. Among this number is William P. S. Young, the well-known auto liveryman of Leipsic, Ohio.

William P. S. Young was born on July 7, 185S, at Jerry City. Wood county, Ohio. He is a son of William P. and Mary Josephine (Jackman) Young. Mr. Young left Jerry City at the age of one year with his parents, who came to Leipsic, Ohio, and located. He remained in the latter city with his parents until his marriage, in 1881, working with his father in a grist and stave-mill, as engineer, for about five years after his marriage, lie then engaged in the grocery business at Ridgeland, Ohio, remaining here about six years, after which he removed to Lima, Ohio, and worked for his uncle, J. B. Jackman, driving a huckster wagon. He remained in Lima for about six years, after which he removed to Holgate, Ohio, where he became a barber. After one year be removed to Ottawa, Ohio, continuing in the same business in the latter city for a year, when he removed to Leip- sic, ( Ihio, where he conducted a barber simp in the Hotel Leffler. He operated this shop for several years, then purchased a brick building, and in it con- ducted a barber shop for about twelve years. After the death of his wife,


he engaged in the auto livery business, but recently sold out on account of failing health.

Mr. Young was married on July 21, 1881, to Hattie Snyder, who was born at Carey, Wyandot county, Ohio, the daughter of Milligan and Cathe- rine (Fritter) Snyder, the former a native of this country, and the latter, likewise a native of the United States, but her parents were natives of Germany. Mrs. Young died on May 22, 1914. She was a beloved wife and a charming woman, ami a most excellent helpmate to her husband. Her loss has been keenly felt by all with whom she was associated.

Mr. Young is a member of the Knights of Columbus No. 1787, at Ottawa, Ohio. He is a Republican, but lias never aspired to office and has never been active in the councils of his party- He is a member of the St. Mary's Catholic church at Leipsic, a free and independent thinker, and congenial among his fellows. William P. S. Young is a man widely known throughout Putnam county and bears a splendid reputation.

William J'. Young, the father of William P. S. Young, was born on March J^,, 1825, in Wayne county, Ohio, and died on October i<), 1899, at the age of seventy-four years, six months and twenty-four days. At the age of twenty-two years, William P. Young was married to Jose- phine Jackman, in Seneca county, Ohio, on January 31, 1847, to which place he had migrated from Wayne count)', his birthplace. Subsequently, he re- moved, to Wood county, Ohio, where he took up his residence, and where he engaged in the milling business. He built a grist-mill in Jerry City, and lived here for a time, lie later moved to Leipsic, Ohio, where he erected the first dwelling house and the first grist-mill in that village, in 1851;, and here he lived and engaged in this business for five years. lie then moved to Ridge- land, Ohio, in Henry county, where he lived for some time, lie also built a mill at Ridgeland, and was postmaster and township treasurer, discharging the duties of the former office for twelve years, and of the latter for eleven years.

William 1'. Young was married first to Josephine Jackman, who died in 1886, and after her death he married Margaret Vaughn. Subse- quently, he removed to a farm in Pleasant Grove, Putnam county, and here the second Mrs. Young died, in 181^4. Mr. Young married Sarah Winters in 1895. He was engaged in the milling business for more than thirty-five years, and experienced both success and disappointment.

William I'. Voting was the lather of the following children, born to his first marriage : George Washington, living in I lenry county, < >hio; Mrs. Mary Jane Puck', living at Custer, Ohio; John P., a resident of Henry count)';


Mrs. Isabella Goodman, of Henry county; Mrs. Sarah Archer, of Holgate, Ohio; William I'. S., ihe immediate subject of this review; Abraham I'., of Huber, Hancock county, Ohio; Dora P., of Holgate; Louis i'.. also a resi- dent of Holgate, and Simon I'., of Leipsic.

The late William P. Young abounded 111 goodness and honesty. He was noted for his charitableness toward the poor, and was very buoyant and kindly disposed toward his fellows. Mr. Young's first wife was a mem- ber of the Roman Catholic church, and he permitted her to have her own way in rearing the children, but he, himself, was brought up in the faith of the Methodist Episcopal church, and in his earlier years was a member and maintained his sympathies and personal interest toward that church, lie was buried at Ridgeland, Ohio, in Young's cemetery, the ground formerly owned and occupied by his saw and stave-mill,

William 1'. Young was one of a family of eleven children, five of whom are still living, three brothers and two sisters: Mrs. Rachel Haines, of Adrian, Ohio; Washington, of North Baltimore, Ohio; Solomon, of Leipsic; Anderson, also a resident of Leipsic, and Mrs. Mary lane Xole. of Terre Haute, Indiana.

Thus, for several generations the Young family have been well known in this section of Ohio. They have been noted always for their honesty, their industry and earnest, sincere Christian lives. Such people are always re- spected in the community where they live and each generation of the Youngs has been highly respected in Putnam count}-.


The two most strongly marked characteristics of both the east and west are combined in the citizens of Ohio. The enthusiastic enterprise which overcomes all obstacles and makes possible any undertaking in the compara- tively new and vigorous western stales, is here tempered by the stable and more careful policy that we have borrowed from our eastern neighbors. The combination is one of unusual force and power. It has been the means of placing this section id the stale and country on a par with the older east, at the same time producing a reliability and certainly in business affairs which is frequently lacking in the west. This happy combination id characteristics is possessed to a notable degree by judge A. M. I leidlebaugb, of Columbus



(Iruvo. Me is loo well known to the readers of this work lo need any formal introduction here, lie comes of well-known parentage, and he, himself, lias idled and i.s tilling a large place in the affairs of the community, lie is a man ol strong and alert mentality, deeply interested in everything pertain- ing to the welfare oi the community and is regarded as one of the pro- gressive, enterprising citizens oi I'utnam counts'.

Judge A. M. Heidlebaugh was born on X'ovember jo, 1X114, in Peoria, Illinois, the son of N'oah and Rosanna (Mericle) Heidlebaugh. Noah Heidlebaugh was born 111 Hocking county, Ohio, and was the son of |ohn Heidlebaugh, whose father came from the old country. Rosanna Mericle was the daughter of Solomon Mericle and she was horn in Mocking county, Ohio, living there until her marriage. Her parents were natives of Penn- sylvania. Xoah Heidlebaugh was horn, reared and married in Hocking count)-, Ohio. At the beginning of the Civil War, he went to Peoria, Illi- nois, where he enlisted 111 the Union army. Ilis wife returned to Hocking county m the meantime and while 111 camp, Xoah Heidlebaugh took the measles. After many years, this caused blindness and for the last ten years ot his life he was blind. Alter returning from the army, he came hack, to Hocking county, Ohio, and in 187.2, moved to I'utnam count}-, locating near what is now Rushmore, in Jennings township, lie continued farming in thai locality and there spent the remainder of his life, dying in 1893. Xoah Heidlebaugh was a man of considerable influence in Ins community. He served as township clerk and was justice of the peace of Hocking county, Ohio. Mis widow is still living in Rushmore.

Judge A. M. Heidlebaugh grew up on the farm near Rushmore. At the age of twenty, he began teaching school and after leaching one year, he attended college at Lebanon. Alter leaving college, he resumed teaching and taught lor twenty years in Putnam county, lie taught in fennings, Sugar (reek and Union townships. While teaching, Judge Heidlebaugh purchased a farm in Sugar (reek township and in 1893 he began farming but continued to teach during the winter. He was elected justice of the peace in 1896 and on September 1, 1897, was appointed a member of the county hoard of school examiners, lie had served as justice of the peace six years and was school examiner until Pebruary, 1903, when he became pro- hate judge, which compelled his resignation as school examiner. As pro- hate judge, he had the novel experience ot appointing his own successor to the hoard of school examiners. Judge Heidlebaugh served six years as pro- bale judge and retired, in Kcbruary; lyoy. At the close ol his services as


judge, lie remained in Ottawa about a year and then came to Columbus Grove and purchased an interest in the Exchange Bank of Columbus Grove. This bank was organized as a private bank in 1873 and operated as such until 1914, when it was incorporated as a state bank. The present officers are, Judge A. M. 1 leidlebaugh, president; VV. M. Crawford, cashier, and li. F. Seitz, vice-president. This bank does a large business in the southern part of Putnam county. Since he entered the banking business, Judge 1 lei- dlebaugh has devoted his entire time to banking though he still holds his farm in Sugar Creek township.

Judge lleidlebaugh was married to Lydia Deffenbaugh in 1889, who was born in Sugar Creek township, and who is the daughter of Jacob and Mary (Derbyshire) Deffenbaugh. Jacob Deffenbaugh is of Pennsylvania German ancestry and was a native ol that state. About 183J he came with his parents to Putnam county. John Deffenbaugh was county auditor of Putnam county ami a well-known and influential man. Jacob Deffenbaugh was a life-long farmer and during the last six or seven years of his life, lived retired in Columbus Grove, lie was a justice of the peace and a member of the school board in Sugar Creek township, fie died in 191 2. His wife was born in Sugar Creek township and was the daughter of Jesse and Lydia (Pierce) Derbyshire. They were early settlers on the farm adjoining the Deffenbaughs. The Derbyshires were of English ancestry and Mrs. Derby- shire was a distant relative of President Franklin Pierce.

Judge and Mrs. lleidlebaugh are the parents of four children, Grace L., who is teaching in the schools of Columbus Grove, and attended college at Defiance, Ohio; Mary M., who attended Oxford and taught two years, now being a student at Oxford; Harold II., who is also at Oxford College; and Nolan Eugene, who is seven years of age and in the second school grade. The three elder children graduated from the high school, Grace at Ottawa, and the other two at Columbus Grove.

Judge lleidlebaugh and wile belong to the Christian church of Sugar (reek township, as do also the three elder children, lie is a thirty-second degree Mason, a member oi the Independent Order of Odd bellows, ami the Knights of Pythias, also other orders. Judge Heidlebaugh took the degree work in the Patrons of Husbandry. Me is a friendly and obliging man, who, despite his personal success, does not forget his larger duty and responsibility to the public, lie is naturally a leader in his community and a man whose council is soughl in man) enterprises, public and private. Iiulge lleidlebaugh is entitled lo rank as one of the best-known and most success- ful citizens ol Putnam county, Ohio.



The name of Crawford has long been connected with the development and progress of Putnam county, Ohio, and especially the southern half of the county. John M. Crawford, the father of Wilson Martin Crawford, was a man who reflected credit upon the community and county where he lived. The greatness of a community lies not in the machinery of government, nor even in its institutions, hut rather in the sterling qualities of the individual citizen, in his capacity for high and unselfish effort, and his devotion to the public welfare. Wilson Martin Crawford, the scion of this well-known family oi the same name, in Putnam county, is a clean-cut young business man who is following in the footsteps of a worthy father. Mr. Crawford is not only a master of his business, but he is a leader among men, distin- guished lor their .urasp oi business details, organization and management.

Wilson Martin Crawford grew tip in Columbus Grove, and was gradu- ated from the high school there, lie was born on September 24, 1879, at Columbus Grove, and is a son of John M. and Sarah A. (Martin) Crawford.

After graduating from the Columbus Grove high school, Mr. Craw- ford attended Northwestern University, at I'Aanston, Illinois, and was gradu- ated from the academic department in 1902 with the degree of Bachelor of .Arts. Mr. Crawford had a splendid record at the university and was popu- lar with the faculty and with the students. He was what might be called at thai time a representative college student.

After his graduation from Northwestern University, he returned to Columbus Grove, Ohio, and until 1005 was employed in the Exchange Hank, at that city, of which his father, John M. Crawford, was president. Mr. Crawford went to Denver, Colorado, in 1905, with the W. E. Moses Land and Realty Company, and remained in that city until the spring of 1907. At that time be returned to Columbus Grove and became die assistant cashier of the Exchange Bank. Mis brother, W. L. Crawford, was cashier, whose deatli occurred in March, 1007, and from 1910, Wilson AI. Craw- ford lias been cashier of this bank.

Mr. Crawford was married on June 22, 1904, to Ethel Jean Begg, the daughter of Dr. William II. and Martha AT. (Kohli) Begg. Mrs. Craw- ford was born and reared at Columbus Grove, and attended the Western College for Women, at Oxford, Ohio, from which institution she was graduated in 1002, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford have one daughter, Kan, who was born on June 21, 1913.

Mr. Crawford i^ identified with the Democratic party, and is now a


member "t the Columbus Grove city council, lie is a member ol the Free and Accepted Masons ami also uf llie Knights of Pythias. At college lie was a member uf llie National Greek letter fraternity uf I'hi Delta Theta, une i»l the oldest of the Greek letter societies in existence, lie was also a member of the Deru fraternity. .Mr. and Mrs. Crawford are members of the I 'resbyterian church.

Mr. and Mrs. Crawford have a comfortable and beautiful home in Columbus Grove and arc socially popular throughout the south hall oi Put- nam county, where they are both well known. Mr. Crawford is regarded in his community as a young man with the inclination, training and equip- ment in every way to take the place which his father occupied for so many years in the life of this community, a position of prominence and wise leadership.


It is the dictate ol our nature, no less than of enlightened social policy, to honor those whose lives have contributed, in any way, to the good of their community and their associates. To bedew with affectionate tears the silent urn Hi departed worth and virtue, and rehearse the noble deeds of the living, has been the commendable custom of all age.-, and all nations. Prof. S. F. DeFord, the subject of this sketch, is one of nature's true noblemen, Jn contemplating his estimable qualities, integrity and industry appear as promi- nent characteristics; an integrity that no personal consideration could swerve and an industry that has no rest while anything remains undone. When a given task was accomplished, he has been in the habit of throwing off all care, retiring to his home and devoting himself to the pursuit of domestic and social enjoyment, for which he has the keenest zest and relish. I lis temper is calm and equable and his manners are emphatically those of a gen- tleman, plain and simple, despising sham and pretense of all kinds. I lis de- votion to every duty is intense while his perception ot truth and worth is almost intuitive. Although his life has been a busy one, and the private af- fairs of his home make heavy demands upon his time, he has never allowed it to interfere with his Christian obligations or the faithful performance of his religious duties. Always calm and straightforward, never demonstrative, his life has been a steady effort lor the worth ol Christian doctrine, the grandeur ol Christian principles and the beauty and elevation of Christian character, lb' has possessed great sympathy fur his fellow men and has al-

I'KOK. S. I'. In I'Olii).



ways I iccn ready to aid and encourage those who were struggling to aid them- selves. Vet, in this, as in everything, lie has been entirely unassuming. \\ hen he believed he was in the right, nothing could swerve him from it. At the advanced age of seventy-nine years, L'rofessor DeFord demands the respect of all classes of people.

Prof. Samuel F. DeFord is now the vice-president of the First National Hank, of Ottawa, a position he has held since its organization, in 1903, is still active in business affairs. He was horn in Carroll county, Ohio, May 2, [836. He is the son of John and Matilda il.ittell) DeFord. The DeFord family is of French-Huguenot origin, l'rofessor DeFord's great-grandfa- ther was John DeFord, who lied under persecution of Ins sect and found refuge in the state of Maryland, where he lived, as a fanner, lie had a son, fohn, who was horn in Maryland, hut who lived the greater part of his life 111 Pennsylvania. Coming to Ohio, in 1799, he entered one thousand acres of land, in Carroll county. At this tune he was about forty years of age, but lived to be one hundred and three years old. ills wife was l.ydia Hopwood, a native of Pennsylvania, fohn DeFord, Jr., and his wife were the parents of seven children, Harriet, the wile of John II DeFord; Hannah, Flizabeth, the wife of John Slull, of Augusta, Ohio; John, the father of Prof. Samuel DeFord, who died at the aye of eighty-seven; William, who was a prominent farmer and politician of Carroll count). < )hio; Daniel and Xathan I!., the lat- ter ot Kansas.

John DeFord, the father of Prof. Samuel DeFord, passed his life as a farmer, in Carroll county, Ohio, and served as a justice oi the peace thirty- one years, lie married Matilda Littell, a French woman, who died, in 1894, .u the age of eighty-one. They were the parents oi eleven children, Alonzo, a farmer, of Charlottesville, Virginia; William, deceased, l.ydia, the wife ipf William Mosier, of Unioiitown, Pennsylvania; Louisa, the wife ol James Daniel, of Carrollton, Ohio; Samuel P., the subject of this sketch; John \V., of Celina, Ohio; Matilda ('., the wife of a Mr. Sweet, of Baltimore county, Maryland; Harriet M., the wife of Kev. John W. Cummings, Doctor of l)i- vinitv, ill the Presbyterian church at Nankin, Ashland county, Ohio; Mary 1... the wife of John Moreland, a farmer of Newark, Indiana; Thomas I'., of Carroll county, Ohio; and Hannah, the wife of John Jackman, of Missouri.

Prof. Samuel I*'. DeFord was reared on the farm lie attended the district schools and, at the age of seventeen years, entered Mount Union Col- lege, at Alliance, from which institution he was graduated, in 1858. One year later, lie was graduated from die classical course and, two years aider t hat. received I he degree of Master of \rts. Professor DeFord laiudil, dur-


ing the summer months, to assisl in paying his way through college, lie had

charge ol the Monongahela schools, for seven u lbs. during [856. While

he was erecting the large school building at Lordstown, Trumbull county, ( Ihio, in 1858, lie was superintendent of the public schools of Newton halls, that county. Mrs. James A. Garfield, then Lucretia Rudolph, was one of his assistant teachers. Professor DeFord conducted an academy at Lordstown, until t86r, w lien he took charge of the public schools, at St. Mary's, Ohio, lie remained at St. Mary's until 1863, when he was made superintendent of the Celina (Ohio) schools, a position which he held until 1869. He then became superintendent of the Maumee (Ohio) Seminary, for one year, and after that time came to Ottawa, and was superintendent id' the public schools, for fifteen consecutive years, or until 1886.

On account of failing health. Professor DeFord became associated witli Samuel Slawson, in 1886, 111 establishing the Exchange Hank, of Ottawa. Mr. DeFord withdrew, in the spring of 1888, and devoted his attention to farming, holding at this time over five hundred acres of land in different parts of Putnam county, lie erected a splendid brick building at the corner of Main and Hickory streets, Ottawa, in 1890, and built many dwellings in Ot- tawa and many Putnam county towns tor rental purposes, for many years he was engaged in the real estate and loan business, ami was very successful.

Professor DeFord was married on November 5, 1859, to Mary V. Dun- can, who was born at Lordstown. Ohio, August 28, [ 83 7, the daughter of Thomas and Susan (I. each) Duncan. .Mrs. Deb'ord is a charter member of the second oldest club in Ohio, which was chartered in 1 N70. She had al- ways been active in the religious and club lite of her county. To this union five children have been born, Clara, who died at the age of three years and eight months; Matilda K., born November 17, 18/17, married \Y. !•'. Stevens, who is now librarian id the Carnegie library, at Homestead, Pennsylvania, and who was formerly librarian ol the Railroad Young Men's Christian As- sociation Library, sustained by Cornelius V'anderbilt. Mrs. Stevens is an active member of the Daughters of the Revolution, and takes a lively inter- est in civic work, having been instrumental in organizing a number of clubs. The other children are Mary Ann, who married George W. Mcfilev, a dry goods merchant, of Ottawa, and who is interested in social and civic work, particularly in public libraries; John 'P., born June 30, 1874, who is a promi- nent attorney of Minerva, Ohio, and who graduated from Mount Union Col- lege and the Cleveland Law School; and Susie F, born in [881, who married |ohn A. Hunter, now resides in Denver, Colorado. Mrs. Hunter is active


in church work in her home city. She is the mother of one son, John DeFonl. who is a student in the Denser public schools.

Samuel I*. DeFord is a Democrat, lie served three years as county examiner of Mercer county and seventeen years as examiner for Putnam count)', lie also served as coroner of Putnam county, lor two terms, and was president of the school board of Ottawa for many years, lie was also a justice of the peace and a member of the Ottawa city council. Professor DeFord is a member of Lodge No. 325, Free ami Accepted Masons, and of Ottawa Chapter No. 115, and of Ottawa Council No. 69. He has also been a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows since 1 S 5 7 , having joined the order at Newton halls, Ohio. Professor DeFord is also a mem- ber of the Royal Arcanum, lie is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and became a communicant of that church at the age of sixteen. In 1864 he was ordained a minister of the Methodist church.

Throughout his busy life, Professor DeFord has been prominent in the educational, religious and civic life of Ottawa and Putnam counties, lie is one <i| [he foremost citizens oi Putnam county and his career was founded upon scrupulous honesty and conscientious relations with bis fellow citi- zens. I le is undoubtedly cue of the representative citizens of Putnam county.


The man whose name appears above is widely known as one of the honored citizens of Putnam count)-, lie has resided here all his life, being a member of one oi the leading families in the community and prominently identified with the farming interests throughout this region of country. ills well-directed efforts in the practical management of his affairs and his sound judgment, base brought to him a fair measure of prosperity, and in all the relations of his life he has commanded the respect and confidence of those with whom he has been brought in contact.

Harney Henry Maag was born in Pleasant township, this county, March 28, 1881, and is the son of William and I ternardina (Kahli) Maag, whose life-record is given elsewhere in this work under the name of [ohn C. Maag.

Harney llcnrv Maag spenl his youth on bis father's farm in ibis county, Pleasant township, and received his education in (he township schools, but was ii"l a regular attendant for the reason that he was obliged to work on


PUTNAM COUN l'Y, olllo.

the farm. After remaining witli his parents until the age of maturity, he was married uh November 27, 1907, to Helena Meyer, daughter of Theo- dore and Mary .Ann ( I )rerup ) Meyer, who was born in Ottawa township, tins county. I ler father was a native oi Germany and came to this county with his parents when he was seven years of age. They first settled in Ot- tawa township, near the town of Glandorf, this county, where Theodore spent his earl_\' days and grew to manhood. Soon after his marriage he bought forty acres of fanning land 111 this neighborhood, to winch he added more land, from time to time, until the homestead place contained a total of ninety-five acres, lie later bought an additional one hundred acres, which is now occupied by his sun, Antoon Meyer, who bought it from his lather. Theodore Meyer followed the business of farming throughout his life, and was successful. His death occurred on October 24, [897, at which time he was in the sixty-fourth year oi his age. Mr. Maag's wife's mother was a native oi the town of Glandorf, Ohio, where she was born on |ulv 17, 1838, and alter living a must devoted, useful and successful life as a helpmate tu her husband, during his pioneer and later life, she lived until Septem- ber 16, 1913, leaving behind her sweet memories oi cheerfulness and love tnr the family that now mourn her loss. To their union were horn thirteen children, as tnllow: Theodore, deceased; Anton, I'rank, deceased; Barney, deceased; Joseph, who lives 111 the stale of Michigan; Mrs. Joseph Deters, ol Glandorf, Ohio; Mary, who b\es in Glandorf, Ohio; August, who lives in Michigan; Mrs. Henry Hagerman, of Delphos, Ohio; Kronia, who lives with Anton; John, oi Kalida, Ohio; Helena, subject's wife; and Kdward, who lives oil the homestead place, in Ottawa township, this county.

\fter Barney Henry Maag was married, he bought eighty acres, which is a part oi the present farm, and subsequently bought twenty acres form his father and another twenty acres which was known as the "Avenish I' aim." and adjoined his previous purchases. These holdings give him a total of one hundred and twenty acres, on which he has entirely remodeled or built new buildings, so that toda) this farm takes on the appearance of a well-kept, thoroughly-productive (arm, being the result ol unceasing energy, perseverance, and well-directed management. Ibis land required consider- able ditching, draining and fencing, before it was entirely suitable tor culti- vation and stock-raising and today it is considered highly productive and enables the owner to realize a satisfactory profit Iron) his crops and the live stock he feeds. In addition to general farming Mr. Maag takes con- siderable interest in live stock, particularly in full-blooded horses, and is


the owner ol a Percheron-Norman stallion which is valued at a high figure

and which is used for breeding purposes.

Mr. Maag dues not take an active interest in any fraternal organiza- tions, nor is he active in polities, Intl has always supported the Democratic party and firmly believes in the progressive principles set forth by that party, lie and his family are members of the Catholic church m Glandorf, Ohio, where they are regular attendants and contribute to the support according to their means. Mr. Maag is a member of the Putnam County German Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and. personally, is a man honored and re- spected by every one in the community that knows him. His acquaintance and friendship is large and socially he is a man well met.


When Dean Swift gave utterance to that immortal passage in his Gulliver's Travels: "And he gave it for his opinion that whoever could make two ears of corn or two blades of grass to grow where only one grew he- fore, would deserve better of mankind, and do more essential service to his country than the whole race of politicians put together," he paid the highest possible compliment to that large class of intelligent tillers of the soil whose most earnest endeavors are directed toward the effective cultivation oi the lands under their charge and care. Under the scientific direction of the l;o\ ernineiit's department of agriculture and the stale's equally well-directed efforts along the same line, the fanners of Putnam county, in the present generation, are literally performing wonders in the way oi intelligent, effec- tive agriculture and the public benefactor whom Swift foreshadowed in his imaginative way, has been outdone by many, the crop records of the past in this county not only having been doubled two ears of com growing where one grew before but have been trebled, and more, by the careful tillage which the modern farmer has found so essential to the successful cultivation of his acres. Among these signally successful tanners of this section of the state, none have secured better results than many of those of German birth or ancestry in this county, who not only have brought to their important task the best lessons of intensive farming so carefully fol- lowed in the old country, but have applied to all their doings those equally valuable traditions of thrift and prudence, so characteristic of the people of the Fatherland. And among this latter class, few* in Putnam county


arc better known or more popular among his large circle of acquaintances

than is William Rampe, a progressive and successful fanner of Ottawa township, to a brief sketch of whose career the biographer is glad to call attention at this point in this interesting review of the lives of the leading citizens of Putnam county.

William Rampe was born in Ottawa township, Putnam county, Ohio, on a farm close to the town of Ottawa, April 27, 1859, the son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Nottingbrock) Rampe, both of whom were natives of Ger- many.

Joseph Rampe was born in Glandorf, Planover, Germany, in 1825 and upon reaching manhood's estate immigrated to America, having become convinced that better opportunities awaited him on this side than he might hope to find presented in the old country. lie landed in New York and at once entered upon the exercise of his trade, that of a tailor, in which lie had become proficient before leaving Germany. In New York be worked at this trade until he had saved enough money to send back to Germany to secure the passage of his mother and three brothers to this country. Upon the arrival of these other members of his family, the Rampes con- tinued for a time to remain in New York, but presently pushed on further west, locating at Covington, Kentucky, across the river from Cincinnati, where Joseph Rampe continued bis trade as a tailor. After a sometime resi- dence there, he married Elizabeth Nottingbroetf, who was born in Germany, August 27, 1827, daughter of Henry Nottingbrock, who came to America with her parents at the age of seven years and who died on March 12, 1915, at the ripe old age of eighty-seven years, six months and thirteen days. Shortly following this marriage in 1844 Joseph Rampe and bis wife joined the German colony in this county, Mrs. Rampe's parents having long been residents of the Glandorf community, where she grew up, and Joseph put in his lot with his father-in-law, with whom he and his wife made their home, helping on the Nottingbrock farm until the death of Mr. Nottingbrock, after which Joseph took charge, gradually paying off the obligations which rested against the Nottingbrock farm, eventually buying the same, which at that time consisted of fifty-three acres. To this he added, as his circum- stances grew better, until at the time of his death, at the early age of thirty- seven, in March, 1862. he was the owner of ninety-three acres of well- cultivated land. Joseph Rampe was an industrious man whose ambition was centered in his family and in the hope that their condition in life might be easier than his had been and, at his death, he was sincerely mourned by many in the community in which be had so cheerfully put in his lot. Joseph


and Flizabclh (Nottingbrock) Rampe wei'c the parents of live children, Frank, Henry, two who died in infancy, and William, the immediate subject of this biographical review.

William Uanipc spent his boyhood days in Ottawa township, growing up on the homestead farm where he was born. Receiving such schooling as was provided at that period, at the age of sixteen, decided to try his fortunes further afield. With this object in view, he went to Missouri, where for four years he engaged in farming, "working out" to such advantage as might accrue to his labors. Not finding tilings in that state wholly to his liking, young Rampe returned home and helped on the farm until his marriage, on March 3, [886, to Anna Catherine Borgelt, daughter of William and Anna (Threasey) Borgelt, who was born on April 29, 1867, on the home place in Ottawa township. An interesting review of the career of the Borgelt family in this county is presented on another page of this volume in the biographical sketch relating to Herman Borgelt, a brother of Mrs. Rampe.

Following his marriage, William Rampe lived for four years in the home of his father-in-law in Ottawa township, assisting in the management of the farm, at the v\u\ of which time lie bought his present home farm of eighty acres in Pleasant township. This land was all heavily timbered when he bought it at an appraised value of two thousand two hundred dollars. The farm at that time was undrained, there being no outlets for ditches and, in bringing his place to its present excellent state of cultivation, Mr. Rampe incurred an indebtedness of three thousand two hundred dollars, which he has regarded as a good investment. By hard work and close application lie has made a good farm of his timber tract, clearing, ditching and other- wise improving the same, and has a good house and all necessary out- buildings. He is now regarded as one of the most prosperous farmers in his neighborhood.

To William and Anna Catherine (Borgelt) Rampe were born two chil- dren, Joseph Edward, an ambitious young farmer of Sugar Creek township, who married Emma Buckradd and has three children, Raymond. Anna Louisa Francisco and Ruth, and William Sylvester, who died at the age of ten months.

The Rampes are members of the Catholic church at Glandorf and are devoted to the best interests of that parish, being also active in such other good works as concern most intimately their immediate neighborhood and are very properly held as among the leading people of that section of the county. Mr. Rampe is a Republican, having cast his first vote for Presi- dent Garfield, and takes an intelligent interest in local politics, though he


never has been included among llie office-seeking class, lie is a member di" the Order of llie kcindeer, belonging to Ottawa Lodge No. 516, and takes an active interest in the affairs of that fraternal organization, lie is a jolly companion, a kind and losing husband and father, a lover of children, essentially a "home man." and hears a high reputation in his community he- cause of his honesty, frankness and sincerity in all his relations with his fel-


One of the best known citizens of Glamlorf, Putnam county, Ohio, is John \V. Halker. His whole career of more than three score years has been spent within this county.. His father came here in 1843 from Glandorf, Germany, located in Union township, and made this county his home the re- mainder of his life. Mr. Halker began business for himself in 1881, in Glan- dorf, and has since made this village his home. lie has always taken a very active part in the upbuilding of his community.

John VV. Halker, the treasurer of the Glandorf Building & Loan Asso- ciation, was horn in Union township, Putnam county, Ohio, February 3, 1854. tie is a son of II. W. and Catherine (Beucher) Halker. His father was a native of Glandorf, Germany, and came to this country when he was about thirty years oi age, locating in Putnam county in 1843, on a farm of one hundred and twenty acres, lie improved this farm and made it his home until i860, when he moved to Glandorf and engaged in the grocery and saloon business, until his death. August 18, [890, at the age of seventy-seven. II VV. Halker wa^ married in this county to Catherine Beucher, who was horn not far from Glandorf, Hanover, Germany, and died at Glandorf, Put- nam count)-, Ohio, in February, [897. There were seven children horn to I k W. Halker and wife, Mary, who died in January, 1891, the wife of Henry Nolte, of Delphos, Ohio; David, of Ottawa; John \V., of Glandorf; Cather- ine, living in Glandorf, Ohio; Matthew; Aggie, the wife of Lawrence Bohn, of Toledo, Ohio; Henry, who died in 1906, having survived his wife, who now lives in Glandorf.

John VV. Halker was educated in the schools of Glandorf, and finished his education in Cincinnati, lie began business for himself in 1SX1 by open- ing a grocery and saloon in Glandorf, and continued in this business, success- fully, until [903, when he disposed 1 f it to his brother, Henry. Mr. Halker helped organize the Glandorf German Building & Loan Association in 1887,

i'utn.ui county, onio. 417

and since its organization has been an official, serving as appraiser, a mem- ber of the finance committee, treasurer ami president, lie is also secretary oi tlie Glandorf German Mutual Insurance Association. In addition to this, he is interested in agriculture, ami owns considerable land in the vicinity of Glandorf, besides his beautiful home and other property in the village, lie has long been one of the leaders in bis county and is a man of unquestioned integrity. For four years he served as treasurer of his township, and fur twenty-five years was treasurer of the St. John's Benevolent Society, severing his connection with this society in November, 1913. lie has been active in the councils of the Democratic party of Putnam county, and has been one of its leaders for many years. He is of a sociable disposition and is well known and universally liked throughout the county, lie is a broad-minded and progressive man, and has always been foremost in promoting enterprises which were calculated to benefit his home town or the public at large.

.Mr. llalker was married on October 10, [894, to Lizzie Franke, who was horn ami reared in Glandorf, and is a daughter of Frederick and Cathe- rine ( FJlerbroek ) franke.

Frederick Franke, the father of Mrs. llalker, was born about three miles from Essen, Saxony, Germany, in 1843, and is a sou of Finest Franke. After his mother's death he was brought to America by his lather when he was rive years of aye. Finest franke was a blacksmith and operated a shop in rainier township, on the edge of the prairie, at a time when wolves and other dangerous beasts were still roaming the forests. Finest Franke was a fine workman and was an expert cutlerymaker. He died when Frederick was about nine years of aye at which time the boy was bound out until he was eighteen. At the opening of the Civil War, Frederick Franke enlisted in Company 1), Twenty-first Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served until the close of the war. After his return he finished learning the shoe- maker's trade and became a line workman. He went to Cincinnati and worked at his trade for three years, in the meantime attending night school. While in that city, he also learned to be a stationary engineer, and upon re- turning to Putnam county he became the engineer at the woolen mills in Glandorf for several years. However, tins close confinement was undermin- ing his health, when he became an agent tor the Singer Sewing Machine Com- pam and worked for them for fifteen years, at the expiration of which time he resigned his position with this company and became the manager of the lumber vard in Glandorf, retaining this position lor ten years, lie bought a share' 111 a lumber and planing null at K'alida in 1007 and two years later was




injured by a machine in tlie mill and was compelled t<> retire from active work, lie is now making his home at Kalida. Catherine ICllerbrock, the

wile of Frederick I'ranke, was horn at Glandorf, and is a daughter oi Diet- rich Kllcrhmck and wife. Her people came from Hanover, Germany, in 1834, and located at Glandorf, in Putnam county, among the very first settlers.

Mr. and Mrs. Ilalker are consistent members of the St. John's Catholic church at Glandorf, and are deeply interested in its welfare, being generous contributors to its support, always punctual in their fulfillment n| church duties.

Mrs. Ilalkcr's many activities brought her in touch with kind and loving friends. In accord with her husband's interests, she was a devoted helpmeet, a faithful wife and an inspiration lo those who knew her. She died in March, IOI5.


Amos Wilbur Best, one of the leading farmers of Union township, was born in the same township, on the farm on which he still lives, October 26, 1869, tne ■son "' John Calvin and Sarah A. (Nichols) Rest, the former of whom was born in Rose town-hip, Carroll comity, Ohio, December 16, 1841, the son of George and Sarah ( Wagner) Best, the latter of whom was horn in I'n ion township, Putnam comity, Ohio, March 22, 1841, the daughter of k.dward and Margaret (I'.rwin) Nichols.

George Rest, grandfather of the immediate subject of this sketch, was the son of John Best and was a life-long farmer, lie was reared on the farm in Rose township, Carroll county, Ohio, on which he was horn and acquired such schooling as was provided in that period, lie was a stone cutter, a brick mason and a carpenter, which trades he followed in the neigh- borhood in which he was reared. George Best was united in marriage to Sarah Wagner in 1S40, who was born in Rose township, Carroll county, Ohio, the daughter of Jacob and Margaret (Durst 1 Wagner, both of whom were born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, the latter being of Irish parentage, her brother, James, having been a soldier in the Mexican War.

Four years after their marriage, or in the year |S||. George Rest and bis wife and their two small children came to Putnam county anil settled in Sugar (reek township, buying a tract of land which then was an utter wilderness of unbroken forest. This farm, in due course of time, was brought to a high state of cultivation and here George Rest ami his wife



reared their family and spent the rest of their lives, his death occurring in May, 1874, at the age <>t fifty- four years, hi-, wife surviving him man}' years, her death not occurring until in May, 1897. lie was a standi I )emocrat, t< ><>k an active part in the political affairs of the county, and had served his town- ship several times in various capacities in public office, lie was a member oi the Lutheran church, while Ins wife was a member of the Christian church, and both were ewer active 111 the good works of the community.

To George and Sarah ( Wagner) Best were bom nine children, John Cal- vin, to whom reference is made below; Mary A., deceased, was the wife of David Hughes, oi Macon county, Missouri; Sarah A., deceased, was the wife of George Holderman, oi Newton. Kansas; Kniehne, deceased, was the wife hi Umney Goodman, also now deceased, of Columbus Grove, Ohio; Anne, the wife of Sherman Hubert, of Dupont, this county; lane, the wife of Lenial Sneary, living near Vaughnsville, in Sugar Creek township, this county; Ella, the wife of William H. Nichols, of drove Hill, Paulding county, Ohio; Arie R., the wife of Hendon Catlett, of Detroit, Michigan, and one child who died in infancy.

John Calvin Rest was born in Carroll county, Ohio, and came to Put- nam county with Ins parents at the age of three years. In the schools of Sugar ("reek township he received his education and was reared a fanner and carpenter. When little more than a boy, on August 12, [862, he enlisted 111 Company 1), One Hundred and Eighteenth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer In- fantry, and served until the close of the war. lie took part in the battles oi Moss ('reek, Buzzard Roost, Resaca, Lost Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Atlanta, Duck River, Franklin, Nashville, Port Anderson and numerous others, and during the latter part of the war, having been injured, was de- tailed as clerk in the quartermaster's department, under General Schofield, where he received his discharge at White Hall. Pennsylvania, in iS(>^.

John Cabin Rest was united in marriage on January 16, (868, with Sarah A. Nichols, of Union township, this county, whose father was a na- tive of Licking county, Ohio, and one of the earliest settlers in Putnam county. Further details oi the genealogy of Mrs. Best may be found in the biographical sketch oi her brother, Ann is Nichols, of Union township, presented elsewhere in this volume. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Rest lived tor lour years on a farm in Sugar Creek township and. 111 1N7}, moved to their present farm in Union township. Mere they originally had two hundred acres, which was reduced to its pa-sail extent of one hundred and twenty acres by the sale o! fori-} acres and the gifl to their son of another forty. The line between Sugar ( reek and I hi ion township divides this farm,


which is regarded as one of the best in that pari of the county. John Cal- vin Best is a good fanner and is one of (lie substantial members of the com- munity. Mi. Best is a stanch Democrat, as was his father before him, ami

for many years lias been regarded as one of the leaders of that party in his section of the county. He has been township trustee and a member of the county board of agriculture, besides which he has held minor township offi- ces, lie and the members of his family are members of the Christian church, lie is a member of Ogilvie Post, No. 64, Grand Army of the Republic.

To John Calvin and Sarah A. (Nichols) Best were born four children, Amos \\'., the immediate subject of this sketch; Alfred, a farmer of Union township, now deceased; Mrs. Sarah A. Streetor, deceased, and fohn !•'.., a tanner of Union township, who married Daisy Miller and has one child, Sarah Eveline.

Amos Wilber Best, eldest son of John Calvin and Sarah A. ( Nichols) Best was educated in the schools of his native township and was reared a tanner, remaining on the paternal farm until his marriage, at the age of twenty-nine, when he moved to the farm on which he now lives and wdiere he has engaged in general farming with success. Mr. Best is a Democrat and takes an interest in political affairs, but is not included in the office- seeking class.

Amos Wither Best was united in marriage on April _> I , [898, to Mary F.. McCratc. daughter of Joseph McCrate, a member of one of the old families of this county, additional details of whose genealogy may he found in the bio- graphical sketch of lulward L. Met rale, a brother of Mrs. Best, which is pre- sented elsewhere in this volume. To the union of Amos Wilber and Mary K. (McCrate) Best, three children have been horn, Gerald Pierce, Lawrence, and one who died in infancy. Gerald Pierce Best recently attained a notable bit of distinction by being one of the prize winners in the boys' corn- growing contest in this county, which not only secured to him the award of the prize offered by the William Kahle hank, at Ottawa, hut secured for him a place in the delegation of Ohio boy corn growers which was sent to Washington under the state auspices and which received such signal attention at the hands of the President and the department of agriculture. He raised a fraction over one-half bushel more than one hundred and twenty- two bushels of corn on one acre of land on his father's farm, exercising in this fine agricultural exploit a degree of judgment and a knowledge of scientific fanning which marked him as a youth of unusual parts. He is a very bright young man and was selected as one of the delegates representing


the boy corn growers of the country to the Panama-Pacific Exposition, at San I'Vancisco.

Mr. and Mrs. Best have a fine home on the main road to Kalida and take an active part in the social affairs of the neighborhood. They are both members of Ren Ilnr Lodge at Columbus Grove. Mrs. Best, before her marriage, was one of the leading school teachers in Putnam county, having taught for many years in the district schools. She is a member of the Catholic church at Columbus Grove and is a highly-educated woman. They have one of the good farms in the county, both in the matter of its soil as well as location, and are very pleasantly and comfortably situated.


Whether the elements of success in life are innate attributes of the in- dividual or whether they are quickened by a process of circumstantial de- velopment, it is impossible clearly to determine. The study of a successful life, whatever the held of endeavor, is none the less interesting and profit- able by reason of the existence of this uncertainty. So much in excess of those successes in life are the failures and semi-failures that one i- com- pelled to examine and analyze to find proximate causes. In studying the life history of Amos C. Oilier, former school teacher and now a successful tile manufacturer and fanner, as well as poultry fancier, we find many qualities in his make-up that win success. For many years, Mr. Diller was a successful teacher in the schools of Putnam county. Subsequently, he became an enterprising farmer, and, during these years, he has looked after the details of several business enterprises, including a tile factory, and has finally devoted a considerable amount of time to fancy poultry, with which he has also been successful.

Amos C. Diller was horn on June 21, 1871, in Riley township, Putnam county, Ohio. He is the son of John C. and Elizabeth (Schumacher) Diller. John G. Diller was also born in Riley township, February 21, 1841, the son of Peter and Barbara (Suter) Diller. Peter Diller was horn about 1813, in Alsace-Lorraine, and was the son of Christian Diller and wife, the former of whom was a farmer.

Peter Diller came to America at the age of fourteen with his mother and elder brother, John, the father having previously died. They arrived in America about 1827, and settled first in Holmes count)-, bill some time



later came to Putnam county. They settled in Riley township, where Peter Diller entered one hundred and .sixty acres of land in section 26. This became the old Miller homestead, lie later added other lands nnil he owned three hundred and twenty acres.

When Peter Diller settled in Putnam county, he was unmarried, lie first entered his land, built a log cabin, and, about a year later, was married to Barbara Suter. lie took up his residence on the new homestead when all ot his worldly goods consisted of one horse and a wagon and a few supplies with winch to begin his battle with the wilderness. Mis were the common experiences of the pioneers. Me anil his wife suffered all id" the privations and hardships incident to such life. Me was compelled to go either to Perrysburg or Tiffin to mill, such trips taking several class. Peter Miller and wife had eight children, six soils and two daughters, all of whom lived to maturity, with the exception of one son, Christian, who died at the age of sixteen years. They were Christian, Adam, John, Magdalena. Benjamin, Peter, Mary and David.

John (i. Miller, the lather of Amos C, grew up on the old homestead. Me attended the typical log cabin school, and helped his father clear the land. When he was ten years old, his lather built the house which still stands. Two years later, in 1853, he built the barn which is also in a splen- did state of preservation.

When John (I Diller was twenty-seven years old, he was married to I'.lizahelh Schumacher, the wedding taking place on March 14, [868. She was born on March 15, 1848, in Richland township, Allen count)', and who is the daughter of Jolm and Barbara (Steiner) Schumacher. John Schu- Inacher was the brother of Peter Schumacher, who was the father of six- teen children, among whom was Christian I'., the life-story of whom is told elsewhere in this volume. After his marriage, John G. Miller remained on the old place. He took a trip to California for his health and died there on March 7, 1908. Me led a very active life and was engaged as a general farmer, having been quite successful in this vocation. Me was a Democrat and served as school director for a number of years. Me was a member of the Mcunonite church. John G. Miller and wile had nine children, the eldest of whom died in infancy. The others were William, Amos, Bertha, I.evina, Noah, Lena, Rimer and Sarah, all of whom are now living and all married except Bertha. Mrs. John G. Miller died on April 1, 1NN1.

Amos C. Miller was born on the old homestead of his father and grandfather and here grew to manhood. Me lust attended die old district school, No. f>, and later district No. m. After finishing the common schools,



lie took three terms of work at the Tri-State Normal School, at Angola, Indiana, and then attended the lilulTton high school the next winter. The following winter he taught school and the summer following this had special normal work in Lindlay College. After this, for ahout ten years, he con- tinued teaching, and then took a teacher's summer course at Bluff ton Col- lege, after which he taught again. Altogether, Mr. Diller taught ten years.

When twenty-seven years old, he was married to Lena Schumacher, the marriage taking place on September 25, 1898. She was horn on January 24, 1 S 7 5 , in Richland township, Allen county, and is the daughter of John and Barbara (Geiger) Schumacher. John Schumacher was a son of Christian Schumacher. He was one of the strongest men, physically, in this part of the state, lie was born on August 5, (849, and died on November 7, [907. His wife, who was Barbara Geiger before her marriage, was horn on October 1. 1855, and died May 3, 1897. They had thirteen children, Lena, Susan, Mary, Peter, Llias. Gideon, Lizzie, Jesse, Salome, Martha, John Adam and Minnis, the two latter being deceased.

Amos C. Diller continued to teach for four years after his marriage and then located on the farm of David Diller, which was originally a part of Peter Diller's estate, and which Amos C. Diller purchased from Ferdinand Reichenbach. This farm he still owns and here he lues today.

In addition to farming, Mr. Diller has been engaged in the manufacture of tile for ahout twenty years, being associated with his uncle, Benjamin Diller, and his brother, William. This concern does a large and lucrative business! and for the past eight years Amos ('. Diller has owned and operated this business alone.

In addition to his other activiies, Mr. Diller is an expert breeder of Rose Comb Rhode Island \<<.i\ poultry. lie has taken first prize on this breed at BlulTton, Lima, I'indlay, Delphos, Pandora and at the Ohio State Poultry exhibit at Columbus. In addition to these prizes, many of Mr. Diller's birds have taken prizes for their owners at other places.

Amos C. Diller is a stockholder and president of the Jenera Merchan- dise Company, of Jenera, Ohio, lie is also a stockholder and secretary of the D. ('. Shank Company, of Pandora, Ohio, and is treasurer of the Men- nonite Mutual Aid Society and Insurance Company.

To Mr. and Mrs. Amos C Diller, seven children have been horn, Orlo, born on August -'3, 1899; Bessie, horn on September 4, 1002; Edna, born on April 15, 1904; Rdison, horn on May 26, 1905; Jennie, horn on July 14. Mjod; Lav, born on April 15. 101 1. and Lester, horn on August 27, 1913.

Mr. Diller is .1 Democrat, lb- is one of Riley township's most interest-


ing ;uul successful citizens, an aggressive and alert business man, a success- ful fanner and a well-in formed and valuable citizen. lie and his wife and family are members of the Mennonite church.


Putnam county has many residents who have prospered in business. One of her citizens, who has made a notable success in the lumber business, is James MacDonald, who is thoroughly acquainted with his line of business, from the ground up, which fact undoubtedly accounts for much of his success.

James MacDonald was born on February 23, 1873, in Leipsic, Putnam county, Ohio, the son of William John and Margaret (McKeen) MacDon- ald. William J. MacDonald was born in the parish of Killyman, County Ty- rone, Ireland, in 1839. Mis father in turn came from Scotland and was a soldier in the British army, serving in South Africa. By reason of his serv- ices as a soldier, he became the possessor of a tract of land in Ireland, and made his home there. W. J. MacDonald was probably twenty-five years of age when he came to America and located at Cleveland, Ohio. He was mar- ried in Belfast, Ireland, to Margaret McKeen, a native of Carmoney, near Belfast, County Antrim, a daughter of James and Elizabeth (Roberts) McKeen. She lived in Ireland until after her marriage, and before they came to America, one daughter was born, now the wife of I. Pressley Sher- rard, living on the MacDonald farm at the north edge of Leipsic.

Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald lived in Cleveland from 1865 until 1871, where he followed his trade as a bricklayer and stonemason. He came to Putnam county in 1871, and purchased twenty acres of land at the north edge of Leipsic, where he has resided since. I I ere he continued at his trade and contracted for a number of years, lie had a part in the erection of most of the larger brick buildings in Leipsic. While at work on the Metho- dist church in 1895 he met with an accident in which several bones were broken, which weakened him so that be was compelled to relinquish his life work.

Five children were born to William J. MacDonald and wife, Mrs. Min- nie Sherrard, a resident of this county; William J., of Liberty township; George W., a contractor, who died at Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1911; Alexander, ol Grand Rapids, Michigan, and James, of Leipsic. The mother of these


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children died on August 4, 1014, at the age of eighty-three. She was an active supporter of the Presbyterian church, as was her husband. \V. J. MacDonald was a charter member of the Knights of Pythias lodge at Leip- sic, and died December II, 1914, at his home in Leipsic.

lames MacDonald grew up at Leipsic and learned bricklaying and stone- cutting with his brother. He worked at the trade about fifteen years, during which time he engaged in contracting. He continued in that capacity until 1908. He also engaged in the retail builders' supply business at Leipsic about the year 1899. lie opened up a lumber yard at Leipsic in 1905. With it he combined a line of builders' supplies, and has since continued in that business. Mr. MacDonald has been conspicuously successful and does a verv large business in his line.

He built one of the handsomest brick residences in 1912 in Leipsic, where he now resides. Mr. MacDonald was married on May 3, 180.3, to Capitola Isabelle Close. She was born between Gilboa and Benton Ridge, in the west part of Hancock count)-, Ohio, the daughter of Solomon Markley and Sarah Elizabeth (Kindle) (lose. Solomon (lose was born in October, 1834, in Putnam county, not far from Bluffton, and was a son of Michael and |ane (lose. Solomon (4o.se was a farmer until he reached old age and lived pari ot the time between Gilboa and Benton Ridge, lie later moved to Van Buret] township, in this county, and now lives in West Leipsic. He was a soldier ill the Civil War, a member of Company G, One Hundred and [Eighteenth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served for three and one-half years. He was never wounded nor in a hospital. He is now a member ot the Lost of the Grand Army of the Republic at Leipsic, in which fraternal order he takes a great interest.

Mrs. MacDonald grew to womanhood in Putnam county. To lames MacDonald and wife eight children were born, three of whom died in in- fancy. The live living children are Florence Menetta, Lawrence James, Serge R. C, Vivian Beatrice and Evelyn Rose.

Mr. MacDonald is a stanch adherent of the Republican party, but takes no active interest in political affairs, preferring rather to devote all his time .-mil attention to his extensive business interests. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, while Mrs. MacDonald is a member of the Pythian Sisters. Bodi Mr. MacDonald and his wife are loyal and earnest members of the Presbyterian church, in whose welfare they are deeply interested, and to whose support they are liberal contributors. They are highly respected citizens ol their community, enjoying the esteem of a large number of neigh- bors and friends.



Among the best-remembered successful farmers of the past generation iu Putnam county was the late John Theodore Moening. Of this man it may he said that he possessed strong and active sympathies; his tempera- ment was warm and ardent, his feelings deep and intense, and these and other characteristics unconsciously drew him an unusual number of devoted friends, upon whom, under all circumstances, he could rely, and who, now that he has passed away from earthly scenes, revere Ins memory, lie was a close student of human nature and comprehended with little effort, the motives and purposes of men, and he was a lover of truth and sincerity. In brief, he is remembered as a manly man, of pleasing hut dignified presence, a student of many subjects and an influential man in the circles in which he moved. Of sound character and unflagging energy, he stood as a con- spicuous example of the well-developed American, and his position as one of the community's representative citizens was conceded by all who knew him.

[olm Theodore Moening was horn in Ottawa township, Putnam countv. Ohio, September 2, 1S67, and was the son of Henry and Elizabeth (Ellerbrock) Moening, whose life history is given elsewhere in tins work, under the caption, "Henry Moening."

Mr. Moening remained on his father's farm near Glandorf, Ohio, and received his education in the neighboring schools. At the age of twenty- two lie was married to Matilda Brockman, which event occurred on Novem- ber ii), 1889. His wife was the daughter of Joseph and Caroline (Lam- vchri Brockman and was horn in hort Jennings, Putnam county, Ohio. Her father was a native of Assurbrick, which is not far from Glandorf, Ger- mans', and came to this country alone when a very young man. Having ac- quired a thorough knowledge of the carpenter's trade in Germany and be- lieving there were good opportunities for a man of his ability in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, he first went there, but later decided to go to Glandorf, Putnam countv. Ohio, where he fanned for a while and did some carpenter work, then removed to Fort Jennings, this county, where he was employed to build the St. Joseph's Catholic church and which was started in 1852. After completing this work he retired from active work" in the carpenter line and went to live on a small tract near town, which he farmed in a small way until the time ol his death in [896, in the eighty-second year of his age. He was a Democrat, but took' no active part in these affairs. He was a devout member of the St. Joseph's Catholic church. Mis wife, Caroline



(Lanivehr) Broekman, was a native of Glandurf, Putnam county, Ohio, and was horn on September 25, 1H45. She is now residing on the home- stead place, near Kurt Jennings, this county, and at the present time is in the seventy-ninth year ol her age. To their union were horn ci^ht children as follows : Joseph, of l'Ort Jennings; Caroline t Mrs. Reavie), of ( >tta\va town- ship, this county; Henry, uf Dayton, Ohio; Klizabelh (.Mrs. Moening), of Glandorf, Ohio; Mary (Mrs. West felt 1, of Kalida, Ohio; Matilda, wife ot our suhject ; Lewis, who resides on the old homestead near Port Jennings, and 1 liristena, deceased; [osephine (Mrs. Ilelcamp), of It. |ennings, was a daughter hy a former marriage.

Alter the marriage of John T. Moening and wife, he went to live 1 in Ins farm, winch consisted of eighty-two acres, and continued to live nil this place until the tune of his death, April 6, 1 u 1 4. When lie bought this tract, there were lint forty acres of clear land and the rest of it was in heavy timber. A ureal deal of his tune was occupied in clearing the place, ditching, draining and fencing, and today this place is considered one of the must productive small farms m this section. When Mr. Moening was a young man of eighteen lie took a great deal of interest in threshing ma- chinery, and having bought himself an outfit of this kind lie proceeded to ^o about the county threshing for the farmers and thus gained a wide acquaintance and was generally known to he absolutely upright and fair in his dealings, and had the respect and high esteem of everyone who knew him. The direct cause of his death was cancer of the liver, from which he was a ipnet and patient snlTcrer. I lis attending physician constantly warned him of the danger and repeatedly told him that he had but a short time to live, nevertheless he kept the true facts, pertaining to his condition, from his wife and family and always appeared he hue them with such a cheerful man- ner thai they little suspected his grave physical condition.

To Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Moening were horn five children, as follow: Levina (Mrs. Louis Schroeder), who lives on a farm in Pleasant township, this county; Adaline (Mrs. Arnold Schroeder) who lives in Pleasant town- ship and has a son, Harold; Amanda. Clarence and Hilerious, who live at home with their mother.

Mr. Moening was not an aggressive politician in his daw hnl at one time was a member ol the hoard ol school directors, lie was a Democrat

and at all limes si I for ihe progressive methods proposed by that party.

The entire family were regular members of the Catholic church and Mr. Mornitiij was a member of the hoard of chinch trustees for four years.


Personally, he was ;i man of broad ideas and ever alert to lend any assist- ance he could toward all meritorious propositions th.it purported to he to the best interests ol the community, and on account of his wide acquaint- ance and familiar figure in important gatherings, his death will always he keenly felt by every one who knew him.


One of the best-known young farmers and stock dealers in Putnam county is John VV. -Meyer, whose attractive place in Union township is the subject of admiring attention on the part of travelers on the highway which leads past the place, and whose stable of full-blooded Belgian horses is known far and near throughout the county. Mr. Meyer is one of the younger generation of farmers who are taking advantage of all the latest research along agricultural lines and in consequence has one of the best-kept and most productive small farms in his part of the county, tie is alert in all that pertains to his business, for he is a farmer who looks upon farming as a real business and not a mere haphazard strewing of grain, and holds a high place in his community. His progressive methods certainly entitle him to mention among the men of enterprise in Putnam county and the biographer finds pleasure in presenting, at this point, a brief outline of the salient points in his career.

John W. Meyer was born in Pleasant township, Putnam county, Ohio, on Christmas Day, 1887, a son of John B. and Catherine (Smith) Meyer, both of whom were born in Ottawa township, in the same county.

John P>. Meyer, who is now living a retired life in the city of Ottawa, the county seat of Putnam county, is the son of George Meyer, a former well-known and influential farmer of Union township, this county, who came to this country from Germany, first settling on a farm near Glandorf, this county, where he married and where his children were born, and where he lived until the death of his wife, after which he bought a farm in Union township, the place at present owned and occupied by his son-in-law, Joseph Unverfurth. where he spent the rest ol his life. George Meyer and his wife were the parents of the following children: John P>, Joseph, Elizabeth, Theresa, Katherine and Caroline, all of whom were brought up in the Catholic faith.

John IV Meyer was reared on the paternal farm and was educated in


the nearby school at Glandorf. Until his marriage to Catherine Smith, whose parents were among the early settlers in Putnam county, he lived on his father's farm, but previous to Ins marriage had bought a farm of one hundred and sixty acres in Ottawa township, to which he moved upon his marriage, and rapidly brought it to a good state of cultivation, lie lived there for about twenty years, at the end of which time he bought a farm of two hundred and twenty-six acres on section 17, in Union township, on which he erected as line a set of farm buildings as there was in that part of the county at that time. His dwelling house was large, roomy and com- fortable, substantial in every detail, and the farm buildings were in keeping with the same. The barn, which Mr. Meyer erected at that time, was for many years a veritable landmark in that section, its peculiar style of archi- tecture attracting general attention, it being built in circular shape and was regarded as one of the finest in the county. Mr. Meyer lived on this place for about fourteen years and then sold that part of the farm containing the house and farm buildings, comprising fort)' acres, to his son, John \\ ., who now lives there, lie then purchased a home m Ottawa and moved to the county seat, where he is now living in comfortable retirement from the activities of life, enjoying the fruits of his earlier days of industrious appli- cation to the business of the farm. About twenty years ago Mrs. Meyer, mother of the immediate subject of this sketch, died, ami Mr. Meyer took to himself a second wife, marrying Catherine Hark.

'|*o b'hn I'., ami Catherine (Smith) .Meyer were born four children, as follow: Mary, who married Michael Donnersbauch and lives on a farm near St. Clair, Michigan: August, who married Laura Krhart and lives in the town of Glandorf, this county; b'hn \Y\, the subject of this sketch, and Frederick, who married Susan Sleeter and lives in b't. Jennings, t hi ^ county.

John \V. Meyer was reared on the paternal farm, attending both the district school of that neighborhood and (he school at Glandorf. Me mar- ried [osephine Dangler mi July X, r r> 1 3 , daughter of Rdward ami Margaret Dangler, both natives of this slate, who, alter their marriage, located on a farm near Ottawa, this county, later moving to Defiance, Ohio, where they lived for ten vears, at the end of which time they moved back' to Putnam count)', locating on a farm in Union township, on which they still live. Thev are the parents of three children, Josephine, Aba and Genevieve, all of whom are members of St. Michael's Catholic church at Kalida, with which Mr. Meyer also is connected.

On his small, but highly-cultivated farm Mr. Meyer is obtaining ex-



cellent results. In connection with his work of general fanning he is deeply interested in the raising of full-blooded I'elgian horses and is developing this hranch ol his operations into ;i very well-dclincd business. Me gives close attention to the general public affairs of his community and is regarded u-* one of the coming men oi advanced thought in farming lore in that part of the county, lie is one of the directors of the Mutual Telephone Com- pany at Kalida. lie and his wife take an active part in the social affairs of the neighborhood and are very popular among their large circle of ac- quaintances.


Among the enterprising farmers and citizens of I'utnam county, none stands higher in the esteem oi his fellow citizens than Sherman A. Wilkins. lie has long been actively engaged in farming in I'utnam counts' and the years of his residence have but served to strengthen the feeling of admiration on the part of his fellow men. Me has led an honorable life in every par- ticular and set a worthy example for the young and rising generation. He is entitled to representation in any work winch purports to set forth the achievements oi the citizens oi I'utnam county. Me has applied himself very closely to the work mapped out in his life's career and has waited for the future to bring its reward, and today he is one of the substantial men of I 'utnani county.

Sherman A. Wilkins, one of the well-known fanners of Putnam county, was born in I'lanchard township, Hancock county, Ohio, August 21, 1H68, the son of Jacob and Harriett (Stover) Wilkins. Jacob Wilkins was born in Licking count}', Ohio, April 30, 1837, the son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Krilsingcr) Wilkins, the former a native of Virginia and a pioneer of Licking and I'utnam counties.

|acob Wilkins came from Licking county when four years old, with his parents, who settled in I'lanchard township, I'utnam county. Mis father lived in different places in I'utnam and Hancock counties and spent the year uS_|6 in Iowa, returning at the end of thai year to I 'utnam county. facob Wilkins spent his youth in Riley and lilanchard townships in I'utnam county and here he received his early education. At the age ol twenty-nine, he was married to Harriett Stover, in April. i.XOO. Mrs. Wilkins was the daughter oi Daniel and Catherine (t'laybangh) Stover, who were pioneers of I'liiiiani eouniv. Daniel Stover entered land from the government during I 'resident


lack son's administration, in 1827. Alter Mr. Wilkins's marriage, he lived for eight years in I'lanchard township in llaneoek comity ami then moved to Riley township, I'ntnam comity, where he received fifty acres oi land from the Stover estate. He later [)iirchased ninety acre-.. The original farm had contained only two acres that were cleared. This farm of fifty acres had a rude log cabin and no barn. Jacob VVilkins proceeded to clear the land. I Ins work he almost accomplished during his lifetime, lie followed general farming and was very successful, lie was a Democrat, lie died on March 8, 1905, at the age oi sixty-eight. I lis wife died the following November, 1006. She was a member of the Church of God and was a loving mother and a devoted wife. To this union ten children were born, Orpha, deceased, who was the wife of David I'ulton; Sherman, the subject of this sketch; blizabeth. deceased, who was the wife of Wesley Neighbarger; Curtis, de- ceased; William, who died in infancy; Gertrude, who died at the age of tour- teen, Delia, the wife of Herbert Harris; Callie, the wife of William Hart- man; Grover, who married Lou Kissinger; Charles, who is supposed to have been drowned in California in 1914.

Sherman A. W'ilkins was four years old when his parents moved to Riley township, Putnam county, and here he spent his childhood, attending

the old district school No. I. After finishing the common scl Is, he took a

special normal course in I-eipsic, and then taught school for two terms. Mr. W'ilkins was a successful teacher, but was inclined to farming and, after teaching two years, turned his attention to this vocation.

When Mr. Wilkins was thirty-seven years old, he was married to Lydia McDowell, who was horn on August 20, 1867, in lacking county and who is the daughter of I'hilitus and Nancy (Harris) McDowell, who were among the early pioneers of I'utnain county. I'hilitus McDowell was horn 111 Licking county in 1 832.

\ftcr Ins marriage, Mr. W'ilkins continued to farm the old home place. lie has always dune general farming and has been. one of the most success- ful men in his community.

Mrs. W'ilkins belongs to the Methodist Protestant church. He is a Democrat and has served his township efficiently as trustee. He is a wide- awake, intelligent and progressive tanner, one of Riley township's most valued citizens, lie is well and favorably known throughout Riley township

and I'utnain county, and his reputation for I esl\ and s(|iiare-dealing has

never keen c|uestioncd. Sherman \. W'ilkins is not only a highly respected citizen oi his community, hut he is a man of genial disposition and a man who is much admired lor Ins pleasing personality, lie is known as a man w ho "does limit's."



The present judge of the probate court of I'utnam county, Ohio, is Jo- seph Mersman, who has heen filling tins responsible position since 1909. A native of this county, he has spent practically his whole life here, and since he was eighteen years of age, lie has always lived in Ottawa, with the excep- tion of two years. He started when a young man as a clerk in a general »tore in Ottawa, and after following this for several years, he engaged in \he creamery business and was the manager of the Riverside Creamery, in Ottawa, until his election as probate judge of the county. In the adminis- tration of the duties of this office he has exercised great care and sound judgment and his decisions have always been characterized by fairness and •mpartiality.

Judge Joseph Mersman, the son of Bernard and Julianna (Rockhold) Mersman, was horn at Glandorf, in this county, in 1858. I lis father was born 111 I Iauenhorst, Rheinpfalz, Germany, in 1818, and came to America •.\hcii he was about twenty-four years oi age. The father of Bernard Mers- man died in Germany, and a year or so after Bernard came to this country, his mother also came here and made her home with one of her daughters, .Mrs. Meyers, in Putnam county, until her death, January 2, 1877, at the ad- vanced age of ninety-six.

Bernard Mersman first located at Cincinnati, Ohio, upon coming to this country, hut shortly afterward moved to Glandorf, l'ulnam county, where he lived the remainder of his life. He was a merchant and one of the founders of the Glandorf Woolen Mills, a factory which was of much im- portance'111 the early history oi Glandorf. In addition to his store and fac- tory, he also owned a farm near Glandorf, making this place his home until his death, in r866, at the age of forty-eight. Julianna Bockhold, the wife of Bernard Mersman, was horn in German), a daughter of John and [Cath- erine Bockhold, She came to America with a relative and went to Cincin- nati, later locating in Glandorf, where she met and married Bernard Mers- man. To this union the I olio wing children were horn, fi >ur of whom are living, the others dying in infancy, except Bernard anil George. Bernard, de- ceased. George Henry, deceased, Joseph, Frank J. and Katherine, the wife id" Samuel I lunchbargcr, Mrs. Theasic Goede. The mother of these chil- dren died mi March 23, [909.

Joseph Mersman spent his boyhood days on his father's farm, near Glandorf. his father dying when he was hut eight years of age. fie worked ou the home farm and attended the schools of his township until he was

jl'lxtK JosKi'ii .\ii:i;sma\.


seventeen years of age, and then went to Kendallville, Indiana, where he worked lor one year, after which time he returned to Putnam county, and located in Ottawa, where lie has since lived, with the exception of two years. Upon locating in Ottawa he began clerking in a general store and for thir- teen years was employed as a salesman, lie then engaged in the creamery business and conducted the Riverside Creamery, until he became probate judge. For several years he has been active in the councils of the Demo- cratic party, and in [908 his party nominated and subsequently elected him as judge of the probate court, and so satisfactory was his service during his first term that he was renominated and again elected 111 the fall of [912, for another term of four years.

Judge Mersman was married in 1880. to Anna M. Unterbrink. She was born in Greensburg township, this county, and is a daughter of Ferdi- nand and Gertrude Unterbrink. Her parents were natives of Germany, and upon coining to this country located in Greensburg township. Mr. Unter- brink was a well-known farmer, a justice of the peace and a county com- missioner for two terms, lie was prominently known throughout the county. .Mrs. Mersman is a woman oi unusual attainments, and early in life began to teach in the public schools of this county, and for several years taught in Greensburg, Pleasant, Union and Ottawa townships.

Judge Mersman and his wife are members of the Catholic church, and deeply interested in its welfare.


In recent years much attention is being paid by the farmers of Putnam county to the breeding of live stock, cattle in particular receiving careful attention in this direction, it having been satisfactorily proved by many farmers that in judicious feeding lies the greatest source of profit. Not only more, but a higher grade of cattle are being raised in this county, many farmers being particularly careful to have none but the best strains on their farms. Among the farmers of Union township who lately have been devoting much care to the breeding of choice cattle, few are heller known in this direction than is Barney bellman. Mr. bellman is of the third generation of his family in this county.

Barney bellman was born on a farm in Pleasant township, Putnam county, Ohio, August 14, [869, the son of Rarney and Louisa (Nicse) Felt-



man, the former of whom was born in the town of Glandorf, and the latter

, of whom was born on a farm in Ottawa township, both in Putnam county.

Barney Feltman, the elder, father of the immediate subject of this sketch, was the son of Henry ami Angcline ( Sager ) Feltman, natives of Hanover, Germany, who came to America, proceeding to Putnam county, Ohio, where they located in the Glandorf settlement at an early clay in that interesting German colony's history. The farm which Henry Feltman wrested from the forest wilderness became one of the most valuable tracts in that part of the county, the site of the present town of Glandorf covering a large portion of it. Here Henry Feltman lived until the death of his wife, after which time he made his home with his son, Barney, in Pleasant town- ship, where he spent the rest of his life. He was a man highly honored throughout that section in his day and generation and he and his good wife were among the most influential members of the German colony, which did so much for the early development of that part of Putnam county. Henry and Angeline (Sager) Feltman were the parents of six children, Catherine, Elizabeth, Agnes, Mary, William and Barney, the latter of whom was reared on his father's farm at Glandorf, receiving such education as the schools of that time and place afforded and remaining on his father's farm until his marriage to Louisa Niese, at which time he moved to a farm of one hundred and twenty acres in Pleasant township, which his father had given him. This he cleared and improved and later added to it fifty-three acres, which he brought to an equal state of cultivation, making it one of the best farms in that township. Barney Xiese, father of Mrs. Feltman, was a well- known fanner of the Glandorf neighborhood and lived there until the death of his wife, who was a Laefker, a member of one of the early families of that section, whereupon he moved to the home of his son, Barney Xiese, in Palmer township, where he spent the rest of bis life, lie was left with six children, Louisa, Theresa, Agnes, Anna, Barney and Helena.

To Barney and Louisa (Niese) Feltman were born seven children, as follow: Alary, who married Frank Recker and lives in Ottawa township, this county; Barney, the subject of this sketch; Joseph, who married Helena Xierniann and lives in Pleasant township, this county; Edward, who mar- ried Bernardina LJphaus and lives in the city of Ottawa, this county; August, who married Helena Kleman and lives in Ottawa township, this county; Harry, who married Florence Schmueller and lives in Pleasant township, this county, and Arnold, who married Josephine Kleman and also lives in Pleasant township.

Barney Feltman was reared on his father's farm in Pleasant township, receiving his education in the public schools of that township, and remained


there until his marriage in 1890, after which he lived for a time on a rented farm nearby and then bought a farm of forty-four acres in the same town- ship, which he later sold and bought eighty acres in sections 7 and iS, in Union township, later buying twenty-five acres in the corporation bounds of the town of Kalida. He has improved his farm in line shape, the build- ings being of an attractive and substantial character and the land well tilled and brought up to a high state of cultivation.

Barney Feltman was united in marriage on August 12, [890, to Anna Ricker, daughter of Henry and Louisa (Hermiller) Kicker, prominent resident of Union township, this county, the former of whom was the son of Herman and Mary ( Kottenbrock) Ricker. who came from Germany and settled in the Glandorf neighborhood in this county, where they reared a family of nine children, Henry, John, Mary, Catherine, Elizabeth, Anna, Herman, Frank and Wilhelmina. Louisa Hermiller was the daughter of Bernard and Bernardina Hermiller, both of whom were natives of Germany, who came to America and for a time lived in the state of Massachusetts, later coming to this county and locating in Ottawa township, where they spent the remainder of their lives. They were parents of seven children, Louisa, Rosa, William, Mary, Henry, Frank and Philomena.

For a time after their marriage Henry Ricker and wife lived on a farm in Pleasant township, this county, later they moved to a farm in Ottawa township, and, finally, located in Union township. To them were born nine children, Mary, Anna, Elizabeth, Clara. Lucy, Herman, Emma, Igna- tius and Caroline. Mary (now deceased) married Henry Fllerbrock, of Ft. Jennings, this county; Elizabeth married Joseph Fllerbrock and lives in Jackson township; Clara married Henry Ricker and lives in Jennings township; Lucy married Benjamin Barlager and lives in Kalida. The others are still unmarried.

To Barney and Anna (Kicker) Feltman have been born four children, as follow: Frank B., horn on May 31, 180,1 ; Emma L., born on February 18, [905, died in infancy; Mary, born on September 6, 1907, and Genevieve, horn on April 6. 11)09. Frank has completed his course at Cincinnati in auto- mobile engineering.

Mr. and Mrs. Feltman are members of St. Michael's Catholic church at Kalida and their children have been brought tip in the faith, all being devoted to the church's interest and active in the various good works of the parish. Mr. bellman is a Democrat and lakes deep interest in matters relating to local government, being regarded as one of the leaders of the party in that part of the county, lie has served his township in the capacity



df assessor and is one of the directors of ihe Mutual Telephone Company at Kalida. Mr. Fellman is a good Fanner and an excellent judge of cattle, taking much pride in his fine herd of full-hlooded Shorthorns, to which he gives much attention and which he has found a very gratifying source of profit. He is pleasant in his dealings with his neighbors, courteous to all and is one oi the popular men in his section of the county.


It is a well-attested fact that the greatness of a community of state lies not in the machinery id' government nor even in its institutions as much as in the sterling qualities of its individual citizens. In his capacity for high and unselfish efforts and his devotion to the public welfare, Gideon C. Steiner has conferred honor and dignity upon his community and as an elemental part of history, it is fitting that there should he recorded a resume of his career with the object m view of noting his connection with the advancement ol one of the most nourishing and progressive sections of the great common- wealth of Ohio, as well as his official relation with the administration of educational affairs of the township honored by his residence.

Gideon ( '. Steiner was horn in Riley township, Putnam county, October 23, iNoj, the son of Christian and Magdalene (Lugibihl) Steiner, whose family history in found in the sketch of David (.'. Steiner, a brother of Gideon C.

Gideon C. Steiner was a regular attendant at the old Rim ('enter school, and lie grew to manhood on the old home place. After finishing the common schools, he took a normal course at the Ohio Northwestern University, at Ada. Later, he did special work at l.eipsic, and also special normal work at the Tn-Statc Normal at Angola, Indiana. Upon finishing his education, he (aught school in I'utnam and adjointiug counties for eight years. Gideon ( '. Steiner was considered a successful teacher and many of his friends believe he would have risen high in the ranks of this profession had he continued a teacher.

At the age ol twenty-four, on November 1. 1888, Mr. Steiner was married to Mary A. Maunigartner, who was horn in Wayne county, Ohio, the daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Althausc) Raumgartner, the former a native of Adams counts, Indiana, having been horn near Heme, and the latter of Wayne county, Ohio. Daniel naunig.'irlncr was the son of Chris-



tian Baumgartner and wife, who were natives of Switzerland, and who settled in Adams county, Indiana, in an earl) day. In addition to being a fanner, Christian Baumgartner was a minister of the Mennouite church. He was the fourth child of his parents and grew up in Adams county, In- diana. He was burn on December 3, 1844. .Alter his marriage, he moved to Wayne county, Ohio, and here lived for a short time, lie then removed to Bluft'ton, Allen count}', Ohio, and after several years, returned to Adams county, Indiana, finally removing to Bluffton, which was his last residence. He was originally a fanner, and in addition to this, he learned the shoe- maker's trade, which business he followed later in life, conducting a retail .-•hoe business in Bluffton. Daniel and Elizabeth Baumgartner had live children, .Mary, the wife of Mr. Sterner; Joel, of Salem, Oregon; Allien, of Bluffton, ( >hio; Elmer W., who died at Leipsic, Ohio, in 1 < m i, and Lucy, who died in infancy. Elizabeth Althause, Daniel Baumgartner's wife, was the daughter of David and Mary ( Kirchhoffer ) .Althause, who were natives nt Switzerland, and who came to America at an early date. Elizabeth Althause was horn on March 16, 1839, and died in November, 1886.

Alter his marriage, Gideon C. Steiner taught school for three years. Later he began tanning for himself when he rented a farm of eighty acres from his father, three and one-half miles northeast of Pandora. A few years later he purchased this farm. After teaching school for three years, he devoted all ol his time to farming. lie has always done general fann- ing and has been very successful in this vocation. When he removed to his present farm, it had few improvements, there being only a one-roomed log cabin and a log stable. Mr. Steiner has drained the land and has suc- ceeded in clearing all but five acres. In addition, lie has built a good eight- room, modern house and a large, commodious barn with other outbuildings in keeping with the surroundings. Today he has one of the finest farms in Riley township.

Gideon ( '. Steiner and wife have been the parents of eleven children, Orville Edison, born on October 20, 1889, who is a student at Fort Wayne, Indiana; Edna E., born on January 1, 1891, and died on August 4, nji}; Myron, born on November 8, [892, and died on February 28, U)Oi ; Lillian, born on July T2. [894, and died on October 8. of the same year: Olga. born on August 14, 1895; Zclla, born on September 8, [807; Armin, born on January 28, 1899; Clayton, born on November 16, 1900; Lysle, born on October 4, 1002, and died on February 10, IQ04: Barbara Grace, horn on November 24, 1903, .and died on December JJ, 1903, and Mary Arvilla, born on August I. 1000. Ml of these children have attended, or art' at-


tending, the Pandora higli school, except the youngest, who attends the local schools.

Mr. Steiner is a Democrat. He has been active in the educational affairs of his township and was a school director for six years. He was also a member of the township school board for seven years. He and his son are members of the Grace Mennonite church, while Mrs. Steiner and the remainder of the family are members of the Missionary church. Gideon C. Steiner is one of Riley township's, most substantial farmers. He is well-to-do and is well and favorably known, a man of more than ordinary attainments and, as a citizen, he has done very much for the welfare of the township in which lie lives.


A man's reputation is the property of the world, for the laws of nature have forbidden isolation. Every human being either submits to the con- trolling influence of others or wields an influence which touches, controls, guides or misdirects them. If he be honest and successful in his chosen held if endeavor, investigation will brighten his fame and point the way along with others who follow with like success. The reputation of Edward Hilty, one of the leading farmers and citizens of Riley township, Putnam county, Ohio, having been unimpeachable from the beginning of his career, according to those who know him best, a critical study of his career would be a benefit to the reader of this volume. His life has been not only one of honor, but of usefulness also.

Edward Hilty was born in Riley township, Putnam county, Ohio, July 15, iS^cS, the son of Benjamin I). and Susanna (Steiner) Hilty, whose family history may be found in the sketch of Benjamin l>. Hilty and of Isaac Hilty, an uncle. I lis paternal family history is found in the sketch of I'eter I'. Steiner.

Edward Hilt)- was born on the old Ililty homestead, one and one-half miles ea>t of Pandora. Here be spent his early childhood and attended the old Steiner district school. At the age of nine years, his mother died, and for about three and one-half years his father kept the children together, alter which they were placed with neighboring families. A year before the remainder ol the children we're placed 111 new homes, Edward Hilly, who was not yet twelve years old, was scut lo live with bis grandfather, Peter



Hilty, and his son Samuel. During lus residence here, Ins grandfather died, but he continued to live with his uncle. When about fifteen years old, Ins father gathered the children together again and they went lo live on the old home place. Pliey remained here, with the exception of a few mouths after the old house burned, until Edward Hilty was twenty-six years old.

Edward Hilty was married on fune -'4, i »;o_>. at the age of twenty-three, in Martha Summer, who was born on the old Summer homestead, one mile north of Pandora, March 15, 1881. She is the daughter of Jacob and Man. m (Amslutz) Sommer, the former ol whom was a native oi Switzer- land, born on January 20, 1N51, and who came to America at the age of eighteen, settling in Riley township, Putnam county. Here he married Marian Amstutz, who is the daughter of Abraham Amstutz and wife. They had three children, Daniel, Elias and Martha, the wife of Mr. Hilty. Elias died when a youth.

Aiter Ins marriage, Mr. Hilty remained on the old home place for three years Einishing his common school education and graduating from the Pandora high school m [899, he taught the old home school for two years, in the meantime successfully passing the Boxwell examination, which ad- mitted him to the high school Completing the two-year term of teaching, he took a course at Bluffton College, after winch he again taught, with the exception of two years, until 1905, when he left the old home place and moved to 1'andora. During Ins residence here, for a year and a half, he was township assessor and also worked in a store. At the end ol this period, he ved hack to the old home place and took charge of the farm. In addition

10 the sixty acres in the old 1 lestead, he rented eighty acres, in all one hun- dred and fortv acres, which he farmed for four and one-half years. lie moved to Bluffton in the fall of IQI 1 where he took special studies at Bluff- ton t'ullege. In the summer, he employed himself at various occupations. In the winter of 1913 and 1014 he laughl school in Richland township, Allen countv. In the spring of ioi.|, he moved to the farm >>\ lus brother, Allien B., two miles north of Pandora, where lie now resides.

Mr. and Mrs. Rdward Hilty have four children, Lenora Marian, horn

011 fune 30, 1903; Glenn Wingate, horn on October _*i, 1004; Merwin Otto, horn "ii [anuary 1, 1007, and Alice Susanna, horn on March 14, 1910.

Mr. and Mrs Hilly are members of the Grace Mennonite church. He is a Democrat, although he considers himself an independent voter. Edward Hilly 1- a clean-cut, well-informed fanner and citizen. He is well and favor- ably known throughout Uiley township and almost throughout Putnam countv. lie is a man of more than ordinary attainments and from the be-


ginning ol his career, he has been a man whose counsel and advice have been sought upon many matters, lie keep-- fully abreast uf the times and, during the periods ol life when he was engaged as a school teacher, he ranked among the best in Putnam county.


The Unverferth family have been residents of Putnam county, Ohio, since die earl)' part uf the thirties, when the grandfather of Bernard A. Unverferth came to this county from Glandorf, Germain', at the same time that a colony uf his countrymen came to America. Professor Horstman and others had previously come to tins counts- from Germany. Mr. Unver- ferth lias spent liis whole lite in this county, lie taught in the public schools ot the count)' tor several years, and, after graduating from the law depart- ment of the State University, began the practice of that profession in j «S< >— , and has made this his hie work.

Bernard A. Unverferth, the sou of Andrew and ["Catherine (Schu- macher) Unverferth, was born at Glandorf, in Putnam county, September _'_'. i <S 7 1 . His father was born in this same county, west of Glandorf, in 1840, and is a son of Henry and Elizabeth Unverferth, who came here from Glandorf, Germany, and located in Greensburg township, three miles west oi Glandorf. Katherine Schumacher, the mother of Bernard A. Unver- ferth, was a native of Prussia, a daughter of .Matthias and Elizabeth Schu- macher, who were also earl)' settlers in Glandorf, this county. Matthias Schumacher was a tailor and Henry Unverferth was a brickmason, as was his lather, Andrew, and most ol the men of the family. Andrew Unverferth was a cooper, as well as a brickmason, and he and his wife, who are still living at Glandorf, are the parents of eleven children, nine of whom are liv- ing, Matthias, Bernard A., Anna, George, Gertrude, Edward, Dora, Mar- garet and b'rancis. One child, Harry, died at the age of nine, and Louis died at the age of thirty-one.

Bernard A. Unverferth graduated from the high school at Ottawa, in iN'jn, and lor tin- next si\ years laugh! in the schools of tbc count v. lie linn entered l lie Ohio Slate University, ai ( 'ulumbiis, and graduated in Ihe spring of iNcjj-, with the degree ol Bachelor ol Laws. Before this time he had studied law at home, and also in ihe law offices of Ottawa.

Immediately ailer his graduation horn the University, Mr. Unvcrfcrik

i:i:i:\.\Ki> \. i.w i:i;ii:i;rii.


44 1

began practicing, in partnership, with Judges Handy and Ogan. Two years later he and Judge Handy formed a new partnership and have since been practicing together. Mr. Unverferth was prosecuting attorney of I'utnain county from [903 until 1908 and has also held a number of minor offices in addition to being prosecutor. He is chairman of the Democratic cen- tral committee, and also of the Democratic executive committee of his county, and a member of the < Ihio state Democratic executive committee.

Mr. Unverferth was married in [900 to Anna Berheide, who was horn at Port Jennings, in this county, and is a daughter of Henry and Anna Ber- heide, natives oi Germany, and early settlers in Putnam county, where they spent their lives on a farm. Mr. Unverferth and his wife have one son, H|- mer. who is now thirteen years of age. The family are members of the ( atholic church, and Mr. Unverferth is a member of the Knights of Co- lumbus.


It is pleasant, and profitable as well, to contemplate the career of a man who has won a definite goal in life, whose career has been such as to com- mand the honor and respect of his fdlow citizens. Such, 111 brief, is the record of the well-known farmer, and stockman, Allien Schutz, himself a native oi Switzerland, who has attained prominence and material success in the country of his adoption. He is one of the most popular men in Riley township, where he has lived for many years, and where he has labored, not only for his own individual advancement, but for the improvement of the entire community, whose interests he ever had at heart. Mr. Schutz is a man who richly deserves the esteem which has been bestowed upon him by the citizens ot his community.

He was horn in the canton of Heme. Switzerland, lannarv iS. 1N50, and is the son of Jacob and Anna (Gruber) Schutz. Jacob Shutz was horn m the canton of Berne, Switzerland, in April. iNjn. |acob Schutz A father was a farmer and cheesemaker, and when Jacob was about twenty-eight years ."' age, his father died. His mother had died when he was twenty. Prior to this time, Jacob had learned the shoemakers Hade from hi* elder brother. Christian. He did not follow this trade very long, however. As a youth and a young man. he worked at his trade and helped his father on the farm, where he remained up to the time of his marriage Jacob was one of eight children, live sons and three daughters. The eldest s.m was Christian, who

-1 1-


remained in ihe canton of Heme nil his life, as did -all the others, with the 'exception of Jacob, Jr.

Jacob Schutz, Jr., was married, when about twenty-eight years of age, in Anna Gruber, who was also born in the canton of Heme, Switzerland, in April. 1822. She was the daughter of Samuel limber and wife, both natives hi the canton ol lierne, Switzerland, The former was a cabinetmaker by trade. Anna had one brother, whose name was Samuel, and who was a cabinetmaker. After Jacob Schutz was married, he rented a farm in the canton of Berne, and it was on this farm that Albert A. and his brother John, referred to elsewhere in this volume, were born, as well as the three eldest children.

When Albert Schutz was five years old, his parents moved to Neuchatel canton, Switzerland, on the Swiss-French frontier. Here they lived until [885, and here the remainder of the fourteen children were horn. Elizabeth resides in Indiana; Jacob died in infancy; Jacob, the second, also lives in Indiana; Gottfried died in 1903, in Switzerland; Albert is the subject of this sketch, John is referred to elsewhere in this volume. Anna came with her husband, John Zumbach, to America, hut returned to Switzerland; Mary died at the age of two; Louisa lives at Pandora; Andrew died in infancy; Emile lives in North Dakota. There were three hoys. also, who died in infancy.

Jacob Schutz, Jr., and wife came to America in 1NK5, and settled first in .Allen county, Ohio, where lliej remained one year, and then moved to Tip- pecanoe county, Indiana, where he spent the remainder of his life on a farm. The farm is located near Lafayette. Here he died at the age of seventy-live years in [895. After his death his wife. Anna, spent the remainder of her lite with her daughter, Mrs. Louisa Suter, at Pandora. She died in 1901.

Allien Schutz, at the aye of twenty, came to America, in 1879, coming direct to Riley township. Putnam county, [fere he obtained work in a stone quarry in the summer time, and worked at ditching in the winter, lie fol- lowed this employment lor live years, when he was married at the age of twenty-five.

Mr. Schutz was married to Elizabeth Geiger, January 17, [884. She "was horn in Allen county in June, [861, and is the daughter of Christian and Anna (Thut) Geiger, who were pioneers ol Allen counts'. To this happ\ union one child has been horn. Mary M., who was horn on October 22, iN^s, lives at home. Mis. Schutz died, July ~o. 1887, alter a lingering illness.

Two years later Mr. Schutz was married to Sarah Uixler, November u, 1889. She was horn in Riley township, Putnam county, September 29, 1863,


and is the daughter of Jacob and Barbara (Welty) Bixler. The former was a native ui Wayne county, Ohio, horn in 1831. lie died in Riley town- ship, Putnam count), in 1880. The latter was bom in Wayne cuunty, April 14, 1832, and died at Mr. Schutz's home, May 6, tyi2, at the ripe old age of eighty. Jacob and Barbara Bixler bad but two children. The eldest, Mary, is the wife of Mr. Schutz's brother; John A., the youngest child, is Albert A.'s wife.

By his second marriage, Mr. Schutz has been the father of eight chil- dren, J. Raymond was born on August 3, 1890. He is a graduate of Otter- bein University, class ui 1914, and is now principal of the Pandora high school; Elizabeth was born on December 18, 1891; Walter was born on August 9, 1893. lie is a student at Otterbein University; Bertha was born on June 21, 180.6. She is a senior in the Pandora high school; Edmund was born on May 26, 1808. lie is a junior in the Pandora high school; John P. was born on September 12, 1900. He is a freshman in the Pandora high school; Albert was born on November 22, i<><>2. Another child died at birth.

After his marriage to Sarah Biler in in 1889, Mr. Schutz took up his residence on the Stuter farm, oi a hundred anil twenty acres, two miles of Pandora. This farm he purchased at this time. It had an old adobe house, and a forty by seventy foot frame barn. About seven years later, in i8y6, Mr. Schutz built a beautiful modern brick residence ol eleven rooms, and in 1910, he enlarged and remodeled his barn, lie built a cattle shed in addi- tion, thirty by eighty-one feet in 1914. These, with other buildings and im- provements in keeping with the surroundings, make one of the finest im- proved farms in Putnam count}-.

Mr. Schutz purchased the Lehman farm of eighty acres adjoining his farm on the east 111 1003, winch gives him a total ol two hundred acres. The land is unsurpassed, for fertility and productiveness, anywhere in Putnam county. Mr. Schutz has always done general farming and stock feeding and is an extensive raiser of thoroughbred llolstcin cattle.

Mr. and Mrs. Schutz are members of the Grace Mennonite church, while be is serving as one ol its trustees, lie is a Democrat, and was a member of the Riley township school board lor a number of years. lie served in this position during the lime the new high school was being erected and completed, lie is vice-president and a director ol the Pandora Banking Company, and is president of the Pandora Hardware Company, lie is one ,,! Piles township and Putnam county's most substantial and progressive farmer^; a citizen wlm is well and favorably known, and a man ol exception- all) high standing.



hf:rman w. morman.

Anyone interested in the history of I'ntnani county does not have to carry on a very great researcli before learning that Herman \V. Morman has long been one of its very active and leading citizens in the agricultural and stock-raising life of this community. For many years he Has carried in the business of general fanning, gradually improving his valuable place, and his residence in this neighborhood lias strengthened his hold on the hearts of the people with whom he lias been associated, who esteem him for his integrity of character, kindly disposition and good business ability.

The subject of this review was born on his father's farm in Greensburg township, this county, February 11, 1853, and is the sun of William and Gertrude (Wortkotter) Morman. William Morman was horn in Germany, November 30, 1822, and came to this country with his parents when he was nine years old. Gertrude (Wortkotter) Morman was a native of Germany, horn on January 6, 1822, as also were her parents who immigrated to this country and probably first settled in Toledo, Ohio, but later removed from there to Pleasant township, Putnam county, where her husband first met her.

William Morman's lather lirst settled on a forty-acre tract of heavily timbered, wild and swampy land in Ottawa township, near the town of Glandorf, Ohio, where he underwent the hardships of the pioneer and, he- sides farming to some extent, drove teams for the canal boats which passed through this section. At the age of twenty-one years Herman Morman's father was married to Gertrude Wortkotter and then bought a farm consist- ing" of eighty acres in Greensburg township, this county, and continued fanning for the rest ol" his life and where he died on lanuaiv _>'). IQoR, at the ripe old age of eighty-live years, lie was a consistent advocate of the principles of Democracy, though not active in politics, and a life-long mem- ber of the Catholic church in Glandorf, Ohio. Mrs. Morman lived to he eighty-three years of age and died on April _'_', 1905. To them were bom seven children. Frank. Herman, Mary, who is now Mrs. Mary Maas, resid- ing 111 Custer, Wood county, Ohio, and Mrs. Minnie Maas who resides in Greensburg township, this county; besides those named there were Henry, Katherine and Anna who are deceased, the latter two dying in infancy.

Herman W. Morman was married on September 2^. [875, to Josephine Maag, a daughter of Theodore and Catherine (Pursell) Maag. both natives of Germany, the former immigrating" to this country when .about twenty years of age. the latter, together with her parents, Kit their native country


and settled in the city of Cincinnati. Theodore Maag first settled in Cin- cinnati, Ohio, where lie was employed in the yards of a boiler-making indus- try where, after serving three years, he was given work on the inside ol the shop. Owing to his small stature the employer found him a convenient worker at riveting holler sheets. In the old country lie had acquired a good knowledge of the wagonmaker's trade which helped him considerably in the boiler works. It was in Cincinnati that lie married his wife and then decided to move to Glandorf, Ohio, where he purchased a tract consisting ol two hundred acres of virgin timber land and, after clearing it of the timber, de- voted his energies to general farming, incidentally doing a little wagon- making and repairing business for the neighboring community. In this par- ticular line of work he was well-skilled and it was always a pleasure for him to furnish first-class material and do the work in a high-class manner. Instead of receiving actual cash for his services in repairing, he would exact a certain amount of clearing to he done on his land. Reaching the age oi seventy-three, he died in 1879, after having spent a most useful and rep- utable life. llis wife died on May 1, rfjOl, after having attained the age of eighty-eight years. Her life was ever one of tine devotion and loyalty to her husband and children. To them were horn ten children, William. Denia, Frank, Mary, Agues, Barney, Joseph and Josephine, all of whom are now deceased. The living children are Edward, who resides in Pleas- ant township, this county, and Meania Brinkman, who lives in Greensburg township, this county.

Henry \\ . Morman spent his youthful days about his father's farm, assisting in everv possible manner to make the work ol his parents less arduous, and he was so much needed around the home that little lime was found for him to attend the township schools. In those da_\s the knowledge he gained can he credited mostly to his keen observation and constant and careful perusal of newspapers, particularly the Putnam i'l'iiiity Sentinel, and this is one way l>v which he acquired! a fluent speech in the English language. For about a year after his marriage, he remained on lis father's farm, and then located on the present farm consisting of eighty acres, which he after- ward purchased. Originally, this entire eighty-acre tract was covered with virgin timber, which he cleared, ditched, drained and fenced, and where he built the residence and made other necessary improvements toward advan- tageous fanning. Besides raising general farm crops, Mr. Morman gives considerable attention to the raising of live slock", particularly In hogs, in the breeding and care of which he is very successful.

Herman W. Morman is the father of seven children. Rosa, who cited


when eight years of age; Kdward, vvlio married Kli/abeih Kortc, and lias live children; August, who married Agnes lirinkman, and has ihree children; .Martha, who married Benjamin Warnecke, and lives on the home farm and has three children; Caroline, who died in infancy; Amelia, single and at home; Hildagard, single and at heme.

In a political way Mr. Morman gives his consistent support to the Democratic party, hut dues not aspire to political office, though he served the people faithfully for a time as a memher of the local school board. The entire family are members of the Catholic church in Glandorf, Ohio, from which church his beloved wife and helpmate was buried alter her death, which occurred on June 27, 101 1. Personally, Mr. Morman is a man of pleasing personality, fair and square in his dealings with his fellow men, and full worthy of any trust that may be reposed in him.


Men who have attained success in their life vocations are always honored and respected by the community 111 which they have lived and have ac- complished so much. Dearly loved are those who always find time to work in the interests of the community at large. Inspiring others to loyalty and faithfulness. Able men never fail to raise the standard of their community, and the public generally is proud to record the chief incidents of their lives. A well-known farmer of Riley township, who has been the recipient of unique honors, is ( arl Regil Van Meter. Mr. Van Meter was elected trustee of Riley township as a Republican, although the township is overwhelmingly Democratic, and he is one of the hrst Republicans to have been elected to this office in many years Mis election is an evidence of the esteem in which he is held by his neighbors and fellow citizens.

(arl R. Van Meter was born on October 6, 1882, in Monroe township, Allen county, Ohio, the son of George S. and Hannah ( Reeder) Van Meter. George S. Van Meter was born in Monroe township, Allen county, and is the son of lames Van Meter and wife, the latter of whom was a Miss Schriver, before her marriage. James Van Meter was born near Mansfield, ( Mho. and came to Allen county in the early days, settling in Monroe township. Here he owned over two hundred acres ol land. It was here that he reared his family of two sons and six daughters. Susanna, John, Nancy, Mary, Louisa. Rachel, George and Kli/.ahclh. It was on the old homestead here


that Carl Van Meter's father, George S. Van Meter, was reared, and here he secured his education in the typical log cabin school. lie remained with his parents until he was twenty-nine years of age, helping his father clear the land Ue also worked tor neighbors and cleared the forest under contract at the rate oi ten dollars an acre.

At the age of twenty-nine, George Van Meter was married to Hannah Reeder, the daughter of William and llulda (Howey) Reeder. She was horn in Monroe township, Allen county, ller mother had conic from near Pottsville, Pennsylvania, with her parents in an early day. After his mar- riage, George Van .Meter settled on sixty acres, a part of the old home place, and since that time has added twenty acres to the farm, lie has always been engaged in general fanning and has very greatly improved his farm. It was here that his children were horn. They are as follow: Harley, of Mon- roe township; Carl l\., the subject of this sketch; George Howard, who died at the age of two; Carrie, the wile of Joseph Steele, who resides in Michigan; Ralph, who is unmarried and who lives at Niagara halls; (lark, who is un- married and at home; I'aul, who died in infancy.

Carl R. Van Meter grew to manhood on the old homestead of his parents in Monroe township, Allen county. Here he attended the district schools and helped his father on the farm until he was twenty-three years old.

Mr. Van Meter was married on March 28, 1906, at the age of twenty- three to Eva Belle Bowers, who was horn in Monroe township, Allen county, September 12, 1 8S6, and who is the daughter id" Charles H. and Anna 1 Wright ) Bowers. Charles 1 1. Bowers was horn in Monroe township, Putnam county, the son of John and Ann (Cook) Bowers. Anna Wright was horn in Tuscarawas count}-, and is the daughter of George and Jane (Holmes) Wright. George Wright and wife came to Allen county when their children were small, settling in Monroe township.

After his marriage, Mr. Van Meter rented the Alfred Mayberry farm, a farm in Monroe township, Allen county, and alter one year, in January, 1907, he moved to Riley township, Putnam county, Ohio, to the old Mark I.aih farm, which he rented for three years. It comprised one hundred and seventy-live acres. After this time, he purchased eighty acres, which farm has been Ins residence ever since. Mr. Van Meter has always been engaged 111 general farming, but has paid particular attention to the raising and breeding of hogs. He has one of the best eighty-acre farms in this pari of 1 'utnam o unity,

Mr. Van Meter is a Republican. He is now serving as trustee of Kilcy


township. The fact that he was elected to his present office in a community where the Democratic parly is greatly in the majority, indicates his position dI high standing in tins township. Mr. and Mrs. Van .Meter are members of the Methodist Episcopal church at Pandora. He is a trustee of the church and lias served as assistant Sunday school superintendent. Formerly, he was choir leader in the church at Rockport. Carl R. Van Meter deserves to rank as one of the representative citizens, not only of Riley township, but also of I'utnam count), where lie has lived for many years. I le has made a splendid record in the office to which he was elected l>v the people of Riley township and has thus further established himself in the esteem and confi- dence of those with whom he comes in contact.


The Stauffer family have been residents of Putnam county, Ohio, since 1870. when the parents of George A. Stauffer located in Ottawa township. Mr. Stauffer engaged in general farming and stock raising, until the fall of 11)07, and then came to Ottawa and engaged in the real estate and loan busi- ness, which he has since made his occupation, lie has been very active in political affairs and, as a member of the Republican party, has held various positions with it since 1895.

George A. Stauffer, the sun of Abraham I), and Annie E. (Sigler) Stauffer, was born on April r4, 1874, in Perry township, I'utnam county, Ohio. Mis father was born in Washington county, Maryland, April 16, 1844, and was a son of Dillon and Mary (Myers I Stauffer, natives of Swit- zerland. Annie E. Sigler was also a native of Washington county, Mary- land, and was a daughter of George and Elizabeth (Vogel) Siller, who came to this country from Germany. Abraham Stauffer and wife were reared and married in Washington county, Maryland, and lived there until 1870, when they moved to Putnam county, Ohio, and located in Ottawa township. A few years later they moved to Perry township, where Mr. Stauffer engaged in farming ami carpentering. A. D. Stauffer was born with but one hand, but when the Civil War broke out, he enlisted from Hagerstown, Maryland, and served tour years and nineteen days. During the war he enlisted three times and received an honorable discharge for each enlistment, first from the infantry; second, from the artillery, and third from the cavalry.


George A. Stauffcr was reared on the farm and received a good com- mon school education in llie schools oi lii^ home neighborhood. As a youth he learned the carpenter's trade with his father, working with him as a contractor and builder in this county. After his marriage in [901 he en- gaged in farming in Perrj township and continued in agricultural pursuits until in October, 1907. At that time he moved to the county seat and en- gaged in the real estate and loan business with B. L. Griffiths. They were partners until in June, 1908, since which time Mr. Stauffer has been con- ducting the same business alone, lie and II. I. Kahle organized the Stauffer Investment and Loan ( lompany in March, 1913, which company has built up a thriving business in a short time. George A. Stauffer purchased the interest of II. I. Kahle, January 1, H)ij, and is conducting it alone.

Mr. Stauffer has been a leader in the affairs of the Republican party of his county for more than twenty years. Jle was elected committeeman for Perry township in April, 1895, and served the central and executive com- mittees of his party continuously until iuoS. In that year he was elected sec- retary and treasurer of the Republican county central and executive com- mittees and the same year was made vice-chairman of the Republican league of Ohio, a position which he still retains, lie was elected a member of the state central committee for the Fifth Congressional District in 1912, and was chairman of both committees in Putnam county. He was re-elected to the same position in 1914. lie was a member of the board of deputy state supervisors of elections for Putnam county for eight years, during which time he served as clerk of the board for two years.

Mr. Stauffer is president of the Ottawa Gazette Publishing Company, a position which he has held since 1912. Jle is a stockholder in the Farm- ers State and Savings Hank of Continental, Ohio, lie is a member of the Free and Accepted Masons, a member of the blue lodge, chapter and council, lie became a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, at Dupont, when he was twenty-one \cars <>i age and has filled all of the chairs of that lodge since thai time, lie is also a member of the encampment and the 1 laugh- ters of Rebekah. lie holds his membership in the Benevolent and Protective Order of I'.lks, at Findlay, Ohio.

Mr. Stauffer was married in December, 1001. to Grace G. Varner, who is a native of Greensburg township, this county, the daughter of Isaiah and Fan 11 v fl.andes) Varner. She lived in Greensburg town-hip until her mar- riage, aiKl for four years was a successful school teacher in the district schools of her home township. Mr. Stauffer and his wife have an interest-




ing family of live children, Audrey Gail, Annie Mildred, George A., Jr., Lila May and ( Henna Naomi.

On February 8, i < > 1 3 . Governor Willis notified Mr. Rtauffer that lie had appointed him inspector of mis for the slate of Ohio, which position he declined. The governor, however, insisted he should be a member of his cabinet and held the position open for two weeks, urging him to take it, to show the appreciation of his assistance in the campaign. Mr. Staulfer, not want- mi; any political appointment, declined, and the governor released him with an acknowledgment of the full appreciation of his services, with the mutual understanding that Mr. Stauffer was not in politics for revenue, but for the benefit of his state and party.


Among the men ol sterling worth and strength of character who have made an impression on the life of the locality where they live, no one has achieved a larger measure of success than l.hner K. Bracy. .Mr. Bracy has .spent his entire life in Putnam county and the people have had an opportunity to know every phase of his character. That he has been true to life in its every phase is manifest by the esteem and regard 111 which he is held by all those who know him. lie has won success by his own honest endeavor and indomitable energy, and has placed himsell in the front ranks of the farmers ol his community, by exercising these splendid qualities. Mr. Uracy has out- stripped the less active plodders on the highway 0! hie and achieved marked success in agricultural affairs, lie has won lor himself a name, which all men who know him, delight to honor.

Mr. Bracy was horn on January 17, 1870, in Blanchard township, Put- nam county, Ohio, the son ol John ( '. and l.slhcr (Harris) Bracy.

John ('. Bracy was horn in Blanchard township, Putnam county, in 1849, the son of John Bracy, St., and wife. The famih history of the Bracys may be found in the life-story of Isaac' Bracy, an uncle of Khner K. Bracy, elsewhere in this volume. Mrs. John ( '. Bracy died in May, 1 < ; 1 _■ .

Elmer E. Bracy was born on his father's old homestead, about two and one-half miles southwest of (iilhoa. Here he spent Ins childhood and youth, and here he attended the old district school No. _>. After finishing school, he helped his father to clear up the old home place. Me remained with his parents until lie was twenty years old.


15 «

At this time Mr. Bracy was married, May t, 1800, to Sarah Helen Buck- laml, who was horn in Blanchard township. April jS. 1K74. Siie is the daughter of Lewis ami Mar) (Agnerj Bnckland and her family hislor) is to be found in the sketch of li'lah Buckland, her uncle contained elsewhere in tins volume. Mrs. Bracv was one of seven children born to her parents, two of whom died in infancy. Those living are Sarah, Mclvin, Nettie, Clyde and Delia. Mrs. Bracy's parents arc both deceased. Her father died in February, 1912, and her mother died 111 September, 1898.

To Mr. and Mrs. Bracy, eight children have been born, Flo Z. May, horn on June 8, 1891, and died on February -'/■ 1893; John Lewis, horn on October 31, 1893; Roxie Marie- hf,r" "" December 6, 1895; Gladys Jemina, hem on February 14. 1897; Maver Caroline, horn on February 17. i9°3i Brenia Mildred, born on June 5, 1907; Ruby Lucile, horn on April 6, 1913; Sadie May. hum on April 11, 191 5.

After In- marriage, Mr. Bracy worked for the neighboring tanners during the lirst year, but the following year he rented land of Dull Bracy in Riley township and, subsequently, rented his father's old home place. ^ After operating tihis farm for one year, he moved to forty acres of lus father £ jancj( three and one-half miles northeast of Pandora. This" farnl has been his resi- dence ever since, lie purchased tins place from his father and al$o pur- chased one hundred and twenty acres in Lakeheld township, Saginaw county Michigan. Mr. Bracy has always been engaged In general farming and has •enjoyed more than an ordinary success in this vocation.

Mr. Bracy is a Democrat. Mr. and Mrs. Bracy attend the Radical Brefhern.-of which Mrs. Bracy is a member. Elmer E. Bracy is one of Riley township's progressive farmers. He comes from one of the best families of l'utnam .county, of old pioneer stock, and he is well and favorably known for Hits sterling integrity and genial disposition.


The Swiss people may justly lay claim to the exertion of a greater influence on ihe world along lines of citizenship and lite developmenl of individual independence than has been exerted by ihe people of any other nation of their size. The rugged nature of their fatherland and their con- stant communion with the grandest scenic beauties of the world has fostered in ihe people an independence and loftiness of (bought and action such as was


exemplified by their national hero, Andreas Hofer. It is probable that from nu country in the world have come such intelligent and thoroughly desirable citizens as have been welcomed by the United States un their arrival from Switzerland. In this respect Putnam county, Ohiu, has been indeed for- tunate, for many of the immigrants from the rugged and mountainous re- public u\s Switzerland have settled in this county where they have reared families, the members of which are now ranked among Putnam county's ablest citizens. Not the least of these families is that of Isaac Zuercher, which came to this country during comparatively recent years.

Isaac Zuercher was burn in Berne canton, Switzerland, August 14, i860, a son of Isaac, Si\, and Anna (Geiger) Zuercher. Isaac Zuercher, Sr., was born 111 Berne canton, Switzerland, October 7, i8_>0, both his parents having been natives of Switzerland.

Isaac Zuercher, Sr., was a carpenter by trade and, while in Switzer- land, worked at making furniture. lie also worked to some extent on a farm in that country. There he married Anna Geiger, who was born in Heme canton, Switzerland, a daughter of Peter and Marion Geiger, both of whom were natives of Switzerland. To Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Zuercher, Sr., were born thirteen children, as follows: Marian, deceased, who was the wife of Fred Geiser of Wayne count), Ohio; Daniel and Samuel of Adams county, Indiana; John, of Wayne county, Ohio; Peter, of Allen county, Ohio; David, of Wayne county, Ohio; Isaac, the subject of this sketch; Christian, who lives in Wayne county, Ohio; Jacob, who lives in Columbus Grove, Putnam county; Anna, deceased, who was the wife of Peter Wcltv, oi Pandora,; Barbara, the wife of bred llanni, who lues in Adams county, Indiana; Lena, the wife of b'.nnl Knniz, of Los Angeles, California; Eliza, the wife of George Hisenbeck, of 1'andora.

Anna Geiger, mother ol Isaac Zuercher, died in Switzerland on Septem- ber 17, 1869. Her lather, l'eter Geiger, was a farmer and was also a watchmaker by trade. He died when his son Isaac was seven or eight years old, his wife surviving him for many years. Mr. and Mrs. l'eter Geiger bad one son, Christian, and two daughters, Barbara and Anna. Christian and Barbara came to America.

Isaac Zuercher was twelve years of age, when, after his mother's death, hi- lather and nine children came to America and settled in Wayne county, Ohio. For about two years after their arrival the children were placed with relatives, while their father worked at his trade as a carpenter., He then went tu Adams county, Indiana, where lie married again, his second wife be- ing Mrs. KbAibeth (Spriinger) Amstutz. She had several children and


owned a farm in Adams county. There the subject's father lived during the remainder of his life, and there lie died at the ripe old age of nearly eighty- eight years, the date of Ins death having been on October 2, hji-j.

Isaac Zuercher was twelve years of age at the time of Ins arrival in America, and he went at once to live with his cousin, Christian Zuercher, the fathers of both of whom were half brothers, on a farm in Wayne county, Ohio. 'I here he attended school until he was seventeen years of age, after which he worked on the farm until he was twenty-one years old. He then went to .Missouri, stopping on his way in Berne, Indiana, where he spent six weeks. He located first in Moniteau county, Missouri, where he hired out to a farmer for two years.

He married Mary Garber on January 24, 1884, who was horn in Wayne county, Ohio, November 26, 1S04, a daughter of Christian and Barbara (Hostetter) Harber. Mrs. Ziiercher's parents were horn in Wayne county, Ohio, and their parents were natives of .Switzerland, having' come to America during the early days of Wayne county. Mrs. Zuercher was one of a family of fourteen children, and went to Missouri with her parents when she was one year of age. She grew to womanhood in Missouri and spent her life there until 1884.

After his marriage, Isaac Zuercher rented a farm for a time, ami then bought property in Morgan county, Missouri, where he operated one hundred and seventy-seven acres until February, 1901. He then bought eighty acres in Riley township, Putnam county, one mile east of Pandora, where he still makes his home.

Nine children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Zuercher, as follow: Orpha, horn on March 27, 1885, now the wife id' Daniel A. Basinger, of Pandora, to whom two children have been horn, Naomi and one win. died in infancy; Bertha was born on December 30, i SSC>. is unmarried and lives at home; Lydia was bom 011 December 29, 1888, is the wife of fohn Diller, of Pandora, and has one daughter, Mildred, and a son. Earnest, born on No- vember 5, 1890, married Ida Kiene and lived in Pleasant township. He has one son, Karl Prank, horn on February r8, 1892, married Celia Wensinger. They had twins one of whom is deceased. Elmer and Elfin, twins, were born on September 26, 1893. Elmer died on September 21, kjio. Elfin married l.ula Marks and lues at Pandora. Wilbert was born on November 14, 1S07. and Pearl on November 2,1), 1909.

Mr. Zuercher has always conducted his farm for general farming pur- poses and has been very successful in his business., lie has a line modern


ten-room residence, a large and commodious liarn and oilier farm buildings fully in keeping will) i lie surroundings.

He is a supporter of the Republican party and lias always taken an intelligent interest in political matters, but has never aspired to public office. Mr. and .Mrs. Zuercher are bulb members of the Grace Mennonite church and arc active in all church work.

Mr. Zuercher is one of Riley township's must substantial farmers. He is highly esteemed and respected throughout his community, both as a citizen and as a neighbor, and is regarded as being one of the foremost citizens of I'utnam county.


Al any citizens of Putnam county, Ohio, have come themselves, or are the sons of men who have come from the good old Keystone state of Penn- sylvania, and where they are found in this county they are among the most prosperous citizens. It is a fact that the most venturesome and ambitious people are those who have the courage to make their homes in a new and promising country, and this accounts in a great measure for the splendid prosperity which has come to I'utnam county in its history. The fact that its citizens are men ol courage and determination, who came here to better their condition, has given this county a citizenship which has made for prosperity in every particular.

Hnimelt L. Burkhart was horn in Riley township, Putnam county, August -1, 1884, a son of Levi and Catherine ( I 'archer ) Burkhart. Levi Burkhart was horn in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, May (>, 1SJ2, and died on October 16, PXH. lie was :i son of John and Sarah (Good) Burk- hart, who were natives of Pennsylvania. John B. Burkhart dud when Levi was a small boy, and alter his father's death, Levi went to live with an uncle.

At the age of twenty-six, Levi married Elizabeth Beyers, who was born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, a daughter of John and Nancy Beyers. To that union were born seven children, as follow: John Y., horn on May 12, 184l>; Andrew I... horn on June 11. 1851; Naomi, horn mi April 24, 1855; Lydia A., horn on October 21, 1858, and who died in August, I860; Samuel, horn on August 28, 1861; Elizabeth, horn on December 24, 1864, and Amanda Ann, born on February 26, 1867.

Levi I'.urkliarl initiated from Pennsylvania to Ohio in the early davs



ami soil led first in Franklin county, near Columbus, < )hio, and laler, in 1854, came lo Riley township, I'uinani county, ami stilled two and one-half miles cast oi what was then Pendleton, now Pandora, where his wife died.

He married again, his second wife being Catherine L'areher, a daughter of George and Uiantha l'areher. George l'areher was a native of New \ ork slate and came to * >hio during the early days, having settled near Bucyrus. lie served during the Civil War and died while his children were young. His wile was a native of Vermont.

To this second union was born one son, I'.mmett L., the subject of this sketch, who was horn in Riley township, Putnam county, August 21, 1884.

When Levi Burkhart came to I'uinani county, in 1854, he bought the Douglas farm and gradually developed it and added to it until he owned tour hundred acres, all of which lay in Riley township, except forty acres, which extended into Paulding county. At the time when lie settled upon the homestead it was in practically a virgin slate, heavily timbered and witli only a lew acres cleared, lie hist built a two-room lug cabin and a ham, alter which he proceeded to prepare his land, working at it from year to year until he had succeeded 111 getting it nearly all in cultivation.

lie operated it as a general farm and met with marked success. lie was a member oi the Republican party, and was an active member of the Methodist Protestant chinch, which he attended faithfully, lie was a hard- working, honest and upright citizen, and a man of high ideals.

Kmmott I.. Burkhart spent his boyhood on the homestead, where he at- tended the district school and helped his father with the farm work, his father at that tune having been somewhat advaned in years. At the age of twenty-four, September 4. 1907, he married May Miller, who was a daugh- ter of William and Sarah (I.ut/'l Miller. William Miller was horn in Allen county, < >In"o, August 18, 1855, a son of Wesley and Lydia (Steeple-

.ic ;:r ....->:. -^ . : rr Li/ros rivm 11 :s mother and the

other heirs ,,f his father's estate, in addition to the section of forty acres which he had inherited from his father. On this land he is engaging in general farming and is meeting with marked success in his endeavors.

Two children have been horn to Mr. and Mrs. Fmniett I.. Burkhart. They are Stanley Milton, born r>n April 6, ln0X, and Edith Eleanor, hum on February 14, 1910

Mr. Burkhart is a supporter of the Republican party, but though he


has always taken an intelligent interest in political matters, he has never aspired to public office. Mrs. I'.urkhart is an active member of the Metho- dist Episcopal church of Pandora, Ohio.

Mr. Burkhart is a keen, progressive farmer and is highly regarded in his community, both as a citizen and as a neighbor.


A well-known business man, of Leipsic, Ohio, is John \V. Cottingham, who has been a resident of this place for a score of years. Horn in England, he came to this country when he was six years of age with his parents, and located in Delta, Ohio. Growing to manhood in that city he lived for sev- eral years in Deshler, Ohio, and then came to Leipsic, where he has since resided. Since coming to this city, he has installed the present electric light plant and has been engaged in this line of activity ever since, lie is a man ot unusual energy and ability, and one of the representative men of his city and county, lie is a stockholder and director in the Lssex Coal Com- pany, ut Columbus, of which he is also vice-president.

John VV. Cottingham, the son of George W'attam and Elizabeth (Larder) Cottmgbam, was born in Market Rasen, England, in 1865. His parents came to America in 1871, and with their five children located at Delta, Ohio, where George Cottingham engaged in the manufacture ot pearl ash. In addition t<> his manufacturing interests he was also engaged in farming. George W. Cottingham lived in Delta, Ohio, for the remainder of his life and became prominently identified with the life of the community. He served as a member of the city council and also held various other official positions. 1 le died in IO.03.

John W. Cottingham grew to manhood in Delta, Ohio, and received a good common and high school education. He went to Deshler, Ohio, in the latter eighties, and engaged in the manufacture of pearl ash, in that city. After living there for seven vears, he came to Leipsic ami, in 1896, built the present electric light plant in this place. He has since been engaged in the furnishing of light and power in the city and private consumers of the city- Mr. Cottingham was married al the age ol twenty-three, to Lama Free- man, who was a daughter of James ami Julia (Vail Swcaringcn ) brecnian, and lived ai Delia from die lime she was seventeen years oi age. She came to Delta from Monte Valley, Missouri, with her mother, who was descended




from a Revolutionary soldier, Joseph Van Swearingen, and has a certificate, giving the official verification of her descent. .Mr. L'"reenian's father was a native oi Ireland, and Mr. Freeman, himself, was a merchant in .Missouri, until the time of his death. There were live children born to the first mar- riage oi Mr. Cottingham, Frances Elizabeth, the wife of William Thomp- son, of Springfield, Ohm; Vivian Louise, the wife of Lloyd Holderman, of Leipsic; Marion Agnes, Warner Van Swearingen and Margaret Joyce, the last three children being single and still living with their father in Leipsic. 'I he mother of these five children died in Leipsic, in 1902, and, in 1903, Mr. Cottingham married Catherine Easton Harrison, who was horn in Lincoln, England, and is a daughter of Levi and Elizabeth (Cottingham) Harrison. Mr. Cottingham lived in England until her marriage. Three children have been born to this second marriage, Dorris, who died in infancy; Dudley Harrison, and Phyllis Mary Grace.

Mr. Cottingham and his family have a beautiful home in the western part ol Leipsic, where they entertain their many friends with genuine hos- pitality, lie has taken an active part in the civic life of the city and has served on the school hoard. While living in Deshler, Ohio, he served two terms in the council of that city. The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church and Mr. Cottingham is a member of the Knights of Mac- cabees. The Cottingham family trace their ancestry back to old Colonial times, when the first members of the family located in New England. In England, the family had a coat-of-anns, and members of the family in that country still use it.


One ot the best-known citizens ol Riley township, Putnam county, Ohio, is David Hummon, who, lor sixty-six years, or during his entire life, has lived in the township ol his birth. David Hummon has been influential in the political and civic life of his township, and for many years, served the pc< iple of liis community in an official capacity, having been i dent died with the educational interest ol the township and entitled today for very much of the credit of the high standard ol the public schools of Riley township. As a fanner, David Hummon has been very successful; as a citizen, he is re- spected and admired by his neighbors; having won a competence in hie by bis early labors, he is so situated that he may now enjoy the fruits of his early labors.



David Hummon was bom on July 1, 1849, in Riley township, Putnam county, Ohio, the son uf John ami Mary A. (Wyninger) Hunimon. John Hummon was born in Wyandot county, Ohio, in 1815. Both John Hunimon and his wife were of German descent and came from Wyandot county to Putnam county, in 1832. John Hummon and his wife were married nine years before coming to Putnam county, where they enured one hundred and sixty acres of land and gradually added to their original holdings until, at the tune ul his death. John IJummon owned fully eleven hundred acres. Throughout his life, John Hummon was an ardent Democrat and was loyal tn the Union cause during the dark days of the Civil War and contributed his energies and his money to the support of that cause, [ohn Hummon died i m .March 6, 1878, in Riley township.

I he parents ol John Hummon were Simon Peter and Mary (Kerns) Hummon. Simon Peter Hummon was a native of Pennsylvania, a fanner and a distiller of whiskey and applejack. I lis wife was a native of Holland, who came to America alone, locating in Kittanning county, Pennsylvania, where she met and married Simon Peter Hummon. Six children were born to this union in Pennsylvania, and four more were horn alter their arrival in ( »luo. in all, there were eight daughters and two sons, one of whom was John Hummon, the lather ol David, the subject of this sketch.

John Hummon and wife were also the parents of ten children, eight ol whom are still living. They are, Levi, horn on December 31, 1837; Adam, horn on July 31, 1839; George, horn on January 24, 1845; Minerva, horn on July 7, 1N47. David, the subject of this sketch, and Simon P., horn on June X, [851 ; Clara K., horn on February 15, 1855; and Ada, horn on August 14. 1859, and died in 1888. One son died at the age of thirteen and a daughter at the age ol two. The mother of these children died on Septem- ber 29, 1881. She was a member of the Methodist Protestant church.

David Hummon was horn on the old homestead in Kilev township, where he now lives. It was the farm which his lather entered from the government when he came from Wyandot county, Ohio, and consisted origi- nally of one hundred and sixty acres. The present farm consists of one additional acre. Mr. Hummon attended the typical log cabin school and helped his father clear the land, lie remained on the old home place until he was twenty-live years old.

I >av ul I lumnion was married on February -I. 1X75, at the age of twenty- five, to Mary K. Wilkins, who was horn on December 2(>. 1851, in Licking county, Ohio, and who is the daughter of Albert and Harriett (Allison) Wil-


kins. Her father was born in Licking county on October 9, 1X20, and died in I'utuani county, in |une, 1890. He was the sun of Daniel VVilkins and wife. Harnett Allison was born in Mew York state, m 1823, ami died m Putnam county, in 1893. She was the daughter of Samuel and Bethsheba .Allison, who came to Licking county in 1840, where he remained the bal- ance of his lite. After his death, his wife returned to New York state, where she died. Samuel Allison and wife had live children, Samuel, Har- riett, Rebecca, Isaac and Susan. Mrs. Hummon was one oi five children, the others being, Ldward Al., Daniel !•".. George R., and Linma R, Mrs. Hummon came from Licking tu Putnam count), Ohio, in the fall of 1856 at the a^re of live years. She was brought to Putnam county with her parents, who came in covered wagons. They settled about two miles south of Gilboa. The old two-roomed log house is still in a good state of preserva- tion. It was 011 the old homestead that Alary spent her childhood and here she attended the district schools. She remained at home until she was twenty-four years old. at which tune she was married.

To Air. and Airs. David Ilumnioii, ten children have been horn. Lverelt J., Zoe A., Bertha L., < harles Albert. Maude \ elmah. Burl \V., Maroa II., (den Leo, (inner C, and one who died in infancy. Lverctt J., horn on March 19, 1876, married Nellie SclulTerly and has had four children, Dwight \V. and triplets. I'ailli, Hope and Chanty, who died at birth; Zoe A., horn on May 5, 1878, died on August 10, 1N71>; Bertha L.. horn on November 27, 1N7('. married Lloyd Loullz; ( harles Allien, horn on August 21, 1881, married \ erna George and has one child. Genevieve R. ; Maude \ elmah, horn on .March 11, 1883, is single and at home. Burl \V., horn on February 4. 1887, died on January 26, 1888. Maroa 11., horn on February 11. 1889, 1- single and at home; (den Leo, horn on February 14, 1801, married Ida Amstut and has three children, Nevin I'.., Marvin I >. and Marie L. ; Grover ('., horn on May 8, 1893, is single and at home.

After Ins marriage, .Mr. Hummon continued to live on the old home place. He has always engaged in fanning. A few years ago, he made a practice of feeding and raising a gieat many cattle and hogs, in which occu- pation he has been very successful.

Air. Hummon is a Democrat. lie has been trustee of Riley town- ship for three years and a member of the school hoard for several years. He is also a director in the Union Township Insurance Company, where he held this office for ten years. Mr. Hummon attends the United Brethren church, as well as his family, but Mrs. Hummon is a member of ihe Mellto-

460 l'l'l NAM COUNTY, OHIO.

(list Protestant church. I)a\ii| I I umnion is niii1 of (he lusl known anil most popular citizens ol the community in which he resides, lie comes from an old and highly-honored family and is a progressive citizen, a man of high ideals and in this respect is like so many of his worthy forhearers who have preceded him.


The success of a man in raising a high-grade of stock depends upon man_\- qualities, hut especially upon good judgment and patience. One of the well-known farmers of Riley township, Putnam county, Ohio, who has made a splendid success in raising Percheron horses, ami who today is regarded as an authority on this particular breed of horses, is E. D. Kohli. Mr. Kohli is one of the men of sterling worth and strength of character, who have contributed so much to the advancement of the commercial interests of Putnam county. So well known has .Mr. Kohli become, as an expert judge of horses, that he was called to serve in this capacity at the Sandusky county fair, both in 1913, and in 1914, at the Wood county fair in 1913, at the Van Wert county fair in l'M4, and at the Jay county (Indiana) fair in 1913. Mr. Kohli, himself, has won many prizes and is known as a |nan who breeds and raises the very best animals to be found anywhere.

L. I). Kohli was born on October IS, 1860, in Richland township, Allen count}-, Ohio. He is the son of John and Barbara (llilty) Kohli. lohn Kohli was born in ISO/, in Berne, Switzerland, and was the son of Frantz Kohli and wife. Frantz Kohli was a tailor in Switzerland, who came to America, about LSI1-', with his wife and three children, Elizabeth, lohn and Christian. All settled in Wayne county, and here Frantz Kohli continued to follow bis trade as a tailor. lie also operated a farm and lived lure for several years, lie then moved to Putnam county and settled about one mile west of Pandora. Later, he moved just southeast of Co- lumbus Grove.

|ohu Kohli, his son and the lather ol L. 1)., removed with his parents, while still a lad, front Wayne to Putnam county. Mere he attended the district school and helped his father on the farm. lie was married, first to Fannie Suavely, whose parents came from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. To this union were horn si\ sons and two daughters, Josiah, Samuel, Eliza- beth, Andrew, Isaac, Klin, Eli and Sarah. John Kohli's Inst wile died, and he then married Mi-* P.arbara (Slemer) llilty. She had nine children


by her iirst marriage, Gideon, Mary, David, Peter, Barbara, Isaac, Elias, Noah ami Fannie. By (his second marriage, live children were horn, ( hris- tian, Daniel, Emanuel, Adam and Amos, The last two died in infancy. John Kohli lived in a number of places in Allen county, and when E. D. was born, he lived about one mile northwest of Bluffton, in Richland town- ship. He continued to live in this place for ten years. It was here that E. D. Kohli's mother, Barbara, died, when he was five years old. She was forty-rive years of age at the time of her death. John Kohli then broke up housekeeping, and the children were placed with different families in the neighborhood. Three years alter the wife's death, he gathered live of the youngest children together, Elias and Sarah, born to his first marriage, and Christian, Daniel, and K. 1)., born to his second, and moved south of Mishawaka, Indiana. Here he located on a farm, but remained there but a few years, when he returned to Allen county, Ohio, lie resumed farming, and continued for about two years, when lie broke up housekeeping again, and went to live with his eldest son, Josiah. A few months later he died, December 22, 1872.

E. 1). Kohli continued to live with his brother until he was fourteen years of age.. JJe then went to live with his eldest half-sister, Mrs. Mary (Steiner) Thut. The following spring he went to live with his cousin, Isaac Ililtv, for whom he worked at odd limes for a period of six years.

k. 1). Kohli was married on December 7, 1882, at the age of twenty- two to Sarah Schumacher, the daughter of Peter and Elizabeth f Surer') Schumacher. I'eter Schumacher was a native of Basel, Switzerland, whose family history is to be found in the sketch of Noah Schumacher, contained elsewhere m ibis volume, his wife was a native of Alsace, and the daugh- ter of ( "hristian Suter.

After his marriage, E. D. Kohli purchased a farm of eighty acres from facoli and Virgil Stewart. This farm lies three and one-half miles north- cast of Pandora, and consists of eighty acres and has been the home ol Mr. Kohli ever since. When he purchased this, only forty-two acres had been cleared, but it had a good two-story house, which was destroyed by lire later. Mr. Kohli cleared the balance of the land and built a splendid mod- ern residence of nine rooms, also a large barn, forty-eight by se\enty leet. and other outbuildings.

For twenty-five years Mr. Kohli has been an extensive breeder of thoroughbred Perclicron horses, and has been very successful. lie has exhibited at the fairs In Putnam and adjoining counties, ami has taken a jrciUTtuis share of blue ribbons. I Ic now < rwns "Poland I > ." a threc-vear-old.



weighing about twenty-two hundred and fifty pounds, upon which he wen first prize as weanling stud at the Illinois state fair, Springfield, and also Mrst prize as a yearling stallion at the same fair, lie also lias fourteen other thoroughbred prize-winning stallions, marcs and cults.

Mr. and Airs. K. I). Kohli have been the parents of ten children, all of whom arc living. There arc six sons and four daughters, as follow; Aldine, married Susan Gciger, and they have three children, Margaret, La- Vaughn, and Mandona, the last of whom died on I'cbruars 20, l'U5; I'elcr married Rose kieuc; I'.li/ahcth is the wile of Clare Green; lulward is unmarried, and lues at home; Homer is a student at Ohio State Univer- sity, where he is taking an electrical engineering course; Hiram Susan, ( Irlin, .Maitha, and ( >dula are at home.

Mr. Kohli is a Democrat, but he has never held office, and has never aspired to prominence in political life, lie is a member of St. |ohu's Men- tionite church, and Mis. Kohli is likewise a faithful and devoted men her. Mr. Kohli is one oi the community's most substantial citizens, lie is a man oi high ideals, and worthy ambitions, and deserves credit for the success he has made in li le.

icon. ii. si.M( ).\Ds.

I he Simonds family were early pioneer settlers in Putnam county, Ohio, and the father of b'.dd. B. Simonds was born in the early forties in this county. Mr. Simonds was reared on a farm and has always engaged in agricultural pursuits. In the tall oi 1913, lie was elected trustee of Van I'airen township on the Republican ticket, although his township is normally Democratic. I lis election speaks well lor his reputation as a citizen and attests to his high standing in the community.

I.dd. Ik Simonds, the son of George \\\ and Mary K. (Foltz) Simonds, was born in Van Ruren township, Putnam counts', Ohio, August 13, 1873. lbs parents reared a family oi seven children, four of whom are living, K. Ik, Wiler \\ ., Mrs Gertrude Kober, and Mrs. Carrie Shipe.

George \V. Simonds, the son ol Justice and Lourana Simonds, was born near Gilboa, I'ulnam counts, Ohio, I'ebruarj 28, 1843, and died fune 25, 19()8, At the age ol nineteen he enlisted as a private in t'ompaii) I), Tw cuts -first Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in which company he seised four months, lie re-enlisted as a corporal in Company C, Kighty- sesenth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, June -I, 1862, ami served ssith



this company three months. Ik- again unlisted as a corporal in Company I!. One Hundred and Ninety-sixth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in March, 1865, from which company he was mustered out on Seplemher 11. 1865.

George \V. Simonds was married on March ly, i8f>8, to Marv I-'. Follz, ami m the spring ol 1870 he moved to what is now known as the "George Simonds Farm" and remained there until the fall of 1902. In that year they moved to Leipsic, where he lived the remainder of his life.

Among other offices, George \V. Simonds served as township trustee from 1888 to 1802. Ik- was president of the soldiers and sailors' relief com- mission for ten years, being appointed by Judge Handy. He was elected a director ol the Putnam County Fair board in 190^ and was re-elected in [907. In the same year, he was elected president of the board and again re-elected in 1908 lie was a Republican in politics, and a member of the ( hurch of ( hrisl. In all respects, George W. Simonds was a good cm/en. a valiant soldier and a man universally admired and respected on account ni his sterling qualities of character. I lis widow died on February 14, 1914.

F.dd 13. Simonds spent his boyhood days on his lather's farm north- east ol Leipsic. He attended the common schools of Van I'.iiren township and later took a normal course of two terms at Leipsic. Alter reaching his maturity he still remained on the farm and al the age of twentv-iive took entire charge of it, his parents moving to Leipsic. He has now been farming the old home place tor several years, meeting with excellent success 111 all oi In- operations.

Air. Simonds was married on October 29, 1902, to [ennie V. liaugh- man, and to this union three sons hare been horn. Alton, 1 lare and Robert, all oi whom are still at home and now attending the public schools.

.Mrs. Simonds was horn just east of Leipsic. July 15, 1879, and is a daughter of Frank and Mollie I'aughman, both of whom were horn and reared in Putnam county, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. I?aughman were the parents ol three children, George, who married Myrtle Peckenpaugh, and had one daughter; Jennie, the wife of Mr. Simonds, and Delia, who is single and si ill h\ ing at home.

Mr. Simonds has been a stanch supporter of the Republican party since reaching his majority, and is now filling the important office of township trustee, to the (nine satisfaction of his fellow- citizens. lie is a member ol the Free and Accepted Masons at Leipsic, while Ins church relations are with the (lunch of Christ, his wife also being a member of this de- nomination. Mr. Simonds is a wide-awake and energetic citizen and deeply



concerned with the general welfare of the community, where lie expects to spend the remainder of his life.

Mrs. Simonds died un February 14. 1915. Mr. Simonds is keeping the home fur the bo\ s.


'1 he present recorder of "Putnam county, Ohio, is Theodore Heckman, who was horn at Glandorf, this county, and has spent his whole career within its hnnts. His parents are of German descent, and Ins father was a black- smith at Glandorf in this county for many years. Mr. Hackman is an expert blacksmith and was following that line of work when he was elected recorder •of Putnam county. He has taken an active part in the life of his community and has filled various official positions before assuming the duties of the re- corder's office.

Theodore Heckman, the son'of Henry and Catherine fF.vcrs) Heck- man, was horn at Glandorf, Putnam county, Ohio, October i_>, [858. His lather was horn on October jo. 1830, at Rarlo Kreis, Bezirk Borkcn, West- phalia. Prussia, and came to this country with his parents when he was sev- enteen years of age. Upon arriving in this country, Henry Heckman learned the blacksmith trade at Cincinnati, Ohio, from there he went to Glandorf, Putnam count}-, where he resided until his death, Following bis trade until 1S03, when he retired from active work. Henry Heck-man was an indus- trious man and an expert blacksmith. He was trustee of the present chinch at (ilandort, winch was built in the vears 1875 to 1X78. I lis wife, Catherine livers, was born in Germany and arrived in this country with her parents when a young girl, settling at Xew Cleveland, Ohio. Henry Heckman and Catherine rivers were married on October 23, 1855, and celebrated their -olden wedding anniversary in 1005. To this union six children were horn, three of whom are still living and residing at Glandorf, Theodore, Marv and Joseph. Mary is the wife of Barney Drerup. Two children died m infancy, and William died in 1910 at the age of thirty-nine.

Theodore Heckman grew to maturity at Glandorf and there received his education. While slill a lad In- began to work with his father in the black- smith shop and learned the trade thoroughly, lie not only acquired the rudi- ments of blacksmilbing, but all of the fine points of the business, lie knew how to temper and weld and make edged took of various kinds. Theodore



followed this trade at Glandorf with his father until the latter retired at the age ol sixty, alter which lie operated the shop alone until his election as re- corder nt Putnam county.

Mr. Heckman lias been a life-long Democrat, ami has always taken an active interest in the welfare of his party. He was treasurer of Ottawa township for four years, and for the past twenty years has. been a member of the school board of Glandorf. He has been second secretary of the Glan- dorf German Building and Loan Association for the past eighteen years. In the fall of 1912 he was elected recorder of Putnam count)- and took his of- fice in September, 1913. In the administration of the duties of this important office he is exercising the same painstaking and careful attention to details which has characterized his work all through his life.

.Mr. Heckman was married, in 1S80, to Maria Lehmkuhle, who was horn at Glandorf, and is a daughter of Charles and Elizabeth (Uphaus) Lehm- kuhle. Her parents were of German descent, and lx)th of them grew up in Glandorf. The Lehmkuhle family and the Uphaus family both came from Glandorf, Germany, and located in Putnam county, Ohio, early in its his- tory. To this first union of Mr. Heckman were born four children, Charles, Maggie, Louis and Clara. Charles is in the Bank of Ottawa, lie married Dora (Jnverferth and lias two children, George and Margaret. Maggie is the wite of Lawrence Myer, and lives at Lima, Ohio. Louis, who married Sophia Wannamaker, is the principal of the high school at Ottoville, Ohio. Clara is at home with her father. The mother of these four children died in [897, and two years later Mr. Heckman married Catherine Kerkemeier, who was born at GUandorf, in this county, and is a daughter of Henry and Cath- erine tl.auf) Kerkemeier. Iler father was a carpenter at Glandorf and a native of Germany, as was his wife. To this second marriage have been horn three children, Harry, Agnes and Annie.

Henry Kerkemeier, the father of Mrs. Heckman, was horn at Delmuck, West Phalen, Prussia, and arrived in America in 1853. His wife, Catherine Lauf, was horn in July, 1825, and died in this country March ], 1912. They lived all their lives in Glandorf, this county. Mr. Kerkemeier built the pres- ent church at New Cleveland.

Mr. Heckman and his family are all loyal members of the Catholic church at Glandorf and he is a member of the Catholic Knights of Ohio. He is a man universally respected and no official better administers the duties of office than Mr. Heckman. He is essentially a self-made man. and his present prosperity is dw to his own efforts,



By some power inherent, man is capable of forging ahead in his life's

vocation. There are many elements which make for success, of which industry is perhaps the must important. The farmer, especially, must he industrious to succeed. But in these latter days farming, likewise, is de- pendent upon guod management, a knowledge of soil, marketing facilities, prices, skillful rotation of crops, and the raising of guod breeds of live stock. John Thompson Mallahan is an enterprising and successful fanner of Riley township and one who has been honored by the citizens of Put- nam county and holds the important office of county commissioner. Through- out his career, Mr. Mallahan has been a power in Putnam county politics, and is looked upon today as one ol the important leaders in both its civic and social life.

Mr. Mallahan was horn on May 27, 1853, in Hancock count)', lie is the sun of Charles P. and Jane (Downing) Mallahan. Charles 1". Malla- han was horn September 2(<, 1818, in Fairfield county, Ohio, in a part which later became a part of Franklin county. Charles F. Mallahan was a sun of Thompson and Sarah (Clymer) Mallahan, the former of whom was a native of Kentucky, burn about 17('(). It is supposed that his parents emi- grated from Virginia to eastern Kentucky and resided in or near Breathitt county. 'Thompson Mallahan was a soldier in the War of 1812. After the war, he settled in Fairfield county, where he was married to Sarah Clymer. They were the parents of seven children, three of whom died of cholera. Another died about ten years later. Alter the cholera epidemic, the remaining three grew to maturity. They were (diaries f. Roily, and Nancy, who married John McDowell.

During the cholera epidemic at Columbus, 1832-1833, 'Thompson Malla- han was one of the lirst victims. Charles T. .Mallahan also suffered an attack of the deadly malady, hut survived. About two years later, in 1835, when Charles F. Mallahan was seventeen years old, his mother removed to Ham- cock county, where he cared for her and the children. William died here at the age id' ten or twelve years. Shortly after moving to llaucuck county, Charles F. Mallahan's, mother married Owen Street, by whom two other children were horn. Sarah |ane and Louisa. ( harks F Mallahan was married in 1S47, when he was twenty-nine years old, to Jane Downing, daughter ^<\ |uhn and Mary (Boiler") Downing. John Downing was a na-


live of Kentucky, and his wife, Mary ( lioilcr) Downing, a native of Virginia. Jane Downing was born on January 25, 1817, in Pike county, < >hio.

After Ins marriage, Charles F. Mallalian lived on a farm in Union township, Hancock county, three miles north of Mount Cory. Here he lived until 1861, and moved to near Moffit Station, lie moved one and one- hall miles west of Benton Ridge on the Ridge road, in 1863, and in 1866 he sold out everything and moved to Kansas, lie returned to Hancock eountv, in 1867, locating three and one-half miles west of Findlay. lie moved to the northwest part of Riley township, Putnam county in 1872, where he purchased one hundred and eighty acres of land. This was his last residence, lie died here on December 30, 1N77. Charles F. and Jane Mallalian had live children, Rusena became the wife of John C. Lee and died in 1867; David, horn 1850, died m infancy; Sarah is unmarried and lives with her brother; John T. is the subject of this sketch. Alary became the wife of Charles F. Alkire. Mrs. Jane (Downing) Mallalian died at her son's home on April 25, 1914, at the ripe old age of ninety-seven years.

fohn I hompson Mallalian remained with his parents during his youth, coming with them from Hancock to Putnam count)-, in 1N72. On ac- count of his father's feeble health, John Thompson relieved him of the most arduous duties of the farm.

At the age >d" twenty-two, Mr. Mallalian was married on November 5. 1N7<>. to Rebecca A. (air, who was horn on November 7, 1856, Pleasant township. She is the daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Sawmiller) Cam Jacob was horn in Ross county. Ohio, June 9, 1819, and died in Putnam county, Ohio, November 21, 1910. His wife was horn on April 9, 1821, in Pennsylvania, and died on August 13, 1909, in Putnam county.

After his marriage, Mr. Mallalian continued to make his residence at the old home place. He had practical charge of operating the farm, which was divided, John Thompson retaining that portion on which the old home place is located, and as a farmer has prospered. A lew years ago he was a successful breeder of Poland-China hogs, I le and his associate, George W. Pope, were the first stock men to introduce thoroughbred Poland- China hogs in Putnam count)-. Until recently lie has been a successful breeder of cattle for the market.

Mr. and Mrs. |ohn Thompson Mallalian have six children. Norvai It. was horn on August 11, 1877; ( hloe L. was horn on December 30. 1878; Mary Jane, horn on January 24, 1881, is the wife of C. A. Countryman. They have one child, I, mile; Florence C, horn on August 23, 1885, is un- married and lives at home; Charles !•'., horn on March 14, 1887, married


Versa Rymer. They have one child, John R., and live at Spring Lake, Michigan; Lenora R., horn on Octoher 21, 1895, died December 3, 1896.

Throughout his life, Mr. Mallahan lias heen a Democrat, lie has served as commissioner of Putnam county for seven years and lias dis- charged the duties of this office in a highly satisfactory manner. He also served as justice of the peace for three years, and was a member of the school hoard for several years. He was a member of the Putnam county agricultural hoard for fifteen years, and for four years of this time served a> vice-president. For live years he was president oi this body. Mr. .Mallahan attends the Methodist Protestant church, of which Mrs. Mallahan is a devoted member. He is a member ol No. 325, Free and Accepted Masons, of the Chapter No. 125. of the Council No. 69. He is also a member of the Knights of Pythias Lodge No. 565, at Ottawa.

|ohn Thompson Mallahan is one of Putnam county's most prominent and substantial citizens, a man well and favorably known, as is evidenced by the numerous offices conferred upon him by the people. Mr. Mallahan was one of the organizers of the Mutual Telephone Company in 1903. He has heen president of this company until quite recently, and is stdl a director in the company. Mr. Mallahan has also heen one of the organizers of the Assembly of Mutual Telephone Companies, composed of thirty-two mutual telephone companies, the object of which is to conserve the interests of the different companies and to secure better and more adequate long distance service. Mr. Mallahan has heen secretary of this organization since its formation, in 1904.


A resident of Putnam county, Ohio, since 1880, John Franklin Carver has heen engaged in agricultural pursuits since that year. He rented the farm on which he is now living for a few years and then purchased it and has made extensive improvements since acquiring it.

|olm Franklin Carver, the son of Gilbert and Rebecca (Nutt) Carver, was horn near Delta, Fulton county, Ohio, August 17, 1857. His father was horn in New York state, December 29, [831, and died in Fulton county, De- cember 16, r88o. Cilhcrl Carver was the son of A. I!. Carver, and at the age of seven moved with his parents to Hillsdale, Michigan, where his father, A. I'.. Carver, entered government laud ami lived the remainder of his days.



A. li. Carver was a great hunter anil for years kept his family supplied with fresh meal as the result of his prowess with the rille.

Gilbert Carver was educated in Michigan and attended the primitive log school houses which were in use in his day. When lie was about twenty- two years of age, Gilbert Carver came to Fulton county, Ohio, and married Rebecca Kutt, who was horn in Fngland in May, 1838, and died in Febru- ary, 1902. She was a daughter of John Xutt and came to America, at the age of twelve, with her parents.

Before settling in Fulton county, Gilbert Carver enlisted in the Sixty- seventh Regiment, Ohm Volunteer Infantry, and served during the Civil War. lie spent the remainder of his life in Fulton county, He farmed in a number of places and finally settled in Swan I reek township, where lie owned one hundred and twenty acres of excellent land at the tune of his death. Gilbert Carver and wife were the parents of seven children, John F., Leipsic, Ohio; Louis X., Fulton county; Clara, deceased, who was the wife of Charles Urbin; George William, of Mt. Gilead, Ohio; Allien, of Toledo; Kmma. the wife of Arthur Raker, of Fulton county, and Charles Frederick, of Rose ( it v. Michigan,

|(ilm Franklin Carver was reared on his father's farm and attended the neighboring schools. After his marriage he located in Fulton county, but two years later, in the fall of 1880, he moved to Putnam county, where he rented a farm seven miles northeast of Leipsic. Nine years later he bought this same farm and has since made it his residence.

Mr. Carver was married to Flizabeth Urbin, who was born on March 16, 1858, near Findlay, Ohio. She is a daughter of Andrew and Barbara Urbin. natives of Saxony, Germany, who came to America in 1848 and settled in Findlay, Ohio, living there until their death. Andrew Crbin was an ex- pert stuck raiser, his specialty being hogs and horses. Mr. Carver and wife are the parents of live children, four of whom are living, Cora A., Ora May and Rolla [. Cora A. is the wife of Khner ( Hto, a farmer of this county, and has five children, Irwin. Hester, Warren, W'anita and Rolla. Ora May is the wife of Clyde Pickens, a farmer of this counts, and has five children, Raymond, Vernon, James. Florence and Frnesl. Rolla J. married F.dith Raker, and has two children. Flizabeth and Dorothy; Albert married Vurah I look, and has one child, Inez. Albert farms the home place.

Rolla |. Carver is a graduate of the Ohio Slate University, where he- took the course in veterinary science. A few years ago he received an ap- pointment in a minor position in the food inspection department "l the city of Columbus, Ohio, and in this position he demonstrated his ability

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