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3 1833 02824 0262 Gc 977.2 H6291a

The History of the regulators in Indiana


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The avowed object in publishing this work is to furnish a concise history of the operations and the success of the honest and industrious citizens of northern Indiana, who banded themselves together in companies called Regulators -- a right guaranteed to them by an act of the Legislature of our State. In so doing, v;e have set forth all the Important confessions made by the different individuals arrested, and aimed to give a full detail of all the principal items of importance that occurred during the earnest and arduous labors of the better portions of our citizens in redressing the grievances they had so long borne, and in rescuing our country from the hands of those vampires who were blighting and mil- dewing the best interests of this portion of our State. Kence we earnestly hope, In presenting this work to the public, it may fully meet their expectations, and find a hearty welcome in the mind of every lover of loyalty In our country.





Northern Indiana, from its early settlement, has been noted for being the resort of the most numerous gang of blacklegs of almost any State in the Union; and as a rendezvous for all vil- lains in villainy no country has stood more conspicuous. The name of some of our northern counties, and more especially that of Hoble, has resounded from Maine to Oregon, and from Canada to Flor- ida. Every man, who has traveled through the Western States, has been startled at the rehearsal of the deeds of crime and infamy committed in Noble county, under the supervision of a well organ- ized, well disciplined band of counterfeiters and horse thieves. Indeed, the county of Noble had become so notorious, for being the citadel of all villainy, that honest men traveling from here to other sections of country were ashamed to own from whence they came. Immediately after the sale of the public lands north of Fort Wayne, which took place about the year 1835 or 1836, a number of these men, (whose names will be more fully brought to view in the doings of the Regulators), planted themselves upon the virgin soil of this country, effected an organization, and commenced their depredations. Their operations seem to have been carried on under obligations of perfect secrecy, and with a display of wisdom that 'would, in many instances, reflect honor upon a nobler cause. Most of them were emigrants from the State of Ohio, and probably re- ceived their first lessons of instruction from the notorious Jim Brown, one of the most successful counterfeiters ever known in the State.


Nev; countries seem to present the most favorable opportun- ities and the greatest facilities for carrying on the blackleg business of any. Retired from the gazing multitudes of populous cities, domiciled in the midst of the unsuspecting settlers, where law is comparatively a stranger, and where they are secreted from the eye of vigilance, affording advantages which the sagacity of such men is not slow to perceive. While it is true that our cities and towns are seldom, if ever, entirely free from the contaminating influences of such lawless wretches, loitering about the groceries and other haunts in Iniquity, or stealthily pacing the streets at the dead hour of night, to satiate their hellish desires by the commission of crime, it is a notorious fact in the history of all criminal associations, that the nucleus has been formed in some sequestered spot, remote from the settlements of civilization, or in some den or cave of the earth. Hence Noble county, in a very early day, presented a favorable site for the organization of a gang of felons. The principal part of the county was very heavily tim- bered and offering great facilities for stealing from the Indians and whites, with good advantages for hiding. The few pottawatamle Indians, that inhabited this country at that time, were greatly annoyed by these men stealing their ponies. Many of them carried on the business extensively, stealing ponies from the Indians and driving them to other States to sell. The Indians frequently made complaints to some of the whites, but all in vain, no one had courage to come to the rescue. Law was of no avail, because there was no one to execute it. While these depredations were going on among the red men, the poor, honest, hardworking white man, who had sought a


hone among the hardships of frontier life for himself and family, was by no means passed by .

Wm. Latta, Wm. D. Hill, and Geo. T. Ulmer, were among the chief pioneers and leaders of the banditte of Northern Indiana. Three more sagacious and artful accomplices are seldom found. These, however, were not without their allies ready at a moment's warning to go at the bidding of their superiors. Sworn upon the peril of life to defend each other in every emergency, even at the expense of innocent blood, no deed was too atrocious, no crime too black, to satiate their fiendish ambition. Robbing, murdering, stealing, gambling, burning buildings, making, selling, and passing counterfeit money, have been scenes of common occurrence among us for the last twenty-five years. Bidding defiance to all law, they have moved on in their nefarious work, "like the destruction that wasteth at noonday." But the great evil sustained by the commun- ities was not simply the loss of goods and chatties, or the burning of houses, nor was it the robbing the poor Indian of hi3 pony. No! these were but small crimes compared with the corrupt and blasting influences exerted over the young. Hundreds of young men, and even some young women, have been decoyed and led into debauchery and prostitution of the most barbarous character. No language is ade- quate to express the direful effects of these men over the morals of our country. Young people, whose early training had been strictly moral, and who in youth could boast a character unstained by the pollutions of crime, may now be seen keeping the company of these loathsome creatures, or clanking their chains in some doleful prison house, working out the just punishment of their crimes. What a change for a parent, a brother, or a sister, to look upon. That


countenance, that once beamed with the glow of intelligence, has been changed to look the shame and remorse felt, and the dignity of manhood to the doom of a culprit. The spontaneous language of every heart, inspired with the principles of manhood, is, "Go, earthy treasures, money, houses and lands--all I have; yes, and even my own life, but save my children from the penitentiary."

Alpheus Baker, who moved to this country in 1836, lost three horses the morning after he arrived, supposed to have been stolen by V.'m. D. Hill. In consequence of this loss his family was reduced to extreme want, and suffered much for the comforts of life.

Wm. Mitchell and Asa Brown, who were also among the pioneers of Noble county, took a very prominent stand on the side of honesty, and were zealous in every effort to arrest and bring to justice men who were engaged in this work. Having spared no pains in securing the arrest of Smith alias Jones, and Ellas Turner, who had broke jail in Ohio and fled to George T. Ulmer's for refuge, not long afterwards, these two men, (Mitchell and Brown), were repaid for their services by the burning of their barns. This took place in 1641 or 1842.

Immediately after this a meeting was called for the purpose of organizing a society for the mutual protection of all honest citizens, and to raise funds to pursue and catch any and all who should here- after be guilty of any depredations of alike character. On the appointed day men came up from every part of the country. Among the number, George T. Ulmer, and several others of the gang, were not the least conspicuous and expressed a strong desire to see the work go on. The effort proved a failure for the want of a secret plan of operation. Notwithstanding every effort that was made to the contrary, the blacklegs still grew In number and strength, until serious appre-

hensions were felt by many that they would finally bear rule. It may not be amiss here to note some of the principal causes of their suc- cess in numerical strength. One is the flattering delusion held up to the minds of the young men, that making and passing counterfeit money is not only profitable but an easy way of accumulating property without labor; and another, which is worse than all, is the advan- tages for the gratification of base desires . One point worthy of notice in the history of these companies, associated for the commis- sion of crime, is thi3: Wherever you find a rendezvous, hidingplace, or citadel of these land pirates, you will invariably find a number of lewd women . Thus you will see at once that every allurement that men can use for the ruin of your sons, to drag them down to the pit of infamy and shame, is brought to bear upon them. The man of honesty who earned his bread by his own toil and endeavored to train his family up to habits of true morality, was looked upon with con- tempt. The principles of the Christian religion were derided and trampled upon like tempest-withered leaves. And thus the work went on, sweeping like the besom of destruction and blasting everything in its course. No one was exempt from its curse; and woe to him who dared to raise the hand of opposition. Scarcely a day passed but some strange fiend in human shape might be seen sauntering about the streets in company with one or more of these midnight marauders, searching for an opportunity to steal.

It has been wisely said, "There is a point beyond which for- bearance ceases to be a virtue." The public had been outraged; their houses and barns pillaged and burnt; their sons decoyed into the vortex of ruin; the virtue of their daughters blasted forever; and the only alternative that now remained was to challenge the


enemy to mortal combat, and measure swords for the victory. Public sentiment must be tested. The line must be drawn. The sword of justice must be unsheathed, and the motto of the cheiftain of Mecca inscribed upon it in characters of unmistakable Import: "Fear brings disgrace. Forward lies honor. Cowardice saves no man from his fate." When once the sword is drawn in defense of those natural and God-given rights which are guaranteed to every man by the charter of his creation, he should never sheath it or turn back until God has decided between him and the foe. I am no advocate of war; but when these sacred principles have been disregarded and trampled upon with impunity, and when vice and immorality assume the reigns of government and bid defiance to the lav; of the land, every principle of justice calls for redress.

Whenever the religious and political liberties of any people have been thus disregarded by a band of outlaws, bidding defiance at every step, waging war against the peace and dignity of the coun- try, and standing In eternal opposition to every principle of morality, with a design to prostitute and blast forever the character of every young man and woman that comes within the range of their damning influence, it is not only a right which every man holds by virtue of the Declaration of Independence, which forms the grand basis of our national Government, to defend himself and family against such in- vasions, but it is a right which he holds also by the God of the universe. I say, whenever a people, or community, feel themselves thus aggrieved and imposed upon by such a gang of felons, they have a right to demand redress; and if the civil authorities fail to come to the rescue with a sufficient force to meet the wants and wishes of the people, then, and not until then, it becomes the right and


duty of a community to speak with that stentorian voice which must be heard. "All wholesome law", says a venerable statesman, "has its origin in the expressed will of the governed," and if that sentiment be true, the will of the mass is the law of the land, whether it be by legislative enactment, or by the spontaneous outburst of indig- nation against a combined force that are plotting the ruin of the country.

This crisis was a fearful one. One that called for immediate action. One in which the weal or woe of the country was involved; and one upon which hung in awful suspense the dignity, character ana future doom of Northern Indiana. The state of society was such as to render it unsafe for any property to be left exposed to the ruthless hands of these vile desperadoes, who were constantly on the alert, either crouching in ambush like the unsuspected savage to pounce upon his prey in an unguarded moment, or stealthily pacing the premises of some merchant, mechanic, or farmer, eagerly watching every fitful opportunity that presented itself, to put forth the felonious hand in deeds of the darkest dye.

Any state of society , --even that of the must untutored savages, where nature reigns in triumphant grandeur, and the white man's foot has never trod the soil, --is preferable to this.

While the complicated foldings of the portentious clouds, that thus hung suspended over our country, were daily gathering blackness, and threatening ere long to burst upon us like a mighty hurricane and sink us to the lowest depths of infamy and shame, and after every effort of moral suasion had been tried to the utmost, --when every honest man's patience had been taxed to the end of endurance, --our State Legislature came to the rescue.


In 1852, an act was passed authorizing the formation of com- panies for the detection and apprehension of horse thieves and other felons, which for the benefit of such as may not have access to the Statute of our State I will here insert, that you may see that we have not acted entirely without the saction of law, in apprehending and bring to justice a large number of these blacklegs, since the organization of the companies known in this country as the Regulators:

CHAPTER 51 AN ACT to authorize the formation of companies for the detection and apprehension of Horse Thieves and other felons, and defining their

powers .

(Approved March 9, 1852.)

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, That any number of persons, citizens of the State of Indiana, not less than ten nor more than one hundred, may, and are hereby authorized to form themselves into a company for the purpose of de- tecting and apprehending horse thieves and other felons, as hereinafter provided.

Sec. 2. Said persons desirous of forming such company, shall eacl subscribe articles of association, in which shall be set out the name said company may choose, the residence of each member, the number of members, and the number of years said company shall exist, which shall not exceed ten years. But 3uch articles of association, with the names of said members and their residence, shall first be laid be- fore the board of county commissioners of the county in which it is proposed to organize such company; if said board shall approve the objects of such association, as well as the by-laws governing the same, the said association shall be deemed organized and incorporated under the provisions of this act; and not otherwise: Provided,

nevertheless, That said board of commissioners shall, at any meeting thereof, have the right, and they are hereby empowered to strike the name of any member from such association, if they deem the public good to require it, and that such examination may, from time to time, be had. It shall be the duty of the secretary of clerk of such association to report, under oath, the name of each and every member of such association, with their respective places of residence, when- ever the board of commissioners of the county shall require it, under the penalty of forfeiting their corporate privileges and powers . Said articles of association shall be filed and recorded in the office of the county recorder of the county in which a majority of the mem- bers of said company may reside, and a certified copy of said record shall be received as evidence, in any court of this State, of the existence of such a company and membership of any person belonging thereto.

Sec. 3. Whenever said articles of association shall be filed as above provided, the said company, under the name and style which they may designate, shall be a body politic and corporate, and by such name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answere unto, in any court of competent jurisdiction in this State, and shall have succession during any time not exceeding ten years, as provided in the second section of this act; may have and use a common seal, and alter the same at pleasure.

Sec. 4. Said corporation may elect or appoint all such officers

as they deem necessary for their organization, who shall severally

hold such company; said officers shall serve either for or without

direct, compensation, as said company may

Sec. 5. A Majority of said company shall have power to adopt a

constitution and by-laws for their government, and enforce obedience


to the same, which constitution and by-laws shall be consistent with the constitution and laws of this State and of the United States. Sec. 6. Such number of members shall form a quorum to transact business and sit upon their own adjournments, or call meetings, under such regulations as said company may adopt.

Sec. 7. Said corporation may, at any time, add to their numbers under the limitations prescribed in this act, and may expel members in such manner and for such cause as may be prescribed in the consti- tution and by-laws of such company.

Sec. 8. Whenever a new member has been admitted or a member is expelled, such fact shall be certified by the proper officer of such company, and recorded in the office of the county recorder where the original articles of association have been recorded.

Sec. 9. Such company may receive donations in money, or other property, to be applied to the purposes of their organization, and assess taxes or impose fines upon their members, as may be prescribed in their constitution and by-laws.

Sec. 10. Such company shall have power to call to their aid the peace officers of this State, in accordance with law, in the pursuit and apprehension of felons, and reclaiming of stolen property, and each and every one of the members of such company, when engaged in arresting offenders against the criminal laws of this State, shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of constables.

Pursuant to the provisions of this act, numerous companies were formed throughout the country, with one grand object in view, namely, to rid the community as far as possible of all who were engaged in this nefarious work.



In the formation of these companies, it was customary first to draft a constitution and by-laws setting forth the objects of the society, the conditions of membership, the number and names of officers, as also their duties respectively. Any person making application for membership, must present a name uncontaminated by the vile association of felons, make a solemn pledge of secrecy, and subscribe his name to the rolls. The meetings of the societies were strictly private, and all their plans for operation were kept in profound secrecy until the contemplated arrests were made. The company known as the Lagrange County Rangers was the first organi- zation made under the act of the Statute, in Northern Indiana. The following is a copy of the constitution and by-laws of said company, which we insert because of its priority. Those of subsequent date were materially altered, with many important additions and ammendments


We, the undersigned, for the purpose of promoting the general good, for the protection of our property and families, and for the apprehension of horse thieves and other felons, do on this 20th day of September, A.D. 1856, organize ourselves into a society, and agree to be governed by the following articles of association:

Art. 1. This company shall be known and designated under the nam and title of the Lagrange County Rangers.

Art. 2. The officers of this society shall consist of a Presiden Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two Directors, who shall be elected annually, on the last Saturday in September.

Art. 3. The President, and in his absence the Vice President, shall preside over all meetings of the society, and shall have power


to call special meetings when he may deem it necessary for the intere; of the society.

Art. 4. The Secretary shall keep a correct record of all the pre ceedings of the society, receive all moneys paid in, and pay the same over to the Treasurer, talcing his receipt therefor, and make at each annual meeting a financial report.

Art. 5. The Treasurer shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, file with the Secretary of the society his bond for the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, with security to be approved by the President, for the due performance of his duties thereof; and shall receive all monies to him paid by the Secretary, giving his receipt therefor, and pay the same out by order of the President.

Art. 6. It shall be the duty of the Directors to draft a code of by-lax'/s for the society, and transact such other business as the society may require of them from time to time.

Art. 7. The President, Vice President, or Directors, shall cause the books to be open at all times for the reception of such persons as the society may direct. The initiation fee shall be two dollars, which must in all cases be paid at the time of admittance

Art. S. The Directors shall, when called on by the President or Vice President, assist in all matters connected with the interests of the society: Provided however, That said tax shall not exceed fifty cents on each one hundred dollars valuation: and provided, also, that the same shall be submitted to a vote of the society.

Art. 9. There shall be a regular meeting of the society on the last Saturday of September, December, March and June, to confer and advise with each other for the general good of the cause.

Art. 10. In the event of a vacancy occuring in any office, the


same may be filled by a special meeting, of which at least six days' notice shall be given to the members by the President, Vice President, or Edrectors: and all voting of the society for the election of officers, or the reception of members, shall be by ballot.

Art. 11. The number of members in this society shall not exceed fifty at any one time. One negative vote shall be suffi;ient to re- ject any applicant from becoming a member of this society.

Art. 12. Every member of this society guilty of any misdeameanor; shall be entitled to a fair hearing before the society.

Art. 13. This society shall continue for a term of eight years from its organization.

Art. 14. This constitution may be altered or amended at any regular meeting, by a vote of two- thirds of all the members present, notice having been given at least one meeting previous.

This society was in existence nearly one year and a half before any others were formed, and was constituted under circumstances of the most pressing necessity, by men who possessed the boldness and fortitude to assert their rights, at a time when danger stared them in the face .

The following minutes, embracing the preamble and resolutions of a meeting held by this society about sixteen months after its organi- zation, is but a fair representation of the uncompromising determina- tion with which they had entered the field to engage in the contest:


V.7 right's Corners, Jan. 5th, 1658

The citizens of Southern Lagrange and Noble counties met,

pursuant to a call issued by the several Self -Protecting Horse

Companies, when John Longyear was called to the chair, and E. W.

Meyers appointed Sec'y.


On motion of Mr. Mills, a committee of five was appointed to draft a preamble and resolutions, stating the object and expressing the sentiments of the meeting.

The following were appointed by the Chair: Mr. Mills, C. Cochran Dr. J. Z. Gower, L. P. Grannis and A. Hill.

The committee then retired, being absent a short time, returned and submitted the following


whereas, The counties of Lagrange and Noble are infested with blacklegs, burglars and petty thieves, to such a degree, that the property of our citizens is very insecure; and

Whereas, The tavern kept at Wrights' Corners, by Ben j . F. Wilson, is believed to be the rendezvous for these infernal banditte, who carry on their depredations upon the unsuspecting: and

Whereas, We have reason to believe that the said B. B. Wilson is an accomplice of tl ?se villains, protecting them as far as lies in his power; securing them, and abetting and aiding them: and

Whereas, There has been counterfeit money passed at the house of said Wilson under circumstances which justifies the belief that it was done by his knowledge and consent, and that he shared a part of the booty obtained thereby; and

Whereas, We are believers In the doctrine of popular sovereignty; that the people of this country are the real sovereigns, and that whenever the laws, made by those to whom they have delegated their authority, are found inadequate to their protection, it is the right of the people to take the protection of their property Into their own hands, and deal with these villains according to their just deserts; and


Whereas, It is notorious that the civil laws are totally inadequate to the protection of the property of our citizens against the depredations of the vampires, who curse the earth with their presence, living upon plunder taken from the honest, the industrious, and often the indigent portion of the community; and

Whereas, The citizens of other States have set us an example in this matter, taking the protection of their property into their own hands, and whenever they take these villains, offer them up as a tribute to humanity; therefore

Resolved, That we will use our utmost exertions to bring these villains to justice, by assisting to take them wherever they may be found, and that, when taken, we will deal with them in such a manner as to us may seem just and efficient.

Resolved, That we will hold B.B. Wilson responsible for all depredations which may be committed at his house, by such persons as he may harbor; by passing counterfeit money, or any other overt act, and that we will deal with him in such manner as we would with the real depredators.

Resolved, That in case of any individual Indorsing the preamble and resolutions offered by this committee, should from such endorse- ment, suffer loss by fire or otherwise, that we all be, and by these present do bind ourselves to make all loss good to him-such individual bearing his proportion.

Resolved, That these proceedings be published in the Langrange Standard .

Signed by one hundred and thirty citizens.



In the latter part of the year 1857, the handwriting began to be visible upon the wall. The first public demonstration made by the Regulators was a grand parade, which took place on the day of the Old Settler's Meeting at Kendallville, Jan. 16th, 1058. Soon after the arrival of the morning train of cars, and just before the organization of the meeting, about three hundred men, all on horseback, moved down in majestic strength through the streets of the town, bearing mottoes and banners of various descriptions, one of which contained a painting, representing the capture of a criminal, with these words written over the scene, "No expense to the County." After a full display of their forces, marching in double file through the most prominent streets of the village, they repaired to the common near the Baptist Church, where several speeches were made, setting forth in very bold and daring language the fixed determination of all those who had enlisted in the cause of reform. Many gazed upon the scene with wonder and astonishment. This to Noble and adjacent counties was the star of hope,-- the omen of better days to Northern Indiana, and the beacon of light of her rising glory. While, on the other hand, the banditti of counterfeiters were struck with terror and consternation, under the fearful forebodings of the rising indig- nation of an outraged and insulted people, who were ready now to strike for liberty or death.


On the 17th day of January, 1856, James McConnel, a prominent member of the Noble County Invincibles, after being provided with a posse of fifteen men, proceeded to the village of Rome, and in and about said place made the following arrests: Miles C. Payne,


Gregory McDougle, Sol Stout, Mai comb Burnam, Davis, French, Joseph Hall, Wm. Hall, and E. Kesler; whereupon they were immediately es- corted to Ligonier, and placed in the custody of the proper officers of the committee, to await investigation.

The practice of bringing ever-/ prisoner before the committees for private examination, for the purpose of procuring confessions and developments, dates from the beginning of Regulating. Hence, whenever any one was caught, upon whom competent evidence of guilt could be found, he was forthwith taken to some private apartment and there placed under the care of a committee, whose duty it was to ask of him a free and voluntary confession of all his knowledge concerning the blacklegs in Northern Indiana. These confessions, however, were not intended to be extorted through fear or favor, but were invariable called for in a voluntary manner. In some instances, where good advice and gentle means failed to accomplish the desired effect, a more rigid course of treatment was resorted to.

Some of the above named persons, after examination before the Regulators, were released for want of testimony. After due investi- gation before the committees, and a proper development of facts sufficient to warrant a substantial cause of action, they were generally handed over* to the authorities, to be dealt with according to law.

On the night of the 23d of January, E. Kesler was brought before a committee, and made the following developments:


"The first I ever stole was on the last of November, or the first of December, 1857. Headly, Core, and John Smith, divided the goods, that were stolen from the peddler at Rome, between them. I


held the door, while they done the robbing, and I knew they were robbing him at the time. I think some of the goods are at Finley's now, Headly makes his home with Finley. Finley lives about nine miles from Decatur, and about the same distance from Blufton. When I was there, I saw harness, trunks, and bridges, up stairs. The trunks had dry goods in them. I was there about two months ago. I suppose the goods were stolen. John Deems, and Shearer, stole three horses. Smith traded one of them for a large bay mare, and one was left at Ulmer's for safe keeping. Ulraer gave John Deems $250, and Headly $125, counterfeit money. I did not see either of the horses. John Deems took the iron gray to Ulmer's for Payne. I heard Payne ask Deems how the horses got along; he said, 'fine1. Mr. French told me, when he left, he was going to Angola. He left about two weeks ago. The boys say that Meeker is the old Banker. Stout told me that Smith's boys were his main men. Stout, McDougle, and Cors, had a hand in stealing Willis's guns."

The prisoner was then conducted to his room, and placed under guards, to await the pleasure of the committee.


On the night of the 25th of January, 1858, Gregory McDougle was brought before the Committee of the Noble County Invincibles, and, after having made a full confession embracing many important developments, he was conveyed to a private room and there placed under guard. Whereupon a committee of five men was duly appointed, to examine the witnesses and report upon the evidence and the final disposition of his case.



"We, the committee appointed by the Noble County Invincibles to collect and investigate the evidence in the case of Gregory McDougle, now pending before this Society, ask to make the following report:

"After having made a full and fair investigation of all the testimony, and having found, during said Investigation, evidence of an unmistakeable character, charging the said Gregory McDougle with murder, do recommend, that the said McDougle be hung by the neck until dead, on Tuesday, the 26th day of January, 1858, at 2 O'clock, P.M."

The report, on motion, was received and adopted.

Immediately upon the adoption of the report, a deep and profound silence pervaded the whole assembly. Each felt that the eve of an awful crisis was at hand. The fearful responsibilities of the decision of Death, upon a fellow being, without the saction of any other law except that of the natural right of self-defense, were now vividly portrayed in the mind of every member of the committee. No turbulent jar, or discordant voice, was heard to mar the fearful deliberations of that hour. Calmness and solemnity was visible upon every brow. A more calm, well matured and deliberate decision, was never made by any judicial umpire in trie history of criminal jurisprudence. The following resolution was then passed:

"Resolved, That the Captains of several Companies, in Noble and adjoining counties, notifv the members of their Companies, respec- tively, to appear at Ligonier on the day of execution, at the hour of 12 A.M., and that each Captain be requested to escort his own Company into the village, in regular file and good order."

During the pendency of the case of McDougle before the Noble County Invincibles, a more exciting and thrilling interest was never


manifested by the citizens of Noble County. Buggies and wagons were constantly on the move to and fro, and not a day passed, for the space of one week, but the cars were filled almost to overflowing with passengers from and to Ligonier. The case of McDougle formed the topic of conversation at every corner of the streets. The move- ment of the Regulators now made, what before had seemed but the momentary excitement of the mass, a serious reality, upon which were suspended the awful issues of life and death. They felt that their natural and God-given rights had been disregarded, and that the arm of the law was too weak to mete out a just retribution to the guilty, under the existing state of society. Hence they virtually said, "The axe is now laid at the root of the tree, and every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit shall be hewn down."

The following is an account of the execution of McDougle, as published by the Noble County Register, and is substantially true according to the original record:

EXECUTION OF GREGORY McDOUGLE At Ligonier, Indiana, January 26, 1656, by the Noble County "Regulators;" also, his Confession before the Committee.

The 26th of January, 1656, is a day long to be remembered by the citizens of Noble and adjoining counties, as being the day on which was executed Gregory McDougle, and we shall endeavor to give such facts as shall make the reader acquainted with all the attending circumstance!

It is a well known fact, that for years our County and Lagrange have been known, hundreds of miles, as the dens of blacklegs of every conceivable grade; and honest citizens, while from home, have hardly dared own their place of residence, for fear of being looked upon as one not safe to run at large, and as the sequel will show, not without


cause. Years since, while our country was new and hiding places, the notorious Latta, Hill, Ulmer & Co., formed their nucleus near the Tamarack, as a place to which all might meet to take counsel, lay plans, manufacture counterfeit money, and be safe from harm. For years their gang, in a measure, controlled our election and sat upon our juries, thus rendering the laws of no avail. Year after year has passed away and the same state of things has continued. Our horses, buggies, harness and other property., have been stolen by the wholesale; our 3tores broken and goods taken. Our citizens have been met by the highwayman, and at the pistol's muzzle robbed, and in one instance stabbed; and so well were their plans laid that their detection seemed impossible.

Thu3, for years, have this banditti pursued their course. No man or his property were safe while this gang remained in our midst. If, by chance, one was arrested, he would be released by his comrades, break jail, go on inadequate straw bail, or, if held to court, be sworn clear by his confederates under the alibi dodge, until our citizens lost all hopes as to the laws accomplishing the desired result.

By a chain of fortuituous circumstances, a short time since, the gang, their numbers and places of deposit, became known, when a Committee of Vigilance was formed to bring them to justice. The result was that some twenty-five were arrested, and of the number, fourteen are now in jail, well guarded. During the investigation it became known that one of the gang, a former accomplice of the notorious Townsend, one Gregory McDougle, alias Gregory McGregor, Geo. McLane, Geo. Bates, was in custody of the Court, --a man who, by his own con- fession, was born in V/allaceburg, Kent County, Canada West, in the year 1831, where he commenced his career of crime by breaking the

Chatham jail where his brogher was confined, robbing the jailor's


wife of a purse of gold; also robbing a schoolmaster of a watch on the ice, and names other affairs in Canada—details which stamp him as one of the most desperate and hardened villains that the annals of crime present.

Since April last, he with two others, have stolen no less than thirty-four horses, broke two jails, robbed four stores and two tanneries, took the entire load of two peddlers, besides a large amount of harness, saddles, buggies, and other property too numerous to mention; who publicly boasted that no jail could hold him, and that he feared neither God, man, or the devil. Further, there seems to be other and deeper acts, which he did not confess, and which we will briefly detail.

The Deputy U. S. Marshall of Michigan states, under oath, that he has had in his possession for some time, a reward from Canada, for the apprehension of this man, for the crimes of robbing, an attempt to break jail, and murder. McDougle confesses to his identity in the acts of robbing, and the attempt to break the jail at Chatham, Canada, to release his brother, but denies that the murder occurred. The Marshal, Mr. ilalstead, however states that he went to Canada twice to investigate the matter, and that the murder was committed upon the very person that McDougle confesses of robbing, to-wltj the jailor's wife of the prison, where McDougle's brother was confined. Added to this we have the testimony of a confederate, taken separate and apart from the statement of the Marshal, that McDougle, in re- lating his exploits, stated that these occurrences did take place, and that he gave the blow that caused the death.

McDougle also confesses to robbing a schoolmaster on the ice,

but denies his murder. We have, from the same authorities and others,

that the schoolmaster was not only robbed, but murdered, and found

dead on the ice .


One other crime we will mention, and close this harrowing and sickening detail. This former confederate, heretofore mentioned, state that McDougle informed him, that he and another accomplice, hearing that a certain Scotchman had received quite a sum of money, proceeded to rob him of the treasure. With a pistol to their victim's breast they demanded his money. He told them that he had deposited it in the bank. After a search, and not believing his statement, they proceeded to divest him of what clothing was necessary, and procuring live coals of fire roasted him upon them. They released him before death occurred, becoming satisfied that their victim had told them the truth. McDougle, In his confession, qualifies by saying, that he held his accomplices horses, while they did the act. V.'e leave our readers to judge of the executed man's complicity in these acts.

Proofs being positive, a jury of citizens, (not a jury of twelve,

but a jury of hundreds,) decided that justice required that he die;

and on this memorable day he was executed; not by a rabble, not by

a noisy mob, not by young men in the heet of passion, but by men who

for years have been residents of this and the adjoining counties, --

men that were not impelled by a thirst for blood, not to riot In the

agonies of one made in the image of the God they worshipped, but

that stern justice demanded the offering as an example to the young

in their midst, many of whom have already taken the first steps in

that road which leads to death. All felt the solemnity of the hour;

all would gladly have had it otherwise, if justice could have been

satisfied through any other channel; but all felt that this was the

only resort, During the forepart of the day he was visited by two

clergymen, who endeavored to point his thoughts to Him who holds the

destinies of man in His keeping, and who is free to forgive all,

even to the most guilty.


Gregory McDougle was brought before the committee on the evening of the 25th of January, when he was informed, for the first time of the doom that awaited him- -that he was to be executed the next day at 12 o'clock. The gentleman whose duty it was to break to him this painful and unwelcome intelligence, addressed the prisoner in some very affecting and appropriate remarks, which seemed to affect him to such a degree that he appeared confused, and made some wandering remarks, such as, "Well, gentlemen, I am in your power, deal with me as you see fit--I have never been in Canada--I never had a brother there," etc. He aaid he had committed many thefts, and commenced to re- late them, but was told that perhaps he had better return to his room, where if he had anything to relate-any confessions to make, he would be waited upon by two or three persons, who would commit to writing whatever he desired to communicate -to which he assented. He was then asked, if he would like to have a clergyman visit him in his room and confer with him on spiritual matters. He replied that he would, and desired to know if he could not have an oppor- tunity of seeing his wife. He was told that his wife should be sent for immediately. He was then taken back to his room, and messengers dispatched at once for his wife and child, who arrived next morning at 7 o'clock.

After a short exhortation and prayer by the Rev. Mr. Wolcott, he made the following


"I was born in V.'allaceburg, Kent County, Canada, in 1031. My parents were respectable, and gave me a good opportunity for an education, but I did not improve it. My father was a professor of religion. I was married to Margaret Jacobs when I was nineteen years of age. I have four brothers and one sister. My father died

when I was nineteen, in Canada. He was engaged, at the time of his death, in merchandizing, in Wallaceburg, his name was Laughlin McDougle. I wa3 engaged at the time of my father1 s death in keeping a tavern. I continued in this business about two years. I commenced my career of crime about four or five years since. My brother Miles was at work on the Great Western Railroad, where he was arrested for robbing a house and stealing a horse, and confined in the Chatham jail. I went to the jail in company with John McGreggor, John Mc- Dougle and James McDogle, to release my brother. The jail was surrounded by a wall. McGreggor, John and myself climbed over the wall by the aid of a ladder. (James dared not venture.) We took the ladder and stove against the door, which was made of wood, and burst it in; we went into the hall and so into the jailor's bedroom; we found no one there but the old lady, who appeared frightened, but he tapped her lightly on her head with his hand, and said, 'Don't be frightened, mother, I'll not hurt a hair of your head, I only want the keys of the prison.' She immediately gave us three--one to each of us--and also went to the bed, and from under the pillow tool: a bag about fifteen inches in length and handed to us, which I took and put in my pocket. There was something heavy in the bag, but did not look to see what it was. I then went to the grate doors and on the opposite side were the guards, who called out 'run here boys,' upon hearing which my comrades turned and fled; but I went up to the door and told the guards to stand back or I would shoot them. I tried to unlock the door, but found the key which I had did not fit, and that the boys had gone with the one which did. I then started to pass out, and the old lady followed me and demanded back her purse of gold. I stood a second or two, and then handed it back, and

said, 'here mother, take your gold, I do not want it.' The old


lady's name was Payne. Then I uent out and joined my comrades, and traveled home on foot, a distance of twenty-six mileB. The officers pursued us, and got to my house before we did, but we managed to keep out of their way. I then went to Shemung County, N.Y., where I fell in company with one Sherman Mallett, and, with our wives, came to Burr Oak, Michigan, and there met with Wra. Latta. Bought a place opposite, and stayed there several weeks repairing the place. Mallett hired a horse at a livery stable and drove to Port Mitchell; broke open a store, and stole a lot of silk goods and kid gloves; he put on an overcoat and started for home, but lost a piece near the Tamarack; took the rest to Latta's.

"About six weeks after Latta came, and proposed to John McDougle, Sherman Mallett and myself, that he would furnish us with some counter- feit money, if we would get some goods. V.'e went to VJatcrford, in Elkhart County, and broke open a store and stole dry goods to the amount of some y300. V.'e took them to about three miles west of Lima and hid them in the woods. We sold a part to Latta, and a part to Jeremiah Misner, for counterfeit money made at Perry Randolph's. The factory at Fawn River was broken open, I think by Charles Smith and a man called Red Head. The goods were taken to I'm. Hill's. I went in company with ilallett, V.'m. Ray, and John McDougle to Detroit, and there passed about VS0 in paper on the V.'estmlnster Bank, Rhode Island. I had some six or eight hundred dollars of this money. I sold a part of it to Mallett's comrades in New York. Mallett and I hired a span of grey horses at Rome, Michigan, and drove them to Chemung County, N.Y., and sold them to Edward Howard, who lives about five miles from Havanna. V.'e then exchanged some of our counterfeit money for 20 's on the Black River bank, and came back to Freedom. Mallett passed

two £0's on the way home. I gave mine to Latta.


"Mallett went into the factory at F ;wn River on pretense of looking for a site, and went all through it. Suspicion rested on me. We went to Perry Randolph's, and then to Kendallville, where Mallett passed one or two of his 20's. While we were absent my house was searched, and the officers were waiting for me when I returned, but I only stayed about two hours, and then started for Jackson. My wife, then, for the first time, became acquainted with my true character. I went back to Wallaceburg, Canada, and stole a pair of horses from Raymond Baley, and rode them seventy miles east of London, and took them into the pinery. I stopped with a man by the name of Cartwrlght, and made shingles a few weeks, the horses being secreted. I finally made a sleigh, stole a set of harness, and brought them to Cartright's. I started for Buffalo on Christmas, 1856, and put up in the Crankln House. I sold one of the horses to a merchant, and the other to Lyons at Black Rock. I then returned to Canada, and hired a horse and cutter at Ingersol and came to Wallaceburg, and took my cousin with me. About six miles from Wallaceburg we stole a pony from a stable, came to Tecumseh, Michigan, and there traded off the pony for another horse, and came to Freedom; went to Perry Randolph's and left one horse there; went to Bill Hill's and traded both horses for a sorrel mare; Hill knew they were stolen. I then started for Wallaceburg in com- pany with my wife and cousin; we stole a pony below Detroit, and went about twelve miles, when my cousin stole a sorrel mare; we cold the pony about ten miles from Port Dover; we took the other two horses to Buffalo, and sold them. I went from there to Syracuse, and worked in the salt works several weeks . Then went to Chemung County, N.Y. I went in company with Edward Howard to rob a man

they called Big Jim. Howard went into the house, wet a cloth with


chloroform and laid it on his chest, went out and waited a few minutes, then went in and took $95 and a cold watch; I took the watch and $20 of the money. I went back to Syracuse and took my wife and went to Rochester, and then went back to Chemung County, and hired out to drive a team for a man by the name of Hutchinson. I went to his bed in the night, and took $125, and a watch worth two or three dollars. Then went to Rochester, and then went back to Chemung County. There met Mallett, who had just been pardoned out of Prison. V.'e went to Jefferson and broke open a drug store, and took some jewelry, pocket- knives, and seven or eight dollars in money; we took the goods to a man by the name of Baker, east of Penn Yan; he offered us sixty dollars we wanted eighty dollars; he, however, stole some gold rings of us.

"V.'e went from there to Penn Yan and took the cars for Rochester; stayed there awhile; finally went back to Baker's and broke open his wagon and stole seventy or eighty dollars worth of goods. We then went to Chemung, and stole Joseph Howard's horse, and went back to Baker's and stole his two mares, sleigh, double harness and a set of single harness; we traded our sleigh and harness off for a wagon to a man by the name of Reed, in Chatauque County; ;;e kept the mares. We broke open a store and stole dry goods to the amount of $200; also, a jeweller's store, and took two or three hundred dollars worth of watches and jewelry; we took our jewelry to Canada. We hired a horse and buggy of a man by the name of Fish, and drove it to Perry Randolph's and sold it to Woodford.

"I next went to Pennsylvania and broke Into a grocery and got

about a hundred dollars worth of tea and tobacco. Mallett hired horses

and buggy of Woodford and we went down to Ellicottville, where we got

in company with a man by the name of Phipps, and we went some seven

miles, to a man by the name of Ozen, and I held the horses while they


went into the house; they hurt Ozen badly by striking him with a stick; they got twenty-four or twenty-five dollars. We stopped some two or three months with Reed. I then took my mares and hitched them to my wagon, and we came to Tiffin, Ohio, and Mallett sold all to a pump peddler. I then came to Burnam's to see about my mother. I got thirty dollars of Burnam in bo^us coin, and ^2,000 in counterfeit of Bill Kill on the Southern Bank of Kentucky, brought from Cincinnati. I then re- turned to Chatauque, N.Y., and sold some and some I returned.

"On my return I became acquainted with Payne through Burnam. V.'e went to Wolf Lake, and took a pair of horses of movers, and took them to Mr. Woodford's in Chatauque County, and sold them to him. We stole another pair of brown mares, and drove them back and sold them to Burna. Payne stopped at Perrysburg and stole another and rode to Burnam's. I traded a watch with Payne for his horse and $20. Next, Barney Weston, Sol. Stout and myself, went to Springfield, broke into a store, got about 92OO worth of dry goods, and sold them to Barney Weston for a wagon. I sold it to Burnam for my board. Next Payne and I went to Union town in July, and got ten or twelve pairs of boots, two pair of long rubber boots, and one pair of men's gaiters. Payne sold his to Bill Hill, and I sold mine to Kreamer. Payne and I next went to On- tario and pulled some four or five hundred pair of buckskin gloves fro:. McKiniey; sold some to Mill, some to uliner, and some to Joe and Bill Hall.

"A man by the name of John Wilson stoic Spencer's horses, and tool: them about thirty-five r.iiles north of Cincinnati, and sold them to an old farmer, and then pulled a pair of brown horses, and brought them to Burnam's, and put them to my wagon, drove them to Detroit, then shippec them to Dunkirk and drove them to Thomas Reed's in Chatauque County, U.Y I took a mare and colt from Burnam's to Michigan, four miles cast of

Albion, on the Jackson road, and traded to ton. Hill for a horse.

"I traded a horse to ;* he is with us; I gave him counterfeit

money, and he told me he passed it; he was initiated before I saw him. These men are the kind of men that are the cause of so many horses bein^

stolen. Also _ ;* I would not be afraid of his exposing me if he

knew I had a stolen horse.

"Stealing from the peddler at Rome, myself, iCessler, Hadley, Stout, Kank Coure and Smitzer, hid the goods under a hay stack. Myself, Coure and Stout went to Springfield, and on our way back Coure went into a shoe shop and took two guns, one deer skin and accordion; Coure, I think, took them north. We then came to McKlnzie's wagon and took the box out and hid it in the bushes; a few nights after I gave it to For- syth to peddle out- -Forsyth the magic man."

On being questioned he stated, that "he robbed a man by the name of Alexander McCoy of a watch on the ice at V.'allaceburg, soon after I tried to get my brother out of jail. I ran up behind him and pulled his watch, when he fell down on the ice, but was not hurt; he came to my house next morning for a drink."

Upon being questioned in regard to a certain Scotchman, robbed in the western part of Mew York, he said: "Mallett and Wm. Soy went to his house; the man was sitting, smoking his pipe; they asked him for a drink, he got them some water, when Roy knocked him down; he asked what they wanted; Roy said they must have some money; he said he put it in the bank; they poured out wheat and flour and raked it all through in search of the money, after which they put some live coals in a kettle and set him on it, but he still said it was in the bank. I merely held the horses outside. They took an old watch and left. A

* We leave these names blank for certain reasons


man by the name of Jones pointed the place out to them by writing them a letter; Jones lives near Georgetown in Canada.

"DEKALB COUNTY. --Miles Payne, John Wilson and George Palmer,

broke open the Spencerville store. R.J. deals in counterfeit,

lives in Union town. Hadley and Hunt robbed and stabbed Myers.

"LIG0NIER.--Hank Coure stole Storm's buggy; it is on the Michigan River, at True Roberts', at Lowell. Wright's goods were stolen by Charles Smith and Wilkinson, and sold to Bill Hill.

"FORT WAYNE. --Largchuft, ticket agent, Ott Hole one, Bill Jackson, keeper of the Mad Anthony Saloon, and Joel Cutter, all deal in counter- feit money. Sam Gowers uses counterfeit money himself.

"LAGRANGE. --Constable Louther deals in counterfeit and horses. James Pitts signs the bills on Pretty Prairie; Ad. Nimmons used to. Misner signs his own. There is an old man that usually stops at Perry Randolph's; he cut their plates, or does their engraving; I think he is there now. John Goodrich secretes stolen horses; he secreted two for me at different times; he also deals in counterfeit; he has asked me for it. Holsinger's horse was taken by Hunt and sold to Wm. Hall, four miles from Albion, Michigan. Ban Wilson and Ben Wilson deal in counterfeit, and secreted a couple of horses for Payne."

McDougle was at Burnam's in December, 1857. He saw Dr. Hogan, and Hogan said that he had sold Burnam a Christmas collar, and if he let Burnam have $400 or $500, whose business was it? Dr. Hogan was at a party at Ben Wilson's. Payne was there. Payne let Hogan have a quantity of counterfeit to keep till after the dance. Payne had $900; Hogan knew it was counterfeit money.

McDougle has seen Meeker there counterfeiting at different times;

seen him at Burnam's coloring counterfeit. James Clark, a baggage

master on the railroad at Fort Wayne, deals in counterfeit; he is a


big stout man. Jed Cothrell, who keeps the saloon, deals In counterfei' he used to get his money from Bill Hill and Burnam.

Jonathan Thompson makes and peddles spurious coin; lives in Kinsman, Ohio on the road to Meadville. Ott Hoken, a starch dealer, deals in counterfeit.

Wm. Thompson, U3ed to be sheriff of Chemung County, N.Y.; John Thompson, out west, Charles Hibbard, keeps tavern, all of the same place and John Rosenkraus, think he lives in Bath, N.Y., all deal in counter- feit money.


McDougle, throughout the period of his confinement, up to the time of communicating to him his awful doom, seemed perfectly careless and hardened, and, in fact, his bearing and manner were defying. He made several derisive remarks about the proceeding of the Regulators- stated that he was not to be, and could not be frightened. He seemed at times to regard the persons about him, and all attempts to get con- fessions from him, with marked contempt. His remarks were often pro- fane as well as insulting- -sometimes he would maintain a dogged silence to all inquiries made of him.

After being informed of the doom that awaited him, he seemed to wake up to a new and entirely different feeling.

The writer of this witnessed the parting interview with his wife and child--a babe of near a year old. His wife had reached him about 7 o'clock A.M. l-icDoujle was the first to convey to her the tidings of his own doom. She was completely overcome, and in a short time relapsed into a swooning state, from which she did not fully awaken until the time had come for his removal to the place of exe- cution. And oh! the heart-rendering scene of those few minutes which composed that parting interview!

McDougle was composed, but weeping freely, and lamenting his fate. Ills wife, in view of this last interview upon earth with the husband of her youth, seemed inconsolable. Her ejaculations of grief and sorrow were almost unmanning. She begged to go with him. He told her that it would not do. Once or twice he started from the embrace of his wife, remarking that he would have to go a3 "they were waiting for him." He urged her to train up their child in the "way it should go." The babe participated in the sadness of the scene; it caught the reflex of grief on the countenances of those around It, and cried sorro\ fully. McDougle, brushing away the tear3, hushed babe affectionately and fondly, and bidding a last adieu, he slowly left the room for the carriage, which awaited him in front of the hotel. He was seated with a clergyman and three or four other gentlemen, and at once driven to th place of execution, followed by a large cavalcade of horsemen, and othe: in carriages and on foot.

They arrived at the place of execution at about 3 o'clock. After some preliminary work, the wagon containing the prisoner and his coffin was driven under an oak tree from a branch of which the fatal rope dang He seemed calm and collected—indeed, he evinced throughout the whole c the terrible scene the utmost calmness and self-possession. The prepa- rations being completed, the prisoner rose and addressed the crowd.

The following is an abstract of his remarks, for a report of which we are indebted to our friend A. B. Miller, Esq:


"I am happy to see such, a crowd around me, and I hope ill young

men will take a warning from me. My old father arl mother advised me

to do good. I never committed murder. They say that I killed a man an

woman in Canada, and that I burnt a man to make him tell where his none

was. It is false. The worst crime I committed was in New York; I then


stole, and hurt a nan, which long troubled me; but he cot well. I have stolen many times, and taken many horses. Mr. Braden has my confession; which I am willing you all should see. I am sorry to be here, but it night as well be ray lot as another's. I say to young men, keep from houses of ill-fame, and instead of playing cards, read your Bible. The first deviation is the worst; the progression is easy then to robbery, and finally murder. No man, I think has any hard feelings towards me, and I have hard feelings towards none. The citizens of Ligonier have treated me kindly. It is my unhappy portion that my doom should b<_ a warning to all young men, and I am glad to see so many here. It is said that I fear neither God, man, or the devil. I do fear God. It is but a few years since I commenced this course. I broke jail in Canada to release my brother. I was discovered, and had to flee ay country, and since have fallen into bad ways. I was forced by circumstances intc the society of bad men, and hence have pursued a bad course. There are quite a number of people who think the Committee is mistaken in what they do. I say they are not. They are justified, and I hope that they will succeed in their undertaking, and root out all the thieving, coinin. counterfeiting and horse stealing. I'any present are probably as bad as me, but I hope they will all, especially the young men, take warning by me. My only source is God. I truer to Him for mercy. I trust In the Lord . "

Note. --The confession of McDougle is given as he gave it in, after the sentence of death, was passed upon him. It is proper to say that it is not considered full. The time was short, sixteen hours, that he had to relate his misdeeds, and were he disposed to give a full and honest account, the overwhelming horror of his situation would 'cend to cause him to confuse and disconnect his statements, and, also, in the multitude of his crimes, to pass over many acts, some of which he ad-

verted to in conversation with his clergyman and others. There are sock crimes committed by him in this section of country, which are well known which he has not mentioned at all in his confession. These will be given in future, accompanied with the statement of his former accomplice This sheet is compiled to satisfy the public demand and is given as the superficial view of the matter at present.

The wife of McDougle, subsequent to his execution, proved to be a very important witness in many cases. She manifested, however, great reluctance to having any publicity given either of her name or the exe- cution of her husband, stating as a reason that her parents were still living, and she did not wish them to know anything of her misfortunes. She said she never intended to let them know where she was .

Several letters have been received by the Regulators, from differ- ent parts, of the country, confirmatory of the statements of McDougle in reference to his own crimes, one of which we give below:

Rushville, N.Y., Mar. 22, 1858

Mr. Postmaster; --As I have just read an account of the execution and confession of Gregory McDougle, at your place, on the 26th of Jan. last, and as many have no confidence in such confessions made at such times and such circumstances, I thought I would write and let you know that all those acts, except the horse stealing, which he says transpireo in this county, are true. His statement in reference to the store which was broken in Chemung County is also true, and the Baker whom he mention; is a man living in Penn Yan, as he says. I have showed the confession to the sheriff of our county, and he says he is acquainted with the said Baker, Joseph Howard and several other hard case3 he mentions. I see by the papers you are doing a good work. I write that you may know that many of the statements made in said confession, in reference to his acts in this country, are true. F.C. Chamberlain, P.M.



This man, as appears from a letter on file, emigrated to Indiana sometime in the year 1855 or 1856, from near Bell River, Michigan. He is a man about forty years old, five feet nine inches high, spare face and brown hair; has a wife and four or five children, some of whom are full grown. From the letter above referred to, he seems to have left the state of Michigan under suspicious circumstances, and is said to have brought with him a set of dies for manufacturing bogus money. He wac an intimate friend and companion of McDougle. At the time of his arrest he was a resident of Noble County and occupied the farm formerly owned t Km. Latta, now by Dr. L. Barber. After his arrest he wa3 in due time brought before the committee for investigation, but was very stubborn and peremptorily refused to make any confessions and constantly urged the plea of innocence. A part of the committee, owing to his manifest obstinacy, were in favor of applying the rope. The question was strongl discussed by men of ability on both sides, and the first vote resulted in a decree to hang, but the motion was reconsidered and lost by a very small majority. Whether the rope was applied to his neck at any time during the investigation is not reported; but sure it is that many who were arrested and brought before the Regulators can testify to the preva lence of the rope system at that time. From some cause, however, he was induced to make the following confession, which though very disconnec- ted we give as it appears on record. After naming certain persons he proceeds:

"They told me that they got their money of Bill Hill; they have all

told me that they had passed counterfeit money; told me that he

received a stolen horse from Bill Hill, knowing the same to be stolen;

he said the horse was white, and was stolen from Fayette County, Ohio,

by a man by the name of John Wilson, and was afterwards taken by Bill


Hill to Missouri; he told me that a certain black mare he owned he had

received from , which was stolen from Valparaiso last fall, (1657);

McDougle told _ that the gloves he sold him were stolen from McKinlej of Ontario, Lagrange County, Indiana; Wright's goods that were stolen from Fairfield Center, in Dekalb County, were taken by McCoy and Charlc Smith to Hill's Corners, four miles east of Lagrange, to Drake & Wood- ward's tabern, and were known by Drake & Woodward to have been stolen; I know that said Drake & Woodward bought a span of stolen horses from

Charles Smith and McCoy; said McCoy is about twenty- two years old,

harbors blacklegs; Samuel Pulver bought coin and bills of Hill; Bill an Jacob Garmlre bought money of Hill; Samuel Pulver bought $25 in bogus money of Hill, at Huntertown, about one year ago; I saw him pass a part of it; I think Joseph Rollin and Payne are knowing these facts; Pulver has told me that he passed and dealt in counterfeit money; I heard D.I. Donegan say that he passed three or four ten dollar bills of counterfei he says he has the directions wheee to go to get bogus and counterfeit; it is Ohio County, Indiana,"

The committee being satisfied that they could make no very profits use of Bumam, and finding that he was disposed to make no very impor- tant developments, only on conditions of his own release, and well know- ing that such revelations would entirely invalidate his testimony ,ei the against himself or any one else, soon handed him over to the United Sta Deputy Marshal Charles Seeley, to be taken to Indianapolis. He lay in the jail at Indianapolis until the fall term of the United States Dis- trict Court, at which time he was tried and sentenced to the penitentia for a term of two years .

The following is a copy of a letter received from Bell River, near

where Bumam formerly resided in Michigan, and is confirmatory of many

of the statements already made; and gives also an idea of the character


he bore previous to his emigration to our State:

"Gentlemen:- -I learn by the public prints that you have succeeded in breaking up a gang of thieves and robbers who have infested your cou. and those adjoining. I live at Bell River, St. Clair County, State of Michigan. All that separates us from the scene of McDougle's former ex ploits is the St. Clair River which is about one mile wide. We have fo. a number of year3 been troubled more or less by the villains committing their depredations, and crossing back and forth over the river as it be- came necessary to escape justice. McDougle has been from here a number of years. A man by the name of Burnam left here about two years ago. There vras at that time an organized band on both sides of the river, which we have succeeded in breaking up, and some of them are now in Sta\ Prison. This Burnam made his escape and probably took the dies, etc., with him. He is about thirty-five or thirty-eight years old, five feet nine inches high, spare fase and brown hair."

A large quantity of material and also a set of dies were found at Bu mam's house at the time he was arrested, which were brought into cour as evidence against him. One piece of metal was found in the yard of the residence where he was taken, buried among the rubbish, which weighed fourteen pounds .


Early educated to habits of honesty and industry, under the care of mother much devoted to the great principles of Christianity, and a worthy patron of that noble cause, presents one of the most striking illustrati of treachery of any among the infernal gang. He was one of the number arrested by James McConnel, on the 17th day of January, 1858, and on being brought before the Committee of the Noble County Invincibles,from some cause, perhaps an undefined consciousness of some coming evil, he made no hesitancy in opening up a full disclosure upon the whole gang,


and detailing the most horrible catalogue of crime ever known among the people of the country. Persons upon whom not the least suspicion had ever rested before, and who had hitherto been esteemed as good and wort: citizens were now implicated by unmistakeable marks of guilt and shame. These developments, though never reduced to writing, were of the most startling character, and led to the breaking up of almost the entire co: pany. Many, whose sagacity enabled, them to forsee the evil, fled from the country and have not been heard from since; while others, less saga clous, esteemed the commotion of the people but as the momentary excite ment of a furious storm, which would ere long end in calm and sunshine, and, ashamed to exhibit such demonstrations of guilt, aimed to vindicate their innocence by remaining at home. As his confessions were never committed to writing, we shall only be able to give a concise history of his operations while acting under the character of a detective in con cert with the Regulators. With no pledge except that of personal safety he entered upon the work of a detective with a boldness, freedom and zeal seldom surpassed even by the Regulators.

He states that he had been engaged In the blackleg business only about two years, and that during that time he had stolen about thirty-si horses, besides large quantities of goods and other commodities, and during the whole time had been extensively engaged in buying, celling and passing counterfeit money. His field of operations extended through the States of New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan and Wis- consin. In the latter part of the winter of 1857-6, he, In company witi; Dr. J. S. Lavering, proceeded to Lafayette, Ind., where, by the advice and assistance of Mr. Chissom, the very excellent Sheriff of that place, they succeeded in making several arrests of importance. The persons arrested were in due time brought before the United States District Cour at Indianapolis, and, by the evidence of Payne and said Dr. Lavering, sent


to the Penitentiary. He mentions a large company located at Black Rock, Wisconsin, to which he had access as a place of refuge, and represents them as being the most numerous and best organized gang in any of the States .

By his undeviating conduct and daring fortitude in ferreting out, lining up, and aiding to arrest all such as were in any way implicated, he had succeeded in gaining almost the entire confidence of all the Committees .

Thus, after having proved himself one of the guiltiest of the guilt after having in the most cowardly manner possible proved the most treaci. erous of all thieves among thieves, and after having made bold and high pretensions to reform, and manifested the strongest desire to see the whole banditti routed and driven from the country, he proves himself tc be one of the most infamous of all blacklegs, unworthy to be trusted by any, even the most vile desperadoes or pirates that ever roamed on land or sea. By allowing himself, at a time when no earthly consideration should have caused him to falter, to be hired to turn traitor and prove recreant to the trust reposed in him, and again rush heedlessly into th labyrinths of crime and infamy. He left the country during the fall term of the Lagrange Circuit Court, probably from inducements which re- main in the dark. He is about six feet high, dark eyes and hair, stron built, and about twenty-five years old. Upon his left arm may be founa his name, written with India ink, and on the hand of the same arm an anchor. He Is by trade a cooper. The eye of vigilance will pursue hi::: and justice will sooner or later overtake the guilty.


Copy of a letter written by John, brother of Gregory McDougle, to V.'m. Latta of Iowa, in reference to the doings of the Regulators in Indiana:

Feb. 10th, 1858

"Dear Friend: -I suppose you must have heard what a time they have had in Indiana; -the capture of McDougle o: Co. He has confessed a great deal; he exposed all the persons he knew anything about; so do all the boys they have arrested. They have said you were at La Cross, but some said you were at the other place, and other's said they had you at Ligo- nier, but that I knew was not so. You had better be on your guard; they intend to have you, and B., and G., and T. there; they think they have got the leaders of the gang, as they term it. I saw your address in P.'; letter, and I judged you might not have heard what was up with them. The Prairie men have left the country. I's brother is there, but it is dangerous business to write to any of them now. I wrote two letters to you last week at Ft. _ , but perhaps you did not get them. These fel- lows they have caught, tell who have stolen the horses about this coun- try and where they are. Some have got their property and others are in pursuit. I think It would be much safer for you to get off among strangers. B. had better get away also. There is a fuss with old Pap and that Doctor that sent you together. They accuse old II. of intrigue, etc., and say he was bribed to let W. and me out. They know where I. and

w". are, and will bring them in soon.

Truly yours . P.S-rwrite when convenient. V.'e are all well.

BOGUS FACTORY Sometime In the year 1857, a plan was entered into by several mem- bers of the band to establish a regular mint for the manufacture of bogu money, on a more extensive scale, ana after the manner of a joint stock company, in which each was to bear a proportionate share of the expensec


and reap a like share of the profits. After the arrest of several men who had become stockholders in the contemplated scheme, the following confessions were made before the Committee, and by James McConnel reduced to writing, subscribed and sworn to.

AFFIDAVIT OF SIMEON WEBSTER "About the 18th day of June, 1857, John A. Taylor came to ray house and said that he had a book that contained receipts which would enable any one to make gold and silver out of any other metal, but the lav; for- bid making any National coin out of said composition. He staid over night with me, and the next morning D. H. came to my house and said to me, 'who is that fellow?' referring to Taylor; 'I don't like the looks of him.' I told him that he (Taylor) had a book containing receipts for making gold and silver, and as I had often had him for counsel I would take him this time, and wanted him to tell what was best to be done. He (H.) took the book and looked it over, and then said it was a good thing and It would be best to make the composition into coin. Taylor said he had been caught once and worked hard in the Penitentiary and would not do anything unlawful. Ke and I opposed making coin. They acted as if they had seen each other before. The night after this conversation Taylor went home with II. Then, four days after, H. and Taylor and I entered into partnership, and they spent a good portion of the time with me. Soon after this, Taylor started for Warsaw, but before he left he wrote a letter to be sent to Dr. Duvol, for crucibles, materials, etc. The letter was not sent. Taylor came back, took the letter and about $25 In good money and started for Toledo. In about two days he returned, bringing with him the crucibles, a watch and some change, perhaps $2. In two or three days after H. came to Taylor, in my presence, and recommended John Thomas as a good person to engage In the business. For

about one week H. and Thomas strongly solicited Taylor to take in A. II.


and Meeker, at the end of which time H. hitched to his wagon and took us all to Springfield. There Meeker and N. were taken into the company, and it was agreed that we should all contribute equally to stock the business. Myself and Taylor were both opposed to making coin. H. and I think all the rest were in favor of it. Thomas took H.'s horses and was gone two days, and came back with the material. Meeker paid $5 which was to buy said materials. A furnace was then constructed for melting, and H. furnished the team to do the hauling; Taylor built the furnace. Taylor and Thomas tried to melt the composition, but failed. Harrison Blackman came to get some material for galvanizing, and I think wanted to get some counterfeit money at the same time. The two Smith boys, Theon and Frank, came also; I believe they both came for counter- feit. Charles H. came also to get some counterfeit money. John Thomas took the crucible and the remainder of the material saying he was going away to melt it. That that was spoiled in the first melting was thrown into the marsh near by. H. Blackman came to me sometime in September last and asked me for counterfeit money; I told him I had none; he said it was so understood that I was in the business; he then wanted to know of me who had any; I told him if any one had it probably he would find it at Il.'s.for he had always had the name of being in the busineso;he afterwards told me that N. had promised to get him some, and in about a week after I saw him have about $30, and he said he had let Charles H. have about $40. Charles told me he had converted his into gold by ex- changing with a man on the cars; at the time he told me this he showed me some more money and told me it was counterfeit; at another time he told me he got some counterfeit money of Meeker and passed it in William: Co., Ohio. N., Meeker and Taylor, represented to me that the business of counterfeiting was good, and that if I got into a scrape the lawyers and Judges of the Courts would all unite in helping me out, and said,


if the lawyers and judges were not In the business themselves they were

all right on the question. H. told me that in case they succeeded in

making coin he would go off and buy cattle and Thomas should butcher an

otherwise dispose of them. H. told the rest of us that we must be very

cautious or people would suspect us, but as for himself there would be

no danger; first, because he never worked much, and second, because he

was a preacher of the Gospel; therefore they would not be likely to

think there was anything wrong with him. H. told me that he had got

some money of Meeker at 25 cents on the dollar, and that Taylor had got

some of ihe same money to put off at fifty cents on the dollar. Meeker

told me that H. had got about $100 counterfeit paper of him at 25 cents

on the dollar, and that he still owed him for it, and he could never

get anything of him, because he did not dare to sue him. H. told me

that if he and Taylor let Gray have a $5 counterfeit or bad bill, and

that Taylor was as much to blame in the matter as he was, but would not

help him out of the difficulty.

Simeon Webster"

Subscribed and sworn to, before me, on this 18th day of June,

A.D. 1S5S, at Albion, Noble County, Indiana.

James McConnel, Notary Public

The following is an affidavit made by the above named D.H., and

refers to the same subject. The only reason why the whole name is not

give.: in this as in several other cases, which have and will appear in

this work, is, that some o"~f them have been dismissed for want of the

competent testimony, and others are still pending in Court. And feeling

no disposition to do or say anything that would in the least militate

against the future reformation of any who may have been charged or

sus^icioned of being in any way connected with these land pirates, we

have therefore declined giving the full name. But it seems startling

and strange indeed that a man professing the religion of that meek

and lowly Jesus-the most sublime patron of human conduct on which a


ray of light has ever fallen; the only heart In which anger and ill

will never found a resting place; the only bosom that ever heaved a sigh

of unaffected pity; the only hand that ever was opened in acts of

unof tentatious benevolence, and the only eyes that never wept tears of

deceit. I say it seems strange indeed that a person professing to

copy the character of that homy man, and setting himself up as a teacher

of those sacred principles taught in the life and character of the Son

of God, should so for condescend from that high and honorable calling

as to class himself with a fiendish gang of midnight assassins, and enter

into counsel with them against the peace and safety of his own neighbors

and his own country. This, however, presents but one among the many

striking illustrations of hypocrisy and deceit carried on under the

garb of sanctity.


"Taylor came along about the first of July last at Webster's, in

Noble County, Indiana; as he told Webster, and Webster told me, that

Taylor was a composer of metals; he said he could make metals out of

brass, silver and copper, that would sell as well as gold in weight and

appearance; also one composed of plating, block tin, verdegris, and

copper, that would pass to jewelers at the price of gold, and it could

be used for lawful and noble purposes, or for unlawful purposes; also

that fine gold made of platinum, silver and copper, would pass for 24

carats fine gold. V.'e bought block tin, verdigris, copper and brass, to

try the experiment, which if It proved good we intended to manufacture

Into coin. The crucibles were bought by J. A. Taylor at Toledo, for

the purpose of melting the metals and manufacturing coin of the United

States. Thomas says they used it at Blackman's and tried it at J.

Walker's, in Noble County, Ind. J. A. Taylor says to me, 'this receipt

will make such metals as above stated; ' he says he has tried it at his


uncle's in Peoria, 111.; his uncle is a blacksmith; his name in Hum- phrey; Taylor got his knowledge for manufacturing bogus of his uncle. The bogus manufacturing company was composed of A.N. , J. A. Taylor, Meeker, J. Thomas, S. Webster and D.H. I got $100 of Meeker on the Central Bank of Connecticut, and let J.A.Taylor have £90 of the same; the ten dollars I had left I passed as follows; one *5 bill to a Jew peddler in this county for goods and change, and the other $5 I passed to Mr. Gray for goods also; I knew they were counterfeit at the time I passed them. Taylor says that Meeker will leave the money, and he will pass it and divide the spoils with me. Taylor told me he has passed the money and it went off well. Thomas told me that he passed one $5 counterfeit bill

to D.R.Daniels of Kendallville, knowing it to be bad at the time.

D. H."

Subscribed and sworn to, before me, on this 3d day of February , 1857 .

Alexander McClure, J. P.


State of Indiana,

Noble County, ss .

'•'Before me, James McConnel, a notary public in and for said county

personally appeared John Thomas, who being duly sworn, according to law,

says, that on or about the 15th day of September, 1857, he was present

at and saw one Joseph Crew, in said county of Noble, buy of one Hiram

Meeker ^25 or $30 in counterfeit money, purporting to be on the Central

Bank of Middle town, Conn., of the denomination of $5's, and also a

quantity of counterfeit $3,S on a bank of Mass., for which said Crew

paid said Meeker twenty-five cents on the dollar. Crew said he could

pass the money without any difficulty. And affiant further saith:

Myself, John A. Taylor, H.Meeker, A.N.,D.H. and Simeon Webster, entered

into an engagement to make counterfeit coin, after the similitude of

the gold coin of the United States, of the denominations of $5's,


$10's, and $20's, with Intent to put same into circulation; that in

pursuance of said agreement, and fund3 being furnished by said parties,

I went to Fort Wayne and bought block tin, brass, copper and zinc, for

the purpose of manufacturing said coin; said articles were at first

secreted by H. and myself behind his stable. Soon after we went to

Webster's to try the manufacturing process, but failed on the first

attempt; but H. and Taylor were to make another effort, as K. wanted

some funds to buy stock with. A.N. was to have $100 of the money. We

went over to Springfield once, and twice to H.'s school-house to make

the necessary arrangements for operating.


Subscribed and sworn to, before me, on this 1st day of February, 185i

James McConnel, Notary Public


Before the Committee

"S.B. Middle ton wanted me to buy some counterfeit money—Lowell

$3's;I refused. H.Blackman bought some. This said Blackman sometimes

passes under the name of Rollins. I saw D.H. have counterfeit money

which he got of Meeker. Avery and Hawson, of Laporte county, deal in

coney, and another man "whose sister married Kigsby. Fred. Before, of

South Bend, and Arch Buel, a blacksmith, deal in coney. Meeker told

me that he furnished Avery, and all the above named boys, with coney.

Meeker sold me money for 25 cents on the dollar. D.H. told me he coul.

go into counterfeiting and not be suspected, because he was known as

a Christian. Taylor, Meeker, N., Rollins, D.H., J. Flinn, Margaret

Lehr, and Mrs. W. and boy, and J. Thomas were all engaged In the plan

concocted for the establishment of a bogus factory at Webster's. Taylc

has once been in the penitentiary."


CONFESSION OF SIMEON WEBSTER Before the Committee "I cane down with A.N. and brought one of the harness to Barney Weston; he took it back from Hank Core about five or six weeks ago. I went to Lake county, Ohio, to live. N. *as to have a buggy Core. I have seen N. have a large roll of counterfeit $3 's -probably ^300-on the Merchants ' Bank of Lowell, Mass. I think N. went to the barn with cie to hide his money. He gave me to understand that he gave coney to Blackman; I asked him where he got it; he said, 'up to Bill Hill's.' N. came to me after Blackman was arrested, and said he was afraid, and was going to keep shy for a while. I have been at Malcomb Bumam's and seen them coloring coney. I heard John Hammon say that he was

going to Bumam's to get hard money. It was my opinion that B was

going to rob the tannery, but I afterward learned that it was done by Payne. It has been about nine months since I engaged in this business. Since then I have been knowing to the boys robbing, stealing and passing coney. I went to Perry Randolph's with Bill Hill; he got coney there. Kill gave me 4200 in coney on the Market Bank-^lOG of it was to pay me what he owed me; he also gave me v200 on the Canal Bank of Cleveland and $50 on the Chippeway Bank, Wis.: I took the money up West and sold It. Bill Hill gave me a list of the names of the boys whom I was told were all right. I heard N. say he had bought a saddle of Core which he was afraid was stolen. N. said he had let Blackman have money and he was afraid he would blow. I will be willing to swear that Payne asked me ho;,7 much leather Zimmerman had in his tannery, and that he said he was going to see what could be done; he said also that he was going to try to make a raise at Chappel's store, and also at Spencerville, in Dekalb County, Ind. I afterward asked him what he had done with the goods;he replied, "they are all safe.' I told the boys they ought not to steal so close around home." -48-


While the foregoing developments were of vast Importance, and led to the arrest of some thirty or forty of the gang, the leaders remained as yet uncaught. To them the demonstration of the Regulators, on the day of the Old Settler's Meeting at Kendallville,was in no wise congen- ial; and hence, concluding that"distance would lend enchantment to the view, "and that"caution was the parent of safety," they immediately fled to parts unknown. Every honest citizen felt the importance of having these men, who had been the primary cause of all the evil in this counti arrested and brought to justice. And as it could not be expected that any of the organizations would assume the responsibility and engage in the work alone, it was thought best to constitute a Central Committee, for the purpose of making a concentrated effort in which all should bea an equal share of the expenses attendant upon making said arrests and feel an equal interest. Accordingly a call v;as issued for a meeting At Kendallville,on the 13th day of ilareh,lS53,at which each company was requested to be represented. At said meeting a permanent organi- zation was effected, with officers, consisting of a President, Vice- President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Central Committee was empowered to assess a tax upon the subordinate companies at any time when deemed necessary to carry out the purposes for which the Central Committee was constituted, viz: to secure the ringleaders of the gang.

The following were the officers elected: President, Dr. L. Barber; Vice President, J.P.Grannis; Recording Secretary, M.K.iiott; Treasurer, Ransom I. 'heeler.

As it was now thought expedient that some speedy and energetic effort should be made to secure the arrest of V.'. D.Hill, Geo. T. Ulmer, Perry Randolph and others, who were the grand leaders of the whole

gang in Northern Indiana, a detective committee was appointed at the


first central meeting, to line up and ferret out the whereabouts of these men, and employ such other assistance as they might see fit, in different sections of the country, to aid them in the accomplishment oi this work. Accordingly a reward of 4/400 was offered by the Regulators for the capture and return of one John V/ilson to Noble County.

Sometime in July, 1858, the veritable John Wilson, otherwise called the Flying Dutchman, was brought by Marshal Elliot, of Ohio, to Avilla, in Noble County, and presented to the Regulators for examination. Con- fessions in those days became fashionable among prisoners .They seemed 1 be strongly impressed with the idea that one of two things was their inevitable doom when caught by the Regulators, viz: a free and full confession, or an introduction to the rope. Frequently, persons who were simply brought before the committee as witnesses, when there were no specific charges against them, would turn pale and tremble, so that it was with much difficulty that they could answer questions-so strong were their fears of being hung by the Regulators .

John Wilson was, on the same evening, brought before the committee called the Allen Reconnoiterers,at Avilla,and on being requested to make a full and entire confession of all his acts and deeds since his first acquaintance with the blacklegs in this country, after asking of them the favor not to use his own confessions as evidence against him in Court, and being assured that no advantages of that kind would be taken, he made no hesitancy in opening up a broadside upon the whole fraternity. It is, however, to be lamented that the whole confession was not taken down at the time. Naturally he possessed some redeeming traits of character. A., an illustration of this, on being asked his tru name he peremptorily refused to give it, alleging as a reason that his parents were still living ana were respectable and honorable people, and he did not wish to injure t em, either in feelings or character, by


bringing to their knowledge the disgraceful acts of an undutlful son. Said Wilson is about six feet high, light complexion, sandy hair, bald in the front of hi3 head, talks some broken, intellectual faculties prominent, and for a thief manifested the most scrupulous tenacity for truth of any man ever arrested by the Regulators. Ills statements are strongly corroborated by those of Payne and others, which led conclusive to the belief that the majority of them were true. Payne often stated that he was celebrated even among blacklegs, as a man of truth, parti- cularly in narrating his exploits. And for shrewdness and sagacity in stealing and robbing he is said to have been seldom if ever equaled. In making his confession, he was allowed to tell his own story In his own way. His history prior to his initiation into the gang in this country is left in obscurity, and we can only conjecture what it may have been from what we already know. All things being in readiness, he was placed at a table in the center of the room, and commenced his discourse about 9 o'clock in the evening and talked almost incessantly until about 3 o'clock the next morning.

CONFESSION OF JOHN WILSON, ALIAS SPENCER, OR THE FLYING DUTCHMAN "My first acquaintance with any of the company in this country, was formed at Defiance with a man by the name of i.'m.Hunt;he is about six feet high and quick spoken; we both were out of money, hunt took me up the canal for a walk, and there told me of an old Frenchman who lived in Faulding county, Ohio, that had y700 in money, and said he had been at his house at one time and gave him a bill to change In order to see his pile, and solicited me to lay some plan to get the old man's money. We then came from Defiance north to Georgetown; after tarrying there a few days he (Hunt) said he would take me up north and introduce me to some of his friends; we traveled all that night and came to Patten's;

here Core Informed me that he had stolen liolsinger's mare. Hunt told


me that Sol. Stout was all right and could be trusted. We then came to Jim Shearer's. I saw Shearer have a quantity of counterfeit money which he said he got of Bill Hill. Hunt, a boy by the name of Hill, and myself, started south, traveled nearly all night, and stopped at Sower's, five miles north of Wayne; Hunt got a drink of liquor and said to Sower's, 'these boys are all right;' S. got $10 or $15 spurious money of Hunt. We then started towards Fort Wayne, stole a few chickens on the way and roasted them in the woods for our breakfasts. After leaving Fort Wayne we went to Leo, in Dekalb county; saw a man there they call Dr. Chamberlain, gave him $5 in coney;and then traveled to Newville,and from thence into Paulding county, Ohio, for the purpose of robbing the old Frenchman. After we got most there Hunt backed out, and said he could not go with us; I told him I did not like to come so far for nothing so my young comrade, Hill, and myself, wandered around in the dark until we found what from description we supposed to be the place; then we to contrive some way to get the old folks out of the house; Hill suggestet that we set the barn on fire; I objected; then said he we will contrive to get the old man out and knock him down; but I told him if I could not get his money without killing the old man, or burning his buildings, I would not have it;we then concluded to set fire to a quantity of cooper stuff that lay piled up beside the road, as we came down toward the house; accordingly I placed Hill near the door of the house, where he would not be seen, then proceeded to the cooper stuff myself and set it on fire; I then came whistling down the road, stopped at the house and told the folks that I was a stranger traveling through the country, and seeing some cooper stuff on fire just up the road I thought it would be an act of kindness to inform them of it; they thanked me very kindly and at once started all hands to put out the fire; they had no more than fairly got out of sight when we both entered the house and commenced


our search; the bureau, chests, trunks, the cupboard, were all failure; we passed out of the back door just as the old lady cane through the gate returning to the house; this was In the spring of 1857. I then pulled (stole) a nag three or four miles from Norris town, from a preacher by the name of V.'alker, traded her off in Allen county, Ohio, five miles west of Lima, on the road to Clyde, for a sorrel colt four years old, and traded the colt to a man by the name of Bebee,a tavern keeper, for SO acres of land. Prior to this, however, Hunt gave me an introduction to Huffman, of Steuben county, Indiana, and a man by the name of Romans. This Romans wanted me to treak into a store belonging to a man by the name of Barron, at Mett's Corners; said he had some money and a quantity of jewelry In a safe, and as he was going away soon there would be a good site to make a pull. This, however, I did not undertake. Huffman then told me of a boot and shoe store, owned by a man by the name of Seargeant, where he thought there would be a good chance to make a raise; I broke in, stole ten pair of fine and two pair of coarse boots, and left them with said Huffman to sell on commission. Huffman is now in the Penitentiary. At the same time, this Huffman gave me written in- structions how to rob his father-in-law, E. Bebee,of Morrow county, Ohio; told me he was a church member, and I could rob him while the family was gone to church. My calculation was to rob him on Sunday accord- ingly I went to the place and watched around, but the first Sunday they did not go; I loitered around in the neighborhood all that week in the woods, and the next Sunday the family all left; I then crept into the house, (which, by the way, was very strongly fastened and led me to be- lieve I should be successful;) I then opened the bureau drawers, the chest, trunks, boxes, etc ., but found nothing except a bag of something like coin which I had not yet investigated; I then proceeded to cut open

the cheeses, and even tore the old clock weights in pieces, but all to


no purpose, and as time was drawing near for the family to return from church, I thought It would be safer for me to leave the prernises;af ter

leaving, I proceeded to Investigate the contents of the bag, which on

opening I found to contain about 430 coppers;besides this I found some

small change. Huffman also wanted me to steal the old man's mare, but

I would not do it. Charles Kiler was my partner at that time; I showed

him the bag of money I had got from Bebee,and asked him if he would ta.

that for his share; 'yes,1 said he, grasping it at the same time, 'and

glad of the chance, if you are willing; 'well, 'said I, 'you may have

it and welcome; ' he took it and started away, seeming much rejoiced,

not knowing what was in it. I then returned and told Huffman of my

defeat. Went then to Washington, Fayette county , Ohio; pulled a large

chestnut sorrel horse from a man by the name of Cheney or Tracy; took

also a saddle; came to Fort Wayne and sold the horse to Bill Vanalstine,

keeper of a livery stable, for a gold watch valued at £75 and -£55 in

money; I was told afterwards that he was one of the boys;Bill Hill was

there at the time I made the trade. I then started to come north again;

Hill overtook me; he asked me to get into the buggy and ride with him;

I did so; he asked me if that horse I sold Vanalstine was pulled; I said

no;he said, 'you can't fool me;' he then told me if I would fetch him

some stock he would buy it of me. I then went to Morrow county, Ohio;

took a bay horse near Bebee's and started for the State of Virginia; too

another on the road in Piqua county, from Caleb Moore; traveled on to

Virginia;was pursued by MoDre and son, overtaken and arrested after I

had got into Virginia; I 0ave myself up freely; they ironed me, put me

on a horse, and we started back; I bore all with patience and endeavored

to make myself as companionable to the old gentleman as I could, the nex

day I complained some to the old man that the handcuffs hurt my wrists

and finally succeeded in coaxing him to take them off; I then gave my

gold watch to the son and told him to keep it until I called for it; I

had also In the meantime lent the old roan $40 In money; so that by this time I had so far succeeded in gaining the old Man's confidence and friendship that I concluded I could venture to suggest a compromise; so after v:e had put up for the night I sat conversing privately with the old gentleman and stated to him that he would not find me here in the morning; to my surprise his only reply was,]'well,if you leave you must not disturb the horses;' said I, never you fear that, old man; in the mor. ing, about 5 o'clock, I left. I then came to Harding county, Ohio, took a gray mare from a man by the name of Wheeler, a tabern keeper, six miles east of Canton; took her to Aker's, eight miles from Coldwater, Michigan. After that, by the advice and aid of John Goorich,Jim Shearer ana other; I took a span of bay horses, run them off to New York State, and sold them to Read in Chemung county. Then came to Sidney, Ohio; had some coun erfeit money with me. McDougle told me I should fetch some horses back with me, and then he would go with me to Ohio and pull a lot of jewelry. I came to Palestine, bought a pair of boots and gave the man a ;o count- erfeit bill, ana in the afternoon passed another-all Wisconsin money. Sa\ some horses come into town that I fancied; Sunday I took a walk into th< country and found where they were kept; on Monday hunted up a saddle, culled it and hid it; next Sunday night walked to where the horses were found them in the barn: dog made some fuss; took two horses, went and got my saddle, rode thirty-five miles; took another saddle of a doctor; came To Fort Wayne, then to Jim Shearer's in this place;asked what was said

about Spencer's horses; Shearer said, 'not a d d word;' I went then

to Burnam's; stayed all night. From thence McDougle and I went to Bill Hall's in a wagon; stopped on the way at Perry Randolph 's; from thence to Detroit; traveled seventy miles in one day; and from there we went tc Canadaville,Chatauque county, N.Y. ; McDougle had to keep secreted there for fear of being arrested;but as we could not sell there, the horses

were left to be taken care of. I then came to Maumee City, Ohio; took

a gray mare that was a fast trotter. Soon after that I was taken and

brought to the place where I am now. If I had not been betrayed you

never would have caught me."


G. T. Ulmer emigrated to this country from Portage county, Ohio, In

the year 1835, and became one of the pioneers of Noble county. He

settled on a farm near where the village of Kendallvllle now stands, and

his house for many years became the home and refuge of the vile, shrewd,

cunning, and bold, no qualifications were wanting to constitute him one

of the most successful accomplices In all villainy. His most intimate

companions and associates among the blackleg pioneers were, Ike Rice,

Wm. Latta, Wm. D. Hill, and Ed. Metlock. Ulmer, after having remained

in this country about eight years, returned to Ohio, Joined himself to

the Methodist Church, and, as we learn from reliable information, was

a licensed exhorter in said church for several years. Afterward, he

again emigrated to this State and settled in Lagrange county, where, at

the opening of the Regulator movement, we find him comfortably situated

in the capacity of a farmer, secretly carrying on an extensive blacklegi

business as usual through the assistance of a large number of his allies

Immediately after the excitement broke out, and as soon as it became

manifest that a speedy flight presented the only hope of safety. Ulmer,

Hill and Randolph, who were at that time the ringleaders of the whole

gang In this country, fled for refuge to parts unknown.

Perry Randolph emigrated with his father to Bath, Medina county, Ohio,


about the year 1832, and although his father is reputed to have been a man of honest and industrious habits, his son Perry gave early indicate of his inclinations to and genius in crime. The time of his emigration to Indiana is not precisely known.

The reader will readily perceive, from the foregoing confessions, that the house of Perry Randolph was a rendezvous and trading point in all the commodities of criminal commerce, for the whole fraternity of felons and counterfeiters, east, west, north and south. It now became absolutely necessary, in order to the final success of the Regulators and the full accomplishment of the work they had undertaken, and the triumph of honesty over villainy, that these men should be speedily ferreted out and brought to justice. Every effort of the detective committee, appointed by the Regulators to make the arrest of these men, had hitherto failed. In the early part of the month of June, 1838, C.P.Bradley, of Chicago, 111, was employed by the Regulators to arrest and deliver to the Sheriff of Lagrange county, Gecrge T. Ulmer and Perry Randolph, at $500 each.

Agreeably to contract, Mr. Bradley, ablut the 10th of June, pro- ceeded to Louisville, Ky. , to commence the search. After watching for several days the ferry boat, and examining the hotel registers, and after having obtained several names registered in a suspicious manner, he became convinced that the parties were east and north of Louisville. From thence he proceeded to Cincinnati, about the 15th of June, Here he searched the register of the Kentucky Hotel and found names and handwriting that satisfied him that Randolph had been there about one

week before, and that he had been to Walnut Hill, near Cincinnati, to


visit Ed. Nevers, a notorious counterfeiter and copper and steel plate

printer, who for years has baffled the police of the city, until recentlj a descent was made upon his premises, (through information given by some parties arrested at the depot of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, in Cincinnati, with a large quantity of counterfeit money in their possessic and all the evidences indicative of his business obtained, including plates, presses, counterfeit money, bank note paper, ink etc. Leaving this place he proceeded up the Ohio to Wheeling, Va.; but obtaining no traces there, he went immediately to Pittsburgh, put up at a hotel, regis- tered a fictitious name, watched all the stages that left Alleghany and Pittsburgh for the interior of Pennsylvania within one week; but in the latter part of the week Just as the Butler county stage was leaving the Red Lion Hotel in Pittsburgh, Perry Randolph was seen to enter the coach. With Mr. Bradley, the time for making the arrest had not yet come, so Randolph was permitted to pass on unmolested, for he well knew that to arrest him at this point was to endanger the chances for finding Ulmer. So it was determined to follow up the stage and trace Perry to his desti- nation. Accordingly a trusty man, unknown to Randolph, was procurred and mounted on a fast horse, and started by a different route to intersect the stage road at a point some ten miles distant from Pittsburgh, with instructions to enter the stage and pay fare through to a point beyond, or as far as that stage company ran, and to watch the point where Randolp should leave, and to leave the stage himself at the first stopping beyond where Randolph stopped, and return in the night and reconnoiter the place and see if Randolph could be discovered. The spy followed up instruction

to the letter and discovered that Randolph stopped at the old Stone House


in Butler, and that he was frequently seen with an old man who was partially gray, but that no person bearing the description of Ulmer could be seen. These facts were communicated to Bradley. It was determined to place a strict watch upon the avenues leading in and out of Butler and Erounington. This was accordingly done, and a man stat- ioned at a point twelve miles distant on the Pittsburgh road, with a good horse to post through to Pittsburgh as soon as Ulmer and Randolph should be seen together. On the 7th of July, the carrier arrived in Pittsburgh with information that the old man who had been seen with Randolph, (White, the engraver for counterfeiting) had left the day before, and that Ulmer and Randolph had gone up towards Warren, in Trumbull county, Ohio, and that one of the men who had been appointed to watch the Stone House was following them up, and would leave signal, along the road indicating the route taken by them. These signals were made by stones placed at the corner of the cross roads, as agreed upon indicating the route.

On the morning of the 7th of July, accompanied by a gentleman by the name of R.obert Hague, chief of the police of Pittsburgh, and Andy Hoon, one of the Chief's aids, they proceeded with a double team over the hills and dusty roads of that country, and traveled a distance of forty-eight miles that day. Next morning, the 8th, tiey started befor daybreak and found that the signals were leading them on the road to West Greenville, Mercer county, Penn. ; traveled all day over the rough- est roads imaginable, through clouds of dust and under the burning ray: of a July sun, and arrived within six miles of 'Jest Greenville about S'oclock at night. Here one of their horses failed, and Mr. Moon was sent on to West Greenville by stage, at which place he learned tha Ulmer and Randolph left at 3 O'clock P.M., that afternoon, on the road for Warren, Ohio. Procuring a man with a buggy, he returned to inform


Mr. Bradley of the facts. After trying in vain to procure a fresh team, Mr. Moon was sent back to west greenville to get a team and return and meet them, in order that they might follow on that night. Mr. Moon not being able to procure a team, Mr. Bradley and his com- rade were compelled to take it on foot. They arrived at West Greenville about 11 o'clock in the night. Here they put up until morning. Early on the morning of the 9th they started for Warren, Trumbull county, Ohio. Having got a description of the horse and b buggy in which Ulmer and Randolph had left, they had but little difficulty in following them up. About fifteen miles from West Greenville they stopped at a tavern to water the team, and from the carriage they were in-it being a covered one- Ulmer was seen standing upon the steps of the hotel. Mr. Bradley ncitbeing recognized by him, concluded to pass on to the next farm house and ascertain if the horse and buggy had gone towards Warren, (it not being in view at the place where Ulmer was seen. ) They had not gone far before they were informed that Randolph had passed about two and a half hours before :■. the buggy alone. Without mosesting Ulmer, they proceeded to Warren on the track of Randolph, but after arriving in Warren they learned he had taken the road toward Akron, and wac still from two to three hours ahead. Here again they procured a fresh team, and taking the Akron road followed at the rate of ten miles an hour and overtook Mr. Randolph fifteen miles west of Warren, at a small tavern three miles west of Weston falls, quietly waiting to rest and feed his horse. On the arrival of Mr. Bradley and company, Randolph, who was on the lookout for breakers, calked out the back door or the tavern and went toward che timber, but finding that no one was watching, (that he could perceive,) he in a short time returned to the house,

when he was arrested and searched. Upon his person was found about


$2 in good money, and one five dollar bill counterfeit on the Northern Bank of Kentucky. He was immediately handcuffed and placed in the carriage. Upon searching his carpet bag there were found two counter- feit plates, one for printing ten dollar bills on the Wayne County Bank at Uooster of the State Bank of Ohio, and the other for printing the red back of the same. They then returned to Warren, and leaving Randolph with Mr. Moon, Mr. Bradley and Mr. Hague returned to the rendezvous of George T. Ulmer, and arrived at Johnson's Tavern, in Hartford Center, at 9 o'clock P.M., just in time to prevent G.T. Ulmer alias Colonel Fo3ter,(a name he assumed,) from going to bed, and in less than five minutes he was on his way to join his late comrade, Mr. Randolph. They arrived at Warren about 12 o'clock at night and put Mr Ulmer and Mr. Randolph in the same bed to slumber for the night. They had then been constantly on the move for about sixty-four hours in search of these men, so we may reasonably conclude by this tine they had some inclinations to rest.

On the morning of the 10th of July they started from Warren, and arrived in Kendallville on the 11th, from which place they were furn- ished with a team and conveyed to Lagrange, and there were delivered into the custody of Sheriff Cunnings. The counterfeiting plates taken from Randolph's carpet bag were taken to Warren, Trumbull county, Ohio in which county they were found, and deposited with the Mayor of that city; and on the 26th day of October, 1858, at the first term of the Court in that county after the arrests, Randolph and Ulmer were indicted for having them in their possession, and a requisition pro- cured from the Governor of Ohio on the Governor of Indiana, for their removal there for trial, provided they could be assured of a safe

delivery to the Sheriff, and not to the Regulators, for whom they had


great dread. They both exhibited much fear at South Iiilford, when a number of the Regulators had assembled there to look at them on their way to Lagrange. Ulmer passed under the name of Col. Foster and had that name engraved on the cover of his spectacle case. Randolph went under the name of J. E. Eddie.

The following is a copy of a letter found in his possession, addressed to him under the assumed name, which will show the nature o

his correspondence ;

"Cincinnati, July 1, 1858 "Mr. J. E. Eddie;

Dear Sir. -Ann received your note yesterday stating your where- abouts, so I will answer it, hoping you will receive it immediately, as I have some important business with you. Mr. L. Dean wishes you to write to him, and direct to the Kentucky Hotel, concerning some business that you are acquainted with. Times are dull. If you have any merchandise on hand that is new please forward some by express. If not new, please send to Dean and myself one thousand Ohio Sawbucks; as we are going to start for Wisconsin as soon as we can get a lot of goods. You can send them by express to me, No. 20, as you know. I passed through Iowa City the day after you left, and was sorry I did not meet you, for then I would have staid East for a while. Send the prices along with the articles, and put them as low as possible, and we will send the money to you. Please answer immediately on receipt

of this, and much oblige,

"Your friend, R.W.

?. S. -Simpson has enlisted for Jive years, much against the consent of his friends. Tne old man is still sick, with little prospects of getting well. The Stutterer is engaged in Lawrenceburg ; got a situ- ation the next day after he left here. "

Note. -The Ohio Sawbucks are the $20 bills with the XX's. The

merchandise undoubtedly refers to counterfeit money, ox. which Randolpi


was one of the chief venders.

"Walnut Hills, June 24, 1858.

"Dear Sir: -I received yours yesterday, requesting me to forward you a deed and papers, which I will do cheerfully. I shall mail the;, to-day. We are all about as usual here, doing the best we can. N. will come before the Judge the 25th, ( to-morrow) . The attorneys say he cannot be held, and I think so too, without some underground busi- ness comes up unknown to us.

"Respectfully, occ. , "Write often." "T.C.M. "

Perry Randolph was indicted at the fall term of the Lagrange Court on a charge of having secreted stolen property, filed his affi- davit for a change of venue, and was also sent to Dekalb for trial. Upon trial he was found guilty and sentenced to the Penitentiary for a term of five years. His attorneys filed a notion for an arrest of judgment for some defect in the indictment, which was sustained by ti. Court, and he was held to bail in the sum of £2,000 for his appearanc at the next term of the Lagrange Circuit Court. Having obtained secu i£y on the bonds he was thereupon released, but in about five minutes he was again arrested by Sheriff Cummings on another charge and returned to the Lagrange County Jail, to await the decision of the Spring term of that Court.

At the Spring term of said Court he was tried again on the first

charge, found guilty, and sentenced for seven years, and again obtain

a new trial. He then consented to go to trial on the charges in the

second indictment, which was accordingly so done, and he was found

guilty and again sentenced to the Penitentiary for seven years, where

he is now suffering the just penalty of his crimes.


It is evident that every stratagem in the power or ingenuity of man to invent ha3 been resorted to, in order to rescue these men from the just claims of the law. And nothing but the vigilant eye and the indomitable perseverance of those who had enlisted to conquer this infernal gang or die, could have ever brought them to the bar of justice.

WK. D. Hill.

As we have heretofore stated, ^as one of the pioneer blacklegs of Uoble county, and has always been recognised as one of the ring- leaders and the chief counsellor in every act of villainy. Hill, Ulmer and Latta were very intimate companions, and operated extensivel together in this country at an early day. Some time in the month of January or February, 1357, he came very near losing his life by an affray that took place between him and one Fisher. A warrant had been issued to search Hill's house to ascertain whether the goods stoL from Mr. Wright, at Fairfield Center, were in his possession. When Mr. Fisher approached the house he met with resistance from Hill, where upon some words passed between them, and Hill, flew in a passior; and called for his pistol 3 at this, Fisher, who was well armed for the occasion, drew a revolver from his pocket and shot Hill in the thigh just below the body, the ball passing around the bone and lodging on the inner part of the thigh. Immediately after the Regulating excite- ment broke out, Hill, presuming that absence would be his only safety s was soon missing.

Some time during the summer of 1858, the Regulators entered into a contract with the celebrated C.P.Bradley and C.E.Smith, of Chicago, 111. , two of the most active and zealous police officers in the V7ester States, to make the arrest of vfa. D.Hill. Accordingly they commenced

the search, and after having traveled some three or four thousand miles, and spent a large amount of money, they succeeded in captur- ing him near the Missouri and Iowa line. At the time of his arrest he was living on a farm, and had about him a large amount of stock, and seemed to be in a situation to enjoy life. Much skill and ingenuity was manifested in making the arrest. Hill had often said he would never be taken alive, but Bradley and Smith manifested such indifference in his presence as to cause him to dispel all fears of being taken, and he consequently was captured with but little diffi- culty, except that he fought severely for about fifteen minutes. He was in due time brought to Chicago, 111. , and from thence to Noble county, Ind; and delivered to Sheriff Simons, where he remained in custody until March 5th, 1859. His fears of the Regulators were over- whelming. He expected, if brought to Noble County, to share the fate of McDougle without fail.

On the morning of the 6th of March, our citizens were startled with the sad intelligence of the elopement of Hill and Wilson from the Noble county jail. How or by what means they made their escape is not entirely known. The following, however, are some of the parti- culars connected with the escape;

"The manner of the escape of Mill and Wilson from the Noble County Jail was effected very ingeniously, considering the kind and small variety of tools at their command. They by some means had got hold of a piece of iron which had apparently been used for a common door latch, and having bent this into the shape of the letter S they had fastened it into a piece of wood in such a manner that it could command all the strength of the iron with the wood for a lever-the

wood enabling them to reach one of the locks which would otherwise


have been entirely inaccessible. Added to this, it appears, by a wire fastened to the end of a small stick of wood it enabled them to hold the lock in a position to operate with the said latch, and then by the aid of a very small piece of broken looking glass they were enabled to see the lock. These tools were left behind. If they used any others they were carried away, except two rather dangerous look- ing clubs which were also left. They chose a night in which there was to be an exhibition in town, and the citizens were all assembled at the Church, and the night being very dark it presented one of the most fitful opportunities they could have selected in which to make their escape. There being some snow on the ground, they were tracked for some considerable distance, the tracks showing that they ran in their stocking feet. They threw a quilt out of the diamond hole, to prevent a noise by the falling lock. In fine, the whole proceeding was characterized by great shrewdness and cunning. "

The excape of these men was the most lamentable circumstance tha; transpired during the whole Regulator movement. They are to be feare in any community wherever they may locate, for no crime is too horri- ble to satiate their fiendish ambition. The following article, which we copy from the Chicago Press and Tribune, shows the notoriety of Hill, Ulmer and Randolph, as ringleaders among the blacklegs;

THE INDIANA COUNTERFEITERS. The "Last of the Mohicans" Delivered to the Regulators.

The readers of the Journals of the country at large, and parti- cularly those of the West and Northwest, will remember the sensation that was created when an outraged and indignant community banded together in an association which was at once a terror to the daring

violators of the Law, and under the name of the "Indiana Regulators,"


routed and put to flight the lurking bands of counterfeiters which had infested Noble, Lagrange and other counties in Northern Indiana. Their proceedings were prompt- these Regulators. They burst upon their men like lightning from a summer cloud. KcDougie and others were hung, many were brought to justice at the hands of the Courts, while others who could do so fled.

It has been in search of some of these latter that the best detective skill of the West has been at work since that time. Cyrus P. Bradley, of this city, has been in the service of the Regulators, to bring to justice some of the most noted of these men, especially three of them, who were more sought after than any others.

"Bill Hill" is a middle-aged, thorough-paced scoundrel, long known to the police of this region, and in this city, where years ago, as our older residents will remember, he figured in the forged $100 Illinois Canal Scrip with Otis Allen, Trowbridge and others, lie was living, at the opening of the Regulator era, not far from the Michigan line, a neighbor and chum of the rioted Latta, and was widely known to trade in that description of merchandise known as a sure source of the "hard stuff, "-in fact, a regular manufacturer and vender of bogus coin.

Perry Randolph and George Ulmer were not less deeply implicated in the paper trade, and in the barn of the latter, in a bin of chaff, was found, after he had taken flight, a first class press, used in bank-note printing.

There was a desire among our Indiana friends, amounting indeed to a passion, to gain back to their borders these three men.

Officer Bradley has worked for months at the affair, and on

July 9th, arrested at Warren, Ohio, the two men, Randolph and Ulmer,


delivering them, two days later, safely into the hands of the Sheriff of Lagrange county, Indiana. Their arrest was kept as private as possible, to prevent its having a bearing upon Hill's case, after whom the quest was diligently kept up.

"Bill Hill" was arrested a few days since in Upper Missouri, by officers Bradley and Charles E. Smith of this city, and brought hither being yesterday sent forward to Indiana.

Mr. Bradley has traveled over four thousand miles in search of this Hill, and found him in a sequestered haunt, where after a stout and dangerous tussel, Hill, who had vowed to die rather than be taken, was captured and ironed. In his pockets were found slips cut from newspapers, briefly announcing the arrest of Ulmer and Randolph, to which little publicity had been given-acircumstance that establishes the fact how sharply rougues at large read the newspapers.

Hill was armed, and though past middle life is a desperate and dangerous fellow to deal with. He has a -wife and child in Iowa, but his former mistress in Indiana was sharing his Missouri retreat.

These three arrests, though not exactly the last of the counter- feiters that infested our neighboring State, are nevertheless to be characterized as the capture of the last of the more noted of the gang, or rather combinations of gangs.

Mr. Cummings, the Sheriff of Lagrange county, and Mr. Flemming,

the Sheriff of Allen county, for their untiring zeal in aiding to

ferret out and arrest all who belonged to the infernal gang, arc

deserving of the entire confidence and patronage of all good and

honest citizens throughout this and adjoining states. And we have

no hesitancy in commending them to any and all who may have business

to entrust to their cares.


Charles Seeley, of Goshen, United States Deputy Marshall, also deserves the credit of all good citizens, for the very efficient manner in which he discharged his duties as an officer.

These men will long be remembered with grateful acknowledgement:; by the people of Uoble and adjacent counties, for their activity in the cause of rescuing the land from a banditti of thieves.

Daniel W. Vorhees, Prosecuting Attorney of the United States District Court for the District of Indiana, for the prompt and ener- getic manner in which he conducted the prosecutions in that court, has proved himself a man of fine legal abilities, and very honorably vindicated the rights of the people of the North, as also the respons bilities of the high position he occupies in one of the Federal Court of the United States.

VJe have now ended the history of the Regulators in Northern Indiana. Many of the confessions, which are vague and indefinite, and which contain matters of little or no interest to the public, have been left out. In giving a history or sketch of the blacklegs of this country and their depredations, from its early settlement, we have endeavored to confine ourselves strictly to matters of fact, knowing that a large majority of such as will peruse the pages of this work are those whose minds are only satisfied by the presentatio: of truth without coloring. Uc have delineated only such crimes as have either come under our o\/n observation or been coamited to us from testimony of unquestionable veracity, and, after all the start- ling revelations contained in the foregoing confessions, it is a truth beyond all doubt that the half has never been told. Unquestion- ably, there are crimes of the deepest dye, and of the most aggravated character, that still lie concealed in the hearts of many of these

miscreants, and will so remain until portrayed before them in vivid


characters of everlasting condemnation in that day that shall reveal the secrets of all hearts. But the influence of these raen in commun- ity, and the subtlety with which they have decoyed so many of the young, whom we now find either dragging out a life of misery and wretchedness in the Penitentiary or standing upon the verge of ruin, is a subject that should not be slightly passed over. There are responsibilities connected with the training of sons and daughters to enter upon the drama of life which infinitely transcend all others. Here is implanted in the juvenile mind by the parental government the germ of all government and all society. It has been quaintly said that "society is in every case precisely what we have made it." And hence, if we would have good society, good governments and loyal subjects, we should look to the influences that are surrounding the young. And when the arm of the law signally fails to rescue them -rom the power of these vampires, by tacitly indulging them to roam unmolested, devastating every principle of morality inculacated by the parental teaching, there is a law prominently inscribed upon the title page of every man's declaration oZ rights, an inherent law, a law of his nature, which under such circumstances it becomes his impcritive duty to obey for the safety and welfare of himself and family. To this as a last resort, as the only remedy-as the life- boat to save society from the dashing waves of the whirlpool of infamy and shamo-h'orthern Indiana has been compelled to have recourse for the past year. That time to many will long be remembered. For while the honest and industrious citizens of the country have been earnestly struggling, many tines under the most perilous circum- stances, to rid the community of a banditti of robbers, many com- panions, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, have drank deep


frora the cup of sorrow. One scene, which transpired in the jail at , is but a fair example of such as have been of common occur- rence during the past year.

A young nan of no mean birth, possessed of a bright and promising intellect, and who but about three years before had stood side by side with a fair and amiable young lady at the hyraenial altar and pledged his fidelity to her in the most solemn manner, had suffered himself to be led into crime and was arrested and thrust into the prison on a charge of having passed counterfeit money. His wife, as lovely a women to all appearance as ever was wed to man, came tremblingly to the jail with a bebe of about eigh- teen months in her arms, and with eye3 bedewed with the tears of sorrow, and with a countenance that betokened a sad and almost broken heart, she modestly asked the jailor if she could see her husband. "Certainly," said the jailor. Whereupon the man was called to the inner door and allowed to pass out into the entry, where he was still separated from his wife and child by a large cross-barred iron door. Through the open squares between these iron bars for some time a conversation was carried on between the two companions until at last they admonished by the jailor that they couiu be allowed to talk no longer. What a scene then met the gaze.' First that child, was an only child and the one in whom was centered all the fond hopes and affections of that once happy pair, was raised by request of the father and his little face kindly placed by the hands of the mother to the open squares of the iron gate, for his father to imprint upon his litLle cheek a loving kiss. But no fond embraces, such as arc common to companions enjoying the blessedness of freedom. Could

there be taken. Yet, as a last resort, just before parting, the


husband placed his face gently at the opening of the iron grates, and that love which invariably burns most fervent in the hour of sternest trial in the heart of a loving wife was manifested, by impressing upon the lips of her husband through that cold iron grate a farewell kiss. Every one in the company involuntarily burst into tears. Such a kiss we had never heard or seen before. All affect- ation, all conquetry, and all the frivolities of youthful love, were lost to sight at once. Here was manifested pure affection and love that casteth out fear.

Such scenes, however heart-rending they may be, are but the natural results of a just excution of the law in any land, and are by no means peculiar alone to the operations of Regulators.

Wm. D. Hill, a man whose name is known almost throughout the United States and whose name stands prominent in almost every act of villainy commited in Northern Indiana, has doubtless been the cause of ruining more young men than any other man connected with the gang. Nearly every one whose confessions are here given have attributed their early training in villainy to that notorious scoun- drel, and if there is no earthly tribunal before which he can be arraigned where justice may be meted out to such a one, doubtless that Eye from whose presence no crime hath e'er been hid will yet pursue that wretch and send him, like Judas, to his own place. Thus, after having passed through a revolutionary contest and struggling for the space of one year in mortal combat to restore our county to an equal dignity with those around us; after having expended about fifteen thousand dollars in time and money, independent of any assist- ance rendered by the State, for the capture of the vampires who have

by their corrupting influence laid waste the character and hopes of


hundreds of the youth of our land, and trampled then like autucn withered leaves beneath their feet, then gazed with a contemptuous snile upon the wrack they had made, -we have the gratification of announcing to the world that although we are in no wise sanguine of having eradicated the last blackleg from the fair face of Northern Indiana -while an opposing power has been at work, dezo shrouded under the garb of honesty, with an indomitable perseverance to thwart every plan of the Regulators -ar.d while we nay have, in son^ instances rendered ourselves chargeable in the eyes of a few, -yet we must think that every honest citizen who has felt the curse of such a szur; of society, and who speaks the sentiments of a heart imbued with the spirit of fraternal dignity and parental authority, will acquiesce in saying, that the blackleg gang has received a shock, and society an impetus, that will reflect honor upon the rising hopes of Norther: Indiana.

LIST OF COMPANIES. The following is a list of all the Companies of Regulators in Northern Indiana. The number of members in each we are not able to give. The whole number, however, amounted to about two thousand- all minute men and ready for service at a minute's warning. Other companies were formed in adjoining States and in some instances afforded us much assistance.

Names of Companies and Number of I'lembers.

Angola Regulators 42

Albion Rangers

Allen Reconnoiterers 60

Bluff ton Regulators

Cedar Creek Protectors

Dekalb County Horse Thief Detecting Society 40

Eden Police

Fremont Rangers 20

Eel River Regulators

Independent Self -Protectors 24

Jackson Prairie Horse Thief Detecting Society 75

Jefferson Regulators 30

Kekioga Guards

Lisbon Rangers 81

Lagrange Self-Protecting Association 73

Lagrange Association of Clear Spring

Leesburg Horse Company 51

Lagrange County Rangers 32

liar ion Rangers

Mutual Protection Company. 70

Ncwville Raiders


lloble County Invincibles 40

Plymouth Regulators

Port Mitchell Regulators 60

Police Guards

Perry Regulators 79

Richland Rangers 43

Self-Protectors At Flint 21

Salem Horse Thief Detecting Corapany 31

Springfield Spies 80

Self-Protectors of South Ililford 65

Sv:an Regulators 61

Self-Protectors of Springfield 64

Sparta Guards

Union Regulators

Wolf Lake Sharpers

Warsaw Horse Thief Company



JAN 96

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